Dharavi Paragraph

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Nikki Dharavi First of all, Dharavi is a slum in the middle of Mumbai, India. Its 1 sq.

mile with 1 million people populating this place where children and parents dream of a better future. The people who live in Dharavi are called Slumdogs ever since a movie about Dharavi came out. There are people who have no education, but have a brilliant sense of what is to come of Dharavi and what their future will be as a person. Laxmi is a ragpicker, but at the same time a dreamer. To define Ragpicker: they are recyclers they see trash as treasure and they go through the hardships that come with it. Ragpickers sort through needles, knives, and chemicals. Although, Laxmi is a big part of the community Ragpicking is Dharavis #1 industry. But, 90% of Mumbais trash is recycled by ragpickers. Laxmi has two dreams: her dreams are for her daughter Sheetal to go to school and have a better future and for Dharavis women and children to have a good education and life. First of all, Jigha is a 12 year old boy who dreams of becoming a scientist. Second, Jigha is attending extra classes to learn English. Third, he is attending 1 of the 12 schools in Dharavi. Jigha believes that even poor people can do great things. His father is a tailor who works in his house. A 1roomed house with 1table, 1window, and boxes of fabric for chairs. The 12 year old boy and his father live in the pottery district. Another slumdog is Shailesh, he is a perfect example of a dreamer. To start, his first priority is to provide for his family. To add, he only earns $240 a month. Also, his all time is to become a Bollywood movie star. He is attending extra acting classes to help accomplish his dream. And, his motto is: I wont give up. To finish, Dharavi works because it is a city of dreamers. In conclusion, Dharavi is a slum full

of people who work every day and every night to have a better future for their families. I believe that the future of Dharavi is extremely bright. There are people who have no education, but have a brilliant sense of what is to come of Dharavi and what their future will be as a person.

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