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Brianna 615

Berlin Wall After WWII, the U.S., France, the U.K., and the Soviet Union divided Germany and the city of Berlin. The Soviets got the East, and the U.S., France, and the U.K. got the West. Recently, I saw a photo of the wall. In the foreground, there are people in West Berlin trying to see over the wall, because they have family in East Berlin. In front of them, a very early form of the Wall stands. The lower part has tall slabs of cement, almost as tall as a person. On top of them, there are two rows of cinder blocks. On top of the cinder blocks, rebar stands with barbed wire threaded through it. Over the wall, in East Berlin, a group of three guards stand in front of an abandoned building. Where they are standing is an intersection. The building behind them was most likely a shop with apartments above it. The windows have either been bricked in or broken out. Behind the shop, there is a grey building with six small windows that have not been bricked in. The sound in the picture would be people shouting on the west side of the wall and the guards muttering to each other on the east side of it.

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