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Applying Anthropology

Thursday, November 29, 2012 12:43 PM

APPLYING ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY Grassroots perspective Appropriate roles Locally perceived needs Local people design Culturally appropriate Socially sensitive change DEVELOPMENT ANTHROPOLOGY Social issues in, and the cultural dimension of, economic development Help plan and guide policy Foreign aid Planner' interest don't always = local interest

FOOD, INC. CAFO: Concentrated animal feeding organization Food production need to be more friendly Needs to be more transparent, more people would see them as bad...more reform There is more natural ways of doing Cows eating grass in field Mowing and manure We are seen as silly to other nations Employees are treated the same as the meat Seen as something that will end Business is seen as the source of all the problem BIG BUSINESS Farming has become much more efficient Can feed infinitely more people Monsanto: 1996 only 2% had patented gene in soybean----2006: 90%

EQUITY Increased equity Reduced poverty More even wealth distribution Wealthy and powerful resist equity Vested interests DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES To maximize social and economic benefits Culturally compatible Involve men and women in Planning and implementation Harness traditional organizations Be flexible MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Study of disease, health problems, health care systems, and theories about illness in different cultures and ethnic groups Academic (theoretical) and applied (practical) dimensions Health-care systems ARE universal Beliefs, customs, specialists, and techniquees Ensure health and prevent diagnose, and treat illness Western vs. non-Western medicine Holistic persective of non-Western medicine Integrate local ethnomedicine

Unit 4 Page 1

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