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- What testingof the AMF was completed Investigations on...

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DWH Investiqntion

> Investigations

> Whni idsting


the AMI' sas conplrted

Dr bDard tht


Investigations: What testingof the AMFwas completed on boardthe DWH?



Inve3tigation Title Tam Lead AEsigncd To Associrtd Root C-!se Diagram Ref. Area of lnvestlgatlon

rolls$n, cb:is l?tl ll:j) T

AMF Testing Onboard DWH I'arr, Dan (Houslonj I iano, Robert {Ho!ston)

Has the AMF ever been tested? What are Transocean's requirements? "llark Hay, not in I years," Went through all EMPAC, RIYS and emails. I have also requestedinfo lrom Cameron on the SEIYover hauls. Looked through all available docs and personal interviews. Yes lmails for mike fry Lo rig. The AMF was tested at Camercn as far as the SEM;S were concerned,but they were not tested a. a complete unit using all pat from the sEM's to the ram. there is Camerondoc5 that support this but I am unable to link which SElY's were done at Cameronat which time due to there bejng no serial numbers used just part numbers and job numbers. The AIVFwas tsted at Cameronas far as the SEM'S were concerned,but they were not tested as a complete uhit Usingall parts from the SEM'S to the ram, There needs to be a yearly test of this system (after the batteries have been chanqed)



if ethod of Investigation :vidnce DGumnts / Do:: support U!ed

sumnaf or Investigation

Findings Recommendations Othcr Percent Complt! Investigation Complete (sy Asriqned To) Legal Review Completed Leg.l Review Completed By


ri"..tig".iii c"-pr.t"J
Drte Timeline Update Timeline updrted By ?eam Lead Sign Off Investigation Closed Out completJ attachments Date/time cnn-crv-mtiZea - C^M-CV-oorurtu.pUt CAtl_CN-m16475 - CAlq_dv_oo1s82,pdf - CAM_OV_oo1675C.pdf CAM_CU_o016743 CAM_CN_D015785, CrM_CrV_oo16814.$f Crc.tdat 1?/1612010 10i24AN byTianr, Rsbet lHou$ln)

"tliiil*""il," 611512011 L TRN-INV-01028925

TDR052-00991 7

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