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Three Obstacles to Persuasion

1. Lack of knowledge 2. Fear of making mistakes a. Thats part of learning. I must welcome this because this is the only way I can gain experience. 3. Fear of rejection a. Some will, some wont, so what, whos next?!

Persuasion: the process of changing peoples attitudes, believes, or views to get their voluntary compliance. Influence: is the impact on the outcome that who I am as a person has. Power: Increases my ability to get compliance. E.g., the white coat of the doctor, the office of an attorney, the language/jargon thats used. Motivation: The call to action to get people to do what I want them to do. Rhetoric:

Good Presenters are not necessarily good Persuaders.

Principles of Persuasion
These are not good or bad they just exist. They can be used for good or bad. Remember the fable of the sun and the wind wanting to get a mans jacket off him? Being the wind is coercion, being the sun is what we call persuading. I missed all of these

Hierarchy of Persuasion
The reason why people use force is because its easier, they dont know theres a better way, and that it works. The higher forms are long-term, the lower forms are short-term. 1. Commitment: rely on respect, honor, trust 2. Cooperation: convince & encourage, sell them on the idea 3. Compliance: use incentives, benefits, or rewards ( no loyalty) 4. Coercion: use pressure, manipulation, or intimidation 5. Control: use force, fear, or threat

Challenges of Persuasion
The average person recalls only 10 words, verbatim, from a persuasive presentation. And if we present 6 features of our products, most people dont remember more than one and some even remember a feature that was never communicated!

12 Laws of Persuasion
These laws operate at all times, and many work below our level of personal consciousness.

Why do I want to excel at persuasion? How will that change my life? What modes of persuasion do I use most today? How can spend more time What do I have a great passion for changing or conveying to the world?

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