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Essay Writing An essay is a group of related paragraphs written to entertain, inform or persuade An essay is about the same subject

ct with an elaborated beginning, middle and end Main Components of Essay are i) Introduction ii) Body iii)conclusion

One paragraph

two or three paragraphs

one paragraph

1) Introduction i) Good attractive opening sentence ii) Carry the idea into next two to three sentences iii) Thesis statement (the last sentence of opening paragraph) Opening sentence Very attractive and pulls the readers to read the essay. How to write it a) Can begin with a quotation b) Can start from a question c) Statistical fact Thesis statement Single sentence that sums up the essay The rest of entire essay is an explanation of this sentence For example Topic: Factors causing inflation in the country Thesis statement: the growing inflation in the country is an aftermath of poor economic policies, lack of proper budgeting and growing corruption Or Topic: Fashion magazines promote brand consciousness among youngsters Thesis statement: Print advertisements, celebrities features and fashion articles mainly develop consciousness about brands among youngsters 2) The Body All the sub ideas that prove your thesis statement Each sub idea is expressed in a separate paragraph with its topic sentence Imp point to be kept in mind while writing the body of essay

i) ii) iii) iv) Conclusion

Stick to the thesis statement Link your paragraphs Write solid statements Do not repeat a logic or an argument

The conclusion to your essay is a final short paragraph that wraps up the essay Summarize the entire essay and then conclude Conclusion should have link with introduction Following points should be kept in mind Give one final thought Suggest an action Ask a thought provoking question

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