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Diplomacy and Alliances

Britain France USA Soviet Union China 45 other minor nations

Military Strategy, Victories, and Defeats

Italy declared war on France and attacked from the south France surrendered to Italy On June 22, 1940 in a clearing in north-eastern France Hitler avenged the German defeat of 1918. Hitler forced the French to sign the surrender papers in the same railroad car that Germany had signed the armistice ending World War I. Germany occupied Northern France

Battle of France

Life on the Home Front

Germany made France sign a surrender document when they attacked in France. Some French officers escaped into England and they worked to liberate their homeland. In France, fighters used guerilla techniques to defend homeland.

Plans and Goals for the Future

After the Germans invaded France the French had nothing to do but rebel. They started rebelling as soon as the Germans entered their country. With the rebellion in one of the places that they controlled the Germans had to fight more than a war and the French acted as almost a distraction. The French attempted to steal information from the Nazis and give it to the Allies to counter the Nazi forces.

Questions for Review

1. List one of Frances allies.

2. What did Germany occupy?

3. Who made France sign the surrender papers and where?

References Ellis, E. G., Esler, A., Beers, B. F., & Pearson/Prentice Hall (2005). Prentice Hall world history: Connections to today. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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