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Chapter (3) Logistics and information technology 1- In what ways can information be helpful in logistics and supply chain

Replacement of inventory with information. Reduced the variability in the supply chain. Better coordination of manufacturing, marketing and distribution. Streamlined order processing and reduced lead- times.

General types of information management systems:

System type 1-Office automation system:
process personal and organizational business data and create documents.

Logistics examples
Facility location and minimizing transport cost.

2-Communication system: helps Internet and intranet (internally people work together by sharing within the firm).
information in many diff. forms.

3-Transaction processing system (TPS): collects and stores

information about transactions.

4-management information system and executive information system: converts TPS

data into information for monitoring performance.

Electronic data interchange. Automation identification (such as bar codes) Point of sale (counting how many peaces were sold). Logistics information system

5-Dicision support system:

helps people make decisions by providing information, models or analysis tools. 6-Enterprise system: all company functional areas use a common database to: Standardized HR. data. Integrate financial data. Standardized manufacturing process.

Simulation. Data mining. Logistics modules of enterprise resource planning systems.

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