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Introduction to Substance Use Disorders (SUD) April 14, 2010 1.

List the SUDs and describe the diagnostic criteria for each Disorder

Maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by 1+ of the criteria w/in 12mo period

Recurrent substance use resulting in failure to fulfill major role obligations @ work, school, home, etc Recurrent use in situations in which it is physically hazardous (e.g. driving) Recurrent drug-related legal problems (e.g. getting arrested) continued use despite having persistent social/interpersonal problems worsened by the substance (e.g. fights w/ spouse about consequences of drug) Tolerance: need for markedly amts of substance to get same effect diminished effect w/ continued use of the same amount of the substance Withdrawal: withdrawal syndrome same substance is used to relieve or avoid w/d sxs Substance is taken in amounts or over longer period than was intended Persistent desire/unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance use Spend a lot of time trying to obtain drug Important activities are given up or reduced because of use Substance use is continued despite having psych/physio problem caused by use

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More severe in intensity and has overcome the normal process of judgement and decision making LIFE EVOLVES AROUND THE USE need 3+ of the criteria w/in 12mo period

2. Explain the gene-environment effect on the pathogenesis of SUDs a. Environment: low SES, poor parental support, drug availability

3. Describe the neuronal pathways involved in the pathogenesis of SUDs a. Dopamine system i. Drugs of abuse increase extracellular DA concentrations in limbic regions, including the nucleus accumbens (reward/pleasure)

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