Response Notes

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Media Notes Stereotypes over simplified representation of a group

Young people troublesome\mischievous\hoodies\drugs\drinking\partying Men- drink larger big lasses\ competitive/masculine\strong\independent\muscles

Working class- uneducated\ smoking\drinking\tough\looked down upon Homosexuals feminine, voice/mannerisms\clothes, style

Black people exotic\tough\intimidating\drugs\dance\criminals\basketball\tall Disabled people unable\dependent on others\bitter\Paralympics/inspirational

Countertype goes against a stereotype

Personal codes looks, clothing, hair style, makeup, jewellery, build Performance codes accent, movements, way they talk, facial expressions, gesture, mannerisms Technical codes how the camera films them, shot types, camera angles, camera movements, lighting, sound (diagetic\non diagetic) Visual codes setting, what you can see in the frame, colour, props

How is the representation of ______constructed in this extract? Blank could be; Status/class Gender Age Race Sexuality Disability Consider: Camera Mise-en-scene Editing Sound

Response 4 paragraphs (NO INTRO OR CONCLUSION) 1) Camerawork stereotype countertype 2) Mise-en-scene stereotype- countertype 3) Editing- stereotype countertype 4) Sound stereotype- countertype

Points P.E.E 2/3 points in each paragraph Point Topic sentence Outline the area and the character that you are going to discuss Evidence Find examples from the extract Use appropriate and accurate media language Explore What is the effect of this? How does it contribute to the stereotype/countertype?

Merlin clip Status Dress Castle and the farmers market camera shot castle looking over the market Arthur stands up on the cart and looks down at merlin Arthur with guards and then cuts to merlin on his own Sound when looking through the stuff its suspicious like he shouldnt be there as he is lower class Looking down at merlin when he falls over Exaggerated diagetic sound Performance Arthur arrogant stereotypical Merlin witty Camera angles show equal power between Merlin and old guy

Response; As the scene opens we see Merlin in a room he clearly does not belong. This is reinforced by the editing which shows us whose room it actually is and this shows a difference in status. By using cross cut editing it shows the different places Merlin and the woman are in and as it begins to speed up cutting between him and the woman it creates tension and fear for the audience that Merlin is going to be caught. This reinforces the difference in status because if they were of similar status there would be no urgency or danger of him getting caught. Editing is also used during the fight scene to show a difference between status. Fast editing is used for Arthur to show skill and technique where as slow pace editing is used on Merlin to show that he doesnt really have fighting skill or technique. Having skill is very typical of a Prince and this is supported by the line he says trained to kill from birth. The slow editing on Merlin supports his lack of skill but could show that he actually thinking what he is going to do. This all reinforces the difference in status. The Mise-en-scene clearly shows a difference between status throughout the scene. As Merlin exits the castle and walks down to the market the contrast between the castle and market shows a clear difference in status, the castle is tall and towers over the market and this shows power.

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