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Laughing Island Mapping Assignment

To complete this assignment successfully you will need to follow the instructions carefully. Your task is to draw a map of your own Laughing Island to scale on A3 paper and to follow mapping conventions. (Your teacher will explain these!) Your map must: 1. Be 25 km from North to South & 20km from East to West (1 cm = 1 km) (2) 2. Include all the elements of BOLTSS. B= Border, O = Orientation (compass point), L = Legend/Key, T = Title, S = Scale, S = Source (6) 3. Have these features clearly marked and labelled: 3.1. Giggletown a small city in the centre of the island. (2) 3.2 A railway line running from Giggletown to a quarry in the Southwest. (2) 3.3 A mine located 4km to the East of the quarry. (1) 3.4 A small area of quicksand in the northern part of the island. (1) 3.5 A forest between the quicksand and Giggletown. (1) 3.6 A small river, called Funny River in the Northeast corner. (2) 3.7 A highway around the coast with a bridge across Funny River. (2) 3.8 A road from East to West running through Giggletown. (1) 3.9 Silly Swamp located in the Northwest corner of the island. (2) 3.10 A rocky outcrop in the Southeast corner with a lighthouse to warn ships of the danger. (2) 3.11 A jetty (pier) on the East coast. (1) 3.12 Chuckle Beach to the North of the jetty. (2) 4. Mr. Idiot moors his boat on the North coast and walks the shortest route to Giggletown. 4.1 Mark this walking track on your map (1) 4.2 Measure and record the distance he walked in your legend (2)

Look at the assessment rubric on the next page. This is what your teacher will use to assess your map making skills. Aim to achieve the highest standard possible!

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