Safe Homes Analysis

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Communications Analysis

May 2012

Table Of Contents
Strengths .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Strong Communication with Michigan Legislature............................................................... 3 Spreading Awareness in Michigan .............................................................................................. 3 An Existing Online Presence .......................................................................................................... 3 An Educated and Committed Staff ............................................................................................... 4 Logo ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Weaknesses ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Consistency in Communications .................................................................................................. 5 Copy Editing, Writing, and Formalities ..................................................................................... 5 Story Telling ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Be Compelling ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Web Presence ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Membership How to Build and Retain a Membership Base ............................................... 7 Know Your Audience ........................................................................................................................ 7 Diversify your Appeals, Creating Options to Contribute .................................................... 8 Media How to Send Messages Effectively .................................................................................. 8 Using Layered Communications to Ensure Positive Media Coverage ........................... 8 Creating a Story Arc .......................................................................................................................... 9 Using a Variety of Media Outlets ............................................................................................... 10 Social Media The Future, Cheap and Easy! .............................................................................. 10 Using Facebook ................................................................................................................................ 11 Using Twitter .................................................................................................................................... 12 Using Youtube .................................................................................................................................. 12 Using Vimeo....................................................................................................................................... 12 Using Google+ ................................................................................................................................... 13

The following information will detail the strengths of the Safe Homes, Safe Kids nonprofit organization that should be continued as new communications and marketing strategies are implemented. The organizations strongest elements were discovered throughout the communication materials as well as in the actions that the non-profit regularly practices with lawmakers and with the community.

Strong Communication with Michigan Legislature

Communication with Michigan lawmakers is consistent and is made a top priority for the organization. By regularly communicating to lawmakers that the issue of Lead Poisoning is a real threat, you advocate for every child that is struggling with lead-related health issues. This also helps fulfill the main purpose of the non-profit, which is to find sustainable funding to end Lead Poisoning in Michigan.

Strong Relationships with Other Organizations

The close ties with additional organizations working toward the same goal will help both groups succeed in reaching their potential. By working closely with the Rental Home Association in Michigan, it spreads the message of Safe Homes, Safe Kids while also taking action to prevent future instances of Lead Poisoning. Building strong relationships with other organizations that can work together may ultimately bring Safe Homes, Safe Kids more success with their endeavors. Building relationships with lawmakers and other non-profits will be beneficial

Spreading Awareness in Michigan

Safe Homes, Safe Kids has recently established an official week for Lead Awareness in Michigan. This was a huge step in increasing the communitys awareness of the issue in addition to trying to solve the problems related to lead in Michigan.

An Existing Online Presence

A developed website and Facebook page are available for members of the community to utilize. Just by having these marketing tools online, the organization has the chance to grow and reach a broader audience. Continuing to pursue social 3

media will definitely have a positive influence on the organizations recognition and credibility as a public advocacy group.

An Educated and Committed Staff

The strong, dedicated group that works with Safe Homes, Safe Kids will undoubtedly continue to move the organization forward. Because of the commitment and selflessness of the individuals involved, it will be easier to overcome any setbacks or challenges that may occurincluding any current weaknesses in communications or marketing.

The logo does an effective job to communicate the focus of Safe Homes, Safe Kids on young children.

The font used for the Icon is Maiandra Demi. Used to find here: Can be downloaded here: When considering the logo in any form, it should be kept as minimal as possible to keep the emotional value of the image. This means removing the website from the bottom. This was retrieved from the facebook cover photo, which you can find recommendations under facebook in the social media best practices section.

The following section is a resource to be combined as a comprehensive analysis of the communications of Michigan Alliance for Lead Safe Housing (MALSH). These are the particular weaknesses found throughout the communication materials provided and the web presence of the organization.

Consistency in Communications
Every communications document should have the MALSH logo. Each written piece of communication, whether it is a testimony, fiscal year report, or fund raising letter, should have the Visual logo at the top. This helps generate a recognized communications are brand so that when letters are received, readers important and need will begin to recognize the values that MALSH consistency! stands for and will remember each message that have received from them. In addition, make sure to be consistent with your contact information. Each letter should be correctly addressed with the physical address of the recipient on top and the physical address for the writer after the signature on the bottom. i.e. Final Lead coalition testimony letter with logo.docx or RSM Lead inspector letter.

Copy Editing, Writing, and Formalities

Language used in the written letters and testimony can be tightened up with better copywriting/editing. Letters that use words such as totally and monies may not be as influential as other, more formal words. Also, there is no return address at the bottom of the letter that was analyzed. This should be added so that the reader can send a formal response to letter.

Story Telling
Be Compelling
MALSH should have stories of individuals and children to share in their communications. They do not, and they solely try to motivate and move people with facts of larger populations affected by lead poisoning or the threat of possible lead poisoning. Lawmakers, members, and supporters contribute in hopes that they will make a difference. A stronger response will result from stories of individuals.

Web Presence
The website lacks a visually appealing and engaging design. A better design will help users attention and increase website traffic. I believe website uses light colors-light blue and light yellow-to serve the purpose of representing young kids to gain the attention of its users-young adults. The design of the website doesnt engage the a udience because of its outdated look, which makes the user believe the organization has fallen off. There is too much blank space and not enough interactive content on the front page for visitors. This interactive content can be sliding photos, or a video. A good example is here. Other locations that give a sense of static content/design where it should be is events-this should be actively updated for events on lead poisoning or shouldnt be up at all. There is room for improvement on the share your story page. There are many testimonials written, but it seems like a long list of quotes. If there was a slider created (like in the example), it could be more engaging and the page will not have to include the slider bar inside the main slider bar, which I highly dislike as a website user.

The organization has a Facebook page however, most of the social media is nonexistent and the existing media does not engage users as it should. Safe Homes, Safe Kids should create both a Twitter and Youtube account to establish a stronger digital community. The social media can be linked together to create community and engagement with their organization, across multiple platforms. Although some weaknesses in the organization are present, I believe that with a few easy improvements, Safe Homes Safe Kids will have great success with its future communications and marketing strategies.

Suggestions & Best Practices

Detailed below is a culmination of best practices and recommendations for future communications strategies within Safe Homes, Safe Kids.

Membership How to Build and Retain a Membership Base

Know Your Audience
Tailoring your communications pieces to a specific audience can go a long way. That being said, different audiences require different communications. Get to know what kinds of stories your targeted audience is likely to read in the newspaper, watch on TV, or browse on the Internet. There are certain levels of communications that work more effectively with certain audiences. These levels are dependent upon level of interest, reading level, and specific knowledge of the topic. Level One. Big ideas and values: responsibility, personal liberty, fairness, family, equality, opportunity, safety, and other core values Level One audiences are attracted to the broad concept of an idea or policy because it reflects their personal values. They are drawn less to detail than the people in the next two levels.

Level Two. Issues and movements: women's, civil, and human rights; education and health care reform; children's issues; the environment; and more Level Two audiences are interested in more than just the Big ldea. They want to know more about the details that surround it.

Level Three. Specific policies or legislation, such as TANR 4(e) entitlements, 150 account, pre-K, 0-8, HAVA, NVRA, TBA, minimum wage, MDGs, FOIA, and paid sick leave. Level Three audiences are composed of those who are experts in their field.

Important Communications Considerations: People are not blank slates. 7

Communications resonate with people's deeply held values and worldviews. People routinely default to the "pictures in their heads." People can be redirected to a different way of thinking if the composition and order of communications is changed.

Diversify your Appeals, Creating Options to Contribute

Create communications that Studies have show that people are most likely to support evoke both an emotional and a particular non-profit based on how emotionally moved rational response they feel by the cause or mission. However, when asked why they choose to support a particular non-profit, they often site data and provide a rational response. Because of this, it would be wise to provide material that would evoke an emotional response to engage the audience and also provide data or a fact list that gives them the grounds to spread the word about the non-profit more effectively.

Creating diversity in ways for members to give will be very beneficial. Let each person decide what the best way to give is. Instead of appealing directly to funds, you could ask members to write letters to their representatives or volunteer with healthy homes and their abatement teams. If direct funding remains unrelated with your fundraising needs, consider creating a fund appeal for the greater coalition or other groups therein. Helping other organizations within the coalition may provide allies for the future. Let people decide the best way for them to contribute

Media How to Send Messages Effectively

Using Layered Communications to Ensure Positive Media Coverage
Fundraising, educating, and calling members to action are the engines that power non-profit communication. It is best to design your pieces in a timely manner. What do I mean by a timeline and layered communications? I mean creating a system of sending relevant communications materials when they will prove most effective. For example, say we are trying to promote support for a bill that is to be voted on within the next six months. Early in the campaign, perhaps the first month, you should send out informational documents that educate your members on the issue. Give your members motivation! You must inform them if you expect to be supported. In the middle of the campaign effort, three to four months, it would be wise to then send them a fund appeal or call to action. Calls to action may consist of asking members to write to their representatives in the form of issue summaries or legislative testimony. In your fund appeal or call to action, remind them why you

need their support, summarize the educational piece and give them an opportunity to help. Finally, at the end of the campaign, whether the bill was voted in your favor or not, thank your supporters. Acknowledging support and being genuine with your members will make them feel like their efforts have made a difference and have not gone unnoticed. Acknowledgment will lead to friendlier relations and promote member retention.

Inform members on the issue


Ask for support and remind them why

Call to Action

Despite outcome, Thank

Acknowledge Support

Keep in mind that positive media is earned through an investment of funds and resources over time. Here are some best practices for developing a strategy for regular positive news coverage: Cultivate personal relationships with reporters, editors, and media gatekeepers. Develop a calendar of events around key issues or activities, such as the release of a report. Plan and initiate additional news events to expand media coverage opportunities. Coordinate written materials for print media, develop visuals for photographers and broadcasters, and make tapes for audio news feeds. Schedule press conferences sparingly and media briefings when warranted. Distribute press releases on significant developments by fax, mail, e-mail, or hand delivery. Update your website with new information and materials on a regular basis.

Creating a Story Arc

Part of your communications plan should be to collect data on the issue in formats that editors and reporters can easily answer the questions Who? What? When?

Where? Why? Furthermore, it is best to categorize all your internal data according to their usefulness to journalists. When considering press releases and opinion Maintain interest by editorials as calls to action, maintaining interest creating a conversation in for your cause will prove to be crucial. When you the media. send in a letter to the editor to rally support for or against a specific bill, consider also sending in follow-up letters for the remaining weeks until that bill is voted on. The initial press release should underline the general issue at hand, while the follow-up letters highlight distinct and specific details. What these follow-up pieces do is create a kind of conversation in the media, promoting buzz around the topic. The goal of this strategy is to keep your audience interested for an extended period of time. **** Appendix for examples?

Using a Variety of Media Outlets

Newsletters, Events, Direct-mail, E-mail, Phone calls, Videos, Podcasts and Case Studies are a few different ways a non-profit can choose to communicate to its members. It is important to know which medium is most effective for each audience or demographic.

Social Media The Future, Cheap and Easy!

Building Social Capitol
Social Media has become an online environment which users can build long standing relationships with each other. These relationships are nurtured in digital and online communities. Your job is to get social media users engaged with the Lead Safety community. The best way to approach how to engage users is to closely replicate word of mouth interactions. This means talking with your audience, asking and answering questions. We recommend choosing a 30 second clip to place on your home page that is dense enough to inform visitors, but short enough to watch the whole video.


The picture above shows how social media can be integrated around video but also imagine the blue lines extending even further so that every social media platform is integrated with another. This is the current movement toward social media use and should be practiced regularly to create good content.
Quick Tips Answer questions! Content creation through social media is crucial to community development Integrate each social media platform with each other as much as possible Integrate video. Use video more! For routine posts, use a scheduler like Hoosuite or Tweetdeck. (These are third party social media managing platforms that help a user manage multiple accounts like Twitter, Facebook and several accounts within those).

Using Facebook
Safe Homes, Safe Kids- Recommendations

Make the Safe Homes, Safe Kids the Profile Photo. The profile is your face of who you are. A good cover photo would be one of the Michigan Legislature Hearings, March 2012 with: Tina, Courtney, Dr. Holtrup, Carin and Lina. --The cover photo could also feature different photos for a visually appealing presentation. (A good example is Arc Michigan or Michigan Network for Children's Environmental Health).


Update: Facebook should be updated from once a day to once every few days.

Using Twitter
Safe Homes, Safe Kids- (Username: mileadsafety) Update: The optimal amount of Twitter updates is 4 a day. One tweet can be repeated if releasing an article or URL, but the other two should be unique.

Using Youtube
Safe Homes, Safe Kids- Recommendations Make Safe Homes, Safe Kids Icon the avatar Add customized background, integrate Twitter, integrate Facebook Feature videos: Just to be safe o Hentry and Fred Learn about Lead o iSeedzleadreport o

Youtube specifications:

Images no bigger than 1MB for Brand channels 256KB for standard user channels The larger the image size the longer the load time for visitors Youtube content width is 970px page height can vary depending on amount of content Background images should be: Between 1500px - 2000 px WIDE and 1200px - 2500 px tall The image can be in GIF, JPG, or PNG format, though they recommend PNG format.

Using Vimeo
Recommendations: Integrate with facebook and twitter


You can only upload videos youve shot. Vimeo is know to have story-telling videos while Youtube has everything else. Vimeo is a good way to find stories about Lead Poisoning. Videos to feature: Lead Poisoning PSA Connect with Children's Mercy Family Health P

Using Google+
Recommendations: Link: Link to twitter and facebook


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