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Questions Chapter 1-4
Chapter 1 Who is Rory to Granda? Is Rory a boy or a girl? What is their familys doctors name? What has happened to Granda while waiting to see the doctor? Chapter 2 Who is Rorys teacher? Who is Rorys best friend? What does Granda mistakenly put in the schoolbag? Where do Rory and his Granda live? Chapter 3 Who is Mr Hood? Why does Rory refuse to be in the football team? What is Rachnadar? What does Rory say that makes Granda angry? Chapter 4 What does Granda put in the pocket of his coat? What happens to Grandas coat? Who stops the fire? What does Rory tell Mrs Foley?

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Questions Chapter 5-8
Chapter 5 What does Rory do to make sure the fire will not happen in the middle of the night? Who is Val Jessup? Who sent Val Jessup to Rorys home? What happen to their flat? What cause the fire? Where is Granda? Chapter 6 Who brings Rory to the hospital? Why is Granda admitted to the hospital? Where does Rory have to stay at that moment? What is the name of the place? How does Rory go there? Chapter 7 Who welcomes Rory at the childrens home? What are the boys and the girls doing in the kitchen? Who is shouting and swearing? Where does Rory sleep? What does Val Jessup promise to Rory? Chapter 8 Where is Rory getting ready to go to? How does Rory go there? How is Grandas condition? How does Granda feel when he hears that Rory stays at Castle Street? What does he want to do after he hears that?

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