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The following is intended to help guide you through spending time with God. The elements of preparation, prayer, and bible study are set up to create a flow that will help you engage God and his word. Remember, the goal of your devotional time is not simply knowledge increase, but to meet with and worship God.

Identify and prioritize time in your daily schedule to develop your personal relationship with God. Start small (10 min.) to build the habit, but dont be surprised when this expands to 30 minutes or an hour. Grab your bible and something to take notes with and head to a quiet location where you can focus. As you get settled, take on an attitude of expectation and humility. Know that you will receive something of value from the Lord, and be ready to have his wisdom change your life.

Opening Prayer:
Begin by meditating on God and the gospel. Think about how great it is that he has provided a way for you to be in relationship with him. Think about the fact that you are meeting with your Creator and are going to speak to him as a friend. Think about his wisdom, love, power, and other attributes that have allowed this moment to happen. Pray along the lines of these verses:

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24 Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law. Psalm 119:18

Bible Reading:
Now open up the Bible and listen to the words God has communicated to his people for all time. It is all God-breathed and useful for your life, so it doesnt matter where you start. In conjunction with this sermon series, let me recommend the Gospel of John. From August 22-October 2nd, reading a chapter a day, you can read John twice. Here is a list of questions that will be useful to answer in your notes as you hear from Gods word: 1. What happens before and after this passage that will help us understand it better? 2. Were there any repeated words and phrases in this passage? 3. What do you learn about God from this passage? 4. What do you think is the main point that the author is trying to communicate in this passage? 5. What issues in your life, or in the world, do you think this passage applies to? How so? *Write these things down and keep a record of them! You will no doubt be able to look back and see Gods goodness and faithfulness in your life. Also, pick phrases from the passage or your summary to dwell on throughout the day.

Closing Prayer:
Now that youve heard from Gods voice, its your time to interact with him about it. Pray that you would come to embody his words, as Jesus did. This is also your time to bring your requests before God and ask for guidance

and wisdom to do the things that he has called you to do ( James 1:5). Include the Gospel Prayer as part of your devotional time during this series: 1. In Christ, there is nothing I could do to make you love me more; and nothing I have done that makes you love me less. 2. You are all I need today for everlasting joy. 3. As you have been to me, so I will be to others. 4. As I pray, Ill measure Your compassion by the cross and your power by the resurrection.

Example: John 13:1-38

1. What happens before and after this passage that will help us understand it better? This passage reminded me of another verse in John- Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13. Its hard not to think of Jesus serving his disciples in love without thinking of the ultimate service that he provided for them on the cross. It is also striking in the narrative here that Jesus is serving the disciples who had at times quibbled about who would sit at Jesus right hand and some of whom were about to betray and deny him. Jesus knew that, and he still served them amazing. Also, Jesus is about to die, and these chapters (12-17) include his final statements to the disciples. 2. Were there any repeated words and phrases in this passage? Love is found throughout, primarily in verse 1 which is a commentary from the narrator, and verse 34-35 which seems to be a theme statement of Jesus teaching. Being washed or clean seems to be a central theme. Jesus says here that If I do not wash you, you have no share with me. I will pray that Jesus washes me, so that I can be a part of him and what he is doing in the world. This adds a degree of meaning to baptism, I think.

3. What do you learn about God from this passage? Jesus is God in the flesh, and he stoops to the lowest of the low, doing slave work. If hes not too good for that kind of service, then neither am I. Verse 1 harkens back to my point in answer number 1, that Jesus also had a covenant love with the disciples. They failed him a ton, but he loved them to the end. 4. What do you think is the main point that the author is trying to communicate in this passage? I think the main point is pretty well summed up in John 13:34-35 which basically says, love others as I have loved you. Thats the part of the Gospel prayer that says As you have been to me, so I will be to others. Love and service are keys to Christian community as taught and demonstrated by Jesus. 5. What issues in your life, or in the world, do you think this passage applies to? How so? I definitely think this is a challenge to me (and really anyone) when thinking about co-workers, roommates, and spouses. The cornerstone ethic of service that followers of Christ need to display cuts against our nature and our culture. Living like this will be a struggle, but I can envision the beauty of a community that lives this way. Lord, give me the strength to start living this way in my home, that I would choose a Christ-like posture of service with my wife and family. Lord, help me find ways to embody this ethic at my job, to be creative in how I can serve my co-workers.

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