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Making Prompts Case Insensitive Page 1 of 10

integra solutions inc Last Update August 17, 1999

Making Prompts Case Insensitive

The Problem Defined
Many database administrators define data content to be all upper case for consistency. This is not a mandatory process, but is typical. BusinessObjects users can then be trained to enter all query conditions in upper case. But what if the database is not consistent? In some databases the DBA can decide during the installation to make the database itself case insensitive. This is not a feature of all of the popular databases. In fact, Microsoft Access is one of the few that is automatically case insensitive. Other databases such as Oracle do not have this option. A BusinessObjects universe designer can decide to use an Upper() function (or equivalent) to force everything the user does into upper case, then use the same function on the database column. However, this is not generally desirable as this will invalidate the use of indexed searches. This document will outline a special trick that a designer can use to create prompts that are case insensitive. It wont matter how the user enters a condition, nor will it matter how the data is formatted in the database. Best of all, it will still make use of an index on the column if there is one! It may sound too good to be true, but it does work.

Pattern Matching Review

The wildcard character % is used to match zero or more characters during a condition. If a user is searching for <tag>, then the following table shows some possible uses of the % wildcard character. Pattern <tag>% %<tag> %<tag>% %<tag>%<tag>% %<tag><tag>% What it will match Everything starting with <tag> Everything ending with <tag> Everything containing <tag> Everything containing two occurrences of <tag> Everything containing two occurrences of <tag> in sequence <tag> followed by once single character <tag> followed by one or more characters

<tag>_ <tag>_%

This solution requires the use of the first option. The trick is going to be converting the user input for a specific value into a series of wildcard matches to take advantage of an index, then using the Upper() function to look for the exact match.

The information in this document is provided as-is. The information is believed to be correct, but future releases of the BusinessObjects software may render suggestions or strategies provided here useless, inappropriate, or incompatible. All information is copyright integra solutions, inc, and may not be redistributed in any form or via any media electronic or otherwise without obtaining prior written consent from the author(s).

Making Prompts Case Insensitive Page 2 of 10

integra solutions inc Last Update August 17, 1999

Looking for All Cases

Suppose a query writer is looking for a last name of Baker, but is unsure as to what case is used in the database. Here are a few options they would have to look for to find all possible cases:
BAKER, baker, Baker, BAker, BAKer, BAKEr, bAker, bAKer, bAKEr, bAKER, bAkEr

Obviously some of these seem a bit ridiculous, but data entry errors can occur. Have you ever left the cAPS lOCK kEY on by mistake? It can happen. If the database does not enforce consistent data entry it is impossible to guarantee data formats. But would you want to have to enter all of these (and the rest of the) possible choices just to make sure that you find all of the Bakers? It turns out that looking for variations on the first two letters is enough to make effective use of an index, if there is one. In other words, the following four pattern matches would be sufficient to find every possible form of the name Baker:
BA% Ba% bA% ba% Starts Starts Starts Starts With With with with BA Ba bA ba

Once these four patterns are used, then the challenge becomes finding just Baker, and not Bakersfield, Bakerson, Bakersdozen, and so on. The final piece of the condition has to force both sides of the condition to the same format for an equality test.
Upper(customer.last_name) = Upper(Baker)

Note: Most databases contain a function that serves this purpose. It may not be Upper(); consult your database documentation to find the equivalent. (Microsoft Access uses ucase(), Oracle uses Upper() as shown here. Other databases may vary.) If there is an index on customer.last_name, that last condition would not be able to use it. That is because an index is on the last_name, not on the uppercase version of the last name. The database would be force to look at every single last name available. But, in combination with the first four pattern matching tests which will use an index, if available, this becomes a powerful search mechanism.

The Designers Task

The solution then, is to teach users how to build conditions on the query panel that look like the following:

There are two problems with this. First, the user has no way of providing the Upper() function for the last condition unless they create a user defined object. Second, this is an extremely nonintuitive solution! Users should not have to make up for a databases deficiencies. So it is up to the designer to provide a better solution.
The information in this document is provided as-is. The information is believed to be correct, but future releases of the BusinessObjects software may render suggestions or strategies provided here useless, inappropriate, or incompatible. All information is copyright integra solutions, inc, and may not be redistributed in any form or via any media electronic or otherwise without obtaining prior written consent from the author(s).

Making Prompts Case Insensitive Page 3 of 10

integra solutions inc Last Update August 17, 1999

BusinessObjects provides the concept of Predefined Condition Objects in a universe. This is a very powerful feature that is often under utilized. By creating predefined conditions, the designer takes on the task of doing strange logic like that shown above, and hiding the complexities from the user. To build this object the designer needs to do two tasks: Strip out the first two characters of the condition object (in this case the customers name) and build the first four pattern matching conditions Force the complete name into upper case for the fifth and final condition

A solution will provided for the Oracle database. (Since Microsoft Access is already case insensitive by default there is no need for this trick.) To demonstrate the solution a predefined condition called Case Insensitive Customer Name Search will be created.

Database functions required for this task are listed below. Functionality Substring Find a portion of a string Upper Translate a string to upper case Lower Translate a string to lower case Oracle Database Function Syntax substr(string, start position, length)

upper(string) lower(string)

The BusinessObjects @Prompt function will also be used for this solution. This function is used by the universe designer to prompt the user for a value, in this case a customer name to search for. The syntax for the @Prompt function is shown below.
@Prompt('message','type',[{'value1'[,'value2',...]},class_name\object_name'],mo no/multi,free/constrained)

The message is the prompt text that appears on the dialog box. The type is one of A (alphanumeric), N (numeric), or D (date) and specifies the validation logic that will be used by BusinessObjects. The third argument is optional, and can be used to provide a list of values. The list can either be hard coded into the prompt, or borrowed from an existing object. The fourth item is either mono (single value allowed) or multi (multiple values allowed). This item is optional. The fifth and final item is either free (user allowed to type values) or constrained (user must select from a list). This item is optional.

The information in this document is provided as-is. The information is believed to be correct, but future releases of the BusinessObjects software may render suggestions or strategies provided here useless, inappropriate, or incompatible. All information is copyright integra solutions, inc, and may not be redistributed in any form or via any media electronic or otherwise without obtaining prior written consent from the author(s).

Making Prompts Case Insensitive Page 4 of 10

integra solutions inc Last Update August 17, 1999

Putting the Pieces Together

The logic has been determined, the functions are defined, the final task is to put everything together. The sample data being used to test the predefined condition is shown below. Note that there are two Fondas in the database, each with a different case name.

The designer wants to build an object that will allow the user to find all Fondas in the system, no matter how the name is entered. Step 1 will be to prompt the user for a name to search for. Using the syntax outlined previously, a prompt can be defined as:
@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free)

No list of values will be provided. If a list is used, then the user would see both versions of Fonda and could simply select both of them. Once the user enters the name FONDA, the designer needs to construct the first four parts of the case insensitive search. The first will be to take the first character and force it to upper case, take the second character and force it to lower case, concatenate them together with the % wildcard symbol. Examine the following logic:
upper(substr(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free),1,1)) || lower(substr(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free),2,1)) || '%'

The first line takes the first character of the prompted value and forces it to upper case. The second line takes the second character and forces it to lower case. The Oracle concatenation symbol is the ||, which is used to put the two characters together with the % wildcard.
The information in this document is provided as-is. The information is believed to be correct, but future releases of the BusinessObjects software may render suggestions or strategies provided here useless, inappropriate, or incompatible. All information is copyright integra solutions, inc, and may not be redistributed in any form or via any media electronic or otherwise without obtaining prior written consent from the author(s).

Making Prompts Case Insensitive Page 5 of 10

integra solutions inc Last Update August 17, 1999

The final logic would be:

Customer.last_name like upper(substr(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free),1,1)) || lower(substr(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free),2,1)) || '%'

Assuming the user had entered the value fonda for a search condition, this would translate into:
Customer.last_name like Fo%

Adding three more tests would result in a condition with the following logic:
(Customer.last_name like upper(substr(@prompt('Enter lower(substr(@prompt('Enter Customer.last_name like lower(substr(@prompt('Enter lower(substr(@prompt('Enter Customer.last_name like lower(substr(@prompt('Enter upper(substr(@prompt('Enter Customer.last_name like upper(substr(@prompt('Enter upper(substr(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free),1,1)) || customer name','A',,mono,free),2,1)) || '%' customer name','A',,mono,free),1,1)) || customer name','A',,mono,free),2,1)) || '%' customer name','A',,mono,free),1,1)) || customer name','A',,mono,free),2,1)) || '%' customer name','A',,mono,free),1,1)) || customer name','A',,mono,free),2,1)) || '%')




Note that the last line of code could have been written as:
Customer.last_name like upper(substr(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free),1,2)) || '%'

Either version would provide the condition logic:

Customer.last_name like FO%

The same thing could be said for the second test, where both initial characters are forced to lower case. The designer could decide which version he or she preferred. Note: if the same prompt is used more than once, as in this example, then BusinessObjects will only prompt once for the value and use the user input in every location that the prompt appears. This ensures that the same value is used throughout the condition logic, which is critical! Step 2 of the condition logic is to force an exact match. This is done with the following:
upper(Customer.last_name) = upper(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free))

Normally this is not recommended, as the upper() function on the customer last name database column would invalidate an indexed search, as mentioned previously. However, the four Like operations built previously will use the index. This final step is just provided to find the exact match that the query writer is looking for.

The information in this document is provided as-is. The information is believed to be correct, but future releases of the BusinessObjects software may render suggestions or strategies provided here useless, inappropriate, or incompatible. All information is copyright integra solutions, inc, and may not be redistributed in any form or via any media electronic or otherwise without obtaining prior written consent from the author(s).

Making Prompts Case Insensitive Page 6 of 10

integra solutions inc Last Update August 17, 1999

Putting it all together and you have:

(Customer.last_name like upper(substr(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free),1,1)) lower(substr(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free),2,1)) Customer.last_name like lower(substr(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free),1,1)) lower(substr(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free),2,1)) Customer.last_name like lower(substr(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free),1,1)) upper(substr(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free),2,1)) Customer.last_name like upper(substr(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free),1,1)) upper(substr(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free),2,1)) upper(Customer.last_name) = upper(@prompt('Enter customer name','A',,mono,free)) || || '%' || || '%' || || '%'




|| || '%' ) AND

The parenthesis are important! The logic should evaluate to:

(Customer.last_name like Fo% OR Customer.last_name like fo% OR Customer.last_name like fO% OR Customer.last_name like FO%) AND upper(Customer.last_name) = FONDA

Without the parenthesis the logic will fail. The net result is a predefined condition that can be used to do a case insensitive search on the customer name field!

The information in this document is provided as-is. The information is believed to be correct, but future releases of the BusinessObjects software may render suggestions or strategies provided here useless, inappropriate, or incompatible. All information is copyright integra solutions, inc, and may not be redistributed in any form or via any media electronic or otherwise without obtaining prior written consent from the author(s).

Making Prompts Case Insensitive Page 7 of 10

integra solutions inc Last Update August 17, 1999

Proving the Concept

The first query panel looks for only upper case names.

The result set:

The only customer that matched was the one with the exact case match, in this case HENRY FONDA. What about lower case matches?

The information in this document is provided as-is. The information is believed to be correct, but future releases of the BusinessObjects software may render suggestions or strategies provided here useless, inappropriate, or incompatible. All information is copyright integra solutions, inc, and may not be redistributed in any form or via any media electronic or otherwise without obtaining prior written consent from the author(s).

Making Prompts Case Insensitive Page 8 of 10

integra solutions inc Last Update August 17, 1999

The next query looks for lower case data.

The result set:

As before, only the exact case match was displayed. The user would have to define all possible case searches (in this case FONDA and fonda) to find the appropriate values. Or use the new and improved Case Insensitive Customer Name Search predefined condition object!

The information in this document is provided as-is. The information is believed to be correct, but future releases of the BusinessObjects software may render suggestions or strategies provided here useless, inappropriate, or incompatible. All information is copyright integra solutions, inc, and may not be redistributed in any form or via any media electronic or otherwise without obtaining prior written consent from the author(s).

Making Prompts Case Insensitive Page 9 of 10

integra solutions inc Last Update August 17, 1999

The predefined condition can easily be added to the query panel in place of a user defined condition.

When the query is run, the prompt asks the user for a customer name:

In this example note that the user entered the name Fonda which does not even exist in the database! At least not in that form The resulting data set:

In this case both of the Fonda customers showed up, whether the name was in upper or lower case. And both names were different from what the user entered in the prompt box!

The information in this document is provided as-is. The information is believed to be correct, but future releases of the BusinessObjects software may render suggestions or strategies provided here useless, inappropriate, or incompatible. All information is copyright integra solutions, inc, and may not be redistributed in any form or via any media electronic or otherwise without obtaining prior written consent from the author(s).

Making Prompts Case Insensitive Page 10 of 10

integra solutions inc Last Update August 17, 1999

With this idea, a universe designer can take any character object and create a predefined condition that will result in a case insensitive search. The utility of this trick, of course, depends on the format of the data in the database. If all of the data is already in upper case, it may be easier to simply train users accordingly. But if mixed case data is included, this trick can save a lot of effort on the user side. The trick is based on the idea that searching for the four variations on the initial two letters of a prompted value is enough to effectively reduce the number of rows searched. By first reducing the rows (hopefully via an indexed search) the final comparison of Upper(value) to Upper(prompt) will not cause a performance problem as it might otherwise.

The information in this document is provided as-is. The information is believed to be correct, but future releases of the BusinessObjects software may render suggestions or strategies provided here useless, inappropriate, or incompatible. All information is copyright integra solutions, inc, and may not be redistributed in any form or via any media electronic or otherwise without obtaining prior written consent from the author(s).

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