Furosemide (Drug Monograph)

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Drug Monograph Furosemide

Generic name: Furosemide Brand Names: Lasix Pharmacological category: Loop Diuretic Indications/ uses: Management of edema associated with congestive heart failure and hepatic or renal disease; alone or in combination with antihypertensives in treatment of hypertension Mechanism of action: Inhibits reabsorption of sodium and chloride in the ascending loop of Henle and distal renal tubule, interfering with the chloride-binding cotransport system, thus causing increased excretion of water, sodium, chloride, magnesium, and calcium

Adverse reactions: Hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, hypokalemia, hypochloremia, metabolic alkalosis,

hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, gout, Ototoxicity. Warnings/precautions: Adjust dose to avoid dehydration. In cirrhosis, avoid electrolyte and acid/base imbalances that might lead to hepatic encephalopathy. Ototoxicity is associated with rapid I.V. administration, renal impairment, excessive doses, and concurrent use of other ototoxins. Hypersensitivity reactions can rarely occur. Monitor fluid status and renal function Contraindications: Known hypersensitivity to Furosemide or other sulfonamides, excess use in renal and heart failiure. Pregnancy Category: C

Adult Dose: 20-80mg b.i.d Child Dose: 1-2mg/Kg/dose no more frequently than 6hrs.

Reference: Lexicomp

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