Year 6 Newsletter Summer 1

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Summer 1

Below is an overview of what your child will be learning this half term:

Children will learn how the Spanish explorers Christopher Columbus and Hernan Cortes discovered the New World. They will learn about the treasures discovered on these journeys. They will study the Aztec civilisation and learn about its leader, Montezuma. The children will study Aztec architecture and examine artefacts to learn more about the Aztec way of life. They will also learn about the religious beliefs that governed Aztec life, including their practice of human sacrifice. They will learn how the civilisation eventually fell an how historians have pieced together information to uncover historical facts.

Children will revise their understanding of non-fiction forms through writing and reading different non-fiction genres. They will consolidate their understanding of basic grammar and extend their spelling skills.

RE Can you express your spiritual side in a work of art? Pupils study religious art in order to understand how spirituality can be expressed.

Science Drugs and BugsChildren will learn about microorganisms. They will explore how they can be helpful and harmful. They will study the conditions needed for different microbes to multiply and grow.

PSHCE Relationships: Children will learn how to deal with loss and grief. They will learn ways to deal with changes in relationships. They will also learn about the stages of grief and some strategies they can use to manage their feelings.

Numeracy Children will continue to revise all maths topics covered this year. They will learn how to apply their knowledge in a range of contexts. They will further develop their problem solving skills.

Other notices: Children will do PE every Thursday afternoon. The PE sessions will be outdoor so a suitable outdoor PE kit will be required. Children may want to bring a sweat shirt in case the weather is cold.

SATs week begins on Monday 13th May.

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