ERRATA SHEET - MICROMASTER (6SE92 Series) Operating Instructions (H1750-U049-A)

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ERRATA SHEET - MICROMASTER (6SE92 series) Operating Instructions (H1750-U049-A)

Section 2.3 - Please note addition of power terminal text (PE, L/L1, N/L2, L3, U, V, W)






Section 4.1 and 4.2 Additional statement to be added between sub-sections (6) and (7) to read as follows: In many cases, when default factory parameters are used, the default stator resistance set in P089 will generally suit the default power rating set in P085. Should the inverter and motor ratings differ greatly, it is recommended that the stator resistance of the motor is measured and entered manually into P089. Continuous Boost (P078) and Starting Boost (P079) are dependent on the value of Stator Resistance - too high a value may cause overcurrent trips. Section 4.6.1 Text See P210 to be deleted from figure 11. Section 4.6.3 Text P210 and P220 to be deleted. Parameter P007 Text REVERSE to be deleted from the footnote. Parameter P099 Replace 1 = Profibus module with 1 = Profibus module (enables parameters relating to PROFIBUS operation) Parameter P203 Replace text 0% corresponds to the shortest integral action time, with 0.01% corresponds to the longest integral action time. Parameters P700,P701,P702,P880,P918,P927,P928,P947,P958,P963,P967,P968,P970 Additional statement to be added to the Description/notes section of these parameters, as follows: Access only possible with P099=1 Parameter P971 Additional warning statement to be added for when P971 is set to 1. To read as follows: WARNING When using the serial link to update the parameter set held in EEPROM, care must be taken not to exceed the maximum number of write cycles to this EEPROM - this is approximately 50,000 write cycles. Exceeding this number of write cycles would result in corruption of the stored data and subsequent data loss. The number of read cycles are unlimited.



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