NTM 7 of 2013 - Maritime Coatguard Agency - CERS Dangerous or Polluting Goods

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No 7 of 2013

22 April 2013


MARITIME & COASTGUARD AGENCY - CERS DANGEROUS OR POLLUTING GOODS FAO: Ship Operators, Masters and Agents The MCA has asked that we bring the following to your attention. Due to the inconsistency of some operators, agents or masters of ships to ensure hazardous cargo manifests contain the information required in accordance with Regulation 10 Annex B of MSN 1831 (M+F) the Maritime and Coastguard Agency has issued the attached. The attached is a reminder from the Maritime & Coastguard Agency of the requirements under the Merchant Shipping (Traffic Monitoring and Reporting Requirements) Regulation 2004 (as amended).

Status of previously published notices: No 26 of 2009 remains in force Nos 14, 31, and 32 of 2011 remain in force Nos 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 and 28 of 2012 remain in force Nos 3, 4, 5, 6 of 2013 remain in force

(Signed R Baker)

R BAKER Chief Harbour Master

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