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<div style="min-width:600px; margin-right:0px;" id="col2"> <div class="box"> <h1> Full text of "<a href="/details/MatthewBible1537">Matthew Bible, 153 7</a>" </h1> <pre>"v m * ;



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c^en.nnem&lt;5anmrt t a &amp; , 2BKi2S2

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tur^n e *;etcranoVoiil.

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ifflfff. , .W*!l

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CWftneaitftJuOme coftneant^amfaw

y c &lt;^*&lt;aiuH)pfelotoES( fi* * l&amp;S&amp;53&amp; bft I aKHirtfttflmattp? ? ssfnttfiaie a * Srsar c 3fcmtpc|onofoutlaOf W D .ccHchimr.inwBEri * tfxtiueof xtmtm

t agapptemat. ft JJ flpasttuisitw*. lew* b -rtitte. M c ttaafflimp. &amp; JBfgpU frt fffinrtcimcttapoore w I lUtDsd'lfnse

c t t f ^((ttstiaKtanM ntbt

B 0omtp;ei iSctober* afljj; ttawK.ttf

b e apoKnapttmartt^ f JTafto


Jt *uraap; e B&gt;ecol!a#cn b JFeKp^auDacfe e CutiKi

rttrbyspt September * Jt 3ntbon(matp; fi 6 ctatftofCutbbett

c jentfrteabbote b Cugmfttf f i9atf.of otitic BTaf 11BS&amp; ,ll b fl&amp;aurtrtusJbgOiop w e tfcretfwmicmiiuct, S 5tambftt?&amp;ep ft o &lt;o?afiCojone

W Wrt ft b cilli Pot B mi bfl Tl Ft in b JSicariusbviDou, jrrt ift/ e lOWftfoe ii f ctanOa.ofCiDtoara mi tii a emu MM if wulftanbpaop m l&gt; fbberunim&lt;&amp;co;, !*&lt; rj: c rSSS . *flWanBrtj. rwjrbrt e #trttopofbftBjne WW bi ( 3 u(t rebate bftgyne WW j^fti H fljaeptaiome

jii 6 IBomafnebeQiop e ^aglojelipOiop. a b Ctpfpfueatiocrpfpiane &lt; t euatg tte i) tic C afBtfll.

liii ^t ^awfcu0bF(bop h jew n twiaweapua. Mb c tfMntpi W % ? a *:J |: -ba S e0.icmonej*ft. * rltl } bJftaftofniifnpntc0 ttb. e I Jirt e ailfoumiDaye r f lUenefrroeiiF;8lW ffl B amanttitf wf H fcetepjette


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J bti

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salcnber. ti c &gt;abbtabbote riii&lt; mtf b tfcciP.Ofcutta ttt tin e jtt.of Stnttteft rut f j-JftoiaSbtQ). mil n o ap;faneabbo jruftf mi H j T J&amp;amafte. , n ji) c ircbrruimetnCan. mil if t weatnbtWV Daw


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#b jrtifH tafampwtbop jtjnrt b.j 6 tftatfanrbiQiop wtoi c M # * iWanemaUM JtVtlF ut bcrow*po5fl m

December kaOfjatM/M* fluent.!*'*.

Wban jEepofi.fiDfnumb jBartatofeitfirn

ncF,mau?;s ft B lcto;ietoircj?n. EI b Onem(tQffofoiiti.oja. tut) e &gt;trtirnp;otbomattr; b lotmniSBcliftr f pit t '&lt;f)|lDfrmBDflPf flu I cbomajsmattp; i s ffitanr.ofjamw &lt;f tffl B jbduian

p 3n Ilmanat 6 toj.%bt ntr



&lt;Hfnnb;e Of tbf FHf 0. b.jr&gt;#rf bj:H#. bJN. hjttf. b.flrti. bjciffff o.vlb. , u jnfetf t. bjclbftt ... djA* 5B. b.i. ,m. om W. b.Mi i. b.W. i. bJtttt m. b.iw.

att. ff&lt;3p;fll. el ap;tll, j6ii.3p;tli n$m y*b.#a. b.apjni w*.apj&lt; F.ap;m

it.3p;fll KtfJWB

bt.apjll! jrtje Apart. 1l.ap;ffl itapjiiWtb.War, *tt.2p;il OTMat. jtbiip;H!

Cft/sribi noinotc OJPWW. J HI Silt . to pill it fl trt nut Fb ftJi &gt;bi(l

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can tf&amp;otfaeponto tHe'ftnOpe oCti^e ljDtf&amp;ctpptwgfitf3crfOoueoftfte?[Jie. 0j0t into tbepcopie, 3f Iftik &amp;trcb(bt ftcriptirtWFwtbrtarttbepttttfapftt of mr. ^aulto irpmotj)?, ittt'pmo.ui. MAmptttrcgcneitb|'mftiiracp5 ofo^i profitable toeea*e/eo&lt;hip;ouc/roamf5&lt; f eamBntct mrtfifittoeftitt/ ptwmaof dftdmaicbc pevfect 9 P;epatebtoal8oobtoo;h^ HCfte fame to tl)t %m.x WW tftpngfjs f met are to; wen/ate ti&gt;;#ten fo; our !ectn?ng:tf) t i t to c ( B o;ou packet MDcomfojty oftlje ^ctipmve/msBijtUaue ftope. Salomon |32otrb,)rri% Sill* too^e of ou ftf pure 9 rleane/tfti* a 0)^ bnto QM put tijrfr ttutt m ft.Puc tioftsnaebntobpsi toortesS/iett tie iep;oue me an&amp; Etjculicfoimoe aipt.

jiilofts to t!)e people, JDnwij, f e IbaUnotboeuftpwan tojatreametb Wmsoo&amp;fn ftW atone epe0:ffiut toOaerocuct 3 commaunoef ou/tftit tafce &amp;e&amp;efeDo: anoput nouB5tt6crto/ncv tone oug&a mp;tftertrom. ICIjeioibcutitoKoftta. lofiit^ jletnottfteboftcoffljWIatoeueparteouteoftbpmoutli: V&gt;utxmaxm\)ttinmtatto nWbt/tftattboumfl^ftl)eci'tcunifpecttot!oacco?QHigtoflUti)at!0to?^entl)erm tftm fljalt tfjountafie tl)v toafe p;ofpcrouj3 / nnotlim Oialt tljou fjaue bnDei ann&amp;pnee. ^cunie tberfrciitt netticr to tljc ttfilJt Danoe^ ncr to tt)e lc fee : tyar tfto u ma^ca Umte tonber' flan&amp;mBcmalH&amp;attljoii tafc*antUatiDe. iDefaiitetotljf ocoplc* txmjcui 3nbtftouaatt(betoftpfoMneatftattpme/fatitiBftce^felonrbeca^^^^ tljc kofleoyD muo me todrnj came out of cgt pte.eberfo?e it Djaii bea refine bnt o tlie bponebc^eban5e/anbarmfb;auncebetttenet^ieete)3/tbattfieio?De0intoemafC btin t!)yinontM J?o; to^aatonBCUan&amp;ct!;eio?Deb;oBW tlje oute of egypte. #lofc0,Beurero,rro. ^etbae tbmueaottbf0latoebefo;ea JftaeBfcitfteft rarest . dESattjct tfte people tog e* iftet/bot^ raenj toemen/anb cbtfbren anb tbe firaitngi xsi ttou ate in tbp fttWr HWifef tmtpe^ate/ tttwawfeate t&amp;e ^

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'titttro, JcnffiMM roort). watt. fl Cliff, if fop-iutf.

, CCtafummej- .cotittntof afftk ftoto

attiptnn/ ootf) of (fie olot aim itdotr ttttammt JfwfttljE holp taPtpntrca oftfteig



C|rn tdattdisbetptiigob Sj&gt;d matt 3bam foe fp;n man after bte atone Jmage ahb ffntpitfttoe, ano Mb 026c me aHhnm* (Jim lojde of an tbe ctratutrain itjeeatit, . muiSSSRmmiS tern W ccmrnaurwementof W rata" mo ftt fpnne / an b, ugtofpnm ffitbfe too;lDe/focb aim fo greate . tbat toe vsbpcb be fp;ong of bpm after iheficfoe / -aw TiE gut ftirtftcr tj)at Nt?etasbtefim wte#p/pefeDofobtbe&amp;tBer^ auio atbe other atf.rre:tobpcb Oiiiloe eiii,iitt6cmfroratbeftM^SS?of 3tob7m.HTOto0auetftiDW Wberprettrebearcromtbebobe*oftbeoiaetettaw P;omc*a*iti0callcDtbenctoe,tobUbtcacne^^ j&amp;tj cliat m the .meant ceafim tohple ffirfSSffiJSSSl*?^ l ***'**** mtK 4mim: tobcn tbcf feftjcpbo "NKoftberiipnBrsUnutbciatoecomniaunartb.tottbfo^^^ tewconarapneotoJtb the fca of tbatbcii tobich tbe later th;eaKrapenge tfurtfco ^tbatmapntcnet!,notaim)etoort^^^^ BwnjvtefbpirrntHjat rpnne a tbemnlpcc of mcncsbcrt being ^ftfeS JLaff of siilbv tht bokts of the netocct* ewc/tbatteno lonarroofr arrtbe papnrs of BfflitobtcB fearefe ptiretoapeKirt!/ . ' LConfWKiw

-fctje mtmtut titty Mptmt ( tmm tt off) gwat pptb tbat tbep tobf eb banc ft/bcf p;eto prrrojmr all hunt* oflowtoaUmen/atte;tljee):ampKorcb; tnoa gruetiibro

l)oiPBbott;*bn^befobttieiflanDmattfittb altbatbcieur:tobici&gt; wwmum rarnettfbattoi 'ftalftUrlppofleffe (urtlaOpMge Ipfe/ an* tbnt gr uc tbtoptneKoou t rp;ere/anbgwfcetBtb(iJfai?fljfnbp;taattocbftbefonneffof(SoD:potoii'ngttjertorffi * loiielntoc:reycrtfptottf(b|E^uioercri?bEtbanQfcttcbouteto*ibctojwitttianB.iBpbae faftbaitbconfpbcnceto&lt;rb;iatofttrbbpto^ it frlft tbo/oto thetoojUe* of lour /Bwrpng twnrbtrto; bp tbat a tape) tocare iu tvflite tl)atfe/Uptbatfapib/CD;i(lf0 fa the t(tohf t&amp; (p brcome otirepalfbtbo;ou tba tCttBow b;(^)ci)cimwetbofo;rpa^te09fo;brimne0iimputpiigenotoiucfvnncabm^ to;ouH(0 grace. e p " w Co conciube, ftr came to tbpnrent tbat toe bepng cieanfeb front our tvnms/ ana f ane tpHea bnto ob tflefatbenft lit balotoea onto tbe bfe oftbe f atber 1 ewtrpft gooa toojetitMUtfW 9 fo;fanrng tbe too;fte8 of tBeflefft/amioe ftdpCmieban hi rtgutteftws bolpncs all onipfe longc:tbo;oti gooD mo;cfiw toblcb ob batb oacpneb to tavntent tbat toe (bul&amp;c toalcfte In tbem / beciarpng our Mutt t&amp;erbpto be rurriv . a m bnto tbnf Bracf:tobtcbtoo;cBC8tobofoeuerhatbnot/DeclaretfttbatbebatbnotfaptiiinC(i;ia Sinto toljom toe mud eme/9 foloto bpm tottb a cOearftiliBett / Hint be mape fnBt uct 9 teacbetoiJ:fo;bei0 oimaaer/meaae aftumble of bert^et? oure eramuie of toliottt toe muBieam^tflettrteofgoobrpupgjfurtberOetjiourp/eft/tpebflbop/an^otteipnieoias fo;'.tobtcbnotorpttetbontberpgbti)anoeof obtftefatber/ ts our otmocntr/ aamvetit tutt fo;b3:tebttbtop)ibnbouteb obtapne tobatfoeuertoebefp^e/etberr mm/matim fatfter (nfKsname: pftoeUeleuefljatbetoplMtttobentoeKquereftif jroDatbhepjowereb ^etwitaetf5|eriotbQi:/altbeita^tt&lt;fometpmefpniie/ tta ct ifpblce tocomc bnto bpm/aititoitb alpupng ft bnooutwg faprft/tbat toe fbai obtapne r-. ercpe . jfo;t&amp;er&lt; fojecamebttotbpntenttotaucfpnnefB'.neruKqueret(|beain!ttting^H\iKofbg'tl)eni to romf Dmo bimtoptb otrtc feaw.




af s

tcrltbaftRpllcbfbtrnanoffpniKtoWtaeoKatoorytsmoutb/aiallfptini)^ anb2uogeallmen/gMpngbntoeuecponetbetoo;cne0ofbp0bobK/arco]Dpnae(oriiat Bebatbbone/toftetberftbegooBo? babbeianb that fljalirapebntotijem that (fialUe o n bfB traWhanM.ComepeWe&amp;bciiplwenoEmpfatbrr/iiiijmtpetiiefiwicooinepiepareo fo;pouftotntft&gt;l)tgpnpngeoftbetoo;iBe:2[inabnto tftem tbatffiaibeoniipgieftba nD/ epaeftom me pt ettrteo/ in to euerlattf nge f p;e:toWcb in pjepateo f oj the betie n ana Wmwv t ^Ml#tautnMWWMmtb9 i Bitigoome to ootbe father. 'Cotftpntctttrljatlurfimittc km\m rftWybptaegoobffrt of obtoOJrtpttgebpftfBboipfpjfte/are rbeBofptojprfngetfoffhe pblegwenb:cbattoeffiuiDe6notoe(Jfape)anabeieuetbattbere0oneoD/anb|e' tu dbjpa toborabjbath fetttdinBtbat in Ittlcufng toe fhulbe Bane euenaQpnge Ipfe rboiotobpsname.

JftntBtt f*;?mDacMit aimthis rait no

* ^



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o $t mooft noble anto serous ' ^ anbftwemebffl* of tbecbuwbottfngeianfc XftatDbmeWcOof olDe aunepmt ttt* aome(wott -woubttDanb p;uacnt P?pnct )to WDrcfltefocecDo8f0Wnienptft?tftmwiHjftt ( tobeftet tbep be now of tbeit atone fnbutttpe and p;opet toptttf / o; irannatr &amp; fo;t&amp;e of one language to to a n o# et ) to Come no Wr Office/ ftpngeo* empmuc / o; otftertupfe rjrcrllent fit bFjtfto;eiiotone;to*fntctttatetoo;cftiiifBBt ftelp et anbboltoipet be occuppeb in tbe HSbccroe men/atfatbpngebaupng faueconbet abepngpuc fntotbetutcpanof tsep;pcc/bnto tobon 4ttt offteb &amp;bebpcatecbfc cuttomenot oneipauncift butalfo lauDable/ljauepoiifpn2uiaran&amp; rate ctfftcfsfo toopiws tegpment/anbt(jebet.uoufj anb &lt;Bo&amp;!pmotieracfon of map ntenpnge t cue p;eacfict0 to; tb e inmicpnge of g out ftmpie fubf ectes to tlje ft ncerpt te and putenetf of miW tfotyetl: tottb tfte otftct man? fotoe anb fpngulat bettue* / to&amp;. tt optb tbe l&amp;ilineebf^wce^batbln&amp;ufDpoutljyglmw/enco^^ncotoeom w in to toboft pjoteccpon uioe tbe Defence of f ocfte avoo;cfibe fonet c ompw eo ( toberto ate con t apnea tfje infallible pjom ef t% of me re? in tbe oioe tetta menr pjef pduteb 9 in m netoefulfpIieb/topttKbetobolerummeotcbtfftP^ not oneip bp name ano tptie/but mod eift&amp;ntif 9 openip / moft &lt;ff mtagf 9 toptbmott &lt;P0Wp poiUcFe/Botbe p;ofeflf tbe befence tbetof r Cbe toant of lernpnge /* obfenrenejs aloton^ of bp;t&amp; / be lacft of poutegtacw

finomleiffle ac.flmto baplpbaue bttcrlp f o;bpbfcm me/to baue tttctp;prebtbe top cacfon bevoftofopupaflunta^;fmc;ji5ubf experience of poure grace? benpgnptpe/ to&amp;et* tb;ougbepmuep;iapreterenoume&amp;nnb bpgblpinflgnlfpeo/euenamffge tttaungewana al?entejs/notaloneam5gejoiitatoneftiluecte^cJje^oDlpnio3eraaonof gourebeuen*' lppoii?c^/tt)bettortbfefHPp;e(refupakvonanbmtt^njehe true bolpnejj/ toflametO me to Come part of boit&gt;ene*:&amp;&gt;pecpailprptb tljetbpng tobWa beopcatefc focb a* pout grace ft nope tb Dapl p to f o?tb c r. 3 n toftlcb ftubpe 9 enttuoute be cSt^ntt oe p ou /tobpctl Oat!) moitrb pou to Co [j olefome a piuporr :ano geue tl)e famebplpgence bnto ot bet &lt;Z\)}U aciiP;pncc3anOfo^cnpoteiitfltc0/tl)inUebntbb;fatl)eo9inapieointopmitb?eafte. &lt;fo;tiiecbeaeeap;pncppaHtbpngappartapnpngetop;pncf3 9!Kri)ie0(ttb&lt;cbtbpng it it go od to re tbat pome grace botii xo cu confp&amp;erji&amp;to beftmie/fo;t bet/fet oute oaug* nienttlje finotoleogeof mn, flljoffs jj ffli'tttfuilfettinuntof tljei-orte/p;opb ecpnigbB $ fpjete $ Sftael flnitocbaueafcpnge/c6maun6e&amp;;tbat(jeone0 fetoti $ feat ofb rtfipng* bome/ttuloetfabetbefeconDelatoeimeanpngetBebofieofJ&amp;eutetonompeJaiJtbeoapetf of!) (3 lpfe:to tbpntenttbatbe mpsbtiearneto feate tbe no^e b's $om 0; to fiepc all tbe toofles of b&lt;0 la toe a o;bpnaunc#/anb tbat be QmlDe not tetutne fromtb* com mauna t* tnentetbettotbet(gbtbanbo;totbeleft.^eperceaucb/bnboutcbtbatpftbeP;pncebbti relfetoerefoa8ectuoiif!panpmatfDbntoc0efteppn8coftbelatoe/a8i[)eiistbeKfejcp;efI g comau nuett:i t uiDe not a Ipteil mttame bpm to an arDcntano b uvnpng ?eaie of re tting out oDbe* gIo;pe/fn fo;tbetpnge tbe tbpnge^ In tbat raise enueftb : lOnbftnetoe t ofiac tobolfome anb obi v iatces f oc(je a ftpnge tooltte inDeuoure bfm KICeto tnlliblp Q* / bp tDQfcgtbelaiDeof &lt;&amp;obmvsbccbebeeeevbe obretucD/^tbciaistirevnitbcii^ec fp ^ms^ s b;oa&amp;r;nb foto ugtjt tocfltbat fo^^ fifolotocautrjf popntf0oftbattetof/tol)ic!)eWin fetfetoajvCo ftvajfgfltlpbounDe b ot^ toRepe^teaw.jfiMtbetfntbatbetoilietbtbeftpngeffoffftaei/notcmetftofbw^ &gt;c iatot or tot -jLort e etftcr to jr rcs^t Oanbr^ to tl&gt;e [ef t/ljemfti-uct etiilftem^to fktllklt tbe toJK of 0oopiapnJP/puteJp/tD(tb(H*t puttpng tc 0; taftpnge tb et from/ Wou t f U* petBpetamottobeewttebtbojoup;orpetpti^^ leanebirfotftetoo;beof&lt;oii&lt;ntpmeof g(o;pe ^n'notone/anDintpme oftrtCbonoure anb tgnompnu oamplpfpetpgbttoeftietf 9 to loue^eritpe:8)&lt;cb tbfn fene in $ nobplptf e/ flbCenofmaIfpo^efaneoebfc3meri^totniftatc^foIotot^ef9nic.7eetf)epfotoDo;cfetn^ bertesofaicnoble/tftatjbef beenfo;ce&amp;tobatbpenrampieoeipfe/ d bppoliptpbe o; bpr naiwfJtogbfe(mienteo/toaUutefocbea8beimoe'tfteftaibfeccpSto{peifo;maunce


^nto% *p5ts ^(lateffpr


.SffiSSi"!*!!".' of Uoeimw^oto toasmodjr as wnw m Wbffooihrt B ,wrt^^t^oafaineOlptoUcarci.fnbwot5wrt. S^!^Wi*/?J! l,BM . , S? rtt0,I0t8, 1rtaHflfl c *25*2j WW aburre/aiu m *&lt; &lt;t arafita to rate 9 fpjte

- "- v*fvttin*&gt; W WW M tiwimbeiiOTtofbttfttiiaunti^ L^^ to i e * tfal * er0of ft^ b "'lai.jtlicuwio-

obbe08io^:lMtbairoo (50Clp!tO 'fFtp^P*

utmottfauouraWe toOelpftelabourra

lertttoun&amp;enoman/UhroWom* . -Jcf&amp;ant)Dipcateaj!bntopour moa Kf af ,r tt ^7^ -r* J2l$P iimma a^eptablpcomcmto wc0wotecri9ybirt(MliftfttaiwotDteWfAttM^a^



tomaUe to tbeir tmtencpontf / l o;a cle tbat tbe p ; t tte % bit** ftctffSfnge of ob btteripopp; rrftfefon/96attt6ttiB;eWHo;tt fftbp aaapnf allrtetopcBCMWttat o8(t^/pul0ottmfaH lpnM0 of : ?ooiattfe/*gotow arfcaSofpaffou:tacc^ingi fJWfwopietoappifett|reu t ESteeBo.,c6enoittbortteut!lWnWtoWWuaii8 : tbanttenom6 of tte ao/a**boe( of Bmau aa. no cieatle teMte

hJ! !fffil2 oE$ f IanaBrt "W| a * WW *l W WW P?opOf K0 ano p;e Qf0 of sal/ toWOogpfoaantQjwccmpatt^ . n^^3!^MeamtomttettwofababtoooraciTftcecnto5Doiw/tBter &lt; *' w ^^^

SK!5i u ^^ w,ft * f ^ ttt68rMl,rftof * f a ra"f offeatgoobftjiiBe^t.^*"'"^ !^' Sn ^ MW * rrtomc5pel,fotoWl,r ^ latoeof OB&lt;,,| J ou "^^ J nCfaDt abOo;wo tbe mw toojmpppsnaf of ob/but 6pD obeFtteftpnsM cSmaun&amp;cmmtrsi (a* nfolEo;otojpocprpe;anotow(nbrmoatDFcafDanoB)ft*tD.uttberforubtei8 . " "' Pteteofesgb irerne0/aftjoWiettfbetoe0p;epareDl ^E "' "* " "W&gt;'3W.b*J tofpeiofpeace/aboueaHietb0b8wetbe(bEiof 3

\ ;

^Kffurtbnotb{tw/abioeftnotmcbatttei3!obn. "" C36tatttuoe/o?bleaeDne0. &lt; ^rthffloSnbuM Swbieu bnto pooje. fatfftrte/ttaneulaft|ngljfe;tobtcb tmm

Xm^SmSttit oonf bnto bpn MnjgMW of oD/ano oU&amp;;?ft tm H ^25Jr vnaa neufl commauSto be maw/but eatMbe contefm-tb fulne0 9 abiinoaunce of al l wXXmmmbSmt &gt;* * W rbne0 ; m.b -nMUvrnw b ata. vwx Wb.c ue t J.o&amp;niTO/anDtobttbboa)

fi,niMhoteceauetiounno/anoniDiciiooio We(fcbneiJ&lt;08wenb0bpcb^ftonI?*uB-Wf.c. 8StfSRS!SS53Z8^ ^onan0 teceauebftito WeueBn^/ eycepte^euc


aintf cb2pft ft not ftepjopetname of a pet foil / of anoe?ce;fo? man? ate 3nticb?ifte0.f .go6j j-c:1C


, . aptTOef0ajtouttoawBietep;etTttitBfmi)0 M -"

"*V * **. - 1



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A 1

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? baptwie re meueceatiebfmtonebanB teisttett o^J&gt;^ e * u il c (ntbebofs aQemble of(&amp;Wfr$ct.ti.t

'ffiobieffe/tt tofncteafe/to geueaboODannor/ato m ^^f^v^hhaXJ^^mhnot.%dm4iiiA inabefioouegtoencteaceCEJene.Ftt-o.rwr.a . i?vSS2;i7S?tf - cobeblefreo/tgtobebelfuereoftoalmanecctcul:






' f ttbftombel!.ene &gt;:iw jrito. ala. in b.c^Cai br c $Ieaeb'ate*QeBouft0oftpgbttM0men.$;oiMU&gt; 2&amp;ttaebateallfaptBfunmenofob. J&amp;eutttBa&lt; ty&amp;e*a.Efa ijck-Pfal-jn'i. tiftr bleffpnge of $ p;t ttes/atc Ottft of ob.Qga lacB-ifa *-e t m Welle (Sob toitu an oute Brats $faii ctiu. &lt;Jcclt.j;iiu.D.clf wcjEir-D. 3Hltoape0.:obi.itB.O. *u Wt.bii.c in tun* Place WttcttMMMUAtfM autfbecteatuwofttaategoob/ano blefle&amp;bptbe mm of (Bon/ano PHict.iaim fliU &gt; : &gt;let0 bleffc cute petfet m c-t^ojitii. Tbitmimtmi $ ftuftetbin t&gt;%o$'W b Cuvf&amp;ati)C(/tob(itiratebleeoofmcn,Mtb.w&gt; JSBtfpBempe. lafp&amp;emp/i0totopt&amp;ll$oe tbettut&amp;e/to&amp;icb amS Snotoet&amp;:a0Di&gt;otBe$BanTee0/attrfbutpngtBetoo;cB; of cB*tt 10 tbe w ueU.flat.riib.a&amp;Br.itt c jluhc. jcU ano to tafiebpon pirn about ttjempgftt of qd/ ass djd Bataoto ic.tno &amp;&gt;enabeub g.t ijc.b 36ifo ^olofnW?!ii!);,jE)an{n'W.aifotbei)i8Uep;cfte0.flafwiMi-c be blafpBemet tea? ftonebx e nttwiit c

#eblarpBempeagapnfttBeBotpgofte/(baUneuer be fo/gwen. ^at.ttii.c ^ar-iiio. jui.yii.D CD e nam t of ob ijJ baplp WatpBemeo 3 fa lli.b'.fo; tobu-Bcaufe oebpunpflKtb tbetoQ? KB.JWaI.j:cbW.aipO'iii b mttlw letallblatpbempe be put out of bs . cpbe. cDe names of biafperapr arefotbt twune of nrf cg;fft.3poca-]rt.a : Ctfbobpt. 3bobfefo;atBpnge/ttue/anbtoftbout tyabotoe: 9 af tet $10 manetototlletB in cbjiftali (be fuiiwe of tbe

bpuf nitebobtlptf is to rape/troelp)Coiof.ii.c.eb.r.b 3 nattitaut boope/febe tbat is leoo bp bis afteecyos/ notbnbetaanDpngetbet&amp;jngegof tbe fp?etc of 00, tmUMfhA % (p;etual bobfe/i be tbati* leb bp tbe fpjete of gob &gt;pnne ougbtnot to btoeii in otire boa?eu / to obepe tbeDrfp;,b.Kutmuttbfbearowo bp tftc f wtt ofgoDim tbe fame cu a p tit. leaieoneboDFeanfioiiEfp;cte.ijpbi(&lt;.c.rtii-a.iso; &lt;' cbecbutcbeiStfjebobKofcWatfpbei.b ^ tfbeboopof cB/ittiSCpgiufpebbptbt bjtb #)attb. Frtt.c^oj!n.n.c,^ai;yii!icJluB.wU.b:aiJt9ero(HC toJftWico^n&gt;:.a' J" " Ccobeleue. . ' ** Cbe fctiptutr s ate leftebnto bs / to t&amp; intent tbat toe Omlotbc if ue tbat 3efusi0 tbe GBJitto; $ arinont. trbfonne of ob/ano that toe/in beieuutgett/ Qjufc ! baueeuetlaftpngelpfe.50Jm.ttg ' U9e cannot beieuetniefle toe bete pjfeacftpng.oht. ' r*. ibe tfo? e &amp;e tbat commttb to &lt;soo tmis btttuttn bfmljeb; jrt.b eses tftatatebojne of on bo beftae / anbtftfp to

rt .


ttbom it 11s;at.*tiUtfbi o^at #4). b.3obn.i.b51obn.fii-ai 3.o&amp;tt'ba:3Mfo t&amp;eptbat uen to cb;a /bp tbe fatdet/anb b;a torn bp Mm / .,'iEliom 1 obbatftgeuentopfbonw|oiMiocjftaiibe.f.a,ch tbf p tobeme ob Datb calieo bp bpp mpnpatrg.'iftrft g:fo; begmetfttbefaptbbntoaUmen.aict.Fbir. finto tobomdPob opene tb tbeftetteto bnberftanbe/at Opjeai cbpngofbiStoo^eictibi.ciairaaiit^'pttiatarcpje,, beftpneb of goo-actii.ju.g:tobpcb are plantco of cur. flBat.j*.b.AatAu.b:tabfc&amp; fltefeaoe of WSMat. jrfti.e.tobfcb are taugbt of &lt;S5ob.3 butotobom * : 00^ of tbe faptlj is opt n.Mu.w b:bptbcft tbtnocgft ' appeietbtbattobeleucistbegpfteofaob. bo;oto be left tn cbffft/are toe tuftifpeb f torn oute QtimW'% 1 1 jt.g. vi iff .ala-ii-D/anb mabe tbe tfi vlb;en -, ofgoo-Jobn.f.b ^ *j ^etftatbeleuetbttiefijift/awHnotbw./f fc/fie fta not be conbemneb/9 tbe to;atp of do ftall not abjac bp5Btm.lobn.tti.b/b-bb.bte.&gt;;w 4 fflPat n*o. jEufbe I Hall baue iope anbbonoute.HSet.t b n.b- ijra-mb.a caopiboppe. 3bpQ)op/f0anotit'rfeate/atoatcberoueranpm8v net oftbingetobatfoeni rttbe/of to&amp;ica tbtnae ione f teo;bempnift. ;etb;en. t b;iftcallttO bU/i;ttB??.a9at-jcjc-Wtf-b Bcb?,ii.c, aitcb;fftenmenateb;etb;?. 4$m04i TLmoiM irbom ab;ift!'0tbe fptfte begotten. Wom.biiif ; aftec tobofeejtamp(etoeotigbttogeueoutlpfes).t.iobnffti IBe ougbtenot to bate oute U;otbet t, eui. p'jr.D J3u| fojgfuebpi^at.tbni.cXu&amp;e.tbua.jro^etbatba*. tetbbJb;otbet^smbawfint!8.&lt;.3obnub . ^^ Conco;&amp;e aHionge b;etb?en^0 ac ceptable (0

man &lt;j(cif tj*.aoutb0tben lone b;otbetlp.]Bom i$tt i.D ii ciii.b anb let bs not begple oute b;otb outebufpnest.cefimb.; dure bjotbet ougbte not to be befttopcb/ f 0; m. faBe.iaom'r&lt;irtc.|,etbseftetfo;etaBebfbet[mttoe fenot bpm 11;fo.W ii.b CJBrggetp. 36eggpngt0fo; a, ' cbete Qmloebenobegget0 in tbe tootfoe/pf Beptetbec6rnaiinDeniente0ofobjE)mt.j:ba f02neagapne. 4 tfieatebomeanetoebp ft too;beofC5oD/to6tcbhattt agapne(tbatisJiHboctrpne/t)ptbeborpgoQe)be cannot; entte in to tbe fipngoom of Beuf ,a beieue m tbita. nt-afflbetfo;e tbcp g ateTo borne oug&amp;ttoputt ato al maipce a as netobo;ne tylttl Oefjet tbe mtI6e of too;beof5oo.i1&amp;et.i.a. -'Ctfjeab. . . ' ?eab f 0? antbatf0neceflat?etot&amp;f0p?efent ivftV cKetj.tbifila-'^atbt.b: tobicB oubtto bz eaten tofSS ftoeateof outeface eneiif b.anb geueneo tbe nooiu ra.lbiii.c.Xn eramplein^elifeas iiii.ijeg.ini 0. Cbeb^eab ofipfe/ fetbeflefteof cO^a/tobicbissei Uertb0to ratetb;ougBfaptb/fcelcuptigf g begatiebfm ftlftbttfoffteiieatft/f 0; tbtfati'tfaccpoti of oute rtvtne^ toWcbb?eaDDanp/petb/taatalltoeatebu{ ffiW0to8|be ' _ _ .1-1

-- -

tJMou&amp;e, ittW Wouoe boto cpgnpfpe tytne/ concup?* fceK/anDaUtBatfe notof tbefp^eteof ob.?&amp;

gio!J.b.?.t ' " "" "" " ' Beto outbloube.^ k w..^. .. .. ... --Cbe bloube of CB^ift alfi e) tertrffff 3 of out Cpnne0 / ButtBebloube of XibeHaCfieobengeauuce.^ebMfl t fiptfteWouoeofCD^fttDetebempcpon/tempCtpon , aputgactf of Pitt fpnncst0mabe.pli.i.b.9eb;,i]t.c,b tM.b,i^et.j.a.anb.t.1oijn.i.c.KlpocaI.i,u v cJBommge (BobOstO beipuerebbs as tbebonoagcof tyetoieU* euttt.b.a.tobicB tljtnges men ougbtto teacge (bm Slwen/tbat it is bone m? CMSMA )Let b0 tbetf oje ftruefpnnenomo?e.ffiom.i't.b/'C/b m cptcumcpCpon 8 ot&amp;ja too^cfies of tbe latoe ate tei;urtubeo?bonD8ge.iaiH w.a.b.a. ifftomtoBicB toe ebeipueteDtB?ougB liWWbtM grebe commpnge of8;iOnttbefleft. , . ffihecommpng of \)M toa0#;ompreb ene.jrtff I i,,3Jeutetonom.e.irt)m'.c.?E&gt;amel.i]t.g. fai.bft.c,irt.a . , *Sc commpiige of M toagbefweb. cEfap. jrtb.n \toSw toas fulfplieb to&amp;en tfte ttme teas fulcome ptbecommpngeofB.n"atoeatebelpuetebftom meu ^oPBo.i.b,6 3ttM&amp;olotik 9 DOteaaueangoobnes.(,b,gete,i^.),g ^Stmmmtot cfeift agapnUoctft/ t?nne /ana ttatAe be bumble/ fpmpie/ aentPUatoitl)outp?pbe.fat.jeta.g,ete.tiii-b.?acB'ijc.b ccbecommpgcofB?iftintob0, ffliwiftlometB into Bpm tbat louetBBpm/ a tBat ne etBBi0too&lt;be.1oBn.til.e.aipoca.iiii w tfcbe cSmpngc of CB^ft to J ubgment. Cbjitt ojall come to nioge gooamen 9 euen. 3ct.]t.f;t(cclf.yii. accomp anfeDVb? elbetgof Bi0people/8toita tbeaii* tew t flBal.r&lt;,.ceaa.i.-Danf,b0.oftBetoBicB bape 9 loute ate to bS bncettapue ,i3attt.miii.f .cettetoA. fi.ceiia.fl.a.aict.t.b Jni) tt 10 atB5be.iCfa.t;ii|.w.PB. ^itt,3oBn..i^^efjM^'^f^poca.mWemofte

ttenSeit. eb?. ti.-fit&gt;toaptewfe.^at.wiiif. JUiBejtftofo? in tbat wm e oape toe mall bauef ctoune ate.Sat.ttb.a..effa.().a.i,ceaa,ii.b.fl;iet,&lt;ii.b. auw0,t.g. . , ,_ -- Ctftec&amp;otireojftetopH. CS^too?be-.fte cbopfe/o?(a0 fomemeneaHft) fte topS/tt not in all tbe bolp fctf ptrfte-.but is inuenteb bp Woubemen/toBicBtoolDeCetbptBeitatonetigBttoef' pe0/aputbotonetbetpgl)ttoefne0 ofessob. ttpontbt toBicfl altotbep&amp;aue gtounbebtfteit metite0/ atttibu* tpnge tpgBttoefne0 a Caluacpon to tbeit too;cfie0 . IS v tfte toBtcf tBpnge/tbep benpe tfte metite0 of tbe padion of &lt;ft }ia 1 bv toBicB toe ate tu otf ieb. ia om.tii . e.df ala . ijA,J5ototoftietoet9attt)citmuencwniSf3lfe/Bamp''

^/talasntt woWoeiJjAitt.jtt fcjft. ,.. ib^ttjiw;^tt.cjttK.b.aiico te.tta t. mto ^^nj^iiy^alfo.dEtala.b^ PBe.t#a.anbeb?twi ,. -- fcouetoumek CouetoufneSiS fsgibolattie.ijpBe.b.b.Colof.iii.^tisfo^bibbenbSbe* tp fttaptelp, S4ific.yii.B.(pBe.8.a.^ebae.]eiii.a Betei0notBpnge moie topcBebtbentbe couetou0 mamfo; be ftlletb Bi0,atone foule.cccli^.b ^egBatetbcouetoufn^;iftailpuel5g.^ou.)c)rt)iii.c be %oW 0 angtge toitBb0 / fo? t&amp;e iniquptpe al oute couetouHies.Gta.lbt'i.b, CutfebbebetBatgettef&amp;amjtBpnge intoBi0Botite bp couetoufne0.$abacuc.ti.c . Couetoufne0 botb Butte toBiS nepgbbout/aS ape^ tptB bpgiejabel/to&amp;icb mabe abotb to ope fo? btftbU nepatbe.tij.apng.)fi a.^ouetb,i.b Jlfo bp Wm W ttapto?,0Dat.w:bt.l'* . . ^' Couetouf ne0 bpffametp b&amp;a tbat f 0I0 toetB it.^?o* uet.Jtb,b.cclt.w:tf.a

Begouetnet0 of tbe people tyuibebetoitnout co uetuoufne0.&lt;feito.iei)i(i.e. I&amp;t tBatpplletB roalbepplleb.csra.ttttffra l)e (bail Dtoen toitb &lt;3ob/tbat is toitBout couetouf* ne0.ra.w;tiii.b.c. Becouetuou0mani0neuetconfent.cEccle.b.b Be couetou0 man batte not eate BS0 belpfull* ( cBepall ftubpaftet ( Pmf^t9i^uiPw^m0tsm an tBe too?io^ i0fullofcouetouCne0.oEfa.lbf.a.3'ete.b).c.biii.b.iticij.8 ij,pet.ii,c^noppllat0 of tbe peopleflfcicb.ina CBe couetou0 people Ijaue not tbe fipngbome 01 &lt;5ob.pBe.b.b CBe couetous people bo fallfntotBe fnate0 oftBe b. * . %Mb% tBetfo^ebetoitBout couetou(he0 ^* ccetemonpe0. 35ecaufeoftbettuatBattBe3!etoe0Babincetemo npe0/&lt;2SobbetettebtBempral..c ffifap.j c.Itte- bij. t. 2Bmo0.b f .#icB.W.b.3acB'biJ-b CBe cemonpe0atecaa offo?tBeit toeftcnes 9 btt* p?ofttabiene0:buttBep toete foraetpmegeue.^eu.b. at; f ob^pnge me to gteatet tsufte ^tbMcivc tot tbe cewiottpe0 of CBtftten men ate fpit if ual tBm* am coii.)Wj'(JpB*bC'Coiof iijc fi&lt;rbatiteo;loue. 5obi0cBatptei9!oBn.iiiji: t t J. CbecBattte of &lt;isob(0 be clatebbtito bs : fo?Beban) fentbi0 foBn.iiii.b CBe cbatpte of &lt;sob is ffieoe fo?tbin oute Better ^oma.b.a. *; (Esobbablbetoebl)P!c[)ati&gt;te/iiigcupngeB^ fwine bnto tbe beetij fo? bs fpnnet0.Hi othab. b j5otBingeougBte to ftpitvate b* from tBe d&gt;atpt ofcSob.lSomabiii'gCfini-fini.i:. 3dll fl^e commaumieiiif ntts &amp;o itbebs to cbatpte.

&gt; r


&gt; *


8 table of tlje

ifl8cwa^Qfcbawea*ei.wen.Mfo &gt;Let w be toteo m cbatitpe. toitb anotbewtff.a, to gtoipe mo?e 9 mojt in wt oust) te to p ? ouoae one another to eft atice. 0eb,


matters " i tttCll^encWObj tobrc^auiftaDnoe linotoeni

ftnne / vf tbe la toe gab not far n e : tbou alt not (u Kombtj b/anb tbat toljiclj fjgbten) agapntt tbe fp; ofdE&gt;oD.ala-bDConcupficencesougbttobemotfefpebColoatij'

abecbaiftjeoftiSobiisfti&amp;smi 8epetbbiStoo;5e, atto fleo&amp; a.i I U -if 1 a

f.$ot)n.ii.a.ainbpm/tobfcbbatb conRofce fntbeoape ofitibgeriwtttfojpnfttecbai^cattetb outalifeate, t.jjoijn. im.c.D

aiitbat i0 in tQe too?lD /is coaipiCccnce of flefljf/ cSoipifcence of tbe epes/a tbe pjpbe of ip fcilmnjk Cbeblafpbemets bjingpjig in ne to fecte$/bb foloi

Gecbattte of obistobepe&amp;is cSmaunoemetes. Htt atone concupifcenccjs.ij.J9et.ii b


Obepjettes torn Oonebfojtbert tobojp concu;

bai'jteeoueretbaIfvnrteH&amp;;ou.]e.b,f.|6e,fiii,ij fcence.ani.rtit oDlouetbbs in a, concupifcenceijjfo?biDMnfajl.sp]co]tjf j .Jttt.b.i Cbe Spottf t$ f o? to f 10 toe tf) m inttecpos/oo leaue fat) bi36n era in pie in $aul . % a r jc -g

iubgement ami cbarite, . Cbaeacteto;inatcftc. Cbatacter/tstbe maveftetbat ainttcbtftt puttetb to t&amp;e banbe 0; fojebeoe of bfe.aipoca j*u.b. #onema?et'ntbefipngbontfof3Pntreb;ifl/refigHe

Iftec tbat concuptfcence t) a t b con ce aueo [ t b at it 1 fane batb oeipucteo) Ibe b# ngetb ton fpnne |arai i.a.7Letbunottbecfp?ecouetani?euell tbinge*., id phfcclf jftttj&amp;.ftanfttfb $e tbat couetetbanotber mans topfe * iff an aouil

ebange 0; teceaue benefpees/ jf bebaue not bps cbfl* wflpat* b-J&amp;zouet.W c.t fecif rcp d

CConfeffpon Coufeflpon/fo;geupnge of tbancftes pjapu't

Co ronfetie/fo; tbtecognpffe* jleitftf,tt g. $1 ttf e.fl.9at.jc-D/iiBbof oeuet tberf o?e (ball cSfe&amp;e &lt;%H

latter o? marcae .aipocajritiJO m tbat toojftippetb tlje gtmage of 2fin(tc&amp;zift/ i be g bearetbbfs dbaractee in biS fo?e!)eab o?ih 9$ Mnb/ to o&amp;.i.ctoo.ett b-tfi b ?o.# e.iij, JSeg.biii b. j fljallbjnwne of tlje cuppe of mm io?af n.apo. rt ui.e pi B.p'falni^cb .a ctbii) a 31 gwate toonnbe is bpon ttm/ tbat beretbe Cba* tacter of ainticbjfOpoca.tfw.a ffib e beatte/tbe fair e p 2 opbe te/ tlje 5 tobicb beate tbe before men/tbe fam e topll be confe(Te(tbat iff to fare Cbatactet/ano tbf p tobrcl) too;fi&gt;pppe bw Image/are cognifpeibe f o^ebiS fat betJUfierit.b flapneb^tbeftoettie /tbatp^oeebetb out tbemoutb of bimtbatffttetbontbebo.meJpo.yitD, CCbattpte. Cbafteee is tbe gpfte of ft.&amp;apf.tttf b. tobfeb 10 not geuen to all m e n. ^at.tir . b.

Confe(Kon/foj ftnotolebgpng of out fpties/tobit toe bo/ onelp to oo/lofiinge fo; abfoluccon of tbe cb;ftan ij;a.pfal]C);cft^.cbi,a itaf-3!o.t.bfft/.a/i 3jubau/tobicb confeflebbsmfeiftto tbe p;edwof'' latoe/anonottoob/!JJbamneb.fll?awWia paulconfeoebbim fetf to cpmotbee/a to all ^ea&lt;i

$e i cannot l?ue cftafte/ougot a CbaaitefjSgteatiteSmenbeoofS&gt;paul t.corfn, bet 0; tm# of W cpifteli/ tbat be t oast apetfecw bii.b/e/f-Jn example of cbattpte in |ofepb # patriae- to; of tbe cburcbe of cb?i tticim it cbe-ene.Etj \%&amp; airo in ^atab-cobf .(ii.c:aifo in 3&gt; &gt; one toece baptpfeb

of iftn / tobicb confeoeo no

tttb. Subftb. bWa:flfoin &amp;ufanna/ tobicb loueb ta tbertoDpe/tbfntoKaCebeubamte.atii.Firt.c CsocbaOice.

tbeir fpnness to oo, fino toieogpnge tbe femes tobautj nebeoftbetebempeponof cbtftt #at#b i Uabat our e con tetti on of outefpnnejJ ougbt to in

&lt;0ft botb c&amp;aftvfe bs fo? otnt iniq uf t res - Cobf .ft x, befo;e nten/t* Oie to e b. a c t iff rip. b

&gt;f.8/jfo?bebotbcbattffebto.2ei;e.iewi.c.^eb?.rii.u, CCitcumcsfpotj. it cumevrponf ?gnpf|etb tbe nation of toe lit es." .e/tobttof cfeftt i calleo cbempntaec tbat ts/to fa?eap?eacbecfent to rbe^ues.Koma.rb.b Cbe cattiaHeiwuntcjft'on/toatf f?gnebp$ io^ ?ie? toeeeteceaueo in to people of ob.en,jcbij b. tobicb a-.f 0; 3b;abam

confeffpon is wconcviiacgon anb agtement to] outeb?otbetfl^atbbOiu)cij. g CocSfeCTe out fp nnes one to anotbev 'it to comf o;ti ouve felues/o; to affie cot incelljam es bg 0 etoe bfm felfe to tbe p?eftejj jiulte jcbff D/ ' notauriculatcSfefrpon.buttooffeean obiacpon aftetl tbciatoe jLeuitjciijajciiija. &lt;lb^ftWtbe3!mageoftl)efatb.ff.cro?.fffla.colof.

toasttgbntousbpfattb/befo^beteceaueDttisetMb.b i'c^ebtay9ntobomatetbetterutesoft opfbomeaofi Cit cumct fpon is notbpngrtlHtttbe f a jtb in mm Bnotoleoge; a fulnes of untune p otoet Colof i a ii-aHi $;iHtoa0p^fFgutebin|faaC' ene-jcyii. b/.anD

tobicb too/cbetb bgcbantie.f ,Co?.tti b. a!a a b tben is not neceouv . aia.ij a.fa a: Sut tbe citcum= c&amp;van of tbe beKe.?etc.iti) a .moma. xii b. cuter b. W&gt;:b.oiof.ii e.lw&gt;.ftfJ^fefo?f ^tettf Wameb t) bnctrcumcpfeDtnbttte.3Cce.Wig CConcttpt'fcence/o?luae.

in tb b;af en tetpente.jBum-icjrf c cb,2 i ft is tbe pjoppciacpon a reconcplf acps f o&gt; u re f pnnes IRomb.b'Jobn t n-liiic; tbe f aupo? of $ too;lD. I iubetf b i-3!obn.(ftf c-2fa tW&amp;bflfc*&gt;mtm b/ fflutebope/ toplbome/r pgb ttoefnes / boipnes ; anbte&lt;

doncupifcence/istbateueil incltnacpon anatuw bfpc|oncoIof4'Dt9lCo;.ib.ueeabuoeate .i3!obn&lt; J



r r

Ite^tr omatt(i tf ' " "' bebutcbefebefenbebbtb^ft5ate^ia. '^fSStS^ttoettllieBOlo&lt;b;brtltt (Ctfib^cwiicwiiibwi^c.

^.pWCTbWP* HbWfUmi Jgmgggjmm ***te* tbe too;be ^SKiJflh &lt;roat.tfhii ftetomanifettebiS cba* Cbe pajne fw bifobe&amp;ife cbPlo ?e.^eu]ttf. 1 KKBtSSS tbefp;eteof oD.Kom-ttii.c.anb of ab^abS / tobiW f Sl???Si! bofolotob8Sfaptbincb?iftlBo.irb^pStobicbfaptt| ^hltfl Lrtit fltta tme/the futtt of alltbf tbat (han toe ate mabe cbb^ of ob. ala ti i.b^obn *b*W &lt;&amp;SSSS7rnffifSSa3SSS aeetbenbeKesmomttitcJLet&amp;stbenbebolp^eu ggStKSSaSSSt^ a X S too,loebnotoetbnottbecbPlb;enof 00b. &amp;ftanappereagapnefeconbetpme^eb.ttB tiobntfta. , nS^^mmSMm^t0*' W WeaejtbeteeutopnK.^a tafmmW maf*%T&amp;SnbSc"'oJoftbecbutcbei.eojm SSfitfffl/S^** 3 ^^***-^ cfteaintiocbiSstoeU?ttcanftcb?pttenaicf.rfD : ^iS2SJffl!iSffiltJL. a aM i: Secb^fteaeetaugbtof(Kob.3fa.irt.b3obn.btb fc J2K225S22^&amp;5K , Sep.ieenesoftbeVvaen/fo;tbe6notoiebgeof&amp; ^^^^JggSnX^^'^ 1 ^ l^SSfmummtomimim^ictmw* cbecSmunetoeWebpbfio^pft/pkpete^otoea iuitSwfetbbimoftbectoile'.tbatfSoitbeaBIte* coebeuellSnetoeWft;butcb?iftfo?boiiebp mto tbrcbbcfurIcS^ alafaib- p;eacbnt^atb..t o.'JRavctm.b b a- JLufiejin g.-biu-


- .




J&amp;ttttcw.jcjcMtf.b.iewv^, -, r -r o. aim tie tbat obep ean o t bnto tbe re ti tenceof tbegiuogegeumgefaogement gcco?Dgngto latoe/toas flafnf.^eutero.jDtjc. acbanbesng offobewjent fo ftoneb3o(u-tw&gt;ana tfieaetoeis earptbfato captgugte.fuj.iSegytuMJC j C^oncfteness 3D man ougbt to betoare etbjoncftene Jtube. %yf fCP&amp;e.w.?&amp;;ouer.w*9 ,,;.' ebe mcomien penceg of D;ottc6ene0&gt;$?iMeTstn a (gcclt'i'iafti $ oe bang m oncli e 10 niocfteo of W (onne.en.fc.c jlotb b eingb? oiicuen compt tet b face ft e 19 ftjamefttl lecberi? to^fa bt&gt;0 baugbtetff. #ene. rijc f 33 enbacab be png 0; oncfie 3 a con tcmpnet of oo fjs b?pue atoape from C3 od bp aba?.m,lSeg.rr.c 2la Dctng &amp;;oncficti iss flame of bp0 retuaat 3am b;f. ft!'.JRegW.c

. frcieecjon ureieccf5t0bpgraee/3notbptoO2B','lHo.f;rc.; jfeto are electe 0; cboren.4$at #.b m b Wtatt electeof &lt;&amp;cbtbt fatter /rbojoto bw m\ tof U*i$et-f a/befo;e tbe contt jtucjd of Mje too;tb;/ 1 bp grace 9 merpte of Cfotftvtcefbuib ftaue beitb/fnt up ng all mi b p cba rt te.J ob rb . c . cp b. i a- &amp; .CM w Cb elect* cannot be accui'eb/fo; as mocbagtfsa ftitt*ffetbtbem4Roma.biftf ' CCnennje* &amp;ofiefatbeloueofb0 totoatocouremempef*. FCnu? cmup ougbt to be putout fecial men. aia-bb.ffit it. a.^otici'-rifa-D frffle enurouumM&amp;jouer. #ftf.| toi it b;pngetb bg to poutrte.^ouer.rjbtn folw &amp;aptbt.D: Dotft perfecute bps nepgbbout : an erpu

fa ftaul/tobtcb tbo?oto enuppetfccutcojeaut'D.tjiit rbibintbcieb|li&gt;a5nc0/tobiicbibo;oto enuje flow! pebtbetoelle0oftbeferuafife0 ~

c:fa JKacbel agapnQ rrr.a-fa tbe cbplo;c c{ mtobmwK%om&lt;&amp;n?mt b/fatbefacrtfjd of tbe tepie agajnft Cb;i&gt;ft Q&amp;atwbii o-agapnti fajnct Paul faptfrtbat cbarpte enupetb noe-i- to CCucbatfftfa. f Cmfti.rr.

3&amp;;oncfiarbrsf fbal not poffeffe tbe Sfagoonie of bea*;fabf.b ffpcafb eatb to pjopbecpeo to tbe trantgrefloura of tbe too;oeofsoB. &lt;Ben*fccieutrr;c.D-anbfo; tbefftine of oneman.lftoma ic# teo;beneb tbat ail (bail &amp;Fe. tpow ucoatarawo?oepnebof & lt;8fo W^.iv^Mtmmmbmci'wljexoU^bmniStciu &amp;bewfJobebpontb#too;Be (upper. I.a.anotbeDafefacertapne.X.u-icU.e CCrcommimicacton. aman fnuUmot affie anp fbpnge at tb e bee bfo; tbe cycomntun pcacpon/i'e tbefepa tacpott rcfec.n confp;macpon of our e faptb-. f 0; tbe gofpcii i&gt;s ru Wctet from tbt bolp aOc mble of ouve Ho;be J efujs bM/ fo?tolevnetoli'uEtoeUOCluc-),l)t.g0apb!it.oS5eiitc. tobpcbtbpngc tiSbonebf tbe c lwtcbagawm open jrbirt^.b3ligapnfltbetobKbfeauI5ri)/tbpncRpnge ------ "* ^ be tooloe f nqu v;e at tbt beeb:but tbej? toere oeuebJt.jaegwbiit-8'bebe IBzettep ought not to be affpftit at % butpallf g 8? funeralleg of tbe ocebjuuf -f l*a ff^ebeatbofb?fft.

ob ttpnatefpnnets! SBattbiUb rbemaner of 0au!fo? e.teommunpcacpS, fco;b ^.Co;sn.b.b i^e tbatfe r rc5mun?cate ougbt not tobewputeD an enemp/bntas biotbt&amp;it ce0a^.c. , nee ought to mm bun t&amp;at t m smmmtm

&lt;Cb?ftbpeo.giobrfrf.&amp;&gt;bpngeb0bisiroue.i3'o. mttittsmmutmtmuum&amp;tottijt ftj-ctoibpnttrtttbattbegraceof ob toere fa bAfieb- "* " ii -b.^e bat&amp; ftoalotef 5 9 beftwveo ueatBAo tbsntent ^ toebeleufag tbW/ Ibuioe be bt#e* of euerraamg ipf e" Wob Hi b-9 i&amp;etiii b-mHt^gmo ictye batb alfo be* ftrofebftepotoeroftl)CDeupl/fo?tooeipuerbgfrStbe bonbageof t!je latoe.g.ob- wmtbtm* ^atpffifage bp bts beat b onip/fo? nil tim i^n 11 1 to fatntent tbat toe ftulbe nomo;e rettu m bfito client agapi je.ii ombb

cbereaCon\).r&gt;'^aulbpDerc5munfcatf.t-fffm.r.&amp;; . CbeptDatconfeReb dCbjpttv toere fa;utt outoftlie ft&gt;rnagoge/ti;at t'sj/toere c ycffmunscatcgioBn tjr.e 4F Cflelb. f lefb/tss Come tpme taben fa a goon patte/tbat is to, tortefozCoftene0.Co?fa.faajes.jtrb ai tbat botb not p?ocew of tbe fwfte of dSob/fe flefti

tf)f tbe effecte of jf!) of (j;ift/lofte MamitH* eb.i,c;b.Co!.u.b.&lt ;!EfaM).c- go fa^f e.f?6

9eb&gt;ijebolof icn.Co^fab c^oiuab D-f pocaf&lt;b cobpe toltbb;tft/ to be baptpfcbfa bp( watt)/ burjeb to^tb bfmm to be fuMeb anb pourgtb from f pnne/a to bpe from fpnne, mafiiitgt: it to tabe an enDe fab0.omabta'b.9!temtobfetoptl)b?iae/ttomfae elementeis 9 o?bpnauncei8 of tbpj* too?lbe : i$/not to be boiuiDe bnto trablcpon? / tobtcb fo;bpobeb!8 totoucb tftpss 01 to catetbat.colof fi &amp;. . v ffibep (ban bpe tbat beleue not fa c&amp;zptt ( t\- ac ig to fftse bp tbe faterp?etacpo of fafint^oftnitbat; tt) eto;ai orobab^e(bbpiStt)eni.9iobo^b:butiuitt.ilipe/is tobaue euenaftpnglpfe fob t(jtn g beleue inbpm/u)alt neuer ope, Job,b u/bm f.] &amp;

jflelb9bloube(tbati0)alltbertbatfolotoe(6rtKS* cupf fee ccjs ) ibal not pocreOe ftmga om e of oobt-cojrbi ftbeflefb cannot ffbe flefl) ugbtetb agapntt tbe fp^tcdpate.b c ' me mb{ of fflelb are abulterp/fowwacps iW Clene0/toantone0/3boiatrp.9c.(i5ai.b.c. 9 ftcowifg 3 Cb?pOen man ougbtto erucpff bpmfelfe/tbattt to rape, ttiojtpfp&amp;itfflelb cbeflelb 18 to toeafte.#at.r)tbt\b cbeflefbft tart? to? Sbo5p^oi.b/ co rate flefte f no fpnne.t ,ctm.W.ajan erampie of c!faB.w.JKeg.jrbn\8. to reborn ob bpbfenbefatte m 02 npnge anb fa tbe euenpnge b; eao aab flefl) e.

IdfabW. ^ ougbte to be etcbueb b me pjecbew of tf)^ ^S^rS^^^^ fa d fibleiSatfetofape/fatomocfipnge.Uf.iseg^b. fflftegbteu befPFfpnge the comaunDemftejJ of ob/ flttaS afable.eut.wbit&lt; d. M ^ CbeaipottieiSteebpngeCbJitt/foIotoea not fabled * ftttWmtWK fablf0ofanpp?ecberg.f.*m.ta, let bsJ not tar? in tbe fable?/ no; fa coramaunoe* m&lt;ntofmen.cftum.t b. f amfae 01 botiger. . HfaWPibfnttnt to tbe tobpeb bependttbecomatua* mente0ofob.)Leuf.rrbt b.eute.rrbfa MfflMN ffamsne fo;^f fampe.Bcu. St A 6-fa. eg?:bt.a M Kt*M bit b-bifta. ^ecbiift b.r(t t-0ke.ii: *m&gt;vti- , Sfamrne of tbe too?be of ob.feb bbf A (fitfalfe. ' -. fle fajfe pjop&amp;etej* are unotoenb? tbeft tomi of Mom toe ougbt to be toarre ^at&gt;btf-&amp; tide ougb t not lobere falfe to?tneiS (ffro ryc-rrf a

~ Ccbefapfafuii- . j ae fflWbfulI are callebtbeboufe of 06 fleet (rtb Cbereafon tobPf &amp;tt ti ia:aifo tbe teple of tfje ipuing ob t tf.o;'bf-c:aifo beloueb of ob-lubaptatjuabe? igttelone* fa imifflmmM ! m ? / ? oun 8 e / fa (bersJ/oloement^obn u but a:aifotrulpfree|obn, pftiDg&gt;afncte0.iCPbe.ta. m m fc ct)e fartbfpH bnoto boto to bfe an* creaturejs tottb* Wtfpwe^tum t b. wu . De faptbful! ouBbttobauenoal^aunce toitb tbe;.w.c. . t i-^ faptbfulnetfrequpteD fa tbemrnf ttewsi. Co;. iffl.a-.cbat tbe? mape teacbe tbat/mbpfb Cbjitt batb &lt; 5mafiDeb.^atwbf.b:2cl)at f0$ocpei.flar.n)f j CbCfa^fafullougbtaUroapeto bereaoptogeite a lealbnoftbefrfaitb.I^fa.e. ,-:'; m . Deconuerfacf on of fastbfunfagoob too;cfiesJ, iituni.iijc/6'f.Pett.b.ti.ieet.ttj.c. fTffo;npcacpott ^ompcacpjJougftttobeeCcbueb.fCo^.ba.tcber. fi.a ^ b.berfo;eougbteuerimantobauebt?0 atone tofe.f.Co;M.afo; fae fo;npcatour0 fpumjnge agapnOtbetratonebobpe/rballnotbauetbebfngiiome;.ict.a temuaflpetbefelle(bPP of fo;npcatouwf. Corfu. bb/aftertbeeirampleofbpmtbatidaulercommun^ eateb.t;co^ WW commptteo Cwscacyon to?tb tbe baugbtew of #oab } amonge H(cb Mwbea Wit b5amrf.^omb.^ b co compttefo;npcacpon tot tb ftraunge &lt;BJoboc/uJ tocb^^bobitrpe/anbtofojfaHeilpoD.cro.wriiu/b/ ^.^eu^.b^ubgeu item* oacaiieo ^e fo;nrcac?on of w people /ana tije nmwiutetobticb tbe? bpo agapntte bpm infioeipte. j&amp;omb.tfm.o &amp;U(tiw tofinotoe t5)eio;npcacron of Btooraanbp,

*5r?f|a(lf.)e)cbf.b , _ 4W$ .... ^bfbefpcpn of fajtb.^eb;4.8 9emuflgeuefa?tbto f p;omeaejsofi)b. ^a&lt; ralpp.rr.e.f 0; pf roe bo not putfavtbtobw too;be/tt p;otptett) notbpnge to btmit.fytbtM.a . fem commmetb bpbearpoe. lsoma.^.c. tobsd) ^atoxi;iibeofcsobfab0.Cpbe.t.b.9f'cbetTa.n.c.|o^ b.e/of rotjpet) CttftH* tbeautbd; anb fpmj;. Wb.iCpmd.Jc/itt'g!tbanagpfteofi5oD.P&gt;bpi5p.t.b, Cbe faftb w necedarj fo; bpn tbat cSmen) toCb;t'8 CD? rpgbf uoii Ipuetft by faMaba-ifd Cbefa?tbfaatftetb'enej:b.bomi.fabffa ( bb ^.aJct.^(.rbi.3o8nfa.ala..c.iffa/bb'ai.ieet. flib.Cfa'Jftbii . . T5v faptb toe 1 rpfteoute reluelbp agapne ftS oure tjhne.Coidf,,b/anbawfauebCpb.ft-a/ b:3nb toe bnoto &lt;Sob.t .5 obnii.a: Inb toe baue atoape in aatrulttotoatt)eobtbefat9er.cpb.fa.b/anb are biscbP^oalafab-TSIeaeaofbPiri/bptoboreporceti tocateftepteMettrta. pfaptb toe ttrpttetbebetieil/^ouercomeljtm ana tbetoo;lbe i^obnubf ^etbe. ^o;(t 10 oute ploj. m b;eft piate.f.cefb b. ^aul roa ui! tb b3 to be Oronge fa tbe f apt^ f Co.rf. jeb.g actrrtita. 4A - . t)efapbrobEt'ofS&gt;.iauIf)atbfomocbe Cpo&amp;et]; f)Stbattobfcbtoo;cbe(bbf(bar(te/recretl|p;ouobeng bfi to'goob to 0; en esf , &lt;!5aia-b atlbicb (0 n)e roefce anb f ounbacpon of tbe cburcbe/agaphft tbe W eg (be po&lt; toerg of bell (ball not p?euaple #a t .rfat- c : jf 0; tbe enb of our faptb/'0 &amp; beltb of our foui^et fcbja$ appear reib bptbetbefe tobicb W fauebbpf iame-)Lub. jcjrfft f. Cbe faptb robpeb Cb;i(i requftieb faailb#*m?;a&lt; cleg /teas to b eleue/ be coulbe gene tbat/tobpcb toa? tequp;ebofbfai/a0apperetbbv tbeleper. flpatbflta anb bp tb e ttoo blpnse men. 99at- tr.b.

tbe faf tb be itueip/fure/a ft r nge'/ag a gtapne of muftatb reabe/notbpige (balbe tmpofftbie to bpm tbat batb ft: fo; be (ball ouercSme ail tbpnge* to tbe glo;p t ofCb;(ftfiatb.i;bftc. A t m ail tbat t0 not bone of faptb 10 fptine. )Soma.^fa^ Cbtptbatbauereceaueb (be faptb stbeboip goofl; 9 alfo taftebtbe ofpell of oo/pf ttje p bo fo;fabef t/ anb biafpbeme i t/topllpnge to be f aueb bp tb er f a crp* fpee tben g of Cb;(fte:boabpoetbefaogementof on/. toi?tbout merc5.^eb;.bi.b.jr.e.f f .J&amp;et J(.b. m r^etbatteacbetbtbe ipuelpfaptb fa (TbJPft/bupl' oetb tbe buplbpnge abocttpne of ob- 1 .cpmo. j a / of tbe toDtcl) toe outfit to Defptf tbe facreafe)Luft tbii b. acoiitpnuaunce.Colofjc^obitu a/fo;(be igfaeuetf place aftuteb. ^fal- cflcrwfi /cbougb e bep;ouea tbo;oto bptifrfe temptacpon0 f petf.b *rbe faptb tntr|bulaci?5/cattCetb pacpence.gfam.f4 t,rt cucrpman fttberfo;etobetl)etbe contpnue MM Cunicfi ffo;.rfa btfaptb mafietbbgtoobtapne gtobfeb torbftv2efap;aper^at.)iri b.* tobpfa tte are of nomber of tt)e rapnteU/fa rcceaufnp; ** b- rempffjeti

' 'i

I ."***


* 1


temgiTponotourerpnnes^tt.wbt.e &lt;&amp;ht ftute of rpgbttoeihega' of liwie,K04bW maimMmentegeute;ce*)Uj.a, ure affeccpons fto;otoe fteiatoebo fruefpfpe to beft' 31iom.btt.b.fterfo;etolbemtente Ratine Omioe f wet pfg e Ditto ob/bp goob too;8eg/ tee areaelpurco fromftecutteofftelatoe.l&amp;om.btf.a . C&amp;e ftute of mattes toobe ( to &amp;f cb f g flDOjifllfjs bierfeb-lube.** Cflaftpnge Cbefatt!Wgetopftout3!poc;prpe.fl$af.brb/aftat ft t jlojd tequp;eftCa.lbnlb/ fo;be 8 fa&amp;pft topft. out ceafpng (torn Cpnne/t3 ItBe iamoU^mto^rcijts pn tpfpeb fo; t ouftpng oftfte oeab/a couc^etH bpt agape GoblacfSgbop;ofetnoftfng$ob&amp;faatepeople$e.tfa.b if attpnges toptbout to o;cB eg of mercp bo p;o ft t no * tbpng;5aeb btf .b t a ttpng Jopneo topft p;apt.ob .*,&amp; tfjeampleg 9anffr*a4i rt.#flajcmfb,&lt;jCo;.bfb B,u fi.f. flflaft. jebn-c/cob ftjb/Iubg # b/URegMb Aftus-H. a/ it.meg.rn.b q'pocrptegbocalt ob infte teaftetopft rfieftfa* ftpngeg.&lt;jfa.rbfa.a .., Cflafter a fli&amp;ofter, Co bonoutef after smoftet/ tg fo; to goobbntofte" fii m p n par p us onto fte m/ft pnges n eceflit rp fo; ft em . 5l5att.pb.a- #att w j.a : 3d man ougbt ft en to bo ft ps . . b-leu*#jr.a/&amp;eut.b.b. fa obepnge of ft em/ J&amp;?ouet.j;jt0H-c/ccle.fft--^oloCt'&amp;&lt;,a/to^ out fitting o? ttrpapng of ftem.cro.rtf b.itfui w-b, fo; 0od ops punf fte ft e people of gjftael/becaufe ftep. spfobepebftettparents.(?ecrw-a butfo/al I /fte* nmttnotobepftlmo;eftenCb?tft.&lt;$at.i:.&amp; c&amp;e patents 01 igbte to teafte ft? to o?se of og bit. to ft tit cpf lum. prut jf.c C CCoDOffoob. le canbonogoobtoptbout Cbjittjofm tb/a: fo;

ftattobtcDt3bonetoJ'ftoutfapt&amp;tg!rpnne.Hom.jcrftfD le mutt do goob to ftegbate bS.fl&amp;at.b.g.&amp;u&amp;.W. eftatboft.goob/igofob3!ob.ftf.c le ougbt to bo goob all toapeg ala. btbeef fftc Sin bovnge goob/ toe oo Hope ft e moutbeg of tot&gt;c Sebmen.M&amp;et.ftt.c. chete t'snone $ boft soob.pra*W/,a.w'tiT356mb Coob J9 one tg goob/but onlp goo.&amp;u-tbf (f . &amp; obiggoobtoaltbcmtbat be n&gt;$tfa&amp;atte. feral. lWtft.acjcjrt).a; a to fte" $ ma fa&amp;pnMWaU#fa.a C ob ob f one/ a ft e f after of all/to&amp;r eft tj* aboue a!/ by all/ a fa W almo t btoellpnge fa f e mpieg ma o e to mens &amp;anbeg.f.Co;t.WHb.&lt;p&amp;Tifj b lRo.#,&amp;, a&amp;ct jtbff.f. It tg ob tbat luapfpety fo; t&amp;e loue of ctopne. tSo.bTit.gbp tobofe gieccpon toe arc fanef pf no / tbo&gt; wugb t|e8olpgoaeM&amp;rt.ta w obig a fpprpte. 3!obn, ifa.c.fbat &amp; / fte begpn* npng anbfteenbeJpo^c.wit.c /ftefteabof dbtptt.T Co;.rt.a / rrfnjft fs toel pieateb mrb?ptt &amp;p* fomiCt j3atMb/tobpcbtefani&gt;ii/(ttb;pa fa mw

f afte tfto.% iiti b, tofjem neuet man fatoe / neft e t tan 'ttwWiaiM/BatWJg!|i oDbt*.Cb(?ubgejiatecaiiebgobbe0-C]tobu0^bb v fttellfilaWOWPOBbwitoojbe/atecallebgooti^o&amp;.ri, AEbegowie?/ aw images a groolepmabe topftmSi banbes . ei^fa'i'b / toboft bntu anb p;opette m pfalmtfte (betoeft, pfa! crb. Sam bf.b/ jfeap^biUj, anbftepate manptn nobewu.lHeg-jbnt.g.but totx rs one onlp *obtCo^nt4)Ul b / tobetfo;e t^e fttatmgt gobbpsougbttobe eatt oute/anboneonl|ob urn jppeb of bsgiofu %0i t tfpftestofob

3!I ftattoe-baue ijs tbegpfteof o&amp; /mfte par, bie of fte caiieiuts. flatb-ffb.b Jlttft fflMCot ml 'tijstbanofobtbattocbcfaueb.pb.a , t rs ftaii of ob to bnoetdanbe fctpptuwjsxu; Jjniig.toftetobpcb b;pQ openeftoute bnbevftan; opnge?^n jjfttb fays batbgeuen ma tip gpftejs to fte dfrfying o( bP0cbutcbe.{EPbnb. (BuetpmSbatb bf0p;oprrgpftc of obt.Co; mm od tequpjpft gpftes tbat be geuen topHpnglp ctd buWrtajcwba- #o&gt;rtl. JMM&amp;tf mofte to rape / ajjglabecpbpnge* JUi it.b/fte potoetof ob/to ftebeift of altbem g br&lt; leue-Kom t a b f Co;.iebbetDpfbome of ob -flpaf.. ^.c.t.CoMi.b/tbempnpfl(acponof t^e fpp^teanbot Jgbttoeuif,Co;m.t b : euerlattpngelpfc tbo;otot b^ft/tbetobpcbobbaftcuftlaapnglp pjomeftft, Pb.ta K.ciw-f.c.cpt.t.a.&amp;f ftcjet logetpme bp) Colof.t.b.!Rora.]tb.b/tobpcb tbpngeto open a beciau, Cb?pa t'S c5me.fl0as.jcbf .b/ baft fentftps apottelt^, flattb.j;.c/top;ebebpttoaHcreatuK0,fl08M.)cbi.W tobpft ftpng toas bone.colf .c:to m tobpdi(nottoptfi f ftanbpng) almlobepeb not.K&amp;rft c cfaint.acbefw mplptabe of f ftbeflpat.j:ta.p;ouetb tbe fame- y &amp;p fte gorpel it b ecla t e o glo;p a ma pettep of ft 2 1 &amp; ti tot-ffla/t tobpeb cOmaunbeb ftwapottleisto tecbt al gbebabtaugbt fte^atfpbi'tfb.^ac.Fbf.b.Uout tafipng anp tbfag. fl0at % a- bucrucbeftpngejJaS art neceOatp to ipfefl&amp;atj.b.i eo;ijc,a.b CbegoCpelfactefttbitftlfmo;eamo;e/b;goobb)0) BeS'Col i .a:cbe tobpebtfap Qtetorb befo;e/ to be p;e&lt; &lt;*eb fa bpuewJtoungeg.cra.wbfa.cJbe tobpeb fapnge tea* Mntiiftfta bJnbbp gp;ecbpnoof bp&gt;/ ft cbufi $e tt gaftereb to gefter fa all 5 toofloe ^#.altea tbeconfctencefj mabeglab.^;frittfb cbetmpbielu&amp;gementof ob agapntt tbebef* ppfewof ftegofpel tfeef tfx be bpfbop ootbg offpee of an eufigelpftif .tfmim.b, rbeptbatfttfo;tbtbegorpeii/toboroeuee tbep be/ ougbt notto be lett.jLuije.f

J5y fte p;ecbpng of tbe gofpeB/ pf toe 00 beleue it tottb fte beet/ toe accompiptye tbe commau tibeme t e 9 QEtto&amp;.&amp;eutjfflE.c tntple? fflbepaw entpleg 0; ;ebeji/tobpcb ate not of fte' cpwtmctrpon.iaoman.f.b . db;pftewfte lolwnaefo; offteenfpiess.ene,^y.b.0rape,K,b *-

tonte j&gt;iteb in t^e #ble

but bie ougbt fo;toencteafemt,i)efame..i&amp;et &lt; fa.b} fo; fearful nibgemftlbal be baue/tobtcb Kfaftft ft* ^eb.y.e:tobfebftingeftepbo/tbatto^be.tuftifpebbp

W^^ f i!ffiS!TOlS5^W tberttoe;e^gaI.b.aletbSftctfo?ettaittftefame efa.(j a^aft.bfa b/ft; a/ W.D/ oew9onw^ grace of/tobftbttofferebb!*/bptbegofpel44& amp;etf.o W ttemS^ amanouaktoaeuetbancfieg/aftetbebatbeaten

aSeSJ^a^o^^ ifMgi

Jmanougbttogfueftancbes/afterbebaft eaten. eu.bfadj*fnerapiefab^ft'flatt.j:)rt)fc.flarci ---"- eior^ (Ccciettaf' jrbtb ^eabVfb; cuapter/begpnnpge/o; p;facfpaT taute of



j^eao/fb; p;pneeg/potoewr/a apngeg.f)eo-r]ebft'.b &lt;.ifteg^;

SS9S3SK!fit&amp;^^ , tfb;f rtgpbeai.ofcbuwb.Pb-t.b/f.b/^ $SRM to %1fUtNabofman&gt;CoW.^ . WfflffilwSKSS 3anSftebeabofftetoom a^Pbe. B .

m toff of Cb;pue 10 becan^ibfJgggfeA cS;a-.tbe tobfebe be ftc toftcmto&amp;fibebatbe ^m&amp;mK9mt "&gt;b onelp, Mlgfi&amp;

obopeneft tbecouncenoftbebarteg^o;&gt; ut of ft e barce p;oceoe eueil tbougb teg. flat*b* %f'barftigcy;tuntcpfebof ob/to fte Intent $ it

tbeboipgqtte./.tb;in.Fti.a - h . - cbebettcmuttfV;ftbeopenebofob/befo;e b?iftctSbopeofou^^^ mattcangeuebeabetotl)etoo;beofobJctrbt. tebolp gone botb m m tJ W after ttp bt OSC|mM. ^tbanotratiein oureberte/tbatfo; oute rpg


WWffaJRtgjrtnijf. . . &lt;tbbttcmuttfp';(tbeopenebofob/oefo;eanp jtt can geuebeabe to fte too;be.of ob^ctybt-c )lctbgnotrapefaoureberte/tbatfo; oute tpgbtu'

Fu.i.u/ niMi-v ;vt r; ..v. ,.,. . -, t - - .. rturnesobbaftseuenbseuetlaftpngipfe-e


bS not ftttfo^begeuenpnto ft/ag 5";SS^; WWF EW ^ oufl)olbe. Vutlett bgtett agapntt it/fte Wf to;pmri&lt; 3t) j aSam c g maunM b bts bouttjoloe t o fiepe toape &lt;c%Wf/f#6n WP0?att^*fS teMSawSfaegofob.ene^ftt.c;lbt|/U:rtF/I); W riU)/cj;,^ '^SatcavSotfo^fSboueolbe/


. )Wtbejnaofob/commeftourttbempcpon/e beipuetaunce from twme/fmgPf WSSSlSEBS b/Pb.tb/cptug.&lt;ff.a/ala4^/actt.pfjf/btobtcb lwarela^motbptoo;fi^(m.a/b/31ob^b5ftec

Cbe fco;oe bateft tbebolpbapegcray.f.ii.amb.f* paulrebubeft ftem f 6epe6boI?bapeg.a! nub fl)f fte3uegbo!pbapeg/lobe*)Leui-wftf a. Fobt.

SbabWrpoftb befo;eftebegpmipMe of fte B?S7




f 1

&amp; table of $e

mtMBfommatWAtVlfflU...- , r tbepfljulaftogoob to tbe tbat bate rbem. &lt;firob.wtoi wem in Cb;ftt JLu.incHi.a. Item in &amp;,&gt;teuen Jict. Wtg.cberfo;eamanougbttobatenomS:fo; be that baretbbswepgbbour/fenotfntbelpsbtoftbesotpel;

totamutifterer.i.gob.ij.b.f&amp;e t flaw ^erefp e f o? a f e ae.% at r.rbj.a. jiofie toftetf o?e tftac tbere mull be b erefpej$.i.o amanougbttoaefromberetp&amp;es.cpee.uf.c lj?eretage. . ctie ftyftftM peoplej$s*b.ttage of &lt;Job.&lt;o.;rb.b 3&amp;eu,tffi,;. wm&amp;vm a.i.*eg.bftf,W.a C6 e berptage of tbe Bpngbome of y eauen/f geuen bs bp p?ome(le/not tip tbe too;cbe0 of tbe latce.C2sal.iit C/D.fl@at.)C^D. . Cbjift bat&amp;bougbtanb tegeneratb0/tot&amp;mtet (Hat toe tyuibe enberf re tbe Bpngbome oEfteauen.cite -nib. tbe tobieb i0 Beptefo; b0 in beauen.) .petr.fa. Cb/itte i0 tbe enbeeitoue of alM^b-ta-ku r r.c/tt tobome wearc alio bep?es/beingbp faprt) tbe c&amp;pio?en of oD.dPala.iiif b C$onoutc Bonoure to fatbetanbmotbet b.b. ig to mpnptter bnto tbem tbpngesneceffatp to ipue tip. fl&amp;aWb a.tobpcbt&amp;pngtb;oug&amp; couetoufne0/p" $ba *pff0baDmabeofnoneeffectt/o?ipttetegatbeb. flar. btts.9atybs .^ onotire alio is betoe Ditto fipngeWet it c. to % eioers. fteuft w -b-aif o to tbem tbatoo btipe fo#&amp; tbe Borpeu/bpanp mpnptttacponiCotfwbfc. jut bSgeue bouour bnto al mf /fo; oo$ fafie.f $c. fi,b geufng bonour to tBe f bonoute belogetbil fttic 9etbatbonouretbnotCb;ftt/bpbeleupnginbpm7 Wlbono;etb W fatber tobieb ftnte bpm.lobnb D Cfcumplpte Co bumble/f o? to pimp a flape.3ag.itf .Witt : ' Cobmnbie/l0fo;tofubraptteamSne0felfebnber tbe mpgbtpebanbeof ob/a to catteallbfccatebpon Oimifetbb Je tbat bumbletb bpm( tbat tbmcfierblotoip anb etbnoeapmacpon of bpmfeife ) Sjalbe eicalteDof

0OD-ii fcegbtb-jluf e-JUtW tbeefojebauebumplpte fotert/toltbout preferring of crur felftaboue anp ma/ bp arrogance- ifpftefetiii a- coloffen- iiibb. b. f tbe tobicb tbinge &lt;fl?iu ootb toatne bs/tn tbe parable of tbe gettesnucfi. ?w b anb of tbelptle c&amp;ploe- j@at. ybiit.aflar-ft:e.Jluci&gt;;f jLettbebumbleC^ftenmSoeiret) toitbopueta af* fliecponS teio?ce/fo?fntbatigftegreat betee Oobgarner b/anbtbefo;e alibebeeralteb- pattern. r rid b.jUt rf itf cm q&amp;ptt of f pubtf canejlu jrbtti b G&amp;epjapfeof&amp;umplpte?ouer.r-bf c cbe bolp&lt;f&gt;oott. Cbcbolpgoottistbebolpanbbeupnepotoer/bptbe tobfebmeto0berte0arerenuebfr8beauen.&lt; Keg.p t cotBpntenttbtpniape cspzebenbe m tbpngesof oa &lt; ^ cJnbtobpcbgeuetb toptnwbntoourebertr, tbattoeateof 00,om&lt;Uw c:bp tbeitobJe-b alfoise


do cailbpon tbe fatbet toift confpoEitet.W a.b c: auj linotoefbat^obDotbwwiiiRbis.f 3!o'bn,(ttb. . 7 . ffBttee0agifte*olbipgoottifec.ytf8.ri{| Cbr bblpgoott in tbe tcrpptiire(bpa HSmv^ml calleottbpuersinflmejj/accojlipng to tbe graces | ai geuSb0tcbati0torape/ttater&lt;fape&gt;jriiti8lfo f tere.|c#tf.3Gwe i tt.alfo topnoe, 3cM. aifo opntenn. t7|ob,tf ;al an eybo?ter ? conf o^et.3lob.jfitf&lt; A.jcoi. ' . mmoom &lt; c-iv.-h-. &lt;j&amp;ob woutefjeaitte (fro.tb a.jBfaUjrb.attoboi toe ottgbt to affieit lere.rbii b, tliojoto elm jut f . g'SPn tbe potocr of bo om i0 our e f)ealtbe. flat, r. tofipcb tt tbe creato? 1 raupour of tbe too?loe 3^eb,ti.i b.c.a.&lt; 9!obn.iiii ,t# i.cimo.iiii.e. 9 ii.CimOitf.B. tobicb W come fo? tofantbS MatMt b.JUie.ic(ip 3ob-iit bytbn?otonierc^anotbpourtoo?cfie0 o? rpregtotbptttenttbat nomnn Oinlbeboaae bpm^ pbii a b ittMi ij.'.tn&amp;tiieic ig beitb in none butmbPm3Bct.iiii.b , ettbe/fo? bpcto?p.5fttbg. %b D.aft Meg niii tfiimeg.b a/3Bii example in&amp;aitt/tow'tbbffrafcrf, W beitb( t&gt; fe to fopebijibicto?p) to mti/9 not to f atone ftrengtb,i JReg.ri Hot beit^ of meni^bai |9falmelrc

Cjpocrpfpe ?B;eatbet0ougftttorep;ouei3lpocrpfpeofmfini too?c8esJ.ta,ibi(ja/8)8tbep?opbetebpbfa:w*.J 3powptejitoillneu*notolebge tbeit fpnneg m laebpeiiib . &gt;. bebopeofapocwt5isJbapne.aobbiijc.]n:a.jrjcbift be iubgement/ confufpon/anb Dpfpaiy e of a'pe* I erptejsjobrrbi.b ,. agapnft 3pocrpte0tbat bo onlp g!o;pfpe 00 Mm offnameof(jE!oi)/abenpi , tbeintbetrbe^.(ra.]rlbiiU aigapntt tbefegipocrptes/tobici} oo its ftpfpe tbe Mi u&amp; bp tbeir outtoatoe bebeg Mi !t,a % PWPetagapnft ipocrpfpe. m&amp;smb&amp;l f M crpfpeione l&amp;jouetjrtj c;jciii&lt; b/jejfjr CbJPttgeuetbepgbt curfpnges agapnapapocrptj: rpecialipbecaufetbep fljuttebptbe bpngbomeof bea urn a c 3nb tbat tbep mafie a conuett to;fe^en tbci felueg a clone bpo tbe terte all t ogetljer, at.]cjeif; 31bole0o?gimage0 attcboIeiitnofbinge/anbbatQ no goblp pobjer init j Co? b it c/fnbtberfo?ei0tberenoneagtemft b t ttoene tbe teple of od a pbolleg: 3nb fo; tb eaufe bpb Klfa putboiwte tbepDolest.ij Para-jib b:anb 3|ofia iitj.Keg-wiit b SBgapntt tobpeb lofieittamoiS^tf a. ^apijtiOD aibacij tHJ&amp;prl e.l&amp;faim fjc^bij^ow tbejetprle&amp;ibompnaciS a4ibo;acp5 0; Wojlbippig. JOmanougbttomaBenogmageji dgw&amp;#a,juu|j. rrbj aett.i(ij c/bb a:fo^oftbatetbtbemeu.):bi a : nb tobofoeuer ma&amp;eta tbem/ijS curfeo of bpm. eu terobifa b-ci , Cfte getoejj agtoellaji tbed5entple)5 babtrufte in tbeirimagejS/tbpncbpngefo^tobauebeipeoftbemm tbei r ttf buiacpong,?0 eu.r pm 'e.fnb tbfo;e &lt;Bob cos maunbeotbem to be taften ootone/bjonen an&amp;burnt/ jBeuter.b&amp;a/b/c/a -?. ^pcab


Oftfcab bab mabtan &lt;$p\w fo;bpm frtfe/ but fb wmim of ban tobe ft frombpm bp foe/too;8)ippea mm tpmelut.j:)ii.a'b c. **4M tobencegbolle? labtteir begpnnpnge/atbeeuew offoolattp . %apie. ,'ii b ?5olatrei8 flja il not poffeoe tbe Bpngbome of on . Ko;.bTbtettwtberfo?e cafte afpoeaH lbplatrp/to Sintentftijepetplbe not/as;j;.b/ mm fo?e p;opbetbottt afcrpbetbe ceOtuccpon of : i oeopie to Jbelatrp.Cjecb bi a rlii)*b/3iere.rii&lt;ii a/ ibfpecianpoftbep;eftejJ.?ec.biii.b ' Clnuencpon ail (nuencpon agapnft tbe jLo;beob (gaccutfeb. HwW.b/ anbpunpfljeb mi.mtt/ otberbpbertb. ieut.rrbft|b/o?ewbpapiage3;ub tin. bep;tftW ecaft out of tbe boufeof 5oo/fo;tbeir Snuenepottf. icQ tr.c lnnocencpe wift innocent befo;e&lt;Kob.&lt;erob tffttti a/ffium. iicyneuertbeiec(bttbatBplletbaninnocetinfpgbt if man/i0accurfebeut jcjcbti b / a (ballnet abpbe bn mn|lbeb.tte.rrtb , J _ -Il . Cbt SSniuttf tbat one botb bntoinnocl M.tfcrUnw f aeinnocencpe of cobi cob tf,b.3jobtyeta&gt;etb fojtb lgtnnocencpe.3ob.w:w.a. C3!nuocacpono;canpngebpon. Cotbemdiat calle bpon tbe name of ott / bebtang. ;o r-c/be calierb not trulp bpfi.ttjr name of &lt;f ob;ttbMB leieauetb not in c, ?tbetfo;ebpb$nocb rp;ft illbpontbe name of cpoo,&lt;fen ffl b/ item ab^abam, jenjttcjSJLa.aifo iacob.gen.icrrifl.b.aifofl9ofe0 v ro.rr^m.a.eutjri;iffl.aifo*)ampfon.auDgrb.b. big cocailbpon o;inuocatetbenameof&lt;Bpboun ipman/tUfo; to biette 0? pjapefiwbpm.* ob toben be to calieb bp8 in ttpbuiacpSfi/botb b ear e |.&amp;en#.a/ainbtborearefapfull bibicbbo cattbpon jmtojtb a pure a biSlpab botb mocbetbl tbat callbpon tbe JibolSaali. eg.W)itj.e Cl'iibsement. obbotbaubge ment to tbe fatberleu/ topbotorano b jbeterribieiubgement of ob/agapnfttboft bibpcb jtleauenot tbe' c /a tftofe tbatub^tot ijefaptbfiilfromtbettutb oftftegofpei gal b.b/tobtcft 5oDbotbfuffdetobeDonebntotbemtobiebtoilbotbat/8 0ob&amp;egmnetb3ubgemcntatbi0ab:neboure: fo; be ,tt iibetbttfpbularionss a afflpccponubnto b?3 cburcbe. i. [^etr. iiij*/p;cu ri'fo?onr cozteccpon/to tbpntenttbat it: be not conbempnrb toptb tbe too?Ib,(.co?-ri g. Cben tp lubge-igto pimp tb .gene rb.c/beut.rrrif .eime.ui.c le tb atflrar etb cb;pd/9 beleuetb bp? gofpell is not iiogeo jo b.b' 9 be tbat beleuetb it not/10 iubgeb altebp Jo.fii.c becaufe be befpprttb tbe too;ee of tbe gofpell. trot riii.c.S'o.rif.g.cben mail euerp man befubgebac* to;bpng to bps faptb.matjEbib tICbr general Iubgement . . j 3ftbegenetal?.ubgem5t.praMccbff-(EfaAfrWb/fJ t/irbt.f/tbetebicbiunpBbe.-iao.i&lt;f.b/aftaicomea0 tbefe in tbe npgbt- Iwitft bncettaftw* /foe muf &gt;erfo;e uiatcl)^ at. vrini.o- jUi.jbiU/ tobiebbape ;

tbbicb tbe f pgnes me.mat.Ftitt -tvma&amp;tifoi. lu. tftxi gn tbe tobicft bape cb?iQ ai apere toptftipffangfW/ w tbfmtbat'aptefo;bealtb-nat.n;,c/^b3ji):-g.flntt fliallmabeopen tbecouneellofmtnnesfiawes.i.fiEcs tin a -|n lift tobfeb bape aifo; tbe apo nmml fapnc t't (bailtubge. b/bptbtfeare of tsbpcb &amp;-3ob bpbinbucetbepbarpfpes to tbe cbmmgeof ipfe #att ni.b/jLu.lif.b. ^majwe|^ltutnt; ;c? Cbe iuDges ougbtto bo r pgbteous b.cjrtj j. b / outiubgpng aeco^ipnge to tbe outtoarbe aperafice. p?ou rriiirc/ccl.ri.a/ no? pet petuertpnge

beu nrtfff b/jcrbiijj:fo;in nibgement /a man ulbe noe agree to| bopce of manp/f 0; to cum e bp tbe tru ttj.&lt;to. jriftf a/cbriatoe alto botb fo;bpbbe fo;to fiibgevftbe mS it jrcepte be be fin feen 1 be fo cb a one.5io.b1ic/ fo; berbatiuogtbbWb;otber/(ubgetbtbelatBe-3ac.ii!U/ let b? not utbge tben acco?bpng to tt}t outtoarbe Quiet gio.bit.c no? before tbetpme.i co?ttit,s cbe fpgneg 9 toonbet0/ tobpeb gob m b efo?e Pba ra o/ste cal 1 eo iub^ gcmentes.cjro.bii a/rii. 3ubgementft);iatoe/o;bet arpgbtbfti.ybftf* cjubges . cbto8ffeofa3bge;&gt;:o wiitaieujciytf/beut.f.a tob5 me mull obepebnoer papne of oeatb. beut r bt'i-t 3rpgbteou0 iubgeougbtnet to acccpte perfone^i (2ro.rj;rfi.a/jLeu.j:!r c/no? be mercpfull totbefatijete I es in a to?5gefuil cauf e.p; &gt; ,a/&lt;ccl . mib, but iubgf acco jbpng to tbe iatoe of tbe people.beu peii by but ma* np are bipnoeb tb; ougb gpftesf Ccci r r -b In e r ample in tbecbilb?encf famuell f Begbfif .a/;i. e/b rb;f ttf? ojbenebof ob bgg fatber/tobeaubge of qupcBe a of tbe beeb/of tbegoobanb of Qccu&amp;at je g. .jriiii. b/ ^eb jrftf /co tobom it is geuen f geiie iuw gement.Hob.bfflb, CSM&amp;pfpeaepon. . Co be iutt it pe&amp;/fe to be faueb/rebemtb frSal ini qtifr tie/pourgeb/toaffteb/fanctifpeb/te generate remttoeb bptbrfprpteof gob/atbatfpnne be notfmputebbn* cobss fo; tbeloue of b?pftibut fo?geum bpbps grace to tbin tent tbat toe Qmlbbo goob too; fies cft&lt;ft.b.iii&lt;b a ct.pi t .f;i.b Jj/bf .c WtXobtylbmii bone bp feptb'*o.ffff-b/b a ^o;ama mutt be fp?aaneto creature t n b?pttv b ef o?e be bo anp goob too;Bes. JLuft ig. Ctt i .b/tfpbff .b co tb e m tbat topi be tufff ff eb bp tbe be;p ratoeofgobitfeife / cb;itt ia ores fn bapne gaia* f f bV a bp? grace botb p;ofet tbem notbpnge .gal-b -a- tb? in as mocb as Oob bo tb iuQpfpe/n man ca accuf e b0 om..biff.U CbeBepesatetbeiatoeanbtBefi)d?DofiE!ob/bptbe tobfcbtoeboftutabpoft^eBpngbomebfbtaiien/gftl tofapetbecbutcbe.mat.rb.c . : b?ptt onlp geuetb tbe Repestobpnbahblofftbpbig too?oe|ob'Wf.3fawii f/apociu.b .;': lbofoetieriS fpileb topibtbebolp gott/batbpo* tort to etoe bptbetoo;beergbb / tbattbep ( ttbpcb bo beleue tbattemiffponof rpnneai0bohebpcbtt)ate abfoiutD (tobicb is to open) mot tbat tbef tobf ebbb not brtrue it / art bounbe( tobprbttto OjuW) Sopatt. #.b.

mab.]cbiii.c.iob.|fri.e ifiinge

r\ (



&lt;3 table of fftej&amp;mtw tf. matters

ffcpttge iBbat mamta mS a bwgeibunje be.etit-]cbb,b/ MRejWc/to&amp;ofc&amp;m fefot&amp;ebabof w*w.*t. 3 tigbtiwud bmgetd tUt ftwngtb M W wairar, J&amp;jou.tfft.a.b:&amp;ap,bi.b.&lt;ci:i.j:.a

HCbeloucoftiSoatotoatDbd &lt;3obtetbe &lt;5ob ofpecetj loueu'.coj.riub tfoolouetbal/sbatetb nottjpngeof &amp; bebatb matt, ap-icf anbbotb QeipaecbS ft 5 euel-Sfa-yim.a.JMt

Cbe binge ougbt to react ttje bobe of beutronomi go&amp;tfMi.o.b b pbeba.e:aipoc f


tf^tofepetbelatoeoffcob/anDtofieapebimtotbat crStfseu.jrt) (&gt; ,b4n Wimple m Soffab.ntjseg m.c *p;ea#efttotbepeopft.irnajpamplem Salomon

oo cbaflif e tb t&amp;em tobo be IouetB.p;ou4ftb -$A

KptK be Bappiebibnngmerct.p* ou s*b.a/2n wSplernauii3/ jeBfa&amp;9 Joffab.oj m3efapbat9mm.meg.b%ru.e . )tetw6onouwtBewnfl;e.(,l&amp;et..C'8nDpifefoj bim.f -cim-ft . a

onrouetewttutbout fo^setesnse Hfs cEfa- jciv-b. JLouetttbeftrfteaitbtbeBttttellecSmflunDciiiJt oRab^ccljcI^.a/Ste $att,n#b &gt; ut e lone totoatoe &lt;5 oa )Utb0iouegoD/ro?beban&gt;loue&amp;t&gt;jS f^ tiiUj net bs loue 000/a be (ball loue bd.P;ouetb bi if ,t

fcpnge iewboam becaufe be fu tTeteb^magesi!' a re. jrtfrb. j@aia- j a

tUttewieDSoolatifembi'P^alme: inbucwgbld pro* njewbaueti^motbettbingedtbenmGob/fdte*' fabteeb?eatotei)^l.e.)C]w(i&lt;-bc.&gt;;bi.ab m tootttebefietfo? to tfaignejn example of fK b9J-5iuO'V'bytobofe potoend let out r. if

6:3! man OmlDetaW beaoe of t&amp;eft b|fpleafute.P;o' iuebonefomicaci/ __ vfopoHA&gt;imiw , ., . . ... . utCeonejJ.(ccif .y.^Cno ?f t&amp;ep continue m ebcrt tnic^ &lt;Bobtecbetbbdtolouec weanotbei^o^biter.ft%

u ec.rbffrfo? tbe? baue bone f o?npca cgS/ ti&gt; tbe tot) o it of#abtfon.3po*b,a*bnbci; t&amp;ffd none qt&amp;ev tben uet| beattelouet&amp;bfdb6e .cel#ft.c.;b.b

&lt;0ob bepetb tbem tbat loue b pm-&lt;Ccc u ii.b Ifcenuift loue toftb tbe&amp;ole&amp;cttejwu.bMM&amp;fia,

lftbff&lt;A@at.wu&gt;;tuft;c.e letwiouecobtoitbtooicaesbeoe.jeeutew^c.}Utbjtiouegobetneait?.tii!ccK.^.c..iBoma-biif Cute loue totoato oute nejgbouw

bebne0:tbef fbaibepuncftebtttbe pe opie. 9etbaclouecbb^b;ob)ee/^ttattfiat ebftbini&gt;eM cbeatotttenmenaretfie binge* anbtacriffewos toimumMciiiUecamtH.

tfobtbe fatber/confi;meobiierud &lt;tb;tft Jpoca.f.b bc.anD.tPeii.b. CttWgbome cbetaignc of b?fftfd befttBbebintbebielttngot gtuba.&lt;5enetfft\banb tfCarawa

$e toftpeft louetbbidbzot&amp;erbatb fuIfffleo M o.]tftte.ala.b.e. 9e tbat louttb b# fatbet/o? bid motbet/bps$foitiii| o?bld Daughter moze t$ cb? itt/id not toojtb? of ij|

Ooq ftailrarane Co? euermoiieirw. *b.e$nb alfo Sftet&gt;j;.b tBeiigneofb?&lt;a.Gfa,ftb.ant.bif g fcetbd loue one a notbet/assCb#G&amp;atb loueDM il ftbebingbomeofcbtfft7lolie&amp;u.t:;rifc.&amp;9at- gobiMtff D.jtb.b W*.c.actj:ifo.9.-:eCa.&lt;b # _ ^Cotowouwnefgbbmwaisouwfelfjui.w^aT, cbeiawbepmKboftbebingbomeoftfob/tobtcb jtf.&amp;euf.*fe&amp;.l&amp;mjtfU/a.t.cot fn*.f 1 boobepebntotben;fU(b.&lt;ial.b.b.tobtcbbo bcgiletbeft aWtbjngesJ ougbttobeboneb|l ouetCo?f.bfc$ b;etb;eaiCo?m.W.b:ainb tbat ate cojtupte &amp;| bleed t.pti, b.ftetbd tbccro;e l oue affeetuoulnj in fupo;&gt; *Co?fn;cb.f tfngeoneanoteet.ffiobi.c.fl0aia.uc.lSoni.ji,( cbebnigbome ofbeancn/oj tbe bwgbomeof gob ft a. al-M a.Pbeij.a -^biiJtalnbelpingeon H .- . . ...... _ . .... fl9fltt ,j, ft&lt;l ,, &lt;W j jlt .y

oftobUbtbe?oobnoetaani3t/totob5itti3Btul.fl9ae. ureiouetotoajouteenemFe3. tw'b*u.j:t.b.Jf02 tbe p?eaciunge of tbe tobtcb *?ng. B&amp;e ougbtto loueouie en emies. 0^attb-a.b3|t6fl| Sjme/fomeboebaaetbemdeiued/tbattti/liueeba* goob&amp;atce^obiv^^p;ou]]rti tt.c(ecci.bntJ m&gt; 2at . u. \% b:tb e tobteb tbpge tbe; cannot oo/eje* jr.a. a ICo to?a) tbe m ou tb ivism t o? t b em.fl^a t.b,d cept it be geuen tbem of ob &amp;ap(-WH,o. 9taitf&lt;b*mom*ff.c.3n example of $ n tt.%u.m be bingbome of beanen confcSetb not ntmeate eof S&gt;-^ teum.aice.bu.j.airo tostb to o;ae toe oustii b;sncBe/no?iettn too^/buttnpotoettobtcbDotb to oogoobtotbemn)atbateb0^at.]e.g.p;o u.^b&gt;(i maae rubtetfe m \)atem men bnto;crai.c. r. c.iSo^5:ain example of ^ainU. tr.^eg.f.b.aifo cl io?muu&gt;3nbb?mefamemeane0 tbe bfngbome ab;abam,Bfen-rtitn'.c-o of(0oDi^b;4tl)tntbefa|tbfuli/oftobKb'Ib?^tbe OLoueo?Qflecc^on, engtb-)Hub]BWe . cberoue of cob totoaeawfe nteftwnaWe. ati\ beitbatgofotbebsngbomeofbeauenb]ftbbfo&lt; ^a-jlFo;bebatblouebb0f|cit.f^ob^f.canbb atb j[ence/plucfteitbntorbemiflPatirf-b.tbat|r3focbeas uen bjSb^fomie/tbac toe mpgbtb auelrfe.3'ob.n baiwfogwataefeetbntoft/tbe?Befpifetbeftatone (pbn'b/tbe tobfeb tonne baft geuen W l ife fo; i|fea.fblfabeal!(|efatbei:anomorbet)fo7tbegte8( j ob.pb.b.ffiala.ftispb -b.s -'mmoetbattbepbauetoteeeauetbegofpelof c^ilt/ Cbefairep;opbete0b&gt;b|cbb)Olbeb;ab )ebdfc5t9i 0tobepactetabers(oftbeBingbomeofbeanen&gt; loueaftetotnifttobfcbbjeougbttobauefg ob/oui cojetbebingbonieofbeauf/^topo(iege/baue/9be nottobebaibe/butougbttobe put to oea tb .peujer |Wt8Ba;offtierfr,a SCnawi


ajnabmonieionf otoue i c |obn.iuf.D. Jotoe . yiml.c

r c if of Icto W i" ten t tbat toe Cbuloe loue &lt;3o.d toi 1 1) al ice ht i te/9 toitb ad oute fouie/ ft p urge tb o ut e b e 1 1 ejj if abetter ttua.^eute.^,bA.obeintbetFtle of jutanucbatptpe* CiLabaute. Me p?aife of^by^/oueeb.itb.b* cifi a W jcjtWKrf j*o;tac|onjJ to laboute.f . ctelte fttfe.ft.C&lt;te We. jioneiyM Jf H.b.O:Jfo? tbe life of man t)5 petpetuau la* join;{.t'; tobpeb toe (bulbeiiue.^ouer.b e Lavoei'pontt)ffo?tbefe fpneoen.nj o.^scb-^n b Jit eicaiapiefn a&amp;cim.(Eiene.iti.i).3Hfo fit JNuie.f .o;. M c t cetfau.b.isboutfnfif njgbtef oaietotbintent ittttinggbt bccbavgeableto none fi.ceoaiii'i.b Jet ;biiiaj:fg'5uttoeantloenotlaboutetobetpcbi^o* Cietten. A3 en (buioe catte f o/ti&gt; (ijc leuen of oloe malice* (,Co;tnt'b.a . ^' torn tot eueboctt?ne anb eyample. qjm tUL a. ]nt.S)UC'/Lu,tii.a.alatb.a.tobetofamanmuataBe icBe.CDat.jcot-a Cbete teas noleuen ftitbe oblacponaxeuf u.&amp; ^etHat&amp;VDeateleuenintbeceleb;ae|onoftbepar* reouet/op) ope.&gt;:o.iettc.j;ut.a.b. Ct|beit|e. CW&amp;en menate ftcf m tic.aobnWac.3In eySpre )f&gt;pauU-co;fn.ftc . ^ . ^ ~ m tbeipbettpetobicbtd gottlwb|b?(ft. Ctaie Mit 'Hifoof tbe liberie of tbegofpel.(aUta.tobicb i man njuio not man c an occafiS to tbe fleadsaia. b-b . jlpbettieto eatcof aUtbpnged f do?fnbftt.b CILatoe- .., . cbelatoefjJtbepotoet of t|nne/b|tob|cbtoe ftale. bepafipojJsoffpnnefnb?-i.o;int.itb.g.Koma,bua .ofiejiioinafiH'CbUt.b . Cbe latoe toWsb conteineaibe becwejw commaun* mmmm/ia aboljObeb tbo;obb;f Bi(E'^ iii.o-Z ct; ft b ?o ugf) t no mi bnto petfecciou- %t b, bi) b cftbetobftblbnige &gt;.^aul (betoetb/b| ft trnkf*

iKtubeof tbe tjeiie/a of tbeatego;i of tyflbW of &amp;a t;i aim l'gar.&lt;3ai.nrt a.c, Cbe lame ft nqt gluen bnto tbe faitbf un-dffala. b.b: )?bvt!iefatoe oftbefp?eteofl|fe/toeoietotbe latoof itine.Uiom bft.bbtii.'a.fnra.ft.b:but ftfegeuen to tbe jntyaiitttoiismannapeto.acfcimo-tb-jeitbetobt'cb p man hatb hnoulebge oEf*?nne-ora.ftf.c be etioe of tljelatoe fc (Sb?'ftlRom)e,a.tobfcb onl| lath fiif?Hebft-t-co;in-t.. cbe latoe anu tbe ftopbete* contelnebmtbe t"W* Rib tbe feconbe commaunbement.(at.yjrff .&amp; be latoe ta fittf piles in i ou mge oute neigbbouce/ Jla.b.basoma.yiif.ccbe !atoe toatf tbe fliatiotoe of tbmgesj/tobicb flmlb . iegeuib0tbo?otob?fft.ebw. bc latoe anb$;opbeteg torn rebbe bpon tbe &amp;a

. ,s

5^&gt;inne toad in men before tbe latoe 1 bad gfifttt/ ^o6e,Jloni,b.b.bu.b oacomaunbetb to teabe tbe latoe baje anb nfgljt* totbinfent tbat toemaie bnotoetobatbe fo?b|obetb, g'ofu t-byisCbetofiicbaniS ougbttobaueinbid bert/ anbbefo;ebfd epeuxeui jeft b.eutt.itf c- iberunto toeWntonifte&amp;bi &lt;ore0tobearefien/to tbpntentto fiepeft eutriii'a:3ttb biiofua.'jofu %$i.a * Pbattbe latoe of tbe ofpell id/ a tobat ft geuet&amp;J 1mm*te ' . ' tip latoe fs boI|/nift/agoob.!BomA^c. W a mart bfeitlatofulli.t. tfmo.t b Jnbftfs fpftftuaH 9 fulfpl* feob|tberp;eteora.bti c- ibetuntot&amp;e tojfbomeof tbe flefflje can not b e fitbftct-Jftoma* ^beiatoeofCbnCid tbe latoe of petfccteipberfp^.' Sam-f.bffc/tobPcbiiSmoatee|cceHent tban o)e latoe of;int.fij,c m tbat fiepetb ail lato anb offenbetb 'n one popw fe culpable of tbe

bere Ijsbiit one latoegeuet %mt# itti.b betoagejjojtetoaroeof tbem tbatfiepe tbelatoe/ anb tbe paine ofttanfgteaouveu.isatttcb.lifi.a iff 0; tbe latoe of fact|f|cei3/lofie.s &gt; ,'8jcft' gJBeu )ftbb Jbam b.e.yfta. b Cbe latoe cSmaunoetb tbvngeSbnpoflpWe eo? oute lftengtb.eut.b.adE]co-w.c mmwmto ^obnbf^ 3ct]tb9atb.^.a]atb&lt;b aigainQtbem tbatma&amp;efaifeanbtoicbeb is toed .' &lt;fa -x-&amp;- Cbe latoe iu(tif?etb not. al W.b.o, fiiliO $oto toe fatiffie tbe latoe.omb#ala^ ITJLpgbtCbeUgbttobicb^d canebbaie/fdcrfateDof obffieneu&amp;fa. obfdligbt''bn.fx.toblcbbtoenetb m tbel|gb tbat noman tanatta|nei,cimobf.c ,Cb?ta Id tbe Ipgbttbat ipgbtenetb aIimeni;obnia obn f .b-.iebitft monplbetb bd to beleue fit bim/tbat w m Ifgbt'^obnjrtif cbeapoeiej5atetbei|gbtoftbetoo?lbe.flt9atbb.b. ^e tbat batetbbtd tootber ts not m irabt.t SoQtt fj.fci Cbe too;cbed of l|gbt.cpbe.b b Cbeatmoutejs of l?gbt-om.*a'if.b CHevbecie* 33 pwietagapnttlecbene. cccleft'j^t'iTa. %tikt tb*tooe.joulter&gt;ejo;abuoutt|/B;fO;nftac|on.5l*

mum teufl

obbatbgeuli|fe;o;tbeliuingfouie/o;tberb;eff ofl|feene4iA mp Hfe of inan/Iofie$am.fWb4.Co2ttrt.btf f job mm 44mmmum* Jtongeipfe fe p;omefebtbemtbatbonotite ttfttc fa tbecanbmotbei:tf*;on;*

mJS&amp;23* ^ , * n m a - ColloWff f-3obn.f.a/ mkn batbbeatopebbeatb : totbmtent tbattoe ftuice betbefnbet|tout(SofeueWaft|ngeMef.|eetJif-b mmm bm otm tobfebgeuetbeueriaftwg I|feXufie.bte &lt;b/.lbafb wetiadinglifefnbfdbanb/ad fatb batb

&amp; table

M-.tigo$eot&gt;|oto . Cbepteetetnall B toaspjompfcb/fabedateb bnto babptbe pjeaiftpngof ofpeu.epfteia.ij-ctnw.a. i.aaff,o.Cftetofticbtftepftaue g ftnotoeb;*tora CJlpupnge &lt;oD. Cfte ipuvnge oo teas tfte otft e oft^jc faft ers- Ku ty. t&amp;*3W0.tifi.bftcg&amp;b ccoipue. ffaptftful ment&amp;atbece pateeo/boipiie m oo flpat. rrii.a. 33 e ca ufe'p. cbjf It fiotb Ipuf / to e al all lp ue.go jrtfflc eooauipueabpeto ft glojpof &lt;od. i&amp;om p mt.b. cue cft;tttenman ipueft notto bgm rclfe / but onto C6;iftij.Co; b c colpuemBo&amp;/,btb Colpueinpleafuwaia DeatW.Cim.6-e flBantlaus&amp;ter. flEanBaugbtetfa f o;bpooen .jco. w.C wtUa. eub.b.fipac b c/#c.c.S&amp;anriaugttterfa teuenflebof 0OD, tu-ip.a: an epa pie Of Oft %fW9.(it cb W i j a. CPC toplfuJ muttfteter ought to be put to oeatb/bp ft mtofc $&gt;eu t. wt flS&gt;anriau8ftter cSmetft of tojatb a muje aaiaro tt of &amp;w , enefta f&lt;ff.a/auD of tfte mm

tobicb p;ocuteb tbe beatft of c ftjttt.fl&amp;art tin f*. litem of couctoufnea/aa gpe?abell opo fojtbebpnparoeof #abotft,ffi.|ReBum.;nci astern of JUeberp. attet tftat Utafier opo i2&gt;auio caufe r paft to be flapne.if-lS cg-jn.c &amp;becobe.*oftE8Ptptte.flBat.bfc:Moofambpcpo,a0 &amp;e rob caiif eo the efts lo;e of Stow i to be Clapne. 8 at tic ano ibpmeiecftfte lybftt-bjetb/f /to tftpntfc #6cmpsat raj-gne at alone^uo f x a: ftJfietoftt opo aitftalpab out&lt; ft ai { ft F" ges b lo uoe to be put to Df a tft .tkeg .ii- $ e tftat bat eft ftpatyotbetiaamannapet/anbftaft not etewialllFfeabfbpnBe&lt;nft?mi.3ob&lt;ft.c CfllBan $e $ an oloeman/tofttcft f9 not ftf le&amp;tt tfteftoipgos butts tec bp ftps atone affeccpona.CoJ iff b/euell bp na* ture a/btw:f !tp.?ob .a*.b/a l?at. 0M W pi ai cwf eft e fonne o to?a tft.cpft .fra.bap ne.$faMrf j lobjrtwb et'0 anetoe man/toftf cb tafulof BoO/ttea* if D Ipfte gob in tpgfttuc fn f &amp;t 9 ftolpn c B of ttufbCoIo. 1 u/epft m fteuenlp f .co; jc^f a neto cteatute' b. inabeaftet;tlepna8earpm|&gt; ip feap.ft.b :lno after tfta t mane t fa #ofea caileb tfte roan of goo.J0eut.mnf a^ofo pii fib C^aQer. tfftfl'O fa outmaftet anone otfter.flEat wefflatobfeft baft ftiffceomanpftpngeartpp^totattpsfano mat. uepiieften/ tftat toe bpabprcpplea bofuffre.mat.rc &lt;b/ptr fojbpbo eft to be e all eb Kabt/ fa to rape/mp matter Cat .uiijb-.letbsnot tften court toftauebe* Gtea orftoleflraeo.i'.a- ti&gt;uelf eng maOera ate be* fctpbebij.^et.a flParpsge flPaipageiamfti'tute of 0013 gen,f(.b:ftff toftf eft none QhilDebetefureo/foj to auopeo fojnpcacpon o;*fr a fo?ftt0bono?able ^eb?e.wi.a:i!rt)eppre toftetof 10. Vimtt jttiti b:be fo? b^ofnge of matfegrtften/Wtbe bocttBne of bEueWicmt.a:3BnftBe tftat b?eafietb ttt'a pun'r cb muQ J0eut.wbfib.anftbi!tt&lt;ttj wwoueft.


, 1

* '1

fi^al.tic.uapbaelteae&amp;et^ cobf/ftotoamS Qtultt . oan ecampieof cbafte ntatttmonp in &amp; cob tti-c cftebolp eaate or matrpmonn fa tttptec tben . ot&amp;eWojit mapnotbe fepatatbutfo; aououttv. @i trr-b flOPatp. 0atpWcaUeDbapPP/becaure5)ebeieuebXuBe.f ^avpcomntaun&amp;ebtobeooneaitbat b;pa tjiur fape^oft^a )atf pjapeb (Bob toftft otftet.31et.j4 . c^eopato)&gt;nelpb;ptttsmeopato; bettoene (Soft anfi man, f.cpra.&lt;) b'.0eb;tni,b/bf|,c bbftfb ir.t pi f.iaoftu4, tiii.U/cpb'iti'b'mom-babuHobr.b g$embet0 f tbebnptpeofoutntembeta/toe atemouebtou coeiCo?.?'.cfo; toeate tbemibetaoneofa uottyi Womannn.b dhtte roerobeta aa toed out to an 1 0; f ntoatbe qj ul not be applpeo 0; geuen bn to fjnne-JS,b:f 0; ' ate tfte temple of tgt ftoip goft.t.Co;,bf b. Cfl^erptejn lofipn ge ouet tfte IS vb le m to ell tfte neto 1 as olbtceSament/ 3 ftaue not (ounoe tbpa toojoe n. tfte- ^etptettenfanotftpnge:fo; tometpte/w bpnbe ob bntobia cteatutea/ano to obf cute tfte nr teof 3ielua &lt;Eftnft/bptetjtcft onlptoeatcfauebsnoi co;Dpnge to oute too;cftea 0; metptea / but acco;bpi to ftiaftolp purport ano gtace/tofticb toaa Beuenbi ba before all t pme.lj.c tmo.f *.ci U li-h j Jt 10 tfte nl gtace tftat toe ate fau eb tft? ougft f aptb/a not otw/ 1 bp tftespfte of (Cod / to tftpntenttbat nonebo boQeb! felfe-ffipfte IjlBoma. UtMWn tfte ttpbuiacpSa off too;lb/ate not too;tftp of tfteslo;pe tftat (balbe ftef bnto b0.1Ro-w''t a-nbpftoebauepacpencemtftg / 1 . comett) teeooniftptctbattftpngetofttcft(0noneofoure0/i(ii rnocbeaExsobootbanbaccomplpfQietftfn ba tftegr topli.^ftilrn'- Jfflpage. g Ufa to joe made fa notf n tbc pble / ttanflateal ft&gt;.f etom/no? fn none otftet tftat toe ftaue Enti tdf fo?e coulbe % not tell tobat to note r&amp;etof/but to rem tfte teabet to tftefoupct of out &gt;Lo;oe jefua cft;f ftf.Ci tm rf.Jct.^.b.c

efl^fnplltatpon ftfte mpupQtacpS of tfte pocje c&amp;jp&amp;en ra lofte.Ko pob-iim bfftb, fr/ab Cftem?npfttacp9 of tfte at tonewentmatie 61 receaucnof$aul.ff.Co;.b.b. CbemcnpL. cpon of tfte too;be/ fa tfte pjeacbsnBe of tfte gorpeil gtace- tttent tfijfo came to be ampnpflee/ger' bis life fo? out brltft-mat .# g.mat tgtfte toftpeft all f mfnpftet abpfliopoffapnctea fettt'ngonfttfgfttftSDi bpafatftet(CtJb.wff8 spiietampnpatacfSabegeu^fntbecbuecbe-cpb^ f o;fn ?l i.a. C^Ppttet 0; fop. * 13 11 mi gb t to be mptpaeta orgob.ftnijr#.e cftjpo geuetbmiea 0; oftpnaunccato tbc n aetaortfietoo^e^at^*

i$e m pnpSeviS Qulfte feabe tfteft HocW/anb notbe^ (0 O cciateb/bp gCftjtttameb^etet tftjetfnwa/Pctn; louefttftounte.3obnwf.e ^ fc-(4 ^.^* ififtattbeioueofampnpQee ougbtto be/totoatoe tbemtftatftep/eacftetfttolBftpippia ^^ B ^^ fS rapnpaei! ougbt top;eacbetbe too^eof 0O&amp;. W S{ tfte mWuoo p?eacbe anp too^cftea tieeeoatp ft;jewmpilponofrpnne0/ftef0abompttablean&amp;cj&gt; communpcate.alat.f.b .* iteaatetoawebtoruBeeantbpngea ft;

bettettftenbP0 fatljetanDmotftee fl&amp;at.j: b Siemppftetougftt to p?agtyibat W Jg gooj ntPBftttoo;fte(ntl)eftette0oftftebeleiteea/bobetoli? (its office/not leaupnge it bnttonefo;mpnptttpnge to

bnftonettelucre.cptej a-^j.ceffai^^ftpcb tftpnge Dofng/men ate bounce to apbeftp.^at.t^mom.yb ^fteetbeenfemp^ftbe^ fePPEW/toftpeb bpbfteipe Capnt?&amp;aul.?&gt;brlpp mt.b a mft ousfttto p;apeonto JOb/ f ft "-'" Inbbonoutei ff#p;aclea Cbe^;opbete toftpeft apitoptftjatoe men tftiougft mptaclea/ftonttbettueiouevougbenottobe fteartc/ butflapne.eutetonome.jftfa . _ (ta \ -i#-f Cftepotoettobnmp;aelt0/fageuenl)ptberpieteof #oW.iotw bmuMbjottM 3\ MPKSfl oftftetoo;be,fl5at.icb&lt;,D/actirtffrji.9eb.&lt;|a*oftejn tteB.tfif.ofmanpmpjaelea. * ^_^^^ a man ouBfttnottotefopeetftatbebatft potocttobo mp?acle0;but becauf e tftat be baft &amp;&lt;a name tojpten tn fteauen.jtu.]e.c . Cbemetcpof&lt;l5olitotoatbeba. obf0tpcfte fn metcp.(fip , 4..a a.ff Coj.t a. Keg. wfffj c/Wa.pwfltf.1 MM *Wt p;apfetoftet.of ^g&gt; cieffaaf rbffjj^offf -a:Jn ejtSpie fn autb.t1.tes Wf.b Samuel rettetfttfteroetcp ef &lt;&amp;obbefoje tfte pw* pie/ tobpeb afftetb after a upng-&lt;.egum.j.b ob baft belpuereb ftpa people cfto;oto mewp.tfw. ^.c.iecb.rKCbjeJnbBeueftb0aUtftmBeabpmet* tp/topftout oute Dtengft eu-bif fb.f WWW_ jjlmptotbem tftat cftaungetfteftlsfe from enell bnto goob. eu.WF-a.^f a W.H***W' obftatft pjeoettpnate we* fenetoboft/'!Bom.fw/anei:amplefnft).paul tct* mo.fni.e.alfo fn tftegentplea.Koma %i &amp; CCftemetcpofmentotoatberam ^metcpfa mo?etl)en facoffce.^nt#.b.tif.a ; 95at.c^.bf.c-1&amp;;mtttwfJ.lrtbatftenbemetc4fttUtt a filabtofl.o y b/as outfatftee mfteauf Aubf; atufnBoneanotbet/eufaaobbatbbonebntob0fto Wtob'tt .pb.Cotbpnttnt alfotbattoemar

beipeffienecewteofout nepgftbout Coliff .b:f 62 met cp fa p;bmefeb to tfte mewpf u. f -.Kerb a. bleffpng. P;onet.ief.b,tTn.b.fll9at.]tj*.b mi boeftnometcp/fbailteceaueftiogementtotft out metcp.'jam.ff c/toftttof tfte ^ftatpfea ate tebufteb Cbepwpofmetcp.J&amp;;ouet,j:uft c.jfft tiMtpfc pie of metcp fn auiD. i .a iiu.b ^o;t|fpcacpon. 3BmJmuftmo;tpfpelmgbjeaof tfte bobp of rpmte. &lt;tolU t.a/5 * euetpbape fo; M&amp;ea rabe.ifto.tof t.s. aul after tbe erfpie of Cftjift/ boft beate tftento?' tpfptnge of Wft in ftps bo&amp;p/ being euetp cape fette foztb tobpefo;ft?S bjetft?en.ff.cojtn.iiif.c C^utmutpnge Ut be not mutmute aaapnftob/foftmtent tftat toe petp notaatbecbplbw of jftaeU.Co^t mm bs tftenoo an tbpnge toftboutroutnnitpng. Pbilfp if.b ffo;8manouB6tto wonneft. S&gt;apfen.f. m mutmu* tptiglolteKe.jrtJi/c.lcfff.b.^hta.jebf.fw.a.^f.b* tfflbMtt j:ob.j*&lt;4Uff.a Jlfo eutet04.b.e aj^eatea &lt;0obbpbfbetoebntop&gt;eteeinabprp5/^ ftfa latofui bnto tfte faptbfull / fo; to eate of alimanet of meatca. 3ctu.]e.b,oma.ytfff.a - ^ JiU ja9fateaaeojbepneftofob/fo?totaftetbemtoitb tbegeupnse ottbancftea.f.Cfmo.uii.a Cbemeatef0ranctpfseb/bptbttoo?Be of ob anb pjaw*.&lt;.cpmo,ttffb . .' |o?tbecftopfeofmeate0/amaougfttnotfo; offen Db$bjofte*.onw.0ttift ^ coteacfte tftatmen attbounoe fo? to abac pne front ctttapnemeatea/f* bocttme of oeupia.f. cim ,f iif . a jCftenameof(25oD . cbenameof&lt;uobougbtnottobeta6enmbapne&lt; #ro.rt.a.anbeut).b c&amp;ecalietabp5tftenameof&lt;SobouBftttocepatate ibem teluea from aflmfflupteif 3a 100 opbyfn toftoft tproe/menbeganto cal bpontftename of

c5ob.&lt;peneJW.a ... . t cbtre 10 none otftet name gene bnto men/ tofterb? tbep can be faueo/but f name of Jcfiia ftjf UJct.uu b.cbetobfcb toep?a?e tit map bebeciareD/ceiebzate/ Blo;pftebtfto;otoout all tbetoo?iae bimy Ba0aut5bpO.lf.Keg.bifMo?tfteloueoftofttcb obbotft not fo ? fafie tfte people tftat fiaotoUDge tfteic ^S name of 600 f blaCperaebtftojoto oure eueil lupnBe.! .b. i cfmo4)f.a Mm ^ A et&amp;atblarpbeiwfttftenamr of ob/iS aoneb to oeatft.neuf ^; ftfafte onip Oniiabecaifea


fflaoftaseutet-rtFita lftofoeuettftetfo;t&amp;otb caU bpen fte name of 5ob (balbe raucb&amp;ofMHl cftenetoetettamentfa ftetempflpon of rpiroea/bp. tht bioubofCWfft at r#&gt;t c-^at-Ffiff exufte %m b.bptftetebtcftOoDftafft p;omtteDtogeuentto latota **" Rl

tabic ofrtje p?pmppaU

in outrjwe*/ anottobaue.ttnifbjaunccof oute (m* nep &amp;tbt xsii) .b.y-c.ene.frt'.c.of tbe tcgrcy Paulbatft le ceauiDmeoptpen&amp;cpcmtco;infub. ie eugbr to be a nets creature beleuefft in CD; i a. 0aia.of,o-atoaicfirintbene.tonr0oflpfe. Doing all Dtp too^cfceg b p tbe fp;ete of &lt; .b Jlettop tberr'o;eboon tbewtoe man/taftictj be bad) created bp.&lt;pfte.ffit.e/to content tbat toe mape ipue fnrpgbtuofnepanb bolpma. CiSeaftbourt

sabofoeuer bat&amp; neceffytjc o; nctoe of out belpe / (0 out negbbountobfi toe oujjfttto benx-ap cb;tfi tc cftr t&amp;

ttipll?tbeXu6.^.a.jcB.a.c:otbettJbf*^ii8eaifofie DotftrFbo/teto0,flpat bu.a.aifo &lt;fe.#aul IRoma.Fflj;^.^i.tfCb.D.aiic^p-ctftiflictocfe M&amp; tfte contp nuall piayn of j&gt; rpgtjtuoup jg beep acceptableto goD.*! enfampie in eiiab ht.lSeg jcbii.a.a'nbtbetfo;ea;ulDr toep;aie pureip m euery Place, tott&amp;out to;at y ojopgencponf. cimo,u t. 3&lt;obn.ff&gt;c#fakciff. ?eace, l^aceDctbCpgntfpet&amp;etopeofconfaenceafuetijefl agapnatuebeueliourcaDuetrarpe: ano grneraiipibe abounoauwe of all fpirituall goobnes: becaufe cute fpnnep are fo;gef bp top ch;f 8:(Df to&amp;pcb tftf nge lofie.

bpuptbeparableofttoefamatptaneoiiu.Fe/tafipnge Efai.Hf.let*Ftf^ caw - cftarge of bpm . toitb out oefppfpng ftnil.botft topflb* onto tbc tbatbeto;ptctb tonto Kom* ofbmi.a?aia.ii.b/anbrclauiiDeepiigbpm.cci.cic.b **"* *-- u --- --- - - - -"' anbfutogpng bp m.lam.uii.b-.but pleatpngeftpnt tonto bppeapfpng.l&amp;o rb.a. Xnb loupng bpm ap out felfe. Titu. fi'f.c/ $3a t-rtiio: f o; in Co oopng tbe latoe iff fitlflilffclBom.Fift.c C C blacpon o; offrpngf ,

Kb c.&lt;jpb?.i.a.if .ceffa.iu.b ,m tobtcb gob tt g aurboi l.Ceaa.b.ftuo;.t.fanbtb;ta p;eacber.cpb -flat Peace be irttft ?cu / IP a maner of gwpng berp fam t ltatamoge2etee0.tfo;tobtcl)teefapr:@cDfatiepon/ o; ttfitti poii.f. ( fceFFb.a.ene.Flffl.e.^iog.Ffr.a &lt;b/iBDeCp;efb peace to Dip apoaiep-jlufic pffltf.

J&amp;&amp;&amp;S1 ( FS vmt $ nob jaralm.F!/ p*mJb M-t m tftmge cannot be Sue !*w&lt;*WrtM!^*i! wiobiarfonfo; ftenoebbpmanmpreaCon^fopifftf.ft. p

cue ipnnp/ $ f o; out tautpfplng. $ / be neoetft tfterfo;enomo;e to be offteo.^eb tiit.r c,

, C&amp;;pBe&amp;atbgeuenbpmrelfefo;bPbnto cb/an oblacpon 9 facrpf pct.&lt;fpbe.b.a . #? tbe toftpcb toe ate (antpfpei).^eb;.j:.c .ftbeoblacponpoftbeoloetefiameut lose. jLruf, bWiF.a/FFW-c.#um.toit.a jrtt.c/jctft a * .. Cfl&gt;beDpenee 3D rtiamtma obepe bn to tbebopce of cso&amp;.CFO.Fb.g fcwtt.FFF.flfo/betftat obepettft frWfBft'cutro, F.n/anbbetftatobfpetb ftnot/fpcaBof. M epam* V\v in &amp;aul JLSU*mitUJgfi of Scan loCu.bft.D4rt top t&amp;tn becbpib;en of obebpence.f .JMt .fc fpecpallp to ob mo?e tben mi* to out patents . 0. rF.b/Heu.nj:.a/eu.b.b/Cobt Uina. an erampiefn cb;t(t jLu-i) g$bU f|-b.3lfo to out 8-J?tuyiH'.c.Jinerampiein3.ftaci&lt; l obtoab leuettbat toe obepe bbus cSmaunberaentep tjen epbo factpfpee bnto bpma JStg.tto.e ccle Hit ,0.,s .'... : .- ^;apfe eep?apfe bnto od Jpoca jcfjr.a pbWMttepwpfe/tobom toe fljuioe Iaube/ finoto* KDSPugetbatalltbattoebaue/eommetbofDwii. etc, JOMMBntjuBLan frompie to tft.e3ftarlftc0.aoau.-Ftf frM"^ ma * IB&lt; B*AaiK&gt; w &gt;alontott.f.3Beg. btu,baKoin^au!D.ii.lsegtt.mi.r.FFil.a. 3lfo in tbe apoOie0XuB.FFtrtt. &lt; ! 3 manjiugbttoofftetbe fact^fpetof o;apft bnto gobtfl070tocb;&lt;0^eb.Ff.c. wpa aau be bnto ruetpman ftomgob. f.Co;.ffff .a, waprtttbpfcSntenbabletnanwnnepatonemmitb. l^nti!;betbatp;apfetbbpmfelfittnotc5. raenaeb:butbe tbat Wpwffeb of;int.F.b ^;apet Gbe p;apet t ch;ta teacbetb \&gt;t.mtm. tu-xi.a . toep;apetoftbe cb;pften ought tpbe contpmiail/ #f mirnt/t&amp;e tobfeto tbpnge cb;pa fljetoetb p* bp a fp.


* * -*'

le wiftbte tobaue peace toitb all men. Kotna.ti^ tytbnii (pbe rfn a.f .pet.i.b.toltb tbemtDatbo call bp5 ^ nameoftbe)Lo;'; tbempm. ttew of tbe too;&amp;eof Gftob&amp;iQMjt&amp;ojilu %oib batb talleb bp to peace bnptpe collof.tij.b&lt; ftpooje. ti tfltal Dane an bjapep po;e amSgebP fltPatfttf.b euFb.b: cotobom men ougbte to 00 gooD.jLu.rtiit.c mm FJ.b.Fb.f;biii.b fr.a/b/c . ut toe fbaflnot eauer^iaaito8i'Wco?pD?ainteb0QPo.irj.iCft FFbt t-.oltbouflb $ betoermabepoo?efo;;.bl^^. , b.tLrito0tDenbauepptiebpontbf.|&amp;;oufr.FFf.b:|lfo2$ to'jf cb iPbone bnto$ uo;c is bone bnto tb^a.flBat.tth,h FPacpcnce. J&amp;acpe nee te p;apfeDl&amp;;ouet.Fbf Ji / a neceffarpe foi dwam men- cb; jc g:f 0; ft engenb;etb ttpali. Soma b.aan eyampie In tuep.jopftrtr0.3aco. b.c . wffo 3-olr* ]W*a.?trmincobf.irb&lt;3ttm&lt;nrauM t co^^c.liro intDeceffa!onfcrnfe0^.eea.f.bltSeougbte tben to be pacpent/m fuppo;tpnge one anotber/anotbaaptote ttengetcea. l?.c.ColloHj : f 0; be tbat bat&amp;cfiaiptpei* pacfet^-ccw^.ltmbOtO emcFtK felfelngoobtoo;c8e0.fanw.a. w aj^etfecucpon* ,!!? :fe i l ? pon w 9 cm *t to f ^e after tbe too;fc of Cb; fw.c:toberof cb^ft botbtoatneba lat.F.b/c:jro;ittoiibo?atoefft(pftbefflttbbenot!pite' Ipffrom tbr to;be of cb. SPat-fitt*: JButnetbatfs petfecuteoin one cptte, let Dpmflpe in to anotber.W. X.c.miotopn5tf)attbfpsrfecucpon0t5mcofacb-^fal. tufa from toblcftfte can beipuet men . an f ?ample in p.Wfrtim:mMimmuftt tften tafietbempa. eieittlp.tCo;.uii.c9p;awfo ? bt'0petfecuter0.WtS b.g-l8oma Fft.c CtBeWcuetaunceo;c8ttnannce; ' ^rtftutwuiteeto tbc trutb/10 geue of cft;i(t bnto* fapftfuU tco;.a.catbr tobpeb be botft roucrlibs. So.

Fto;fo? be tbat cetpnttoetb bnfo enDe ( aTtftouoft f ft PtBWHI?Pttfeaitewai8!tefaurb.^atjbtcWfc PeSf


feBplence MobbotbCtnbepeapleiice/toD^mmbobpfofteptfttt tamMtatWMi )LemH.FFbib.ttguni.bUi. aufoopo ebofcpettilece/to tftpntent tbat De ntpgftt we tottbotBer.0.liJegFFW.cffi:be tobfeftceafeb af* Ittttbatbe bab 6notoiebBebbp0fpnne.Ke.FF.c |W ^. IT^;eae TLofiebPontftttoo;DeS&gt;flct;pfpar/Dereaftti;m tyc \ttt(t.&amp;. C^ebeapnacpon " *e p;ebeftpnat e ate fapnetep 0; ijoip people/tnaae ipse to tbe image of tonne of oo;3inD calico / iu8t fpeoa gIo;pfpebDpftpm.Boma.bui.f ob ftaD p;eoeapnatbefo;e tbe maftpng of 5 too;ib/ totowDtmeto0bpt&amp;ebiouDeof&amp;p(Jftinm:/fo;tofaite amabebabta cftpib;en bp abopcpon/acco;&amp;png to tbe putuofe of btf totll/fo; tooeclate m mercpmo;e clete. Ipbntotbetoo;loe/bptbe toftpeftbe ftatbteconfpleDbp bnto bpmfeife/bptbenieanepotbpP.beteConue ^etup ebjift fijpb t a.n.cimo ,r c- j .pet .(.d-JUHe Boma- tec. SajCft;i.j.b.(l5ala.f.c.f.jBe.b.c. t&amp;/ouet. Fbia b.FFto.amo W b- jeteF.llame ui.eiEccliMj bFt.b ieg ff.ab.b F.b t'rt egFij-o.'| &lt;fa, tUeff. Iita.cbentuecamall anb fenfualt people canotcop;cl)eiibe tbe eleccpo p;ebe ftinacpS of oD;becaufeteep BIW fo? to faue tbefeiuep/bptbetc atone too;cbep a mewtep/toDpcft cSnot br.JBut eft pi* b;en of obbotoaptefo;tbep;bwltb/bp3efu0cD;ta. Uoiito P;eacbet0. o p;eacbe/f0 to wopftecs a eFPounbe tftetoo;toc of S5ob.i.iBe.t'tlf4;.tobf eft ttopnge no mS ougbt to DojCFcept ftebetente. laoma.F'C fteacfletji offt too;b of gobarc p;omeTeb.&lt;fa -m*t ' 3innaap;opbeteaep;eacbetDcb;tfttt comt.%u.iyt Cboff P;wcftet0 g p;eacbeanp otbet tftpnge/tbrn tbegofpell of cb;pa/atctobetefufebiJ.3obn.wtDe 11 topebetmep of toftotn is fet out iiPettt.a . ft. c

P;ape. Cft ft ivaftlft fo;b0-3o9.Fbt f.Fbt'J b.^efttoftbiF-f fO;beftnotoetft tbatbelP fttotbt of DPS atb ffltiW &lt; i|r f topi p;ape/ougbttofofljcueS^at.Fix 3D man mua p;ape 1(6 toopce att mpnbe JCo;f jrtttl c a ttgteat ttuft.lBfalmFFb.f 0; pf ttoo 0; tft;e be ace m Web to getbet i ntbe name of Cb;tft/ tbep fftal obtapne ailfbat t&amp;eprequpp. g;am.t.a. ^attft.Ftofff.c- &amp;o tbaen)ep p;apc in faptft anb Bnotolebge tbeit fpnne. WKegbiltb ef C1&amp;;pnce0 fU m i&amp;;pnre0atetbempnpacw of gob laoma- F"t . a- b. hwebougbttobetopfe/bpfctete 9 ejperte. Feutet.ft. Coto*omi?ecafelmaliet[) anecbo;tacponc?rc.FF. f Flb-c Jlfo g&gt;opboiaailfo amop W a fl^t'eb in a.c tfufUprcncriJbtwe euelmpnpftetp.^ouec m b CccltFa Cb;pa&amp;tftep;toceof paftoutep i&amp;&amp;. anbtbe ftfabofallp;pncppaltteolotab . M t fte p;pnce of tftp0VBo;lDe fgtfjr beucH/toftpcftf0 bapnqupttb a oueccome bp cft;pa goftn- Ffi^-tpft tja C^jopbefpe ^ #t J&amp;;opfter?cf0tbe gpfte of gob/geu- bp bolpgoott: anotbptbetopIlofanpnian!fiaFitbtco;.cn.bnpet. t-b .fjftt tofticft fp;ete beatetft toptnc* of cft?ift.3pocal,

Ft'F.f.Cbe tobicbtp tometpmegeue to cutjl men. 05t. Dit.b.3neF3plctn S&gt;aul.t.5aeg FbiitJlfo of Cappbap .; tbem tbat topi not beieuettt-ffieg-FFit c CD ete ate ttoofpgnep of true p;opbecpe: tbe one pf tl;etftingetoDveDtbe p;opbete batb aietoeo befo;e/Do cometopafle.^eut btttccbeotbetpfbebonot toitft' b;atoc tbe people from tbe true too?fl)ppppng ; toftpeft ta to fetue in fp;ete a ttuetft one gob onel;. cute* m. ^ocfte p;opbete0 cannot fpeafie/but focEj tftpngepap goo batb puttntbettmoutftttt.teg FFtt.c.anbate not tDptftoutauto;pte^tcft.utpeeaitDtftatmtbetpgbtcf 3ftpnge0.ttaiaegto c Co p;opbecpe;fo?toteacft in eFPOun&amp;pnge tbemp

fterpep of tbebolp fcrpptutei,Co;tn. Ft a F Ojcftit.f. p&gt;aul botft puttebpSetence bettoene a p;cpftcte ?a teacber :fo; a p;opbetetPbetbat teatbetft tbetftpnge tobpeb gob batb openeb tonto bpm bp ftps fp;ete / to ebtfptng of tbe cftutrft a teacber tp fte/fftat teacftetbonlp too;be,of c&amp;ob/Daufgfp;fl bene taugftfc itbpmen;tobtcfttftpngefo;au f/becSnot bo teitbout tbegpfteof ooWo; it 10 one 3 tbe fame tp;pte to'apcft too ; cii e tb all tftpngep In all men i-Cojjrit fr g&gt;ometpmep;opbetepftauebene callebfeatp i WW ttb&amp;V tob om ob toa0 toonte to anftocve tbofe tbac af fteb councell at tftem j,tg wbirt- a. to toitbo;atoe tbem from tbeitfjolatrp .iut.meg.tbub iJfoiucbunD;etl)faitep;opDetepDpb councell fipng aftab /m to mafietoatreagapnBKamotb(EialaaD/ but 0^tcftta0tftt p;opbeteof tbe)lo;b/bcing but one manauoneopb councell tbeconttarp.iti-iiieg trtUa a man ougbt not tben to befppfe p?opbeclep.t.ceC b.6: 3Dut tatDti p;ape 0; to paut fiKlit a gyfte.t cojyma Sdgapna tbe ipeng p;opDeteP.C?i;dj-ct.c erempecoplapnetl)offalfep;opbrtep.^ete.Fti.ft fl)f tobo a m?i ougbt *o tabrbeabe^attotj.&amp;'-f o;tbeft boctrpne 9 Doctrine of tbe p;eBep ip full of ipep a cow?* toufnep.jete.bift-.JBecaufe tbep p;eacbe fojnotbpnge but f 0; lucre 0; gapgnep.tif KrgFin.ft. i#;ouibcnce. C&amp;e.pj&lt;wtf&gt;enceof ob totoatbe b- ftruattntep. J&amp;taL cFlb.b.^;ou Ftoa.FiF.c.ffl?alaftl.b-J manmape not tbenoenpe ttje p;oupnence of ob . cEcclttob : f of cffaperep;ouetbtb? tbatbenpelt Flcapg. 5Bptftep;oupbence of gob/all tbwgep bappen bn* to bp(gcclt.Ft.b. an tFample tn g&gt;amatftany tobicft toolbenotbelruetbt IrperPtftatftietoeb tftrtftrgteate BSget to cBme/bp i?e p;oulbf ce of gob.n'u.JB egtoft.b.c aifo bptbep;oupbtceof gob/aftpmeiecft bpb not ipett S&gt;ata.eneBPFFb.2fobptbep;ouibenceofgoB/tbe people of ?ftaell m iacHenotgfage.j&amp;eu if .b.aifo ftp $ pwupbfceof gob/Ifapopt) tenbe au(D into bote of sj&gt;aul.f.fceg.Fton.b ilfo; otbereFSpteP of goWffwq* upQtnce,lofte.i laeg.FiF.c FFbf.b.FnF.b.FFpaifp. itJBeg.FFtoif.g.f JBeg j.irt.c.j;ijii\a.iiu JKegb.a.tofff a. Cbete f p notbpngi comfo?tetb a faptbf ull ma mo;e tban to confpo;e tbat notftinge ftappenetft bntoftftnytt ouctftep;oupbence of gob/pee euen tonto tftefallpng of onebeateofbl'JSbeab. 0i&gt;at.FJi.anb ftrtftatbrleutttj not tbe p;otipbcnceof gob/ipnottoo^tftp tolpe.


It 1 *

a Cable of t&amp;epamripaH matter*

r;uoence p&gt;?uoece f s fomtpme taften inftfcrpptute / f o? a tet* tapnefubteitpe/bp tofticft carnal ni3 ootft gouetne ftpmfeiftoarelpmftisburpneuj:bi:tofticft.r.|&amp;aule calif ti) too?ioeip top room e/tobicb is wad) befo?e goo. Ko.biiU-.tfaMtt c.b? $ icfticbaman thuioenotgo' uerne Dim fei f .p&gt;? .a-mftetof alfo vonaoab teas full.ti.iRe.jKtf.a, ate p?uoeneet0 taftffo; an aouife* me"t/bp a &amp;i eft eny ml taftetft bene to ouetpaffe ftfamc

p? a pet alfo fjs b p acce pt ab I e. Jam b.b.P; ou. r b ,d. cftetrgfttuougiatetopiftmocfteaDO faueo tnibwl too;lW.ft v / etcape ttpbulacp5p fo? name of ctoittj i,jaftiiij.D/bvtbetO^Dcttp;;\ji) ) J ;ouetjcbiia pannes tpgftttoefnes. ftete is noupgftttoefnes in man ; no not in tfte nto'a ftolp.Job-ntyD #3 Jt*b-b.tirai.j: WD*ett b* not M atttpftuttftftntoouwrFgftttoelnfis/gdPobBcuetftwi eu&amp;erftaunceorfteuetla&amp;pnglpfeeuti&gt;a:jfo?ty

tftpngeto usfticftftets calico; co tftmtetftfte mpgftt J topliettaWpQjtbettatomt pgftttoefnesJbp too;cmj/ feraeftglo?pofob8ftP?ofet offtisnegftboute.anD avenQtrubtectecQtfteluapceofOQD.mQ nia^.a -\ tftps to Do / cft?i&amp; Dotft toatne M.tyatx.b%tiS- $tt. Cfte tpgft tir e fnes of oD is maoe bnorce bn to b* fy tpet.iiit.ft. ^?uBenceatDiloomo;rapi5ce/aaop ftpgttojpBW.Job.r^bi-a.w.cbtM.a, cft?i &amp; is ouk nEDcomeMptogetftenntfterctppmcetofteroftoifDom tpgfttoutoest co?.i.D.Cfai tfiU.jt ib.bJm'.b/tftt tabic)

o;rapie*ce/Dotft caufe oneto bnoerttanoerftpretftpngS ipgeuenbs of 0ootft?otigft cftjiue i&amp;biitph ulc- aft tofticft be of 9 p?uftenee to pttfeiiec toftpeft alfo toe antiec toapte fo? bp faptft.tisai.b a

o? continue QpH in tfte famepftt.p?ou,;rittf. Mo tfte tofticfttogafeErtojKo.p^ou.i^.lrtb/bti.a.t'y.aKbi.b. 3w ejcaple m auiDHBe.):Wii,b.c cf&amp;falmesi. iijJemuttefpngebntotfoiJtoptbPtalmeg/^pmnS 8 fpp?ituaiifongetf/toptftgeupngeof tftanfces fntfte fp/pte a ft tt .3uog.b.a.f .co?jHiitc/&lt;pft.b.D- col.ti t .c Pfai. but 0/ x .a.3;umt.j:bt.a Cl&amp;ublp canes

Cftep ate f cee f r5 tuft pee/ p is to faje ftaue no t pgto toefnes/toftpeft ate femauntes . M tfter isnofelotftpppebettoenetpgtyifcrnesabmishti toeftieWj-co?,bl-c jfo; tfte tojatb of mg Dotft not? tigM toefneis of oo.gam.i.c/tfte ftute toftetof ougftte to m fQtoentnpeace.jam.uj.b. ciBulet*. iguelltuiet? pane notbpon tfte cattfes of tfte pood

$ubl?cane0atetftoretftatbo gonetnc tfti commie P?ou.w#.b.3inDfo;all ft menmulJeb eobeDpentbtitt tft?eafutes/fpecpaUptoUeo? tavep/cfte tofticft toew tfte\#am.&amp;nottoitfta3Dpng fttftcpbeinfpoeiesip{t fomtpmein greatteputacpo amongft iiomanes-.but co!.uf D.dpft tj.b.ffiut Co that tf tep comm j tin &amp;e no-

otipous to tfte Pft arptpee/ b eca u re t ft e p DpD gatftet en buteof ft grown ft names offtempetouruf IBome: anDtftetfo?eDpD tfte? cade in tfte apoQels teatft / tftat cftjtltDtDeatett tftepubltcant;.jai to.Ond becaufe be toautftfttfKnfte.jLbij.e,f|&amp;ubWcaneisio6e^at. Wiu\).ffi\iiM.i CPurgatotpe cftps to o t o t purgatotf e is not in tfte 38 ? Me : but tfte purgacpon a tem^5 o f out f gmiegf /is maoe bS bg abttndaunt metcpof iBoD.luft.t'.g. i^at. r'i.a : onei; b? &lt;Hft;ta.^at.i.ab?tfte cbgngof fti.gbiouD.09at. ^bt.c.^at:.i:iii{.c.l,.t:ii[ i.a.iFD t' petciu.c.t.Joft.i e; ii-b-.apoc.t.b.^o? fte is 5 leconcpipng of al f J&gt;nne* of Itoftole too;lo t.g|o.ii.a line: a ftatft QjetotDftf felf taftingonftpnoutefleQ)/ a alfo .Dpii ig /b eitag o u t f pnnos bp5 ftw bacfiey f o; to botftf atoase ifo tn'.ISom iiK.D/t.petit: co tftintet $ fte msgft t putgebS of tynnmin iuftpcft tftjs too;Ioe tta0boSDe.&lt;s$al4a/t&gt;csm.t-D)gbeieiieinftpmti)ftfcft fjStftel8me-io.i.D/once otteten fo?al: feof tftetete*

tnapietft none otftet / toftt'eft tg ftS ftence f o; tft poutge bs of out fpnneu, eb;.tt g/yc fte tften f topi poutge ftps fpnneis / tft^otigft fpev/o? bpanp otfter mraneti tft e bp tfte paflyo of cft?ttt benpetft ftps CapD paflpon as it is to fee bp $ plates bettye a legeo-.a ft al be gtettouflp punpfteDi becaufe fte ftatft oef p pfeo fo g tea t e a gtaee. t$ibif-t I1S. Cttpgfttuou* o man is rigft tuous in tfte fpaftt of &lt;s on. i! ob.iiif -b flf.a.wb.b(gccle.bii.a- 3Db?aftSusteputeDngfttuou0 becaufe fte beleueb.en.j:b.a $etftatf0nottpgft' tuouS/ftaiiitigpetfaptcftatitfe/isnotofooi. l Joitfb Co tftetpgfttuouss is no latoegeuen : fo? ft e Dotft al tftpng ftelp bp tfte Ipjete of goD.ffial- b.o ,j cim.i.b Eftetpgfttuou0lpuetftbpfaptft,;.);.g. bpStoftom f epegof tftejLo/oeDoloBe.i^etiil.D.toftofe

tftpnge agapna &lt; f tfte obebpence oetot;c.cofftetoftrcftcft?lii papeD ttpbtite.&lt;at.jebiib. ipftattftetulets Ojulb fit, cWo);biitD.eut.)cbi.D.ftat7stofape/fucfteastetft;o| fapDe bnto fl^ofeg tjjco.ybiftDS i eitti'CCo tfte tofti mmotoerciietlce.Gyo.rjrilolBjouft.ybi.b.vbij'ti-vrti n aainbnottobettacte m fpeafieeuellof tfte &lt;Zm$l D/no?toeftemftfteitoffpcelpgftt-tCcele.bii.a ]fiabi. !Babf in^eb;en fpgn(ffetft(mpraaOee .gfo-f . ) toftit tftpnge one fttiioc not oetpet to be calleD^at- p.n'it-a Keafon3D man (buloe notttutt bnto tfte iubgmf t of bis p2opeKtfaCon.eut.riia.$?ou#a;ifc*itff-ba ccafon ottgftt to begtiie" to all tfte tftatbobemafiJt/| of tfte ftope tftat toeftope in Cft)ia4#etiif'C a ttafon fftallbegeuenbp t uetpone of bS/befoje \\ tuBgmct feate of cftjlft.iao.tfiil b ttiSeoempcpcii, efte tecempcton tofticft ftulDe bemabebp $ bioun t([ ft;id/toas o;Depneb bef o;e tfte maftpng or tfte too;e. t pet-i.D f outebepcpon!ofie-(pft.t.b.^eb;.ft;.c dft;tQ is tfte tebem et of all men i &lt;o;.&lt; D-tcimo im cftetofticft ftatft geueftls Ipfefo; teDfpcfonof mm\ S9aw-b?0ar):-c/tofticfttoasp;efiguteDuiDeiii' ting of $ cftilDje" of Jftael-if):o.rt.c:^eu ffb fclRe-btft CKeftige &lt;B5obttouttefuge it ise wfta^faljcb/rlbia/ytiiif. b.'ctliiiia/^ete.vbiD efteeftpe0O(t(fuge.g|oru#4

Qm'Vtftoia eutittt/a/^jc/a c$ulc meQ)uloecontpnueuionemie/tftpn!ipnge/IoIifR9(l abeieupngonetfting-g istofap e/g toe cannotftauw euetlafttg lif e % is p?ome fee bS/bp onp ejeteriot o? oqK| toatbe too;cfie .Pftili.iif.D: ffftpgft tfte rule of Cftjldi anoftegfolotoetftit/peaeeof(eo&amp;ftalaeonljiw&lt;

tiaia bW.#.W fti*iefd; aneue/apawie; oja *eipgpon/fo; obfewpnge(not of cloptttetule?) but ofttmStf ozoepneo of oD.iEPO.cit.o. s&gt;eut.Wt-D.rbt.g. SS a eipgpon;fo ? tftefecteoftfte pftatifes/ E toetepjouDe apocHtcjj fuof cetemonpts / of SbLft Saiiltoasattftetwff ^ct vrbt.b M q Intmtame captapite of tfte jtalpansJ atmpe/ ttcalUDateipgiou0man/4l?etftefta^maDenom^ taKesJct^a cftettueteipgpS of tfteft;ptten SftnotintfteDpuetfptte of ftabptes o; oftootoesibut Srfnge of tfte fatftetieffe a top&amp;ome* in tfteittnbu* JSamfteppngeamaniiesfeifepiiwftomtftetopc' tSSSSmSA- ^ m - 1 - il^emptTpon. ffwSBw of fpnnes; tfto;oto tojft M fli^uiDftaDftiltoeo&gt;ceo?e ^fai.pjr. eette. 09 |oSbnKm%bicii obepe not tfte comma.mDr. Slm/tofticftftwtetftepouche of tfft?&lt;a.fl?atytj). . ftpm^eb?.iih^a Upoiiij.c: f o; attet ftibuiacpon gob ge* S5tteo?aepe/fo?tftenatui; SiHcoytn/b.i^eC.liiiact.bti gttefumectS fttm Wfeftatft ftetoeDitXtic.w^a ; o.Mj.aota.ff.c BWjn 9auiD toloe tt befo?e . |Nd. mxlit St. be Cftebctnieaatengtftoftftetefurwaon Stoft eft tftpnge ftatftbene topmefleDbpfpgnrtl WV&gt; SSAk. ^etoslloftftefajet/Wtotapa Wte Sat beleueinftpm^|Qb Meb ilfo^araeWa. aifogjuaag ^acfta^7teSi.D anft ftototftefaptftfullDobef|!ettt/lo^ KST etpbuepon/o;geupng.

8 ' .geuetft bnto MrjSSgp^tSSB 9 tpBtoeM-KejcrbU ii.e.wifb anapcftes., W &lt;K"^e!om.]e.c.toft^nw6etftitcftc/a f.Co;;.Wtb. fJPl* *j*f* **/ mpeftes eueilgottenbope^ae^pwo ftetempo;anwfte0/toftpt9eft^ttHttfttftetop^ 8tDramonta*tftecaufeofalUni^^^ togeuebntotftepoo;e.tu.j:bt.a:fo;ainScannottetue cSooanDtpcfteae-^'CiLuc.jrtit.c uisome Sfwopwname of ctaMfttoj ifHWtt alamp;opftecpeo of ome.j9um.wmw&gt;. fte omapneg conDlpnebnoman;to&lt;tftoutfte toeje ftattacW)i).cJnDOpDnotiet^ultoweaeft^ego* fpElI/bntoalltftl^camtofttmtnftiSftoitre-act.w.b!.e.g fld&gt; ^&gt;ouie. feoule/fo? weljtttoi^5^jAJJ ^JiJJS ipfexeu.rbti.c.nob.)i,b.aofti^,c &lt;ltft?ia5ft&lt;lftop

ofoufbuie.i^e.ift.D.oftoft8tftetnpnpWt0(ftatlW accofite,^eb;. jnft,c cfte toules of tfte toete napnrf fo;tftetoo;fteoIoD/toeten)etoeDtO'J;oftn,aipoc,bt',c fte fuppecof ouc 3Lo;D/is aftolp memo?pe ageupmi oftftanfte0/ fo? * Detft of dft?ift.flat.):)rt)i.c.(!pi!.]Etiij. 4.%n&gt;&amp;ti*oi&amp;*#* cftefuppetougftttobtDoneiii eftat;pte.t-co?.);i.D:fo? toftofoeuet cbmetft tftitftetbntoo;' tftelp(fi0 , tt out faptft)Dgnetftftpmfelw.eo;t.rt.g o* belp purtpOjemet/ cSraetft totftfgtafie fupperontto;* tfteip.ieo?.p'.g cftebfeofHuppettoaPtnStpmeof fb&amp;tti fumtoftat co^upt/fo? tofticft cauR manp toe flr&amp;ttengfg &lt;B0Dis oute^ttengtft.5ito.):b.a.. eg^ii.a.gio&amp; tttt.e.f tofticft i^annaft ConfeffeD.te.-a Pftatao terptteDtftelitengtft ofoD/$tftepotoetof&lt;8oD mpgftt 9 bettetbefinotoenitFo.i):.i;.lSo.ij:.b K^toetDr.OD fs fapo to wftette ftps toetti/toften fte topi punt (b mtabsttfU, Cfteltoette is fente of csoo/agapnit tfte * too?ftippegimagcs.!^etr.yw:i(A/ a sepe not ftpsco* m3unc&lt;mlte0:jLeu.):fbt.D l^e $ Qtpfietft ttffte ftoetb ftaipetpft^tfteftoetoe.^at.wbi.e:apo&gt;ut.c. fte tpgfttof ft Cweto^)ci.b/ tmsfMS Deu.

ri^ll^etfo?efwletgDobeateCteett/ ^eftoftDof tfte fptpte cuttpnge onbotft fpbeg/ i|tfte too;u of goU/toftf eft a ml ougftt to tafte f o? to ouercsme ouienempe.^.jrfifl.c/ *Mgj&amp; u f9 ftoeto/oeatft/9Debates fftetoewbefo;eto tfte tofticft (ball raapntapne5gofpelfl?at!C.D Cfeacriftceo;ftott ft7pttiStftefaa:iRce.eb.bfiJ/t)iti.a:offteDoncefo? bjj/j*/tofticft mufte be olteD nomoje t fo? tft?ougft ftp w ateout confepener S pourgeb ft5 fpnnt/ tofticft tftpng no facriecoulDeDo.fte6?.):'a cftefactiffce^ r mw&amp; toftpcftp?efpguKDcft?ift/ceDat ft cSmpngofftnti fteb. mt-it'C obbepngcotenttoitfttfteonlpfacrpfpfcpf ft?PftVDctft tef tire al otftet offrpng^ a oblacpos.fttbrf.0 tfteptoftpcft toplipngelpbo fo?fafie tftegofpel/eSbp' noracrpfpee/be pouvgeD ft5 tfteit fpnncS.fteb?. bt.b x.t &lt;oob cfiuetf acpon is caileD a factpfpec o? an ftoott-pft^ lipn'.c cogeuebnto ftpoo?e/ftafactpfpce acceptable togoDeb?.)rfiix.ieftpI.iitt.D jLctbgoftebntegoft tft;ougft eft?itt/ftfactife of tftonftesgeupng. JNMg* VoMbpon ftfacrpfpcejj of ft olDeteftament)Leuiii.a;9u.]cbe.)rt)ij.a e^&gt;toeate an otftettaconfp?macponof tftpnges / toftpeft arewt queftponamongemen/bpft canpngebnonoftfte name ot goo.^eb.bic-toftpcft tftpnge ougftt to be bntogoo^u. n?.a.5ubf.D/yD/ toitft outftoeatpngbp tfte name of ^togoDbeg^pgi.e/afo?ft mtXm9mj bcwjSej:amplem^ul.&lt;(.co?iD.a'nDto Mmj miuetfttfteotfteoffocfteaone/totoftomam8ftatftge' uenanp tftpnge to jcoD^jcftft tt*SJfi ftatft ftooTne bpftpm felf gene-jwrft-cBut a i mS mutt not ftoeate m ftoeateftpmfelfXeu. ttr -t-Soi eutfeb be fte ft ftoearctft bp tfte name of gob/ 8 !wtft5acfta.b.a. le ftulDe tften be f o true one of btf to anotftft/a catefuli to tape tfte trutfteitftat out c8mu npcaeponlbuUiebeype/pe/nap/nap.flpat b.f sam.b c.

&amp; table of t\)t jftmtptMffl matters

DsmfWmV-t&amp;o W' sM tbem t^ae moue ftrpfe. J&amp;;ouerb ^U.rbbWW rbiiJarriii.D tfjj-ca man iff bounde to pacify a rp f e 9 htbattf.TSn efi* ' p!emI?ofes.&lt; CCodepe &amp;&amp;mii\)tti$to}bm~z.&lt;3en-it:.a&lt;S]cwxmtiib.b be p;ouoe m an toas Hapne/ tobicb opfobepcd uu&gt;&lt; gr m en t of t&amp; e glioses/ tbat iudgeb a cco^opng to tj) c 1 a to of &lt;3ob-eu j isiic, $e tbat fleperb a man ougbt to be flapnr.jUut-tttf.b.i3u..r&gt;b.D @etbaeaepety toitb ftctoc/oiigi&gt;tto be dapne Vb tbe ftoeeaetfen t'r.aQ9 at. tfto'e.aipo.iciit c &lt;0oo cSmaunbetb to depe tbe fco* Pbcte/tobfcb fljo/oto mp;acle0botb tottbdjatoe f people ftom&amp;f0too;de:to&amp;etberitbeb.otbec/fdmie/baugbtet 0; top b. $e g flepetb m bjotber ferret* Ip/te accutfebof odjBeut nrbi d- ooftplletb a qupc fienetb tobatbim luMsea&amp;tftJ. Sm Billetbofe tbat mare be a be Stuccp onbntotbe people, eiit.tof -c, fee aepetbbi0 b;otf)/ g tsangtptt bim/o? bp too;de c;ftgneDotl) eurfe bpm^at.bc.i.g'o iif.e. a&gt;pnne. 311 j&gt; 13 Done torcbout faptb 10 fpnne/anD foi0 all mi* qupte.o-jcroj&gt;j.3!o.ft'j.a-b d.andbeg beleuetb not 6 oofpel 1 10 a fpnneu &amp;e hit .a bere to none fee from f sni e/ a tbcrf o?c all bane nede of b ri ft to fanetbem- Hi, &amp;eg bf cP; jrtf.glw.edccli.tafi:C motif c.j.'joj.c ciwift 1st tottbout;e.ij b :u t &lt;0ob laping all wire fpmw b pan aim/ barb maoe 6pm rptmectDat 10 to fapc/a factpf pee fo; ttje fattffaccpS tf cure f pnnciB) ana men fo lip fpnntf tbat is bp $ facrp* fpce offred bpo t be tree of tbe ccofttye ban) tab e atoape/ eonnmrpneb a Done atoape owe fpnne toD. jso. bffta.Mr*fto &gt;pnne0 ate not imputed to tbe rbat beieue Pfalm.icwiftf,fo;tbepaceputgebtbo;ota) faptb. P;ou ei.pb-b- Unties b t ftygtot? bp gob offlp.c&amp;o. jcjtymr.a ]cftn'.c.^at.iit:.a. cbe fpnne frtempOpbleo; notable to be fojgeue/is tbe fpnne agapnft k&gt;oIp gott. toijfcbaman cugbt notto p?ape.j#o b d tob i cb (bailnot be f o-geuen In tbis too jiocnetbet in tbe too;lde to come:tbat is to rape/neiier.SUat Wo8peto;pi0geuenb0 of &lt;E5ootbo?oto Cbtfft/agapntt fpnne/beil/adeanH ttorfn-jft-g, $atilebotb toatne Mfo? to toafiefco ttje fleape of fpnne/ 9 to put It atoape tbatftrapgnenQtitionrmortaiiboDpa gtftojoto oe* aptetberof/outbertebenotbatteneb ftibnbeltfe. !Ro, Wb-Cpb'bc.^eb.lrt.c.j1j*a.|o^,a. 9etbatbatbfpnnebbatbcb2lQtobfabuocatei'3!off h-Co tobom toe mulbe confeffe ocefpnne0.t-i(&gt;.iD;f u gob map mafte b? toltbout tpime^fpotte.f tiba0.f*g.Kn tt m pie of (be p jo Ogsall Con neXu r b-c Jlf of tbe fwi

tiaHubf|.r.aifo of tbe tbeaf e-^at.mbf . c*tone. obgeuetbtoatetontoftftone.(Cj:o.rbff.b.jl3u.]cr'b Cb? tt 10 tbe done of offence to tbetn tobpeb (tumble ( i'0/ar e offenoeb at tbe toofte not beletung it)i$&gt;ellb &lt;DMft tt tbe aone bpon tbe tobicb tbe jetow bw&gt; lobe tops tbojote taptb/beieupnge tbat be amine aftettoame come/outeofiDbomtbepop&amp;b;atof out tbe fplrttuaii bnc|'?-r*a- CbeOoneytbattftofape/tbefaptb tbat onebatbui Cbrf It/ 10 tbe foiinoaepon of tbe cbuceb. &amp;KW.C C*abotbo;refte cbe ftabotb 0? bape of wfte/a0touebpng tbe obrer* mepontbetofaftertberettertoa0betpaiapttp effmaa*

ul.W.a bb.ietejcbff.ftbf caufti &lt;5o\) m telte bpon tbefeuefl) bare :tl)att0yceaffeo frm tbemablnge of anp monetae eteatute0 &lt;Kenefi0.ii3 flEjco.w.b.aifoi'ntljetcmembjannteof tbe tette / m bebaQgeuentotbecbplD;en of %fmll/ mbelpuerom tbe otic of tbe captpnptpe of gj?pteeut b.bJlfoqS tbefci'uaunte0abeafte0nipgbttette-jfo-jejrtlf-bcbi'0 ntbpcp'ail cetemonpe 10 ceafeo:foj toe mutt nj iengee oape g.d&amp;al.iiif .b. flat.rit.a.Uut $ fpjfS oftmetb contepueDbnDcttbfe Ibabotoe/cugbtaltoaw to be am oge b0:cbatt'0 to reltea to tcfeapne outefei fro t\)t too?cbe0 of oure mpnoe 0; topll cefai Ibf a. lb fctHe tobicb tbmge ougbtto be pctpetuail ttb0.&lt;fa L g.$ cure feiucgbnto tbe too;cfin of faptb/tbatl0/tobelpeone anotbeebp ebarpite. a g$8tM&amp;t&amp;'toa* S&gt;aament. ^acram?tfomti)mefo;amiltetpe/atftnigefectew bnbnotoeo;bpobr:g tobtcb fo?alj/i0 opened in a w, tapne tpme/toftg it(0tbe pleafu^of pb.f. Co^n.lilji olf'b pb.f.b.ti/-a.b.g4.tmift.D C^aerpfttt, S&gt;apfpce in tbe fwipture f ignifietb ge neraUp/am toa0 offered on tbe atiltet: toberof 10 f p ft en &lt;to rm, }Leui.iibbt.c,br.&gt;:iero.c.i5ume.bbft.e. jb.a m**m 3Wfo tbt fcriptute calletb tomtpme fpnne/factpfpcft a0 apperetb ttt iiiano after tbatmanertbebeatbo! cb/ift(beMufeittoa0afaeepffce)f0caHebfpnneKo btir.a. 3&lt;temaifotoeatetberacrpfice0of tbe beab/1 toeateoftbetbinge0 p;efenteDanDoffetebbnto Joolti

gmage0joeabtb&amp;ige0. mitbtmUtUto/MA tftt *a^ f PWbpbnotieimepumjwm?tofii,|.c:fo;i5obwgartietbnoetbe factpfpctf of m toiebeb(|cc3e|trtit.c.butwftetnK)cfiet1ii!lee.b.6 ttaU. cbe b;eab atopnereceaueb fntbe fuppetot cb;ift /are no famficetfo; b;itt toa0 offeteb once Cuffirtentlpfo; wtrefpnne0.$ebj.b)biitanbolp mtmomf tbeoeatbofb;ta.^atj:i;bt^ofacrtfieetbeni0iea( b0aftet tbebeatb of b^tt.^b.Wrtfl#.cbiittbefaenV fpceofngbtuoufnr0|bfeU(!i.b.9 of tbanelw geulnge pfalmci.o.jioBetobat faci&lt;ffce0&lt;obre(|upKtb note, fi^icb-bib S3etcp 3 to lone oofjamSnes nepgbboute/tt ^atbtngetbamaetbalifacrlRce0. matbitA g&amp;flgMjtf*Xi$f cbefacefftceoftbefaptbfuK. ^ala.ffta CJ&amp;;ette0. pewmmtttuipb /mAimx-tm. im-vA %twmm&amp; C5obtoa0 tbeberetageof $p;eny&amp;eu. fbilf.a Cbeo?b;eofp?eabEbei0tr5flateD:*i0tofaw/ aboipibeb/eeafeb 9 fpnpibeb/ utfucbe topfe a0 tbere, mu ft noto beno mo^.bfb; uff.b/fojtoeare all p;efte0 togo&amp;/g toefljulQeoffteouratoiiefelCejs/afpiutuelfa* crltice/euena0bflft ofterebbpm felf/toWcbtbpngtoil beacWptabIebntogob/tb;otigb3!efuieb;ift.&lt;^etetii/ Jpoc'ib b-e *ibep/elte0of aa!.f Kegum.ybftt.e me fiptcben0 of p;efte0 . Gvtft,pM .f. tbett coue. touuie0.mala.i.c.(Cfa W-b-cbeir treafon ban.rmb^l ffbecouncelagapnftb;pft'mat.wbf a Ttufi.^r.ff. Cbrte enupflat j^bftctbetr euen topll. 3&amp;atb.flrM&gt;; tbeft malpceifo; tbepbaue benealtoape0 fat ftS' cbarp* tpe/a0cb?lftaietoetbmtbepaniMebftbeS&gt;amatftaB. anil

totttapneo in tlje MpMt,

enjpp^fte. SCftertbeojoerofiKpeicbifeDec /euermoje umgnibeuf/fo;topwefo;b0togoi&gt;bfefatber.0e* t;.b,Wbbtfta.pfal.a. S&gt;apncteo;bolp. Cbetoo/befapncl: 0; bolp/fetafteDiuerBpinSbfWe: 1 10 to fape/f 0; tbe bolp place of Hi pie, in tbe tobicb tbe

peopleoftbe 3etoe0 ougbtto pwpfegon- ?&amp;fal. w-wi cl. ^etoB&lt;cbbatbbeneeuciibnoerftaBeof^&gt;opbiaer0/ ttbitbba^S'ofebtbatplace.prai.cI.fonbepjavengto fapncte0/cotrarp to ^&gt;.Jetome tobicb batbtrSCtateutt' jUuoate bomtnuin fancto etu0: gt"0tobnoetQanoe/ pjapf e gob in bi0 bolp place/o; bolp cb?i ft / tobpeb 10 tbe Caput of fapncK. S&gt;apnctes t'0 tafie alfo f 0; all t be g ate tpgbt in bette/bp tbe fapttjof |efit0 t\nW toberbp tbep ftewpnctt'fpeD3o jcbf i.lBo.i.ico/.i.ij co^ii epb-i b -^bil. mm 9 ibete am5geJE&gt;falme0 J0in p-fai ct'ii; .311 lapibfullmentbenare fapncte0- eut.j:iiii.ai5ii.rb.ocEtotita.Ko.biiie.rbi-a bcpbe.(.a-pbilHHii(.M&amp;bU. I.a/bicbj.iiia.Of mbom cb^ft/bepngefetton$ tigbt banse of bp0 f atb 1 1 10 tbe mpniftetf eb;e bui .3ina fo; tobS toe ate bounce to p;apev&amp;contpnualp?aper a fer&lt; gpept|nfwete-&lt;f pbc-bi-e cbe fa pnet^ do p;ape fo? tbeie ! Ijwtt^pfal.ytru. co tcbo gobf0metcpfuiI/alltbougb

cpon0b^ngetb oeatb..Co?.bb'c 5 &gt;pe. jfepcle tobeeofi0 fpoben W.rMttMte after To* fepbu0mpn&amp;eim.&amp;^gma0/tobicbamountetb a0 isu* beu0 faptb rr Q)pUmge0 fterimg. ue citea tree/bpafpmplptuoe/i0 euerpmS t.fiiPat.uj.c.tif. cflar.biu.c. lu bi f.Jf be be faptbful be 10 a gooa tree/b.jpngpngc fojtb goob ftutc as toell in boctrpnea* bptoo;cfte.fleat.biic.)Butpfbebetoitbouttbcftuteoe faptb/bef0topcbeo.luba0.ib. ccrptbfs. fc ? Cbe cptbe0 torn fanctifpeb to gob-^eui jejebfto. &lt;. '" oDcomafibebftbempniaer0/fltafiget0/fatbee0/ 8toebotoe0OniIbebeno;(lbeb toitb^ tptbe0.curiiiib , Cbeeptbc0toerea0toeleateot people/a0 cf fmp Cbe J&amp;baritoleHingmarcpf fa ptb/a5 p;incipa toojem of tbe latoe.bnbone/touc bpiiget topapetbetptbe0.flI9at prill c- cecbar0. cecbar0 in ttje cburcbe of cb;tfti co? tit b. cpb flii-o Cbe tb?ifteani0taugbtof c.^elv.biii. D.i.|obn.b.fa4un&gt; aseaugbtetoteatbefttooibc

of ob one to anotber.eut.b.b.rt, t4 ceff.b.c Eigapnft $ queaionatpbocto;0o; tecbara.i.cibi.b. n&amp;bicbWtbebolfomeiernpngc.cit if a / a tobpeb tbe


piwi(ftetbemromtpme.}Sf l iim.Ij:w'it'lletb0tbenbe beueimei-cim iiii-a cbeptbatbj pngotber learning

;te0inourconufrfacpoui.petic/fo2gooi0bolp .ri'S-tit-a-rrbrnli'ilofiebototoeotiBbttobcIpe iete0.lSo.iru.cco;;.biiia* ffdatan. !tS 10 an abuetfar pe . (a rbiii o- S&gt;a tban Do tb ttpftjef bettt0 of tbintet t tbep fljulb tiotlftleue $ gofpeiM i.cojt.ut .a. tabinge papne fo; to

tbencb;ifte0/arenotto bereceaueb.ij lob i .c, agapnft tbefpeftetblBauI ii.cimo.iif b, ^etbattecbetbanpotbectbpnge tbentbetoo?be of ob/i0 ar curfeo ala.f .b.i.:o;.irb^ Q tuft. ^e i ttuftetb in goo/ i0bleOeb 3eie-rbff.b-lb;ouer. pbi-e. Cbe 3 , !fraeltte0tmftpng in ttjeir atone fltegtb/

toftttjatoe $ fapajfull frocbe bnotolebge of it.i.ct f.lii toerebanqupffieo of t be 3Ben&lt;arnite0qEubg rr c,d.

b.SiSeof^atan.|ob,i.b.irii.a/)lu.)cei|.c.t.Co;iij.b,b " caiiDal on / -in engrptbfeteunbrto; offence. anbalo is a refte too;be/tobicft fignif tetb a Wn ; lette.a is trSOatebbnto fpiritnall tb&lt;nge0:f o; etbat bitten) agapnfta ftone/f0 lette/^o map an plucfie bacfic .7 toptbolbe and toptbWatoe W buv/t eacbing in matters of faptb anptbmge c5

i tbe toorte of ob/bptbe tobicb be i0 fclaunbe&lt; tbat is to rape/ lette 0; plucbeb bacs ft 5 t metb .tobewf is fpobe fl^at jwi a. Hi man mape alfo offense o;fclfi.ttiiDerbib;otber/a0touebtngcbarttte:tbatf0to i5"ape/tobe a mi boQ not tbinfte bp9 fljie neceflfte of btm/ &gt;vp, (). troubiet!) $ c8munepeee/o;geuetbeuell cpam* Jle/bifierofpemapefe-l. o;.bft&gt;,fl0at4:bO'.b' m fciaunDer 0; off enoe alfo da to geue an oecaff 5 of j(aiif!}/n)o2ototribulacioo;anpatbeemeane0/botofoe mt it liie/tobicb tb f g b?ift (betoebbefo;e to bit 3poft&gt; ;|.)at;trbi.c Cfeeruauntes. use ate all tbe rerua(Tte0 of ob/bp; grace : to tbintet i!jatbj?tbebelpe of bim'toe ftulbebo too;Ses of ngb* nioutae*.3o, ^"^ *^ ft Qietoetb inttouparables.iLu.rii.e.e oto fcruafltes ougbtto bfbaue tbfftlue0 totoaroe tbeirmafterScjpb bi a. Col lof.(.o m &gt;pgne b2tft|0tblcaftb0 ii figne0/fo?to eto 3P;ctefte out faptb'l efo?ebi0 cbutcb: g 10 tofapeftoatet of bap tpme . wfy.vbiw btm a topne of bis bolp (upper, m&amp;t.nbU S&gt;o;otoCbeto?lbabeupnc0/bptbetobiebam5i0faolie/g btbarbo*i|b0ob;mahetbWmbolfomlp tocbaffge ** W*Wlgm$ tobicb fpiingetft pf towwip affec

'/let b0 ba tie truft toe ffjalbe faueb bp tbe blcube of tymtymw* /to tobS toe ongbte to go/ toito great cff&lt; tpof ce.^eb;.un.b mtt f ue0 bane truft in tbcielma* ge0/in tpme of trpbnlacponeut jc^rii.e &lt;poDtabetbatoapeaUtrua from tbettanfgreirojS rf UiS!ii g. cbe fate truft iS/tobeleueg&lt;!5obtopllneuerfo;faftebtt^fal-cwb.e. (CirSple0of truft/in afa&lt;f.cb ( 20j;iiii.c.b;on fbiiib/m 3!uoa0 fiPacbabe'j.fllBaciii.b ccbeffe. aimSmnftenottobbe.C)co.&gt;:j:.c.)len;.b : fo? tfteitf tf ateaccutfeb.5acb/b.a. Enotberfo;e tbepfljallnotba* ue tbe ftpngbome of TLett tbeues tftee

fo;eiabour ^b tbeirbabe0/fo? to beipe poo?e.epb.iiiF.f JWI tbepaftouresare tbeues db;pbers tobpeb toil! Wpttg mebpanpotbertoape bntobealtbtben tb?owgb cb/ift.^o.ya.cben one Qiuloenotbauc anp couetfacion toitbtbem|&amp;;b]rriiU.o C tabernacles. 3 tabetnacle/tente/o;pauplpon i is o?pIace/toberinmenoftoarreDo bfeto fpgnifpe i tbe people of gob bo in cburcbe/g tbepbauealtoapesbattaple tbe babptacport Ipt: tobicb bow focbe topfe b to ell in &amp; agapnftfpnne/

tbe too;lbe fttbebeueH-f.3o,fi.e.tobfcbtbpng belongctb to tbe mo;(ifping of olbe man.fal.rt 7 1 1 tabctna clefs fomtpme tafiefo? a defences cptte.pTal.rrtf. Sltemfo; tbe bobp in tbe tobicb tbe fotile btoefletb SU l&amp;et i.e/tobieb tbpng fe.lBaul calletb on e artblp man* eponit'.co?.b.a. 3BIfotbe tabernacles of &lt;Kod/arctbe godlp congregacpotuJ of people /in tbe bolp cburcbe oe cb?fft.J9um.j:jciW.!&amp;faUir&gt;:rii.1&amp;;ouet^iii. cbcalle* go?p of $ttoo tabernacles of^ofe0.^^f f| ma tfaflttbiwfIe4olie(ft;o.yirb.a mi a.yn*.a.inrrb*


a table oftlje pgrncppall matters

tompietot&amp;eoJKte&amp;awnt/toasia certapne place/ tobereBo&amp;tequr;eDtobep;apeDbnto/ferueo$bonoureD fij.rB-w-B-btf*.a:utfe.pauirajtft/t(jatB06o*not Dtoeiim^etlpiasmaaeormftMiea^DJp.att-bHfjcun f to.mcg-bHf c.tffalpbi.a/becaufe men! cfriQrn nuin fttheboiPtfpleof5Eioi)ioi:oMW'Cjf.o;.bi.c-(i?pWi , 6 &lt;BOD Qjallbe8rope bfm t&amp;at Dotb polute o;b?olatebf0 * tempie.rar o;. to &amp;.# o; oure memb;e* ate tbe temple ef _ ttg&gt;oipgo&amp;iCo;.bf.o f&lt;^ Ccemptacpon. /Co tempt* i&amp; to p; o tie- e n o. pb .f . jcbi. a. ^ cut &amp; fft.a- cemptacpon fo; afflp ccpon- J&amp;eut.btf.c.

' ' gob u'cbit.a 4$ettfBWuou*aep?oucDfy)otiB&amp;tiP' tacjoiw.cdf4W.a-3wftft9'bi.6.3BatucWj.a. an sample to aseftt'ab / tobfeb teas fo/fafien of n)e;Ho;Dc ft; to p;ouepftn IBara-Wrff* Stem of eifatftfie tobfeb bepng fami&gt;Q)fb/toa0rent toatooman tbat tea* ipaetopre famplbcb/fo;tobeno' ipfteb of b ertolK eg .pbf f -b/cStem of jjob-ti j'.a. gintbetpmeoftemptacpon/aman ougbt to cSmptte bpm felt alltobol? bnto goepfaUPPf-aruan ougbt not

ftep?afol6smn&gt;at8imti!?buracpoit/^lai.yi^. CotbepetfeawwattouMew/eternallpapm/fr to lfiftbatbettowbleb/reae-teir.(.c:toeetft?enotribHl8i| (^3 oupjbt (o? toftparat b ft8 tbe loue of Bob/Eo.b(% I rctuetb . Cb;t&amp; fottuetb/$ob.pito.H bf pej cty\ tobicb toe ougbtto feme ob tottbout fapnpttge( $ ft to fape/tottbout t-tuftpngf nanp ot&amp;er/bnber coloutof i fttupnge of bprnJUofu-piiii cmuiu* ctuetb oupjt to be to t b e gu&amp;Be* Cro fbtttafo; a ml ougbttobonotbtogeagapnttft.^feb Wj i-b CB. nbelefe. &amp;be &amp; txtes of tbe bnb elett erjs b e fo blpn c eo/ f tbep I nottbelibtoftbeBofpeI/0.o;.Ht&lt;/a/!ffo2tobtcbtbJn| tbe; Qjall fauleto to terrible fuogemem ofgo&amp;.tjtljei tK-tobf cb f euetiaOpB papnef Heffa. f .c.i. pe. Ii'ci fj tberfo;e toe oufibt to baue no parte toftb tb?.f iCo;.b(.c, Cbe too;be$ of bnbeleuetg touching fmotolebge of &lt;j3ot).3ob yj;i)-b (2?cctj b-e CEJeugeaunce nuehgea tice belflgetb bnto oo- eu.ptt ij.f .ilio.j mmBeafcetefo;b^e $?oue^c$cdMtoO c.


tQttmpteOQ-eutbk#atuf).o:to tbpntent tbatbe b.ppbtoa Cb;f&amp; (afietbbengeatice o f bfm jj oecea

perpl&amp;enot/atf me3!ftoe0Dpb#ce;to.p-b. &lt;Ero.pblfab #ume.ptor.o b?f&amp; temptebof tbebeucll . 0attoi-a Co tbtotentfoatbempgbt W tbem tbat betempteb eb;e.t'i&amp; liij.b Cuetp man f tempttb of b tf atone eScupf fceng 9 not of&lt;obanif.b:but0obtopunotftiflte mtobe tfpteb;.frc:fo;be oelpuetetb bft fromtemptacponaaft'lpwpottWtfib r&amp;; t ft e cSmaunbetb bfe to toatcb a p;ape/ to tbpntft

bis bjotber ,i cef ft it ,b&amp; g ootbbcfppfeb;t&amp;#eb;i fjcjertueo;potoerCbe bertu ozpabjettobemrftt) gobboto fatiebi BOfpellSomi.b. cbepotoerofdBobf* Healt# rastbf uH i, co;.i t/ 9 feepetb tbe in faptN $et.f a cobeciotbebtt tbebettite fro about/ip to receaue \\ bolpgo&amp;eftHppifii.gJctfb mmmnt DBbat &amp; .Paul to oioe t to en (bulb bo/as concei bpfljpnes.i co;&gt;bi(f.e.fs* JU&gt;8ebpontbelatoeOfb#|

* tfttp fall not fo to remptacpon. fl&amp;at.ppbi.b . co emte mm 8 of bp;BPttftp ejl.euw;i frtf po*rii'.c %msi^ jfl ftentntotemptaeron/tjJtocSmstatbjnBeaoatnartie b u ^um-r cut jttjc ffcapne

ftftb 9ttuatebicbbieouajbttobauefn&lt;EH)b-^atb&lt;b CCettament. Cbe olbe teOame t(tbt 10 to fare tbe couenaOt/maoe &lt;beaftsUtbe3!etoeg.i3o.t'jc.a)toai3conrect'abpblouD. ttOfflHMtfblJfr e/buttbej bao a ba? ie befo;e tbelt btrtee/fo tbat tbepcoulflenotbntietftanDe t't.u co;.tti b. CbenetoteQamftf0p?ompf(bto$tfuebeleuet0.3ie n.m&gt; cSfeetat bp Woube of Cb?f ft. flat. Wbt.flatjb&lt;.b.Xu.wrtt,b;oftobfebbett tfte meofa' t out-^ eb.Wrt b. cbe netoe tettamf t cSftSen) not in $ letter* a ceremonpew $ 1 to tape bfftbie a camalle tbfn-

gembut in tbe fpjete/ tobtcb it Bwentbo?oto faptft/ anb tebicbbotbtojittbWJatoej5inouteb.ette?.u.Co?.fb Cdtbulaepott Ct{Dulad90tocomebntotbl/tobfcblieieaemCb;fft **M,b^.b.5!o4*f.ayaMeflaJ.b^betobfcbneuee tbeleffe tee cSnot enDine/toftbeut grace of gti6$tfU&amp; tot 0p tbe toe ate p; ue&amp;M&amp;e;f fir . c/anb bo entte into tbe apgbmneofbeauf.act.rifitb/fj-teilaic cefbulacp3ootbenBen&amp;;epacffce*]So.irtfC'b.a.atbe toapgbt t of 6lo;pe.u.&lt;o?f nu* b: fo; tbojoto ttOnslaepon godDotb eontttamebf jJ/fojto teturne bnto (badge of fa*t ef .ffcfcc ^n tbetpmeof ttfbulacpon/a man ougbt to p?apre QMpfaittM&amp;n epSpie in pau! a Sna?.Ict.jt)(,eainbto8lo^fn tbf-ala.lj. tfCoji. bf.84)ff-aif4tmo.fT.D.ptrtttngbf)8tuiam@ob.(fabfit *mtt tebe onlp to&amp;pc9botb belptet wt.fw:,cFjf .&amp;

b?fttetbetruebpne.1!ob.)rt)a cobpf}&gt;te cobifpte fojtotememb;e.(ito :a jcjejtti.lltii.g CobpUte f 0? to tafie tmflUbmo co btfite fo;| totafiebengeauttce-eECW-c Ctnnpte tawptete cfimenbeb bntob0Pbtl fb-fj.a UPeMb CbebrateofCb^Qf people cSmetbof mw.toM b.n0bfcbtoasfntbep?pmatpuecbitrcb-actvifit-f&gt;to!}f(| Utpiapfeb^pb ffff.a- eareallonemcb^a^ Ccaocacsono?caii?nge. 1 D. iBeate eaneb of ttbJM Ip.a.rtm.fc.1&amp;et-o.a0apetetbmtbepatabii^at, ff. a.^becallpngof gentple0$oftbe3etoei*ipo rb'.l &lt;5oQbatbPjeoeawatetbofeVx*5becalletb||to.wif.||of.c dJoabatb caliebiKfbntobW gio;gtb?ogba# cb^SI .J&amp; opce f; ffbe bo?ce of Bob ougbt to bebtarbe-&lt;&amp;o*j&amp;s*&amp;etf . icfa.appbflb m&amp; neconlbenotbeaw tppopee rf ^annabtobenfljep;apebfKeg.f.b. 7 fl^en ougbtto ftowte f netonee of bopcig |Mipf#| table queftioniJ. i.traio-bt-b b. aol

otoei8cgmenl5atep?asi:t0pfalW.p;a||||0anbgf'| ufngeoftbanftEg.pfal.ftb. siotoeg ate tab? manptpmeisfo? flpfty|mentoert| toounte fo? to offtc: tbatfp to rape/ cettapnAetittoatM rbtns^9Cn'onpt0/a0toCbauetbetrbeam5?atotapll( no tome/tobJcbt&amp;mBt 6 macbabpt^ bab i^tocD . 31


ttKbf a.c fJ t WW t&amp;niB a mSmap bepe 0; leue bnoon m tbe annopntvng Dotfj teacfj a raan)tt&gt;bfcb of tun t0 dioljeto fet fottttwe gb;p of on-.butpet after fqebe amaiteetbatamatibopuetenometfteo;boipne0 tn $ toMrte Jn example of bvm; tobpebmaoe W \m to beau?fncencb;^.act.vbtff.e cobotoebnto oD/fs comenlp taftef 07 to fanctpfte MConfectate/fn^euf.r,tbf - ote0 aee.fte aatttjelfbeweof man. 3tn cpaple of BSnab/ibbicbbotoeb fo; togenebnto (0od / tbe fonne tolifc!jKObbabBi^.c|li0 ootoe toasnotpetpetuai: tofeamneltoa^tbempnpttet; ofdeif/tobtcb ouB&amp;tto baue mpnpHteb to tbe teple fro tbe.wj: pea / to tye-iL. (acco;opn^ to tbe latoe of ob/ tob tcb i* *&gt;?#? J6u.fto) anbtbniaftettoataefttoas lamfulifo; bpm totoptbr toatuebfrn feif/au tbe flo?pbotb beciate:fo;aftetmatbe -betitoeltf tt tbe poffeffpon of W fatbetto )Samotb/anO toags^uoge manppeareo mjfrael.f.iaeg.btf .g Aelcanab tof H fng fo; to of&amp;e bft boton g f to rape but boiutacp offtfng/tobf cb toe cal cornels beuo'c iB/tora bp Into fr\\QiMt .c. co botoe fo; tottoerei.asejcffff b COfttrpe ' &lt;ssob fo jb I mtl) to seue in bfutp/an p manet of tbf n getobatfoeueeftbe eitt.rviftc. iSebemfab bepte tbe peopie/tobfcb toome bauege^ uen tbe fellies to bforp/ efccb b osod botb fo;bpDbe bfutpto beoonebponbt? poo;epeople/&lt;cpoppff .0 a man oiiBWttono;pft) fjfs poo;e b;otbec , toitbout tafifttg bftitp of bpm /Xcuf .prb/ E ic g geuctb not plsimoneFbntobutrp/9 taftetb nospfte of tbepoo;e a new ma n/ (ball bto ell to tbe tabernacle of Bob pfal.pb

Cblenbefo;brutF&lt;0agapna(uaFce/^fecb-pbfff/b fur ge botft bpfpieafe o&amp; 'c2?eeb .p]' t c Ct. teo;lbpppe. cotoo^fljpppe one o&amp; onlp.tyo yx atutb.a p.b Pallpbi.alicwbfb.ira.ipbf.B.a^attb-fifl'b.a' Co;.&gt;:ffif c3[Jpoc.]t:mMijcr(f.b-3ri fp;ete atcutbe-fobn. , m.Mto tbout amagesKCFOj^. a. Wtftf bJUrt t pfp.a* yei3f.a.euticj;bft.c ! nLetb0too;a)?ppe^tbel)erte/anottoftblppp$.3!fa. Wip b#atb.)cbb.flearbtta Jnotoallplacetf. aobn. jtij.b.p&gt;ralm.cfft.cbi.^ara.pbfbgra.ptf.a. , o to 1 0) ppe 1 e fometpm e t a ft en f 0? to b reueren ce bpcerte outtoarberrnne0/ ffieg.jipgjcicb.b.#at fi.a cotoo;mppe/fo; - togcue tbScb^ togob.'jubg bff &amp;.&lt;po.(iu.b.&lt;!5e prfft.b ; be anseli toolbe not be too;Ojpppeb f 5 o.aporf v . b-wii b. ail tbep $ at e not to;p5 to bofte of ipfe/ bo too?ppetbebeae.apopfffayc. tfo; tbe tobsc&amp;tbep arepunpfbeb.apocrbf'C. ecotoalcfte , co toalcbe 0; to treabe to tbe fctfpture/ fjs put fo; to l?ue/o;to cotpnue to a ftioge faptb IBfni.tb-IjpHtftc , o.bto.a:tberfo;ett it fapo of cnocft $ be toalcfteb be* I f o;e cp oq. ene b b'.aifo of a b;abam.e n ibf j , a co toaicfieto tbe toape of tbeHofl/fttoBepebfeco** : maftDemeteis/f fMBe.iij.b:tbe tobfeb ob tec&amp;etb.2eu. bto.b/anb requp;etb- cute, p.c .c Cotoalcfietolpgbt/totobeleuetoCft;rft.gfob'Pi/e co toalcbefn tiuctb /t0toloue&lt;S5ob toptb all oute bert e/anbtoitb an oute touie. t f i-Kcgf j a Co toalcbe after manet of man/tftobe camalI/9

to ipue to Qtpfe anb btaencponf o;,t^a co toalcbf to tbe fp;ete/ip to mo;tpfge.tbe beabfp St tbeftert).0ala.b*c CbBcafte Cbe toeaftefn faptb/ffluioenot be sproapneb of $ firoge.m o,rnti^.j,'b.a,f .cefb.c. co $ toeabe paule^ becametoea&amp;;fn ip.b.uCo?i-p(.b:tobome a man ougbt not to off enoe/bp r atpng of meatei Co;f .biff, co obcaorerb tbetoeafte ftpngeg/fono confounbe tbe ttronge f.Co;fb -an example in paul.ii- Co;, vii* l;onge

fiatfiet 1 toff r e to; cms /tben a man to pleate to lam aBapnftbi0b;otbeti.Co;.b(.b:fo;cbn(tfo;bpbtietbtbe&lt; teueBPttBof to;onge.fl9atb.f -a tberfo;e touibe toebe fppfe tt (gcelipa tof tbobt b attprnj anp mince of \t,%s* uf -pf F-b-a n epSple to % ofepb en e.l. c (0obpunpQ)etb voM ( oone bnto bpsfii Ke.pbi bx HB;atbofoD Cbeto?atbofo5bpomanp fo;fpnnecfoneon* lp'3!oru-ppff,b.bp g tobfeb IBbatao toWbcatopeo.en,. fob If 0; tbe to;a to f ob f 0.ti pS tbe bn b el e u e t? .t 01 , &lt;if.b.| epample to tbegetoe0.i.cerjj,O. Jud, ii.b.j5u.pi^.|0eu.&lt;p.c.fpopppii.c cbe tpebe men of t bf too ?io i.&lt; Co ()eap t bp f 0; tbem feltte0 tbe t;an) of oo.^ant.b.a. ffipnature toe are tbe cbiib;e of m;atb &lt;Pb*fi.abuttbo;oto Cb;tQ tee sc* beipttetebftStbe m;atb to come.i.ceaa.b.c IIl;8tbo;paffponofman jdet b0 caft afp&amp;e to;atb fro bs-K om-tft b CPb m f.g ol-u't&gt;ccl?.bK.b-pi.b^;ou .p r bii.a:fo;^e g is augtp toptb bis b;otbet/bpiletb bpm.&amp;at.b.c 3fanpmSbeanBtpaBaf(tbi0b;otber/afterbebatb p;apeb/be ougbt to reconfple bpm felf.i.cim fwsfo; f to;atb of mS folotorn) not f tf&amp;b tuoutoe? of ob.'Ja.) c jHet tb^itbfull men;be ouerconte tt (toetenr0 p;ou, pbb.tof tb tobom toe (bulbemabe none alpaunce.p;ou ppt&lt;.b-no;cbPbetttb?eccU.bfffD CCbetawibe. cbe too;lbemabebp tbe too;De of ot&gt;. jo.f.a.fn tbe tobicti toebaue no tbfnBe .^o;.tPfanb tobtcbpaOetbJ atoapetoitbtbeconcuppft?ee0tberofbif.e f.job n.c Cbt to o;Ibe f0 full E topeft ebn eW? ob b b. bat 10 to fape/tbt luft of tbe fleftytfte befper of (be epe0/ 9 p;poe oflpfe.t.9&gt;o.ff,ccbefrenbfbppoftobicbi0tnemptogod. gram ttoa-jf 0; be tbat louetb tb.H to o;io louetb not goo Miob.ifb.abnotoetbbimnot.^obn f.a.jbif.bXLetnct b0tbenloue tbe too;lbe/no; g tobfeb ft toft i|obnff.b cbe too;lbebatetb g faptbfuUa tobp.3o.pb..i.3o. iff .c-cb e tobpeb tb 0; oto faptbbo ouevcome f 1 1 . jo.b a t) aifo tbep all tocge ft.iCo?fnbf .a CCbetoo;beof&lt;S(ob bt too;oe of ob ougbt to be to ourebert.&amp;eu.fe.ll jri.c pppff B cbep;apfeo'f I too;b e of cb #;o #4 anepbo;taciSfo;tobeare g too;ceof ob/

J3J5en ougbt nottobo but aeco;bpnse to tbe too;oe of ob/to i tb out anp abbpng bn 1 1 t/o; bpmpnfbpng from tt.?0eutero to(.a.jrfi.M9ume.tir.b be too?oe of obabpbetb euermo;e:#ttft8e6ofpel tobfeb is p; ec cb eo b n 1 fa pi. tobfeb 10 tbetoo;&amp;e of trtirhc.cpbf c.Of etetnalllpfe.acte.b.s a of reconfpipacpS.ti. c o;.b.b.bp tbe tobpeb toebo ouer* eometbetoictieo.i.lo.ti-banbbatttameancatnanerof lpupnge.era.bto.D.rrDifj.o cbe


ft cable or^epmitfpall matters $ t

^be tDo;De of &lt;od fe an offence o? ft ombipnge blocs to tbe bnbelcneft.&amp;Qnta p b S&amp;enoiig&amp;ttolboniie tboCe/tbatootoftbb;atoenien ftomtBetoo?oeofob.Jftoma^bi*c Cbe too;D of &lt;&amp;ob/ tobfcb b;ift called an b oip tb tog apjecponpftonewougbt not to be pjeacbeo no; toioe to oogg$/f fe to rape/aonetfatfei:* no;foipugnetsi:no? toftopne/tbatte/mocbewabelppfei$ofit.^at.bit.a ^#;oue.]cmia).wrt&gt;'C.butettbep(balnotercapetnpu* nrfteb.fl0aw.b.^eb.&lt;f.a.ra?.w;oi.a,j:^c.^eute, , &amp;betoo;beof ooabpBetbnotm s$/pf toe belene

not in Cbjitt.lob.b.f Xet b0 p;ap e tDen $ it ma? e otoel goftn/jci'ui/a

)ftoi)Dotoe0lofte/^eu.jt.b.w*t.a.)Ci;b.c^ft b.a/b/

be P&amp;aivfeis bnbectbecoulerof p?ap bpb rbetDiDootoe0/fl9at.)fltn'tb.fiyai;.j;H.oXim.w.8 K&gt;pne nap ne tetopfetb tbe;bcttt of man/g|ubft fr,b.#i rfft/b/(ccli,to.b ., 3 man ougbt not to bjpnfie otiesmocb topne / ' q| b/fr/P;ouet-c.a/c tptiio.iii/c.b/D. u'te. it; a/ I G&amp;etoyneofcompimcction/tobatftfeypfal.lM/caeape CbtJOiss tbetoape/bptobpcbmengo to toe f

totitf.CflMif.M ittmatbc weatbebabecianboufl! al ti.celfan.a bptobatoccatpofo euetttbctt cfm.tuia tfojttttt&amp;elpgbtto fttqMM&amp;ty#*J.$c t d tbe fontapne oftopfoome. flccifta t.a:tbe fooe off rouie.ffl?;tto.c.tbe helmet of bealib ano fto&gt;ctbeoftberp?etepb.Wc mwtmt obetc ougbt to be no tobojemonget not toft o? e rtn 5 peopttofaJoD.eitt.wtacainia'i ftuioetbenflpcftB anbaelot pjoucwnf-cfo? be tbattopnetb btmrelf to anbaclot ts one bo&amp;p tottft bet-t-Co;inbt o be toboje* an* tbe put ipcanee bo enter into tbe Bpngbome of goo / ano beieue tbe go fpell: tut tbe &amp;Wttfe0beieuenot.0?at.j:j:fc cbebpfpon of tbegteat toboje/toftb toftS tbe Bpng$ of tbe eottbbaur bonefoznpcacp on-apoc-jtbtf a. lptootne bf topfbomc of gob 1 wb ano p?of ounbe.K o jam to&amp;pc&amp;foJWtJiu.j:ig MiHinmpwbMat- mii b J co?iMn tobom tbe tteafutj; of toiftjome a of anoto' lebgeawbfbben Gouotfa m toptwme/lofie gam. i.a tob Uob.jjcbflf.a.fl#t b.^cuetia tfctftf abtit tf rim a amc W b : i. do;, pft-a Ifccougbttobe fpliebtoptft an topRwmefogoob' mm atobefpmpleineuell.Kom.jci&gt;c fmvtm

2) man ougbt to beate iofairetoptnea*co.jRr.c. ?wutew.b.b cbe toptneaetebpebgobbabmaoebisol W tonne/ fetb^tbpbpmortptoebaueeueeialtpnglpfel.'io.b.c. ft tbe to| tneCfe of ttoo ojtfoe tottneffeg. tbe Jiooiaten teas ftoiteo. eute -jftft.a. cbepunpfraf tof afalfe toptneffe. eu.jcfr. frfto* utttfMW&amp;cCbe bolp gott fgt a toptneffe tbat toe be comwteb, 'a ouwfl&gt;nne0fo?geiienbpCb?toaict.b.f Cbe toptneffejs of tbe tef u weecpotj . Hit- %m -g- job. j&amp;ii4fcMfeff*#*f catcbe dbjift commaunbetb an men to toatcbc fi@at.ncuu lrrM&amp;a&amp;mim*-PittJi nu.j#- e.flftbJpoca.frt.a atalltprae*fllMtwb.a- iftotna m c fco;. rb jcbf&gt;c^tt.tmb.fe'C.Colof.ftft.a.aftetfei.^;f.W.a rit&gt;botoe amanougbttooonpBttttebntotosflotoejnfico/&gt;:rtt b.Seut jTmt.btbuttatbet to nb^mtbem. eurtiit/D anbtoleaue f bem tbe leaurngeg of tfteft co?ne/gtapes ano olpueg /Beu/rim.D/tottbouttafi(ng oft&amp;efcclo&gt; tbe0topleoEe,g;ntbefamtcbapt.c

Cbetoafeofgobr0ctgbtuou0/]Cjcrt/a/a!tiO( caisp. ]tb/b om.jctVD/tobecfo;etoeougbttofol(M it/ii/JSe.wfl.cjtobjcbtbrngcS5bplatretifton/eiMi UP, b/c/^euicijc/c afl on batb mabean tbpngeg bp b!0 atone tosi/t| f.b apoca.itnb. rbe tobpcbcanniutablep;ouetr' c-3nb tbe tobicb no man can tefpfle-en t-\ can pie of 3bab ft pata rttit g-3lfoof aiam j^u jc. cbe topilof gobougbttobebone a bnotoen-Eoi F.a . Pb b D . Jf o; be tbatbotb ft it a \)jt fff mS-r bit clnerample nt|ofuea tfalebi9umewfjrt f 9?t&lt;itbetopHof ODtbat toebe fanctpfp eb a pi geb of ouwrpnneUbp cft;f ft-^eb.f j-c- Co tbsntftty toe be bolp.f ceffa ftna be/ a tftat toptb toeHbor toe oo ftoppe tbe moutftee of tbe topefteo t #e tic tte ougbttop;af e tbe topi of tfobbebone.fl. bf.a.aetct tbe example of Cb;&lt;ff-31ob Wf b ffl?at f,L aifoof f^attl it.cett t U .^eb ^rtt.Q. Mo of Cpaffc Coloff.ft'u'.c ail ougbttobe cSmpttebto tftetopll of mb^ml

t.b.3n evample m3ofepb.enejclb b-U : aifo 3D man cugftt not tooo ftps atone topll.iJccU rt but tbe topn of gob:fo? be $ botb tbat / abpoetbeu mo?e , i . v- a be^botb tt not Ojaibe bead. In C i wages 3D man ougbt notto toptbboibetbe .toagejj of tbe bouteteu ricb.b.n;ttn.c ^ne^ tbe fame toagegfe geuentotbe fpjQanfl tbe raff /to tofntf t tbat a man map /tbat nomS ty anp tftpnge/but bp tbe onlpgtaceof Oob Wat.ft crbe toagesp^omefcb totij?$fufftefo?cb;fa.d0 b.b'If tftep tStpnuef n Jfp?e of tttbulaci5i,co ;. tit 3 5e. ^ele/tobatufpgnpfpetb/aftetc&amp;efctfptute jrtjeb^de/fo;bengeaunce.(era.i;fff.c cfte?eieofobagapnfttbefuelm?.eut._. ftfte ?ele of ^otte agapntt f giooiatatf .jcjciwtf cbeiele of ?ebu/fo? tbebonout of ob/ toben fietoeant&amp;ep;effe0ori0aai*utf.iaeg.r&gt;e cbe?cie of JHiptiebes/tobfcbflete tbefettoof tbe batiotfc0.0um.jerb.b. Cbe?ele of cnabiff Seg.icbW.b Knenoeof tbetableof tbe pjpneppane ml* tersJcontapnebttitfleSpble. ..

0)t names bfaUtlje I o ft fiS of tU e JBjblf /a ns tbe content of tt)i Cfjap * te t * of euerpbe&amp;cttoftf) tUc ncml&gt;;e cftftc icaSe teftertn roe bofie^ begymie, . ccftc bolies of efjc oloe tettameitt . MUBfoi (fit n?;ffof df* ^QapfrM i. iraffc. la *OBp/*&lt;ftrfrconOof ^ofre JLeflfe.jrri.a rtttcw ^ f ^P' af |ofcB iCbflpeerg.^uiJ.if af. rWil.b meci/o; ibe fourth of #oU*- t&amp;pttz&amp;.tn*t Iteaffe W- a (fjartomium/ o? IQe f?f(^ f *a?ofc0. Cgaptrrfl. jr^iitf, tfftaptcrs K0 icaffc f..t f fpttoriatttiwl/o;tl)ffp;(loftt)efepng.ff!iapee.)c|r&gt;&lt; iSiom3 &lt; 5tUT

taouDe of &amp;amud/o; ttje fccan&amp;c of Cfie itpng^

fourth rf(Jr *?WBW jWWftB j;H&gt;. ieafe c^l.a Me1ieflnoiiv(leM;or|ai;ai9pomcnonapura ntt. ia*fe W.a t feconOc ef t^ctf^onpcUB^orof pacalippometion : jteca jtftbf. I^tw C4flif.a v fMftOfCR^aa Cftaptew. r fceafe c*trrtt'b mtabg;tl)f ftcon&amp;of fo;as C^apt^c.rui.ncam' c.lrrr.b h p ' : . #&amp;apttc0 y, letffc dm ffftaptera *t&amp; **affe ^rtirii t&amp;CalnK0 M* Ifnffc tojouetoeif fi&amp;apfcrs rrci- Itafe .crnij,a e uo&amp;t of rfte ^jcac&amp;ec/e; ccUfm(lc0 ^ap^ta.^. e cctflM . wltrttof uaileKca of ftatomon/a: mtiam cantkomm MM |&lt;afle ccyl*li Cffibe l&amp;;opbCW. c/ Jftiaft flfiaptcw lctof # Icfffe (J mvf/W 3ecemiaft ^baptcco ij. irafl; ^r).U Umf ntacpone o f Jere mpc/o; t,ti:eno;um irptcca t). KAffe;lt0.a rcD(^ o; }c)eicMf II PIT 'flflftM II *= awiaj ft6'o;3(oniA |crjt i9/o? 9tchf a? inv o; flaum i^abacufc

tffiaptc ro rltoiS* SUflft tUr.bCtjaptcrj ttj- ^caffc Itjr.b

Ctjaptera rdij. jlraffc (rrotj.a Cljnptcra It). iUnffc I,rcr &amp; fltt (r. iaife iwri.ti -iCfjaprers &lt; ieaft tFrttiii.a

Cftaptcra ii0*. icaffc. imiitf.a ^apwcfi t0. i^affe Irrcti.a iCtjaptccrB Id. Uaff lyrr^b

fcop^on^o; Sop^ontej ^apfew i. ^afft Wtbl9.6 afl3&lt;m'*a88?tt0 tfftapicw 8. JUafft imM aeoajtew Z*Jarift&amp; ^tjiprc^ niii # eafl rcf?.a alact)e/.o;.ia|aUc!Dia5i xtaptm i* KaS^lp VC^eatpo^'iKau'' &lt;nr-tbffteofjnDtftf , apter0 ijifi ftecft rt.a ttOcfourlljofe^n* tfattnttb UttoMiA CoWalj/o? iiEOftpc Cbaptecs p\M. JUaffc t(ra J^'^/oigeJjuDJtti bspt" fWi iGRfe i.a KSljcwaaofrUfboteofCaecc btptttiM3Uatit.miiU$ mt bohe of Wpftom;;o; feap tin c fa tf Ijap.*!?. iea&amp;. rrr.a 1 &amp;\) t boht of J* luo/o; Jc fua/tftc fo nnj of fti cat 8- o; $cc le ftaaicu i *9apuffi lu ftanfljr - - jr^iia . WanicU tlje p?op{jctc/ttft tbe Cpiftlf of teremfi fiftapteFP w. ILealfe IMfct bfao:pcof*iutoniia iCbaptect.tcaffMb^ , ^ , . Cbapter.i.jUaffc ibigj&lt; 5Sar of WanaOrl Cbapicc&lt;i.iUaflf.ifr.a flCbeteaoft^ttjacbatoia CQaptrra mi* UtarTe ut^ &amp;cCrtonOeof fyOwfrtot* bapt* ?b Wum tpje^ft cftc netoe cedament. fffir (JCoftdl of 5)* ^atftevw tftjapters r&gt;ti^ ^flff ft fi a tf5eofpeilofjWa|arcte . Chapters pit lt*fk.titlh tt^c^Bofpcllof*Jlttbe OapterawiVi Uttit+mM bf fiofpeU of A 3fobn tfftnpttw yri. If affc, rrrat.b

E be act t of t$e apoaiea Aaprra ffWf. lltfMIM Df tfpiQleis. C&amp;^aull roi^ Jflomapqca. ftaptK0.;bf. ia&amp;,|r|# # fl aebe fp^ to ttje ^o^nttiiana baptcrfi rbt. Hcsffe |r|r a flCfte fwonbr to tbfiCo;m(S)ian0 ^Ijaptera rl$. iluaRe*triio.a Co r &amp;e niwftians Altera of. iLeaffe lrrbtfii (Co tbeGpbtffau* @apta bu Leaffe ir)f|r*l tfotbc JfiL}Uippiat|0 fijapters tin. iejife. itptt.u arotbe^olioaiana ^aptcca 113* Eeatlt ma* Cb r f p^ft ts t J e a^ITaIoHlan0 ^baptera . b. leaffc, irr&gt;ft'g b ancftronbtotftf KCbrfCaiomans jTbipuTB m. itcaflfe Irmit m fi# to ttimotbpe baptf re w* i^aRr fmbia CqrfttonbW-ClmotOpc l;ap&lt;ecB #. Ilcaffejrrrtifj 4 b o fdttia pn*m i aaft (mtea flfatobtmoti dA .: : .fMW &lt; tuft ftnttrji CCbtfp;atip.(8feof ft.letec ^ap(ers b. fteaffc tea

ffff(OHOfOf&amp;.^ftC flEftQcty&amp;ofA.^obn tt^^n &lt;Ke ttpb of .jo^n CCot^^cb;uce ClJtpieof*3amef CffijeCptaieofJuOiiB

aplr0 l. ftt afft rcu b ^ftapttra b. leaffe jr^ap'" I. IcaSfe rctrt.a Cljapfec.i iLtatrfe rciftr.a SWtt0 Xif. Ititfft MU tfftaptera . fcaffc tr.a C^apfec i leafft z&amp;

f e mcUe tacpotvoj apo calppf ia o f A- jo{i tt ^ap Eerc.yrlr,

tf^aptera fil. Icaflr (rrrbtt.b .',fjil kWk t &amp;png*0 ace tbeboke of \f ft/tljecouenaat of t$t fottt) :7 anQHielwoWebgcofttieuwHj.'fccte.^ti^f;. CI b^cf cebRTan of tbe peaces pafleb fence tbe begpnttftige of (be too;Ite /bnto^ peate otmaeiAtbe.M weec jciywjiiotbaftectbemaneeof tbececbenpngoftbe^ebw^/ anQaftettbewclienpnseof(ufeWuiS90tbeeCb;onpciet3-

ftgtaor iioe;

after flit teebfip0 oftiK^ap* Mc/tOff eftt0/ (twn

I. b* bt Ml


# com t&amp;r ctea c ?on of ttje tao;lbe 3rrom flora RouODr 3from|b;abftm 5r wm fyt be par fpng of Jfrael to;rji of C flppt

Sfftr &lt;9e tetfeami fitofjKir,

I &gt; * \

Jf com t^ebuplbpna of tbe Grtnple jFromtbe captiuitrbf abpl&lt; Sfronf tje commpngcof ^:*S,


DowOottb^ ft.Cfcccctbt fflfteOcpartpttffofjrrael ccccc.b. ~ csptiu(fcofabpi uuSL ilbertnwnjjoftf^ifi omttfc


^ c om tbe cr r a cf on of t j e teo;lt* ^rom flora flouWie rffr om t^rbf^ of fllb?abam flFrom rtelieuvtinpiiff-of tyetmnt Of IDaua Clfroirt t&amp;e Capture of mi^An 3fcoini!)cbf?ct)Of*wa.

jtforaflimbdc atea^am

Datub ttbrraptfttttf

ftJ.cejrtfc tr.^Ht ccccl^bcecccbrwW*

wi- ?

1 I

5 '. .

* f i



&gt; .

* *

- *w







.A *

J -




h m I

t J l









&amp;S3S Cfo

of $iofts (alien

-i *-


a. fictti. port'** : .**:?, ,. CSCap c.rllit). D. -fMtthtf f

C&amp;ofo ficautn s trt^the Inftf/tye f ?? mmtnt-tbe fonnfc'tbe monf/the dure*- anb all bcaftce foutta f fvffbca in the ft c toer t maoc bp, tl)c too?b of (Bob. -.-. Rnt pott man alfo tnaa trtat. &amp;efp?8 Chapter. 415 tfte t}egftmpns*&lt;5o&amp; create!) beauenanb wtfMfl* emptwv


anbbatcfineffe toastbpon t Depe/ atbefpfttte of o&amp;tmo Kegsss^uea bpon tbetoater, cban oo f&amp;EK&amp;t ftew be iBS&amp;ttf tftere toastfegbt. 3mo tfobfetoe tbe tpg&amp;ttfiat ft toast goobta&amp;eufleb $ tra&amp;t fromtbeoarcli neffe/a callea tbe WtbebaK/atbebawte neCe tyetmAonft ft of tbe euenwig a mo?* nwtg toajs mabe tbe f^Ctefe. _ _ 3CrfioDfaptie:lettftei:el)eaTfWwnrtbe - . , Mfla ;ttoene^toaterst/aietttbeutfetbetoat^ ft?tt 3 Safonl&gt;er.^^ iWm***mmttit /from tfte toatersti toere abouetbe WW*m fmiSrt^nofttoafo.^it&gt;ODcairebrae *** fr?ntammtl^auen.3iiDfooft6eeuenwige anbmo?nwig toast maoe tbe feeonbeba?e. *$ii\.tm* 3Dnb(SSobfa^ie:*lettibetoateDSt9a(attbri fWi**** aerbeaue'gatbet$emrero#bntooneplace/ tbattbebtfelanbemafappete.ainbft came fo to paCeJnb oo aammtm lanue M ertb/a tfte gatberwtg togt* toot toatetsi cal leo be tfte feclno otnatoe * ft toasi gooD, anb oo fa^:lettbeertb b?wtge fojtb heebe agraffe f totoefeeb/afrutefuH trees*/ tbat bere frute mag dne mm KW#

upgtbmRcowtbemfelueg bpontteerj, #anbftcamefotopaCeJnbtbeertbb?cugbe f o?tb lerbe a grace fotoengfeeoeuerp oik m WWWtxttt berwigetrute/ fwggt tbeftfeebint&amp;grelueg/euertonetnbwfitnje. 3nu CPoft fatoe 4 ft toau gooo/ ? tgenof tftc eueiratgamo?rrpigtoa!8maberb|gebaw. m*r#* ^anra^&lt;B^:*WtflmbeBgbte0M'fpnametof fteauf /to beu^oe (bebare worn tbeftfgbt/tbattb^mapbebntoftgnwfta *tutt..(fonsJ/oape0 a^eat^^n^ftt^ebe Ipgb^ fnff^mamaofbeaiil/tolbpebpStbeettb: ttmMt, SCnbfoft toast, airfl) obmabe*ttoo gwatc ,,WW T mamm grcatetiwbte towietbeba?e/f aieffei?gbttoruletberiMftt:abemabetta test alfo.lno od put tlj em f n tbc f^mamet ofbcauei*to(i)pnebpontf)eeb/atitotule HcbapeanbiJiemSUfcf tobWBbe tbe !*gbt frombarclmrffe.awi fipoo fatoe tbat ft toau gooo-.ajttiffji&gt;i: tljeewenpnge anb mo?mnigc. tontma&amp;efbcfourtbbafe. " , w h 36nb&lt;ii5ofttit&gt;oe:*let toaterb?pigefo^i ,lo ' w,o cteature0matmoueabaiteftfe/afouftsifo? to flee ouer tbe eb bnbec tbe Ornament of

beauen.3frib&lt;!5oli cteateb gwatetobaliega^ aBmanetofcreatiireggfpiieamoue/tobicb tbetoater0b;oHgat fo^tbmtbeic Pjes5/f attmaner of feoereb fouler in ttjeir apnea. atab ob fatoe tbat ft toajs gooti: ob a blef- a ^ m , fi j c f WtbemfavnigeaWotoea multpplBe vftnitnge m tot tbrtoatewJ of tbefee0:ano lettbe mmmll^m^ febpwitbeettb^nofooftbeeuenpge u ^ tn 8 c anb mo^Wngetoagmabetbefpftboafe. annoDrai?ae:lettt)eertftb?pgefo2ti)lv '

ttWgecwarwmt fntbeftbtnoei5:ca^U anb toO?mest 9 beaftes of g ettb in tBeir Swipes!/ a f o ft came to pace. ainbob maoe tbe bea&lt; ftejs oftbeertb mtbettfiwujest/ano cateiim . tbeft lrwttiest/9 aa maner toomiest of tbe ertb in tbeit 8wioe0:a on fatoe $ ft toast goob. Inb ob fepde: let bjs mafie man m oure j fttrnjlptube a after oure lpcbneffe:f Be ma? baue ruleouertbef?Oof tbe fee /anb ouec tbefoulesiof tbeap?e/a otter catell/^ouer b ,e,fatmu all tbe ertb/ anb otter afltoojmess tbat crepe utttft mapc %

ainbdSoDWeccb tbem/ a&lt;i5obfarDebnton)ctt)efcj)act them-.(S!trotoe anomult?pire,a fplltbe ertb / of man *&amp; afttbiHieft/9^ebompnlonouertbeftfljeg'^5 oftbefee/anoouertbefoulesof tbe awe/ 9ffi M oS oiieraUt^ebeatteiStbatmoweontbeertb, macecttiipjo anb obfatfje-.tee/gi baue geuenpoto allpozcpon of m* Berber tbattotoefeeo/tobrcfteareott all gSSgSSS ettb^attmanertreegl^toe^fa^g^^ anbfotoefeeO:tobemeatefo?toto a fo? an a maw t?nc beaftest of ertb/abntoall foulest of fap?e/nto am* a bntoalltbatctepetb ontbe ertbtobere in Wtfe! tbattbevmatbaueanrnanerberbes!atib grace fo? to eate/ a euett f o ft toast . atoo * eU f .m(,i obbefieioeall tbat be bao maoe/amnooecttuwnr.c tbe?toereerceabpngegocib:anofota.eeue s ^^M ttpngeamo?nwtgtoajjmaoetbefprteoape. , ' acm "'- &lt; "'' 8 ffdEfte ifiapfct that went bcfo?c te ficce tcpetco aaapneJtftehaloteingofttjcfeabotliBapcUfttfoure floMBcedf pacaB?fc:j;i)c fcttpngc in of man in para Sift J the tctc of ftnotolcoge is fo?b?B6cn h?m : bote BamnamcBaUcccatutt9;thccteacfonofna;tbe jnaitutjonofmacvaac. ccbe.ttcbapter. % |U0 teas beatte anb ertb fwrpOeb a.cfteappa* itot'tballmeft^ppami/anomtbercuofbcn^iff fettftb oape obenueo mmteXSZT w^^^i^tobvcbbebabmabe/ areftebin tbe QESm

feuentbbareft5aUbiJStoo?^tobicb be J&amp;MS maue. %nb*oo b WeCebtbe fwe^.bwe/f &amp;/SVS 8 'fanctpfpeDit/fo?tnftbereffeafromallbW^"'^ too?best tobtcb bebab creatco anbmabe. ^ plncc v cbefearerbegeneracpois of beaue a ertbaomocijctofayc toben tbep toere crcateo/m tbe tpme tobe tbe as/o Mtgg* KMobcreatebbeauenaertbanOan^eoOT.^^ SSbbeg of tbe ieioebefo?etbep ; toeamaejjjgjjjgj



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fp?a nge/ f o) (be )Lo?se &lt;&amp;ob ftab pet Cent no tapnebpo ttje eitft /netftertoast tberepet anp ftapicmM. mantotplle ertft.jputtberearofe a mpfte (Cobi.t 19.6. cue of ft) e ground / a toatereb a |l ft) e face of KfcftpM o)e ettft:ftentbe&amp;otf&gt;e ob*ajopeman / i. mmmSMM tftemouUieortbeettft/ abjetftebtrtto *i.itS;.rt.f alpupnge fottie. c^c jlo;qc igsoa airo ptatttea a gat&amp;en m &lt;en from tfte begprinpnge/ atbere')e rette man toft 5 be ft a o f omu-o. jiina tfte Hotfe o5 mane to fp;pnge out of tfte ertb/ all maner mesbctotpfttutotbefpgbt anbpieafantto *.p?;tt)e*treeonpfeml mpbb$of gatbe": apotaii.9.6. $ alfo the tree ot'anotolebge of goob 9 men. . 3dmitt)wfpjijgearpuraoutof&lt;E)ento (ffig toater tfte gatben/8 tftence oeupbeb ft fcrfe/a " "" grcteetnto f oure pjpncppan toaice*. a&amp;e *B.ffg a name oftfte one fjFWfon/ftettfctftatcom paffcrt) all tfte lanae of ^eupla / tobetegolb grotoeti).3Ctib tfte gofte of fljat centre tit p/e* cpou*/tberiisfounbe38eceiip5/a ftonecai lea mr . -Eft e name of tfte feconb t-puer 10 ^ ibon/to^cS cSpattetft all lanae ofinne. &lt;t3nbt name of tfte tftp#ei^erfe$pbcBeii/ toftjcjtonnetft onrfteeauefpbcof the 3B% Stab tbf otmft rptter 10 $upft;ate0 ., - tbe jlo^c obtofie a0b&amp;7 s putbpm m tfte garb* of xh/ to bjetre ft 9 to fiepe it. &gt; r an&amp; tftekofle (POD comatinbeb 365 fapmge: ***,**** M tbe tree* of tfte garben fetftoueate: mKo-bm 25utof ^ ctrce of finotoleoge of gooo ebab botijc cJgwS fctfW tftou eate not: Aft euentbe fame bape fomtrmc an iia ft) 011 eat? ft of ft ft) ou Omit f pe ft)e oetfte. ' a^tcv 0? fi)e 36nb tbe j^ojbe &lt;25obfap&amp;e :%tift not goob

% .

twman 9 t^e man ace cutfeb; anD ft^imi oirt of a* r atxfcjnj ? 1 a oare fou^o ut 10 p ?om$ft a.

S? 2 P w "wn/wilb * afonc/31 tofttmabe ban an SM8ffiS?!WWWWw copanp. 3&amp;no after tftat tbaibc P t tf o; tb e &amp;o#c (Sob fta&amp; mabe of era) an manec flat P ; bea&amp;ea of tbe feioe/ all maner f oule* of tbe ffic^rt ? ap;e/be;b;ougbt tftembntoatoaratoretobat 39K, * 0! 'beiDoibecan tftem.3nba*3bamcaneban ^manmpupngbeatteiJ/euenfoaretfteirna' meOn&amp;Sbamgaue names fattto all maner . . cate/9bntott)efouieisofSawe/bntoaK . manet beaded of tbe feme, tfuttber toajj no

ben)LojbeW&gt; cafta flombet on aos/ anDbeaepteJnbtftenbetobeontoneofb^ ru)be!S/$nifrebefljet;ofbefmebbptbepiace icn *. , Jfft.3PnbtbelLo?be&lt;E!obmabeoftftetft)bc * w,y b?ougbtfterbntoabam.cftenlapbeaibam: i&amp;^tgonreboneofnniboneft/afleQiofmv .._ Refb.'arfti3Sftabecanebtoom8:becaureaie ' &amp; . toag tabe of tfteman.*jf o; tb8 eaufe 0)3 a

H . .-


Cbe,f.Cbap'ter, uctbeferpfttoai3rot?ne*ft)Sali3i rae beaftejs of tfte feme/ tobpft) tfte .o;oe.&lt;Bobbaamabe:? iasoebnto - je tooman:-pe/liatt) &lt;2-oo fap) in

beoe/re (bail not eate of all maner tree? in . tfte gmbenfanbtftetpomSfamwitotbe fee pent/of tbeftute of tfte treejjfti tfte gabf toe map eate/bt of tfte fnite of tfte tree tbat i* mmemtbbe^oetbegamn(favb(iE(ob}re$;e eatenot/^fetbatpetoticbeftnot/lettjebpe, . : Cften rafbe*tt)e retpltbntotftetoomSttuOl *K^u ^0)annotbpeaxrt(bot6Iinotoeiltoben -i3 fo euer pe (bulb eate of ft/pouw epejs tomiSHx be openeb/ $ pe fbuibe be ast ob/ anb ftnotoe to i,, um . botft goob | well ^6nb tfte *tooma" fatoe tbat n6reaiw tttoagagoobKretoeateof/euiQpbntotbe epeu/aplealanttreefo?togeue bnnafton**" 1 ' bpnge.anbto6eoftbeftuteofft ate /anb gaue bnto ftp? bufbano affo toftft b/anb be ate Jnb tbe epejj of botbe tbem toere openeb/ tbattbepbnbetftobeftototbattbep toecena* Beb. bantftep fotoebfpggeleueu togebbet anbmabetbemapumji. 3tabtbepbetbe'-$ bopecoftbe %om &lt;Soa ajsbetoalfiebm tbe gartif in ttjecoofe of tht bape.3Mbambpbbpmrelfe?bp0topfeal* to from tbe ." face of ttje)Lo?oe 00/ amonge *** Bft * tbetree^oftbcgaitien.anD tbe Ho:oe 00 to* ,; "" cauebabS/afapbbntobpm:tobeteatttbouf anbbeanftoewb^rbpboprea beatbem the gatben/lntt 3 toauafrapeb/becaufegi toajs nabeb/9tbetfo^bpbmpfelfe. Inbberapoe: 9botplbetbe t tftou toaanafiebfftaft tbou catgoftftetree/oftobtcb1!babetbetbattb amlOfftnoeeateranDaDamanltoerebtcbe^ toomantobpeb tftou gaueft tobrteme corns' 1 * panpfte tofieme of tftetree/3!afe.ainbft)e 5to?beobfepbebntotftetooman:ftet;fo;e bpbeft tftou rof inb tfte toem8anftoeteb:fte ferpentbeceaueb me ana 5 ate. 3ttbtfteio^eobfapbebnto tften?rpeY: becaule tftou bade fobone mode ctirfeb be tftou of a eaten 9 of an beattejs of tfte feroe: bpontftpbelp ttait tftou go -.anb ertft ftalt tb)u8Wb^ortftprife,flP(5couerii topw

totll put battebbettoene tfte ftbc to oman/? t ^ bettoe)tetftpfeebanbfti(eeb,#ibtbat feeb

ZJSSXSt fball teeab tftebntbp' fteeb/anbtftou lba tSSS Seabeftontftebele. .. . -. . SSri mm anbbtttotbetoomanbefapbe;l.topnfuei; r of tbt btucit r encteaf e tbp f o?oto/anb mafie ft) e of t tottft *PH2S?, cbplbe/tottb papne iftalttftoubeberpuerebf SS&amp;SS 3SSB wee? man pettapne bntotftp fefe wCbtbriciBbanb/anbftettjaliruietbe. _ !iac*mibo6 anbbntoabamfterapbei&lt;Jfaismocftea}J SSWS tftouftattobepcD tftebopceoftftp topfe/anb n^ ? baft l oftfte tree of tobicft3iommaunbeo ( ~ 'boueatenottfterofceutfeb fa&amp;e.fnfojbto malt tftou

Capnfenbpon *3iben ftpsJb?otftei;/9aetoe*.iS&gt;ap;icmy.8, bpnahbtfte7Lo?bempbebiitoapn:toftere^o'o.f*^^ feabeltftp^otfte^anbftefapbc^cannotlS e^tftetofailbapejJoftlplpfe^nb ft man ttU/am3mpb;otftet0beperf 20nbbefep&amp;e: J ^bwwtbomeg^tftpaeftJbntotfte.anbtftou W^^^SS^^B^P^ ****&amp;* ^ aait eate ti) e I) erbfe oe tfte 6e10^&gt;n ftcCtoetc ttewJ Woub'cepebbnto me oute of tfte ertft. JSgKS . -- S^flwittftoUeaSb?ebe^ ontpntftoti %^^t^mtmta^mmttol^^T{t teftimebnto*ertbtobfcetftoutoaatafif:fo? tbeetft/tofttcbopmebftp?moutfttoreceauei ,a U c.cnciiB bmt8bStftouaw*bi^ertftmalttftoutetu^ ^baott)ewWoubofpneb^/o ? toften&gt;&gt;v.c. \*mrr*m ^HXcanebftPitopfewta/becaure tftou tplieatftegrountieaje man ftencefo?tft flie^stbemoftierofalltbatltuetftJnbthe itotgeuebp^potoetbntotfte.aibagammbe ofSSymSStftemonfeemJ artbCapnfapbebntotbetobe-.mpCpnne^^, *.* m )Lo?beobfapbeTltoo/abamfebecomeJ Wgreatec/tbentftatftmapb^fo^geuen.^e *3tMM , ^;Mo^ft&gt;oneofS/mbnotoiebgeofgoobanb boioett)ou^eam_erottbpSbapefromfl)e , ^"Weuen.jeutnotoleftftefttecft fo;tbbPSibanb ceoftfteettft/9ftogp(tobKmuft aftpbe Sl B 5S*anbtaaKbbftfte tteeoflpfe/^eatealpue mpW^muabetoa^hgeanbabaga 8 tgH .^.r,an^ v afl utof ft bunbebpon^ee^:^o?eouer toOofoeuer SSenofSien/totplle tfte ettfttoftencefte fpnbetftmeADmspilme^nbtbef o?befapi&gt;

jecaftKibamout/9Cetteat tfi e enterpnge oftfte gatben(ben/Cfterubnt toftft anabebCtoerbemoupngemanb out/to Bepetfte toape to tfte tree of fpfe. Mm 6jUcthb?stsabtou8 6;ott^ll.*i5. StoBPittti* cucft6.^tBena(Bofnotfe tWnV Euball ,-t nmb/*b anb 4Bno. Cfte.fftt.ftaptei!.

bnto ppt fo/but toftofoeuer tteptftcapn ttjalbe puntflfteb J)ttfoloe Jnb to e&amp;ozbe put ^ amatbe bp5Capntftatnomanft)at founbe ftpm mutteftpnfttm Jnbcapntoent out fro tbe face oftfte jLojbe/anbbtoeit m tfte lanbe iSob/on tfte eaft fp&amp;e of cften. 3Bnbapnlapc toftftbtg topfevtofttcft con wnhimw^ eeaiebaba^enocft.anbftetoaiSbuplbmg J5b aba Jape totttj^euaft^topfe/ aepte/ataftebtftenameofftafter tftename iftfcftconceaueb8barecapn/9 ofbpsffomte/ftenocft.ainb^enocftbraae, bauegoten amanof tfte JrabJnbgirabbegatflPabuwel.ainoSia* ^.azrsrjE^-^*-*^*, ftuiaelbegatflatftufaei.3ittba?atftufaelbe o,vi,-.- gatlamecft.linbUamecfttofiebpmttootop v *? e Sifl1M mepeme/anbCapnbecameaplotoman. . ueg-.tbeonetjjcanebaiba/stbe otfter 3la. lortSwiSS anbft fo?tunea tnp?oceffe of tpme/tftat anbababare 3abaH/ of toftome c ame tftej ^...... s ..^ ...,. . 9on ffteo?gan0.1'nb ^illaffteairo batecubafc eapn a too?6er inmetanaa fatfter of antftaf w grauemb^ffc^peronJnbCubaleapnSJfp* ftectoajscanebJSaema. cftenfapbexamecft bnto ftp s topued aioa ^ _ 95nTa*earempbopcepetopue^ofjLamecB

; i^itHkakfflflmjtoy imwmuf feifltitanhpf ttmi 9fterSebntomptoo?be)S/fo?g , ftau eflapnea of f Vl i,p 8 c is B0( j euefl/ty abptftpfpraieipetft openintfte man atoounbebtnp relfe/aftaue aapn apojf S?Sa!S c to tbe/anafce tbouruftft. anbCapntaweb . be auegebCeuenfolbe/ but TUune cft umtu m#r&amp;* toftft^benftpiStoOtfter. tpmeteuenfoae.aibamaifolapetn)*)ti^ 3nba0fooneasJtftep toere ftitftefelbej'/ topfepetagapne/amebare *m*9rtsm Diw

rpngebntotfteHo?be. ainb 3Cbelbeb;ougbt bjotftews name toajsgsubal/ of ftpm came all alfoof tfte fpjurpnge* offtpjs mepe/a of tfte tbat erercpre tftem felue* on tbe b

[t^ltSfettofg2^be^^^^ 1 anb toftpg Qfftpnge/ftutbntocapnanbbnto oflrpng

^^h?^to?otftweabpngrp/alourajJnbtfte)lo?be K/i,thatSfePbebntoapn:toftpa^ lohtn ot tocrloureft tftouf bboteft tftou notpf tftou boft


&gt; *

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W name^em 41 J &lt;ob(fapw Hie) batb ge uenmea not^ee fonne fo? 3Dbel m^om Capn r m mii nm HetoeJtab &amp;etb begata t onnc/a callebbP? the mimi Tot til name &lt;no?.anb &gt; tbat tpme began men to &amp;o?bc is tore.. 'call on tbe name of tbe jlo/be. flujtc allth jn/ irdnjc aoiMlo jjc of atam bneo fioe. KW 11 be.b.Cbaptet. tan at so/ liratfntan.lntbebapetobeobctea* noucauotoo;/ J M tea man amabebimaftertbefpnit % ?? ^ B IMi2afttu6c of djsob. jtyde. ana female ?,r1H!ntabebetbem/acalleatbeittwme? man/ in woe R w.^ eM j e1M ^ ||| ^ ptorwcwaw# stoD^en abatoa?artbMtb?ebatbpftppeteolo/bebe gat a fonne after bi&gt;? ipcftnette 9 ftmtfftube: .;.$tauu 9 canebbP?namc*&lt;fcetb.anbtbcbape?of 3bam after be begat &amp;etb/toereeisbtbun b?ebpere/ abegatfonne? 9 baugbtet?. ana all tbebave?of aoamtobpcb be ipueb/ toere iy.ltnt)?eti a.rjrjc.pere/anbtbenbeot'eD. 3nb&gt;etbU&gt;uebanbunb?eo a.b.?erc?/ a begat &lt;no?.anaaftetbebab begot no?be lweb.bfti,b una ?ca 9,1911' .pere/ 9 begat fonne? : 9 Daug&amp;ter?,anb an f bape? of |b etb to ere fjcftunajeb a jnipere 1 a bpeb. %vto &lt;Eno? ip* ueb.ljtjrt.pere /a begat ttenan Jnbio? afc tetbebegat ftenan/ltuea.bftf. buntyeb Q.po. pcee/attabegatronne?aaaugbter?:aantbe bape? of &lt;jno?toete,it.bun&amp;iteb a. b. pete/ a ^tbanbeapeb Jnaftenan mt^muu/0t 35 gat &lt;$abalaItelJttbenan after be baa be*

Bot#abalalJeI/lpiteo.tiui.buiib?eb, pete/a begat fomte? ana bmigmw.aan tbe bape? of wenan to anmepete/ and tban bebpeb.anb fl&amp;abaialtel ipueb. ft* fere/? begat larea.anbflraabalalielaftee. be babbegot Hateb lpueb.Wti.bttna;jeb a.*** pete?/ab^atfonne?anbaaHgbter?:anball tbeaape? of S&amp;abalaliel toete. bttibunazea npnetpe anb A.pere/anb tban be bpeb. : 3nag|mipuebanbunbm.i*ft.pete/ begatttmoefca giateblpueb after be begat cf enoefctttebunbiteapeie/a begat fonne?? &amp;augbtet?.3nbaUtbebape?of aareb toere flc4w)?eiia.i)cii.rere/aniitbanbebreb.3im&gt; n ? * fe.ainb*^enocb toalbeb toT&lt;Pob "ffotoaiae babbegot flatbiifal8Al.6unb;eb?m/?bc tojtDo^(0 gat forme? a baugbter?:anbau tbeaape? of to 60 hpci ^ feenocb toere.itt.bunb?eo a. ijttj.f ete/ a man tm&amp; ' i* 10 W^ a soblp fefe/ana toa? no mo?e bynottohps fene/fo?&lt;Bobtoftebpmatoape. too;Dt. ana ^atbufala Ipueb an buntyea anb ftrtbti.pcre 9 begat jLamecft: 9 fiMufhla after Be bab begot jtamecb/ ipueb. brt . bun* &amp;;rb 9.imti.v ete/a begat fonne? anabaugb tens, 3Bnb an tbe bape? of $atbufala toere f|;J)ttnb;eb.l)rt]e.i!ece/anBtBanbeweb. , anbHamecbl?uebanbwnb?eb.lpr]rtf.pew #jbegatafototf/?caHebbrmi5oe/fapnge:

bP? fame tbfltt eomf o?te b?:a? cbncempg outemo?1ie a fojotoe of oureban&amp;efjtobfli toe baue about tbe ettb tbat ibe Ho?be batb curfebJnb^laraecijlpueb after fje babbegot ^oeAAuntoebynpietge a.b.?ere/anb begat fonne? ?baugbter?Jnb all tbeoape? of 'ia ntecbtoere.bu.ftunb?eb.irFbtt.?ere/?tbanfte

bFbJnbtoben$oetoa?fpue bnb?eb?ere ofiie^e begat $&gt;em/$am/an&amp; iapbetb. CWt cauft of tficfloirtc. (BoBtontiJcth floe of tht tSmjitg of thcfioiifitCbc PKpanng of thearefce. CCfteA^aptee. jiiSb it came to patre/tobS men$ * 'Ito multppip bp5 t&amp;e ettft/^bab be* t &amp; gottbembaugbter?/tbeHonne?ofoffflioi.a l&amp;oofatoe tbebaugbter?of men $ mwottii tbep toere fawe/ a tofiebntotbem topie?/ JJjJ} JJJ totjreb tbe? beftjpbeb amSge ftl an jnb tbe &amp;' R lio?be fapbe-.^fpitice (ballnotall toayeftace V a ttttuett mS/f 0? tbep are fl eO) . I5euertbeleae &lt;&amp;&amp; roimsi 9 torUgeuetbf fet*fpaceart.,?.w;,rere?. gStSSSL cBete toete tSte? in tbe too^lbe in tbofe SStSett baie?,-ffo? aftettbat tbe c$^(o?g of &lt;!&amp;o&amp;Bab w mitortw. gone m bnto tbe baugbter? of men/a bab be ni. gotten tbem t wlb^ / tbe fame tbrift^toere **P**m tbemigbtieftoftbetoo?lb/ameoErenotone, anotobStbe %oM fatoe t titttotumuQt of man tea? encreafea bpon tbe ewb / a tbat air tbe fmagfnactw anb tbougbte? of b# u Mtnt Mlt . *6ett tea? onip euell contpmialfp/b^repen Jfffifi tebfljatBebabmabemanbpontbeertb/anb * ,, * e ' ww, fwotoeb In W bett.anb fapb-.l to^l bettrop . manb^nbetoftrebg 1 bauemabe/fromof t^e face of tbe etftbt bo^ man/beaft/toomteanb foule of tbe mti f o? it repentetb me tbat % bauemabe tbem. 2But?etj9oefounbe grace . intbefigbtoftbemo#e. cbereare t^i generacpon? of $oe,$oe ** crt tiijii l toasa ttgbreou?mana bncomipte mbp? -. tpme/atoalftebtt&lt;!5ob.lnb 0ot begatJ*. ' fonne?:^em/^am/ajapbetbJnotBeettb . toa?comtptmtbefgbtof(0ob/atoa?fun of mtfe^ef e. 3nb 4Sob loaeb bpon cite ertb/ a lotttoa?co?mpte:fo?aa b fle(bbabco?ntpte *.an turn bJ?bjapebponfteettb. iS2!i 0an ^2 ; ban fai?be obto^oe:'tbe enbe of a $&amp;&amp; Hefbi'?ccmicbefo?eme/fo?tbeeitbt?funofo P fSK tbeftmpfcbef0&lt;lnblo/ l 3 tofllbeftropetbem (.anem rf WW tbe ertb . flabe tbe an atcfte of ppe c S* fflSjS tree/anbmafie cbaumber? ftt tbe arcbe/anb 'EfJ pptcb ft toitbin a tottbout toftb p?tcb . 3nb ffJSSS oftbs?facronalttftowmafie(e. w fc |e lengtb of tbe arcbe Iball fie. i ft.btm* b?eb cuby te?/atbe bbtb of iti, cubpee?/ J t^e^eftl&gt; of tt.wcr.cubpte?J topnboto male

tfioumabe abouebi tbe accbe.^nb toftbfn a ntbfte cSpaffe Ibalttbou fpnpflj ft. anb tbe bo?eoftbearcftewalttfioufettemt6efpbe of tea tb"ou (bait mafie ft toitb.ih'.lofte? one abouea notber,tf o^beboRiea toin bjmgem ; ' \


* " *

a floub of toater bpon tbe emj to bettroEe ail fle frS bnber beauf /tobettn b/en) of we i?i fotbatalltbati?lntbeertt) lbanpertflj.ut ^atojmmabemsne japofntemi|e /tbat fibtfi tboutbait 'come into tbe atcfte anbttjp rotate? /tbftoffe atbpfonne?toue?tttbe. %tto of all t&amp;atltuetbtobatfottierfleib it be/malt tbmtb^ngemtotfieaecfte/ofettetf tbpngapaKe/to bepe tbemalpue toite tbe. antimale a female fe tbat tber be/ of bp^iejf intfytft b?nbe/a of beafte? in njeft; ftpnoe /


** *

- 1

of an manet of loomte? of tbe ertfi in tbeb; ftpbesapawe of etterF.tbfnge ibaUcomebn totbetoftepetfiemalpueJnbtaftebntotbe of ail manet of meatetftatmafbe eaten anb

laeitbpmttoo?eb?tbe/*ft mafbemeate botbe f 0? tbe anb f 0? tbetrcanb fit oe bpa aco? bmgetoaHtbateobcommaunbebbpm, Ctt^t t nt cauticc ofjOoe 1 tbm that twrttoitb bint ito t&amp;f ambi. (anjciffjnar of tfteflouoe toljcttottb UtbyngcBEiYBpftpftic.

.f *

36 a.Krhcjaw I tjgftttouu lie |fo;c 0ob (bat lomtbncncp/

ecfte.bfi.cbapter. J5b tbe Ho?be fapbebttto ^oe:o into tbe atcfte botbe tbou ana an tbpboufyolbe.tfo;tbe bauegifene .. , ,*n?gbtecu? before me intbJWge* K^ D I n fl^ n ^^' IrtenclJ wtte?taftebntotfte (piriu oTgoDVof bnclene beafte?a pawe/tbemaie abs?fe to^chmnactbnuie:lpbetopfeoftbcbp^e?oftbe8p;efeue T-ft fS"" of euetv fipnbe/maieanb female to fane ftea SSSc 8 WW" aH e * ** reuertbape? fience topn let of ob u&gt;9fenbeta?nebpontbeerebjtl.bape?am).tl. lutuno tsBb'npgbte?/atopiibifttopeaH manet oftbpnsK 2? -" w uii 9 ,n ^a^l &amp; aue maot/M of tbe face of tbe em). "MUM*, mm i9oe bpb accwbptge to aHtbat tbe * at KM Jto,!bec2maimbebbmr.ai9oetoa?Af flfflwefl ffiffl ?ete olbe./ tobe tbe*flouboftoatetcamebp5 uwtuio. tbe.era):a0oe toft a &amp;?* fonne? abj&gt;?topfe abi?fotme?tofue?to!tbfimt/intotbearcfte h(t ant nca*ft5 ^e toater? of tfiefloub.ainb of "cienebea fimSRS ttw/9 of ^f *rt* tbattoatebnclene/a of tbOHicicant camembpcoople?ofeuet^ftfnbeb&gt;tto0oe we not* tyit rntb tbe atcfte/amaieaafemalRWf a?dEtoi SMaS'fcommaanbeb^oe. 3pnb tbereuent&amp;oapetbe SKffitoatet? of tbefloitbecamebpontbeertB. u\m,w 31ntbe.btbunwebpeteof j9oe?|p&gt;/mtb,e fecon9emo)tetb/uit!)e.^,DApeoftbem^

netb/tbatfameoapctoereal^e fotfteiwe? ***&amp;&amp;* oftbee^atebeiKb?oftebp/atbetoBnbotoe?&lt; a ;"""V^ "ofieauerttotteopeneb/a^etefen a *aweg,t imK tbe bpontbeettbJWwpe? a,j:tnpgbte?, v toata tu anbtftefelfefamebape toentl9oe/&amp;ertt/# Mm tue INtta3apbetb/^oe?fonne?/a^oe?topfe hB f n ^S|i?3 8 a^e.iSte?offip?fomte?ttitbtbf mtoKS* fbeatcftejbotbetbepaallmanetofbeaft? in . L' A rbefr ftpnbiJ / anb all manet of eaten in fbetr ASgg* ftpnbe/aan manet of toomte?tbatcrepebp6oprncDsc.(bat tbe er a in fy tit ftpnbe/ a all manet of bpjbe? mm muu mtbeteftpnbe/aanmanetoffoine?tobatfoj!S h c ^ euerbab feber?. ami tftep came bntt^oefliKSgS i" to f atcfte bp coupli?/of allflelbi bab b?etb \ |0 D " * of ipfe in it.anbtbep that came/came male a female of euetp flefl) aco^bpnge a? (Sob conw maunBebbpro:atbeilo?bemutfl)ebo?e bpa.-.,,- ,. Hr . Bpnuanb tbe*aoub . bape? anb. *l.batS nffibWP bpatbeettb/a tbe toater mcteaitt atMttebptbeatcfte/afttoa?lpftei)pfr8of . tbe ertb.ano ft e toater p;euaTieb ainerea's r ftb ejteabinglp bp6tbe ettft-? tbe arcfte to? 't _ bpontbe toppeof tbe toater? .anb the to, i* tec?p;euapleb etcebtnglp aboue mefute t$&amp; tbeettb/fo tbatalLtbebpe bplle? toblcb/are bnbetalitbepatte?ofbeaue toere cot'eteb: eum.tb.cubpte?bpep;evtapiebtbe totter?/ f tbat tbe bplle? toere coueteb. Snaailfiew tljatmoweb ontbeettb/bottje lmbe?/cateuanb beaae?perpai)eb/toptb all tbatctcpteontbeettbaattmen:fotbatan tbatbabtbebjeft iof ipfe in tbe notttel? of ft tbo?owowtantbattoj? on b;pelanbe/bpeb., -,_,, t -.

Cbu? toa?*beaiopeb all tbat toa?bpon tbe * $?ltn * **l ettb/bo^ man/beaae?/too?me? a foitie? of tbe apje/ Co tbat tbep toere beftropeb frS :fte ettb 4 .Rme^oeto8?reretiteb omp a tbep tbat toetetoitt) bint in tbeatcfte. anb tfie toater? pjcuapicb bp5 tbe ettfi an bunbzebaXbape?. Carter tbe fcnBpna fb?th of the tauf 9 tbe bone $oc Ujtntfojtnof tbe oRrcth facrifitcftbc ma Ijfcofmaiinwbeatt, . Cbe,bi.baptet. * C50btememb?eb j5oea antbeltt eafte? a all tbe eaten tbat toere &amp; btm in tbe atcfte,anb ob mabe . *atopnbetobiotoebpotbeettb/a* 1c M tbetoater?ce8reb:atbe*foantapne? of MtmmtAM, bepe a tbetopnbotoe? of b eaue toere ttopte/ atbccapne of beauf toa? fo?bpbbf/atbetoa ter?returnebfrom of me ertb/aabateb after tbe enbe of anbunweb anb Xbape?. 3Jinb,tbeatcfteteftebbpontbemountapn? of ararat/tbe. tbti. Dave of fbe.bft. ntonetb. 3Dnbtbetoatet?toentatoape/ abecteafebbn tpn tbejcmonetft Jnb tbe fp?tt bape of tbe jc monetb/f toppe? of tbe moiftepn? appereo. anbaftet M enbe of.t!.oape? oe openeb tbetomboto of tbe atcfte tobicbbe bab mabe/ afemfo?tb atauen/tobicb wem out/ euet a.itf. gopmj

n &gt;

r L




jb &lt;ffiJoa*Mdtfl&gt; #ue 9 Ins fomtcg a fam onto tbf ; jncteafe a mult! &lt;a$tnt.f. , * ana fpll tbe f eare al* iw* fo abjeae of potobe bpon allbea* ae*oftbeettb/abp3allfouief$ of the ap?e/ Stop on all tb at erepetb on tbe ertb/ana bp on

got Kg $ MffiSitg agaw fcnttU the tested ioareameabp bpon the ertb. Cbmientbefojtbabouefifibtm/totoete torjetbet tbe toaters toere fallen from of tbe ertb.anbtobentbeboue coulbe fpnbe no re OpBeplacefo;^fote/a)erewwieoto^mi ^- r -. , agatwebmotbearcBe/fo?tbetoatet*toere allftfbeisoftbefee/tobpcbeategeuen unto bpontbefaceofalltheertb. anabepttt out poutebanae* .ana all tbatmouetb bpon tbe ^dttie/toliel)er/anopuneobweo^pi wtftbaurnglFfe/lbaHbefouremeaeejCEiie attotbeawRe. 3Dnb he aboae jetArf tw* mo;e/ano tent tout t&amp;eboue agapne out of the mtbe/ a the boue came tobimagapne about ettentpbe/a behc*W/theretoa$tttbp;moutb alefeofan cipue rreetobpebe (be baapttwfitfctoherbp

tuij yaupi i&amp; tyi vi wan v ruiwv m * w a*#egeenebet*e*fogttte3!poualltbtng. sDnip tb e*fle tottb bps ipfe tohpche (0 b # *&lt;tn t.t . bloua/fetbatpeeatenot. . *!ffo? betcip tbe blouaeofpou tobermjitif .*M ?ourelwe3aretti?tt9!wquKr.uenoftbef b J' B banoeofallbeattegtopll I requpjeftv * of a " u * c 7 M f0|l



jBocpetecaueatbat tbe toatenstoete abated tbebanaeofmananbof tbebanae of euerpwo cnina:! '--' K- &lt;-" ~ tnanne0b?otbeeto?U31requetbelfRof;wwiiin

mamfotbatbetobjeb fteaetb manesbiouae^" g Ibafl baue in* blotto OteD bp man agapne:f 01 Zomm &lt;5ou*mabeman after bp$ atone lftwi9t. S aamm &amp;&gt;ethatpe encreafe/a toare/a be occuppeb cmmi

bpon tbe ertb.ana betarpeapet.btf.otbet bay es/anacentfetfb theaoue / tobpeb from thence fo;to camenomoje agapneto bpm. . anaftcametopaere/tbettrtebunweaana -flne?ere*tbef??ftoai?eoftbeff;ftmonetb/ tfb#thetoaterj$toerea??eabp bpStbe ert&amp;. . Wna$oetOBeoftbebat&lt;he$oftaeareBe/a

bponthe ertb/ana multpplp e therm.

w WWW ^h w -^ w-m* V tfuttbermo?e&lt;iSoafpaBebnto$deanatoJ3 lt&gt;pfteb:ana bebol&amp;e/the face of tbe ertb tea? btt fonne* tottb bi&gt;m/f apinge:&gt;ee/3| mafie feM&gt;obp ttotftoapeof tbtfecona mo *mp bona tottb pou a poutefeea after taw*** *** xW '- -- -- toptbalirMbgctbtngetbatiftoptbtotot botb foule 9 catell/9 all maner belter of tbe ettbtt)attsstottbjoto/ofalltbatcSmetbmtt: of n)earcbe/tobatfoeuer befteof tbe ertbtt m.% manemp bonae tortbpoto /that hence jm t /wMUJnuit-jtwv-.. n ..vv. &lt;t ...vv fb?h)allfle(blballnot6ebearopeotoi'tbtbe n*that crepe cntbe ertb/ bjpnge out tottb t&amp;e/ toatewofanpfloua/atbat bfce*fo ?tft there * ra ?lettbemmoue;*atotoeftmultiplrbp0tbe Jbalinotbeaflouatobearopiheettb. &lt;.? arc *_ dfL^csE k- %m &lt;Mb fapBe:bpi8fetbetoftettof mp

nen?fheerrbtoa$an&gt;e. . , 3PnbPbfpaRebtttoj9oe/farmgr.ome cut ortbearce/botbetbou*tt)ptoi?fe atb fomtcjS atbjfonnestosueutottb tbcanb aU

tbe tjeattes tftat are % tbe tobatCoeuer fleftj :ltbe/bo foule*catel/*allmanertoo?mejX

w?.5 ertb Jnb me came out/a W tonMmW totfe/anDbig fonnetofue0toitbbi!m.anb alltbebeaOeg/aniiaU tfietoomtesJ /anoall tbe fouler anb all tbat moueb bpon tbe ertb/ camealfooutof tbearcbe/allof one fisrme anb^oemaoean aultetbnto tbe HLo;oe/ *in"'fw ^tobeofallmanerof *cienebeattejj/ a all ffhcioArmanerofdenefoulesJ/aoareo facwftcebpB uSS Ttbeaulter. 3Ptu&gt; tbe jLo?wfmelftb a ftoete fanoHt tyc(auour/a fa^b ni b^bert-.3to;llbencefo?tb aiow8teo|t5e nom0 ;f cwrfe tbe ertb fb;marate(Sfafie/ fo? ttSitttftc ptagmac^of mane$bmtewen/euen K frotbcbetrvourtjofbpm.^ojcoueritopn SaS. lurtbelrtwfwmbmcefotfban tbae Ifuetb a^gibaueboneJetberlballCotosngetpme anbbarueft/colDeanbftete/romer anb tot?n* ter/bateanb nfgbtceaffe /astlongea? tbe x" ertftenljuretb, to&lt;SoBMe(rttBfloean6ti?Bfonneii.*efo6|Wto tatc tte Moutic of 6raBB/anB fojfrySDc tft tbetycBiita

bonoetobpeb 31 maftebettoenemeavoto/^ brttoene all ljupg tbfnge tbat t$ tottb v oto f o? euerffl totll fette mp botoe mtbe clouoejj c aft Oallbe atygne of tbe apoptemetmatie bettoeneme atbe crtbifo tbattobenf b?fng fn ciottoeg bpon tbe ertb / tbebotoe allap* pere m tbe do ud ejj. Kino fijart to^ll 3 1 tftpnRe bpon mp teaament tobpebel baue maoe be&lt; ttoenemeanopoto/an&amp;alltbatlfuetb tobae foeuetfleq)ftbe.&amp;otbat bencefo?tb*tbere eu\urm Iballbenomojetoatergto made a flouo to bear ope all flelb. cfte botoe Oialbetn tbe cloubef/a.9ito? lobebpSft/torememb;etbe eueriaQpgte ftament bettoene 0ob a all tbat lpuetbbp5 tbe ertb / tobatfoener fleCD ftbe. anb ob rasoebnto mt-MWit W Wm of tbe te* ftamfttobid) a baue maoe bettoene meata an imWw on ttovcti). cbe fomteis of i$oe tbat came out of tbe

stoucnjiitttiwi&gt;ttDEU6ran?ttntoo?wi nomo?e am be tbe father of Canaan, cbefe are tvwmtt/antiscuKtitlicrajncbotocas a tokem con fte.rtf.fomieSOf jl^oe/atlO of tbe fetoagalf firmanon of tyttmt*^ &lt; tw*twm am Sn tt . hjoilbe Otterfp?eb. tommitomisttumismtt. * aj5oe bepge anbufbanbman/toent fo?tb maxMWWmw b?Sclie of tbe topic





, fomeatou0o?onc&amp;e/anblat)ebncuerebfn m mpobeft of w tent, anbi^am tbe fatber &amp; of Canaan fatoe W f*&amp;w p;eu?teejs/anb toHie^ttoo^ett)?en t toere toftbout 3m 4 em anb |apbetb tofie a mStell/a put f t on botbe tbetr fljulbew a toentbacbtoarb/ aco* iterebtbeir fatber$$ fecrew/ but tbetr faces toere bacfitoarb/ fo tbat tbe; fatoe not tbeit fatberjJnaflvbnc0, as fooiteas jijoetoass atoabeb fronts tope/anbtotfttobatbp0 jongettfonnebab

)Uibnn/&lt;iatamim/)Leabim/apbttbmt/iSa C tbwfmt a Caflubfm:frem tobence came tbe pbf isflpng/anb tbe Captbtberpne*. Canaan alfo begat 3foon bis elbett fomte a IfrtGiMbuS i/amofll trgoft/ fflmfflMi ^fnf/arttabf/3tmart$#armatt.anbaftee toarbfp^age tbe aprebgiof tbe cananstesi. anb tbe cottes of tbe Catian ytc&amp; toere from $&gt;ttbn tpll n)ou come to dserara a toata /$ t^lthou come to ^&gt;oboma/(Eionto?ra/ abas ma/5eboim/euebnto)Lafa. cbefe toere tbe cbt&gt; mm of ^am At tbnr firnreoess / tongejs/

Iamtefsanbitacpong. anbaaemtbefatberofalltbecbflbjenof tfber/atfteelbeftb?otber of fapftetb begat cb^b;e alfo.anbbpu fotmeiS toere mfM* fttr/arpbacbfab/jLub a aramJnb tbe fifth b?enofaramtoerc*.iH?/$ul/&lt;!5etbera^a0.^ ~. Arll , r . anb*arpbacbfab begat^ala/ a &gt;ala \x* u ******* gat ceber.anbCber begat ttoo fonneg.cbe names of tbeonetoagp&gt;eleg/fo?inl^0tpme tlje ertb toast beupbeb. anbtlje name of bpg b^otbertoasSabetan.


bab.ail tyefe are tbe fonneg f Janet anj na gebtoenpge of tt^em teas fr5 fi^efa tottpll ou come bnto^epbara a motuttape of tbe eatt lanbe.cbefe are tbe fonnes of &gt; em m tbetr R^ttebcss/ languages / contreegana ftacV8jj.befe are tbe ftjnrebesof tbe fomtegJ of $oe/m tbetr generacpons a nactons.attb of tberecamerljepeople $ toere fn tbe too?ia after tbeflottbe. e^c6u?lDpn80frt)etotoofWalirt.r6cconfii ^onoftongtB.aCliegtnKacponofflscmfbcfonncof mt tortgt attg tofticli goctl) tottt) Hot tinf o ^atan.


KSStobtwjBnj, hgfapue ..jeieffeabetbe -|Ui?be oa of monetb/Jarab /f abo?am/rarai/ ^tbeia/ b^SfS&gt;em/*&lt;^naSbeb?0ferm1t.(!E!ob''fncreafe .ba.l/abtmael/^cba/^pbfr/^etiHaa So "Stfii.c'lapbetb tbatbemapbtoell mtbe tenteg of 1 jDftimi.a. a,emjnacanaanbetbeft;feruattt. anb ^oelputb after v fioub tijje bunb;eb ana fpftse ?ere: f tbat all tbe aa^eu of j9oe^ftpi?e/atbanbeatea, Z flthc Bcncnlofl j c o Jnp^c t\y&amp; c i ano am* 31 . ccbe.y.Cbapter. ' . [*t,at(a.,a 185?i9eR MC ^ e generacf ow of tbe

iapbetb/ tobfebbegat tbemcbplb^ latter tbe Boube. Cbctorates ofgjapbetb toere:ffiomw/ia '; , oog/fl^aoat/giauan/cubaH/fl^efecbacbp . tasJnb tbe Tonnes of ornKtoerciafceKas )Sfpbatanacogarma.anat$efonne]S of^la uantoere:dffa/barttft/CitbfmanaBoa8 mtn.fl&gt;f tbefecametbegjieg of tbe gentfis At tbetr contrt0 / euerp man Inbjss fpeadbv : ijnwaananacjon. cbefonttes of J^am toere :Cbus/50u taf m/gflu t a Canaan, cbe rorate* of (fywi lttesbeba/^eula/$)abta/ttaptia ana ,&amp;abtema.ana tbe (orate* oflSapna toere: amrobtp burner intBefrgbte .of ftjeiLo^ae: t&amp;et of cante tt)e wouerbe^ie to asiiaemroa tftatmwbt?bfitertn.tbef|gbtbf$ejLofl)e. Dtoeilea.anatbepfajaeonctoanotber:conte anatbebegwurpngeof btw bfngaome tea? on/iet usmabe b^pebe a bume tt tottb &amp;. *abeii/crecb/acb8aaCbamebitbelanae $&gt;o b;pcfie teas tbetr ftone ana 0pie teas ofaWear:flDutoftbatianaecameaflur/a ttefrmo?tee.anatbepfapbe:Conteon/ietbS amuuk Bwnbtbllttmte/at&amp;e cpte!Beir(*i!t&amp;/ac hum twwe&gt; atme/t tbe toppema p lab/anameuYn bettoene*i9fnpue a Caiab; teacbbntobeaue.anaietbgmafiebSatiatne C^atts a great cpte , anb d9(?rmi begat fo?perauenturetoe jallbeteaterebab?otic

Cbe.]rt.Cbapter. a all tbe too;icie teas of onetSge aonelanguage.anaasstl)ep came frStbeeaft/tbep founbe aplayne in tbe ISbe of 3pnear/a tberetbep

- f




a. oa is cuetaHtfiectt^ Jrfl&gt;t^e^o^ecame a Dotone "2 SS'Eto b fee tbe crteanb tbe toure toUvdH t^c $# w"m$m* m of 3bambabbujibeb. anb or Xojbe m Ac $ a;fat&gt;be:&gt;ee7tbepeoplefeone /anbbaue one insgc mtntbat tongeamonge tbemaH.affi) tbrssbaue tbet? ! C JS?' begontobo/anb tutu notieaueof from ail iTmanet *at tft^ftaitcpurporeatoiio.Comeon/lee oit\n B c bpmfcs oercenoc/anDmjngeH tftep? tonge mm fcifc pnftnt a/ tbete / tbat one bnberuonbe not toljat aito* j ,0 ^ c *%mtttmm. #w* tbe&amp;o?be fftatereo tbem KSSS wSnrfmce bpVallrbe ertb.anbtbet?leK Sm^oitohiiiwewqitt. wiwrtwe Rename of MiB.ctfi&amp;ft. ftisscalleb JSabell/becaufe tbat tbe ftotfe t.ffiofcj^tjthCTfconfoHnjeatfte tSgeofalltbe toojlbe. ttnMs/tmton.. trebtbem atyobe bpon atitbe ertb , ip ttjnt be mo/ cb ef e ate tbe genera riSis of em: g&gt;em bcm mw ftjft toajjanbunbjebrete olbe abegatatpbacb* SffiiSf StoAnew after tbe floube.anb&amp;&gt;em fpueb SSmSSSS^M big begot arpbacbfab.b.bunb;eb twucs amoBc?eteanlbegatIonneiSanj)&amp;augBtei. us. ana 5 ar^acl&gt;raDl!?ueD,twb.rere s be= Cgat^&amp;ala/ aljuebaftetbebabbegat&amp;afa .^^^^^"^^^fete^Ml^begatConnejj^ioaiigft tm fi on&amp; . &gt;ala toa$$.:M&gt;ete olb ana begat ti&amp;mns thchuntyebtb?eKte/&amp;i&gt;egatCottne!S abaugb mm Mmi)c tttfiA i&amp;\)m&lt;zbntDt&amp;.miiii-Vtte olbe/bebe Jfi?S c t8 b e 8atPrtS/*?oafte;geftaobegotPereg St 5s Wi fouw bunbjeb afflMwere/ * begat Connejs he teas.*??. affitbAUgbt^. rtccofaBciJi aii#elegti^enbetoajs.]cw:.ereoRiebe *** gat ffiegu/9 lyueb after be babbegot ttegw tj.bunbKb wm ere/9 begat forme* a baugb

te5.KinbKeguto&amp;fbebablweti.w:iei&lt;.fet;e begat femig/ anb lyneb after bebab begot &amp;entg.ii.ftiin6?eoanD.bif.r'te/ anb begat fonne&amp;anbbangbterss. anb tobm^erugtoaMw.2ereofoebe begat iBabo?/ alguea afterbebabbegot$a bo?,if.bunb?eb?ere/9 begat fame* $ baugb M*.anb$$o?tobe"betoa$.;r.rijc.t&gt;molbe/ begat eerab/ anb fjueb after be bab begot cerab/ anbiinbzebanb.jrte.rew/aiiDbegat fonnejsanbbaugbterjj. anbirobmcmbtoaiMejr.rere olbe/bebe gatab?am/$abanb$aranv 30 anbtbtfearetbegmewc#fcof*cera&amp;, *i. fBata.f.6.$retab begat ab?am/$abo? anb^awn. 3 f o^waainbaranbegat)L(it.ambaranbjcb6 s foiecetab^ fatbermt&amp;eianwtobetebe tea? bojne/ at w m Cbalbta, anb atyam anb$abotfoaetbenito?ues.ab2am*to2fe teas caneb &gt;arai.anb $abo# topfe #?fa ca tb e bougbtei of tyatw tobprftetoas fa* tbet of #^ca 9 of lerca.3Sut*&gt;atat toas bawn/anbbabnoebpibe, ftantofiecerab3b?anfb?s fonne anb HotbWfomic/^fliaiwronne/y&amp;arafbW bati#teMtotoe/b#^ea&amp;?amjito*fe,


an&amp;rt}e&gt;tocittiBpt^f)fniftcm m?m bea/tb goo into tbe lanae of Cbanaan . ami tbe?cameto$atananbbtocilebtfiere.anB iben cerab toau ttoo bunbjeb sece olbe anb fruebebpebm^aran. . Ca bjain is McCfts of (SoB-'anB-go c tl) \u f tb lot into a ft r a unge lance that ap cr cB to ijp.m (n Canaan. 3 n 0oo p ;om j ft tl) ts gcuc tic Tame inn D c (u hpm anb to bis fcbc.aiiB aftwtoacbcgoctl) 8b;am into Capp(9 caufctb j&amp;acai bis^sfe to tajc that (be is bis tpfttr. . -

anb fhc teas raufttbto of |d bacao / f 07. topftbc lb j &amp;o;bt((asetbbeiiw ecbfcirtf.Cbaptee, _. en tbe)io?berabe bntolCbwmf.,.,, . , *tt*tbe out of tbscontte f ftowlgMj . tbpbgnteb/anb out of tbs fafljew"' l m&gt; \ oufe/intoa lonbe tobscba *#! a.ro6wrm (betue tijeJitbl tc? nrafte of tbe a nnjgbtv bc kw people/topH a breiretbe/mafietbname h t B PP?f a n''M to Hi bieue tbem tbat bieue tbe/9 ante tbent mrmi to tbat cutfe tbe.lnbbttbe (ball be bieOeb all ununcc ant tbe generacf onst of tbe eitb. llc J&gt; anbaib^amtoenta!5tbeXo^bebabbbVn/ , "' anb)lot toenttoptb btm.Hb^mtoajt.ljcirb.' ^eee oibe/ toben be toent out of ^airan . 3Dnb

ab;amtobe^atafbfJtojfeanbJLotb&lt;0b;o* tfw b'ab goten anb" foui^ tobfSe tbe? Vabb^f tn - **'**)


ooten in $aran.3Gnbtbet bepactebto goo ifSSff into Hjeianbeof CBanaan.anbtobmraetSLSi torn come into tbe larae of t)mmi/m$ m mwte toent fo^bfntotbe lanbrtpllbe came antommwtui, a place caileb ^ftbemV anb bnto tbe obe of * "l 8 "? U J mmtMmm $ananrteiJbtoeebtbeii tCSSSi" tht fttttw cbmtbe xojbe apeaieb btttaMjm 9 fa?b4ntotbv*reebtovirigtuetb&lt;tiaiibe.*^&lt;w ano lie butfoeb an.aultec Upci bnto tbe'gW,^', juwe toWcb apeareo tob^m . cben be'par, ggS tebbertecebnto a mofltaijne tbatl^on c tbe eaar^e of etflei 9 pstcbeb ^tettte: 22etiielbepnge on tbe toed fpbe/ anb 3Cp onCbeeaft.anbbebutwebtbet*anau!tttbtit0 tbe)lo?be/9 cannon tbe name of tbeiop

be.anbtban ab?am aepavteb anb tofieiKu toume? foutbtoarbe. Sftertb(0tbetecameabeYtb&lt;nrbeianbr^ 3Dnb Mm toent aoune in to egppte / to foJoumetbere/f0;rbebett6to(MSfo;efntbe . iSbe. anbtobfbf toa^ come njefoj to entre into(gppte/befatbbntoS&gt;araibif5toffe. 35ebrtbe/3 finotoe tbat ttjou art a fawe tea man to lofiebpon.3!ttom come topaOefber fo;e toben tbe g#tfan!J feetbe /tbattbe? top fai?: mtsw fonfe. fnbfotban rbe? ne?me9tauetbe.%ape*gjpja?ett)etber=*tn^M fo tbat tbott attnw fpoer /tbatl mare fare tbe better bpreafon of tbe/anb tbat mp fixaemapelpuefo?tbpfabe. 3B0fcoww9emeftitoBfpfe/.rbP^' &lt;jgyp.

^b^m tf^ri^fatoetbetofiM^at^etoajJberp fewe.anb j&amp;barao0 hwbeiscatoebp? alfb/ 9 wafttb b?? bnto *&gt;barao:&gt;o tbat (be toass tabenfntopjaraojsboufe/tobfcbentreateb ab?S toell f 0? bw faftc/fo rtjat bebab ibepe ren anb be affejs/ m en fentante^/macbe fee uante?/ (be affe0 anb canter0. 33ut (0obpIagebPbaiao/ anbbt0jbtife toftbgplag^/becaufeof^)arat MM top fe. ben pjarao called ab?am 9 fafbe: tb&gt;bFbaRtboutbu0beaIt tomef tberfb?e toibeft tbbume not tbat ibe toasS tbf toffe? lbrfarbeutboutbatlbetoa!Stbrfraer/9 caufeoe ft me to tafi'e W 1 mp topfe f 38ut noto loo/ ti) ere 10 tbr topf e / tabe b w ano be toaifirnge.^barao alfogauea cbargebntd f jsmen oueraib?am/toieabebpm out/wttb fetopfe anb alt tbat bebab. C3b?am J lot!) bebatiteoutc of emti Knb Kb?am be uf DC6 his lant t j catcll tolth his b;otbcv &amp;ot.#cce

ga;nr is p ? omv ft t&gt; to Sb;am tl) c latiDc of tfanaan. be.jtW.bapter, 3P l^sEgj^anaib^ beparteb out Of &lt;Kgppt e ibotbbonbf^ to^fe anb all tbat be bab/anb lot tot tb bym bnto tbe ifoutb . 3Cb?am toajs berptrcbe in cateU/ ftfuet a nb g olb e Jnb b e to ent on \m ioumzv from t^t foittb euen bnto etbeil/ anb to tbe place tobere brsttente toast at tbe f ? ; ft tftti e bettoene JBe tbeu anb %v anb bn [WHAM* to tbe place of tbe* auiter tobrcb be mabe b c

f o?e Jnb tbere cat le&amp;atbjam bpon tbe name of tbe &gt;Lo?be . iot alfo tobteJ) toet toitb brm bab wepe/ eateU anb tenter s f tbat tbe lanbe toass not abett to receatte tb em tbat tb er mpgbt btoell t**t.wtt) getber / fo^ tbe*fubftance of tbeftrpebeg 1 ff toais to greate/tbattber cottibe notbtoeii to 3$ getber. 3Cnb rijere fella ftrpfe bettoene tbe bewimen of aib^amis catell/ anb flje berbmen \P9 ent.^,6 of How catell.flo?eouet tbe*Cananjteg 9 tbe^berefrte* btoellebattbat trme mtbe

^obome.^ut fmert of &amp; obome toete to *c beb/9fpnnebe^ceabvnglragaiJnft gi.o?be. 3Cnb tbe 'Jloflie fapbe bnto 3Db wbam/aftee m tat JUt toajs beparteb from bpm: %v(tt bp *&amp; m .M* ipne epea / a lobe fro tbe place tobere tbou ". art/no?tbtoarb/roittbtoarb/eafttoatb 9 toeft Cffl . toarb/ f 0? all*tbe lanbe tobrcbetbou fepfte ., ,,,. , fitI0 .

toplt 3! gfue bnto tt) e a to tbj? reeo f 0? b eer. &amp; Wirt 3Cnb f torn mafietbpfeeb/a^ tbe buft of tbe^nc te?ti)one ertb:Cb tbatpf a man can nombie tbe bull of ^bc : tut fo? tbe crtb/ tban ftaU tbi? feeb alfo be nomb?eb a 'J"i* S"?" Irrfe anb toaifie about in tbe lanbe / in tije SMS tengtbofft amtbeb^ebtb/ fo?gi topii BeuetcB^etoJij.c ft bnto tbe.cbanabjS tofiebotone W tente c.b;a is toe 9toet$btoeUebmtbe bbegroueof fl^amrenamcofa cme toblcbbt c &lt;!!b?on/artbburlbebtbereanai^^"SBmn. terbntotbe?Lo?be. ****&amp;* n,,b

ClotiBtahenpjjfoncr.ffifttbfttoj? of M^Sfif ! *oBomptra.JLotisBripuci!cB6vab?am.^cItI)ifc'f'fj;,; h ,^ tccbofftl)gvfttBijntoab?a.m.ab;ampapctbtptIjesK r ro ,'l*ffl bntos^cIchlfcBttb.abfam boioctb noibgnijtoftfic q5 " E ' ,: ' :iu ' * bjnsc of *&gt;oBomcs boobcs* :be.j;iut.bapter. USD ftcbaunreb toptbin a tobrie/* jatamrapbel bpng of &gt;wear/ irtocb ftcnp of $llarar/ftfbo?lao to? fipnge of (dam anb cbpbeall brnge of tbe natponis/mabe toarre tof tb lit rabpngeof&amp;obome/ atostb 55irra firnge of omo?ra/anb tovty &gt;tneab ftmge of abama/anb tortb fcemeabat bpnge of 5e= f;^ c ," '? $?. bofm/ anb toitb tbe fimge of 'JBcia/tobft be KSS^ elai0calleb5oar,autberecametogetber ccrugctob^ &amp;* bnto tbe bale of &gt;ibbim / tobicb is noto tbe 0, " c of faltfee. ctoeiuetetetoere njepfubiecte to^,' n J; " B f " brngefiebo?laomo?/a in tbe.riif.fere rebel* v******* leb.cberfo?eintbe.yiiif.perecameebo?lao mo? anb tbe npngejs tbat toete toitb bpm / 9 tmotc tbe "jsapbaymjs in aftarotb aamafm .*pi&gt;aiw anb m gmfumsJ m am /tbe M|M*feSS $)abeaariatbaim/anb tbe ^o^pmgin tbeir g? S atonemounte $&gt;eir bnto tbe piapc of Pba as m.

&gt; .-,-!"&gt;

,. , v ran/tob?cbebo?b?etbbpontbe toribemeffe.i'.6.f^')b a.m^e#iatje.banfarbeab?Sbnto)Lot:)Lettbere ainb tbentumebtberacameto tbettell DfW'EJ , SSffiibe no mtt(% PtW tbejbettoene tbe a me/ wgmente tobwb igcabeg/anb fmote an

tbe t!,efc tmm * tojM Sofia an" bettoene my beromen anb tbf ne/ fo; toe contre of tbe amalecbpte? / a alfo n)e 3mo; 8intatts/(of=beb?etb?f.^notalltbe bole lanbe befo;e rjtes Hjatbtoell in a?e?onbamar. tpwinboii/fbcf =eparte g 1 , p?are tbefrome.gif tbou cban toent out tbe fiynge of g&gt;obome/f ^ vffi?2!toSft tafietbeleftebanbe/3 torn tabe tbe t^t fipgeofd&amp;onwra/a tbe fiyng e of aba** o.ttSb!&lt;gbM? rftboutafietber#tbanbeg!to?il maanbtbefirnge of 5eboifm / a tbeftr nge a. Jy tabe tbe ieft.anb^otftftbpbW0/anu oftfelanotocalleb5oae.3nbfettetbeitme" CbebelbeaHtbecStreaboutefoTbane/tobieb in arar to frgbf toitb tbf in tbe bale of ^&gt;vb , toa? a pI?temiiSc5treoftoatereuerp tobere/ bpm/ tbat it to fape/ to?tb ebo?laom o? tbe ' before tbelojoebeftropeb Sobome s 0* bpnge of lam anb toitb Cbfbeall binge of too?ra/eula!Stbegarbenoftbe)lo?be/aa? itbejeaeiortsi/anbtortbamrapbelRrngepf tfceipbeoftEgVptetpHtboucbmetoSoar. ^jrnear.ainbtoitbariocbfipngeofijifarari Cb^liotcbofealltbecoaeisoflwbane fourebrngejJagenaefpueJnb tbatbaleof anb tmw iourne? fr8 tb.e eaft. anb robe* ^?bbpm toass full of 0pme prttej*. iatxebtbeimeb?otberfrSebeott)er.ab?am anbtbebmge0of^&gt;obomeanb&lt;om*ia otoenebmtbeianbeofanaan:]iLotintbe iteb/afeUtlbere.anbtberertbucRebtotbe cite^oftbeplafne/atentebtfllbecametu mountasnejiJnbtbertobeaHtbegoobeisof a,b. $ftfn*



' f

4boaome s tmwmMWtW*to*' fo abjamp biotytw (tame ana bus gooacfoj be atoellea at &lt;boaome) aittaepattea.fban came one t^at baa t (taped/ ana totoe atyam ^eftebamtoifileBtoeUeamtlieoBeajoue ? jf.n$.i&gt;. of * ^aratttSeamo^/bjotftct of &lt;#cbol aanefctol^ei*coro*eaceate tottft JWS. bmab?ambeaietbatbt0b;otbertoajJW aen/bebaw&amp;eDbsfrfentanteiS bo;ne m b|* otone boufe tb?e buna?ea ftepgjttene/art) fte lotoea tplltbeycameat;fettebt?m relfe a^w fetuantcjsm mv/'ftn bpontlje

1 we/but one g ffial come out of tbpne atone b?awetbpebeKe*anbbeb?ougbtbimj5 oueoft^e imraw:]oBebpbmobeaul/ # ^^^ eten t&amp;e*Oatxyi?f tbou be awe to n5b?e ffeiSSff an&amp;fofaebtttobfnutfuf fo (balltb? feeabc."-.. anbab;am*belcueatbe)lo?ae/afttoa$J counieb toDpm fo? j^gbtetoefoe*. 3*wSEA fofWbntoftimgsamtboi.onietftatbjouBbtrctr.iaici tbe out of mi m Cbaiaeato geue t&amp;e tmw&gt;* **i lanaetOpOflefte ft. tajneebeqi anbbifo^TLti^^oa/tobe^Watta^ffilJ RnotoetbatgjQjaU poffedettf anbbefepae twite m " bntobrm:afieanhe?retoffi)?tcwoI0e/9tijatp;Diiit

toSwtmtotiW/ 9 cbarea W atoat* albegotte of tft?ej eteorae/w^emeoi&amp;e^^'"-") VbaSW^IffSbanS ^S^^SXSSSSSSSu J2&gt;amafco3/9fajou8&amp;tagapeailtbesooay tofteaiitbefeaaeuraeatbemmtbe mj&amp ;aejs/

att0aifobjsb?otfcet7lotb/anabtf goo&amp;e*/ tbetoomenalfo ana tbe people. anaas &amp;et*tutneaaga?ne ft5 tbe naugb* tecoffceaotfaomo^ftbeft^ttbattoete tottbbrm/^ancametbeBpngeof sbobome

to mete&amp;mt in tbe bale of &amp;aue/tobfcb note : fccaiieafttngeis&amp;aie. ?e&gt; cban*{$eIcbuTcaecb t fil&gt;ttgeor&amp;alem pwteM*. foougbt fo#b b?ee&amp; a tome, anube bepnge c.iSticjctocB tbepvette of fl&amp;e molt bM&amp;ett oa / bletteD f S?r^W n tbPifa^iwe: B lefffl&gt;beib?Sbntotbemoft 2 f conSc ^Sftea oo/potteCto/ of beauen &lt;jettb,a&gt; SocoVSibieaeD be &lt;seoatbemottb?gbeft7 tobtcbbatb i,r S ucb af(tt aefjuewa t&amp;pne enumjcit mto tb? banae?, K" B , c ; r b ;3naab?abamBauebpmtrtbestofaH, K ?6 SSn ban faflie rtje fivtige of &gt;oaome bneo ttmmm(bv%bi&amp;w metbe* (ouiefs/ataftetbegooas . flotw p ?ouibch to tbp feif e.ana ab?am anftoetea tbe ftpige jto3 feyngcof ^ Dome:g| ipftebp mp banae bnto tbe fc S!abiwnwftlWBfte poffeffo? of beauen 9 a2?a tw ertb/tbatf torn nottafie of all flat fe tbpne pjapftB be a- fo modje as a tbzea 0; a ouladiet/Iett tbou * a : a " 6 N a *Jlbul&amp;eft rape/ 3] baue maae abjam epebe, as "t is mcnc eaten ana tfle paites of tbe men to^tcn toent ns.jiBii.D. tottbme/aJnetvcrc&amp;olart) flPamteXettbl *"'" tafie toeit pattejs.

tby ID jen of Jfeacl CbulD be bnDcr JSbaeao/* of th e it to lp iiranteftom the Came. w . be.)*.bapter. rffl^^o |(apol&gt;camebnto3tb?ammab?fjon wetn Wm be ^^^^"5''^^ K&gt;t3b?am/5am tb nictoctu nnp SE^SJiaplDe/atbj'tetoataelbanbeeycea tupnBebMtoMjjpngegreat.ana 3Bbwm anftoerea:)lo?ae Si?wSJ2!5i** WM * tobattotfttbouoeuemeflr go $$0 tucfcriptucev fatof ^amafcobatb a forate. ana 2ib;am anb(peciawpiBia?ae*.&gt;c/tomebattttougeuennofeea:ro/ ?i?i?P a "2alaabo^emm?bott0eiBanbemfnebei?e.



anaiafbeeueeppece/one agajnft anotbet. ut te fmrtejsaeuvaea benot Jnb {bwaeg fell i tbe catcafesi/l!utab?ama?oue tbem atoa?e Jnq tob tbe fotmetoaisboune/tbee fell a Oombec bpon3b?am.aina loo/ feateC ana gteateaatcftneffe came bponbpn. anaberapjebnto3ibm:Hnotoetbf?5ofa . fttertpe/tbat tb^Teeo ftalbea Otaweem a *mw Ianaertjatj)ettesnetbnotbntotbf.a i natbej | t ,, OIS , t() , almafiebonam? of rtje ?entteatetf)f euell B ^f*ttti&amp;2etifeatt0.uttbenattobotbep u ' , c ' fljau ftruc/tofii g 1 . mage Mtm aftec toatbe c . ceo ml all tbep come out toptfj great uki iQenertbeleffe tbou ftalt goo bnto tbv teKJSKSf ' tbetsjm peace/? rbaftbebtmea tobentbo^ , T; aeteof a gooaage:am tbe fouttb *-8Qmm' ( S ttontbetwau come tytbtx agape / fo? tbeberetautft toebeaneffeof tbe 3mo?ltei8pjS not pet full. 9"6jeB r UBbentfte fornie toagaoune anbft imfS**** toareaaaeefie:beboiae/ tbettoag a fmobmg **-_,_ ftmieffe / ana a fp;e b?ana tbat toent be*SSSS ttoene m tap&amp;e pecegs, , taw f , 3tiDtbatrameaafetbe)Lo?aemaaeacckiiin8oj0[ uenanntetottbab?Sfapmge:bntotb?*feea^fl e * topu I geue tftfe tam/ta tbe tjuec of cgpp * : ra r . te/eue bnto tbe jxeeate tpuet tSupbwus/ tot enptes / tbe ttenfjfte*/ tbe Caamomte?/ tbeetbfte*/tbefEMiemfte0/tbeftapiMim* tot amo^tejs /tli eCanaane tefS/tfje &lt;Sergefp5 tceanatftejebufpteg. CSiaraiBeue^abjnmlcaiicfofa&amp;casarfiprmapfie -, . .. ~ e(ppftb6p&gt; map(fce6:fQitolc(i the iffttc ttiefe neanTfl / tfte s ta02be of toaa '"fflf**^ pe$a^ anb efo?e tunmttf tssssmsjssa szsssg^zzsszz mctbbj;fp;ttcb?lBrJfmatI. CCfte.tiji.CBapter. * 3ita&lt;ab^0topftbaw Wm no rbpl a , &lt; ^&lt;n , JSut Qjebaaan ban&amp;mat&gt;aet&gt;nto w^ a m (Jgppttan/to^ore name toae m &lt; , fat.Jbecfo;eo)efatbbnto aWtlSLSSlS eTLo^aebatb clofeame/matii eatfSSwSS p?ape tfie 'go Infante mpmavae/bnotoe 9 new rueMbiTof the- "raoeooiae/tBetoojaeoftejio;Derpafie petaauenture 0anbemultroft'aljpm

ea bosirorun iAa\ "bnto aa?am/farige^e mall not be tbme nets of b et,Jna SbMeatte tbebopce of fl ^ '\


4atat;cb^aVai3b;S0tbtfefobe^agat bpimapae tbe g?ptt'an.( after ab?am baa ttene&amp;.f eremfeelSae of canaS) agaue bectobt&gt;?burbonalib;amtobebl0b&gt;i&gt;fe. ainbbe toente tnbnto aigac/a (be concea&lt; ueb, ^nattben (be fetoe S Q)e baa cScepuea-. m mafteeae toa? aef ppfta fit b?? ffgbte . tt^anfasae^acafbttoaityanr.cbouaoa * oamrntebm^te/fo?abauegeumm|mai?aei iSotu Tma/tot^bofome^notobecaurelbefeetb J Ibe mesf tbe ee^atb cSceatttD/ 3S am befi&gt;preD (n bftffgbte: uebxs u f'tbtHofixnaiebemtm tot ana me. cban Maw'b farue apbjS to &lt;S.atai:beboiae/ tbr mapac 13 SSS/I P m tbPbanae/ao tojfl) bw a( tc picafetb tbe. tf&amp;uotak? fo?.. anabecaufefeatat fateo fottIe%fter/Q)e * " "filed Rom bee .3Dna taeangcu of tbe jiozae " fo3De!)etber?Be a fonntaptieoftoatermttje toiiaemei$:eue bv a toell tn tbe toap to $&gt; ut. anabefatae-.^agai ft&gt;aatt mapee/ wtfee SSTaSttea'pee &amp;mpmaOt&amp;ft&gt;a* SKKte at i^^^ugJ^Sffmm? w,! ' , " rai.3nbtbea%elloftbe^oefapaebnto tbougbtflepbetttaungew^notoftbpreea. b;retumetotbfmaaeefleagafne/8rub* cbefeniauntebomefntbpgou(re/^ealfo mpttetbvfelfebnaeebetbanaejj. tfebougbtttmonep/ntuttneeaegbecitcji* C SaSeangdloftbettSae feraefantobett cpfca/fm? teOamentma|befnpoutefle)/ JJ [ C 3!totllfoenc?eaa ftfeeb/ttatttlbaUnot ^^^mSS^SSZS^S^^^ be nomtoeafo?ntultptuae.3nDtbejLo?aej{ cftrilctreamScbpiae/tbatbatb notfe fo?^ f a ( ^ Be bp angetttett)efUttbei;bntobee;fe/tbouatttb fliiimeorWfttbaittofybwfoirtel^

ebriaealbaltbetea fomte/ 9 aft call b# ri(beWJMpeop:becaufebeb^b?oBenip c g^ ienttt.c.* M nweamiael:becaufetbelo?aebatbbetae tettamajna^oafajaefantoawaba.^a* " g^ff Aturf a tb^buiarton^etojllbeatoflbeman/ # tat ttimfe (bailnomoje becallea^am tftX " u * nt, Mhlaetovttbeagenfteueei?man/9eueri! but&amp;aea mall bft name be.ifo?3!t o!llbleae tee mmemo;? annluut ban&amp;e aaentt hvm M vtt all be bee a geue f a fornie of bee a topll bi effe here be nu (be name of tbe Ho;w tbat fpaftebnto bees fp?Pgc of bet Jna3b;aba fellbpo bwww^^ , 6 t a Sou att oa t lofieft onme/fo? Qiefai&gt;b:3[ * laugftte/ 9 (apae mlns barte:OJal la cbf toe , h. tbceof ; j KoT afoectftfenebete * 'baebeparttof be bome bntobfmtbatw an buna?eo^erejB pee ta * '^ftjCf f 2me.JBo oiae/(baU^aeatbatiJn?netteseteoioe/ic &lt;; SaKelWlofTw beAaabTabam ^ bnto tbat g *^* ^'^'^"SbSecaael^aeealni^agaibaee annaeimpgbtelpuemtbjfrabte. &gt;

f/a3totllmuttppKe c ., ... ,._. ir mabe nacfW of % : pe a fipnfl^ D)anfp?pnge out of ttie.a@o?couer j, topll mafie mi? booe ,* *bettoeneme?tbe/anatbpfeeaaftettbe/mj%.f M ft . (betetpme? to bean eueflaOpnge teftamStr ;a " ,v, ' , " S&gt;otbatatotilbeS!Joabntotbe atotbpfeea aftevtbe.anaitefUgeuebmotbea totbp feco after tot me lanae tobete m tbou atte a fttaungeccttealitbelaae of canaS/fo?an euetiattpngpolleffton atotilbefteie oa, anb &lt;Boa fapa bnto ab?abS:^e tbou ftepe mpteaamae/botb tbou atb? feea afteetbe in totit ttmc0:bi3 W m? teftamente tob^b re wall ftepe bettoene me a ? ou ana tbp feea aftcetbe/^ pe cptcacpfeaUpoutemen cbpl* b^.ye (ball cftcfiepfe fo?etft?nne of pouee flem/aftftallbea + tofifoftbebSabettoJt]tte+om.&lt;io.ft me a ?ou . ana euer? manebptoe toben ft te bf .aatep*oiae/0)allbe cftcacpfea amonge* ?&lt; vou(n?oitte geneeacvon?/*all (etuauttte]s*r|n* D * fte '


l(aac.ana31tBPmaftempbonatottbb"n/ ."'""' *ft(ballbean*euetlaaTttgt'onaefantoi}| , si*,ij 5WU ^L^St2SK!?S^^^aS?uSu fteoaftet; ftjm.ana ais concetnpnge 5Pfmatl tnyfeB.ab?ai;am p^ctb fo? jfmaei bleOe b?nt ? encreare bsm/ a multipipe btm cbe.tb.Cbapter, crceirtngl?.toeiue*p?inef0 (ball bebegetr 4 iiBenab28toais twnetpepete tatx 3toillmafte agteatnacto of bmt.ut m? BrSReapeaeeoto bpm bfetoil^maftei3.g|laac/tobicb*aalbali wmAUt. ^^^^SSSttotmSvA nwel bit fonne 9 al tbe feeuatmtejS bojne tn l&amp;SS^^9owSSS^ bwboufleaatba|toa0bougbt^moneK





monept tbotigb tlje^"toe ttraungctS) toete errcumcpreatopfijbpm. , " , . Cffiijc" apcrcu tb?e men tonto b?abam . Jfeac tt

3 a (SUc ftMJ* of the ca?c 10

rermmne of big nefftJnDlftitacn bis* f oitne toao/femge tbat abjaba" toan be a*g reae a *. t^toa^imcpto.Welfefameaape ftattcMelbtob^o?|tootx.^tm|fte an5aUttcmenmbP)Sftoffc/toftcn;tbcp bpm/tbattbepbepetbetDapeoftbe&amp;otfe/to toerebome inbp* bouffeo? bougbc toptb to$mvimjw^l Wl^* b^ebpo^bjabMbebatbPJonttfeabmu anatbeiU&gt;;&amp;efapae:? c&amp;ecrpeof jfeoao^cjeeb.fwi me atfemojrafcgreat/ atBefrffnne ttjk3ow.u. ceapnge greuou* . gjtopUgobotoneanbfee toijetber tbepbaue none all togetyee aco;dpnge to tbat erp e tobicb (0 come bnto me o; not/tbatimap WWW JwMBeme aepartea tbece tjtoctto &amp;odome teato. :Eutab;ab3 ttcae pet befo^mr jttftc/ * a;etoe nere ana fapde.bBplttbottWttr optbengbttoea toibe topbetf 3^tbew.l^ttoe0toptbfn tbe epte/toplttbouaefttopftanotrparc % placed fo; tbe fafieof w&amp;aam atetbertttfebat be fartefrS tbe /tbat tbwifbuiaeftao after tbfe maneuto flep p rfgbttoejs tt tbe toefiea/ a Srbetpgbttoeu fbulcebeajstbetoebea: g

pnmwftb to b? m njjajnt ^ at vuhpcb ftara laugbeo. ffibct-eaeiiecioneftbe ftoDomitcou r ' * " awajjam.2tb?abamijai&gt;ttbfojtbem,

Cbe.*biii.&lt;irbapter. OBtbe &amp;o?&amp;e apeareabntobpmm tbe obegtoue of QB amt e as b e fat in b*tent bo?e in tbe beate of tbe lw m uate vJnbbe ipftebpbi* m ana tm fot mm, loofieo:? lo/a);emen ttooenot fare fr8bpm. ana tobe^efatoetbeVbeeantomete tbe fr5 tbetentdo&gt;/ afellto tbe gtoftteanafapae: Jtofle #J bone f offoe fauoure tn tbp tpgbfc goo not bp ttjp femattnte. let a iptle toatw be fett/fttoafb row* fete/a tell pourefelue*

%" &amp; s tb&amp;goomtwtoapejj/fo?uftbfo;eae?e ^^ e '^^* , raKftS^H aumnerofeo^ SSBHSHSfeSF 7 * ^ irpawalil

AM/ mete fa*' m M(n ft, agtbOUbatt ftjM. ttb ab?abS *yKJ59r25Sk &lt;* fan*.- hrfmn tr a iiianti!eat5nBC4^ fflni . rt ^ fc t v* ent i,ntQ^ataafai^E: ana3b;abaanitoeteBsta pae:oet)OJoea tamj.wM^^f^SSSSSSS!^S^Sr. haitfliShn8meton]eabebntotbel&lt;Bde/


ft , ffl otananta6efaW,ana3l W baran ffittMSnffiaffiS

bnto&amp;fg beafless a fete a calfe J toajs tcmoe anbgoca/ ftgaueitbntoapongemStobpd) mace ttredp aftonce.ana&amp;e tofte butter ana mpiebe 9 tbe calfe tobpeb be baapjepatea/ *Gmt.r$.\&gt;. afettitbefo?etbem/anaftodebpm feifeb? $ ftembnl)eribetree:ana*tbepate. 2Cna tbep fapae bnto b*m:ibere it&amp;sx a tbvtotfe^nDbefajoeti'ntbetent. anabe js fafbe:| ttfll come agapne bnto tbe as foone a* frute canlrue.aina roo;S&gt;atatbptotB

tbere racRe.b.of,l.tgbttoe0/tofIttbottiif&lt; Btopau ? c?tefo?lacIieof.tf3inabefatf!e: If 31 fpnoe ^ere.rl.ana.b.3| to vu no t cettto? tbOinabefpaftebnto b?mtetagapneana f avbitobat ff tibcte be. fl . f ofibe tbere Jna be f artie;? totll not ao ft f o; (outt^eg rafie Jna be favbe:iQZ&gt; ret no f m? jLo^ebe angry/ tbat iftjease.tbat?ftberebefofibe.rrr.tbere^ inab^ fatoes3!to0lnotboft/?f 31 fynaejerr tbereJnabera?ae:ib/fe/3lbauebegonne

ttetcntboo?etob?cbtoasJbeb&lt;naW!8bac6e. fofiWtbw^nbbefa^e^tojHnotaearog

Jb;ab a&amp;aratoere botb oiaeatoellOtpbf toage/9ftceafeotobetoitbaraaftettbe warn afsftfe * todies Jna*&gt;araiaugbea fttbft feiferapmge:i9oto3amtoareaoibe/

*H.m.aJaU3lgntempfelfeto*lutt/amplo?beolBe atfoecbSfajbtbello^bebntoabwbSttBbee fo?e cotb ^.ara laugbe fap'nge-. fballl of a fucrtie bete a cbitte/noto tobe g am olbef i tbe tbrnge to batte fb; tbe 5Hd;be to ao i 3 * u9.t.tt9.t f tpme*appopnteatopJI3! tetumebntptbe/ oma. jy.o as roonea0tbeftutecanbauelpfe/ana S&gt;a ta (ban baue a f orate.cban ^ara aenf ea ft fa#igr.3!Iaugbebnot/fo;lbetDa^afrafi)e. tftit be fa?ae:pKi cbou raugbteS.Cbantbe , menftobebpfrfftbe*&amp;lobeatotoatt&gt;e&gt;o aomc.a!naab^batoft%tbf to b^igetb?

tbffo?ttoftfes(fabe.anabefa!e:&gt;J&gt;letnoe mplLojbebeangtpe/tbatSI rpeabeyet/btft euen once mo?e oni ?.i bat jf ten be founae tberefana Be fa? aeij topll notaetttop tbem foj.r.fabeJnatbeiiojijetoentb&lt;iStoapeas foone aub baarefte comenpngetsptb aibja bamJnaab;ab8reftrneabntobP0 Place. tt Lot rrccaneb f w a a ng riles into b?s how fc . Eb e feU6ftaawoftbe5soBom?teB.ioti9 0cl?ueee6 oefp}ttbtobtscUintbtc;tic zoat.iotttBtopfe w . to;ncb into apylec of fait.^oBome is BcrtcojcD.iot l96?fln6enl?et6tottbbBaiiBltt,MtoftJbn# _. aue6tbvW?enbpbpm. 0b tbere came.ff.angete t o &gt;oboai me at eue.3Dmi Hot fat at tbe gate of tbe cpte.aina %ot fatoe tbem/ a

ft5aiSa&amp;ati*mgetobFcb 3lamaboifte bmifWfetotbegtoftbetobBWW^noge



fourermiauntepl^oufe 9 tatp at! nra^fe 9 mem fauing mpftfotfojg! can not fauemp


to alb toute fete a rpfe bp earls ana go on voure toapes . 3no ttjep fapae : nap / but toe topH bpae in tbe ttreatess all npgb te . ana be w .# itf.e*c6peueatbe erceofngip.anatbep tumeatn btttobfmaentteDtntobfeboufe/a bemaae t^afeafte aopbbabe ftoete cabej*/ a tiftv a;owt.^.o.*ate. ; utbeteetbep tof ttorett/menof $ cpte of &gt;obomecopaffeatbebouR: rotonae aboute botb ol oc 9 ponge/af f tb e people fr9 ail quartets Jnb tbep called bnto mot a tap ^aebntobimvtobetearetbemftobtcbcamewt i ,.. totbPboufe to anpgbtfb^pngetbf outbnto tS %i tbattoemapooourelutttoptb tbem. Vat m* 3EnaHottoentoutatboo;e0bntotb^ana w which m font tbe boje after btmafapie:napfo;goa ihe Stow J bane ttoo aougbtewl tobicb Baue bnotone m nomS/tbf tomgib^pngeoutbntopouaioHi &amp;9 ft feme tb pou goob : &amp;nlp bnto n)efe mlaonotbpng/fo; tberfo;e came tbep bnaer tbeftaaotoe of mprofe.3Pnattepfapar.come &gt;h * bnber.3na tbep fapoe:camctt tbounot into mSSu* Mew*/ atopittbou benotoa*luageftoe KmmmA. tofll fuerlp Deale too?re toftb f ttS toftb tbe. &lt;c ana asi tbep p?eafea fo?e bpon mot ana be gane to b;eabe bp aoo?e/ tbe me put f o^b tteftbanae* apullea Jlotmtotbebonfe to tbeafbut totbeboo?e.anatbemehgiQ&gt;ete

attbeboo;eoftbeboufe/tbep fmottetoptb ? ( blpntm eCe*b o tij Cm ail a gteate:fo tbat tbep ' couiaenotfpnaetbeaoo?e.anatbemffapae mo;eouet bnto %ot :g!ftbottbauepet bete anp foraie in iato oj conneg o? bousbtetjs o? tobat fo euertboubaQin tbecpte/b?pngeft out of tbP0 place *.Fo? toe mutt beftropfbptf tn,bi8.tPlace/becaufe^crpoftbfijJgreat*befo?e lojbe.n&amp;betfo^e be batb fent to to oeftropft. anajLot toet out afpabebntob^foimeis in latoe toblcl) QJ ui o e bat te marfta b^ aougb ter^/a fapbe-.ttotiDebp getpoto out oftbftf tflace/f o? tbe lo?Be totliaeftrop tbe cpte.36ut be femea ap Hjougb bebaamocfiea/bntobfjf conne? fn iato . ana a$ tte mompnge store tte angefts caul ebJLot to fpeae ftmtiaptnge. ^^tonaebp/taitetbptopfeatbpttooaougb tens a tbat i i $ at banae/lett ami perpfb bt | t.cb t rjnne tbe b tftmt o I ti) t cpte. E'no a* be p;oionge&amp; SSHsa; tbetpme/tbe me" cauaflt botb bbn/bw topfe KMiflMttf W ttoobougbterdbpfbebanaeg/becaufe tiab tbe Jtwaetoagmeecpfunbnto "'" -

felf bpi5 fiee felf

in $ motitapwvlett fontemiffojtunefali me a3iape.28eboiae/bere tjs a te bp/to bnto/ana tt \% a iptle one-.letme faue mp e tbettmtgs it not a iptle one / 1 mp foute

map Ipuef ana be fapbe to bpnnfe % baue re ceaueo tbP r equett as cocerning tbiis tbing/ n)at J topll notouettb?otoe tbPU cptie fo? tbetobpebtboubattfpoben. f attetbe /anb faue tbpfelfe tbete/fo;|tanbonon)pngtpll tbou be come in tbftber.ana tberfoje g name of tbe cpte ig called 3oar. ana n)e fone toaiS bp5 ertbtobeiLottoasientreainto^oar^^ mh ^ Cban tbe JLo?fte rapnea bpon* S&gt;oaome t uuf!mm&amp;. a &lt;Bomo;ta/b?pmtton e 9 fp?e ft5 tb e Ho;6e pw,u.

outofbeaue/aouertb?etoetborecpte0 ana all tfce regii5/a all tbat otoelleo tn tbecpteg/ a tbat tbat gretoe bpon tbe ettb . and jlotss topfe lobeabebpnde bet/ 9 toa? tutneo in to s a ppiiar of falte.ab?abamrofebp earlp ana 3 ' gotbpmto ft)e place toberebettoae before tbe)Lo?de/a lobeatotoatd S&gt;odome a os mo^a a totoatdalltbeionoeof tbat cStte. and ag ije ioTted:bEboloE $ fmobe of cotte atofe ass itbaa bene tbe fmobe of a f o;nace. ?Butpettob? J5oddeatoped tbe cpttejj of tbe regiS/be tbougbt bpon abjabS : a rent JLot j out ftSi aajjer of tbe ouertb?otofge/ wdf aw U'Ot Depatteo out of ocat 9 OtoeHCD j,,, ^/f 3U ^ intftcmofitaw 9$f &amp;n'&lt; aougotcrjs U fttm dc*i.o. f 0; ^c feateu to toxtin 3oar:l)e&amp;toeeb t^ec fo;ema caue/botlje fywW&amp;MAmgtttm alCo,t?Sfaput^eeftPtbnto rongei; : em fatbwwoltie/jtfjereavenomoommm tlje etft to come ui bnto bs after $ man ev ofall d&amp;e too;ft.Come tyzttwltt bg geue oute fa &amp; t^et topne to LWJtwfie/9 let bjs ipe toprt) ijprn i toe map fatter eea of oute fatJjer.anD tljep gaue ftm father toume to a?snl.e tijat fame ntg^te .an&amp;tyeeiDevtiougljtertoent \o$t % er fetter JttD Ije perceaueb ft not/rtct^ec toftetifteiapeDoune/nefljerto&amp;fftetoretop. 3n&amp;ontftemo20toetfteeiDetfat)fiebntQ ^ ^8ger.lJ^ottepeBewt?gfttia?e3ltobmpeii tter.lUt bg geue fttm to^ne to D?yncae 0 i^g^taKb/9got^ou9l^tott^t)tm/9tetb^ fawfeeDofoutefe^ei;Jtjttiepgaue mttt tetbtt tojne totyimte i npgftt alfo.ato ffic vffger awfe 9 lape tt &amp;pm.3i.n&gt;I)e petceauea ftnottttet^erto^en tfte tepeDototie/ne^et; ta$eti 0)e tore bp.cbttg tone botlj tt)e tioiigi)

b^^^ t efeofiot to tWapiaeb P tbritfatb rc .ana XWe'KSettPPfealoWn^^ tbe eld bare a ronne/ and called bpm^c, 8,ic ^i&amp;SftSS anpplace of tbe contte/ ^CWSSitCS but faue tbp feife in tbe mofitapnt/letttbou SffiS^SSSSS? Sff5

, perpflbt.cban fapde Hot bnto m 0b nap SjffiKSSfflSlffiS* * mp TUflhbebolde/fna* mocb a tbp fttuafit ^|ffli,SS^ b i*2KSv &lt;Se .. baftfot^gracemtbtfpgbtt/tiotoiww gKJSSSSSRSSSS^^


jiibabzabambeparteb tbenee to* mm tbefoutbcontrea btoeneb erb&gt;eneCaoesanb&gt;utart&amp;ra= _^ _ wcbpiebto 40etae.anDab?abara *mrtfi C ttfbeof $5atabps topfctbatqje toasbps JSK *fptter.b&amp;btokecb binge oWtmltnt anbtfob came toabimetecb bp npgbte tn ab?eameafapbetabpm:ie/rbouattbuta beebmanfojtbetoomans Caftetobvcb tbou bafttafieoarcape /fojfte tgamansmpfe. ^abtolecbbabnotpetcomcnpebet/a tberfaefapbe; Jlojbetoplttbou fleprpgb* tetoespewIe^aEOenotbebntome/cbatflie teas bps fp ft ev f ?ee $ fapae not lb e ^etreiC ^tbatbetoasbpjbjotbetfwptbaputeberte *&gt; anb tonocent banoes baue 3 none tbps .anb &lt;0obfapbe bnto bpm inab?eame.3jtootit toeU tbat tbou opoeft itm tbe putenefte of t&amp;pberte .anotbetfo?e gjnepte tf)e tbou ftwlbettnot Cproie agenft me/netb?r fuffreo 31 ibeto come npgb bet. #ow tbetfotf Mv* uettbemSbpstopfeagepne/ fiwbe &amp; apjo pbete.anoietbpmp.jape&amp;y tbetbat tbou mapftlpue.^tit anbpf tbouberiuet betnot **tnt.t(.t. agapne/befureg tbou wait* ope tbe betb/ totfbantbattboubaft. Cban abimelecb tore bp be tpmes in tbe moatrpngeacanebalbisfetuantes/atQioe antberetbmgesmtbeireares/anotbemen C torn fo?e aftapDe. anb abtmelecb called atoab&amp;afapbebnto bpm :Bbatbaft tbou

bonebtoobs/awbatbauelofienbebtbe/ tb on Qra-lb e ft b?pnge on me anb on mp ftpng Dome Co great a cinnec'tbou baft bone &amp;eoe? bnto mctbat ougbt not to be bone.ana 3N melecb tap bemo;ouerbnto abjabfc na&amp;at ratoefttbouimouebtbetobotbfet&amp;mge? a. car f mt anoabjaba" am* toeteb.3I tbougbt tbat p ee of fiBoB am3Bc amie'turetbe feate of obtoas not to tbp* tot cB&gt;ot0 Mfeee/ a 8 tbep wuioe flep me fo? mp top fes Sif/M'&amp;ww*'? toberpbebeweps mp fpftet/tbe rou( S oaugbterof mp fetbeivbut not ofmpmotber: t$at tot otne smb oecrnne mptop.anbafter&lt;"3obcaurea 5mmm i $ me to toSb-e out of mp fatbers boufe/3 fepb SMSfJ bntobeis cbpsbpnoneftc wait tt)ou wetoe rt &amp;% ^ wjtoiw toao places tobete toe come / (bat 10 m fatjcr. tbourapeofme/bototba$amrbptyotber, tfbantobeabtoielecb wepe a oren/ men feruauntes a toemeTeruauntes agaue bntbab?aba7anbDelpuetebbpm &amp;ara bis topfeagapne.atJbabrnielecbfapbeibeftoJDe tbe lan&amp;e Ipett) befo;etbe/btoett tofiere ft pleaferbtbebeft.anbbnto&amp;arabe fapae: $&gt;e9!baite geuerubp bjotbeta tboufanw peeces of fp luer/bebolbe tt)iSrbtoge malt be MMpac a . couerpnge to tbpneepes abttto an tbat i trcuft *ai*top&lt;btbeanbbra*anmmattercufe. eM * ,anb foab-a&amp;S pjap&amp;ebnto M&gt;7 9&lt;Wl

beafebaiWmeiecb abfetopfe abfs wafb?i8/ ro tbat tbep bate ebplb" e" . * o? G)t %om baft clofeb to /autbe matcpces oftbe bufe.of Sbtoieiecb/becaufe of tataab?abS}S toife. CJfaac b boine.agap tattowvjrt) fivjtounae tanncJCmgrt Cle angeUcpmfojtet|| agat . ffi?*: . . (outnaunt abuhelce?) ana ab;a\)ain. f $je.wlcbaptei:. ^e )Lo?ue bffjteb ^&gt;ata ajJ be ban 'Untie abrbbm^bet*aco;bpngea0**nit( bebab woiwfeb. 3Cbb ^aratoajs *jSftfcS to&amp;cbWaVaref b?ab8aforaie "^^ 1 in bt# oi&amp;e age euen fb e fame feafon teb^cb tbeio?bebabai)P.opnteb, 2tnbHib?ab5caiieb W tonnes name tt) at teas bo?ne bnto b?m tobpcb * * bateb^m W^abjabam *#J*! *n^cpfebafaacbfjstonnetob|betBa0AUi5^S ba?c(JoBie/a8J&lt;i5obcSmafibeftbto!Jnbaib?a w

ba*a0anbffo?eb seieoibc/isbebpsfonne 3jfaac teas bo^ne bnto ban Jn&amp;jbatatiqb: &lt;25ob ban) mabe me a (augb^nge Qocbe : fo? all g b eate/toill raugb at me. ^tl&gt;e f Wie a! fotobo toolbebane fa?De bnto jS^abaVtbat feara Ibuaehauegeul cbtRvl fucfte / o? # 3S(bulbebauebo^teb|mafonnetob^olbe ' cbtlbegwtoe atoautoeneb/a3ib?a bam mabe a gteat feaft / tbefame bape tbat |faac toajJVDenea.S&gt;arafatoetbe tome of lagan tbe cEg^ptian Wbpcb me fyttb bo?ne bnto3Bb?ab8/amocBi!nge. Cben me fasbe **.,.,,, bntoab?abS:imtatoapetbfe*bonoemapl* "**! 9bW'tonne:fo?'tOeronneoftbtebohwooin$all not be be j?e mitt) my fonne3!faac-.ut tbetoOTbejsrmebbereygteaiuiu)} toab?a-bamis fpgbte/becaufe of w t otme.cban tb e )lo?be rapbe bnto 3Gb?abS: let it not b e gtea uou0 bnto (be / becaufe of tt)e labb a of m b3omafbe:i6uttoaatbat^arabatbfaybe bntotbeybearebwbopce/fo?to^raaclball*a'' ; w SV feeb be caeb.SI9o?eoun; of ttje ronne of S' 7 eboni)toomantorn3!ma!ieanacfoii/be*" twty ' caufebefetby*feeb. *oit.i*i SDnbab^abStofe bp eartpintbemozmjng 9tobeb;ebe$ abotteUmobmatet/ agaue ftbnto^agat/putcpngeitonbp; Onuoerjs mptbtbelab alfb/arembet amare. jDnblbe bepatteb amSojeftbp anoune to tt)e toywet nes of ffietfeba.n&amp;bentbe toatettoagfpent ttjattoas in tbeboteH/ftjecafttbe lab bnbet a bum a bia a fattbet out of fpgbte a gteat toape/agittoCTeabototioteof:fo?merap5e: . 3)toynotfetbelabDte.ainbGiefartbmsne outof Cpgbte/a Ijftebp b??bopce amepte. 3Cnb &lt;25obbetbe f boyce oftbe tbilbe . ttra tbeangerof^obcalieb 9agatoutofbeaul (C afapfte bnto bee : t&amp;bat ariett) m 0agati! * create not/fo? gob baa betbe tbe boyce of $ cbitbe mbete be rretbJryfean&amp;lpfte bp tbe rab/ataRebimnirb?babbe/f31wnmae ofbym agreate people. 3nb &amp;ob openea llSWaiibfliefetoe*atoenoftoater.airo*eftiu fbetoent


fbement a fplleb tbe b ottell toitb toatetvanb gaue tt)e bote o? pnfte . ano &lt;$ob mans to ptb ft e lab/ab^ s t ' ctoe anbbmelb to tt)empiber neffe/ abecamcanarcbee,3llnbbP bwelbto (bemsfterneffcof Pbatan, 3Dnb W mo tber gottbimatmjfeoutof tbeianb of gppte. ainbrtcbauncebtl)efamefeafon/(batabf&lt; melecb a 1%colibi0cbefe captapne fpafie " f toattbouboift.jiiJotD tb^fo^eftoerebntome euebetebp^oD/fljatdjoutopJtnotbuwme tomtdfflhZ/noiw cbpib?enis cb?Ib?en. 73utmatjo maltbeaiemytbme atbecon tee tobeietbouart a ftraunger/aco^bf'nge bnto fljebun&amp;tteffe tbat 3bsue Qiemeb m CbenraPbeaib?abamaimpHftoere, m ainb3fib?abanu'ebufie&amp;aibtoierecbfb;a' meUoftoatec/mbicpbtoterecbJSfmtaatejS bab tabe amare . 3'no M imere'c b anfmeteb impft nottobobpbit-.3tlfo n)mt tolbeft me not/nett)etb^e|| of it / but(tojjj oape.anb aJbrabam tone wepeanb oren agauenjem bntaibi'meiecb.anbttjepmabebotb oftbe a bbn&amp;etogcwet .na 3ib?abam fctt.bif . lambesibp f felucg Jnbabmtelecl) fajbe bnto3Pb?abS:ml)!.lamlje.s bibicb (boubaft rett bv tbl Wuesi.anb bean fmeteb itt.lbesi malttbon tafte ofmpbSbe/ tbatftmayebeateptneffe bntome/tbatgi bauebfggebtb^meir: 8Bijcrfti?e tijeprace w called 58etreba/becaufe tbep fmaw bote) of o) e.cbufJ mabe tbep a bonbe to getbet at 55erfeba.bSabimelecbaPbicoIb8icbefe captayneeofebpatutnebagapnebntotbe lanoe of ^e Pbflifttot* Jnb aib?ab5 plSteb aroobbm evfeba/anbcaUebtbereontt)e name of tbeXo?be/fl)e eueflaftpnge &lt;ob:a bmetttotbeiebtofttolanbealonge feafon, . tt)i fapHof Kbjaftiim icpjoucD in offepngeftyj fonne3f8ac.toiaourfauvoucf0p;ompRD.ilEiif Btnetatfonof jOatfjoj ab;a^anuibjl)ti!. tertt)efebebe)S/(Efobbpb*p;oue ib;abamararbebntobsmOib;a bamJnbbeani'teeteb;beteama.

atnbbefaybeuaBen)y a oniyfonne c tobome tboit ioueft/agettbe bnto tbe 0?o?ia/afactif yceljim a) ere fo; afacrt mm fpcebpS one oftbe moflftapms mb?cb 9 myil oi*et w etoetb^ban3bwb5tofebp eaerymtbe iii&amp;'Wat afaWebbiSatR/atoficttoo ofbi3 o,S mejnptowbi?m/9Sfaacbfi8fontie:cioue ^ toobfo^tbefamfyce/atoTebpagottbunto tbe place tobpeb onbab appopnrebbpm. be tt)wbe bape abjabS ftfte bp bfe egeu afametbe place a fatre of/aaibebntob0 iarfiS*WW***liM*8 atb^iab npnttto totopHgoo ponbee ano *tDo?ftpppeanb come m agapne bnto ?ou . ano 3b?abam tobe t^c 23 ico&amp;o of tbefaewfEce aiapoe ttbponSfaac

3 iKb.bfa.c EClel.jClK^ mi;fonnt only brio * o?moort

bis fonne/ a f ofie fp?e to btebSbe a a finpfe, anbtbeptoentbott) of tbem togetbec. . cbanfpabe3Taacbnto3!b;abambi0fa tber a rapce; SBp fatber ? anb be anftoereo b ere am % m fapbe : &gt; e here 10 fw anbtoobb/but tobere it tbe mepe fo; facrpfpee i anbaibwbam fapbe: nip fonne/ (Sobtopllpjoupbe bpma Ibepefo^facrpfps ce.&amp;o toenttbep botb togetbec.

3'nBtobetbepcamebiitotbepiacetobpcft &lt;0ob Qiemeb bpm/ab^abam mabe an aultec tbere aweaebtbemobb/abomnDelfaacbijs ^ w . ... fonne a*lapbe btoi on tt)e aulter/aboue bps J JSSg e tt)e rnobb Jnbibjabam ftretcbeb fo;tb bfg ** banbe / a tofte tt)e ftnpf e to baue fipaeo im fonne . cban tbe onsen oftt)e How calleo bntobpm frS beau? fapnge -.% b/ab am Hib;a bamf anbbeanftoeteb : bete amg) .ano be fapbetlapenottbp banoeg bpo tt)e cb{Ke/iie tbrc&amp;o anptbpng at all bnto him/f o? notugi . $ hnotoc * b ftnome tbattbou feareft ob/m tbat tbou that id^ uaiu baft not bepte ttjpne onip tonne f tS me Jnb , SKS? iawg ipftebbpbpjsepesa lofieo ftengsg^ER ano bebolbe/tbere toa?a ram caugijt bp tbe ^umunix bonnes in a tbpftette. mat be rcct a tofie tt)e ram ano offteo bpm bp f o? a facrpfpee in tfyt fteabe of bt'0 ronne.anb Sbjabam calieb tbe nameoftbepiace/tbe'jHo?beb)pii fcetobec loit itisa conienfapnge t\n&amp; bape-.intbe mounte topH tt)e %ofit be fene, anb tbe angeii oftbe jLo?be crpeb bnto ab?abSfr5beau5tbereconbetpme foping-- _,.,.. _ bpmp feifebaue % * ftoo?ne(faptb i^t %w&gt; JJfgSft? be)becaure tbou baft bone tbi0 tbtnge abaft anum. not fpareb tt)p onip fortrte/tftat?! topU bieffe n)e a nutltpplpe tbp feeb as tt)e Sam. of bea uenaasm^ftwbebpStbefeefpae.anbtbPtffnw"'^ feeb (baft pofleffe tbe gates of bps enpmies, anb to tt)p feeb wan an tt)e * naciohs of tt)e * ow&amp; ertt) be bieOeb/becaufe tbou baft obepeb mp ac t,ifM&gt;.au. bopce.^otumebabjabSagapnebntobp^'^ pongemen/ att)eprofebp ament togetbec to 55erfebs.anbab?ab8 bmclt at 5Berfeba, anb it cbaunfeb after tbere thpnges / tbat one tolbeab?ab$ fapng^ebolbe/^Pilcba we barb alfo bo;ne cbplb?e fabto tbp barber mam', fans bps eibeft fonne anb isus bP0 b?otbec/anb%emuentl)e fatb'er of 'tbe &amp;&gt;p? rians/a ceftb/anb^afo/ anbPvibasy ana afl*njb/



tfeaiapb/a tf ethuel.ana#ethuer begatme 6ecca.cbefe.bittapa^flcbabmto#acbiw atyabamsbjotber Jnbbps cpnrubpne cal* iebKJieuma (be bare alto cebal]/ aftam/ cbaasana^aacba, GSacatyctlj? isbucpcBln tfjcfel&amp;cttjat attain fcoiufotof phjon tycgctylte. CChejcrni.cbapter, lira teas an bunajea.rrbti. fete oiae(fo?folongelpuea (be) a than irpeainabeaae cptecallea $eb?on Itn tfte ranlie of canaa\ban ab?a&lt; bamcameto mome&amp;ara/anato toepefo? let. anaabjabam ftoaebp from the cootfe/ 9 tawea toptb the fowies of $etb rapmge s g am a fttaunger a a fojpnet amSge pou/geue meapofreapontoburpemtoptbpou/tbat 3! map burp mp aeaa out of mp rpgbt , ana the ebpia?en of ffietft anttoereaabjabamfapmg bntobpm-.^earebs&amp;ofle/tbouattapjpnce of $od amonge s. 3ln the chefeft of ottte re* tmlcbjes burptbpaeafej&amp;one of bS QMS fo?

bamfozapofreirpott/mtbetpgbtofthe chpl* azmof^etb/aofalltbattoettnattbegates of the cpteJna ttjen abjabam burpea&gt;ara bps topfe in tbe Double caue of tbe ferae that ipetb before ffl^amte/otbettopre callea cEbjo fotberanaeofCanaanJnarobotbtbe feloe anbtbe caue that is thew'n / teas maae bnto abjaham a rure podeffpon to burp in/ of tbe tonnes of \$ttt). ' * cai&gt;?aBflmutafcetlil)i&gt;0 fcruantto Ctocrs/ &lt;t CfcnBcrt) hn to {the a to?fe ft? Jfaaf fttt fonne . Ei)c fn' teas fajtiifuil anB bwsWfflm**' to&amp;jclj 3faac tobe (O9i0\Dffe &amp;e.rrroibaptce. Mam teas otoe anb fttpaen m * Sapes/atbe5Uaebaable(reDbmi nalltbpnges.anabe fapaebnto eiaeft retuaunteof h#boure toijpc^i baa tfce rule ouet all $ be baa : a Put a.a:o tbpbanaebnaermp tbpethatgimapemafie mmw\

tbe Ctoere bp n)e %oW that tss35o&amp; of beaue $*5"g aoa of the em) / tbattboulbartnottalie a SHJ* f topfebntompfomie/oftbe&amp;augbtersoftbe

canaanptes/ amonge tohpch % btoell . JBut aepi malt goo bnto mp contre ana to mp ftpnrea/ ** anatbetetaneatDpfebntompfonne3iraac.Pf,7i e ban fapae tbe feruaunte bnto bftrctobat mu^ a pf tbe toomS topil not agree to come toptb me bnto this lan&amp;e/(haU9! bjpnge tb? fonne agapne bnto (beiaae web tiiou camea out offt'tft abjab^fapae bnto bmu betoarre of that/tbatthoubjpngnotmp fonnethptber. cbe %oM oo of beaue tobfeb tone me frS mp fatt) crsf boufe a from tbe lanae tobete % teas bome/atobpeft fpanetontome a ftoate bnto me fapnge tbnto tbp* feea topll % gate *.&lt;., tbi*ra"ae/be OJallfenaebw angen befojethe * tbattboumaptttafteatopfebntomp fonne fr5 tbence.#euertbeleae pf the toomS topil

not agree to come to(h) the fblroalt thou tofc aflf

jeburptbpaeaae tberpn.ab?abara ttoae bp/ ana botoeabtm relfe before tbepeople of tbe ranae n)e cb?ra?en of ftetb. ana be comonoe toftb tb Wapmge^lf it be poute mpnoes tuac % ftanbutympaeaaeoutofmpfpgbt/beate hieanafpeftefo^meto cpb?on tbe tonne of =5oar.ana let bsm gpue me tbe aubbpll caue tobfcbbebatawttbe enaeofbpjJ feme/ foj ass mocbemonepa?fti0too?tb/letbpmgeuett me in tbe pretence of pou/ f o? a poffeffpon to burpetn. jfo; pb?onatoeea amonge tbe chyRyenof^etb. . cbanPb?ontbe^etbfteanftoeteaab?a bami'ntbeauspeceof the cbpK&gt;?e of $etb $ of alltbattoent(nattbegate0of bpsJ cvte/ rapfnge: iSot to mp lo?ae/autbeare me: cbe feiaegeuegi tbe/?tbecaue g tfteriit ijsgeue ..-. _ v ., . 31 the alfo;$ eue m tbe p?erence of the tonnes tofdj out aaflger of tm ootb.J5tab oue a^

ofmppeoplegeuell tttbetoburp tbpaeeae tbmgb^ngenotmpfonnetbptber agapm?. Cm.cbanwham botoeabpm relfe before ana tl)efmtafftputbfi8banabnaertbetbpe the people of flanoe/srpafie bnto dpi)?o in ofab;abi$froaretobmta!3cScempnge^ the auirff ce of tbe people of a)e c5tte taping: matter. Una melij of lP?apetbebeareme/5topllgeuerpluerfo? the cameW of b!8 matter ?aeparteb/bau tbefeiae/taseitofme/^fotopll 31 burp mp ofanmanergooasofbfemaftcrtoptbbpm/ beeathere.&lt;pb?onanttoerea ab?abatapmg aftoaebp^toettofl^efopotamta/bntotbe bntohpm:ffl()pro?oe/barfienbntome.cbe eptfeowabtoJnumaaebfecameifttolse^ lanne is too?tb. iiii. bunajebrpcleg of rplum aoune to?tbottt tbe 'V^W^fM oE buttobatistbatbettoprtetbe aname^burp toater/ateue-.about^bfflHpPtoomen tbp oeeae.anaabjahSbarfienea bnto dvlno comemittoa?atfteww/tf ^toepaebimtbefpiuertohiehbebaarapaefn Xo?ae&lt;!5obpfmpmaOeraib?abS/fenaemc theauapeceoftherotmesotfeetb.oEuen.tttf. gooBfpeaetjb^aape/att^lhctoentercpwito huna?eatpluerffclei8ofmrratmonepami5ge mpmattera&amp;flhS.ftogittonaeberebptbe ofcpb?5 toenoftoateranatheaougbtersof tbemen toberemtbeaubbpncauefsJbefo?eflamre: ofthijScptfetopncomeouttoajaVBetoatin;: euen the ferae the caue that ttttjerm 'n #ototbe aamftn totohomegitape/ftoupe tbetrees ofthefeiaetobpcbegrotoemantbe aounetbPPPtchee/analetmea?pncfie.^f m 6onieJouniKabout/rnaiiertn;ebnto3ib?ai tape;^^nc8e/anO % topltgeue m camew a?pncfie


it ie


. annbw :&amp;antrelltoas bfffapretdWebp^

STlnnotoegtbouhaSftetoeamer^ fcettbecomegreate/^baftBe^ftpn.ajcpe/^g'y^^^^^^ Safter Snait came to paCfe per be hatt oren/fpluer agoiae/menreruaunt^/mapae ncf ^ P : , ( iv mpmattev . ^^JSS^SIS: !LS 12-/K f^tauntes/cameis a affes. 2CnD ^&gt;ara mpfto mm m be maaerstopfebarehnnafonne/tohefljetoas^^^cma, oiae:$tntobpm batbbegeueallgbe batb. ton c * 3(inampmaftermaaeme ttoereraping-.tbou nerf tapreto lOHeopon/tttw^ uw^ww ftartnottaHeaVDpfetompfonne^am^etbe SflSS^^^TlliftKttmiWtMieta. boirabtewofthetfananptes tntobore lance mXm&amp;mSmmmmmtbP aSktthoulbartgobntomp fathers SfaSmSmW^om bnto mp fonne.ana % fapae bnto mp matter: tfi&amp;eKffS^^mSSfe- tobatpftbetopfetotUnotfolotoemejanocs -' ^4SaTeS hefai!Debttfome:be&gt;o2aebefo?e tobome SaRaterfo?(bp camels airo/bntllthep S9!SSSSS9&amp;fSZ&amp; haiicti'ocfeei'noi'ab.anarhepoureaoutbP; tbers boufe. ut apf toiiuitboucomeftbn ffieruttoCi^^^^ . ' hi camels ana the f elotoe toomuea at bet. anal came tbts aape bnto toell tj fap ac: ""' fflSiS^wSKSSwisw itbefogtbouma!ieftmpiournepto)ici)| '' *SSS^6SSffl&amp;Wrf go/p?orperouS:beboiaeattonaebptbis toell tL^JS^&amp;ummS^^m offflwr7aiia^mabirgpncometbfo?tbw ^XW^Smm^^tm&amp; toateroftbPPitcDettoDjpncfie/anattierapc mm-* ^^SS^Sm^BmtA agapne to me-wpntSe thou/ ana % topi airo ^ ; ^^ Df ^hStffi&amp;U^^^^^^ b?atoetoaterfo?tbpeantels:tbatrameiStbe SaWS^ffiSe^terofathu topR&gt;bomt5e)Lo/aebathp ? epavea fivmi SlSfapTe SSSUS SS SSaSj W ff of rpea. -

it/a rapae:bleflea be

fBDe tober:geuemea?incfie.anaibemaaebaa/? ceaffeth tofieaounebp;ptcberfroof bw/anbfapoe:



. Sb/aceletteSbponbPSfpQrrs banaes/* W W95gffi82S2S J|i&amp;K2^ rn v h^pXAnnWnfttebeccabisft'ftierfaffff the 'juzae&lt;oaof mpmafler awauatobtcbiniiii epmcciiB fiSSSS^^rn^Sifl^Sffi'' Kougbtmetberpgbttoape/to tafiemptoroctocpi^ t^usfapae tl e SSiffiRfflSSSe ; BSSBWWKtt bnto hi&gt;s fonne, ti.; m*w Kt ffif IfSSTS S ffiefioMffiebeccabefoje rtjvfacc/tafic^cccbrito to

msiff earmae^nabe ftufl^ fa



tJOtoeoD^mfclfebmotUe^ojae/ flatt bpon retipuebjeaatoaro/bntothfftitt: conttf. the ertb.anb the t eruaflt tofie fo;tb tetoeiie^ cfteft ate the Bases ofttje ipt e of 3tb?aU5 ^ of tiiuit 9 febrile* ofgolD 9 rapme t/a game tobicb be lpueb:anfiunbjea a.irr-O. perc I anb * '&lt; tbe" to ;Kebecca:butbntobp;b&gt;otber 9 tobp; tbanfe.tfefic a open/in a*luttpc a gettobe" MSK&amp; m other/ be gaue fppces. ano t&amp;ett they ate* hablpueDpnougb) a teas put onto hi peo*pic/ a note b;8cfie/both be a the men g mete tt bim/ano pie.anb bps fonmfl 31faac $ |fmael b ur p eo '0 t&gt;* m m tariebaHnpg&amp;tattDrofebpfothemojnijng. bpnimtbe^oubiecauemtbefelbe ofeptaBg^p 1 *" anbbefapbe:letmebepartebntompma'

fter.35utbpjb;iotheranohp; mother lapse: let the oamrell abp&amp;e toirft 00 a topple/ 9 it be buteuen.r.bapes /anbtbangootbptoapes. anb be apse onto Minuet me not/fo; tfje

ftotfebatbwofperebmpiourne;?. &amp;en&amp;e . tne atonpe that % mape goo bn 1 mp matter. e3not!)ci?fai?5e:ibucaUtbcDamfrtI/tortt tobat (be faptb to tfte matter Mm tfiep caHf b fo?tb Rebecca/ afapoebntobee:topit tt)ou gootofth tbismam'ano (be fapberpee. &gt;o tbe p let Mebeccatbetc fpfter go tot'tft bet; notfe 9 a b? abams feruaunte/ tb e men g.aoMcHcatbattoereto2tbbpm.anDtbe? B bleffeo3Be* watw nefbont becca/a fapbebnto bermbou at* owe fptter CL^Wh8 rotocmtotftol,tenDe tftoufanoesf/atib tbp RSiSffi** W&lt;We gat5oftbefrenempe0.3nb ISe not o tossjgc: becca arofe abpjoamfebs / 9 fatt tbe" bp bpS ttoo f mgtM o* tbe camefts/ ateer theft toape after tbe man. net &amp;im. anbpTeruatttto6elKcbecca/atoethi0 toape. : attb3!faactoa0acompnge from the toell * (Bene .j;t&gt; t.B, of the *lpupitge a fepnge/ fo? be btoelt in tbe f outb com/9 toas gone out to rcaifie in bp0

fomte of Soar the ^ethpte before fl&amp;amte. JgBm ttbich feioeabjabam bought of tbe tonne* i$ m 2 of ^ethtfrheretoasabjabam bunco 9 $&gt;a* amuum a' rabrstopfe.anoaftertheoeerh of ab?abam'5f ym optbetoeiioftbc Ipupnge 9 fctnge. pjo. ebefe ate thegenetaciSs of gfmael 3b;a js bamg toruie/tobicb^agar tbe &lt;mppSgta ras barcimapoe bate bnto ab^bi.ainD ujefe are the n ante of tbe tame* of $froael/ tott&amp; tfteftnamesintbeirfipnredties. Cbeelodf forme of Ifmari&amp;euatoth/tben ceoar/ab* beei/^bCam/^ifma/^ima/$)afa/$a* bar/hettia/9fcttu:/#aphi0 a$ebma:Cbef e ate tbe formes of gifmael/athefe are tbett na mes/in their totones 9 caGete*.tfiLp?f ces of *. tiaep50.36nbtbefeatetbepere0oftbrlpfeof , * w ?'fmael/an bunb?e&amp; e.rrrbff . perr/ a tban be ell fefie 9 bpeb/a toajj lapoetmro Dot peoprr. anbbebtoeioftS Hiabntofeurg ip bcfo?e BPPte/a0 men gototoatb tbe3tatwg0.ltntj ^eope&amp;m tbepjefence of allbip b;et^;m, a no tbcre ate tbe generacpoms of 9!faac

3Eb?abam0fonne:3(ib?abS begat Sfaac^nbC

wfmmmmffll^W^mMitoW .. . .. . , tirrofuitfpi; fa VbP0epc0aio!ie6^nobdjo!betbecanieW 3faactoa0.rl.peteometobfbeto gelSebecca tuct i P fi V ngc torn coming.anblScbecca ipft top bp; epeg/ to topfe/ baugbter of tfetbueJ tbe feftiait tp At rnjnuc a toben ftefatoegTaac/ifteipgbtai of tbeca of flgeropotamia ^fttter toTLaban ^&gt;irtg. to od. tnel/a fiifte bnto m fewtaunt:tobatmanfiJ anblfaac mabe mtercefliS bnto ti be tojtx rbfei tbat comett) agapntt b? in tbe feiof 3no fo? BtP topfeAecaufe (Be teas bar emanb tbe tberemauntfap5e:iti0mpmaOcr.ainBrben 5Hofl)etoa0inrreateoof bpm/ isebeccafti* m tone bp? mantel!/ aput it about becSno toyf e conceaueo:$ tbe ebplb;en Orouc t o ges t^t fetuauttoloearaac all that be babbone. chettoitbtnber.Cben Qjefapoetpf it Rm lbe Cbcn gjfaac b^ougbtebet; intobps motber &gt;ara* tente/anb tofie Bebecca/anb e be* came bP* topfe/ a be ioueo b et-.a f teas 3|fa* ac comfo;teo ouer bp? motber.

goo fo to paae/tobat belpetb it $ % am toi^ cbpioefanb (he toent a area tbe jLojbc. Wm tbe jLo?ie fapbe bnto ber: tb ere are ( ttoo ma,


ob anb erau.ra Ccllctb Ijis bp? ttjjigije fof a 1


fl.iConcu'jp' ticBimljcfcrif pt lice are not hncWtce / but

frcbe.rrb.cbapter. $?abam tofie bpm anotber topfe calleb*etura/tobpcbe bare bpm S)imran /giecfifan/ #eDan/#u bian/&lt;|efbacfta S&gt;uab. Jnogfecfi

ncr of pcopjein tbp toombe/ a ttoo nacpon? KJHo w 1 Qiall fp^ngc out of tbp botoeW/ anb the one ific ism 1 4 nacponmalbempgbttertbantheotber/atheiiofpu! etteft tbaibefemauntepntotljepounger. JjH'",^"' ainbtobenhp? tpme toaucome to be BeFf w uere&amp;:bebolbe there mere ttoo ttopneg m hp; toombe. anb be &amp; came out fp; ft toaj* reooe a rougb ouer an as it to ere an bpbeianu rbtf cauebb#namefau.ainb aftettoaroh^ b;o tber came out/a fife banbe boiopng (E rau bp

SmSSi 1 %*** aebaaeban. anb thefonneg tfie*beie.0berfo;efii0naiHeto80caaea , ?a^, . a i SKo,!S ofetantoeaflurmi^iinmaib cob. anb Jfaac teas ,rr.pcreoftetofim1fie2ES^&amp;' kutwtrt fub,mim.anotbefonne0 of Vidian rcetetfpba/ bate tbe:9 the bopes grctee/ a&lt;ffaubecame SKl Kttce 8 ftiu(5pfier/^anocb/ahioaa&lt;!thefttoere aconpngefiunteeanbacpllman .tit^acobtoitftouf &gt; "KtS tbe cbpn&amp;en of 8etura.utab?afiamgaue ioa0 a B fpmpfcman/a&amp;rr.eneb m tfietente0. I**"*'? &amp; EmSSn # behahbi^faMJnbbntotheronnetf 9faae loued^fau/becaurebeopoeateof WfSgSff 2 J3 ... ** piaa of bp0 a concubpne0beBauegifte0/anbfetit benpfon/butKebeccarouehqpacob . ffioS *ar.w.a. thematoapefrom3ifaw6p0fonntltofijle6e Jacob fob potage/stfGw came fr3 th e feib*ju, ' 9toa0


riffaac, emus* r ^ atoa0fapntpe/afapblo^acob:ietmeftippe that the $&amp;fliO(0ba&amp ; ctmpat of *tebtiepotage/fo^amfapntpe.anbtbti; hpm-.infomocbe t tbepftoppeo afpilco bp imukm toetoa0bt0namecaHeo*(Oom.anbpcob toertfialltbe toeuestobicb b&lt;0 fatijerg fer* SftMfff* fapDe:feamethi0bapetbrbp;tfi^gbte.anb uarttes bpggeoinbis father ab?abS 0tpme. tffatianftoere!):)loo3|amattbepopnteto Chan fapbe abimelecb onto gfraac-.gett tb e 1 DW/atohatp?ofitelbalttfif0bp^hnbtebo ftffme/fojthouattmfgbtfertbentoeagtcar .rt h am^tflribWobfapbr.*ftomtoinethenthtt beaie.cbanlfaacDeparteDthence/apitcbeb^ l ww ^ ,8 hape.anbbeftoo?ctobpm/afoIbebp0bp;th bi0tenteintbebalepEierar/ 9 btoelt there, tpttbte bnto ^acob.erbanljacob gaue Cfau anb^faac oiggebagapne the todies oftoaj teewapotageofteoberpfe. anbbe ateano tertohtch thepopggeb m * bapes of ab?afiS toonefiearofebp/ atoenthP0toape.anh fo hisfather/tohtchthe^ihirpisbap ftoppeo ffifattregaroeonothfa bp?tb?igbte. aftcrtheoeth ofab?aba/agauertethefame CE5 ioncjt of ^faac totoasb abiratkcb.arbepjo names tofjtct) fii0 father gaue the.a &amp;Jtaacs inmBtbnto3faac9biBCteBt.3rttaciBstbubrtof feruartte0bpggebmrbebalep/tbepfounbea S^SSSSSBBS^SSX toeuoflptipngtoat^anopeberomeofcse ffCbe.rrbUhaptet;. air^^^btberefeuaberth in the lanbe/ iwyftcx^ aai?ngeftefKftWtt8 ^feu in tie oope0 of abaaham. iherfo?e jfaacuenthntoabmieiechfiimi , * ,- jittaiS0 bnto &lt;5erar.chen t fcojoe apeareo bnto bpm/ afapbe-.o notaounem togppte/butbpbeinthelanbetob&lt;ch 91 far bntothe:fogeome inthP0lanbe/a95 o topnbe to(tbthe/atopUbleaethe:fo?totto abnto I *wv9A tfivfebegptopllgeueatf thefe*contrep0 Jino

; i.M* tot)Hiierfo2metbeoothctohich3! Ibwebn jw/atopfl+muttpprpe tfip



Sfe 'J " lu feeb a? the aorre0 of beatg/atomgeuebnto J| " ! '' B tbpfbaltberec5ttei0.anbtho?ototbpreea SallaHthenacp50ofthe ertb bebicffeb/ be&lt; caufetfiatab;ah5 harfienebbntomp bopce oJbmafice0/cBmaiitttjemlte0/


rar bpb ftrpue toith ifaacs b fapinge: tfietoateris oures. ibancaircD betbetoeK mrecfi/becauCe thep ttroue toitfi fii'm. CbanbpBgebtbcpanotbertocH/an&amp;tbcp ftroue fo? g alfo.betfo?ecancbbet^&gt;'te na.anbthanbe&amp;epatte&amp; theme/ abpggcoa notbertoellfo; tobtthtbepftroucnowber fo?e calleb be it aKeboborb/faping-.the %om a. ffintrcafcb: bath noto mabe bs rorome/a toe art" enctea ** pf mm tobp5tbeettb.*ftertoaiftbeparKbbetbjfceg^ a came to56erfeba.anb tfie Ufix appcareo 6SS3STSSS bntoh^nifhe famenpgbt/arapBe-.'B'amthebmi, g(m n ^ (iobofab?abamthp father/ feare notfo?g , pcnce qnvet/ am topth the/ a topH Weffe tbe / a multppipe ' gjj wj tfipfeebfo? mpferuaunta^afias fafie.idnD J^M" tbanbebuplbebanaultertfiere/anb callcbbtct/* tabnw bpon the name of tliejLo;be /anb there pit- rtumynctt) it: tbeb W tcnte.2ttio there g.faacs reruattntes JMMjPf* BPggebatoeH. ^fau.o.a. " cbancameabfmeletbtobpmfro erarf aahufathb?0ftenbe ano^icoUbPS cfiefe captapne.anb 5 faa c fapbe bnto ti) e m-.tolj et

ftatutesanoiatoe0. _ . anbafaacbtoenebinC5erar.anBfmenof ^ SrfiSSS^SSSSK iSSiftooSSw foTeTomepe'tome/fepjtgpeb^^^^^^^ bis topfe/iea the men of the place (fiuft baue put me atoapefro m^ Nffc rtiep:to c WebhmtS?fe/becaufe (fie toagbeto fatoethattbe*f o?oe toasto tfi the/anotber M.wi.f.

epfullto^ epe.anbtt tyw^aftertefta bene there ionge tpme/thatawmeiech fipng of the Phi!iftpatt0 lofieb out at a topnooto/a ' - - -" - **p0topfe. ipue:fe/

e #aac fpoatpnge-tt ebecca m topfe. _ jf bftnelech fenbe to^lfW* '-L fbc id of a fuertpetbptopfe^to^fapMft

fo?e toe fapbe rjat there fljuloe bean ooJ&amp;e3[MP-' bettorrtebs a the/athattoetooice nmfie a bonbe toitfi the/ that thou (bulbed bobs no burte/80 toefiauenottoucheb the/anb Ijaue bonebntotfienothpngebutgoob / afentthe atoape in peace: f 01 thou art noto the Weffeo ofthell.o?be.anbbemabetbem a fcaft/anb rhep ate 9 o?5cfie.anb thfp rofe bp bp tpmes

-.-..that (betoa0thpfpfterfanli_ !SKb^WKwtt&gt;toWei anbllfaacrentthematoape.anbtbepbepar 0? I SSStlpgh tmm rpnebptfip teb from bpm in peace, anb that fame oape InblfaacTotoffitbatW/^m^ ,Scaeb3SerfebabntothtSDape. that fame pere an. C.bulbeftJ : fo? the Jlojbe CI?acob atau A ti&gt;c vmm ftm ef en bp.fttt mo/ ftle^hmt/athemantoareompghtp/atoet nscoim(cu.3faaei0faB.Eau(stomfoftt6. be fo?th9gtetoetpnbctoa0erceai&gt;OT6reat/J ^**^*2ffl lMillfw Wbttpofleu-pSof (hepe/of oren* ampgbtf jcwW4*ag. mm




$en /be ta^Dc.^ftopcefjs^ffcolijsbppcc/but^eSaiib^ tofie to topfeguoitbtbebougbter- ate tijebanaesof &lt;fau. Ifcno befinetoebptw of tferp an Qe^vte / 9 tfattaattj not/ becaufe b# banoe0 toere tougb as ljj b;otbetErau0banbe0:arobebleaeobpm. a no b e at ea bftn :a r 1 t b 1 1 m p ton n e &lt;fau? 3Dno be fapbescbat 9 am.ban rapt) be: ferns me a let me eate ofmp tonnes* benyron / tbat mpfouleniapbieffe^mJbeb;ougbtbpm/ abe ate. 30nobe b;oug&amp;t&amp;mttopne alfo/ 9 ye b#cae Jnoftfe eatbec9|(aac fapbe b ttco btott come nete/ $ Bpffe me mp fonne,3G no. be toet

tbebougbtet of tflonan lijetbpte alfo/tobtcb toeieBiroUcbtet.bnto giaac a IRe becca.ano it came to paffe tt)at gifaac toereb oIbeabP0epe0toeveopmme/fojj becouiae notfee.b(m called be Cfoubt* eisctt fonne afapbcbntobpmtmpfonne.ainobefap&amp;ebn to bynu bete am l.Hnbbe fapoe : bebolBe/ 9 am oioe/a Snotoe not fcoape of mpbetbmoto tberfojetafte tbptoeapeX/t&amp;pqupuetatbP botoe/a gettbe to t^e feibe0/a tafic me fome benpfon/a mafte me meate focbe a? 3! loue/ anb bjmge it me/a let me eate tbat mp (butt a. wcirtupttnapableffetbe before 3iBpe.utiaebecca S2SS6&amp;NM toben Ifaacfpafte to efeu bfeforme, SffiaSe 3Po * foone a? tffau taus gone to tbe feloe to 06 f j 1 be to catcbe benpfon / a to b?i nge it / (be fpalte

bntobpm anb ftpfteb bpiJimbetaieiieb ^ *" ". fauoure of bwrapment/ an a * bleoeobpm/ f * cw *w a fapBe:^ee/tt)efmeU ofmp forme f* asstbe - - ta! flneu of a feia W tbe Hotfe barb bum, xJotmmA obgeuetbe of c cetoe of beaueVa of $ fat btion aono t\ nedeoftbeertb/a plentpeofcome a '"WMSMSH 1&amp;eop!ebctbprenmate0/anacpS0botocbn t r ^ . . . .... totbe.56elo?oeoue;tbpb?etb2en/atbpmo*t5Mc8foift bntogacob m fonne fapfg? 28eboloe# baue ,,tbet0 cbplbtf ttowpc bnto tbe.Cutfeb b ebeg ttje nt\,i m

betoe tbp fatbet talfipng tufty CRui tbp b?o ) a faping:b?fogemebenpron amaficme meate/ u)atg] mape eate a bieffetbe before # tbe 5Lo?be per 9) ope.jSoto tberfo?emp forme beate mp bopce in tbat tom'cb 9! commaunbe tbfcgett trie to tbe flbcfie/abjinge me tbence ttoo gooa fipBbe0/anb3| topll mafte meate of tbem f 0; tbp fatber/focbe a js D e louetb. Una tbou malt typnge it to tbp f atber / a be mall eate/tbatbemap Wcffe tte before bis ortrju banfapoe9!acobto iSebeccabisJmotber: bebolbe gfa mp bjotber its tongb / a 9 am rmootb.^pfattjetlban perabuentute fere me/a3i Iball feme bnto bim ag tbongbliuet abotite to begple bpm/a fb fyail be b;inge' a curtebp5me/a ootableOpnge-.abwtmotbec *, ^c" a " fapoebntobpmtffliponmebe cbpocutTe mp tftcfccpp(uct.tbem.ainbiacobtdetafettbe/ab?oitgbttbe Abe one &lt;jtobte mot!jer.3tim) btemotbet matie meate of auta &amp; - oftb?/acco?nmg ajs bid fatbet loueb^Cnu e SVth to SI toet f ett goowp mpmft of bp; eloeft fonne foiuc/nBffnnVtffan/tobKb Qjebabinf boufe tobp;/amte \Djciit&amp;nts.'-t&amp;gbpo"3acobbP?Poiinge&amp;forme/ 9 fljeowt S",h, , SffiS-*f^ ,, w | ^Wlwi? abpiStbe fmootb of tfrp anstojct/ Giebabmabein f banbeofbpKomie Uacob. ti)tencB&gt; no w 3nbbetoentnitobP)Sfatbet;faping:mpfa ciit ci.t(t.c. tftetf-ainb be ant toeteo-.beee am i : tobo arc 3Dt&lt;r. rnv^thou mpfennef3CnDl?acob fapoe bnto bits fa tber.31 amdfautbp etteafotme/g 1 baueootw 8cco;ofng as tbou baooelt me-.bp a fpt a eate ofmpbenpfon/tbattbPfoulemapblcrreme. 3SutgTaac fapfie bntobftJ fonne:boto cSme t&amp; it gtton baft f oimbe it fo qupclp mp fonnef

i^e tbP (Bob b?ogbt it to mpbanne.cbanfapbe'jraacbnto j acob:



b o)e/a bieffeb bebc tbat bledetb tbe. . &amp; bone 80 3!faac bab mabe an etn&gt; of bier* ttt/ fSSjM fpng/^acob toadfcacegone outfrS t&amp;ep#*nwoftotV fence of Sfaacbus fatbet-.tbencamecfaubttlasop tgccaou hi tb ec ftom iw buntpnge/ a babmaoe alfo f "&gt;' '' meate/ab;ougbtitbntobP0fatbei;/arapbe?" D " a ^ bntobpm: scrpfe mp fatbet / anb eate of tbP fS ot foraieg benpfon/gtbp foulemapblede muwmtai, &lt;SL\fanty&amp; fatbet sraacfapbebntobim-.tobo j*ja aw tboutlje anttoeteb: 9 am tbp elbeft fonne #*i C-rau. anb 'Jfaac teas greatlp adopneb out of mefure/afapoe U&amp;Qneft be tben t batft im n t eo benpfon anb b?ougbt 1 1 me/ a ^ baue eate of all before t&amp;ott came ft/a baue bleOeb bpm/ a beftaHbebleOeD ftpu. ttofyen Bfau betoe tbe tooitDeg ofbp0fatbec/be ccpebouc gteatlp a bptteflp aboue mefute/a fapoe b to Ijt3 fao)et;bleae me alfo mp f atbet. Snb be fapae-.tbP b?otb ee came toitb mbttlte/a ban) tabf ateapetbpbleftpng.cban fapcebe^e mapetcellbe calicngiaeoby fo?bebatbbn* Bermpneomeriotottoo tpmee /fp^ftbetobe _ atoapempbp;tb^pJt:afc/notobatb beta*9i fienatoapempMe(lpttgealfo.a'nbbefapoe/; baft tbou ftept neuer a weflpng f o? me* s graacanftDetebanbfapbebnto^fauibej bolbe^ bauemabebpmtbp WW I aaillnjjJ motber? cbPflwS bauea ma&amp;ebfc feruaunt^. w f "i fl$o}eouettoftb5co?ne atopnebaue^l llfeffittH blpftbeb bpm/1tt)batcangi0obnto note mp ZmartM fmmefKlnti (Sfatt fapoe bnto bP0 fatbet: baft t&gt;o?nu ttipnst* tboUbut gonebleOpng'mpfatbetfblefte me alfomp fatbectfo ipftebbpcEfaubPiSbopce*^;^^ a*toepte. cban TfaacbP? fatbec anttoereb 8fapbebntobim:bebonett)pbtoellmgplace flwilbaue of f fatneffe of ertb/aof oetoe of beaue fro aboue. 3Dnb'tbtbP f toeroe malt tbou fpue/anb ftare be tbP b?on)er0 feruafft ,

comeneteanbletmefeletbemp fomte/tobe tbertboubempfomtecfau 0? not.cbantoft ut'tpmeto!ll come/libf tbou ibaitgett? ^SacobtogifaacbP0fa)er/abefeltbpmanb iwaftije/afotefebPfJpwbeRSoftbpnecfie. nb


ana&lt;ctatt*bafeb3aeolr/ljecaureoffbier* (pngetbatb^fatbecblelKobPmttitb all/ a fapDembP3barte:Cbe oapejs of mpfarberss rotoeateatban&amp;e/fo;3!topHaep mtw* .Ktbetaacob; anotbefe tpo;be0 of cfau w ^HBcftfomwtoeretolDtdj&amp;;Qje

topp of it watbeb bp to beauf JnB fe/ tbe art gel* of &amp;o&amp; iuent bp a ootone bp on it/ pee a tbeHotfe ttoBebponit/arapot. 9 amtbe)lo^eobofafeabam ftp fa* fider/atbe mm 3faac:be*lantetobtcbe , ac m tbbttflepeftbpontopU3!8eetbeatbPieeD.* w fttficaeBH3cobbp;p0geftfonne/afapBe ainbtbpreeb(baj!beasjn)eBuaoftbeertb;a eftto!tttbeatototbetfo2emp fonne heate routbJnbtbWotttbeatbPfeeBajaUalltbe Sec atJMramatarvetottbbpmatoftpie toitb f/atoplbetbpftepecmaH placeg tobemor.&lt ;:nt.c WSSS^S^?mtm/m tbe%pugoeft/aWUb?pngetbeagapnenii le/ftbetociettbattobicb moubaftBotteto baue mabe gooi all i 31 baue pjompfebtbe. Xnce mHv Ojuiue 1 lore poubotbe inone befapoetfurelp jLo?BewintbWPlacc/a a lt tu crjourc of SSSKS^tSSK anffi bWnotatoawJnbbeM0afrapebafape :g oob C[ ncc ,t S nf'Spfe / fo? feawof tbe oougbtew of bote fcarfull is tw V^cei ttts none otbw tj&lt; ^onc , c SS/rocbe one a? tbefe are/02 of JQougft ^ffli'lacob ftooe bp eatlp in tbe mo^npn

g / a wc m ipnc ma, SsKBSSSSS^tellw* tofteweftonet bebablapBebnberbwbeab/ cati w to of 8mwawm imwmjvww *.r" ^pftcftfljftbp an enbe/ a poureb ople on ftecjjoJ 'v ofdBaO'-



SlffiffiS&amp;fonne SoSe^ffiSaSb^^^ faPBebntobpm^tbwtaj^nota att^fflSiffi'ffifflffiaSia^


KfLTSStffiSan/ mSSS% conTeagapebnto mp faftewS ?KSf n fflSSnSSe boureinraft?e:tben all tbe U-o^e De mpni.ii. 4 gcttrticto apcioporamra w rqe ^ ^^h,,-,,^^^^.} bflUj! r e tbuanpii bougbtewJ


, r .,, ,.,... tmMnn aimrabtrebleac roattgeueme/muriwwnieiMM p-Doufcofsobmotbewo;otnre.ainoioroaimpan^Duc -j^^^ntoutan* fccuctti ti?wfo?aa ; t .,:? tbc/&lt;nearetbe/amultpplpetbetbatH)ou ^uiwiJ^tob*brtwacjeofji8tfteu t j t ^ t6ea 5 mapabeanontb^eofpeopie/ageuetbetbe tumatwtmtom&gt;*tti:m\)vt\).itvtmwfo( lt (mtts bleopag^of HlwabStbPtb to tbe a to rbpfeea h n^^SS^ffkiman ,ncftt aU "*' ^rtfrifp/rtniJ-fHoit maffttioffeffe tbe lanoe c^be.rrtr.cbaptec trtoarttsaom -*Jrfl2SS : ft^Si*p*eoa m^ram9acoblpftebpbi0ftte/atoet t nc. ?! .(;.D,

SlhSbm^Kaao fent tSS HBttWtt tbe eaft coatre. 3no as be ihffaptt fMotfOMSSSmolSriS m S lontb aboute/bebolBc tbcre teas a &amp;*S!SeXSm/8nbSSrW ^Mtoeft intbe felBe/anB.ut.fiocfef of !$raufa

' I *

&amp; i%3&amp; mS wmlw tanlwtoe^Vbera^ebntotbynotoepe H^wtmt^StSSS^iSS ILaban tbe fotme of j&amp;abotf 3nb n)ep rapse: 8^S/1i^-tt!SS&amp;7w toe*notoebpm.airtbbefapbebntqtbt0be ^BShSsSBiSSSs^tm in BoobbeaW^nbtbep t0 in goon S^KSSSSSrSSpSSSSS be*aWU)/bi0b%ter^abel cometfw i2SSIm'l^/&amp;KaShw ?Btbeftepe.3nBbefapBe:lo/iti0petagat A ' &amp;SS&amp;hS%^S tbe fonne tobpietonpSbt/netber 10 it tpmetbattbeca ^K&amp;S5ftSe1Stteotec7a Snfliirtoebegatberco togetbet-.toater tbe PSS^aKff^e*^* ftb/9tbeftonebewuHeBftStbetteft



moum/atibfotoetoateeouwfflept. BufbanbtoMloueme,XtiBWcbttceaue&amp; rooneaistobCatoeraabei/mebQugbterof geuf me mtffonne alto/a ajecaHcbBun*^Maria(j, jUBanBt&gt;*momnSb;omer/atBel&gt;epe of i W|&gt;&gt;te ggggBgg&gt;ggi!!ffi CtobanB#m&lt;&gt;met*B;omet/BetoetitarQto ^^wiototftWimcetommpguaMttftepc lebroeaoneframetoelKmcium / ^toatetco me eompanp/Becaufe 3! Btfbo;neBpm.t. SeKofSbwrnoSSo^wJ^ ronm*atBetfo&gt;eecaHebBfename eui. Kb SvftMM 7 8 ttftebpbw boycc 9 30nb me ctaucbpetagapne/abate afonne

^uSS^SBSSS MfSraatiA htfi ft- *" t0 &amp; w WRhmidc* tt&gt;e ? 6aM Don Mm. Jacob W\)tn%wmpeammi0lWe0O wip Kc,aucc&amp;iatairw^Mmeputofleofb,cr&amp;rptati9 Getgfomie/BcranetometeBmi/a embraces b pMt 8.joi)0tttoat6cfo?i)SBfuts.

mmaWflBmwn/&lt;Jb;ougBtBuntoBBoufe. 3'nbmt3acobtolbe)LaBanantBe matter. 3nbmm]UbSrap&amp;e:toen/tBouartinpbom; ampflemJbpbetoitBmeme fpaceof amo* netB,1flnDaftcrtoarb ftabanfapbebnto3a* cob:cBougB tBou Bemp B;otBer/mulbett moutBerfo;e feme me fo; nougBt^tell me toBat mantbgtoageiSBcSfotb jUBanBab. ^&amp;ougBter$/meett&gt;efttaHcb7UaampSgett maliclxeatoasstenbetepeb/butaHaMtoajs b,etotpfuHatoenfauo;eb. ato&amp;lacoD lotted Bet toell / 9 fapbe:3 topn feme me. bit. pete Email


f o; Babel m jongeft bougBter Jnb Ha

Bejcw:.CBaptee. m w fccnlBaBeltetoe mat (Be bare g8 cob no c8pH&gt;;en/me emnjea Bte ip* tter/afapbebnto giacobwseue me dMi^/M eft*3 am butoeea. BS toa?3!acob to;ootB toitB Babel fapinge-Sm 5S in d&amp;obej* aeabetobrcbaepem from tljeme ftutcoftBptoomBe? cBen mefapbe:Bere# mpmapbe#tli)a:g6mbntobet/g fljcmape bearebp my lappe/tBat3 cncreafeb bp Bee. 2Bnb (BegaueBpm fttfya Bw Banb majoe to topfe.anb gacoB toentfobnto Bet: anb ?SiiB a conceaueb 9 bare lac ob a Cornie.

anftoerebrftm Better matfgeucBertBt/tBS c ban fapbeffiaBel.dtobBam geue" fentem*

*&amp;%tt.tQ, b

coanomer mamBpbe merfo;etoftB me. 8ttb3|8eoB feruea*bttf m&amp; f o? I3a&amp;ei/a mepfemebbntoBimbutafetoeoaresi/fc? p loueBeBabtoBerJnbgiacobfapbebntoila &amp; ban:geuemem?totfe/tBat3!mapefteto(tB WMF o? tbe tpme appopnteome i come.

ontmfpbc/aBatB alfoBearbempbopee/ahb Bam geuenmea ronne.Betft&gt;;ecanebQie Bim jBan,nb3BflBJBaBeWmapoe concea tte&amp;agapne/attbBaregjacoB another fonne. ami aBelfapoe:&lt;BbbJ twmeb/anb HBaue .v.^.-.. e rr . maoeacBafigettmpfpaer/aBauegottltBc CBan jlaban bane ail men of mat place/a topperBSb.Snb me calleb B&amp;name:j$ept Batt. mabeafeaft.3inbtoBeneuentoa*s come/Be o&amp;BenJUafatoematmeBableftbearfog/ift toBefteaBwbougBtec ab;ougBtBee toi&gt;(m: metofte ^HBBaBp;mapbe/ agaueber W a Be toet*in bnto 1S5 eO no %mm gaue b n* cob to to?fe.afnB 4bi ipBa Heafl matfe bare toBWbongBter nca/ 3PBaBPS mapfie / to jjacoBafontte.c&amp;anfasbe JUat oobnicfi: BeBirfmwfite.ani)toBptt)emo?npngetoajJ anbcaHebBfenametmanb&amp;ilpBaiLeag come/BeBolbeittoa0?lea.BanrapbeBeto nmt&gt;be bate tfacob another fonne.c&amp;Sfa wi 3Uban;toBerfo?eBafttBoupjapeotBu0taitm me?bpbnot3feruemefo; aBel/toBerfo;e manBaftmoubegflebmefiiaBSanfteereir. iti9 not tbemanetoftBiss place/to matpe pSgettBefo;e tfteelDea. Paffe out ttis toefie atBantballtBfealCobegeuemefo; t^efec^


jLea:Bapwamgi/fo;BougBter?topacattrw ., me*bieireDJnbcaHebBWnameaiffer, *mw* senoffluBenma outftt tobeat Baruetta " b fl c t h "

f oao mSt)?ago?a3 in tb e f ey 8 bjougBt t&amp; H tb Ma bntobijs motBer^ea.cB3fapBaBel to)Leatubcor mJ BettemeoEtBpfonne0ma5?ago?ag.anoJLeaw^^ )

ter to topfe alfo.lnb' Haban gaue to IRaBct W&gt;tll/ltt Bim flepe tt tbfjBfS npg Bte/6 tw cone.

BigaoitgBter/5SnBa^t0l)ani)ma?bEtobeB?? ht fonnes manO?aa;o?a0. SmfttoBm^awb*^" 4 ,* :.^&gt;olapeftebf IMjel alfo/a louea came from ttjc fette* at eum/)Lea toent out Jg'S


jica 7 anb fenteB Bpmpet ' b^"ierej;me. Bou]fttmetoWnpfwe?niaB?ajo^iJ."^i^^^^ . ueBenm^WbefatoematiUatoajSbelpf ^BefleptettBermattttjgBteJnb^ob"^ 8m/BemaKBer frutewn*ut JBaBeltowBa Berbeftea/g mecSceaueb a barebntojacoB*^^ 'ff mi Jtnbleaconceaueb a bare. a ronne/a cal p -.b.f onne.cBl fapbHea.dSoD Bam geuf me t h m \m leoB# name Wuben/fo? qje faibe: )Lo?be mpremaroe/becaitfe 3!gauempmapben to raan P of * to.btiamioBeobp5mB*tr(bulatti5, awrnoto mp mpftoufM/s (Be caHebbfm ifacBat.tCnb'^ *



jLea cSceaueb ret agapwe/$ ; Bare aacoB tBe w.fonne/6lBan fajoe Qjcmwm mam metbagoo'oboto?p.i8ototoifli m|Bufbahb btoelltoitBme/bEcaufeg'jBauebo/ ronne^-.a calleb bpjs name 5aBirton. SCfter g u cn.rtjri8affiebare abougbter/anb caHebBer*3tna. .

W ^nb&lt;iot)rememB&gt;eb)aaBel/BearbeBer/a. mabeBtr frutefull: fo t me coceayeb, % ..bare, a foime/a raubKBobBam tafi?atoapem? re*. Bule jnb me calleaBWttanieaotepB/fa^g; cfte)Lo;aegcueme?et8iiomfomie;a.)S feone ajJ mabrtbab borne lbfeg|,/|acbB *it&gt;'.jec w\&amp; (g EO e to laban: ^enbe*me atoape $| map go tint mv atone place a cStre/geue me me toptics a mp ci) ttbjg f o? toBom 9&gt; B'aueferueo K . . me/aletmegoorfoitBoufinotoeatoBaWera weq!BaueDonetBe.cBan'f8Bbe)laBanb to bcm&amp;f 3 bane founbe fauour in mP%Bt Unp.fWK6 3 ftibpofetBatme)lo?be BatB^Brefleb me fo? tbv faneiappopnte toBattBpretoame maUBe/a3toiHgeuettme.5?utBittapbeb toBvm: tBonbnotoeft toBatferuscc'3 Baiie botte tii e/ a m toBat taBpnge tBp cateu Baue Benebnberme-.iJFo/tttoajJmitlptte f tBou Babbelt before % came/a note ft t* encreafeb ftitoamiilticittie/amel'O^BeBaftWeDebtBe f b?m?rafie.38utnoto toBI wanf mafieP?P, A u(u5 fb? mpne ato&gt; eBoufe alfo.lnb Be fapb; ffi toBat mail tym geue me^nblacpbanftoe v cb-.tbou (Bait geue me notBmg at al/pf tB u.. topltbo mvs one mvnge fo; me: a men tow gitumeagatne/afeoe rBPmepeaep.etBe. 3 touli goabouteanm? mepe m^bapeya feparate fro tBem ali'tBe mepe are (pot teb aofbjuevjs colouros/aaQBlacBemepe amSge tBe lamb cs/ $tyt partpe/ a tfje fpot* teb amSge tfje n p do es: a me fame IBalbe mp UMtMuT'tetoattev&amp;o mail mp "rpgBtteefne3 an* ESSSStf ftoere fo; me:toben ttje tpme commem mat3 feffl few mall receaue my retoarbe of mow i tobat Co w. euertjsnotfpecWeDapartle amSge ft gooti a blacBe amo ge tBe lamBe^/let mat Be mef t toftB me.Ban f apbe %abM:fM/% am con tent/mat it be aco;opng ass tBou Bad rap be. $nbBett&gt;BeoiftmatramebaetB.egoote*

mat toere partfe a of bpuerfc coloweesJ/a an tBe (Begoote^mattoere rpotte&amp;a pata'e co loureb/aaUtBatBab toBpte in tbe/a me fttecfieamSge tBe lambda put mf fn mebe tf teofBi*fotmw/afttm;e:bape)Stoirnep w bettoirteBfmfeifeanb3acoB..3|ibfo39coo fteptemerea of tMm. flWWi. . . 4. \, J :3acbB toberoboesJ of grene P9pufar/Bafep of cbemiottreea/appneotoBWih^BeiSB! n/a mabemetoBpteaperem me fl*W| Beaut tBe ftaiie* toBpcBeBeBabppK^ ,. Befo;emetBepe/mp guttensatoattmg ttougBft/toBen tBe mepe came to t&gt;rmW&gt; matttepmumeegceauetoben mepcame ft fcpncB* JnbtBe mepe conceaurb befo^tB*

# )Cl J* fb;m Meb/fpottebano artft.&amp;Btn-S^oB partebtBe iamBejt anb &lt;s$ (jbefaee? of me mepe totoam fpotten . -M tptoamwmaner of BlacBe tbntg? j 0; oto otitffl e. ft beft e? bfXab|u3tttti Be mac? KgnflojtMa BWatone bp me relfe/ totjpcb Beputnotfanto me flocfteg of JtabS. 3D.nb all tosie in me fp;ft BucBrng tpme of tBe (Bepe/ 5 acob pu t me ftaiiej? befo;e me mepe intbi guttetf/tfiat roepmpgbt .coceaue .befo;e me aauegvBufmme.wtt^^cb^B^ tpme /Be pi^tbemnot tbn;e:rotBejaftb?pbe teas "da baxift ame fpwS'acblwi JhbtBemS became er- cebpngrpebe a Babmanp Qiepe/ mapaerae uahtcjs/mertraruaimt/camew a aOcjs. cat f bt tBmaun'B emeii t of &lt;3SotJJa(oi Bcpat ecD ft 5 laban/| tofec1)jB gooCfBtwitb Bjm. acbtl ScalctQ t)?? tattlers jma3tp.a,awm.folotoMbjafgB.ttl)ffo

licnaunt Bttwnt laban ano Jacob. CBe.w*!.Baptee. . . j9&amp;3acob Beame me too;beg ofXaS Banffomtesi BototBep f apoc : gra? ob Bam ta&amp;i atoape au mat tea? refatBerst/anb of oure fatbets gooQestBatBBegotfaim^Bonoure.ltnb|la cob BeBememe countenaftcwf Uaban/mat tttoasnot totoarbBpmaisit teap in tpntejs {faHJhbme)lp;befapbebnto3acob:turne agapne in to me lanbeofrnpfam^ a to me Bpnteb/al topabetoPiB tBe.cBanjacob fentacatteblBaBen ajLeatotBefeibe bnto BWmepe/^fapbebntp me3!repourfatB3 countenamicematftfffnottotoarbmeattin tpme? pa Q. #o;eouer p ob of m p famer Bambenetopmtne. ^nbpe.bnotoe Bote mat 9 Baue feruebpoure fatBer tt allmp mpgBt. Inbpoure fatBerBatBbiTceauebme/ acbafi gcb mv toagewctpmesfc&amp;ut oBfuftreb Bira not to Burteme. ndBenBefavbe/mefpottea mall Be mp toagegt / man all me mepe Bare rpotteb.3fBe ra^e/me QraBeb(Baubemp retoarbe/ma bare all me mepe ftrafieb: tfiu*-,* BatB &lt;ob taKatoape pome fatBets catena' geuf tytm me.Jf 0; in butting tpme 3 fi?fte&amp; bpmpne vtt afatoeinab;eame/abeBolbe/ tlierame? g bucbebtbelbepe toere ftrafieb/ fpotten a partpe.anbg angeHof &lt;5obfpafie ntomemab;eame/rapmge:3acobf %vs&gt; 3 anftoereo^ere am 3. anb be fapbe . ipftebp mpneepe0afe/Botoallm^tdme0matleape bpontBemepeare ftrafieb/Cpotteb a.partpe: fo;3 Baue fene all g lUBanbombnto tBe.g am pbB of*38emeltoBeretflou anopntebft kaftftti meftone/ato&amp;ermoubottebttabotoebnto mei5otoW?^^e*i^ofm^i^tt^*owit.^ff&lt; arefumebnto^ labe toBermou toaftbiwtte. mm anftoer eb aBei a l-ea/a fapBe bn , to Bpmitoe Baue nopaetetto; enBerptaflcein pure famew BouOV Be cotontem bB euen ass

|raW*ew/fo;BfBam rofpew/aBatB euen bjnf, eaten

mm bp tfiep?tce of b^weouctautbett |&gt;auc5iwf^teftatB^e5ownbc6/t cbe0tobicbobbatbtarwfroourfatt)er/p; raoufolotoebettaftermeffboubaft fear tt pureu i oure cbplb?f0.#oto tftetf o?e tobat dirt al rap Gufle n totat baft tb ou . fbunbei rf roeuettfobbatbiapbebntotbe/ ^Do.^an all tbpboul&amp;olb Output it bmbefojetftp jacobtofe bp/a let ftps f omteu * topmtfbp bpS camels/ $ caneb atoa? all bi0 cateil a al Ufjs fubttate tobtcb be bab gotte fit &lt;acropa= tamt'a/fo? to go to Jfaacftis fatfter bnto tfte * en.^tw lanbe of canaS.Xaban toast gone to*(bere b.s-cff^i\t.b!jsibtp : /9JBabelbnbftol5bv^ffltftCTistms


b?tfb#ampne/ aJettbemcge bettofrte b$ botb.bi0.w:.peretbat J bauebencto tbe/ tDp Ibepe an)pgoote0 batte notbene bare/9 tberammesoftbpoocfte bue J not eaten. tbatroeuectoa0*tbme of beallft bjougftt itnotbntotbe/butmaoeitgoobmvreifeioE


Utt'ft bliltob tfif o beparf eb ana tomt bnto b(0 place agapne.tit Jacob toent fojtt) on h^ioutnep.anD rye angels of csoo came* mettbpm.anbtoben Jacob fatoe tbem /be (am-M?- it gW ftooB: ? caneb tft e name fiftbat fame place/^abanami.



gtoanb Jacob ftale atoape tbe bert of Xa* mpbanbeppbefttbou tequp?e it/ toftetbe


bantbe&amp;ptfen/infbctolbebpmnotp; be fle&amp;.^oflebbeaautbatbebab/araabebtm reife tecp/a pad ouet tfte rpuens/ a fetbi0 face (trcpgftt totoars tbe mount e &lt;&amp;tleao. capon tbe tt)P?be bap aftet/toa* ft toloXa ban i Jacob fieo. &amp;ft an be tofte bits b je tb;5 \bbpmafototoebaftetbpm.toti.bape0fot1r* nep/aouettofiebfmattftemounte tftieao, 303iio od came to Xaban tfte a&gt;trian in a b?eamebpnpgbt/afapb bnto bim: tafie bebe to tbpreife/tbattbou fpeafienotto Jacob ougbtfatte gooo. anb Xaban ouer tofte Ja* cob-.ajacob bab pftcbeo ft t tfte tnf moffte. and Xaban to bus bjerb?? pitebeb tfieir me alf o bp5 tfte mounte iieao.cftan rapte Xa ban to^acob -.iBftpftaft tftoutftps bone to ttealeatoapempftert / anbearpe atoapehtp bQi^btersastbougbtbepbabbenetafiecap tyue to tbe tamti tmtxtoit toentett tbou atoape fectetlptonftnotoneto me/attbbpbeft notteilme/f Jjrapgbtftaucb?ougbt tfteon tbe toape to mpttb/fpngpng/tpmreis a bar* pes/$ baft not fuffrebme to fiiffc mv eft pio?e * i.*eg.itt0.c.9mp baugftters^bou toatt*a f ole to bo ft/ q&amp;n.t*M. fo? J,amabletobopoueupll.38ut$ &lt;fob of pout fatbet tpafie bnto me reftcr&amp;ape fapfg: tafiebebe $ tftoufpeafie not to Jacob oiigbt faue gooo J no note tftougft tbcutoetefttftp toape/becaufe tbou logeft after th v fatber? boufe/pettobetfoje baft tbott ftole mp gow^' Jacob anCtoeieb $ fafbe to )Lab:becaure % teas! afcapeb/a tbottgbt tbat tbou tooloeft *bauetafteatoapetftpbougbtet8iftome.5eut tola) toft ome foeuec tbou fpnbett tin gobby let bftu bve ftete before oure b;etb?eng&gt;efie tbat tljtne (0 b% mm tafie ft to :fo; g&gt;acob tepllnot i ffiaftelbab ftoien n)f.ban toent DHabaiitti tp Jlacobu tlte/ a into X.eau me/ 9 in to jjf ,mapbf JJ tentes -.but t ounce tft t not. rban toentbe out of X eas tente/a entteb in to 3H aft eljs the , Jtnb 1 aft el tofte tbe images aputtft^m tfte camewi ttratoe/arateboune bpon tbe" JnbXaban fetcfteD an tbe tete:but l ounce tbe not.cban fapbe Kb* to bvf fatbet: Kiplo^oe/benotangtptbaW cannotrpfebp b efo?e tfte/fo ? fi)e befeafe of toom en (0 come n bpSme.&amp;ofeatcbeb fte. dutfoimaetftenot. v^^pcob toa^ to^ootft/ cbotie toi'tft Xaban. Jacob atto anftoettD anbfapoc t obftn;toftat

toaisftolieribyiiapeb?npgftt.flo?eoueebp_ .

bafetbebeteconrttmeb me/anbtfte coioebv JT npgbt/f rap flepe ojfpatteb fro nipir epesi. Cbu0 ft auej b ehe .]:. jcete m tftf ft oure/ a fecuebtbe*]riht.peieis f 6? tftitff .bougbtcrss/a #*w^w. b(.perefo;n)?lbcpe/atftoubaft cbageurap retoarbe.wpraesi.ainb ejecepttfte oo ofmp firtbet/tbe &lt;BobQfaib?abS/a ootoftome 5!faac :' featetb bab bene to me: f utelp tbou a . $mt ii ijaouett fent me atoape bote all emptie.3But m lot m ffirobbtb'eibe rap trtbulacpo/anbttje laboute 5*2"*gj of mpbaniiejSMUibt'ebubeD tbepettetbape. m tn W (l 'Xabrtn anftoeteb 9 rnpbe bnto Jacob : tfte bougbtersiatemp bougbterji/ a tbe rftpib?en atemp cbPlb?en/tbe (bepeatemp Qjepe/ 9 all tftat tbou fefftttmpne.Hnbtoftat can a do mis Dave bnto tbere mp bougfttetg/o? bn^ to ftjeit cbflb?e tohf eft tt)ep ftaueb omi &amp;tfa tbetf o;e come oh/let bjet mafic a bonce/ J ana tbou to getbev/a let ft be a to ten e tre bettoene tbeame.^bantofiej'acobaftoneanb fetft fcp an enbe/anb fapbe bnto W b;eu)?en/ga tft ex ones Jnbtt)ep toft t ttones/ amabean fteape//* tbep ate tt)ere bpo tbe fteape . ana XabancalleDitjegat^aftabuOa/butgfa cob calleb ft iicab. . ; cban fapbe Xaban: tbfefteapebe*topt* df( neffebettoene f ametbfebapetttjetfo^eftjft ** fii.d caneb&lt;5fleawatb*totebpu tobtcb Xo#e ^.fT**! fetb( betoptneffe bettoene me ana tbe toben toe are bepattebone fro anotftet: tbat n)ou (baft not cere mp oougbter^ ne* met (bait tafie otbettoptie* bnto tft em .9 ere iSnomantoirftti^beftolDe/GBObistoitneae bettotictetbeanbme.3inbXabanrapbemo l !e ouer to Jacob: beftolbe/tftts fteape ano tftf matfietobtcbjiftauefetfteve/bettofjtteme 9 tt)e^t0beapebetoptneffeaalfotbt0marfte tbatatopunotcomeouertftisfteapeto rfte/ a o)ou (bait not come ouet tin* ft eape a tljrff marfie to bo anp barme.licob of 3b?aba7 tbeobof J9abo;/anb tfte &lt;obof tfteirfa^ thensbewogebettoi&gt;teb0.

ainbTacobftoarebpftpm tftat ftp* fatbet: Jacob bpb facrpftccbpa tfte mottn'te/anb calico ftps b?etft?en toeate tyeekSinb tbep ate b?eeo a tar f eb all mgftte mtbebpnJnb eatlpm 6 mojnpngexaban , tet#

bbJHtfA '

fM Uf finori ofebe fitnocllB.38b fentefftpjefenfa ttntODM b;othtc &lt;erau.Qo\D^tto;eftltbto&lt;Atb" nclltobfct) etjautioco W amc and calico l)lm jft CCftcicrjcttcbaptet. a cob fentemeoengety bcfo;eftpm

can rad,

- ltbp^/alpftitopreantbatfototoebn)&amp; Wouegraptng^of tftismanet fe $ pefpeafie bnto fau tobenpe mete bun / a fapbemo;ii Ouet!,58cbol8etbp feruaunte Jacob comeh) aftet bg/fo? fte fapb.j toill peafe ftps to?atb totrt) tfte parent tftat got ft befo?emea afteb toarbi topil fecftpm mp felf e/ f perabuen* ture be topll teeeaue me to grace. &gt; to ent tbe p;efentbefO;e ftim anb fte tarteo all tbat ttpgfttemtftetnite/ai'orebp f&gt; famentgbte W .. W ,. WB ami to(EfnubP)Sb;otberybntotbeianD ' .fcrtnw/atoctouet;tbefoo?be3!; *of&amp;eftatbefemof$bom.3in&amp; betoftetbe^fenttbfouertbetpuet/aCent! [)ecomaunbebtbemlapmg:fetbae' ouCTibeftabatanflibcbtnbbtmfelfaloitf^ " "'""" anBtbere^aaiebaraantoftbb^mbnto^ftj.fl.fc n)c b?eafipnge of t bape Jnbtoben be fatoenjatbe eouloe not p;euaple agapnft bint/ fte fmotebpm bnbev tbetbpe/ atbefenotoeof Jacobs n)pe tft?anfi e 80 be to? a aieb to ftmi. 3nb be fapb:let me goo/fo? $ oapefyeaftetb" 3nb be fapb:J topll not lett tft e goo/ejtcepte tfiou bleue me.anbfte fapbe bntobmt: toftat t0 tfipname^e anftoeteb: Jacob .anbfte fapb:tboulbaltte callcbjacobnorao?e/but *mne,mw *^fraell.!Jfo; tftouftaft to?aClebtoptb on

abattpjeuapieo. anblacobaffteb^rafaprnge/teitmetbP^ name.anb be rapb/toftc rfo?e botttftouat fte^ Wf .,.( ; M .. r tv .wm.v , - .. mc ^ .. .... after mp* namef a fte Wefieb bnmbere.anb anbjacobfapb;fll&gt;gob of mp fatbet abja f,acobcaHeb?name of f place Phem'ei/fo ? t. co fc&lt;Bo&amp; bS/a&lt;ttof mp fafyergfaac-.Xoaetobpcb ibauerenetSobface" toface/9pett0tttpfa fa w fapbettbnto me/ r cturne bnto tbpcfitreanb fpfe ttferueb.ano a0beteent ouet f ft crtiel jjlg!. * irtotbpfipnreb/aJtopllboaHtoeHtottt)tbe. tbefbnnewfebpebtm/afteftaltcbtjpfibps?^ *giaranottoO?tftpoftbeleatteofan^eraer ttpe:toI)etfo?etbecbplb?enof fftaeiltmixm mmi uttmwtbcro treutb toW* tboubaft Ibetoeb bnto not of tbefenpto t lb?ancftcbnbcr tf te tftpe/ atc.98ma,tbPfmiaunte.!jro?tompttafcante3!ouet bntotbP0bape:becaufelftefmote Jacob of fteawg tb(0io;bane/a note bane J goten..woue0 bnoet tbe tbpe in tfte fenoto tf tat fl)?oncfte. SfSTfiL'^S efptteeme from tbe banbe0 of mp b?otbee cean3M a" wtw jmb camt into ftici )?, ^6afiIcfau:fo?gifearebtm:lettbetoplfBorae^ firbe.w:mi.bapter.

pe l peafte after tft is manet to mp iojo crau: tbpftruaunte Jacob fapn)tbu0.3!bauefo* gevneo a bene a ftrafiget toptbXabanbttto tftps tpme a baue gotte ojren/ aires a Ibepe/ menfemafites a to emenf eruauntes/ a baue fentto tftctoe ttmplojoe/tbatjmap tpnoe . grace fotbpfP8&amp;te.atrt) * meffengew came ^ agapne to Jacob raping :toe came snto tbp b?otberCfau/afte cornea) agepntttbea.ftrt ft ao?e&amp; men to ft" toa0 J acob greatip afrapb/atotSnottobicbtoapetotumebnn felfe/anb beupbeb tfte people tftat teas torn) bim a tfte Qiepe/oren a camels/* pmttm rapb;Jf Cfau cometof one parte afmpteft/flieotftermapfiweftfelfe.

now (jl&gt;

...'(obo tpa* rmptetbemotftettoptbttje cbplb?en .^Ijott

Mflwijannfepijetttbattftoutoolbeftfurclpbomegoob/ h^flfflh/ f toolbeft mafie mp feeb a0 the fonbe of tbe mmm fte tofticft can not be nobreb fo? multituoc. ' ahbbetarteotfteretbatfamenpgbte/? tofie off toftpeft cametobanbe/aweaient/ bnto (Efauftis Iwtfter.ttbunftebtiie goote0

Cbe.Wittt!.&lt;lftapter. acob ipfte bp ftts epe0 a ratoe ftps a bjotbercrau come / atobpnun). bunb?ebmen.anb bebeupseb tbe , cbb?en bnto Xea a bhto Waftej 9 bnto t.if.mapbf0.ani&gt;beputtbemapbl0 ,9 tbeftcbflb?? fO^toll/aXea abP? cbilb?e af* ter/affiabelanbgiofepbbinDermott.anbfte

t ? toentbefo?etbmafeiiontbegwtoiuie.btf. me0UbP?tpemplcbcame!0toftbtbe(tcoIte0 tpme0/bntpfl be came bnto Mfmek. .fipne a.y.buiies.w:.aieatf09 j:.fole0anli &lt;ctautanne tomete bims enb?accep^ Wr a belpuereo tbent bnto bP0 fmiaunte0 / euetp anb feU onbf necfie a bpm/anb tbep b?ouebptberafelut0/ afapbebiitbtt)f:goo: S^*f^2^K^*S?I%. fo;tt)befo?erae aputafpacebtttofttecwetp ^^i^i^^e/^apb^batare tftere b?oue.anbftecSmafibeb* fo?raellfapmge. tolicbftwitobaa^nbbe^pMftepare;, tebf(faumpb;otfietmetecbtbe9ajcet&amp; fcb^etob^gwbatbgeuetftpfcriiaute/ tbefapfttge-.tobofe feruaunte arttbouanb tfbancametbe mapbens ft&gt;?tft /^bpbtb eft to^ftbetgobtt tbou /atoboreattberep- goo obepfatfce.xeaaifoabp?tbplbrecameanij ftefo?e $!tbou tbaltfaptbepbetbpfettiatJte- bpbtben; obapfaunce .anbiatt of all came * jatob0/aare a p?efent few bnto mpl,o?be J^fepb a r !Rabel antupbtbeit |obavfoi tnce. c jfau/abeboioe/bebpmTelfecbmeiaftei;; ; a^^faMRtobatmeawfttboutoailtft^ b0jtUiroc5mounJ)ebietfiefeconoe/wiet ; b?owe0^^


cWapp&amp;bauepnougbmfbjottjer/Bepc ^eJia&gt;^crao?com?nc5.toit5t^famB^59 I tboubaibntb m fyf MactfoWtotxm * coule of mpf onne &amp;W mty fojpoute k nap/but tfa&amp;aue fWnoc grace intfij Dougtet:j^ue^(jfmtotoi?fe/$maj^ira imie/tecemm Recent ofmpbanae : fo; rtagess tt b$J:geuei?oiire6MjgbKr$$ bnto w/ Sue reiie typface* as ttjougb 3 Uaa fene - ** " **, , hv*,n , ffacc,of&lt;iPofcto^etfo;ereceauemeto8race9taBempbfeflpnBtbat$haueb?ou8bttbe/ fifatt(^ft85.#nDfoftec5pelTeD^mtotafie ,. w -^ , r~* ;-- ,^ - 4 ^ ft&amp;aftftlMt'b* tafie cure twrnep 9 eptf/ftWatfoeueepe apomteme/^at totn 8M/attti5RtDrtlgob&lt;nftpcomtan?Jw&gt;6e gisewe.^e frelpafmebotBtBeDoto?pan&amp; . 3, .,* ..._ .,-.- -^ ^-- ptcjs/^gjtosnseueaccwiiiinfieastfefafe



t seuemetbe pamfeiwo topfe nninwiKuw/'M"veM..v,.H,v.,vwMv*- .... tbefonnejsof !Jacob atiftoeteow jjiwietjuteiieoneDate/^e^oleflocitetooia- ^f*Newe;^fafetKpfeJltvbe&lt; &amp;pe\ietmpJo#etberfo?eBoobefbjebfefet caufefte&amp;a6Def?ir6matfieft;f|Jet.ti&a mp;




r t

&lt;* a(jtf9tobatfoeuertoa$m$cpte9arfoMt BprnrntBepIacetobttebetantebtoMbim. tfie ftUSJnb all tbetc goo&amp;ejf/aK itya cBfl* nb |acob fet bp a marbe in place toftete b?en ana tbetr topue* tofie tbep captpue attB Be talfie&amp;tottb bmr.euen a pil loure of ftone/ madeBauocB of alitbat tea* witfte Baife*, 9poto?eo typnfieoffringe tberon $ poto zeo 3Pnli Sacoli rapbeto&amp;ftneSanbJleiifcpe alfoopietbero/9 callebtbenamcof place ftaue ttoublca me $mabe me apncfte bnto tobere&lt;obCpaBetoitbbun/;en)eir. tfie in^abitatoutjs of tuc tenae / Canaanpte* nia alfobnto tbePBetejfteu, ana 31 am fefcoe mnomb;e.tbetfo?e ftes ftall gather tbem femes? togetfter agapnft me 9 flepme/9 fo (bail gi and mpboufe be op

Oropeb .and tbep antoereo: Qua tbep beau toptb oiwe fp&amp;er a* toptb an WBooper

J Hi!

c ! anDc of &amp; a 1 1 na is p ;om j fed &amp;m.acb,rt ept ( ft

3a lift


MH ,*v W .. 3 ).tv H v. e ^-,.-. e(W - ~ep(apbbntot#/toecannotbotb##niBe co?6wiBeaistbefateHn)atBotbbefo?enie tbattwIbiilbeBmetvwfrttectoonetbat anb ty cbpajen/beableto waumbirtpHgj fcbnareffcpTeb/ fojtBattoerea tbamebnto comettmjUwuebnto^eft. b?.nr?6itbWtorUtocconrentbmotoiiJ ...

anD0&amp;ufapoe:letme petleauefome of 9lfte topllbeajJ toebe/tbatalltbemen cbpl mkp!fiettfteJttbBerawe:tobatne8&amp;etb fcmamonBepottbecftcumci&gt;fco/toantot?n .. t'tfletmcfl*dec#acein$fp8bteofmphd. toeBeueom*&amp;o^te*topou9tafiep(Rive*' ** &amp;o&lt;jctau toentbfe toape agapnetbat fame tobis/9 tofltMpeUtoftbrmi *be pnepeople. ^oapebnto^eit.aintiiacobtofieb^^our*. jBut^pfpetopllnotbatbfbntobsttobecft. neptotoata^ucotl)/atitibvltbimant)oufe/ atmcpfeD/tban toplltoe tabeoiiteoougbtec ; &lt; anbmabeboot&amp;ea fo^bttcatell: tebewftbe Soo ouretoapejJ Jinb(befttoo?bejSpieaf eb ,,% itameoftbelacej0caneb^ucofb. - : Mo^^^cbmbfefonneJnbtbetionBe anbiacoDramepeafabivmtoceerteeof mSbefetbenotfo;tobotfietbFnBe/becaure feicbemmtbelance of Canaan/ after flat. bebabamat^i)b^bimgbt;:betoa8!alfo. bctoJcomeftomfl9efopotamia/9pftcbeB moftfettbpofaHtbatteeremb^faibew : beteetbefpte/^bouBbtapavceWofBtolia:^emo;9g)&lt;cbemb&gt;eMbntot6e , tobetebepitcbebb^tent/oftbeeljiflojenqf: Bateoftbeftcpte/^comenebtoptbtbemeii ^ntoJS&lt;cb7jJfatbet/fo?anbat?ebl8beis.: oftbefeeptefa^nB'.tbefemenawpeafabie antbemaoetbere anaultet / ^tbevecalleo , tot&amp;bg/ ^topJiDtoentntbeiaittie 9 0 0 tbefc bpontbempBbtteiBobofgffrael. . ocfupadonlbetni.anb(ntljeia)en;ctohp wthjftmiw of Jacob. i fliefcofentbntobSfoitoMbeHtoitbbssw beJW^f.4baptCT. ... 6e&lt;mepeopie*fafltbemencbfffeetftatatt 2t t^^^ g^na tbe Dougbtet of %ta b^vcb! amongebS be circfictfeD a?s Hje^ a rbe(t e batebtito Jacob /toentoutto: goooejtanbtbe^rubftanceaaatbefecatell emebougbtetitof^eidoe.ara) aveoureiS/onrpietbjScSfentebntotbf/^ac __^&gt;&lt;cb?tberonneof^emo?tbe^e ^ejma?ebieirtofftbjj, ^uitelo;lieofcoatte/Catoebet*tobe5ei;/* s 3n&amp;bnto$emo;an&amp;&amp;iebemb#fott mJ S3ff ? B rape.ibec/?ifo?ccb*b:btebartelapebit&gt; batfienebaWftatirftputat tbeaate o fbtJ*^ net V ma^DQugBtetof^;beloueog c^te.anDall f mencb^f toewctoffcffeb|* *&amp;.m.ttie, bamfen sfpafte ftpnotymuobet/sfpafiebn bibat-roeuntDf t outattbeg ategofBteate. tpbr0fatbet%emo?fa^nBe/BettmeibPi-. 3Bnbbftbftbbape,bjbenftia0pai?nefuHt&lt;r majbebrttomptopfeJnbfacobbewe jbat tbentitof tbefotmeisqef acob^pmeSanb j; bebabBefHeb Etna bKJbottgbter/bHtbw- XeutfmMJb;et?eo/tobeetbetof^f b?0 ^ .

fonneu toece bsftb tbe catentn tbe feiee/ana *ttoettie9toentw to m ctteboioip/^n etoer'f'"^, jetfo;ebe Bette bfepeace/bntfll tyatom M mt toe0 mare/ 9 fletoe affo fiemo? att&a mp;* mtt &gt;' ** cDme.^benemo&gt;tbe fatbetof &amp;&gt;fcpb?et ^trcRe bpjsfonnetttbeeogeofaiettBet be/' cut bnto ^acob/to com en tof tft bi m.3n&amp; tbe anotobe W&gt;im tftetc ftttet out of ^tt"cbem3 iloonrtofgiacQbcameoutofftfelbasJfjaimfc botife/9toentetoape* a tbepbeieft/fo; resteueo tftt^tbef vete ban came tbefonneffof gacob hPontbe

aboucerjKtibcti my c toitt) jjts fat^ccs tsncubjnr C|t oratb of Jfnnc. ilcbe.FWb.dbaptet.

3nb tbep oepaweo from 25etbel/ 9 toben Be tea? but a felD b?e&amp;e froflEpb?atb/)Raljef begS to crauelU no in trau eipnge flj e inag ^ m peteH.Hinoa^ 0)e toasi tnpapneg of bP? tebwwe tbe mpotopfefapoebntobettfeare not/fo? tb on alt baue tbptf fonne alfo. bm ag b?? f oule toais a bepatrpnge / tbat ejacob gocnTDp unto t&lt;6tH oiicj cttj bw mm c*mua opeiCDe calleo W name 55enflDm , '9.* tnmm one. 3Drto?aBi&gt;t). jatob fatal to Jfcwi jguteijj f at Bet calleo bmt jseng iami JMffiSK i&amp;ttfHnje&amp;ttabel ^toagburpeu intljemavenScivsM tocpb?atbtobicb nobjfe called etbie&amp;e, HUbwngtc ., _,..,.,.,.-, anblacobfettbpapplletbpon bwgraue/y" 166 ,9 gf i5u (Boo tapbe bntoaacob/arfte 9 tobPcb ft called laaftelss graue ppirer bntof?, ' 80 '"' f0 ^ get tljebp toJBetbell/anbbtoeU tbWbape.anogiCtaeltofttljence^pttc&amp;eo tbeie .anb mafie t&amp;erean aultee bpbfc tentbeponoe tbe*touve of ^m t mum^t.uij .c ___, bnto oti tbat apeateb biito tbe/ itcbauncea at Iftael otoelt m g {anoe/tBae toben tbou fleobeft from; fau tflp teotber. JRuben toet 9 lape* roittt m\)a W fat berjs n^ * * ^3fapD3jacobbnto B$boutyotoe9 to all cScubpne/andttcameto gftracw eare .cl)f^ a, irwccfti tbat toerc toftb btm/put atoaptbe ftrafige fonneg of 3!acob toete.rn .tn n5b?e.tie fon&lt; wecauciiiaUBoiiDegitbatareamSgepouanDmaBepoute neisofjLea.lSubenS'acobgelDeftfon ne/anb

"^Soi'feiuejScleane/^cbaungepouregarmftejJ/^ &amp;tmeon/jUut/ , JuDa/ , 2Cac&amp ;at793abirton. SmwflSS; W b? arpre 9 goo bp to tfetbeli / 1 3!map e cbeforate? of abefcforepb 9? 3enlamm. i/bftauTn^mafte an aulter tbere/bnto goo tobb beroe cbe f onnejj of tft'ibaJaabei ss mapfie:?an 9 rfbppptw me in t&amp;e&amp;aye of mptntJulaciS^toajj toitb j9eptbali.cftefonnesi of3Hpba teajsmapb fK c mem^etoapetobt'cb51toent. ab^ater.cbefearetbefonnegofgiacob MBoww, anb^epgaue bnto |acob all tbe Otaffge tobb toerebo?nebimm 3l9efopotami8. BODDefStobtcbtoerebnDer tbefrbanDej/*a cbengjacobtoentbnto "jfaacOpsfatber t&amp;etr carpngep toljt'cb toete m tftei'r mtm to QpSre a principal l cptc/otli eitDi're calico |acob bp&amp; tbembnoet anooBeat^tcbem. i9eb?omtobereab?abam93;faacrogeo?uea anbtbep8eparteD,3tnbtbefeateof(!obfen a^ftraungersi.ainbtbebapegi ofgifaactoere bpon tbe cpt fess p to ere r'ounbe aboute tftf/ an bunb?eb 9 .lr?t.peref3: 9 tba n fell be f en t c . sco i. c p t tbat tbepburtt not folotoe after tbe fonneg 9bpe&amp;/an&amp;toa0 t putbntobfe5p eoplebepng*m(oi)ispcoj,ic of3!acob.^ocame3!acobto)Lusm^lanb olbeanb fun ofbapes.SCnbb^ Conner cEfau IOO ' , &g t;mM. ofCanaan/otijettopfecaneb58etBen/toftb anbgiacobburtebbpm. nM ' ^al tbepeople ttiattoaP toptb bpm.ainbbe c,mttoiwot&lt;s(au.3acm &amp;mtKtt&lt;e d)t.t&lt;n)i bupHieo tbere an aulter/anb calleo tbe place Bftaioaie of efau. fau UMticti m tac u m *f ir. 53etbell:becaure tbat gob appereb bnto Btm _ wa ^ i ^ e -^ t - (irl,a ' )t ^' ._ tbete/tobenbe flebfrom W blotter. raftaw %2SS?fiE fiffi 30 ttt.HfW8 cbanbpeD*5ebo?aebecca0 no?fc/9 ragBBBMiftcaHebCoo.crautoBebig toag Web benetbejeetbenbtiuer an oofie. g H^^W of fbebaugbtew of canaS anbtbenameoftttoajScallebtbeooBeofra U^Mma A!!S#? SftSSR r t ta,8,mentacfon.5llnb(!5obappeatebbnto*3acpb tbfte/anbabanbamatbebaugoterof3fi na/ Sneafterbecameoutof (efopotamfa tob&lt;cB3natoaiS tbe fonne of 3fbeon an^e abreflebbim afapbe bnto bumtbp name tg wpte/llinb^afmatpfnmcrf baugbteranb s ijj c . W bfg.s

SSSSttof baWnge*oualtbeno ftBeeofJSebaiotbJnbJbabarebntocfau' m4 callea *gacob / butgjfraeiaialbe tbl? Ii^bW5tattt^ ^ammt&amp;Jbarem eguei : 3D no *gwm


bablsenUtacobjs .ff!ebn)eitO'Senanbtofietbcfr5!epe/oren aces


&lt; V

namelnbrotoasbfenamecaueblftaeu. &amp;aIamabareSeu*/ja^ lnbobfapbebntoBpmj3am(!Wiba% 9tttm tbefotmeg ami M1MSBSS mr^tte/Brotoe9mttttn)lpe:ffl?peopteanD Bomebtmtn tbe lanbe of Canaan. uK^wttere SStftuaeofneoplefflau fp/pnge of tbe/ awififautoBeBp)8topue0/bPS5fonttCf5 96pcr.nam c0 Sal UeiiwsiaxwMMfim E5SSSSB2S ?SSS2S tortl^geuebntotbe/9bntotbpfeebaftec toljpcbbebaDgottmgelanb* o/fanaan/ tepnlkwftnbs5obbepaeb fwrn anb toentwto acoumte atoape aombg



~ ^..... r ..,.-. vtm ., , ., .-... . e ^ r r- tlt&amp;tlun 8 *wttl tepgnea mocb/tbattbepcouiacnotbtoell togetbet/ MfimMMDowft^t^teMnttii snp a* tbetena tobetemtbeptoetefttauget*/ ftpn8eamwti^*l?U^J9^flel.38a couiaenotteceauetbenubecaureoftbelcca ^fcrMlMeo?wpBnftKimM/2e tell , abu* btoeit &lt;Sfmin mounte fctfft / nwtilW cp toa* JSinbaba ..ana toben tobitb tftaui* caileaca8,bereatetbege* netaciS* of tffau fatbet of d?e ompte* in mofite &gt; eit/ a tbef e are name? of flfau* *i. pat* j.b fonne*:*(Hpba* tbe tonne of aaa tbe topfe

of dJTau/aiBcgueltbe tonne oftfafmadj

tfelaapea/gobab tbe tonne aES&gt;erab out of tfejata/telgnebtn bp ftea&amp;e. HBben $o* bab toa*beaa/^ufamof tbelSbof cbema* npwwncoto^fteaje.aiinaafteftfteoetft of ipufom/riaaaatbe fbnne of tfeaaa tobtc&amp;

tot te.cbeman/)mat/3epbo/ ti&amp;actbam a ftf -*** ***# n, r am

ft ena*.ana cfjimna tea? concubpne t o &amp;i pba*crau*ronne/8batebntolipba*tna . . lecb.anb tbefe be tbe tonne* of aaa iBfati* topfe.anatbefe ate tonnes* of eguefc#a batft/^ etaft / &gt;ama $ g$iTa:tbef e toete tonnes! of tfalmatb fau* topfe. anbtbefe toere tonnes* ofabalibama &lt;gfau* topfe . oaugbtet of anatonne of Sebeon/tobicb 9* batebrttorau:3!m*/3f.eaiamanaoab. } &lt;r cbefe toeteaufte*oftbe tonne* of draw. ,.a.u be mam of* tiMM* f? # tow** w rautoetetbefe:aufiecbemS/bufieflDmat/ ouJie?epb/au&amp;eaenas/Dufte ftojtab/aufte cEiaetbSabufie'amaiecbst&amp;ere aw Ratine* Mat came of tflfpba* m tbe lanbe of dawn/ a tbefe toete tbe tonne* of aaa.cbcfe toete

.. __..., ^ababtoasJbeab/ amra of spaftefiatepgneb in bP* tteaae. -JBwifeamla toa* teaa/&gt;aul of tberp* ttWlRefc^jesgnebtn bp*tteabe.lbett ' " Utoa*aeab/}eaai^attan tbe tonne of ioj wpgMfo&amp;fe tteabe.anaafteetbe of SSaltyanan ty fonrte of acbbo?/ fcababtepgneainbte Qeabe / a tbe name of cpte toa*?Bagu.anabl# topfess name $e b etabeeltbeaougbtet Qf0ati:eb t^e oouglj

tetbffilNaabv . . , ^ereataename*of t&amp;eoufte* $ came of &lt;ffau/m$ jeij .fipnteae*/place* aname*; ^uftecbimma/bufteaiua/aulie SWQe^/ cube abalibama/ cube &lt;la /MfttWiMi/ aufie ftena*/ m*ebeman/aubc Sj?ibiar/

tte tbflMe of KegueltfCau* tonne:MtBe$a bu*e fl9a^e^uReJ^^etobetbeDu Wbie*etab/bufteft&gt;aras/buftem&lt;fla. IMiMNrtn!iii&amp;tt!&amp;!

cbtfe ate tbe bufic* tbat came of iseguei m tbelanbeof &lt;bom/ a tbefe toete ibc forme* oftfaCmatb tffau* topfe&amp;befetoctej ffl teen of abalibama &lt;mu* topfe:buBejeu*/ onfte5aelS/oufteo^al)/fl)efe Bu6e*came ofabalibama tbe bougbtet of anatffau* topfe.cbtf e ate tbe cbpiwe of fau/atbe atetbebttfiesJoftbem: tyify &lt;fauijscau"eb ffDom.befeatetbecbtIb;e of ^efttbe^o titt/Qt in babftouK of tbe lanbe : jlotban/ &lt;feobal/5ibeS/aina/?0!fon / &amp;tv a ^ttan. Cbefe ate tbe bubesi of M$ tbe cbiib^i ofS&gt;ettftitbelanbeofaom.anatbecbfr s . wen of Hotban tot:ct o?e a l^emam . Etna ^aSS5/SaV*epboanam.bcto cbf^n/becaufebebegatbfm mb^oloe

lanbe of tb efcpoffero'on ji . b(0 fau fe ft)e fatbbftbecoom|te0. roftrt nfrtb W^WftlW 3f&gt;fPb ?t ametb' * isbatrt of bssbm^en* '8 foioc to tbcjfmatUtM. aplttljgoftp!&gt;. Cbe.ywbif.baptet;, l^o^acob btoeit tn k e (anb tobete 33 hi fe fatbet toais a fttadget / tbat is( to ra?e in tbe lanbe of Canaan. Jnb tbcte ate tbe Bcnetacponu oe . 3 ttobenlofetft toajwbiiVp ete oe/bcHepteQtepetottbb^^etb^/ 9$elabtoast

toitb tbe tonne* of Wa a of 5UvU bfe fa tbew tojuesUftbbefeousbtbnto tftett toi aneuWlapijj . ^ .

toete tbe cbvm;f of 3flwm Jt'a a^na/^ toa^tbatlinatb^fott^etbemttje* mitort WtnesJ / a* b^ i *&amp;J# fatBn: 5&lt;beonu atte*. be cfttfwen of ina toeteefe.tftn ana abaWbama f baufibttt of 3Dn8.begawi cbpIo;en of tton/$emoan fban/pwS a Cbetan-ffibecbstt^nof miw



one m&amp; Qtpto tbow wpjjne ouec wi fplebbponbfttt:to?bef*outeb2otbet!aote anbtbepbatebbnrrttbemo;e/becaureof flrelb. anbbbsb?etb?en toete content, cban


aae/abemabebnnacooteofmanFcpiou^i : a0benbi0b?etb?efatoetbattbel'tfatbet Iouebbimmo?ctbSallb^b?etbJC/tbepba teabnn 9 couibenotfnebe oneftsnbe tooflje bnto bpi. ^o?eottet?ofej)b*b?eameb **&lt;mt* became a toloett b3 b;etb?e:tobetfo?etbeg3S bateb^mjrt^mo?e.3Bnbbefawebntotb5


ifan toete:? atan.^bereave ft bufiesJ- baue b?eameb:)5eborbc toetoeremabwse Kw^fc btiftefea romegmtbefeloetaio/nrpfteffe atofeana

St^Beor/buW3na /bubebn/ ttobebpr^t/ aroute* ttobwojwaboute oufte mttMM wicm . tfhttt be tbebtme* a ma&amp;e obepraunce to mv ftefe.cban faf oc-

bifi b;eame anb of W too;be*. C anbbeo?eameDietanotbecb?cameatoib ttbfe b?etb?cn favingcbeboIDe /% bauebab one D;eame mo?e: me tbougbt tt)e fonne ami en moone anbjtaattes* maoe obepratmce tbme.anb tobe be baa tola it bnto bte fatbet anbbJSb?etb?en/blfS5fa^ettebufte6brma rasoebntoln'm : toljaf meanetbtbfe b?eamc tob&lt;cb tbon baft D?eameo:0)a % anb tltt mo tbet anocbp bietyw come aim fan on tbe Btounoebefo?etbe:*anbbte bitttum bateo bpm/butbfe fatbet noteo tbe fapmge. ^t0b?etb?entoenttoftepetbeit fat&amp;et* tyepetn ft&lt;cbem/an05f ftaetfapbebntoaos renb'.Donottbp b?cen nepetnjbicbemi? comettat^mapfcnDtbetotbS.ainbbeatt* i,, a ,&lt;,c.ftoeteb*bereamgi .anobefapoebnto bfm: gooaftoljetbetitbetoeHtoitbtbFb;e|)^ 8 tbe (bepe/a b^ngcme toopoe agajne.*na rent bim out of tbe bale of l&amp;ebjon/f o? to go to &gt;icbem . Bid a cettapne ma f ounbe bpm toantepnge out ofij tjs toat&gt;e in tbe felDe/ano ajceb bim toba t be tougbte Mm anftoeteD: I felie mv b;etb;i/teU me % p we tbe tebcte ftepfiepe Ibepe Jnotbemanfa^oe/tbepate bepattebbence/fo^lbefiietbefarletbsfgoo bnto otban. l)iifi toent|ofepb aftec W l)?etb?en/anb tounoetbfmm ?&amp;otban, anb tobf tbcj? fatoe bpm af atte of befo;e be cameat tbem/tbep tobe councell agasntt m m b/to?toOevbim/ afatoeonetoanotbet/ fam [ )8ebolDefb^*o?eametcomeJb/comeiioto anbletbsjaep wnm caftb?min to tome tnjtt/anbletb.e! frtpetbatftmetopcbeb beaft bad) oeuotueobim/ anb let bjfee tobat W b?eamesitoi?Hcometo. ^^ asbenlKubenbetbe tbat/be tomtaboute torwjbpi out of dieftbanbesJanbrafbe/iet fc b(8notfi?llbbn.anbaaubenfafliemo?eouCT 1 bnto Mi tym notbfe*Wouie/butca&amp;ntm in to tbt* wtt ti] a t $ in t^t totfoemess / ana laK nobanoejJ bpon bim: tot be tooloe baue tpobbrmoutof tbeitbanoeganb beifuetea

tyvm to m fatbet aga^ne. anaais toonea*3!ofepb toasJcome bnto W b?etb?en / djcp Otppte bPm m of W my cootediattoasfbponbpm/anb wt tone bimanacaftbvmm toap?tt:ut ^epptt toajs emptie anb bats no toatet tbetein .ana tbepfattf&amp;embotoneto cate b?ebe.anbap tbeplpftbptbeitc-fesJalonebaboute/tbete came a companve ofj.fmaelites! ft5 &lt;Bileab/ 8djeitcamels5laoento?d) fprcetp / baulme/ a m??te/a toete gopnge aotone m toCjjppte. cbanfapue luaa to bfe bjetbjen / tobat mtatfetb ittbattoe Oep outeb?otbet/afiepe m&amp; bfebtoubefectettfcome on/let befell Jm gU tbeafmaetftep/a let not outebSbe^be w



aisdje #aoianite* matcbaunt men paflea bp / tbepwetoejlofepb out of tbepptt 9 foj bpibntotbegifmaelptes! to?.;tjt.pece0 of fpi cr.anb tbepfyougbtbim into cegppte. anb toben l&amp;uben came agapne bntci tbe^ d . f Bf h ( ppttanbfoffDenot^orepbdjere/Oetentbi0cioti;c",ttow clootbe? anb toent agapnebnto W b?etD?en mtoi dccd fapnge:a)e labi* not ponbet/a tobedjet (bad Sflp* "? Igoofanb mv tobe aofepb* coote 9 fipdeb ?ffigff a goote/abpppeb dje coote tn tbe bioub.anb ^ t ffg* djep fent tbat gap coote anb caufebitto beofdsoowna c&amp; bought bnto tbeit fatbet a iapb: cbf* baue "?"*&gt;&gt; ac bjw toetoObe:fe/tobetBec itbe tbpComteg coote g*f ojno.anabefinetoe it i mp tonne* (0 [ P Tnn to coote/a topcftebbeaft batb*bettoutebbpm/(t wucgca-atone giofepbiss tent in pece*. anb giacob tent bp* bwu. ,. ciootbess/anb put facbe clotftc aboutebp**" 1 ^ 1 '"^ lopne0/afo?otoebfo?bPJStomtealonge fea* fon. bS came alibi? tonne* 5 all bfe bougft tet* to comf o?te bim. anbbe toolb not be co* fwteb/butfapbe:gitopll gobounetn to tbe gtaue bnto mp fonne/moutnpnge.anb tbu* bi* fatbet toepte to? bim. anb tbe gftaafanp - ^ m c tf.e* te**tolbebpm in gppte bntoPuttpbava&amp;w^t^

lo?be of P)atao*-.a Diss cbefe matlball. CiUlif mat page of Jutia . KEfjc t tefpnee "of her nnD )nan an 6 tb c ticttgcauncc of gob that came ttytttyS. 3110a lapsteptb bja oauB^tcf ff bainat , Cbt bf ;tbf of&amp;baccjatiDZanih. Cbe.icwMi&lt;,Cbapt;, J5b it f ojtunea at tbat tpme i Jit* a ba*toentft6ml)i* b?etb?enagatt' bim to a man cadeb^ita of flDbol* . lam/ adjete Btfatoe tbe baugbtet of a man callea* feua a Canaanpte-.ano^ u&amp;m$A betobebetanbtoetinbntobet.anb flic con ceaueb a bate a tonne anbcalleb i)P*name Bt. anb Ibe conceaueb agapne anb bate a tonne a cailebbim iaDnan :Hm fbe coceaueb f ti^ae tpme a bate a tonnctobo DUc cat lea !&amp;ela:abetoa0atbefpbtob?ibel)atei)im. anb "luaaggaueiiEt bPf* cEibeft tonne a topfe toboft name teas* bamat .58nt tl)P* &lt;et ^!uaa* elbeft tonne toa* n topeftto in tbe Q^Pft Srt) TUWi0erpe^}L&lt;^fletag8ig5 hnn.cbanfapoe:juba* bnto cnan: goo tn, &amp; m to th? b?od)et*topfe amatpeljet / a ftp;retostiwoii: bp reebbnto tbp feotbet.anb tobe Jfi&amp;nS pet-- SSSffSS! fo?ctobenbetoentmtobpssb?otbet*topfe/toi, UlI pti.ct 8 be fppllebit on tbegtofibe / becaufebe toolb 55 not geue reebbnto bi* b?otbet.anb tbmgc tobpeb b^ bpa/ apfpleaceb d)e )Lo?be / tobct* fo^ebe fleto bIW alto.cban fapbe Juba* tocbamatbPB baugbtet inlatoe-.teittapnc a topboto attbp fatbet* boufe/tpll^cla mp fottnefiegtotonesftebefeatebleftbefimlbe bauebpea alfo/a0bp*b2etb?enapb,bu* mm


Wmtww^nwftawtyxtoi tiiMW#m*&amp;mwtttm%m. www* *r&lt;wa5pjDft&gt;ct|&gt;3foCcp5. jaftscfloswfc tcntptetti * *"*** e.witfccbaptet. Ifepbtoa0b?ouojtbnto&lt;eg?pte/3II n 1Sut(pbat*alo?beof?&amp;barao0:a*Ht.B l

bt* cbefe matfljall anffgrpttan/ b^oug^t^tmtu^et. 3tinti tbe:Ho?be teas to



iCbvm* lepe.Sttib Rieputw* fftSberacouerebbet

tor&amp;oiwJgatmentegiof tottba cloocbe/&amp;bitgweonmeiw:na 55 bctbotoneattbeenttBnge of gnatmtobfcb &lt;0bptbebl?etoai?e0 ftbcto cbmtnarb /ft&gt; becaufe (befatoetbat &gt;eia toaegtotone/a (bctoaiSnotgcuOTbntobtmtotojB. &gt; ita&amp;en guaaratoe bet / be tbougbtitbab bene an fjoo?e /becaufe (be ban ammo b w face . ainbrutneotobet onto tbe tease ana fapbe/cotnegipjat'etbe/letmelpe torn} tbe/

giofepb/ b toag a lucfiie f elotoe a cStmueb uttbeboureofbf0mattmbecgppttanJi bv0 maftet fatoe tbat tbe 'jlojbe toajs togHi &amp;wn/anbtbattbe;ito2beniabea!ltbatbeopa ictoe nde&amp;at ft toaabteoaugotCTrii pjotpct to bW banae : tbetfo?e be founbe

f 0; to ige tt metabanfayae be/I wu ferae tbeafiraafrom (beaocfte.fcbeanftoeteb/ cbS ante me apleagetiflltbourenBe ft.b fajoeBe/tobatplebgelbanaseuetbefaino (be (apaettbi? fpgnett/ tbr bracelet / anb w ^ftafretbatfemtbt&gt;banoeJn&amp;begauettbee aiapb?ftet/a(betoa0 tobitbcbtiaebpbwi. atflj tbe gattbetbp a toent aputbetmStell ftombet/anaputonbKtopbototf tawnent

agarne.^nlfluiKKi fent tbe bfbb bv bfenep* bure of SDboIlam/fo? tofetcb outbtftfebge agavne ftS tbe totfWbanbe .tfutbe fotonb betnoc.cbanarftebbetbemm oftbe tome Place fa?t"nge-.tobere 10 tee tobooje tbat&amp;tt attatm(ntbetoa?e^nbtbei?farbe:tbete toais no totoo?e bete . 3Cnb he came to 3luoa agapnefapmgegicannot ftnoebet/aattb tbemen of tbe Place fatfi: tbat tbetetoau no tobooze tbeteJnblSiioa fayactletbettaue ft tobet/lefttoebe (bameb -M%tme S 6tbb anatboucoulaeftnotfmaebet. ,. * Sfno it came to paffe tbat aftet . fit mo* netbe0/onetome|uoafa?fttg:C&amp;amat top baup*tmnlatoe^a(bplate&amp;tbetoboic/fl toftbptepfoge tbetobooje fcbecomegteat Micbftte JnogSHbafatoetbamge betfotfb eletftecbetyente.ainbtobentbep bjougftt betfo^b/ibefenttohetfatbetmlatofa^tg: bjtbc man onto tobome tbefetbpnge0pet, tajne/aml toftb ebi?ibe.ainbfe?a alto: lobe tobofeate^f0fcan/b?acelet/ani&gt;aafre.anb gfuteBnetoctbmfaptng:(bef0nuye tpgbt totftbangS/becaufiigigaucfietnottogjela #m?fotme.;6utbeia*etoftbftetnomo?e. i&amp;en tpme teas come tbat (be flnifee be bdjueteo/beaofoetbere toa0.H.ttoi&gt;nne0 m bw bJombe.Unb ass (be tra ueiea/tbe one put ctbt0banae$ tbempotorfe toite frbotortbe a webrb;ebe aboute it ratfnge-.tbtf topii come outfp;tt. #ut bepftwbeb bin banbe

ftoute/aputaUtljatbebabinbWbanb. 3no 00 foone m b bab mabebimruelat ouet biff boufeaouetaHtbatbebab/&amp; tojbcbieaeb tbf)S tfgpptfaraboufe fo?3Iofepb0 telta/am tie bleffwge of tfyz%ow toajs bpon alf tbat bebafcbotbtofbebourea alfomtbcfelbw. inbtbetfojebeleftan g bebab fo-jofepto banb/ a lobebbp onnotbtnge tbat tea* toftb bfm/aueonivon#b?e^tobtcbbeate.3(inD w&lt;&lt; ofepbtoa0a*goolilppetronc 9 a toen fa* *'* M( 2 uo?eo. ibftfo;tuneb after thf is/ bWn s aetjJto? fecadbfteie0bpob|Ofepb afaibe: come fettoftb we .jBN&amp;wmmt fa?ueto ber^olbe/m^maaetwotecbnotbibatbe hatbmtbeBourettme/butfiafbcomrntftift

fliltbatbebatbtonipbanbe.-feeb|mWfe not gteattet in tbebotife tban % 1 anu batij beptehotbmge ftonie/ but onlp tbe becaure tbouatt bf? to?fc . $om tban cangibo tb# gteat to?fi0ne3/f 0? to fpnne agapnft oaf anb aftet tbw manet fpabe (be tb|ofepb bafeb|Daieamtbebatbenbnotbntobet/to 0epenetebeto?tobembetcompanp. ainbitfojtuneb aboute tbe famereafon/ . tbatioljfpbenttebmtotbeboufe/tobob^ bufwejj: a tbetc man none of tbe bouftolbe bMntbeboufe.3CnbecaugbtbWi bptbe gatmf t faf utgetcomeuepe tot tb me. 2Cnb be left W garment fnbw banbe fleoanogott btm out.b9ben fbefatoetbatbebab left m garment fn bi; banbe/anb toast fleb out/ (be canebbntot^emenoftbeboure/atolbetbl fa?(ng:fte/bebatbb;ougbt in an ftebjetoe bntoWtobobt(bame:fo?be came into me/ ftftobaue flepttortb me.5eut % ctpebtoytb aIotobebopce.3(inbb)benbebatbe/$3ilrfte bpmpbofceactieb/beieftbt^gatmenttb meanbfleb atoa^eanb got b?m out. ami (belapebbpb^sannft brbet/bntm

totbi?neoftceagapne/9tbouq)aitbei^ttei; pbaraosi cuppe in 1 bfe banbe/ after tbe oft ntanet/euen a&amp; tbou bpaeft toijen tbou toaft b0 butfat. tfut tbmije on me "ft tbe/ tobm tbouatttngoobcafe/aftetocmercre bttto me Mm matte mencton of me to ^Ijarao / 9 betpe to b;?nge me out of tbR* boufe: Co; 3 toass dolien out of tbe iano of tbe i^ eb? u e / $betearfo,baue3!Donenotbmgataittobtr f tt tbe? (bulb t baue put me i tt to t b ps bote aeon.&amp;Bbe" ttj e tbef c baft er fa toe (bat be bab told Inter p; etate ft / be f apbe bnto 3&lt;ofepl&gt;/ metbougbtalfomntrb?eame/tbatibao.ftf tojSetbatbettejjonmvbeabeJnbintbebp ' ermoft bafftet of all manerbaftemeateg (of bataoKinbtbe bvfttp ate tbrm out oftbe ttffietbponntffteab. r v .,_ ,,. r ..... Jofepb anCtoerebonDra?be:tbf0 fetthet'n tbep^efoniOBebbntonotbfngetbattoajJbn tefp^etactStberof.-ijbe.tti.baffiettejJare .ni.^ Berbtebanbc/becaufetbe]tt,o?betoaj(to?tb bare?/ fo? tbw oajwti.bawqmHP&amp;srao

bpn/anb becaufe tbattobatfoeuerbebrb/i tabe(bpbeabefromtbe/anb(ba(ibangetl)e 3Lo?be maoe it come lucfielp to paffe. CjotepI) twounbctl) tytDftrntaottbtttoomto* mte. Wb tt cfjaficeb after tbte / tbattbe

p bltlo;bccamebome.a!r(&amp;etot&amp;bfmaeo;. 68 nge to tbefe no;bS rartnge.^btf^ebwett -rerttauntetobtcb tijou baft bjougfjt bnto bjs w came into mtto borne (bame.jSut agfoone as3! Ipft bp m bovre anb crpeo /be letltbfjf gatmettottbmea flea out.nsbenbt'js matter betbe tooojbe^ ofntst torfe tob(ct) fretoibe bpm faftnge : aftet tbtff manet epb tbp fo* flunte to me/be toarebto,ootb. m^ . 1, I Wobe^orepb Put^mt*pfo(u ipw.ttt#. . fl ^ m tfte p tece to6ae tt, c 1,^0 tauTonew laje bounue. anb tbete conrinueo befnp;e* (on / but tbe %om toast totfb ^ofepb 9 (be^ ioebbpn metric / agottbt?m fauoure mtbe rrgbteoftbebepetoftbepjerontobfcbcom mptteb to|ofcpb0 banbe att tbe p;efonet0 t to ere t'n ? p;efonbouffe.K)nbtobatfoeuet to as bone aj cre/tba t &amp;?b be.1fnb tbe bepet of

onattee/anbtbebp/oes! (ball eatetbvfleO) from oftbe. Stnb ft came to pade tbe tt)VM bape tobicb tosi&amp;bataoi5*bp?tb bare /tbat be mabeaJrfff* a.-**-*LL- ....-,- feaftbntoallbiiSfecuauntes.ainbbelsfteb tbecbefe butlat oftbe fi?nge of bpptbebeaboftbecbefebutteiaranboftbc dSKPte anb brstcbefe ba&amp;er baa cbefe baser amongeblsJferuaunteg. %m re . . ^ooen&amp;e&amp; t&amp;e&amp;etobct&amp;efiingeof fto^eb (be cbefe bttttelar bnto \m Utctelar* tfgrpte Jnbl&amp;bataotoaf* angrtetopfttbf ft(ppeagaj?ne/anbberecbebtbecuppefnto anbputtb?fntoatbe mm tbefe matiaisf l&amp;bataost banbe/ anob5geb tbe cbefebafte t: boure:aten(ntbep?efontobetegofepb toasf eulasjgiorepbbabtntrrpjetateb bnto tbem,

botonb Jnbftje cljcfeinat(haUaaue|ofepb j9otto?fl)aobrng tbe ctjcfe buttelatreme m a cbargetoitbti)em/anbbeftieDtbem.3nb btebnotg'orepb/but fo;gatbm. tbepcencpnuebafeafonintoatbe. c^^MooB?camt0are enuMmotB bp jofep^.^c ainbtbevb^eamebetberoftbemfrtonc ^m9ittu\cvouicni\&lt;aim,ntw\&gt;t'moiont\t6/ Iiynge of tiwpre tobftb toerebotonbemtbe * w ' *a C tli baoter. &amp;mSS^S^SSSSSSSi fflraK^WttiW/lbmiobtt8ac &amp;ffl^I?3K*SffiLS B^l &amp;* ttobebr a tpuerjs fvbe/ anb tbat &amp;iKf/?&amp;^WS^fflS B oW? ^ ttC ttae^eb/atib febb in a me, fp?elofiejerofabii'toba?e.cbepanrtoerea &amp;otoe/anbbpmtbottgbttbat.b(t.otgetfi ?ne ^A t &amp;^SSS^S&amp; wmebpaftet%ioutof j p 5SS K^'^^lft^ 1111 ' ^ uo^ebanb icanefieOjeb a ftobe bp tbe otfjetf antm)?ettngebelongrtbto(2ioblJuttelme bpon b?pnfie oftbe ttuet.3nbtbeettp fa ^ytbecberebutiattolbebf0b?eameto mmWanTmcSmmSti l &amp;^Jl m X f ^ m ^ mili&gt;ftmt fauo ^ a ^ bPne: anb be atooftetbet metbougbt^ere ftobea brnebefo?e me/ 9 to(tb.a6nbt)eaepteagaj?neanDb?eameb tbe tot|eb?netoeiejM.b?auncbe0/anbfttoajJ feconbtpme/tbat.buVreare0ofco?negretoe as tbougb tt bubbeb/anb bet HoOmtf ftott bpS one ttaifte rgcfte 9 goobip. 3ttiD tbat.b(r. S2#i$* ^W ft i e of toawbtrpe^Bnb $ ?nne eate0blafte&amp; 10 tbe topnbe / ftyahge 9babp(jatao0 cuppemmjbanbe/anbtobe bp after tyem* tbat tbe.b.tbpnne eate0be of tbegtape0 a to?onge tbcminto^batao0 uoto?crotbe.b.tancbe anu full eate0 . 3Cnb flrcttppe/|6el|uerebpbatao0 cuppetntobfe tb51&amp;bataoatoa6eb:afe/beref0 wwatat fi banbeJnbiofepbfapoebntobmi/tbttfe? lben tbe ntomptge came /B10 fpzetetoag intetp?;aficbe0attb?e ttoubleb.ainbbefent ana calfebfb? all tbe teWitottoMin tim btwa (ban ?Bba. fotbefaferg of &lt;8tat?pte aall toifem^tber woffftbp tbimebeabe/anbteftoietbewt* of/anbtolb tbem bi^bj came; but tbete toa0 twm?



I5BSES3 mS^S&amp;

te vt .feb aiao toas angw'e to b is fe maunteS / avutfttwwDC tottecbefemarlbais boure bottme sttecbefebaftet . anbtoeweameii l) ott of bS m one nggbt * ecb mane? o/eame Dfafonb^einterpjetacioit.

after/fo? it flalbe erceawttge great . ana as eficernpnge tbattbe Weametoas boubleb ton nettpnge&lt;Scettanl?p?epatebof&lt;!Sob/ana aN5oo topil (botflp b?pnge t to WW.

muni qM mapbefoooe in tbe cMkMRE!!B

c&amp;Mi^araofentanocallebgofeph.anB * k tteemaDebimbaaeoutof *pttron.anbbe

toft mtoPbarao.anb$barao fapbbnto |o ftPIK3f batte tyeamebabjcame a no *w can Jwetate it/but^aueftette ra^onje * asfooncas taow beatefta bjeame /ttou fbbatao fapingc:ob OwH KSgJggW;. ^anRBereoepcacetoit&amp;oiitmc,1&amp;6ataofarW bnto lofepb : in mp b;eame me tbougbt 1 ttcie bv a ite f ?K/ano tbete came out oj the rpuer,bW,fatt flcfteb anbtoell fauojeb fiwie/ano febb in tte mebotoe , anb tten.bfl. &lt;$etbpne^mebpaftrattem/porber? Sufawo?eo.leaiiefle(bei&gt;'.rotbat3tneuej !KtEfcW antbeiartueof AM Sell feuojbnefc .anbtte.bti.leane aeuell Spp atebptbefft.b.fatt8pne, Snotobentftef babeatenttfbp am coupe notperceauetbat ttei? bab eaten gem :fo?

tbeWnbe/agapnfttteA&amp;peresofbunget: tobtcb Qiall come fa tftelatftof tfgppte/ ana

tSelatiDepefl)enbf*o?otobun8ee. _, q an?tbefaf!P8eplem^8tao?aUbfe^ temammWSW^*W)&gt;ntoM(a uauntestobete all we fpnbe f oeb a mS a* toberfojefcbarao fapbe bnto^Of ebb : W a* mocb a* dWobatb qjetoeatbe all tttS/ cbew is noman of bnorallon&amp;pngeo? of toptbome iybebntQ tbe;cbou tbfwegatt be* ouec s ; mvpeopleobepamlpMt i WW^|w*fWi gbeaboue^e.ftiDbefa^ebntoglorepb:be ?c bone /Hbaue fetttte biter M t%mm of tote , aitbbe iobe bfb^wnge from bg mm 1 p.irtftbportfpfepb.f mm 1 m arapeb I tin fit rapmff of bpffe/aiput a soh


In&amp;f atoobe Jttbf Catoe beftcbatetttoacbebao laue -2e,*no wt ^ w " M,?SS/f bf&lt; SS mabebim tuelar otter all ftaft of M| ftwj


jpnttpni inmpb SBSS3S saaQB^aDBSr W 4W JaS-JSbu rSmhii vm of oteat 5e foobeof WMM* tttat gtetoe sotonoe ^ oftw/

Kofep!&gt; -T butnomb?e.anobWQg!ofepbtoere forniefl befo;e ^ reie^ of bfiaei: came/ tobfeb amatb tbeoougytcc of putlpbae p;eaft of fiDn/bate bnto itm .aina^e caileo b e name

.nt.wi;rf tbe fw(tfonne*sJanaae/fo; oa ( fapbe ^e)ba^maoemefo;gettaHm;laboureand all mp fatbev0 ijou (boio. &amp; e recotme call eo be tf ^jaint / fo; oaifapoe be) batb caufeo nie to gwtoe in tijeianoe of n\p ttouble. tbe.bri'.i?ete0 of plenteoufnejs tbattoaumtbe ianoofCgpptetoereenbeo/ *cw((.b tban came tbe.bif.fmci of* Dtb/aco;orng ajj jof epb bab favoe. and $ Dcrtbtoag in all ianbe0:buttntbelanbof&lt;zgn'tetoat{tbei:e vet f oobe. JBijcu note all tbe ianbe of gPPt began to bungee /'ttancreeb tbepeopie to Pbatao fot bwb . ano Pbatao faroe bnto all (figwte: goo bnto ^ofepb/ anOtobat be faptb to poutbat boo , anb tobentbe beitb teas; tpo?oto out alt ty e lanb/^ofepb openeb all tljat to as in tb e cpticjs anb folbe bnto tat tfgvpcvanis .anb Hunger toarebfo;etn t^t Ianbe of &lt;Cgppte. anb all countre es came to Cgppte to 3Jof epb f 0; to bpe come : becaufe tbat tbebunger toast fo fo;e in all f anbe*. Ciofeph0b?cih?ciicomctntoffi3gpcc (obpc cojne. on DutaetljclaahcgtmiiifcDit CCbe.^ii.Cbaptei;. at^^ra^en ?ae* fatoetbat tbetetoas t,ra;e 'i co;ne to betolt* in cgppt/be rapo bnto bi?0 fonnes: tobP are pc neg* Iftgent^ bebolbe /9:bauebearte ^ ^ t, tbeteijs co?neto be folbe in gppte.* M *aw.v. m ^^ n anb bn w (0;(1C erpmtftencey $ toe mape ipuc not ope . $&gt; totnt gofepb? ten b;etb;en boune to bpe cojne in gppte / fo; ffiengamin^ofepbgbzotber tooftnotla fobfetibctobW otbejbretb?en:fo?befapbe: fome mpffo?tunempgbtbappenbpm. anbtbefonnes ofgfraelcametobpecome amSge otber tbat came/ fo? tberetoajJbertb alfointbelanbeofCanaOnbgofepbtoaS fouemetin tbe mw anbfotte come to an puwU of tbe lano. anbWjJ bjetb^ came/ 9 feuilatt on m gtounbe before Bw.tBben M giofepbfatoeb&lt;JJb?e?f/beHnetoetbf:ut ^mabearaungebntotbem/anbfpabeyugbiF

bntotbemfapfngr-oebencecomepef atbepfapbeout of tbe ianbe of flTanaan/to bpe bp* tapte.3!ofepb finetoe bfe b?erb?en / but tbe? bnetoenotbpm. . ' / )#* ano3jofepbtemeT)?ebbi!8*b;eameitobicb be b?eamebof tbem/ anb fapbebnto tbem: vf are fpfeu / anb to f e tobere tbe labe is toeabe fepourecompnge.anbtbe?Tapbebntobfm-. nap mp iojbe : butto bpe bptaple tbP fee* uaftte(ateconie.ieaiaonemanj5 fon* twu/meanp*i!aeft/ftnbtbpreniauntearc

9 -iwitt no tpiejj,anbbe fapbbnto tbemmapbereip/ buteuen to retobetetbe Ianbe is toeaftetg I oure compnge.anbtbep fapbe: toerbpfer* uauntesaren&lt;.b?etb?en/tbefonnesofone . man in tbeianbe of Canaart.cbepongea is^ pet toitb oure fatter/ anb one no mS to otetb tobere be0.?iofepb fapbebnto tbem/ tbat is it tbat I rapbe bnto pou / tbat pe ate fureipe fpies.lfere bp pe mail be pjoueb. &lt;jf 0? bp tlje Ipfe of Pbarao/pe ft all not goo bence/bnttlt poure pogett better be comebitber^enbe tbetfoje one of vou anb lett b p m f ett pour e blotter/ ape tbaibein p^eafon in $ meane feafon , anb tberebp (ball poure toojbes be . pjoueb/tobetber tbere be anp truetb in pou: 0? els bp tte ipfe of Piarao/ -p e are but CpieS anbbeputtbemintoarbetb;ebapes. anb 3iofepb fapbe bnto tte tte tt'wo Wper &lt;CbiSboo anblpue/fo? g feateob- 3.f pe meane nobutte /let one of poure b;etb?Sbe bounbein tte p;eafon/ anb goope b?pnge tteneceoariefoobebntopourebouibolbes/ anbb;pnge poure pongett blotter bnto me: ttatpoure too^besmape bebeleueb/ attat pebpenot.anbttepbpofo. abantbeprapbeonetoanotter-toebaue

betelp fpnneb agapnft oure blotter / m ttat toe fatoe tbe angupQ) of bf S foulltoben be befougbtbS/atoolbnotbeatebmi:ttfo?e istbpstroubpUcome bponbS.ftuben an^ rtoerebttemfapfnge.fapbe|notbntopou f&gt; peQ)uRjenot*fpnneagapnatteIalK'butpe toolbe notbeare.anb note lmtivttt iwTvovftwi bloube&lt;S"requp?eb.rbef toere notatoarenje worn os ttatf otepb bnberttonbe tbent/ fo? be fpaRe)t Mtt of ana bnto tbem bpaninmwe tec . anb be turneb # ggfgj fromttematoepte/anbtta,nmrnebtottfit gtau rS^^ agapne a comeneb tottt tte/ a tobe out &gt;p f ocH 60 c tm* meonftom amonge ttemanb botonbebpmtp tymt m before tte tpes / a cSmaunbebto fpll 4c^SSft&amp; facfies toptt co?ne / anb to put turn mans Egffie monrpmbPSfacfie/anbto getletbe brtaple' u:, " 9 ' ,y * tofpenbebp tbe toape. anbfo tttoas bone totbem.anbtbepIabebtten: aaeStoptttte co?neabepartebtbence.anbas oneoft&amp;em openebbis facbe/fo? to geue bis ade p;auen ber fntteiwie / be fpptbbps monepin bps faebs moutt.anb be fapbebnto bS b?etb?e: mpmonepisre&amp;ojebmecgapne/s is eu?in mpfacbesmoutt.rbantbeirbatte^ fapleb ttem/anb toere aflopnpeb anb fapbe one to a nottee-boto cometb it ttatffiob bealetb ttus toptt bs Jnb ttep came bnto Uacob ttett fa $ tbetbnto tte lanb of Canaan/anb toloe bim all \ babbappeneo tbemfapfnge.cbe Woe of tbe Ianbe f pafie tugbi? to bS/ anbtobe bs fo? fppes to fercbe tbe coittre.anb toe fapbe bnto bim -.toe meane truelps are no fppes. icbe,r.b;ett?enfonnes of oure fatter/ one.fetoaie/aotbe.iotiBeBnoto toptft





outefatbetmtbelfliioepfcanaanJnbtHc Io?beoftbecountte fapbe bnto besberc bp attjl&amp;notoepfpemeauetrtielpiu'aueorte of poute t&gt;?erb;bett toitb nte/fr taaefoobe neceOarp fo; poute b o uffiol Dejs anb get p ou atoape/jtypngepourepongctttaotbetbn* teme.anbtbetebp fljaligiftnotoegpeate no fppes/but meane ttueir.&amp;o toplli beip Met fou poute b?otbet agapn/ 9 pe all be* cuppe ui t b e lanbe. ano s ft ep empties tfjet'r fac&amp;eg/brboU): cueCTmSsibfi&amp;eHDfmone?tofiS!mi)israc , &amp;e anb'tobenbetbtbeps tbeit fatbet fetoe tbe $ bun&amp;ellss ofmonep/tijeptoetea f r ap&amp;e

bene tbercttopreanb feme agapne. ' : bantbeit fatbetlfrael f aybbntotbenu.. ff ft muftnetf be to notovtftan bo tBufS'tafte c of ttje bett ftutetf of tbe lanbe in poure bet* felutf/anb U?pnge tbe mS a p?efent / a rutte* fpe batolme/anb a cuttefpe of b np/fpice0 9 mp?r-e/oate0ann5be0. 3nbtafiea0niocb money mo?e toptb sou . Stnb tbe money tbat toais b?ougl)tagapne in poute facfieg / tafte ftagaynetoptt) pou/perabuentute ft tea* fomeouetfpgbte. cafte alto youte b?ott) et toftb ton/ a aryfe a goo agapn e 1 tb e ma Jno 00 almigbtie geue pou mercte in tbe fpgbte of tbema ana

^ " '*. Sttbbe!yfMpbi0eye*frbe&amp;elbe&amp;i0b?o tbet enjatmnbte thotbetjsfonney afapb: *i$Hfyv $V outeyongettb?otbet'ofto&amp;omepe ' fapbe bnto me^nb faydeygbb be rnetcyfti 1 bnto fmpfonne.anb gafepbnuwie batttfo; H.m*9* rig* &amp;ett m meltbpolw b?otbet) afougbt toblewtotoepe/ aenttebmtobfc cfyumW fo?totoepe tfjete/SnabetoactbeBbPS face 9

came out a reftapneb bPu ftlfe / 9 bafib fett tetab on tbe table. - .,....". ... 3^tbeyp?epatebfb?bpmbybymfelfe/ a fo; t&amp;ww ttjem /a,fo? n)e gypc0 to bub ate toitb bim by tbem &amp;uie0/&amp;eeaufe tfte(gypetatt0mapnoteateb?eab '"' '


anafacob tftrtr fatt)ecrapbebntonje:fl5e fenbyoupoute ot&amp;er b?otbccanbalfo % m

baue ye robbebof my cbpibjen: g i ofepbi0 atoap/anb % pmecn 10 atoap e / anb pe toyll tafie tfen3ammatoa?e.3lirberen)pnge0 fall bpon me . muben anFtoeteD Dps fatbee fayinge:&gt;lee nip ttoo tonnes /pf 5 b?pnge bimnottotbeagayn.J&amp;elyuetbimtbetfojc tompbonbe/anbgitoylib?yngebyra totbe agayne:3Mbbefaybe:myronne (bail not go botone toptb pou jf o? bi b/o tb e t to beab / 9 be ig ieftalone.fl!Jo?eouetfomempffo?tune mtgbtbappenbpon bi'm bpfte toape tobiclj pcgoJnbfo fbiiio ,, peb?ptigempgtapbfab i&gt;WFiflemctoitbfo;otoebmon)egtaue, tW w'pc it&gt;ainr.)l)cnfJamlntoSBb?ou8l)t'tljtpMto?ntBto|) li;snscmc 10 g^ftts.SpmcoimbcifuttcBoiitofpjyi'oiu 3ofcp^ mv Dcat!),'69 III jjyc(t) afjB Mb Wcptlq.ffill'E fft to gClU. mm*' bcjfit.cbaptet. . [i^b a)c certb teayebi'ojem ? land. fanOtDbetbePbaoeate bp g co?ne

S'anun/anb 3 toplbe a? a man robbeb of bi0 cbplb?en. ^rbufJ tone tfiep nje wef ent anb ttopf e ro mocb mojemonep toitb tytm 1 anblBen2a&lt; mm.3nbt:ore bp/toent botoneto cgppte / 9

P?efenteb W felfe tolofepb. lben 9|ofepB J9 fato e 25En5amm toitb tb em/ b e fapbe to n)a vueiar f bus boufe: bjpnge tbefe men boms ftdepanbmafiereofe: fo?tt)ep(baH bpttett me at n one.atnb tfte man bpb a0 3!ofepb bab/ and biougbt tbem in to Uofepn 5 b ouft. Iptbepteercb;ougbttoforepb0boure/ ibep toere aftapae anb fapbetbe caufe of tbe raonep tf&gt;at came m outt facbe* moutbe? at fp?fttpme/ate toeb?ougbt/to ppseaqtia wil toitft to anb to lape feme tbmge to cute * charge to fop tige to uibSbage aoute aflejs alfo.cbetfee came tbeptotbe man f toag

, ammmV&amp;W*/ (ot ftat i0 an ^abbompnacf onjui ^SSStm timoan*. anbtbepfatt befo?eMm Z S ? t*tbnieftaco?bpngebnto bP0 age/anbtbe , trite m' ponseftaco?bpngbntobf0 poutb.Jinb tbc

+&lt; ;***

nje tueiav ouev3ofep&amp;0 boufe / acomeneb^ tBbubtbepb?ougbtouedf^lanb(: toptbtymattbeboojeanb fapbe. __cfifgppte/tbrttratberraibebnto $&gt;p?/toecamebPtbeeattbefp?tttpnieto " tbem.fiooaB8pnc9bpb08lpttefoob.ban bpefooa/a0toecametoan fnne aopeneb fapbe guaa Bnto binutbema WD teoifpe bn oute fac&amp;e0:bebolbe/euerp manne0*miie p ifrnM &lt;iBMt tttf B .to0fapnige*loBe i pefeenotmp faceep* toastn bP0racBe ttfuHtoepgbt e: 35nttoe mvm *^*temtmt b?ott)ee bettyou. cijetfo?epf baueb?ougbtftagepnetbb0/otbei;in(nnj tbou toplt fenbe oute b?on)et tt toi toe topH oaue toe b?ougbt alfo ui oute banb e0/to bpe Qoabpeffoob.ffiutpftboutopltnotfen&amp;e foobe/buttoecannotteUtoboputoutemo* Mm/toe topu not goo-.fozttje man fapbe m-- neptnoutefacfie0jnbberapbe:beofgoob to b0: lose tbatye fee not nip facE / tmvtt cbete/ featenotipoute^obanbtbeiESob of poureb?otbetbetoftbPou.ainbgftaeirapb: ponte fatbEtSbatb piitpou ttjattwafttre i n tobetfo?ebelt?e foctuellpttme/a0totell pomefacbess/fo^'Jbabpoufemonep.anbbe n)emangpebabpetanon)etb?otbetf3(ino b?ougbt^wncffouttott)^lebtbeutto3o

35tbEpfapse'.cbCm8arfieobisofouiebpntea fep^gi ijourca gaue tbe toatet to toafbe tbeit . fapmge:&lt;0?outefatbetpetalviiefbauepe fete/9 gaue tbeitaae0p;auenbef.3natbeB not anotbet b?otbetf anb toe totte bmt aco? made cebpe ttjeif p;efent agapnft So Cfpb; bpngtotbefetoo?b^.^otocotolbtoefinotoe cameatnone/ro?tbeybetbefafitbepQiul&amp; *betooftb?bb0b?pngeouteB?otbetbatDne bpne ibete. Wftenfofepb came borne l$Wf ^b0fbfifapb9ubabnto3[ftaeifii0fatbet: b;ougbt5p;erent7ntofbotifetobin"tobtcb S.enbtbeiabtbme/atoetopntpf9goo/f tt)ep^abfntbej5bV9fenflatongtofloe toemapelpueanotbpe-.borljtoetbciusairo before b&gt;m3Dnbbetoerccmeb(becoutteou6p oute cbplb?en.1 toplbe fuettpe f 0? bpm/anb fapfnge:f0 point fatbet i olb man to bpclj pe oCmpbanbe0tequp?ebim.f flb^ngebtm tolo me of/in goobbeattbf9f0bepetalpuef *... ,rsnottotl)eafettblinbefo?etbweepe0/*tb8 mepanftoetebttbPfwtiauntebutefatbetif t ftic.!iB ltt m bm tf,ebjanie fo? euet. 4f 0? except fngoob bealtb /anbwpet alpue. 3B nb tber . : toebabmabetbp0tat;eng:bitbp0toebab botoebtb?feiuf0anbfelitotbegtounBc. anb

emeftanbleftat tbp.U6ttgeft.3J.ttb tbe tuppe toa0 f ofiue m 35cniamin0 facfie.-iEben tljep *tenttbettelotbe0/anbtabeDeuetpma bP0 a cii ttast aaeanbtoentagapnebntotbecptie.3n 'iu* w ba$bP0 b?etbtencameto '|ofepb0 .boufe/ fo?beto$0pettbere/ aftepfell befo?eljpm on tbe giounbcainbgiofepb fapbe bnto tbe: tobat bebe 10 0)10 Wtf) pe baue bone ftoift pEnottbatfocbamana0||can p?opbECpef CbEtt fapbe ittba : tobat fljall toe fape bn== to mp Io?be/ tolbat all toe fpeafte 0? tobat secure can toe maftef &amp;on batft foaoe out f m toefieoneffe of ftp fetuaute0.iBeboio/botb^ toe anbbe 'Wj tobomttje cuppe 10 founbe/ate tbpfetuaunte0.3nb be anftoewb*.E$bbfo? bpbtt)at'3j (bulbebo fo /tbeman tttobo tbe tuppe 10 founbe/be ibalbe mpfetuaunte: but go pe in peace bnto poute fatbet, ben gubatoent bnto bint anb fapbej \t&amp;X^tSt7x^amibnto tbemftom befb?e ob mp mi let tftpretuautefpeafiea too?be Inflow. gHutSen|amin0 pattetoa0 fpue tp* in mvlommti anb benotto?ootbtoptb motto mochaMnp of cbeft0. anb tbep ate tbPferuaunte:fo?tbouatteuen a0^atao.

8nbtberl?onRe/toeteb?onBetoftbbiin. fl^lo?beambt0ruauntefapinge:bauc(3! m * im *SeSlmw. , p6ngeiastobwbbebegatinbi0age:anbtbe mt commaunbeb &gt;ettielerof b?otbetoftbefapbelaDt0beab/9bct0aH| bp0boufcfapmge:fptbe men0 wieftof tyatmotbet.3nbbt0fbet ioueft racbe0 toitb foob/a0moeb wttbei? bimM\)m fapbemp io?bbntobt0fmiafite0 BBBi*^ cScarpe /aputeuetp 11180 trionep b?pngebpmbntome/ $ % mmM mpne ntuSfigemoiitb/JputmpWiiwnippc epe0bponbm,anbtoeanftoetebmplo?be/ StXmSotmtm^ mm tbattbelabcoulbenotgooftombp^atbet/ Sjnemonepalfo.anbbe^bPba0giorepbbab fo?pfbejulbieaucbP0ft/Betoetebut faSe Tnbrntbemoumpngea^focne as.t aKebman.baiifapbc(ttboubnto mtn* Sipgbte/tbetnentoeteietgootoitbtbeft ' Nf^m^^^WfiijA : toben thEp toere out of tbe cptie 9 tor* pou/lo&amp;e tbat pef e my face no moan . So Set Katoap e / -?oCepb fapbebnto tbe f nb tobe toE came bnto ttjp fetuaut cur e nSoimS.bpamtomtaUtt W eau)et/ toe Ipetoebbpm tobat mp io?be bab men anb oiiettafie tbem / ant. tape bnto ibf: fapbe^ub toben oute fatbet fapbe b nto m SbeSe baue pe tetoatbeb euell fo?goobf goo agapne 9 bpeb0 a iptte fobe : toe fap be/ KS fthecupueof tobicbmplo?beb?pn i toecoibenotgoo.l5eiiettbeleOepf oute ^JfflRW WOW W^ |ofigeQeb?otbetgoi* b0 tbentoPU toegff/ bmtmtnSmnmthm. fo?toemapenotfee mmmn face eyecpte ^Sto\mmmmmmmtam outeyoungeftb?otbetbe^b0.ber.fapcef tofflSSSSlaitlefanCtoetebbPni: tbPferuafitoutefaroetbntoM^ebiiotoe SSmv lozbefocb too?be0 i ob tbatmp topfe bateme w.foime0-anbtbe one ^^^^mSSSSMmuSiu toentoutfrommeaitie rapbeofa fueitpc 86l%SSWwS^tt &amp; tbatbei^tomcinpeacepofm-lolieaftti/^icnvni,;, BmoUtbeiytoeiSugbt agapnewto anB3,fatoebpmnotfence.3f peftaU tafte

?&lt; -* *.


JftpTnut offfiefanbe of Canaan : Bote tben tbt0 alfo atoape ftom me anbfome mpff o?* S iffi SSS5Rbouft/ Sec tuncftapp-ebpS Jtm/*tben all pe b ? vgc * SKSSS^tWeiS oftbpite^ mpgtapbeebtottb fo?oto bnto tbe gvatte., Se0ftbefoSietbpmbpe/aiiblet b0 0ototbetfc?e toben J come to tfjprm aut S3*'*"* FKW&amp;r 15 ? 5


&lt; -^





rm f .jru{j.t&gt; fatter ana fafle:*pfp?wbtm not bnto tbe agapne3toill new ft olameallmp ipfe I6ge.i9ototbetfo?eletmetbpfciuaatbpae here f o? tfte lao/antt be mv lojoeis iMHOmant an&amp;iettbelaogoof)ometo?tb btMetfeen. &lt;foi boto cana goo bnto mp fatter / ana ty

laanottopttme-.lettjftuioe fee e tojet* cbeimeattatttsllcorneorimpfatber.

rao* houfe ft tforeptjjjijjft&amp;jett tocwcontev ttpleareapbataotocuaaubtiftruauntejJ, anaPbaeaofpafiebnto3;orcpb:rat&gt;ebne tottjbjctfoeVttteaope :labe?oure bee&amp;e* Hit pouljenceyanatobenfcbecomc bnw tbe lanae of Canaan/ taftc pouw father ana pourebouttoiaeiJ 9 come bnto me / 93:to?ll geue p ou tbe b ea of ft e lana o f iff gr pt e/ ana


aSSSSSRS . BniB9Wlw maaaito0aoftafiecftatrm0tt m(wm miuitmvtm gouont oftt&gt;^an^oeg8m/fo?yfyMg

1 #a l.ofepb coulee no longer re* .ifraprie befo;e all tbem tbat ttotse M abouteb?m/buec5maurt&amp;ea tbat ' ttep fljulo goo all out from b?m/9 ttat ttere QutfD be no man tt bim/ tobvie be bttrc&amp;bEmfelfebntobp$b?etb;en&lt; ana be ., m * *tocptealoto&amp;c/fo tbat rte e gppcianss 9 tte 55 a * boufe of baraobeit&gt;efc.anasefapaebnto F v&lt; * bW bjeiftem J amjofepb / botb rop fatter pe t ipue f tfutbp* wetfoen coulte not an* itectebfm/ftBtbeptoereabaflbeaatbijJPje fmce.anag;orepbfapaebntobpj$b?etteen: come ncL e to me/ana ttep came nercana lie %8ctu.tia.!.. fapa:*3!am3.ofepbpoutebjottettebompe w.yff &amp; .f foitc into eg ppte . ana note be notgteuea ^ ibnto! tb/ net bet ice it f erne a cruel tbmge m

pcureefes/ftpefoiamebiftter.jTozgoabpa m*na.i* ttMowebefojepouroraueipfe. *&lt;JFo?tbi&gt;s

u ,, . fo*pouretopu**; t . -.. . v 9 corned Ho/8wie not route Onff/fo? tbe *an| lana of csfptatalbecoureO; e cbpuw? of Jfraeia? a euen fo/ ana ffofepbgaut* tbem cbarettesattte comauo* . nientofpbarao/anagauetbenii)ita?leairo# to fpenae by ft toape.ainabegauebnto erbe" oftuem ttaungeofrasment:butbntoen* gaminbe gaue.iii.bunweapece* offpluee 9 b.cbaunge of rapment . ana onto bw fatter be rent art ec tte famemanee.jc.attRS laaen toitbgooaoutof cgppty ^.jf.Qjeaffejs laaen . to tib come/ b?ea ana meate: to rente fi # fa* tteebpttetoape. &gt;ofentbeb#bmb?en atoave/ana ttepaepartea.anbb* fcfbebnto ttermfertatpe fall not out bp tte toape. ana ttepatparteb ftom gmanb came # mtotbeianaeofCanaSbnto^acobtbefvfa


ijs tbe feconae tere of berth m tbe lanae / ana tbcr/9 tola bim fapnge.?ofepb&lt ;P SttjW fjuemooawbebsnbmtobftbtbeielbaunc* attBiSgoiiemerottetalltbelwbofOTte. tterbeearpngewberueit. ana3acob$berttoauerea/fo;bc beicueb ibK:fo;e&lt;Boa rent me before pou to mane ttfnot.anatteptoiae^imallttetooflwor njmurpon/Spenipgbtecontinueintberrtb 5ofepbtobirtbabtel&gt;wbnto ttem .put anatofaueyourelfueisbt agreate aeipue* toben befabje tbecbafette? mm \Jwm ranee. ft.onotofttoajjnotvetbat fentme baafenttoeaiteb&lt;m/tbmb^rp;tc0wut* brtber/but(E5oa:anabe batb maae me fatber itea Jna^ftael fajae."? baue pnougb/ti f ?p bnto^baraoanaio?aecuer aUWstftoufe/ 9 repbmpfonnebefetaljue: abJ^ll gooain

meiertnallrberanaeofdgwte.^aOfou^i febpn/?ertbat r ibre, gootomifatbetgiteHbpm/ tbipfaretfjtbp ff j MOlIto u?jaiH)iBbourt)o!6tBottiitojor tpti w w

ejjpt. tt^c gcncalogK of 3jcoj. Jjrip^ mc^ ^|i ' cbe.jlM.Cbapcee, . . %&gt;vael toSe bp?* iotimevtt an ? i)e baa/9 came bntojeetfeba fcof* # joft.i fre&amp;ofntnge0bntotbe&lt;0ob of bfts tM&gt;(f.fc W- Jfatb3fiaae.ln6 ob fanoebnto * ^tiaei in a btfpon bpnrabte / 9 raltebbnto

C tonne 3|orepb: ffioabatb maaeme lo?ae ouee all FgvPte.Comebotonebntomeanatarpe not.3ina tbou alt tteellin tbe lance of duo* fan ana bejbp me-.botb tbou ana tbp dnjia^/ anatbpcbtia;enu cbflb;en;anbtb? epe/ anabccac09alltbattboubaft.heretoH % mafie p;oufffon fo; e:fo? tbete remajn e fet.b.Terenofaertb/lea rbouanatbebour* iolaanbalitbata)oubaftperfai. cbofae/poure t? r0 ao fe/ana tbe epeu al* 6l&amp;bioitteWcb3bauem&lt;irgwana gpb^etotoflW^9iMi^ggygS Salltbattebaucrene/anbmanebattanb lapnge|bpaga?ne/^orepblbaiPpiitbgr" .tefnoeniF fatberbpfter. 3nbbe fellon banabp5tftFnee^.ana|acobrofebpfr8 M&amp;m hi0b;beii3^mwnisnccfie9toepteyanb SMmUMt fomjejt of p - en7ammtoepte onbffsnecfte . fiBojeouec cobtbeir fatflet'9tbettcbiu, x .. H .. :r .. . w be Br&lt;ftaaUbb?etb?en * toepte bpon tbf . &lt;n ft rtarrtcejj tolcbjBbarao baa rcntto carfe ggj ? B V 3naaftetwat/bftJb?etb?etanieb tofrft film, bfnanbrbeptofi^efrcawil 9 tbegoobe* m jb 3iibto&amp;wet#iBJtoJconiebntoieba tobfebtbetbaagotrfftitbelan]) of Canaan/-

bim:1acob3Sacob.anabeanrtoerea:bere am ^523 3.anbbe fa? ae:J am f msgHtfe dsoa of tby t r? w i8 ' fatber/fearenottogoo botonefn tocgtipt.wriimuui '


..jcamemtodggppte;bot9lacob ^allbpu f eea tojtb bpm / bW f onneu ana bp? f onness fonnea b^"/ b( aougbter* s bys fonnejs uougbter09 all 10 feeab;ougbt^e leb \)vm fntocgppte. . . M ' ^ Cbefearetbename0oftbecbpia?eof|f= , ^rael tobfeb came in to cgwte/botft "Jacob $ ijb.uii.M.&amp;ftl fonneffc*lRube" 3&gt;acobjs fp?tt fonne . qfyt fflSnt.wi'i. acbPia^en of mnbi'n:^anocft/1&amp;allH/^e?ron |i$rifcM. ana cbia?en of &amp;vmton : ^e* muei/gamt/)a!&gt;baa/g l acb&lt;n/ 3obar a ^&gt;aui , . tbe fonhe of a CanamWm tooman.cbe cbf I *i^of*)Leun(E5ecfon/Wabatb anafl^erarf, ..iSat.uPcbe cb?ia?en of* vubautiy sDnan / &lt;&amp;eia/ Pbare? aoerab/butcranasDnan apeain tbeianbeofcanaS/[becbi?ib?fofPbate5/ e?ron 9 ^amul.cbe cbtfa? en of jlacbar: Cola/lBbua/l'ob ana &amp;&gt;emton.cbe mtm of 3abulon:^&gt;erea/cElon alabeleel.cbefe betbec^fia;en of/Lea tobt'eb Ibe barebnto Cfacobtn i^efopotamtatoitb $&amp; aawgbtet 5ina . 3Dlltbcfe foulep of bW Coimef* ana bougbterg mafte.i;w:.ana.ttf . ctte cbia?e of dsaa:3J'PlHon/aggf/S&gt;u 1 nf/?bon/&lt;iEn/3roaianaa3reli.cbee^lb?5 L Ma.M.r of* aff^emna/jefua/^efui/^a 9&amp;e * i,pw ' rabtbetr fitter Jna ft e&amp;M of)5?patoete fieber ana $ alch!ei,befe are rbe ebpia^en f^bflpba tobom jLaban gaue to Jleabf bougbte v . ana tbefe ft) e bare bnto ^acob m nomb?e.rb&lt;.foulej{. becb0a?enofiaaheig!acobfStorfe:3!o&lt; fepb ana engiatmn. ana bnto gjotepb in ft lanae of &lt;s$wte toere borne: fl^anaffeis ana L^{ne.)rti.B.(jpb?atmtobfcb*afnatbtbeaaugbterof^i ttpbarp?eaaofHDnbarebntobim.becbU


* '

ara.befe are tbe cbria?en of rabel tobf cb toetebomebnto31acob.jflm. Coulejs alltoge tber.cfte cbpia?en of an:9wfim.cbe cb?l Wenofi9eptbalt:'jabe?eel/mr/5!e?erana ^&gt;mem.befeare ft fonneisofJBilbatobicft )Uban gaue bnto JKabel \m baugbter /ana foebiiMtberebntogacob / alltogetber.btt. M foulejJ.ail tbe * roule* tbat came toptto f i!a&lt; cob fn to (g?pte toB^ch came out of &amp;# iowg(befpae !&gt;f ronneg topfejj) toere all to* getbe* oulejj.ana tbefonnejs of 30* ft^B/tobfeb toere bo?nebimfn g?pte toere fifouW^ofljatalltbefouleiSof'tbeboufe cf3!aeobtobicbcamemto&lt;gppteare.lw;. anabefent3uaabefo?ebjmbntog|oCepb tbattbetoape hmbtebe roetoea bpm bnto (Bofan/anb tbev came in to tbe lanae of o-. fan.ana^ofepb maaeteayebW cbatett ana toe*t to mete ^ftael b g* fatber bnto ofan/ 9 p?erenteab?mfelfcbntobmi/9feHonbK{ necbe 9toeptebpSb!8 necne a goob toftple. ^ana^frael fagne bnto3jofepb:f5oto am %


content. tooK/nTfomocbUbauefene tfte/ tbat tbou art yet alpue* . ana 5Rofepb tapae bnto bW b?etb?en ana bntobfefatberssboufe;5|toi?il goo 9 ctoe l&amp;barao ana ten bym.tbat mv bjetbtfn a m? f afters boufe tobtcb toere in tbe lanae of Ca naan are come bnto me/ abototbeyareflje* parae)8(f 0; tbep toere men of catelDana tl&gt;rp baue bjougbt tbeir epe ana tbeir oren ana alltbattbepbaue tovtb tbe *% Pbarao call pou ana aye vou tobat toure occupacton in/ fate: tyy feruaunteg bane bene occuppea aboute catell/fromourecbplboaebnto tim tpme-.botb toe 9 oure fatbeiji / tbatyomaye ttoell in ft lana of c&amp;ofan. #02 tbe &amp;vptt83 '; abbo?e all ftepparaejji Cjatoft tomt tf) bifoit jofjarao / 9 bnto torn (b gen?

t ticlnttBc of fto'ece: l; 6 is rotmefoj 1)ib tiu tjaJU Ccbe.irtbfi.&lt;lbapter. " jeagwepb toenta toiae Pbaraoj ana fauae * mp fatber ana mv b?e* tb?5 tbeir mepe ana tbeir beattejj 9 all tbat tbet bane/are come out of tbe lanae of canaananaare in tbe lanae of d5ofan.anagiofepbto6e a parte of bis b?e fbjm-.euf fpue of tbera/ ana p^efentea tbem bntoPbarao,anai&amp;ftataofa?abntohis! b?e tb?en: tobat ffjuoure occupation i ana tl) ep fapae bnto l^arao ' l&amp;cpparaess are tut fee* uauntes/botb toe 9alfo oure fafters. cbe? apbmo?eouerbntoi&amp;barflo:fo?to*fogeo?ne*,&lt;jBciit.^i.j.a in tbe lanae are toe come/f o? tfjv reruaunteg baue no patture fo; tbeir fbepe fo fo^cijs tlje fameOimltin tbe lana of canaan.j^oto tber f o? e let tb? feruaunt e a atoell in tbe lanae of tfofan. ana#baraopabnto3 ! orepb:tbpfatber# anatbpb?eo)^arecomebntotbe.cbelana . . of tfgppteijsopen before ft:9!n ft beft place of tbe lanaemafie botb tbt fatber 9 tyv b?e* tb?enatoeii-.ana euen in tbe lanae of &lt;sofan let the" atoell. flo?eouer pf tbou finoto e an? men of actuate amonge tbem / mafie tbem tuelar* oucr mp catell.anagiofepb bjougfte iniaeobbfefatberanarettbpmbefo^ePba^ rao^Pna tacob bleireai9barao.anap'barao areaijacob/botooiae art tbou f ana gacob fapaebntoJBhatao-.tbeaajeis of mp pilgre* a. tiro* m^ mageareanbuna?ea ana.!trr.pere(.f etoe 9SNS?m euellbaue tbe bapeis of m? ipft bene/ 9 baue 8 , &amp; not attapneabnto tbe pere? of ft iffe ofmp i/ c ^ cty m m fatbers; iniifi aapejjof $tiv pilgremagejs.gob.nuj.c.auo ana ^acob * bleffea Pbarao ana toent out / &lt; *! from bpm.anb3!ofepb P?eparea Btoeiltngcjs mm foiW fatbetanabfe b?etb?m/9 gaue tbem ^ ( { Jg poffeaton0mtbelanbof^ppte/mtbebett^S'^^ of tbe lanae : euenfntbe lanae of iRamefeg/ yi,ij. f&lt;i5ttiE. a$s#baeao commaunBea .ana^ofepb maoeanD..;ov.j;,o p;ousftbnlb^fatber/b^b?etb^en 9 all cm. bvs


fe&amp;otoytbtoeab. cftete toa? no toeab fit an toe lanb/f o? rtje tett^toas* ereeaoytigfoperfatftattbeiSbQf tiamte a f ianse of CanaaV toete fameftyb by I teafon of f ber),anb3|ofepb IwouaM togctftetal! ttje money tftat toag fofloe to g lanoe of igyp te $ of Canaan / fo; ty cojne tabid) tftey bougbte-.sftelaybebp tbemoney to J8ftarao0boufe, nsften money fayiea m lance of gypte of canaan/antbccgyp* rian0 camebntoSlofepb anbfaybe-.geue b0 fuftmaace s toftetfo;e fufftett toou b? to bye befo;e t -.f o? out* money f ? tpent.cft en f aya

ejceabyngiy. flQtteont vgaca ryueb fottje lanoc of tfgypt;ttyere0/ fo tftattbe ftolc &lt;D age of "Jacob toa0 an ftmtb;eb ajrlbif .yere. iJ9ftentbetymeb;etoenye/ g gfraelmuft byeJ&amp;e rent fo; fti? f onne Uofepft a f aybe bn= to ft y nr-U f 3 1 &amp; at,e f ofitie 5^ce in tfty fygft t e/ tnrttbybanbebnbcrmyotbyeanbbeafemer b. cbpin cvfulff anb trueiy tofrft me/fl)at tftou burye b"b ! me not totfgypte-.butletmelyeby my mJgL tftew/anb cane me out of cgypte / a burye w ff me to to eft butyail.anb be anf toerebfli to ill bo a? tftou baft faybe .anb fte faybe*ftoere bntome.anbfteltoate bntobfot.anbtb tm Jftael botoeb ftym bnto tbebeobc?fteab.

^oftptjttoyngey oute catelt / &amp;&lt;$ toyii geue C3af os i?cttj r;cke.*ct&gt;f tye$ ct&gt;^tm anb m* yotofo;yircatell^fwbeMtboutmoney, nmttorttemnnmmmwm.

anb tbey toougftttbefe eaten bnto lofepb. anb be gaue tftem toeab f o? botf eg a Owe/ anb otcn anb affe?:fobe febtbemtoftft toeab fo; all tbertcatell tftat yere. aabrntbatrm tea? enbeb/tbe? came bn touimtoenejrteywanbfaybebntobim-.toe toyll not bybe ft from my lo;be/ftoto tftat tee

baue netfter money no; eaten fo;my io;be: fberef0 nomoareleftfo;mylo;be/buteuen cute bobye?anb out* laoeg ,tft etfo?e latett tbou b? bye bef o;e tbyne eye?/anb tfte lanoe to goo to n cugft t ti by e bg anb oute la nw; f to toeab-.a let botb b? anb owe iSbcg be bonoe toPftarao.euebtfreeb/tftattoemaylyite a not aye/a tftat toe lanoegeonatto toaft, anb'jofepb bougftteaii $ ianbof cgypte

cafte.tfbtfj.ftapter. tftettftete ueabe?/tybfoge?toere-, toougfttbntoaofepft/tftatftfer fa** ,tfter tea? febe .anbje tofie toytb .ftttnftisut.ConnejiS/ $$anaGt&amp; am &lt;pft;aim .ben toasi it f ayoe bnto STac ob :b e boioe/tty fonne^ofepb commettj bnto n)e, anb 3ifta rt tofte by? ttteng tft bnto btm/anb fattbpontbebeob/fasbbntogforepb'.&lt;i5ob aUmfgbtie apeateb bnto meat*)Ui0 m tbe ranbe of Canaan/9 bleffeb me/ara|bebnto ** mesbeftolbe/ltoyumabetbegvotoe atoyil mult? plie tfte/ toyll mabe a gteat * nSbje mMU M . ofpeopieoftfte/atD?Hgeuetbii5Ianbbnto* wt ^ WJ fteabntotft?reebaftettbebntoan eueoa* ftyng pofleaiS . i^oto tftetfo;e onne3 j^anaaes a pft;atm toWty toerebo?ne br

*fo;^bo.^o;tl^Mpcianj{folbeetierp _--.... ..... ^ . ... 4 ^,^_ ntan bws lanbbecaufe 1 btttft toasJ fo?e bpS to tbf before % came to rfte / into g?pte i . . tbem:afotfteianbtbecame f 1Bftatao0.anb^mjibena&amp;iwesibaii M?taftt appojnteb tfte people bnto tbe ctfies/fta tfte? be bnto me $nb tbe &amp;*g *jmmm KnuSoneffbeofJgyptebritotfteotbet:onlytbc geteftaftettt^albetftpeatne:but|al oaiitDch5nfanboftbe1&amp;?eaegbougfttftenot.iJfo;tberc becaIlebtoytJ;rftenamej oftf teittoetb?! mi ofBpp. aBtoajJano;binaunceraabeln^raofo?tbe tteftenberitauncejJ.anbafte;3!camefiwii^ f,T m c i c c tt*p;eaaej8/ tm wulbeeate* to^icfttoau fl&amp;efopotamta/ttaftel.f bvcbbponm? baw o? SS (awSS i bnto tftem: WtM bab M Ian&amp;e of An^^M^MmJi"^" DftDc Btnt.iMgeultbfb)ftetfo;etfteyfolbenottfteiclanb^ habbutafelbejj bjebe togo

o bntocpft;at. asmVm ^behgiofepbfapbebnto folfte:beftolbe anb3buwebfte:tbein f toapetotpftjae 3lbauebougftteyoutbWbayea?outeranw; Wtto ft"*^WJW # FbJiBftarao^abetbetefeeDagoo fotoetfte anb9lfwfteibe6ette lofepMfonnejJ a * lanbeianb of tfte encreafe/ ye qwHgeuetbe faybe:toftat ate tftefef anb lofepft fayoebw fj)ftepatebnto?Bbatao/a.nitpae)Jlbar&gt; "" "" " J " "

be y oute atone/f o; feea to fotoe tbe f elo-.ano fo; you/5 tbem of yottte boufftoloe^/anb fo; owe cbylb;en/to eate. anb tftep anfbieteb: Cftou bafle faueb oute lynejs . net m f ynoe gracenttftefygfttc of my lo;b/ anb let bss be $barao$fetuaunte*.anbgorepbmabeita labje ouet tfte lamt of cgypte bnto tftyjj baye:tbatmenmuft geue^ftatao tfte fyfte parte /ejecept e tbe lanb of tbe p;eatte0 only/ tobicft toais not bonb bnto pftatao. anb^ftaeibtoeit in(fgypte:euenintfte countre of (Sofan.anbtbeybab tftefrpoffef* cyons ffterin/ anb tyeygvebx 9 nuiitfpB'eb

toftiis fatftef.tbey aremyfomte^/tebicbgob batfte geue meljete. anobe faybib^nge tft? tome/a letme bleffetb* Jmm eye? of %(* tad toere bymme f o; age/ r o $ ft e coulbe not toeii fee.anbfte toougbtetftem tobym / anb be byffeb tftem anb emtoaceb tftem. anb %t* taelfayb bnto^ofepb'.Slbabnottbougfttto baue fene tfty face /aftb yet loo /&lt;t$ob baft ftetoeb it me anbalfo tby feeb . anb Jofepft c tobetftfatoaye ftomftyuiappe'/atft'eyfeii on tfte gtounbe befo;e bym. cban tofte gsofepft tftem botb:tiPb;afm to by? tygftte ftanbe totoatbe 9|ftael0 left banb ? WmM to W \ eft banbe/totomte jftaew

** fflftaete tygftte banbe/anbtoougftttftf bnto byn anb 3if rael atetcbeb tmm yaft te t , artie pue&gt; bonee a a toybeitbp3 (CPb;atmj(fteabb)bicb W*"* 6 toa0 tfte yonget/ anbfty? iyft banbebpott KSSSff ^anafle? fteeb / ctodtoge ftyjs banbe? / fb; BrtKto^ ^anaflejJ toa3 tbe eioet, ano fte bieffeo Jo rttfrimcntco fepft faying:(Siob before toftome my fatftet^

oftttt, ifl, ab;aftamanbgifaacbybtoae/ atbe&lt;5ob SB&amp;SS toftyeftbatft febb me an my lyfelonge bnto i. ^, oa^^nj tfteangen tofttcftbatft beiyue reb me ftom all euylf /bleae tftere labbe? : g tbey maye be calieb after my name / a after my fatoatoaftSanb3!faac / anbtftattftey maye gtotoe anb multiply e bpon tfte ettft. teftengfofepft fatoe tftat fty^fatfter layb W tygftte ftanb bpS tfte fteaoe of &lt;ptoafm/ tt byrpieafeb D ym . anb fte iyfte bp W fa&lt; tftetiS bib/to baue temoueo tt ft9 cpb;atm0 beab bnto C^anade? fteab / anb faybebnto bw fatbet-.jijot f o my fatftet/ fo; tbyis f$* tfte ^elbeft.^tttbytygfttftanbebpon ftyisfteab. anbftyisfatftettoolbnot/butfaybfllbnotoe _. &lt;ttoelimyfonne/g|Snobjeitb3eii.9elbalbe * m w n, ' a alfoa*people a u)albegteat./6utof atcutb bW yonget b;otljet Ojalbe : gteattettbanfte/ anbby? feeb (ball be fun of people * anb fte bleffeb tbe fay tfte enfample of tbefe&gt; tbe 5,tra elftess (ball bleffe* fay e:oomafte tbe a (pb;aim anb a? manacre&amp;cftu? fett be dEpb^nnbefo?e jafcanaffe?. anbllftaei f aybebnto9orepb:btftolbe /3S bye,3nb &lt;kj od (baibe toitb you a toynge you agaynebnto $ ianbof youve fatbet0.^o;e *5etii $.a ouet % geue bnto tbe / a po;cyon of* ranbe aboue tby b;etft;en/ WW % gatt out of tbe banbegof tbeamojften toytb my ftoeae a ioyrbntybobje. C J acob McUc ti) nil lj is atone Coflttcv anb fdctoe^ Ofi tbQat ip to come. U?e apog ntcty tuyere tyt topiae tu prt; ancspetij. cfte,itii)c.Cftaptet. % 13^^|i5b3 1 acob calieb fo; by? fonne?'a faybe:cometogetbet/tftatg! maye {teityoutobatfballftappen you to _ lraftbaye?.&lt;5atbetyoutogetftet anb fteate ye f onne? of "Jacob / anb ftetben bntogiftaeiyoutefatber. ' * cKitcwa?.* JRuben *tftou art myne eiaett fonne/ my mygftte anb tfte begynnyng of my fttengffl/ eftew in teceauynge anb cftef e to potoer . a? bnQable ass toatettoaft ttjou-.tft ou (bait (bee

Mmxm t&gt;ft;enot betbecftefe(t/fo;tbou* toenftbp n.)6acaii.4).a. bpon tfty fatftet bebb /ano tftan befylebelt *nijB/tut tftoun, ^ c0uc0cto ^ ft 8opgebp. B,m cfte b;etb;en &gt;ymeon anb ULeui/toebeb w uitpbe eortoatumente?aietbeit toepons .^ntotfteit fcof fectette?comcnotmyfoule/anbbntotben; C !g c5gtegario*be my ftonoure not PSS m ^to;atbtbeyfletoeam5/anbintb'

'- V-


felfe toy (l tbey * bougbeban ope , Cuvfeb

be tfteit to;atb tot ft bra? Otonge / anb tfjeit: fearfne? f o; it teas ctuell . % toyll tftecfo;e 55 beuybe tbfm Jacob / a fcatec tfte in^ftael, 3!uba/toy b;etft;e 0)ailp?ayfetfte/ atftyne ftanb (balbe intfte*necfte of tbyne entmyeg/^. fc aW M.*. atfty fatftet? ftylb;en (ball (loupe bnto tfte. * 3ubai?a*lyon!5 tobelpe/ ^Tcorn Cpoyiemys2ic!) .u.c . mm tftou art come an ftye: fte laybe ftym botone anb coucfteb ftym felfe a? a lyon/ mn^Bm$m&gt; f a? a * lionelle. iffifto bate Here fttmbp i cfte &amp;&gt; ceptrc te fceptte (ban not beparte from giuba/no; ifiaSSSSSg iwlatftombemeneft(?legge?/bntyll^yS?gT/t^R ^come/bntotobome f people (ball fterfte .joairopjopijcct $e (ball bynoe ftys fole bnto tbebyne/a ftyss s'Be affe? colt bnto tftebyne b;auncfte/ anb (ball XBffi '" toato by? garment in toyne anb by? manteii r^*** a to tbe bloub of grape?/ fty? eyejs are r oubter tftantoyne/afty? teetft bjftitter tfteu mylfie. *5abulon (ball btoell in tfte ftaug of fee HUM***** anbtotbepo;teof(byppe?/anb(ballreacfte bnto^yboni . Slfacbar i? a Cronge affe/fte coucfteb ftym botone^ber? / anb fatoe tftat

reft tea? goob anb tfte lanb tftat tttoasspiea iant/anb botoeb fty0 Qntlber to beare/aiib be cameaferuaunte bnto ttybute, 3ano)all J(ubgefti?peopie/80oneoftftetrybe?of3;f , llfw . r . Ufl Meljan(balbe^erpentintftetoaye/anbp? ViStr anebbermtftepatft/ abytetftefto^efte^/OEtunu mic fo tftatfty?rybetiballfalibacb)atbe. afterso"ne tijcm. tbyfauyngelo6e3!JLo;De. aoe^^ip &lt;Etob/men of toarre (bail inuabe ftt'm, aub fte roanturnetbemtoflygftt. fl&gt;fa(Ter cometft^fatt toeeb/anbne (ball e.if wbt^ geuepieafure?fo;aftynge, b pw* i9eptftam*i? aftoyftftynbe/a gcitetft"Sf f , . ' gooblytoo;be?.cftatflo?yabyngecftyibe^Ofc c' ( o ? Mr"ui; fepft/ tftatflo;iaftingecftylbeanbgoooiybn tfptu&amp;tftte* to tbe eye^fie naugftter? tan bpon tfte toaii. * W**? ftefboter?baue enuyeb ftym anb cftyobtf SfflttmS bymanbftateoftym/ anbyetfty? botoe bobe oo..W.r. faft/abi? arme? fti?ftSbe?toere (ironge/ by tbebanbe? of tbe migfttye dEfob of g;acob: out of ftym (ball come an fterbe man a done in giftaei, cfty fatbet? gob (bail belpe tfte/ a t^t almygtie (bail bleffe tfte tt bieftynge? f tombeauen aboue/ anb to i 'tft bleftynge? of JD tbetoater tftatlyetb bnber/? toitft bleffyngt of tbe b;efte? anb of tbe toombe . cfte bfefe fynge? of tfty fatber toere 0;onge : tntn a? &gt; tftebleflynge? of my elber?/ after tbcbefy;e of tbebyeft to tfte too;loe/ a tftefe bleffynge? (ball fanontbebeabofgiofepb/ anb ontfte ik0mtm . A fromby?b;etft;en. jL ob fcnct/imtl eng!amto t0ataue(bynge B toolfe. ypfomhw afcr

tbemo^iyngebefftall beuourefti0 p;ayey a iwrvw at i nygbtebe toMmmm fboyle. SSSKt t ailtoefearetoe^,5 l g? I0tbattobycbtbeit fatftet fpabebntotftemtcrttebcuncK cito. toften




toben fie bleOTeu tbem / euen? man toitt) a re* uetall biearnge.anobe cUatgeot^e frfapoe n bum m me toitt) m ? fan) erg / t n tlje cau e tbat!gmtbcfeioeofiph?ontbe$etb?te/tti tie Double caue ft ijs in reibe bewe $$sre in the lanoe or canaan.lbfcb feicit 3b?ab$ bougfite of tfpbwntbefcetbptt [n avoflfcfc ftonto &amp;ur?em.cftereti)ep bun&gt;roab?aba 9 feaeabtf toyfe/tbere tbeybutfeogfaac &amp; jBebecca his totfe .anatberegR butteb %tat totytto feiaeanattje catte that tsf ttjertn/toass bougot of tbe cbpa?en of $etb.

ofcanaanfcbuweabfmfntbebouWecauetf . . tobvcb1Cb?abambaD*bou6bte totfb $ feioe *we.fti$i tobeaplacetobutt?em/of&lt;pbi!ontbe$es tbfte before fl^anwe .amagofepb returnee to tfgupce agajne ana b?s b?etb?en/an&amp; all tbattoent bptoitbbtfn toburye btss fattier/ affoneaSbebaoburfeobEtn. ' lbetl3|orepe* b?etb?enfattctbat their fatbct to** beaee/tbej faro*. 3Sofepb ntrabte foztune tobatebuane* retoareeb* agatme *mm ail ft euett tobfcb toe'bi?abneo&amp;ttn.cbejDs&amp; tb e i f o;e a comaunomet b n t o3&gt;o f epb r w n g; tb? father cbargeobsbetoebisfcetbrapitig.



HBncnjacob ban comrnaunaeb all that be &lt;u.y? e* wwww ~"r;r a fk toolDbntobfonftej/betuic!eBbpbfefete .fffa^ft^^J|2JK tonQntBebeWneewe/anetoas*putbnto wtbei?tetoaibel)tbeetteH./3oto^etfp;e b^peopSeSaofepbfeWbWtatbW toePwt|e/fo;?euetbettefpaceoftt)eftr* face/anatoeptebponbftn/aneBpaeebtm.. ui

... . uauntes -. . e .^^ -'v " *""" 3 tft c&amp;be.libapter; anbfaroe:bebolDetoebettpreruattep.ainb^ ISaaofepecommauneee bwfer* aofepbtapoebntotbemnearenot/fojam *&lt;&amp;"i uauntestbattomb*BS/to notgitonaergoa^ e tbougbteeuellbntome: , embatome bis fatber/ane tjjel&amp;bf but Joe tutnee t bnto good to b??nge to i I, i ,i J rtciSfS embatomee3feaei.ri.eape* paffe / a* tti* tbp* aape / euen to few modi Jonge/fo? fo loge oottj ttc embatominge laft people a ipue.tfeare not t&amp;erfiw e/ to} 31 toga miatbeflgppciansbetoeptebi?m.lw:.eapefc rate fo?souanefojt&gt;oure cbpiojen/ ane ee aittotobentbebapeisofbjeppngtoeteen* fpaBeftpnMpbntptbem, bcb/^otepbfpabebntotljeboufeof^atap gorepbatoeitmtfgppteajiebwfatber* fame&amp;f i baue founee fauoute in poure houft alfo/ana ipueo an bune?eaane.*.p ere. * oatm tbatmpfattermaeemeftomanefepWoo/ bnto tbe tbptfe generation. 8ne bnto go* **** wM.fl#bre/fetbattboit*butremenimt&gt; gtaue mm BH&amp;flSSSSP mt toMcbpauemaeemerott)elaneeofCa&lt;&gt; mw/mtmm%mmmefi. 38 naan.loto tbetfoje let me goo a burpe mp anegofepb fapee bnto bg JW|^ Jg ju &l t;w faftee / ano ttian tovll-J come agapne . 3no 3Cnt) oo to*H fuetlie.bjfettfpu bnge gft ^ ?bawbW/goo Jbut?etft?fitber/aco?* fou out of tbttlanae/ bntotbe lanbe^tcbW' KeajJbemaM fte rtoete. be ttoare bnto 3b?abam/ f W anb Jacob, g^ ;* fnb5fofepbtoentbptoburfeb^fatbet/ anb1,orepbtobeatioo^oftbecb0b?enofoeb5baBe, ? an? toftb WW all tt)e fmiafitejs ofP- 9 a Jftael ant. fapoe: &lt;m WW f le but bt&

gt; ?" ta?SattoetbeeloewofbfjJboufe/anaall * wttw**wrwf^tKmr *****

tbecloe;0of isgfpte/anbaufeeboureof ^o fepftanbb^ btftbw&amp;tf fatbetu boufe: onlv tbefecb^enanbtbeit foepeanbtbefr catelUeftetbepbeb^noetbemftitbrlanbof oran,ainbtbet;etoentta)ttbbPialfocba* retteuanb bo?femenu*o tbattbe? toete an ejc ' ceawnge great companpe. ^ ainbbiben tbepcametotftefrloeofataa beronoe ^oanc / tfjeteCbep maoegceat 9 mmMJUmammito* lamStac&lt;S.anbbe*mounieb fo?bfatt)et;.btia)a?ejJ.iben f enbabitew* of ft Ififi of ft tonanpte* f ten t ft mournvng in | felbofaitab/tbe?fai!be:tbWf)sagwate mournpigtoMcb tbe dgppc^O mabe.nPOet fee tbe name of tbe place in calleb abel mrjraim /tobpcb place ftetb betonoegfloj* oane.3nbb^fonne0bf&amp;bntobHnaco)b|ng

boones bence. 26no f |ofepb W&gt;eb/toben be toaU aitjum D?eoano.),aina tbe?enbatomebbm anbputbtni acbeftfn OJgwte* CCfi e enD of rbc fp? ft bote of @ofe&amp;

i|F04CffMl ,


Cdje fetotttj bate bf^loftjef m


talleD Cjcobus, c&lt;raftbrt6cnof3awbatfni5birD.(Hicnrt&gt;j|fcW ailtbemencBtIo?entbatatebome/caa nttO ^PP;tfft&amp;t)e.a^at&gt;^BOMjmfi.teiutt. t^rpueeanorauetbema?DtblD?en a ipue* l&amp;ele 8W lye ItanieS Ot bp^f d hacaas sausljt c v .ft e UplU tl) 1 M c egjpcm ti. the*Cb?lb2fof3ftael/tob1?cb cflsctljmatf{^att&gt;fft.Ityc3fcatlilfeaptn - - - - to ti&gt;t %mt


came tocgppte tola) Jaeob/ euerp man toftb b^boufbolbs _, , , ___ lauben/ Simeon/ JLtut/%u* ^^^^ oa/^racbat/3abulon/38em'a^ ^fee.3CK tbe rouiesJ that came out of tbe lo^nep of gjacob wrt ilofepb teas oeao s all hip b^ttjet 5 all ft giNMM0*4a*t of ^.ftaeigtetoe/ en rtrt.tM CTeafeamultipBeb ^toajceb eneeawngmjgb l(u,cii9.( tfe(o ^ at ^eianbetDa0fuUoftbem.

C^befecontecbaptec. |5b tbee teet a man of * ft fymflr of 2C jLeui.anbto!ieaDaugbtetofjLe*f^'tii.Df. ui.ttno ft tojfe conceaueo 9 bare a 'iww*nMfonne. a r no tofte fte favxie ft imm

a PiopiecWfte / u)ebvobi?m tb^cmonetbest Wge.3Bnbtob5ajecouDenolongerbr5ebmi (betofieabaffietoE butairQK* ^bavrbeDit ttflwue^pptcbe/^Iaro ft cbUofljmn/^put

ft in ft flaggy bp ft riuetg b?pnfte.anD W fit iVeFeecwrebpanetofifngfngppte ^M^SS^SJS^&amp;S^^m^ 9 .rYhbt./hi(-itnt^oreift3BnbberaiiQebnto oiit - ano tbeDougBteior^arao came j flt t ,u y . c . mSS^SSSBKmSSSSSi ben0toalftebaft3ngebrfl)eucwrw&gt;e.ana SffiSKSSSStt SSSlSej tobembecatoetbebatftetamonge tt)c flag, (Ebtuess cfiiiwcn. Chen ravocbte After bnto barao0bougbtct : (ball I go anb call bnto theanurreoftbecbjuc^toeme /tonuvfe ft ftcbiIDe?3Dna ft mabetSrie$ calleb e cbw mothef.ceen^barao^ oottgbtwfa^e bfe tobet.Cafte tbffJ cbsloe atoape 01.D nuvfe it ro?me/?g?topllretoarce ft foarbpiabouve, anbft toomStofietbe cbilte/ijnuvfeiittbp. 3tnb toben tbe cljtIGe toajs grotone / (be a ^ frtf , tyougbtftbnto Wstm bougljter /ana itnnc^tnami' toa0maaebttfonne/?lbecaHeDit a fll5ore)5/ it n 3 mfii bccaute(faroen)cHtoltel)tmoutof tbettia? ato " ." { ni

out of tbe lanoe. anbberettetaffienwtta* ou tbem /to Sepe tbem bnoer toitb buttberg . anatbcf bfltebnto Watao treafure atot&amp;totM* rfamereg.B5uttbemo?etbeFbejeatbe/tbe bojiea m cbiia?en of Sftaei anb tbe gw* tiaWbelDe tee cb&lt;K&gt;?en of Jfrael in bonaage KoutmerVanainaaetbettivuejJbittw tntotbemtoftb cruelllaboure m elate ana tofebe/ana all manettoojfie In tbe felbe? / 5 Sailmanerof feruice/tobicb t&amp;ep eautea ^emtoVDo^ltecruellp.

W&amp;mu tmt bnto tbe tee.ainaftb3Ppeneoti itftefe m mm l fS&amp;m ot(EBW - "-e fegm^tonittcgiTat/tbatbetoentoutbnto^^e

ta XT ;f #bmenDomen/of tobrch tbe ft3 toa3 tonrtc gvcat/tnat tje toent out nco




beftontbtpmanwamw^2.w^ ^kttmaSmSAOmta Mime /as * ffr to;ff

'jn toyicl) nctc

'^ e "' Semen of &lt;rgPte:buttoereflitofetoomcn/ ^"^KnS Ks;^Cf SSSSS8SBBS ffitSS a?i " ,w " ' " ssss s .'''? 4ttdMiMi( WH*eaww&gt;wn.tDaOT ant AmMim


tvottfibeft /to? to toatet tbett fat^etg fljepe. 30nb we mepatbeu came sbzouetbeatoape-. SSSTt ifte^* Ei***W** cametoaguci ratftrt of jt/tbettfatbet/befapbe-.boto bappenetbit t veto ami t^t pe aw come to foone to oape? anQ tbep an* BSSffiEL nereb:tbere toa* an cgpptfantbatoelpue SSfSSflS * w ft $' *WWf bjetoe Wtoa* p?citccf aaa&lt; tet/ 9 toateteb tbe Cbepe.aimi be fapbe bnto wan. 3fo? bfcoougbtetifctobctfebeftobpbauepeleff SftaXSh^ IP***** W bpm f be map eate b;cft. 8 t8 Z * ott * **&gt;* content to btocll toftb tbe toitD t^e ^mOnobegaucflfcoteaSepbojabfeoougb jttoco/toae ti) t tee to^tc^ bate a fonne/9 be called bint et &amp;]KSh f on:fo ? ftc fa # c 31 &amp;atie bene a (rwungee in

an " iB ^t^f ianne.aittD me batepetanotbet v fonne/ to&amp;om be calico citefeiv fepittgettbe obofmpfatbetfempnebelpct/anbbatb rpbmeoittoftbebanbei8of#batao&lt; 3Pn6ft cbattnceotnpjoceae of tpme/tbat tfc fipnge of tfgpptebpeb/ ami tbe cbplfcen t&gt;.umb bp5 of giftael fpgbeb bp tbe teafon of laboure/9 m : mat i i ctpeb.nbtb etc eSplapnt came bpbnto &lt;$oo ^^^ft^Wliw.ftobimniawbftiw 8&lt;SS uu PJompfe toftb3ib?aba7 3!feac 9 3&lt;acob.ainb tour /m jd tu 00 lofteb b von tbe cbPitye of i ftael/ ana ttro.^fBi.D, finetoetbem.


t A



t /

ac9 fte &lt;ESobof "Jacob. 3Inb &lt;ofes5 bP&amp; bPJ* fetj twfoi face/fo; be toajs af rap en to lobe bpon on. rcifco? ; Cban^ejLo^Deia^e^baueCumFfeneK"' ' tbe trouble of mp people tobicb ace in gpp* Sl te/9 bauebcroetbefcerpe tobftbetbepbaue&lt;r of tbetttaffiemaQetjs. jfo?9i finotoe tbeft fo* wtoc/9amcomebotonetobelpuei:tbemout of tbe banbej* of tbe ($gppcpan0/9 to bjpnge tbemoutoftbatianoebntoasoo&amp;fanbe^a , large 9 bnto aianoe p/flotoetb initp mplcfte aiH 9 bonp:ette bnto Replace of tbe GananptegtcraoniU $etbfte0/^mo?ite0/Pbere?tteis/miteiJ/9 .&amp;a"n pu, of tbegsebufite*. &amp;ototbetfo;e bcW/tbe gggfl compiapnt of tbe cbplojen of $ftaeife come jffiLffi

bntome/anb3Sbauealfo ftnetbe opp;effpon comfoftofi tobeitoltbtbe&lt;ttppcpan0opweaetbe\j3ttt come/3 topu fenbe tbe bnto Pbarao/ g tbou mepa wpnge m? people cbplbze" of ?f rael m out of Cgppte. anb #ofe* fapbe bnto Bob: *" tobatamj to goo bnto $batao/9 to bjpnge tbecbpioieof iftaeloutofcgppte^ Mm rapce^ topii bett tbe. 3Dnb tbiiet ibalbea to&gt; benbnto tbetbat^l bauefenttbe:afteetbat tbou Ban b?ougbt^ people out of (Egppte/ pe Qiftil rente 00 bpon tyfi mountapne. cban fapoe flpofft bnto d5oO:b^g i come bnto cbplojl of afiaei 3 Tap e bnto tbf /n)e


b.ic^rcnB5Dpmto!(ti)ji6?tnof3fMei;antito ^Fpebntome/b^attfbWname/tobaf tjaej^i Wnvmwtvwnt. anttoeteibaH?seuetb^cbenfapo&lt;E(oobn(batie/| to orejS:a totibe tobat3! toflbe:* bf tapo: tow w tbiJKbart tbou fapebnto tbe cbplD?en of 3)fc c !ffi raer^toifteDpofenomebmopouJnacEWte^alnZ fpabe furtbetbnttr^oresi: tbu? Qiale tbou gjmmit fapebnto f cbpio^ of giftaefctbeHojOe (Stoo *ew :*t\ of pouw fatbetSJ/&lt;B$ob of 3Db;ab8/tbe oo Jsjwj, " " a J of gtaac/* $ ooof 31acobbatbfentmebniK 12 topou:tbijSi0.mpnamefo?euei;/anotb^t0 C ou mm mpmemo?paRtbo;om out an genecacpSjj; w soot s$oo tbetfo;e 9 satbee tbe eroew of attaei **&lt;* to getber/9 rape bnto tbf :tbe Me . oo of w pouce fatbetsl/ tbe 00 of 36b2abS/ tbe 5oo of gfaac/ 9 tbe (Cob of f acob appear eb brc&lt; to me/ 9 fepoeVJ bane bene 9 fene botb pou 9tbatttbicbi0Oonetopouincgppte. im 3! baue rapbe it/mt% topHbtfngepou out oftbetttbulacpoof^ppte bnto tbe lanoe of tbe canan ptejs/%etbfte0/3t mo?it ess/Pfte re?tte*/$euptesi mehatte* 1 turn a tenoe tbatflotoetbtoitbmpJcfieanbbonp. gifitcometopaoe ^tbepbeaeetbPbopcc tben 000/botb tbou ano tbe emettt of 9Rer

CCbe.ui.Cftapter. a&gt;tt fiepte tbe (bepe of Jetb^o W f atb et in lame p?eeft of 0?a= wan/ 9 beo?oue tbeflocbetotbe

bacbefpbe of tbcoefert/anb came 5SSaE t0 tbemountapne of &lt;2foo/9o?eb. 3no an nSrSSIsew ottbe )lo;be appeaveo bnto bpmtn a flame of fp;eout of abuO.ainbbe Petceaueb tbat tbe bum bumeb toifp?e/9 confumeo not.ban fl^ofeu fapoe: | mpH goo bence/ ftfeetbiisgreatefpgbt/botoitcometb t tbe liuD)ebumetbnot,lnbtbbgtbe}Lo?befatoe bntolbebpngeofcgppte/9rapebntobnn: tbat be came fo? to fee /be caHeo bnto bpm cbe )L o?be &lt;poo of tbe $eb?ue* ba ^ mete TS&gt; out of oje bulb 9 fapbe:^oCejit/flofe^a(nD toitb ba-Mbg go tbecfo^e.iif .b apeppoumep be anftoeceo^ete am % ano be rapbe : come into Hft topioentefle/rbat ttiemape fa cttftce ** ^''"iP'not bptbee/butput tbPftooe* of tbpfete: bntOflbe^o;oeouw!5ob. ^ottoitbf tSMnge mi tbttSab r ^ tbeplace tobewontbou ttonoett &lt;SJ*bolp 9 am rure tbat tbebmge o f gipte mill not tebvcbectbev gtounbe^nbbefapoes3! am tbccsoo of tbp Tettpougoo/ercepteitbett ami gbtiebSbe: tbcao?B*(fio/fatber/tbe&lt;iEiooof3b;abam/ft)efoaof|fa pe93!topntbetfo?eatetcbeou tmpne mte , 9ftnp

tmpte(Sgpptemitbaumptoonb0 mbfeb abuoot|erm.3no aftec tbat be mm let !M pougoo , mat* 1 } toil! gett tyi&amp; people fa= -rt* uoute in tbe flgbte of tbe 2gpptiam8:f tbat iJ ,3B ??J' f mbenpe goo /pe mail not goo emptie-.but "8SS euerptoitelbauboroto of bnepgbbouteiTe it note tbat anb of bee ^ fogeo;netb in \)it b oufe/ iemeKt w flaica'nii offplueeanoof goloanoeapmft,3lnBpe (bal w*CJR. put rbem on pouvefonneg anooougbtetu / 9 Sfitott lbaHobbetbegpptianjJ. MtBmaunftntmtoi&gt;tc.lttpfcpbonteiifflciretl|bic mnt *' fonncaaton metttb toith Agotto. ajoftB tabcth b is SSJatttb* Cbe.uif.Cbaptee. swthinj 3BR^5^re0anflueteo9&lt;apoe:&amp;e/tbep 6 u Mt " , N k^fl H*' 1 " ot DeIe " e rac ^ fterfie bnto a'taStS iftS! Bnpbopce:but toii fape / Hje H-o;0e WHfc MiMlbatb notapeareb bnto tbe. ^cn tbe TLom rapbe bnto bim : tnbat t'0 tbat in tbwebanbfanbbe iapbe/arobb.anbberapb

eaftitontbegcounue/9 ft wmeobntoa fee* pf t3PnO ^Poreu tan atoape from tt . 3Dno tbe %om iapoe bnto a&amp;oreu : put f o?tb tbine banoe 9 tabe it bp tbe tapiclno be put fo;tb bifSbanbano caugftt it/anb ft became a cobb agapnembfebanb/ tbat iftepmapbeieue t

metb tomete tbe/ano ttben be reptb tbe / be totibe glab i W bett.anb tbou tyatt rpeafte bnto Dim anbput tbe to o;bejJ in W moutb/ anb 31 toilbe toitb tbp moutb anb toitb W tnoutb/anbtoillteacb pou toljat pe Qiallbo. %mt)t (balbe tbp rpoftefman bnto tut p 1 0* &lt; pie:beQ)AllbctbP moutb 9 tbou malt be aectbaite bi0&lt;Pob:anb tafte tW robb m ^Pbanbe/tefitoU tobertoitb tbou malt bomp?acle?(. 31*1 RX 3Knb fl^ofeis toentanbretumebco9 , etb?os m.wht tyt fatbetin latoe agapne anb rep&amp;e bnto \fi v let me gooftpjape tbe) 9 tucne agapne bns' to mp b;etb?en tobicb ate in $gppte/ tbat 39 mapretobetbettbepbepetalpue. anbjc^ tb;orapbto^ore0'4oof peaceJnb %&lt;m fapb bnto jBofe* in fl^abia:retume agapn mto(gppt*fo;tbepare beab tobicb toent#^, aboute to fipu* i$n* ^ ores tobe W top f e 9 bterSneis 9 put tbl on an aOe 9 toft agapn toEgppte/9tobe tobboftfobinbtebSbe. 3nbtbe)lo;be fapbe bnto fl@oleg:tobert tbouartcomemto(Sgppteagapne/re tbat tboubooali $ to3o?esbefojePbatao tobicb 9baueptttmtbPbanb:but3!toiii batofbft-t* berte/rotbatbeOialinotlettbepeople goo.'ff asnb tell i&amp;batao/tbusj faptb tbe )lo;be : %u

-fttbejLo^be m of tbeft fstbew /tbed$ob of welftmpneelbeft fornie/anbtbeefo^efap tb ^3b?abam/ tbe &lt;n$obof3Maac anbtbe^obof bnto tfte:letmp fonne goq/tbat be map feme giacobbatbappeateb bnto tbe. meJftbwtoanotletbimgoo:bebolbe/a ******* 'V83XL m +m W m tbattbenio^iemettbpm 9toolbebaue nyb !ebb&lt;m.ban ^epoja tobe a (tone 9 circuit! rifeb bp? fonne 9 felt at b vs fette/anb fapoe: a bloubpbufbanoart tboubntome.lnbbe

tbmStbmebanbefntotbUborome. ainbbe tb?tt ft bfe banbe in to W bof ome anb tobe ft out.anb beboltv b^tbanb teas lepetouti euf m fitotoe 3m be rapbe:put tbine banbe m to tbpboromeagapite.airtbtje put W banbe in

tobijsboromeagapne/anbpUKbeb ft out of Iettbimgoo.^efapbeabloubpbufbonbe/

becaufe of tbe cftcucf (ton. cban fapoe tbe Ho;be bnto % a t omgo mete #oreg in f toil benteaeJnbbetDft9mettbimin$ mount of &lt;Sob 9fiiffcbbprojttb ^oTep toio %wm all tbe too^bes of f )Lo?be tobicb be bao rent bpbmt/9 all ibetofienjj tobicb be bab cbae gebbbn toftb a!l.^&gt;o toent fiPofe* 9 3Paton

btebofome/9bebolbe/fttoa!Sturneb agapn atsb^otbetfleib^ftbeptoiilnotbeleuetbe netbetbeate tbebopceof tbe fiefttoben: pet toilltbepbeleuetbebopceofibe feconbe to* Cben.$ut9pftbeptoillnotbeleite tbettoo figne^netberberben bnto mp bopce/tben tafie of tbe toatee of tbe riuec anb poute ft A _ . _. bpon tbeo?pelonb.3Bnottoatet: tobicb tbou anbgartecbantbeflbewof tbe fflm ja tabettoutof tbetiueeaaBtwne to bioube 3^el,anba^t(^aH*etoo?bejj^fcb bpontbetepelonbe. tbejU;bebabfpo*ebntofl9ofwy 9bpbtbe anb mtee fapsebntotbeiLojbe : of) mp mpiaciwlntbefpgbt of tbepeople/9 f peo. *?ttt.(,a Xo^e*3amnoteloquent/nonotintpmejj piebeleueb^tobi tbepbeae f Wto* pact anb nameip fence tbotibaft fpofieit bn= babbtrueb H)e ebwen of Hftaei ant j bab l b m lDigttl to tbp reruaunteibut % am Ootoe moutbeo 9 Seb bpon tbeiv tt*ulactcn/*ftep botoeo tbe tbectiuci/tbat aotoetonguebJnbtbejUj^etapoebntobJ: feluejjanbtoo^ippeb. ?ffi ,| ^ ,,c tofiobatb mabe mm moutt) / &lt;m tobol m c ot aacon joeth Wfa iaDarao. ffbepeopleiS ffi mabetbebommeo?tbeoeafE/tbefepngeo; of3fcaciaccopp?cleBmo?can6moj(/aitatbe ? ctrt ^ Wpnbefljaue not? tbe %oftt i 0 cbecfo? out* upon *ocm aaron tbtrfo;t.

Vat. w am*3!toiwetoitbtbp moutbanb tea* tbe il ^ tmtl , J fflgjgflSw, lf . ,, tobat tbou (bait rape . tfut be fapoe : ob mp U^gn ^ofejs 9awn_ toent fttN )lo;be/renbqip?aptbetobomtboutoiltJnb ^^^ arao / t ft u ^ a ^ t ^ e &gt; :iL a f c * tbenojbetoasangtie toitb S0ore3anbfapb ^^ofaffaeixetmppeoplegoo/tbae gifinotoea'atontbP b?otb tbe leufte tbat ^^^^*eMboipebapebntome iecanfpeaBe.3nbmo;ouetbeboIb/btco. &lt;n $ toilbemeiie Jno#bataotoereb;gt

i ptifCn t\)t


_? ^j

**,. w , l - S i-- , ,- .je#Umm?(BrtotBJtgeof?outeOat?*tna* a.j!inrtnottt)wef'?toIftg:rtael8oin , aBnotoEnott$e hinge of b;pcfie)tBantBe?mett f l&amp;ofeis ana ttcjtojBe/t^t rioc/netBettorUlet gifrael goo. anotBep aaton ttonotngemtBere ta?e a fMbeptame ? raSSSaMNI of WWbfttoti Dm meet tt out from J&amp;batao/anBfa?oe onto ttecbt Z^bSZ^MWtoompmmi^mi'Mtnei ^o^joftcbwopouanjmle/fombau tttctaiK? a*mtbtBcbefem/tfiatmema?efacrmcebnto maoetBefauoute of b^ttmefieintBeC igbte it? taw to eo fte jto?oeoutc&lt;!&amp;oB:lettBe cnnjtebis etbet *S &amp;te I"** P ea ^ ce 0? tofta toeroe.cben faroe oil barocntT fi?na,e of crjrptcbnto mem : tobcrfo;e Do vc tactw tbif flflofefi anD aaron let t be people from tbeit w hot tbe f ta to0 2g e / jet you bnto jour laboure.anoPBa &amp;S23 6 /aofa?OftittBermo;e:BeBoloe mere ijsmocB w, "' r,r,pw peoplemtfielanbe/ano?e mafic tbemplaje . anoiettbeirwojfieftonoe. amiisbarao cBmaunoeotBe fameoarebn

t otbetaCftemaftersi ouer tBe people/ a unto . meoffpeetf taring: fetbatpegeucS people ' no mo?e ftratoe to mafic bt pcfictoftB all/ a? reoponitpmepafleo


_, __ . &amp; ie of^barao anoofbisfetuaunteis / ano baue Wj4 puta toerocintotBefrBanoeisto ace btt. KH .flpofcflretutneo bnto tBe &amp;o?0e a fajocr^b? your* TLo;oe tobptfojc sealed ttjou cruelt? toitft to nun tote people: atobcrfojeBatt tfioufentmef *"fe tt fojfencegicamcto?&amp;baraotoCpefie in Kg rtame/BeBatB fareo f oulltoitb tfittJ folfie / $ bougbt 1 ?ett&amp;ou baft not oelputreotbp people atan.bMbatji Ctjen tbe ;ko?oe Ca?oe bnto ^o.fe3.:$oto.*J? w ftalttbou fee toBats 1 toillooobnto iMjwwo" 1 *** fo? toitb a mt ghtt'e banoe all be let t&amp;em . goo/anototn) a mpgjbtfe band CDaB Be Ojpue tbemoutof&amp;psianoc.

tBemftiatoctt)cmfclue0/wiotBenoml)?cof c&lt;&amp;QmomwwvuttmuoUDt3(muitB/4 *-**. hjH.rf.^H.tnmii.AMMttiAtom tbciawof;(anaan.&lt;a3cBnratoaieafu6en/*i#

_. WbrtBetBeptoeremont t?mepaaeO/la?ebntotBeft cBargessalfo/a mw jQ) notBmgctt)ewf . floj tfie? bepoffla . tberf o;e cm fapngeaet b* goo ano 00 Urn fftebntoourctfoo. cBc?muttBaucmo?e tootfelapeobpimtbem/tbattbepmare ia= BoutetBerpn/ anotBantoflltBep not turoc tbemfeuiejStofairetootfK*. aBantoenttBetatfiematter$ of t&amp;c peo* pie ano'tbe officer out ano toioc (Be people fawge;BuWetB PBarao-.atoW geue t mi no itioare ttrato ti but goo sour fewest a

gatt)ct j on Ot a to e tobere ? e can fpnoe ft/ tee ujatl none of ? owe laboute Be minBfoeo. cban tBe people rcateteo abzooe tbojotoe cut all lanoofcgrpte foztogatber tbem Oubrll to Be in tteao of ftrato e. ff ariotbetarfiemaaergbafteo tbe fo?toarb fa?ng:fulfill?ouretoetfieoa? ebpoape/eue" as ttBen ftratoe tea* geuenpou. anotbe of ficctuoftBecbiBwenof afrael tobftB PBa* raosJ taffimaami Bab fett ouer tbcm / tocre Beaten JnBfttpa0 favoebnto ttjem-.toBetfo? Baue vt not ful f tileo ? ouw tafBc in mafipg B^cfie/BotB reftetoaje ano to oape/ as bell

mtonanolcui. , &lt;sod rpafiebnto potest fajfg IB nto &amp; 1 m : 91 am tb e %ojne / ano 3 ...ppeare&amp;bnto ab^abam/^iaac * llaeob an allmtabtte &lt;S5ou :Buc m a, 3 t fi0M j| mv namefacbouaB toas a not finotone fan* piw 1 totBem. fl0o?coucc3imaDean appojntmftsoB/tobctBi toftBtBemtogeitetBemtbelanoeofCanaS-.^"" 1 " 1 ] tbelonbeoftbeft ptigtemage tobee in MVmSom to ere (traunger? . and 1 Baue a if betoc (Be one t bat I gronjng of tbe cbtlo; e n of 3 fr aei / becaufe ^ jm ftw 1 tbcgjptian5ficpc n^cm tn bontage/anlf"f"'" ,f ' bauetcmemB?eom?p?omi?irc. t9m , tbetfo?e fa je bnto tye qttopit of 3iftart a p . r J 5 am n)e Ho# e/ &amp; toi :u b? jnge jou out from 1 1 a a mem, bnbettbe buroenjs of tBe oEgppti'anss / 9 totil rpoofououtoftbeirboncage/anotomdelp I 1 1 er v ou toitb a ft r et eft eo out atm e ano to? tb &amp;? 3 1 mi , great wogem&amp;e* jnb 9 BrfU.tafie jon foi "g f J m people ano toilbe to jou a 09 , anbje ** lBafinoteetbatglamtBe)L'o?avoute &amp;0otf Zl tolncbbjingepou out from bnoer tbe bwc^mtotw

s* &lt;

ftittmejt: ^banYDEn - ,m.u.. ...

omplavncD bnto Pbarao fapngc: anb^acob / anb toil! geue ft bnto ?ou fc a the ban ti? r po(Teliron:euenatbe'iLo?oe. 3DnbSofeflP?omjftf tolbe tBe ebiiwen of fftaei cue fo : #ut tbe? SjgSffc Baefienebnot bntofllporeis fo; angujflje orSSfflf 1 fp;eteanbfo)ctuelbonoage. o.ototiano tfte jlo?De fpafce bnto SEoffg fawge unnuunirt. ooano bfbb ^araoftpnge of tfgfpte / $ Wf'*&gt;;!3 Belettbecbttbjen of aftael goo out of $JKfiB

Mtttoit beale ft tbou tbujs toirb n)f feeuafio j es f tBete # no ftrato e geuen bnto (Bj C et* uauntejs / anb? et tbe? Care bnto b? -.mafic J)2vctit, anb 10 j tb?f emauntcjS at beaten/ 9 anb tftp People tefouleintreateo.ano \)t am, Ctoereo.?ot1lat?e?iifHanbtbctfo?e?e Cape; let bjs goo anb bo factlffte bnto tBe %ow.

&lt;pobtbetfo;e anbbwfie/fo^tBetelBsn no lonbe. 36ij^oftisfpaficbef5etBel,o;bc B ^ D u atatoebegenen?ott/anb?etfeetBat?ebel? fapngeAcBPtte/n)ccBflb?cnof|fraelBetftf(cia tbtrti uettBcBoletale ofbjjcfie. notbntome/BowtBanroaH18Baiapbeaw9tn" f ' BBbentBe offtcew of tbe cbiioem of Jttael me tfepnge tbatabatie'lmdwumrifcb tfrg gg fatoetBemfelfjeBilB^obeeafetni gbe (am pesUnbtBe)W;be fpafie bnto mm. anb Wl " aaron


aaron anb gaxietBemj e&amp;arge into tbe cft o?en of aftael 9 bnto PBaeao fipng of gw&gt; te:tob?Ettgetbe&lt;#ilDjenof3JfvaeioutQfrtje &lt;ionbeofg?pte. ffiBefe Be tbe Bccbcis ot , . tbettfatBewJ tomtit*- Be * cblb^ of n* , i Ben tbe eieeft fonne of 3|ftaei ate tftefe : ^a&lt; %m. h^/19aB,/e!^/&lt;lBBtiwi^efeBee &gt;.. boulBolbei* of auben.^Be cBfib;en of $&gt;?

meon are tBefe:femuel/SI!amMt/fl)Bao/g!a*, , tbin/^obar / ? ^&gt;anl tbe tonne of a cana* . we^to?fert8efearecfi?nteobe0of^?s LttMiwameon. cbtfe*aretBename? of tbe cbil K a irrf of*, cut in tbeir genetatf mfi : erfon/ M.t.c* abatb anb fiiJerari, ano Jteuf ljueo an l w * Buno?eb nno.rbtt.? ronnw of et fon&amp;tbnf anb ^Demrt in tbeftBinreMe?. be cftilo?5 of aabatft-.amram/gereat/^e* bj&amp;anaftel . atibiaabatblrueoanbun* D ? eo ahb.writi?fre.Bc cbilo?en of S&amp;era* ate tftefe: a^aije J? anb ^uft^efeace tbe fi|Jn^tof jD,eiifm*eftgcnetattoni. 3ttt3mr8toBcgodeBebBfenecetotoif tobtdbbarebmaaronanbfl0ofe!8,anbam tamirutbanBnbjeoanb.jtb.i!ere. Be dtflbjeri of 3e?ear-.o?ab/ J9epbeg anb*&gt;f cfizl .be cft&lt; iwen of wftel : #ifael / Cl!a pbananD^ltb?&lt;. , '.,'.* 36noaatontofielftaBabottgBtee of 3* mfnaoab ff Qee of i9aBafon/toto?fr.b*ftB bateB(mj9abaB/aBeBu/(Kea?at anb3|tB8 mat. cbecflWtnofiRo?aft;affit/(lBanEi aaWaflapB-.tberearetbe frpiteobe? of tbe BOjabftetf.anti d!ea?at aaron? fennetoftc himoneoftbeoougbtet0of^utuelto totfe ttblcB bare turn pinebajj-.tbefe be tbe p^mcf * ball fatberjs of '/leultesttti tBeft ; fi jmtoK. Cbere atetBataatonano flNto tobi5 the )Lo^efa?be:carietBetB&lt;noen of giftae! . ^oftBeianbofCgfPteAoftBtbeftatnwg ; cbefe arc mat mu* anb aaron toblcbe fpa*eto^ataofi?igof&lt;Eg?Ptf/t^*e| mpsbte b?pnse tbe 0mm of gjftael out of B?pte. ano in tfte mt tobentbe Jl^oe Tpalebnto flofe3 in tbe lanoe of gppte/ hefpafiebntoBBi'fa?&lt;^/3amtBe2Lo?be

lerBattBoufpeafiebntoSiBatap tte fifnge oftfgttttealltBat3ifa?ebntotte.a!noo* fcisanftoettB Before *oe:iam of * bn* ow eftcumefteo uppe^/botoe tm PBatao t&amp;an ttwAgeMemcauotcnce? " fTCbe tobctis to fatioto t &amp;ot. UEbc topbe f of 19 tojntb to aCtcpJt.iaChcrojtetaMfto tbrfame. atbttoatew act toutneb into blou&amp;t. ""_ f bc.btt.C Baptct. a|BC8Sa9o tBe )to?befa?be bnto fi$ofeg: WbutmabEm^)|bebolo/ a '31 baue mane ^aeaojj (e*buaos iM^teoo/aarontbpb?otberOiaIlbe lli? BM3 tft? P?opbete . cbou ibalt fpeafie latScommaunDetlie 9 aaron tbp b?o* ftaWfpeafifbntopBatao^atbeftnw


tBe cBflb?en oflftaet 0H ;of ^lanwdnt % tomBaen]dBatao0Bett/tBat3Sma?multt plic mp mp;acle3 anb m? toonoje? in tBe ISo of gppte Jnb pet^Batao Qtall not b erfien bnto?ou/t&amp;at3ma?efettm?neBanb bpon fg?pte ano b^nge out mpne atmfcu/eucn m? people tbe cbilo?en of gifrael out of tbe lanbe f &lt;eg?pt c/ wtB gteatB mbgementot. anbtftecgppcranjsamllftnotoe tbat % am tfte %vw tityengiBaue fttetcBeb fo;t9 mt banDebponi8?ptc/anbbaue bjougbt out a)e cbilb?eno3frael from amongetbem. fi0ofei3 ana aaron orb as tbe %mt torn maunae&amp;tbem. ana^ofe^toati.lwwere pIDeanoaaroniKrruf.tobetb eg fpafie bnto 55 p&amp;arao. 2lno tbe jLo?be fpafie bnto $0= ft* ano aaron fapmge : toben ]0Batao fpea* fietbbmo?ouaia?tB:meb)eab)onb^/tban : JbalttBoufaifcbntoaaton / tafietberooor catt ft Before l&amp;Batao/ ano ft (Ball tume to a

rerpet.cban toent %M$ 9 aaron in bnto PBatao/anoosoeuena* tbe 7lo?beBaoc5* maunoeo.anoaatoncaft fo^BBi0tooobc&lt; fo;e1BBataoano Before BBS retuaunte?/ 9ft eutneo to a ferpfte. Ban t^Batao caueo fo? tbetopfemen ano* encbaunter? of &lt;g?pte: *.t(.ffiira.t{i. atBe?oroinl?fiemaneeiBftbtBerefo;cet?. anb ttjep raft botme euet?m5 btftobb / anb tbepturneotoferpcte0tbutaaronsfoooate bp tbeir roboes5 :? jet fo? all tftat Pbaraos ^metDffiSBatBeneo/fof&amp;atDeietfieneBnoc bntotBcm/euenast n)e&gt;lo;0eBaO fa?0e. cBan fatoetfte )to?bebnto ^ottfiMa raoft Berte i jiBatoeneo/anoBe refufetfi to m$ tBepeopiegoo . $et tBebntoPbataomtbe mo?nfnge/fo? be toi'Il come bnto tbe toater/ .." . a ttonoe (Bon apon tBe tpucrst B;snfie agSft Bee n me/anotBetooobjBi(Betumco toafet pentetafie in tftine Banoe. ano rape bnto bim-.tbe Ho^oe S5oo of tBe $eB?uess BatB rentemebntotBefa?ngcJctm?peopicgoo/ tBattBepmape feme me in tbe toiloeeneiS! butbitbettomoutooloeftnotbeate.iffiber* fo?etbu0fartbtbe)lo?oc:bebptbouaalt finotoe mat % am tbe ^o?oe.^ebolb/3i MM toujtctoftB* ftaffetbat 10 in mpnbanoapS tbe toaterjjtbat ate tn tBe v?uee/ano me? w xu? fV foantottfttoWouoeJnotBeftftelattisftt^ 7.JI tBetfuetwanoiie/atiOiBenueeiBaaaaifie &lt; f mat it S&amp;an greue g?ptianjito wmfic of tbe toater of tbe r?uer. _ anbtbe^o?ot fpafie bnto fieotes /fare . - bnto aaron : tafie tb? ftaffe ano (fretcB one tB?ne Banoe ouer tbe toaterg of Cg?pte/ ouer tbeir ateamess/rpuw/pontieg ano all pooler of toatee / tbat tbe? mare be bjouoe/ atftattberemar beblouomau* f tenbof * g?pte:botbinbeffel0 oftoob&amp;fj atfo of Oone anoflpoftjj? aarSOpoeuenassf %om eonrniaunoeb, SVmr be lift? bp fte ftaffe sno


^cbefMttanbmtocet&amp;etoacetftpat tocrem tbe vfuet Wage. mtbe tygbte of parao fti * fpgbtc or bin feniaunteg/fr all tbe toacevtfi at tea? m* rp uet/tutneDin tobtouD ,3ina f&gt; ftflJ tea* ?.!^ f tftatttie oE gppctangcouoenot twnUot tf)e toateroftberpuer, 2Mb tbete toagblbube tlio^otoe out all rt&gt;c rariDe of &lt;gppte. a&lt;nbt&amp;eencbaunter*of isgppte a#&gt; ft** topfe tottb t^ot encbauntmenteiS/ro pba= - raog bntetoagbaroeneo ? &amp;?o not regatoe tbtmagtbe'Ho#ebabfcpDC* 36nt Pbatao tmneDbimrelfeano toent m to Die \)eatel k esc &amp;e not anbfetnot bfe bertc tbete onto; aertb tye e* .** $3w* blfggeb tomb abouttbc rpuer foz %utv mtm toater to btfnfte / fo? tbep couoe not b?pn*e gmnoiic&amp;t)im ft(ietoatetoFtbttputt. Hitt&amp; tt cont^nuc&amp; SSSET**!"**** p^ejLortebabfmptH mice r iSrt h callage af ftoBa.S of P W e (I) tot Mara


&lt; J.






CCbcbiitCbapter.: ^ e &gt;L:o?6C fpalie bnto flofejs:&lt;SPoo itonto jf parao ana tell bpm/tbug [tfapetb w %ojte : * lett mppeople ajjoo/ 1 tbep map feme wcm tbou am t not tee to em goo: beboiac/3! tor u rmpte all tbp lonne tt ftoggeg. ana the mm all fcrale toftl) ftoggeg/anbtbep (ball come bp ano goo into tbpnebouffe a in to tbpebaum b;e to&amp;etetbou0epett $ bpotrtljpbeob / ortn

X,o^eJnbfl0ofe0taWje.lflito^aoi.ap posh te tb ou tb e tpme bnto m e; to&amp;en 3! mall p;are fo? tbe $ttjp feruauntes ana tbvpeo* Pie/to D?pue atoaye tbe ftoggeg. from tbe . tbyljouae/Co t t&amp;epajall temapnebutinf? . rpuer onft ' Jbb be rapbe to mojott , 3inb be ' fe?oe:cuena0t&amp;ott&amp;aftfet/S tbou map* SnotoetbattberefcnonctaiefantotbeiUjb but(E!oDJnbtbeMoBBei8fliaHoepm;tr-ft5 tbe anb from dnjne &amp; o uf eg ana from tbp fer* uauntegano front tbp people-/ anb tyailte* mapne intb&amp;rpuet'onlp. ; s ; .asm 3na^pfeS93atfitDmtoutEtom|&amp;6a tao/ano $tofe$i cr^bntotbc llojbc apon ** $ apo pntmft of ft oggesitobfc&amp;fie babmaoe bnto #batae.anbtbe)Uab]ebpb accojbfnge to tbe Taping of fiI?ofeg.ana$ freggegopeb eutofrttebouffeg/courtegattMeloeg.:an&amp; tbep gatto ee tb em togetft et bpo n tbat tbe lanbe flanlteof tbem;'- - , * 35titttilien^baraofatoPtf)atDef)a5 u&amp; geuen bim/bc Ba?oneo b^ Dote ant) berfte nea not bnto tb tmj aa (be jto? o bao f awe.

anBt^e^o?beCabebnta^9orcsS:fasebt:tfl^ asaton fttetb-0Mttft toDB.anb tmyt ttje. butt ef tfle laiwe t&amp;atttmayetunte to lyfe in aU tbeionbe oEcjgpptejnbtberbybfo.amjaa * wftfttctcbebowtbttbabbcHifHi bt wbb '$ M-$h fmote tb e buft bf tbe e t tb / 9 ft.twtneb to icfe i age, botb tnman ano brett/fo tbatalltfie bu4of tbc ianbe twtneb toipf c / tfiojptoc out all tbc lanueofejppte.' ' :; ainbtb e encbauntens aCTaybe lylietoyfritt tfleir e ncbauntmenteg to bmz t f o;tb isft/ buttbepcourbeitot.Hinbtbe iffetoetebotft apon man anb b eeft .cb en rayoe ti&gt;c encbaa t bn to 10 t&amp;e f ingw of o&amp;. a.MtjSeuettbeiatet lebataou bett toajs batfttnrfi gjj[ 9bctegatoebtbfnot/a^e^o?bebabfaBb4 e S 3Cnb tbe Ho.tbe Capbebnto fl^ofeftryretop 1Jhc.n1. eatlyt'ntbemojnsnge^ftonoebeEo^ep^ai tao/fo? be totft come bnto n)e toaten: $faye


- fcitbfisW/ben!^atabrmtFo?^o(ei8(j ' aiatDn^faraei^o^DofacnKceijiitosoute &lt;pob in tbe lanbJnb fl^otesJ anttoereb t it &amp; not metefo tobo . foi toemuftoffetbnto - %n$it oure &lt;BoD/tt)a t tobtcti 10 an abominat 1 tv on bnto tbe csgvpcia ng: beboIDe/ Qtali toe ractiRce tbat tobicb ifss an abomtnaciS bnto tbe tfgppciap before tben; mil % flBH tbeg not done W. toe toill tbetfo;e goo. i .bapeis . ioutnap in to tbe oefewe 9 mef ice bnto tbe ^TLotfoutecESobasfbebatb cBmaiweeobS. w 3inblWjataorari)e:gitoilet?ougoo/g femayefacrfficebntotbe7L,o?bj?oure C5ob ni tbe toiJOetnes(:onry goo not fatte atoaf e/ 9 ft $8tf ep;ope fo; me. 3Cnb a^ofeg tepoe:

bebome / 91 toill goo out from tbe anb pja 2 e bnto tbe %qm/9 tbe flfejs (ball bepawe ftS ^batao a ftom W reruafftes anb from W people to mojoto.38ut ietl^arao ftb" bence rojtbbeFceauenomoare/tbatbetoillnotlet tbepeopie goo to &lt;*acrtfice bnto tbe )Lo?oe. %titt Azores toentout from ppatao anb twayefibnto tf^e % 9?b.5Bnbtbe %om oybai* flOoreg babra? d/9 tofie atoasetbeflpejj fto Pbatao ?Er5f)t'!5fert4au"tej$ 5 ft6 ftyg people fo f&gt; tbete wmayneb not one . ?3ut fo; ail g / Pbatao battened big ^ette men tbfnairo^ tooioe not let (be people goo. C&lt;ronu&gt;;mof beflcs. CEijc'piajjc of Wtcbw and lsjMBb&lt; l)o?tjbic ^ajlt/^oimcc Ipg^ttnfnjic. _, C ^be.tjc.Cbapter, J 1 1 iSb tbe a,o?ne ragae bnto fl^ofcg/ goo bnto Pbarao 9 tell bim / tbu* fapetb ? l-o?b&lt;E(oboftbeb;ueg: let mv people goo tbat tbey maye

gypte. arnbtpep tone aCB'ejf out k of tbe top nace/ anb aoo e before #&amp;arao / anb #oCe0 .. fwpweib it bp irt to aKewBnb tbete b^abe **&amp;&amp;$&amp; out fo 0; eg toitb blapneg b on) in man 9 beeaplage, fo tbat tbe fojeerog coulbnotsotibe before H$oK8/fot tbeee toete botcbejs bpon tbe en* cbauntew anb apon alltbetfgppcfSis /53nt tbe )t o;b baibeneb t^t bette of Pbarao/rbat be^erftenebrtot bnto tbem/ajf tbe %t&gt;p&gt; bab fapbebntc(#piij.

anb tbe %ow rayie bnto OBofesJ-.tptebp^ eattp in tbe m jrrpnge anb fts&amp;e before Pba &lt;E taoanbteiibim/tbu0fat!tbtbe)lo2be ob of tbe crbjuegaet mp people goo/ tbat tbep nmyCeruemc/o?elg|tofllatrbfgtjmerfna all my plageg apon went bette anb ap5 tt)p fetuautiteg anb on tb&gt; people /.tbat tbou. maps bnotoe tbat tbetetst none ipbe me in alt f ec).jfo?noto^ toil Otetcb outmybSo 9tM(mptctbe 9 cbppeopre tt peCilencE: fo tbat tbou (bait pettObe. from f ettb .7 et

inbetpbebe* fo?tbig caufebauef ftrrreb $1 mmmm bp/fo? to ftetoe mp potoet in tbe* arib to &amp;e*TP w.yibA clare my name tpo/oto out all me to j l&amp;e, -. 2f itliefotbat tbou ftoppeft mp people^

tbibebouffej{ of tbp fetuauntcg /anb bpon , , tbp peopie/anb in to tbpne oueng / anb bpon bnto btm/ipug faptb tbe JLo?be: let mp peo* tbp bftelgtobicb tbou baO in ttoje. 3Bhb tbe plegoo/tbsttbepmase feme m.&amp;lim Soggeawallcomebpontbeanbontbppeo* totlt not let m? people goo /fee&amp;oioe/gito ptl pleanaaponaUtbPfmiaunteg. fence all wanetflpegbotb apon tbe anb tbP anflrbelo^erpanebnto 0^ofeg/fape retuaimteg/anb tbp people /anb into t&amp;p . bntbaatortsOtetcbefo?tbtbinebanoetoitb bouffea. ainbftebmtffe* ortbe g?pcian$

fetue me.'lf tboutofltnotlettbem goobut toiltboloetbemaplhbebolDe/tbebanbeof tbattboutoiithotletWelgoo:beboU&gt;e/to Mtii. tbe Ho?bajaibe apon tbp eaten tobicbtbow mo^ototbfetpnieaMlfenbboimeamttbs , batt in feib/aponbotfeg/affeg/camelg/otf ttegteatbaplfceuenfocboneagtoiwnotm 9 (bepe/tii a m tgbtpe gveat mo?vapne .&amp;ut tfgpptc fence it toag gtoflbebbnt o tl)fg tpme tb t %m (bail mabe a beupliS bettoene t^e ^ enbe in)etfo?e anb fet borne tbp bee at* beeQegoftbepaeliteg/^tbebeeftegoftbe anbaUtbattbQubaltihtbefeibe.^o;apon &lt;fgppcfa'g:fo f tbete (ballnotbingope of an all tbe men anb beefleg tebtcbe a te fonnue , (bitpettepnetb to n^t cbilotf of SftaeUnb intbefelbeanbnotb;ougbtebome/Q)aUtbe $&amp;oflappopmebatpmefeping:tomoto' bayiefall/a^eptballbye.anDagnianpag tt)e)lo?o(baJf cotbig tbtngemtbelanoe. feaveDtbetoo?oeof tbe %om ambtige tbe

30 tbptobb ouettbe utemeg/iyuerg 9 ponoeg Mnb b;ingebp ftoggeg apon tbe lonbe of &gt; . gppt e.lnb 3Dat9 utetcbeb b'g banb oner n)e *be,tf.ftjafetbf gppte/f ftogjjcjtcamebp aco

Plage, tieteb flow of gppte.3ihb $ fo;ceterg bpb fiaetopfetoftb tbeitefo/cerp/ *tbe ftogge? camebpapontfteianbcofcgfpte. ^ BmPbaeaocaUebfo?flofJ?aiaton mqioto (ball tbfempjacle be bone. c anbtepbe/p?apepebntotbeHo?iietbatbe 3nb tbe )Lo?6e bpb mmfeanbtbet came fttayrafteatoapetbeftoggeuftommeanb nopfomflw^intotbebouffeofj^iao/anb.^ ftommppeopleyanbgitoflilet tbe people' ntobfgfe^launtegbouffe^nbmtoal^rbe^' , goo /B)at mmm bo facrifite bnto tbe lonbe cfgFPte;foi tbeionbe toag mawe^ 18 ^ , WW?

ujalbefnllofflteg/antitbe gtotmoe tobere ontbepate. 58ut 3&gt; toill fepetate tbe fame bapctbe lonte of ofan tobere mp people -, are/f tbat tbere (ball no flpe? be tbeteih)at * tbou mapde tinotoe tbat .J. am tbe XD?be bpon tbe ettb.3Pb3t toill putt a oeuifiS be* ttoenemppeople anb tbpne. anb euen to


one/ not one. KnbPbatao tent to toete : but tbet tbetrremauntegstbeitbeeaegtntbe feice. J' a s" flt toag not one oE t\)t catell of tbe gftaeltteg 3tnbtbe3lo?t)faptiebmo a^ofeg: Otetebe, foKcjQEta* beab,iSotto(tb ttonWnge n)e bett of Pbarao fojtb tbpn banb bnto beau? /tbat tbete map %. ffbe fa M i(bmc) S9 ,nbarbencb/anbbetoolbenotiettbepeoplego bebasieiuantbelanaofflpgypteia pSmS^nw ' &amp;imo.if,B. ano tbe &gt;Lo?tie fap&amp;ebnto fl?ofe0 ami at been/ 9 apon an f betbc0 of ft)e felbe in t&amp;ir "** tonitflftepourebanoegfullof affbeg out of felbofejppt.3&amp;ib^oregai;etcbebmitbi 0 t^e f o?nace/anb let Sl^oreg Cp^nbel itbpm iobbttttobeauf 19 tbe %mu D^mtm anb totbeapjetntbefpgbteofpbarao/anbtt bapleD/forbattbefweranalongebpontbe ffiaHtutnetoDuftmaHtbelantieDffi?g5pte grcrflb.*anbtbeTiaarobapleatntbei5tof* i fa i.ittbH* albanmafteftoeupngfoo.zegtoitb blamed (fgppte/tbattbereto^gbaple5fp?eni?glebf.(i ^.c. botbOrtniananbbeeftinantbelanbeofe' tottlSjn)fbaple/rogteuoug/tbattberetoaflnone

. nmttoi^tnm Oft iDmiotrnm^/ tenet ^eto0:fjotoloniJaHttlJf^outo0tfulj#f3.i ^vt(^^m^tt.mmmwitMouitt




mttftsfelftumomcf **tttti?.peoplc b6o OWm m&lt; tbat tbe? maprfetue me.gff tbou tout not letm? people sooib djoioe/ to mo?oto to ill 9 hrfaw gteffloppet* in to tbf land/ ana tbe? (ball couet toe face of $e ectb fljat it can . not be fene/anb tbe? (ball eate tbe tffs betoe tobfeb tentapnetbbntopou attt&gt; efcapeo tbe Ba#e:anotBe (ball eate ail roure scene tteettbponwefeioe/anti tftep all fill tbm ftoufressanoalt^retuauntessbouff^/anD tbe IjouCcs ofall tbe tfgvpctans aftetfocb a maneraw netbet tb* $et#no? tbp fatb eta fatbetfbauefene/rencetbe tjme tbevtoete apontbe ettft bntotbft bape. 3inbbe.turneb brntfiifeaboute/anotoentoutfromPbatao . 3GitD9Hmrao0fentaunte*tatf ebnto bint; $ oto lb*ge all to e be tb ua euel I intt ea t tbi ftettbemen goo tbat tbep mape feme tbe jlo?be tbeir oa . tout tbou not vet bnotoe tbat cgpptft befttopeb? 3Bnb tban Scores an&amp;3arontoeteb?ougbteagapn bntoPba

woanbbera'tbebntpibenutfoo arm feme $ lo?lipoute &lt;&amp;ob/but tobo are tbep { (ball gofami sp.ofejj anfteeteo; toe to?ll go tortb ponge $ olbetpe a to cute fonncjj anb tooure tomgbtetf/a leb oureibepeaojpenrauftlnje go Jo? tec mutt bribes f eatt bnt o tbe lto;b; 3nbbefapbebitton)rimletftbe fofebe }t'o?DcbetoirbPou/ft)uloe a left pougop/C anti route rijiiDKnaU'o^^afieljefDe/fo^e bane tome mpftbefemhanbe. #ap not fo: butgoope tbat ate men anb feme tbe IMtfbe fo?tbattoa0p oute cerp?e,anb tfier tb?utt,^ fi tbemoutofbavaojSp?erence. ^T 3nb tbe JLo?b (apo tonto fl&amp;ofe*:fctretc&amp; *^ 5 * outdone banc e ouet tbe lanoe of Cgppte fo? gtetyopper* / tbat tbe? come apon. tbe lanwofcgpptanbfateaiitbeBetteiJoftbe lanbe/ano all tbat tbebaple left bntoucbeb. no Spore* ftt etcbeDfojtb btt tobb ouet n)e latttieof(pppte/anb tbe Ho?ti,eb?ougbtan eatt topme boon tbe latue/all tbat oare anb aUmjgbte . and in tbe mo?npnge tbe eatt_ topnae bjougbte tbe cwtttoppetu/anbtbe* gtettioppersJtocntbp ouet ail tbe lance of tfgppte ana ligbteb in an quart et# of cgp= CCbexcbapter. Pte betpe grawuttp : fo tbat before tbeni [fie&amp;ortefapoebrtfo^Qfefrgoo toetetberenofocbgtelboppetf/netbrraf* bnto J&amp;barao : neuftttjelecre * % tet mem (ball beJnb tbe? coueta all tbe fa Sauebarbenebbbei*e*f be$ tttfitetm/toMtMlMtjmmK j nfhwc fentauttte* / tbata mprift tbcttoW.anbJep ate an tbe berbe* or tbe flmnctbefertipfrancp araongeu tbl/atbat lanr* anoaiitbe ftutwof tt)e tree* to^cb rbouttnottbeaublenceoftbJfbtme* oftbg tbebaplebaoiefte^o f tbewtoastno gtene fonnca fonnc/tbepageantrg toblcbegf baue tbmge leftetn tbe tree* ? berbrp of tbe feme pteteb#i(dwBtbenrfwcle0tobtcba ftojotoaUpelanbeofCgfPg. tf baueoone amonge tftf :ttatf e maf bnotoe 4benie&amp;atao calico fo? ofe*$ aiaton bote tbat 3! amtbe &amp;o?ue. mm Motet* Inbaae *CaF6e:a&amp;auefvnneoaga|na tbe iacontocnttttbnto^atao/ ^(annebnto )Lo?nefoute(S3ooaagarnll?at.&lt;{ro?geue

tbe Jonbeof2gi?palltbattoajsintbe feloe bottjmanan&amp;beeft.ainutbebarrefriioteall tijthttittuct tftefcioano bjofie all ttft tweu ofttjefe3E;cmlpfntbeianaofofantebete tbe dbiio;en of ?,Craei torn; teas tbete no bafleJnmabaraorentanocaiieo fo? fl@o^ fed anb Katon/anb ta^oe bnto o)em : | baue oiosc tec/ noto ftmneb'/tbe jLojbeftstwbttoejJ anb 3f heb/ib; to s itmpeop!easetetiieb. mt pe bnto tbe toittioiit t^c jlo?o/ tbat tbe tbonoeto((oi3^baplernaje 4$oSanD affone a^^ am out of tbe mtft mttpm toittiout^pe ab?ooempbanbe0bhtotbe l&gt;o?be/anii tbe SISS h2Wbcrfl ceafle/netbet ibaBtbere be am&gt; bSASfmoarebaflKtbat tbou matft bnotoe bote RinSSa tbat tbe ettbf* tbe JLo?SEjs.j2utgSfinotoeg ticntiv d 1 1 e tb o u 9 % femaOte^fet f ewe not tbe jlo?d n of w ob.^e flaie anbtbe batl? toere fm?tten/ ffiXi fo? tbebatljtoa* Qjottbp anb tbeflate toaa nwbfltofSf &amp;oulle&gt;.buttbetobete anb tbe tte torn not to bt tansDt fmeten/fo? tbep to ere latefotone. to o t otc/ as it 3p n0 gpole* teent out of tbe ct't/e fro $b tSSSoSftall raoanb(p?eue ab?obe bi'3 bannest bnto tbe mSm.t )Lo?iie/anbtbetbunbetanbbafleceafeb/ne* tbec tapeb ft omjmoatebpon tbe cttb/tob^ libarao fatoe tbat tbe rapne and tbe Ijavie 9 tbuntette-eteceafeD/ berprmeD agapn ano bammebbft bert t : botb be 9 W retuaif tejt. ^&gt;o toag tbebert of ^araobarteneD/ tbat betooftenotftttbecbfib^ofaftaflgoo/Ris tbe TLo?bbabfe?b b? mom. GtSftt fftatt of Iftftacao {lacfttnrt of ffioo . ^c arcC^opp ccs.ffl: ^e tgicht bacibnro.

tbe)Lb?betouw d&amp;ot&gt; bemave case atoa^ ftomme tbWben) oW?,anbbe wft'out -ftom pbarao/^i p?areo bnto tbe %om : .9 $ Xo titmeo i topnoelntoamftibtpe tttojje toett tora&amp;e/a it tone atoape tbe gtetyoppet? aim

call fte in to tbe teeb fee: fo f ' tbere toast not . onegteCDoppet man m mt of (4g?pte. jMiMtff* ttttbe7L0?De*batteneb?9bara'd)S bctte/fo rbatbetoolbnotlettbecbulb?? of aftaelgo. ff antttbe )io?be a?D bnto Sfeof;^tretcb oift'tbpaiibbMobeaul^lettbmWbatcfi neffebpon tbe Ian w o &lt;gice.:euf tbat tbep i^^rhe ft Wate ftale tbebatcbneltt, ainb a^ofesiilret* iy h tbebfo?tbb^lJan&amp;ebntobwul/*tbfWtoaj8 18 atbftbeoaccline^bpsautbelanbeofcgitpt , im w ttf.iiai?eisiong/fotbatnomanfetoeanotbe iJiiitoarDCft netbettofebp from tbe place toberebe teas jrt/wt m ijytbefpaceof.itf.tiafe)X/butall^e cb0b?f i [BC S*of3fraeibaiiirgbtetobeiefl)e^i&gt;toelleD. . EttOmr benPbar80callebfo?Q8oreu.fiipoe: 1 a fttbtB/iogoo^ feme tbe JLo?ae/ oniviettojuceftae/ i hpra / eo 9 (ome oren abjDe/ but lettcKtecbib?ego 2E5? &lt;Ptoitt)jou.3inb fl$ofegant"teert&amp;:tboumutt S nnp geuewalfo t&amp;mm* bumtotTrntgejs fo; emmit a to fact if t r e bnto rb efto?Be ourc. o&amp;: oute cs iiioMfcbo teUtbetfo?elball gotoitbbfS/anb there all ^i'S'HJJ'iwt one bootle be leftbebpnte/ twtbetof jKiJ-ftt mutt toe tafietofeme tbe%,o?beoute ffiou. rgaitbou8bt;#o?eouettoecannotfinotoetobettoitbtoe axtiti him. tyaifferue $ltt,o?De/bnt0l toe cometbttbet. !!* gRJg- * lrt ^ ilo?bet)atbenebf bataojSbtc/fo oTfflitMbeo*atbetoolonotlettbego.3nb|&amp;baroofa?D tfo)^bnowbntobtm:gettbeftome9taliebeaDetotb| He tan of/felfe tbat ttjoufee mv face nomo?e.jfo? tobi S&amp;S&amp;CMM tboucomeftmmyfsgbte/tbou (bait jMtwft b#.3inb ^ofegfaptie-xetitbeafJtboubaft IsttwbuahcfarDe^tofllfeetbptacenomoate; ;

9.f.3Bct.b.b.ccbcI,o;b(c3maunbctbto cobbenjcCappcMn;. ftw.WM.ft abc be lb of all tf) t f ? ?tt bfnotten in af pt. be.irt.rbaptei; ISO tbe /Lo?oe fapoe bnto flpcre*: Mtt tortigi b?uige oneplage moate bponpbatao abpon&lt;g|pte/anb aftettbatbetotllletfougobence. benbeiettetb pougoo/be Qjallbtteti j b?cuefoubfce.?Sutbt?btbepeopiet&amp;ateue tpmanbo?cteeoflni0netgbboutanbeuetp ta)omanofbf?neFgbbouveae:tetoel0 of fpi* net i'etoel0 of goioe.amti tbe to^be gate tbe ^people fauoutefn fwbtoftbe Cgypcta*. Bri .^o?eouet!*^ofeiStoa0berpgteatnttbe "'^8 Ianoe of(jgppte:botbfntbeffgbtofl9bat80 anoalfointbefsgbteoftbepeopie. . anbapofeji tayne:tbujiraptb tbe Hoptti cntMf *o. *3Bboute mrttnjgbte toyligi go out am onge mmuity cjgppaais/aaiitbe ff ?ttbo?ne in f ianbe


anitbeteffialbeagteat cm o)o?ote out ailc jn)e lattbe of cgppte: f tbat tbete toast neuet none ipse no? (ball be. ano amongeall tbe fben&gt;?en of Jftaei ba not a Doggmouebtff tongf/no? set man o?beatt:tbat je ma?e Jmotoeboto tbe 3lo?&amp;e puttetb a wttetence . - 1 . 1, ftettoenetbeApciansi agiftael. am tbefe T*3&amp;m mtemmtim come botone bnto me / 9 fflf gig tail befo?e m.e afafRgettbeout sail t} peo SwiSK Pietbatatf bnbeetbe/tb$ tojiijj bepatte.a* mm m. ^mt^mfa^mom%tms^n.^'^m Jim^e%omt&amp;mbnto mftm^ao^t'"^ ftaHnpttegatte jou/g man? toonb?es( map^ 83S beto^ougbtfntbelanbeofgi?pteJnog9ott nwi uob re0aaa^b|balltbefetoonb?e(befo?e{^a t,(r9 ' c * t*b.8tftfto?t)ebat&amp;enei&gt;$batao0berte/ fotbatbetoomenotlettbecbFlo?e of jrtaei gobutofbwianoe.

S:3)e,pa(rwi (MM&lt; abe ftBctcb&gt;cbe.(Sbcp ua traebe thctc cbf lb;cn tebat tbt paStoutv fig tiy fjfcrt&gt;;ffibebtaniccjS of tbe f??a bcgotK in Cjppt. (S^erobb'tcy of tbe gjpciano. Obtaoviigtoutof f ^be^.Cbaptet '&lt;!9btbeA.o?i)efpaiiebnto ^ofesta^ KatStn tbe land of gPtfa?mg: l)V$ m onetb all be ? our e tbefe monetb:eul of tbefp?ftmonetb of tbe me all. it be unto ?ou.^peafie^e torn to all tbe ftlotoftpp ofgfrael fa#nge:cbt tbep tafietbexoape of tbrgmonetb to euee? boumonje/aflicpe.|ft}boulboibebetofeto . fo?a*lbepe/ibenietbpm anbb@ mifeMAB**^ tbat ttneictebntobfeboufe/ tafteaco?bihge STAST. totbenomb?epfibefouless/countebntoateortcin6ttf l v (bepeaco?upngeto euerpmans eatpnge. #*'" tobetaM ftepetoftboutfpot a amale of one vere oioe """ f0? fhc " allftbe/anbftomamSge tbeiambc^ anb mte ' tftegootesKballretaltcit. . anbteiballliepebpmni/bntpntbe.yuff. base of tbe fame monetbJnb euetp man of tbemulrttuue of gffiael (ballfrgllbnn about euf JDnotbe; Qjali tafie of tbeblotm a tttifie ft^ a on tbe bppet&amp;o?epott; bffboufesi/ti^ettntbepeatebPm.aniin)ev atteatetbeBeibtbefamenwbt/tofttoitb *,&amp;&gt;. latn B f p?e .a tt bnleuenbeb b?eab/a ftto t)etb(tooj caiicn tbe tbep (ball eate it. fee tbat pe eate notebetof wtftonee ttjae ratoeneefobenuitoatet/buttoa tott^ f??e: ,h . fl,tr P r na ( m botbfbeab/fete/purtfnacctogetbet.aJm) sJSff; fetbatpeietnotbpngofttremapne bnto tbe ftC pc wmemo&gt; mo?mng:ffougbtwmapnebutnefttofp?e.t?e w^ae tons fiDftbiJSmanettbalireeateit;toitt)poutef'3"pfp(B &lt; lofiKttp ?beo/a mows onroure fete/ afMwSfflSfffa ttauejt fit wwbantie0,aittt)pe tball eate itfn g^S iff baae/fo?ui0tbe'iLo?aes 1, paffeouer/fo?^r(riptiiretifc^

. . ._,. ^,_, ,. ,. .., ^ toWgbabontenitbelanbeof cfgppte tbwJoft^ 811 ,?"!' ImSl'S'ofitawtelballbSRtt^ftmn^e^iibdjne awettpojt/ab4fm?teafl^ff^?ltbo?ne&lt; hcf l B"J^ SStue. of ^l atao e&amp;at^fteett) onb feate/ bntbtbe ftitbefimbf :bf g?pte/botb o f man a Beaft/SSm tbat fB&lt;M.rfWftbo?n?ioftljem.8fbefemaimtetbatftt-fit abponallt^e^oiioe^ofcegrotetopu^ tbeSfictb'as '""'8.0, tbemtne;anDaHtbef^Sbo;neoftbicatea. ]U&gt;?&amp;eooerecution,3n5fl)eblo use(baiii , ecne.^i.b. 4 bnto

3C iijf.t.




3fftael bnftrouaftBmbpontbtbouftfltobermre are/fo? tolje %U a;el)Iouoe/3ltDVHpaCreoKeK ^ou/arbepIagcQjall notbebponrDutooe* utorerou/tobenacmrcetbeianb of tjgrpt. t ffincc wiiof *HMW* We allbetontof ou a remem* fcVr?S ft? atwafice/?|e (ball ftepe itbolr totito tbefcojoe: tjmc toutjont euenn)o;oto outroure gcneracrosafterrou cm*; but ft; a (ball re ftepe ftb olp bare/tbat tm a euttome Sfr ?Mtt (o?tmi&amp;m bare* Jbaitre eatebnleue&amp;co notMmi? tyeao/foibateuentbe'ltott NftfNMpat tiee/tasm _ atoare leue" out of routeboufles, Jfo? tobofo nfw J^cuereateujfcwnbeDbjeaBftBmeffltt&amp;are *!^ n S*"*^* tbe.bW.oapf/ibatfot* (baUbepluc* wwfrg. fifoontftomtftael *&amp;Befp?ftua?e ftatte a

#aei.f r -a. bolr feaftbnto pow/a t&amp;e.bti.aUb,&lt;&amp;be fbal * Mmr -w*ft f -benomawt ottoojtcfie Done in tbem/faue aboutthat onir tobwbeucrr man mult eate tfj at on! v ma we bo. and ft tbatfc ftepe r ou to jjttUue nb ed b?ceb. jf o? bpo tbat fame bap 9 torn tyrnge pome arm ye out of We lance of &lt;f g?Pte/tt)tif o;c ye (ball obftrue tbis bays 9 all pome cbrlbzen after fbu/ibatftbe acit* ttome fo;euet.befr?ftmonctb atbe.rint. bare of tbemonetbateueVre (ball eate ftoete bjecbbnto tbe. W.Dare of tfje monetbat cue aga?ne.&gt; e ue Dares f e tbat tt)e r e be no leu fc tot* b;rab founbe inr owe bouffes.if ? tobofo rut r eatctb le uenbeb b?eaD/tt)at foule ftaibe to tea out f i5 tbe multrtube of Jfrael : tobe* tljeEfjebca Qcaungtt ojbojne in ttje lanbe. ffibrefo? eft tbat ye eat e not ieuenbcb b?eab? &gt;-, b ut in an ro ute babitacips eate ftoete b?eab (J_yanbSI9off)8 caUeb fo? tt)e ciOetgf of 3 frael $fapoebntotbem-.cboft out a tafte to cuerr bouibolbe a (bepr /a ftrllpaffcouet.?Cnb tafte a buntb of rfopey a brppe it in u)e bloub tbat ijJ m ;e bafrn/anb urrcfte itbpon Hie bppec pofte a on tbe.ti. frbe pottrs / 8 ft tbat none ofrcugo outattbeDoje of br^bouft bntrli tbe m o;n png Jo? tbe %o;He tor It go aboute a fmyte ffgrpte.ainb toben be f ertb tbe blotto bpontbe topper boojpofteaontbe troo frbe fc,otairi&gt;'polftiS/betoril B palIeouei;tbeboo;e/anbtorn ' . 8 " ,8 "not fuftretbeDetteorer to come in to route &amp;*to8i; W* 18 * w te 8 e * w^etfoje ft tbat tftou ob tttm lm no ff me tijtss tbrnge/tbat it be an ojbrnaflce to mottybutmt tbe ?tbr fonnest ft; euer. WfigSHS anbtobenjebecomemtotbelanbetobu&amp; tfte Kas/PJomrftb/ft tbat re 8epe tbr* ftrurce.*3nb



n. lorti

ffctttboineintbeianoe of QEsr&gt;pt;fto tlje %d bo;neof IBbataotbat fact on bt? feat/bnto fr;ft bo;nc of tbe captrue $ toag m p;efone/ a an tbe fr;(tbo?neof catell.canb ^batao atofttbefemenrsbtaanbr^fetuaunteu a alltbeCBrpciS;*atbeceb)aisagteatctifg#*aji, cbo;otoouttfgrpte/fo?tbete toagno bouw tobete tbetetoass not onebeeb. ainbbecaUcbbnto QBoftjJanb ftaron&amp;r. nrgbtefaring-aKrfebp/a getrcu outftcm amonge mr peopie:bocb r e a alto tbe cbrio?e oflftoel/agoafetuecbe Klo;be oprebaue faroe.anbta6erourefbepearouteoj;en U rouasJrtbauefaroe/abepatte a fl bleceme _,.. alfo.ano tbe (EgrpciansJ toete fecce bpon the ww,n people/amaoe baftetoftnbtbemoutof tbe; Ianbe-.f 0? tb er f arne-.toe be all beeo men. aim tbe people tobetbe bougb befo;eft bjadfotoeteb tobrcbe tberbaoin ttoare/ ana bounbe it in dotbes(/a pucitbpo tbeit iboul bew.anbtbecbrib^ofg'fraeibrbaco^rng totbefarmg of flBoft!S:anbtber bo^otoeo of tfie tf grpcrang icbwW of frluec/a ietueW of golb/* rarinftJnb tbeito?be gat tbe people f nuom: in tbe frgbte of tbe grpc V53;anb Co cberbo?otoebarobbebcbe&lt;fgrpcran0. bui5tofte tbe cbilb?! ofSfvaeltbeft tw* fi ncr fto" WamcftiS to + 8utbotb.ti Jbuw&gt;;eb*otbtorti [ tbotUanb men of foote/befrbe ebriwcn.ainb 0(0, t&gt;. mocb conton people tocnt alfo tottb tb5 / anb Ojepe/a oyen/a cateliejcceabmg mocbe Jnb cber.babebfb3etecabe0oftbebougbb)bicbe tber b;ougbte out of 2grpte/ f 07 it tuajj not fotoeceb : becaufe tber toere tb?uft out of &lt;Egrpte acouinenottatre/netbet: babtber p;epatebanr otijer p?ourfron of mcate . . anbtbetrmeof tbebtoeiirngeof tbecbr! b?en of 3ftael tobicb tbep btoelftb inirgrptc/

toa0.ii.bimweb a.W]t.rcre. ainbteben ^e&lt;s;

i ro be tools totyen route cbrlb;en ajrerou tebat maner of iii.bunb?eb t oere eypr?eb/ euen

tftjftftjigi fcrurceewftKJfebOf f e (ball fere:ftijstBera SlbSSStht ttflto of * e *"'** pafleouet/ tobicb padeb in g;o,M(i0. d ^glPft/a^ be fmote tbe Cgrpcranst a faueo oute bouftss,ban tbe people botoebtbem ftbieu a too?ftrPpeb .ainbtbe cbrlb?^of SC* raeltoent/anbbrftais tbe )Lo?bebab effmatin btbJapoftjJa^acon. e 3CnbatmronrgbttbeXo^efmoteal{t&amp;e

cbefelfe fame bare beparteball tbe boQejs of $e %o?be out of tbe lanoe of tfgrpt.ebij? i? a nrsbtto be obfmteb to tDe %ofij becaufp be toougbt tbem out of tbe lanbe of tfgrpte, &amp;W ijs a nrgbte of tbe &amp;o?De to He bepte of alltbt cbrlb?en of Ufraet anb of tbeit genera crong after them, WnD tbe Jlo;be (arte fanto flR of es a 3BarS: cb(?(tbemanetofPagcouer:c&amp;et Qtalino frraun*

\ * 1

araungeteatetberof/.butan tbe fetuafite? rbatatebousbt fo? moner Qtau re ctwum* cpfe/a c&amp;tniettbem eate tbetof^ fttaunget 3 abretbftcuaunce fljall not eate tberof.g'n onebouOe fljaHttbeeatS.f t (balcarienqne Ifioii.f^. oftbtSefb outat tOeboo?RS:mo;eouer ,, re g 1 } ., reb?eenota bonttftetof . m ty mm* ,,ffiioft fttubeof tbe cbrio?5 onfftaei flianobfecueit.

f'K %( afttaimgecbtoellamSge rou/anbtorll &amp;S S t boloe JBaOeouet bnto lome/let bim circa Ck WntA' crfe an tbat be m mm tb tn let brm come a wigct6f:itotobfttueit/abetafteajJone.g ftbomtin tbe PSSfS ? B lanbe. o bncrtcumcrfeb petfone ft a eate sKtSmM ftaot. nemanec of latoe ftaibebntocbf w Qtccaimtfytt are c bo?ne in tbe lanbe/ $ bnto tbe ttraa IK* wiK I bo* gem $ btoell amSge rmUiib an t^e cbrRKe* tip *" ";of3|fraelbrbafStl)elLo;Dec5maunbeb filpos ISSSelu tbefto;beb?rngetbcc6Flb;enof gpftaelout 0113c mi as of tb e lanbe of cgrpte toitb tb eft armre u, Unt cdpt ^me fp?8 tigottcn mu b ranrtpfttb bnrt (he utyt lelttt.b. j, ,ti(. a^tmcmo;;atlof 6t W btljawt f *Dt&gt;p tllc|Wtrccactif6t^o;oto(6ttoyloitnt8.H)6oncB 9f30ftPb.ffljepjlcpeH&gt;f&lt;totobi. '' C&lt;lbt.iti.Cbaptei:, ^r^SI^btbe Lo?be fpafiebnto floftj3 a,fiinttnva Ks^farmg: a &amp;anrtrfrebnto me all * ioiw"w4P^^2fp;abo;ne taatopfaBmanerma* &amp;&amp;&amp; trices amSge tbe cbrio;5 of |frael 80 toell of men a? of beeQesi : fo? tber are mrne . 3nb ^ores farbe bnto tbe people: tbrncfie on m&amp; bare intobttb re came out of Cgrpte anb out of rbe bouffe f bonbage:fo? toimamrgbtiebanbfbeXo;beb;ougbtrou out from tbence.^etberfo?e tt)atre eate no . . . . fewffoeb b?eeb . br? bare come re out of 15&amp;EI&amp; Cgrptintbemonetbof + 3ibtb. Srf lbentbc?L.o;bebatbb?ougbttfteuito* Ianbeofcbecananrte0/emtte0/3(mo2itt0 eur tt$ a Rebuff te0/ mbr cb be ftoare bnto tbr fatbtns t&amp;nt be toolbe gette tbe a lanbe toberemmrlcRe abonrflotoetb/tbenfeu&gt;at tboufiepeu)i0ftruice intbr^famemenetb. &amp;euf bare? tbou ftalt eate Ctoete bjeoe:* a tb e.btiiar e (ball be feattfun bnto $ )U&gt;;oe. cfierfoje tbou Ibatt eate fueteb;eeb feuen bare0/a fe i tbete be no leuenneb b?eeb fene no? r et leufambge r ou m al rout quarter?. anbtboulbaltQietoetbrronneatltritie

raringttbi3febone/becaufeof tbattoft'icb $ lLo?Dbrbbntame tob^lcame outtif cKppt. cberfojeit (ban be a frgne bnto tbe bpon tbrnebanbea rememb;aacebettoene tbrne erest / tbat tbe Hojm iatoe martbemtbr moutb.'Jfo? noitb a ttrongeban&amp;e n)e %ofttbjougbt $ out of grptc/ ft tboubepetbet* totems o;ornaunce ut W ftafon fro" rete to rere.25o?eouer tobtn f &amp;o*bebatbbjoug&amp;t tbein totbe lanbe of tbe.canattrte0 / tsbo batb ftoo;ne bnto tbe a ft tbr rafletf/abatb



gette it tbe/tben tbou (bait apornte bnto m %/0;&amp;eaUtbatopenetbtbematrrte/all t^e trj&amp;bomeamBgetbebetouto&amp;icB't&amp;bubaa' rftberbemaleiJ.ainballtbefr?a:bo?neof r adW/tbou tbalttebeme to a Cftepe -.rftbott * tebeme brm not/tben b?eabe W necfte.ut antbefr?ftbo;neamongen)r cbrfi&gt;?en Oialt tbou bre out. anbtobentbrfonneajcetb tbeintrmetd come faringe : tobat 13 tbr^f tbou (bait fare bnto brm : toitb a mrgbtre battbe tbe )Lo;be b?ougbtb0outof(Cgrpte/outoftbebouire of bonbage.aubtoben Piiarao teas* loon) to let tost goo/flje Unfit Oetoe all tbe frzflbome in tbe lance of cgrptsasstocil tbe fr^benne ofmma!8ofbeafte0Jinbtberfo?e3ifacriftce bnto tbejlo^ieaHtbemaleis o)at ope tbema trice/but all tbe fp?(rbo?ne of mr cbrlb?en3i muft tebeme.ainb tor* (balbe ass a toften in tbrne bano/ a as a tbmg bangeb bp bettoene tbrne cre$ becaufe tbe )Lo?oe b?ougbte barn of cgrpte toitb a mrgbtre banbe. . .n&amp;benPbataobaDlettbepeoplego/&lt;ESo&amp;jm

carieb tbrnottbo?oto n)e lanbe of tbePbitt* ftrne0/tbougbittoereanretoare.jfo?cf!oi) farbe-Jbepeoplemrgbt bappelr repfttoben tbepfttoatre/ afoturneagarnetocgrpte: tbetfo?e&lt;soblebtbeabcutetl)o?oto tbe torl&gt; beme(retbatbo;b;etb ontberebfte.cbt cb teenoflfrael toftbameffeb out of ttjeianbc of CgrPft^nb Scores tone tbebone? of go ftpb tottb btmtf o? be mane (be cbrlb^ of %h rae!ftoerefar(nge:*&lt;E5ob torn Curelr btftt^^ . ft , rou/tabemr bonejs tbetfoje atoartbente to &amp;&amp;* ,rott.3nbtbertofictbeiriouiner from feu* con): a pitebfbtbeir tentegin ctbammtbe befoietbembrbaremaprteroEaciototietOj.igjmt.v.n. Ieabetbetbetoare:a brnrgbteinaprlcrof fr?tftgtue tbemirgbt:cbattbermrgbtgoo botbbrbareanrgbce.^nbtbe Wftroftbe #ffit6emW . B doubeneuerbeparteb or bareno?fl)e psiet * t9 '* v offwe br nrgbte outof n)e peoples frgbte. eS&amp;fiataoe 6 ta *b fwBcneb folotoetb tbcjCcac* !tttortbaUQt0$ooacap&lt;tapnc0finbi0b?ott&gt;ncb. O^c srCcacUtca gr iibgc.CCb tp go tijo? oto tbe ccb fee. cbe.jiii&lt;.Cbapter. ,. '^antbejL-o^befpafiebmo fli9ofcjj iferigtbrb tbe cbM of Sftaei tbat * Itber tumea Pitcb tbeir tltesbefo^e entting of iron)bettoene Mm bole a tbe fee totoarb 23aal?epb n : eu en be* fo?e mat fjjail re pit^ bpon tbe fte.&lt;f o? Pb9 tao torn tare of * cbrlWe of Jfraellitb er are tangleb in tbe lanbe / tbe torlbernefle ban) (but n)f m.^nsgi tornbarben bis barce/n) at be (ban f olotoc after tbe/tbat 31 mar gett nte bonourebpoh^Bbarao abponanbrs botte/ tbattbe&lt;grpcransmareftiiotoetbat31 am tbe TLo;be^nb tbtJ bra euen fo. o,, ainb

: * -

**. &lt; t

from Cflppte,

3n&amp;ta$?tttoa*tolDe tbelipttgeof cgppc tbattbe people flea /tbli&amp;bawoss barte ana allbpjsferuaumeflturneabntotbepeople 9 fapae-.tobp Qauetoetyf* Bone tbattoe batie tfiefjfraeigo out of ourcfcmpcc? 9 be maae reaaie bte cbaretti; 9 tofce bis people tt bpm ana btiDjeD cbofen ctjateucss ana ali tbe cbarette* of tfgppte 9 captapneg bp5 al! his people.^ 0? iLo?&amp;baraeneo tbe barte of ^barao fipnge of &lt;gppt/$ be foiotoea after Ctfte^flaaiof5ftaeito^cftfo?autvStoute iow mj&amp;cai t&amp;ojoto* anbpebSae 9 b tfgppciagfoloteca uctm*** afmm 9 ouertofietbe toberetbep pptcbea



n?gbte/9 maae tb e fee b;t c lanae anatbe tts tecoeupoea tt feif e.ama tbe cbpioje of Jrraei

lip ree/'iballtt)el)o?(re05^aret^ofp^ tomtintbo^ototbempoaeftoftbefte bpon tao 9ttbtjsbo?(faie 9 btebofteteue" faftbp tbe B?pegroOBe.anBtt&gt;etoater toasta toalie tbeentrrnseof^frorobefojettaaljepbS. bmotbeVbotbontbetrrpgbtlja'oefron tbetr

2nB^araoa;!etoenpe/$tobentbecbtiD;!en lefte banbe. anatbetfgpWan0folotoeB9ff of Ifrael ipft bp ttjefr epess 9 tatoe bote tbe toft (It af tee tbem to tbe mpaa eft of tbe fee/ be&lt;SgppttanimtotoeMfterra5/tbeptone toftbauP^araojsbo?res3/9btf5cbatte$9 rojeaftapBeacrpeacutbntotbcjlojBe. bfebojffemmJnamtbeimwipngetoatcb/ cbanfapaetMbntoflEofetftoetetbew tbe M#e lobes bnto tbe botte of tbe &lt;figpp&l t; . mgraue0fo?ta0mg?pte/buttbounui(i eiaWioutdftaefiecjana.cIrtil ppller/ano lynge bss atoape fo? to of e in Uje toplBet* tteublea tbeir bofte 9 fmote of tfte ir tQacett jtcfie:tofjetfo?e baft tbou cetueDbja ttmp/foj terete? ana catt tbem tioune to t be groflae. . to carpe b* out of tfgppte i ?e&gt;pd not toe tell -arfjan fapac tbe cEgppctang : %tt W 8e from tbe m in tf gppte faptnge/let b* be in rett 9 ^trael/fo; tbe&amp;oja fpgbtetb fo ? tbf agapfflr ferue tbe tfgppcrcms ? tf o? itbaa bene better b&amp;abS fapae tbe '4o?Bbnto flB ofefcttreteb fo;b* tobaue fentea tbe gf pttig/tbanfo; out tbpnebanee ouet cbefee/ tbattbe toat er to ape m tbe toplocrneffe. ana Stress fapae mape come agapne bpon tbe tSgppttWbp B bntoepeople:fearepenotbutftonaeftpu *befctbarette*anBbo;remen. anabeboiae bc&amp; tbejlofle (ball (sue pou cbanfttftcb*bfo;tb fiflofcpbfe banae rbfeaape: tfo;a$pefet&amp;e cEgpptf an* tbp* ouer tbe fee/9lt came agapne to big courc8e bate/ (bail pefe tijl ncmojefo; euertputbe mpfotbemojnpng/9tbegppcteniJ fleaapra^ - -,, ffM , nftfl , 6 ,too?iatenae.rbejLo?aetbaUfsbtefo?fou agapntt&lt;t.cbwube&am p;&gt;;Beo"ertb?etoc tbe tourt Ptatc : ana pe Jball boiae route peace. Ggppeten* ui tbe mj?aaeft of tbe f ee/ 9 1 tea mat is^c mn cbe]io?aefafaebnto^ore0:toberfo;e teccetunieaacouereatbeebatettejsan atbe be m 1 1 11 mn b ctvca ttjou bnto nief fpeabe bntotbe cbpl* bojfetng: fo tbat of alltbe boQe of Pfiatao ft q !! ? S;,hwenof3,fi:aeltbattbe goofo?toaie.ut caineintotbereeaftttp/tbwwiitafiteb

o iSffi"" rf tbou bp tbp toaa 9 aretcb outtbpbana not one.#uttbc cb?ia;fo| g-ftaeit oentbPS to vtw mnto ouettftefeeanaaeuFaett nfonoje/rbat tbe D^eran&amp;e in tbemtfaeft o f tbe fee/anbtbe turn tevtfi fiiiicbfia7enof|fraelmapgooono?fegvounae toatettoaaatoalle bnto tber a: faotbon tbe 5S1 f^tbo^ototbempaaeft tberof. ana be&amp;ofce 3 irobtebanaoftbemanaaifooibelefte .1 tehmu?/ f tof Hbataeittbebmejj of tbe tfgtt&gt;tig*tbat *cbuutbc)lo?aaeiruerea3f taei tbefeu rettjinhentHtr tbesmanefolotoepou . anagc topll gettme tameaapeout oftbebenceof tbe&lt;EgppctS0/ Btoojet aneroftonourebponlSbatao ^bponali bisbofte/ ^gfraelfatoe tbe cgpp^anst a eaae bpff tyt * ajI, M '2! 9 , too?D bpBbi0cbavet^ 9 bp5biJbo?femen * ana feeftaeJnabJbengiftae irabjetbatniigbtfe EpfSoB '*eBWC0flwniotor taam tbe Xo?a banaetobftbtbOLwaebaarbebjeBbpontbe fftmfc tho/toban|bauegottenniebonouwbpon|Siia &lt;jgpprtg0*tbejfeateatbc*'O?ot , -9DereueB ^ MAtl row aii taobpsb^cbatetteisa bponbtsbojfemen. botb tbe;iLo;!fie/ij alfobtgt eniaatefi^ore?!. #Im* mtAM* tt W bofte ofiftael/wmouea^toentbebtnae tl)epw enf s?occs/ti)tt ? ttcc toac ccs toc fgetc w 'tbem.ainafteclouaSpprettbattoajJ before &lt;BoDmuaiir5Mcri.c)cv{ometoiun.

tbem remouea 9 Soaebebfnae tht ana toent betteene tbe botte of tbe fgfpct99 9tbebo&lt; ft e of 9f ftaei.5 1 1 toau a aarKe clovsae/agaue rrabte bv tnjgbtc:fo tbat an tbt npgbte long -.- ia *, a .fb"coulBe not come attbeotbee. . r ,. . ,, Shkh *tbennotoa?ofe0ftretcbeafo?tbbW. ftbim^roaebpebpmbatbbe oumb^otone i9rautrt.pbanaeoue:tbefee / tbe %ojfbe catr'eaatoape m tberee *cbe JLo^ae t0mp ftt engtb 9 mp* fa ,,s fctciiwir.c.rberee tea fttSjeeatt topnaett)atbletoe ail fonae/anatjs becomemf fa iuacion. m,t&lt;i**

CCbc^.tfbaptee. Sen g&amp;ofeg 9 $ cttM.or Iftael^ fange tbfcfottge bnto tbe Hojtx 9 faia.)Letb0ffngebtttotbex,o?a/

fo; be i s become glo? icuss/ bo;fe

^ ^e^mt^otlaws^ttpHglojfrtebFrti/bctt m fatbetft C5oa 9 31 totll Itfte b'm bp anbpe. 4. 4c{iouaV;(ie7U&gt;?ae&amp;a man of toam a aebouab tt Me ^8.B.biji name :Pbarao0 egatettejs ana w bofte ^atbbecaftintoK. HMstfolpecaptaFite* atea;ob&gt;nea tn tbe teaa fee/ tbe aepe matei9 bauecOueteatbf:tbes foncbeto tbe botonte a!$aftone. cbfnebana^ojaettgio^mnt m pobiet/tbpe bSa %am batb all to aaQtea tbeenempe. na totfbtb? gteateglo^r - J ; .' tbou baft oeai'oteDtbpeaauercariejs/ taoii fenteft fo;tb tbp to;atb 9 it confumea tbem/ lum a is ftobeil. nsitb rtj e b?etb of u)pne anger tbe toatergathraea to getberana tbe 358oae( ftoae ftfii asf a vocfee/9 tbe aepe toam congelea to getbeefntbe mpaaeft of tbe fee, . . . cbc cnem? e topii f oiotoe 9 ouer - eabetb5/9tofltaeur5etbecpopie^|tofltfa tiCfpemv luftbpon tbem -.5 tofu* ajaVsemp ftoerae/^mrnebanae Qiauoeftrove tbem. bou bluett toitbtljfbjetb 5 tbe fee ccue Otbe/?tbevfancfieaei!eeamtbemtgbtp toa.tet0. nBfjo tt ip&amp;e bnto tbe 5lo?oe amonge goB'oeg: tobo fe ip se tbe fo glo^oujs tn b.olpnesi it ee tf uii/iauaabie 9 tbat ftjeto e tt lbona?eisf cbouftretcbeaeftoutaptrgbe banae/9 tbe ewb ftoaioto ea tb5. ana tbou wrteaefttofrt)tbpmeccpetbtt peoptetebfeb tbou aerpuereaett/sb^ougBteft tbem tottf) c^aTengtbbntotbPbolpbabitacpS. be nacf30 b eatti e/ 9 to etc af rap ea/ pfigett came bpon tbe $bt&lt;iftine&amp; ban tbe &amp;ufte? of tbe iiaomptes toere amafea/ 9 twmWpngc camebpontbemFgbtfeftoftbe QBoabttes/ 9 all tbetnijabtttt0 of canaS toajteafapnte , , ,. .. H bartea. Jlet f ear e 9 a;eaae fall bpon tbem intnjm fa 0i0to tBe+greatnefle of tbpne atme/ 9 let

C "1 be ap &amp;#l a$ a ftonetobtfe fbp pcopl* pafte tbo?oto oiHo;ae/bJbpietbepeoprepaOe tbo2oroey tobt'eb tbou baft goten. 55?pnge emtn/aprantetbemtntbemountapnjJ of pneenberptaunce/ tbe place %ofi ttbtrb dubaftmaae fo; tomveii m/tbefanctuarg %viie/ tobub tbp banaejs bauep;epareb. D.-ffu ta juntflr^e nn&gt;?ae " tapgne euw 9 all tcapc, ^0? wtjai\toapt^haraotoettncnbo?rebacfietottbbfJcb 1 ' 2^J(.^ttKrt*^ftnfnneoi5efte/fi|islU iS/Sb;ougMmetoattWoftbereebp 'lanifittuwityaino fte cbpia?en of 31frael toent on a?ielana ut mm ; be/ tbo^oto tbempaaeft of tbefee. %m mtt* l!*SlTS^al^opbrt't flcf * ftf,;ofaI o nt ^ a iS 8or e tpmb?enfn m bana/9 all t^t toemen came b is not 11* outaftetbtoi'tbtpmb?eHStnaaaunfe.ana ifnteo/*not fl^ftgiam fange befozetbf: ^png pebnto fl Kf*^o*/ fo ?befebecomeglo?iouiJmae^^ *mw*, tftcbojfeabfervaerbatbbe ouectb?objne tti aatberee. ffl9ofesb?ougbt5ffrael fr5 tbe teaa fee/9 tbeptoent ant (ntotbetopiaewiefleof frivc. 3CnotbeptoenttB,2eoapesiongein tbetopiatneffe/5couiaefpnaenotoat,at

^t 1 *'

tbeiatttbep tameto apats -.but tbep coulae notaftnc&amp;e of fte to at cr^ fo; btttemeffe/fo; f&amp;ep inerebtttee/tbAfojc $ name of $ place teas callea flEara.ftbentbepeoplemurmu* teaagapnll ^ofe0/fapmge:ibat 0)all toe.-jnjKft^ Clf

b;pncbe^*ana Q9ofef ctfeabnto tbeMe/emijwuiM 9beft)etteabpma ttee:9 \)t catt tt mtotbe tDatet9/anbtbpttateafttete. tib m bemaaetbf an ojopnafice 3 alato/ 9tbetebetempteatbem/9fap&amp;e:3' i epetopil betSebntotbebopceoftbe^o?aepourC5DQ/ 9topllBocbattobicbt3 c rpgbttnb!grpgbt9 ewemua tomgeueaneateb^tob*c8maunaemfte^/f a ^'^^ antibepe allbPJo ? apnaunce0:tban W3gRX putnpneoftbefeaireafcjSbpontbeto^cbe5;toB?6ctcacfiet() b?ougbt bpon tbe ffgppcpansi/ fo?31 am tbe ^* not aftcc JlO^etbpftrrgfene. ouratnncpma CObr JCcotUtti tome frito t^e nefert of AW. pWW' MfnetbiiuatHesf &lt;eins.&lt;ttitP8ruDBC. CCbe.]cb&lt;.baptec. t J5o*tbep cameto (EltmtobeWtoere*. tff .toelleu ofiatet9.l:.aate trees w**tm 9tbfPPPtcbb tberebp tbe bjateu. S3ina tbep toBe t b et'r pour n ep from ciim/9alltbeboiecSpanp of tbe cb?ia?en oe Slfrael came to $ topiaerneOe of &lt;btn/ttbf eft ipetb bettoene &lt;lim 9^bmaf : $ .irbbape of f If jnonetb after $ tbep torte come out of tbe lanaeofceppte. aha tbe bole muitptuee of the cbpla;m of jfrael murmureo agapnft QPorepaaarontntbe toplDetneae/9fapae bnto tbeitooioe to 00 tee baaapeD bp f bib of f K,o;ae In * lanae of tfgppt/ttbf ttefatt tip fleftjpotte}5/9 ate b;ea oure belpm full/ fb;pebaueb;ougbtb{( out into t&amp;t* topiaet* efleto fipntbt0bolemulrttu6efo ( !bonger. '

i V

CEbanfapaetbe)lo;aebnto fl^ofcs-.beboia^ 3 topUrapne b?ea from beaue aoune to pou/- 85 9leciflepeopteBoout/9Bafbet&amp;apebpaape tbat3!mapep?ouetbemtobeH)ertbeptop!l toalSemmplatoeo;no.Cl) aapeletn)e a. Odeato;v pjepawtbat W% tbepbjpii b?pngefn/ana f S*5, 9fetitbettopfe asmocbe astbej? gatber BBlSSLSf baplp. ana flpofejj 9aar5 fapaebnto antbeS e B Hf jg cbpib;f of 3|frael:at euen pe ftial fmotee tbattow rent m toe

ft #u)eio^/tBbp^b;ouobtepouout of ^l' &lt;Q/t tbe lanae of rfgppte/ ana In tbe mojnpnge pe SSSSJ&amp;22 anreHbeglo^e of m %o)ta:bemm^mSS batb beattie fwreg w&amp;gpnges agapnft, tbe $.iici.&lt;ft f.o,


mmntu XojUfcfo? toBaeatetoe e" re (butomurmuw agarnftb*.nbmo;eouerfpafie^ turn ftejlo;ae torn gcue r ou flelb to eate/ in the mowrnge b;eaa rnougB/ becaufe, ft* &amp;o;ae Baft fceatoc pom e murmure toBtft re murmur ngamft Btm-io; totjat ace toefrout nmrmurrng ft nut agarnft W/ butagarnft the Ho;oe. ana ti9oft* fpaBebntoaato"; fear bnto all fte cSpanr e ofttje cBiia;e of gsfrael/ come fo;t'^ before )Ho;be:fo? Be Baft Bearae roue gtubgrnge* , ana a* aaron fpafie unto fte bole multrtirtie of fte cbtftte of Steel/ fter iofiebtotoarbt&amp;etorlbeinefffcabeBoiae/toe glo;ieoffte3lo;aeapeateBfn8clotobe,anb fte jlq#k fpafie into fl@ofe* faring^! Baue bearae murmuring of cBrltoe of sftael/ tell tBetBetfo;e afareftatat me fter Qtall eatcflefb/atn fte momrng fter (Dan be fri lea to b;ea/ a re all finotoe 3 am 7lo;be 39 souw &amp;cb.anb at euen tBe quarle* came 9 coueres fte gtounbe toBere fter lare.anb in fte mojuvKg fte &amp;etoelareroune about fte *^faiitj:b.cftoftc*anoti)l)cntbeDetoetoa{JfaH5;beftoHi . tiiii.iiS.apJ. it jare bpon fte grounae in tBe torWmeffe/ '"' fmall atounae atfirna* tfieBo;efroft ontte gcounae.tBen cije ftr&amp;We* of gjftael fatoe it tUev far ae one to ano tbet-.tofiat 1* ftft i &lt;ff 0?

ttjcp toittnottoBatfttoaS.ana fi^ofe* fara: *f.o?fnt.r.a. *^ijj ijj tfjebjr e&amp; toBicfitBe:iLo;ae Baft geue" rou to e ate.Bft * fte tfirng tobftB ? JLo?o Baft comaunbeb/tBat regaftereuetr man r nougB fo; Brnt to eatcagomer full fo; a man acco;arnge to fte nomn;e of rou / anb anagatBeteuerrmanfo;tBem toBtft aw m Brstente. 3wtBecBrib;fof Jftaeiorb euenfo/anb gaftcre a feme mo;e fome leffe/ 9 ara mete ft .ffo?!A*{f.c tei'tf j a gomer *ana into Bim ftat bafi gafte ten inofte rcmarnea no tfirnge ouer/ abnto li pi f&gt; h aa gacber ea lytic ma* tbet no lacftc: but torn man baa gafterea fumefft fo;6ft 6 eating.ana flpofe* farae bnto tbfcfec tfiat no man let ougBte remarne f it t r n ft e mo? nvnge.^ottottbftonbpngtbefbatRene&amp;not bnto #ofep:butfomc of Aemlefte of ftbn* tpll tbe mompng/? it toajrte full of too;mejt 9 aahefie/a j3ffiofti8toaisangt?to&lt;tb ftem. ai no tbep gattjereo ft alt mo^mjngeiS: eucvg , nianasimocbea8(fuffpreljfo?Bijjeacsng/foj #cnc.;bi(.n a g fooneau tbe*bete of fte fonne came ft mouite.lCnotbe.b&lt;^apetbepgafterebttoife fo mod) b?eD.n.gomerjJ fo? oneman:^ ruc= - lavg of tbe multftuae came toloe flSofts. 26nbbcfavi)ebntoftf:ftiisfssftatto!&gt;ftBfte )Lo?De Baft rajoe: to mo;oto ft fte &amp;abott if of ftcBolpeteft of jLo?ae:bafie S toBpcB^e to? Ubafte 9 fefte g re to jn fefte/* g toBftB

]CO&amp;tt0, n wig a &amp; #oft$ bab/9 ft Cancfie not/ neffiet toajftete anp toomicji fterin, ana #oftu fapne:tft at eate. ft ft ba?e:fo? to Dare ft ft ft e

%ow&amp; &amp;&gt;aboft.:to base re mall f voe none &lt;n f felb.5&amp;iyebapJreQiaHgatBetft/foj6 b&lt;f.ft fte &gt;abott):tbweO)albe none ftenn. i9otwftBft6nowigfteteto?t out of fte ptt plemftefeueft Dspefo; togatb:butfteg feunoe none.cbcn fte)Lo;oe fapfie bnto mo

feiJ-4jotoloimftaHftbesei;remBenenn A 1 comaunoententw 3latoe0f*d&gt;e becaufe ww&amp;lj Jlojcebaftgeuf poua ^abotB/tBetfo^Be geueft ro fte fiytDa?eb;eofoj ttoo bare*. 2Sroe ftetfo^efuctrmanatbome/^let no mango out of Bft place fte feufftbare.ainB fte people wtteb fte feuenft bare. 2finb fte&lt;u Boude of goad calleb ft apan. *ano ft teas* JSumc, ^d lr%ebntoco;ianbei;feebe/9toBrte/9ftaae of ittoasjpfiebmo toafctsmabeiw'tb Bonr 3nb flSoftji farbe:ftft ft tBat tobrft fte jUijoe c9maunbeft:frila&lt;somo;offt/tbat ft mar be sept fo; route cBrib;f aftet v otr. ftcrmarefe fteb^ebtoBettoftB Befftbrou m tofloetneffe/tolien be l;ab B;otigBtrou out of tbe lanbe of &lt;grpt.3!nb S^ofeg rpabe bn to aiatomtafte a mtfe 9 Pt a omec full of fi^an tBenn/9 fare ft bpbefoje ftejLojbe to be Kept fo? route cBrlbjenafterrott/tftfte %oM cSmaunfieB #of ess Jno aaton laroe ft bp before fte teSrmonre ftete to be Bept. *3tnbfte cBrlb;enbf gjftaeiatemanjtl.rere^i^ftjr.w bhtpHftercflmebntoalaW)em!)al)ftcbJrtj3u&amp;iW.t fo fter ate JTOan/eu^bntpUfter .camebnto fte bo^eft of tBe tenoe of Cana8.nb a &lt;3&amp;o* mo; ft ft e tenft part of an cpBa. ea3t?ftatlitl come Into jR^tKUm.Vdepgriiftge. Water teffeuf toem out otitic rocbe.^oft09oe(Ii pb' s liansta * tft cp oucrcomc (lie amclec^tc?*

CCBe.)ftif,Bapter. 19b aufteeompanr offteftBlbj^ai of 9ftael toent onfteft toumer* ftomfte tollbetneire of jbfo at fte commaunuement of fte fto;be/ 9 pytcbeo in aaapftfomr.toijere toadno toatec fo; ft e people to b^ncBe .Inb fte people &amp; uro f&lt; cbooctorft mom ant)Cavoe:geue b&amp;to&amp;mutiM tit tob;wftc.anb#ofe*raroe wfjam Jgg^J

remarneft iar bpto;rou/ ^aepetttru fte nor coroe remrm w/ ww nomme uf mo;nrngejnbfterlarbeftbptrnftemo^ tfptefte)iPibe?cBetettepeopieftp;fleo foj

fo; matet/ ana lummuteb agepntt ^ofe* a farbe:mBetfo;e bad ft ou b;ougBte b* out of ^crgrpfe/toitriib*amjQuvecbtlD;en 9 oute catelltoftBftr;tte? 3no floftt ctfeb bnto fteXo;be fapnge toBat ftall a bd bnto ftft peopie^fter be all moft tebve to ttone me.ainb fte %,ow Carbe bnto flofej3:goo befo;e fte people / 9 tafie totft fte of fte elbeft of jftaefc anbftr tobb toBert&amp; ft ou (moteft fte truer tafie in ft rne anbe anb goo.# ftolbe/ 1 win ttonbe tbere fo;etBebponarocfieln^o;eb:anb tBou altfmrtefteiocfie/anb ftete (Ball come water out fterof/g fte people mapeb;rn!ie tf * 3nb #ofe0 brb euen fo befo;e fte ^nmt &amp;** Sfftae*. 36nb Be calleb fte name of mwib.fte Place :#afla anb flRetftaibecaufe of Wow* fte cBrowig of fte cBilb;5 of Jfrael / anb be* caufe fter tempteb fte ilo^ie farnge : ft fte 7Lo;beamongeb0 0; notf CBen came amelecB a fougbt toift f tael in ffiapbibim . 3Pnb % cm rarbe bnto JofuatcBofe out men anb goo f igbte % aime left,como;om 1 toil! Oonoe on fte toppe of eBrnanbfterobbof obin mrneBanbe. nb lofua brb a* fl^ofeg babe Bim / anb fougBte toift fte ameleftiteg.ainb j^oftss/ ama'aronanblijuttocntbpto fte toppe of fte Br.ainbtol)en(Jl9ore0Belbe bp bft Banbe/ ^frael Bab fte better . anbtoBen be late Bft Banbe boune/amelecb Bab fte better.

Ben mgofesi Banbe* tocre toeerr /fter tofieaaone^putitbnberBim/anb be fatt bourn ftere on . anb Warn anb i^ur ttayeb bpBft banbe^ / fte one on fte one frbe anb fteotBeronfteofterfr&amp;e. anbBft Banbe* * jnw.uM. toereftebiebntilt fonne toapboune.* anb SRK? ^ofua btfcomfeteb amelech anb bft people ""^w*"* toftBfteebgeofBftttoerbe. ano ft e Ho;be farbe bnto d@ofe* / to;fte ftft fo;arememb;aunce inabofie anb ten ftbnta$ofua/fo;3!totIiput outfteremem* b;atmce of amelecB frS bnber bcauen .anb u _ , SB ofesJmabe an alter anb calleb fte name K&amp;b&amp;S of ft*3eBouaB l9ilK/fo; Befarbe : fte Banbe nS &lt;9ae ftonftefeateof fte H-o;be/ftatfte^o;be toillbauctoarte toift ameleft fto;oto out all generations. GjifytOB counecll te receaneb of S$ottss, CBe.rbft'f.Bapter. $ft;oftep;eaof a^abiS Spores aft er in latoebefte of all g ob ab bone bnto ^ofe* anb to !$Cra= IBft people /Bototfiatfte Ho?be ougBtegjfrael outof dRBTPte ,*ateb Be tofee ^(pBo;a floft*torfe/ after fte tea* feme bacfie/anb Bi'r,tf.fonne* /of toBicB fte one toas calleb ex fon/f ; Be farbe : % Ba u e benean alient ina ftraimgelanbe . anb fte otter teas called iflftlav : fo; fte &lt;cb of mr


faftertoa*mrnBelpe anbbelruetebmefts tBeftoerbof ^Barao.anb3!eft;o apofes fa fter in latoe came to bft ttoo tonnes anb bft torfebnto fl^ofes in to toilbetneffettoBere Be Bab pftftebBft fence br mount of o&amp;. anb Be fent too;be to flpofe*^| ftr fafter iti latoe 3eft;o am come to fte/? tBr torfe alfo aBr;ttoofonne*tobec. anb S^ofe* toent out to mete Bft fafter in latoe anb brbobepc faunceanb firffeb Ban/ anb tBcr faluteb etd^ otBer a came in to fte tent, anb &amp;ofe# toio Bft fafter in latoe ailftattte n,o;6 Bab bone bnto #Barao a to tBe (Egrpct^s f 0; gfraeft fafie/anb all fte trauarle ftat Bab Bappenea fte br fte toare/anbBoto fte &amp;o?o iiaa mruereaftl, ana 3etB;oreioprebouerallfte goob toBicB fte lLo;beBabboneto gfraei / 9 becaufe Be Bab belpuereb fte out of fteBSbe of tBe &lt;grpctan*.anagetB;o farbe : bleffea befte)U&gt;?betoBfcBBaft belruerea rou out of tBe Banb of fte cgrpcians ana out of fte Banbe of l&amp;Barao/ toBicB Baft belruerea bft people frS bnber (Be potoer of fte cg?pci5# . j&amp;otog finotoe ftat tBe Ho;be ft greater tbe all gebbes/fo; becaufe g tBer bealt p;otoCir toift ftf,ana|etB;o Scores fatbermiatoe oflrea burntourrngs a facrtfrces bnto oa anaaaron a all fte enters of gfraei cam to eateb;ea to fl^ofe* fafter f lato bcfo;e mn anbftcBaunceaonftemo;oto /ujat flo*C fts fatt to iubge f people/a fte people (robe aboute fl^ofes frommo;nrnge bnto euen, IffiBeBfa fatBerinlatoe fatoe alt ftat Bearb bnto tBepeopie / Be farbe : toBat ft ftft tBac ftouboeabntoftepeopleftoBr frrteft ftou tBr f elf 9 lettett all fte people aonacabaute fte from mo;nrnge bnto turn i anb #ofe* fapo bnto Bft fafter in Iatocbecaufe ftepeo pie came bnto me to fefie counceil of Soa. f 0; tofie fter Baue a matter / fter come on* tome/anagimuftfubgebettoeneeuerr mS a Bft nergboure/ a muft fflctoe t b cm fte 0;* buiaunce* of &amp; oa a bft latoes. ano Bft fafter in latoe farbe bntoBmv. it ft not toell g ftou boeft , Bou boeft bntor* felr aalfoftftpeopleftatis tofte-.becaufe ftettfngeft togrruoift fo;fte* aftouatt

notabletoaoftftrtelfe alone, ut Beare mr borce/anagi toillgeue fte councell/anb &lt;Bob ftiaibe toift ft e . 23 e ft ou bnto tBe peo= pie to (Bobto a vb / anb b? rnge fte caufe* bn* to &lt;Sob ana p;ourbe ftem o;binaunces anb latoes/anb ffletoe fte fte toare toBerin fter mutt toalneano ftetoerfie* ftat fter ntutt boo.fl9o;ouer fefie out amonge all ftepeo*-ple /men of actiuite toBift fcare oa ana^f m , MHho men ftat are true ana Bate couetoufne* : a t mmM mafic Hie Beeaes ouerftepeople/captarneSsce c^iubtjauc ouer tBoufanbeS/ouer bfia;ebe*/ ouer frftfe i&gt;-o J&gt;ij aouerten. anaietftem 6 t'uagefte people J?**" 1 " b,iftf. mm***

* %

icije, %

at aftfeafotifrMerebeanpgreate matter ret ft5 b?inge ftat bnto fte/a let ftem fudge all fmall caufejs ftem felues/a eafe ftp feife alrtftembere toift tbe.gifftou aftdoftfs* fttng/ftenftou altbe able to enduteftae tobtcft ffioo cbargeft fte tot all/ * ail tbtsj people all goo to fteit place* quietly ... ainb dttofr* peafle fte bopce of bus fatte* tolatoe/anodpdaUtbatbebadfapd/a ftofe actpucmenoutof aligftaelano maaeftem Ijeede* ouet ftepeople/captapne* ouetftou ratioes/oiier bunb?edJ$/ouer fpftpe and otter ten* 3Cno tte?iudgedtte people atallfta* tons/* b?cugbte fte battecaiife* bnto %q fefca fudged all email ma tew tbem relues. and ftan Scores ietb?$sfafterMilatoeae* parte/ana ft e toent in to g 10 atone lance, TEb* cftloscn of Jftacl come to t$c mounte Sinai. aac people of dBooart boly j a ropult pjedljoDc. c that f oiicljctt) ttje iptll Bpcll). &lt;so spy cicrh tmto J$ Ccg topon t'tjc utoimtc In t^onbec 9 tysfjtcnjtig. Cbe.W.baptet.



&amp;ymi, 2no ret matte* roundc about fte people $ fape-.betoate ftat pe go not bp m to tbemounte/aftatpetoucb not ftebo?a?e* of it 1 fo? tobofoeuee toufteft fte mcunte/ (ball Aim; Dye. cbete (ball not an bande. toucb it/buttbatbeaallefterbettoned o; el*otfto?oto:tobefteritbebeatto?man/ It Oiall notice / toben tbe bo?ne blotoeft; ft an let ftem come bp in to tbe m ountapn. aindflpofe* toent botone from tbe mounte &lt;



bmoftepeopleatidCanctpfpedtbem/atbe? &amp;etb??aemoneftaftettbeebilb?e* toaffljeb tbeirclofte*:3inoberapde bnto tbe cfgftaeltoercgoneoutof oigppt: peoplc:betedpeagaimftfteftp?dedape/afe 6 , cmm. " tbatpeocome notatpoure topue*. nd fte at pom id tb??&amp;cdapemftemo?npngftetetoa* ftun* im/tbitfr

tbe fame Dape fte? came into tbe toplbemetfeof feinaf, *tfo? ftep

toere departed ftSjaapbioim / ateete come toftedefmof^tnap/anobadpftcbedftei't tente* in tbe topiaerneffe. anotbeie gffrael

ber/alrabten?ng^atbfcBeclotobebp5tbe^nT.eMii mo(ite/a ftebopce of fte bo?ne toareb ercea jJSiT

bpng lotoae/a all tbe people ftat toa* in fte m m m pYtcbeabefo?e fte mounte. 3na flpofejftoft &amp;Dttetoa*afrapeo.amo&lt;ofe*b?ougb t tiprnmn bp bnto od.and $ &amp;o?ae called to bpm out people.out of fte tente* to mete toi ft &lt;iSod/a Jj|g r 2

of roe moiitapne/ fapmg-.ftu* fape bnto tbe botife of gacob/a telitbe cbpld?en of gpftart: pc baue fene tobat % bpd bnto tbe &lt;f gppcpa* anb boto J tone sou bp bpon egle* topnge*/ a baue b?ougbt pou bnto mp fcife.#oto tb et fo?c pf ?e topll beate mpbopce a bepe mpne appoptuemet: ?e Qtall be tmjne atone aboue allnacwn^/fo? an be bnto me a UtngDcme of p^efle? 9 an ftolp

tbe? Bobebnbeftbe^U. h 0lp p , 2Knbmounte^&gt;mattoa0alltogetberonaaDiipii}(e' fmofterbecaufetbe KLo^e Defcenbeb botone auitcacjt bpo it in mclttib tUt muffle tbetof at cenoeo u*?'**3 bp/as it bab benetbe fmobe of a b?lie/ a all Bt tbe mount teas ejtceab?ng featf ull. awo tb e a u &gt; w b c 1 bo?ceoftbebo?nebletoe atoarco lotober atious&amp;tta lotobcr.^ofejSfpalte/a ffiobanftoerebbvmj 8 ''"'" 1 *' ' a g toirb abopce Jnb ? %om camebotone

people:tbefe are tbe too?w; tobtcb t^oulbalt bpon mounte feinat/eue in tbe toppe of tbe fai?e bnto tbe cb?lo?en of jnaei. ft jH/a called #ofe$ bp into tbe toppe of tbe Mb AI8 ofess came a called f o? tbe elberis b?n, 3ii5 $Xpofe0 toentbp.

ana $ jLojb fa?debttto fl0oreio botone a (barge tbe people rb tb ev P; cafe notbp bnto f|j e Xo^ie fo? to fe b?m / a fo man? of tlje pen Jitblet $ pitften alfo tobicb come to tbe %otW pjerence fanct?f?e tb? felueg: left tbe lUsie fm?tetbl.benflpofe0ra?de

of 3ftael/a lasde before t^f all tbefe toojbejs tobtcbtbe^o;debadc6maundebb?m. 3Dnd tbe people anftoered alltogetbet and fa?de: am tijat tbe %om baft fstfse/ toe to?ll boo. aino ^@ofesi b;ougbt tbe too?deji of tbe pec* pie bnto tbe )Lo?de.aind tbe Jlo?de fapde bn&lt; to ^0 ore? ; 5Lo / % topll come bnto tbe in a bnto tbe ftofte s tbe people can n

ot come bp tb?cne dotode/ ft at tbe people mm beare in to m offte $&gt;(naf /fo? ft on cbat geoeft btr a.:o Mff tobengi tame tot'ft tbe/ a alfo beieue tbe fo? tapuigtfetmataep abouttbeb? u7aranctifie 25" JSa euev. Ind ffl&amp;ofejs etoed fte too;deji of tlje ft Jndfte jto#e fapdeb ntobtw : atoa?e/ 9 tfff!om%epeoplebntotbe^o?de. - fpu^ncs ^ a'ndfteftojderasbebntofl^ofeffcffisobrt* of ootrjc ^ to fte people a 8 fanctpfpe tbem to oa?e a to

SSS/2 m w |,to/ ^cteenitoa&gt;tf|rtr ciotbe* tbat "Si cam? fte?ma?ebered?agapfttbe??de bape. twttt btiicui iffo? tbe ft??d oa?e fs,o?de totil come doune at. d.?w.c. mt&amp;e f?gbt of all fte people bpon mounte

gettbebotone:acomebpbotbtboua 36atoti toitb'rbc.)8utretnottae^;eaaejS9tfte peo piep?efumefo? to comebpbntofte lto?de: left be (m?te tbem. aind^ofesstoentbotone bnto fte peopie/andtolbeftem. fTCbe.j;.commatmenntnttsavrcjtutn.iX^cattflcc to* -


Cfje.w:.&lt;bapter. ?Cr&gt;33^Tj9diodfpafieall tbefe too;de3 a ijptnt.*.a. \\m&amp;f\ fayd'.l am 5Lo?o ft? odtobift Bmi.iOT-6- UHfc baue b?oug|)tfte out offte lanoe tf n';W'Bra3of cEsvpteanooutof tbeboufe of '" bondage.cbcu altbauenone otbecgood^ inm?f?gbt.cbualtmaBetbenograue jmage/nefteran? r?niftttude g ijs inbeatte* aboue/etber infte ertb benefte/o?intbetoa ter ftat ijs benetbe fte ertb.&gt;etbattboune rbeu botoe ftp f?lf bnto ftem netbee feme Usincttoift tbJ:fo? 31 ft e Hto?de ftp od/ am a "geloufe Gat w " 3 am (god/ 9 bpfct fte tffmt of fte faftew bpon Itc wjw mt the cbpld?c bnto tbe ft??d and fourft genera 3'L n to epon of tbe ftatbate me:and?etetoemeri i mm i Sw c?e bnto tBouCanbfjs amSge ftem ftat loue

\&lt;mtt' 9 meandfiepem?commaundmcnte0. i(u Mgj bou alt not talie tbe name of $ Tlofle S ? a ft?godinba?ne/fo?.t tfofletofflnotboloe 1 i f Mm giltleffe ftat tafieft b&lt; name in bapne. xmi? loutti) *-wem5b?e ft e &gt;abbaft nape ftattbou Ian Ma jpMpus ctifr'e it . fefjee dapcis maptt ftou laboure a 1 ^SifJtoftB $ ftwi baft to oo:but tbe rettenft tape mmmt. ^ %t ^ mm 0( tBc ^o^e ftp od / m ft ftou altdonomanertoojJie-.nefter ftou no? tbp tonne/no? ftp dougbtee / netber ft? man fcrtuuinte no? tbp niapde f eruaunte/ne ' fter tb? catcll netber pet fte Ovatmger i i'js toiftinftpgate)S.!jfo?inf?redape!8 f U-o?de made bo beaitcn a erft a fte fee a all tbat in ftem te and teftCd tt)t feuenft dape:tober m ,..,. fo?e fte )LordeWe(ftd fte aoabbaft oapea bm^alotoedft.^onoureft?fatberanbtb?m(j 3 KoZfter/g ftptepc^ma? belongc mfteiande tjtto oi&gt;t bit ttbtcb fte ijnm tb? fld geueft fte. lothtm: c cbouWaltnotbpll. . toe a m at bou altnotb?eafie totblocne, S&amp; 9 /- &lt;cboufljaltnotfteale. . i f b c poo ; e j h ou alt bere no falfe toftneffe agenft i Sat bS h ' ^ !,ou alt not court ftp ne gbbouWboufe: *u* o# rtBee alt couet ft? negbbour* topfe/ bP3 man feruafiite biis ma?de/bW o]te/b?$ afte o? ougbteftatisil)ij8. *i ndallftepeople fame fte ftunoer a tbe Ipsbfeningea ftenopt'e of lbo?ne/ abotoe ftemountapnefmoliedJn&amp;to&amp;ent people fatoeft/ftepremoued aftodea feneofana fapziebnto flKofeu-.talbe ftoutoftft bg atoe Km.M* toillbeare*butletnotgodtalfietowb buleft toebpe-Sflnb #ofe^ fapdbnto ^peoplefcore 3E&gt;not/fo? god is come to p?oue?ou/aftat bfe f eare mape be amotige pou i pefpnne not. ana tbe people ftooe a fene of/ a ^ofest toet in to fte tbicfte clotode tobere (fitobtoau. aindfte)l-o?d fapoebnto gofe!8:tbUiSftou altrapebntotbecbild??of3!rrael:yebaue fene boto ftat % baue tamedtoift poufrom outofbeaue. feallnotmafiefterfo?e\b me goooeg of fpluee no? gobbe? of goide : in

0 '

.-.JOClJCt,;,:-: ho topfe all?ebo ft.* 3tn alter of erft ftou*!ititc.:5){i. alt mabe bnto me and fteroit offer tfjp a.jorn.unj.t. burntoff erpngeg a ft? peace ofterpngea / a: pepeand?ne wen .anoinaii placed .. tober eg 1 all put fte tememb?aace of m? name/ftiftecgi totil come bnto tbe a* bitfie #murt,u ft e .u t and p f ftou toplt mabe me an at tec of ftone/fe tboumafie it not of be toed Coney fo? pf ftouipfte bp ftp cole bp5 uvftoti alt polutett. :S9o?eouer ftou alt notgoobp toift aeppejJbntompne after/ ftattbpna/ fteoneffe be not etoed ft ere on, CCcinpojaUrniBcpwicojbfnauncca. . be.wi.Cbapter. ^efe are fte latoeg tobpft *mi alt fet befo?e fte. * %t ftou bpe ^Latoesf. a feruafitetbat i0 anbeb?ue / fpjte wtMt.r&lt;o. c. perep be all feme / aftc feuenft fHEfiS; | be allgoooutfrepa?ngenoftinge.3,f j,^"" 1 "'"** camealone /be allgoo out alone: "?f be came martea/bfe topfe all 500 out ttbfnt 3Dnd?fbi0 maoerbauegeuenbpm a topft * e baue bo?nebPm fonneg o? dougbteru: ften topfe abP? cbi?e albebitmatterg 9 be all goo out alone. #ut ano pf fte fer* uaunte fape J loue mp matter a mp topfe a mp cb???/? 1 topll not goo out fre.cben let bfe matter b?mgeb'mbnto fte &lt;Kodd5and n ^s f "'! 1 ? fettb?mtoftedoo?eo?fte do?epoft/ aW&amp; c "^ %

bteearefto?ototo/ftanauleyandletbt'mbe two ofetitp. bferuauntefo?eiter. mfogootforbi; gffamafellbfedougbtertobeaferuaiite:" uft $* % e all not goo cut a* fte menferuaunte* lf$3$? boo. Jf e pleafe notbir matter/ fo ftatbe m GpZpij.b. baft geufber to noma to toffe/en all b *&gt;&gt;') ^ a* ret bwgo fre:to fell bet bnto a Orange nacio p ftlc ail be baueno potoer/becaufe bedefppfeD ?! ber.afbebauep?ompfebberbntobPfSConne F ,.i, * &gt;u """ to topfe/be alldeale to ber ass men do toift fteir dougbter^ . gf be tabe i;pm anofter toife-?et bft f ode/rapmf t a dutte of manage all be not m?ni be do not ft ere ft?e s&gt; bnto ber/ften all fte goo out frea pape no Stone? *|&amp;e I fmpteft aman % be dpe/al**t^*^ e fiapne fo? ftvjf a mSilape notatoapte but cb delpuer blm m to bte bfibe/ ftcn 9 topll popme ftea place tobeftet be all fle . 3f a man come p?erumptuouO?bponbfe nepgb boure a Gee him to gtle/ft u alt tabe bint fro mpne alter ftat be ope. and be ftat f mp* teft 0 fatter o? bfe mofter/ftaHdpe fo?ft. a^eftat ttealeft a man afelleft bim(?f ft bep?ouedbponb?tn)allbeflapnefo?it. , *andbeftatcurfeft bfe fatter o? motber/*^' "* ail b e put to deft fo? it . Jf men ttrpue to |Ef gefteraone ftitpte anofter topftaftone o?^ac.b^.6. toift bfe fptte/fo ftat be ope not /but ipeft tnbedd:pfber?feaga?neatoaibe toptboue bpon bis ttaffe ften all be ftat fmote bfm go Q.upte:faue onip be aH berebtfebargetf b.b. tobple





^ * r

tobpiebelapeuibeb9papefoj btebealpng, &lt;jf a ma" fmptebts fcwaute o? bPS mapae \e a ftaffe ft tbep ore bnaetbt* baty it (balbe C aueng ea . J8u t aim pf tbep c5 finite a nape 02 ttoo/ft mallnot be auengeb fo; tbep aw bP* . monep.bWnettatpue 9lmpteatooman tbtbpiaefo tbatbpjfrute aepartefrS ber 9 pet no tuff fortune r olotottb: tben maUbe be metfea/acojapnge ass tbe toomans buf bona tttll lape tobis cbavge/ 9be tbaUpapc ajs ft jiem.t mtf .c ymgfi men appopnte bim 38ut* ana pf anp fK? "f miffojtune folotoc / tbenmaiibe papc ipfe 1 *"*"' ( j yum to? ee/ totb fojtotb /banbe to? banb/fote f 0? f ote/burnpnge fo? bumpnge/ toounac f o? toounae ana fttppe f o? ftrppc. a ma" fmpte b# f ewaunte oj b p mapb Mtbecpe9Pttfftout/bemalllettbegoofre * ttfiifiuu *W e epe* fabe.Hlfo pf be fmpte wtWtt t&amp;at tuc tmrca go out fre fo? tbe toebcss an ojcegoje ronabie o caftcB anW n 0; a tootna" tbat tbe? bpe/tben tbe*o*e 2 &amp; We ftonea/ 9bp*flem all not be eaten: SSStSS anb b mallet; an go qttpte.

f tbetbeftebefoaaeln btebSbcalpue(tobe 4euti)eoj:c/a(re o;mepe)bemalltettoje amtblc.g|fam&amp;aobttttefeJaeo;Jbpneparae/ fotbatbeputinbfe beeft tofeoein anotbec mans feloe:of tbe bed of bfti otone feiae/anb of tbe bed of DP* atone topnepatbc / an be maBeteftptucpon. -. :;t* W fp?e b?eafie out 9 catcb m tbe IftOOTC*/ fotbattfte ftacltegof co?neo?tbe ftonbpnge. comeo? feiaebe confumea tbettoitti: be tbat trpnaiea tbe fp# (ball maseteftptuepon. gifamanbeipuetbwJnegbboutemonepo?58 dude to ftepe/9 ft be ftolen out f bis bouTe: r ft tbef e be f o(iae/be mall pape Double, gf &lt;e tfjefe be not founoe / fljen tbe gooomi at jeboufeajalbeb;ougbt bntotbe goaaeg 9 ftoere/tobetbeebebaueputbps banaeonto btSJnegbboutejsgooa. ainamallmanetoftrerpace/tobetbetftbe oee/ade/lbepe / rapmene 0? onp mane* lott tbpnge tobicb another cbalengetb to bebis/ tbecauce of botb pattteu (bail come before

tb e gob&amp;ejs. it nb top tbe goaaei* c5aemne:fc

' -


** :1




S gftbeofctorotoonttorunneatmenfri tame (ball pape Double bntobtisnegbboure. tpmepaft9ftbatb beitetotoebpssmaaet/j *"* -. -m^*. beban) not bcpte bpm / but t be ban) Apnea aman 0? a toom&amp;tben tbe ore (balbe ftoneb ana bpsmaftet: (ball bpealfo.lfbe berett to afummeofmonep/tbenbefbaUgeue fo? belpueeaunceofbi^lpfe/aco;apnge to all $ feputbntobtm.Hinatobetberbebatbgo^eD ~^~ .- ~.. T - ( ,; * a fonne o? a bougbtet/be Iftalbef erueb after not mafee ft gooatgif tt be ttotte fl cff bim/tbai c tbelamemanee.jeutpfftbeafewatmto? betbaBmaftewaimctonbnwtt)eotonet'.ae (0 J J, 0? amapoetbattbe ojcebatb go?ea / tben be ftbc tojne toftb topiae beeftejj / fl) en tetbpm b m (baft geue bntotbeft mafteetbe fumme of b?ptigeteco;ae oftbeteecBngiabejbaKnot o foun" - ma6eftgooa.lbenamSbo^otoetbougbte^ , ^

%t amanaeipueebntobtt negbboureto bepe/affe/oye/lbepe 0; tobatfoeueebeeftft be 9 ft w o? be butte 02 bjpuen atoape anb no man fe it:tben (ball a m otbe of $t%QM . .. , . goo bettoene tbem/tobefljecbe baueputbte awtim*

banae bnto W negbbourfS goob:atbe otonet ^m^ of tt (ball tabetbe on)e /anatbe orijetftall is\mtm - '- ' "---' ---"'----- - tog"

of bfe negbbout pf ttbebutte 0? eWbpe/anb '?.'" ..,,, pf tbe otonee tbetof be not bp/be fbau" mane *,{.*.( it goon-. 3jf tbe otoneetbeeof bebp /be Qiall notmabe ttgooa namelp pf ft bean bp;eb tbpnge ana came fo?bP?e. ffamanbegpieamapbefijatijs not 6e ttautbea *ipe toftb bet/be Cbauenaote bet/

..aB&lt;ttctoftww:ii:.''fprte0/9tbeorea)allbe ftoneb. t^tigb? ttot s is &lt;jfa mS op(n a toell 0? bpgge a pptt 9 couet JLSS2; ' 52 tthot/buttbatanojce q? an affe fall tbenn/ SumSto nS tbe otonet of tbe pptt mall mafte ft gooau buetuc fourth geue mone? bntotbeft mattet/ ana t^man partof anoungeea (Balbebtf. J2523 ff onematnsorebutteanotber0 gbe ape: Siffl0?enmonep/Ueoeeao^alfo anatafiebettob;0topfe:'jfbftfatbecrefufe pcncr ftctipn B rj?utpfftTje6noto^tbattbeo]cebatb bfea togeueberbntobprn/belbaHpa pe monep e?t6twaBou(c to ji(n, c m tpmejspatt/tben bccaufe bP$ aco?apngetotbeaoto?fe of bf ten^. tnafteebatbnotfieptebtm/belbanpapeoye ^Cbouftaftnotfufteatojtcbtolpue.pbOwpfcSi* ft&gt;?oce/anb tbe beebftalbebfu atone. foeueclpetbtottbabeeft/lba!beaapnefo;ft co(iwirtcatot0a6aMirttt&gt;tti&gt;apta6of. i9e tbat ofttett) bnto onp goaaeg fauebnt o Cbe.rrt&lt;.&lt;Cbaptct;. f i-o?aeonlp/letbimapetoftboutteaep5. pen&amp;si&lt;ti a man Scale an ote 0? (bepe anb * caeye not a fttaunget netbet opp;e(Te bpm tum a IfiSMsalftpneftoj feUeft/belball tefto^e fo?petoevefteaungn;gmtbelanbof dEgppt . lBlfHb.ojcmft&gt;;anoye'anbjta)epefo? *yeftjaHttoubftnotoeaotoeno?fatbeweffe#jact n.i)i Wt^M* (bepe.^f a tbefe be founae b?ea^ cbplbe:*3!f pe ftjallttoitble tbem : tbep all ttpngebp^befinpttftbatbebpe/tbeteajall crpebntome/f^tomfumpbeatetbcftccpe?SZ

nobloubebefl)ebfo?bpm:eicceptetbefonne ^tbentopHmp to?atb toajce boote^gitopn tl l |,c i,cmn bebptobenbet* founbe/tben tbeteftjalbe Bpftpoutoftb t Ctoetae/^poutetopuejsftalm wtvJf. bloube ffjeb f 02 bpm. be toebotoe* anb poute cbpiar en fatb etieae. 2ltbefeajaHma8eteftffttcpon:3!f bebaue gif tbourenaemonep to ani of mp people $ &amp; nottobettoitb/bR)albefoiafo;bi0tbefte, tepoo?ebj/tbou(baltnotbeajSanbrut




4 *


. b;efeafte*fbouffjattijo!faebntbmeui . , flf m** cbou alt bepe tbe feaft of ftoete f#M b;eb tbat 9m eate bnleuena bzea.faif.aapeg^"''* longe apg| comaunaea tbe tntbe tpine ap&lt; popntea of tbe monetb of Hbtb / fo; m tbat monetb tbou earned out of &lt;Cgppte: * a re * *&amp; HrWM no mS apeate befo?eme e mptteJna feaftS^^wi of etued/ tobf n)on reaped tfte f&amp;ftfrutejj * of^pttboute^tobftb tbou bad fotone in $ feme, anbtbefeaftof mga^ecpnge/nttbe enaeoftbepe:tobentboubaftgatberea ui tbplaboure0outoftbefeiae. b?etpme0MtapetelbaUalltJ)pntmcbiti tnenappere before tbe %o?bt ytyomu, *bou fltaltnot ofleetbc biouaeof mp tom**imtm fpee toftb leuenaeb b;ea.netbec mall tbe rate of mp feaft temapnc bmpu tlft nto^npnge* . *be fp?ft of tbefftftftutesj of tbp lana tbou** KWW lbaftb&gt;ngeintotbeboufeoftbe)Lo?atbP ^ , , motberginujme. roionscncu eboiae/3; fenbempneangenbefo^etbe/foucbctti/o; tm

to 6epe tbem tbetoape/^to b?phge tbe in to f inc Jtop* .- v-- ^.-,....,...- _.- - f Wacetobptbabauewepawa^etoaveofg^X Z tbetopfteb to be an bropgbtcou* bfm^bearebw bopce9angtebtmnot:fo?cImcs tht hX ^__tornieae.boualtnotfolotoe8 betopunottparcpoueempraeaeg/peeanb multptubeto ao eueU: netber anttontin a mpnamefefnbmu&amp;ut *pf tboufbaftber* mater of piee tbat tbou ( tooiaeft to f oloto Sen bnto bis bopce 9 epe an i 3 (ba n ten manp)tttvne a fpc e fro ttuetb /netbet ftjait tbe/tbe 9! toplbe an emmpe bnto n) pne ene* letatttttt *tboupapnteapoo?emars(caure. mfeuanbanabuetfatiebiitotbirieaauevra^ |STOKff ' ;,a *0bentbounieteft(bpneenemfe*w:eoj OJ.lbenmpneatigengott)befo?etijeanb afleaopngeaftrape/tbouttjattfemgetbem ban) b?ougbt tbe tn bnto tbe amo^ftesJ/ifi e* to bm agapne.j f tljou fe tbpne enftufe* aire tbftejJ/IBbereiftejs / cananite? / ip euttes 9 fpnbe bnaeebtg &amp;be / tbou (baft not paffe Jebuftte? 9 9 mail banc aettropea tb em/fe bpanbfetbtmalone:butftjaltBeipe bpmto rboutoo?lbfppenottbeftgoaai;netbetrertu? ipfrc bpm bp agapne. tb^etbeebo aftee ft too?fie0 of tbe but ouecm, bou Ibalt not bpnber tbe rpgbte of tbe wotoe tb! a b?eafieaoune tbe places of W poo^etbatarcamongepoutntbeirnite. a&gt;nbfetbatpeferuetbe/Lo?aepout:e(!5oa/9 %epe tbe f cue front a faffe mate* / 9 tbe be man blefle tt)pb?cb 9 tbp toatee/ 9 5 topll 5 , nnotent9tfgbtecujsfctbouaepnot/fo?3| feme all CprtmeOeg atoape f is amongepo u. , t topii not tuftifpe ft toebeb,boumafttafie fl^o^eoueetbetemalbenotoomantbtia* u /OTaM nofl 8l?ft^/ fo ?5t'fte!Sblpnaetbe fepinge? leffeo;bnfrutefuHmtbplanb/9f tnombje KKpeittettetbetoo^aesoftberpgbteoujS, oftbpbapeg^topnfulfpn. atopHfenbemp . iiftngcb? bottmaitnotopp?eeealrraiingre/ro; feate before tbe anb toillbpn all n)e people |"J c f * ; 31 finotoe (be beite of a Ovaftgec/ becaufepe tobetbettbou malt go.anb 3! toill mafte all "W toereftra(lger0tngppte.aftefereistbou cbpneenemieututnetbeftbacfiegbntotbe/

iblm/netbecmaltopp;elbmt toftb tm rpejf tbou tabe tljp negbbours rapment to pleMje/fe ft tljouaeipuec ft bntobtm agaptt bp timt tbe f onne goo bmme.f ot tbattt bpj( couert e t onlp:eue tfje tapraft fo; W ffiinne tobeeiit b e flepetb:02 els be toill crpe bnto me anai topll bearebtm/ fo?3!ammercpftin. Cboui&amp;alt notraplebpon tbe goaae?/ ne tbeecutretbe rueiat of tbppeople. ! t.t tfttd ^p b fnimtobetbeetbep be b;pe 0; mopft) ftift &amp;"? fc tbou bepe notbacficbP fftftbo;nefonne KSStbftt maltfleuc me: ipbetopfe malt tbou boo BSS?of tbpnc own ana of tbp (bepe .Jbettfbape* Uotti(ftmallbetottbtbeaame/anbtbe.bftf.bape 15 1 &lt;onftt&gt; t h OU ft}alt gene ftme.fe malbebolpepeopie l?* Wbntome/anatberfoae malipe catenoflem ft SS/tfm fetoomeofbeettegin ft feloejeutmaUcaft fiiiw&lt;jf.8ittob0BgCiS, CBc3 fct no Come .* ticcanfc JtooIScaltmtti CTiulB r caec the c h np 1 1 1- 1 ij ;o\v outcmt (be ttcs t{w t an ncjFtutfo^satfo. cbe.wnf.bapter. . 1 ,., n , a j^figa $ou maftnot acceptea bapneta* raiKWW* rai ^1 ie/netbetmaltpitttbpne banactt

S^Jl'.^atf/anbtobattbepieaue/tbebeeliegoftbe outmonepett/leftftKDegtotoetoatoflb eet u c SSna^ ^ ""fcitemalleate^nipsemaneetboumaftbo ne0e:9tbebee(le0oftbefeiaemul'plftbij0SvS^ toftb top bpnepavae ana tbpne olpuettcc*. tbe.utalptie9aiptle7toUia?puetbeoutincii tc.Biie ^tireaapestbou mattao tbp tooAeanb before tbe/ bhtplltboubemcreafeb ft ttjbu3w** fbefeuentbaapetboumaitRepeboltebape/ mapftenberet tbe lana Jnb5ftoWmafeen) tbattbpneote9tbmea(Temapeteftanbtbe coftesfrotbereafeebntotbefee oftbe^ Tonne of tbpmapae9^efttaungermapebe liftines ana from tbe aerette bnto tbe rpuer . tefredbeaJna in villtbpngeg ftlbauefapb Sitoplibelpueetbembabitewof tbeianaein bntopoube rtwGfpectc.anttmafenoteber* to tftpnebanae/ 9tbou maitwpue tbemout*i, ( rf ( ,i %&lt; i i fanofttjenamesoffttaungegobbeg/netbet befo?etbe.* anbtboumait mabenontap^oS'i, letartpinSbeatetb^utof]&gt;ouremoutbeg, popntmft toftb tbem no? toitb tbeir gcDa

es. **'***I5etbe


* -

* j

mafie^eCvnneagamamc:fo;jE^ouffme tame. aittbflW tor" " *&lt;" ..... ^,.. , ... ^ b8?c*anb.jtf,nrabfe0. . &lt;r tt)t lojB ftjctotty OJofcott)* fatrf on of tfte &amp;o!f 0iaceanot9etwn8 ; *l a S n ? n 8* t &amp; e tt '


*v* i


want uf* tgim* naayuiv miv.msi r * y -&lt; #ro.j.o t&amp;eftgobbej^fttoviiruttlvbctbybecape.

CVt9ofc8 mmttb bp (o (!je mount anb ttjf tetb tfje tooj&amp;CBQftfieiojDe.CbcbloubeoftbecoutnaMit, ttheetbewofjfeaeltubgetbeptoplc. . cbe.jtwwf,cbaptet:. . W rapoc bnto S ofefrcome bife totbe)Lo;&amp;e:botb tbouanbflawn/ 0abab aabibu/atbe.iw;.eRieBi of 9Trael/anbtoo;!(bpppea fern of.

ait ^ofegtoentbpmfelfealonebntotbe ftojbe/buttbepcamenotnpe/netbee. came #$ro.f ir*a 4e.eopiei toitfj Dim *am&gt; flpoftp came atolbettje people all tbetoojbc* of ft Hotit 9 all tije latoesf Jno au f people anftoeteb - . - to(tboncbopcea(8?be:antbetoo;be0tobft&amp; tttije&amp;ojbbatbfapb/toilltoeeboo.Cbro^o ** fej$ tojote all tfie toojceu of tbe ?Lo?be atoft bp eatlt? anb mabe an alteebrtbeetbe bfll /a jtij.pileris acojopnge to tbenombje offljejeft ttpbefsofaftael/atibfentroraiemenof^e . djflo?eof^fraeltofacttft?cebttmtoffctn8 . j&amp;caccofranb to ow* jjeaceofftpngejt of own bnto ft?nac 10 to tctbe 7lo#e , wto flpofcjs toBe balfe of tbe S5K&amp;2 &amp; Wouoe put it in bafenss/anb tbe otbet [wife item co rt; / ainb be tone tbe bofic oftfjc appojntmfe gene tbf tt&gt;eir*tebit in tbe aubience of peopie.anbtbev b^ a ^.fl WWW * W* ftatb fai?be/toe toil] Do a tirtaftf c S3 fica it on tftepeople ana fapbeflebolbe / tbws tie no * $ tbe bioube of tlje appointment tobfeb tbe

fOHneoftbeatfieoftoptnei Oaueg_ano cj cjMbgni

&amp;e.w*.cbapte, _ #btbe /LojbetallWb toftfi flofejj_ rajmge-.fpafce bnto tbe ebf Itycn of * giftaeltbattbepgeueme an beneoffcpnge/a of turn man $ geuetft: it to Winglp to itb Ufjs berte / pe (ball tafce ft. *3nb tbtgi^ tbebeueofitynge tobiebpe u)al **ro,i

m Y . r'ftoJbbathmabeWuapSalltbrfetoojbeiS fa6eoftbemolD/ftluecanbb?aire;anB3a* no nro;e tn toe ~.u B w, Bt , t ata n cea aiiavnn ithnhaVi Huh rvnrtr rnituwt /( Vai-fef/tnmitiH

cmcte co route / fcavlet / putpult / InjlTeanii goo teg betrcamjg repmicg tbat ate t eo / aim tb e f&amp;pnneg of tm am f ettjim to ooo / ojle f o; ligb t eg/ anb fpiceg f o? a nountp tge opie anb fo? C toete c enf e : nip ttoneis anb re tt (to # mm j i neg fo? tbe*Pbob anb fo? tbe b?eftiappe. aarmcni ij amotljet (ban mafte me a fane tttat? e tbat am{(h mape btoell amonge tbem. atnbj all 1 1 toe tb c tb e facionof t^e babitadbanb of

SSSfiT rbentocnt^ofe0aaia;on/i5abab anb mHt after 3tWbu anb tbJW:.elbewi of Jftael bppe/anb wrtt.b. n ratoe ttje &lt;0oD of giftael/anb bnbet bte feate bCbepfatoeaisft toewabrfWie too?fie of ^.apbw&amp;as wutU w.ittoetetbefac?5ofbeauetobenttii eleate/ tbep hnetoe ces $ Don t^e noblefS Of tbe Cbptt?f Of 9QSIHf|e J2&amp;.M! rett not Diss banbe .Xtiotymtiwm fene &amp;tSK &lt;S5obtbepateanbb?onfie, . . fattemmafltti 3Cnbtbe)i.o?befarbebnto foWstowe s^^^^-s-s y "-srrx: a tojfpon/ not bptomeinto tbebrllanbbetbete/^giJpfn ailtbeoanamenteutbetof/euenf ofe tbatje int)iBBooipina seue( f. eta bte0ofitoneanbaiabje(|Rb'Com mase ft in all tbfttgei S.3Dnb %ev (ball mabe S toil 5S ^maunbmf te^tobicb baue to^fete teacb an atlte o( A toobb..cubite}S * an balfe mvmtom^&amp;m&amp;ot* tofebppe ab^mtnfaei: long/a cubwe* an balfe b?eabe a ^ptes 3|oftia/9^IBofe0toentbppetntotbebllof anbalfeb?eJnbtboulbattouetlcfejtttpu &lt;E5ob/a fapb bnto tbe elbe mam pc bete bn xt goto botb toftbma toftbout/ a fb aftmaae tvn toe come agaynebnto'pomanbbebilDe anbpebpSitacrotoneofgolbtoabeaboute. bere waawn -sfiut; toftbgou ,|f aimman 3nb tbou alt caQaui.rpnges of goloe &amp;&g t;? baueanpmatettobo/letbmcometotbe. ftanbput^bemnttbe.iftf.cowewtbeeof^ a&amp;bcnflfeofestoag coniebpinto mofite/ ii.tpngeg onflje onerfoe of ft anb.if.o n tbe t.a)f ttj w gio a clotobe coueteb tbe Rpii/atto toe 1 glo^e of otbee.Klnb tbou (

bait mafie Saueis of fetbim u i0 ft**! jiie %om aboue bpon mount* jbtaat /anb toobb anb coitec tbem toftb go tte / anb put mt , *'W t g ertoto&amp;CCM , W e rt.i,r.baM}* .3Cnb tbefe&lt; tbt ftaueum tbe tp ngeualongebf tbe rpoes uetitboapebecatfcb bnto &lt;30ofe0outoftbe oftbeatfte7tobetefttoitball.3nb#flaue jJ clotobe.anbtbefacponof tbe glojfc of tbe (banabpbenitbetFngejJoftbeatbe/afljall %oM toa? Irfte cSfumpnge fp;e on tbe top* n of be taaen atoape . 3D no tb ou (ba it put wi pe of tb^rnfnrtjefrs&amp;te of tbecbdb;enor tbemtie/ ttBitnmw%%ty*H gcuet^e.3Pna

tic afo;e Cljiiptcr.c,

cat)cfacion of tge canoelfllrttttrt?! &amp;W lam* pw/fnotfcw anb otljee ntetlTaepefl


aft ftft bpon t^e table /Qietobjeebbefme*!)cto(,jccti6 mealtoafe, taufeitttaoai CtfetablrofArtW.^.btoJnTtl.eloiiw.fbieiB &gt;.BS5g 2, . .pm i^aflbbwotberbeffew. '-. SJffiS.

3lnbtbouu)altmaliearaercifeate of putt BoRfcf teubi? ccjs anb an balfe longe anb a cu bfteanbanbalfeb?obe.a!nbmalie.(f.tbetu* bjnp of tbpcfte golbe ontbe.if.enbeis of tbe mevt?reate : anbfett tbe one cbenib on tbe oneenbeanbtbeotbei; on tbe otbevenoe of frhtewprcate: fore tbat tbou mafie tbem on m .if . erctseg tfjetof . 3Cnb tbe Cbembpnst (ban Ovetcb tijew topnge^ ab?obe. ouet an ftpe/ anb couet tlje mewpfeatetortb tbw

topgOJ/^tbettfacestlball lobe one toano* f b ct':euf t o t!) e metcpfeate to awe / (ball tbe faces* of tbe cbetubpitsj be . 3Dnbtbou aft put n)e meccpfeate aboue bpon tbe arte / a intbeatTietbou (bait put toptneffe tobtcb gtopllgeuetbe. -arbere 3 topil mete tbeanb tow! comon toftb tb c fwm bpon tbe mevepfeate t torn be ttoenefte ttoo cbentbviw tobicb ate boon tbe atbe of toptneire/ of alltbpnge tobtcb 9 topllgeue tbe in commaunoment bnto tbe cbplb^enoftfrael. C bou (bait alfo mabe a table of fetbpm toob of ttoo cubrte^ longe anb onecubptt b?obe anb a cub? tt anb an balfe W , anb couetittoitbputcgoioanbniafietbeteto a ctotone of goioe tounoe aboute.Snbmafie fento tbat an tobopeof.tift.fpnget$b;obe/ rounbe aboute / Hinbmabe agolben ccotone alfo to^tobope tofl&amp;e aboute Jnb mafie fo? &lt;t.ntf.tpnge0of golbe anb put tbem in tbe co? nets tbat are on tbe.ftft .fete ttjeto fcett en batbebnbecttjetobopeibaU Hjetpngeg be/ to p ut in ttattes to Uxt tbe table V&gt; an. 3Cnb tbou (baltmafie aauejj of &amp;etbim tooobia ouetlapetbem toptb golbe/ tbat tbe table mapebe bojne MtfiOi tbem . Inbtbou fbaft mafie bis biflbefj/fponefj/pottes aflatpeeeit topouteouttoiitball/offpnegoUiJnbtbou

jait mafie a canociOpcfie of pure tbtcite golbe toftb W ftaft/.b?aficbw/ lie? / tinoppeg anb flcutes p;oceabrnge tbeeeput*&gt;web;aacbe0(banp;ocebe out^, of tktt&amp;ilfi of tbe canbel8fcfie.(i(.out of tbe onefpbeanb.(ft.outoftbeotbev. anotbete albe. w.cupti es$ m t bnto almonbess toptb finoppepanbflouteg bpon euerp one oft^e b(.bjaunc&amp;e0tbatp;ocebe out of tbe canbel (tscfie:auttbecanbel(lpcfierelfe.ini.cuppe9 Ipfiebmo almonbe* tottb tt) ett finoppeji anb floure0:tbat tbete bea finopebnbec etterp.ft b?aficbeis oftbefpre tbatp;ocebeoutof tt)t canbelftpcfie Jnbtbefinoppe? $ tbe b?aun ebegfbaibe alltogetbev/ one pece ofpute tbfcfie gome. ainbtbou (bait mafie.bft. lampeis anb pue tbem an bpe tbere on/to.geue ligbte bnto tt)e otberfpbetbatig fnoffew a fwepannenof putegolbe.aCnbanbunb?eb pounbe toepgbte of fpne golbe (ball mafie ft **&amp;)itMxi*.

toftb an tbeappatelL * anbfe t tboumafieao.^f. tbiaftectbefacpontbat toas (betoebtbent tbemountc. CCt) ?t bap(leealfobffrjbtibttjet|)pnaftW'Sofffi tipnatto tbtbolpplace. StSsa Sfftle J9b tbou alt mafie an babitadon cniuabpoict^ tbten cuttapne? of ttopneb+bpffe/ &lt;o ifo apje* gfacpnctefcatlet anb purpuli / a 2M2* * Iftaftmafie tbemtoptb tymbwZvSulc. ofb;obeibtoo;fie.bciengbteofantrtapnerc it n&gt; takm ujalbe.KCbtu.cubpte^rana tbe b^cbtb.iiii.ompfo; tijcco anb tbe? fbalbealt of one meafiire: fpue cut Kg* 3 BC ? ntt tb et:anb tbe otbee fpue lifietopre ipalbe com jpoio b r of/as n piebtogetbetonetoanotbee. fo?citbc. W ua ben


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jc&lt;rtro&amp; fMEfuwMH of Q tm to! w?ne# of tij( Mitttt anbtbou maltmaftebo;!oe* f o? ti^c babi ta ficwitMcttff&amp;MMbiiwitfftttioupw. rfonoffct^imtoibbtbftitocbpitB^tcnEtt bpfe* longewaiieuetgbotfwbe/aaeubtte 9 an balfe b?obe&lt; Mmtffcte mall one b woe baue to couple tbetosetbet to all/ fo tbou alt mabe onto all f baft of $ babitacio", C o$ c f at u 11 offyc bo?b wof e$e tabe tiiacle ' ' vo?t&amp; tone ft tc/focbcttcs ana baes&lt;



v- 11 ' ^r.iaw&lt;I^W'M MJBHff

r, .,

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58 tten (bait tbou mane loupe* of %actnctt colourc / a longe br tbe eoge of tbe one cm* tarne etien in tbe fcluege of tbe coupling* courtage .anb irftetorfe malt tbou mane mtbe eoge of tbe totmoft ctirtapne tbat t* coupieo tbrctoite on tbe otber free . fivtw loupe* matt tbou mafte in one cu warn e/ ? frftte mi tbe eoge of tbe otftet tbat i* coup* trteb tbertoitb on tbe otbcr fr&amp;e : fo tbat tbe loupe? be one ouetagenttea nothct.aiw tbou Q) ait mane frftte button* of golbe / 9 couple tbe curtarne* to getbee tot tb but ton0-4bat it mare be an babttacron. a no tbou. malt mafte.jtf.cuttarne*of gote* beere/ to beatente to court tbeba* citation . be lengbt of a curtarne Qiaibe tw.cubite*/ 9tbe b;eoetb.ini.9tber (balbe all.ri.ofonemeafure.anbtboumaltcouple tbf fent tm tbe otber fnt e br m cm f el* ue*/a matt Double tbe frtte in tbe fojeftfft _ of &amp; tabernacle Jnb tboti malt mafte frftte c loupe* in tbe eoge of t&amp;ebrmoft cuwarne on tbe onerroeteuetntbeemtplingeeourtarne: a a* manr in tbe eoge of tbe coupirnge cur* tarneon tbe otbcr fme.3 no tbou malt mafte

frftte buttone* of bjaffe anb put tbf on tbe loupes /ana couple tbetenttogetbertoptb all/ tbae tbere mar be one couerrnae. , anb tbe mmtaunt tbat refletb At tbe cut tarne* ofrbe tente: eue tbe tyeoetb ofbaife a cuwarne $ reftetb'malbelefteon $ bacbe f roe* of tbe babitactom a cubrte on tbe one froe a a cubiee on tbe otber fra e/of nja t tbae remarnetb* it tbeiengtb of tbe curtarne* of $ tabemade/tobicb mallremarneof etbet troe of me babttarion to couet it toitb ail. an anb tbou matt mafte anotbec couerrnge ^fo;tbeeente ofram*fj&amp;rnn#brebtefcret anotbec aboue an of taru*C6?nne*.* fo? tyhji bitact8 bntbe foutb frbe/ a tbou malt mabe yl;foc8ette*of friueta put tbf bn&amp;et tbe.rj: lo?oi[..focbei;b.nbeeeiierrbo?6e/fo;tbeic iUttt&amp;n irRe maner in nojtb fw ot flba bitaerStberemalbe.:.bofl&gt;t* offrfuer:ttoofoftctte*bnbeteuerrbo;oe, C&lt;xf) c facion ofttjc tojner bottto toitb (t)cfcft(cfocb(U(0nbbactC0 tbe toett en&amp;e of S babftacroVmatt tbou ma ft e fpre bo;oe* &lt;Wtoo bo?o$ moo fo; tbe ttoo toeft comer* of tbejjabitacfon : fo $ tbefe ttoo boibe* be coupleatogeftet benetb anblrbetorre aboue toitb ciampe*,3nofo all

:tmonpt0, mall it be in botbtb tfam, ainbfotbere;be*in au a.iebi.foc8ctte* of -frluec,fl,fbc*ette* bnbec euerr bo?oe. " ainb tbou malt mabebatce* of fetbimtoob fruefo;tbebo?be* of tfteonefrbe of tbe ta btxmcim frue f o; tbe otbeef roe/ anb frue fo? tbebo?bt* of tbe toeft enbe.ainb mrble bawe qjallgoo alonge tyojotoe tbentrbbe* dftbebo;be* ^barretbf togetbee front Hjt * imeenberintotbeotber.1linbtboumaitco

tier tbe bo?pe* toitb golbe anomabe golben ' rrnge*fo?tbnwputtbebarre*tbo?oto/ Oiait cotter ti)e barre* toitb golbe alfo . % na rerefaptbeljabt'tacton aco;brnge to tbefa^ jtiqn tljcrof &amp; tea* metoeb tbe in tbe mount. 3nb tbou malt mabe a barie of facrnct ti of fcatlett/puvpuii attornebbrffe/anb matt mabe it of tyofierb toojit c anb full of bttu brn*.ambbangeitbp5.i(it.pfter*offetbtm toobbcouetbtottb golbe a tbat their unop* pe* be couereo toitb golbe alfo a ftonbe bp5 &amp; liftfocnette* of fritter, anb tbou malt bSge bptbebarietottbrrnge* / a malt bwgein toitbintbebarie/tb^arbeof toitneoe. SAD ir.ffiicffloiitBe barie maimeurbe f boire fro tbe'mon tot&amp;tmmWvt. 3nb tbou malt put tbemcrcrfeate ttcttcic anbj,5 tfjearfte of tovtneffe in tbe bolreft place S?&amp;"btbou malt put m table tortbcut tbe SSSKbttfc 9 canbelfticbc i ouer rang tbe table turn tucbpS tbefoutb true of me babitaciS. ana put ttrnfow tbe table on tbe no?tbffbe, feS?ffi anbtbou ibaltmabe an bangrngefoz ffimboo?e of me tabernacle:of ?acrncte/of fear* .Xrtatlett/ofputpulia ofttornebbrffe to?ougbte dontcajccc tpiti) neolc too?ftc .anatfloit Ibalt mafte fo; r^JJ^^iftebangrnge/frueprrewoffetbinitoobb/ CS m ? couerliotb tbem atbeir nnoppe* goiae/ S a malt call frue focfiette* of b?a(Te fo? tb?. U.S( but ff.fc5t fo?mc of m niter of the bucntoffcfiigc toitb ()i!il)o?iice/rjii3CD^aatiEe/gccBjctnE3jott)trojnn* WtnttB,


Cbe.Mcbff.bapt. Wb tbou malt mabe an sulfate c E fet&amp;mt toobb; frue cubrte* longe * .b.cubrte*b?o&amp;e/tUat ttoefou* irefquave/ AU. cubrte* Ure . anb mafte it bo?ne*p?oceorng out in ner* of it/a couer it tf&gt; b?affe. anb fttafie fli* aBbepannes/Qjouei* / bafen*78lemboTtc*/ fwepannc* anb all tbeapparell tfterof / cf bjaOeanbtUoulbalt mabe a gtebrern alfo irfte anet/of b?affe :po tol)* malbe:iut.b?afen rrng^.a tt)e grebjem mall reacliebntotbemrbb^ of altare.anbtbou malt mafte ftaue* fo? tbe altare of fetftrm teebb/ a couer t&amp;e toitb b?a(fe / a let tbem be putinrrnge* alonge brtljefrae* of tbeal* tatetobeareit toitb allanbrnafietbeaultci: bolotoetoitb bo?be*:tena*ittoa* metoeb tbe in tbe moimt/fo let tbem mane it. . anbtbou maltmaftea n courte bnto ft)tfc babifaciott/tobicb mallbauein foutbfr&amp;e a.^e cowc PCr-tge* of ttorneb brfle/ berng anbi5b?e&lt; *g ;***% cub^e*ionge/a.w.ppier*tbetof/\&amp;tbeirf b c ut c i , ^ ttl , WCtocftefte* of b?affe:but tbe fenoppe* (c*ww tbeprier*anb tbeirtobope* malbe fritter, S'nlrfietorreontbe no?tb free tberemalbe basmge*ofanb6b?eb cubrte* longe a.iT; pffet* tt tbeir focfiette* of b?affe/s ? finop* pe*a ? tobope*offriuer.anbtn tyeabtt) oftbecourtetoeatoarbe/tbere malbeban* grnges of frftie cubrte*longe / w-ppia*

toitb tbeie.ic.f ocfiette* .anb in tije tyeaotb of tbe coutte eatttoatQe totoatbe tberrfrnge of tbe fonne/malbe USgrnge* of,!, cubrte*, C Cffi^cfigurcof l^co;bcifngcof tl;c o;natncntca tohict).mutt ftnn&amp;c m i tir fnlictitaclc.


Csftio^jnBWV^wP B l n fl c w ( * c Wlf*Plf

feangrnge* of .jcb.cttbrte* m tbe one free of it toitb.iii.pfer* a.i.focftettf*:a liftttorfe ontbeotber frbe malbe bangrnge* cf.tb. cubrte* toitb.iiipner* 8nb.iti.focftette*. : . anb in ibtBflte of Warn* wa^ea barw


baple of.rr,aimte*:of factncte/fcatlet/tJut pulfafopttebbtfletojougbttfinebletoojfie/ a.ii.pplci#tofeftmfocfiette*.aiIe pplct* touttOcabout ti)e coutte albe tobo* pen toi fpiuee/eft finoppe* of fpluer/ 9 eitfocfiette* ofb^^eieg^ of $ court allbeajt [jun&amp;eo cubpte*/9 eb;caoe.l. aebepgtbfpue /anoebangpnge* ame , , fMI , h ofttopwobpffe9efocnettc0ofb?affe.anb tut tabcS a ebcffcbsof ebabptacpontoaHmanet r touncirc: befetupce? tbeppnne*etof:pee 9eppnne* enuft ttjcnn aicoof the courte/albeb?a(Je. SSESIffi anocSmaunbe ecbPtt&amp;enof pMtttf 2 JXS^set^cputeople oipuebeaten fojtbe ^^BoetooibJbttjJtopouw alltoapemtoe lampe*. t&amp;at tt}c w *ne c tabernacle of tovtneffe toft^oite t^e ticaoescwi bapietobfcbfcbefojetbetoptneffe-.a aaron SSSSmZ * WW tomeu (ballbjeffe ft bo euen a mo?* B Sin c nvni5befo?etbe^o?oe:anDfta)albcatetorte

ntfiejtirj.D, "to? euer bntopoute generactongaftetpou: tobegeuencfecbplo?enof1!frael. COe.vrbM'i.cijaptet. #D tafie ou bnto tbe aaron ftp b?oetanobt0 Tonnes totbpm/ frS amonge (be cbSbtfe of 3!ftael/ t f bema p mpnpBte bnto me/boe aaron/#aoab/abu/&lt;lea?at !Jamar aat onis fornix. Kino ft ou (bait ntabe Uof ? e tapment fo; a at on p b?oft et/b oft bono?a Me glo?pou*. fl^djeouet fpeafie bntoaH tbatate topfebarteO/tobicb 1 ? baue fplleott tbe fpjfte of topfbome-.tbat ep mafteaatS* ipmtttoc0fectatebtmt&amp;/tbatbemapmp* npttrebntome. befe aree gatmete*tobftb a.5;cfttflppc ttjes (Dal mafic-. o; bjennappe a a b?e8Iapp/&lt;E s wfoci)toBappc|,b 0l , /atiinMe/ ofatopc * mpteranbagp? ben. anbep allmaftebolp tatmente* fo? laton tbp bjo* etabftsfomte* tljatbemapemt npttte bnto me. 53 and ep (ball


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v vl

grauetnemcnam^*ortbecbpBHfof3Sf* taeWfcefn tbe one (f one/ w oee fttetn tbe otbet (toneiaeeoab? ng to ojoer of eft

bit .after tbe toojebe ofaftonegrauet/eul a* fpgnette*awgtaue' /alt tbou gtaue tbe f f.llone* toi e name* of tbe ebp lo;f of^f tael/9 attraaletbem to befetfn oucbe* of oloeJnb tbou alt put ft e too (tone* bpS e ttoo ouiotr* of (be &lt;fpbob/9ep aloe on*of Kmemtoattncebntotbe cfcHtyt of ?;ftaeljnbaat5 allbeate etrname* be C o;efte )lo?bebponbt&gt;*ttoooitl0er*f02 a reiuembzaunce.artbtboufoattmafie bofiess of goioe 9 ttooebepne* of fpnegofoe: ipnfie* toojfieanb tojetbeb/anb fatten tbe tojetteb cbepne*toebofte*. anbftou altmafieeb?c&amp;lappe of ft gemf f tt b joberb to o?ne :eu? af tec tbe too?fie of tbe &lt;epbbft (bait tbou mafieir.of goioe/ ta* cfncte/fcatlet/putple ano ttovneb bptt'e (bait ttjonmafte tt. #o#ffluawfc tbalbe ^Double *an banb b?ebe(bnge a an batto b?eoe b?oie. w ano tbou alt fjiut tt.Ht(.totoc* of ttone*. 5!n tbe fp?tt wtoelbalbea&amp;atWo*/ acoi _ Ml pa*a*&amp;raaagl)9.befecottDcotoe/a + J8u*^f i bve/^&gt;apbfta^famonbe.betbi&gt;;li:)LSu^oinei. no0anac()at^amarttt.befDWb:acurscacti*i ca*/)S)m]canti3!arpt*.ainbtQepQialbe ret in goioe mtbeir inclorets.ano flje ftone* (baibe grau^a*ffgnette*begrau2:\btbename*of tt)e cbM of Jftdelcue tDitb.tit.namts cue &amp; ty onettbi* name aco?ntng to tbe.jrt(.trtbf*, 3nb tbou (bait mafie bpontbe b?tOlappe ttoofa(Wnpn cbevne* of pucegoioe ato;cs fljeit too?fie, ano tbou (baltmabe ivfietopf e bponb)eb?eSlappe.if.tmge* ofgolDe a put tbem on tbe e&amp;gc* of n)e b?eaiappe/a put tbe ti,b)?e(ben cbepne* of goloein tbe, (f.tpnge* tobfebatetn cbge* of tbe b?ettlappe.anDg if.en&amp;e* of tbe.t1.cbepne*tbou(baltfallentt| $.tf.rmgc*/aputtbebpStte(bufi)et*oftbe epbooon fo#f?fte oftt.anb tbou (battle mafietf.t(ng^ofgoio/aput(beui(* of tbeb?eftlappeeuenintbebo^et* tberof totoawetbe infroebf fijeapboo tbatt'gouct agapntt ft, anbKt.ti'.otbercpnge* of gottie tbou (baitma&amp;e/ u put tbe on .f^oeg or tbe cpboD/benetb ouet agatna b? t aiappe alotoe tsbete tbe tfne9 ate fofneb to genet bpontbebo;6eteb gWDeHoffte CpboD.anb



tafienjetto goioe /tactnte/fcatlet/purpull* tbe?(baBbtnoe(fieb?eaiappebtbr*ttnge *

fectmcte/fcaflet/putpunanbtobwe ttottieb bvere tottb b?obetbVso7fie,be two Kfte* (ban cometogetbet/clofeobpnt(beeoge*etof. anb tbe g?del of 0)e Cpbob alt e of ffamc toojfimantbpppe 9 of tbe fame ftufie / euen bfgoibeyfacpncte/fcaWette/putpun* ttop*

&lt;acpncte/rtiatftmajei?eclolIe bntotbeb;o betebg^belof(be#bob/tbattbeb;cftIappe be nbtioofebftom tbe &lt;spboo. 3no2&lt;at0lbaUbetetbename* of tbecbfl &lt;&amp; b?enpf|ftael mtbeb?eQlappebf iubgemet bpS btssbert /tobenbe gotf) tn to bol^place f02 atememb?aficel)efo?etbe ^o?baltoape. ano tbou aitputmtbeb;eaiappeormo f ~ HIvllv

\,.mtm ment*b?mano^buttM'n^bat tbepbeeuen foafttbountaftctflem) $puttt&gt;etnamaf ibc


\ w m' mn/ bpon aatos*: Oecte tobenbegoea tn befo;e P^'aifrm tbe %om ano aaton (ball bete tbe enfant* Wclbtttbtpleoftbecbviosen of^ftaelbpou W becte iburainpcrbefo?etfte jLo?oealtoape. mm a"",? ano tbou alt mafie tbe ftingdr bnto i ^^flfl^PBooallto getbec of ilacfncte. ano tber Mm albeanbole fatty beeowt tbemnooepof

iWc ano w it/am let tbete be a bonoe of toouen too?fir &gt;0 in w* tounoe aboute tbe colec of ft( a* it toete tbe )tW ffcoletofapacietjtbatfttentnot. anobe= "L H (j^netbbpStbebem/cbou altmafiepomgta :. m innate* of faepc te/of fcatlet/ anoof putpui ! bctobc / tounoe aboute tbe bent/ ano bene* of goioe jwg *f oettoene tbem rounoe aboute : tbat tbete be SS euer a golben bell anb a pontgeanate/agol* ffifvupngtben bell ano a pomgtanate tounoe aboute itojufiijc to bpontbebcmoftbetunpcle.anbaat5al! HMlSlfawe itbpon bnti toben be nujnftttetb/g (be SSffiSkS Wlbe ma^e be ijeroe toben be goetb into m StmoiWV Place before tbe iLo?oe anbtoben be co^ (mi/owaufemetb out/tbatbe ope not. p"W m ano tbou alt mabe a plate of pure gol* iSrlaL be/anogtauetbeieon(a*fpgnette* ategta iKuoiJwboiwe* of tbe l-o?oe/ aputft on afaceof 'sacpneteatpe ftbnto t^t metre/ bpon tbe f o? ef ton t of it/ $ tt be bpon aa tog r iS5fo;ebeeO:tbataai'onbete tbe'fpnne of tbe itiOfc bolp^pnse*tobpcbtbe cbj?U&gt;.jen of Iftecf t &amp;kbauebalotoebmalltbeftbolpegpfte*.ano JSJ! 4 ** ftftajeaitoawbponaaton*ffl2ebeeb/ f ai J*&gt;tbev mape be accepteobefo;e tbe %QM. UtoXl ano ftou alt mafie an albe of bpDe/anb ?*/E t *tfioOJJltmafieamptteofbpaeiagp?oea SSffi of nebletoo?fic. m m , ^ mumm anotfiou aitmafie fo?aaton* fotme* t.aftnn alfo cote0/gp?tel0 anobonette*bonoutable utjeostrns ano gfo?iou*/anb tbou alt put tbem bpon jtfoj(jiint/a aiU ntbpb?otljecano onbP* fonne* top MM.M0fl.0fro ^ (Dajtanopntetbem 9 fplltbeit banot anocSfectatetbemtbattbepmape mftrtOte bnto me, iino tbou aitmafie tbem ipnen tyecbe* to cottetifieft p?eupt(e*: ftomtbe iopneg bntotfie tbpe* alltbepteacb , anb thep albebpon aaton^bi* fonne*/toben m* Mto. tep goo tn to tbe*tabetnacle of ttrftneffe/o? m.i. tobtntbepgobntotbe altatetompntftte tn bolpne*/tbattI)epbetenofpnneanb roope. SftSMib ft a" 55 a iatoe B fo; euetbntoaaton 9 ****** Bt*feebaftetbt'n. C^e confee tan'en of Jiaton anb ^(6 Connw. erbe.tlrt^.baptet, W * * the tbpnge tbat (boti alt boo bnto tbem tobe tbou balotoett tljemtobempp^eafte*. cafieone

^tove^ttootSmegtbatate toptfiout ttemp/ano bnlcuenbeo b?eo ano cafie* of ftoete b?eo tempeteo topft ople toafet* of ttoeteb;eoanopntebibpie( of toBet?flou

ano bn'nge tbemm tbemaunoe toitb tbe o^e nOtte,tttamme*, ano b;pnge aaton ano bP* fonneg Bnto rbeoooje of tbe tabernacle of toptneffe / ano tea tt)i toitlj toatet/^t tafte tije garmente*/ ano put bpon aaton:tl;c ftrapte cote/anotbe tunpcleoftbecpbob/anotbecpboo anOtbe b?eaiappe : 9gpro tbe to bpmtottb tbeb?o? bereogp?oeUof$d!pboo.anoputtbemptte bpon b(*beeo ano put tbe bolp crotonebpg tbemptre. ^entafie tbe anopntpnge ople ano poureft bponb(*beeo ano anopnte bim anbb^ngebp*fonne0anb put albe* bpon$ tbem/anogp?o tbemtoptbgp?oel*:a*toel( aaron a* bt* fonne*. ano put e bonet te* on tbem i tfye pjeaftc* office mape be eft* fo?aperpetuaUlata&gt;e, anbfplIebanoe*of aaron ahb of W fomte*/anob;pnge tbe ote before etaber* nacle of toptn effe . *anb let aaron ano bp* &amp;'* fonne* puttbeft banoe* bpS bP3 beeo a fipll bim befo;e tbe fiom in e oo?e of tbe taber nacle of toptneffe . ano tabe of e blouoe of tbe ore ano put tt bpS toe borne* of e alter topffltbpfpngetapoure aileblouOe bpS e botome of ty alter/ ano tafie all e fatt tbat couere e ftitoaroe*/ a ball tbatteon e fpuet ano tb e. tf . fiponep* toie fa tt ** ati*bponem:anbburneembp3 e altenuttbefleofffieoreanbbi*fbphne ano bP* bonge alt ou bume top fp;e tofoutebofte.!jfo? iti* a tpnneofferpng. Cben tafie one of eramme*/ aietaarS anobP* fotme* put eft bonbee bpon e beabe of e ram/ $ caufe bpm to be flapne / anbtafieofbt*bIoubeanOfp?enfiellitrotlbe aboute bpon tbe alter / anb cutt e ram in pece* anbtoa tbeintoarbe*of bim aitb bi* legge*/$putembntoepece*abntobi* beeb/anbbumeebolerambpon e alter, fo?iti*abumtotterpngebntoeKLo;be/g[ a(toetefauoure of e io?be* facrpfice. _ * f&gt;w *

. anotafiee oer tarn ano let JWP*2S&amp;Sm&amp; bi*fonne* /put eft bonoe* bpon bP* beeo ffiSEEB anoiettbpmanbefiplleo.anotafieofbp*&lt;25ct&amp;.it/;,f blouoea putftbponetpppe of e tpgbte cateof aaron anb of bP* fonne* /ano bpon tbe tbombe of eft tpgbte banoe* ano bpon tbegreat tooof eirrpgbte fete a fwenfiell tbe blouoe bpon e alter rounoe ab oute, Cbentafieof eblouoe at i*bpone alter anb of e anopntpnge opie/anb fp?en* fiellftbponaaronanobi*beatmente*/ano bPonbt*(bnne* ano bpon eft garmente* alto.cbeni*beanobt*cToe*boipanbbfe^ fotme* anb eft clotbeg bolpe alfo. cben tafieefatt of eram anb bp* tompe s e fatt at couere e intoaroe* amie 6att9frlpueta etwo fiponep* e am

'* ?



anb the fatttbatidbpontbem anbthetpgbt woulfcertfoz that ram id a fulloffrpng) ana a fpmneilof b?ebijacaBe ofopleb tyeb anna toafee out ofthe bafbettof rtoetebjeb that 19 before the jlo;b/(jputallbpon tbebanoS ef aaton anb on the banbed of DPS fanned; anbtoauetbemmanb outa toaueoffrpnge bnto the ftoj&amp;e. cbentafieitftom of their han&amp;ed burne it bp5 the alter : eiie" bpS the burntofftpnge/ to be afauoure of Ctoemeffe be t o}t (t&amp;fLoMoi it is afacrtfpce bnto tbc * %ojoMw tafic | b?eft of $ ram idaatfd JuTfasi'pngeanbtoaue itatoaueoffrpngbe*

fo?e the &gt;io?be/i-nett tbatbe tbp parte. a&gt; fanctffpethetyeft of the toaueoffrpnge anb the woulbecof the Ijeueoffcsngctobscbc 10 toauebanbbeueb top of tberamtobicbeid $ rulloSrvnae of aaro anb of bid fonned. ana it (balbeaaro"d 9 W towed &amp;fte fo? euer/ of ft e chpttuen of gifraei/ fo? it id an beueof* ' ' fvpnge.anbtbebeueoffrpng Walbe t &amp;0W butpe of $ cbplWf of Hfraei-.euf of tbefacrt* fpceoftbet'r peaceofftpng^tohfeb tbepbeue bnto ;no?b.anb holvcgatme'tcdof aatS walbebpdfomiedafterbpm/toanopntctbS tbetin/ anb to fpll their banbed therm . aim that fonne g 10 p;eaft inbid ftebe after him/ (bail put them on fenen bapee : that he goo intotbetaberuacle oftoptneffe/tompnittre in the bolpe place. .... J" Chen tafie the ram 10 the funoffepnge 9 fethe bid flew in an botp e piace.anb aaron anbbid fonned tballeatetbeflcro of bpm / 9 ff the tyeb that ft in the baf net: eue in tbc boje oftbetabemacjeoftoptneae.anbthepwall eate the/ becaufe tl)e attonement teas mabe iobcint,Hiertoptb to fpll their tombed &lt;Mo*fanctifie fltf.P.p.8 them:buta ftraunger wallnoteate therof/ becaufe the? are holpe. gfougbteofffieflewofthefunoffepttged o?of tbebjeb remade bnto the mompnge/ ffiou wait Uurne it totth fpje: fo? it (hall not beeatett/becaurettidbolpe,anbfethouDoo bntoaaron anbbpd fonned/ euen fo inall thpnged ad^baue commaunbeb the: that thou fpllthettbanbedfeuenbaped anti offre euetpbapeanorefojafpnneoffcpngefoj to recScple toith all.anb thou Qraltbalotoe the alter tobe ihourec5cplettit/ 9 alt anopntc it to fanetifpe it.&amp;&gt;euenbaped thou (baltte concple the alter anb fanctpfpett/ $ ttmape ^beanaltermoftholpe-.totbatnomanmape

^toucbefcbutffiepmatbeconfectate. Chid id that tobtcb thou wait offrebpon wealtet.iUambedofonepereolbebapebp " bare fo? euer/ the one thou (halt offre m the mompngeanb the otherat euen.anbbnto the one lambe tafie atenth beale of mm mpnglcbtoptbtbefourtb parte ofanbmof beaten opie / the fourth parteof an bin of

tope/fo? a tepnc&amp;eoffrpnge , anb t&amp;e other lambe thou (halt offer at euen anb (halt boo therto acojbpnge to the meateofftpngeanb bnncfteofftvngetn themo?nge (to bean oooure of a ftoete tauoure of the facrifpee of the HU 2he Jno it (balbe a continuall burnt* of frpnge amonge foute tfy&amp;W after rou/ in tbe coo?e of the tabernacle of toptneCe be fo?ethe)Lo?be/ tuheregiiBPilmetepouto^totllnietc\6 the cbpiwen of gifraei/ arm totfbe fanctifpea inmpehonoure. Moy rotllfanctpff e the tabernacle of tanjtnefle 9 the alter : 9 f topll fanctif pe alfo both 3Daron ano bv^ f onnejs to be mf p?eafte0. ainb mo^eouer 1 rovil btoell amonge the chilb?en of gifraei 9 ropibe t^tit ob . 30nb tuep (ball fmotoe that 9 am the 7Lo?be their obthat b?oughtethem out of tbelanbeofg?ptfo?to btoell amonge thf: tam% the %om their oo. C(!Ei)cfo?mcoftl)Ealtarcof(ncc!i:ctott|alie5bt longcHjOiiioit,


"-- I

iLianjc nuaccoetneenfe. E^c bjafcnlaiict:. Zi)t anojn'tjngcotlc'. ' , CChe.rrr.cbaptet:. |l9b thou Ojalt mane an alter to 3 butneeetetfjeritt/offetbim tooo:

acubvtelonge/aa cubrtcb;obe/ Seue" fourefquare (ball it be fcttoo cubjJte0We:roith homegp^ocebyngcoutof it/9 thou (bait ouetlat? ictt fpne golbe both the roffe 9 the toalle* rounb aboute / 9 W homejs alfo/ 9 malt mafic bnto it a cro tone of golb rounbe aboute/.ii.goM rpigesi on ether fi&gt;be/eucbnber eroune/toputttaueis therin fo? to bere ittofth an Jnbthou malt mane the flaueuof fethlmtoobb 9 couer the toith golbe. 8nb thou malt put it before the ba?le thathangeth before the arche of to^t* neae 19 before themerc?reate that wbefo?e theiwtnevTe/tobeteltotilmetethe, 3118

SMarS (hallburne ttjctoti ftoete cenre euerpmo?n?ngtohenhe b?etteth the iSpeft anb ipfieto^fc at mm tohen he fettetb bp me lamped he mall bume cenfe perpetually before the %om tho^oto out vouregenera* cyow .7 1 mall put no ttrafige cenre tberon/ nether burntfacrpfpee no? meateoffringe/ nethetpotweany bnnBeofftwgt&amp;eron. 3Dnb Haton mall reconcile bpon the fiomedofit once in atere/toptb theblotibe of thetynneofltpnge of reconcplinge: mm once in the pere mall be reconcile tttho?oto $oute generacvond . anb fo id it mod boif e ntotbe?Lo?be. 3Cnb the %ojh fpabebnto ffloUfi fapmgc; ii!Miti.a. *tohenthou tafieft rhefumme of the cbtUye" of afrael 9 telleft the"/ thep mallgeue euerp mar* a reconcplpnge of hPd foule bnto the %6fat that there be no plage amonge tbem tohftljou telleft tl)em.3itit&gt; thud moch mall euerv mdgeue $ goetb in the nomb;e-Jhalfe li(iit^8.ti.afpcie/after the fpcie* of the fanetuatfe : a jM.if . ficie id.w.geerad: anb an halfe fycle malbe &lt; y tyt.m b m jj^eoi^ttgc bnto thejLojb. anaal that are nomb?eb of thf tbat are. w.pere oloe 9 aboue mall geue an beueoffrpnge bnto the ]Lo;be.beriche t&amp;aunotpau'e/9t8epoo?e wan not goobnbet halfeafpcle / toben ftep oeueanheueoffrpngebnto theiLo?be fo? attonement of their fouled, anb thou malt tone the reconeylmge wonep of the cbppj#

ofgifraeianb waltputitbntothebfe ofthe tabernacle ofinitntte/9 it wall be amemo* tfall ofthe ohplb^e of ^fraelbefwe jdo;b/ tomafie artattonementfo?theirfouled. CH&gt;t tP8rt of Hit innw ofb?affctt&gt;Uf) b'ttfotc.


* ' Ai


bpdfonnedmap etoaWboft their bSbtdanb theirfete thcrout / tohenmep goointothe tabernacle of toptneoe/o? tohen thep go bn to the altare to mphiftre 9 to burne %om of frpnge/ieft tb ep bpe, anb it (haibe an o?bt naimce fo? euerbntobpm ^hidfecb amege poute cbplbjenafterpou. anb the Hojbfpaftebnto ^ofedfapinge: tabe p;incppalf fpiced : of purem^re fpue hunb?ebfpcled/of ftoete^pnamome halfe To mocb ttoo hub^ebahb lyt t it tycm : of ftoete calatmjte/ttoo hunweo anb.l.)f cattia/ttoo bun^ebanbXaftertheholperpcie/^iofopie - m, iBM9 olpueanhtn.anbmahe of th? 1 bolpeanopn* nnoptma ml tpngeopieeueanople compounbe after the t&gt;ot\)fiaum\&gt;e eratte ofthe apoticarpe . anbnopnte the ta^ c ""f i g e bernacle of toptneffe theretoith / fr tbeatcfieM'^' oftoptnede/ anbthetabietopthali bPdap^ W i,t, ,/ parell/anb the canbelftpcb topth all hid o?bptno?Dc of goB : naunce/anb the alter of incenfe/ 9 the alter* wfHbfngrof bumtracrpfice anb aU hid beffeld/anb the gSHfig lauer anb bid fote.anb facrifpethem t WvB S mapebemofthoipeifothatnoman^ touches conccqucnti? if but tbeptbatbe halotoeb . anb anopnte upon tbc iKT * m cot * emtt t0 * JKSf mpmftrebntome. Jmwubm. ano ffiou waltfpeaRebnto the chpib;! of wmm Jftael fapinge: thPd (balbe an holpeopn* tpngeoplebntome/thojoto outpouregene* raciSd. &amp;o mid flew (balbe anopnteb there* toirbmether Challpe mane anp on)er after

maftpngeofitfb?itidholpe/fetOetfo?ethaf " pe tafte it fo^holpe: tohoroeuer rtiaftero iphe that/o; tohofoeuer puttcth anp of it bpon a ftraunger / wall perpw from amonge hPd people, . anb tbeiLo?bfapbe bnto fl^ofed-.tabe bn to the ftoete fpiced'.ftacte/onpcha/rtocte gal bantt^purc frSfiencgd / of etche Ipfiemocb: ?mafie torn of the copofibe after crafte of apottarte/nunglebtogetbet/gttmapebe mabepure^holpe. anbbeateit topotober anbputitbefo?etbetopme(reinthetabemff cleoftoptneOe/tohere^topfl mete the /but &gt; letitbebntopouholpe.anbfethatpemabe noneafterthemabpngeofthat/butletitbe bnto pou bolpefoj the jUtfb.anbtobofoeu man mabe ipbebnto that/to frneit thereto/ wall peri frpmamongehid people, Cffi^jc'rallyngcofwiojBlccIanBSI^aliab mciuCbe Aaboib,iHi tommaunbtb Ibc tables 10 Oonraccgcticn floCc0. ifcataefcofle fpabe bnto #ofedl^.v - fi . tepinge*tholbe*gihaue calies g*#W** inbthejt.o?brpaBebntoa9ofedfapinge: g^%^name/33eialeeltt)e fonne ofrajp *ffiou(baltmafie(iIauerofb?aCeah'dfote laBa^fonneto^urofrfjetrtbeofjuba, alfo of b?a(te to toam toith all/anbwattpttt anb3hauefpliebhtmttthefp?ete of d5o b/ itbettoenethe tabemacleof toptnefte 9 ffie toithtopfbome/bnberaanbpnge anb bnoto * auet*anDputtoaterffirrmtffiataaronanb lebgeieueninallmanertoo^be/tofpnaeoue e.. forte

fotlefeaytytotoojfiefngoibfylueratoaffe anb toitb t tt e eta f te to gtaue ttones/to fete a

to (ante in tpift? c 9 to a 02 ft e in all man et towfimanlbipe.anb bebolbe / 3 baue geuen bym to be ififi companion abaltab tbe tonne of abifamacb oft^e trpbe of jan / a trt tbe bertesofallthatatctoyfebartcbgibaueput 38 toy fbomc to mafic an tbat % baue comaun*


of tbe lanbe of &lt;2gypt/toe tootte not tobat ys$ become, anb aaron faybe bnto tbem:plucfie of tbe gottrn eatynges tobycb are in tbe eares of youre toyues / youre tonnes anb oft owe baugbterSsanb bjyngc tbem bnto me . ana alltbepeopleplucfieboftbegolbfearinges vnuwiw u niwauM,m 3 ,....vvu...M' tbattoereintbeireares/anbbjougbtetbem oeotbe:tbe tabernacle oftoytneifc/ anbtbe bmoaaron.3nbbe*rcceauebtbem of tbeir c arcfie of toitneffe/anb t^e mercyfeate that is hanot anb facyoneb it toitb a gta uer a mabe tbrobponalltbeomamenteseftbetaber* ttacalfeofmoltenmetall. iMJfiWg naele/anbtbetabletoitb bys ojbinaunce/ 9 *cb&gt;SStbyob&lt;D!jrrael/tobicbe brough t mmr\ tbe pure canbelftifte toytb alibi* appateil/ tbe out jSliMSfL M ^ rf * ana the alter of intent/ * alter of burnt* anb tohe aatS fatoe that/ be mabe an al ? oflraiges totth alibis beoeis / anD the lauer rate before ft/amabe a p2ociatnact o fayinge toimbrafote/^tbetoeaunentegtompwate tomojoto fbalbebolr oaye bnto tbe^ojoe. in/ anbtbebolye sarmentesfo? aarontbe an&amp; tbey rote bp in Ujemojnpnge ana om tb ' - - - *- bumtoffrynges/anb -tyougbt olSrynges of attonementalfo.* artbtbanthf^fatttljeni*^^, bounetoeateanbbjynfie / arofebp agayne to play e. Cbent&amp;e %om faybe bnto fl$ofes:*goo ^ 0aMl get tije bounc / fo? tby people tobpeb tbou * tyougbteftout of tbe lanbe of tfgyptebaue marreball/tbeyareturnebatonceout of toaye tobicbeH cSmafibeb n)e ;*a bauemabe * m tbeaca!feofmoltmmetau7abauetoo?fl)ip pebit abaueoflte&amp;rbertoabauefayb:bfs is tby ob thou gfrael / tobf ebbatb b?ougbt oftbe lanbe of &lt;i?gypte.


P2raft/ anbtbegarmentesof bys fonnesto mf mitre in/anb the anoyntynge oyle anbtbe ftoete cenre fo; tbefanctuarye: acojbyngc to C allastbawecamaunbebtbe alltbet boo, anbtbe &amp;02befpafie bnto flofesrayfng: . rpeaftebntot&amp;ecbftozenof "jfraelaubtaye: *&lt;pt^bbot&amp;inain&gt;toyreretbatyefiepemy*&gt;abbotb/ 1 c ty bc tbat tt f 02 it fhalbe a fygne bettoene me anb you in l c X?X yourcgeneracyons fo; to finotoe/ tbatfl tb* St%&amp; TLo^bofancrou.fiepent^aSotl) aw 1 fthc ma tberfoje/tbat tt be on bolyetbynge bnto von ton 9 to oftc * 1 1 beff letb it ffialbe (la?netberfo?e , iff 02 t8c?u ^ c|,i VT,hornfuertoo2fietftnirrut/ tbefame fouie ...,-.- , teSffi&amp;etotebotttfromamongebWpeop^ tmmo&amp; oftol6e* 5 fe tbfe people c fiSS SB [^webasejjftallmentoo^fie/buttbefeultb tbatit W a ftjfenecfteb people/ ^ nototber, cjro, fcpopwc tf mbawifrtbefeabbotboftbebofeerefteof the totemttmtm tojatb maie toarebot e rtmem. jxo2be:totbat tobofoeuer ooett) any. tao#e topontbe/anbtbatgimaseconruntet ftetanb ?haIrtL Ba obWtbe^abbotftbare/ftallbpef02it:tobw *h.iirtrmfl*cfiffhcnwiirtei)coBK. m iiwm fo?elett tbe cbflb?e of 3frael fiepenje %ab t^toit()i)i0Do both/ that tbep obferuett tbozotoeoutfbeic ltl?/hiMMgena^ onjJ/t batitbeanappopntcntetfc; SttpSS. tbecb^lbienoflfraeifo? euer.*jfojtnfw:e * cnc.i.e {iaye0tbrllo;bemabebeauenani)ertbean&amp; twiituentbbaiiebereaenatoaisrefreabeb. 3jnbtobenbebabmabeanenbe of come* mmmam* mjngt tortb flPoreis bp3 tfe moimte ^&gt;inai mmtm; *begmebfmttoofable*oftotweae:tabie&amp; toere of ftone anbtontte torn) tbe a fyngerof B.WjtfitUr^JoJ),

W&lt;W' cCfteJftatlptcBtuojf (j&gt; tfte joietn tfllffc. ijofti 2? fS^JRv* l;atetft? tfttrapuupnat06 in mcmb?aiinceof h? B ? ,tafh ofl)wpioroT&gt;tt.?ebjeafcetl)tl&gt;ctaMe0fo nqccAe Jh?SS (^tftaaton:fte?&gt;olatewflasne &lt; ttofo ' fc f cbMWM'^feapter.

f#b toben tbe people fatoe t&amp;attt toais longe 02 #oft came bdtme outoftbemoimtapie/ tbepga* 1 1 juuulfterfD tbem (due* togetber anb m**M* eameBnaiaroifanbfai!bcttnrobpm.*p anb maftebSfatfoD to 500 befo?c b* : fo? of tbrufl9ofeitbcfelotoefl)atb;ouBbtbSouc


tb en tovniniake of tbe a mpgfttfe people, . cben fllofesi befougbte w %oM b* &lt;5ob 9 faybe:flD jtoj&amp;e/tobpflmlb tb? ttjatb toare bote bpon tftt? people tohyeft thou baft bjougbt out of tbe lanue of Cgpptett great pe'boer anb toitb amygbtie babe/* toberfoae *mt, Qulb tbe tegrpcian^fpeaae anb faye: j?o? amprc^efebybbeb;yngetbemout:euenf02 toflee tbemftt fte mountamfl/anb to com fume tbem from tbe face of tbe ertb , curne , fiomtbyfearfeto?arb/anbbauecompa(Kon " ouer tbe tovfiebneceoftbypeople.W tmeb?e?E aibiabS / |faac anb 3 fraei a)y feruauntest/ to toft om ujou ftoo? e tt by ri)yne otonefelfe 9 faybeft bnto tbem:* 31 toyllmoWplye youre mm reebajstbe flams of beau!/ 9 ail tbyss lanbe j.jd.o, tolj i ch 5: ba 1 1 e faybe/ 3, to t ! i geue bnto youre feeb-.a tbey (ball enbetet it fot met . ano tbe )lo?be wfraynebbym Wft^frem tfjateuell/ tobiebbe faybe \)t tooibe bo bnto b'P people in&amp;#ofc0turnebb(*bacbeatoftboune , lromtbebyir/tbe..teWe*oflnytne(Kin . bf *;ba&amp;: tobicb toere toitttS on botb f leaueff anbtoeretbe to02be of i0ob/ 9tbeto2ytynge teas tbe to?ytinge*f $obgrauen bpon tbe raWejJ^hb tobelohiabrrbetbenoyre of tbe people

peopleasJtbcy (bouteb /be fay&amp;ebnto m&amp; ttfixtottei&amp;a noyre of toarre in bode . anb |eCaybe:itiSnottbecrycof tbem tbatbaue themaOtye/no? of that baue tbe tootfe : but a boo beare tbe noyre of fyngynge. OB ano as foone ag be camenyebnto the botte anb fatoe tbe calfe anbtbe baunfynge /W tojatbtoarebbote/anbbecatttbetabiejs out

ofbij$banbe/anbb;afietbemeugattbebyll rote, ainbbetofietbe caifetobycb tbey Dm mm anb bttnteb it toitb fy;e / anb ftampt it bntopotoberanbftratoeb it in tbe toater/? mabe tbe cbyib^en ofprael b^nbe.3Bnbtbfi j30ofe faybe bnto aaron : tobat byb tht people bnto tbe tb a t tbou baa bjougb t f greatafynnebpontbem, . Inbaaron faybe: let not tbe toiatb of my jLoib to are f eavfe / thou fin oto eft tbe people * tbey are min fett on myf ctjcfc : tbey faybe bntome:mafieb$sago&amp;togobefo2cb$$ ft 02 teetootenottobatigbeccmeof fi^ofest tbe feloto * brought w out of tbe lanb of gypt an&amp;fl faybe bnto tbem . let tb em that baue B ofte/tafieanbb?yngeitme:anb3!caftitm to tbe fy?e/anb tbere of came out tbtf* calfe , tfchenfflfioregratoetbattbepeopletoerc ^nabe^fo^'aronbabmabetbemnafiebbnto tbeir ftame toben tbey mabe infunectiS )be toent a Oobein tbe gate of the bofte frfaybe: 3f any manpertayne bnto tbe*.02b/ letbtm come to me. anb all tbe tonnes of jteui ga= tberebtbemfelues togetber anb came bnto ft(m,anbbefay5ebntotbem/tbu!srayftb tbe f fiHtnf.wi,a)Lo2beofafrael*puteuerymanbysftoerbe bybiS fybe / anb goo in anb cut from gate to gate tliozoto cut tfte bofle:aiib ffee euery mi bis b2otb/cuery man bis ftc nbc anb euery nwttbtt negbboure,anb tbe cbylbtf of %em ,ut9t,r.b byb as flKofesbab faybe.* anbtbetetoete fiayne of tbe people tbe rame baye / aboute tb?etboufanbemen.benflPoy( f * (ra ? 0:f P 1 l youre banb^bnto tbe jlo?be tbfsbaye/eqery manbponbisfonneabpon W baotbmto tyyngebponyouabieffyngetbfSbaye. anb on tbe mo2otoe/i!l9oyfeSfaybebnto &lt;P ftpeople-.yebauefynnebagreatfynne.tfut noto 9! toyll goo bp bnto tbe tow I to toytt tobetberi canmabean attonemftfo2you# abbflfeorestoentagaynebnto tbe )Lo?be fayb:)b/thiSpeopiebauefynnebagreat Cynne abae maoe tbem a gob of golbe: yet .- u fo2geuetbemtbeirrynnegpjayetbe:3fnot: fclSSaie'tonwtiw m ** tbybofietofiicb tboubaft bohZionu?to2itten.anbtbe jLo?be faybe bnto fl^pfes: koutcofibeg! toyllputbim outofmybofietbatbatbfyn

hSL" 9f "&gt; c nebagayname.3Butgo ab?yngetbepeople SmTi J n &gt;ntot^eiaetobicb3ifafbbntotb^beboiee/ rftomaoo/myne angell ibailgoo before tbe.jUeuertbe* '*oma..f. 8 .iaterintbebayetoben.3!byftt.gitoyli 6 byftt

tbetrfynne bps tbe.anbtbe^Lo^bplagebtbe " ^0 *?m

people/becanfe n)ey mabe tbe calfe tobycb 8 c {! a S"?{ e / "


aaronmabe; ....... timiumim C&lt;anitlo?bfenbe : iljanangril btfo?cb,&lt;apcopk.ffiljc jJSfff " p ,? J,02Bc6tnpethtogootipvitl)tl);epcopie SSSri. lament t^eicCpnne.fl^oftatnlbctftVoptft tbefl,o?be * w ' 1 ' 6cCp;etiitoCcbi8facc;miB in commaun&amp;cfi tottantie bpon t\)t rotbe. cbe.yrrtij.c^apter, \b tbe A-oibe faybebnto ti&amp;lW : % oeparte 9 goobence :botb tbou 9 t people tobicbtbou baft bzougbt 1 out ottbe lanb of tfgypt/ bnto tbe lanbe tebit b 1 f to o;e bnto Ibjabant / 3 f aac anbjacob fayinge:bnto tb v feet % toill geue . f t.*anb 3 toyll fenbe an angell before tbe/? #ro.rr iij. e . toyll call out tbe Cananytes/tbe amo?ites/ tbe ^ettjites/tbe ?bere?ites/tbe J^euites/ 9 tijef ebufytes:tbattboumaft go in toalSce tl;at flotoetb toitb mylfie anb bonye . J5ut% toyll not goo among you my feife/fo? ye are a ftyfnecfiebpeople-.ieft^conrumeyouby toaye.anb toben tbe people beatbtbis euel! tybinges/tbey fozotoeb-^nbnoman byb put &lt;Mbisbeftrayment, . anb tbe % ojo fpabe bnto flBofes/fayebn* to tbe cbylbrenof|,frael:yearea ftyfnecfiea people:3 mud come once f obenly bpon you/ &lt;*mafieanenbeofyou.3Sutnoto put youre goobly raymft from you / tbatgi maye toete tobattobobnto youJnb (be c&amp;yltoen of &amp; raellaybe tbeir goobly rayment from tbem ^ euenbnbet:tbemount^o2eb. w anb fl^ofes tofie tbe tabernacle 9 pytcbeb fttoftbouttbebofteaferveof fr8 tbe bofte/ a calleb it tabernacle of toytneffeJnb all

tbat toolbareany dueftibof tbe Hojbe/toet out bnto iHt tabernacle of toptneffe tobicb toastoitbout tbe bofte. anb toben JilBores toent out bnto tfie tabemacle/all tbe people tore bp anb (lobe eutrymaninbistent bo?e anbiofiebafter fl9ofes/bntyUbetoasgone tn to tbe tabernacle, anb as tone as flpofes to ass entreb in to tbe tabemacie/tbe clouben pyttr befcenbebanb ftobe (ntbebo?e of tbe tabernacle/anbbe talwib toitb fl^ofes. ana toben all tbe people fatoe tbe clouben pylec ftanbeintbetabernaclebo2e/tbey rofebp 9 too?mippeb:euerymanmbiStentbo?e. anb toben Azores tumebagaynemtotbe^ oDf *; ce t0 bofte/tbelabbl!orua WSferuailtetbe fonne facc/js:tobaue of jeunbepartebnot out of tbe tabernacle, iwaggj faybeft bnto mfcleabe tbtspeopie M|M7J8S tbou fbetoeft me not tobora tbou toylt Rnu w g. 8 . hm me.ainb baftf ayoe moimtetA bnotoe tbebynaibeanbtbou baftalfo fcfite grace inmyfy#te:0ototbttfo?e/yf|b8ueftfibe


fauouw mtbp fpgbte/ ")en foetoe metbp toape aletmefinotot&amp;ettbatgimapefpnbe gracemtbpfpgbte. anblofieontbid alfo/ fiototbat tbid nacpon in tbp people, 3ffli be rapbeaup p?eftnce Cballgoo toptb tbe /anbU topiigeue tbereft.ainbbefapDe: ftbpp?efencegoo nottoptbme/carpe tod not ijenfe fo? bote mall it beftnotonenoto


* ^

ficpe a mm? in fto?e f o? t b bufahot; / an&amp; f o? geucft topfiebnefle / trefpace anb fpnne ( f o? tfierett no man vnno cent before tboanbbp-fttefttbe topfiponeffe oftljc fatbetdtopontbe cbplb?en anbtopon cbplb?end cbplb?en/ euen bnto tbe tb?Po anb fcurtl) generation. anb goofed botoeb bim felf to W ewb qupcfilp/a too?u)PPPe&amp; afa?b:3!f paue founbe grace


tbatbotb3!anbtbPPeople Baue founoe fa* . mt|?fiigfiteqDlo^e/tt)enl.etntsJlo?pego

&lt;. uoute fit tbp Cpjjbtc / but m tbat tbou goeft toftbbd-.tbatbotbasno tbPpepPle bauca ?eempnencebefo?e all t&amp;e people tbat are bpon tbe face of tft e ettb.arib tbe %om rapa bnto fi@ofgS topll boo tbpd alfo tbat tftou ia baft ra?oe/fo?rftoubaftf ounce grace inmp . fpgbte/anb9finotoetbebpname. 3Cnbbefapbf:!pefecbetbe/metoeraetbp g!o?te:3nbberapbi3|totllmaeaUmpgooo goo befo?etb* / anbg topllbe calleb in tbPd nameljeftouab before / totll wetoemercp totob6mgifl)eteimercp/aiibtoi&gt;Ubaue com pafflonontoftomgtbaue cSpaflton.flnbbe rap&amp;e f uttftermo?e:tbou ma? ft not fe tug fa* MCterewt ce/ f 0? u (here (ball noman feme and ipue. fc n am&gt; i?!Tc! 3nbtbe:do?be fapbe/beboloe/ tftereida Sot that tiicfa-pracebpme/a tbou alt ftonoebps a rocfie/ ccof Bostotiici) anbtobplempglo?pegoerbfo?tb3l topllput rf of ttSb to ten** bpon tbe tohplegp paffe bp.mtb ftjttt 3 Son that Vtt. topll tafie atoape mpne &amp;8oe / ait&amp;tbou flmft fo? the tasHtcs centp bacfieparted : but mp face (bal not be that art inbjvrgne. iitn oo in otoc fctt.wiitthntcChctabU0.n:tctnucB.i;bcmertof&lt;2Soo.Co none that lp&gt;hnuefeloto$(p toithtbcacittt&gt;le0io fojbibbeiw ano iietl) in the bo* then- jCDlatciE alfo. (ttbeftait ofCtoeec tiicaDc.SEftc spc can ft ncr fitftiicgottf.ixfac^aboth. (trhefcaftofiivoehco. (3p;ehcnb the Cljcficftfciiicfl.^ofca fa(t/0jjoCeufaceglp(U:etb. tnaiettjeofhio face: but mutt lie f j;il pn 3({

rlfpco bp fcrath^aojaaii JcBcctaeetb.i.


CCbe.#rm'tbapter, 2 b tbe Ho?fie rapoe bnto floored*. . jetoctbe.ti.tablesJ of ftoneltftebn jtotbefwft tbat amape totfte in , ..tbe tbetoo#ejs tifitcb toere tntue f wft ..tabics/ tofttcft ttj ou b?afteft . 3Dno be rcoye agafnft tbe mo^mnge tbat tb ou mat ft come bp eatf?bnto t^t most of $wtaf ana Oantieme rberebpon tbetoppe of tbemount Outlet no man come bp btb tbe/netber let an?manbefenetbo?oto outall tbe mount/ setter let Ibepenbjor? febebefoietbe Bpil, % lib flpore0Bctoe&amp;.ii,tabK$ of ftonei? fte bnto n)e f^ft anb rofebp earl? tntbe mo;* nynge anbtoent bp bntorfte mounte of %U natnsitfte^o?i)ecommauttaet)fttm:ant)to6e inbi0banoetbe.u. tables of ftone. 3Bnbtbe U.o?bDefcmbebmtbecloube/anoftb6eb)ttb bim mete:anbbe caneb bps tbe name of tbe &gt;Lo?de. 3Cn&amp;toftentfte)Lo?betoajrtbeFo?e tSmtoffi* obm/be W JU&gt;?ue* JUybe .eob full of cS . pa^onanbmercf/tt^cbartnotligbtlpan grtebutabunbanti'itmewpanotfurtb/ana

toftbbJKfozttfisattubutine people) a baue merepbpon ourebipclieoneffe a oure f^nne/ anb let bjs be tbpe enuerttaunce. Stub be lawi:beboibe/g! mane an appoint* ment before alltbus people / tbati tojii ooo mawelB5:focba0baenotbene Donein all tbe tootfbe/netbet amohge any nae? on. 3Bnb all tift people amonge W$ tboit art/ Q)all C e tbe too;fee of tbe %t&gt;M* ot itift a terrible tbuige tbat gi torlloo toitb n)e: bepe all tbat

% commaunoe tfte tfttg uape/anb beboloe:31 totll caft outbeftye tbe*.tbe3Cmo^te0 / ca* naam'teg / $etbftc* / Pbere?'te0 / muittfi . anngiebuftteji *cae bene to %v felfe/tbat *w tboumafte no compacte toftb tbembaWlewJ vwm of tbe lance tobetbet tbou goeft left it be caufe ofru^neamSgepou-^utouertbwtoe tbetr alters; anbb;ebetbetepi?ler{(/ anb cutt ooune tbeir grouejs / fo; tbou malt ioomippenoftraungesoii.&lt;)fo?tbe)Lo?bei0calle&amp; geloug / becaufe be is ageious? oc-. le ft .# tbou mafie ant agrementtovu) tbembab^ tew of tbe lanbe/tsbeiubepgo a toboo^pnge after tb tit goboeis anb bo facrlflcebnto tbefr goobesf/tbercallthe anb tboueate oftbert f a crtfp ce : anb tftou tafie of tbeir bougbter* bnto thpfonnes / anbttfyen their bougbterss goo a toboojynge after tb etc gobbet / tbe; mafie tb? fonnejJ goo a roboojpnge after tbeir gobbesf alfo. uC bou altmafie tbe no gobbet ofmetall fte feft of Ctoete b?eb ttbcu ficpe/^Att aapcia tbou (bait eate bnieuenoebbjebl a&amp; % conjmauttbebtBointbetBmeapopntebwtf ., mtftemonetb tfWmJ^W tbou earned out of tfgtwe.'ajirbatfcea* S fietbbptbematrpeemaibemrne/ aaUtbati tbe b?eafietb tbe matrpce amonge thv catell it f " ftbemaie;tobetber ftbeore o? mepe JBut ^ fl fir ft of tbe acre t^ou malt bp out te_a mepe / o? pf tbourebemebim not:fe tbou b?eafie W necfie.311 tbe fftftbome of tbp fonne*tbPu mtift ncbeg reoeme * 3Cnb fe tbatnoman ap *o.i pearebefo;emeemptpe. SSSfcSi *lrebape0tbouIbalttoo^fie/?tbefetiftb a) " l ^ ,,1 tbMimaltrefttbotbfrSearpnse reappnge *bt malt obferue tbe feaft oftoefi$ toptt) jto.wifi tbe firft fruteg of Mjeate fierueft / anb tbe reaftofmgaberpngattbepere0enbe.b?ue in a pe mall all poure men cbpttgen ap= ptm before tbe Mm mam ^^ of Ufraei

^remottpeK* PfWttifo; 1 topll caft out tbe nacp'os dcwc

&gt;e ampllenlargr tbpeoftest/fo tbatnoman Hiallbefp^e tbP lance /tobple tbou goeft bp toappeare before tbefaceof w %om tbp ft/tb;pft&lt;ntbepere, . *bou maltnotomttbebloube of rap fa t i.ti|!c etifpeetoftb leugbebb?ebmetbaalH)ttgbt m0H of tfte facrifpee of tbe feaft of Paou / be leftebntotbemo?npng.befp;ftof f fttft* frute^oftbplanbc/ tbou malt tamp bnto Seboufeoftbejlo?betbpob.Knb/tbat oufetbe not a ftpbam W mo tfterss mplfte. 3inb tbe )L.o;be fapbe bnto g&amp;ofetf : to?pte tbefe too?oejJ/f o? bpontbefe tto?bejJ 3 baue mabeacowenaat toftb tbe anbtoitt) tfte cb* '^enof 3)frael.*3CnbbetoasJ tbere toptbtfi* 3to?be.ri.bapeis ate b;e&amp;notb7anfietoater. 3nbbet70temtbe tabie0ujetoo?bctoftbecouena(it: euen ten ainb^ofe? camc-boune frommoStjfet* nai au)e..tabie0 of toptneoetn W banoe; apettbetopftnottbattbeffipmieofbWface monetoptb beamed of bomenpitgetopt&amp; bpm. ainbttben^aron anoali tfte cbpib?en of frrael lofiebbpon ^ofetsanbratsetbat i.ffftefbp^fflefhpnneofOisffacemonetoptbbeamejs/ jnjuf o'(beptoeteafrapbetocomenpebtm. jSutbe Sim''' caneb mentto bim/anb tben 3Baron a aime &amp; 3,1b cbefeof tftr-copatif ecamcbntobim/ 9 m&gt; fejJtalfiebtoiu) tbem. anbatwelaftalitbeebflwenofgftaelea* mebntobtm/ ancfte commaunbeb mem all thattfteTlo?bel)aCifapQebnto bfm mmount 4inataJnoassrooneaSbebacmabeanenlie of comenpnge tottb tbe /beputa couerpnge bponbut face.tfuttoben beteentbefo?e tbe jLoJbe tofpealte tottb bwn/betofie tbe coue=

rpng ofbntpllbecame outjnbbe came out fpafie bnto tbe cbPHwen of aftaei t\tin&lt;b be W commaunbeb JnbtbecbPlWe of %u raelfatoe tfte face of flBofeu/tbattbeCfipmte of W fact (bone tottb beamed : but flares puta couerpnge bp5 W faee/bntpft be ton mtocomentoitbbpm. cracaboth.Cijcfp?nfciJte*artflu?Kb.ffbe tcbjncs of tbe people to offct. We^aleelanB flbXMb t V2&gt;f feb of fajoics anb fttt to teo;ht* Cbe.rrrb.baptet!. \0i fl^ofesi catfterro an tbe compa 3 (^S)inpeoftftecbpUi;en oE3fraeltoge= !tber/anb(apbbntott)em:tbefeate [tbetbpnge0tobtebtbeiLo?be batft lafioeb to bo:&gt;ftebape0pe mall too;fie/ but feuftb bape mall bebnto pou t^t bolp &lt;&amp;abbotb of tbelLo^reft:fo i tobofoeuet bott) anp too?fie t&amp;ertn/roall ope. Qfrow ouerpemall fipnbteno fp;e tbo;otooutall pourebab(tacpon0bp5t^e^&gt;abbD(b bape. ano S0ofes fpafie unto alltftemultituoe

bftbeehplo?enofg;fraelfapinge*tbi0i0tbe*^ o 'W s, '' t^pnge tobicb tb e7lo?be cSmafibeb fapmge: tCtue from amonge pou an beuecSipnge/ bntotfte^ojoe. . M tbat are topilpnge in tfieir -batted/ ftjalt tapngefteueolfrpngeg bnto fl)e-JLo?be: gofte/fpluer/b?afle/ f gacpncte/fcarlet/pur^ -_.. } pul/bp(rea b goote0beam:ram0ffi(nne0reb b rf O 3 .f, p ( t l ' B anbtarudffipnne^anb^etbim toobb-.anb^bt.o. opie fo; ipgbtegi a fpiees fo? tbe anopntpnge hfluotcsbcarrc opleanb fo? tbettoetc cenisflinbfiDntt ftoneg h ** anb done? to be fettfo? tbe dpbobanbfo? ttccawt ' aMrt tbetaeftiappe;

ami let all tbe tbat are topfebarteb amSge pou/com e ano mafie all tbat tbe torn b acb 53 c5matmbeb:tbeftabitacion 9 tftctenttfterof toitft bid couerpnge anb bid rpnged/ bo?beg/ barred/ pplerd a focficttcd: tfte atfie anb tbe ftauedtberof toitb $ mercpleate attjebaple tbat coueretft tt-.t tablean&amp;bid ftaued toitb alltbatpertapnetb tberto a tbe metoeb?eb: tbe canbelfticfie of ipgbte toptft W apparell anbbid lamped anb tbe opiefo? tbelpgbted: tbe cend alter a bid ftaued / tbe anopntpnge ople anbtbef toete cend anb t\^t bagpnge be fo;etbetaoemaciebo?e:tt)ealterofburntfa ertfpeed anb bt'db^afen gr ebp?e tbat longetb tberto toitb btf* ftaued aallftpd o?binaunce anbtbelaueranbbid fote-.tbe bangpnged of tfiecourte tola) bid pplerd a tfieir I'ocfiettejat/ anb tbeI)angpiigcto tbe bo?e of t\)t count: tbe ppnned of tb e baln'tacion anb tb eppnned of tbe tourte toitl) tbeir boo?bed : tbe mpnps ftrpnge garmented to mpnpttte toitb infto* Ipneffe/anbtbebolp beftimented of Wsxm tbep?eaft anb (be beftimented of bidfonned tompnpftretn. 3inb all tbecontpanpeoftfie cDplb^enof fraelbepartebftotbe p?erence of floored. .jnbtbeptoent{admanpad tbeir batted co* ragebtb^admanpad tbeir fpitited mace tbemtot1ipnge)anbb?oitgbt beueofirpnged bnto tt)e 3Lo?be/to tbe mafipnge of tbe (abets nacle of topeneffe a fo? all W bfed a fo? tl}t bolpbeftimfted .atibtfte men came toitb tbe toemen(eue ad manpc ajj toere toilipnge bar ted)anbb?ougbtb?aceletted/earpnged/rpn= Bed a gp?beid anb ai matter grctoeis of goib. anbaHtbementljattoauebtoaueoffrpnge0 of goibe bnto tbe %oM anb cuetp man toin) tobom toad foa&amp;e'jacpncte/fcatlet/purpul/ 'bpffe 0? gootedbearre 0? rebffipnned of tmtai M tu tSmed 0? taic'f fipnned/b?ougbtit Jnb all $ , IC tohite/ttbc*

boue bp golbe 0? b?affe / b?ougbt an beueof* ttterit&amp;c r ?ib frpnge bnto tbe ]Ho?be. 3no all men to tob5 0? s?h t n, toad foflcefetbim toobbmcte fo? anp maner to0?fie 0? ferupce/b?ougbt ft. SteibaHtbetoementbatteeretopfcberteb to too?fie V&gt; mettbanbc d/fpanne/a b?ougbt lbefpmetoo?lie/botbofgracpncte/ffariet/ e.iiif. pnrpul





\ '&lt;*

purpul ana bpffe.anb all tbe toemm ttjac er celle&amp;mtopCbSmeofbcrte/fpane tbegotesJ bap?e,ana tbe&amp;o?bess b?ougbt we (tones* ana fetftoness f o? tfie ffpoa/ aim fo? tbe b?eft lappe/ana Ippee &amp; opie: b0 *&gt; #' WS&amp;H* ana fo? tbe anopntpnge oplc * to &lt;9 wete. 3&amp; censs.anatbc cbpia?e" of gtracl b?ouabttopl Ipngeoffi^ngeg bnto tbe )lo?be/botbmen$

ftpnge/anb Cotbepeopie tocee fo?bibben to l)2pjtSC;fo?t?je ttuffe tbep baa'/tos* ftiKpcift : fo|tbcmbntoailtbetoo?be/ to ana tomocb. ' ana all tbe to^fe battea mm amonge tbe"

tbatbtfougb'te in tbe too?fte oftbe baapta* cponm*be:eurxco?tap ness of ttopnea bpde/ tacpncte/f catiet anaputple / anb mabe tbe .. ., tfi of Cbetubpn* toitb b?oberbtoo? toplli&gt;ugetob?pnge/fo?allmanettoo?fie* imiWofoMecuajnetta0.)cW)W,cubVtetf^ tabicb tbe &amp;o?be bab commatmaea tomato anatbeb?ebtb.iiitariatomallpf;onefpfe .33 bptbebanaeoffi&amp;ofe*. * a'nb.tbefcwiplebffuem|ta?n^b?ftmyrt ana ffltofcsfapae bnto tbe efiplB?en of llf uess/ana otber fpue bptbefemess. ana tbep #c^Di.wu tael:bebolbe*tbe)(lo?bebatb calleabpname nube fpftfeiouppess ofgiacpnct ealongc bp #e?aleel&amp;fonneofra?pfonneofJ?utof tbeeageoftbebtmoftcurtapne /euentnt&amp;e thettpbcofgfHba/atabatbfrllebbimtoWb ftiWPfftccouplngecouawc:3nbrp s thefp?ete ofoa/toftb topfaomc / bnaet* Setoff* tbepmaaecntbe fpbeof m btmott ftanbpnge anb imotolegc/euen in all manec couplpnge curtapne on tbe otber fl?be/ fpftle. toome/ tofpn&amp;ecut curpou0too?fiei5/to lottpegtbepmabein ttjeone curtapne/ ana too?fte in golBe/fpluer anb b?affe : anb topt&amp; gtaupnge of Hones to fett/a toitb lierupnge wtocaa/anbto too?netnallmanet of Cotlr too?ft$.anabebatbPutin hiUbarte $ grace to teacbe-.botb bim 9 abaltab tonne of a?


f rf tpe in tl) e eigeof couplp nge courtapne on (be otbCTff tbattbe loupes toere one ouet agenftanotbet. ana tbep mabe fpftpe tpngejs of golbe / &lt; coupleatyecurtapneisonetoanotber ropti

ftttamacb of tbe trpbe ofj&amp;anbatbbefPUtb tberpngefcanatb toassftmaaea btoell pnge ftiwrbomeofberte/totoo?Beallmanetof place..;

grauentoo?fte: tbep are alfob?oaerers$ anb atiatbepmabejrt.mttaprKj* of goofejj too?Ketj$ toitb newe / gn Sacpnetc / fcatlet/ bapre to be a tent ouet tbe tabern acle .m* purple anb bpde/ anb aretoeuerss tbat can cubftess longapece ana.iiit.cubptessb?o ae/ mabe all manertoQZftc/ana.canBeitprefot? ^epall.|ciofonef?re.aiiBtbepcoupica,b letoojfieg.

C Cbr tbyitgtB tbat xmnlcrl imp HbaUab mabe fo? tUciiely place of ttic ilojOf. tfftbwrb'-tfbaptet. $BlSe?aieel to?ougbt a SbaHab

b;tbemfebie0/anb, tbemfelue? / anb tbcpmaDefpfcpe loupes* alongebv t\n bop bee of tlje fatmaft coupl^nge couttarne on tbe one fibe/ano fvftte m tbe edge of tbe cou^ plpgc curta? neon tbe otber Cpbe. 3Cnb tbej ,^ ( r , ov . , , mabe fpftpe rpngejs of b?a(Te to couple tbe ' $alltotfebartttimm totobomtte tent togetber tbat it might bcone.anbtbepc &gt;lo?be bab gcuen to^foome anb mabe a coueiTngebnto tbe tent of rammer BM _ t ,bnberflaniDpnge-/'toftnotoebototo fftpnnegreb/anbvetanotberoftaicugni^ too?beallmanettoo?fiefo?fbolrefem?ce/ nepabtueall. -&lt; , tit all tbat tbe :do#e cSmaunoeb . 3nb tyo-&lt; 3nbtbepmaDebo;bejifo; tbebtoeiii inge m calfeb fo? 5Bc?af eel abaliab 9 all f to? fe place of fetbim toob tbat ao&amp; e bptfgbt euerp bmeo men in tobofe berteg ^ JL-o?b bab put bo?oe.jc. cubits longe 9 a cubite an balfe totfbome/eu! ajsmanpasstbeftbarte* co?a b?obe.ainbtl)evmabe.i&lt;.fetetoeueryboo ?be gebtocomebnto itoo^Reto too?fieit.anb oftbe btoeil^ge place opmge one to artfe tbe? receaueb of apofeg ail f beucofftpngt tber^Pnb tbey mabe.wcboo?o^ fo? tbe f outi^ tobicbtbecbplb?e of3raelbab bwugbtfo? ft?beoftbebabf tacion/a.jcr.focftettejtpf^ tbe too?fie of tbe bofee feruice to mafic it tt tier bnoer tbcwAoo^jeMaocfiettei s bnber all. %no tbtv b?ougbt befpbe tbat toplljnge euerp boo?be/euen fo; tbe.if.fete of tbf Jna ofttngejs euerp mojmjng. fo? tbe otber fpbe of tbe btoellwge totoarbe anbantbetopfementbatto?ougbtalltbe tbeno;tb/| Bolre too#e/came cucrpman fr5 hits too^fte irLfocfiette* of frluer.ti.focfiettes i bnber me

tofjic!) tbet mabe/anb fpafie bnto a&amp;ottn ve boo#e.atnbbcbptiDetn (becnbeoft t)eta* rayinge:(be people b?fnge tomocb aaboue bemacle totoarbe tbe toeft/tbep tbatilwtongbtofcruefo;tbetoerfietobicb boo?beU.itotberbo?Deg fo^tbecometisof tbeTLo?bebatb commaimbebtomafie.linb tbebabptacionbeb^nbe/^tfteptoere topneb wen^ofeSgaueacUmafibmet/jtbercau cloflebotbbettetbanb alfo aboue toftb clS* febitto bep?ociameb tbo^oto out tbcbolle pe0anbtbi5tbepb&gt;tobotbtbeco^ew:fo:^ fajinge-.fetbatJtetberman no?toomahp?e tbep toere in artb.jrtw .foc* pare anprnoare too?6e fo? tbe Wv &amp;eueo^ ftetteji/biflier euery bo^ie ttoo fb efiettw. ana

,. .Jbawss of fetbim tooob.. fojttie l)o?&amp;c0 of tbe one tm of tbe babpta fBJCfo? tbe bo?acj$ of me to eft enoe of the bab^tac^on. 3Dnb tbe? maoefbettn&gt;baellbatre to (bote tbo?otoe tbe bo?be0:cuen from tbeonecnbetotbe otber/ ana ou crlapa e t\) e b 20 cs toitb golbe/$ mabe tt)Umi of goia to tbjuft tbe barren tbo?oto/ anbcoumatbebartesitottb golbe.anbtbe? mabeanbangf ng of facmcte/of fcaet/|ur pie anb ttopneb bvffe toitb Cberubpn^ of b?o* berbtoo?fie Jna maae tbtrbnfOiiiit.pjlcw of fetbim tooba/^ ouena^ae ttjem toitb gob&gt;. C$rftnoppe0 tocre alfo of golo/$ tl)zy caft fojtlje.iutfociiett^ of Ctfuer. anbtbepmaae an bangpnge fo? tbe tabernacle boje . of 3a? cincte/fcarlet/putple attewebbf Be of neble too?fie/*tbepi?ler0ofittoetefwe'toitbtbeir finoppc0/ana ouerlapae n)e tjcabrss of tbem ana tbe tebooppegtottbgolb/toftb tbeirfwe fdcfiette0ofb?affe. C^cacclicoftoitiiEirc.Cljcmercpftatc. Clje (a&gt; fclc.ffiCftc cntiBtl(l?cbt.I.l)c l;gt)t(0 fflC^c aUaccano thrincenft. cbe.irrfbitbapter. '' fa3Be?a!eel matietbe arcfte of fe* itbpm tooaa ttoo cubrt^ 9 an balfe long* a cub we ana abalfeb?obe/ )$ a cubpt $ abaife bve:9 ouetlapae it toitt) *pne goiae botbe 'mitbin 9 toitbout /$ mabea ctotone of golbetoittoiwtbeabout/fl caft f o? it.iiii.r pgeg of golbe f 0? tbtML w nersofit-.ttoorvngesifo^tbeone rt&gt;be $ttoo fo? otber/ffmaac ftauejs of &gt;etbtm toobb/ $ con ev'ea tbe toitb golbe/ anb put tbe uatiesf in tbe ranges alongebi? tbe tm of tbe arcfte

tobererttoWjall. fljetcjfcate anbbemabe tbe fl mercsfeate of puregott S"! e ttoo mbitcfi 9 a balfe Jonge anb one cubtte 5 :Sechu a balfe b^obe/ anb mabe ttoo Cberubpn? of imof jrtacv tbpcfiegoiacbpontbettoo enaejj of tbemer* to'K ctfeate:jneberub on tbt one enbe/aano* if SL * tfifr Cberub ontbeotber enaeof tbt tumg* mmJwto' 3Cnbtbeberubtni8fp?ebbe outtberr njeffii"(t'tofnge)Saboueanbpe/9couereb tbe mttcv* m ib rapDc featetbertoitb. Hinb tbeir facejJ toere oneto mm** anotber.euen to tbe mercpf cate toarbe/toere tbe faces of tbe l)erubpn0. Mm be mabe tbe table of fetbim toobbttoo cubptess longe anaaaibiteb?obe/anba&lt;u? bite ana abalfctnjgbe/ anb ouetlarbe itinitb t ynt gdlbe/9 mabe rberto a ctotone of golbe rounbeaboute/anbrnabt tljerto an tobope of an banbe b;eae rounae aboute / anb maae bnto tbe tobope a ctotone of golbe tdunae abbute/anbeaft fo? it. ftif. tinges* of golbe 9 put tbe rpnge0 m tbe.iiii.comersJ Mm tt&amp;i. euitnbet tbe tobope to put ttaueg In to bete C tbe table toftb alUnbbe mabe ffatie* of j&gt;e tbim- toobb anb couerea tbem toftb goioe to

betetbe table toift) all/ ana mabe tbebeffew $ toei'contbetabie ofputegolDe/tbeaplIbeg iponeU/flatpecesf (Spottegto poute toitb all. ana be mabe f canadfticBe of pure tbicfte golbe: botbe fl)e canbelftpcfte anabps* (baft: toitb b?auncc0/ bolle^/bnoppe^ ana flour ess pjoccbfngaut of it. S)tre b;auncbe0 p?oce* bsnge out of tbefpaejf tberof . iff. out of tbe oneffbe/^.iii.out of tbe otber. aina on etterp b?aficbe toere.iit.cuppe0 Ipfie bnto almffaes toitb finoppess ?tloure0 ttj6?oto out tbe Cijc* b?aacbe0 1 p?ocebeb out of cariaeiftpcfte. anb bpon tbe canoeiftvcfie feife toere; iUi. cuppe* after tbe facpon ofalmonae^ toptb finoppeg sfloure&amp;bn&amp;et euerp ttoo b?aun* ebeeafinoppe.ainatbefinoppeg &lt;jtbeb?aun cbesj p?oceaea but of ft / 9 toere all one pece of pure tbpefie golbe. SDnb be maae feueu lampejstberto /anatbernoffer^tbetof/ana fpjeMnejJ of pure goia.ain btmbjeb toerabf ofptrtegolbe/maoe botbeitana an tbat m&amp; longtbtberto; 36nbbemaaetbece0alterof^.etl)tmtoobb ofacubitl6gacubptb?oae:euf.iuf.fquare $ ttoo cubpte0 bpe tottl) bojnegp^occbpnge

out of it. anb be couerea it toitb Pure golbe/ Botbtbetoppeatbetpaesfrounbe aboutanb tbe borne* of it/ smaaetntoita crotone of goiaetounbe aboutanb be mabe ttootinge? f golbe bnt it/euen bnber tbe ctoune bp on etber fpbe of it/to put ftaueg in fo? to bete it toitb alua mabe ftauesJ of fetbim toobb/ f ouerlapae tbem toitb golbe. anb be mabe tbe bolp anopntpnge ople a tbe f toete pure incl? after tbe apotbecarpss crafte. CCbraWatc of butntotfctpnjCB.Clit b?aftn laucc. HhE fommc of tljat lijt people offttD to t|)c tiuplopiia of tbe babf tat(on of t^c itu&gt;;bt Cbe.wrbtil.bapter. I ji2bbe mabe tbe bumtoflrpng alterai I of fetbim toot8.b.cttbptess log $ ;b. cubptess b?obe: eue.iiii.fquate/ !ana.iit.cubptc0 bpe . anabemabe bo?ne0 in of itp?oceaing out of it/9 oueriat be it toitb b?afle Jnbbe mabe antbebeael0ofalter:|cauRi?S0/ibouci0/ bafpn0/fle(bofie0 9 colepatmess all of b?ade anbbe mabe a b?af en grebp?e" of nettoo?fie bnto tbe alter rounae about alotoe benet^ bnber t^e compafle of tbe (bat it tea* cbea bnto balfe tbe aitare/ a'i.tpngesi ofb?affefo?tbe.ttii.enae0oftbe grcbp?en to ut ft aues in, ana be maae ft auess of fetbim 100b aCoueteatbem toitb b?affc/a puttbe ftauejsin tbe rpngejs alonge bp tbe alter fpae to bete it toitb all/ 9 mabe tbe alter bolotoe toitb b.o?bess.anb be mabe tbe lauetof bjaffe . K 9 tbt tote of it alfo of b?afle in tbe fpgbte of ^ tibem tbat bpb toatcb bef o?e tbe ao?e of tbe ta bewacle of toptrietie, c4). ami

Certraonptsf, jtotro&amp; anbftemabetftecouitetott^ftangtftgefJ "" of ttoMiebbrtteofan&amp;untyeb cubpteg ions bpon tftef&lt;wtftft&gt;be/ wwler* toit&amp;.wtfoc&lt; Setter of b?afle:but finoppefS of tfteptfet*

atfcetoftopesstotireWuer, ?Cnbontfteno;itft frbe * ftangingeP torn an ft tmbjeb cubpttjs longe toptft.w.ptfetfanb.rr.focfiette* of bjaffe/buttfteBnoppes atfte toftopefroftfte t&gt;rtes toere of fpluet. anbontfte toeft f joe/ toereftangjnge* of .1. cubpt eg ionge/.p.pp jetftoptftrftetrjc.focBetteis/ a toe finopew letoftopetfofrftepjIewtoereWuer.ainbon ie eaft tybe totoarbe tfte fonnetpfwg/toere


fanctuatf tftefocBett$ of tftebavlc.anftun* bjebfocbett!; of tfte Hue fco?e ftunbjcb toeigftt ahftmb^toei?gMtouieri?focBette,anbtfte tftoufanbe feue ftuntyeb a.lwtb, tfccW? mane BnoppefS totftepglertf/ij ouerlajDC $ ftce&amp;eg anb toftopeo tftem. -. am tfte tyaffe of tfte toaueofferpnge teas jr^ftunojeOtoeSBfttanbttoottiouCanbe/anb W&lt;.ijiinb?eofKclcjJ.aiiiSt6ettoHl)betnabet6e focfietft to tftebo;e of tfte tabernacle of to= nefle/ tfte b?afen aftate/ahb tfte bjaren gre DHOTtftatlongef&amp;tftetto/aaUtftebeffeliiS of tbtaifet/frtftcfocfiettefrof $ couiterounac

uangpnge* of l.cubpteis : tfte bangpnge* of about/ 9 tfte f ocBertf of tfte cour te gate/ anb 8?e one Cpoe of .tfte gatetoere ftftene eubpte* ^f!^^!^^^^^!S^ aU N*

longe/ anb tftetr tft tftefc.ift.foc* Bcttes.anboftfteowetfibeoftbecouttgate toereftangpngejs alfoof.;tb. cubpte* longe/ * anb theit p jletjs,i!!tft, ui.focftettes. J?oto %lltfteft8ginge*oftfte courte rounbeabout/ toere of ttopnebbpifc/ anb tfte focBetts; of tfte WW totve b?aOe:buttfteBnoppt*anb (He toftoopcj* of tfteppier* torn fpluer /anb tfte hteutsf toere ouerlapbetoitb fpiuct/ 9 alltbe pfletfoftfte courte toere toftopeb about tofflj fpluer. anbtfteftangpngeof (be gate ortfte couttetoasmeblttoojbe/ofiacpncte/fcatlet/

purple/? ttopnebbpffe. jcje.cubpte* long anb fpuein $ b;eotft/acco?bpng to tfteftangpngj oftftccoutte.anbtftcppieri$toete,Hu:.topt&amp;

ppnmss of tfte courte rounoe aboute. trtibt mahtnge of Baton s m 9 * Cbe.wrtr.&lt;Lftaptet. m of tftetacpncte/ fcarlet/uurplea anbttopneobpffe/tftepmabe $oe* ttpmenteuof mpnpuracpon to bo Ifcrupceintftatftblpplacc/ a mabe tfteftolpgatmetess tftatpertapneb to aaroV a$ tfte JUW commaunbeb fl&amp;ofefc * anb tftep mabe tfte cpbob of golb/iacincte fcatfet/putpie/anb ttopnebbpfle. anb tfteg bpb beate* gotoeitito tftpnneplate$/scutte ftintotoptf$:totoo?Beftintacincw/tcat* let/putple?tbebffe/toitt) b;oDerb too?be*

SESS3&amp;S SbouttoSS. oottie/faclncte/fcatlet/purpiea^ttosneb neS)toftttbtoa eounteb atfljc cSmaunbe* anb tbf?to?Ougftt ^ifffiKM mentof fleofejjanbtoasitbeofficeof tfte jle outbejJof golbe nmMLTSSi9 uSX^ebanbeofftftaraar mm*** ^^^"^ rt ffi?JSKiES wntftepH ano 3Be?aleelfonneofit# rael/^puttftfontbeftoulbewoftbecpftob Snne A SSnoBS 'ofSuba /mabeall tbat tfte? ftuipe be fffl*wfljwfg . rbS&amp;fiecominaunbebflofess/jtottft cftfli3jenof5r ; Crael/a3tfte)Lo?t.e comwau n* Sinaballab Conne of aftifamacft of f trfte bet 1 ^ofejJ. F , nnHW1fr oKmac8nww5rauet5atoo?fierofne^ anb tftetmabetbeb?eateppe of conning \t^omimmAm/mm9bm. toojfie/aftettbe too?beoftfte Pb?toeueof ^ aurftegSattoaSocaippe&amp;bponaH aoifie/iacmrte/fcatiet/pu^eanbrnweb ^tftelSeTtbebol? place (to&amp;tfttoajstbe mM **m **#*falX&amp; gS of tbetoaueoecrrnge)toap.)W]c.bun ^%K &lt; fa^ffi S

Rebtoefgbtanbfeuen ftunD?eb anmtih b?ooe. anotftep fglebtt ^g^^S &lt;{ c^S?wngetotbebolpfftle. anbtfte aonejj(tbefKttwtoe ^attrfo? a gjffmii toa0.b.fco?ebunb?eb toepgftt 9 a tftoufenoe Mft (I ^SS^fKS^SSS feulbutnweb$.ltib.fpclei5oftbebol|fjele. w^^*wa^ej^wjg &lt;ieueiJnianofftngebalfe a frclcafcer m ^^K^m^^T^ toepg|toftbebolff?cleam5ge t tbetbattoft 'gffSS^^SSSS^SSS tobii5b?ebfr5.w.t.ewolbeaboue/ani5ge ^m^SSJSSSSSt bi bunb?ebtboufanbeanb.ift.tboulanbanb Mt*mn SSSSSSS m bbWebanb.!.men. bWname/acco;bwgtotfte.iii.mbe0. lS.b?4bunb?ebtoe?gbt *Wm f*mm ffff&amp;tSBSSH^ toent tm caft?e of tbe focfiette* of tbe fattening cbepneu ofto;etbf too?clie |puw

oolbe anbtftepmabettob bofteisofgolbanb canoelttfCBe/anbtftelampei8p?epareBtfter ttoogoujersnge0/?puttbettoorwgcj$bps """ * tbe ttoo co?nergi of tfte teettlappe.. anb tbei? put tfte ttoo cftaynejJ of golbin ^ Mxwm/

L -

mtbe co?new of tfte b?eftlappe.anb tftettoo enoeg; of tfte ttoo tfax&amp;M tftfP faftcnea in tfte ttoo bofies/anii put tftem on tfte ftouloeru of tbe pftob bpon tfte forefront of it. anbtftep mabe ttoo otfter vz nge0 of goloe ianb put fa? on tfte ttoo otfter corner* of tfte teettlappe a iSge bp5 tfte euge of it/ totoatb tbeinftbeoftftefpftoDtftatfeoueragapntt ft .anb u)ep maoe wt ttoo otfter golbe mm ftputtbetn ontftettoofvtie^oftbecpbob/be netftontfte fo^eftoeofif.euetofteie tfm go togetfter/abouebpontfte b?ob?png of tfte (jpftob/? tftep Oravnebtfteb?eftlappebpfti0 rjngeg bnto tfte tfngett of tfte tfpftob/ to^tft lace? of tacinctc/tftatttmKsfttlse fattbpon tfte b;ob??nge of tfte dEpftob/ 9 Rmlbe not be iotofebfromoftfteflpftofoagtftejLotfeccm

maunbeb fleeter. * anb be mabe tfte tunt?ele bnto tfte cpftob oftoouentoo?lte/ aantogetfter of tacincte/ $tfte fteabe of tft e tun We toast in tfte mtboeft of it a* tfte coler of a partlet/ to vift a bonoe counbe aboute tfte coler /tftat it fftulbenot wntanbtftep mabebtnetbbpon tfteftem of tftetun?cie:p5granate0of&lt;acincte/fcarlet/ purple attotneo bpffe. anb tfte? mabe iptle bellejJofpuregolbe/^puttftemamongetfte pomgranateiSrounbeaboutebpontfteeoge cf t fte timprte a bell 9 a pomgranate/ abell ^aporagranate rounbe about tfte ftemmess cftftetunt?cletonnjn2&amp;re to/.ap tfte jHo?be commaunbeb flgtofft. anb tftep mabe eote^of bpffe of toouen too^cfie fo? aaron anb W f onness/a a mptre of bpffe/^gooblp bonettess of bpoe / ?nen fcecfte? of tto^neb byaw ag?;bell of tto?* nebbjffe/tacjncte/ fcarlet anb purple-.euen of nebletoo?ebe/a0 tfte %om commaunbeb i flofe0,anbrfte?mabe tfte plate of tfteftolp " erouneof fpne golbe / $to?otebpon itto?tt) . or8ttentoo?fie/tfteftolne0oftftejto?be:anb .. tt&gt;eb ft to a lace of tacmrte to fatten ft an W bpon tfte mntre/ajj rft e 7Lo?be commaun* beo fiteofeg. cftug toag an tfte too?fie of tftehabitaci5 *. Wtfte tabernacle of toitneaef^afteb. anb Ifie cftslbjen of gifraelbfb accojbwtge to an tftat tfte jlojbeftaB cSmaunbeb Sofe0.anD tftej bjougftt tfte ftabitacifi bnto aporeis-.tfte tent aail ftijJ appatelltfterof: tftebuttonejs/ 6oo^e]J/bam0/ppler0 a focBettesi: anb tfte ' couergnge of ram^ Cfiwnegteb/ ftfte coue* tngoftati!SfB?rtne0/? tfteftfigwgbafle/ ^taeatcBeof toftneffetoitft tfte ftane0 tfter of /anb tbenierc?reate:tfte table a an tfte oabf tiaunce tbnof/anb tfte cpetofycb/? tft e.pu

bnto toitft all tfte beffefts tfterof/ anb tfte opie fo; irsftf eg / anb tftegolben aitare / anb tfte anopntpnge ople anbtfte Ctoete cenjs/anb tfte ftangpngeof tbetabcrnacleboo?e/a tfteb?a fen altetyanb tfte grebp?cn of b?a(Te longing tfterbnto to?tft W baneganb all W bef* feis5/anbtftelauertoitftfti0fote/anbtl)eftan gfngegoftftecmatetoitftftfepplerjsanbfoc Sette0/9 tfte ftangtngto tfte courte gate/ftte boom* a Ptnneg/a all tfte o;bpnaunce tftat fentetftto'tfteftabitacpo of tfte tabernacle of toftneffe/anb tfte mrnrflrt'nge toeftymenteg to feme in tfte ftolp place/ anb tfte ftolj? beftv* mentej* of aaron tftep?eatt aubftp? fonncss rapmenteg to mpnpttre in: accoawjnge to an tftat tfte Ho?be commaunbeb flBofc0'.eu? fo tbecft?lb?eof3 l fraelmabcaltftetoo?lte.aub fllSofeis bcftclbe all tfte toojfie : a fe/tftep ftab bone it men ag tfte iLo?be commaunbeb: anb 4lollE * tftenfll.9ofe0 + Meaebtftem. irche tabctnartete tearebbp. E()c gtojfcof (Ije mm . fte.rl.Cftapter. M tfte MJbefpabe bnto fl^ofcjsjg faringi3.n tfte fp?tt bape of fp?ft monetftfftalttftouftttbptfteftabi* \ tariti of tfte tabernacle of toitneffe anbputtfttrintftearcfteoftoitneffe/a cotter tfte arcbe toitft tfte ia0c/Sbb?8ngctntfteta We sappatellft/frtomge intfte canbelttftlie anb put onfti* lampeg/anb fttttfte ceng aiter of golbe before tfte arcfie of toitneffe/anD put t&amp;ebangpngoftftebojebntotfteftabttacion. Inbfettfteburntottringaltfrbefo?etftebo?c of tfte tabernacle of toitnefle / fett tfte lautr bettoenetftetabcmacleoftovtneffe ?tfteal= tec/9 put toatec tftenn/anbmaitetfte court rounce aboute / anbfettbp tfteftangpnge of tfte courte gate. --1:". *anb tafie tfte anowting opie anb anopnt 55 tbeftabitacio aall tftat0tfterin/9 ftalotoe*^ob.w.c. ft anb all tftatbelcngetft tftetto-.tftat itmave beftolve.anbanopntetftealtar oftftebumfo

Ottrwige08allfti0beffel0/anbfancttfpetfte altartftatftmaFbemooftftolp.anbanopnte alfo tftelauer 9fti0fote/afanct|f|'eit. cftan b^nge aaron anb ftpsi fonneg bnto tfte bo?e of tfte tabernacle of toptneae/ano toaffi tftem toitft toaterJnb put bpon aato tfteftolpbettpmSte0/anbano?nteftpm 9 fan ctpfpeftpmtftatftcmapempnpuTebntome/ tftattftetr anoptpngmapbe an eueflattmg P?eattftobe bnto tftem tfto?oto out tfteirgene racpon0.*anb j3orei5bvb acco?bpnge to all jH}me.bB.&lt;w tftat tfte nojoe commamibebftim. Cbu0 toa0 tfte tabernacle reareb bp tfte fv^ftbapeintbe mttmonetft jntfte feconbe c /ere.anb ^ofegtearebbp tfte tabernacle 9 faftentb W focBee0/anbfftbptftebo?bc0 (+ TV



an&amp;putin tbeir bam*/anbreareb bp tbe pil lew*/ afweb abjobe tbe tentouer tbebabfta* cpon/aputtbecouerpngeoftbe tentative ab oue it-.ais tb ttom c omm aunueo Sp o re*. aMJbetabearj&amp;puetbetefrpmonpefotbe arcfic/anbftttbe ttaue* to (be arcbe / 9 put tbemercpfeate anbpe bpon tbe arcbe /nub bjougbttbe arcbe into tbebabitacpou a Dan geb bp tbe baple * couereb tlje arcbe of toft' neffe/a* tbe %ow commaunbeb fi^ofe*. anbbeputtbe table in tbe tabernacle of toitneffe in tbe n jtt) ffO e of t be b abpt a cpon toi'tb outtbebaple/anbfetttje b?eb in ,o;o?e befoje tbe Xo^e/euen a* tbe 'i-ojoe bafi co-

nmunbcb 3lpofe*. 3nbbe put tbe canoe Iflicfie in tbetabema clc of toitneffe oueragapnft tbe table intbe foutb Cpoe of tbe babttaci'cn/ ano fet bp tbe lamp ess before tbe Jlojceia* tbe TLow c c m* maunbeb ^ofe*.3irtbbeput tbe gotten ai* ter intbe tabernacle of toftnefie before tbe baple/an&amp; b?ent (toete ten* tbeton a? tbe Ho?be commaunbeb Azores, anb ret bp tbe bangle tntbebo;eoftbeijabptacpon/anD fct ttj e bumtoffering alter befoze tbe do; e of tbe tabernacle of tottnelfe/anb offteD burnt* cffrpnge*anb meatoflrpnge* tbercn a* tbe -. JLom commaunbeb $ ore*. *#&gt; *r r *3nbbefettbelauerbettoene tbetaber* ' fff * * nacleoftopmeCfeanb rbealter/anb pouteb toatatberintotoalbtoall.anDbotb 0= ft*/ 3'atfl a bp* fonne* toaft tbtbeirbanbe* atbeir fete merat:botbtobentbcpteentm

of^ofcscalleD&amp;euittcuB. CKEfn o?6ec of (men toffnnsf'S, to!) ct&amp;ct: U be of final D;gattaicUo;fanUs. CUtbefpjftcrbapter. iRQ tlje S-oiD caueb^oa fesf/anofpafif bntobpm oute of tbe tatemacle of toptneffe faping: &gt;peabebnto tbe cbpi o?en of 3!ftael/a rape bnto tbe: tobofoeuerof pou Q)allb;inge a evAebtito *c X-o?ce/Crjall U?^nge it f tfte catell-.euen of tbe oren anb of tbe ftepe. 3f Bebjpngeaburntoffrpnge of tbe oren be (ball b;?nge a male toitbout biempty/ a

(ball b?mge btm to tbe oo?e of tbe tabernacle of toftneffe/tbatbemape be accepteb before.,, tbe)U#e.anDlet&amp;pm*putbr* bancebpon*; , . $ beeb of bumtfecriffte/a fauoure ftalbe i- *"" geue bpm to raabe an attoneme"t fo? torn/ $ let bun bplltbe ore before tbeHo;ne Jnb let tbe p; eaue* aars* tonne* bjpnge tbe bioub a let tbem rp;pncfiell ft rouneeaboute bpon tbealtertbati*befo;etbebo/eof tbetaber* nacle of topmefleJn&amp;lettbe bumtoffrptigf, be ftrpppeo anb betoeb in pece*,anbtben let tbe fonne* of aaron tbe p?eaft putfp?ebp5 tbe a Iter/ 15 put toobbbpon tbe iwi a let till fare tbe pece* toftb tbe httb a toe fatte /bp5 tberoooo tbati0ontbef??em tbe alter. 35ut tbe intoarbe* a tbe legged (b ep (ball toafy in

to tbe tabernacle of toitneffe / 0/ toijen they toater/a p?e aft (ban bume aitogi tber-bpiS

about tbebabttactjon anb tbe after/ 5 (et bp ti)e bangrjng of tbe couttc gate: anb fo A8 0* fejSf?njibebtbetoo;6e. wmutu ip t * 3lno ^ e cl0to w wueteb tbe tabernacle of

toent to m alter/ass tbelotfe commaunbeb . i alter/Sit be abuwtfamfpeef anofftin g^. fllporejj.ainbberearebbptbe coutte roimoe of aHtoeteoboutebnto $ )U2&amp;e.yf&am p;eto?H , t CM offer a bumtfacrif ice of tbe epe tobetbet it osohhb; be of tbe lambeis o?of tbegooteg^e tyauof'tactftyt fcta maletoitboutblemfib Jnbletwmbpll ^ 'i ft on 4 no^bttbeof tbe alter/before f jLoibe. H"3 toytneffle/ano tbegbvre of tbeib;be fplleb 36nblettbe?9?eaaej3Cat5&lt;{ fonneu fp mrWe Sa. tbe bab?tac? on : fo tbat floreiS coufbe not tbebfoube of itronnoe aboute bpon tb e at .&lt; utimta fenfteinto* tabernacle of toitneffe/becaufe terJnbletftbecutwipecfjJ:euen tojtbb fe'^ u " 6 , beeb a W fatte/a let 1&amp;;eaft put tbf bpon gjgg tbetoobbtbatlretbbpontbef^eintbealtenKI iButlet bim toatb tbe mtoatbeis a tbe legge? r^.u^.s, toitbtoater/anbtlban b??nge all togetbet a bumeitbp0tbealter4atisi a burnt-offer ng 9 afacrtfice offtoeteteuour bnto tbeHo.rte.

IfbetorHofferabuttttoffrrjng oftbefoufox^

tbe clotobe abobetberin/anbtbeglo^e of tbe 7L-o?be fplleb tbebabitacjon. tben %t clotobe teas tafien bp ftfi of tfi e bab 1 tact on/ tbe cb?n&gt;?en of % frael tobe tb eft iom m a0 ofte ass tbep bab ro^iereb. im v f $ clotobe ceparteb not /tbep io^nejeb not trll ftbeparteb:fo;tbeclotooebrtbe)Lo;be tnass fepbntbebabitac?3 br bare/a fr?e b? n?gbt: totbefrgbteofalltbeboureof Jftael in all tbeftio^tere^.

CCbe errbe of n)e feconb bobc ofS^ofeg.

be (ball offer ertber of tbe turtpl 1 b oueg 0? of rbe?onge pige5jOnD tfje^jeatt Q)allb;tng ft bnto tt)e alter/ a to;rnge necaea funb;e of ft/a butne ft on tbe alter/ a let tt)e blotibe tunne out bp5 $e ftbe* of tbe aiter/ablucbe atoare bru eroppe a ton fetberjf/a call tberti beftbe tbe alter on tbe eaft partebpS tbebepe of aflb^/anb bjefiebrs topngeg/but plucbe tbSnotafunwe.anb tbenlet f |&amp;;eaaburne ftbpon tbe alter/en? bp5 tbe toobb tbat l?et^ bpw

- - V

tmottj&gt;f0, bp3 tbe ty?e/&amp; b nmt f acH'f i ce anb art oStmg of a t toete fauouve bnto ti) e )lo?De. CTi) c JB of menfeoff cpngcfl / of Ctoetc cabts ; of font flowtivof frnntliciiccns.a cc.Vottlj outclcuctvj iu!i outc fjonjybiit not toit^ outc fait. _ cbe,ii.bapter. 41 1.._. ,..m anv fouietorll offer a meatot* frpng bnto tbe TlqiWiW offtrnge fbalbe fine floure/a be (ball poure

_^ Bberto ople / a put francbencens tberon/afballbjingeitbntoaiaromsfonnejS rbe^eaflwJnb one of tbe tbaRtabetber ^ ft ..outbWbanBftUloftbefloure/aoftbeoriel* P^? tSuV an tbe francfiencenjf/a bume it fo? a memo* K wV ftaUbpontbealter:an offrpng ofa"ftoetefa bofV m t a* uour e bnto tbe 'ilo?be. 3dub tbe remnaunt of tiftptfifuiL'tbemeatorTrtng tbalbe 3Patojs ab^formeiS/ ESaSSSr* a tbwgemoft rjoiv of tbe racrtfpcejss of tbe mm. J:MJbe.3ifanrmanb??nge a meatoffritig t Ktt^ftfi ^febaftenintbe ouen /letbpm brnige (toete wp . cafiejsoffrnefloiiremrngicato'tbople/anb SsSSe e bnleuenbebtoafersanopntea toptb ovlc. 3f Sfc *^ meatoffrpng be baben in tbe frpeg pan/ tbenft fbalbe of Ctoete floure mrngiebtoitb orle.^nbtbou fbaltmrnce it Cmall/s poure or/ie tberoma fo it ij a meatoffrpnge. 3!f tbpmeatofferpngebeattonge bropleb bpon (be grebp;en/ of floure mpngleb toptb ople itftalbe, anb tf)ou fbaltb;pnge meat off rpnge tbat is mabe of tbefe ttonge* bnto - tben,o?lie/a (baft beipuer ftbntotbe p#aft/ * anbbe ftallbrpngeit bnto tbe alter / al&amp;all beuebp parte of tiiemeatoflrrjnge fo? ante-mo jialf / a ft all bume it bp S tbe alter, an of* fermgeofa Ctoete fauoure bnto tbe %&lt;o?be. anbf tobicb W left of tbe meatofrrpngcftai! be aaronp 9W fonn ejf/ap a tbpnge (bat is . Hiollbolp of tbe off rpngeis of tbe %ofix* ail meatbff u'ngeiS tobicb pe (ball b?ingc bnto.tbe3Lo?de/ ftaibe mabe toitbout leuen, fojpe (ball netber bume leuen no?bottpe m anp offering of tbe %o?be- i^ottoi tbfianbf ng niwM, ^u&gt;allb?pngetbefp;lWpngejJoftbembntd iSS ( fMe^o?oe:buttbep (bail not comebpontbe t oi(hr n! t,altertonialieaftoetefauoure. jjitijc fisupfl aEtbpmcatofftpngeiS tbou fb alt fait toftf) i) tijnt our raitmetber fbalttbou foffre tbe*falt of tbe co m tote e "aw"t Wff &lt;oo to beJacbpnge from tbp HtitbafV ^ meatoffrpnge:but bpon all tbp&gt;te offrpngrjj d ooc # t&amp;ou ftalt b?pnge fait. .

wtQtt\,c gsftbwtofiteameatoffrpngof f fpfttripe tt!.SStoWbiitofte^c/t|jwtawfbatto^ BS58wi petgrene/aD?Pe it bp tbe fpje anb beattt piMt mtnrfmall/afooffertbemeatoflrpngof tbpfp?(t t&gt;tt of t\,e rppe ftute0. 3/ns tbait poure opletberto/anb S*M "Kpputfrancbencenji ujeron-a Co it isameatof* Iwof /? mm ^ftWBe. ainbtbe pftattftall butne parte of - w " w tbebeatecoweaiJarteof tbatopletoptb all tbe francfienc50/ W?aremtmb?a(fce,cbat Wanoffrpmjbnto tbejLo#,




GCtic ojMc of pteoffc iti8C0-"o)t)vclic toccc offered fo; tfyctteppnge ofptart/maecof oycti^cpt/ lambcs ano aoot(0. be.t.baptcr. iff anp man b?pnge a*peace off cing % i -of tbeoren-.tobetberitbe male 0? * &gt;.&amp;* female/be (ball b;nngefoclft as i,a Jtoitbotit blemi(b/bef o;e u)e)Lo?be: a let bpm put I)i0 banbe bpon tbe beea of tyii offerpng/anbttpllitbefo^e tbebo?e of tt)e ta= bemacle of toitneffe.ainb3Paronsi fonnesi tl)e ^;eaaeSi (ball fpjpnble tl^t bloub bpS tbe aI-35 terrounbeaboute.anbtbepfballoftreof tbe peaceoffring to be a facrtfice bntotl)e,Ho?be: tbe fatt tbat coueretbtbeintoaroeg a all tbe f art tbat in bp 5 n)e intoaroe m &amp;)t (too bpbnepss toitb tbe fatt tbat Ipetb bp5 tbe iopneg: anb n)e ball tbat in on tbe ipuer tbep (ball tabe atoapetoitbtbefipbnepejJJnoaiar53 iRStSt Conner (ball bumetbembpon tbe altertoitlj SEI5SR5 ibebumtracrificetobicbiiSbpStbe toobb otitoarow/tac. v. tbeffte. cbatist a facrgfpee of a ftoete fa*tponcpo * tijc uourebnto tbe jLo?oe. g"; Wfi gifamanbjpngeapeaceoffrpngebntotbeg^^a

jLo?be from of tbe ttocbe/ ttberbetft be male ttoctc tacWicc o? female/ ft fbalbe toitbout blempft . If be io t\)c torn offre a lambe/beftalltypnge ft before t6t*j l tmi,tt( w f ^o?oe/8nbputbt0banbtbponbfeoffrpngei5 ? '"SJw beeoe/a ftpU ftin tbeooo^e of n)e tabernacle mTiSe oftoptneffe/a aarons fonnejs (ballfp^inliie^ min/mo (be bloube tberof roiirroe about ttieatter. e ' w* ainuof tbepeaceofftpng tbep ftallb?pnge^ /"^ g afaattfpee bnto tbe Hojoe-.tbe fatt tberof acm, eil a " Z, tbe romp tall to getbe r/tobicb tbep (ball tafie tpfpc ante affee of baroe bp n)ebacfte bone:a n)e fatt tbat cc s "Ss-'i oft* cite uctetb tbeuttoartieg aalltbe fatt ti)at tt bpo 2fifeJ2f tbe intoaroe* a tbe (too ftponepe* todb wSSSSS tbatlpetbbp:ontbem anb bpon tbe lopne*/arapt 9 ti)c p f9 tbeball tbatijs bpon tbelpuetbe 0)au taftepDetc pfaim. atoapetoptb tbefiponepe*. Mi ti)t &amp;&amp;&amp;***&lt;*' (ball bume tyembpon tbe alter to feoe tifc )lo^e0offrpngetoitball. ff tbe oflrpitge be a goo te/be (ball b;pngc it before tbe )Lo?be/a put W banoe bpon tbe beab of it/anbbpllit betoe tlje tabernacle of toittnefle/anbtbefonnejj of aarS (ball fp^in^ w bletbebloube tberof bpon tbe alter rounbe ab ut.a no be Qmll b;inge tberof bi* offrpng bnto (be %oim facriffce: tbe fatt tbat coue* retb tbe intoaroe* aalltbe fatttbati* bpon ibe intoaroe* atbettoo bponepc* a tbe fart tbat (pen) bpon tbem anbbpon tbe lopne*/a fball g i* bp5 tbe ipuer be (bail tafie atoape toitb Bpbuepe*.anbtbe^?eait(ballbume tbem bpS tbe alter to f ebe tbe %om f a cr if tee to all/ a to mabe a Ctoete fauoure. anb tbu* (banal! tbe fattbe tbe jLdjbee/anb ft ftalbe aIatoefo?eucramonge poure generacpon* after pou in pburebtoellpnge piace*:tbatpe tatenetberfatnoibioube. ft)e

#erettt&lt;mpe&amp; G(ffl3eoffc-sn3m6t&amp;jftfnnM&amp;ontQfflno;autiK CCbe.iiti.fllbapter. 3D rcsxsn! #b e %ow fpaftc bnto SEofess g:fpeaftebntQecbplb?cnof ..aeiarape-.toftenafoulefpnne

tn&gt;fthn'iTHnmuncf./'flririluFhhnnc anp of ore tog* tobf e 5Lo;be ba fo; bpobenmbts comaunoemeteg to bebone-.y f e PjeafttbatftanopnteD fpnneamafie people toboampffe /beallb?vnge fo;bp$s fpnne to be ba bonemti op tott^ottt; ble mp bnto e jLofle f o;a f pnncoffttng .Knb be allb?pngee orebntofbebo;e of eta bettwcleoftoptneJtebefo;ei&amp;o;be/aaH ^%!f V a P u *b# &amp;w&amp;e bpontbe oweabe/anb ttpil ntrw.j;K)iij.c. i, m b e f 0?et a e fce;l)?Jttbel&amp;;eattatft *iHiit * f &amp; *anopnteb all tafte of e ojce bloube / anb ttm.uo. b2pjlge ttto to _ tabmwcie of warn/ 9 all bpppe 1)10 f snge r in e bloub a cp?mfile erof ,bff .tprne* befo;c e &amp;o;bc : men be* fo;e e Ranging of fijoly place Jnbbefoall put Come of e bloubebpone b0?ne$s of $ alter of ftoete cems befo;ec JU;betobftbft in tabernacle of tottneffe/a allpoureall e bloube of tfte ore bpon tbe botome of e altet of bumtoffrjtwejs tobt.cb ft bpe bo;e of tabernacle of tortneffe Jnbbe all tafte atoape all (be fact of tbe ore at ft tbe fpnne effrpng:efettateoueree toat&amp;es* atfl) allefattatftaboutetbem/ atbeit fipbnepes5toie fact atlpe bpon f ? bpon tbe lopne$/anbe fiaftbpon tbe ipuec let em tafte atoape alfo to tbe ftpDnepe$aft it toa* taften frS tbe ore of e pcaceof frg/ a let tbe p&gt;;eaft btrnte em bpon tbe altar e C of buvntofftftigeis.58ttt tbe fftpnne of tbe we aallbft fle toi bft beebc/bft legge$/bp$ Aitanoe* toi bft b5ge/all be carpe alto? Sietoutofeboftebnto8cienepiace:eue tobete $ a(ft ate poureb cut/ aburne bim cntoobbtop fp;e:euenbpon tbe bcapeof aflbess.if e bole conimalte of tbe pib?e" of ffvael fpnne o;oto igno?aunce/a e tfjing e bpb from tbeit ep ft: s*cp baue com m? tteb an? of (bete ittjjcfctobicb e . Jlo;oe ba ;bpmtobeboneinbft comrnaunbe ni&amp;ft anb baue offenb/eft^toblebe ep baue futnebbe aftettaatbe finotone/! m mail tbe; of fte an ore fp? a fpn neof frpng/ a all bjtage bim before ? tabernacle of tofts ncffe/aeelbeft oftbemiiltptubeftall put eft banbejs bpon bft &amp;ecb befo;c tbe Jlo;Be. *3'nbe|&amp;;eattgftanopnteb lballb;tnge of bF0bloubwito tbetabetnacle of toitneffe/ a tyallbpppebtf! ffnger inifyt Woube/ anb rp;mftle ft reul.trmcg befo;c u)e 7Lo?cie: etie before tbe ba?le. .Stnb all-put of ttje bioune bpon 'tfiebojnejj of e alter tobicb ft before

e ttfbtjn tbe tabernacle of tottnefle/ anb aapouteaH tbe MowKbpS tbe become of


tbe alter of bumtoffrwseis to^'ebft bp e bo;e of tabernacle of toitneffe/a all tabe all bW fatt from b^n/ a burne ft bp5 e ai &lt; tec/a allbo toti)ft orea^ljebva toifi) e ftuneoffrpng ojee Jnb tbejejeaft alniabe an attonemet f o? em/ a fo it albe fo?ge* tten 5,ambbe ailb^nge e ore mom e bo fte/ a b urne bim as be burneb e f y ? ft; fo ft ft fwneoffrpng of e comtnalte, i&amp;bena ]to?beffnneanb commute o?oto igno?a(ice an? of efe ingr tobt e jl o;be bft &lt;!5oo ba fo?w&gt;m to be Done tnbft cbmmaunnemftess a^a fo offenoeo: totitnW fvnne ft etoebbnto bpm 7 to^'cb beba CrtmeQ/be all '^wige fo; hpg of frfngeanbegoote tofi.utbieimja la?e bft banoebponebeeb of lt/a?H it e Place ta)bereeburntoffr?nge!S are fijlleo before %o]btiffl$ ft a ftnneof fring.tcben let e p;eaft tabe of e bloube of e fpnne offrpnge tot bp?s fpnger/ a put it bpon e bo;ne!8 of eburht(m%tg alter/ anbpoure bp0bloubebponebotomeofe burntofs fc?ngaItec/atrneallbP0fattbpontbeais tec/a? be ooe e fatt of e peaceoftctngi;. anb e p?e ft allmabean attonement fo? bpm ass coce rn&amp;ig bft ffrnie/anti f o ft albe fo?geuenb?m. ... 9lf one of ^ come people of e lanbefmne t tbo}otoetgno;auncea commptteanpof tbe .W*tobicbe jLojbeba tbbenfti W commaunbe menteg tobetione a ba trefpafeb/tobenbPiilf^metobftb i)eftafpn n ft come to bft bnotolegr/be all b^nge fo;bft of ering/a e goote toltbout blenu mm ftrnietob&lt;bebafsnneb/ anbla?e bft banbe bpon e beeb of e Csnneoffrtng'/ a flee it tbe place of burnto f fw nged **wj &lt;&amp; mm

ep?ea(t alt tabe of e bloube tot Uv&amp; fpger/a put ttbpfi e bomejs of ebumt of fringe alter/a p our e all e bloube ypoh e botome of e alter / a an tafte atai?e all bft fatt as e fatt of e peace of frptgejs ft tabenatoa?e.lnbe ^;caft ell burnt itbpoe alter; aftoetefmtcurcbntotfte /Loyoe/anb e^eaft allmafieanattotte^ ment f o; bfm/a it albe fojgeuen bfm. ' lfbeb2?naeambeaoffertt;al^nne&lt;K of ft jtige/be all b;inge a female topout biem^/a la?ebft banbebp9ebeeb of e ffrmcoffrwig/a flee it fti eplace tobere e burnto ffrnig? at efla^ne.^nbf |&amp;jeaftall ! tafte of e bloube of eftim eof fringe toi bft ff nger/anb put itbpone bonnes of e burntoffring alter/a aflpoure an fb&amp;ub ecofbtrtoe botome of e alter. *an&amp;Be*cci all tabe ato a?e all e fat er o f/as* e fat ofeepe of epeaceof fringes toagtafif atoape.3nbe^eaftallbumeitbpfie alter fo?e)lo^t0facriftce/anbel&amp;;eaft an


r_ :

/ alImaneanattonement?bftffie/ana italbef6?geuenb?m, CDf ootljcij. Cf) c clcantpngr of 6pm ttiat iouibttb Bnclcancii)?ngE0,Hicpucga?oii of anotljc anD of tonntbambv wowutt, ! ccbcb.cbapter. 3C fi^iS^i^en a fouleba fpineb a berbeg ibo?ceofcutf?nge aft atoytneffe: tobeec beba fene o; bnotone Fof it sf be baue not bttercbit/be

all bere bft er toben a man tott ean?bnciene ?ngettobeerft bee cacgon ofanbncienebeetto; of bnclene ea= tell oi bnclene too?me aft not toarre of ft l) e ftalfo bnclene a ba offenDe&amp;.&lt;er Wen be touc&amp;c atn'bncieneffe of man(tobat fo euet bncfencce it be at amanft befjl liall)aft nottoarre of itanb after toarbc come to e finctoclege of it/be i&amp; a trefpa 3rer.(cr toben a fouie ftoeare^oatbe p?onoffrei!j tt bft lt?ppej5 to bo euell o? to bo gooD(tobatrceuctitbc amanp;onoflce to? an oe ) anb tbe tbmge be out of W m?nbe a aftcttoatb cometb to e bnctolege of it / en be ba offenbeb in one of efe. brn toben be ba fpnneD in one of efe inges/ be all eofeffe at tober beba ftnneb / anb all b?pnge bw trefpaceoffe* ?nge bnto e jLojbe fo;bftf?nne tobiebbe baf?nneb.3t female fcome flocftetobe* etit be a tube o? ae goote/f o? af?tme offrjng Jnb c P&gt;?eaft allmabe an atto* .rt Awnwnt fo; b?m f o; W f?nne.*ut?f be be '** not able to b?i&gt;tige a ftepe / en let b?m bftnge fo; bft trefpace \t^k^ bebaunneD ttoo tuttpll Douc0 o; ttoo ?ounge ppgeSsi bn toc7Lo;be/onefo;af?nucoflng anbano er fo; a burn tof frin ge.^tnb be ailb;fnge embnto e P?eaft tob?e fljall offer e f?nneof ftmg f?;ft/ ato^ necfiealun= Clue of it/but pluefie it not dene of. Jcnb let b?mfp;?nfite of e.blouoe of e f?nneo&amp; ftpngebpon e f?be of e alter/ anb let e telle of ebloutcbleoe bpon e botome of e alter/a en ft ft a ffnneof frvng.anb let b?mofferefeconbfo;aburntoffr?nge ass emaner ft: a all e$;eaft mabean attonement fo; ijym fo; e l?nnetobie be baf?nneb/anbit albefo;geiteb?m. anb ?et ?f be be not able to b^ngcttoo turtpll ^ boue0o;ttoo?oungepH&gt;;eonsJ/enlctb?m rw.jr.fl. b;?ngebftoffryngfo;bft fpnne:*e ten parte ofanepba of f?ne flour; a fjtmC of fringe / but put none o?Ie creto neer putan?ftancfiencf0et5/fo;itft a fpnne of ftpng.anb let bfm b;?nge it to e p;eaft/ ael&amp;;eaftantafiebftbanDful!of it/ a burne it bpon e alter fo; a tememb;aunce to be a facrif ice f o; e;no;b: at ft a fprnie o|ErrcngMleteP;eaft mafteanattone*


- - * , jtw ment fo;bpmfo;bftf?nne{tobatfoeuec of tbefelje ba f j?nncb)anb it albe fojgeuen; Sna e remnaunte albe tb e p? eaes / a js it ft ft in emeatoftrpnge. anbe U-o;becomenebtt ifl^ofes raping: w tben a foule trefpace a fpnne o;oto igno^unce in anp of e bolp pngeg of e /Lo;be/b c all b;pnge f o; W trefpace bnto e %mw a ram toiout blcmp cut of e flocbe balueo at ttoo fpclcjs after e fpcle of e fanctuarp/f o; a tr efpareoftrpna. iinft be all mafie amenbess f o; e bavme at be batb bone in e bolp pnge/a it e fpfte parte mo;e to/ageue it bnto ep&gt;;eaft.ainb e |&amp;;eaft all mafie an attonemet f o; bim toi eram of etrefpaceoflrpnge/ anb it albefo;geuenbpi. lben a foule fpnne a commptte anp of efe pngesJ teljpcb are f o;bpoben to be , cone bp e conimaunbemfce? of e TLo;be: ougb be topft it not/be ba pet offenbeb a ft mrpnne/a all b;ingearam toitftout we* mp out cf tbe flocfie at ft eftemeb to be too;e a rpnneopng/bntoep?eaft.anb eP;eaft all mafie an attonemet f o; bpm fo;eigno;aunce ccbtcbbebpb / a toassnot toate/anb it albe f o;getien bpm. bft ft a trefpaceofftpnge/fo; be ttefpacea agapnft eHo;be. CEf)coffcigc fo?fjnttt8t6rt^ ertfionctojHjiv Sip. ipelatof of Hjc biicntoffi'tnacr-. l)t fpjt nuift Kbptt Eiicnnojc bp'on tticnultcc. (Clic affepnges of flavonan&amp;tjpefonnco. Cbaprev. |i2be]Ho;Detalfiebtoi flKofejS* fapinge-.toben a f cute fpnne anb ttrefpace agapnft e )Lo;be/anb llbenpebbntobpssnepgbbourc tbat toljt toast taficn bpm to fiepe/ o; at toajs putbnberbftbaie/o;gtobicbbebabios lemip tafte atoape/o; at W)itlf be ba be* ceaueb bft nepgbboure of U fot^te/ o; ba founbe at tobicb toa? lofte anb benpetb it I aftoerefalfeip/intobatrceucringeitbe at a man bo a fpnne titer. ben tofye"

be ba fpnneb o; trefpaceb /be all' reft o?e agapnetbatbetofiebpolentlpatoape/o;tbe to;onge tobicb be bpb/o; at toi)ki) toag ce* Ipuereb bpm to fiepe/o; e loft inge tobicb ^ fn imn[9 befounbe/o; tobatfoeuer ft be aboute tol/i *, "S"? be ba ftoo;nefalfelp/*be all tcfto;e ft rt S agapneine tobolefumnie/anball abbecpon/ mmo e fpfte partemoare ereto/ a geue ft bnto tgSSSSSt bpmtotobome ftpertapne /efamcbapelS^, ""' i be off ere ;bft trefpace/ aanb;mge fl 6Weion fo;bft trefpace offerpnge bnto tbe %om a emi fatitfatczs ram toftbout blemp out of f be floefte / at atwumtat $ ft eftemeb too; atrerpaceoffrpng bnto c"f. c a af aof i&amp;;eaft.3Bnbe |&amp;;eaft all mafie flttafefeSp* nementfo?bPmbe;ee 3Lo;be/aftau be fo;*





v &gt; ^..ib|m/foto&amp;acfomettt)|ngrtbe tbatamanDOatrefpacetberui. . 3f nde:jlo?be fpabebnto Scores fapfngt Commaunde aiaron anD wcmnei WM this 105 latoe ofttje buvtitofftmg.Cbe burnt ohmi wmw*w&amp;* 5fe"F2fi Wgbtebnto emominge / J* after tbauburne erin JtO el&amp;jeaa all tmtonbiMinenatteandbtelinjn bjecbeg p5bfefle/atabeatoaiee afflg *&gt;W tbe f p?e of tbe burntfamf ice in $ alter battj roade/avute-bef|be ealter/a enput ot&amp;fts raiment a put on oer/and nm e erina not so out.3nde^eaft flwBlg*

tooD&amp;ontbefp?eeuet?mo?npnge/apute btwtfacrificebpon fc^eftaUlmaei; on $ fattof tbepeaceofTCngS.cbe me all ^aooftcattiif.*e H er bumebponealter/a neuer go out. *** cms 10 e latoe of emeatoffringe;aia* tonsfoimes allb?pnge befo i e 1 ?/Mi into tbe altetumo one of em all taw bw eron/a 0&gt;aH burneitbnto aremembjaffce bpon tbe auet'tobeaCtocte fauottre of ttje memo/iallofrtbmoe)Ujde.ainDetett CttKrof/aiaronabfcfonnesftalleatebffleuf dei&gt;:ttalbe eaten in ebof|Piace:eueinj| ccurteof $ wbetnacleof totmeffeeian cateft.beirpartetobfcb3baucsewen of mpfacriffce ail not be babentoi lettf / ftyfttf moftbolpe/as u*efpnneofftpnge/ a trefpaceof fringe, W emales amonge tbe ch|lb?en of 3aron all eate of tt : anb ft fbalbe a butpefo?euer bnto poure genera* cpous of eracriflccs of ldM a&lt;rbmftH si anp o*H^tt^i22r: noiibtouc^ctt/ awtbejlozbefpabebntQ Scores faping: iut nc jac &lt;s tbisistbeoffrpgeofaiaron acf bfcfpnnejj gtJf* Mich be all offer bnto MM in bape ecpiicB ant. ap' oBpba of floutt/tobicbteadailimeatoffrJng posntrti to mTMenjjtuanvslialfeintftenioinsng analfeat 9SS^f npabtc:afneftpenge pan ftaibemade 88 9 bjwigeftinasa bahmmratoffringe mm* feomiaU/8aialtoffetitfo?atoettiteiiouw bntoflje flojtje Jno at pjeaft of hi* fonne* tljati'0 atiopntebmbis fteade all offer it:*

ieafttajitof&amp;eftaHfttftme bolp Mace t cuf in the courte of e tabernacle on toftneOe.$om&amp;autoucbee fie etof/. faue be atf sbalotoea.anb # aw raimene befp?incfelesectoftb/ttalbe toauljcd H! , ebolpplace/*ae ertbepot at it J fobs **. in (ban be bjoben. w it be fowen in bjaae tbenthe pot albc fcouteb a rp nefed mi tbe mm.m emaUtfamonge tbe fttafat (ban cateerof/fiw it is moll boliisottof* ttonnvnge no fpnneof fringe rtjst batb bPS bloude b?ougbtitoe tabernacle of toft*

neCTeto reconcile top alimtbeboli place/ fijalbe eatenAut (balbe burnt in tbe fwe. itiitEfeaceolfrtiiacs .i&amp;tnnc offrj nj ano ptactof* ftvnacBtJElJcfatf aito tlje bloiiee .magenot be eaten. b^b,Cbaptee, is f* tbe latoe of tbe*ttefpaceof&lt; fringe tofticb f molt Wv%n ty a, s&gt; placetobete n)e bumtof fringe i? off cingt ^ ^Sflleb/tbe trefpaceoffrpnge MfeSi wfttflebairoigbWNoube albe fp;mftleb'" wunbe aboute bp5 H)e alter, ano all n)e fat l p Z* tbereof (balbe of fereo-.tbe rompe anb tbe fat rceipiut tbat couerea tbeintoarbe^, 9 oje.ii.fiponevia f jciiim: toitt) tbe fatt t ipetb on tbf 9 bp0 tbe lopnea ffi'^lj a tbe ball on tii e iper aibe tafie atoa^e tt gHSS tbe b|tmere0:9 tbe$?eatt Qiallburne toetu i^e/ iim bpon tbe altate/ to be art offmnge bnto tbe mmi &gt;lo?De:tbttfiSattefpaceofferpnge. {""""w autfjemaiepamiJgefp^eaawibaneate S^L tbereof in tbe hoi? place/fo? it is mod boip 4tntai as tbe ffnneof fringe 10 fo t'jst^e trefpacetaunr of Ring/one latoe feruen) fo? bo: 8 it (ball betbe|l;eafte0tbatreconciletb tt)tr toitt). JEfl Inb tbe p;eatt tt) at offered a mams burnt &amp; fS frsnge/lbaHbaue tbefbmne of ttje burntof t pw),i. fung tobf cb be batb of fereb. % nb an fc meat offnnged tbat are bafien in tbe ouen/anb all tbat is t&gt;?eaeo bpon tbe gr ebir m anb in tbefriengepan/fl)albetbep;eattc0tt)at of* frett)tt)em Jnbantbe meatofferpnges tbat are mrngiea tt ogle 0? nw 1 (ball pertaine bnto all ttje founts of 3Pat5/8 one allbaue 38 ajjmocbeap anotbtr. bfe istbelatoe of ttje peaceof fringes tobf cb fbalbe of frebbnto tbe )Lo;t&gt;e , 5 f b e offer to geue tbancfi es/b t (ball b^tnge bnto bis ttjancftof frpnge; ftoete cabefm|nglebtottbo|le anbftoete toafer* anognteb toftt) pie/ a ca&amp;e* mpngleo tot tb oile of fpneflcurefneb/9fte (banb^ingebft* of ftrcnge bpon caftejsmabe of !euenbe&amp;b?e&amp;


. - i

SSm^&amp;Smmmmmi ' ai*memaiibeaHw. on i t .?5 e a5^ (ballnotbeeat?.3nbtbe)Lo?betaffieb toftb ffl8ofe0 faw'nge-.rpeafiebnto 3aronabnto bisfonnesafaiertibts ijJffatoe oftbefinne offting.lntbeplacetobere bumtoffrfng ttblllet/(baHtbefsnneofft?ngbebinebal (obefo;e(be)Lo;Qe/fo;ft^moo(l&amp;o^be

offnngebntb tbeHo?De/anbft(banbe tbe fteaSftf *W fpnc6fett)tbebIoube of tbe pcaceoffrmge^ JnbtbefleQ) oftbefbanfto^ frvngeofbli peace offrpnge? fbalbe eaten tbe fame bape tbatft(0offr/anb u)ere all none offtbeiaflebpbntplltbe mo^pige.

mmanpts, TJcpbovBcs ffftbea l, botoeo?8fretoi?Iu)ffrpngttjat 'wwami he b?pngetb/tbe fame bape tbat be of fretb it/ 'L&amp;cou't *0w eaten/atbat tobicb remajnetb map Sm bVofbe eatenontbe mo?otoe:buta0 mocbe'of. ttje rt wit. seiten offetebfle a? rcmapnetti bntofctbttbebape 1 us r &lt;m v joalbe burnt toitt) fp;e. f o? if anp of * flefi) Iviwiw n f tfj c jjeaceofftpngesf be eaten in ttje tbpjbe S&gt; wHnoebapetbenlball be goffrebitoptapneno fa* tic ijfwcii/ uour/nett)er all it be rebeneb bnto bpm: |) 10 wpnthc bntfbalbe an abbompnacpon/ anbttjefouie "f'/i"* tbateatetbofitlbaU bearetbefpnnetberof. " ir befle tbattoucijetl) anpbncleanetbpnge (ban not be eaten/ but burnt toft b ten : a all tbatbe cleane in tbeirfleft/mapeatefle.g:f anp fbule eate of o)efle(b of $ peaceof fnngf tbatpertapnetintott)elilo?be/anbbfSbncieneffepetbponbpm/tbefeme foule (banpe* rpffte from amongebpS people. fl^o?eouer pfafouietoucbeanpbnclenetbing/tobetber (tbe fljebncleneae of man 0? Of anpbnclene beaft o? anp abbompnacionttjatis bnclene: anbtben eate of Be of ttje peaceof frfng!; lobicbe pettapne bnto tbe&amp;ozbe/ tbat foule (battpert frombi&amp;pr ople. aihbttje ]io?bc fpabe bnto s ofcjs fapmg: fpeafiebnto tbe cbPlb?en of giftaelanb fape: yefyalleatenonianet fattof oren/ epe 0; gootesineuertbeiatertbe fattof o)e beaft ? bpe alone a ttje fatt of (bat tobpeb is tome toitt) toplbe beaftes/ ntape be occuppeb in all

manet bfeg-Jbiit pe atttn no tof fe eate of if . jfo? tobof oetter eate 1 1) tbe fatt of tbe beaft of tobiicb men b?mge an offrpngbntoSlo?be/ ttjat Itale tbat eatefy ft ail peri from b&amp; m.jmtf.6 people. #o?eouer pe*alleate no maner ofblOub/toberfoeuerpebtoeH/tobetberftbe ^ of foule 0; of beaft. iffiljatfoetter foule ft be eatetb anp maner of blouoe ttje fame foule an pcrpflbe from bfS people. ' 3nb ttje 'torn talfteb toitt) $oto* faping: fpeafiebnto cbplb;eof gifraei afape^e g oftreib bW peaceonring bntotfje )L-o?be/ail typnge biU gpfte bnto tbe *o#e .of b'S peace om$nges^i0 atone ijanbes (bail b? pnge tbt offrpnge of tbe )lo?be:euen tbe fartbpontbe b?eftbe all b?rige toptbtt/e b?eft to toaue ftatomieoffrmgebefo;e(b^)lo;be.3Bnbe P&gt;?eaa allburne tbe fattbpd ttje alter/a b?eft fbalbe 30atos a b&amp; fonrtes.^ttb frpgbf obfber tbcf allgette bnto p;eaft/ f be anl)eueoffri!ig/of tbefr peaceoSrtnges. 3n&amp; ? -fame tt)at offrett) ttje bimt&amp; of tbepeaceof* frfnge0 a tf)e fatt/amSgetbe fornies of atarS attbaue tben'gbt oulbttbmobpsfparte/ fo? ttje toaueb;eft 9 tfte beueOjouUier % batte tafien of tbe cbPlb^en of Hfrael/etten of ttjeft peaceofbingejt/a baue geultt bitto^arS tf)e ^;eaft abntob?s fonnes: tobe a otitic fo? etier of tbe cbplb?en of 'jfwteliCBiiS is w anopntingeof 3aron a of tt)e


facrtftceis of mApmt in (bebape tob? tt)e| toere offere6t6 v tbe#?eaftesbntottje ^o?be/ tobicb G)tfLo)bt comauiiDeb to be gate tijem in tbeoapetobenbe ancintfbfl)e/oftbc cbpl* teenof Sfrad/at be a butte fo? euer ambge ttjeir gmeract SS.^bftt IS ttje latoe of burnt* oflringes/ofmeatoftring^/offpnneoniingt/ oftrefpaceonrmgyoffulofiring^/ of peace* offrtnges/tobftb?)l'0?be cbmaunbeb WMtfi. in mofit of g&amp;inai/ f n bape toben be com maffoeb awnfi of ^fraei to offer tbefr of*

fring^bnto)Lo?bemtoilbertteaeofS&gt;inaf CfflCfteanopntftigc anD confcccacMn of Slacon ano b t0 ton no. .'.'". cbe.btrt.bapter. 'i9btbe iio?be fpabe bntofl^ofesa {fapinge: tabe 3tar on a W f wines toitt) bnn/a tbe beftures a e an* ^ "opntpngople/aanorefo?afpnne* om?nge 9 ttob rammes a a baf bet of ftoete o?eeb: a gettjer all ttje comentpe to gettjer bn toebo?e oftbetabemacie of toitneoe. anb fl3orcSbpbapttjeja,o?bec8maunbebbpm/a tbe people gatt)etebtt)5 feluesto getberbn* tott)ebo?e of e tabernacle oftoiuteae.anb ffl9ofesJ tftpbe bnto tut people:* is fibing . tobicb e %oM commaunbeb to bo. 3Cnb 2ofesb?ougbtaiaronablSfonne!S a toaflbeb em tot toater/aputbpon bim tbeaibe a ttiMflm toiagp?beii/aput bpon bun tbe tunpcle/a pttt edpbobero/ anbgp?bebbpmto|ttie b;o&amp;etb gp?be(( of eflEpbob/a bounbe ttbntobptn ettoitt). anbbe put e toettlappe eron/anb put m _ eb?eftiappe*?nu anb^bumim.anbbe flS 1 * f* putempter bpon bis beeb/ amitbpone SSSSiS mpter eucnbpone fo?efront of fttt)egol*is ' ben plate of ebol|croune/as eXo?be co maunbeb^ofeiit. %mQ$ote$ tofiettjeanopntpng opleanb anbpntebtbebabftacpS aallgtoas eri'n/ anbfanctteiebem/afp?pnbleb erof bpo" e alter feul times/ anbanopnteb e alter aaftbftibe(ieis/ae lauer toftbbWfbte/to (anct|fpeem.3nbbepourebofe anoin* tinge oplebpon3Carons beeb/anbanopnteb bpmtofattcttftebpm.anbbeb?oug^taiat:i5s Tonnes put albesbp5em/agp20eac&amp;etn tot g|?oeis /anb put bonettesbpon rbeir b e ebestas e Horae commaunbeb fl&amp;ofeS. . Hlnbef|imeoBrp n getoas iijougbt.gtib^ aaron a bis Tonnes put efrbanoe^ bpon*"' e ^e(b of e or e of tbe fptmeoftrpnge. anb totjen fttoasflapne/Q9ofes tobe of bloub/ aputftbponebo;ne0 of e alter rounbe about ttbts fpttger/ atwriftebit/ afoureb ebloiibbntotbebotome of e alter a fan* ctpfpeb it a reconciled it, 3 nb be t o&amp;e all e fate at teas bpon tbe intoarbes/a tbe baft

at teas on tbe fpuer anb tbe ttoo bp&amp;nepes f toftb



tefib tbeitfatt/9 bumebitbpS tbe aitee.tfut tfte ojte / tbebpbe/bps flefbanbbp0&amp;onge/be burnt ft fp?e toitbout tbe ljofte/a0 ftOftfte eommaunbeb ;ffl&amp;ott0. ... . , A ;. ahbbetoougbttbetam.of $ bunrtoffrpng 3 sftaton 9bi0fonne0puttbeitbanbe0 bpon tbebeab ottbetam/9ittoa0bplleb.anb flRo f ejs fpgutfileb tbebloub topo tfte alter touttQc about/anbcuttbetamfnpecesabtuntljbe beao/tbepes 9tbe facte/ toaabca tt)e in* toarbeS a tbdeggess in toatet/anb burnt t&amp;c rameuerptobitbpon tbeaiter. cbattoasa butntfaerpfpce of a ftoete fauoutc / anb an oifrpngc bnto tt)e fcojfc/ as tbe jio?be com* raaunbebflDofeS. . anb be b?ougijt tbe other ram tbat teas f tWoffrpnge/ 9 aaron 9 bis fonnes put tbeir banbes bpon tbe beab of tbe tarn : anb tob en ft toas flapne / ffig ores tobe of tbe blouoe of it/? putitbpontbetpppeof aatonstpgbte eate/anbbpontbetbombeofbfstpgbtbanb Sbpon tbe gteat too of b# rpgbt fote.cbm &lt;? toereaawmis fonnessb?ouftbte / anb ^orejJ put of the bloube on tbe tpppeoftbe WJbte care of tbem/anb bpon tfft tbombe of tbett write bauibes/anbbpontbegteatetooesof tbew wabte fete/anbfpjinmebtbc WoubbpS tbeaiter rounbe about*. anbfte tobe tbe fatt anb tbetompe anb all tbe fatt tbat to a* bpon tt)e intoarbcs/anb tbe ballot flitfet/ toitb tbett attanotben:tt8bte(bouaier.lDnboutoftbe Iwtbet of ftoete bjeab tbat toas before tbe %oflxM tobe one ftoete cabe of opleb bitto 3 one toafer/ $ put tbem on tbefatt ? bpon

1 tpgbtc fl)oulber:9 putaltogctbet bp6 aa tons banbes 9bponbpS fonnes banbes/anb 4&gt;toaueb it a toaucofftpngebefo?et&amp;ei,o?be. 8nb tbenfl9ofes tobe n)e fro of tbeit banbes agapne / 9 burnt tftem bpon tbe alter / cuen bpontbebutntofitinge-.cbefearcgefulofs fttriges of a ftoete fauoure a a facrtfic e bnto myUttfiHtftm 4bfes tobe bjeafte 9 toa* uebftatoaueoffrcng before fjlojbe/oetbe tarn of tbe fuIeSrpge? :anbittoa{( ^ofeji parte/a$$ tbe ' jttfte eommaunbeb 3$ ores. ; . atiQ # ofes toRe of tbe anopntpng ople 9 of tbe blouse tobicbtoas bpon tbeaiter/ attb Cp#hHUDftbpsaawn9bp5&amp;t'0be8foie'tt0 9 bp5 bf * fonnes 9 on tbeir beftpme'tes tottft htmf 9fanctiffeb aatbri sbiStoeOurfS *W s^tf 9 bf ronne* beton* aif o.cben 2&amp;o fts fapbebntb aaton a btS fonnefc bople tbe &lt;k fleOj m fj bb;e of Bje tabernacle of toftneffe/ *rfiM#r I tbere*eateftto|tbtbPb?eabtbati fntbe bansetoffuloft^gyastbelloflecfimaun* b^/favntg'Javonanbbi0Conne0 all eate ftt9tbattoWcbfemaphetboftbefleajan&amp; oc tbeb?eab/t&gt;uwieittoitb)e, . anbfe tbatpebepatte notfrora tbe 6007c


cf tbe tabernacle of tottnetrefeue" bapesiege bn.tpntbebape0 ofpoutc fujoffrmgejs be at an enoe.^o? rnuft yourebancesi be ft Heo/a)5tbep toeretbiS bape:eu5fo $ %om hatb c5maunWb to bo/to reconcile fou toftb all. $&gt;e tberfo?etbatfeabi&gt;oe intbeboje be tve tabematle of toptneffe bape 9 npgbt feuf ba^e0ionge:9bepe(betoatcbeof tbe '^ojoe tbatwbje not:fb? foU am cSmaunbeb. anb *_ aar5 9bi'i8fonncjJbpoall WW&amp;W#.W&lt;mm&amp; %ow c3maunbeb*bp tbe banoe of dgofe*. 1 4*.^ CObtAnttiAcftnta of aaron/fb; lijtn felft anb fo; JljtptopU.Haron blcffct^ Unpeople. ttlieglo?i?c of ii) c i, ott 1 is Cjcto co. XU) c fy ; c commpnsc f t om a no u? tonfnmtt{i^tftKr&lt;f(ce. CCbe.'Wbaptei'.

.jf2btbe.toifi.bane fflfjoreis caKebaa^ roti9bi0 fonne0/9 $ elbew of %tw el / 9 fatbe bnto aar5-.ta ft e a calf t . _fo?afpnne oRrtge/9a tamfo? a burnteffring :botb to in) ou t blemr ft/ 9 b;ing tbembefb;etbe)Lo}be. Unbbntottje cb?K&gt; of jgDraelbe fpafie faringjtafie ?c an be goote (ot a ftnneoftttng/9 a calfe 9 a latnbebotbe ttoo of a Here olbe/ 9 toitbout biemplb fo; a= burntfacri(tce/9ano);e9aramfo;peaceof frwge0/to offer befo?ef Hoflje / 9 ameate* of fr? ng tmjngleb \b ojle/fo? to bate f Jlo^ie tofiiappere bnto f ou,3Pnb tber bjougbt $ &amp; tob* cbi ores cSmaunbebbnto tbe tabenia* cle of.tounefle/ 9 all tbe people came 9 (tobe befo?etbe)Lo?bt.anD ^ofegfapce-.tbKifS tbe typnge tobicb tb e ;Ho;&amp;e c3m atmocb tbat ve (buioe bo-.anb tben tbe 8lo?te of tbe &amp;o?be all app eat e bnto v ou anb^bfejs tofte bn toaaton:gobntotbcaltev9 offer rbpfjnne o8rFnge/9na6e anattbnementfo? tt)e anb fo; tb e peopleianb tt)en offer tbe offerFtigeof tbepeople/ anbreconcjietbemalfo / w fyt *.o;be eommaunbeb fl$oT0. anoaatontoent bnto tbe alter/anbCUtoc tbe calfe tbattoasib^fwneofftms.anb tbe fonneg of JCatotibjougbte tbebloube bnto bwi/9 b e oppte bW ftnger m tbe biouoeanb putttbpontbebonte0of tbeaiter/ 9PouWb tbebloubebnta tbe botomeofrbe alter, anb ie Jatt 9 tbettob ftfbneHc0 ttttb tbe ban of e ipuer of tbe frrateof frtnge/fte bumtbpS .^e alter /ass tbe xojbe comaunbeb QaaTesft butrbewib 9 ^ebrbe/be burnt toitbfp;*., toftbout tbe bofle. after toarbebefletoe tbe* bumtofftjng/9 3Caron0 fonne0 b?ougbt^e bloubbnto bpm / anbbe fp?inbieb itmunbe aboutbpen tbeaiter. Enbrbe? bjougbt tbe bumtoffvpngf bnto bint in pecc0 9 tb e b tab avoyanbbebttmtitbpontbeaiter/anb m toaflb e t^t intoaro eg anb tbe iegge0/9 burnt tbcntalfobpStbebutntoffrmg in tbeaiter. anb (beti be b?ouBDte tbe peoples offrsttg 9toRetbe:gootetbat toaSfbepeopleg ftmie effrtng

abab f &amp;bu


ofltHngc/90etoeit 9bfietebftfo2afmneof* anb fl^ofeg fapbebntoaaro 9bnto &lt;Jlea frrnseia be b&amp;i tbe fp?ft.anb n)en b;ougbt ?ar 93[tbamar tyst elbeft fonness Ancouer not tbeburntolfrpnge/ 9 ofiereb ita0tbemaner foutebeeonetberrent ? oute clott)e0/ le ft je toa0/9bjougbt t^e meatoffepng 9 ftfieb bfg bpe anb to;atb comebpon all tbe peopl e / let banbe tberof/9 burnt it bpS tbe alter/befjbe route b;ftb;en tbe bolebouffeof afr ael be* tt)e bumtractpfyce in tbe tno;npnge. toepe tbe burngnge tob vebe tbe n-ojDe ban) ^cb^nbefletoetijeoFe9ffietamtbattoere burnt. 55ut go?e not out fro n)ebo?e bftbe tbe peoples peaceoftringe0/9aar 50 fonne0 tabernacle of toitnetre/left pe m- fo; tbe an

b;ougbtn)e bloubbnto bsm/9be fp^nbleb it bpon tbe alter rounbe about/ana tobe tbe fattoftbe ore 9 of tt)e ram -.tberSpeanb tt)e fatt tbat cou eretb tbe intoarbe0 anb tbe inn* nepes 9 n)e Rallof tbe ljuer.9 put tbembpS ^tbeb;eQe09burnt ft bpon tbe alter: but n)e w b?eftes anb tbe tpgbt ftjouttiew aarS toaueb before tbe jUwbe / a0tt)e %ofK cSmaunbeb

opntptge opre of m JLo?be is bpB wu, anb tbefopbas fl^ofesbab. anb tb e %o&amp; e Cy aft e bnto aar on raping: bfl?ncbe no topne no ftronge b?pncbe/netber

tbouno;tbPfonnestoptbtbe:tobenpe go in to tbe tabernacle of tot metre/left pe bpe. anb letitbealatoefo^euerbnto poure cbpibjen after pomtbatpe mapputbiBerf cebettoene

jg^ofes.anoaatonipftebp bfSbanbeouer bolp9bnbolp/9bettoenebncieane9cleane/ tbe people 9 bleffeb tbe/9 came boune from anb tbat pe map teacb tbe cbplo?en of jfraei oftrpng of fpnneoffrpnge0/bumtoffrfnge0 9 all tbe ojupnaunccs tobicb tbe TLoM ba tb c5 peaceoffrpnges.cben s^ofes 9aarontoent maunbeotbemb? tbe bantos of Scores.

in to U)e tabernacle oftoptnefle 9 came out agapne anb bleffeb tbe people/anb tbe glo;pe of tt)e )lo;be appereb bnto all $ people, anb tbere came a fp?e out from befo?e tbe Ho?be/ anb confumeb bp9 tbe alter tbt burntoSring anbtbefatt.anb ail tbepeople fatoe if / anb ototeb/anb felle on tbeir faces. CJDatfati ant) fll&amp;tyu atcOa^ncJCtatl moutnttftfo? t&gt;tw.Efte j8?cafttti act fwbf Mien wjne. a^crcCp tcto of ttjc faccificc rt) c JS jtattte tatc.

anb flpofes fapbe bnto aaron anb bntoc (tlmw 9 atbamar bps fonnes i toere lefte: tabe tbe meatoffringe tbat remapnetb of tbe facrifpees of tye %om/ 9 eate it toitbout le utnbefi'betbealter/fo;itismoftbolp:eatett tberfo;e mtbebolp place / becaute it is tbe butpe anb tbpfonnesbutpe of tbe farrffice of tbe 'A-otf eifoj fo gi am commaunbeb.anb tbe toaueb?eft9 beueftoulbereateina eleane ?lat;botbc tbou9tbPfonnes 9 n)pbougb* tet0 toitb cbe.jfo? itin tbp&amp;utpe9 ibpfonnes butpe toftbtbe/ of tbepeaceoftrpnges of tbe cb^^ofjftael.ffo^tbebeueftjouiber 9 tbe toaueb;eft"tobpcbetbepb;pnge toitb tbe fa* tdtommm crpfpees of t^e fatt/ to toaue it before tym $n men %omi flbalbe tbpne 9 tbp fonnes toptb tbe: (0 * a *t mc bae anbbea latoe'fo?euer/as flbe Ho?oe batb^KK eommaunbeb . S 2S ! g anbfl^ofesfougbte fo^tbegoote ItoasaBcnc.yiy.B.f tbe fpnneoftrpnge/anb fe it teas burnt, anb 9mw&lt;*

betoasangtpe toitb eiea?ar 99ifbamartbe5 r-rh* . rf- ha h* rwmcj!j of aiaron/tobpcbe toere lefte a ipue iSSSSSS* *- r faptng:tobetfo;ebauepenot eat? tberpnne* J9bj9atebanb abibuje tonnes offrpngciittbebolpplace/repngeitts mooft of aaron tofteetber of tbe bis cen* bolpeanbfo?a0mocbea0 iti0geuenpouto fb?/9putfp?e(berin/anbputcen0 bete tbefpnne of tbepeople/ anbmafieaare* - u. * ^ bpon/9b?ottgbttataungef|?ebe raentfo;tbf befo?en)e jLo?bef tbo&amp;e/tbe Sh; fo ^* e ^ W:toBlcft ^^^ u "5 e,,t65not / bloubeof ittoa0notb?ougbt in tottbin tbe SSSSj *? to f S 2 **j&gt;&gt; SSf/ ab bolp place tbetfb?e Ibulbe pebaue eaten it in 1 enrampu i cottfumeb tbe/9 n)epbpebbefo?etbt )Lo?be. tbe bolp place/a0gicommaun beb,anbaatS Mm tocfbenfll9ore0iapbebntoaaton:tbt0i0 tbat fapbe bnto fl#ofe0:bebo!be tbP0 bav tfme e n t . t ,tr rim , M 5i6ib c I n^etbatcomenpeme/9befo?ealItbepeo* offrtngebefo;etbc&gt;Lo?be/anbiti0e baunceb' " mm tobvttoc pu 3!to^ ,e Jlo?ifpeb.anbaatonbelbebws meaftettbP0manet.gif i flnilbe e ate of tbe fc; , b " e "EL IA tftrfr aUH out of tftc HoSe/a^ flgofejJ ba&amp;, C^^ftapter.

3B if It ft : tc of a It tyiftout '"3BC0teO?b.




$Dtfte jLojberpabe bnto flofc0 land aiaton faytogafpeabc tonto tfte c&amp;flum of aftaei * fare/tbefe __l arc tfte beafteis tofticft re f ftall amonge all tfte beatte* tftat are on tfte toftat foeuet ftatft ftoof e ano oeupbetb ttoo clatoei* 9 cftetoetft cub amSge tfte toatftalreeatejeeuettfteieffe/tftere ftal

eate crtb: ft to to beaftS re

not eate of to? tftat cftetoe to 9 ftaueftoofes*. Cftecamei/fojbe cftetoetft cuo butfte Deitf* oetb notlbeftoofetotottoo clatoe* /tfterfo?e be all lie bncleane ton to vouMn tfte coupe fojfte cftetoetft tfte cub butbeur&amp;etft not tfte boofe to to ttoo clatoejs / tftetfoje fte ijs torn rteane to y oti.3no tfte ftaw/ fo? fte Irbetorfe cbetoetft tfte cub/butoeurbeto not ftoofe to to ttoo clatociS/ftc isstftetfoje bnclene to r ou. Mni $ ftorne/ fo? tftougbbe dcurbetoeftoffe to to.ij.clatoefS/ret fte cftttoetft not tftecuo/ 9 rftetfoje 10 bncleane torou. tDt tbettfleft re tftat reeate not /9 Weft catbaffejsfe tftatre toutfte not/fo? tfter atetoncleane to rou. 1 cftefe ftallre eate of all g ate to tfte tea* tct0:toftatfoeuerftatoftone09fbale0to tfte toatetf/ fee* 9 truer* / a 11 ? c ** ant &gt; allwatftaue not finned fftale* toifte fees andtrucwi of alltftatmoue alpue to r toa

SCnij an tftat goetft bponfttg ftanbetf amSge allmaue? beaftejs g goo on all fonte fete ate tonciene bnto rou-.ijag maur ass toucfte tften: caxum/ ftalbe tonciene tontrll tfte euen. am fte tftat bearetft tfte carbaue of tfte/ (ball toadfte W clotftejj abetoncleanetontslltfte euen/fo? focfte arebncleane bnto rou. -^ICnWefeare alfo tonciene to row amonge tfte tbrnge* tftat am bpon tfte ertft ; tfte tocfell/ tfte.moute/tfte toone 9 allfti* brnbe/ tfte fteogeftogge/ttellio/tfte ltcerte/ toarle 9 moule:tftefeare bncleane to rouamoge all tftatmouc/ 9 all tftat toucfte them toften toerbebeab/ftalbetonclcanebntrn tfteeuf. ano toftat foeuer anr of oeab.^atSawjs of tftem fallbpon/ftalbebncleane-.toftatfoeue*. beffelloftoobbitbe/o? rapment/o? Offline/- . ojbagge 0; toftat foeuet totog.ftbe tftat anr toojbe (8 to?ougftte toftfta.aino iftcp ftalbe plungebtotoater/9b.ebncleanebntttltfte

euen/a tften tfter ftalbecleneagarnc.aill manet of eerften befleil tobct to to anr &lt;ff of toe" faiietft to bncitarie tafto a tftattottto is$:anb*re (ball b;eafte,ft;38ll matter meateS *iei i'0eaten/pfanpCo.cfteitoatei;comebponft/tt' ; ' ftalbe^ncleaneJnfrall manet b?rncbc tftat &amp; brfcfte to allmaner focfte beflew (ftalbe ton

icts Wall re nbftMte.&amp;etoatre eate not of cleane.anbtoftetfter ft be one 0; bettelft ai tfteft flem/an&amp;alto tftat ve alfton? tftere cav be b;often.if oj tfterate An cleane anu jftaibe ^ baft?:fo? alltftatftaue no finness no? fcaltf bncleanebnto rou-.j!5ettWb^atei: /ret * foa c mtftetoatev0/lbalbeabomtoaci5 bntojou. tarneSanlitocHeS 9 vopgoftoattt/Qtolbe - - - - " - cleaneOTU.)But.toftoroeuet;toucftetfttftert catba(B?(/lbaH be tonclfitoe. m tfte Deattcatbaoe of abufocft fall bp5 an? feeobreotofotoe/ttlbaU; ret be eleane aril:

Cftefe ate tftefoulejstofticftrctoaUalJftone 9 tofticft (hall not be eate /f 0? tfter ate an ab* bonirnaciS.cfte egle/tfte gotftaube/tfte co?* ; mo?afite/tfteftrete/tftebitltui:9allfti?(bjnD ,__. ... . .._......... aaUbrnoeofraucnsi/tfteeartcft/tftetogftt* butanorfanrtoatetbepoutcDbpS tftcfecb ctotoe/tftecocoto/tftefpatotoftaufte/9alltfte . anbaftettoato tfte bead eatfieae of tftcm fair brnue:tftelrtteoule/tfteao?cfie/iftegteal tfteton/tfteuitlbalbebncjeanebntorou. miie/tftebacb/ttjepelttcane/thepre/tftefte* afanrbeaftoftoftftftvftoar^teore/fte g ton/toetaretoitotftebrniie/^lapptornge? tou6fteto&amp;bwocatba(fetbalbebncieanet on tfte ftoalotoe.ano all foulejs tftat ctepe ana tplllbe euenJnb fte tftat eatetft of anr focfte aoo bpon all foute (ftalbe an abomtoacron beao catbaae/Djall toadfte ft?0 clotft es 9 w* Sntorou. ntarnetoncleanebntpneue.31nDftealfo&amp; yettftefetnarerecateofantftcfoulwsi beatetft tfteeatbcffeofft/lballtoaflftebr^

raoueanogooapon.wt.fete:eueniftofetftat clotbejS/anoBebncleanebntrll euen, / baue no bnees aboue topon tfteft fete to lepe ail tftat fmuleth tops tfte ettft/ fean abfto* tor* all bpon tbeettfte / euen tftefe of tftem mrnacron/anu fftallnot be eaten.l Cnfttoftat a attwSrtflit te mare eate:tfte"atbe 9 all ftte bmbc : tfte foeuetgoetftbpS tfte b?eaa/ant) toftatfoeucc wSovC &gt;elaam \ut^ aUftijs bmoeitfte l^atgol ami goeto topon.toi.wmoo fete among e allftat aic h^nticB of antbebrnbe/tbe fiagab ^anftttbrnoeJill fctauletftbp5ettft/of tftat ft recatenot-Jb; bcaatt 5 otbet fouler gmoue9ftaue.to1.fete/lbalbe tfte? are abftompable. fll^abe not route tt 5hSS abftomrnacronbnto rou. in focft re Ibalbe foulejj abomrnaWrtoftft^ iwt^ng e toat cwSWlbncleane/toftofoeitettoutfietfte catbeffe of petft/netftermabe route fcoies b ncleane^ Me* t^cm tci ebf ftalbe bncleane bntotfte euen/9 toftofo t&gt;em:ttatreffiuBicbe befrttbtftettjp. tf 0} % _ ,,, # nwiiomt note eu et;betetft tfte catbaffijoftftf / tballtoaftc amtoe^o^erouwiffio b^befanctlfftolftet*^ 1 2^3 aHFuwh. bfjj rtothC jj /? fo ftalbe tonciene bntrlleum. fo?egremarebeftolr/fo^|am ftolr:9beffle ,,, ' 1 aimonge all mane* beaftejs / tftat ft aue not route fouled tortft anr manet tft tog tftat ' ftoofe09beurfietftf nottotottoo clatoeg 0? ctepetftbp5tfteettb.!Jfo;3|amtbC)Lo?l &gt;tftat tftat cbetoe notlftecuft/ftalbetonclene bnto b?ougftt?ou out oftfteianueof fifgr pttobe rou; 9 all tfjat toucftetb tfte" ftalbe bncleane. toie&lt;EfobAeftofttbetfo;e/.fo ?3!amboir,

crbWlutftefatoeofbeeft 9fonte 9 of all ma^ W tor nge tftat Irueto an&amp; mouetft to tfte toa tee 9 of an tftrnge* tftat crepebpon tfteertft/ tft at re mar put Difference bettoene bncleane 9clene/9bettoenetftebea(te0 tDatare eate anorfte beeftegtftatate not eaten. Ca Wt fyft) IxjEnientfjiiiOc Uviivitttfttttiftit

' C^fte.rif,bapter i . jBre^j^iQotfte jLo?oe fpabebntoflPbfe^/ II 9 raroe:fpeafte bntotfte cftrltye of maul 9 fare : toften a to omS ftatft . 'cbnceaueD/anoftatbbotoeamaii cftrlbeTflje ftalbe tonciene. bitoireifceuen to trbemaneraistoftg ftetsput aparte totrme IflAoineniuiofftr^naturailoifeafe. 2Mb totfte.bftf.oare nmum tfteoelbof t cftrioeg fo;efbrnne ftalbe cut Kf.r e atoare.3no ft e ft all cbfttpmie to tfteblmiae wmm of BpitJuipf?enge&gt; ^jn'ft.oare?/ fte ftan 23 toucfte noftalctoeft tftmge no; come into tfte ^fanctuarr/bntrlltftetirme of ftr? punfreng be out. gjf Oie bete a marbecftrloc/tftenfte ftalbe bnclene ttoo tocbejS / ais toftg ftebaft m naturalltfeafe.atD fte (ball contpnue to tfte blouoe of ftr? punfrenge.l)fbf^ar)J. . *anbtoftentfteoaresiofftttpartfrengate ?*** mft;toftett)erftbeafonneo;8 ftougftter/fte ftaw b?rnge;alambeof one rere oloefo? a bumtoffting ana a rofige pigeon 0; aturtrli &amp;ouefo;afrnneoOvrngebntotbe fto?eofrfte tabernacle of toltneae bntof $?ea(t:tobfc&amp; ftall offer tftem bef o?e tfte o?be/9 mabe an attotttma fozfter/anlifo fte. ftalbe purgeo mm*** mnm of blouoe.^bWWtfte latoe of U- ft et tftat ftatft bomc a cbrloe / toftetfter ft be maleo?female.?eutanljrfftcbenotableto b^ngeaftepe/ tftenletfterb?rnge ttoo tur* frlsio? ttooroa?eprgeon0:tfteone fo? tfte burntoffrmge/ani) tfte otfter to? tfte fpnneof* ftpng.3inbtoe1B?eaft ftanmabean attone* ment f o? fter/9 ft * ftalbeclerte, CE!)E ja jcaflts ace appotnttb to fut&gt;se to^io are Itptrs.

Cftejctff.ftapter. . 'Sn tijet o?oe tpabebnto g$ore#9 bnto Mtan fartog*.toftentftere ap peatetb a 6 riCtog toanr mams Beft , ^Jetfterafcabbeo? aglfttrtogtoftfte: ^! c a0tftougl)ffteplngc of lepjofre toete to tfte mm a M#** of bus deft/ &amp;im letftrm be b;ougftt mSkIis tebnto 3lanm tfte}&amp;?eafte o? bnto one of ftris wtauiftc# forntes tbe1&amp;?eafteis/9lettfte^aaiobe on mSSSS*** * i9in ef ^"" e rtmtow&amp; toe KCjbaweto Coo?ebe tumeabnto toftrte/ tfte &gt; mt ml, fo?e alfo feme to be lotoer tften tftef brraie of mnt (f&gt;bfefUft/tomft'0furel?alep?of?e/9 let tfte men' &amp;.. SS? W** lofte brm/ 9 1'ubge ftrm bnclene. BSiSni 3lf tftere be but a toftrte plecbe to fbrnne mm, MW* fleft/anDfemenottobelotoertftentfte otberfbtoneno? $ ftarretbewf Wtumebbn*

36 .ttftckpjeriB lfft$p?BpcC matin to Doc

totoftrte:tftcnlettftep?eaffftutft(mbpfcu^ baresf.anoiet tfte ^?caff lobe bpon ftrm tfte bft.0arPf tfte fo?e feme to ftim to atorflearll 9 to gotta furtfter in tfte fbrnne / tftinletfte 0;ead ft utt ftim bp ret.bij.oares moo.ano let tfte i&amp;?eaff lobe on ftrm agarne tfte. bit. bare.Cften rf tfte fo?e be toarcto blacftc ft/9 tg not grotoen ab?obeto tfte fbrnne /lettfte ?eallmabefttoiclene/fo?ftto butafbrtf, no let ftrmtoaafteftf?clotbe$s/9 tften fte 10 clene.55ut9rftftefcabbegtotoetoChrnne after tftat fte 10 fene of tftel&amp;?eatt agayne.Ji tfte^eattfe $ tftefcabbebe grotoen ab?obe to tfte f ftrnne/let ftim mabe ftim ftMfurelralcp?ofre. y%t plage of lep?ofrebe toamS/letftrmi* ^beb?ougftttontotfte^?eaft/ 9lettftep?eaft feftrm.f ftftevr^rngeappeare toftrte intfte

fbrnne/9 ftaue alfo mabe tfteftar?e toftrte/ 9 tftercberatoefleftto&lt;ftefo?ealfo:tften ut an olbe lepjocpe to t fbrnne of ftfts Ceft^na tfte^?eafl;ftaliftibgefttottonc)ene/anbftall not ftutteftrmbp fo? ftetotontlene. I f a lep?ofre b;eabe cutin tftefbpnne anb couer an t fbrnne fr5 tfte ftceb to tfte fcote ouetalltoftetfoeuer tfte1&amp;;eaQ lobeift/ tften let tfte i&amp;?c aft lobe bponftrm. 9 f tfte lep?ofre ftaue t, couctebattftft&gt;ft(fft/ let ftrm iubge tfte h.or.cvttmu Wfeafe clene:fo? to ais mocfte ass fte 10 aitoge= fits fieo;. 9 a, tftertoftrtefteftifterfo^ecleane.^utanbrf 80 ".' "^!"^ 1 tbet be tatoe flefft onfttm tofte fte is f ene/tften C J" K ftetftalbetoncleane,fttfo?etofti f &amp;M9maMinmt&gt; teetfttfteratoeffefft /letftrm toogeftrm bium rcmpdi to clene.jfo?ma$mocfta0fti0flefft&lt;jsratoe/lje ,)C o&gt; IC ' ** i tonciene 9ft'0 fureira true lep?ofre. ffiut 2&amp;22S 9rftftetatoeffelft bepatte agarnc3cfta(ige b?c u vl m f0! i\, bnto toftrte/tften let ftim come to tfte p?eft/ 9 into t\&gt;,t wet lettftep&gt;?eaftfeftrnu3iftftefoo?ebe cftaun*p aa K geb tontotoftrte/iettfte^eafttobgetfte ofe^ffi 5 ' feafe cleane/anbtftenbe i eleane. SSBt *J iffiften tftere tea brie totbe fbrnne of anr n.tgro to u mans fietft 9fi5ftealeb9 after to Replace of ttew. tfte brie tftere appeate a toftrte rrftogetfter afftrnrnge toftrte fomtoftat rebrfft/iet ftrm be fene of v P?eatt .3: t toft en tfte $;ea(t ferto ftrm it appeate lotoer tftan tfte otfter fbrnne 9 tfte ftarze tfterof be eft aiigeb bnto toftfte/let tfte p?eaa tobgeftrm toncleane-.f 0? ft ft a be* rr lcp?ofie/tftat i b?often outin tfte place of tftebrie.55ut 9rf toben tfte^?eaft lobctft on fttftcrebeno toftrte ftar?eistfterinnefter tfte fcabbe lotoer tften (fte otftetfbrnne 9befoto toftat blacbelft/ tftentfte J&amp;?eaft (ftall fftutt ftrmaparte.bft.baresf.'Jf ft fp?ebeab?obe to tfte meane ccafon / tften let tfte |&amp;?eaft toDge ftrm bnclene:fo? iti'0 alep?ofre.55ut 9rf tfte glrfttrnge toftrte abrbe ftriitoone place 9 go no f urtftet/tften it ig but tft c pjtrnte of tfte brle/9tfte^?eallfftalliubgeftrmclearte. tBftentoefbrnneofanrmg0fletoi0burnf fMU toito



, .'&gt;. V

toptb fp?e tbat itbe ratoe 5 tbereappete in &amp; bttmpng a glpftrpng tobpre tbat is fomtobat rebplb 0? aitogetber tobpte/let tbe ?eaft lobebpo ft. 3f W bapjre in tbat b?pgbtueffe be cbaungco to tobpte/ anb ft alfo appeare lotoertbentbecifteerftpnne/tbenftfe a le* p?ofpetbatfeb?oben out of tbe place of tbe bumpng .anbtbe#?eaft fball iucge bftnbn? cleane/fo? ft fe a lep^oC^e. fcut anb pf (toben tftc p&gt;?eatt lobetb onft) be fe tbat tbere fe no tobptebap?e mtbeb?pgbteneae/9i! ftfeno lotoertben tt)e ot^ct CU^nnc/ ^ tfjat it ? alfo blacbetb/tbenlettbe p?caft (but brat bp feue" bs?esJn&amp;pf(tobetbel&amp;?eaft lobetb onbmi tbefeuentboaieittbegtotoen ab?oceintbe fbphne/letbpm iubgebpmbneleanesfo? ft fe

in bfe fozebceoe/ tbenlje 10 fozebeebbabK 9 cleanest u)ere be m baulbeljeeb 0? bauloe fo?el)eeba rebplb tobtte fcabbe/tben tbere ft? lep?ofpe fp?onge top fti bps bauloe &amp;e.eb o? baulbe fo?cbeebe. anb ietrbep?eaft fe ituum pf tbe rpfpnge of tbe fo?e be rebppfbtobpte in ps baulbe ueetie 0? fo?ebeebeaf,teeJ manes of a lep?ofiefn the fnynne of tbe flrflj/u)enbe is a leper a bncleane-.a $?eaft (balUubge bim bncleane/ fo; tbe plage of big beeOnb &amp; tt)C leper in tobometbe plage fe /(ball baue bfeclotbesretabfebcebebare abfe moutb m ogeio/ 5 (balbe called bncleane Jnb as I5g astbebifeafelattecbbponbim/beibalbetott* c leane:(0? e is bncleane / ano (ball tberfo?e


btoell alone/a cue toitbout tbe I) ft (ball bP$ ci iep;oYvr.'dut 9'flt$at Iwglttnefft abfde ^ MftaQwibe. . ftpjlinoneplaceagonoftirtbertnSfbpnne Lffebcriibt plage of lep?ofpcfefna clctb;w JW Sbeblacbetb /tbenitfebutarpfpngin tBe Jtobeeritbelpitfo?toollen/pe atobctbetftK. "-- be in tbe toatpeo? toolfe of the Ipneo? of tbe jgg,*"

place of tbe bmnpnge / a no tbe $&gt;; eatt (ball mabebpmcleane:fo?fttSbut tbe p?pnte of tbe butr.pngecnlp. A iEbeHetbermano?toomanbatbab?ca* bpng out bpon tbebceb 0? tbebcercc M tbe P?eaft reft Jnbpf itappcate lotoertbantbe ciberfftpnne/9metbetberingoiDenbap?es a tbpn/let $ ^?eaft iu*gebpmbncleane/fo? it tea b?eabpng out of lep/ofpe bpb" tbe been 0;;?eaft lobetb ontbe b?cabpnge out) be fe mat ft fe no lotoer men tbe oftcr ffipnne 9 $ tbere ate Wacnebapjes tberin/ let bp m flwtbpm top. til bape*. ana let $ #&gt;?eatt lobe on tbe bpreafe tbcbif .bape: a?ftbetoeafi?ngoutbegonenofo;!tbCTnes tbetbcan? golDen bantftbevin netbee t^t fcabbebeiotoertbcn tbeotbec fb^nne/tben let btm be ajatten/but lett bfti* not Rjaue tbe frabbe*. aletl p^eaftrbutbimbp.bij.DapejJ moo.anblet tbep?caft lobe on tbe b?eabmg tut .bii.bat?e agayne^f tbe b;eabvng out begonenofuttbee in tbefbfnne noj moare lotoet:tbmotbeKfb?nne/tbcnlct p;eaft moge Dvm cleane/anb let bvm toaObebP0 iff clotbe?/a tben be 10 cleanest tbe b^abtng cut gtotoe in tbefftpnnc after eijatbe 15s once iu&amp;geo cleane/let tbe &amp;w&lt;t fee bfot.j f ft be grotoncab?ooe in oebe in tbe fbynnc/ let tlje p?eaft febenofurtber fo?anp golof ba^e?/ fojbefti bncleane. jButanbrf befetbat tbe fcabbe ftanbe ft^l/ a tbere ist olacbe Ham grotonebp tbenn/tbentbefcabbeiu bealeb 3 He tjseJeane:9tbe?caft (halliuoge Ovm cb ane.gjf tbere be founbe in tbmneoftbe flcflj ofman 02 tooraanaglptterfng trbtfe/ lettbe^eaafeft.qpftbereappeareintbeic lle(bagl|flerwigWbtefomtobatWacfier/ tben ft 10 but frebelst grotoe bp m Hb^nne: anbbeWcleane. . J famS0ba??efaHofbttbeeb/tben bc iieeobauloe a cieane.Jifb^bap?? fall before

iojollen-.etber in a fbtnne 0? anv tiling mate jnco nm ofrb?ttne/tftbebsfeafebcpaleo?ronitobatni6Bc.a^i reb^Q) in tbe clotb o? fbpneitobctber it be in c " ? " , !^ l tije toarpe 0? toolfc o; an? tlnjngc fe mabe ff ff ,rj Of fb?nne/tbeniti{aba'plep?ofpe/a muft n ? icpjo^i belbetocbbnto p?eaa.anfttob5tbep?eaft ao^h, reptb plage/letbim (butftbp.bii.ta^es/ 9 lecijvtiilofieon^plagetbe.bii.oape.gfitbe

metcafebin clou):tobetbCTftbein f toarpc 0? toolfe o? ina fftpnne o? inanptbinge tbat is ma be of fftpnne/tben plage ft a ft ea ting iep?ofte/9 ft ijs bncleane: a tbat cloib (balbc burnt/etber toarpe 0? toolfe / tobetber ft be toolleno? l?ne 0? ani? tbtnge tbat i&amp; mabe of tbpnne tobere in u)e plage ifS/fo? it fe a frca* trnge iep?ofpe/a Ibalbe burnt in tlje fp?e. 9 f f p?eaft fe tbe plage ban) f reatl no fur* tbmn tbe clotb:ett)er in toarpe o? toolfe 0? in tobatfoeuer tbpng of f bynne ft be/tyen let %t p?eaa comaunce tbe to toaabe ^ tt)?nge toberintbeplagei0/aletb?m(btrtftbp.bit bapcj&gt;moo Jnbietf p?eaft lobe onftagapte after gtbcplagefe toaflbeb.3!f plagebaue notcljaOgebbW faciontbougbftberp?eb no futtberabjiooe/ftfe petbncleane Jnb fe $vi burnt itin ffv?e/fo? t'tfe freatintoarb-.tobe* tijei- in parte 0? in ail to gettjer . %5ut 9 pftbe pjcaufeiMtfefomtobatbiacbffyaftettbat WigtoaCbeb/letbimrltftoutoftbeclotb/o? cutoftbefbpnneo?outoftoarpeo?toolfe. 38ut a?f ft appeare an? moare intbe clotb etberin tbe toarpe o?fti tbe toolfe 0} in mt tbfttge mabe of fbpnne/tben ft fe a toajringe plageJnbfe f pebumetbatl6fwe/toberi|o?eouer clotb crber toatpc 0; toolfe 0; tobatfoeuer tbing of f b? tme it be tobicb tb ou baft toaaG e b atbe plage be bepar teb fr 5 it/ f ba lb e toaubeb once agapr.atben ftfeeleane.^rbfe fe t lato e of $ plage of lep;o fie in a clotb to&amp;ecbcritbe toolie o.zlineteptber tobetbtt

ettmott^ts;, tobetber ft be in tbe toarpe 0? toolfe/ o? in any tbwge mabe of f&amp;tntte*/ to ftibge ft eleaneo? bncleane. C&lt;Ci)c tkant? ns c otfyt Irpcc/ ana oftlje boute tijst tc 19 Ml; CCbe.rif.bapteri ^btbe?Lo;befpabebnto fi^ofegs ra?ing:*tbfe fe tbe iatoe of a leper toljen be (balbe clenfeo : $e (balbe b?ottgbt bnto Off &amp;m ft / anb tbe &lt;;eatt (ball go out toitbout tbe bofte 9 lobe

bponbfrn.3!f tbe plage of lep;of?e be ttealeb (ntbeleper/tben (batltbe^eaitcSmaunbe tbat tbere be b?ougijt foj bPt tbat (balbe elenfeb ttoo ipupnge bwntfi tbat are cieane/ anb ceoar toobb,' a a pece of purple clotb anb pfopejnb fte Pma (ball cSmaun&amp;e one oftbebv;bes(bebpneb(nan ertbenbedelltt rennrng toater Jnbtbe|E&gt;;eaftQ)alltabe $ ftupng bv;De a t^e cebar toobb a tbe purple atbepfope/ a (ballopppetbf a fte irujnge bv?be intbe bloube of tbe oapne b^oe/ 9in fterlnpng toater 9 fp?pnbleftbp5 btm Wat muftbeclenfebofbKSiep^ofpe feuentpieis anb clenfe b?m/9 (ball let tbe Ipupnge bvtb goofreftitotbefeioeis. 55 mnbbeSfeclenfebfballtoaabebfeelotbef! 9 (baue of all ijfe bap;e/9 to aftb ban felfe in toater /a tben be feeleane. ami after tbat be Qmilcomeinto $ bofte/but (bailtat?etofu&gt; out b fe ten t.bii baf e0,nsb n tbe fcue'tb oape fe come/be (ball (baue of all bfe ba^e botbe bpon bfe beabe ^W berbe 9 onbt* b jotoe s*. 9 tnl alt m bawe g fe on b im/O) alb e (bauS of all toaftbebfe clotbe.s 9 bfe fleftj in toater/anb tijen be (balbe eleane. ainb toben .biij.Dapefecome/letbfottabe tf.iambe0 toitbout birmptye 9 a petoeiambe of a pete olbe toitboutblempu)/anb.fti.tentb bealeff of f pne flour e f 0; a meatoffrfng mpn^ 3S*R, * glebtoftb ople/anb'a logge of ople.cban let n mwfuw * e ^i^ft * mabetb bpm cleane/bmrge *e ajnjng. b .man e fe mabe cieane tb tb of e tbmg; before MnarccfbeTUifte bntotbeoo^eof u)e tabernacle of vttnw. toptneOe Jnoiet tbe^eaft tabe one of %t Iambe0 9 offer bim f 0? a trefpaceoffringe/9 tbe logge of opie: anb teauetbem befo?etbe ?Lo?be. anb tben letbimflee tbelambein tbe place tobere tbe fpnneoffftmge 9 tbe burnt*

offrpngareflapne:euf intbebolpplace. iff 0? as tbefpnneoffrpng fe/eue fo fe tbe trefpace ^ Offn'ng tbe $;eafteftfo? ft femooft bolp. flt bm let dje^eaft tabe of tbe bloubof trefpaceoffring/9putftbp0 tbetpppe of tbe rpg&amp;t ; tare of btm tbat fe cienfeb/abpon m tbombeofbp0rpgbtebanbe/9bp5tbe great too of bPS rpgbte foote. cbenlettbe |9?eaft fabeoftbeloggeofople/apoureitlntotbe Palme of bwicftebanoe/a opppebPUrpgbt fpngetintbeopiegfein^ palmeofbfeleft


banb/9letbimfp?pnblefttobfefpnger.bfi'. tpmejs before tbe )Lo?be. anb of tbe tea of t^t opie tbat fe in bp* banne/fbaii u)e p?eaft PutbpS tbetpppe of rigbte caw of bpm i 1* clenfeb/abpon tbetbombeof bvs rpgbte b'anbe/a tops tht great too of bfe rigbte 1 otr. mm bpon tbe bloub of tbe trefpaceoffnnge. anntberemnaunteoftbe opletbatfein the ^eaftegbanbe/belball pourebpotbe beeb Of bpmjtbatfjsclenfeb-.afo (ball n)e freafte mabe an attonemet fo? btm before /lo?De. rben let tbe ^eaft offer tbe rpnneoffring 9 mabe a n attonemet f 0? b tm tbat fe clenfeo fojbfebnclenneffe.anbtben let butntof* frpnge beflapne/9 lettbe pzeaft put botb tbe burntoffrpng a tbe meatoffrpng bpo tt)c a'i= tet:9mabeanattonemftfo?bpm/ a tljenbe (balbe cieane. 3lf be be poo?e a can not sect rornocb/tbenletbpmtyinge one lambe fo? a trefpaceoffrpng to toaueit aitomabean at* tonemft fo? bint/a a tetb beale of fpne floure mpnglebtb oplefo? ameatoffring/a a logge of opie/a ttoo turtpll boues 0? ttoo poflge pi* geonUtobicbebefeabletogett/alettbeone be a fpnneoffrpng a $ otber a burntof fring. anbletbpmbjpngetbe'tbe.biii oape fo?bfe m clenfpng bnto tbe JB?eaft to bo?e of tbe f a= bernacie of toitneffe bef o?e tb e )Lo?be. anorectbe^eaatabetbeiambetbat is tbe trefpaceoffrpng 9 (be logge of opie/atiD toauetbembefo?etbe jto?be. anbtobenttje lambe of tbetrefpaceoffrpnge fe fipiieb / tbe

l&amp;?eaft (ball tabe of tbe bloub of tbetrefpace offrpng/aputftbpo tbetpppe of bferpgbre earetbatfeclenfeb/atoponmetbombeofbfe rigbte banbe/anb bpon tbe greate too of bpsi rpgbt fote Jnb tbe J@;eaft (ball poure of tbe oplemtobpsrpgbtebanbe/ 9 (ballfp?pnble toftb bfe fpnger of tbe opietbatfe inm left banbe reu en tpmeu before tbe iLo;ae , anbtbeJ&amp;?eaft(ballputon tbe opie tbatia ttTbfebanbe{bp5tbetpppeoftberigbteeare ofbpmtbatfe clenfeb/9 bpon tbetbombeof bfe rpgbte banbe/abpontbegreattooofbfe rigbte fote:eue in tbepiace tobere tbe bioube offtetrefpaceoffring toajs put Jnb tberefte of tbe opie tbat fe in bfe banb/ be (ball pbuce bpon tbe \}eeh of bpm tbat fe mabe an attbneme t fo? bpm bef o?c tbe % :oe Jnb be (ball offer one of tbe turtpll boues 0? of poflge ptge on s/rocb e as be can gett-.tbe one f 0? a fpime offerpnge 9 tbe otber fo? a burnt* offrpng bp5 tbe alter Jnb fo mail tbe i?eaft mabe an attonemet fo? bpm tt)at is clenfeo befo?etbe X-o?be. cbPS fe tbe latoe of bpm tbatbatbtbeplageofiep?ofpe/tobofebanbe fenotable togetttbat tobpebpertapnetb to

bp^cjeinrpnge C/WSmi

JnbmeHo?befpabebnto flSofesaaato 1 faplng-.tobefl pe be come bnto tbe lanbe of Ca &amp; UiiU naan



naan tttycb % geucpouto poffeffe-.pfj put the plage of lepjofpe m anpbouffe of^laitoc ofpoutepoffedpon /let bpm that otoctt) the boufe go 9 tell the p?eatt toping :metbpnfic that tl&gt;ete ft a0 it toere a lep?oip iti house, and n)ep?eatt all comaunbe themtorpb alltbpng out of the bouffe/befoje the^eaft goo in to fe the plage -.that be mafie not all that 10 fothehouGe bncieane / atio then the onRK Vtbeweattretftatthepfage taM

to anp avm oftbebouae/fttbattbetebeholotoe atafie0 tDcctopcrta^paipcjje^ftoht'cftfemetobelotoetthm? npngc/ttberop ;.. . *r &amp; tii / Mien i* Hi* 1&amp;n&gt;a fl-

of lepjofpe ft bjeafipng out/ of the leftofye of clothe anbbouflfcanb of ti&gt;finge0/fcabbe0 anb glptterprtge tobpte / to teacbe toben a u)i&gt;ngi0 bncieane 0} cleane. cbt? iatoe oflepjorpe, CUClic mane* of put-fling tbe tontlennBOtbe of mm anowcincn, ra$t,jffi. chapter. ifi&amp;ti)c%ow (pane bnto $$ott$% )i a aaron fapinge:&gt;peafiebnto ^cbplbj? of 3'ftae!/ ftfapebnto tbe"'. _ fruetpman that hath a runnjnge poue in fip0fle/i0 bncieane bpdje reafon ofbp0p(tue.anb berebp allitbe finotone tobenhetfbncleane.lf In^fle ermine/ o? pf bP0 fie ft ccngele bp the reafon of bjtf ffllte then hei0bncleane.cuerp couche toljeron he ipecb anb euerp tbpng tabcronbe fpttctb thai

Sffi 6 ' ctbet partC0 of the toall/ tbenlet the ;raft IniflSmsc W go outattbebouffebo?e0/ftutbp 6 bouffe me m Dciti) of to?.bitbape0.anblet pjeaft comeagapne toBF m f t\yt feue"tb Dave a fe the plage be macs SUco i* ' tbe toaiw of the bowTe/let thet&amp;jeatt m an cuci w a fa&amp; place toitfiout the cttte/ a fcrape the ail toa btt ctofbe*/* ban} bpm felfe totta * SouffetSthin roumie about* poure out the toater/anb be bncieane Wltbeeuen. SSSSttt&amp;ecettem afXplace.anb ^mS^S&amp;ESffSSSt lettbemtafie other ttone0/ft puttbemmebe toabp0clotbe0anbbatbebjm MfcWgQ piaceSofSofeaone0/anftot5etnio?ter/anb toater/anb be bncieane *mWMW*M. SS55wtoaH.3riwtotbepiage ano betbattottcbetb W ft* g**g mSSSmAmiim% houae/aftec W* clothe0/anb bathe bpm felfe to toato/g that tfiepbaue tafie atoape the ftones 9 fcra* be bncieane bnto the euen. ?W9$g pK&amp; ^onbwitbatigcleane/bentufttoaabeb^ B^etoetbe^eaftcome?re.tJno ^^WJS^ , ffifi2^ pf tben he perceaue that tlje plage fiatb eate ^^S^S^tS^SSSttSSS *

eWehou(re/tl)enltfeafvettngeie* SrtBSJSfiSBBSlSSBtBffO pjofietbattainthebotuTe/ stct0 bncieane. anbtobofoeutttoucjjetbanp WWJ 1WW Kmtbep ajaub/eafieboune * hcuffe: botft bnberbpm /fhalbc bncieane bnto^ee uen. a cavte it out of the ritpebnto a foule place, toafb W* dolbtf/ai batbeb?mfeKein tea Sr oMouer he that goetb in to the b outte all ter a be bncieane bnto tbe mm/ anb toftof b* $^A%SSbp/Sdte bncieane ^SM^^*?^MSK bMi nRjbbnb be that flepeth in n)e bouae W m*# tSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SaUtoaWebWclctbW^heairothateatetb ftbathehpmfelferntoater/anbbebncUane - Sutanbvf the^eaftcome ftfe that tut fellof crtbttrbalbeb?o8emanbaUbe(rel0 o plagehatbfp?efienofurtberinthehouCeaf s toobb Jbalbet?nem&gt; in toater. ttr Sneto plaoeteb/then lethim mafie it i^iben be that bath an vm it cjenfeb of cleane/fo?tbeplagei0bealeb. anblethuni Wf^*^SSSSSlZ&amp;^iSS&amp; tafie to elenfe the bouce tofth albttoo bvW &amp; rteane/ft toaOheb'0 clot&amp;e fl/anb bathe w mStoSm Purple clothe ft yfope. anb let fletb in runmjnge toater/ft tben be i clea ne. toitbttWngtoater:fttafietbecebartool)b/ S^^SSJ^SaSS^tSSSJteS the?fope/tbepurpIe*tbeTru?ngbp?be/anb tbe^o?bebntotbebo?eoftb^tabewa(!ie bpppethemVntbeWtbeof tbeoawe bbe to^eae/ftgeiie ^ESSSSSfffStSS nttbetiinnwigtoater/9fp?inBlebpontbe theJ&amp;?eaftfballoffertbe:tbeonefo?aftnne ftouoe tmm tw*l 9 cttnfetfte bouCe toitb ^ngc/anbtbe other fo? a bumtoWpng; J theblouboftbe bm ^toitbf running tea* mane an attonemft fo?bmt before tbe %M tern toitb (be lwwngb#o/stottb tbe cebar a0 concernpngebP0?flue. -^.a.^^, toob?/anb the imTuSuft purple clothe. ^Hffija^SHS&amp;S^JS anbbe tbanietttbe ftnnjnge bp;be(lee oute ^^^S^SS^SS^!SSi of tbe totone in to tbe to^lbe felby ft fo mafie fmMm*^*S JKSJSSSSS an attoncment fo; the houffe / ana it fl?a!be furroJ tob/ron 1 fucht tfeeb ' fJa uM tbawe tlcane,cb^tbe latoeof aWmano; plage toaflbeb^ toaW?bC bncieane wito tben^

" anb?fatoomanlvetovtbfocbeaone/ tbep Clbaltoafi) them felueg toitb toaterftbe bn* cleane bnr^cuen. o5- iffihf a toomSg natural! courfe of biotta runnetb/fte O)albeputaparte.bif.bape0 ; ft tobofoeuet toucl;eth ber Ibalbebncleanebn to (lit euen.anb all $ me l?etb oj fptteh bp0 a* longe a0 n)e 10 put a parte malbe bn= dene .anb b)l)ofoeuer toucben) her couche lballtoaQ)bt0clothe0ft batbebpm felfe t&amp; jcoater ft be bncieane bnto tt}t eu5.ahbtobo* foeucrtoucheth anptbingetbat (befatbpg/

roalltoambw clott)^ fttoaOjehvmfelfealfo mteater/ft be bncieane bnto the eue:fo that tobetber he touch ber couche 0? my tbfttge tobereon e liatb f?ttc/be albe bntlene bn to tbe euen/anb yt a man ipe toitb ber in tbe meane tpme/be (baibe put apart e \oa&amp; tocll 80 (be ft fljallie bitcleane.bti.bate0/ftallbi0 couche tobewn ije Qepeth (balbc bncieane. m. c5- (hen a iomS0bloube runneth longe ^tfmexout of the tpme of her naturall courte: 80Ionge a0 her bncienneffe roneth/ (be Ojal be bncieane after the maner 80 tohenQ)ei0 put a Ijtr coucbe0 toberS (he iretb 80longea0berf&lt;Tuelauetb)(baibebntober 80ber couche toben me 10 put a parte .anb tobatfoeuer 0?c fpttetb bpS/lbaibebncieane 80 (0 ber bnclennefle tobe Q)e i0 put a parte, anb tobofoeuet touchcth them / qjalbe bn* cleane/ ft (ball toadbe bvst clotbc0 anb faa th e bim felfe in tea tec ft be bncieane bnto mm. oS-JBut^f (be be cleane of bfcfflkte / lett ber codec ber feuenoatw after $ et'0 cleane, anb tbe.biif.bape let ber ta fie ttoo tuttifis 0? ttoo podge pigeon0 ft b^pnge tljem bnto tbe p;eaft bnto tbe bo;e of tabernacle of topt^ neffe. anb tfiep^eaft mail offer tbe onefo;a f pmieoBrpnee/anbibe other fo; a burntoffe* rpngcanftfonialie anattonemetfo? ber be* t m tfie)Lo?be/a0 concernpnge ber bncieane pffue,o5'fll5afie tbe cbplb?e ofgifraeltofiepe tbem felue0 from their bncienneffe/tbattbep bpe not in their bncienneffe:toben tfiep b aue beftleb mp habptacf on that i0 amonge them, titbte i0 the latoe of fipm $ batbatun* npngefo;e/ ft of btmtohorefeeb rtmnetb frS bim utbi00epe fti0 befpiebtfiertoitb/anb of ber that ha th an paue of bloube 80 longe a0 ftei0put a parte/ anb oftofiofoeuerbatb a tunnpnge fo?e tobetber it be m8 03 tooman/ anbof bpm tijat fiepeth toptfi her that i0bn cleane. CWftat aat6 imidbO oi6e inter mto tbtgofinftet Etie clcanfjiig of tbe fanctuacpo? 6oIpclaccjf ib fiartt of cIcaiifpiiB.aaron tSttattit tfic fpnnr* of ibe menof3ftatloiitbcl5Ut gootfi miltttb at bponbpbcco. CCbe.ybi,CBapfet.

i5b tfieiLo?bc fpafiebntoSBofeffa

after beech of ttoo fonne0 of *&amp; aaron / toben tfiephab offereb be* ifo?eo)ejLo?beftbseB:ant)hefapB bnto 0ore0:rpeafiebntoaarontbpb2other fbegonotatalltpme0intotbeholpplace/ that t"0 toitbih tbe baple tbatbangetfi be^ fo?ethetnercpreatetohtchi0bp5?arcfie _-. ,. w bpon tfie mercpfeate. fmouc of the 5eutoftbi0 man erftail aaron gootntonic. tfie fiolp piac itb a bullocfi f 0? a tpntteof* ferpnge / ft a ram fo? a bumtofferpnge. ano belfiallputtbe holp Ipnenalbe bpon bpm/ anb allbauea lpnenb?echebponl}i0fle(i)/ anb (fiallgp?be bim topth a ipne gp?beli/ana Puttlieipnenmprrebponbi0beeoe:fo?tfiep arebolpra?mente0,anb he fljalltoafibelipg flerfitoithtoater/anbputihemen. 3tnD i;e^ all tafie of the multttube of the chplb^e of * 3ifraelttoo be gooteg fo? a fwneofferpnge anb a ram f 0? a bumtofferpnge. anoaaron 0)all offer the bullocfi fo?bp0 fpnneoffrpngftmafieanattonemetfo? bpm anb fo? b(0 boufre. anb be all tafie th e ttoo goote0 ftp?efenttfif before u)eB,o?betnthe bo;e of tbe tabernacle of toitneffe.anbaar9 ail caftlotti; ouertbe.ii.goot^:onelottefo? tbe7lo?be/ftanotberfo?aftapegoote. ami aaron all bjpnge tfiegoote bps tobt cij the )Lo?be0 lotte f ell/ft offer him f 0? a fpnneoffe* rpng.)5uttbe go ote on tobicb tfie lotte f ell to rcape/heallfett;alpue before %otf;e to reconcple toitb ft toletbim goofre in to thee toplcwne&lt;fc.anbaar3al!b?pngctbebul* loefi of hi0 fpnneoffrpng/ ft recbcple f 0? bpm felfe anb fo? fii0 Douolbe/anb fipllbim. anb tben be all tafie a cenfer full of bur npng cole0 out of the alter that i0 before tfie )Lo?be/anbbi0banbfullofftoetecen0beten fmaUftb?pngetbemtoitbinebaple ft put the cem bpon t^e fire before t^t %om: that the cloubc of the cen0 mape couer tbe mercp feate that i0 bpon the toprneffe / that hebp* not * anbhe ft all tafie of the bloube offte*$*i*.i bullocfi ftfp?pnfileittoitbhi0fpger before Cbenftallbe fiplitbe goote that 10 the people0 fpnnecfftpnge/ft typnge bi0bloube

tottbinebaple /anbbootopn) bP0 bloube a0bebpbtottbtbebloubeoftbebuilocfi/anO let him fp?(nfilete totoarbtfie mercpreate/ anb before the mercpfeate:anb reconcple tbe bolp place from the bnclenneffe of the chpl= b?mof2frael/anbftomtheirtrefpace0ft all ... tbeft fphne0. anb f olet fipm booairo bnto&amp; tfie tabernacle of toptnefletfiat btoelletb tt rfiem/euen amonge tbeir bnclemteffc0. *anb there albeno bobpe m thetabemai. jA,Lg cleoftoftntoe/tobmbegoetbtnto mafiean f,b, atto


^** atttmmentmtbefiolpplace/bnrpibe come onWW ttwtt daft* !* W? **$$$*$.

cut agapn, 3nbbe ttjallmaBeanattoneme't fo? bint feife ana fo?bf*bputt)oiDe/fr fo? all tbemulrttuheof3!frael,benbettjailgoout bnto the altertbat ttSbctb before :tftc&gt;Lo?ac/ anb eeconcp le it/anb ttjall tafie ofthe blottbe ofthe bullocWftbebrflitae ofthe goote / auutitjopont^eljojnee of the altarerounbe aboute / anucp^ncfiie of tbebloubebpon ft tortb hi* fpngee feuen tpme*/anb clente ft/? balotoe itfromthebncienneffe* of the cbpis o?enofg[fweI. - _ B 3nDtobenbcbat6mabeanenbeoftec5cp ungetbebolpplacefctbetaberttacle ottoitc neae the altet/ietbim b?inge $ ipue goote anoietaatonput both hi* banbe* bpon the beebe of thelpue goote/ ijconfefleouerbpm

allthempfbeabe* of tbecbplb?en of Jftaell/ anb theft Mtpace*/anbaU theft tpnne*:anb lethimputtbembpon thebeed of tbe goote afenbebtmatoape bptbebSbe*of one that t* acopnteb in the toberne&lt;re.ainb the goote Challberebponhmtall tbeirmprbeade* bn* to the toplbemeffe / anb he all let the goote goofreinthetoplberneae. . . , ' . anuietaawngoonttothetabemaeieof toptneffe ? put of the Ipnen clothe? ih 1 1 D he patontohenhetoentftiwito the hoi? place/ Sieauetbemtbere.aittb lettbpmtoaabe W

anbreconepietheboipfanctuarp anb the ta bernacleoftoitneaefrtbealtet/afljallmafte an attonement alfo f o? the watte* 9 fo? all the people of tbecogtegaciS .3tnu tbi* ttjal* bean*euerlatt(Kge o?bpnauncebntopouto* lostau mane an attonement fo? the cbplb?en oC3Jf* mto&lt;m&lt; rael f 0? all theft fpnne* once a pete:$ ft tea* Done enen a* the %om cSmaunbeb iI0ofe*, C3H tacnfpce mutt be 6?ou8l}t to flje Bo?c of )c ta# bctnaclc.Htb ocuclu mftf tb,cv not offer* MJlonbc ano all bflMti ib fo Mtiticit tijem. be.rbft.Cbapter, , M m the %om talfteb tortb 2ore* * fapinge-.fpeabe bnto aro f bnto * hi* tonne* and bnto all the cbtloje nfcyri-flrt anb fape bnto tbem/tbf* &lt;* the tbpnge tohftb g 5Lo?&amp; charged taping: tobatfoeuetbebeoftbeboitfeofafraeithat bplletbanore/ ISbeo? goote in the bofteo? out oftbehotte anb b?pngetb them notbnto the Do?e of the tabernacle of toptneffe/ to of* feranofferpnge bnto the Jlo?de before the Dtoellpnge place of ttjeiLoeDe/blouDe (bal= be imp u t co bnto tb at m an /as though he hab

ttjeb bloube/anbthat man ttjail pet pfb from amonge hi* people. iherfo?eiettbecbplb??qf3Ffraelb?pnge


their offerpngs wSSSSi^W^^J^^ mo tfte ^o?oe:euen bnto the bo?e of the ta* WE&amp;Sm 1 1 ithen come outanb offer bernacle of toptneffe ano bnto the pjeatt / 9 S Co&amp;ngeanb the burntoffrp ng.of offet; them fo? ty e peace c . ferpnge* bnt o the SeycoPie/anDmaheanattoncnict foMjim KLo;bJnbthep;eattO)allfp;nfile Wouw53 ^w(BeiSe/9tbef8ttof*eftit. bponthealtei:ofthelLo?Bemtheijo?eofthe offeSietSburne bpon the altet.anb tabernacle of to^ncae/ anbbutne the fatt to *ftthiml Sebfojth $ fcapegwft/toaahe be atbjetefauouwbntothe)Lo?6e.anblett *&amp;rtSfi5WBfcll3ftitoJtt:/f themnomoateoffeetheftoffetwige*bnto %9l Seomeintothehofteagapne. oeupl*/aftertohomthepgoantohoo?pnge;boBci ^SebulbJChofthefWfetpnge^the 3nbtbi*0)albeano?bi&gt;naunce *mm*m J BoSfttefiofferpng(tohofebiouiieb3a* toroutho?otoout?ouwgeneracpon*. MS KSffi^^w* , e W anathmtttjaltfapebmothem:tohatfO' ; | Xi place) let one caeje out topthoutthehottej 6umemtbfvie:both theft wme* / theft

that offeteth abutntoffecpnge pffetpngeanb b^pngethftnoti


mSSZIvw cometntothehotteagapne. ofthe tabemacleof toptneffe to offeebnto mmt

[ S'sH/ci rpy.ff^p.c. ffiaiiatooifieatamtohetheeftbeoneof tourneamongepoutbat*eatebanp man ee5t B ^

humble p out e

oftbefeufth h' 9

SefcKSafttaunget Satfofoutnetft of bloube/atopUfett mpface agapntt that 5SepS/fo?Sbaiebauanattonemrt fcwKthateateftWouh/^topllbettj^ehim hnSefo;pwttocienpouRomaHpoute fl;omamoteht*peopte/fo?thelpfeofthe fpnne* befwe theiLoab/ i m mi be cleane. flettj i* in the bloube/anb 3! baue geu e ft bn&lt; mtmbt a^abboth ofrettbntopou /anb topmtbpontheattef/tomaheanatton^ vt (bauhumbie pouw foule* / anb ft albe fo? pourefouie* / /o?blouoe Jball maftear i an Snaunce fo? euee. attonemet fo? mefoule.3nbtbetf0?e5' fapue anbthcp?eaft taatt*anopntebtohofe bntothechplb??ofgiftael:fethatno fouleof hanoetoa*fpneb to mpnittte in hP* father* , poueatcblouoe/no?petanpttraunger tha t tteabe/(baUmlietfteatt(mm5t9ftallpuc'rrfmimethamongetom

lbatfoeuermanttbeofthechplD?enof g"fraelo?of ttrao"ger*g foiourne am5ge poughonteth* catcbetbanpbeett 0? foule I mapebe eate/he fbal poure out the blouoe acouerittoith erthe /fo? the ip/e of all flettj ?2&gt;t* inthe blouoe/ tbeefo?e'3 fapue bnto the jfionttptc* chflD?e"of 9|frael*pe than eate the bloube of nomanerof flettj /fo?thelpfeofall flettj is mhi*bloub/anob)hofoeuertherfo?e eaten) ittyaltperpttj. 3Pnbbihattoeuerfou!eftbe i eateththat tohfth &amp;pebaioneo?tobPcb tea* to?ne toiti) biploe beette&amp;tobethertt be one of poure felue* 0? ttraunger/he ttjau toafllje hi* clothe* Qtoathebfm felfembias ttm ttjalbebncleanebnto the euen / 9 then i*hecreane. ut anb pfhetoaOhe them not no;teaflbebi*flettjbe ttjallbearebf* fptme. ff.VOBatocgrctcof feyni'co ma? marpclo gca(t)ctf tuhatiior. ' &lt;the4'biii.crhaptee. i9bthe?Lo?De taisea toith fiacre* fapinge : fpeahe bnto the cbilb?en 'of qfraei/arapebnto them/ 9 am ''tyenom poure on. H0herfo?e

aftctf tbe tcF'gc* ofthe lahbe of Cgppte tohettn pebtoelt / te thatpeoob not : nether after the bcptigc* of thelanoe of cabaan/ tehethec3' tofti b?pnge pou/nether toalfie pe g"Kj* in their o?binaimce**but bo after mp iubge* i3ltr.ii mentc*/afif Pempne o?bpnaflce*/to toalfie imurr* thetm . f0? 51 m t [ )e % om poure d5ob.teepe therfo?e nipnc ojopnaunce * / anb mp fubge* mente* toln'chcpf aman boo he (ball Ipue therbp:fo?q am tlje )Lo?be. e^- &gt;ethatpegotononeofpourenpghett iipnrebfo?tobncouer their fecrette*/ fo?3l amthe)Lo?be.l)efecrette*ofthpfathet9 thp mother/ fethou bnbpll not:tt)e i* tbp mofher/thet^e ttjaltthounot bifcoucrher ftctctte* . cl;e fecrette* of thp father*topfe ttjalt thou not bifcouer / fo?thepatethpfa 38ther*fecrEnX.Ehou Ojalt not bifcouer p?e uitecf (bpfpa cif baughter of thp father 0? cfn)pmobcritohechertt;ebebo?neatbome . o?teithout.f boufljaltnctbncouerthe fes cwttj of tbpfonnc* caughter o?thpbaugh= ter*baughter/fo? t* thpne atone p?eu(te: houmaltnotbncouerthe fecrette* oftbp fathet* Yomn baughtet;/ tohicb toe bare to flip father / fo? W i*fl)P fptter ; thou ttjalt ttevfo?e not bifcouer her fecrette*. chou ttjaltnotbncouerthefecrett^ oftbpfather* fptter/fo?lbei*thp father* nerte ftpnttoos man.!rhou ttjalt not bpfcouer the fecrette* of thp mother* fpttcr/fo? Oje i* thp mother* Iterte hpnftoomau. 65- chou (bait not bncouer the fecrette* of thp father* b?other:tbat i* thou ttjalt not go m to hi* topfe/f 0? ttje (* thpne atonte. :hott WattnotWfconert^ fecrette* of thpoaug^

tertnfatoefljet*rhp fonne*topfe:therfd?e bncouernother fecrette*. djouttjalt not C bnhpll the fecrette* of tbpbjotber* topfe/ for that i* thp b?otljer5 p?euptc.'SEhou ttjalt not bPfcouerthep?eupte* of thctopft^her Daughter alfo /nether (halt thou tafiebee

fonne*Wughtcro?herbaughter*baughter tohncduer their fecrette / thep atebet nejete Uph/ft toete therfo?e toihioneffctfrh on (bait nottafteatopfe* hcrfpfter therto/tofaere her g thoutooRieft openher ft cretR a* iSgc a* ttjelpueth.b.ou ttjalt not gobntoatoo^ m8t,obneduerherp?euftie'a*logea* ttje i* put a parte fo? her bncienneoe. 03* *hou **w';i* ttjaltnotlpet!tthpnepghboHr*topfe/tobe= fpiethPfeifeher.hou ttjaltnotgcue of m* feebtobffer ftbnto 6 floioch/g thou be a. m^uttti file notf name of thp gob/fo? 9 am p %w. ** M "t b c ' &amp; hou ttjalt not ipe topth maftpnbe a* tt SESS^ l;? toomanftpitbe/fo? p i*abominacion. &lt;Ehou mSA" ttjalt Ipe tt no menrs of beettc to befpie thp S;m^ felfe tbettoftb/ ntrtjer (hall anp looms ttBbe "oft* " iwmk oefo?e a beett to ipe boune therto/f 0? that is gwf*"- abbominacion. cdf)efiienotpourefelue*inanpofthere tbing5/fo?ttattthefeth(nge*arethefe na* cion* the ISbe (* befiicb/^ 3: topii birett th e toiftebs nefletfjerofbponit/9 theianbe (ball fpetoe wither (nhabtter*.* feepepc h)erfo?e mpne . r ; ,. b?Dtnaunce*9(ubgemete*/afethatpe c5** w * w * mpttnoneofthefeabom(nart0*:netheranp ofpouno?anpttraunger t^atfoiournetha^ mSgepou(fo?allthefe abhominacis* haue themenofthelanbebonetohicheteerethere befo?epou/athelanbi*befpieb)lettthatthe fanbe fpetoepou out tohe pe haue beftleb ft/ a*ft(petoeb out the nactg* that toere there befo?epcu.JFortobofoeuttttJallc5mpftanp ofthereabhominaciB*/thefamefoulE*thaf commpttbe ttjallpenttj from amongetheft peopIe.herfo?e re thatpe ficpe mpne o?bf* ftaunce*/thatpe compttnone of thefe mo* mihable cuttome* tobich toeretSroptteb be? fo?epou:thatpebefilenotpourereiue*ther* tofth fo?3!amthe)Lo?bepoure&lt;!5ob. tr.% rrpcfpcion of cccfapne latere ptttapnitig to tit r.cominaimotmBtcs.a conCpbttccion fo? tlic poo; Vototoc ougiif (0 11103c tpgb tcouflp.eoto toe ou$t not to be aucngco. Wptcgcraf f 10 fo?bpsficn he.jijc.hapter. iQb the Horn fpafee bnto fl^ofe* -

fapengifpeabe bnto all the tmtttf*! tubeoffljechflb;fof3!frael/?fape* a eu&lt;.fj &lt; ji. bntothe.*^ebolpfo?'jtheXo?b.wu. pourenfiioDam holpe.^&gt; e that pe feare euerp mfihf*faher ahi* mother/* ppe fiepemp "babothe*/ fo? 5f am t he %ffit poure &lt;Sob; e ttjalt not rurne bnto pbollt; no? mahe pcu gobbe* of merall:jamrbe %nb poure &lt;sm. mm



pfcteb al mane* of ttee0 tobere of meneate/ j"t w M ?e qjallftofte tUSuncrtcaeiftn ajeScctnpng ggjj cumcifcb bnto pou $ all not be eate or/ano humi W tbe fourtb p ere all $ fwite ojtbejbalbe bolp . aacceptabietot&amp;e /u&gt;?be.3!nbtbe ftftft pere miw. thaw pe eate of tbe ftute om/j settee mi W mcreafe of tbetmgi am tbe :il,ojbe poure tf 5ob.*fe(balleate notbpngetttbe biowoe/^r pe ftallbR uobjfttfcrafte/ no? dbferue Wfc* WMi


immi kv v*v vw. r" !O(ferpnge0 bn* ,rotbe7lo?b/pemalloffectbemtbatpemaje &amp;eaWc&amp;Jnbft(balbe eatStb* fomeoape wom*ftontb*emo,20toe/buttobatfoeiier is lefte on the 0MW* tbalbe burnt in tbe 55 fyjt&amp;f ft be eate ft tbpjwoape/ft aaftettg cfeane snot accepted. 8ntibtbateatetbft flmllbeeebfefiNwc/becaufebebatbDefjlefl

. tbebalotocstbpnge0oft&amp;e;ilo#e/anbtbat $mtm ttc 6 bjWcb t0 left bebpnb m ttjf baruett . f bou ictnctomaftca flwicnotpmciternall tftfbpneparbcciene/. stem* gg eo.Wttboulbaltleatteti)5 fetfeftfr $ (traunger.l am tbexoflpoure fott^. C yefoaiinotttealenetberlpe/nctberDeale , falfelponetottb anotbee.*?e (bannrtftoere |alnotbeg0etbl?neppjbouretoftb.capl&lt;

lacions/nefeettobbebmiWoiw^/mftee M*e Wftnat* laboute abpae tottbi tbe - bm^ltbemom^e.cbou)^notci^e | tfleDcaffe/nctbetput a &amp;0blpnge Wocfte be. foietbeblpnfcbut (bait leave tbp 0ob3 1 am ^roe iloibe.yelballboo no bnepgbteoufnes *t.3M. *- 95 am tbellojb*bon [ ^J* W&amp;o.'u.c. feeeur tbpnebart butlbalttn anptopiere* buBetbpnepgbbout: g tbou bete not . ^^fJfabelbottftaftnotauegetbvfelfe fJK: tfiu ScWenttbpmpnbe agapntt foftff tKa. Sen of tbppeopie/btft (bait lone tb?nepo&gt; :.catc\imapt ftcemwieo?u(naunce0. fl ^etnoneoftt)? Vita tiatnce: put on anp garment of ipnen nMSSS&amp; moeftc uirt a r of am anbaw t ot)00 ta# a tooman mat fcMWV^ttffi&amp;jmb W&amp; bencmeoleb toptb an of l edc WMd febuttbel foaflnotbie/becaure ftetoagnot mn V t not be JgJJjg * ^ h C Q&gt;aUb?pnge fo? bps tret* s )DC9 mapr a ttcfpacf of ftpngcXnb $ p;caQ ibaiiniauc not bempttairt ^,yntietfo2bpm Vbtte ram of r&amp;ettefc


mfKof tbpbmoe. w ye wall nottfttoujw flefl)foranffou(efJfaBe/ no? pn&gt;nte anp matbejj bpSfou.a am tbe jLojo.c&amp;ou (bait notponutetbpbaugbtev/tbattboutoolDett majntenebeeto be an toboo?e:ieft tbc fanoc

fantbtobo^fljome/anbtoayefull of toefcea* neffe.^Dt gsebepemv S&gt;abbotbe0 * Rate mi fanctuatp: gj am ft e Tlo^iie . cutne not to tbem tbat too#e pMmm I netbet re* gaibcfte tijatobreruetit&gt;remaU ba?efi stbat tebehotoef?ieob.tbem/fo?3! am tfie&amp;ojo poitte (15od, W4&amp;m (baltrtftbpbefo?etbeboo?ebeb/ # areuetencetljefaceoftbeoU&gt;ma$D|eai&gt;fl)j , nott/fo?3J amt^e'JHo;oe *gt a ataungetio-- *etm\ fournebptftein poure lanue/fetftatte w ' Bimhof-jSutlett ty ftrafigertftatbtoelle^ tof th pon/bea? one of poute feiueis / loue bnna!Jtbpfelfe/fo;petoetettra(iget!8intBe ranoe of &lt;cg?pt.3l amtbc ^ojbepoute &lt;25ob, odrMaHDonobnttgbteoumejJ (ntuoge* ihent netber mmeteKetoe &gt; toe?gbt o? mea* tore.58ute (ball b true balance? / true iijepgbt^/aitniecpba aattuebm.a am tbe )lO?Bepoure)tobicbb?ougbte ppnout of tbelano of &lt;g*pt / tbatpe (buioe obfetue aamwie p?ttnaunce0 anbfubgemente? anb ttafjpe (buloeltepe(bem:3lamtbe %m. . iTdCbev t&amp;at scucof tbcfv feee ttoloc^ftaliwe rtce?ojc.)tbccgooBl?av(0 netttfaeje MWMrt in tSmcntotaltljcfl. be.Kc.cbapter. ^ j#Dtbe&amp;o?oe talneo toftb Spofe? fapmgettieiitbc &lt;W&amp; *%$* Jtoboloeuetbebe of tbe ebi&gt;ttweof aMn , uuji.^ %ftael o? of tbe fttaOger js 8 MSSS^L m^ltaei/ttlatgeuew of bfefeebbnto; m ffl aliaonebimtoltba^esJnbWllfett^"^ inp facebpon tbat ftlotoe/anti toilioearo^ ii^ bimftS amonge bttpeopleibecaufebcbatb K geuen of bin feeobnto #olocb/f o? to oefple fe, mp fanctnarp ann to polute mv bolp name. &amp;, ain&amp;tbougb tbat tbe people of (be lane bPje jjjj^

tbelr epe0 from tbat felotoe/ tobf be geuetb _ ... . of (its rcwjbnto ,fl9oiocb / to tbat m mi gsjgs blmnot:sftgito'Bllputmt!facebponSman v

m m*wv Urn anb all tbat goo a tboon&gt;ng toffbbfm Offl* anocomnijttbo;borue tortb flolocb from ' S*/ &lt; amonge tbeir people, if&amp;pKat * Sf aw rcuie tume bim to encltaatcns o i P Wm * erpountietg of tonenss ano goo a toboo?pnge SSmmi* after tBe/3! iU put m? face bp8 tbat'foufe fcrti. an iii a topO besrope Dim ft5 amongebpispeople. Sif*Xfeancft'fpei'outefelue)5tberfo?e^beb^ ! cfiiat '*n fo^giamtbe jLo?jj?oute&lt;8oo.3nlifetbatpe ,?""? sepe mtneo?j)inauncegani)?&gt;ootbem ,#| "BUS?"" 9 1 . am tb e kotfe tofttcb f ancttftfe pou. " WMCf, 16 tt5-0ftofoeuer cutfetb bfe father o? motbet; dmiibpe fo? It4jii3 bionb onbw BeatKbecaufe ^ebatbcurreDi)i0fatl)ero?motber. os-^e fljat bjeaftem toeblocfte toity anofter man* topfe (ballbf e fo? ft/ becaufe be ban) b?ofie ittieblocftetoitl) gisne^gbboutss tojfe/anoro fball (be ftftebjtre.oS- ffft man ipe toftt) btt fatbew to^fe bncouer b0 fatber* f ectett^/ tljep (ball botb Dpc fo; it/tijei'r bloube be bps tbeftbeeDejJ.K^gfamaipettbfebaugbter miatoetbe2u)allDpebotboftbe:tbet&gt;baue to^ousfit abl) om ina cpon/ tbe t't bloub.bpon thm bcebS.odrgf r a man l?eiltb manbfnbe after $ manera$tf toomSbpnbe/tbeFbaue botb com ? 1 1 cd an at b om i tract on a (ball bpe fat t't.cbeir Wouoe be bpon tbeft beabejJ. K^3f amS taneatopfeftbermot^ertberto/ ft (0 toebetmeffe.^en (ball bume toftg f W botb b&lt;m ano tbem / tt)at ftjere be noteefieb* neoe amonge pou. &amp; g'famanlje toptb a beaftbe (ballbpe/anb pe (ball Oee tbe beaft. Ciftargifatoomangofantoa bead* l je bonne tijerto : tboti (bait Itvll t^t tocman anb tbe wPalfo / t^ep (ball epe/anb tbetr bloube bebpotbctr^eabe!3.ffaniantaBebi0fpSer bis f atb er? baugbter o?bfe motberjs baugb&lt; . tern ft ber rectettesyanb fte re btfi fectetteg .: % 8lfo:ttt0ateel{ebtl)pnge.cberfo;eiettt^ perplb w tift fpgbte of tbeft people/ be batb

fene bttfsdetg fecretneae / be (balltberfo?e beare bts fpnne.KS -g f a man Ipcib a toomS in tpmeofbetnaturallbpfeare anb bncouer ber fecretteg anb open ber fountape /a fte aifo open tbe fountapne of ber bionne / tftep (ball botb per i' (be from am ongefte people. fc3r cbou (bait not bncouer tbe fectcttes of tbpmotberdfpaer no; of tbp facers fpQer/ fo? be # boft fo / bncoueretbb^0 nejttt ftpn : anb tbep all bcate tbeir mpfooptnse: tK ftaii bseft3ijf ami ipe tt bfc bncif* topft/be batb bn imctiiativ itouerebbf0bncieofectette0:tbep(ballbeate ml IL * fpnne/anb (ball bpe cbpiweffe. R ill S ^ 5! f a ma tab e b(0 bjotber* topfe /ft (0 anot nt bncleane tbpng/ bebatt) bncouereb b0 b?os uamnt icinu ft)er0 creft?/tbep albe cbflbleffe tberfft e, MP *^etbatpebepetberfo?eanmpne.o&gt; Sr^*bmaunce(Sanballmptubgema|0/anbtbat .MSw*lboo tbem:tbat W lanb tebetpr WM%t ton to btoeB tbertn/fpetoepw not ou&amp;lftD

feftatpetoalbenotthtbemanetg of tbena* cpS0 b&gt;bibe 3! caft oute before pou: f oi ujep cSmptteoall tbefe tbpngy a a abrjo?ic&amp; tij&amp;. 3But1! baue fapbe onto pou tbat pe (ball entope tbefr lanbe/a tbat 3 1 vupii geue ft .bn to pou to pdffeffe ttteue a lanbe n)at flotoetb toftb mplbe ano bon ve.j am tbe "jLo?D poute ob/b^ftbe baue feparateb pou from otber naeion?:* tbatpe Omlbe put biSexencebt* tfufaxtbiene cleane b eaa e$ anb bncleane /anb. be tttiene bncleane fouica anb tbem ifat ate cleane.fl0aftenotpoutefoulc0tbetfo&gt;eab* bonimableb&gt;ttbbeaSe0 anb fouieis/ a topfli an maner n|ftige f crepe^ bp5 tbe gtoitbe/ bbftb ^ batte feparateb bntopou to bolbe tbem bncleane. e bolp bnto me / fo; % tbe Ho?be am bolpanb baue feuereb pou "from Otber hactonfctbat pe (butee be mpne. *P*erebean^o;bj6mStbattoo;fietb*s nC irt.*bii(.b to&lt;tbafp;pteoj| erpounbetb tofien0 tbep Zmg.rmu 8)aHopefp;tt.St9enlballCtone hjem toptfl ftone0/atbefrbloube(baibebpontbem. CCfiepnaS ft fo^b^tibf to be fit tl&gt; c t ta t\&gt; of a np of ^&lt;0pcoplc;afetoeof9tebpmic^cept.}B?cattc0may not be (banr tierce on (() e (jcab no?yit of t!) c bcacDc. Idc pjeaftea tofe mii'ft bca ma^De. Che ^cartes tmjftmmt not be an tjariott. ,

j9Dt^e)lp?Wfav6c bnto fl^cfeft^ fpeafie fartto tlje p;eaae^ Cotm5* p?eatt QwitWftJe ijim feife at fte SSSS Oetft ornone of ftifi peoplcybutbpS^rs ftpng tijc^ rgatt not as fb c t0 amapbe ^bVoelletb npe bun a toas t hc web ub neuer geuen toman: on ber bemapebefpleujcptombtiicc btmfelfe.38utbeu)allnot mane bpm fcifebv6ttDemoa^ bncleane bpon a ruelar ofbis people to V&amp;Sff&amp;Sgi mmmmoL , tk w t SKtSK o^rcbep (bail mafic tbem no balbneffe bpon meptucrepjo^ n)eftbeebe0o; (baue of tbe locites of tbeir pip appoyn# beatbE0/no;mabeanpmatBe0!ntbeitfleO)" 6 p ^"f.' t * Cbeplbalbebolpbnto tbeitdPob / anb maSSBiS polute tbendme of tbeft eob/fo^befacriffauic an oa* ces of tbe Ho?oc anb n)e b;eab of tbeir &amp;nn "&lt;&gt;&gt;&gt; &gt; uamt tbepoo offer:tbetfo?e tbepmuttbeborp. IS K5-bep(baUtaftenotopfe fcsantobooje^ SRS'S o?poftrteb/o?putfromber bufbanbe- fojathmab. P^aft0bolpbntobi0 &lt;ob. feancttft'e bim tberfo?e/f o; be oferetb bp n)e b?eab of (Bote be'ftall tbetf o?e/ be h oip bnto tbe / f o; U tbe ; 5Lo?bcbJblcbefanctifpepou/ambolp. %Mp ap?eatte0 baugbter fan to plape tbe bob o?e/(be polutctb ber f an)er : tbetf o; e Oje Ojall be burnt tottbfpje. o3:Wgf0tbebpep;eaaamogebi0b?etb?e bpontobofebeabtbeanopntpnge ople toa0 'poureb^tbbofebanbeb)a0fpiieb toput on tbebetttmentc0/ (ball not bncouer uisbeaa no?


Ceremonies no?rentBi0clotBe0/nett)erangootoanp cleanc fantiu eucrt / anbaUnoteateoftbe caeeoboopnozmaBebPmfelfe balotoe&amp;tbpngesstonmibebauetoacaje&amp ;btis notonbt0facbeto?morbet/netBeeallgo fletottbtoatee. anoffientobentbe fennel outbftbefanctuarpc/tbatbepolutenottbe fcaounebealbe cleaner all aftettoata Uoir Place of b#a / fo?tfjecroune oftbe eateof tBebalotoeatbpng!; jfojttjep are W

anopntpngeopieof4&amp;oa/i0bponBwn.3|am fooe.* la beeft fcatetb alone o?i0tenttt* MN rbeno?ae,*$eanta6e a mapaebfitoBf* topiacbeattc0/be all noteate/ to aefple 9$$ topfe:butnotoeaotoeno?Beuo?fcan6?;i&gt;ortt bmtfeKetBertottB^mtbeHo?!*. utlet teatoboo?e, 38utBeallta6eamap&amp;eof tBem6epetbetfo?empneompnaunce/left I)i0 atone people to topfe/tfia^ewfplR not meplaaefpnncbpNitBemfcopetBertti toBf P* feea bponfttt peopie:fo? a aitriftoioAe tbep baueaefplca tbem feme* : fo?a am tbe tobicb fanctftpebtm. :Ho?BetoBicbfanetpfpetbem. anbtbeHo?afpafiebnto (ofe0 fapfnge/ cbere COaHno ftraunger eate of w Ba* fpefie bnto aaton anbfapc-.jBomanoftbp lotoeatbmseg/netber ageft ottyevm&amp;w feea in t ft eft generaciS0 tbat batb anp uefo?= 0? n bpzea f etuaun te.tfut pf t &amp;e p?eaft bpe mptebponbpm/allp?eacefo? to offer tt)e anpfoutetoftbmonepberoapeeate ofit/9 32&gt; b? ca f m 00: f 0? none tbat batb an? ble be alto tbat to bo;ne tn nig Bouf fe mate eate mp (bail come netettoetbetbe be bipnae/ of Utst b^o.f f t^e p;eattes( oaufi^tev b e ma* lame/Cnotnoreo/o?tbatba$ anp mpffbape t*eabmoattiminger/emapenoteateoe meb?e/o?b?Q6efota/o?b?oftenBanaeD/o; tBebalotoeoBeueol^g^ottoftBttSBpng croftebacfiea/o?perlepea/o?gogelepea/o? pftbep?eatte0Baugbterbeatoeaotoe o?ae* ma(ige, o?ffiaulbe/o?BatBBP0 tton^ b?o6e\ uo?feo abaue no cbiiaebutferetutnebbnt o Ionian i f0Befo?meBoftBeferbofaar5 Ber fatBew bouffe agapne/ e (ball eate of tbep?fatt/fl)aB^imenpetooIfettbefactt'R? Bet. fatBetf b?ea s toell ajs eopb to Bet ce0ofroeHome#fBeBau*aaefo?mpte/be poutt). ut tbereail no ftraunger eate allnotp?eacetooffettBe b?eaof Bfe ffiob. t8erof.!Jfaman eate of tbebalotoeo tbpng j $ottotftanapngeBealleate oftBeb?eb bntoittmglp/Be Owl! put* fpfte parte tB of bis oa:eitena0 toell oftBemoftbolp/a0 of tbeBolp:but allnotgoombnto t baple no? come npe tBe alter / becaufe be to befo?* meatBatBepomtenotmpfanetuatp/fo?g! am tft e'Ho?be at ran ctif te tbem.anb floors tome ftbnto aaton ana to m f onnejJ/ 9 bntoafftbeCBpia?enofgfrael. C Wbat mancr pcrfoncs ougftt toabftsync from


tonto/a mabegoobbntotbe p?eatt ftebalo= ;.ar

tittvng !fic tljyngca ftjatwevt offccD. Sotti/ toftat/ toficn(hefulocbtoff6. #atbe Ho?aecomenea toftb $to* res raping-, bp&amp;aaro" a B*0fonne0 tt)attBepabftepne from tBe balox

toebtBpnge.anaiettbep?eaae0fe/$ $e? befplenottbeBalotoea tBpnge0 ofttjecbpl* B?en of paeltobftb tbepbaue ofiereabttto tt)e Ho?b/left tbeplaae w feluep toftb mpfe DopngeatrefpaceineatpngetBeft balotoen tbunK/fo?5am Hometobtcbbalotoetbe". ana tbe Ho?afpaBe , bnto flip of es raping; C fpeafte bnto aaton &amp;BP0 fonneg .9 bntoail tbe cBpia?en offfrael ^fapebntotb^/tobat* foeuer bebe of tbe&amp;ouffe of afrael 0? ftratis gertnafraeitbattotfl cfirt U10 cSettnge: tobatfoeuer botoe 0? fretopHoffetfngettbe to^'cb tbrp to pU offer bnto tbeHo?De fo; a

.toco tbynge? of tbe t\)$i&gt;&amp; of %t* bnrntofferpnge to teconctfe tbem feru eu / ft raeitobftb tbe?baueba!otoeobntome/tbat muftbeamaietoitbout blempO)of oren/

' _

t!;ep point e not m? bolp name : fo; % am ttft %oM.$s&gt;W bnto tbem : tobofoeuetbe be of allfoure feeo amSge route generactS afterjou'J goetb bnto tbe balotoeo tbfage s tobfeb tbe cbrtt;! of aftael otall Baue baio=

toeo bnto tbe TLojU/ bpisbnclennes Qialbe bponbftn:anbtbatrouleQ)aH perpm from out of me fpgbte.a am fbe nojoe/ iSoneoftbeCeeoofaiaton tbatwaleper 0? tbat batb a mnnwtg foje/tbalt eate of tbe balotoeo tbrngt bntiii Be be eleane.^nb tobo foeuer touebetban?bncleane fouleo;mart tobore reebruimetbftombbu bpmjgbte /o; tobofoeuettoucbetb anp too ?me tbat tebn* cleane to btm/o; man t to bncleane to bftn/ tobatfoeuer bnclernieoe be batb -.tbe fame foule tbat batb W focb ttonge/ a alb c bn

(bepeo?goote0/lettbe offer notbptige tfiae t0 oefojmeo fo? tfttt all gettno fauoure tbertoftb, 3 1 a ml to til offer a peaceofftf ng bnto ffit %ofo ant&gt; feparate a botoe 0? a ftetopli off e* rpnge of tbe oren 0; tbe flocbe / it mud be toitboutoefo^mpte/ $ t'tmape be accepted. betema(cbeno blemsmtberinttobetbei; ft be bltnoe/l)?obe/ toounoeb 0; baue a toen/ to be maunge o? fcabbeb/ fe tbat ve of fw no focb bnto tbe &amp;o;t&gt;e/no? put an offerpnge of an? focb bpon tbe alter bnto tbe Home. an ore 0; a mepetbatban) anp membje out f p?opo? ct'S/ m a?tt tt) ou offer f o? a fee* totHoffetyngc-.butuiabotoeft all not be accepte&amp;.cboti (bait not of fer bnto $ Horn tbattobftbi0b?oofeb b;obm/piucfieoout 0?CUtC

eremonpesf. . o? cutatoave/netber Qiaftmabeanr focbln touteianoe / netbtr of a Braunger? bimoe qjaii^e offer an offerpnge to route cpoa of amj 0? tbep marre all t'n fetbep baue oef ojmttejs in tbem/a tberf o;e can not be ac ceptea f otfQttJtoD toft fpaftebmo fllpcM

f e0 fapmge-.toben an or e/ a ft epe 0; a goote to b 2 ugi 1 1 f o? tb /ft GDame feuen aapets bnoee foSmeJna frS tbeM&lt;4pcfo?tl)/it ftalbe accepteabntoa gpftefntbefacrtfpce of tbe Home . ana tobetber i t b e ore o? (bepe / je (ball not bpllft 9 ber pOge botb in one bate. ifefitiitoffc * 0Benf e tovllofftea'tbanboirerpngbnto K/Qat r^tbe HLom/ l?e (ball fo offreft tbatpe mape be 11 mm of ' acccptea.ana tlje fame bare ft muft be eaten ^""ifin bp/fo|peleauenone offttontilltbemoao* SSSSRWW 3 am tbe fcoaey fiepenoto mp com* tbe bctittnaunatmente0 ?ao tbe/ fo?a amtbe'ilom. ;w of od anapolutenotmrboip name /tbat 3! mape jwttt" behalotoeaamongetbecbpia;en ofgifrael. IS m Sot #* a am tbe Home tobicb balotoe pou/ ana it' 11. &lt;w&lt; b?ougbtpou out of tfte lanaeof cgppt/to be Dent idcmo'foute oOifo? | am fl)e Home. n faoipt to oitfot tftc cjDfti|'cl)o!v6at8/a8tlie*alioJt)/'ftfe;to^ fym Jfttt &gt;e foirtvOr^tbc f catt of ttjcfjjft (rirtW . fltljt feaftof icfpjc of &lt;3BoB titanftng.^tfftift of ttompcH.^efeaaof l^e W****- tanaclci 4lmo,u(),a,


ttoo tentb oeale^of fpne Some meglebtottb ople to be a facrifpce.bnto jLom of a f toete rauoute:9tbeDmboffrpngtberto/ fourtb oeaieofan bpnof topne. anape (ban eate # netber b?eaa/no;parcbea co?ne/no; furme&lt; tpe of neto co?ne:bntill tbeftlfe fame aape $ f:baueb?ouabtanofferpngbntopour&lt;oo na ti)to flialoealatoe fo; euer bnto pourc

cbPlb;enafterpou/toBerfoeuerpeatoell. ana pe (ball countefrS tb e mo;otoe after tbe ^abbotb: cue frb" tbe aape t pe b^ougbt tbe Qjefeof tbetoaueoffrpnge.bfi.toeftcp co= Plete:eu? bnto tbe mo?oto after tbe.bti.tocfte pe(ballnomb;e.l.aape0. anau)enpeODaU b?pnge a netoc meatoffrpnge bnto G)t Horn. ana pe (ban b?pnge out of poure babttaciS* ttootoaue loue0 mace of ttoo tentbBealeg of fpne floure leuenaea ana baften / fo? fp;B; Irutegbntotbe Home.anape an b?pnge to tbe bzeaofeuf lambess toitboutaefo^mtte of one pe of age/ana one ponae ore ana.ft. tannuejs/tobtcb (ballferue fo? bumtoffringr ton to tbe jLo?a/ tot'tb meatoffrpnge^ a a?tnn^ offerpngeg longpnge to tbe fame / to be afa etifpee of a ftoete fauoure bnto t^e %ow. anapefljallofferanbegoote fo?afpnne* ofterpng:ana ttoo lambed of onepere oia fo? peaceoffrpngejs . ana tbep?eaff (ball toaue ti)e toitb tbe o?eab oftt)efp?ft fruteg befo?e tbeHo?be/atoftbtbettoo lambest .ana tbep albebolpbnrot&amp;e Horn/ efce tbe p?eatttf. anape(ballmabeap?oclamactontbe fame bape tbat ft be an bolp feaft bnto pou/anape foallbo no labo?(ou!8 too?fie tbertn : ana it m fbaibe a latoe f 0? euer tt)o?otoe out allpoure Vi babftactong bnto poure cbpia?en after pou. *ibenpe repeaounepoure barueft/tboft altnot mabe cleane rpaaaunce of tbp felo/ ii*W8 . netber (bait tijou mabe anp aftergatbetpng oftbPbarueft;but (bait leue tbem bnto tbe poo?e ana tbe Otaungrr. % am tbejlo?oe

be.jy&lt;ft.bapter. j5b tbe Home fpafie bnto gpofe* fapnge;fpeafie bnto tbe cbfla?f of giftaei/^fapebntotbe. Cbefeaw tbefeatteg of tbeHo?ae tobicb pe a (ball call bolp feafte* . $s&gt;w aape0 pe (bail too?fte/$ tbe feuetb to tbe &lt;&amp;abbotb of read an bolp feaft:fo tbat pe mape aoo no too?Be tbertn/fo? it 10 tt)e ^abbott) of tbe Ho?ae. / toberefoeuerpe atoell.cbefe are n)e feafte0 of tbe Home tobicbepe O)allp?oclapmebolp (ntbeftceafon0*cbe.]citft.Dapeoftbefirft .&amp;(. monetbat euf &lt;0tbeno?a$*#a(rcouer.anD ium. W Bi(j.ett)e.jrt),aapeoftbefamemonett)(0 tbe feaft .. ... . ^^ w . _,

;ow.^.B.offt 8 rteb?eabntof Ho?b,bif.bape0pemuft ypttte (Bob^ -&lt;^ eatebnfeuenaeab?ea. befp?ftoape(balbe /'anatbeHo?oefpabebnto fl^ore0fapmget ^anbolpfeaffebntopou/iotbat pe mapeaoJfpeaBebntotbecbpia?enofg|fraeiana rape. nolabo?iouistoo?Betberin.utpe (ballof* rcbe fp?ftbapeof tbefeuenftmonetb (balbe fer fact if t cess bnto tbe Ho?a.btf .oapes / 9 tbe V reu?(boapealfo(baibeanbolpfeaft/fotbat femape ao no labo?iou0 too?Be n)rrnt. ; anbtt)eHo?Bfpafiebntoi8ofe0fapenge: fpeaftebntotbc cbpia?? of Strati 9 tape bn* to tbf :toben pe be come in to tt)e lanb tobiebe cde f j jo g; gettebnto pou 9 repe aoune poure Batueft W^f*pe&gt;aUb?pnge a (befeof tbe* fp?ftfmt$ of "mm faKb'J om * e Batueft bnto w*w be fljali toaue wtajjnge tbefljefe bef o?e tbe Ho?ae to be acceptea f 02 Jjut etna* von:9 ail tbe mo?oto after tbe *&gt;abbotb ci&amp;?ftP*eafte all toaue it .. anape an offer tBat 5RS to [labapetobf BetoauetBtbe ftefe/alambe toftb* ?bc r o.(f outblemp of a pere oia f 0? a burntoffrpng mm*t, bnto tbe Ho?ae:9tBemeato8erpnge tBewf/

a read ofmemb?auncebnto pou/ to blotoe Bo?ne0in anbolpfeaftlt albe/?pe0an oonolabo?tou0 too?be t&amp;en'n / anape all offer facr(fpcebntotbeHo?ae. anatbeHomfpaBebmo fl9ofe0fapinge-.f ffah , ItnHp alfo f tentb aape of tberelferettemone/ t hS2i"Tto i0aaape of anattonement/9 albeonbolp t i)na ? cc ti;c &amp; feaft bnto pou/ anape ai" bumble poure w d? atmi?* foule0 a offer racri fpee bnto tt)e Home.20o= cnc , c ' woucrpeanaonotoo?fteffameaape/fo?U c "f' B /R Be ttttabape of attonemfttomabe an attone= TO " W * ,W * ntf t f 0? pou befo?e tbe Ho?a pour ffioa . iffo? tobatfoeuerfouleftbe g bumbletbnotbtm relfe tbat aape/ be albe acftropea from a* rnottsebt'0 people. anbtoBatfoeuer fouieao






anprtianettoojSetbat&amp;awtbe&amp;imegi toil! bttttw from amongebi? people . &gt;e at ^e ao no manet too?fi e et fo^e .3no it al= be a latoe Co? euetbnto poute generacvcuiS e.feabotbcs^afteermunall roure DtoeUrng^'fabbo ftBts 9 new ofreae ft albe bnto rou/anDreanfium* SSSSffi Wf fouw foule?,che.ft, cape of e mone SSoflBwn* at e uen fc f &lt;W ftfi eueto euen agape/ ftffcc SmSL re all beperoutfeabbo. topngofma jj anD eilo?Dipafie bnto #ofc$$fai?enge: a "S'Ii . fpeafiebntoeefirlD?enoflfrael anDfare.: wtSftSn ejb*areofe fame feu$b mone at* owe wine be tfiefeatt of tabernacle? Atf. bare? bnto tooo;chcsi/ not "jlwDe.cfie fp?&amp;Da?e afteanbolpfeatty Mpnge o fog2eallDoonolaborfou?too?beenn. 3K2L &gt;euenDa?e?pc all offer facrrfrce bnto ffiSf J. e jlo?De/anbe;bK1.bare fljaibe an fiol? te bo;on b ?D fea&amp;bntotouteallt}ffetfcctrfftebnto ofycii jgiaDrtjeTLo^ne.ltfetbeenbeoftbefeaft/ anbre SSSSSSS* al1 &amp;0 nolabo?lou? toortie ertn. fSSSSSt W* aretbefeatteg of tfie HojD tofiicbe facrrfrce bnto tfie fto?De/burntoffer!&gt;nge?/ meatoffrrnge? anD D;snftcoffrpifiej5 c uerp bare : b eft&gt;ae tfi e fabbe e ? o f e ;Ho?d / anb befrDe route gpfte?/anD all roure botoe?/ a all ?oitt fretoylloffrrnge? tobfthe re an geue bnto e)Lo?De.

tityoztouet in ejeto oar e of tbe feu en mone after at ye fiaue gatfieveD In tbe frute? of e lance / re all bepefiolr bare $ bntoejlo?D.bti.oare?l5ge.fie fr?tt Dare all be a Dare of rette/fc e.biij. Dare al* beaDareofreft.ainD re an tafte row tbe fr?ftoare/c frute? ofgocWr ttee?atiDe b?auncfie? ofpalmetree?anDtfiebotoe? of . icbetree?/anDto2lotoe? of ebzobe/anD allreioprebefo?ee:ilo?D.bii.Dare?.nD re all fiepeitfiolr Darebtitotbe ww&amp;ti Dare? m e rere . 3fab ft albe a latoe fo? euerbntoroutecbrlD?enaftetrou/ati?e frepeatfeaftfnereuen mom . 3Bnb re all ttoell m bootfie? feu? bare?: ml all i are3Ffraelte?b0?ne/ AH wueii in boo* tfie? /at route ebrltoen aftec rou mare bnotoefiotoeat9!mabee ebrlD?e'of gf* Melotoelltnbooe?/tofie9|b?ougfiteeni out of tbe lanb of c gypt; f o? % am tfi e jio?De route dE5cs .ntnb fl ore? toioe an tbe ft site? ofe&amp;o?DebntoeefiplD?enof3!fr8el. * tffi$coi?Ufo*'tljclampcjf atib^gljtcBpf ttjebjc&amp;fee l&gt;caouefc*Veitytti;Uc$ tyat&amp;ebvlIeM c, ffbe.j3rtf.irbwtee f (#d tbe *&lt;o?oc (babe bnto flSofe? |fartng: eSntaun&amp;e tbe cbplD?enbf ltraelater b?pngebnto e/ &gt; l pure prie olrue bea te f o? Itgb t? to poure m ebtbe raibpejf altoare/ tortbtfut

tbebarieoftorweffetotebtn eta betnatle oftortneffe . 3nD3iatoh all ly effe em botb euen anD momrnge befbuetbe %om\* toares ,3inb ft alb* a latoe fo? euet amfige t&gt;ourecbrlDjenafterrou.1nDbe all D?c(fe tbeiampeg bpon tljepute canDeiaftfte be= fo?e tbe Xo?be perpetuallr. St no ou lb a it tali e ftne floute anD babe ytf.toaftew etof / ttoo tenDeaie0 all euetrtoaaellUe. 3CnDmaftetbJ0 totoeuof .

W i tm on a rotoe bpon e pure table be= B'm fo?et0eXo?5e/anbput pure franbencenisgK ' bpon e rotoe^JnD ft albe b?co of reme* . b?aunce/ an offerrnge to tlje 'jlojDe.cuerr .^abbo fie all puttbemintotoesi before tfie 3Lo?d euetmoare/geu? of tbe rfit&gt;ib?en of ;frael/atttbean euerlaftrng couenaute. mms albeaaronsjanbbrjs fenne?/ er all eate e m ebolr place.ff o? tber ate moftfioir bnto film of e offerrnge? of : e %ommn all be a Dutre fo? etier. 3infitl)eronneofan3'Rflelirttorfetobofe- ,: fatfier toais an fgrpan/ toent outeamSge ecfir^en of 3;frael .3Bn&amp; te fonne of e 5ftaeirtt'torfeattDamS.of^rael/aroue . togeenn $ botte.3nbe$feaelftftbtD0&lt; . man? fonne blafpfiemeb e* name ^ cut* .. , feD/atber^ougbtebrmbnto^orefS.anbf,*?' 1 tips motfietu. name toa* ^&gt;alomr / e timmt ootigbter of w&gt;ibn of ettrbe of ^an:anb mm tfter putfiim t'n toarDe / at flgbftd ufte Declare bnto tfie tofiat e %o)b farD tfierto. 8^-anD '/Lo?D fpabe bnto fl^ofeg fareng/ i b?rnge firm at blafpfiemeD mitfiout e C boQe/anblett all tfiatberbefirm / put eft , banDtiSbpon fii'js IjeeD/anolett all eimiltts tuDe a on e fiim.mnD fpeabebnto tfie clriD?e of^fraeirarmge. b0bofoeuec^airfetbfit0 6flm r f &lt;5ob/all faevc bfefrnne:3tnbbeat blaf cwfcij' pfieme ename of eX.o?De/allore fo? uiafpbtn ft.allemultftuae anaoneblmtoDee. SSi flnbtbe fttaunger a? toellajs.e afraelfte 2gr rffiecutfetfiename/aUbrefo?ft. . f^jt IB e at brile anr man/all ore fo? ft n?nw but be atbrlle a beaft allpape fo/ft/^" ' bealifo?beaft,31f a mSmarmebW nergfi* SS boute/a0behaDone/foallrtbeDone to tit ft m film agarne:b?obe f o? b?ofie/ere fo? m ano tcaMciomi to fo? to:euen ag fiefia marmeD a mi/ JSKifif foal^bebemarmeDagarne.^)onotoel|e2. 0Dt * ;, " atbriieabeaft/auparefo?it:btttbe ^ ui atftrne aman/aliDre fo? ft . Te aa^nijti

baue one manet of latoeanjonge rou : tarn b i Sffl fo? ettraflgtr a toellafifo? one of roure S" felue0/fo?3ame,o?Deroure&lt;E(oD. mm 3DnD spore? tofte e cfirlD?en of j fraei/ at er ulDe b?mge film at baft curfeb' outoftfiebotte/anbttonrfiimtortOftonesf. 3Dnber&gt;b?en ofjfrael broap tbeiLejue commaunbeb^bfc?,' .ffbe


&lt;i e

,# .**-*



c ac ibabotb of tfl ctotf.tfettt anb of tbt (tcr of lutrti wtjcctojft ta he fB&lt; **** &lt;Tbe.rrb,Cbaptev. j5DeA.o?Defpaebnto fl9ofe0 in mount &amp;&gt; mat fapi'nge/ fpeabe bnto e rlD?m of Jfraei a fare [ hnto tbem.oeijen re be come m to e lanoe inbr e 3 geue rou / let e lanue rett a $abbo bntotfie )Lo?De.^tjrerere0 thou alt fobje r f elDe/anD frye r ere ou Qtaltcuttfir brne* a geee fn r ftute*. 35ut e f euen r ere ailbea^babboof tett bnto e lanfte.&amp;fie 5lo?De0 ^&gt;abbo ft ffialbe/anb ou alt neer fotoe tbr feioe/

no?cutrbrne0. . . lieeo?netbatgrotoebpft relfeou altnwrepe/ netber getfier e grapes^ grotoetoftbouttbrD?eCrnge:biftit albe a^&gt;abboofre(tbntotbelanD.^euertbe' leffe tbe ^.abbotb of e lanoe (balbemeate fo? rou:euen fo? e anD r ftruaunteanb f o? r marDe anD f o? r fir?eD feruaunte fo? e ftraunger atDtoeiie toi e:anb f o? tfir catell anD f o? e beaftest at are in ^r lanoe/ all alle encreafetfierof be ah ,,^meate.cbennomb?e reul fl bjee0 of rete*/ tiS feuen mm tme rereuinbtfie fpace &amp;mo;coftfiefeuentoefie0Ofrere0 mi bebnto Mmm yii]r,prreJnben be altmabean bo?ne twtrti't- biotoe: euen &lt;neten Dare of efeuen ffi ofrwtw /tofitcb b Dare of attonem5t.ano y H ij/9Benallremae e bo?ne biotoe / euen it in v tbo?otoe outall route lanb Jnbre all fia* iu;.f.j.a | 0toe tfie frftt'e rere/ s p?ociarmelrbertre o?otoeoute lanoe bnto all einfiabi* uimn oftw* erof/3t albearereof "liibeliebnto liOrtjttw rou ?ealltetourne:euerrmanbntob# lofDt looeii/ pooefllon anD euerp man bnto W brnreb BES" agarnej rere of iubelreallatfrftle S tSuct^^bntorou, f eftallnot fotoe netfieu B 3 ffi tepe e co?ne at gcotoe br ftfelfe / no? jut mm geere grape? at grotoe toiout r wiof itifi arete of tubeire anD al* IfJ'L* befiolrbntorou:botobeft/retrealieate Cmw of e eneteafe of e felDe.anD r/rere irfcuttcxmoflubelrereaalltetoutne/euerrmabnto QMM|0 poffeoton agape, iSbIjouw o?brea of tbrnergbboutejsbanDe/re ail not opp?effe one anoer.but aco?Dmg . gtt wn to e nomb?e of rere? after tubelrerere rSC."" altbre of rnergfiboure/anbaco?* aSwSbin&amp;btito c ^ of fruterere?/fieaH l ioDi/p?&lt;! tt 'fellbtttoe.aico?DrngebntoemuftrtuDe ma mtdf oc^cre?/ou alt eneteafe e p?f ce erof Mbcnf,cl ; i '^anDaco?Drngetoefetomffepfrere0/ou to in fffhmmmm WWt WJ nonb?e of

Mv^pnie ftute^e allfell bnto e. 30nDfe tbat no m/wm man oppjeae fit? nergljboute/but feare f

CESob.f o? 3 am e mo?Deroure oD.aabet* . fo?eDo after mrne o?Dinafice? anb bepe mr 5*SS?i e e ^a latoe* anbDd em /at re ttiare Dtofll in IfflttftS .

in e lanb tn f afctle3nD tfie Idoe all geue n t e ^ on wberftute/anDreall eate route fille tmmiu&amp;i*.w' Dtoellenntnfafetie. I,\fSS . re alfare/tofiat mwm &amp;&amp;%$$$&amp; uenrerema?mocfiea?toeaunotfotee, n&lt;t i, ?1 ^ii)at fto? gefcet in oute cncteafe.a torn tense nttmmm biearngebponrouibtfie frrte mnmtoW*W&gt; all b?ge fo? frute fo? ?erere0:anDf eg n ra a ^ all fotoetfieepgbte rere anD eate of Woe minm 8 ftutebntrli e.ft.rere/ abb eueubntrilfierm ' fm tome/re alt eate of oft goate/agpr*--^ fo?e tfie lanDe allnot fie foloTToTettet/ be* caufe at efanbe it mrne/ are but Orate ger? anb fotoumer? toftfi me : anD pe all o?otoe oute all eiai of roure poaefltS/ Iete lanuc gobome fee agarne. * tbenrb?oert? toajceo poo?e anb.jautb.iijf.a; fia folDe atoare of fit? poaedlon: rf anr of bfefipcometorebemeit/fieftallbr out g tofitcfie fit? b?otfier f olD Jno ougb fie baue no man to teDeme it fo?fitm/retrf fir*fianb can getftanetftto breit outeagarne/cn let firm eounte goto longe ft fia be folDe/ anD Deiruertfie tea bnto firm to tobomebe f oioe ft/ fo fie all retourne bnto fir? por&lt; f eulon agarne.ut an rf W fiafe can not gettfumctentto refto?eit tobrm agarne / en I tofitcfie i? folDe aHtemame in e banDofbtmtbatfiabougfitett/bntplle iubeire:anbtnereteof grubeire ft all come out / a fie ail retourne bwtofit? pof fedtonagarne. if amSfeHabtoenrngfioufe ina toaneb cre/ fie mare bre ft out agarne anr tpme tDifnafiolerereafterfti?rolDe:anb at aftetbefpacemtobicbfiemaretcDemeit,agarn jBMN rf itbe not bougfit out agarn* 5 tolme fpace of a full rere/ en f fioufe in tfie toalleo cftfe albe flabli e&amp; fo? met bnto film atbougfite ft anD to fit? fuccef* foure? aftetfitm anb annot go out ine rete of tubelre. $ute fioufe? tnbrilage* tobftfi baue no tea He? routine ab out e em/ albe counteb Irftebtitb e felDe? of tfie count* e / 9 mare be boughtc out agarne at anr eeafon/ anD aligo out fre mtbe rete oftubeire. ^ottDitbOanDpnge tfie ertfe? of tfie Ie&lt; urte? anb u&gt;e fioufe? tne crtft?of eft poffiffion? e leurte? mare reDeme at all eeafon?. anbrf amSpinxbafc ougfit of e jLeufte?-.tofietfier ftbe boufe o? crtre t cp pofleffeebargrne an goouttnerere ofti*eirefo?ebottfe?of ecrtte? ofe leurte? /ate eft p oOeWB? antige e cfir I* til of5 i ftael.56utet^e?tfiat!re rounoe

aboute eft cttie?/aii not be bougfit: tut g tfie?



eyatettjettpcffefliowfo; euet, %t fiebenot fcougljf fte fn fl) tucflne rymc/ # !$fyb;octbetoajtebpoo;eanbfalle'fn tftenbeallgoooutineyeteofiubelye becayeto e/tecemiebfma0aftta'geto; bi0ylb;mtotbfm:fo;tftecbyib;enofgr s teemwrtl. t afofoutnet/afet ftimlyuelbpe *ainocu raei ate my remaunres toftt g b;ou gftte S c ""iwftatttaBenonci)rurse ofbyra/no;yetban= out of eianbeof tfgypte.



- f

tbetmayelyuette.cboualt not ren&amp;e Dim y money bpon bft ity e/ no; lenbe ftym ofyfobetobaueauantagebyit:fo;g! am tfte jlo;be youte ob toby b;ougflte -pott out of c lance ofcEgypte / to geue you e lanbe of Canaan anb to be pour e &lt;poo. 3!f ybjoetatbtoelieby e toaw poo;e anofelt ftim felfe bnto e / ou (bait not let bi laboutea0 abonofetuafite boetft: but as anby?ebfetuaunte ana as a fbtout* net ft e aibe tot e/anb (ball feme e ton to $ fete of tubelye/a en (ball be bepatte ftome:bofte anb bi0eftyib;en tot ftim/

CJmagcBarcfOirtifDOcii.WltircDare tlje? t&amp;at fecpc tlioCc tijpngcB tljst ob bjCBclt) mm mod ciu'fc&amp;art tyffttyitlupe ti)cmiiot, CCfte.tfbi.Cftaptet. 3 m e %m o y oute oo . f e (ball mafte you no ybolieg no?atauen ymage/ nether teste you bpany* ptlet/ neetye (ball feet bp any ymage of (tone m youte lanb to botoe youte tthitf etto:fo; % am e;do;be youteoob: ftepcmy &amp;abboe0 a a featemyfanctuty: fo;g!ame;Ho;be. a.nai gf ye (bad toalfte in myne o;binauncc0 9 W tatui liepe nip cSmawiberaente 8 bo em / tben J 9 ' b? iw"

fo;eyatemyfetuaate0 toftfcb3! b;ougftt out of e lanbe of cisypte / ano (ball not be foibeagfbonbmen. beetfo;eattftou taygnenot ouetbpm ctueily / but feate y &lt;$ob.Sf n)ou toilt batte oonbfmtaunttf a tie mayben0/ou altbyeemof ttjebcf tt)en atatetounbeaboute you/aof e cbyHB?

anb (ball tetoumebntoby0 atone fiynteo atoiHrenbeyoutayneft^ctygbt cdtttSfSS agayneabntoepoflirftfon0ofbi0faet0: youte lanbe all yelbe ft et encteafeanb &lt;&am p;eSmi ,.- r ju~ &lt;^ . .* tteeuoftftefelbefljallgeuetbeft frute.3Cnbui?teoffl f teyng (ball teacb bnto toyne ftatucftv Jg * aetoynatueft an teacb bnto fotoyng rSl",! tynie/anb ye (ban eate youte b;eab in pien* &lt;&amp; e pura:l teoufneg/ aanbtoellinyoute lanbe pea* Mf Sto* fably3nb 9 toytt" fenbe p eace in youte lanb/ W B * ' w ,. - . . ,. - atyeftallflepe/ anb no man 0#ll mafte ?X7 a w r ofefttaunget0atatefoioume0amSge youaftaybe. gfK you/a oftbewgenetaclongtbatatettyqu/ anb gj toyll tfii!) eueu beaded out tfxlttf im tobtcbibeyfaegatem youte lanbe. anbyc youteianbe/ anbtbetetballno ftoetbe goo"^ '*i i (ball poereoe tbem a geue tbem bnto youte tbo?otoe out youte lanbe.S'nb ye (ball cbace 5*11 cbylp?maftetyou/topo(re(ie.tbemfo?euet: youteenemycg/atbeptball faUbefo?eyouSK ti,m.ip.t . anb tt)ey Ibalbe youte bonbmen* ut ouet tpon tbe ftoetbe.^nb fpue of y ou (ball cbace Xc m

youte b?etb?tn tbe cfttlb;e of aftael/ ye (ban an bunbjeb/s an bunb?eo of you (b an putt. *M ' "' nottaygneoneouefanotbetctueily. . tftoufanbetoftygbte/ayouteenemyes((ball ""JM, ly c^e by tbe a tby b?otbettbat btoelletb by toutne bnto you anb encteafe you a multVwSw M bmitoaitetbPoo;eanbfelIbtm felfebntotbe plyeyou/anbfettbpmy teaamenttoitbyouiatt ". fttaungettftatbtoelietbbytfteo?toanyof SDnbpe (bail eate oloettoaw/ anb caft out oftftefttaungeoJftyntaftectftat ftewfolbe ofije fo?plenteoufnejJoftbenetoe* IMSf eSSL beraayebetebemebagayne:oneofftpstb?e* mabe my btoellynge place amongeyou/ e ' 06 w tb?enmayebfebpnout-.toftetbetft be by* anbmyfoulefl)ailnotlotbeyou.3Pnb3tofll Dncieo?bi(Sbncle0fonne/o?anytt)at&lt;isnye toalbeamongeyou anb toylbe youte ob/ of fiynnebntobwn of bttbyntebtetbetyfbtiS anbye flmlbe my peopie.&lt;ffojgi am H it Xom Wto can get to mocb be maye be loofeb. ainb youte ob/ tofticfte b;ougbte you out of tbe fte all tefientottbblm tijat bougbte )mi lanb of tfte cgypcranjs/tftatye (bulbeno t be ftom tfteyetefl)at betoais folbe in bnto m $efr bonbemen / anbf b?afie (be botoe jj of yete/ofmbeiye/anbtfteptfceofbfebpenge youte yocae^/anbrnabe you go bptygbte. a. . J ftalbe aco;bynge bnto tbe nomb^e of wmi *75ut anb yf ye tot notbatftm bnto me/ f' Kffl |be(balbe tottbbtwaua i fty^cb fetuaunte. no; toyiiboalltbefemy cfcinbemmte*/ W H 5f tbetebeyetmany yeteg bebynbe /acco;* 0? jf ye (ballbefppfemyne o^jiraflceg et ftec bpngebntotbebepjallgeueagayne mm yfyoutefouWuefuTe mplahiep /fo tbatye belyueraunce/off money tbatbetoasJ folbe toyllnotboanmye5maunbme"te0/butJbail fo^yftbetetemaynebutfetoyereisbntotbe b;eaftempneappoyntment:(ben31to?llbo yeteoflubeiye/beftallfocountetoftbbnn/ tbi(Sagaynebntoyou:g!toynbyfetyoutorm f SHSSS8SSEH2S29!! 1 m F bewciong/ftoellyng a feuetjj/ $ (ban mafie tot w tebepcton/ a ffialb e tottb bnn yete by youte epejj bafell/a tt f o;otoe of bette Jnb c yetea*anby;ebfentaunteatbeotbei: 0all ye ftallfotoeyoutefeebttibayne/fojyouw

not taygne ctueKy ouet bmim m ftgbte. enemyeibaB Wteit/ 3Pnb % toyll fetmy face

face agenfte youapetbaU fall before youte enem?e0/a tftey tftat bate you (ball taigne ouet you/anb ye (ball ace tobcn no man f 0* lotoetbyou. rt b itflincrti 30nbyf yetoyunotyet fo; all tbfej ftetben .jHjmaudU bntome/tben toU3lpw(b you feue tymejS t n pugu mo/ rao?e f0? ?ouw f Wn e0/anb toyll b?eafie tbe !I til'S 9/t* ottm* tttengtb^o; 31 toyll mabe f SI beauen ouet you ae battle a?yton/ayoute ( aaeat lanbe a^batb a&amp; b?affe . 3Bnb fo youte la= bout e malbe fp ent in bayne.;jf 0; poute lanb allnot geuebet encteaf e/net&amp;et tbe tree? of tbe lanbe (ball geue tfteit ftutejs. SDnbyf ye toalfte conttaty bnto me anb topll not ftet&amp;en bnto me/9i toyllb^nge re* urn tymetf moo plagejs fapon you aco?bingc to youte fym j ta.% tot a fenbe m toilbe bea tti bpen you / tofticft (ball tobbeyou of youte tbylb;en anb beatopc youte catell / a inane you fo fetoe in nomb;e $ youte &amp;pe toaycg (ba ll ctotoe bnto a toylbetneffe. . -s_/an&amp;yf yetopilnotbe letneb yetfo? all w tW but all toalbe cSttaty e bnto me/tben toyll3 alfo toalbe conttatye bnto you anb t . tuwiv toyll p0ny ft you yett feue tpmeg f 0; youte ^ up m wfflau ftallauengemytellamenttoltbyott. 3nb B " tobenyeateflebbntoyoutecytte^ /Jtoyll 1 jit Aapter.c fenbetbe pefttlence amonge pou/ye all be n.ffowafeebeifuttcotntotfteba'bcss ofyoute cnemye?. fefSfJL atabtobenPaue&gt;b;obgtbe nafleof youw KSihcb?eab:( (banbafie youte b?eab &amp;t tijctofin oneouf anbmen all belyuet you youte lis 10 rnpAt b;eabagayne bp toeygbte/tben (ball ye eate g'f'^anblbaUnotbefaBTfteb. -

SS 3Cnbyfyetoi?llnotyetfo; antb^betfig frit it ; bnto me/but (ball toalbe cBtiatye bnto me/ tften 31 toyll toalfte conttatyebntoyou alfo to;an5fullyanbtoyllalfocba(ticeyoufeuen tgme0 fo? youte fynneftfo tbat ye.lban eate tfte flefo ofyoute foraieg a tfte flelb ofyoute baugbters JBNMI totllbefttoye youte altet? byltbponbyeb?Hc0/anb ottMotoe youte ffismageg/ anb caftyoute catbaffe^bpontbe bobye? ofyoute yboaejJ / anbmy foule (ball abbo;teyou.ambSBtoynmaiie youte eyftejJ tefoiate/anbb^nge youte fanctuane* bn tonougftt/ anb tofll not fmcll tbe fauoureg of youte ftoeteoboute?. linb 9 toyll bjvngetbeianbe bnto a toyl* betnef^:fotbatyouteenemye0tobicbbtocil tben'n all toonb;e attt M% tofll tttatoe you am5ge tfte bctben / anb toyllbjatoe out .ifaftoetbeaftetyou/anbyoute lanbe albe * toaft / ano youte cy tfejt befolate . ben tbe lanbe an tetoyfe in bet gDabbotbejs/a* longeagttiyetbboybeanbye in youte ene* myeg lanbe : euen en all tbe lanbe bepe bolye baye anb teioyfe in bet&gt;abbon)e0. ana a0 longeag itiyetbboyae it all ted/

fo; tbat it coulbenottette inyoute &gt;abbo* eu/toben ye btoelt etin. %ni opon em tbat ate lef t alyue of you ?B toyll fenbe a fayntneoe in to eit better n e lanb of eit enemy eg : fo $ e t onitte ofaieef atfalle/au cbace em aey allflee ass ougb ey fleb a Itoetbe / anb all fan no man folotoinge em .3Dnbey all fall one bp5 anoet/ass(t toete before a ftoetbe euen no man foioteyngetftem/anb ye ailbauenopotoetto ftaoebefoje youte enemyeg: 3Dnb ye allpety amonge e been/anbe lanb ofyoute enemyeg al! eateyoubp. 3nbeyatateleftof you/an pyne atoaye in eit bntygbteoumeg/eue in eit enempes lanbe/anb alfo in emyfteabr of tbeitfaet0al!ey conftune. Hinbtftcy allconfetre eftmiCbeabeg anb e myrbeabe0 of eit faet0 in eit ttcfpaceg tefti ey baue ttefpaceb agaynft me/a fo;

i alfo $ ey baue toalfieb cottaty bnto me. &lt;, bctfo;e % alfo toyll toalbe conttatpbnto^ em/anbtoyllb;yngeeminto tfte lanbe of etc enemye0.anbenate ieeft toaye eitbncitcumcyfeb bette0 allbetameb/ anbeney anraabeanattonementfo; eitmyteeabeg, arnogi tofll temembjemybonbetof 1 ^ ^c? ** cobanbmyteaamenttoy3ifaac / anb royJMJK' feftament tot3Cb^bam / anb toyll ynbe gffig m "' on e lanbe. 4Fo;elanbeailbelefteor y ' eanb all baue pleafute in bet &gt;abbo e0/tobyle elye toaft totout em / a ey all mafie anattonemf t fo; eit mif* beabeg/becaure ey becpyfebmy lato0 anb eitfoule0tenifebmyne o;binaunce0.anb yetfo;allattobeneybe ine lanbe of eit enemye/* 3 toyll not fo caft f atoaye * ,jp*trt*.#.c no; my f ouie aU not f abb o;t e em/ at 3 toyll bttetlye betttoye em anb ImU myne appoyntment tot em:fo; 3 am e &amp;o;be eit ob.3i toyll etfo;e tememb;e bnto cm e fy;ft couenaunt mabe t^tn % b;ougbte em out of e lanbe of cgypte tnefygbte of e bcento be eit ob: fo;3lame'/Lo;be. rftefe ate f o;binaunce0/t'ubgemf M/9 !atoe0tobicb eHo;bemabebettoenebym anb e ylb;en of tyftael in mount ^inai byebanbeoffl0ofe0. SfiDEWuci'ft tiottcs ano tfjc vcocmf njjc of Hjc fame if if lljcs 9 e. Cbc.W*if.baptet. J9b e jLo;be fpafie bnto $H?ofe0 33 fayinge/fpeaftebnto ebylb?5 of3!ftaelanbfayebntoem: ff _^ any man toyll geue a fyngulct botoe bnto tfte )Lo;Deaco;byng toebalue of by0 foule/ tben all tfte male ftcm.w. g.if. ye



nWmztyt ?erento, fet at fpftie*fpcles of filuec/ after tbefpcle of thefanctuarp/a tfte female at.rflcfpcles. pereS to.w.tbe male fbalbe ret a wjc. fpcle*/ anb ttjc female at.*.fpcies3lnbftomamonetbbrtfo,b.pere female albefeeat.b.r^clEgs of fpluet/a # female at rb?e . ainb tbe man ana aboue/ Rjalb e balweb at.jcto. tvdcff / ano the 55 toomS be be to poo?e f o to be fet / the lettbpm come befo?e the p?eatt: anbletttbe p?eatt bame bim/aco jbt&gt;nge ass the banbe of mm tbatbotoeb iss able togett. jfftbeoftbebeaftesoftobiebmen b?ingc anoftcffngiintotbOlojQ-.alltfiatani' man geuetb of foebbnto ko?b/ (balbeboli&gt;.^e mapenot alten't no? cbaunge ftta goob fo? a baa o? a bab fo? a goob . 3 f be cbaunge beaft fo? beatt/tben both the fame beaft anbttalfo Joobertettb ittoagcbaiingcb walbe bolp. 9* it be anp manet of bncieanebeatt of tobwb men mate not offer bttto the %om/ tit bpm to?pnge n)e beaft before the p?eaft a iett the P?eaftbalue it . Stub tobetber ft be goob 0; baob ass tbe P?eatt fettetbtt/foibaiiitbe. nbp f be topll bpe ft agapne / iett him geite tbe fffte parte moate to that it toad fet at. %f anpmancebftatebtS boufe / it Qmibe &amp;olpbhiot&amp;rjiLo?be.3Bnbtbep?ea8lballfet it/iBfte tber it be goob 0? bab/ a ajs tbe p?eatt ffibatbfetit/foit be tbatianctifpeb tttoplireoemebps boufe/ iettbpmgeue the f pfte parte of tbe monep that it nap tubgeb at tberto/onb it ftalli e ijrjs.

, r rtlia , ftVW - Sfaman'bafotoeapeceofbtsenheretcb to twimf ?lanbetontotbe;iU)?be/it fealbefet aco?bpnge DotiiconcAo^tto i (tbearetb .%f itbeareanbomer of bar* fanctpficng id ipe/itCballbefetatfpftiefp cies of jobf wc.iijahfhjiiovBchijj fem mtmebtatlp from pere of wbeip/ it qialbe too?tb aco?bpnge as it is eflemeb.tfutapfbebalotoebisfelb after trompet perc/tbe p ?eatt (ball rccfte tbe p?ice fit Ejfm aco?bpnge to the sere* that rentage bnto the trompet; ere/anbtbere after ft ftal belcteetfett. gfbetbatfanctlfpebthefelbtopBWieme ftagapne/ietbfoiputtbe fpfte parte of tbe p^cetbatttfDa0fetattberebnto/aitQ)ar bebpS/pfbe topllnotit (balbe reoemeb no= moare.tfuttobenthefelbegoethout in tbe peteoftubelpe/ttTOalbeholpbmotbeXoib: men as a tbptige beepcateb / anb it (ballot tbepjca&amp;espoffefffott.


m ami" ranetffpebnto tbe)io?bea felb/ tobftbbebatbbougbte anbiSnotofbpsen= 6 , lrttl beritaunce/tben the p?eaft (bail reft en toptb iO'.a bt'm tohat it is too?tb bnto pere of iubelpe/ anb be wall gene the p?pce that it 10 fet at $ famebape/anbft ftalbe bolpbnto*tbe]to?b, *m. Ml 05tttihtbcrereoftubele/tbefelDefl)ane^cicoftVft turne onto bpm of tobome be bougbte ft / ;tMw \ jy tobofe enberftaunee of lanb it to&amp;s. bt *"tOu| nballfettpngeCbalbeaeo?bpnge to tbe *boI? fpclc. ne fjcie maftetb.rr.CBerajj. Suttbe ft? (rbo?ne of t beaeess that pet* ta; ne bnto tbe 7Lo?be/ maje no man fanetfc fpe:tobetber ftbe one ot (bepe/fo? tbe? ate ft "XLo?oeis alite&amp;p . ^fitbeanbncleahe beaft/ then let bim r ebeme ft a* ft it feet at/ geue tbeffftepartemoaretbetto.gifftbcnotre* Demeo/tben let ft b e foioe as itftt rateb.

19dtta)i^ftanbpnge no be&amp;pcateti tbfttge that a manbeb?catetb bnto tbe Ho?be/of ail bwftoob /tobetberitbemSoj beafto?!ano of bTftenberftaurtee/walbe folbe 0? reoemeb: fp?aUbeofearetb?nge$aremo(i bolf bnto tbeilo?bej9obeWcate t&amp;wge tberftuetbat f^bebtcate of m8/raaf bereqemeb/buttnuft tiebeubpe. antbefetFtbeis oftbe lanbe/tsbetbnft be of tbe come of tbe felb 0? frute of treeu/ ftwlbe boftbnto tne jLo? an? man toia rebemeougbteofbiPtVtbes/ietbrtnaDbe^ tffte parte moaretberto . ainbtftetpr&amp;ttof org anb (bepeanb of alltbatgoetb bnoertbe berbematiisaepfnge/lbalbebois tvtbeubn* toluol. ^enOtaUnotlobeffftbegoob o? bab no? (ban cbaage ftvjf an? m5 cbadoc fttbenbotbttanbtbatittoasi cba(Tgebtoftb all/(balbeboipanbmareriotbereoemeb. Cbefe are the commaunbmente^ tobfebe Cbe Ho?be gaue^ofejsm charge to geue bntotbecbi(b?enof3!(taeimmoutit^uiai. * 6e mbe of ^t t&amp;wnc bobe of 3ofei3.

krm^ of 3Jfcatiu

of ^ofcscaueDilS utiles CftUtfitttarenptcrfo? bittcUavc nomb?B* IS^c

tspW of icwp i" appojftiteo (omjnracc cot^f tabtt# cbe.t.&lt;tbapter, i!5D t|jclLo?D e Tpafec ton to fl^ofeis in tbe toptoemecre of ^inaf /inn)e tabernacle of VDVtne ae / n)e f??ft nape of tbe fecon&amp;e monett) / 9 in tbe . Sfeconoe pete after tbep toere . come out of the lanoe of tfgppte fapfnge : rM ,*taSepetbefummeof all tbemultirttDe of SESSu'tbe cbslb?en of jfraei/in their ftpnteoee anb wm*r&gt; fjouwoloeg of thefr fathers 9 nomb?etbf bv name all that are maleg / pone bp pone/ fr5 anb aboue: mm an that are able to go fo? the in to foanemgftaei/tbouaaiatf $allnomb?eihemintbeirarmcej3 / a topth fouOalbeof cuerptrpbes becoman in the boureofbi0fatber. anbtbereare t&amp;enamess of f men $ fijall flanbetoith pou-.of JSuben/B?u* tbe fomte .Of$&gt;eoeur:of^fmea/^eiumftItberonne of fMtrf ^&gt;abat : of the trpbe of tuba / ^a* beaon f fonne of 3Crmnabab:oi ifacbar/i9a "ifthae! fomte of 3uat:of38btrtotv&lt;liab je fonne of ^elon.amonge the tWBtten of fofepb : of Pb?aim / (Eufema tbe fonne of Jrmbub:of ^anacre/&lt;!amalieltbe fonne of peba?uf.ofjBeng!amin /abiban the fonne of dESeoeoni-.of ah/ab&lt;e?er forme oRUm* mw* miS&gt;abai:of 3ifer/*|e8gier (befonneof &lt; eramof &lt;s$ab / glifapb the fonne of &gt;rguel: pfi9epbtbaJi/2libira the forme of cnan. 33 Cbefe roere tb e cotmcef ergi of the congrf &lt; gact'on 9 lo?bt0 in the tribes of their father* anb captapnes* cuet tboufanoW in Sfrael. inb #ofes anb^atS tobe tbefe men aboue nameb anbgetbereb ail the congtegacts to o?tber/tbe fp?ftbape of tbefeconbemonetb/ anb teseneb tb tm after ttjetr bp?tb 9 Bpnreb^ 0boufe0oftbetrfatbet0bp name tereanbabouebebbpbeb/ag the %om ci5? maunbeb^ofejs/euenfobe nomtyeb tbem mtbetoplbemefleof ^&gt;inai, . anbthechflb?enofiauben1!frae6Jelbe(l ronhem theft generacpon* /bpnrebeis anb bourtwbf tt)efc fatbewJ/tob^tbeptaete nom. b?ebeuerpm5bpnatne/antbat toere mate*

fromjocper e anb aboue / aamanp as toere abletogoofo?tbmtoarte-.toerenomb?ebtn tbetrpbe of 5aubcn.tibi^oufanb anb fpue ntracpon in theft Bpmtbe? m boufejj of Dtoffl)t{ tobeneuerp ^marwrname tea?


tofoe)of all tbemale* peresi a aboue/ tobatfoeuer toa^mete fo? tbetoarre : toere riomb?ebintbe trpbe of &lt;feimeon Jir.thou* fanbcanb.iif*unb?eb. . -^ 3Bmonge the cbpib?cn of abt theftgene^c racpontntbeftbpnreoes anb bouibofiiefs of theft fatbwis/tobentbep toere toibebpname from.w:^ereanbabouc/antbattoeremete . fo?tbetoane:toerenomb?ebin tbetrpbe of ab.rib .thoufanbe/f f %t hunb?eb anb f pftr'e. aimonge the cbpib?en of 3|uba: their gene*^f juea. tacion in their fipnrebejsana bcufes of their father0( by tbenombje of nameg ) from. tt. pere anb aboue/all that toere able to toarte/ toeretoaeintbettpbeofUuba.Jttiiii.tbou* f anbe anb fpte bunb?eb&lt; -aimonge tbe chplb?en oF^fachar -.their anUMr genetacicn in theitiivmeDcg anb bourejsof their fathetsi(toh en their name* toere coun teb( t t it a aboue / tobatfoeuer toa &amp; aptefo?toarre/toere nomb?eb in the trpbe of |facbar.liiii. tboufanoe anb.iiti.hunb?eb. among the cbplbren of ^abulon: ttjeir ge^if jaeuiow. neracpon /in theft bpnre&amp;ejs anb houfe? of theft fathers after tbenomb;e of names) Wf.pere anb aboue/tobofoeuertoafs mete f 0? tbetoarre;toerecountebtntbe trpbe of 3a* . im lon.lbi f.tboufanlieanb.iiftJbunb?eb. ^, , %Mmontt the cbplb?en of iofepb : fp?ft^f3rftp^ camongethe cbp)b?e of &lt;fPb?amt:tbeirgene racion/fntbeftbpntebes* anb bouf es of their fathers ( tohmthe names of all that toere apte to the toarretoeretolbe(from.rt. petes anb aboue:toerefnnomb?ein the trpbe of cpb?atm.jrl.tbcufanbe /anb fpte bunb?eb. _ . m _ amongetbe chplb?en of fl9anaffe:theirj f ?*&amp;* generacpon/ in their bpnrebes anb houfes of their fathetsitohm the names of ail tbat toere apte to toarr e toere tolbet from.jcr.anb

aboue toere nomb?eb in the trpbe of $a&lt; naCTe,ttrif.tboufanbe.anbttoohunb?eb. amongetbe cbpib?e of^en^amniuheir^D^ wjamm, generacfon/fn their fipntebes anb houfes of their fatbers(bp the tale of names) frcm ttoentpe pete, anb aboue of all that toere mete fo? toarre/toere nomb?eb in the trpbe of 36enjamin. ttjeb. tb ouranbe / anb. itii, Smonge the cbplo?en of an : their &amp;e*3? ^' nerarton in their fipnrebts anbhoufes of * theft fathers(inthefumme of names)ofal! thattoas apteto toarre fromttoentpe pere anb aboue / toere nomb?eb in W trpbe of ^an.lrif.thoufanbeanb.bft.hunb?eb. * * 3Iimongethechplb?enof3Pfer:theirgene^faf. racion/intbeirfipnre^anbhoufes of theft . fathers! tohenthep toere furnmeb bp name) ft5.rr.peresanbaboue/an that toere apte to toarre toerenomb?tb in the trpbe of 3fes



i&amp;mwt' amongetbe cbtfbjen of 0t#mmMt ana,bf.burfo?m,]fln&amp;ne]rte bnto jrp m roan neiwtac*on/OTtbctti^e?armboufe?of mctrtfrtof g?acbatpptcbeana flatbanee] ttHOTfatbewtobmtbeftrtame?tocte tofi&gt;e) 4(fWrwcptwnMg^Mill' fwraj^iwwano about/ tobatfoeue* toa? of&lt;ttac&amp;at/bi* botte anbtoenomb?* of ttjem irt&lt;tetotoai*c:toeeenomb;ebtntbctt*be ft&lt;.tfli^anwani&gt;.Urt%nwcD. _ ofj8cpbtbaBtb;scanbftftrj&lt;tbouranban&amp; arwtbrottcwbeof3abuiomttjfab tmmS, tberormeof^eion/captapucoucttbecbpi* M eb*ftawtbenemb?e?tobfcbfl9ofe?anb i&amp;QfZabMn/mWMMtinlbtnmtyt aatonnomb;fbtof##c.j$. pjincc? ofac^ oftbem4btf.mouranoe fMtoam.Jboto taeuof euetpboufeoftbcrt fatbet* aman. flat all an rocproatpampttt onto roe jwtt c ana ail tbe nomb;e? of tbe ebpitoen of |f* of gfuoa / arc an jmnajeb tboufaii W. iw*bf ,

wel /Intbe boufe? of tbert fatbe r? / Rom tboufanoe ana , r}rt .bunb;cb in tbe?; corns ttocntpe praanaabcuc / tobatfoeuettoa? panpe? :anb tbefc roansofntbt fo?eftont/ mmfo^etoaminaftael/ajetoebntotbe tobmtbcjfouniet. , fomrKoffcbuttb?ebanb tbtf tbouranbe/ anbontbefmjtbftbe/tbeftanftcttoftbe^" J N me crpbe of tbr.fatb0tocnotnomb?fb ppe? atbccaptapneouetmefcrmc? offfiu**, ra , Jr -i mwmmeuL "en/ W?u tbe tonne of &gt;eamr / anbbf? anbtbejUwbfpaRebnto fl&amp;orc?rarmgc: bofteanbtbenomb?f tbf .riw^oufanoe/ cnlp m&amp; Swi iwmbjc not tbe ttpbe of A.bwnb?eD.Hno faft b* bfm Oialf tbettfbe 3Lcut/neettefictbefomnoftbl amonse of Simeon prtcbe/anbtbccaptepneouer - - - -- -- tyttimm of &amp;traeon.^alumtcftbe forme

Che o$&gt;ee


tbe cbplbjen of giftart. ffiuttbou waltap popnte tbe mutest bnto tbebabitaciS of tort* met/ am to an tbe appaten djetof ana ton* to all tb at logett) rtj et o? tbe? (ball bearc tbe tabcmacleanaalltbe ofltnatlcetbetof/ snaffle? (ball mpnfflte it anb (ball pptche tbert tenter rounaeaboutctt.ana toben tbe tabernacle goett) fojtb tbeleuitc? malltafte ft aoune:ana tobe (be tabernacle i? pttebea/ ttepwanfettftbp:fomanpftcatlget come new/be ajallbye.anatbecbplbjen of Sftael roallpptcb ro*ft tente? /euerp man ftt bP? ctonecompanpe ana euerp mSupb'* atone ftanaert tbojoto out all tbcfcbotte?.3But tbe leiitte? mall pi&gt;tc&amp;e tottnoe about e tbe ba bitacpo" of toptneae/tbattberefallnoto/atb bpontjje cortgtegaer'on of tbe cftp K&gt;;e of %U tael / * tbe leuite? (ball toapte bpon tbeba* bftacion of to? t neffe.anb tbe cbpiajen of if* taeiapaacojapngctoantbat tbe Jlo;b corns mawraea#ofe?. C fl^eojoecoftfjepptctipngoftbc tenfes ton rise a Sou tt 15 1 tabccnacl'r of toptneffe . Cfi c ticae te aii6 t$cfc&amp;o?ot0Oftytft?nteDC0of3ftaclacenuars.


of 5n^abat/anbbWbofteanb tbenom* b?e of tbem.irt.tboufanDe anb.t.bunarta. ana tbe ttpbe ofa&amp; allo-.ana tbe eaptapne ouet tbe tonne? of aa/ tflfafapb tbe forme of eguei anb bf? botte anbtbenombje of an&amp;.l. S&gt;o tbatallt&amp;e nomb;e u)at pettapne bntotbc boQeoflKuben/atean buntyeb tboufanoe it.tbou(anoe.rttt.buno;eb ami fvftpe/ titfb tbef t: compaf nt9/9 tbe? (ball be tbe feconte fntbefoumep. m ' _ ana tbe tabernacle of togmeOe toptlj tbe c botte of tbe leuftw/wangotntbe mjNieg *&amp; tf oftbeboft^agtljeylpemtbmtenteg/eufS'^h fo mail tbe; pjocene (n t foutncf /euetf mitniooci. in b t'u quarter aboute tbe (tanbettejS. fl)ntbe toeftrpoe / tbe ftan&amp;attc anbflje JDM botte of ipb?aim mail l?e toitb tbert compaW* gj npeg/anotbecaptapne ouertbe forme? ttlTS3*\ tfPbJaim'V Wama tbe fonne of 3Cm&lt;bub : wtiamih anbb(0bofte9tbenomb;eoftbem.n,tbous fanbeanb.b.bunb?eb. ' . 3Cnb faftbp Bpm / tbe ttpbe of fl^ana / anb at captavne onee t\^t forme? of g$a * nau*e/&lt;i3amaieel tbefoune ofPeba^atanfr bv? bone anb tbe nombje of tbem.jcww. tboufanoe anb.ii.b unb?e&amp; : 2Cnb tbe tfg&amp;e . f jSenVamm aifo:anatbe captape ou er tbe fomie?ofen31amm/abroantbeComie of eoeom'/ anabpsJboflf ana me nomb;C of tbem j*j*,tbou(anbe *.iftf,bunb?eb ,%mc n9b?e i pert etne5bnto f boOecf i2ub?aim/

antoermefonneofaimmf $&gt;abaf.anabw botte me numb?e of tbe. Itf i. tboufanbe ;* btTbunblea. anafattbpbrmroail tbetrpbe of idfer prtcbeidtbe captapne ouee fonne? obfei;/Wel tbe forme of ctamanabt?? hojfteatbenomb^eof tbem. idt.tbouranbe? i bunaJcD Jnatbetrtbe of ^epbtbanalfo/? tbe captapne ouee m emm oimmu abftatbe fonne of ran: 9bftoleanb tbe

mrmb?eoftb?.W.tboufanae*.mi.buna?ea. So tbattbebolenumb;e of all i pettapneb hrttotbebofteofan/toa?anbaD|eatbou* fanaelb.tboufanae?.bi.bunb?eD^nbtbep maibe * latt in tournep tt tbert ftanaew?. acbefe are me fumme? of tbe cbplb^e of g'f* raeimtbeboufe? of tbert fatbet?-.eue alltbe nomtoe? of tbebotte? tt tbeir c5pan?e?.bf. butuueb tbouranae.tti.tboufanae.b. bwmtb a fpftte.ana pet tbe Tieuftc? toere not nom* b;eoamSge tbe cl)pia?e ofJto*/m%m c8maunHeb#ofe?.ana f tw&amp; of jfrael Wbaccojapngto ailtbattbe jtorW cSmaun m flofe?/af WV Pttcbea toftb tbeit ttan*


!f5a tbe nojae fpabe bnto fi@ofe? &amp;naaaronfa?mge :cbe cbpIo;en of grftaei mall prttb: euerpmanbrj , .^Jb^'otonettanberttotm tbe acme? Gnatta oftbertfatbet?bottfe?/atoapeftomtbep;c SMS rmceofmetabemacttoftojtnelR. mSffS* !" #' * adttoe totoatoe tbe rrftnge of ** ,. ** ^srasEr^c^sra: bMion. tbe fonne / man tbep of m ftanbett of tbe anb an Biintotb to (bew&amp;ott e?: 9 tbep malbe r)olleoffiaapftcbtoptb y tbefrarme?:ainb tbetbtpbfntbefoutnese. .- = SftiB 0abe(Ton tbe fonne oftmmabab tyalbe cap? 3BnbtbeOanbettatbe botte ofmw wan 2SK5 tatneouettbeforme? of3(ubaJnbbte botte !peontr)e np/tftftbetoptb tbert compainje ?:r- F -- -^. anaibe nom&amp;?e of tbem, Win, tboufan&amp;c anb tt)e captapne ouertbe cbrib?e of an/ abte?er


tael/fo' g tt)e'jiLeupte? malbempncbecaufe a.jicf tr com all tbe fftttbome arempne:fo; rameoate[| rgiw tbata fmote all tbe fp;ftOo;ne in tbe lanae of ffi; ?, CEgpptC/31 balotoebbntomeall fr.zftbome imimt/aB &amp;rre tn gifrael/botbmananobeaft/^mvne tbegacfti.bLs malbe:fo?5iamtbeiLo;&amp;e. anbtbe /Lojaefpabebnto fl^ore? m tbe topfiierneCe of ^mat fapinge : $omb?e tbe

cbplb^cn of jteuf in tbe boufe? of tbert fa* tber?*bpnrei)t?/alltbataremale? fro amo netb oiae 9 aboue.ana fl^ofe? nomb?eb tbe attbetootfeoftbe jLo?be/a?be toa? com* maunaebJnb tbefe are tbe name? of g cbtfl* b}tn of Jltiifc (Kcrfon/ tfabalb anb &lt;g$etan. 3nb mefe are name? of tbe cbtfb;e" onnp fonintbertbsnreae?-xtbma^cmet. ann tbetorme? of Cabatt) intbeir brnreae? toere amram/3;e?ebar/^eb?on c fl)?iei. SM* fonne? of flirerarim tbert fipnrebe? toere JjraabeltanD^utt.'iEbefeare tbe ftpnrebe&gt;i of)leuimtbcbouCc?oftbertfatber?. an&amp;of(S5erfoncame ftWrttboftbejUTj* nite? ana tbe *&gt;tmMi tobicb are tbe fivn; gfflSSS tv lownevb euerpman m bp? t^e? of tbe cwtfomteonb fumme of me tocft m cmtituman tn m *^ f g25nSlm2ft fweBunb?eb.anatbeftpntebe?of tbedSer* riuSmtSSSW &amp;e?prtebebbebwaemebabtoonteeft ^^*%iKSlapr. toawe.anbtbecaptapneoftbemott aimcret ~, csssw, efe ate me generacpon? of aar5 boute amSge e Berromte?/toas Ngnfe* a i^^ f Sfe? / Aen tbe Ho?befpafie tbe fonne of HaelJnb g office of tbe cbplb^e liSSmfSS^SJm of ffiertonintbetabernacleoftotttuffe m&amp; l^^Mtmmmn^mtomtfi toftepetbebabitacps^betentetoitjtbeco Jf^rffiabtbe eiaettfStne / *3W&amp;i5 ueringetberoff anbtbebangpnge mm SSSSSSSSSSmtnamtfi of tbe tabernacle of topmefle/ana tbe ban* SSSSSmMtotttpmiitfi gprrge?oftbecourte/anatbeciirta?neoftbe anbtbeSf^^ mcfeatetberrpnrc^oftbeabatbfteJS.anB ^hSXSSaSmma before tbe nomb?e of all tbe male? from a monettj 10 9SSSSSBSSSESSBSmm olbeanb aboue/toa?.bm.tbotiranbearrbfrte IS^^aV&amp;vmSoSSStm l^?costobimtoapteaont^ebol|Place,ano ShStiMie fnf SKSo fetuvee of 5 tbe bpnreb of tbe cbaern of cabac* jjitcheb SSrSffflt bPon aS on tt)efoutbae of tftebtoeilmg.ana tbe cap, SStS^SSKWe fetuice reae? of tbe cabatbiteg/toascritrapban tbe of ScBaSfi ^Sai maltgcuc the %t* fonne of flD?ieI/9tbr office toa?to bepc tbe SSiStmaSmmiifomtvm arcbe/tbetable/tbecanbeiapcft/^ tbe alter/ SumbSoSffl SB bSpbeffel? to mbtpttre tt 9 ttc Iraiie ^SSSa^miSyi (onnf to toptb all tbat feruea tberto. ana Elca?ar

S^ffiSBSSSS^ &lt;E3B tbefonne oWonicp?caft/toa? captavne HPr ^KSSBSSSft ouetallttie captapnc? of tbe Jteuite? / ana Uow*i8.Zbebo!De*$bauew6e-^ pOT iiKS?lSSramemefirmreae?ofmeS^ tomu3&amp;tteM&amp; of gfrael/fo? alltbe fpjttbomej J"^SS SSS-artbef^ C0 ^" D01 ' 1 openett) t matriceamBgetbe cbplb?e ofjf* flEabettte* anb of tbe "% ana tptw^enojcw ofc



aretr&gt;efty nwfirpoE tbe fl&amp;er&amp;rfte*. *nbtbe nomb;e of tbtnutobenau $ male? fr5 a mo* netboioe a abcuetoaf5totte)b;etoebnto.toj. tuouran&amp;e a.ilbunb?eb.anbtbe captayne of to wo tt auncigtboufle amSge tbe ftyntebe* of tbe :ffl[}erarite*/toa* Muriel tbe lorme of aibibaei tobftb Vttc^eD on tycnqty fybe of $ otoeilyng.anb f offtce of {forme* of fl#erarf tea* to feepe $ boflie* of tbe btoellyng 9 tlje tatte*/ppier* toitb tbefocftette*tbetof/anb alltbeinftrumentess tbetof 9 all tfjatfmieo tbmo:anbtbepyler* of tbe coutte rounbe abouteatjftirlcifiettegtoubtbettpjntiessa scores flats co;be* . 23ut on tt)e fo;ettfit of ft) t gaUitac-gS J SRSB? * bef o?e tabetnacle oitoftnefie eadtoatac/ 8,u 9" aBf,Df -fl)alliote* a aaron abWlonne* pyttba toayte ontue fanctuary in to fteaoeof tbe (M(r of 3.ttaei. anb to ftratlgtttbat co* tfmetbnye/ajalcyefo;rt.anbtbebo!ciimime

of tbe'/leuitc&amp; tobicb fljtofc* 9 aatonuom* fc;eb/attbec6maunbtm?tof jiojb tbo;oto iwttbeftfiym:e&amp;e*,euenofalltbemalc*ofa monetb otoe a abc uc /toa* .trft tboufanbe. anb tbe )lo?fieraycet)nto fl^cfe* : j?ont* 6;eaIltbery;ltbo;ne t are male* antige ? ebylbze of gtrael/frS a monetb oloc a aboue ataftetbehomb;eof tftefcname*.anb tbou a!t appoints R) e juitft c* to me tb t% cm I t 0; all tbe f y;ttbo;ne amonge tbe (bte of lfrael/atbecateiioftbe]ieutte*fo;ffy;ft jo;ne of tbe cbylb;en of Sfrael.anb tig ore* nonib?ebas5tbejlo?Decomaimbebbmt/aU fy;Obo;ne of cbylo;e of gftarf.anball tbe fp;dbo;ne males in tbe fumme of name*/ from a menetb oloe a aboue/ torn ncmb;ib r;;ebattD.lwrtfl. (k a n tl) e jLo;b e f pane bn 1 flip of ess fa y nig: taftc tbe jlcufte* fo; all the fy;ttbo;ne of to ct)yRne of Jfrael/a tbe eaten of tbeneuftc* f o? tlje t'r catefcanb tbe Jlcufte* fljalb e myne tPbtcb am tbe %om. anb fo? tbe rcbemynge of tbe ttoo buno;eb anb.ltjcifi. toblrb art moo tljen tbeXeuite* m $ fy;(tbo;ne of to cbpl* D;en of gTrael/tafte.b.fyclc* of euery pere/ * mmm*. aftet*tbc fycle of tbe boly place.w:.gtra* to jtuitprs9.Dtyeie.3tnD gcuetbe mwieytobettoftr) owe i*Mw* nomb;e of tbemi*rebtmeb/bntoaarSanb l*ronne*.anb flBofe* tofietbe rebempcyo" money of tbe otterplu* tbat toere moo ton tbexcut teg/amoge to fy;abo;ne of tbe cbtt b;en f 3 f raefcanb ft came to a bunbjeba.lrb.fpcle*/oftbebolye Cycle. aim begauetbatreoempcyonmoneybnto aarB abt* tonne* at tbe too;be of tbe &amp;o;be/ sum a* to tout commaunbeb floft*. CCCftc offjeco of tbtUn?tt0(tum one aftw tbe floebe tftat f)c cainr of*. * 6e,n'&amp;&lt;ir6apter,

j$b fglMtc fpanebnto flgorcsu anb aaron/atibbab tfiem tafiertje

fumme of tbe tb(U);en of Cabaib from amoge tbe fonness of %mi/ in tbettfirnreoess Moure* of tbe ft fattjeiw from.wjc.^ete a aboue bntrllfyftpe; all tbat toe 1 1 able to toatrc/ f j to bo $ to jbe in tbe tabernacle of toftnefle.^b^ lbalben)e omce of tbe cbpib?e of Uabatt) in to tabernacle of toi ttieffe tobrcb ft mood bolt . anb toben tbe bofteremouetb/aaronanbb?* fonneg (ball comeataftebonnetbebafie/acouergarcfte oftoftnecre tbtte toitb / a (bau pttttberon a ccuerjngeof tarug (bynnes/a (ball fpjebea eloib gtfartogetbetof tacntcte aboue all/ aput to fiatiegtberof in.anbbps tbe fbetoe table/n^eyltalifp?ebe ab?obe a ciotb ofta* etnete/ a put tijeioit tbe by fteis / rponejS/flat pecess anb pottcg to poure tojtb / a tbeaaplp b?eab Os albe tberon:a tbey ujallfp;eaoebp0 tijema couetynge of purple/ anbcoucrn)e fame toitb a couerynge of tarup fftynmp/a put tbe ftaue$$tbc;tof in. atibtbty (bantabea clou) of tacincte aco4 uer tbe eamelftycbe of lygbt aber lamped a anbberfnofferjj/af^cpat^/ a auberofle befieig tobicb tbey occupye aboute ft/a (baft putbpon bee anb on ^ll bee mfti umentcg/ a coutryngeof taruss fbynneji/a putftbpon Ctaueis .anb bpon tye ten alter tbey (bail fp;ebe a clotb of ^acyntte/anDputonbeu ftaue*. anbtbcyQ)alitalteann)etbingef( taibub toy occupye to minyftre tottb infbo* lypiaie/aput a ciott) of gac^ncteppotbem anbcouertljcm tottb a couetynge of tarufJ ffi?jinessanopiittlj{wcnOauesj. Snbtbey (ban tabe atoaye toe afOjess out of tbe alter/ m anb rp?ebe a fearlec ciotb tberon: anb put abouteit/tbef^epannefi/tbe fleQjbobejj/ tbetyoueig/tbebaienssaaii tbatbelongeb) bnto to alter / anb tbey fball lp;ebe bponft accuecyngeof tajtuu tbynne^/aput on tbe ftauess of ft.anbtobeaardabi0fonne0baue tnabeanenbeof couerynge tbefanctuary a ail tbe tbingegf of tbefanetuatye/agenfttbat tbe boHeremoue/tben tJjefonness of Cabatt) (ba n come 1 11 f 0; to beare/ a Co let tbem no t toucbeg fanctuatyieaa tbey bye. 3Cnb tb# tisf cbatge of tbefonneisof abatt)intbeta bernacle of to 1 ' tn etre . a nfi qElea?ar totonnt of aaron tbe p;eaft/Q)an baue tbe cbarge to pjepare oylefo? tbe hgbteganb ftoetecens*/

atbebaylymeatoSryngeatbe anopntfnge ot&gt;re/anb tbe ouetfygbte ofantbeMwKynoe anb of all tbat tbetintp/botb ouet tbe fane* tuary anb of all tbat pertaynen) tberto. ana to %oftt fpafie bnto 0ofejJ a m* ronfacenge:beatoyenot $ trybe of tbe fi*n reoeis of tbe cabat&amp;fte* / from amonge tbe y,wm, xwtyx* bobntotbem tbattbes - . mag

ifthe Eeuttes;

mayjpue anb not bye /toben tbey gobnto tbemooftboly place, aaronanbbyisfonnejs all go manbputtbe euety man bnto W feruyee anbbntobtjJburtben. utlet tbem not goto to fe toben tbcrcouer tbe fanctua " "leybyeV i ,,TCoiblfpafie bnto &lt;3ore0fayenge je fumme of tbe cbfmern of erfon/ intb^boufes of tbeirfatber0a&lt;nt^eirftyn= teue0:from.r]cr.tere anb abotte/bntyBXaft t&amp;atareableto goo fo?tb in toarte / fo;tobo feruycetntbetabernacieoftoftnefpt. anb Miit t femyce oftbebpnreboftbedSerf^ nftesi/to feme a to bcare.^rbey (ballbeare ? euctaynes of tbebtoellyng a \ eoufie of tbe tabernacle of toftneffe anb W eouerynge a f coueryngof tarujiffiynneutbat Wanbpe aboue top n it /am tbe bangynge of tbe bo j e oftbetabemacieoftottneoetatbe bangyng of tbecourteanbtbe bangynge of tbe gate of nje eourte tbat (9 rounoeabouttbe btoel* lyngea tbe altare/anb to combes* of tbe/a aw tbetnftrumente0tbatreruebnto tbem aaU tbat tismabefo? tbem. anbattbemoutbof

aatonaribbbsfonneg/ibailanf feruyee of tbe cb"jIDern of tbe erfonftejs be bone/tn an ifyefe cbavg ejs anb in all tb eft feruyce/anb ye Iballappoyntetbem bnto aft tbey; cbarge* tbattbeyfballtoaytebpon. gpnbtbwftitbe ferupceof to ftynreb of to cbilb?en of tbe &lt;perronfte0 m tbe tabernacle of toftneffe / a tbefttoartefbalbeintbebanbe of Sftbamar tbe fonne of aaron tbeweaft. . anbtljou alt nombjet&amp;e ronnesJof $$t taritotbetrftsnrebe^a ftif botfte* of W* fatberis/from^w.yereix anb aboue bnto.1. antbat ftiableto go fo#b in toarre/tobo tbeferuyce of tbe tabernacle of toftneoe. ann tfjiss isitbecbargetbattbeymufttoayte bpponfnall tbattbeymutt feme tn tbera* . fcemacleoftoftnefle:bebo?bei8of tbebtoel lynge/a tbebarreg/pylens/afofiettegtbetof anbtbepyler* of tbecoutterounbe aboute/ anbtbelrfofiette^/pynneis a co?be* toftball . tbatpertaynetbanbferuetbbntotbem. anb 5^ bp name verbal tefien to tbynge* tbat tbey mutt toavte tops to beare.cby* tjsg feruyee of tbe nynrebe* of ^foime* of flperatr in all tbey* feruyee in tabernacle of toftnelie by y bSb of atbamaitffonne of aar5tbep?eaft. anb fl^ore* anb aaron anb to pjincta oftbemultftubenontbjebtbe fonnes$ of tbe CabatbftejsintbeirHynteDessanbboureeof tbey?fatberjj/ftom.jcw:.yeteanbabouebnto ftftie / an tbat toere able to go fo#b in tbe bofteanb tobo feruyee in tbe tabernacle of toitneffe.anb tbe ncntb?e of tbe in tbey; fi?n Bbe0 toete ttoo tboufanbe /feuen bunbzeb anb.l. befe ate tbenomb^e* of tbe fiyn* KbejJof t Cabatbfttf/ofaltbatorbremyce

into tabernacle of toftntfle/tobycb $ote$ anbaaronDpftnombjeattbe commaunbe ment of tbe %om bp )ebanbe of ^oU. anb tbe forme* of etfon tocre nomb?eb in tbey; rtynrebe* anb in to boufe* of tbey; fatb W0/ft5.ra:.?ere bp bnto f?ftye/all tbat mete able to go fo?tb in tbe bode fo; tobo

feruyee in tbe tabernacle of toftneffe . anb nombjeoftbemtn tbep; fipnrebe0/aintbe 60 tire* of tbey; fan)er*/toa* ttootboufanb fyre bunb;ebanb,w;j:. bt* i*ibenomb;e of tbe byftreb est of tbe fonne* of mttton / of an n)at m feruice in to tabernacle of toit* neffe/tobicb fl^ofe* anb aaron bybnomb;e attbe eommaunbementof tbe j3,o;Be. 3mn to bpnrebe* of tbe fonne* of fllpera* rttoerenomb;ebintbey; 6ynrebe*anbin^ boure* of tbey; fatber*/;.yerebpbn to f y fty can tbat toere able to go f o;tb toy t b U)t l) ofte/tobo rerutce in tabernacle of toft* neffe.anb tbenomb;eof tbemtoa*intbey; ftynreb e*/tb;e tboufanbe anb ttoo bunb;eb. f)i*it to nomb;e of to fiynrebe* of tbe fonne* of g^etarf /tobicbe 0^ofe* anb aa* ton nomb;ebattbebyobpnge of tbe jlo;dc/ bytbebanbeofflBofe*. . ' b e tobole fumme tobftb &amp;ofe* /aaron amtt^t Io;be* of Jfraeii nomb;eb amonge tbe jLeuite*intbeirftynrebe*a bouftolbe* of tbeft fatber*/from. yw:.yere bp bnto . I* euery man to bo bi*oftyce anb feruyee anb tobearebt*burtb5 in to tabernacle of toft* neae:toa*.biii.tbouranbe/fyue buntueb anb irrjp.tobicbtbey nomb;ebattbe commaim Dement of tbe |Lo;be by tbebanbe of flore* euery man bnto bi* feruyceanb burtben ; a* to %ofbt commaunbeb &amp;ore0. C^o t^t? be t^ae oiifl&amp;tto be tafl euf of tip ^otte. Cficbnotoleflvngeof Cwine.ftt^e clcatifpng of fjnne 6ncof (sno?Runce. cnelatoe of t^efpjft (Mtm ofaclouCw. ccbefyftecbapter. \fib to ;Ho;berpafte bnto ^ofe0 faytnge: commaun&amp;e tbe cbylb;en of ifraeltbat tbey put out of tbe ;ftotte/alltbeleper0aaHtbatbaue yfiuess anbantt)atarebefylebbpontbebeeb/ tobetber tr)eybe male0 0; femaie0 je (ball put w out of $ botte/tbat tbey befyienot $ tente*am5getobicbveotoell.anb$ cbflb;en of Jifrael byb ro/a put tbem out of tbe bofte euen a* tbe %o;u commaunbeb 2@ of e*/Co bfbtbecbflwenofl'.ftael. _ anbttje )io;befpafiebnto flore*fayen* a -..._, Ia ge:rpeafiebntoecby^of3fraefctobetber-gS ttbe man 0; tooman/tobentbey baue fynneb m mmvc ahymaner of fymte tobftb a mS boetb tobere tpaccB^occ* toitb a man* trefpafetb agenft tbe JUwue/wg fjm

fotbattbefoulebatb bone am^:tbentbty u 3j, "" (ball ftnemlebge tbeir fytme* tAmSSmSUSi bauebDne/anbre(to;e agaynetbeburte tbat t^ ; , tttthit g.b. tot


Cttemonpes, &amp;wmti

uuthchiKt fltevhflucMneintfteBotc/atiDSSttfiefpfte abt&gt;uanbtoae ft outfit e bjJt tertoater. sngti mm [P"StmtoSeS* ttefpaftD agentte. tfut ftwtbpttt^cniet^ewtatttefte egelou*, retffiSfttSSSWB amenDedbaue no nf0ffenW*^^ e1 2S^^MP"S t O toi/omi^rc(i, a t bett ,gi,o;W0attofl)c1&amp;?eaftc}S/bcfrDe alter.anDbe aUta aeanbanDefulloftbe 'W aiuu m ,$ Sm e%cattonewk offer^iigc tobet* numo?t&gt;all offe^ngeanoburoe it wnK g ^ e ^Ti?^^8&amp;atfeonmiW;ftmfrtfc. aitcr/anotmmafteftet^ncfie&lt;betoet S 3 *l 8 % "S *3S5 bene tettged of all tftebalotoeo aimtoh^b^^^^^^r" 6 ^^^ m"a it be ^SbK%W of 9 tttttl b?i&gt;nge ebcbeftiep anD baue trefpafeD agents tiKp^aac^^XpJca^^ctacp/caftfSi/^fiietg ietBuftanb/t^nftaU^c^urf^getoateB ?^A?h2S5?BSi Sm&amp;t&amp;te W atone / gooin tobee sbefo bttter/atlKtbcl?all iocc. ittoalbefteweafted. amtfeamongel)erpeople.ainDi&gt;f ebenot InW/oW fpaftefantofliaofesfereg: Def?leDbutfdeleane/cne all baue no feueane bnto the cb?lD?en of gttartt / anD batme/butat totmw conccaue. antotbem.3fan?ma0tofegooafi!oc W*W^*&amp;^*W*W ana i rtetPaCe asawtft b?m / fo tbat anotbet goetb afpoe beftnwtt; (nttbanoe anD td pe. maniw tott^ bet fieelv anD e tbjnge be* ftlco/o? tobm tpfpittte of gelouf|e come Sw Sra tbe evejs of bet bufbanDe ano id aponam8/Coatbetdgeloureouerbtdtotfe S i no toptnede agentt bet ) to as* moe ad anD e p?eaff allmtotftre all gWWjejg i ^,uJetoadnottaBctttottbemanei/anDe tober/anDemanalbegtltle(K/anDe i^c? c? 9 Hfwcttof ,, gelouf?ecometbajnbimanDbe toj?feallbeavebctfpnne. Era oM'Hffciout fouet uidtoyfeanD (be DrftfeD/ cP)ciatocofci.uiiattobct)ppotit?&gt ;emanjiw

. ,?, ff r- 1. SZZSZ. . f, of Minufur. tnimth hu5 fine jHantt of MetTwa th c people.

a f rare a crt&gt; Keif e Cpjcte Of gelOUfJ?e come bp5 Ae mane* ^R^W' tm noiutouc SJ&amp; j&amp;jftob ouet bid tuife anD e &lt;cbe.w.bant oftuwics ttat HESSE* Si*h iMhtthnflianhbiMUK i $D e jlo?De fpabe bnto &lt;$ofed * ;fai?enge:fpeabc bntotbe cbi?lD?en 'ofgftaelanDrasebntotbenv.toben^ttf,^ eer man o? tooma" appoynte to 4c dm

SSCS8S Vtwattm. mn letbftbutbanD bnm aWttomtii-bci; bnto flje p.jeatte anD b??nge an otie* MtmwL^wHMfoiDer.tbz tentbe patte of an cEPba ^^m^^aSSSSS^Simifam. fti;5geD?vn6e/anDa)aWpc6enobvnagteV t 9 aw m&amp;mti* JBmT^SaSiSSSSS^ tobatfoeuet i0P?eff(boutof grape^^ftauw/sc'w uept ^?2S i^SmS^alSSmmifi SS * ft grapcjJnetbetretD^D a^ Wge JgJJ atiacse Wet atnoAepWOMllRt g to?fcbefo?e W*g jgWW^^ *g";* om ""S! t,,ef SeSc anD bncouet bet beaD/ anD put nonot tontocba?tbeco?neWo;tbebufeof befoje ^SCTfS ne, ^icbbefatteujbmotbejlwDe/anDbelbal'Bcrgacvan. ^ffigSfflffigSMSlfebe be Ijclv anD all lettbelocbe* of btt tafft c nf rittrt iiute et mxCvaat toatet b c "ban come at no oeab b od?c : ne mail not ffi0 ^ j^^KS&amp; bebwtbe maltebimfelfe bncleaneat tbebeatbof HriSS HttStaKe&amp;att^ftl^e^ fatbet/motbet/b^tbetozCtflettfo^tbe^bJ^n . ^SStSSnixhetm^ ctn tbetfojeajUongeassbKSabttpnence MMVSS tbe ta?e of bt tlefmge-.euenibe (eu?tbbae g^, urt betballlbaueft.anbibetfgbfiJa$ebetballtt)i8rtn feWwMAnseWwCwfigejfeeowttJe'"""'" P?eatt/bnto tbe fio?e ottbe tabernacle of toft neue,

amongemypeopieaoiyat 19 c nwwnwm; t. amen s an My tbye totte/anD tbv bel? fto ell \IW8 bfttet

tcb&gt;tt i tt "&gt;cutCpngc toatet goo In totbebotoelp of tbe/ ?uc a SSi &lt;N belp ftoeuanbtbf tb?etotte/anbtbe SsTtfaS aS tojft tballfape' amenHmen. frt/app?o ainbtbep;eaft Iballto/stte tbtst cutfe to

netre^no tbe 2S5S! ffiS&amp;SSs! rwtofRtpnge* totbet fo; abutwoBctpnge amaiteanacoment fo? bfm/iWconcetninge ttjat be fpnneD bpontbeseeD/anDlballairo balotoe W bD tbe Came oatf ?bf OWl ab. Be^nebnto tbe %oM Oft tpme of W abftt nencse/anDfbaH b#ngeaiambeofanietf olfiefoiattefpace offetpngetbuttbeoasejJ * toebefo?eatelott/becaufeb^abQinenrte toad Def? UD . Cbfe it tbe latoe of tbe ab aenter/toben trraeoflw abCtoJcett out ftettialbeb?ougbtebntotbeDo?eoffiabitr. nacle of tottneffe ^beftall b^nge W-ttif fvnaebnto $ iLojDe:anbelSbeofa^eteoiDc toto) outblemplb fo?abutntoBetpngeanbc ftelabeofatete oioe tottbout blemp fo? afwtofietpnge/atara toftboutblempibalfo fo? a peaceoffemige / anbabafbet of ftoete b?eeDof fvnefloure mpngleD totftopie and toaferg of ftoete b?cab anopntpD toftb oflelA meatoffetpged anD D?pnboffetfngej tbat longetbereto, m . t ^ m . 3(nDtbep?eaft D)ailb??ngebimlwfo^t xo?De 9 offet ty fpnoffetmge 9 W burnt* offwnge/a all oBeei ram fo? a peaceoffe tpnge bnto $ 5Lo?d e toftb Sje bafbeD of ftoete


teew/anb tbep?eaft all offetaWjH* meat

m toben ^ofed baDnift fett bp tbe babftacpon anD mom en ft 3 3d fanctift eDit anD aH e appatell ; tHere of/ 9 baDanoynteD 9 fanctt*

ft eD altetalfo 9 alle beaeus ere of:tn tbep?nce* of ^fraell ^eene? otiet f boun* of eit fatbers tobi'tb toere t%o?w of tbe ttybeg ^ ttofie &amp;ttomb?eb/ offeree b?ougbt mm gifted befo?e e %ojot fire couereD cbatetteis anD.r4t.oren-.ttoo anD t to a cbaree at an ore euerp man/anD f bep b?otigbte e befo?etbebabytacyon, anbeHo?De fpabe bnto g$ofe# faymge tafieftof e letem betoDo eCetuyce of e tabernacle of tottnetre/anbgeueem bnto * Xeuftedyettett man acco?Dyngc bnto W office 3Drd #ofesi tobe e cbarette* at e orcn/?gatteembnto jLeufteu.ff.tba vetted anD.Uif.oren be gaue bnto e fonned of etfon aco?Dj?nge bnto cp? office, ana liu'.cbarettcd attDeygbtorenbegauebnto^ fonne of S&amp;etm aco?Dpngebntoef? 0'= ced/bnDete banbed of ^amate fonne of3$aronep?eau. ?3utbntoefonnedof caba be gaue none/fo; e office at pet* be

tefneDto! toadbolp/.atbctfo?eepmuft bearebpon ouioetd . ^Se"9bWD?^coffet8nge.anb e ab* 3no ep?inctd offereDbnto e mw&lt; &amp;etWuauebidbeeDtoDo?eoT*ta* tpigeofeattertoeDafegfttoadanotjn* lieotacir of tottneffe 9 aHtaac e Have of teD/anb b?ougbteitgifted befo?e e aitet^ WdfobetbeeD9Putttto*fp?etob&lt;cb&lt;dbn* 3itoc:iu ? Dera?Detontojore0:ietep?i A ' lepeaceofferpge.bettep?eatt all ced b?ynge q&gt;? offerpnged/etterpDareone ra6eetoDDenoulDetof framfoneftoeK p?fn/bntoeDeDtcatpngeofeaatt, Soutoftbaffietfoneftoetetoafwalfo ^eatoffereDbt0offtttngetbefitftDa : ^hccgi, S a tStSmm W bif e of eabttemet after ftfim iSabeDon tbe fonne ofaminaDab tf*m***&gt; btba 1 auwbwabttinenceof/aep;eaff ettfbeof guDa, ittDbidoffet?ngetoad Ktoaueentbtttoe jUJ?De/tobi offe* ff met ebarget/of anbunD? Snge albeholf bnto $ p?eaft toi t tea* toepgbt: 9 a ftluer bouleof.lrr,ffcied of e ueb?eKbetteoulDei^ eneabftepnet bolpficle/bo of gfullof fne tobcKflou* SeSSetoJne . cbfdideiatoeof e renwigWtof "P W ameatofftrpge:

abSertoWcb baib botoeb bttoffersnge afponeof.r.ftcfedof goefunofcend:9an ^bntocXo?Defo?babftrm;nee;beffDed blloeb/aramanDalambeofarereoefo? atb?0banDecangete.airacco?Dsngto Wm ^m^JgSf^S^SSJ botoetob&lt;bebotoeD/eueiifobeinttftbo fetittge:.atfo?iaceoff"er^ed.rf.oyen i b : toeSe%dabtt?nence. wmmed.b.begooteda^lambedofafew SKo?DetalbeD toftb ^ofedfa?eng olDe.anDtdtoadegrfteof ^at)effwie rtjeafiebnto3DaronanDbtdformedfapenge: fonne of 3BmmaDab. iSdrwfefeaUWefff ecbslb?encfSf* obeftconbeDare/DpD J5aaneeloffet/5 mmm* welfSebittoem. fotmeof5uat/captatmouetfiacbat.anpofii3aan M t l ' W ba5SebleffeeanD6epee. . W*$tmmMJtJmWM*am* c*aktfitt be&amp;o?De 'mabebtstaeefne bpon et*arget ^an .wm ^Wjffi ! :M.% n ?iaanDb?mett?fuHbntoe. fc s to ^l t ^ a JS^,%"^^^^ lutatonca ^ueXorteUftcbpbidcounteniJuncebpiS Boiyftcle-.abo fuJioffpnefloutemtngl eD " e / anDo5ucepcace ffo? ve allput my toi otfe to? a meatoffetwige : anD agoioen offemtged/ans fo?peaceoffeitnged;ttorett b,rammed / fftteje gooted anDfpue lambed of wttrolDe.lcnDtb(dtoadeoffer|ng Df^aaneel tbe fonne of ?wv, cb

bleQeem, offefng of the Mftertuft W ictMfviiacUttuftttl9' * *

^l)toffnmge&amp; &lt;s:$c otfcftisc ^ije tbyjbebape/cEliabtbe fonne otisjeicn of uab. ; jhefttt amonge tbe cbttb;en of Sabulon/ b;ougbt bf* oflttpnge . 3Rnb 6&lt;a offeepnge toaJJ/aWurtcftatBCTOfanl&gt;uitt;e0anB.)cit]c ttclegtocpgbte/anba ffluet boule of.lrje,Cf=



fo;a meatoffetpnge'.an&amp;a gorcm fporie .of .j flew/full of cena.anb almllocfi/aram a a lambe of a? ere olbe f o; bnrntofferpngeg / a ane goo te f o? a fpnoflerp ngeanb fo? peace HtK9a&gt;cviwt/cMiMcM*vvM W vv*. w ,..- offeiwgean' begooteg deaof 9 bOlpTtcle/abotbfulfof fpne floure fclambeaofapereolbe.anbmjatoagf} offe* mpngleb^imoPiefo;ameatoffenwe: ana rpttgeofCliteimtbjfbnneofamwa.

^be.biu.cape/offereb Gamaliel tlje fon= (gene of ne of J&amp;eaa?utytae cbcffc low of efte cbplb;en * * of#ana(Te. anb big gpfte toast: a fpiuei; cutset of an &amp;uno?e&amp;9 . rrr. uclc0 toergbt: anaafpiuer boule of .floe. Kcftsf of me bolp

rbe .ijcaape/abfban f&gt; fonne of recconr a ieu | cbefe lo;bam6ge f cbttb;enof .t n^amm-atm* oflereb. anb bfagtftetoas:afpluer cljavget of anbunb;eb anb ffjc.ffcle* toffgbt:anba fplueeboule tff.lw.fpclea/of me flofy&gt; fpcle/a

a gotten fponc of.*.ttciea full of #m an ojceaitta,ram anaalambeof a-p ere olbe fo? bumtoflerpngea/anbanbe gootefo; afpn* oJrrpngeaintifo; P caceoffecpngca. ff .ojren.b .*.-..- -,.. ^ ... .. c me olbeJnotbfetoaatbe offerpnge of &amp;U ficle-.abomfullof fpneflourempnglebt oitb abthcfonneoffanJo oplefo;ameattfferpnge:tinbagoloenfpone Li_yw^uWoaW^li?t Bc fonne of ^^ oCiC.fpclea/fullof ceg.anbabullocft/arani ff^itefftfnae neur/cbefelo?be amonge tbe clH'tt?m of 3Rus ana a lambe of a pete olbe fo; burntoffcrpn*

ceujur. t)en/b;mtgbteMa offerpnge. anabfagtfte gea/an&amp;anbegootefo;afpnofferwg e:ana toafca fplucr cbargcr of anbunb;ea anb. m fo? peaceof ferpngca.jf .cren. b.rSmca /.fjue flcleatoerabt/anaa Mbm boule of.lrr.ff* begootcganbfpuetebeg of apereoibc.anb tie* of tbebolpft'cle/abom full of fpneflourc tb teas me offerpnge of eamaltcl tb e fen mpnglebto&lt;moPftfo*ameatoft"ecpnge:ano neof^ecasue. a gotten fpone of .jc.ff cleg full of ceng : anb a -*- *- btrtlocb/a tarn aa iambeof a pcre ottc fo; bumtofierpngea/fr anbegoote fo; a fpnofife tpnge: anb fo; peaceofferpngeg. rf . own . b. r8mea.b,&amp;cgootea a.b. iambea.of one pere tune. anbtbig toaa tbe offerpnge of oEit^uc oom n w if^ u^lu^^ mniiRMw win&gt; w^tbefonneof&amp;ebeut. fo.zameatofferrngeianDagolcenfponecf.jc nitefft?nae beftbba?e/ft&gt;eiunnel fonneof5u&lt; fwK0/ftiH of cen*:&amp; a buJlocf i/atam anba ef*rtum*. tf%ab8f/cBefelo#eamongetbe#plb;cnof Iambeof onctcteolbefo^bunttoffftpng esf: feimcon/ofltcb.tobofe gifcetoais-.a fvluec aanbegootefo?af?noffmnge-.sfo;peace s cbargetofanbunb?eb?.w:ic.Relc0toetgbtt: cffettngW..O]ten.b.tanime0.b.begootej{ 9 anb atvlatt boure f. tit of tbe bolp ft* fa .lambc* of one fete olbe . 3Cn o tW tea* it)e cle;botbfnUof finc flonte m^ngleb toitb offerpnge ofabiban tbe fonne of ebeoiif ^ oflefo?ameatoffetpngc^agoiomtpoiiecf cbe.y.bafe/aibfewetbe fonne of 3Bmmi.g . yjficlejJfnH of censJ.anb a bullocfi/a ram 9 a &gt;aoai /cbefe lo?beamffgeg ctylt ycn of jeair 2P q Iambeof a?ereon)fo;butmofiringej!/?an offewb. Unbbwgtfte toa(:afpftter tbatgei;* be gootefo; a frnotfotnge: afo;neaceoffc of anfymtycb t.mMM toejgbf :a frwee rinae?.f&lt;.oren A.rammrg gootesi s. to. boule of fcumtteftcfcjs of tbe b oif Crete : ana iabe3ofa?veolbeanbrbi3toa3oBen?nge botb full of fpne floure mpngleb toMb ople of4elumieltbefonneof5u^iabat. fo;ameatofferpngeianbagolonftioneof.jc C!?efjrtebare/c2arapD $ fonne of 3e ftcleis full of an&amp;an&amp;abuUoeft/arameatt o meeftpitaT gueltbecbefelo;be amonge tbe cbtlb;en of alambeofapmolDefo;buntfoffer jngej$/9i ctamm. %ab/ciRwb;tebofeg(ftetoa)8;a ftfuer cbar* anbegootefo; afmofftrrng:anbfo;

i)cacf^ get of an bunb?eb anb. m. rtclejs toepgb: offetnjS(J.ft.oj;en.b.amesJ/fpue fle goote a anb aMuer bouleof.lwe.ftclesoftbe bolp ^fsuellbegofarereolbe.anb tpJtoajJtbe ftcle:abotb full of fpie floure mpngleb toftl) .o ffrwig ttt Wtim gfonneof aimmt ^abaf; otfe fo&gt; a meatoCettnge;anb a golben fpone Gwe^bape^pagtel tbe fame of flDtra n SJJLof.r.rtclc0funof eenjs\3Enban ore/a vama tbe d&amp;efe Xtebe amonge t&amp;rc&amp ;ilb;en MWSSk alambeofafereolbefo^bumtofferpngcP/* ferofTmb.anWttjsgfftetoaaaiftSuercear* M h* wnotcfo?a f Sn offetsng.anbfo;peace? gerofanbmtwebanb.W]e.fpcTesteefgbte:a H^ t,rammeiJi).begooteis fpluet boule of. iw. fyclea of tbe boftef wie ano.b.iabes ofonef ereolbe Jnbtbtatoaa a bom full of tyne floure mfnghb tott&amp ;otfe oflervnge of citafapb tfle fonne f 9 cguei. fo; a meareoffettngemnb agolben fpon e of. me oftiwwe cbefeumtftbaie/Iflam8tftefonne of fcftclewfufl of tettjJJnbamiHocB/aram a efiifainff. anittib/lcbefeiorteoffttftflwenoftfDbw aiamtieofonefereolbefo;bumtoff eringe0 im/oflereb. 3nbbi'0gfftetoa0:aftluertf)at s anbanbegootefo;af^ineofIer?nSe:anbfo ; grr of anftun&amp;;ebanb m- Ctclesc toetgbt-.f ieaceofftrpne0atooojit/fttte tmttbte. arbiter boule of.lnc.ficlejJ of me bolvftcle: gootea^.b.iabegofonepereoTot.ainat bw abotbfullof f jneflouwntt#gieotow) o&amp;% tsaa S offerpiflleof IBagfeltBneofiDc tan.

Ceremottpes, BSmm of cbc.vtf.bape j Wt* tbe fonne of tmrit/ iw. tfleteio^e amonge cflpByenof i5epbtflatt offe res, 3nb bf gt'fte tcas^ f^luer cbargec of an bunb;eb .y:.fwless toepgbte:a fpiuer flouie of: inc. Cpciejs of tbe .bolpe f?cle / bon&gt; fuilof ftne floure mpngleb toftb o?le fo;a meatofferpngetaa golben fnone of ttoentpe fpcieu/full of cen0.nbabulloB/aramanb aiambeofonetere oioefo? burnt offeryngejj anbanbegootefo;afpnncoffettnge:anb fo; tjeaceoaerpngea / tmo orert.b ramme a, b.^e gooteaanb.b.lambejsofonef ereolbe. %m tb'0 tea* tbe offerpnge of 3mra /tbe fonne cfnan. &lt;&amp; ..flDfmiamanertoaatfiebmcacwnoffBe

alten/toben f t toaa anointeb'Jbnto ( tobube toa0b;ougbte of tfjep^ceacf acraell.ytf, ebargerjiof f?luer.rtf .fpiuee b ties anb.rit, rpone a of golbe:eu(rr cbarger coittammge nbunb;ebanb,j;w:.rscles of ffftter/a eueep otrte.ljff.Comatail.tne fpluer of an tbebef; reia/toaa ttoo mouCanue anb.ffu.flonb;eb . fk'cleaofn)ebolpfcle. 3nb t&amp;e.rii, zolbm &gt; fponea tobtcb toere full of cena/contagneb ien6jcleaapeceofmebolpCpcre:Con&gt;3taiI t^e goiue of tbe fponefr toaa an bunb;et&lt; anb W.f?clea. an tbe o?en mat toere b;ougbte fo; tbe bmHtoff&amp;rngefitocte.jtff anbtberamc^.yif. 9 n)e a pere olbe a pece/ toitt) tfle meateoflerfnge* : tof tb be gooteg f 0; fpnne* oflrfngea. 3Bnballmeorenoftbepeaceoffe* fpngea toere.rrfirt.tberammt0.i&gt;:.megoo? tea.lic.anb lambeg of a fere olbeapeccije.^ tbfatoaamebebfcacronoftbealter/afterfi fttoaganopnttb. 3nb toben ^ofeg toaa gone m to tbe ta bemacle of toftneoeto fpeae toftb tywty barbe f boy ce of one fpeanmge b n to bun frS 9f tfle mercpfeate tbat toats bpon tbe arclte of tottneoe : Euenftombettoenetbe ttootbtru bina^efpaaebntoblm. 1 cmtt((jionc(onmtbo;tie(oft(elsfh|ie0* aijc fo?tftc of t\) c catibcltt? 1% mt clcanfpiig anB i}(t t jng cf tSclnijtw. ffiOtftaeof Mjefftme. C^'tt.dbapter. ^Jbtbe Ho?be fpaftc bntofl^offa fating: fpeasebntoaaron^ fare bntobtm:*toflentbouputteaon lampea f e mat tflef Kgbte allfeue bponm~efo;efront of tbe cantielfttcfie . anb aatonbfb euenfo/anb puttbeiampeabport tbe Confront of tbe canbeiatene/as )Lo;be commatmbebfl^ofea/ anbtfle too;{teoftbe canb el ftfcfi e toaa f Of Be go loe:b ot b tb e (b aft a ffleflourea u)er of.ainoSeco;bmgeint(o me btfl&gt;ontobtcbeme&amp;o;beba&amp;metoe&amp;!i$ofea

cuen Cobe maoe me canbelftfcbe . anb { ^ojbeCpaftebnto figoftffafenge;

cafte t^t jFlcuttea fromamonge tbe cbno;en of afrael/anb eleanfe tbem."*nbfl)iaDo bnto mem toben tbou clean reft meVfp;incRie toa ter of purtffengebpon tbemanbmafie ara*^ " Cure torunne alonge bpon ail me fiefbe of ^ mem/anblettbemtoamemep;clotbe0/anb t&amp;en tbep wall be.clcane.3ina let rbem tafte a to ullocfi e anb big meatofferpnge / f yn e floure mpngleo tottb ofie; a anotBct bullocfle malt $011 tabe to be a f^nneofterpnge. cben b;pnge n)e jteuttea befo;e tt)e taper* naclcof toitneffeanb getbet me boicmuitt? tube of me tb?lb;en of Jlfraeltogetber. anb b/mge me jL-euf teg befo;e tbe )Lo;be/anb let tbecbplb;enof^Craelputtbeirbanbegbpon f) 7ieuitea.anbletaaronbcuertie jLeufteg bcfo;cme)Lo;be/fo; anbeueofiapnge geuen of fccbpityenof 31frael/ amenlettbebe ap=&gt; popntebtotoaptebpon ferupceof f %ojt&gt;t anbletme'/Leuptcgputmep/banCegbpS fbebeebeg of me builocfteg / a men offer me: je one fo; a tpnneoflrrpnge anbtt)e on)er f 0? abummfferpngbntome)Lo;be/foma!!c an attonemafo;me)Leuftea.anbmafieme)le utteg ftanbe befo;e aaronanb W fonncg/ abeue tbem to be an bmeofferphge bnto jLo?be.anb rtjou malt feparate me JLeuftea fromamonge f} ebPlb;en of Jfrael/mattbep bempne:anbaftectbatlct tbem go anbbo tbe ferufee of me tabernacle of tottneffe. Cleanfemem atoaueme/fo? meparegeueit ce bnto me from amonge me cbplb;en of g fraei fo;*$bauetaaentbem bntome fo; allme # nHmcr.f. fp;ft bo?netbat open anp mattpce amonge tbecbplb;enof3ffrael, * o; alime fp;ftbo;ne among me cbPlb;cn e mt ^ ris a offfraelarempnebommahaoeeft:becaufe* &lt;li ' : ' ,,, ,; ^ 8, merametpmematlfmotetbe fp^abo^nefn t&amp;elanoebf dfgppte/gifanctpfpbe mem fo; mpftlfeanblibanetaRentbe^eufteg fo; al tbe fp;ftbo;ne amonge f} cbPlb;en of gffrael/ ana baue geuen mem bnto aaron anb bfa Connea from amonge tbe cbplb;en of Sfrael

to 00 t^t ferupce of tbe cbplb;en of gifracl in me tabernacle oftortnefleanbtomabeait attonement Co; n)e cbPlb;enof 3fcaei/tbat tbere be no plage amonge tbe cbplbien ot%d rael/pf mep comenpe bnto me fanctuarp. . anb $ of eg ana a ar on a no all me com m gtegacpon of tbe cflplb;en of gfraelbpbbnto me leuptea , acco;opnge bnto all mat me %ajbt commaunbeb fl^ofeg. anb tbe Xe* utteg purffpeb mem fclueg/anti toafbeb mefe clomeg anb aaron toaueb tbem before tbe JL.o;be/anbmabean attonement fo;memto . . eleanfe mtm. anb after fj tbep toent in tobo tflep; ferupce fn tbetabernaele of toptnede/ bef o;e aarS a btg fonne .a nb aco;bpnge a g tbe'/Lo;oebabc8mauhbfb flofeg ag concer* ir^elJLeuftea/eurnfotbepbpbbntome;. ;. ; am



3itbtbe&amp;o?befpalte bnto flfcofe* fapeg-. fo?ftini^atiBa)ftomeatometoetenii ^|w m rrb petebptoatbefteplballgomtotoapte were&amp;bp/a clettbecouerebttanbpebpon tm ?j 6 , ( , &amp;Kem?cctot$eUmiacleoftotoie(/ fte tabernacle of toftnefle: an .at eitenftere mm

oape/anbfte feropttW of fp?e bpnpgbte. tSttawMi

but all mint ate bnto fteic b ? e ft et en in fte tabernacle of toitne tfe/anb ft e re toapte /but tbaUbonomoarefetupce. 36nbfeftatftou tioaftetftfgmanetbmofte&amp;euftesin ftelt toaptpngetpme&amp; CCfic cdec o:paCfitoet offcitigc of (!) c rttancatiMnt eleane . (louoe Miiersnoc &lt;*) tabecimcle Uabetb

tbe bofte. ' , .. . CCbe.t&amp;C&amp;aptet:. $b fte 'jlo?be fpafiebnto flSofeS mtbetoflbernefl* of &gt;tnat/tn $ fpjftemonetboftbefeconbe pere ***&gt; . wrw - after fte?.* toere come out of fte $?$* lanneof tfsppte fapeng ; let fte ftplbjen of lumcwtiitj-cgiftaeloffre jlkeowtmbfefcafomeuen jcutc.fjx.B. rmj.bape of ftfcmoneftat euentbep (ball fiepeittnb&amp;J feafon/accoflpngetoall fte cubinaunces 9 tttanet* ftetof . anb flpoft* bab fte cbplo;en of 3ifrael ft at ftep (buioe cffetPaffeouet/ ftftepoffewbj&amp;afleoueefc rftii.bape of fte fpjft moneft at euen mfte toilbcmeffe of &amp;inar.anb m accojotnge to all ftat fte no;oecommaunDeDfi@ofe0. anbitcbauncebi cettapnemen toby fte toerebefpleb toift a &amp;eeD co?fe t ftepmpojbt not offer #affeouer fte fame oape/came be* fo?e flBofej* anbaarontbefametpme/anb fapbe : te ate beffieo bpon a beab co;fe/ tohetfojeatetoeficptebacfieftat toemape not offer an of ferpnge bnto Cbc /Lo;oe in fte oue Ceafon/amengefte cbplbzen of gQtaeil? anb ^ofes fapbe bntoftenr.tarp /ftat 3! mape Urate tobatfte %om toille comma* unbepou. anb fte TLozbfpafie bnto fi^ofes fapengetfp eafiebnrofte cbpjwen of SSfraeil anbfape. If anpmanamongepouojpoute cbplMenafterpoubebncleanebpfteteafon ofac'orfeojismftetospefetre of/ftenlett bpra offer padeouerbntofc ;no/fie:fte.rmi nave of ft e feconbe moneft at euen/anb eate ftto ftoetebjeab 5 route betbes/aiett&amp;em Icaue none of itbntofcmojnpnge no? tyeafte an? boone of it .ambawofbenge to an ft e oj* omaunceoffte^atfeetttrietftem offer tt. 38ut?fainanbeeleaiieftnotletinaour* a.inithtw8/nev/wttoa0negWBftCooffer^affeoueK

MtQ not vou anb topn offerPafleouetbnto fteiLojbe rcncrmtiyb^arcQjfremgto fte o?otnaunceof Pafteouet fc 'ffi'55K ftewf (ban beoffte ft . atabp e oSoiaUftauconeiatofbotbfo?tbefttaunsw?


3Bn&amp;tobmtbtcloiibe toajitaben bp worn of JWumh fte tabetnacie/tbentbe cb?B&gt;?en of Jftaei; f ; ntwiepebtam) tobe tbe clouue abooe (bete* JJJL chviDzen of gifraelpitft eo ft m tenter . m m\ be p ttemoutte of fte %mt tt)t tbsa?en of 9PMMfr taelWouwwjeb/anaat.tbtmoutb of Sfcofle [ tbep Bftcbeo.anba5 longe ass f cloufie abooe ^ m ' ;' boon tljebabttacpon/tbef tope OpU/^ toljen 0llt , tbecloube tarpebftjn'bpon tbe tymmMmm longe tpie/tbecbPlD?en of gftaell tmttoW btnnfte.Ho;Deanotoutnepeti not. sfit ftaunceo ftatftecioubeabotie an? fnaceoftrmebpontbebabitacfon/ftenftee itepteftefttentedattbemoutb of fteiLo^oe: sftey ioumepeo alfo at fte comaunbement of i %o?ne. anopfltbappeneo $ tbecloube toa0 "bpon fte babftacpon from euen bnto mo?nwigeanbtoaistabenbp(n i nwnptge ft en ftep toutne?eb,^efter it toags bpoape ojbpnjgDte ftat fte cloubetoasstabenbp/ tbe?foumepeu.l8uttobentbe cloube tarpeD #afMlmB * ttoo bapeis 0? a moneft 0; a iSg ceaf on bpo b mm fte bsWtacp on/aii longc m it tm e&amp; eft et on/ b apes/a f fte cbpKBcn of iftael aepte tbew tente* anb 0; fmH (oumep eonot anoais fooneais ciouortoast taftenbp'ftep tourne^f b attbemouft of fte TLojbeftepteaaeb/^atfteconiaunbemeeof *Ho?befteftouttJereQ.anbftuESftepuepte fte toatcbe of fte KU?w/at fte comrnaunDe* ment of fte )Lo?be b? ft e Uanue of Ogress. GGbe trompct tcs of C-pIucc ant Jbttoft t^ctof. Ehe ?fc aelttcfl tepattfrom ^sinat.fflae captapnea of t\)t oflc ac(nomb;tD. fJobabccfiiCEtfjtogotPit^moCca Cbe.]t.baptei;, [#&amp; fte xo?tie fpafie bnto #oft$* fapenge: fll^afie ftettoo tropettejs of beaten fvluev / ftat ft ou may tt IM ^h afe tbf to call fte cBgtegaclohto* gefter/atobmfteftoOeftalliournep.tobeJi fte^blotoe^bftem / aUftemultftube (ban vefo;te to fte/bntoftebo;e of cge tabernacle of toimeffe.^f but one trumpet blotoe only/ &amp; t ft en fte pjmcesi to&amp;ieb arebeebejs own -mmm tboutamiejS of aftael (ball come bnto . fftBftjl tobenye ttompe fte f?;ft tpme/f botte^ftatgffl W on fte eaft partes (ban go f otfoatbe. af m tv 3nb toben pe ttompe fte f econbe tpme / ft en &lt;sc of 8 fteBoftejstbat i ? eon fouftfpbe.antae fteft; i'oumep:fo?ftep(balltt0peb)6enftev taftefteir (ournei&gt;ejs.3nDftt gefterpngefte eongtegacf on togefter/pe (ball " blotoe anb

not ttompe. 3nb ftefonnegi of afaton fte p;eaft



'* *

ofisaguel fte Qpabt'anyte / %cm fafter fame vddicPc in latoe ; toe goo bnto fte place of tobicb fte *' JftSJ lo^bfatbe gitofllgeueitpou.^ptotftbg *{fiSR toetoinDooftegooD/fwftetobebaftp'io^SrcpinKtiJ mpfebgootibnto gsfrael. 3tibl)e faya bntoaaf a^riasw blm-.atopllndt: but topllgoto mpne atoned (mm^

nnet3mcnp;eaftc0 (ban blotoe fte rtompetteDa (ball Bpicuiwft ^aueftemanottlbalbealatoe bntopou fo; g** euer anu amongewureftpiD^en after pou. louK 1 ^"o to 601 ? c * 8 to warre in poute Mm, &amp;tum agenft poureenempesiftat bejrepou/ pelballctrompetoiftftetrompettejfanbpe ^.... ^ _.... T ... .... : .. T . . It.jti aalbe remeT)?ebbefo;e ? U-o?bepoure (Bob lanbeanbtompbpnreb.^nbflgofe^fapbe tKSSES ww* anbfauebfrompoureenempeu. SWfotoben nap/leaueb!Jnot/fo;ftoufinotoetttobeteij J 8lc ui (ante ' cufflBC -- * Jt ... Ji- beftf 0? bi5top(tcbeinftetoiibei!neae:$ftout 5cp5o?a^ (bait be oute * epei.1linb pf ftou go toift bss/ c tupftrnii be bp/ftefametoetomujetoeaponfte. Kaaucii oc cai3Cnb ftep beparteb from ftemount of fte uo u f atijciv )Lo?bei.bapei5fournep/9arcfteof f te&amp;anot mautt he ment of 'iuwetoent before ft! &lt;ne.&lt;;Sy? f |Kf

bapesi ioutnep to ferfte out ateftpnge place , H ?gr fb?ftf .3Cnbcloubeof frfiofit toajs ouet ftg tarn fan* bpbape/tobenfteptornt outof t(|e eenee^s. mmmmev ainbtoben? atcfie toetfo^b/^ofejsfapbe f JKSg* 3SpfebpiLo?be $ letftpne enempeg be fcate, gjjg E: wb/ letftg ftat bate fte flee befo?eft e. 3Cnb SStSS " tobe atcfie refteo/befapberetourneHotfe #^?gsof' bnto fte manp ft oitfmbetf of 3(raei.

i'Spt ,pe be metp in poure fett bapeis anb fti ft e fftft Kto^icb m- bap e3 of pottre moneft eu/pe (ball blotoefte mtoiicn ttompetteis otter poure burnt facriftcejJ anb K.Z M ?hM 9 F accoeer P n BCi*/tbat it mapebe aremenw Sbe ? bounce of pottbefo;e poure ob. 3!amfte mtMW'X'Ojbepoutecssob. a-.op of cbc anbttcametopa(Iefte.]t)C.bapeofftefe* . AM 'Jconbe moneft in ^ feconbepere/ $ fte clou* #mp fwjetoau tafie bpfrom of fte babptacpon of toitneflMnb fte cbplb?5 offftaei tofte ft tit fournepoutof tbebefevteof^inai/anb fte cloufie reft eb in | toilbernefleof PbavS.ana fflep firft tofte fteir ioumep at$ mouft of fte a-oae/bpftebSbof flofeiS:euen ftSberte of bofte of luba vemoueb fp^ft toift ftep; arm pep tobo'fe captapne toa0 J^abafon fte fbnne f aim inabab . 3nb ouet ft e bode of trpbe of ft e ftplb?en of Sfaftar/ toag J5aft a

&lt;I]tbcpMpIcmurmucctbf i6punn{(bebto(t&amp;ff;e. ttbcjBeCt?efle(be.ttbeptootfiemanai!Ebemunnti* ryng and tuaiict jng fapih of g$ottg, ffihe tam 65*

nael i fonne of iuar . 3Cnb otter ft e bofte of $ 2ffl^XS*KSSffi^2^ffffi:

tafienboune:anbfteromie0 of &lt;erfonanb ^mnwnt ioiii) bearpnge $ babftacpon, be fte ftattbert of bofte of jEuben toft fo;ftttftep?armpe!5/tobofe captapne tea* &amp;im fte fonne of ^&gt; ebeur.ano ouer bofte offte trpbe of ? ftplb;en of &gt;tmeon/ toajs ^alamfelf fonne ofS&gt;urt fabbar. anb ouet fte ijofte of fte txibt of fte tbpityen of an

teas (Eliafapb fte fonne of @ egu el . cben $ Cabaftiteg toenf fo?toarbe anb bare fte bole

be.#.Cbapter. iSbfte people* complapnebanbit^, Ipifpleafebfteeares of fte 18/K.J-^^ [anbtoben $ lAmm*WW&amp;nv(ml i to^otb / anb fte fp?e of tbe %om tpnc b?B tot* lutntamongeftem anbeonfumeb ftebtterbto'P' moftoffteboae. 3lnb fte people crieb bnto 09 of eg / anb be mabe mtercedf on bnto tbe %oM fte fp;e quf fteb Jnb ftep callebfte

ca^afttteg toent twamim oate fte bolp name of fte place * c&amp;abetab beemtt ft e amaih na&gt; ftpnge*/anbfteotbeebpbfetbpftebabpta* fp?e of fte nLo^e burnt amongeftem. Kttin.

cpon agenft ftep came. cbenfte ftanbertof fte bofte of fte ftpl* b?enof Epb?aim toent fo?ftU ftep? armies tobofe captapne teas cElffama fte fonne of amiub.anbouer fte bofte of fte trpbe of fte fomtefsof flpanaffe/toass Gamaliel fonne of^eoaiut. anb ouer fte bofte of fte trpbe of ftefonnejS of benjamin /toast abfoan fte fonne of (Etebeonf. k 3Bnbbpnbmoftofallfteboftecameftan* ?oettofjbebofteofftecbplb?mof 3an toift etr armiejsstobofc captapne toajs / %tytw ftinne of aimmi Sabbat, anb otter bofte h.**., ,. ftbetrpbeofftecbplb^of afer/to8!S*J9a* 'fPDtiiciLgtcifte fonne of &gt;cb?an.aSnb ouer ftebofte of fte trpbe of fte cbpltye" of I5epbftalt/toajs abita fte fonne oftfnan/of ftijj manertoere ftetournepeg of fte ebpflwen of 3jftael/toift Ml tbep?atmleiJtobenfteptemoueb. wi*fl,e anb^ofegfapbebnw^obabftefomie

anbftetafcan people ftat teas amonge '^s mfiamf na ft em fell a luftpnge/anb fte cbplb?en of j&amp; w nw* taelalfo toenttoanbtoepteanb fapbe: tobo* ftan geue bg fleft to eateftoe remeb?e f fp tobicb toe ftjuibe eate in cgipte fo? nougbte

anbofftecucumbewsanb meioums/lebes/ onpottn0anbgarlefie.)3utnoto ourefouies aro^peba toape/fo?oute epeg lone on noftpnge eKS/faueapon #anna. beflannatoa0ajjttbabbene co?ian bet fceb/anb to fe to Ipfie 2eebellion.anb fte people toent aboute anb gaftereb (t/ groft= be it in milieu o? belt it in motfens anb baftea it in pa n nes anb mabe babes of it. anb fte raft of (t toas ipfie bnto fte taft of an ople fiaficlnb tobenfte betoe fell aboute bofte (nftenpgbte/fte fipanna fell fter toift. anbtobm florfSbetbefte people toepe^ mftettbouftjolbeiseuerpmantnfte t&gt;oic &amp; b^tent/ftenfte to?aft of fte )lo;be toareb tobote

^ -



^. ercebfnglpr.atftgmiebgMftfalfQ, artJ a[)ofe0fap&amp;ebrtto tbe 5Lo;ce : ta*etfo?c cealctt tbou fo crueilp toftb mp feruaunte? toberfo?e bog 1 notfpnbe fauoure in tbP fpgbe repnge mat tijou puttett tbe-toepgbt of $10 people bpon me i mt 3 coneeaueb all tbf0 Seopie / o; baue 3 begottc ti)em / tbat tbou lulbettfapc bntome /carpe titan fit (ft to fomeos a nurfe beaten) f tucftpnge cfttioe) bnto tbelanbetobfcb ttjouftoateft bnto tijeft Catbetstf tobetefbufoea baueflem togeue . bntQaUtbfSpeoplcftfojtbeptoepebntome fapenge-.geuebSflelbtbat toe mape eate, 3 am not able to b ere a Jl tbf people alone /fo? ftfstobeupfojnte. iBberfotfpftboubeale tiHWJtoftijrae/SfUme/gi p#pe $/pf gibaue fotmbefauoutemrbf rpgbtana let me not fe mp tojecbebneffc, . 3nbfte juwbefapbebrtto $oCe0:getber ^bnto me.iicir.of eu&gt;et0 of |fraei/tobf tb w

bnoto e a I tbep ate tbe eio trs of me people anb office^ oner tb em / a bjpnge mem bnto t. j toju come fte tabernacle of tot tnefle/anblct ttjg ftanbe wuncnohe * g^j toft u ^ ,f MOtaM * comeboune anb i*S&amp; . jtalftett tbetbere/a*ta6eof Sfpfitotobfcb * jii en owe ts bpon tbe anb put apon tbe anb apon tbem MnntouM^anbtbe^lbanbetetoubtbetntbebuctijenof fame fp?p . j e people/a fo ffialt tbou not b eate alone. atobfapebnto f peopie:balotoepouterel* ttes agentt to mo;oto ttmt pe may e eate flew f 0; v e baue tobpneb m tbe caress 1 rtjeHoj&amp;e fapnge-.tobo Qmlgeuebstlelb toeate/fojtoe toere bappfe toben toe toere fn Cgpttfe? tber* fO;e*tio#etoillgetiepoufleBVanbpen)aa eate: Te (ball not eate one bape onlp ettjec.ii. o? .b.bapes / etbee xo?.rr.o apejs : but eu en a &gt;;montiiwmonettf ionge/abntiUtt come outat &amp; *no&lt; ftwlS!ofjou/i?ebeab?topai:b;afieJt)e* cattfetbatpe baue call g&amp;ojbea rpoetobfeb t3 amonge pott / anb baue toepte bef o;e bun fapngettobp came toe outofegfpte. Ino fflofc* fafbe:ftpebunb;eb tijoufanbe fotemen atefljeee of people/amSge tobttb 31 am.atobttwu batt Otoe : 3! tofllgeue tbem fie atbfl? wafleattamonetblonge.^bail ftmepeatbe orf beflapnefo? tijf tofpn&amp;etbf etber waff aB tbe fplb of tbe fee be getbeceb togetbeeto feme tbem?atobtbejto?befapbe bnto mot e0:f &amp; )Lo#e0 bS&amp;e to area mojte wflftwtiif rcboumaItfetobetbetmp toojbe *wall co* fec*ti)eca"c;metopabntotbeo?not. game of toiiac ano Sp ofes toent out anb toibe people baiue itmaiDt n era?enge of me Hojbe/anbgctbeteb tt)e irjc.eliiei* of tbe people/anb fet tbem tottnae aboutetbetabentade.ainb me JU?oe came bounefnacloubeafpafiebntobfm/ atone tf of tt)erp;etetbattoa0bponbnn/anb putlt bponrbe.fflc.efiier0.3Dnba0tbefpfrftetefteb t co piwbtfbpontaem/tBep, p?opbecteba*otonougBe

ttt mw ttew,#ttttbew wraatneb,ftof m mmm tbe

et SPe&amp;a&amp;Pwt

. i

boae:tbeonecaneb(Ibab/a otbee ^-eoaDpxaitttw jfinbttje fpftfte tetiebbpon t be" fo; ttjep toere voonietti) of tbem mat tocte mmm l but tbe? M*fi"5 not outbnto me tabentacie:ani)tbepp;opbe JSK debfrttbe^otte. . . tuttt ainbttjereranaioungemanatolte flpofcf, fe0 anb faueoaeibab a ayeoaboo WWeje*&gt;j to tbe h acamo gjofua tbe rotme of i9 un tbe g S ' fentafiteof fitiwtobicb bebabeboren outtongu anttoeteo anb fejeo wafler % ofeg / fo?b{b &lt;s bete tbem. 3bnb^ofe0fapebbntobim:emtfeft&lt;SE( tboufo^mprabeftoofbe^obfaume^o^toC* be0peoplecouibep;opbecpe/ai tbe 3Lo?oef PP h*n tooloeputbf0fpitebibntbem. and t&amp;enuerne ;; bott) a^ofes anDtbeeltews o gfrael/gattbe ?' fc fl mtotbebofte. J 3nbtberetoentfoatbatotnbeft5* Ho?*ffi, De anb tyougbt quapf e0 ft om tt)e fee anb f et tlje fall aboute tljebotte/ euen abates tout* nep ounbe about* on euetpftbc of tije bofle'.cubitejj &amp;pebpontbeettb.3nbmepe ople ftobe bp all mat bape a all tbatnpgbte anb onti)emo;otoe/a getbereb quapie0.1nb 3nbbetf)at getbetebtbeleft/getbeeeb met* full. 3tnD tW ftpJleo tbem rourme aboutetbeboae. 3Cnbtobpfetbeftemtoa0petbettometbef teetb/pecfttoa0 cbetoebbp/ttjeto/afljof tbe %qM toap et&gt; tobott bpon tbe people/anb tbe

idibe fletoe of peopf e an ejcceabfng rnpgb* tie oaugbtetanbtbepcalleb tbe nameoftbe^ 'A place * mm batbauab:becaufetbepbu^S ! ' vpeb tbe pcopfetbatltttteb mere. 3nbtt)e people tobettjep; f ouwtep ftfffife b;att)batbattabbnto baietotij/anb bobeae baieroflj, caacon anb W n jam atubge sm "fl &amp; orce.sasii t tarn toas flepchtn toitb \c l((ecanD;$raUb at t^i p;a?c: of ttoto. be.jcff .Cbaptw. 3o fl^OTam aflatonfpa&amp;easeCU , J0ofe0'becaufe of bf0tof fe of jnbe* tobfcbbebabtaben:fo;bebabtalie ^, Jto totfe one ofgfnbeJnbtbepfapw botb tbe )lo;bcfpeabeonfptbo2oto^ore0f doH) be notrpeabealfo bpb0f3Pnb tbe)Lo?De bemet'e. ut#ofe0toa0abetpmeBemati aboue all tb e men of tbe erttje. ainb $ jLoftt ' ibe attonce bnto #ofe0 bnto 3aton anb _j trlam: come out pe.itt.bnto ftabentaclo of toffitefft'^nb tt)ep came outalltbje. 3Bnbtbe)Lo?be*camebouttemtbepflei;of)5 tbe cloubeanb fto&amp;e fntbe bo;e of tbe tabet*** fl nacle a calleo 2Caton 9 fi^ftgam . afnb ttjep y(,,R toent out botb of tbem . 3na lie rapebebeate mptoo;be09if cbetebe ap;opbetof$)lo;be0 amongepmi/^tofllmetoempfeirebntobfm fn a btR5 atoilfpea&amp;ebttco bmt utab;eame 5SutmrfCTttaunte^ofc0i'0notfo/tobicb^ faptbfua

iftaratt, j^ttntm, M, ir faptbRiff fn all mpriefottre. Onto ftpm % fanueof Canaan/ atapbe bnto tb? ttN tfOsS^M^ WW fpeafte'moutbtomoutb a befettb tbe fpgbt faW^*Wtop*tot&amp;&lt;^Wtt^igZm


ass men go to l^ematb / ft tbep afccnbeb bnto I foutb a came bnto ^eb?on / tobere abutta" toa0a^&gt;etaf anbcbalntant tbe fonneg of m .,. + nace.^eb?ontoa0bplt.bff.pere 6efo?e+ Jf^JJi" *5cfim(gipte.3nbti)epcamebntorptterS t f B V t X of tffcol a tb e v cutt boune mere a bjauncbto t$e ^ tjni c

camjtbefacponoftbe'/Lo^e/ananottbwoto ranbetobatmanertbpngetttgfttbepeople f'L^MtpbeW.tBbeefo^ctbf toere penot afrapebto t btoelletb tberin-.tobctbertbep b earonge MtutmM fpeabe agenft mp f cruauntc floft0 i o? toeabe/ertjer fetoe o? manp/anb tob at tbe w mmf* 3Cnbtbe )Lo?i)e toap angrpe toftb tbf anb Jabe f0o)at tbep btoelltn tobet ijertt be gooD tim m toent bf0 toape/anb tt)e cloube bepatteb ftS 0? bab/a tobat manec of cftfe 0 tijep btoeii fit ("WSSiiS fft e tabernacle . 9m&gt; bebolbe / 4$tf&amp;m tobetbectbep btoell f n t emeg 0? toallea toto* K*w toa0fteeome lep?ou0/a0fttoerefhotoe.lBn&amp; ne0/a tobatmanerof lanbeitijS:to betberft Mbiftgeof toben^atoniobebbpon^irlamanbfatoe befatto?ieane/anbtobetbectberebetree 0 impitt: bc'tfjat fbe toa0 lep?ou0/be fapbe bntoflPo* tberfnojnot. ainbbeofagoobc ourage/anD C MI'JKSS' W0t ^9! befecbe tbemp JLo#e/pttt not tbe b?pngeof tt)e fruteg of tbe fa noe Jtitb tttoais m mtam 'f P nnebp6nb0 tobtcb toe baue foltwip com* aboute tbe tpme tijat gwpegar e fp^ftrppe. mpttebanbrpnneD.^)b/letbernotbea0one Inbtbeptoftbpafeatcbebouttijelanoe tbatcameDeaoouteofbt0motbec0toombe: from if^e topffiemeoe of ^tn bnto &amp;ebob/ f0;balfe bee ftefbe f0 eaten atoape. _ 3nb#ofe0crpebbntotbe^oiiiefapfng: m ^ &amp; b &lt;J5ob/l)ealeber.3nbtbe , to^etapoe bnto 5SV "^ofe^fberfatberbab'fpftfetnbet; face/

nmStbarf JbulDcO)enotbeafbamei).btf.Dape0/ letber. itt w to cc be fbutte out of tbe bo ii. Dares / anb af * oBtt.ffl:i)c ter rtj at; ietberbeteceauebfnagapne. 3fcno oneciQttftetof grape? a bare ft bpSaflaffe ^Sf.#f^amtoa0fbuttoutof ^oUtAUMm bettoenettoapne/anb alfo of tbepomgta* iiibhw fhoffanb tbe people rcmoueb net/ tpll fljetoap natess atittof tbe fpggcss of tbe place. cbeM4 d f [ co! WobSmcewb?ougbtefnagapne. ainb aftettoatbe tbep rpuertoass calleo bi5ebelfcol/beca ufe ^SSSSSSL ! wmouebfromfa?erotb/anbpitcbeDmttje tbecIoufletofgrape0tobfcbettjecbffD?enof}S e tyuerof ItoflbemeaeofPbaran. afraei cutt boune mere* mstmotaa umM. *$a&gt; hi m toui) tut a ctoiictcv of Branca fo? a Rgm JIW W ianbe/awi.bapt 0 enbe. anb tlKKSSSr ,?s "'--" ^fcftviptfeaiiBftutefuine*. toentanbcametofl^ofejsanbaiaronabntoS' 411 "* m.uu be.inff,Cbaptet;. all tbe mitltftuceo* me tbvtoim of 3.fracl/^ SI IMftfeftM flfr tbe KLo?w fpafie bnto fl^ofeg bnto tbe tof fbtrneffe of Pbaran : euen bnto inuauiu 33 \M\^ raping:*^ ence men out tofetcbe cabeg/anbb?ougbte trjem too?ce a nb alfo m mua IWlw tbe lance of Canaan /tobpebe % bnto all tbe congregacfon/atibftetotbt btm i'S^-MHaBeue bnto tbe cbplb?? of Jfraebof tbe fruteof tbe laooe.anb tbep tclbe bp m mSmi euerp trpbeoftbefc fatbergaman a lettb^ fapfng:toe camebnto tbelanbetocmert boit, . allbefocbea0areruelar0amongetb5.1nb renbeftb0/anbfurelp ft istalatttctljat'fio^ j^ofegat tfcc commaunbemeWtbe Jlfljbe rent f o?tl) out of tbe toflberneae of p baran: . Co cb e men 00 toere ail b t aces amonge^ cbf I s b;cn of ^fraef/tobofe namrg are t befe; p n tbe" trpbe of JRuben/|oammuafonne of SaowfSn tbe trpbe of Sbpmcon/ &gt;a* Pbattbe tonne of o?i.5pn tbe trpbe of Su&amp;a Caiepbtbefonneof lepbune. grn ttjettpbe of ffacbat /fgeal tbe fonne ofjf ofepbifn , ttpbeof c^b?afm/^ofea tbe forate^of j^tin. *mW ttpbe of Tden aamfn/ Paltbf I fonne of apbu#n tbe trpTbeof 5abttlon/(abfel

tbe fonne of S&gt;obt , |n m ttpbe of. f ofepb: mat teas of fl^anafle / csabbt tbe fonne of ftuff.fn tbe trpbe of3^an/l6mfel tbefonne Of emalf .9!n tbe trpbe of aifet/&gt;etbut t fonne of flfcbeer,9n fi trpbe of j5epbtbalf ^abebf tbe fonne of raapbfi^rt tbe trpbe of CJab/Citter ti)e fonne of Sl^acbf . dbefe are *orea f t ,tbe name? of m men tobtcbei ofeg tent to mm , : fppe out tbe lanue. 3Dnb fl&amp;of?0 calleo tbe ' 0; fatii* name of ^ofea tbe fonne of 0un/3!Ofus. ; 3flft 0; anb iSofe0 rent tbem fojti) tofpf eoitt

yplotof(&amp; toetb toftb mflfie anbbonpea beref0 of mSXmtl ftute 1 f t . $8 euertt) elefK $ p eopie be tironge f u " f so &amp; pa tbatbtocllfn m lanoe yano tbe cptpeg axt*" s '!&gt;, ct .}&gt;&lt;&gt; toaiiebano eirceabpbge greate/ano mo?eo*KStS iiee/toefatoe m cbpB)?en of cnacft t^ere . ram* mSm &lt;art&gt;e 3Pmalecfie0btoei fntbe foutb contre/afotbatbnDcr tbe etbfte0/iebuffte0 ano tbe tom&amp;&amp;Sfi! l &amp;2!P btoeifm tbe mofltapne0/ft*Cananfte0 btoeiK^^.f bp ^t fee a aiongebp mecotteof3!o?bam B ?oi4nTf , n ; 2inb Caleb flplleb ^c murmur of tbei&gt;ounbanceau&amp; people agentt fl&amp;ofe* rapfnge : let 00 go tyfiMWtoth anb conquere ft / fo? toe be able to ouercome ft . J5ut tbe men tbat tocntbp toftb bfm/ fapbe-.tiee be not able to go bp age*(t tt)e peo= pi e/fo?tbeparetirongertijentoe:ainiitbep. tj?ougbtebp an euelrepotfe of flSte tobicb iftep bao ffwBeo/bntome cbpft?en of jfracl , e j WJ 4 fapmgetcbe lanoe tobpebetoe battegone^at */$&amp; ti)o;otoe tofercbeftout/i0alahbetbat'ea^cti) mm not tetb bp m fnbabfters tberof/anbtbepeople{? m* but tbattoefatoefnftaremenofftature. m^SSSl ttiere toe fatoealfo geaflte0/tbe dfflbm ot u l ttB ? jflaiacatobfcbaw of ttje geauntes .ainb toemc^tbem.

b ftmeb


Cff&amp;e copte8i*r*ring of tSmpitg to t^clanupjoin vf c D/B o murmu c agapnrt ob/aiib tooolD toauc flu* tiebaleb snbjotuc. *\&gt;t Ccay tljets of tye Itmob $e. SUnalctO fcfllctb t&amp;ejttttiitw* fte.iwft&lt;.C^a liter. i$ballemultitube ctyeb out/ 9 e people toepte ojoto cut at nyj t/ $ all e ctielb? m of 3 f rael muimureo ageutt Scores ijaaio" jetobolecongregacionraytietowoe: tooloe ob atrctbab DjeD in e lanb oE tfgiptE

toag notable to b?ynge in ys people in to elanbetobi beitoate bnwt&amp;i/tfierfiwe be attoeemtne toyiDcmeaei &amp;o note lee t&amp;epotoe* of my 3Lojoebe gteate/acojDpnga^tftouDattCpoftg faying: ejUybelslongeyerbe beangrye/anbfuil of mercy / anb fuffere f ynne anb tcerpace/ anbieaue no man innocent/ anb write i bntygbteoufneoe of e faersbpon e cwibjen/eue"bponeirbeanb four ge*_ netaciS/ bentercyfull3lbefecbtbeerfo2e; Ditto e fynne of ispeople acojbynge bn* to y gteate mercy/and accojbfnge as ou

*~*-~. .~,~ , -~ -.- baft fojgeuenis people from cgfpteeufn ys toiiDtmetre. n@berfo?ebae:ilojoe bnto displace. jfcougbteb0fentotsianDetofallbpone 3Snbe;no#efaybe:g|baue fo?geuett/

Itoetiie /tb atbo ouw todies / a alto out* accojbynge tojby requeft.ttutas ttulye a* ebyttoen ulbe be a pjayert* it not be net a lyue/al e ertb albe fyllebtoi my glo wwi toe Mbtttneshto ffgipteagayne:" 3nbcy tye.#o?of alltbofemf tobiebauefenemy H,M. faybepnetbanortetsletbsmabeacaptayne giojyesmymyjaclestobicblbybtntflW'piowi^ -^iJLj^iJfc.*-..^ teg fa tbe toilbemeae/ayetbaueteptebn(&gt;eto?HiirJ

noto is.y.tymcs a bane notbetbenebbnto jfiJ2E mFbopee/tbejeajalnotonefeSranbtobitbeXutiM gftoatebnto e ir fat&amp;ers / netber all any 1,^^ of fatraylebbponme/feit.jeut my (&amp;&lt; at uaunt Caleb : be rauff * e ft anotbetmas *W

anbf cfcrutncbifto egipte agape. 3GnD g&amp;tfcs. ant) Savon fell on eir faces __ before ali tbe cong*egacfon of emultitube .,. , c ., .^ -. -. . .,- s , uru ( 3Bofffieebflb#of jftaeUnajpniat&amp;efonne g-ftoaw bnto efefaei*/netbetaa any frayt a of$un/a (jalcbffonne of lepbunetobicb -- *-.*...* .. . toroofematieri^lan&amp;erenten: .,.,.. ^.,w.&gt;..^...v -- 7 (uscflttfeir cioesat fpabe bnto ail e companye of nwtpfeftetofbim/anbbecaufebebafb* Aioibts/isBc ecbyibjeh of ftael fayinge: ffibelanbe iotoe&amp;mebntoebrmoft:bimg|to illb;ttige 4MK*aMtottcbte toalbeb o?otoe to ftrcbeft/Jsa mtoelaitbetobtbebaetoalftebin/antt berygooblanb.Ifejlo?bebauelutttbbs bWttebalUonquetett/anbalfotbe3tma* be toill b?ingebS in to is lance anb geue if iecWtesfln5Cananttegtobte btoell in e bss/tobicb&amp;alanb tbat flotoetbtoitbmfl&amp;e lotoe contmt.comojotoetumeifoua gett anbboP.30ueinani?totfewbell notagenft tonmto tbe toimerneae:euen tbe toajeto. lbe)Lo?be/fl5oBreouei;feawwnot people toaysetaeveMifef^^~&gt; f I8oe/fo?tbef awbutb?eabfo?M.bei(: Jlmty io^oTipaRebnto^oros $3Daft?lbetssoepatif&amp;ftomtben/anbtbe fcofte Tonfapinge^otofongeawlltbis enentnuk t{ttoitbb0:feat:ea)emnoetberfo;e. Inoall n)e tobole multituoebalie Cone

tbem toitb ftcm? st.ffiut glo?ie of tbe &amp;o?oe appeaveb intbetabernacieof toitneae/bnto wvr . WCMVmv ....-c-- ^.c-. ^ ~ailtt)ecbp!b?enofg|ftaei. Unb tbe 7to?6e bntojoueuenajJ?ebauefpo6entnniineea -fa^ebnto ffl?ofW: ^otoelongc ajan mp wjJ.Fonrecarbeiiejj all ipe in ttfatottK* hCfcttritJ ^pcople'raflebpSrae/abotolongetoiKitbe nefle/netbetftananpoffbefene^e sitobicO 5on'hXof/tb e f beleueme/fo;allropgnejJ toBicb toete nomb^eo ttom.pp. yereano aboue of lopjonotic ?bauelbetoebaniongetbemf9tocU(mste voutobiebbauemurnrntebagenftme com e feim/ronrpK tljg *t&amp; tf?epeatl?ce?i oeftroptfie/^totlmafie mto tberanbeoutobw b*a ipfteo mtne^j, 2SIK252U* S agteatternaciS^amigbtiejtbentbe^ banbetomabewttbtoeltberm/teuecaleb ffiufofhc 3nb#ofe0fasbebmotbeiLo;be:tben? tbefotme of sepbune/anb3:bnian)efonne mancwof^cagipt(S}Jftallbwreit/fo;tbottb;oitgbieft ofun. .. .. ., t^ctoijttefoc/ $ig people tnt'tbtbP mpgBtc from amonge 36nt ^outc c^ttti^ tobfc^ p e Ca^&amp;c Qtufi&gt;l}e S53SSB5L tbemJnbittoilbc tolbeeotbeihbabifetisof ap^?e/tbematoib?ingem/anbtbej(ba fS na SS tbft ianbeaiw/fo? tbejbane Dcttie Kftetoife/ finotoe tbelanbe tobi* wba ue refufeb / anb ub : but not to tbat (bou tbe %oM ate amSge tyti people/ poure eavaefleit (ball lye in t&amp;f biloerneffe tticucito anb tbat tbou attfene face to face/anb t tb? ano notice cbiltu en ftai itoanWe in tin's toil* ^'S^^" cioube llanDetboueetbematbattbongoeft beme(fe.ia.wee^anbfu;efo?t , oure 6 tobOi5i6w ^.f^^^befo^ctbebgltetet^einapflcrofacloube tebomebhtfll|mieeai*eae0betoaaeaintbe ^^s ' ** anbmapjleeof f#ebittfgbt#ftboufl)alt tomemeae/afterttienomb?eoftbebape0in' JJ Wlf antbiJJpeopleatftbejtoeeebutohehiart to&amp;icb?efetcbeDGut f lanae.jr j&gt; a?e0/a tbm tbe nations to|&lt;cbbaue &amp;er&amp;etbefamc rptiapeafet;e:fo ify?itomteax evonw. t rWA* figtoeounte*

son vaniuibivjow * ifMHm whiump

fitube mttrrauteaoenftme^abanebetteir mutmuenge)S of f eflflftii of |ftael tobicbe tfter murmure agenttemcceU r&amp;em/g tbe Jloflje * " ~ '""""" "--"-'

purmucptts w ri6bteoutnejs.fl, rew/$ ye all felemyben oeaimce % tbe %oflx baue fayeb tbat 3 toill bo it bntoall tW euell congcegacf ontbat ategetb^eb in tt)i)S totf&amp;emeoe ye Qialbe conutmeb/anb bere ve (bail bye. JCnb tbe men tobieb fltBofejs Tent tofetcbe tbe tenue/a m&amp;fcbPoben tbey came agayne) mabeall tbe people to murmuteagenft it in tbattbey b;ougbtebp a frlaun&amp;ec bpon tbe lannesbyebfo? tbe b?yngingebp tbat wen fclatmbeebponit/ atom piageb before tbe ^Mrtse. 1$u t giofu a tijefonneof jSun ana w Caleb tbe fonne of Jepbune tobfcb toete of fbementbattoenttofevebe tbeiatoe/ tyueb ayii. 3nb ^orestolbetbefefayengeubn^ to alltbe cbylb;en of gtraen/anbtbe people toftegteatfojotoe. [m mfon anbtbey wrebp yetiy mtbemo;nynge 9 S ? tun t gatt tb em top in to tbe toppe of f mountayne iwottf mticc fayengeao toe be bere/a toOl go bp bnto tbe urn it\tm m pj ace ( pjbicii ttfe %oM fayeb/fo? toe baue XS'tBera f 'n e b.a i rtb#ofei5fayeb:tobetfo?etoyHye mo "cua m go on ^ftmaneebeyonbe tbe too^beof tbe [tit awic ^oj&amp;ej'fttoyllnoteometoelltopalttgo not nto, bpfo;tbeXo;tie is not amonge you tbaf ye benotdayne bef o;e youve enemyes. $ot tbe aGmalecftytejs anb m Cananitts are t&amp;ete before yott/anb ye toyll fall bpon tbe (toerbe becaufeyearetottmebatoaye fr5 tbejUo?* be/a tberfo?e t^)t )Lo?fie toyll not be toitb yon tf ut tbey toer e blynbeb to go bp in to tbe byll toppet^etter tbe latter/tbe atcbe of ttft teftament of tbe ]to;be anb #ofesbeparteb

not out of tbe bofte. Cben amalecbytes a tbeCananftestobicbbtoeltintbatbtli/came boune anb emote tbem anb betoebtbf :euen bnto$o;ma. CjC^t 6??ncboffcr(ngcB of tM tljat enter Ito t^tlliec tfhtpunnp^ment of bjm t'^at Cpnneili of acrogficc ipbc.(tbemanie ftoontD tbat sctljtceo ttycUca uti t be 4atiot5 . o$atbcs mutt be mast p3 tbe quae* ti wtjejiaajrawrtw* CCbe.Jcb.Cbapter. jBbtbe^ojbe fpabebnto fi^ofes fayenge:(peabe bnto tbe cbylb^en of utraela fayebntotbg*.tobmye be come in totbelSbe of your e ba* bftacion tobieb 3! setie bnto you/a toill ofire an ofttyngc bpbntbe fy;e bntotbe tuoftt/ tobetbecit ne a bumtoQerynge 0; afpeeyall botoeo? fretoillofferyngo^yf it be in youre Pftncypail feaftes to mabe a ftoetefauoure bnto tbe %t&gt;?bt/ot tbe or e n 0? of tbe Bo cite. Cben/letbim tbat offer etb W ofietynge bntotbeU.o?be/b?yngeaJfoameatoffetynge ofatentb beale of flour emyngleb toitb tbe fourtft parte of anb^n of oyle/anbtbe fourtb parte of anbtn of toine fo? a wynfiofferynge


anb offet toitb? buwtofferynge 0? any otbec ofleeynge toben it is a lambe . mnb bnto a ra 25 tbou alt ofEeeameatofferyngeof.ii.tentb beales of floure/myngleb toitb tbyflepar* teofanbinofoyle/anDtoab^ncftofferynge . tbou alt offer tbe y;be parte of an bin of

toync/to be aftoete fauoure bnto tbe %tu. VMtm tbou offery a an ore to a burntoffes *yngeo?in anyfpecyall botoeo? peaceoffe^ tinge fcnto )io;be/enoualt b?ynge bntoan ote/ameatofferynge of.iii.tentbbea leS offloure myngleb^balfe anbin of oyle, anb tbou altb^nge fo?ab;yncbofferinge balfe anbin of toyne/at is an otterynge of a Ctoetefauoutebnto e &amp;o;ce. q\)i8 ts e &amp; maher at alb e. bone bnto one ore/one rl alambeo;abyb.anbaco;byngeto e no bit of focbe olletynges / tbou alt aureate e meatoflerynges a ebjynftoffetynges . anatareofyourefcluesaltbo ere tbyngesaftet ismaner/tobenbeotfere an ororynge of ftoetefauoure bnto ^ %om anbyf ere be a ttraunger toi you 0? be amonge you in youre generactons/anbtoill offer an of fetynge of a ftoete fauoure bnto$ TLoibe-.euen as yebo/fobeallbo ,, neo?sa.(a:f)te atm bpaunce allferuebo toj you of e con* nfm \bm Bregacion/anb alfo fo? e ttraunger Jnb it 52ES2R2: albeano?bynaunce fo^euerambge youre SSSiS Se cby;enaftettyou/at e ttraunger anb ye Deduce m to albe lyfiebef o?e e )Lo;be. fiDne latee anb " rtwwl e cne manet all ferue / bo (0? you anb tot f 5*feS22f" tbe ttraungettbatbtoeiie toitb you. 'aauMwth anbe)Lo;befpabebnto ^ofes fayege: rente umiue fpeabe bntoe ytt^enof afraelanbrayct^c cb?ue 0; bnto em : Ubben ye be come in to e lanbe |m f tobeee3 toWb?yngeyou/en tobeye toill BBSS eate of e b?eab of e isoe/ye all geue an , tn one auw&gt; , beueofferynge bnto eHo/be.^e all geue ace 0; fo;cnec ababe of e ffrft of youre botoe bnto an be* tteofferyngetasyebo e beueofferynge of ebame/euenfoye albeue it. d&gt;3 e fp?tt of youre botoe ye mutt geue bnto e %om an beueofferynge /o;oto out youre generacyons. 5 f yeouerfeyourefeluesanbobfentenot all efe commaunbem^tes WUb e^o;be ba fpoben bnto fl@ofeg / a all g e jLo;be ba cSmaunoeo y on by $ banbe of Azores/ from e fy?ft baye fojtoarbe at e jlo?be cSmaunbebamongeyouregeneracion . tobe" ougbteis commyttebigno^ntly before e eyes of e congregac to n, en all e mui'= tube all offer a calfe f 0; a burntof ferynge tobeaftoecerauourebntoe Xo?be/ ae meatofferynge a e bjynbofferynge er* to/aco;byngetoemaner:anbanbe goote

fo?afynofferynge.anb p?eattallmafie anattoneme'tfo? allfmultttube of f ilb?5 cf^fraell/ait aefo?geue efont toas bM. tenojafice

M$jBia$tt '0mt&amp;


tgno;aunce,anatbey ftaUbjyttge tfjetr gtf* tes into tbe offerynge of ft)e Home / $ tbcy? iyno8cryngebefo;etbe ?Lo?befo; tbcy? tg no^unce.atiD it fbalbe fojgeuen bnto all multftube of tbe cbylbjen of 9irtael/$ bnto Ctrafiget tbat btoelietb amongeyou:fo?tbe fgnojauneye pertaynetb bnto all tbe people. ; ffanyonefoulefynne tbojoto igno?aunce be lbalib?yngeaftegooteof aycreoiaefo? afynofferynge. ana tbe p;eaft (ball mabe an atonement fo?fi)efouie tbat fynnea ig no;auntly toitb tbe fynoffetynge before tbe lio^oe ano reconcile tjtm/anbtt fbalbe fo? geuen bim.ana botb tbou tt)at artbome one of tbe cbyia?en of part ana tbe ttraunger $ btoelletb amongeyou tyaltDauebotb one la* toe.y f ye fynne tfjojo to tgno?auncye. ana tbe fouletbataotb ougbt p?efump* tuouffp/tobetber be be an ffiarlfte o? a ttrau ger/mefamebatbbefpyreatbcju#e. ana tbat fouleftalbeocaroyea from amengebis * people / becaufc ije ban) befpyfea tbe toozbe of the %q;u ana batb b?oftm big cemmaunlementeS/tbatrouletbetfo?e (bail peryftJ* bis fynne (balbe bpon btm. 6.tcetrri?c anatobyiefbecbylbjmoflJfiarttoetein cjoiic ftmi i ""tfbetoflbetneire/tbep founaeaman getbe* wS tbe? tftat founaebim gettjerynge ttyefies/ tDpcijia ttutub^ougbtcbtmbnto^ofeisanoitaton? bn*

Dcat^/fo? so to all tb&gt;congtegaaon:anb ft)ey put bimui rtffica f toarae/fo?ittoasnot aeclatea tobat ftmiae tile vooojtt of be bone bnto bim.ana tbe ju&gt;#e fame bnto tneio;Dctoi&gt;c^fliS)orei5:tbeman Qtaliape-.letall f multituae wito&amp;c tt'so ro (tone bim toitb" (tones toitbottt t&gt; bofle. arm wWo'Ar^^^W* b?ougbtebm toitbottt tbe l"!nXiSr botteana ftoiiea&amp;im toitb (tones / 9 be b?ea ioti) oaje, as tbe %QM noea $ ofes. _ , . ana jlo?aerpafte bnto flfcofesfapenge: ffi? tffS t Mfiebnt0 $ e cbyfaenof Sfraeifanabya ftcil hMc ffttbem/tbate mane mem aDtf bpon tbe jp firrtuitijcn; quartets of tbey? garmentes ft)o;oto out "btrttBwngBc tbey? generacyons / anb lettbem mafietbe mSflSSSS* Babof rybanaesof gacyncte. ana n)e SlSSr Battc fballbebntoyoutolofiebponft/tbae tti)at B o6tot)at?erememb?eaM (be commaunaementes of a rcruwt^ itteilojaeanbbotbetfbatyefefienotatoaye lh'^h th aftw voure atone bette 9 aftecpoiiteatone tyiiHecescvr-me'bzeafioalmy cSmaunbmentesafie boly SSy&amp;SK** 1 ?oucpob/fo;5! amffjlomeyoured&amp;oD 3 e .K!S *** fo*fe&lt; you out of $ianae of cgipte mm c . * f o? to be youre am tbe Home &amp;ob. GGbt nbetnS 9 rcfyftatince of ffojajj JDat&amp;S sail ram . Stye tb opciieb ano CvoalotDCB t^tm Sp * Tf) j9a* cowb tae tonne of 5e?ebat; fonne of Cabatb tftt fonne c t tmi anbBatban 8*3biram tJje fonne ofWattb&amp;ntbef9mteof$e&lt;

*Ssomctojsfc &amp;o;clitf)c fonne of 3j * &amp;ometo;;tt abitoin.


left)/ * fonne of ffitibentftobebp before jo* feis /toltb otbet; of tbe ebflbten of 3ttaei.ti. buna?eb anb fpftie/beeat of tbe congrega* don/ana councelerjs/anamenof fame/ana tbev gatberea n)em feme* tcgetbee agenft mow anaHatonana fayea bnto

bauc aone ynougb.tfo; all tbe multltube ate hoir euerp one of tbem $tbe-o?ae(j5amon getbe. }bPtbetfo?e Beuepe omefeluesJbp aboue tbe congtegaepon of tbe)Lo?6e. it&amp;ben Scores beatae ft / be feilbponbtf faee anbfpane bnto co?al) ana bnto all bis companpe fapenge:to mo?oto tbe )Lo;ae totll , (betoe tobo fj3b&lt;0 ana tobo i^boir / anatopli tafie tbem bnto tow /anb tobomfo euct be batb cbofen/be totll caufe to come to btm. Cbwbo:tabe f??epanne0/tbouCo?ab anb all tbP companre / anb ao fv?e tbmn 9 put tens tbnto before fl)eS,o?ae to rao?otoe. 3 ! na tt)en tobSfoeueK tbe %om ootb tbofe/ tbefamels bol?. fe mafieynougb toaote cbuia^nofHeuf. ana scores fapea bnto (o?ab : beate vt^&gt;emetb&lt;tbutafmalltb5n 5 ^ gebntoyou/tbat tbe oa of Jftaelbatbfe* patateafouftomtbemultituaeofgifraelto b?pngei?outobmi/toliott)e fetuyce of tbe btoeutnge pla ce of tbe 7io?ae/ana to ttanbe befo?etbepeopletomtntat:ebntotberafbe batt) taben t^e to bm ana all tbp b?etb?en f tonnes of jlcuitoubtbe/apefefie tije office of flie pjeau alfo.^o; tobtcb caufe bot!) tbou anaaiitb? companveategatbetebtogetbee agenatbe'^o?ae:fo?tobatfea(aton/tbat ye ftulbe nmtmutc agenft bim. aina&lt;3&amp;ofes fenttocall j^atban 9 MU tarn tbe fonnes.of citab/anbtbevanttoereo toetoillnotcome.feemetbttafmalUbpnge bnto tb e tbat tbou baft b;ougbte bS wit of a janae tbatttotoetb toitb mpJeanaboi!e/to #l bS in $ totlbctneae. ut tbatlbou fbul= befttaygneouerbsalfof :3Po?eouee tbou baft b;ougbte bsbnto no ianae tbat flotoetb toitb mtlbeanbbonye/netbetbaftgeuenbS podeSfonS of femes 0; of b?nes . (Stbec toilt tbou pull outtt)e eyes of tbefemenftoctoyfl notcome. 3Dnb#ofeStoaicebbettangmaitbfayeb bntof jLo;ae-.cutnenot bntotbe^offerpn? ges . j baue not taben fo mocb as an aae C ftomtbem/netbecbauebe^ea anyof tbem* ben flSofe S fayebbnto co?ab : 5Be tbou 9 all tby cSnanye before m %*M : botb mow tbeyanbaBatontomo;otoe.ainatafieeuety

man bis cenfet anb put cens in tbem /a na co me befo?etbeiLo;ae euery man tottb W ce"* t,ef.ttoobutta^bai&gt;fyftiecenrers/ana3Ba* ion toitb bis cenfer. -gpriti tbe? tone euety manbiS cenfetanaput fMemtbemsiayeb cms tbeton / ana am in tbe tott of m tabttruwie

tabernacle oftoifttede/ ana Spores ana $a tonalfoJnaco?abgetbereaaUtbecongte* gacyonagenii tbem bnto tbe mi of tbeta* bewtacleoftoytneae. ana tbe gio?yeof tbeiipjjjfcapewbbnto all tbe congteacypjl/ainbtb"e )Lo?ae fpafie bnto fiBofeS'ana mm fayenge : fepavate youte femes ftom tbfS congregacion/tbat| may e eonfume tbe atonce.-lnb tb ey fell bpo tf) ey? faces fay ca * jd mod mygbtie oa n m, t&amp;Q of tt)e tpitites of all fle(b/one man batb fyn* nea/anbtoiit tbou be tojotb toift) alltbemu! tituae^ anbtbe TLo^aefpajfte bnto ffl&amp;ofes fayenge;fpeafte bntotbeebngtegacion anb fay e*.&lt;&gt; ett y ou atoay e fiom aboute tbe btoe!= ^lyngeofco;ab/S&gt;atbananaabitam. anb ^ofestofe bpana toent bnto J^atban ana abitam/attje elaers of paeifoiottebbfm. anb be (pabe bnto tbe congregacyS fayenge aeparte from tbe ten t es of tbef e to eb to men *toucbenoft)ingeoftbeit:estieftyeperylbe mall tbefe fynnes . KltfotiM gate tbem ftS tbebtoellynge of Co?ab /&amp; atban ana a tut! on euety fyae. ana atban ^abitam eame mttana ftoaeintbeboje of tbeir tentes toitb tbeit toyues / tym fonnes 9 tbeir cbyia?en. anb ^ofes fayea:l^ ereby ye (bai bnotoe ttat m%M baft) fent me to bo alltbefe ,.mtfcrtj,too#eS/ 9 tbat I baue not aone W of myne tt6tiieatonemynae:3lftbefemenaye $ comenaetb iitmwt.ofaHmeno?yftbeybe*btfytebaftei;tbebt* fitacyon of all men/then tytbom batb not "ffent me.5eutanayftbe'^o?aemaSeanetoe ^.W'tbiiige/anbtbeettb open bit moutbe^ ftoa* SSSa w lotoe tbem anb all tbat pertayne bnto tbem/ .nrrttt totbattbeygoaouneoquyebetnto ber.tben ihmpw 6 mt) ^e Qwll bnc erQanb/ ftjat u)efe men baue ray&lt;

ttS 'bpon tbe ito?ae. mm % m as tone as bebab maaeanenae of fpeabyngaltbefetoo^aes/^gtounbecioue afonaee tbat toasbnbtc tbem/ana tbe cttb openeaber moutlje anb ftoalotoea ttjem ana Sett bovm anb antbementbattoete toitb Co?ab ana all tbey? goobes Jnbtbey ana all tbatpettaynebbnto tbem/toentboune alytte bnto bell/ ana tbe ewbe clofea bpon tbem/ anb tbeypetyftea ftom amonge tbe congee* gacyonJubaK Jfraeltbattoete aboute tbe* lebbe at tbe ctye of tbemtf o^tbey fayeb:be et&amp;emygbte bapelyettoalotoe w alfo. ^tin tbete came oute a fy?e ftom tbe mo?ae anbconfumebtbe ttoobunb?eb^ fyftye men ibatofftebcens. _ . ana tbe )Lo?aeCpabe bnto flofeSfayege: , a&gt;pcaltebnto deasai: tbe fomteof aawn mm&amp;tm P;eafte ana letbfm tabebp tbe cenfets Rhtt eB ow^^ebumynge?f6attetefy?ebere ' ?$: anb tbew/fo? tbe* eenfetf of tbere fyimew* tb? ttcm arebalotoeain tbey? aeatbeS:anblettbembe bebeaten in to tbynplates ana fafteneabpo


tbe aitaw. ^tbeyoffteb tbem before irje*jgjji* i* 5 "' jLo^e/anbtberfo;e tbep atebolyeanatbey oH,emfta e, lbalbeafygnebntotbecbylb?enof3ftael. i anbcieafat tbe p?eaft tobe tbe b?aren !H centers tobtcb cbey tbattoece burnt baa of* feteb / 9 beat ft)em anb fa ft enea ttfe bppon p altar e /to be a r erne bounce bnto tbe cbyia?e of gftael/tbaeno fttaunget tobtcb is not of ft)e feea of aaron / come nete tb ofter cens before tbe )Lo;ae/tbatbebenot maae lybe bntoo;abanabiScompanye:as tt)e %om fayea bnto bint by tbe banbe of g^ofes. . ana on ft)e mo?otoealltbe multituaeof le cbyia;en of gtraeil mutmureb agenlle . . jofes anb aaron fayenge : ye baue nyiiea (be people of tbe lo^e.ana toben tbe mul* tttube toaS getbetea agenfte fl^ofes 9 aato tbeyloReatotoataef tabernacle of tottnedfe. anobeboiae/tbecloube baacouetea it ana t^t glo?ye of JLOjbe appearea.ana Ul^ofes ?aawntoentbefo?etbe tabernacle of toit* nefle . ana tbe %ofi fpafie bnto flliJofes s

fayenge: ett you from tbis congregacyon/ tbat 5i maye eonfume tbem quycblye. aim tbeyfellbpontbey? faces. anb W f es fayae bnto aat5-.tafie a cm* fer ana put fy?c tberin out of tt)e alter/ana poute on cens 19 go quyeftly bnto tbe cogre* tacyon ana mafie an attonement fo; tbem. b; tbere is to;atb gone out ftom ft)e ?Lo?ac anb t^ere is a plage begoneJnb aaron tobe aS.$otcscommaunaea bim/ana ranbnto tbecongregacson^bebolDe/tbeplagetoas _ bfgonneamongetbepeopie/anbbeputon^^"! 1 '^^ cens/amaae an attonement fo? tbe people. Mmm&amp; anb be 'ftoaebettoene tbe aeeb/anbtfie tbat 16 %t nt%av toete alyue/anatbeplage ceafea. anatbe M "= c sc nomb?e of tbem tbat w^ in tt)c plage/ toere JJfflK , h )rtiii.tboufanaeanb feulbuna?ea:befyae W?tSm S tbatbyeaaboutetbebufynesofCo^ab anbjna ucnflwim aaron toent agayne bnto ^fflBofes bnto tbe of od fo; bo?e off tbetabernacle of toitneae /ana ^fJSj*JHg* plageceafeb, K&amp; ; caajo8_JObtiebttMict&amp;anDtiearcfpiolIflittcB. Jjjggjg Cbe.iebii.Cbapter. g. at, e *" i9btbe)Lo?be fpafie bnto S^otes* 1 fayenge : fpeafie bnto tbe c Wtom of 'jfrael ana tabe of tfi 1 1 f ot eue* typ?yncypall boufesroa/oftbey? pjpnees ouer tbe boufes of tbep? faftjers : ruen.rii. roaaes /9*)Me entry mans name bpon bisroajna to?yte aarons name bpon tbeftaffe of euery beeaman ouer tbe boufes of tbeir fatbers (ball baue a r oa. ana put tbem in tbe tabernacle of tof twee 15 tobeteS' teyil mete you . ana bS r oa tob om 91 tbofe / tbaU Woflome : ^&gt;o 5 toyll mafie ceafe from me tbe gmagynges of tbe cbyRve of jfrael tobycb n)ey gtuage agenft you.

%mn&amp; tarn* &amp;umiti. anb^tfesf^fte onto fte cbswen of anbftefco?Mfpaitehncoaai:on**otte &lt;jfrael/aallftep?sncesgaue bimfo?euerp ibauegmenfte ftefiepsngeofmsnebeue


P^nce o 1 1 et tym fat^etgt bou feS / a roto eue &gt;.rii.robbes/ a fterooofaarontoas amonge c fte roboes . anb flt&amp;ofes put robbes before me :io?be in tbe tabernacle of toitnecre.anb on fie mo?oto e /Azores toent in to fte taber* naclfiana bebolbe*ftetobof aaron of fte #*rt; ijotife of juuttoasbubbeba bateblofomes _andalmonbes.anb&lt;fl9ofesb?oug&amp;teoutall * fte ttaues from befo?e fte &amp;o?be/bnto all t

offirsngeS in allfte bolotoed t^rnges or fte cbslb?en of gttacl Jtottito fteg bauegeue' ftem onto ariosntsnge ami to tbs Conned : to beabutse fo?euet. cbiS ftall be tbsne of* moft bois fteir giftes/ftororo out al ft et r meat off etsnges rsnneoffersnges anbttefpaccoffersnges tobifte tbP b?mge unto me . cfte* ftalbe molt ftoft onto fte 9 bnto fts tonnes .ano se (Dal eatctt m fcmott

cftftyen of gifraei/anbtbep lofteb bp5 ftem/, &amp;ofl?e piace;aU tbat are male* Qtall eate of ft

anb toKe met g man bis ftaffe. anb (be we fasea bnto fl$oreS:b?snge batons too afasne before fte tottnefte to be fiepte fo? a tonen bmo fte cbsltocn of rebel* ison 7 tbat ft es? mutmursnges raase ceaCfe fro me/t&amp;atftesbse not . anb isptesbsb as fteTkojberommaunbebm)*. anbtbecbsi* Ujcnof gfftaelfpafie bnto fl&amp;ofes fatenge: bebolbe/toe are beftroseb ana all come to nougbfcfo? totjofoe ue t cometb nse ft e mth isngeof fte;no?b/bseft. fcftalltoe btterls contumeatoase? C (BCfjc offpcc oftftc Itnffcft fflCf) c f ytljes an&amp; f gift f r Jit w mud be geuen ttj cm ,aa c one heritage* C&amp;ejtt&gt;uf,cbapter,

}$&amp; fte JU&gt;?be laseb bnto aaron. 3 fiSa^Mbouaftsfowiesanbftsfafters boufe toift tbe / QmUbete $ faute Jof tbat tobicbe is bone ampflein fte *.ttnbttattr yui?piace.anbtbou aftsfonnes toiftfte/ SeffSwSt all beateftefaute of tbat tcbicbe isbone ij cas c t Da 1 1 1 6 e am? (re i n soure p? eafft c&amp;e. anb fts b? e tM not touchee. a ifo $e tribe of jUwVftettsbe of WW* tane totft fte/anb let ftem be ioftteb bnte anbminittrebnto tbejnaibbii $ HjKConties* toift tl)e fbali mfnt&amp;rebe|o?eftetabe*nacIe oftoitaeffe.anbletftemmsfebpem tbe anb bpon allfte wbertiacle:onlsieijbiiior come nse tbe bol?be0elS afte alter /tbat baft ftes and vt alf ot?e not. 3Cnb let tbem be b? tbe 9 toavte on tbe tab etrjacle of toitne tie / anb on all tbe ferurce of tbe tabernacle/ anb letno Oraungercomemjebntotou.iartetbetfo?efapon u)e bofte place anb bpontbealter/mere faHito moarem^atb bpon tbe ebtftwen of 3Krael:beboBie/ 31 b a'u e taben pottre b?en);en tbe jietiiteg from a= mouge d^t tymen of ^frael / to be pontes/ as gt?fte$s geuenbhton)e)Lo?i)etoootbefer upce of tl)c tabernacle of toptneffe. 3CnD fe tbat botbtbou anb tbv tonnes tost^fije tafte b ebe onto poure p; eaftes office/ in an tbmg; tbat perta^ne onto tb* alter anb tottbin tbe batfeJnb fe tbat v t ferue/fo? % baue geuen poutep^eafles office unto sou fo? a gtfteto

00 feru?ce: anb tbe Qraunger tbat comen) npe/fltfHbPi

fo?itibalbebolt&gt;ebntotbe. 3nb tbiS ftalbe rb?ne: tfje b eue offtpnges of tbeir g?ftes/tbo?oto out all tt)e toaueoffe* rpnges of tbe cbf R?en of a frael / fo? 31 baue geul tbf bnto? tbPfonneg/f &lt;bsbaugbtei toitfj tfje to be afeutpe foyftitr'.ano an tbat are cieane in tb? boufe/lballfate of it/antbe fatt of u)e of le/of tbe t?ne anb of tbe : rbeir tnfk frut es toljtclj tbe? geue bnto tbe )lojbe tbathaue^ geuen bnto be fpttt ftutes of all tbat is in tyefr lanbes tobf cb tbe ba?ngebnto tbe jLo?be/ ftalbe tbsne; ano all tbat ate cleane in tbpne rjoufe / (ban eate of it. : . . aiiftebicate rftinges ingjCtael/ fhalbe t Sp* c ne.aintbat b;cpetbtbematriceof allflelb tbat men b?in%nto tt)e jLoJbe/botbe of mi anbbeaft/Owioetbjnf, jSeuertbelatertBe fp?OBo?neor man,(&amp;a&amp;XteomieD /anb tbe f^Qbo^neof bncleane beaftes (balbe mu mtJbi'nbtbeit tebempcpons Qialbeatamo* netb olbe/ baUieoat.b.ipcles of fyluet/ of iebolc fscle ., a Cgcle maftettj ttoentpe Se* ttHJ.*uttbefttftbo;neof oren/u)epe $ga(M tes all notbe rebemeb. jFo?tbe? mww attbtbott fftalt fp^inbletbeirblouD bpon tbe alter/anbftaitbumetbetrfatttobea facri* ftce of a ftoete fauoure bnto tbe Xofit. tm tbe ftety of tbem fbalbe tbtue / as tyt toaucb^eatt sail tbe rpgbt IbotilDer is mm alltftebolbeueoffetpnge0tob&lt;cbetbecbsl* D;enof gtrael beue bnto tbe jLotfe 1% geue tbeanotb? fonne* anbtb? baugbtets tofttj f to be a butie fo? euetanb itaalbe a * faltea ; couenaunte fo? euer/befoje tbe )lo?be:bnfomt fr tBeanototbpfeeotoitbtbe. ..turn anb tbe ilo?be fpabe bnto aaton -. rbott fDalt baue none enberitaunce in tbeir lanoe no? parte amongetbem; ffo/S! am tbppatte anb U)v enbetttaunce among tbe cbpiojen of ^ael.&amp;n&amp;beboi&amp;eiSbauegeuentbecbfltue' of )leui/tbetena&gt;m 31taeito mberste / fo? tbe feruteetobicbtbe?ftrue(ntbe taberna* cie of tottneffey tbat m %mm of gifrael bencefojtb come not tnjelbe tabemade of toitnece / anb beaKfsnnearA ope. anb tbe jteufttf qmnb*tbefentpce in t tabernacle of te^efleanbbee rbe^ffwie/? ft ftalbe



v "


1IM1 Cfoial

' a laroe fo? euet bnto sour e t(jplb?cn after vou:58utamongetbe cbplD?en ofgrfraeitbeg ftallenberet none enberitaunce. jfoatbe titbes of tbe cbplb?en of gjfrael tobs cbetbe? beuebnto tbe %t&gt;M/% baue geuen tbe 'jU* ttiten to enberct. iberfo?e 9 baue fasebbn* to tbem : amonge tbe cbslb?en of jJpncHfc ftall enbetett noneenberitatmce. 3Bnb I %QM fpafte bnto Azores rapenget fpeabe bnto tbe TLeuites anb rave bntofte: toftenfetafie of tbe cb?lb?en of |fraeitbetfe tijes M'cbe3]bmtegeue sou of tbetosouve enbetitaunce/se ftall tafte an beueofftsnge of tbat fame fo? Gft jLo?be:euen tbe tmtif of tDat-tstbe. 3nb it ftalbe rebeneo bnto sou fo? soute beueoffersnge / ruen as tbougbse gaue co?ne out of t barneo? a fulloffersnge fromtbetosnep?effe. anb of tbts matter se ft all beue an beueoffe* rsnge bnto fte iLo?be/ of all soute tt'tbes tobicb sereceaue of tbe cbslb?en of gpfracil/ anbse ftall geue ^fteteof tbe .fl,o?bes beueofe fersnge bntoaaton fte p?eatt.if aUsoute gsftes/se ftall tafte outtijeTLo?besbeite of? fersnge teuen tbe fatt of allftes? baiotoea



inn tbou ftalt fasebntotbentvtobmse baue tafte atoase tbe fatt of ftlrS it/ft ftalbe counteb bmo tbe /Leuttes / as tbe ett create f c ? ne anb tosn e . a nbs e ft an eate it in all Places botbse anb soute bouftoibes / f 0? it is soure retoarbe f 0? soure ferusce in ibe ta* bernacle of toitneffe . anbse ftall beare no fSime bv tbe reafon of it / toben se baue taftl from itfte fatt of it : netber ftallsebnbalo* fee $e balotoeb tbsnges of tbe cb?io?en of afrael/anbfo ftailsenotbse, icffif the tette hotoc. dhelfltotof hmithatbrcth j ii the tabcctiacle.'anBof tymtaUo that touchcth ang tntlcane t^?ttg* ' _, cacbe.rir.cbapter.a l&gt;&gt;^^H 5btbe %om ^afte bnto 4QMW-9 mfmsm mmtBmm^i^. o?osna* unceof fte latte tobtcb tbe llo?ee IcSmaunoetb fasengerfpeafte bnto tbecbSR?enof ^fraelano lettbem taftefte a tebb fio toe tot tb out fpot toberin is no We ntSftano ixfyity neuer bare socfte bpon ber anbseftai i geuel)erbnto'tea?artbep?eaft anb be ftall b?snge ber bSiebout tbe bofte 9 cauftber to be Ufasne befo?ebim. ahb lea?at tbe p?eaft ftall tafte of ber Mflube bpii bis fsnger/? fb?snftle it ftresgbt totoaroe f tabernacle of tottner,bii.tsmes : anbbe ftall caufe tbe ftotoe to be burnt m BiSfsgbtetbotb fftsn / fleft anb bjotibe / toitb ftebott%ealfo.anblet tbep?eaft tafieceoar toobb/ano 5"fope anb purple clotb /anb tea it bpon tbe ftotoe as ft e biirtjetb. anb let tbe p?eaft toaft ibis clotftes anbbatbebtsfleftj in

toater/anb fteh come in to fte boffe/anb tbe preaftftalbebttcieanebntotbeeuen. -,. . anb be tbat butneft ber/ ftall toaft bis' 5 cloftes in toater s bafte bis fleft alto in tea* tet/9 be bncleane bntilleuen; anb one tbat is cleane/ftall go anb tafte bpp tbe at ftcs of 0t fiotoe/anb put tbem tottbout tbe boOe in a cleane place / tobere tbes ftall be fiepte to

ntafte fp?snfilsnge toater fo? fte multitube off cbslb?en oPjfraeiifo? it is a rsnoffersnge anbletbim tbatgatbereb tbeafftes of tbe fiotoe/toaft bi# cloftes/? remasne bncleane bntsli euen.anbtbss ftalbe bnto tbe cam* b?en of ffraei anb bnto tbe ttraunger ftat btoeUeft amonge them/a maner 8 f 0? euer, a $*t *&lt;** w ^e tbat toucbeft ansbeeb petfone/ft albe w*&gt;m&amp;* bttcieane,bii.bases.ahb be ft al purifse bim felfe toitb fte afftes tbe ftstfe base anb ften be ftalbe cleane tbe feuentb base, anb sf be C purifse not bim felfe tbe tbs?oe base / ften feuentb base/be ftall not be cleane. nai)oro= eue't toucbeft ans petfone $ bseft a fp?sn* ftleft notbimfelfe/befsietb fte btoellsnge of tb e'JLo ?ae:? tb etf 0? e tbat foule ftalbe roteb (, ae the? vucto out of afrael/becaufebebatb not fp?snfileb M&amp;\m tbe fp?snftlsnge toater bppon bm be ftalbe 'he toiichpng bncieane/anbb'Sbnclenneoe ftall remasne gMSjJ bppon bim . C f tiic cu * in m cbtsts tbelatoeof tbeman tbatbSetbin bt wa&gt; &amp;\&gt;c n a tent:al tbat come in to tbe tent anb ail tbat th^ commit is in fte tent/ftalbe bncleane,bif ,bases.anb ggi ?" : allfte beoeistbatbe op? tobicb WtmmSSU i tw* no? couersnge bponftent/ate bncleane.anb { b?iae catrf* tobofoeuer toucbetbonetbatisnasnetottb^ fpec ano aftoerbeintbe felbes / 0? abeebperfone/o? a JLJKfSH bone of abteoman/o? agraue: ftaiibebn* 8SKM! rteane*.bases,, mmm* anb tbes ftaltaite fo/anbncleaneperfor;on anb Beth weoftbe burntafftes of fte fsnoffcrsnge / *g* " rc put rtmnsnge toater tbertom to a beffeil. \^'S&amp; X anbarteaneperfoneftaltafieg!rbpeabtppe fill j f01llE ^g itintbebMter/anbfp?snftleitbpon tent 9 6c vaou\&gt; ouu bpon aUfte befleis f onftefoules tbat toete fts amonu the tbere/anbbpottbtm tbat toucbeb a bone 0? a c """ n * Oasne petfone 0? a'beeb bobs 0? a graueJnD fte cleane petfone ftall fp?snftlebpfl fte bn* rteane fte fts?be base anb fte tmtnO^ base, anb Sfaienft Dasebe ftanputifse&amp;im felfe

anb toaffte bis cioftes anb batbe bim feifu in toater/aubftafte cleane at euen. * |,f ans be bncleane afp?snftle not bim felfe i fame foule ftalbe beOtoseo ft amSge fte c5gregaciS:fo?bebatbbeleb?bols,placeof l-o?be a is not fp^nfilebtt fp?inftlsng toa ret fterfo?e rs be bncleane.anb ft is ftalbe a perpetual latoebnto tbi.anbbeg fp?inftieft i fp?pftlsngetoater/ftaltoafft bis cioftes anb be ftat toucbeft fte fp?snftlSifge toa ter/ftalbe bncleane brtttll euen .anb tobot foeueef bncleane perfone toucbetb/ ftalbe ttftfo bncleane.

bncieane. fnbtfcfouie that toucbetb it/ oftfgppte.anbbeboloe/toeatemcaDesa ihalbebncleanebntilitbc cum.


CJBir^ambjctb.fKtif people murtniicCftcptianc testes: tuf oute oftbc tot ft c . ffioom ocny a tj tlje -JCta ilittapalTagt tbojotoljia readme. Cbcocatb^fan^ ton mtoborc towmc eieajat fucctDctlj, CCbejer.Cbapter. #b tbe tobole multitude of cbpi* o?en of 3Traell/came m to tf&gt;e be* rerte of &amp;in in tbe mamonetb/a j $ people btoelt at CabesJnb mete oped flpngam/anB toas bun'etJ fi) cuertbete toasno toater fo? tbe mumtubt/ tobetfoje flje? gatberebrbe" feluejs together agenft flpofes a ageu aatS .and t^c people cbobetoflpofes sfpabe fapengc:tcold ob tbattoebadverpffled tobe ouit b?etb?en pe* i#l&amp;edbefo?e$&amp;o?d.lbPbauepeMugbt tbe congregacio of tbe tlqm fan to t^tss toil= . aemeae/ botb toe 9 wire eaten (DuiDe D?e y etefl&amp;etf o;e b?ougb t p e bS out of ffgipte to b?pnge bS in to tbiS bngracious place/

tobtcbis noplaceof feed no? of fpggesno? bpnes no; of p omgr anates / netb ev is n) er e anp toater to a/p^e? anb fl&amp;ofes 9 aaton toent ft tbc congte* tegariSbnto n)e do?c of tbe tabernacle of tot't* ne(re7afeHbpontbep?faces.andtbe glojpe of t&amp;e %om appeteo onto tfte. and Ho?de fpaftebnto fl^ofes fapcnge-.tafte ftaffe/a getbertbouatbpb?otber aarS feongrega* 'S together/ alapebntof toefie before tbeir epes/tbat begeuefo?tbbfS foatet.andtbou fljalttypgetbe toater out of toefie* (bait 2euecopanpd?pnfie/anotbettbeausa!fo. atio % f e0 t ofie tbe ftaffe fro" before tb e ;io?Be/ commaunaed btm. and flfeofes anbaatongetbeteb tbe congregacion toge* tberbefo?etbetocSe/anbberapebbntotbem heate pe r eb ell? ons/mutt tee feet pou toater out of tb&lt;S tocfiefand Q&amp;oftti me bp bis b Detoftb&amp;isaaffe and fmote the tocbe,* mes/anb tbetoatercameoutabundantlp/a tbemultftuaed?ancfieandtbeirbeeftes alfo ,* anutbe jUydefpabe bnto fifcofes 9 3Da* flia:tjratirt(f^wmbecaufeTebeIeuebmenot/to' , rancrtfte Sm IS SB me in tbe epes of tbe ebpld?en of gifrael/tbe* totaiiD Mciate fojepe all not tofngetbiff congregation to b boiw m mto tbe lante tobtebabauegeuen tbem. atD,bi,b ^ ^ ^ e toatct f (jfpffe / becaufe tbe cbpftjen of SEtoWH ftwue tottbtb* ;Ho?ae/a be teas tanctifpeb bpon tbem . and flfcofesfent metfengers from CadeS bnto tbe &amp;pnge of tfdom . cbS fapetb m b?otbet3!frael'.;boubnotee(taUtt)etiauell t batbbsippeneb bss/boto ouw fattens toent count in to cgfpte/ anobob) toe baue otoelt mcgftJtealongetpme / anbbc-to tbe ffgip* rianjJbeyebbotbebsJ anbonre fatberis.cben toecweb bnto tbe mofleanb be betbe oute bofctf/anbftntanangeR$batbfett bis out

ci'tfe batbe bv tbe bo;fiet# ofti&gt;P cofitte letb^ go a goob felotolbtpe tbo^oto tby coatre * toe * mtl J

to^llnotgo ft)o?oto tbe feloegno? tbo.joto $ """""-bhi bj&gt;neratoe$/netber toyll toe b?mbe of ([)t toater of tbe fountaftttf/but toetovll gobp tbe W toape anb netbertuwie bnto tpgbte mt no? to t lefte/bnltl toe be pad tbp c oun* tteJnbCbomanCtoeveobinu^&gt;etboucome not bp me / lettl come out agenft tbe tottb tbeCtoetbe.lDnb tbe tbplb?en of gftaelfapeb bnto bim-.toe totll go bp tbe beaten tonpeama pf etbet toe 0? mtre catello?pnltc of tbp toa= tet/toe totll pape fo? it/toe topll Do no moate but pace tbo?oto bp fote onlp .^3nb befepeb; ve&lt;ballnotgotbo?oto. anb coom came out w agenttbpnitoitb mocbe people' anb ioit^ a mpgbtfepotoec. anbtbusicEBombenpebto geue ^rvael paflage tt)o?oto W cofitre, 3nb gfftaeli tutneb a toape ftom b"n. 3Cnbtbe cbPlb?en of ^fraei temouebftom CabesJ anbtoentbntomount^o? toi'tb all congtegacpon. anutbe)Lo?be fpaftebntc* 0M es ansaaton in mount !J? o?/ijaite bpo the cottesJ of tbe lanbe of Ebom rapenge net 3Haton be put bnto fjifi people / f o? be fball not come in to tbe lanbe ttpf baue geuen bnto tbe cbplotfn of^ftael : becaufe pe of (to? lieteD mp moutb at toatet of Otpfte. cafie aaton anb mmwc W f onne / anb bjpnge tb em bp f n to mount 19 0; /anb (topppe a ato out of bW beftimentejs anb put tbem bpon Cieaiax W fonne/anbletKiatonbe'putbn* to big people anbbpetbete. ana ^ofess beb^nbtbep r ygbte of off aarong bpb a tbe 2Lo?oe command toentbp m to mount ^0? in ty all tb e multftube.anb i^of eg tofie clott)e0 anbputtbembpon$lea

jatbisfoniie/^aaron bpebtbete in f toppe of tbe mount Jnb flpofe^anbUMeafat: came boune out of tbe mount . anb all tbe b ou f e oE^rtaelmowmeb fo? 3(iai;onjcw:,bape}J, -&lt;fftatl banquetftrtJfcpnBataft. Jcr^ttfe Uy ptntw ttvnge ttjcm;bu(tol|tit tUcp lohc at tbe b?aftti fttpentto^itft t^l.o?bcommatinbtb Woftstoljft vjp/tb,q&gt;ate b / caUb.ttb / e ^ngtM&amp;rton a6 *DB aw. oiiwtorae inMtrll. ... C^be.Krt.Cbaptec. ^btobenbpngeatabtbe cananfte .tobfcb btoeitftttbe foutb pattwj/* batbe tell tbat^ftael caraebp m ttoapetbatftefpfesibab fofibe out

became 9 fougbte tottb fftael frtoae fome of tbem pjefonet&amp;cbcniftaeJbotoebabo* toe bnto tbe )lo?be anb fapeb-.^if tbott toift geue tbi'0 people in to cute banbetf/ toe topll DeOtope tbep? cptt eg . anb tbe ftojbebettc tbe bopce of gftaeii/ anb belpuetebtbem tbe cananit e?. I nb rb ep betttopeb botb tbem f tb^;cptpe(t/anbcaliebtbeplace$o?ma. :

$ : cben tbep bepattrb from mount $0? to* toatb tbe %m fee:to capaoe tbe lanb of &amp; 0. ginbtbefoulejs of ttjepeople fapntebbptbe toape Jnb tbe people fpabe agenft &lt;!5ob anb agenft fl^ofesi: tohetfojebaft tbou b?ougbe bis out of Cgpptc / ft?. to bpetn ftje topfoct* ,0, tBat(0 fo neffe ft? bete t'js netbet b?eab no? toatet/anb awoo;tfi. oure foulejs lotbea) tbfei * ipgbte b?eab. !ffiheulaae cben tbe ^o?bfent fpette?erpe"te*amSge E nt egtbepeople/tobtcbftongetbem:fotbatmocb ,,rip ^peoplebpebinpaei , anbtbepeople came to ffl^oteg anbrapeD:toebauefpnnfD/fo?toe baue fpofim agenft vat Horn anb agenft C mab e tot e w efffon to tb e '/Lo?be / tb a t be tabe atoapetfte fetpetjs fto bjs.anb #ofe^ mabe intetcedton fo? tbe people, and tbe)lo?be fapbebnto flBofeis:mauetbea fetpentanb bange ft bp ft? a fpgne/ anb lettasi manp as are bptten lobe bpon it anb tbep Ojalllpue.. anb % ores mane a fetpent of b?affe 9 f et ft bp fo? a fpgne. anb toljen tbe ferpentes bab bptteanpman/ be toent anb bebelbe tbe fcfc pent of b?affe anbtecouereb. anb tbe cbpib?en of grraeiremoueb anb jrftcbebinflDbotb. anb tbep bepatteb ftom fl)botb anb lape at Cgebanm in tbe toplbet* neaetobich.isbefo?e fl^oabontbeeaftfpbe anb tbep temoueb thence/ anbpftcbebbpon tberpitet of ?arab. anbtbepbepatteb thence anbpftcbeb on tbeotberfpoeof atn5/tobfc&amp; mm it* in tbe toplberneffe / anb cometb out of tbe coftes of tbe amo?i'tcs:fo? atnonts bo?betof fl^oab/bettoene fll^oafa 9 % amo&lt; 1D wtesf.lbetfo?eitts fpofien intbe*bobeof in m m t ije toatte of tbe % o?oe:go tottb a bpolence/ ibc bo.botb ontbetpuecof atnSanbon tbe tpuetg

nrmtgw* beeb/tobtcbeftjotetb boune to btoeilatar/8 leanetb bpon tbe coftes of^oab. anb ftS tbence tbep came to ear/tobt'ebe is tbe toell toberof the %w fpabe bnto fi^o ft S:getber tbe people togetber/ tbatgi mape geuetbem toater. cben ^frael fange tbis f onge: atpfe bp toell/fpnge tbetto: cbe toell toptbetbe tulets bpggebanbtbecaptapnes offl)e peopled tbe beipeof o)e latoegeuec _ anb tot tb tbeir fta it es. ^ anbftom tbtstopibetnecre ^ toentto Q9atana/anb from flatana to $ab aKei/ 9 from j^abaftel to iSamott) / a ftom ffiamotb totbebalaptbatistntbe felbeof^oab t'n itmtbtth $ toppeof*jebafgabtobftbbotoetb totoarb ""* * aetimon. anb grrael rent meffengers bn* ktS; to ^ &gt;eb on/bpngoftbeamo?ttesfapmg:let Itnrift, ' bSgotbo?ototbPlanbe:toetopllnottoume m to tbp felbes no? in to tbp bpnepatbes/ne-tberb?pnbe of tbe toater of tbe toelles-.but toe toU go alonge bp tbe cbmen toapebntftt toe be paft n)p cofttre.anbaebS teolbe geue afraej no Weence to pane tbo?oto bps cotitre/ butgetbeteboH bts people togetber toent



out agenft gttael t'n to tb e topiberneffe.anb be came to ?abe;aanb fougbte tottb SftMt anb Iftael fmote bim tottb t\)t cbge of tlje ftoerbe aconquereb bis lanbe/ from avnon bntolabocfiteue bnto n)c cbtlb?e of ammo. &lt;Jfo? tbe bo?bers of tbe cbplb?en of amnion/ are ftroflge. anb'Jfrael tofiealltbefe cptpes If a btoelt in all tbe cptteS of tbe amo?iteS : in feefbon a inall tbetotones $ longetberto, &gt;ffo?^efbontoaS f citteof ^eljontbeiipng of ifyt amo?ttes tobicb S&gt;ebon bab fought

befo?e tottb tbe bpnge of tbe ^oabttes/ano bab tafie all bis lanbe out of bis banbe / cue" bntoarnon.iberfo?ettt's ap?oueibe/ go to^efbon a lett t^t cpttc of &gt;ebon be bplt amabeteabiefo?tbereisa fpregoneout of i^efbon a a flame from tbe citie of ;&gt;ebon a batb confumebat of tbe ^oabttes anb tbe men of f bPHes of beto japoab: people of* Cbamospe are bnbone. ^is^ formes are put to flpghte anb bis Daughter *5ftwoB 10 b?'o'ugb'tcaptpuebnto &gt;eboniipnge ofthe'x ? amo?ftes.CbwlpgbteiSoutfvom^etbon c mm * bnto 30ibon anb to e mabe a toplberneae e u g bnto jBopba tobt'ebe reacbetb bnto Siecbtba. anb tbusifraelbtoelt tn lanb of tbe amo= rftes.anb fl^ofes fent to ferclje oute||ae?er/ a tbep tone tbe totones belongpnge tbeito a conquereb n)eamo?ites tbat toete tbete. anb tUfin tbep tour neb a toent bp totoam a(an. anbUDgtbetfipngeof^arancame out agenft tbem/ botb be anb all fj is people/ to toarre atab?ei.ano tbe mo?be fapbe bnto' ^ofestfearebpm not/ to? |baue belpuerea bim in to ipbSbes torn) all bps people a W ^be.anb n)ou (bait bo \b bim as tbbu bpbeft tt &gt;ebon tbe bpnge of tbeamo?(testobtcft btoelt at ipefbon. anb n)ep fmote bim abps fonnes anb all bis people / bntpll therwajs notbpnge left bim. anb tbep conquerebbPS lanbe anb tbe cbplb?5 offfraei remouebana pptcbeb in tbe felbes of ffl&amp;oab / on (be otb ec fpbe of !|o?bane/bp lericbo, C$? tig ala( ftnbttD fo; wmm/ fo f tymtrnt ttjaf \)t ftulb nicft jfeael.* buttfalain can bo notliyngc a gapnft t he to^lt of ttytto; it joalame aUc rpcaiitt^ t limint^etoajt. cbe.)crff,baptet, f #MBalac fonne of 5iPbo? Wm~ aft 1 9!frael bab bone to tbe amos* tites/anb tbefl^oabites toere ft?e lafrapeb of tt)e peopie;becaure tbep toeremanp/anbabbo?rebtbecbplb?enofgif,

rael: and @oab fapbe bnto tbe eibers of Fabian /noto (ball this companpe ipclte bpalltbatarerotmbeaboutebs/ asan ore iVtbetfy bp tbe grade of tbe felbe.anb JBalat; tbefonne of 3tpbo? toasiipnge of tbe &amp;o&amp;&amp; bites at thattpme* 0,b, anb


\ *


. rr .,.~ MeUMmeQamfl$bnt . g fonne of #co?/ tbe interp?etet tobtcbe Dtoelt bpojitberpuetoft8elaittjeoftbecbtiD?enoE biu folfte/ to can ^mfafftige-Ae^oKje/ fl)ei;c is a people come out of tfgrpte tobtcb coue* reft tbe face ofttje ertbe ana n? etb eite^atoc to me . come notoe a feioffnppe anD cutfe me tbiS people. flo?tbepatetomrgbttefo? me/fo perauetuWJ tw'g&amp;te be able to fmrte ftem 9toD?ruetbemoute oftfjelanoe . &lt;ffo? ktoote $ tbome t&amp;ou bleffeft malbe blef* ffo/anDtobome tbou cutfeft Cpalbe cutfe*. anDt&amp;eeiDersof$9oab toent tortb tbe elDersof iaDia79tberetoarDeof tbefotbe faringetn tbeit banDes . anD tber came in*. tojealamanDtoloebim tbetoo?Desof2Ba* lacJnbbe farae bnto ty&amp;tavE bere ailm'gbt auoltopnb?tngeToutoo?oe /euenas tbe jLo?De0)alI farebntome. anDtbelo?Desof i&amp;oababcDetoitbtfalam. c anDoDcamcbnro;alam9fa?D:tobat men ate tbefe tobfc&amp; arc toitb tbefanD alS farcebntogoD: jSalactbe tonne of 3iP&amp;iw

fomge oe til oabbatb fent bnto me faringe: bebolDe/tbete is a people come out of &lt;grP* anD coueretb tfte face of tbe ettbe-.comenoto rberf o?e anD cutfe me tee/ t&amp;at fo peraDuen* tute* mare be able taquetcome. tbeinba* tell/a to D?ruetbe out. anD cespD farDebnto 55alS : tbou BJaftwot gott tbeVuetbet cutfe tbe people/fo? tber ate bleffeD.. \ j Ino J&amp;alam tof e top in tbemo?nrnge anD farDebnto tbelo?Des of 2Balac*.get roubnto route lanDe/fo? the 1Lo?d torn not fuflreme to go toitb ?ou JnDtbe lo?tes of fl9oab rofe bp a toentbnto tfalac ano tarD/SaiS tootoe not come toitb bS. anbttalac fent agape a areattetcopanreof lo?Des 9 mo?ebono?a* bletben tber JnD tber came to tfalatnanb toioebt'm: rbuSfaretb#alactbe fonneof 5ipfto2:oU/ let notbrnge let tbe to come fan* tome/fo?g)bj?Mgteatlr promote tbe bnto awatbonoute/anbtotUDo tobatfoeuer tbou farett fanto me/ come tbetfojeg viw tbe/ cutfemetbispeople. ..,-., W&amp;mtWt anbtfaiam anltoereD anbfarbe bnto g 30 feruaates of tfalac .*#&amp;** toolDe geue meWgbouCfunof filuetanDgolDe/5! can go nofuttbettben tbe toojbe of tbe)Lo?be mv &lt;2Sob/to bo leffe o?moate.$euettbeleffe tarte pebete allnrgbte:tbat % mare toete / to&amp;at the ;no?De to$H fate bnto me once moate . anD oD came bnto jsaiam bp nt gbte anD fapDebntobtnu'Jftbemen cometofett tbe/ ttfebpanD go toitb tbem: but tobatgj fare bntothe/tbat offlre tbou (ftaltDo. an&amp;tfafom tore bp earlr anD fabelDe ft^js affe anD toent toitb tbe lo?aes of Q^oab J8ut , eoD teas? angtpe becaufe be bient . 3nbtbe angeu of te %W ftoDefnfte toare agenfte

brni Jn&amp; be trbbpo W aoe tttfo tewaOte^. tottDbtm.atiDtobentbeaffefatoetbeangcil of tbe JUbe ftanoe in tbe toare $bfe ftoeroe D?atoen in OissbanD/Oie tutneo a n?oe oute of t^e toa^e 9 toent out in to tbe f elce JnD TSfc lam fmote | affe / to tume bet in to g toat&gt;e,&lt;I! anDrteangell of tbe JLotfie tocnt $ ttooe in a patobettocne bi'nepatBe8i;b3betetoag atoaUontbeonef?Deanotbeton otbet. UBhen tbe affe f atoe t^e angell of tbe torn/

fbebj^encbeDbntotbetoalleanD tb^uft 55a* lamiS fotebnto tbe mall /anD be fmote bee agapJnD f angel of tbe )Lo?Dbjet fo;tbec anD ftobe in a nar otoe place / tobete toast no toa^e to toutne / etbet to tbe rt?gbtbanue 01 to tbe itftejnb toben tbe affe ratoe angell of tbe % iw Q) e fell Dotone bnDet jBalain:? alamtoa0 to^atb anbfmotetbe aaetoit^ a ttafieJnD tbe )Lo;De openeD tbe moutbe of u)e affe/ 9 (be far eD bnto tfalam : tobat baue j Done bnto tbe/ f tb ou fmyteft me tbuss Ml tpmejJfanDiealamCarDebntotbe affe :tc&lt; caufe tbou baft mocaeD me i % toolDe tbata ftaD a ftoetbe in mpne ban&amp;e / thata imjgbte no to ftrll ttjcllinD tbe affe fa?D fanto #aiam: am not Stbrne^iffe tobicbetboubaft t^DDen ff bponfen'cetbJoutoaftbo?ne fanto tW Wer' ia03euei;toontt.oDofobnto tbe^ainDbe fajbe/tiaf. H'nD tbe ^o?De openeD tbe epeg of ^alam * be fatoetDe angell of tbe HojDe ftantrtnge tn tbe toare/toitb bi0 ftoetbe D^itoen in b?s* b anse. 3nD be b toeD bim felf e 9 fell flat on tya face. ainD tbe angell of tbe Horn fapbe bntoh(m:tbetfo?efmrteft tbou tbWte affe tbu&amp;tff .tgmetf b tb olD U came oute to tefptt t^e/fo? tbe toape 10 conttatt? bnto me / a tbe affe ratoe me anD auoyoeD me tb?e tpmesJ : o? elfe(baD fl)e not tutneD fto me ) J bab fuetls ffai^tbeanDfaueDbeeafyue.ainDtfalam favoe bnto tbe angell of tbe jtojDe: Jlbau? frnneD:fo?3! totft not tbat tbou ttoDeft in tbf iDa^e ag^ft me- jQoto tbetfo^e yt it Difpleafe tbtneeresJ/gitorlltutneagarne.ainD an* geil fa?D bnto ^0alam/go toitb tbe men: buc in anv torfe/tobatj fare bnto tbe / g fape. 3Cnb^8alamtoenttoitbtbelo?i)e0 of 55alae. 3CnDtoben)ealacbetDetbatalam toajs come be toent out agentt btm bnto a cptie oC fljpoab i ftobe in bojbet of airaS / tobt'ebe teas tbe btmott parte ofBW countte. ana #alac fapD bnto ^alamtbrDgp not renDe fo? rbe/tocalltbeftobeifojecameatbou notbn to urcWmSeftf&amp;ou 1 1 am not able to p?o mote fantobortoutef anD JSalSfapDbnta 38aiac:TLoo 3 am come bnto tbe.#ut gf can fa?e noting at all faue tobatoi iputtetB te , inmrmoutbe tbatmuft % fpcafte.anD 8*|S 4 lam toent toitb a5alac/9 met camebnto tbe m oft

*iatge cjtie,anD.aiac- oReteb bitf 9 fljepe/ tijf ' anb


anb rent fo; 15 atom flttb fo; tfje Io^ku t^at people* CCbe.mif.Cbaptet. jijDon tbe mo?nvnge ^Salac tone I tfalam anD b?ougbt brm bp in to I tbe \)V e place of tfaal/ anb tbenee befatoebnto tbe btmott parte of tbe people. anD jealam fajae bnto)Balac: brlDeme bete feue altets pjou(De bete feu? bulloc&amp;es: anD feue rammesj JnD TSalac DpD asi ^alam f aroe.anD 35alac anD 55alam of* fereb on euerp alter a bulloclt anD a ram. 3nD alam faroe bnto 35alac:ftanDe bv tbe racrifpce/tobrie!! goo to toete tobetber t^e JLojDe torn come a mete me / a tobatfoeuer be ftetoetb me/3 toill tell tbe/^be toet fo?tb toitb .anD ffioD came bnto 55al8/ anD 2Saia faroebnto binu9! baue p^epareD.bii. altnw/ baueoffere&amp;bponeuetr alter/ abullecB anD a ram. anD tbe %ofise put a faringe in JteltuM mouth and f arDe-.go agarn to 35a* lac a fare on tbfe tor f e.anDbe toentflgarn? fanto btm anD loo/ be ftoDe br lw facrifrce/ botbbeanDalltbelo?Deftof OB.oab. anD be began big parable a farDe:J5alac tljefirnge cf fl^oab batl) fett me fr5 flpefopotamta ** out of tbe monntarnesi of tt)e ealle faringe: come anD cutfe me giacob /corner Defre me 3!frael.oto all | mxit tob5 &lt;5oD cutfetb not anD Ijoto Ojalli Defretobom tbe %om befretb noWrom tlje toppe of tberocfiesJ | . -^^.HfebMnsfeomtbeljrllesilbebolDe bfm:loo/ iSSSS^ WW** f* * Dtoeiibrbimfelfe 9 mall 1 iW in r# "ft be* refieneD amoge otbet nactong. ibo me torn cantelltbebu(tof|acobanDtbenomb?e of lie mum tbe fourtb parte ofafraeLgip^arecssoD tbat ,S mr foule/maretre \ Deetb of g rrgbteoug/ n t copie anb tbat mr laft enfie mar e b e Irbe b* *.an&amp; 'inaciitEco.aSaiac farfiebnto )Salam / tobat baft tbou '* Done bnto mef 9 fettle to cutfe mrneene* Sfllh^V^'-anbbebolDe/iboubleffeft tbf . anbbe pn " 0to anftoereDanDfarDe:muftg!notepe tbat 9 fpeafte it /tobicb tbe JLoflie batbput in mr moun)e^anD3SalacfarDe bnto^tm: Come 9 p?are tbe % me bnto anotber place tobf ce

tbou fjaltfe tljem/9 ftaltfe but tbebtmofte parte of tt)em anD (bait not fe tbem all anD g cutfe me tbem tbeie.anDbe b?ougbt brm in to a plarne felDe tobete men mrgbt fe farte/ euen to tbe toppe of Pbafgab/* tee js anD oftereD a buiiocn a a ram on euerr alter.anD be farD bnto 28alac:ftanoejere br tbrfaertfrce tobrie % goo ronber . anD t^c jUtfDemett Kalam anDput too?DtjS in \n$ moutb anb farD: go agarne bnto alac ano tbusi fare.anD tobe be came to bfnr.bebolDe/


fl^oab Yoitt^ him JnD 55atac farD fanto btm: tobat f ape t&amp; tbe ;jLo?De? anb be tone bp big parable anD farDe: trfe bp 55alac anD beare/ a b erften fanto me tb ou fonne of 5iPbo? . cbe JLo?bc ijs not a man/ tbatbe can ire/netljet tlje fonne of a man $ be can repent*. roulDe be fare and not Doo / b? feulDebe fpeafieanDnotmalte it gooD^ b&amp; bom/% baue begon to bieffe anD baue bid* feD/anDcannottgoobacitetberfro. $ebe* o-cutiicno belbe" no totfteonefle in Jacob no? fatoe JDo= S*W gg lattrein afrael-.cbe^DebtetiESoDisstortl)^ 2J*" Dim/ anD tye *trrumpbe of a ftrnge amonge ma^mta/ tftem. od mat b?ougbt tbe outofuegrpte/6:it 00 io* is a3 tbe llrengtb of anbnrco?ne fanto tbem/ ') * ft { fo? tbere tg no fo?cerer/ in g;acob / no? UMSSS? J!, " faret in Sfrael. ll&amp;bentbe trme cometb/itX&amp;lt toribe faraecfg'acob anD of |fraei/ toljatatm itmt w* &lt;H5oDbatb to?ougbt.35ebolDe/ f people flmll mms ee \t rrfe bpa^alroneffeanD btut bpbpnt IWBf2222I5mS ass a iron / anD Iball not ire Dotone agarne / gjS ,c 0? bntpllbebaueeaten of tbe p?areanDO?onfie i tfuai^itsu oftbeblouDeoftbemtbatareflarne. iwi bturttpg anDtfalac farDebnto 5Bala: netbet cutfe &amp; m WI,M,: tbem no? bieffe tbem.anD 3Balam anftoerea 9 faroe bnto jBalac-.toiDe not5l tbe faringe: alltbattbej!L4?tiebrDDetb m/ tbati.muft Doo^PnD tfalac farDebnto J5alam *. come 31 p?ape tbe/J torilb?rnge retfantoanotbec place:fo peraDuenture it mallpicafe &amp;on/ &amp; tboumarft cntfe tbettt ihw. anD3Balac b?ougbte JBalambnto tlje toppe of Peo? / tbatbotoetb totoatDe tbe torlDenieffe. an&amp; 35alara farDe bnto jBalac-.mafiemebere.bii alters! /anD p?epareme bere.bti. bullociiejs anD.bif.rammeg.anDJBalac orb atftfalaiu JjaDfarbe/ anDoffereDabullocfieanD araui

on euevr alter. CWaliim p?oi)I)cfic tit of tl)c ityng Borne offfvrtct anb of t\) c comvng of h? in.oaalsc 10 ang v ic wii 1 td isa mm. Et)c ttftciiccion of rt;c Slmeltcbitce an oof tl;e feenttw* Cbe.yriiii.bapfer. m fen)Balamfatoe tbat it pleaRDa tbe %oit&gt; tbat be fljulDe bieffe^ rael/be toent not as be DrD ttorfe I'bef o?e to fett fotbfarmg/ but fett bijx face totoatDe tbt torioerneffe / anD Irfte bpbtteresa lofieD fapon ^frael as be lare toitftbiPtrrbesi/anDtbefpiriteoftieioDcame bponbrm. anD betoftebpbrfS parable ano farDe: 36alam tbe fonne of ffieo? batb farD/ 9tbemantobofeerei0openbatberarDe:be batb farD tobicb bearefl) tbetoo?Deg of od N 9feetb tbe bifions of tbe almrgbtte / tobtcft fallen) Doun e an d b i# cr ess are openeD. $otogooDlratetbetente0of'lacoban&amp; tbrnebabitacion ^frael/euen as tbe b?obe baieres anD as garDeng br tbe miers tm/


-^3^ - . y v w ...v .- -..,^, w as tbe tentes tobicb tbe iui?d batb pitcbeo a S8S SS beffoDe brbts facrifrceanDtbc Jlo?Des of as wwutwe? fapon tbe toater, ^rtoater'w au &amp;e (ball



t!)efelp 55 ftanflOtoeOtttOf^SSftOMfiCt fypfeaOMH tftptol bemanp toaterss/anaDfe fipngc ftalbe brer Swi'SftS tben agag/anafttffcrngaomc ftalbe tote mc fo6.tEa.&lt;!PoDftatb?oug^e^nioutof(iE5Sppt^ as ?c tiauc m Ctrengbtiss a?S tfje urengftt of atibtj? come/ tut is rai.f. ^e toaii cate t^e naciSss tftat ate Ijigt enemies* 3tte,ft&gt;^b, 9 b2eafte t^gic boncjj anb perce tftem tftojoto ioitid ft*is avote0.!^e coucftea Dim felfe ana lapeboune ass a l?on ana ass a ifoneae / tofto ftall ftetre Dim bp? bleCco- fe ft e tljat Weffetft the/ana curfeo tssfte mat curfetb the. anatfalac toass to;ot^ toitJ^ tfalam ana fmote ftisi banaess together/ 9 fa? a bnto Dint: Doiae/ftouftaftbleffeatftemtfttfltteettmess/ cananotogetttbcqut&gt;cftlp bnto tftp place. 3) fljougbtet&amp;atgitooiaepjoraotetbebntQDo* houre/but tbe jto;a ftatft fiept tDe bade fro* too?ftepe.ainnjBaSrawfbntoarac:toiBc 31 not tftv meaengerss toDicDnwti featcft bn= * U m B ,tomefa?ing.*ff#atectooiaegeuemeftig; tfte mbutD of tyttoWl to aoo etftergbob 01 baa of nujtte atone m?nae. csljattije iLo?Qe fapetD/t muttgifpcafie .ana notobeftoiae/ 31 go bnto mi&gt;people:comeletme fbetoe tbe/ toD a t tftiss people all ao to (DP f olfie in tD e later Dates*, anb be began D&amp; parable anb fasoe:53alam tDe fonne of 55eo? ftatft fapae/ SiDemantDatDatD Diss cpe open ftatbfara/ DeftatBfa?DctDac.DeatttDtDetoo?oei5o ft bat&amp;tfte.Dnotojebfleof tDemoftftf e a btbo^etftmebj&amp;onoftbe almtfgba'e,/ ana toften fte fafletftaotoneDatb fttftftesfopenea ife Dint bulpcwoto/ J bDott Dim butnot


C2CDe.wt&gt;,Daptet. #aSfftaeiatoeit tti&gt;Tttim /.* $e _ people began tocommptt tofto/e** borne to tfte aaugDtetfS of SOoafa/ toDicD called tDe people bnto fa* ewftee oftDeitgoaaes . ana tDe people ate $ toojftfppea tftett goaaess/anagiftaei coupiea Dim felfe bnto iBaatpeo; , cbentfte jLo;ae teas angtpe tottDSftaei/anafajabnto flo*

fefrtane all tDe beaes* of tDe people/ a Dange tDent bp bnto tDe A&gt;o?be agenft tbe tonne / a . ff tbat tDe to;atft of tDe lopt mate twmwjgffl [3 atojape from iftael. ana slDofesf fa jae bnto* JJK tDe t'uogess of ana Oe tDore metrg ccmionu topnea tDem loiter bnto tfaal JSeo?. tout an ana beDoloe/one of tDe cbtilDjen of gftart ww came a b? ougDte bnto 10 li?e&gt;: ett / a Spa*, otantttfttopfeeuenm tbe ftgftte of flofe$J am tbe tygftt of all multituae of ft cfawf. of rqei / ass tftep torn toejnjnge in tDe oo?e of tDe tabernacle of toitneCTe.ano toften $Dt neDegtDeftnneofcEleaprSfonne ofaato" tftep?eauTatoeif/Derofebpout of tDe com= panpe ana toft e a toepon in Diss Oanoe/ $ toft after tDe man of jptael in to tDe D 0? eboure/ anatD;mfttDemtfto?oto:bot&amp;#emanof3 l f* rael ana alfo tbe tooman ettenftDo/oto tDe **?" belpeofDer. anatbcplageteafeaftomtDe SJJ:,, ci) pio?en of gift aei.awa tb ere tnjea in plage men runt jrMiif.tDoufanae. co\c i(t anbtDe)Lo;afpafiebnto fflgofejzi faring: &gt;"; 1&amp;DweDe0 tDe fonne of ciea?ar tDe fonne, pf * '2 aaron tDe p?eaft/ DatD toumeampne angeCtwtt/Sa atoa^e-from tDe cD?ia?en of jfrael / becattfe ttihwi&gt; be toats geioujj f o?m? fafte amonge tbem/g




npe.cDetbacomeatorteof,|^cofrm |ba&amp;no?c,onfunteatDecDpia?enoEJfi;aelm

rpfe afcepter oflXrael/toljicb ftall fmftef coQes of SB oab ana bnaetmpne all cbe cfjpi* a?? of &gt;etD JnacaonrfftaibeDiJspoffetKS/ anatDepoffeCKonof&gt;etr ftalbe tbetr ene^ mpesi/anaSlfrael all aomanf uHp.aina out of "Jacob ftall come De tbat ftaiiaeCrope f remnauntof^ecFtiejS. jb 3Dnb Deloftea onSlmalecft ana began Dig parable ana fapo e-Mm al ecfi is tDe f n ft of nactonss/butbw latter enae ftall perpftbt*

terlt&gt;.aina De lofieu on tDe fienfteg 9 tofie W parable ana fa?ae:dronge is tDp a toeiirn ge place 9 put tft p ne ft bp5 a r p eft e/ H5euectDelatertDott ftaltbe a burning toBtain/bntill mtr tafie tbe p;ef oner: 3in&amp; be tbfte bte pa= table 9 fs?b:arajJ/toDo ftall fate toDe oa -^hnmr. Ae boetDtl)i)Sf cDeftippejs ftall tome outof oSlwuBl wfte*of CDfttim frfobbu^autaitDftttoue jtaij. *(ber/9DeDinfelfeftat!pertftattDe laft. # i&amp;nat (0 ttic aina alam rofe bp anb toetit a atoeie in Diss twt&amp;Sm t*Kft"**ateaito-toeirt Dfe toape. br pontic (I)r cCficpcopIc (3mf(f etfi fojn(cafionto(tb ^rtflugb flou&amp;rof &lt;8ut ute of a9aab.f&amp;^tic5rs njMeeij z amti gtiBffojft. p^atts. gt commaunfiet^ to bjll t^c aommff*

mpgeloufpe.n0Derfo?efape:beDoiae^geue bnto Dim mpcouenaunte of peace/9 DeftaD Daue it ana Diss ft&amp; after Dim /eue" tbe coue* naateof tDe p^eattess office fo; euer'becaufe Detoa0(uiQui3 fo? m opess fafte ana maae an Sttonlment fd? tDe cDplo^en of gjfrael. fiss name flf $ ^fraelto toDicD toass fmtfte^ toitD ti)e apaafanptplb topfe / toass ^amtf tDe fonne of ^alu /alojaeof ajaunct'ent Doufe am5ge tDe^tmeonftess. ana $ name off flPaatanfttft topfe) toass Cc|bifaaugD ter of 3ur a Deeb ouer tDe people of an aun* cientDoufeinfflBaDian. ana rDeHoftefpafte bnto s^ofes fapfnge: bere tDe flaa(anttep 9 fm?te tDem/fo? tDe? Dane ttoubleb20tt J toit&amp; tbeft tojress tot id f to&amp;ic&amp;tDepbauebrgtfeapou/tbo?otoj9eo? anatDo?oto tDetrfpfter co?bttDe aaugDtet of a lo^ae in fl^aaian / tofttcD teas flapne in tDeaapeoftDepIagefa?^eo?0fafte. Ctt6ec^sI6;5"of?ftaeHacewom!)jebaBajnctotint tytt ftulot en tee tit to t&amp;e tatt&amp;e of snmn.

jSb after S plage/tDeiLo.zae fpafie bnto 09ofeS ana bnto lea?artfje fonne of a/acontbe p^efte fating : tafte nomber of all ntultituae

of tDe cD0o?f ofjfraelfrom.rr.vetea aboue tbo?oto out tDeir f atfjetss boufess^ll tljae are able to goo to toarre in gftarl . ana fllRofejs a 0mm tDe P?eaft toiae tDem in tDe feiaes of floab/bp5;0?aane fail b^^encDo/ from je&amp;pere ana aboue/ asstDel-o.taecomntaun* aea s'jeofcganatbe cD?ia?en of gifraei tljat came out of cgvpte/ toeie. ith{re&amp;of jEubentljeeiacft fonne ofqfrael.cbecDil tim a/en of JBttben toew/!^anocD/of toDome co* metl) tbefttmea of HjeBanocDitesS:aof p&gt;a* lu/cometDtbelitnveboftDe^aluitess-.ana of^cfron/ comefb tfteftttirea of tDei^erro^ ititc0:ana of carmt'/cometD n)e fitmea oft Cartnttess.cbcfearetbefttnrea?; of tDe IBin benitess / toDD toere t'n uontb?e.rft'it tljou* fonae.bjf.Duna/eaa.^ic. ana tDe ronnejjof i&amp;alu toere liab . ana tDe fonnegs of &lt;liab toere:i5entuei/?E)atDananaabfram. . biiS i? tbat ?atDan ana abiram cottn* rfiuui jsu a elersJtn f cegregaciS/toDid) * ftroueagJft * fl^ofessanaaarontn tbe companyeof Co* raD/toDen tbey fttoue agenft tDe jLo?ae,ana tbe ertD open eabermoutD aCtoaiotoeatbem ana co?aD alfo / toben tDe muit^tuce area/ tobae tvme tije tm cohfumea. t'i. Duna/ea 9 fpftte mwa tDe? became afvgtte*. j9ottotfi&gt; ftanapge/tDe cDtia?eti of Co;aD apea not. ickjntcs of ana tbe cDpia?e of Simeon in ifjetc firm reaesstoere:iSemuel/oftoDScometbtDeftvit reo of f ji5eniueltte0:3'amin/of toD5 cometb tbe fitntea of tDegiamini?tegt:|acDin/of toD5 cometft f fivmeaof tfte facDinttess: 5arci)/ oftoDo comctbtDefttnreaof tbe oarebttesi: *&gt;attl / of teftom cometft tbe fiynrea of ttjt ^&gt;aulitess.befeare f %vmm of tbe %&gt;u meonttessan nomb?e.rrii. tboufanae ana.ijf, Duna?ea. mmmt ^'"b tut cDtlb?en of sipab in tDetr fttnre* begs toere:3epbon/ of toftom cometbtDe fipn tea of ti)e6epDonitess-.ana of ^aggf/cometD tDe fipnrea of tbe aggtteg : ana of ^&gt;unt / cottutft tDe fipnreaof tfte&amp; united: anb of afenl/cometD t fipwea of tDe arenitejs : 9 of(grtcometDtftefitnreaoftDeritej3: ana 9f aroa cometft tDe fiwrea of tDe ar oaitess-.*



toere ^efton/of toftom cometDt^eftrmea o^ tbe ^efromtejs ; ana of ^amul comctD tDe fttnrcboftDe^amuliteg.cDcfearetDefitii reaes of ^uaa/in nomb?e. irybt. tboufana * b.ljunajea. ana tfte cl)ria?e f^facftar in tbefr ft vnrea^ toere:bola/of toftom cometft tbe fit?nrea of *Mwnl "i' tDeDoiatte0: al^bna / of tofto cometft tfte 3mm&gt; ftsnrca of i&amp;Dunaitess*. a of giafub cometft tfte fiynrea of tlj e 5 afubttep : a of &gt;t?mton cometft tDe fimrea of ^&gt;t'mronf tejj.^ftere' are tfte ftrnreaeg; of gfacbar innomb/c.lyiitf tftoufanae ana.t.Duna?ea. .,,. ,.. DecDpia/enof 5abuiontntDetr fipnre, %E? bot aess tocre:erea / of toDom cometft tfte fiyn* %, tea of tfte ^&gt;ereaitesJ:ana tCIon/of toftom co= metD tfte firnrea of tfte cEioniteg : ana of %&amp;* fteliel/cometft tDefipnreb of tDeSaftelelttejJ, rDefe are tfte fimreaes of 3abulonan ttont^ b?e,lwbouranae ana.b.Duna?eb. fte cDl?ia?en of 3 of epft in tftctc Ixwoxs Cfie ogamst tocre:^anaaeanapD?aim. cftecftvia/en3otti'ij of $anatre : fl^acfttr / of toftom cometft tfte ft pnrea of tbe #acfttr itess. ana ^acfttr be* gat^alaaa/oftoDomccmetbtbe ftrnrea oe tftt &lt;nalaaatte0. ana tftefearetfte cijp!a?c of alaaa:^iefer/of tohom cometft tbe ftjmea oftfte^ieferifess:anaof ieiecft cometft tbe fifnreb of tftel^eiecDttess: ana of afrieltbe ftrnrea of tbe afrtelttess: ana of &gt;f cftem co* metD n)e It^'rea of tDe f&amp;ifttmites : ana of tmtaa cotnetD tfte fipnrea of tfte ^tmtat* teg:ana of l^cpfter cometD tfte firnrea of tfte ^epfterite)S.ana5elapDcaatftefonneof^e Pftera ftaa no f otmos but aaugftters.ana tfte nantess oftfteaaugftterss of oelapfteaa toere: flaftela/#oa/^agia/flieilcDaanaftir?a. Cftcfeare urnrea^ of fl^anaae/innomb?e ttUOoufanacanarcuen ftuna?ea.

Dere are tDe cDria^e of ojpft;atm in tfteir mtehvnfcti or fipnreaejs : Smtfteiaft / of toftom cometft tfte epfoamt. fimrea of tfte^utljeiaDitessiana 5Becfter/of toftom cometft tt)e fi?nrea of tfte 25ecftei;itess: aof^fteften cometft tfte Bgnreb of tfte fte* DenitessJnatftefe are tfte cbria?en of &amp;w tftelaft:tan/of toftom cometft tftcfirnrca of tDecranitess.cfterearetfteiirnteatssoftftc eD?la?enofCpft?aimtnnomb;c,r;rrM.tbou* fanae ana.b.ftuna?ea.ana tftere are tfte cftvl*

._ , D? en of lofsp ft in tfteir Dgnreaeg. of artel cometD tfte firnrea of tfte art'eiitest. OffteVeate tDe cDi?ia?eu of 55 engiamtn t'n SgmM* n



c&amp;efe are tbe fijmreat; of tbe cbtfaze of aa/ m nomb?e.iri.tDoufanae anb.b.Dunajea. :je6jn DO f ^&amp;e cD?ia?en of gjuaa:r a fiDnan/toftfcft linn, bjebin tfte lanae of Canaan . tfttttbe eftri* b?en ofjuaafn tfteir fipnrea toere: ^&gt;ela of toDom cometft tfte fimrea of tbe &amp; elamitess: ana df ^ftares cometft tfte fiynrea of tDe Pfta ttttt&amp;t ana of 3ateD cometft tfte fisnreaof tDe3arebiteg . anb tDe tDi?rb?en of $Da0

tfteirfipnreae)S:3eeia/of toftom cometft Mwmmta, fiinrca of tbe 35c lattefra of afbel cometft tfte ftisiKD of tfte at belttess-.ana of afttram / tbe fipnrea of tbeaiuramttescana of Smpftam tDeftpmcaoftDe&gt;upftamttess:9ofupftS tfte fiiitrea of tfte f upftamitess. ana tbe cftt'l turn of 25ela toere ara aiQaamgfrotobcnce come tfte fi^nrea^ oftbearartessa of $aa* mitess,befeare tDe cDtfbjen of^ettlamiii tntftctr

3Jfcael '0mmL

mtbettBrntebes/anbih nomb?e.;eib.tbou*

in $toab;

fanbcanofrrebunweo. i^c bpnwB of -ftjjere ate tbe cl)t!D;e of Ban in tbeir brtt* n. tebcS:g&gt;ubam/oftobomcometb tbefirnreb cf tbe^mbamttfS. c^efearet^e firmebcfs o E 55 an in tt)e it ge tteracions.ano all ttr n* tebl of $ &gt;ubamites torn in nomb?e. ijtinf tb oitf a no e anb .iitf .bunbjeb , nichtmtcnflf Cbecbrlbjenof 3Dfer to tbeit firnrcbcs aftr, to^:3!cmna/of to&amp;om cometb tbe firnreb of we 3mnites:anbfeR7oftobom cometb firnreb of tbe Jefuttes-.a of 33?ia cometb tbe _ firnreb of tbe jetftes. anb tbe cbrlbjen of yf 35ji a to ere ipeb er/of tobom comets tbe 6rn* red oft^e $eberite*:a of fi&amp;aictytf came tbe fcrnteb of tibe flfialcbtelites. anb tbebaugb* tee of ICfec was calleb$&gt;arab.befe ate ti)t ftmreDes of afev mnomb?e. lift, tb oufanb a o.c Mttb f "" Wb?t b.r be t&amp;ilbje of iSepbtbaliin tbeft 5|S" firnrebes toeregabe?tcl / of tobom came tbe * fiinteb of me3abe?ieltfcS:a&lt;2tam/of tobom came tbe firnrebof tyeounfttft 9 came tbe firnreb of je?etites: a of &gt; elem tbe firnreb of tbe &amp;efemt'tes. cbefeatetbe nrnrebes of tfJepbtbali m tb eft generaeiSS in nomb?e,ielb, tboufanoe anb.iitt.bunbjeo. Cbefe are tpenombtes of tbe cbrlb.'en of If* raei:(Munb?eb tboufance/ a a tboufanbe btt.bunb?ebanb.w*. M ' t anb tbe jLojoe fpafie bnto a&amp;ofeS farms: bnto tfiete lloe malbc oeurbebto enberett/ acco?s ftig to tb e nomb;e of names : to ma nv

tbou wait geue tbe moate t nb etitau nee a no to f eto e d)e l etre-.t euerr ttfbe fDall $ enheti taffce begeue acco?brngto ttomtyt tbe r of &amp;ottotft8brnge /tbe lantse ftealfae beurbeo br lott/aaccojbrng to $ names of tvrbes of tbett fatbete / tber mall enberett : a aeo;* . uwtge to weft lott tbou malt oeupoe tbeit lartb/ borb to tbe man? aitb totbe feme. cbrte arc tbe fummes of f leuites In ibem &lt;fc fi*mebC(8:of erfon/ cametbefirntcb of tbe chc uom5?c &amp;ctfcnf res: anb of cabatb came tbe firnreb or H)e3iwttB. cf the drabatbitcS:anoof SBcrari came tbe

tauncegetien tbem amonge tbe cbrib;enof sfrael.cbefe ate tbenomb?es of (be tbr!o?e ; of gfraeltobicb flofes * Cleasat tbep;eaft nombjeotntbe femes of fl^oab/fatt br$o?* bane nre to 5 ettcbo Jnd amonge tbefe ftjete mas not a man of tbencmbjc of tbe cfcploje ofiftaeltobicb flfcofes anb Saron tolbefn tbe toplocrneOe of %imi$ 0? tbe Ho?o fa^ bntttbeVtbattbfPflmlBebpein tbe to^lbec* neffe anb tbat tbete ftulbe not be lefte a mS of tbem-.(aue Caleb tbe tonne of jepfjune % gofita tbe tonne of &amp;un. Cr6elatoeoftbebe*ffB)jeof*5eliwB6ftwofZf* lap^cab.fflrbelsnBOf pjomeffe isftttocO bnto S?Q fw;iBteioftfaBeiBappoynUB3oCne ccrbe.^bif.cbaptec. i^b I batigbtets of *5eiapbeab 5 [fonne of l^ebet f fonne of fleab/ * fi

tbefonne of fi$acbfetbe fonne of ^ _ fl^anace/ of tbe sptreoes of gpa jorut, hade tbe fonne of giof ej&gt;b( tobofc namt toe t e fflPabela/19 oba/^agla/ fl^elcba 9 bic?a) came 9 ftobe before Scores 9 tfieaiav / tbe p;eaft $ before tbe Io?b^ aalltbe mttltptnoe tn bo?e of tabernacle of tottnede facing:

owe fatber b^eb In tbe totfDerneffe/ a* teas #15^ not amonge tbe company of tbem tbat ge* tfjertb tbem f clues togerb" agenft tht tojtt fntbecongtegacton ofco?ab;58utbpeb ni bt'S atone tpnne/anoljao no Tonnes . 3b" ; 1Pi f o?e mulbe tbe name of oute fat&amp;as be ml v atoa?e from amongebjs fipteb/becanfebe baonofonne? * ffieue bntobS apoffeat'on^u. amonge tbe b;etif of oute farbetMCnb M 0* * resb;ougbte tbeir caufe before tbe %ow. 3Dnbtbe to?oe fpafie bnto S?ofes faymge: cbebaugbtetsof^elapbeabfpeae tfgbte: tbbu malt geue tbemapofreOton toenbetet amSge tbett fatbers b jetb?e / a flmlt tcurne tbe enbetftaunce of tbett fatbetbnto tbem. SDnbfpeabebntof dtfB$ of Jftael totfng: % i a m9 znje 9 baue no forme ?e mall toutne bis enbentaunce bnto bis baugbtet . 5f f be baueno Daugbter/pe mail geue b^S enbett&lt;

b^tttcb of tbe petatttes.rbefe ate tbe bpn* taunce bntoms b;etb?en.gif be baue no b?e*

tewof)leut:tbe1ifmeboft6eXibmtes/tbe It jnteb of tbe l^ebjonitf s / tbe fisnteb of tbe fli;abelftes/tbeBtnteb of tbe fifcuHtes /tbe li vnreo of tbe ftatabu^ abatb begate am* ram/anb3mtamsto1&gt;fe toa aeb STocbe* beba baugbtet of Ueut / tobfebfcas bo;ne bmintrgwte. anb me bate bnto amtam/ 3Caronflores a SPrtlamtbeft i fgttet. fnb fcnto3Bat5 toeiebojne/^aoab/ltblbu Clea* ?at ltbamat.i8ut$abab a Wbm bpeb / as tbepoffetebfttaungefwe befo?e )Lo?b. anb tbe nomb?e of M teas, flrtff . tboufano/ of all tbe males from a monetb olbeaaboue &lt;ffo?etoetetiotnombjebamSge tbe cb^&lt; ejrn of 2&amp;at l/becaufe tbete teas nombert*

tf?en/ n mail getters enbetttaunce bnto btSfatbetsbMen. ^fbebauenofatbets b?etb?5/ jc mall geue bS enbetitaunce bnto bi'mtbatisnewetobim of Wsfifnteb/ &amp;lete btm pooeoe (canbtbts ftaibe bnto tbe cbn~* _ him of 3! Crael an oftmadce/ anb a latoe / as * t|eXo;liebatbcommaitni)eD flieofes. anb tbe totbeiawie bnto ^ofes^eetbe bp tn to tbts mount abatim/a beboiue / tbe Ianbetobfcb5fbauegeulbntotbecb?lb?eof

IftaelJnb tobf tbou baftfenett/rbou malt e getberebbnto thy people alfo / as aatoti tin b^otbet teas getbeteb bntobPS people. jfo^toetebifobebfentbntomp moutbeln tbe nerme of ^mth tbt fttpfe of tbe cSgte* Barton/

emonp*&amp; j^unrm, gac(on tljat f e fanctifieb me not m tbe toatet before melt epes cbat is tiye toatet of arpfe in Caoes in tbe toilDetneoe of ^m.anb fll^o* fes fpabebnto tbe %oit&gt; tevingtlet tbe )Lo?o &lt;E5oaoftbc fpvrttes of allfleflj / fctt a man 1. Co so " wK &amp; congvegacion / tobtcb mage go in mttbtfotf a out before tbem / anb to reacetbe tn a out row M0o,tbatrl)e congregacion of tbe?lo?bbenotas 2L?1&amp;*** of a * e W toft&amp;out a Oj eparue. anb X / ^5Ho?Be ravo bnto fl^ores:tafieg;Ouia t fonne ^mt. ofjljun in tobetbereisafpirite/aputtbtne banbesbponbi'm/anb fettbim befo?e flea* fat tbe Pzeattano before all tbe congtega* rton anb geu e btm a cbatge tn tbett fpgbte, . airtputoftbyptfpretoponbtm tbatalltbe cgpanpe of tbe cb?io?e of grrael mave beare anbbe mall ftanoebefo?e ciea?at p?eaft M J^Mkb mal afficeoucellfo^bimaftettbelub Kt te-semet oblin befo;e tbe }to?be: anb attbe SftoV moutb of lea?av fl)all botb be ana all tbe it or (mot cb?Ib?en of grrael toitb bim anb all tbe con* JMj . gtejaci'on/go tn anb out. MllLt ^ na &lt; W bvo as tbe ,o?De commaun* KBd oeb b w/anb be tofie giofua anb fett bim be*

tome f o$e cieajar tbe p;ea(t a before all tbe con* Mow/ gwgacton / anb put bs banbes bpon bsm a JSfKgaue bim a cbatge/ as t^e Hon commaun* tmw &amp;cft tBo?oto tbf ftanuc of flip ofes. mi as it c^at ntHtt 6c offci-cDon tucevfeaa Bapc. ^SlSSS. Cbe.wbti(.baptet. waMutt faman j5bilje}lo?lefpabe bntofl^ofes faping:geue the tb^bji of jftael a cbatge a fare bnto tbem/ 1 tbev tafie Ijeaue to offer bnto tbeoffe* rpng of m?*b;eab in tbe facri'tyce of ftoete fauoute/inbtS bueceafon. anb fare bnto tb^.cbtS S ttje off errng W^ re mail offet bnto jLo?fie.ii.iambes of a reare oltie toitb outrpot bare br bare to be a butntofferrng petpetuallr. SDiieiflmbetbou malt offet in memojnrtig/ftmeot&amp;etatcuen/ainotbetto tbe tentb parte of antfpba of ffoure fo; a meatoffrrngemrnglebtottb beaten orle/me fourtbpatteofanbm:tob&lt;cbis abariroffe* rrngeo;beneb tn tbe mount &gt;inat bnto a ftBetffauoutefntbefacrtfrce of u)e)lo?i)e, anbt&amp;eb?rnbofftriige oftbefame: f fourtb parte of anbwibntoonelambe/ apoutetbe t b;rnRoffetrnge tn tbe bolr pmce/ to be gooa ** o?mfie bnto w torn- anb tbe otbev lambe tbou malt offet at euen / toitb tbe meatoffe* trnge atbeb?rnTioffetriige after tbe manet of tbe mo;nrnge :afactrfrce of a ftoete fa* uoute bnto tbe 7L.o?ue.anb on tbe ^ abbotb of a rere olbea pece a tortb out fpot/anb ttoo tentbbeales of flottre fo? a meatoffetrngemrnglebtortborle/anbtbe .b?rii'o f fetrnge tberto.cbis is tbe burntdf* fetrngeof euerr^abbotb/befpbes barlg tmtmoietrngeanbbiSb?rit6offetrnge.


anbintbe fwftbare of route monetbes/re mallofferabutntoffetrngebntotbejLojDh ttoo rounge buff ocbes/anb a ram/'i, lambes of arete olbe tortbontfpott/a.itf, tentbbeales of floute fo? a meateoffevpnge mrngleo toitb orlebntoonebullocfte/ tentbbeales of floute f 0/ a meateoffetrnge mrngleb toitb orle bnto one ram . anbeueti moate/a tentbbeale of floute mrngleb torn) orle/fo? ameateofferrnge bnto one lambe. Cbatis a buintoffetrng of a ftoete fauoure in tbe facttfice of tbe JLo?b.anb tbett tyrmVt offetrnges malbebalfean binoftornebn* to one bullocfie / anb tbe mr?oe patte of an bin of tornebnto a tarn a tlje fourtb parte fan bin bnto a lambe.b&gt;S is tbe bmntof* fetrnge of euetr monetb tbo?oto out all tlje monetbesoftberete/ a one begoote fo?a frnneoffetrng bnto tbe jtoft/totycb ffjallbe effereb toitb tbe barlr bumtoffrtrnge a W b?mfioffetrnge.* itt6e,jciMt.ijareoftfte*^M,j^,e 4 firft monetb roalbe^affeouer bnto %A$M*uLm9* anbtbe.]tb,bareoft^e famemonetb ihtti*** a feaft/ in tebreb'bit. oar es men muff eate bnltuenbebb?eab. Cbefirttbare Ojalbeatt bolr f aft/fo g re mall bo no manee of labo* rrous toofte alexin, anb re mall offet a butntofftrng bnto tbe .rounge bul* locRes/onetam/a.btfJambes of arete oice toitboutfpott/a tbeir meatoffrrng of flottre mrnglebU orle.ui. tentbbeales bnto a bul* locfle/a.ti.t5tbbealesbntoatam /anb euer* moate one tentbbeale bnto a lambe/ n)o?cto outtbe.bit.lambes: aanbegootefo?a frn* offetrnge tomabeanattonementfo? I'oit. anb re mall offer tbefe/ beftbef buvntof* ferrng in tbemo?nrnge i isaltoare offereb. anbaftettbt'Smaner reftall offer tljo?oto T? . out i .bit.bares/tbe fooe of tbefaciifice of a^ Vcoete fauoute bntotbe 3Lo?be,anb it Ojalbe bonebefrnetbebarlrbutntofferriige a Br* b?rnbofferrng. anb tbe tenfO) bare mall be an bolr feaff bnto rou/fo t re mall bo no la* bon'oustoometbetfn.anbtbebareofroure

fttftftut^tobereb?rnge anetoe meateofie* rmgbnto I ilojbmroutetoeft^/malbean bolr feaftbntorou:fo $ re mall bo no labo* tt'ouS too?be fljeri'n.anb re mall offer a burnt cfitrng of a ftoete fauoure bnto :Ho? roilge bullocfies/a a ram/a.bii.lambes of a rere olae a pece / tt tbeit meatofferrnges of floute mrngleb tt bnto a bullocfte.ti.tetbbeaK to a ram/ a euetmoare one tetbbeale bnto a lambe ff)o?oto out f bit femby a an be goote to mab e an attoneme t fo?rou.anbtbisremallbobefrbes barlr burntofftrnge/abismeateoffepnge: a the\&gt; malbe toitb.outfpot/\6 tbeit^rnfioffvrng?. CW\)9t mutt btontto t^ Bapce of irjt fr* mmmm c^be.wiy.bapter. anb


* '

ICefemonpe&amp; 0\mm. $btbefp?ttbapeof$ .bti.monetb andbig meate and b?pn&amp;eoftrpngeg. u)albeanftolpfeaftbntopou*anb

30 xitumti-t. f%alft|?efflall 5oo no labo^catss too?fte itfterin . g* (Haiti e a bape of troy ee blotopng bnto pou and? e all offer a burnt offerpnge f a Cto e e e f au ou t e b it t o tft c "iL o ? o : one pounge btrtlocbe a one ram a.bif ,lbeg of a pere olde a pece tftat ace puce. and tftefr meatoffrpngegofflourempngleb tot eft ople, in, tentft b ealeg bnto tfte buiio cRe/an&amp;.tt mi* to tft e ram/9 one tentft dealc bnto one lambe tft o?oto tbe.bii.lambeg. 3KtiD an fte goote fo? a t? nofftpng to mane an attoneme t f o? pou/ befpde tbe bumtofferpnge of^e monetb and big meatoffitrpnge abefpde tbedaplpburnf*

offerpnge a fttgmeatoffetpnge / S/tftrtygnte offerpngegof tberameaccojbpttge bntotbe maner of tftf fo? a fauoute of ftoetnefft in facrifpeeoftfte)io?be. * ituim and *3not&amp;e ten* oape of tbat fame feucntft m*T monetb foalbe anbolp Waft bnto pou / a ?e # wail bumble poure fwtleg andlbaftdoono maner too?ne rftratt . anbpefftallofera burmofferpngebntotbe&amp;o?d of a ftoetf fa* uoute;one bullocfte / a a ram/a.bii. lambcg of a pere me a pece /toitb out faute ano ft eir meateoff epngeg of ftouremingled toittj o pie m.tentbDealeg to a buiiocne/ a.t'i, to a cam a all toape a ten* dealebnto a lambe/tfto?oto , putfbe.bit.lambeg . ano one be goote fo? a fpnofferpnge / befpbe tbefpnneofferpnge of attonementandttjcdaplpburntofferpnge/ a . tftemeateanb d?pnboffrpngeg tftat longeto &lt;#*#* defame *andtbe.j:b.bape of tfte.bii.monetb fljalbebolp oape a pe all Doo no labo?ioug to o?cbe tberin/anb pe (ball fiepe a featt bnto tbe junb of .bii.bapeg longe.and pe (bail of* ferabumtoffrpngeofaftoeterauoure bnto tbe jlo?d.iri.bullocBei$.u.rammeg and,rnti lambeg tobicb are petelpngeg apure/toptft opie.iii.tentbbealeg bnto euetp one of &amp; .ffl. bullocfieg. ((.tentbdealeg to etftec of $ tames a one tftftdealebntoecbe of f .ritti. lambeg. and one be goote bnto a fpnofferpnge /be* fpdemedapipbumtoffrpngetoitb big meate andd?pncj&amp;offrrpngeg, C andtbefecohdeoape.]r&amp;pcnmge buttock it .tamrn eg ftnifft . perlpnge lambeg toitftout fpofcatbeir meatoffrpngeg a b?pnBoffrpng$ bntotyebuffocbeg /rammeg anb lambeg ac* co?bphgtotbenomb?e of tftemand after tbe manet Jnbantte goote fo?a fpnofferpnge/ befpde tbedaplpbumtoffrpnge a W meate anb b?pnRottetpngeg.and tbe m dape.ri builocbeg.ii. rammeg anb. iron, perelpnge

iambe$toit&amp;outfpot:at&amp;efr meate a bjpnft* oSetsngefi bnto t&amp;e buHocnegf/tamme* anb rambesi'aftertfte nomb?e of tficm anb mot-cpnge to tt)e maner . anb an ft e goote fo? a fpnofft^ge/befpbetbebaplpbuttttbfftpnge

3Dnb tbe fouttt) oape.r.buiiocfieg ttoo tammeg anb .rtttUambeg perelpnges; pure/ anb tftctc meate anb b?pncitoffcrpnge0 bnto tbe buHocBf0/ramme alambesj/acco?bpng to t&amp;c nomtoe of tbem anb after tlje maner. 3iniy an fte goote fo? a fpnneoffrpnge/beCpbe tbe daplpbutntofierpnge ftnb W# nieate anb d2pncftoSerpnge03nb tfte fpfte* loifitp ttoo rammer anb.riiti.lambe!? of one pere oib a pece toitbout fpot.mnb tbetr meate anb b?pncftofferpnge$ bnto toe buliocbess/ rammer anb lambejs / acco^bpnge to tbe nomb^eoftbemanbaftertbemaner. ainti an be goote fo; a fpnne offerpnge/befpbe (be uapip bumtofferpnge anb W meate anb b^pnftoffrpngeji Jnbtbefprte bape.bitt.bul^ 9 (ocbe0.ft,rame0anb.riiit.perelpngelambe0 toitbout fpot. 2Snb tbet'r meate awpmbofe ofierpngegbntotbebunocneg/ramrnesanb jamb ejj/acc o ?bpng tottje maner . 3finb an ft e goote f o? a Cpnneofferpnge/beCpbe tbe baplp btirmofferpngeanb ftps meate anb b?pncfi= pfGerpngest. Inb tbe feuenn) bape.bit.bui* locbe0.u.rtme0 anb.rt'ii.lambes tftae are pe retpngeg a purejnbtbeir meate anbb?pn&amp;* ofie rpngc? bnto tft e buliotbeg/ rammeg anb anb lambeg/ acco?bpnge to tftctr nombje anb to tft e maner ,3Bhb anbe goote f o? a fpn&lt; offerpnge/befpbe tbe baplp burntbfferpng* anb m meate a tyWRofferpnge*. anbtbe epgbtbapefbalbetbeeoncbirt'on off feattebntopou/ape all bo no maner labo?wuss too?cb tftertn. 3CnbpeQ)all offer a bumtofferpnge of a ftoetefauoure bnto tbe %oM:onc buildcbe/ one ram and.bfi.pere* ipnge iamb eg toitbout i potOnb tbe meate ab?pnbofferpngegbntomebullocbe/ram a lambeis/aceo?bpngeto tb'eir nombjes a ac^ eo?opnge to tbe maner. Inb anbe goote fo? afpnneofferpngebefpoe tbe baplp burntof* ferpng anb big meate anb b^nnofferpngeg. Cbefetbpngegpe fftallbo bnto tft e jLo?be in pour e feaffeg: befpbe poure botoeg a fte* topllofferpngeg/ in pbure burntbfferpngeg meatoffrpngeg/bjpnRofferpngeganb peaee off rpngeg Jnb ffl^of-eg tolbe tft e eft plb?en of

^iraei/accojbpnge to an tbat tbe S^be cS* maun6ebb&lt;ni. CfbotorBtofieii(f)f? Baltic heptan&amp;toljcrtttof. . ficbe.ititic,bapter. ji^bflBofegfpabe bnto a)e beabeg of tbe mm of tbe cbtf&amp;jen of If* m \ ieiraping:tbigig t$m$ WW ffm Itbe 3Lo#ie c5raaunbetb* s 3:f a mm\w &gt;\ bbtoeabotoebntotbeTLojboiftoereanotbe^w? anbbpnbebigfoule/be (baff not goo Ucu"S toftbbig too?be:butlbaliruifplI WIMWtoMa ceabetboutofbigmoutb, ' mm -: |f


I&amp;MSS 2fabamreiibotoeabotoebntotbejLo?b ^ameffefomeofpoubntotoarre/aiettbem teSSCS^^J 811 tm J t SSS 8 i v i * w &amp; * ew so bpontbe^aoianiteg.aauenget %w e ^* ,m *boufeanbbnmarpeb.|!fberfetberbearefter oftbefl^abfaniteg . fe Iballfenbef ento Se botoeabonbetobicblbebatbmabebponbee toarreatboufanbofeuerptrpbetftojotooiit foule/abolbeb'g peace tberto-.tbenall ftec alltbetrpbeg ofaftael.airtbtberetoere tahe botoeg abonbeg tobicb Ibe batbmaoebpon outeof { (Mmotof |frael.r(i, thoufamie 5ebfouIe ftall ftanbe in effecte.jsut a pf ber p^eparebbnto toarre/ of euetp tepb e a tbo= iatberfo/bpbbertfte famebape $ bebearetb fanbe.anbfl^oftgfenttftema thoufanbe of it/none of berbotoegno? bonbeg tobpeb (be euetptrpbe/tti&amp;bmeagtlje fonne ofle a^ ftatft mabe bpon ber foule Qtaibe of balue/a ?'ar tbe p^eaQe to toarre/ a tfte b olpe beoeig tbeS.o;beO)allfo;geueber/becaufeberfa 3 " i " t " ..x,Cf! - p * tberfojbabeber. If (bebabanbufbanbtoben (bebotoeb o;

p;onoimceb ougbte out of fter Ipppeg toft er= toitft (bebonoe ber foule/ anbber bufbanbe bearbe it abelbe big peace tftere at tbe Came bapebebearoe it ; ^n fter botoeg anbber

anbtbe trompetteg to blotoe in ftig ftanbe. M*tftei anbtbeptoavrebagenft tfte flpab(ani= teg/agtbe %wt commaunseb fllpofeg/anD Oetoealltbemaleg. 3Pnb tbep fttarf fittig? of Fabian amonge orber tbat toere ffapbe: tfut/efiem/5ur/^uraiReba:fpuelipn&lt; of fl98bian.3Jinbtbep(letoe33aIaam f fount

bonbeg tobectottft (be bounbe ber foule/Ojal of eo?.toitb tbe Ctoetoe.ainb tfte t bvib2en of ffanbeineffecte.58utapfbecbufbanbefo?s gftael tone all tbe toemen of &lt;!Kabian pic* babebertbefamedapetbattbebearbit/tben fonergatbrtbpiib?e/anbfpopieballtlieiv ftatft be mabe fter botoe tobicb roe ft ab bpon catell/tbeir fubffance anb tftei t goobrg. anb 55 ' tbepbumtaRt^eircitiegtoberintfttpbtoeit^ anb all tbeir caOelg tof tft fp?e, anb tijep tofie all tfte fpciple anb all tftep coulb cattfte/boti? of men anb beaUeg . anb tftep b?ougft te tfte

ber of none effecte/a tbat alfo tobicb (be p?o nouncebtb ber Ipppeg tobertoitb (be bounbe fter foule/a tfte %t&gt;W (bail fo;geue fter. bebotoe of a toebotoe anb of fter tftat ig c bcuo;ceb/ aalltbattftepftauebounbe tfteir * fbulcg toitb all/ (ball ftanbe in effecte v&gt; m. %t (btbotoebinberbufbanbeg ftoufe o; bounbe ber foule )x&gt;itD m otft/ a fter bufbanb beatbe it anb belbe big peace anb fo^baoe bee notstbenaHber botoeg a bounbeg tobertoitb (be bound ber foule/tyall ftanbe. tfut pf fter bufbSdedifanuIledtbemtbe "

captpueganbibattobicbtbepftabtaftenanij alltfte fpople bnto #ofeg anb cplea?ar tfte p;eaftanb bntotfte companpeof tfte cftpib?? of aftael/euebnto tftebofte/ inrbe feibeg of ffl^oabbpao/bannpetoiericfto. aitt'flpow and dlea?ar tfte p?eaft aim ail tfte lo#eg of tbe congregacpon toent out of tftebofte agenft tftem . anb flBofe g toag

bebearbtbem/tbennotbpng^p?ocebebout angrie toitb tfte officerg of tbeftofte/toit ft f offter ipppeg tn botoeg abound? tobertoitb captapneg ouer tftoulanbeg and ouerft tm^ Ibe bounbe bet foule (ball ftanbe in ttkete: tyebeg / tobicb came from toarre a batten / fo? fterftufbanDcftatft loufcb tfteni, anbtbe anb fapbe bnto tbfc^auepefaueb toe men^

alpue^bebolde*tbefe caufed tbe cftplbjen of Ifcf^w giftael tbo?oto*5ealam/to commptttefpace ^ h ^ etu ^ agenft tbe )Lo?be/bp tfte reafon of peo?/anb tberefolotoebaplageamongetbc c6gregai a ^ uh(f ttl ,. ctonoftbe)Lo?de.i9ototberfo?e*aee %W** m mub "

Ho;be (ball fo?geue ber. ail botoeg a otft eg tbat bpnbe to bumble tfte foule-/ mape fter bufbanbe ftablpftj o; &amp; &amp;;eafie,28ut pffter bufbandbolbebpg peace fro one bapebnto an o t ft ettft en be ft abb tbetft . all ber botoeg a bonbeg tobicb ftebabbpon v . r , w v , v w , e , ' ber/becauTebebeldebig peacetbefamedape toftbmenflle(blpe:2Butalitbe toemen tur n* fbebearbtbe.andpfbeaftertoaroeb;eafie b^entbatbauenotlpetoitbmen/bepeaipue tftemyfte all beare fter fpnne bimfelfe. ** ........... .. *. tifcte are (be o?bpnaunceg toftp eft tye toine commaundeb #ofeg/ bettoene a mS andbpg topfe / and bettoene tbe fatfter a bpg

ft? poure felueg.anb lobge toitbout ftofte feuf dapeg alltbatftaueftplledanp mmtfygmm^t *andalltbatbauetouc&amp;edanpbeabboDp/9 f , t ,, ..,.. ..,. ..,..,.. ,, c ,~ purifpebott) poure felueg apourep?efoncrg ter/bepingeabamfellmfter fatberg tbe4if.b8peatfte.biiJndfp?pnmeaiipoure ' napmentegand all tbatig made of f fipnneg/ a alltoo?fteof gooteg ftearre/aalltftpngcg madeoftoodd. and ilea?ar tfte p?eaft fapbe bnto all tfte ,..,...,, .-,,.. men oftoarre tofiicft toft out to batten rtbfgw \b tbe JLo?defpabe bnto #ofeg igitbe o?omaun of tftelatoe tofticb ? Xm rapmge-.*auengtfte cftpib?f of^f* tBmaunded #ofeg:olde/fpluer/b?atre/ Irael of tbe fl9abianrt eg/ anb after peton/cpn andlead/ and all tbat mm abpee -toardbegeatberebbntotbppeopie tBefp?e/peftanmafteitgotbo?oto)efp;e/ anb^oreg fpafee bntotbe folfie fapinge; atbenft^cieaiie. J5euertbelater/it (baib e * fp?pnitled

C ttfyt $ a&amp;fonpf Eg s jeaiaawflnjinf. &lt;r hep? apt toa&gt;b?aiiaf)e to i^ofcef cquatipc ccupbcfi.apnfent genf oQKmtbcamte none of tbcic men to (lajne. Cfte.rrri.ftapter.

rt ,*

Utye auqrott


jfflW* to&lt;m foltnMW toa * w - *"&amp; a N jatfuttetbnot tbe fr;e/ re (bail mabe goo

io2oto ft etoater. ano toalb route clothe? tnt feuentbbare/anomenreare cleancanb aftet toatoej ome in to tbe bofte. /lR5^eto?D fpafte bnto 09 ofeS faring/, mfcetbeuimme of tbepjaretbattoas talse/ fjotboftbetoemenaofcateU/mou alea* ?ar me P7eaft anb fl)e aunctent bea6es oft^c congtegacfon.anooeuroeft into ttoo pat* ti* / bettoene tbcm tbat tobe tbetearte fep5 mem anb tot nt out to battell ano alltyc con* gteaactS Jnotafie a po?cton bnto tbe toft oftbemenoftoarretebicb toftoutcto feat* Mbor:eoffruebunb7cO/ofmetocmcnanb oftbeorenanbofmeatfesanoefme 0;epe; ana re (baUtafieftcf meltbalfeanogeueft *b?en of Sfftael/tafie one offrftre/ oftlie tor* fl)e &amp;o?be, men/of foe ojcf/ of tbeaffcs ano of ibe fl)tpe/ anbofallmanet:ofbeatte0/ano geuetftrra tant o tbe leuites tobicb toarte bp5 tBc babu tacronoftbeJlo?Oe, ano SScres anbiea?arme P7eattbrbas the jLoyftc commaun&amp;eb filgofes. ano tbe botre anbtbe P?are toUtc^ me mm of team tboufance anb lW*.tboufanb aepe:a.iweil.tboufanoe oren ttt.tboufftnbe mamismi. tboufano toe* men tt)at baMjen br no man. anbtbe&amp;alfe tobicb toas me parte of

fc?tb anbfar&amp;ebnm flBoff#CWfiuaunrs&lt;5 bauetabtntbefunttneof t^e men of team/ tobicb torn bnoer cute bane/? fb t w laclteo/ not one mft of tbf use baue tbetf o?e bJougW ftueftnc bnto tt)c 7Lo?te tobat ran? man ftfioe of Jt toe w of goioe/cberns/bjac tie tty tf ngcji/eatfngeK ano fpangew/to mabe an attonenunt f 07 cute foulejjbefo;etbe)lo?B. Hnb flares anb &lt;iea?artcfie me golbe of tt)(m:3.itecS0 of allmanet rations, ano an me goib of beu eof&amp;rng of me rmtn/ot fteraptawrtfcucttbcufanbtftbuttiWDe* teflSjbi.tboufanDe.bit.bfiojedano.i.frcics/

fo; tbe men of teatte bab fporleb/euerr man f 07 bimfelfe.anb flpoftft diea?ar tweaft tobe tbe gotoe of tbe captapnw ouct t tbou* fanoe0 anb ouet tbe buntyeb* / anb bjoug&amp;t ft to to me tabetnacie of tortneoe: to be a

mb tn $ &lt;abv j^ttrnttt,


Cffio u6tn ano a6an to talfc flje H&gt; 6t of Oft* naffc*/ iBv;omtfc6tbtPO(rtffion tc?ountie Jo?6an tafttoat j&gt;:yf rtjtj bjjtta !&gt;*'* *&gt;?b? w tbclantic ofp;omf(Tt. M&amp;e.trtil.crbapter. e tbiHwf of IRuben $metbilb;en8 1 of &lt;s$ab / bats an crceatrnge greatc "mulrttube of cat ell. ana tob? tber .. fatoe tbe lanoe of met 9 ibe lanoe of aiaab t tttotfanaptepHKCfojcateuy tbe? came afpabebnto apofejJ atfieaiat $

hh mene StbiiLoibfB mite of tbe fte* ?et/anb#emtab 9W bon [9leaKb * &amp;*

bam ?J9ebo ?38eon/tobftbcontve $ }lo^e fmote before m congtegaciS ofjftaefc i a lanDefo7fateHanbtoetbt&gt;fwaMte0baue rateitebctfo?e (farbetbe^ftoebauefofibe grace in tbvffgbte /feet m i lanoe be geuen bntotb?fetuaflte0topoffeoe/b?ntgebii : not oueejo/ban.' anb moto fai?bbttto*cbtib2| of &lt;Bab$of ^ jSuben.lba!i?outebjen)2e gototeam^teV tarre fieref tbetfe btfeo^age re me &amp;te* oftbecbrlb;enof aftaelfo? togo oueetnto

pe 4&gt;unb?eo anb.ltfb . ano tbe o*en toete.]tt)*f .tt)oufanoe/of teb"b tbe 5Lo?Of0 pawetoaa.iwtf. anb tbe ace? tamjiv,

tboufanbeatfl) frue bunojto / of tobrcb tbe 3io;bc0 parte toajUyt.anome teemen toete jcbf . tboufanoe / of tobf cb tbe TLojbtti parte toa*.iwfl.fouttis . 3nb moto gaue tbat c fumrne tobfeb teas tbe TLojbeg beueofierrng 9r bnto C!ea?aemep;eaft:a0 tbe Xo?be com* maunceDSEofep.anbtfcectbcrbalfeoftlje ffinbfruebuVebmrpe^.iwbf.tbo* ?**/" ^^JKlMftS ranoe ortn:anb.w.moufanb aoc0 anb frue ^^^ff&amp;S^SSSSSSLi bunb?eb:9.jcbf.(boufanbetoemen^nbfflgo r ^^^Sf^SSHSSSSSXS fe0tobeoftbf0balfetbat pertarneb bntof toilanbetebrcbibe^o;bebabp^entbem. cfirlb?enofgpftael:oneofeuerrfrftfe /bot| anbtbeito7betoa0to7j^mefametrmea: of me toemeh anb of tbe cateH/anb caue tbf anb f toare farmge . * gone m me men ** bnto tbe jLfiitte0tebtcbteartebbpB tbe ba ae weutof tfgtPfeftcmttoentrcrew . bftactonoftbeHo2Oe/a0tbejLo2Oc5maun= olbeanbaboue /ftalife me lanoe tobrma bebfl9ore0.anbmeofftcer0oftboufanbt0of ftoare bnto abjabam/lfaac ano gfacob/ meboae/meeaptarne0miertbetbcufanrie0 becaufe mer baue not contrmiaHr folotoeb anomecaptarne0 ouertbebunOJEtes came me ; faue Caleb tbeforaie of Jepbum ige


Senefi'te/^ofua tbe fonne of un/t 07 tbe? baue folotoeb me cotinuallr. anb me %om toa0 attgrie toitb5!fwel/?mabemeteanb7e fit n)e toriber nece jrt.jew / bntpn atttbe m neracrontl)ac ftao bone euell tn tbe frgbte of tbe KLo70e toere confumeo. anbbeftolDe/re are rrfen bp tn route fa* met0 fteaoe/to encreafeqf frnfuilmen/ 9 to augmete t\)t featretoJatb of tbe]to?oe to gfrael toavoe. &lt;jToj rf ?e tourfte atoare from after bun/fie topHretagarnleaue t people in torlOeineoe/fo alire oeOrore all mi0 folfte.ano tfter toent nere btm ano raroe-.toe torllbrloe fl)epefoioe0 berefo? oure Djepe? . v fo? oure cateli/anocrttc0fo7 oure mrHyen: 5But toe am * muta tot n go reaor atmeb be* j fo?e tbe cbritten of g;frael / bntrll toe baue b?ougbt tbebnto meir place.ano oure tWbjm fHall btoeii m me fenced crtf e0/becaufe

cfmembabtfereofmelanoe. anbtoetorW nottetourne bnto oure boufc^bntEU ctn'l* b;m of grtacl baue enbereteo: euerr m5bp0 enberif aunce.iffo? toe torn not enbetet torn) tbemonronoer froe |!07Ban fo?toarbe/be* raufe oure tnljerrtaunce f0 failebto b0 on mkw.i.c. m^rrbelojoaneafttoatbe. " * anb fll?ore0 farbe bntotftem:* e torn bo ty$ mrge /tbatre torn go allbameoeb befo?e tbe "flow to toarre/anb toiilgo all of rotiMtbamcffe ouer3!o70an befb?e| H070/ bntrubebaueca(toutbr0 enemre0 befo?e (jim;a bntrll me lanbe be fubbueb befo?et^e )Lo?oe/ tbenre (ballretoume 9 be tortbout frmieagename^070e?agenaiftaei/anii tbf0lanbe(balbe route poffeffton befo?eme 5E)Lo7B.2eut,rfretorUnotoofo/beboiae/rc frnne ageft me Ho?be: ^ b c fute r oure frnne torn frnbe r on out. $ribe route crtfe0 fo 7 roure mrib?e 9 fouioes f 07 r our e fibepe/ 9 fe re oomat re ijaue fpoben. anb me Cbrjb?eit of ao ano of aauben fpafie bnto #ofe0 fcrmge: u)r f eruauntes torll bo a0 mr lo?be to maunbe n) . O me cbrib?e oure torue0 fub&lt; CSce 9 all ome catell (ball remarnebere in I mm of aiaao. jstn* toemr feruaate* 3te.uff. t. toUlgo a barneffeofo? ? toarrebnto battcB bef o?e tbe jLo?oe/a0 tnr Io70e bam farbe. a no m ores cSmafioeo creajar p?eaftt $9 |ofua tbe fonne of jijunanotbeauncieut beaoes of me trpbes of me cbflb?f of |ftal/ ft fspae bnto mem : tbe cbrtoen otmo 9 iSuben torll go toim V on oh er 3io 70a n / all P7epareotofergbtbefo7e f)Lo7b:mentoben tf)e lanoe 10 fuboueo bnto rou/ geuetbfme fanb of alaabto poffeffe/buc 9 rf mer tetK not go ouer totm ro" fnbarneffe /men tber Mbauetbelt pooeffron0 amonge roubt melanb of canaan. ano me cbrib?? of. ?ao 9 iKttben anftoere&amp;rarutge: tbattobfm me %t&gt;tat bam fa?b bnto tbj Ceruaates toe totll

bo,*. KM torilgobameaeb befo?e tbe lo?J)e imnwm fntotbelanoe of Canaan/? mepoffeffpon of* oureenberitance tyalbe on this frbego70an. anb flofe0 gaue bnto me cbsibien of (Pabanoof Wuben^i bnto Ijalfeme trrbeof fl^anafle meforate of fofepb/me firngoome of &lt;beb'oh. brnge of tbe amo2ite0 / ano the firngoome of ig Brnge of 3Safon / me lano mat longeo bnto me ernes tberof in codes of me countre rounoe aboute. ano tbe cbrl- OTenoftiPaO brite ^tbon/atarom/aroer/^ atrotb/^S) opban/ faef er / aegabea / 5Betb* nimra an05Betbaran fencenb crties / 9 Hjer brltefolbes fo7t')e ibepe.anome tbfflti of aauben brite ipeibon/tfieale / Stfnattjami/ iSebo/58aal / ifl^eon 9 turneO melt names/ ano^fbamaalfo^nogauenamesbntome c? ties tobrcb tber brlt. anotbe*cbri07en of mi&amp;fc tbe fonne of***** fiPanafletoentto alaaoano tofictt/ftput . out me amo7ites $ toeremennJnOflpofcs gaue cjsalaao bnto flpacbtr^ fonne of shf?o= naffe/a be otoelttberm. ano *mii fonne *jotutc,m&gt; of^anaoetoetano tobe tbe fmall to tones tberof / ano calleo memmetotone^of .faft, ano J^obab toent ano tofie benatb tuim tbe f otones longrnge tberto / 9 called ft $ ba b after bis atone name, IKtbc loiimcpnnB bepat (gugcsf to place fo place, of jf rati arc nombjeo. (H^eparccSmaunliED to tigll t^ctfatmmtitcs. _be.]Oon'W.&amp;apfer. 9efe are tbctoutneres of tfje 0U b?en of 'ifraeltobtcbtoc'toutof g % ilano of najwte toim men: armies bnbn; fl^ofes a aaro.ano fl? ores to70te mef r goring out br meirioumeres at me cSmaunoement of tbe )Lo?oe : euen rijcfe aretbet'outneresofmeirgoengeout. lie tbrlb7e of 3|frael*oeparteo from laaljemfes #nayc', me.rb.oare of f fr7ft monefl)/on ? mojotos after.*l&amp;affeouer / ano toft out torm an bre vmmm^

banoe in tbe frgbte of all grpfe / tobrie me ' flfgrpci80burreDaHtbeirfr?CbO7ne tobicft me&amp;oTObaOfmrtteamSigemem.anObpa meirgoooe0alfo me ^070e bro eyecucion. anbmecbrlo?en of afraeiremoueofrfi -aa benifes anb pitcbebin $&gt;ocotb. anbmerbeparteofrora*&amp;ocom9Prf^,. MW h ebebmeirtente0tn cman/ tobicb in \ntye$ mm '* etge of me terioemeae . anb tber remoueo ^ fro oJftbS a tourneo bnto me enttrng of* ^i&lt; # ^tobmuis toft tobtcb is befo7e^aall5epbS/apitcbeo bef07e ^igool.anomerbeparteo frombe^ fo7e^from a* toenttb07otome mrooesof u im tlUi , meftein to tbe torioetneffe/a toet.fti. bares * ' ; ioumermmetorioernefleofcms/apitcbeb fttfl9arab.anb tber remoueo frff #araba a to5tbnto*limtobere tocre.tif .fofttarncs ygpMiffci, 9,lw:.paulTOettee0 ?tber pitcpeb mere. f.ii, anb



a nb tbep temoueb froni Clint gun* fatt bptbereatee. anatbepremoueafr8tbereD lee9lapctntbe*topiaernefjeof&amp;&gt;in. ana tbeptoftetbeiriournepotttofftoplDerneffe of &amp;m/&amp; f etop tbeir tent^ in$&gt;; tbepaeparteaftSjfcapbna/ gtlape in aius. anb tbcpremouea fro aiu*/ lape at* Ka* pbeaim/toberetoasinotoaterfo? tlje people Ctoa?pnfte.anatbepbeparte&amp;fro' JRapbeaim/ *,ro. ny.a ana pptcbea uitbe*topiaerneae of &amp;inaf. ana tbep remoueafromtbeaeferte of &gt;t /fiuracyi. . naf ftutsa at tbe*graue$ of luft.ana tbep aepatteb fr3 tbe fepulcb?es of fatt/ ana lape * *#* at*lpfi?.rotB.3nl)tfifiafpatteofj:om^a5e

t otb/s pptcbea in Kitbma.ana aepartea frS liitbma snapptcbcbatmtnronpate? .3DttD tbepcepawcDfromimon?&amp;are?/8pitcbe&amp;

in lUbna.ana tbeptemouea from&amp;ibna/ $ pitcbc&amp;atmilBi. anatbepiouwepeafrom _ 33ifia apptrbeatnlSebelatba.anatbeptoet ~ fto Kcbelatba/ &amp; pptcbea inmoflt&amp;apber/ Sub tbep remouea from mount* &gt;apber ana lape in ^araaa.anatbeptemouea from aBaraaa/ana pttcbea m fl^altebelotb. . anafteprrmcueafrom&lt;n&amp;a6ebelotb/9 ' lapeatcabat&amp;/&lt;i"bep aepartea fi5cabat $pitcbeaatb*ratb.3inatbepremoueafra cbaratb/anapitcbebtnflpftbca. anbtbep y^n tocnt ftom #itbca/anaioagebtn$afmona. (rrlH An aeparteb f (ompfmona / anb lap* at fl^oreron). Anbtbep oepartea ftomflpo* ferotb/fjpptcbeafnjSanegiaHan , anatbep remoueafrom ttaneSanan/ana lape at^o; gatgao.aina tbep toentfrom $0? gaagaa/ g pttcbeatnf,atbbatba.anbtbepremoueafr5 9atbbatba/ana lape at ab?ona .ana tt)epae partes from ab?ona / anb lape at c?eon ga* s&amp;mnc w.a id ttjep remouea fro c?eon gabecant) pttcbea in tbe*topiaerneOe of &gt;tn/tobicb tjs CaaeS.anatoep remoueafrom caaes/ana pitcbe&amp;mmount$o?intbeeage oftftelana " of caom*ana 3Caton tbep?eatt toent top hi b tomount^o?attbe eotnmattnaemft of tbe SSSSSfi. Jlo?bes6t?eatbere/eufttitbe fojtfetb fere/ after tbe cblia?en of Ifraeltoetc come out of tbelanaeofCgppte/ana(ntbefp?ttaape of rlje fpfte mon etb.anaaaron teas anbfibjeb anajewttf.pereaibetoben be apebmntount $o?,anbfipnge crab tbecanaanite tobpeb btoelt in tbe foutb of tbelanbc of Canaan/

beataetbattbecbpia?! ofgrraettoere come, #Mvm0tM. ana tbep aeparteb from*.moott!)o?/ ana pptcbea in Salmons . anbtbepbepartel ifro" 3aimona/anap#cbeamP#uon7anbtbep bepartebftom^t)imon/$pftcbebmDbotr) ainbtbefbepartebftomfi)bott)'anbpptcBeb fagiebabarfm in tbebo?aerisof fl&amp;oab. anb * tbepBeparteafrom^cbabarfm/ spptcbeb # fpu-fa fljon ti&amp;abJtobtbepwmoueb Rom JEfe bontMb/anbiapenraittuon j&amp;ibiatbama.


of %m


-aria tbepremouefr from aimonJ&amp;tMatba* tim/apptcbebtu $ mountapnes of jtbartni before abo.3in&amp; tbep oepartea frS $ mctfc tapnes ofabarini? anb p-ttcbea fn tbe f elbes of;#oabfaftbpgio?aannpeto3fertcboJnb tbe? pptcbea bpB toman/ f r ora 35etb $ at er= mott) bnto ttjeplapne of abrtfatim in tl)e felDegoffllgoab. anbtbe)Lo?be fpafic bnto apofeg in ft)e feMof floab bp3!o?bannpe bnto^ertcrjo/ fapinge-IpeaBe bntorrje cb?lb?en oflftael 9 fapebrttot&amp;em-.tobrnveavecomeouergio?^ ban in to tbelanbe of Canaan/re $ wtiiw out all ttje rnbaWterg of tbe iaue before pott/ anboeOropett)ett;*cbappenes! anb ail ttjetr *ft-i Imager of fletau7 anb plucbe bctoneall5 tljeftaltertf b? tte onbvUejs : anb poctetre tbe SSmffi lanbe anb btoell Aerih/ f 0? g batte gette pou aonr*. " tbeiano to enf ope it. ano pe fballbmpce tbe enberitaunce of tbe lanb bp lotamoge pome ftpnrebcg/anbgeuetotbe motbe moareen berptauncc/ anb to tbe fetoer tbe leOc cnberi* taunce.anb pouie enberitaunce malbe in trpbep of poure fatberg/ in tbe place torjerc euerpmanglottfalletb. 55ut anb pf pe topli not b?wie out tbe in* babitews of tbe ianbebefo;epou / ttjen tbofe tobicbpeletremapneoftbg/ibalbe a tbome0a.ffiij8rai in poure epeiS 9 barter in pourety&amp;e0/&amp; tball torn w

berepouintbelanbtobertnpebtoellflpo^e*^""^ ouer it toill come to paffe/tbat 5 (ball bo bn* Jg * ~ to pou ajJ a tt)ougbtto bo bntotbera, .mama C Ebc CooKcb anb tottine of tlje lane of p jomeffc. iLtxitn act ally gn c6 to Be upB t ! b c lanor. Cbe.]rrjrfiiibapter. #ott)e)to?oe fpabe bnto a9ofe?^, jrapingc:commaunbetbe cbplb/en* lof a frael anbfape bnto tbcm: \0 Ipeccmeintotbeianb ofcanaan/ tbiP IP tbe lance i ftallfan bnto poure en berptaunce/tbelan&amp;e of Cana tottb all ber . roOe!S.anb* poure foutb quattetujalbe fr5 ft * ofH uu tbe toilberneffe of $&gt;in a longe bp code pf M w tiFbom/fo ipoure foutb quarter (balbe frS tbe fptie of tbe faltefee eafttoarbe / anb Owl! f et a cSpaffe from u)e foun) bp to acrabtm/ anbreacbeto 5rnna. anoitlballgo out on tlje foutb W of &amp;W)Sam/ anbgoouc alf at ^a?ar aoar/8 go a longe to a?mon* anb (ball fet a compaffe from a?mon bnto 35 tberpuer of tfgppt/ft ftallgootitat tbefee. anbpouretoeft quarter ojallbe greate fee/tebf cb co Qe Oaloe poure to eft cofte. anbtbijsibalbepoure no?tb quarter:pe (ball cSpaffe from tt)e great fee bnto mount 0? . anbfrom mount^o? /pe (ball com* paoeanbgobnto &amp;ematb/anb tbe enbeof tbe cofte fbalbeat^e&amp;aoa/ anb f cooe (bail

mnttotocm* "^ feacb outto 3(p6?on anb go out at ^a?a? enan. auiDtijtss ftialbepoure no?tt) quarter. anbpe (ball compaffe poure eaft quarter fro" $afarenanto&amp;epbam.anbrbecofte ,-CDangoboune from^epbamto Utblaon ^t&amp;e eaftfpbe of ain.anbtbenbefcentie 9 go out attbefpbe of tt)t fee of Ceneren) eaft- ttj en go botone a iSge bp3&gt;o;ban/ fleueaef faltefee. anbtbiis mall be poure fSoettallrbe coftejsttberofrounDeaboute. ana ofe0 commaunoeo n)e ctjplb?en of afrael(ap(ng:tbiis to tbe ISbetobicbseftaB enberett bp lotte/ ano tofjtct) n)e )Lo?oe com* ntaunbebto geue bnto .ip.trpbe0 9 an balfe: -nm * fo? tberrpbe of tbe cbplb;en of JRubl baue eceaueb/in tbe boutyoibegs of tbeir fatbens/ 0nbtbetrpbeoftbect)plb;en of &lt;Pafrin tbeir fatberjs &amp;oufftoloefj/&amp; tjalf e tbe trpbe Of flpa nafle/baue r eceaueb tbeir enberitaftce/ tbat ftt to toete.ii.trpb eg anb an balf e baue r ecea^ ueb u)etr enberitaunce on tbe ot'ber fpoe of Qpiim bpfericbo eafttoarbe /totoatbe tbe wnnerpff nge. ana tbe ilow f pafte to flpofeis fapinge: befeare tbe names of tbemen/tobicb mail beupbe pou tbe lanbe to enberet .Clea?ar tb e te.fB.^eaft/f * 5fofuatbefonneofiaun, anbpe ,mM&gt; (bautabe alfo a lo^oe of euerp trpbe- to be* upae tbe lanbe/ to'jofe names are tbefe-.5;n t trpbe of giuba/caieb tbe tonne of Qfepbtine. anbtn (be trpbe of tbe cbpiaaen of Ibtmeon/ $&gt;entueltbefonneofam(ub/9mtbe trpbe f jSenaamin/ cElraaa n)e fonne of Cifton. anb in tbe trpbe of tbe cbPlb?en of 3an/ tt)t loiSetfucBi tftefonne of|agli.anbamSge tbe cbplb?? of f ofepb:t n tpe trpbe of tbe cbil* am of #anaae/tbeio?ae Daniel t^$ tonne of gpbobjna in ttK trpbe of tbe cbpltyen of i;aim / tbe io?ae camuel n)e fonne of

itan .ana in tbe trpbe of tbe formes of lulon/tbelo^e tuiifapbantbe fonne of itnacb.anbintbe trpbe of tbecbpibjg of icbar/tbelo/a^altbieltbefonneofafan. ib tberrpbe of tbe fortne ji of afer / (be (07b atjibua tbe fonne of$&gt;a(om(.anb(nt trpbe of tbe cbpia?en of l9epbtbaK/tbelo?ae J&amp;eaa &lt;ltbefonneof ammibub. Cbefe are tbep tobicbtbelo?be commaunbeb to beupbe tbe enberitaunce bnto tbe cbplbjm of gjfeael/in tbe lanbe of Canaan, Cttirif fytltuitts mua 6 1 gcoc n f tptf ano m* husbts.&amp;bt fifties of refuge: o; faticiuatjee. ifftjc Mto* of manqncHf nj.^fo? one mannes toftneire qialt namanbeconticmpneo. Ccbe.rrrb.Cbapter. |i5a tbe '/Lome fpafte bnto Sr^ofea (ntbefeibe? of oab bp gjojban [ouetagamailettcbo* TOaObe cbinwf of gifrae! / tbep bnto tbe % mtiw of n)e enbetieatlce of

tbeir potTeflio:*ciftejS to btoell in.ana pe &amp;&amp;&amp;Km&amp;*K geuealto bnto tbe cptpes of tbe jieuite* /, fubutbes rounae ab ottte tbem , l)e cpttejS fbalbe f o? tbe to btoell in/? tbe fuburbejs to? tbeir catell/ polfiS ?all manerbeattes of .tbeirs.anatbefttburbesoftbecptiestBbtcfji pe aDgeuebnto tbexeuites / ujallreacb from tbe teall of tbe cp tie outtoarbe/a tb ou* fanae cubitess rotutae aboute . ana pe Qmit mea rure toitbout tbe cptie/anb malt e tbe b u moft bo?aer of g eaftfpae:ttoo tlioufanae cu*

bpte?f/ana t\)e btmoft bo?oer of ^ foutbfpae: (too tbouranae cubites/anb tt) e btmoft b mberoftbetocftfpae:ttootboufanaecttbite?!:9 tbe btmoft bobber of tbe no.ttbfibeutoo tb on* fanae cubptes alfo:ana tbe cptie fbalbe in \ mpaaeis.anatbere fbaiibe tijetuburbesof tbtivtvtitfs. : ana amoge tbe cpties tobicb pe fftaii geue^. Wnun j bnto tbe leuites/ * tbere (ball be fpre cptpeu 39m * rr '* of frauttcbess tobicl) pe (ball gette to that in* tenttbat be WO) fiplletb/mape flpe tbptber ana to tbem pe (ball aaae.riif. cptiejj mo : fo tbatall (be cptiegtobicb pe (ball gette iLe* lifted albe.rlbiii.toitb tbeir fuburbeg.anajs of tbecpties tobiebpe (ball gette outeoftbe poffefrtons of tbe cbplo^en of g/frael/ pe Ojall geuemanp out of tbeir poCreffiS* tbat baue mocbe anb fetoe out of tbeir poffettions tbat bauelptfe-. fo tbat euerp trpbe (ball gette of bt0cptpej5bntotbe JUuitejs /acco?apnge to r&amp;e enberitaunce tobicb be enberetetb. anatbe Xo?a fpaftetnto mvotts taping: fpeafiebntotbecbpia^enof gifraclana rape ,,,, m- a bnto tbem i*mn pe be come ouer Soflwn JK,*m m to tbe lana of CanaS/pe (ball bplbe cpties tobicb Ibalbepjeupiegeatotonefzs fo? pou: | ebe rpgbfe betobicb-aeeibamSbntoaresmape flpetbi=bfeof fan^ tber.anbtbe rfcie* albe toflee from the m ctuaries, ecuter of blouae/lbetobicb ftplleaapenot/ bntpHbeftanae before tbe congregacion in iuagemetana of tbete.bifre cpties tobtcb pe (ball (ball gette on tbfe rpae ioi* ban ana.ii(;in tbe lanb of Canaan.ana tbere fpre frecptiegftjalbefo? tbe cbplb?en of W* rael 9 fo? n)e ftraunger 9 fo? bint g a to cue tb amonge pou/ 1 all tbep tobicb ftpll anp per* perfone bntoares/mape flee tbitber. . Ifanpmanfmpteanotbertottlj a toepon ofperon tbat&amp;e ape/tben be is a mttrtberer/ ana (ban ape fo? it . jf be fmpte bpm WtXi a tbwtopngeftonetbatbeapetbertoitb / ften be (baft ope*.{f 0? be is a nmrtbere r ana (bale beflapne tbcrfo?e . if be fmpte tym toptb a , banbtoepon of tooaa tbat be ape tbettoptb / tbenbe (bauape:fo?beiis ammrberer 9 ml beflapnefterfo?e. JTbeiufttceof bloube mall ttce Oft mttr* ft)erer/as f one as be finbetb bmi^f be tb?uft !&amp;&lt;m*cf bate/o? bourie atbim toitb (aping mmtma

i.iif, of

dje&amp;attlj&amp;ters j^untm,



oftoartetbat beareojfmrtebrmtoftb br* \&gt;mt of enure t&amp;at be tire/ be tbat fmot e bim fljail Dj?e/fo; &amp;e f ?s murtbcro . c&amp;e iu&amp;rce ofblouae (bail nee tjpmags (oone a? be frn cetb brm. #ut ana rf be puflbeb brm br cbaunce* not of bate o; call at bim toftb an? maner of tbr nge ant) not of lartnge of toarte : o; caft anr maner of Ctoneatbimtbatbeare t^et* tottb/anb fatoe bim not ; ana be caft ft bpon brm ana be of e / but toa?notbr?enemre/ netbet rougbtebim an? batmen ben tbe co* gtegacion (ball ftibge bettoene tij e fleer/ ana tbe erecuter of blouae in focbe cafe?. % na ' congregacion fljaliaelpiiertbeflceroutof Ijanae of tbe fufige ofblouae/ $tbanteCto?e font agame bnto cue frauncbefea crt?e I tobetbetlje toa?fleaoJnbbe (ball bpae tbere

commaunoebmrionie tog cue tbe lance to enbetet br lotte to tbe cijriwen of 3,ftael. and tben mr lo;fie commaunuebi n tbe name of tbe %om to geue tbe enbetftafiee of*5e*fium, lapbeab mite b;otbee bnto br* oaugbtet?. j5oto) toben anr of tbe fonne? of tbe trjbe? of gctael tabe tbe* to to rue? / tben WalraiWfe enberttaunce be tafien from tbe enberftaffce of cute fatbet?/ana (ball be put bnto tbe en* berrtaunce of tbe trrbe in tobicb tbe? are 9. Oiaibe tabe ft 5 tbe lott of oure enbetftafiee. 3lina toben tber ere of fubelre comen) bnto tBe cbrttwe of ijfrael/tben (balltftew enbert* taunce be put bnto tbe enb eritaunce of tbe trrbe toberfn tber are / 9 f o (ban tbetr m-- . bert taunce be fatten atoare from tbe enb eri*. taunce of tbe trrbe of oure fatber?. 3nb ^ofesi commaumiea n)e cbria?en of

rteiteflefe *bntotbeaetbeof ibrep;eatte tobicb toa? Ifraeiat^emoutboftjie^Defari ngitbe

anornteatotfbbolrorle. 35ut anarf be came toitbout tbe bd;bet? of W p?euf icgea cttte tobetber be tea? Geo/ fftbeauegetofblouafrnae brm toitbout ' bofter? of bf? fre totone/befl)ali0ec v mut* rberer ana be grltlefle/ be caufe be (bulbe bauebiaatnm&amp;tpfretottnebntrll tbcDetb oft^&amp;tep;eafte/anbafteetbeaetbeoftbe fire p;eafte/be fljallretoume agarnc bnto lanbe f bi? pooeflion.aina tbf ? u)albe an op oinaunce 9 a latoe bnto rou/ amonge route tbflbjen after you in all 2 our e bab p tacf 5? . U&amp;bofoeuer Oeftb / fbalbeuarne attbe * #o? one moutbe of toftnette?*tf 0; one tottnetre (ball S'mm^f notanttoere age" ft one pert one to put bim to manfo b 8 Kbeetb.^o?eouerre (ball tabe none amenK wmnrt. fo;tbelrfeofmuttberertobtcbt?too;tbr 1 iy b e (ball be put to Deatb . 3CIfo re (Bait tabe none attonement f 0; bim $ is fteo to a ft e crtf e / tbatbe flbulbe come agarne 9 btoell (n tbe lanoe before tbe beatb of tbe bre p? ea C e . Kinb fe tbat re p olute not tbe lanoe tobfcbrearetn'fo^biouoeDefrletb tbelanoe Kino tbe !3oe can none otber torfe be tlmtto nftbebloubetbatfjSflieDtberui/ butbr tbe blouoe of bpm tbat fbeo it . efple not tbet=

fo;etbelanoetobtcbre fnbabrte/anb in tbe mvtoes of to^rcb 5! alfo btoell amonge flje cbprb?enof3ifa cl[ . CSin o?Bcr (01 1 i&gt;t mnrpagc of tfic oausljtc rs of 2 e lapficati. fl)ncoft^ttrpbeBmap not marpc towb a . no(^cr:but euec; one muft tabe ^m att;fc of bja awnettpte* j " bejocibt.cbapter. pbtbeauncrent&amp;eaaejsof g cbfl* b;en of alaao tbe fonne of flj^a* Ic&amp;ft tbe fonne of ^anaoe of tbe fornreb of tbecbrBwen of SRofepft/ came fo?Hi ana fpafte before fl^ofeisanbtbe p;rnce0tobtcb toereaunefft beaoeiSamSge **Hme.FitbtfrBecbrn)?eof3iftaelanbfariie*cbej,pjbe

trrbeof tbe cbrio?enof gfofcvb bane faroe toell. Cb&gt;0tberfo?e ooetb tbe!Ho$e com* maunbe t Daugbter? of ^clapbeabfarmge: *iettt&gt;m betorutjJtotobom tbertb^frlfe*'*' tbrncbe beft/butm brweb of tbe trrbe of rbeir fatber fljall tbermarre/ i ttjeenbefr* taunce of tbe cbflb^en of 1 ; fr ael roule not fto trrbe torrrbe. uttbattbecbrn&gt;;enof9|f raelmare abroe/euerr man (n tbe ettberf taunce of tbe trrbe of \fafatitymam euere baugbtec tbat poflefletb anrenberrtaunce amonge tbe trrbe? of tbe cbfl&amp;;en oflfrael/ (balbe torfebnto one oft nrnreo of \ trrbe of ber fatbec/tbattbe cb(ID?e of Hfrael mare entoreeuerrmStbeenberitaunce ofbWfa* tber/ ano tbat n)e enberi taunc e go not from onetrrbetoanotber-.buttbat n)etrrbc0Oe tbe cbilo^e of giftael/mare abrne euerr man inb^ atone enbetrtaunce. 3nba0tbe7Lo$econnnauiibeb ^ofcism euf to brb tbe baugbttr* of 5elapbeab;flIBaa be!a.bft;a/0agla/^flcba anb^oa/an&amp; toere marreo bnto tbeir fatber? bjotber? fonnetf/oftbebrnreDoftbecbrlbje' of flea* nafte? tbe forate of 3 ofepij : ano 1 tber ban tbetr enberitaflce In t^t trrbe of tbe ftrmcb of tbetr fatber. Cbefearetbe cSmaunutmentfiS $ latoe? tobtcb^eilo?ocommaun&amp;eotbo;oto @o fe?/bntotbe cbriwenof gffraelfntbe feme? offloabbpon3!o?bannrebntog;erfcbo.

CCbeenue of tbe,i'ftf,bobe of flpofe?.







1 't


,1 &lt;;!'

of fl^o f es cailen 2&gt;e u te eo no m rum Cab?lefe ceftcrfall of tfiwgco bone btfoje^ from thepvtcb^nijent inoiititc $o;eb bntpil tt)cpcame to jCabcfi bat ne. Cbe.f.C6apter, ^efebetbetoo?^tobicb fl^o* fepfpafietnto aH3!frael/on otber frDegio?ban tn tbe totu oerneffe 9 mtbefeloe?br tbe reofee/bettoene Pbaranano

copbel/Xaban/^a?erotb 9 pffabab.rt.Dares( t'ournep fcomi^o^cliiin^ to Cane? bame/br tbe toare tbat leaoetb bn to inofft &gt;eir. 3nDit fo?tuneo fr?ft bare fo?tietbrere &lt;Hofe? fpafie bnto tbe cbrl^en of Iftael ac* co^brngebnto all tbat tbe ilo^eba&amp;geuen bfmincSmaunDement bntotljem after tbat be babfmrtte &gt;el)on brnge of tbe Jtmo* rite? tobicb Dtoelt in T^efbon/anb fiDg brnge oftfafontobtcbbtoeltat^ftarotbtn cewat. SDn tt)e otber fpoe g|o?&amp;an tn n)e lanbe of Joab/flI-oress beganetooeclare tbfeiatoe 1. fm&amp; nn&amp; farfng:tbe )lo;o oure &lt;$ob fpabe bnto b? m Iftinu a Mt^ ^o?eb faring-.^ e baue fttoeltlonge rnougb fntbf? mount-.oeparte tberfo?e 9 tabe route t'ourner ano go bnto tbe brlle ? of tbe3Dmo?t te? anb bnto all place? nr e tbere bnto : botb fefbe?/brHe?anb&amp;a!e?:anbbnta tbe foutb a bnto iffe fee? true in tbe lanoe of Canaan/ anb bnto j(Libanon:euen bnto tbe greate rr s tier Cupb?ate?.5eebolDe/g! baue few land * before routgoo in tberfo^e $ poCECfe tbe lana tobt'eb tbe )Lo?De ftoare bnto route fatber? aib^abam/ffaac ana 3!acob / to geue bnto tbem anatbeir feaae after tbem. ana 3 1 farae bnto rou tbe fame ceafomgj am not able to beare rou mr f elf e alone .iff o? tbe"/Lo?aerouve(!0ob batb multiplrea rou: fo t re are tbt? aarea? (be ftarre? of beaucn innomb?e(tbejio;ae @oa of route fatber? raaberou a rl)oufanae trme? Co manr moo a? reare / 9 bleffe rou a? be barb pjomrfea !w.rtiM.rou)boto ( fa?oe f ) can * % mr felfe alone / 6earetbecomb?aunce/cbargea ftrrfe t to amongerou: b?rnge tberfo^e men oftotf* Dome 9 of bnaerttanarnge 9 expert / bnotof

araffge r oure trrbe?/ tbat 1 mare mafie tifc ruelar?ouerrou .Umareanftoereame anb farbe:tbat tobicb tboubaft fpofif t? goeb to beaone, 3Pna tben 5! toft e tbebeaae? of route trrbe?/menoftorfoome$tbattoereerpert/ anb maae tbem ruelar? otter r ou-.captarne? ouertboufanae? $ ouerbfio?eae? ouerfpftCe 9 otter ten/^ officer? amongeroure trrbe?. C 3Cna , Jcbargearoureg'uage?fametpme 'WW. forige:beateroiire b?etb?en 9 fuflgerrgb*


teouflr bettoene euerr man ana bf? b?otber ana tbe ftraungcr tbat i? tottb I)im,^&gt;e tljat re6notoenoman(n3iuagement:*butbeare , , . tbe email a? toell a? tbe greate 9 be afrarea fiEwSft ofnoman/fo?tbetuagementt?oo?. ana *.ccii^tv*aflje caufe tbat t? to barae f 0; rou/ b;rnge bn to me ana | torllbeare tt.?Cna % cSmaunaea rou t\)t fameffaisn / all tbe tbrnge? tobicb r rejbuftebp/aina tben toe aepartea from igtoUreFano toalfteatbo?oto all tbat greate ateiv reble toriaerneffe a? re baue fene alonge br tbetoare tbatleaaetb bnto tbe brlle?of tbe amo?tte?/a? tbe JLojac oure &lt;oa comaun= oeab?/anb came to Caae? barne , aina tbere 9 faro bnto are come bnto tbe brlie? of tbe 3Cm o;tte?/tobtcb tbe %om oure mn botbgeuebnto b?. 29eboiae t\)e %ow fl)P oabatbfet tbe lanae* before tlje/goobp *,*** * at ana conquere ft/a? t\)t %om d&amp;oa of tbr fa= t Xl? mw,n ' tber?faritb bnto tbe: feare not/ nefljet be * atrco?rageo.3matbenre camebntomeeuetr one ana fara: &gt;let b? fenae men before b?/to fearcbeb? outtbeiana^ tob?rngeb? too;ae agarn/botl) tobat toaretoe u)agobpbr/ a bnto tobat crtie? toe (ball come . 3fna tbe fartnge pleafea me toell ana 9 tofie.ytf .men ofrou/ofeuerrttrbeone-IPna tber aepartea anatoent bp into tbe lw contret ana came bntotberruer dEfcoll/anafercljea it our/ana robe of tbe frute of tbe lanae in tbeirbanae? anab?ougbttt bo tine bnto b? ana b;ougbf b? to om agawe abb faroe:it t? a gooa lanb ioni^^t Xoftt oure oa aotb geue b?, jijJottoitbftanorngeretooiaenotconfente

to goo bp / but toere arfobearent bnto t\yz km mat moutl) oftbejL.o?ae route tiEJoa/ murmu&lt;6tpiiBWfflitV tea in ^oure rente? ana farae: becaufe the f " u * vo, f 8 8 )Lo?ae"batetbb?/tberfo?ebe batb iWaBtfiSMSi, b? out of tbe lanae of cgrpte / to WW H tSBSSL in to tbe banae? of tbe auuo?tte? ano to ae- to \w c a man ftroreb?.i^oto Jballtoegoobpf SDure ^*&gt;Wepmm tb?enbaueaifco?rageaoureberte? fartnge: *' f0 H tbepeoplef?greateranataHertbentoe/anafictt; 8 v c Ltri tbe crtie? ate greate ana toallea ettenbp to ^ mi not of Z beaue/9mo?eouertoebaue fene n)e fonne? BMw.JMai.ti u of tbe (fnabime? tbere. ano-w,D 3Bnaifaraebntorott:D;eabenot no; be afrarea of tt)e:cbe )Lo?ae route oa Mwi) gotbe befo?erou/be (ball frgbte fo; rou/ac* co;arng to all tbatbeara bnto rou in cgrpt befo;e route ere? anb in tbe toriaemede ; a? tboubaft fene boto tbat tbe jto?ae tbr dPoa baretbea? aman uiae beare br? fonne/ tbo?oto outall tbe toare tobicb rejatte gotte fantrllre came bnto tbt? place, afobfet fo; alltbiisfaringereoranot belette tbe)Lo;ae route oa tobicb gotbe toare befo;e rou/ to fercbe rou out a place to prtclje route _. . . ... . tente?in/* in fr;e br nrgbt/ tbat re mrgbte * ^*wi*&gt; fe tobat toare to go anb in a clouoebraare.

udtjep paffe


#$; anbtbe)Ho?be Beardtbebopce of tarn tftoo?bt atoa0to?otb aitoaterapinge/*tBere allnotoneoftBetemenof t^t'sf ftotoaroe generation re good lanbe tobicb 3 ftoate to geuefaittopoure fatberss/iaue Caleb tbe C onne of giepBune/ Be (ball re it/ and to BfUl torngigeue f lanbtoBtcBBeBatb toawebin atoBw eBrlbJe' /becaufe Be BatB cStrnualir folotoeb $ JUW.THrfietopfe tfte Jlo?Betoa0 angtpe tfi me fo? poure laBc0 fapinge: tBou alfo alt not go in tyityet. ffiut Solus tbe fonne of J9untoftitft aanoetB Befo?etBe/ Be

(BaUgo fn tBitBet.18oloe'bim tBerfo?efo? be


cuer route cbpld?e tobicb pefarae amine be a p?are / a route tonneff toBicB Bnotoe netBec goodno?babtBi0bare/tBerQ)attgoointt&gt; rBerabntotBe^torilgeutit/anotbcrlBaH em" opeit.33uta0fo? pou'turnebacfie stafie oure ioutnepe in to tBe tortoemeCetfuen toaretotbeteadree.cBaireanrtoered and rapcebntotne: nsebaucrpnnedagenfttbe Xojfctoe torU go bp 9 frgBte/ acco?orng to a all t 6e ko?d oute bcb cSmsunfaei) b0 Jnb ^toBmreBabg^eoneuetr mSBtfctoepomJ oftoarreanbtoererea&amp;rtogoobp into tBe Bie0/$;ilo?Drarbefantome:raretoritotBe7 fetbatfrgo not top? t refpgBtenot/fo?3| amnotamSgerou-.left wbeplageb before . *outeenmfe0*anbtoBeg!toldrouretoolB mmmt, notbeatetbutuu-obeflb moutft of Hb/ mod pcrioufc uneis/ tame out agenft sou ana cbafebpou SnSSSSfl a* b ce0 uo/anu ijetoea rou In &lt;&amp; w/euf art* SK00K to^wma Mmh agape anb toepte Zl%t frtSttcft* tbe)Lo?de:buttBe:ilo?de toolde not fctifuc tccntt: u (&amp; xt vourebopce no? geue pou aubtence, !S&amp;5 If." Inb fo r* abooein cadte alonge ecafon, trot' iiitcc cc toe tolBf. frarclifaHoftfia(toI)ftbto80toitcftomt!tetme tbactjicsbcpartcb from a6CBbarnM&gt;ntott&gt;c bat* " UUasaviift m b?ngcB asctjon 1;iBapfet. l^cn toe tcumed 9 tofic oure tout* ner into tbe toru&gt;emeae/eu en (be toapetotBcread fee 80 tBe;Ho?6e J cfiinflunaeo me. and toe cSpafltD

tbc mountarn0of&amp;eftalongetrme.Bt tBe)lo?dfpaftefantomefaruig:yeBauecS* patfeb tBefemofitarn0 llJgernougB/ tontne ouno?tBtoarb.andtoarnei&gt; people raring ycu)aiigotBo?ototBe coBe0 of route b?e* tB?f $ cbrid?? of C fautaBicBoteen Ulcere/ 9tBep OialBc afrareb of rou:3Buttafie goob Beadebntorouterelue0tBatrep?cucBetBe not/fo?9torlinotgcuepouof tfteit lanbe/ no not to mocB ass a fote B?eade : becaufe % Bauegeuemou't&amp;&gt; eft fanto Cfautopofleae ft (bail bge meate of tBe" fo? moner to rate/ angpcu)allfcpetoamoftBemfo?monerjo

b?inMo? )Lo/btBr^obbatfible(Teb t m# alltlietootfiess oftbrnebanb/^fineto tbeaff tboutoetefttbo?ou tbwgwaKtoilpetneae, SBo?eotut tbe )Lo?b tbr obbatb benetf tbi) t tboubattlacSebnotbmg. anbtobentoetoevebepattebfrS outebje* tftigtbe cblR)?e of &lt;stm tobidj btoeit inftttt bvffiefeioetoarefto tflatft ?c?ion&lt;!Paber/ toe tutneb anb toent tbe toa?e to tbe totf&amp;et* neffe of flsoab.cben the iLp?b farb bnto me fe #tboubej;enottbe #oabitej}/netbetp?o uolei W to batten fo? 1 toril not geue of tbeic lanbe to poirere:becaufe a bauegeuen rtmw J icbnto tbe cbrlb?en oflot&amp;topoftMteJ^S "Cmintfi btoeit tbenn in time patt/a people mrd bct ateate/manp9tall/a0meEnaftmt0:tobKb&lt;j^H altotoctetafte fo?geaunte3.a0,tbe * k&lt;8B !itatf:3iiD tt)e ^oabite^ calleb ^ffiEnumsf ^jJJJ qiniraemanet t"^o?imjJbtoeltin$)eitbe-rpMttit(ft. f o?e tpme -aMdi tbe cb&lt;lb?5 of dfaucaft out/ * &lt;M . d befttoreb tb? before tbcm ^btoeit tftoe in B *ggf tfirtc ttebe ; a? Jftafl bfb tntbe lanbe otm , ^ poGeaiontobicB tbe Tlojbe gaue tbem. j^oto tstemtar t^rebpdarb^)? getrououettberpuet^a* gjwggi ter.$ toeto^ouet $ tru3awb.pefpace Jj g mtobfeb toe came ft5 Cabeu batne toOHtoe [g SoKS toere come ones f truet oateb toaji JWbiit, * i *- ui messjbntrfl au tbe geneeadon of tbe men of o? am toatte torn toatteb out of tbe bott aJ tbe iLbibe ftoatebntb 04m in mt n)e banpe of tbe jlojaetoa* agentttbf to beftrope tBE out of tBe boft/ trU tfier toe conf umeo. anb a? foone a* alltbe men of toattetoete cStumeb^beebftSamongetbepeopie/tben^ tbe )lo;brpa6ebnto mefaring. bouu)alt gotbo?oto Me code of 0Poab tbte W/$ ftaltcomenrebnto tbe cbrlb?? of Smmom

fe ^ tboubejcetbJ not/no?retP?ouoBC tl)5. if 0? 5 toil 1 not geue tbe of tbe iSoe f tbe cbtl b?en6fmmon to podeffe/ becaufe Jbaue geue* it bnto tbe cbrib?en of TLotb to poffeee. cbatalfotoastaftf fo? a lanbe ofgeaunte* dgeaunte? btoeit tbejininoloettme/ ?tt)e , -,, ammonitesJ calleb tb^38?umfm0.a people ro(m ar tbat toa? great / man? 9 talle / ag tbe cEna* jjeauniir nim!5.uttbe7lo?be beoroveu tbe befo?e ibe gtt ammonice0/ tber catt ibe" out MMK SfflJ tbere in tbefc aeabetass bebrb fo? tbe c&amp;rlb?2 S offatttoBtcbbtoeUin)Cirseuma!fSbebe*t^MMittropeb ft)e $o?rnus befo?e tfie m /f tbep caa ww. tbem out anbbtoenin tBeir Oeabe bnto tBtu bare.ata&amp;tBe3Pufroj$ tobicb btoeit in ^a?a* tfln euen bnto 2C?a/tBe capBtBo?r nw tobicB came out of cap&amp;tBo? bear or tb tbem anb btoeltfn.tBeirtotome*. jRpfebp/talte pouteioumer anb go mav tBerruer3Bmon.eBolbe/*gibauegeuenin** mm to tbr Bante $&gt;eBon tbe 3tmo?ite Brnge of ^efbon/$B^lanoe.&lt;csotoanb conquereanb wouoBebrm to Batten. cBrsoare^torw Begrnne

o?ou Dum


Begrnne to fenbetlje feareanbb?eaoeof tbe bpon all naeion^ tbat are fanner all po?te$s of t.jauen:fotBattobmtbepbearefpeafie of tbe tber tballtrembie 9 quale f 0? feare of t^t, CBen 9 1 fentmeaengersi out of tbe toilber* neat of tf e eafte fanto ^ ebon Brnge of l^ef* mmtfMmfc too?be0 of peace faringe:*iet me go m tbo?oto tbr lanbe.a toill go al toarejs alonge brtbebretoare ^toillnetberturne fanto tbe dgbte Banbe no? to tbe left . &gt;ell me meate

f 0? moner fo? to eate / * geue me b?infie fo? moner fo? to o?pnfie. Itoillgo tBo?otoe Br fote onlr (as tbe cBrlb?en of fau bpb bnto me toBicbebtoell in ^eiranbtbe flfcoabitejj tobpebe btoell$n3(lr)fantpll % Be come ouct 3;o?oan 1 in to tbe lanbe tobtcbe tbe jLo?De ciive^oDgeuctbfaj*. 3But ) ebon tljefiynge off erbontoolbe notletfas(paaebpl)tm/fo? jLo?uetbp &lt;0o&amp; BabBarbeneb i&gt;is&lt; fp;ite anomabe Bfe Bene tougb Becaufe Ijetoolb eelpuer Bun in to tBr BanoeiWti* come to pane m bare. 3Ptto tbe jLo?befaruefantome:beIioli3e % *jat D ? c5 haue begonne to fet ^&gt;eBon 9 b w lanbe* be* am* to?e tBeo to ft conquete/ g tBou mar a pof* feOeBW lante. ben BotB ^&gt;eBon anb all Bis* , ' people came out ageft b* fanto batten at*3a ji|Ktt)ftBa?a.3nbtBe"&gt;Lo?bcfetBimBefo?efa0/8toc m ftnoteBrmanbbisironnesJdanBr? people. 3Cnb toe tofie al Biss citfe* tbe fame ceafon anbbetttoreball tlje cities toitB men / toem? anbcBr&amp;zen 9letnotBingeremarne/raue eaten onirtoe caugBtfanto oure rebuffs tec rporle of tbe titit* toBtcB toe toBe/fro atoer bpontfieb?pnBeof tberruer of arnon/anb ftecitteintBe rruer/fantodEfalaabitBete tea? not one citpe to ar onge f 0? bss . cBe %oibt cure obbeiruevcb all fanto fajs : onlr fanto $ lanbe of tbe cBPlo?en of attnmott re came not no?fantoalltBe cooeof u'uetlaBocfi no? bntoftcitfeff in moOtarne?/no? fanto toBat CoruertBe mo?beoure(Sobfo?babcfaff. CAttbtt CM ot tti jngtB tW tfjaimfeb from Ofttft icionof3foftiew fl^ofeflaeabc. CBe.tif.CBaptee. B^^entoeturnebto?tfap tBetoape *o^Hto38aran.*anbfl)g6ingofjea nbpS m f an cmt mt Wnttm botbebe 3 fMSilt an \)i$ people to battel at 0m. anb tbe no?be fap&amp;e fanto me : feareBmt not fo?? BauebeliuerebBim alB5 people 9W lanb intotbvBanb? tBouwaltbealettBim a0 rbott bealebaM) S&gt;eBon Brnge of amo* wtcgtobicBbtoeltatf etbon.anbfo S)Lo?be oure djjoQDeli'ueteD in to oureBanbe0/&amp;g alfo tbeiiinge of 2Safan aibi0 folcBe.anb toefmoteBunfantrll nougBte toa0 left Bim. anb toe tofie all W cities tbe fame ceafon (fo?tBeretoa0nQta(ftfetoBicfttoetoftenot

fr5 tbem) euen.iti.fco?e cftf e*/al tbe regio of argob / tbefivngbome of gmaran,ail tBerecttte0toereniabearongeUBvetoaUi'0 . aatman* gateff batre0/befpoe*bnfa)alletj totoneffa' feres mint* greate meanpeJnb toe fattcrlj? beaeopeu ttjc iascij. a0 toeplapeb toitB S&gt;ebon fipnge of ^efboit B?ingmg tonougBt al citiejs \o men/toenis anb cljtlb?en . ut all tbe cat ell a tbe fpovie oftBecitie0/toecaugbtefo?ourerelue0. 1R anbtbugtoetofie fameceafon/ lanbe ^ out of fcbanbe of ttoo Bpngeg of amo?f tegf on tBe oCber froe g|o?ban / from aje rpuev of amon fanto mofit^ernion(tobicb^etmS $&gt;ibon0 call &amp;ftf on/but tUt amo?ite0 caii it^&gt;enp?)al pettiest inf plapne 9 al alaaa salllSatenfanto S&gt;afecba 9 B?ai/citie0of tbe firngbome of iDg tnJBafan.jfo?.onlp iDg Bpnge ofJSafanremarnebof tbe remnaiit of I geaunte0:bebolbe/bJ0v?6 BeBiffretat ma bab amonge tBecBilb?eofamm0.t?;.cubvr. teff longe .tiitcubtte0 b?obe/of cubitc0of amS^nbtobentoebab conquered tl)i0lftbe tbe fame trme/3 gaue from aroec tobicb t fapontberiuer of WmS/9 balfe mofft&amp;autt $t\)t cttie0tberoffantotbemubenite0/9 a biteffjnb tbe rea of (Salaab 9 all tfafan tbe fiingbeme of SDg/ 3 1 gaue fanto balfe trpbe offlFanaffe;alltBeregionofaigobtoitl)al/ 5Bafan toa0 called \ lande of geattnteg.tiatr f fonneof fl&amp;anafletofiealf regioot'aitgoB fanto $ coae0 of miwt 1 9 ^aacbatiscailed C tfjem after Bi0otone name:3t&gt;afan*^auotb *JRf* *&lt;*" ga^rfantotbt0dape:*n^gaueBalfe(lE;alaad{'" r ^,? ^ In ^ , ' , fanto^acBir.andfanto Kube ab^ gaue SSK fr5 &lt;ralaab fanto tbe rpuer of anion 9 balfe tt tbe faaler 9 tbe cofte/ eue fanto tytvgm 3fft BocB tobtclj t0 tbe Bo?ber of tbe cl) vld?en of ammon/ ano tbe feibeff and ^o?ban toiiD tBecoae/ftomCenerotb euc fanto tbe fee in tBe feme tobicb i&amp; fait fee fander *fp?inge0 f* &amp;om m of PBargaB eaatoardc. SF" r c - M&gt; an&amp;f cSmaunbedpou tbe fame tptecpe SSSStIdS uBen sab) faring :tl)e)Lo?oe pour &lt;ob ^IxaUmi BatBgeuenrou ti)i&amp; lanbe to eniope Me tbat come vopu iliac regoBameaebbefo?eroureb?etb?eji &amp;&amp;&amp;*** tarn of gftuel/all t are men of toarre amSge ol mm jou.youre toiue0 onlp poure cbtlb?e 9 rour e catelKfo? &lt;$ tootetbat re bane mod) catcll) (Ball abpoem pour citieff toBicB9! Bane geue jou/fantpl ? HLo?be Baue geue re8 fanto pour b?etb?ena0toell a0fantopou/9fantpll tbeg alfoBauecoquered lanbe toBicb fBeHp?be roure &lt;!5od batl) gcuen tbem Beponoe g|o?= ban: and tben returne agapne euerp man bntoB&lt;0 potfeOion tobt'cB IBaue geuen pott;

and 1, teamed Wua $ fametpnte fapig: 9 tBpe epe0 bauefene all tbat tbe}io?be poure d5ob Ban) done bnte tbefe ttoo Bpnge0/ eueit fo tBe )Lo?be topU bo bnto all fipnftbomess toBnBertBougpea.fearetBenotfo?^be i.fa. route

apieteptes featftamomfttm

? oure obbe it is tbat fpgbtetb fo?? ou . 3nbbefougbte the &amp;o?be tbe fame We fa?inge: Jlc?&amp;e ob tbou baft begonnfe toftetoetbrferuauntetb? grea metre a tbr nu'gbtie banoe/fo; tbere imp ob in beaue* no? w ertb tbat can do after tbr too?6es 9 af* tet t^v po^er. let me go ouctanb fe tbegoob lanbe tbatis bcronbe g]o?ban/tbat grants toe centre anb mbanSJBut tbe 5Lo?be toas angrf e toitb me fo; tour e rafees u tooloe not bcareme/butfarebbntome/becontent/anb f peafie b encef o?tft no m oar e bnto me of tljtss Utnrt.);i*ictnatter.*&lt;!5ettbebnmto tbe toppeof le^ac 3d tntwiqM aah a Wfce bp trjfne er es toft / no?tb / foutb anb eafte/anbbebolbe ft toftb tbrne ereS fo? tbou (baltnot go otter tbt'S upturn. JJBo?e ouer tbarge!|oftiaano courage bim a boioe bl m . I o? b IWH Bo biier before W people/ a be (ballbeurbe tbe lanbe tobicb tbou (bait febntotbem. nbfotoeabobeintbebalere befrbeiBetbPbeo?. CiSn w^ojiatjon togeuc&amp;sltBcntbKt"! tonfotfie latot/stftattbcpftutecnot mum* otmtmy ibvnfl^crto.3maBC0mapnotbrWi)?^ppprtiio?pct tnaoe. tb of j nftuc- a C^be,im.ijapter. caratf $bnctobetBM3:fraelbnto tbe oj* 2 flralbtnaunces a tetois tobicb? teacbe a^Wttou/fo?toborbn/tbat re nta?e HJisUSirue a go anb conquere tbe iante _ .. .. tobicb tbe %oM ob of route fatbers gc^ SSSUS teo?be tohicb 9 commaunbe rou netber 60

tbtercow/to ougbttbetfrom/tbatrema?et;epetbecoms arubgM thrncB maunometes of tbe jLo?be?ouve obtobtcb SSKofSt 3? commaunbe?ou. ?oute e?csbaue fene S fiS toljat tbe ;Ho?be m bnto #aai |&amp;eo? : f 0; aK Mm tyutw tbententbatfolotoeb J5aal1eo?/tbe'ilo?oc tii/as(njDcH^ ouie obBatb betttoreb frSamonge?ou, m. i&amp;?o"33 U tctbatclaucbnton)e)Lo?Deyotite 00 rp are airue euerp one of ?ou tbis bare.fficbol* be/9 bauetaugbtrouo?binaunces latoes focbe aS tbe ?lo?be m? ob commaunbeb me &amp;M,ww tbat^elbulijeboeugCointbelaittie tobetber regotopoffeffeic. ^ m . Sepetbemtberfo?eanbbotbem*fo?tbat 10 voure toifbome anb b noer ftanb? n g e tntfte f!g&amp;teoftbenacrons:tobtcbtobentbe?baue betbeall tbere ojbrnaunees/ (ball fare: tobat a torfe anb bnbetftonornge people 10 tbrs grcatenacron. tfo? tobatnacronis fo # greate tbatbarb obbes f nr e bnto brrmas tbe Ho?be oure ob is nre bnto bS/fn all mmgeS/toben toe call bntobm7e/ tobat natron is fo greate tbat batb o?btnaunces anblatoes fo rrgbteoufe/ au all tb$$ iabje tobfcb gifettbefo?e?outbt'sibape.

ba^ejs of tbplFfe-.butteacb tbem tb? fotmesiceacbe anbtt)^fonne0fonnes!.cbebaretbataftolJeo^l; befo;e tbe It o?be joure ffiob m ^o?eb/iben be rapbe bnto me/getbet me tbe people tcge* tber/tbat | ma? mafte eftf beare my tooiw tbat tbe? mape Icrne to feare me a.s longe aP tbe? ttue bpo flj e ertb anb tbat tbep ma?e teactje tbefr cb?lb?em?e came anbftooe alfo bnber tbe bPU/anbtbc bpllburnt toitbKre: .-j.. euenbnto tbe m?bbeg of beauen / anb tbere aSiSSL toajSbarcaneas/clotoDeiS anb m?ft. 3 r no tbe to mm %oM fpafie bnto pou out of tbe ff^e anb ?e ouajunm, berbe+tbe bo?ce of tbetooabe^tbutfatoeno mage/faueberbeabo?ceonlr. "*"" ainbbebeclarebbntovoubisicoiKnaunt/ ttflftb be commaunbeb ?ou to bo/euen.r ,ber-fe0 $ to; te u)e in ttoo tables; of a one Jnb $ 5lo?be cSmaunbcD meg fame ceaf 5 to teacbe * ?ouo2b?naunce!S ^latoeg/fo? tobotbemm tbe lahbetobetber je go to poffeffe it .

03-cafie bebebnto route feluefsopligenfl? ass perta?n?nge bnto route foulep / fo? re fa toe no maner of rmage tbe bar e toben tbe ^ojbe fpafie bntorouinJ^o/eb out of $ffre left remarreroure Celues * mane rou graug rmageg after tobat foetter itfteneffe it be: tobet^er after tbe Itftene* of mano? tooma o?anr manerbeafttbatision tbe ertb 0? of an? maner featbereb foule tbat flreu) in' mt 1 0? of an? maner too?me tbat crepei on tbe ertb 0? of an? maner frOD tbat is in toatetbcnetb ettft : ye and leaettjou l?fte bptbrne e?eji bntobeum/ft toben tbou fe?ft tbefomteanb tbe moneanbtbe ttarrejs and tobat f oeuet t ss contarneb in beauf / muloeft be befceaueb anb flbulbeft botoe tbr felfe bnto tb em anb feme tbe tljingeg tobicb tbe jLopx tb? obbatb bpftrtbuteb bntoall nac?on$ t^at ate bnber all quarters of beauen. ijf o? tbe TLo?oe tobe rou anb b?ougbte rou 6t m * t out of tbe b ??on f o?nace of gipte/fobe bn&lt; mm i to bim apeopie of enbetftauce/assftfei come Dceonur to paae tytoiiw 4fo?tbermoare/tbe %ojne pwv toajs angrre to me fo? rourefabeg ^fto'are/ffi'Jr tbat &gt;? ftuioe not go oner 5fo?oan anb tbat ta.m^ ? Onilbenotgo bnto H)atgooblanbe/tobfcb3m'W tbe TLoftt tbr &lt;sob gcuetb ? to enberitailce. iff o? % mutt o?e tn tbi'0 Ianbe / 9 (ball not go o'uerlojoan, 3But?e flbaiigo otter anb conauete tbat goob lanbe. / -v^vn ^b-Cahebebebntbrbure felueu tberfo?e/ $ refo?gettnottbeappo?ntmentof tbeU,o;be _ roureoobtobicbbemabetoitbrou/^tbatret.w"^ mabc rou no grauen rmage of tobat foeuer jrafl ft be tbattbe^o?bctl)r ob batb fofiittunS^l the iff m then Mht flit) (fffahfc a ' rnnfi iminap. a r nnhtn

mv a^v,^, r *~ -,...,-*-,- , confuminge calebebetorbrfelfetberfo?eonl?Repe fp?e/anb a geloufe (Bob . '9Sam tb? foulebfl(genttr/tbattboufo?getnotn)e t&amp;m after tbou baft gotten cbpto?en anjo-jg rbingeiitobicbtbrneerejJ bauefene/ s tbat cb?lb?en0cb?lb?enanbbaftbtoeitlongem? iXml tbe? wpartenot outof tbrne bavte/ailtije ianbe/?e (balmatre route felueg ana raa fte n usii* grauen


iSBflo^inagrauenrntagesaftercbeiifineffcoftobatfo In nn vfreuer itbe/anb iballtoojbetoeftebneae tntbe &gt;"?Sf annfrsbteof tbejlojuetbr oo/top?ouo&amp;ebmt SX a^ 31 call beauen anb ertb to tecojbe bnto ?ou K6aiiftbttb^ba?e/tbat?e (ball (bo?tel? pertlb fro of a not Ma (ft e janoe tubetber ?e go otter 3!o?ban t o jjof* Kn"Jf0eft:re(balnotp?olSge?ourebarf0tberj'n mm BP"b Ut q^|j(po?tlrbebeftro?eft.3nb tbe jlojdc 0)3)1 tbatet rou amonge nmSm re (balbe lefte fetoet'nnob?eamoge people toben).er tlje jlo?be (bal b??nge ?ou:anb tbere ?e (bal feme gobbesitobicb are tljetoo^Rrs of mans ' tf banbe/toobftonetobftb netber feno?beare *lWtteno;fmell. ^euertbelater re (ball febetbe %om ? &lt;ob etten tbere / anb Ibai frnbe bim rf tbou fefie bftn to all tbrne berte anb toitb all tb? foule . 3!n tbr frvbu* lacron anb toben all tbefe tbmgetf are come bpontbe/euenintbe later bares / tbou (baft rume bnto tbe ftozbe tbr ob / anb (bait betben bntobts borce. &lt;jfo?tbe X,o?be tbr ob is a pitiefttll oo:bc to?ll not f otfafi e^ netber beftro?e ^/no?fo?get apopntemet mabett tb? fatljers tebtcb be ftoare bnto tb?. iff 0; arbe 3 1 p?a?e tbeoftbeDa?egtt)atare |Wft tobwb toere befo?e tbe/fence tbe bare g ob createb man bpon tbe ertb anb from tbe cnefrbe of beauen bnto tbe otber tobetber an?tb(nge batb bene l?be bnto tbrs greate tbinge 0? tobetljer an? focbe tbf gc ban) bene be tbe as ft is/ 1 a nan'5 batb bearbgborce f obfpeabuige out of fire as thou tjait beibe anb ret irueb i etljer tobetljer ob a?eb to go anb tabe bim apeopie from amonge m* erons/tbo?oto temptations anb frgnes anb toonb/es s tbo^oto toarre toitb a mrgbt?e irai.wb.bijanbe ansa * ftretcbeb out armeanb tortb mrgbtre ferrebie frgbtes/aco;brnge bnto all tbat tbe %om ?oure ob b?b bnto ?ott ri (Egtpte befoje ?ourc e?es. tuntotbeittoas fljetoeb/i tboumrg&amp;reft finotoe/boto tbat tbe %om be 'S ffiobanb t

M*. tbere is none but be . * flDut of beauen be fmabetbebearebiSbo?cetonourtet tbe/ana bpon ertbbefbetoeb tbe bis greate f?;e/ anb tboubearbeftbiStoo?tiesoutof ? f??e.anb becaufe be loueb tbr fatbers / tberfo?e be ebofe tbetr feeb after tbem anb b?ougbte tbe out toitb bis p?efence anb toftb bis mwxbtre aj-j. potoer of * cgipte:totb?uft outnact'SSgrea ter mrgbtier (Hen tbou befo;e f / to tymge tbein a togettc g tbeir lanbe to enberffaflce: as it is come to pafle tbis bare . nanberftanbe tber fo?e tbis ba?e anb tutne ft to tb?ne nette/tbat t^t %om be is ob in beauen aboueanb bpon tbe ertb benetb tbere IS no moo-.fiepe tberfo;ebt'S o?b?naunces/9 biScSmaunbmentestobfcb 3c5maunbetbe tbis bare /tbat ft marego toeii toitb tbe 9 to tbr f&amp;rib/en after tbe 9 tbat tboumarftwo*


longe tb? bares bpon ertb toijub tbe)Lo?be tb? od geuetb tt)e tbrlrfelonge. *ben Chores feuereo.ttUities on ? otbetVK f?be5o?bantotoarDetbefonnc rpf?tige/ i&amp;uuaMi (bulbfiee tbitbettobicb bab iiriieo iw nevgb &lt;&amp;m, w i u. boure bntoares anb bateb b?m notin t?me"&gt;cnt.&gt;!ijr.8&lt;. patt a n)etfo?e ftulbe flee bnto one of rame cities 9 1?ue ; 35e?er in tl)t toilberneffe cue in tbe plarw contre amonge tbe aRubenites : 9 IRamon) in alaab amonge tbe abbites? ^&gt;oian in5Bafan amonge tbe SBanaffftes. rbiS IS n)e latoe tobicb #ofes fet before tb e cbrlb?en of gjfrael / anb tbefe are tbe tott* netres/0?bmaaces. ftattttes tobicb fl^ofes tolDetbe cbrlb?en of Jtrael after tber came out of opgipte/ontbe otberfrbe ?o?ban in bale? befrbe etb Pbeo? in tlje lanbe of &amp;c bon binge of tbe amoves tobicb btoelt at ^efbon/tobo flKofeS a tlje cb?lb?e of r |ftaei ,. _ *fmoteafter tber toere come out of cgipte/ J3 " mf * wf,s ' 9ccnquereb bis lanbe anb tbe lanbe of g binge of 28aran.ii. brnges of tbe 3Cmo?ftcs on tbe otber frbe 3o?ban totoarbe tbe fonne rrfrngesfrom aroer bpon tbe bancbe of tlje t?tut atnon/bnto flRountS&gt;?on tobfebts callebl^ermoanbautbe felbesontbe otber f?be To?ban eafttoatbe : etten bnto tl)e fee in tbe felbebnbertbefpjingesof Pbafgalj.

CMbt.t.tommsmKtnmUBiittijtimt.fioJmw tnajebt mafic. be.b.Cbapter. J5b Azores callcb bnto alig;frael 9 fa?ebbnto tbem : ^earegfracltbe* o?brnaunces anb latoes tobicb 9! fpefte in tbine eates tftis bave/anD leme tbem anb tabebebe tbat re bo tbe. bc ... , jLo?beoured5obmabeanappo?ntmet toft^ww-* bstn^o? toitb oure fatbers/but toitb bS:toe are tber/ tobicb are all bere a i?ue tbis bare. cue. '/Lo?betalfieb tottb rou "face to face in ftei**ftt ! mount out of tbe f??e . %m gj flobe tttim&amp;S&amp;B&amp;SL tbe fl,o?beanb?outbefametrme/ to etocK't id t o rou tbe faringe of tb e 1lo;he . &lt;{fo? ?e toere cm^o a afra?eb of tt)e f??eanbtberfo?e toentnotbp'xansffft^oo? in totbemount anb be fareb.3 am H)t%omTJfJ!S tbr ob tobicb b?ougbt f out of tbe lanbe ol"cmnt,but gipte f b out e of bonoage m b ou (bait baue tbat u uno no h tberf tote none on)er gobfies in mr p;efence. (dr rbou(baItma6etbenograiien3!mage of anrmaner Irbenefle t is in bcaue" about' 0? in ertb benetbe/o? in toater benetbe tbe ,&lt;,- ertb . :bou (baltnetber botoetb?felfebnto*" IHSP? tbf no?fmtetbem/fo? gi tt)e jlb;betb?ob/ amageloufeob/btfftingetbeto?cfiebneffe of tbe fatbers bpon n)e cb?lb?en/euenintlje tb?#e anb fourtb generacton/amonge tbe'm tbat bate in c: anb ftetoe merc?e bpon tb 01 1 fanbes amonge tbem tbatlouemeanbfieptf mrcommaunomentes, cbou

^^ Cbouroaltnc*tafeetbcnameofi)to?de rf^peopIctDW^*e?WitefpoBmbmd btm gfltieBe/tbat tafiett}bi0nametn bapne. rapcu.* fl&gt;b flMtbtp bad fbcbe anb ecte to9 *"-,,.

m mw&gt;. v ft&amp;c the fiibotb a% flat t|ou fanctfc tbemto feate m Wlw mw cortt tnMUfcMwu. ff e rc/ap tbejU?detbpoabatt) commatin* bemgte0 altoarc/^&gt;a ittti|gt)t c go toel tottft * m t&amp;eWn* &gt;w P Wat fc 60 " 1 * t M #"" * wftft tbefc ebpid?i f0 * euCT - *2 .?* au*tboubatttooo/buttbefeultbdapci0$ &gt;abotb oftbejlo?de tbpod:tbou Ojaltdo no manettoa?** / net^eve^ou no? tftj? fotuie ito; tbp daugbtet no; tbpfetuaunte no? tbp mapdeno? tbpne o*e no? tbpne affeno?anp of tbp catellno? tbe Oratinget tbat tg tottbm tbp cptpe/tbat ftp rent aunte and tbpmapde maperetta0toella0tbou. 8nbtememb?e tbat rtjou toad a fmiaunte tn tbe lande of tfgppteabototbattbe io?w!5o!&gt;/b?ousbt WmW* mt me toftb* amf8bt?ebantic M ** w ^ Otetcbed outatme. ffo?tobu* cauretbe 3Lo?de tbp cd commaunbcb t^cto fiepetbe S&amp;abbotbdape. CMurfcA * $onPute tbp fatbet anb tbp mptbce/a0 iS5 Btije.pu.a. tbe)U&gt;?debP ob baft commaunded tijdttja t S**&amp;ft tbpu wa?ft p?olonge tt)p dape0 / and tbat it amtm % m goto en toftb tbeontbebmbc /ttbfcb tbe;ko?betbpobgeuetbtbe. *cbouOjaltnotaee. Cbou u)altnotb?eaBetocWoc8e. CbouOjaltnotaeaie. cbou Ojaltnot beate falfe tot tnetfe agenatbpnepgbboute. . . ; * C&amp;ou flww not luac aftee tt)p nepgB* fcowr &amp;topfe:tbou Ojaltnot couetthp nepgb coins boufe/feme / f eruaunte / tnapoe/oyc/ affeno? ougbttbatfctbpnepgbbpuiw*. Berc too?be0 ft eHo?be f pane bnto al poute multitude in$ mount out of ft e fp;e/clouoe


i. U.C

fapebntoftem; gett pou into route tenteg agapne / but aanbe ftou bete befo?e me ana 91 toffl tell toe all tbe commauubm entefS/o^ bmauneeg alatoe0 tobfeb tbou (bait teacbe tbemAtbat tbepmape ootbem to tbe lande toBtcblgeue tbemto ppffeae. ^ teflfe ocaBe6eoetberto?etBatpe&amp;o as i^ojbegg poureodbaft eommaimbeopou/a* tutne"i notaCpdesetbettotbe tpgbte banoeojtotbe"* m jefte;buttoamemaUftetoapes5tobtftfte o?be poute ob baft cemmaun&amp;ea pou i tbat pemapelpue anb tbat it mapego toell toftbpou and tbatpemape p?olongepoute Dape0mftelandtobtcbcpeO)ailpoaeffc. iriefevoemiittlienc0tf sfvntcbtttfttfrtynr* tc0n6tofctpeitnmtmo;|c t&amp;ep tmifttojftc it on , tDcoo?(0 anopooftMoet^eU! tjouto/ano teae&amp;c It tonto tbetc c^ibt t tic- , v 9;CBaptej;. mere ate tbe commaundementf((/3|i o?wnaunceganDlatoei3 totitcb tbe ' 'MM pouie on commaund ed to Bs^-sMJteacbWu/tbattfmrabt dotbem tntbeiandetobetbet pegotopoffeffeft:tbat attota tboumHjbteft 8 feawtbe^02detbi?&lt;!5od/td te t l) i,o l ftepeaubfe o?d(naunces{ andbiJ* c0maunb^ftnr mentestobttbe 9! cSmaundetbc /botft tbou . tb fotme andtbpfonnesJ fonneaUdase0 rj'" of tb? ftfe/tbat tb tam mm bep^oisged. Wim murotuoe in? mount out u igt wkiwhhk ideate tbetfo?e matl 9 tafie bede tbat tbou cmwnr anddarcfinece/tottbalotidebojteawiaijded do tbetaftet/tbatftmare B otoen teftbtb e/ IW nomoaten)mo/an5to? am tbat ?emapetncreafe nUBbtelpeueasx of uoncandbelwetedtbembntomc . tbe )lo?de od of tbjfatbewbatb womtred ^ 55uta0fonea0se betoe tbe boj?ceoutof tbe/alanDetbatflotoetbtoMnujicfi i ?bonf.

'"'tBedatclinefleandratDe tbebtflbutnetoftb odp^eatei!ftacl/)io?detbpodft(jLo?i)e ft?e/i?ecanieintomeaHtbebeedejJ of route onlpand tboufbaltloue t&amp;ejLoz&amp;e tb od tttbe0andi&gt;ouweldewi:i?era5debeboUje/ toitbairtbsnebatte^ifl)altbPfoti!eandtt 5Lo2deoute&lt;5odbaft (bctoedbsJ b*** glojse aUtbpmpgbt.3(lndtberetoo?de0tobtcbg ! c9 A&gt;v ibfjBteatneffe/a*toebauebetdebf0bopce maundetbetbWdare/qjalbetnftinebette m ^ outof tbe fp?e and toebaucftmetbftJ dapeg tboufl)alttobetttbemontb? #mmwttw &lt;E5odmawtaIfietoubamanandbe?eBte. flK talfee of tbem toben tbou attatbome^M ami note tobetfo?e Ojutte toe bpetbattf)t'3 mtbrneboulTc anda^tbou toalftea bp t be W" ateatefp?e(bttUieconunnebiJ:giftoe ulbe toare/tobf tBoulpettdoune$tobf t^mm^ beatetbebopeeoftbeiLo?deouteodanp feabp:9tbou(battbpnDetbffo?agnebp8 raoate Ae amine ope. f o? toljat i anp fle tbpe bSde. Kind tbep Oiatbe papews of wm f ttatbethufoebeawSbopceoftbe Ipupnge b?affcebettoenetbpneepc}S/$aiartto;ttetBI a^iod fpeafipnge out of tbe fp?e autoebaue bpStbepotteisof tbp toufe *bpStbpBate |. ^doneflnrtdepetIpue:aJotbou?beateaH and^ben^jLo^bettjpcsodbatbbjouBbt tbe)Lo2deoure&lt;!5odtapetb / ^tentboubnto tbetntotbeiandtobfebbettoatebntotbpfa a bsafTtbattbe nojdeoute od fapetb onto tbwaib?abam/gtaacand3acob/toBfaef : the/and toe tofflbeareftan&amp;do ft, tottft sreate ffgoodlpcrrteis tobtcbtbout) pl= aindtbe loJdebeatbetbebopceof pouw tedttnot/^boufeiifuHofaHtttanetgoodesJ toojbes toben perpafie bntome/abefapde tobfcbtboufplieaeanot/ andtoEllegbpggeo bntome;HBaweBbe boFceof tbe too?de? tobfebtbou bS2ewilnot/ some? oipue ttecp


t tew tobtcft tbou plan f ebeft not/a tobf tbou baft eate and arte f u!:ben betoace lea tbou f bjjgtt tbe %ttW tobtcb b?otiBbtetbe out e of tbelandeofCBiPfe botiR of bondage.38ut ^fcaretbe juudttb? obandfevuebfm/and

infeeftMitJb'ftoerebpb'g narae/f fttbatfe toaleficnot 'rtt.jt.tBap/afteterauiraeBoDDe^oliffle oddeg of tbe a. mciom totyt ateabotepou.^o?f %om 0Wtt whe * d5 i, IJS a b gcioufe ob among P leaf *ffif to?atb of tbe)Lo?be tbv od toajte tobote bp5 Siptljeandbearovetbeftomtbeertb. . Te all not tempte tbe fto?&amp;e?oute &lt;!5od W af* B0pcbpbat*fiPafa.53ut fe tbat jefiepe tbe eommaunbmentc0 of tbeHo?bepoun cd/ bte toi tneffe g anb b (is o?btnaunce0 toWWe figowt8batb^maunbebtl)e/anb fetboubo tobtrij amt fttt^Bbtanbgoobm tbefngbw oftt)e)Lo?be: twwu tat tbou mapa p?ofpete 9 tbat tdou mapa mDM9, goanbconqueie tljat gooblanbe to&amp;fcbtbe %q#x tome bnto tbp fatbews / and n)at tbe )Lo?bemape caa out al tbine entmiej8befo?e acbrouttbeaubebatbfapeb. iD;en, t&amp; ibentbpfonnearRetbtbeintpmeto come fapinge;ibat meanetb tbe toitneotiS/ 07bHiaunce0 9 Iatoc0 to bpcb tbe %om our e o5 batb cSmaunbebpou i cben tbou ajaft fape bnto tbp Con ne:n&amp;e toete bondmen bnto Pbarao megipte / but tbe&amp;ofte b?ougbt m out of ampte tot tb a migbtte banbe. and tbe'Ao?beu)etocbfpgne0 andtoond?e!8 botbgeeate andeueu bpon cgtpte / p^arao anb bpon all 10 boufbolbe/ before outeepeis a' . b?ougbteb0ftomtbence:tob?pngeWtnand togtuebs({anoetobtcbbeCtoatebntooute fatfiets. anbnjctfojecSniaunbedbSto&amp;o antbeCe o?btnaunces( a fo?tofeate $ jLo?be wfte od/fo?oure toeltbaltoapeix and tbat

betnpgbtraue b0/af{ft W come to pafle tbft etts&gt;atbape. a?o?eouettt albe* rtgbteowness HSSf^*** bef e * B-o/beoutedPodpf toetafie toflKaS#Wetb fiepeall tbefecomraaundmenteg at tor punnid^bebatb commaundedb^ . vmtttt H m(te ft ac() c jf tael cb ma j&gt; itiali c no cone hoh t o; appovnt osiainetMntnt Yni&lt;hitic(!Scntplt0.&lt;C^tvmuaBcftpii^cii; all Meff$H# 3bolks. H)tm tbat bcapc tlic cBmaunbtntcnttoBot^ but Bnto ob lout anb Mctfe/nti B ti}c con tea t j Ijat 1 1 b puntO !*fotomstlttl&gt;.3MlatrtMin!iftbcflapnf, h rautt fia/ ' letfrttt/ CCbe,Wt&lt;Ebapter. ifl)tw ES^Sfcn^o?detbfgodbatbb?ougbt 2" c f ^raa^ tbe in to land tobftbee tbou goeffi ii nK" iP^ topoffeffe ft/abatb caa out mante lESSSL ^^ nacionss befo;e tbettct^wf jow to ^rtgefttciS/tbeaimo?ttei/f Cananftest/tbe w iouci0betefttesJ / tbe iDeuftejsattdtbeiebuftteis. . Mf.nacton0 mo in nomb?e9tnpgbtban . fonandtobenrtjejLo?betbP&lt;!5odbatbretc tbem befo?e tbe tbat tbou Qtuttiea fmpte tlfc fetbattbottbttertpdeatope tbemandmabe no couenaunttoubtbemnot baue compaf*

fpon ontbS.aifo tbouQjaltmabeno wttatto gejJib tbe/netbetgeue tbpbausbtec bnto life fonneno? tabcbi^oaugbtetbnto rt)P fotme. jfo; tbep topll mafte poute fonncg bepatte ft o me anb tetue araunge obbed / anb tben toill tbe to?atb of tbe jLo?be toa^e tobotebpg pott anb beatopepou ajo?teip. * JDuttbujJpc wall beale tot'tb ffflmmim tb?otoetbeit aet0/b?eafte bouttetbettpp* letgcutDounetbeicBtouejf and buvne tbm pmaBe? tottb fp?e. f o? tbou attan boip na. ctptttontotbe )Lo?betbp ob tbe jLo?be tbp oo&amp;atbebof en tbe tobea feuerallpeoplc bnto bfnt felfe of allnactong tbat ate bpon g ~* etn).?ttoa0notbecaufe of tbe muitftttde of Mf ^ m n u m? pouaboue allnacton0/g tbe jL-o?be bad ma wmtmZ bnto pou and cbofepou. &lt;jfo^ petoeve fetoeft avc mt\) of all naa'on0.55ut becaufe tbe TLo&amp;t loued tmitti &gt; l &gt; m tfJ pou a becaurebetoolbeftepetbe otljetobtcb wl " * bebab ftoo?ne bnto poute fatbers/tf!etfo?e

be bjousbtpou out of^stpte totib a th jgbnc banbeanbbeituered pou out of ttje boufe of bondage: etten ftom ft)e bande of#batao/ apngeofcgppte. aanbetaanbe rberfo?e/tbattbe ^o?be tbp &lt;5odbei0oda atrueod/tobtcbRcpen&gt; popntmentandmercpbntotbftbatiottebtw and fiepe b 10 commauntmtente0 / turn u)o* totoeoutatboufanbe genetacpons anb te* toatdetb tbe tbat batebim* before bt0face ftmfoK6tofoi fo tbat be tymgrtb tbem to nougbte/anb to tmVvtam notbefette g tpme bnto bfmtbatbatttbbnncc^ipiriicto' buttopUtetoatbebtmbefo?eb&lt;0face. 3tepe bt( b " tb.etfo?e tt)e commaunbmente0 / o?dmatm= ce0 and latoe0 tobtcb 31 commaunbe pou tbt'0 dape/tbatpedptbem. 3!f pe ajall betben bnto tbefe latoe0 a Otal obfetueanddon)em/tben fyatltbe xom'tyv odbepepopntmenttottbtbeandtbemcicp to^tt^ be ttoate bnto tbp f atber0 a "topll ioue tbe/bleffe tbe anb multtpWetbe:be totu bieffe tbefwtte of tbp toobe #tbe ftute of tljp felbc m co?ne/tbP topne a tbpne ople/tbe f 1 ute tbpneorenaflocbe0oftbp 0;epe in flanbe tobt'eb befteatebnto tbp fatbet0 to geue tbe. .. Cbou fljait be bleffed aboue al nacio0/tbete &lt;L (balbe mtbet man no? tooman bnftutefttli amongepou/no?anptbingbnfmtefulam5 gepouve catell , fl^o?eouet tbe %oM topll &lt;hpod. nwt* * tutnc ftom the all manee tnntmptpe0 anb totll put none of $ euell dpfeafe0 * of cgipte ftfc.* ( io^klif tbou nnotoeft ) bpon tbe / but topll fendetbentbpontbemtbatbate tbe. ; rbouOia!tb?tngetonougbtallnact'on0 W)i&lt;fy tbejlo?de tbp oddelpueretbf /tbpne e pe. mail bane np pttie bppn tbe netbet ffjalt tbpufentetbetcobbe0/ro?n)at tbalbe tbP decape. 3!f tbou malt fape tn tbpne beet tbefenaef60 ate moo tbanj/boto can? caft &amp;mftmt tbe not/but wweT?e tobat tbe

aa ititrns fetttterotu&gt;mftnn, .. , .,mmvm anwWfto out atme tobete a buoroe otpue trees toit opie "Jtfgygi SbS&amp;D^&lt;Boi.l]7ous^etfteout:eue alanoetobertn tbou QU Wfi *$*$***

etc hs of tobtci $ on act aftap eo. miMtaiiu^ $ctto/tbefto?betbp&lt;&amp;obtotntendbo^ row$*fc anbbP&amp;etbtm fe|ue0 fromtbe/beoeftropeD. - g)Ctaoaaw^notfo?c)lo?Dt^oQ IS antongpou amigbtpe oo anb a terrible. &lt;Kbe i&lt;o?b tbp &lt;Bon totllput out tftefe nactBS m befb?e tbealptle ano a iptle/tbou tnapft not: 30 confame tbem at once left tbe beatte0 of ftc feloe encteafebpbn tbe . 3no ty%ofiX tbp ob (ball bejgutf tbebnto tbe ano ftprrebp arapgbtpe tenipeft amSse tbem/bntplllbep beb?ougbttonwgbt. fnbbel&amp;allbelpuec tbeit fiinge0ttttbtbpnebande/ a tbou 0?a!t befttopetneit name0ftombnberbeauen. rbca ftjal no man ftanbe befo?e tbe/bntpn tbou&amp;auebeftropebtbem. cbepmagesof tbeit goooes tbou ibattbitme toitbfp?e/anb *vdii at focnec re that tbou couer ii ot tbe * fp luer o? golde B ooibco? fpiucr^ ttemno;talteftbntqt&amp;e/fcft t6oub&amp; &amp;Sbfr5l"aiifijettirfta. &lt;jro?fcf0anab&amp;ommacpoii SVwSSS e &amp;nto3lo?bclpo&amp;^n8e.notfo;e &lt;bob/ tcwgciij tbe3bbominacpontotbpneboure / left tbou? to tuc ?magc6bca*tianxnebftmgca0it!S:l&gt;utbttrflitf oe^ SSS^^an" abbojreft/fo? iMa tbpnget&amp;at foTSoSwmuftfttDefttopeo. tout (Woe to? . ccficMi'.C&amp;aptet:. ._._.,, LI tfi e commaunDmentejJ tofifeft I Icommaundetbetbp0 bape pcftaB ftepefo? tono tbem / tbatpe mape

nt -&gt;"" amutttpipea so ana pooeQe ianoe tobicbe tbe )lo?oe Ctoate bnto poute .iVi^uw ^uv d4tHlf r* rtfc* aJI mf ^fltltf Wnlfn ft

sic atone ftrcng&amp;c not tjcipcD of &lt;2&gt;ob

lo?oetbp oaleao t&amp;eflM0.fl.?ewm$ toil: berneffe/fo? to bumble t&amp;e and to pjouetbe/ to toete tobat toasin tftpne bote / tobrtbjtf thou tooiDettuepe bts comtnaunbmentest o? * feumudi B &gt;no/eabumMebtbeanb madetbebongtea B&amp;5S Alw*WWWWW tbp bv toojb it fatbetfinetoe of/tomaae t8c6noto| * man Ipfe. inuftnotl^e^b?cabon*utb?al* m* ccbetbout bftbemoutboftbe*o?demtifta 38 malpue. 6 cbPtapmenttoajcebnot olbe bpo n.^cremaja me/netbetbpdtbp fete ftoentbwJ.irt.tete. Aon a tw V ninoetftanwttjetfoie m tbwe $&lt;xtt t&amp;at aSSSSf J^SSmSSmh ronSe/euenfcn W tooojue jue C ommauniweme0oft9e)Uj?bewobae fif^Sl tboutoalftetnb^toa^^gtftoufeawbtm^ t^S?* -ffo^tbe TLo25etbPo8fr?ngetatbe&lt;n to* ?ji%S? i&amp;MM /&amp; *i"A of toatec/of

tbmge/a lahbe tobofeftonesatewon/ ami* t&amp;outtaft eaten tftei:fo?eanblf mmmi turn bieffetbeioto fo^tbegoob Janb ttAfcH hebatbgeuchnje. . - ,... ^utbetoategtbou fo^ettnotf "to^W ftv ffiob/tbattbou tooJbeftnqt bepebwey*' maitnDmmte0/lafee0 anb ojMnaac** tobictt % commauri(etbetbf0b8fe:Fetobtt)o Ball eaten anb ftlleb m felfe anb baft butt goovi?i)oufe0atib btoeittbetin/ a tobentbu beaflcanotbv Ibepeate toaiceb manses w MuetanogolcetiSmttltfpUeb aaltbat tbou baft encreareo/tben bctoam left tbjnebettt wfe a t&amp;oit fo?getttbcLo?bett)? 4Nm bWgbtfoutoftbelanoeof^ptegboufv. : ofbonbage/anbtobiebleabtbe 6|| tottbet* neffe botb gwate anb tetneWe toftb fpajefet* .

ente0 anbfeo2P(50 anb b;outb tobetetwf notoatcr tobtcbb?ougbttbetoatet;outof f wefieof ftynfctobfcbe feab to to!lverne toiti) fli^an tobetof tbp fatbew bnttoe not fo2to c bumbietbeanbtoptouetbe / tbatbe mwibtbotbegoobattb?latetenbe. J9 bfnb betoatetbatt&amp;ott fare not nt tbsne mm Htxwwniowtyt mw&amp;t of m?ne atone g 5anwbaboneme antbefe acte0:utw 5tt5 ^ memb?e tbe Ham tb? &lt;2Job/boto in tt &amp;mm tobJcbsaiwtbepotoeetobomanfeW/foito^i maftegoob p^omeoe tobfebbeftoate bnto Mg tBpfaft)er0/a0ftwcometopaaetbi0i)a|f.^ 4fo;?ftbou(baltfo;gett &amp;o?De#2&lt;Sob hereon anbfbalttoalbeaftevfttmmgegobbe^a rett iioiti uetbemtoo?(beppe tbem/| teftpfpebhto poutb&lt;0 bape/tbatpe (baU flwely petp.0 tfte narfonsJtobfcb tfte)Lo?DeBefttoveB&gt;be -, fo?e tbe / men Co it petplbe / becanfe ft tooioe notbetben bnto tbe bonce of Qe Ho^uoute(pob. ca^evjite fo;WMI lot eutt i^W ttme QrcMtb

fltc&amp;ttOAl otecttcn"tb?nBiHiat totrt eotte flftcc l^clatocvaaBeutn^nto t^cmHtminilnaattljcflBW " acsoflutt. Cbe#.&lt;ffbapt. , oE ate 5 ft aei ;tt o u goeft ou et ^ojba te aape / to go $ cottquete naci'50 a mm JgwateBanbrafajtfertben tbpfelfe Mmi , I^PIanb rtttejsgeeate anb*toaHebbpto * -5 beauen/anbpebpiegteatcanbtaH/etientbe^tattN cb?H?en of tbecenafttm? / tob&lt;cbtbow no* "ut/ w toeft anb of tobomtboubaft ljmiefa?etobo t?i6t &amp; ableto ftanbbefo?e t^e cbflbae of tfnaefc? gl jsutbnbetftanbetbfebape tbat JLojoetb* J a :| ,w oa tob^ goetbooebtl9?e f acSnimpng . fwe/be

out/anb b?pgeft)e^out/ahbb?pngetbem tonougbte Qnitfielpa^ p. UM batb fafeo iimM&lt; (*a&gt;peaRenotmtbtnem/'aftettbatebe ff45SBS* b cafttberoo^tbefo?e|

wttW r Spmge:fc?inrrigbtcoiifne0t^^7batt) li?ougbt me in to poflece rtjp? Janbe* J&amp; W but f oi tbetotcReonefieof tbefenacpon? ttjc Lo?a botb f aft the cut before t .3;t (0 not fe; tbprigbteoufncjs faite a tfgbtbetttbat )ou goeft to peftefie tb j it m&amp;mtpmtty fo; $ totefieoneoe of tberenact00/^ Lo?b tt)p oo txubeaft tbeout befo;eo)e/ftpatfi? toper


pou*begEtolieH)enDOtabie0 mathm^^-n^ ** outofinpttoobaniie0/ ab?a6etbeffi befojc toureepe0*anbafeiibefo?c^/io^e:eiif ,8 " D -^ &lt; i &lt;, - l ' neibet ate bmo no? o?ancfie ttatet Sun m fwtte f|nne0 tobtcb pe bab fpnneb mbovngc Mtge tym.df o? 31 toag aftapeb of tbe to?atti a ftatftieoetobettoitb tbe Lo?btoa0 angtie^ JoU/euenfo?tol&gt;aueDfftropetipou.a5utme : jLo^rberbemppetpcponattbattpme alfo. G%e%dmw berp angtpe toitt) aaron alfo/ecjf n fb? to baue beftropebbiim . ie.ut 31 n&gt;aoe intmc ffton fo; 3Dfltoh alfo fame time _, , . . ._ Enb3!tOBepoutefrwie/t|ietarfetoi)ptbpe fomtetbat ttbpcbtbc-o;betbp&lt;!Pob ftoaw bifoma&amp;eabumtbfmtofpje aftgpeb bima bnto vwfatymi/migbMffim agacob. gronnbf Wnagooa/euf bnto fmal mi ft.anb . nbetSatibtbttfO2etbattt&lt;0notfo?tbp | raft tbebuft tberof in totbeb?obetbatbef &lt;&gt; ^rtgbteoulm^fafie/S t^ejLo?iBetbP&lt;!5obbotb cenbebontoftbemounteJifoat*ibflbfra b|!L, nBn geue tbe tbttgocblanb to poffefff ft/Co; tbon a atflTOafab at tbe fepulcbjc of n ift pe an'ST * acta fttflenecfiebpf cpie.jKemeb?e afojgrt gtrbtbeS-o^ie/peeanbtobentbe jLo;befc nt not bote fl&gt;up;ouofewft f jLo?iie tbP&lt;ob poufromcatifsusamefapmge^obpacff!: quere (be lano to&amp;icbc 5 baue geuen pouy pe

Wfobepeb tbe moutt) of n)e %om poutc do anetbetbeleuebbtmno; betbeneo bntobis bopce.bu0pebauebeneiTob(!viet bnto t ^o?b/feneetbebapetbatg;ftiietopou. ^nb I fell before tbe &amp;o/be .flaapeff aim trine to 0.nigbte0 tobtebeg! tape jete/fo? nje jto/oep^ape* toa0mpnbebtobauebeftroprbpou. }5ut1 mabtuitetceffionbntotbe^o^eafapeD^^^^^'''^^ HAH ob / befttope not w peopre a n)pne tnberitaunce tobptb tbon baft Derpueteb

in tbe toiioe mm :fo? ma tbe bape tbattbou catneft out of $ lanb of Cgipte bntpl pe came bnto tb&lt;0 place / pebau c tibetieb agenft tbe Lo^be. *aifo in o?eb pe angreb tbe % o?De fo tbat tbe /lo?Detoa0to?ott) toitbpou/euen tobaueDeftropcbpou/after^at3tea0gone top bi to tbe mount/to f ett tbe mm of ftonc tbe tables of appopntment tobtcb ^t totlt ma&amp;etoubpou, 3nb5|abobe in tyt bpll. bape0anb.^l.nigbte0anetberate b;eab no; _ ( , b;anfietoater.*ainbtbe jLo^ebelpuewbme

tiuotaWe0of ftoneto?i#toftbtbefpngci;of tftojoto tbP gteatneaeanb tobpeb tbon ba ft

ob/anbtntbemtoa0acco?bpnge to all fyc too;be0ta&gt;bKbtbeiio;De(apebbntopouln mount out of tbeffteftifbe bape toben tbe people to etc gatbeteo togetbee. Sfnbtoben* a.rt.upgbte0toere enueb/tbe)lo?oegaueme tbe ttootable0 of ftone/tbetabiesoftbeteftament/an&amp;fap&amp;e m$A&lt; bnto me.* wpp/anbget tbe bounequpc&amp;elp from bence / f 0/ tbP people tobpeb t b ou baft tuougbteoutof gipte/baweniamD tbem feiue0. bepareturnebattonceoutoftbe toape/tobpebe g 1 commaunbeb tbem / 9 bait e maot tbem a bb of metail. ;Jfurtbermo;e c tbe Lo?oe fpabe bnto me fapfnge : j f e tbp0 people bote tbat it ista QiffenecRen people/ tetme alone tbatgimape beftrope tbem anb put out tbe name of tbem ftombnberbeaue"/ ano 5 totn matte of tbea narf ff botb greater an&amp;motbantbep. %nt% tumeo atoape anb came boune fr5 tbe bpiKanb tbe bp burnt tottbfireiaBaD tto tables of tbe appopntmft tnmp banoe0

ainbtoben? lobeb 9 fatoe tbatpe babfpnneb agenft tbeHo?bepouteol&gt; sbabma&amp;epou . a calfeofmetananbbab turned attonce out cftbetoapetobltbe $ Ho?be|iabf5mannbfb

U;ougbtoutof&lt;fgiptetoitbamigbtiehan&amp;. )Bemeb;etbP feruaunte03b;abH/3raaca Jacob a lob e not bnto tbe ftobumeffe of tbi'0 peple no? bnto tbefrtolcbeoneffraflnnetlcft t lance tobence tbott b/ougbtefttb? fapet ecaufe tbe Ho?tie teas notable tob?pnge tbem in to tbe lanoe tobicb be p?omefe&amp; tbem anb because bebateb tbe / tberfo?ebe carpca tbera out to befttope tbem in Hje toiioerneire* #o;eouet tbepare tbp people anb tbpne m brrptaunee / tobpebe tbott b?cugbteft out toltb tbpmpgbtpepotoer anb toptb tbp Ow* t^eboutarme. C a repetition of Cdlnt of t^e joutntjo of ibe jr caciitED. ff&amp;c rtnupngof t&amp;t taultfi.Slii tp tjc;tnt jon to f cm* \)t rot to t^c ism be.y.cbaptte. $ fame ceafon{|fto?bfaRjetantb v me* betoerbe tto tables of ftone2L b Ktu * . ipnebntotbe fp?ft a comebp bnt6 m ' mm imei'ntotbe mount amaftetbe an of tooob/a?totli to?ptem tables/? too?Desgtoeretttrbefirfltabiestobtcbtl)ou b?afeeft/ tbott ftalt put tbe f f mcte.% m % maoeanatcfieoffctbitoooDftljetoebttoota blr06fftonctfltbmofftrftvatoffbpmtoA ntbuntapne


1 ll

mwitoaynetbe;fl.table0 tompebanbe. 3nb&amp;eto)otetoetaWe0/accp?btogto;&amp; tixtt toilttoge( ejMeW bAftbe t&amp;e&gt;o?be fpabebntoputoemountof tbefrretn bap toben e people geereb togeer anb gaueembntome, anb gibepatteba came bWftomtbe bflaifcmtttbetebjejJintbe atcfie tobtcb libabmaoetano ere eyre* tnapeb/a0e;flo?becommaunbebme. . ' Tndtbe cbEaenofafraeltobet&amp;efttou* nc? ftom tfejotb of c ilMtC Satan to , defera/to&amp;creSBatS opbanotabetebe toag ton e Hotfie fepatatebtbe tribe of juuj to , - beSreeatcficofeappwmmentofe ^jbeanbtottanbebefojetbe)U;!be/anbto Sore brttobtoi anbtobleoe m b?0 name bntot&amp;fcsbap. ibetfo?eejiewte0baue no parte no? enberi taftce tot eir b?e? e . Cbriuwbebefc eieen&amp;erptounce/a0e *jUbe p. obba pjompfeb em,^. . &lt;r ^nb*tWebto$mount,euea0atcfu:ft tpic.ri;oat&gt;e0mrl.m&gt;g&amp;te0 anbtoe^wbe rWo2betoolbenotbeOtope/nDp ;io?o fapbbnto mcfcp * go fitob to e urnep bcfo?eepeopieanblet em go to anb co* tmereelanbtolto&amp; %mm*M**&gt; etftogeuebntotbem. . ' -..* ^a'nbnotogftoeltobawttflattoe^be pbwqup&gt;trtoPf$/buttPfeara tHo^ tb|(0ODaniitotoamemanb^toa^anDto *9tt.u.ti. *iUebtoitolWuee MMflSSS jft9att.w8.6. aUpebetteanbtotallpfoule/ou joruwfd.a. fiew jhg commaununente^ of e 3UV&amp;e s &amp;fe o?btoaunce0 tobtcb % cBmaunbe ffte f&amp;u baWfo?toptoel.eJoIbe/beauen anbe BeaumkBeaun0*0tc]iL.o?ie0tfij(Boi/ ecttolalatcrin3;miipeilo;oe tofcatoftbntot&amp;p faer0 toloue em/ano erfo ? e oft pu toefte ttto after em of ail nac?cn0/as5 it.fe come to mM &amp;a? e. 30 o* &lt;nmwcft erfoje. e fOjeTtojime of

purebarte0/anbbe no longer ttttmecfieb. |f02 ClLOfle J.OUW Ob/:&amp;ei0Ob Of Ob* bVanb JMWepf -/Lowadreate ob/a . &amp;Bt^atewcbUto#regano w80^pertOttno?ta6rtBg&lt;ftt0*iitiioet8^W bntotb'e faefleffe atotbotoeanb tone Otaungtt/togeueftnnfoBeart&amp;tapmme. loueto^etbelrraffcer/fomtoeretoa? CglptC.

tfgfpcct&amp;.iw.couie* ot cotioi obba mace jj a* ft* 'to


;t)bomc. UK. (Mi

e ttarres of beauen tomuMtu&amp;e. can tt&amp;ouacion to tcgaee&amp;ttt/aiil&gt; m&gt; at g$j { jj S35t ?S?aw it m ant tert* aiap g * X rtUfttt oountanD|jsn tbtjtoaihtbp t&amp;e toast 4 t ^gg C&amp;e.rt.Cbapter. . . . -, . * n #fi Ouetbe ;jioflie.t&amp;pob anbHepe*totimmi i0 obferuaunce&amp;bt* o;btnauce0 *. b'siatoc? aW0 commaunlwete0" r " fl M cave tttat totttcB touw tb?lo?enl)aue netBet^tatttoi *notomno? ftnfteuen ttjc nouttoute fe tang lo;De*ouwoi^!0gtcawe'6i0OTg^{jM ftaniie*BistOi;ettbeoowtatme*0Jwiwclw t(lwl j fci a BJ0 acte0tobicft be 6$MW^r%g|g m VA flan0/eutnbnto|BBatao fifngpf gPte ano unto allots lanbe:ano tobatbe W Onto tbe&amp;ofttif tbegt'pci&gt;an0/bMpti&gt;etf |o;ft0 anfi cBarette0 / bote be b?ougbt tbe toatet of thcofecbpontb? a0tbe? cbafftt ?ou /antt bctotUflLo;iscbartib?ougl)ttlmtonougbt

bntotfti0Oa?e:a tobatfte WObntorott(ntbe toUocme(K/bnt?Urccamcbntotbt0Piacc: #jOl -, () j anb toftatbebvBbnto* jgatbanano gbwara m ma tbefonne0 of flDrtabtbc.f onnc oftsubf /bote ' tbecttb openeob^n 1011 * anbttoalotoeO m tottbtbeivboua)oB3e0an&amp;tbmttnte0 /j all tbewfubftance ttattoa0&lt;n tbettpolRffton/ inibcmsooc0of , jftacl. . A ' tm ^ tm ^ . iojuouw ecd bauefene all ^e greater 8eaoe0 oftfte io^e toftitb be MUM tb* . toe alltbe commaoWanente0toBfcB icora* anbgo anocaquece tBeianDembetbet^ego to poffeffe It/9 tbatf e ma?c p?olongetoti based to t&amp;e lanbe tobto) toe jL-o^ue ttoate bntotoufatbet0togeuebnto tbemanDto tbeiereeb/alanbe tbat flotoetb tm m^cfie anobone,'JfoatbelanMttBrt|tbou^goea to poffe0eft/t0 not.a0tbeianpeof gjte tobecetboucameftowt^beretboufotoebeft tb?CEeoano*toatetwaittoitbtb? fete asia* gaWof Bbe0:bttttbela^to|get^ ouetto po((Kft/t0 ajanoe of fflle0anbba^ um leve0 anowjnsetb toafee off tafneof bea*onniM. cawtb foj.C6e et&gt;e0 of AejUlDt^ *eSSii altoai0bpon(t;ftomtbe6egpnpiige oJtfte, e , w mebntotbelatetente of tbe^ete. r qm. fflf.rouajaftbetfientbetfo/ebnfo rovcSina^wmetoe0tobicB?.eomaitnDe?ou ba*e/i teioaetbe Ho?oe?oute o* * feme wmWtban^wberte0anbtofl|oijK ( , t(W(

etttttbtt) 'name/fo?bef0tbfV2afTeanti ftefetWot. S^SSSfe SbeSfS^ 9 ^' 'Vi c SI*. 2"5'*batbboneefe gteates tewebie tbwge# ^v^V^M^^PlLSrSXu^'^



eateanb ftu tbr feie . ut beta are tbat pure i)erte0 oeceaue ?ou not tftat f e tume afcoe anD feme Craunge mt8 a too; pp ' ft?/atb.ftbeb&gt;?atBoftbeTL.92Mtoa^etoBote bpon you 9 fimtt op tbe Beauen tbat t&amp;ete be no tat ne and $ pure lanoe plo not bee f rut e anbtbatppervflj qutefjlp from of tfte goon latfteb^tcbtije&amp;^oegeuetbptt, C putbptDerfo?etbefemtoo2De0topuve berte0 anb tn pure f oule0 / a bvhbe tbe fo? a frantbnto pure banoe0/anb!ett&amp;em be a0 papers of remel)?aunce faettoene pure cp0 ,*utw.B. an** teacb tbem pure cb&lt;R&gt;?en:fo.tbat toon ffiS.a.talfie of tbe toften t&amp;ou Cvtteft in tbtoeboufe V ano toben tbou toalbeft bp tbe toap/a toben tbou iptt boune a toben toou r^feft bp;pe 9 Styytc tbltopontl)eoo?epoQe0 of tbtoeboufe anb fapo tb&gt;gate0/tbatpurebap0 maybe totrtttplpb anb tbe bsp0 of pure cbf Ri?en bpon tbe ettb tobpb t^t jLo^be ftoate bnfo pure fatbers to geue tbem / a0 longe a0 tbe bap0 of beatten latt bpon m txty.m vt P fbaUbepeall toefe comaunbemente0 tobtrij I comaunbpu/fo tbat p bo tbe anbloue $ )Lo?be pure tsob anbtoatoe to albfiJ toap0 9 cleaue bnto bm. &lt;ffben toil! tb e JtW caft outau"tberenacron0apfbaHconquetetbe* tobtcbarebptb greatter ^mt'gbrtertbepure feiue0 *aif placc0 tobere onfole0 of pure fete qjaltreabe/flwibe touted eu? ft8 to#* bemeoe a fro nu&amp;ans 9 ftB miw upb?a^ u&amp;/euf bnto tbe bttemoft fee all pure co* Ite0 be.cbere all no man be able to ftanbe before pu: lLo?be pure ob fftaHcaft tbe f eare a o?eabe of pu bpb all lanbe0 ^tt^w _paU come/a0beBatb fapebntopu, it!..* w B * cftoibe a ret befoaepwtbftJbap /a f ,Wfll,w,t Wefftjtgeanb acurfe:able(ftjnge:?f tbat p betben bnto tbe c5mauneraente0 of )Lo?&amp;e pure ob tobtcb3! cSmaunbe pu tftiss bap anbacutfetpp to?H not Betfien bnto tbe eommaunbmente0 of tbe %om voute opt but tume out of t&amp;etoaptobpcb3! comma* unoe pu tbw* bap to go after fttaunge gpp* te0 tobp^ p bauenot bnotoen.

ibentbc Jto?betbl obbafiJ b?ougbt$ to to tbe lanbe tobetbeetbougoefttopoflecte tt/t&amp;enputi blefltogebpon mount avi?tm anbtbecurfe bponmountcbai/tobyebate ontbeotbetfpe^pan pntbebocbefpe of t&amp;etoap totoatbetbe goymge boune of tbe tonne to ftft lanbe of tbe Cananf(e0 tobpeb btoel totbefelbe0 ouer agenftaigaibefpe toe gr oue of 09o?eb. 4 o? p KMR go ouer to go S poffeffe tbe lanbe tobtcb tbe)Lo;bepure Obgeuetbpu/anb ftaitconquere ft anb btoeii tberto . cafie&amp;ebe tberfoje tbatpbO an tbe commaunbmente0 anb lato eg/ tobpeb 3fettbefo?eputbi0b3ye. *3fMttt'J8imHat8f3fta*l8lw6leoyt8rtbflcff l w


CCfitp mud catctio Wohbc.(TO)C? miitl oitclp to tijac tbjnjj toljscJj 0P tommnsiubct !j. CCbe-lrttcijapter, . i^cfe are tbe o?bpaunce0a latoejs* tobycb p all obferue to do in e lanbe tobtcb fi JLo?oe ob of v fa^-|tber0geuetbto poffeffe ft/ass loge a0 p ipiebpa e er *&gt;e atp MMK **5ce.faij, all plat e0 tobere nations tobtcb P cBqueee feruetbetrobbe0/bpon bremoimtape09 " on b?ebttie0 abnber euerygrene tree.flDuct tb?otoetbefr aUer0anbbjeafie eir ptferjJ aburne et'r groues tottb fire 9 beto botone tbep^agc0 of eir obbe0/anb b?pnge tbe name0 of em to nougbte out of at place, feepbonotfo bnto e7Lo?be pure ob but p an enquere e place tobtcb fcJto/be pureob allbaue cbofen cut of all pure trpe0 to put ^9 name tbere anb ere to btoell, anb*pber ott alt come /anb . pet p au b?pge pure hmmtKKgSSSi Ctce0anbpureofftrpge0/puretic0anb beueofferynges of pure banties / poure bo=

toe0anb fretoillofferpngcsafte fwflbojne of pure own anb of pure ffiepe. anb ere palleatebefo?ee)LO?bepureoi)/aitb p all reio? fe to all $ P lap pure banoeg onybotbpanb putebouolbc0/becaufe ^ jlojb FPb ba bleffeb e. Mr * y t all bo after nopge at toe bo ._. . here &lt;W0 bap /euery man tobat feme bym ,HF ^ gopbtob!0 atone ep0 . fom are not pi; come to red no? bnto t^e enberttattce MyvrX) i be Jlojbc pure ob geue pu , ff tit p5S all go ouer Slogan anb btoell in e lanoe tobtcb tbe'iLo?be pureob geut pu to en bereta be algeue \av, iea fro al pure ene* mie0 rounbe aboute:* p al btoet in fafetie berfo?e toben eHojbe pure obba cbofen a place to mafte b(0 name btoell tbere pber p all b?pnge all tbat % commas unbe pu/pure buttttfacryftces a pure of* fertoge0/puretbte0/aebeueofferinge0 . of purebanbes anbali pure obly bPtoep tobtcb pbotoebntotbe %t&gt;;bt , 3tnbp ft)M reioFfebefo2ee'/Lo?beputeob/botbp pure fonne0 a purebaug&amp;ter0 / pure lets u aim teg anb pure map eg anb e fieuite $ 10 totto pure gate0 * fo? be batb neer . jJatteno?enbewtauncetoipu. tSSSSr cabebebeat tbouofftrnot &amp;1mntr mm9 * offerfnge0 in tobatfoeuet place tbou fep(t: but to e place tobpb e %oM all baue cbofen amonge one of m trrbes/tbere ou alt offer p bumtoScrptges aercou altboallat3!commaunbee.j5ottoitbs ftanbptge ou map? Ml anb eate fi e e in alitbpcppe0/tobatfoeueryfoulcluffc after/ acco;opngtoebiefbjnge of %om t^p obtobftb b^batb geuen e bo t&amp;e b bncleanc



-cpW-btott fte&amp;qw&amp;atebopb tftc r fcnto fliefe0QbW&amp; ffbjftepbuniltootb.fteiK.rcrt* M anbftettbaugbtewstofft f??ebnto tUew oboe*. tfuttohattbeuer'J comauncepoufjwut.u, . ftattaRCbeoe?ebo:anb*putnougbtftetto)Wn nojftBeougbtfterfcom. - " S e "! ' C ff$tMto PWftrtt i mat be put tobeatb . rtS^JW f W-*Hi.Cbaptee. 'tf fttrearpteamonge poua pjo* jpbeteo) a ojeamee of bjearae* 9 fieue&amp;afpgneojatoonb^ftat Kjne o? toontcr to!)^ Ije

$jtttptt8 *.ntuanca6*bncuane anbfte cttanemaptt ftou eate/ ppttajnmac cue" a* fte roo anb fte ijertionis eatenotfte SbtKcboumapft not eatetopftpn ftp gate* fte Sm c t?fteof ftpcojne/offtptosnesofftpop e/ notof tbe Dn#efterftefiettbojne of ftpne oreno? of.tgp f ermacp of fttoe banbefcbut ftou mutt eate Idem m o?c fte moj&amp;e ft? &lt;iscd / to fte place tob'ft fte %w ftp obftaft *ofen : botb ftouft? Conne 9 ftp Daugbtee/ftp teeuaffte ttfteasiongeasftoulpueftbponfteertl). i*wwM e M *f(toben)lo2beftpobbaft enlarged -ftcXflMl ffioDtfptet^outotoctP^^ C onfitmiii eateflelb :ftenftouftalteaterleth/tobatfo ^* { ffl^ffl^^Vffiffi " S euertbpfoulelufteft m fte place tobtebfte *epe||ow*i nmtt .ffl^ODWc^ttpKBSSe bopcesferuebtm f^&amp;2l* R

of ft 8 oren anb of ftp ftepe tobf ft fte JLope it gwftW 1 fro** KZ&amp;SEES*** baft gemn tl)e ass 31 baue commaunbeb fte Worn fttf&amp;gt S^fflSfiSS2S2 (lt MM * ft oumaptt eatetnfotocatone cptpetobat pou out oft JaR^ffiJSSJg Jg foeuerftpioulelutteft.|&amp;euei;ftelatcr/aiJp 0Ut f t e ^^?H^l S u iSLm! " woanbft%bce*eaten/enenfofteu(halt *fefiMMJUMjMm *.**.#. * eate it;ftenncleanefr cleaneinbrtfetftlp maunfieD^eto toalfiem;an^otl)ou u)alt a? that (i)c?(h 0U i a jt fate .#titBeftrottg$ ftou 8 eate piitweUatDapeftomtne. Ift'W^tuW gift^bjotljttfteronneofftpmoftecoi M W?ft mtmafft not eate ft.butmuft potoreif bp6 ftat tfeft in ft? Mow w M fSSSSSt ftomwoiiDf $ m i,amteK.&gt;eftoueateftnotfterfo?e WW^^y t'2^^2 (bttpng/j ma* | fSLgt aotocil%5tbe atopft ftp ftpnwen cretlpfaptogeletbjJBO frfe rue Ctrauge cescb* tobubfte^otfebaftftofen/aftoulbaltof* Wfi^^ff%^t% e ^iHK^^ , ferftplHrtntcfftvngeg/boftBeftanoWouoe notimt9|itoiip?!iei!Bmli ftjJi^ol rtBt bponftealtetoffte;ilo#eftp&lt;sso&amp;/anbfte ^Wffi e J"?ff^.gBSSSB blouce of ftpne offerpngesjftou tftaltpoure ^^^ffittSSffittKJSE cutbpontbealtei: of ftejUtfjeftp&lt;ssoo/an&amp; obtoebanpe iSgSSSSSSSSBB^ aalteate?fie(b.rafiebebeijbeaaltbere ^glf ! tSSSXSSS^SiSf &lt;bW$tobpft3lc3maunbefte $ itraapego (bait ftone^ito?ft ftoiw^ftatftewe /J^ cuer/tobenftowboeftftattoftjcBftgooDi ftStbe^^ootobtcP^ wabtmftefpgWeoffte)Lo?oeftpoD. ofcgtptet$oureofbonoage.3Ptfoal1.ftael WteiLo?beftp&lt;!BooBaftbearo?ei&gt; jftatt 9tatt f^B^ tJWSgSggg fte nac0 before fte; tobeftec ft ou gcett to ^^I'^JKi^JSKiE SSL' conouerc fttmy? tobenftoubaft conquereb fUfftou fftaltbeate fweof one of ft? ett te* ftem/anbbtoeit in ftertlanbcj5:58etoan;eg tobfc&amp;fte )Loeftf obbaftgmenfteto We irtH. thou be not tab en to a (bare after ftf / after btoell to / ftat certenbewigette ftslb;en etumm ftatfte?feeccfttot&gt;eDbefo?ettie/$ftatftcu X*tamgSS2!i^^ afftenotaftevfteiroDHe? fa?mge:boto6?b moueft ? en&amp;abitetof ftefr WWWfW{g; '^L, ftefenacponsfetuefteftffioKieg/^ gfmape Wgoanbfenie ftraunge ; &lt;Boboe0tob|cb ^neSw a&gt;Mit.iwdtborolpseto?fe:*ii5a?/ftou (bait notbofo bauenotfinotBen.cbmfebearrabe ferfteaumj^ bntbfte %owm WfittoW m*n&gt;mi ftwg^WWwa^^ttiw^f^


blM ate Ul iflllcB tbe MHHiaftty Milt/ tccaufe

ainrM m fttoge of a fuert?e tbat foctj abfjommacron iMtcastbf ijsro;ougbtainSg?ou:ftentboulI)altrntete foMkeoftfob^f^gn^of^atcitietoiftfteeogeoffte 'jSobtwfbjerof/anb oettropebit merc?ie(Kanba t flat, caiirtit; fterin/anb ewe fte ben? catellfterof roftb jet(b(i(no%eebgeoffteftDerbeJiuigefterai$rpofle *P ! I 2 tn of Wf to to t m?bW( of fte awate* fterof/ ftt f SjaiiD tanne toftft fi boft fte citteanbalitbe ItSufwti* ft erof eu et? tobfttebnto ft e)Lo?b ftp fcW ^ dfsoft. anbit fljalbeanbeape fo? euer (jftalf notbebpltagavne. ainofetbatftetecleaue nougbt of ft e banmedfttoge to ftpne banoe #fteiio?oe mape tnrne frS b$ fearce ib?aft anb fljetoe fte met eve anb baue compaffpon on fte anb multf pipe ft e / an be baft f too?ne bnto ftpfaftew -.robenftou Baa becbencb bnto ft e bopce of fte %om tbp ou/to bepe ailin'S cSmaunomentess to&amp;ift ^cSmauntie fte ftpjJbapefo ftatftoubo tW'W BW tofte epe0 of fte )Lo?tie ftp od. frcbe.ttitf.cbapter, Cbc mantes of tlje gent jltema? not be folototb. U^hat bcaOes ate citnii t to be eaten * tubal not. % \^? t&amp;^ are tbe ftplb?en of fte %oW pourec5ob/cutnot poure felue? no; mafiepouanpba!bne0betroe S"tbte tbou art an bolppeopie bntofte %ontm

jHpitoftue dpob /anb tbe &gt;lo?oe Ejaib ftofen fte to be m;iw njcy a reuerall people onto bim felfe/of all na KSfill cpongftatarebpontbeerft. SSSttS* yc ftall eate no tranet of abbomtnacpon K0oftbtLo?occbefearefte beaQes ro^cb pe ftalleateof: ttig.a.oren/ftepe anbgoote^/bert / roo anb bugle topl6egoote/bntco?ne/o?lg? anb Camelion. 3nb all beartcjsftatcleaue ftebofteaapete bit to to too clatoess 9 ftetoefte cub/ft l pe ftaneate. ^euerfteleoe/ftefepefi)aHnot eate of fte ftat fterc e cub 9 of fte $ beupbe 9 cleauefte boffe:ftccameu7 fte bare $fte eonpe.ifo? ftep cbetoe cub/butbeupbenot boffetf fterfojearebncleanebnto pou:$alfo ftenpne/fo?ftougbbebeupbefte^oSe/pee b e ftetoeft not cub/anb ft erf 0? e fes bnciean e bnto pous pe (ball not eate of fteflety of fte no? toufte fte beab catfieffw of ft era. uje.; *cbefepe (bail eate of all ftat are to fte to aeerxsta I ftat baue fpnneff anb fcalestjno toBatfoeuer baft not ftoneg $fcaft0/of ftat pe map not eate/fo? $ i bncleanebnto pou. - Dfallcleanebp;be{jpe(baieate/butftefe are ftep of tobift pe mape not eateitbe egle/ f gefbauSe/fte co?metat/ftetrton/? bultur fteapte tytt ftpnbe/fr all tiptoe of rauertf/ fte tttfft/fte npgbtcrotoe/fte bucbou/ft e rpatoubaufte a all bet bpnbe/it'tle oule/fte great oule/fte bacbe/fte bptture/ fte ppe/ !lo?lte/fteberon/fte ?aptobP0 npnDe / fte lapropnge/^ froaloxoe Jnb! al cteptoge fou leg are bncleane bnto pou mape not be eate


ye (ball eateof noftpnge tbat opeft alone: c aeutftoumapft geuett bntofte ttraunger ftat i to ftp cttfe $ be eate bit / 0? map ft i el bttbntoanaii'Sfc!Jfo?tbouartanboippeopie bnto fte )lo?be ftp sob. bou ftaltnot *fefteaapb!nbsitooft(tsin!picfie. . A.%mtm bou Ibalt tpfte all ? eneteafe of ft p ft ft *&gt;"&gt; c tbat ccrnetb out of fte f eioe pete bp pete.atib ftou fljalt eate b ef o?e fte)Lo?lie ftp od in place/robicbbebaftftofmtontaHebtfnanie btoelftere tbe tptbe of ftp to?ne/of ftptopne anbof ftpne ople/an&amp;ftefitftbojne of tbvne oren$ offtpftocbeftat ftou mapft leaine to feate tbe )Lo?be ftp oballtoape. * M ftetoapebetolonge fo? fte/fo gftoii mihtfe artnotableto cariebit/becaufefte plarei'3

tofarre from tbe tebptb fte7Lo?beftpo&amp; bafttbo(entofetbl0nameftere(fo?7Lo^c ft r^ob baft bleftebfteiften mafie itinnio* nep anb tabe tbe monep to ftpne banbe/? go bntotfieplacetobubfteilo^eftpdEiobbatti ftofen / 9 beftoroe i monep on rftat f oeuec tbpfoulelufteft after:of oren ftepe/topne 9 goob bzpnue /anb of robatfoeuer ftp (otile befpreft / 9 eate ftere before ftenio?betf)P &amp;oi anb be merp:bofte ftouanb ftpne bout bolbeanbfte)LeiUteftattsitoftpcptpe.^.e^ ftou fozfabe not fte )Lcuftc/*fo? be baft scutum neftttpattenozenberftauncetotftfte. SjSSL * at f enbe of ftze pere/ftou (bait b?pnge ioait.rm&lt; f o?ft all t^etpfte^ of ft toe encrcafe fte fame pere 9 lape bit bp to r'ftto ftine atone rptpe/ anb fte iLeupte ftallcome becaufe be baft neftee parte no? enbetltaunce toift tbe/anb fte ftraunge i anb fte faft erleCe anb fte toe* botoe tobtcb are topft toftp cptpeanb flmH eate anb fpllftem feluejj-.ftat fte jLo?be ftp ob mapebleffe f toallftetoo?neji of ftine tjanbtobpebftouboeft. C &lt;Ebero;geuencs of ttttte in lis e feutntd pei-e . &lt;ft' ^eJftaeltttBObep obtbe^aeepjoraefeb tljattbcp fliallnot Meepoucetje.fcow anb aftte toljat lnancu toe ought tolenbe. Cbe.tb.&lt;baptee. c fte enbe of feuen pere ftou ftatt maaeafrepere. 3Cnb ftp? 10 fte* maner of ftefrepere/toboCoeuer le* ,-. ,beftougbtto(ftbi0banbebntobp^ nepgbboute/mapenotaCfieagapne $*o\)k\) tjebaft lent/of big nepgbboure 02 of W* up* fter.becaufe ft w caneb fte %ow&amp; fte pere/ pet of a ftraunger ftoumapft call tt home agapne.ut*ftattobiftftoubafttoift ftp b?ofteeftpnebanbe(ballremptt/9tomtp' D5 " ,c '" ? '- a topfe/ftatftere benobegger amongepou. ffo? fte jLo;ne (ballbleftefte lanbe toijitb )Lo?be ftp d&amp;obgeueft f /an enberitaftce to poOeflefcfoftatftouberben bnto fte bopee of JLQjtst ftpdpob/toobfetue^boaltbcfe cdmaunbmf teg tobtcbgi cSmaunbe pou thy ft

oftDut of all eleane fouler pe mape toel eate. bapetpe ?ftettfte %ow ftp ob Oiaii Meae fteae



* I

ww*fcftea0BeBaft p?omprebtBe/ano*tbou ftalt ienoe fcntomanpnacpong/anD ffiait twotoc of noman/ano ftaltrapgne cuetmanp na* cpons/but none all tapgne ouet fte, * iBcnoneofftpb?eft?enamongepou.i0 toajeeopoo?e in anp of ftp c&amp;t topftw ftp lanuettiB^^e)Lo?Det6iJ&lt;iPo65Cue^^e/te iftoubaibennotftMicBeftnQ? ftettoftine ftanoe frS ftp poo?e b?ofteto#ut open ftpne banoe bnto Dim s lenoe^fmfufftctet fo? bp* mbetobfcBBeBaft. ainbbetoatetBatftete 8 .aponfof benotapopnteof*#elialinftinebett/ftat vtiniW tboutoouieafape.cBefeuenft pere/ftepete &amp;%*? o* Genome (0 at banoe/a ftetfo?e it gnaw ft ?ounB t totofieonte?poo?e b?oftctanb geueftBnu iST * nouglftftBeftenct*ebntoftejlo?Deagentt the ano ft be fpnne bnto ft c:55ut geue Dim 9 letitnotgreueftpneberttogeue. jsecaufe ftatfo?ftatftinge/ftejlo?oeftpooftaU blettetbetnallftptoo?fie0 ft in all ftat ftou puttett ftpne&amp;anoe to.ff o? fte lanbe ftal ne* Uerbe toiftoutpoo?e.tbetfo?e3l c5maunoe s $ fopfnge-.ope'ftpne Banoe bnto ftpb?oftee ftat&lt;0neabpanbpDo?efnftplattoe. - gfftpb?oftetan$eb?uefcUBnnrelftoft * o? ahiSebjueaebe (Dan fctue fte f?re pete s ftefeuenftpeteftou Omit letfiimgofre ftS tbeJnBtDbentftouTenueftBpmoutfreftoni fte/ftouftattnotletBtmgoatoapeemptpe; ButftaftgeueBimofftpftepeftofftpcojne tmbofftptopne/anbgeue&amp;fmofftat tober* itftftejlo?beftpobBaftWe&lt;KOfteJno

tememtye ftat ft ou toatt ftf evuaunte in fte ianoeofegpptc/flM&gt;fte;ilo?oeftpobbe* ipueteo fte ft ence : toberf oje % commaunoe fteftpgftpngetobape, ' %wt ano pf befapebntofte/9! toiflneego atoapefto" fte/becftufeBeloueftfteftftpne . ru. .* boufefti0toellat eafetotftftc.'CBftttafic MSRSS fawMfcwfc napfeBfo fare to fteooo?e ftet* ?! nmmtt^m aietDimbej&amp;pfetiiauntefo?euetanb twtcc mm bnto ftpmapoe feruaffteftou (bait oolpfie* -toticmuo j^topfe. ainbletftnotgmieftineepegtotttt S?nX. h r bfttgooutftcmfte/fotoeBaft bene too?ft feSimLaboublebftebfemauntetotbemb^remtce '.^ufiif.ioiieoftbefnaUt&amp;attbouDoett. anymapQtUM autfiefftBbo?ne ftat come of ftpne ojan ifmTit to cftbPOJepetbata?eiriaW/ttou(baltba* 3HP * lott.ebntotbejLo?bett)P0ob.^ou(baltt)o norewpcetopftfte fp?ttbo?neof ftpftepe: butftalteateftembefo?etBe )io?bftpob verebppetcwtbeplacetoBfcBftllo?OcBat&amp; ^*,,,r ftofen.boft ftou ftftmBoufftotteMftete &amp;f antuan.v9 o?blpnbe o? tobatfoeuet euen t&amp;uetebneffe i/to*&amp;s n itbaW/ftouftatt not offctft bnto fte;no?be l^iJ'^S^tftpcffiiob^utJbafteatcfttntbtneatonecitfe ^llmStSi'tnama anofte cftftneftttfffetfflp/a* j n Sitae wo anu fte Bet* . m\v eate not ty

Wouoe ftetof/but poute ft bpon ft gemmae ft mm J **&gt; fffla COf dMnfefttCmltttft ibefeaff of I.2L , S ! 2 B ?9 to^atoBBCCMOUgfjttoBcojMsitWi. ??{? tffecueftemoneftofabpb/anbf oft^paaeouwbmoflje^betbpgyH ob.flo?inftemoneft of aibrb/ft ffi*j f^^tfit 1 oob?ougbt fteoutoftpWof tfgppte bp npgbt , ftbou, ft alt fterf o?e ofiet f ?*tm ' paffeouetbnto tfte:no;be p^oD/ano ftepe Wfc ' &amp; oyen tttfteplacetob&lt;tb e *** ftalcbofe tomafiebpgnameBtoeHtbeee. ibouftalt eateno leuenoeb b;eao ftettDftb-.butftalt eate ftettoitb tbe b;eab of trtbulacpon.bif, bape? ionge. (j?o? ftou caraeft out of g lanbe

ofgrpttnbaae/ftattboumap(twmeb?e5 nape tobf tbou canted out of SlSbe of gtpte auoapesjoftbplife. anbfeftatftete be no leulbeb b?eabfenetnalftp eofteg M.WW* Ionge /anbtbattbetetentapnenotbpnge of tbetteftetobpcbtboubatt oflttebfc ^(tbape at euen/bntpn fte mo;npnge. boumapttnot offer paflfeotier in anp of}? ftp a m tobic b ft OLo?6 ftp od geueft fte . 3But*in fte place tobftb ftc )lo?be ftp (S5ob *w*m ftaUftofetomabebijJnaraebtoelKn/ MfMHk i ft ou (bait offet ^aoeouee at euen abottte f gopngoouneofftefonne/euentnfteceafon 1 ftou canteft out of cgipteJnb ftou ft nit refte aeateftfo fteplace tobpcbfte %oW" tbp (3ob baft ftofen/frbeparte on ? tno;otoe ^gett fte bnto ftptente. $&gt;ttebape*ftou ft alt eatenbeteb?eab /anbftefeuenft bape &lt;0fo;ftepeopletocometogefteetot)lo;bs ftptiESob/ftatftoumapftbonoiDOjBe. cbeni;ebenfte.b.toe8tjS brfnnetoteW 'fte.brt.toe0b3Benftefpc*enbeglweftMi fte cojne / anb bepeft e feaft of tocbeg bnto fte Tlo^oe ftp ob/ftat ftou geue a ftetotl^ cffecpngeofftpnebanbebntofte )Lo?Deftp 000 accoj&amp;pngeasfte low ftp ou baft bleotbfte. 3nbtrtoprebeft)?efte)lo?be ftp obboftftou/ftpfonne/ftpbaugbtet/ftp jetuaunteanbftpmapbe/9fte)leu(teitjJ iBrftmftpgateu/anbftefttaunger/ftefa* mm ftetleaesftel^objeiaiearaongepou/ni "^' t|eplacelbfftlito?beftp85obbaft ftofen^S tomabebftnamebtoelfftete. anbtemcu?e t u\mt\ ftatftoutoattafmiauntetncgrpte^ftounawrt* oMeweaitbbofteiito?bfti8uncei8. ; Jffi| cbou ftaKobfeme^ftatt of tabemaclejs Jr ( """l bft.bapejslonge /aftet * ftou Baft gefteteir a in tiipco?ne anDftptome Jnb tbou ftattre^ iopreinftatftpfEaft/boft ftou ?ftp fonne ftr caugJtet/ftprmtaCte/ftp mapoe/ f le. ufte/^iwiSget/ftefeftetfece uftetoebotoe ftatarefttftpeftie0.jeufoapejiftottftalt sepeBoipbafeWto fnlonictBp ou/mtbe place


place toBift 'JLo;ae ftaitc&amp;ofcfb? tfLMt ftpobftail bieirefteinaiiftpftuteg ano inaIlfteto;Rf of ftpnebanDesJ/fterfo?e ftalt ftou be glab.b;e tpm 1 in pete ftal all joure males* appeaee before ^ }^be ftp on in ft e place tobtft Be ftal 1 ftofe:3in fte Bfeaft of ftoete b;eab/iu ft e feaft of toefies 9 LAMM. inftefeaa*of tabecnacle0.3Bnbftep ftall notappeatebefo;eg)io?oeemptfe:buteue* tpman toift fte grfte of bijSbanoe/accojbing to fte bleflpnge of fte )lo?Deftp ob to^icrj Bebaftgeuenfte. lubge? anu offpcetg ftou ft aft mafie fte fnallftpgateg tobiftfte)lo?iie ftp &lt;Cobge= uetB v fto?ovo outftpttpbeg'.aletfte fufige i people tigbteouOp,t?eft notfteiatoe no? finotoeanppetfonenefteetafteanpretoattjei Bfgpftejs blpnue topfe a pmiette ft too?t^ of fterpgbteoiw, 35utin allftpnge folotoe ngbteoufneae/ $ ftoumapftlptiea eniope lanbeiDbift fte )Lo?be ftp od geuc ft fte . Cbouftalt plante no gtoue of tobatfo* euec tteffs it be /npe bnto tbe altate of fte %om ftp 00 tebpcb ft ou ft alt raaBe fte. CBou ftalt fettftebpnopplet / tobpcbefte



9 plage in matetjS of tttife toitbin ftp cit r'ejs, ubenatpfe a get fte bp bnto ? place toljiclj fte Jlotfie ftp tipobBaft cbofen/ ano go bnto ftep?eattej$ tbe jieufteg/ a bnto fte iuoge p. ftalbeinftofe oapets/a at Be / ano ftcp ftati IBetoefteBototoiuOge .aiiofeftat ftou 00 accojbpngetoftat tobpftftep of ftat place (to&amp;ift ft'/Lo?oeDao cbofen )ftetoefte/fe^ ftou obfetue to 00 acco?oing to all ftat ft ep enf o?me fte.3:cco?opnge to tbe latoe tobpcl) ftep teacbe fte 9 maner of iuogeme t tojftpft ftep mi fte/fe ftat ftoubo a ott*botoe * J. not from ftat to&amp;pcb tbep ft etoe ft e / neftee JU

tofterpgbtbanoeno^toftelefte, &amp; ainbftatmS p. toill oop^ftimptuouflp/ foftatbebjillnotbetfte bnto fte pzeaft ftat ftanbeft thereto niimurebnto fte)lo?Dftp &lt;Boo o? bnto fte uiogc/ftaliope ; ano to ftou ftalt pittatoape etieliaomq TraeUnb all people ftall Beate ano ftall f cave / a ftall 00 no moate p;efumptuouflp. lbentbouacome bnto lanoetobpcfj fte lUvoe ftp oo geueft tfte ano em'opeft it aotoeHedftenmlfftouftaltfape/gritaipll fetafipngeouetmerlpfiebntoallftenactojJwjjiim'K ftat ate aboute me: ft fan ftou ft alt mafic

3Lo#eftpoObatetB. _.,...., . Cl&gt;epa?nt ano pun^Qicmmt fo; jboUttit. tstte Dimfipnge ouetfte/ bjbS'fte )Lo ?OeftP 00 mtttuttknuimmua be wfttteo who tmmte m Aoff .SDneof ftp b?eft?en itntft ftou fuoufeM9ft5ftanoet8fiI)tlatoe.j:^3naitFonQf afipnac, Cfje,.tb,&lt;baptet. ou ftalt offetbnto fte ftp (Bob no ojce no? ftepe topee ein 10


i* "- * 1

mafie Bpngeouet fte /ano mapft not feet a tttaunger ouet? W0 i0 not of ftp b?eft?e jguttnanptopfeiettbPJnnot boioctomanp im Bo?ae0/|beb?pngenot ftepeople agapjie . w- ..u *v v, ~,. v - -", - to cEgpptefto?oto fte multptuoe of Bo;Oe*/ [anpoef o?mpte/ tohat foeuee euell * fo? a0 mocbe a0 ft 'JLo?0 baft taw bnto pou t /faueieoneffeitbe:fo?ftati0anab&gt; pe ftal bencefo?ft go no moate agapne ftat Bompnacpon bntofte iLo?oeftpoo. toape Jlfobe ftall not baue to manptoitteg iftbetebefounoeamonge pouin anpof leftbBetttutneatoape/neftecftallljege*

!Beeptpe0toBiftft^o^eftp&lt;SiJoogeueftft ftetBimfpluetanogoulOetomocb. inatto?toomanftatBaftto?ougBttopcfieo anOtoBenbewfcttbpcnftefeate otm - tmm fPgbte of fte jLo?bftp ob/^ ftep fipngeoome/ be ftall to?stel)pm out ftps f t* BauegonebeponoeBi0&gt;PPopntm?t/foftat ^^^S^&amp;mimmm^m ; iftepbauegone afetueotttafigc goOBe0anb p?eaae0ftejLeuite0.anottftalbetojft bt m too?ftippeoftem/to5eftet(tbefteronne o? ano fie ftall teaoeftetin all Oape* of i ns ipfe Btbiie SattpftftgecStapnebMiBeauetoBftB ftatbemape letneto feate^ %*MW ff *w?tabe/anuft Wottte fteanbftou Baft fo? tofiepe all ft mm fg&amp;m* *fte e feitieoffttftenftouftaltenquetebrligfHp. o?oinaunce0/fo?tooofte:ftatBr0bectaii?i e anoifitbetmeanofteftpngeof a fuettpe notabouebi0b?eft?enanOftatBetumenoC ffocbeabBominaciS i* to?ougBt in^ftart ftomfteconraaunom Cn t:eftettoftettgbte ften ftou ftalt b?pnge f o?ftftat mS 0? ftat Bano o? to tbe lefte/ ftat boft mW WW toomantoBpcBBaue commpteeo ftattoefieb mapep?olongeftewDape0 tnljt0 fipngborae ^.^int6eft(nge/*bnto ftegate0anbftaftftoneftem inlfrael. *"^'^'ton^ftone0/anoftepl^HbpeJtftem()uft ^nbtuuvteenm^mnovomm^Matm Bgw* fon of.ii.o?.iii.U)itneae0 ftaHBeftat0 too?tbp tnu8tefl6oe.;eep;op6etfl:i)?sft iBp;om?f!j.raEi)e E JSofoeaft/Of etbutat ftmouftof onetottueae tmmtw^^m^oxo ije masuetinotoif. ^aott w ,Beftailnotbpe.ainbfteBanbe0oftBetopt* SfKSSSSKL^ , ,. jwnaet^neffe0 ftalbefp?ttbponBmitofipllBim/anb PSS^.^w^Sf %MWM tl)t n

SS5aftettoatbe ^ vm , u ~* w . ^ r ~ r .~~ m fcBR ftaft.boii put toicfieoneffe atoape ftomfte. Wfcijttn 3fftmatetbetoBatoefo?ftem iubgemft , . , . ^- - .., 7 -,-. ~~ -, " bcttoene bloub ft Moub/plee ano plee/ plage B"taunce ftep ftall eate but ftall baue no \\M. enBetwa*

ttpbe of]ieut*fl;allbaueno parte * mme , mt&gt; . no? enbetitaunce toitl)3!frael.ftbe Hbrnkirlanii yofrcpnge0 of fte *Lo?oeanobi0en* t$bm.i&amp;0

( -,v

Stfttptes Jamtmittomium

hm mftMtimtn a vmw fpeafietB inroenameofrbe}lo#e/;froerofo8efoioto notno? cometopaSe/g tstbettWigetobFcb m jLo?&amp;e batb not fpofien . 25ut the p;o pbete b atb f P ofif" ^ p;ef ump tuoufl; not afetbetberfojeofbsmi

' enBttitouceamonBeroerrb?etb#n:$)U&gt;a&gt;e Be ts tbeir enbetttaunce / ass be batb fa;be bntoroe\ainbtBl*fSroebuueofroewea(tes ofttje people and or tbem tbat offer /tobetbec it be ope o; (bepe : &lt;sbep mutt gene bnto tbe P?eatt/tbe (bouibet ano tbe too cbeBes9roe matoe/tbe rft ftutes of tfte come/ tojne 9 o;ie/9 Sfttft oftfte roepe tbcws tnuft teow 8eueBfm.ffo?tbeJUwbetB;&lt;l&amp;obBatB cBofcn Bimoutofalltbete;besto ftanbeanofpmi* 3&amp;n;ttreinroenameofroe;&lt;lo?be;botbeb;m9 6# fonnes fo? euee. If a iUuf te come out K3*of an;oftb;c;t;eso? am? place of gtraet/ toftetbe isafoiourner/ 9 come tetffi all roe luttof biSbette bntotbe place vnBicbS &gt;o?be Batb cbofen^e t&amp;allroete miniftte fofname ofroe&amp;o;beBiSobasaHB;f3bjetb?enroe jleuitSbotoBlcb ttanbetbecebefoje ^lLo?n.

3nttbep roaHBauel;Be po;cpon$J toeate/ l&gt;eC;&amp;eroattoB;eB cdmcrotobl&gt;m oe tbepa* twmonje of b;selbers. iBBmroouartcomeintoroelanbetobfcb -----.----.- ^. - 'v_^^- ---&gt;-,- tbe %omm @ob geuetb tbe/fe tbat tbou befmvtebwnejgbbouteio^wanttpabatepo^ lemenottoboafterlabbominacfSsofroece nacpnS.TUt tbernot be founoe among;ou that raafietb &amp;W* fonne ot oaugBter to go *&amp; me m* tbo?oto roe f;;e/o? tbat bfetb*to ftbecaf ttm s j fee. v &amp; m c a* cbof er oute of ba;es o? tbat regarbetb tbe mat &amp;ie te* fl#gof fouK/o?afo;cerar/o?acbarmar/o;8 K ffl tbat coficeletB to;tb fpjetes/o? a pjopbeeiac m&amp;Vi t&amp;at*afiKro roe aoupfe of tbe DcrD.ff 0? all tort that cs ^ tbat no Cocb tbbtgent ate ab&amp;omt'nacion bnto wre rpjytca &lt;ntftc &amp;o?be:anbbecaufeof tbefeabbom;na* $SXltW8tbe%tiWtblt obboetb caft tbem out Stt &amp; p befo?etbe/be puretBerfo?eto;tb tbe fcojbe part. ro;ob.tfonbefenac;onStoBfcBtBou(baK conquere/betftenbnto eboCers onte of ba;es anb p?opbec;ars . ttt$e }Lo?oe m &lt;&amp;od ikMM*m petmjttetbnottbattotbe. SSS1 be;ko?bero;&lt;Bobto;nttetttbpa $?o* c6tbettecPbeteamongetou:euenoftbl?b?etb?mi!fte ttajngea men bntome:9bntobim;e(balbetftl accojbtng &gt; ofe5 to all* tbou oefKeoett of tbe Hope (ftptfob fn$o?ebin tbe oa;etobentBe people toete ,--&gt; - .- ;. --.-.^~. *-.-* -:&amp;- aaIetebfa*nge:juemebeatetbebo;ceof tnnocemubebenotroebf^lanbcto&amp;feB] m;)U&gt;?be&lt;i&amp;obnomoate/no;!fetb;sgreace tbeHo?betb; obgettetb tbe toenber et/9 * fiwan^moateytbatgi Wenot.2CnbtbeXo?ti fobloubecomebpStBe. utanb;f tBerebe faj&amp;ebnto me:tbep batte toeUfpofien/? toil xatte tbe bp a p;opbettfe5 among tbett b&amp; tb?enl?bebntotbe ato?Hpntm?tno^e0&lt;n tob^moutbe$b^ballfpeabebntotbeall

CStftf fraHnctJe'CeO totttuo . OE^e punjfttment of ^mtSattieatc^ffllfetojtncCfc.

be.W.Cbaptec. 1$ e n jiojd tb? od b atb beatoceb mM , , tbe nacfon* tobore lanoef Xo?oe jNuUJ tbBobgenetbttJc/tboubaftcon*J'i(c.w* M IqueteD tb5 $ fltoeiieft in tbeie eft fey anb in tbett boufefttbou (bait app opnte,- 1 , cities* m tbe ianoetDbscb tbeHo^w tb? &lt;&amp;ob geuetb tbe to pone ffe tt: tbou fbaiep;epace toape ^Dtupcetbe coftess of tbslanoe tob?cb Wtiofie tbi? &lt;l&amp;o&amp; geuetbf to enbetett/t n to tt) . pams g tobofoeuet compttetb muttb e u 13 majflee tbubw.3DnDtbWtbe caufeof tbe a mw , flat eetbat Djallflee tbitbeeano be faueo; a 3f i6.g. befmptebtene?gbboutetgno?antt?abateo'iftii34. bim not f n ttme patted: m tobf a man goetb Z^ rih bntotbeto0DDtovtbbP3 nepgbboutetobeto s ' A{ f "a &amp;oD/aa0bi0bahbefetcbetbaatofteb)itb $ oi^ttware/tbe bcao (Uppetb fro tbe beluefmwetb'^ fe b&lt;0negbl3ouretbatbeDve:tbe Came all flee sKJf bnto one of Came cities anbbecaueD. JUftSmSL ^ eeecuteeof blouoe f olotoc after tbeaaj&gt;et;tW3 tobei($bf w isJ totjoteanD out rtafte ftim/ocs ut!iBi caufetbetoape is longe/ano Cieebsm/ ffttiH tbere is no cauCe too?tbF of oeatb m b^m/in " Sgf asmocbeas ijebaten notbrsne^gbboucmc tp tpme paae&amp;.ifflbetf oje a cSmaunce^ fa^ng m m ce tbat tbou;.cwjes. 'few*;; Jtii&amp;pEtbe iLo^oe tbp 00 enlarge fljp co*?L"yi (tesasbe batb Cteo?nebntotb? fatb0anb8ofctj(i geue tbe all tbe lanoe tobt'eb be fatoebe toolb %tw\ geue tinto tbp fatbets ( Co tbat tbou ftepe an p tb e f e c ommaunbmentes to 00 tbem tWtiffl ffi commaunoetbetbfSoage/tbafebouIouetfieitfT jLo;2DtbpoD9teajftembiStoajeseuet)tb' tbou (bait a Doe.ttj . cities mo bnto tb ofe.tif .-


I :


an; man tbat batetb W ne?gbboure anb ia?e tb atoapte i 01 b^n 9 ttfetb agaynftbmi aftmjtetb bim $ bebi&gt;e/9&amp;eetbbnto anpof ,-.-, w ..^. ,. K tbeCec^es.cbenlet tbeeibees ofbWcttfC 3 waHe5maunnebnn.36ndtobotoeuei!to?H Rnbc^mcbebimtBmceabeirutebftnftito not betsenbntotbc too#e*tobt&gt;eb be roan roebanoesoftbeiutoceofWouoe/aberoajl fpeabefnm?name/3!totequweftofbpi. bse/TLettbpnee^bauenopltfeonbmt/afo uttbep?opbetetobftbroaHp;efumeto tbou att put atoajemnocent Woudefeoirt fpeafie oiigbt inmp name WW % comma* f frael/ 9 bappwarte tbou . Cbott ; (baftno f 9 unbebnottofpeabe/anb betbatfpeaftetbfn temouetbpnewbbot:esmatfte^Bcbfb tbenamoftttatmge&lt;obbes/tbefamcp?o* ofolDet|mebauefettfntbpteenbaflcef pbeteroanope.3BnBvftboura^tntbfnebere tbouenbetettcftintbelanbetobffb^ Xo^&gt;e m roall gsanotoe tbattobpcb tbe %W tbFobBfuttbtbowtforf ft, . WM


l:Jtnro ^ jj)||e toftneOHfoffltiottr feagenftamS t'n an; maner tvecpace o? f jime/tobat foeueK _ fwmeamanCi?nnetb:*5Butattberaoutbeof *J5i?S 7 ttootottneoes 0? of.W.tottnettes (balalma* ,ttSt. tetsbetegeD, Xiwit(.8. gff anbtirigfjteous tot'tnelle ttfe bp ageft amatoaccuCel'mofttefpace:tbenlet bob)

I w tbe men tobt'eb 8tiue togetbee ftanue before tbejlo?oeybefo?e W p?eafles ana tbe fuogejJ tobtcb fl)albe intboce oa? es;5 iettfje tuages enq up; e agoob.26nDtftbe toitne lie be foufc nefalfe anDtljatbebatb geuf falfetoitnetfc agenttbp0b?otbec tbentballfedobntobuti as Be bab tbougbt to no bnto Bis b;otbec/anb

f tbou (bait put euell ato ap from tbe . 3Pni&gt; otbee (ball beate a feare anb roa:i bencefo?tb eomvt no mo?e an; focb tnicfiebneffeam5ge ;ou.3int&gt;lettb;nee;ebaueno compaff;on/ jpu.ffi.(. tut* life fo? life /epefo?e;e/totb fo? totb/ gg'g^anoefo;banii, anb fote fo? fote. fflai&amp;.b.f c Wfto ou$t to go (0 battclL El)c istoc of flrmes tlicpfejH. be.w:.bapfee. i^cn tbou goeft out to battelageft tbi-ne entmves / ami frtftbo?tes a cbarcttcs apeoplemotben tbou/ benotafetteof tb?/fo;tbe JLo?oe tijt&lt;Boo is toitbtbe tobicbeb^cugbte $ out of tbelanoe of (fgipte.anb tobf scare come n;ebnto batten /iettbep?eaft come fojtft 9 fpefte bnto tbe people 9 fa;e bnto tB5:^eare JiCrael / ;e are come bnto batten agenCe ;oure enemKS/letnot ;oure battes fawne/ netbet feareno; be amafebno?ab?eabof tbe

be tributaries bnto tbe and feme t^e, 23ut 9 if they totllmane no peace toitl) tbe/tben maBetoarreagenfte tbe citieanubefege ft. anbtoBentBe^o?Detb;&lt;ieioDbatb6eiBiere&amp; t'tin to tb;n Bannes/Cm;te al Smales tberof toftb tbe egoe of n)e Ctoeroe / faue tbe toe* men anb tbe cbt?Uwen ano tt&gt; catell 9 all tljat is in tbe c;t;e anb all tbe tpopie tbetof tabe bnto m felfeaeatetbe fpo;ieof tbpeene-m;es toBicb tBe )lo?b tb; oo geuetb (Be. rbtHBouroalttiobnto al tbe c;tiestoB;cb areagteatetoa;eoffromtBeanbnot of tbe cities of tbefenacrons. . - ... 35utin tbe f ities of tbefe nactons tobiclj 9 &gt;Lo;ae tb; ob geuetb tbe to enberee / tbou (BaltfaueaiBtcnotbinge g b/etbetb .*tt"wM . . alt Dellro;e tbe toitb out rebempaon/botfi sgSnS * l^etbttes/ tbeamo?ites/tbe ananites' 9 * anB ^* t PBere?ites/tbe fiemtes 9 tbe 9 cbuu'tes/as I TLoabtb; obbatb cSmaimdea tbe/ g t\)ey teacfj ;oii not to 00 after al tbeir abit om in &lt;^ c(onstobitbtBe;Do bnto tbeir gootes/a Co ftulbe tpme agenft tut %ow ;ome ou .

m be tbou b a ft beCegeb a citie longe unite inmaBingetoarreagefttttotafieiMiefttoi'e not tbe trees tbetof/ gtbou tooltieft tb?uft an are bnto tbe\4Fo?tbouma;ft eate titwttm tterfo?ebeflro;tbenot. dfojtBe trees of tbe fettesarenomen/fitbe;m;gbtcomeaBcna tbetobefegetbe . $euevUjelatertl)oie trees tebicb tf)o finotoeft tbat men eatenot of tb? tbouma;(tbe(tro;e9cutte tbem bonne anb maBeboitoetftcsagtna citie tbat ntafietb toarrebjitbtbe/bnt;llttbeouertb?otone. CCCI)cpucg3Cioiiof lj?ox ttjntis faut:brbcc&amp;tf ic not

26nbIettbeoe;cttstpeafiebnto?people k .^fa^nge^fan; man Dane b;lta nemboufe .-S'anbbauenot* teoicate it/let bim go anbte* 3.KturnetobtSbouCeleabeb;e in tbe batten/ telnet aanotljcrbebicateit. ainb;fan;nianbauc us. - plantcb a b;nc;arbe 9 banc not mace it to* . mt * l W%en*/tet bim go aretumeagapte bnto bis SS/^-boufe / lefl Ije b;e in tbe batell anb anotber teilihemafie!'tconte.anbg;fan;mSbebettautbeb tit) itmiBbt bn to a \s;(e anb baue not taben Ber/let Bim jgsm goareturneagapte bntobiSBdufe/leBbc *%SW in tbe batten anb anotBtrtaBeber. Jt5io^ 3Dnblettbe officers fpeaRefurtberbnto# K(ot9cbrcPeopleanbCa;e.9ifan;m3feare9befa^ite "iFniHiberted/letbimgoanbreturnebntoBiSboufe . ^reftbiSb^otbersbertbemabefa^tteaStoelt ^asbfS.anbtobentbe offpcerSBauemadean enbe of fpealtpnge bnto roe people/let tbem mafte capta;nes oftoarre ouer roem. U9Ben tbou comett mje bnto a cttte to figbt agenft it/ottre tbe peace.3inb;f tbe; anftoe re tbe aga;nepea(abl; /anb open bntotbe/ tben ietautbe people tbatis founbetberin


ttgottcn, , . fgbcBPCHt to OVfatt)K ano motijer. C^iberri.Cbapter, iff one be f oCdc flaine in 18b to&amp;icB at tbe &amp;o#e tb; *2Sod geuetb ti)e to poaetre it/anb l;etb in tbe f elbes: 9 notfinotonetobobatt) 0a;ne!nu Cbenlettbpie elbersanbtb; iwbgegi come fotfb 9mete bnto tbe c;ties tbat are rounDe aboute tbe ua;ne . ana let tbe doers of tbat citie tohtcb is nert bnto tbe tla;ne mantafie anBe^er tbatis not labourebtt no? batb b^atoen intbe ;ocfie/anb let tbem b^inge ijer bnto a baiepe tobeteis netber eari'nge no? fotoege/aftrifieof berbeabtberein v bale;. abenlettBepjeattestbefonnesof'jieui . come fo;tb * fa tbe %W tb; obbatl) cl)o* fififeBS** fen tbtn tominiare9tobletre in tbe name* 5 ""* 1 ** of tbe torn 9 tberf o?e at tbeir moutbe fl; all 1ft all Otife 9 Plage be tr;eb. anb all tbe elcers m of tbe cine tbatis nerte to^flapne man (ball toaroe tbeir banbesouer tbebe;ft"crtbat is bebeabeb in tbe plaptie / 9 roallanfmere anb fa;e:ourebanbeSbaue notroebtbiS bioune B,(i. nediefi




netbet ftaite cure w$ fene it.fte mercifull ^om bnto p people 3fraeitobtcbou baft beipuerebanbimtnot innocent; biouoebnto

* !,, 4rMh *t? Pf oPle 3:ftaer.anb e blouoe M( f te S %&gt;?!&amp; Woub from e/tob5 ou altbaue bone g iimoiu biDiiccto^tcfi t'0 r?gbt m tt)e f pgbt oft^e 'JLo^tie . ir)enou goefttotoarreaganftpne memfe* $tbejlo26etbp&lt;!3obbabelpuere&amp; cm in to pne bartiw 9 tbou baft tafie e captpue / arm f epft am onge e captpue* a betotifuutooman$baftafantari?ebntober aettamfftcpth a tffioutooHieftDauebeKtotBp''to?K. Ua'tSJftor ?*f cben b2ingcber Borne to tnc bottre anolet n, i" c berftaueberbeab gtpateber natfeganbput iorauTfitt^Dbettavmenttbat etoa0taftentn ftombe^ cut net n*?ic9 ^^ { et h ec tf m ap ne in me boufe 9 betoepe SfowWrvco b faer anbbev moera mone long 9 JSc',m u lu^a f t*atBombmobei;9mauebei;Ktbe&gt;; Z$w*toMtt)vtovlt, anbpfoubaue no fauoute ^^^^WS^SSXWS 82235 mm* bnto man/neer ail aman gm. to.tixDc Dci?cajfo? ou mapft not fell bet fo? monep no? u tontoomaiisra^ent.dfo2a HtliatDofo/M 3'J

rial&gt;teoiia?:oeonatiuotDitet:aUo l of BSM-ftM va* iff ou fe p tyotbews ore 02 ftepe i i s ^i goaftrape/tbouftjaltnottobiatoe* sl IP #* CeIfe t W l 2S"f0jait bjpnge JS^fJ^e borne agapne bnto tbPbMbec .. Jf pb2oerbenotnpebntoeo2pfou ....... inotoe btm notfben bzinge em bnto toe atoneboufeanbiett em betoitbe/bntpll p bjo fl) et a Cfte af tec em/ano e n belpuec I) i m tfje agapne. 3n lifte man a alt tbou bo toitb bt0aae/totbi0 raiment anbtot all loft tbingej* of pb?oertobicb bebata loft anb ou baft founoe/anb tbou mapft not toib2atoepfelfe. 3!f tboufeatPb2oer0aOeo2 ore 10

fallen boune bpf toape/ou (bait net tot* D?atoetbpfclfe from em: but (bait beipe bint to beuetbembp agapne. bc tooman al not toeate tbat tobfebe gig**"


.Ijccic.wpeopu.i'bitmblefibef.gifamabauettootopuejs/one BSlSBaSlO"* * anotbec bates/ana epbaue borne flbijou-e ijcr/tf btat cbflb2en/botbeloueb fltalfotbebatea. ft* oiKSwJf tbe fitftbome be e fonne ofbateb:en b, i; nit iiuinbicD tobe bebeale bi0gooae0 amonge W pi* ^/t^MBtcWen/bemaBenotmatiecbefomie of e be* uttiiM t? 'aWBjouebfwftbojne betae $ fonne of tbe bateb ttM m twaai nnotoe tbe fomie of bateb fo? bits f irftbojw $ begeuebtmbotoble ofalltbatbeban).&lt;JFo; neWtbefp^ftof btsJftwngtft/anu to btm be* lottgett) tbe tpgbt of tbe fp^ftbom eftpppe. Kj- y f anp mi tyme a fonne tbat is ftobutne 5otCobeDfent/t^atbetotUnotbetPrienfanto bopce of bP* fatbee 9 bopee of bs motb/* tbepbaue taugbtbtm nurtout/butbe tocloe notbetnenbntotbS:benletbtjs fatbeta bt'ss morber tafie btm anb b?mge bpm out unto eloetgfof tbat cttfe anbbnto tt)e gate of tbat feme place/9 fape bnto elber0 of tbecttte. m bi? outefonnet'isaobumeana bpfobebiet *^ anbtopllnotbetfienfanto outebopce/betfsa tpotetanbab;oncbatbe. ^rbenletallu)eme of tbat ctrie ft one btmtottb ftonetsbnto oeatl) ana tbou (bait put euell atoape from tbe / 9 aligflraef all bean 9 feate * %$ amS l)aue t0mpttebattetpace too?tbP of Deatb 910 put to Dean) fo? f tanbbangeb on ttee-.iet not mt booptemapneallnpgbtebpon tbe tree /but butpebpm tbe fame oape. jjf 0; * toe curfc oe &amp; 1"0 on bim tbat i bange&amp;.^eftle not rtjp lanbe tbetfo/e / tobpeb^ t%e ilo?oe tbp oo geuetb tbe to enberet. t MOtjat t()oiioiigt)tc(i (oboto^en tbou ttnocatb? ticpaDiiaiircn bead so^aaacapc. a man tyallnoe totvCcotrntna clotbpng oj a toomS mnnre clothjng.; cotacaccacotc of wooilcs of flat e is nlfo fo?6iD6f. C^puiitijCbcmcntof tjpmtbat anft (fj a imwiDn*



ftboucbauncebponabp;b0neftbptbeS^ toapc/ in tofjat foeuet tree it be 0; on WSJSSS) gtoimije/ tobetber tb ep be pouge 0? eggc0 / 9 S3B tbeoamefpttfnge bponfliepounge o? bpoii2 , t f , n)e egge0:cbouft)altnottabetbe b motberi^noin tottb tbepotmge. JButftaltinanptopreletS^" tbe blime go ano tafie tbe poimge;tba't tf&gt;ott"6*| mapftp?cfpeteanbt)?olongetbpoap^. .SfTL iboi tbou U^oeft a neto+boufey tboti* -wjjj . altmaftea bateimentbnto tberouffe/tbat + SSfSy tboulabe not bioube bpontbpne boufe/pf ocflstinf anpmanfaUtberof. ttrtm rbou owit not fotoe tbpbpnepatbe MSSS btuerfeReoc:lefttbouftalotoeffeet!etobt'cb* , '&lt;'"'j tbou baft fotoe"tf tbe frute of tbP bpneparoe. 3JgS Cbou B)altnot 6 plotoe tottb an oreano;nf*i anatTetosetbev.cboutDaltnottoeateagaricm^ mentmabe of tooouanbflaretcgertjer. "JKJBCI cbouQjaitpucrplianoes bpon tbe.n^"wS5| quatter0 of tbpbefturetoberetoftbtbouco^"jX'SI uecefttbp relfe. SSS8 3|f a man tafie a topfc 9 toben be ban) lp5 SSSffl tot'tt) Ijer bate bet anblepe Ibamefuritbfnge0 fi mShSh bntobeecbatgeanbb?mgebpaneuelname?|jff ,r bpon bet anofape:g!tofietbf0topfe^anDtobf o. or &lt; 9 cametobetvi founbebernotamapoe^beffi!,,. let tbe fatber of tbe oamfell arm t^e metba.*m totngefotfb I tofien0oftbebSfer0btrgmfteS,^rfJ bntotbe emer0 of tbe etn'e/euen bnto f gate. o*m anb let tbe aSfefjs fatber fape bnto tbe (Mx&amp;tfiUP % gaue mp baugbter bnto tbt0 man to topfe &lt;g "?, ( . anbbebatetb ber:anaio/beiapetb 0amefiiip B1 mi""i tbpngepjbntober cbargefapmge/3! founbe *** notftjpbaugbteramapbe * Biibpettbefeais tbetofie0ofmpbau8bter0birginite.ant)iee tbemfp^ebe tbebefture before tbe eioer0of

m cttte,cBetj let ttje tm&amp; of tbat citte tafie tbae

tbat man ? cljaftpcebrniana mearce bpmfn anbtmwra (vtu&amp; of fpluer arm geue tbe bn&lt; to n)e fatber of tbe namreii/becaufcbebatb toougbtbpan ettellnamebpona map&amp;e tit gifrael,armOie albebte topfe /anbbemap not putty* atoape all bt0 oapf0.56ut anb pf tbe tbpnge be of a fuern'e tbat tbe oamfell be i not fbunoe a btrgen/let tbem bzpnge ber bn^? ' totbebO2eofberfatber0boufe'$lettbemen of tbat cptie (tone ber tt ftone0 to bean)/ be* caufelbebatl) to;ougbt folpc m ^frael/ to - plape tt)e tobo?e 1 11 ber fan)er0 boufe. anb f tbou alt put cuell atoape from tbe. $&gt; ^f a man be founbe iptnge tottb a toomS/ tbatbatb a toebbeb bul banbe/tben let fijf bpe etber otber of tbeibotb tbemS tbat lape tottb tbetopffcfotbou alt put atoape euell f rem 9 f rael. a mapbe be bn bfafteb bnf an bufbanb/ armtbenamanfpnbebermtbetotone 9 ipe tottb b^/tbenpe all U/pnge tbem botb out bnto tbe gates* cf p fame cptie ^ all (tone Af ^&amp;ftone0tobea :be oamfell becaufe e er^ebnot bepinge in tlje cfttfetfttm m9 / tecaufe be ban) bumblebbpp nepgbbouv0 topfe/ frtboualtputatenie*ttrti fr5 tbe. VttC ?f a ma fpimea Uttrautbebbamfell in e felbeanbfoace ber? Ipe teitb ber:rUen emantbatlapetoiu)betfl;allbpealonc/gi bhtotbebamfelitbouftaltbono ,raufe tbeve iiin bamftttno carife of beatb , . fat 80 t^tn d ima rpfetb agenfteDfe nepgb* * ftoure anb 8cpeibbim/euffoi0tbi0 matter. "jjf02r)e founbeberin tbe feioejs 9 tbe betrau* ttyb bamfell crpeb-.but tbere toa0 no man to

fticfioureber. gifamanfpnbeamapbetbat Wnotbetrautbeb^tafieber 9lpe toitb ber 9 l)efotmbe:Cbfntbemantbatlapetoi ber all geue bnto tbe bamfei0 fatber.Lfpcleg of fplutr.anb e all be bt'0 topfe/becaufe &lt;%Wjwtcber)atb*bumWebber/?benjapenot|nttbrt aaS^S*toafeallb(0bape)S. wvhhu i 9oinanantafiebi'0fatber0tojfe/tio; . : bnrjpne W UWV couerpijge. CWtjnc mnnu of men nine not 1 1 nbmjt ft. (o tfjc 6HCCbc.J&amp;oniiclo5atbflppcifgciBt;taifric ajr)e.ririif.&lt;ibapter. fi)ne tbatt'0geifieb 02 ba bf0 p?e upe mentb2e0;cutt of/*all cpme In to tt)e cSgregacfon of tbe %ep.



, ittotomein* HlJitJartgn "ittwftaueL!

&lt;B8PPt/ becaufe tbepbpjeu agena e 55a* tsnunn laam fonneofJBeo.z ^ interpreter of %&amp; vvijcnnDcwao fopotamia/ to curfe tbe. jQeuewbeletK tbe 0?Be?neu ' 'A-omep(S5obtoolbe not berfien bntoa? laam/but turneD tt)e curfe to ablcfting bnto tb e / b ecaufe e JWtM p ob loueo tbe; cijou alt neuet erfo;efefie at toljiclj 10 pjofpecoufe 02 goou fo2 tbe ail tbp oape0 f 02 etier. boualtnotabbo2rean Cbomite/^ f 0? be t'0 p b2oer : netber alt c it ftb= bojre an (Jappciai / becaufe on toafta fttadger in W lanbe. be cbplbjen tijatare begotten of em all come in to e cSgre* gacpon of e )L02be in e.ttf .generation.

ii&amp;ben$ougoeftouttt)itbeboftageti(l: ipne entmte0'ftfpe fro all toicfieoneae fo? ',O2bet'0amongepou.5fcrebeanpmaii tbati0bncleane bptbereafon ofbncienneft'e atcbincet[)ljimbpnpgbt/ let bim go out oftbebottanonotcome inagapne bntpllbe bauctoaCljebbtm felfe toitb toatec before euerua en tobe e fonne t'0 wume/iet bpm comeintoebottagapne.cbouaitbaue a place toiouttbeboft tobeer tljcu ait re t'02 1 e to 9 tbou alt batte a at v e popnte or atefnteofp u tocpon:(jtobe ou topic tgnuhm eafepfelfe/bpgge evtoi anb tttrne anb iptiw mm be. couer attobtcb fjJfccpattco ftS tlje.f o; e mttmun* J102D p ob toalltetb in we i )0 ft/to rpoo SBSSSS e anb to ret pne enempe0 bef o?e tb e. %ct mtfSwSTm pneboft be pure /at fiefe no bncleancfvnfcanoto^v pngeamongepouanbturnefrempott, w.3taBM Cbou alt not oelpuer bnto m matter 'te^'"* feruaunt tobicb (0 efcapeofrcm m matter ,| H " mJ,ftS bntofte.TLetbtmbtoeUtttbe/euettamongeftctiitfttpffciic f ou in teftat placeljebfmfeife-lpfie bett/in to: *&gt;uat iyn * one of tbp cptt'e0 tofterc it i goob f 0? Bpm / a VSZIlSfiL berebfm not.^cbere a.lbe no toljo^e of {^SRiiS oaugbt0 of 3 frael/no? tobotefieper of e , ID op; \oiioji" altnefter brpitge oome^ aouow e c bP?cofantobo2eno2 mK#tmurt2%&amp; :tn to e boufe of tbe Home p ob/ mnoj^*?^ maner of botoe/f 02 euen botb of e are ate c . mme be bommacionbntotbeiiomepob. notumanp mac oS-Cbou altbe no butter bnto p ft^HH? 1 mtil er/neer in m onep no? in font mi in anp ST ** ntanertbpng at t'0 lentbpS bfurpe.ffitnto a ^

fttaunger ou mapft lenbe bp5 bfurpe/but not bnto P btoer/ at e JLo2b p oa . _ _ .... iapWeaeinallgourettefttbpnebabto .anb be at t'0 bojneof a ccmen inelanbtobeertb'ougceftto comierett. 'JStootnaallnotcomemtoecongregacpS *iBentboubaftboto^babotoebntotlje .,,.,,.. tfiffif * r ^o^e/'rio in tbe ten genmicfon be Xo?bep $ob/febu be not ftacftc to pape &amp;cmi.w: .ttjjtf no all not entte in to tbe congregacfotl of e t'tjo? be topil furelp requp? e it of e/ arm it mmMh. ww v u* Ho2be . cbe 9mmonfteK anb e floaWtei ': albe fpnne bnto tbe.ff outbait leue b o* ruRSLfr airnot come into e congregacpori of topnge,itaIbenofpnrtetontott)e-.tuit at

r'nwwtt^P ?&amp;/no " otmtftcfentB 5cnacfff/tioep

K u kmSwOmD neuer eonte fn tb e cBgrtgacion Of '.'Wpi&amp;tBtofTLome/becaufeftep ntetpou nottoptb bm w oi aDm P , arm toater in ttjc toajetobenpe came oiitof

tobrcb iff ohce gone out of p Ipppe / ou muft ftepe anb bo /:acco?bpnge a0 tbou ijaft botoebbnto (be JLo?fiepoB of a fretopH tobtcb ott baft fpofien toi p moutb. fi,b, mm

mm ftou ecwe8 to to ftp nepgbbout* bpnepatee/ftoumapacategtapesftpbewe full at ftpne atone pieafute : but ftou ftalt vut none in ftp bagge. ti)en ftou goeft to to ftp nepgbbours * &lt;., * wtw/ * ou ma * ft ^ Iucfic *"** mm * jpatw * &amp; ^ atwe/ b Ut (Don maps not raoue a fpcle on* toftpnepgbboutscome. G9ri;ccmtnt is petm?tte&amp;. |c tfjat nttolp nrt net (ball not be compelleotoao towattcffljt rem/ ii,iu!itrof(o?nerauft6tUftmUuefffo?Hiep89&gt;t. C$;ttbaptet. jftens man bafttasenatopfeanb matpeb bee I pf fte fpnbe no fa* uoute in bis* epes/ becaufe be Datii . ^Jtpieb romebrtcleneueinfter. Cljen let bint bnpte b a bplle of beuojeemet ana


k J

that te toftplanbctotft in ftpeptfc*. W Ermbi$bp?efteramebape /anbiett not fte

forniegobounefteton.ffo/be nebpe ana t&amp;ettotft tofteBKft QV &amp; /*? &amp; e c *** agena fte bnto tlje jLo;o ano it be fpnne ton tofte.cbe faftet* ftallnotbpe to fte cbpl* b?enno? fte cbplb?en toSfaftets-.but euetp manftaUbpefo?bi*atoneffime. .*Mi *pnbee not fte rpgbt of tlje Btaflgetnoi . of fte fa ft etleffe/ no? tabe toebotoe * tapmet toplebge. J5uttememb?e ftat ftoutoaaa (entaunteto a^te/anbbotofte;iLo?Dtbp obbeipuetebfteftence. ibetfo?e|com* maunbeftetoboftfetbtoge. iBbenftoucuttea bonne ftpne bemefte to ft e fcioc a batt fojgotte a ftefe toftefeloe ftouftaltnotgoagapneanbfetttt: ut it

r i*

Ki5AS&amp;(laatorWftott ftaIbefo?ftcarau^gec/fte^ei;leffe9ftf pen*.** q { SIVeifSi&gt;eparteDoutcfB(!8boufe,e toebotoe/ftatfte )loft# ^ww gig go ano be anoftetmanS topfe a fte feconw fte to allfte too?be* of ftpne banbe .o pen


ftou beateaboune ftpne olpue trees ftou (haltnotmafie cleanetfoMttce aftet fte:but ft ftalbe fo; ataunget/ftefaftetiefle a fte toebotoeanb to&amp;f ftougeftetea ftp bpnep* atte/ftou ftalt notgeftetcieane aftet fte: but it ftalbe f o? ft e atafiget/fte faft etleffe aftetoebotoeanbtemlb?eftattboutoaaa feroaunte toftc tana of cgipte : toBetf o?e 3 commaunbe fte tobo ftfe ftuige. trc^tpunnf^ment of offenoare. ffi&amp;e tator often*

f?ng feet) to ttjc bjot^c t|)at is oo . ftcatucu and ttcntttt. ^ e4;W)&lt;(Ift aptet. i f ftm be ttrnfe bettoene men / letfte come bnto fte latoe/ let juogcis iuaifte fte rigbttou* ^ co* tr .-^. - aenmeftettelbafee.ainbpf S tter* nafet be toojftp of fttp pe0/ ftcn let fte ma* oecaufetotaftebtoiDoune atobeatebnnbe A , fojeBte face acco;Dtoge toftfss tcefpacebnto *ffi a cettapne nomb?e*;ppjJ be all getie SS m * f, I bianotpade:leapfbe (buioeeyceabe abeate nmciJi btot aboueftatUmanp arfpe0/ftpb?oftect(.f. lDapperebngooijlpbefo?eftpneepe0. _.,. cbouajaltnotmofeuSo^ftattteaDeft *j p* out fte come. . , ' H9ben b?eft?enbtoentogeftetanlmeof ftem opeanbbauenofttloe/ftetopfe of fte beeb Oj all not be geuen out bnto a arauget:. butbfcb;oftettoiatoeOtallgotobntobee$ tafteheeto toffe msmtfyet . 3CnD fte elDea m ^ forme tobfft (be beateft / (ban aanoe bp in s, u w tt $ ^K^K&amp;Ubimftep^^ ^S2K ftec tolatoe/ften letbeego to f gate bnto j | im . p " elDetss 9 Cape : &lt;t? b?oft ec to latoe te f at eft to aettebp bnto W bjofteva name to ?f&lt; tael/betotil notmatieme.cbenlet $ tlum ofW cptBecallbnto Btmanrjcomenttjtoi.

uy ll|iy %f wp diyy^w^^ * w-rvwm t^ ^^ t " ^^r ' hufbotiW batebet; a to^tebeta letter of w uc?cetr.ent a put ft tobet banbe a fenne be* outofbtt boufc:o?pf fte feconoe man ope Ubicbtofieijertotopfe/bettttamantoblft rcntbet atoaie mape nottabe betagapneto be bP3 topfe / m as mofte a? fte te befpieo, iffojftatteabbompnaciontoftefpgbt off io?bTgtbouotfpienotfteJanbtoiftfpnne/ tobtcft iLozoftpflSobgeueft 5 to eifteret. *lben amStaSeft a netoe topfe/be ftall nctgo atoawefareneftet ftalbe cbargebtt anp bufpneoe-.butftalbe fte at bome one

55 pete atrtopfetoftb bpatopfr tor)tft be baft Mi fte iKMitt taben *l5omanftalltaBeftenefteto?fte S^freW bppetnpiaonetbplewe/fo?ftenbe tabeft ".n|?% n ^amanpiWtopftl&gt;ge.afanpnian .rcctioiir/h'iictofiaftaci/ftunabeftfteuefaunce of b?n o? S^SSfelleftbtm/i fcif&lt;/.ii tnnv'Mutcueilr.toape ft5fte. canebwoeto ftp ^r/^lfelfcasconcerwngefteplageo^ tmwggtt % rhatftcuobfeiueopugetlptobo acco.iopng VZti WSS to all t bat fte p;eafte0 fte TLtuitej fta) imw iicnor/brw tfarhetbe/aiS^commauDeoftemfope wail &amp;&amp;E&amp;C ft? tiBobopfibnto ^ttjambpftetoape/af* ESSSSS m ; ftatpe toetecome outof (SEgpptt. SSSSSK ^Plecgeoutatftebo?e.^fojft^eraio?epfjt

wont* toiHi out f 0tlR p no bonne' a let bim uepe in bP atone SSSSi^^ tapntent anb bleat fte. V. . SSP anbttftalbetpabteoutoejJbnto /befo?e # itmtl.ror.e. ,^'^V^^^VVhmtfhiiWtintlKfrautie


-i 1

ColiiMin.( 2;cte.D(M

anftpieoferuaunteftatfenebpe anbpoozey tobeftttbebeof ftp b?eft?f o? a fttawnget

ft)eaanrjefape:3!topnnottaftebet/ften Mp f paer to latoe gobnto i)im in fte pie= fence of ft e elo etfJ ano loofe W ftotoe of b is fotesfpPttobtefaceaantoereafape^&amp;o

ftallftbeoonebntoftatmanftat topll not CbplDebteb;oftet!3boufe.3inDbtenameftal be calleo to griaei/ft e bnfboebboufe. ff toben men atpue to geaftety one topft ' i . ^.anotbetyft e topfe of ft e one tunne to / f o? to mf&amp;WWWtoW out of ftebanoeu of bpm $ S&amp;ntt et ft&amp; im an0 Ptflf bet* banne a tafie tfibffl eifte!&gt;bpmbp fte fectetteg-.cut of BetbanD/anb lett W'ifAattyw w PPtieber. ttSi t^^bou ftaitnotbaue toftpbaggettoo S raanetof toepgijt5/agteate aafmallmeftei ^aitftoubauetoftpneboufetjpuetremea fmc0 / a gtea t a a fmall.fiut ftou ftalt baue apetfectanoatuamearutetftat ftp oape? mapebelengfteDinftelan&amp;e tobirt) 3lo?D ftp od geuctl) fte . ^fo? all tbat &amp;o focbe ft ViigesJ a all ftat do bntpgbt / ate atjf)omp= nacton bnto fte 'lotfe ftp &lt;!5ob.!JSemetnbze tobat3Pmaieca opo bnto bp fte toape aftet ftoucamea outof tfgppte/bemettftebp f toape anbfmote f bp nomoft of pou/ all ftat toeteouet labouteb anb b;aggebbp bpnbe/ tobe" ftoutoaa fapnteo a toctpe / abefeateb not oD.betfo;e toben fte nojoeftp ob baft geuen ft e teaft f torn all ftpne memoes wunoe aboute/in fte lanbe toUtft fte Ho^e ftptitob geueft fte to enbetet anbpoaeoe: fe tbat ftou put oute fte name of aimaleft ftom bnoet beauen/anb fo?getnot. teffiftc fy;a f cut en ano t&lt;itt)t$ to ty aru(tce/fathjer Icfftv tocootoesMnb a c nuuacco . CCbe.yFbUbaptet. ilp en ftou att come to to ftelanfce jtotoci) tbtiiom ftp on geueft Ifte to enbetet abaa etoopebf t.anb [fjoW.trt5 v (iSSfi^Dtocllertftei:to:*tafieof fp?a of ' mm all fte ftute of fte etfte / tobpft ftou baft b2ousbt to out of fteianoe f fte %om ftp (SSobgeueftfteanDputfttoa maunoe^go

bnto fte place tobt'eb fte %oia ftp (Sob ftall *ofe to mafie byname btoell ftete. 3Cnb ftou ftalt come bnto fte p?eaft tbat ftalbe m.ftofe ttapes anb rape bnto bpmipnoto* - lebgefttebapcbntofte)lo;betbp(S(ob/ftat aamcomebntoftetonttetobpcbfteTLo;be ' ..-: ftoatebntooutefaftetjjfo^togeuew. 25: anb ft e p/eaft ftall tabeftemaunbe out 'of ftpne banbe / anb fett itboune befo;e fte aiiltet of fte KLozbe ftp ob . Knb'ftou ftalt : : aiiftoete anbfapebefo?efte jLo?betbPob: ^eff6aib, cbe*^&gt;ftas5toolbe baue beatopeb mpfa* hDVfffJiu tber/anbbetoentbounetotogppte anbfo* mm * &lt;ouwwMfte -topft "a fetoe folcle anbgtetoe tote to be, ftetebntoauacpongteate/mfgbtfeanbftil '"rem? fa of people, H'nbftecgppcpansJbeiKbWonB

twubiebbiS/alabebbs toift. ctuflbonbage. mwwm 36nb toe ctpeb bnto fte %om &lt;sob of Oute WSSx faft&lt;w/anbftejLo?betjeatbe oute ^m^SSSB&amp; loftebonoute abuetfpte/labouit a omtt^mtMtisiipil fponJinbtbe)Lo?bb?ougbt bpoutofdEgpptmv fatbtr left toftbampgbttebanbe aaatetcbebou.tatmeojfojtouc m* a tt gteattetttbleneffe anb ttift ffgne? anb if a ;,ffi"' n toonbew.anbbebaft b?ougbt bu to to .ftjis uaqfim place anb baft geuen W ftiglanoeg flotaeft^ttiafiti w ,. toEftmplbesbonpeJnbnotoe loo/gi DaueC Huutcms ^ougbtfp?amitegoffteianbetob1fttbe^te; f ^ TLoM baft geuenme. anb fet it before !|(S,1 3io?beftp&lt;Esob/atoo?ftppbefo?e.fte fumtt&gt;m fm ftp &lt;Efob anbtrtopfe ouet allfte goob ftpngt; W M op tobftb fte %om ftP * ob baft geuenbntq Jg' ggjgj anbbnto ftpne boufe/bofte ftou ft e fceutte gS 5SS anbtbeataungetftattisamongepou. out. iften ft ott Daft mace an enbe of trjftpnge all fte tpftest of ftpne encteafe fte tbP2oe pete/ftepete of tyftpnge : anobaa geuen it j bnto ft e meupte/fte ataunget / fte faftet* i leffe anb fte toebotoe/ anb ft ep baue eaten to ftp gates anb fplleb ftemfelueu. cbenrape

befo;efte jLo^beftp ob:a.baueb?ougbt balotoebftpngejjout of mpneboufe/ ayaue geuen ftem bnto fte 3Uu(te/fte ataunget; ftefaftetlefTe anb fte toebotoe acco?bpnge to alltbecommaunbmenteg tobpft ftou cS maunoea me: a baue not ouettfiPPpebtbP commaunbementeg/ no? forgotten ftem .; % baue not eaten ftetof to top moumpnge no? taften atoape ftetof bnto anp bndenneffe/ no? fpente ftetof aboute anp beab co?fe: but baue bttfieneb bnto fte bopce offteH/0?be^ mp &gt;ob/anbbaue bone aftet all ftat be com maimbebme/lofieboune ft5 ftp bolpbabitacponbeauf/anb*reffeftppeopie3ftael$ tde lanbe tobift ftou baa geuen btst as ftou Ctoateabntooutefaftets) aianb t flotoeft topft mplfie anb bonpe. &amp;$# bape fte fto?be ftp disob baft com*. maunbebftetoboftereo?MnaacejJ9latoetf ,, , epeftemftetfo?eaboftem toift allftpne itM betteanball ftp foule,* cboubaa fettbpae man m fte %oMW bape to be ftp ob anb toggjg f &gt; toalbetobtetoapesatobepebPSojbtnaun^XtSeto ce0/bi0commaunbemente0anb bpssiatoes/ (smawaomuanb tobetben bnto bPSbopceJnb tbe fto?be nf tui/he ms^ baft fett fte bp ftps bape / to be a feuerall J*MS peoplebntobim(asbefiaftP?ompreb )anb TSm ftatftoubepebiscommaunbententes/atotptt a&gt;mm mabe f bPeaboueallnaciSS tobfeb be baft rape; twm mabe/inp?apfe/tonatne anb bonoutcttbat^ft^,^. tboumapabeartbolppeoble tmo &amp;Mt&amp;*** m ftpeob/atJbebaftfapbei W8 * can aulta w mttft be b ji6c&amp; lie fo:e (fir? go otttr?o?&lt;&gt; ban.(IE6ebletr?ngeflfti tbe tjyU@attMm.&lt;Cbenv* (WfieWHbair. ffb.jc]ftij,bapter


m flporcB tot f eioers of Jftael cSmaunoeo peopiefapinge;ft.epe allec8maunbemente0 tobpeb 3 , . s*sa*s cotoaflbepoutbtobape *3DtiOto6f

4 l|e comc(H it;g|o?Dani)nto lanoe tobpeb tbe Hotfe (ftp o" geue */ fet OP gteate (lone* anopiapfteeem top plapfter/ ano to;pte bpon c^f all toe toojoe* of to later/ tobe*ouarte come ouer:goumap ft come ^ntoManoetobicbe)lo?bP&lt;lSobgeHe tbc:alaneat BowkH tof mplbe a bonpe ag tfte )Lo?d oo of p fata eto &amp;a P?ome* feoe.ibepebecomeouct|o;toan/feat pe ft t top t&amp;efe ttone? tobpeb 31 cBmafloe pou tbrflbape in moiwtiEbal/aplapttectbetoi . t)iaptter.awoerebplbebntotbe ftofletbp *&amp;tffe .6. &lt;sod/ * an aftaee of ftone? ano fe tbou ipfte bP nopjton bpon em; jjjut ou aft raafie tfte aieate of ilojo tbp do of roitgb ftoncu and offer bumtofletpnge* eron bnto tfte 3lo2Detbp&lt;ltob'. ainbou aft offer peace* oflrpnge0anbatteatetbereanbretopfe be 53 fojetbe TLo?bp ok 3finb tbou alt bypte bpontfje ftonegafle tooibto of paiatoe/ manpfettlpanbtoell. amo Q9ofe$ top? p?eaftes e&amp;euftejJ fpafiebntoail gifraeifaptoge-.tabebebeano beare gTrael/p*bapeouattbecome tbe people of e/U&gt;20ep&lt;!i5ob. $etbe"erfo&lt;!e bnto tbe bopce of e %om p oo a oo biss effmaunbemf test ato* oibfoaunce* tobtcb 91 effmaunoepoutopisbape. SBttD fl^ofep eftar* gebepeopleetomebapefapfng . fbefe all ftanoe-bpon mount ati?tm to bieae tbe people/ tobenpe ate come otter 5020am ^pmeon/ ;keto/$uoa/Picbar/g!ofepb am 38en3|amin.?6rtb twte an ftanoebpo moat tjballto curfe:ttben/ab/aitec/5abiiton/ won ajaepbtoaft. aim) $ jt-euiteu all be* . p^neafe#btfoauemmof!3ftaeltoftb aiouoebopcc. tf *Cutfcb be be at mabetb anp cameo vmageojpmagcofraetalWanabbomtnacpa tntettetfaft /etooibeof ebanoe* of f ctaftetotan)anbputteft ma fectetjaace; iballpeopleallamTroafape3llmen. *curfeo bebe t curfe bP* fattier o? m moer/anoalle pcopleftan fate amen.

curfeobebe*emouetoBfenepabbouris matcfie anb an tbe peo^lea! W 3Pmen. Cutfeobebetbatmabeftfblproegoout of W toWlW tbe people all tope m me. tint 0c *cufeobebetbatbiiwetbtbetrabtof o^t. ** ^^ngeuy fatberftOe anb toeootoe/ anb all tbe people all topeaimeii. . Curfebbebeatlpe topt&amp;bi&amp;ifet&amp;etf topfe becaufe be ba openeo bptf t&amp;* co&lt; ue'wmxe/anbaU tbe people all Cape 36men. utreobebe tbatlpefltop anp manet beaft/anb anuiepeopie all tope amen.

ib tofe&amp;

f - *





Cutfeobebeillpetbtobtefpaer tofietbet^ ffitbetbe oaugbtet of W fattjer o? of bps moee/anbaUtbepeopleall fapeamen, Ciwreobebe tbatlpetb toptbbP? moec toiatoe/aotialltbe people all fape atmen.

Cutteobe tbatfmptetbbW nepgbboure fecKtlp/anDaIltbepeopleallfapeaimen. Cutfeubebe g tabetb atetoatDtofleebt^fe,* nocleblottbe/^ali $ people alltope3Bme,a?^c,i{J Ctitfeb be be tbat mapntapne not all tbe tootfie* of tb&lt;J ia toe to oo em / a no all tbe people ailfape 3men. , CfX&amp;ewomffts of ttje 61 ctTf ngw bnto i&amp;em tfjat tu gacOctliccommaiinacmtnteB.-anfi.ttic cucllts to tfic tontwije. , , cbe.^uf.Cbaptee. ;jf *tboualtbet6e0tltg5tlpbnto a tbe bopec of tbe Jlo?Oe tbp oo/to # ltu( obfetue a to oo all W cSmaunne* ' ttttntes tubpeb llcommaunbe tbe tbt0bape.cbe'/to?btopllfet onbpeaboue all nam of tbe ettb.Hnb all effe WeOmge* San come on tbe ano ouee tafte tbe / pf tboti alt betfien bnto tDe bopce of tbe lo?oe tbp &lt;p o D.ieie Qtb alt ou be in tb e to ton e ano bleoeb mtbe feioe0 / bledeo albe t^t fnite of tbpboop/tbeftute oftbpgtounoe ano e ftuteof tbp eatellyeftute of tbpne open; $ tbpaocfie0otepe/ble(reoall tbpneaul&lt; meep be ano p tto?e,ftffeo att tbou be/ botbtobent&amp;ougoeft out/ anableffeDtoben tboucomeftin *beHo?oe allfmptetbt'ne m enempeiS at rpfe agenft e before p face cbep all come out agenft tbe one toape / 9 flee bef o?e tbe fetien %Qftt all cSmaunoe e bieffpnge to be tof t^e fnp fto?e boufeu 9 m all at tbou fetteft pne banoe to/a topil bieae e me lanoe tobfcb e .jLo?De tbP oogeuetb tbe. CbeXofte an mab e $ an bolpe people bntobtm felfe/80 be batb ftoo;e bnto e : pf ouattftepeecommaunomente0ofe jLo?oetbpooano toaibembPiStoapesJ. anoall nacpog of e ettb all fe $ ou arte caileo after tbename of tbe %otW anb tbep albe aferoe of e,ano e^o?oe all ma&amp;etbeple"tuouismgoooe0/toe ftuteof pboop/tnefruteofp catenanbtne kutz of tbpgrounoe/ to e lanoe tobpeb tb %Wt t toate bnto tbp fa eta to geue tbe, *&lt;a;be *^oe all open bnto e W goob *

tteatote/euen ebeauen/ togeuetapnebit to tbp lanoe to One ceaf on anoto bleffe all e laboutes of pne bSbe.anb tbou alt lenbe bnto manpnacibjt / but alt not nece tobo* -* totoetbpfetfe&lt;imie&amp;o?DaH rettbebe* fo;e ano not bebpnoe / 9 ou att be about onlpanb at tbott betbf bnto ikt cSmauniiementeSof eito^e tbptftib tobrcbS e5maitiDee tbisoape tobepe ano to bo




^tetectosot[)eniJnofeatou fl botoenotftoni wnft f am&lt;&amp; effcbwaeis tobtcb IcSmaunoe e l9 (o aM*tfitep l ($ee' totbe tpgbt babbe o? to e .iWnb ftttt/atou tooioeft gos after ftraunge g ^o D ao Mtfgtofetueem./ -Q KRc ib tot) 3Bto am)pioutopftnotbct6en bnto e t mw&gt; !%opce of e jLo^be p 00 to Bepe ano to id #r*gjihi0(oiimiaunDemeiiteiSanoo^toauncei8 fmmiui.t. bJbb 9 commaunoetljeiisbape:en*aH B.c ibefecutfesJ all come bpon tbe a ouertabe ,r ^ ^;Cwfeb alt ou be in f #tone/acwfeo toefeloe/ ciufeo alltbpneaulmerpbe a pfto;e.Cutreoallefntteof pboop 9 tbe frute of tbp lanoe be 9 e ftute of pne tttnf tbe.flocfiei8ofp epe.i anbcurfea fl)att toben ougoeft in/a tob? ou goeaout.aiiQ tfte jLo;betoallfenoe bpb tbe oirfpnge/gbpingetonougbt a (Spiapnpng to all at ou fetteft tbpne banoetotobat* foeuerouooea:bntpiltbottbebefti;opeb 9 .b;ougbttonougbtqupc1telp/becaufeoftbe

'Mej|tbneileofptiemuetttt&amp;Jtoattbou baft : t ojfaben e }lo?be Jno tbe%o?be all f(f.w:;.-ina*t.t'peftilencecieauebntot6c/bntpll :; bcbauecSfumebtljeftomtbelanaetobetber ' itbpugotftto.eniopeit *anoe)Lo?o alt K r&lt;l$ptee toittoellpnge/toi feuerjs/beet/ brnpnge/toeerpnge/ toi fmptpnge anb blaftpnge. anb ep all folotoee bbtptt MP *5Krib#ebeaueatWonertbPlieabffi8l* beb?afle/ a.tbeereatipbnljer eperS, 2Mb $ Ho?be all turne e rapne of g lanb C bnto potober 9 buft-.euen from beauen tbep all come ooune bpon e / bntpi) t^oube b;ougbttonougbt.3inb jlojs all plage e before pne enempeu: cb ou aft come out one toape agenft em/ anb flee fetten toapegbefoje tbe/a aftbefcatereb amSge ail I bingbomeg of 'ett Jnbtbp catfieffe albe meace bnto all maner fouiess of e ap;e anobnto e beaftt of e ere/ anbtto 1 trhi h^sn all ftape em atoape. unm *anbtbe }io?DetopiHmptettottfi m botcbeji of cgppte anb e em o?ooe$/ fcalle $maftgpneoe/tbattbouaft notbebealeb erof.ainbe %otu allfmpte tUt top mabneae/blpnonefle a bafpnge of bette-ainb 'tbou aft grope at none baptu, a? eblpnb grope to oarbeneffe/ anb altnot come to ' f rpgbt atoape JnbouaIttoflreto?Sge snip abepoiieo euermoje /ano nomS all fobet tbe/ ou aft be betratotbebbnto a t.w.6. topfe/anbanoeralllpetoftbber.*cbou fljalt bplbe anboufe anb anoer aftbtoell &lt;berto.cbou attplanteabpneparoe / anb alt not mafie it cometi, cbpne pre albe flapnebefo;etbpne epeg/ anaou alt not _eatcerot.bpneafteaebpo!enttptab5 . ^ atoape eul before p face / ano aftnot be

^ *

refto?eoeagapne.bPepe albe gcue bnto pne enerepesJ / ano no ma o*aii ijeipc e. cbpfonntp anb pbaughtevjs all be geuenbntoanotbernacpon/anopiieepf0 allfeaiio bafebpon tbem all oape m&amp;j but aft baiie no mfgbte in pne bSoe.iscbe frute of tbp lanae ano all P labourer aft . anacpon tobitb oubnotoeft not/eate/anb tbou alt but foflre bpoitnee onlp a be op* p;eflebaltoape:attboualt be cteanc be fpoe p feife fo; tbe fpgljte of pne epeg tobitb ou alt fe. Cbe to?oe all fmpf e tbe top a mp&amp; moupbotcbetoe bneejsaKgges/ fo oucanftnotbebealeO'.eiten froimlje lole ofefotebntotoetoppeoftbeberD, *cbe]lo?ballb?pngebotl)e MWVSmum *pngctobicbou baft fett oner tbe/ bnto a !$$&amp;s nacpon tobftb neer ou no? tbp fafljeig b^msm baue bnotone / ano ere ou rat feme taA*&gt;$m ftrafige oouesi: eue toooo a ftcne.itnDcu *w* aftgo to toafte a be mabe an enfample/a a teftpngeftocbebntoallnacpong toljeer )lo;ballcarpee.bou alt carte luoctt reeb out in to e feio a alt geet but fptie to:fo? gteoppetis all oearope it. bcu .altplanteabpneparoe ab?ese if/but aft ifeerb?pncbeofetopneneergetbevop egrapej$/fo; toojtneg ail eateitcbou fbaltbaueolpuetteesinalltbpcolteg/but aftnotoeanopntebtoi $ ople/fo;pne olpuetree0toalberoteoout.^bcuaitgett fonneuanboaugbtetg/ but ait not baue Siem:fo?epalbe carpeo atoape captiue. ll p trees! anb frute of p lanoe albe marrebtoftb^tetftpnge. &gt;&gt; , befteaungetof areamongepou awH^Tom? rtpmeabcuee bponbpe/ ano ou aft ttngetitvmsni come boune bene alotoe.l^e ail ieituee c aouaftnotlenoebim/beaibe before a no oubebynoe. s ^&gt; Vflpo?eouerallefe curfeis all come bpo tide a D folotoee ano Ouertabe e / tpft tbou bebtfttopelRbeeaufetbouberbeneoeft not bnto f He bopce of e xo?oe p 00 / f bepebfc effmaunbrnentegf anb o^pnaunre^ tobpeb becommaunoeoe/anotbep albe ~ bponea0*miracies ano toonoers* abpon JiSSS^ topfeebfo?euer.anbbecauretbouferueoeft^" E f; c note)lo?bepoo top iopfutoe0eattb t gcweaiiiic(rc

toiagooObette fo; eabunoaunce of all of the fmwm tbtogejs/tberfo;eou aftferue tbtoe cues g *E25fl* mpe tobtcb Xotfe all fenoe fflMMS&amp;S m bunger anb?uft/in nabeoneffeano rn neoe *E3gB&amp; of aliphge:a be allbutt apocfie of peron mtcpm* bpon pnenecbe/bntpilbe baueb^ougbte Ibetonoagbt. 3Dnb tbe ]Lo70 all bjpnge a nacpon bpa toefromafatre/ euenfrom e enoe of e tootfoc/assftopfteasan egle Bpe:a.nacpon toboto

Mvmts, feettterottontfum

tol) of c conge tl)ott alt not bnbetftanbe :a batbe fauoureb nacpon tobicb ainot re garbe the perton of tbe olbe no; baue c5paf fpon ontbepoffge.anbbe alleate 5 frttte of tbp lanoe anDtfje frute of tbP catellbntill beftauebeatopebtbe; fotbatbeftall-leaue tbenetber co?ne/topne/nojople/netbertbe encveafe of tbpne btenno j t^c flocfies of p epe:bntpll6&gt;baueb?ougbt.betonougbt, anbbe allftepe tbe in/mall p cities/bn* tplltbp b V* 9 Bronge toalleg be come ooune tobermoum.(tebeft/tbo;otoalltbelanbe. iff anbbe (ball befege tbe in an p cgtpas t&amp;o* roto out all p labe tobtcb e Xofflttt ob ftatbgeuentbe. -, -iui.jRcgti.f *ainDtbou alt eate e ftute of pne wm*#* fiauBbtews tobpcb tbe %oito tbp ob ba sntctt e/fatbat arapteneae 9 fege trie* tottbpneenempeallberegetbe-.fotbaeft mail greue e ma" tbat is tenner anb cjccea* bpnge Delicate amonge pou / to lofte onbps b;otber anbbpcnbSS topfeat tpetft inbpS bofome/aonfleremnaunteofbtScbpnuen tobicb bebatbpetiefte/fo? feate of geupnge bnto anp of t|em of efle of bfe cbplbjcn/ tobtcb be eaten) /becaufe be batb nougbte lefteftpmtn t arapteneae afegcto^ertoftb

thm enempes all befege inalp cities, feeanbib^toomantbattscotenberabe* ' ivcate amonge pou $ e bare not abu! tore torett tbe foie of ber footebpon n)e grounue ftoCoftneftanb tenbemeae /albe greiteb to lofte on tbe butbanbe tbat ipe m ber bofome ana onber tonne a on bet Daughter*, cue" becaufe ofeafterbj#e/atis come out frombettoeneber IeggeS / a beeauCe of bet cbplb?mtot)tcbebabo?ne/ becaufe (hetoolbeeateemfO? nebeofall pnges remtlp/fneltraptcneae8rege tobertot tbftiejaejrjseJnaUberege tbe mp cptreS. \Ifaf tbou tofiniotbebpligent to 00 all e tooi&amp;es of isiatoeatawto;ittenfotbts bofie/fo? to fearetbis glo?tou5 anb fearfull namtoffleftojbetbp^ob.tbejLojbe topil fmpte botb eanbtbp feeb tottb toonberfuH plasesanbtof gteate plages anb of longe conttnuaunce/anbtoieuellfeftencC&amp;sanb of I6gc burafice.fl&amp;oareoucr be topnbjpnge bp5 tbe all fte bt'feafcS of gppt tobtcb tbou toaftafrapebof/anbepall cleaue bnto tbe. cberto all maner fefteneoes ano M maner plages tobicb arenottwptten m e bofte of is latoe/topfl $ %ow i&gt;?pnge bp5 tbebntplloubecome tonougbte. ainbpe fbalbe lefte fetoe In nomb?e/tebetebefb-e petomaSe*ttamSofbeaumtamultt* * w r tube:becaureoutoolbea not berfteh bnto J m m *an&amp;ase iLoibtrtoi ttbouwtou to bo

pou snob $ to multpplpe p ou: euf Co be topR tetovfeouer^ou/toueftrosevouatob^nge . outonougbt.Hinb^e ibaitictoaaebfrom of t lanD tobetber tbougotft to entopebtt. ano tbe %oM *all f cater cbe amonge all mtM from tbe one enue of tbe too^nebnto otber anu tbere tbou ftaltrcrue ftraungc %mw tobveb netber tbou no? tbi? fatber* baue

finotoneteuenbooBbanb (tone. 3finbamongetbcrenact&gt;on*tbou fbaltbe no email ceafon/ anbf et (bait baue norette to tbe foleoftbpfoote. jfo?tbe)Lo?De (ban gene tbe tbere a tremblvnge berte 9 baftng rpe0Co?objeofm?nbe. ainbtbtlsfetball b$gebefo;etbe/9tbou(baltfearebotbbape anbnvgbte a Qtaltbaue no trutt (ntbflffe. g?n tbe moamjugtbou alt (a? e/ vnoloe oa fitoeremjgBt^nDatnwibttboutbatt toolbe (Sobtttoere mo?nptge:fo? feareof tbne berte Wbicb tbou alt feare/ ano fo? $ f?gbteoftb?neete0tobtcbtboufbattfe. Jtno tbe TLofi (ball b??nge tt)e tn to &lt;fg|pt aga?ne toltb WPt? / bPtbe tease tobfcbS bauetbetbattbouftulofft * fe ttnomoare.ti 2Cnb tbere te albe foioe bnto voure ene* mfeg/fo? bonbmenanD bonotoemen:anD set nomanftallbre ?ou. rraeproptoe erfwjteoeoofiferut *J t5raaH# ptmetittB/fi?tlje wniJoeKacioH af benefptes tecea* HCD:to|jK^tftl&gt;tj pjtaac t^cjart ttyMtiuo to be Ploacc. " . Cbe.w#.bapter. i^efe ate f too?b$ of tbe appoint* $ met tobtcb tbe Hofte cSmaunbeb # &lt; fl^ofe? tomaftetottbtbecb?lo;en of gftael m tbe lanoeof fl^oab/ ...,-. B appopntmettobtcb bemafie tbttje in l9o?eb.anti sofe0 calleDbntoanjfrae! anbtamebntotbem-.yebauefene aug tbe 7lo#e D?D before ?oute egetstntbe lanbeof Cgjpt/bnto^arao ^bntoalbttferuadt^/ abntoallbttlanije/anotbegteate tempta* con0 tobtcb tbsneeyeiSbauefeneanb tbofe gteate mnacw atoonuerfSt^fettbe ^o?ue batpnotgeue? ouanberteto perceaue /no? ee(Jtofe/no?eateiStobearebnto tbft* base. *anb9.baueieb? 5 *3Dtiiu bemefle:a 1 dure clotbe? are not toateo oibe bp5 ?ou/no?aretbP otoeg toayeboioe bpo toy fete.yebaueeatennob?eabno?woncfie tome 0? tttoungc ttttatbe : tbat ?e mrgbteJB

bnotoe/botoeg be&lt;0tbe)Lo?oe ?oute ob. anoattbelaft je came bnto tbi'S place/ a feebontbebfngof ^efbonanofiDgftpnge ^w of38afancame outageftpou bnto Mftn/ff* anbtoefmotetbem anb tone tbeir lance anb gaueftanberftaunce bnto tbe ffiubenfte* awXEJabftw a to tbebaife tribe of ^anaffe epetberfo?e* too?be0 of tbfeappo?ntmet anbbo tbem/ tbatte mm fanbatfanbean tbat

ib Mte8

mM* ibat^e ougbtto bo-*f e ftanbe bere tb&amp;bape euer? one of ?ou before f 'iLo^be toure ob: bon) tbebeabcfX of vouretrpbypoute elDewi/ foitee officers a all tbe men of afrael : poure ifflto&amp;l vo ur e top eg anb tbe Oraunger tbat are tntbtne bode/from betoerof tbptooba bnto $ D?atoer of tbp toater: t tbou ulbeft come bnber tbe appointment of t^t jto?ee



tbe out of ft)e ianoe of urgup t.atob tbei&gt; toent a ferueo ttraunge gobbess a too?tppcb tbe: gosof tobtcb tbepbnetoe not anb tobtcb baa geue tt)e 11 u gbt . anb t b erf o?e tbe to?at b of tl)t%oM toar'ea tobote bpon tbat ianbeto bjvngebpon tt all tbe curfegitbat are tojittg in tbiis bobe.anb tbe mo;be call tbem out of tbeirlanbeinangte / tojattj anb greate fur

tbi!' ob/a bnber bis* otbe tobicb tbe )Id;b tbp joufnefle/anb catt in to a ttraun ge iSbe/

ob maftetb tottb tbe tbiis bape.tfo; to mafte tbe a people bnto btm feife / a tbat be mm bebntotbea^ob/a^bebattj fapbebnto Oje a as$ be batb ft ojnc bnto tbr fatberg ab^ bam/|faacanb3acob. - airo3imabenottbif(bonbeanbtbt0otbt ^ tottb l?ou onit? :but both toitb bim I ftanbetb bere toitb W tb0 bare before tbe jlofle oure dsob/ano alfo tottb btm tbat ft not bere tottb b# tbi* bape. j?o^e finotoeboto toe baue btoelt in tbe lanbe of (Tgtpte / anb hoto toe came tbo?oto tbe mptAte? of $ nacpois tobicb toe patteb bpJnb ye baue f ene tbeir abbonu nactons anb tbeir fboiiejfcteob: ftoneyfpiuer anb golbe tobicb tbepbao. yutk tbere be amonge pou mS ot toomS fipnreb 0; trpbe g tutnetb atoape in E)t0 b ert tbi* bape from tbe 3Lo?b oure ob/ to goo a feme tbe gobbesf of tbere naetonss-.a leftft)ere be amonge poufomeroote tbat beawtb gall anb toomttoob/fotbattobenbe bearetb tpe to o?b^ of tbiU cucfe/b e bleffe bim feife in b p bert fapinge.5! ffjall bauepeace.^ toill tber* _^ fa fo?e too?cbe after tbe lutte of mpne atone &amp;&amp;erte/tbat tbe &lt;: bioncfie map perp toftb tbe *Ltb?Pftpe.anb rotbenLo?be topll not bemer* m % cpiuli bnto bpm / but tben tbe to?attj of tbe j6it %o}i a W geioufpe/ fmobeagentt tbat mg/


asst'etgf come to pafrettj^bape.cbe fecretteis of tbe Xo?be oure ob*are openeb bnto fass *crmt (^tnc anb oure Ap fo? euer/ tbat toe bo all t\mm \m\\ ope* toorte? of raftl iatoe. ucbimto w&gt; m tcllbefo?caI| Ci:5ctoo?bcofob*0notfatrcfcomt^rtjatfffteOJi | c8P'f'fofit(l&gt;utitu\)WmQutt)vimtyzms.

* " * - ' Cpe.m:.bapter. en all tbefe too?b^ are comcbpS -8 e tobetber it be tbe bleffpnge oj e curffe tobicb 3! baue fet before tbe/petpftbou turne bnto tbpne bert amonge all tbe nacpSiS tobetber %m tbpcEfobbatb tbwfte tbe/ a comeagapnebn totbc?lo?betbP&lt;l5obabcrft5bntobi0bopce accojbpngetoall i&gt; gicSmaObetbetbigbapes botbtbouatbp cbplb^en to all ttjpne btrtef all tbp t oule : ben tbe %oftt tbp d5ob topll turne tbp capttuite a baue cSpaflion bpo tbe agoo a fet tbe agapne from all tbe nacpsjs/ amonge tobicb tbe)Lo?ce tbpeob all baue featerebtbe.cbougb tbou toaftcaft bnto tlje ertremepartejj of beauen-.euen ftcm ujenee toplitbe )Lo?betbP&lt;Bobgetbertbeanb from tbencefetttbeanbb?pngetbe(tttotbe lanbe tobicb pfatbewspoffeffeb/atbou Q )a i t c , lfl tope (tJnbbe topll etoe tbe bpnbneffe nno Edi . ,. fi multiplpetbeabouetbpfatberg.* anb tbeg *

3|feaalltbccuvreistbatareto?ittenintbiJSbofie jLoetbP&lt;5obtopIIcircumcpfetbpneb ertci

m\iu l&lt;8bt bpon bpm / anb tbe ]Ho?be bo out bPS itattti"* name from bnber beauen/ anbfeparate bpm mt tnto euell put of ailtbe trpbeg of ffraelacs Kffc ?bpnge bnto all tbe cutfest of t appopnte

tbebertof tt)pfeebfo?toloue tl;e &gt;Lo?be tbi? obtoitbantbpnebertaall tbp fcule/tbat tboumapttipue.* anb tbe'iLo^be thvm&gt;*$&gt;mt6&amp; toill put antbefe cutfegbpon tbpne enemies aontbemtbatbatetbeanbperfectitetbc. 50ut tbou alt turne anb berben bnto tbe bopceof tbeXo^be anbbo alibis commaum bementes tobicb 9! commaunbe t^t tw b ape anbtbe]!Lo?be tbP&lt;!5obtopllmafietbeplen* tebusinantbetooibesoftbpnebanbe a in ^t ftute of pbobpe/in frute of tbp catcU 8ftoteoftbplanbeainwbes.*iJfo?t^o?b*^^ ; y'toplltomeagapneanbreiopfeouertbe tobo

(jiit ih,,, ment tbat is to;ttte tn tbe bobe of ibis Iatoe.

Mr. m ^to tbat tbe generation to come of potire ') cbplb;entbatallrpfebpafterpou anb tbe ttraunger tbat all ccme from aferrelSbe/ n * mo rape tobentbeptetbeplagesof tbat lanbe/a tbebffeafestobettottb tbe Hojb batb fmpttf itbotoailtbeianbeisburntfaptoptb b?em ftone afalt / a $ itis netber fotoneno; bea *etb /n 0; anp grade grotoett) tberin/after tbe cuettb?otoingof^)Obome/&lt;25omor/abama tbegoob/asbereiopfebouertbpfatbets: ft anb5ebotm:tof)tcb tbe'Jlo?b ottettb;etoem tbouberbenbntotbebopceoftbe %om tijp bfSto^atbanbangre. &lt;s&gt;ob/tofiepebiScommaunbmentesao;bp; . i. ^"btben all all nacpSs alfo fape-.*tobe^ nauncestoppcb ateto^ttenin tbe bofte or jlw f 0?c ^ a(8 f&amp;e ^^ e 6onc of tbis facion bnto tpis latoe/pf tbou turne bn to tfte lo?be tbp ** ftisiSbe^botofearfcistbiSgreattojatftf ob tottb 811 tbpne bert anb ail tbpf ou le. anbmenallfape:becaufetbepieftetbete* : *foi M commaunbement tobicb 9 com* ia ftament of tbe **&amp; ob of tbeir fatfiets tnaunbetbetbiSbape/isnot fcparateb to m**"***** tobtebbf mabctotib tbem/tobenbeo?ougbt $/netbei;fflWbf.3!t&lt;Snotmbemtc $ tbou neabed



J -


neabeft to fcpettoBo Iftall so bp fo? b* to Beauen/anbfetft W / tliat toemape Beattfc an6bQm$etfteri0itbeponbeK:tftatrftou Sttloefttepe-.toBolball go ouer fee fo^fapsgt

fetftbfltBatteemapebeateitanbbottJSut t^cteo?De tgbetpnpe bnto tfte -.euen in $? moittft anb m tftgne tjert/tftat tbou bo it.

Bjetepte* _ tt-c r. . .... *.. .- peoplebntotfteianbetoBpcB tBe%o?bebatft itoo^ne bnto tbeit facets to g tut tijem/ana tbou ojaltgeueittbem to -fteiet. anotbe 5Lo?seijeO)anso befojetfte anb be (ball be im') Qe / alio topll not let fy* go no; f o.tfafce #e/featmttBerfo?eno?beoifcomfo#eo. .mm^v***. ana S^ofe* tojoteeftpsiatoeanbbelpuereo tftBoioeil bauefet befojepou tbP*oape ftbnto g pjeaftesstbefonne* of JUuttobicb IpfeanogooB/oeat&amp;atibeuemintbatacoms *baretbeawfieoftbeteftam&amp;of tbe um* i maunoetbetbitfoapeto lone tbe;Ho?be m ano bntoall tBeeioer* of $ftaei /ano com* #J9totoal1ieinbWtoapeiS9toBepebp!S naun^Ot^emia?inBe.*aitt6eenoeof.t)itC c5matmoMente*/B&lt;0o#pnaunce0ano&amp; pere/tntftetpmeof tftefrepere/mp fcatt of.t latoejt:tfiattflou maptt ipue 9 multiplpe / 9 t^e tabernaciefrtoften all Jfrael t* come to tbattbejLojbetbpciBoomapebieftetBemtBc apeatebefojetbe/lotfetbpiEiob/tns place lanoetoftetBertBougoeft topooeOeit. tobiebbebatb cbofemfetbattboureaDetftps *a 25ut9PftbPneBeetutneatoape/rotBat ^tboutopltnotljeare:but(&amp;altgooattrape9 too;lbtpe ftraunge goobe* anoferue t&amp;e" / g pronounce bntopotKbtfbape/tbatpe all turelp peep ano tbat pe (ball notpjolonge f ouve oapeis bpS tbe lano toftetbet tb o u pafe fed ouer 3!o#an to go anb potteffe ft, *.sntut a *9 ra to reco jbetbHsoape bnto poii/Beaul mSSSS anbertft/tbat$Bauetetbefojepou ipfeano DeatB/bleffpnge 9 curfpnge: but cfiofe ipfe/ tfiattbou 9 tBpreeomape ipue / intBat tbou loueft | noireetftp oo/betfieneft bnto Big bopce ano cieaueft onto Bpm. jfojBefetbp


UN^tlyU y* M#VWM*V HfUV *l^w* * *vt^ latoe before all vftaei m tbeft meg etb et tbe people together :botb men / toemen ano cbiHwe 9 tfte ftraungctis tftat arein tbp "ties tftat tbep mapefieate/letne9featetbe;fl,o;&amp;e route otj/3 beoiligetto ftepeall $ too?be$ of tbw latoe / ano tbattbe cbpityen tobpeb ftnotoe notfifngemape beare 9 leme to feate ;Ho#e poure oo/ag longe a* pe ipue in lanbetobetbetpcgooueraojOStopoffetTeit.,.. ano jlotfefapbebnto flofeg.?8ebolDe^ tfipbapess are come/tbat t&amp;ou mwft lofuaano comeanb ftanbetn tbe tabernacle oftoitneffe/tbatlmapegeuebpmacbarge.

irfe tft e icng Hie of tfip Dapc 0/ g tbou maps %m ^ofeg ano lofua toent ano fto oe in tbc btoeflbpontbeettbtobicBtbe Ho?ce ftoare tabernacle of toftneffeJno&amp;o?Deapeaie o bnto tbp f flt&amp;etfcf b?aftam / %t aac 9 gjacob &lt;n tft t ta&amp;emactaeuS At tfte ppler of $ cfouoe toseuetbem. anb tbe pfler of tbe clouoe ttooe ouer f oo;e B oftbetabemacle. anotbe)Lo?oefapDebnto C^o(t0 6cvs reabpc to fct eoj0etetl JoOic (o rule Ofl f E . UMW I tbOlt mull Oene toptb tbf tsfo&amp;wtiB ace ctjacaEBfo ceaoebic to t\)t ptopu. aKetQraungetBODOEsoEt^eiano eto^ttjec Cbe.w:]rt.Cbaptcr. . tbep goanbtopir fpjfaftemeanob^cafiegc &lt;150'i3Kofej5 toent an&amp;fpafie tbcfe appopntementtobtcbgiDauemace toitbtbe tto^ejibnto aligiftaei 9 fapbe bn* anotbenmp to^tbwu toare toboteaoenft

ia.CoflOfttant&gt;sto OUtC 19 tO tr

totbem.3iamanbfio;eo 9. w.pere tbem/anoatomfo?faBttbema^to6b^fc*S i jwTCftbt0Oape/?cannomoarego a out mpface fromtb5/anbtbep(balbeeonrumeo. MMM ,|

Bain.'4)iroti)e}lo?DeBatbrapi)t3titome/tboii ano toftenmocftamtettpteanD mbuiacp on^ mr ohcc ? v# alt notgoo ouer t&amp;igao?oan. cbe&amp;ofle igcomebpontbem/tbcntbcptopU fape:be**aw ^ p Q fSfpote(!PoDbeb)pllgoouerbefo?etbeanobe cauftouwtfJobtt notama^W/Jeftt^gwj JarrArtopnoearopetaerenacpoiwbefo?etbe/ano bulacfonjjarecomebpSW.^atoiBBpKjJJJ X?:m!. ? .atbouu)aTtconQueretbi.anogiofuabe(ball mpfacetbatfametpmefo?altfieeuei 0fa6eSXwi tm of tue G0 ouer before tbe / a* tbe )Lo?oebatb tap&amp;e. tobpeb tbep all Baue to;ougbt/in tbattbep www m i!;i? c . e .! a,,t, lnotbe)lo?iieajaHgobntotbcn/a0BeDpD areturneobntoataungedP oooejJ. "w*". paao^ ggJJJI bgbpnge8ofeamo]ite09 JJ&lt;*fiK?2^^ bntotbeirlanocgtobtcbBrngcgbe oeOropeo fttbe cbplDjm of giftaeH anbputit in tbei r ft m ' anbfobentbelLo?oeba(b oeipuereotbtmto moutbe? %. m fongemapebe mp toitneae g(( uo " tbe/fe ftat pe bo bnto tbem acco^bpnge bnto bnto tbe cbflojen of ansscMFo; mm ^? ue iw alltbecommaunomentfjjtobpcb 5bauec5. ^ous^tbemmtotbelanoetobjcb| jMgJgS igmauntieopou. ^lucBebppoutcbarteganb botbefrfatetBattunnetato^m8^ bearonge/b?eabenotnorbeaferbeof tbem: anOBonpe/tbcntbeptopReate anb fplltBcm"' fo?tbelLo?l)etp&lt;li5oobnnfelfetoillQotoitt) felueg^toare fattanotumebnto (traun gr tBe/atoflnetBetlettBegono?fo?CaSetBe. ^tibbcganofemetbemanorapKonmemi^ anoflBofegcalleobnto ofua anorapoe b;ea6empteaament.anbtbentobenmocb*. bntobpmm tBettgbteof afijftael* . 58e SJ*f*!?M^ftSS!^%Mti i*a.(Mu ftronge 5sboHje/fo?tboumuttgoto!tfi h)rs tBtgfwjxeftauatiltocteW^etbem^Je

aofejs fou0t / O)allnotbefo?gettenoutof ano tbep topn tell tbe.neben ? raoftBpgB eftBt w W mt * moutt)e0 oftljeir 31 Rnotoetbeir ima gaue tt)e naciong an eiiljen'taac e/ 9 oiuiBcb'" m, JES; gpnacpontoftubtbepgooabouteeuen note tbefonnesi of aoambeputtUe bojuerg of ^SSm

oefo?e J Banc b?ougbte tfjem in to tbe lanoe nacionjs/faft tip t&amp;e multptube of tfte tBpi*; toBicB9!'Ctoare^noiofeiSto?otetbigfonge D;enof3ftael: ?SIAeW tfte fame ceafon/ano taugbtit tfte cpplD?en dfo; tlje '/Lo^tjcss patttrtjS fjigi folfie/ ant) c g;a ? ^u,oit)r i*itc.i&gt;




of 3fraeUndtl)e)Lo?Dgaueg!orua fenne of iauna cBarge 9 fapDe:*be bolDe 9 flronge f o? tbou alt typnge tbe cbplb?en of gifrael in to tbe lanoe toint b J Woaw bnto tbem / 9 tftopHbetouljtfie, ' a0fttnflt[)orej3!)aDmabeanenbeof tojp* Wng out of tbe too?oi; of tbig latoe m a bofie bnto tbe enoe of tbcm/becommaunteo G}t jUuitejs tsbicl) bare tlje arcfte of $ teaamet oftbe'/lo;oe fapinge-.tafie tBe bofie of tBig latoe ano put it bp tbe fpoe of tbe arcfie off te&amp;araftoftbe a,o?o pcttre 000/9 lettitbe tbere fo? a toptntffe bnto tbe . f fo? finotee tbp ftuburneire ano tbp ftpffe ncciiebt^olce .b3bple 3! am pet a ipue toptb pou mpg oape; ttbaue bene oifobeoientbnto g '/Lo?te:aiib Bob) mocb moave after mp oean). eatbet bnto me all tbe tlbrg ofpoute irpbeg/a poure officersi/fbatg! mapefpeafie tftefeteo?oegi in tbet'r eareiS 9 call IjraueanO ertb to reco?oe agenft tb^ . #o? % am fuve | after mpDeatb /tbep toillbtterlp matte tbe fehiejS anb turne from tbe toape tobicb 3! co= maunoeO pou/9 trpbuiacion topll come bp5 potttn $ tatcrtiapcsi/toBenpe&amp;auetozougBt iBicfieonetfe in tfte fpgbt of tbe 3Lo?oe to p?or ucfiebimtfitb thetoo?fie0 of poure banorji. ano flp-oCcjJ fpafic in tfte eareg of all tfte to-gregacion of jft-ael tBe too?oj of tbi? fonge/

bntotbeenbeoftbem. C.UEljeftmg of ^ofcB.Cje gotftcbptintotfte fopprot Hbavim to tee t tjc latibe of pjoimue. Cbe.rrrij,bapter. avei' i beaue/b)bat3 ftallfpafie anb bear ertb tijetoo^esfofm? ; moutb . flp boctrpne 0;oppe as boetft tfte rapne/9 mp fpeacB fiotoe

a Kfttftoto IttU couSo lBSjLtai^ot|t(iebetoe/0tBe mpfellpnge bpon iwn) no tbeberbeg/9 ag tfte ojopprs* open tfte grace, tnto $ 0; g topll call on tbe name of tfte Jlotfe: ?'.* J* SBagnifpe tbe tnpgBt of owe 00. StSSS' ^ e a * *we ano perfecte ate ftiis beabeg/ to nwi M aU Bfe toape? are toftb Oifcrecion &lt; 00 it iai . tfte faptbfuil 9 toitftout toicfiebnetre/botb tigb* i a. ano tuouis ano iufte ig be. aSL be frotoarbe anb ouertbtoarte genera mm* cm b&amp;tfy marreo tbem relurjj to bimtoato/9 irtttdtftttot e net big fonnes fo? tbeitbefo?mitieg fafie ip ftcaoeatbouforetoarbetBc JUmi fooli ferpentes*. Jitboutfb?tb /'tbeftoetoe fliaii faXinfr "aeionanobntopfe.g'pnotbetbpftlBerano robbetbemoftfteircbpib?en:anotopn" )in in llnu tB?nc otonet^batb be not mabe tbe 9 oflep* t\)t cbamber/ feare : bofl) poun ge men ano nWp ftc/ ne b Wf ememb?e tbe bapesJtbat are patt: pounge toemen ano tbe|ucMlpngc toit ij iwino tttft to confpbje tfte pewis from rpme to ttme . affie men of grapJeabej/l BatteoelermeneD to "wp?i ta tbpfatBetanobe topnflietoetije / ibpelbrRJ rsatet t!jmitoo;ciout tije too ?iee/ am to I . mafic

cobi0tl;epo?cionofbi0enberptaunce. " %*&amp;&amp; ipe founoe bim in a beferte lano/in a bopben perfect con^c grounb9aro?pngetoplDerneffe3elcDbnH!? c ,^!S?"? aboute9gauebimbnbei;ftanbiiiBe/9fiepiefc..ccBtniiiiiiua

bim ajj tfte apie of bi0e?e. '{3fi3SS$*i asfanegletbatflereibbpfterneft anoBosnm/ .#* teretb ouer ber pounge/be ftretcfteb oute BfeSSmt odbc topngegano tcfiebimbp 9 &amp; liart? k&gt;&lt;m on ^ijs p c ' 0, l"K*!S* c oulbersMKfte %om alone toasi ftiS gupfce/ SSSiSJT anb ft)eretoagno ftraunge obtoitbBim, n ^SK c J^ l^e fett bim bp bpon an bpe ianbe / anb be SSISTSS* ate tfte encreafe of tfte feibeg. ^atteg8uegfg| m 'ffi bimftonpe tofucfie oute of tfterocfte/ 9 opKftBitsWof W* outcf tfteftarbe (tone.bBftb &lt; butter of ftpneB"S? 8 '? 0,tt 9 mplcfie of tbe ftepe / % fatt of tbe lambc js 3 T* mere ano fat rammejs anb be gooteg toitft fat fipoV^ SS e 'g: ncpeganbtoitfttobete. ano of tfte bloubei;fit'^t6 *&lt;&gt;grapf^tbouwoncfiefttopne. 8SS5W5 anbSTrael toareb fat anb fipcfieo.cfioufav* "&gt; ncisnu. teaC fat/tftpefie anb fmoifte, anb be let mp"* goo tftat mabe bim ano befppfeb tlje rocfie fauebbim.cbepangrebbim toitlj ftraunge &lt;0obbe$ anb toitb abftommacpon? p;ouofi ea bim, chepofferebbnto felbe beueijsanbuot to 00/ 9 toobbEgtoBi(Btljepfitietoenot 9tonetoeobb^ tftat camenetoipbptofticb rbeirfatberg feareonot . jf tfte rocfie tftat begattfte tftou arte bnmpnbefull 9 baft fo; gott ob tbatmabe tfte. anb toften tfte jLofl fatoeft/betoajsangrebecaufeof p;ouo* fipnge of ftig fonneg anb baugftf ss, anbbe fapbe^J topll* bPbe mpface from rtoatBfiwm tBem 9 topll fc tebat tfteir enbe (ball be . tfo; iS tbep are a f rotoarb generacto anb cfcptb?! 111 tebom ifs no faptb. cftep baue angveb me to tftat tobicft ig no &lt;!5ob / 9 P?ouofteb me topft tbeir banptteg, * anb 3? agapne topll sngve , mm 6 n)em toptft tftem tobpeb are no people / anb topll pjouofte tbem toptb a folpu) nacpon. *dfo;fp;ei{fipnbleoinmpto?atb/anb R a ,- eeemtol ., 1 ,. burne bnto tfte botome offtell. anb OiaXB confume tfte ertft toptb ber encreafe/9 fett a fire tfte botomss of tfte mountayneg . &lt;$ topll Beapempfcbnieg bpgtfte 9 topll fpenbeall mpnearotoegattBem, 38umtteptbbifflgre9c0fumebtoitftOcate ano toitb bitter peftHence.*3'toillaifofen5e % |., m( . ,, ,, tfie teetft of beaftegbpon tftem aitbpoprijori.u


;*-*.- 1


r iMBeatoawtbetememb2aunceofHtora &gt;ctt?owtfterte!Sijntoan^cto07fi5to^ft6fi/i^iijl amonge men. mm it not at 3 featea e 3 teftifre bnto rou tin we ; atre com* Jgi jm rarlrng oftbeftenemreg/left tbeitaauerra* maunbe e bnto route cWwn/ to obfmie r i D p c ' ? ft ' tfegtoolBebepjofoBeararetowebrebanBe anDOo all tlje ttojQegt of t!)isf latoe. ffo;tttg fltoIlptM 7. baaoneall efe toomeg *note jLo?ac^ not abarne too?aebntorotubut ig route j}.wu^ &lt;ffo*ftiganacr ontbatba an bnbappre lrfe/ao?oto tg toojae re all p?olonge *MQ foicaft/ anaba nobnaetftabing At em;3i fora* aareg in e lanae tobecbet r ego ouec w jg * ! tooler toeretorreanBbnaeeftoaeft 9 gotfantoconquetett, . - . f 0?c t , "" toolBeconfrD!eit: later enae. anae)lo?afpaftebnto^ore0efelfetoo;iie fcotoe ft come t one all ace a ou* fanae/ anattooput ten oufanae of em toflrgbte:ercepteeir roc&amp;ebaa fo lit e/ onabecauWiUwaebaBBelrue^em. . a, #o?oureroc6eignotageirtocfte/no ' ^ougboureenemregbciubge. #uteir brneg aw of ebrneg of &gt;oaom/ana of e

tarneabatimbnto mount ebo/ W^feSSS^

clanbeof^oabouetagenttSertcbo. f9m ana beboiaee lanae of Canaan tobr % geuebntotbeel)p!D;en of^frael topoffeffe. mam ine mounttobicb ougoettbpS/ ana be geaeceabnto r peopie'-ag aarot

fel^oE&lt;Komojm.^mgrape0 ate grape* ^pb^otftcrweommoute^o^toW getlje*


ef gall/ana eft clutterg be brttet, cbeir torne tg e poplon of a?agong /ana e craellgall of afpeg. ate not foci) rngS larae in ft 0? e totti) me/anafealeabpamSge mrcreafureg:*raengeaunceigmrneanB3! torll retoarae: eirfete allffrae / toben I trme come, tfo? e trme of eft Bcftruc* erontgatban&amp;e/$etrmeat ail come bponemmaHebafte. &lt;jfo?t^e jlojae torll bo iuftrce bnto br$ people/abaue companion onbfgferuaunts jfo? ft (balbe fene $ eirpotoec all farle/ s ate Jaftfber albep/efonea 9 fotfaaen. a ana ft albe rartotobew aretbeft mi 9 r anaeftroefieto&amp;ecfnertrufteB: &gt; abe fatt of toftofe facrrf pccg ep ate am) bjanefietbe torne of eft azrncbeofftfnge g/ letftemrrfcbpanabelperouana be route protection. i)cnotobotoeatgj/lambe/anaat ere ig no ou \mt% . 1 can fipll ana mafie amie/ ana tebat 3 baue fmpten tbatgi can Ucale: netyn iptbete canaeisuetantman cuteofmgfianae. , jFo?3to?lH?ftebpmptebana to&amp;eaue/ anatoplifa?e:g!lpuceuet!. 5f3toftettteedigeofmyCtoei6e/$m?tte

bSaetaliembSaetoaomflrce,3to0letoe bengeaunceonrntneenem^csJanatopllw^ toataetljemt&amp;atbateme. Mfc -_ gi to^ii mafie mpne atotoeg a?oncae tottb fcloube/anampftoetae all eatefle of me f b* c .,blouaeoftfte f fla?neanaofe captyueana tech 8 ?" * oftbebatebeaaofraeenetmje. Su&gt;s of "he p?a?fe rebetbenttfe people / f 0? fte to?K ftotrntv that auencre the bloude oEU'^ feruauntcss/^ topll S ?S auengebfm of ftte aauerfatceg /ana to?lbe SSRtfS metcjfullbntotbelanaeofbtsspeopfc. _ St ^na^ofe0toentfpafieaUtbetoo?aeg cnptync of tbtjs fonge tn &gt;e eareg offtepeople/ botb anobjou3htinj, eari srt f lW , ro efotme of J9un. ainatoben m!SYt*l feore0t)aacpofienaHefetoo?ae0bntoe 9Sffmm toallSfwel/tben be fajaebntotbem.

teabntomsspeople &lt;jf o? ye ttefpafca agapntt me amSge tbe cba;e of 3!ael at | toacer* of ftrptte/at caaeg fntbetouaemcffc of 5m: liecaufeperancttft'eamenotamongetcl)* him of5ftael.t)oualtfee lana before tbe/but all not goo t&amp;Kbet bnto tlje lanoe tobtcft3lBewetftecbriaaenofgf:ael. CsW&gt; BJingMttftth nllthctrjbtBDf Jtml, be.ltw:ni.chaptet.. ^(jJis(tt)eblelngtoBettoUb flo*^, ftjj oajJ man bleffea tbe cft^* la?en of Sftaell befo?e \)W aeatb Mftsss^Jfa^ng^^ejLo^a came fro &gt;inai a etoea 6f0 bt amep ftom&amp;ft bnto t^cm/ aapeateaglo?touflr ft'ont mount Pbai'an/ anabe came toitbtboufanaeg of fawwano tnWsitfgbtbawalatoeoffwefo;tl)e.^om louea be $ pcople:"*aillbt0 f arnt^ ave in bv8 iAKfftf hanae. bep t'opnea tbemfelucg bnto tb? foteanaveceaueatbvtoo?acsi.fliEiorcggaue

b? atetoe tobtcb ft fte enbevFtauncc of e cSgtegaclonofgsacob.ainabetoapingiCvael # mn v u ftwaetoben ^egeaerea mebcaacsi of ^tawm* 2 people anatbetrebe^ of ^ftael to geaer. * Kuben alllpue anaftaiinot bre:but" n iyj bfe people albe fero in nomb?e.cb? 10 tbe nm ( m bieffpnge of luaa.mnabe ra?ae:beate %eM uamwt tbeborceofluaa ana bmngrbtm bnto &amp;#"* people:letbfe banaejJ f?gljt fo? bpni : but be g tboub^bclPcagaynftbTjjenemveg. *m 3nabntoXeitibefa?ar.*?petfectne(je t m anatrtftfgbtbeaftettbt? mewffttumsn*5 ?ft ttiou tepteaeft at^atobb^tobommou*J&lt;{W fttnteaeft at f toatcws of tttife. ipe fapetb f 9 S bntobtefaeranamoet.gjfatoebtwnot/ m ?[ t o, ana bnto bflsb?etb?en9! finetoe not/ ana to bi fonne 3 tootc nofcf o? ey baue obfemea jjfl* tb*too;ae*anaiieptettnj tcftament . Un?ggSS, allteacbe^facob? magemftes^ gjftael fe( f n inii j lateen . c&amp;e? an put ceng before ti)t mwtii ' nofe ?toboleractpf?ces(bpon tM attaw. ttc m 55leffe U-o?atbeft potoer 9 accept feojbejs w""!"!. ClM|MlNMriitM|i of ent WE * at


atrpreagatn(ttbeanbofematbate em:e?ti?feHotagafne. rit jBenjamin be fa?ae. cbe 'A-o^ocjs bertfngeail atoeti mcafietpe bsbtm ana aepebim felfe in tbe batten bp hw contpnuallF^ alt objell betbjcnebit outtersi. C 3ino bnto S.ofcpb be fav&amp;e : bleffea of e jlo^be in W lanac toi tbe gooBh? frutetf of beauen/ toi acroeanatov fp?^igeg at Ive bene: ana tot fruteg of encieafe of efonne a tot t? pc ftute of emonee)S/ 8 tot tbe topper of mountawetf at tocre {torn tbe beg^nnpiige ana tot e oajn tess offjplleisatlaft eueva tov gooaip ftute of e et ana of tbe fulneffe etof . 3Dna ^ gooatojllof bim btocileme 5, *buc allcomebpontbeljeabofgpofepb ana bp on e toppe of tbe beaa of \ym tba t teas* feparateo from amonge 10 b?etty&amp;pff betotte is ais a fi??Obo?ne ore ana btjsbo?riejJ ap e b o?ncs of an bn?c 0? ne. % ttb tot e

be all puc tbe nation;* to geet/euf bn* to e enae of tbe too? . tirbere ate $ many oufanat0 of (pb?aftnanb e oufanbrg of jUpanavTcjS. m anabntooabulonbefa?ae:Ketopfe3a* unit tt/tfiw 15 " 10 " to &lt;W gov'fse out/ ana ou gifacbac tiiituueabo'ptente0.bepallcallepeoplebnto ntmnctof e bfli/ana ere ey all offer offerpngeg fltlfl at of rrabteoufne0 .m ep all*fucbe of e JgS^abutiDanceof cfeeanoof ttesfuw win *'an6cfinc/efanae. iiirtofthi spna bnto aafte fa?aeleCfea tss e*ro* Jfc . tommsfter^aa. f eotoellea0altonanb SIS tattgbt e atnte ana alfo e toppe of e if$toatrcfiebcaa.$e farce big begynnynge/tbat apatte jm ttume : of e* teacfer * toag bva etc ana came J!**** a tor e beaceg of e people / ana erecutea T^ twc 'm of e)lo?&amp;ean6bt0 j'ud kas Come gemtttttjS to ftttttMi mm&amp;m ana bnto mm be fajae : 3&amp;an ft a IfoniJ 2SM: tobape/be all flotoe from awn, dE* itnabnto i3epbaU/bcfaroe:iSepbatt 9 * beallbaueabima5ceof pleafuw^ afte ftllea toftbe bieff^nge of e low 9 an Baue bft poffefftonp tn e foutbtoeft. ana of afetbefaiae: aferalbebieffeb toi cbt&gt;ia?en:be albe acceptablebnto M b?e?en ana all a?ppe bft te f n'* ton anb b;affe al bange on tbf otoegana ^ , rneagealbea0fl?ou, fflStK * Cbcretgnonel^6ebntoe&lt;25oaof TK 3*WI J betbat n?ttebpon beauen albe noHte/tnebelpe/tobofe glojjeftin eclouaeuf/ :, eu?wt at t3 e atoell^nge place of oa ftom e SB2P* ta &amp;egvtmf nge ana from bnoete arme* of W* too?e : be ba call out *ne enennjeis be* 3 fef afojctbeanafayaesaeBtejclIinagiftaelftaa mm m . btoel! mfaffetpe 8 alonc.ana e e j eg of 3a* ' -'.ww. c ob all be bpon a lanbr of cojne 9 topic

moateouerbw beau? aiia;oppetf aetoe.wrtMetewBc appve att ou paell / tobo i ivbe bnto * efa people at art fauea.bvtbe^o^etbr"ilaeanabeiperanactocraeoftbi'gio^e. ana?neenent?cg all l^pbe emfeluejs from e /ana tbott alt toalbe bpon tbetr brebtiieg. Cia?oftB 6jcth.jfcatUtocph. joliia CuctcHt tb iti I^Ofts coiimc. . cjrbe.rrruif.baptec. iQBWofegtoet from c feiaegofj iflpoabbpintomofit j?ebo tobtc!; iige toppe of ISbafgalj ig oucc _ sagamft 3 ettcbo.;ana y jlozd e* toea bjmall eianae of dpalaaa euen bnto ^an/ a all iSepbtbali a t lana of ce pb?amt a ^anaffe/ana all e lana of^ttaatcue btt to ebtraoft fee/a efou ac region of f plapne of Uericbo cptie of pattlmettceg euenbnto^oar .3finaclLo?ae fa^ae bnto m bim.*rbft &lt;g e lanae tobicb 3 1 ttoaw bntofL clie ., . 6 ab;abam/ ^faac ana?acob toyll ati .jrt.o. &amp;euettbntopreea.9batte etoeaftf be* fo?emeereg:butbualtnot goo cuer ier. . gE&gt;o^ofege ferttaunteof e)Lo?ae &amp;l?ea ere in e lanae of ^oab at e com&lt; maunaemf t of e 'tojb.ama be buryea bint tnabalepine isaeof il^oab bef^ejse 1&amp;Beo?:but no man tor ft of big fepulcb;cbu* toigaare.ana^ofegtoagan buna?ca 9^ ana.w:.rereolaetobenbe areb/anbret brg eregtoetenotarm no; brg cljebeg aba tea. ana c ria?e" of Jfrael toepte fo? ot eg efeiacg of ffl9oab.wt.aareg. ana e bareg of toeprngeanamournrnge fo? ^0* fegtoereenaea. ana3ofttaefonneof^untoag fun of * efptrtteoftorome:*fo? fl^oftsf baa put W' 6 " big banae bpon bim.ana all tbe cbr?cn of Ifraeibet&amp;enfbbntobfm aaraag e jlo?d tbmmaunaeaflpcreg.jButtbercarofetiotffl P^opbet fence ffraeurfie bnto ifofeg/ tobom e&amp;o;Be inetoe face to face / in all e mr;acf eg ana toonberg tobicb tbe %om fent brm to ao in e lanbe of cgrpte/ bito to $barao ana all 9ft feruaunteg ana bnto alibis lan&amp;eanB in ail e migbtre aeabig 8 gwate tttebU rngeg mid) OP of eg bra in

tbeffgbtofalljftael. ajcbeenbeofefrfbobt of^oreg.



1 " i


C&amp;e&amp;ofecof3Joftta C^tio?Be tourajct!) jotut to muaoc t&amp;e lattttc of n joiiuffMwi6c8nwwi6ctD !M Miujnuallf aw ocutonymjt


&amp;efp2&amp;&lt;Cbapter. |fe*tberetuauntoftbe:(U&gt;?b: tbe jkoflefpafte bnto 'lofoa tbe tonne of J9un fl$ofe* mi npfterraptng:09ofe* mp rer* r r.^ -Jaauntigoeeo . $oto tberfo?e top a goo ouer tfozban / botbe ttjou ft all tin* eowc/ bntotibe lanbe the tobicb 9' geue fan* totfe cbplbje* of Wtael. * ail tbe places tbat

tbefoole*of poure fete all tteaoe bpon/ banes geuenpou/a^fapbebnto &lt;off*: from (be teplberne* anb tbi*)Ubancn bnto tbe gteatrpuer &lt;upbi!ate*:anb all tbe lanbe oftbel&amp;etbtte*/ euenbntotbegteatfeetc* toataetyegopingbouneoftbefonne/fbalbc pottrecooQe*.bete(ballnotama beable *Toruc.&lt;ff.6 to toptbttanbe tbe all tUc bape* of A bfc tftbe*toillrorbetleauetbe/nojfo I tfafietbe. vxaumui *3Settrong anbboloe: fo? bnto ftp* people 0.e 3.0.8 jj,ajt tttou oeiiioe tbe lanb tobicb 1 (toare bn totbeirfatbet*togeuetbem. abouealltbmgbeftronganb barcentbp ftlfe/to obfetue a touo/ accojbpng to all tbe latoc* tobicb &amp;9ofc*mpferuauntcomaun* MPMMi.ft. oeDtfte.* coumetberfrS netber to $ rigbt banb/no?totbciefte:tbattbouraapftebaue bn&amp;erftanbpngcm antftou tateltui banbe e^uf.#tM^tnoUbebobeoetbi*latoebeparteoutof tbpmoi#e:tfuttecD#etbetinbapeftmgbt tbattboumapftbecttcumfpecttobo acco/* bpngtoaUtbati*to?itcentberm. tfojtben fbalttbou mafietbptoapep;orpetoute/ anb then tbou alt bauebnberftSbpng.ebolbf. % baue rap&amp;e bnto tbe/ be ftronge ana boior. itetbctfcate/nojbjeabe. $ww Xtittftf obi* to(rt) tbeto&amp;etber foeuer tbou goeft. tf&amp;engofua cBmaunbeb tbe office** of f people fa pinge. oo rt)o?otoe tbe mpbbe* of tbebofte/anb cSraaunlie tbe people fapinge/ p;epaw pou bftapiefcfoj afteetb?e oape* pe all paffe ouer fbi* 9 o?ban/to goo eniope tbe lanbe tobicb tbe Jloflpouretfob geucfft pou/topoffeffeit. anbbnto tbeasubemte*/ abitefc / art) ftalfe tbe trpbe of flfetanaffe* fpafie gout* fa?mge:Eemembet tbat tobicb $)o&amp;* tbe fetuaatof tbeto?o c5maunbeb pou raping, tbe dojo poure on batbe geuen pou teaft/ anb batbe geuen pou tb i* lanbe. jLctt pom* topue* poure ebplb?en / anb poure catell re* mapne in tbe lanoe tobicb fleofe*gaue potl on tbB.s fgbc 3so?oan j #ut goo pe bero;*

3fofoa/ poure bjetb;m ^trnpb / *"* #* ** mm * toawe/anbbeipe tbembntf tbejLo?ue baue geumpoute b;etb?e"reatt /a*bebatbepou/ anbbntpll tbep alfo baue optapneb / turn* tobicb tbe JL.o?oepoute oogeuety tbe.Snb tten tetourne bnto tbe lanbe of pouw potter* fpon anb eniope it /tobiclJ lanoe flJBofesstbc S,o;be0femaat gauepouontbi? ipse gio;* bantotoawetbe tonnetprpnge 4 ainbtbcpan* ftoerebacfua raptag*.*aitl tbat thon bwtft mm. . W/toe tosll bo/anb WbetbO: ftrcuee tb ou f m&gt;3**m iu beftbg/toe tojll goJcco?b?ng a0 toe obe jeb flSofefS in all tbpngefJ/fo toe topli obepe tb e. onljetbe 7Lo;be tftpoBUetoptft tbe a$$ be toaptoitb Sofe0.?tnDtobofoeue: bpfobepe tbpntoutbe/ anbto?UnotbBebnto tbp too ?best in all tbat tbou cSmaunbeft bPVlec bim be fttong ft of goob coinage.

Cjofea fenbt ftatcbttf o; ftpca to3fcHrto/tob&lt;(| tocce bjBtic of ffiatjab ano fo tChopco i\)t l)&amp;tts of IM purfuacsuanUaestUiict^anoconfcffttb M) o6oe 3ftrt. l^enlofuatbe fonneof &amp;un fent * [out of g&gt;ett!mttoorpi?ctf fcaeape* iii?tnge:go ftbetoetbefanbe aalfo __J2mcboJinbtbei?toent/anb came into a*battote? boufenameb IKabab /anb *aftm lobgebtbete.ainbtttoasJ toioetbettpnge of fgSSgfl ;ertcbo fapnge:55tbolbe tbere came men in S bpibettonpgbt/of tbecbPlb?en of r |ftael/ tOnmtwS fppe oiite tbe counttep.ainbtbefepng of Jo* tfcb o rent bnto mabab raping: fepnge f ojtb tbe men g atecometotbe/tobpcbate entteb mtotbpneboufe:fo?tbepbecometo featcbe out all tbe lanbe. 3Pnbtbe toomantoaetbe ftoo mm bb tbem.3nb fapb/inbeabe tbete came men bn* to me butS tootnottobence tbeptoece .ainB aboute tbe tpmeof tbe Cbuttpnge of tbe gate tobcnittoajsbatcbe/tbeptoctoute/tobetbei! tbe? toem^otnot tbutfrtotoe afteetbem mtpcbipe anb pe (ball tabe tbem. anb fbtft Mugbt tbembpbpon tbe toofe oft boufe/ anb*Hpbbtbf bnbecflawcpetintbe ttalcaefSS i^fw* tobicb fte bab iptnga b;oabe bpon tbe toofe.

3nb the mm putfuea after tbem/ tbe toape to $oMti eue bfttd tbe*pa(toge/anb ag fone #^f fit* a* tbep tobicb piufueb after tbe toete gone oute/tbe? (butt tbe gatejjpmmebfatlpe. anbo?euectbeptoetea uepe/e came bpbntotbem bpontbetoofe /anbfapbcbn* to tbe mm . 3! fuiotoe'tbae (be )lo?be batbe geuenpoutbeianbe/botbebecauretbattbe f eate of pou it fallen bpon tyf / anb becaufe t tbeebbabitetiJoftbeianbefapntatpoure commpng.jro?toebauebeatbbototbejlo;b sl . *b?&lt;ebp-toatei;of*wbbfeebero?e pou/* w " PW sou came oute of gppte/ 1 tobac pou V J bl&gt;b

!a(ra0eottec Sofua ^ '^ bobntotbettoonpngeoftbe3raoj!ite0on i fimw.yirt.ftt)eotbet;fpbe3lo;ban*S)ebon/ftg/tobtcb Itlg, wbtteflpebeato}?eb,anbasirone a? toe bab beatttberetbpnges/outebettegbpb&amp;pntc, anb tbete remapneb no moare courage in anpman fo? feare of poure commpnge. $ o; tbe ]lo;be poure ob/bei* tbe &lt;&gt;od in beauf aboue:anb on tbe ertb bmetbe^ _ ^oto tberfo?e ftoeare bnto me a bp tt)e jLo?be becaufe % baue (betoebpou mercpe/ iKm"Hbatvt (ball alfo etoe mercpe bnto mp fa=


! tberjs boufe anb geue me a true toben . anb HiM"tbaf pe (ball faue a Ipue/bottje mv farber/ a sffn.ttJ8' mpmotber/mp b;etb;e/anb mpfplterg / anb I w**w all tbat pertapne bnto tbe, 2dnb tbat pe (ball belpuer oute foulest from beatb. ambtbemenanftoerebbee/ourelpueisfo; pou tobpe/pf pebtter not tbte oute commu* nicacion.3tnb fo toben tlje %om batbe geul

b* tbelanb/*toe toplloeale fll^etcpfullp anb trulp toitb ibe.anbtbeu (be ietttbmt botone toptb acoo?betbo?ouatopnbotoe. &lt;fo;bee boufe ttoobein $ totonetoaH.3Cnb(bebtoelt mtbetotone toallJnbOiefapbebnto tbem/ gett pou into tlje mountapneg / left tbe f olo* toe$ mete pou/ anb bpbe poure f elite* tt)ere tbjebaptf/bntpiltbeputfuarfi be wtumeb anbtbmmapepegoopouretoape*. anb u)e men f apbe bnto b er / toe topi I be blameiecre of tbP on)e/tobicb tbou baft mabe b*ftoeare,#eboibe/toben toe come into G)$ lanbe/tbou (baltbpnbe tbf* putpletbjeben coo;be in tb e topnboto /tobicb tboulatteft b* boune bpe.ainb tbou (bait b?png tbP fatber/ tbpmotber/tbP bretb?en/anb all tbP fatber* bou(bolbe/euen in to tbe boufe to (be. 26nb 3^tben tobofoettcr go oute at tbe booze* of tbP rlS!l|goii/ftttoibe ftreate/*bP* bloube (balbe bSLhtoPonb(*aune beab/anbtoe gpitlede.ainb "SBtobofo^metJbalbetoifttbemtbeboufe/bP* ..m tb bloube be on oute beabe* pf an? manne* N %isffe banbe bebponbim:1finbeuefopf tboubtter E S "J tbefe nice tooo;oe*/ toe toplbe quptc Ml j'he otbetobicbtboubaftmabe b* ftoeare. atnb mutt tjieftefapbe acco?bpngebnto poure toozbe* fo m&lt;(. be ifcanb fo rent tbem atoape / anb tbepbe* parteb.Klnb (bebounbetbepurplecoo;be m tbetopnbotoe. . J a 3nb tbepbepartebanbgottetbem (ntotbe mountapne*/ anb tbete aboabe tb?e bape* bntpll tbe purfuar* toereretumeb. anb (be purftiar* fougbt tt)o;otoe oute all (be toape anb founbe tbem not. anbtbettoomen re* rumebanb befcenbeb from tbemountapne anb paffeb ouer / ft came to 5ofua tbe f onnc ofiQun/ anbtolbebimantbatbabcbaunceb tbem. anb tbep fapbe bnto forua tbe &amp;o?oe batbebeipuereb into oure banb$au" tbe me/

to; m tbe inbabiter* of tbe conttep fapnte CO; feare of b*.

tfffi^etoctttof Jojoano?^ bp/anSJofut ttwtb Hjc people pale out r.;. r^b3|ofua rofeerlpe:anb tbepre^ [moueb from %&gt; ettim I anb came to fcojoany botbebeanbailtbe cbpi* ml of 3frael/ anbfoiourueb tbete iefo;e tbep toentouer.anb after tb?e bape* tbe officer* toenttt)o?ou oute tbe bofte/ anb commaunbeb tt)e people fapinge-.tobenpe re tbearcbe of tbeteftameutof tbe 'jUzb poure &lt;Pob/anb ttft p?eafte* tbat are jleuite* bea^ tpng it:tt)enaepattepe from poure place* ft ft folotoe after it. &gt;o pet $ tbete be a fpare bettoenepou ait /aboute a ttootboufanbe c cubpte* bp mearureJnb come not npe bnto (t^tbatpemape finotoe tbe toape bp tobicb pe muft go . fo? pe baue not gone bp it in tpmc* ftj


paftJnb3ofuarapDebntotbepeopie/*pu4t.m""SL. rtfpe poure felue*/fo; tomo^otoe tbe )Lo?be uicgum. &lt;. all (betoe toonbet* amonse pou. &lt;, Cben "Jofua rpaftebnto f pzeafte* raping Cabebp tbearcbe of tbeteftament/anb go befo?etbepeople.anbtb,epto!tebp arclie fmmms of tbeteftaraent/anbtoet before tbe people. % pjopeciv anbtbei,o?bfapbbntog i ofua;tbi*Dapeii'toaiwimcc; tori! 3! begpnne to*magmfte me/in fpgbt SS8UK of allSfraei/tbat tbepmapebnotoe.boto g gSSB3K55 *a*|toa*toitb flore*/ rotopU9betopff)( n( a!uU tbe.anbcommaunbetboutbep?eafte* tbatuw ?&lt; beare tbe arcse of tbeteftam^t/faping: tobe feftfif

peateentetebaiptleinto tbe toaret ofao?*20S {, " l f bantbmftanbeftplleinit. w ben fpaftegiorua to tbe cbplb?e of pael fapinge: comebptbet anb beare tbe toozbe* of tbe /Lo?be poure ob . anb'lorua rapbe: ^etbpe pe (ballbnotoe/tbat tbe tt'upng &lt;od &lt;* amonge pou / anb tbat be topii toptboutfapiecaft oute before pou /tbe Cananite*/ tbe ^etbte*/tbe l^euite* / tbe l^bexeHcess / tbe(S5ergerite*/tbeamo?ice*/anbtbegiebu 5 f(tes.25eboloe/tbearc8eoftbeappopntemet of tbe TLoib of all tbe tooji&amp;e (ball go before pou into fo?ban.anbnoto tabepou ttoelue men of tbe ebplbzen of -JTrael/of euei p ttpb e aman. anba*fonea*tbefoole* oftbefete of m P?eafte* tbat beare tbe arcfte of %t* bouab(tt)e %om of all (be too?lbe ) mm m tbe toatetof $o$m / tbetoatet of |o^an fballoeupbe it feife-. anb tbetoatet* tbatco^acfw.ti.i'. metb from aboue (ball (lanbe ftpll bpon an jjeape . anbtobentbepeopie tocre bepatteb fromtbefttente*togoo ouer Vp^atl (*tbe p?eafte*bearpng tbearcbe of t appopnte^ ment before tbe people) a* fone a* tbep tbat bare tbe arcfte came bnto |o?ban/ ft t^e fete of tbep?eafte* tbatbaretbearcnetoeiebip^ pfbintbeb2pmoftbetoater*3o?bSbeping*;9c(.^(i^ lull ouer all W bancbe* all tbe tpmeof M&amp; baruefte:





batuette; tbe toatertijat came oomne ftom abouebrDftoppeandftooe toponan beapey a gveat toape ft5 abam/a crtie befroe^a* iban ano tbe toatet that toentootonetoanif* Ibebtniotbefeeoft&amp;e tantiemes* ealleo %e

fait Re ag tone act itiuags aeupoefcf tbe peo* ple*tocttsgbtouetagarnft3|ettcbo.anb 5 P?eatte0 guatetbe at cue of tbe appogntP ment of tbe 'Jlo?ce ftoobe ttrll bp5 D?fe land/ bnttll all people toete cleane ouec Jojban. r mnocUic acmes act ctaccb tp fo? arcmsb?nunce that jo j oan was Dfgct^j it tctiitnctb agapnc to bjs ft. trctje.mj.flrbapter. #ba0fonea0 tbepeopie toete all gone ouec3,o;oan/tt)e)Lo?ofpafie ibnto Sofua farmge . cafie tow *...-;. .-.. ^ . ~- w - v ,. r , T is*Jttoeluemenout oftt)epeople/ of* toete ozoug&amp;t to d?relam&gt;/tbe toatet o fjo?* euetWbeaman.anbcBmaunbepoutbe ban tetoumebagarne bnto bfeplace 9 toent farmgettaftepouhcnec oute of ty mrbbe0 ouetallbt0 bancfic0a0beop&amp; befo/e . a n&amp; cfWban euen Mite of tbe plate tobete tbe M people came up out of 3o?bantbe temft e SieatteP ttoobeinatebrne0/ttoelue ttonep. bare oftbefr?ttmomtban&amp;pitcbeb tnd &amp;al* no tafie re tbe" atoare toitbpou 9 put tbero gal euen in tbe eatte bo?oet0 of gc tttya.


balfet&amp;ettrbc of flpatiafleg toent befo;e t&amp;e not aftcjj t^lb;5of 3ltaelatmeo/a0 Q&amp;ottfi cbatgeb8"|WM tbem,poriafouttptboufand trrmmeo to; H tLl'lA toatte/ toent befo?etbe %am bnto batten/ g,,,^ 'JJ ! euen bnto n)e toplbe femes of etf c&amp;o.c&amp;at oe or ft oafetftei!Lo?Diuagmf^bg|ouiainti)ef?gbt"Jf f if.w of all3!ftaei/ano tbep" featebbpm / 00 tbep 1 r^fiS*: featedffl9ofe0allbare0ofbi0lrfe. . bwEr, anb tbe jlo?de fpaftc bnto Ionia farmg: wmtttm cSmaunoe tbe p?eatte0 tbat beate tbe atc&amp;e w tm i of tortnefle to comebp oute of 3!o?oan. am&gt; 2fSgJ** joftta commaunbeb tbe P?eattc0 farmge. ,3',.;;;^ afcende bp out of 5o?oan . and toben tbe mam P?eafte0 tbat bate tbe atcfie of appopnte* bcftaw*, ntent of the ;Ho?b toete attended oute of 30?* Mima* fone as( tt)e foolejs of tbe p?eatte0 fete

in tbeplace tobete rculooge atnpgbt. ana kolua called bntoflje ttoelue men tobubbe babpjepatebof * cbplbje" of ffiatl/ of euerp trpbe a iu&amp;/9 farbe bnto tbe"*:getpou befp?e tbe arcitc of tbe Ho?deroutc 00 eueinto *.... .^.mrade0of3o?da79tafiebpeuetrm8attone ***wHjti5 big Q)ouibcc/acco?brngbnto nomb?e of tbe ttpbe0 oftbe cbplb?en of Sftael / tbat tbfemarebe aftgneamonget?ou. an&amp;tobe toute cbilo^en af fie tbeit fatbetg in t?me to come fa^inge: tobat meane?e to?tb tbefe flonesittbenfarebntotbe/bototbat $ toatet of 3 , .o?banbeuroeD at tbe pjefence off atcse 35 of tbeapporntement of tbe 3L-o?oe:euetobtte ittoftouetSo^oan/tbe toatet ofgojtanues u^oei) .arns tbefe done* albe a memo;vall bntotbe cb^iwen of f ftael fo? euet. ami tbe cb?io?en of jftaei n^o cuenfo a0?ofua commaunntD/antitofiebp ttoelue ttone? oute of tbe mtfftt* of 9! o?oan / as tbe #&amp;&amp;&amp;$* JLo?tefa|tiebnto -qfoflia acco?bmge to tbe nomb;e of tbe rrtbesJ of tbe cbsto?en of 3 U tael/arib cat? eb tbf m atoa^e tojtb tyl bnto tbeplacetobetetbfvlo^elj/anblareotbem ocunctbtte.anMbetto'Sofuafftbpttoelue ftoncfSlntbem0Joe0of ao^anfn tbe place tofiete tbe fete of tbe p^eafttsi tobfrtj bate tbe atcfie of tbe tettament Oooue. anb tbe tbep be cue n bnto tbf JSWf e. f 02 *.Cfitttma' a p2eattf0tobpcb bate tt)e atcfie aoobe in*. ^^ f A&gt;fbWPof?o^an /bntpllall toasJftnWbeb SjSSttSStbattbe^o^becSmaunWb^rfuatofwebtt Strtnt Baft itotbepeople/accojbpngetoan tbat flpofejJ fgebe iyftt tf cbatgc&amp;'jofHaJnb tbe people bafteb 9 toet SHitt? ouet.tben ail tbe people toete cleane ouet SPSS' tbentoeiitouettb^atcfieoftbeiLo?lie/$al s tttVtWnc fo W PMMt befo?etbe people, fnb f cb Withe* xntt wen of Kuben/ano tbe tbfiwen ofcaa/anb

anb * ttoelue done* tobptbtbeptofie out. wWi Dtgo?&amp;an/3oruapitcljeDtn r &lt;ipalgal.fnDbeK fpafiebnto tbe cbylb?en of gttael fafinge / tbttastu!' tobe route cbtfoje af fiepou In t^me to come the m$ fap'nge : tobat nieane tbefe &amp;one*/ l^eWJffl, route cbt?lo?en ano tev e:|ftael came ouwJSJgjH tljiis3o?iiancnD?FelanD.jro?^5Lo?Deroute^ngaWk &lt;oo b?pebbp tbe toatet of ^ojban before tauit t^im 1 tou/bntpllte toete ouet/a* W %W tWttt w |* ; , obbibbntotbetebfee / tobfcbbe b??eb m*S JF before b0 tpll toe toete ouet/ S all people ft ^J,, oftt)etoo?loe marcfinotoe ttjeban6eoftbctbtmaii. jLo?Deboto mjgbtge it is/anbtbat re migbt * feate tbe %om route ob fo; cuet. 1SS Cfltbt CanamttsattaftatbcCbt fttonot tlttum* ^np.t.(wn tftvoiUmbttjoCim. ibatitfr iNirbe.b.cbaptet. mm iSbtobenall thpig^ oftbeamo^a titegtobieb ate on tbr? rrDeg,o; banto * fectoatbe /? all firngess _ _, _ . of tbe Cananitejstobfcblre ontbe s3(lW i4 ieebcat6e/bototftel-o?tiebaDWrebbptbe J . toatet of gfo^can before tbe tbplb^en of gif= ( tael/bntsntbertoeteouet/tbeitbett^fap tcoeintbem. anbtbetetoa? nofp;eteintbe anp moate / fo? feate of tbe cSmrnge of tbe cbriwenofgfftael. 53 ^:batfametrmetbe1o?b(arbebntog!os rua:fl^afietbefinruee*ofttone/aiigooto#*eiiw agameanbcitaimcrfet6etb?lb?e'cf3ftart(&amp;Kir tbefeconbetpme.anbf ofua mabebfm finr* utn of Hone 9 citcumcTfeb tbe cbrio?5 of JC raelintbebrlloffozeffirtint?. attbtbwi? tbe caufe tobr S'orua 9 crrcutntfr w m tbe peopletbat came oute of crgrpretbat toete malejs/alltbatteetemtn of toatte/bre&amp;ni tbe torlbetne^br tbetoafeaftet met came outeof Cgrpte,$QtoaU* peopletbatcame cute

* oute toete citcumcrfeb . #ut all tbe people &lt; toete bo;ne in tbe totmetneire br tbe toare aftettbe? came oute of cgrpte / tber citcfi* crtebnot.iff 0? tbe cbriozen of gjftaei toaifieb fouttp reateu in tbe torlbetneae / wil all tbe people of men of toatte t came out of tfgipt toete confumeb/tobicb batfieneb notbnto * bowe of o&amp;/fo tbat tbe )Lo?beftoate/ tbat betooloenotajetoetbemtbeianb tobicb tbe )Lo?dc f to are bnto tbeit f atbetg / $ ht toolbe , geue b?/eue a lanbe* i flotoetb toitb mrlfie Canbbonre. and tbeit cbflbjen befettbpin -Mr meit fleabc: tbcmi!ofua crtcumcrfeb : fo; W ' tber toete *bncitcumcjf eb/becaufc tber t= "!!&amp;" " cumcrfebtbemnotbrtbetoare. mv ainDtobenalltbepeopletoetefuncitcum-



^tbep?eaCeistballblotoetottl) tljeit ttom petted Jnb toben tbetete alonge biafteblo toentortbtbe tammeg bo?he/ aflone mn beate t fofioe of u)ebome/iett ail tlje people motote a mrgbtie fljotote. anb u)en c^aii tbe toallejs of tbecitte falleboune/anb people allafcenoebp/ euetpman atetgbt before bfm,attt&gt; gjofuatbe tonne of ^tin/calleobn* to tbep?eatte0 anb faroe bnto tljent: tafie bp tbe atcfie of tbe appointment / aiett feucu p^eaftest beate feuen ttompetteg of tammesJ

bo^neis before tbe atcfie of tlje)Lo?beJnbl)e farbe bnto tt)e people/ go 9 cSpaffe tbe citie: sletttbemenof atmeu go before tift atcfie of tbe jLo?oe.anb toben fofuabab fpofie bn- ffi to tbe people/tbe feu? p;eaaeg tbat Dave tbe &lt;r

crfeb/tberabouearllintbettplaceg in tbe., feuen ttompetteg of xumMMow* before

ho ae rrll tber toete tobole . anb tbe %Wt larbe bnto giofua / tfit0 ba?e3! baue tafien nwMbweatoare m fl QjameofflEgrpt ftom rent: anb !tbniu calleb * name of fame place algal bnto _ Jjetti)tD t htj( D8? e.anbtbe cbrlb?e of ifracl prtcbeb teSl^tbeittentegin^algall/ ^belbe tbe feaft of IS -palttouet ttje fouttene Dare of tbe monetb at mEER euen in rte fcloess of gen'ebo . ano tbe? 1 " ate oftbeco;neoftbelaniieon tbe mb?otoe -.: aftctpaffeouet/ftoete cafie? 9 patcbeb come m *e f eife fame bare, anb flUSna ceafeb on tbemojotoe/aftettberbabeateof tbe come oftfielanbe/netbetbabtbe cbrib?! of Slftael fl^anna anr moate/but brb eate of tt)e ftutj '' of tbe lanbe of Canaan tbat rett. anb toben giofua toa* cometo|mcbo/be Irftebpbfe W$ anblofiebtanbbeboibetbeie aobeamanbefiweftimtbbfc ttoetbe b?atoe mbi0banbe.'anb3!oftiatoentbntobrmana farbe bnto bim/ atte tfiou on oute f Mi p? on oute aouetfaiies . anb be anftoeteb/ J5are/ but? am $ captarneoftbebo&amp;eof $ jlo?b

^t atcfie of (be Jlozo/toent fo?tb anD bletoe tottb tbe bo?ne0 / and tlje atcfie of tt)e tefta^ ment of tbe Xomt f oIototD aftet tt)em . ana Semen of aimegs toet befojetlje p^caueg p. etoetottbtbebo?nc0/anbtbecSiuepeopie came aftet tbe atcfie:ana ag tb er toent H\w bletoe to tt)rbome0.anb3!ouia comauriceu tbe people terfoge/tyotote not no? let route borcebebat&amp;e/o?anr too?&amp;e p?oceabe out

of routemoutbe0/ bntrlltbebarea bp orou fcotote;anOtbenChotote. anb fo tbe atcfie of tlj e :Ho?oe compafea tbecrtieanbtoentabouteitonce-. anb tt)m tber tetutneb into tbe botte anb lobgeb tbete anb giofua tofe etlr intbe mowsng/anb tlje P?eaQe? tofie op me atcfie of tbe jio? oe/ano feuen p?eatteg bate (euen ttompette of t8me0bo?ne0befo?e tbe atcfie of tl)e iLo?&amp;e/ anb a0tfier toent4)leto toitb tbebo?ne0,ana tbemenofatme0toentbefo?etbem/ anbtbe comen people came aftet t\)e atcfie of toe &amp;o?&amp;e:anb astfieptoent/tberWetoe torai

amnotocome.anbaofuafellonbr0 face . tbebo?ne0.ana feconbe oaretber 'cSpafta to tbe ettb anb orb teuetence/ anbfarbebn* tbecrtie once/anb tettunebagarnein to tbe

to bpm/ tobat far* mr )Lo?be bntobt0 fee* uauntanbtbe capfarne oftbe lo?be0 bofle i a 1, farbe bntogiofua-.*botbr Ooe0 of ft)r feate/ * LtfWt&amp;eplacetobetont&amp;onttanbett ijs &amp;oip, anb^oniabrbfo. ., CfWttoallts ofjcrifbofan/aftpUictalwii. .. i&amp;k tettcboftuttin bet people/ 9 ltoa0 ibuttfo; feate of tbe cbrl&amp;?en of fftael?Co tbatno man toent out Fo? ini8nbtbe )Lbe farbe bntolp flta:beboibe/gibauegeuen intotbrnebanb/ gettcbo 9bet firng 9 tbemen of toatte Jn&amp; reQiaUcompafletbe tytie/ all tbat bemen M , oftoatte/9gotounbeabouteftonce:anbfo KV^*aHroubofw:eoare0. anbfeuen p?eaOe? i(Snci'ftallbeate feuen ttompette0 of * tammeg ietvofthtbome0befo?e tbe atcfie. anbtbefeuenetb ifHt.eii;t.bare/reftaUcompa^tP^f | wentBme0

6ofte/anbf ofber orb titebar eg loitje. anb#e feuettn) bar e tfier tofe etire:euct toftb^ebatoningeoftbebare/ $compareb tbecptteaftettbefamemanet feuen trme 0: onirtbattber coparebtb* crtte reue trmes,.

anb at t^e feuenn) trme / tbe p?eaffc0 bletoe toitb the bo?ne0/ anb3|ofua farb bnto tbe people/Ojotote fo? tfte %ow Datb ge nets * wu rou

^* *



3fmtIjo. 3fofua, m Cpou tbe cptf e. tfuttbe c^tfe (baibe ercomu* to&amp;feB. befpae jSetbatten / on tbe cattle nicate/lJotljettanQallt^acis tberm/bwo o"23etbel/aiiD Cpabebnto tijem tapinge / actJ gettponbpanaoetoetbe countrep 4MW3&amp;*u3 mm toent bp ano fppea oute M . ana ofttt* &amp;SH lKftbiitftCilnrii!iaiirfltM&gt;hJitnMmr Ittt ttnf i.. ?9



%om onlpe Wabab ttje barlot (ball ipue / botbe we a alltbatiS toitt) bee in tbeboufe / becaufetbe*bpi)0e tljemeffengetstbat toe f entjna m anptopte betoare of tbe e,rcomu=

locate tbpnges/leafle pe mafie poute feluegt ercSmuntcate. jfo? yf^ott tafie of tbe ercom* municatetbpng$ / to (ball pou malte boflc of f frael ereomunpeate ano QiaU trouble ft. tfutof tbe tpiuer / goiae / becreues of tyaffe' anOp?on(balbe boipbntotije MKf wall go in to biStreafurpe. ano tbe people crpea/ana bletoe toptb b02nes:fo?tobentbepeoplcbeatoettounbe *W&gt;.jrif. ofu)ebomes/tbep(bototeaagteat ftotote: ano tbe* toalles fell Ootone / ano tbe people toentbprntotbe cptpe/ euetpman fteepgbt before htm/a tone tbe citie.ano tbep btterip aeatopeaall&amp;toasintbecptie/botbemanij tooman/pounge ano oloe/ore/ftepe/ 8 Sfley iuftb tfie eoge of tbe ttoeroe. cyengofuafapaebntotbe ttoomentbat . tomt to fppe oute tbe conttepe:* goo into the * jooit s.t |j at i otteiS jjoufe/a bzpnge oute tb ence/bottje ^ tbe toom'an a all tbat pertapnetb to bet,* as pettoaretober.anatbepounge men g toere fppes to nt f u a no b ? eugb te oute isabab / a ber famer/ana motber / ano an ber bjetteen ano all tbat (be bao.ana tbep b jougbt out all bet boutboio anoputtbem bjttbcut tbebofte olftmtl anotbepbumt tbe cptpe toftb fpje/ ana all that teas tberin.flDnli? tbefplucrf goiae/ ano tbe lb? ngetf of b;affe ano peron tbep put bnto tbe creature of tbe boufe of tbe Mir. *3nb3 iofua faueo Kabab tbe batlott / 9 bet . ,. fatbetsboufljolceanoaltbatpertapneabn* LKF.^ c tobec/afl)e!itoeltefn3!rrael/eueiibntotbtjS f{SaSiu?afebaw/becaufe ftebpoae|meffengers tobicb i).s;i)pi6;5 fcB gofua fent to fppe oute jertcbo. tbitiBcfttot^e ' ana3Jofuacutreoattbatt{&gt;me/tapinge/ KSffiSS* cutftb be tbe man before tbe :Ho?ae/ $ rpfetb SS% IK h P anabpioett) tM cptpe|ertcbo :fo tbat be mtummim W founoacion toptb tbe*aeatb of bp* *w.t . 15c mat eioettfonne/anatttbeaeaib/of bP*Potfgeft W'lWW the Bateu. anotbe&amp;ojaetoas toptb tbnitcciipie* outalllanaes. : icffe j tottb owe CSU fft&gt;eB oiitc. acanttaoncBbecaurcbetobeof potttrjtpr. tbJtytSmimKatctbsnae*. Ctfbe.btf.fltbapter. * I?E^piiftPettbetbpia?enof ilfraeltret* 19 M&amp;mamW ewfimunicatetbpngeS:

Z'$ i^^fonne of ^abot / t\)t Tonne of 5a* reboftbettibeofguoa/to&amp;eoftbeejrcStmi* iticattbpngejJ. 2(nbtbeto?atb of tut %om toajceo toboteagapnft m rfnjtttf? orgoaeL ^benlofwafentmenftomlrrtcbotoaii


neo bnto gjofua ano fapae bnto ban/ lettnot piaccsntiii all tbe people go bp/ b ut let asf it toeee a t too mtm/M o?tb;etboufanoe mengoo bp ano bettwje aJRW at/anomafienotalltbe people to Moure 251*9 tbetber/fo?tbepavtbutfetoe. gB 1 a ns ro tbete to ent bp tb t tbet aboute a tftjt the t m tboufanoemen/tob^bfleooebefo^etbe men"?"' * L of ai.1tnbtbe men of W ftnote oftbem bpon SS^SS a tbp;tpe ano fpre men/ ana cbafeo tbemu, "\f before tbe gates mm bnto abawm / ano M.t&amp;t, (mote t^tmin tbe gopinge ooune . aino aje 35 **, ^cte0 of g people bjetc oiftoutageb a meal* fh , Jm teblpfte tostec 3Cnog!ouia ventbP? W w ? I ano fell to die ewb bpon bPi* fa before tbe -'1 atcfie of tbe )Lo;ae bntpli tbe eue tpue/ botbe be ano tbe eioet^s of %(mei/ ano put etn) bpo tbefcbeoor*. ano 3!ofuafap0e/aib/^o?oe gjebouab/ b&gt;berfo;eba(t tb ou b;ougitttbte people ouee 3[o?Oan to oelpuct bss into tbebanOeS of tbe a(montesitooeacopebSt:toolOtoc5ootoebaa aOuenturcoanootoelt on t^i otbec fpoe 30?* ban,SDb Xoflie tobaMball 3 tape / toben Sff* taeiturnetb tbeit bacftes before tfym ene* mpcs:fl0 o?eouer tbe cananiteis/ anb all tbe enbabiteos of tt)e lanoe Iball be'ate of it /anb flj all com? ab oute bg anbbefttope tbe name of bs oute oftbetuo.2lbe.mno tben tobat toilt tbou 00 bnto tbp mpgbtte name. ^notbeilo?D.-fapoebnto?fofua/gctttbe bp/tobetfo?elpea tbou tiw bp5 tbpfacef ^ftaelbatbfpnneoaalfotranfgteffeompne appopntment/tobitbi commaunbeo tbem/ ano bane tafte of tbe eycSmum'catetbtngejJ/ ano baue ftof en ano bpooe tb e / anO alf put tb^bnto tbeitatone Outte tanb tbwfo^e ty mmn of gifvaci cannot Hanoe before tbebf enempe^.cbep all turne tbeit; bacftes be* fojetbeftenempejS/becaufetbepbeewBmu* nicate, JSetbet teill % be ti pou anp moaw/

ejxeptcpe oeftvopetbe ereemmunpeate fi5

amongepou. sp a*fanctifpetbe peopleabpbb tbera toranctpfpetbefelueisagapntttbemo^otoe:;"" 1 f o? f ofaptb tbe jLo^oedeoo of gjfrael / tbe ejt w communication is amonge pouSftael/ anb tberfo?epe cannot ftanbebefo^e pouw ene* mpeg/bntpllpebaueputtbeercommunfca* cion ft3 amonge pou. 0 mojotoe mo?npng pe (ball come bp poute rrpbeis.anb tb e ttpbe tobicb f )Lo?oe Qjailfpnoegpltie/lball come bp fipnteoes,a!ni&gt; $ npnteoe tabicb tbe ito?a mall fpnoe gpltpe/lban come bp boulbolBc 0. ana tot bou6)oiae tobpeb tbe JLojot (bail fpnoe fatitpe/ (ball comemanbp man. ana beg &amp;foun&amp;efotbjtt5munftarton albe burnt


rnw ' 'buwtttoitbftre /bon)ebe aub all tbat per (Mutiny tapnetb bnto btm/becaufe be batb trfifgreTMSlXffi * e coutnat of tbe &amp;o?Oe/ana becauft be SS K'i 8tft to ? 0,, ^ t foi ? c in 3;rmeu. SatjftMu an0fo9.orua rofebperlp in mo?npnge MfitofetatBanob;ougbt3ifraeIibptbefttribes:anatbe gyfS2 trtbc "f 3luoa tons caugbt. cben be bjougbt i Lftrat tbeftpmeoes of Juba/ano f ounbe tlje fipnrea Tw.b.&lt;0 . of tbe^avebfte^giltie. anabeb?ougbt tbe mutt" fiinreo of tbe ^arebttes Up boufiboteets/ana K&amp;W teas caugbt . ana be b?ougbt bPis j^,Qboulboloe man bp man/ana acan tbefonne ffl oE tann* / tbe tonne of 3abOi / tbe tonne of _ *fw * 5areb in tbe trpbe of man teas caugbt. HfiSL,,/ ana giofua tapoe btto acan :mp tonne/ ttff'pi: gio?pe to tbejlotfe ffioo of 3 ftaell/a (imjw-#. 6 geuebim p;aife/a (betoe me tobat tbou baft &lt;,0gt&gt;"8iO'aone/anObpaeitnotftomme.anaacanan* 0MB/toftoereO3[ofua anofap0e:of atrurtje 31 baue ^SSW m capita tbe jlojoe oa of Jfraell / a 5,8 wMttte. to ano to baue^.aone. 31 fatoe amonge tbe fpople a gooblpe jsabiloiu ibe garment/ana iafl ,, ftm p a ttoobuna?eoftclesoffiluer/anaa*tongeof niMo/Warcgolaeoffpftpeticles toepgbte:ana % coue (tine t w* tea tbem/ ano 3! tofie tbem. ana beboioe tbep wDimatfgfcipebpaoeinibeertbemmptenteanatbefpls uertberbnoer. ana tben 3!ofua tent meffengens tobpeb rane bnto tbe tentjno beboioe/it toas biaae tnbP^tent/anatbefpluertberebnaer. ana tbep tofie tbem out of tbe mpaoett of bte tent ana b;ougbt tbem bnto 3iofua ana bnto all tbecbpttwn of3!fraell/ana potorea M oute before tbe jlojae. ana fofua tofie acan tbefonne of 3* teb / ano tbe fpluer / ana tbe garment / anb tbe tonge of golbe/ ano bPS tonnes ant&gt;bP0 baugbters / bp* oren / acres/ ftepe / ty$ tene ana all tbat be baa / ana all ^fraell toptb bpm / ana bjougbt tbem bntotbe balepe of aco;. ana Uoftia tapaetginas mocbeas tbou badeoubleabS:$ t^t ft all trouble tbe tbisaape . ana all gtvaeii ftonea bfm toitb ftones/ana burnt tbemtoptb fp?e/anbouer tobeimeb tbem toptb flones , ana tbep caft bpon bpma great beape of Bones tbat re* mapnetb bnto tbi's aape.ana to %nw tur* neaf rom bps f earce to?atfie. iberf o;e tbe iw*tftoi name of tbe place is calico balepe of*aco; ,^fifij.bntotbtsoape. ?n(c tpjpf a* ciijc fcegr anb tupnnpg of a r . Cbe hgnsj f Betof wfronMe iftBanacB. 3fofimfettctb bp an altaccon tobpei) ts 'tooMtfom to?i t ten tbeboUcofjoeutKoiiomycftebUIIcet) (be people. cbe.biif.Cbaptee. |i5o tbe Me fapae bnto giofua: fearenot/ner a?eaae ? buttafieall tbemen of toarre toftbtbe/ abpa sect tbe to at .tfebrtoeg baue ge*



. ..

ueninto tbpbahbe / tbern'rigoe at /ana b^ people/bis citee a ijis lanoe . ana tbou (bait ao to at a ber fipng/as tbou opoeit bnto*re* ,-,, (1( ricoanaberfipng.^euertbeleae u)e tpovle ai.m' / aeatelltbtrof/peftall taftebntoponre ttu ues . #ut lape a toatcb bnto tlje totone on bacfifpoetberof. anotben ^ofuaarofeanaalltbe men op toarre/ to go bp bnto W , ana jodta chore oute tbp^tpe tboufanoe men of toarre / ana tent tbem bpnpgbt. Ano lie commaunbeo tbem fapinge:^e tbatpelpeatoapte bnto tbe totone on tbe bacbefpoe tberof . &lt;i!5o not berp fatre front tbecptpe/ ana fe tbat pe be all reaope.anaS! ana all tbe people tbat arc toprb me/topllapp?ocbe bnto tbe cptpe . ?om,b^8 anatobentbepcomeotttagapnftbs/*asat25 tbe fpjft tf me/tben toill toe flee before tbem, ana tbep topll come outeafterbS/bntpu toe baue piucfiea tbem atoape from the cvtye, m tbep topll fape/tbep flee before bs/ as at tbefp;ft tpme:fo?toetopllflte befozetbeiu. Cben IbaiperpfebpfrB ipingatoavte s.fic* ftrope tbe cptpe:-}fo? tbe M,o;ae pome mrx topll oelpuer it into pour ebanaes. as tone tberf m as pe baue tafien tbe cptpe / 1 e tbat pe fet it on fp;e. accojapnge to tbe comaun* aement oe tbe &amp;o?oefe tbat ge ao/beboioe/qi bauecbargeapou. M ana Ionia tent tl) em f o?tbe/ana tbep toet to ipe atoapte/anaiape bettoene bethel am at/on tbe toed fpoe of at.jeut3Jofua loogea tbatnpgbtamongetbepeopie, anbberofe bperlpe tn %t mompnge ana nomb?ea we people ano toent bp / botbe be ana tbe eioeis of gtraell before tbe people/bnto at.ana all tbemenoftoarretbattoeretoitbbpm/tocnt bpanatwuc npe/ana camebefo^etbecptpe/ ana pttc#ea on m no?tlj tpoe of at/a balepe being bettoenetblanaai.anabetobebpon^

a fpue tboutanoe men aba put tbem to ipe a toapte/bettoenejeetbel aat/ on ae toeft* fpaeoftbecptpe.anabeputtbepeop{eeuei all m bofte/on tbeno^tbfpoe of tbe citie/ana tbelpersatoapte on tbe toeft . ana Iofua toenttbe rame npgbt into tbe mpD&amp;es of flic balepe. ana toben ^t fipng of at fatoe tbat tbep bafteaana rofebp erlpe/tbentbepeopie of ^t cptpe toent oute agapnft 3|fraeii/tobat* tell/bofl)e tbefepng anaallbPS people / at a tpmeapopntea/euen before tbe plapne/ana "&lt;" topft not tbat tbere toere lyeis atoapte on t$e bacfifpoe of tbe cptpe. ana 3ofua ana |fraell toere put to tbe too;flebefo?etbem/afleaetotoatoetbetopli berneffeJnaal tbe people of tbe totone crp* ea to folotoe after tbem .ana tbep foiotoeo - after lofna tpBtbep toere ojatocn atoape m lit, from n)e .



m 3Tofuat from fte ctttafeo ftat ftete toas not a man leaft in at/c? in 25cft el / ftat toentnot oute after 5;ftaei Una ftep leaf t fte c?tie ope and folotoca after Jftaeil. ben ft eHopae fapBe bn to ijofua Oterfte out f boucfielatg tg in ttjmc banae totoarae at/fojSbauegeue" fctt.ana'joftta uretftea out $ bou eft elat | to a? m tj t'ss ftStrc/to toara e fcme.anaftelfcrsxatoaiterore quicftl?e oute of ftetrpiaccjs / $ransie/avTonea0go= uiabaaaretftea oittebi* uan&amp;e / (jtbe?en= treo into fte c?tfe/ana tone it/a battea 9 fete it on f itcana toti en men of at loft eo bacbe afteeftem ana fatoe. tfftoiae/fte fmofie of #. ( ^fe;h 5 ,ftec?tieafcenBeabpto*beue'.anafte?bab people ft at dean to fte to?iaernevTe tutnea

bacbe agajne bpon ft e f olotoer*. * anatobenSofuaanaaii'ifraelfatoeftat *ftel?cr$atoa?tebaara&amp;tnftecitieanaftae ftefmobe of itafceaea. be? tumeaaga?ne anbla?ea on fte men oeaono fte oft et ?f= toeaoute of ftec?tieaga?naftem. anafo toerefte?in $ mfaaess of gfraeuvftefe being onfte onefroe offtem / anD fte telle on fte oftcr.anbfte?la?eabponftem/ro ftatfte? iettnoneeftettema?neo?fape.. ana fte Ising of atft e? tone a it ue ana bjougbt btat togofuaJnatobflEfraeilbaamaaeanenae ofaa?ingaUfteenbabtter* ofaiin Sfeloe* anbin ftetotiaernece b?tobfeb fte? ftafeb ft cm/ ana toben ft e? toere all fallen on fte ^Beoffteftome/bnt?lfte?toetetoatteae cbenaligftacltetutneabntoatanafmote it toift fte eageof ftcftoetae. 3naallftat fettftat ua?e /boft of men ana toemc/toete ttoclue ftoufanae/euenail fte men ofit. tfoj giofua piucbeanot m bana bacbe aga?ne toblebbe trtttcbeboutctorftbouc* Selat/bnttflfte? baabtterl?e aettto?eaalI



\ _

^*itiriit.tttt*$ettti)abitmmom.* d&gt;nl?ftccateH# aroi.ff0.i* fte* felue* accoja?ng bnto fte toojaeof fte , 5Lo?ae/ttiBicb fie c5maunacagiofua.anb go* * fuafettaf onf??eanbmaaettanbeape fo? euer anfia toiiaetnetfe / euenbnto ftf*aa?e. atoaft'efiftgof ai&amp;ebangebon ttee/bnc?H uen. anaaffoneassftefonnetoasftotone/ # i)tut.Mt.b9fta c5maunaea*afte? tobefte carba* atMt,wl,,, abuneofftettee/anacaCeftmfteenteting

#.3of.M.i&gt;. of ftegate of tbec?t?e/ana*cattfterona great beape of ttonesf/ftat wmapneft onto ft?* aa?e. cbrng ofuabrttan altate onto fte&amp;ojae fficaof gfvael/m mouttf ball/ajs SRofessfte femaOtbf fte Hofle c5maunueafte cWlbtf of ?fteil/acco?a?nga*tW0to??tren tnfte 5Dcn.y,rt).s. *bofte of fte latoeof flPofeistan altare of w ou iH&gt; n &lt;*rottgbeffone/ouettobtt#no toole of per$

facriftce/arifioffetebpeaceoflrmges.anabe to;otte ft ere bpon fte ftoneis fte* &amp;&gt;econae*&lt;irgat 1 latoe of flpofe* tob?cb be tojote in fte pje* tft8r fenceofftecb?la?mofg;fraell. ... vitt ; anaalll"tac^anaftlaer$ftetof/ana ,l, fteftbrffccris/a Sittage* ttoae / parte on ft is : f?ae ft e arcbe/ana parte on ftatf?ae/befo?e fte p;eaetcftat toete leutteis tobift bate fte atcfie of fte apopitmet of fte&amp;otfie:a0 toei! ftetttafiget/a0fterftatb)etebo?neam5ge ftem^alie on ft em onfte fo? eft owe of fte #ounte of art? iro/ana Balfe offtem on f j ef r 5 te of mount (gbattias O^ofess fte Cet uaunt of fte Ho^aecommaunaea/ fwft to bleoeftepeopletftaeu. ana after ft at tie reaaa all fte too?ae# of fte latoe / bofte fte bieffinge ana cutfsnge/atco^aing to all ft et it tojittenfn ftebofieof $ ftete teas not one toojae of all ft at Spofess com&lt; maunaea/tobtftlorua teaaenot / before al ftecongtegac^onof Iftaell/tofft tot men ana cbfiajen / ana fte ttraungetgi ft at toete amongeftem. c. atljc abaonftte obinvue peace of Jofua b;fot# teiepez-butafeafttt j;communtatte. ..C Che.v.baptet. ;^atobetiallftebfnge0 ftatbtoeil* on ft jji ftae 5 o?oan / in fte tjilless l^balegis/^ alongeb?att 5 cottets ..^^Jofftegteatfee/eulbnto^ibanon'

fte ^eftfte0/fte3Gmo;itej$/fte Cananitcg / &amp; JBbewntis/fteeutteis /ana fte giebutytt* beatoe:fte? gafteteaftem rente* to getbee to ffgbt agafntt jofua anb 3!fraell / tofft oneacco;ae. ^uttobenfteisnbabftottt-e* of abaon neara totiat 3!ofuabaaaonebnto jertcti / 9 3Di/ftepplafeatotinte/anbtoentana fene ambafabourejJ/9 tofie oioefaebeg bp5 fteir %mi anatojne bottelle* oiae ana tent ana bnptttogeftetagame/aoiae cloutea Qtoest bpon ft eft fete/ana otte rapmentbpon ftem^ ana all fteit p^outfpnof bjeabtoagta^veb'*' bp ubojea . ainbftevcamebntoaofuamto fte bo(te/to algall anb fa^ae bnto Bim anb bnto ft e men of |ftaell : toe be come from a fatteconttefe/notofterfO;ema!ieagtem5t toift bs. ana ftemenof gTraellfa^e bnto ?0 fKe.rtA fte#eufteS/paraQuetirte?ou&amp;toellearnoge ' b*/aftenboto ftuiae toe mafie peace tt tow anafte?fajaebmo3ofua/toeareft?fer* uauntejs.ana "Jofua fapaebnto ftem / totiat atefe:9tobfce come? e.anaftepanttoetea b'm . ;J[t6 a ber?e farte cortege ft? fevuafite* atecomelnftename of fte^o?ae ft? &lt;oa: fb?toebauebeatbftefameof bmi/anaall $ Beo?b&lt;ngte/9antbat8eo?b eo fte ttoo __ * fimge* of fte amotfte* be?onae 9o;ban/ ** wn ^ebonftingof^etlJiJ ?fiDg fipng of jSafan tobtcb atotiteataosatoft . rebnfoje outc elaet*


eiaet* aan Hnbabptouteisof oute'eontte? ; fpabeto b0fa?ing:ta6ebitaiie* toift ?ou to ' fetueb?ftetoave/ go.aga?nft ftem/fa?e V bntoftltoe are route feruaote*. iQotofter. f 6;e mane a c uenSt of peace toift b&amp; cfil*

I oute p;ouif?o of b?caa toe tobe toift b* ottte ofouretioufe^/toljotte/ g aa?etoeaepaea to come bnto ?ou^na noto bftoiait it a??eo t&gt;p 9 tio^es .3Bna ftef e bo teiie*of topne tobicb toe filiea toere netoe:jfe/ft e? be rent . ana ftefeoure garmented ftoe*atetoa^f oiae ,-bpfteteafon of fte eyceaa^ngloggioumeje iMttbr- *inaftementobeoffteirbita?le*/ana "^""counceleanot toift fte moufte of fte&amp;otfie. iBti,w^ nI '!J or " amaoc P eacctott Ct6 ett '/9*maae a couenanttoift ftem/to faue fteiri?e*: 9 fte%-o?ae* of fte congtegacponftoarebnto ft fj&amp;ut ttw aat e* after fte? tia a maae peace toift fte/fte?l)carae $ fte? toere ne?boute* bnto ftem /ana tliat ft e?atoelte atnongefte iffd? fte ft?ia?5 of gifraei tofie fteitfoume? ana came bnto fteir cirte* fte ft trb e bar e-.^ ft eft citic* toere &amp;abao/Captjira/$eeroft a bartaft'lavim. ana ft e fti)D?en of gifracll detoe ftem not/ became fte fto;ae*of fte congregac?on baa f too?ne bnto ftem b? fte , 3tofaed5oaof Jfraell, anbfterfo;eaIlfte mult imae mutmurea aga pntt fte % ojaeg. 5But all fte )Lo?ae* fa?aebnto all fte cogte* gartomtoe ftatte ftoo?ne bnto ftf b? f&amp;ojae It oDofgfftaei/9ftetfo?etoenia?enotbutte ftem. utftr*toetomaotoftem9lettfte Hue-, ana To ftall no to;aft be bpon w be* caufe of fte oft t tobtft toe ftoate bnto ftem. anafte jLo;ae0fa?aebntoftf/fte?ftuia Mme: ana fte? toere maae * betoer* of tooao ana a;atocr* of toater bnto allttjecongte* gacion/a* fte %mw fa?ae bnto ftem. Cften Softia f em f m ft em/a talftea to?ft ftem/ana fa?ae:to betfo;e baue?e begilea b* ana?et ?eatoell amonsebs^anbnotofteiv fo;e curflea be ?ou / ana ftete (ball not ceafe tobeof?ou/bcnamenana betoer* of tooaa aa;atoer* of toatetbnto vtiotofe of m? oa ana toe?anftoerea^ofua 9 ra?ae:ittoa*

tolae ft? t eruaunte*/boto ftat fte)Lo?ae ft? oa baa comaunbea bi* fetuaunt fl^ofejs to geue?ouallftelanae/anatoaearo?eanfte tfnbabftoure* fterof outeof?outef?gbt/ 9 fterfo;etoetoereefceaa?ngfo?e afrapea of cure l?ue* becaure of ?ou / a noto bftoiae/ to t are in tb?ne banae/a* it femeft go oa ana t?abt in ft?ne e?es to bo bnto b*/fo ao. anabe aealtc a*itt*fa?ae/to?ftftem/a rtaae ftem ottte of ftebanae* of fte cbiia?en of gtraelt/ftat fte?fletoe ftem not. ana gotitamaae ftem ftat fame ba?e be to erg of tooaa ana a?atoer* of toater bnto fte con* gregac?on abnto $ aultet of obbntofti* to? e/m fte place to'Bicb oa ftuiae ftofe.


GMbtmotittsattOutttQmtotjQUitifcititoncth Bneg.CljcfonneflanDett)nvlmiuil)ebasDiotcmin* tbenec.Ciie.U.JspiiaecarcljniiBco* ffbe.jt.4Cbaptev. , iSatotie aaonijeaeciftpngeof'je^ mfalem tiaa bearbboto $ofua baa tahenat/anatiaaaeftro?eait/ana bote t * a* be baa aoneto3fert(bo#3'&gt;&amp;M&gt;i.Mrt&gt; anaberftpng/euenfobebaaaonetoaiana 1 "')' 8 ' ber btng/anaboto fte cnbabitoure* of dPa* baon baa maae peace to?tb g!fraeii9a?are* ma?ne among ftem :ften fte? featea ejece* bingl?e/fo? abaon toa3 a great c?tie / a* an? c?tieef fte fi?ngaome/ 9 fterto greater ften at/ana all ber men toere m?gftt?e. ibetfo?e aaoni?eaec mug of|etufalern fentbnto^obamfiiijgof^eb^on/anabnto PbaramR?ngeofgerimoft/$bnto3 : apb!a 6ingofJLafti*/abnto?S)aba}imgof(irgIon fapng, comebpbntomeana beaipe me/g toema?fm?te(E!abaon:fo? fte? bane maae . peace to?ft|ofua afte cb?lb?en of Jfraeu. E prmftl , n . , Cben fte.b.ft?nge* of ? amo^te*/fte fiing JJg R f L. of lewfalem/ftefivng of 0eb?on/fteiitng aLSS of ^erimoft/ftebing of jlachitffte injrig of ta;e \nmttb Cglon geaftereafteieluris to gtatljer/bofte 2S?S!? fm fte?anaallfteftbofte*anatoentbpanabe4X"|! ) IC fegeadPabaon/anamaaetoamagaj'nftit. mowS

55ut fte men of abaon rent bnto gofua ranoc $twet* bnto f botte to algal/fa?tnge:toift a?atoe " B rtttpofo not ft? banae 9 fro tb? feruaunteg/but come &amp;"? Jp* bp tob*:fo; all fte b?ng(* of fte amo;ite* tobtcb atoell intl}t mouta?ne* are geaftcrea togeaftetaga?nftb*. ana Uofua afcenaea from aigaii / b oft be anb all fte people of toarre toitb inm mm allfte men of m?gbte/anafte ju?aefa?&amp;e bnto 3!orua/feare ftem not/fo?^, baue aei?* uerea ftem into tb?ne banae/ftere Ojali not a man of ftem ftanae before fte. ana Siofna camebnto fte foaenl?e/anatourncvea from algall all npgbt. ana fte JLo^ae tunno?* leaftetnbefo?e 5fraell ana fletoeof ftem a great iTaugbtet at abaon/ana cbatea ftem alongeftetoa?eftatgoftebpto3Befto?orc ana Oetoe ftem t?ll fte? cam to grana ana fi^abeaa. anaa0fte?tlcaaefrom g'ftaeii/ euen in fte gopng aoune to 5Befto;on / fti: )lo;ae catt aotone great Qone* from beau m bpon ftem/bnttn fte? cam bnto effafia/ft at ftep a?ea. ana ftete toere mo ftat a?ea toift ba?le done* / ften tbe cb?lb;en of SftaeH Oetoeto?ftfteftoerae. bett fpafte |ofua bnto fte Xo?ae/f aa?e toben fte ^o?aebel?uerea fte am 2 if eg be* fo?e fted)?ia;enof5fraell/aiiabela?Deiii figfitof all^ftaeH: ^onne Qanae tftott ftillcHccic. tW&gt;a, bpon/ abaon/a ftou flI9one/in tlje baleve of aial on, anafte fonne aboae/3 the mone ftoaeft?n/bnt?li fte people baa aauengea ftem



%ty Cottqutftes of


ffiR"noS igojoHM I fpaWatoboiebave. mwm asot 2t nb ttjere teas? no Davelpfte tbat / before it/ 52 ^TS?* o? after ft / tbat (be Horn obe?eb tbe bo?ce S$S ot aman anoaUbecauft^e ;fl,o#efougbt W&gt; bmt/bnto tt)e Dofte to $algall ; but tb e fpue Uinge? flebbeanbbrb tbem feme? in a caue at#afieba.anbfttoa?tolbe3oruafai?mg/ tbe fruefcinge? aw f ounae b&gt; in a caue at flpabeba. anogiofua fapbe/rotole great ft&gt; ne?bntotbemoutbe of tbe cauc * appoynte men tberto/fo? to fiepe tbem. anb ttanbe ?e not ftiiie/butfolotoe after ?oure enempe?9 fmj t e tbe binom oft of tij em. a no f otfte (bem not to entrc into tbeft cjtpe? I * o; tbe Jlojbe f outeiiEioo batb belpucreb tbem into route banae?.anb tobeniJofuaanb tbe cb?lb?en of q fraellbabma&amp;e an enae of flaring tbe to agteataaugbtettplltbertoeretoaaeb/rett tbere remarneoa certen of tbem / tobBtb * terebintotoallebcptre?. anoaltfbcpeopleremmebtotbebofte/to ^ofua at fl^afiebantpeace/fo tbatno man aurtt mouejjt&amp;tong agamft tbe cbrlD?en of qftacll^ Semayoe g&gt;ofua:opentbemoutbe oflpeaue/anb tygng oute tbefe.b. Singe? bnto me oute of tbe caue. ano timbw to/9 b/ougbt tbofe true fcinge? ijnto^pm / oute of rtje caue^tbettmge of gerufcle/tbe Sing ofl9eb?cn/tberngofgerimotbtbelWnge (pofiacbig/artbtbeftpngeofcglon. afflfioi tow not an **#*" * e ? 6ao b ? 0U Bbt oute tbofe ffi"f crilfl, aftiflWtoitogfofttt^ofita calico to? all tbe natmt to a* menof lfraeu/9 farbebntotbe capptarne? 9SSS 2 of $ c men of toarrey tobreb came toitb brm; celSnbthc 8 come nere9*putroute fete bp5 tbe necfie? toboieboftof of toefe Hinge? .anb tbe? cam neare ana put jttatw tohjcij ffieftfetebpontbenecfie? of tbf.anbgiofua S. 8 . 1 ?." .', 5K2 fa?oe bnto tbem forte notneeojeaoe : pa tSKat all tbe ;Ho?beferue all route enemre? a tiwo&gt;ui6eDe,gat?ntttob?cb*efefgbt. tcnfcccftiatc * ainbtben$owafmotetbemanoaetoetb SoftSK gringbouneof tbefonne/lofuagaue com* esse tijc jlo?dc maunbement / anb tber tone tbemboune of BBiicsiuotuf: tbe*ttee0 9csfttbem ftito tbecaue/tobete SSSSffi tbe?bb tbem felue?/anb lareb gttat done? EXo onSecauejjmoutbe/tobPcb wmajnebnto

fm?call.SDeuttbfeoa?e. ..-,. .. rr.D. 3nDtbatfamebare3ofatfifi^ sl9afieba 2,?.J1 c J a ^motebtttoitfttbeebgeof tbeftoetoe /r | SStf? &lt;0 mgetbetof alfo/anQbtteiWeijefttof eotb? " J,F moan tbefoule^ tbattoete tbetln/ anb lett nougbtwmane.3nbbebpbtotbelRingcof flgauebs'/ aube bBb to tbefttng of %twt)o.

cbcngidruatoentftomfl^afteba/anbaii ] gftaell toytt) bbn bnto }lt bna / anb f ougbt agafnft^mna. 3(notbe]Lo;bebelrueteblt alfo into ttjeit pannes / tottb tbe?nge alfo anbfmoteitbjitb tbe eogc of tbeftoetbeanb aiifte fouler tbat toetetbenn/^letnousftt temaFtetntt/anbbfb bnto tbe ftsng t&amp;etuf as$bebtbbntotbelatngeof3lertcbo. c aftettbat 3Sofuabepartebftom^tbna/ anb all 3iWaell torn) b?m/bnto/Lacbi?/ana beftgeb rt/anb aoaulteb it, anb tbe Tlojbebe liuetebinto banbejsofgiCtaelULacbtf/tbat tte? tofie it tt)e $&gt;econbe bare / anbfmotc it ioitb tbe ebge of tbe fbierbe / alltbefouM tbat bjere tbetin/acco;Ding to alltbatbe bsb tojtibna. benojamfivngeof!5erej;camebpto belpe TUtwftBiiflofiia fmote bim anbbW people/bnttllbeleftebinaugbttema?mng, ainbftcm WW ilofuabepatteb / bnto Cglon/anb all |ftaen toptb bm / anb ttere befegeoe it / anb affaulteb it / anbtobe tt tbe famebape/anb fmote ittottb tbe ebge of tbe ftoet&amp;eanbail tbe foulejJ tbattoete tbewn: anb btte rtpe beftto?eb tbe" ttje came baie/ae* to?bingtoalltbatbebrbto)Lacbt0. cbengofuabepattebbp from cglonanb^ aligifraell toitt) bim/bnto eb?on.anb tbejg f ougbt aga^nft ft/anbtobe it / ano fmote it toitb tbe ebge of tbe ftoerne / anbtbebtnge tbetof/anbaii tbetotonejJ tbat pettasnepto ft /anb al tbe f ouiess tba t toere tberin/fo tbat tijepieftenougbttentafnigrtut inaltbtngi: a2tbepbibtoglon/fotbe?beacosebitbt* teripe/anb all tbe fouiejs tbat boere tbenn.

Cben 3! ofua tetumeb anb aU^ftaen torn) bimto^abre/anbtbepfougbt agafnftit/? tofie it/anbtbe binge tbeeofanbal totonej* tbatpettanebtbetto,3nbfmotetbemtoi?tb tbe eoge of tbeftoetbe / ^btteclje beawrcb all n)e fouies tbattoere tbetin / a let nougbt reraarne.Hittbaj{ bebjbto eb?on/fobeb?b to mhiv anb tbeefnge tbetof/anb a* bebtb tonL.ibnaanbbetfifnge. 36nb3!ofuafmotealltbebiHe comte^ a Attoam contwfg / anbtbebalefes/ano ? fp;inge)S of toatee/toitb all their binge? anb lett nougbt wmawe / butbttetlvbefttojeb all tbat * b?eatbeb/a* tbe Xo?be ob of %U * tacllcommaunbeb. Inblofua fmote tbem from CabefJ batne4)nto aifab/anb all tbe co"* ttep of oran/eum bnto &lt;&amp;abaon . 2tno all tbofe ftpgesJ anb mil lanbe / $ofua tobe at onetpte:oecauferbc,o?be &lt;sobof giftaell fougbtfo? 91fraeH.3Cnbtfien3!ofuateturneb ano all SttaeUtoi?tb bpm/bntotbebofteto algall. CE9cbattellof?ofatoUt|-tijutM?nBCB/to^c9 oB8(rtewto5ttUani)C0. Cbe^.bapte;. 2Cnb



J5b ttfjcngfabnt Spnge of ^a?o? Ijab tjearbe fenf to fobab ifiittgeof i3abon/anbto tbentnge. jof &lt;&amp; omeron/anb to fbetyngr of lefapb . 3Cno bnto tbe &amp;rnge0 tbat are b g no?ft)ein tbemcunta^nos/anbplasnes/on me f outbefvse of ceneroo) / anb in tbe lotoe con n tnym nD in tlje region? of JBoi bpS tbe fee / anb bnto (t)e cananiteg botbe b p att e anb to eft can o bnto tbe 3tm 0.2 1 tcjs/l^ e t bt'teg/ PberefiteiS / anb g;ebufitesi in tbe mountaj* nejstanbbntotbe $euitei3bnoer Sermon in tbe lanbe of SR)a?pbab:bJbicb came oute anb all lb eft bofte? tonij tbem a raultjtube of

l *

9 tbe * mountapne of gifraell/toitb tlje iefcR*9R tebfcli coatrepoftbefame/euenfromountefalafi^acobftaB tbatgotbe bp to ^eir/bnto 38aal cpao in f DtoeUeb, balepeof)ltbanon/bnbcrmounte!j)eimon. anoalitbe firngejs of tbe fame / be tofie ana fm ote tbem/anb aebje tbem. iofuamabetoarrelongetrme toitb tbofe , binge? : fo; tbrre toa? no citie mabe peace y toftbtbe cbSlb;en of gifraeli/faue tbofe %i&gt; tbite? tbatenbabitebdisabaomaioibertbeg tofie toytb battel!:f 0? ft came of tbejUoj&amp;e to barben tbeirbarte?/tt)at tbev flmlBe come agasnft Jfraeil inbattell:euentobeftto^e tbe bttcrlpe/tbattbev fbuise bane no mere??/

folfie tm a? tbe fanoe? of m fee in nomb?e butto bm&amp; tbem to nougbt , M tbe %QW Uiytb bo;ffe? ana cljarette? ejrccbmgmanjei commaunaea fl^ofe?.

anb all tbefclSpge? mettto geatber/anb came anb pf tcbeo to geatber bpon tbe toater of erom/foj to figbt toitb fttatll anb tbe jLo;berarbe bnto 3iorua:benot afra^ebe of tomo;otocaboute tW tjmc jtoi'llbeJfueetbem allflapne/befo?e ail ^frael-.a ttjou (bait bougbe tbcit bojffc?/ rjtihf.B* &amp; 9 burn e t^tix tljarette? toitb f ft e.a na fortta came 9 ail tbe men of toarrcto bmi agaynft tbem/bnto fl)e toatw of fl^erom/fobenlje/ f eire bpon tbemJnb tbe ;no#e belpuerea tb into G)t ban&amp;e? of % frar ibanb ifttv fmote tbe ^cbafeb tbem /bnto great &gt;iaon/$ bnto Wtt-tyto* tobott toater? / 9 bnto tbe bale?e of fla? "yftft , pbab cafttoaraef 9 rmote tbe bntill tbepbao noneremapnpng of tbem. anogioruaferueb tbem a? tlje s,o;be babbe bim/bougbeb tbeft

bojfff ? ana burnt tljeire cbarette? toitb f?;e. ljen qf oA t a a t th a 1 1 pm e turneb bacfie 9 tofie ^a?o? ana fmote ber mge topib tbe ftocrec.f 0? ^a?o^ befo;e trme toa? tbe fieab ofantboCefivngaome? . anbtbepfmoteal! tbe foule? tbat toeretijetinto^tb tbe ebge or tbeftoetbe/ bttetije befttojingtbS/tbatno l)^eatbetoa?lettrema^ie.anbburnt0a;o; . toitb f^eana all tbe cgtie? of fbofefiynge?/ CtoitbalItbefii&gt;nge?oftbem/3!outatofieanb fmote tbem toptb tbe ebge of tbeftoeroe/ano ftbtterlyebeftrorea tbem*a?fl9ore? ttjefet;* ,; * uauntoftbejfl,o?aecommaunbeb, *** 3Butafraeiibutntnoneoftt)ecjtie?tbat ftobe bpon b tlft? /faue a?o; onftetbatio* fiia butntibut all tbe fpopie of $ fafbe cftte? ano tb e cateii/ tbe cb?lo?en of 3Jftaeil caugbt bnto tbem feme?: jsut tdt men onipetbe? fmote toitb tbeebge of tbe ftoetbe bntill tbe? babbefttorebtbe/ anb bableafteno b;eatbe temasnpnge. a? tbe torn commaunaea lofua / anb euen fo b?b ^ofua * anb my ntf* lebe no too?ae of all tbat m %om com* maunbeb^ofe?. ana fo^ofua tofie all ^lanbe/tbebvHe? anb all tbefoutbe confrere / anbanttjeianbe of ofan/anb lotoe contte?/8ie platneg/


anb tbat fame ceafon/g|ofua toent a be* ftrovebtbe*nafiite? oute of fmoiitagne?/ *tfte|Rt 9 out of i^eb?on/?abft / 9 anab/9 oute of all tbe moHtawe? of 3'uaa/9 oute of all tbe mountame?ofgirraeii,anbj,ofuaaeftropea tbem bttterlpe tortl) tbeft cine?. &gt;o gtbere toa? not one cnafiite leafte in laiibe of tbe ebplb/en of gifraell-.onlp in arab / ffietb/an&amp; afoob/tbererema?neaoftbem. ' anbgiofuatoftetbe bolelanae acco?op'g to all tbat tbe iLo?be fayae bnto i^cttmm gaucfta poffeff^on bnto grraell eucvpman pi? patfemtbefttt|bc?uinbtbeianacrcacb fromtoarre. CWDat i?ngc8jofuaanb tty Wbm of 3ft feglUB/tofrytfrtoett in mmbtt.tW*

C'SCbe.rii.Cbapter. s^efe are tat ispge? of tbe ianfce$ tobftb tbe cbsib^en of ffraei fmote 9 cgquerebtbeti;lanbe?/on am (fpbe3o?bSi efttoatbe/frff tttt vgm arnon/bnto mounte pernio n / 9 ail p t am c efttoatbe: &amp;ebonrngof tbeamo?itc ?/g btoette in i^ef bon/9 mieb fr5 aroer / tobt?cb) Itjeib ontbeb^m of tbertuer of amon/ana to tbe mibbell of tbe tpuer/anb balfe aiaab bnto rruer3!abocfi/bo?aer of tbecbjlbje of ammontanb in (be plapne bnto tbe fee 1; cenerotb efttoarae / ana bnto tbe fee in U)e plame callebtbefalt fee (2fttoaioe/ teavc to ^etb/lefprnotb ano by foutbebnber tbe fpnge?ofpbafgab. $m tbe coofte? of sDg.&amp;vng of 9t$m tobicb





lanbe of tbe 4&amp;tbWtc0/anb All ULibanon to* toaroe the fonne Wpnge/ from 26aal &lt;0ao totter mount ipetmon ontpu tbou come to teematb/allfc enbabitoutfjof bpll coutte/ from itUbanonbnto tbe*toijotte toater* eue * a t%

beret / bnto the npne trpbe0 anb the balfe tribe of Oratress .-Jfo? tbe otbec tjalfe to? tb tbe ttufacnft* &lt;jtbe dSabbite* baue recea* ueo tbeie enberptaunce all teaope * *fcPlaftfc fl#ofe0 gaue tbem be pounbe go/ban ft '""* toarbe:euena0flis)ofe0tbe fetuaunt of the )U# e gaue them : from Matt tbat ipctrj on rbebjpm of the rpuctarnomtoitbtbecptpe in tbe miooejs of;al tbeplapne of @ibba bnto ibon : anb all ttjccprtejs of feebS/ftpngc of faimon'tCiJtobicb rapgneb tn$efl)on/eue" bnto bofletf of theebiib/g of 2inwnon:anb&lt;i5alaab/anbtbe lanbesthae bo#erbponthe &lt;Be(urite0anbtbc fl^aeba* tbite0/anb all moat $ etmonanball tfafan bnto fealecab:eue"all fipng&amp;om of fiDg in

tobtcb toa* of tbe tin aunt of tbe ftapuatte* 9 otoelt at iSbatorb / 9 cojat : anb rapgneb inmountermon/in S&gt;aleeab/? tbojoto out all afan/ bnto tbe b ojoetfS / of tbe &lt;5t-Curite0/anbtbefl9acatolte0anbbalffe&lt;!3a' ....... ,- , ; _.-- . . ... Iaab/bntotbebojbct0of $&gt;ebon ftpngeof ail the ^ibonesatotilcaft them oute tto mUw** *mwU fflefbon .* mottp the reruaunt of the jlo;bc before tbe cbplo;en of gjftael / $fe that toon " anb the cbpttuen of gfvaell fmote them / anb in an? topfe oeupbe it bp lotte bnto t be cbpi moltfi tbe feruafit of tbe :no?be/gaue their tyen of Iftael to enheret/a0 3 baue comaun* lanbtf a poffeOton/bnto J&amp;ubenite0/&lt;!5ab* oeD the. &amp;oto tberf ojeoeupo e thtf lanb to en*

btte0/anbbaifetbetttbeoffl$ana(!e0. hefe are tbe ft pngeg of f coatrep tobpcb qtofuaanbtbe ebplb/en of Ifraell fmote on tbp0 fpbe g|o;ban/ toe&amp;toatbe/f to Saal ab fttt&amp;ebalepcof Hiuanon/ euenbnto mount alaft tbatg Jtbe opto &amp;m . anb!Jofua gaue the lanoe bnto the trpbcst of "Jftaell to poffeae/to euerp man bfe parteun tbebpper lanb? /a nether lanoc, in piapnejj /a (tytasc* of toatee/m the totiberneffe / a foutbe cStrep the etlnte0/tfte aimojitejj/tbe cananite?/ tbe?Bbeterite0/tfte &amp;etitetf/9 lebufittf. MBit* u a a cbe ftpnge of 'Sfetic&amp;otcbeftpnge of ait place famoufe befpbe38ethel: cbe ftpnge of gerufalem: m S f 5motb:che?ngeof lUchi? :cbejngeof _ r

3 u taicmon cglon-.^eftpgeof &lt;!E5a?er:chefivngeof ^afantobteb rargnfbin3iabaro b) Cp?at ow 3s,?2&gt;aWr:bel6wigeof(25aber:cbeft?ngcof tobtcbfametemaynebrettoftbejaeftoftbe &amp;&lt; a r^o?na:hettvngeofb:cbeipngeof *!Saphaite0. 36utfll9ofe0fmotetbemanij#ff6ji bettropebtijem. IS*? jQeuertdeieflc tbe mm of ffraen w gS pellcbnottbe&lt;0efutftes(no;tbcflacbatbi*i|| ( i, teg:35uttbe efurttep a the 9&amp;acbatbite* btocltamonge tbe^fraelitess euenbntotbfts bafe. nltbntotbetwbeof Tleut/hegaue none enfaentaunce : * f 0; the cfier rng of the *$\w\ %c)U oq of gfraeii 10 tbetcenbetitauncc ais he fatoe bnto them. 36nb flEofcg gaue bnto tbe tmt cf tbe c cbj?lb;en of 3Buben bytbett; 6pnveo!S . ana their code* toere from aroet thatl* etb on banebe of tberruer amon/anbthe erne that lietbintherpet/anballthe playneaboute i^abba/^ef bon/anb all her totone* thatlje in { p!awe:?ibon*3t&gt;amotbbaal/fr#eth**]|);, laalmeo; 3!aha?ah/ efcmotft a a?epS)aathghepl ttf a thatm / ^ ab am eh anb^aratb 5ahar in mountetfmab: anb sethPbeo; anb t^t fp?tnge3ofbafgab/anb#etJbieTimot!):anij

ainhectrtestnthepiajneJnDauthem'ng^ oome of ^&gt;ehon pige of amo?rtei5 toh ch rafgne&amp;in^efbon/tohom^ofe^fmote^ttfjpRiii tbe Xo;De0 of Fabian /ui/Jae6em/5ur/ feuranb&amp;eba /tbeX.o;bfPof &gt;ehon/anb the dfnhabrtourfS of the centre?, anb55alS alfo tbe forme of eo; the fotbefatier /the ch?lo?enof ffraell Oebjc to?tb t^t ftoertie/ amottge ether that toereflajne. Zinbtbtbot*

ftjawo? j&amp;apitB of cbaPhuah-.chelRvnge of t^epher: cbe SSSSSmL 1 **** of aphelr.^he tt?ng of jLafaron:rhe ttijul ftvna ?"5e of Saoan:^heftpng of ^afor-Cbe 3obosiu cce teinge Romero mer6 nz heSinge of acfapi) Dp.itj.Mcj.ri^he ft V"ge chenacb'.srbc fipnge of iJI^age* "f J ^3c' o:cheft?ngeof Cirtegv,Tbeftpnge of 3!a* SSfflSSB*""" tn&lt;larmeu:cbe ftpnge of the Con* ut / cijius- crepe of 0? ; he 6pno;e of tbe nacponp in ttieboiifeor analgair:anoe?!igcHet7a8:ailltbe ftmK ftS2S2 togcatherthirt?eanbone. it tie mw of c 3 rof " 9 ,0 c 5maunoc M Btu S M * *M &lt;6 e W " 8| i'* D - BSRHE|l9iSofti8lw*tBwidbe-/itt 2 llraSSs^ ftrpcfif n in ?eres / tbe 1.0 ?o fapoe bnto c u art otoe anb Otic ft e in?eresJ/anbtbere remapnetb?ec t% ceDjn gc mo che lance to be poCTefTeb: hP^ tjS the ianhe that remapnetb tall tbe coofteif of tbe \&amp;)tti umessumo all tbe ef uttteis : f to J5tlu0 inegvpte bnto the tokens of aba* r on no;thta&gt;aroe / tobicb ianbe toass counted to pertapnebnto tbeCanamte^/ euentothe fpue)Lo?Dc0of the Pfjiltaintg: the afaffjt* tf2/afoaDites(/arcalonftei8/(Betftitei8/aHa* roniteg/toitb m ufteis/fr5tbe fouthe. S tbelanoe of tbe cananftesi/anb ^aaratbat

pettapnethto the ^ibond/eulbntoapbes/ tiers of the ebplti?m of JSuben toajs | o; tban - "' "" ' toftbtlfcontwrtbatiietbtheron^bi^* enbert*

ftljtlanDe, ^rnheritaunce of the cbpmjen of JRuben in theirfipntebtf/tottt) the cptpeisanbbtHagesJ pertapnpngtherto. anb 9 of eg gaue bnto the trpbe of ao/ cum bnto the chplD?enof ab h^ gaue bp ^ftpnrebesJ. 3inD their cotter toereg!a?et/sall ^mM of alaaD/anD halfe thelanoe of cbpttuen of amnion / bnto aroer tbat ipetb Aefo^e!iaabah:antifrom^efbonbnto3!ia= moth ma?pl)ah/anb JSetonim :anbfro ^a lanaifn bnto the bojoerg of abir . anb in ) balepe thep baa JBetharam / jeetbnimra/ jbccotb/anb ^apbon/thereftof thefipng* borne of jbebon ft?g of ^efbon/anbg;o;oa anb th^ toll e'u th at I p e theron/euen bnto the eoge of tbe fee of Cener oth/on tbe other fpoe gotfancatoarce ,ht0Wtfjefnheritaunce of the cftpiwen of ub in tycit ftpntcoeg, the tptpfSi tottt) their billagf)8. anb flBofesigaue bntothehalfetrpbeof jSpanaffe jx. anb the halfe tribe of fipanaffe bati their parte bp their fipntebejs. anb their c odes toere from ^Bahanaim/euenallffia* fan/thefipngoomof ffl)g/pngeof ^afan/ anballthetttonesi of .5fatt tohpch ipe in 23a* fan/eucn tb?enio;e citrejj/anbbalfedsaiaad a anatorb/ a Cb?ai/citie0 of the bfngbome lwf* of &gt;g in jeafan/* tohpehpertapnebnto the ch?lb?en of #acl)fr the fonne of iJ^anaffcg/ anbthatbntohaife the chplb?en of j^achir lip their fi?nMis. chefearcihepto tobicb fll^ofejJgaue en* beritaunce in the felbeis of 2^onb/onoiljrr fpoe 3!o?ban bp fcticijo cEatoarbe.38ut bnto thettpbeof:teitrapofr0gauenotteenbett&lt; taunce/fo; the %oftt obof afraell he is* if jf.ctheir enherttaunce/* as t)t rapoe bnto them. CiCaleb r cq i ipj edi (ij c li c r pt njc ttjatiwa* p;omt ftD ||m/ait6bb?OH toao gcntn hym.

ffflrhe.Miii'.flroapt. Ei J^O^f2b thefeate thecontrepe0toh"h5 !cb?lo?en enhereteb in the lano of Canaan /bnto tobpeb Clea?arthe _ P?eatte/a gofua th e fonne of J9n anb the auncfentheabesi of the trpbes of the &lt;bpJo?en of g'fraell/gaue them tbeir enberf* taunce bp lotte/ap the u,o?de cSmaunbeo bp tb^hano of flporefj /togeue bnto tbe npne trpbe0/ano bnto the halfe tribe of $anam$ jfo^ofe^ bab gene enheritaunce bnto ttoo ttibep anb an halfe on the other rpbegojban 5Butbnto the JLeuitejJ he gaue none ettyeifc taunce amonge them. $ 0? n)e tfyilbim of 3!o* ft Ph toere ttoo tribes / fllpanaflw 9 CPb?aim anb tberfojethep gaue noparte bnto ne* uiixti in the lanbe / faue cptiesf to btoelle in 9 thefuburbe0 of tberame/fo? their beaSes 9 catteli.a0the)Lo?be commaunbeb #ofejS: euenfothechpib?enof3:fraeUbfctobenn)ep oeujbebt^clanbe.



anbthe chPlb;eof lubacamebnto^ofua 33 fn &lt;!5aigall.anb(iraJeb the fonne of'iephune theftenefpte fapbe bnto him: thou tootteft tohatthe %em fapbe bnto flip ofcg the man of cscb/aboute me anb the in Caceg tfarne, *tfouttpe?ere olbetoa? tohen $oit&amp; the * .$ jm&gt; fetuaunt of rtje %om fentme fromdabis ^Barne to fpie outethe lanbe.anb a brought bpm too;be agapne euen ag % thought tit mpnebette. ^eucrtheletfempb.jet^en that toentbptopthniebpfcwiragebthe Qertctf of thepeople, 58ut?: foiotoeb jLo?tempiob euenbnto the enbe, anb fl^ofegftoarethe fame ceafonfapftig a, H lanbe tohercn thp fete baue troobe ; fi;albe * Aiiftte**i{Mi thpne enheritaunce anb t!)p cl)plb;c totmttfr**** becaufethouhaft foiotoeb the)lo2bempob3 ol "' ,,a ccntinuallpe . anb note be holbe/tfje %t&gt;m * *,- ,.,., r , bathReptemeluftte(agibefapb)*thi0fourtie Mh " w anb fpue peares/euen fence w%oiit fpafie bnto flJ9ores5/ tohple the chplbjen of Ifraell

toantetpb in ttje topibetnefie , ahb ncto fe 51 am thP0bapefotueffto?e9fpuei?crei!!:anb pet am ap ttrcnge at rt)p0 tpme / ass 3' tea? tohen fltp ofeg fcntme-.lofie hoto Otogl toas tben/fo flronggi am noto/to toarre anb to bo allmancrofthpngeg. ^ototherfo?e gcueme tbpss mountai?ne?0 tohpch 'tbe ?Lo?beat that tpmep?omefcb/fo; thouherbeftatthattime'hctothe*Cuafttm0^f'f;cmto toere thr re/anbhoto the citie toere peace ^www* toallcb.g! trull thejlotfe totibe toithme/anb "1 mall oTPuetbem oute ag the 3Lo?be fapbe. nbSTofua blcffeb Caleb t fonne of geplmnt 9gauehlm^eb;onto enhevet. anbfcb?S t , e , ri , ftl ,. K . be came the enheritaunce of Caleb the fonne pSffil of 5!ephune thefienefite / bnto tOfis bape:fce* of a #** caurehe foiotoeb the Hlojce tSHM9faM^*^ perpemallpe.anbnameof*^cli?6ntoa0^, % ; n " ( ^ l '' (; calleb in oibe tpme/ftariath atbe^btcb toajs ffi sff* ahugeman amonge tl)c cEnaltims. 3nb the afi u ;f tia^ lanbe ceafeb from toarre. a a&gt;tm u n CbCiLo(tcof tijccbplb?ciiof ^iibaanotl^fiamMjf'I'^o 1 '!!* Of tl)C(ft{{Ban6bfUa8cnof!l)ctaiiw. " ' '&gt; [ &gt; v * - uU&lt; CChe.tb.Chapter. 0a tbe jLotte of the trpbe cbplbjen of gjuba in their bej* tea? the toplbernetre thatttretcbetlj to thecoRr of the ^ !* of 3P" of c-bo

fouthtoarbe/anbi0 the btmoolt parte of the fouthecoars. anbthet'rfouthcoltfgtocre from the b?incb of the faltft e anb fro a certe popnte of the fee that leaneth fouthtoarbe. anb it toent out on the foutbe fpbe of the gopngbp toacrabim/anb toeutalcngto 3imma;anbafcenbebbponthe foutlje fpue of Cabe 5Sarne / anb toent a long to ?vo* 9toentbptoabar/a fettea cSpafe toftarca 9toentalongto a?mon /ait toent oute to tberiuec of cgppMo t the enbe of that coffe t0t|jp

fnuiout'p liaiiu-,





fStbefe*. anbtbefeawtbcftfoutbecottes. of gubamrbeftfipnttbe*. " *._ . anb tbfteatt*eofte$at* tb*rait fee eul anbtb*eittesof tbetrtbeoftbeebplbjen tonto ebge of !Jo?oan. anb tbeir booed* in of 3Suoa m ail quarters / totoarpe tb e code* the noJtbequattet toere fro anotbet popnte of Cbomfoutbtoaiae/toate:llsab?el/Cde r/a of the fee tobere lojoan ertt&gt;ctb.anb toent bp gagufclKmab/^imonab/anbaoabajK ebes to jeetobagra anb toent a long bp tb* no*n&gt; ^a?o; ana feebnantfipb/f *l*m/a al oft) fpoeoftfetbarababanbtoenttoptotbeftone ^a?o;9aoatftaB/awotft/^eftotvorbei;^ of tfoben tbe fonne of KubenJnbtb*ntoe*t topfecau*b ^afWCman/^anrtanb flso* top to J&amp;abft ftomtbetoalep* of aco?/anbfo labab;la?a*gabab/ feafmon anb #*cb pbe nojtbtoatbe/tutnpng totoarb* algal! that letb^a?atfuat/CTfabe / anb a?wtbtab: ipetb befoze the gopng bp to JDbonmvtobicb aalaft /Jim/abb a?en t Cltbolab / Cefi ll/a isof tbefoutberpoeoftbeaapuee. anatben $oana6i6elag/^ebeiwnabanb$&gt;enre* toentalonge to the toater of ententes / anb nab? :tabaotb/fc&gt;elbim/atn anb fe momal enbebatthetoellof Kogell. anbtt)*n toent tbefccptiesatettoentpeanbnpnetortbthete toptotbetoalepeof tbefonneof$ennS/euert milages . anbintbelotoeconttepethepbab.2 y . ..'... y ** cabaol/3ateab/anbarenab:3oneab/Cn* w

' \\

bnto tbe routbe fpee of the giebufftes Cbeett* liabitoures of gerutalem. f nb tbentoentbp totbetoppeoftbebilietbatlpetb befo?etbe toalepe of $mnrjmtoefttoatoe/abptbee&amp;ge of tbe toalepe of isapbaimnoztbtoatbe -.anb tbenitbjatoetb from tbe fanbebMetonto the fountapne of toat er calleb $ epbtboab / anb gotbeouteattbecities of mount C-pb?on: a b?atoetbtoalab /otbettopf* callebbaria* tbiarftmanb tben it compafecb from tfalab toetttoarbe / bnto cp? / 9 tben gotbe alonge

ganfm/cbapbuab a cnannlerimotb /3bu* lam/&gt;ocob/a a?ab:&gt;aaem/abitbarm/ rMJetab/an&amp;cieberotyatmtfouttenecprteff toitbttftiretotliages. k ~, 3enan/$aba?ab/anbS&amp;agbalgab:?0elej ^a?Pbab/ anb^efttbeeP. 'jiacbtSJ/55a5eatb anb cgion-.cabon/Jlabamam/anbCetbltis csaber otW JBethbagon / fl&amp;aamab anb fis wm'&amp;vimt ctttc3 tottb ** *&amp;%&amp;** jlebnab/Ctbee/anb arangepbtbab jtu

bnto tbe fpae of mounte ^artm / ot&amp;ettopfe nab/anbe?tb iftet&amp;w /abe?'P ana p*

callebC&amp;eialon/ontbeno*tbefpbetbttof. anb cometb botone to tfetbfames anb gotbe to cb arnnafi /anb gotbe oute on tbe fpoe of afiaeonnojthtoar&amp;e: anbtbenbjatoetbto jetton anbgotbea longe to moatejealab/ anbgoeth outeatgrabneuanbtbe enbe of tbe codes s tbefee. anb tbetoeft borers are $ great fe anb tbe cottestbatlpetberon. anb tbefe are tbe cottes of tbe cbplbjenof sum

toun&amp;eabouteintbeftftpneebeiv *anbfento Caleb | Conne of iepjun* toass

tefabflpnecptpestoitbtbeftbUiages, astontottbbeetotoneisanbtoHlages. amm ft5 asronout*to.tb*f**/allj ipetb about* arooD toptb theft tofflages . afoob Yovtb bet totones anbtoiiiage$.a?ab toitb bet totones aiibtoillageS/eumtontotbetpuecofCgppte: anbthegteatfeetttbeeoftess tbatrcetbe*S. anb intbemountapneg/tbepbab ^&gt;am ^atbfr/anb$&gt;ocob;^anab:ano Sawatb it* tiatby tobf cb tis =abit: anab/csftbemob/anb anim:&lt;S5o?en / l^olon/anb c5flob;a leuen ct*


arab/umal mm cp tie of fiatiatbatbe facbet of cnacb matab/anbfiartatb. arbettobicb it febj on a jcoDicbe emw iU calied^ebjon . anb Caleb 5to;:tipne citreiai tcttft t^eti: btlla ses. fiaon ,jg toouc thenceftebje fonnejs of cnacft/^efai; camel/^tpb/;J an/ abman/a ^ijalmai/tbe tonnes begotten of ano &amp;attotb:Catn/abaab/anbbamnab Cnacfi, anbbe toent bptbence/to tbe enba* tenritie0\btbeftbillage0JgalNlej?u! -- " ' anbffiebor.#aatatb/#etbanotb/anbCl* tbeeon;S&gt;ftecitiejJtoitbtbewbiaget.a* tiatb 5BaaltocjKbfiartatb3artm / a$a* tabba rtoo cjtf est togtb theft Milage* L toflbetnefletbet bab tfet&amp;ata^

bttoureg! of ^abft/ tobofe name in tbe olbe tpie toast fiartatb f epbee.anb Caleb fapoe/ *hetbatfm?tetbfiattacb Cepbeca taltetblt: to bvm tovll 'I geue acfabm? baugbter to teste . anbaDtbinei/tbefonncof enfjs/tbe

pother of Caleb tofteft. anbbegauebpw bab/^ebbinanb&amp;acac:i9ebfOT/tbeci aefabhiisbaugbtertotogfe. anoapftetoet tpeof fait /nbcCngaW:&amp;we gnmS XemoiteWm/to affie of bee fatbee a feiae . tbeir billageiJ . tf uttbef ebuMegtba ttoete

wainBttfiflnBc^nb (be * alrgbteb of bee aft. anb Caleb t StRfa?bebntobee/tobata^etbtbe. anbfte th 9 f ttt, ane fa jbe/Sfue me a ble(bjng:fo? tt)ow baft geue BCfttitowftifttneatoutbtoariieab^e lanbeigeueme alfo fp?pngei of be gaue betf*" / "~' of toater/botbe abotte anb bene tbe/ ibeeribewtaimce:OfcbecnbeoTtWel)lWeri

, w .. w ..gfetufalem... ... 1!uba coulbnot caft aute. mfam Jje je. bufite? btoene among* tbe cblb of guoa bnto thfo bape. Cffl^lstfco? parte of p5?aiw. cb*.i*WB8Pt. . . ._ CDS*

iftljtlattDe, ~ j5 D tbeiotteoftbecb?lb?enofg:o* t epb fette from3o?banb?giericbo/ bnto $ toater of jecicbo cfttoarb/ _ r'a tbetoiioemeffetbat gotbebpft0 giertcbo tbo? oto out mount tfetbebanb tben gotbe.oute from 55ett)el to Ku8/$ tunnetba longebnto borers of arciatarotbt^gotbe boune toeftroarD*/ cue" to coofteg of i apb*' letbi/abnto t coofte? of2Betl)bo;ontbe ne* ''tber/arotocsafo;/^! enbejs of tbeir coottess

. eameto tbe fee.anbfo tbe wm of jofepb fl^anaffeg a cpb^ai toRe tbeir enberitauce, anb t cbflD?e of cpb?aim toiietteft eoo* fteis bp fmtrebe&amp;atib tbe cooftej of tbeir en berptaunce oEafttoarbe toere / atarotb abo i men bnto $etbbo?on tbe bpper/ a toft out* '&lt;L toetttoarbe to fl^aebmatbaboneb* i5o?tb= mm cSpafeo CfttoarbebntO'CbaanatbS&gt;t to/a pan ft on cttfibebntogianoab/ a toft botone from ianoab to atarotb a aaratt)/ anbmette at^crtcbo/a toft oute at9!o;ban. anb tbeir borers toent ftobaphuab toefte toarbe&amp;ntowteraanab/eJbeenbe$ toere 30 fee. bi* te tbe enberitafice of tt)e tribe of cbpltoe of c-pb?aim intbeft fipnrebejs/a tbe bo?b*w'ng'cittesi of tbe cbi?nwe of cpfeatmy fteamonge tbe enbentaffce of tbe mm of "^anaffejc.etig all tbe cifteis toitb tbeftbilla= geis.j9ottoitbftanBing the? D?aue not outflje Cananiteg f&gt; btoelte in afo?:buttb* cana* mtejJ btoeit among* tbe c-ph?af test bnto tbiis bape/apape tribute. ' C SCfic Ho 1 1 1 1 po ; cpo n of if) c ft alft &lt; r i6e ot^m&amp;U I C9.Chc anaatiitcs become tcpbutaciee (b tb cjfen* eiptES.ffi^anato* &lt;gpl)?aim require a gccalttc tot* cjonoftierptaue* CCbe.ybii.Cbapter. i n aa a a R UMN trpbeof SpanaOeiStobpcb toass tbe Clbeft fonne of jofepb re ceauebalottc.anbfleacbfttb* CI* beft fonne of^anaff*? tcfyity roa$ tbe fat b e r of djsalaaoianb a m$ of toarre) bab . &lt;5alaaba2Bafan.anbtb*reftoftbeehilb?en of flBanaffeg receaueb bp theft Bpnre&amp;eg: tobicb toeretb* cbpHgen of abie?er:ebilb?0 of fielefi:tbe cbplo?enafticl:n)e cbpfe^en of S&gt;!cbem/tbe ti)piD?en of ^epber-4e Wm of^emiba. ^cb*r* are tb* mal* cbpjioen of .,... ^anaffesi tbef onnc of gjofcpb in cbeft bpn* wwwr.b Woe g * 55ut5elapbeao tbe fonne of 0epbet iffib -tbffonne of csalaab/tb* fonne of 0@apy$ fonne of ffl^anaffeg/bab no fonnejs faue oau*

gbtetg. anbebereare $ namegofbfebatujl* 35teriS:S9abela/^oa/0agla^elcbaabtr&gt;: ?a:tobicb came before ciea?ar tbe pftafte/a before 35ofua tbe fonne of J9un/ anb before 2&amp;[*tbe%Mm raping:* tf)t %om c0mauffl)eb "** #of*gtogeuebisan enberitaunccamdng* our* b;*tb?*n.anbb* gau* tbf at tb* moutb Of tbe %qm /an enberptaunce amoiig* the

* m

b?etb?*n.oftb*ftfatber0.anbtberefciieten po?cponis to fl^anaffesi beipoe tlje lanb* of &lt;5alaab a^Safan tohtcb are on tbe otber fpbe 5o?ban:becaure tl)e baugbtew of S(9anafle3 bpb enberett among bpjs rennejs. anb &amp;&amp;* nattep otber fonnejs bab ttje laitbe of aiaab. artbb* coofteg; of ^anaffes reacbea from arertofl^aebmatbab $ lpe)befo?e k&gt;ityZ a toent a longe on ttj e tpgijt banb/enenbntd tbe enhabtters of Cntbapbuab/atbe ianb of bapbuab beloitgeoto ^anatfesi / tobpeb l)apbuablape in bo?bet0 bettoene &lt;$&amp; namsianb tbe cbilb^n of cpl^aim. anb tbe vcooftfgbefcenbeb bnto tberpurr canab on tobore foutl) fpbecpb?af m batb cities amSg m cptpeg of fllpananeji . jf 0; tiye cooftes of fl^anaffes toere on fl)e no?t ijfpbe of tlje twee a tbe ittoest of tifi toag tl)e fee:fo t tb* routi; pertapneb to cpb?aini/ a tb* notfbe to fla* nattes/ anb tbe fee i 1m bobber, anb tl) epe mette togeatber in a rer no^tbtoarbe /anb in Jfacar C-fttoarce.anDflilauaffes bab in gra-aranb"maret/35etbrean/anbbertoto"nest atift enbabitoures of 0;/ toitt) tbetotoness pertapnpiig to n)e fame:a tlje e'nbabfto'ures of cnbo? toitb tbe totoneg of tberame : a the enbabttourejs of cbaaiiatb tottb bee totone? a f enbabitouress of s^agebo \oitl) rotontf of tbe fame/euetb?ecotie^pettbecbiib?m of #ana(re0 couto* not ouer come tb ore cU ties: 35uttbe canam'tejj began tootocil in fame ianbe.^euertb eletre airone as cbif o?e

of giftaell toere toarebftrong/tbepput tbe Cananiteji to tribute/but eirpeiiebtbe not. anb cbilb?eofg)bfepb fpabebiito^olua f apingitob p ba ft tb u geuen m but one lotte a one potion to enberet/feing toebe moclje people/anbfozasfmocbeasstbe %ofte ijatl) . biefteb b{i fo:anb3[ofua anftoereb U)e:pf pe be mocbe people tbeti gett poubp to tbe toobbe contrepe/anb Prepare f 0; pour* feluess tbere in tfye lanbe'of g pbeteritcs anb of tbe*3Ra* m Pbaiteg /pf mount* CPb?aim be tonaroto* fo? pou , b*n tb* cbiibzen of lofepQ fapbe agapn* tb* bill tot H not begote of bft f 0; al Cananftestbat btoellin m lotoe contre^e bauc cbaeettcu of p?on /anbfobauetfjep enbabit*etbfean/a ^ totones of tfjefatne a tijepalf tbat btoel in tlje balcpe of 1 e?reel ana ;ofua anftoereb tbe boufeof fofepb/ Cipb^aint a S^anaffes taping : pe, be mocbe people anb baue great potoer anb mailnoc tberfo;e baue one lotte . JSut tlje IjpB Ojalbe pontes / fo? it is a toobbe contrepe ape (ball bjpngft tofacion/anb it ftalbepoures eucn bnto tift enbes of it/fo? pe (balbe able to caft oute tbe Cananftes f 0? all tbeir pvori cbatefc t*s / anb m all tb*P be fo ftronge. . Cfferten are Cenbc foBeiipBc (helanBefotlje otlnv ftuentt jb'ee .EKc i,Qtt(t)t (Jit eI;j1d;'? of l&amp;wjmum m cebs






i *


cbe.*bif1.baptet, to&amp;peb fc in tbcbalepe of ttapbalm no;tt&gt; g, $0 tbe tobole congregation oftbe toarbe/anbbefcenbttbtbojoteetbebaiepeofl cbiHwe" of aftael came to getbreat pennon bnto tbe fpbe of gebutt foutbtoatae &amp;&gt;tlob/ant&gt; fee bp $ tabernacle of anb gotbe aotone to tbe tocli of mc gell. Kino toitnefletbere/ etbeianaetoasiit compafetb from tbenojtt) ant) some fo;tbe

lieccfS befojetbem.#uttberetemapneb amonge*cbtu&gt;7e^f3ftaeireii?tnbe0tobi'cb baa not tfyttt enbentaunce o eu poeo out,anb gotuafapaebntoftcbilb?eof3frael/boto.l5cj atepefouacHetogo 9P0lTelTeft lanbetobpcb ifLoftt ob of poure fatbewJ batt) geue poui jSjing of euerp tube tb?e tnf 9 roape fenbe tbera.aru&gt;fttbepmaperpfe9toalftetbo*otoe ^"tte-* M.-x-'zrsrzr tbelana gtotOtiUuteit bptbrn enbentaffrei* ftom/anbattbeenaeof gojaanfoutbe ttjc racomeagapnetome. jBcuioeitlntofeuen fromibt0i0cbefoutbecooQe. ^parte&amp;tfoj'juaawaiabpaebptbeircooftei* ana gojban i* tbeit eaftecootte/tbpi S f*

to cmfamess ana to tbe coottc* tbat Ire be* fojetbe gophgbp bnto abomiimanb gotbe boune to tbe uonne of 35oban tbe tonne of . iRubentanbibengotbealongetotoatbetbe . fyoe of* tbe plapne / nojtbtoatbe : anbgorbe mm . botone in to tbe pla ?ne : ant gotbe a long to mp), tbe fpbe of tfctbbaglab no;tbtoatae / anb enaetbattbepopnte of fait fee no;tbtbet

n ft foutbe/9 ft boufe of jofepb (bal ttanbe totbefccootte*mrteno?tbe.jefcti?bepe ft lanbetbetfojc intofcuen pattest u?piig ft

befctfpcion tomebetbee/ ft| mate cafte lot* teisfojpou bete before tbeJUvbeoure ob, Cb^euite? baue no parte am cnge p ou fo; tte waff ft ipe of tbe lojoe i tbeit enberi* taunce.anb &lt;ao/ Kuben / * balfe tbe tigbe of ffl?ana&lt;tt* baue teceaueb tben: enbcnta* uncebeponbe'jozban (Ctttoaibf /tobicb 29 o; re* tbe feruaunt of tbe 'Horn gauc tb e m. . anbtbemenatofeanbtoent tbeirtoape. anb3iofuacbatbebtbemft toetto befcw'beft lanue raputg-.bence agotbojetoe tbe lanbe a ccfcttbe it/a come agape to me betbet ; anb ff tufli caft lottes f o? pou befo?e ttjc jLo;6em ibilob.anb tbe men aepatteb/a toalbeb tbo* tototbeianoe anooefcrtbeott bpcitieafoto feuen patte* in a boofce/atetuenebtogiofua into fbofle a t^ilcb.anbSofua cafteiotte* fojtbemfn fe&gt;tlob before ft Ho?ae/anb tbere be beuibeb tbe lanaebnto tbe cbplbjenoMff" * taell/to ecbe t^eft po;rfon.anb tbe lotte of ft tepbe of tbe cbpbwen of tfenfamin camebp acco;amgto tbeit Bt'titeaes. ana tfte coofteiet of tbeit lotte came oute bettoenettjc cbiiaje

(be enberftaunce of tbe tb?l&amp;?en cf jeenta* mm tojtb tbeit coofte* tounae aboute ana bp tbeit fepntebe*. anbtbefeatetbecptpe* of tbe tttbe0 of tbe cbtia;cn of ^entamin in tbeite btntebejj-.aeticbo/ 35itbbaglab/ anb tbe bale je of a#? : Eetbatabab / 3a matim / anb jBctfcel -.auhn /Pbatab /ana &amp;pb;ab ' Cbepav ammonat / &amp;pbni ; ana tffabai/ttoclue ertpejJ totfb tbewbillage?. &lt;3Jabaon / ffiamab/anbiaetotb : ffl9a?Pbab/ Capbairab/anb o?ab : ISeatm/gaeepbel anb cbatelab / 5&lt;la / Clepb / anb tbe cm* of tbe 3febufttf$ tobfcbW Serufaiem/ ea* baath/fiatiatb/foucne c^tpesJ tottb tbeit biiisgcp. W i* tbe enbentaunce of tbe tbHb;en of tfeniamin in tbeft fiinetbeu. C t)t lotte* o? pactts of 2 atiuIon/JCac jar/a fee/ ii tp Ultj all Wan/ an 6 3 ofim . CCb'e jrfjc.Cbapter. lUbtbefeconbc lotte came outbnto^ tbe tribe of tbe cbilb?en of ^ime8 a . bf tbeitbimebejj . anbtbtirenbe* tftt telle in tbe muBbep of the enbeutaace of tbe cbilb?? of 3,uba .a n b tbe w enberitaunce toa0/36etfabe/s&gt;abe/ Sc*

labab/^a;o;rual/alab/a a?em/ gitboiaa

of ?ubaanb tbecbflb;en of 3Jofepb-3nbtbefc eftul a^o?maJ5ibetag/etbtnai;cabotb

no?ft cooBestoere ftS 3o?bananbtocntbp to tbe ft be of lerfrfw on no?tbtl?be/a toent bp tbojotoetbemofitapes toefttoatae/ ana tbe? enbeb at tbe totfbemefle of ^etbauema SDentftStbtnceto fmnbfpbeof jLujs/otbet; Socfe raiieo Tbttftti : anb berdbeb to ataeon) 3aac bpon tbe bf ne tftat fyetb ontbefotit^e flbeof tbenetber55etbbo?on. Inb tbetoeft eootte b;auetb a cSpafetbfoutbtoatbe/euen ftomtbebfJIe^atlpetbbefo?eiBetbbo;on/ gotbe oute at % a t fa tbbaal tobicb iff barf aft) qarira/a citte of tbe cbflbjen of gfuba-.atbP? H the to eft quartern f foutbe coofte gotbe from tbe cage of ttariatftfaitat toeOtoatae/* gotbe oute to tbe toatette!ie/of l5epbtboab anb come tb boune to tbe ebge of tbebtll tbat

a fea?etrufab/ttetblebaotb/anb$&gt;atuben tbettene citfeptttbeiebillagesi.aim^KemiS tt)er/a aran/f out e citfe* ft tbeirbfllage^: a tbertoau tbe Milage* $ U?c eounbe about tb ere cities mtl bntoalafatb^eo?/a JR a? matb/foutbtoatte. bw tttbeenbetitauce oftbettfbeoftbecbnb;! of $fmeB in tbeft ftfnrebr* oute of tbepo?cion of tbe cb?lb;e of Juea /came tbe enb entaunce of $ tWn&amp; of Simeon . ^0? tbe parte of tbe ebplbjen of fubatoa? tomocbefo; tbcmnbtbetfo;e $ cbflb;en of fetmeonbab tbeit ctlbetitaunce in tbe enbetitaunee of tbem . ana tbe ibmt lorte came bnto tbe cbtf* b;en of 5abuIon acto;b?ng bnto tbeit fiyn* teaeg , anb n)e cooftes of tbeite enbetf*



i -

^ee/anb to ^attalab/anbfoucbeaat ja* bafetb/ametteat ttje tpuettbat ijett) befojt Solineuenianbtittnebftorn^atibeSbiatbe totoatbttbe ftmnetvfpngbnfotbebo;6et of CbifloH) m motmte Cbabo?:. anb tben gotbe outeto jeabetetb ana gotbe bp to japbia; anbftomtbence gotbe alongeeftVoatbe to toatbetbefimnetpf?ng/to &amp;etbab/$epbet gtbaft/anb 9|a?im/anbgotbe taw emon/fle tboat/a ^eab.anb cSpafetb it on tbe no?tbe ffbe anb goetb to atban / anb enbett) in tbe . balege of 3lepbtbabel,anb gjatatb/iSabalol/ jbemton/ieoaiab / anb ffietblebem: ttoelue citfe* tottt) tbeitbFUage*. cbf $ is tbe enbe&lt; titaimu of tbe dbpiaze' of 5abul8 / in tbeit amteaes . \y e fa tbe citr eg ft 0}tv) billa g eg . ana tbe f outtbe lotte cS oute to tbe cl&gt;iiD?5 of^facatbvtfteftfivnreaesi.anb tbeit cottest toete3lcfraelab/cafulotb/^unem/0apba eaim/&amp;ion/anabatatb:^atabitb/ifion/ anbabe?:Bametb/nganim/ Cnbabab / a 3SetbPBa?e?.ana bis cooftesimetteatcba* bo; ^babaiimab 9 at tfctbfame* a enben) at Io;ban/ &gt;?,itenc cttgejs topcb tbetebil lage&amp;cb V&amp; W tbe enbetitaunee of tbe ttpbe oftbe cbrlb?en of Jfacatbftbeftfimtebejs ft citfest ana tfteir billageg . c anbtbefrfteiottecam oute bnto tbettibe of tbecbpia?en of afetb^tbeitb^ntebeg. anb tbeit cooflejs toete ^elbatb/ ^alt/OSete

tbanab ano^etbfameg :nnetene cvtyui ^ tbeftbillage0.bi0i0 tbe enbetitaunee of tribe oftbe cbiHwe of J5 cpb tbai tb y tbeit bilk tebMfcttjeR^^^o^eiebiUagejS. j_ ^tiScbTTeuentb lotte f cue to tbe ttrbe of* 3 e cb?ia?en of 3&amp;n bv tbeitlrintebeji. ana e cbQ&amp;ejsof n)eit enberrtaucetoasi ?araab (Eftbaol/f jfameg / ^&gt;aelabin / aialon anb letblab'-Cglon/ cbemuatbab anb aitaton: (ltt)ebeb tbetbon anb 25aalatb: jebns/ ?&amp;anebarabanb(Esatbetmon/^eienc0 ana i^arcontostbtbe con'treretbatlreth before Sapboana ttje cooOess oftbe c^iim of an toentoute from be?onbeft)t &gt;jfo? tbe rtnjltye" of an toent bp anb fougbtagapft %ctm anb tobe it/anafmote it toitb tbe ebge of tbe ftoetae/anbconquetebit/anb btoelt tbetin anb'cailea it pan/aftet tbe name of ?5&gt;aii

tbettfatbet. Cbt$i0tbe enbetitaunee of H)e ttybeof tbe cbflb?en of -an in mere npureaesctbefe cities tottb tbeit billageg. nstjen tben baa maae an enae of aeutawgtbc lanae bi? bet eoaaesftbentbecbtfa^enof^raell gaue an enbetitaunee bnto giofua tbe fonneof fiwt amonge tbemtat tt)t moutbeof tbe %ow tbefgauebtmtbec^etobicbbeafbeb/eug cbamnatb retabinmountedEpb;aim. ana be otjlte tbe citie anb btoelt tbetin.cbefe ate tbeenbetttauncejstobpcft &lt;ciea?attbe pjeaft

&lt; ' *


anU3Dcbfapb:aiamcrecb/JCmaabaffl3ifear: .anblpfuatbefonneofi^un/aiibtaeaunciee

ftetb before ftbaitfe oftbe Fonne of pennon taunce tame to &amp;atib / anb toent bp totyt

anbmette at catmel on tbe fee/a at ibo? anb at Cabana tb ana ttimetb tbtoatae tbe funne tpftng to 3Setbaagon / a mette at 5a* bulon 9 in tbe bale ve of i'ebtbab/a totoatbe tbe no^bf j ae of jeetbemeft a i9egel/a gotb'e oute on ft)e lefte nae f cabuuanb tyewn/ JSobob/^amon/anbftanab euen bnto great &amp;fton.anb tben ft cooStutnetb to JSamab anb to tbe ft ton g citie of a?o? anb turnetb to of ab anb tmttl) at tbe tbe potTetnon of aefftibab : amab/apbefi/anb mobob: Gtoentpe anb ttoo citits toitb tbeit tallages . tttysig tbe enbetitaunee oftbe ttpbe of tbe cbplb^en of afee bp tbeitbinteaeg rtcbefe a* fieiStoptbtbeitbt&lt;llage0. anb tbe S&gt;ptte lotte cam oute bnto tbe ebtf a?en oflDephtbaii bp tbeit btntebe0.anb tbeit cofteg toete from l^elepb anb from 15 u6aananfm/a abami/jQebeb ana Jabneel euen to TLafium/atia go oute at lojban.ana tbentbecoofte tutnett)etoefttoatbe to ara

notb nt mounte &amp;babo?/anbtben gotbe oute from tbence to ^ubobab anb metetb topn) 5abuion on t^t foutbe fpbe/anbtoptb afec ontbetoeft/9at^uba bpon Ionian to toatb ttjefunnetpfpng.anb ttjeir ftrong cptieg are 5tb&lt;m/et/^aniatb/maeatbana Ceneten) abamab/^eemab anb f a?o?:ft eaes/&lt;Eb?ai/ ana 0iba?o?:9ieton/fla8belel:^ojem/f

* L

fatbetjjoftbettpbefs oftbe cbplb^ of aftae! beuibebbp lotte in a&gt;ilob before tbe How/ in tUt aoje oftbe tabernacle of toptneiTe/ anb fo mabean enbe of beupbtng tbe contrcpe. Gtfyt&amp;yt'tttotttfuscQt&amp;atKtuatiiB. be.jrjr.baptet. ^en tbe %tm fpabe bnto giofua^ fa pi ngtcom en toiU) nyt cbplai c n of * ftaell anb tape : * appopnte oute * jpamr^m 9 :eecitiesi/of tobpcb!Jfpalie bnto&gt;iec.j:i'b. |oubpfl3ofef/tbattbefleattbatfipiietbanp? oC "^' !,on * petfonbntoatestabntopttinglpe /mapefiee tbetbet'.ana tbore cities Otaibe poure refuge from tbe auenget of blonde . anb tbe Heat mail fleebnto one of tbofe Cptpe? anb ajall ftanoein tbe enttpng oftbe gate of tbe citie anb (ball metoebptfeaure in Oft eateu oftbe eiaews oftbe fapae cptie. ana ftjepe mat tane bim in to tbe cptpebnto tbem/anb wall geue bimaplacetbatbemapebtoeil amonge tbe. anb toben tbe auegetofbloubefolotoetb?5 after bim tb ep Stall not beltuet tbe Oeat into btSbanbe:becaufet)efmotebP0ftenbeigno^ vantlpe / anb bateb bpm not befo;etpme. anb be Qtallbtoell in tbe fapbe citiebntplibe ftanbe before ^t congregaepon in gfutge* ment/anbbntpll tbe beatb oftbe b?ep?eafte tbat fflalbe in tbofe bapeg.ana tben (ball tbe fteattetutne anb come bnto bpis atone cptpe m,ij. anb


dje ocupfum


anbbncwbrfcatoneBouft/anbbntotbe cftpe C ftom tofcence be fleaae, ana Cftcp apojntea eueu tncsalile/tn mount jQcpBtbaUV anb fetdjemmmountepBtfim/* Rariatbarbe tobtcb I09eb;on/ftitnr moatauu* of |uaa ana on tbe otbetfgae gojaan ouct agawft berne(fep5plapne/outof$ttrbeofjaub5 sKamotbm^alaaowtteofStrpbeofdSaa ~ana olanutjealan out of tbetribe of flt&amp;a* ^naffcu. cbefetoeretBectKe0apoi&gt;neebfoj ail tbe ebtia;en of 3!&amp;aell/a * tbe ftt attget0 that feofoutneb amSge the tbat toBofoeuet bkebamipetfontgnotftlye/t fame mtgBt aectbetSctanuqjuibenotWebptaeftanbeof tbe aufget of Woitue/tontgU be ft oae before f songregacjon . t .S:hcP?omcft-Bof gcugns t&amp;s l&amp;ttt afff Miami ace fat* Cftbe.rri-Cbaptee. #a then came prfncfpall Beabes i of tbe JUuttep bnto cleaiat tbe jpjeafte/anabntogjolua tbe fonne _ lofjBun/sbnto t&amp;eauncietfteaaesJ of tbe ttvb eg of tbe cbfiaje of 3Ctael/ fpabe bnto tbem at S&gt;aob in tbe lanae of canaati rajing;*tbe &amp;o?De comaunbtbbjflfcofcwto j3ume.m*.ageue W cute* tobtoelltn 9 tbefeiae0 aboute fSSu" ft* ou " MteHJnbtbe cbiiotf oraftaen J8 "* gauetontott)eja,tuite0.outoftBeitenbetita* uncejs/attbe biaajng of tBe)lo#e/tbefect ties f olototng tottb their j&amp;ubutbeft- ; ana t&amp;elotte cam otite onto the ftstutbe* of tBecabatBire0:anatBe cftflwen ofiteww

tbeeatte tobreb toere of tbe jUufftf Bab geuajtbcmbpiott/outoftbefttfbeofjttta/ out of the tribe of g&gt;tmeon/a out of f ftlbe oftfmiamm.tftj.citie0.anbtBeteatttftbe cbiKwnof Cabatbbaa b? lotte/outof f bin* tem oftbembeof cpb?atm/outof $ ttpbe ofBan/aoutoftBeBalfetrfbeoffl^anaffe^ tencftt'ej.3inbtBeebB)?enof(i5ertiwibabb? lotte out of tbe 6inreae0 off teibe of gfluar outof tbe trpbeofafet/outoftbe ttfbe of J&amp;epbtbalt a oute of tbe otbet balfe ttfbe of *J@anaffe$totfafan.;cftMttte0jnbcbil&amp; of flfcerari bp their fcgnecbe* I Bab out of tbe trr;beofffiuben/eutoftBetti?beof,&lt;pab/anb out oftbetrpbe of ^abuion/ttoebte cities. , m ana tbe cbf ia?e of gfftaen gaue bjlotte bnto .Reuite0tbefecitfe0toirbtbeir&amp;uburbe0 a0tflea,o?becommaunbebb?flort0. . ana tBep jaue oute of tbe ttibe of dWD?e" *f "JTuaa/a out of tbe tt?be of tbe wtoitti of ^'imeon / tliefe cptpe0b?mme:tob?cbtbe du'iQjen of 3atonbeing of iBefitntebtf oft caBatBitejS/anboftbccbilwen of leuf/ob* tejnebjfo? tBeftutoau toft iotfe^natber

gaue than Ratfata roe of tbe ratbet of **naelt/tobtcbt0 sebtf/intbebvll totte* t*Hm&lt;^, ofauba /ttptb the feubuebc* of tbe camefettort^ ounbeaboutit35uttbecontte?etBatper^ i [Bftft tapu&amp;to tbecyt?eanb tbebfaget ftfMff JS 1 "** tbet gaueto Caleb tbe fonne of 3|epBune / to be 10 pantopon. . . .. ... ana ftuB the? gaue tog cbpRwtn of aat5 tbep;eaftetbefraucberebcttWoftbeaeat/ ^eb;ontuiu) Bee^ubutbe0:Wbnatoftft ber^ubiwbejj/anbgiaWt toFtb Bet fry* butue0/anb(timoab)t&gt;tb bee $&gt;ubutbe0/ anbolon toitb Bee $&gt;ubutbe*/attb aUis toitbbte^tibutbe0/anb am tottb \)tt^u* buebejt/anbJIutab toitbbee d&gt;tibutbe0/anb ett)tamep tottb bet^ubittbejjmsne am outoftbofettoottibe*,attboutoftbetepbe

of enterra'n tbe? gaue &lt;&amp;abaon \sm bet^. ^&gt;ubtttbejJ:abatoitb bee&amp;uburM-Jha'* totbto^tbbee a&gt;ubuebe(S:3lmottto?tbbej| ^ubtwbej5:fouw cities, M ttjefe cities oft tbtftwen of IBacon pjeatt^tteee. pf}jfflt9 toitb tbete &gt;uburbe* . anb tbe ft ?nDes of tbe cbEltyen of Cabatb tbat to w fLmtteftt imfove tbeotbee ebvlbjenof cabatb bab tBeci?tjesioflbewlotte/outof tt)e tejfbe.ofl CPb;atm.anbtbefgauetbemtbefteci&gt;tse of tbefleae: &amp;m*&gt;tff bee $&gt;uburbe?/Ht mount Maft.9 &lt;Pa?ertoitbBee^&gt;ubue be0airtbab?atm tof tb bee S&gt;ubuebejJ:e* tBbojon to? tb Ber &gt;ubutDeS;foute tmw. anboutof tbetevbeof Jan :2ltbebe tob bet ft&gt;ubuete$ s &lt;$*ttbon to^tb bet S&gt;u butbejj-.a^alon totuj bet ^ubutbest /anb Jatt)?emonto?lbbet Stbuebe0 ; foiwei e| * tpeji . ana out of tbe balfe tepbe of #a* naffe0 /cbanacbwptbbet @&gt;ubutbe0: oa* t?emon tojtb bet $ubutotf :ttoo cstpejj. &gt;o tbat ail tt)e cjtpep tobf tb toe gt" bnto tbe bpneeae? of tbe oujet tbrib;m of tfabatb/towe ten torn) tbefc&amp;ubutbe*. ' /ISoTJnlotBe eB?ia?enof erfon toB# ,jete of tbe btntebejs of t|e %t\\im 1 tbeg gaue out of tBe otBerBalfe ttpbe of flpnaf* w/tbe ctw of tefuge fo; tbe Oeat / olati m)8afan toftbbtt ubutbej; eeflbetabj tojebbet &gt;ubu*be$Mtoo cittesi^nb out of tbettrbeof g[iacat/if?ontDjtbbet feu* butbe* J ^abetan) tottt) bt feuburbeg : gpatimou) to?u)bet feubutbe^tcnganmt tovthhn feubutbe0.:fouve citie0. anbout of tbe twbe of atet / #tfeal to jtb Bet ft&gt;u fiutbeu&amp;bbB tt Bet feuburbe^ / ^alaftatb toytbbetfeubuebe0iobobto!tbbetfeu Iwtbeftf oute citfe*. anb out of tbe ttpbe of i9epbtbatt/ tbe ewe of tefuge of tbe fleae/ fteae0OT(SJarfle/toi?tBbet feubfttbe0:amotb&amp;o?/toptb Bet feubutbe^ : cattban to#b bet feubutbeg : me ettfe* , feo tbat alitbecytfejj otttewtcutf &amp; totgeg

fcflite&amp;ejJ toete.)rttf-toptb tbe/tfeubuebe^. fouled. anbfo^orua a We(reatBt manbfeiit3I5 anbbntotbebpntebeeof tbe cb?ib?cn of

^etaH/cbeteftoftbejleui'te^/^eiJgaue out of tbe tepbe of 3abu!on |ecnam to^fy bet a&gt;ubuibep j Cattbab tt Bet feubutbes

pamna tovtb bee feuburbeg/anb^abalal toftbbet feubuebescfoute cpt?eg. ana out of tbe t r?be of %i ube/ rbei? gaue 75mt toitt) bee fubuibep: 3 abefaft tottb btt feubiwbe^ Keamott)toitijbecfeubutbe0/9 @apBaatb tottb Btt ftibueb e0:fouee dtttfi.'Sm out of tribe of aa/tBepgaue fraacfufca citie of f fleat/ittomotb in (0alaabtoBetfubuebe0/ j@abanaim u Bet fubuvbeg/^efbon to Bet ftibutbeg: 9 laret toBetrubutbe0:foutecr*; tie* ftt all/To t alltBecttse0oftBecB0b?5 of levari in tl)eieft?nteae0/'toBPcB toere tbe ted of tBe ft vnxcm of tbe JLtuitet/ toere bs tbrtt rot/ttoeiue citteg 3nb al tbe ct'tieg tBat tbe %euitt8 baa in tBe poireo^S of tbe cBiia?e of ^fraei toere.irtbit j. toitB tbeir feubutbe^ anbtbefec^e0bab eeBetbete feubutbe^ tounbe aboute bettbo?otooutairtbefafbe cfricg. ana tbe %om gaue bnto gtraeliall tbe lantetoBpcbbeftoaeetogeue tmtotbefr fatbew.anatBei? c0querebtt/5 btoelttbertn 3 ttb t \)e%cw gaue tb em reft tounbe about aeco?b|ttg to ail tbat be ftoatebnto tbetr fa* ujew. $&gt;o i tfjere Cone not a ml of alltbeit enem?e0 before tbf. ?6ut fjto?aeael?uerea ail tftevc enemfeg into tfjeicbanDejs . cbete fbapeanotbtng of al tiit gooa tBmge0 tobtcb tbe %ow baa rapae bnto tBebouCe of attael Kutaii came to pace. CKuben/cBntz-niiD ttjcfjalffc ftjftf of j^anairesare ' ftnbc a gap n c to 1 1) n r jiolc (Tgotw . C&amp; ty t^lfis an au twtfo?arannOiv a W


tbem atoase.ana tber toent bnto tbeir tcte0 a.wicircoiijcu? . nto the one Balte of tbe tr?be of W&amp; ItluS^ bnto tbe otter balf e i&amp;crof gaue gofua toftb pv^ vttmmk tBewbmb^ ontbi'0 rjaeg e?aan toefttoafljetftwo&amp;c* ana alf toben jouia lent tbcm atoane bnto ^\%l a J** tbetr tentep anbblelfea then. / Be fa?ae bnto f ,% tB^/returnetoUBmocbevrcbeffebnto voureaacoiifac m tente0/9tot'tBbermocbecatell/toifljf^ucen'o.ii.tiuti.v.i&gt; gouiae/ b?affe/ peton/ ana tortb ratment abpuemeafure/* aeuiaetbe fpoi?le of voure enemje0toptbl?oure*b;etb?en. . nbw(Mi;

anbttje cbvlb^enof liubett-/ tbe cbpia;en tD ave of aa ana balfe tbe trrbe of flana(fc0/re* * nt l &gt; om vturnebanabepartebfrcm.tBtcI?i?ia?e of %U jJSSgi raeloutoffetloBtoBicbi0mlantieofca : . vuflV " t '' veo naan / to go bnto tbe conttej?c of #araaa / s to tbe lanae of Ujett poffeffpon / tolmin they toere potTeffcb at tbemoutB ef tlje )Lo?aebp tbe Banae of iB?off . ana teBen tBet? tame bnto tbe cofte0 of 3jo?ban tbat ipe t'n lanae of Canaamtbete tBe^bpiajen of iSuben/tlie cbjHj?enof aaanatbebalfetrpbeof fllSa* naae0/bfit an altare fafte bj? g|o?aan 9 tljae agreataltatetofcto, anb toben tbe c&amp;piD?l ofgftraelbeataefaK:bcBoiae(becbl'la?enof aEttben/tbe cbpia?en of aa 9 tbe balfe ttgbe of fl^anaffe0Baue bplteanalfareiutbe io* teftounte of tbe lana of Cana t'n v Sonets of ap^anontbe ftocof tbecb?ia?en otm tacll-.tbebole congregacjon of n)e cbvfitti'n oflfraellgatBereatBemtogetBeeto^iiob/ togobpen tbem tottb bateli.ana tbecbifa^e of fftaell fentbnto flje cb?!a?en of ffiuben/ to tbecbi&gt;ia?enof aaanatotbebalfe etybe ofg9ana0tntonieianfieof(5ajaao/tei)t=nebe0 tbe fonne of ciea?at n)e p?eafte/anb


tottb bun tenlo?aestof euer^cbefe botoft a ^enSofuaealleb bntotBe Kube* lo?be tbo?otoeout ailtbetrpbeg of "jfraeii/ |ntte0/tbe&lt;Ebbfte0anbtotbebalfe tob^cb Beaac0 of tbetr fatijcvs Boti(boiae0 toete ouee t tBoufanti0 of '3 trael. anatbes toft bnto u)e cbf lb?en of iiuben/of mm 9 to tBebalfetrpbc offlfcanafff 0/bntP tbe lana of &lt;!5ateaaanb fpabe toftb them lading. bu0 fapetBebole coitgtegactottoftbe^ K,o?ae:tobattrirgteffion!)3 tbffc tbatvebauc ttanfgrewb agapnftthe cfobot'ifraell/to

1 t

tribe of ^anaffe0anbfasbebnto rB^pebaue beptantbat $Qtt$ . fmtauntoftbe^oJDecomaunaebpou/j baue obefebm? bopcetnan $ 9! eSmaunaeb ttttyt baue not lefte youre b;etb;en of a iog tearonbntotbP0&amp;a?ebitt baue bept tbe co* mauttbement of Vfwfrt oute oa.ana noro tbe&amp;o$ebatBgeu? tefte bnto sour eb;etb^ turne atoaperbisaaj'e from after tij e ham 80be P?emefea tBem,iBttfo?e tetumeanb ana tobtfbe tou an altare fo? to tebeiie it )v&amp; u m , f *gobntofouretente0 abntot ranbeof joute m eagamft Ro/be/90'tbe*tofcRebbtabtffi O fK5 pofltlKoit/toBrcB fl?ofe0 tbe fetuaunt of tbe of peo; to ftjttelffo? b0/toBerof toe are not f o? t$e fytm 3lo;aegauepouontbeotbetfpoe3o^ian. cleanftabntotbi^aape/ftberetoagaprageSboiiiit viDuiie . odrffiuttnanptorfetafte eteeotnggoob uitbeeongregacronof 1tt*mil6mQtt3EE!!&amp ;** beabetbat peaq tbe c0maumtmettt a tetoe ?ealfolbulbe tume atoape tln$ battfromff ilSmtoi tobiebfl^ofefl' v fentaatof g jLo;aecBatgea foloto!&gt;ngtbe)Lo;ue:i?eibaHiebeir etoBai?e^is ml jm\e lou:tobrcbi0/tbatferoue m lojbe poutc agaptfttbejtoiae/anatomo^otobefijaii&amp;e f&gt;mm*m&gt; ob/anbtoarebemBfistoawsanbfiepebWt to?bu)toi!#8^itiBKHadm (mauifliemente0/acleatiebntobtm'afue ftanayngtftbe tenbeof youtepoffeirpon *&amp;*** bvm tojtB an voure Bettte0 anball ?oure bncleane/tBencome.ouerbncotbe lanaeofcai uD peoi^ ni,t'tj, tbe

lElje Mttt of


vmeit m jfc tbe pompon 6ftbe%o?&amp;/toberc tbe &amp;o?aess laciites not tabernacle Btoelletb /ana be poircaea amoge SSSSSSw** tcbell not agapnft tbe *a#e no? me 315 j agapnft toss/to bupl&amp;e pou anpe otbet auttet toEmcn of the rauetbeaulteroftbe)lo?aeouteoa.?pa S9o3bitcB:bot not acanMonne of 5strb tretpafc in rt)t er= S&amp;Sffi cgmuntcatetbingeg / &lt;j to?atb fell onalltbe m St congregation of grrael, fo tbatbealone pe* 3Tt.oiatcct ana wffteDnot f o? ^ig iDpcBeoneffef tooftymto * ,aftentbecbpia?enof 3&amp;ubenanaofaa/ &lt;$*, ana balfc tbetrpbeof i^ahatreg anttoerea

tbe jiLo?Hc fef attoongebis/becaure pe baue not bone rbpsstretpafe agapnfttbeiLD?ae. ananoto pe baue rpaae tbe cbpiaje of gfrael! out of (bebanaess of tbeiLo?be; 3na pbinebes tbe forme of &lt;iea?ar tt)e p?eaue ana tbe lo?ae g retutnea fib" tbe cbpl* b?cn of Jiiubehana of a&amp; ouie of tbe lance ofalaaabnto tbelanoeof Canaan /to tbe cbpia?enofSftaei/anau?ougbttbemtoo?ae agapne. ana tbeanftocre pleafea tbe cbpl* b?enof r i!fraeitom/anb tbep*p?apreB (Sob/ anaopa not entente to go agapnft tbe mm

. / f

&amp;" m fanaes of Ifraei-.cbe mggbtp ob jejjouaft tateile/to aeftrope tbelanpe tobf cb tb e cbpiv

sotrcpiagcB/foije imotoefb/ana'Itrael&amp;jall finotoetfftbe ^XlSStottWUot tranrgreffe agapnft tbe %om/ mS K-tten tfte &amp;o?ae faue bg not tbpjsaape, &gt;? faiiDeaftvot eiiejsif toe bauebplttogan flutter to turne time ao-gt tea- ftctH fclotoing tbe Jlo?ae / o? toofter tberon

Wen of Kuben uaa atoeltin.anatbe cbpl* a?enof3&amp;uben$tbecbpia?enofaBeaiiea 5 tbe auttet *B/becaufe it fea toftneOe 6rW;.$/tBattbeiU)?aetisoB, 'S8Sr

reft: 2n&amp;baue notrat&amp;et bone it fo? feate wefts to t&amp;em

cftb&amp;:ttaftm tpmetocome pout cbjia?ett ffiujoe rape onto outejs : tobat baue pe to so topt&amp; tbe -Jlo?Be oa of Ittael / Cepttig:tbat I 'iLo?bebatbmabe 3;o?a3aBo?Beebettoene b0attOpoupecbflB?eof;i3ubenaofaB:pe baue no parte tberfo?e in tbe ju&gt;?ae-.ana fo .rfbaupoure cb?l&amp;?emafteotttecbpia/e rear* w from featinge tbe tope, ana tbetfo?e toetapce; netbsscaufe an suiter to bemabe/not fo?burntoffrpnge37 no?facrifpce{3/ butftmalbe a toptncllebe* ttoeneiss ana pou ana oure generacpows af* terbg/tbattoe$uiaefewetbe:ilo?ae/topt&amp; oure o^tfngess /faerpfpeess anb peaceoffe* rpngeg: aria tbat poure cBvia?en ftufte not fate toouteg in tpme tocorae/?e^aue no .j&gt;arteintae:no?be. a'nbtoetnougbtif tbepftulbfotepetobss

cfje.y]mj,cbaptet. ! $b ft came to paffe a longe ceafon 38 after ttjat tfee j;o?be bab geuen reCe bnto % fraeii from all tbeir ienrntesi rounbe aboute/tbatSo* fuatoareo olbe anDtea^&amp;rfcfieni'npere^. u@fjerfo?e be rent fo? all|frael/anb fo? tbett elberg/tbefrbeabeg/tbetr Sfubgegano o&amp;V* ccrsf/anbfapbebntot^ am tm$&amp;tyi 6en in? ereg . 26nb rebaue'fene ail rjjat tbe 3lo?5roure obbatb aonebnto all tbefe nacpons befo?e torn tut03$i%0&amp;tum ob be f ougbte fo? touXe^oloe^: baue ap* yopntebtbefenacponsirbatremapne/tobet en^erttatince of poure tribes : euen from go?ban / anb all tbe nac^Sg t&amp;at gibauebe*

ftroteo/ eueh bntoti^egreat &gt;ee. 3fcnb tt)e

0? to oute gen eracpong in tgme to.opme/tb a t %o m poure oS be (ball erpell anb ca ft tbe

I *

Inetoolberapeagavne-.jSeftoJbe w facpon cf tbe auitei tobpeb oure fat^erst mabe / ne* tbetfo? burntoffrpngei5nb?facrtfpce0 / But rbatft flmlbe hta toptnefiebettoene bsanb f ou.ob fo?bpbbe i toe ftuDJ reb eft agapntt ifte)Lo?be anbteat toeftutte turne efttss bapc frSafterlw'm/anbbplbeanaulterfo? burnt* ofer'tn gesso? facrjfpce?/ faue tbe altareof tbe Ttitffc 1 oure ffloo tbat fit befo?e $&amp; ta* . temacle. '&lt;5 anb tobenPbmebegtbe^?eafte anb tbe %,oftxfi of tt)e congtegacpSanb beabess ouer tbe tboufanbes of gtraeH tobptft toere topt^ mnt/^earoetbe too?be0tbattbe cbp,l&amp;?en of ffiuben/ tbe cbplb?en of ab anb t&amp;e (%yM of fflfkma^eisfpafte/ We toere tol contet. SCnbPbinebes tbe fotme of&lt;tea?ar p?eatte . fapoe bnto tftecftplo?en of Kubm /of C5ao : ' ansofanaUes5&lt;t&amp;ts3 oare toeperceauetbat


cut befo?epou/ anb pe mall conquere tbetr lanbes(/agtl)e)Lo?bepoure obbatb rapoe bntopou. *75e tbfo?e ewebpngettronge tbatrc^ tafiebebetoboalltbattss to?ittein tljebofie Zmmtt/i oftbelatoeof 09ofe0/*tbat pe botoenot a3oCH.i.B. fpDttftetftom/totSe rpgbt b.anaeo?w tbe ni-mj* IeiR!.:anotbatsegonot bnto tbefe nactot#^S tbatremapne toptbpoujajKitbatpe nett)er * 0Kt ,i|, ma&amp;ejnencpon 0? ftoeaiffeptbe names; of tgefr &lt;&amp;meti ; anb tljac pe 'Better fetue tbem no?botofcPDurefelue0bnto'tbem.2BuMbat . peUicfeefaftbnto t6do?Jtpoure&lt;S5b6/ a0 pebaue bone ntotfnsqape. ,&lt;g)o Qjalltbec )Lo?be caft out befo?e pougreat nacponsi 9 mpgbtpe / as peft&amp;oto no man batb ttanoe

6efo?epou bftgerto **Dnc of pou ftan cbafe _ .,,, rn atftoutattbe:fo?^eXo?bepoure(25ob be ftgb* ** ?ww " tetb fo?pou/asfbeBaR)fapbebntopou,cafee goob

&lt; goobbeoetberfo?ebtrtdpmrtefjijuW/tBatpe ioiie fibe Ho?be poure d5ob. v leutanapf ?efl)"aUgobae6e ants deaue bnto tbe reft of fyete nacpon? njat remapne toptbpou anb fliail mafte Cartages toptb tbe m /ana (ball go 1 tb em ana tb ep come to pou:be fute tbat tbe )lo?be poure $00 topil not caft outall tbefe oatkmttS befo?epou - * 3But^ep albe fnares anb trappeu kneo i jnwws j 0U/a no f comgeg fo? poure fpaeu/s p;icfies 61 poure epeg/bntpllpeperplStftom of tbPS gooblanae tobpeb t&amp;cjLwae poure oa ^atb i geuenpou. 36eboiae 31 toantetBtebape/bptbe toape of all |too?joe : caiipe tompnae tnan poure ,-ftertesanatn all poure fouieg/tbatnotbpng ^ftatfi fapfeaof alltbe goobtapngesjtobpeft f jl-o?a poure ca p?oraefea potLJll are come to pafc/ana notbpngbatb faplea tberof.lnb AS algooatbingc0arecomebp5pou/tobtc$ tbe U-o?ae poure ob p?omefea pou : fo fball tbe io?aeb?pg bponpou all euellbntpll be baue aeftropea pou from of tbpg gooa lanae/ tobpeb tbeiLo?ae poure ob batb geuen pou tcifen pe bauetranfgreCTea tbe apopntment of tbe )to?ae poure oa / tobpeft be comma* wnaea pou: ana baue gone 9 feruea ftra utige oaaejs / ana botoeapoure feluess to t&amp;em, cBmOjaltbeto?atb of l-o?ae toare tobote top on pou/anape mallperplbequftbipe/frS of tbegoob lanae to&amp;pcft be batb geuen pou. ." Jofua trboif at) tbe people ta tBe acpjng of tbe Iatof.ftcDpetb.:tijeuencsof38fepbate6tgtoIea jacofttj.. j9a5fofua geatfterebantbetrpbes iof gfraell to &gt;icbem&lt;i calico toy j tbe cl&amp;erjJ of % (raell/ana f 0? tbeft

Jbeaaestubgessanaofticergtobtcft p?eftiiteo tbe felues befo?e ob . 3n&amp; fofua fapobntoa!Sttjepeopfe/tbnPfaptbi-o?ac obof 3|fraeii.*pourefatber0otoettontbe otber fpaeof t^e Souae in oftetpme euecftas reb tbe fatft t: of l&amp;?abasri ana 0m^n I ana fcrueafttauip mto&amp;. '3tit'$me poure fetter ittttimii immtye m$v fpapof tbe flouoe/anbb. ? ^ftim into | ranbe of a* naan/anamn-iivvji:^ tmtft gauebpm ^acJnB^-v; jiito 5faac g^acobi* csfatt


mtoflKppt. *cben3! &amp;m Worn anaSBaron . 3Bm3! mm* *tiageb tfg^/aftett&amp;e manerag m apa ^mfc^amongtbetti/asi; after ftat 5 bjougbt pou ' .Mfetfttf. ouf 9 1 b?ouiJH' poure fatbers out of Cgipte 3Cnb pe came bnto o&gt; e f ee-.ana tb e &lt;egppet3si 33 fblotoeo aftet: poure fatbtrjs toptb cbatettts anb&amp;o?ftne/onto tbe reao fee. asnatbep erica

bnto)lo?aeJnaiteputaarcBneaebettoeiie pou ana tbe &lt;f gppcpanp ana bjougbt tbe fee bpon t bjem aha couetea tbe. ana poure e p eg baue fene tobat fbaue bone ingppte. ana pe atoelt in t|e toiiaerne He a long ceaf on. jtnag b?ougb t pou intof lanae of tbe 3mo* ricefJ tobptb otoelt on ft)t otber fpoe 3o?oan. anatbepfoug&amp;ttoitb pouianajgaue^em into pouw&amp;anMis. 3 nope conquetea tbeir conttejna'joeftrdpeatbeminpourerpgbt. bnlBala6tbefonneof5ipbo?/Spng of ^oab aroTe ana toatre&amp;agapntt 3fraell/ anatent ?*caliea3Balamtfteronne of 3Bo? AtlM ,... a u

fo?tocitrdepou. jSutgitoooiaenotagte fcgHRjg? berben bnto 5Balam / anatberfo?eb&lt; Weffea ^ " "' pou:3na fog oeliuerea pou out of bigbanae. anatobenpe totntouer jojoan/ana came bnto aericbo / tbe cpf p?eitj$ of gtewebo fou* gbte agapnft pou-.t^e amb?jtejS /$&amp;ere&amp; ten/ CanaanptejJ/^etbite? irgofitejj/ i^e* ufte* / Jeiiunten tobpeb % aeipuereb in to toure banaen. c 3na a fene* bo;nettes befo?epou anb pe * 3 few bm# caftoutbefo?e pou:euenbe ttooapnjeiBtof""'" 6 ' 6 '?' 5 0? toptb poure otone botoe. ana 5 gaue pou g (8 off care * a lanoe in tobpe^ pe apa no lab our e/ a cptten mm m to t&amp;: tobpeb pou bplt not/ana pebtoeft indent. fte of wr ainbbpneftana sDlpue treeis tobfcb jepHttbgg'S22 ,i " not/anapeateoftbem. B^Banoaao* 3tui note feare t&amp;e )Lo;be anb fetite ^pmnfee^em^at tnpureneaeaitatmtbe:3naputatoapetbetii^tt&gt;erctea' oaaeg tobpeb poure fatbers.ferueb (WSSfSSL otberfpaeoftbeflow/anbm^W/?fmieM C i"S tf)e)Lo?ae. 35utpf ft feme well bnto poutoIr'joVni.b.o feruetbe )Lo?ae/tben c^ofe pou tbpjs bape* m**m toftompou topll teruetobetber tbe AH$**4S!&amp;^ Mm Foutt fatbewferuea tbat toere IWJgSimSSIS otber fpaeof t&amp;ctoube /etbet tbe obae? of flSme wn?.a tbe lmo?fte0 in tob re ianbe/pe atoett / ana c*o. *? . o* 3 ana mpbotoreteilifeme tbe topt. b*.ii.. ana tb e people anftoereb anb rapae/oo fo?bpb tbat toe ftwlafosTaBe tbe jto?ae ana i erue ftcaunge 000 eg. iff 0? tb e oto?be eutfe ebbe tt is tbat b?ougBt W $ btore fattjews outol tbe lanae of &lt;gppt/tf)ebotore of bon^ oage/ana tobpcbbpbtbofe nip?aclf s in oure fpgbt/anbp?efefueb buin ail t&amp;etoape toe toent ana amonge alltbe nacponi* tobicb toe cametbo?otoe.anbtbe%.o?aeapbcaft out be* fo?e w att^e nacpong topt^ tlje amo?ites tobicbatoeltm tbe lanae / totietfo?e toe topll f em e tbe fLo?be f 0? be is ouk oa. 2Sut Jofua fapae bnto tbe people/pe can notferuetbe)lo? &lt;?anbolpeoa IC cannot beare poure ttanfgr t Upon ana fpnne TSut tob en pe baue f o?fafeen tbe &amp;o?ae ana baueftruea ftraunge.oBBtf/ be topll tur* neanaaopoueuell ana confume pou /after tbatbebatbbonepougooa. anatbepeopie m.fftf. anftoereb

%* ^



3fofaai)petl), anttoerco lofua-.nape / but tee top feme tbe&amp;otfe. C6M gjofua f apdebnto t^e f ofte / 1 e aw toptnefleabnto poute felueg it pe ftaue cfto fenpoutbe&amp;ojoe/torecuebpra^tdcpCapae toe atctoptneaeg. jen putatoapr/rapae be/ttje ataunge (godoeg to^?c^ arc amonge tou/abotoe joueeberte?! bnto Ho;tKoa of m, ana tbe people antoe teapot ua: tf tbe %QM oute CfeO toetopll feme ana bpg bopce toe topllobepe . ana to ^orua maoea couenant tow tbe people tbe fame tape/and ret oflpnauncea and latwst befoje tbem tn &amp;icbem. 3 no foCua tojotte tbefe toojoeg m t&amp;e boBe of (be latoe of &lt;5oa / and toBe a great 2.S *5Jl*awelritcbflftiienbeoi $ fapoeplace fou waHntc. euen bndet an oc&amp;et&amp;at ttooe in ty fanctua* rpeof tbe&amp;ojae. anogioftiafapar bnto all a^t^aifi ecawtbe people : betjoIBe/t&amp;pfS ftone ffialbea toftact gat ; it usntm bnto bg I fo? a it batb bearae all fyt 2?5 f^l'toojoeg oftbe fcojae tobpcbbe fpafie toptb &amp;&amp;* 3tlbalbetbetfo?eatoftnebntofou/ SI! t leap e fee bnto poute &lt;S5od . 3nd fo lofua ro ttuntfotmttiet tbe people depatte euctp man bnto bpg &lt;ttat ttbaft n enberptaunce. oeb? " andafter tbefe tbpngeg tbe tpme tame ^w ftuiD (Btbat^oftiatbeftmneorftun stbeferuaunt w mm ttmi of t&amp;e 7Lo?ee died bepng an bim^etb ana ten kmntc to&amp;st pete 5 ol&amp;e. nsbomtbe? burpebm tbe cotteg th1?r rt .fW0enbeti^nee/eiiettfnCbamna^Ca* fp;maun anbifraelferuedtbejlo?dealltbedapea tbaof.5ss^ror3ofua/anballftjf dapeg of tbeeldergtbat

fS7w4 ttI ^ rt 3ofna/abtobfcbbabfenealltbe S XtoOKbeg oftbe &amp; ofcetbatbebabdone togifc raett . and tbe bonca of liofcpb/tobp cbtbe cbpi bm of 5 fraen b? ougbt out of cgppte/ tb ep burped in ^icbrm / in a patceu of gto* ..:. ... undetobpcb^eo&amp;oaugbtof tbe fonnea of $emo? tbe fatberof &amp;icbem /fo; an bun* hate *dai.Metbe*|)eacea of rpwet/tobPxbparceH be* ?ntcrpmcr .came tbe enberttaunce of tbe cbpia?m of VlZ r,mw % 1 **W%* i ' ii * a W #efonne oiaatSd? to tenrtw, ; ipbom tbe? bwteont fabaatb tbat pertained topbine&amp;eabfafQiUK ana toaageuenbmt in :/"- moimtcpbjaira, C&amp;eendeoftbeboae ofgjotua.

; &amp;

Cl)e bofee of tljt JuDges, people ty at ttctc net6tftcopc&amp; became itibuwyts*


- #

*. .

fua tbe cbVto;en oE strati aC &amp;ea tbe Lojae rapi'nge : i@b o angobpfy/tttontotbe a* naniteistofigbtagafna tijti ^ i Jnbtbe7lo?oe fa#&gt;e:*3!u68 **

fl}allgobp:beboll1ibaueaelFueteo$lanOet)ncmioiK^i mwb^ftanoeg.cbewlubafaroebnto*^"^^!.!! meonbi0b?otb:comemeintom?iotte/&amp; ,l,1 *i a let W fbt agaynft tbe Cananitejs:3iMb 5 * iimMn to Ipftet&amp;pTetopngotttbe intotb? lotte. amatbrtimtfuj fo^imeontoenttoitbbim. *"". ana 5!uaa toentbp/a t^t Tlojae aelyuerea tbe Cananftes ^l&amp;betefite^fntotbewbanai, anetbepfletoeoEtbemieeiebtentbouranD mumi menJnbtbef foaae a 3oonibe?ebin5Be?eB.toa9 tteid 3no tbep fougbtagapnft bint/9 fletoe tat CHS52S nanitefJa?&amp;bcKfittjs.ut3Dbombe?e6 m/SA anb tbe? folotoebafterbtm/* caught bfm/au'st of *i cut of W $ ombeg ana big gteat toeg.cbenis ' wm] 36oonibeieiita?be:tb?effio?eanDtenBtnge0 M bJUipngetbeii; tbombejJ agteat toea cut of/' ttntU?,w geaftetebtt)ei^;meatebnbe^;mrtaWe. !, tob;* 6 ene "?' , J , fo^ajs I taucoonc b0ob!w$bonttome&amp;SEi$ agajne,.3Bnbttjepb?ougbtbpitoaetufalf/fe^"W anojOTbeopeb. . ffimm. cbetbP^mof3!ub8fougbtagapnft2e=to.*''j'W | tufalematobeft/aimote itawtbtbeebgeoCS 1 tbeftnerae/anbfet tx^ atit on feJndafte'j'*{'| cbattbe ebptt^nofauoatoent euentofrsbt^tSf agafnatbecananitt0|btoeltmibemoun*'f, u iffl tapne/intt)efoutt)e/aintbe lotoe contte^.K'M 8nb!Iudatoentbntot&amp;eCananite0$ MwftgSJSSffl t'n ^eb?on /tobfeb befoje rime toas calieano. imM 6ariatbrbe Jno Oett ^efai/3biman anbgJS $%&amp;\ Cbalmai.ano from thence ajep toent totbeS. w W sssssasmr* ln m $ 3na Caleb (afbe^etbaf fmptetb ftatiatb^c {gSS repbet/a ta&amp;etb it/ tobim tofll % geue 3Ccfab *? ' fi msbaugbterto tosfeJnb tbonielfc fowteg^SLg oEBene?CaiebiSpoungtrb;o^et tobeft: to?&lt; i^ ;!t

tobombegaue-Hcrab'big baugbtertotopfe/* cl, ^SJw ana agtbeptoent (be counceleo bpmfo afbe &gt;w tun k ofbfatb a felw.3nbtbenibe*ipgbte0pW^ I ofbera(Te:anb Caleb faj&amp;ebnto bcr-.n&amp;bata"'^ asietb tbK?S&gt;bcttpbebnto btwgeuemea SSSp iwflmgr^ilwttlwftgrurniiif a ^&gt;outb fef wsmsvww

i * *

fttba ^ toatb^ao^elanb/geuemeatt'ofp^ngeisof toater Jno Caleb gaueber fp;ptSK bott) ab= . rfW fiueabenetbe,3natbecb|lD?eoftbefienite ''"L'SSS' ^ ofe * ^^^ '" latoe toetbpoutof f a'tpe L^anSabof paulmetteeg /tobitb tbe cbtfbtfof 3ba ;*ittp'into tbe toploetneae of guba tt)at ipetbin (rancmrtt .m ^outbeof3taD/anbOtoeltamongetbe tSw anagiubatoem a&amp;imeonttbim/atbep Luteal' fleto ftc cananiteg tbat enbabiteo3ep&amp;at&amp;/ Bjjflinw.^ abtterlfeaetttopebit/'ac^ieotbenanie of tbe cttie$o;rmab.3n0SuQa tobe.Jiab *&amp; W coBegtbetof/ anaafbalontoptb W cottcse tberof/anoa&amp;aton toptb ttit cooeg tberof. 3BW)tbe)Lo?aetoa0toirb 3!uba tbat be con* mitreo tt)emountapneiS/buttbep couiae not bmie outtbe enbabitew of tbebalepess/ be* caufetbepbaacbaiettea of pton. ana tbe? gaue^eb?on bnto Caleb ag^ofe* Capae. ainb be erpelleo tbence tbe tb?e fonneg of iSSS anome ctjpiojm of jeensamin oponot brScD caamittbe3eburttej5tb^teribabfteo|eru* Ddkc u cauft f a iem/b ut t|e3|rbufite0 Otoell "ifi tb e:fbilo?5 w* tftn|aniitiin lerofelcm/bntotbfcbare.

HS anbinl?Bemanertbeboure ofjoftpb '*Mk w bientbp toetbelanbtbe3Lo;0e top tbe/. u ?cip fiK^c a ana tbe boufe of fofepb fercbeo out 2Sbei 2 w J^ n to&amp;it&amp; before tpme toag called Hm* Jhd tbe &amp;S fiW fatoe a man comc mt ota )* *&amp;* antt ^w.().c.jc:utbep fa#e bnto bpm ftetoe w tbe wapeinto wi**. tbe cptpe.and toetopil Uwtoe tbe meixp.ana be etoeatbem tbe toape into tbe eptpe/ano tbepfmott it toptb $e edge of tbe ftoerbe / s but'lettbemanandalibpgboulbooegoo ' free.andtbemantoentintotbelanaeoftbe etbitess / and bplt a cptpe and called tbe ' name tberof 5lu0tobiebigft)e name tberof ^bntotbfebape. .. ji5etberdpafll5anagerpelleetbfean toitb ber totoneg/netber cbaanacb toitb b tctonejs /itetbertbeenbabitoure0of;&amp;o?tt Ber totonea / netber enbabptourea of |e* blaamtoitbber totonea / netbec tbe enbabp lourcg of fl^ageoo toin) bet totonea/ and fo tbe Cananttea toentto a otoeit in tbe farae lande. tfutaafone aa^rtaea toaa toareo fnigbtie/tbepputtbecananiteatotribute: $ut erpelleo tbcm not. . 3nipbemanercpb;aimerpencbnottbe Cananftestbatdtoeltinaier/lmttbeCa* namteaotoelt ttpllein a?er among tbem. ' *5etb bpo 5abuton erpelletbe enbabt* tourea of-ftetton/netber enbabptourea of iBabaiofciBut tije Cananiteatnoeitamonge ftemanobecametrpbutart'ea. " Berber opaafetcatt out ^ enbabptouvea

of acbo/netbet enbabptouteaof3idon^f abalab/acfib/^aibab/apbeb/nw of o bob/but tbeafente^ atoeltearacnge tbe Ca*

Xtnh naniteatbe enbabftourea oftbe lanae/ano bjaue tbem not out. . 0eebeeopdi5epbtbaitma,2rue outtbe eribabptoutea of etbfamea/no? i enbabj* toureaof35etbanaft/but0toelleamogea$ CanafflteatbeenbabJtoure0offlande.j9e&lt; uertbelelft tbe enbabptouteg of jBetbtamea ana of ftetbanatb be came trvbut atpeg bn totbem. anatbeamo?it'eafiepfe|cb?lOjeofan in tbe raoimtapnea/ano foffeteotbem not to come aotoneto tbebalepea.andfotdeamo tttegtofttoanootoeiiedin mount mm in ^aiionandin^aiabim.^euertbelater tbe bana of gjofepb uared beuce bp5 tbem / fo $ tBepbecametributarpea.anofbecoaea of f amo;iteatoaa fto* tbegojingbptoacw* bim/and from tb e rocfie bptoarw. CSEUc HnatU rtbuactl) tljcpcoplc becauft ttjvi &amp;3B mane peace witljt^cCananitcB.gsolattEteat'E pun/ niflic&amp;'tiiit ?ct Uaucsot t^cic inuenc? one, 5o8ft n bet!) t^tm \Ws to ecl jhe c $em. cbe.ii.Cbapter. J50 tbe angell Oftbe loft came bp s r from CtilgaUtotfocim/a fa^oe/* |b;ougbtouout of ti%PPte and abaue b;ougbt pou bnto n)e lanoe tobJtb 1 (toare bnto route fattjerss. and % iapoetbat % tooiae neuer b?ea&amp;e tmjne ap* popntement toptbf ou / but pe finrloe baue madeno couenSt toitt) tbe enbabftourea of ib&amp;iana/petyuldbaue b;oben doune fym "aultarea:utpebauenotobeFedmpboice/ tobPbauepe tb&amp;bone? toberfo?e$baue ty* Be topfe determpned $ 3! top not caa tbem outbefo?epou:buttbepOialbein tbefpoea ^,,0,,.^,,*. ofpou/anotbeit oaaea (balbe Cnategbnto totnrmo cmfii pou . and teben tbe angellof tbe7Lo?debadpiaaere t^cs fpoBjntberetoo?deabnto all tbe cbpJbjen of d mm

Sffracl/tbe people crpeo out andtoepte.and JSfflgjSS/ caned tbe name of tbe Capae place / tforim 9 ffiftffle OfferedtbetebmotbeTlo^ie. tucratfjaustu : andto4m?ofuabadfent$peopleaibape/ctiaa;cet{ient. tbe cbPio?enof Ifraei toent euerpemanmto *"^;S c i?* a big enberitaunceto pofftffitbe lande. ana gggji peoplefenieotbe)lo?de8iltbe oapeaof gjos"**'*** * fua/andalltbe dap ea oftbe eioera tbat out lpued3iorua/anobadfeneanrbegreattoo;&gt; Beg oEtbe ^o?ae tbat be opoto goarl . and ^ofuatberonneof jSuntbeferuaunc oftbe }Loaaeapea tobenbe toagan bund;edan ten pereg o&amp;ie:tobom tbep burped intbecotteg of bigenbcritaunce:euenin c^amnatb barea tn mounttfpbaaimontbenotfbfpoeof W\ aag.anoeuenfo all tbat genetacion toete putontotbeirfatbeta/andtbereatore ano tbet generacpon after tbem tobptb netber Bnetoe JHo?o /no? p rt { too;cBeg tobfcb be opdonfogifraef, *' _ m,b, and




Sift turn tbecftpibjen of partus tope* tbcio/i? 5 fatbetS/tobtcb b?ougbttbemout oftbelanb of ttifir fa* ofCgppte/anDfolotoeDftEaunge'.E&gt;o50fS/ ihcceie/i iw euf of tbe csobues of tt)e nacrous n)ac toere JffiiffiW rounbaboutetbem/anoUotoebtbem femes Qsebtoottobt *m Hjem/an&amp; angreo q&gt;e Tto?b.anafo tbep itue his pjo^fojfpfie tbe^banBtctueb'Saaua&amp;ba* mrfcsno? to^rotb.tbttfo?etbe;fi,o?be toajceb angrpe *&amp; n.!25 s 2ftaei/beipueKbtbe'mtotbe&amp;attbcs af ra* ""but to wnn* to fpople tbem ano foi&amp;e tbem into f fiMiircnc ano * bates of tfteir ennmtpes roun&amp;e aboute tbe/ tticr tccuicc of jo j tbep BSD napotoer an? longer to ftanbe SS5SSS2SUnw tfterc enempcs . $ut bnto to&amp;atfo*

c.cofttuc toasbpontbemtoita euelllucite/euenas aati* atiha* %t&gt;M p?omefebt&amp;em/anbasbeftoatebnto aijsdmde fnUtobtcBMwewo tbem out of tbe banbes of suit ibc? ^uctbetroppjetrers/apetfo? all tbat tbep tooio tcuyffvon of not &amp;arl$enbnto tbeir 9?ubgcs :uttoent a Kg Kttbo;wfta/tefcttwunge&lt;i5oi)De0ani&gt;botoeij rteSwStbemfehwsSbntoftf / anbtutneb quicblpe of ti)ctr hoip out of tbe tear e tobicft tbeir fattjctss toatneb toojcKVtoijKb (n obeying tbe cSrrtauttbemetes of tbejlo?b/ tefcofociicc an&amp;OpbnotfO tS 5t S5 anbtobenf&amp;e &amp;o?b rapfebtbem bp $&amp;* tucftcuof su ges/be tosStottbtbe gubge/anb belptwieD bjat^bstebS.tbemoutoftljt&amp;SbejJ ofcbeteennempcs all tS^ of i*SiW # e -/loflWjab eg* SS!SS?lNi*ww ftrtc fojotomgcs tobicb tbep tfijjia oucc babbptbeieatonoftbemtbatoppjeffeb tbe ju&gt;;ce. cnc. aiioberebtbeimpetforall tbat as tone as S ^.t.csnia. &amp;jutyp toag oeabtbcp turneb anb bpb too? " * rt. (ben tbeit fatbers in f olotoprige atannge w &lt;KobbE0/anbtnfmitnstbf/anbccaftbnot from fta'rinuenrfonsino; from tleiimalf* cpouretoapes. : .. 8&amp;berfo?e W 3U?oe toast angrpe toit&amp; ft* iael anb fapbe: be caufet&amp;ps people barbe ttanlgrelleb mpne appopntement p3 * " " tbmaftbeb t&amp; err fatbers anb baue not obepae *.-:" mpbopce/tberttyebemeMatoiUtwtcaft ,. . mttonema^*fo?etbeoftbenaepons'tofiit&amp; *oruaieafttoSenbebpeb/anbt&amp;attop?ouc ' jfrael tb?oug&amp;tBetobetber t&amp;eptopnwpe )t torn of toft to toal&amp;e tbran as t&amp;efc fatbetsbpb o? not . 3te fo tbe tujm leafte tbofenacpons alone/ anbb?oue tec not oute pmmeDpatlf e /netberwipuweb t&amp;em &lt;n to tbebanbegofgiorua. CCretcn nattotwatt leaftcwHflnae t^e JftariHti to tne witcnt to btrt jafflirt tb.D^on&lt;cllbf tie*

r ctb jftaciabMbtsjHetWsnfl 3lon.*amsac 6j|# IttbtftcjS^mainES. C5'e,f. Chapter,


^Ereawttienaornste*(cbHo;Da lefteto tept|(raeU:euea]smanpe oflfraellafgbabnot&amp;nottenali | toarreis of Canaan :fl&gt;nlf 6 (onlis lemrng of tbegeneracpon of tbs cbflbjen of 9!frael:ttibic^ before iuteto noting of toawe beieftetbefFue.tlo?be00ftbePbiU&amp;&lt;ne0/9 aQtbeCanamteiS/tbe &amp; ft onttets/tye Centre* tbatbtoeit m mount5Ubanonwen from, mount 3Saal Sermon bnto i^ematb. bo(e rentapneb to p } one qfftaeli bp / to toe te tot; e* tber tbep tooft b^ben bnto tee commauno u mentejs of tlje i.o?o ti tobtcb be commaunbtb tbeitfatbet3b?tbebanijof50oceg. anb as tbe cbvib^ of ftrael btoflt amogi tne cahanites/betpftea/ Imojites /iBereft'tejs/^euttea/anb 'Jebufpteg/tbtp tone tbe baugbteraof^emtobett)eirtopueji.iigaue tbeirotonebaugbteretotpefrfonned/ ftm uebtbeir &lt;ame$. anb fotbe cpplb;m of 3f* raeil bib topeneblpe m tbe ffgbt of tbe Ho^ie anb f o;gate tb e ^o;oe ttjetr oq anb rem eB .. 38aalmiairetotb.cberfo?etbel.o?oe toafi angrieVBltb'SftaeranbDelpuerebtbeminto tb e banned of cbufsn &amp;a(a$amt a wge of *^eropotamt3.^&gt;otbattbe^8lD?eoffr: 4&amp;rtl taeiifruebCbnlanttafatbaim.W j.?erea.

3Bnb ^en tbe cb#b?ent&gt;f aftael ctpeo bnto tbe)to;be. inbtbe JL-o;beftereBc6embpa * fauer 9 faueb tbem:onefl) tporaelbe fornie tiffieneiS/CalebstpounattfeetfteB.anfltbe -.,, fp?eteof^e)Lo;be camebpbn bmt. 3Bnb Ge B 3HaJ tuDgeojrraeU/anotoentOHttotoawe. 36nbaawBBiia fte Ho;be*fotoe cbufan iSafatbaim tishg p bf flfcefapotamtatnto Ui^fjabe. ^0 i b^?S, bSbe toa3 mtgi) tt'e ouer ctjufan Satatbaim $^ c lEnbtbe lanbebab reftfourttefereK, InbjUm* flXbonldtbefonneoflseneibieb. anbtbenvt , tbeibjlb^enof g|frael bsenttoagajne/aetblx 9 nritteb to?c8ebne(re m tbe Cpgbt of tfjeiLojbe m anbtben tbe ^ojoebatoencocglon $btns of ft e fl9 oab it egt/agapnft tbe d|??ai of ir* raen/beca'uTetbepbabconrtrtebtoFcSebtteW Befo?etbe^o;6e.3CnDtbps glon geetbereb bnto bpm tb t cbslb;en of Simmon / anb tbe: atmalefiftets/anb toent ano l mete tbe tytltni of 3!IraeHyanb cSquereb tbe cttte of paulme tteesJJnbtbecbflb^mofgfraeifrrutQeglS tbepngof tbe, 2no tbentpepcrp eobnto jLofle.anDtbefcoj&amp;e Qetebtbebpafauet/$buotbefonneofa?er tbefonne of qr emmi /a man tbat coulee bo notbrngbanofomipe toitbbPSrrabt ijanoe. c ft? tobome tbe eb?Io?en of |fraeil fent a p?etentbntoglon t ajngofwe fi^oabtre? tobgebatyub maoe b|ma Dagger tottft ttoo ogt / of a cubpteiengtb/ 9 betjft mtit ' bnoerb^cotetponbwiigbttbpgbeeintica* rieb tbe p?efent bnto sEglon t^i ftpnge of tbe ^oabs^./ tobicb &lt;glon teas abet? fact* man

m . anb tobctt b^ab pzefenteb tbe parent/, he rent tbe people tbat bare it a toape/but be km f elfe turneb agapne fromt^e 3;Dolle3 bp w ,-r -v - b ^aigal/anb fapue^! baue a fecret bnto tt)e CSSw* sDapng:an&amp;tbel*pngcommaunoe&amp; bintto &amp;Bfife6Bolbebw peace bncp'll all fbat&amp;o&amp;e aboute

Mm tim him/toere gone out from btm. j a rtnnco ano 3jj 0ui 3 came i n jjRtO ^mt ftttO 3 f WOW :rier/tobicb bebaofeuerallbnto bpmtelfe im ffiuisstone/anD tepbe-.^ baue a c meoagebnto aje ffisB witij erg ob Jno be avofe out of bfe f eate . anb

&lt;- * r t r r ]ftttU

to abub put fojtb bP^ lefte banae anD tobe tbe imSSSsWSSW ftombpss;pgbttbFgbeano%mft it KSS. or &lt;mo bP belpe/Co tbat tfiebafte toentm after LVj tficrfo. the biaoe. aino l)e ftaf te ttoppeD m tbe fatte/ biaanwoa/ fojbeitfuenottbebaggeiiout of bpisbelpe. ESS m anbt&amp;ebpitcamoute. JButabubgat bpm mint ^cuteatspoaemebo?e7antjQ)utte| bo?es WD iicongc--? of tfje parler bponlji'm anb locneotbem. % |e jjarDc i[jen be toss gone out/ bps feruaunteg iJKSSS came ana lefteb . 'iiinb beboloe / tbe bo;eg of ESS )e pavler toere locfeeb . anb tbep fesW/3/ fc.utprtbe fe a aoping of bis eafementm bP$ fomer m meg cbamber-anotebentbepbabtaneo tplltbep f'4'? t '"" ! '"'i3erea8)ameb/fo?nomani3pDtbe bo?cs of K tbe parler opottbrn tbep tobe abepe 9 ope :EtcoDneDtbem.ani3beboiaetbeir)lo?oe toa3 fal iM3[iiccnn*tetiootone&amp;eao/bniotbe ertbe. JBiitabub 151 ! irt-jiipfu eiSspeo tobt'le tliep tarpeb ano teas go ne be= ESS? "vM WWW 9 efbapeb into ^.eiratb. IwdeS anbtobenbetoascomebebletoatrom* pette t'nmount dpb?atm .anbtbc cbplbjen ofjfrael toent ooimetoptbbpmof n)e bpllc a be before tbem. 3En&amp;be fapo bnto tbem/fo* lotoe n)e U&gt;o?bban&gt;e Delpuereo poure enemres/tbe fl^oabptep into poure banbes anb tbepDefcenoeo after bpmanb tofie ^t Pffttgn * parages of g ; 0Jban from tbe floabites/9 fortereonotanianto paCfeouer. anbtbep Oeto of tlje 0poabites / W fame tpmebpon a ten tboufahoe men/ all fatte /anb men of nrigbfibat tbere fbapebnota man/ anb fb tlje oa6ftes toere fubbueb tbatoape/bn oertbebanbesof3frael;anbtbelanbbabre8 im.wx0. ^_ anb aftetbpm came &gt;amgarff^e fbnnt ofanatb/

bunb?eo men toptb an ore gooe / anb belpueteb^fraelalfo, G Sftart is corein?tf tb into tbj banbfel of Jahins it tauft tftcp \aevt r etiicncb to jtolatcye . SDeBo?8 anb % a?a&amp; bclpur c ty cin:j3&gt;ira ca is fe-jUcb ofjacl. be.nn,Cbapter. 41 jUbtbe cbplb?en of^frael begarme agapne tobotopcbeolp in ttjcfpggt '6attiEi^!^^Koftbe)i.o?b/tobenabtfttoaSbeao. 1wtjb8iie &lt;^^an&amp; tbe )Lo?6e*rolDet$em into tbe t6 " *- Banbes of |,abin ispnge of Canaan / tbat

rapgneo in ^a?o?/ tobofe captapne of toarre teas ^&gt;ifara/tebtcb ctoelt t'n i^arofetb of # gcntples. Jnbtbetbpib?m ofSfraelcrpeij bnto tbei.o?bc:fo?!iebabnt'ne bunajea cba= rettes of p? opp?effeo tbe cbplbjen of jdaeltoitb potocr rr.pere.s. anbebo?aa ^opbetpfe/tbetopfeof ftapi&amp;otb tubgeo gfraell tbe fame tpme/anb btoeltbnoettbepaulmetreof Jebo?a/be* ttoeneKamatbanbjeetbell/mmounte &lt;&amp;&gt; Pb;amt. r anb tbe cbPlb?n ofgjfrael ttiBgement. ano IbefencanD tbe foraie of abmoam / but tbalim/atftfapbe bnto bpm. cametober fo? calieb aBaraii of fieoeg i5epb* .

he %ow ob of fftael commaunbetlj tbe/tbat tbou go ano tyatoetomountecba* bo?/ anb tafie toptb tbe tentboufenoemen/ of tbe cbplb?en of tfSepbtbalim a of tbe cbpl* &amp;?enof 5abulon . anogitopll b?pnge bnto u) c rpuer Mt on &gt;irara 1 t|e Captapne of toarre bnto gjabut/toptb W cbarettes /anb Wp eople/anb totll oeipuer tt)em into tbpne . banDes.anbOBaraS fapae bnto ber/pf tbou 55; toplt go tottb me/3 toiU go:ut anb pf tbou topltnotgo toptb me / tbengtoplinotgoo. anb u)e anftoereb / 9 topllfuerlpe go toptb tbe/but tben tae p^apfe tbail not be tbpne/in tbe toapetobtcb tbou goeft / fo? f )Lo?d iliau belpuer ^&gt;rfaramto tbebanbess of a toomg,

3ub tbe arofe anb toent tottb 3Barafito6e bes. 3nb tfarafc calieb 5abulon anb jSepb= tbaura to Steoes. anb be toent bp a footer toptb. ten tboufanbemen : anb ?ebo?a toenc tottb bPm. mtmm^ ut^abertbefiera'tetoas remoueb oirtsssy, offiin/tobpcbtoa0oftbecbplD?en of * jfro**"***** babtbefatbermlatoe of #ofes/an5pgrs cbeb bigtentebntillbetoas come to !cbe ef3aanai'm/bpiaeDes, anb tben it toass fbetoeo bnto $&gt;ifara boto tbat arafi tbe fonne of abinoam toas gonebptomouht'arbabo?.ano^.ifaracals leb fo? alibis cbarettes/euen.rt.bimo?eo rba tettes ofp?on/ anb fo? all tbe people tbat be bab/from^atofetboftfie gentplcs bnto tbe tpueroffttfon. cbenfaptie^ebc?a bnto 5BaraS:bp/fo?tbpSiStbebapeintobpcbtfte 3lo?be batb belpuereb ^&gt;rfara in to tbpne banbes : fo? tbe 7Lo?beis gone oute befo?ec tbe.a no fo 23arab toent botone from m ount Cba bo? / anb ten tboufanbe men after tipm. 58ut tbe lotto trounfeb ^ifara anb allbPS cbatettesanball bPS bofte teprb tbe etigeoftbeftoettie/befo?c-5Sarafi.anb^&gt;t s ". raralpgbteb bouneof bpscbatett anb eeba fote.jeut tfaralt folotoeb after f cbarcttes anb after tbe boffe/ turn bntoliaroferb of tbe gentplt s.anb an tbebode of^ifara fell bpon tt)e euge of tbe ftoetoe/tbat tbere toa^. net


_ 1


not a man ieatte . foto be ft &amp;ifara flea a fote to tbe tent of gad tbetopfe pf $aber; t&amp;efttoa* peace bettoene 3a* bin tbe bpnge of $aw?/an&amp;i6e bsuftotte of

gabertbefienite. . . ,. anagaeltoentoutagapnftSuraraana fapae bntobpm:turnetnm'p;4,o#)e/turnc iroomeafearenet. an&amp;betumeo into bee into ber tejitta. ffle couereo bp m toitb aman* teii.lna be taiiiebnto ber / geuemea Ipttel toatertoajpnc6e/fo?3!amtb?iftpe.ana fte ia openeb a botten of mplBe agaue bim a?pnc* ^ Be ana couereabim. anabe fapae bnto bee/ flanaemfbeao?eoftbptente/apfanp man come a afBe tbe/ o? enquere of tbe tofteesec tberebeanpmanbcre/fapenapc, Cben'3aelipabewHDyfcttfie:a naple of tbe tente/ana anbamerutbeeBana/a toft f office bnto bim/anafmote naple tbozoto (be teW of b# beaa m to tbe grouna/ass be a omb er eD beping toerp-Jna fo beapeb. ana beboiae ajs jBaraft fblotoea after &amp; f farav 1 ? ael came out agapnft btm/ana fapae bnto bim-.corae ano a to?U fteto tbe tbe ma" tap n)ou fefteft . ana Wben be came into bee ccntc:3&amp;eboiae/&amp;ifaraiapeaeaaa$naple ttozoto bis* tfple*. ana fo0oab?Qug&amp;t fa* bentbeftpngof CanaSinto rubieccpontbat bape/befojct&amp;ecBpl&amp;jenof gfrael. anbtbe banaeoftbecbpia?enof gifrael pjofperea ,a tosjiroiebponlabentbefipnseofCanaan/ bntpntbesbabb?ottgbtbimtonaugbt. C5g5 tottgtatiB tfjmtfeee gtuftigof'SDrtoja s# rac6afttrtticbietoi!?E. C^bejj.flTbaptee. rM^^BmBeboraasBaracfitberonneor BUI iPf abinoam / range tbe Came cape:' tain d &lt;ue m,fe|JN?y toeretopllpnge tobple otftexfaee ?Sc p^0?nem5ftael. fcearcBpnge* anajerBen R^T fe rbcju?aeoa/ofSfraei. ftojaetobentbottbepatteacftoutoffeen: ana came a fed tbe fejbe* of bom / tbe ettbe twmbleo/anDtbebeuen rapnett/a t clouae* tooppeb toatefct&amp;e mountain ess meatteb be* fo?etbe ^ojae/euen'mount^inai before fc M2Be&lt;Eoaof l iCrael. _ gntbeaapeflofgDamgattBeronneofa*

,. _ riatbanbintbeaapesJoffael/tbebpetoapess ?^S?toetebnoccupiiJBno-tbeptbattoalfieiibf fcftBcanEfDBtea! patijeg / tcentbp'&amp;iapefs tbat fet compare?

ambnse tbe people.2Sle(te tbe Hem Vt tbat n&gt;s *n %

^eonsooWpeMejsawjfpttemtuogema,^'"'!,) ami pe g toalcie bp tbetoapegmaBeaitieg. ^./hS . ^otofawbetiSBtDctpe/tobetemenDjato^^ toatcr/tberr (ball tbep tell of tt)e iuftpce of owa*?*;Ho?ae/ana of tbe*iuttpee of m bplanapfte JgS**folcfiem3!frael. anbrbentbepeopleoftbew. ** jLojoetoentbotonebntotbegates*. &amp;?' taipbp jBeboja/bp bp ana Tphge a Conge/ j? e S" P#ara6/ataBetbpP?ape /tbou fonncofw.g, of abinoam.cben tbep baa efcapea/rapg* neo ouee p?ouaeft of peoplcarbe&amp;ojae tapnefb ouer tbe ftronge. CpfcaimtoajsffpjttagapnttamaleeB/ ana after tbfen3 l amin/amoge \ people, TWacbit came lemeo men in tbe lato/ anbof ^abtilon fbattoelicoutoe Qiatoe % tbepenneofafetme. cbe JLo?aegof gifabattoere toftb ebo* ra^tnoa? 3Bataft/euenfotoa$3!fafiat rent into tbebaiepeafotejsutin t "DCupfFonu C ofKubf/toereBteatpmag^iafiesJof^ette. t-vdnf, ibeefO;e aboneft tbou amonge tbe ft epe S52SS foM/to beawtbe WeatpngejJof tbeftocfie*. ggj* 5.n tbe oeuprjens of Kuben /great torn tbe p



ZtX%l irofebnt|H3Sloie amotbermifrael.

SNfiSK oacbofenetofacHoniJofbjarre/fo? ttbe I^Kr^tftepbaDtoawattbeftgatejSttbereb^not M8* feneamoge fourtsetboufano/eibet ft?R&gt; o&gt; W|WrprR tn^ftael. fl^hebetttouetbma?n* WJSSwKtmcw of tbe latoewaftael/f are tojajnije

fmag?naci5( of bette. alaab abobe on t^e &amp; Mm otberfpoe gjoflan/ anDtob? tarte06an ttJSSSS flnppest. aJnoarerfatemtbebauen* of ftejggp fee/ana about ttpfl (n big atone cotteg . $ttt ^abuloniss a people tbat put tbetrlpueg in teoparbpeofbeatb/anb^epbtbaltm inlpbe maner / euen bnto tbe toppe of tbe feiaeu. "fcpnges came anofougbt.rbenfougbt tbe . m J ftpnge of Canaan at Cbanacb/fapotbetoajteo^tsf^ terof^ageooXtittbeff liter i a)ep tM*fM w' tea/ibep carpebnot atoape. jgJL ? jfrombeatie camebatten-.fojtbe fterre? g f bemgfntbetrcourfe/fougbtagapna^ifa^ came (B ! ra.Cberpuer of laifon caugbttbem atoape: m$ t &lt; tbat afmeient rpuer tberpuec Sifon. jo m ' a^pfbule:rreaBetboutbempgbtpebnber* ' fote.cbentbepmaneutbebo/fliEiSlegges/ 1 tHM ^ tbefr mpsbtfecourrew5leftep?aunfpng. ac Curfe flBttosbabtbeangeiiof t&amp;ejutfb w Curfie/ curfetbe enbabptoureiS fljerof be* . 9 caufetbepcamenotfo^b to belpe Xl/3iS tobelpetbe)lo?i)amSge tbempgbtie. m m leffeb be faeltbetopfe of abcr tbe ro;c m fienptc/ aboue btber teoraen: aboue otbee * toemenblefleubeftemtbetentf, JJJ}* e afbeb toater/but fte gauebimmplcfse/ p , 9; (J anbb?ougbtbutterinagooblpebpfte.^&gt;be m caugbtanaple tnbee!eaebanb/anb a too?* m&gt; fipngebSmermberrfebt/anBnapleD^ira* raanbtoounoebbftbeabanb pearceb^toet tbo?otoe W temples . ^ettoeneber fetebe botoebbfmfelf/feneBotoneanb rape ttms ^ettoenebeefetebebotoebbpmrelf a felie. 3nb tobetber bebotoebbim felfe/ tbPtbErbe feMiM9bttttug&amp;t. fip

cbojou a toinbotoeloSeb.&amp;ifarap motber anbbotoiebtbo;otoealattefle /tobpabpbetb bis cbar et to iSgev g it comem not^obP tarpe |tobelesfofbtoagBi^6etoffeftofbee laDpe? anftoereb ber: pee a fte anftoereb bee atone &lt;a&gt;oM ber felf baplpe tbep baue foffirey. a aeupbe tbe rp ople.3 mapae / pe ttoo mapbt fo;apece:afpople of apuerfe coiouress fo; &amp;, it m l a fpopie of apu er re coiouress toptb ijjobereo too;besJ/apuerre eolourebb?otobe featoo?cB^fo? necfiefo?a p?ape.^&gt;ope* n'fteaHtbme en t n ipep % o ?&amp;:tm t tbep I ou e f/iettbf beag &amp;runnerpfpnginbiismtgbte3Bna tbe lanae baa reft fourtpe pereg. CJCratl is opp?cITcB oc tg c J^noiatii(;fcecauft ge rt* tucnc&amp;agajti into jbdIj tne.cscsco 19 f cnt of &lt;so&amp; (a tctticitDtliuctw.eijcajiIfccofJBaaltgflBWtljjottif -Mragnj?satbecbpl&amp;;en of f fraelcomptteb * "^^^^ttopcfieiinegintbefpgbtof 'jD,o?ae ' 2 na tbejlofle aeipuewa tbem into tytymm oftt)e Sgawam'tesfeue pere?!.Wnb'jJbwtbebSoeofg SaManite0 toa? fo;e bpon gx r ael/t&amp; e cbp ffi^ en o f Jfrael raaaetbpaenneis in S mountapnegis c'aueis 3Srongebolae&amp;tfo;tobOT3fraelbaarotoen i^encametbe fl^aaianiteg tbeamalecbt'tes a tbep of tbe caft c&amp;trepebpon tbe a pitcbea tbeirtente^agapnft tbem a beftropea f en&lt; ,. cftafieoftbeertbeeuenbnto3?ab/an&amp;lefte tiofuftpnauncetngifrael/netfter ftepe / oee o) affe / fo? tbep came toptb tbeir catteil anb &amp;oufc ottejj eue a$$ gr eft operjt in multitube: fo $ boft) tbep ana alto tbeir camellea toere toitboutnomb?e.3!nBtbepentt;eDe t laaeto beftropeit. anafotoass^frael erceopnglp fmpouereftea bp S^aatanitejs a crpeabn* 35 to tbe "iLo?oe,3nD tobentbe cbplb?f oifjfrael crpea bnto tbe % oite becaufe of tbe Spad'a* mte^/tbe jLo^ae fent a p^opbete bnto tbem/ . afapbbntowfcbufjfeptbtbe&amp;ojb&lt;Boboff ifrael^lflettepoufrS Cgppt?ib?ougbtpou

out of tbe boitfeofbonaageanblrpaaepou but of I banaeof tbe gppciam$ a out of ban&amp;s of an i oppjeoea pou/a caft tbe out be ft?epou/a Bauepoutbewlana5 v 3PnD3liapa bntopou/a am jlotfiepoitre &lt;2$oa/atber&lt; fo;e feare not t^t oases of tbe 3mo?! m in tobofe ianaepou otoeH.ffiut poubauenot obepe&amp;m'pbopce.atobtbe Hingeuof ff %zw eamea fate bnaer an flD cbe in pb?ab/ i per tapneabntogioajsf fattjerof &lt;rerit5.3n b&gt;!5 foraie (Beaecn p^effefi outtobete out of : ear e0 in a p;effe/ f 0? to flee fr f fl^aDianft? . 3na f angeHoftbe&gt;lo?aapeareabntobim/ C a fapaetf 5Lo?a ig yi tbe/tbou mS of mpgbt/ aind@eaeonanttoerabmu ^bmpHoTbe/ pf tbe jLo?aebe toitb btf/tobpfii all tbfc come bponb!S:pe atoberebebP0mp;acle!3 tobtcb ourefatber0toiaebis ofanbfapbe/ tbcXo?o bjougbt tog out of (BH&gt;te,3Btrt note $ iojb

batbefo?fa!if bjJ/abelpuerebbjSinto * bSbt of tbe S^aaianitesJ.anatbe JLo?aio!iebbpo bfra afapo:obenceintbis!tbpnipabt aac Ipuer gjfrael out of f bSbes of $ ffl-jaaianiK: aeeboiaejbauefenttbe: Snabe anftoerea &amp;;b )to?o tober tt ftuia^ faue gitraeK 35eboiaemp Rpnrea i poo?eft in #anaf 5 W/ajjant $ leaftinmpfatberjsi)oure.ut tbenfto;afapabntobim:3ltotnbetttbe:a tbouftaltfmpte ty&amp;mkm tbeptoere but onemSanabeanCtoereabim/pfl baue founae grace in tbpfpgbt /tben ftetoe me a fpgne/ttbouart$]to?aftalBetb'it&gt;me.^e_ s partenotbence/bntitlS comeagapnbnto * ab;pngmpneonrpng/abattefettitbefo?e.

anb be fapae a topir tarpe bntpil tbou eomeagapne, anb eoeon toent a mabere* bpeaspaae/anaftoetefiafie^of anepba of Boto?e/a put tbe flefte in a baf fiet a b?otb mapotte/abjougbt it out bnto bpm bnaer f fi)cBe ap?tfenteatt.ana angeii of oa fapoebntobfm:talietbefiefteana tbeftoete 6 abeg aputtbf bpS tbfcrocbe/a poto?e out tbeb?otb Jinabeapafo.cbentbeangell of JUyaput fo^tbe f enoe of tbe ftaffe teas in biftbanteatoucbeatbe flefte a f Ba&amp;^anb fere arofebp fpre out of rocae a cSfumea fiefteanatbeBaBegt.anatbeangeuoftbe a.o?bbanteBoutofbt'sff8bt-anatobe&lt;l5e* beonperceauea i it tonjSanangettV&amp;efepo mm mp lo^agrebouab/tBacj baue renean angenof f)lo?aefacetoface,ana g Jlo?ae^ fapae bntobimlwacebett afearenot^fo? tbou ftaltnotope.cben mm maae anaiti tare tberebnto jLo?aacaneait*aebouab ^&gt;alom/ tobicb bntotbisaapeisipet in e**tsmmm pb?atb pertapnetb bnto f fafter of fcfe* umf pt . Wt5.ana f fame npgbt tbe Jtojaefapaebnto bpm/taBe an ore of tbp fatberjj a anotber of bfj.petf; oiae/ aaeflrope ^ aultaer of j&amp;aal belongetb bnto tbp fatber/ a cutte aoune tbe groue i ft about it/ a mafie an aultaer bnto tbe jlo?atbpgoabp3i toppe of tbterocfie a fnmeflbeit.ana taftefte feconoe ore a offer burnt factifpee tt f tooaa of $ groue tobi^ tbou ftalt baue cut aoune.&amp;ben &lt;ss$aeo to&amp;e tenmenof bijsferuaut^aapa as I &amp;o?abati bpm. 55ut becaufe be Butft not Doit bpaape f 0? feare o t W fatbergs b ouft oioe ana of tbe menof tbecptie/beapaitbp npgbt. w&gt;\) en p men of tbe citie toere bp erlpe in tbemo?npnge:3eeboiae aultare of aal teas b:ofie/ atbe groue t ftoae about tt cut jf oouncana f recgaeoreoftereabpoi aultet $ toa0maae.anatbep fapae one to anotber/ tobobatbeaonetbisstbpng/ atbep enquereo

aafBeaainaittoag toiae tbem tbat eaeon t&gt;eronneof$oa0badaoneit.ftbentbentcn of tbecptie fapoebntof oasS/b?pnge onttbp ftmneg bemapeape'beeaurebebatbfeofief aultaer



auitetof teaal/acutaoune f gtoue _ toa* about it.ana p *oas fapae bnto all tbatftooe bpbim/toiBpefpgbt fo?#saU/o? toill pcbe bis acfenaetifcbetaac fttpuecbfo?bpm all bpethimo?npnge. fbebea&lt;!50Bletbpni fttpue toitb bPn that catt ootone DiS au;tec. a.nB&amp;ecalleBa&amp;eBeong.erobaaltbefame tp= - mefiqtagoet 25aalfttpue toitb brm becaufe bebacbbjobenaotonebisaulter-. ; a&amp;ben all tbe f^aaianites / e amale* 6i m ana tbep of tbecaft/teere geatbetea ta geatyct abaBgoneanapitcbeatnthebaiepe of fetaeutbe fpjete of tbe %otb entetea into , ,. . to dBeaeon . anabebletoeatrompetteana *3uBic.3 cajiej)*^^^^ to folotobwn/a fentmeffen* gets tbe?ou oute aU fl^anaffi * caBea the"

toatn / ana topttftp* them bifto t&amp;etbm, SiriBoftobom^fttpe bnto the/ tbl# all so tt$e/$ecan* ft&gt;allgotoita.tbe. 36a tobo* forattg rapt bnto tbe/tbis all not go tottb tbe/ the Came all not 50 , Kino tobenbe bao bought aoune ^people bnto toater._be 0?% fapa onto d&amp;eaeoh: a? man? a* lapp e

tbe toatet: toitb ttjeft tonges /aSDcggiSBo/ tbem put bp them ftiuss / ana f do thf that fcnetebctontbpon theft finec* to ajpncbe. atoBtbenomb?eofthetbatputtber bSoes to tbeftmout&amp;e* an&amp; lappea/ toeve.ttj.6un* lyeo men. 3&amp;nb all tfteratmatjt of tbe people fineiea aoune bp5 t$e ftnee* to ajpncfie tos m.3nbtbe^o;oe fapae bnto eaeon/ top tb tbetb?e&amp;fia?eB men tbat lappeotoyiig, faueC

btjtofolQtoebpmairo, anaberent meffen* tou/anBoelpuertbe&amp;aBJaniiegintotbpne gets bntoaftt/SabulonanBl&amp;epbtbalini/ NtteJn&amp;aU f otbetpeopleibaB goeaer g

toil came alfo to mete bim. anB&lt;EseaeonrapBebnto t&amp;ou toflt rauegfraeibpmpbanBeastbou Q&gt;S Catte. 35eboiae topB put a Sect of toolle in the tb?eaflbpngplace.ainBpc"tbeBetoe be on f fleceonlpe/anaajpebpS all tbe ertbe berpae: then 1 ! all be fute $ tbou.topltfaueftael bprnphanae/ais tbou fapaea.anB ft came fo to pafle . anbbetoft bp ettpe onf mojotoe/ anaftetbjutt t Beceto geatbtranB tojonge tbeaetoe tberout$fpUeb aboole of toatec. ana eaeonfapaebnto d&amp;oB/be not angrpe **.. toptbme/tbat^fpeabe onmoa/letnie ne.r^.g. p;oue onlp once agapne tottb tbe fiece .let ft be b^e onle bpon tbe fiece / a acto bponaB thetounBeaboute.anB&lt;_oBBpBfo fame npgbt-xo t ittoasajpebpontbe&amp;ece onlpe/ onatttbe gtounae aboute/ aetoe.

_. (M* fout"S t&amp;atftulbe so toKb, &lt;8cbc8 to WW ace PI8B56 bp tab? ng t&amp;f tip tatw.cDBto|.i hunti?eDincHOHcrcoraM^^aBianites4D?!ianO ztt ""ne.WI..P. . __?..e jewbaaU otbettopfe caBea afiSI SftWeDMhtofeeflje aalltbepeopie tbattoeretoMbbim/ a pitebca be* .^-Jfpaetbetoell of ^atab /fotbattbe jofte of tbe fl^aatantteg tocre tna balepe on $ nojtbfp&amp;eoff&amp;PWniotfb.aina from

fepaebntc oeaeon/tbe people fljatare toitb the ateto man? fo? me to geue tbe fl^aata* mte0itotbeftbae0/lett3ftael mafietbeit! batonte to mp tf fljonouw a tape' oute atone banaebatbe fauebW.^oto t&amp;etfoje mabe a p^oclamacton m tbe atej$ of tbe people anb 3Dt..6. fape-*pf anfwfi a?eaae 0? be afetae/ let bpm &lt;.*atia.&lt;#.Btetttmeanageebpmfoneftommountea* laab.Ina tbeteaepatteb anatetutneb of tbe people.rrij.tboufanae / anb tbeteaboaetm tboitfanae. . _ . 35 3hb i Xo;bfapbebnto ebe5: tbepeople art petto manp/b?png tbtm aotone bntotb*

man bnto big atone tobome. 3nb tfiep tobe bptatleg tottb tbem f 0? He ( olfte/a tb eft ttompette^Jna be Cent all tbe teftofgftael/euetpmanbntobwtente/aiHi fcepte tbe tbbuna?ea tottb bmt. 36na &amp; boft of fl^aafS toass benetbe bim in a balepe.afna tbefame npgbttbeXo?bratoebntobmt/bp agoaonnebnto fbeboBe/fo;|baueaelpue* xeattintotbpnebanae.)5uta^tbou feate to go aoune/tben golbou bonne bnto 8ot&amp; aPbatab tup laauc/ sbetfee tobat tbep rape/ ana fo lUall tbpne banoc? be (Kong/anb tben tbou OaUgoboiuiebnto ttje botte. cfmt be toentaoune \6 l^arab bfuiabbt/ euenbatce bnto tbe men of atmeiJtbat toete in tbebofte.aina tbe ^aatatu'tejt/ tbe 2Cma^ lebite^/anaautbepoftbeifaft/lapealonge tntbebaiepe/lpHebnto gieftopewftimultl tubf anbtbetecameneg toete toitboutnom* b?e/euena0tbefanaebpjefee fpbemmul* tttuae.aina tobe &lt;speae8 toass come:eboBje/ tbere toap a mS tbat toiae a a?eame bnto btis ft lotoe a fapb:eboiag! a?eameae aa^ame^ ana me tbougbt ga b?oplece loofie of batle? fyeaa tomblea in to tbebofle of S^a&amp;ian / ? came bnto a tente a fmote ft tbat ft f elle / 9 ouertutnea it/ f&gt; ty tente lapealonge .3nb bi0felotoeanftoetea afapaevtbt'is fcnotbmg elle0fauetbeftoeraeof(25ebeontbefomieof 5foa0amanofgiftael/ intotobofe banaetbe 3U)?abaa)ebeipuetea fl^aafana an t bofte.

&amp;benieonbKBetbe tenpnge of tbe b^eame atbeintetp?etarfon oftbeteme/ be botocbb^mftlfe to tbe ettbe atetumeabnto tbebofte.of 3|ftael/anafapbe:bpfo? f %ojU4j batbe aelpuecea into poute Danoes tbe botfe oftbefleaatanftetJ.anbbeaeupaeb tbe tb;e bftbjeb men into tbje companies / anb gaue euetpmSattSpetinbiUbanb/ tt anemptpe pitcbet aiampejs tbenn/anbfepiie bnto tbe lofie on me a bo ijf&amp;etopreanbbe&amp;ol&amp;e / tobg 5 come toibe ftbe of tbe bo fte y etif aJ 1 00/ 10 DO

foaopou Jnbtobml! Wotoetoitba ttompet anaailtbatare toitbme / Wotoe petottom* petted alfo on cuetpCpce tbe botte ana rape/ betebet^eXojaeanacseaeon. t ... 3ttofoeBeonatbetb?ebunb;ebmen$ toeteto bftn/camebntotbefpbeof bottm tbebegpnnpng of tbe mpaaeli toatcbe /ana repfebbp t toatcbe men. 2na tbep bietoe &lt;&amp; that ttSpetteg a b?abe tbe pptcbetU t tocte *mtbeftbSB^nBalltb?ee5panpe0Netoett ttSpett^ a b?afte pttcbeff/stefte.t ISpe? in tbeft leftebanae^/a tbe ttipettess intbeft ligbt/to blotoe toptb all . 3nB tbep crpeatbe ftoetseof xo?a a of eaes.anatbepftoae fliile/ euerp ma in ijtjS place toun&amp;e about bofte. 2ina all bofte tanne a ctpeb a iwfb. %m astbe tb2cbunb;etb bietoe toitb trom= fttttti p U-o?a fett euerpmSnes ftoetaebpo jis nepgbboute/tbo^oto out all $ bofte.lna Iboaelcea bntpltbep caraetoiSetbfitab / to ^eeetatb/a to eage of abclmebolab be? mm cabatb..3na f men of 3lftael geatberea togerbetof f tribeofi9epbtbaWm/ofafet/ 9 of au fflamstm folotoeaaftev f fflfiabts niK.fffo? eaecn baafentmeffengewJ tbo?ou outallmont(pb?atm Taping: come aotone agapnft $ ^aeianitf atafie fro tbe f toa tet0botbeof}5etbbatatb aalfo of %omn. Cbenallt men of &lt;pb?aim geatbettato ge? fbtt a came aoune atobe f toatetf botbe of jeetbbatatb a8ifo of sr o?aan, 3Pnatbep tobe ttoo captapnest of tbe '^abianf ten / fS&gt;jtb a 5eb/a fltto iD?eb upon tbe rocbe &gt;?eb/anb 5eb at tbe p?efle 5eb ana f olotoea aftet fla Dfan.3lnbb?ougbttbebeaaes( of ?eb a5eb to (Kieaeonontbe otbei;fpaeg!o;aan. Cpfafmmafect'J infurMl5agpnO rt8^ *t is font pacyfpes (Dtfte ittbaMtf r* of .ocotl&gt; ttfufe to gcuccsc&amp;cant^ieacmfe b;cco. (CCtjctotoj* ?&amp;^a* niiei is aittcopr 6, ccron ts (Sftitute tulac oner tip

arCcaclitee.^Etjatttc.lFp.fonnea.ftcBjet^. CCbe.biij.Cbaptet;. ^atbemenof &lt;pb?aim fapbe im* tobp'm. oebp Baft tbou femes w tb0/g tboucaileaft bunot/toben _____ tboutoeteftto fpsbf ^ fl fl^aaia^ hiteis.lnatbepcboaetobintagoob. anbbe j. t nitic \tt. fata bnto tbe : t&amp;bat aeaae baue 31 bone ip&amp;e *^ wai * bnt0 Poute!S:ate not $ clutters of &lt;jpb?aim 8S_ * ^ m t topnebetueft of abft?eef oa &gt;iaft batbaelpueteatntopourebanbejtf fcojae* mm of fl5aaian/fiD;eb a5eb. ana tobat teas a "--;tb'abletoBolp6ea*poubaueBone. 3Bnbtben ^tbeftfpiritesf abates fro of bint/ tobe bebaa vcftm (he fapaetbat.SCna trienoeaeon eameto|o;b3 fit at toe a paffea ouer / botbe be ana thi thjebunbieb .fetaorfna men tbat toere toitb bpm bwpefapnte a pee twb___l*- tow * ll ^* ec 1 OTe - an6 * e fi6fntoHpenieii KflBh* ^jocotb : geuep;apep6ubafitof bjeeb t or id c ^bnto tiit people tbat f olotoe me s f oj tbep be ntmumtnfaintfe/tbatllmapefolotoe aft5ebatb9



5aimonabpn'geiSof flabian.3na t JLo?B5 fo;tc of rout., of &gt;oeotb Caput-.atstbe banacs of 3*batb ESSSlflZ ana ^awnona note in tbpne banaeg tbat toe * i*3g ftuiaegpueb.zeeabntotbP companpe. 30nB ab,tj:t.nBcc w eaeonfapDe/tbctfo i !e_bentbe7LojBebatbft&amp;BctftcflocB8 bcipuewB 3cbatbana3almona in tompne ?^ aw 2f___ baaeyl topil teaie tbe fletb e of pou toitb tbe S_? tB "* tbo?nJ of tbe toilBctneg a toitb bjeew.ainB be toenttbcncetoj&amp;banuel / ana fpafie bnto t^e ipbetopfe . 3na tbe men of Pbanuel an* C CtoeieBbim/asiBpBtbenun of ^&gt;oco.tb .tna be fapa aif bnto tbe men of Pbanuel.tobe' come agajne in peace/31 topll b?eafie aoune tbt$tote;te . 5ebab a oalmona tocte in m*

fiatatbtftboBe? toitb tbem/bp5a.xb.tboii' fanb/ tobicbtoerealltbattoevelefte of all boftess of tbem of tbe cafte. 3na tbep $ torn ftapne toete a bunBpea a ttof ntpe tboufan&amp;e mentbata?etoe ftoeraeg. ... ana eceon toent tbojotoe tbe f Btoelie mtabernacie.3 on tbe eaftc fpoe of jSobab a ebabab/a fmote tbe bofte: fo? tbe bofte apa call no pertelieg.3ebab ana^almcna flewse iButbefolotoebaftettbem/anatobe ttoo itepng^ of tbe fl^aBianittS j 3ebab ana 3a* na anBBifcomfo?tea all tbe bofte. afinodSieBeontbefonneof ?oaa cctumeb fvo batten/ fonne beping vet bp/ a caught afebBe of tbemen of ^ocotb/a enquereB of bim . E-nb be ftjote bim of tbe %o;m a &amp;- &amp;. , aer?iof&amp;ocotb,lw* cbenbecame bnto tbe menof^ocotbanafapac-.jseboiae 3ebaba/3almonatoptb tobiebpe caftme in tetbe fapinge: ate banana of 5ebab a 3almona ailftBpeintbpne banae / that tee ftuiagpue b?eeb bnto tbpfapntpe men. 3nb betoftctbeeiaetioftbecpti'e/anbcbo?ne0of tbe toplBemefte ana bjeetss / a all to tare tifi tbettoftb . 3na be bjafie aoune tbe totojc of t&amp;banuel ana flcroe tbe men of tbe cptie. 2Cnb then raphe bnto 5cbab ana 3a^ msna/tobat manet men toere tdep tobicb pe aetoat^babott'anatbepattitoerea/i? Ipbeneffc of tbe a the it all one/euen aftet tbe fa* c cpon of tbe cbplBjen of a Bpng.anbbe fapae/ tbep toere mp b?etb?e/eue mp motbetS cbpl* bjen/aasttuipeas* tbe&gt;Lo?aeipuetb/pfpe babfaueB tbeftlpueiS/9 tooiae not Depepcu. ana be fapa bnto etB er Xn$ eiaeft fonne/ bp a flee the: JSut tbe iaeBe a?ue n otb&amp;ftoerae/ fo?bt featea^ecaufebe teas pet poitg crften ^ebab 5a!monafapBe,!&amp;pfetbouafaUe bp5 b / fo? as ml is fo is bin ftcegbt. ana toeaeonaiofe afletoet&amp;e":abetoftea_ape Gbtnjntttl toere on tbeft camels necfies. cben p men of Iftael fa^e bnto &gt;eaeon )Sapgne ouet bs /botbe tboutbr fonne a thp tonnes f on ri tit 0? tbou baft BelpueteB bs out of f bana$ off S9aaianiR.ana eeoeS fapa bnto 01% topflnottaigne ouet pou/neftet




ailmy tbptoenratgneoueryou/ buttle 3iojbe8)aiitaigncouer?ou. #euertbelatet&lt;!iebeonCaybebnto tbenn gitoolse fierce a certavne tequett of vow/ eue* tbatyou vsoioe geueme cuerpe man tbe # ranges* of $0 P?*pe tf2 #ev ba soulben earvnges/ becaufe tbey toere |fmaeiites. 3nbfbeyfaybtoetoi?;tbevfp?eeb amantellanbbvbcaft tbereintoeuerv matt f earvnges of bispjaye .anbtbetoepgbt of tbe goutoeearyngestoas a tboufanb afeue buojebfycies of gouioe / befpaejs b?oucDcs!/ ettctjess agatmentes of f bailee tbat toere of | binges of fl^abian/aberybctbe cbaynes/ tbat toere about tbeire camels necbes.anb eoeo maoe an cfpboo tbetof/a put it tn &amp;t3 eyrie pb?ab.anb aligfrael toet a tobojyng after tym tftcr ti tobicb tbynge toas ft)e mine of eocons boufe . cbug toeretbe !3abia* titter b?ougbt lotoebefoje tbe cbvbwe ofgr* rael/fo f tbeplyftebptbeirbeebb$nomoare ano.tbe centre ?e tea? m quyetneoefouvtye yeres totge bayes of ebeon. m atib$erobaall tbe fonne of gioastoetanb ctoelrem bis atone boufe. anoosebeon bab irr.fonnes of bys booye begotten/fo? be bab many toyues.anbb# concubyne t btoeltra fticijem bate bim a fonne alfctobofe name ne calleb a bint elecb , anb (Efcbf on tbe Conne : oflcasbyrb/tobenbetoasofa gooa age/9 teas burped in 5 inmallot gfoag^fe fattjet/ euenmpb?8b tijatpertaynebbnto tbe fa* tber of tbe 5tttes. :. 58ut as Cone as* ebeon toas bees/ cb?*= b?mof3!fraeltutnebatoayea toent a tofto* tyngaftet3Saai/a maoneaalberpta tbeire oo/a tbougbt not on toe &amp;o?be tuefv (Sou tobicb babbelvueeeb tbem out of tbebanoes ofailtbeir en emves on euerp fybe . i9etb etoebtbey mercy ontbeboufe of 3!erobaal/

orbetto y f e calleo eo eo / acco tf yng to ail tb t . goooneffe tobicb be fljetoebtbem. . eaBimcletBtto;6eftteBaft5tJijcaft{t6eb6b6?Ile6$Alitbiin&lt;lie\)m{t\tt'eoaBe,ftts HfUeo of a woman te&amp;HiljcbctcaeDfflfcebw. (CCttE facalitoof 3oat&amp;am (oncscnjmgt ^M.b;fi^er SSbimclccI). ? abimelecb tbe fonne of g'eto* baal tooitto ftt'cbem / bnto bys motbers b?etb?e/ 9 comunebtoitb tb2 atettbaftbSSmotbers facets b2nreofayingc:faye3!P?aye you/in $ eatest of all f mbabytouressof fetcbem -.toftetbev 10 better fo? you tbatall tbe fonnes of "Jeto* baai toijtcb are.ltE.peifonne0 taygnc ouer you/etber tbat one ratgne ouer you. anb re* member tberto/tbatU am youte bones anb youreaeae.anbbismorbers bjerbje'reber* few of bim m tbe aubiece of 00 t&amp;e ittm* of fticbero/alltbefe tootfes/ amoueo tbetc


battel tofoHotoe^btmelecb fin v. tbn?fa?oe bote be toas tbett b?otbec. Inb tbev gaue bim.!tt.pece?i of Tjluaoutof tbeboute of j^aal ^ctitb/tovtb tobicb abtmclecbbweb |ebel ano ivgbt petf onnes tobtcb toent totn) btm.3no tbegtoet bnto bvs fatb^js boufe at $pb?ab/9fleto* aiitjt'^ b;etb;en;tbefonnejs of g;eobaal/euen.lcr.perConnes(* toftb one , -j, fc Bone. i9ottoitbftanotngt! tmaM^&amp;mtS! ^oungeft fonne of Jetobaal effiapeb / fojije bvbbmCelfe.a!nb alltbec?te?ensi offticbe geatbeteb togeatbet tovtb alltbe boufe of gpello/^toentanbmabellibimelecbftyrtge ^ . , *atacettenoc&amp;etbattoa!3bvfetcbem. Sr" 1 * 1 anbtobenittoasstolDefoatbam/betoft' l ' 3 ttcDE tn trjEtoppe of mout G&gt;ari?tm/ano iVftx bp Wjs bovce 9 callea/ $ ta?oe bnto tbe: _ ^etfif bnto me jou cpte?enss of fttcbem/ 1 ob maje berfien bnto vou.ftbe tteess toettc to anopnt aftvnge ouet tbem / 9 fatfsc bnto

tbe olpue ttee/tatgne ouer bg. 2But oriue tteefa^bebntotbe-.lbulbe^leaue mv facte* ' neffe tobicb borboca ijma p^avfetbmme/ anbgototep?omoteb ouettbetteeis.c&amp;en favbe tt)e trcejs to tbe fjgge aee/come tbou 9 be Bfng out x bssJnb tbe figge tree anftocteb be,/ ibulb? fojfabe mv ttoetnf * mv goo&amp; frute/ anb Ctmlb go to be pjomoteb ouer t^c e0 . ccbenfavae tbe trees bnto tbe tovne / come tbou anb befttng ouer bSJnb bvne anCtocreb/ffiulb % leauemp toyne tbat cb^ tetbbotbeoobgsman/ 9 go to be promotes otter tbe trees, cbenfavbe all tbettees bnto f tbe* fv?re bulbe come tbou anb ravgne ouer ^ lt l5 ^i W.3Bnb tbe fvvx bufte fa?be bnto tbe trees: gotft. yf it be true tbat ve topll anoint melSinge ouer ybit/tben come anbtedbnbermv fba&lt; Dotoe/s ve ffiallfe tbat a ;e (ball come out of tbe fv?te bufte anb toatte n)ef per trees of jlibanon. . anb cue to noto/ yf vebaue bone trulye ? C bnco^ruptlve to mafieabimelecb'fivngano ? f vebauebealtetoell toitb Jerobaal a bv^ boufe/^bauebonebnto bim accorbvng to $ beferuvng of bt'S bSbes/ fo? as mocbe as mp fatber f ougbt fo? vou/ a abufturcb bvs ipfe/ aintirvbbejou outoftbebanues of tbe#a* bianites.ainavearerpfenbp aga?nftm?fa tbers boufe tbiS bave . ano baue flavne bVS cbvlb;f /menJrr.perfonnes* toitb one Cone #4wnw ano baue mabe Sbmtelecb tbe fonne of bv^ trtavoefetuaunt jnge ouer tbe cjte?ens of fticbevbecaufe be is foute b?otbet / &amp; tben pe baue bealte purely e anb trulve tottb t ** robaai 9 te &amp;is boufe tbis bate: tben retoyfe yentlbtmelecb / anb let bym alfo movfe in f ou. tfutyf sou baue notbealt trulve / tben |p2ave&lt;Boo afvjemavecome outeof %U* meiecb . '* cSfume tbe cvte?ens of fticb tm ? tbe boufe of SlpeiioJnb i tbete come a fire out


out of tbecvte?ens of fttcbem / a out of tbe boufe of flfceJlo ?conuimeaibrmelecb .3tnb |oatt)amranneatoave ano flebbe 5 toent to eer a btoel ttbere/jo?fea re of 3Cbtmelecb y^jotberJaaben aibtmelecb babravgnea J^eTETTObfentanbate bettoene abime*

\tti) ^tbecvtejensoffticbem.anbtBecite* ?enS of fttcbemravleb bpon Eibtmelecb / 9 toifffteb tbat tbe tovebeones bone to tbe.irr, fonnes of iJerobaal mvgbt come on bvm/ * tevbe bloube of tbf bnto abtmelecb tbet'r b;otaertobtcbGetoetbf/ ^bnto otber cite? ?ens of fticbem toljicl) avbeo &amp;ftn in tbe bv!= Ivng of biSb?ctb^ .atnbf cvte?ens of fticbe frt men to lave atoavte fo? b^n in tbe toppe of tbe mountavnes / tobveb men robbeb an tbat came a longe tbe toaye b? tbem , 3Cnb it iuaStolbeJEbvmelecb. Mno aal tbe Conne of 3beb 9 W b zetb*e toent agattbemto fttcbemainbtbemenof fticbf i put roeit cofibence in b vm.3Enb tbe v toet out into feloSageatbetebitttbeitgra* . pes troabe tbe/ a mabe mery. anb toet in to tbeboufe of tbeit Mtib: $ bva eate % b^vnefie 9 curfeb abimelecb. 30nb aal tbe fonne of 2ib(b favbe-.tobat is Ubimelecb^anb tobat is 4icbe it toe ftulbe feme bvm/is be not t&amp;e fonne of^erbbaalfanb^ebulisbtsofticer^ femefocbeas come of #emo? tbefatber of fticb!/ fo?tobatreafoniSfttbattoe ftulce (tmtbimi toolQ ob tbfe people toere bnoer mv banbe/tben 5 toolbetabe ^bfmelecb out of tbe toave.ainb one fa vbe bnto abtmelecb/ ma&amp;etbvneboae greater ago out^nbtobe jebui! ruler of cvtiebarbe f tooabes of aal fonne of 3be&amp;/ be teas to;otb 9 rent meffengers btttoabtmelecb p?t'uelvefaving: JSebolbe aal f fonne of 3beb a bis feetb?e be cometofticbr-abeboioetbevcettt citte agavnft .i5oto eberfo?ebp bv nvgbt/botbe tbou a all people $ is tb t /a Ive in toajte in felbS Jnbrvfeerlve in tbe monvpngaj* fonne as t fonne is bp 9 come bpo tbe cvti'e. SBnbtobe bef v people g istob'm comeout agaynft ^/botobimtobattbvne btol albe ..ableJnbabimeiecbtoaCebp/aan people v f toere ioitb b vm/ bv lifBW - 3'J tbep lajbe atoayte to tbe cv tie in f oure companvesJnb aal tt)e fonne of ICbebtoSt out a ttobein entryngof gate of cytreJnb3Gbimelecf} tofe bp a tbe f olefie toere toytb bP / from lavinge atoavte . % no tot) en aal fatoe tbe peopic$efavbto5cbul:25ebolbetberecome people ootonefrfi f toppe of $ mofitavnes. 3Dnb 5 ebul favbebnto fttm-.tbe fliaootoe of $ bVllesfememenbnto 3nbaal anftoereb agavne^favbe-.fetberecorae folcfiebotone bpt&amp;erofble of tbelanbe a anotbercSpanve come a RSge bv cbamtars fl)cfie-cben ravb 5ebulbntobvm;tobere is noto tby mounje


tbatfavbeADbatfelotociS SMmeUcb/tbac to e fbulbc feme btm. &lt;&amp;bete are tbe people t tbou robefpvrebeft.CBo out noto a f eiouQn'pe a fvgbt toitb tbe.anb&lt;aal toent out before i cvtt?ens of ftic&amp;cm/ a fcugbt 36bime* lecb.ainbabimeiecbcbafebbmttbatbefleDb before bim a man? toere ouer tbzotten ana Oavne/euenbntvu tbe? came bnto tbe ente* r vng of tbe gate. 3nb tben36bimelecb toet 9 btoeit at ammab anb tben oebui tteutt out aal abiS b?etb?e/ a toolbenotfufter tbem _ tobtoellein fttcbem.anbontbemozotoe people toet out into feloe.anbittoastolbe abimelecb.anbbe tobe bis people a Deuibea tbe into tbje cSpanies/ a lave atoavte in tbe felb^ans tobe" be fato $ people toere come . out of f citie-be rSnebpo tbe a iavbe bpo tbe anbabtmelecb a tbe copanves t toere Vo bim/ranne a ttobe in tbe entrvnge of f gate of tbe cvtie.anbpttoo otber egpanves tSne bpo alltbepeople f toere intt)e ftlbes a Que tbe.anb tben abimelecb fougbtagavno tyc cytieall $ bave/atobeifafletotbepeopie t ^^ teas tberin/a befttoveb tbe cvtie anb B f ctoeb fait thc to CsltintbeplaceJinbtobenaUtbemenoftben'.sfetitbacrcii toto?e of fticbe beatbetbat/tbeventereb in* fo? euer im toa arongebolbeoftbe fteufe of tbetr (Kob^f"^^ 35aal erin).anb tobe it teas tolbe W mt* JSuSSSm lecb/ alltbemenof tbe toto?e of ftii'bemfox^anptWB/ toere geatbereb to gctber^e gat bim to moitt as fa?ti) p tm. ^clmon/botbebe aall toeveU OA11/9 tofie 5 e Wi . M ares tottb bim a cut boune an amte of a tree^ 0? tKt boss a tobe itbp/a putit onbiS ftoulber/ a favoeopt).*c tonto tt)e folcfte tt)at toere toitb bim /tobatfo* = euervefemebo:fpebe voure feluesa bolg* fietovfe . anb all tbe people cut boune alfo m euer? man a botogb / a f olotoeb abimelecb/ anbput tbem into t hom/ a*nb feet tbe tjoioe a fv?e bpo tbetfo tbat all tbt men of ftoto;e of fticbemtoere Oayne/bpona ftoufanbe perfonnes tobat of men atoementogetber, cben toent abimelecb to cbebe?^ befe* geb W9 tobe it.5But ttere teas a fttfg toto?e - ' in tbemvbbesoftbe citve/atbitbetannealf tbemenatoemen/aallf cyte?ensoff cvtie 9 O)utittotbem/anbgotttbtmbpbponfi)e

toppe oft toto?e.cbencameabtmeiecbbn . to ttje totwe 9 f ongbt agavnft ft/atoetbarbe bnto I entervng of tbe gate/ tofetitonfver, utatooman cattapeceofamvlftonebpS bvs bebbe a all to b?abe bVSb?avne panne. l)en abimelecb callebbaftelve bnto tbe t ounce man tbat bare bin barnes/anb f ftfoe bnto bim:b?atoe tb? f toerbe anb Oee nte/ tbat men faye not of me/a tocmS; bis labbetbniftbim tbojotoe abebyeb. anbtobentbemtn of ^frael fatoe $ abi* meiecb toas beeb/tbev beparteb /euerpman bntobisatoneboufe.anb tbus alltbetopc*. fieoneae of abimelecb tobt'eb be ovb bnto bfc n fatber/

I . Vx '


^|jola/3fatr r


eno.ig.a, mtMA ambfoii.

fet^/inflc?nge&amp;i0.lw.l&gt;?cft^^etto all topcfiebnelTe of tbe mm of &gt;tcbe/@oDbpb npng bpon tl)ea:&amp;ttDJ:3nD tip on became tbe eutde of gioatbam tUc fonne of 3* tqbaal. after ccjett) onB08fo?rcmitr?on, be#.bapter. tfterabimeltcb tbere atofe/tobt*

f enoe grrael / one Cbola/ 1&amp; e tonne of Pbuab/t&amp;e f enne of obo/a ml . ofgifaftar/ i$icbbtoeitin&gt;amtt mount tfptaaim. anbbeiubgeb'jfraell irriij.pere/a tbtnbpeb a toaS burpeb in &gt;a* mii:. anb after btmarofeSafc a (Balaabite/ tobtcbmoscbjcraei.rrttpere. anbbebab *jjK.*ff.j* wctonw: tbat*robeon.;cw:,a0e coIK/ nbab jrEe.cptiegs f o; tbe/tob tcft are calleb totones of 3!airbntotbi0bape/a are fa lanb of &lt;0a* 3$ faaaanb Sate tytb/$ toass burpeb mfcamon. * jB6sc8.ftb. *anb m cbplbje of gjfrael to? ougbt tope* "anBDi^. feebneffe pet agapnc/ in tbe Cpgbt off ju?b/ 8 feruebaaiim aafibarprb/atbe obbejs Of &gt;iria/atbe oboes of &gt;ibon/ Gtwtt of ^bab/tbetfoaBegof tbe cbil&amp;en of 3m* tnon/a $e dsoobeg of the pbfltftfaejj/ fo?* fofie %o}it a feru'ebbim not. 3Cna f 'jLo?&amp; toas$ to?on) tottt) qsftaei/ $ foibe ib? into tbe banot; otmPtiMines / a into tbe banb$ of t^e cbilbze of ammomtobicb PPlb 9 oppjef* rebfbecbplbzenofjrraejintbofebapeg.rbiif pere/all tbat tocre on tbe otber Cpae $oft&amp; in tbe lanbe of tbe 3mon'tess in alaab . $to* teouer (be cbplbje of 3mmon toet ouet 310? * banto fpgbt agapnft 'juba/JSentamtn/a tbe Cboufeof etp&amp;aimtfo g giCraeltoagfozecom* bjen.^m tbe ebplb?en ofgcrael crpeb bnto tbeHozbetaptnge-.toebaue Cpnneb agapnft tbe:fo?toebaije fojfafien otojeatone ob/a baue ferueb 2Baalim.anb &amp;o?be fapbe bn to cbPlb;e"ofgjfrael:bpbnottbe EgppciSiS/ 3too;iite$/tbecbPlb?eofamm5/tbe1&amp;bili* ftfaeu/tbe ^ibonitesi/tbe amaiecbt'ts/a tbe 2aonit5/opp;eae pou? anbpe crpebto me/ art3!belpuereb?ououtoftbeirbibe. ana fo? all tbat pebaue fojfaben me / anb feme ftraOge cpobbejs/toberfoje 3 topn ^elpe pou ^notnoate.35utgoanbcrpebnto tbetSoobeg tobfcbpebauecljoten/anbletttbe Cauepou

fotbetpmeofpoutetribulacpon. l&amp;txt tbe cbplb?en of gifraei fapbe bnto tut &amp;o?&amp;toebauefpnne&amp;:botboubntob ! j tobats foeuetpleafetbe/abelpuettosonlpeat tbp$ tpme. ana tbep put atoape tbe ftraunge oases; ftom tbe/anb fentebt&amp;e jHo?ue 3m tbempretteofgiCraelgteuebbisSfoule. . abmtbecbpia^ofammongeatftcteato geatbev a pttcbeb in (SPafaa&amp;.ainb tbe cb flb^e of iftafl geatbereb tbe to geatbet 9 pptcbeo in^a?pbab Jnb copanpeof %o;m of &lt;5alaab fapQe ecfte to otbep tobofoeun toiU

begrnne i battellagatntttfietbilbjeof %m mon/tbefame Qaibebee&amp;ouetaU f enbabp tet0ofaiaab. , C jcpbWjatft f &amp;c fonne of a 0lot Beljueect^ 3fraet ft 3 tbe ammonites after tbe? aCbrt f o;s t u cues . CCbe^i.^bapter. #0 rbere toap onefepbtbab a tipa* * laaoite/a tttonge man/tobnb toasi * tbe foraie of an batlott: $oto be it (Salaabbegatfepbtbab-lSuttiSa* laabe0 topf e bate bsm Conner / tobtcb toben . tbep toete come to age / tb?u ft out of ?;epb tbab/afapbebntobim; tftott (baltnotenbe* jet in owe fatbetf fyoulei fo? tbouatt tbe fomteofaftraungemoma. cbcn?^Pbtbab aeboe frSbf stb?etb?eanDbtoelt tnt&amp;e lance bfeob. anbtbete geatbereb giblepeopleto 3epbtbab/atoentouttfbun-2BKt'efb8un* eebinp?oce(reoftpme/' $ tbe cbplb?e of 3tm&lt; mon mabe toarre agapnft giftael / tben el?

mt of (EialaaD toet a fett fepbtbab out of lbe of cob/a tapbbntbbrai-.come abeoure captapne/ au-rwsfRjbt'tf tbttt^of3mj mon.ainb3epbtbab fapbe bnto tbe elbet$ of ^ aiaabjDpa not vt bate me a erp tm me out * of mpfatberdboufer botobappenetb it tben pou come bnto me note in tpme of poute tribulacpSf 3CnD b elber? of c&amp;aiaaji anftoe reo 5epi)tbab.berfo?e toeturneagapne to ?enotoe/ tbattbou go ft bg/a figbt agaptitt cbplo?e of 3imm6^abeoto?ebeeb ouer all i enbabiter0of&lt;!!a{aabjnii|epbtbab(ap!i bntotbeeibewof ateab*. ^fpeb?pngeme borne agapn/to fppjbt % $ cbilb?e of mmS&gt; tlbenpf f 7lo?bbelpuei:tbebefo?eme/g! aal^ bepouwbeeD.anbt eiaetjsof^alaabfapDe tog;epbtbab/t)lo?bbetottnea'ebettoenetiss pftoebo hot acco?bpngtotbptoo2bes. b^n lepbtbab toe t tt $ elbet^ of alaao Mm people maoebimbeeb a ruler ouer tbe. Kind gepbtbab teberfea alibis too^^n^a?pbai Cbenlepbtbabfent meftengetiSbtttu tbe Upng off cbplb?5 of aimmon/faping*. tobat apletb t U me f tb ou cornea bpo meto fidbt agapnttmplibefim&gt;f 6png df c&amp;Ptoe of 3HmmS9ftoetebbnto I meffenger0 of ^epb* tbab/beeaufeSfraeltobeatoapempssO/toDe -. t\)tv came out ofsgppt-. eul ft53Drnonbnto giabob/a fr5 ffif ce bnto 3o;oljeoto berfo?e tefto^e tbofe law; agapett fap?e meant anb * lepbtbab fentmeffenget^agapne bnto^cbti b?e of 3BmmS / a fapbe bnto bpm : t&amp;u? f apftl 9epbtbab.3!ftaeitoBenotatoape$ jgnbeof fl?oab/no? ISbof f cbfltt?e of 3mmS.38ut tobf 3!frael came outof^gppt/tbcptoaibeb tbojotoe tDpibetnetre/eu^bnto $ rebb ree'a came to cabyafentmeflmgeiBJ bnto $ Sing of dEW fapigtletbjs toe p?ape go tSojou t^

fanbe,56iit fepng of jomtooibenotagte tbmb.anbinipfietnanettbepfentbnfotbe jfepng of Spoab/butbe tooa tist cotmtMm

^ K fo^fraelab

ilfraelaboue Bpnincabeu Jnotbcntbep toent a long tbo?ott tbe topiber neffe/ a com* pafeb tbe If be of Cbom/a f ianbe of flipoab/ anb came a long bp tbe eaft fpbe of tbe lanbe of fl^oab/apttcbeb on t\)e otijertpbe mxet ofarnon/acamenottoitbintbe coofte^of tbe a^oabiteis : fo? arnon toajs tbeitbtmoft ^bo^oer.ainbtben g fraei fent meflengerg lon^ ^to ^ebon/Syng of tbe 3Cmo;itesi / a ftpnge of $ef bon/a fa^ie bnto bpm : Jlettbp paffe tbo?oto tbp ianoebnto oto^eatone contrepe. 35ut &gt;ebon truftebnofjfrael/to go tbo?ou DWt cooftejs : but gat^erea all bP&amp; people to &gt;eatbet a PPtcbeD m ja?ab/ a fougbt toptb jftael.jSuttbe %om OoboffCraeibelpue* teb $&gt;ebon a allbte folc&amp;eintotbe babcis of gfrael.anb Co grrael fmote tlem a conque* reb all tbe lanbe of tbe WtttQjtttft J tbe enba* bitstg of tbe fapbe cStrepe . 3nb t&amp; ep coquc* teballtbe cooftes of tbe3mo?ite0/fromaSr* non bnto^abofi/a from tbe toplbemetre on* togio?ban.Sonotofeingtbe)io?be (Bob of |fraeibatbe raft out amojtteis before bi0 people (bulbeft tbou poireffe tbe lSbefj9ape/ but tobat people Camos tbp ob tmt% out/f lanbepoffeae tbou . uttobatfoeuet nacponjs ^e 'jLo#e oute ob erpelletb/tt)at lanbe ougbt toe to eniope . Sfinb tberto art wtbou better tben JBalacn fonne of 5epbo? pnge of flgoab i bpb be Crpue toptb W* ml 0? fpgbt agapntt tbe i all tobptf Wml otoeltin ^efbon a b totoneg/ a in SBroet a bet totoneg / a in all tbe cpttess t bea lenge ftptbecoofteg of bumjeo peresf tobPbpbtfttbou not recouer tbe in all tbat fpace/toberfo?egfbauenotfpnneb agapnft ^e. ^uttbouboeft me to?onge/ to toarre agapnft me . &amp;e%oM tberfo?c be tuoge tftisi bape/bettoene ^e d}iin&amp; of ffrael/anb tbe cbpl&amp;^e of amnion. %oto be it tbe ftpn~ off cbsib?cof ammonbarfifReb notbnto too?be^ oflepbtbab tobtcbbefttitbim. . Cben tbe fp;pte of tbe %ofitt came bpon 3f epb tb ab3 nb b " paffeb ouer m a&amp; a wa* naffe*/ a came to fl^a?pbab i ipetbin a*

laab/a fro tbence bnto cbf Ib?e of 3mmon. ff 3inb5'epbtb8b botoeua botoe bnto $ %om 9 afapbetg'f tbcu taltDelpuer $ cbplbjen of 3mm on into mp banbejs / tben tbat tbpng f cometb out of tbebojejsofmpbouTeagapnft me/tobf 9 come borne in peace/fro tbe cbpl* b?en of ammon/tbalbe ti)e fLoim/^ toil! offer it bp a buttitofferpng.anb fo lepbtbab toftbntotbecbp!b;enofammontofpgbtlb tbf.anb f ftofoodpuereb tbeintoftig banbj anb be fmote tbe from aroer bnto J30enitb/ jRe.cpiiesSnbfo fo?tb to plapne of tbebp* nepato c*/ a mabe an ercebpng great flaugb* ter. anb tbug j c cbpft ? en of 3m mon toete bjoug&amp;t&amp;naet / Mitt (be ebPlo?e of Sftael,

cbmlepbtbab cameto^a?pbab bntobiis boufe-ainb fe^biis baugbttrcame out agapnft bpm/^i tpmbereilesf a oaunfejs / to^ toa3 bid onelp cbilbe:fo &amp; befpbe htt,ht bao net^r fonneno; baugbter. anbtobenbefatoeber/ berentbiis clotbefi afapbe-.aiagrap bausbter/tboubaft*mabemeftoupea art WKrtmhaiiBimtn tbftbat troubleme.jfo?*3baue4)penebmputa m &lt;S&lt; mbutbbnto ttjeE/Ojae/ a cannot gobacbe.fie. anb fije fapbe bnto bpmmipfatt)et;/ pf ibou***"* f*l a ' 'baue openeb tbp moutb bnto tbe ]to?b / tben Sffl"*' * botoitbmeacco?bpngto ibatp?oceabebout oftbpmoutbe/ fo?ag mocbe as tbe Xo;oe batbeabaengebtbeof tbpneenempeisS cb b?enbfammott.anbfijefapbe bnto berfa* tbet/bo tbtis mocbe fo? me:lett me aloncttoo monetbejs t % mape go botone to tbe moun* \ tapnes a betoapie mp birgimte tottb mp fe* lotoeg. anb be fapbe: go / anb Co be fent bet atoapettoomonetbe$.3n&amp;Q)etoettoitb bee eSpanpon^aiam^tebbet mapbenbeeb bpo ft e moutap n t$ . anb after f ttoo mone tb ess / fbeturnebagapnebntoberfatbertobtcb bpa yb ber acco^bpnge to bPS botot tobicb be baa botoeb/ anb to mebnetoenomananb it be* came an o?bpnaunce in Hfraelpete bppete/ tbattbebaugbterssof gftaeimulbe go a la* mente tbebaugbtet of lepbtbab tbe CEsalaa* bite/foure bapeiS in a pere. CUtle batf ctl of Jfepbtbab agspna Cptjjatot. Etftec tbtotttb ofjtpbtbab fucceDctb ffi'.on . after dloti

flb&amp;on. ccbcjrti.cbapter.

Jtoatbe/anb fapbe bnto^epbtbab'. Hbcrfo?e toenteft tbouto ftgbtU tbecbplb?e of ammS/abP&amp;ettnotcallb* ta gototbeftoetoilltberfo?eburnetbineboufe . bpBCbe/toitb fp?e.anbg&gt;epbtbab (apse bnto tbe;3l amppeople toere at great ftrpfe tt n)e cmlb^eofammon Jn&amp;S caHebpou.JSutpe: be|puerebmenotbtoftbeirbSb5. anbtobS *m*HA 3fatoetbatpebelpuerebmcnot/|*putmpputmpfeifew Ipfein mpbanbejs a toent bpon iS)e cbplb2en? a,m a et: * * ofammon.anbtbe&gt;Lo?bebelpuereb tbf into 1 "" 6 "? f B mpbanbe0.0bcrfo?e tbenatepe come bpon ^ %&amp; metofpgbttoitbnte. mSSST' anb^epbtbabgeatberebto geatber all 1 3m*$&lt; menof&lt;Efaraab/afougbf&lt;ejpb?att5.anb -. .. tbemen of &lt;ffisafaabfmotetbe(pb?aites/ be* caufetbepfapbe:yearaabiteisare buttu* neagates of cpb?aimam6nge &lt;pb?attegf a t fl9anaOiteiS.floareouer ? men of a* raafitofie paffag^of 3!o?oan fro (WBJrf* tess.anbtobentbofe(pb?aitess toere efca* , peb/fapbelettbsgoouer. cbentbemenof^ w &lt;E5alaab fapbe bnto tbe : fe are pb?aif eg/ a i!Sf )SKf " tbepfapbenape.cbmtbeotberanCtoereb:S?oS' tbenfai^^ciboletbJnbtbepfapbe^ibo^/affisattm n&amp; rctb/




leto, 9 couiae not fo pjonounce / tobet bpon toeotoet tobe toe ?uctoe toe at toe paffag? of gojaanana ttyxt toere ouerto?otoenat tpmeoftoepb?ait!MttJ.tooufanBe. ana to^en ^epbtoab Hab tonga ljcbpto/9toasJ burpeatnoneoftoe c?rte3 of &gt;aiaao. after to t'ss man t'u&amp;geo %tml one abcjan of etblebem/ano be baB.ritr.fonnS;* ten* out/ 9to6e.jceie.otoerin/fo?bMSfonnei$. a no tobe a be? an bao iuogea ejfr a el,bif.?er e be Of to/ana tea* bur peo at Eeftlebem. ano af ccrfyfm &lt;lon a 3 abul on rte tobgeb jlraeltmpere/ana&amp;eoreastoaisbutpea to falon/totoecontrepeof3abulon. aria after brm/ab&amp;on tbefonne of Relief ' a^barat^teiuogeagfraei. anabe-baa *?mmc;jmu foutttefonm;/9 toittieneuetoe0/ft*toae on ire.affecolteis. anatoben abaon ft fonneof eliei toe #baratoontteftaa iuBgea gjftaen touj.pete/beBleD/9toa0burteain1&amp;batt&amp;ott&gt; ft ISa otcEPb?atoi to ft mofft of $ amalecBttf;. fiSaacl being anjbotatccr is opwelTcb of tbe W* liSinC.ffltDc br?t5 or^amfon.tf5t (acnfjcsotSam fon father. CSbe.mi.CBapter. [#atoecbplB;enof gfrael ftgumie ag&amp;pneto comptte topc?ttanef?esrc ft fpgbtof $ jLojae.ana 5 jtoflbc* t lmtetea tbetoto ft ftrnoroS ft &lt;%#* liftmen fourtpe pete.anatoeietr aiiams.m 5araab of I bpnrea of f 9annfc&amp;/ nsissa #anoab'tobofe toife tea? \m % 9m sat, ana toe angefl of )U?oe ay eat ft Wito &amp;$ topfe 9fapBbntober:JSeboia/ibo!t erf fears? 9bearia notoSut toou ftaltcficef ue 9&amp;ea?e afonne. ananotobetoate/anBij;wnci;c&amp;tG topne / net arong ajpnefie / netoi r ate an? bncleane topng:f o? f e/ toou ft alt cticeaue $ it.ts.rt fcsareafBnne.a nb toere mapfco*ft2 t &lt;?# nw eotne on fn?j( fiecD: ^o&gt; ft lana? fiwlf * a a&amp;Bapner bnto oa/ ea en te ft i $ne c mm fr ??; be ftall bssnine to MttiftSftM - ' outoftoefonaefSoftoels^m.ii, cben ft topfe twae ttoitsr gespiflJjn&amp;e : taping** man of o&amp;cume bit torn/an;* toe fcicpon of bimtoagip&amp;e ebefaiiosufati "m*

Sta of @ob ejeceapnge f tatf uff.J&amp;ne % affte&amp; ban not tobencebe toa?s / nether nffic be me ' 55bi')5nanie.anb|efasJibiitome;*biboUie^BK h&amp;m.i*ut* ftaltbetoito c^pliac sittvi beatea tonne/ ana Mfftnf note azpnebe no tope no? ftwng; bzpefie/ nstbet eate en? bnclf aee top?: to? toe laaa ftjalbe an abaspnet te mo mm imn im lm to to toe base m W \ ieatft , Cben fl^anoab ntai e intetceO ion to to e jLoibe/anbfafte^ittm^gtbe %m tw&amp;lztt f raanofoobtoWtotoanftnteacciracDnce moatebnto feg teato fafftobstlae toaSbo bnto f iaD&amp;tob2betebu;me.anb&lt;I5eBbe3ttie . ft bosce of#aiioab/it angel s tm&amp;o t m\$

iagapne bnto fte top fe a^ ft e fatt to toe fel&amp;S ^ut^anoabbetbufbanQe toa^ not to bet, Cbm toiferaa5ebaftet8nejtbetoeDbet bufbSb fcfbetobtm:eboibe mftapea* neb bnto me ^ came ft otoet oapebntome. ana ggtanoab atofe 9 toetaftetbjis tojfe ano came to tbe mS anb fa?Debnto bfm : art toou toeman $ toa&amp;ett bnto m? totted anb befasbe/?ee,^en fl^anoab fapoe/noto tobe** to? faring t* come to pace . tobatftaibe toe maneroftoetoflbe/^tobattoaUbebofanb toe angeil of toe JLo? f apse bnto S^anoaft: toftotfemuS abfta^ne ftSaUtoatlfaroe bntober.ftemaseeateof notoPSft cometo oftoebpnettce/neto^nenetotne o?atong b^nc&amp;e/no; eate anp bncleane to?nge;3But mutt obftrue all toatababbecceenfasee flpanoabbntotoe-angellof ft u,o?bygtafite w to tat t e bntilt toe bauemabe reuse a jbb *bauefet it befoje ft .ana ft angeu of ft %w fasoebntofianoa^:toouftbtooumaBe me absfie/l-totfl not eate of tof meate Mb mo&lt; reouct Tf toou to?ltp?epare: a bumtoffrpng/ $ ftcumuaofierbnto ft Xafb.ti o?i39anoa0 tots not ft tt toag an angeii of 3U&gt;;&amp;*. ana #anoab Ca?o btrto fanpH of ft]Lo?D:tobat fglbltMmm tol)e toy faf b&lt;0 come to pace' 3ne mm bo I f ome too?we f an&amp; tbe an* gefiof ft jlo?ttffa$eimecto?m:to&amp;t' afseft

^ouaGtevmrname^tohenttviniaiuelouft. lm #81188$ tolieis 19W ^ am?at^ of* ftwng/f aweeoft#ss toesebttto ft )Lo?b.5E itid ft i^mbfeis^^gajWSpanoae tBtg fejfeiolisngbpS.4fo?toftg ft flame canrcbp mic cf ft auitare/ f ange of ft ?lo?b aftfaea top Its ft 0ame of ft aultate. ana Q^anoeb * S$5 to??e lobes bp5$ fell tat ontoew toce^ bnto toegro&lt;iae;35ut ft angell of ft %/ofiHgt ttomoareapeateiHtte ^anoag W to?fe. f m toen #anoab Bneto I tttoajs an angell :4 TLwbiit tmte tinto big to?fe: toe sjjall fwerjeb?e/becafe toebauefene &lt;E5oa.28u( ^^^fefasbebntebfnu^fft )Lo?be toolbo SHI hjs/betooiae notljaue receaueb a burnt* mm $ameaigeKting of outebaa^etoa toD!?iebeBaueftetoeabgalltbefetoing^/no? softie ptie toftc b^ ae b^ Batb of topngeg to &lt;onw.3l)ttb toe'tofft bate at'onne/ ana caflea bW K6TO6 ^amfon.ana toe labs gtetoe/anb toe5'y9?wbieffcbbtor.anotoefP?ete of toe M*M|mw r^stobetoftotoe boufeot ^aii/bsftotue oa^aali ams ffiBbaol. C Ri&amp;cnidi-vflseo-f ^amfgn. Bj'C 6f Hetb a JLtoti. *t l&gt;?opftun6ECft a *5Jl.le8|lltt9.w* tHtn. IJitopfe fg;f3!uihJ)niiSa'i!*)i)98i3ef. . CCbe^inj-Cgaptn!. lamfontoet bonne' to cfjamnato/S fatoea toomimebamnato of toe ! tbe baugljf etjs of tbe PbtoGme?/? !camebpsnBtoI6eb23fatoer 9 b$s motoer/anbfaibe^basiefenea toomaa m cbamnat|i




Cbamnatb of ft aaugbtetg of ftP^toGi'neg. ana noto geue bet me to to?fe.ben bijs fa= tocr ana motoet fapoe bnto bm / i&amp; tbere ne* uet a tooma of tbe eaugbtet? of to? b?etb;e/ amongeallmp people: but tbat toou muft go a fette a topfe of tbe bncitcumcyfea P"bt* ft ftme^ana ^amfon fapabnto W fatber/ geueme tote toomS m fte pleafeto me toell utbtefatoet anamotbet tola not mat ft toagtoeTLo?aes5aomg/ ana toatbe fougbt an occafpon of toe^btoGine^/tobf cb at mat tpme x&amp;y gnea ouec jftaei. v cbentoent^amfonanabP? fatber anb W motbec aotone to cbamnatb. ana to^in tbe? came to tbe b?ne?at5e!S of cbamnatb : l)eboiaea?oimgjLifonro?eabponb?m.ana tbe fpjete of toe lLo;ae came bpon b?m.ana betatebtot/asiaman tooioe tentaS?bbe/ anbKt baa nofbfng t'n W banae , j^euettbe* laterbe toiaenotbtt fatber 9 motoer tobat bcbaaaone.anabe toent aotone anb talbea totto tbe tooman/ tobtcb femebtecU faiuweo totbefpgbtof*&gt;amfon. ana tottom a o?te fpace after/ag &amp;e toet ttttoeragapnefotafie berto topfe/betut* nea out of ft toape/to feft catfiace of ft %yo, anabeboiaetoeietoaga ftoatmeof beegfrt tbe catfiaffeoftbclponana bonpe.anabe tofie of toe bonpe tn w banaeg ana toent eatpng/ana came to bpjs fatter anb motber ana gaue tbem alfo.ana t Esey a?a eate . 2Sut be tome nottoem/ttatbe baa tabe toe bonpe out of tije catfiace of toe&amp;pon. - ana toben i&amp; fatber teas come bnto tbe * tot!man.&amp;&gt;ara onmaae tbere a feaa / fo; fo bit a tbe pounge men to ao. ana toben bee ftenbe* fatee ijim/ ibep buta&amp;tSff compa* npong to beare felotofttppe . ana &amp;amfon fapoebntotbtm:'3 topiiput fo?tt)e a rpaaie bntopou. anapfpoucanbeclarett tottb^n brj.aapejs of tbe feaa ana fpnae it out/1 tofll geuepoutoP?ttea;ertes$ ana toi'ttpe cbafige of gatmentes: jBitt 9 pf pott cannot aeclare ft me/tben ajail pe geue me ftrttpe ft etteg 9 tlnttie cbauKge of gatmenteg.anatbepan* f teerea brni /put f o?tb top rpaie ana lett b&amp; beateft.ana be fapoe bnto tbem. Cut of ft eater came meate: ana out of toe atong cam f teetneffe.ana toep couiae not tnto?ebape0 $ eypounaetoetpoie.anatobetbe feuetoaape

toagcome/toepfapaebnto^jamfonjJtopfe. iJflattfttottbtoPnebtJtbanae/ toatbe mape aeciatebistoptpaie/ o?elle0toe topll butne tbe ana top fatberjs boufe totft fp?e/ baue pe rallea bg to mabe bg beggetfs 0? not i^tn &gt; amf tm topfe tocpte bnto btm ana fapae/ ft cannot b e but tbat toou ijatea me a louea menot:fo?tooubaaput fo?toa rpaie bnto toe cbiia?en of mp folbe ana topttnot tell me tobatttmeaneft* anabefapaece^oiae/3i

* *_L

bauenottoftettrnp fattjetno? mp motber/ anb ftuiaei, tell tttoef anb B; e toeptebnto bim.btj.Bapeg/ tobtle toefcaaelaaca.anatoefeueto&amp;apebetctie bet/becaufe fteiape fo fo?e bpo btm.ana Oje toioe it tbe topiajen of ber folfte. ana ft men oftoe cptte fapse bnto bim tbe feuento &amp;ape before toe fonne toetaotone.nBbat teftoeter tben bonpe/ana tobat i flroget tben a JLpon ttftet ,. - benfapaebebntotbe:3fpebaanot*plo45a6nauaM toea tottbmpcaulfe/pebaanot founae otttt^c bcaipe oe mp b^n tbe Cpjfte of tbe %o?u came wp&gt;-.?fc as n bpSbpm.anbbeteentBotonetoafbaion/9* 3 "*^ Detoe tbp;tte men cf tbtm/ ana fpoplea i^li ana gaue toeft gatmente? bnto tbem tobicb ejrpounaea toe ipaie.ana be toais to?otb ana toet bp to W fatfjerss b oufe. 38 ut S&gt;amtons topfe toag geuen to cheof W conipanpotig toat bare btm companpe. C*amfott(?n^fj?tb?a6CB to jfoptaplca.'steMtfb tbem tunnc into tbe co;n t anb butne it s to 6c aiif sjr b oftbcmtbattobcbfeta^fcfroinbira.'D:(l)ibc3atoc bone of an affcbehyllctbatboufaiib men ..SDutt of a great totftc tn tftc^atoc ob amty bim toat ct /to eatttf f e bf a to? jet. c&amp;e.icb.C^apter. _

,eit ft cbaucea toitbtn a tobpie afc * ,tet/euen to toe tpme of tobete ber* ueft/ ft $)amfonbtftteabpg topfe jtoto)aifttaae.anatebnbe fuppo* feato baue gone in bnto bpjs topfe into tbe cbamber/ber fatber tooiaenotfufftebpmto gom:i5utfapae:3toougbt tbat tbou baa* oeB batea Ber/9tberfo?e gaueg bet bnto one of toP companponjf.^cto beit/betpounger fi8eri0fap?er toen fte.cafie berto fteaoe of toeotter.cbenfapae $amton bnto tbem: JSotolamblamelefie cScetnpng toe $\0? fttoeg/toougbl fiotoem euen. 3Ena&gt;amfontoentoutana caugbt tb?e Buna?eaf ojess/anatobe fp?eb?anae0/ 9 fa* fienea taple to taple/ ana put a fp?e b?ce in ft mpc&amp;ejs/bettoene ttoo tapl e(.anabe fettft fp?eb?anaeff onfp?e/anaputtbem into tbe co#ie of toe pwiitoneg/ana burnt bp b otbe toe tepeb cojne ana alfo tDe aanapnge/ toto) , bpnejs 9 olpuest.cben toe Pbibatneg afbca/ 5 tebo bab bone toat^Pna it teas tolDe tbe toat ^antfon ft fonne tnlatoe of tbecbamm'te/ becaufebebaatabenbtetopfeanageuetjer to one of BijicSpanponis .ana ft fbtoutoeg came 9 burnt bet ana ber fatber toito fp;e. ana ^&gt;amfon fapae bnto tbenr. amiae pe _., ,,. bofofgitopnrurelpebeaauengea0fpou/9f f1 f?f/ii toen 3 topll; be fmote tbem* lepge $ t utimyc 9 toPgBetoftb am[gbtpeplsge.anatljeijljeffbaio.rtabetft toet 9Btoeltmtberaueoftoe tccbe cctant. &gt;* f^* ben ftepbm'atnes camebp 9 mMea m t c " m "" agapna 3uaa anb Ispe in s.ebtanitbcnten of Jutw isffcf 4 tofc are pe come egarna w, ana



r* t

ana tbep anCtoewb to *mae &gt;amEon a toecome/euentoaobmtas l&gt;ebatbe aoneto CbS.Cbentbje tboufana men of 3!uaatoent aotoneto tbe caue of tbe rocBecEtam/a ta?*ie to &gt;amfomtoottea tijau not tbat $ pftttf* dines ate rulers ouer Wtf UMprfop tben baft tbou feruea bs tbuS? ana be anCroetea the/as tbep feruea rae/fo baue a feruea tbe. anatbepfapaebntobim/toearecomefo bpnaetbe a tooelpuer I into tbe bSaes of t ppttftmos Jim ^&gt;amfonfapae bntotbem: ftoerebntome/g pe ftjailnotbuttemepoute felues.anatbepfapaetoe topllnot ^urte b/ faueonlpebpnae anaaeipuer % Mtts.tQCH rjanaeSstfuttoetopUnoffipIle tbe. anafo the? bounae bint toubttoo netoe cojaesanb taougbtbim'op from tbe tocBe. anatoben he come to '/Debt / tbe ^hittftmess foototea agapnftbim MM&amp;tm* W* came bponbPm/anatbe co?aestbattoere topo bPS armes became as fiat e tbat tea burnt tottt) fire/ana tbe banaes loufea fr3 of W banaes 3no be faunae a 'fato bone of a tattenaue/ anaputfojrbbPSbanaeanacaugbtit/aaue atboufan&amp;ementbettoitb. ana ^amfonfapae: topn) tbe wtoc of an affe/ftaue 3imaae beapes-.roptt) tbe gatoe ._ of an aire baue 9 aapne atboufanae men. 325 ana tobchebao icf t tpeafipng'be caft atoape tbegatoeoutofbpsbanae $callea cbe place '*ffi$attt/tfie*lBamatbHebi.ainohe toasfo?eatbp?8 / # ipftpngupof caHeoontBeftojBeanorapoe.'acbott X-ojae 4*300. battgeucntbiSgreatbtcto?pe/tbo?otoe tbe

banae of tbp feruaunt Jna note 3! muft ape fo?tb?pa ana falle into c^e banned oftbebn cprcumcpfea . ^SutdsoabzaBeagteattotbe tbat toag m tbe^avrje/anb tbere came toatet tberout Jnb toben be baaa?oncBe bS tp;ete cameagapie/$betossteftcCbea/toberfo?e tbenametbetof toas callea/*tbetoelie of W iMtaOnkot c caller on / tobpeb i in &amp;ebf onto tbPSaape, anabeiuageaiiraeltntbeaapeSoftbe?&amp;bt ltainesttomtpei&gt;etes. Cfeamfoti tottetfjtop tfceffiatcB of (Baiaans rawtf a tW P in to the raountajne.&amp;E was o tanco 65 SDa* Iilab maDc W?ntje.&amp;c pullcta oototic t^t $oufe topon tbc J&amp;biltatntB an&amp; &amp;?et&amp; toitft ttjem. Cbe.?bi.baptei;. en toent ^&gt;amfonto a?a/ anb fatotbeteantoboae/^toenttnbn* tobe.ainbfttoa0 tolbe tbe&lt;!5a?t* __^ tes/tbat ^.amfontoas cometbi tget. ano ujcr toft aboute anb lapoeatoatte f 0? bint au nfgbt in tbe gate of ttjc cptte/ but ii)eteft?nautbenrgbtfs? mo?nrng f itbeba?e/?tb.eniettb0fi?nbn atob&amp;amfontoBebteteft t?ne mionygbt/ anb atofe atmionsgbt ana tofte tbe bo?e0 of tbegateof tbcctt?e/? tbettooftfje poaejs/| rmttbemof/batteganaatl/ etutt&amp;em&amp;i&gt;5

btgQ)ouloev!S/anacatte&amp;H)ebptotbetoppc of anbl?ntbatl?erb before i^cb?on. . . 2nDaftettt)atbeloueDatojoman/bpStbe rpuec of ^&gt;o?eb/callea 5alilab tonto tobom came tbe %w&amp; of tbe WH1im$ I % fav&amp;e bnto bet \$ lattec toitb Mm 9 f e toftertn bt? great tttengbt ivecb/anabvtobatmeaitetDe niavebauepotoerouctbpm/tbat toe mm* b^nae bim/to b?fng bfm bnaer/anbtoe to^ll w ocue euet^e m&amp; a ieue bua?ea f?Iuerltnges, ana alilab fapae to S&gt;amCon b/te me tobete tyv gteat aregbtlpetb / 9 # tbou toereboiiaebJb.ettotcbmenmigbt coilrayne tbe. anb$)amfonfaraebnto fct.$tpm bounaemetoitb.bij.gtene tottbttjeg $ rcere

neuera^eb/g ajulbebe toease 9 as anoujec man.anb tben tbe JLo?Se0 of t b e Pbtlt aincg b?oitgbtb&lt;bij.toi'tbtbes ^ toere ytt grate a^mera;?e&amp;/anbftebounaebtmtbettoit&amp;v ji5ottovibaana?nge fte bab men lj?inge in toapte roitb betin tbe cbSb?e. ana Bjef apae bnto bim/tbe f^bflfOfnex bebpen tbe ^taffl fon . ana be b?afee tbe co?aes as a arpge of totoe b^eabetb/ toben bit f ealenj f it e.a na to bis atengbttoasnotfinotoen. cbmfafbe^alitebto^amfon^etfiou^ baamocfieameanatolbemeises.iQotorft tell me % p?a?e /tobettottb tbou mvgbtea be bounae . anabe fa?ae: 9 f 3! torn bounae toitb netoe topestbatneuertoere occuppea' tben qiuiae % be toeabe/ana asanotber ma. ana?alilab tobeneto topes ^bounaeb^m tbettoi'tb/* fapaebnto Mm i fa0MM&amp; be bpontbe &gt;amfon..anatbetetoew ipers oftoa?temtbecbamber/;anabeb?aftetbem from ofblSarmes/ as tbe? baa bene but a tbjeae.ana^alilabfapBbnto^amfon/bt" tbetto tbou baa beg?leame 9 toiae me ijes j 5 P?a?e tb e ?et telle me to&amp;ettoitbmen ma?e bwiae f .ana be fa^ae bntobe&amp;gf tbou plat* teaeatbefeuen locbes of mpbeea &amp;?% m beatte laceana faancaea tbe to?tbanaple* Ina Oje fapae bnto bpi / tbe t&amp;bibames be bpo tbe &gt;amfon.anabeatoafteaoutof bis 0epe/9 piuesea ?toent atoai?e tttbenaple f toasintbeplattpig^toitb t beawe lace, cbm ftefapaebntobtmi oto canatbou rap $ tbouloueame/iDbentbHie bertis not tt me:fo?tboubaftmocbea me tbisin.tpnfy 9 baft not toiae tobetin tbv great ftrengbt ivctb.anaas fte lasebpSbtm v&gt; bertoe?65 cottnuangbertng of bim/bfS fouletoas en* comb?eaeuebntotbebeatb.anbbetoiaebeti aU bis berte/ana tajae bnto ber : tbere neue* came taferno? ftjeteS bpo msnetett/fo? % bauebeneanabfta?net:to &lt;5oa euf fro m? motbersiBombe.afm?ne beatatoere cut of/m?ftr?gbttooiagofrS mt/$% fttfla toftjee abe ipse all otber men . ana tobenjfattlab fetor 1 bebab toiae banbrsbt7 &lt;Ijc fent (0?


Aamfow; ^^ IB?tbe|B8ftt'ftntejjraitg/domebPfettbps once /fo? be batb Ibetoebmeall bisbette. b u)e )Lo?aes of tbe ^btbaines came ibb?ougbttbenionepintbettbanaes .ana ftemaae bimflepe bponberteppe/ anafe nt to} a man/ana cut of t&amp;efmeioc&amp;es of brs beea a beganetoberebim.jButbiSfirengbt toasgonefrombim. anatjefaraetbePbt* wOtties bebpo rt)e &gt;amfon,anabeatooofie outof bjscepe ana tbougbttogo outas at otber t?mes before a ftjabebmiTelfe/atoia not tbat tbe x,o;ae teas aepartea from b?ra. #ut f ^iliBincs tobe bim ana put out bPS epes/ana bjougbt bfm Boune to a? a / ana bounae bim tottl) fetters . ana be teas m aae togtinacnitbe pjefonboufey bote be it tbe b carte of bis bea beganne to grotoe aga? ne ofter tbat be teas ftjo;ne. bm f tnfiX of $ ^btfiaines geatbetcb u)f togratbet fo? toofferafciempn- lofitftig bnto J^agon rbeir &lt;spoa/a to reiopfe:fo? tbe? la^je/ouredSoabatbeaeljun-ea^amron oure enempc into oure banars. ana tcbe tye people fatoe bim/tbep p;apfea tbeir tbep tapa oute eoa batb ael^ucrca into cute banoesoure enempe / $ bearopea oure con^ trep e ana flu e manpe of bs. ana toben tbr it fiert^ toete metpctbep fapa-.fenae fo? giam= tonalettbimplapebefo;ebS.anatbepfette &gt;amfon out of p;efonboufe / a be P^peO befo?etbe/tbepfetbnnfcectoenf pftiers. ana &lt;&amp;amfon fapae bnto t^t i&amp;aa tbat recti brmbptftebSanfettme tbatgimape toucbe tbe pplfets tMattMe boufe ftanbe bp5 / 9 tbat ^ mape feane to tbe .ana tbe boufe toas full of men g toemen. ana tbere teas all f loM oftbe^biliffines.anbtberetoetebpon Hie toufe a tb?e tboufana men a toemen/ tbat be befbe boto ,&amp; amf on plapea.


ana %&gt; amfon calfea bnto tbe %om/ ana tepDeorip jLo?ae9'ebouab tbpnbe bpon me/ aftrengtbenme/attbiStpme onlpe D oa/ tbat? mape be aauengeaof tbe Pbin'aines fojmpttooepeis. anb$&gt;amfoncaugbttbc ttoompaaeiippiietgon tOiitM ? boufe ftoae ana on tobt'eb tttoasbo^tebp/tbeoneinbiS vpgbtbanoe/arbeotbecthbtsiefte/ afapae: mp rouie ape toitb tbePbtitames / a botoea ftiem tottb migbt,ana tbe bouftfeH bponf

lo^aesanabpSaHtbepeopie $ toere tfierin. anofotaeaeeattbiebbefleroeat bps aeetb/ toete moo tbentbeptobicb be tletoe in bps lpfe.ana tben bs bmm ana au tbe boufe ofbtsfatbercameaotone ana tone bpmbp/ ana b^ongbtbpmanaburpeabpm bettoene 3arabana cftbaol/ in tbe burpmg place of flpanoabbPSfatbec. anabe iuageajfraeil ttoentpepete; csf i^ienfi tohort mother mafic ^tra an Jtoli of fplacr.fi3f(l)epounBp;ft oftftc IsnagcofiLtui of 38ett)!cljEra, C^be.irbii.cbaptet. ilp ere toss a mS in meStdFpfcatm/* namee Qpicab tobpeb fapae bnto* bismot&amp;er:t&amp;eieite bua;eafpluer* ;ipnges i toeretafie ffi tbe/aboute tenub i&amp;ou mrf caft a fapaeft in mpne cares: Kebciae tbe fplueris topsb me fo? % tone it atoapecben rape bismofljepbleOiFo be tbou mp iome/in tyc iio;a.ana fo be k ao;ea tbe leneit bunajea fpiuerlpnges to bps mctbec agfipnc.iinabismotbtrtopaet'ibotoeatbe rpiuer bnto tbe Xo^ie of mpne banoe fo? mv fonnettomafieagrauepmccreaan pmaae of metalf^ototberfo?es gcueit f agapne.13 anaberefto;eatbemonepe agapne bntobis motber.cbenbismotbet tobettoo buna?ea

fpluenpngeseputtbemtoagoiafmptb/to mafietberof agrau^pmageana apmageof metall/tobicb remapnea ui tbe boufe of mu cab.anb $ mi flMcab baaa cbapefl of^foas; ana mabe an tfpboa ana pmages/ a fpJiea mt |ana of on e of bis fonnes tebiclj b ecame by&amp; VWftdw in tbofe aapes tbere toasno fepng &lt; in Jftael/ but euerpman apa tobat tijougbt bpmbea. ana tbere teas a pounge ml out of Serb* lebem 3uaa/a out of tbe frpnreaes of fuaa: tobicb poung man teas a Heuite ana f otour* neb tbere.ana tbe mS aepar tea out of citie of ^etblebemiuaa / togo atoeil tobere be couiae fpnae a*wace.ana be came to mount * tm6eta w iPb?aim/a to f boure of flpieab as beiour, $m Tuc nepea.ana Jicabtepaebnto bpm / tobence nv&amp;tt nt comeft tboufanbtbe)LeuiteanftoereabimS rai "'" p f oft " am of etblrbemg?uaa/9 go to Btoriitobere* 1 aHaww ^ gjmapefpnaeapiace.anafl^icabfapaebn*. 1 birm&amp;toeii \Dit^ me/ ana be bnto me a fas * tber anaapjeaft.anag topilgeue tenfpi* uerlpngesbp pete anarapmetof an fortes/ ana tbp meate ana a?p ' cfie. ana n)e %euite toent? beganneto otoeH \Ditb tbe man/ana toas bnto bpm as acre as one of bis atone formes.anb flSrcab fpiica I banae of tbe tmitt/ ana tbe poung man be* camebiSp?eaae/ana cotpnueaintbebouO: of S^icab . ^m tapae (S&amp;tcab/noto % am fuer i tbe}lo?ae totHbegooabntome/Teing/ 3 bauea Jieuite tompp;eaa. n,tftj, cbe




cbe.tbto.Cbapteti I&amp;tbofebapeptberetoasf nofcpng ; togftaei. anbtotbofebape$tbe trpbe of ?B&gt;an f ougbt tbe an enbe* .-_-_ iritounce te fibril in / I ojbnto tbat tpme there fell none enberttauncc jmtott? SSawetrBbe of gftaeUnotbe WW of gantemoffe^fm^ftutwmof go. ufte/ out of tbere roefte^/eueoujof 3awab i^aoI/t^ewtaeiaM?feabnt out/ a fapw Ditto tbi:go areatcbe out ft SbcJnb tbep came to mofit pb?a&lt;m/eu? to ft boufe ofigicab alobgebtbm JGnbtobctbeptoere eSbntotWuof^fcab/tbei&gt;ftnetoft bSeoftberoungmf t&gt;eiMe/mwepm - tbttber/anbfapoebntobtm;tobo bjougbtft BE? 9 tobatmaftett tbou to tbtf gag ^Satbaft&amp;ouftete.3hbftefaVbbntotbe/ SuSanatftusJ waiett) MMm* SwteDwetobe^WeatlJni)tftwfa?D Bfcafftecf #ob3P?ape je /tot* v njaib e piofpetouss o? noJnb tbe pjeaft fapb Kite .tbemtgo to peace / fo? tbetoape tobpeb ; eaoissbefojctbe&amp;oj&amp;e. fflfttntbe fpue menbeparteb anbeame to %M*mtWPW i&gt; toeretbewn/boto Ktoeitcawieffe / a after tbe mamr of ft - '- &amp;m/&amp;m /*tiitbcut caftpng of pa teg/ *tbat no ma" mabeanp trouble in tjc lanbe Mbfurpcb anp bomtotbn / *b,etotbeptoere ' fatre fro" tbe fetbonss a bab no bufme? toitb rt anpnacpon. anbttjep nbittogetrb;e| C tb?e/to 5araab/9 &lt;fi;baol.3nbtbefcb?etb?5 * faVebntotbem:tobattpopnge0b?pngpou? anbtbcptapbbpanb lett bjjgobnto tbeV *f 02to ebauefeneft 18oe/g itttbetpegoob. ffia&amp;etbetfo?e abenottWutbfuUto nepatte

^ogo1ic3qumtbeifclbe;epcnif/ Je Income bnto a people tbat cattetbno trateflefi i an&amp;brito a large contreg^o? od batbeged?into?oureba]iei5atface tobertn . fcnolaWfahptbPfig ft i*totbe toojfoe ; anb there bepaws thence of tbe ftpmcb : oftbe^annitejj/outof^araabanbcabaoj f W c bfiwebmen apo^tebtotto wftrumfteg oftoatte.ainbtbeptoet apptcbebtottartatg ^ajtoito^uba.fberfo?e tt)e plac^calleb tute&amp;anab ?0an bnto tbfebapevtobfcb % p" fbacBfSof^rtatb3aitot.anbtbcf toft fflencebntomounttfpbjarm / 9 MmWIj Boutecf SBtcab . cbm anftoeteo tbe fpue men * toent to fpte out tbe c8cfe ofjat0/ fa?Bebntotbeirb?etb?em toot pe not tbat

.ahbtbeptortiebt&amp;prbtttoas&amp;e a camera tbe boufe of tbe poung* man tbe jltfutte in &gt; tbe boufe of fi$icab/a (aUitebbtm peafaMp.

uXvtm of jmstS* anbtbecbptojenof^atiCettberabptbe utb^maOetfapbebntobrm/toetopnnotiw?ei&gt; to?fc irtatien image. anblonatbantbefonne of turnetoto a ttraungecjtpetbatarenctof, *rtnm e &lt;Kahaft -ttmihr rartwhntAltt* imLimL. WtltlgKO qi!C

intbe entering of tbe gate.anb ft fpuemen* tbattoenttorppeototbelanbe/toenttntto* tberanbtoBetbeberuebKmage/ a f &lt;pbo tbe fietueb jmage/atbe3imageofmetaK. anbtbep?caft ttoDc to tbe cnterpnge of tbe gatetoftbt&amp;efweWwebmen tbattowear* mebbntobattell/tobtle otbertoft toflg&gt;u cabsstoufe/anbfetttlje feeruebirnage/tbe &lt;spmi tbe 6cruebgmageanb image of metaH.cbenfat ne tbep^eatt bnto tbf ttobat Dor J stbe^anitoerebbtm/boluetb peace

jws: puttbtncbanDe bps tbpmoutt)e/anb ttm ctwetoafi w/anbbebntowa fatbeis anba3fo6m Mcafi , abetber * it better fo; tbe to be a p?eaft ontotbebowteof one maft/o;.tobe p?ean:bntoatttbeo?aBmreamg|fraeJf3inb tbe pjeaft toae gian anb tobe tbe cpftob anb


anb puttbe cftM tbe catell a tbetr cofilicf tbtngejJbefo?etbem. 8Bbentbetoereagoobtoate frosbouK of S&amp;frab ytbcmentbattoeretotbe boufej* * tomb? agt'cabfSboufemiabean out ctw anb fototoebaftet tbe cbtfwn of banana caile&amp;bnto W. anbtftep tumcDtfie* races/ anbfatbebnto^tcab/tobatapletbtbe/tbat tbou mafteftanoutcne: ainbbe ra?be/rc teue tafif atoapemp obDeg tobtcb 3lmape a alfo tbe p;eatt / anb go poure toapess tow tbe:3BnbtobatbaueamoM^bototbenfefe iebntome/tobatapletbtbe^nbtbecbPlD?e Umn&amp;aM bnto bim/ letnot tb? bopce be bearb^mb-gcto*/leaeangri&gt;e BgfgHg* Spon tbe / anb ftjou log? tbi&gt; ttf e / Mfl ge lpue0ofalltb?nebouftofteto. 3nbfoig| tb?lb?e of 5an toent tbttttoap est .3nbtobe Ofltcab fatoe tbat tbe? roere to ttronGefo? btoi/ be turneba toentbacbe tntobp Sboufe 85 St6e?toftetbet&amp;tngeS tobieb flgt'cab babmabc/anbtbep;eafttobitb ((jtt/itt toehtbntonaisf/ wentmtoapeopie t toew atreaaanbtottbbutmtftritft/anbfmotetbJ tojtb tbe 'age of tbe ftoetbe anb burnt )e dffiuA'k anbtberetoajJ no man to rJftje/Safieittoa* fawe from &lt;bwi / anotbepbabno mebeltiigc tortb anj?otb naci.3nbtbe^eaobr|niba!eK^ Sett bp et9l^b.3nbtbtK ftfttbe c^pe KtoelttbiK*arcaHeBttmn/aftee*J^ tbe name of j&amp;antbett fatber tob ? cb toag tomebntoSfraen.^otobeit tobew beabe tbe natneof tbe mtWWm tbe be* gpwmge. m

Serfon/tbe f onne of#anaOe9 ab^ Conned toere n)ep;ease0fento trpbeof tbe^ant* te^/bntplltbep toere cariebatoape out of tbe lanbe capttoe Mtt tbep fett tbem bp tbe ft er ue&amp;f mage tobieb #icab maue/an f tobite ^tbattbeboufe of mn ruass to $&gt;flob. CSD'f (be leu? tt toWe ttpfc tow itfllfltttttif 6?Jlct (n abaalj. $s\)i is Dcmitt in to.r? .partes * of bev ftnt to tBtrje trybc of Jftacllapeace. Cbe.**^apter, c cbauncea to tyefe bape^ . toftett tbere tea? noftpns to ifraeH/tbat a cettc ^eupte btocBpng on f fpDe __ ofmountpt(;atra/to6etotoirea. toncubpne out of 25etbiebem guoa ; toiv -t concttbme plapeb tije b&gt;bo?e in bPS bm^e ; 9 toentatoapefcSbim/bnto Oer fatbers m(t toJSetbiebemUuba/atbere ciSttoueb foute monetbejs. 3no ber but banb arof e anb tomt after ber/to fpeaftc ftenbeipevbntobee / a to tying ber borne agatoe/abfc !abt&gt; toitb bima a couple of % wMm Qte b? ugb t bim bnto ber fatber0boufe/atobentbefatber of oa tuofellfatoebim/betetoprei) otim comvng. SBnb W fatber to latoe tbe tamo fell eg fa tb e e : !ieptbimtbatbeaboaDetoitbbimtb?ebape0 anb fo tbep ate anb bjanfteanblobge&amp;tbete. 53 \)t fourtb oape tbep arofe erlpe in n)e moznpng/a tbeman ftoue bp to beparte -35ut tbe Damofellejs fatber fapbe bnto W twmt to jatoe/cofo^ tbine battel a mo?fell of b?eeo atbengopoute toape.^nbtbepfateboune 9 bibeateanoDzpnftbotbeof tbemtogeatber. ^m fapoe ^eaamoCeileis fatber bnto tbe man/go to 3 p?a? e tbe anb tarpe all npgbt 9 : lett tbpne batt be merp.feoto be it ma ttobe UP to bepatf.butbi? fatber tolatoe;e5peneo bim to tume agatne a to tarie an nigbt tbece anb b erofe bp erlpe fpftb bape to beparte. be fapbe bamofelle* fatber c9fo;te tb toe bette:afomabeb tarpe bntiH after mtbbape atobtbepbib eate botbe of tbem togeat&amp;et, 31'nb tben tbemanarofeto beparte topto W concubine anbbi0labbe.ut bP0 fatber mlatotbebamofeHtffatterfapbebntobtot

_bebolbetbebapegotbefaftatoapcab?atoetb ^totoarbe eue/tarp an tbe leaft toape tarpetbi0bapebereanblettbpnebcrtbeme tpe.36no to mo?oroegetpou erlpe bpSpoute toape anbgettbe to tbp tent, ^euertbelatec tbe m toolbe not tarp / but arofe a beparteb anb came 3)3 ferrca03ebu$/tobpcb ip? eru* falem/abpisttooaffeslaben/anb bps 8 con* 9nimttt^tcubpneanbbi0labb toitb btoi.Inbtobe tbep wubf &lt;ntoerefattbpiebui8/tbeBapetoa0 fo^fpent fflj"" anb tbe pounge man fapbebnto bpjJmafter/ ttnttit a { comeq?p?apetbe aletwturne in/into t|pss w ctoeeftbejebufitesarobgeaUnigbttbere.

abaab Jnbbefapbe bnto m iaoue'go iot^Z m*ml. toaroe/a toe (ball come to one place 0? otbetofAf t$.m$* a Stall iobge all npgbt in C5abaab 0; to Ka* *w mab . 3inb tbep toent fo^roattie bpon tbere toape/anb n)e fonne toent botone bp on tbem toben tbep toere fall bp (Efabaab ^v^f 3 in enramin Jnbtbep titinebt&amp;itbertoarbe to go anb lobge all npgbt to &lt;$abaab. 3'no to be* tbep came to / tbep fat tt)e boutte to a urear of tbe cttie/ f 0? tbere teas no man tofte tbem in to Iobge . 25 ut bebolbe tbere came an olbe man from bfe too?fte/out of tbe f elbfc at eug Kfytti) toa.s alfo of mount $pb;atnt/ahbbuc a ttranger in abaab fo? n&gt;e meft of place toere of tbe cb^baen of femini.Unb mtn be bablpftebp&amp;feepesS'attbfatoeatoapefarmg

ma in tbe ttreatf of citte be fapbe:tobetber goeft tbouflCnb tobence cornea tbouflnb cE otber anftoerebbpm/toe come fromffiebiebe gubatotoarbe tbe fpbe of mount pb?am: from ttience am a / anb toentto 6 35eblebemi,.cfie tomtit 3!uba/anbgo noto to tbe boufe of tbe )Lo?be. uctaHtrestictft 36ut tbereig no man tbat receauetb me to*ftrf . boufe:anbpetg!baue fitatoe a pwuenber Wf"|2ffiK oto?e 3iie0/anbb?eabanbtopnefo?me WK%3m' tbpbanbmapbe/ atbPlabbtbataretoitbtbP@cb;uc toom feruaunt/ anb lacfte notbpng. pmA&amp;w Cbe olbe manfapbe;peace be toitb tbe/aBbJ f " * tbattbou lacfteft aittbou ftnoeWtbme:2JS2S5! onlpe abpbe not to tbe ftteate all nrgbt/anb^ " ' ' be bjongbt bim into bis boutcanb gaue fob berbntobWaiiresJ. Inbtbeptoaribebtbetr fete / anb bpb eate anb b?pncft.3nb*a0trjep _ t toere maftpng tfteir bertteis merpe / tbe men 2&amp; of tbe ritie tobieb toere topcfteb/Cet tbe b wifeSS? rounb about/anb tb?uft at tbe bo?e / afpafte 8 to tbe man of tbe boufetbe mc man faping: bjpng fo;tbe tbeman tbat came into tbpne boufe / tbat toemape ftnotoe btot . 23ut tl^t man of tbe boufe toent out to anbfapoebntotbem/fi&gt;&amp;/napempb2etb?eh/ bo not Co toicfieblp t fetogi ty\6 man ft come totompneboufe-.bonottb&amp;folpe. bebolbe mp baugbter a mapben anb tyis maraies cS^ cubtoe/tbem % totll bjfng out bnto pou/anb *bumble tbf/anbbotoitbtbemtobatfemetb **mt*e pougoob'.butbnto tbft mg/bo not rate folpe &lt;6b lose^w, 59ut tbe men tooolbe notbetfien to bim.^e* "".w. uertbeleffe tbe man tofte W concubine anb b?ougbtb out bnto tbem /anb tbep babto bo toitb ber / aentreatebberftamefullpe/al tbe npgbt euenbnto tbe mo?npng Jnb ^m n)e oape beganne to rpjpng /tb ep lett ber go. anb tben came tfyz tooman in tbe batonpng oftbe bape anb fell botone at tbe boo;e of tbe manneg boutetobere betHojbe toasJ/a there Ibe lape till bapeJnbber lLo?b arofe bp in# n,b, mo^ipng


tfjeftoufe/ tnrpttet

ituwwng ah&amp; cpencb tfte&amp;ojejs of t^e^oufe/ ana toent out to go ftiss toape . 3nb beftoice/ b^concubmeiapealongebefojetbeboje of rfteftouTe/arttifterftattbbpontfte tft.zeOftoloe, %nm fe*be bnto &amp;er :bp t let b? tic going* jSutOjeanftoereanot. cbenbetobc&amp;etbp bpon an acre ana ftoae bp/ana gat fttm bnto fttssatone ftome.lnb toftenfte teas come bnto ft te ft oure /ft e tobe a a?effpng 8n? fe/9 caugftc ftte cocubine 9 aeufaea ft et tft o?ou tfte fa ones into ttoelue pecess / 3 fent ft et into all quat* ters of ifraell . aina an tftat fatoe it fa we: tfteretoasnorocftebeaae Done 0; fene fence ttie cftpib?en of Ifraei cam out of cgt'pt bnto tftr'g bape/contpcet tfte matter, geue councd ana tape route rapn&amp;es. CCfic bat tell oi ail tt)t?tcatty tu agsy nft tt) t trjfie ofctJisrainfo?t(){fi,cuifeatopfc6fUci. Iftc.;r;r.cftaptct. ps3^$enalltftecj)iift;en of gTtaen toft HH Ps out:anttfte geatftereb a congre= *..&lt; . J^PIWtcntogeatftei*as3!tftabbtne tfffinl^l^i^butonemaVettefro^ato^etfeba SSSSm soutoftbelanacoc alaaB/bntotftclanae tenctb in tfjps to fititetpft aft attb tft etc (toae folfie out of an ^apt.6, quarters of atttftetrpbes of gftaeS / intbe congregacpon of tfte people of cB / foute Biinatf a njoufanae fote men tftat b?etoe ftoeraes. 3nb tfte cbpia?en of 35eniamin &amp;eatae tftat tfte cbi&amp;uen of tftaeu toere gone bptoQparpftaft. Cftenfapae tft e ebplBjen of IfraeuVteltbS &amp;ototftistoic6cbne(iebappeneB.3inatfte Ie* uttetftetocmangftuCbanoetftattoasflapne/ anftoerea anb faibe:3i came into abaaft g is in jSentamm toi'tft mp c oneubp n e to lobge all np gut. 36nft tfte cpte?ens of abaaft rote agapname/anafettfteftoufetounae about bpon me bp npgftt / ana tftougftt to ftaue flapnc me : anb caugftt m p concubpne anb fojtob fter/tfta t ftie apea . 3linB 3 tobe mp cons

cubpne ana cutt bet in peces and fent bee tbojououtalltftelanaesof tfte enfterptatice of |ftael.f 0; tftepbaue cSmittea ab&amp;omfna* ep on anb foil? in gftaelL OSeft oiD e p e are all cb?R&gt;?enof gxtaeii. &gt;etbetfo?eanB geue 1 urc a&amp;up f i in tft e cafe. Cften aUtfte people arofe/ajS it ftab ben tinemanCapmg:t&amp;ereaUnotamanofbS go to ftis tent/ne tft ec turn em toftpjsftoure. ananototbiSiSitt&amp;attoetoilbo^al'aaa JSan&amp;ea&amp;lottegagapn&amp;it. anbtoetoplltaite ten men of tfte fturtBjeb tfto;ou out all tfte ttpbess of 3fraell/9anbunb;eD of tbe tftou* fanbe / anb a tboufanae out of tut ten fljou* Canac/tofettbitaplefiwtbe people to mabe tftat tfte? mape go agapnft abaaft enia* min/accoftmg toali tfte foipe / 1 tflep ftaue tojougfttt'nfftaeflJnbfoantftemenoflfr* aew geat&amp;ereo to gestft et/ bnto atiaabv

bnptte togeatftct as ttftafi ben bttt one man. 3na tfte tipbegof jfraett fent men tfto;ou all tfte tr? tie oQSeni amin faping-.tobat bjtcs fieQnetfe i&amp; tft tjs tftat is ftappenec amogc ?cu cto tbetfo?e beifuet bg tfte me/tbofe to;c fieb to?etcbesi of abaaft tftat tee ma? e ties tft em /anb put ateare eueil from 5 fraeii. j^euertftelatertfte cftpio?enof eniarmtt tooioe notberften bnto tftebo?ce of tftetr b;es tft j e n tft e eft tiojen of Ifraell : but geatftereb tftemfeluestogeatberoutoftftectttegbnto &lt;^abaab/to&gt;comeoutinbatafleagafnatbe ctyfflWR of Jfraell. anbtbecft?lo?en offfie niamin toete nomb?eo at tftat tf me/outof f cities, wbi.tboufan&amp;eme tftatB?eto ftoerocgt benbe tfte enbabiter* f &lt;b abaab tefticft toe te n3b;eb&amp;uenbunD;eiicbofenme.ainbam5ge al tft ere fol&amp;e toete feue ftuntyeb lefte ftanaeo men/tofticfteuerponecouitie Syngftonesat anftear b;eabetb/9 not tmjaeJno tfte cft!iD?cC of IftarU befp6etftecb5lb?tnof ffieniamin/ toerenomb^eo foureftuna?ei)tboutenbmeti tftat 5?e to f toe toes /anb all men of to arte . ainatbecbplb^enof 5rtraeatofe &amp;toent bp to*#etbci/anD afbeb of oa/ totio Itiulbe * t begpmetbe batten agafnft tftecbVib?tnof t, ' e, ' ! " ; ' ,

38enf amin/ano tfte TU&gt;?oe fasbe^uba albe gynne. 3Cnbtbec&amp;j?lo?enof jftaeiiaosebn erlpe am befegeb abaaft.3nbtfte me of %u raeiltocntouttabattenaga?nftmamm/ , ana put tftem f eluep in araje agaf ntt thtmf to fpgftt agap nft abaab. Snatfte cbfia;en of iSentamm came oute of abaab ana ae* ttropea in jfraell ttjat aare.irij. tftoufanae men/ana b;ougftttftem totbeern). ana tfte foise of tfte cbfla?en of Jfraea plucbeabp tfteir bette$/anb toentto agapie ^maaebatteilintbefameplace toftere tfte? brar&amp;efflttaape: but tftevtoetfKttbpana toeptbefo;e tbe &amp;o;acbnto euen/ana afbea oftfteHojae faring : (ball toe go agape to battel agagntt tfte dfttbti of JSeniamin oure b;etft;en.3Cna tftejlojae faf aeo bp bnto tfte to anbto&amp;entbecbliHwcnof gifraeiltoerecomc to tbe cbpiajen of J8eniamin feconae aa? e/ tfte cftpib?en of^eniamin toent agapntt tfte out ofabaab/tbe reconbeaaw/^oettropeb to tfte ertb of tfte c&amp;piajen of SfraeH once agame.ttMoufanaemmga?etoftoetbeff euerpemanoftftem. cften taecb?lB;enof 5pftaenanaan tfte people toent bp anb cam bnto jeet&amp;eU/ anb toepteanafattftetebefoze $%oftt/9 faftea tftefamebarebnto euen/ana offerea bum offerpttges ana peaceofferpngeg before tfte 7Lo;ae . 3Cna tftep afftea tbe x,o?ae:fo; tftere *ws&lt;* toajstbeatcfie of tbeapoyntmentof oa/in^tbmja r&amp;ofeaa?ejs.Emb*p6me&amp;e$ ? fonnebf lea" c f h Q ?ar/tbe fonne of 3aron toaftpng bpon it at ffiff tftat tFmeiano tftcffarae fbao toe go out anp $um^ mm


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moare to batten agarnft %t tifflbm of m * tiiwam oto?e 'twtttfbm all toe ceafef 3na ^o?MCa?3ego;fo/to mo?otoeg| ptUMU cr tfytmmto vomt tywtot$$m 3!ftacl f tit ;amft&lt;abaal) rouoe abo^^ ftmtl toet agar nft v cljilDze of JBeniamtn $ t$m tpme/s put t&amp;e tflnttt irtarareagarnft (abaa^/ag ttopfe bcfo;e. C(jm came t&amp;e c^iUj?e of emamm agamft f people/tplt t&amp;e? toere a?atoe a great toaj?e Rom t^e cftie . aino Hjep begattne to fmpte of tlje people Deeb(a0 ttopffe befcye/b? too^re toap^of to^cOonegotfte bp to 3Se^eli 9 f ot^er to abaa^ tfjo?oto tyt ftibe ) bpona t&amp;Kepemett of?:ftatil . jfo?t^ec&amp;rlo?en of ^etriamiit^ougbtg t^e o^ecbabbenbeatg fcefojetfjem/a^ att^e fv?fttpnic. 2Buttbe c^l&amp;^ett of gfvaeil fapoe/letbg flee 9 Plucfee t^e atoape fro tbe fl?te/bnto tbe bpe toa?e?J. anbtben aH tbe men of %fmlxo(tbp out cf tbeir ftanmng/s put tbem feluesJ m arape attSaal cbamav.ana irfietosfe tbe lasers in lua?te of aftaell came fo?tb out of tbetr pte* m/zum out of tbe meootoeg of abaab / 9 came before abaab :ten tboufanue cbofen men out of augirael/stbere tea3 fo?e battel J8ttt t otbettotftnotg eu?lltoa0 Co nye tbe, anb tbe ,'io;De plageb ffiemamm before 31c* rael/fo tbattbe cbtlD?en of gjftael! beftcopeo in jDenfamm tbe famebape j^tboufanbe 9 abunb?ebmp/g tyuettoeraesseuerge one of 9 ti)z&lt; M ftmca tbe cbtlD?e of JB etriamm / tbat tbe otbetb^sbeuput to tbe tooo?tfe,ijfo? tbe men of Jftael gaue some tojeem'amfn/be* caufetbe? trufteu bnto ti&amp;law&amp;tti toapte totyfy tbevpaDiagbeagapnttdSabaab *3nb t\)t lapevg m toayte bafteDano ranne bpon &lt;sabaab / ana toent 9 Cmote al e&amp;e citie toftb ^eebge of tbe Ctoerbe, anbtbeapomtment oftbemeoffftaslltoitbtbelarewitntoapte torunnetoponjeemamm tosfttbe Ctoetbe/ tea? toben tbep Djuiae ma&amp;etbe Cmofte tfft bp out off etee.ainbtbemenofgfftaeiaeeb in tb e'tmtteiLSnb 55enramm began to fmpte beea of tyt cbrtb?e of ffrael/aboute a tbfttpe patfonne3 /fo? tbepfuppofebtbattbeotber baD bene put to tbe tooo^OTe before idem / a9

in tbe fp?a batten, &lt;&amp;t)tn began to arpfe out of tbe cttte/a pillec of fmoue J6n&amp; tbe)8en&lt;a* mftejslofeeb bacfie:annbeboiaetbetoafting of tbe bole tf tie began to afcenaebp tobeue mtymttyt men of ^ftaeli tutneb sgapne/ t^e men of eniamtn toere abaflbeb:fo? tb ep fato^ euelapp?oebebtfj5. 3nb^epturneD before tbe men of %ttatU bnto tbe toape tbat leaaetbtotbctoilberneffe/? otberfolotopng ^fl)eattbebatbebeie0^nbbrtpbetbattbe?of -ecfttebettropeBtbeint^emp&amp;Weoftftem, t&amp; tbep copaf tb ftmimin about /s cbafeb tjewtpS@enuab/?ouerfannet$embefo?e


,i -y*

abaaft on tfte eaa.f?ae-4tftere toere Oa?ne of jBeniamin.itbiij.tftoufanbe / 9 all men of m?gftt.3Cnti tftep turnea % fleea to tfte toiiaer* , fcrt . . ntimtf nese toarbe * bnto tfte tocfie * of pounegar* t * ni * mm nettcis.2naf otftet0uebrtftetoapeoffre8 of tftf/fpuetftoufanae m?/$ fticfiebbntotftg bntill tfte? cam to abaam/9 flue ttoo tftoui fanbe moo of tfte. ^&gt;o tftat all $ toere flarne tbatfamebapeofjeeniamtntoere.rrb.tftou* fanaemenga?ue ftoeraesi/sailmf of nmhmtii w ttv turnea anafleea tof Httmmm topiaernefte / bnto tfte JSocfie of pomgar-^'" 8 eft "p" netted anbatioaetftere.iii;.monetbeg . $fo t *W*W* tftentftemen of Ifrael turnea bacfte agawte bnto tfte cftpia?enof eniamin/anb fmote tftem tottft tfte ebge of tfte ttocrbe in tfte cities botfte man ana beaft ana all tftat came to banae / ana mozeouer rett all tfte cytvep tftep couloe come bp/one (fit, C Wit ttybtof weniamin ticing tof teclp beftropea to; tljt irfojmcacton toittj (Ijc Ht iijtts tojfc ; (3 vc* fte.rtt'.ftaptei;. : jSaf men of Jfraelftoare in #a?*3B pftaftfavmg-.tftereiballnone ofbss geuebis baugftter bnto ant of 35 e* ^ntamtntototfe. 3natftepeoplec to 35etftell 9 aboae tftere till euf /before ob 9 lifte bp tfteir boyceiet 9 toept fo?e 9 fatbe:S&gt; 3to?ae oa of Sfraell/toftp 10 tbi'3 cftauncea

tnlfraeH/tftattfterelbulbebeefttg! oage one tribe lacfitng in ^frael^ainb on tfte mo;oto peple rofe bp b e tpme 9 mabe tftere an altare 9 offerea burntofferf ngegt 9 peaceoffermgesJ 36nb tfte cftplb?en of Ifraell af neb/ tofto are tfte? amonge all tfte trpbes of 5?frael $ came not toicft tfte congregacpo bnto # a-o;bef fo? tfte? ftab mabe a great otfte concerniiig tfte i camenotbpto f)Lo?beto fla?pftaft raping gtftepQjulbefuerlveaFe.3Dnbcfttlb;eofg'f* raell ftab pftie on 35emamin tfteir b?etft;eh/ anb favbe:tfter e is one tribe cut of f ro Jffraell this oa?e:toftat (ball toe Bo bnto tfte renaunt of t&amp;e/foj togetttfte tovues/fo? as mocft e a? 35 toeftaueftoozne tip tfte t&gt;ow i toetotll not geue tfte of oure baugftters to topueis. arft eu tftep fapbe/toftat are tftcp of tribes of ?fraei I camenotbpto fla?pftaft to TLowMb beftoraetfter camenoneof f enftabttoures of gabes alaaa bntof cSgregacio 3Bnb tofte people toerebetoeb-.beftoiae tftere toete none of I enftabiters of aabesf alaaa tftere.f nb $ congregacpon fenttftetber.rif.tftouianbe men of ftrongett of tfte/9 comaunbea tftem faping-.go9fmpteenftabitersof5 l abe0a= laabttf cage of pftoetae botft toeme? cftilb?e *3lnb tftts i$ ve roalboAtterlieaeftrope alf *mc maleS9alftoemefbauelietivme.3tnbtftet' fmmaeamSg fenftabtters of'|abesaiaaa foureftttb?eaBamofeesbirgin^ftabBnotoc no man


tlimltt i 3&amp;utij b;ousftt*embnto^Uoato^Uo^tol)W) QI4j UUlU Cl iiVUlll . ftf mtfje lanDe of Canaan. * ' aw^e^o^congregaaonfentanafpafte icmdgoctop(!)5fetbpfrandc^ift?cn tnto retncncty a gapc in to fcec coiscr wt txiitl) ^' c iftutfj


4 _

toifo foe foilojen of em'amm pattern trt tbE&amp;ocfte of pomgarnettes/ana calleopea* ceablpebntofoe/3#cniamtn camcagapne at foat tpme/ana foep gaue foemfoe toemert tobifo foepbaa fauea a ipoe of foe toemen of giabe$ alaaa, tfuttbepfofuftpreafoem , ^ t not.anafoepeoplebaacompaapononjec* ffil5' B niamfo/becaufe g d3oabaa*maee agappe ffiRSi? mtbctrpbegsofsrweu. anatbenfoceioer* 3 effoecongregacponfapoettobat foalltoeao tofoeremnauntof foem/toget focmtotue* feingaiftouiejs ofEeniatmnateaeftropea:? anafof pf ipsefoercmuB beanenberitaflce fojfoem foatbeefcapeo of JSeniamm foat a trpbe be not aearopea out of 3!ftaelt :boto be ft toemaie not geue foem topuejt of wire ^Srtffinafceatt8WuracwfttapmB:irte*et Sffil geuefoatoi?Setotfemamm. cMtftommu* D f rheTLOtfje Wipe in &amp;ild} tobtfo *S onfoC SSSShS *53l8B oftfefoel/fronfoeeattfpaeoffoe anafoutb f torn Xibanon . ana foep com* rmutnaeafoecbpia?en of tfeuiamm fepfog: aoanaipewtoaptetntbebpneparses.anb tefie 8 c fe foat foe Daughters of &gt;iiob ccme cuttoaauncem a rotoe/foen come peout of the twneu attes/anb catcfte pou euerpcma a topfeof foe Daughter* of &amp;m/9 tftttm bnto foe lanae of ^entamf n . ana pf foeft fathers o? tytfyw come bnto bS to com* MOTne/toetopllfape bntofotnvbauepprie

onfoem / becaufe tee referuca not to efoe manbfe topfe in tpme of toarte /ana foerto becaufefoatpegaue tbf nonein cue tpme/ ve to ere to blame. ana foe cbtfWen of tfem'amin opa men f? : ana tofiefoem topues acco?apng to foe tiombje of foem of foeaauncers tobfcb foep caught, anafoenfoeptoentana Ketone* bfflofoeftcnbctftaunce / sbplttbere cptpes anaatoeltinfoem. _l^^ anafoeebpia?enof gftartoepartebfoence atfoattpmestoenteuerpmantob^ttpbe/ anatobisbFirea/ana teem out ftomtbece euerp man to bP* eifoeritaunce . ill toofe Daw0ftmtoa0nob?nginaftaelUbuteue* rpemanatatobatfcmeab?m^Sbc rbeenbeotbebobe of3ubge$.

CCfte.fKtt.Cbaptei!. }&amp; tl)t tpme jt)ea tije 'juHges uiagea/tbctefeitea* aattb m tbe ianae.tbetf oje a cetten man of 2&amp;e$lel}e g;ui33 toent f o? to fotoutne in tl)t to* I ttereef03oabto!tbbifS topfe anottoo fonne^.bc name of tbe man tea? CB'mflw/anabfi*topfe jQoemi/anatbe na* me^ of t)t0 ttoo fonne? toete / flgabalon ana Cbfliort 9tbe?toetePb?aitf0/outofJBetbleb^uaaJnatebrntbCFcamemto f lance of$'oab/tbe|&gt;conti&gt;mteotf)eK. ana l?milec jijioemieg bufbana a?ea / ana foe re* mapneo toftb bee emo Comtek tebtcb tone fyl toguejs of tbe naciow of tbe flpoabfteg :tbe one? name ;p9ab ana tbe ou)ei0 Bun) . anateben tbep baaatoeliea rbece aboute a ten sere/ (abalonfrCbrtionaBeaalCo eucn

botb ttoo ohbem/Co tbat tbe to?f e teas lefte befolate of bet ttoo ronness of becbufbanae tberto.cben foe ttoae top toitbbet aaugbtew " in latee ana tetutnea ftom tbe conttev of foe baobeatoe (a?e / be?ng in tbe cofitreieof g^oab'.bototbatfoeiUuaebaa bvtv tec bss people ana geuen tbem f doe, n&amp;hetfo?e foebepartea out of $ place tobere foe tea? ? bet ttoo caugbtetstoitft bee. and ag!f}e?toeb?foetoai&gt;eteturni?ng bnto ^ lanoe of g : uoa/$oenu fafce bntober ttoo baugbteos m latoe:go 9 tetutne ecb e of pou bnto poute m otb erg boufe: tbe toaeaealc a^bpnairetoftb^ou / an pebauearaft tofflj tbeaeea 9 toio)me.anatbe^o?aegeue?ou tbatfou mage ffnbe aft efoet of$ou&lt;in tbe boufe of bcr-buf banae-.ana fo foe bffieb tbe. Cbentbe? crpeaanatoepte 9 fewe wto bet toe to pftgo tottb tbe bnto tb? f owe/But ^oemifatae / tumeagame mv aaugbtet^: fo^tobatcaufe tooiae?ougoU mef tbpnfee vou tbattbet beanp mo ate cbpia?en inmp botoeileu/to be ? oure bufbanocs! i curne aga?nemp migbtm 9 gorfo^gi am to cite tobaueanftufbaffl&gt;.gfe3!fay&amp;efbaue&amp;ope/ tf airotfato&amp;eamStBtenfgbfcpeanatbcttgb * ^baaaii reaa?e bo?nefonneg i tooia? ?eta&lt; weaftectbf/tPHtbeptoeteofagef o? toettc xt fo? tbem fo long tefrape from tabfr g of bufbanae^ ot fo mpbaugbtet0:fo? ft gre* uetb me mocfiefo? goitre fabe^/f foebanbe offteilo?betssonecutagapittme. Clertoftt) tbef entb anb toepteagawe bote be


Soto beft i?pbab fitfleabermot^errn latoe utJStttbaboaoeCrHbp^et/tben foefapae: fe/fop fptterf lato tit gone bacfie agatne bnto ber people 9 bnto bet so j returne tbsu af= terfjetJBut IButb fapae : enfteatemenotto leaue f&amp;e/ana to returne from after tbe / fo? tobetbercbou goeft/l totllgo/a toberetbou dtoellea /tbere? totit &amp;toelie:tb? people art mppecpie/anatb?&lt;i5oDfi8mpoa. ttdbere tbou Diea/ j; toiuapeyanbfoere totlbe burieb

ul6aojiieM a cbe Jlo#eaofoanafo tome / ercepttt)at .t&amp;Mt* aeafoonlpeaepavtetbeanameafona?e. nam &amp; usbenfoefatotbatfoetooiaeneaBesJgott ber/foe lefte r^ea!i?ngbntober. ana fo tbe?


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3*n -

ma?aen3,&lt;Ebpue epeis ate on a femes foafoe

repe&amp;jgp afterfmapoeg foctfo?c M% baue cbargeafoe^oung men / tbat tbe? toucbe i not. ^ojeouettobmtbouattat&amp;jttt/gQ bnto tbebe0el0 anaanjnc&amp;e of tbat to&amp;feb f Iaaaeslbauea?atoe^enfoefe^onberface* &lt;i "^ , ^ 9*botoeabecfeife to^gtounae? fapaebnto bfm^otoftJftfgi bauefounaegracemtbme epeg/to bnotoe me/feing a am an afpaunt 1 &lt;t anajeooisnftoereo 9fapfirimto bet:a!J 13 tottemeg tbou baft aone bnto tb? mother tn latoe fence foeau) of tbine bufbanoe/fjoto tbou baS lefte fop fatber$ tbpmotbet/^ tbe iiae tohere foou watt bow/9 art come bnto a nacfo tyt0 tbou bnetoes not in tpme par* feb. $e X-o^ie qufte tbP too?cfie/ana a full retoar&amp;ebe gene $ of &amp;o#e 00a of gftaei bnto tobom tbou art come/to tend t not t his tomge^.cbe foe fapae bnto bim/iet me ft nae fauourein tbpftgbtemr)lo?aefo?tboubaft xSfoftebme^ball fpobenbartelte bnto fop mapae / tobrcb pet canotbelpbebnto oneof fopmapae8t.am33oo? tobeftpme ofrefeccts toas come/faiaebntober.comebftber 9 eate fb?eea/ ^bfppetbpfoppein foe binagre. anofoefataounebptbetepens/abe raugbt bec*parcbeacome.anbfofoe:afaeate$tea^7of^(4 ! fumfea 9 lefte parte^no tobe foe toass rpfen bp to gacber/oo5 fatae to poag me faing Jet ber gather $ rare* iremapne&amp;aoberno uefptte. ana foerto pull out of foeuejs fo? ber ?iet ittwt foe mape gather ft bp/ w* bubeber not.anbfo foegeatbeveabntfQeue .v .-,-,*-';.---" w 9tbentb^tfoeagfoebaagafoerea/5fttoas?. to o^melec/namea 35oo?.ana bp5 an Pba of barlepe.ana foe toae ftbn 3 mut^t3oabit(refapaebntoj9o s toettofoecttie/ftetoeabermotbermlatoe tobatfoebaagatberea. anafoertofoepbtc beaeutagauetoberg foebaareferueatobe foebaaeatfimougb.benfapaebermofoer in latoe bnto ber / tobere gafoereaft foouto bape i ana tobere to?ougbteff fo ouf bleffeb btt)t $ finetoe $.ana foe foeroea bet mother in latoe to tobo foe Baa to?ougbt 3 fapbe:foe matmefSnamett tobB 2to;ougbtto aapeijs 58oo5.cbenfapae jQoemibnto betaaugbte* miato:bleffo be be fo? heceaOefo not to 00 # fame gooaieffetof aeeaylbf Wa to p rpumg ana0oeniifat&amp;e*ntobtt:?mftf0npebnta

W/euf ofourcnertbpnne.anautbifl0o4 abitefaiae.bebaameab'o/^fouiacbtinetoi % W Poungmen/bntiH foepbibenaea an# beruetthebafo.cbefaiaej9oemfbntoiautl&gt; ber eaugfiteeftiteto/ftijsbeft mpaaugbter g tbougooutbjptbhiumapaetns/anatbatno manmeretbefnattpofoerfelae. anafofoe fiept ber bp foe mapaensJ of jSoof / to gafoee bnto f enae of banep barueS ana of tobete , ^-^- v 22S-7T3 fcroeftaifm*atorttbjftb&amp;e*mottefate^ tbeimefoergffygs-bewe^utabpoebimB ^e^,cbaptej,

f-oiisaiiic &amp;f toent bofoe ^ogsafoer bntplltbep came to f-wiH'* ffficfolebem. an&amp; tobentbeptocrecoraeto fc!ffi^cfolebem/&lt;ttoaj8tiopttbi^8toaU t cine ltStffcbcanafoetoem^tegae:i0notfoijSi8oemf^ . ;fiS5srt ut foe fapae bnto tbem/calle menot* i^o p^tisca[!cDe ni ,. ca ii me *0ija?a/fo?foeallmjgbtpebaa) J 5SS; wa ae mebetpg MttnS toent out full : but f 1-X JLo;oebatbb?ct?gI)tmebomeemptft, U9bp .ittist 15 w* fouiae pe tbe; calle me |Qoemt:fefng$ a,9?o e *** bafobubIean^/almigbttebacbeb?ougbt me bnto aotwrfpie f Wm foe tpme toben j5oemitopfomsEljfoe fl^oabtteffeberaau* gbterin latoe r^tKi'neaoutof foecountrepe of spoa b ana siim i to etblebem/toais in $ begpnnpng of batlep batuefte. GBlltt) Uaff CI) I'll J i l;' t!S tyC ftIOC0 Of 000} f fMttcth faowiabrifVBl&gt;f* C!&gt;e rgeonbeCbapter. 3B *35C^$a#iiaif baaabpnfmSof&amp;ttbuf* " itDe^/amanofmpgbt/oftije 8pn

mi/let megoitc | feiaeanaieafe ageafoer care0/aftefte!)&amp;Tomet3(fpnaegtacembPJS fpgbt.anafoefayoeimtaber :go mp oaugb* ter . ana foe toent ana came ana geafoe* rea after foe tymuta men /an&amp;her cbaunce toasstbat parte of foe feiae pertapnea bnto goo* tobtfo toasi of foe bpnrea of (Eltmelec. anabeboiae/oo? came from ffiefole&amp;em 3 fapae bnto the baruett men /foe l&lt;o?ae be topfopou.anafoepanftoereabim/foe7lo;ac WeOetbe.cbeniapae oo?bnto tbepoung

man that baa foeouerfpgbt of foe berueft men. hofeaamofeUfst foi;$ i ana # poung _man that toa^ feet to ouer fe foe berueft raen anftoerea mh is foe s oabftifo bamofellfoat caraetopfo j9oemf out of foe countrep &amp;m&amp;ffi 1 ana foe fapae /let me 3SP?a?e ^/icsrseieafoer after foebenteft men/foe mtmtyuutmam .3fo foe came anabafo ccmmitm euen from foe mojnpng bnto note / am mp&amp; not Jong in the boufiri benfapbf.:ft3a;bntomifo-^eMfoou

T* * "



temjBoemiBermcifterinlatorapa bnto beronpaaugbter 3 topn fefie reaftfo?fte/ftatftoumapft be in [better cafe. 3fo?notoftpf825oo? cute ftpntman topft tobofe mapaenis ftou toaft/toenotoeft Biiafiatiepeto npgbt mfte ft 2 etHJVns flout e : tea She ft p f elf e ft ettfo?e 9 anopntfte9 putftptapmentbpon fte/ana gettftetoftetaffttnsflourf.25uHetnot man betoate of ft e / tmtpll lie Baue leaf t ea* tpng anoa?pnc&amp;png . anb toben be gofte to aepe / marcne fte place tobere be lapift bpm aotone/9 ft cm go ana ipfte bp cloft eg ft at ate on &amp;fe fete / ana lape ft e Borate ana to all befell fte tobatftou ftaltao.ana (be anttoeMfteriallftatftoubpa&amp;iftmegtopH 25&amp;0, anafo fte toentbntofteaoure/anaapa acco?apnge to all be r moft er in latoe base Ber. 3BnDtoben55oo?bab eaten anaa?oncBc" anamabebpramerpe/Betoent9 lape aoune . bp fte fpue of ft l fteape.ana fte came f oftlpe anaipftebpftecloftessof m fcte/9 lapae Berooune. anoatmponpefttftemantoass afrapaeanagropea. anabfBoloe:a tocman lapeatBfefete.cbenBerapoetobatartftou anBfteanftoereD/3!am iKuft ftpne bana* mapBe/fp?eDeftpmantetl ouee ftpne Bana*

mat be/ft; ft on art fte new of fte ftpnne. ana ft en be fapae bieffea be ft ou in ft e 3io?&amp; tnp aaugbtee / fo? ftou Baft ftctoea mo?e gooanetre in fte later ente/ft en at fte fiegm* npng /in ag mofte as ftou folotoeaeft not ?0figeme/tobefterfteptoerepoo?e o?rpcBe. C ana n oto mp oaugb ter fear e not/5 toili do to fteallftatftourequereft/fo?all $ gate* of mp people ftnotoeftat ftou art atoomanof fcertue. ana it fes tine ftat 31 am of tBpnert fiwme:botobeit / ftete t$ onenper ftengi . earpallnigBt.anatoBenmo?npnge it com vf be toiilmarpefte ft 8 goob/fo let Bpm bo. -r-i-'i- ?But anapf Be toftl not Bane fte / * a$ fure a* SSLflffi ftejlo?ae Kueft? tofflbaue /lpe ftffl bnttil Sde ? mo?npng.ana fo fte lape atBWf etc bntpil fttjtanngamegftemompng. Inafteatorebp 6efo?e one ^c@ci)?ut9^ocou]aRnotoeanofter.anabefafte , Jetnoms 5&amp; a &amp; betoate/ftat fterwameanp tooma" fntotBe cS i.p t&amp;7*tell f ftoubatfbpSibe Mvia fte 3601116-- tuat BeiBeitbp.anBBcmettemfmmeaiureis of fe E^f" tfatiepeanaiapeaft onBe.3na EiSSffi&lt;Mo ftecWets fte came into ber mofter m 9 ' m fetoetoBifti&amp;foe:toBattiapn^mpDattp&gt; tee? ana fte toloe bet all ftat fte man baa BonefoBer.anafepaefterto/ftefeff):emea* rurejsefBarlpegauebemeanbtapae-.tBou ftaitnot go emptfe bnto ftp mofter inlatoe. ' ben tapae ftemrpaaugBtet fpt ftiU /brttptl ftou Bnotti e bote fte matter torn ft aunce. ffo?$ man tofflnot be in reaftbntfHBe baue fpnpifteaftematterfts?ifameDare,


CWoo, f afet tb Ku tb f o ttrfMT tebom be iieatttetft BeJin.cbapter. i^en toent oo? bnto fte gate a 35

fattbunbounefteretanabftoiae/a. r| t(Rll fte firntmS of tob^'b ^oc? fpafic (be cm piE , I eamb^ntotobomberaraecome^cf(if, t anar?tte ominebere/anacaHeDbimb^bKi \fSt name.anabeturneain afateaoune . pmvtojml Be toSe ten me of eB&gt;tr$s of citte 9 ratficf?t mmip fc 1 eaotonebere.anb ftepfataoune.^ben be f *N fejae bnto ft e fifn(mamj5oetmftat s come Q ( ;^ aga?neoutoff c8tre?eofflI?oab/toUlfeilecnafoc m ^ aparcellbf lanae tob?cb toasJoure b?oftCTiwV( : fiEltmelec0 . anagi ft ougbt to ao fte to tcete 9gm anabiaaefte bpeftbefo?efte ttilimmmsm anb eioetgt of mp people/pf ftoubeavfpofea, w .g, fi ^ tocalengeft:buta?fftoutoiltnotputcbafe tt/ftenteilme i lmapetoetett.!ffo?fterci? noneto calege it faue ft ou /anal, nejete fte. anbfteofteranftoeteagtopUpuwbafeit. W ^rben fapae 005 / robataap e ftou bpeft ftefeiaeof f banaofiSocmi/ftoumuft ta&amp;e alfoKuftfte fl^oabitefte rctfe of t aeeb/ to Here bp ft e name of fte aeea bpon w en&lt; Beritaunce.cbenfevBefte fipnfman/S can* notpurftafe it fo? marrpng of mp otcne en Beritaunce;tafieftou mp rpgbtto fte /fo? 3 cannotputftafett.oto ftisx toag ^ maner : of oiae tpme in ^fraeuconcempng purftetf 9 ftaungpng/fo; to Oabipfte ailftpng; t a manmuftplucBe of m ftotoe ageueitbp? nepgbboute/ 9 ft te to ais a toitn e ff e inSfta el. ana fte fcpnfman fapae to 35oo? / bpe it c ftou:anacob?ueofbP0ftotoe. cben fapae 5800? bnto fte efoersJ ana bnto an fte people je are roitneffejs ft aape/ f % baue bougbt allftatvr^cumeiecis/aallftat toass c&amp;t* Itonis ana flabelon0/of tbe Bana of iQoenu. anamo?eoueruftfte fl^oabite ftetopfc of S@ab elon / ao3 tafse bnto me to ropfe to ttm bp fte name of fte aeea bpon bfc enbe* tftaunce/ftatbis name be not put out from amonge W b?eft?en / ana from ft e gate of W c?tpe:pe are toitn tm ftp^aape. anaall fte people ftat toete in ftegate/ 9 fte eiaet? fapaetoearetottneOe$: ILbjac raafiefte toomang in come into ftine Boufe IPBe ffiaftel 9 liea/toBpft ttoapne apa bploe fteBoufe of 3!fraell:ftat ft e map* ao bertu** m

ouflpm pB?aftab / 9 Be famoute f n 38eft grwrtj lebera/9ftatftpne Boufefttp|c fteboufeg^K ofp&gt;are?/to&amp;omaBamat6arej)nto mmr' m euen of fte feea tobpft fte Ho?ae ftall gusfteofftpupoungtooman. ^ anafo 5Boo? tofie Euft/ana fte toassBpss tpfe.anabetoettnfantobet/ana fte^o?&amp;e tatueftatfteconceauebanabareafonne . ana fte toemenfapae bnto $oenrt -.Bieffea Be fte 'UW fte tobpft bafte not left ftetopft out


atiuMDbB out an bep?e ft iss Dape* f ftall Baue a name it mm ftaii in gjfraell/ 9 ftat ftall b jpng ftp life agapne warn wi'&amp;to fterpft e ftine ofte agef o? ftpaaugbter i:,tl ' ft lata tobt cl) ! ou e ft ft e baft bo?ne Bun ftat better to tbe ft en f eue f orateg.ana i9oenrt tone fteftpioe anb lapea it ft Ber lappe/ana Became notirfe bnto it . ana ber nepbourss gaue it a name fapng:ft ere it a ftilbe bo?ne toi9oemf /ant) calleb it fi&gt;bea-.bc tt fte faft er of jlat/ft e f aft er of ^auia. cbpg ig ft e ge* neracpon of Pbare?/ J&amp;bare? begat i&amp;e?ron: )e?ron BegatlSam-IEam begat aminaaab iminaaab begat j^abafon / jlabafon begat j&amp;almon.' ^aimo begatKoo?/33oo? begat jfiDbeD/flDBea begat UCai/jfat begat j^auta.


v -

CCbusentiefttDe&amp;oBe \ of muft. Samuel calico t|jefp?rtl)06e offteapngegt, CI&amp;9 nab batfi iu cg^aniial) j }dbcn!nab.ld be*

rtinf.ft npftjajbetb eSiiab btcaiifc fte (b cbiieitucJW' nab aftcr{i;aptc mace tooM)?iriflcf b fo;tbSamnel CCbe.fp?a.CBapter, l^ettnjasamattofffia* matbaim^opbim/ of mount ifipbjaim namebdElBanab / lenne of JtrobS/ fte fonne of cBlftu; fonne of o&amp;otyi/tbe fonne of5upb an pB?aftif e; tobpft baattootoiue0/ onecallea^annaB 9t oft et p&amp;enenab.ana Pbenf nab Baa fttl* tie/but ^annab Baanone.ana ffaptie man toent out of B&amp; citie euerpe feflftiliaape / to * jape 9 to offer bnto ftotf of Bottesr-toBere ftettoo fonneg of (li ( J^opbni 9 PBmfteg) toere | jto?aegp?eftej!.anaitfeHon aaape as cElfianab Baa onerea I be gaue to ^Benfs nab Bft toffe 9 to aiiBer f Onnejs 9 oaugBterjs *tf5afeP tl ^o3-J5utbntoiinaBBegauea*po?rtS melasma topft a beupe ftere/f o?Be louea Ber/neuer* fpuefteicde fte-nojoebaamaaeBerBarren. ana ,;S' aW fterto berentmpe PbenennaB beirebBer a goobincattrngber mftefteboto ^o?a baa , tnaoe ber barren . ana fo aft fte pereBppere ajSofteajsftetoetbptofteBoufeoff 5lo?a. anafo cBafeaberyxoberfo;e annab toepte w 9atenot.CbfnfapaeeifianaB BcrbufBanO ^ftbert^anttabtobptoepeft ftoufanaiuBp eateffftounotfatobp&amp;ftpneBertefotrou' Blebf am not I Better to ft e/ften tm fonneft? cben ^afmafl rofe bj&gt; after $ ftepbaa eatf 9b;oncBeftf^&gt;oB.ana &lt;suftep?eaffefate BpSaltbreBporteofKp&amp;epoffejs offteteple of lo?ae^.ana ftefeaetrouBieainBeripje* - U$/mWDMQv%oM 9 foeptt fo;e/9&amp;o&lt;



toea a Botee9faplie.i6?aeofBolle0/pf ftou totit lofieon f to^etcbeanece of ftine ban&amp;* "* mapte 9 ftalt remeb?e me 9 not fo?get ts^ine . baomapae/9ftaitgeuebntoftineBgamapae , amacbpibe t toiii geue btm bntof jfcojbe/an foapeg ofp life 9 ftete ftalnefterrafer 0? ft ereg come bpon Bte BeeD.anBaS fte contfc nueap?apingbefo?ejLo?a/(Elimatfieaberflli .^annabftcfpa6einBerBerte/9 B er lippcst apa But moue onlpt/ Bitt b er bopce teas notBearoe.anafterfo?e&lt;itto&amp;e Bet fo? B?ScBe9fapDbntoberyBotolb^;tepltftoube * ajocfif rputatoape frS f/topne t ft ou Baft. ^annabanftoerea9fapbeaiotfomp)Lo?!je/ 1 am a toom an fo;otofull in mpne b ctte/ana Baue a?oncfie nefter topne no? anp ftrong ^.i;,;, B?pncft/but3! baucpourea out mp imtmrnhm befo?e fte 'ilo?ae . Count not ftpne Bana^ 10/to Qewc a mapoetobelpfteaaaugbterofbnft?iftmes:bct bcs af, fo? out of fte abounaaunce of mpmeDitacto 2?5!!SB* anQgreafebaue^fpoftenbifterto. . &amp;X B , c ,f Clt anftoereb anb fapDe-.goinpeaceftep.aycccticeirc E5oa of ^iraell ftall graunt fte ftp peticpon * ftat ftou Baft affcea of bfm. ttBenftetopbew^pww*."? lett|pnebamapaefpnae grace in ftpft&amp;bt.LSS anatoftetoemantoentbcttoape/anaopayu.a 9 * ** eateanaioBeanomo?efofacae. anaftep wfe bp errpe ana botoea ftem feme? bef o?ef 3lo?ce/9ften returnea9toftto ftetr Boufe-^ to % amaft . ana clbanab lape bp bfe tcpfe w $amiaB/anafte]Lo?oerememB?; inp?ocefteof tpme fte conceaueaanbBarea fcune 9 callebBi? name* Samuel ; fcecaufe # cbae im si* ft ebab at 6ea Bim of fteft.o?ae Jna cftanaB m of ew anaallbP? Boufe toentbp tooffer bnto fte &gt;lo?ae/boftefteofferpnge!Sauefo?fte feaft ana alfo W b to eg: but l^annab to e t not bp

f 0? ftefapaebntober BuCbanbe:^ toill tarpe fantillfte iaaaebe toenea/9 fteni toill b?ing bim/i5bemapeapearebefo?e jlo;o 9 ftete abtae fo? eueranaift&amp;anab ber But bsafafte toBer:aotobatfenu'ftfbeft:tarpebnti)lftou laft toeneabpm / onlpe f Ho?ae maBe gooa )tg(apmg.anafo ftoomSabobe 9gauebee ronneuielie/tontiUftetoeneaBi.2Bnaftefte -&gt;' toBe Bimtt Bcv/toBen fte Baa toenea bim/tt ft n BullocBeg 9 anc-pBa of ftoure 9 a bottel of tome / 9 b?ougBtbimbnto f boufe of fte %om i^tilob Boto be rtg ftfla toass pet po&amp; ge.ana ftep0ueBullocBejs 9 b?ougbt in laaa tocU/9ften ftefepaetiDB mpto?b:ag trulp a? ftpfouie Ipueft 9 am ft c toomS iftobebp bere/p?apmgbntot)lo?a 9 fo?ftft laaae3!p?atea/9f jLo?aBaftgeuf mempaeftreto&amp;ift3! afftea of B9 tBerto?e3l alfolebeBr $KU)?a/agl5ga0Bemapbeiet j? jto?ae.anafoftepp?apeafterebntotjio?b* CCbc tons of Bannab.CbeoBcnct of tyttotmtB of eu.eittercbiiRco fo; tbe bnmffucacJc Meaunce tftyKfbftptea, CB? .



aimut j3uteiaDBeSamueimpniltreD before D $annab pjapco 9fapbe ;mpne ejtojbe giroeD about to&lt; a lp nen Cpboo. beetereiopreine juyoe/mpne flo?eouer bps mocr mabe bpm a iptie

6 o?n e tjs ft j e m e &amp; ojoe / and my coote/ano brought tt to bim fro f eatt to f eatt mou is topbe open ouer mine em token e oame bp tot bet ftwfbanne to oficr hempes/fo?3!reiopfemi&gt;Caupng, eft etc e offering of efapbcf eatt.anbieit Weffea tsnonefoboije as f 'jLo?oemo ere to none cibanab anbbps topfc/anbfap betfbe&amp;o jbe TauttfyouMfytt to ere an? ttreng If be geue tfte (eeoe of ts tooman / f o? tbat (be bntoourecBob. caisenottomoep2ouo* ban) lent f]Lo?De.anDep toent bnto eie lpe:let ciDemges Depart out of poure mou* atone toborae.anb f jLojoe bf Cites 9am w es/fo? tbe jlofle is a &lt;oD of ftnotoiebge/9 fo at * eonccaueo ana bare ?e tonnes 9




SSSSSSST Slubg^ ** ougbres. Cbe bootoes of tbe fffl ftrongareb?obe:anDetoeabeareenbueb toftbltregtb.ftbepattomfuH7bauebireD out efelueSfo?b?eeb/anb epattoere bongrpeceafe mocbe tbat tbe barcn batb bo?ne rem rv$ e atbaD mattf cbplDjeniStoayebfebie. % b t)t 3Lo;Debpueattbr:!afteaipue/ . tent is / He typnge bonne to bell ft fetcbe by agape wrrtrt&amp; anb^benu&gt;#emabepo?e/anDmafte rprtje EffiKU b?ingetbiotoe/ano bcue bp on bpe.^erep* SaSaSftftMt poojeoutof ebua/anb Ipfte

9H*m** bp tbe begger from ebongbflMo retttbem among p;mces/anb to enberettem tot feateofgIo^.&lt;fa?epillersofeeeare c)lo?Des/9bebafetterounDetoojIDe c.acfi0ft tfiat bpone.$etoffl8epe$ feteofbiS'fapntes to 6 Taiifa,B(tt S buttbe top&amp;fteD all bcpefplencem Daren* t be &amp;bwB neffe . &lt;fej t'n b t'S atone mpgbt (ban no man coHftonaMv beOronge. mvMH aDtierfawes all SS&amp;ftiF be mabe to feare bpm: ano out of beauen be banc Kfi6 j allunberbponem. cbe7Lo?beail P?5ptbce to iu&amp;ge tbe enbes of e tooflbe/anbftaUgpue tioBooDtoau mpgbtbntobi's fcpnge/anberalte ebome 582S2 * of bts anopnteD . anD &lt;8anab toent to a* 3 S &amp; matobPSboufc/anDciabDbpbmproare t&amp;rai .if am onto tbe7lo2oebefo?eEtftbep2eaae. m many otbet. tfut t^e formes of It toere * bn?pftpe *5!f ,! ? e plojen ana finetoc not e fuofot . #02 tfte BBSSS **** ep?ealrestopepeopieto8S/ aB motftc in tobenf oeuer an? man offereb an? offennges Wc au sh, ep?eaaesiaobeamc/tobpleefleetoas S^^S w fetbmg/anDafletbofietoftb tb?e tetbem o? ttptbrt, h IS ihanD/anbtb?uait into tbe panne/betle/ calb^en/o? potte JnbaH tbattbe fieftebobe b?ougbtbp^ep?eaaetoBeatoaK. Snufo tberbtbbntoaUlfraentbatcametbftbecto &gt;tIcb.yee:atbetobeeoje t|e? bao offeteb tbe fatte/tbep;eaffe0laoDcameanbfe?oeto tfteman tbat offewbee fie fowfte fo? f

ttoo oaugbterg,3But bope Samuel gtetoe otoellpng fftll tottb tbe jLo^e, &lt;2U toasibetfolbeanobetbe all tbat b#s ronne^btbbntoall 3reaeiy$bototbeVQepte )a)i&amp;i tbetoementbae*toa?teDUi tbebo;e Df*&amp;emnmtj tbe tabernacle of totfneffe/ $ faybe bnto t^i: (m "&lt; tobbofefocbetb?nges!f ^o?5i bearepoure* toK8eooeaoe0ofaUtberepeople.Db/nape mpfonne?:fo?itt'0 no good repo?tc tbat | beateboto tbatjemabe tbejlo?Dejs people to ttefpaffe. if one man Cpnne agamft anotbee *Dapremenma?emabeb^ peace: butff actt.fe| manfpnneagapnfttbe JLo?oe*tobo can be frumps bWDapreman^i9ottortbftanb?ng tfie? %tt&gt; f MB fienebnot bnto tbe bopce of tbetr fatbee /be* ,g' S

caufe tbe S-o?&amp;etooloettase tbe. be cbvmeittbm^ Samuel pjofiteD an&amp; gceto/anb toag in fa* to dp m nottre bott tottb (be)tose an&amp;alfo toftb me. * a K H %ttb tfyete cam a man of ob bnto cli ano Sf u fajocbntobttmtbuetaHbtbeJLo^De.gapea* 3 * teD bnto tbe boufc of tb? fatbee / tobeh tt)e toete m (gtpte m Pbatscs bouce. 3Cnb i ebofe tb? fatbee out of an tribes of gjftael tobemfpjeafte fo? tooffeebponmineaul* tate a to burne ntcenf e / 9 to toete an cpbob befo;eme3nbJgauebnto tbeboufe of tb? fatberantbeoffttngeg of tbe cbf Ib?en ofjf* raell,ibeefo;e6?cftetc aga?nft.m? facn* me anb agamff mpne off erpng tobtcb 31 eS maunbeintbe tabettiacle/anabono^euftB eb?lb?enaboueme/anbma6e foutefelueis fatt of tbe Brtt fnttejS of afitbeoffetfngejs 06 giftaellmf peopled tbeefo?e tbe^o?tie ob of ffrael fas tb: 1 fa^oe, tbatt bine boufe anb tbe boureof tbp fatbet . uloebaue toalbeb before me 1 0} euee.3euatotortei;febe fa? tb tbat be fane ftomme vfoj tbe wat too? ibf pe me9toflltoe?an'pe/9tbe? tbatbefpgre me/ fljaibeDefpffeb. ,) )8ebofte tbapess tool come ftatltoincufoftbHtearmeanbtbeatmeof^,,

pieaffe/fo? be totfinot baue foibenfiefte of tbj fatberssboufe/tbat tbete (ban n ot be an

&gt; tbe/buttatoeJnbffamjmaraibebntobRn lettbefattbeoffeteb acco?bpngto tbeba?e/ atbenta6ea0mocbea0tbtnebertebeftmb. cbe la 00 toolo anftoere btm/tbou ft alt geue ttme noto/ojewgjtomtabetttoftbbiolece, ainb tbe tt nnt of foungme toag berygteat before tbe"to?oe.^o? cbe?m'fptCeb tlje people anoattbtbe offering of tbe iojbe,

elbetmtbineboufe.3(inbtbouajalt fe wpnef&gt;s eraiemfem tbe tabernacle /mail tbat all slSur pleafe gfftael/anb ete ann ot be an elbw j*ffi fit tbpie bouft tobtle e toeflb ftan6etb.i5e* ^ m uettbeleffeatoUlnrtbelrn^eantbrmaleg*'",;^ from m? auleate/t bate tt)v ffgbt tot an 9 *

tomabernebeetmelte.3nbalIemultt ( t | c S&lt; tubeofrbcne9otireaHb|e^unse tw tte?,: ' Sfnb

p, w * w 3matbR8albeafpgnebntoe/t an 8S&amp;SS come bpon p ttoo fonneg / ^opbrn 1 9 P&amp;fc iTf?f'o 5 nebess :tuf in one bapeep all bpe bo of SSftS e.3Cnb5i tofn ttete me bp a faftbfuB*p;eaft BgSasHI an Do 30 it f in mpne bette in mp mpnfntSt oe.3in&amp; 3! toill bplDebim a uweboufe.aBnb be tf&amp;SS all toalbe before mpneanomteDfo? enee. j SS^ISrinbrteptbatateleftein^pneboufe / all ^'g^come^croucb tobimfo? alrtlepeceof fjl* STinaatM f uec 9 a cafie of b#bV ? all fape : put me 9 f#Msiti'&lt;ie p;apee m one offpee o? oee among e Ui&gt;af w^pjeaftejs/g 3] mape eateamo;reDof b;eo. 1***^* caftettbc JLojoc baDIcftctoappwebf openWfton ingiilohfo? a long aCon;bcpcallb Samuel tb;e (ymes/j flictocfi) 1; im toijat t^ulDt bt fall on Cd. flrcbe.t^.Cbaptee. fito cbilD Saaraucl mtm'ttteb bnto tfte )lo?b before d!li:aetoo?De of tbe Jlortie toasi pttttooft in ofe sat? e0 f o? ere toast hone ope befter anbttcbaufe&amp;atattpme/| &lt;U'laretnbfc place/^ biiS e^e? began to toajeebtmmet be iimb i m conlDenotfe.ainb perf*lSpeof obtoft out i^tbriinbe^amuetlapDebim&amp;ounetodepe/infteple imiKtsrncb of^ )to;D/toberee.arc6eofobto5^l!nD aSSS* ^ c **** caHEl5 Samuel : be fajDe/ bere S wlse amg:/anDberanbnto9fapDebercamg fonboucaileDeffme. anD befapsej calico enot:goagapneaQepe.Snbbe toent anD .JaKiebnnDoune tofiepe.3Pnb l-o?Decalleb ^onceagamc-.^amuel/anD^amuelarofea toent to Clt a fa?Ge : gi am bere/6ubpDDeft calle me.3nb be anftoereoig! caneb not mp

fonne.&lt;J5o agaFie 9 tabe p reff:but it toa $erS&gt;amuelf5netoeHo?be9?er too?De of e jLo^betoa?! openeb bnto bpm .anb e %QW toet to a caneb Samuel ? tpme, 3mo be arofe 9 toet to (lt a fa vbe:5l am bere/ fo? on baft calieDme. ^bentfKperceaueb i e)lo?DbaDcalleDejabD JnbfepDbnto bim/go 9 ire ootone:9 wbe call e agapne enfase/fpeabe onHo2be/fo;preruane beare. anb Samuel toft 9 lapeb bn Don* nethbis place. 3noe JU&gt;?De earn aQobe 9 caffebag before/Samuel S&gt;amueUnb fa* muel f aioe:fp eabe on/tot p f eruSt beare "je.anD X-o?oe fapbe to&gt;amueI : beb olD'e toiUboaingfn|frael/f eeare? of as manpe astbeare rt/aU tingle.^n $ mvt% torn pe cfomie to &lt;li/ail $% baue fpobe con* cernpngbP0boufe:3! tof ll begvnneit 9 enbe it. fori baue tomefon i^ topiiiutsgebfS boufe f 0? euer g o? e toicbebnefie tob?cbbe finotoe/boto W torn are bngractoufe/9 betoasnotto?otbertortb. anbtberfoje^ Cbaueftoo;nebntoeboufeof(SIf/eetoic fieimelfc of cites boufe/ftall not bepurgeb tt facet f t ce no? off ermg/rsbile e too jib Qa* be .anb &amp;.amuellaje tin e mozmjng 9 en openeb eDo?es of eboufe of fnozb,


J5ut Samuel feareb/to etoe cEli ebi* fion.cben &lt;SU calleD Samuel 9 fapbe: Sa* muel mp fonne. anb be anftoer eb bere f am. anbtecapbetobatis befapbebnto fifyt oubibe it not fro me.* cbe JlojDDoto ?f namm ' to /tt ou bibe anping from me/of all $ beraibebntb.anDSamueitolbebtmeuetp / tobit 9 btbbf t not fro bim. anb be anftoeteo: _ ft is$ Ho|b/letbtm bo tobat feme bim beft. *

anb Samuel gretoe/anD e)Lo;DetoaS. toi bim/anb left none ofbiS too?aesbnpar* fomteo. anDalllfraeifro&amp;anto&amp;erfabe Mil Samuel teas trulpmaDee]io?bes p;opbete. 3nbe}lo;DeapereDagapneiR Swob'- fo?fco?D openeb bpmfelfe to Sa* :. muel Slob/02oto e toojbe of JLo?b. CCbcbatteiliof the |&amp;htlittines. jftaelflgeth. Clje Slccbe of thcito?DciBtaUcn.SliE3cbplo;cnDjc/ano fcehtmCclfcalfo. Cbe.itn.Cbapter. ;i9D Samuel fpafie bnto att3!frael a anb ^fraei toent out agapnft e |Pbffmesto batteii/9pfteb be* ^f^e*belpettone.anDf1Bbaiaf* eeB; , eMew nespttcbeo mapbeb. anbputefeiues arapeagarnff^fraeUnbrnlenboffbatrel |fraeltoaSputtoe tooo.iffe befo?e|^b(lf* ftmejsjnb $ Pbt'Uftt'neS due inararealong bptbefeioes/abouta foto?e outenbmen. anb toben e people toere come to err tetes/ ? elbers of giftaei tmf.Wttoithm |-to?bebeateb)Sisoape befo?e ||9bfitftt* neSfletw fetcbearc6eof apopntmftof* }Lo?be/outofSilobbnto bS/9 letit come am9geb09fauebsoutof Hanbesof oure enempes.anb people fent to Sttcb/^i feft frS tbence f arcbe of apopntmet off &amp;c?&amp; of bodes Mfttt) btoeue bettoenef Cberu* bpns.anbtoerettoo fonnes of (fflmth Pbnf 9 Pbntebestt arcbe of apppntm?t of dsob.anb top? $arcbe of dapopntmef of Xotd cam into ebofiyaU 5ftartotore&amp;a mpgbtie otote/fo $ tbe er rangagapne. lbeneiebiHnesbee nopfe of e otote ep fapbe:tobaemeane | founDoe fsmpgbrte otot in $ boftof ecb?ues? 3nbepbnberttobebotoate arefie of$

Ho?be toas come into e boOnb tbe ^i\u ttines to ere afrapeb/tobe it teas tola eboto f&gt; &lt;SeDtoascomemeboff9fatDe.i@obnto bS/fo? it toas neuerfobefo?eis.lobnto bs/tob afi elpuer b S out of f banb of is migbtie&lt;!5oD?isfSe&lt;l5obatfmoree gipcfansttaHmanerofpla4esmeto(!* wrnefle.iee ttrong 9 quftepourefelues Mte men/pePbtties/atpebenotferuautes C bntoe &lt;a2ttes/*asepbauebene to pou.3fuwc.yiS * 25e men etfo?eftgbt.anbe^btf tames f ougb t/anajftael toas put to e too?ffe anb tlebue/euef]&gt;mfirntobpstente.anbertoas ampg&amp;tge

* &amp; ag on W i,$ amuel amrgbtpegKatuau$t/rotbattbertoett tbeboapeonipe'towretttottbim.ll&amp;be^e.w ttt* | ouertbojotof of gftael/cftfttpe tbouCanDfo* ragftaf pjeatte* of ?&amp;ago7netbec anr ma * J*"*k ttmm.aMtbeatcBeofo&amp;toa$ta*tti/anb cometbfoto^ago^bowfcmfgbttwa&amp;eoni 3ySSS P*H

ME22? 1 " ** *w f "* WK '' W "ISbtnebc* tft;ea&gt;oac of ag5 in aroob/bnto tbi* ba S&amp; B^^t,uJoexttitet}MmnemnamnotT5imamm uttbebanooftbe&amp;o;oetoaisbeupebpb&gt;rap;l Smear Kout of tbearape ? camcto ^ilob tbe tame tbe ef2JrooS/sbeDe&amp;toreDtbe7fm oterbe^ ,l &lt;ortL 3ac/(ctta&lt;ic bape/toitbbis clotbesrentaettbebpon&amp;pa cmei;o5e0/bo^atooDail$ cooQe0^ccof." c "' f V !til ' mn,w. beekanbtobent&amp;erttancarafo/cKratebpa anbtobe*$ ml of ar&amp;obfato P^toa$ ro/tbepft7 l fa * affoiebptftetoaperpbeio*wfo?.6b*bett ra?DE:e^e accfie of e^e &lt;soa of^rvsel Qj al not c feateafo? tbe arcfte of ob. anb tberaanci abpbeberettb*/CWbWbarm*ttjebpSbiS fa 9 f otte it in tbe citte .an&amp; all tbe erne etc e&amp; 9 spo agon owe ot&gt; . anb Co tber rent 9 asben 0i mm tbenopre of tbe erpeng/ geatbeteball Hotfoot i&amp;bffittiej$ onto

bearBe&amp;tobatnopreof^umojment.3nb tbje9iapbe:tobittaatittebott$ai;cftofebe . tbe manbafteb 9 earn in 9 tolfie&lt;2W.(Elitosis tofiofifiaeMCbmrapoetbepof&lt; iBerbiet $ foutet6o?e9eigbtenrereolbe/9*bi0frgbt - ----- faplebbimg^ecouumotre.anbtbemaraibe bnto&lt;glK3|ambe $ cam out of fbearapeanb flea out of tbe boCttbris bare, an&amp;befarse bote i* it fwtuwb/mpfotmtfanbfcmeffen* geranftreuo 9 fa|De^fcaeUisfleDbefo;e I g&gt; p^m'tt inw$ tbete # a great flaugbter ctja


- '





unreoamongetbepeopie/stbrttoofonne^/ iop&amp;m sPbmebesatebeeo/ 9tbettoatc* of&lt;J&amp;obitaKcnJinOtobebemaoemenci5of tbeatcfieof obyGlifeKfromof br* ttcofc bacbtoaroe totoatbetbe gate/ana bWnecfie bjafie 1% \)e oiea :f 0? be teas one 9 bntoelof e/ ano be bab iubgebifrael fouttte r ere 0. 3nbb#batt%btetmlatobtaebc* topfc toajili&amp;cbil&amp;efcnpetbebrjtbe. anatobelbe b fa m tftc t iamgess of roe taftrng of $ a teae

of &lt;&amp;ob/9 $ bet fatijetm lato/a&amp;et&amp;uf&amp;artM toete beeb/lbebotoeb fter felfes ttauelea/fa; ber parnesscSbpober.anbabaute ftrme of ber&amp;eero/toemeGo$eaboutbetvfaiaenn* to beware not fo?tbou baft bomeafonne, '" jsut Oje anttoeteonot nojtegaraebit . ana aenamco? cbtlbegcbabobfapHigibonoute &amp; aep artea ftojftael .S ecaufe atfce of ffioo teas tabe/ano get fatbet in lato anaber bufe bant) toere oeea. anotberfojelbe farae/bo nouwtiSgone fro" iftael/becaufc tbe atcfie of&lt;UobtottaBni. C.^agon m &lt;35oB Of tlje tiUSfnc* M f aflt 6e* fo;e tf carcftcfflfie 01)lltSme0aref lagcfcln tijeff * WrtplM e0.(Uie Cn&amp;abttntof nana (tfuft tur# ceaiitttirartbe. jc&amp;e.b.cbaptet.2 KSXM&amp;bt&amp;ep&amp;wameiJtoBe $ arcbeot fetb;.we 5 rSa^)l&lt;Bob?caneDttfr5* i Mpctktnt/ Pillow bnto af&amp;oa/9bjougbt it into tije H^asboureof?0agon/arettitb?j e"bc T arS bcboloe/agonMapcgtoueifngbp5 $1 . faiictiitije3Doibefo?etbeawBeoftbe)Lo?M.anbtbe8toBe to^cn tfte of/ agon 9 Cetbim m bis place agapne . 3no ilSSSMK^WWI tbepttete bp e?rfetbeiimmoi let / tti tn s an before tfte atcfie of f&amp;e %qw 9 W beebanb tutttaaa at* bft ttto lanoest cut of bpwi ebc tb?e*oiiE/g

ate* of t|tfoD of ifeael be caepeb abo ucJino tbe? carteo atcfte of $&lt;S(ob of % ftael about. anoiBijetberbaacarieo it aboitt/tbebanb of tbe)to?be toasintbe eftte^amigbttegteac plage/ano be ftnote rb e men of tbe cptie b tn fmaiie auo great :anutbe? tern empten in fbeit fectete places/toptb cbe cmttoaed. C&amp;etttt)e rent tbe ate* of oJj rto afiaw, aB .

anoaf( fone a0 tbe atcBeof (SobcS to Jfia* ton / tbe 3B6atonftJ wgtb out f aping ; tbep baue bpug&amp;t f 3tc&amp;e of tymma %(ml tobj!;toaccb0anooute people, cften tbcf rent anbfetteatt tfie floats of tbtWttbtos* bnto t&amp;emanofepor.fena

atom tbc atc*e of tbf&lt;5ffl&gt; fjftaei/ano let ttgo borne agasnebnto bt'0 atotie piace/tbat it flee M not tott&amp;oute people.* oitbetteaif a plage ofseecb tbo?otii out all t&amp;e mt/tm tbebanb of dBtoa* eycebpng fp;e tftete/in ro m ocbe t tb ep tobf cb bleb no t^oete rnuten lofty tt)e &lt;Jriteroue0: fo tbat fte ct?e of tbe ci tietoentbptobeauen. CQ^E^?fa bj?na tiomc f^eatcke to5 &lt;l&gt;t tc wartti. I!jcc^ramitE8to5CcplascDafftr t&amp;cg baBCtnu^iarcltt. . *5Dfo toben tbeawfie of ?)Lo?Dbab3 ,bene in tbe conttc je of tbePbtlittinrtiftue nmenetbett / S $bftt(itne* _ Jeallebfo;$ p;eafte!S anb tbe fotb* far ? fap ing-.tobatftall toe bo toitb $ atcfie of ty%oMi tellbgtobettoitb toe (ballfenoe itbomeagame.cbepantoetebpfpoufenoe tbearc&amp;coftbe cbofaftaelbomeagarne fenbit not emptpe:35utwtoatbefttoptt)a ttefpase offetpnganb (benne fl^albe tobou/ anbit Q)albe*notoen to ?ou / bDbr b?0 banb oepattetb not from pou. bfnfajDe tbep/tobat Ojalbef ccelpace* offermgtDbf ebtoe ffianretoatbetHtnbjftbf 3Pn&amp;tbep anftoetea-.ftuegolben atffes to?(b 2me?obe3anafpuego!bmnnjce/acco?b?ng totben6b?eofXo?l!Jof$P6fiiaine^jFo; rttoa3onemanetofplageftDa0on?ouali/ 9 on;oure^o^(0to.lbecfo;eye$anma&lt; 6eimage0b*eto touK*wtfmcw&amp;e* anb


aio image? use to poure mf cetftat beftropeb f oure lanoe/9 (ball geue stow bnto $ o&amp; of 3jftaeJ:tbat be mare tabe W &amp;anb from of joii/anb from of ponre d5oooe0/anb ftom of poute lanbe.ib?tfo?e Qjuice re baroe route ^BetteuasJ tbe ifgipcrSs. 9$baYaobaeneb ^eft better / tobicb fo? all tbat(fc)ben bebab plapebbbJ pageauntess toitb tbe) toete farne to lett tbe people go anb Depart. $ote fl)etf o;e mane a ne to carte anb tase ttoomealcbebrne/ontobofenec* neuet ca tofteMm W tbe firne in tbe carte/9 U?mg tbe ealue? tobome from tbtm.c&amp;en tafte ttje atcfie oft\)e%mbe 9 put it in tbe carte/9 put Ibe fuelled ofgolDe(tobrcbreretoarbcbpn toitb fo?acrerpace offerrng)ina forcer b? $ fpbe tberof anb renb it atoare 9 let it go. a 'no marbe rf be. go top br tbe toapetieaoetb bnto bt atone coofte/to ett)fam/tbf tttss^eg ^bbistbfe great euell.utanbrfbebbnbt/ tpnitijS not brsbanotbat ftnote b$f/but it toas a cbauce tbatbapeneb b$. anb tbe men bibeue fottbep tobettoo nvne $ gaue rnrlc* 9 treo tbe in tbe carte/anb fiepf tbe calues at irb ome/ 9 tbe? larbe tbe arcfie of tbe )Lo?b bp5 tbetarte 9 tbe fo?cet toitb tbe mpce of golbe 9 Ibt imager of tbeftarffeg toitb sEmerobeg. anb-tbe*pjietofie.ftttassbttoapetoj8etb* laweis/bo tf j one toare/a as tbep toet/lo toeb' . tumrng netber tofuftbt Banbe ner to tbe \u tiptirgM^tf ^ f&amp;bilOlinejBtof taftet Ibfontiil tt)er cStobo?oet0 of etbfame^. anb tber of 23ctbfame0 toete reprng tbeir (tobeteberueft in tijebalepe . an&amp;t&amp;es ttft bp tb&gt;ir erejs 5 Cptcb \ atcBe.anbretorfebto^f tb er fato it.anb n)e carte came into f gr oue of one- aeb cfua a 25etbfamite/anb ftobe ttrll ' tbete &gt; cber teas tbere alfo a great Hone. wtotipt ciaue tt)e tooboe of f carte 9 ofBereb tb e brne a burnt oSetpng bnto tbe %oft e. %nt&gt; tbeneu it e0 tobebotone tbe avebe of tt)e %o?be 9 tbe fo?cet f&gt; toais tberbje/tolberth Suellos of goi tie toere 9 put tbe on tbe great ft onc.ano tbe men of jsetbfameis f actrf rcea

tnrmtfactifice 9 offereb oSertg^fame oare mbnto tHe toftt Jnb tob? tbe frue t,o?ueji of ^tbel&amp;btiifttne^ bab rene it / tbep returneb to afiar on t^t fame care, cb efe are ft e g oibeit artTE0 toitb merooejS tobicb tbe^fftaineii gaue to amenbeis fo; a trefpace offering/to} 3CCDO&amp; one:fo?&lt;a?a affta&lt; Ion etb one:9 fo?a*aron one. 3nb tbe goltten mrce toete acco?omg to tbe hdbjc ofalltbe cities* of ^biltftmesJ tbo^otoffme lo?Dlbtpesi:boib of toallebtotonejs a of toto* neiSbntoaHeb/euebnto great ftone/tobero tbepfet botonef arcfte of jte?o:tobicb ftone teraapnetbbnto tyitt barein ffflbeofSebos fuatbeeft)famite.anbbeplageb $ men of )&amp;etbrame0/beeauretbepbabrene$arc*eol

ttftoieU. Cbn

f)Lo?6.anbbeaueofSpeoplefifti'etboufanb 9 tb?e fbo^ 9ten pettones. anb people la menteb/becaufer^o^bab flame fo great a aaugbteroftbe.anomeo#etbramej3fai&amp;e tobo Ki able to ftanbe before ? x,o?o ro b oir a &lt;!50b 9 to tobom Ojal be go from bgf anb tbe? Cent mellengetjs to tbe enbabiter$ ofiaatiatb ianm fermg:CbePbilifline0 baue b?ougbt . borne agarne tbe atcbe of tbe lo;be : come &amp; ton e anb fete it bp to pott . C ffitje art be is 6;ougbt to&amp;ac(a(6iac(m.Cbepcop(c tocpe/fo?tni)lct)Ssamurlma6etb mtctceffion tot^e io?6e.(ts;^c i3&amp;i(pft!neBateCm?{tcn. ;J3b (be men of fiariat&amp;tattm c$93 frtbp.farc6eofjLo2a/9*b;ougbty-K s s ttra b '- a ft into ^e boufe of abinacab in . ,!5abaab9fanctifpebiea?arbriS Eonne to toarte bpontbe arcfte of tifi /Lo?tse. anbtoibnetbe arcbeabobeinartatbiatim/ tbeoares muitipiieb /tbat it toasi ttoentre petes/ 9 all Ifraelfamenteb after tbe^o?De. ano Samuel fpabe bnto al Ifrael faring pf pe become agarnefantoiLo?b^alf route . berte0/tben*put atoape tbe Oraflge obbessjoru.jcfi^c. fr6am5grou/9a.flbatotb/9 p?eparepoute

berteisbnto i,o#e9ferub1?m alone/9 fo ftaHbetrbbepououtoftbebanbes offf Bt*^ KfttneOnb tben cbift/en of gfraeUrtbputEy tm m atoare*jeaalim 9aftarotb/9fetueo Ho?bhSi!|.c. onlre.cben raibc^anwel^earbtj; m mtl to S0a?pbab/t9?nare p?are fo? roubhto TLojbtMm tber geatbereD to getbet tofl^a?* Pbab/9.b?eto toatet 9 poto?eb itoiit before ^o?oe 9 fafteb fame bar e 9 farbe tbere:toe baue frnneb agarntt %0}ttMt&gt; Samuel tubgeb tbe caufeg of tbe cb&lt;lo?en of Sfrael in fla!Pbab.iben f Pbiltttineg bearb/g tbe tbiia?e of 5frael toete geatftereb to gf tber to Sa?pbab/tlLo2Begoftbe|BbJliQinej5tocnt bp agapha IftaelJnb tobe ft) e cbiftue* of 3if&lt; tael bcata p/tbep toete afrapoe of W\MU ne09lafteto^&gt;amuel:cearenottocrrebnto /ir rbeHo?boure&lt;i&amp;oDfo?b0/gbemareraueMi* out of tbe banoesi of iBbibBine0,anb ^a* imtel tofie autcbgng lambe 9 oftereb it all to geatber fo?a burnt offerrng/bntof )to?be/9 a * "t* k bim. anb a^ Samuel offeteo burnt offe*gJKIt?f* Whg/tbePbilfftinegcame tofpgbtagarnftp?apc aftutu, gf : ftael.56uttbeiio^tbtweereoagt:eattbi- |,uCl f e * to ? tl bet|famebapcbp5f^iaine0/9ttrmpp':f" p f/'^ t t tet6g/^tbeptow6e8tebefo ? e^ftael.an8 , So; &lt;IB " 11 f me of 3frael iflueb out of (!lpa?Pbab 9 pur* fueo JBbiliftines 9 fltte tbe/bntrll tbep came bnberjebcar.anbtbfS&gt;amueltofieallone 9pftebebitbettoeneflIpa?pbab9S&gt;en/9ical* leb name tberof*Qje flone of mm raping: . . ,, tbu0 farre batb $ %m* bolpe \$, anb fo tbe s ** M * J PpiM toete b?ougbt bnbet^ tber cam oj) nomo?c




no ntoje into tfte cooftejs of^ f. banb of tbe jlojq toajs bpon tl&gt;e $bit iSine* atttbe Das esf of Samuel, cbttto cittes totjici) WH&amp;in es bab tafie froirrael/eame agatne to gTrael /eue* fr5 Hicaro to etb/to cooflC0

of n)e fame/ tobrcb gifrael piuc&amp;eb out of tbe banoea of ^ Hi fti ne . -Jf o? tb er to ag p eace bettoene gttaei $ t amo;i'te0.2m&gt;&amp;amurt fttogebgrraellaJltbeoapeg of bggt Ipfe/anb toentaboutperebpperc/toEetbel algal anbflEa?pbab/ano iubge&amp;Jfraei in an Wofe piace*/a came agap ne to iSamatb : fo? tbet toajs bis &amp;oure/am&gt; tfiere be iubgeo gffrael/a; tbere &amp;e bplt an aultare bnto tbe fLonx. fDBecaufc Samuelles founts Bib mgmttre cuellxbe people tequercabfngzj to thfris Dciccib'eu tbt facj&gt;3 ofabgn g. /., ccbe.&amp;iitCbaptei;. * ^^^cn gnamuel toap oibe /fie mace bp:B Tonnes &amp;e0 ouer fftael. fflenameofbteelbeft tonne tea? 3loel/ fneme 0Efec5be3biatb/ tobicb toete iubgcg miEertabe jSeucrtljdeffe big tonnes foiotoeonot bis; Oeppes-.trnt tur* SDcnt.rbi.N ticfi a fioe after iuctea*toBetetoatbe0/a per* uerteogrigbt.'oibenalSelbersofSfraelgea* ' t&amp;ere&amp;wetogetberacameto&amp;amu/Ibnto iftamaWafapbetontoljim-bebolDe/tbouatt OT&amp;&amp;tbpronne0foloteenotWptoape0j&amp;oto rbetfo?e*raafcefe0 afctngcouwgebs/as all otlje r na'ctos !) aue.23 a t tbe tbpng oifpieafeo Samuel /tobetbepfapbe/geuebs a fijnge toiubge b?.3EnD&gt;anmeI pjaiea bnto toft $3)no JLo;oefa?5ebnto g&gt;amuel/beare tbe toopceof fpecpletn ail $ tbepfape bnto tbe, ffo; tbep baue not caft tbe atoape/but me: g JWuIb not vaigne one* tbe-3no as tbepbaue

Samuel afc.jrt$.e. act.y&lt;ft.r.

reroauntesapoungmen/anbofp _, anb bobis too/fie toitb We . Inbbe (ball tafte

ftetb ofpoujefljepe/apeWslbebiS fetuafl* a tes.ain&amp;to&amp;enpe crpe out at tbat {pmebpon ^ f oure fimg/to&amp;Kb pe Wan baue c&amp;ofen pou/ tbe ftojur toili not bean pou at tbat Da? e. . JSeuertbeleOetbe people tooloenotbeare fboice of S&gt;amuel/butbtD fapemapc not fo: 23u t ti) a ft) ai b e a singe ones faff/ 9 toe toilbe If ft e a J otf} naciS0.Hno oute fipng ai iub* fletos/agociutbefotfbsafigjttourebattel* les.ano Samuel beatoe an f to mm 1 tb e people9KbetfeDtbeineawssof)Lo?i).anb $ Hojbe fatce to *&gt;amuei:betfif n tontotfjetc botcesraafietbeafi(ge.bffatce&gt;amuei bntofmf offftaelgo euett mg fanto ty$ citic C&amp;aul t i) t fonnc of u Kabul) I) is fa tljccsancs auo ttcwfcnkingc. ccbe.fMtbaptet. [)to tbwe uais a ml of jBemamm* names eft ttie foreie of abiei/ttie fonne of 5eto?/fonneof ecBo= _ Jtatft/tbefonneoe np^m^tonae ofamanftoaXagiemmfte/amanofniygbt : ttse fame bafra fonne calleb ^&gt;aul a goooig ?ofigmS/ro f am3Betbaa?edfiftael/tbec' toa(nonegooMfectbenbe/9toa0tbfttoft5 tbeftouloer* bptoatbe Dm tbcnali dotbec people.ltnof t cbauceeirtje atreg of tbtu ctff &gt;auttfat&amp;tttoejteiott. benfato&lt;iSto , $&gt;auibiis (onne:tabe one of f iaboeis tt tbe 9 bpagofefie$aifle0.anbtbejtoenttbo?ota toofit igpb ?ai m $ tb 07 to $ lanD of ^ a it fa/ '9founoetb5not.ben tBeptoenttbo?oto^e lanwoc&amp;aJJm/s tti w tb ep toewnot.cben tbep toet aire tbo^oto tt)e lanD of geimni/ano


... --, ,.-, tbfjfoflbtblnot.cbentobetbeptotrecome

cuet Done (ttnety. b?ougbt ttie out of cgipt &gt; to tbe lanO of 3upb/feau! fape e to poung bntotbsjs&amp;ave/aljaue MatienmeaTetueb mSitt&gt;a^tobim:comeretb0tetuvne/leame

:btbeio&amp;De3) euSfobdtbepbnto^r. i8oto 'tbctfojebetbSbmotbefcbofce botobeitptf ttam bnto tbf * eto tbe goutfe of* wng t ail ra ?gne ouettbe. 3nO Samuel tolDe an too^eg of|7Lo?bbnto ^people? afbeb &amp; a fipng of btm/9 ftefafl:tbtsm)alwf *butfe 3&amp;nrt&gt;t&gt;{f.B, of?f5fngpaUratgnebuEi:pou;betoiltaSc f oure fonnessf buttbf fo b* cbawtteusma* ' fiebis bo?ftme of tijeij tftet mutt rune befo

ratberleuecanngfo^affeg/^tafietbougbt To;$'m:beboliie/tt)ert!S in rtitis ntiea too?fl)tpfHmS of oo/$aU&amp; befa?tb/cometbtopallei9ototbenletbj!go tbitbjr.patabuentutebe tbaliaetobs tobat toapetoe.margo.benf9i'Deg5aultobi0Iaa23 ff toego-totiatlSaiitoebflngtbe manr j?o?oureb;eo!0 all fpetttoutof cure bSptm . frtbetetti

u J

W cbatrt/totiima6e|im captained of W ' of &gt;o&amp;/tobatbaue toef anotbe^oungman Ouet:tboufanT!e09onft;!frteiB/ftomretttje anftoewofeaulagajne^faptic-.jbauefoua

.. . . , 8catbefW6#bet ueS/9 to mafie m Etrum ent tS of toatte $ap paH fo;bP^ cbaretts^3HiDbetoIlta6c pure oaugbtetg 9 mafie tbe * d? effe rs of biff cpntmentES/abrs coofiejs ^bafiers . 3nbbe

Qtalltabe bes of ? ourefetoeg/$of joure b?nera)e0 aof ?ouw oliue tree 0/sgeue tbe

aboutmeffouttbpattofa^.tcle/^toilltoe eue tbc man of ob to ten w oto?e toare. efo?ettmetn5ftaeltol&gt;enamantoetto f efi e a n anftoere of ob/tbuiJ to ?fe be fpaae come f let b^gototbe^eat.jfo^betbat^aBeftafiw notocallebap^opbet/toao mtbe oiDetpmemciomw' caneba^ear.cbenrar&amp;r$iaultobi0oilgp?op[&gt;^''

tabt0rMuante0.ain!3be Ibantalteftentb of iuan:toenfapboftbea:omelrtb0gd. 3Dn&amp ; fo"Pf a aBI poutereeoaofpoutebme(5/?geuetf tob?ff tbeptoetbntotbecftictobfw^emanof^oa 19,1 * loMS/9to W feruaOtes. 3nbbefbaII tafie toas.anoagtbeptoeregoing bp into fcrtfe/ tbebeaof route menfetuantes atiti ma?oc tbeprntttteptboamoreUeg^atcameoutto -"" - b;ato "

Mul i, ^ B/atotoatet/afaroebntotbem-.igtberebete a feat.ano ^majoetw anftoeteo tbe/pee:be* boiue/begotbebefo?epou.fleafiebaft note/ fo?bccamtb0oaretotbecftie/fo;t people mua offer tbijs oapein fbtimabepe be come tmt w ojintotbecitie/fo (ballpoufinoebim/petbego piscr was b p t0 t}e^Uf to eate:fo? tbe people toill not fflw w *S* i,nttn * come/becaurc be mull bleffe mm* but offerwg,3nb tben eate tbep | be biboen to I mi outs tb feaft.^oto tbetfo;eget pou bp fo; euen note "SSSSf ftaH pc f W* WmMM&amp;t toent bp into tbe f B tf ? '"^3Bnljtobetbeptoere comeinto fmtbbejJ ** c of|citte:bebotee/'^amuel came outagatft *n)e/fo? to go bp to ty QflMBut JLo?be bao tome g&gt;amuei a bape before 3&gt;aul came/ faping:tomo7ototbP0tpme| tointenbe a

man out of tbeianoeof tferaamin/bmt att tbou anopnte to be captaine ouet mp people afraeH/ tbatbe mape faue mppcople out of tbe banb of tbe J0biWKne0/fo? | bauelofieo bpon mp people/ano tbeit crpe m come bnto me.tben^amuel rate &gt;aul/ *%a$x an* Ctoereobimrfe/tbfe is tye lugtibs | fpafieto f of.-srb'S fame (balltapgne ouermppeople Cbcn toent Saul tog&gt;amuelm|mibbie of tbegate/a fapbe:ten me 3! pjapef / tober e about tbe rea^ boufetss/ano Samuel an= Itoewb S&gt;aul % fapbe-.a am tbeteat / go bp fccfotf me bnto tbe biH/fo? pe (ban eate totto metoDape. Sn&amp;tomo;oto3|totiuettbego wipe; 9topIItentbealItbatT0mtbinebert ; anb a? fo? tbine aoe? tbat toere 10 a tttis bape tb^oap!S/ca not fo? tbe/foj tbepare fofib. 3n6mo;eouer tobofe all $ betotiftul ti)in* ge0 oWftael be i belSg tbepnot to / bnto alitbP fatbet0 boufef 28ut&gt;aul anftoeteos rapoe:amnot % tbe fonne of a |eminite of f fmancfttrpbeof giCrad/anompfipnteo tyt leaff of all tfi e 8 (nwoejs of tbe ttpbe of jBerife amm,'tobcrfo?etbenfpeafiefttbou foto me^ 3PnoS&gt;amueltobe$auIanbbisilabb$ H;ougbttbemmtotbepavleranbmabett)em fitt in tbe cbefettplace amonge tbe t toere l)iooen:tobicbtoerebpona tbirtpeperfoneg, Cben fapb e &gt; amuel bnto t^t cottttt : b?png io^bpo?aontobicb3lgauetbe/9oftobicb 9 fapoe fiepe it toitb tbe. 3Dnb tbe eooae tofie bp tbe boulDet and b?ongbf it/a ftt tt befo^ S&gt;aui.3no Samuel faibe:bebotte/g tobicft wleft-^mtit befo?etbei eate/fo?3j fieptit fo? tbe ofpurpofe/toben I called tbe people. 3no fo Staulbio eate toitb &gt;amuel | bape ityjbfcfi ambtobenn)eptoerecome&amp;otonefr9tt)ebin tot into eftie/ 3&gt;amuel comuneb toitb &amp;ui bp0{toppe of MovteiQ tbeparofe erlpe Jinb about tbefp^ng of tbe bape Samuel called S&gt;aulbp5 ? toppeoftbeboufefaping:bp 9 mape fenb atoape Jrtb fe aui arore.lno tbeptoet out at $oo;e$bot&amp; oftyeVbotbbe 3 damuel.anb toben tbeg toere comealmoft

out of tbe totone / Samuel fapneto &gt;auh btt&gt; n)e lab go before b? / ano be toent / but ftanue tbou ffpila tobple euen noto / tbat % mape Qeto tbe tobat &lt;s&gt;oo fapetb. SJaaul te anoyntcD Spnge/j p ;opbcflct6.Samuct occlawtb tbe people tbcjcfautt/(n tbat tbf j ^afteb a

a png. (goo Untie tbe fevna ijfc.



cbe.ic.baptep. i5D tben Samuel tofie a bore ofar opiepoto?ebitbponbi0beeDanOact M .^.f. fitffeo bpm a fapoe . tbejLo?tie batb __. , -Janopnteb tbe to be a captapne ouec bi0 enberitaunceJnonoto tob? tbou art be* patten front me/tbou ftalt metettoomebp *ffiabel{ fepuleb2embo?ber0 of tfenfamf *~ me ., fc ie"at3aie|abJnbtbeptopnfapebntotbe/* ,,5Wf,wW v affe0 tobrcb tbou toenteft to fefie/are foaoe fe/tbp fatbet batb left tbe care of aaejs ana lojotoetb fo;poufaping:tobat ftaHJ 00 fo? mp fotmef cben tbou (Salt goltyffi f rg tbece a alt come to $ ocfie of clabo?. 3Dm tbere fb ait tbou mete tb;e me going to &amp; ob to jge-tbel:onecarpengtb?e fiibbeg : aanotberca* Jpengtb?etoue0 of b;eeb:f tbtfocatpenga boteilof tome.3Bnotbeptoinfalute ageue tbe ttoo lotus of b?eeb: tobicb tbou wait re&lt; ceaue of tbett banbejj. after tbat tbou (baft eometo * bfflof cpoti/tobete tbe^iiittinejs fiepetbefttoatcbe. anbtoben tbou art come tbrabet to f&gt; rttie/tbou Walt mete a cSpanpe of p?opbete0 compngboune frSfbili/toitb a pfalter/atfmb?eH / a pipe/a a barpe before tbf/*tbep?opbefpfg. 3inbtbefp?tteoftbe jto#etofli comebpontbe/atbouWaItp;o/ Pbeftetttbe/9 Waftbeturnebinto anotber mS.3nb tofie tbefefigne0 ate cbaffceo f/tbi bp tobat fboubaft tooo/fo? obijS tot'tb tye. 2tnb tbou Waltalfo go before me to algal. 3ttbbebojte#topHcomebnto/tofacttfpt burnt racreftce a peace offcr8ige$*catp f 0? wtmtWK me feuen oapeg/titi % come to tbe/a Weto Oft tobat tbou watt oo.f nbaOone m b e bab tur* ncb^ijs Woulbertogo fro feamuel/obga= uebimanotbermanetof bertte/ aall tfioTe

tofiegcamto pa tbat fame oape. n@be tijep came to tbebttttbeboloe /tbe effpanpe of p?o* *&amp;*# i.. Pbettesmettbfm/a* I fp?iteofd5obcSbp5 bim/abep?opbeKeoam5gtbe. 3/na all tbat finetobf befo?e&gt;tobf tbepfatofbe p?opbefieb am5g pjopbettejj/tbepfapbc ecbeto mm o,iif tobat

-I j I


C tobat is&amp;appenrobnto Conne ol _ . _.. . j itg.w. 0. feaulalfo amotige tije p?opbete f ana one otbe fame place anftoetea afatfie:' tobois tbeu; fatber fanatberof fp?ang ap;ouerbe: tobat is feaul alfoamongetbe pjopbetts:' ana tobe be tjao maae an enac of pjopbefieg/ He cS to $ biil.feaules facets b? otbe r far de bntobim a&amp;tsiawstobeflja toSt jtfana&amp;e anftoeKbttorebetbeaaesyatobentoe-fatoS t&amp;e?toeteno tobete /toetoent tofearauel, cben fapae ^.auljs bncle:tell me toijat fea= rnuelfafbe bnto pit:* anafeaulanftoereb bis bnclei&amp;e torn bsgtbe atfestoete founae. 55ut of itpngDome toberof feamuel fpafie toiae be bim not Jfttr tbat feamiiel caflea uecpietogeatberbwotJUijaeto ;3fte?pbaB :fapae bnto tbe tbflDjecrjfraehtbuSfojtt) J 5Lo?o &lt;0oo of tfrael/f; fcougbtf ou out of &lt;gfpt/a aeipuerea t?ou out ottbebana of tbe &lt;EgipaSS/aoutof banKof allBingbomes oppzedeafou. anafebauetbpsbafccaa ato ape poute oa g b olpe i?ou out of al f oure , abuerfptes a tttbuiactss. anap e baue wpae '%ntobi/*maBeafongmierbS.#otoHjerfo* te aiaebefo?e$)U;aiji?ourettibes a?ou* 3a vc tfioufano^.anD totjefeamuel babbzougbt

al tab ess ofjfraelftribe offfentamin toas caugbt.iJ8be%baab20ugbt$ tribe of JSeni* ainmb?tbeitJBimeBes/$fti?nrebeof Q&amp;ttti. tea?? #ug|}t:anbfeaultbefonne of cis teas caugbt.3nbtbei?fougbt biAutbe eoulb not Jie fofflje .^entbepafaeu f jlojbe furtber: tobitbettma" (fculbe come tbftfter.Hinb fc&amp;oza anftoerea:beboiae/bebat&amp; bi&amp;abf felfe amog f ttuffe.ana tber rSnea fetbi tbece.ana tobf bettoaeam5gpeopUvbeteasbi&gt;ettbenani? of y r oritoftSft ftouiaersbptoarae-anafea; imteiratbetosp $ people:tbere fe fetobo" jLo?bbatb cbofen aboto t&amp;ere * " on * Baefct antcnge all tbe cBpanie. anban tbe people lbototebanbraff;&lt;S$oblenb tbe mpng iv ft. cbenfeamueitolaetbe people tbe autre of tbeawgoome / a to;ote it in a base / ana latfettbpoefojetbe &amp;o?be/a.foreneau~ tbe people atoape/euer ? man to W boure. ana baul aim toent borne to abaab-anatbere toenftfi birnanbotte / focfteasf oabaatou* ebea tb efc bar t es,3Su t f tbfia;! of bntba'f* tineffefafbeiboto ftailbefauebtf anb befpi* febbim abjougbe bttn notpzefentes .anbbe mabeastbougbbebabnotbearbeft. caftepeopUeeljUKeofrfjht tfWttft 9f fityw tttmtb tf)c fcftigwme of fiauu Cbe.rt.Cbaptev. ailEr^^ro^abasweanimcffltecame 9 befe geb Jabes in alaab. anaall tbe people of^abes fapbebntojQa bawnafie a couenaunt toftb as 9 toetoiroempfetuautes .anb&amp;abas amo&gt; nfterajae:bertfftoiU1imafie aeouehant tt

f ou/eultotbniH outallfourerpgbt epcis/g ma? bjffli Ibame bp8 ai ^( fatoe elects of 3abes$:geue us feue ba^es x ef pi te I toe ma^e fenb meoenger? bnto all coBe* of % l taei. 3nb tben ff tbere come no man to betoebfrtoetoincomeouttotcbencameg . 1 meuengerato ffiabaab tot) etc ^&gt;aul btoeit/ atoiaetbistibingejsin^earejjoftbepeopie,

inbanfpeopleiifKbptbeirboicefiatoept.^ 3no bebolbe ^aul cam f olctofftgbtf oren w out of tbe feioe/9 afbeb tobat atfeb people to fcepe.ambtbe?toibebim ftibtngess oftbe me of ^abe0.btncitt)efp?pte of 00 fepo ^ auly tob e be dense tb off tf binges/ a be toatt ercebsngangrse.mnbtoBeapoubeof ore a hetoebtt)einpece0 / a ff nt tbe tbo?oto out al tbe eofte$.o@ftaelbsbanbe$of mender? : faring *. toijofoeucr cmnetb not fo?tb after c &gt;auiaaftet^amuel /fo allbw orenbe ftrueb.bentt&gt; 8 feare oftyeXopc fell onf t-tfywi people/a tbe?cS out a$J it baa bene but nirJJHgB tnan. anbtobentbeptoetenSbaebin ^e?efi gggw tbe cbifiwf of afraei toetetb?*.buna?ea tbou- onc ' tSm fana/ana tb e men of 3!uba tbirtie t^oufanae. twm m 3Cna tbei fatwanto tbe meOengersf tbat cS/ MJa f fa?ento tbe men of fabeg in tfalaaa : to gf mojoto bp tbat tfme/tperonne be bote/(e s tnttt ftaiibauebelpe . anatbemeftnget? cam $w$ i etoeatbemenofgiabeg/atbeptomglaa.^w A 3Cna tben tbe men of Jabes fapapto mo?o to g J{ toe tot?ll come outbntopou/tbat^emaje bo S ^ tottb bst all i pleafetb 1? on. ana on f mo j oto tticu n 5baui put gpeople in tbzepar teg.ana tbe? wwi

Saul &lt;7^ ltd


c!inbW fottin mo/npng toattbe-'aaue K tbeaimmonites/bntill f beat of # aape^Cna \XZ&amp; mtt i rcmawea/raatteteatf 1 ttoo of tbem m mm toert not lefttogean)er.'8rbeh Gmt ^people to i) amuel:tobat are tbep Cat'6: all fe aul ratgne ouer Wi b^ngtbf toema?eua?tbe ^utfeaulfavaeitberefbaUnomanatetbis aa?e/fo?toaa?e i-o?aebatbtaueaa&amp;aer. ^en farae S&gt;amuel bnto ^ people:come a let bUgo to algai/a tenetoe f Bmgbomt

tbere.3nb f people toet to algalanamaac feaul ftjng ^ete/befo;e )e %o*bt m afc Sal. ana tbetetbet oEetea peace ofterpigej* efo;etbe!to?ae. 3Dna tbetefeaui ana all tbe people rrfo?Ceaerceapngr?e. Gamjlbefn|janfnnont3u68e(Hje people f&amp;em itticetopUoft

Cbe-)i.Cbaptet. l^en faioefeamuel bnto anjfraeha ibebolbelbaueobrrebscurebinjce .tin an tbat vc fapae bnto me/a bane _imaae |ou a8?nge . ana fe joure Ipnge toalbetb b ef 0? e t ou. 25u 1 3 am oibe a graje beaaea:abeboiamjfonn^arettfoua ibauetoalBeabefo;efoufrSnnicbiiaeboae &amp;tft9f&amp;ftoase,$eboia&amp;ere3ift;atiCtoere me before

=- % befo?e$&amp;o#e abefb^e bis anopntea/tobofe ore baueU tabenf 0; tobofe aaebaue 31 taBI tobom baue %\ bone torfg to i? 0; tobom baue ^pifieoifana of tobofe banabauepeceattea an? fi be /to blpnac mpne e?esf tbertoitb^a 3 toill tetto;e it sou agape . ana tbe? fafae ft^oubaftaone bjsno to&gt;onge/no? piUebbs/ netbetbafttbou taBenougbtof anpmaneg banae, cfien fa?ae be to tbem : tbe jto^e ijs toitnea^ onto pou/ anabiS anopntea is toft* nefletbiSMfe/tbatjebauefOMbe nougbt^ nn/bances. ana je? antoerea i toe are tote

.-neffe&amp;cben fapae feamuelbnto tbe people xtMflSttflit )Lo?Be*tbatmaae a^ofesaaarS/a iSf!S?*W b?ougbtvcute fatbevs out of cgtpte. S, B ' i^oto tberfo?c ttanae &amp;tu / anaietme resfon to?fi) ?oubefo;etbeXo^e /^falltberygbt* toefnsffes of tb e%a M tobtcb be IDetoea botb f ou ana poure fatbers . . after flacob toascomeinto ^Sipte/sout fatbers crpeabnto tbexo^be/a tbea-o^jfent ofe$ aaaron / tobpeb b?ougbt poure fa* rftersGtttof(fgipt/amaaetbebteeiiinn)Kf place, i&amp;euertbelater tbep fo^gat ibe X.o?be ^eir (Soa . ana be folbe tbem intoijebanae '. 0ffeifaracbefecaptameof9!abinbngeof ^a jo?/ana into tbe banbes oftbe pbittflines ana into n)e banaesof tbe fi^nge of J^oaby tobtcb fougbtagapnfl^em. ben tbe? trpeb ftnto tbe %om ana (afbe : toe baue fpnnea/ j ; 6caufe toe baue fojcafeentbe %qm abaue feftiea2eaalimahaaobaro#. ut note be l^uec bg out of tbe bauaes of dure enemies jam toe toill feme tbe. ana Hozaefentle* i ^wte/^P^obsa^^aaan.sepbtbab/ana feamuel / a (i, telf urrcb ?ou oute of tbe batibes ef poure enemies on cuervfpae/fo tbatfeatoeircaift :ontfeare. anafo?alltbattebe foufatotbat iSabag tbe sgng of ebilb;enx)f ammon ci/ againft pou/te fapte bnto mr.not f o/a Bpng all ratgne ouer bS/teberet TLo^u'ey ou &lt;ffioa teas ?oure ffijrg-iljoto fijevfo?e biboibe the iSfitgr tobom pebaue dbofen anatobom fe baue cefirec-.fe /tbe idjfcebatb geuen ?ou afijnge/ Cb tbat?e tooiaefearein)e )lo?ae afetuebimabearebiSbofceanot aifobepe ttjemoutb of tbe Ho?oe:ano tbat botb pe ana (be &amp;?ng tbat rafgnetb ouer poutooiae fo* loto tbef.o;ae joure &lt;BtibJJtoti f tt ftall not tytften'bnto t\)t bo? ce oftbe S,o?Be/but (ball Wbbepc f U-o?aes moutb:tben ftall bance uttbe A-ozabebpon ?ou a bnf eure fatbers.

15 to alf (ranae a fe tbS great tbing totyfy tbe tofit toill bo before f oUre e? e$ :ts it not ,noto tobetfberuett. anb pet fo? all f/gi toill call bnto tbe 7lo?ae/anb^e (Hall fenbetbun* bee anara?ne. aBbrrb^e perceaue a bhber* fianae:boto tbatpoutetopefteanesis great tobicb pe baue aone in n)e f&amp;bt of t\tt )lo?ae fn afBingfou a St$nge&lt; ana tobm Samuel


.calleabnto )Lo?ae/tbeXo?ae fenttbunaer ana raftie fte fame aa?e; ana all tbe people fearea n)e )Co?beanb feamuei ercea^ngif e. ;.: &lt;K ben fa^e atifpecpie bnfo&gt;amuei:p;af e fo? tbpferuantesbnto tbe %oM ffl&amp;to/t toe ape not;fo? toe baue ff nnea in afB0igbs , a Bfnge/befrae allj|ffnniS tbat eu et toeaiaCbenflfae S&gt;amuj?tbnto f peopje-feate not. ana.tbougb?e baue aoneailtijfS to^c^eonefleKtb.i.pattenotfro n)e jLofltftttang cafe, jeujfetucbsm tottb all pourefierfts. Berber tutnef e after batyte tbpnges tobfeb canot aclpuer r ou/f 0? tbe? are but bamticS. 3&amp;ut tije toiix. to?U not t ozfafie bts people/ becaufe of bfS great names fafie:teraufe *tbe x,o?ae baft) begone to mafic ?ou bss* fel,f W*v people. flo2Couer ca fo^bpaae # 31 ftuice' n " r f h ' 3f w*' fpnneagapn(ttbe )to?ac Wtai0*MMdSw2w?* f o? tou ana to (betoe f ou tbe gooa ana rpgbt , , tea? e. cnlre feare ?cu tbe xojae ana fetue lbrni trunj toitb allpoure bert^ : f o? febe bam bone great tbinges fo;r ou.56ut f ff pe Qjall ao topcfieblse :tt)en ajallbotbe B^aob ?oure sngtbettoperfOje, . . \ -; CflCbc iS^ihatrics ate fin? tttn of&amp;tmi sranatfjae. tyctoeoof Samuel t&amp;at&amp;eftaiinQCtflfBric, rbe.rm^bapter. aui teas as a tb? lae of a ? ere ofte/* tobenbe begito rapgne. anb fs^l &gt;; bebabtafgneattoof etesouerSf* ttael/be cbofe bfm tb?e tboufano

men out of 3frael.; too tboufanb toet e Mom ' fe aul in fiacbmas ana mounts etbel/an&amp; 'atboufanaetoftb5Pona^asinabaabiee* nfamin.ana '^teft of people be rent/ euerp . man to bis;gonatbGS flue PbiBOmesinanbolbetbepbabinffiabnab/a it came to tbe PbHiBines tares . anb featrt caufeatbetrompettobe biotoen tbo?oto cut an n)e lana fafi(ig:lettbe (Jb;etoesbeare. anaaii^fraeibcarafafe/boto | fe aul baa beSrofeaanboibeoftbe^biiiumes/ a boto i 3;ftaei ftancBe bnto tPbfl*ttnies.anbaa tbe people crpea after feaul to algal, &amp;K$ lebflittines geatbereb tbe felues togeatbettofpgbttoitb?:ftael/tbirtietbou&lt; fanacbarettcsafeiretboufanbebo;remen toftb otber people lffie*fanabf ihmuitituaea camebpapitcbeam flpacb*?5 mas eautoaraefromSetbauen. ana tobe $ men of ?fraei fato tbe felues in a Oratfe / a iti)e people toet e accomb?ea / tb e p bm tbl feluesincaues/inp^eup boles/in tocfies/ bennes apittes . Km tbe iff b^uesteent ouer 5Bo?aan bnto tbe lana of caa a cpalaaa. 2But feaul teas v et in algal / ana all people i foltnc&amp;bimtoereaftonfea.anbrjctarjea* _ t h Teuen aa? es/as feamuei*baa appojntea. 5SutfeamueicamenotfO&lt;Eaigai/a?peop le . iffl* ffiaferea


f6atere&amp;ft5!&gt;im.i&amp;fc?e&gt;aiara#)fci&gt;?tg burnt facrif ice to me 9 peace ofiertnges -Jno beoffereb burnt fact?f?ce.aindas tone as be babmafce an enae of offering burnt oSetingi; bebolbe/ Samuel ea3nb&gt; attl toet again ft bim/ to Salute &amp; tm .C&amp;en faft e&gt;amue J to &amp;auKtobatbaatbouoone?3n8&lt;&amp;atilfa?o/ becaufe 3Cato $ tbepeoplefnatereb fro me/ rtiifc^b-**t&amp;OttCaraeftnot^ta$base*a|feOfllte n5pM. ** IflJWtoai geattjereb tbe femes to gea* ij3camic.ii* o)e tO!acftmasMbmlajo'j/ Pbtitumes

ftali come boune bpo" me t o algal /jet j Da ue mabe uipplicac&lt;5bnto$;ilo?be*ain&amp; ftjer* f o?e i tofie a courage to me 9 offetcb burnt of fmngeg.^be fa?be^&gt;amuelto &lt;&amp;aul/tt)ou ^aftDonefoljOrtgeabaftnotbeptf eSmau* bemet off no?o tb? cd tobicb be comaSoeb $ .tfojattbistpntctoolbilTlozdbatte ftablifc eo ft)? 6?ngbome bpo"frarl fry euet.jSut nototb?6?ngbome (ball not contineto, be lOMtotH t %-otb batb a fougbtbim a ml after bis atone tounteo to febe &amp;att/9batt) cfimaunaedbim to be a captatne 3 ffiSSta ouer bispeople-becaufe tbott baft not aeptg Si/oS n 1 tobicb fcofc cSraaunbeb tbe.3nb feamuel anp tying o? a/ arofe 9 gatbtfrS&lt;ffi&gt;algal to abaab; enia* vmati:6t bemtn.3ind;i&amp;auln5b?cb$people g toere fcub %l a mltl f c tobmvaboutafirebumMebme. Sub &gt;aul mrawtboiSib a3onatbaSbtsfonne9 tbepeopiet&amp;atteere a man ip 3- founbe to t^f/ftab tbeit ab? bjng m abaab ht to &amp; ^jecniamm. uttt)eb"iflwesbabpitcbeb *BES!ZL &lt; fl&amp;at&amp;maa.aift tbere came cut of roe Soft ?m toviSn of t&amp;eia&amp;Mftfoc*ttoe cSpames/tobeutote; ti)f to&amp;pt^ ijc onecopanpeturnebbntof toa?e leabetbto ftatht tiicrta- rfpbzabbntotbelandof &amp;&gt;ual.3inbanotber SSSFiSSS^' fSpanpe turneb f toa?e to 25etb ozS.3nd tbe ac u tit? b tbn&gt;&amp; cSpan? turneb to toape of tbe cott # 9 turned) to $baie?e of^cbotmtotoatbeft toil bernette 3But4bere toas nofm?tb tbojeto out allflfaeofgfraeI.&lt;ffo?PbiliftmrStbougbt f tben eb?ues mtgbt matte we ttoerbes 0? fperes.tndtberfozerauttaligifraefgoboto* ne tof^mliftmeS/to menaecuetKman Ijtss fijare/biS mattocfi/biS ajce/o?bfS cfcfiie : as fee as t edges of $ cicWejs mattock /doung f ojcaeS/9 ajKS toere blfit/anb air to mende t&amp;eirgoobes. 36ndfoint?meofbattell&lt;fjere toas netbet ftoerbeno? fpere founbe fri t&amp;e banbes of any of tbe people t&amp;attoetetopib &amp;aui 9 !Jonatba$ : taue fo? a&amp;aui ana go* naujasbfS fontte toad tbete tStobat founbe. 3Bnb tt)e mtim of ^bfltftmeg came out eftobe ontbeotberfpbebefo?e m&amp;tymafS. CJonatbas tSpanfc&amp;toUh fiwftsrneirclieatetpBttitB tt)G ft lUamcs to taattb the hoHf etob'jclj fiisfathet/snanotopugtohim/baBfcjbiBDftBrtoiJQ' icijofl . ^c QiHiBc thecfo^thauebent Claync but tbe people 6cU&gt;uerb.jnw CC^ e.jTtttj .CT^Optev.

MSbttfen on afia^e /tbat g'onatbaji litlje fonne of Siaulfafbe bnto bw* jcungmag bare ft ftb antes :ccmes : let bp go otier to Qe toatcbe mf off

t, Samuel,

^b!ltfiine0 awjofi&amp;ei; ontbe otbetr^e/9 toibenotbis fatbet.ut $&gt;aultarpeomtbe pttmoft parte of abaab bnber a pomegar* nettrce/g toa0 in ^agr5/$ tbe people tbat toere to bim toere bpS a fire WDitb me. ana 3biab fonne of W tob Sjebabobe* b?otber/ t fonheofPbtebe!S/tbefonneof$lt/toa0$ )lo?De0p;eaem^)tlob anbbateantepbob. 30ttt$ people toift not t lonatbas toaj$ gone 3nb in f to are ouer bp tobicbPnatbasl f ougbt to go ouer bnto gatifon Oft Pbiiidt&lt; neg/toeretberettoo fbarperocfie?/eue one 5 lone fibe/a f otber onfott)erfibe:|one:cal* iebffio5e?/9fotber^)eneb.1lin6$oneiea&lt; netbnojtbtoarbe totoarbe s@acbmai$/9 tbe otberfou^toarbetotoaroe$abaab.bJfad) i5onatt)as! to | ^offg mS g bare bfe ftamefle: come ? let *$ go ouer bnto Gibing of tbete bncircucife&amp;parabufture^o^btoiltoo^e ^ti3f!:fo? toflwiP free to fauc to manse o? to fetoe.Kinbbrs bamef berartarbe bntobim boaa t feintbineberfcfet ? fo?toarbe:afegi amto f /agtbinebertut&amp;etb.Cbennuoep* notbaS:beboUieytobe toego ouer bnto f me/ 9 81 c to oure feluejs bnto tbe t ?f tfle? fape on rbWtoifetobfrtarrebntiHtoe cometo?ou/ tbentoetoiBftSfieailltoberetoebe 9 not go bpbntatbe.ut?ftbe|fofatebntoWtfOs mebpbntob0/tt^ toe torn go bp/fo; )Lo^i batbbeliuerebtbfintoourebanbejJJinbrbifJ ffiaibeaftgnebntobis. ainb toben Wv bb bottje fljetoeb tbSfeluegbnto I garifon of t PbUiflinES / pbiiiftme0 fa?be:fe/ f tint* toes come out of fboles tog ete tbe? babbibb tbe felues in.3Cnb $ me of s garifon anftoe* reog|onatbaS9bi!Sbamefbearer 9ta?be:co* me bp to bjs/9 tot toil fbeto vou a tbing.Cbs fa?beaonatbasJbnto bfe.batttetbetefccome bpafterme/fo; Ho?bebatt) beiiuerebtbcni tntobanbes of ifrael.3Bnb?onatba0 ciame

bpSbanbes 9 fete/ 9 W bamef berec aftetbi c&amp;entbep fell before 3onatba?s:anb W W* nef beret flue tbe afterbOnb fitft aaugty* ter toijtcb^onatbas 9bi!*bamefberer mabe toasbpo a ttoeri'eme/tom^copaffe asit toe* re about an baif e aber of ianbJnb tbe 1 toas a fear ein m&amp;t toajsfti I felbe/9 amSg ail&lt;c f people:infomotbetbe?t6ept f Bolbe/9 ttyyb to ere gone to robbey toere aftat&amp;e alfo: 9f ertb erpibieb/9 tbete toa* a feare rent of ob.lno toatcbe me of ft&gt;aulm abaab 55tniamin/fato.a6nbbebolbe/ ? peopleffia* tereb ranebitbet 9 tb&lt;tber.befaibeg&gt;aul bnto ^people i toastobimSbje 9 retobofiJ goneatoa?efr8bS. 2nb tobe n)e? babtolbe: b ebolbe / '7 onatft as 9 b^s bamefbearer toere notrbete.anbtbf^auIfaibbntoabia:b?fg bftberf arcfie of ob-fo j farcfie of ob teas at i t?me to tbe cbpib?e of gtraelJnb tobfle fcauitara&amp;bnto tpaeae/f peopled toere in tbe

in 1 90a of Pbflittutes/rSne mo?e 9 mo,' 3na^aulCapoe bnto p:eaae-.tottb b;atof tbmebSbeainii&amp;aul crgeo 9aii tbe people^ toere to bt/9toet to battelUnb beboloe/euetf m&amp;nesftoerbetoasagapnft b&amp;felotoeAja Kiigbtie great flaugbter,flo;eouer u;e ues g toere to Pbil*'ttnes before | tpme/9 toere come to n)e m all partes of gbofte/tbep turneb to ifraeltbattoas toitb S&gt;aul 3o&lt; tiatbasJnb tbe? alfo tobicb bao bpbbetbem feiues in mount e &lt;pb?aim/as foneas (be? beam boto tt)at tbe^fliftmes toere time/ j tbe? folotoeb after tbe in battelUnb foob ^bolpe3ffaeltbatoa?e. SBnbtbebatteli con* t inueD &amp;nt?ll tb ey. came to etbauen. j'a/nbtbemenof3!frael to?neb tbe feiues to seataer f ba?e:9S&gt;aulabiure&amp; t^t people fa?irige:Curfebbeftetbateatetban?e fobe bntpli n?gbte / tbat % ma?ebe abuengeb of m?neenem?es.ainbfotbere toasnoneof peopletbat tafteb an? fu ftinaunce.anb* ail MWmv tijelanbe cametoatooob tobete bon?ela?c SSSCS^V* 8 groOoeJinbtobe people toere come *** mto tbe toobb*. JBebolbe / tbe bon?e b^oppeb. oto beittbere toasnomS $ mouebbtsbft) to bis moutb/becaufe tbat tbe people feared tbe cur(Te.5Sut g: onatijas bearb not bbtytfi fatberabiurebp peoplcteberfojebeput to;* tbe f enoe of ftaffe $ 'masinbislfct} 9bipte it in an bon?e comb e/ 9 put b&gt;S banbe to b pS --.JkWilW* epesreceaueongbtcbe fpafie

pta tape, people fa?mg:Curfeb be mS g eaten) an? 6; tetiwwtt fuftinaunce n)iS ba?e/ 9 ?et tbe people toere K2tt*W l **** l, ** g'onatbas-.m? fatber B oarc ftatli troubleb t *Iab/ f e/ m?ne omW i ' fftoHbUftWctaueb ftgl)t/becauft5taQeb alitle of tbis Dtkatti ib a bon?e:boto tben ?f all f peoplebab eate off ( "Sfpo?le of ft)eir enemies tobicb tbe? fofi&amp;bab SbS^^^toenetbenamocbe greater daugb* JSmm ^ ^teramsge mmxitsi 3inbtbe?la?ebon nje.-iic ^tbePbtliftinestbatbaTe/ fro Sacbmas to S" 'l e 3'al5.3nb | people toere ejcceo?ng fa?ntie. \Smi&amp; J Peoplcgattbjtotbefpo?le 9 rose um WIIMU (j,epeoyen 9calucs/8auetbeontbegrofibe 9b?b eate toitb tbe bloube.cben mentoibe S&gt;aui (a?inge: 2&amp;ebolbe tbe people f?nne aga?nft tbe 7Lo?be/in tbat tb e? eate to to) tbe bloube. 3Dnb be (a?be:?e baue tterp aceb.^Sut totolea great (tone bnto me noto / anbgo ab?oabe among v people 9b?bbtbe b??nge euer? mabiS ore 9 euer? man ^ (&amp;epe/anb flap tbe be?e/f?nne not aga?nft jiofle in eat?ngtotbebloube.3inbf people b?ougbt euer? mS bis ore in bS banb b? n?gbt 9 flue tbeu)ere.3inb&amp;aulmabeanaltare bnto $ jLo;be.3nb f toastbef??ftaltare $ be mabe bnto tbe %&lt;nut. KirtD S&gt; aul fa?be : KttbS go botone after tbe^biBaines b? n?gbt/ 9 lett bS mabe bauofie am5ge u)e bntin it be ba?c


ifr m mojn?ng/9 lettbsnotleaueone of tbe, %m people anttoereb/bo tebatfoeuer tbou tbinbett beft.cben fajoe tbe p^eafte; lett bs^s comebitberbnto &lt;esod. SinbgiaulatSebof* obJfljail 3 go botone after Pbi&amp;&amp;ines? 9 toilttbouoelfuertbeintompnebanb^25ue beanftoerebbimnotatit?nie, cbenfatfje ^&gt;aullet tbe people come bptber out of all quarters/9 bnoto 9 fe / in tobS tbis f?miei^ cbaficeb tbiS oa?e : f 02 as mil? as tbe ji-ojbe l?uetb tobicb batb faueo gjfrael /tbougbeft oein3lonatbasm?ronne / be (ball b?e fo; it. utnomananftoerebbimof autbe people. Cben be (am bnto all JftaelAe ?e on one f?be/* % 9^onatbas m? f onnetoflbe onano* tber.Knbf people fa?bebnto ^aul:tobae tbourb?nfie8befttbatbo.3Dnbg)aulfa?De bntotbe)lo?be&lt;!5ob of jfrael: geuepetfecc finotolebge. aBno^aulanbfonatbas toere

eaugbt/ 9 tbe people ffiapeb free.cben fa?a S&gt;aul:call lottS bettoeneme 93onatbas m?,* fonne . 36nb Gjonatbas toas eaugbt . cben v &amp;aui(a?bewionatbas:teHm,ctobaetbou ball bone. 3Cnb3!onatbastoa&gt;ebim9ia?be: 3! tafteb al?tle bon?e bpbft tfieinue of m? ftatfe f teas in m?rtebanbe/9 ft/% muab?e. Cbenfa?bS&gt;aul*obbofo'anbfotome/*jBirtB,(, crceptgtbottb?eg!onatbas.56iittbepeopre ' fa?bebnto &amp;aul:$augtonatbas b?e tobtcbi batbfom?gbter?eboIpeifraelfobfo?b?D %$ ttul? as f jiojoe \-wti) ! mt an not onebearreofbisbecb fell tot grotibe:fti?be batb to;ougbt to?n) ob tbis ba?e.lnb fo people belwwreb ^onatbas / $ fie b?eo not. atobtben&gt;aulbeparteb fra fsloto?ngetbe Pbiliatnes.lnb f pbiftttmestoent to tWt atone place, 3nb fo ^aultobe b?ngbom ouer3|frael/anbfbugbtaga?nft all m ene* m?esoneuer?f?oe:aga?nft tbe ^oabiteS: aga?nQ cb?lb?f of aimm8:aga?nft i mo* bomites : aga?na tt)e fi?nges of 5 obab ana aga?nft$bflffimes,20nDto&amp;erberfoeuer be turneb bim f el f e-tb ere be toatme/9 pla?eb tbem59flue$amalecbttes/ 9t?bbejftael out of tbe bSoes of tbe tbat fpo?ieb tbe i cbe* fottnesof&gt;aultoere/3!onatbas/9Eefut/anB ^elcbifua. I'nbbPS ttoobaugbters toere tfius nameiKtbe elber toas calleb flperob 9 1 ?oungera9icbol.3Cnb tbe name of^aules * toifc toas Hibmoatn$ baugbter of Wftmm 3 no tt) e name of b?S cbea fe capta?ne toas Sinter ft) e tonne of I3er ^aules bncle Jnb *Cis toas Swwles fatt)et-3nb i9er f fatber ,. ... lt . of 3Bbnet toas tbe fonne of 8blel . 3Bnbtt)ere u^uai toasfo;etoarretoPbtames/alltba?es of feaul. &lt;jfo; toberefoeuer ^aul fatoe a fttSg mS/ an actiue/be tols e Dim bnto brm. C Saul 1 cSmamibtb to Cite Slmalecii . g t ie BtiTobc* litnt to t&amp;c Bojccof o^miDfaiicii) tbefvople fo of fer iebntothcio?b: fo; tobicb the loibt tcttetetb caaetb htm atonpt. ^aniHrt mouvstth fo? ani.

o,b, IJbe

^&gt;attl is meet



CCbe.Jtb.&lt;lBaptCfc J$enfapae &gt;amueibnto fij&gt;aul:{? tolo?aefentme to anoint apnge ouer big people 3;ftael. $ott tfter* |fo?e obepe tbou tbe boice of tbe! toojaeg of tbe jlozae , cbug faptb tbe Ho?oe ofbotteg:3!bauecaHebto rememtyaunce g inbicft amalectt aia to giftael*ftoto tbep lape m toapte fo?tftemirt tbe toaie/ as* tbep came out of cgipte . $oto.tbetfo?e go &lt;j fmpte tbe amalecmteg/ao^iceftroieiealltbatper* tapnetb onto 01% i e tbou baue no copaffpS on tbe 'ij&amp;xt flap botbe man 9tooma7 infant 9tucBlpng/9 oj:e/fl}eue/camell.9afle. ana ^aultoloe it $e people/ 9homb?eo, cbemtn eelaim ttoo bnnfijeo tboufana foote men/* ten tboufaname of guaaana &gt;aut " cmhsbmoacj#eofiamaiecBirj/9 fcugbt in a balepfcieut &gt;aulfaia bntotbefcenitf go 9aep3#eahagettpeaouneftSamong # ; amaie$iteg/lcftef fiefirope pou toitb t&amp;em fo?pe OjftocD mercitoptb ifraeltobentbep _ came outQf Cgppt.ana teem'teg aeparfea torn amongetbeamalecfiitegv anti ^.aulflue ifte amalecmteg fro" i$t&lt; uifa to fbut tbafcli etb before usppt/ 3 tobe f gag tbe png of tbeamaiecmteg a lpue/9 btterlpe aettropcb all tbe people toitb f eage oftbeftocrae. 2But&gt;aul&lt;jtbepeopiefpa&lt;= leaagag/anatbepleftoftbefljepeanaoftbe

* smae is / tae oren ant&gt;*fatt tbpngeg anb tbe lambed 9 all bcabea&amp;csmDtbattoaSgooD/anotooloenot befttope tbe. aaoB pp tbattbciaefttopeabtterlpe . cben came t&amp;e * * toojaeoftbejlo?&amp;ebnto Samuel fnpfng: it "tepentetb me 3!bauemaae &gt;aui lung, a. ffi&amp;cc^ tf0?be.igtumtafrcTOmetibatb nctpatfo?* pcntauncc of meamp commeunbementf g/ teb^fo?e g&gt;a cBoB/10 one, mueltosjsewlf apaiae9crpea bnto$ )lo?a ownr 8K'*&amp;alfc ana^amwttofe erlpe/tomete SeZ. 3nD aa ;&amp;auiin mo?npng.anaitteagtoiae&gt;a* tijc affcccion oemuei tbat &gt;aul toa5 come to caimel / ana tnctcn of fa^aafetbimbpaptuerof ttifipbc. ana tea? SSIM* tutneaana aepartea ana gone to algan. ? Sin a a " ** m Samuels toagcpme fo&gt;au!/ oot&amp;e tije rcru &gt;aul faiac bnto bim: 2S!etreabe tft ou tn t&amp;e ptuce aMrifiii* THofitM, bauebone tbe commaunaement of i c ' ob * f jW%oM. 3na Samuel anftoereattobac 3SB Srr c meanct ft * en ^ c bieat?nge of tbeflicpefli t6c nffcccpon mpneearr0/etftcnopTeoftbeojccntobK&amp; 31 of angctana bearefanaS&gt;aitlCapaestbep baueb^ougbt of fiitpt * or tt tftem ftom ttje SBmalecWteg . f o? tbe people R'ot n o; nww&amp; tbe beft cftbeiftepeanaoftbco^en/ wt w Sift to facofpce onto tbe s,o?ae cftt fcoa^na tbe i^catjcof oBtemnaunttoe baueaefltopea, 56utjamueifa?aetoS)aut:ceaferet ^ IwfSS?" n tell tbe tobat m TLo?aebatb fepae tome rJ 8 hrn!Toftfe^^nmbt.3ta^rapaebntobpm:fapeon. noust)tbpijin3t'nB Samuel feraetoben tbou toaft 6 fttle ftift. tatbpneatonerpgbt/toaatbounct maae f

beeo of &amp;it ttpbess of ^ftael^ 36nbtbe)Lo?ae anopntea tbefipnge ouetgftaeijnatbenf H-o?aCenttbeonafoutnepe/$fapae bntoft/ Cetbat tbou bttttlpe&amp;efltope tbofe fpnnew/ tbe amaiecbtteg^fpgbt agapnfttbem btt* trllpebaueijttetrpeaeftropeotbcainbtebet^ f o?e baft tbou note not obepea tbe bopce of f Xbo^ae :ut apaeft tuine to tbep?ape 9 baft pj;ougbt totcfteanefle in $ fpgbt of )lo?aef ana &gt;attH fapae bnto ^amuel: 3 baue ob'epea tbe bopce of tbe %qiu /.ana toent tt^t toapetobicb &amp;o;afentme/9bauebjougbt 3{gag tbe iapnge of tbe 3 maleciut eg . a na banebttenpe aeflropea amaiecBitcg.ana tbepeopietobeof^efpople/fliepe/oicen/* 4 fee cbef eft of tbetbpngegi tobicb tbuia batte beneaeatopeb/to ofletbnto f )Lo?atbp ob

in aigal.cbfn fapa ^amuel^atb ilo?a . ass gteat pleafure in burnt Cacttfpceg $ cfie* tpngeg^ag bebatbtbattbou fljuioeft obepe ^ Bii5bopcef)5eboiae/ to'obapei?! betteftbentv-iiat^.. offetpng/anatogeuebeaBeisi tetter, tben .f 'lm U

fatt of rammer. $ o? rebellpouCneffe 10 ag fpnne of toftcb crafte / 9 ftobumeffe iss tot fieanefle * giaoiattpe.l&amp;ecaufe ^erf o?e tbo baft caft amape tbe too?ae of tbe Xoja/tba* 7* fo?ebatbetj]eju#)ecaftatoap tbealfo/ftojf m bepnglapnge. cm,\ arben fapae ^&gt;aul to Samuel : 9 baue ?"* fpnnea foxbane ttefpacea tbe moutb of tbe *m &gt;Lo?be/anatbptoo?ae0/becaufegi fearea tyWfan people 9 obepeatbeir bopce . ^utnoto tabeoutc atoapemp fpnne/? tume agapnetoptb tne/ JJg ffl tbat|mapetoo;fl)ip tbe "^o;ae. %m fapae -cowtT;. ^aniuelbnto &amp;tmk% topll noctcturne 1* 2,3 tbe:fo? tboubaft caft atoape tbe bpaapnge of m^ &lt;2Joa/3 tberf o?e tbe JLoiae batb 6 caft atoape jgffig tbe aifo/^ tbou (bait not be' raer.Ktnaasfg&amp;amuel turneatogo atoartVf n S", be caugbt t^e lappe of b^ coote/ana it vent, x^m m &gt;aniueiratae/tbeil.o?aebatb rent pngaomebf Slfrael from tbe tbfts aape /a na Ma. batbgeuenittoanepboute oftbpne tbatftSffiSJgB better tben tbou. anatbertobe tbatgeuftb*^bicto^etft^fraeil/toinnotbegpleno^repet:^', fo;bei0notaman/tbatcanrepent. .. benbe fapb: 1 ? baue fpnnea.#ut pctbo= notitemebefo/e eiaetg of mppecpie / ana befo?eg|ftael/ ana 1 tutneagapne toirtj me / tbata mape p?apebntotbe )Lo?ae(bp ca , ana bamuel turnea agapneana forctoea &gt;aul . 3Dna ^aul p;apeabnto tbe % ow. Cben fa^a S&gt;amuel:ffi?pngyeb'tberto/me , Stgagtbe Singe of tbe"amalecfitK)5. mjffiW 3gagcamebntobtm*aelpcateipjnaagag9'"". fapoe:trulp bitterne.ffe of aeetb comctb on.. Htna&amp;amuel f apb:l s tbp Ctoer&amp;ebatb maa e toeme cbiiaelefle/fo (ball H)p motber be ebpl* Delete am5ge otbertoemen. 3Cnafo Samuel betoea 3&gt;gag in peace0 before tbe %o?ne in . &lt;palgar.

iauiD is


E 9 '


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... - 2tnb tben Samuel aepajtebio amatptna aui toentbometobigboufeto abaab&gt; aul.25ut^amuel came no moa* retofe)auibmpii aapeofbiUbeetb ,t&lt; uettbelece^&gt;amueimoumeafo?^&gt;aul/be cattfe tbe )lo?ae repentea tbat bebab maae bimBpngouergrrael. CiDaino is anno;n(eo fipti0:an rtauc$ tkt (joip good . Ha cucll fp;ctr comabpon $aul vh icb bc pactct^ to^cii Saaurt plaptts. CCbe.rbi.fibaptei:. i8b tben tbe ?Lojb fapae bnto g&gt;a* muei-.^oto ISgetoilttbou moume fo;S)aul/feping3,baue caftbira s atoape fro rapgnpng ouer jfteif fpnanbo^netoitbopntmet/anacome-JtoiH f enae tbe to -ifai f 35etblebemite/f o? 31 baue fp?cane a Spnge amongebp* fonnep . 3&gt;ut parallel anttoereatbotofljaii 31 goof fni ^aul all beare it $ topUbpU me. ana tbe Xo;bfapae:&lt;rafieanbepfertoitbtbe/ Cape tbougoefttoofferto txo;a.a'nbeaiie mat

to tbe oferpng/93 1 tepBfljelo tbetobatcbou qjaitao:aitatbou (bait anojntbim tobom* Tape bnto tbe.ana^&gt;amuelBpb ajstbe^o^a baabimJua tobenbe came toj5etblebem/ elDfrs of tbe totone toere aftonieb at b PS co&lt; mpng/anb fapae; JSeto&amp;enetb tftp compnge jg peacef anebefapae vet/fofc am cometo of* #, fer bnto tbe ^o?ae*&lt;Tlenre poute felueg ana mi, corned me to tbe offering, anabe purif tea . |fai a bfe Conner 9 baa of to t^t offering, .anatobe^eptoerecome/beiofieaon diab 9 fapa-. B,o^ anopntea W before bim.ut f &gt;Lo?a fapae bnto &gt;amuefcloBcnotonbfc facponnozont!iebcigbtofbi0ftature/ fo? 5- 5ibauerefiifeobm.5Becaureiti0not agma fcptb .^fo? man loftetb on tbe outtoarb appe

jiwaH emit before i&amp;amusl.ana be fapaeaietberbatb $ m #ftu )Lo?ae c&amp;oren tbtss.cbe n ^taimaae ^amab Z^'^^come/anbbefapaeuietberietbatb 7Lo?ae cbofenbpm. erbenmaaejfarfeuenofbps fonne0comebefo?eg)amuel.ana Samuel fapae/tbe Ho?ae batb cbofen none of rbefe. c&amp;en fapae Samuel to 3i(ai:arebere an tbpcbpl&amp;^cf ana be Capaeit&amp;e poungeft iupet bebpnae-.J3eboiae/ be bepetb f ftepe .rbm S&gt;amuelfapaebnto3!fai:fenae9fettc bpm fo? toe topil not fptteaotone/ tpUbe be come bitberJna b? fent 9 b?ougbt bpm in.anabe toa$s b^otonc toitb gooaipe epe^/ana toellfa* uo?ea in fpgbt. ana Gm tt&gt;t %mt fapbe bp ana anopnt; tbig is be. ana amuel tobe n)e borne toptb tbe ointment ana an anopntea bm in tbe p?ef en? of bis* bjetbzen. ana tbe fpjtte of tbe Ho?ae came bpon J0a* uta/from tbat bape fo?toarae. Inb Samuel rofe bp ana toent to IBamatb. : . ^uttbefpieteof rbe)io?bebepaitebfta


mtopntcu fx* l&amp;aul/*" an eueli fpiete fent of % )io?b/be* u mte tmii jrebbim.cben fapae big femauteg bnto bum **( fom Beboiae/anmeUTpjetersntof foa beretb SSfiSSiJS tbe/lettourejLo?ae tberfo?e comaunae bW?oVmwK feruaunteutofebeamantbattg a connpng ?BEfp?tof5o

plaper Vb an barpeJna tben toben tbe eueli nw^**' fp;etefentof oa/cometbbpontbe/tbatbe SfisriSf* 9 mape plape tt big bS&amp;e/Utbou alt be cafea gft'Sott ana &gt;aul fapae bnto &amp;rgreruaateg:fefte me !* topu Beft* amantbatcan toellplape/anab^pngbimto " 6 aa* me.cbenanftoereaoneofbpg feruauntegfr BgyiJfB K teiae:ebolbe/abauefeneafonne offlai fficT^pT f etblebemite/tbat can plape bpon inftrus tbpnge Bafc menteu/ana ig an actpue feiotee ana a man it couibc not of toarreana pjuaent ^toeli maae/anatbe **m t0 ' paw 7Lo?aeigtoptb brm /tobnftpoB&amp;auifentSSgg, meflmgergbnto5!fatafapae:fcnaemea^crcB toh uiatbpfonne tobicb ig toitb tbe (bepe , anatoooBne^bt # ffaitofieanaffe laaetoittj b?eea /anbaflap *&amp;&amp;&amp;*&gt; bet of topne/ a abpaae / ana fent tbebp 9*SffgL mm fonne bnto &gt;aul . ana^aufti toffiSS^SSS toavaulcamebefo?ebim/(jbeioueabpm^ m fo;cm b.erptoell/fo tbatbetoag maaebpgbarnef* '&gt;&lt;; &gt; mo ^eater.ana S&gt;aul fenttof faifaiinge: WrSfflSKf auia remaine toitb me/fo? bebatb founaemMtcl ' tauourmmpfigbl.anatoben t!jefp?eteof oa camesips g&gt;aui/ w ana tebeanbarpe ana plaiea toitb big banae / 9 f Saul teas refreflbea/anaaja amena ana (be euefffp?ete beparteaftombmt. fell |paui&amp; ouctromet^ great tsotmi^ jfteto battel!/ ^catne to get^ct to*


. ?-

ocob in g'uba/ ana pptcbeb be* ttoene^ocbcbanb a?e6ab/inrbe enaeof^omim . ana&amp;aulanatbe men of STrael came anapptcbea in &gt;cbeaale/9 put tbemfeiuegmatape/to fpgbt agapnft nje Pbiltfttneg,anatbe Pbm'ftineg ftoae on an bpllontbe onefpae/aiftael ftoae onanbpll on f otber fpae/9a bafepe bettoene tbe. ana tben came a mS 9 ftoae in tt)e mpaaeg/out of f te teg of tbe p&amp;iffftuieg namea offatb/of etbfpte cubiteg 9anbaab?eaetb longe / 9 baaan belmet of b?affe bponbigbeea / ana a coote of maple ab out bim.ana toepgbt of tfifi coote of maple toag fpue tboufanaeCp* 8leg of tyaffe . anabe baa bameoe of b?affe bp S big irggeg / 9 a (biiae of bzafle bpon bpsf ftouftens-ana t (bafteofbfiscperetoaglise

a toeuerg beame.anbbfg fpeate beea toepea bi.buna?earpbleg of fftttjift one bearing apiaetoentbefo?ebim. * : ana be ftoae 9 cailea bnto tbe boffe of % r* rael/9 fapae bntotbem: tobat neaoetb i ie flniiae come out in araie to batten f am not 31 a Pbiliftine/a iou f eruafit( to ^auPcbo* feioua mi/analertbtm come aotene tome/ If

' r I

attiD agapntt


I f be be able to fpgbttoitb nte ato beafe me/ tben toe totflbe noureferuauntes. 28uf ?f 3! can oner comeb^m anb beat e b*m: tben re is Omlbe oto?e fetuauntesanaferue bs.ana f ^PnuainefapDegibaue befrea $ boa of 9&amp; fraeltbtScatfegeuemeaman alettes figbt to getbes . mm &gt;aui 9 all aftael bear&amp;e f#jfetoa#IJS of 0bittttine/ ttjep toere Mf* cosasgea *nc greatly aftapeMCno tb$ a* uib toa &amp;r fonne of as*, epb.Jtttbite of 53eft&gt; i^?2.u5f!/n3meo3;i'af/lDbicb Sfaibaa eigbf fcnneS-jfina tea? an oloe man in tb e bayeu 1 ^.aul amonge people . Ino tbe tb?e elbcft fonnesof 3fai tofts foiotoeD &gt;aui to bat* t ell.ano tbe named of bis t&amp;?e fatness t toft to battell/toere: GKab tbe eiaed / a tbe nert to bint ab maoab/ a tbe tbtfd g&gt;ama&amp;/$ a ut'o teas f ?ounged.anb tobe tbe tb?e elbcd toere gone after &gt;aul/auid toentanb Depart from ^aul/to f eae bis fatbets djepe

stet(}lebem3totbe$biu{ruiecam fo?tb euerrmoznptg anb euenpnge / contpnuea fourtjeaares. 3CnD 3;fat fapoe bnto attta b tS fonne :tabe f o? tbl? b?etb?en tbfc P&amp;a of parcbea cojne; atbefetOTloues/?rurmetotbebode/totb? b?etb?en. anacatyetbefetenfreftje cbefes .. bntotbecapta?ne/anbloBebototb?b?etb?e mK; t b" baut f?gbtj?ngtt tbei&amp;biufline* . ana 30a* tototipoapicD* uirjtofebp erl# in tbe mirojnge a lefte tbe SLSffiw ttepetoit&amp;afiepewto&amp;eanatoft/ as|fai! Sftt S VcSmaunbeBbim/anacametobetefcboS *&amp;; c *a?e.3na&amp;ottetoaS go^mgoutin arage/ tmito* amototeamtbebatteikfo^fraelstbei&amp;bt * lidinesbab puttbefeluesinarare/tbe one agapnd $ otbet.cbenauiaput panger from bim/bntorbebanaes of tbe fiepet of faeffeis/a^nefatotbe&amp;ofteacame afalu* tedbssbjetb&amp;anBaSbe taraeatoit&amp;tbem: Eebolbe- ft ere doae a mS in tbe miaaes/dso* liatb ft)e ppKOihe by name/oflSetb/to&amp;icb came out of tbe %m e of t Pbilifttoes/ anb fpafie of tbe manet aboue nbttko/i auib neatbe it Jnb all men of giftael / tobe tbe? fato tbe m7tanneatoa?e from bint/ fttoete foje attam&amp;m euet* manofifraeltagae: &gt;cwtbtPniantbatiseomefojtb/euen to rattfegfftaelisbecome . anbtobsmgbea* reft bpmto?lltbeBnggette great rt?cbes/f tojwgeuebsmb^ oaugbter tberto:teana inatebfefattej^ototeftemgcrael. ___^ben fpase auio to tbe men tbat ttooe by 9 mym ifcbat qjalbeooneto tbemStbat beatetb t&amp;sssp&amp;fliftttte 9 tabetb atoape tbe Ojameftom IftaeUffojtobat i*W bncft* timicpfeb Pbittttine/tbat be Quftemtple bolie oftbelsupg 5obf 3Bnb tbe people an* Ctoereo as it id wb "fto fasinge-.Co Jball it be

bone to tbe man ftat beatetb bimJnb !iau btt elbeft bjotbet'bearbe toben befpabe bit. to p men $toa0angttetottb SfcauiD 9 fapoe: ib? earned tbouatoase/* toitb tobom Uaa tboureftetborefetoelbepeinftoilbetneffef

abnotoetb? p;s3eanbtbe maipeeof tbpne bem/f&gt; ajou att come to fe tbe batten . anb ?Baufl&gt; anCtoereD/tobatbaue^ notobonef is tbere my moate faue a too*De t anb oepats tea fto i&gt;pbnmt anbftet ftonte / 9 fpabe of tbe fame manet/ anD tbe people anftoeted bfm agarne/as before. 3no tbe? g beam tbe too?bes tobicb ?^a&lt; ttio rpafie/rebetfebtblbefo;e -Saul/ tob?tb caufebb?mtobefett. anbJ^awbfajbeto ^aul'.nettnomanneisbettfapiebrm be* eaufeofbmt.^rbf feniaunt totfigo afpgbt toitb tbts^biliftine.anb$&gt;attifabe to 9a uiD agapnc/tbou att not able to go bnto tbi? Pbiliftine/tofpgbt toitb bfm. !Jro?tbouaW buta labb/ 9bebatbebeneamanoftoatte eue from bin poutbe.cben f a?oe auio bn* to &gt;attl / as tb?fetttaunt fieptbwi fatbetss epe/tbere came a %vd alttietoife aeate/ anb tone a ftepe outof tbe flocfie.anbgf, toft ont after bint $ fmotebim/anbtOBett out of; tobenbe atofeagapntt me/ % caugbt btm by tbe bearoe anbfmote bint 9 fiue b im Jo? botbe a %y on anb alf a tfeare batbtbjfewafitoawe.anbtbifabncimim. ctfebPbfliftinc ftalbe as one of tbe/ fo? m taplpng on tbe bofte of tbe ttugng oa.ana au&lt;bfpabemo?eouei;/tbe'/Lo;oe tbatbe* Ipueteb me out of tbt bSbes of Ve on anb oute of f bSbes of t ,5Beare/ be (ball belruet tnealfoouteoftbebanbesoftbe^iliilme. ^en fat^e S&gt;aui to auibgo/a $ )lo?B betoitb tbe. anb Saul putbPSraymetbpS auib / ano put an b elm e t of b; affe bp5 b\ beebe/anbputacooteofma$lebponbpi/9 mto autotf by&amp; atone ftoetae bponbiS rapment. anb tie aoapcb to ge / fo? be neuec p;ouebit. cbenfa^K^auib bnto^aura cannotgotiitbefe/fo;3tbauenotliene bfeb fterto/anb puttbem of bint a tone W ftaffe fitbiSbanbe/9cbofebmifruefmotbeaone$t out of a b?ofte $ p ut fte in a ftepatb? bagge tobiebbebab /$ina poBe/abiSBfnginbtff banoe/ g ment to tbe PfttHttfoe,

^auiuanD t_

3nb tPbtiiQine came abnie ne to ^a* uiD/toittj tbemang bare a iiDe before bim. anb tobe PbiiiQine lobeb 9 fatoe auib: be Dif&amp;aFit'iii bitn/fo; be toas but a labb/rou* ore anb gooblre to lobebpon. anb iljt &amp;bi\u


j Wb in 0)t name of bis obbes. anb bifaype to autb:cometo meanB3!toril geue tt)v fieCbe bnto tbe fotoles of tbe mei anb to (tie lieaBes of tbt feioe. cben fa?b auio to tbe l&amp;bittftine-.tbou cornea to me toitb a ftoerbc ufpeareaajbiioe'.jsutleometotbeintbe name offte ^o?De of bodes/ the ob ottbe ftodeoffftaeltobomtboubadeatlebbpon. bifSbaw ftan (be %om wtpm tbe into msbanbe/^31 Cballfmptetbeanotafietbpne Oeebftojutbe/sa topllgeuetbebarcafes of tbebode of tbe ^biudines tbisbare bnto 2 fotoles of tOe ap;e 9 to tbe beades of ertb/ ano all tbe too^loe (ball 6notoe/ftat tbere IS a ob in 9 frael . anb all tbis congtegacpon an ftnotoe/tbat tt)e jLo?oe fauetbnot tot^b tbe Ctoeroe ano f peare . #o? tbe batten is tbe JLotbem 5 allgeue fou into ourebSoes, anb tobe tbe Pbiu'dine atofe a came anb fouenie bnto auiD.Bauibbadeb aranne in arap e eul agapnd 5 Pbilidine.anD a* tub put biS banoe inbt'S pofieano tobe out a Coneanbflangeit/ana fmote tbe#bilidine inbiSfo;beeo^attbedonefonc6eintobPS Pfo?beeb/abe felie grouelpng to tbe era) Jnb fo auto ouer came tbe Pbilidine toyib a Hpngaadone/anbfmotetbePbilidine anb flue btm.anb becaute auib babno f toetbe inbtsbanbe/berannea dobebponfte^bi* lidine/atofiebisftoerbej tw it out of bra* fltetbe/a flue bim anb cut re of bW beebtber* toitb.anotoDetbe Pbtlidines fatoe t theft

rtampt'ontoas oeeD/tbepBeb.anb $ men of Sfrael anb of g^uba atofe 9 ftototeb anbfo* lotoeb after tbejsbiiidfees/bntilltbep came totbeba^eanotouotbegates otafiaron. fnb tbe jebiftdmesfeiibotone beta 6p tbe toape/euenbntodEJetb aabawn.anbtben ftecbplb;en of^frael refttmebfrS djaffng after tbe p&amp;itfdwus 9 tobbea tbeir tentes! anDautbtofietl)ebeeDoftbePbmawie9 mm it tofetufaiem:utbe putbisat* moureinbfistente. J$l&amp;ty^.P*toptoft agapndf ISbflidine/befapDebntoflmer f captapne

banbeJnb "S)aulfa?be to bitm tobofe fonne atttbou/tbou laDbf anD auib anWed I fonne of tbpferuauntgrai jeetbiebemtte. fEflEfge bonfte bcttocnc 2Dauiti SJortathas. giauloo# tbtsboutcta nccjDami)}- a&gt; a , luavittfj Xi tl;e6atta ,, tofiSisuU w pvb Cbe.j:biii 4 cbapter, b b$en be baomaoean enoe of* Qieabpngebnto S&gt;auf/ffouleof ai Jlbnatbas toas finpttoptb f route ffflssiffi2S au ^? ,n i omo ^ e * ^Iwwb wmasBi0*atonerou{e.anD^&gt;auitoftebwn *at mm tbatbape a toolbe let btmgo no-moate borne &amp; lm MU * tobtSfatbersboure.anblonatbas auib natbasioueD btm asbtS atone feme, anb Ipnatbasputofbfe atone coocc 3 toasbpo imva gauett auib/anD tberto bis mMle/ JW.raem/biS bootoe a tteBKbfr. ami a bebaueb bmt felfe to jfelpe.anD toben^auL m tettbtm ouer bis men of Xre$ feD allj people/a ^aursreiuautes tberto, anbtt bappenea as tbep toent/ toben a tub teas returneb fro tbe flaugbter of f tebi^ udtne/tbat toemen came out of ail cwies of |(raelf?ngjng a oaunfing/agapndkaui/ tottj wggmmm ioye, tmu $%$.

anbtbetoemen tbat plapeb fange tberto / s fafbe:&amp;aul batb flapne bis tboucanDe/ anb autb bS ten tboufanbe. cben toas S&gt;aul ewebing toiotb af facing DifpleafeD ton/a pe fD:tDer baue afcrp beD bnto auto ten wouCanb/atomebutatboufanb/atobatcS be mo?e baue faue tbe ftpngDomef tolierf 02 e &gt;aullo6eb on ftfje of auib ftSg bare f op

fcwgjjg^tegpewea on mo?oto/tbat tbe# fotbatfe p?opbefjeotn tbe nmtfof Wtatete Hi ft rlClhtf rt^ t*rt b* a fV ^ *uYaj^ ft. _ ^ L . * *+*. ^ j-* u i) ^ . *w *__ t , j

tutt tf)E

KiSlTr w Ml Ml ? *SF*1 jounce rt ent en= ag? ^aufo auotftc5outot^p ? ffencettoo ObSSfSSSi

teb ftora &amp;aul. anbtben &gt;aul put auta &amp;, ^^ &amp; wna/abetoentoutanambefo^etbepeopie.fiico t$ttt cee* anbauibtoastotfeinall tbatbe tobe foUwoMii banbe/ana tbe jtozae toas tt bim.iberfo?e SBCffiL !Sm !z2ffi? fiSSPW'W ^uebauta/becaufebe toenfout anbin mc ^^"C'

ftuetb/ fipnge/5| cannotteu. cben (apae tbe fipnge:(nqueretbou/ tobofe fonne tbe t oungelrng ts.ana fo When auib toas re* tutnea from tbe flaugbter of tbtXWitonei

jvmh, -aiMu / utiauit gc mrac" out anatn "s *?w peBB?etb5.&lt;rbcti rapic^aulto 9auibj0c'NCfL &gt; |oiaemjeiaedaaugbter^erob/berg!toi&gt;H0^r s S% geuetbetotopfe:SDnlppiapetbemaf(abtf! ? M . tt,tfb " '* e

tobat"" 1 "'


C *tobat am $ i 9tobatiS mp life o? t&amp;ebpnrea MWm^Mormr Attain gftael/ fgiQmlbebe fonne folate to tbe Spng:$otobeittoben $ tpme teas come # Sperob^auis Daughter aula baue bene geug to J^auio/fte teas geuebn* toaa?telafl0ebolotbtte/totopfe. $otobe ft flBfcfioJ &gt;au 13 oaugfttet loueb auto. anbtobentttoas foetoea &gt;aul: tbetbpnge pieafeabim toeu. anabe fapbe :3 topiigeue biraber tbat fbemape beafnate tobpm /to fopng tbebanae of tbe pbfliftines bpo bim. ano &amp;aulfapoeto?auio: t^ouftalttb^ bape be mp fonne in lato agapne Jnb &amp;&gt;aui cSniaunaea bis ftruafltcs/ to comen tt 30a* utafeereffpe9fapc:ebolbetbefcpnghatft a fauoure to tbe/anb all bps ftruafites loue tbe/be tbetf o?e tbebpngeS fonne in latoe.


femctbitto you alpgbttbpng to be fipng&lt; fonne in iatoe/tobeni ama pooje man 9 of fmalleteput8cpon?anb&gt;aulsfttuaunts toioebmt agapne fapinge:of tbps manecan* fapbe ^&gt;aul:tbtS totft fapetoautb:tbebpngcaretbfojnonotber botojpe but fo? an buo?eb fo?efbpnnes of tbe i&amp;btlt&amp;ines/to be abuegeb of f Spngcs ene* mies. &lt;ffo? &gt;aultbougbtto mafie auiO fall into tbe banbes of tbepbtbttmcS.e&amp;en biSferuautestolbe autotheft toc;tbes/9tt pleareo3&amp;auibiftfltobe ? bvngejsfonnein , latoe.anb 0jo?tl?e after auib arofe % bps men/9 toent/ 5 fine of tbe pbiMtnes/ttoo bunb;ebmen;$b?ougbttbett fo?ef6pnnes/ 9fattffj*btbe$pngtbetoftobebtsfonnem .* iatoe.*;lnaro&gt;aulgauebfm&lt;!tcboibPS

^^'' 'baugbtertotopft. anbtoben &gt;aulfatoe 9 bnbetBobe/botot^tfbe5to;totoaStoitba uto/9 tbat Sgtcboibfe Daughter loueb bpm/ betoastbemoateaftapebof autb/anb be cameautoSenempefo?euee.anbtoben&amp; Pbittftmes toent outto toarre/auta beba* ueabtmCWfetopftlpeetftenaU fewjattnt?; of &gt;aul:fo i bisnametoasmocbefet &amp;pe. cfeaui eommawrtrt^ to flw^Daurti. *fttos 6s tD5ftaurt56pmbpap?op?eftaee^ 6u&gt; (in fatbw.^baulisalfo amotigett)ep?op^tee. CCbe.tft.haptti!. -.i^sssiftm^airt comunebtoptbfSona* ai^sa hs* g ajj bpjfojtne / 9toitballbiSftr* itattntes/tbattbepttjuib sen a* ^^sshJiud *utgSonatftass &gt;auis fonne baa agteat fauoure to auta/ ato&amp;e a* uibfcping: &gt;aulmpfathergotbe about to fleetbe. ji3ototberfojetaBebebetotbpftife. betpmes 9abpbetnfomeftcretplaee9bpbe rbpftife. an&amp;9|topngbout9 ftanbeb? wp eat&amp;ee in tbe fetoetobetetbou art/* top H co* men toptb mp fatfjet of tbe/anb pf 3. can par ceaucoti$t3tof!ltelltbe.


ahbgonathaS fpasetbebeft of auto bnto &gt;aul Big fatfjec * fape tonto bim : lett not uje ftpng fpnne agayna bis f eruffifit a utD/fo? bebau) not tytm agasnft tbe/s bis tootfsejs ate to tbe toav&amp;e fae ? goob. $fo? be DpoputbifSlpfe*in^b^5&amp;e*flue tl)e^hi= *)af^ Itttine/a tbe ftofte gaue a great b?et s&gt;w to oaun s c faliaftael. anDtboufaaieast/stbouietop, febeft / tobetfo^e tben fi&gt;irrf8 t&amp;ou fptme agapntt innocent blouse / ? Hee paufb fo? nougbt^tnB ^aiabatfienebhntotfiirbosce . of Soriattytf anb ftnare^ tetf p as f Jlojbe ipuetb/be fbali not mM$n gonatb^ cal* ; ieD^auto^ftebjeDbimalf-tbofetoo?!)^/? tyougbtbimto^aulHini) fflnafi inW P?e ftmetajS in tpmesipatti . anbtbe toattebtgan agapne / anb 5utD

to?t out 9 fougbt toitb tfte ^biltttineg ? flue agteat0augbtet/ 9 puttbemtofifgftt. ?$nb ^e eueH fpaete of tbe }Lo?b teas bpon @&gt;aul agsbefatmbteboufebauing a $misn$ in bijJbamie/ $aut&amp;plapebtottb W banfce. anb^aul enttnoeb to naple?E&gt;autoto tbe toalle toitb tb e laueli&gt;ng:5eut auto tpooe bpmfelfe out of ^&gt;aul?i p^efeng/ a be fmote ^e fpeare into tbe toafle. jBut auio flea 9 fauc&amp;btmfelftbatfamen?gbt.ben&gt;aul CentmeBenget?bntoauib0boufe/toteat* tbebpm $toae?bFnintbemojtnws;e. 6ut flicboIbisi toife toite it bint btfBf&amp;tam* , taue not^? telf $10 nggftte/to roojete tou^ : art a beeb man. 3Dn&amp; fo sipcb'fl Jete ^-utib bounetbo?ouatopn - ooto / 9 ^ toesc ant fleb ^fauebbim;rtjm fljf sofie m 3ma* ge^lapebitin f beo/ ?putap?lloto Gufleb two) goatesi fteanebnuea; t|e beeb of it/ eo* ttttt&amp;tt toift) a ciotSje . 3nb tofeen &amp;aul fent meffengewsto fetcb^auio/lbe f8be fBat he toai*fpcfie:cben s&gt;auUenttbe meaengrat tofeauibfaping.b?tngebimtome/beDf afl/tbat be mape be flapne.^no toflen mef* f engew toete cometn:)8ebolbe thetelai'e an amagefti mbti /toitb a pplloto of gcotejs beambnbfetbebeebofft.benrapi3 ^au! to fl^icbol-.tobs baft tboumocfiebme fo/anb rent atoapemfne entmptbatbei? efcapeo? 3inb flgicbol anftoereb &gt;aul -.fie fapbebn* fome/letmego/o?ellesSP, toVH6?H .atifl fo^auibflebanbefcapeb anbtoentto^a* muelto aman) 9 tomebim all tbat &gt;aul babbone to bim.anb |e/ anb &amp; amue I toent

anb&amp;toeltm^aiotb. anbittoagtoibe^iauliaping :2Bebol&amp;e/l&gt; ^auibtt at f5aiotb in amatb/t&amp;en &gt;aul fentmeflengei:0torettatm&gt;ainbtobftbep fatoaci5panpeofp?opbettwp?opbef?mgea*oi anb &gt;amuel ftanbfhg faft bptbe/tbe fp^ete'M;^ of obfenbpmttbemeflengers of ^aul/ a n p jw wj tbe? pjopbefpebto . anbtobenit toa?tottetoo;iiff"' ^aul/befentotbemefietigerp/ 9tbe? p?o e ^ r

pama pbefpebfsbetopfe. 3Bnb &lt;&gt;aulfent meflen* Set ^^ f 3 ^^ ftWWttme tobltb Wo

ft tf"pbap cbentoentbebpmftlfctoJSa, rK ia' mfl J/ fi"W Be cam to agreattoeBetbatfes .faiiM* in^ocob/Beaffiea? fapoe-.tobere areS&gt;a* m muel 9auibf anbtbepfapbe-.fe tbepbeat f aiotb MtKamatb/anb aube toet tbitber to jSJarotb in isamatb Git (pttte of &lt;25ob came bponbimalfo/anobetoentpwpbefping/brt KRat/8ftpflbecametoi9aiotbin Jaamatt). 3nbbe WJEfiUS 11 **** 1 * mt ^ e$ anap^opbefpeb before iffiS !tS^wf Ipfie manra/9 * fell nabeb all I ^SSSww 9 an tbat np gbt/tobetfo?e ttfsa comen Capnig/KJ aul alfo amoge tbe pppbe&amp;tf CS)aufD 1 be? ng in iropacu? of bis 1 jfc tSplapnt tit bn tojonat!iafl.3otm(^asloHetbbtmtufas6imftlfojl Bdiaetctft MM.0 p ?op polp ocuifto be ttolt t m: tfto^ic^ SDantb ftmlBhnirtoef&amp;centtntor^MttW jtt Jonatlja* be blamcltffc. Cftbe..Cbap. af^^l^oautbaeu ffcS^aiotbwJSa. matb 9toent9fapbebefo?e5ona* Itbas: u&amp;batbaue %ponei tofterin am l faultier tobatwtbe fpnne gi baue comitteb befo;e t&amp;r? fatbettbat be fe* fiecbm? Ipfefanbgionatbajf anftoeveb bt'm: obfb?bpbb /tbdu alt not ope . jf 0? ft mp fetbertopllbo notbing etbec gwato? fmauv

out t be toil! eto itmeffo? tobp (btilbemj fatbetbpoetbisf tbpngefriSme i tbere albe tiofocbetbing. anb auibftoareagapne 9 lapoe:tbpfatber finotoetb ^ a baue founbe itcfa?aftcacemtbpnce?e!S9terfo?ebe^rn6etb/ Ef 6 / a 'lonatba0 fftallnotHnotoit/leaebebefo;pe t mil MowtewtosM/tufattntitBt jUyblp* 5T etb/9 as trulpastbpfoule Ipuetb / tbere is butafteppebettoeneme9beetb.Cbenfapbe fonatbais bnto auib/tobatfoeuertbpfoiH le befpretb t &lt;$. toplibobntotbe.anb^auib Um \m ^ c ^o3onarbaS:55ebome/tomo?otot!J Vmtw ?* f ^ftoapeoftbemonett)/93 ftulbefptt mij3fc#tt fipngatmeate.#utietmegoggimape 44 bpbe mp relfe in tbe feibjbnto t^psbape tb?e 35bapes at euen . 3if tbp fatber mptteme /tben fape:auibafbebleaueofme/ f bempgbt 10 to 35etbiebem to W atone eptte/fo? tbere Sbolbeaperelp feed fo; alibis bpnne.anb ff tbp fatber fape tbuS:itis toen bone/ ften % feruafft (ball baue peace. tit 9 pf be be angrpe: tben be fure tbat tof cbeoneffe is bt 1 fcfciu.l5 , * e conclubeb of bim. anb tben tbi Aalt &gt;ftaSS^ toemm?ci5nt S^ rm,aunt / * ^Cbaftmabetoifcmetbpftruauntabonbefee thiK%cot ^o?be. i9ottoitbftanbpnge pf ejere be in me Jw rj anptrefpaee/tben ffle pritetbpftlfe/fo? tobat Sir "^^ ^ E to tapng nte to tbp fatber. 'jS' anb^onatbasanftoetebuBobbepe f fr5 j-itp &lt;5 mH 3! ftulb finoloe/ g topcficbnriTe toeare

f^m cociubebofntpfafbe?/tocomebpontBe:ana ibuibe noeteli it f ,^tn fapbe auib/ tobb aaittelf me / pf m fatbet anftoer ctueflpi 1 Cbenfap&amp;eaonatbas to auib/come 9

bsgo out into tbe felbes.anbtbeptoent cut botboftbem into tBe feibes. anb3ionatbasfapbbntoauib:Xo?be gob of ifrael/tobf'jj baue gropeb mp fatbeis c mpnbe / onetpme o? otber tomrn tbps tftze bapes/tbat it ftanb toell toitb autb : anb % tben fenbe not bnto ttft anb fteto it tbe / tbe JU?be bo fo 9 fo bnto Jonatbas.anb in Ipbe maner / pf eueii to oje toatbe pieafe mp fa* ger/3Stopllftetotbeanbfen&amp;e tbeatoape/ tbat ou mapft go tn peace. 3nb tbe %om betoitbtbeasbebatbbenetoitb mp fatber. anb tbou flialt perf o;me bnto me tbe mercy mm )Lo^&gt;/ not onelp tobpteUlpite but eue towlambeebplucbenot tbpmercp atoap ^ 0tt ^L t * &amp; ofcfo?euer:i9onottoben tbe* matiestrs 3Lo;bebatbbeftropea tbeenempes of auib miwtm euerponcftomtbefaceoftbeertb. o;ofimw* . anb to Jonatbas mabe a boit&amp;e topft tbe boufeofauib/befp?pnge tbat tbe %om ttulbe ftbe ou t of tbcbSbrs of auias etw* rnpes tWt toicfcebneae,anb Vb otber too^bes aonatbas abiureb aut'b / becaure be louea bim.f o? as bis atone f ouie be louebbim. 0m fapbe ^onatbas to auiteto mo?oto M albe tbe-fp?abape of tbe mone . ana tbou ^ fbaie be mpiftb / becaufe tbe place (bail ap pere emptie.ut tbts bape tb;e bapes come 5 in anp topft bnto tbe place tobere tbou a bpbe tbp ftlf/tobm ft is too?efieaape : eu? b? m ftoonc(gfen. anjj gtopiHhore m aro* toesbp f onefpaetberof /astbottgbf fbott atamarbe/anatopUfenoeafteraiabb/ana btbbe bim go ftbe tbe arotoss.lf ifape bnto fbeiaftft $ arotoesare on tbis fp&amp;e /b?ing tbe: tben come tbou:f 0.2 it is peace 9 notbing

to bo/asfureas tbe Xojae Ipuetb .58utano pf| fape tbus bnto tbe pofig fcloto/bebolbe/ f atotoes are bepofioe p /tbe go/fo; jlo j bad) fent t atoapeJBno of tbpstobicb tbou 9 gbauefpofieAebolbe^o^bistoitneffebcs Itoene tbe 9me fo? euer . ana fo auib bpa bim felf tn tbe felb. ana toben tbeneto mone teas come/$ bpng fatbim aotone at meate/ f 0? to eate.anb tift bpngfat bim boune after (be oiae maner/in bis ft ate bp tbe to all . ana Sonatbas arofc/aabner fate bp&amp;auls tiw 9auibS place teas emptie . Seueitbeleffe pet S&gt;attlfapb notbpngatall f bape.^o?be fflougbttomewpngebab t^auncenWm % be ts not cleane.iBut on tbe mo?oto tobicb teas tbe ftconbe aape of tbe nione/ ton en auibS place appeteb emptie..aul fapbe bnto^o. ttatbasbpsfonne:toberfo;ecometb nottbe fonneof^raitomeate^wtberpettettiapeno; . to bape Jnbgionatbas Sftoerea bnto &lt;gau!. auia aCbeb Ipcence of me to go to ^etblebl faping:let mego % p?ap f / f 0? cure fipnte&amp;e boloe an offerpnge in tbe cptt'e / ana mp b?o&lt; tberbatbftntfo?mei5ototberfo;epf^baue foima

fouhbefauottWinWpneepe*/iettmcmego afempb?oWer,ainbtbrafo?e&amp;e cometb not tf bntWetabieottbe&amp;png,btntoaiS&amp;aul 91 angrie tot'WIJonaWaJs a-rapoe toto turn: &gt; ftotoarae ana wfirll^oiis / Wpnfteft Woug


bnto me/ let no man firtotoc tobere aboute&lt;$

fenbe anD tobatf. baue eomaunoeb We to oo, 3Pno Werfo?c3! baue appopnteb mpferuaft* tctftofoWeanbfoWeplaceiS.ainbnototobat bafttboubnoerWpnebanbe? geuemefi?ue

6notoenotf)0tot^ouuaftc^ofen fonneof loue$bfb?eb.o?tobat cometb to banoe

gjfattntto Wine atone rebuluva bntof rcbu* Se ano ftame oft^p m o o? a? longe aj* tbe forate of %toi IpueW fapon ty erft / Wou attnotbc aabpi?eD/no?pet WP bpng* Dome/ to&gt;berfo?enoto fenoeanb fett&amp;tm bttco t.e8.*rti.c. me/*fo?bei*Wecbpl!&gt;eofbeeW.

2no We p?eatt anttoereb auibanbfapb: Were is no comen b?eo wibcr mpne banse / but Were t'0 baiotoeb b?eo / p f poung men baD abftataeb onlp f com toemen.1t rti^auio $ anftoereb We p?eaft anb fapbe onto bitmof a ttutbe toemcnbatbbeneioclteb bp fromb* aboutaW#bape0/tobmg!camout:anb$*m at |.. *beOee0 of Wep oungmen toerebolp.^oto tot)* * be it a tbif* toape is bnput e/but it aibe b a* a.&amp;Bta iotoebinWebeffen. anbfo Wep?eatt gaue '"? bmtbalotoeb b?eb / fo; tfrrt tea* no notber Hg", b?eb Werefaue (betoeb?eb0 Wat toere latmZiS from before tbcfto?!*/ to put frelbc b?Dncirc(asp Were/We bape Wat it toag tabenatoape. |J* t8 &gt; 3nb Wer toass Were We fame bape a certe ffi"

man of Weferuauntejsof &gt;aul abpopnge 39* before We i-o^enameo oeg an uaomite / ^Sm% Wecbefeftof &amp;aul$beatte men.3nnac "'?$ wo fapoe bnto JCbtm elecb; &lt;* not fete bnbet -* Wtne bSoe oWer fpeare o? f toerbeff o?3i baue JJK

about ctyq&gt;.f

WJonaWatfanCtoeteD ^aul bi Cattyes afep&amp;etobPi:to&amp;etfo?eJbuib&amp;ebpe? tobat battle oonef cben ^aulcafia fpeare at bf m to bpt bim/ toberbplcna Was to ift toeli/ gittoasbtterlpesetetmpneoof W fatbw/

toflep aufo.ainbfogjonaWass atofefro $ table in a.gteat anger 9 bpoeate nomeate tbe feconbebapeofWemoneW/ fo?betoa$$ fo?pfo?auib/becaufebW fatberbabbone bi'm ame.ntbenertmo?npigjonatba0 toent out into We felbe/atWe ttmeapopnteo tot W auib/anb a lv tie lab tottb bf m.aino b e tepbe bnto tbefiopemtnne a f pnDe out mpne arotoe*tobicb3iibbte,3nba*Weboperan/ . ., M be ffioteanaroto beponje btm . ano tobe we nettjet b?ougbtmp i toetoe no? mpne bame* notMjs ^labtoag come tot Place tobetber gonotbas* toitbme/becaitfetbepngessbufine0iequfc atmriiw baoftottbcatoto/gionatbasctpebaftecbim ebbaac.cbmJp;eaftanftoeteD:ftoe^W |f rapBe:tbeatotofebeponoe$.idtt&amp;becrpeD ofoatbtbe^ittmeto6omtbouauea^ aftctaetetebsfle/tnaftefpedeanD aaoenot in flDc6Daic/t^attj5ec toiapt in a clotb be? tmm fliJn05ronatbas5laugcatbeDbp|atoto bsnDepjEpbob.giftboutouttabetbat/tafietoMssfrii K anb came tobfetnaCet.iSuettje lab toitthos it:fb?tbewi0nonotbecfauetbatbe. amD^^ tbpna of tbemattmflDnlp Sonatbag a?a* je&gt;auioiapbe:tbetets none tof/geueitme. TO^ uiotfiftft,bm3;onatba*gauebfetoep3iS 3nbauib awfeanb SebtbefamK Jba?e plcaf - m bntotbejLabafapbebntobim:goanbeappe ftom H$e pretence :of &gt;aul/ a toent to mMm m, M totbetotoneJnbagfoneajstbeiabtoaiS tbeftpngof etb. nb W .fewaunte^ pfwawWgone/3Eauioawfeoutofa place tbattoajf acbtt fapbeof bpm:fenottbP8t.autb f|e-* b totoatDetbefoutb anbfellonbns facetotbe png of ftelanbef bpbtbep not fpng bnto to 6c a |{ L grounbe jbotoebbpm ftlf tb?e tpme^. anb tbP3 feloto in oamrfW faping: ^aul batl) p hw tbepbpaebetbetotbetanbtoeptetogetbet/ flapnebi0tbottrattbnb3auibbi0tentbou* pg* lmt^afi)moeabunoantIpe.3nb3ona* CanQfanD 35aiiiDputtbofetoo^into b^SS tbasfapbetoaufti:goinpeacetoBtcb*toe Beatt (jtoas$fo?eafta?e&amp;cif acbijStbefipn gM o! ; B BauettoomebotbeofbS in t&amp;enameof cbe of 8fetb.3Cnb be c&amp;aungeb.&amp;psJ countena^m

: 5Lo?brapmg4befi4)2bbebettoenetbcame/ uncebefo^tbem/anbraiiebrntbatbanbeg/wii)* anb bettoene m feoe amine fo? tntt , 3n8 anb fctableb on rbe bo?e0 of tt gate/anb let JJJf

Beware a ])eparteajitf2cnatba$ tomtit bp^Cpitteifanebotonebponbpsbeatbe. 2RS ?........ CbenfepbeSBcb^bntobp^fctuaunt.lloo^^ pe fato tbattbwraantoasj befpbebpm felft/ cfoft tQe vwa.i. tobfo?e tben bauepebjougbt Bpmto mc? iacBe 1 mabbemen/^ pe^aueb^ougbttbpK feloto to p!apetbemaomanmmpp?cftnctf be (ban not comefntompbotofe.


tftat tottii a clcaric conue?cDli?e . after ^e n?ct^ to b?ng 2(c^5/anb t^ifc fa^iettj gn^Cclfc to 6e mao. I^^SSSScK^^ftSA eaufbflKtftte.totBccBW^witom. 2ftert!iaE '^HqS^ffidKM intpjrt*to^rkpfigeofaroafc flnbthcncun ItoaSt^BdmetjatWCOmpne^faitJf ta^acctb. aJoegbctta^t^Dnit&gt;.fl5JmriBttaf' lbnC)5tm;lBpcomcftt$Otl^ffeIf cuftftoftcc?CBnan&amp;napncMbawjr*p?cafltno naunbebmetoboacettentbpngeanbfapbe . crbe.rj^,^apt. 3too

oegfeplletlj licicictj, i.l&amp;pnsts, ^jeattes, Citftj

j^b ^autbbepaetebtbencea efca peB/arib came bnto ttiecaueflDook lam uWQmW Wtytt a alibiJt fa^ tbeiSbotsffbearbeit/tbeptoettbi' ftec to bpm . 3Mb Were geaWereb bnto bpm altmenWattoereencomb;aunceanbinbett a troubieb in Weir fterteg/ ano be be came a capcapne oues We.36nbtbere toere toiW btm bponafouref|unb?eamen.3|!nb30auibtoft Wenceto fla?p'bab in We lanoe of ggtoab/ anb fapbe bnto We Spnge'of #oab:jLet mp faWer anb moWer % p^pe t&amp;t/ baue tbetr abpDpnge tottl) pou/tpH 9 ftnotoe tobat &lt;5ob tofHOo ttme.ainb beleftetb^ topW bpng of SI9oab/an&amp; eftep Dtoelt ^Bbiman t tobpie Wat auto fiepte bint feife in botoesUnb f p^opbet ab fapuebnto^auib-Jbioenpt in cafteneg/but oeparte ago to W* lanb of 3 W ba.cben ambbeparteb anb came into we fozeapreW.ainb ^aulbearbe of f fcfotfM uto toa? ftnotoe % aif We men f toere to$W Dim. 3noa0 ^aut fattintiSabaab bnbera grotte bp5 abpe bancfie % bP0 fpeare in bpss 35 b^oe a allbr^ "ten about bim/be fapoe bnto W fetuafit^ g aoDe aboutbim.^eareg p#p pou/pou fonneof 3emim':toiU fonne of jjfai alfogeue eueip one of pou feJb^bmepatb^/ anwfiepouaucaptapne^ ouer WoufanDcis t , anbouerbuns?ei3e^watpebaueaIUonfpi&lt; ! SKSf rebagapnttme / fo Wat We S none of pou 1 1 ** Wat*openeW rape eare /in fo mccbe $ mp forate baW maoe a bonbe toptb .W^ fonne of gfai/ netber isstbereanp of pou Wat moufe new fo? me o? 0)etoeW itin mpne eare:becau fempfomtebtiW fetbpmpCerumlt tofpe a* toapte again ft me/ as it appeareW Wis bape&lt;5rbenanftoerefioegf(a&gt;omife/tobtcb DaD We ouer fpgbt of We f emafitas of ^aul anb f apoag fato We fonne of Sfai / toben bt cam to J9ob/to abtmelecb tye fonne of 3Dbi* tob/tobicbaffteb councell of We ftojoe fo? bim/a gaue bim bitaplejs / anb We ftoerbe of &lt;oliaWtbePbtiiftmeairo.bmtbe&amp;psig fentto calieabimelecb W^p?eaft We fonne of aibitob / a alibis' fa'WaWtfct&amp;at iis to tape/f p?eafteg Wat toere in 0ob, anb WfP CcamaHtoWepns.3linbSaulfapbe:beare Woufonne of Ibitob. anbbefapoe-.bere^l ammp %t&gt;#iMl)m rapbe S&gt;aultobim:tobp

baue pe confpires agapnft me/ Wou anb We fonne of 3|far/in *o mocbe $ Woubaftgeuen bimbptaple 5. aftoeroe/abaftatbeb councell of (0obfo?bim/WatbeQmIbe arpfe agapnft meaipe atoa^te m it $ come to paffe WP^ bape.anbab8meiecbanftoerebWebpngan&amp; fa?be:tobo (0 fo fap Wfull among all tbp fer* uauntep ap ?auib a Werto $ fcpngejs forate inlato/anbgoweattbpbpbbpng/anbfebab in bonour e in Wl?ne boufef baue? Wi? bape begSne fp?8 to af be couceHof &lt;5ob f o? bim^

I; %

&lt;5obfo?bpb Wat from me:iettnotWBP"g putfoWeaWpngbntobtgfeeuaunt a on ail Wc boufe of mp faWer. f 6; WP feruafit into* toetb noWing of aJIWi^/eWer ieffe 0? moare. tit fo? all Wat ftpng fapoe : Wou fibalt fureipe bpeabtmeieW/boW WouanbaliWP WP f aWerg boufe.cben fap&amp;e We fipnge fan* to bte f ote men Wat ftobe about bim^ime a Hep We p?eaftes of We)lo?8e/ botb becaufe Weir banb tg toitb auib/anbbecaufeWep ftnetoe toben Banft fleeo ano Wetoeb it not tome.ffiutWeferuauntejs off ftpngtoolbe not moue Weir ftanbes / torunne bpoh tye p?eafte? of We 'jLojBe.c^en fapbe WelKpnge to oeg:tume Wou anb fmpte We p?eafte0. anb*^oegWe(oomitetmnebaeannei3p5 We p?eaftess anb Que Wat fame Dape foure* WWB, * ffto?e anbf pue perfonegi tbatbpo toeare ecbe man a l?nnen (ffpbob.Hinb i5ob We cptie of p?eaftes be fmote totW We ebge of g ftoewe/ boW man anb tooman/ebvfoe anb CucRlpng/ toitboEeaffeanbftepe. ue pet one of We fonness of abimrteW I fonne of 3tutob/nameb3libiaWar/ercapf b a fleeb to auib/ano ftetoeo autb/boto Wat &gt;aulbaBflapneWe ^o?oes( p?eafteg .3rd. aufe fapbe bnto abiatbarg! toift it p fame bape/ 1 oegWeCDomitetebicbtoasf Wete tooIbtenit&gt;auUnb3! am caufe of oeeeb ofalltS&gt;ouIC!8ofWP faWer0bO"feaibtbe't&amp; me afeatenotMat resetb Wpfonie/ fflaii febempne/a^meWott rbaltbeinfauegaro, caJaWB betf wettb *ei'W.0eflcert into t\j t topfr DttntBof 2 iPft-IN is comfajtcoof Jonathag . $ (j'e j;ip5itii8 xdoIdc ^auEbftcajcoftmvbiit^cffeapcflj;

be triitcbapter, i $en men tolDe attib favir.g: %t- % bolb/ We pibtliftine0 figijt agapnft petlab/a fpopie We batneg. cben i ^atita affieb We B,o?oes abupfe faptnge : ftjalll goo anb fmpte We ptytltftf* negf anb We ftojbe fa?ae bnto mmia : go a fmtteWe^btliftme^aitbfaue^eitab.'S ben rapbeauib0 me bnto bim-.f e toe be af capea bereinluaa.nsftat fljatltoeWen be/fx^en toe come tolBetlab/to boft of tftc^iftOi&lt; ne0. ben au af fieb We TLoM agapne. 28nbWe}to?Deanftoerebbim anb raybe-.bp anbgoto fieifab/fo?9! topllDeipuer Wm* Kfttnegitttotbpnebanbejs. anb f autb anb big men toent fo &amp;la&amp; anbfougbt tottb ibePbiitftine?/ anbb?aue atoape Weir catell ana flue a great daugbter of wem.anbfoauiofaueof enbabitergof fietlabJnbit WaOcebtobe36biaWarfonne ofStbimelecbfleeoto auto toiSetrab Wat beb?ottgbtancEPbobinbtsibantse, ^ 2Jnb it toais tolbe ^aul/Wat auib teas come to fiteilab.^ben fapbe ^aul.(E$ob baW oelpueteobninto mpne banb.iJfo?be W tout P w

. &lt;

^&gt;aulagapnff in tbatbet'S come into a totonetot'tb gates 5 * batten, ana^aulcauwalttbe people to toarte/f o? to so to ft eflab / to befege auia 9bismen.:25utauibba&amp; fmotoleoge tbat j&amp;aulimagenea nrpfcbefe agapnftbmt/ana *.. #* 6 rapbe tberftne to 3 Watfjar f p?eaft:*#?png tbe cipbao .&lt;&lt;3Eb en fepae 3 auia/ 3lo?b &lt;sod ofgftaei/tbpferuautbearetbtbat &gt;aul is about to come to&amp;eilab toaeftrope tbe cptie fiumpfafie-.toplltbemenof lSeila&amp; aelpuet twintobisbana^topn^aul corneas t&amp;F femaunt bearetb rape? lofot oa of pM teUrbpfetuafttJnatbe;ilo?berapae:betottl corncob en fapae auib-.topll $ men of ft ei* labaelpuermean^mpmenintotbebanaeof &gt;atilf?f'i,o?oCa?lie:t^ptotlioen'uei:fou.

often auta 9 bis men xdWi toete bp on out of Bet? I al) 9-toet to&amp;etber ebaunceo^aue tbem, 3tnb tobenitfeas tolbe &gt;aul/ tbatauta toas fleea from eiiab/be let $ iomep alone, ana auta aboae m tbe topiaerneoe in ftronge 6olDes/9mam'ouMapne in tbetoplbemeoe of Srpb.anb &gt;aul c ougbt Dim all bps Ipfe/ but &lt;ob belpuesea bim not into Bts fja&amp;.ana - aufbfato $ &lt;&amp;aul toas come out /to fefie "tpSlpfe/tobple auibtoas m toplbemeffe of 3&lt;Pb to a tbpcfiett.anagionatbas &gt;auls f onne arofe 9 toent to auia to tbetbpefiet/ 9fii^gbteabtmin&lt;Eioa/ afapbebnto bpm: feawnot/ftutbebanae of^aulm? fatfjec alinotfi&gt;nbetbe/$ tbou alt be fiing ouet fftael/ano a mutt be nert antof ana&gt;aul mpfatbettbertofinotoetb tbat it amine fo. *M*mtW*Wfo tbepmabe*ab5be botfte of tbe to geatbet wj* befo?eme:ilo?ae.anaauiatarpeaftpllrn tfie tbicfiett/anagpnafljas toft to big ftoufe. rBen came ^ipbitesto &gt;aul / to &lt;ga* 6aabraping:auiabpbetbbpm felfefaftbp bg in ttro; ige &amp; oloes tbat ate in a tbpefiect m tfjebpllof ^acfitlal on tberpgbt fpb&amp;of fte topniettteffe.j&amp;otometfo?efp?fipnge /come botone toitfi all tbe luft tbattbp foule ba tft to eome.anb oute parte albe to belpuer bpm into % ba*bes of tt)e bpng.cberirapbe $&gt;aul jBleffea are pe in tb e jU2be:f ; pe baue com* paflpon on me . &amp;o% p?ap pou ana marfie ntoate aplpg?tlpe/9 finoto e 9 re btS baunte/ ; tobere bps fote batb bene / s tob o batb fene

Bt'm; it is toiaeme fie is berp fotel. ' &gt;etbetfo?e $ fitioto alltbe lourfipg places to&amp;etebeloutbetb / acomeagapnetome % tbecertentpe/anD3!to?llgotoitb;ou. %m C^enpfbebe intbeSbe/gitopnbuntbn out \ntt\i all (b^ tB c ufa tiBes of % uoa. 3nb tbepatore ^ toet to %w before &gt;aul. - ^utBau^^n&amp;b^ntentoeteintbetopibec* nefreof^aon/intbetoplDefelDe/on$tQbt banb of %t topBjetneae.ffo? toBe ^.aul teas gonetoftabtemmtorefie/ittoastoioe^

ufD.3inD tbetfo^e betoent&amp;ntoa mocfteanb btoelt m tbe toplnemelTe of ^aon. 3Dnb tobe 'Mtittatiic-t /be foTotoeaaftet auib fo* totbettfltown*oesaon.3nbg&gt;aulano bi^men toet on . onefpoe of .ntountapne/ ana j^auiu 9 W men on f otbet Jnb auia as a ma amafea/maae baft toget fro baul. fi 0? saui abfemenbaa compares auib 9 bijS men tounae about/to tafse tij em , 33uttbetecamameffengettoS&gt;aul tepig: ^att tbe^ come/fo? tbe^biUftt'neg ate come in evotte lSb.ibefo?e ^&gt;aul wtutnea ft5 petfecutpng gsufe/* toS agapnft tig****** ftmes.aina t^etfo je place fjs caiiea*.&amp; e 8SS9 laspabelecotb. anatben aiu'a toft tbence ration, w anaatoeitfoftwmgboiaesjat cngaaf. C3Pau(6 tb &lt;n tongaBianDtt)Mc$pBrt&amp; 6&lt;m in scans. ftajiicomttointljitljcrtooohpB eafement anb JDaaiB cutttt^ of ttje bo?o of 'gptf mantel fo? a t&lt;fotn/but1)MUtt)t)ymiiot. jDsuiogot^coutoftfit cane after SaulartDfpealsefl) to bim. CCbe.Wiij,Cbapter. en ^taui teas come agapne f to * ei&amp;biltftttieis/tbetetoete | tolbe* biimfapig:bebolbe/5E&gt;auiai?Jin . toilbetneffe of(ngaai.Cbena&gt;aul

tofie tb?e tboufana cbofen me out of allf#a*!f M w If el/9 toet to fefie auia 9 bfts nif in? 55ocS5. "'* tobeteno tbpngbaunteabut*to?iae gootess. ana be cam to f flocfies of ftepe bp atoajeg fibe tobete teas a caue-2Bna &gt;aul toet in* to *ww n cotiet bis feate . WmBmlb 9 W men tat a w*"*! ISge bp fpa^ of caudDna me of auia "fepbebnto bim;fe aape is come/of tobtcbf S,o?ae fepa bnto n)e:?5eboiae3 topn aelpuec tbpneenempeintotbpnebSa/$tbou ftialtao to bim tobat it pleated tbe-beauia atofe 9 cute of a lappeof ^auis cote p^uelpe, 3na irameaiaeip autas bettfmote bt'm/be* caufebebabcuttof a lapp of ^aulg cote, anabefapoe bnto bis men:tbejLo?bfiepemej$ ftsaopng g tbpnge pnto mpmaftet $ 10 tbe jLo ?bes anopntea/to lapempne banae bpon btm/fepingbe is tbe&amp;ozoes anopntea .ana fo aura Kept of &amp;is retuatmtes % toojbes/ ana fufftea tbemnoeto gobpon S&gt;aul, anatoben^aultoa^bp out of tee caue 9 gone atoape/^aiub atofe ana toent out of tfyt caue ana ctpea after &gt; aulfapinge:g@p JLo?DeBpng.anaS&gt;aulfoacabebpnae bt'm. ana^auiaftoupeatotbeettb 9botoeabP&gt;n relf/9fapbeto^&gt;aul:toberfo?egeueatbou an cate to mennes too;bes/tbat fape/atmi f ebetb tt)t entlliTB eb olb tbis oape tB me eped c bauefene/boto tbe)Lo?abaaaeipueteatbe tbiisaapeyintompnebanaintbecaue.ttaben fbep bao ftpn tbe/ mpne epe baa compaftpon on n)e:anaj lapae^f tofll not lape mp bSoeg on mp maftet/fo?be is tt)t Ho;ae$ anopntea . ana mojeouetmp fatbet / f t vet tip lapp of tbpcoQtetompbanoe.anbntas mocbe as Hifipilea "


mwm &amp;&amp;M, *#%.

53ipneatbenotto/toben5,cuttoff lappof bnto mpftenae: peace be to tbe /peace be t o

^p coote/bnaecftanae 9 fe/ g ti)tte is netbet eueHno.JtbeHpourne,ireinme/^tbatgi,baue not fpnnea agapnft ti)t . anbpettbou bftteft after m p f ouie to tabe r't.cb e ^o?a be iuage bettoenetbemc/atbc)Lo?ae aauenge me oftlje.jeutmpncbSabenotbpotbe.iCcco;* bpng to G)e olbe pjouerbe/topefceaneffe all p?oceaac out of tbe topcfiea-.5Butmpnebana be notbpon tbe . after tobom art tftou come out/tbou fipng of ifraelf after tobo tbaftft t fij ?." tbou euen after a aeea bogge/9 after a flee. 1 Stit ^o?a be iubge 3 iuage bcttoene tbe ana !'flft linome/^fe * pleate mp cauf e/anb iubge me fte Mq' out of tbpnebaV . m^z auibbaamabean \mi . enceoffpeafipngalItberetoo?besto^&gt;aul/ bflj.8Mm i"&amp;, au } fapuen's tbis tbp bopce mp fonne a* mm uibfana be ipftebp bis bopce ana toeptc/ana fapaeto iSauiD-.tbouattrpgbteoufer tbengi/ fo3 tboubaft tetoataeame toirb gooa/ ana I baue tetoaraea tbe inim euell.inb tboubaft ffietoea tbts aape boto tbat rtjou baft cealt lo= upnglpeto!tbme/fo?asmocbeastebentbe kozaebaaiocfce&amp;metri tbpnebanaes / tbou flueft me not.f 0? tobo all ftnae Bis cnemie anaiett btm aepatta gooa toape , tbetfo?e . tbe Ho?beretoarbe tbe "a&gt;it^ gooa/fo? g" tbou baft ione bnto me tbis aapc.ana noto % toot tocll t tbou ffialtbe fipng/ 9 g tbe fipngoom of ICtael ffial'ie ftflblpflbea in tbpne banae. ^&gt;toeretbetfo?ebnto me bp f %ojb/f tboii altnotaeftropempfeaae afterme/9tbat tbcuBjaltnotbcSropemp name oute ofm? It ffoftm , lc .fatbersboure.S'naauia b ftoatebnto &gt;a= mm !tt;itf/9 ^aui tocnebome.56utauiaana bfe feiaii thcfiflj&amp;men gatt bp bnto an boiae, k i'it lie Si of 1 tttlicb me aEgiamiic! BpetJj. jDauto ftcetfj Jn f o t lw tojlbecneac };c-tlTc/ to of pbaean.!5cisan8;petoin|jabaH:bH9patp# HiitinttljstitfpeDbpfljetopfcomeofabiBail.iPabatbjetbBaBJOa iwlie ItabicuiOinaejctbatiigatL toMftif ccbc.trb.Cbapter. m. 1 a . . ,. jjijDt^en Samuel apea/anaaftff* raelgeatbereotogeatber? lame* |teblimt$burpebbim in bps atone .boua.^aBamatb. ana auia store ana gat bim to tbe toil* be mc if e of &amp; tj atan , ana tb ere toaS a man in

Sfiaontobofe caeell teas m Carmen /ana ma toas ercebpng mpgbtpe/a baa tb?e tbou* fana epe 9 &amp; tboufana gooteS.inabe toas fterpng bis epe in Catmell . cbe name of tbe man toas $abal/u tbe name of btS topf e toas 3 bf gafl/ana toas a tooraS of gooa toif* bom ana b etots'fulL'But tbe man toas cbut* ipe ana of 0}?etobe corraicions / ana toas a Cslebtte.anDtobett auibbeatae in f topfc aemetre/tbat ji-sabal atebps epe/befent out ttn of bis poungemeh/ 9 fapaebntotbe: gettpoubpto CarmelanagotoiQabalana ^gtetebimroncgsiame, anatbustopfefagc

tbpne boufe ana peace be bnto an tbat tbou b,aft . 3 l)Mt bearae fape tbat tbou baft e rers.i9ototbPeperbeStoeretoptbbs/ ana toeapo tbe no fppte/netbee toas tBere ougbt mpffpngbntotbem/ all tbe to!) pic tbep toete in Catmel:affie tbp laobes/ 9 tbep topil eto tBe.tebetfo^elettljefepoungmenfpnaefas uoute in tbpne epes ( f 0? toe come in a gooa ceafon)9*geueap?ape,tbetobatroeuerco* metb to tbpne banb bnto tbp feruauntes ana * WWW** to tbpne fonne auia, ana auibs poOgmen came 9 tolbe i9a&lt; bal all tbofetootfies in tbename ofauia 9 tbfti ftoppea.anai5abal anftoereb auibs feruatUes 9 fapa:ibat is aui'af ana toljat istbefonneoflfaiftbereis plencve offers uauntesnotoa bapes/ tbat tyeafi'e atoape euerp ma frombiS mafterj uiae tfibe tnp b^eeb/mptoater^mp flee ggbauefipiiea fojmp eters/anageue itmentobtcbl toot nottobencetbepbef ana auibs feruautes turttea tbeir toape G ana toent agapne / ana came ana tolbe bpm ac co?bpnge to all tbofe fayinges. rben a* uiafapbe bnto bis memgptfie eurrpman W ftoerbeaboutebpm, ana tbep gpjoea euerp manbpsftoeraeon/anaautatl)erto gp?be onbPSttoerae, ana tbere foiotoeaaufa bpona f outeburtwebmen/anattoo tyunbiea abobebptbeftuffe, , )8ut one of tbe laaaes toloe abigatt J8a^ bais bjpR raping : fe j^aurb fent meffengers fanto oure matter out off topioernefte to fa* lutebtm/anaberapieaontbem,. anbpettbe

men toete berp gooa bntobs ana apa bs no bifpieafure/netber mpiea toe anp tbpng/ as long as toe toete conuerfant ft tbe / tobe toe toere m m felbes. 25ut tbep toere a toall of oefencebntobsbotbe bp npgbt ana alfobp bape/alltbe tobpie toe toete % tbem fieppng epe.jliJoto tsfie bebe 9 fe tobat tboubaft to Bo/fo?ft!'Sconciubebto bo mpfebeue bnto~ oure matter ana to alibis bouoiaeJna be w iSbngracpoustofpeafieto. 3^enSbtgaiI mabe baft ana tofie ttoo buna?eb loues ana ttoo boteftes of topne ana fpueepereaape bjeffea ana f pue meafutes of patcbeb come/ ana an bunazeb bonbelles of teafpngS /ana ttoo buna^ea frapies of fpgges/9 iaoeb tbem on afleS/anafapbebntoberpotmgemen-.go befo?eme/anafeg! come after pou/ stolce bet bufbana ^aball notbpng fljetof . ana as erobeonberafteanbtoas comwig aotone in a flaae of ebpll/ auia 9 bps men came botone agapnft ber/anb e met tbem. anaauibfapae:tnbapnebaue3 fiepc all tbat tbis felotoebaa in tbe totiaernefte:fo tbat nougbt toas mpflea tbat pertapnea bn* #bnn/fojbe&amp;at&amp;0.uptfeme toptbeueil fo? Pti. gooa.


good. &gt;oanafodo&lt;io&amp;bntoi&gt; enempfsof auib/ais 3 topll not leaue of all tbat per* eapnerobpra/bptbeoatonpngeof tfa aape/ * 00 tobo faje ougbt * tbat piffetb agapnft tt)e toafle. K22S&amp;2 ae ^ n *btgafeto aufl)/ fte fatten ana flS S) &amp;BW *0 afleana ** o?e 32&gt;auia onbet i)?Rgc oe tt&gt;c face/and borcea&amp;er fcif totljegvounae / ano mairtjtsftc. feu at bfc fe*e and fapae: it e t tin's bnbappie oeaae be countea mpne/mp;to?a/ft let tbinc banamapae fpea&amp;c m tbpne audience/ ana beate n)e too?aes* of tbPbaaemap&amp;e. %et not mp'jLo?aewgarae tb&amp;bntbJtftpe man&amp;a* m bal/fo?ai*bp0namei0/foi0be.*#abaltfs

* msat wmm name 9 follpe is tottft bpm . #ut 9 tbpne banamapae fate not tbe pounge men of mp 3U)?Be tobicb tbou ftndett. &lt; 3 na note mp o?ae a? fure a ttj e it o?d Ipuetb 9 ae tbp foule ipuetb/ tfte ]to?ae ban) toitflbolden u)efro compng to ece blonde 9fromaauengpng tbpfelf toitfj tljpne atone 6mffttrtbetmo?e fp?ape oatbat tbpne enempess 9 tbep tbat entenae to bo mp Ho?ae a.itirpiisfcj euen/map be ass #abal.3nanoto tbis* bier* tetoar6o;p?c*f5ngtoijicbtbpnebabmapde batb b?eugbt/ manr? % *sSf lett tt be getif wbHto tbepoung men tbat fo* tun* ww Ictoem? '/lo?ae . ;jfo?geuc fte trefpace of tbpne banamapae (bat tbe uto?a mape malft mp Ho?ae a fuetboufe/ becaufe mp Ho?ae fpgbtea) tbe batteiies of tbe Ho?a/ and tbete couiae none euell be founae in tt)e in all tbp !pfe.3napfanpmanrpfeto petfecutetbe 9 .6 meaning to febe tbp foule / b tt)e foule of mp jto?ae be &amp; j S bonnae m a bonaell of ipfe tt tbe 3Lo?5e tbp rumbc f pjefet- oa.anatbe fculess of tbp enempeis be Hong *Sm,hti^^^ofaapnge3namo;eotiet:tobm tauten or O3OB0 tbe mo?&amp;e all baue oone to mp;to?a an tbe S ^ gooa tbat be baft) p?omifea n)e/ 9 all baue iftian t ipft made tbe ruler ouerlfraettben an it be no SpSTflwii ?S swage of conference bnto tbe 0? aifcourage Vli'ZZH^lZV o f bette bntompHo?ae/a)attbou eooeft ^n B %S e 'biouaecaufeieireanaapoeftaau?gen)p feif. ffigjl, 3namo?eouertobentbe ]ko?ae allbaue fiteuST* w'i aealt toell tt mp mo?a/u)etttbpncB on p ne &amp;tSS iff banamapae. cjjen fapae ?0auta to Abigail: ttic F miinot bieceabetbejto^acsoaof'irtaeltob^cb rent .^uroe^'tpu^^^oapeeometeme. anabieflea betbP .iirpfictsamieB.bebaHeottte/ 9 bleaea be tboit tobpeb baft SSfcr Sc P tmc tftisf aapefrS compng to eaebloua cith anX from aouengpngmp feif torn) mpne atone fouic of t i, P ncbana.iJfo?mi&gt;rpaeaaea0fuwa0 tbejLo^ae

cnmfespMii oa of '?ftael ipue tobpeb ban) fiept me TSS 1" bacrreftobuttpngtbe/ erceptetbouBawett ! SS ft aftf b ana met me / tbetebabnot bene left jguKifis ivitb i5abaibptbeaatonpngoftbeBape/appifci: ETS * a sapna tbe toan.aina fo auta teceaueaof oMtoflnpnac Bw&amp;aifttftat ftebjonjifteftpm/ anbfapaeto rnBF ber:go m peace to tbine boufe.3na fef baue obepeatbpbotce ^baueteceaueb^togtace. 3natobelbigaiiearneto#abal:beboRw/ fjebeiaeafeattinbfebouieipaetbe rft of a


3Spnge/anai9abaWbettetoa!3 metptofttjin bim/anabetoastajonctiea good. 3iBbEo?e fte toiae bim naugbt nether title no? moate/ bntpntbemo?otoaape,55utin mojinpng/ toben tbe topne teas gone out of ^JabauVbfS topfe toiae bpm efe too^es / and bps berte apea toitb in bim/ ana b e b e came ajJ a fton e/ ana bponatenoapeg after tbe )Lo?aefmote J9abal/tbatbeapea3natobe?Bauiabearae tbat jUaball teas: aeea/be fapae: lettea be l-o?d tbatbatb iuagedtbe caufe of mprebu* Se of tbe banae of j^abal/ andbatb nept b^s f eniafit from eueit/ anabatb turnca ttjetop^ fceanefle of J9abau agapne bpon bp3 atone beea . 26na atu'a fent to comen toptb 3Jbt* gaft/to tbpntent to tafie bet to bte topf e.ama toben tt)e fetuaunttg of J^attta tocre come to Abigail to carmel / tbep fpabe bnto b ec fapfng:auiarentb0bntotbe/totaftetbeto bfe topfe. andfljearofeanb botoeaber reif on ber face to tbe ertb 9 fapae t jeeboiae tbp . mit banamapae/ tobeaferuauntto c toae t\)t^mS fete of tbe feruauntes of mp '^o?a,3inaabi* fpa*. gail ba ftea ana ar ofe ana gat ber bp bpon an { * r totl!&lt; " iffe/tottb fpueaamofelleg of bens toentat Kg m ber fete/ana toetaftettbemeaengerjjof^a^amj/tol uta anatoa^b^topfe.^aut'a alfo tofie^b=* e * noaof3!e^abel/5n)eptoerebciebi0topuL" f riI0 ^

55ut S&gt;aulgaue fflpfcbolb'js tmmmm&amp;SBB Cdaulftcapeta in His tent ano DautB ta&amp;ctfi atoaa bi0rpearefa(cureoft0ate^tbataaoeatisi)ce6. CCbe.cjcbt.bapter. Jiftertcame3Pbte0bnto ^&gt;aul 38 to abaab fapingcauia bpaetb bimfelf mtbebpU of ^aebflab eu? r ibefo^e topiaerneae.s:ben^)au! arofejtoenttotbe topiaetneire of3ipb ana mt tboufanoe cftofen men of ffraet v&gt; bpm/ fo?tofebeamaintbe;toiJacrneiTeof3fpb. W3&amp;?*, *&gt;W m * e W of l&amp;acbflab tobicb rpeo) before tbe topiaemeffe/ bp tbe toapejs fpac.jBut^auibatoelt intae totiaet* neffe. aSnatobeberatotbat^&gt;aul cam after Btm into tbe topiaemeffe/ be rent out fppejj 9 bnaeriloae tbat &amp;aul toajs come of furetpe. iBberfoje auia ar of e a toet to tf)s place mm&amp;am bad pptcbcb/anb bebeiae tbe place tobere ^&gt;aul lape toitb aibner fonne of J9er bpg cbe fe captapne . &lt;jfo? &gt;aui lape toitb m a r otona bancbe/anb tbe people pptcbebvounae about bim.cbenanCtoerea Ba waanafpafie toabwtelecb m ^etbite ana toawfatibe fonne of ^atutab ana b?otber

goapune toitb tbe. 3na fo auia 9 3Wfaf came to f people pP.n*8bc.3na beboiae/ $&gt;auiiape fleppnge towb in aroundebScbe 9 8tt fpcare pitcbea mtbe

#,ftul purfuttl) t. ^^ mtbegrounaatbfebeeb/3ibner9tbepeopie rpmgrounoaboutebtm.bmfapae3Bbifaf to5auta:oabatbclofeatntbpne enempe bnto tbpne bSae tbijs aape J9oto tberf o;e lett inefmpte bim a felotoftippeib mp fptare to f erW/eue one toobe/ana % topn not fmpte bint $ fecooe tinie.TSut auia fapae to %bU lat-Jjeilrope btm not/f 0; tobo can lapebtt bSti on JtAflS anopntea 9 be gpitletftf ana a= ufl)fapbefurtbetmo?e:ajsfutea0 tbe]to?ae ftuetb/f lto?ae tbanfrnptebpra/o^bps aape

all cometoape/ o;be aiiaefclae into bat tell 9 tbete peritbe:but * 'jU;ae fiepe me fto lapmgmpnebana bps f jLo?ae0 anopntea. ^ototbentabeafeiotoQ'ppe fpearet$ atis$ba/9 tbe eretofe of toatet/9!etbjsgo, ana^auiatofie fpeare9 cretoreoftoa* ter f toere at &gt;aui$!beea / 9 tbep gatt tbem atoape/9nomfatoo?totftito;atooBe.Jfo? tbep toere all a Repe/ becaufe tbe jLojae baa . Cfentaaoberbp5tbe.cben;^auiatoouee . tof otberfpae 9 ftoae on e toppe of an bfll a farre of ( a great fpacebepng bcttoene tbe) 9 crpca to tbepeople 9 to aibner tbefonne of ^er raping-.anf toer eft tbou not 3bnen*ana abner anftoerae 9fapae:i&amp;batartn)outbat *&lt;Wwb*tpejl totbe fipngf ana jeatw fapae to 3fib* &amp;*dS ffiwwtt not tbou a ma/9 tobo i ipbe thgr* M, '" F **raeK 55uttoberfo?eba8tbounotftepttbP )lo?a f fepngt'fo? tbere came one of foi&amp;e foaeftrop $ fipngetbp&amp;oja. 3tt$netgoo&amp; f tboubaft aone.3'0 truip S3 ito;aipuetb pe are too?tbp to ape/ becaufe pe baue no fcetter bepte %mi anopntea . aana note ft tobere tbe fi^igggfpeate iss ana I eretoft of toater u)at toere at big beea. ^m &amp;&gt;&amp;ui mm ^auiastbopce 9 fapae: is tbiiB tbp b opce mp foraie 3autb? and a* ufofapaeut i&amp; mp bopce mp jLojtt 6png.3ina bPfapaetbertotoberfo?eaotbmp)Lo&gt;epet*= ftcute b&amp; fe ruautffo? tobatbaue % bone? o? 50 tobat eueil is in mpne baa?oto beare tt)et* fo?e(mpjLo?aBpng)too?a^oftbpferuafic. 1 2R5Si' t 3!f $ Up baue eerea f bp agapnft m e/ be B. ftall*ftneH % rauoute of facreftce.jeut 9 pf IttSw ujthtbepbef cbt1a??ofme/curreabetbepbefo;e W pS| ito?ae.4?onbspbauecallme outftSabp*

E'P^^f.l'apngtn enfjeetteficeof flo?a/fapig'Jiifce [flitu in 8 Inue ol % ei ' ^aaaejs.ana pet I bope mp ' * blouaeaiilf?.oe?8Htotbeertbbefo;e5face of f lio?a/u)oiEgSj f 6pngof|fraelbecome outto bunte sfice/au menbnnt partreKin f mofitapne^. ffl-^en fapaeS&gt;aul-.| baue fpn= nea/come aga prsip fonne ?auia fo? 3 toil! bo f nomoaie^a^ne/becaufemprouletoaa P?ecpoufe in iirme eves tbiss aape.JBebofte/ 9 baue piapea m f ole 9 baue errea ercebmg mocbe.ana^aMioanftoereaanafapae-.iee* boiae fipngeg fpeare/lett one of tbe poung mmcomeoutt 9 fett it, ffbeXojacretoatbc

euerpmfn^rpgbteteefncffe9faptb:fo?tt)e JioM oelpuerea tbe into mp bSde tbts aape/ butl tooiae not lape mpne baa bpo %om anopntea.ana eg tbp ipfe toass mocbc fet fcpe tbfc time in mpne e? efrfo be mp Ipfefet bp in I epe0oftbeX-o?a/tbatbedrlpuermeoutof al trpbufacion. and &amp;aui fapae to amb: 3Sleffeaarttboump fonne auid / fo? tbou *attbeaaocranaalfoableto b?png to an *baiB c&amp;ou ena?.anafoaiuatoetbisitoape/ana^aul*fit rajsne j turnea to biss place agapne. p?ofp. C3uioflcc(b (0 flcbtt 6png of etb/tohicb gcutrh bim zthclcg to blveti in.#elpUetb tbe biltftinra and toben acbw DemannBeB agapnft totjomlje tjab toucb be geuttb bim a fotctl amwerc ano occtauetb bpm p;opet!pe. CCbe.trbb'.cbapter. fen tt)ougbtau!d in umjtxt: % * ,mape perpfte one aape 0? on)er bp [tbebSa^cf |frael bcre ignobet* r jtetfo?me/tben to flee into f fanae of tbe Pbtlitttncg/ g &gt;aul of berp aifpap;e to finae me/map ceafe to febe me anp moare m all cootie f % fraekfo? fo 9 mape efca* pe Die bana.ana atit'aaroft/ 9 be 9 fpre bua?ea men ^ toere tit bpm toft bnto aebi$/ tbe foraie of Saocb/fipng of en), ana a ina dtoelttt acbijS at etb/ botb be anabps

men/euerpma ttbWbouffioioe /and^auia tt b/Pttoo topuc0:abinoam f Jeiraberite 9 abtgatl i9abal0 topfe of Carmeir . ana tobf fttoajft8l6eS&gt;aul tbatBauiatoass fleea to* etb/befougbtno moare fo2bun.anaa* uia fapae bnto aebfe^f % baue founa grace tntbpneepeg/iettmebauea place in fome totone in tt)t ftttr/f 9 mape atoell tbere.&lt;JFo? tobat ulae tbp feruaut atoell in f beea citie pf f fiingaome tt tbe.cben acbig gauebim 3feeleg fame aape fo? tobicb caufe 5t&amp;eleg pertapneu) bnto u)e npges of Suaabtt* totbtpaape.anatbetpme t autaatoeltm tbe cotrepe of tbePbiliftineg/ toas! a*pere 9 ,** ***, tome monetbegana^auia 9W men toent y^SS* arannebpo tbe efuriteg/tbe et?itc3 9 c *m 'm. amaie6ttes:tobicb nacion? toere fr9n)ebr&lt; n 6 * gpnnpng p cnbabptersf of tbe 18a/a?men go K&amp;s?; to ^ur/ana to fo?tb to cgppte. anb auta KJSSS fmot $fia 9 left netber miner toomSaipue/ %5cbKh? 9tose epetbeoren/tbeaffest/ ttmmj mux *m*n9 dotbe?/9remouea9 cameto Scbfsi . ana _ acbi0fapae:bauepenotbenea roupngtbijs bapef ana auia anftoerea-.pejf in tbe foutb of 3uaa/ana in tbe foutb of p 3e?rabelitfg/ ana tn tbe foun) of ^fieniteg.ana auia fa* ueanetber m no? tooman alpueto b?png to etb/fo?fearelefletbep uiae telle on t'je faping:foapa3auta 9 fofebPP maner all $ . tobilebe atoeltin cBtrepe of fPbJitftmcg. anaacbisilieleueaautafapinge:fiebatb * a S ,f '^ (0 maaebifeif*ta ftptmebnto w fam^SSSSSL eV5n)fo?ebealbem?fmiaft?nicr.Sul &amp;0 pjii, Cbe


Cfche t&gt;rtutfnmoue toamagastitt ssaul ant- J^itfftfttf mafietoatte agapnftme/a& lt;E&gt;ob ijtfencirc UM ^n^M^Mttqu^majMXof^bbut fSbepatteaftSmeaanttoereantenomoare/ .*

batij no anitecce; one tbcn ftbc tb after an encbamv Jl^L. htl mn nhrf 8/wriwr b tf hlftimM 3finh tK/tobicb tajCctb btra p tt&gt;c Cp;tte -of JmimicI, *I P?Op0et0/neftet PP BffflTO, ,4HW

appeared, I fcanfo affapntt

&amp;be.rEbi.Cbapter. I #D it tbaucebih ore aa?es/g fte ^biliCtinesgeaftereb t^eit^oato geaftet to toarre / entenapnge to Ifftsftttoi^ftaeUta HifttS fapDe to ?^aiua:55c lute/ tgou alt goo out to me in $ boay ana ftp men alfo. 3na 9au fapa agapneto3iebiS:ftenftoualtfinoto/tobat ftp f eruaunt can Do.^no3 cbis tapae to a* as crofbi0uid:Cfteng!topH mafic f 8 fiepetofmpbeeb fucoft; neper fo? euer-S)amttel toasften aeea/a all'Jfrael of by* bosp : hao lameteb ftpm 9 mutes ft pm in JKamaft SS29S8 btsatonecptte. ama&gt;aulbaaputftetoe* graft"* t^ men fi ^jwjeg otvtmttmt S&gt; o?ce, r * ratsouteofftelanbe. ainaftepbtiiftines geaftereo to gefter ana came anapitftea in ^&gt;unam.3na^&gt;aul a aHSfrael geafterea togeafter anapptftea in deselboe.Kina toben &gt;aul fato f &amp;otte of ? Wlifttnes/ be toas aftaveD/anabiSbetttoasCo?eattoniea.ain8 ^&gt;aul atfiea councell of the Hojae: J8ut the n.5f ?im-iLo?SE anfoereO bjm not /nether bpcjcame te rpo6rn.j5u/ no? bpi am/no? petbppjopljetes. ttietl.ttDlt.O &lt; rt r&lt;4i&gt;&lt;0 ff. mil hntnttict fern ofii

ft etf oje 3 baue calico the / to tell me tobat aliao.cbenfapb tamuei:toberfo?eboei ftouaffie f me? tobple &gt;lo?a isas gone fro" a is ftpne enempe/f TLojoe topi! 00 to the as befapaebpmpbana.#o?fte Hojaetotllrent fte&amp;pngaom out of ftinebanb/ageuettftp nepboutejuauio/ becawfe thou obepbft not I bopce of the jtofl/ no? erecutebft bt fear* ce tojaft bpo ft eamalefiitcs .c&amp;etf oje baft the TLojbbone ftis bnto fti 8 aapcaina mo* reouerfte jLajbetopliaelpuetlfrael to fte/ into p banb$ of Pb wftines.ana to mqoto

altftouaftpfonnesbetome/ sfiozoe all geue ftebofte ofgftwl into the battbes of #&amp;tlfftincs. cben&amp;aul fell ftrepgbt toapefiatteonfteerftasiongasbetoas / a teas* foze aazeaa of p toojaes of Samuel. ano fterto there toas no ftrengft in bim/ f o? he hao not eaten all the bape ano npght _ b ef o;e Jnb e vooman cam bnto^aul ano w fato p be toad rojettotobleb/ anbfapbebnto him.a&gt;ey thine bannraapDe hath obepebthg bopce ^haueputmpfouieinmphanoe/anb

- 4

6, sto? n in.putonotfaetrapment/atbentoent hea ttoo l i^SrLfhrtthoS ^l c ""nmttpi/athepcame_tottopftb?n^t, ffiSSSB?fl

ta^FmH piSe^ iiictwitp ti)ae t hou finotoefttobat&gt;aul hath Done /bob) be qii&amp;cnoe h. !. jedropeo *

ftrv^r it until v "h ^*rvu )e ttemen g aop?op5e* K! B2 fpuigfp^/ap S&gt;o?ceratt5 outofthelSb. jBume.fjcij.i).a0Uei:fo?e then* lapell oua nett fo? mp frt is/- foule to fipll mef3inb &gt;aulftoo?e to her bp fSSS "iS*S* tbe ^? oe fa Vmt-M Cuetlp a tbe )Lo?o Ip StmS be urtft/ w allnobarmecbauce fo? f0 mongbtto tbpng.benCa?6ctbetopfe:tohoall3fee tt6. cbebpbntothefanoberaptie:5B?pngemebp ^amuel.ibmtbetoomaratD^amuel8)e

T _. ^&gt;aul9 bid femautes8jnDtobmt$e?batrtatf/thei ftobe bp / anb tnent ateape tbe fame npojt.

C3Daul6gopingt9itb BnBeacb(Btofpabt agapnft ^niil js Cmb agajne bp tbcracancB of tbe lojDcsof tbc $biit (tints. cche .w'r.Cbaptc .

ipephiiiiuneegcathereDalltbeir^ bodes to geatberbnto aipbwJna |rtacipittbebbp* a fountapnem*0f ^ iefta6el.ainbjloM of PbfltQi nesstoetfo?thebp bub;eDeisa bptboufatw;.

ctpebtopn)alotobebopcea fpafie to Saul 55utauio abfemecame bebt'rtbe^i3ch^ faping-.tobPbafttboumocfieDmef fo?tftou cbenfapb o?b$of ^biltftin^.tobatatc att^&gt;auLtnbg fipngfapbebntobet/be not v oSoeteb?uesf amnaicbttrapa bntofl-o^

aftapbe-.55ut tobat fepa tbou. anbtbc topfe **g *}&gt; m .' fapoebnto^&gt;auhgife*a(25obafcetibpngbp 'io?" 8 ontoftbeertbJnDbefaplje-.tohatfacionijJ &lt;r he of^a^tbe toomSfapDCttbere cometb bp c &amp; auff en m an olbe m tt a manteli bpS bim.%nb^&gt;au1 tbc ftyjB co* peweaueo ^ ittoag e &gt;amuel/ a ftoupebtt mt of bis too?* b t - faceto egtounb a bobjebbimfelf.anb tSSSSSShf Samuel fapbe to feaul-.tob? baB tbou bn tobftb tftou baft appopnteo pim .uro? oe roan mcfuntwa9qiitebme/tomafiemebeb?ougbtbpf26nl&gt; notgottWtobattel/leftfttbeanaDtie rft* fteKwu m ^ ^aulanftoeb3!amfo;ccncomb;eD, # i^c to bff wi t(ic battdl.jf 0? to^rnft coimse n c better

of tfBbJBatin&amp;&amp;i not tbiS^auiD fetuafft of &gt; aul tbe ftpng of 3,ftael/tobicb ba tb bene ib meoapeg o? pcte/agi baue foftw ho fault -a ftibfmfencebefleebbntomebntotbisujape. &amp;tuetti)eltto p tojnt, of % Pbinftmegteere to jo ft % b:m afapfi bnto b mt:0j afi e th is f e* loto tetume/a letbmtgo agapne to big place

bertrt obcapne p fauouw.of bfeiwafttt/tbrn bpo ftc beeoep of oute ftip not ?0a* uiD to tobo ft ep fange in oaaf e;*&gt; aul Oue 'bi0tboufano/liue^auK)bitnftoufanDef chen aicb ts caned ^auto a fapbe bnto bitm M fute as fte Ho&lt;!d iw eft tbou art b oneft/ 9 it pleafeft me toril | ftou foulbeft accom* panpeme in fte boft/fo? 3! baue fouoenone euelDb fence ftou earned tomebnto ttyi&amp; bapt:J9euft eie'ffe tbe %oiM of fte Pbiii

ilftihegfauoure f not:toberfo?c returne ago in peace/ p ftou bifpleafe not tbejlo^es f fte Pb&lt;n'2i he s.2tn i) auio fapbe agapne to aicbia-.UBb p tebatbaue 3 bone f a tobat baft ftou fofibe in ftp feruaat ad long as 5 baue bene \b ft e bnto ft is oape ?g gi mape not go f igbt agapnft f enemies ofmpiofli f iiitiff. ? Icbisanrtoereba fapbe to auiteatoott toellftou pieafeftme / agittotceanfngeu of ob^ottoiftftanbing fte )Lo?besoffte ^iliftinea ban efapoe/f ftou Qjalt not goo ttftf tobatteU.ibetfo?erpfebp erlpein mo/npngtf ftpmafteriSfetuautea ft at are come tt fte. ano toben pe be bp etlp as fone as pe baue ligbt/bepatte.E'nb f auto anb bis wentofe erlpetobepattein $ mo;npng/ to returne into ft elaoe of fte $btit(HneS. 3Dnbfte^btuftineStoentbptole;rabeH. G3&gt;SUibtcto;npngfrombfng acbit fpntwtb Zf fecicg burn t.fcj p ut foetb aft cc tbc bnencce tbctof I tspllitf) t^tm ans tccoutrctb tbc pjajc. be.]tw:.baptei;. m i-a mJM pet auiba bis me toew come 3S ^&gt;Rto ^ifteleg tbe ftitbe bape/ 3ma iefiitesbabrunneinarftntngbp5 y fte fouft anb bpon 5ifieleg/ anb bab fmpte ^ifieleg a burnt it fp?e / a ban tafienfte toemen toere ftettn pjpfonets/ boftfmali a gttar-.but fleto notaman/ faue catpebfte to fte $ toent fteit toapes. aBbeit autD abis men came to tbe cftie : bftolbe/ it teas burnt toift fp?e/a fteit topties/ ftere fonnes a fteir Daughters toere tafitn p?rf ts* tters.cben^autb a people f toasttbpra 33 li fte bp ftetr bopcesa toeptybttintbep couto toepe nomoare . 3md auios ttoo topues toere tafien pjpfonets alto . abmoamfte 9?eitabeiite anb a&amp;igail fte topfe of 0abal fte CarmeKte.3inbau teas in a (ft jototie fttaptetfo? fte people entenbebtoftonebpnt becaufeftebertes of allftcpeople toere be* reofo^ftetr fonnes anofteitbaugfjters. 53ut auib to'ki a goob courage to bimirt

mm .6. 5H-o?b bis (Bob a*fapbto abiaftar ? pjefte 3bimeieftSfoiiHe:b?pngme (EpboO. 3no 3bfaftatb?otsgbSftep&amp;obtoauib.3n&amp; 30aufbaffie&amp; t&gt;Lo?bfapfg:an?!folotoaf* tetftis copanpef a ani! ouertafieftem f 3Bnb be fapbe to S?pnr.folotoe / f 0? ft ou alt VfiUttcafteftem ana tecouer fte p?ape. 3Dtt&amp; He tentmn fte fprebunb^b men


g toere tobim/a ftepcamto | rpuev 38etoj/ tobereapawof ftem abobe.iBut^auib ana fourebnb?ebmen folotoea : )5ut ttoo buo?ea abooe bebmbe bepng to toerpe to go ouerfte rpuetJBefo/.cbenftepfotibean Cgppcian in fte feioe/a brought bim to auto a gaue 'iim bftH to eat e a toatet to b?phcfie/a gaue itm a fetoe fpgg^ a.ii.cloufters of reafpngs, . C n tobe be baa eate/biS f P;eteS cam agapne to bim: f 0; be bab eat e no b?eaano? ojoncfie no toatet in ft;ebapes aft?enpgbies.ben auib fapbbnto top belonged ftou atob^ceartftoufanb labanftoe?eD:5 am,* an tf gppcian anbf etuaOt to an SBmaiefiitr. w anb mp matte* left me bebinae/becauceitis ft;e aapes a gone $ % fell fecfie :toe came a toupngbponftefouftofceretbps/abpon ftioffuaaa onftefotift of Caieb.ainatoe burnt 5ftelfg^ofp?e.3lnb?&amp;auibfapae to bftH:canftftoub?pngemetoftiS cSpanp i 3nabefapbe:ftoerebntomtbp oa/ ftou toiltneftet fipllmeno? oelpuer me into fte bSbes of mpmaftec/ai topll b;png fte bnto ftemJnbtobenbebabb;ougbt^im:fe,'ftep IapeffiatereaaIlab;oabebpo f erft /eating a b ; pncfipng attpumpbpng otter all f great P?ap $ ftepbabcatieaatoapeout of lanae of tbelBbiliftines/a out of fte lana of I'uoa. ana j&amp;au fapbe bpS fte fro* ttoplpgbt . bntpllfteeu5onftemo;oto:fo ftereefcaA pea not a ml / faue f wire b%ea poung men tobfebtoaaeatoapebpo cameies anaaeDbe. ana'^auibtecouewball fte amalefiites babcatteb atoape/ab&lt; ftet toano perftniacfimg fmall 02 great, fonne

m baugbtet/07 of fte fpopie of all t ft ep baa tafie atoape / ?auia b jougbt all agapne , 3inb&amp;aufbroBeanftecpe/a orenJna ftepb;aue fte catellbefo;e/a fapae : ftps ts a uias p;ape . 3nb ften jMuia came to fte ttoo fytittXb me i toere to to etpe f 0; to f oloto ^auib tobf ft ft ep maae to abpae at f rpuer )Sefo?.lnaftepcamto mete^auia ana fte peopleftat toere Ubpm.^no toben 5autD cam to people/be faluteb ft em . erb e n a n--&amp; ftoerebaHftebJicfieaaftebnft?iftes offte w men i toentto jsauia/a fapbe: becattfeftep toentnot toift bs/ftetloae an none of fte p?ape at toe baue recouereb/ b e geue bnto ft e / faue to euevp m W topfe a bis cb tia?e: tobift lett ftf carp atoape a be toalftpng. cben fapbe attib:pe allnot bo fo ( mp b?eft?e)yi i fte jLo?ae baft gel bs / a baft p;eferuebbS/abelpuereb $ c6panpe p came agapnft bs/into ottre battt^.-ffoj tobo uiae berfien bnto poit inftismattev i 3Sut as bis mt ,,&lt;,, A # parte is t goeft aCpgbteft/fogooa ftallbtSmcnof tomZ parte be/ftattatieft op fte ftuffe/ttep all part it a Ipfie. 3na fo frS ft at bape f ojtoara: toasftatmadealatoaacuftome fn^frael/ pjiiii. nm

anbbureft to ftigBatc.ibe32&gt;auib cameo 3fteleg/be fent of W PW bittofte eiberg * H)8t mxtroi^tm 9 to HAt fwn^faris:re tbere a*biet&lt;= mnt ' ftngfo?tou/offterpotleoferiemtegof Jloft.tee fent to fte of fte of fottft aBamaft'.tofte'of d&amp; fte of atroer: to ft? of ^.cp^amot^-.tot^e of &lt;ttbamo:tofte" of -Kaftahto (be of fte cpttejs of $ geftame* riiteg:to fte" of of cytiejs of v fceniK-.tofte of $aramab:toftem of 23o?afan:to ftem of astjjatft: to fte of $eb?5/9 to all placejstofter 3aitiD9bi0men toere toentto'baunt. frerbe battel! be tvrt? JS Ijiliftmr an&amp;3Crael.S.iul fepllictb, l)im fcif'-J t)i3 cbj?io;J aw flapc inf battel!. ,be.rjrrt.bapter, alM/\^ i l^ Dag * Pbiiifttatfougbtagatntt

&lt; aacuMU fi&amp;P ftael/ s mg of gfraelfleebatoate #^^Beebmmount#felboe.3inb $ Pfti* It (Mugs folotoeo after j&amp;aul 9big fonneg/ 9 Peto ^onaftag / abftaBab anb flftelftf fua &gt;aulg fonnyaBnb $ battel! toet fo?e agatntt *aul / ft fo mocbe ft otcrg % botocg bab _ f oa&gt; bim m be tea? f o?e tooflbeb of ft otcrg. &lt;^eT3tB&lt;baulbntobig&amp;atMfterer:*b?ato f S?- c ;? 3*" ct ftt ftoerBe 3 ftmft me ftofttoftettoift fffc ^* left tbefe bncircurvreb come ftzutt me trou* gbea maae a mocsing ftocbe of me.tfut big barnefberer tooloe not/ fo? fyt toag fo?e a* - ftateb. *&amp;erreg&gt;aultc&amp;e a ftoetbe 9 fell bpon it.EnB tobmW bamefberer fate ftat gtaultoagbeeb/ bcfelUtbetotfebponbtg ftoercf 9 oreb tot tb bm. 3Cnb fo &amp; aul cteb a big tb?e fonneg 9 W batnet beret/? tberto c anbfg men/ftat fame bate to geafter. aaben fte men of gjfral teere of $ oftet . fpBe balete/9 ftet of fte oftevT?oe5o?5a/ &amp;earb tbe men on frael toerc put to fltgbt/ eftat g&gt;aul ?b0fonnt: toerebeeb/ ftetieft tbe cttfeg/ ft ranne atoate/ a fte Pbtlftmeg tefeaca.j;i.bcam 9btoettintbe,*;n ftemo?oto to&amp;e" tbe iBbiiiaineg toere come to ftrtppe fte $ teere 0atne/ftet founbe &amp;aul 9 bts ft?e fonneg Iting in mount elbce. %nb ftet cut of btg feeeB9ftrippftbtmoutofbtgbarnefle'9fent into tbe lib of f pbtlittineg euert tobere/ to publtfte in fteboufeg offteir 000 9ft tbe people.3fabftetbarigeb.bpbigbarneffeitt -boufc of aftbatoft/butftetbangebbp btg ** carfiafle on fte toalieg of #eftf an. n&amp;ben ft

enbabtterss off abeg m^alaabbearbtberof/ tobattbePbiUftinesibabDonetoSiauI/tbe? arcfeassmanteagtoeremeneftoartestoet Kl! n?gbt 9 tofte tbe SarftaCe of S&gt;aul 9 tbe je.*n* fa|| 8 6 70H8 a t tbe to5abe09*btnttbetbe)[e anbtohe fteirboneg 9 butpebtbem bnfler a cree at ^abeg/anb faded feuen sa?e0. STCbe enK of tbefwtt bobe o^amtie!/ tobiebtbepcBmllpcaa f ffttt of rngf.


l)tm felt

Cl)e feconue iSofet c t&amp;mwi oti)f rttopfe caueu ^e fe* conoe bobe of tbe ttsngeg. C 2D.iiit&amp; cSmaimbcci) to flee f meffengee/ 1 that faps tic bao bpllcb Saul . ijc iaratnta ((on of E&gt;aui6 ft| ^aulanDjonailjflfi. bffv^5Cbapter. \^S ^ te c t|&gt; D cD of 5ttl/ 2 ' ^tobe^auiDtoagreturnebftff* tbe aaugbter of tbe Imalebt* teg 9 bab bene ttoo ba^eu in pJbeieg:cboloe / tbere cam 8 a man t^t tb#Be bate out of tbe botte fro &amp;&gt;au! % W doft eg rent 9 ettb bp0 big beeo.SnDtebebe came to auiD/ be fell Co ertt) ^Dvbobetfaunce.coteboSEa* uft fatocttebcncecomeft tbouf 3tao g oiftet anrtoetebbtm-.fiDtttoftbeboftoflfraelam 5 tf capeb.3fctid jg) auft fatbe to bt&gt;m agapne: oto baft it cbauncrbftelime.anb be rapbe: tljepeople Beecfro the battel!:? man? of fte people are ouerftjoteth 9lieeb:anb^aul9 lonatbag bis tonne are be eb fterto. ' asno auiB fatoe bnto tbe |oung mS ftat &gt; tolDebim;boto finotneft ftouftat S&gt;aulanb gonaftag big fonne be beebfanb tbe jounge man ftat tolbe bim/ farbe: % toag b j cbaffce tnmount elbce,3nBfe / ^aulIeaneBbP? \m fpe ate / anbfte tbavetteisanBSojfemf n

foioteeb btm at tbe beieg . ainb diauUoBeb bacbeanbcaileBme. 3nb3SanftemB:bere am 3L3nB be fapbe bnto me: tobatartftouf anb^fasbebntobtm -.3 am anlmalebite^ ainbbe raj bebnto me: come onme 9tfce me: 4fo;angui&gt;ftei0comebp5meanB mtlifeig jet all m me. 3nB 3 totnt en bm 9Cue btm: f 0} % toag fure ftat be eoulte not irue/ after ftat betosg fallen. 3H9 %ttite fte crotone tbattoagbpSbigbtebatft fte^afelet ftat toag on b&gt;0 atmeanbbauebjougbttbcmbi! tomp^o?BebSfter. %. cbi auib mtW, mfr anb rent m tbf/9fobpBallftemenftattoere toitb^^Hj, andfte?mGutneb/teepte9f9fteb&amp;ntt.Ileue/ibtewa^ f o? ^&gt;aui anb^onaftag bf0 ftnne /anbft? mof gj

IfttttD ts

tbe people of tbe JLo?Be /anbfo? ftebottre of "[^ - ttt ?frael/ becaufe fte? toere ouerft?otoe taWftSSSS 5 tbeftoerbe. io;w/ ^benfarbe^auftbnto ttefoungtflttfMg b?ouBbtbimtsb?ng5. mbeceartftou^nb ggi be fas&amp;e:3! am fonne of an anjaut anama* *^ ' left tte.3nb auft fatbe bnto bim-. $ote t'gt ftat tbou toaft notafrageb to latetbtncbSb on X/Ofteganomteb/tobeftrotebimfanb auiBcalieboneof big toutigmen 9fatBe: &lt;S9otoanbrunnebp5bim.ln&amp;befmotebtm i^-M i bebjeb,cbenfa?beautobntbbtm: 6 tBrm6ncti)W Woiftebpo ftincatoneliwMfo? ftineatene wv &lt;tw\ taw

w /fwtb smouftbaft tectftebagarnft fte fating -.3! m apt ' i)P ftaue Oavne fte JLofteg anopnteb. tMK"L 3Cnb jeauft fang ftpg fong of mourning .VSrt wotiei; ^atilanB ouecgonaftagbWftnne/9 ffiai Bfi*bab to teacbe fte ftilo;en of 9!Crael f ftatieg isoittc ti)piif fterof.3&gt;'nb 55ebolbe it ig to?ttte in fte*bofie RS"** tft&lt; rtgbttoe* . cbe glo?te of gtraell ig

SSZf navne W" fftie billeg-.fiDb Bote toerefmigbEmm *j tpe ouerftjotof f cell it not in eft -.nojputjtffjtt mt bipfljeittn fte Qreateg of 3CMlon:le&amp; fte ffpttt. oaugbterg cf ftePbibftineg reioife/9ftat -.baugbtcrg of bncircftctfeb tttnpbe fterof. f emountatneg of oelboe/bpontoubene* fter bete no.z ratgne/ner felBeg tobence bea* we offeringeg comedo? ftere fte Ojilbeg of g ttujgbtfe toerc caft from ft em: fte ftitbe of ^aul/agftougbbe bab not bene anopnteb topftojie. l)e bootee of 5 onaftag anbfte f tenor f &gt; aul turneb neuer bacbe agatne emptie / from fte bioub of fteteounbeb a no from fte fatte of fte migbtie toatrtoto?eg. ^&gt;aul anb lonaftag iouelj anb pleafafit infteirltucg /toerein fteirbeefteg not be* utbeb/ menftoiftter ften Rxfeganb ftronger ften Jltong. f c Daugbterg of % frael / toepe ouec S&gt;aul / tobveb cloftebtou in purple 9 . stW'iJ'garmcnteg of pieautre/anb*bo?berebpout:e IffSLtatmenttoitb o^namenteg of goulbe. oto T ton* t '"I'Sbt? e Gatneinbatteltf f onaftag on fte bte bilieg teas teonnceb to beeft.itBoo &amp; me fo; fte mp b?ofter ^onaftag : beiecta* " We to me toaft ft ou ercebpng . ^n loue to metoagtoonberfull/paamgloueoftocme. Soto toereftpmtgbtie ouerftrotoen/9boto toere fte tocpong of toarre fo?lo?en . CJUstiiO iBfliiopntcDlii ebjoiu Cbe battell of t^e UtumnttB of a&gt;auio nito Jf bofee h. '. ccbefeconbCbapter. TB i'^rTSfi ftet ftt0autb affiebfteTlofte fating: ftalll go bpintoant off citteg of Stftafilnb f Tloftt fatbe: IgoJnb jauftanfteereb tobifter HUSg^^anfteereb/bnto^ebjon. 3Dnb

ft auibtoentftit&amp;er toift bis tteo tetueg alfo/3binoam fteS'efrabelite anbStbigail J9abalg totfe Carmelite. 3nb fte me ftat toere *b bim/btb auib carte op alfo/euerp mantotft btgiftufe. 3nBftetbteeltinfte totoneg of j^eb?on. 36nBftemen of 3iuba ca* me anb ftere anopnteb auib fitng ouet boufeof ^tiba, tben it toag tolbe ^auft/ Bote ftemen of laoegtn aiaabbabburteb j&amp;aul/befent meftengerg bnto ftem 9 fatbe bntoftem:bieffebaretebntofte)Lofte/ftat te&amp;aueftetoea foftebtnbneffe bnto toute %AiM S&gt;aul/anbbaueburtebbtft- tbe* Fo^efteXofteftetetou mercte anb trufte againe.ana^, toill bo tou gooB alfo/becaufe tebattebone tbig fttng. f nb note let toure {ianfteg ftere fte 9 plate teftemen / ftougb

tfjkpngesr amtopttteti. &amp;tfsij.


toute matfter^.au!bebeeb. ana ftnallte bnberftSBeg fte boufe of 3"ubahaue ano?n* teb me 6ing ouet ftem.ut 3Dbner ft e f onne^ of|5eri toagcaptatneof ^attisboa/tofse* gtbofetb fonne of &lt;&amp;aulanbb?ougbtbim to^abanaim anb mace bim bing otter &lt;3a= laab anB ouerfte3Dffimteg/9 ouer Jefrabel: anb oner Pb?aim anb }Seniamin anb ouec all grsael. 3nb ?f b ofeft feaulg ftnne toa0 fourtte tere olbeteben be began toratgne ouetatrael/anbratgneb ttoo tere . 38ut fte boure of $uBa onlt folotoeB 3auib.* 3nb ? *&amp;**&amp; *&gt; ttme tobift jsauibraraneb in $ebzon ouer fte boufeof guba/toag.bii.tere 9 tpre mo* tietbeg.anbibner fte fonneof i5er anbfte feruauntegof gifbofeft fte fonne of &gt;aul toet out of fl^abanaim/to abaon.ainb %o&lt; ab fte fonne of 3aruiab anb fte feruaunteg of $attfe toent out anb mette ftem bv fte |ole of dEsabaon. 2nb ftet fatt Botene/ fte one parte on fte one ffte fte^oie 9 fte ofter onfteofterftBe. anBabnerfa^betoaoab: let fte toung men arife anB plate befoje bg. 3BnB3oab anftoereB:beit. cben ftere arofe 9toentouer:ttoelueof Keraamin btnob^e tobwti pertatneb to arboTeft tbe fonne of S&gt;aul/anbttoelueof fte feruafiteg of J^a*

uib.a'nbftetcaugbtecbebig felototbat ca me agatnft btm ./ bt fte beeb anb ft?uftbt0 ftoerbe in bt0 ftBe/anB ft felle botone ail atonce.iberfo?etbe place toag calleb* e* i^ 3 ' * /tBe [aft 3urim ^hm k in abaon. 3tnb fteiefe J J JL, beganne an ercebtng cruel battel ftat fame {! bate.^ut aibner anb fte men of ifrael toere putto fte too?ffe of fte feruafitc0 of auib. 3Bnb ftere toag ft?e fonneg of 3aruial&gt; ftere s gioab; abtfat anB 3Pfabel:tebtft 3fa&gt; el toag ag f toi'fte of fote ag a totlbe ]aoo/anb folotoeb after 3bner anb* turneb nefter to*&lt;Bene.j:ie9.f to fte rtgbtijanb no? to tbe lefte from 3tb ncr. cbenabnerloofteBbebtnBe btmanb _ ratbeartftou3fabelf anbbefatBete. Cben fatBe 3bner:tu:ne efter to ft e rigbt ijanb 0; to fte lefte 9 catcbe one of fte toung ftenanBtabeftebtgfpotie. jButaifabel teoioe not Depart fro bpm. anB3bnetfarae agatne to 3Dfabel*.turne fromme/fo? % toere iofttofmttef toftegrouruje. jfo?ftcnboto ftufijelboIBe bp mt face before Joab tbt tyoftetftotebeftbc tooftc in no totfeBepart *Cben ainertotft ftebtnBer enBe of fte f fpeatefmotebnbnBer fbo?t rtbbeg/ftat*t)'.cfl.^.b, ftefpeate cam out bebftBe btm-.ftatbe fell botone inftefame place 9 BfeBftere.anbag mant ag cam to tbt place tobere 36fabel fell botone anb bieb/ftobe ftf n.ut &gt;3r oab 9 Zhu m folotoeB Ebnerttll fte fonne toet botone. 3nb \oben ftet toere come to fte bill 3maft ftatlteft before tab in ftoate ftat goeft fto^otofte totftemefTeof abao/S ftb?en P.b, ofjeenia^

3oab tyOety

of Eentammgeatberebtbl feluesto getbet after abner on aplumpea aobeaillontbe toppe of an bill, cben abner called to Joab anafapae:lballfbeftoetDe beueutetoicbout enbe^tmotoett tb ou not b ittemefle tst toont tocomein tbe later enae? boto long flail it

be/per tboubpaoe ttje people KtutneftB fc



ftoome to ^aui'D /I fobo tobn/anab?png tbefipngaom ftomojeboufe of S&gt;aul/a fete bp tberbjone of auia ouet ffrael anb ouer gtiaa/euen ft om ^an to 06 e rfab e . ano be ~ cbuioe getieabner neuer a tooo?aeto anftoer * becaurebefeareabfot. ana abner rent meflengerst to 3E&gt;auia


/ /

,lotomg tbeir b;etb;enf anasoab anf toetefi: f ojtbtoitb/ f apmg-.tobofe is tbe l anae? anabe "'astrurtpascefoa ipuetb /pftbou baaactt fir t&amp;paetbertcnmafiea

f a? be t tb m eiien in tbe mo?m'ng bao peop le bepartea/eebeftomfolotopngbtebjotber. tMt$.ff.t- 3notbettoitb*3oab bieto a trompet/ana ail $e people done aril aputfuea after gftael no mo?e no? fougbtnomo?e. ana abnet ana bis men toalfieaatl tbat npgbtbp tbe toplbe felbest/ana toent ouet l o?aan/ a paft n)o?i)to all 25etbbo?on anb cam to flgabanaim. ano gioab retumea from after a b net anb geatb eteb all t^t people to getber.ana tbere lacfiea of JBauia fetuauntes npntene per= Const a arabcl. JB.ut tbe feruaut es of JBattfb ban flapnc of jsemamin anb f aimers men/ tb?ebuna;;eb3tb2effio?emen.anatbrptofie bpa fab 1 1 anb burpeabmt tntbe reptti cb?e of bi* fctber in Eetblebem. anagjcab anb bP U men toe t ail n ? sb t/a nb cam in tbe batoning to$eb?on.

CSbntJ c8mefl|foaurt*b;vngetbn?mh?Bto5fc.

:abonaetoptbme/anare/ m? banais tottb tbe/to b?ingan3 i rraelbnto tbe. ano auio anftoereb toell Ri pbe/3! topll mafic a bonae toptb tbe.ffiut one*bpng3lte* Sucre of tbe/tbat tboufenotmpface/ercept lou fpjft b?png fflptcbol &amp; auis battgbter/ toben fijou comeft to fe me , ana ^auibfent meflengerst to gpjoCetfii jbtaOfi rormefaping -.bcipuer me mp to? fe flsncbol tobpeb J marpea toptb anbuna?ea f o?fftpnnest of tbePbmftMtes.anagTbotetbj Centanatoftebetfto" bee bufbanbe Pbalttcl tbefonneof jiafe. 3nbbrcbufbano toent tt bet/ana cam toeppngbebt'naebec/tpil tbe? c to tfaburim.abenrapaeabnerbnto bim go anb returne.ana bereturnca. anaabnet bab comunpeacfon toitb tbe eiaets of gfcae! raping:? e baue long gone about tba m auia flmiae be fipng oner pouiSoto tben bo it: fo? tbeHojtebatbfavbeof auio/ bp tbe band

Wmwtim*^^ Wm$ ; S m f ^*f fl "/? toijrauemp *m

teeth. anBcMfetbJoab CCbwtf.Cbapter. ^ete teag long ttrpfe betteene tbe botofeof ^aM anb tbe botofe of Bauib.56utauib toareb ftron* _, . , t*;^^ ^getano Qronger/anotbe bonfe of ,pat.ti(.8r ^auttoayeatoeaftet* toeafier.*3linD8* uib bab ctjtibjc bojne b tm m^eb^o-Jbig elbeCt fonnetoasf aranon of abinoamn)e|e5tabes lite^be feconbe Cbeleab of abtgail tbe topfe cf i5abal tbe Catmelite:tbe tt)??beab faiom tbe fonne of S^aacbab % oaugbtet of r bolmai tbe epng of ffictomtbe fouttb abontab tbe fonne of i^agitb:(befpffe ^apbattab? fonne of abitaMbefpmtetbjaamoj gla ^auitus toife.&lt;irbefe toetc bojne to^auio in : $eb?on. a nb as long a? tbete tea? battell bettaienetbeboufeof^aulanbtbeboufeor

3SaufD/abnerbelbebptbeboureofg&gt;aui. &lt;Stnetok.. ano S.auibaba*c5aibpnettameb38tpbab tbe baugbtet of atab. anb |f bof etb Capbe to abnet.lbetfo;elpeC tbou toitb mp fatber? coneubpne^ cben toa$3&amp;brietbett?to?otb fo? tbe too?uejj of afboretb anb topfic : 3Cm a nota*bogge0beeb/tt&gt;bicb$gamft3ubab8 tie (betoefc raetcpe tbpS bapetn to f bonfe of 3auitbpfatbetanatobp0b?etb?eni5 tten&lt; ttfi/9 baue not belpuet eb tb em into tbe bans ofBauta*. fepngtbou fpnaeQ a fault in me tbt's bape f 0; a tooraSf *&amp;o 00 ob toabnet ana fa tberto : except tbat aK tbe Xo?ae batb



jfraei/out of tbcbanaetJ of tbe pmitamcg/ aha out of tbebanaof altbeic enempesi Jnb a ltaetooo?bes bab be toitb entamin/$tben^ toent to tell in tbe eat es of auia t n eb? on alltbatgftael toa0 comenttoitb 9 tbe toboie bonfe of jeeniamin. Snbtobenlbnet toast come to ^auia to ^eb?on anattoentpe men tottbbpm.lDauiamaaebtmanatbe metbae toere toitb bim a feed. ben abnet fapce bnto auib-. f i totll bp anb gageatbet all %U iaelbntomp)lo?betbe8png/tbattbepmape mafiean appopntmenttoptb tbe /mat tbott mapftbefipngouecantbattbpne batt befp reft) Jnbfo awaiettabner oepait/ana be toent in peace. anb Ce/tbefetuauntejs of J&amp;auia aloao came from cbafprg tobbevg ana b;ougbta great p?ape toitb tf t m.Ku t abnet teas not tDitb&amp;auibin$eb;on:fo?be babfentbpm

atoape tobepattin peace, i&amp;be 3loabanball&lt; tbebo Q tbat toa0 toitb bim toere come / men tolbe Uoab raping : abnet tl^z fonne of iBec came to tbe fipng / a be ban) rent bpm atoape tbat be ig gone in fpah toent to tbe fipng 9 fapar.tobat baft tbouaone i Se/ abner came bnto f /tobpbatttboufentbpm atoape/tbatbe ffiuiceffiape quptef cbou mpgbteftBnotoabnettbefonneorj!5et/tba bec3toBatertoptbtbe/anbtoBnototbpeS tierfacpS ana bebauoure/ana to finoto an ^ tfjouboett, 3na tobcnSoabtoa^ come out from

* from fipnge / be fentmedengerstafter M ner/tobicb b?ougbt bim agapne fr5 tt)e toen of^itab bntoetingto autaJna tobgab* ner toast come agapne to i^eb % on/gioa b tone bm a fpbe in tbe gate / to rpeafic toptt) bPm gflefulip/ atbetefmotebprabnaettbe Oio?t rpabeg t apeo/fo? tbebiona of arabel bif* *b?otber. anbtobtnitaftcttoamecamcto pauibs eare/be fapae -.J- a inp ftpngaom are giltleffe before tbe)io?ae f 0? euer/coccming tbe blonbe of abner tbe fonne of Ji5er. Jt fail tberfo;e on^betb of^oab $on atbi3 fatbersJ bcufe-.gtbeboufe of |oab be neuertoitboute one 0? o'tber p batb runnpng icueu 0? to out lepeis a goets on croucbesi / 9 tbat fall on g ftoerbe ana tbat lacfie b?eea, ana tbe caufc tobPloab a abtfai flueabner toast/g abner baaaapnetbeirb?otbera(abeiat tssabaS tn battell.anb^auibfapbetogoabatoalltbc people toere toptbbim/rene pouteclotbejt , ffl ., B11{(ma a a Putonf i iciieclotb amourne befo^ ai* it* m ne*- 26" fi P"8 auiabpm felfe folotoeb tbe I w a tiw of bere.ana tob e tbep baa burpea abner in ie* pcMftpnw* b?on/tbefipngipftebpbP0faopceanbtoepte ^S ouettbefepuicb?eof ^net/ana fo bib all #

tmmn. people.anbtbefipngeiamenteaouetabner f 38B.iii.i&gt;.Bn6 ana apae-.abner afeanot ass a to?etcbe atetb. JjMtfts.9. cbPbanaesi toere notmanaciea ner tbpfete fc?ougbtintogpuesf*utas!meufallebefo?e tepfeea ebilb?cn / fo felleft tbou . anb all tbe people toeptpet moare ouer bim. ana toben all tbe people c to eat e meate toitb auio/tebileit toaispet aape / auia ftoare faping:foaooatomeanb rotberto; pfltattb;eeao? oiigbt ellest /tpll tbe fonne be ao tone .ana tbepeople toiQ it /ana it pita* featbem / as toell ap attotber goobtbpngess tobicb tb e fipng aia in tbe figbt of tbepeople. ana ail tbe peopieana all ffrael tb wo ton* betttobe tbat aape boto $ itttassnotpamge^ mpnae/to Oee abner tbe fonne of jSer.ana t fipng fapae bnto bpst reruauntesi: finoto pe not/bototbat tbeieissajUuaeatbatagecat fallentbp3aapeing"rrael^ 3ina HamtbPS [ SM8 a rsjc bape tenaer / tbougb 3 be anopntea fipnge. ana tbere men tbe fonnesi of^aruiab be*to gsoa fo? me to r iilef 3But tbe TLojbe tetoarae ^ aoer of euen acco?apngto bisstoifieaneffe. cwaatiab f aecfjab (It; JCfiofeifi tbe fonne of ftaul. be.iiij.bapter. a mmmtym&amp;Mte fonnebeara tbatabi nertoatjibeeatn ^eb?on/bpstban&lt; aest fapntea aan|fraei toagstrou* ibiea.iQototbist s&gt;aulstformebaa ttop men tbat toere become captapnest ouee tbe fouaiars /tbe one calleaffiaanab af otber 3Sccbab/tbeforaies5 of cmona etotbite/ana of tbe cbpia?enjof 56eniamm: fb? T5t* rorb teas re&amp;enea to pertapneto 5Seniamih&lt; anatbefe jserot&amp;fteis flea to &lt;0etbatm anb

flapne, %W&gt; "foioumebtberebntil tbe fame tpme.ana 30= # natbass ^aulst fonne baa a fonne tbat toast lame on bst feete:fptie pere oiae toast be tobe tbetpapnge* cam of ^aul a3 ; .onatbast out of g eftab ei.a na fyis nource tofie bim bp ana flea atoape. ana as e maae baft to flee ana teas amafea/ cbiiae f eii a becara bait a toast calletb fll^ipbibrfetb . ana tbefe fonnest of JBemon tt)e jeerotbitc/asecbab ana aanab

toent/a cam in tbe beat of tbe aape tofboufe of jfbofetb/a? be flept on a bea at noneJna beboiae tbep cam into tbe boufe ag tbougb _ wi if? tbeptooiabauebougbt*tobete/a fmotebpm^" N &lt;' bnaet tbe lb o?t rpbbest ana flea.jf 0? tbep cam $ mototn into tbe boure ast be aept on bist bea in biss re* * flpng cbamber/ana fmote bim ana Que bpm anb bebeaea bpm ana tofie bpst beea a gat tbe fttoape tbojoto tbe topiae f eiaess all npgbt . ana tbep b?ougbttbe beea of gjtbofetb bnto auia/to ipeb?on ana fapae to tbe fipngtbe* bolbtberetbebeea of ifbofetu &gt;auiss fonne tbineenempe/tobicbfougbttbpfouTe. 3ut tb e X-o?a batb aauengeo mp 7Lo?a tbe fipnge tbist bape/of jbaul ana of bit (em. ana ^auta anftoerea Hiecbob ana &amp;aa nab bpst b?otber /tbe fonnest of isemon tbe 33 JSerotbite ana fapae bnto tbe : *ast fureip ast *wt*mm, tut ,o?a ipuetb tobpeb batb artpuereamp*l.aca.M, foule out of al aauerritest:bim*tbat telbe me botoibat g&gt;aul toast aeea/tfiinfipng to baue DpuJBbt me goob tpapngest/1! caugbt 9 fle to in $ifieleg/to geue bim a retoarbe f 0? bist tp* Binges b?tnging. anaboto mocfi mo?e ougbt 3! fo to beale toitb toefiea men baue aapne a rpsbtuoufeperfontn bis atone boufe bpo bisbea.^ototberfo?etbpnfiepc tbafjtopn not require biss bioua of poure banaesa tafie pott from tbe ertbf ana^auia commaunaea bispoungmen /ana tbep Due tfcem ana cut of tbeire banoest ana tbeir fete abangea tbf bp bp tfie pole in ^eb ? n . ana tbep tofie tbe beea of Jtbofetbana burpeaitin tbefepul* cb?e of abner inJ^eb?on. tfte Sttche fromiilomfec caa5 outctw Mpnocand tbe lame. 8c manetij motopnw an&amp; getter^ mo c^plu;en,e rtcifecctj fyhpwmnts. l^encam all fte trpbes of grtrael to &amp;mia to$#?5anBfap&amp;:fc/toe u&amp;mt#tA are^bonej5miDfti?flefte. %m tfjeito tn tm* paft to&amp;eti &gt;aitf toaefipng ouetbg/tfiou leweft JCvaeim ana mste. ana tfteno?De&amp;at!jfap&amp;cortje;tf)ou alt feoe mp people gfrael / anb bit alt bra captapte ones: gtftacl . a Mr To all tijeclDew ofg;ftael came ^tot^e fifng to ^eb?ott. anufipng Batub mane a couenaunt tx^&amp;t tbemfn^eb?onbefo?ctbc}lo?M. 2nb tOep annopnt^b auto iSpig ouer 3fraeu.


30aufo toag tfoitmm otte tobert bebega to ra pgne/ana be rapgnca f o u rtp e pcre . an $eb?onberapgneaouetguaafeuenpere$ fpremonetbeg. amain jerufaie berapgnea tbtrtiefttb?e peresfoueraligftaelft'juaa, ^cntDcnc tbeftpng anaijpg men to ge* wfalem/rmtoflsregjebufftes tbe cnbabftet* ~&gt; of tbelana .airibtbepfapabntoaufa:ercept ^tboutabeatoapetbe blpnae ft tbe lame tbou alt not come m bptber/meanpng tberbp &amp;auto Qulo not b aue c ome t n tb pro cr , m* uertbeleffe jauta tottetbeboiae of fUm totjrcb tg in toe cptte of auto, cbcn lav oe 3&gt;auta tbe fame cave . tbof oetter topnnett) tbetoalleg annate lameanatbeblpna bateo mnBttflmiie. of pautag fouie*. Wftt&amp;nt tfte bipna ft tbe ,",. . l me a{l not cometoto tbe boufe.a/na a ?E*iufl&gt;Mwtt tntbetoto?eanacaUeatt tbccftft vaiip.sMu&amp;. ofauia. anDE&gt;autabptttouna about ft ft33ellotntoar&amp;tf.anajE&gt;aut0toa;rea great ana tbe )Lo?se &lt;Soa of boftegs teas tottb b tm. 3ina tram $png of cite Cent m t ffengergs tolEauro tottb Ceaar trecg anb catpenterg 9 SIP afo ng/ 1 bpioei^auiB an boufe. nsberbp C aura perceauea t&amp;at tbe torn bad da bitf * fteabiml&amp;pngeoueriifraelanabaaeraitea &amp;f g bingco fo? b i people gjttaeig t a ft e. 3Crto 3&amp;auft&gt; to&amp;e bint mo concubpnejs anb to sue? out of % eru falem / a f tee b s toas come from 9eb?on/ana mo fornix anb aaugb tetg toere Uttbowtmrnia. am&amp;tbefe be Renames of tbefonnegtbat toere bo?nebpm tn gen** falem:^amua/$&gt;obab/0atban/$aiami5

gebabae/tftmia/jSepbeg/gapbia/ tflifama (gttabs/an&amp;iKip&amp;aler. ut toben tbe^btltfttnegbeat&amp;tbat t&amp;ep baa anopnteoJBauw fcpng ouer Sltael/ tbe P caallbptore&amp;ejeiauta.anaasioneagBa* uid beam of ft/be gat bim to an boiae. 3na $ ^btftftmeg cam anb laps tbem a long tn tbe fcaiepe of i&amp;apbatm Mm auto afbea of tbe Ho?a faping-.JbaU'J 8to tfte ^tuftitreg f 9 toftttbouaeuuertbem into nip bannesf Inn sa tbe JLo?a fa-poe imto ^auie-.go fo?S topll oe= ^iruertpe Pbitf ftmeg into tbp banaeg. 3m&amp; feontf rcaiic 3EautbcamtQ*?c5aal1&amp;bara?m ftfmote tbe to the ptapnc rbere a fafD:tbeTLo?a batb ocutoeD mpne ore*. or t&amp;htrajnn. mpeg a fona?e befo?eme / ag a man VdooO beuiae toatet . aina tberfo?e be calieb f name oftbefapaplace/3BaaiPbara?imJnatbete tbe? if ft tbetr images ana auia ft bis men tofietbembp. 2tnbtbel&amp;&amp;fltBtirest camlet agapne ft lapa tbem in tbebaiepe mapbaim. a'nbiE)aufaaftebtbex^o?a/ftbefarb gonot 58utcompafle^em onme bacsfpae ft come bpot&amp;em ftotbeperetrees. Snetobentbou btmft tbe noffeofatbing going in tfte top= pesofftePetetreeg/tbenmoue.!jfo?mentbe . %oib it gone outlrefo?etbeytofm?tef boft cftbe^&amp;iUttinf3Jna3auftiai'aast3lo;a



A /

commaunbeb bmtanaftttotetbepbiuaute? fromabaabtoe?er. CCbc accbe is ii;ougt|t eo;tl) of tt)c doure of (bfna fcab.SDjal) ie ftcjckcnj Bfetg tecauCe^c toucticc U) C arrbcSbcaccbc 10 b;ouggc into tt)t tjoufc of }brti &lt;Dra/fc6(gtnce(nta3etfiratcm.ioauiotiauncc[^ bifoic it.'* is t^ctfetebefppfetof bpstojfe j^uljol, Cbe.fei.bapter t fftet tbat /auta cftofe out antbe s cbefe poung men tn gifraei to tbe foume of tb Ktp e a) outano; ft avofe fttoentftalt tbefoiaetbattoete^ u'm of tbe me of ?uoa/to fettatoape iufi of d5oa bpon tebreb tf( caneo tbe name of tbe &gt;Lo^of bottej3tbatotoell?tbbettoene cbe* vubmtt. mi tbep put aje aires of &lt;S5oa bps aneto catt ana b^ougbttt out of ttjcboufc of abmabab ^Dtoeltat abaab.anaiiD?a)) anaaibto tbe rottneg of aibtnaaab b;auetbe netocatte.3Bnbtobentbes b;ougbtft outer i boufe of IDbtnaaab tbatatoeit at ^abaab toi'tb tbe3Drcftof ti5oay3ibto toent befo;etbe arc6.3Dna^auia ana all tbeboufe of lifrael |layDcbefo;etbejHo;aetoptball manerwt* fttumente? of fje toooae/ tt bape0/pral tene3/thnbeteHesJ7feo?M5/afibffmb8W. 3Ena toben tbep cS to i5acbon( ^effljgng w f!oure/&gt;?abtttbtebanatot$eatcBo{&amp;oa anbbelb ft/fo?u)e oren ft5blea.ainatbe)Lo?a tea? to?atb toffb flD?ab ana oa Cmote bpm intberame place fo? bg fault/ ana tbere be oieab?tbearcfieof(2Job. aina ?0auib toajj btCpleafeabecauretbetojabaa rent ?ab. ana tbe name of tbe place toajs caHe&amp;$ete? fl)?abbnHtbijiaa5e,ainbautatoa!S tben afratea of tbe Ho?aana fefae-.boto omi&amp;tbe

^rcfioftbejLojbcometomrboufe^ anafo ?&amp;auiatooiaenotb?jngtbeaw6oftbe)Lo?a tottb btmuito tbe cftie of auta.ffiut catiea re into tbeboufe of m bea &lt;eaoma etbfte . aina tbe ifitc&amp;e of tbe Ho^ie contpnueatn tbe boufe of sDbea&lt;Ewm tbeESetbite/t$;e mo* nttbej5/anatbc^aWefleafl)beaaomana airb^bouiboioe. ainatobentt toast toiee fepnge&amp;auiabototbattbe:iio?a baabuoea tbe boufe of beb Dom ana all f p ettapea bntobfm/becaufeof tbearcfi of oa/be toet C anab^ougbttbeaircb ofd$oa from tbe boufe of b e a tiHJom onto tbt eptie of J&amp;aufa tofn) glaane^ainaeuertobf tbep g bare arcfte of Jbci-o?se, baa gone fp paffeji/be offeieb anaafatt tbepe. ana ^auiaaaunfea befo;etbe^o;atoitb ailbfe m*g&amp;t fn i?n* t&amp; (EPboagiraconto bfm.36na 9 aura ana all tbeboufe of gffraei bjougbtwe atcfie of tbe %o&amp; tottb roototpnganbtrSpet blotopng. 2'na a tbearcfie -of tbe %om cam Into $ ettie of 30autb/flfcbol)aulss aaugbter lo* ftea tbo?oto a topn&amp;oto ana fato fet'ngjE aut'a Ipttttg ftoaunce before me)Lo^i/fttbetfo?e Dirppreabfmm&amp;etbert.ana toben tbepbao bjougbt


D Ml Ijaut x\^ c , b?augb t m tbe 3'wse f tb e'iL ojo/ana baa fee ft euen in bps place / euen tn tbe tabernade ^tbat auiabaa p^eparea fo? ft: ama offe* ^rea bumtofferpngesf ana peaceoeerwgesf before tbe Jlojoe/anaasfoneasi aiuabaa maae an enae of offerpng bumtofferpngess anapeaceofierpnge$ bebleffeatbe people tn tbe name of )Lo?a of^oaeg/ftgaueamSge all tbe foffie/euenamonge tbe bole mulct* tuae of Jfrael/ais toeli totbetoemenass men merge oneacafieof b^eeaft apece offlefte anaaflacbetof topne. aina fo tbe people ae=

partea euerp man to bfts boufe. ben jauia returnea to l alute bin bou* ftoiae. aina 2l0ftboltbeaaugbterof &gt;aul came out agatnft btm ano fapo:b boto glon'oug toass tbe npng of ^fraeito aape/tobtcb Stiptebtm felf to aapebefo&gt;e tbe epe^ of tt)e mapDensofbt0feruaunte3/a0alpgbtb?ap s nea feloto t toontto ttrt'pe btm felf,35uta ut'a Caps agametoitcbol/31 toil mane fpo;tc before tfte JLo?a tobtcb cbofe me bef o;e ^p fatber ft befo;e all bt? ftpnne / comaunapng me to be ruler ouer al W people f ftaeLfna % toilbe petmojebpietbenfo/fttoUbemene inmpneatone fpgbt:ana wall fo? all tbat of fberpfame mapoeferuauntejs tobpeb tbou fpeaaea of/bebaa ftt bonoure. 25ut(berapa Ubol aaugbter toS&gt;aul baa no c&amp;itoe tm* totbeaapeofberaeetb.

Cmuii of a giioB tn cnf^cnt?6gng fo ipl&amp;ean houfc Dnto tbe totbt/ie fo?lip6DenofoD.ecp;apth tbat tbcp;omttc0of&lt;l5oDmapctefiillfplieB v fir^be.btj.Cbapter. 8 j*KS3artf&amp;&amp; ' p?oceffe ajs tbe fitng btoeftut bfeboufeaftertbat tbe)io?aebaa jgeuen btm reft rounae about from tall bis* enempejs /befapabnto J9a* tbantbe p2opbet:beboia#btortl in anboufe of Ceaar treeg/buttbeaticS ofooaatoeuetb mutt, of in tbe mpoaess of*curtapne3. cben fapai5a* pwi rut? at tbPnebert/fo2 tbe TLoMS toptb tbe, mxam of uttt)atfamestpgbttbetooo?aof )Lo?a pia!,crnitcamebnto^atbSfapmg-floanotellnipferf pf.w,a.6uafij auia/tfjugfaptb tbejlo?a:ajalt tbou go bpiae me m boufe to btoelle tnf fo? % b&amp;* uenot btoelt in anp boufe fence tbe tpme gj b?ougbt tbe ebt'ia?en of ffrael out of Cgtpt / bntotbP!3aape:liutbaue toalftea ma tent ft tn a tabernacle. ginanptoapetobere3!toene amongeanf cl)j!a?en of gjfrael/fpafie 1 one too;ae tottb anp of tbe tribes of 3!fraeJtobft&amp; I comaanea to feae mp people Jfrael faptng: . tobpbpiae pe not me an boufe of Ceaar tree? &gt;J5oto tbetfo?f fo fKpefantompferuaunt?0a* uta/tbuss faptb tbe Ho?ae of $ ofte* % tofie out of a tyepet&amp;e* cote from folotopng ibepe to bea ruler otter mp people gfrart. 3n&amp;g| tea? tottb tbe tn all tbat tbou toentell to/sm

noijottire m baueaeftropeballtbpneenempeisoutoftbp fpgbt/ana baue maae tbe a great name /itae bntogenameoftbegreatmenoftbetoo?ice aina UtopH appoint a place fo? mp people 3!frael/ana topll plant tt ana tbep ftjall contt* neto tn one place ana mall moite' no moare/ netberlball topebpa people trouble tbe anp mo?e as tbep ata at tbe begtnnpng/ana fence tbe tpme 51 commaunaea %mm to be ouer m?peoplegfrael/ft3&gt; topiigeue m reftfro antbpne enempeg.ana tbe xo?ae teilptb tbe tbatbe topll bpibe tbe an bouftioia. anatobentbpaapesbefulftiieaanatbou . fepae to reft toptb tbp fatber* / tben % topll. - eMa tm M fet bp tbp feeae after /tobpeb mall p?oceaa n^e JK outoftbpboape / topll ftaWpftje biz fipng s hcnfo; m*b&gt; borne. 3Bnabe tballbpiaeanboufefo?mpna^ f tl '" ^ ca ! ,f me/ft % topll ftablpme tbe feate of big bpng, SKS?** bom fo? euetti topibe bt'st fatber ft be albe * S C Be mpfomterfnfomocbe^ pf be fpttne/gi topll ^ tKJ6ii but rebube btm toptb forfje a rcoae a* me be %* P"" 1 rebuea^anatottbtocbeplage0agcbpfc"KK^ b?en of men be piaqea toft&amp;jBut mpmercpeEe' 9 toil! 3! not tafie atoape f com bimm 5! tobe ft from feattl / tobom % ourootone befo?e tbt. aina tbpne boufe ana m? fimgaome Qiall em cure toftbout enae after /ft tbp feate ftaibe ftablpD)eofo?euec. ^nb toben jQatbanbaa toiacj^aura all fljefe tooo?ae0 ana all tbig bU fton.cben toet fipng aura ft fet btm aotone pet ojt ti)t %om ana fapoe:tobat am % 'to?a |ebouab/ana tobattg mp apnne / m tbou utaeftl baueb?ougbtme tbpiS facte fo?tb? ainb t0 tyrt a Imall ttjpng tn tbp fpctbt jiLozae |ebouab/but g tbou ftjuiaeftfpeafte alfo of WPfmtaut^boufe fo? a great tobile to come? fctbi&amp;alatoeamSgme JLo?ag|ebouab?a'na tobat can ^attia fape moare bnto tbe/ fang *tbouftnotoeft rap fematmt JLo?a 3!ebouab^ * a ^ at fef 9 m tte fo? tbp toojbeg faiteft acco?atng to tbine &amp;S&amp;8S2Z atonejbert baft tbou aone all tbefe gSeSt eT" 8 ' tbPmKto rnabe tfte ftnotoe bnto tbp f emaftr, newt fo? topit 80btrfo?e tbou art great no?ae&lt;E&gt;oa ft 89 ntbca " M tbcre i none me f /neeber is t&amp;ere anp oa "*W^i fauetbouacco?apngtoaii toe bauebeara^ tottb oure eareg^na tobat one people m rae * ertbtgltftetbppeoplegfrael/tobtcbdEioatoft ft aebuereatobe bfe peopic/ft to maae bona name/ ft to roetoe tt)e great ft ferrpble tbt'ngt m ertbe/befo?e tb? people tobtcb tbou rcae'

mebft to tbe out of &lt;Jgtpt/eue*fro p people #j^fromtbe ft fro tbetr &lt;!E5oag.aina tbou baft o?oepnea tbt&gt; p "p 1c te J" h peopleafraeito be tbp people fo? eucr. fi5****** ^oujio?a art tbetr (Koa.aina noto iio?a oa *tbmg tbou baft fapa of tbp femafft ft of big boufentabe ttgooafo? euetft ao ag ftoubaft fapoe. aina let tbp name be great fo?euer/ fbatmenmapefape/)io?aof ^oftegtg tbe &lt;0ta&gt; of srraei-.ana let tbe boufe of tbp ret* uautrt j^autb be ftabipf ftrea befo?e tbe. ifo?tbou



tfo? ftou^otfeof ^oBejs &lt;Efo&amp; of 3jftaelbaft tofoe in fte eaeeof ftp remaunt raping:! topnbpfijefteanboure. 3nB ftetfozebatb ftpretuaOtfounBinBis Barteto pzapeftps pjaper bnto f Jnonoto jUvbgeftoiMb ttjow attfteffiJoB /anaftptoootfesmuft betrue: fo; ftou Baft tolDc ftp? gooBneffebnto ftp remaunt Jnanotogotoanb bletie ftebou* ftolbeof ftpfetuaunt/ftatit mape eontp* netofozeuetbefoiiefte. ffo?ftou jUtfbge* bouab Baftfapae f of ftpbleflpngfteBoufe of ftp fettiaunt ftalbe blefleb f 0} euee . ttSDaiijlr oucMotueft tfic pfiilfffmee ana ntaBttb. tbemtobccommpfiutacira.!|eQ?Di:nctb*app9pri* be.bwj.cbaptee. i tf tec ftat/ jEautb bette fte BK* {tines anb rubbueo ftem anbtone fte bzpaell of bonaage out of fteic ., banfces.anBBebettej* flgoabites a^oKfti n anD fl nieafucD ftem topftalpne b mafipng &amp; E&amp;4*i ! ? c a Icn S "&gt;nfte erft /aften ' meattng maner of a no.ftelCngft Of ttDO IpmS tO fltP / afteUtlSft wrfew oSwotB Df nE ^ t0 faUe 3 *** 9mf0 btCam %*

B 5Uftfa ? 6e. fiUJoabites auias remauntesspapatep* SSSqmfiu ubute.^auiafmotealCoaaaBeser fte fonne . eiiai i g/ if,oflBebobfipngeof3obabasftetoettoma6e mtoiTto&amp;t enoe of bi? cootteg at ft eepuer upB?a scounar. tes.ana smuia tofie a ftoufanb ana feueti cf:;K/"ofufbwnB?ebbo?fiienofb^/anBtix)cntpcftou* f^f??^i f 3nbfotemenanoBeftcc$ebaHbi0cl)atettes $SKrefetupng one&amp;unb#&gt; of ftem , c&amp;en came fiftSartS* IB tfic ^&gt; WW o J&amp;muafcon to tuccouteaoa* t ; &amp;&gt; Sum. bc?ecbpngoe5obab.3inbaui!3aueofftf oViKuSftooanottoentpe ftoufanBtnen spilt route *** tgJid. ^pourejs in &amp;&gt;ira -amareon.anafte &gt;fties ^^/.f^-iiecamefetuauntejstolSauiBtJapegtwbutc M&amp;mw of K,c Sns ftus ft e TLojtie fauea 30 auia in an ftat beto&amp;toJinaauiBto8e$imlBe0ofgolBp; toere bpSgfemautegofaoaDesecabjougBt ftetoSerufale.ainBftertoloutofffietaBanb eraftai cpties of aaaoe?er Be tyougbt er= ceapnggeeatabounBance of b?affc. tt mfyn c&amp;oi ttpng of $emaft babTjeaeb boto ?3auf a Bab at rccmfojtea an; ft e bofte of 3baBe?ec/&amp;e fentgiozam bis tonne bnto Wng 30ai'b to ralute btm tot ft peace and to We He bfmbecaurebebaB f ougbt agamttaBaBe?ee ana beaten bpm : fo? cbotfiepttoarretopft abaBeier/toBpft tonne bjougbt beffeiiesof rpluer/golBes ofb?affetopftbmi.ainBftem alto fiprtg aula BpbbeWcat bnto fte jlo?be toiftftefpluecanBgolBeftatbeconfecrateb ofallnactonstobpcbBefubBucfcof fte %&gt;U siens; fte Soabree$$ / fte' ftmen of aim* mon/ft e^BfUft^B/fteSBraaleBftes/anB of fte fpopie of 3CDaoc?er forme of IS^oblapng T&amp; of *&gt;oba&amp;. asno auto mabe Bwna name af* ta&amp;?cetotnegftomftraaugbiaoftbe&amp;t


|lfpl)tbofet|, cieriismfbarepe of &gt;aft xfyzxt Be fleto jtWi 'i ftoufenbmen.anbBe put ftepets fnWmi

euf ftojott outaHdEDom putBefoubpouress anoaiiflHiom becambPS fecuaunteS.anB t %o$t sept jtauta tobatfoeuee Be tobe in banB. 3nB WttaH rapgneb ouet all 9F,frael anbejcecutEb tpgbtanb ^uQicebnto all BP3 peopleJnb* gioab f Sonne of oaniiaB toi* ouee fte Boft/anDSeBcfapbatfte fonneof" aww 3btluB toass*reco?Det Jnb &gt;aBocB tonne m&lt;ma cf aibttob anB3b&lt;melecB ftefonne of 9*b4&amp;g* ftattoeteftep?eaaef5/anb &gt;araiaB toas ^**m , ^&gt;ccpbe.36nb?5anaraB fonneof 3eBoraoa^| f I ia0 ouecfteCeteftitt0attBtBe^Beleftitegi"on,iti t '

)0StttD atlD

^etljtafie, fc

C5D8iiR&gt; tefto?ctft a tr)e fjlDcs of jMuiUto # ^S tofttft tfjc fonnc or3(onatl)a9 tore boh^ HC8e^^apter,

spin tee mrifl.ajj, Bene flaj i^attntrtMiii isenfapB?auiB:i0 ftetepet anpa man left of fteBoufe of &gt;aul / 1 1 mape fteto Bpm mercpe f o? 30* __^.naftassta6ef anaftece tea? of fte bouftoib of ^1 aul a remaunt named oft aft tobifttoass callebbnto^auiB.ICnbfteSpng fapBbntoBimiattftou^ibab.ainbBerapBe: ftp remaunt i$ fte man.cbcn fapb fte fipng temapneftfter pet ant man of fte ftpneeb

pf ^aul/trijom | mape eto fte meccpe of obbpohfanb^ftaBfapBbnto ftefipnge: gSonafta^baft plrtalbnnetobift is lame on # ., botbfcte.anbftjefipng fapb bnto Bim:tobece Igftef inb3ma| CapB bnto fte fipnge-.beBolb Be is m fte boufe of #aft: fte tonne oe 26mtel in jlobabec.cbEnbpngJ&amp;auibfent fettBim out of ftoufe of @afttcfte fonne of 3mtel/outof jLoBabeciUoto tobe i^ipBf* bofeft fte forme of Jonaftas fte tonne of ^aul teas comebntoauib/Be botoeb Bpm fetf anb feu on W face . qften fapb ^auib: #tpBftofefttf31nbBeanCb)eteb.^eBolo ftp rrataut.3miau!orai!&gt;;featenot/fo? %\oii fuceipftemfteMnBneae fojgionaftass fabe anB tottlcefto?efte all tfeloes of g&gt;aulftp faftec / ana ftou alt eate meateon mpne atone table all toape. ftnbfteoftec botoeb Bim f elf ana fapb:toBat fe ftp remaunt ftat ftouOmlaeftboucBefafetolobe bnon tofte aBeeBBoggasaam. CTBen fte apnge cafleB bnto 5ft ab S&gt; aute poungmS raping bnto bpm^lgeue bnto ftp mafteni fonne an ftatpectapnea to % aul 9 to all Bpstfipnne* S&gt;eftecfo?e ftat ftmt ana ftp fonneJJanbftpftmaunteis tpnfte lanae f 0? Bitn/ano b?mg fn/ftatftpmaftecs fonne mapebaue foBetoeate. &lt;ffo; fl^ipbftofetft ftp matters fonne ft all eate meate all toape bponmp table, jfoi ftpg 5ftabBaBfiftene tonnest anb ttoeiitpe amaunteg . cBen fapa w 5fta&amp;bnto6phBe:atBmp Hwbbafte fapae

rapBebntobtffei^t/ftpftmaunt ftau batfeilagainft?^icif jJ/tobffteaeea before (fapa fte ftpnge) Mfbofeft muft B(m.ainBtoB5 gftflB?eo&amp;m(mfato?fte -*. HH.^^^ita-^ ^to'engtaerefleB/ftenfleaftepaitoSe a bif a i/9 en teres intof ctrte J na f Joab te tutneb fC5f ftiia?e of ammon a cametogre* mlale.3nB tobe f linens fato g fteptoete puttoftoo?aebefo?egsfcael/ftep geafteceb fte to geaftec,3nb^aBaae?ec f entab?ougbc outf^meggtoerebepoiiDefcpuec.anBt boa of ftem came/anabobaB fte captapne of fte Boft of i^aaabe?ec befo?e ftem . ainbtoBenittoas ftetoea^autb/Begea* fteceb an iftaei ana paflea ouet g , o;aan anb

cam to $efam : tobece fte g&gt;manjs put ftem reniesf in aeape agapnft awb anb tougBt topft BpnuBoto be it fte &amp;feiensJ flea pefo?e3iftaer. ana auia Beftropea feuen BuntyeBcbatettescf fte ana fouttpeftou* fana bo?ftmen / ana niiote &gt;obab fte cap* capneofBpgBoft/ftatBeftereBpeB. ana toBenall fte ISpngeg ftattoete feruauntejt to ^aBaae?ec fato tBat ftep toeee put to fte . too?oe before 3frael/ftep maae peace fte" f frmea ft em.ana fo fte &gt; prteng feacea to Belpefte ftpia^enofaimmonanpmoace.

eate bponmp tablc/ass oneof f ftpnge^fon* ne^.cbpjS ^tpbtbofeft Baa a forme i teas poitnge namea #icba/anfi ail ft at Btoeneb in fte Boufe of oibab toere feruaimtes bnto fitaipbftoreft. aina flprpbftofeftBtoeit nt aemfalem/f 0? Be ate wee at fte fipnges tabu / ana toas ft ecto Baul t on oofte leggeis . M-flCbcmctTMigers of JDaulb art fpcfullp j bylla^ tioiiClp tilt t cat cd of cbc bp ncj of fi^aati " tobpeb tbpng SDawoBiimgctb. cBe.]c.CBaptee. c Bappenea after ftis/ftat t ftpng off cbilBjeof Simmon area/ $0a= no Bis tonne rapgnea mBiS fteaae. ICBen fata auia: jtoil fteto fiina neCTebnto i^anon fonneof ^JaBas/as bpis faftecftetoeabpnaneoebntome. anbftec bp5auia rent to cofo?t Bpmbp fte banbof bisfemautes ouetaeeft of Bis faft erjQoto toBen j&amp;auias feruauntegtoececomemtog laa of fte cbpia?en of 3Pmmon / fte )Lo?at0 of fte cbp)c?en of aramonfapB bnto^anon fteic iL'o?a :ftpnfieftftou ftat jDauia oofte bonoure ftp faftec/becaufe Be Baft e rent to comf tat fte i J5ape / be baft rafter fent Bps femauntesbntofte/tofeacfte ftecptfeanb to fppe ft out/euen to ouetft;oto it . iBetf 0.2 e i^anon tone auias feruaun* te^anaftaueaof ^onebalfeof cuecpeman* nes bera 9 cut of fteic garmetejs mtn in fte mpaaie/eue Barae Dp buttocRcs of fte anb Cent ft! atoap e. tB en it to as tola msuto Be rent againft ft I [ 1 0? ft ep toere me etceat'ngip

a ftameb) a fapb.tacpe a ej erift bntill pour beeraesbe grotoe/a ften returne.ainB toften 53 1 fttlDjeof ammonfato t ftepftancbebnto ^auiblbep fenta beBrSnejs oRBeft^bob 9 ofg fettles of 3obaB.iee.ftouranB tote me aof bingapaacab aftoufanBmf /aof fftob ttoelue ftoufana me.ana tobe @aut&amp; Bearae of tt/be fentfoab aallf Boftof fteongmen. ana ? ft pia?e of amnion came out 9 toagea batten before fte gate afte linens of %o* . bab/of ffieBob/ 1 ftob ana i3@aaea&amp; toere bp ftem femes m fte feiaea. U&amp;Bengoab fato ftat fte front of fte bat* ten teas before ana after/ be ftofe of an fte bell off fcael a put fte in arape agapnft fte . ^irtens,anareaofpeopleBebelpuereb t'ntoBanaofabifat BiS Softer/ tofticB put -ftmarapeagapnftfftiia?eof3mmff.a , nb "befepbipf ^rafjS oattamt me/ften fuc eoure me.jBut pf ftpHy en of 36mmon be ta gooaf o??/3 toin cornea fuccoure#/qupteS KBeamS/aletbSfpgbtlttftelpfo?ourepeo* pie 9 to$ $ citiet of oured5oBJnbU.o?BBo

CCbe abuouttft of m &amp; to HI) l3c(bf a b t tbc to? f e of W;ias.M;w9lBgplcftill?fUpnt. afmtbat J5a# Dtahctbbfalietotopfc,

ffflbe.rt.c&amp;apter. fit ft came to paffemfbegmtring *^ of anetopereAnftimejStobf fimK ** are toot to go fo?ft to batten/ft at autBfent|oab a W feruafites toiftBim aallf frael.fnBftepaeftropeBtBe cB tlB;e ofSmmbV a befegeBJSabaB.55uta* uibtarpeb ftpnatlieruralf.anbt't cBauncea tnaneuenpng g auiaarorefrSBfecotofte atoafteBbpSfteroufeof fipnges palace/ a feS fte roufefato a beep betotpfuU tooman toaftpng Bet relfe . ana Be Tent to enqup?e toB at to omS ft ftulB be.ana it teas anftoereb agapne/ i fte toas ffieftfabe aaugBtet of

&amp;imm toife to oi;?ia0$eftite.ana2&amp;auta rentmeaengersafettber/anbffiecamebntfl cbat?&gt;6cp bim/anb Be lapett ber,36nb fte toas ftrepgBt fio ? &lt;&gt; toape*purift'CB frSbec bnclenetre/aretumeb "" Bjjg bnto berboufe. anb tobenfte tooman Bab fflSW tobatfempftbeftinbiseptB.anb fb?fttopft perceauebftatftebabconceaueB/ftefematofm cnbaucto Soabp?oceaeaaf peopreg toajsttftiramto totte 3etauft/anbfapBe;g! am topft b?n

am* is is ^maua&gt;rmttoJbab/ro ftnbebntoBnw auto, ainbttbe ?ta$ toa* come bnto bun be wroaunowto Soab opb I anb Bow tbe peoplefewu/anu BototBeteaep?ofpe9. mmmia faibmoje ouer to nafcgonou* ne toftpneboufe ana toaettj?fee. aim waabeparteb out oE fte ftW* P alacc I ! ftere foldtoe&amp;bima fempcefto tbefipnges wW^ut?ta!5ai!ptatWDo;eof^e6pit* ge? palace tottb all feruauteg of&amp;ta )lo?b/ anbtocmnotbototttUobteboiift cBenfteptolbe30autbfaptng:c;ws befce* bionot into BBoufe.2Cben fapbaufo bnto na0:&gt;epmg ftat tbou art come fc5io? nepihg/tobpboftetBou notgo botone bnto , tBpneBoufe?3nb;ia$tapbbnto?0autb: Sbeanb g|fraeia giubabtoell in pauplp o$: anbmp &amp;o#e loabanb fteferuauntea of mpiUybe ipeintenteu bpontbeflatt ertbe: ttumgj t^en go into mpnebouft/toeate ana $.^Mi.aaoon!n6molpctoitBmpto^ anb ass Cute a* tbp f ule ipuetb 1 tottl not do tbattbpng. cbenfapb aufbbnto ;ias: *tarpeB* tbfebape alfo/a to mo?oto3! totll



ffacbebnto ftemVeumtjntotbitenterpng of fte gate. ainDt&amp;eCDot&amp;erjs orte ftomtlje tealles/anatome of tbeferuafitcis of bpng beoeeb. 3nbtbpCerumintaB?iasJfteBetbtte &amp; Dceo alf o.^Bin fap&amp; jBautbtofflo fte met fenger/tBugtopfefapfebnto foab/let not S tjjpng trouble tbe. tfo? tBeftocroebeuoutetb one 83 toeil as another : mafce tBp battel! nwe ftroge agapnft tbe ci'tie anb oeftrcpe it/ anbft tbattbou couragelcab.^nb toben topfeof tanassbearbt^at Be* BuCbano tea* neeb &lt; ibe moumeb f o j Bpm / a ass f one a? fte moumpngtoaiJ en&amp;eb/auibrent ano fett bevtobtetHmfc/an&amp;QietoasbtjS tofe 9 bate Bimafonne. uttBebeabe tbat^auibBab comittcb/Wf pleaf eb tbe jio?be. CjoauiB isrcp?oiit6fo? tfte tlaufttn of ai?ias/ j then rcpentctfj. Ct)e cfjpltje conctaut 6 in aououttp Djcftl.aftw it/is Salomon fio jnc. iTCBe.tfi.CBaptes. @b jLo?be fent aftan bntojBa* % ui oJ m&gt; l) e tarn b nto Bim anb Capo bnto Bpm : tbere toe re ttoo men in onectie/atpcfjeanbapoo?c.3nb

jSwum fcef ttett) # Jipttses Cljamar, jta



t^crpc^etjao wefcjng great aboiw&amp;aunce iprtrtiVVeiiatt ElnDCocii2ta?aboWm5fTOi* of ftcpe annoy ^iSttttfjepoozeljao noti ons Jaenffi^ itincanebbira/anbbeate*b2ancBebefo;e iw&amp;ebbp.3nattgietobptott&amp;npmanbfip$ J . mmteZWimm flnbateuen ctolb^anb^ Rert : ouSWonbW coucae toitb me fer* &amp;?ancfie ofbtf atone cuppe/a Oept in In * bo* tofeWbouie . ibetfo?e on mogWBautt SJSffi! 1 fflSJ^S2S?2JS

toiotealettetto|oabanbfentitbp?tajj. tnan.3nbbe couHjenotfjnbeinb^ beartw ffi ! SS mil) ?ratfctf njwuawia* tawof btt atone ftepenw of bps beeftrjsta in the fo'ffrontof Sbatteiltobetertwmooft b?effe fo? v Oraungec toasccmbntobim. SSSS^e&amp;*S^^!fnat itbfi|^epoo;emine0lambeab?eaebic^ toerecetten oiiettb?otoenoftbepeopleanb of tbeferttannte* of autb/anb mtm tfle *&amp;SSSSmm* toae auib aiitbe SaMo?veoftbetoawebntotftelifmi gaue {^nwttewJboufe anbtbpmaaeBJ ?f be BeSne to fume ahb fape bnto tbe: totttt*nttot&amp;t?btfome/agauet&amp;etbe BMtfe SKeaPPjoSebpefoiipebnto tbeotie ofaftael^offuba/attbtoottepf mm BwpV**"* 11 *^ benctolptle^auegeuentbettoprefomoeb? anbSotefrommc toafles(^tofiofmote3M* moaw.lBerfo?ebaatftouDefp?reb m co*

3&lt;" of tbe toane^/tfiatbebyebtn cftejeisf toto a J ,ii M . M i, tM( i.ii u rn tt J iiur tftentomt?enjetbftoaWenjat|ea? Sffi^SffSS?**^*^ tb feruaunwia* tbe ^etfi^te W beebarfo. of *f cbpfii?en of 3mmon. ^yr^emeaengewtottrtanb iame aft?* Joto tbetfoje ft e MtMrn *&lt; iBebauibanftat?dab babfentbtmtoftfi/ part from tftpe Boufe; becauft i (faptft (be a^Sb^So^witegmenp^ttapleaBamtt )U2be) tbou ttaftberpptebmeanb tafientfte cyu?

gbatbebonetfi^ftpng^(0$cbPlbeofDeetb *wi anbfbali reCtoze fteiambefoute fol&amp;e / besta/wi caufebeo? D tbpg tbpng anb becaufe be bab no pttpe.cben jQaft an fapb to auf D:ts o u art ttje man . cbpd faptb tbe Xo;be m obof g(ftael$ amiopnteo ft)e bpnge ouet gjfraei $

bu0faptb tbe)Lo;be:bebolbe g topuftew top eueli agapnft euen of tbpneatone boufe atoill tafie tbp tome? befo?e tbine efeg/anb gmetbem bnto tbp nepboure/tobpeb ftail #ff hat*'n#(iene toitb ftf*intberpgbt of ^efonne.anb I \0 ms ftou wbeft it feetlp/pet tpflg bo t&amp;ijs fting

befo?e aligiftael anafti fte open fonnelpgbt. 0 Cben favo auto bnto jBaftan : 3 baue fpntteo agapn tt tfi e lojoe .HMD 0atban fapa agapne to s&gt;auiD:fte)Lo?be ban) put atoape tbpfpnne/tboti ftattnotbpe , Sotobe it be* caufe in Dopng tW beaw ibou batt geuen enempegof n)el-o?bacaufetotapie/ cbilb $ ij5bo?netbe iballbpe (itrelpe.3Cnb #att)an ueparteo bntoW boufe.3Dno Ho^oe Qtobe f cbiioe tbat mw$ toife bare jDauib a itfie* &amp;eneb.a&gt;nD@aui!3 befougbt dq fo; fbopes fafteb a toent a rape all npgbt bp5 tbe ertBe. anotbeelDevgof bisboufearofeanb toff to bim to tabe bim b p fro tbe erft. tit be tooib not/netber pet eate meat toitb tbem. . Snbftbapeneoftefeuentbbapeftaefte cbil&amp;ebpeo.2eut feruaateg of auibburft tfnot teli bim tijat tbe cbitti teas been. jTo? njep fapotfe/tobfle tbe cbpioe toag pet alpue / toe fpabe bntobim/anobe tooiDe no berbebnto cure bopce.^otomocbemoareften toplibe berebimfelf pf toe tell bpmtbat tbe cbpftifj beeo^ ut^auiDratob^feruauntesJto^pe fperpng anb tberbp perceaueb tbat tt)e rbpia toasfS'ee&amp;/anbfttpbbntoftt{fetuattntejS:iiSf ftilbbeeb.ainbtbepfapbpe. cben^auib ar oft from tbe ertb anb toaffteb a anopnftb bim felf anb cbatmgeb bp0 appar ell / a toent intofteboufeofftejD,o;beaP2apeo/aafter cam to bpss atone bouft a babe g tbep (bul&amp;e fet meat befo;ebpm/anb be bpb eate. cben - : fapb bpjs ftmauhtejs onto bptri : tobat ig tt)p* ^tbatftoubaftbonefcboufaaebeSanbtoe&lt; K/- peBfoi^pcbtlDetobileittoa^aftue/anoais foneagfetoas&amp;eeDftoti Dpbbeft rpftbpanb bpbbea eate titrate. 3Pnb be anftoereb:tobple m c&amp;ilDtoassa fpue/f fattebanb toepte.iffo; 9 ftfeftougbt;tobo cS tell tobefter ob totli naue mercpe on me ftat fte cbilb raape luce. 3Butnotoftpngi!0Deeb/'toBerfo?eftulbg! faft^ can % b^ng bpm agapne anp moaref | fbattgoeo bim:butbe mall not come agapne torae^nb3^auibcomfo?tebetbrabebP0 ^'^""barea tonne tofiofe nametoau calleb*Sa

fomon/afteMbelouebbimJnbbefentbp Mtie'bc/tbebanbof fimMn n)e.p;opbeteanbcalleb mtti u&gt;b.w name*5eb!islaft/of tbe %*&amp;# bebalfe. &lt;s 3Gn&amp; ag ioabfougbtagapn&amp;Sabab tbe dtit of fte cbpio^nof 36mmon be toBed)e Spngeg ^ouKe/ato ftntmeflengergto a* N6ptMoaB l ofaping:|!^gue mabe aa&amp;totto ffiabab/ ^fftwtncc anbaifo bane tftten*ifte caBen from tobfee mm* ftepbabft'gees.#otot8erfo;e.geaftej

tbe reft oftfie people to getber/a come zbtt fegegcitie atafieit:leftpf3!tafteit/ m rpe be aCctibeb tome. 3inBauibgeaftereb all tbe people to getber/a toet to asabab anb aoatotebit agattit *3Cnbftetobe g fipngejti.j&amp;awiwr.B, croune fro of W beeb tobpeb toapeb an bun* baeotoapgbtof golbe/atoag CettVb p?ecpou? ttoness.anDjSauibtoareitonbfiJ hetb. 3Bnb Be b?ougbt out tbe fpople of tbe citie in ee* bpng great abounuance.ainb Be b^ougftt out v people ftat tea? tberin a fatoeb tbe a bum Barotoestof p?onbpontbe/anbfB?ebfome of ftemtoitbfb?ebpng Bnpueis of p^on/a tb?uft fomemto foitnace? . Slnbfobe ferueballtbe cities of fte cbptt?eof aCmmS.anbtt)ena* um allftepeoplereturnebbnto aerufaK. r.amnonSl&gt;auibBConitcotfpic(ft|ii0f|ae!F(a:hamat. atCalom t^ttfoje hvllctljamnon ano after flwth a ttajc fo? ftarc of bye fst^cr. Ci!je.iui.bapter. . &lt;|j9bitcbaunctbtBatabfalom^a&lt; ' wbgfonnebabafapjefifternameD tebamar/tebo aftettoatbe3mnon _=.. ^Janotberfonne of autb loueb . . ! jnotbi03Cmnotoasfo bereo f befeHfpcSe f o? f loue of Big fifterBamat*i? it tbougbf Bpm Barbe to come bp by$ purpofe of bet/ fepngmetoagpetabirgpn. 33ut36mn5bal a cBpanpancaiiebgonabab f fonneof &gt;a= mabtbeb;ofterof ^auibttobpebaonabab toasi aberp topfemartJnb be fapb bnto Bpm BotocometB it ftat tboubepng tBefipnges

fomif art t&amp;u$ confumeb euerp mommai mapfttBounot tell it me? aino aimiicn an= ftoerebBtm:gilouecBamarmpb?oftera!b ralftfpfter. cbt fapbegjonaoab bnto bim: ipe on tBpbeobe anb fapne ftp felf fpefie Jinb toften tBp fafter income to fe tbe /rape bnto BinHletmpfpfter cBamarcomea geueme meattanbb?eaeitinmp fpgbt/tbatgmape fettan&amp;eateftofBerBanbe. \ anb 3tmnon lape botone amaoe Bim felf ftcBe^nbtoBen tupngetoajscometofebim'^ amn5 fapbbnto bim ; let cbamar mpfpftee come a mabemea couple of frptteris tnmp twfot/t ^mapeeateof Ber Banb Jnbauta fent Borne to ciiamar faping-.goto tbpb;o fterlDmnSsfBoufta b?eaebpmmeate.ibe" bamat came to bet bjof &amp;er amnSg Boufe Be lape Jnb etofiefloure a mabe pafte 9 mabe frpttew in bpjjfpgbt a m bafte $f /# tofieaplatterapotobtBeoutbefo2eBpm; . anb3mno toolbe not eate /but cSmaumiea to bane out airmen from bim . 3nb tbep toet an out from Bpm. cBm fapb aimnon bnto cBamar:bng meate into *e cbamb?e g 3|ma?eeateoftBpneBanb.Sn0Bamarto* . 8eftptteriS tobicB rneBab mabe/a .bjoug&amp;t fte into $ cb8b?e to aimnon bet b?offtet a fft tbebefo?ebpmioeflft,3 ! nbbetoft&amp;cranoc

i . .

,' V

aofaiom fcplletlj






fapabntobeRcome ipelto me my f^aet .ana meanftoeteabpm-.nap/mpb?oti)er oonot fo?ceme/fontougl}tttottobeComlu'aelao noetbi$foll?*#o?tobttber alia gotoptb . mpmame? anatbouroalt be as one oft^e foiesmSftaeueutfpeafiebntotbefipnge 9 be ffiall not benpe me bnto tbe. i^oto BeitbetoolbenotbetBebnto ber bop* K'jWcebuttoasto ftr5gefo?bee9 *fo:cea bet 9 KHtt.&gt;ie.(u fare . i6en . &gt; ^nut^enaimnon&amp;ateD ^ecejccc* Dfng(?e:fo g tbe&amp;atetoljmw't!) bebateD ber toasgreater then louetf toftrcfte be before W iouebbee.ana be fapbbnto bee-.bp 9 atoape. CBen we fapae bntobpm/tbps great cruel* neOe that t&amp;ou purtea me atoape psflptb t&amp;e otftet tbat tbouapbbeft bnto me. jSeuettbe* wrebe tooiaenoe beare betybut callebbps lab n)at toaptebbponbim 9 fapa:putbet out attbeaojes fromesboK tbeao?eafteeber. anb we baaa fiirtell of oiuerfe coloures bpo ttfocbe toere fipuges aaugbters f&gt; toere birglnes appareiea/maae ftrapte bnto tbe.benbiSferuau"tb?ougbtber outeat &lt;Eao?eS9locfieatbeBo?esafterber.anacba* marputatwcsonbetbeeaanBrentbergape fip?tell $ toas on ber ana putbetbana on ber beeb 9 fo toent/9asme toe*t crpea.cbenab* jalom berb?orber fapbbnto bee: batb amno tbytyoWt benetoitbt&amp;e^ototbenbefttH mj? rpftee: fo? bete tbpb?otbce . ana let not fl&amp;rsf tftpnggreue tbinebect . ano fo c&amp;amac

rcmapnea aifcofo?tea in bee b?ot&amp; er abfalSS bowfe . anbfipng aufabeara of all tftefe tbpngesanbtoaSberp to?;abfeiom iapbbnto bps b?bt&amp;er amnon netbee goon neebabo^oto beitabfalom bareb 3'mnon becaufe be baa f o?eea bPS fpftct cbamae. s . anaitbappenea ttoo pere after g abfalo baaa jftepewerpng in 35aal ^a?o? befpaesfr ttibeot 2pb?aim/9BaBalltbe fipnges ton* nes frbe cam to tbe fiptig 9 fapae-.bebol&amp;tbp leruafifbarbea wepemetpng /lettbefipnge feroafttes corner tbpferuaunte,anBfi fapBBnto abfalotwsDb nape mpfotme ietbsnotgoeuerpeoneofbs tbatmebenot fbatgeabie bnto tbe. ana abfalomlape ro?e bpo inttuboto be it be tooiae not go/but blef feabim.c&amp;enfapaabralom:tbenletmpb?o* tber aimnon go topm bs . ana tb e fipnge an* ftomti tobat neoe$ it g bego toitbt&amp;e. 22ut abfalom maae foebe in&amp;ance $ be let am* nongotoimbpm/9alltbefipnge0cbplB?ett. ben abfalS cgmaunaebbispoungnmi f&amp;ping :marfie toBen amnons betfiSmerp toitb topne/9 toben gibpapou fmpte amnon t!jenft!llb!m:fcanot/fo?it [0^ bib? ou/ ^bebolbe tberfo?e9Plape tbelu'ftp bloubeis. " anb t\)t potmg men of aibfalom fenteb 36m* noneuen agabfalomeomaunbebtbe.lDnb all t&amp;e ftpngeg foraiess atofe 5 to&amp;eecQe man





bte fiuie anbfleb.airtbtobpie tftepe toewpee

m tbe toape/ttbmgejs cam to ^fiuib tl)atab&lt; falom babfiapne an tbefivngessfonnesf /Co nonetoass leftalpue. cbcntbefipngar^ofe anb tare bis garmented aiiD lape along on CTtbtfailbiss fetuaiintcgf Bobe bptottiitbeic clotb e* tet.ben ionabab tbe Conne of^&gt;a* mab JBmUxi b?otftec anf toeteb anb fapb :let notmp)Lo?atuppofetbattbepe baueflapne all tbe young men ttjefii?nges$ fcnnes / raue aimnon onlp &lt;0 be eo.ijf 0? tbatbatb bene euet m2ibraloms5moutbfencebefo?cebb!8iftaec Cbamac.j9oto tbetf o?e let not mp)Lo?8e me fiynge tafie^tbingfo gteuouOse to ebpncSe w tbaiailtbeREnge0 Connejs toere tttUMjm limnon onlj 1$ oeea. 5But aibfalomaea. 3na tbe potmg man Sept tbe toatcbe Ipftebpbpsepejsana {ofiea aboutcltnabeboiae/thercammocbepeople by atcaye tbat teas bebmae \jy$ bacbe a longebpanWUe0Cpae.cbenfapag;onaaab bnto tbe Spnge-.bebolD/v apgegfonnedate come / ana as tbp f eruaunt Capa / fo it is. 3 no as tone ass^e baa lefte fpea&amp;png :be&lt; bolbe/ tbe ftpngegfonnes came anb If fee bp tljert bopceg ana toepte.3Cna tbetto rt) e &amp;png ana ail w fetuauntejS toept efceapnglp. 35t auraiom efcapea ana toent to cbolmaf me fonne of atmi&amp;ua ftpnge of &amp;euw . anb tbe fipngemouenea fo?bS^ Conne contpnual* Ip . %m fo aibfalom efcapea ana toent to 0eftw/9 toas tbete tb?e petes .ama bp tbat tpme tt)e ftpnge tuenea by$ mpnae from put* Cupng 3Cbfalom. ^ojbeb^aieftmotunpng W tbe aeetft of amnon. Cp tlie tojfBotncof^e toomanof (E^cboaaBfn* lorn is calico. C^e camEiptuffc 'jeoiiHfrc of a bfalo. ^titaiomfp?ctt) 3086B co?ne. ^isfacbcv^CTctb 6 CCbe.jrttii.Cbapter, iitBben ?oab tbeforaie of 5arutafta [perceauea tbat tbe Itpngeg bett itoastumeaagapneto aibfalom/ " ie fent tobefioa/ano fett tbence a topfe tooman/anbfapabntobet:fepnetbg feife to be a mourner/anbput on mourning appasen. anoanopnt not tbpCdfe^bopie. ut be as s toomSfbab J5ge tpme mournea fo? tbe mtb of fome boape.ano go to g&amp;gng anacpeabeoftbtsmanerbntobpm. anafo joab t augbt ber toftat me mulb Cape . ana toben tbe topfe of cb efioa toas come tofpeafietoltb tbeurnge/qjefellonber face to o)e grounbe $apa obeprauce 9 Ca^b:belpe

mesDfipnge . ana tbe Bpnge fapa bnto bet? 5 tobat apletl tftef 9 we anf toerea.a am a toe* boto / ana mpne bufbanae is aeea . ana tbp banamapaebaa ttoo Conneus tobt cb tea gbt to ger&amp;er m tftt f eiaes tobere teas no man to go oettoenetb^tfteone0etoetbeorbec. ana beboloe/t&amp;etoboie&amp;fttrea aroCe agapnfttbp ban&amp;map&amp;e


Cije topfe of


banamapbe gtCapatbeHuer b$ im tbatcmote &gt;}au*&lt;-f08bioti)u:$ toemapeSpnbim fo? *foulc tjtiffl . of biff b?oa)er tobome be flue/fo? toe topil aes ftrope bep?e aifo.ana fo tbep mall quencbe my fparfile tobitb w left tbat be mall Here bp netber name 0? ittue bpo ertb bnto mp but CbanaeJnb tbe fipngefapa bnto tbe topfeao borne to tbpne boufe/ana 1 topll geue a cbar&lt; gefo?tt)e.anaf toomg of cbefioa Capo bnto tbe fipnge.S9p )Lo?ae fipnge/tbe trefpace be on me ana on mp fatbetg boufe/ana ftpng anobPfSCeatcbegiltleffc. ainatbenfapa tbe anpman fape ougbtbntoi/b?rng bimtome/^lje all no moare trouble tbe. Cben fapa fl^Uett tbe bpnge remember bPS !Ho?ae oa/ tbat tbe new of tbe blouae gca* Obex not on beappestogctbetto aettrope/^ t^at tbep dape not mpf onne.ana be fapfcais fureastbe JLo?be ipuetb/tbere ftallnotone Beam of iby fonneg beeb fall to me ertbe. c&amp;ent&gt;tooruantapb:letfbpnebanamapBe fpeabe one tooo?ae moare bnto mp )Lo?ae bpnge 9 be fapb:fape on.ana f tooman faiae toberf o?e tbe baft tbou betermpnea on tbpis famemaner agapnft tbepeople of otrftbat rBe bpng ftiuiae fpeabe tbtstbpng 5 be fau* tpecbenn / fo tbat tfye Bpnge wuiae not fete borne agapne bye banefftea. f 0? toemuft tteaesape ana perpth as toater fpplt on tbe gtofioe tofyicb cin ot be geatberea bp agapne oatotllnottafieatoape | ipfebut fpnae tbe meanes tbat tbe banpfmea benotbtterip erpellea fro bint, ana noto cocernpng tbat

am come to fpeaBe of tbtjs tbpng bntof Bing mpjlo?ae in tbe p?efence of tbe people :tbp bSbmapbetfjougBtrfuerlpgitoiilfpeaBebnto Hjefipnge/parabuenturetbe fipngtoittbete (Stberequell of biSbanbmapbe.anatbeBpg mallbearebiSbanbmapae ?arlpuerberout ! oftbebanb of tbemg ^ tooiaebaueaeftropea me? mpfonnealCo out of tbe enben'taunce , ef (BoB.cben tbpne banamapaefapbig! p?ap &lt;5oa tbat tbe tooo?be of mp )Lo?ae tbe fipng* ^wetratwrnap be*immutabie f*} mp &amp;o?ae fipnge S a a ft, ' 3 ** a a; "Bel of dsoa/rn bearpng of gooo 0? E a Ba^-?tberfo?etbeiLo?aetbPoabetttbe. tbentBebpnganftoeteaanarapaebnto? tooman:biae notfro me3!p?apetbe:tbe thing mat 3! all affic mMnb tbe toomS raibclet ., ^^wcfipngfapeon.cbenfapaffiing Jg^c^notp *banaeof Joab toitb t&amp;efoantbi* 1 mi1 matrer^anatbetoomananftoereaanafapa: m n ^rureastbpfouieipuetbmpjLojbefipnge/ w8 m? u '^ meronHierpgOtbanDeno?on vleafI 5 &amp; 1 ^ at m WM tBfBsnS batbe fpoSen.jf 0? '&gt; 5 BSHSfW" 1 ** be baa me / anabe put all m m (ftc.mefe tooo?aes euen ftt tbe moutbe of (Bpne BMmc a 8 banamapae . ana tbe turnpng of mp tale a " tH 'E.b.6.hotBertoape/tbatmaaetbpfetuauntg!oab. 3ift Co a fctbatmp&amp;ojaets topfeeuf as an

*iH4wl of oa/to bnaetftana all tbpng^ mat are in tbe ertbe.ben fapa tbe Bpng to |oab beboiae / giam content to ao tbis tbpng. (So ^ tberfo?e fett borne ttie laaa abfalom .ana* g'oab fell tofgroua on biS face 9 botoeabim felf ana*bieffeatbefipngeanbfapa-.noto tbp feruauntfinotoetb tbat -gj baue founae grace 55 *2ap* m tge fpgbt of mp]to?ae tbe fipnge in tbat be JM2SS batbe fuifplleatberequeft of bps feruaunfc w ***m anbfogioabarofe ftoHto&amp;tfm tbjoMbt abfalom toaerufalem.cbenfapb fipnge: let Bpm turne to BiS atone boufe 1 but fe tbat

be come not in mp p?efence.ana f abfalom toent to bS atone boufe/but camenot in tbe fipngesp?efence. . flo?eouec inalllfraeltfteretoas notfo gooaipe a ma as abfal5/o? fo grcatlp p?sp* fea/ftg tbe foole of bis fote totbe toppe of bis beea tbere toasrio biemeibe in bim. ana tobe bemaueabiSbeeb(fo?ateucrpperesenaebe mauea it becaufe it teas beupe on bpm / ana tberfo?eBefl)aueait)tbebeairetberoftoapea ttoo bunb?ea cpcles toepgbt of tbe fipnges toepgbt . ana tbts abfalom baa t')?efonnes bo?ne bim 9 one Oaugbter namea Cbamar/ tobrcbe teas a fap?e tooman to lofie bpon, ti&amp;ben abfalombabbtoeltttoo pere mWtui faletoitbout compngintop fipnges p?efen N ce be fent fo? goab/ to baue rent bpm to tbi femge.ieutbetoolDenotcometotjmi.anabe fent agapne/ 9 fo? all tbatbe tooia not come, cbenbefapaebntobiSferuauntes-.l'cbolbe/ J oab batb a par cell of lanoe fa ft bp mpne/? batb barlpe tberin.o ana fet it on fire, ana abf aloms f eruauntes toent 9 fett it on fp?e ben gpoab arofe? came to abfalo bnto biS bonier fapae bnto bpm : tobevfoje b^ne mp reruaCtes burnt mp f elbe toftb fp?ef ina abTalomfa(otog i oab:beboiae/3 l fentfo2t!)e befp?ing tbe to come/becaufe % toolbe baue fenttbetotbefipnge/fo?tofape:toberfo?e am % come from dpefur.ft baa bene as go oa fo? me to baue biaae tbete ftiii, jQoto tberfo?e let me come to tbe fiingeSp?efence/o? elfe pf tbtre be anp trefpace in me/fttll me.anb &lt;%o* abtoejittotbefipng stoiae&amp;im. anabefene fo? abfalom-.tobpcb toban be toas come/fell to tbe&gt;gtounae an biS face befo?e tbe fipnge. ana me fipnge Bt'ffea bpm. caiifalom raaftcrti Mutj:tci'etmw'inammhn4 JDauiBisfapnetaflccfojfcweofljiin. Cbe.yb.baptee. . jfter tbps abfalom gate 6pm cba** rettes abo?ffes 9 fpftie men to rv jne befo?e bimanb tberto be bfea to . r-JWK Bp etlpe in tbe mo?ninges*to ftana bp toapes fiaef lea to? gate of f cine, ana all t^e men of 5ffraei^ baa copiapnf es 9 fame totbe fipnge fo? ?ubgement/becaea

Bute bpm one $ojb m tobat citpe art tymi Ufa 3nb


i !*#-?' -

#&amp;!alom agrapnff ij,g&gt;wmtl

anb toben rbeotbetanttoerektbpfetuaunt ig of focfiearrpbe of 3;fraei.cben fapblibfa* lora bnto bpm:fe/tbp matter ig goob 9 r pgB* teoug/9 pet no manig beputea of tbe fipnge fobearetbe.cbenabfalomfapbmojeoiier; B / tbat | toete a tubge in i ana e/ a- tbat al iuentoBftb baueplepeg 9 matter in tbe lato/ ulb come to 0.231 tooioe Do tbe iutttce. anbaltotobenanpmaeamenpetobimtobo bim obepfance/be putfo?n)bpgbanb 9 tone Ijimto bim9fiiflebbim.anbon tbpgmaner m abfalom to all grraei ttiat came to ttie *m&amp;tim a , fiptge fo?3uDgement/a tftertoitft * (tale c^e K" 5&amp;bertegoftbemenof Sflwei an&amp;attourtpe to&amp;c avnape *ew* tt abfalom fapb bnto tbe fipnge-.let ttcirijwtcB/ s me go 3j p?ape tBe to $eb;on/9 pape mp bo*

i5nc w tijcptoetoBicBlBauebotoeb/bntotbeiLojbeifo? !^rSSKSS*pftiauiit botoeo'abotoetoben j teas* m conftntcD to ftallbjpngeme agapnetoserufale/gi topll tm* twconreruetbe&amp;ojae. anb tbefipngefapfcgo in e is rut*. peace.anb f fie atofe anb toent to ^eb?on. Cb* abfalom rentfpteg tbo?oto outallf cribegofgtraelfapmg-.agroneagpebeare' bopce of tt)e tropet bIotoe/fape:a&amp;falo rata* netb fipngein !l?eb?on.anb % abfalom toec ttoo buno?eo men out of ferufatem t toere * cafieb. anb tBep toent toitb pure Bertteg ana totft notbing of tbe matter. anb ab falo rent alto fo? 3t)itBopBel ft e ilont te autos co unfeller/ano fettftpm out of fttg rttie ilob/ toben Be facrtf tea racwf pceg. anb tbeee teas to?ougbt ttrSgettearon.anbtbe peoplebme to % ufais in great muitfoioe . 3f no tbere cam a meflenger to J^airfo a (apo-.tbe bettteg of men of -ifrael are to f oloto abTalom . cben r apo Ban io bn to ait Bte Cent autg tBat to ereiitb film at lerufale:bp 9 let bg flee/f o? to e all not elfe ef cape from abTalom. S&amp;aU fpeoe to beparfclefte Be come foDflpe 9 can)e bg 9 bnnge Come mpfcbeue bpon b / a fmp te tbe citie toitb tbe ebge of ttje to e cb e. a no tt)e fipngeg Teruaunteg fapb to bint: bebolbe tbp taitafitegarerebpetotobattoeuetmpilofl fl)e fipnge (ball apopnf e. anbtbefeing 9allbig6ouolbebeparteb 5 a fore. ainb&amp;e left befrnoebp mten totueg b afflicttocnctop toerebfe a concubpneg/to fiepe t)oure.3CnD ues * tonciibu f ft C gpmje ^ an^e peopletoent out:a fore uaamcn i S* **** ^rte ft om g Boufe,anb all W toc&gt; ^isBiffccaaer:aflte0toftbpBP0fpbe.atnbatttBeCeretfti to?ues tjas t^ctcg ^ all tlje JB^Eietftif efS/ahnall etbitess bonoiicccas^ebmentobicbtoerecomeafo^ ^.nU^Btf ftomett)/toent before tbe fipnge. cften our;inowiitetof fipngtoiStBaitbe etbtte/toberfo?e bpnre toecc as fbnibeft tbou go toiu)bsf altof fteturneanb bnawipnaes ? abtoetott^tBeBpnge./fo^mouartaaralftei! S"S n , ? aartremouebfromtBineatoneplace.cbou SrmSST camett butpettettiape/anb ftulbg! bn^upet spteiraatc f ita (Be to oa^ 1 go toit| b# 3 tc?H go toBetBer

go. jSutteturne tBou 9 carpe agapne o)p f ctinjjw,, j;ct&amp;;e.#ercie 9 trutBe bevb tbe 3nb nBr&amp;ai &gt;mt m n , antoereb tbe&amp;pngeafapbe:agfureipeas f Kwi 5lo?belpuetb/3as fuerlpe ass mtoMttitZj&amp;J* fipnglptietB/tntobatplacempjLo^befftmgtoDc^/ihr ftalbe/tobetBer in been) o? life/eue tBet e to u '^"'onptpn,

tbp feruaut be.cben fapb fipnge to cEtBat/ ,a f " Jn comes go fo?toarbe.ainb&lt;tBaitBe etBitec cfiiS toet fo?tf/a all W men / 9 ail tbe cbplb?en i m^m toere toitfi bim. ainb all tbe coimtrepe toepte fcnMjwn tottB a ioube bopce . 2Cnb all tBe people toent fo.2 toaroe ftrapgbt toape to tb e toilbernefle, 3nb bebolbe / babocfia all jLeutte? toere toitftfttm abate tijearc&amp;e of f appopntmet of($oD.3nDtobetbepbai&gt;fetbotone3Grcfte of ob/aibiatbar camebp/bnttiltBe people toere all come ouer/out of citie.^ben fapb ^efipngebnto S&gt;aoocft.Carpe tbeSHrcfte of obagapneinto citie.STf 3! ftailfpnbefa* uotiw in tbe epeg of tbe fLato/ty toill b?pnge me agapne/anb ftetoe me botl) ttanb tbe ta bernacletBerofalfO. utanbpf tyt %om tbug fap e: % Bane no Intt ton to tbe. tfegolbe/ beteanrl/ letbtmbo topftme tobatfemett) beftinbPisepest. cbe fipnge (apbe alfo bnto &gt;aboc&amp; ebe,f P^eatt tBou art a &amp; eat . ffierume tbraf o;e intotbeettte nt peace. iOn&amp;tafiepoutettoo fonnegtoicb pou:lbimaa;n)pfonne / 9 3o natbass tbefonneof 3Bbiatbar.3EnbCe/l torn tarpetn ftefeioegof tfte toplberneffcbntpll tftere come fome tooo:be from pou to be toloe me.anb To &gt;abocfianb36biatbar carpebtbe arcfieof ob agapne to aetufalem / 9 tftep tarpebtbete.inb Bauib toentbp on mount olpuetatoeptea0betoent/9babbt0beebco* uereo 9 toet tb erto barefote.ainb all f people t&amp;at toass tDVttf ffimi Bab euerp man bpg bet couereD/anbajStbep toent toepte alfo. Mb one tolbeBauibfapnjgtaibitbopbelig oneof^ tbemtbatbaueconfpire&amp;toptbaibfaiom. w ben fapbe aut'b : Tiotixj tume tbe councenof abitbopbel into f oitfyenep. iBenBauib teas come to toppe of tbe mountsbab botoebfiimfeife bnto ob:be fiolbe/^urai3racbitecameagapnabimtd big coote tome ano ertb bpon bigbeeb.mnto tobome auib fapb :pf tbou go toitb me tBou altbeaburl^enbntome. ainbpftboure^ tumeeof citre:tben ftalt tbou fapebnto Wo(alo % tofllbe tfip fettiafit fipng:tbusf loge baue Ibenetbptatbensferuaunt/ 9 notog! amtbpne. K'nobedrope me tbe counceiiof Sbttbopbell.HinbtboubaStberetoitb^a^ bocft 9 aibiatbarf p?eftes(/bnf tobpeb tbou malt aeto allitftou canftfteare out of bin* gesboufe.ainobeBorbeypeBauetBeve %&amp;pou

tbefte ttoo fonnes: afiimaa? ^&gt;abocft^ fon&lt; ne/a'jonamasa'btatbarsforme/lip tobpe&amp; pe mix fen&amp;e mea tbat pe can brace . 3to&gt;


/ e

$&gt;m to ^ufai B auibss ettnit gat bpm to tbe cttieJn&amp;3bfal5alfoentetebmtojerafaie, C% iba b jptigyng p icfenf cs f o JDantcvBOt^e falCly e BuCcfi9ipt)iboftt).Scmci curfetlj joaiilD* bout* Utb (tones at him. a bCalom by ^tounccll ofa^u^op* ijcUIjctl) toitt) Ijifl fathers ffioncHbmrc. Be.irt)i.bapter. i^btoben Bausb toapa iptle pas tBe toppe of tbebPllAebolbe^ibag reruaunt of fl^ipbibofetb came [agapnC fjim toitba couple of Jtffes faoeiieb/9 bpon tbe ttoo Bunojeblouew one bimb;ebboncBejs of IRcfpngeg/9 anbunb;eb frapieg of b?peb tpggejJ/9 a bottell of topne. Bn fapb tbe fipnge to5iba:tobat baa tbou tberef %nb 5iba fapbe : Wt$ fo? tbefipngeg bouftolb to rpae on/anb b?eeb 9 ftute fo? tbe pounge men to eate/anb topne to b?pncfie/pf anpe man fapnt in f totlberneffe.cben fapbe tbe fipnge : tobere ig tbp mattews fonne i ano iiba fapobnto tbe fipng-.beBolbe/be tarpetb :Hl at I enifale.f 0; Be fapbe:tbi? bape all t&amp;eboufe of &lt;$tmi reSo;emetbe fipngbome of mp fatber.cben fapbf8pngeto3iba:be* bolbe/tBineareallfpertapnebbntofl^tpbi' pofetb.ano oiba anftoereb:! befecbetbe ^3! mape f pnbe grace in tbpftgfit mpjLo?b fiing* # 3Cnb toben fipnje Bauib came to 35abu* rfm-.bebolbc/tbenie cam out a man off fiin*

rebeof tbe Boul'e of %&gt;aulnameb Fernet f Tonne of era. anbbe cam outcurfpng. 3Cnb tbertobe cz&amp; Son eg at Bautbanb at all tbe feruaunteg of Bpng autb/ali tbe people 9 all tbe men of toarre gopng part on big tigbf banb/9 part on big lefte.Einb tbug (apbe cpig ^emetagbeau-i'eb:comefo?tbe/coraefo?tb tboubloube(beoer anbtboubntb?iftieinan. CbejLo;bbatlj b;ougbtbpon(aealipioube oftbeboufe of &gt;anl/ in tobofe tteaoetbou baQ tapgneb / anb b y e fiatbe belpuereb tbe fipngbom into tbe Banb of 3tbfaifi tbp fonne Stnb tbou art to;appeb abouteVo tbpne atone mpfebeue /became tbou art a bloubelbrber. Cboi fapb Ibifai tbe fomte of ^aruiab bnto frfcpnge:tobp bottje tbig oeeb bogg cuttt mp I,o?be tbefipngefiet me goanb tafic of p C B ee b of bim Jnb tbe firng fapbetobat baue tobo toitbpou pe fonneg of 3arutab:letbpm cutae:fo; l,o?bbatBebpbbPbinicut(eB8# trib.linbtobo barepjefume to (ape toberfo^e botbebcfof3Enb^auibfapaeto3Cbifai/9to all big ftruauteg: bebolbimp fonne toftieficS out of nipne atone botoelleg fefietb mp Ipfc; ^otomocbe mo?e tben mape tbpg fonneof aemiraooitf S&gt;uftre bpmtberfo^e to eutfle/ fo?jLo;bbatbbi5b:bim^.aplpet)L.o^tofl lobe on mp to;etcb eoneqe / 9 bo me goob to? big curfpng tbpg bape3tnbtbug ag pauib 9 big me toet b? teape^emri toetaiSgeonf biHegfpbe ouer agapntt &amp;fm/9 curteoagbt

4 atiitljopljel

toent/9rb?etoaonegatbim/9caabuft.ainb f fipnge 9 all tbat toer e toitb bpm cam toe* tpe / anb teftef meb tbem felueg tbere. 3inb HbfalS anb all n)e people of tbe mm of gTraelcame to |erufalem 93bitbopbel toitb bim .3nb ag rone ag be toag ccme:$u faitbeiracfiite toentbnto ibfalom 3 fapbe

bnto bim:oofaue tbe fipnge/ ob faue t^e *&gt; fipng. ainoabfalom fapoe agapne to $uTai: fg tbig (be fipmrnede tfiou otoeft to n)p frebe? iDbp toenteft tbou not toitb bimf ano i^ufai fapb bnto abfalomoiape not fo/but tobom $ jLo;beanbtbig people anballtbemen ofg-r* rael cflofe/big tol?U 3! bc/anb toitb bim toill a btoell. anb fo?tbermo;e bnto tobome Q)au| bo ferupce but euen to bpg fonne i anb ag I toagferuaunt befo?etoptbtbpfatBer/eueri to allibetoftb tbe. cben fpafieabfalS to abitbopbell geue councell tobatig beftfo? bg tobo.anoabttbopbelfaibtnto abfalom: gettbeinbntotbPfatberg*cocubinegtobicb aioita* be batbleftefo fiepe tbeboufe. Ofo?tobenS m all jftael all beare tfiat tbou baft maoe tbp fatber to ftincfie/tben ail tbebanbeg of all tbat are \an% tbe/ be ftronge. anb totbev pitcbebabrai6atentbpontbe*toppeoftbe ^ ht hn rftt boufe . anbbe toentm bnto big fatbetg eon^ffigr* tubpnegtntbefpgbtofaligifraei. ISttc. anb tbe councell of abitbopbel tobtcbe be counceieb m tbofe bapeg/toag ag a man Bab affieb coucell of ob:euen f toagall tbe co* uncellofabimopbel/botbbntoBautDanb alfo bnto abfalom. C aftit^opljeufcprtg I) (9 councell oifslotocb of du(a( anofo?valifn/ftn8^pin Cclft. Cbe.rtoij.CBapter, $enabitJ)opbel fapoc &amp;ntoabra=a lorn-, let me cbore out % p?ape tpe ttoelue tboufanbmen. anb | topll ,_. _ bp 9 foloto after auib bp npgbt. JHI toill come bpon bim tobile be tg toerpc anb toeafie banbeb/ano topll feare bpm/tbac an tbepeopletbatareteptbbfltiftanfiee. anb to topll 3 tmvte tt)e fipnge onipe/9 toill b?png agapne alltbepeople bntotbe . ano toben all tbefe men tobpeb tbou fefieft are tomebtotbe/alltbe people an bauerett. anbtbefapmgpleafebabfalom toellanb all m elbftg of 3frael.cben fepbe abfaW : call alfo ^ufai tfie atacbice anb let bg beare ^ t en tf ee. i&amp;feen i^ufai toag come to abfalom abfalB fpafie bnto bpm taping ; abitbopfiel batbegeuentocbe coficell:tofietberitbebeft toe bo after big Taping o? not/tell tbou. ben fapb 9ufai to abfalom : n)e coitcell tbatabitbopbelbatlje geuenig not goob at ^ tbig tpme.f o?(fapbi^urai)tbou finotoeft tbP

fatber 9 we mm $ arc toitb bmt/boto $ tbep fceftrfigmf.anbtbepbecBafebmmeirmpnwmgw&amp;$mt^&amp;rtQttrrtXn&amp;.wm*m

gbfatom aaapntt ft^amtttl


anoftpfaftertsarjumpjaettfebmtoarre, tofflnotipeanpgBtesamongfte comepeo* ple.eBolbeBenu*eft note m feme caueo? mfome eft es place, ano tbertoftougB Come ,f Bfcmenbe ouerftjotoe at fte fpja fajunt/ fetftep ftatBeareittoWftpnc&amp;fte people ftat folotoeft abfalom be put to ttie too?u~e, SpfterearontoBeroftBebeftmmftoutiatt tobofe Betttes areas fte better of jlpons/ ftaftuj?pnfieftem.jFo?alllfrael6notoet&amp; ftat ftp faftm'S a man/ana tBat ft eptafuB be toftbBpm be ftpiBjen of aetfotte. - ^mpco8nts/t&amp;atangffraelbegea* ^fteteobntotbe/ftom auto J3errabe/ajs canoe of fte Ceein rtombje / a tBatftougo to batapfetnt&amp;pneatoneperfon. anbtoe to?H wmcbponBpminonepiaceo? ofter/to&amp;ere toeftanfpnoeBim/atoetoinpttcBeafeJBea gapn&amp;Bim/eueasfttcfieasgceto faHeft ott tbe gtounae. ano tbete annot one of ffiem beieftey nefter be neranp ofant&amp;at ate* Bim,20o?eouetpfbeca6eatotoneftenu)8l aHttemenQfgfrael*b?prtgropestQftatct: tte/anBtoetoWb^ttintofterpuer/brttpH fterebenot one done fcuno bponanoftee. 3no abfal9 ana all fte men of gftaei CapB: ftat fte counceil of J^ufat tbe araftite teas

better ften fte conceit of aBftBopBen,#oj ft


II l|l,l

f Ben Capa*9uCaibntoS&gt;aBoc&amp; sabfaftac i pjeattes: of ftts atBatmaheeapaaBifto* p&amp;ela tbeeioetsof ^ftaeleofieeii abfalom, anBftus&amp;ftusBaueacoiiceleajBotoftcr* fo?e feno qupcfilpe a fteto auto Captng:ta* rpenotaiinpgBtin$feiaesof toiiaetneffe/ but gcttttje ouet/lctt tbe S^tgebe oeuoureo anaail flje people f ate tottB Bpm. otoio&lt; naftaS a aBimaa; abooe bp tbe men tea ell: foft&amp;egmsgbjnotberenetocomefatofct* tpeJnaatoencBetoentanatoloeftem.ana ftep to go ano ftjetoeafipnge auto. ff $ euettb eleffe ftere teas a lab fato ft em dgtcfie tome ft to 3 bfa lorn . u t ftep toent botBeoftBiatoapequptBIpe a camtoamS* nes Boufe w tfaBurim/to&amp;i- cB bao a toell fa BiSparae/mtotoijicbcfteptoetOotone. ana tbe toifeto&amp;e aCpjto a couetlet on fte topp of (betoefta fttatoeo fteto n fteapeobatlepc eoB?pe.anB ftjngtoasnotfppeoanotoBe" abfelomsfcruaunte* cametofte.toifeto* Boufe safseotobere onea&amp;t'maa? ajona* ftas toete/ftoffe fafobntoftf uftepbegone cuet v Ipten bjocBe of toatet. ana toBetBe? baofougbt ftema couioenotfmoeftlyffien ftepretumeotoserufalem. ano agfont as fteptoereiKpartea / ft e ofte* tame out of toeu/ana toent ano tolBe Bpng jauio a f apd BMobimibp^getpouqupcBlpcuer plater


fo? fofte councen Baft SBiftopBri geuen. c&amp;en&amp;aufa arofeano an the people t toete &lt;r tofftbim/atBep toere comeouct aojaanBe ftat it tea? bape/ftatftrre iacBeo not one of ftemg teas not come ouet 3io?0an.2n0tebe

a&amp;tftopbelfato ftat Bis coaceu teas not fo= [otocB/BefaaeHeBBps aae aarote ano gate Bim Borne to bis atone Boufe ano to &amp;ts atoe ne eptpe/anb put B w Bouftolbe in o?oet; antt Bange&amp;BpmferfanBBicB/anBtoasburpeBnt ftefepulftje of Bps rafter. Ben30auibcametoi!0aBanafm. am abfalpmpaaeaouerao/Ban/boft Beanaan tbe me of 3 frael % bim. 3no XBCaiom maoe amafacaptapneof tteBoftein fteoe ofjoab tobpft amafa toa^amanne? fonnenamro aeft^aa^eftabelite ftat toent intoabtgail fteoaugBtet: of J9aab f? Iletto 3atutaB SRo* abe mofter.anOJfwel 9 abralom pitcBea mfte lanoe of (SalaaD.ano tobejsauio bats come to J$aBanaun/^obf ft e Conne of i3a* aB out of Kabaft fte cptreof ftecbiiojenof ammon/ano fi^afttt $ conne of atniel out of JLooabtta Ketsetafletfaraaoiteoutof 3Sogelfm/b;ougBtbeje0/ bafenfi / 9 erften BefleUe0:anb alto tomi Batfp/floure a par* fteo co?ne/b enes a nee Bont/ but tec / Oepe ana c&amp;eCe of ftpne/f om auto a affft e people ftat torn topftbfm to eate. f o?fte? ruppo. Ceo ftat fte people Ouioe be bongt?e / fam= te/aTOftutuietotBetopn&gt;etne(re. cabfaiom fs o tier com c In bat c el l.&amp;c ^angc tfe 6 e t)ttct on an 5fee,^ t it byllec s p ut in a wtcBcjDa* Hie tt ft fo;otofuUfj f 6m of ablaW* bttetpttlt. Be4*u).Baptei;. JSDfte Bfngenomb?ebfte people ftattoete topft bim /anocett eap*3 mnt of ftoufano eg ano of Bun __ !5;ebe0ouCTftem .ano be Cent one pattt of tflem topft Soab/anoa noftet parte tofft 3biCa( fte fonne of ?atu?aB Scabs b?oftet/ano fte ft ie parte toptB ftar fte &lt;3eft i te.anb fte fipig fa?o bn to tip people: all Jgo totfbrow'anD fte people attftoe* teo-4ia^e/fo;jftoefle/outeabuetfarfestofll not earefo; bjJtnettet ftougB balfe of bs toere Oa^/amll ft e?regaroebj!.ffiuttbou toere too;ft ten ftoufano of to*, anotberto tt ts Better $ ftou Bereabfe tofuccourebs ontoffteeftte. cBifa?btBeBfnge:to6at femetbpoubeft/ftattofligiBo. ItiBfteBsng SooebFtBe ^atesfcbe/anBjs all fte people came out bf buno^eoes ano bg

ftoufanoesanOftcBpg comaunotb 3foab abtfa t/ano Cftat Caj ing-.intreate mejentlu m? Conne abralomanoall tbe people fjearo toBen fte Bmgegaueanf raptaf tuts ftarge ouerabfalom . an&amp; fte people toent out ur to fte feioe agama?fraei/anD fte batten toastnftetooooeoftfpBaami, here fte peopre

^Ijfaiom is

people of icraei toere putto ^ too?ffe beeo?e fte CentaCtes of auio/aftere toas agreat OaugBter i oape/euen of ttoentpe n)ouCanb men.anO feioe teas fouabt in opuerfepla*ces/au ab?oaoe bp5 etfte.ano ti)t tooooes Beuoureo moo people ftat oape ftart Wtyt Ctoeroe.ano itftaflceo abfalom to come be* fo;e fte feruauntes of auto tmm bpon a fl^uleteBf fb catpebBfti bnoec f ftpese bo= toes of a great c&amp;e Jno B ts beeo caut^t in I fiDfie/abetoasieftebetoenebeueaertBe/ at fll!)ule ^toasbrmer Brm toentBiS toaje. 3tiD oneg fato it toftefoab Carfng:beBoloe/ 3 fato abfalom Bange in an cfte : a |,oab fapbbntoBtmtbattoloebnmto/Catoeft ftou Bpmf ano tobporoett not ftou ftere Cmpte Bm to ftegrounb/ftat | fljulDbauegeue ten Kclesof fplueram&gt;aCoubjouresgp?oie. and f mananCtoereB|oab:ftougBiBaQ a ffiouCanoftciesof CpHiertolJjeinmpBanbe jet faoibe 9! not CtretcBe out mpne Banoe agapnfl fte fipnges Conne. fo? toe Bearoett cure eares tob I fte 6?ng cbargeo fte/ abCat anb ft at"/ raping: Cpaw me fte labaBtaiom. fipojeouet ftougb % Bao t'eoparoeo rap Kfea bone falfli e fterto/pet coulbe nougBt of an$

matterBaue bene bio fro B^tge :pe a tBou ftp Celfe tooioeit be agapnff me . cBen Capb *pat u;ittt31oab*'j, map not ftano tacgeng tottt fte . Kl*' j anotBertopftBeto6etB?eCpearesmBPS l &amp;*mP mmm ^ lxm ftc oartof abfalom/ AihSki nu tob P Ie &amp;e toas pet a Ipue on f boope off tree; MgtBiiiDimanOtenferuauntestBatbareioabStoepSS/ tumeo afmote abCalom anbaueBtm.cBtn gioabbletoatrompet/atBepeople retuwteB fro f olotopng gcraefcf o; joab Cparea peo ple.ano ftep tofie abfalom a can B&lt;m into a great pitt ftat toas in fte tooob/ anb catt a mpgBtpe great Beape of nonesbpS Bim.anb an SCraei fleo euerpe mS to Bis tent.anb tbts abfalom pet in Bps Ipfe tpme/tobeareareB bp a ppler/tobicBe is pet in apnges bale, jot Befap&amp;e:3BauenomaieebtU)e.atntBerfo?e (C to Bepe mp name in temefyance 00 % rt.ana BecaUebfte ptlier afterBt'S atone nameano tttscanebbntoftiSBape/abCalomsptner. %enCapoaBimaa? fonne of &amp;&gt;aooefi: Ietmerutmeap?ape tije/abeare tBeBpnge tpbmgeS/Boto ftat filomeBaftfiibgeb Bim upteoffteBanoesof anBpSenempes.anb oab Capo bnto Bim:ftou art no mS to beare rpbpngesto&amp;ape:ftou ffiait beare tpopnges a nottjer tpme -. but to bape ftou alt beare none/becauCe f fipnges Conne is oeeb.o&amp;en fapa 5oab to CBuCi:go 9tflltt)e Bpnge toBat ftou Baft f ene.anDCbuft botoeb Bn Celf on. to |oab a ranne.cBen CapoaBimaa? $fomte ofaboc6 agapne tojoab'.ecmie toBat eoni^ tofil/Iet me tunneupjap fte afterCBuCi.anb |oab(apo:toBe(fo;e(bulbefttBourunne mp

flapne, Cntmi. Comtek f 0? anb tbou runne ftou gettpft no re* toarBe:toen come toBat toili let menmne . anb&amp;e fapo bnto Binutunne.cBen abimaa? ranne bp u)e plapneanb ouet tanne CbuCi. an&amp;auflj Cat bettoene tbe ttoo gates, f anbfte toatcBeman toet bp to f rouffe ouer fi)e gate onto fte toalle/ano Ipf te bp Bis epes an&amp;Cato:anbbeBolDe/ftetecamamantun&lt; npngalone.anbfte toatcBmS calieo a tolbe fte BpngeJnb fte Bpnge Capoe : pf Be come alone/ ttjete is tpopnges in Bis mo uft e. anb Be cam ano o?tto npe. anb fte toatcBm a Cato anoftermanrutmpng / ano called bnto fte poster a Cap&amp;:btBoloe/tBere cometB a nofter

running alone.anotBe Bpnge anCtoereo:Be tS alfo a tpbpnges b?pnger, ano f toatcBmS ttjinBetB fte running of fte f o?moft fs ip&amp;e fte tunnpng of aBimaa? tbe fonne of ^abocfi.anb tBe fipng Capote is a gooO mS a come* tofft gooo tfOtnges.anbaBimaa? caneo ano Capo to fte ftpnge:gooo tpopnges/ ano botoeo Bim Celt to fte ettB e bpo Bps Cace before fte Bpng ano Capa:bieffebbe mo?oe tBp&lt;!E5obtoBicBBatB*ftutbpall^menftat _ , , fifte bpfteit Banoes agapnttmpXo?oetBe *^ af ti/Cut Bpnge.anb f Bpnge Capo:isfteiababfalomr ?: * laief anb aBimaa? anCtoereb 5 1 Cato a great a 00/ toben fte gmges (eruaftt^oab Cent me ftp Ceruaunt.25ut atootte nottoBat it toas. anb fte Bpng fapb:turneano uanoeBcre. 3JttB Bcttir neb anb ft oae. anb bebolbe BCt came anb Capo : tpoin* ges mpx-oaoe fte ftpnge/ tojoe Baft qupt* te fte ftpsaape out of tbe Banaes of anftat rofe agapnftfte.anb ?Bpng Capoe to CBuCf: is t laaabCalomfafef anacBuCianftoerea tBeenempesofmp 'iLojoe fte Bpnge ano ail ftattpfeagapnttfte/toBaueS/beasftplaa iS.ana ft e Bpnge toas moueo a toent bp to a eBamb?eouergateatoept.anoa0Betoene ftusB^fapae:mpfonneabCalom/mp forme/ , mpfonrte/mpConneabCalom/toolototiSoBS Babbpea fo?|abCalom/mpfonne/mpConne, Ctoatifb tt rtao;tbto W 6jnjl)omt/an6 b;ong^t SajnetojctuCaltra., ^e.:crr.CBapter. 0att toas toloegioab/Boto tbat fte a Bpnge toepte ana moumeo fo^tb* falom . ana fte otcto;pe toas t itr= nea ftat Bape otto mournpng bnto allfte peopie.jfo? ftepeopieBearafapetBat oape/Boto fte Bpnge Co^otoea fo? Bps fonne/ ana tBepeople toent fteatpng into fte cptpe/ as people cSfounaea fteie atoape/toBen ft ep flee in batten . ana fteBpngBpa Bis face ana erpea topft a louae boice:mp foraieabCaiom abfalom mp Conne mp fonne. anagjoab toent mto fte Boufe to fteftpng ana CapwBou Baft ftamea ftps aape fte fa^ res of allftpferuauntes / tobpcB ftps bare

%iUi. Baue

IB auto m

baue fauebrbvlvfe/atbeliues of tbvfonnes abaugbters/a flvues of tbv tovues acScu* bvnes/in g tbou loucft tt)ine enemves a W teft tbv frfb$.crbou baft Declare tbiSbave g tbou cameft netber f o? tbv&amp;o?D!; no? rentaftv tcjs.fffo? tbiS Dave 8 do petceaue/vf abfalom bablvueb/aalltoebvebtbvsbave/p; tften ft J&amp;babpteafeb toelUJototberfojetp a come out/? fpeafie 6 gnuel? bnto tbv feruafttes/U ftoere bv f ;Ho?b ejecept tbou come out/tbere toill not tarve one ma tt 1 tbvs nv gbt.anb$ toitbe too?tre bnto tfie/tBenail eueli g fell on tbe from tbvnevoutbe bnto tbi?$ boure. cben tbe bvnge atofe anbfattbotone in tbe &lt;Sate . 3tnD tt toastolbe bnto alt ttje people/ bote tbe spnge fatt in tbe atejinb tben all tbe people cam befo?e tbe fern ge.Eut gjfra el fleb euerv man to bis tent. 2tnD all tbe people toere at utjffe tbo?oto out all tbe tribes of gf-ftael ravin g-.tb e bvng belvueteb fc3 out of f banb of oure enemies. anDbeoeluterebfoS outoftbebanboffi&amp;bf* It&amp;me ?. 3nb note fie isfleb out of $ lano fo?

tbat tbe bvnge flHrtbtafiefttoberte.&lt;ffo?tbp rewauntBorbefinotoebototbatl baue bone am? tre,anbtbetfo?e beb otoe, g am tbe fV2tt tbis Dave ofal! % boure of ferepb gam come to mete mv JLo?betbe bvngej&amp;ut abifaitbe fonne of ^aruiab anftoeteb ^fap&amp;-.fl)an^.emer not Dve fo?tbat caufe;tebpc&amp; curftbtbe 3Lo;dc?5 anovntetf Stab tbe bvnge r avb-.tob at matter isbettoenevouameve tones of3ar uiab/g ve tbulb tbiSbave be abuetfarves ton* tome? aberel&amp;allnomanbve tbis Dave in 3&gt;rraei:f o? | bnoto tbat % am tbis Dave bvng ouetSffrael. atttD tbe bvngfavbe bnto ^e met:tbou Halt not Dve/ a Create to nto bvm. ana fl^ipbibofetb tt)e tonne of &gt;aulca* c

meairotometeBvnge/ababnetbetb?cfleb bis fete net ibauf 081 beetDe net toaffl) eb bis clotbes fro tbetvmef bvnge DeparteD/bntill be came agavnein peace. anbtobenbe toas 6ometo35eruCaletotoarbe$bvnge/tbebvng favD bnto bim:tob e r f o?e toe me a not tbou tt me gjHpbtbofetb . ana be ravb:mviLo?De fi vnge/mv feruaut DeceaueDme.tfo? tf)v fee* uaut favD: 31 toolDe baue mineMe raMeb to

3bralom.ffiutaibtalora tobom toe anovnteb cuerbS is beeb in battell.#ototberfo?etobp JSbetbetoh/fo?togotobvnge/becauretbj&g t; arevefo ftvll/tbatve b?vng nottbebvnge tentauntisiame.ainDbebatbtbertocSpiav* &lt;Z agavneJnb ft vng Pauib tmtto %, aDocb 9 neD on tbv fetuafit bntomv&gt;Lo?D bmg.tfut ^btatbsttbep?eafte0favmg:Cpeabebnto mv)lo?D Ifivngetsiagan angtiof oaao Ptters of giiba 9 fave :tobv ulDe ve be ^t tberfo?e tobatfemetb belt in tbvne eve js.-ff o? laft^Cfiulse b;vnge agavne^ bvnge to bV0 aUmvfatbet0boufetoetebutDeeDmenbmo rjoure/Ceing $ fortje tt'Dinges 10 come fro ad m?TLo)ti the b|nge:a vetDVbeS tbo u put me ^fraelbntof &amp;vmje eue tobVS&amp;oufefveare amogetbeg eateattbtne atone table , asbat rnvb?etb?en/mvbone3 9mvfleibe:toberfo?e rigbttbetfojebaue % vet/-tocrve anymore tben ftuioe ve be tbeiatt ttjat Qiuloe come to bntobmge?3HnDbvngfavb:ftneabetbtbe b^ng tbe bvnge bome agajnef 3CnD rave to 3ma ra:art tbounot mv bone anDmv fle tyti 3no CD do fo to me 9 fo tberto . ercept tbou be captauie off 190ft tome fo? euet mfjtou* me of % oab .anD be botoeb f btt eg of aft" $ tftiMurf. . mn ol 3iiw/aisa man toolDe botof bt*of


not to rpeaft e an? nmtti f 0? f baue fa?D : g tboua?iba(balI&amp;eutDelanD]bettoenevou. 3nD flipbibofetb favb bnto Wnge:veelet bt'm tabe a H: to? Co m ocrj e a? m v Jlo?ai b t'ng W come in peace bnt W atone boufe.

. anDjSetletat^eoalaaWte earn? fro mc*# gebm 9 toft ouer gojui to Bvnge/to accS* pant'ebtm ouer 3io?Da:tobtcbe33etCelai toas atoerg ageo mS/eue foutefbo?e v erejs ofiie/f baa p?ouvbeD fbvng of Cuftenafice tobflebe


one mamfof tbevfenttooo?Deto bvnge/ g be ffiulD ret ut n e tt all W fettiaunteg . M m tbe bvng returneb* cametogio?&amp;S.2enog!u* ba came to algal fo? to go agavnft bvnge. to conuevebimouer jo?ba.3nb &gt;emet* iaveat#abanami:fo?betoa0amiofbervt fonne of eta tbe fonne of Jemrm' tobvebe greatfubaaunce.3n&amp;firng(avbbnto$e&amp ; toajtofjeaburim/bafteb^cametttbemf of feiai:cometbouttrae/i gmavfebcf tt me Scuba agavnft bvnge auib/9 atboufanbe fnferufale.lSutSerfeialfavbbntol&amp;vngt tr.tu.rtJ. menofSenfaminttbtm/anb*5tbatbefer oftobatageamgiof/f 3! tbuibegottf bvng ttaunt of tbe b ouCe of ^&gt;aul 9W.PaSotm&amp; tto^etuCale.g am tbts Dave foure CSo?e vete anbttoentve feruaunte0toftbbmi.ainbtbev o!be:5tberfo?ecanotbecernefauervfr5bite tobvPteouer5'o?ban befo?efi)efifnge.ainb faucep/nea)erbatb^feruaapleafureui| rb ere toft ouer a JSott e to carve ouer $ 6 vn* be eatetb 0? D?incb tti 1 :ner vet Dele c tacto in f gesibouQioiDeanDtoDobvmpleafure. - fongtfofme^toonti.ftfenonmfttbprei; 3dnb^&gt;emettbefonneoferafeIIbefo?e uafitbeabuttbenfantomv^o?b$fiinge:let tbe bvnge/ass be toass come ouer &lt;jo?ban an&amp; tbv feruaut go atvtte toave ouer fo?bStt tbe favDe bnto bitmlee not mv^o^mrputetoic* bvnge*? rebvftjutse fbvngerenber mefo* bebneflebntome/nerletbmtnotremetiertbe cbearetoame? Outlet tbv feruaunttume toicbeaneffe tbat tbv feruaunt Hi 1 toben ntp bacb agavne/^ % ma ve Dve in mine atone ei* torn tbe bvnge Depatteb cut of aerufalem tve/b?&lt;be jraueof mv faiberanbmotber . 1ut

3Butlo bere &amp; tin feruauntbamaS:Iet bim go toitb mv Ho?De tbe Stvng/ anb do to bvm/ tobat foal! pleafe tbe. , link ti)t bvng anftoereb: bamaamftan gotoitbme.3nD3Jtovllbo tofvmtbattbou foalt be cotent tottb.anD tbetto tobatfoeuer tbou ftjalt require of mr/,tbatfame tovII3 bo fo? tbe.SnD all tbe P eopie to en t ouet 1 0?= banJnbtobe.tbe bvng toas contr otter fo? ban / b e BpffeD 36erfe lat a robe bv$ leaue of btai/sbe toent bacbe agavne bnto btgatone place.3nD ti}enG)t bvng toft to algal/anb Cbamaam toent toitb mm-Uoto all ttje men of JuDa toere at tbe b?vngvnge ouer of tbe 6vrtg/9 but balfe tbe men of |f rael. 88berfo?e alt tbe men of pad came to g bvng a favDe bnto bim : tob v baue oure b?e* tb?en t^e men of 5 uDa ft oi en tbe atoave/anb baue b?ougbt t\)e bvng 9 W bouftolbe 9 aft 3a u3 men \Diftf bim ouerao?ba nf atnb all ibemen.of giu&amp;aanftoereb $ men of ffrael; fo? tbe bvng i? nere of fivnne totog:toberfo?e be ve angrve fo? tbat matter^ tbvnbe ve tbac toeeateof tbebvngescoft / 0? tbat tbe bvng geuetb b&amp; anv svftttti 3nb f men of afrael anftoer eb tbe men f gu&amp;a $ favDe : toe baue tett partes in tbe bvng/ a baue tberto mo?e rvgbttoauiQtbenve.ibvtbenovDve Be= fpvfcW/ tbat oto?eaouvfebab not benfj?ft bab in tefto?vng oto?e bvnge agapne^ainD toojQess of ftj t men ofgjuba torn ftsxttt tben tbetoo?bejsoftbemenofgfrael.


GtbatQc fsnncof ocb;i tcaretb ?ftact agaynft 5Daii!D. joafabpUctfiamafatratccouflj. ffi^eSjcEO ofScbaisBEluncwfi to joab.SDauiw reccaucrf ice nombjeo. CCbej5f.bapter. i3b tbete bapp'enebf beanbntb?t ftie fetotonameb &amp;&gt;eba tbe fonne of JSocb?iam5of ffiemmi tobveb mm a trompet anb favb-.toe baue noparrem^autb/no? enberftaunceintbe

ronne of araf / sd gifraei/iettbisbepart tber* fMeeuervmS to M tent.ainbaliafraeltoft &amp;omaui'Dft folotoeb &amp;eba tbe fonne of $ocb?f.&amp;utfbemen0fiubacrauefatt fan* to tbe ftvng/ft5gio?tian to geruralem. 3nb toben J^autb toag come to big boufe to^entfalem/ be tobe tbe ten tovueu bW c5 s cubpnejsg bebab leftbebvnbebtm to bepe boufe/aputtbf in toarbeanb mvniftreb all tbvnge0bntotbem:butlavenomoare \sittf tbemJnb fo tbev toere enclofeb bnto f bave cf tbebeetb of tbf /aivwebatovbotoeglvfe. bm favbe tbe bvng to 3Bmafa: call me $ men of f una togeaftjer toitb in tb?e Daves 9 .P?efent tbv fetfe bete. 3Dnb3Bmafa toentto 'geatber tbemenofluDatogearbet: butta* neb longer tben ttmetobicbtoajJ apovnteb Dim.iObetfo?ei bvnge favbetoabttawioto

fewafiteg a foloto after bimdeft he gettbim &gt;, n l ^^ *" toailebcvtieg a efcapebOnbtbere toft out 3 afterbimgioabjsmenanbtbederetbitesi a* JSbeietbites atbemen of mvgbt.lnbtbev be parteb out ofgierufalem to foloto after 4&gt;t* ba tbe fonne of j5ocb?i.3nDtobentbevtoere come to tbe great ftone in mbaon 1 aimafa mettbf.ainb!Joab babbijs garment mthe g bab aboutbim/g v?be bfitobim/ abab gv?be rberonabnvfetovnebfafttobig tovnep/in focbe a ftctbe t as be toet it fell f ome tvmesi;iioab favDe to aimara:are all tbvng( in re ft anD peace mv b?otbetf ainb^oab tobe aimafa bv tbe cbvnne toitb tbe rvgbtbanbe/ ag tbougb be toolDe baue * bvffeb bvm. 3nb * *m*m* amata tobeno bene to tbebnftit tbat teas in loabs banb/ toitb tobicb 3!oab fmote bvm m tbe roo?t rvbbt jj a tbeb outbvs botoelleg to^grounbanDfraotebimbutone ftrocfie/ ansbebveb. ainbtbengioab anbabffaibis5b?otbet faw lotoeb after fj&gt;eba tbefonne of 35ocb?i. 3Cnb oneofloabgmen f ftoDebvbimfavD-.tobac

is be tbat be tool b e b e as foab / a toha t is he $ toottsbebnto?autD tti ftebe of '3joabf2En&amp; amafalayetoalotovng in bloubein ^ mibbt of tbe toa ve.anb tbete toas a man | fato ail tbe people ftanbe ft vii. 3 no tobe be fato tbat *aiigcamebvbimaoBefttH/betotoiebaima, ff ...,.,. fa out of tbe toave mto tbe felb a caft a ciotb ** c * l * bponbvm.anbasfoneasbetoas tombcleb out of toave/ali people toftafteeioab/ to foloto after g&gt;ebaf fonne of 38ocb?i. ainb be toenttbo?oto all tbetrvbes of %U rael bnto3bel/etbmaacab a all armi. 3Pnb $ peopiegeatberebtontobim a toft alfo afterbim.anDtbevcamanb befcgeb bvm in abel}Setbmaacab.anbtbev eaftbpabgcbe agavnft tbe cvtie.anD it toas befegebJll t people i toas toitb Soab iabo?eb bu reive to ouertb?otoetbe toaiie. cbencrveb atovfe tooman out of tbe cvtie 1 beare beare/bvb | P?avevouloab tbat be come bvtber/ tbati mavefpeabettbim.ibenlioaBtoascome/ tbetooraanfavbjarttbouaoabf anblloab^ anftoereo f am3i.anbberavbtobim:bearet f too?bes of tbf bSbmavbe^anbbe f m ' 1 am reabvetobeare.anbftjeravi)e:itbatbbenea comen favinge in m olbe evmc/ men * muft oinbecdan^ afbeofabel/anbtbengotoanbfvnvlbe tbetobcti) too?cfie.3Bbelisoneoftbequvetefl; afavtb^" 11 " Caue funeftcvties* arein Jftael.anbtbougoft^ "Kffl8L abouttobeftrovea cvtietbat is as a motbetSHofJ X ingifrael. tbvbeuoto?eatboutbeenberi 5 tE.^.c taunceoftbeto?be. anb?oab anftoerebanbfavb: bbfo?bib/ obfojbftiitme/tbatl ftjulb etber beuotos reo?Deftroveft. cbematterisnotro:Sut tbere


tbete isa man of mount &lt;cpb?aim/ &gt;eba $ fonne of 33ocb?i bp name/tobicb batb* Ipftc %rbat to/ 1 WW bana agapnft Bung 9aufe. mwuto 6* pmt a dh * be Dim onlp/aua j| topii bepaw fro tfte citpe;

fBsttjtnjmje.anDmetoomanfapDebhtogioabiEe&amp;olae/ B6ft*&amp;ttD albetijjotoen tbo^oro t^e toalleto tb e.ana n)en t^e tooman toenf: bnto all me in tbe fp?ft tape* of betuett: cue i n begin ^ t people*inbettopfaome. anatbepfmoteof npngofjBatlepbetuett

ana &lt;$ipbibof &amp;/a ft e fpue fonne? of $f* ol tbe Baugbter of &gt;aul tobicb (be bate to atfel tbe fonne of Betfelai tbe flUJoiatbit e / anboeipueteo tbe bnto tfjebanoe? of tbe@a* beonites/ to&amp;icb banged tbe in tbe bill before tbe %ow . ana ttjep fell all feu en to geanjet

C he fonge of

councBtbi tbe b eeo of % eba tbe fonne of i5oe&amp;? !'/&amp; ca ft toffee; ftto3oab.anobebfttoattompet/anamep ffiate t eb ftom tbe cptie/euerp ma to W tent. ana3oabretutneato3!etufaiebnto fitng. anoHoab toas ouet ail f bfte of grtael ana jSanaiab tbe fonne of 3e$ofaba toas ouettbe ceteftites s t\)t i&amp;beiemttes . ana aoutamroas ouettbettpbute.anafeboia* 5 atoue infftis p&amp;atfotme of abilub toass*5Scco?Qet. g c SSSf*** uatoaStctibe.ana&amp;aaocH ami abtatbar * w * toeretbepjeattes. atiaftameaairite teas #5aiB.jn^?6ebjpfe?0au)SS*p?eaft.

an6ffie?pbab tbetJaugbter of a tab totte &gt;acfitlotbe a fp?ea it bnaer bet bpon me JSocfie/ eugftB $ begpnnpng of bameftbne

tpii tapne a? oppea bpo tbe out of beuen ana fufferea nemet bfcaaesof meapre to fall onmembpoape no; beaftes of tbe feioe bp npgbt . anatoben ft teas toi&amp;e auta robat $e?Pbab baugbter of Stab tbe cocubpne of ^.aul bao Done/ be toft $ tone bones of &amp;aui 9 of gonatb&amp;SbiS fonnc/of f men of labes m&lt;ffitaiaab/ tobicb ftep baa ftolen tto tbe ftrete of j&amp;etbfan/ tobere me pjiiiftt'nes baabageatbetnfbapes tobe ftyflfftftte*

^fmtt isf^^^ff^SS^&amp;tSX &amp;aaifcpnefeaulineiboe,anabeb?ougbt }^rSiSSS^SSSSI^SSSS!S^ tbencetbebonegofSau^tbebone?of^ otSmffu, bwBbm namasbtsfonne/atbepfettatoapefc bones jamt&gt;tfse,t ij&amp;bemcbaptet. ofmetbattoetebangea/abut^eatbemtoim wcrt ins bau E^Qi^en tfjete fell an bogre in aapes tbe bones of &gt;am ano giona^ ag W fonne cro;i r&lt;H^isiofjBauibtbjeperes/ perebp pere. intbeconttepofem'amin/m5ela/infe* 'anaj&amp;autbenguprea oftbeiLojb. puIcb?eofCisbiSfatbet.anOtobemepbab anatbe Jlo?&amp;e anftoerea: it is fof petfonneaaU | mettpngcomaunaea / &lt;oo nca tfjeboufeof biouae /becaufe- toast tben at one totmtbeianae.


ana t Ptyif ffftieptyn pet agapne toatte;auiatoentaotoneanam'S fmiauntep ttb"" / 9 fougbttottb tbe^btlt* ftinejS.ainb J&amp;autD toayebfapntte/ano fefbt mm of * jciob one of tbe tonnes of * $arapbab tec. aw tobofe fpeate beeD toapeo tb;e bfio?eo fpcles t'mmm. of35;atre /a toaSgp?oetoptba neto ftoeioej!,*** tbougbt to baue flapne autft. utaibifat * mtl '


be Guetbe abaom'teg Jna tbe spng calteb tt)e tmbaonites 9 fapoc bnto tbf .0ototbef

dpabaonites ate not of tbe cbplb?e of Jftael/ but a temnaut of tbe ammonites/ atbecbtt^ 02en of Iftael ftoate bnto tbe.36nb pet^aul fougbt to Qep tbe/fo; a ? eie tbat be bao to tbe ebpte?en of gjftael a of |iioa. ibetfo?e a ufofapobntotbem-.tobatQiaH gioofc? pouf anb tobertoitb featia contentpoug pemape tbe fonne ofoarwab fuccoures bim *fnt o te , *ble(Tetbe enbetftaficeof f l-oab. f ^iiifttnea&amp;tlle&amp;bmt.cbentbefetuafit ^ ..,-. */ a ' Cnbfl)e&lt;5abaonite}JfapDe bnto bpm: toe of^auiattoatebntobimfapmB. cboulbait fcp as Lw baeno wattet of filuet 0? of goloe U^.aul go no moate out toitb fa? to b attel! / tbat tbe rmut, 0? toitb W boufe: netbet baue toe an y ma $ ipgb 1 fJCra ei be not put out .atffi tb ere toajt toetool&amp;e&amp;pHtnSfttC&amp;benberapD'.tobat petaftertbiS/batteH toitb tbelB biliftines at fapepetbat3SQRDOfo;pouf3nbtbepfapb *J9ob/ nitobicb &amp;obocbaf tbe ^ufatbtte bntotbefipn8e:tbemantbat confumeo ana deto ^apb of tbefonneei of ^atap&amp;ab. imagene&amp;to b^nge bp tonOugbt/bpmtoe anoffieretoaspet tbitDebatteiiinbb/ ougbt to motovti tbat notigbt of bim contt tt tbe|biliftine0/tobete &lt;lbanan tbe forme neto in anp of tbe coottes of 3 ftael/ ietfeuen off gsaere fl&gt;?gim/a 35etbleb emi te Cue one men of W fonnes be neiiue teb bnto os/rbat CSoliatb a erbite:tbe flaffe of tobofe fpeate - toe mape bang tbe bp bnto tbe 3Lo?&amp;/ m a toasaggteatagiatoeuetgclotbbeame. baab of &gt;aul iojoeselecte . Mm jauro SBn&amp;tbmtoasipetbatteUtmesetb/tobete tapae^topngeuetbempou. toasam3ofafi?eano baooneuerpbano.fei ffiut tb e fi Fig bab companion on S^ipbt = fpngets anb on euetp fore .bt.toes. w'itl.rn bofetbtbe fonne of gonatbass/ tbefomteof alUnbtoasfalfoof pUpmtbof^atapbab/ &amp;aul/becaufeoftbeJU&gt;?be0otbetbattoa0 anboefpeo^frael. anbionatbas tbefonn e

bettoenetbfitbatiistofape bettoene auib of ^amacbtbe bjotbetof auia Ouebpm. . anbfonatbagffonneof&amp;auu&amp;stbetabe cbettfoutetoereoff tonnes of ^arapbab me ttoofotmes of KeiPbab tbe baugbtet of m etb/anotoereoitertb?otoenbp tbe bana aiab tobicb Ibe bate bttto&amp;au!/ Moni cf auioan&amp;bptbebSees of bis fentaete s. ' cbe

CCOe aht&lt;cic ; f onj of 5oau id fa; f Ddvuccann fomijlBcnemp. bc.W),Cbapter, $ lSS33ni5b jBuiOfpaBefte toojoeSofuiiS fongebntotbelo^/tobattprae * JLojDbaDoelpuereobmi out of tbe bSoesofaHbisenrmpejj/ ana out oftbebanDesofS&gt;auI. 3nbbefapae:e;iu)&amp;ef0mp 8 t:oemvmp 1 ccBip mm caa el anbmpbelpuetev. oa is mp ftrf iflt/ SnlS [;&gt;atoefenaetbme:mpe bpe bol&amp;e a refuge: m : is cticic&gt; mp &gt;auet/faueme ftom tojonge. "*SS fSUK.. J topn p;apfc anD mH* &amp;* )to;oe/anb 5SSi SSSI to fl,au 6c raue0 ftm ! enempes. #0; : SSa&gt; a of wetb baue clofea me aboute / ana isrp airi ijae v floaes of JSeUalbaue featea me.cbe eo;a5 p,wEi) a aB aof ben baue copafea me ab out / a tbe mares mSSSfi 2 f to tbe to#/a crpcb to mp ob. Kifwtup /$js4ina bebeata mp bopce out of bis tf pie / ana iftlp mpcrpeentetebintobiseares.ainbmeettb KB&amp;1?#MMl quobe/anb tbe founbacions of uan&amp; ^Bwb aiboBe/becaufebetoasangtie. ferao6e&gt;toentbp out of bis nofttelies/ a coTumpng f m out of bis moutb / mat coles toere&amp;enaieo ofbrni.lBnDbe botoebbeueanb camebotone/anaoaecfinetttbnaernetbe bis A&gt;fete.3n&amp; be toae bpon Cbetttb ana Oero: ana appecebbpontbetopnges of tbe topnae.aina be mabebatebneae a tabernacle totiae about

bim/totoatetgeatbeteatogeatbetmtbicfie cfoubes.f me b?tgbmeae/tbat toaSbefo?e bmi/colestoetefett on fp?e. cbe &gt;Lo?ae tbuna?ea ftom beuen/ana tbe moftbpcput out bPS bopce. anbbe otte arotoes anaf fiaterea tbem/anabutiea Ipgb* tenpngana tutmopleatbem Jna $ bottoms oftbe fee apperea/ana me founaacions off too?iaetoetefene/bptbetraftm of merebu. bpngof tbe Ho?ae/ana tbo?oro meblaftpng of tteb^eetb of bssnoftteHes .^efentttom an bpe a f ett me/a piucfiea me out of mpgb* tpetoatets. ^e aelpiet ea me fr5 mp migbtie muatt/ a from me mat batea me anb toete to fttong fo?me. tlSbentbepbaOcompafeametntbe bape of mp ttpbiuarfon/tbe JLorae ftapeame bp.3nbbeb;ottgbtmeout into totometb/ 9 e aeipueteame/becaufe bebelptebte me. ^ metofut tetoarbea me aecompng to mp rpgbttopmeire/a aceo^jpng to ^t ptireneffe of mpbanaes be aeatt toptb me . f 0; % fiept tbe toapes of me Uitw ana apo no topcaea* neffefo?fafipngmp&lt;Boa.35ut3!baa aHbps latoes in mp fpgbt / atutnea mp face from none of bis o?&amp;inaunees.38uttoaspute bn* tobimtoata/afieptmpfelfftStoicfieaneae. 3Dnatbe JLojaeapa tome agapne / acco2* bpng to mp rpgbtetoefnes/ ana after mp pu

bncowmt/tbou aitbebncojtupc. tarn I PttretbouOjaitbepute/^toptbtbeftotoatb tbouftaltbeftotoaraaifo. Una me people mataremabuerfpte/tboumaitbeipe. &amp;&gt; onf p;ouae matt cbou call mine epcs.Cbou mm tbP brfpe % topn ruime tbo;oto an $ofte of men/ana bp SaaepfnmaobtopiiJffliwft^rti!

fp?pngeouetatoaileycp*toate of oats ****.. 0( 00 bnaefpiea/atiJTOwbeoftbe iw m a %S iW ' tboisa 5oafauetbe)i-o;De /anatobo mpgbtfefaue oure #oaf oatsmp arengtb in toarte/anarpaapm tbe toape clearebefoze me. aina mabem mpfeteas ftopfte as m bpnaesanaiettemmefattbponmpbpeboia. t 3toKjettmp6anbesioft8ftt/t68 botoe of b;aaets to toeafte foj mpneacmes, ainatboubaftfauebme topm tbpmpiae/ anb fteppeft me etter m mea&amp;enesinb tboit . mabeft me fpace to toalbent / mat mp fete ftuionot ft5bie..a foiotoeampnemempes 9 bettropeame/anbtumebnot agapne bntpf! ababeonfttmebtbem. Stoafteamem ana fo clou tea tbe /matmei! caimnoe^.butfettbnbetrapfete7 anbtbou compaftaeft meaboutttmigbt robattell/amaaefttbemmattoareaaapnS meto ftoupebnaerme. ^ * mme , t0 A anamoutnabeftmpneenempesto*tttmeM^eatoap/; meir bacfies to me/ana tb em tbat b a t ea me/ a ft om m t. ata3iaeftropeamem.cbepiofieafo;befpe: ut none came to fauetbem bnto meiLojae tbep crpea/but bebearamem not. anal topllbeatetbemasfmalle as tbe bull of meerm/anbtopasampememastbe op?te of I fttete/atopufp?eaaetbeab?oaae. : anamouaelpuereaftmeftom meapiiimcpon of mp people/a bepeftmetobe anbeea ouenacp5s/fb??peopietobicb31imetonot beeamempferuauntes. anbtbealpentescroucbebbntome/ana obepmmeatatod;ae. _ ,, ana tbealpmtes m?pncbe atoape an 8KB? 1 tten*iefo?featemmeii;*befenceapiaces. mi cbe&amp;o^ielpue/anableaeabe be gismp we mmuu

ftrengtb: ana ewtteabe &lt;soa i ftrengm mat"fi ; f* ? fauefbme.atiS&lt;l5oamataauengemme/* ,n8t5B? " ,,B f* b?pngetb botone tt)e people bnbet; me . ana * co tyijj &gt; belpueretbmeftommpneenemies/tboulif^^ n8m | oe ten mebp onbpe from tbe tbattpfeagapnftg^ 5jg me/anaaelpuereft me from toicfiea men.Ko/ iS anb metfo?e % topll p^pfe tbe %om m ift/f 0; 1 at* amonge tbe betben/ana b toin fpngebnto ftp r p*"** * 222^52! S rae * manpfoiae fattpng XgSgSljgi anointeb/euf ta^auia/a Wsferne fo; w /. CCbe



C(Stei"(!comratinieacjonofa&gt;8uiB^ ano ttjcBe* f cr ipcion of tfjc m pjjb tp men to fcpm btlongpng. CCfte.r#tj.Capte:, 36 JUS ^efebetftelaafatngcjsof J$aufo, 'toauiatftefcnneoPjfaifapae-ana tbemai$Jpftebpon&amp;pe/ anopn* [teaoftftecsoaofiSacobapleafant pfaitrtta of ffsael faptotfte fp?ete oE$o;oc fpafte m me/aftis toojaes toere on m| tong, gSje cd of f jfTael rpafie bntome/ana.tfte ftvegtb ofijfraelfap&amp;e: Be tftat beatetfttuie __, oueimen/fte tftat ruletft iuttlpe* in tbe fcare &amp;vE&amp;* oftjnft be (ftalbe as tfte mompng it'gbt/ toowe ta?a &gt;p toften tfte fonne wpnetftm a mo;npnge fti *:K&amp;tofticft arc no clouaes to leet tbe bjpgfttneffe/ fi'.rfhfi^' a r u { c ana as t&amp;e grade oftfteertftisbptbe bertue JS *e Ran ofSJ of tfte rapgne.3na t'snotmpne mmfe ro toitft &lt;b?u!tostfhS ^^w ^ at Bc &amp; at6 ,naoe toIt&amp; mc CBW '

ptks onfec o'wsilattfng couenauntpetfecte inall popntes: jSSgomf^*" *&amp; &amp; e OJallfulfpll all g is ftealtftefomc mms ti ;c bis- bnto me/? allmpaefpjes tftetto. tben tfte 8e mm?ov MMWWe menace all of tBI" 80 tftowes taftf &lt; bM &gt; i / m m i. out of tfieir place*/ tofticft cannot be fait? tt jEKBSBSSSll^lBn*"^^ *&gt;&amp; tfte/ noncMM / no nuiftbe armeb toptft p?on on alonge Beiue. Su *cW* amatften fljalltftep be burnt toitft fp?etofpt Irnne to rtia* fftetftp. $*mw $ aftefebctftenamesoftftempgfttpemenS t.ioftb.t.j&amp;a/toete about JMutti? lofeb of S&gt;ebetft tfte tail ,pt.uw j5 c&amp;acftmonite/fitft of eft;c/ otftettopre callca SSne%o 3bM0 tfteS'iorote/tofticft flu.bu&gt;.bfia?eb at cjamoni.3oft# one tpme.ana nerte tofttm lea?ar fonne p^i(s ocanttq.of^ootf fonneofKibobi/oneof f t&amp;;ep.nn ?:*l*u" p i'*cppall g toere toprb?0ati/ tofticft toftecftep SBBS&amp;WMNW* 1 ** * toere tftere geatbe* mt vmttsmu b to geatbet m battelK ana tfte men of U uxmis rometaeltt&gt;etegonebp)aiofe lapea ontftepfti* ufcbiuora^uQmegbntpIlbrjs ftanae afieaanaclauebn* h?2MSi' totfteftoeraeJnatftejUyamaaeagreatbfcs wont to cuSc flwk * c fame oape.3inbf people retimtea $ ir to tbc fo;*toftafterftimonlptofpo?le.3fterftpmtoas mm oe&amp;ps a&amp;emaf fonne of 3!gefttftc$atatttc(toftfcft SSKSfMn tftei&amp;biltftmes toere geatftetebtogca* t/uficha&amp; ^ ,r '^^wa Ww* toasJ a'parceii of lanbe ila nmt bun , fuU ofrpcc / aitb f people toerefleb fo? feate wre. - oftftepBtQmes)aobefttBenijiJbe?oftlje fa;fiegi;ounbe/?befenbe&amp;ft9QuetbePbilt ness Mts tbe Ho;b gaue bun a gteat btcto;ie3Dnbt&amp;eretb?eoftbet&amp;fttte oftt)e)lo?oe* toentsotone ? came to aufomtbebatueft ^epmebnto f caue Dbolom. ainb tbe^oft of Gt&amp;ep&amp;wfttnejsbabpptc&amp;ebtti tflebaleK of &lt;Seaunte0.3nb auio itaji tflen m an ftolbe 3Dnbf^oubtourei8oftbePbiliflinejStoete tben m5eetblebf.3BnbJauiblongeb fa?be: SDb/tbat38aboftaetoatet tbat &amp;fit$ tocll

f n tBe gate of etblebem f o? to b? pnfi ( 3Dnb anone ttje tf&gt;?e mjg^tiebwle tbo;oto oft of t&amp;e Wltames anb fett toater out of tftc toell of T&amp;tthtym ttatfHMbt gate/3 to&amp;e

anbbjoug&amp;tff to ^auiD: jSeuettfteletle &amp;e toolbenotb^ncfietberof/butoffetebttbnta ^eXo?b^ fapbe-.tbe 7lo?befo?b?b 1 9 ftulb bo ro/fipuiba iww^wft bloub of men t "ant inieopacbFe of tbefetyuetf anbfobe tootoc notb;rnc&amp;eit. cbefet&amp;ptg&amp;bfbtyefetfce mt&amp;m men. &amp;en abifat tbe b^otbec of 9|oab/ tfieforaie of &gt;auiteb : betoaiS o cap* m . mt . rapeBOuettbetftje/^beijftebpbisJfpeatefj/ttihS agapttt tbze&amp;unbjeo ?flue tftem/?toass na&lt; ontt mm meb tb tbe tb; e.f o? be tsajrnobler man t&amp;en toc " if * Ifle tb?e ^toais tbw captasne . ^oto be ft be fflL^j attajnebnotbnto*tbotetb?e!nacte0. aSfiS cbenffianaiab tbe fonne of tebowta rttort itjtii fonne of a wOiem&amp;bal^t in actegi of Sali= nam m&gt; ieel/ beowcttoo ifonss offlgoab. ^etDentS'f"*"' botone saueaijS m a pptinome of &amp;mto.Xjttttti Snbbe Hue angpprtan agoobft m5/tobub www ftaba fpeace inbi* banb.3Cno}&amp;anataft tuent DDtonetof)?mUaaaee(t piucoeb^ fpeate outoftbei^srpcranisftanb^Suebfm^ W atone rpeare-. &lt;b ocb e rbpnge* Df b 58anai'aft 39 tbe fonne of f.eboiabafttoajs tbe nobleft of tbntpe: jeutnotipbetoanpeof n)e tb;e in facte? of tnawe .ana j^auf b maie t)tm of W counccil.afabel % b?otbct of goabtoassone ef tbe tbr.Jtpe . cben cEiefyaftantbe fonne of ^ooo of jgetblebem: ^ emaij tbe ^acobfte: tfUcatbe$aroWte:$ele?tbe?SaItfte: gta : fte fonne of 3fie? tbe cbe&amp;oite: 2itiie?f?o ainatbotb:i^ot)onattbe ^nfati)ite:3eltnon an 3{)ol)ite:0patiarai tbe $etopbatbttc:$e* leb tbe fonne of Saanab anj^ctopbatbtce: % tftai f fonne.of ISibai of aba aft a cptte of f cft?ib?e of ?6eniamui:anatah tfte m&amp;ta -. tftontte: eoaiaif tfte tpuer of aau : Wmfr b on tfte aitbatftfte: 2&gt;fmau etft a 35ft omi'K: diftaba a S)alabonite:*Cf fonneis of ga feng!onatftag:.^enmfttfte$arorfte:afttam**S tfte fonne of a&gt;atro anSiranrte : 0WWmStt tfte fonne of aiafbat tfte fonne of a flaacfta*foi.nief Sm

tbtte-.Cliam tftc fenne of 3brt!jopbel tfte fc?22k ionites^eirai tfte &lt;e atinelite-.^ataf tfte3Br* * bfte:^gaaltt)eConne of ^Jatftan of ^obaft; 58anf tfte cgaotte^elecan SCmomte -. i9afta* t at a 35 et otfttte tbe l^atnef berec o f ^oau tfte fomte of ^amfaft^tatfte^etb^tesdPaitb 3etft?tte:ofeft tfte^etftite:tn ail tbntfe anb feuen, Gtsecaufe 3 autt taiifeb tTje people (ode nomfi ; c v IE jCtael plageotoit^peftilfHt e;fo tf)&amp;t in t{)?e Bspe|Oufano. fte.w*n.Cftaptet. i|9btfteiio?tie teas tojatft sgapnes agapift 5-frael / Seteb bp jsaufts agapnatbefapng:goanDnomb?e botft^ftaelanb^uba. anofojtft* toftft tfte ftrng fa?b to^oab tfte captapne of ftl]SQo(t-.go ab?oabe9!p^Fetfte/tfto;oto out aUtbeiteE!ogrrael/efftganto2Ser* fabc

ntftilenceof ij,^. c . fabe 9 nomb?etfte peopietftati maresnoto tbenomb?eoftftem.3nti3ioabfapje bnto fit?nge;gi bef ecftc g tfte jLo;be tbp oeob maSe tbe people as ma tip mooasitftepbetpe 9 an buno?eDtpme0fomanp mo/ ana tftat f epeg ofmp3Lo?Detfteftpngemapefetftem. 25ttt Bote IS it tbat m p jLo?be tbe fipng ftatft a lutt tntftfe tftpngf ottoitbftanopng ti)t ftpngeg &amp;b?tie!3p?euai'leD agapnft gioab 9 agapnft all tfte captapneu of tfte ^ofte, Cften^oab anb captapneg of tbe i^oft tbent out from tbe mmg/to betoe tfte people of fftael.ainDtl)eppatreb ouecgiotfian ?ptt^ cbebmUroerontfterpgbtCpaeof tbe cptte &amp; ipetft in tbe mpaaes of tfte balepe of&lt;E5aa anb fo fo.ztft to3!a?ee.3lnb tften tftep toent to a* laab ana to tfte netftee lana of ^oDefi/9 feom tftence to j^ang'aan/ ana abouteto &gt;ibon/ ana came to tfte ftconge totone of wim anb to all tbe acta; of tfte l^euttes ana of tfte Ca nanites/ana tben tout out to tfte &gt;outb of 3juas/euen to 25erfabe. 3ina fo tofte tftepftaa bene ab?oaaetbo?oto outali tfte lanae tbeg

teturnea 1 gietttfalemagapne attfte enae of npne monet&amp;ejj ana ttoet&gt;eBa?e0.3Cnatften jggioabbelpuetea|p tfte teaenpng of tfte nom bit of tfte peoplffcnto tfte npnge, 3nb tyttt toece f ouna ai Jfraei npne ftCD?ea tftouCanb menofmpgbt g b?etoftoetae!5.3Bnatftemen of pas toete fpeftuna?eat!}oufanamett. ana aulas beart fmotebpm aftee tftaf fteftaa nomb?ea tfte peopie.ainabe rapoe bn* totftejlo^e-.g'.ftauefpnneD ejcceapngipin $ fftaue bone, ainanoto )lo?a tafte atoape tbe ttefpace of m feruasmt:fo? % ftaue aone fo* Iptbelp. 3Onatobenj0auta toasbptnamo?* tjng/tftetoo;aeoftfte)Lo;aecamebnto tfte Paopftete cesaa autas feat fapinge: go anb fate bnto auto/tftte faptft tft e )lo?oe,3 of* fee tftetft^etftpnges/cftofe to&amp;rcft of tfteraa Iftanaototfte. 3nb(E&gt;aa came to atnftanb etoebftt'm/ anb fapaebnto bimtoftetftet totfttftoubaue ftunget in tftjiaae/o? tftattftouflee tft?emonetftesbefo?etftpne enemws 9 tfteg folotopng tfte/o? tftat tfterebe tft?e bapesf pe* Silence in tftp lanae. &amp;oto bttaecftanoeana re/toftattoo?aei fftaiib^ngagapne toftim *tftatfentme.cften fapbauibbnto&lt;!5ab:g! aminamatuclousitcafte.utletmefanc 3p?apetbe/intotfteftSaeiSoftfte5Lo?be/fo2 mocfteisftismercpe/anblettnw not falleni Hitotfteftanaesofmcn. - %ntt tfte Tiom fent a pettilence in Matt worn tfte mompng bnto tfte enbe of tfte rpnw appopntea. ainatfteteopea of tfte people be* f^Kff'S *fi*Mi. fQouCnsw mm. %m toftentfteangefl Uretcftea out fttsftanb onto amifale to baue aetttopebft/fteimbc Babcompaffpontoao tftat euen/anftfeifefo

/ / r

tbeangeIlfftataeatopeapeopie:itiSfuf* ftacnt: let tftpne ftanae ceafe.H'na tbe angelj teas at tbe'tb?eopnge place of 3reunafttfte

ana fapae:loo/it is % tftat ftaue fpnnea/ana 3 tftat ftaue aone topcBeaip. ut tftefe iftepe tobatBauetftepaone^lettgip?ape tfte tftpne Banbbe onme ana on mp fatbers ftoufe. ana &lt;iab came tfte fame aape toT&amp;auu $ fapaebntobiimgobpfc teare anauftarebn* totftei,o;bttitftetft?eopng floto?eof 3ran nab tfte J.ebuf ite.ana auta acco?apnge to tbefaptngof mtt toentbpastfte|,o?a com*^ maunaea.lna toftenaimmaft loftea ana fato * tfte fipng 9 W femauntes compng totoacae mm/be toent out:ana botoea ftpm felfeto tfte fipng flat on ftig face to tbe grama / 9 fapae: tobetfozets mpjiojbe tfte fipng come to bvs feniaunt^naauiarapa:tobpetftetft?ef a fpngefloto^e of tfte / fo? to mafic an aultare bnto tfte ju#&gt; tftat t&amp;eplage mape ceafe ft5 tftepeopie. anajCteunaftfapaebntotftefipngtietrag Wetfte fipng tafieana offer toftat ftmm Brnigoobinftis epefcffieftoiaeozenfo? facte fpce/anbfleaaes ana tfte otftre inOtumenfe* of tfte m fo? toooa.3Dna aireunaft tfte fipngC ftenbe gauean to tfte fipnge / anafapae mo' teouerbntotftefipngeafteiLo^e:tBeTLo?be tbp dEsoaacceptcfte.2Sut tbefipng fapaebn* toateunaftmotfo/but3BtopBbpeit of tfte ata p?pce/anatopnot offet facrefpee bnto fte)Lo?aemp oatftat (ftallcoftmenougbt afnofo?0airtbbougftttfte tft?eopng floto?e/ anatfte oren fo? fpftpe fpcies of fpiuer. aina PMMlM tftece an aultare bnto tfte "totfe anb offecea burnt factefpees ana peace offeepnges. anbfo tfteiLoibetoaU agteeb toitft tfte lan&amp;e.aina tfte plage ccafea from Start. Ccfte enae of t&amp;efeconbbofie org&gt;a muei:tot)icb tftep comenip calltbe feconboftftefiinge?.

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/ / / CijetfnrotBOBt of IfieBpnses after fyc ce&amp;enjmge of tBe&amp;atenmefcto&amp;pcB after tbe^ebjuests caHeb/tbe fg?ft of t&amp;e spnges. Cffifi c fonrig ttemeage.aDomag t ?ng to I) i * |cnfildoniab f to f r g in 3 bifag fecp ctb,5Dsu iB in h is cjy occupwtt} tfje ra'ulmc mo?t/ f atb,ev. Salamqn is anno j tee J3| njc ano lett^.

flCbefpjttCbapter. l^mlt^ttsSDatttD )* tearen olbe * ttrpfie in pew?/ tbcugb t^ep couetea ^m ft cfetft/petbe caugbtnobeate. .ifc&amp;etfoje&amp;psferuaiitesfapb tinto'ainulettbere be fought fo?mpx.o?ue tbe fitwge a pmwgmapben to toaptebpobimatiDtocbttpGjebpm.anolet Bet win flip bofome / flat mgHQftt t&amp;e Bpngmape get&amp;eate. 3Bnb fo tbep fougBt fo? afatyr?Bamoftitt&amp;itftooutatttBecoo&amp;flS of itrael 9 f ounbe one 3btfag a &gt;unamite abjoug&amp;tberto fipng.ainbtbe isamofell toase;ccebpngfap?e/acbetp&lt;IBebtbefi?ng * rnmtftreb to bftnaftitf fipng finetoeber not. tfutioomab t&amp;e fonne of $agit&amp; etalteb fttm felf foping:gt toplbefepnge. ainb&amp;egatt llimac&amp;aret ano&amp;o;tfraenanbfpfttemen to runnebefoje&amp;pm. 3inbbpsfat&amp;ettebufieb Bpmnotatanpetpmeno? fapbe fomoc&amp;e to bint ass to&amp;pboettt&amp;oufo Jno&amp;etoastberto agoo&amp;lpemana&amp;ps mot&amp;erbate &amp;pm nert afterabralom.amb&amp;e comuneotoptb 3!oab f fonne of 5atuia&amp; 0fc aibiat&amp;ar | p?eaft. atabt&amp;ep &amp;olpea;boma&amp;,:i3ut%aboc8 t&amp;e weafl/JSanafaB t&amp;e fonne of fje&amp;oiaba/ a* t&amp;an t&amp;e" p?opbet/&gt;emei ano Kef a tbe men ofmpg&amp;t to&amp;ic&amp; toeretopi&amp;?0auib fauereb not aooniabJno Hbonia&amp; facrcftceb epe 9 atoonww&amp;ofenantifatftngesi att&amp;eCtone of3o&amp;elet&amp; Wogciu to&amp;ie&amp;fe feft*bpt&amp;etoenofEogeu7a&amp;abaH

&amp;t$b?et&amp;#nt&amp;e6pngesfonnes aallt&amp;emen of juoa tbe fipngesrcruatmtes.^ut^atba" t&amp;eitfop&amp;et a#anaia&amp; anbt&amp;emig&amp;tte men ano &gt;alomoiib$ b?ot&amp;er&amp;e ban not . l&amp;eruponj8at&amp;anrpa8c bntoJBet&amp;fa* be tbe mot&amp;et of Salomon taping-ijatt tbou hotbeato bote tb'at aiDontab tbe fonne of $a git&amp; Co tb r atgne bntoetcng bnto outemafter 3auttfotot&amp;etfo;te comeilmapegeuc (Be coimceH/boto to faue tbpne atone Ipfe a tbe ipfe f tbp fonne Salomon, $ence a get t&amp;ebotofipngel&amp;auto atepebnto &amp;mt: bp* beft not tbou mp lUwbeftpng ttoerebnto t&amp;p bmabpefapinge?&gt;aIomS t&amp;pfonnel&amp;aH a#ereitape,rapgne after me/anb&amp;e roanfittbpon mp lll^X reate/to^pfet&amp;eti3fooraa&amp; mabefipngSltaB Xi f*/to&amp;flct&amp;oupettal6eftt&amp;etetoft&amp; Sfipng/ SS iSc atecomemaKCTttibetBptoo;br.

9 3Pno?5et&amp;rabetoentmbntQr&amp;efipngtnto c fntfmrf t&amp;ec&amp;amb?e.3lnbt&amp;efepmjetoasbetpolDea town.. 3bifeg#e^unamitempro(treobnto &amp;pm. SSJS? ' ainbtfet&amp;fabe ttoupeba mabe obepraiweewKi;* bnto tbe fipng.Hnb t&amp;e fipnge fap&amp;e: tobat is dew af tcr i tbpmattetf 3nfiQ)eanftoebafapoe:a95 m%m)Lo?0e^ouftDaeeabptbe)Lo?b tb?obbn totbsnebSflmapje-.^albmStBpfonneaall rapgne after me a be all f?tt bpo mp reate, 55 ut note fe/ % bontab is fipnge ano t&amp;ou tm jio?b Bpng to ottett it nota nb bebatb oSaeo ojcen fotlpngeg aftepe abounijantlp/ftbat?) calleb all tbe f of G)t pnge/anb 'ii b ta= tbar tbe pjeaft/antgioab tbe captapne if t\x i^otte.ffiut Salomon tbp fewiauntbatb be ' notbpb&amp;f. attbttotomp )Lo?befipng eyes of alllftaeltoapte on tbe / to teu tbem tcho allfptte on tbe teate of mp)Lo?tie tl)e*?ng aftetbmt.iJfo?eHestobenmp)l-o?be fipng felaibetoretttoptb brs fatbets/aanbrnp fonne Salomon alb e * i ynnw.

ainbbebolbe tobitfe aepettalBeb toptb g fmc n ii fipnge/j9a^antbep;opbettoascome. fnb SSLt - tfte^ tiSbeiBeBpngfaping:bmcometb0a4Jffit tbantbe^opbete. ainbtobenbetoas come wmtm befo?ett)efijng/bemabeobtpfauncebtito % tywm, Bpng bpo biS face bnto spunoe / afapoe: &lt;9&amp;? 7to?be fipng/baft tbou fatbe / Jboniab fballrapgne aftee me/ a be fbalf fptt bpo mp feate^jfo; be is gone botone tbiS bape a batb offeteb oten/fatipnges a mepe abounbant* ipe/anb batb calleo all tbe Bpnges fonnesa tB e of tbe !9oft/ anb aibtatbar tb e p^eattJno Ce/tbep eate anb b?pncBe befo?e Bim anb fape.d&amp;ob faue fipngllibontab. 5But metbpfetuauntanb^&gt;aooc6n)ep?eaftanb 23anaiab fonne of gieboiaba/atbp feraatf t Salomon be batb not called.js tb'S tbvnsc bone ofmp)lo?be tbe Bpng apettooibeftnot ftetoe me tbp fmiaun t, to b cp uibe fptt on feate of mp %oite tbe Bpngafteebimf bcnBpng^aumanftoetebafapbe:calI me 55 etbfabe3nb fte cam in a tto be before Btm,ainb Bpngftoate fapingJCs fute as 7lo?be(tBatbatBtpobmpfouleoutofaUath&lt; uetfpte)lpuet&amp;:euena031ftate bnto tbe bp tbe)Lo;be&lt;S$oboff.foae(fapmge: Salomon fflalltapgne aftecme/anbbe allfpttbpon mp feate fo;me/fotopK3! bo tbiSbape. 3inb tfecbfabebotoebonBetface to tbe eetb anb bpb obepfauncebnto ^t Bpnge anb fapbe . % o;bBpng autbmape rpue Bpng jauiD call m e &amp; a- e tbep;eaft anb^atBantbepjopbetanb $anataB I fonne of ^ebotaba.lnb tob t tbep cambefo^etbe fipnge.cbe Bpnge fapbe bnto tbemttabe bin) pou tbe feruauntes of pourt 5Lo?be/afett Salomon mp fonne bpo mpne atonefltule anbeacpebim Dotone to tifrBon. anb let S&gt;aoocB f pjeatt anb^atba pjo= pbet

SO) wrtafeafelomott is

f ' &gt;

pbet anopnte bim tbete/ to be fipng ouet %U eael.Kinb tben blotoe pe totty a ttSpet ajfapet &lt;Etob faue fipng S)"alom3.anb tben come bp after bim/? let bim come anb fptte bpen mp feate# o? be ibalbe fipng in mp ftcabe. ainb Bim 31Baue comaunbeD to be captapne ouee Ifrael anb luDaJtab JBanarab t^e tonne of ^eboiaba anf toeteb t^e fipng a fapfle/aimei afo|p;apedEiobtBae tbe )lo?be o&amp; ofmp %oM tfyt fipng fape fo to, Hinbas tl)e jLo#e Batb b ene tt mp %0}it tbe fipng/euen fo 1% pjapedSoD be mape be/ toitb Salomon ana i be mafie bis feate glo?poufer tben feate efmp)Lo?be fipng auib. nb&gt;aDocfi tbepjeaft anb iQatbantbe p?opbet anbOSanaiabf fonne of jebofaba a Git Ceeetbites anbl&amp;bcletbites toetjiotone/a fett Salomon bpon fipng autDS flule a rfflcobbim to otbon . mm &gt;aboefi n)e#?eaft J, tofieanbo?ne ofople out of tbe tabernacle a anointcD&gt;alomb\3nb tbep bletoe a trSpet/ anb all tbep f apD:&lt;E&gt;oD faue fipng Salomon. SBnball tbe people cambpaftetbimppppng toitbpppesanbmopfpng geeaffpe/fo g tbe ertbtange toftb ^t founbe of tbem. % nba'boniabanball tbegeftestbat toete iaftB bi'm/beatbiteuen as tbepbab maoe art enbe of eatpnge. 3Cnbtoben3oabbeatbe tt)e founoe oftbetuompet/befapee: botobappe* netbif tbattberetsfocbea nopfein \ cptief Wiim bepet rpafie/fe/ gionatbas tbe fonne of abiatbae tbe p?eatt came . %m aooniab fapbetcbme fo; tbou aw a luftpe bfoube anb B?pngeftgooD tpbpnges.mnb^onatbas an* ftoeteb afapbto aiboniab.aaerelp oure 'iLo;ij Bpng auibbatb mabe^aiomofifng.ainb gfipng tent tottb bim/S.abocfi p;caO anb J5atban m p?opbet:anb 23anaiab tbe fonne ef aebotaba a tbeCeretbites a tbe JStoeletbt* tes/a tbep baue fee bim bpo p fipng^ $rtt, anb feabocfi tbe p^eaft anb jSatban f ^?o Pbet baueanopnt eb bim fipng fn&lt;E!ibon.3Cnb as tbep came bp agape tbeptefopfeb tBat tbecptfebpbfounoeagapne.ainbtBatistbe wnopfe tbatpebatte Beatb.ainb tBerto ^.alo raon fpttecb on tbe feate of tbe fipngbome. f nbmojeouee tbefipngess feruauntes toent m to bleffe oure itozbefipng auib faping: rop ob mafie tbe name of &amp;alom5 moare fauoint tben tbpne/anbbiS feate mo?e glo* noufetbentbpne . SCnbtbefipngbotoeDbpm felf bpon tbe beeb. 36nbteft ofaDtbuS tapoe tbe fipng:bieffeDbetbe&amp;o?beob of afraef tobtcb batb mate one to fptt on mp feate tbt'S

bape/euen mpne epejs feping ft. SJ.SWJ aiitbe geftes tbat bjete tt3Bbont'ab toete afrapeo a rofe bp a toent euerp mS b?S toape.afnbaDoniab featpng &gt;alom6arofe atoent a caugbtbolbe on t^t &amp;o?nes of tbe aultare,ainbtttoastolbeS&gt;aromon;botog 1

_ u ^ttopmets, tobun I bontab f o? feare of fipg Salomon batbe *caugbtbanDfaftbptbebo;ne0oftbeauita^ W ^. J , re f apuig:iet fipng Saiomonftoere bnto me ,Sl% J gWe/tbatbetopilnotaep W ftomS&amp;S** torn) tbeftoetoe.ainD Salomon fapoe-.pfbe toplbe a cbpl&amp;e of berttie / tBere all not an beam of Bim falltof ertb.35ut a pf toicfieb^ nct malbe founb in bpm/ be fbali ope fo? it. 3nb tbetupon fipng $ alomo rent a fet bim bptone from tbe aultare. ainbbecameabpa obepfauncebnto fipngS.aiomon.ainb Sa* lomonfapbe tobim-.gettbetotbpneboufe. C2Daui66fct^aBontail ceqnwttb toljaue a&amp;ifaa to fjis concubpne^anfi ttjfo?t Snlamo comaiitioctb tonepbjra. abiattjatJE put from BiciSjEfthoije. &amp;emti anb Joab a C tagnr . Cftbefeconbecbaptee. % ! fen $ bapes of ambtoerebmto* i ne npe/tbat be fbuloe bpc / be cgar* geb^alomon bis fonne faping: % mull toalfiebp u)e toapeof alltbe too;lb/neuertbelater *be tbou ttrog a qupte , ... tbPfelfmanfulIp.anbfetbat tbou fiepe m\f^ m appopntment of tbe U&amp; tbp od/ t flrottgS&amp;tetfi*' toalfie in bts toapes a fiepebis commaunbe^ wmttmw meces/o?bfnauces/ latoejsanb tettpmom'es/ euen as it is to?itf en in ibelatoe of flKofes: $ tbou maps fantierttanballtbat tbouowgb* tefltobo/anbaiiajav tbou uioea rnebpH' toitb. cbattbe jio?bemape mafie goob bp^ P?omeffetobtcbbebatbP?ompfebmefapig: pf tbp cbplb;e Djall tafi e beoe to tbeir toapes/ tbat tbep toalfie before me in tmtbe/toptft

all tbeir bertesatoitb ail tbeir foules/*tben &lt;ft - ir b tbou Qjaltneuerbetoitb out one fpttpng **** tbe feate of gfrael. *flpo?eotter tbou toottett boto^oab tbe^ 25 ' 3 '^^ ' fonneof3aruiabbatbferuebme/an&amp;tobat an6 * ; * TC * Bebatb bone to ttoo captapnes of tbe 190= ttes of ^fraeI:bntoabnertbe fonne of jijer anb bnto 36mafa tbe fonne of'3etber:botobe fluetbemaftJebtbebloubeoftoavreintpme of peace / anbput tbe bloube of toatre bpon bt'Sgp?bletbattoasaboutbiS lopnesanb in bis f&amp;oes tbat toereon bis fete . jeale toptb is Bim tberfo?eacco?bpngtotbptoprbomeanb fegtboub?pngenotbisbo?rebeebbouneto . I graue in peace *3nb eto fipnbneffebnw,e a .tit&amp; tbefonnes of JSerfetei tbe tsalaabite/ alert tbem be amSg tbem tbat eate at tbpne atone table / becaufetbepfoclaue tome tobert % flebforaaibfaromtbpbjotber. . M *2inbfe/tboubaatoitb# /%&gt;imti$tonm y ' m * m of era tbe fonne of emini of jBabutmt/ tob'cb curfeb me toptb a Bptter cutfe tobat tpme q? toft to &lt;abanabim.36ut be came a s gapnft me to 5o?ban/art8 5 f toare to bim bp m Hotf e/fapitige . | topn hotfleptbe mu tbeftoerbe.3eutparbcntboubimn0t.cbcu m

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a&amp;omal)/3oab, to; art amS of toifaome ana (bait anotoe tobat toaatobim/retbeifojetbattboubzpngebis $orw&amp;ee&amp;tot&amp;egrauetoit&amp;bIouM. aii&amp;fo*muat*fteatoitbbpS fatberS/ teas bim'ea majeure of auta. ana tbe aapes tobtcb 33&gt;ama tanned bpon gctael / C teere fouttpe p eres-.feuen petes m$eb?on/? tbittfe ana n)?eproing[etttfaie\*attD ^a*

tombTatcbpon $ Kate of 3@ambbis fatber ab'sbpngaometoas ftablpflbeampgbtelp. . : SBftev tbataaoniab tbe fonne of i^agitt) came to 3&amp;etbfabe t&amp;e motber of S&gt; alomon Bn.]rt)W anafbefapo:*;B5eto&amp;mefcb tbp comfg peace? anabetepawtbeto&amp;enetbpeace.cbenfapa fte/5] baue a matter to b e to ft eana ft e fapa: fape on.anabe fa^ne tti ou fin o toett tb at tbe bpngaome toas mpne / atbat aligsftael put tbeitepes bnme/p; % (buiaerapgne/ bote be ttrbe&amp;png&amp;ointoastuttieDatoapa- gene to mpb?ot&amp;er/fo?tttoasappopbtea6im of tbe jlo?a:anotog|aRieapeticioof/to&amp;etofae npemenot,anafl)efa?abntobm tell tobat ftftttbcn befapaetfpeabe 3 p?aptbe / bnto Salomon tbciipng(fo? be topfl not fare tbe na^)tbafbegeuemcabuagtbe&gt;unami'te to to pf e.ana tfet&amp;fabc fapae:toeu73! topH jDfpeafiefo? tbebntotbefepng. anotberupon tfetbfabe tcmt bittobpng alomon to tpeabe onto bim fo? aaomab. !na fipngtofcbp agapnft beranti botoeo Upnfelfebnto b/ and fatt bpm&amp;otoneott bpsteate. aflBtberctoasafeatefettfojtbe Sptigesmotbee/a*(befatonbfstigbtfpae. cb m B)t fasa e-$. mutt aefp ;ea ipttelf peti* c?onoftbe:fa?emenotna2e.2nbtbelspnge fa^ibnto^i;:3!iCfieonmi?motftec:fo^tofU not (ape tf napeJina m e f apa e : let a bi fag $ fi unamtt s be gram to aaoni ab tb? hi ottjec totopfe.anB&amp;ms^alom5anCtoereBafapb bn to b$ motbet:tobP aoeft tt)ou af6ea bifag tbe)nnamitefo?3Bontabfbuttatbetaffie f 0? bint spngaome/ feing be mpne eiaet b?ot&amp;et:uen f 0; fyim affie it e fo?abiarbw tbe p;eaftyfo?ioab tbe fonne of3aruiab. aso6 60Q3 j cbenfipnge g&gt;atomonftoatebptbe JLo?ae SJffiSSf feJ*B*WM*bt n * afo t&amp;ertopf aao* as it ib rapt*. f elf .|5oto tb erfojc a? furelp asrtftc jLo;oe ip* kuj&amp;.i.c. uetbtobicbbatbttaBlpQjeameanafetmeon tftbefeateof ?Bauia mpfetber/ atobfcbbatb maae mean b out eas be pjompteb me/ aao* mab(baliape*bisa8p*.anbBpngbalom8 ftntbp tbe bana of jeanafab tbefonne of je* bofaaa/anafmotebmt tbatbeopeo. an&amp; bnto abiatbar t weaft fapae npngs

settbetoanatotbbtifotbpneatone fetties/ to? tbon atttoo?tbp ofaeetb:but5topU not . at tbis tpmespiltbc/becaufetbou bateft 3t cfie of tb e Ho?ae 3 ebottab before ant a mr fatbecanabecaufe tbmi fuffereaft topt&amp;

V //


mp farber in alibis affjtcaons.ana Co &gt;a* iomS putatoape ^btatbat ft5 bcping pjeau bntotbeHo?ae:tofuffH tbe too?aeg oftbe Ho3De tob icb Be fpabe on et tbetjoufeof eii _ nM/cbentfatngescametogoab: C02 goabbaotomeaafteraoomab but notary ^&gt;alomon.a&amp;bf nPon be fleabnto tbe tabtt&lt; nacie of tbe jl.o?aeanB caugbt * banafad on fc _. tbebome^oftbeanttare. anatt toag toraef b S^ *png Salomon bote tbat 3loab teas flea bn fiS&amp;SS to tbe tabernacle of tbe %.o?ae ana aoae bp f to 6a J mttace.ben Salomon Cent )eanaiab t^tf af ^H t tame of yfasUm fa?ingo ana ftmjte bJm.LLS c ? anatoben^anatebtoag cometotbetabet^ |S2 nacleoftbe)to?aebefasBebnto bvm: tbujS(6t.i.tiap.; f aptb ttft b jng/c om e out. ana be fa 2 a nape: '^ boh j, j. 5But3!tntU are euenbete, 3na2&amp;anata&amp; b;ougbt tbe bpng too?ae rapinge: njug faf ae |oab ana tbu$ e ant to etea me. 3Gna (be bpnge ra^e:ao euen as be &amp;at&amp; fa?ae:fm jte b?m abutfebun/ a tafie atea? e tt)eblouae(tobtcbioab {DebeaufeIeffe)fcont meanbftom tbeboufe of mffatbet, tnatbe %oM bftiBfy* blouae bp5 bfe atone beta/ f 0; be fmote ttoo men rigbttoff etanb bettee tben be/$ flue tbem tot'tb ttje ftoet&amp;e y m; fa tbetbntoetpg:eue3ibnet:tbe fonneof iSec captapneof tbe^oft of srtaei/analmata tbefonneofletbet; captapne of tbe$o(t of 3iiaa.a'no tbeitblouaretumebponn)e beeof of aoab ana on tbe bees of bt* feeae f 0? me t. 2Cna p; ofp etpte be bnto ^autayana bntobist reeae/anabtttobisooufe/anabntobtssfeate/

ofn&gt;eHo?aefo;euee4 ana tfanafab tbe fonne of leb otaaa toet bp ana fmote bfm ana flue bim 9 burteabpn in W atone b ouf e 1 n tbe totiaemeflejna n)e fifngputSantab tbe fonne of giebofeaa m bf?totomeoueetbe|&gt;ofl/anaput^aaocb P?eaft tntbewtorae of abtatbar. Cben tbe bpgefentana called Fernet/ anbfapae to bbn:busiaetbeanboufetn %p wfalem a atoell tbete 9 (etbattbougo not once tbfceanp tobetber. jfo?betbouruteoe it/tbeaajetbougoett out ana paced oue* % rpuerof crea?on/tbouJbaitojefo?tt/ atbB tloua fbalbe on t&amp;pne atone aeea. ana^e* met taw bnto fijng:ftfsi tortfapBeiasmp to?ae $ btngbatb fa^a/fo topBbtjifmiafit bo. ana Fernet bttelttn|entfalem man? a ba;e.anbtt cbattneeb at nje enae of t\fje teti tbatttoooftbefmiaunte? of Siemet canne atoa?ebntoacbtsronneoffiaatabftpnge of (2&gt;etb .ana one toiae Fernet f a? in g : f i, tbp feruauntep be inQfeti). ana &gt;emef ftoae bp ano faolea bft 3ifle ana gat bmt to eti) to apebftt/to ftbe W femaunteis/ana came ana b?ougbt tbem agapne from etb. tit tttoa0tome$&gt;aloraonboto tbatg&gt;e meibaa goneftom Smtfalem to etbana &lt;^ tea?

ialomott, .. tea? come agapne.aina f spng rent s caliea Fernet 5 fapoebnto aim-.^aj notaorute tbe bp tbe UM 9 teftifpea bnto tbefapwg: be fute tobe f euet tb ou goe ft out 9 toameft ab?oaae anp tobetber / tbou-ftalt ape 1 02 ttf ana tb ou anf toeteaft me/it is go oa tp&amp;tnges tbatgibaue beatae.tbp tben baft tbou not fiept n)e otbe of tfjc jto^ae/ana tbe cSmaun* bement tbat 3 commaunaea ft)ef ijq .j*ui. %mmn tbe fipngfapae to^&gt;emet':*tbou ! rememtyeft all tl&gt;e totcfeeoneffe tobtcbtbpne bettbnotoetb g tbouapaeftto autamp fa t&amp;ee. cbe 3Lo?ae tber f o?e rtnaet agapne ebp


ftablpflbeabefc?etbe?Lo?aefo?euei;. ana bpng comaunaea ffianatab tbe fonne of %e&gt; [jowaa:tob!cb toent out ana fmote bim tbat be a^ ea. ana fo teas tt)e bpngaome fettfeo m n)ebana of Salomon. CSaiomontatetf) &amp;f)ataosi&gt;wg,\)ttt ft&gt;tofe.BSr Eo;6eapeweft to fJimanoaEuc^itntBpfoomc.iiEBe pIcatpngofttic4.^atlptte6\&gt;i5o tyulaeotomertie lp# ugng cWlOc.'anO Salomons fenfence tjctfti, " CCbetbitaecbapter. &gt;en Salomon a?etoahtfetofe&amp; 'baraofipng of QEgppteyanatose mgocao aaugbter a biougbt bee ^jmto tbe cptpe of auta bntpn be jaamaaean enae ofbfiamg bis atone boufe a^eboufeoftftejLojae stbetoalles ofae* tuftiiemtounaeaboute. flDnfptbepeoplefa eftceatnauitatesmaoeonbpHe0/becaufe roete teas no boufebpttbnto tbe name of* M,o;a bntiii tbofe aapeis,ana ^aiomS loueo me %me ana toalfiea in tHe o^arnaunces of 9wam fatbec/faue onipe ibatbefactefi: ceaaoffetea incenfebpSaultates in bpep, ana ? bpng toef to abaon/to ofiertbete; to?? toas a great ofterpnge place Jno tbete S&gt;aiomo offereaa tboufana bumtotterpngt bpon ft)at aultate.ano in abaon t^e %m IK 1. Salomon inaajeamebp npgbt. 12 fWtoftjWW tobatg] (bangeuetbe. ana Salomon fapoe:tboubaft fljeteea bnto preruaflt?0auiampfatbetgteatmercpe/ . acco^apnge as be marsea before fmmitbe

Crrfo ntgooa/anababB.^tobot0abletotuase tbtetbP fotoapgbe a peopled ^ ana itpleafea ttje jlo^i toeli/g Salomon baaaefp^eatbis tbpng. iberfo^eoafapae bntobim:becaufe tboubaft afbea tbt tbms abaftnotafbeaiongipfe/netberbaftafbea W8 l?u^ of tbine enempes/butbaft afbeatbeatferecionto bnaeraanae equpte, mm baue aone acco?apng to tbp pecetnhs ana beboiaeyi baue geuen tbe a topfeana an bnaerftanapngbew/ to tbat tbere teas none tpBetbe before /netber after tbe mall anw

atpfegftebntotbe.anatberto3ibautgeuen tbe g tbou affieaft not /botberpebefle a bo^ noure: fo tbat tbete fljalbe no bpnge rpV tbeafltbpaapt.anapftboutoplt toal6ein c mptoapejj/toftepempne o?aina(tcei3 scorn* maraemetsas$s&gt;auibtbp fatberapatoamey 9!topttiengtbentbpaapesiaito.iben^a* wmonatoobe/tbiStoajs bi? ajeame. ana be cameto|emfalem ap^efenteabim feifebe* fo?e tbe arcbeoftbeteftament of tbe JLo2b/ a oflerea bumtofferpnges 9 peaceoBettngr/ anamaae a feaft to alt m fetuauntes. ,JH)en cametberettoo toement toerebat* mm bnto tbe bpng a ftooe before bim.anb t one of tbffapae: m mp jLo?a3 a tbis too* manbtoen in one boufe. ana % teas aelpue* wbofacbpftettberintbe fapae boufe. ana fftetbtfaeaapesfter $ % teas aeipuetea/ ffle toassaeipueceaartotoe ttoobeptngetogea* metanoftratigertt bSin boufe fatte toe ttoo alone, ana tbis topuescbpiaeapea in a npgbt/fo? (be baa*oueriapae tt.anatben (be fpoe/tobpje tbpne banamapae flept a lapae it r ^ m bet botoraeyana put bet aeea cbpiae in mp bofomejitm toben gi rote bp in ti)e mo^npna ^ Beu i? l?ca ^ ocf " cfie:fc / t toasaeea.ffiuc Wen% baa lobea moare apligentlpe bpon it


mercpeygtboubaftgrae&amp;imatonnetofptt wrw* *ananoto )lo?a/mpoa/itistbou tbat baft n*b &lt;r . ma oe tbp femauntspngfn fteabeof 9aum 1 *nototoo?aermpre!fe.anatbpfetuaunttsni . wempaa^oftbppeopretobicbtboubaftcbto ten/apeopiegarefomanpegtbepcSnotbe Mm, toiae no? n5b?ea f 0? muitptuae.* &lt;peue tbet* fwonto tbp fetuaunt an bnaetftanapnge betttotuagetbppeople a toaecernebettoe*

a.ssss^^MWtt mp fonne/ ana flbeaeeatbpne. anafljefapaeagapne:tbou rapeftbnttue/fo? tbe aeea is tbp fonne/ a me iS'SgftgW**' WeatebbefiJe lH f ;'| be " a ^ e Bfipng:tbeonefapetb/ " tb^ ttattsalpue is mpfonne/ana tbe aeea wtbpne. anbtbeotbeefaptbnape:33uttbp fonne is tbe aeea ana ipuc cbpiae &amp; mpne. benfapaebpng:b?pngmeaftoerae.ana gepwougbtafioeraebefo^etbeBpng . ana tbentbespngefapoe: eupae tbe ipupnge ebPttemttooyanageuerbeone balfe totle one/anatbeotbettotbeotber. ** , cbpiae toas/bnto ftpng( f o? ber a botoelies naiio tje pemeabponbertonne ) ana fapae: * befecbe? 0U ^3e an&amp; tbempjLo?ae/geueber tbeipupnge (bS&amp;SSfl^ r fljaite





* ..*'

ftalbe netbet mpne no? tbPtte/butbeupoe it. Cben 8p.Tganftece&amp;ano fa?bc-*geue bet tbelpupng cbplDean&amp;Hepitnof /fo? fte $ morbertberof* 3noaugittaelbeatbeoftbe iuogemmt tob"b w fepnge ba&amp; iuogeb anb feateb tbe fipnge:fo? tbepfatoe tbattbe toif* bom of ob toaStnbim to qo iuflice. rE)c i&amp;??ncsan&amp; cular* tarter ibalomon . fftje

purucaunccfo! IjiB tata|?lci.(5S|enomU;cgt' |)ie |8?f* fcssirt of $ts parable*. Cbe.uij.&lt;ir&amp;aprer. I J3 a fo fcpng Salomon to as B? nge oueraitSRac UnbrbeCe toereb'ts |iLo?D0:o:?atia^ tbe Conne of &gt;a ioocb tMe p?eafle: Ci&lt;bo?epb anb tiab tbe tonnes of &gt;i(ay fcribes. geoCa* pbatf? t^e fonne of a-bilub/tbe recover. 3nb 3Sanarab tbe Conne of gieboiaba toast ouee $ $oB*.3in&amp;&gt;aboc8 aittaibiarbattoEre tbe p?eaaeS.3nD22artabrbefonneof jSatban teas ouer $ generailreceauers.3iinb3abuD Kjefonneof #arbantoas atoapteranb tbe fipnges companion, amblfcbtfat ftetoarb of Boufbnlbe: 3uo aioomtS Conne of 3boa cuet iberrpbure. 3&amp;n&amp; Salomon bab ttoeiue general! re* ceauei r! ot ;er aujfraei tobicb fuOapneb f^e 8png9biSboufl;olbe;ecbemanbPS montrb in a pei'e.nbofe names* are tbefe : tbe fonne of $ut in mount cf pbjairmtbe fonne of j&amp;t-. sarin SPafief , tn jbalcni in #etbfameS/W (eion9tn2Setbbanan:fte fonne of !efeb in 3itubotb/9 to bint pertapneb S&gt;ocog en o all fcrbelanbe of $epber:tbe fonne of abinabab/ tobicft bao all tbe r egions of o? / ara ca* pbetb$ Daugbtecof^alomS toas big toife: 38aanab tt)e fonne of 3biiu&amp; bab cbanacb fl?ageooaniiaKetbCan tobicb isbp^ars 6anabbenerbe3;e?ral;ei/9from etbfanto 3bel ^ebuteb 9bnto bepouno gecmaam . tbe Tonne of &lt;E&gt;aber be b!Kanictb a laab/ 9 bis torn rbe totones of ^air fonne of #a* nafietobitblpeinaiaab/ anbbES toastbe eoftes of Itgob in tfafan / tb?e f bo; e great cprie Stor'tb toalles ana fcaros of ;?aOr. abinabab tbe fonne of 3t bab fipabana* muabttrtaa? nab jScpbtfjaltm/ 9 be bab ta* Sen afonatb rbe oaugbter of Salomon to topfe-.ffiaanab tbe fonne of ufaf bao Mtc

rtroffiSbaiiSfacbar * &lt;%&gt;emri rbe fonne of &lt;flab ban mc^tobici) &amp;s#entanrin;&lt;2&gt;aber tbe tonne of ?pbab rbe iom6 caurcbeontrepeofalaabanbtbelanbc of&amp;ebort m tn fi1?fl8 of 3teio?itt 9 of SPgapngof 33a* ttcfratftap. tan/ano toag alonereceauer m tbe lanb.3nb ter of ihubota3 | iu anagrtaei toere manpeeuf asp Canb s.'-imt be toioftbcfeeinnomb?e/eacfng/b?pncbpjtgana JSLK* *-, mabjng mer^eJrOA)alom5ta?gnei) ouct . St/m c aIIft^gbomegfrcmtberpuerfto?oa outali

ueD ^alomonalt Dape^ of W ittt. atno &lt;&amp;aIomS? fooe tnag m one Dap e t&amp;te tie quateet? of mancftrt Boute $ tlj?c f fio?e quartet? of mei:ten ttalieD ojcen/^ittoeneie outoftljepaQureg^ an bunojeb Qiepe ana 5ooteg;beftB/&amp;mtc0/bucBr0 ^buOallrg 9 fart puitn e- j? o^ ^e tuleo in all t^e tegEcmg on tye ot^et frue cup^ate? / fro c^ap^raft to a?a/ alfo outran g 8pngei on ot&amp;tr f?De t^efarDe up^atc3.anafte ^ao peace tozt^ allftr? rmiaunteg on tuer? f^De . ana tuDaanftjftaeiatoeittojt&amp;outfeate/eutr? man bnnet^bsne 9 bnDet (jtt f?gg tre fro J0antoi8erfabeyall Da?tg of ^aromon. 3Dtrt&gt; $&gt;alomfi ^at f c u rt e D ou fe na Qailcg ^ of f)o?ffcp fo; cbatette? / 9 ttoeiue rtjoufana 9o?(men.3nb { fo^fe?Bea:enevallreceauers maoeputiierauncefo^fipig Salomon ana fo? all ty at tame to firng ^&gt; alomens table/ euet^man bi0 ntonetu / (0 t^at tbmlacti ea notl)? i^-ano ass f 0; barlpeana ftrato fo? tlje &amp; o;&amp; 8% t eatt^/ t^ey bjougb t bnto place? WjfteofficWtoert/fuer?mam^0oetfr, *a ( naoagaue^)alom3toffaome?i bn****^, betllanD?ttgttceDpnBmo^e?alatgebm/ w euf a? fanaeaionBbtbefeebancfie:fog ^a!omon?toEftome c tceabca t^e ti^f&amp;ome ofalltbe of tBecaO contte^e sail $e to^f^ Doraeoftbt&lt;SBPPctetijj. anabeweeiieaau nwttfn topfbome/bot!) t^ant^ef ?ra^tte/f cntS/CbaleoI anajdL^aa^fonneg of 2a* boWnabi? name Cp?eaeab;caae among all nation euetsfj&gt;6e,3na&amp;aiomQn vu;ote tb?etboufanap;ouetbe03fnab^(ong^torre atboufanb $ tyue3nb ^e bifputea of tree?/

eueft5ti&gt;eeaattre grotoetbrnjlfbanon fantotbe'Tfope g fpjjngetfj out of tbttoalie. ana ft e atfp utea of beafteg/foule? / too^ti ea ana fpffftep^na tbfte came of all nation? to lieare topfaom of g&gt;alomo/9 (tSall fipngj of t^e ert^ W0 &amp;ab Sratoe of Org to^fbome. DcA.baptct, J9b^itam fipige of circ ftntbf Us fetxiaunte?tnto^aiomon/fo?^ jbaa btatae tbat tbep &amp;a a a no p ntea _Ebfm Spnge in tbe rotome of b# fa* ^et. 3natbertoitamtoap euetalouetof .. 4fciptii;! 3&amp;auia$ *anb^alotn5fent agayne to V*'** . ^1 ramfepinge^ouBnototftoflBauia my fa* tbet/Ijoto&amp;ecouiaenot bylbcan bouft bnto f name of tbe TLqiWs oa f 0? toatte tobtcb beba&amp;on cuerr fpae / bntf l! tbe juae bao puttbfbnaetbi?fbte.utnototbf)Lo2ams ob^geufmerettoneuetpfitie/fottbct i$ netbet atftierfatyeno? an?t eueli plage, ainbt^rtfo^ambifpoftatob^aeanboufe bnto

f /

Momott, w*M?m8 *^ bnto tbe name of tbe "ktifttmv d3oa /astbe p?omefeb auio mr fatberfapf g:tbr forme # tobib 3 WB putbpon tbpfeate fo?rbe / be fftallogfoe anboufebntom? name. jQoto rben cSmaunoe $ tbep betoe me ceoartteesJ in JLibanon.^nb Jet mp f ecuaunteg be toitt) tbine/? r ltopHgeuebtwoftbrfecuaat5in allfocbe fywzi as tbou malt appo jnte/ fo? fboufinotoett g tberearenotamggbss can f fip to fjetoe cumber Ipfte bnto f feitonejJ, ibt ^itam bcaroe tbe too?Deg of &gt;a= lomon/be reropfeb greatJpe 9 fapoe: ftltflft be ti)e JLo?be tB:S Sape tobicb barb fet?0auiB a topfefonne ouct rbisf mpgbtie people . 3no ^rram fent agapne to Salomon fapinge: 1 ^baue accept tljt; requeft )x&gt;^ ttjoii fenteft C tome f o;/9 top! J fatiCtpc a tbp lufl/ concer* npngtpnib^eocccoartrcesss ;??re. fl^pfer uaunteg fljaii b?png tb? fro iib.won to rbe fee.lEnbl topll comiepe tbe bp Gbippe bnto praretbattbou fi)aitfenfiemetoo?oe/ 9 topll caufetbemtobcDtfcbavgcDtbere/ tbattbou

mapa receaue tbeJrib tbou fbalt do me tyin pleafure agapne j to mpniBr e foce fo? mpne boufe.a no Co i^iram gaue Salomon debar trte? 9 fp;re trees / as mocbeas be befpjeb. SPnb ^&gt;aiom gaue itram ftof 1 1 e rboufanb quartets of tobeate to feoe bis bouffioloe tt aftVattoetpe buttj of pure orle-3Cnofo mocbe gaue Salomon to iframpere bppere. anbrbe^oegaue Salomon toitDome asbcp;omefebbPm. ainbtbere teas peace


of tberapgne of ^aromonbpong;rrael/an&amp; rbefeconbemonetbcaHet&gt;*3ifbe begSne **'/ to bplbe m temple bnto tbe Ho?be . Kinb rbe 2SL*22 DoufetobKb Salomon bpit fo? ti)efco?w/Sftaftt toas tb?e ffto?e cubptes longe ano rtoentpe jgaw. b?oaoe 9 rbirtie cubites bpe.^nb rbe po?cbe tbat toasbefo?et bobpe of rbe temple/ teas ttoentie cubptes longe after tbe meafure of tbe b?eoett) of fbeboufe/anbten b2oaue/eul atrbeberpeermeoftbeboufe. 3t'nbl)emaDe bnto rbe b oufe toinbotocs to open anb fturt. ainbbntiet $ toalles of tbe boufe be mabe galarpes r otmbe about/ botbe rofibe aboute tffe temple anb alfo (be quere . ano f maoe fpbes rounbe aboute. anb rbe nerbermoft galerp teas .b.cubptes b?oabe 9 Oft mpbbie tbe tb?!b.b.cubpres b?oabe. &lt;JTo; be mabe tbe toalles toirbout toberon rbe bcamegiaje/euertbpnneranD tbpnner/fo tbat rbeptoere not faftenebintbe toalles of tbeboufe. 3nb rbe boufe teas bplt of done mabeperfecteaHreabpepertttoas b?ougbf v tbftber/Co tbat tbere teas netbet bammeto? areetberanptoleofp?onbearbemHoure/ tobpleittoasmbpibpng. an6rbebo?eofrbemp)legaiaiptoasm tbeenbf ofrbeboufeontbcrpgbtefpbe. 2!nb?3 men toent bp tottb topnbpnge fteaws into mpbwegatarpe/ano out of ttje mpboletnto 1 ftirbe Jinbfobe bf it rbe boufe anbfpm'ffbeb ttjtm mOtt it toitb beames of cebartpm* bermabeboloto anuiopneb togeatbet. ICno

bettoenc|tramanb^alomon9tbeptoere .tbenbebpltcbamb?csoueraUtbetempleof

confebereb to geatber.lCnb Spng Salomon arepfebatrpbutetbo?ououtan giftaei.ltnEi ftrpbutetoasrbimecboufanbmen/tobtcb be fent to Jlibanon/ren rboufanb a monetbe bp'courfte/forbattbeptoere one monefb in Jlibanon anb t to monerbes at borne. a'nblbonivamtoas cuertbe ttibute.anb Salomon bab tb?e fbo?e 9 ten cboufanbe t earebuKjens/9fb?effio?eanb tcntboufana tbat betoeb in tbe mountapnes befpbes tbe 3MJ?b^ be bab/to ouer fep too?cfie/t'n ncmb?e rb?e tboufanb 9 tb?e bunb?eb / tn^ mleb feopie tbat to?ougbttn f too?cbe . 3finb at eommaumnirient of rbe bpng / rbepb?ougbt

fpue cubptes beigbt / anb coupiea tbe boufe to geatber tot'tb beames of Cebar. , 3nbtbetooo?beoftbe;iio?&amp;ecamero&gt;3 lomon faping:concernpnge t^e boufe tobicb tbou art in bplopng / pf tbou topit toalcbe in mpne o?binaunces anb ejeecutemp KatoeS9 Sepe anmpcSmaunbementes/totoaliciie in tbem:tben topll 31 mabe goob bnto tt)e / mp |)?omes* tobicb 3 p?omeCebaui&amp; tbp b^M4hum tber *30nb % topllbtoelie amoge (He cbplb?e **"* ofg;fraelanbtoillnotfo?Cafiemppeopieg;f* taeUnbfotberfo?e^&gt;alomonbpltf|oufe anbfpnpflbe&amp;ft anb fplebtbe toalles of Jfie boufetoitbin/toitbrpbbes of Ceoartte-.eut

great ftones anb tbatfre Qones/anbbetoeb ftomtbepauemetbntotbcrouffcQpb beCple fterto/ fo lape tn p fcunbacton of m boufe. fttoitbi/anbbo?bebtberloo?eof tbe bou fe |nb Salomons mafons arm tbemaCons of to!tbPlanc6esoffp?re. wmbpbbetotbeln/to^tbemof rbe bo?* anbbefplebrtoentte cubpteStn rteenbe b^^rafotbepp?epateb botb t?mb?c anb ofrbetemplebotbefloo?e 9toalieStoitb ce* oone to bplbe tbe boufe. . bar/anbd?eflebfttoitbintobetbe quere ana Cn)efcamcan&amp;fo?ineeftl)e HEemple potty tmh placemoft bolpe.Efnb $ fp?ft boufe /tbafiS sjuitawc. tofape/rbeboopeofftemple/toasfourtpec * cubptes longe. ICnDtbecebar of rbe boufe iebtt cametopatletbe foure \m&gt; iBitbin toasbenieb toftb bnoppes 9gtauen D?eaanbfoureffio?epete after rbe ttrloures/9alltoascebar tpmber/ fo tbat cbplb?e of gifraei toere come out of no ftone toaSfene . ainbrbequere tbat teas tbetanoe of (jgppt/9 tfouttbtew tottbfntbet^le/bewepatebto fett&amp;etetbe


* / &gt;


Salomon, ; iti, arcfie of ft e appopnfment of ft e&amp;ofte ft e quere toast ttoentpe cubptes longe / ana ttoenti e in b;ebft 9 ttoentpc in &amp;f pgb t. anb fie fpleb ft totft pure golbe/ 9 bo/aea fte aul tare toift eaar. ana&amp;afomonfpleafteijouretot'ftma!* ID toift put e goioe.ana be maoe gotten bar* res runnea longe fte quere /toijpcb bebab cotter ea in: ft gouia e.ano fte tobble 6' oufe be oner larae totft goutttoitell be baa enaea it. 3riafteaultareftattoa?m querebeouec lapoe totft gouiae alfo.#' anototftm f querebera3aettoo*rjetu bpns of oiptte tree/ ten cubptes b?e a pe/ ana euerp to pnge fpue cubs teg ftat from fte bttermoa parte of one topnge bn* to ft 1 bttermoa parte of ft e oft u toere ten xubrtes. ana fte oftetCberubtoas tm cubptegt fipealfo-foftatbbfte fte Cbctubes toere of cmemearurean&amp;orierpre.cffe&amp;epgbt of fte oneCfftmbtoastencubptes/9fotoasft of $ oftet.anbbeput fte cberubes to tmaa* cnM***** leofpnnerboute*ana f Coerubes Bret* fteb fteir topnges* / foftat fte one topnge offteonetoufteafteonetoall/ anafte one

topnge of fte oftettouftea fte uftet toalle. anafte often ttoo top nges of ft em toucbeb oneanofteetoftempaaeSoffteboure. anb fie oueflapbe fte Cbetubestoift gouiae. 2Cna ail fte toalles of fte rjoufe rounae aboute / be garmeflbeb tot ft to oj cfce of cbe* tubes 9 paulme tree? ana grauenflotojes/ boftetotfttotoftequereanbtotftouttofte temple. 3na fte 8oo?e of fte&amp;ourebe CO ue* tea totft gouiae boftetoiftto to fte querent alfo totftout to fte temple. anb to fte ente* tpng of f querefie mabettoo aojes of olpue treerttf ft fte bpper ana ttoofpcepoaeSfpue equate, ana fte ttoo aozes of oiptte tree /be grauebtofftgtattpngofcbemb', ana Paul* me trees ana gtattea ftoto?es / 9 couercafte totft gouiae/ anblap&amp;e gouiae ouec fte Cbe* tube? ana alfo ft e paulme wees . anb to ip* fiemaheebnto fteaoo?e offtetfplebemaae poses of fpue tre.ttij.fquare / 9 tto dozes of fp?re tree/ 9 efter ao?e totft ttoo fottpnge leues anb geauea fteron Cberubes $aut* nte trees anafloto?es/ ana couerea fte rotft gouiae maaeplapnebp a ruler. . anbftenbe bplteftepmier courte topft ft?e rotoes of fietoeb Bone ana one toroe of ceaattooaa.

* Chatts m, euf to S moneft*5tf/ 9 to .jct.pere to* toteF:K(afo* neft* ultobtftfefte.bto.tnoneftyit to as rtS2% : Wi fpnjtftebtoaUftatpertapnebftetto/ 9 Imtomaal faeibneb as it Biuio be man poptteffc^inOfo jer. . toa0Be,bn.8etetob|ttmgofft.

CfiCfteijyltifns oftf(e||ourcof saJomoR.C(iefiouft ef|a5araol)augtiict. ffiQeftyiM ofthtpjHewpf WaUWof be ?afenftw.c. CC&amp;e,Mj.Cbaptet. j^b^alomSbritebisaioneboute to.]rto.reverpace ana full fpuffteoai lit .ana be bpite fte boute of f to on

I of jubanon / an buna^ea cubpteg longanDfp(eb?oaoe/9ftp^re bpe/ foure fquwe toift totoes of Ceoat pillars/anb ce* baebeamesaiongebponftepptlecK .ana f rouffe toasceaaraboueanbf ebpon f bea* mesftatiapeanbpeonfteppilets/ tobift pplletjs toete fouwie 9 fpue to nomb^e / fpfe teneonasoroe/ anbfterpacesbettoene fte Pallets toere one agapnft anoft er ft?e foibe, ama all fte ao? es rotft ftefpae poftes toete foure tquare one agapnttanoftet ftjefoto. 3nbbemaaeapo;fteofptllerSfpfttecu&lt; bptes longe ana ftfttie cubptes b?oaae: ana petapo;c^ebefo?eftat rotft ppliers / ansa ftpcfieppuer before ftat. -ar&amp;en&amp;e nympg po?cbcto fpttanbtoageto/fpieatotft ceaat ft o?ou outaHfte pauemetes.anbbs atone boufe tobere be bept refpaence to a noftev courtetot'ftoutftatpo?ftetoasofftefame toojcbeJinbften^alomonmaaeanbbure f 0? $baco0aaugbtec * tobtft b^baa tan 1 to %M&amp;&amp; topfe/lpbebnto ftatpo?ebe. nbaH ftefe ftpnges toere of rpfte Sones ftetoea after a meauire-jfatoea toift fatoes . totftto 9bftout / euen fro fte founaacpon bnto ftattobeton fte beames toere iapeo / 9 on f outfpbeftertototoarbe $ great court. 3lnbftefoiinaactontoasofrpfteftonesanD t mpgbtte great ttones of ten cubptes 9 of epgbt . aina aboue toere rpcbe (tones beteeo acco?apngtof &amp;mefpre/9 alfo toift ceoar. ana fte great court rouna about teas topft ft;erotoesof betoebttoneanb one rotoe of of Ceoarpiancbes. ana lpbetopfe toas it to fte pnner courte offteboufe of fte Hotfie 9 of fte pojfte of temple,* ana bpng g&gt;alo fl - MaH5 . mon ttnt 9 fet one ^rram out of cfte/a toe* tf**""'* botoes forme of ftetrpbe of #epbtaltoi/ bp3 fafteebepngeof&amp;rre.i@bicb$ieam toasa craftesmi to b?a(Te/9fuU oftopfoome/bn* berftanamg 9eomtpngtotoo?c8e allmanec oftoo?cSetob;ade, anbbecame to fipnge Salomon anato?ougbtaHbpStoojcbe .fte caattooppllersof b;affeof.?bffi.aftptes a pecebpe/anbaarptigoWii.cubptesmpgbt compare eft er of ft em aboute. ana bemaae .ttoobeebpecesiofmoltenbwaetoretontee toppes of ft e pptters/of fpue cubpt^longea pece Ab gatlano es of tyapaea too;cfie 9 tobo

pesof ftapnetoo?cbefo? fte been pecestbat toere one; fteotbecanob^maae f ppilers/ 9 fo; efter of fte beeapecesa garlanae troo rotoes ofpo*

:' / '

Salomon. tij, _ "^ of pomcgraneteUfo rouer fte fci&amp;au .ana fte beea peces ftattoereonftefoppesof f pfllers toere to;ougbt tt Iplpes to potty ftefpace of foure cubites of ftem.ana po s megrane tes aboue 9 bmtGft on fte to;eften cbapnes tbat compafeo tbempoOle of fte beeapecces toereinnomb?e ttoot)ima?ea on efterbeeapece.anbbefettbpfteppliersto ftepo;cbeofftetempfeyanotobenbeba9tet bpfterpg&amp;tppuer/beeaUebnamefterof 3aftto/9 toben bebaaretbp fteiefteppiiee be callea fte name fter of soa; . ana | top's pes of fteppllerstoere ftusto;ougbttt Ip 5 / tfe g/9fotoasftetr too;6manfttp fpneffbeb. * -vy^ombecaftafee of bme 1 ten cubptes topae fr5 b^mtobjpm anarotonaetncoms pafe/9fpuecubttcsbre.anaaftrpngof.rnr cubftes mpgbt compare it about/ anbbnaet fte b?pm of ft as ft toere apples compared ana emb?afea ft e fee of ten cubptes topfcc to ttoo rotoes ca a rotft ft tobe ft toa ft caaJnb it arte on ttoelue oren : of tobtft ft;e lofiea i902ft/ft?etea/ft?e^&gt;ouft9ft;ea8/9 ft e fee on bpe bpon ftem/ ana all fteir bpn oerpartes toere intoatb. ana ft toas an ftana . bjeaaetb ftpcfte / an&amp;tbe b?pm tojougutfps : . ,,,. |efteb?pmofacup totftfloto^cs of iplftjt. t S^*^contapnea*ttooftoutanb aftes. VS9 a,nft * mm m fi nes of biaffe/foute aMt. : acKff cubptes long 9 foure cubptes b;oaeai&gt;ece/ mm f' 9 fttf bpe . ana ft e too;cbcs of fte botomes &lt;ii SLS^^^on^btSmanetftatftefpaes toere asit I Sm tofrc Bat **M* bettoene fte leages . anb i w-nrnt of on fte fiatt bo^aes bettoene fte leages toere

nn quaepeic Ipons/oren 9 Cberubes .ana bpfl fteleoges w n oto^ atto creaboue9benefttte Ipons 9oyen/ I W(!h toas i opnr b penoant too?cbe.ana enerp bot* torn baa foure b;afcn tobeles / tobore a j:el* trees toere alfo of b;afle.ana to v foure co; iters toere bnaerfetters bnoet fte lauatowe eaaefte otter agapnBWS ftloto. ana aalcbe of ftelauato;pe toas t'n fte mtoaie of f bortome one cubit bpe, ana a m* bpte 9anbalf rofibe/ 9ftbabbnoppesftere ontofbareplacestobftb toere foutefquare . hot rounoe. ana bnoer fte fpbes toere foure tobeleS ana ft eft aneltrees topneb fa 5 to ft e iiottome.anaftebetgbtofeuecptobeietoas acubptcana an (wife, anatbe too;cfiman fttpe of fte tobeles toas Ipse g too^cbe of a ebsret to'jeig Jna fte aitrees/p nauelies/' fpobesanb ftaftes toereall!j fourebnaerfetterstoftefourecomers toere offteberpebottomes. anbbnaer fte aalcbe of fte iattatojpe to f rttp'jaes off bortome toasftere a rounoe rote of baffea cubptbpe. anb fteron plapne Places anti fcoges of fte rerfcanbUe graueo tottepiapne 9 aiffo on ieages/Cberubes/ ipons 9 paufmeftees 1 tmv toSere rounae

.. &gt;*

about.anbonfttsmanftbemaae f tenbofcif :tomscaatoo;c6etaliof one meaftire 9 one fpft.cben^effiaaeten lauers of b?affe con? ^pnpngcfQuape jpaftesapece / anafteg toere of foutecubpt^apece/ fo; euerp oneof * bottomes a feuer^anbbe put fpue of ft ore bottomesonfterpttt corner of fte temple/ ana oftet fpue on Mefte-.anaputftc fee on fte rpgbt comer of fte temple caatoafte 9 totoarocftefeou*. ; ana^iramma*pottes/ftouelleS5ba*

rons/anaroftntflPballfte too^be tbatbe maae fipnge Salomon fb? fte bottfe of fte &amp;ttfcftat 10 to rape/ttoo ppliers 9 ttoof bai* pesof wety $ toere. on f toppesof ttoo ppners/9ftiureftuna?eapcmcgranetesbpo ttoOto;eftis/ttoorotoeSoneftcrto;etijeyto tgm ftettooffiatpes of f beebrs ftatrocre . on fte toppes of fte ttoo ppliers: anbfte tm bottomes of b;aae toift ten lauers bpoftf: 9 a tee toift ttoelue oren bnaerft:9Pottes/d fjoueiies 9 barens. ana all ftere beaeiles tobtcb mam maae to fipugftalomon f o? f t boufe of fte nto?a toere of bjpgbt b?aoe.anb mftepjapneof3o?bapafteftpng cafttbe": euf to fte clape of fte erft bettoene &gt;oco&amp; anb5arftan.anbS&gt;alomonieftalIfteber* feiiesbntoapea/ f 0? fte erceapngabunaancc of b^aOt ftat toas tnftem. 3te&gt; ftaiomonmaoeanftebeaenesftat pettapnebbnto f bouftoffte)Lo;ae: Ml* tare of gottlbe / ana fte table of gouiae tober on $ fteto bftea toas put*, anb fpue cancel* flKfies/fojfterpgbtfpae /ana as manpfo; fte left/ before fte quere/of pure gouiae : ^b aoto^/iatttpes/anofnoffersofgouiae:ani) jBoiies/lwaiterfes/bafons/rpones ana fp?e Pannes of putegoulbe:anabpnges of goulb bofte f 0; p ao?es of ft e quere/fte place moa polpe/anb f o? ft e aojes of fte temple alfo. anaro toas enaea an fte too-cfie g bpnge ^apion maae fo; fte boitfcof fteiLo;oe. ajPbm*aDalem5b;oug6t tofteftpnges .^.i ^ to1ftbauib WsfatberbabDeotcatiftiri m***** uet/gouiae anboftetbeKiiesy 9Putfte to fte creature of fte boute of fte 'jlo;ae. Ufttbt(mplr.(I||tEfmpiciauraift . Cbe.bfti.baptee. en Salomon graft ereb fte el^ oers cf Jfrael/anfte beeaeS of the* trpbesanbaunrtent&gt;Lo?aesoffte .... ftpia;enof3&amp;ael/bntobtmtoq?e= rutaiem/ to b;pnge bp fte atcfte of fte ap*

popntment of fte &amp;o;ae oute of fte cptie of Jaufttobtftts^fon.anasu f mmmu tael aflcmbieDbnto fipnge Salomon to fte fea8ifanefttoBmoneft*ctbammtobtcb **mm IS tbefeuenftmoneft.aito toben ail feiaeis St P ,c n''w* qfaftaei toere come/fte p;eaaes tofie bp ttje

afccfieof ]M&gt;;W;ou$tft$airo$taUernacle oftottneffc 9 alt $ Bolpe beffens tocre ftetin.ana $ p;e ftes a ftekeuitesbjouglrt: ftem top. ana ftpnge Salomon ana all fte cogtegacion of ffrael ft at toece aflemblea/ ami ton* toift turn before fte^tcfie/ apa of* fetftepe ana own ftatcouloe not be tarn hof nombzea fo? muftituae. amafo ftep?ettes b;ougbt fte 3'rcfie of $ apopntmentof fte jLo^aebnto ftt's place-.eue* / into fte quere of fte temple ana place moft Borp/bnaett&amp;e topnges of ftec&amp;erubes.#o? fte C&amp;erubes ftretftea oute timr topnges ouer ft e 3trcge / ana couereo bofte it a alfo ftettauesfterof a BpebpSitJjotobe itfte ttaues torn f longe ftat ft e enocs of ftem apperea out of fBolp place before fquere/ rabitftoerenotfenetotftoutjtibftereftepbe a. ffifje tccbnto ftis aape, Ina ft ere toast 8 noftpnge in jnig&amp;t uc amog fte Sitcfie faue the ttootaBles of (tone toBift t^cfurc flEofesputftereatl&amp;ojeb/toftenfteilojae SSttSSSSftt MS*****! ***"* fount.c. I Yrj.c'3fraflaftMtbestoerecomeoutof(g?pt. ' 8um.w9.j1. 3inBtoBenfte pzeaftestoere come outof imammW ft e $ol? place/ft en a clou&amp;e fpllea fte ftoufe ** offtekotfe/ftatftepjeattescoutoenoten* Dure to mpniftet beeaufe of ft e clouae: f 0; glo;ieoffte&amp;o;aeftaafplleatfie Boufe off &amp;o?a.cBenfpa6e&gt;aiomo:fte'ito?arapae/

g Be toblbe BtoeHe in bau e bplt f an&amp;oufe tootoeile m/$an"Babttacii} fo? f to aftiae in fo? e uerJna ft e ftpng tumea Bis eace 9 bleffea anfte congregation offfrael/ all fte eggtegacion ftanapng. %m be fapae. JSleffeabe jLo?ae oa of ^ftael/tobicft mma*d&amp;&amp;5 m *!PS l * &amp;***&amp;*/ tftat fte fpafie BBKT* lagjw*^ bnto auta mp fafter fapig: ftfi fte aare % b?ougftt nip peojiiegfrael out of fgppt,"3 cftofe no cptpe amoge ah? of ft e ttpbesofg-frael/tobuplaeanfioufe/ftatrap namempgfttebeftere: tfutfftaue eftofen aula to be ruler ouermp people SJftael. . 3tnbit toasin fteftert ofauiampfa* ftet/roBpiaean ftoufe fo?fte name of fte jLo;ae&lt;Eioaof gjfraei. 35ut fte ju&gt;#ei5oa lapae bnto auia mp faftet:in it teas in ftprnftrotobpiae an ftoufe fo? mp name/ tBouapaefttoell/ ftat ftou toaa fompnoEa. iSeuerftelefleftou ftaltnotbpibefteftoure/ butftpfonne ftat ftalleome out of ft? lop* nes /be ftaUbpiae anftoufe fo?mp name. ainbfte)io?oebaft maaegooa bi? too?ae ^ ftefpaBctf o;9 aoaebp in$ totomeof a* iiiamp faftet/a fate on fte feate of g|ftael/ m ft e JLo?fiep?omea/ Baueb pftah Boufe f o? fte name of ft e %offi &lt;Boa of |frael. ainb 3 ftatte pjepatea tftetin a place fo?fte3itcHe tobm'n couenaQt of fte )Lo?a 10/ tobicb be maae to wire fafteru / aftee be ftaa b?ougftt m out of fte latib of m WM% %&gt; alomori

ttobe befo?e auO^te of fte jiLo;a in $ ftgbt of allftecongtegacion offfraei 9 fttetcftea outbijs biaegtoftetie ^fapae: jio?ae oa of 3fracl/fteteiffno ooblifie inbeue about o^infteetftebenefte/g bepeaappopmmft 9 metcpe-ttftp feruaete? toalcbe befoje fte tbauftewftetee^-.toftjcb alfo ftattftcpte ttftpfetuauntei auiamp faftet/^ ftou P^ometeaa bimebou fpaaett -i&gt; ftpmoufte abaftfuBfplleattftpneftana/ajsitiis come *.* to paffe fti0 aape.lCna noto %m 00 1 *u tael/aepett ftpftruaat TBmin mp faft er/ f&gt; ftoupjomeftbea bun taping: ftou ftaltnot Be toift out one 01 oft ec bef o?e mc/ fpttpnge

onfte feate of 5Bfrael :^oto be itpf t&amp;p ftpi* Wen ftall taBe beat to fteft toapesi ftat fte? toatcfee before me/ as5 ft ou ftatt toalc&amp;ea be* fo?e me.iUoto ften &gt; jlo?ae oa of gjftaei/ letftptoo?ae be ttabie toftpcijftou fpafiett bnto ft p feruaunt &gt;aufa mp faftec. KS-^utinaeaoe can oa atoelte on erftef jeeboiae neftet Beue/no? beue aboue an Be* uen^ateabieto contapne fte: Boto mocbe tedeften ftijs Boufeftata Bauebplte^but toueto fte p?apet of ftpfetuaunt Bfe fup* plicacion ?Lo?ae tup ob/to geue an eate bneoftebopee ap;apettoBift ftp ftwaunt p;apeft befojefteftiK bape/ ftatftpneepe? mape be opmbpo tBipboufe nig&amp;t 9 bape/j i)pon fte place/of toBicbftouBaftfapos/mp name ftalbe fterc:ft at ftou BetBen bnto fte pwpet tobift ftpfewiafit ftait p?ape in ftte place.3CnbBet6e bnto uipplicacton of ftp feniafftanaofftppeoplejlfraet tobicBftep ami p^ape^iftijs place^nabeate ftou bp bntoBeufftpbtoeHpng place/ frto&amp;en ftou BeatettBauemetcpeanbpfanpmattefpace agapnftBisnepbouw/aBfenepboute*tafierffl6ii(it/3f an abiuracton to abiutebim U all/a f abut* Vmff mti5 comebefo?eftineaultateatftf0Bouref fc * ften fterfie ftou bp to fteue/a too?be a mage mm - .. ftp femauty ftou cSaempe fte topefsea to b?fgBtoapebp5 B#&amp;a/aiufteffe$rigft* teoug to g eue Bim accojoftato big wabttoefe !e/iBeftppeople3fftaeibeputtoitoo;ffe ief5?efteit enempeg/becaufeiftepftaue fin* %*#&amp; nebagaintt/ aftettoaraeturneagapnetooff im^ tl P?apfeftpname/ap?apeamabefuppli^ p*" eacp5bnto mftfe'Boufe:ften BeatetBouK^'f, bpto.BeugabemerciftiUbnto fpnne of tJpSSS people &lt;$mt\i ab;ingfteagapne bntomZlmm lanbe toBicB ftou gaueft bnto ft e it faft erjs. no n u 3f fteauen belbutt bp/ftatftere be Hd"SSS! rapne/becaufeftep Bauefpnnebagapnft (sSfSSS pet ?f ftepp;ape in ftiuplace anbp?apfe ftp "&amp; , S&gt; name ana tame from fteie fpnneg/fto^ototiiciicrifftf


ftp foourgpng of ftem-^BtnBeare ftou bp f f 'M tofteaul / anbbe metcifultbnto fte fpnne of gjgg ftpfttuailte? aof ftppeople^frael/i ftoti gSS

wewe tBu a boob ttape to toaifie in/a geue 06.1 tapne


^alomott. ^ rapgnebponftpianoeftatftouBaftgeuen bntoftppeopleto enBetet. gf ftete c&amp;aunce bacft in fte ianb / peQi* lence/blaCpng/o? topftetpng of co?ne / o? i ffrutegbeoeuouteaof dESraffioppens 0; Ca* uw/ttetaw Pf fteit enempes beftge fte in fte ISO a in ft etc atone ei&gt;tf es/oj toBatfoeuet pjage o? fpefineae cBaunce : ften Beare ftou bptofteauc ftpatoeilingplace/allf p;apers ana fitppitcaciang t ftalbemabeof all men ; fto;oto out all ftep people attael / tobift tball finotoleage euerp man fte plage of big atone bett/a ttretcbe fo?ft B^ftSo^bnto ftis - Boufe/abemetcpfuii/anatoo?cfie/anagtue euerpmSacco;aigtoBiStoapeS{eueasJftou oneip finotoeft euerp mannesftert/fo? ftou Bnotoeft tftc bettes of all ft e cftplo?f of WtiSl g ftepmape feate fte asiongeas ftep ipue fepo erft toBift ftou gaueC bnto fteit fa* ftewOnaipltetopfepfa ftsaungetg isnot of ft p people gftaei com e out of a fatte con* ttep fo^ tyv namesfafietfo? ftep ftan Beare of ft p great name a of ftp mpgfttre Banaana fttetcBeboutairme)anafterfo?epf Become a p?ape at fte? piace/Beate ftou bp f beaue

ftp atoeltpng piaceanaao acco?apnge to alt ftatfte araungercaileft toftefo; :ftat4lt nacpoiwi of fte erft mape finotoe ftpnamc/ to f eare fte a? 00 ft p people afrael/ ana ftat ftmapebeHiiotoenftatfttsj boufe rofttcb 1 baue bplt i$ callea after ftp name. 3na toften ftep go out to battel! agapnft fteirenemte^tobefterfoeuerftoinDaltfenb ftem/aftallp?apebnto fteXo?ae totoarae fte cptie tofticl) ftou Bad ftofen ana totoara fte Boufe ci;at iftaue buplt fo?ftp name: Beare ftou m ir papers ana fupplicacions/ bp to Beauen/aua iuage ftet'r caufe. 1* 3Dno ftnaiip toften ftep fljalt Baue fpnnea agapnftfte(fo?fterei0 no manftatfpnneft not) a ftou art angrpe toift ft em anbBatt ae fpuereb fte to ft eir enempeg/ tbatftep be ca* rpeaatoapep^pfoners bnto fte lana of ftefc enempes/tobetftEr ferre o? neare/ pet pf ftep iumeagapnebntofteirBettee in fte tanbe toftere ft ep be in captiuite / ana returne ana P?ape bnto fteinfte lante of fte ftat Boioe fte captiue/fapinge: toeftaue fpnnea aBaue bonetopcBeaipe aBauetrefpacea/a fo ttwne agapne bnto fte toift all ft eir Bertes ana alt fteit foules in f 18b of fteit enempes toBicB Bolbe ftem captptie/ana p?apebnto fte/ to* toataefte lana tobift ftou gaueft bnto tfteit raftetg/a totoataefte cptie tobicft ftou Baft eBo&amp;n/an&amp;boufe toBicft % Bauebpltfo? tbp iiame:ften bere ftou ftep?apet afuppiica ciott bp to Beauen ftp btoellpng place/a iuo* geftetr caufes / ana be mercpfuii bnto ftp people ft at baue fpnnea agapnft fte/ ana bn toatlftetttrefpaceg ftep Baue ttefpaeeb

agapnft fte/ana get ft e fcuoure in fte fpgbe of ftem $ botaefte captpueftat ftepmape Bauecompaapononftem. iffojftepbeftp^ people ana ftpne enBetitaunce toftift ftbu^ biougBteftout of cgppt / frg * folate otmm taxi Vfon. anaiettftpne epegbe open bnto fte p?aper of ftp fetuaunt a bnto fte pjaper of ftp peopleaftaet/to Berfie bnto ftem / in an ftatftepcauebntofte fo? . &lt;jfo? ftou apaeft f eperat ftc/to be ftpne enfteritaunce/aboue allftenacposoffteerft/asftou tapaeftbg fteBanaeofa9ofeftpferuaunt/toBeftou b^ougBteft oute fafters oute of cgppte

jto^aegjeftouaB. 3inatoBett)alomonBaBmaaeanenaeof p;aping all fti0p?aperarupplicacton bnto fte % o?ae/ fte atofe from befo?e aultare of WmM 9 from ftnelpng on Bis finees ana fttetcBpngofBisBanaeSbpto fteaue aftoae a bleffeball fte congtegacpon off fraet toift alouaebopcefaping:35ieceabefte %qm $ BaftgeuenreftebntoBpspeople ffrael ac* co;apngetoallftatBep?omefeai*fo $ ttMtMta a a i not one too^e efcapea of an fte gooa p?o* *"** uteres tofticB Be p?omefea bp fte Baa of flo KSBtSteruaunt.3Dnbfte fUofit oure&lt;5oane toft bs/as Be teas toift oure rafters/ a fo?* faBebsnotnefterleuebs/ butftatfiebotoe mire Bertes bnto Bpm/totoalcfie in anBps toapes/a to uepe Bis comaunaemetes/ oM* tiaaces ana cuftomes toBicB Be effmaunaeb outefafterOnaftefemptoo/aestoBift 1i Bauewapeabefo?efte)Lo?ae/benpebntof fmbc fte caufe of BPS feruaunt ana of BPS Wleaftael euermoje/ftatallnaepons of of fte erft mape finotoe ftatfte jLo?ae/fteis oa ana none mm. 3inb3! p?ape oaftat poureBertesmapeberiwnaeto^ ftejLozae SMS? 'J f toaBrso?apnauncesana to fieBeBts latoes as toe ao ftis aape. JgrtWi ana aiigifcaei toift Wo/ of* feteaoferpngesbefo?efte,o?ae.*ainafte Amm fa , . peaceoffeiTnges ^alomonoffereabnto f *"** *o;ae/toere.rj,ftoufana orena anbiiazca 9 ttoentp tb oufana ftepc : aina f fte Burnt a an fte ftpia?en of IftaelbeaicateafteBoufe pfftejLo?ae.3na fte fame aape fipng Ba* lotoebftempaaieof fte courteg isbefo?e 5 Boufe of fte&amp;ozae:fo? ftere be offierea burnt* owrpnges 9 meateofferpnges 9 ft e fat of 5 peaceofterpnges / becaufeg b?afen aultare ftat teas before fte )lo?a/toas to iptie to re* ceauefte bumtoflrpnges ameateoftrphgeS anafte fatt of ft e peaceofterpnges. 1 3naalomonBeloetBatfametpmean Bpe feaft aaligjfraei toift Bim/a migbtie co* gtegactou/euen from fte coftes of fflemafti bnto fterpuer of cegPPte / before fte %,ow oweoB/feufbapesapetteuenaapeS/^is tut/, ftiii.

r alomon,

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tij, tfiff.&amp;ape* Jttt $ Affj.base&amp;efent people totbmtmtejstopoufeaglsatn ^ettefoj.trti - &lt;^iocapc8cetOtQtrccon&amp;^mcto^ati&gt;moa.S^iomongmct^i Coynes to ^u-am.^c^naaites be comctirpl)Utaacs^cCcnO^at)ippcsf^SOUloc.^t t|ldct&amp; man?c?tic6 CCbe.i;r.C(ptet, - r^^Ii5Dtt!)pn^aJomon baafgruftyea * M^taie btfapng of ttfeboufe of $ &amp;o?&amp; g.jdflca*b9. c - #||W|attt oi^e&amp;pngcjS palace / 9 of all tfje Ho;ae appetta bnto fjftu agapne / ass be appereoto^macdesabaon, Snat&amp;ejLojae fegabntoftpm:a^aueBear&amp;c^pp;apccatta : ftitwefftong ttjoumaaeft JjeCoaeme/s&amp;aue jjalotoeattHSfjottfe to#d&gt; t&amp;ouljafte bj?lt / to tttttntpnamet#refo?euer9nrpneepegana t^outoWtto|lc6ebcfo;eme/ag J0auwtftp fa#ertoaic&amp;eb/jin puteneifcfl|l}e 9 ptepi? neflfr/toaoan gs&amp;auec5maunbeatf)e/^ Salt fecpe mpne pmnmntt$ 9 cuttom^v tUm % tojli (tab tffte f eate of tb r Simgaom #*KMM bpSWteeJfoieuet/asjPJomefeDtoJBautti # fl&amp;at&amp;er tapfg:*cbou ftaitnot be tmtijout one ot otfjer bpoitt&amp;efeate of gcrael. = JBut ??fpeana?oint cbiiaje (ball tutne atoape from afterme/9all noe&amp;epemjne o.'binaucfg to^chSi^aueRc &amp;efo3ei?oii/bue all go 9ftrue ogjerdBoa&amp;S 9 bote youre fid ueg bnto tbe:tEjeu3i togll toeeaeg ; ftael out of

tyt iabe tobieb 3 baue geu;ett #em. 3n&amp; tb* "ioufeto#c&amp;g;|&gt;aue (jalotoea foj rajname/ topii put out otmvfy&amp;tMtib #ftael aU ieap?ouetbeaafab!eomoaUnaci60,3itD jeettf.***.c. (Wboufe tob*$ Sol) je / *all patte bprt jetmicttu pmlbt aftcftfea 9 all bpffe$fa?e:tobbat&amp; WMirt* tbe 1Ua Dealt on-bi* nanec tf&gt; tbtg lanae 9

feftg #13 bouf e?#na it (balbe anttoerea #5/ becaufe tfjep fo?fofte tfje Ho?ae t&amp;eft o&amp; * to^cbb^ug^ttbm'fatbwjsoutoe^ciaaof . &lt;CB?Pt/*&amp;auctafi5&amp;oiaebpoitot^(gsoiaejS . 9l)auettoupcabntobm?rerueDt$em^eifc fo;e9a^t^eiLo^eb?ougbtbpStdeat^!0 * well ^c&amp;enat tH)z enae of ttoentse fetes in &amp;lar&amp;fc&amp; to&amp;ie&amp; ^aImnonf&gt;aabplttbettooboufe/ fe to toete/t&amp;e &amp;oufe of t&amp;e %m 9 w ftjnsK palace;becaufc Jjjtram fljefii?ng ofcfceftft fiippo;teabrmte Ceaat/f^re 9 gouiae / as moc&amp;e ass ije aet&amp;efct&amp;erfoje &gt;alom5 ague tyttam.nsvtitu in tbelanae of mUHMm to^e^iramtoa^come ftocfreto fe $ title* boblcb&amp;aiomon^aageuf^tm/^eppieafeo gbtmnot tbetfb?ebefajae:tobatcptfe? are tfjefe tobfc&amp;tbou&amp;aftgweme/mpb/ot&amp;etf abecaHeatbemtbelanaofCabultbnfottim aape^W'ramtjaa fent fif W, fBoje

tjuo; ea toaEg^t of goutoH'tiat^ # mtummt of ttgbute/tofttc^ btm Salomon x&amp;n fan to bflt* QtbouCe of tb e %mt mW$ atone ^ouce/ana #eio 9 tbe toaiie? o^eruralem/ snai^e?er/ana9ageDo/anaa!ei\ tf o?19l)aoBpns of &lt;eg?pt tomtbpanb tofic &lt;Ba?et ^bumtittoitb f^e/ana Cue tlje Canantte? g atoeltlntftecptie/^gaueftfo; a patent bnto bfe aaugb tec t^at toais alo* monj3 tc pfe . Ino Salomon belt ffia?ei' ana 55e^o^ontftenetbet.anaaalat^ 9 &amp;a= marm^etopiaemeffe t tisrrtt$eianae:$ an

tbeftoo?ecttte0 ^ ^alomobab/^eftiejsfo? ftigc&amp;atetteis/fcatfess fo?i)tjiS^o?fcmen ail # bw luft toajj to bjiae (n gerufate m&amp;U banon anam ail tfje lana of b^Syngaome. 26naali Bjepeopietbat tocteiefte of t&amp;e gebufttes/tobici) toeue not of t^e (fytfbjtn of ftael/fte cftplaje of cbe rapae nac^on? tbat toweleftetotbelanae/becaufe tbecbpia^en oflsfcael toere notable to aeftrove tbcm/bpa ^&gt;alomoma6etrpbucarpeS bnto tfyig aaje* 3no of ttje cftpia^cn oJ^ttael apa Salomon malenobonaemen. jeuttbeptoere men of toatre ^ bwfetuaunteg ariabrs io?a?g ana Cap tajne? 9 rulatS of bfe cbatttt^ $ of lj{0 ^o?ffeme,3Cna tbefe manpe lofttt ouemiBe tbetoo?cfiebaa fealonton/f?uebuna?ea ana fpftpe/tobwbwlcotljepeopietfjattojougW in t^etoo?c6e. Sdnapbaraofiaaug^te^ camebpouteof cptieoejBauiabntQtbelioufe w^rc^ S&gt;a lomobaabjit fo?bet, Snaaftertbatbe bplt flp^o.aJtiat^ireavEreaprj Salomon oSec burntoffwpngeganapeaceofferpngeiJ bpon tbe aultare to^'cb ^ebafibfltbneo tbejLo:a/ to bavne tfyz f art $ erom tobicb aultare is be fo?etijeia,o?ae, ' , ana tobm 8tng Salomon baa maac tbe boufeperfecte/bemaaeiSippefi in 3?tona ber tobul) i&amp; befpoe &lt;lotb/ont^e b^ncfte of #etearee,uitf)eianaeof&lt;&amp;om Jna^irants . ;' fentbp fttppe alfo of bFS feaiaunteg; tbaf toerettipmenana ttpttttntb* fee/toy tb fetuaunteg oc Salomon. 3nb tfjep teen t to fl)pbtt fetfromt^cncegoula/to $ fumme of.fW,buna?eaana.wMalentf5/9b;ougbC ft to Salomon. CCbc^iuencof&amp;a^afomcftfrom^tljtfccmolI o(Zc0 of ttic tan&amp; to Dmrc an o iCc tfee \npfto m of 5&gt;a# lomon.o:{jc?er!prcuenucB nnb rentes of Salomon. t&amp; ffconexttCDplltflof Bou$/ijm*ttc&amp;&lt;m(femcii/ wioabounoancc of Cplucr. C^^e^.fibflptei'. liSa^equfnecf^aba^araof^eitojn3cme of Salomon eoernipns ;tbenamecftbe;to&amp;e/anacameto ptmm toitb tpaeiiejs.afnaibe

cametpoimiGileintt amrgbrtegmittmiltt tuU of camelled t&amp;at bare f tpete oaottres 9 gouiae

#j)( (^tteite of

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gouffiecyceaDpng nmft/9 PWioott ftoneis. anoto^en D;e toagfeome to Salomon / fte comutjcD tuit^ i)fm of all f teas w ftee ((, ani&amp;alomo ejcpoODeDftreall^aQueQejS/ ftattfiEie toast not one t^pns&amp;paa from t&amp;'e fipngc to^pci) \)t ejepounoeo ftcrnot. anoto^en tfte queue of&gt;aba&amp;aUfcne all Salomons toiC oome $ tyetjoufe tijatlje^aQ OFK/^t^cmeateof^taWei^ t^efyttpnsse offtrgfewaunteiS/?^e ttan&amp;pig or&amp;i? fec= ugtsuress $ tyefteappareH/ij&amp;te buteeierjs/ anoft faefpfpeetfiatfte offereafti tfleftoufc of f ft-o;8e/il)etoa0aftonies.cftenaefai to tfte apngf :ttoo?oe36aj:De inmpie atone lanoe of tftvtieoesi anototfiwme/ijJttue.Soto be it a beleued it not /mi % came 9 fato it

tottb mpne c?e0 . Sn&amp;tt/t&amp;t one half e toa^ ^nottoloeme:fo?t&amp;ptot'fT&gt;omeanbgoobne *pceabetf) t^e fame to^ icb 3 bearoe. 0appp ate tap men : ano bapppe are tbefe t&amp;p fet* jtaunteg / tofie rt) ttance euer before *e and fteace tbp tetftome Jno bum be t&amp;e )io?Be : lb? &lt;^oo tofe?c&amp; ^ao a iuft to tbe / to fete tbe on ti&gt;e f eate of ^fraei/becanft tbe )lo?oelo* tub %tnei tot ewer / anu tbetfo^ maoe tfte ftpnseytoooequttean&amp;tsabttoflheae. ano tye gaue t&amp;e bpiige an bitnojebanb IRC.taientes ofgouiDe/anbof ftoete oaouteis crce&amp;jmg mocbe/9 p?ecfoufe ttoneg. l&gt;e came neuer after focbe abounoaffce of ftoete mutts a? flhient of &amp;ahs gaue to sing Salomon.3n&amp; t&amp;erto tbe tppe? of ^ftam icicase g? tb ?8bt gouloc from fl&gt;pbtc7 b?ougbt Kc from W 8at plent^e of *3lrauge tre i a, p;ectoufeaone2.anbfipnge$&gt;alomSmaoe eft&amp;eaimuge trees pflleejs m tbe boufe of Jlo?De sin tbe Bpngeg parace / gunabe bar^ peg aptaiteries fo? fpngets.cbere came no moare aimuge trefo / no? teas anpe moate : fenefantotb^&amp;age. ano spnge Salomon . gaue bnto pflDuene of &gt;aba all bet oetee t&amp;at(beafbeDofbpm:befpoes g be gaue bee ^6 W atone &amp;ano. anu fo fte rettitneD bnto &lt;&amp;&amp;eratonecountre?to#&amp;berfmiaunte3. . betoe?g&amp;tof goulu t&amp;atcame to^a* fomom one ?'ere/^Dtb?e fboze of goufte/befFbes tbatbebab of c&amp;apmenano of mewbauntes of ^otwa* vmtwm tbe wg$ of atawe 9 of f tlo?* .. besof IcoatrcF.anbftpng^aromSmabe ttoobfiWeDbouftelers of beat? gouloe/bi.bff b?eofwl5 of gottioe tofttoa botiftelcr.amjbe maoe t&amp;?e btmottb pl&amp;es of beate gouloe/ tb?epounaofgou!be gopngtoa pece/put t&amp;emftitbe boufeof tbetooob of jitbanon. anb fipng maoe a greatCeateof %uone anb coaeeebtt toitb p;ecpousgolbe. anb tbe feate &amp;ab Hire teppes.anb toppe of ceate toas rounbe bebmbe &amp;is bacfie toptb primer* U m etbee fgoc on tbe piace tobere be fatte/


aubttoox^onsi aanbpngbeftDe^ponieiies, ano tiwe ftooe.ictj.jiLponson the ftepp"/ b.on a ffbe.cbev toas none rpbe tenem anp 6wgbomeJnbaU8ptges&gt;aromon0b?mc* amg beoeues toere of goulb/a all tbe bedel. les of tbeboufe of tbe tooob ofjLibanon toere of puregoulbe. anb as fo? fpluer it toas no^ g?ngtoo;tbeintbebaKS of Salomon, im &amp;&amp;J&amp;F2&amp;Myte *W babintbe cee/toitb tbe mtppes of ^iram/came euewe WW pere laoen \o&amp;b goulb/fpluet/ Jhojw apesanupecocRes *anbfofipngefealomS ^ ... ewabebaritbefipgesof ettbenTncbeffe^Sr^ 9toifbome.anba too?ibrefo?tebto 4a lomon/tobeare bis toifbome/tobtcb&lt;cobbab Pitt mbis &amp;m.anb tyougbt btm euerp man. BiSp;efent/beireKesoffpiueranbofgoulbe/ anb of rapment /barneoe 1 ftoete oboures/ bo;ffes anb#tes/pere bppereJnb &gt;afo* raongeat&amp;erebtoget&amp;er cbarettesanb bo?* femf:fo tbatbe&amp;aaatbouranb anb.iitj.bun* 2?? fb^tes/anb .)rti.tboufanbbo?remen/ to&amp;pc&amp;bebeftotoeb m the cbarete epepes anb topftt&amp;cBFngeatgiraifalcm. *anb tbe fipngemabefpftier in aerufalem as prenteous as ttones/ anb Ceoar asplen* -- , eeottte as tbemuiberp trees mat gtoto feme W 88 ***** oareps, anb S&gt;alom ons &amp; o?ffes came out of Cgtp te from 13 etia: fte marc&amp;autes feet ft e" &amp;ometiaatap?pce. acbaretcameoutof Cgtpte fo?.m.bunb?e8rtes of fpittee / 9 an bo? fo?anbunb?ebanbfiftie.anbeuenfo op tbebanbes of t&amp;e fapbe marc&amp;auteS/bo?f* fWtoerc b?oug&amp;t out f 0? air tbe bpnges of getbfteSanafo?t&amp;e&amp;pngesof)t tt a. e Cfeaionwn Ijaf b ftuf 5un6;rtttunitB ana ttittbmu MO C8notbpneB/t5(l) tmig 8 im (o JBoIat wt. is cbejr.CBaprer. ,5tfimgS&gt;aiomoroufbmanpout* a lanotfte toemen -.the baugbttr of s Pbarao:9of^oabttes/ammo imtesy&lt;Domites/ 3tbom'f es s &amp;e*

t&amp;ttes/eue cf naciosof .tobiclj f jLo?befapbe bntojcbt!b?ecf3ifraer/repecomenot8tt&amp;g *" no? let t&amp;em come to pomfo? fureiptbep toil! tumepoiitebertes after n)etr oboes. #e* uertbelegetp roc&amp;e Salomon cttue a fell in loue tt tbe.*anbbe&amp;abfeu5 bunb?eb*berp mm c; snuenesatb?ebfib?ebc5mbm5to&amp;tcbtui;neo *a|e atoapebbert. ! jfo? tobe^aromo toasolbe/*^^ bis tomes tumeb &amp;is &amp;erte after otbcr&lt;!5obS: [o $ bPSberttoas not perfectels tbe Ho2oe b d5ob/as toas &amp;crt of autbbts fatber. anb&amp;aromo forotoea aaarotb t&amp;e teob of ge 5tbons/a %tico t&amp;e aWjomuia0 of t&amp;e ^ . ammpmtes . anb Salomon to^ougbttup* * ficbneje m tbe fpg&amp;t of t&amp;ejLo?be a cStmuea mafteetbeH,o?beasb!b^au%&amp;tsfatber. ft g Salomon bpit an alter fo?bamos - : '--*6k tbeab*

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* I

[lottton, nj, tbcabbommacion of tbe SpaWte gin $ bill ttjat ftattoetb bef oje gieruCalem/9 tontoflo* Iccb tbe ab&amp;ominacton of tbe cbtia?e* of 3m= mon.anblp&amp;ctoife Dpbbefojatlbfcoutlan* opilbe tomes tobicb burnt cenfe anb offerea tmtotbeit 4&amp;oa*.c&amp;en tea* tbe:no?aangrpe tottb Salomon becaufe bfS bert turneafro ' tbe &amp;o?DecscaoRftaeltobicbappereD bnto #mttoitt/9gauebnnac6argeoftbf*tb?roj tUat be qmiae not folotoe otber o&amp;3 . 5Sutfie8eptnottbattobicbetbejlo?aecom&lt;= maun&amp;eabfrmtoberupon tbeno?aefapaeto ^alomomfojasmocfteaistUissisitioneDE?/ anatboubaftnotaeptempnc appointment ana mpne o?apnaunce* tojjtcb g baue c8ma unbeatbe/tberfo?c a toill rent tbe fimgbome from t&amp;e/9 toill geue it to tbP feruaunt. $ot C toptblranapngtn tbpbapeuf. topllnot aoft/ b ecsufe of auto tbp father -. but topu tafte ftfromtbpfotme.1otobeit3!to?llnQttaBe atoapeall:3Butto#i geue one trpbeto tbP fonne/becaufeof autompferuaunt 9 be* caufeofSierufalemtobfc&amp;eibauecbofen. an o )lo?oe fterea top an abuerterpe bnto imxsmto. Salomon / one HJaoaaan ccaomfte 9 of the mgejSlpgnageof&lt;Oo.!ffo?tobeautotoa* in &lt;tab7 9 loan cap* tapne of tbe bode teas; gone'bp to burpe tbeg toere flapne:9 bab dap ne anp^ ebtto?e^ H&gt;om.&lt;Jfo?.bf.monetbefS op&amp;loab remapnetbete 9 all jfrael / tpllbe baa aearopea all f men cbi'Rne in &lt;EDom,am&gt; tbi#aaabflea ecerte otber cEbomt'te* of W fatbens feruaunte* tottb bun/to go to cgfpt ^ababbepngpetalptlelab. anatbeparofe out of Arabian ana toe nt to ^baran/ 9 to&amp;e men toptb tbem out of Pbaran ana came to jgppte bnto Pbarao bpnge t&amp;erof / to|pc^ ^gauehimanboure/anDapopnteDbtmbitai* lessanbgauebimlanae*. . anb $a&amp;aa gat great fauottre in fpg&amp;t of fbfyftao/fo tbat be gaue bpmto topfe tbe fpCee of W atone toife/tbc fptter of cbaba* pbnejstbeiUuene,ana fptter of cbabapb* ne0 bare bpm &gt;enubatbb# fonne. ana cbabapbne^ toenebbtm m Pbarao* boufe. anbbe teas in $barao$ boufe amonge tbe tonne* of barao . anbtoben^ababbearb

fapefh egfpte $ auto toas lapbe to flepe tottb W fatbe wi/anb tbatgioab tbe captapnc oftbebotttoagDeebalfo/befap&amp;etoPbarao ret me oepartev $ 1 mapego to mpne atone coutrepe.ben fapbPbarao bnto bim: tobat lacfiett tfjoubeate toptt) me/f tboutool&amp;eft go totbpne atone countrepe:' anbbefapoe/ nctbmg:boto be ttletme go/ana oaaerea bpanotfjsr abuerfarp/one!Ba?ontbefonne of ciataaa/tobpcb fleb from$aaabe?erfipng of 5 obab bfc matter. Jbfcb JRason geatbe* re&amp;menbntobfm 9 be came eaptape ouee tye companre/tobm jgiauto Sue tbem, ana

tbef toentto jsamafco anbbtoeft tbertn/9 rargneb m l^amafco Jtnbbe toag an abuer* farv to^fraelaHtbeaapeg of Salomon/ to tbeeueU^ababbio/tobpcbab0;reb31frael anbrapgneom^ma. 3na feroboam tbe fonne of $abat an qe CPb;atbt'teof 5arebab (tobofe motbertoass callei)5eruab9toajatosbotoe9be &gt;aiomonUferuaunt)*Kftebpbfebanbagainft ,,,., tbebtngeJno berofcamtt/tbat belifte tfmSSS b is banb agapta tbe bpnge .Salomon b^t m mutm, flpclo ?menaeab?o6enplacc)3mtbe citteof auibbts fatbet . Inat&amp;fcfelotoeferoboS toa? an acttueman.air) tobe^aloraon rate tbe pounge man/iftat be to?ougbt fo luftelpe rntbetoo?fte/bemaDebfmrulerouer an tbe cbarseg of tbe boufe of lofepb Jinb ft cbafc* tea at ceafon/aggteroboam toa^gone out of gierufalem/tbat ft)e p;opbet3tbtab $ g&gt;U lonfte mettbunbp tbe toape/baupng anetoe mantell on bfm/9 tbe? ttoo alone tn felbe. %m Sbiab caugbt tbe neto mateil tbattoa? onbim 9rent ft wtttoeluepece0/9rarbeto .ii p* geroboa-.tabe tbe ten pecess . $ o? tb fa?tb iff gfi? m %ow Ob of 3ftael:bebolb/i topllrent *&gt;&amp;$&amp;' ty mngoome outpf tbebanbeis of ^alomS uciocwrettn, anbtopugeuetentrpjbe0totbe/anbb^ fbaUgwunii ; baueone/fo?m? feruaunte autwfabe 9 *&amp;*&gt;* fo;iemfalemtbecftietob&lt;cb ilbauecbofen ffiS out of all tbe tcpbeis offfrael: becaufe tbep SI.T3S bauefo?fafienmeyanbbaue botoeo tbem feu f uj. a.anj uejJbntoaiabarottjrbe ob of fte3ioon!S/9 ^^r. to Camo3 tbe o&amp; of m fltDoabfte$/am&gt; to ^tlcom tbe &lt;$o&amp; of o)e cbiia?en of atramon/

9 baue not toalfieb in my toapes / to bo tbat pleafetb me/anb imjne o?bf nauncess anb eu ftomess/ass apo auto bf g fatber. ^otobeft gi torn tabe none of tbebpng* Dome out of W bab:but topn mabebtm cbe* aSe all b rpfe longe/fo? auto mp feruafto teg fafie/tobtcb 3 cbofe : becaufe be bept mp cSmaunbementeg 9 o;bmacesJ.5But5! toil! cab e tb e brngbome out of b&amp; fonne* banb 9 tofll geue bnto tbe ten rrpbeg of ft : anb tojn geuebt* tonne one/tbat auto mpferuaunt majebauealpgbtalltoape befo^emetnf t* rufaiem/tbectttetobptb | baue cbofenme/ to put mp name tbere.3Bnb lloffl tabe tbe/9 tbou ftaltrapgnebponalltbattbp foule&amp;e* fpretb/9ffialtbebfngeouergifrael. SDnbpf^ tbou fbalt betben bnto all n)at % comaunbe rbe/9Q)alttoalftemmptoape*anbbo tbatt* rtgbtmmpfnjbt/tbattboubepe mpne o?* btnaunce* 9 commaunbemente*8Siautb mpferuauntbto^bentoplllbetoftb tbeanb bptbtbe anboufe tbat all contpneto 4 a* ' bpltfo?mpferuauntauib/9totllgeue % raeitmtotbe. ^nbtbertoftbtopli3[beren)e f eebe of auto/but not f o? euer . 36nb Salomon fougbttobfll geroboant tobrrfoa


tobfb?e9!eroboSar6r(!9fteeo mfo &lt;ajfpte bnto ^efab ftpnge of tfgipte ano caittnuea t^erebnt?Utbet&gt;eetbof Salomon, 3nbtbe reft oftbe^cte* of Salomon an&amp;alUbatbe t mmt tc bto/f W topfoome are to.zptten in tbe*bofee jKit m , of tbeiicte* of ^alomon.amo m tpme tbat $&gt;alomonrapgneDm3enuaiebponangiC= rael/toajs fourtie pere. aito ft en be lapb bpm 1 reft tottb bfe fatberg/anb toa* burpebtn cftie of auto bP3 fatbety anb mefloboS W ronnerapgneoinbffSfteaoe.

* * nctt) uucr.^.tcjto'flnlijccoUoam oaw.s. aoutain is ttoncojeroljoain maftc(ft jonlttcn tate0. : . Ccbe.rti.Cbapter, J5b 3S eboboam ttetto ezfytmifoi , all^fraeltoere cometo&amp;lcbemtb ; mafiebim njnge. anbtobrn jero= -^^iboam tbe fonne of abaf bearb of _, 'efngpctmoEgi'ptetfo?beflrebtocgtpte 0/ feare of S&gt;alomon/9 btoeltfn gtpte . a/nat&amp;ep tent 9 caHebbmtidnBfoaeroboam 90a tyt congregacio oWfraelameafpafte bnto mebobog fap&lt;ng:tbp fatber mabe aire poucbe greuoufc/ but note mafie tbou fte greuoufe fempce of tb? fatber anbbp*fo?e poucbetobpebbeput bponb*/ lpgbter/9(a toetoiiiferuetfte.SPnbbefapDebnto tbe:be* part pet fo? tbe fpace of t&amp;?e bapess/9taen an me agapne to me.mno tbe people bepartea. 3Bnb fipngemeboboam robe counceli toirb W otoe men tbat Soae bef o;e Salomon W* fatoer/tobfle be pet lpueo/9fapoe:tobat cofi". ceiigeue pe to anftoere ttjis* people toftb anf ?5ainbtoep rapa bnto bpm:3if tbou alt bea feruaut bnto tbto people tb'ijsbapeano ferue tbera 9anftoertbe9fpebe bpnDetoo^oe* to tbe:tbepto!iibetl)pferuautegfo? euer. 381ft beleftetbe cotmceilg m otoe men bab geue mm/ 9 couceleo toltbtbe poutig men $ toew uourpfljebbp toitbbtm 9babtoapteDortbfat anb be fa? ae bnto tbem : tobat counceil geuepe/toaitftoevetb^people'ttaUtofti'cb baue comunea vc^tbrne fapmge-.maBetbe joucte tobpeb tbp fatber m put bpon bw jpgbter 1 ano tbe pounge men tbat toere gpugbtbp mft&amp; bprn/anftoereobmi fapmg tbi* people tbat baue fa^aebnto tbe: tbp to Jbecmaae ourepoucfte beupe / mafie tbou it W ipgbter :tbu* anftoere tbem. %v rpttle Cfpngee aibe toapgbtier mn mp fatber* lopne*. ana note tobere mp fatber put a greuoufe mm bpon pou / 1 topll mafie ft beuper. fo? tobere mp fatber eo?recteb pou toptb feourge3/f topll tbaftpfe pou tt fco? pion*.anb tobenaeroTjoamamb an f people toere come to JBeboboam Oft tbpjae baytf as tbe binge apopn tea tbera/fapmg/come to


apuire ttat Olbemen gauebim;anD cpase to ;jf mm, % fan)er mabe pourepoucftegtf 5 oufe/but J toPlimafieitgreuoufer . |o?^ SW 1 ^ P^ tobippes/^ 31 toiil cbafttrepou tottb tco?pi5*, anbTo tbe fipngeberbeneanotonto tbe people: Mm turmng:"^"-"' ,i -*' * -- - - - "torapi S&gt;tlo . ^ _ana tobenali mm fam tbat tbeftpnge' wgaroeb tbemnot/tbe people anftoereo tbe fipngeagapnefafing-.toebaueno parte m auto/no? enberftauneemfonne of | fat, . , . *CO poure tete* tberfo?eaftaei/9 noto fe to *** tbne atone boufe auto, anbfogpfraelbci patteb bnto tbeirtente*. $oto be ftbuer tbe jb^cn ofjfrael tobicb Otoeit in tlje title |iiDatota KeboboSrapgne Qpa.^benbpnpi Keboboam feiftaauram tbe receauer of tbe mbute.anaaligiftaelftoneabimtoaeetH^ aone*.j5ut bpngeiKeboboam maae fpeae 9 &lt;2 artbfo SSftael oepartea fro tbeboufe of a* utobntotbtjsbape. ana to&amp;eaO ffraeibearb ffImSttffi^9BWiK/ei font anbcallebftpm bnto tbe congregacpon ana maMbPm&amp;pnge ouerlfraei-.fotberefoio* toeb tbe boufe of aua/buttbe trpbe of mm aerufarem/be geatbetea all the boufe of^ubaanbtbettpbeofJBcniamtnanbum tow anb foure t6o?e tbouianaess of tbofen menanbgoobtoartpoures/to fpgbtagapnll tbe boufe of grraei/anato b?puge tbefipns gebome agapne to Keboboam tbe fonne of Salomon. ^iffiben came tbe tootoeof tbe ito?ae bnto emeiab tbe man of oa fasing -. fpeabe bnto Ktboboamf fonne of saiomon6pngef of Juba/aitb bnto an tbe boufe of 5&gt;u&amp;a anb pemamm/anotberemnafft of tbe people 9 fape.cbu* faptbe tbe %ag : go not no? pet

fpgbtagapnapouteb?etb?ert tbe cbpto?en of I fraei/but rcttmte eucrp man to bp* boufe/ fo? m botnge it of f jlo?&gt;.anbtbep obepeb tbe too?&amp;e of tbe i&gt;o?ae ana returneo ana oe* partebacco?bpngetotbetoo?beoftbe^o?De, lm |eroboam bplt a&gt;icbem in mount CPb^tm/anaatoeittberoi. anotoentfrom tbenceanbbpitPbanuel. ana 3!eroboamtbougbtwbp3bert : noto mtgbttp fipngaome teturne to tbe boufe of aiitoagapne . jffo? pf tbpsspeopie mall go bp 9bofacfice in tbeboufe of ttje jLo?ae at SierufalS/flben mai tbrir bertt tume agatne bntotbrilO?be of gjuaa. fi^oboS8pMof3uba*iberup^fifngefS:'^ ; &gt; anafapbe


anbtapae onto toe all not neaae togoanp moare to Serufaie. e&amp;oloe pome 4&amp;oDjS 31fta cl la^ v^&gt; fought pou out of toe _ lanoe of egipte.4inBBe put toe onet'nJSetoel anatoeotoerman.ainDtfiatDopngetoasS3 caute of fpnne . anbtoe people toent befo/e tbeoneajs farce a^an.anafiemaoefioureis of btffeultarea / 9 m ace of toe lotoeft of t$e people p;eaae0tobufitoere not of f fomtea DfHut.ainD5eroboamma5ta feafttbejfli bape of / Ip&amp;e bnto to efcaft tfiattoass in Suaa/anD offeree on toe aultare. anb f ata Be m ftoel/to offer bnto ttie cal* uea mat be too maae.anb be put m #etoci pjeaftea of toe ftpiiauitatea/ toBpcB fie baa maDc.anaBe otterebbpontoe alter tofipcfie beBaama&amp;emSetoel/toe.rb.oapeoftfie tow.mone to / tofifch tie Baa imagenea of bpa atone bett: ana maae a folempne frattbhto tbecbfBue of grtaei/ana toentbptotjleaul* earetoburnefacrpfpce, CJeroboam factffymg tmro ffatUw i ttp;ei|cnBe&amp; * of tbt f;opbcttiB h&amp;no Wpttb tip tobilt beputmb * (toutcaflapnatbc }?opbeK. (ffbc p&gt;;opb wkvl

itoanD&amp;ucjco. JCfie.ruj.CBapter. I&amp;bbebpiae/toere cameaman of itSoo out of fuba toptfi toe tooojbe of &lt;i&amp;ob/to 5BetoeI/aa Jeroboam m Jttflbe bptbe aulter to offee/s crpeb agaptmfteaultareattoe cBmaunbemetof tbe %me ana fapae :a uitai e/ aultare / to us faptoestoe 1102b . Scboiae a cbplbe ft a H be oome of fiboufe of @auid/Sanalbp name/ tobftb bpon toeffiaUoffer tbep;eaftca of toe btuamtarea toat tamfpee bpon tbe/ toall bume mennca boneabpon tbe. anb&amp;egaue tbera tbe fame tpmeafpgnefapfoge:tt)pa 13 rBefpgne of tt&gt;at tfie iLotfe fiato pjomefeb. 23efioia toeaulter (bail rent ano tfie attbe^ # tbatate in ft toallfalle out. an&amp;tobentoefipngebeatoettelafmgof. tbe man of oa tofipcfiBe crpeb agapnft toe aulter in ffietoel / be ftmefieo out Bis fiance " from toeaultarefapmgeiboiaBmt. ana bpa Bana tofiptoBe put fo;ttjtotoata film /htm bp/2 becowaenotpuHft m agapne tobpm s tbe aulter claueana tbe adbett r5ne out of tfie autteraccojapngeto tfie to&amp;ra tofip eB 9 man of &lt;goa Baa geuen at tfie cSmaunaemet of toe:to;ae.ana toe fipnganftortea 9 fapae bntotoemanof&lt;soa:C&amp;p;apebnto 2102a tbFoasmabeftitercelnonfe;me/tbatmv banb mape be So?ea me agapne . 3na tbe man Of obbcroug&amp;trbejiozbe/ama banbe cametotomagapne aatoenaabefoje . Cbeiifafbeme apngebnto * man of tfofc eomebometopmmeanbrerreftet6rfelfe/9 SBtosrtgeuet&amp;afetoaibe* tfuttfiemanof oo anftoeaal b|nge/sf ttjou too&amp;eftgeue

1 -ft

mebaife topne,i) uft/i toooia not go w to $ netber toooio J eatemeate 0? aftnefte toater

intt)tspiace.^o?f0toa3itcfiatge&amp;me/tbov vote tb e ttojbe of oa * raw to me : eate no % bjeano?a?jncbetoatetnojtutneagatnebp . tbe fame toa?e tbou 1wntea.anbfo b e to em anotbfrtoa?eanaietumeanotbp tfietoaje became tosetbel. anbtbereotoeitanoiae p;opbetmefljel/toborefonness came ana toloebtmantoo;fiesftattfiemanof@oo fiaa&amp;onetbataayemiertficl/anatfietoojoesJ tobirbbefpaiebtttof bimge tbeptoiae tbeft fatber alfo . Snb tbeirfatber fafae to tbem: teftat toaje Matat^ti fo? bts fotmes baflfene U5batioa?etbeman of cobtoenttobfc&amp;e ea* mefromfuba.cbenfaraebetobWfonne!J: faaiemme3u"e.anamet faaieo htm aniffe. Knbbegattbunbptbeton ana toent after $ ' manof cb/anafounaebmt fyttpnge bnarr an cae 9 fa^aeonto bpnart tfiou tbe man of dEfobi eamfffrS Suaafanbbefatae/yce.^ Cbenbefasaetobwnaome borne toitbme anbeate b^abe. 3Bna tbe otber fapBe aga pne gt mapenotretuute tout) tfie/ to go toffi) tfie/ netbermare|eateb;eaDec?D?pncfietoatet; tottft tbe in twpuu t&amp; o? it teas fapae to me bp tfie comaunaement of tfie 5lo?6e/ eate no b;eb no? D?pncbe toater in tfipfs place /no; tume agafne b; tbe tease tbou tofteft . 3Dna tbeoiae p^fietfapaebmobtm^amapjo^ t$ettftoeua0fbou/?an3tmeifya!iebnta metoftb ?too;be of tbe Horn fajmg-.bmtge Bimagapne toitb tbe to tfipne boufe/ana m bfmeate bj&amp; ana b;tncbeteater/ai*etlpe8 bntobim.anafo tfie onjet toent agapnetoitb : Dim 5atelj;ea tnfitgboufe sbwncfie toater. 3hb80tbet&gt;(ateattbetable/tbetoo?aeof ibejLo?aeeamebntotbe p;opbete| bjoug&amp;t bmiagapne. 3na fie crpebtoito tfie man ore fob tbat cameftS Suba/fajinge^bussfaptb fbe]Lo;be:becau(e tbou baft bpfobepeb tbe tbemoutbof 3Lo?be/ baft notfiepttbecS* maunbement tobtcb f Xo?be tbf ob cBma* unbebtbe/lmtcameft bacbeagafne^ &amp;aft eatf b;eebanbb;oncbe toater in tbe place in tobwfle be babe I tbou ftu&amp;efteatfnobjeeb not amtcfie toatetttberfo;e tfip catbafTe mi wotcoraebntorberepulcbje of tbj atbent. anato&amp;en&amp;ebaa eaten b?etb$8;cnffte/fie

fobrebanioefo^tbepjopberetobft&amp;ebebab b?ougbtagafne.3tnba&amp;fieiournepeballp5 ttiettbtm bp tfie toapeana Eue fimi/a bt0 car. saffelape a fonge in $ teape 9 tbe3tre Co&amp;e rberbp/^ tbe E-pon ftobc bprfie coo?fe alfo. anbrnentbatpaaebbp/fatof eatSacecaflf alorrgerttmetoapemjbtbelrottftanbpnge merbp /atsb torntanb toise ttin ifte totone tobmtbe olbe pwpbetbtoelt. ahb tobtn tbe P?opfieteg b;cugbtbpmbacfieagapnefr5 tbetoape / bea ; )ea)rrof / befajaerftipH&gt;ma of &lt;&amp;o&amp;

jet oboaw* % r _, . . ^ efd5obtobfcbebtfobepeamoutbof5jLo2b, 3natberfo^e u)e jLo;ae batbbelpuereb bpm bntotbe)L?on tobtcbe barb rem bmt ^flawte bpmv acco?bpnge to u)e too^be of tbe &amp;o?be/ tobtebberapaetobpm. ainabefapaetobps fonneg'Jabie me an Mt:9 f tt)ep bftUnb fie .toet 9 founae u)e boape caa alonge fit* tease ana m We ana the ipon ftanbpnge tberbpe. ana tfie jLponbab not eaten tbe carftafleno? Butt tfie aiffe.aina be tobebp tfieboape of the 3$. man of OB sputitbpontbeaffesb/ougbt .ft agapne/9 came to the cptpe of tbe oto p;o= PBete to lament bpm/ana to burpefwn. 3nb bejapae ty$ boape in fips atone graue / 9 la* ^enfei aan&amp;meteB ouer btm/fl)b mp b?otber.*3Cnb toben Biro. bebaaburpcDBpm /befpafie to $&amp; fonnejt fapmg:toben5 amaetb / fe tBatpeburpeme &lt;nmefepulcfi?e toBetmf man of dfob&amp;bu* rpea/ana rape mp bonestbp big.f o? f fapmg toBtcb Be crpea at tbe bpaapng of u)e iLo^e agapft n)e aultare in tfetbel / anb agapnft all tbe boures of Billaultatesi toBicfi are t'n atm a ( &gt; amarie/ftall come to pa. $o_to beft fo? antbat /Jeroboam tumea . not fro Bp0topcftebtoape:6ut tumea atoape ^maaeoftBeiotoeft of tbe people p^cttegof tbcbfllaultaveg.tigBofoeuertootoe/beffHeb tBetr banbr/ mep became pjeafteg of f bfflu

atdcM. 3natbt0aopngtoa0 rpnnefantotbe boufe of Jeroboam/eue toaeftropeitanbto putitatoapefrom oftbeface oftfteertfte.


CJerobomtiBtopfeantct^ coanftllofaWab (&amp;;/ pfictc/mtitcb pioplicfictti Snto \}ttf Eiccib of betr cMite sthcOettcucrtSofalKljriBeauime.jetoboamtreetb. ftc^S hpng of HJsppt roUUetl) t&amp;e ^oufe of the lf cfiot&gt;oam opwb aiio abiam fuctcactb binu Be.;tfm'.&lt;fiapfer, (C tfiat tpme atrfafi f tonne of !Je* roboamfellficfie. 3inb feroboam |fap&amp;e bnto B W totfebp a felotoffit* ^^Wpe^cBaitgetbpneappareng tbou benotfinotoen to be tfie topfe ofleroboam/ anb gettbe to &gt;floB . tfo? ttoffifam W mm. jgpwete *#*tbat3! qmfte be ' SWW ouer tBtst people *3nb tabe toptb the ten loutisanacracbnelleis ana a crufeof bo* npe/anbgotobtm rftebetopn tentbe tofiat all come of )e lab. 3Snb9ieroboamgto?fe JJSi!^ ft a?6 toeneeo a)tlob anb came SLVtSF ^Bra6.3ButaWa6 coutoenot fte/fo? bfg epejs toere toarenbpmme fo? age. ,JM* ^*^aw^oae/ me topfe of Jeroboam cometb / to queflpon ' 5?S S*"* ^ f onne tobpebfts fpefie . jjCBfstoifeana tBps topfe anftoereber, %tto tofienrbe came/tl;efepnebber felfeto be a rapbe:(ome in tbou topfe of Jeroboam / tobp

Esssssasss*" %m altea tte from amonge tfie comen people anb tnabetfiepjince otter mp people jfrael/anb bp^ttbebpngbc.meatoapeftonTtBeBoure ffi5S a 2 D saneft.tbe-.anatBouBaft not beneag toaamp feruaunt auto / tobpebe fieptmpcommaunaemecejsanb foiotoebme topaj 1 an BBSOerte/toao tbatonipe tobpSe

remetbrpgbt m mpne cpejj : but bafttonee* ueHabouealltbattoere before tbe/anobaft of metail / to p;ouobe me / ana fiait caftme JeBpnaetbpbacbettBerfo^e beBotoef 3 HSRH* &amp;Pwtfte Boufe of Jeroboam &amp; ana topil ftrpbe front|eroboam ail tbatS fttbagapnaetfietoail/ ana tofiat foeuc : fis s'-Bc^b SSHR ^ c "wnaune of tbe Boufe of ye* roboam/aa men rase atoape a tombwe/ia rt* m it beconfumea.*anbtobofoeuer U&amp;%g* roboama Boufe bpem tBetotone/BpmHl tNWf*/ ana Bpm tbat bpemtni Se felbe/ ail tbe fotoleg of tBe mt eate 62 ge^o?aeb^efapaeft/bpanagettVSs&gt; t^pneboufe/ ana aa rone aa top %S 5MS5^i* e fa&amp; *W: feoto be tt all I ftaeii (bail moume bpm anb burpe metomefepuIcB?e/becaufembpm tbereta founbe goobneffe totoarae tBe Jlotoe ob oe Wmtn W Boufe of Sleroboam. #o;eouer toe^o;ae ftall tterebpmbp abiygeouer|fmeltoBpcbaliaearopecfi6 RfflHSftP*"'!*! at aape.ana tobae latoattbattanototttBanbef mmtS anfmpte tftaei/aaa waetBatgrotoetbm tbe toater ta ftaben/ana topu toebe ?frael outoftBfagpoblanaetobtcbbegauefotortt fatbera/ana topli fbattertb^bepounae cu PB?atea/becauietBepBauemaae tbemto ueato angre toe jLo;be . ana Be topu ge* ue jftaeii op / becaufc of tfie fpmte of %t* eoboam toBertoptb Be apa fpmie anb maae Siftaeirpnnetoerto. "**. anoseroboama topfearoreanb bepartebw anbtoemtocber?ab/anb be &gt;at toe toaa e cometotBetreftoolbeof toeao^/g iabtoaa beea. anbaligifraeiburpebbpm anblamen&gt; teabpm/accotopngto tfie toootoe of g)Lotoe abtab toe?&amp;?opBete. 3nb tht reft of tfie bea* m of Jeroboam/botobe toarreb anb bote berapgneb/aretoipttetntbebobeoftbefto

rtea oftbe a"""'"* ~ c ""*-' ~ : tobp 3Bnb _ bab ^pa fomterapgnebln bpa Saw, 1ft





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Wm aae&amp;oboam rbefonne of Salomon f rapgnea m guaaana toas.;tlt.pere oiae toft? be bcganne to rapgne/ana rafgnea.jcbfl.pere fagetulalerarbeciuetobpcb tbe;no?ae baa cbofenout ofantbettpbesof gfrael/toput bis name tfjere^is motbetS name toa8$aa mad anammontte.*anag!uBa to?ougbt toic aeaneffe in tbe fpgbt of r&amp;eJLotfie ana angtea Pboue au tfaeir fatbersapa/toitb tbeit tobtcb ftep fgnneo. j?o? tbep alfo maae tbebfflaultcrs agmages * groues on euerp bpebpllabnaet euerp grenette. ana tberto jsabsnto. wa* ibere toast a flues of*maie cbflaje fa lanae/ *flw!ww. 5 tbepafo aeeo?apnge to all abbommactos ^of fnacfonstobtcb $no?aecaaoutbefo#t %mtot gftatl .anatbefpaepereof fipnge

tteboboam came g&gt;efacfi fipnge of &lt;gipte bpto gemfalem/atoBeatoape toe treafute of rtjeboiife of tbe jloj&amp;e/ano tbt fceafiit* of teBpngesboufcanaalltbattoassto be'*aa. tab be tofce atoape i QitM of gouiae*tobtcb Salomon maaesnto&amp;ofe fleaaespnge&amp;e* joboammaae fcafen mftoes 3 put tftem m f bepinge of tbe captapnes of tbe gatae tobicb toapteaat tbe aoje of tbe fcpnges boufe. ana asofte astbefepngetoent into tbe boufe of tbe Xo?ae/tbep of W garbe baretbc / a euec bjougbt tbem aga? m into tbegattfe tbabzc. Cbetea of tbeactes of ftphge iBebobo* am anb all be ata/ate twptten in t&amp;e bofieof tbeactes of rbebpnge* of iuba, aha tbere teas toarre bettoene Keboboam 9 SferoboS an rbeir lpues.3nb Keboboam lapse bim to tefttoitbbP0fatbets/anBtoas burpebtoptt) W fatbets in | cftie of pattta, ana bis mo* lerg name toas#aamab an ammonite. ** Jn&amp;abfambiS fonne rapgnea tnbis JKomc. CM&amp;icteb Stbfam tapsnctlj suce ju&amp;a/aiiD cfglittoc s a (a fucciZKtb ra bio to wme. ffl*c tiatteliijcttocne afa ani&gt;aaCa.jrt!orapt)atrucKtet&amp; aia. #aODCuHc# Octii Jwolioain.Waafe 6? itetb flabab, Crbe.H&gt;.&lt;bapter. a j^^l&amp;e.rtow.pereof bpnge Jeroboam tai.;rj?.a .g|g tbe fonne of JBabat/tapgnea binge tsals'awaouer gtioa/ stulED tbjcpere tPMm^nufaiem.^smottje^name toast fleaacab faaugbtetof abefalom.ana be toalbebfa aflffptmes of ftist fatbet tobtcb be Bia befwebtm/anbbiS Be toass nottobole totrb t^e JLojbbiS ob/as tb e ftert of auio bis fatbec . 0euettbeie fo? mnSa fane Obi 3Lo?Debif3o&amp;geuebmtalpgbtm le* tutalem/tbatbefettbpbfe fotmeaftetbPm/ tocotttfoetoeletufaiemJBecaufetbat a* uft am tbat tobicb pfcafea i-o?be a tutnea fcomnotbpngt&amp;atbe cSmaunaeabim all tbe i 8*1 1 a "apeg of W ipfe/*ue onlpfn tbematter of WW*". ^^ t{, c ^etbfte. Klna tbete toas toatre be* ttoene Keboboam $ feroboam as longe as .. belpueo,ienbtbwttofaeaae?ofaibtam?


alltbatbe aro/are bftten in tbe bobeof ^e DeDegtftattoweDoncmtbeosreisofgftmgeis of'luaa.amatbei: toajftoatte bettoene Mm anasewboam. 3BnaabiamrefteatottbbW fatBerg/atbepburpeabimm cptieof?la= uio.anaa ra w coraie taignea in ytjs Qeaae. Cbcw.pete of Jeroboam fipng of gftaci beganneiifatotapgne oueeluoa/anbtulea in3;ettJal?;e. 3nbbfts motbewname toats fi^aacab tbe aaugbtet of Hlbefalom . Kno aifa oia ttjat femea rigb t in tbe ms off JLojije/b&amp;e^auiDbiSfatliei;. SCnafie mate tbe ttue$ of maJesaepattetbelanbe/anbput atoape all tbe jaoles $ bi3 f atbetss baa maae. c

3'natbertobeputaotoneflaacabbpss 8 mo= ,. . tbetfrobetpngetuie /becanfe 9fabnabessS; angaoleinagroue. 3Cna3Wa aettcopeD ffetmnn^i

faoieanbbiimtftb? tbtfeobe c ea?on.25ut j*w&gt;fiMH be put not aotone tbe bfllaultew. J9 euertbe Zi JSg ieae arfi bette tea? tobole toitb t lo?ae an KJ5; ' bis aapes. ainabe b^ougbt in l&amp;atW* f?-tber pm m baa aeaicat/ana tbetbsngesiDeaicatbnto tbe * Mimm boufe of tbe Jtoja/fpluet/golBe/agietoenes! J s 3Bnatbewtoa0toawebettoene3Bfa8aaf8hS bpnge of gftael all tbefte nam. cjcgt^t, 3Bnaaafabpng of jftaei toftbpagaintt guaa a built mamab/becaufe tbat be tooiae let none of mm peoplebpnge of guoa / go a ino? out.cben36fatofieallffluet; agouiae^ tbat toais lefte in tbe treaftire of tbe boutt o f tbeXo?ac/anD all tbe mature of tbe fipngejs

boufeana aelpueteaitbnfobijs feruauntess/ ana lent tbemtojBenbaaaatbefonneof ca* b7emon tfje Conne of IBejion fipnge of^ina tbat btoelt at Parnate o / fapinge : mere is a bonaebetmenetbeanameaiS teas bettoene tbv fatberanampne. cberfo?e % fenaetbe botbegoiaeanafpwerfo?agpfte/tbat tbou go ana b^eabetbe appointment btmtne ana^aafa bpnge of ifrael/tbatbemapeae* . parte fro me. J&amp;na Senbaaab beraenea bnto fepnge Ma ana rent capttapnejs of f botte? tobpeb be baa agapnfl tbe cptpes of 3frael/a fraote 3Cbwn/?0an/ 3Cbel caHeo 35etb flgaa* cab anb all Cenerotb to&amp;b an tbeian&amp;e of eni) tbaii. %m toben jsaafa beara tbat /be lefte bupiatnge of Bamab a btoelt in ber&lt; fab.:benspngeaifa maoeap;ot;lamacpon tbo?otooutaUiuaa/tbatnonemulb be ep cufea JDnb tWttiketDe ftonep of JSamab a tbetpmbertobertot'tbtfaafabaa bupit/ana BpngeiB(abplttbertoftb&lt;0abaab^n ^ema* tninana fl^ajpbab. ana tbe remnafit of an tbe beabeu of aifa ana of alibis mi'gbf anb of all tbat be bib/ana tbe cities \xt&gt;tibe be bpit / are towtten fa tbe cb^oniclesoftbeactesDoneintbebapesoff bpngesof^uba. j5ftiertbeiatetfabisoiaetf age b e toas tfteaf ea in bis fete.3inb 3BCa lap * bebfmtoreftttbP^ fatbers/ atoasburpea toitb

ga%s gate Ktsts pew of ata bpnge of 3JuBa/anb rapgnca bps

9 frael ttoo pere.anb be oio eueli int^t tmt of tbe fLofit ana toamebin tpe toapeof hn fatber a in Ins fpnne tobettopa) be maae ?f rael fpnne.jottt ffiaara tbe fonne of a b tab of m bouEe of 3!facar confpireo againft brni/a flue btm at dgebetbon a titie of |#biliftines

fo;/9aaab ^aligifraeiiapeatfeage before Oebetbon. ana it teas itie tbirae pere of %ta fipnge of Juaa/toben JBaate Ouebim / anb rapgneo in bs fleabe. 3Cna as Cone as be teas bpnge/be flue ail n)e boufe oQfcroboam ana lefte bim naugbt tbat b;etbeb / bntpll be baa putbimcleane out/agrepng bnto tbe fapfag of tbe )Lo?ae tobicb be ipabe bpbfefetuaunt 3btab&amp;)ili)ntte/fo?tbeftnneof3!eroboam iobertoitbbefpnneaanamaaefftaeifpnne/ . anafo? bPStingerpng tobettopu) be angrea tbeU-o?Bee;obofffraei. . . be tea o i : tbe aeaaes of i5abab/ana an be aia/areto?teten incb?onfcles'af m bmges of fftatlMm t bete teas toartebettoeneata ana JSaafa fipnge of gjfraei all tbeft bapes . 3?n m tbirae pete of gfa fipnge of gfuaa/ #aafa (be tome of abiab beggne to rapgne ouer all $ftael in cber?ab/ana continetoea pm.-m.%m be apa tbat tobpeb bifplcafeb t\^e JUpx/foi be toalbea in tbe toapc of gic^ toboam ana m bg@ fpnne tobertoitb be maae Sfra.el fpnne. c ?c liu pwlKf^iii lippnft 5eaafa&gt; of to6ow6e fe tone iai) ottutettt mmzmtihjuttly* m* fiecIabtrt&amp;.fiDwt6t6c6oafeofa8f.efew* fccte anb amn cf)oren.z anwf burnee^ torn fclft rt tiit bmiCe. Wpc&amp;cb aijau fucccfeib amn'antr takef fi Wttpfettipcbcbjesaljel. y Ccbwbt.cbaptet!. $en came tbe tobo^ieoff^o^eto |ebt tbe forme of $anaro againft vsatu &amp;ptng : fo? as mocbeas I ejeaiteatbeout of tbeaun amaaef wSBSQS. mmn V **** i^ael /anbtftou baa toalfiea fa tbe toape of feroboam a batt maaemppeo^e 'rraeitpmte/toangremett fbetr fpnne:tfierf p?e 3! topn male cleane rta* oance of aafa a of anbis bouft / anb topn maaebisbotireftfeetbebouftof gieroboam Hm.&lt; &amp;S ! w?bae-*atob(jr g bpetb'ofjSaara T S^ecttre/bim mallboggeseate^rtabfai

bietb in tbe felaes/fljall t^e fotoles of tbe apjeeate. 55be apa/ana bispotoer/areto^tf in tbe bofie of tue biao;ies of tbe bpnges of *ftael. 3Cnb paafe fenpn flepetoptbbPSfeftersa toas buvteafncber?ab.anbClabbtsfomjetatg* fteatnbpsfteaae, ana tberto tbo;oto tbe

topefteaneffe tbat be apa fa m fpgbtof the ^^fa^WW^ to ^ * e *o*&lt; of bis banaes/tbat be Qmloe be IpBe f bou of leroboam/becaufebebaa bplieaieabat. abe.woi.pereof aia ftpnge of auba fee*ganecIabfonneof5Baaratorapaneouer ,c |frael in cber?ab / ana continurb ttob pete, ana bps ferttaunt3amricap!tapneof b&amp;U bps cbarettes/contpireaagapntt bpm/as betoas in ber?ab a?pncfipnge of aronge b?pnc6e/mtbeboufe of ar?a auara of bps boufe nt ffiberjab . ana 5anm came ana emote bpm ana fiplieabpm tbe.wbit.pete of afebpngeof gtioa/anarapgneainbis aea*&lt;g Be.anaasfoneasbeiBaS6i'ngcana*attcn. bP|feate/beaueautbebcuteofaataano leftenotaptfferagapnaatoall. . . pes/ ana fo 5amn aeftropea all tbe boufe JS^MWeo tbe tooo?aeif tbe iSKSSSM ! me t0 aafa ^oto |ebu tbel^opbet/fo? alt tbefmnes ofjBaa* ana ^rmes of ciab bPSfonne / tobettopa tbepfpnnea a maae |fraei fpnne/to angre? p;aeof gfracto tbeirbanities.cbe rett of gebraaes of labaaiibeaib./areto?iften in tbe cb? onpclcs of tbe ftpnges of jftaei . be.w*. pere of m bpnge of fat 22S!S?8w^wif.iases m mmty/m people beftgpng ebetbo a citirof the ffibi* w nttines^natobentbepeopletbatlapemtbe feage/bearaefepeboto^amribaacofpirea/

ana bpto bebabflapnetbe Bpng aifo:tbwall Iftaellmaaeamntbecaptavtifoftbenim of toarre bpnge tbat fame aape oner ?ftael euertfatbeboQe. ana amrioeparteafrom ebetbon ana alljfrael toptb bpni /anabe* feagea cber? ab . ana toben 3atttri fato tbat tbe eitiemutt neaesbetaft?/be toent into tbe palapfe of tbe fipngesboufe/anafettbefiin* ges boufe a tm bpon bpm feift emmtxi . bpea/fo&gt;bPSrpnnes tobpeb befpnheainao&lt; pngetopcfieaneffeintbefpgbtoftbe]io?Eie/ ana fo? toattpngein tbe toape of gieroboam anainbpsfpnnesbJbPcbbeapaanamaaeif* raet fpnne. Cbe tea of m acres of Samrt anb m treafontbae beto?ougbt/ate to?ptten in tbetf oofie oftbe tfeonicles of tbe fipngeS of ft* rael . Spojemtcr tbat fame ceafon toas if* taeiaeupbra fa ttoapne / fo? baife (be people foiptoea^liebnitbefbnne of faetb/toma* |ebpm6pnge. ana tbebtber baife foiotoea amrt. ut rbepeopletbatfolotoeaamrt? Wetiapreaagapnatbf tbat foiotoeacbebnt m fonne of inetbJna focbebnt apea ana amnrapgnea, cbe^Krf

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cforrrtpeteof atafipnge of 3uoa/be* ganne a rati to tapgne ouec 5 ftaci.jai.tew 9 &amp;eroleb,bf.pettt Cbenab. andbebougbt tbebfllof &gt;amattaof one teniae foj tmo ^uno^eQ talentes of fpluet/a bpit m tbe bill/ and called tibe name ocbe citt'e to^pc^ bebab built Samaria after fte name of *&gt;emat

, %om of f bM.and t&amp;# 2Pmw tojougbt tote* "Bebneflentfi&amp;eepeisof tbe/lo#etoo;iretben all ftattoere before yim/anD toalfteo in ait toageg of Jetoboam tbe fonne of $abat/an&amp; At 9$ Cpmie tobettortb be mabegjftael Eton e/ to angte tbe %om 5ob of gfftaei top ft tbeit toanpttes.srbe tea of t&amp;e actes ofamtt tofjr be bto/anb bis potreccliatsje bftb/ate tosp t fit ft e cb?onf cless of t bpngeg of jftael. anb amtt lapbe bim to reft toptb Dtss faft ets/anb toagburgea in Samaria /aim abab b# fon tte rapgtted in Bteaeaae. CBe.rp rbtif. p ete of afa fipnge of fuoa/ beganne abab #e fonne of amtito tapgne ouetgjftael/and rapgnedra&gt;amatia.fjtij, pere.aft&amp;6ebprp!eafcbtBe Ho;deaboue all f toere before Brat. $ o; it femeo bint a ipgbt r&amp;pnge totoalfte raftefpnneof gietoboam. 2Sut tobe leiabei tbe daugbtec of &lt;ftbaal fffUKff#&amp; fipnge of tbe &gt; idonitess to topfe/ano *toft 5 fttued 23aal andb toed fa n 1 1) t m .and be re* redan sulfate to $aal in fteboufeof JBaal tobpcBBebadmabe in Samaria. and abab maaeagtoue/andp^oceoeafmbermange' tpng fte jlo;de &lt;Sob of Jftael/ tBen all tbe fipngea of gjfrael tbat toerebefozebpnt. tf.w.^ 3tobfcbapes$$ielof3eeftelbplt3!ertcbo. $&amp;!?* ainbft*coaebtm antra bis eloeafonnetotje be lap&amp;e tbe foundacpon / anbbPS poungea fonne toben Be fett bp gates/agretnge bnto ftetooojbeof ftejlotfe tobpebb* fpafiebp Sofua tbe tonne of un. C ffilia&amp;fe noucp^cbnn&amp;ft&amp;tiEafiHaufnB/anb after isfentifbt^etoarasnof^accpti^a.-tt^feffitiiiae^e tajfct&amp;tOlpfe* CCbe.pfatj.c^aptet, ji5oItab tbe cbefbttetobicb toais of n)e en&amp;abftergs of alaab/faibe bnto abab:*asstrttlpa0fte3lo#e _ oo of fftaei lpuetb/beto; tobo* be/tberet&amp;albenetbetbetoenojrap* ne ibeft reteg/faue 80S appoint te, . and ffietoo?de of @cd came to &amp;tm taping:

gettfte benceano eutnetbe efttoattje/abpbe tbp felfcfotbe bzoofieiftarift tbat ipeft be* ft?eg!o?ban:b?pncfieoffte rpnerfojij baue cSmaunbebtbetauenjs to feoe tbe tBete.lnb be toent anbdpdacco&gt;apngebnto tbe toojde oftbeftojae-.betoent sbtoeltbpfte tooofie ~ Satrft tbat rpe* before g!o?Dan.3Bnb tbe ra* " uett? b?ougbtb?m b?eo anb fleft tutvg mop npnganoeMerpeuenpng/anbbe&amp;;anf6e of

tbe b?oo&amp;e. 3no tt cbauc m after a tobtte tbat b?oofieb;iebbp/becauCetbei; felinotapne bpontbeettb. ben came tbe tbo^be of tBe 3L.o?uebntobratfa?mge;*bp anb gett tbe to imu g)awpbtbaa rttt'e of &gt;toon / 9 atoell tbete, 3S^oBe % baue cSmaunseb a to? to e tbete to fuftapne tbe.3tb be arofe 3 toent to )a wp^tbaJnb tobe became to tbegate of tbe citie / tbete tea? a toeboto tbete geatbetpng Bicfieg Mm be called to bet 9 fapoe : *ftt me 3Wt%. 3P?a?e tbe/alptletoatet in abpfte tbatgi raape btfnc&amp;e. 3Pnbajf fte toent to fett in &amp;ecrpebtobetanbfa?&amp;e:b22nge tne % p?ape tbe/a mo?feii of him in tbine banoe Jno cbe anftoe?eb:a^ futelp as tb e 1,0 joe tb 2 &lt;B on \U uetb/1 baue no b?eeo/ but mm anbanufun 1 #ele ra a pttcbet / anb a fyttle sd pie in a ctufe.3nb UM baue geafteteb a feto fticbejj to? to go anb babe it fo? me anb mp f onne/ 1 toe mape eate itanb tben bie. . atob dHiabrarbe bnto bet:feate not /but go anb bo ag tbou &amp;a&amp;ta?be: but mane me* tbetof a ipttle cafie f?8 of all / anb b^ngit outtome:attbaftettoatbemabefo; tbeanb tbp forate. ffo2t&amp;usifa#&amp;tBe:fl,o?oeob of fftael:pft*etoffl@eiemallnotbetoaaeij netbet (baH m ople ctufe be tor tb out o?le/ btttgfl tbe %om baue ftnt rape bpontbe ectbeJnbQteto!tanbbrbaSdBKabbab.3n&amp; QieanbBeitbttboufebEbeateagoob (pm/

sfbepitcbetfifmetetoaftebnotnetbwtoajJ tbeoKlecturetoftboutopIe acco^bpngefo $ too?beof i^t jLwbettbJeBBcfpaBe tbo;oto Cliab. 3nb after tbefetbinge?/ft bappenebtbat jefomteoftbetoifeof tbe Boufe fell ficbe. Jhb btt ftcftneere teas f fo?e/tbat tbere toajt nob;ea^leftrabim.cbentaibe&lt;bebntoili abtobat baue 3 to bo ton* tbe /&lt; tbou man ofdBobfarttboucomebtttome/tbatnmftn* neibuibebe tbougbton mv fonne mm? anOdHiab fapoebnto Bet:gcue me tbpfomte.m %mht tobebim out of bet lappe anb carped b&lt;mbpratoaloftetobetbelafe/9iafbebtm bpon \)v$ atone bett j anb called bnto tbe Mx anb faf&amp;e: %Dimt od/ti a a tbou benefoeuenbntotbe toebotoetostbtobome | fof outne/tbattbou baft Oaf ne bet Conn ti *3inbbc fttetcbeb btmfeifebpo tbe mmmtM trraejj/anbcaHebbtttotbe)Lo?beanb temmm fl)]i02&amp;emp&lt;!5ob/lettbe laobegfouiecome tntobpt agafne. SEitb tbe %o^at beard m bopceof Sab/anb(befbuieof tbelabcame into bpm agapte anb be tmvutb. 3na aaia ft to&amp;etbebope anb b.jougbt bvm botone out of tbecbamb?emtotbe boufe anbbeipueted bpmbntob^motbetanbfarbe:ft/tbpfonne ifuetb.cbentbeto7fefarbeto(eifabuioto3 ftnoto tbatt&amp;ouart od? man / and tfjattbe So^eoftbes,o;beftitb;moutb/istttutbe.

.t.t. t

IfMDfl '6"3Se e people ctyebctf e loute.Cliab hplUtb all

* ^

Cbe.Jiii.Baptct.. jjaoattbeiaftf tooo?deof X-o?be came to tiiab n)e tb?pse fete far* |mge:go Oieto tbp felfe bnto aibab/ ^^Jtbat'i mapfenbetavnebpo^ettbe amMEoab toet to Ojeto btm feifc bnto mm/ WEE n &amp; t &amp; fam Vbemetin &lt;&gt;ama* tg.aebetfo;eAbab calrtbabbiab tbegouet^ net of bWBcufe:tobpcBe 3bdiab ftatfb dpoa ateatlpe:tn fo mocbe tbat toben giefabell be. %&amp;&amp;&amp;%**&amp;*** Wotb^ftfttentone caue ftoftse in a nottiet/9 p^ouyijeb b?eb s toater f 0; tfte.Sina I6bab fapoe bnto 3Ebdiab: toame tbo;oto tbe lande / bnto an fofftapne* f toatetanb bnto all bzobesJ /toft tobetber anpgraaemapebefounde; g toemapefaue mpom and tbe %iM / n)at toe neftto ve nottbebeafteg. anbtbepbeupbebtbeianbe , bettoenetbemtotoal8etbo?otoitJbabtoet one toape bp bwn feife /anb abdiab toent a notbetbpbpmfcife. *. 2*21? tbaunced ais Hbdiab toet in toape tbat Cbab mett bAtt3nb abWab Bneto bpnt |fenonWJffaceanbfapbe:artnot tboump Xofl}eeitab ; aindbefapbbntobtm:3 , ambe. oanDtenabab tbat mm Bete. 3Cnb tbe otbetanftoerefctoftatBaueg rpmub/| tbou toolbeftbelpnet me intothebm of 3tbab/to uepmef as furipe as o;d tbp od Ipuetb tbeeefenonaepSojBpngbome/tobetbet mp -o;bebatbnotfent/toft6e tbe. 3nb \sbm tWtapJKtbcutoaft not tbete/ be toobe an oe of tbe fipngdomef nacpon/becauftbe . founstbenot.andnototbotofapeft-jtoo ten tbPB,o?de/ 1 jiabis{bett.anbajXfbneai83'am gonefto ttje/ f fp?i tt of f no^ie GraHcatpc 2eatoapetobetbet^q)alnotfinotoe:^ett

toBen 31 Baue gone a t oloe 36bab/a t^m be c3 '&amp;*3&amp; e fc CaHOcpme. anbpetgtbp ^fttuaittbaue fcarr Dtt)e %ojU ftS mppotoe age.9ai5 it not tolde mp lojttt/ Mobutu on/ - ^M*to tt fo**$W*tte*otHojb bote 3 br&amp;de an btin^cb of )e )lo;de0 20* wetes/fpftte in one caue aajsmanp in ano* m/9 p^oupded ebem of b?ee&amp; a' toaterf and pet noto tbou fapea/gooflieto tbp)lo?be/I Kabttbete/tbatbe qwibeOepmeV CbentfHabfapbe-.auttuIpas tbe &amp;o/be SSSSSMSffl 5 SWp tbfebapc. ana iSfe abw * tofttoabab ^tolbe bPrtt. abab feto* &lt;eitab/be fapd bnto btotatt tbou nwitbattroubleaftael/buttbou 9tbpfa


S^f tbe gtouejj foureBuhd?tb / tobtcbe tmmt&amp;m tableJnolbab fentfSr &gt; Jf *f Jto^e be betp ob/fototoebpra: S3 K^jn?totoeb^pm.anb&amp;oprJ anttoetebbpmnof enetoo?de. cbm fapde ^bbmotbep C ottfe^ on ip l yniaVneofmi Jto?dtg ^;opbetes /aaa l&amp;iopbeteS ate foure bundled ano fpftie.jtet ttoo &amp; bege* mpecesanblapebpm ontoocb/anbputno f P?ebnbet/anb 3 topQ D?effe tbe otbetTpuf cairpeonf name ofpoutedefod/agitopacali ^S?^ fpfp;e/beip tbeberp SS7# ^njfy.WlefaWetttttteelifpoblS aj/cboftpou an m anbWeffeBpm fp?ft{ foi pe aremanp ) anbeafl ontbename of wuw 258SS2MSH22* ww/9h4 cntbenameofsaaifrcmmojnpngtonone

ftptng:j^ibeatebs.ubmte a " j; f aultctgtbepbab maocandatnone (jiiaB HHBW , ff li S | ' fc&lt; Ktomowi* a08:butberstal8pnge 0? occuppeby oitn SESK 1 ^ ? i a,w &amp;e *wBB be map wiues/as tbrttmanet toa/ tot ft finpuffi 9 jw/wi mm* foiotoeooii mm. and tebc mpboape toflpa(reJj/tbepp?opbf s # ftfb.bntpBft toag tpmeto offet.jli ftere SSSHS*" 1 ^ ***** net anp tbat "l^^auitetof # 3to?eetbat toastoo* fie. *anb b? tobe.t.aonei8 a cco?bpnge to* W*9*. nomb?e of f .itiUrpbejsof ftefonneg of m cob/bnrotobomftetoojdeoftliekojacame gpmgr:*5ftae! fbalbe ftp name, and toftb &lt;ront.tM6 tbrftonfjs be made an auitatctntbe t m J wnw oftbeitoae. anb bema&amp;eaguttet rounde aboutf auftet/abietoreceaue ttoo pecftefl ffiHft**!* tiuetfje tooob nt oibet/anb bneeb ffit ote m peces / anb pttt bpnt on tbe toot*/? fapde: fpii foure pitftcts toift tea* tet anb poto;e it on tbe racrpfpeeanbon fte tooob. anb befapdetdofoagapne. anbtbep bpb to agapne.cben be fapde-jio tt tbe tbvm t tvmt 4 ' 9 ' , *




ieiaben, mm.

tpme.anb tijept3iD Co 5 t&amp;itbe epme. SCnDtije

toatetrannerounbeabouttaeauiter / $ tbe gutt a teas fun o f toateralfo. a nQ tobe offering tpme toass come/ &lt;Jiab tbe p?op&amp;ete toent to $ fapbe ::to}&amp;eoa of ab?aS)am/3ifaac 9 of iftael/tetttbefinotoe tbf oaf e/tfiat tfiou atttbe e&gt;ob in gftael/a 3! am tbp fewaae/ a ggibo ail taefetbfoBS at $ p comaunbe m ent. $eare m e tf&gt; 3L o?be/ bears me/ft at tb# people mape finotoe/tbae tbou 'jHo;oe;a $ 5ob/a fljat tbou batt tutnebraettbertegbacfitoatbe. an&amp; t&amp;ere fell fore fto tft e %opit 9 confumei tb c fact :i f g u 9 ^rbetooobatbeftonesatbebua/aitcftebbp' toatet tbat toagintbegutter.anbto&amp;e all fjoplecato $ /tbep fell on tbeit face?* 9 fapbe 'jLojbe be t0 &lt;oo/)Lojbebei0 opoD.cfteii fapbe cEba&amp;bntotbe7lapebanbe0cnt$?oPbet$ of 38aaMe t not one of tbe" efcap t.% n tobent&amp;epbabta&amp;mtbe7liabb20uabt.tbe botonebnto * b?Qofce Stifon/a flue tbe tbete. ebw^ttabfapbebncoabab/getttbebp anoeateanbbzpnc&amp;e/fo? tbcttgafoun&amp;eof mocbe tapne.anb toben abab toet bp to eate an&amp;to&amp;ttncBe/gtfab, toent bp to tbe toppe &lt;**** moGtcarmeL*anbbotoebbimfeifeto $ SSSSjt * ertbe/an&amp;putbi* face bettoene m fcneeg/a J ** fa#etobi0rettwimt-.goin&gt;aloofietotoatbe $ e fee Jrtb be toem bp anb lo&amp;eo/anD rate: ftmi0notbtttg.anbl}e fap&amp;e goagapne.btj t|me0.1nbtt)efeuen^t|mebe ragbeAebojs be/tbere arirettj atpttle cloube out of tbe fee/ fefiecbepalmeof amatmessbanbe. cbenbe fapoe:go anb rape to abab/puttbe&amp;oijffeg in tbe c&amp;atet/anb sett tbebotone tbat tbe rapne ftoppe | not.anb toitbm alptle tobileybeue" toagblacbetoitbcloit&amp;eganbtombe/atbeie laass a great rape Jnalbab t sue 9 toent to 31e?tabel. attbtbe6anboftficilo?betoai5on tfttab/abcgtrirbeb bpbi0lo*me0 9 vane be* f o?e abab /tpll tbep came to |e?ra&amp;er. CCHalJfefttaftoffl j*c?alie*.tenou*tf&lt;I*c&amp;of t|je 0n# Bdl of 00. |e complajnstlj t $at tje is irf t a lone/ant

tfiaMep fcte&amp;fe ttfetoo.Qrtt tBmaflteo to annppwe fljagel'Mtt ano iSliftus* be.w.Cftapter. 3C i?*S^&amp;&amp;ababtolbe3le?abel/aBg^tta&amp; bab bone/ana an to gctbeeboto&amp;e bab flatne rtje p?opbete0 to! tb tbe ftoerbe. often |e?abelfentameffenger bnto &lt;iiab fapmge:*ro no onto me 9 f o tbctto/ejece pt % mane tbp fouielifie one of *W/bFtomo?otomfetpme:tobe&amp;e ram I / bravofe toft fo? bis iife/a came tcceet* fabemgiiiba/aleftbfelabtbere.anbfietoa aba? esioumef mtotbetoitterneae/ ato&amp;e* be toag( come fatt botone briber a tnaper tee&lt;/9befftebfo?bf0fouie/t bemfgbt bte/* fat bey*it isnoto pnougft fi&gt; JUgDe/tabeimj fburr/fo;3iamnotbmo;t|imimifaM


/ # /



3no ap be fa? anb Clepte bnoee tbe u napet twe-.bebolbe / tbe came an angeli $ toucbeb ^sm / ^fasbe bnto btm ap anb eate_ anobeloobeb aboute bfm-.anbfe/tbete "mr 6 aloBe of b?o#ebb?eabe anb a cnift of toatee atBWbeeo. 3nbbateanbb?3cbeanblaFbe btmbobine aga w to Qepe. 26nb tfte SCngeii of tbe %oiot came agapne tbe feconbe tpme anb touc&amp;eb bf m/a rasoe:bp 9 eate/f 0? ftou baft a longe Sournese to so. ano beatofe 9 bSbeate^bwncBeanbtoentin tbe flrensbt of tbatmeate fouttseba^es a fouttse n?gb&lt; teU/bnto^o?eb tbe mount of &lt;jfob/ aentteb tbere into a caue a lobgeb tbete all n?gbt.

3Enb ft)en $ioo#e of %oin came to bwt 9 f afbe Wbat boeft tbou b ere/(liab f 3inb be anttoeteb:g|ba uellJ n e *^ ? 0toa , 5 r t e fo? *stngnw| 3Lo?be ob of^ooegfabe. jfo? tbe dtftomtyvpm of ^ftael baue f o?fafie tft^ couenant; a baue g b?oBebotonetbtneaultet0 aflapne tbep?o^SS2 Pbetes torn) tbe ftoetbe/agi onl?e am icfte/gt ^nioeftiwi tbep feBe mr foule to baue it too.lnbbe fa? b *Sffl come out a ttanoe before tbe )Lo?be. anb be* c ifSJ bolbe/tbe jlo?be toentbjaamigbtie M^SSI tcrnbe tbat rent tbe mountapneg a b^abe mit t&gt; m| rocfie(befo;ebim.55utf S,o?betoag intmPBMjbM tbe totnbe.3nb after tbe bjinbe camean M5JBD quaBe . uttbe ^o?be toapnot fn tbe ertbeS Sft quafie.anb after tbe ertbequafie/came fireim to!te m but tbe &amp;o#e toag not in ^e f#e.3inb after m je tbe fB?e/cameafman ttiiibojce. aMMhl0i5sS Gliabbeatbeit/be couerebbW facetoinjbwSSH mantle/a went out a ftobe in tbemoun) of gf r ?i caue.anbfe/tbetecameabofccbntobsma' 1 " 1 ^^! , fa?be:tebat fioeft tbou bereoEliabfanbbe m^SfSSn ftoereb:g , toa0geloufefoatbe5Lo;beobof ,Mt, ' WM $ofte0faBe:becaufecb%eofg|fraelbaue fo^faBentbpe appointment anbbauecaft botonetbjneauKeafIapnetbP pzop&amp;etesj toitb % ftoetbe/a % onftamlf fte/a flic? rebe m? foule to baueft.cben )Lo?be fawe bhto bim:go anb turnetbp tea? e to tbe totl&amp;etneae of amafco/a go ana annopnte ^a^aelco be Bfnge of g&amp;wta . Knb ^u ft e fonne of j9amft/annopnte to be Bfnge ouer 5 f rael. ainb &amp;ww tbe fonne of &gt;apbat of Mil flBefiulab annopnte to be $?opbete in tbp wVBmeJfnbtobofoefcapetbS ftoctbeof ty&amp;W ?ael/bim maU^ebufiapeta pf anp ma (cape tbetoetteofftbu/bpmwaHClfceussflape. 3fnb tbertogi baue lefte me fcuf tbouranbe in Sffrael/of bibicb neuer manbotoebbigBneeg^Ja bnto 38aal no? fiiflebbfm WtbbiU moutbe. $ffi anb be beparteb tbence ano founbe -&lt;&amp;U \w a ymtyt fonne of ^apbat piotopnge top tb @tm , ttoeruepocBeflf o]renbefo;ebim/abe^ tbe awffi

ftoelue.anb neriab toft to bim a caft W mS gHf tellbponbpm . anbbe lefte tbe oy en atanne !p after (Jliab afapbe:ietmc3!p?ape tbe / fipffi j f6 off 1 msfattft?mot|imt{iett3itofufoiototbe. w^ anb

iab,CB#/ &gt;_ ufaspt^ anbbe fapbetobpm:go bacaeagapne/fo? ISffi tobat baue 31 bone to mi%m\)fo&gt;m bacBe /&gt;ga?e ft oni after bpm / anb tofie a f ocfie of Ju * m 8* anb flue ttjem/anb b;effea tbe flefte toptb ifo j&amp;fai.tbemnrumcnte0of tbeo^enanbgaueit tbe MsmuMptopFr/attb ev bpb tate, 3nb tben be arofe anDtoentaftcttfiiabampm&amp;rebbnto&amp;fo,. cacijc f?;ft ana feconQc tpmc tbat *amatisas be/ frgrti of^Bcnfia&amp;aa fcpng of f c&lt;a, CCbe-W.Cbapter. I iTKEO!#b ffienbabab fipng of &gt;iria gea* tf)f d an bps Bone to getber / anb WWi.bpnges toirt; i)im/ l co^ bo;fe lanbcbaret:anbtoentbp abefegeb damana atoarabagapnflft. anbbefent meffenggrs to abab upnge of gfraei into tbe cprpe/anb lapbe bnto bpm : t&amp;wt faptb 25en* babab. cbp fpluer anb tbp goulbe is mpne/a tbebeaoftbptoiues/anbtbebeaoftbpcbil* b?en be mpne Jnbf fipnge of ^frael anftoe^ . rebanbfapbe:mp )lo?be Bpnge acco?bpng to tbPfaptng/| am tbpne toitb aniibaue. anb tbe meffengecss came agapne to abab anbfapbe:tbu0faptbenbaaab.3!bauetber* m ^ rent bnto tbe / fapinge : belpuet me tf)m m rpluer anb tbp goufte / anb tbp toiueg / a bp cbplo?en.J3D? eife % topH fenbe mpferua* iinti f bnto )t bptomojoto tbte tpme-.a tbep : mil rerclje tbpne boufe/a tbe boufeu of tbp feruaunteg/to&amp;icft ftalltabeall tbatiisglos rpptis mtbpne epeg/anb b^ngeitatoape tottb fljem.cben tbe Binge of 'Jfrae! frntfo? m clbers of tbe fanbe anb rape b-.tafte bebe 3 Ptmtm a re^oto tbps feloto goetb about

mpfcbie.iffo;berent bnto me ; fo? mptop* ues anb rap cbpib?en / anb mp fpluer anbmp gouTbe:anb % benpeb bpm notbpng of it. anb aHflDeelbei'3of3;fraelaalItbepeopIefapbe: berlien not to Bira no? conrent. tbemponbe fapbebnto tbe meflengets* cf Kenbabab t ten mp %qm m Bpnge / all tbatbefentfo? tbefp?fttpme/tbatgitotnbo: Buttbrgreques 3 mapenotbo.anbtberaep! rengerg beparteb anb b?ougbtbpm tooo?Se; ^en 35enbabab fent bntobpm anb fapbe: m bo tbe -obg to me anb fo tberto/pf tbe puft of^&gt;amarr'a be pnoug&amp;e f 0? allpeople tbat foloto me / tbat euerp man mape baue an banbfu.anb tbe Bpnge of ^ftael anftoei teo anb rapbett en bpm^/jet not bpm tbat put* tetb onbi0bawcffeboflebpmfelfe/ai8beg B9M ,Mtt ** * * anbto^eh2Benbaoabbeatbe """*'' "'fljattpapnges/ as be anb tbe fipnge^ toere ' b?pncfipng inm pauinpon^/befapbeimto b[0reruaunte0:put?e in arape.anbtbei?put tbem reiuejJ in arape agapnft tbe cptpe . C_ fnbbebalBe tbere camea?&amp;?opbetbnto abab fipnge of Sftacl/anbfapbetobftmtbu* raptb t^e %mt , epft tbouan tty$ great muttituoe? beb me/% topHberptterfljemmto

euenbp B)e men of tbe gouetnoureg of tbe ires, anb abab fapbe : tobo mall iopne bL fiiplefanbberapbe/tbou. cbcnbenomb?e&amp; m men of tbe gouernet* of tbe miteg : anb geptoetettoobunb?ebanb.;rrrij. anbafter tbembenomb?ebantbepeopie/anoan tbe cbpio?en of ^frael toere faien tbouranbe. anbtbep toentoutatnonetobenjBenbabab tea? a &amp;?pncfipng ftronge b?pncfie in tbe pa* ttpflpom* toptbtbe.wri].Bpnge tbat bolbe bpmJnb tbe men of tbe fb;ifeii of tbe wires toentoutfptfi .anbenbaoabfentout/anbtbepibetoeb bim fepmg-t&amp;ere came m $ m f^ a mana. anb ne fapoe*pf tbep come out fo? peace/ta* fietbea ipue.anb alfo pf tbe? come fo? toar* .re/tefietbempetaipue. anatobentbofemeM

Jf tbe fb?tfeiS 1 of tbe (bms toere come out of m citteanb $o(t aftcrtbS/tbepflue euerp one of tbem bp* man; anbttje ^iriensj fleo/ anbg-fraeifolotoebaftertbem.anbjBenba* baptbe Bpngeof S&gt;iriafcapebonabo?ae bW bo?remen.anb tbt fipnge of iftaei toent outanb fmotebo?oeanb cbarett/anbOuea gteatoaugbteroftbe^irtang. -3^!Lf5?i amt a ^opbete to flje singe of Sfrael/anbfapbetobmi-go fo?tfie apiale tbeman /be topfe anb rafie fiebe tobattboii S2ffiSS? ltfteW1 ** ^"t/^efipnge ?f ,, I fatolBcomea 5 a ?fl $ agapnecben fapbetbereruaunteg of tbe ftpnges of &gt;iria tobtm:tbe obg of fbiUe* are tbeire &amp;m/ anbfl)erfo?e fljep babtbe better of b*. ut let bs fpgbt toptb tbem in tbe pfapne/ano f 0? tobatpetotll/toewaflbattet&amp;ebettraoftb anbtbi0bo:tafie Bpnge? atoajeeuerpmS mitofbtgplace/aputbuBesttntbeirrotomr. anbbotbounSb?eanbofte/lifiepbofttbat tbou baft lofte/abo?fe fo? bo?fe 9 cbaret to cbaret/aietbsfpgbttttbein piapne/afoj a toager/toegettSbettetof tbf.anb amse berfienebbnto tbeir bopce anb bpb euen fo. anba|fonea0tbeperetoa8(aboute/25e* ftababn3b?ebs&gt;trien* a toent bptoapbes totoarretottb3!fraei.anbtbecbilD?en of b &lt;g ****** -.- p?ouptrebof bitaple

/ s &gt;

twwjfpiiebtbe e ^,, amanofoba fapbebntoffipngeofgifrael flm?faptbt(jeiLo?be. 28ecauretbe^irien0 fape/t tbei.o?beigbuta csobof tbebilles/a not&lt;oaoftbeb3lep0to:tflrtfo?etoill3jbefi*

uer afl (bits great multitttbe into tbinebanbe ae ?e mape finotoe f % am tbe jio?be. ana tbeppftcbeb one oueragajnfttbe otber.bri. bape?/an^tbefeuentb bapeiopnebbatapie. Mb anb

enbaaaa. ana tbe cbiiazett of 9 rrael Oue of tbe&amp;ittis e^Mtausmaunoetb to wjm tyt* t *mcm

j^nbaaaa. anatbecbiiajmofgrraeiuueoftBe^mas anbuna?eatbcufana fote menmone oape . ana tbe re ft flea to ap b" eft into W epttcano tbere fell a toanebpo.rrbtj.tbouranoe or tbe tyattoereiefte.anajSen&amp;aaao flea ana toent fat a tbe citie/fromcbamb?e to cbamb?e, Sben fapae bis remauntesbntobpftbe* boiae /toe baue bearaefape/tBattbefipngcs of tbe bouTe of Jftael ate mercf full bpn gcS. jutbsputracbeclotbaboutoureilopnes 9 ropes about ourebeeaes/ago out topfipnge of IfraePbapplpe fie topUfauetbplpfe. ana fijcp jSufiaeD CacBe elotbe aloutefljeirlcpnt; eputropesabcutetbetrebeetcis/ a toft out totbebpnge of gttaei afap&amp;e : tf?p femaunt enbaoaaraptb/l' p?ape $ utmeipue. aw # be fapae:isbepeta ipue: 1 tobatfie is mpb;o* tbet.anatbep toftc tooojac to? gooaiucne 9 Battel? caugbtitoutofbiSmoutbafapce: " ?eie.tbpb?oftei#enbaDaa.cbenbcfapae:gO anbbjpnge&amp;im.anasenbaaaa came outto bpm/anatbe otbettoftebimop into tbe cba* retc. ana enbaoaa fapaeabe cptpts tobpeb m p fatbet tobe fro tfip fatber/ a topll tea an agapne.anbt&amp;ou ait mafte ftreatcs to; fte in ?E&gt;amaf co/as mp fatljet apa m Samaria, anagi topll mabean apopntment toptb ibt ana ren t tb e atoape.ano fomaoe an appoint memtoptbbpmanDfentbpm atoape. cben a certen man of tbe cbpia? en of tb e J&amp;jopbeteS fep&amp;e bnto bsS feloto tef t&amp; ftoo?= be of fte ftojoc/fmpte me| [map ft z . ana $mantooianotfmptebim.anaberapae/be* eaufe tbou fiatt not obepea bopce of $ '/Lo?b: beboiae/asfoneast&amp;ouartoeparteafrS me t, sug,tM. a ipo ttjaUflapefj . ana as Cone as Be teas DC*

partes Bo bim/*a jUpo foaa fiim a Oue film. Cben be founoea noftetman a fat&amp;e to (urn: fmptemeg; pzape $ .anatbemSgaue bima gooa ftripe a; f |&amp;/op&amp;ete loft f o#&amp; e a toapteae f a? bpnge bp $ toape $ put afu)esbp8 fits epes/ans put bpm relfe _ out of bnotoleage.anDtebe btng camebp/ be crpeobnto bim a (apaeubpreruaunt teem cut in. mibbfis of battel! . ana re/tber teas one beganne to flee . anatbere cam a man to me afapae:bepetbfsma".anapf fiebemifles tbP Ipfe all go fo? bps/oj eife tbou ait papea talent ofrpiuer. ana as tbpferuaunt baabereatfieretbao/fietoasgone. anb tbe bpng ofjtrael fapae &amp; n to b i: eue fo (ball top tubgemctbeast&amp;ouMaefmea ittbpteife anbficfiaftebatobetbeaflbesatoapcfrS biS epes:tbe epnge ofgrrael fineto bim / be teas of tb*1&amp;?o|*etes.anbBefcpfie btito bmge/tbu$faptbXo^eibeeaufefboubai lettgo amStbat ougbttobaueopeb/tbpipfe fflallgo toiW ipfe/a tbP people f o; bte.ana f fipng of lftaeltefob boutetoaptoat&amp;p anabeuj e/atib entteamto ^aman'a.

^abei cimanntetb to bjH jQabo t6/f f fefnefato ttjat bt tefuftt to (tllabAb . |wab rep?guetb ahalj/enUbcRpratetb* CCbe.wr.lbaptet, if tet tbefe tbpnge g teere aone/ftai cbaunceo tbat^abotb tbeSe?ia beltte baba topnepafcaetnlejtabei batae bp $ palace of abab bpnge of g&gt;amana.anaabab fpafiebnto jDabotb fapmge:ie t me baue tbp bpnepacaeyto mabe meagataeof petbes tbetof/becaufettljetb f o npe mp boufe : ana % topll geue tbe a bet* tetbpnepataefo; t't-.ojpf itplapfe tbe? toiil ^: tbe/tbe tto?ttie of ttinfpluee.ut^a* fapae to a tjab : ft e %q# c fo;bpo&amp;e tb at ftom me/tbatf ftuloegeuetbe enbetttafice ofmpfatberjjbntotbe. cben teent abab bntobp* boufe teap tears ana en ell apapae / becaufe of tbe too?.

W tobpcB jQabotbtbejejtaljelite baofpo* bentobpm faptng:| topllnot geue tonje/ tbe enbentaunce of mp fat $ erg . anb&amp;e lap&lt; ae bpm botene bpon W beea ana tutneba ioapebpfs face/and teome eatenomeat^ . ana tbm 3e?abeii bF3 topfe came to bpm/ anoraptiebntobpm:tebpattmouioftoteav&gt;&gt; be/tbattboueateahomeatef ana befapse bmobev/3fpabebnto$abotbtbe3eftalje4 ; Itte /anbfapaebntobmt'-BeuemetbPbpnep*atoefo? fpluet/o^elfepftboutopit/jitopil . geue tbe a noge* bpnepatoe f o? tt . ana be fapoe;i topHnotgeuetyetnpbpnepatte. ; cben rapbeaejabenbp^topfe bntoBpmt tebata goo&amp;lpe bpngebome toete t&amp;ou able to mabe ingftaelfbp a eate meatea fet tbine bertatcea/fo?3itelflgeue /tbebpnepatoe of jSabotb tbe 3ie?ra6 ctft e . 2Bna fte to^ote a letter fn abate name a fealebfttt biufeale/ a rent it bnto tbe eiaers a cbefemen of W "* tic tbat btoelt tobere^abotbbtoclt. anattje tottotem ietterfapinge:p?oclapme faflpng ana fettiQabo^onbpeamonge tbepeopie/ ana fettttoobntlwtfteg before bpm/ a lett&amp;l tcfttfre agapntt bpm rapfnge: tbou bpoeS curfe botb oaana tbe fringe, anabpo tbat earpebpm out anb Hone bpm to netOf . anbieiaers anobleu of W citft / tobpebe _ btoeltmbfecttt'e/aiaasjteabel baa Cent bn to tbe/a ajjft tea? to;ittei'nlettet tobW Oie bab fent bnto tbem. ffbeppjoclameafattpn* ge/afettiQabotb an bieamSge tbe people/a tb ere came in tteo bntbjtftie perf ones a late before btm.3nb|tteo bntb?t'ftte perTon^toi t* neffebagapttjQabotb befeef people rapfg aiM . jDabotb Mb eutfe&lt;ob af binge anabpsf wm tbep cat* ebbtm out of cfee a flonea bti ftonejttoaeetbJnbtbentbepfenttojeiabel fapmge:^abotbts ttoneatobetbe.ainb tobf t gfeiabel bearbetbat ^abotb teas ftone&amp;to beetbuHefapbetoa&amp;abAp atabepofleflpon of (be


* oftbebpnepatbeof^abotb/tbeaejwbette/ tobpcbebeaemeb.togeue tift fojfpiuee/foj ^abotb isnot aliue/butaeeaaina tobeabab bearbecbat^abotbteasbeeb.fieSobebpto go botene to $ bpnepacbe of abotb tbe % &amp;* ttfteifte/totabe poueopon oftt, anaf teo^aeof $s,o;aecamebnto$Iteb tbe cb# oite fapinge:bp a go aotone to mete abab bpnge of ^traei tobicb tSm.^amatia ffieboiae/be ts in tife bpnepat&amp;eof jQabotb: torn isgoneoobmetbptbec/totabepo6r( fpon of tt. ana (ape bnto bprnstbus faptb tbe jUH&amp;e/t&amp;ou baft billeb a tberto gotte" poffef* f p5.anb fape me i eou et bnto bim/ttjuS faptb f m 3lo;be:tn place tebere boggesiappeal blouaeofit2abotb/mall&amp;ogges lappe euen tbP;abab (apato liab^aft tbou founae me tbpne enempe atanp tpmef ana be fapae pee /becaufe tbou art btterlp . geuen to teo;cbe tetcbebneoe In tbe fpgbt of tbe Hctf e.3Beboiae/3 i totll b?pnge eurlbpon tbe /ana tot II mafie clean* tfoba nee of m /&lt;$ toflrBeutope bntoabab all t PPfletb agams tbe teaueyana pf ougbt be p^efoneo o; fo;fa fienmaftaeuatoiitmabe'tbtneboufe/Ipbe tbeboufe of Jeroboam tbe fonne of ^abat/ '.',,, siplfctb^boufeorjSaafaffoimeofafifaB/ v fo? tbe angerpngtobertoptb tbou batt anfe* tes/anamaae|fraelfpnne. :. anbtbettoagapnaiejabelcaiiieitoo^ ,jtii'sae.oftbe jlo?ae raping; aoggeSOjail eategeia* W;fi'l)efl/biUici;tbe*toaiIfSof3!e5rabefJnbbc mmp, hgtfa ofabab fn tbe totone/bim mall Dogges : eateaha be tbat apen) m tbefeiaes/bmi matt f foulesof tbe ap?e cate;^02 tbere toaSnone at an lis eabab/tbat teas f o btterlp geue to teoo;c&amp;eteicHeoneffemtberpgbeoffjto;oe ana tbatbecaure ^e;abei bps topfe p^pebea bpm fo?toarae,ana tberfo?ebe opo erceapng abbompnablpe/ui f01otepng3boles/tn all tbpnges Jibe as bpb tbe ammo;ttes tobicb %,QfM caft out befoje tbe cbtfiwmof Jfraei.

I*ww wenabab beam tbofcteo$e0/*be rent bis ciotbes aputfacbeclptb about btsflefije anb fafteo/ana tape in fact anb teent cSfo^* fefle.ano toojae of tbel-o?ae came to &lt;Iiab : tbesberbitefapinse-.reptttbou bote abab bun*letbbimfelfebefo?emef becaufebero rubmpttetbbpm felfe before mtfo topn not b?inge i euell in bis Bapes:but in tyis fornies 6afeS/1toiHb?pngeeuellbpifit'sboure.

'. &amp;N&amp;,

CdFoute bunlwtbfalfe j?opfifft6o tounreu flbab pbattotoacrcagapw8motb:onflpj|t Pftefjetb tbe tratbwo? tobftb bcio&amp;nvttf

cbeKtecbaptec. iQbtbep contmuea nmtfft tofn&gt; outtearrebetteene^tnaandfr* taei*ana f tblrapetegiebolapbajt bpnge tfSciba/camc to t^e bpnge

fCtttit hSrSi^Sfai^^^elbnto *** * bPS retuaunteS/ ftnotoe re not tbat laamora m aiaao oureS/ana toe rptt Chile a tafil jrfa^tttbetePbebntofeborapftatTtotltSou |o?^?batasje/tdamotbmSJalaaaf . aji&amp;feborapbatfepaebntotbc&amp;pngeofrjfc J"? a^bofapbaf fapbebnto tbebpnge of v IS*" 1 !? &gt;" 3 p?ape tfte ornjekoja S25ftr SP*? 1 ^ *"* WelgeS tbeau of p\!&amp;?opbctes to getbet/ups a finite bttna;eamen/anarapaebntotbcm:lbairago to Kanton) m aiaaa to batapie/o? be ittui

SSSLW'?^ * ^f ftallbelpuee ftnttotbebanaes of tbe bpnge^na febora^S Pbatrapbc-.fstbere neuera&gt;?opbet of tte Xoiesberemoate/tbat toe mpgbt enquwe fapbafctbereispetone/bptobomctoemape aTbe counceil of tbe jLo?ae/one flBicheab tbe fornieofjemlab.ut IbatebSS m? uerp;o^rpetbgobtitonie%iteuelS aeborapbatfapae : let nottbebpngewpcr biSf bamberlapnsana fapae-.fett SBicbeab^ fonneofjcmiabbPtBetatonce, WB amtbebpnge of aftaeianasebofapbat tbetcappareli on tbem/mabopae place be* rpDeftewtrpnge of tbe gate of &amp;&gt;amatfe/ anb^eDejawbtbefonneof CatManabmaoe SSffiSFS^n* PW/tbus faptb f xo^et toirotberebo;nestbouttjalttopiotoe^i, rtansbntplltbou baue maaean enae of tbf . anb all tbe &amp;opbcte* p^epbefpea euenfoC -faptngeigoto Karaotbinoalaao anapzofc ainb.tbe meucnger tbattoas gone to call apicbeab/fapae bnto bun : re / tbe teozaes of tbej&amp;jojibete* fpeabegoob bntotbebpnge S^i^^S^^^^^PWPtbe/le nbe tbe tooaaesof one of tbcm / ana fpeabe tbattSgoob. anb^tebeab^pae^ftirelP astbe]Uoelputtb/tebattb,ejlo;oeputt8tb in mp moutbe/ibattofflirpeabeJlnDtobm betoasfometotbebpnge/tbe bpnge rapae tobim-.apitbeabyftjantoegotoisamotb in CKlaaotobataple/o; (ban toe be op i anb befapbebntobfm:*goaitapwrpec/| %ti\ beipuer it into tbebanoes of tbe bpnge ;anb*** tbe spige rajoebntobim/ boto often ftall a flbmref /Unttboutenmenotbpngbut tru* lbe/mtbenamepftbe)ltaer l &amp;2 1 &amp;?** '8SP' fftaelftatterea bpon tbe bilies /as ttjepe tbat baue no (be* paaws.anatbexo^erapae: tbore baue no ." tM matter

A *

' "




maaet/Jet rtemwtume/ tubman tobp* bmulempface.abmfeWfceBpngeofgifc taeito sebofapbafcap&amp;S nottcttfte/ftatbe tooiaepzopbrtpenogooabntorae/buteuetf 3nb^w&amp;eabfa8be:8mtbftfoet6etaojw 3 of tbe tojuc.f fett $ :Ho;aerpttonbi!8reate ana ail fteccmpanpe of beauen aanopnge aboutbta/onb&amp;vfgbtbano 9 mm jgw *"*' "t^atijc mategoanbbeuapneat Karacfttn alaaa^anaonerapoeontbpssmaneranas n oftet on ftat.cbeii came f o;tb a fp# te ana Cose b e o;e ft e juwe anofapoe: $ to? B a ceauc b(m Jno fte)U&gt;?be fatae/tob' 3nobefapbr.3! totHfcoout $ be afalfe {ft inftemouftegofauwt&amp;jopbrteSianbtbe

' no?a fapoe/tbon &amp;)ai t a eceaue btm ami alf p?euapie/g f 0?* ana tojt become / tbe no fp?pte inftemouft of ceis:tobcnm beefbeoe eueiitotoarcefte, cbmfeecerfMabtbeforateofffianaanab toentto anacmote flptcbcabonftecbefie/a facte&amp;oto ijs ftefpjpfe ftoih me/ to fpeabe m fte ? rapae:bebo!oe/ u)ou malt re tbouftaltgo from tbamb?e to of tbe %oM gonne 3na $9i ftcab in ftat oape/tofct cbamtye to bo turn Co. $ oto ft tu ?nc barb put a ipmge atttbefc ft? ^jopbe* tbe jugoewMH fpofira

bpae tte.ana ft e fipnge of icrael fapae: tafic 0!?tcbeab ana cat? e &amp;pm bacfie agapne bnto amen t&amp;e Bouemnof tfje cftfe/a bntcjoab ttiefipraosfornie/anafareifbujs fapftfte Bpnge.putp e ftfc feloto (n ftep;efcn boufe anat^eb(mtou$b?eeoan&amp;taateraraptue/ ^bntrH gjretumempeace, t)tn te&amp;eab 'fapae/pfftoutomefateasapne/fteiicflc baft not fpoftrn tame . ana be fapae mo?eot uervb erben to pe people euen? one of pou., aittroftefipngeof Sfrael aSebofapbat of tuoa toentbp to ftamotb in a* nge, of aCrael fapbe to $cbo *&lt;EijntiB;6if,iap9a^t8auiigetfttanlj gee; tbe totoartc: gjtct&amp;e. butputon tb pie atone appartu". anbtbc Bfttge of gtfrael ftsungea bpm feife / a toent to batten aifo, utftefipnge of &amp;t'riarjab commaunbebtBeeapttesnwof bpscbatetesJ of tobtcbbebab.wn.fapnTge-.frsbtnetbtt: tofft final! no? gwate/Caue toptb t|e Bpnge of ^fraelonlte. 3Cna toben tbe eapitaptejf of ftec&amp;arettesfatoelt&amp;orapbat/ftepftoiigbt bebaabmefte Bpnge of 3!Cfatl/anatberfo?e tutnea toty'm to ft'gbt JSutgebotapbat cries out.anatobmfteeaptapnes5ofttecbaret te* fate tftat be toasnot fte Bpnge efgrrael/ *c^ 6 /at tbeptunift bacfie from bpm, imtoactg mt anaa certen manajeto 3bcotoe*tgno um*tnt: tanflpeanarmoteftfmigeof ^ftaei bettoene j,Ku fapbe bnto ft a;puer or bi cbarett, tume ft? iSfferng. barHtfanbcaj^meeutofftcbo&amp;/f07 3aw

butt* i 3natbe batten encteafeatbat bate/ aid tbe aptse eontmurbmbtf cbaret bef o?e

tbe ^.mams/anaateaateuf. 3na tbe blouse tanne out of tbc toounaemtotbe botome of tbe ebatert. 3lnb tbert toent a p;ociamacfon tfwoto out tbe botte after tbe fonne teas ootone fa?inge:euet? man to W cftfe ana to bttsatone counttete.ana tcben tbe bfnge of* g;ctaeitoa$oeeo/tbe? came toS&gt;amana ana bucieabrm tbete, anatobvtetbe? toaftbea tbe cbatetm tbepoleof ^amatta / tbebog&lt; gejs licbea bpb?0 blouae/ana barlottes toaC. Otebbfin acco?Dpige bnto tbe too?Se of tbe nojactobpcbbtcpafie. cbe tea of tbeoeoeftof aibab / ana all b oib/anbtbe^uo^ebouGttaibpcbbe maae/ 9 ibecifte0ft)atbeou]&gt;lt/ateta)?t&gt;tt*n tntbe bob e of ttje cb;ontcle of tbefiptgeg of %U rael.anotobenabab toajs la^ietoreS tostft bissfatbet0/&gt;bo}iabb^fonne taygnea in bs^fteaae. jebofapbattbefonneof aifa beganneto rapgne bponguoa/tbefoutibpeteof 3bab bpnge of iftael/a toas. jcm&gt;.?ere oice toben bebtgannetotapgneana taFgnea.wb.?e m 3&lt;rufalera . 3na W motbetg name toas 3?ubabaaugbtetofg&gt;slabf.3nabetoau fiea in ali^toapeiS of 2fa W fatbet^botoea nettberfrom.^utofbtbatttas tygbttntbe epejsoftbenojae. nip be apa not put tbe brilauttent out of tbe toape 1 fo? tbe people oScrtDana bumttbettfactpfpceftpet/fntbe bpnaultatw. 3na be bao peace tottyfye


bpngeofSftael. an

m tbe a of tbe aeaaejj of leborapbaf/

anb tbe mwbt tt)at be bfeb/anbboto be tear* tea/aretojittenintbebobeof tbecbtontckd of tbe fipngw of 3uaaJna tbe remnattntof tUt Oat of tbe males / tobpcb tetnapnea in tfyt aapeg of bPSfatb/beput cleane out of tfclanae.$bereta&gt;a0tbenno bpngr m&lt;Ki5/ tbe fiptgetoas but aaebtte.ainbSeborapbae maaeappptfjnttbtfe/fo go to pbitfoj Bouia/buttbeptotntnowo^ffbippesifajalse at ajion (Sabes,cbfn-fapae flDbojtab tbe ftmneofababbntosebofapbae:iet mpfer* uautttejsgotot'tbtbpnemtiieffipppfis. 3SuC 3ebofapbattooiacnot.ana5ebotaptiatlap bebtofoflepetaJftbbJPfatbers/ttoasbu* neOtoptbbWfatbei^mttiecptTeof ' ^aufobPSfafljet.-lnaTebo^S b^fonhevaignebm byJ'^o^me. -* CCbeen6eoftbetb?pabcBeoftbeBtngfj}/ &amp;9 tbe natenpae^ wfien/tbe ^eb?ur a raUtttbefp;aoftbeapngtjj, be




of fl)emwtg/astije %mam ** )f^C8jhg5, 10 ht

capta|nefloucc fpffyeu.,,, .... . l ^, J ^, Wkll toitf) fpe f com tjeaucnrty tgc p^ayec of feel(a!&gt;. fibor ^ffftt fp^g cbanter. :; a F^^^^Qjtab tbefonne of abab be* gannetoiapgnebpon Iftael' in Samatta/tbe.itb#,pew of I'lebofapbat spnge of gjuoa/? toa? binge ouec Jfca el ttoo lyere/ana opa eueflin tbe figbt oftbeJLo?oe/anateaiBeb mtbetoapeof bw fatbet ana fn tbe toape of bflsmotber/an&amp;m tbe toape of Jeroboam n)e Tonne of tfJabat tobpcbemaaefftaefffrtne. an&amp;beferuen

arraef afteetbeaeetb of abab. ana flDbo?tab feuebo;otoa tottefe tofn* . DOtooutofattbppeEcbSb;eibeBaaw&amp;a* maria/anbfellfpcbe. cbenbefentmeaens iffjefKiptu/getsifajtnge bntotbem:goanaenqup of g*** fl J5eei?ebub tbe tfoaof afiaton/tobetbet a hmh i)? in* of tbejutta fpafieto fltab tbe cbefbtte /&amp;p HSte? a P180 agapnft tbe meffengetf of tbe fipnge S?** S&gt;amatia 9 tape bnto tbenu^ttbecaufe


Cbetfo;etbtt0faptb I &amp;o?ae:tbouffialtnot come a tone fro G}t beaae on tobpcb &lt;bou art gone bp/but (bait ate.anb sitab bepattea. anbtbeme(Tengestumeb bacfieagapnc bntobnn..anabefapaebnto tbe:tobp atepe tbu0 come agapnef and tbep fapae bnto bfm tbete came a managapna w anDfapbebnto tojsfgo ana tume agapne bnto tbe Binge tbat

Centfou/afapebntobim.Cbuisfaptbf]Lo2b 3d ft becaufe tbere te no &lt;oa in gfftael / (bat tboufen&amp;eft to enquire tt)o?otoSeel?ebub ft &lt;Boa of aBaton^cbetf o;etbou fbalt not co* mebotoneftom tbe bebbeontobfcbtbou art gonebp/butibaltfuerlpeaie.anaberapbto tbl:taibatmaneramanta)a)3tbatta)bfcbniett sou 9 toiae pou tbere toojaeisf ana tbepfatae Ditto bnmft toag an beartp man anagp ?ae &lt;* ag^eofafBpnneaboutebtfropejs.anb be.fajbbnto tbem:tt i&amp; itab tbecbefbttt. Cben tbe Bpng Cent bnto brm a captavne ouet ftftte % W f iftfe.anbtobencaptapne toajs come to bfm/beboie*e fatt on ft toppe ofanbpB,anatbecaptfljnefasbr6ntobjm;


anb (jltabanftajeteaafapae to tbecaptapne ouer^e mm % beaman of SoaSecL meaotame frf beatien 9 concume tbe ana ftp Rftie.*anb tbere came fireootone frSbeaue itu&amp;fe 9beuoui^btm9b^eftft.anBftBpngetoft agapne a cent to bmianotbercaptapne oue" bnto bmu man of oa/ftust rapft ftBinge maBe batt 9 come aotone,anb&lt;euabanftoc tebfapbbnto tbe:pf 9 b e a ml ofSob/tbeti m fm come aotone ftfi beauen a confutne tbeanatbf Rftfcanatberc camr&amp;eSSSr ftora beauen ana confttmea brni a bte tmt ano tteapngecent agapne ftelftV S &amp;i%&amp; m *?* ba mmun af atae in tbpfpgbt. eboloe ftere came fire aotone n froni beaufa butntbp fte ttoo fore captap* * nejj ouer fpftie topft fterr fiftiest . iit let PJHSMl be P^oufemftpfpgbt. cben botone toftbbim/anabenotafrapae ofbm ai be toet botone toftb bim bnto fte fiSe aiftbefapaebwoftefnjnge/ft&amp;captbft SISSY'S ge{toafftefb02oto eel?ebub tbedPoa of iBaran/a^ougb fbewbabbeneno oatn

|ftael toafBeft)o ? otobfi8 tooo^ae^ tbeS tbou Owltnotcomeofftbeobeontob^ tftou aa?Wwatt(UKlpaie. aSSbe Wepacco^ng to ft too?oe of ft jLo^ae w&gt;#ti MJW/^^^ arato ^naefitgeni ^eborapbat Bpngeof I'uba/becauCe bebao no fonne.cbe tea of tbe aeaaeg of eB tobt^beKWateto^ttenintbe cb^onfel^ar tbebpngesiofafraei. WMI S5SSJ2S22 iM2?*l WMmwft , pl(?e t|ja{ raocte fflffisw aw M&lt;npS . ^ , f Cbe^,baptec. ina ft cbaaeebtobe ft tojbt tooia^ ifiebpifliabtobeaufmatobo?^ letopnae/i tab a Cftfeujs toe ^^Jgpfnge ft5 algal.ana asm faia to mwmv bete^ p^ap tbe/fo^tbe noza baft rentmeto35eftei. vn 4mmt*m agWpaiJftejLo^aeltuetb/aajJtbpfmiie,^ . ^^ ltnttH/% tofllnotleaue ft.anbtobeftepS * ta ^*^ metoetbel/ftcbna?f offt^opbetejsltoeS at etbei came out to ifltfeuis ana fapae to b&lt;m:imotoeatbounotboto fte)Lo?aetofil tabe atoape ftp maaer ffi ft tbi'0 aape? ana . befapae/3! Bnotoft too/boioepoure peace. Cbmrajbe&lt;BfabtO(Hnleugtfarpbeea #% fflotoOi'n





f ciotofcfp/fo; t&amp;e Ho?bebatb fentree togie* ricbo.anb be fapfieias f urelp as rbe:no;ae it* uetb/anbasuwipaStt}pfouieipuetb/g|toii not ieauetbe/a fotbep toentto 3;encbo.SnB tbe cbplbjen of tbe ^jopbete* {were at 3!e* ttcbocameto ciifeuss fapbe bnto bpm: art tyou not tear* ( tbe Ho ?oe tojil tafee atoape tbpmatterfrS t tbiS bape^anb be anftoereb: gifinQtDitalCo/botoepouwptace.anbffiliab rafoe to bim:tat? el P*ap ^ete/fo?^o?ce batbfentmetoSlojDan. ieutbefapbe-.ajfu* wip as $e &amp;o#e ipuetb/ano am tbp fouie ip* uetb/3! tottt notteaue tbe . anbfo rt)ep toent b oft e oftDe to gcatb et.3Pnti fpftp e m? of tfte ronnwoft&amp;ePwibeteatoetflttQbefoffgbt a fan* of/ass tfjep (too ftobe bpgojban. SPnbrbenateBtofleBpsmSteliatojapte fttogetbetan&amp;foiotetbetoater/anbitDHU* Df&amp;iefelfe/parretbe oneteape anb parte tbe otber/atbep ttootoetouet ontficDjpc lanor. ainbasfoneastbeptoereouer /tab fapbe IttStat wtbatto BuMfae toftata t W to?W W*3 t be came (p;eu betabeaimape from tbe. anb flHifeus fapbe: wsfcoo moaietmeg!p,mptbe/bauetbpfp?tce*ootDble m tl SfSSf* me.anbbetapbettbou batt afneban.barbe 8KK t^mse.iaeuert&amp;elrtKrf tSouftrneto^tiSI tb!.-o; thaw amtafienatoapefiamtbe/tbou Qjaltbauett tnarc$aue.iifo;pftboubo not/ft QiaUnotbe. anbastbe? parte* moe toenttoampijscanotanisnge-.befjoIoe/tSete ShltoT came a cbaret of fpje anbbotffcs of fp te anb fail meaf ^ put tbem afcnb?e.anb &lt;Iiab toent fap in tbe ut (be fame * to&amp;ojtttopn&amp;e to beaurn . 3no eiifeus fates tw*fe. 'and cnefcfl) mp faiber/fl) mp fatbex/ c&amp;a* set of $fcaelanbtbebo?feraen tbetof/afato bpm no moaee : anb tberfoje tone bp* atom elotbes anb tent ft&gt;m fnttso pecegs . anbtbenbetofie top tbemantellof cEliab that ftnftom bpm/ anb tocntbacBe agapne ano ftobe op lojbarot fpbe / ano tofie tbe mS* ten of Uab ttjatfenftombra/anbfraotc tbe

toatetanDfapbe-.tobereiss tbe '/lo#e&lt;2Jobo tEJiab terete is be? anBtobenbebabfmpte" tbe toaterit wuioeo parte tbis toaj e a parte tbattoape/anbCHfeuStoentouet. 3notbe cbpibtfnof tbe|&amp;;opbete0of fertcbo tobpeb fetoboti ftS a tsm/iamt fprcte of tfltab botbreft on Gciifeus/ano toentagapnft bpm abotoebto $ ertbebntobim.anbtbep fapbe fentobmv.fe/tbetebeamBgetbp fetuaunte* fpftie Uiftie mender tbe so ano fefie tbp ma aetibapplp e tbe fptfte of tbe jLojbe Barb ta* aenbim bp9 caft btmbpon fome mountasne cjmtomebaiepe. 3nbbefapbe:fenbenot, jBeuertbeieffcpettbcplapebponbim/tpnbe teas a tbameo/a fapbetfenoe /anbtbep fent fiframentofticbfougbtbimtftje bapejtano rbtfnpgbtes/but founbebtmnot. anbtbep came agapne to bpm /fo?betatfebat ftxt cbo.anbbefafberotbem/bib3 not face bnto feyotitbatfcfbuJoenotgo,

^entbernenofa^EjofapBeto(trreits: bebotteftt cftfe ftanoetp pieafantfe ag ntf % o;oe feptb / but tbe toatet is haugbt ano tbe gvounoe battn. a ns be fafoeOi^ng me a netoctufeaputfalttbetm.^notbe?b;ougbt ftttbwn.atobbetoentbnto tbe fp;cngeof toatee caft tbe fait fntb^tbev/ afafoetbug faptb )Lo;De:gp.bcaieft) toatet/tbet ftafl notcomebBcefojttbetberoeetbeo? barfnetre. 3Cn&amp; t toatet teas beltbfome euet after aceo;* oingtotbefafnigof^In'eiKttobicbbeipabe. anobetomtftomftentebptojsetbei, . 3no aft bttoa* gosngebp in tbe toape/tbere came Iftle laboem out of tbe cptje anb moc* BCD bfm/anofai&gt;bto bum :gobptbou balo beeo/gobp tboubatte^eeB . 3no betumea ^^1,

bacReanDloobefi ontbem ano eutfeo tbem oreow? mj nttbename of)lo?6e.S'nbthrte came lliffiE ^eareis out of gtoooo ^taw.Wtj.of fbo^es. fflSBa* anobcaent fr8 tbencetomountcarmej/a SSgSgT ftomtbencetoentagayneto&gt;amaw'a. g^gg" Gffi^hjngMofSfraclJuaaaitae&amp;innlacUcVDafer.. %2 total ttouW'e?IJ5t ajasnfte^oau: toftpc^ tbtp ftt/rKeMH sbMme t^ouj t) t t^c pjap c of Uftug. C}c bjns of 2 ";*. 2? eali Ufct^ j&amp;efglteaHo after fscrefjet^ ^{* fonne. SVJrj^ Cfte.ii).tiapter. '^SSa bo^m tt)e fonne of Jbabbegan^ # ne to va^nebpS Jfrael m^&gt;ama; .^ mih &lt;S rtan)e.rbtij.Tere of IWofapbat^ bpige offuoa/a cotpnueDttecruen*tiB ttxt . 3nobe b3?ougbttbattoas euell m tbe Kgffi ffgbtoftbe)lo;oe;bUt not Isfie bps famctMww^ o; b^t motbet / tot beput atoape tbepmagc {$$$ of aal tbat bH fattjetbaa mane : ^euec* m*m* rbeWtebecontpetoebm tbeftnne of gero* BBSr* beam ftje fonne of $ab at tobicb man e^frael fpme/ansfbjonfeenoitberrrom. 3!nD ^era g^nge of flt^oab tofc^B team ncbe of epe ( ano teas toontto renoet bnto t^t fipnge of 3 ftaei an bunn;eo ft) on fa no ii* bemaajtmanptSmejtttrbetoollejrebelfeo agapnfttbeftjngeof gfftael after tbe beetb of abab. 3nb6cnge3ebo?amtoentoutof Samaria tbe fame ceafon/a nob?eo all &lt;$fr r aeUno tb en toft 9 fent tojebofapbat btng of|uba(aFmge:tbebfngeof^oabban)te&lt; beiieu again a me/toltt tb ou gtrtomc agatnS tbe^oabftes to battel^ ano be fagbeg ^ to go/a toplbe as tbou / a mp people (palbe as tbihe/anb my bojfles as tbme. 3Bno be fapoe: tobat toap e OaUroegofaino $ otbetanftoe= teotftoapetbo?oto tbetoflbemeffe of dom. *&gt; 3Bnb Qit bpnge of Sjfrael tone bt's toumepe toptb tbe bpnge of 3iuoa a tbe ftpnge of &lt;D5. 3nD toben tbw babcSpaftbtbetoapefeuen bapes/tbete toast no toatet fo; $ boC no? fo? tbecattentbattbepbabtoptbtbem. Dm fapbetbebpngeof ifraeluHaae/ t^t toioc barb calico to geetbet tbefe tb?e Bingeft to Beipitcr tbe" into tbe banfies oftbe^oabftes. ut


jeutgebofapbatfctbe:t0 tbetebeate no m pbet of tbe Jlo;be*/t8at toema?eenqueof tbe %cw bv bimfamb one of tbe fipng of %u raeWftruautes anttoete&amp;anb fapoe ;bere ft fflstte twt citfeus $ fonne of S&gt;apbat tchik * potojea "^ffim toatcc on tbebanoeg of ettab . 3M Jebbfa* *** |K tf ra.pBe:S too?ueoftbe JUatttoSbW anofo tbebrnge of^tracl/ anogjeborapbat anb tb e bpng of tibom tomt ootone to bun. ainOflEitfeusfapbeto tbeBpng of afwel; tobatbauc3tobotttbtftttbctotbep;o pbetes of tbp fatbec aof tbpmotber.3itDtbe bpngof3fraeifapoebntobim:fl&gt;bnape/but; batb t^t %o}b callebtbefc tb?eBpngejs tote* Itnicr tbe into tbe banoes of tbe 29oabttes^ : . ancijliffiisrsi'De/asfuteaptbeHojoeof ^ouesJraetb(tn tobofelpgbtgi ttanb) anb it toetc net tbat | rtgariie f p;erence of |ebo* fapbat apiig offuba/? toolbenotloBe to. C toaree tbe/no? pet fe tbeut noto b?png me a mpnfitei.3nb as tbe mpnttwi plapeb / tbe band of tbeHozo biasbpo bim.anobe fapoe*. tbus bpboetb tbe TLowmto ty S bjoBc fu of cptbes (Jfo?tbiSfaptb tbe TLo?be:pe (baa fe netber topnoe no? rap ne / 9 pet t&amp;t* b;obe ajalbeWleDtttoatCT/tbatpemapetomefie/ apottrebeaaes a poure cateUaltoJnbtbwt . fSpetbutafmaHtbingmfpgbtof|,o?B: 75at\)t topi! geue n)e flBoabi tes rn to poure bann es alfo.ainb pe (ball oe&amp;tope all Brong totones anb an gooMpe cptpe / a ftall fane an picafaunt trees a ttoppe an tyctoeuen of toatet/amarreaUgocb plattes ofgeounbe torn) ttones.anb in tbe mompng about offe* . rpng tpme:tbere came focfte a toatet f toape fctobom f tbe contrep teas fpneb tt toatee. ' anbtobfnalltfte ffleoabitesbearbcf tbe Bpngestocre comefofigbtagapna^if /tbep geatberetstogeatbet/ftB poungett | teas

abletoputonbarneffeanofobptoarie/ and toapteo in tbt borers. 3Bhd tbep be pngbp erIvintbemo?npng/^ fonneatofea CionebpS f bjatee.anotoben $t flpoabit^ fatoe f toateca farce of/as reb 8SWoubc/tbepfapiie:itisbIoubytbe6pngf baue foitgbt to geatber a one flapne anotber i3ototberfo?e pe fi^oabites gettpoutotbe jb, fpopicJnb tobe njep came to 0oSe of %U fart/f jrraertt^ ttoaebp a lapoe on fl^oa* btttWg !bepBeebbefo?etbeOfnbfotbcpen* treo f SB abetttopeDtbeflBoabit?.ainbtbep ottertb^to # cptt'eiB/^ on euet? goobpawen bf ranbe/caft etterp man bis ftone a ouer co* uettt) it/ana Sopte all toelies of toater / a '^wei-caacfelBeall. goobtrecs.aittbasiongas t Ho* Nw fti. nes tberof bib temapneinf toaHes of*j8c* Be tbe Opngers toent bpon it anb bette ie, . 3Bnb tobetbe Bpng of Spoab fato/ tbat * batten teas to ftrongfo? bmt/tetoBett bint feueba;ebmengb?etotbeftoewe/tot)auf

ehftus, ftpli

b;oBebpbntotbeBpnge of &lt;mm\ couibe notanbtben be to&amp;e bts eioca forart I ftuIbbaueraiTOeombis Seaoe -/ a offereb btofb?aburn^oteiragbp5tbetoalkSS tbercamerogreatto;atbbp9^rrae!/ tbep bepartebfro btm amurneb to tbeir atonejaa Co&amp;gm6a ceeten ?etoon.:S OfleanOfiouretra ISSsSR obtapt|flf *%gMte fo, fiil

JoarOe;teWfb^6j ts after jajttti to WttojS


cb^^.baptet;. ; . btberecrpeba ceeten tooman of 3 tbetopues of tbe cbpttrf of* pw* Pbctes bnto mm tofiad*m -^^^^aauntmpbufbanoeiSbeeb/atbmt finotoea tbat tbp ferttafit bpb feare * 02^ 3nbtbecrebtro?is come to fettmpttoo ionneSytobebtSbonbeme.anb(fircusTa^ ' i to bet!ebat (ball % bo fo; i ceiinte / tobat ^ J batt^oumtbpnefoufe^nb aefapbetbme tjanbmapbebatbnotbmgatanmberboufe/ ' ffleaPPtcbertottbopie.atTbbefaybe-goft bo^totbeinotberplaces/ofantbpnepbou W/empticbeiftfies atbatnot afetoe . anb tbengoanft(butttbebo?eto tbeanb to dn foraies/a poto^e cut into an tbofe benenes) anbwuttbefuHaHtoapfafpbe. ^? JBnbejetoentfrombpni/aaJutttbeboa^ tober atoberfonnes. anbtbep bjougbtto ber/a Qw potato; tobeutbebefiend toew fun/lbefapbetobetfomiesb?pngepeta beittn-Jnbbe fapactbew is no mo Mm ffiett tbeopie ceafeb.cben ftecameana tolbe tfte ma ofoob.anbbefapbe-.goafeH tbe pre anb pape tbpcrebftoj . anbipue fliou 9 m cbpU?enoftberette. " ainbitfeuonaba^/tbatciireuscameto S&gt;unam/tobetetoas a rpebe tooman^ tofie bmttnfo; toeateb?eeb. anbas ofteasbe cametbattoapeybetutnebintbptbet locate b?eeb Jnb fte fapbe bntober buf banbRfe/a peeceaiietbattbeman of obtsperfecte/ S cometbantoapebpbS .Jlettbsmafie bpma ebStyettaiptletoaHe/ a letbsfet ban tbew abeeb/ataWe / attolea a canbelftpcBe * be mapetumemtbitber/toblbe cometb to b*. anbitfo?tuneb onatpme i be came ftp*

tber aturnebintotbecbamb?e a'lape tbete, )enbefapbeto(Eiibeiibtsreruaat:caHtt)i0 ffi feunatntte ano becallebber/ anb ffie came befo?ebmtJmicHfeusfap6etobtm/fapeto b3!p^peft)e:(e/tboubaamabe alitbpa p?ouifponfo?bs/ tobat(baHtoebofo;tbef tooioeatbouberpobenfo? totbeBpngojto tbecaptapneoftbeDofte:' anbftcfapbc* 31 *m,m 9 ^ j bbjciJaraongempne atone people. ^benbe' amc5t nt *iJ fapbe/tobattobeDonefo;berfanb&lt;!5ibeji ,6W3[68ae Jajoeaaerelpftebatbnocbflbe/anbBeebttf* baiibeR5onie.anbbefapbr.canber. Snbbe canebber* InbibecameanbSobeattbe


* /./

coje.cb WCaptabp tocbeatpme/ajjfonc sis $e ftute can fpue / tbouwalt enb?ac.e a tomte/anb 8&gt;e fapoe/fl&gt;b nap tm K-&amp; tbm mS of oa/aonotipebmotbpnebanamapa. anatbetopfeconceaueaana bateafomie came ceafon mat mittut baa fapb wtfo bee/ a* f on e a tb e f ru t e couKit baue IP f e. anb tob en tbe labb teas gteate, itftl I i a cape/mat be toent out to ftf* fatbet/toft bar* - uettnie .ana tbete'be coplapnea to bis famet/ ^mpbeea/mpbeea. anam* fatbetrapaetoa iao/catpe bim tobfe motber Jnblft tobe btm atyougftbimtobtemotbe&amp;aiiBbetatteon , betfineeflttUnone/ammbieD-anawecarieb bpmbpanDlapbebunonrbebeBBe of man f oo/ano Jbuttbe ao;e tobmva tomt out/ . * auacametoberbutt8aeanbfapbe;(eiibeme cue of ft pounge men 9 an Ifie tbatf mate nirnie to t&amp;entan of oa.ana be fapBfctobe* fo?e topltthou gotobim to nape; tobpieitis

mtbft netomonc'no? &amp;; ffie fapaeme conrent.cben fljefaaeneaanafle $ fapaeto tfieiaa: leaae atoapeana maseme notceafe g^ g/bntga% bpa me. r /ana ro me toent ana came bnto tbe man of """ ob/to mount Carm e I Mb tibm tbe mS of obfato&amp;et a fatre/ be fapoeto ibejibp* *- a. rutt fmtaunfcfe/tobew otnefemaunte cometb. fiaiatl JScto runneagapnft bet / *s afftc bet/ tobe* $ tftet; ft be an toeli toftp fjer/ana toitt) betbufs banaeanbtoitb tbclaba. ana ojetapaetan &amp; toen.cben (be toent totfiemanof oabpto mebpnanacaugbtbimbptbefete. 3no5f* be?ttoeHo&amp;er/totb2utt bet atoape.tfuttbe man or o&amp; fapae:let bet alone/fo? bvc foule febetea/anbtbeTto;ae bart) bibbt't fromme anabM notto&amp;eftme.cben wef8poe:ap&amp; Jj aetpje aforme of nriojK ap&amp;lnottape/ tbattbou fimloe&amp;not &amp;?pngerRetn a foles ^araapfe. crbm befapae to tbe?r : gpj&amp;ebp t&amp;P lopnes/ ana tabe m? Ua&amp;e m tbpne bana ana stoapc . gifanperaan metetbe /(aiute bpm not. anapfanptalutetbe/anftoetebminoe agapne.3ito putmp flafle bpS tbe bope.#ot to ttb ttanbpng tbe m tb er of ft cbPl&amp;e Capae: 1 5 ^'^Ijaettygtojnnoticaue ftJnbtben bearot* anafolotoeabec.tfibeittoetttbefojetbema puttee aaffebpont&amp;elabtt. uttbetetoag Retbet bofce no? attenamgJna t&amp;rn be toee agapne aga?nft bps maftec ana toibe bpn batij notateaaebtbelaab. t@ben eii'teuss tea? come fot&amp;ef)ouTe:ffie . .boK&gt;e/flabbtoJbeeb*iasbebp5W0beb. . _ . ^ 53 | nb fie toentmamttbeboaetotBe Iabb9 ffi * t "bJm/PWfeBbntoe3l,o?a*3Bn0Betoftbp ^ aiapebpwitfieteOb/aputbBtmout&amp;onbiiS mouti) /ana bis.epes on W t$tm me pamte ofb&amp;ban&amp;e* ontbepatraeof bigbaoeg/ana


*9 * t*

fp;eoebunreIfefepon$e Iabstbattfiefleibe oftbecbiiaetoa);e&amp;toatme.anatoetaa;a?ne ^toalftea once bp a- aotone in tbe houf e/ ana tben toent bp afp?ei&gt;bmtfelf bpbnbmi Mm tbent&amp;e ratbttefea feuf ttmtis. ana openea bis e^.aua b e caliea &lt;Eb^* t apte : Calle fo; tti^unanuKuan&amp;bccalfeabet.anatoben etoagcoraf tobmt/belai&amp;t*taftetbf Conne lU( M , CbejifteiBtntafeB atb^jfete abotob bet* c,s '' t ' Wfe totbegtouno/tj tofeebp ber fornie a toe t cute-. 8Bbm ieureusitoa? come to algal agapne/tbew ; toaua aattbe w tbe lanae/ana m^cb?ft^oftbep?opbete?6toe}ttom&gt;bsm. Cbenbe fapaeto bi3 ftruaut/put on agttac pot/araafie pottage f 0; tbe cb fia;e of f m&gt; pbetes.ana onetoem oute into tb e feloe / to geatbet berbesf / a f ounae aft ft tone a to#oe bpne/ ana geatbeteb t&amp;etof c oio q ttint^aa eg bos iapf ull/ 9 came a m;e&amp; ft)e into tbe pbtte of potage/ tt)ej bntoetpngjna tbe? poto?e&amp; ut fo; me mertto eate -. ana tob en n)etbaa tafteb of tbe pottage /tbes ctpea out 1 fa?6 e: t&amp;ete lis aeem in tbe pot tb ou man of &lt;Boa l a coulbe not catetberotcbttt b e ragae*?ynge mea!e.anbbccaftitinto tbe pot ana (arte: f pu fo? tbe people mat tb^ ma? e eate / abb tbete toasnobatme ftitbe pot. Cberecameaman from ftaaUaltfe an&amp; b?ougbttbemof^o&amp;b?eabeof fp?ft ttaty euen.w:.roue5ofbatle?e /ananeio co?ne in a clotb be &amp; aMDnbCElireug baae put it be f o?e

tbepeople tbattbep mnbt eate. &lt;&amp;ben&amp;3 mpniaec rapae:tobat fbuiae^ fettbtst before anbunajeo men^a na %z fa paetfett ft before tbepeoplean&amp;Ietttbem eate.jfoj t&amp;ujs faptb tbeJLo?oe:tbepOjaHjateanbleaue.anabe fttt it before tbem/anbtber ate ana lefte/ac* to?b?ngetotbetoo?beoftbe)lo?ae. CfiaamS t\t 9$t&amp; (ofeealdi of &amp;8 If p;oCps, CBi^eJi is acpcBtHtoftt) a teflotfc !&amp;$* toBettiOHt j an3 (atnwntgfjBaaman. Cbe.b.Cbaptet. paman capitapne of tbe^ode to 3 leBcng of fsma) toafJgreatelA list mautt: a toen(aBen:fo;tbo?du jim tbe H-o^ie faueo fbyk . anb betoasianactiuemS/apet a leper, anbtbet bab gone a companpe of ^ouapouteis oute of goWa a nmnpg/ ana baa b? ougbt oute tbe conttepe of $ftae! a iptle matae / tobtcb to80 toffb jQaamas totfe.ana tbe amofeii fapa bnto bef labpe.^. toolbe my maflet toete toitb a pjopbet mat is in Sjamariat be tooib Cel?uej;bimoEfttslep?or?e.anaajetoent a totoebeebttfbanaefapingtfbuis acbmsfaptb tbemapaematt0outofme lanbe of 5Sftaef. atootbe&amp;pngof ^ftiafapae: go tb? toape/ anb^topHfenaea letteebnto tbe bpnge of gffraei.anabetoentanatofietoitbbfmten talent es$ of flwet taouCanae peces of gouGw

go ulae/ana ten cbaunge of rapmentes be b;ougbt lettet to mebpng offfrael eg* ta'pnpng tbi0 tenoute.fcoto toben m letter * ! i^comebptotbr.jseboiaeabauefentjSaa* mimmpferuaunttotbe/ tbattbou ftuioea i*l)oej(Hmofbi8lmofpe.anatobetbe6prig

o^'iftaelbaoreaae^ lett;berentbi3 clomr witttrfx f !Wi*am|&lt;iEHa/tofltp atomaaeaipuej PJW tbbe ftuiafenaetome/to;tobelpuam5 ftj5biep;ofpe,35uteonfpoeslp;apepou a fe/botobeppftemquarellegttnie.ana tobe lifeus tbe man of oa/baa beataijoto mat me ftpngeof Sftaelbao tent im domes /be fentto tbe fipng raping: iberfo?e baQ mou tent b)p ciotbeaf w bmt come to me / tbat be mapeftnotoe i tbereijBap/opbetmgiftafl. _ 2ina^aamancametoitbbt!Sbo;ar0abis( c&amp;amt/ana ftoae at ft oo;e of eEiifeus.ben sDltffusrcntameirengerlapingigoatoaEtJe ttje in3o;aan feue tpmes / ana tbp fleO) (ball come agapne totbe aft befo;e/ana mou matt be cleane.lna j^aaman toad tojotb ana to et atoapt/anafapae:$ebo!oe/3tbougf)tmmp felfe^e tootoe baue come out/a nana a call ontbenarae oftbejlotfe bi* oa/aputbig banaeontbeplace of tbeoifeafe/anafo tafte atoapeftlep;ofpe.3renotaibanab9Pbar frf &gt;"&gt;* of amafco/ better men all me


baa bpaa ft aone fonie great tbpng/ otigbte ft ta ou not to baue Bone to! fioto mocbe ramet \*mm - t ^ n * U|5 * B * ow 00 itmm beraptb to tbe imnfA omie/toaaeabecieane*&lt;Ebenfjetoet8oune ! 3 toaObeafeuetpmes in 3io?Ban/ as tbe man f oa baa e/ a fi in flefbe cbaungeo./ ip&amp;e bn&lt; tbefiem of a iptle bope/anb&amp;e toad cleane. ^benbeturneaagapnetotbetnioftsob t allbiseompanpe toitb&amp;mv anbeameana

floae before brm a fapae . eboIbe3! finotoe tbatmetcttfno ooin all tbe too;lfie/but in . , Sfcael.ana noto % p?ape me tabe a bleffpng ^*a.^aoftbpfmwa.58utbefapoe*ad(utclpasiI ^JLo^efpuetb before tobomt3flanoe/9topB 2 receaue none.ana tbe otber tooia baue con .. fttapneabimtottceaue.butbetotiaenotao it .ana jSaaman fapae/pf tboutopttnot: pee ^P^petfle/mapetberenotbe getien totbp reruaunt tbe butme of ttoo mules of ettbe. fot tbp feruaunt topn bencefOTtb offet nu tbetbuttttfaetefpee no? oflerpwge bnto anp otbet oa/tben to me o;ae , y&amp;ut hetin tbe %ofb be metcpfull to mp rentaunt/ fo? tobe tub- ... mv m * aet Soemfntotbeboufe of jRemon ."?toat toto ^^^e*|eam^onrnpnebSa/ \mm, ^^Imnfttowamptwlbotiftofficmon/ let WX*M% P?apetbebe mwpmll bntfl e)v feniaat in tbis cAft Jn&amp;be fapoetebim:

uiutoniunntoueor oipqanoep Be offerea toentafter J5aatnan. ana to^e i9aamS Stoe brnic^tunnpngaftetbim/becarneaototie Inb Sffi Sf 8 ^' m CapD&gt; * mmi ? **MMi A^S^iS?^^^ ftnt wefapinge:fe/ t|ete bettop pounge men come to me out of CPbwftn of ^ije cbpia?? of ft Wopbeteftgeuf peawape%/onetaletbffpiuaa?oupie tureanotasettootaientes of fpiuer in ttoo [puereatbembnto ttoo ofbidfenwunttS/to fi?/ It0 K^2f^*W9otoeoiftn.t5I ft0 ;"ttlettbe mengo/anatbepaepatteb; ?Btnbetoentaaoaebefo?Sffiet

anb^fmsfapaeto bpm: toSrtSS 3BS82S. f S tS toTt S 2SSS &amp;S?5 WW ?cafttt of ^ * W agapntttbe^itatpmefoKceauefpiueta be.W.cbaptei:,

jtoberetoeatoeiietttbe/iistolttlc Jf;b0.S.etwmeittafieeuerpmi ffpeb outta fapbe-Jfefliemaaee/fo^fttoag lent me^namema of ooCap&amp;e-.iDbere fell ?S r l" 6 caft S m ?W/Wbwbe tbe are leea ftoimme,8na&amp;erapoetfafee ftbp to me, ll ^S9gfWbbWtof cauabtft\ -Jn&amp;.SfbWge of^iriifbuBbtaS fapmg:anfomeaplace anainfoefte a place topn^pptcbanatbeman of o&amp; fenton* totbefip^eofg-fraelfapngejieetoarerbou ganot


# / / *

go notb? fbcbe aplace/fo? tbcrc ate tbefets tian2 gone&amp;otone . ana tbe fcpige of Sftael femtotbepiaeeb)b&lt;catbemanof&lt;Bobtolbe bmtattb toatncbbmiof/ anarauea bim relfe tbere moare then once o? tto?r e . . ' . anbtbebertof tb*?nge of $&gt;trfa tea* etoubico tbertoW/fbe rent fo? W fetuafits tiacj.^jj ^ fapce to tbem:* toffl ?e not flieto me to&amp;?c&amp;


totitm/fapig^elpe/m? to?Bfims3na lie

fapof.j2apr/We^o?oebelpe^e. Tbufafytu toitb Qiuttel belprtbe/ tottb cojneo; toW ti ben ra?o e me bt&gt;ng to beatobat a^iett) tb ef ana m auttoereoubiStoomanbere ta^e to me/ba&gt;ngctb?fQnneanDlettb?5 eateb?m to bape/anbtoe toitt eaterayne to mojoto*aitib .** (0 toe a^eaeampforMte ana Btf) eats bsm.aiia fffot.nj,i&gt;,

/ / / ttt)

ofiMSteHetb $ ttpngpf gjttaei Jnboneofbt* * gWa?betobetanotberaa?e/bM?rigtb?foni iie

fentaunte* fepoeaiaje m? X-ojbe &amp;?ng;tt* feusf tec p?opbcttbatt0ing.ttael/be tenets ct&gt;e fiima of Sftael too?bes&gt; tbatfcou (pea* fieamtbjaepmc&amp;ambje.cbenbefas&amp;e: Cgoanbfpictobrobete/tbatgsmaije fenoe a f ett bim.ama one tome tbe 8fng fa? tnge: re/ &amp; e is in E&gt;otban,3nb be fent tbitbet b o?fe a cbatettt a a gteat^oae. 3na tbepcame tbt* tbecIjn?gbtaco'paCeb totoneaboute.3na teben tbe fcruaOt of me men of ffiob tore bpetlg ana toass gone oute; tfebWbe/ mete tea* an$o(t wunb about tb* totfrtftt

mat toe mape eatebim. 38a tfce batbb?&amp;bet tttme. tB&amp;entbebpg beatbe tbetoo^eg of tSetoomaVbetentbte clotbess tut a&amp;betoajs toam?nge on tbe toalleg.ana tobenipeople lofiea bpo bimtfeylje teas clotbea tnfaefi fan*

act. fKnbcl&amp;?b:obboroanifotome/# tbeebof citfeugtbefomie of $&gt;apbattat?e cnbtmtbtgaaf e.anaa0 tfttfcwJCattcmbiS boufeana me elects toimb'int/ tbe &amp;?ng rent one from bim. 3Sut?et tbe metfenget came atb&gt;m/befafae totbt eiaetg-.fef ounot bote $ tonne of tbtsstmirtbemt Ijatb fent/to tabe

bom anacbaKttejJ.cbmrayce m labbtis&amp;of mpnebeetrfbectwumfpecttbetfoje fatten bumaiacrc maQervtobat ftali toeaof ana be tbemeifcnger cometb/ ana (buttbeboje/a no fe?be;fcatcnot/tbere ate mo toitb W tben tt' -' ftnia bimbac&amp;e tbtoitb:fo? tb e foun&amp;e of

pmemana&lt;iireu5spja?eBanara?Be:&amp;ozac open tbe epeg of tbe pounge man/9 befetoe. ana bt boloe/ $ mountapne toajj full of &amp;o? m ana cbarettc* of f pz e r ounee aboute celt* reufcanbtobrntbafoubpataeameaotoncto btm/areu*p;apeDbntotbejlo?be a fopbe. ^mpte tbfc people toitb Wpnbneflr. 3na be (mote tbf toitbWsnbtiw accoanjngto fljc De f??eoflifeu0cben(ltfeu0iataebntotbe mtffenotrbetoape/mwtljfefenotS totone: jSutfolotomeanali totfltypnge poutotbe manieftfiejnbeeieobtbfto^amana. 5 . (6 ieentbe?toetecometo$Damarta/CIi* feusJteSDe:3U)?b/opent6eftefe0!et tbf re. ana tbe %*m opcneMSefr etwfetbei? mt 3Bnbbebontbeftoete1titbemi&gt;b&amp;e0pf$&gt;a&lt; marta Jno tben raree m spig of ffrael bn iKe.yi.a. to (jHTeu^b3binSefatolem;*e)aU3 fmfte ttem/ftall? Cmpte tbe fat^et:anabe fetfie: fmvtetbemnot.Sutrmt!tett)em tbou tafiea twtb t&amp;P* atoneftoeitie atoftb tim*ttom botoe.^ut fet b#a&amp; ana teatet befo?e tbem/ anb!ettbemeateab;cncfte/an&amp; goto tbeit maftet Jnbbcmaae gwat ontaffce before tdem .ana tofjm tbep ^aa eatc ana b;oncbe/ ffenttbematoa^/anbtbeftiienttotbetrmas CetJnarotbe&amp;mtarouteBofamacame

nomoatettttoftefanbeof^ftaer. . after tbi's ttenbaoabbfng o t&amp;i a gea* tbetea aHtbeotte/anDtoe"ta6efege&amp;&amp;a* matfa.anbtbereatofegreatbartbe m ^a* # ffautowa marta:fo? tbepbabbefegeb it/tMtt&lt;Ban3flW tectea BtOcii fteeo toa0 toojtft f cure rso?e fpcles of (miet/ at ?ip^anoefoutfbpattofa*Cabofoouejsbongc cwS f too^b ftueff; tbe fiyng of ^^el Kcifse. toal&amp;eabpontbetoatfefstbw ct?eaatocroa

bi0maftet0fetefolotDet9bbn.anbtobUebe . rettalbe&amp; tottb tbemct&amp;eboioe tbemeOenget; toa^comebntobnn. anbbeiafbetbeboiae 08 mtll i ottbe 5lo?ae / toBat moate au teelobefo?oftbe)lo?ae. CIifeu* p?op5eC?e^ ptoileoufufBof bjeailles sna ot&amp;ec ttipnsCto Samaria, siiie gucfane tB ne a to ays anobsnenomanfoiottsngtbcm. (Cbeio^epttoUie hb( betait Jljttoojoe of (cliftnsis ttotun toOwttj. Cbe.bif.bapter. ten ^eltteuB fapee^ tare i to o?ae 18 of tbe Ho#&gt;:fo; tbu0 taytb $%oft: mo?ototbi0 tftnea bouQiell of [fjnefloute tbalbe folce f o; a fpcle/ a ttoo b ouftelleg of arte? f o; a notb 1 1 me gateaof ^amatta. cbtnagteat]io^ie on tobofebanbe Bpgleaneb/anftomb:$mS of on a fa?b/tbougb tbe %om tools mabe tomaotoes in beuen / *et tooiae nottbf? be. anbbe fafbe agafneo&amp;ebolbe / tbou alt re tttottbtbfneef t ana alt not eate tberof. ana tbete toete foute lepensfetttt out* $eate of ^&gt;amarta . 3nDtt&gt;ei?fa#ie ecbe to W eomparton/tobatfftt toe bere bntpl! toeape^tbottgb toe tftougbt tbat toemFgbt come mto tbe cftie/ pet 10 tbe oattbfo great in $ cftie/tbattteftaUtftetemje.ana^f toe tarpe bete/toe ate but a eea aifo-^oto thtxto* te come alettbiSfieeto tt)e oftecf tfyt f&amp;U ttSS: 7ft^e?faue outelpuesi/toe tballirue: ana ff tbzy Bin b 5/tben ate toe aeea . ana ro tbepatoremlaarEbetogotof ^otte of &amp;inaws . ana to&amp;en tbep toere come fotbf

fpbeoftfte^oaeof$)itta:re/^eretoa3no^ mantbetc. $01 tbe fcoflfia&amp;mabetfit $08 of tbe %&gt;t riant

rtanstbeateanoyerc ., v , w of bojOes/an&amp;tbenopefe of fomocbeg taeptafbeonetoanotljerJe/ttr fipngeofgrtaetbatb bfteaagaprt W/tht mm of tbe yubit a m mm Qtm* pte/tocomebponbi8.anabpong tbepatoft a fleb tn tbe oarcfte/a lef te tbeit tentep/ tbett bo?fle0/tbetr aoeg anbtbc felbe tbepbaa pt t* cbeb euen ag it toa?/ ana flea f o? ojeftlpu ejs. anbto&amp;en tbefe lepers came to tbe ebge of Hft I^ott/tbep toent mto a tent ana Dpj eat e a D#nefteanacarpeatbenccrputet/goul8an&amp; raiment/ a toe nt a b to t : ana came agapne ana entrea m to anotbet / ana catpen thence alf o/ana toent ana btaa it. Cben tbe? rarae one to anotbet : it is not toeil $ toe ao/fo? tb 1 &amp;a?e t? aaaf e to ivpg tpavng5.ana vt toeboiae ottte peace/a tatte til 1 ft be base light/toe j&amp;ailftnoea mtfcbeue orn tbetf o;e come / lett bs goo ana ten tt)e fifnge^b^'fbal^.anaroibeptoent a caliea to tbe po^tet of tb^ cttit aria tolbe tbf fating: toe came to tys patipltqng of tbe Titian?: a fe/tbeeetoapncF mantbere/netbet bojee of mais/but bo?sreg ana aces tgea/atbetemw cuenaKtbe; toetc. : cbentbe po^tetiScaneb a tBe tbe 8tng5 tjoufe toi'tbm .ana tbe byng atofe in $ npgbt anafafoe to tyz rmmfitesi^i topu foeto f ou/ bote tbe &gt;hifabaiK focuta w.^rbe? firtoto tbat toe are opp?effl?a toitb bungte/ aha tber folate gone out of tbeit pairplion.s to bwe , tbe f clue? in tbe felbe caping:cbF toffl come cut of tbe c?tie/ana tben toe mall catcb tbem a Ivue ana get into tbe cptic . ana one of b? 9 fetuauteganftoctebanbfapae-.jletmentaBe r?ue of tlie botfc* tbatremapne ana ate lef te in tbe e#ie .&gt;Bebolbetbej ate ajJgoobas* all tbe multituae tbatare lefte fntbe cftie : ana a^gooaas all tbe multptube oftbecfttetbat ate confumea/ana lettbss f ena a fe . ana tb e j tofiettoo cbatettep of bo;rep/anb tbe B?nge rent after tbe ^otte of tbe ^in'eng; faginge: goanbfe.anatbepfolotoeb after tbem euen

bnto iJo/bamanbfe/ altbe toapetoais fullof cIotbe?anbbeaElIeitobtcb t&amp;e&amp;wanjsbao caft from tbem fo? base. 3na tbe meffengetss tetumea anb tolbe a)t fimge.anatben tbe people toent oute arob beatbe tentes oftbe^ittans . ana foabuf* lbe!offloto?etoassfoiae fo?aff cle/ a^.buf* fteffe* of of l) an ep f 0; a fyc le / acco ?apng to tbe toojoe of m iLo?ae.anD tbe fi jnge.fett &amp;o?ae on tob ore banaebe leanefi/to fiepe t^t gate Jnbtbepeoplettoaaebimm tbe gate/ tbat be a? tb/ accojbfng tbtbe fa^mge of tbe man of &lt;ssoa tobicb be fapbe/toben tbe bpnge

Jeljo?am, jtjch%

a ftcle a a buffbett" of barley f 0? anoftet fhaU betomo?ototbstpmemtbe gateg of g.a= raatta.anatbeS,o?ae anrtoenatbe man of oa anbfatae:tbougb tbe Xom mate tepn. botoe^m beuen/ret tooiae tbig not be ana 9 omer tae:j5eboiae/tbou alt re it to mm epeis/a roaltnoteatetberof.anafo itcbaun= cea : fo; tbe people ttoace bsmbnber fete in tbegate/tbatbeayeb.

C&amp;ymMpmtemntsW &amp;ivmitt tbe bmh aft tbe tet&amp; of Wftihaoati rspanttb ua.lcboiam tbe fanne of ^haranii ' .. tbtn* ftiCfe6ft{|Jc|am.

e?aell in JMrfR. jcgof dm tbe fonne of 3e\oiapW

net tbe aetth.of wenhaaabtapanetl ~ - ia. Jcbwam tbe fonne of ttfco&amp;pha* wrgttetb nj|aoa.oora faUdtb ftem Juea^)bojiab


ITffibe.btn,cbaptee. i^en fpabe (Eiireug bnf otbe toomS a jtobofefonnebe baa refto?ro to If fe ;agafne/ra?inge:bp a go botb tbou an&amp;tbsne boure/aroioume tobere oi&amp;JSPS b J a ' f0i ** MX* to&amp;i can a oartbetobi&gt;cb all come ont^e lanae feuen jere^anbtbetoomanaroreariaavaaftet the rapng of tbe man of oa/ana toet botbe me ana berboulboiBe ana roiournebfntbe lanae of tbe J0baiftine0feuenrere.anaattbefeuf fere* enae/tobe" t tooms tea* comeagafne outeoftbelanaeoftbeiBbfltttmeiS Ibetoenf putetorpeafietotbeSFiigefo; hit boure a SSSSffii? 1 ^ * c **"Betoagtai6jnge^ toift&lt;!5t8e?ftbeftruauntoftbemanof&lt;!!oa ^^ffi^Vtmmm great aeaaeis tobicbiEafeuiS5pa.anBftcfta0cebajsbetoa0 ttHsrtge(be6pngebotoberetto;eaaaea bo* bje to irfe agapne mat tbe woman tobore fonnebeteufuea/crreafotbe fi?ngefo?bee boure ana ranae. ben ra?ae &amp; jt-o^eBpnge/tbfttttbetoomanana mm berfomte tobpeb tfliiews b?ougbt toW* gapne.ana tbe Rfngarbea tbe tooman/ ana (be toibe bint, ana fo tbe b?nge rent ji m ec one of W cbamb?eiapie)5 foping: teo?eaH ttatpertafnetbtober/toitbairtbe ftutejt of fbefeiae/rencetbeaareibeieftetbeianb/wt totbnstpme. after tbat mtm tothtto $amafco7" enbabab tbe bpng of S&gt;iriabef ngefpcb^ ana one toiae tbe ftpnge (&amp;finge:bemari Ofoai0comebftber.cben(ataetbeBjrtge fl f to^a?ael:*fa6eap?erenttojtbtbeanbgoo5,|je|^.j

came botone to bfm Jna it came to pafle a cco?b?nge to tbe too^e of tbe man of mo to

tbe 6?ng raring-.ttoo fauflbenes of barfct fo?

- '

agafnatbemanofobanoaftetbe&amp;orte bpbim tobeibet? ailtecouetof tbijJrinjbti feareo; no .ana $a;ael toent to mete bpni ana tofie p;efentejj toffl bpm / euen of all tbe goob tbpnge* oHBamaf co/ ass mocbe a* tburttecameiescoulbebcatg/anDcame a P?efentea btm ftlfe before bpm anb ffflti tb? forate ftenbaoabfitynge of &amp;Wa batb tohnetotbe^/fa?mge:lbaBirecouer of W# mfbffeaie, 3tobWftuj(afbeto bpm:goanbajett . - Wit


* * f /

S5oiia&amp;, tyra/tbou foaKteeouet/botobetttbeilo;ae ^batbfbetoeametbatbefballfutelpape.ana &lt;tn&gt; a bauea tyt man of &gt;E&gt;oa bcganne * to Jofte etneftlpe/ S*5j JSS'to fomocbe tbat be ma? aOjameo-.anD t^c ma" m ' of^ojjtojpte. ana l?a?aei fapae :tobp toe* pet^ ntg^L/Oia*. aitiD^e anCtocceDifo^'Jfenoto tbat )ouf&amp;altaoeuell bnto tbe cbpiejen of gfraeWhett tttonge cpties tbou (bait feet on f r-m Qefc pounge men tbou alt uep toitb . tbe ftoetae/ana alt Datt&amp;e out tbe bjapnes of tbeitfucnpnge cbpiazen/ ano all toteate tbeittoemen toitb cijpioe , ana ^a?ael fapae: tobat is t&amp;pfetuaunt tobtcb ambutabogge/tbatS flnilbeaotbpS

great tbsngfana Clifeus f&gt; Ao?&amp;e batbBKtoeame/tbattboufbaitbeftpnge of &gt;ttia.atib fo be aepartea ftom citfeus anb came to b t s matter , robf cb fapa to btmt@bat i bl ,. fapaetflifeustotbefanabefapacbetolbe fconnbiAM me f&amp;att&amp;ou Qml&amp;eft tecouecana on f mo* twatc clothe to toto be tofte a totogb fl clotbe anb appte it m pas tijousfi oc tbe toatet anb fpjeae ft on bis face/? be aiea/ tcoio t^ctwitb ana$a?aeltapgnea"in b^ fteabe.. Km him ^ he f ? fte * ete o WW*" f me of *&amp; efh"fetunubrngofiftae!/5fbofapbatbepnge?etfirnB hcnre;uut oyo of guaa/iebo?am fl)e tonne of gebofapbat/ ju ocnoc e&amp;prig of 3uaa,'begannetotapgne.;trttji.pete ! ! i. ,.. ofae teas be toben be beganne to tapgne/ana tmJ " be tapgnfrMJ. pete in getufalem . anabe gewt&amp;of? r.:otoalfieom tbe toape of tbe fipnges of Iftael/ pfjcttija-.sen* *SDpD tbe boufe of Ebab fo?tbe baugbtet of ?, u ,! n X'i&amp;ab toasbtstopfe/ anabeapatbatoifpiea* SoSc it haw ftbt&amp;efcoj&amp;e jaroettbelateitbeJlDjBtoolDe bene ignje ai notbeatopeguaabecauteof paufobftiftf* bcoso unigncp: uauitt/ asbepjomefeabprn to geue bpm a S&amp;Stf JMttti* cbpiajen all toape. ffiit m a &amp; * *** (tJora E m atoai?e ftS *"* QcinfgQt tf aettbebana ofjuaa/anamaaetbema npng fonccw* oftbettatoneJnbg , i ebo?amtoent to&gt;eit/ **rt &amp; w a alibi's cbatettes toitb bint, ana be tofebp npgbt alapae on tbe eaomt'teS / tobtcb com 5 pafea bim m/9 ti)t captapnes of W cbatet a tbepeoplefleeaintotljett tentes .anbfo tbe somites uipteatoapeftombnaettbebance of "juoabntotbSS aape . anat&amp;en jiobnab fliptatos'peto/ euentbatfametpme. betett of bebes(of|ebo;amanb ali&amp;c of D/ate tojittein ^e cb?onicles5 of fipngejs of3uDa.3nug;ebo?amtettetJtt D^fatberS 9 teas btmeb titty biss fatbet? in W c#ie of aut'D.anbCboi'ab b?0'fonnet;argneb m bis* fUm.Q$eM.Wx of g?ebo?am tonne of abab/fipng of gtrael/ DSDiPbopab t fonne of3ebo?amb?ngof3!ubabeginnetotafgne &lt;S Ctoo a ttoenoe fete owe tea? Cbotfab tobf bebegannetotasgne/arasgneboneyere in ^mifalem/btemotbersname toa^3BftaIta^ baugbtet of 3Bmfi?nge of gTtael.SBnb be toalfiebt'ntbetoapeoftbfboufcof3ibaiJ:fo? betoa^aronnemlatototbeljowfeofabab,


, 3feljtt 3PnD jebo^am tbe foraie of Ibab toentto toaere tottb Rafael bpnge of &gt;roa/ at ma j motb in (Krtaab/ ano t^t *3mffl&amp; toounneo btm.Bbeefo?eWpnge ^ebo?amtoent bacfie agapne/tobebeaieDingefrabel of teccW; tobtcb $ ^&gt;iriS0 baa geue bnn at Kf moil)/ tobc b e f ougbt toitb ^a?aei bpng of &amp;ftia: 36nb fflboifab f fonne of |cbo?am bpnge of Juba toent botone to fe 5 ebc?ani fonne of :&gt;bab in je?tab el becaufe be toast f pel: e. C3fc6ufema&amp;e Sptigof Jfrscl/ anbhplletfi 3efio?am the 6? ng (bcroC-antiajbojiah hjag of 3.'oa alto: ana thctto tauftib 3t?abtU tobe caft Oovone fojtb of a tojnootoctBbom baggee eate. CCbe.iy.Cbaptet. i8b2lifeiigtbep?opbete callcbbn^, tooneoftbecbvib?e of tbep?opbe*'* ftW/anb fajoe to btm; gr?ae bp tbp iosne0 ?ta6etbiP bo^e of ojie in tb?neblb agetfto iRamotbtn ^alaao.ana toben tboucomett tbftber/tbcufcaltfbere te gtbii tbe fonne of giebofapbat W fonne of #amft/anb go to bim/a mabe btm a rpfe bp ftom amonge bus b?etb?en/ana carre bim to a fecret cbamb?e. amotafie tbe bote of epie ana potoaeitonbisibeeb afape/ tbujs fartb tbe ^ae-.Jibaueanopntea tbe to be n?nge ouetjfrael.^nbtbenopen fbeao^e 9 Ree / a tarp not. 3tna the feruaut of tbe p?opbet get bimtoKamotbin(!Eialaaa/9tobenbecame/ tbe captapness of tbe^otte toete f?tt? nge to geatbetjna be fcpoe : % baue an e traitoeto ttfe S&gt;it captame . ana ^u farae / bnto ^ tobtcb of all b^ama be fafo:to captar* neJna be atofe ana toent m to tbe b oufe. ana tbe otbet poto?eb tbe o0e on W W &amp; anafapaetobim/tbupfajtbtbe ]io?ae &lt;Eto&amp; ofg|frael:3lbaueanornteatobefisngouet ^ftaei v people of tbe %owi tfjat tboufle? e f bouttjoia of abab tbs o?3!( fatn&gt; tbe JLojae ) to?ll aauenge tbe blouae of mp fentauntejs Git p?opbetes/ anatbe Wouae of all fe waunteu of tbe toft 1 of tbe bana of g|e?abel(fo2 % tobole boufe of 3bbab Qialbe oettrorea ) ana % topll aeflro?e bnto 3bab toftat pt'dbetb agapntt \ toall/ana fo rnocbe

as tbe p:ef oriea 0; tbat 10 fo?faaen in^frael/ a to ?ll matt tbeboure of aibab Ipse f bife of ^etoboam fonne of #abat/ anb ipfie tbe boufe of 5Baafa Vt^t tonne of 3biab . ana as fo?3e?abeitbe bogged Qmil eatebetmtbe feia of ^eftabel/a none all bun?e bet. ana be openea tbe bo^eanbfleb. ana toben yttyx toajs tome out to tbe fee* uauntfjs of bt3^o?a/tbef Capae to bimu'fSaH peace? i&amp;etfo?e ime $# ma a feloto to ?? anabefapaetebim'.pefinoto tt)t petfon anb %i comunicacf on. anb the? fajoe : ttift not $ fo.Sut teiife? a feiotoQ)fppe . anbberafbe/ tbuji anatbttfJ fpaeebe to rae fafmge.cbui* fagtu


*F* -

rajtb tbeM^E'.gjbaueanorittea tbeto be 6 ptige ouet gir taei . ana tfjep battea ana tofte met? man bid man tell aputbnaet bpm on anb^e becbe at tbe toppe of tteppeg/a Bleto a ttompet ana f avae: |ebu is* Bpnge. ana fo ebu tbe fonne of gebofapbat tbe tonne of amtt confpttea agatnft 3iebo?am.ana|e* bo ja baa bene toapting at 3Sambtb alaaa/ ana allWtael toitb bim/fo; f eate of $a?ael fipng of&amp;ina/anatoasitetutneDtobebea* lea in jejrabel/of f toounws tobfeb tbe fei^ crams baa geuen bpi as Be f ougbt toitb $a ?aelftfngeof^.itra. cben tap begebusaf ftbepoutemynbes/ then let no man ef cape out of tbe c itie/to goo anatellinjtsta&amp;el.ana 'Je&amp;utc&amp;eana toft ^tog'^giebojamlape tbete/aflDbo* ?iabftpngcof|uaatoaj5 come tog|ebo?am. .ana tbe tea tcbmS tbat 8obe on tbe toto;e in 2e?tabel/fpvea tbe companp of 3m e came/ana fapae:3i tea cSpanpe.ana grbo* ram fapae:tafte an botfman a fenae agatntt bem;anaietbimafbe tobetbetitbe peace, ana tbete toent one onbo?fbacfie agapnft Mm 9 fa jae: rtws faptb % fi?ng: is it peace?

^ana3|ebu anftoctea-.tobat baft t&amp;ou to do tt peaceftutne a come aftetme.anb | toatcb* man toiae facing: tb e meflenget came to Cbe but be cometb not agapne. cbcit be fentoutanotbeton &amp;o;fbacbe/ io^ic^ cametotbem afapae/tbus faptb tbe fcpngiis if peacefanbfebu anftoeteb/tobat Ibaft tboti tb bo toitb pe aceftutne a come af tet me.anbtbe toatebman t oiaetapinge : be came to tbe/ but be cometb not agapne/a b;pupngisipftetbea?puingofg|ebu fotme QWamtt/toi be bapuetb as be toeremao. Cben fapae 5ebo?am/mabeteaape. WH tb ep maae teabp bis cbam.ana feb o?l fit'ng f Iftael/a bo!fab fipng of pMtoft out etbetinbps cbatetagapntt g*btt / anamett btm in tbe furionge of iQabon) tbef efta^e* lite, ana toben Seb o?am fatoe^ebu/be tapb; iste peace vflwi anabefapoe;tobat peace fbuiae tbete be/fo long as tbe tot i o; oomes of tbP mqft ev 8 ? e?abel a bet toitebctaftes ate fo U tea tf anal eb o;am turned bis banD a flea/ 9 topae to bo?j'ab/tbere is faiibea bo?iab. anbfebutobeabotoetnbPSbanbeafmote 9&gt;ebo?ambettoenetbeajouioets/ tbearoto came out at W b?ea; be felbotone tint f oiae in W ebatet. sc&amp;en b e fapae to &amp;aba&lt; Kataio;aeofbis/tabe9 caabimm ^e plat of gtoun&amp;e of i5abotb tbe^tabeiite.ijfo? % temembje asgiatboutoaaetogetbetaftet ababbttfatbet/bototbe?Lo?aefpabetbefe too?aesagapnftbim:'3!bauefenepeaetaape tte Wouaeof iiabotb 9 i&amp;WftJ fonneS/ fapa jt?be/atta 3 toiil quptebpm in t&amp;&amp; gtora/ Sfartb tbe )Lo^ae.jS)ototbetfo?etaBe ana tuft

bim in tbe plat f gtoun&amp;e acco?apnge to tbe too;ae of tbe iLo^e.ana toben*bo?iab tbe Bpngeofjuaafatoe tbat/beBea tbe toapeto^,^.,,.^ tbe*gataert boufeJna m* folotoea aftw&amp;22* bim a fapae:fmptebimalfo.anatbep fmote btm m bis cbatetat tbe going bp to ^ut bp gebfaam/ abe fleea toS&amp;ageao 9 tbeteapea, anabtsteeuafitescaneabimto j etuTaie/ a butpebbimmbi0fepulcb;ettbts tatbetsm

^e crtfe of pauiaJna in$ .ti.pete of debug tonne of abab/ begamte bo?iab to tapgne ouet^uba JBnb tobe 3|ebu teas come to f t %* tabel/Heiabel beata of it/a ttatcbeabet epes 9 tptea bet beeb 9 ioobea out at a topnaoto . anaaSiebuemtteaatfgateQie tapae:ba&amp; 3amtf peaeetobfrbaetobtemattetfanabe ipftbpbpsepestotbetopnaoto afapae/tobo is of mpftae tobOna tbete lobea out to btm ttoo o? tb?e lo?aes tbat toete cb&amp;betlapnes. ana be fapae :b?oto betaotone.ana tbep tb?etobet aotone. anabefpmtBleaofbec blotae bpon tbe toailes 9 on tbe bojfes / anb ttoaaebetbnaetfote. anatben toben be toas come in a baa eate 9 baoncfte/be fapae:goo 9 bpfetg p?ape pou/ ponaet cutffeacteatute/a butpe bet/ fo? ffyt i a fipnges oaugbtet.ana tobetbep came to butpebet/tbepfounaenomoateof bet/tben tbefbulle 9tbe ttoo fete 9 tbe ttoo banoeg, anatbepcame agapne 9 toiaebpm. ana be fapae : it is tbe too^ae of tbejL.o?oe tobicb be fpabebpf bana of biSferuafftsHrabScbef* bite fapfg*in ^feiaofie?ta&amp;elu)alaogges t . aiBi/ , ... . eatef flefl) of giejabei/afcatfias of ^;e?abel , * ISe3, "'* f, fbalbe aonge bp5 tbe ettbe/in feiae of 3e? rabei/ gmen Djall not fape/tbiStS3!e?abcl. flrtrbu cauttth t b c.Wf.l omus of abab f o be (teme/t afttttbat^W.of bvBb?ett);i*rffiibeit) ameanc alto to6pUatlthcKafte8 0faal ab|a orethhra tonne rajgneti) (n b aenfie. CCbe-icCbaptet. tab bab.ltr^onnesin ^amatta.3B naaebuto?oteiettets/ afent to S &amp;. am aria bnto tbe eiaers $ toete

tbe coming of tbefelettets to pou/pebauett (a 8S poupoutemattetSfonnes/apebaue % pouf ttercinbeaae cbatettes a bo^es/a a otog cttfe 9 batneae. ffi?X 5? Cbetfo?ecbofetbebeft/95imgmottpiea gS&amp; fetbpou of poute mallets ronnes/ aput bimnftiMe T on bts fatbets teate/af^bt f 0; poute io?aes n mem** botofe.anatbep toete etceamgip aftap&amp;e/a"" ^ *

fapae:fe/ttoofiingestoetenotabletoftanbe^"g^ befo?ebtm/boto fballtoetbenfianaefanaf StSjS % gouetnet of f bpnges botofe 9 of tbe citie 9 ww conucnu of o)eeiaerSana tbe noutcesfenttofebu entfwtbem . fapinge:toe ate tbf fetuaates a toill Bo all i tbou Hltbpabs:toetoillmabenomSfimg: but 90 tbou tobat femetb gooa in tbpne epes. cbeti

* 1



aftmfteto^eanorQerlertertoftefapfg: #3fpeoeinpne9topHobepe mp bopce/fteri taae ft e ft eeb es o lyouxe matters fonnes am comcro me to 3!e?raftel/bp to mo?oto ftps t?me.andfte Bpnges tonnes toere.l;rj:.pets forateis totft fte great men of fte cp tie Wfy nourpflfiebfte.ainbtobenfte letter came to iftem/fteptofieftefipngeg cftplbtfand due ftemnomb?e,lrr.peironnes / anbputtfteft ftce&amp;eswcopftinesanbftnttftem to ftpm to Te? w5ei.a no t ft ere cam a meflenger 9 toioe urn raging: ft rpftaue tyougftt tfte fteebes of fte fipnges ronnes.lflna be fapae : rett fte put tftf on ttoofieapes in fte enterpng of $ gate/ -rpnttbebape. * andfttftemo?npngftetoentout9ffoae9 fapae to all ft e f oifie/pe fie rfgftteouferf 0; fe/ 31 cotifptted agaynft mp matter and fwe ftirm

uwtiA #uttoftoauettefe?*coTpa;enotoftotoftere 3 notftpng of fte %om* too?ae falie to tfte etfte/tofttcft fterpafteagapntt fte goitre of 3ftab:fo2 tfte jlofteftaft oone tftat fte fpafie toftisreruaunt cgliaft JnbfO Jeftutlueall remapneb of fte boufe of aftab/irfSfiejraftel/ 9 antftat teere great toiftftim/9 ftis compa mjonsabtsptfattes/bntpllfteftab leftftpm naugbt rem apn e.3nb fte arofe ana Departed 9 toent to&gt;amaria.ana asfeftu toas come .' *J* *' cue" to ft e ftoufe toftete tfte ft eperdea* bpnbe 1 *SXw b?eft;en of fl&gt;fto?iaft fipng of fuaa/ anb thn&gt;aifobjnte(apoe:tDbatarese^.tbej'fa?be/tbeb?ett)?m ttwn. of fto?iaft are toe/ana go to falute tfte eft*!* bltn of tbe fipnge ana of fte queue. ana fte fapbe-.tafictftemalpue. anbfteptofieftem a f pit e/&amp; flu eft eat tfte torn betpae fc boufe toftere if ftepardS bpn&amp;efteft fteiie/in nom* tye.rnj.perronnes/tftatfteleftnone of tftem, _ anotoftenftetoasdeparte&amp;ftenceftemett \&amp; Seftonabab tbe forme of is ecftab compng agapn&amp;bpm.andg;eftufanited ftpm srapoe to ftim-.i's ftpne fterf rpgftte / a? mpne bett ifi toittttpne.andSftonaaabfapa/peeftatft t'S/Jf ft be /ft en gpueme ftpne bans. 3tnb fte gauebftf ft8d/9 tbe oftet tone ftlmbp to ftim into j&gt; cftaret 9 fapae*. gott me fe fte ?eale 3 ftaue to tbe &amp;oft e/9 mace ft im rpd t tt ftim mftisftaretanbtofteftecameto^amaria/ I] e flue all $ rem apnea bnto 3&amp;ab m &amp; am a tte/tf H fte uaa topptc ftsm out/ accoflipng to fte fapig of $%oft tofticft ftefpafie to draft, afrert&amp;atijeftugeatftereball tfte people t#.a8.; bi.s. to geaft ee 9 fa poe to tfte:* 3Bbab f eueoffi aal a Iftle:)&amp;utlebu ftallferueftmta goob^om tftetf o?e call bnto me an tbe i&amp;jopbetes of $aal 9 ali fti'0 feruaatets $ all ftfg p;eaay ,nonebelacming.jfo?3lbaueagreatfacreff * ce to bo tojBaal: af f an? be ntf Weftan noe lyue.JSutUebu b?b ft fo; a foteiltFe/tooe* eropetfteftniaatejj of m&amp; tberfo;eje.



ftu (arbe:lpofmeafo!empe fcaa fe?saai/ a ttoef pflwlaraebft. fteng:rbufentfl)o?oto cut aiigTrael.anb all tfte reruafftep of]&amp;aal cam z, tftat ft ere toass not a man left beijuite tftat came not.3no tc^en tbep tone come m to tfte temple of 2Saal / tfte temple teas fun from one encc to anofter . cftenfte fapoe to fte seper of tfte beftrp e/ 6??ngefo;tftgarmente0fo? tfte feruaunteg cf3eaal.a!nbfteb?ougbttbfoutgarmente0, 3nb2eftatoentttgeftonabab fonne of m, mb into tfte ftoufe of aal:anb fap&amp;e to tbe feruauntesiof ?5aal:fearcfteanb lofie that rfterebenone berett^ou of tbeferuauntes of tbt%oiW but fecuetttesj of }3aa! onive. anb tfte? toent tn/to oSer facrefpee a burnt* offertngessXut^eftu appopnteb bim f otire Cfio?ementMBjout 9 fatf&gt;e:gjf an? of men tofticft 1 an bms bnto poure b5b^ efcape/ fte tbat lettetft ftimgo (bail bpef 0; ftpm. anbapfoneaisfteftabmabe anenbeofof ferpng of burnt&amp;crefpce/be fapae to ftcm off tftegarbe9totbe^o?beg:gomaneptfie/iet lione come out.anQftepfmotetfteto ebge of tbertoeme.ainb f game tfte)lo?besi caft t&amp;emout/^tocntbntotbecptleof tfte ftoufe ofJSaaf/afetontfteu.mage out of ftoufe of Eaal 9 Btimtft.3rnBtbep b?aae gmage of aal/$ b^afie tfteftoufe of jeaal / smaoe aiege offteuerafterJnbfoafftubettropeb aaloutofgffrael.utfromtftefjjnnejJ of leroboamtfte fonne of iSabattoftpcbmaoe jfrael fprmetoftft tftegoulben caluostn J5e tftelanb an/^eftuaeparteo not. Cftentbejto^efafiie to Sfeftu/becanfe tboubattlutteft cone tftatpleafetft mc/anb ftatt bone to tfte ftoufe of Hftab all tftat tea* .,- .. ^ , fnmpneftert/tfterfoje ftall*tftpcftpib?en in***** rftefourtftgeneracronfptontftefeate of gr= raer.35ut3eftu carebnot to toaicae m lato Oftftejio^ecESobofafraeltouft aJthfcbert: f 0; fte bepartebnot from tfte fpnncjs of ?rro boam ioftftft maceaftaeirpnne. 9!ntftorebape0tftelo;be beganneto cue Sftart o?te/fo? ^a?aelfluetftem in ail tfte cootteji of Sfrael / from Wojtm tfalttoaroe:

etten an tfte lanbe of &lt;&amp;aiaab/tfi e aeft r js/ g ubenfts anb tfte a5anauYtejs/fromaroei; bpontfterpuerofaimon/toftftcaiaab anb jaafan.afte res of tbe actes of 9 eftu/anb all fte oi&gt;9/ftan&amp;$poto?e/aretottein cb;o&lt; nfcleu oftftefipngeu of HfraelJinb to&amp;ertJe* tWtoWJlapbetorelJttftpjs fatbew/tftep'bu rjebft wh m^amar/a/^gieftoafta? ftfc fonne ralgneb mfttjs fteab.ainfig ttme i Jeftaratg nebbp53!ftaeiMj^amarta/toa0.wbiuperc cartalftj putt m to tertfi all tQebpims tonnes*** tegt Jrto tte Arm : of )tjmb ; ^ cb tt jqHttl tCfte^daptei;



|i961rftattaft tfte motfter of fto* ?:aft/toftenfte fato ftatfter fonne toass Dec b/ftearorc anbfletoe all feet&gt;e of tbespngbome.tfut^efto* rabatbeoaugftteroffipng mom 9 fj&amp;rr of fto?iaft/tofie jeftoau tfte forme of fi)fto* 5tab/anDaaiebimfromamongtfte ftpngesJ fonnegs tftat toere flapne/ ftpg nource to? ft bmt/ont of a fieppnge cftamb?e/ 9 fttbbftpi ftfiStbaliaft/ftacftetoa0notflawr.aindfte toaptoptftfter/ftrbin tfteftoufeoftfte)lo;be bUv ercanbatftaltaft bporapgnemiert 6b. 3nb tfte feuentft pere ^eftotaba f ent 9 fee fte rula rs ouer ftutib;ebe? tt tfte captapneg tft cm of fte garoe/a tofee fte mtoftmt into v ftoufe of tftejLo;be/anBmabeabohbeiDfft' ftem / anbtoaeanofteoftftem tntfteftoufe offtel-ojae/fftetoebftltfteRpngegfonne. Sno fte co maunb eb ft em rapingiftto t tftat pe muft bo:one ftirb parte of pmi ffiaHcomc on ft e &gt;aboft nape anb aepe ft e toaicfte of fte ft yngej&gt;s ft oufe : Mi anotfter tftftoe parte ftafteatftegate&gt;ur:an8 anotfter ftpjbe parte ftalbe at fte gate behpn&amp;e tfte garoe

^rftamb^e / anb fo ftall pe fiepe fte toatft e of BX Wattt /allftatgoooute tfteS&gt;abotftbape/ mire nut bc ftall aepe toatcfte of ft e ftoufe of $ &amp;o#&gt;e aboute tfte Spng/a all compare tfte fipnge touno aboute/eucipmStt ftfg tocpm ft ftps ftanbe .3nQ toftofoaitr lomeft topft tntbt rages ftal l Dpe f 0; ft. 3inb fe tftat pe be toft) fte apnge as be goetft out an&amp;m. ainbfte captapnesi ouertbe ftunb;ebesJbft an ft yng^ as ^eftoiaba p^eaft cSmaunbco: atofie euerpmSftrsmen/ftatr3/ftf $ came in tfte &amp;&gt;afioft bape totft tftem tftat toet out tfte&amp;abotftbape/anbtoentto ^eftotabafte p;eaae.3no p;eaQegaue to t captapneg ouer ftunftebes tfte f peaces 9 ftplbes t mere ^png auibs 9 ftab remapneo in tfte tfple. 3nD tfte garde Kobe ruerpman ib ftis toepon toftis ftanbrouna aboutefte fipnge / fro" fte tpgftt corner of tfte tf pie to tftelefte a long bp tf aultaer 9 ft e teple . IBnb fte bjougftt oute tfte f onneof tfte fiftg 9 put fte crotone bpS ftim/ w* j i&amp;canb belpuerec ftim tfte*to!tne(re/9mabe fti'm mt 06, fipnge 9anopntebftim,ainbftepclapreftew pJ*JS A, ft^bes anb fapDe:5ob raue fte fipnge. and toften Itftaliaft ftearbtftenopefe of ruimvnge of fte people/fte came to ? people into tfte ftoufe of ft e )Lo?b . %nu toftf fte Cam ft e fipng aae bp a ppler(asfte man et mas) 9 tfte fpngers ft e trompettes bp tfte fipng/ 9all ftepeople of ftelanwrelopfpnge / anb tfteblotopngeof ftetrompettes/fte rentftre doftes scrpeb/treafon treafon.36nbjeftoia* baftep?eattecomaunbebfteCaptapnej of fteftuno;ebes ftabfteruleof tfteftotte/anb fafoetoftRftaueftetouttoft&amp;oittiranges/

9 pf anp foioto fter/retftimbpeS fte ftoer&amp;e: fb;f p?eaftefa?be/ftemapnotbenapne in tfteftoufcofftejLo?De.anbtfteplapDeftSDes onfter/9 fte toet fte toape tftat fte bo;feS of rftefipngestoentout 9 toasflapne ftere. anbjeftoiaba mabe abonbe boft bettoene J rftejLo;be 9tftefipng/9bettoenefte people anbfte %ommm ftep ftuio be ft e fioms people:9alfobettoenef fipnge ftepeople. CftenaHtftepeopleoftfteianbtoet into fte ftoure of aal/*be(rroieb ftis auitates/ anb lJ?afiebotoneftiBimagesiuaelp/9fluei9a ftan fwm ofaalbefo?e fauttecJHH pjeaafettoatcftemenin ftoufe of jLo?b/ ^tofief rulargouerftunii?e^ afcaptapnejS 9tftegarb9allf people of $ lana-.ainbftep p;ougftt fte fipng from fte ftoufe of torn toentftetoapeofftegate of tftegarae of |fimg^ftqufe.ainbfteratftimb?toheontfte reate of fte fipnges Jnb all fte people of tfte Xo?bereiopfeb/ anbfte cptpetoasm quiet. 3Bnb ftep flueaiftaliaft toifttftettoerbem ftoufe of fte fipnge. * Cgcfiosa msbcllipjoitpflon ft? tl(c rtpawnae offte tcmplcfe (b fejlico ( \)is fetuaimtes/ana am; 3ta^ capjiwiijin t)i5flea3s/ C^e.irt&gt;.Cftaptei:. tfboas toasfeuepereolbe foftenftea toas mabe fipng.3nb fte begane to rapgnefte feuentft pere of $eftu/ ._ ._ 9rapgnfOfourtpeperein3!erufa* ien^Sinoftetsnametoas 5ebiaft'erfa be.anbftebpbftatpleareo ;to?De/ asiong asjeftoiaba tftep^eaQ enfo;mebftpm. JSut tftep tofte not atoa ve ft e fttiiaulters / f 07 fte people flue $ offered ftpn in fte ftillaulters. anojeftoasfapdetoftep^eatt :all i fpl* utrt ts dedicat 9 b;ougftt to fte ftoufe of tfte 7io?ae m curtafit monepe/ftat is to tape/ft e ff row , t&gt;m mon epe tftat euerp man*ts Get at/toift all f a Cprte a vm &lt; monepe tftat euerpmanesftettgeueftftimto 8 ^'^'^^ b;png into | ftoufe of fte &amp;otf /let f p?eatt5 5f ft ** , tafee it tofte/euerpm5 offtis aqua? mafic*/ "' a let tfte r epap^e fte foofie places of | teple in all places toftereougftt is founb decapeb.

iQeuettfteiatertfte peaces ftabnotmebea bnto tfte.rrft.pere of ?eftoas/ toas decaieo m ftetrmple.cftenfipng^eftoascallebfo?^ 3*ftoiaba tftep^eaft 9 fo? tfte otter pzraftes ** aifo/9 fapde to tft5:toftp repap;e pe not $ b^a fien places of fteteple^oto tfterfo;e fe |pe rcceauenomoaremonepofpoure aquapn* taunce/but deipuer it to repap?e tfte temple toitftall.anbtftep;eaft^confentebtoreceaue no moare monepe of fte peopleattot ftatit ftuloe go to ft e menbpnge of tfte temple. cften^eftoiaaatftepjeaft tofiea cof9 bo;eban ftoalein tfteipa of it/ aputitbefpde tfte aultare onfterpgfttfpbeasamS comeft toft fte ftoufe of fte5LozDe.anb&lt;hto $ bpn ? t wetfttt

p;eafte* t 6eP i oojes/putall monep i 9 *** w * tN cofcr * ftefcpngs fctide a tut bpe p;eatte came/9 finpt top fte monpef teas founainf DoitCc of fte jlotfe/aftet fflepbaa tottie it. aria ftepgaue ftemonepbpfommestnto ftebanaesoftbetoozcfiemenibaH cuer* C WOf tbeboufe of fco?0: tbtp b;ougbt ttoutto carpenter? 9 bupiaetsg to?ougbt bpontbeboufe of fte&amp;oja/ato raafondanb Betters of ttone/to ope tpmb?e afpe (tone/ torepaitetbeoecapinf boufe of tge jm#/ sail g ftat neaaea repap jpnge in ftebouft: boto b? it ftete teas not maDeintye boufe of fte Ho;&amp;/boolf3 of ftTuer/mzEOpnis Bnpuc3/ bafenstropettS e/ anpotbecmaramctesof gotiiae o? f j iuer/of g monep g tea? bjougBt fo?tbeboufeoffte:!ioja.&lt;jfo;tbepg3e to rb* toiwfiemen/torepapje ft ettoift f bonfe of die &amp;02ae.#o;eouerfteprefteneanottt ftemen/intotobofebanaestbepaciptiereat ittoneff be bettotoea on too?cfie m en : J3ut t&amp;epaibfteue'offtaeKtc.l&amp;otobeitmfpace tnonep arpnnemonepraigBtnotbebzougbt into boufe off jlojayfojfttoas p;eaft?. Cbcn cameljja?ael8pngeof&amp;irta/8nD

fqugbtagapnft dft 9 tone it/ a appopnteo i:mfelftogobpto3!erufarem.38ut3leftoaj5 tpng of Suoa toaeaHtbebeoicatftptiges i |e6ofapBat/3!e6o^9fl)6oftah b&amp;fafter* jpngesof guoa/ba&amp;beofcat/al bebfatfeife baaoeofcatea/aaHi $ gouia f coufeebefona intbetreamK of fte boufe of fte jlqm aof tfiespngejSftouCe/afent ftto^ajaelftsngc of&gt;ttia:afo&amp;eoepartea from aetufaiem. . be remnaunt of acre? of Seboas a aH oe&amp;fo/aw to?ittew $ cbjontcH* off fipnge cfluaa.anabts atonefemauntes atofe ana twougBttwafon/anueaefioasi in fteboufc Mtym $ toapeootoneto&amp;eia.J o?aoat| tonne of g&gt;emaa affbo? abaa f fonne of pomtt bpsfentafits/rmotebim/i beopca. anaftepbutieabimtoift bisfatbttsm t&amp;e citfeofauiaJrtaatna?fa&amp;&amp;isrowjeraig:i fteambi&amp;aeaae. . CJrtoa&amp;aMBe tonne ofjebu fr tflputceo mto Ibe iteibm&amp;fe*M*.H&amp;ue6i*ri&gt;. 8 ___ fbe.rt n.cbaptet:. sh^-^ii $ 1 .*fi.pere of gieftoajs fonne of l|fi)Oofiab sing of 3uaa/Ueboafiaf I tonne ofiebu tea* mate fipnge giouetffrael in &gt;amatia/ a contf i"-tf -pete.f nbbe to?ougbe tofefiebneOc mmefpgbtoetbe)U&gt;;ae:fo?be folotoea fte RWe of Jferoboa" fte fonne of gabattobicii maoeiftaeirpnne/ aoepaeb not iter fro";

fipngof ^irfa/anofnttflebjiriD of &amp; dsd tbe fonne :of$a;aeiautb tit aapes. 5But|eBoa6a?befoagBt5 fco;o/a 1 i&amp;


nbftetfojef&amp;o?bgaue3freJa aeipurrer a.ftep toet out fro" bnoa f bate* of foe &gt;i* rtans.anbf ebpfitfe ofSfraeiatoeftin fteir tnte0a*befo;etpme.j9mettbeiefreftepae*tt$fratbefpnneof f boufe of Qfero. * boam to&amp;Kb maoegfftael fynne/biit toaaea tbetin.3BnDtbnetemameoagi;oue alfo m fbtamtA.9tax76mmtt toeteleft of the peopletog!eboabaf/butfpftiebo;femenano tmc6awtte0/tent&amp;oufan&amp; fotemenfo; # SM S &lt;rt ? &amp;!P ^^opco tbfa mane tb? ip at tb? t tu) eo cb a, c()t reft of tbe attest of 3*Ma?/MllbeDib abi* poto;eareto?it* tmintbe cbzonicleis of tbcftwge* of3frael, anojeboaba? wftco toitb W fatbn/a tbeg burpebbfm in S&gt;amaria/agoaiSbfe forme raignt a in W tteaor . |u tbe.wfl&gt;n. few of 3!eboas$ bpng of 5 iioa/begane 30a? fonne of3|eboaba?to raigne oucr gEftael 61 S&gt;a&lt; raarfa/c5tHnurD.j*i.pete/aDiD bnbappelv to if fjgbtof tbejLojoaDepawebtnnotbmg ftS tbeffime? of aetobos fonne of ^abat^. tbatmaoegsftaelfjnne/buttoalcfiebtbrtin* cbttfmnaatoftbeaetwofgfoaisaan be bpo/u bin potoee/boto be fougbttt3ma?t'a&amp; pngeof3[tioa/areto;ittenin tbe cb^onicie boae of tbe iSpngc? of^fraei.aina tobeioasJ tea? Japoc to rett toift W fatber? / fetoboi fatbpon bfe f eate Jnb gpoass tea? butjeo in &amp;amawaamongetbe6i?ngeg ofgftael. ibm &lt;glifeu0 toag falfenfpcfieof f-pc&amp;netJetobetofbe Djea/aoafJifengtof gifvael cametobimtoepterobwn/afapiKfatb fatber icbawtof gftaelatbebo^etnen off fame . aino Bbttwifaroebntob?m/bwnge boote aarotoes(Jnobeb;oitgbttobimbola a atotoejUnb be favDetof spnge of giftaeT: tntttbmebanbbponfboo&amp;ie/atobenbeba&amp; putbr0banDe.bpStbtbooto/iifM0nutbi0 bSbejJ tops 5 fimc bSb?.cben be fapbe/open

a topnootoe eefttoaitie:a be openeo.anb eit ) feu0faroe:fbote/a befbotte.aBnbbefa:tbe arotoeofbetoeoftxo/tbearotoeofbel n&gt;;ien0tn3pbebrpfl(boubaue cSCumeo ft?. benbefarbe-.tabe atotors -.anobetobe. Cbenbefajioetotbeftfngeofgifrael/fmpte tbegtounoe:abefmetetb2ifea eeafeo . arna tbemiof &lt;S0Dtoa*angrfetoitbbfm afafoer ftouQmloeabattefmfrffiueojfmrnnef/ anbtbmftoubabbeftfmpttentbe$&gt;Miett{i , cintboubabofSconfumebftrm:Wiecenote ^ tbouftattbetetbembutft^fe. " ffibf n tWtwim neerjant. buryea fte fouWawg of * fl0oabite0came mto \ itmv tbefne

m. eBepewfoiotopngeJnoftcbauncraastbep mafi. tone butpenge a man / ftat tbep fppeg tbe imitti- ^&gt;ouapare?/a tberfo?ecaft ftema" into fte toriah. fepulcb?e of nHtTeu*. ana agfone an tbe ma came ana toucbea f bones of ciifcu*/ be re* uiuea ana ftooe bp on bw fete. |na ^ajaei opp?effe&amp;5fraci/ar fte cape? of leboaba? . ut fte 3lo;ae bab mete? e m ftf a pptiea ftem a tiitneD to tbe/becaufe of W appopntmet maae toiftab^bS/Sfaae a facob/a tooiae not oeOtope (bem/eft'et caft tbe from bim ag pet.3na toben raactlfng of &amp;itia toss aee a/JSIbaaaab* fonneraig

neainbisfteaae.anbtbcnfoag tbe. fonne of feboaba? toet agapne a tofie out of fte biae of enbaaaa fonne of ^a?ael / fte cptpe* mitt^e baa tafcenatoape out of ftebanans offeboabajbfefaftee/tttoawe.ana ft?e tpmejs opafoaiBbeatebpmanbb^oiigbttbe cptie0of3fraeiagapne. camvtalitticbpnaofjutatmnetijtotatHmsn* qucller* of bis fatl)tc;ano after frajtetb oom.3f oa

HXSSfflf^ 8 *^ Bertrpfctb. %z aett tbou to P;ouo8etomrfcbtue/ftattbou ftuteftbeMtettb/otoen IST farawtn giuaa. ana^uaa toaisput to fte SSSS^^^fraelfobeiBma^ ? a lW c , of ^ uoa '' f0 "ne ofjeboapfonne ofboiiab/ateftfame0.anatbenbetoa


tbariab. aina&gt;iabiaBplleomJtacbiB;Biio a?wte&amp; rapanctbinbiBOcak. cbe.iciMj.Cbaptet,

^cfeccncejete ofaoajs fonne of leboabasspngofafraei taRjnen ima?iab ffonne offeboapfifng ofluaa-^c toag.wb.fere oiae tm Be began/ana rargneb.jCiri^ferein jeru* tufalem.^10 mofterisnametoagieboaban/ atoa0ofSmifalem.3 , nBbebpaftpieafe&amp; fbejL.o?ae/petnotttbejauibbi0fafteRbut m inall tbpng? as 50a* 6ft fatber bpa.fie* 58 tber tofie tbep atoape fte biilaurter*: jsut ^people ffueana offrrea ttpll in $ bfllaulteis Inaasfoneasibefipngaomtoas fettele&amp;ni biffbanae/ befiuebiSfemaimtegtbatbvQeb fbe fipngbfe fafter .jeut fte cbpia;f of ftofe tnurfterarg befbienot/as ttfetotftf wubc bofie of fteiatoeof fl^ofeg/ tobereftelwo r^iiiic. somaunaebfapfg:*ftefatber0fta notoje

1 fteaeaaesof ffieir fafters:nteuerf man Ibalbeftepnefojbfeatonefpnne. I9*m* *fnoJenueoff(oomite0inftefaaba* lepeten ftourana/anatofie fte totont g,eia of itgfefifteel euet after. after $ ama?iab fentmeffenger? to*oajs 2S?"w^S^w|wtoine offftu fijnge erfarmge:come/retb0feecbe oa&gt;l tt5Poflipngofifrae!fent agapne tok* mafiab ftifnge of ?uaa fapi m&amp; ma to Hi bano fentto a qmtto treetn jlibanSfapIg: gene tbpaaugbf er to mp fonne to torfe.Kut ? tojiae beaaesiniLibanon toetanatroaoe aotonetbetbmci.?0feaHreftoubaftbeaten

tojemfalem/ana b^ficaotone of fte toalfe of Jerufalem from fte gate of cpbjaim to* comet gate/fourebuna;ea cubpttst , anabe e^ealiftejiouKieaftltKraaHtbebetttHei ftattoerefounae ni fte boufe of fte toB boftages ft erto : a ft en rettirneb to ^&gt;ama na agapne. jrberett off Attest of ?oas tobicft be mi mm poto?e / 9 bote be foiigbttoirt htm&gt; fiab fipngeof ?uoa /are totfttenint&amp;e tbio, nicresof ft^pngegofjfraei: a tmiam bim to reft toitb W faft erg ana teas biirrea at^amaria amonge tbe fipnges of ^fraei: aferoboi bfefonneraigneainbisrotome. ama?iab b)e fwme of 2e&amp;oas$ fipnge of &lt;?naa/Jpuea after fteaeeft of foasfonne of &lt; ?tboat)a?fipngof|fraei/fpfteiie P eTe . ana fte remanaunt of f aeaaeg of Imajiab / are to?f tten m fte cb?ont'cle$ of f fipnges of fu ba.ana ftepconfpirea great treafon agapnft bfmin^enifalfm/abeflea to jLaftfe.ana tbep toftafterbf to jiaftis a fluebim ftere. anaftepbjougbtbfm onanljotfe a Be toas . buriea at^enrfalem tt m rafters fttf 5ftMMwa of SMtob, * E'na all tbe people of fJu&amp;a tofie Siatiab / tobicb toas.rui.pere oflje/i maae bimfipigefo?bPS fafter amajiab. anabef bpltatraft ana b^otigbt it agapne to "luaa/ after tbat fte fipnge toas lapae to reft toitb

m faftets. ^ be.rb.pere of ama?iab ronneof fc boas fipnge of j uoa/ teas Jerobog fonneof foas maaefipnge ouer 3frael in&amp;amatia/ anaeapgnea.i:li,pere/anato;ougbttopcfieb neee in ftefpgbt of fte ftotfe : fo? be tumeo in notbpng fr9 fte f pnne of jeroboa tame of iSabat tobicb raaee 3frael fpnne.Jfterc* fto;ra f coftes of 2fweifr5fteenterpngeof $emaft onto fte fee/in tbe topfite feiacg/ac* co;bpng to fte toojae of fte Hoja &lt;&amp;oa of at taeltobicbbefpafietbo;otobi0 feniaftfo&lt; nabftefotmeofamitbaif p;opbete/tobic&amp; teas of eft pbet. jf o? fte Ho;aebabfene &amp; botoftattbe affitccion of jfraeltoasercea. bpngbptter/mfdmocBef ftep^efoneaafte fo;faftetoereatanenae.anbtberetoaS no beipftfentoSfraej.anatbelo^abaanotpet t.i;. fapae



iCiftam, faf be t&amp;at men tifte put out name of Jt* gjflum. raei fro bntec&amp;eauen.ltnbt&amp;etfeje&amp;e bolpe ^ana&amp;em* t&amp;e" bf t&amp;e &amp;io of getoboa" fonne of goais. #&amp;a6eiab. c&amp;ere&amp;oft&amp;eDeebcsofleroboam/aaH &amp;ebfb/anbbis$poto.2e&amp;oto&amp;e foug&amp;t; aboto berettwb amafco ana 0emat&amp; tof usa m jfrael aretojfttenin tbebobe of -cfj;onicicss of t&amp;e fif nges of fftael.ano jetoboS lafbe&amp;fm toteft toit&amp;bpisfat&amp;erss anb toft&amp; t&amp;e fcf ngejs of grraei/a 3ac&amp;arta&amp; b# fonne rafgnebmbteQeabe. . Curtail tfj hjmg of ?u&amp;a bcromcf &amp; iUpjoufe. anft 3o$amra?gnet^ fo; ^mvifciHum hpUctlj Jeroboam $ fucecatati? I)imm ttje &amp;}? tec fcetom t apg * aiecl? fljanatjenvaflet ana&amp;em f&amp;^abrialj / after

JS&amp;a&amp;ciaS J&amp;ljahrt)/ after }&amp;ijahe&amp; Bo&amp;a'aftrtl&amp;Q* fcajotljamsnOaetctJof&amp;amafja?* ...

y / /

CC&amp;e.tb.c&amp;aptet:, $e.;rtbli.f ete of Jeroboa" fijng of ,gjfrael/3t?artab fonne of 36ma?tab fcfng of Saioa beganne totaignt. ____^trtenefereolbetoa!3 beiobe^bt teas mabe 6f nge/a&amp;etaigneb.w.f ere tnt* mtalem/bfismotbetis name teas 1ec&amp;elia&amp;/ 5 toai3oEfemfalem.3Gn&amp;f)eDp&amp; g pleafcb -fl,o?beinallt&amp;fnge$a!3b!b&amp;t0fat&amp;ec3ma* fta&amp;:fauet&amp;att&amp;ef putnot t&amp;e bfUattftrt* atoafe:fo? f people oflereb a butneb fat flfu* in tbe bf llaultetf. 3nb t&amp;e &amp;02be fmbte t&amp;e fif ng/t&amp;at&amp;e toass a leperbnto 5 oaf e of &amp;&amp; ~betbe/anbbtocltmanBdufeatl?bett?e/anD 30 SEot&amp;am t&amp;e Sfngess f oraie gouernfb f &amp;oufe ^m&amp;gectDe people of t&amp;elanbe .^be reft of t&amp;e beabeS of 3i?atia&amp; 9 all&amp;ebtb/are to?ttte in c&amp;zoniclcjs of I fipng^ of Sttba Jnb 3?a tia&amp;lafbe&amp;iratotlepettbtgfat&amp;ere/atbef butfeb&amp;imtt &amp;i* fat&amp;ero in t&amp;e cftie of #&gt;a ittb/aaotbS&amp;wstonnetafgnebm &amp;i# fteabe. inf .wflwj.f ere of ?aria&amp; bf ng of %iu ba /toa03ac&amp;aria&amp;t&amp;e fonne of|eroboani mabefifngbpSlftael in Samaria/ araig* fi$tiwtwJM. ne bCw:emonetbeg/8*8rb $ bifpleafeb t&amp;e ^ Tlotfe/agbib&amp;BSfat&amp;etss/anbturneb notfro tbe tfnnes* of Jeroboam t&amp;e fonne of abat to&amp;tc&amp;mabe Sfrael ffnne ,%m feeium tbe fonne of gabefs contptrebagaf nft &amp;rm / anb cfmotebnnbetwetbe people/a bfilcb bim/ arfl&gt;ifgwom&amp;i* fteabe. . betettb^t&amp;ebeabeso?3ac&amp;atia&amp;are hwftten ni t&amp;e c&amp;jonicjess of t&amp;e fipn&amp; oegir= xatiMW m t&amp;e fafing tbat tb e%oM fpafie bnto3!ebu/rafing:*tbpfonn^allfYttonf feateofffraelint&amp;eftutt&amp;geneiaeton.ainb it came Co to paffe.

&gt;emmt&amp;eronneof labeu beganne to iafgnetbej^:c.fereofai?arfa&amp; fifnge of fuba/anfc&amp;erafgneba monetfi in g&gt;ama* jEMFb? #anabem tUc fonne of aoi came bp ftom^jjena^ ttttftmto Samatfaanu tmm*$ dm tfic fonne of |abe?m ^ama


tia/anOfluebnn/anD tafgnebt'nbW tteaoe. ' ()e.w8 of t&amp;e Deabe^ of &gt;elum 9 tbe trea* f on/b^icb &amp;e eonfpwea are totftte in ct)?o= mcie^oft&amp;ebpnKofaftael.cbefametpme flpwa&amp;eni beat yea cbapbfab anb alltbat toetetbertn/anbtbecoftegt&amp;etof fto cbet* ?a&amp;(l3e'caufet&amp;epopeneonottobim)[)efmo* te ana rent all t&amp;ettemen biitb cb? IDe. cHe.JW'rvpete of 3i?atiab binge ef 511= fia/beganne &lt;3^anabem tl;e fonne of &lt;Eaot to ratgnebponjpfraei/ ?continueuten fere in ^amatta.ainti&amp;etttj&amp;euen in tbe ffgbte of t&amp;e %QiQm tutneb not ailbte oa? em fr5 t&amp;e fpnne of feroboam f fonne of iQabat tsbnb maDe Ifrael fjraieJnij^bulftyngerjf a* rta came bp5 ttje lano.3 n &amp; fl anabem gaue ?&amp;bul a tlioufautt talente of f pluety eo&amp;elpe btm to (tabiiObe &amp;is Bf ngoome.anD flBana^ &amp;em rapf eo t&amp;e mone? in '|ftael/ bpo ail men of fubftaunce/fo? togeuet&amp;eBsngc of2Cffi= ria ff ftte egoless of ff luet apece.lBna g fisng of aifftriaturneobacbeagarne? tarteu not t&amp;ereint&amp;eianbe.; , c&amp;e tea of t&amp;eoea&amp;es of ^anabem 9 all &amp;eb|?a / are to^itten in t&amp;e c&amp;zoniciesr of t&amp;e Bpngej5of^fraeL?6notobeS^ana&amp;em teas lapae to reft toitb &amp;is fat&amp;erjS ^&amp;a&amp;eta&amp; W ' tome rapgneo irt W Seaoe. C&amp;e f pftret&amp; fere of ai?a'a&amp; bpng of Ju* ba/beganne^abeiabt&amp;e fonne of flganai rjem to var'gne ouetpael in &amp; amarta/ana cStr'nuea troo f ere/^ b)?oug&amp;t toffieW? in ^ ff g&amp;te of tbeHoja 9 leftenot of fto fff nnes of gieroboS fonne of i5abat to&amp;ic&amp; maDegSf* rati fmne.anbp&amp;afab t&amp;e fonne of JSome* liaba ^o?5eof W confpireb agapnft &amp;?m aito flue bfmin t&amp;epalapfeof t&amp;e %fngejS &amp;oufe/tDitb 3irgobano3ria&amp; anb ff ftiemen tottb m'm t&amp;attoere ffialaaoite^ :ano iD&amp; e be

babfipileDbim/taignebin brstotorae.^&amp;e reft oflB&amp;abetabantanbei)fb are to^ttefn t&amp;e c&amp;jonfclejsof f&amp;e&amp;?ngejs of Jtraei. jf 3nD tbcTii.f ere of a?anab fif ng of ^uba beganne js&amp;abeb t&amp;e fonne of JSomeliab to taignc otter Jfrael in &gt;amaria anoconti* nuewy.fere/antibtoeueuint&amp;efpgbtoft&amp;e )Lo7be/ffliBftimeb not from t&amp;eff nne? of|e* toboS fonne of ^&gt;abat $ maDe^frael fjnne. 3!nt&amp;eba? ess of ^aftei jftpng of %(mtl/cam ceglatb^&amp;aiafar 6?ngof SBflreia/ anu tone 3ion/abet/55et&amp;/fl9aaca&amp;/aanoa&amp;/saby a5o?/a!aab/d5aKre/anbaHtrjetenae of ^ep&amp;t&amp;att/a cariebt&amp;ematoa? 1 to 3EOf aa. ana ^ofeat&amp;e fomteof cia&amp;confpwea treafonaga?nftl&amp;&amp;a8e&amp; t&amp;e fonne of Kome ifa&amp;anbfraotebnnan&amp;flue&amp;iman&amp;wgneb . mi ^\ in W fteabe of got&amp;am pS&amp; fonne of*flD?t'a&amp;.cbereft of arte? of JBfia^ tm w beb/anb an&amp;e bpb/are to;itten in tfif ftojte ft* oft&amp;elifngejjoflftafl. _. * c&amp;r


^31 . .,,^, mt ftconbe j ere of 9&amp;m tonne of mo* SSSS^fS l^* 17 be 8 annc 9!ot6am t&amp;e fonne of ?ia&amp; bpnge of 3uba to raigne. jFFue?tu&gt;ene?erQibetoa0&amp;e lobenbebe* Bannecorafgne/anb&amp;eraHjneb.yb;.ment ffl ' w,r ** ,m .iarjsmotberfj -~ ~~ eiof^aboS-a 1 *??JLu' ^/Hbeof jl,o?be:eue tn au t&amp;tnge a?D&amp;is fat&amp;et:ijaft/bK&gt;be.)euttbepuc notatoape t&amp;e &amp;? uautterscfo^tbe peowe of* ferebabtirntmcenftBtHmtbe&amp;fiiaulterjS/ Bebtt&amp;e&amp;ig&amp;eftbo;ein boMe of S, Be react of tbebeabe0of3!otbamartbaUbe mjmimm in scton? cieu of fee mm

of j!uba.S,nt&amp;ofebape*t&amp;e %o#x begine to fenbeaga? nft3!uba/ aafin fipg of S&gt;p* tanbje&amp;afie&amp; t&amp;e tonne of sonSfdn giotbS rettebtoit&amp;biiSfatbers; aroa? butvea toftbbftfat&amp;criJintbe citie of autobii ifa 8/aaB&amp;a?&amp;iiSfonnera^nebin&amp;iji(lfabe. CUM S p 3 of jutia conft tcttta iito fornie mfwe; 6f) mmif batellefl agapntt tbe ft jngc of gfraelfes (nfctban aulfcr to lie mate Ipfce mi to of&amp;anwfro. Jn t fleaBc of afja? tajgnctti *c; tfeia^ feu (omw. cc^e.?:bi.cbapter. e.W3n.ferccfj&amp;bafie&amp; fonneof omeitab fifngcofgfrael/abaf fonne of iot&amp;am bfnge of fuba/ zzzzrz *&amp;p** t0 .fere olbe teas be/toben &amp;e toajs mabe fifngtarafgneb W.2mfo9!erufarem/an&amp;ofbnoi that \aa&amp; rjrabttnt&amp;eefegoftbe Jlo^e&amp;isupob/ttBe ^autb &amp;t?fat&amp;er:)8uttoentinrbetoafeof feeSfngeg of gjfraei/a tbertobc ofkmm forme tn ff mm t&amp;e abomfnacf on of tbe b;t&amp;ento&amp;fc&amp; w%o;ut caft out befo;et|e c&amp;ftt?enof 3irraeI.anbbeo8ereba burnt tfle fatin t&amp;ebf iauft erg a ontbebf uest a bnbec mm,u werfgrenetree.*cbena?iningofft&gt;f e na^P'&amp;afieb fonne of 5Somrtta&amp; Swioeof jeifrael came top togerufaie to ftg&amp;t.anbtbep befegeb36&amp;a?/but couioe not ouercome bim, at tbe fame time ai m fcpnge of ft iris baeugbtartat&amp;agapneto S&gt;rrTa/ 3 rfb tbe geroeg r&amp;cnce.3'nDt&amp;e arrians rocnt toli* latb anbbtoelt t&amp;r tth bnto tbi^baf e. &amp;en a&amp;a? fent meflengettoceglat6 P&amp;alafar * m of 3i%is,faffog:g! am m fmiaunt a m fonne/come a beiiuetme out oftbebanbof fngof &gt;iria/a out of tbe banboftbefifngeofgjftaeliDbicb ate men agafnQme.aiti3^&amp;a?toKct&amp;e fpwet a tbe gouJbetbattoajJfounbein tbebotofeof m &amp;p;batotbetreafureoft&amp;ettinge0&amp;otore/ Jfenttt fo? a retoarbe to ftSfnge of aotoia. Sffi e J?ffS eof *Ww8ub to bfm/ atowetoBamafco/atobeft/anbcariebtbe peojfleatoaf eto ^ir/anbttue lSa?in. 3Bnbfngeaiba?toentagaptt ceglatb ^iiaiafarSing of 3fff M'to &amp;mmjtm

to&amp;enbefatoeacereenaultecg toasat ai

tnafco/&amp;erentto;ra&amp;t&amp;e^eaft patern of aultet a $ facf of au t&amp;e too^manftip' tberof.ainbi^ia&amp; t&amp;ej&amp;^eatt mabe an attiter&gt; in all pofnR If Reto fpatem Wd) fif ng S- c par bab rent fro amafco/ a bab ff nta&amp;cb it pP ? Sfngt comf ngfroBamafco.lfinb to&amp;e tbebfngetoajJ comefeo amafco a fatoel aufter/bettent toit a oBereb tberon. mo he burntbwburntofiringe/anb fp?inc8eiea t&amp;e

bjafen aultet tea* befo;et&amp;e UR/ftwn terat&amp;e&amp;oroCe oft&amp;e)Lo?be/aputiton tbeoft^ettm^ no?tbffbeoft&amp;efafbeauitet;. &lt;Nr* JBnb t&amp;efifng cSmaunbeb a?iaB f a&amp;?eaft SSiSSS -SI mpwfnge bumtoffnngy a m t&amp;e cue meate of 15c iijte. oftetfngei|/a t&amp;e bfngejs burntfacrtficeanb bifimeatpfteinge/atbebttrntoBriiigejs of all t&amp;tpeople of t&amp;e ianbe a t&amp;eir meateofrrirtgt a tbmb?fncfieorTrfngeg/a poto;e t&amp;eton all t&amp;ebloub of all maner ottVinge0.ut 9 bm* ftnaultee ibaibe fo? me /to enouwe toitb,^ Jnb;ia&amp; \ p^eaftbfballtbfngj a? Sfng |&amp;a? coma&amp;eo Umt.anD fipng a&amp;a? b;afte %tm of \ botome? a tobe tauer* ftffof tbe/a tobc botone t&amp;e fee fee of b;aren ml t toere bnberie/a put it bpon a pauemft of ttone,3lnbtbertot&amp;epuipitfo? t&amp;e feabctb t&amp;att&amp;ef babmabeint&amp;ebotofe/a nwtge? enttietott&amp;outtumeb&amp;etot&amp;e botottof tbe Jlozae/fo? feare of t&amp;e Bfnge of iatafe.die refte of t&amp;ebebeisof a&amp;a? to&amp;pc&amp;&amp;e cvb are to^ittentntbe Cb?onfclegoft&amp;e fmrnm of ShttsJnb a&amp;a? lafbe &amp;im to reft toft&amp; bik fa

C^oftaftpnseofjftaeito (ahen. and be anft all dm teatHmeb?omHtoeairjjiattB. " _ Ccbe.rbn.c&amp;apfer. j5t&amp;e.rij.fereof a&amp;a? aing of Mu*3B ba/^ of ea fonne oteiab begine to rafgne in Samaria bpon arrael/ ^^---J a contfnueb. w W Pleareot&amp;e )Lo?oe/bittnotfo cuella^bfo *

BfngejJ of gifrael tbat toere before \)vmMn ^a tnanarac fifnge of Myna came bpon E^SLWl^i^Bc of aifff^a fottnee treafon in ^ofea/becaufc&amp;e&amp;ab fentmeC tjeit t&amp;e fif ng ofli%ta came t&amp;oIotooiS fl **** M tbeianbe/ acame to&amp;atnarts a becrgebft MR. tb?c


^ofta. m\, ft?epere.a!ffl) in ftenptifte pereofi^ofea/ Spng of aetata tofie Samaria 9 caepe&amp;af* raelatoapebnto3Crp;!tas put tbem i^aia/ in l|jabo?on tpuer of &lt;$o?an/9ta ettfea * of fte fi&amp;eoea. jfoftecbfHije of patel bab fanned agapnfttbe ju&gt;?be t^etc soa tobteb b?ougbt fte out offte lano ef &lt;gppt/fto bn&lt; betftebahdof^araoBpngof^ppt/anb feareb otbet obss.lSnb tbep toaifaeam $ 0;* bmaimceofftebeftrntopicb tfte&amp;ojb* raft j*. out before $ ftplb?? of qjfrael/ami} ftmgea " tobteb fte bpngeis of gjftaelbaDmaoe.f rn&gt; $ cbpibje f 3 ftael to ?a p t e ftf f elues en ftmg$ ftattonenottoeUtotoar&amp;e fte Mzae tbetr 5ob.3ndftep opit ftem^tlauitera man 3n#oiwtftrircya'cis/bofifjewitae*toto?wtoBercfte8 ^S'^bepttoatcbannaKomfte flronge totonea. i8Stt'^W* *" Slmageaagroue* on SmSc euerpbpebpn 9 bnbee euerpgtene tte. 3nb tbere ft cp facrefpced in fte ^flaulteta/aa

bib fte betfcen tobteb tbeTLo.Jbcatpebatoapc at tbetr compnge/ 3 to?oug[)t toefieo oeae^/ to angre fte ;no?be totft alU'nb tbep feruea STbolea/toberof ftefcoflebabfapbe to ftem: teftannotbofo, ft 3nbfte;to#teftefie&amp;to!paei9toSuba/ bp all fte p?opbetf!3sbp all tbe feats rapig: cume fro" poure topcatb toapea a fiepeim&gt; co"maitnbementea 9 mpne oflpnauncea ac&lt; cojopngto ailftelatoes tobicbacomafibeb pourefafteta/aaaafatttopoubpm? ftt* cuauntea p?opbetea.ortetftftadpngtbef ^toolbenotbeate/btttbatbenedfteirnecfiea/ Ip6e to fte necbea of tfteft fafterss g bpb not beimefte:Lo?betb&lt;fc&lt;m3nd tbep refute* W ojot'n auncc $s $ but appopntmf t $ &amp;e bab mabett ftettfafteis/stbe toptneffe tobpft SeBadtoptneffebtotbe/afolotoeb banptea became bapne/lpbe to fte beftenftattoere rotmbaboute ftem / of tobtcbfte&amp;ojbebaa c6aiedtbf/tbatftepftjulbnot bolpae tib^. 38utftepiefteftec5maunbementea of fte Jlo#eetr&lt;!sod9 traoefteSfatageaofme* " reweB#aaL3nbtberfecwft'tt&amp;tbefc fomrt aftefebaugbtera in few 9 bfed toptcbcraft 9 enftau"temet$/9 toeref ofijetatoojcaetofc* fiebnetfefofc fpgBtof fjlo?d/fo;toangrebf. iffibfotbe)Lo25teJe]ttwbpngto?ofl&gt; taftirtaelaputt&amp;fouteofbfaffgbt/tbat ftere toaa left but $ trpbe of Suca onlf /anb ^_ ttewogiubaiteptnotfteco'maunbemetea of ^fte&amp;C2befteir0b/butb)aniebmfteo?bl &amp; naffces of Jfrael tobift t&amp;ep badmaot .cber fo?efte%o?decatt&amp;panftefeebof flftael 9 beredfteaobbelpuereb ftem into t&amp;ebibe* of ftpiera/bntpnbe&amp;aocftft?otrte of W rpsbtainDliftartwup&amp;ebtbetnteluesftam fWourc of &amp;ift/ ananas seto&amp;tam ft

fount of j^abae Bpg,JJ@b t'c^etob o ft ma gfraeiatoape from tbe )lo?Deam&gt; mane m rpnne agreat rptine.anbfo ftecbjlo^ of m$ raei toalcbeb in all tbe fenneof Jeroboam tobicb&amp;ebabfettbp/anb Departed nottbct*

ftom/bntpHfte JLojbe bab putlfraei mm eute ofbpafpgbt/asfterapdebp alt bn fer* uauntejitbep;opbeteiS.ainbfobettanf(ate&amp; gftaei out of tbcw lanbto mttf ;fa / euen bn* to tb ti3&amp;a?e. B anbtbe6|!ngofai%rab;ougbtft5a bpion 9 fro Cutba/ 9 fro 3na afro JSemaft anb ftomS&gt;epbanwmi/ana twttbent intbe cptieo of a&gt;amartatn dette of tbe cb?JD?en oflfwel. anbtbw oofleaeb ^amana anb btoettint^cpttegtberof.Sutattbebegp^ npngeoffteftotoeHfng/fl)ei?fcateBnottbe ^Qe.aaberfo^e tbe 3lo?oe rent Ifoiigbpoit tbl ttbtcb f&amp;te tbeV&amp;bm men toioe tbe swig of aiOfcfa/tapmg : cbe nacpons tobteb n)ou baft ttanflateb 9 put m tbe cpties of ^&gt;ama tta/6notoe nottbe tnanerof tbe dESob of tbe ian&amp;f /anbtbetfo?ebebatb fentlpongbpon tbem/tobfcbfrapetbem/becaufetbep finoto not tbe raanee of *&amp;e &lt;S5c&amp; of tbe fanbe. ben tbeit?tigeof3Mcommautf)eo fafig:carretbetberoneof pjeatte? toxica re b?ougbttbl"ce/9letbtmgo 9 tm&gt;eli tbere/ 9 teacbe Oft tbe facpon bob) to feme tbe on of tbe contre? cainb tben one of .fat p#atte$ tofttcb tbetf babtatfebtbence/toe t nmt m 55etbel/ 9taugbttbf bototbepftuibe Um $ a-o;ae.^otobeteuerpnacfon mabe t&amp;nc atone &amp;m 9Puttbefn boufes of tbe yu lauttetf i^it^ (be^amaiitanjtbabmabe/ euetrnacfSmtbetr attest toberetbepbtoelt. bemenof)c&gt;abflSniabeS&gt;ocotb/36mon).' ., Cbe^men of Cut* mabei9ergrt.cber of fyc g2H tnar&amp;maoe afima.^be uttef raabeiBeba^S ba?/attObartbafi.ainbtbe^iepbaruaite0afini8. bumttbettjcbMmfp;e nto3b?ameiecbMw. anb3Dnamcleeb/tbe ow of ? &amp;ep&amp;atuat*J&gt;"!&amp; tesf.3nbfl)ougbtbef featcbtbe jLo^/ttt^^^^' tbepmaoetbemp^eafteia oftbelotoeft of V^ people/fo; tbe ^ilamterg/ tobteb facrpficfa fo;tbetnmtboufe*oftbe ^tiauiterg.ana f tbe? featebtbe &amp;o;be/an&amp; pet feruebtbett; atone m after tbe maner of tbe people fro tebence tbep toece b;ougbt. wntoibfcbapet&amp;e*boaftei:t$e olbe ma* , ta ,

net^e?netbetfeatetbeXo?b/netbeDoaf*^K tettbeir atone o;bfnauncejJanb pAmafiSSm anb after m iatoe 9 cSmaunbement tobttb torn W\ t$e &amp;o?becommaunbebt&amp;tc9pB&gt;;en of ja- mtwW; cobtobofenamebecaHeb3!ftael/anb tnaoi anappopntemft toitbtbemaebatgeb mnZ'&amp;M* rajmg-Jeatenot anr otbei oBaess/no? boto S * pj pout reiueo totfjf no; rente tbem/no; faW* fsUi'^'' ficetotaetnjfitittot&amp;eio^betobjeB^ougbt fououtoftbeianaofifet tt great poto;e anb

4 --

P&amp;fefr ttir^ c 9 a ftretcbeb oufawtf.ftpmfeare 9tobpm . . ootoe9fobibofaertftce.aintio?bpnafice$/ - cu&amp;omest/fatoe 9 cSmaunbetnent tobteb to;otefo?pou/retbatpebebHtgenttoQofo1 eumno?e/$ fearenot anp otber goobestJnb tbeappopmemet ^3bauemaoetoitbpou/fe pe forget not/ anb tbat pou feare none otber dpobuejs-.buttbe }Lo?oepoure d5ob pe (ban feate/9be aliaelpuerpou out of bmlxfi of all poure enempeg.^oto be tt fljep beatoe not/but npo after tbe oloe maner.2inD euf f m tbefe nacto^ feare | Hoflie 9 feme tbetr rmages!tberto:9roDpotbetrcbpio?enfitbetc japiojens cbplb?en to. uen agbpb tbetr fa* tberjs/fo bo tbep bmo W$ bape, COejcWalikpnflcof jubaputtm Satencthe mm Uttn/tmvotetif tWtoUte.StAmmtfm bmstth Ufrael to f affv?i5B . age filafpftcmp of Scima^criB. be,rbtt).Cbapt;. a^e tbp?be rete of ofea fonneof la/Btng of ^frael rapgneo^e?e* Stab fonne of 3ba? Bpnge of Ju*

fxJMg 'ba.ctoentpe9fpuepere olbetoajs be/tobenbe beganne to rapgne/an&amp;rapgneb w&amp;fewfegcwteim.*#motbew name toagaibt f baugbterof 3aebartab/9 bf bpb tbatplearebtbe jLo?Deinantbpnge/lp6e to paufDbtgfatber.^eputatoapetbebPlaul* terjs a b?afie tbe pmagejs 9 cutootone f gro* wm all to b?afie tbe b?afen ferpent f j^o ft$maoe.!ffo2bntotbofebape0tbecbptt&gt;2eof ,*W bpb butne facrpfpee tot't/acalieblt

of 3%tato&amp;acbtsfapmg:3 baueoffenDeb; SSXSSSIS! 11 **. 9tobattbouputtea on rnetbattopli3Jbeare.anDtbeftpngof 3% tbefpluer tt)at toa$$ founoe in tbe botof e of a,o?oe ano alfo mtbe treafure of tbt fipnges tbeoo?e0of tbetepieof tbe lofte 9 tbeppfc rewytob^gfep^ejew^LgoffuK iIKS5!l? B L of J l ^L af,Jnt ^ attfta n9 S2MH 8BKM ^ o8eto 3eiufaif.aS&gt; tbeptoentfap^came to mifalem/&lt;jtoet 9 2ft8SS5 - W* oEt ^ e bppermoftpole calleb to p fipnge.anb tbere came out to tbe/ CItabtmpfonne of $elatab Ouatbe of boufc *SK 3 ^2 bna&amp; * Kribe/ 9 ?oab tbe fonne oracapb/a)e ttcomt.m tben KabfaSeb

Sv oftotft *^ c u ttan. J^c tniOcDm tbe )Lo?oc ooti of ^^ Jftael/fo tbat after bfm came nonelpfie font amSgeallf tpngeo"of ?uba/netber amBge tbem tbattoentbefoje b ffn.^e datte to fte 3Lc#e 9 bepar ten not frSbpnt/ but Sept bp* comauntiemetegi tomw Xo?oec5maun= bed 1jm. anotbe^o?De toasstotft b?m. 3 no tobatfoeuer be t ofie in banb be bpb ft tot* Celp.ainbberebeHeDagapnfttbeBpngofaf* fteta 9feruebbtmnot.^e bett tffl(aftie0

. euenbnto3?ab9tbecofteatberof/botbefn cafteig of ganfong anb ftronge cities! to. C^JSSSSm * mof ^PBe^e?eBrab/ tobteb toajs tbe reuentb pete of ffiofea ronne ofoEiafipnge of^rrael/carae^alntanafar apng of ififttabpS Samaria abefegeb it. mn tbep tooe it at f enbe of tb?e pete/ tobteb toa0tbertrte of ^e?efitab-tbati0torape tbe npntbepereof^ofeaftpngeof gjfrael/ toaa siamarta toonne. %nbtbe fipngie of amp?ia bpbcatieatoapef frael bnto 3Bffp;t'a/ 9put tbem ^alab 5 in ^abo? on tbe rpuer of 0* ?an / 9 m tut cpties of aeebea:becaufe tbep toolbenot bet&amp;ebnto tbebopce of tbeyLoftt tbeir ob.iBut trargtejjeb b^appopntmft/ '[toatwittilttoitQ&amp;titot tbeferuaunt oftbe )lo?be K^. C0mmaunbcb/9 toolbenetberbeare no? bo. *mtiu. . :^e.wnj.pereofJapng^ejfBiabcame

goutoiltbaplpefpeafieaipgbt too?be/tbat tbou baft counceli 9 poto?e to mae toarre. tobometbenboeij tbeu trttft / tbattbou wbeneftagapnftmef bofte tbou trufteto tbe &lt;&amp; ftafte of ty* b?obe rebe gppte/ on tobtcbtf amanlene tttofll rene into bit banb 9 petce it.f 0? eue ro f pbarao Bpng of cgppte bn* to an tbat trull on btm.*|f pe rape bnto me/ *'* ***** W*&lt; toe trttft in tbe &amp;o?be oure ob. ranot f be tobofe bilaulteriB a otber auttet* to/Bc?eBi ab baft put botone/ 9 batbrapbeto % uoa s aerufalem/ botoe poure felue? before fttt aulterberemgieruralem. anbnotoiopnetbpfelfetomplo?beffipmt of 3Cflp?fa/9a toplldelpuer $ ttoo ftoufanb bo?fej8/tftboubeabletofettrpbewbp5 w (anbtfftou^not)botoftenaittbouabieto' reftftoneofftelefte |ufiegofmp maftera

feruauntei^o; trufteft tbou toatppte to cbarette* anbbo;fmenf ^)o?eouer tbinfieft tbou tbat3 am come toiftout m bpbbpnge of tbe jLo?b to fttsj place to beftrope itV nape: fte &amp;o#e fapbe to me/ goobptotbijs lanba beftrope tt.cben fapbe criiafttm tbe fonne of ^ pelfiiab9Sobnab 93ioab/to abfabeb: f rpeafie toe p?ape m to ftp feruafftea in tbe gmansianguage/fojtoebnbet&amp;anbe ft: talbe not tofft ba in fte getoejs tonge/ m fte % u Vl9 eo * lt $ atc n ft e toanea. anb JSabfafieb fapbe bnto ftem-Jwft mv mafter ftntme onlptoftpmafteratofte/tofpcafie tberetoo?bea/o?ratbertotbe mentbataepe tffl fte


fte toalleis / tftst Wy Zm tm tbeit atone &amp;f?teab?pnbeftefeatonepfettpou. " ano Co mabfafteb ftoae anb crpeb topft a lotooe boice in tbejctoeg langage/anofpabe' lapmgc:beatetbeCa?ig of fte gveatftpng/ fte fipng of 3 (Iista.&amp;b u$ Ca?tO fte ft?ng:I et not#e5e6iab begfle pou/f o? be is tm able to oelpuer pou out oEmgne&amp;SD;neftei: lee $C?c fi tab ma fte p on f ru ft t o $ c Hojce fapinge: fte jlo#e ftaft fulptpa&amp;to$J/ana ftig egtw ftallnotbeberpuereafntofte banbtf of fte aingofaaitta. ^etBennofnfo$e?eRiab/ ft; ftus fagft tbe bgng of amiia, !eaie tip ttoe is to its me/ ? come out to me. 3naften eate euetp man ofbte atone bpne/ a ofbfgatonefpggtcee/aa?pnc8eeuerpma" of fte toatet of b# atone toene/ tpligi come anbfett pouto aflgoob a lanoe ampoules #; .aianbe of co?neanbtopne/alanbeofb?eabe abpneparbes/alanbeofolpuetteeg/ofople a of bonp.ana re ftafl Ipue ana not bpe.ana

Betbe" notbnto l^ejeftiab fo; be topH begple fou/ feping:fte jLojbe all belpuet W. ff o? bauefte obss of fte na cgonss Qelyuereo any &lt;sob b t is lanoe/out of ft e bioe of fte fipng o f aflmaftobeteaie fte obs of emat&amp; a of 3rpbab?to&amp;ece ate Soo* of jstpbamatm of 2tna anb auabfbf b tfiep beimer &gt;aman'a out of mpne bSbtf tobatdSob of anplabbaft belwieteBb'0 Kb but of mpne bSb/f tbe )Lo?b (Butte belfuec 3|uf aicm out of mpttf ffibi 5Sut fte people be Jo e fteit peace anb an* Jtoerea not b tm a too?be:f o; tb e fipng baD cos tnaubeb fapfg:anftoere btnot.:rjen eliaii fte ftuattj of bouftolbe 9 gjobnab fte fenbe : anb Soap fte tonne of atapb fte recover/ came to$e?eBfab toitb ftettclofteiS tent a tbIDtb&lt;mtbetoo?be0ofmabraaeb. CUP&amp;eanjjellof t&amp;eaoe fejllctf) an ftmopft. finite f tuutcano fjue tfiouCsno men of r&amp;e anions, jben* iiab,efib!8 bfUeo of nfo atone fonnra. CCbe.jtfr.Cbapfet:. h. P^^^^"b?S^e?efitabbeattief /be j|aj^wntbfeclofte0puton facfte s *iff^^HKS|toatotbe8oufeoftb8lo?o.iffut* .fgfggg!tbei:mo?ebefent (iia&amp;tm ftuara et boumolD/anb gjobnab tbe frobc/ana fte elbergoffte P&gt;?eaftcs3 eteftebfn facfie/to ,5teiab ftep;opbweft*fonne of 3tmo?. ana t&amp;ep fapbe to bpm/ftug fapft Ie?efifab:ftt$ bate i* abate of trf buiacfcn/ rebuftpng anb MPtpng.Cuenag tobSfte cbplbjeate teabpe . totebozne/anbftemoftewbauenopotoet: tobebelniettb.]Db$fte&amp;o?btt?&lt;!ESobtoolb B eate an fte toofleis of Ka&amp;fafteb tobom Jipng of MvMW maftetbatb Cent to taflt on ft e Ipwnge ob/anb to wbuite (to totft toojotgtobicb tbe &amp;o?o tbp (Sobbatbfieatoe il)fojeipfcebp ftppjapetfb* remnaftt taw lefte,iQen Cetuautes of ftjngf e?e-

fiiab tone come to|fai'af) :5f a?ab tm to fte.75 ^oftallfefatetbtbutemaftetcbtiisfaptb ftc)lo#ieibenotafra#&gt;e of ^e too?bes5ftou ^u beatbeft/ib tobtft ft e yo ung'e men of Jif tig of3JI^ia|aue tajleb on me.^o?3! toil! fenbe bima Waft ftatbe Jballbearettbingejj/ afo

cetunte to bo( atone iartbes ainbl tosii ouer* ft;0to bmvib f ftoee/eue in ijpgs atone lab. . 3nblSab(abebtoentbacReagatne anb founbe $ fejngof 3Bot;ta fpgbtingagatnft }Lobnabifo? be^ab beafte/boto be toap De&lt; pacteb fro 1 acbw.atnb b e ftatbe fptfngeg of cbetbafiabfiyng off Macfie fl9o?ej*/&amp;oto be toap come out to f t sb t agapft b im . anb ftetebponbebepatteb afentmeflengetsf on to J^ejefitab fa?ng.cbu0 rape to ^e?e6ia&amp; fitngof3uDa/Ietnotftp&lt;l5ob cat?e tbe out of fte toape/i'n tobS ftou r tcuftea f apmge : ^ewralem tyaUnotbeDefyuerebmtc %\)$to of ftesnge of auV?ta.ebolbe / ftou baft C beatb tobat fteft?ng5 of 3Cu^ta baue bone to aJIIanbeg/botoftep bauebttetlyfiefttoteb ftem.iftD bote ftenibulbeft ftou efcapef bafte fte&lt;iob!S of fte beften belpuereb ft em tobicb mjnte atmfem'eg baue befttopeb*. ass &lt;Bo?an/}|atan/!Ke?epb/anbtl)e cbfMwen of tfoen tobi'cb torn in cbelafat; i tobete i$ fte fiyng of ^emaft/fte!atnge of airpbab/ fte Hpng of tbecptieof &gt;epbatuafm /anbfte ftpng of i ana anb fte fitftg of aSuab. iben*3e?e6!abba&amp;receaueb f ftttw of ftebano of memeffengetsanbbabtebb tt:be toent into tbe b oufe of fte %om anb lapse it ab?oabebefo?e )Lo?b.ainb^e?ebiab P?at'e&amp; before fte i.o?be a fapbe ; Xojbe ob of &lt;2U taeita^icbbtoelleftbettoenetbe Cbetube^/ ftou ait d5ob alone ouet angftpngbomes of $ erft/aftoubaftmabeboftebeuea etfte. S,o?be/boto ft jne eateg a beare:)pen'to?b fttneejess ace; a&amp;eate too;b^ of ^enna* benb tobtft baft rent to taple on fte ipupng (Bob.3But of a mifte &amp;o?be/ pn of 3f * fKia baue befttopeb nations a fteft tenb^/a baiiefettf^e oftfteit:&lt;E5o5fS . fottfag tom-P no d5ooj/but fte toojfte of ft e banbeg of niS: eue tooooa ftone^Cnbftetfo?eftepbeftiieb ftf . iSoto ftetfo;e tojb outedBoo/faue ft ou bisoutof &amp;ttb$b/g an tbe apngboraWtof ecftemajeftnotoe/ftatftou^o?bait&lt;!3oa alone.3Dnb?(aiabftefonneof3(!mof fentcb le?efi tab faping:ftu?faift ft t%o$ 1 &lt;&amp;ob of &lt;ftael/ftatftatftoubaftp^ebtomecon&lt; cempnge &amp;&gt;enna&amp;etfb bpnge of %fywi%' bauebeattieit.cbi^fte ftfitgfte&gt;o# faptb of bimftebaft d efp ties fte/ birgine baugbtecof S&gt;ftombebaft Om&amp;earjVgfjeeD at ft e/ft ou baugbtec of Jewfalem : tobome baft ftouta? leb en/ anb tobombaft ftou tea upleb j aJgaprifttobombaftftou mltcti ftp

boice/ anb baft Ipfte bp ftpne cpeg ft beef Cum

"t .

miWM&amp;mtwm&amp; t bolpof 5!ftael.a5pfte*banb f "*S of ftp meffengers tbou baft tapleb on f H07&amp; SmSS** fa rbc Arfft fte muttttube of mp ftatett; Sttcgcf 3!am.comebpto ftebeigbtof mountapne? tswRfl/f feuen along bp fije fpbesi of jLibanon/a baue at &amp;ic6| (Se cut of &amp;&gt;e cebartceejs at biftte ftrte tteejf !?; tilp ftetofeuentotbe tooob of Carmel f beion^ * mm * gecft ftetto.3; baue biggeoa Moncbe ftrauge toat0/anb baueb?peo op toift fte fooleg of mpfetepoiojencloreb. ffittt bars tbou not beatb boto % baue op beptteb foe!) a ftpnge a gteat tobple a goo/ a baue p?epai'?D it from tbe begpnnpngef 2Bnb noto % b?pnge it fo?ft a it (balbe to befttope anb to b?pnge ft conge cities in to rube &amp;eap$ of ftonejs Jhd fte enbabitetjs of ftem albe oflitlepotoec/aRbfapntbettebacSfounbeb. cbepJbalber^fte ftegtaaeof fte felbeanb gtene ccbeg/anb as fte bepe on fte toppes of fteboufegtoincbtoeftettb o? itcometoanp * bepgbt.3i toote tobere tbou btoeiieft/anb tW cominge out anb going in bnoto 3! to/a boto ftoufetteftbpftpb?ifteHef{ agapnftme, 3no becaufe ftou fetteft bp ftp b?pftelleg agapnft me / anb ftat ftp tagpngc ig come

bp to mpne eai&amp; ft etfo? e 31 toill put arpnge to put a tig 'n ftp nofe anb a bptt tn ftp Ipppejs/ anb toill mmt Mfwbzpnge tbe bscfieagapne f fame toape ftou uipic camtt. K tow ^"0 ftfe R. ! 82be a fpgne onto fte:eate ft mm n)r?Ptreof fte ftutcsofftefeabe ftat fen out/a Dp &lt;fe$M* fte nejet fere/ ftat toareft of it felfe. anb ft e tb?ibe pcre f m? ?e anb re ape / plant bpnep* ^2 KCmm 9 tateWtaBL ftetof.ffo? fte*baugbtet ^ KJmx ' of Jubaftae is efcapea anb lefte/ an pet agapne tabe tottnge botonetoatbe a beare ftute bptoavbe. f o? out of ^erurale ftall go a cemnaune/anb a nomb^e ftat ftall ef cape out of mount S&gt;ion:fte ?ele of ft e ^o;be of "pmmfy. *$otteg ftan b^pnge ftiss ftpnge to pafle. Jbcif o;e f bug fapft fte'io?be/ol r f Spng oEaicrp?ra:be (Dan not come to ftfef cftie/no? ftoteatotoemtoi6/tio?comebefo?etttbiloe no; caft anp h m c&amp;e agapnft it : but ftall go bacbe agapne ft e toape be came / a ft an not comeatbis mv.t tepft fte %t)$x$Qi% toill bef enoe ft s cttie anb f aue it/ft? mpne aton e ftbe anb fo? wmta mp feruauntess fabe. %tibti)t felfe fame npgbt fte atogeir off 5Lo?betoetouearmoteinS^ofteoffteaa&lt; iSS an bunb?eb tomttunt a f pue ftoufanb ainb toben fte toete bp etfpc infmowftge: bftolbe/fteptoete allBeeo eo;fest. ainofo sennabertMsgngeofaififtfaauopbebanb bepatteb a toft- sgapne/a btoelt at jSwiiuft. anb.agbe toagmijiiSbeuocpSbnelpngein boufe of Qtocfidi W ob /abwrnereftana g&gt;awfat;fmete^irntoiftftoetbe.anbftep efcapcbtotoftefenbeof aitatat/ ?3Cfafta* bon bijs ftrnie m jgnebin big fteabf ,

fSSZESi &amp;&amp; * t ^ tma &gt; * ^sw "f if bM'ft 6ptt)eipatlofai)a?.^ei;eccautHitetoarticlofi0cJ VO^acQ /ana to rcp,!ct)De{iof3fa(aI) becaufe bcttetoea Cbe.w.bapfec. ...

jpSouteitpme^eieftiabtoajfftcfieSlI . . bntofte beetb . anb fte|;opbete *'Pwtf pfaiabfonneofamo?cametobim ,gfaf * ,:wJ "^ a n B=SSfiW? fe *W , C&amp;uj* fapft tbe ^esput tbpne bouftolb in an o;b?e/ fw SSSS* we ^ " oti W -^"o ^e?ebiab ems

BSSf 1 ^ Wtwlpe anb toift a pftfecte fpg|t/anb teepte a gteatpace. mfS! 9SSSS toa S f ftatce 8one mt iM6 $* mibble of fte ntic/but ^ tbe too?be of ^o?a 2%\T&gt; ^ ^Wawe of mppeople.cbu? wot Jlo;be ob of auto ftp faftet.^ W 3 totlbearef/a ftisbapeft^ebapes tbou 25 " &amp;SS!S6M oa??0 ^ ce f P ftene pete/ anb . 8? ?/* fip " se rt^tofaiwm befenol tbtfi i ctfte fo? mine atone fafie/anb fo? 5auia '" mp fetuaiftejB fafie.ana Sfaiab fapbe-.biinge aiumpe of mm . mimtffim a Sue ft on ftefe/anabe teeoueteb. benfapbe^e?eniab togifatab:tobatisf ftgfie/f fte %om tortl beale me/a 3! ftaB gob^o^oufeoffte)tLo;be^btrbebape^ SBnagifatab rapbe:ftt0 figne Ibaltftoubaue of fte)Lo?be/tbat tbe jiLojoe toiilbo f bebaft ipofien:ftan fte Oia&amp;otogo fo?toatbe ten be grees/p? go feacfie agapne tm begree.sf ana pe?eftrab fapbe:ie i$ a li gbt ftinge fo? fta* bote to go botone te begieeg.cberfo^e toil! not ftat : but let fte ftaboto go bacfi e toatbe tenbegceesjno gjfarab fte #;opbete caliea 5 If M*T ^b?ougbtfte ftaboto ten mutM* begteeg bacBtoatbe bp tobfft ft bab gone * m botone/mfteapallofabaj. *Cbe fame ceafon evobaft 25alaban fte , - , . . fonne of alaoan fipnge of Kabilo fent let* *"* tetg 9 tgeftntt bnto ^eiebfab/fo; be beatbe bote g ^ejefifab toasfpefie . anb ejebiab batfteneb bnto ftem ana ftetoea ftem all ftattoaSinftefppcetpboufe/ananiSfpluet ' anagoulbe a obouceisj pjectoufe opntmctejj

anb W armo^pea all ftat teas founbe inbf j treafure:ftietoa0noftingefnbfjiboufeo; ' inallbtistealme/tbatbeftetoeoftenot . Cben came|fafab t^?opbetebnto fipng m ^e?eB!abanbfapbetobfm:ibatfapeftere men anb from tobence come ftepto ftef ana #e? efitab fafbe-ibep be come ftSa facte co tte t, turn from # abil on.ano be fapbettobac


baue ftepreneinftp ftoufef ana 3&amp;?e&amp;tafj ftatt? inmpbourcbauefteprenc; ftere (0 noft pnge amonge mp trearute ftatg bauenotetoebftem. anbiraiabfapbeto j9e?eBiab:beareftetoo?aeoffte)Lo2be.e* bolDe fte bare (ball come / ft a c all ftat 10 in ftpiiebouf^ftatftp rafters Uauelapoe bp m tto?e bnto ft el bape/ albe carp eb to * bilon/snoftingeftalbelefterapft f jlojbe. anb of ftp ronne ftat p?oceabeb out of fte/ tobpft ftou begatteft / all ftere be carpea atoape/aalbemaae ftamb;ielapne0 uifte palace of I bpng of ffiabtlon.anb ipeiefitab fapbetograiab-.toencome betbetoo?oeof &amp;o?ae irfjift ft on baft ftat peace anbtruftebebeptinmpbape?. Cbetemnafit of fte beaae0 of $e?efttab 9 an ps potoet/ana bote be maae a pole ana a conbuiteana bjougbt fte toater into mt tpe/are tojitten in fte bofie offte ftjomcle? offte fipngtf of Suds j n u $e?ebiab lapae font to reft topft bP* faftet0 / 9 fl&amp;anaaeb bpsronnetapgneambPi* fteabe. GWjCBeo CtyutairebreftojetbagapnetGe J&amp;ollee * after owtft'mte^orc flt ate amo Dig fonne Cuccetct^ "' fiic&amp; ts 6?llc6 of bie atone feruaunfo; Mtot bjni tmnefy faftrjfull Jofiab. berri&lt;baptee.


~ a


anaffeb tea? ttoelue pere otoe toben bebeganne to rapgne ana rapgneb fpfrte ana f tue pere in ge= Vtirntmt :b$smotb# name M9 apb?fbab JnDbebio i bifpieafeb %om/ turn after fte abbominacion0 of fte^eften tobicb fte5Lo?oe caft out bef o?e fte fttlbze of WkaeUBtA be toent anb built ft e b tllaulter? agapne/ tob?cb ^e?efiiab m fafter ban bey ftropea.anabe rereb bp aulterg to tfaal ano *tem*mt maaegroue0/a0bpb wmjM, * aMW * *" -anbbebotoebbpm feife bnto all fte*$ofte of beuen 9 ferueb ft em.ana be built aulterss tntteberpboufe of fte &amp;o?be/;pcb fte &amp;o?be bab fapbe^ingmtraieg; top B Put mp nameJ'ni) be built auiter? bntoall fteoft ofbeuen/euen inttoe courted of fteboufe of fte fto?ae.anabe offeree #0 tonne in t&amp;m obferuebbitmall bape0 /9 Meatoitcbcrarte anamapnteneatoo?lier0toiftrp?ite0/9cel* lr 19 of fortune &amp; : 9to?ougbtmocbe topebea* neffe in fte rpgbtof fte Horn to angrebpm. anbbeput anpmageof a groueftat be tebmabe/euen in ftebe rpetemple of tobpft fte:Ho?&amp;ebabfapbetoBauib sto&amp;aiomo u, -*, w u brohne/*inftt0boure eirfjemfale tobicb '^^'^Ibauecboftnoutofall tribes of gifraei/tofl % putmpname fo? euEr.j5eftec bjfflgi mabe fte fete of ^ftaelmoue mv moare out of fte lan&amp;e \ti#Qf$ gaue fteir fatbe:fo ftatfte? toilbe biligent to bo all | baue commaunbeb ftem/anb allfte lato ftatmp reruaunta^o* fesJ commaunbeDftem,j5utfte?betfieneb

not:fo?^anafreb ba&amp;ttbb ftemoutof fteKStoape/to bo moare totcbeblseften bib ft e be ften people tobift fte )Lo?fiebeftro?ebfrom befo;efte cb?lb?en of gftael. . %m fte 'jLotfe rpabe bvW Ceruafttts fte p?opDet$fajMige:becauCe S^anaffib Wnge of '|uba ^aft bone Cocbe abbominaciog/ ana baft i?ougbt to?cfteM?c aboue all ftat fte a'mo?ite0 tDbtft mete before i)im btb-.a baft

mabegubafi&gt;miealfot&amp;bfe IWleSJ . bet* fo?eftu0fapft I %tfwmf%.&amp;a&amp;.*T&amp;&amp;&gt;&amp;m bolbe,g| toil! b;inge fofte euell bpo ^eeufale C 9$tti/ fteearegof all ftat beareit/ujall tingle at ft.3Cnb'3 toil! fttetcb euer gfetuf ale ftefquargnge ipne of Samaria 5 fte pio* meft offteboufeof3bab.3inbg!to?lltDfpe out | etufalem/a0 a mS toolbe toip e a biftje/ anb toben be bafte toppeb it turneft it bpfe* botone.^nbftougbS 1 leuearemnafit of mi* neenbmtaunce/pet|tollbiiIpuerftetnto tbe banbe0 of fte ftatbate ftf n ftep ftalbe robbebanbfpovieDof allfteir enemji^ieue becaufeftetbauebone mpcneblpe anD baue angrebme/fencefte t?me fteir fafter0 came out of giptebntoftt0ba2e . atobfterto s^anafftb ebb innocetbloub ^ erceabfng abounbtlje/in fo mofte ftat ^e replenpflbeb ^erufalem in ail co;net0/befibe bi0 fpnnetobettotftbemabeluba funnel to bo euell in fte fpgbt of fte /Lo;be. COereft of tbeacte? of apanalfeb 9 all \)tt&gt;in W ftftne ftat be fsnneb/ate m?itten inftebo6eofftecbJomcie0offtebinge0ofM %im . 3nb Jiganaireb iapae b?m to flepe t&amp; w ^i0fafter0/anb toa0butreb inftegatbeof bi0atoneboufe/eueninftegarbeoffl!)?a; 9 3mon bi0 fonne rapgnea in W fteabe, amon ma0.!Rcij.?e olbe toben bebegSne to rapgne/anb be rapgneb ttoo pete in 'iaw faiem.$i0mofter0 name toa0flefalemeft fte baugbtec of mm of %a ftbab Mm be iin ftat btfpleafea tbe }Lo^ea0bfefatbei;flI8a* naffebbpb . anbbetoameom all fte toape bp rafter toalfieu in / anbferueb tt)t 3bole$ ftatbr0 fafterferueb/^botsebbcmfelfeto;be fojfose fte %o;t&gt;z 00 of i)?0 fafter09toamebnotin ftetoapeofa,o;be, ana fte feniaunte^ of amon confprrea agapft bpnt/a flue bim in lips atone boufe. 35ut fte people of fte lanaetiue all ftat co= fptreb agapft fipnge amon/amaoe^ormft bi0Connefipngt'nbi0rotome.;bereft off acte0 of amon tobift be Ui are to jitte in fte b?omcleoffbtnge0of3uba.anaftepbu* u'ebbtmnfefepulc&amp;jetafgat&amp;enef f&gt;$tl 935oftabb^fonneta?gnebinbi0fteabe,

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czetet jofiaj Seatu of t&amp;e bote of tbe latoe that toas fountemfne lemplc^fiefentee^ toffiloa&amp;tlje &amp;to pbetiffc fo? touncell. Cbe.wn^baptet . Soffit

0)'.?ete olbe toben be beganne to rapgne /9be raggneo rrri.perein^erufaleh!. I9p0mo* iftet-3 name toa0'3bibab I baugb tee of abaiab of 2Be? ecaft.anbbebfb|femea tigtit in tbeipgbt of fte /io?oe/ 9 toaibea in all fte toapes of 'auib^0fafter/9botoea nefter to fte rigbt banbe 0; toft e lefte, trm fte.ybrij.pereof bP0 rapgne bpnge IJoCiab fent g&gt;apban fte fonne of a?aliab fte f oraie of03 eCulam fte fcrtbeto fte boufe offte &amp;o;be/fapinge-4!eto$el6iab ftebpe p^eafte / 9 let b?m fummefte fpluer ftat 10 b;ougbtinto fte boufe of fte %om I 'aSii^ tbefieper0offte&amp;o?e0bauegeaftereb offte people / anb let ftem belper it into fte ban= fiW of fte toerftmen ftat baue fte ouerffgbt of fte boufe of tiiejLojbe/tobpcbftallgeue it to ftem ftat too?be bpon fte boufe of fte Jl-ojbe/to repap;e fte beeapeb place* fterof/ euenbnto carpenter? anb mafottf/anb fo? to bpe tpmb^e anafre ftone to tepawe fte boufe. ^otobeitlet norebenpngebe maae topft ftem of tbe monpeftat fpaeituetea in* to fteir banae* / but let ftem bo it of fteir confpence. anb$elmabftebpep?eSefapbeto &gt;a^ tfrpbanftefctibe. tbaue founbe ftebobeof

fte lame in fte temple of ftejlo;D e/ana $ei* btab gaue fte bose to &gt;apban / anb be tea ftJnotben fi&amp;apban tbe fwpbetofnt to fte ftp nge ana b^ougbt b'm toooftc agapne/anb Capae:ftpferuaunte0poto;e&amp;outfte fplucr ftattoa0 founaeinfte temple /ana E)auebe= Ipuereb itbntofte too^Bemen ftatbauetbe ^ouerfpgbt of ftebotife of fte Xo;&amp;e. fur* ftermo?e &amp;&amp;mm fte fcribe etoebf fcinge faprnge-.l^elftiab fte p;eaft bafte beipuereo mebereaboae. ana ^oapbanreb itbefo?e (beftpttge. anatbefipnge a0fone aebebabbeatt too?ae0 of ftebofteof fte latoe / berent br$s cloft t anb sommauncea^elbiab fte P?eaft anbabtftam fte fonne of &gt;apban? acbo* b 0? fte fonne of ^febafab/anb &amp;apban$ rcrpbe/anbSfabiaba feniaunt of ftettpn ge0/fapinge: go peano fcfte offte %ojbt fo; raeanbftepeopieanb fo^aliauba/concei;* npnge $ totsM$ of fti'0 bohe ftat 10 founbe. . (Jfo?itt0a greatto?aftof fte TLofbt ftat tt 3"RenWebbponb0/ftatourefaft0batte not berftenea bntoftetoo;be0of fti0bofte/tobo in all popnte? m it is to;itten fterfn. ana ty elfetab fte bpe p;efte anaabmam/ acbobo;/!^apbsn/afabtabteentbnto u bab $ &amp;?opbtiffe topfe of ^elum ftefonne of ceftuab see t&amp;mz of $arabamftepet of tberobe0/tobP#e^;opbetifle atoelt in ^tnitaiem iniftt feconbetoarbe / | attbcommn ttea toift tytMti e fapae to tbe-.ftu0 fapttj

1. .&gt;

fteabe 08 of Jfrael .cell fte man ftat fent pou to me:ftu0 fapft fte ]lo;ae:bebolbe ^ a toiutypnge euflibponftis place ana en t bto ellers fterin : eurn alt fte too?ae0 of fte

boae tobpft fte ftpnge of Inba ba ft teb/be* cattfeftepbauefo^abe me and baue burnt offetpnge0bmoofter&lt;E8ob07toangremct6 . allfte*too;fie0 of fteir banoe0. cberfo?eiff Eba&lt;sAfts mpto^ft fienueb agapnft ftr0 place /anot^jroajes* aHnotbequencbeb. 36ut to fteftpnge of 5tuba tobicb fent pou toenquireoffte]io;be/foallpefape:ftu0 fapftftes^^edisobofaftael/astoucbpgc ftetoo;be0tobptb ftou beatbeft. JBecaufe ftpne bert bpa melt ana ftou meftebeft ftp fclfe befojeme fte ^o;ae/tobeftou beatbeft tobataipafte agapnft ftp? place anb fte m* babiter? of ftefame/boto ftat it ulb be be&lt; ftropea ana maae a curfeb:ana tar eft ftp el * fte? anb toepteft before me: of ftat alfo % baue beafte fapft ftelo?be.anb ft erf o?e re/ 3 topn a receanefte bntoftpfaftersa topH iwxtemm fettftebntoftpgraueinpeace/tbpneepegi'nto top fa# aitfenone offte euen tobicb i topn l*JBHSE gebpon tbPJJplace. ana ftep b^ougbt mSSISS 6pngetooo?aeagapte. u*fifl}atitiij CJofiabrea6ttb3Dcuto?om'm5eliefo,'etl!cpip!e.&amp;cfa(!jCt0ateVE lleflrafi

puttetft totone tbe JMiiM/ after be bao b?llc&amp; tbeceaueo too: neaattierof.9ebei)(tb|iaSbnec. e?to2shy!!caintobpcti map se figagcfia/anobpsronncjeboaajtflygncJ&amp;tabteaca/fallrJifbebQfo* oe:afiee Beww talwn/b?8 fme3feboat5imtoas mate me of ati^bam *?ng IfldttA ecbe.rriif.cbaptee. J5a tijen fteitpnge fent ana ge&amp;a fterea bnto bpm all tbe eiber* of ^uba anb or ^erufaiem . ana fte Itpnge toent bp into fte boufe of fte jLojfoe / ana all fte men of gjuaa ana all fteehbabitoure0of3ierutalemtoptbbPni/9 ftep?eaae0anafte P;opbete0 ana all fte people boftefmalieanb greate . anaberen tnfte eare? of ft? allfte too?ae0 of fte bob^ offte eouenaunt/ tobpft toa0 founa in fte

boufe of fteHoj&amp;e . 3nb fte fipnge ftoaebp 8piUee9mabeacouenatiritbefo?e f %eite ftat ftep ulb toalfte after fte %om 1 ana &gt; ftepe bP0 co mmauno em entejs ana bP0 top t * nefle0anbbP0o;bpaunce0 topft all ftefre -&lt; berte0anbafteirefoule0/ anbmaftegoob fte too;ae0of ftefapbe apopntment toere .. twit? in fte fo^rapbe bofte.anb all % people con rented to fte apopntment. anb fte Stpnge commaunbeb $ ei&amp;iab fte bpep;eafte anbfteinferiourep^afte? a fte ftepwjj of fte&amp;oje /tobjpnge out of ftetepie offte^o;be/allftcbeffeHe0ftattoeremabe &lt;iia b O tte.^5f. fo;55aaiafo?ftegtouea fo?anfte*!^ofte *ammt ofbeauenJnabeburntftemtoiftbut^erUsmw?^,"!, faiern in fte feibe? of Ceo?on a carieb fte r*2* M L2fS*' esofftemmtoBeftel.anbbeputactone a** ton t * camante? tobicb ftpnge? of gtuba bab ciabse tytb fetto

C 4

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3foftal&gt; tiff, Mack cistties fee to fatmtc otfetpttges in tge bflaulters in 22K!^tt e Wi* rf 3Ww rounaabout aerufelem SSftSffi anDattdtft^atbum{tecrtRcr0Dittfl #aal fiwtt" o? totbeftww atotbemone atotbepianetes/ iiiacs monchesatoaUtBe^o&amp;eof&amp;eaueOnaBe b?ougbt S!KS2 , *BMk* from tbe temple of tbe &amp;wui SUSfik toitboutgierufalembtttotBe bjofie Cefcon/ " ' a burnt it at tbe feoBe CeojS a ftampte ft to *c&amp;fitiBcPoulii?e/a*cafttfteomietaerofS)p3t&amp;ega^ to?tetegawmuegof tbe people of tfyttMottW' 3tob be S/*5^b#BebQtonetbeceiles5 of malebo;es tbat 22Kffiffitoer*itfte&amp;outeoEtBe)l.o?De/a&gt;Bewf toe* 2,7* "*** men tooue iptle beufes f o; t&amp;e groue. JCtib Be b?ougbtalltt)ep#fte0 out of t&amp;e tiftttt ofiuna/aoefiieatbe bflauttetf tobere tb e p?ette0 ot'b burne facrtfpee/euen frS.tfa*

baa to ?Bertabe,3nbbeb;ta6eBotonetBebfl* auitersof t&amp;e ates/ tbat tocreintBeenee* rpngeof tbe gate of 3Jorua gouernoure of t&amp;e cicie/tobicbe torn on tbe lefte banae of gate of tbe cftie.jSeuertbeieoe tbe p?e&amp;e0 of tbe btllaultaress mpgbt not comeat f aultet oftbeiUjaentSerufateVraueonlpetBepaia ^.lateof^toeteb^eawamongetbertb^etb?^ ,.,J ainabeoefpleB^opbetbalfo/tobicbiSin JsOTS f balepe of tbe cbiia?en of $ennom/becaufe te Sftewcs "o man ibuiae offer bP0 tonne o; BP0 oaugb* 6 com teas tec ftilfre to ^oIocft-JBe put Dotone $bo;fes wfiirtjsnciea/ t&amp;gt tbe Binges of 3iftael ban geue" togforou; ^.ffifattbeentt?ngeoftBebouCeoftbe)Lo?De/m SSmvm^ ** of iQatbanmelecb tbe cbamber* Wail in tGtlapnetobicbtoaS*of ?&amp;aruartm/abumttbe uaiep off fon, cijarettes of tbe fonne toptbfe.3na auk ^IfwS^iSt&amp;attoereon (be toppeof tbe parloure to/iaiiDncua ana tbe aultet \m&lt;b ^anaCebbaamaae ne ttismsea. in tbettoo courteg of tbe boufe of tbe torn J mm to*** tbe bpngebjafceaotone/arannetbmce ana fiutartts. ratt fteautt af ft g m t o tbe b?ofie ceojon. aStiD tbe biteuiters t&amp;at toere before lent* S&amp;NWw^falemontBertgbtbana of tbemofite* fla* tSS!&amp; ftb/tobicb &gt;alomo ftwge of Ifraei built euros o? pet* to aittbatotb tbe abbommacio of tbe Sfcons tnds.teijukjng ana to CBamo0 tbe abbominacton of S0o jutrbs tbt uju a bfte0/a to #ilcBom tbeabbominacps of SML cbflwen of 3mmon/$fipngenefilcB:ab?afie bjifcs to tooH tbepmage0 a cut ootone tbegrouejs anb fpl* 4ro 3H&lt;es m. lea tbe places tot tt) tbe boms of men. Amenac flo?eottectbeaultei;tbattoai5atjsen)el/ ""aiiw maaeb? Jeroboam $ fonne of !5abattobpcbmaoe Xraeirpnne:botBe tbe aultet anbaifo tbebpflbe b?m botoneanb 3 burnt tbebfll anb ftampte it t o p o toner / anb burnt tbe grotte. anaag^oftabtumeabfm (elfe/befptebtbegraue? i toeremtbe mout anb rent a f ett tbe bones out of tbe grauess a burnt tbem bpon tbe aultet a poluteb it a&amp; eo;apngeto tbetoojoeof tbeilofle tbattbe

manof obbaopwclarmes/tobfcb openlje baboenounceotb^fametbsnges.

&amp;\)m BpngefajJjestobatmeanetb m&lt; m graue it one tbat J, re. aw tbe men of tbe tytit tone him/it t$s tbe fepuicb?e of tbe man of on/tobicb eameftomiubaanbopenfte Denounceb tbe feife fame tbfnge? tbat tbou batt noneto auaer of tfetbeljnobe tap ne letbtmbe:fetbatnomanmouebPfS boneu. aim fo bfc bonejj fcapeb to#b tbe bonep of a pwpfym tbat came out of Samaria, anbtbettoall ibe bouf es$ of tbebilauitets of tBeeittejsof Samaria tohffl tbe bpnge? of^fraeibabmaoe/to angre toin) alfcgoftab putoutoftbttoase abpbtotbe in all po?n* tes a5becitiin53etbel. a'nbbefacrifrcebaH tbep?eafte* off bilautters tbat toere tbete euen.bpontbe auttetg/a burnt mennejs bo* nejsbpon tbe/anb wtumeb to f erutaiem. 3nbtbetipngec5maun&amp;eDaH tbe people ug faping:*fiepe8 feaft of patioueebnto Ho?bf ***Mt t oure ob/ a? it is tojitten in ? bobe of tbig'S ^' f * paffouerboinen l?be .tbat /ftom tbe nave? of tbeiungestbae iubgebaftaei/ anbtbofoto out all tbe bates of tbe btnges of tftaei anb of | uba. anb in tbe.rbuwere of fisngegioriab teas tbiiS pat* fouer boloen to tt)e )io?oe ingjerufalem. anbtbertotoo?bet0^fp;ites/foebiaiers 3 mages of toitcboafte/tooless anbaHofbec abbominacionstbattoerefptebtn tbelan&amp;e of 3'uoa ann ingeruraiem/|oftab put out of tbe toane. / tomabe soon tbe tooo;&amp;esof tbe iatoe/tobtcbtoere to?etten in tbe bobe tbat hernial) tbepjeafte founne mtbe'boufe of /L,o?oe:ft6e bntobim teas tbereno fijngebe* foaebrm / tbat tutneb to m %of tojtb aB bisbeete/toitb all bis f oule a an b# mpgbt/ a cco?ntnge to all tbe latoe of flofes;nelbei; after b tm atofetbere an? focbe . ot toitbQamnjnge tbe s,o?ae tumen not * ftombiSfeatce anb great tojatft tobertovtb J1 betoasangneagacnft3iubabponaii p*

uocacions tbat a@anaOeb p;ouobe&amp;bfm. 38ut % )lo;be(acse^toulput3Iuoa too/out of mt?ftgbt/as f baueoone gEftaei / a toftl cad of tbtS cptpe ilerufalem tobpcbl baue cbofen/anbtbeboufe of tobicb3I6auefe^ie/ ntfnameQialbetbere. cbereaoftbebeanesofgiofiabanbanbe ntnare to^ttenintbe bobeof tbefto^esof tbebpngesofgiuba. *|nbiS napes ^bataojSecob fimg of gipt f.pmm toentagatnft tbe btnge of My iia to tytve* uer of &lt;Eupb?ates . 3nobfnge ^loftabtoent agatnQ bbn/ano toas flatne of bim at Spa* geao tobenbe ban f ene bim.ann bi0 f emadts ear? enbmi ueebftom S^agebo anbb;ougbt bimtoferu(aifaburiebbimtnbi'satonefe , ,. m pulcb^eanbtbepeopieofSlanbetoBe*^**^' boaba?tbef^onne(Jf3offllbaanofnttb6ana 3M ' , ^ mane&amp;ira bfngetnbySfatbersrotome. _


v y / / uu. . ainu Ue&amp;oafja? ttatf^jtfftt neoiDe tofen fjebegannctorapgneana tajgnes t^e mo* neftejs m^enicaii.. J^pjs mo$a#nametos l^amttal tlje Dawg^tcroE^eremm^ of JUfte tia^.ltna ftc dpd tijat opfpieafco tfte )Lo?De/m dpaUftpwKaS W faftets^aDDone.atiDP^as rao j3 ecoft put t)tm in bonm at IReblaft m ^otetfee^ latiiic ofemati)*m f tpmeoE^^vgnein ffsoe/ timt Dejerafalcm/anDput t^lanuetoatrpbuteof Wot^g. an ^ UU {) ?catalcnte g |fji uei;attBata i ent0 f * gaiae. SttiD p^arao jSecoft mafic tfliafiim f fonne of^orra^HrngemtDerotome of jo= fta^ W fatljer/anDturncb^jS name to | c^ \) oaii i : m / anD tofie 3!eftoa^a? atoa^e to!) pet? e juljm i)e came to egrpte DpeD t^ere. 3!no ^eftoafitm gaue tfie fpluer 9 t^e goioe to$I)atao:tjoto be it tyt tajeb f ianne/to geue tfte monepe at die comautiDcment oE ptjarao

ana astruerv man teas fee at /fofte required tfte rubier ano tfte goirfttof fte people or tfte" !Soe/to geue^f)arao jSecoI). Jeftoafifm toag Wb.reie oiae to^en be beganhe to ra?gne/$ ftetargneba,j:r.?eremgerufaiem,^y0mo^ djettoasnameb^ebbatj baugftter of$gs batab of JRama^ anbbeOfDtftattoagfue!! fauouteb m tbe ffgbt oftbe)Lo?be/Iifie m ail Cje^oaWm Ujci^/ano afo t ^'m facccaoetW^oaem getuCalcmifl tocfegco of t^eH3ab?lonian8 . Jcftoatm pclocty Bim f cnlfe o tt)e 6?"8 of W afailoaano in Ijjs cosine cam^ntiianiai)Aoi)ict) toae called Zci&gt;eliia&amp;. ei^be.rrtiij.ctbapter. JJ15 ^tss na?e0 came #abuc&amp;onono* m binge of JBabilon/aSeboabim became bi% remafitt&amp;e pere / ano tben turnenann rebelled agapnft bim Jnbf %oM fentbpS bint men of toarre out of Camep/out of^itia/out ef tbefl^oa* bites/ana fco tlje cb^n?en of ammonia rent tbem into giuaa/to neftrope it / aco;n?nge to tbe fatfnge of &amp;o?ae tobwb bt fpasebpbis feruauntes $e ^opbeteg.fiDnlp at (be bpa* Dsngeoftbe"ko?&amp;ebappeneattrotoiuba/to_ puttbf outofbisfpgbt/fo? f fpnneof Q^a* *y naffeb aeo?a?nge to all Be aya:ana fo? tbe innocent biouae tbatbe ibeaneana fpllea 3e* ntfale totttj innocent blotiae/tobicb Ho?ne tooiae not fo^geue. Bereftoftbeaene0of9!eboaSimanaai! be mja/areto;i?ttenin tbet^omciesof tbe S&amp;HR of 3uaa Jnagieboafiim lapae bpm to flepe toitb W fatl)ers/a ?fboacfn bfe fonne ta?gnea in W fteaae.33utf binge of cEgipte came noto no raoare out of btt lanae:fo? tbe 8tttgeof55a4)ilonbaatabenftomtBerpuer of Cupb?at6#/a!Jtbatperfaf neato % b?nge of tCgiptclJeboacm toas.rbtii.pere olae tobe bebfgineto ia?sne/arapgneain feruCaK tt)?emonetbes. I9is motbers name teas $lt* buSba batigbtei; of clnatban of 3!eruTale\


E'na be ata tbat aifpleafea tbe t'm of )lo?oe in all posntes as Bis fatb er nta. *ttt bis tpme came tbe reruafite0 of I5a= aDantcu.a. bucbonono?o?fipngeof ffiabtion / to gem* falemanotbecptpetoasbefcgea. 3na J5a* bucbonono?o; came to tbe cptpe a0 bf S fee* C uautes toere pet a beregpnge of if, *3lna ?e= *cfitf ,.a, boacin tbe bpnge of suba came out to (be ftpnge of ffiabilon/toitb bP0 motber/bi0 rer* uaunte0/bP0 JLo?ae0 abP0 cbamberlapne0. 3finatbe fipngeof abtlontobebpm /innje epgbt pete ofbp0rapgne. annbecarpeo outtbenceall tbetteafure of tBe bouft of tbe a,o?ne/ana tb e tceautre of tbe Bpnge0Boufe/ana b?abe all tbe beflelles of goiae toBpebe Salomon Bpnge of ifrael Baa mane/m tbe temple of tbe 3lo?ne/a0 tbe It o?a baa fapneJnn b e carpea atoape all je tttfalem/anaailtbe jLo?nesann all tbe men ofmpgbte/totbenomb?eoftentboufattnein tocaptiuptpeanaallcraftes men ana jop* nets/none remapnpnge fattef pooje people of lanae.anabEcatpeaatoapeleboacintoj^ 2Bal)ilon/a tbe binges motber/a tbe fipnges toiue0/abi0cbab?elapne0/5 tbe mpgbtie of flanne carpea be atoape fro gecttfale to^a * bilon.'Jna aiif me of actiuite to tbe nub je of feuen tbouranae/a craftefmen ana t epners a tboufana/all ftronge a apte f o; toarre/aia ^ bpng of "S&gt; abilon b?mge to 25abil5 to atoell. *3Cna fipngeof )Sabil5maae^atbantab - ,,,.,, bps fatbet0 b?otber/fipnge in b^ Oeaae/ana SSSSf cbaungcaBi0nameacalleabim3eaeBiab. wmtrfM * ^eaeftiab toas .Ert.pere oiae toben be be* gne to rapgne a Be rapgnea aji.pere inf e* ruraie.^10 motbers name toa0 ^amital tbe aaugbter of 3!eremiab of)Lobnab.3nabe nta eueli in tbe fpgbt of tbejtl-o?ne/in all popntes ipbetoieboabtm. iffo?tb?ougbe to?atb of tbe %o?ie it fo cbauncea togjerufalem $$u* aa/bntpllbe baa cafltbem out of br0fpgbt. ainatbetapae 5eaefiiabrebelleaagapna (be fipnge of abilon. CS5P ttje rrtEltjng of 2efcb(al) it tty totonc of Je# rufottmUerengcDoffialHic&amp;QiionojQ?. Cftc totone* ttje tempk atebotttebumcc^efoiraefl of ZetWMafr ace da pile befo:e b is cpee/f after ace i)is cp efl put oute. Juba u lvoug^C to aUi!on; anO after is jetjoactn






mtiW in the njntbe sere of bsd Msgnc/W tentbeoase of the tetbe monetae/ came #abucbooonow i mmat of JSabilen tostb all bsd poroet to 3 erufaiem; ano pitch eo agavnfl e totone ano maoe engsned agasnft it on eue* tsfsoe Jnotfte titte continues befegeb tmto tbe.ri.sere of Bsnge ^eoebiah . 8no f nsn* the sa?e of the fouttbe monetae of that Fere/ there toad fo great hongee in $eftfe/f there toad no futttnauce fo? the people of lanoe. 3no tberto fte citie tea? bjohen bp-.toher* fojeaUtberaenof 3rmedfleo bsnsgbt/bsa tease trjojotoagate/bettoene ftoo toalled baroeon the Bsngfd gatoen:tbe caloepess isengeaboutetbecstse. 23 3notbeftwgetoetarai?g&amp;fctotoatbct&amp;e Beferte.3Jio bolteof tbecaloesedfolotoeo aftetbsm/anotoBebimmtheOefette of ?e= itcbo/aUbSdatmsebesngefeatereo atoase from him.lnbtobf tbesbabtabenbftn/thes taougbt&amp;tat tojaabucbobonoso? the Bsnge ew wtta of jeabtlonto jReblab/toberethes*reafoneo to.%Smilc*biabbefo?ebt?fPW/anoputouttbeete5of cauic b&lt;* r 3eoe8iab/anO fettewD hsm/anb carseo bsm iiciiea $ hpten to }5abtIon. OiBottjt. 3Cno the feultbe base ofthefsftbmonetbe tohich toad tel npntentft sere of Bsnge #a= buchooono?o?Bsngeofabilon/camea* bufataoan feruaunte of tbeBsnge oOSabU

:*orac teste, ion ano*ebefe Qpa tftall /ton to J emfalem: 9 (^tff of f coo* butntc tbeboufeof tbOUybeatbeBsnged Si?* b?" &amp; ano all the bouf ed of gerufalem/a all kwtam 5^ 6ouW fa mtt betoft&amp; fite.3nball hoflt of the Caioesed tbatroere torth $ chefe 5JI9arfl)aH:b;afteootonetbe toalled of |mu faierounoeabQuteJnD tberettof $ people that toere lefte in the citie/atbem that toere fleoto the Bsnge of jSabilon/atberfnaunt of the comen people /JSabufaraDani? chefe C S0ar Ojail carteo arcape/5 lefte of the pooje of the lancet ob?effe the brneg anDto tsll the gr ounce. anbtbepfllerd of b;a(Tethaf toere in the boufe of theHo7heantithebotomei3/ano the bjafen fee that tea? in the bouCe of ;no?oe theCaloesedb?aBe/ cartcotbebzaffeoftbe to jSabtlo.ano the lauerd/fl)oueiled/*o?efc fomfttaitt.cjngesnsueg/ iaoeiied/a^emsntOtsnge 2SSK n 1 WWW of bjaffe/tbes carsebatoase.flnog ormttvjRe. &amp; lixev s m/ $totmtitbammetbttoi goioe ojfsluer/the' tofie f chefe SfcatQrall atoase toitb the troo pfllerdano the fee of bjafieano tbebottomedtobscb&amp;alomonbabmabefn tbeboufe of the &amp;o?o.cbe b?afle of an thefe teffirtlefStoasstosthouttoasgbt. Cbebesgbt of the one piller m$ .rbiif .cubited / and the beeotheton toad fe?affe and tb;e cubiteg lose bfth a ;ethe spomegranecswunw about

bpon the beep/all of b?afle . 3no of thefame faflson tea? $ feconoepsiier toitb atojethe. 3na the chefe ^atlballtohe s&gt;araiah &lt;g chefe p;efte/an&amp; ^ophoniah thehtett P?ette faue one/th;eftpert( of theoo;e . ainbout of the citie he toft e a cetta? ne cbamb?cla?ne thathaotheouerfsghtof the men of toarre/ ana f me men that toere euecfn thebsnge^

pzefenee/tobicbe roere f otutoe fn the ettse/^i gopher the captasne of the^otte $ taught the people of $ ianoe to mane toarrc/$ th;e f hoje men of the people of Ianoe that toere f ounce in the ct'tt'e aKo.lnh ^abufaraban $ chefe ^drflDaUtolie them ano brought the to tbeftsnge of 33abilon tomcblah .3nb the Hsng of isabflon fmote them aim flue them attttWabi'n lanhe of ^emath.jtnDfoSu* batoagcaneoatoaseoutofthcirlanoe. $ 3ub oueethe people that remasnebin the lanhe of Juba/toh!th^abuchoboiio?oj fttng of ^abtlon lefte / he ret onoiiah thefonne of aihifiam the fonne of g&gt;apban.3no tobm all the capi'tayneg of the men of toarre athe men hearde that the &amp;?nge of ^abtlonhao maoe oooiiah gouetnettbere came too* bolfah to Sa?phah-Jfraaei fonne of $a* thantah anbiobanantbe fonne of fiareah 9 3&gt;ara(ab the forme of chanebumeth 0t* tophathtte 9 Sc?oniah ? fonne of fl^aacha* tt ano their men. % nb oooliah ftoare to the anDtotheir men/anbfasbeto tbe:feare not sethcfcruauntejsof^CaIDese0.53utbtoelle in the ianoe and feme the fipn s c of JSabilon anbjelbalbeingooDcotttipcton. ' ... (B 38ut it chauncea the feuenth monetbe af* ter/thatffmael the fonne of $atbanfab the fonne of &lt; lirama of the fesngeS blouoe ca&lt; me./anoten men roith hpm a ^ ^ o u cdo itahthathebse&amp;:anbfoDihhethe?etoe0anh thecalDepsg toere toit&amp;bpm90a?pbab. herbpon all the people bothe [rnalie and greateanh $ eaptasnejSof themeh of toaere arofe $ toet to tgipte:f o? the v toere aftajth ofthecraioejes. #ottottbttanWnge set the.rbij.sere af* MMI ter sehoacin fisng of 31uba toa^ cm*&amp; affite&amp;E toase/the.w*h.base of the ttoeluetb mone* [7m*% rhe/bso cuilmeroiiach asnse of jeabilon , imhm&gt; lifte bp theheeo ofJehoacinSsngeof^uoa to tmjmv outofthep^efonehoufe/anbfpase6snbelse^| c P. wt * , tohsmanafet hs* ftrte abouethe reateof aIiiw ' , all the ftsngeu that toere toith him in mbU lon/anh chafige&amp;hs^ P^efon gamtete*. 3no he bib euer eate bjeaDe befo?e htm all bas ofbi*lsfe.3nbacontinuallpo?csotoa0af&lt; rsgnebhsnt of the stsnge /base bs base ad longeajfhelsueb. Cftbe enoeof thefourrhbobe of iSjnged/ tobseh after the fytbwfi


Serjoatht | Jawb. i CCIieCfjionu oftDeftpngcsor^aoa, ffiChefs?ftboe,



C2 bttfe rclici'i'atl of all t^t raralOBfeof Stoauw irnto tlje fonncE of iJSfau ana jacoti. &amp;efKft Chapter. Ki|^am/S&gt;et^/cno3:aman/ fl^ahalehei/3area:anoch/ ^athufalehy&amp;amech^oah Sjem/^am/atto i"apheth. Shefonnesf of aaphethttoere &lt;eomer/#sgog/^abai(fa tian/chubai/^ofocb 9Ch *a0. chefonne^ofcBomertoeresaifcanef/ 3Ph th 9 cgojmab.che fonnes offauan: Clifah/Charfifah/Cethim a oDanim. he i onne.s of ^am:Cujs/^i?raim/ JBhut anbCanaan.chefonnej3 of Cu3:^aba/^.e utiah/S&gt;abatha / emab ano ^abathaca. Chefonne0 of memah:S&gt;abaan!j adan. 3no Cug begat #emtofctohtch#emroabe* ganne to ms ghtpe bpon the erthe.^no fi?rann begat Xuoim/3lnamin/)Laabfm/ ^ephthuim / pietrufim anachafltuin : of tohich came the ^bino-meg a the cchaphthe&gt; liteu . 3no Canaan / begat 3ibon hi? eio ett Sonnm $etb/i!ebuft726mo?i/ergefl/ ^e* ut/3Crahi/ ^&gt;ini/3BruaDi / 5amarf 9 ^ema thi.chefon!ie0ofg&gt;em:Clam/3fflur/3er* Phacas / %m i Sram/H?,^ul/ether ano J&amp;oTocb. anoaSrphacfao begat 3&gt;alah ano fealah. begat c-ber, 3nbbnto cber toere

bo^iettoofonnescthenameof the enetoa$f jehaleg/becaufethatinhssoase? thefanoe toajsoeusoeo. ai'nb&amp;sis toother* name toad Qefitan. 5feStan Begat ciimooah / Sa'eph ^a?ermoth ane 3'atah:lpaDuram/iiufai/ano eRiah:Cbal aibimael/anb S&gt;aba:phir/ ^euilah/anofobab, ailthefetoerethefon* &amp;em/3rphacraD/&gt;alab:Cber/Pbaieg au;aerig/j3aho? yhateh; ab?a otber. toifecaHeoa^amfclefbTmegofaib^bg 3!faac ano ^fmaeTlnb thefe are thetrege* iieracsong : the cioeft fonne of Jihtael toa? JBabaioth/theniSeoae/aobeel a QSabfam: S^afma/^umah/flgafla/^aoar Schema: fatur/jSaph^anbfteomah . chefe are the $ranne$ of %]Mwl, che Conned of fieturah 4io ( !ah50cosKut/uie:tbebare :x iamram/3;eB Ita/flftMR/flMan / ^efbofi anD ^uah. Chefotmed 9lSf?6fan:S)aba/a?e&gt;aiian.che fonned of a9aiM'am(Phah/fpher / Henoch/ abtoaano cgioaah. 3Bilthefcare thefonned of Beturah . 36b^h5 &amp;egaepiftc.aBe fonnedof ?faac crau aatraeLcfjefonned of (fa-.itpha?

Kauei/Sehud/ jaalomanb adjeb.che fon* nedofClipha5:chemS/a)mer/3ephi/aa tham. 6cne0/Chemna ? amales.^beronnt ofKauefciQabath/ 5atah/S&gt;amah ^m^ fah-Chefonneg of g&gt;eir.:^otan/^&gt;obaI/ 3ebepn/3lnah/ifon/cier anbifan.che fonned of S/Otan:^o^^omam/achamna toad H-otand fpfter . &amp;eromieg j ,obal: 3Mian/flanahath/cbal/^ephi/ nam. hefonned of 3ebeon:3iiah ano ainah. qfte. lomted of Snah:@iEon . che fonned oi&amp;&amp; fomfeamaran/cfebon / 5,eth?an ^ charan. Che formed of c?er-.33alaan / S&gt;aauan ano Jaban.che fonned of mimwyqt aram. chefe are the fisnged that rasgneo m the ianoe of mom befo;e ansBsnge rasgneb amongethechsto?enof3!frael:Salefonne of 35eo;/anathe name of hid cptt'e toad J&amp;u nahabath Jno tohen ale toad oeeo/tobab ^e fonne of 3areb of o?rah rasgneo in hid lleOe.atno after the Oethe of |obab / feufam 9

of the ianoe of chemani rasgnebin hid rotome/anoaftertheoetheof$ufam/l9aoao/ fonne of JBabao tohich bm the fl^aoiantted fn v feioed of &lt;oab/rasgneb in m rotome/ 9the name of hid citie toad 3Buith.3Bna aftee theoethe of j^aoao/ &amp;&gt;cmlab of aparehaft rasgneo inW tteaoe Mx&amp; after the oethe of &gt;emlah 3&gt;aul ofl8ohobothbpSCuph?a ted rasgneo m hid place. 3!noaftee theoethe of Saul/ Eaal ^anan fonne of f (hobo; tasgneo in hid r otomcfnBafter theoethe of 3Baai hanan/^aoao rasgneo fnhidplace/ 9 the name of hid citie toad $bau/ahidtoiued name toad flehetabeei f baug&amp;tee of m&amp; treo the oaughter or % t fahab. 58ut after the oeetbe of ^aoab/there toere WML in Chom.uhechamna/oufieailiah bu6e5!ethethauftefi)hoIbama /bubeciah/ Oube^hmon/oube Benaj/oubecheman/ hufte a9abfaf.bu8ea9agOielou6e|ram. chefetoerethebubedofcoom. C CiX &lt;Bnwal08&lt;e of JoanDnto Jfai % father of JDaafB. Chefeconoe Chapter. efebe flonned of SfraeMRubenai &gt;imeon/)Leui/g|uOa/ gjfacar ano tmm. j; 5abulon:an/3!oftph'jBeniamin ,mD *'w- 8 $epbthali/aoa3aixcbefonnr, of juoa:&lt;Er/nan/am &amp;elah. Chefe rh;e toere bomehim of the daughter of &gt;ua ^t Cananitefle.ffiut cr the eioeft fonne of 5Puoa toad eueii in the fjgh t of the]io?oe/ano ther* fo?e he flue him JDno chamar bsd oaughter* mlatoe bare him Pharef an&amp;Sarah : fothat all the fonned of SFuoa toere fsue. Che fonned of Phare?:$e?ron 9 $amul/*;ffl$ert&gt;* * Chefortncdpf oarah:*5amri; Cthan/fie-^^ 11 "* 3oto man/cbalcbal ano ara-.fiue in all. %tettws cue Fonne0ofCarmi:*aicbar^trouWeOataX r pad/




^.ael/tobpcB. rr^greaebfotbebnlatofuU mpngeis.cbe fcnne* of ctban : a?atfa.cbe fornix of l9e?tontbattoete bomebfmtfet* ~ bameel/iaam ana Calubat 3tta ttambcgac * 3iminaaab : ana aminaaab begat $abafon a torn amonge t$c cbpiajenof Suoa . ana jSaftat on begat &amp; aims : ana &amp;alma b egat i$oov.anaj3oo? begat beteahB fiDbea be* gat gfat . anagifai begat ftp* eoett fonne ****** ci!ab/abmaaabtbefeco!tte/ (j*&amp;ama *$!* toe ttiuw/flatbanatl tfte fouttfteyuaMt tbe iebofe tp&amp;er* toere3attua&amp; *amgatt.e fonne* of 3amtob:toeabifat/loab fJPga &amp;el/tb?e.aneab/gatfbare 3ma?a/f fatftec oftobicb3ma?atoa* getftetanlfmaewe. anacaieb fonne of e?tonbegatafu* babatoomanana ferotft tobofe fonne* ate m It siaft 'Xi &gt; obab 9 araon . tfutafubaft oWfrCalebtose^atftatoftfcttbatcbfoi Sut.anai&amp;utbegatr&amp;wana # begat iBe ?eieeil.anaaftettoatae $e?ronto!tuttotbe aiigbtet of 0acb the fatbet of alaaa/$ toa*tobmftetoBeber/tft?etfto?epereoiae. 3n^ebarebm&gt;egub.anas&amp;&gt;egubbe* mfato to&amp;icb baa.jtTty.cptpe* m ttje lance of alaab. anafte ourtcame tbe tfettmte* ana tbeatamite*/* tone cfte totonc* of fare ftom tbem/ anaSenatft tot tft t totone* that longeato tbefame/euen tb?e f feoie totone*. ailtbefetoet*tftefonne*oC (acbfttfte fa* ^tbetof&lt;5alaaD.atiaaftett&amp;eDeetftof $e?rS ^atcalebmpbjata/abts/bp* topftbatc btmaiburtbefetfteeofCfteHua. ana tbe fonne* of get&amp;ameel $ etteS ton* ne of fcejron teete/am/tbe eiaeft ana jBu* na/)2am/&gt;?emanaabaiab . anb Setfts* meei baa ret a nomettopfe namea atstaft tobtcb tea* tbe motftetof !nam. ana tbe fonne* of,J5am/$ eteeft fonne of loftamcel toro/&amp;aaj/3ammanaatiar.

ct)e fonne* of nam toere 1 samaf ana faaa.Cbe fonne? of &gt;amat :#aaab 9 3bt it.anatbetopfe of abifuttoa*caHeaabt* (\ b abtttoftp efte bate bpm aftaban anas$otto. /Vcljefonne* of flaoab : ^aleaanaappatm. ut&amp;aJe&amp;&amp;peatoft&amp;outcbpJa2en.beron* neof appaimtoa*Jefcl . be fonne of ft fet tea* &gt;efan. ana tbe fonne of aefan tea* fiDholat. an&amp; we fonne* of ?aoa mo* tftetof &gt;araaitoete letbutanagonatban. tfut^etftutapeattWcrutcbtWm.cbefons ne* of gchatftan tonebaletb mtm, ^befetoeret&amp;eforme*of3etbameel. mo fanftaano fonne* but enlpe aaugbtet*,ana &amp;eranbaa a Cmiaunt tbat toag an (ggtpcfS naroea^etabatotoftotrre&amp;egauebt*tiaugb tt ttotoife/a ftebatebmt^tbaf. IBnaaiftat begat jaat&amp;an. ana at&amp;an begat 3aba&amp;. ana^abao begat jtDpbial, SDpaiai begat

m bea/SDbea begat le&amp;u. gtbubegaf a?a* ttab/asatteb begat J^ele ;.$cit* begat Clea fab/Cleafab begat &gt;rfamat. ^ifamatbe* gat &gt;tlum. ^eliun begat Jecamiab.te* camtab begat fama befomte*of caleb ^ b;onjetof 5fetba=f meet toetefilpef a bf * elaeft fonne tobr cb tsa* tbe fatbet of 5f pbama tbe fonne* of m aw* fa fatbet of 9eb;oii, cbc fonne* of 15 e bjg toereCoTeb/capbuap JRebemana^ama/ ^amabegat abamtbe fatbet of jeraiiaS Ina 53 cBem begat, $&gt;amat . cbe fonne cf ^amaf tea* aonJna Saon tea* fa* 3Dna isp^ba concubine of Caleb* bate ata/fi^ofa a&lt;Ca?e?:1tnB l&amp;aran begat a m b fonn$ ofjabaoai tBeteWege/lotbi/ &lt;S5efara ; #&amp;afet 1 cpbab ana feaapb . an&amp; SSaadjaf) another cocub? ne ofcaleb* bate ^ feab02Ci)abana!}-ant) (be batea!tb&gt;aap&amp; tbe fatbet of fiacmana&amp; / ana &gt;ue tbe fa* tbetof #acbbenabtbc fatbet of abaa, 2ino Caleb baa a aaugbtf t callea 3 c fab . ^jjefetoere tbe fonne* of Caleb Git fonne offflut tbe eloeft fonne of cpb?ata-.^oba! tbe fatbet of Statiatblatimrtna $&gt;alma fatbet of jsetbltbenuana^arepbtbe fatbet ef 56etb cseuet Jna ^obal fatber of ^a&lt; . ^ ttarblatfmbabfcnnesJ/'euentbe.balfefitn^^X teaeofg$emtab. naifcoffni.

cbf fiFiif 2fW^ of Sariatb^an'm totte ^ ta:iiim 5etb?ite* tbe&gt;utbrte* tbe$&gt;emat&amp;tte* ana gfg,'*' fee ^afetite*.^na of tbem came tbe 5ata= KS tbtte* ana tbe cttbaoltte*. cbefonne* ofhcfawio)tu4aima /5eetbiebem (jlSetopbatbf g torn wM tbe glo??eaftbeboufe of 3oab/ana balfe 28J5 tbe bpnojeae*of tbeto?jtet* n)at btoeit at rjons m SaBess/tbecttatbJte*/tbe^tmeatbtte*anaaet8finM/it( ^ucbatbf tcss tobicbarc | ftenftt*/ tbat ca* JffiSS me of Sematb tbe fatbet of ffietb JRecbab. gJK jrbe.uj.C&amp;aptei!. todtfl^ i^efeateKonne*ofaui'atobicaa ttttm jtoete bo?nebt?ni in 5aeb?on:tbe tU JJJ laeft amnon of aiiinoam ?3cftae^[iS5 ':Htero.cberecon&amp;e^ani'elbpaiM'( M fomt# gatWeCatmeUteire.cbetbitteaibfalom f #. fonne of ^aatabaausbtee ofcbofmaf King of efuwsr be fouttbe aoontab tbe fonne of fiagttb. f)ef?ftc &gt;apbatiabbpaiWta!. cbe fitted tttoam bv Cglab bt* totfe.cbe* bo^ie bpm in i^ebjon tobete be ratJgnebfeiienfeteanafwemonetbe*. 3Bna ingfetufaiembetafgnea.tmn.rete. ' "anatbefetDetebomebim'nJetnfaTem: &gt;antua/ g&gt;obab/j9atbanana Salomon: Bfflfte fc. tberciiii oftbebaugbtetof* 25atba.uaf gSjST aaugbtet of Jmiej.cben giebabat*Ufa'- t m^ raa/&lt;Jp^aIet /^ose&amp; /#ep&amp;eg / 8W*to/ BWi CHfaroa

Ittua, ^ CRTahia/tgriaaa / ana Clipbelet:n?ne in no* bje . c&amp;efe ate all tbe fonne* of 3&amp;auia/be* c?ae w fame* of bf * concubjne* anocba* marbe't^2irt. -.- Salomon* fonne tea* IBfboboam / tebofe fonne &amp;a*aibt'ab:ana 3D fa toa*bys * fonne / ana Jebofapbat bP* fonne : tobofe fonne tea* io?am: ana b?* fonnetoa* ffl&gt;bo* ?iab / ana f ; oa* tea* fonne to bpm. atoabp* fonne tea* 3ma?iab / atom forme tea* 2t?ariab/gna bP* fonne tea* totbam.E'na 3ba? tea* bvss fonne /ana ^ejeferab tea* fonne to bpin/ana 09anaHeb tea* bP*fon* ne.3ina'3mon teas W fonne /ana f efiat) tea* fonne to b??m. ana tbe fonne* of 310* ffeb tete/ tbe eicett fonne giobanan /tbe fe*

conae 3eboafemi/tbetbwae3eaemab 1 ana ttiefomtbeSelum.cbe fonne* of gieboa* mmtoereg'eccntab&amp;^fonne/iobofe femie mtoa* otbeBfaft. cbe fonne* of lecomat) tfie J&amp;jefonet toere ^alat&amp;tel / fl^elcbitam /$jaaatab/ ~ ena?et / gecamiab * ^ofamaana^aaa* ra&amp;, t)e fonne* of Pbaaaiab toere 3o tobabel ana &gt; emet.cbe fonne* of 3o?o= babel/ flpofolam/^anara'aba S&gt;alumtn) tbeit fpttet/ana l^afubaft / bef / tfata* ebiab / afaaiaij / 3!ofab ^efeb/ f?ne in noumb;e.cbefonne0 of f ananfab'.Pbat riab ana f efewt)/ tobofe fonne tea* JBapbt* ab/anabp* fonneatnaii/ ana bP* fonne tea* b&amp;iab / ana bp* fonne S&gt;ecbaniab . cbe fonne of feecbaniab tea* ^&gt;emaiab . ana tbe fonne* of &amp; emaiafi toete l^a tu*/ fegal an'ab/^aanab ^apbatana i^efa/ fite, ana tbe fonne* of jUJaatiab toete CUoenrnV 3&amp;e?efiiab 8 2??ricam/tb#.ana tbefonne* of clioenat toete i^oaatab I Cltaftb /Pbe * : reiab/afiuli/3:obanan/3aIafab wtomb m/f?uen, C CfiedJMicaloctpiof tip fonne of Ju&amp;aanb flp mcon. _ a rxESfisaj^e tonne* of gjuoa: 1&amp;bate?/ ^e?* ton / Catmi / i^ut ana S&gt;oball . 3)n&amp; Keaiab tbefonne of &gt;oba! bfgait'labatb. 2no ^abatp begat Stbtmai ana Xaaatobpcb aretbc npnteae* Of tbe 5ateatbto*,ana of tbefe cametbe fatbet of Ctani/^ejtael/^efema ant =? ebebo*/ tttfterrfpftet callea 3alelpbunt: WmW)&amp; nuel fatbet of eao?: ana Cfetttje fatftet of ^urab. cbefe ate tbe fonne* of &amp;ur tbe el* Bettforme of ipfi?ata fatbet to etblebem. 3na aibutt'oe fatbet of cbebuabaoattoo to?ue*:$8iaab ana iBaatab .ana J9aata&amp; bate bpm Xf?fara/^epbet / ^bemanf ana

^abaaatt . cbefe toere tbe fonne* of J9aa* 53 taiana tbe fonne* of i^afaat) toete 3atett)/



m.tWjf.g. tt&gt;.yla*.h 5

Sspat ana ctbnan ,ana Co? begat anub a 5obebab / ana W ftpweae* of abatbel tbe forme of $arum. ana^eabe* toa* noblet tben m bmttn JnabP* motbet callea bi* name|eabe*fafmge:becaufe^ batebjm toitb f o?otoe,ut 3 eab e* callea on tbe oa of 3!ftael /fapinge -.'Jf tbou (bait bleoetne/ ana enlatge mpcoQe*/ ana (bait let tbpne banae be toptb me / ana toplt ftepe me ftom eueil tbatft beye menot, Da&amp;oa fent bmp bP*aefpise. calub tbe b?on)etof g&gt;uabbegat 2a* b / tobpebe toa* tbe fatbet of Cttbon . anb Gabon begat iSctb Kapba ana Pbafeb ana Cbebenab tbe fatbet of tbe est pe of j^aba* tobptb ate tbe men Of JSecbab. Cbe fonne* c of fiena*:tbnfel ana &gt;atatab.ana tbe fonne* of flDtbm'el toete HJatbatb. ana 3&amp;aonotbi begat Dpb,:ab.anB &amp;a= raiab begat ?oab tbe fattet of tbem of tbe balepe of ctaftefmen/ fe callea becaufe tbeg toete ctaftefmen , aina tbe fonne* of ca* Icb tbe tonne of epboneb toere ijjftu/cia ana jJ5aem .aha tbe fonne of Cla toa* e= nag.ana n)c fonne* of ^ebaleieei toete oiptj ana 5iPbab / anacbitfa ana arataei. 'ana tbe fonneg of C?ta -.toete Wtotti fl^etea/ cpbet /falon/ cbaftat itymm ana ^a* mat/anafefbab tbe fatbet of Cttbamoa. anabp* topfe ^ebuaiab bare 3atea tbe fa* cbet of eao? / ana Ifjebet tbe fatbet of ^0* cob / ana $cutbtel tbe fatbet of 3onoab . ana tbefe toete ^t fonne* of ^etbrab tbe

oaugbtet* of ptyarao tobpeb Q^erea toofte . -m be fonne* of tbe topfe of ^oata tbe fpftet of j^aban tbe fatbet of ft ciiatj toete agat* mi ana Cftbamoa tbe 05 aacbatbite . ^t fonne* of S&gt;tmon toete amnonana JRt'nab/ ^enbanan ana cbtlon .ana Hit fonne* of iefitoete 3oberb ana35en?obetb. *be fonne* of &gt;elab t^e forme of tijm toere Ce tbe fatbet of jlecab/ ana Haaoab &lt;aten&gt;m*ifa m fatb et of a^at efab / ana tbe bpnteae* of tbeboulftbiae*of tbem tbatto?ougbt bvfie in tbeboufe of afbea . ana aom'mana tUt men of co?ebab /ana |oa* ana &gt;atapb/ tobpeb toere tnbabttebm Qftoab /buttetut* nea to lebem ana to ebattm ai'Stm . srbefe toete pottet* anoatoelt amongettee* anabeage*ana toete m tbe Bpnge*too?ifte anaatoeiteuentbere, be formes of etmcon : Samuel / gia* ^ nun/ aattb / 3o?ab ana &gt; au! / tobofe fon* netoa* $&gt; elum/ ana tbe fonne of bpm toa* fl^abfam / ana bP* fonne toa* flEarma . ana (be forme of #afma toa*amuel/anii bp* fonne teas 3acbut /ana tbe fonne of bpm toa* ^ emrt . S&gt; eraef baa rptf ene fon* ne*atH&gt;fpite oaugbtet*. jeutbp* b?etb;en &amp; baa not


Dab not manpe tbpTbjen /netber torn tbe feptneaeg of tyt Ipbe to tbe cb?ib;en of guba fomultftuoe, andtbep btoelt at Betfabe/ Sfcolabab anoaf $a*at %&gt;ml/ at aiaab/ tffem / djoiao / tfatbuel / ^ojmab ana at Alleles: at iSetbmarcabotb / j$a?at u ftm/;ieetbbereianb)aarim. abeie toere tijeic cj?t^e? bnto t^e tai^gne ef j^aiitQ. anQ tftyefe bpllaged toere etam/ am/ memon/ 71 coc&amp;enanb afan/fpue tofened anball tbeir bpliagedtbattoererouribeaboute tbefapbe tpe0 bnto 3&amp;aal.cbid tdrbebabitacpcn of emanbtbettgenealogte, anb #ofobab/3!emreeb /fofab tbe f on* mot amaFtab tanagoel anb Jebu ? fonne of 5 ofab tab tbe fonne of &amp; ataiab tbe f on* ne of a ft el : anb oenat / ga&amp;obab / gif o

baiab:afaiab/3Dotel/1mftranbJ5anateb: 3t?a tbe fonne of &gt;epbeitbe fonne ofaicn tbc tonne of g|oata&amp; tbe fonne of 3emrt tbe fonne of Sama tab . Cbefeare tocbeag ca= me b? name /beebed of tbepre Bpnrebed . an&amp; tbe auncientbouf&amp;oiw of tbemfpjebe in frtuta'tube . anb t&amp;eptoentadfarw ad aooj/euen brttotbeeeft fpbeof tbe mm /to feltepaf* tute f o? tbeir eaten . Hint) tte? founbe fat pa&amp;ure and gooa anb a topbe Ianoe botbe mtpet anb fmtef ull : fo? tbep of .$am btoelt tbere before . anb tbefe note a fo?e to;ptten bp name to en t in f oaped of ie?e&amp;iab Binge of giuba/anDfmotetbetente* of tt)em atbc babitaclondtbat toere founbe tbere/anb be* itro?eb t&amp;em wteilpe bnto tftpd bape/a tbete btoelt in cQetterotomed-.becaufetb ere teas pa&amp;uretbew fo? tbeftlbepe. 3sio tbtrto tbere toent of tbe fapbe cbt'ibje ot Simeon f pie bunbjeb men : $baaitbiab iSaaciab Kapbiabanb &gt;?fel tbe fonned of |effbepngetbefrbefbed:anbf mote tbe re&amp;e of rtjeamaletutedfbat toere efcapeb a tbe? btoelt tbere onto tbidbape, C ttfie genealogy of jruIkh ana &lt;2SaB ana of t&amp;t &amp;al fctHbeef5aafft5, CCbe.b.Cbaptee. Cbe fonned of Kuben tbe elbeft fonne of gr rael : fo? be toast tbe e! Deft *?8ut becaufe bebefplebbpd *&gt; m , , . fat&amp;ewbeeo/btf bpjtbrpgbttoad MM.rm.u. smn bntotbefonned of $ofepbtbe fonne of ffrael/ anb ftnotteBenebbntotbe bpjtbe i-psbt . fo? bnto luba tobpeb toad mt'gbtfeamongebPdtyetbjm/roaiigeuetbe W(ncrjjalftpebefo?ebftn.3But$bwtt&gt;tjBbt toadgeueniofepb.cbe fonne? tben of 3Bn ben f elbeft fornir of IJftael I toere 9*noc&amp;/ pfrffli/9c3tDft anb carmi, mMtaoite/^ cbefonnedofiod:&amp;amatab/anbBpd '^ 8toww ' fonne og/ anb &amp;pdfonn*roie*/anb&amp;sd




at fc.tftr.a. ffiroO.Bi.lj.

fonne fifcab i anb tbe fonne of bpm toad Ww m ixeaiab / anb bpd fonne toad 38aai / anb pfwwfen eerab toad &amp;?d fonne . ibpcb tfeerab EtM* Cbtgjatb tBbalneret /fipngeof 3B%ia cfegJKS

naffeb btoelt in HjefaftBey ftomjeafan bnto cateb / anbb?!8 fonne Bcrtv /anb bw fonne

tpeb atoape-.f o? be toad a gteatji 02a e amSge mu ra JC tbe JSuoemtejJ. ^ButbntobW b;etb?en mSntfii t$e ssntebetf / tobentbep ateteficneb tiJS&amp;B ttbe1tbp?tbe/toere Jetel anb 5acbanabS *' Qecbeftbeebe*. 3nb55ala tbe fonne of3?antt)e fonne of g&gt; ema tbe fonne of Joel/btoelt ma t oet anb fofb;tbb!tto&amp;ebo9&amp;aannaon. 3nbeea toatoebeenbabptebbntpiltbt topiberneae/^ euenbpS tbe tyutt cupb?ates / f 0? tbeir ca= * tell toagmocbe in tbe Janbe of alaab. ; anb in baped of *&gt; aul tb e p toavreb tt ^e ^agante? tobpeb toete ouertb?otoen bp tbeive banbed. Hinbtbepbtoeitintbeltten* ted $o?oto out all tbe eeaianbe of ti&amp;alaab . anb tbe Cb&amp;JDjen of ab btoelt ouec agapnft tbem m tbe lanbe of afan / euen bnto eleab . anb in afan Joel toad tbe cbefeft anb ^apbamtij e mm tben ?aanaf anb ^&gt;apbat.anb n)eic b?etb?en in tbe aun* . cpent boulDoibed of tbem/ toere ajficbaei/ ; ^ofolam / &gt;eba / 3o?at / goacan / 5a / Cber anb &gt;enen. cbefe toere tbe cbplb?en of abibart y fonne of ^unf fonne of |eroa&amp; alaab foraie of ggKcbael f fonne of 'Jeft* faff fonneof giafjabotljefonneef 35u?.ab toag fonne of 'a bot a tbe fonne of &lt;$imi tbe

beeb of anauncpentbouiDolbeamongetbe. anb tbep btoelt in &gt;alaab anb in afan anb bettotone?/? inaUf ^ubutbed of^aron/ eucn bnto tbe enbe of tbeit bo?berd. anb tbe? toere all rebrnebbp gpnrebbed intbebafeisof Jotbamfipngeof |uba/anb iin tbe baped of geroboam fipnge of ^frael. be fonned of Wuben of mt&gt; anb of balfe $ ttpbe of a^anaffeb/euen of fpftbtpngemen* able to beare Ibplbeanbftome/anb Qiott toptb botoe/anb taugbt to mafie toatte/toe* re foure a fourtpctboufanbefeuebunb?eb ? tb?effio?etbattoentouttobattell.3nb tbep fougbt toptb tbe ^agarite? anb toptb fttut/ &amp;apbad anb iQobab . anb tbe? toere bolpe agapnft tfiera /anb tbe $agatfted toere be= Ipuereb into tbefrbanbed toptb all &amp; toerett tbe i^agatited. jfb?tbepcrpebtoobfntbe batten /anb be beatoc tbem/becaufe tbe? trafteb to bpm . anb tbep tose of tbeir catell fpftpetboufanbe ram elled/anb ttoobunb?eb anb fpftpe tboufanb fbepe/anb ttoo tbou* fanbe afled / anb of tbe people an t)unb?et&amp; tboufanb:fo? R)ere fenmanpe beebbecaureS toarre toad of to. anb tbep btoelt tbere in tbette Seabed bntpli tbe tpme tbat tbep toere carpebatoape. anb ttje cbpib;en of i)alft f trpbe of flfPa* T&amp;

36aali9ermonanb ^amtrarib bnto mount i^ermon/anbtbeptoeremanpe. artbtbefe toere m Deem of tbe attnepent bouftolbed of tbem : cEpber jWtt 7 ciiel / a?'el /gjere* mial) i ^obaiab/ 3babtel/ men of great po* toer/mmofnameanbbeebedof tbeaunciet Ijoutboibedoftbem. 35ut teben tbep bab tranfgteffebagapnft tbe (0ob of tyty? fatberd anb bab gone a tobo??nge after tbe obdof tbe people of tbe fanbe/tobpebe ob beftropeb befoze tbe/ &lt;0ob ttercbbp tt)efp?pteof ?&amp;b.ul1Kpnge of aap?a anb t\)e fp???te of cbiglatb Pbalnefer pnge of anp?ta / anb carpeb atoape tbe asnbenitrd / t\^e abbited anbtbe bal* fe trpbe of 0Panaffeb / anb bjougbt tbem bnto elab / J^abo? / l^ara anb to tbe 3Bp= uer $Offflf / torjere tbep remapne bnto tbpd bape, C% cniMiDgi of {ie ronneeof Jteui.

^eJ)t.Cbapter. a ML'TSt fyt fonned of ULeui : etfon / a&lt;


(Jlcanab / anb bps fonne abiafapb / anbbPd Tonne arir/anbcbabatbtoaubid fonne/anb flelbpss fonne.anb flD?iabb5S fonne / anb ^&gt;aultoassbP3 fonne'. t)i fonned of tflcanab-Jmarai/abimottj anblcanab. Cbe fonne? of dcanab/3o* Pbai tobofefonne toad $abatb/anbbi?s3 fon* ne dlfab anb ferobam bps fonne / anb dSk canab bPd fonne/anb ^&gt;amueltbe fonne of bpm.anb tbe fonned of j&amp;amae&amp;t&amp;e elbett 8afni anb tben abiab. . . cbe fonned of a@eratf::g9o&amp;oIt / anbbP? * fonne )Lobm7anbbtdfonne ^emet/anbbPd fonne sD?abanbbtd foime .amaa/anbbd fonne i^agiab/ anb W fonne afaiat). Cbefe be tbep tobtcb 30autt fet f 0? to fin* etntbe boufe of tbe %tmj after n)at tbe ircBebabteBe . anb tbep nrpnpttrebbefoje tbe btoeiiinge place of tbe tabernacle of tote neffe toptb fpngpnge / bntpli Salomon baa bupittbe temple of tbe j,o?be in ^erufalem; anb tben tbep toaptebon tbeir 6ffpced/ac* , P . co?binge to tbe o?beroftbem.cbefe are tbe? Data MABl be ronncd of tbat toapteb toitb tbeir tmtm of tbe fonned Cabaib:amrant/S?aba8/^eb?oji ofcabatb^emanafpnger/tobpcb toajxtbe fonne of ?oel/ tbe fonne of &gt;amuel, cbe fonne of ticanab/ tbe fonne ofSerobam/tbe fonne of liel:tbe fonne of cboab/tbefomte . of ?upb/tbe fonne of (fflcanab/tbe fonne of fl^abatb/tbe fonne of amafat /t|e fonne of Clcanab/tbe fonne of goel/ttje fonne ofafa= wab/ 1 fonne of$opbomab:tbe fonne ofebabatb/tbe fonne ofafir/f fonne of abiafapb tbe fonne of Co?eb:tbe fonne of 9!?abar/ tbe fonne of cabatf) :u) e fonne oEt eui-.tbe fonne of|frael. anb W b?otbec % fapb dobe on bid tpgbt banbe/tobpeb tea? tbe fonne of arac&amp;iab/ tbe fonne of &gt;araaa:tbe fonne of flptcbaei tbe fonne of 2SaaCaiab/tbe fonne of Sfytb tbtab/Konne of itbant/tbe fonne ef 5arab/ tbe fonne of abatable fonne of Ctban/tbe

fonne of ^arnab /tbe fonne of Fernet :tbe fonne of |abatb / tgefonneof etfom/tbe

a flDit'el. cbe ttyiloim of amram:

aaron/SPof ed anb fl^reiam. cube fonnedof aaron:i5aBab/abibu/caea?ar 9 Itbamar. Cleajar begat !&amp;&amp;uie&amp;ed,p&amp;tnebed begat abifue.abifue l)egat3c&gt;oBt.3c&gt;oBt begatffi?t j?i begat ^araaf ab.5arabi'ab begat fle* tatbtb. 0@ eimotn begat amartab amariab begat a&amp;ftob. abtob begat 3aboc. 3aboc begat abimaa? . abimaa? begat a?ariab. ajariab begat 'lobanan. giobanan begat a^aviatjtobscbmpnparrbfntbe templetbat Salomon buptttn|mtfalem. a?auab begat amariab.3imartab begat abitbb,abitobbegat3aboc. 3aboc begat sbelum . ^elum begat ^elbiab ^elfiiat) begat a?ar iab . a?ariab begat ^aratab / ^^.aratab begat g|efto?eaec tobpeb gieboje* ^aectobentbe jLoftecmfto atoape ^ubaanb gierttfalcm bp tbe banb of ^abucboaono?o?/ toent toptb tbem.

. . . fo nne of *be fonned of JLeufnoto aretbefe:er* rJWm fom/cabatb anb 5r?eraw. anbtbefe betbe name? of n)e fonned of erfom-Xobntanb ^emei.lnb f fonned of Cabatt) toere am* rara/g?abat/ ^eb?on a ?tei. cbe fonned of Sperari-.^obolt anbflNtbeft atetbe bpnrebbed of %mi concernpnge tytit aun* ctent fatberd. cbe fanned of dEJerfom toad Hobrri/bPd fomtegabatb/sbid flww 5amab/anbbpd fonncjoab/anBbPdfonneabo/anbbpd fon* ne 3erab /anb W forme gjeatb?ai . Cbe fonned of Cabafb&amp;mmaoab anbbgdfrnm

anbtbefreb?etb?entbefonnedof flEera* ti ftobe on tbe leftebanbe:Ctbanfbe fonne of Cbuft /tbe fonneof abbt'/ t^t fonne of fl9alocb:tbe fonne of {^afabtab /tbe fonne of amaftab / f^t fonne of l^eisiab : Gjt fon ne of ama?i / tbe fonne of #oni / tbe fonne of S&gt; omer : tlfe tonne of Q^oboli / tbe fonne of flsjufi/tbe fonne of ^etan/tbe fonneof xeut. Cbeite b?etb?en tbeneutted toere apoprt* tea bnto all maner f erupce ef tije tabernacle of tbe boufe of cso&amp;.OSutSaron 9 bfd fonned burnt bpo tbe aultet of burnt off erpnged anb M, on tbe




cntbeaulterofmcenfe/anbtoeteapopntea anbcsetb 3Kemonto?tbbJ&amp;uburbe?; bntoautbattoa?tobomtplacemoiieboip/ anboutoftbebalfettibeofS&amp;anaaeb/J'nee and to mabe an attonementfo; gtracl m all toptb bet fiDuburbes/anbSaalam toitb b ee pQpntessaceojbpngeasfipof?? t^etouaunt &gt;uburbe? amonge tbe firntyebe? of t e" ofcsobbabcommaunoeb, nantoftbefanne?ofCabatb. . , Cbefeareefonne?of aawmtfleafat/ anbbntotbe fonne? of cfctfbntoew ge*

ofefomu?toa? t&amp;btncbe?/anbbWfene umoutoftbeBPntoeoeoftbebalfe Ml viuiejnbbi?fonnesom7anbtbefonne of fl^anaceb: &gt;oion in jBafantoptbbet&amp;u* bpm :?i/anbbf? tonne 3arabta:anb tbe burbc? anb aubarotb toptb her &gt;ubut fonneofbnn^etafotb/anbbttfonneama* be?, anboutoftbetr?beof sraeat/&amp;rbr? tfab/anbtbetonneofbfmab&lt;tob;anb3a* toptbbe* ^ubutbe? / jBaberatt) toptb bet &amp;ocbP?fonne/anb3bnnaa5bfe fan*. . &amp;ubtitbe?/amotb toptb berfeubutbe? 3nb tbef e ate tbe btoellinge place? of tbe anb anem toptb U &gt;ubutbes. anb out of in tbetr totone? anb coQes-.giraeaneof tbe alter/ Seataltoptbbec&amp;ubutbcs/abb on rcnne?Qfaatonoftbe6pMC0Qeoft&amp;e&lt;s:aa 5 toitb ber&amp;ubuibe?/$ufco6tottbbe tfDub= tbtte? / fo? to tbeit lot feu. c&amp;ep gaue bnto utbe? anb Mob to?rb bee ftubur be? . tbemaeb?onintbelanbeof fuoa toptbtbe anbomoftbettpbeoficiepbtbauyfeebestn &gt;uburbes rounbeaboute it. 3&gt;ut the co* alilca toitb bet S&gt;uburbe?/9amon to t flj ftet^ubuibeis/attoftartatbKmmtottbbw &amp;ubutbe?. anb bnto tbe reft o f tbe c&amp;Atyen bffl&amp;era* ri toere geuen out of tbe ttpbe of 3abulon/ asemono toitb b u fuburbe? a ctyrin? toitb &amp;etfubutbe?.anb on tbe otber fpoe goaan

~..... t ~ t ..-... r apnpttg. T . . tbepgaue to Caleb tbe tonne of giepboneb* anb to tbe foimes of aaron tbe; gaue tbe &lt;#tancbefeb eptpe?/ $ebjon ano TLobnab/ toptb tbefr&amp;ubutbeftanoMfrano Ctfte* mo a toptb tbete &amp;ubutbe?:anb 9 rte n tot'tb

ber^ufottbe?/anbabft: to?tb&amp;et^ u* by jmebo euen ontbeeeft fpbe of |o;ban burbe?-.anb afan toptb bee&gt;ubutbe?/anb toefegeuentbemoutoftbetrpbeof Kuben: #etbfeme?toitbbet&amp;Hburbe?.anboutof ?5o?oj fntbe toflbeimfc toptb bettubutbe? tbettpbeof #mtatmn&lt;2fobecan&amp;beta&gt;u* gabc?ab toptb betfubuib$/fcabemotb

toit&amp;. butbe?,'aiematbtt bet ^uburbe.s/ 3'na* berfubinbe?.fl&amp;epbatbtoftbberfutmtbe? . tbotb toptb bet gmburbeg-.fotbat all tt)etr 3tiBoutoftbetn?beof as/JEaraotfjnwBa* mm amonge tbeft fipmeboe? tam.pH* taabtoptbbe* fubutbe?/ flpabanaun toptb; anbbntotbefonne? of Cabatb tberem&lt; bee ntbutbe?/lefebcntoptbbei; fubutbe?/ nam of tbe tipnne of tbe ttpbe /tone cftpe? ano gefet toptbbeefubutbe?. geuen out of tbe balfc ttpbe of figatiaffeb c &amp;, t eneaiogie aymt.vmimmismx\t \{i p Kite / ten cptpes. anbbnto tbe fonne? of dpannaty.

&lt;5ertom amonge tbcp? 8pm*6be?tocw ge uen out of tbe ttpbe of gr fa cat anb out of tbe ttpbe of a&amp;t anb out of tbe ttpb e of ^epb tbaii'tanb out of (8* ttfbeof iana(frb wt * a fan / tftj; ten t effltfi. 3Bnb bnto tbe f on* *ne0 of #eratf toece geuen by lot amonge tprfttirceb&amp;e* out of tbeteebe of Sftuben/


Cbe.b.Ci?aptet. ^efonn5of|racar.^boIa/iebuab3J gjaCub anbs&gt;amwn/fouw. cbe fotmeg of bola:?(/ ISepbatab B-J3eel/3atbania i/^ebfam a &amp;a* mueltoWebtoetebeebf0Wtbea(ietentbou* iunitmiw.p imh lym-tw. uv mmwh/ ftoltjesofsboiaanomenof mrgbteamBgc anboutof tbettfbeof (Bab/anoout of tbe tfieftebtntebt^ubenumbjeoftbeintti tbt fwbe of 5abulon/ttoelue ewe?. baye? of autb/toere ttoo a ttoenttc tbou* anbtbe cbtftyenof iftaeigauetbe )Le* fanoeanDfwebunD^eb.cbefonnegof fl&gt;p: ui ttt focbe cpt? e? toftf tbett auburbe}J/ s?cabteb.cbefomie8( gmabteb j flNRtV anbtbatbp a-ott / out of tbe ttfbe of tbe bab^loef/aeftab/fruebeebmenwan. cbf ;en of giuba anb of tbe tef be of $5&gt;v* 3'nbaraonge tbem in tbefR bifltebb

e* anb meonanboutoftbettpbeof tbeebflb?en of aunefftbouftoIbejJRjreatbKtse tbouranb tfmtantfnauent&amp;efawecftteistbatatew* menp?tparebtotoan;e; ^ojtbepbabmanpj. betfebbtname. WW anb fonne? . 3nb of tbett b?etb?en * %m eoncetntngetbe ronne? of Cabatb/ amSge all tbe fipwebbe* of mm torn te* tde cm&amp;ot tyto coftejj toete of ttjetrpbe benebef nwnof toatrefoutento?eanbr eue ofd&gt;b?afra.*3ntob?cbtsbetbeigaue tboufanbefaaif. ^^^ m bnto tbem tbe tm&amp; of mefuge : Sricbem cbefonne? of38enfamm:aie,'ocbo? 9 in mount cpbjarat tottb bet ^ubutbe?/ fawael/tbje , cbe foimejj of aie:&lt;Kbon/ anbBaf to#bb S&gt;ubutbe*/gecmaam 0#/8Mfmu&amp;#* w?f/ffebeebejs tevft b&amp;ubutbej/5eetbbo,Jontortbbei; auncientBoufesanbtnenof mrabte if toew ^ulrabes*/3*atonto|tbb ftubutbe? / Binun*w^,tbouf&amp;nBeanbwtffc

cbefonne? of 36o.cbo;:5amirab/|oj/ iHe?ee/(l8oenai/amtt/g!etimotb;aJbiaB/ ^ainatbotb $ aiamatb M tbefe are $ mail ^ol JB ocbo; /f toete tebeneb in tt)eit Binb?ebe? tortb tbe begins of tbeauitcgent bouOtolbe? of tbem toere men of potoet/ttoent fe Gbou* fanne a ttoo b\mb?tbMl)t fonheji of g;ebiael: jealaban.cbe tonnes of alabS:|eusf/e= niamin/abb a Canaanab/^etbam/cbat* rtja anb %l}iMwv. M t befe ate tbe tonnes of febiaelanbaunctctbeebKS amen of mjgbt jcbij.tbQufanbc anattoo bunb.jebtbat toent out to battel!. . 3inb &lt;g&gt; upbim anb ^upbtm toete tbe cbilb?e of 5,t.ainb tbe J^ufitesi toete $ecbi?Hi?enolbet. ^e ronnejs of 0q$B&amp;li .5 , aba?iel/d5unt f ejec anb ^eium/tbe cb?lo;e of 38aiabab. Cbe fonnes nl .^anaaeb 3D?ctri tolj^cb atamiab b!?S concubine bare: Q)ebare aifo ^acbtrtbefatberof^alaab.Snb^acbie gaue to Supbun a ^upl)tmtotueix.3nb name of bis filet; aajss^aacab .3inb name of anotber fonne toajs oalpbaftab. SCnb^al* Pbabab bautisieBbtetiS.ICnaQ^aaeab toife of #acbf t bare a tonne anb calico big name 0bate?/a t name of b&amp; b^otber toas 3aw* a b'S fonncg tsoere tf alB eftem.cbe fonne? 3^ of lam tea? 20soan . cbete are tbe fonne? of alaab f anne of flacbir f f onne of a?a

naaeb.ainb WWiet #eicatb bareleibub/ 3Bbiefer aflBoboiab Jnbffonn^ of&amp;emiba toete Wbafm! ^ecbem/iLefiecbr^ aimam. Cbefonni; of Pb?aim: &gt;utbalab;tobofc fonne toa?J5aib/anb cbabatb bp? tonne/a bi?f onne eimrt .a m cba^atb W fonne : a &gt;abab bt?fontiC/anbS&gt;utbelabb? tonne anb Cfer a Cleab.3Enbmen of tisetb i toere bo?ne in lanoe/fluetbe/becaufctbej toere e come botone to tafie atoape tbeir catell. 3dnb Cpb?atmtbefatbet;momneb man? abate anbbi? b?etb?encameto comfo?tebtm. 36nbbetoetmtobt?totfetobcb cSccaueb abatebrm at'onne/anbbecalleb tbe name of itjeariafobecsufe it toent euell toftbbt? bouJBoioe. ainbbp? baugbtec ta? ^arab tobicb butlt5geebo?ontbenetbeuanb alfofbe bpper/anb&gt;?an S&gt;atab.ainb!aapbab toa? bt? tonne -. tobofe fonne toa? iSefepb / toptb bis bjotber clja!eb/tobof e tonne toa? Cba* ban/anb bp? fonne U.aabam/anbbt? tonne aimtbub/an&amp;b*? fonne cbfama/abi?ft"WJe iSlun anb bv? tonne ?ofua. %tib tbeite poffetbjonanbbabttacton toa? etbel anb tbe to tone? tbat longeb tberto/a bnto tbe ieft of Baeran.a on toeft ftbe of S (ga?er tottt) tbe totonc? tberof/anb &amp;cbem HomtHe totone? of tbe tame/ a SEbatab toftb ber totone?/anb a longe bptbe bo^er? of tbe cbtlb?en of g$ana deb / "&amp; t Mtm toptb bet totone?/cbaanacb tottb bee totone? / @a*

geoo toy bee totone? anb 3Eob tottb be totone? . jn ttjofe biteit tbe cbtlbien of go* fepb tbe fonne of Stack. Cbe tonne? of ^fer-.iomnab/l'efuab/f U uat/3Bariab aS&gt;etab tbeir ftaer.cbefonht of JSat iab:cebee anb #elcbtel tobtcb toa? tbe fatbee ofarfaitb.Inb eber begat^a* pblet/S&gt;omer/ fotbam a S&gt;ua tb eft; tym, Cbe fonne? of lapbletsPbifab/JSanabala atauatb. Cbefe ate tbe cb?lb?en of Japblet. Cbe fonne? of Corner: abi/Kobagab / fa-. bubab a cram.anb $ fonne? of w bjotiiet; ^elem toere5opljab/1emna/S)ele? a^mal Cbe fonne? of 3opbab &gt;uab/^arnepber/ &amp;ual/att/3!amrab/55o?o?/^ob/ &gt;ama Sfa/f3!etb?an anb Eeera . cbe fennr ? of Setbee/3!epboneb/Pbafapb/a3Pra fontij of

fiDla:2Creb/^aniel aKe?ia. Inbtbefe toere tbecbtIb?enofaieeranbbeebe?ofaHnctene boufes anb pure f el otoe? anb men of mfgb te anbtbebeebj,o?be?. ainbtobentbet toere numb;en in araje to battel! /tbep toere in numb?e.yrbi.tboufanbe men. canotjer enealugpeof tbe (otitic* of eniamtn. ~ CCbcbiif.Cbapter. * cniamtn begat 55ale bt? elbeft f onne/af bai tbe feconbe / abatab tbetbfrbe/iSobabtbe fourtbe anb Kapbab ft)e fifte.anb f tonnes of tfale toere max./ era / abibub / abifua/ aaman/2bofcsb/&lt;iera / &gt;epbupban; ana i^uranJnb tbefearetbe fonne? ofabubau* ctent beebe? amonge tbe Cnbabiters of a* baa tobtcb carpeb tbetofl^anabatb:i5aamS abrab ad5era/tobicb era cavieb tbe atoape a begat fiD?a a bibub.anbbe begat^aba* rat'm in f coOtrep of SBoab after be bab fent tbe atoape/l^ufim a 26arab toa? bp? topue?. anbbe begat ofi^obe? bi? toifeiobaboebta flofa/flI9alcba/aeu5/S)acbiaba^arma. Cbefe ate bP? fornic? bepnge aficpet litem. anb of^utimbe begatabitbob a clpbaal Cbe fornix of Clpbaal toere/Cber/^ifaam/25 anb &gt;amab tobf cb built flDno/Hob/anb tbe totone? longpngetberto: aJSarab a^ama Wc^ tocwauncunt Detm amonge tbe en* babiter? of a talon/ s tbep b:aue out atoape tbe enbabfter? of etb . anb i-jaio/ S&gt;etac/ 3erimotb&amp;ababiab/arob/(bar/fl3J)tcbaeI lefpba/anb^oba/tbe fonne? of J6awab:3a* babiab/^ofoIam/ipe?em7^eber/?rramarf 3efliab/lobab tbe fonne? of djlpbaal. anb aaRim/5ecri/ S5abbf /CBanaty 5elett)ai/ Cliel/aoatab/ 35arat'ab/3amaretb fonn^ of ^emet.anb |efpban/cber/ciiel/abbon 5ecri / $anan / l^ananiab / ailan / antbo* tb&lt;ab/lepboataba^banuel are tbefonne? of S&gt;efac.anb&amp;amfari/^obo?tab/flE&gt;tbos liab/3erfteb/CKab a5ecb;i ate tbe fornic? of acrobam. cbefe toereauncientbeebe? in c fctyf, W*



fytkmtttjWmVtttltinQttiMe, 3no afttt*;!&amp;8baonatoeBfib*tbe fatberof abaon feSS* to^orctopfe toag calleaflaacab .3nb big el* j9abab/CSeaur/3bato a3acbet.3na3afie* lotb begat g&gt;amaab.3na tbefe aiCo &amp;toelt^&amp; ftyfc tyettyentnietufale ouer agapnftrbe. 3na#erbegatcig/anbCigSDaul/$&gt;aul ^begatlebonat&amp;an/^elcbirua/abinabab * ^apaal, 3nb tberonnegofgebonatbantoag t^rribbaal anb Qfjetibbaal begat flDtcab. 3nBS Conner of gpcab tocte wt&amp;on/0?e* iecb/Cbateaana3ba5,3na3ba? begatf e* poaoab. anbleboaaab begat &lt;imoi&amp;/3f* mott)ana3amrt.3na 3amtf begat &lt;3&amp;o?a, aw fl^oja begat anab/tobofe fonne toag asapbab / ana b pg fonne toag fafeb / 9 bpg tonne 3f el. 3 no 3D? el b ab fP*e fonneg tobo fe namess ate tbefe-.c-fticam/ jeocb? u/|fmaei/ g&gt;an'ab/S!&gt;baiab/(j $anan. 3u" tbefe toere tbe fonneg of3?el.3na tonnes* of 3fe&amp;big b;otber/toete mitam big eiaett/ana gjeug tbe teconbe 9 Bp&amp;eiet $'tbttae.3na fonneg of Mam toere migbtie mensbootome anabaa manp tonne?! a- fonneg fonneg/an b unazea 9 ftftt'e.ail tbefe are tbe fornix of fficniamm, E4Df flit p^aUcB/lteusfeB/anbof t^eic qSJcw. Ia all Jfraei toere mlbjea bp ftpn* rceaaegtffe/tbep be totfttenmtbe boBeoftbeBpngegofiltrael. 3na l$uoa tone carie&amp;atoa^e to tfabfe Ion f 02 tbeir offenceg.3na $ olae enbabicetg tbatatoettmtbeftatonepofleffpong acptieg totreifrael/tbe pjefteg/Jleuiteg * atbt* nerttegJBut in g-etuf ale btoelt of tbe cbiiaje of juba/of t&amp;e cbPlbjen of tfentamin anb of tbe cbplDzen of tf Pb?aim 9 50a natBb .&gt; tb at

tbe foraic of 3mibua t&amp;e fonne of 3mti tbe tonne of miat of fonne of jSont* of tbe ebpHwrnof l&amp;barej/tbe tonne of luoa. anb of f&amp;ilmi 1 3fiab tbe elbett anbbpg ConnejS. 3nbcftbetotmeg of 3arab/g;euel tottb tbeit t?etb; 3nB of tbe fonneg of 35em'amm:g&gt;aIo 23 tonne of SDofolam fonne of oburab/tbe romieof^afnuab/anblobaniab fonne of g'etobam.ana C-lab tbefonne of?ifonne Of ffl&amp;be&amp;o?i.3naflofolS.fottne of &gt;apba* trab tbe fonne of Kauelfc fonne of Jebamab tt oeber tbeir bjetbtf in tbeir fipmeacg/npne buna?eb f ittit a fire.anb all tbei'e toerebono* wbiebeeBegin$atmrierttboua)oIBegoftbe\ 3nbof tbepjeaSeg:5cbat'ab/'3eboiaub $ farintlfawab tbefonne of ^eifiiab f fonne offl0ofofam/tbefonneof 3aaoe$fonne of 1? a taiotb tbe fonne of a&amp;itob tbe cbefeft in ttebQufecftSoa. ana a&amp;atabfte fonne of fetoban tbe tonne of #bafto? tbefonne of ^elcbia&amp;,3nb^aautbefQnneof3bieltbe



fonne of ?ebe?tafi faefonne oM|?ofolamc6e f onneofauofolamotft ffonne of aner/toitb otbec tbeir b?etb?en(jee&amp;e0 m tbe auncpent boufiDolbegoftbem/atboufanbe feuenbun* o?eo anbtb?efbo?e acttnemenm tbf too?cbe of tbe Cent? ce of tbebouPe of &lt;5od. anoof tbe&amp;eut'tcftdemefabtbe tonne c of aftibyfforaieof fcam/gfonne of t^ fab tab of tbefomteg of fl^eeati.anbJBacba* bat tbe carpenter 9 alal.ano $ atbaniab tbefonne of^icab/Konnc of 3emfonne of afapb.&gt;bDtab %t fonne of S&gt;emetab tonne of dfsalal^f onne of 3!outbun.3nQ Ba=

racbtab tbe fonne of a?a fonne of dflcanab ... ... -^ifajjejjoft^jgeeop^a^gjj. e pojteWtoere &gt;elum/3cub/aim5 $ abtman ti&gt; tbeir b?ttb?en/&gt;elum bepnge ^eebefe.f o?bnto gtgmetbep baotoatcbea at tbe binges gate eefttoat&amp;e tnt^c tznteg of tbe cbfl&amp;jen oRLew bp copanpes.ana g&gt;eiS tbefonne of Cojeb tbe fonne of abfafapb &amp; fonne of Co?eb tottb W b;etb?en tbe co^ebi* teg in tbeboufe of tbe it fatbevg bao tbet'r bit* ffneae? offpeeto fieoetbebo?e of tbe taber* nacle:fo? tbet'i: fatberg in l^otte of \%9M fiepte tbe enterpnge. anb l^btnebeg f fonne oflea?artoagrulet;ouertbebefo?eil,o?o tobtcb toag tottb Bt'm JnD 3a c&amp;aria&amp; tonne of ^ofelamiabfteptetbe Do?e of tbe faber&lt; nacie of tottneoe. an tbefe toere cbofen f elo* toeg to fiepe ^t treftoloeg/ttoo bunD?eb anb ttoelue/anbtoewnumfecbftitbewbfllageg. anntbernDpo aw'oana Samuel t^e feat: mOftute tn tbeir e 'ftoeiite .3nbtbeic cbflon baa tbe ouerfpgbt of tbegateg of tbeboufe of t&amp;eiL-otfieanboftbeboufeoft&amp;ttabernacUV tobepetbem. %n foure quartets toere ^e fteperg : to* toarbetbeeea/toea/nojtb/atttfoutbe. ana tbeir b?etb^en tbattoere m tbe cottntre came mtbeiretoeftegagtbefrcourfecarae aboute toprbtbnn. fo? tbe JLeuiteg torn cornmpt^ tebtobep^ncppallpo/terg of ffbetyte.anb tbe? bab tbe ouerfpgbtof tbe befttpeg anb tteafureg of tbe boufe of &lt;Bob / an&amp;rape all npgbtetounue aboute tbe boufe of C0oD:be* eaufe tbe 6eppngeti&amp;erof pettapneb to tbem anb to open it euetp moutnpngcanb cetten of tbem bao tbe rule of tbe mpnpittpnge b ef* felg anb b;ougbt tbem in anb out bp tale. 3nb of tbem toere cetten apopnteb to ouerfe tbebefleileg anb anbolp o?namenteg/anb of tbefloure / toine/ople/franbmcenfe 9 ftoete obouteg . ffiut certapnc of tt&gt;t tonnes of tbe tveffeg toere fet to mafie ftoete fauoureg. anb fl^atba tbtab one of tbe \t ni teg tbe eftetfonneof &gt;rtum:tbeco;atbfte/bab nu^rCtgbt of tbe tbpngeg tbat to ere batten in tbeftpenffeparate. anbotbet of tbeft; b?e*ff tb?eutbefonneg of Cabatbbabf ouettfgbt of tbe


_ ,


oftbeetob?eb/ to prepare agapnaali fa* peopleJnbtbepiHitltgfiattteBetofbotifeiJ botbeg.cbefe ate fpngetg auna'ent beeb'eg of tftert oog.jeutbpg fbuUe tit tp banae b in amonge tbe jteuiteg beupbeb bp cbamb^g; tbe boufeof ^agon. fo?tbepbaDt5bobotbeoapenpgbt. Gbeft 3nb tobenaU rbep of giabeg in (Ssalaab^ toere tbeatmctentamongef )Leuiteg intbeit bearoe all tbat tbe pbfbumeg bab bone to 9 generactong.anbtbefebtoeftat3!enuaiem. ^aul/aii f men of toaue atoCe afetatoa^e iiMiMate anD!n@at)aonbtoelt|,eueHibe*faftet fbebobfeof/S)aul?bob?egof bigfonneg jjijaiam. of abaon/tobofe totfc toag callebfl^aacab imbb;ougbttbemtb labeg anb bu rpeb tbe ana big efeeft fonne toag3bbon/tben3ut/ * Cig/tfaal/ 0st anb #abab:fis e&amp;o?/3bio 3 a cbariab anb 0a&amp;eiotb. anb SOabelotb be* gat S&gt; emaS . % m tb ep alto &amp; to el t toptt) cb e i c b?etb?en at ^mtfalem/euenbatbe bp tbem. 3nW&amp;erbegaCig/s*ig&gt;aul.3nbbauJ IoSSms c bcgatgebonatban/a9etcbifua/3binabab 9 P* " w fbaal.lnb tbe fonne of |ebonatban/toag #ertbbaal.3nbaPeribbaaI begat#icab/ 9 m foraieg of &lt;3S?icab toere/ Pbiton / fl^e* lecb anbcbabarea.anblba? begat f aarab. anb'laarat'begatailamatb/afmotb^amrf anb 3amti begat ^o?a. anbfl^oia begat JBaanatobofe Conne toag ISapbata/anbbpg fonne toag Ieafab/anbbigfonnea?el^(nb a?el bab fire fonneg tobofe nameg are tbtfe: (?n'cam/53ocb.m/ffmael/)atiab/bbiab anb iSJanan.cbefe ate tbe fonneg of a?el. CGfe battcll of Ssaulogapntt t%t ^^iliOinw.'m tc$f ctj it ojc 1 1&gt; anii ijis founts at Co.

cbe.r.bapter. a r&gt;OTb ^e Pbfliftineg l ougbt agapntt tw^w. IfM^J ptael. atibftemenof trtaelflea UtfDzcebe^Hiftinfjj&amp;toeTeouer* ^^- ,. Jtb^otoen anb 0a^ne in &lt;|Jounte &lt;^elboe.3na tbe Pbilifttnegfolotoeb3&gt;aul anb big fonneg anb flue %tt) onatban/3bi na* bab anb eubifua tbe fonneg of S&gt;aui . anb tbe battel! toentf o?e agapnft &gt;aui/in tomocbetbattbeOjotergmetbim/^betoag toounbeb of tbe Sjoterg . cben fapbe g&gt;aul

boneg of tbembnbetariocfieinaabeg/^ faf* tebfeuenba^eg. anb fo &amp;aul b&amp;b fo? b'g tretpace tbatbe ftefpacebaga?nft tbe jL.o?be/in tbatbe fiepe not tbe too?be of tbe )Lo;be/anb in tbae beat* beb councell of a tooman tbat to 7 ougb t tottb arp#te/saffiebnotof$jlo#e.3nbtbetftHe t\ft jLo?be Wlleb btm 9 tutneb tbe bpngbome onto j^autb tbe fonne of 3;efai. CSlfttt tbe trcef&amp;of feju! is JDauio annopntetl tn QtbflMtftJtimRttBttiicllwvittilDsmiMcS-mWti} i)i tatetj tftc ffovweof feion.iemena nomtu'eS. CCbe.Jrt.bapter. l^enallSfraelgeatbereb tbe fenO te^autbbnto ^eb?on/anbfapue:.g..ti fetoe betbP boneganb tbpBeflje. _atibmo?eouetintpmepaftyeuen Wien &gt;aul toag bpnge/tbou lebbefl IJfrael cut anb in. anb tyejUotfe tt)p ob fap&amp;e bnto tbettbou alt feoemp people gftaer/9 tbou fbalt be captapne ouer m? people ^frael . anbtoben all tbeelberg of ^frael toere come to tbe bpnge to $eb?on / m auib maoe a co* ucnant \oitt) tbe tftere befo?etbe %t&gt;w Jnb tbep annopnteb auib bpge ouer iftael acco?opnge to ttje tooo?be of ttjejlojbe bp tbe banb of Samuel. anb^auibanbaliaftaeltoent to gent*

falemtobpcb ig 3febug:fo; tbere btoelt tbe lebufpteg tbe enbabiterg of tbelanbe. anb enbabiterg of ^ebugtapaeto auib/tbmt

[WfM, iobfgtoep0&amp;earer*b?atotbptoetbestb?ua: comett not bete. J3euertbelateta uibtoan*i* mk#&amp;* we cbo^otoetbertoftb/tbattttefe bncitcum* netbecaftelofS&gt;ion/tobpcb igcallebcptpe' D ' jecitebcoraenotanbbomefljame.anbbigtoe* of auib. Cben fapbe auib-.ttbofoeuet pone bearer toooiae not/but fearea eycebpn=&gt; fmpte tbegiebuffteg fp.Jtty ftal be t\)t pnci* gfpe. tbempon s&gt;aul caugbtaftoetbe 9 pallcaptapne aa lo?be.3nb3ioab tbefonne feHbponit.anOtobebigbarnefbearerfatoe of 3aruiab toentfp?ftbp/anbtoagtberfo tbat^&gt;aul toag beeb/be fen on a ttoerae alto * '" "~ ' anbbpea. anbtbug ^attl anb bPgtb?e fonneg anb $ aHbpgboufeapeb to getbet . anbtobeafltbe men tbat Dteeitffitbe balepeg/fato bote tbep .. tleb/anb tbat^aul anb big fonneg toere &amp;ee&amp; tbey tofim. tbeir cptieg atanne atoape/ana tbe fe&amp;fiiftt'Reg csme anb btoelt in tbem.

I cbefccapcapne.3nabecaufe&amp;auibbtoelc in G)t cattel/tbetf o?c it toag eaHrb tbe cptpe ofaut8.3nbbebwlt$cptieoneuerpfpbe euen from flpiiorounoe aboute. tfutgoab tepatebfbeteft of tbe citie.anaautb p?of* perea anb toaeea great/anb cbe^be of So* flegtoagtopfl)bpm. *Cbefeareajep2mrfpallmenofpototfg &lt;T anoun^mo^jionj^rn wpswwuji came cfaue toauia in bpg fipngaorae topffl all* 1 toftripetf)eDeedbeapeg/tbepfounaeSau? ffraeitomafeebpmftpnge fapon gfraelao anbbW fonneg oueb?otoen in mounte@el* co?bpngetotbetoo?beoftt)eiLo?ae.anacbig bpe.anb tobentbep bab Eriptbpm tbeptofie ig tbe numb?e of fi)e mpgbtpe men tobpe b

opgbeeaan&amp;^bameffeanbfenttbeminto auib bab: gtabaam flje fonne of aeba* m lanbe of tbe ^btlillineg rounb aboute to moni tbe cbefe lifte bp bpg fpete Ibeto tpapngeg bnto tytix oag ana to tbe agapniltb?e fnmajea 9 flttetbe at one tp me. ttM anb



anbaftetbrnideaiatfte tonne oimso ana&amp;oftite to&amp;tcfc teas one o f ft e ft?e migb* tpea . $e teas topft auto at mattomm tofjecc fte PBplpapnes toere geaftereb to ' battel!, ano ftete teas ftere a parfett of Sco unoe full of t-arle j e / ano fte people fi eb fo?fearoffte?Sbtltftmes. ahbtfjegflepte f 0} ft into ft e rnwoes of ft e futlonge ana a* ueb ft anb due ft e J&amp;&amp;inltines.anb ft ejUtfe gaueagreatbftto?pe. ^ SBno fte tb?e of fte.ffje.c&amp;efe toent to a ^tocftetoauiDatftecaueaolam.anbftc fcofteof m J&amp;bpipamesBabpptcbeo in fte balepof mapBaim . ano &amp;auio toas in an boine.ano ft ere teas a garifon o f ft e PbibT* tines at 2SBlftetBatfametpme.anog&gt;a^ uioiongeba fapbev*SDB ftat one tootoegeue *** me of ftetoaterof toeiiof jeeftiebemftat *Sfoftegate/fo?tob?ineBe.anbft;!eb?a6e ft o?oto fte ottof fte^bibttines ano b;eto offtetoatetofftetoeUof^eftleBemgtoas m $ gate/anb tone it 9 b?ougbtft to 5auio. . jBetterfteleffe auto toooioe not o?pncbe of it/but offereb ft to ft e JUyDe/ano fa?ae:oo f o?bpb it me/ftata ftuioe bo ftps ftpnge/

3 ftuioe b?pncfie f bloube of fterenten ft at baueputftettipuesin geoparbpe (fojtopft fte Jeoparbpe of fteft ipucs ft ep b?ougbt ft) an6fterfo?eBetocioenotb?pncBeft. a&amp;ps bpbfteft?empgBtpea. C anbabifat fte b ?oft et of 3!oab tea? cap i* tapneof fteft?e / anb&amp;e Ipfte bpbpstpere agapntt\iti.Bunb?ebanbflueftpvaribbaba nameamongeftetbje. amftetoasmofte mo?e nobler ftenanpof fteft?e/anbtoas. tbetre capt apne . 38ift teas not ipbe to an? of fteft?emactes. iBanafab ftefonne of febotabaftefonne of afttongemanftatbabbone great oeabes .. fctoaS of Cab?eel:&amp;e Ouettoo flronge Ipons of flPoab/a toentbotoneanbfluea Jlponin aptfintfmeof fnotoe.anbBeauean ffgip* tiantobicbtoasamanof a fije/euen fpue tubp teg longe / anttinptsi Banbbab a fpeare iff Ipfiea meuers beame.anbfte oftertoent to Bim toift a toa&amp;er anb plucbeb $ fpeare out efftet&amp;tpctansbance/^niieBytntoiftBPS fpeare. &gt;oebe ftpngejs bpb JBanaiaB fte

fte j9eftopBatrte:lftaiftefcmieof ifiebai ' '* of abaab ft at pertapneft to fte ftpiojtn of 38mfamin:;Sanaiabfte $baraftonite: Wauratof t^etpuct of aas/ano abieifte Stbafttte : Simon) fte 3aBatumite/ eia* babafte&amp;aalbonite . cbe tonnes of 9afe (0 fern fte ejonfte/Sonaftan fte fonne of *aga&amp; /an^aratlte-.a^iam fte femteof $&gt;acavfte9aratfte/&lt;iipba! fte fonne of tm. $epBetfteg@eftaraftfte/3BfaBfte PBaiomte:^e?to fte Carmelite ano aa* ti fte fonne ofS?bei: Joel fte bjoftttof^a^ ftan : ^fbabat fte tonne of &lt;3tori:5eiec an 3 mmonite anb#aBarat aEer oft it e fte tea-. tetoffte^atneOeof|.oabftefonneofoars titaB itya fte Ueft ?ite ano ateb a %em \ : te mi^aBftel@eftite/5ababftefonne of adbo&gt; Jut: aomafte fonne of ^&gt;i?a a jaubem'te anoanbeebamonsefteKubenftcstanb.Kec abouteB?m:^ananfte fonne of aftaacan anblofapBata Slpaftanfte : &amp;?eab an 3Cf* ftatoftfte:3&gt;amaanb faiel fte founts of @oftan an atoerite : f ebtal fte fonne of amrt ano 5 cb a I) jS b; oft ev c B c?ftcS:&lt;2 It el a Sl9aBumite. anoseribaiano^ofoiaBfte fonne? of cutaem ano Jeftma'B a Soa* bite. (ElftianosDbeoanblarteiof s30afo*

baiab. C laffia t id e? tdrct t^at tc en t tojtd S&gt;au&lt;6 to^en |e nummmmmAt ccbt tft.baptct, jSOftefefolctoengecameto a^3l uioto^ftelaff/toBSteBeset^cpti?* 1 '^ Bfmfeifeclofefo;feare of ^aui" 8 '" 91 ^ _ftefonneofCisi:anbfte?toeveof ftemenftatfocouteo fte batten /teepeneo toiftbootoep/anbcoulbebanoieftonep/ato* tees ano bote as toell topft fte lefte Banbe as tor ft ft e rpgbt/ anb toere of ^&gt; auis b;e&lt; ft;en/euen of ftettybeof ^Beniamin . cBe ftefea toete 36bte?eranb foas fte fornies of ^amaaBa(!5obaonfte/aa?ieia J&amp;Baitte/ ft e tonnes of a?moft . ffiaracaft- anb ^ebu of anaftoft. 3tnb9famaiaba abaonttcas migbtpe as anp of ftp?tpe 9 moato mpgBtjc to JBno^eremtab/ , Jftaitel/5 l .obanan 9 5,0* fabao of (Bebo?.cieufaiyaenmoft 35aaliaft ^amartab anb &gt;apbatiaB : ^atapbites (jleanaB/atfiab/^^ael/gioeiet/loreboani




fonne of ^cBoiaba/atib Bab a name topft fte ft?cmTOBtfeft/anbtoasftegloipottreftof ofSawBtni. anb35oelabanb5abab(aB fte ft??t?c:butattatwbnot onto fte ft?e. ano fonnesof^etoBamofCEiebo;. r ^aujbmabebpmofBtSfeetcccotwiceU. anoof(SabttesfterefepatateOftefeIu5J$

C__janbftefetoetefte bett menof toawecf onto aufttoBeBeacptanBolbeintBe toil* &gt;TTGe otte : arabei fte bjoftet of Joab anb bemeOc/m? of mfgftte ^menapte H to awe Cftananfte fonneof 000 out of seftie anb couloebanbie (bribe ami fpeate/toBofe Bn. feamoft fte^ato?ite/ele?fte^Ba* faces toerelpBetbe faces of JL?ons/anbfteg lonfteitra ftefonne of aftesftecBefiuite/ toere fteito as ftotfteas fte mooes of fte abiefetfte anaftoftite : % obacat fte u* mountarnes: E?et fte f ??tt / Cbbiab fte tu fafttte/Tlatfte abobtte: ^aBaratftefSe* conbe/tHiabf fttrDe/SBafmannabHomftC ftopbaftfteana^efebftef onne of ffiaanab aewmfob fte frftey (2ft i fte frtte / ne l fte feuenfte^

feuenfte/g'obattamfte eigbt/(!fabao?.ir. jetemtabtBetenfte/anb^acaBbanai fte fte.ri,^rBefe toere of ftefonnes of &lt;Eab/ano toere captapnesouerftemenof toarte/ fte fmail otter an bunb;eb / anbfte greate otter aft oufanoe .cbefr are fte? ftattoentouer 1o?oanm fte f p?tte monetae / toben BeBab f pHeb otiet' all bps bahebe . anb fte? put to fligbt fte of fte balere bofte of fte caatybe anba!foftcieQe. C anb ft ere came of fte cbpfiyen of ffienfa* min ano 3'uba 1 f Bolbe of Ban A.anb a* uibtoent outto ebemsanftoereb anbfaroe tofte-.gifrebe comepeafablpe bnto me/to belpente/mrnebertftalbeto geafter toift rou.iSttt 9Vt roucometo begrieme anb to bennjneatmerrarpe /fepngefteris notopc^ bebnes t'n t;?ftte fjanbegyfte 00 cf oute fa* tbers lobe n, men ano tebufie it, anb fte fpi w'tecariiebjsii Smafaf a captape ouer jtjtje . anobe Com 1 ^Bgne are toe ^auib/ % m ft t? f poe ftou fotm of % efar.*peace be toift $j$ peace be touft ftine BelperS/ fo; tbpoo bel peft fte.tjert'#aiuoreeeaiebftt'ra ^ntabe fte beeoes of copanres of tBe men of toarre, &amp; anb ft ere feJle offlteanafflft to ^auio tobi BetoenttoiftftePBfflnesagarnftg)auf tMfl*^ to battel/*but bolpe ft em not.# oj | Xofttfi t fteiSbiliameg tobe councell anb rent Bim atoar e rarlg:!;e tot falito BS mafterg) aul

toftegjeopr.tD^eof ourebeebes. ano as be toent to3ibelag fterefeiltoBim of aganaf* feb : inab !|o?abab / lebiel / fl^icbael / of 3io?9baD7 (fubuano 3aiftai/beebes of fte tboufanb^ of fllganaffeBanb ftep bolpeJ^a* uibagapft ft ofe rouers . (Jf c? ft e? toere all mrgbtte men mtti Capitarnes in team anb ftere came one 0; ofter to auib bar e b? oaretobelpebto:bntpHft toasa great 0* Re/iplfefteipoaeofob. anbftis tsfte numb?e of ftebeebesp;e# parebtobatteli/tbatcameto auto to fte* bjon/ to fume f fimgoom of ^au! to B&lt;m/ acco^ijnge to fte moufte of fte X-o;fie. Cbe cbpibjen of luba ftat bare Ibjtoe^ fpeare tamiw ft oufanbe ano epgbtbun* b?etitrrntmg6to toarre. tf&gt;f fte cbplbjen of gfmeon,'mcnofmigbftotoatre/feufftou* fanbe anb one buna;eo.anb of fte ftrlb;e of X-eut toere f oure ftoufanb anb fire bit no? eo. ahbSftoiaDa toas fte ftefe of ftf of Savon anb toift bim ftze ft oufanbe anb feuen bun* b?eb.anb5aboebarotTgm of great potoer baSBiSfafte^ bouaiolbetopftcapitapnes *. ttb.ano of ebp!b?e of J&amp;etamtn b;eft?e of S&gt;aul/tosretb?e tboutanoe . 3no agreat parte of ftebpa ^eefoJotoefboufeof saul, *anb of fte c&amp;pifycn of (pb?afm/tocte.w. tboufanbanb ?igbtbunb?eO/men ofmrabte anb namebmen in ftebeuibolbes of ftefcf*

^ /-.

ft oufanbe tobift toere appopntebbp name togotomafie^auibftmge.anbof$ cb^A fijenof ffacar tobtcb toere menftat babbn* 3 ' beraanbmg in f rpgbt tpme to finotoe tobat 3!ftael ougbt to bo:Bebeebes of ftem teete ttoo 1)unl&gt;?eD 1 anb all fteft tytmen at fteir

to?H.anbof 5abulon ftat toent out topft fte^ottcanbpzoceoeoin gatape to battel! toift all maner of toepons of toarre /fpftpe ftoufanBeftatbeptetn o?oertopft one ac* co?oe.anb of jSepbftalia ftoufanbe capi tapnes/anb toift ftem toift (bpioe a fpeare. jrrrbii.ftoufanbe.anbofan p;epateb to battei!/toere.jrrbtn. ftoufanbe . bim* b?eo.anbofa(rtrtbattoentouttbfte&amp;oae to mafte battell/fourtte ftoufano. anb of v" &gt; ofter fflKloflanyof fte mubenftes /CEJao* bftes a of fte balfe trpbe of fl^anaffeb tt air manerofinarumentesoftoarreanbunbJeo anb ttoentte ftoufanb. au ftefe bepnge men of toarre able f 0;* b?e fte arape/came to^eb?on tt pureberte/ tomabe?gauiompngebponall|frael.anb fterto all reft of ^.frael teas of oneaeco?oe to mafie ?&amp;auiD apnge. anoftereftep toere toift auibft;ebapes eatpng ab^nebpng: fo? fteft bzeftzen p;epareb fo; t&amp;em.3J)o;e* ouer tbe? t toere npe to ft5/as tfacar/ 5a* bulon anb $epbftalt b; ougb t bitw on 3f* fes/CamelS/mules a ortn/9 meatf :floure/ ftgges/reafpngs/topne/ople/oren/ a Ibepe" abofibStlpe.iff 0? ftere toas mp?fte tnlfrael. cdtartscto^oufl^taaapncfrS ftacfetb jatfta to3truCaIcm.a&gt;^atifet^ ecbe.riij.ffbapter. l^b J&gt;auio counceieo toiftfteCa^^ pitapnes of ftoufanb^ a buty ebes/ ano toift all fte)io?bes/an&amp; fapbe _. Jbnto all $ cSgrcgacpon of pael: J tt rente pou gooo ano alfo to be of f )Lo;b oure ofcXet bs tafte a f enbe bnto ft e rem* nauntofoureb?eft;efto?otooutall ftelfflJ ofjf,rraei/5totbep?eaftesano)Leuitestoift fte/tn ftetr cpttes ano fuburbes / ageaftee ftem to geafter fobs . anblett bs o;pnge agapne fte avefie of fte jLo^be to bS : fo? toe regaroeoftnotfn ftebapesofS&gt;aul.anball ftecengregaciontoascontentfotobo/fo? f ftpngfemeb goob in e?es of all people. 55

anb auibgeaftereo aiijfrael to geafter fr5*^ftb?ut(Cgpptbntoi|emaft/tob?tng*^/JJf. fte arcfte of &amp;o?o fro Kariaft3!atim.ano ,BB * 3autbto5tbp a allSfraeito aaiab/anb fo to eariaft garim t is in giuba/ to fee ftence ftearcfieoffte(!5obanb)lo?be|rptteft on ft e Be tubes . w\&gt; ere &amp; is name is calico on Snb ftep carpeb ft e awbe of &lt;S5obin a nctoe -0 carte out of fboufe of Sminabab.anb ?a c ?bfSb?ofte*D?aue fte earfc, ano jeaufos b.b, all



all giftaelprapfbbefo;ee&amp;toptb all tbefc mpgbt/ toitb fpngpnge/ Batpes / pfalteties/ tpmiwlieganDtTQmpettes.anbtDben tbep came on ft. mjeffpng cto# of cbi&amp;on/ ^&gt;?a put f oj tb 9ts( banbe toBoloe tee arc&amp;e/ to; oten aombieo.anbtbejLo;oetoastototb to &gt;;a anbfmote bim/becaufebeputBisbabe totbearcBe.anbtbete bebpeb before ob, _ anb auto teas btfpleafeo/becaufe $ JLo;o * Bab tent a tent in fl)?a/ and caneb tfte fapoe mac a m* place*|9ete? &gt;?abnto tfiiS oast . ana a* Bsupfyon of tub teas fo af tapea of oa tb at oape/ tbat be

urapgbt fto tfiepeetfcftetf.ana tobtn t&amp;ou Beateft atonnotgotti topper oftbe ptw ttees/tben so out to battelbf o; o a topli go out befo?e tfie tofmpte tbebofle of tbe^bi'Iiftmes.anaauib Dpaasoac5maunbea b im^Bno tbepfmote tbe botte of tbe$Bi(i(K nes ail fb c toape f t8 abaon to a? et . ana tb e fame o f auia toent out into all lanees/

anb tbe JLojbemabe all nacpons featebpm.



Cfflt)c4i"'tes fcyngagarnettiearchs of tlje coue# nann(e oftbe lo;6 c. JDauifi Oauiifyng Ucf oj c it is tit* fp jfca of bis topfe j icboll' t be Bauglj tct of saui. $b autb made biro b oufeg in $ citie of auib/a pjepatea a place,, fo; tbe Scc&amp;e of $00/9 pitc&amp;ea fo; a ;ea tent. ana tBen auie raps/ ft/ tc&amp;eof obougbt nottobecatpeabut of tBeX-euiies.&lt;JFo;tbebatb tbeHo;&amp;cbormto beatetbeatcfte of tbeXo;aeanbtommp8te to bini fo? euet. ana tbetf o;e auia geat&amp;e* Kb aUJftael togetufale/to fetcfie the atcfie of jL,o;b bntofcpiace tobicb bebaa otfepnea fo;tt.anaauiBb;ougbtto geatbet ft cbil* DjeofaatonatbejltuitefcSDft' ronnegof meffenWstoauio"anb tpmb;e ca&amp;atb:w;iei f ebefe/anbof bisb;etfi;e an of cebatttees toitb mafons acat buna;eaana.w:.anaoftBccbplb;en of fll&amp;c* tatnafaiab tbe cb efe/ana of bis b;etb;en.if . buna;eaana.w: Jnb of tbefotmes of etfon got! tbe cbefe/anb of bis b;etb;e an Bunb;eb anb tbit tie.ana of tbe cbf ib;e of ili?apBam Ssmna&amp;t&amp;etfiefeanbbf &amp;psb#t&amp;;en ttoo buna;eb ano of tbe tonnes of $eb;on (!iel tbe cbefe/anb of bis b;etB;f.iw*,anbof tbe tonnes of j?tei/aminabab tbe cbefe/ sot big b;etb;en an&amp;una;eBana.|rij, anaaui&amp; calieb to^auocfi anbaibiatbatia e u 'eattes / to the 1 1 it*. mtrfrl /an raiah w

rapbe/boto fballlb^pnge tbe awaeof on &amp;bcme to me.2inofo^autb b;ougbtnottbe 3wbebomcto Ijimto ^cptieof =autb:ut tutnebftin to tbeboufe of befi0&gt;oma e t^tteMU tfteaircbe of (Sob to ais toi'tb tf)beo &lt;bom in bi^ boufe / me mon e tb es , 3nb tbe

)lo;bebleaeotbeboufeof fl&gt;be&amp; crbom ? all tbatbebab. C&amp; j-'am fcnijc t tj tooBQc too; tbemen to SDatn'S. 35 a uiDttcgettet^ (tjtb^n after 6f ha&amp; tatan&amp;jmwyues ^e6at^.^io?F of *? e pijtt&lt;8tt9. C^be.-rtiii.cbaptet. rtcttbat ^itam bpig of citettnc

!p tntttt /to hu?M bsman houfe tB\)ttlrs mauii petceaueb tbat tbe Unfit bab p;epabbim to be bsng bpolfrael/in g bigbjngboaitoaiJUftebp onbPf/ becauCe of bp!5 people 3iftael.3nb ?&amp;auto tosetet moo topu? atfcmf m a begat mo fonn^a baugb te w Jnbtbefe ate tbe names of bis cbilb:en tefticbbebabboaiebf at 3miraie:S&gt;amua/ &gt;obab/JSatban/$ $&gt;alomon-.giebbat/ oeii* fua 9 Clipbalet:i&amp;oga / iSepbeg 9 9!apbiaft. (EB'fama/JBaliaoa ano ciipbelet. ^ anbtobfittoasfinotone among ^e?Ebt* 55 littttteu t&amp;atf&amp;amb toajj anopnteb ty ng bpo anSftael/alltbepbtfiatnejgtoentbptofebe 30auibJnb3aufi)beatbeof!tait)ent oute agafntt tbe. am) tbe ^btli&amp;meiB cameanb {Kaunfeo in tt)e balefe of Kap&amp;aim . anb J2&gt;mib afft ebob fapin&amp;tyan 1 ? go agapnft tbePbiKS'i^stovlttboubelruettbemin* tompnebSb^anbtbeTlojbe fajoetobfrn: go/fo?g'toplibelfuet'tijeinto tbrne banbe. inb toben tbe? toe come as I erre aS*53aal

tfje p;eafteis/ 9 to tbe jUuiteg. 5;iel/afaiab Scei/^emciab/ Iiel a aminaoab : afapoe bnto tbe:peate tbep^ncppallbeebejs of tjje jLeuitcg /fanetcfje tbetfojepoute felueu^ fcuteb;etb;en/anab;pngetbeatcbeoftbe fLoimob of 9 ttaeibntofpiaceggfl bane p;e parebfo?it .tfojbecaufepe toete nott^ete

attbefp?tttpme/tbe)Lo;be oute &lt;Boo maoe atentamongebs/ fo? * toe fougbtbpm not * astbefaffponougbttobe.anbtbe pjeafte* ano tbe leuitw fanctefieb tbe femes; to fete tbeatcbeof tbe-nojoe (EsoboWftaeUnbi cbpibje of tbe }leu)tes bate $ attbe of mn

5PbaiS&amp;n/;a J^S-S'uftifiifW^oiibatSelieupbeiimpieenempeiS bpotbeitftoulbetstt Oaues tbeton a s So SLS tottbrntnebanbeajsamStoDlbe beupfletoa. fescommaunbebacco?b?ngetotbetoo;btof ** tetJobtbeifwetbepcallebtbenameoftbe tbcno;be. faptie place )5aal ^ata?f m . 3nb tbep lefte ano auib fpabe to t^e cbefe beeoes of tbeit (0obs tbete/tofticb 3E&gt;auroba8&amp;c to be roeiLemtes/g tbep ftulbeappo mteof t^eit burnt toitb fp?e. b;etft;f to fpnge tt intttumetes of mufpefie anbtbt^Wftinejscameagapneatanne pfalteries/batpesafprnbalcstbatfounoeb/ abioabe intbebaiepe . c&amp;en auib affeeb anb to Cpnge on ftpe toitb Slopfulneoe Jnb $ p&lt;Sob:anb(Sobfapbetobiimgonotaftei:tbe/ }leuitfSappopnteb9em tbe fotme of 3&gt ;oel: butturne attareftotbem/ acomebpontbe anoof bi0bjet&amp;?eij/afapb rbefontie of & amp;a wtbiab.

fi jSatacbiab.lPnb off fonn? of flKerati then bmhfmwi fonne of cufaiabu . anb to tty tbeic b?efl)?e of feconae8egtee:5acba= tiaft/jeen/iaa?iel/S&gt;emitamotb /iabiel / ami/Cliab/ JSauaiab / ^aafrab / #atba&gt; t^iab/ClipJielebu/^abaniab/^bebiEOom anb 3!aiel/po?cers.^eman/ afal) anb oaban fangetofirabalesof b^Jtetomabe a founfi, anb 5cbatrab/)?iei / ^&gt;emitamotb / if

' IP lilt* ****' -' W ^--- -&gt;--i- --" ^T'^ * ^^^^*i^y^^ "*^ &lt;jK# M Wi %&g tfwinacu/ tbiab/(Jb'pbefefeu/flyafiemab / fi&gt;bebbS/ 0* or '3et'el/anb mity fange to ^atp^ an erabt ft fc aboue to courage toitb all.anbdonantab cbefe of t&amp;e&amp;euttestoassmaflet of fonge anbtaugbt to fj nge/fo; be toa?i a mi of bn* , Detttanopnge, anb jearaebiaB anbcElcanab fiepte bo?e ofatcfie.anb&gt;acaniab/3;ebofapbat/^a* tbanael/amafai/3acbatiab/anatab anb (lie?etp?cafteStoeteblotoets toptb trora* 30petteis before ebeatcbe of ob. anb SDbeo* CDom anbiabiab mete bepets of tbe oo?e of tbe atcfie. muh ^fanb auib anb tbe eibets of 3frael9tbe Capitapnes ones; tboufanbes toerit to fet tbe atcfie of tbe appojntement of tbejlojbe out bf tbe Boufe of SDbeb bom toptb glabnefle. an&amp; toben ob bab bolpe tbe jleuifes tbat bate tbeatcbeof tbe appopntement oftbe X.0?be/tbei? offeteb.bij .of en't tSmes. anb auib Ijab on bim an albe of bpOe/ a fo bab tbe Unites tbat bate tbe atcfie / anb fo bab tbe fpngers/anb Conaniab tbe tulet off fonge a oftbe fpngets . anbj&amp;aufo bab mo* teouetbpon bim an cpbob of IpnenJnbaii 3!fraelb?ougbttljeatcfie of tbel-o^bes co* uenaunt to Ibototpng a blotopng of bo;nes/ a toitb ttompettes ano fpmbattJJ njat f oun* Beb/anbtoitl) pfalten'esanbbatpes. anb 80 tbe atcfie of tbe appophtemetof ft )Lo;b came into t&amp; e cptie of auto/ flBicbol tbe baugbtet of g&gt;aul lofieb oute at a topn* botot-.a tobr Cf)efatofipngauiboatmfpng aplapinge/^ebefppfebbiminbetbette. iCaftccteeavrtictBasbJoii^t toftfigwat Stem* Otttt an&amp; meluaj'e/5aua o^tfWt^ mwtc9/ that ft totoetc/acapl) aiiO Dis mtiien to mmiOtt bcfo:e m J6e.8e bm ftlfe Uutt| ana piapfet!) tbe lo;b t &lt;5oo of Jfrot. &amp;e.ji.Cbapttt. |^en tbepbab b;oug6tin arefie of ob t^e? fet it in tbe tentetbat autbbabpitcbebfo?it-anbtbep ib?oi!gt!tbutntfactefpcea peace* oBetpnges before ob.anbtobf auib Baa

tnabeanenbeofoSetpngeofburnto6%ng5 anbofpeaceoffetpnges/bebieffebtbepeople SSSSff 1 * 1 * )io?be.3Bnbbebeaftan 3taelbotbemanano toomanaetac&amp;nenof

b?e&amp;be/apece of flectteanb a meffe of foppes anbbeappopntebcetten of tbejieuites to mpniUte befo;etbe/Lo;be/anbtotepete/ anb to tbanfieanop;apfetf)e)to;be ob of gftaefeeu? arapb tbe cbefe/anb nett to bim 3acbattab tben 3Jeiel/&gt;emiramotb/ ge* btel/0I9atbatbiab/liab/^anaiab / iDbeo* bom/anb3efel toitb Pfalteiies abatpes, utafapb toptb founbpnge tymbales anb anaiabanbg!aba?ielp;eaaes toitb ttom. pettes contpnuallpe befo?e tbe atcfie of the couenauntofcpob. * ahb tbat fame tpme auib bpbappopme^, " *'" b?etb?e .c&amp;8lte %m calle on WwmmS'\ t mafiebpsactes ftnotoen amonge ft people. : &gt;pnge bnto bim anbplape onto hiimanb Kco;beallbtS toonbetfull beoes.^apfe bis bolpname/anb let tlje bettes of tbe tbat fefie tbe Xo?beteiopfe . &gt;efie tbe 'iUybe anb bps 8rengbte:S&gt;eneb!Sp;efenceaHtoape. &lt; S ememb?e bps marueius tobicb be bw/ anbbis toonbers/anb tbeiucgementes ofliis mdutbe-.cbe fee b of gfraei ate bis ftntafiK: tbe cbplbjen of aacob ate bis cboren.^e is ft Ho?bepUteob:ainalllancesatebpsiub gemetes.bpnfie on biS appopnt emeteu'er/ a ontbetoo;bebe cBmaunbeo toatboufanB genetacions.fbiScouenaunt to ab?aba7 a of bis otbe to jraac-.tobicb be fet before ga cob fo? a beet ee/anb to grtaei fo; an euetla* flpnge couenaut/ fapmg:totbe|! topllgpue the lanb of danaan/to be po;cibn of poute em)etitaunce.tbe pott toete a fmalie com* panpe in numb;e/euen but a feto/anb tbetto fltaungets tbetin.anb tbep toen t fro people topeople/aftomone^pngbometo anotbee' . nacton.Ueftifieteb no ma tobo tbe to;ohge: C 35uttebufiebftpng5fo;tbeitfafies.:oucbe not mpne anopntebe / no; bo mp ^;opfietes anpbatme *g)pngebntotbeXo;be an the jkatifti &gt; ettbe-.a 0)eto fto oape to bape bPS bieto;t es. **"*** ' cellamongetbebetbenofb;sg(:o;pe:3nb amongeallnacponsofbigtooDetfttHbeabt.

f 0; gteate is tbe )Lo;be anb to b e p;afeo eycebpnglp:? f ertpble isbeaboue all obS. \ fo;aHtBeobsofmcbctbenategibofes:43 58ut tbe fto;be mabe beau en. P;apfc anb bonoute ate in bps p;efence; fttcngbt anb glabnes ate in bps place, affctibeto f)Ld;bpefipntebcs of people/ affctibe to the JLo;beio;pe anb tttengbt. cue bortoute bnto tibe a.o;bes namet * b^nge p;efenf es anb come bef o;e bpm/anb botoe to tfie 5Lo;be in boip appatell. _*atbe ettBe featebim /be ttabipflreb the mi at t. et^tbatit cannot moue.cbe beauen meSmZS topfe anb toe etthe be giabe/ anb lettmeniewftitiietjj^ fell amongetbenacpons tbactbe Jlo^e isa


%et fte tie ftuitaet anb w fulneoe/a iett tbe ftlDrst retopft an&amp;alltDat t&amp;crin. j$o?eouee let fte trees of fte toooa tinge at fte p;efence of fte jlo?ae:fo? be eomeft to . iuagefteerfte. ; . fflfianfieftejUtfiefoj&amp;etSgooD/afflibpS mercp e istoft cue ttana fape: f aue &amp;s o o a cure f aupoure 'a geatbet bs to geafter 9 oe Ipuer bs from amottgfte berben / to ftanfie ftpbolpnamc/a topjapfeftetoift 1&gt; p;apfe tftatbEcometfjtye 25ieffeabefte:LQ?aeffioa of Sfrael m tuts ana enee / anb all nacponS .Cfamtn^ie^^men/fop^prgngeteeiLo^oe. 5w.ttmt.i an&amp;jjeieftefterebefojeftearcfie of tbe TUgbes couenaunt/IWapb ana bps b?eftje7 to mpmftte befoje fte aircae euermoje Da? e bpaape.3inbfl&gt;beaaom toift bisbjteftjen tb?e ffioje a epgbt/ana SDbea &lt;aom fonne of gauftuna SD?3b tobepo,ttersJna*&gt;a* Bocfttbep?eaftetoib&lt;Sb;teftje $ p;eaQes fetbebefojefte tabernacle of fte&amp;ojae at ftebPllaultetof d&amp;abaon/to offec bumtoffe* rpnges onto fte "kojae bpon fte bumtofle* wngeaultaet perpetuallpe at mo;npwge a en enpnge/ acco;sbpnge to all ftat is totftten in f latoeoffte^ojoetobicbljecomnunaea jftael. 2na topft fte $emanan&amp; gi&amp;utbun/ a' otter i toere cbofm a named bp name / to

ftanfie ftenoflc fi bpsmercpeiafteft euer. aino % ft e fapae iceman anb Ibuftun toere erompettes 9 founopnge fpmb ale?/ 3 inftru* mentesof ftewloBpeof &lt;sesob Jn&amp; fcfonnes of gjouftun toete po?t ets . %m tben all fte people Bepatteo/etterp man to Bis boufeanb ^auibteturneoto falute W bouftolbe. f-JDauifc i'sfO!b?W3f u (0 bplfccanlioutt: Unto ? B.o?tw ftecaufcoft^cUloutefttiJTna ttjat^e IjaDfljcco.fftyiS isp'onufta MOertljefjgurc of fealomon. ffiEbe.tbn.Cbaptft. - rrp^j5&amp;ai5auiDotoeittnGfefiottre&amp;* m .*. irM^lSfaroeto J3aftanftep?opbete:loo/


fjatoeilmanboufeof Ceaar tree: _ anbft e aircfie of fte Jlo;aes coue* nauntBtoellpft bnaet ciutapties.2nD$a= tban rape to auia : do allftatisfn ftpne berte/fo;oaiStoiftfte. &amp;ut fte faraenpgbt v towae of ots came to #aftan rap ing-.go ano tell auia mp fer= uaunte/ftus fapft fte TLotto/ ftou alt not twpiae me an boufe robtoell in. (jfojgi&amp;aue btoelt in no boufe fence 3 fycugbt out cbifc ojcnofjRaeltinto fttsaape-.iSut bauegone from tent to tent a from one tabernacle to a Hotter, defter in anpe place tobetfoeuet % baue roalfieb tbo;oto out ail ^ftaei/ fpabe ' eueconetoojbetoanpeof rbemuge? of II raeitobfcbS cSmatmoeb to feoemp peoples faping:to^ by lae je menotan boufe of ce* bar ttee f iQoto tberfoje tfitijs (a?ebntom? rmmat^au^itbusrajtt | jitf^b of Softest

tobetbeoutbf *PttttWfr5 after epe/ tftou QmiDeft be capita? ne oner mjpeopie ifrael.3nb J baue bene teiffl e in all t&amp;ou tbbeQ m bano/anbbaue toeot o out all ft pne cnemws out of ftr frabt/ann ftaue mabe a name ip&amp;e tbename of tbegreattB men of tbeert&amp;c.ainb3ta&gt;pno?Dafnc8piace fo?mv people 3 ftaei anomrii mane it f a a c / a tb eg ail otoell bnoer it a ftalt m o ue no moare. ffitbet all ft e cbtftte of toicbesneOe bejee tbemamimoareagiattbebegjnnynge/ ana

fenfttbet^mcacommaunoeo iuageg to be ouer xnv people pad/ft topll b?pnge bttoee ailftpne enempep(fo?f toiae ttjef tbe 3Lo?b toolo PupK&gt;e tbe an Boufe.) tfutto&amp;mfopDatessbeerfpircb/i tbou mutt go after tb* fatbeW/1 ro^ll fett bp ftpC feao after tbe/ tobicb (balbe of tbr fonnesi 9 torU fettle biiSB?ngbome.^e ailbutlbme an boufe/ano^ topii ttabis e bFis Ceate foj . euet .atoflbebwfatber anb be Ibalbe m? fonne/anb 1 topll not put mp m ere? e ato a ?e from bim as 5 ofs frombim tbatmag before tbe.3eiitatopllfettbimin m?ne boufe anb in mpbj?ngoomfo;euer/ anb bW feateftal* befuttfo?euer. i&amp;ben^atbanbabtolbe^autbacco?tiing to all tft cfe to o;oes/ a to all ftts bifion/figng ?s&gt;auio roeta fate bim b 1 1 o?e f Hoft a fajo: tobat am 3 &amp;o?oe oo a tobat is mfne bouo!be/tbatftou bait p;omotebme ftus fmeJno^ettbi0femebl?ttei toimttm j ^oti-26ut ftattbou uioettrpcase of fte feruauntes boufe fo? a great tobple to come: aba&amp;lofeebbponmea? bpoamSof bseoe* gtee SD jlo?oe oo.ibat canBauio oef$;e moare of tbe/toberm tbou uloeft mabe tbf f eru au t moare glo? to uref b ou bnoroeft tbs feruaunt:Cnb'ilo?oe f oi tb? rentautejs Me/ eue accoflfng to tbfne atone berttbou ball bone alitbwmagttif icece/ to ftero all bourn teoufneoe 3Lo?oe/t&amp;tre is none m e ffie/no? _ anpe ob Taue ftou/acco^nge to all ^ toe ^ baue bearoeU oure tares. #o?eouer tobat nac jon on tbe ertb fe If Be p peopiegrftaei/ tobiCQ&lt;&amp;obtoe*tanbrebenub tobebfstatone people/anb to mafie tbe a name of ercellen* tie anb temblenefle/tsitb ca fl y mge out na&lt; efons fcombef?etbppeople/fo;euer/ anb tbou 1-oroe art become tbeir eoo. anonototo^tbeftpng ftoubatt fpofie cScem^ng tbv feruauntr a bis boufe betrue tot euer/antiboajsrboubafi fafbe.3nb ft? name cStmue 9 toaregreat to; ewer / tbatft be fap oe:fte TLe^i of J9ott?/ f oo of Jfrael ts od in^frael/ano tbe boufe of auio ft? feruafite be Cable before fte.f 0? tbou %o?o baft tolbe tap fentaunte/ f tbou toplt bupice bim anboute.ainbmerfo?etbp ferua&amp;tbatb founfieinbiSbt^fop?aiebefo;efte. 3na note



R *

npto ^L-o;be ftdtt arte tbe betp 00/ ana baft PjomrfeaftJiSgooaneae onto ftp feruafite, ^oto ftetfo?e go to ana bieae # boufe of ftp f eruaunte/ftat it mape contpnue befo;e ft e fo?euer . tfo? tobat ft ou bleoeft jiom t is bleffea fo? eucr, C (OCtjc J3 a of asauGr agspna 1 5c p&amp;ftttfnrK CCbe.rbiij.cbapter, Q&amp; after ftat^auiti bett fte ^U liftities anb f obaetoea ftem / abb tos?(j5eft aftetotonegg longeb . , Jfterto/out of tbebataes of fp^e Hftines.aina be bt tbe S^oabiteis / ana fte fl^oabttes became auias feruauntes ana papoe bpm tvftu^Jnb auto bett$ababe&gt; ?er fipnge of 3 obab bnto emaft/aiJ be tort to b jpage btis aom pnpon bnto ft e rpuet (u= pb;ateg:.inDauiatofiefrBbimaftouranb tbaretteganafeuen ftotifanae bo?remcn a ttoentie ftoufanae f otemen/ ano b;abe all cbaretteg / faue ftat be referue&amp;of ft em an jgbuna^a.^ben came fte feiriens of ama= ^co to belpe $aoaDe?et fipng of 5oba&amp; . 3inD Sautanue of fte &amp;jtfmffl. ftoufanae/ anaputganfows m^tria amafco:3inb fte linens became aufiw feruauntes a jyougbtbpmtrpbute. iJfo?fte)Lo?De bolpe 3auiain all tb&amp;tbe toent to. aina auia eose t^t ploeu of gouioe i toere on fte feruauntes of aaaae?et anb b?ougbt ftem tof emfalem Jna fr5 cbeba



cereftttes anb fte pfteftftftf 0/ anb ? eiteft fonnes of jsautatoapteaat fteupng^ana, CjBan8nipngeoft6fonnrof ammo ooibaceate tofu tjc to rtj* fttnauntes pf jojaua*. C$bc.#*.Cbapter, ifter tbPS it ftauncea M iSa=f ^. ., basfipngoffte ftpla?eof 3'mm5 " btea/a bis fonne maae fipngin bS L-x-.-^gwbc cbm rapae aura / 1 topli petofipnanelTe bnto anon $ fonne of$a&lt; bas/beeaufebPSfafter aealt Bpnaipe toptb me:ainiifterupon auftfentmeirengers to SffiW ouerfteoeetb of bisfaftee, Snb tobenfte feruauntes of auta toere come mtoftelanb off cbpia^of SBmmon tofia* nqn to comfo;te bim/fte ^o?aes of fte ftpi* b?e of Jrnmo fapae to l^anon: ftpnfieft tbou ftat auta aofteboncureftp fafterinftp mbt/f bebaft fentcofo?tetSbnto^j9ape/ but it is to fearcbea oueb?cto a to fppe out ftelana/^bis feruauntes be comebnto fte. berupon $anon toftc auta ferauuntt 9 QuutcD ftem/ ana cut of tbeir cootes barae bpfteitbortecftesa fent ftem atoape.Sfoa ftere toent $ toiae auiaboto fte men toere feruea^iiafteBpngfent tomete ftem( fo; fte men toere erceao? nglpe a Qiamea ) ana fapoe:tarpeatg:ericbobntppoure beerois be grotoen/anbften returne. anotobenftecbplD;enof3mmonfato $

baft a Cbttn / cptt'es of aoaaejer/ bjottgbt ftep ftan&amp;e in fte nore of .attib /iSanon/ X- u ^ff. ceto ? n S? m . 0C bfb;aae.lBbertoitb ftecbpia?enofammonfentat$oufanat as

Salomon maae fte b?afen fee anbfte pp I* lersanaftebeffellesofb?aoe.

C pa toben*bou bpng of ^emaft /beam laDikttoyfcbQto auia ban beaten allftebofte of aaa tprnmpm ftpng of oobab /befent^aourambps fonne to fipng auia/ to falute bim anb to WeOebim/becaufebebaafougbttoitfiaaa* bejer a beaten bpm( fo; cboubabtoarre tt

lentesoffpiuettobp^e ftem cbarettesana fiojfemen out of* Q9efopotam?a a out g&gt;f= *etw.ataw iwflgaacab a out of 5obab.2inaftep bp;eo a 9 ;ft n rrrn'.ftoufanaecbarettes/3f fipng of m&amp;* acab a b ^s people/ tobift came a pptftetr be* fo?e ti9ftba.3Pn&amp; tbe cbiia?e of ammon gea* tberebftefeluestogeafter frBfteir cptpes ESir^:^*"?^^ * vuu v w " ** w 8 toent out to battel. %w a as fone as auib ^apaaeier)ana lent all maner of gjetoelles bearbeofit/befent|oabtoiftan bofteofC f goirtae/fpluer a b?affe tt bim. anbfipnge ftronge men. 3na f ftpia?e of 3Bmm5 c ame auaaeapcateafte alfobnto tbt%oibe tt mitan&amp;pHtftemittarapetobatteHbefejefr gate of fte cptpe. ana fte fipngesftat toere come ftepteftebpftemfelutsfnftefelbe. &amp;e ngioab fato ftat ^ ftonte of fte bat* tell teas befo?e ban ana after/beftofe out of all fte poufteof ifrael ana put fte in arape agapnft f ^irians-fna f reft of f people

*ra in u utUf i-aiWI iC HU U BniO I^E A-0;OE I ftefplueragouiae^be b?ougbt fr5anna epons/frSfte (f aoraites/frotbe^oabites/ (re fte cbpl&amp;je of Immon/from fte)^bilifti&lt; nes/a from fte aimalecbttes . SCnaaibifai 5 fotme of 3aruiabfme of ftecaomrtes infte faltebaiepe.rbit j.ft oufanae/ ana putS&gt;ous

waresmHom/sacE6ombccameauias beDeipuereabntoabifatbiSbjotber/ * ftep *^JXi m ^ % 2 f l m ^ mimnm Mtoejtuctrjcm felues in arape agapnftl tbe * be foftembasio. itja auta rapgneb ouer ftpia;e of ammon/a fapae :^f fte Strians aj [ Sf frael anbapa rpgbt ana equpte bnto an be to flronge fo? me/fuccoureme/ a n&amp;pf ft? bis people 3EnoJ oab fte fonne of 5aruta&amp; bPlwen of 3mmon be to gooa fo?fte/#t

offl S8S?^* e ^ oSe/an,J |*ofapbat f fotme fielpe fte.??lucfie bpftpne berte anafettb s abmareco ? aer/ana?aoocfiftefonneof plape fte men to; oure peoples fafie ana to 9SS! mn ' em ?I% of ?^2* a,: *"* ouretKoa / afteSbotobat *^JT*?* Ja y&amp;E2&amp; u ***'i wWnWte.atebSfoab anbftepSe^ SanatabftefonneofjeboTaaatoasouet f ftattBmtoiftbwb;uenpetot6efeSs toftBbt/


tofpgbt/anbt&amp;epflebbefo;!ebim.anbtoben t&amp;e cbplb?e ofammonfatoet&amp;at $ Aniens toerefleb/tbeptanneatoape Ipbetopfe from a tn fat bfe b?otl)cr ana sat mem into $ citie. anb^oabcametoijerufalem. ' anb to&amp;e &gt;itiens tatoet t&amp;ep toere put to tbe too?fe of gtrael/ t&amp;ep rent meflengerg 9 fett out t&amp;e kittens tbat ate be? onDettje rpuet tottb &amp;opbacb t&amp;e capitapne of t&amp;e o se of ^aoaaejer b e f o?e tbe. t&amp;ic&amp; to^en it-tnws toloe auib/be geatbeteb all fftaej. ana toent ouer fojoan/a toent 9 fct tope tbe. anb auib put bun felfe in atape agapntte tbe g*m eng/ana tbep foug&amp;t toit&amp; bim.JSu t tbe ftftftms fleabefo?e!$ftael / anDaut&amp; be&amp;ropea of tbe &gt;irieng.btt.rboufanbe c&amp;a* retteg/anb f;oufanbe f ote men / ana fiplieb g&gt;op&amp;acb t&amp;e Capitapne of tbe &amp;otte. 3nbtobentt)e feruaunteg of fababe?etfato t&amp;att&amp;rptoereputto $ too?fe of gttael/t&amp;ep wane peace toitb auib anD fttuea&amp;im j8e* tbertoolbet&amp;e^titriangtielpet&amp;e c&amp;plb?e of amnion anpemoare. -jjljct^emottsictofl'oufcbattcIIfeofJDaui&amp;. C&amp;e.Re.Cbaprer. liBb tbe fete folotopnge abou te tbe tpmet&amp;at fipnges gooutatoatre fate/3 oab carpeb out tbe at mpe of ^^^d tbe &amp;ottc anb ee&amp;ropeb t&amp;e cSttepe of tbe c&amp;pHwen of ammon/anb toent ano be* fegeb mabab ana aeQ toped it : 35ut auto

boabeatgerufale' to&amp;plegioab tmote ftaba&amp; tf.t8.jt.g. anbbeftropebit:*anbauibtobe f? croune of t&amp;eirfipnge of big&amp;eeb/anbfounoet&amp;erin " t&amp;etoaig&amp;tofataletofgoulfie/at&amp;eretoere pjtecioufe ftoneginit/anaittoagfet on a* uibS&amp;ecb anb&amp;e ujoug&amp;toutalfot&amp;efpoiie of tbe cptf e tobtcb tea? erceopng mocbe.anb &amp;e bjoug&amp;t out tbe peopletbattoerein ft ana tameotbem toitb fatoeg barotoeg of nm &lt;r atoit&amp;bralteg/anb fobeaPntiib topr&amp;ali tbe cptteg of t&amp;ec&amp;iRHe of ammon.anbt&amp;en . auib a all t&amp;e people came agapne to ? e* * ** tufaK *3Bfter t&amp;at t&amp;ete arofe toarre at a* ?ettoitbtbePbttine0.attobicb tpme S&gt;o* . . bocatt&amp;e$ttfatbitetlue&gt;ap&amp;aft&amp;attoag t ?r.jt9.a of be cbilfce of *lRap&amp;aim/at&amp;ep toerefub* oetoeb. ana tbete tea* batten agapne to b fit tbe PbiUOineg/a eibanan tbe tonne ofgf art flueHabemitbe b?ot&amp;et of ouatb tbe e* t&amp;ite/tobofefpearetoag ipse t&amp;e beameofa teeuer.anbt&amp;erec&amp;aucebpet agapne toarre 33 at etb/ to&amp;ere teas a man of a fp?e tt.rrtiij fpngerg tuerpfote/atoag tbetonne of $atapba&amp; a bcficb?frael.ana:|e&amp;onat&amp;an tbe tonne of feamaa auias b?otber ttue&amp;pm. &lt;rbere . toere borne of ^atap&amp;ab atet&amp; anb toete cuett&amp;?otoen b'p tbe banb e of auib an&amp; of Bigteruaunteg,

C(ffficptopuacfpunnsSi|e6tot5pdliIfce&gt;iaufc SDfmiQ caufeb tycm to Ue nomb; co;Co t$at itjc ce S{eg lyWBoufanbtnra. be.nrf.cbaptee, &amp; &gt;atan ftooe bp agapttte ft* rael/ apetfuabeb auio to num&lt;3B

b?e iftael. 26nb aiob favue to lUoab atbewietssof f people/ go K an Dtiumbjelft'aeiftg ferrate to an/ atj&amp;D??ngeit tometbat jmate Br.otoe 0}t numbze of tbe.3nD3!oabanftoeteb:tbe,iLo?D mabe tbp people an buntyeb time?! to manje mo as tyev be.#t mp)Lo?De ftmg/ate tbe? not aH mv Tlo^fetuauntegf tobf tbenbott) m %om require tyfc tb^nge i tobP ftuttie m p ju#e be a caufe of ttefpace to jftaeK ^euertbelatertbebpng^ too^ p?euasieo agasnft^oab Jnbloab tobe hps toape ana toentrbo?otooutall3ftael/anbcametoge* mfalem anb gaue tb e numb?e of tbe c mint e of peoplebnto auib.anb aUlfrael toete innumb?e atbouranbtboufanbe? anbutt* bjcb tboufanbemen t b?ue ftor rbe : anblu* ba toa&amp;cccclwu&amp;oufanbme g &amp;?ueCtoee; 55ut tbe jLeuitess anblSeniamin be counteb notamongtbe.f o?tbefe?nge0beabe femeb abompnabie to^oab.iinb tbe %o;b toais MU pleafto toitb tb tbpnge / anb tmote gtraer, &lt;$\)tn fapbe auibto&lt;&amp;ob: ? baue fpnneu erceabpnglp in bcpnge tbi? tbpnge . JiSeuet* tbelefe pet bo atoape tbe toebeoneae of tb? fet;uaunte/fo;3!baue&amp;one aboue meafute folpailpe. anbtbe)Lo?be fpabebnto ab auils feat of btfponisfatinge-.gcoanb tellauar fapmg.cbu0faptbtbe)lo? geuefije^ cboife of tb;e tbpngcss-.cbofe tt)e one of tbem/ tbat 3 mape bo unto tbe . 3n&amp; ab came to aiubarapDbntobim:rbu0faftbt)iLo;a. b6(etbeeu)et tb?e petes fampftment/o? tb?e monetbeg tobe confuntebof tbpneab* uetfatieu/tbe ftoetoe of tbme enemies ouer* tabpnge tbe : o? eite t&amp;e ftoetbe of t&amp;e TLo^ie m t Dapes anb peQiience in tbe libe/t&amp;e M-gen of tbe U4j?bebeftropinget&amp;o;otoautan couesjof g i ftael.3nbnotoabuptetbP felR tebattoo?be3 (ball bjpnge agapneto bpm tbat tent me.3nb auib rapbe to 4NO/1 ant inanerceacpnge tttaite.lButletme faB bt

to tbe&amp;anw; of t&amp;eto?b/fo? paflpnge great tebftmetcpe/anblettme not falle intone &amp;anbegofmen. Sena t&amp;e notfefent peaaencebpon an|f&lt; rael/fo \ t&amp;eretoere ouertb?otoen of jfftael irctboutanbe men Jnbob tent t&amp;e angel! to^erufalemtobeftropei't. 3nba0&amp;e tea* abouttobeQrope/tbeTLo?bebebelbeanbbab compaction on tbe tojetc&amp;ebnefle/anbfapbe tot&amp;eaingellt&amp;at betttopeb/it fcpnougbe/ noto ceafe t&amp;pne banbjnbt&amp;e aingen of tw


C^bellobebpsbe tb;eO&amp;pngeflore of* nanp3&gt;ebufite.36nb autblpftebpbig epe? 9 tato B atngen of tbe %otu ftSbe bectoene tbeettbeanb beauen^oab;atoenttoe(be in bi^banoe Greteljebout totoarbegierufalem. Cben fell auib a t&amp;e elbersJ of f frael clo* tbeb in tacbebpon tbeir faces . anb auto ftpbebnto ob; tsiitnotat&amp;atcgmaunbett toiuxmbit peopled 91 ambet&amp;atbaue fpnneb a bone euell in itttc . ut to&amp;at bane tbete epebonet'lettbptiebanbetberfo^eflD . jLojbedSoo/be on me a on mp fat&amp;erg &amp;oufe/ anb not on tbP people to befttope tbem. 3&amp;n&amp;tbe3(rngell comaunoeb ab to tape to auib/tbataui5i fbuloego a rere op an aulterbhto tbe'^o?b/intbet&amp;;e%pngfloure of ffl&gt;;nan tlie gebuttte .Snb autb toent at t&amp;e taping ot m* to&amp;fc&amp; fpabe in t&amp;e nam e of t&amp;e flow .anb 2 nan turneb abou te anb fato t&amp;e angel/a &amp;i0 foure f onneis toitb &amp;im/ a bpbtbe felues :fo;fl);nan toas tb;eO&amp;png tobete.anD autb came to jflD;nan.anb to&amp;I SD;nan lofieo anb fato au:b / &amp;e toft out of f fi)?efl&amp;png aoure a botoebbim felf e to a tub toitb bis face to tbe gt ounce. acna auto fapbe to &amp;num geue me t&amp;e place of t&amp;e tb^eobpnge fioto;e/t&amp;at3! mape b uplbe an an! t a t&amp;ertn bnto $ Ho&amp;iec me &amp;aue ft fo? as nweije monep asft is too;tbe/ t&amp;attbe plage mape ceafe ft5 $ people, ana

^jDjnantapoeeo auibitafieitto tbe/anblet mp &amp;o?be bpng bo t&amp;at femet&amp;e go ob in &amp;pg epcs. ss&gt; e/3 geue t&amp;e oren f 0? a b urntfacre* fpce/a t&amp;et&amp;zeffbpngefFeaoes fo;tooobe/ a tobeate to; mea te ofle tpng-.| geue it an.Sue Bpng auib fapbe to flD?nan : not to / but % topll bpe it tot as moc&amp;e monepe as it is toojtbe .3! toill not tabeg to&amp;t c&amp; is tbpne/fo? f)lo;b/aofferbumtoffepng^to(t&amp;outcoSe. anb to auib gaue to &gt;?i ran f 0? f place fpcles of goulbe.bMjunbjeb bp toaigbt . anb auibbuplttbereanaultetbntotbe %om aofietebburntotterpngesapeaceoffcinges/ acallebbnto t&amp;e&amp;ojbe abebeatbebpmfrS &amp;eaueinfp?e bpont&amp;e aulter of butntoffe* tpnge. anb tbe &amp;o?be cSmaunbeb $ angel! toputbpbis ftoerbe agapne t'ntof Q&gt;et&amp;eof tbat tpme to&amp;e auibfato/ 1 t&amp;e hoft &amp;ab&amp;earbebim!nt&amp;e t&amp;;ea&amp;pnge fioto^eof man bfe&amp; to offer tberejfo? t tabernacle of jl,o?b to&amp;icb potest maoe in t&amp;e toplbemeffe/ a t&amp;e aulter of burntoffe* tpnge toete at tbat ceafon in t&amp;e &amp;pH at a* baon. anb auib coulbenot go before it to f ebe ob /b ecaui'e be toas af erbe of lltoeroe oft&amp;eaugellof f Xo?b. anb auto fapbe: tbis totbeboufe oftbe)Lo?beob/anbtbps &lt;St&amp;ebumtoSerpngeaulterfo;3frart. CSBfflita toillcth his fonnc Salomon to Uf loe i tlplt of Htt&amp;ftt&amp;f &lt;l&gt; t^vns be liira Cclfteas foiUim toOo. iT!?e.rrij,Cbapter,


0bauiBcomannbeb to geafttt a tbe ftraungers g toete tn tbe lanb of Jfraei/ anbfettbetoets to beta *ssrr-? onc/te,,u ^ e ^ c ^""f* oa, anb?5autbp;eparebpletieof p;on foj nap* teg to t&amp;ebo?es of t&amp;e gates a to topne to an/ 9 a&amp;ounbance of b?affe tort&amp;out toatebte / a ofCebartreestoitboutnumb?e.ijf^tbe3fe oonganbt&amp;ep of ireb?ougbtmocbe cebar toooptoauib.ifo; auto t&amp;us tbougbt/ ajomonmpfonneispoungeatenber/anb tbeboute tbat is to be bupitfo?tbe %qmi7&amp;

jnutt ercea&amp;e in greatneffe / tbat tt mape be JpofienofanbPitapfeo ina lanbes.gjtopl! berfo;e ma&amp;e o;binaunce f 0; it.anb rb a* uib p;eparebabounbauce before bis beefte. ana be calfeb S&gt;alomobPS tonne a c&amp;ar* gea&amp;imto buplbean boufe to; &amp;o;be ob of |frael:ana auia fapa to&amp;alom6:*mp#2%*)tf.t ronn/3 babw mpne bert to bmiae an boufe ****** bnto name of t&amp;e Jiojbemp ob. 53ut tbe too?be of t&amp;e;no#) came to me fapt'nge: tbou " aflfljebmocbe blouae/anabaftmaoemanp attellescbou fiiait not builbe an boufefo? mpname/fojt&amp;oubaftt&amp;eebmocbeblQiibetQ t ertbeftimpfpgbt.JBebolbeafonne ibalbe bomep: to&amp;ic&amp; i&amp;albeami of reQe/fo?3! toill geuebim reftfroman bpsenempesrounbe *aiomoni S / about.anbbi)Snamefbalbe*^alomo:fo2i as ocbe to tomtenbereftapeacebp51fraelibisbapts.^!:?j"5' ~eftanbupIbeanboufefo?mpname/abe c 8 BE albemp tonne/a 51 totlbe bis fatber/a toill ftabjilbe 6 feate of bis bpngbombpo Jtvael fo? euer.i?oto mp fonne/tbejlozbe be tot&amp;e/ " tboumapftep^ofpere abuplbe f boute of ]Lo?be tbp ob/as be batb fapae of .anb tbe X/0?b geue tbe topfbome a bnbet ttaamg/ amafie tbe gouerner of Jfraei/ anb to fiepe tbe latoe of tbe JLo?b tbp oa.tjfo? tben tbou J&amp;alt p;ofperer|f tbou ftaft be bpitgente to 00 t\}t o?binaunces a la toes tobie&amp; t&amp;e fyotb c&amp;argeD^ofegi&gt;tooeliuertog | frael.l&amp;!upi &amp;ebp t&amp;pne bert a be Ctroge/b?eab not no? be Mfcourageb.ebolbe in mpne abuerfite % baue pieparebfo; tbe boufe of t&amp;e )Lo?be an bubjebtboufanbtalentes of goulb aa tbou* tanbtboufanataleR of fpiuer/aas fo? b;aire a p?on it cSnot be nub?eb/it is to mocbe.ana % &amp;auep?epareb ttmb?e a ftone/sfbou tbalt p;oupbe moare tbetto. fl^o?eouer t&amp;ou baft * too?&amp;emen pnotoe a mafong a carpenters to v too?fte in ttone a timb;e/a all maner of tetfe mffo?tobatroeuertoo#eftbeanbofgoul&amp; fpluer/b?a(B a P^ort tbere tg no numfec. (sip t&amp;erfo?e a fetbpB tt/a 5 tm fbalbe ti t&amp;e. anb auib com aunbeo ail tbeHo;bes of Jfrael/to belpe &amp;&gt;alom5 &amp;ig tonne fapinge/ |g not f %m ?oure ob % pou i a &amp;at&amp; &amp;e notgeuepourettoneuerp fpbef fo?&amp;e&amp;at&amp; geuefc enbabttoutegof|labmtompnc&amp;sa.



anb fianbet? fubbueb befo?c ttjejioflj a be* foitW peopie.otottjecfotf fetpoute betc$ *poutefoule?/tofeBetbe)lo?o2outeod. atobbp abupfoepetbeteraple of tbe jto?be &lt;B5ob 'to b?pnge t2Gtcfce of ttje couenaunt of raejio?be/a t^c^olpbtfiaie? of oormof Boufe f o outfit fo? ttje name of ttjeTLo;be. cSDaufo lep ng one/ (BtepnetB ^Salomon h?uge . $e cauOstfi tlis leuitetobenomh?c&amp;/ , an&amp; attfBJKtBtfit totBeftaffrctf. CCbejcrw.Cbaptw. 26 r^sXSSpbtobf J&amp;autbtoa? olbe aftttfte hn?ete? /bemabe Salomon ps fonne asng ouet gftsel. 3nb ttjen ^.^^Jbegca^eteatDgeatftctafl Io?&amp;5 of5ftatftottjc?eaae?atbe)Uiute?Jnb tbe]Uuite? toete mimbjeb ftom.*w:.l&gt;ete a aboue/anDttjetaleofttjcmfnmen polle op poe^0.w: / rt)*.miB tboufanbtoetefettofutttjeeftoojcBe of i Boufe of ttje %om. SntfQve ttjourano toete offpcet?anbgubge? .&lt;JFouretboufanb toete pojter? aeouretboufanbe p?aj?feb $ 3lo#e toittj foeBe fo8tumfte?a?30aufobabraabe topjapfetotttjall, 2Cnb auto put an o?D;e amonge tb e cb pi 6?en of jUut:&lt;i&amp;etfon/ Cabattj ana fflpetari: tf&gt;f tbe etfom'te? tea? jUtaoan a &gt;emet. Cbe f onne? of juabamt cbefe toa?lebiel/ .~ aajen^etbananbgioel/ttjze . *e tonne? of ^^emej/^alomitft/^aiiei/ano^ata/t&amp;je cbefe toete tt)e auncientbeebe? of &gt;uaoan.

38nbttjefonne? of &gt;emeitoeteaifo3!aBat&amp; 5inati/|aus ano Eatfafi. : tbefe foute. toete ttje Conner of &gt;emri . ama jabatt) toa? ttje . cbefe;5maB tbe feconbe.utgait?anb:a&lt;: tiab Bab not many fonne?/ ano ttjetf oze ttjeg toeteteBenebfozoneauneientbouBjolbe. Cfte tonne? of caBatb:3mtam /3?aftat7 . ebjona^#el/foute.*Befonne?ofaim&lt;: an.t m\u nmaDaton anbgfcofe?.3Cnb3iaron toa? ap* "* ponpteo to cSfectate in place mooft Bol?e/ toittj big f onneis fo? euet-.a to butne ttje offe = rpnge? before tbe TLoam to mpnfflte/ a to lilefle m W name fo; euet. Hinb a? f o? S&amp;o* ft? ttje man of ob /bte dMe totte names ^tne ttpbe of Hew. cbe fonne? of #ofe?: etfona c Mejer Jnb of tBefonne?of et ?on:&amp;abaeltoa? &amp;cbefe.cbetottn$ ofttlfe 5 er.iaoBabtab me c^efe . 3nb CHe?et babno nottjet f onne?: J8ut tbe Conner of KobaWaft ^toeteberpmanpe.Inboftbefotme? of 3!?a* Bat:^aiomi/ttje cbefe. cbe fonne? ofl^e* b^on^ertabutbe frett/aimartebtfte feeonb/ gabap'elf tb?i&amp;eanb9Jecmaamttjefoutttje. cbe fonne? of sM&amp;0caH f#8anb 3c* fiaB $ feconoe.cbe fonne? of iSpetati: #a* &amp;alt:a;Cuft7 fonne? of i^a&amp;alknEleafai: anb Cfe.ainb 2lea?at bpeb ^bab nofornies / butbaugbtewonlHe/tobicb tytoSmWl


tonn^of Ct0tofie.fiefonn^ of a^uK: fla balt/&gt;er/anb 5ertmutb/tb?c.befe ate tbe f b ?to;f of^etU m nje boumolbe? of tbeit fa&lt; tbewtbeauncietfjcebeg/bctoeaa numb?eb bpnamespollebp poile ftom.w:. pete anb aboue/totoo?c6e m ttje fempce of tue (jouCe of S JLb;b.iJfo? J^autb fapbe-. n)e )Lo?be ob of5Ctaelbatbgeuenteaebntobt0peopie/

tte?aHbtoelle&lt;n5fe:uralemfo?euCT. ojeouet tt)e TLemte? Q)uioe note no tnoarebeare f tabemacie f all tbefeeflellcfj i pettapnebto tbe fetujee tberof . 35ut at laft cSmaunbement of ^auib / tbe %tuitts toeee numb^eb ftS ttoltre pete a abone/ 8 to a-ffiotwpfru toayteatfljebanbegof tbe fonne? ofaaton^ 8 ' 1 ?^ in tbefe rupee of tbe ftouce of tbe %om 1 9 to " S ' Daue tt)e ouertfcgbt of tbe courte? anb of tbe tint tto?e boufe?/a of ttje putefpng of all bolje inmmi tbpnge?/a of tbe too?cfie of tbe ttjmge? tbat"J* "* rentes' f o? $ boufe of Ob/a? tt)e roevn b?eeb W8 ' B * f fpne flostft/t meateoSeepngy Patone? of ctwteb?eeb/ a oftbetbfnge? base in ttje ftpmge panne/ o?b?opieb on tbe grpop?on/ flonalf manetmeafuK? acpfe / $totoapte euerp mo?npng to tbanbe a p?apfe jLofte/ anb ipftetopfe at eue\ 3Cnb to toapte on euerp offetpng of butntfaefpce?bnto ttje %wt ttje sbabbottje? anb fp?ft bape? of tbe mo* nettje?'/ anb ottjet feCfuii oape? bp mtmb?e anb cuftome/toafi ttjeit office euer befoje l,o#e.3inbtbattfeepibuiB toapte on tt)eta=betnacle of toptneffe ano on ttje bolp place/* onttjefbnne?ofa)aronttjewb?etb?en/!'ntt)c fetuice of ttjeboufe oftbejlo?&amp;e. Cjbanil) atTysnctti t\}ttt otitic to tlje fonnre of 3at8. fflCbe.jcjrii.cibapter. ' lebeupfponof fonne? of Hiato: . jabab/a!btbu/ft5iea?atanbg;ttja^ j mat * jBut i9abab anblDbtbu bpebi((i.fkiA _^.M before ttjeie fattjet anb bab no tfffl teen . ainb &lt;eiea?at anbf ttjamat to ere ttje ^eaffe?.ainb^autbo?orteb tbemon tbF? manetioaoocn of ttje fonne? of lea?atanb ablmelefe of ttje fonne? of^ttjamattobem offpee bp coutfe.ainb ttjetetoete mo mlgbtte beebe? founbeof ttje fonne? ofciea?atttjen of ttje fonne? of fttjamat. 3Cnb tt)ep ieuvi^ ttjem mto.j*t*eebe?of atmcietbomboloe? of ttje forme? of &lt;iea?at/a efgbt of f oraie? off.ojamar.26nbttjcpput tbemin o?betbp lott/ one toitt) anotbet tbat tbere wuIdc be rulet?mtbefanctuarpe anbHo?oe? before &lt;2fob a? toell of tbe ronne? of Jttjamat ais e f ttje fonne? of &lt;fflea?at. 2Enb ^emeiab ttje fonne of iSattjaneelttje 3&gt;ctibe of ttjeleut* ee?to?ote ttjem before tbe fipng 9 Ho?be?/ 5befo?e ^abocRtbep?e'aac anb a&amp;tmclefi tbe fonne of 26biattjat; a before ttje auitctait bcew of f pmUl aof 3leutte?:one p?btcg pall9oumolbfo;lea;at aone fojjtbamar. 3no

lattib, fc_^ mWnb mrtentoiebofarib.cbe fecooe to |etatab.cbe ttjitbe to fcarim.^be fouttft to %eo;im.cfje f tfte to20elcb!' Urn to mmm&amp;toe {cutty to$afie?.c&amp;e etgbt to 3biab cb t npnttje to fefua . cbe tenttje to S&gt;ecaniab cbe leuentbe to dEttaftb . cbe ttoeiuetb to ttjirtene to isupbab. Otit fouttene to^f baab.cbe fpftene f offiel* gab.Cbe mtem to net. c&amp;e feuentene to l^ejit.cbe tmtenc to ^apb?ej.cbe nvnt* tene tmentre to febere* fii'el.cbe ttoentte a one to2acm.c&amp;e.; &lt;!Pamul.cbe.m'ti,to &gt;elaiabtt,c&amp;e. mtf, co^aaffabu. . mfttt ttje o^bctofttjem mttjeft office?/ to come into p boufe of ttje )Lo?b acco?bpng to tbeft manet bn&amp;et aaton ttjeit fattjet/ a? tyfLqtoe cgob of gi ftaelcommaunbeb, Cbe tea of f fonne? of Heufcof f tonne? of aimram/^iibael. m ttje fonne? of &gt;u* bael^ebeotabu.fiDfttjefonnepofmobabiab ttje fp?a fcfiab .m tbe 3!?abatite? / &gt;ate ^mottj.flDf tbe fonne? of &gt;aiemotb/5abatb. anb (in fonne? of ieb?on mete gjetiabu ttje fp?8/aimatiab feconbe / l jaba?iel ttjitbe/ 3!eBameamfoutttje.&gt;f f fonne? of wttel/ fl^icab . Ofttje fonne? of flpcab ^amit. rbeb?otbetof^icabtoa?3!eriab.ftbe fonne? of f.efiab 5acbatiab . cbe fonne? of flperatf mete S^abalt a Suf i.ebe fonne? of giaa?tabu/25eno.cbe fonns offl^etatt bp 3!aba?iabn/2Setto/g)o&amp;em / 5acur a cBb?i, fl^abeli bab uglea?at Yti)icl) bab no fonne?. Cbe fonne? cf &amp;&amp;$eiabem el . cbe fonne? ofQ?ufi:SS9a[ja!i/cRjetanbg'etmotb.CBere ate of ttje cbp!o?en of jLeui in ttje boumolbe? of tbet't fattjer? Jnb mere caaiotte?ne#to (beix b;etb?e fonne? of 3fiaron/befo;e l^a* uibg bpng a5aboca3Ebimeleca$auna'ent beebe? anb p.ieaae? of tbe tetute?:a? a ttje poungea b?ortjet a? an atmcient Detu,

CEBe CfnstKB arcappojn(c646tBe'c plaoa.'* MtT. be.wb.Cbaptet. b J^auib a ttje capitajne? of ttje boBe appopnteo out to bo fetuice/ ttje fonne? of 3ifapb of $eman a Igtottflun/tobftft opbp?opbefreto batpe?/pfaiteiie? affmbale?.3nb ttje mur tptube of tbeietementobofetupce inttjett offpce?.cbe fonne? ofltfapb^aut/gjofepb/ JQatbantab Iferealab/ to toapte on 3fapb tobfeb p?opbetieb bp tbe ftpngc. Cbefonne? of Jbutbun:d5oboIteb/5wf/ gfaiab/^afabrab anbfl3atbattjiab/$)eme&lt; toe/at ttje bSbe? of ttjeit fattjet? gpKitbun/ Mom batpe?:to|jf cb ^outtjun p?opbefpeb f o? to tfjanfie a P?apfe tbe )Lo;becbe fonne? of eman:ffioaiabu/fl9attjaraab/?iel / 5* 6uei/5etmiotb/anamab / l^anani / a* tbab/ebalHjf / Eomanttjf jer/ Sjefboba*


fab/flfalotbi/bottjitafflpaba?iotb3CnttjefeTft toete ttje fonne? of ^eman spnge? feeat" of bpfton? toi'tfj ttjetoo?be of ob/to Ifttebp ttje bo?ne.ob gaue to i^man. jtiiii. forme? attj?ebaugbtet?.aiiitbefe toete at ttjebanbe ofttjett fattjet to fpngein f boufe of %m toittjf?mbBle?/praltetie? a barpe? in 5 fet* ufceofttjeboufeofoa.a(nb*atttjebanbof mi ,. te , 9f4 mmt\ nmttttuDe of tbem toete to&amp; ttjett SL b^ettjaej toete connpnge in ttje f onoe of tbe * ' to JL.o;be Jnbttjenumb^ of all $ taugbt/toete^'^ ttoo bunb^eb foute f &amp;o?e anb ergbt.ainbtbep caa jlotte? inopffetentlpe boto ttjep ajulbe toapte a? toeli tbe fmalle a? tbe gteate/tbe fcoleta?toella?ttjef8olemaaer. 3nbtbefp?ei0tof3fapb fen to a ofeph.^cbefeeonbe to oboifab toirtjbi? b?ettj?e a c fotme?/ttoeluepetronne?. cbe ttjrtbe fellto 3acut tt b? fbrnie? a b?etb?e be? ng ttoelue pe tfonne?.cbe f outttj to (?att u bP? fonnt anb b?etb?en ttoeluepetfonne?.

be fpfte to ^atbantab \Dm b? fonne? ab?ettj?en ttoelue perConne?.cbefpeto ?Bobiabu toittj bp? fonne? a bmtye ttoelue petfonne?.cbe feuenttj tojfarelab toittj b? f onn^ a b?etb?e ttoelue petf onn(. nbe epobt to gtatab toittj b'?fonne? a b;ettj?e ttoelue petronne?.cbenpntbeto^attjam'ab toittj bt? fonne? a b?etb?e ttoelue petfonne?.cbl tentt) to &gt;emei toittj W fonne? a bzetbzen ttoelue petf onne?. cbe leuenttj to 3/jataef teb?fonne?ab?rttj?en ttoelue petfonne?, Cbettoeluettjto i^afabiab toittj b?? fonne? _&gt; a b;ettj?en ttoelue petfonne? . ^be tbittene * ' to gmbuel toittj w tmn\ a b?ertj?e ttoelue petfonne?. cbe fouttene to #atbattjtab % W fonne? a b?ettj?e ttoelue petfonne?. cbe fpftene to 3!etmottj^bt? fonne? a b?ertj2en ttoelue petfonne?. cbe fptteneto banantab toittj W fonne? a bzettjze ttoelue petfonne? Cbe feuentene to g'efbofiarab to bf? fonne? a b?ettj?enttoeiuepetfonne?.cbeepabtene to ^anani tot'ttj bi? forme? a b?ettj?ettoeiue petfonne?.cbenpnetenetofl9alotbt Wis forme? anb bjetbjen ttoelue petfonne?. cbe ttoentie to (fliattjab to b?? fonne? a taenia ttoeluepetfonne?.cbe.] iscfyttmy ? fonne? ab?ettj?e.itij.petronne? ebalttjt toitbb?fonne?a b?ettj;* fonne?.cbe.wif.fl5 aba?iottj to m fonne? a b?etb?e.jcit.petform^ KomS= ttjiC?ettobt?fonne?a b?ettj?e.]tij.petfonn5. CtDft j)B?fcc0 of temple aw ojitjne&amp; cuew wan to flje gate totjf ct) be *ulot aepe. Cbe.]*f.cbaptee. I^ebeupfpon of tt)epo;tet?am&amp;e* f o?ebite?:fl0efelemiab ? fonne of fto;eb of ttje eb?lb?en of Ifapb, anbttjefonne? of #efeiemiaH toete


mete tbefetfacbatfabtbe eiittft / %M* ty feconoe/3abaatabj&lt;&amp;etbftte/g!atbatifel ty f ourtb/iam tbe fpfte/ Hebobanan tbe fprte titomat ^ Ruet^,a;nti Dbe&amp; &lt;Do ftattfonti^v ^emeiabf elbett/iebofabab fecSQe^oarj

tbetbfrae/&gt;acar tbe fourtb/iBatbanaeltbe fpfte/amiel tbe fprte/ Sfacattbefeuetb ana pmm f obbabbieaeabmt. anbbntog&gt;emeiabbis*fonne toere fonn$


uumH*9.*w*w.vv tbeatapcate gpftes tobicbatitbefcpng/9tbeaimrfetbeeas/ of tbecapitapnesouereboufanbes 9buna?e* bes/9tbe capttapnes ofi&amp;ebofte bao aeotca* ten of the fpopie toonne m batteu / to mapn* tepne f bouteof tbejLo?Df. 9 ouetall g &gt;a= mud the teat 9 &gt;aul the tonne of CM/ am abnetf tonne of $et/9l!oabf fonne of 5at* uiab baaaebtcatea.ailftoasaebtcatea/toas

bometbatruleamtbeboufeoftbeitfatbet/ t bnbetf b&amp;bof &amp;elqmttb9 of bpsbjet bjen.

fo? tbep toete men of mpgbt . cbe tonnes of ^eraeiab:tbni/l!iapbaei/ ben anb &lt;El?a baa9bP*b2etb?enmen of actpuite/ iltbu9 &gt;amacbtab.ailtbefetoereof tbe cbplbtfof bebtfbom/tobicb toitb tftei'r bjetft^eit ana tbeitcbiKwen/actittemen 9 of urengtbtobo 38feruice/toeteJrtj.of&gt;beb&lt;bom.anbfle&lt; felemab baafonnes 9 b?etft?en/ actitte men/ rbtw.ana$ofab of tbecbplb?enof {eratr/ babtonnes:femwtbe cbefe/ petbe toas not etoett / but bPS fatber maoe bim tbe cbefeft. $elBtabtbefeconbe / abeltab f ftitbeana 3acartabtbefouttb:fotbatall tbe tonnes 9 b?etb? tmntotbefe toasbeupbebtbe oflpce of tbe pojtetfljepe as onto beebes ouettbemen f loapttb toitb tbeitbzetbzen anb mpmttreain tbeboufe of the JLo#e .ana tbep caft lotted/ rbefmautastoeuasf gteatetnf boulboias oftbettfatbets/ftomgatctogate.anatbe Ceft lot fell tog&gt;elemeiab.anb fo^acartab b is f ornie a toife cottneenet/tbep cattlotteS/ ano bis lot came out totoatae tbeflojtbJnb beb cEDoms lot fell to tbe &amp;&gt; outb . ana to &amp;222W ronnes fell* tbe councell boufesJnb to

ZS eof a 'mpbimanb tofab felltbetoeuc toptbtbe 9 gate^&gt;alecbetb/toberetbetoa?eaffenoetb bptoatb/f onetoapebepngefaftbpf otber. gin f ce&amp;fieptefprelleuUeSitn f o#b _ titj.aBape/9nttbe &amp;outb.uij.aaape/anatii *"* euerp councell boufe ttoo / 9 * fti tbe toatcfj= patbar. Boufesi/on hpe toape toeft toara fourr. ttoo ^maboufe.sbefeatef neurons of f po?* tets am5g tbe tonnes of feo?eb 9 ty tonnes of 3&amp;etaw.anb of tbe jleuttes abiabbao f ouerfpgbt of tteafute of tbeboufe of oo/ anaofmetteafuteoftbeaeatcattbpnges. , His cocernpng f fonnes of jdaabantobtcb to ere etf onttes . llaaaan bab auncient fa tbexts . Xaaoan tbe etfom'te baa lebteU. cbe fonnes of jebielt:? etban ? ^oel m b?o tbet/tobtcb toere ouec? tteafutts of f boufe of tbe )Lo?ae.3iraonge tbe 3mtamtte0/3i?a* Barftes/^eb?omtes 9 '^eiites/toas^ubueltbefonneof ertontbefonne offfl^oreg a nilet ottet tbe tteafute . 3Cna of btf b?etb?e e tonnes of dHteiet/toas ffiababtab/tobofe ftmne toasgitafab / 9 bus fonne teas 3!o?am/ 9 bW tonne 5ecb?i / afi^s tonne teas fe-elo= mttb/'tobt(b3&gt;elomttb$b^ Mzentom

,. , _ 7 conaniab fonn^toerembutmeaes tottboutf o?tb maoe offfcets 9 niages ouer3ifrael.3nlJ of tbe tyu b;om fiafabiab *bS b?etb?emenof acft* ufteatboufana ?.bfj.bfib?eo toere oKcers m Sftael on tbtSRbe|o?aS toetttoata/m all bu-fpneaes of v Hop '9 fetwee of fct?ng . 3na gieafab teas tbe cbefeft among 6pmtbes 9 fatbers of tbe $eb?onttes.3MD tntbefourtte peceof farnsao of auibtbeptoete fougbt f o?.3natbet;e toere founbe of trjf men of ac* tpmteat3!eierin(!E5alaaa.36nabWb?etb?eiitoerefn me of acttutte/ttootboufano 9 feuc tymuw aimciet beeoes/ W cb &amp;WS ? a . u ' a maoe rulers ouet ty iSubemtes / aaaites 9 tbebalfe tr?be of fll^anaffeb in an matets perta?npigtoob fbuSptcoep off B?ng.

fte.ttotUbaptet i * fpeaHeoftbecbflo?e ofSftad: tntbenuml)?eof tbe toere aunctft beebes ^capttarnes of tboufanbes ___j9bunb?ebes/9 officers g ferueb fi?ngutalltbOT!eacco?b^ngto cBpanpes fcame in 0? toetout/monetb otmonetb tbo* roto out all f monetbeS off ?ere.3Dnb euer? copanpebab.rrtrtj.tboufanbe. fiDuer f fp?ft cgpanrein f f^ftmonetb/toasiiafoboS ty fonne of^abbtel.lCnambW numb?e toere itit'i j.tb oufand Jna tbe cbefeft of all v eapt* ca^iestntbeboftoftbeff?ftmonetbtoas of rbe Of&amp;atz of Pbate?- uer f cSpanre of feconaemonetboaaianabobite/9 ftiBtut doftetoas Qaafielotb aruler.anambts co&lt; pan?e toere.rrnf|.tboutana cbe cbefe capi* ta?neoff tbttoebofttnf tbttbmonetb/toaS anata^ fonne of lebotaoa y p?eafte Jnd in W b tte.rrmj.tboutanae. b&lt;S is ? 38a* naiab mtgbtie amog rbfrtie a aboue tbtrtte. ambfnbts parte teas 3nri?abaa bJS fonne. $ $ht f out tb capitate mf fourtb monetb toasafaeltbeb?otberof Joab / 5abaoiab bis tonne after bpm. Inb in bp bofte.rrtiii. rboufana.^befpftecapitameinf fpftemos netb teas S&gt;amabuttbe#e?rabite: ain W bofte.rttulJoufana.bctrtt capitafnein ty f^rte monetb toasi 5 w tbe fonne of 3iuS a befiuit e:a mbf bofte .rtui? Jboufanbe. cbefeuentb Capftasnetn feuetbemo* ttetbe/toaseelejrfte^alomte/ of tbe cbfi* b?mof

D?en of ($pfearm:9 t'n bPSbofte. mm. tbou fanbe.cbe etgbt Capitayne in tbe ergbt mo* netb/toas) obocai an^ufatbfte off Sftine of ^&gt;arab:9in bis bofte-wiij tboutano.cbe tifhtbecapitapne fnf trpntbe monetbe/toas 2Cbie?eran 3tnatbotbite of tbe fonnes of gie= mtnt:anb in b is b ofte.icrmT.tboufanae . cbc eentb capitapne in tbe tbentb monetbe/toas fl^abaritbe #etopbatbite of ty ^arabites: ainb'S botte.rrtiij.tboufana.Cbeleuentbe monetbe/ toas Jdanaiab tbe^aratbonite of ty cbpia?e of cpb?amt-.9 in bis bofte.rritij,

tboufanbe. cbe ttoeluetb Capptapne in tbe - rtoluetbmonttbe/toas^eiaattbe&amp;etopbas tyte of tboniel.9mbfS&amp;oQe.rruii. tbou* -fattt.anb tbe rulers ouet tbe trpb$ of ffrael * toere tbefe.aim5g tbeJSubenrtes/toas &lt;Iie ?er tbe fonne of 3ecb?i. Stmonge f S&gt;imeo rates/toas ^apbatiab f fonne of fl^aacab. 3monge tbeileuites-.^afabiab ty tonne of ftamueOmoge ty l^aromit^-.^abocb. in Juaa:&lt;lmoftbeb?etb?eof auib.Hnjra* cartaimrf ty fonne of #fcbael.3n5abulo: ^efmaiab tbe fonne of 3bbiab.3 | n iSepbtba Ke:5?ertmotb ty fonne of 3?riel.Himogetbe cbflb?e of ipb;aim:^ofea f tonne offiOf aiab gfntbebalfe tribe of QUanaaebiJoel f fonne of^babaiab.fiDf f balfetrpbeof fl^anaffeb in alaabijabo tbe fonne of oacbariab . ?n 36entamtn-.|.aafiel tbe tonne of Sonet .^n 30an: 36?artel tbe tonne of Jetobam , befe aretbejlo2bestntbetrpbesbf|,frael 35ut JBmio tobe not tbe numb?e of tb em bnber.w,pere : fo? tbejLo;befarbe be tootte encreafe JCraeiipBcbntotbe ftarres of tbe ffife Jna^oab tbe fonne of oann'ab begane tonumb?e . 3nbtbougb&amp;etpntflb*o it not/ (et tbere fell to?au) lot tyt bpS %l raei.anb tberfo^ tbe numb?e toas not put in f cb20 npcles of fepng auia, 5B net tbe bsnges treafure toas 3fmotB



ofcofief4i/amSgtaugbttoffi&gt;ome/9atozttet be pebiel tbe fonne of fcacbamoni toaptea ontbe6yngcstonn5.3linbf bitopbeltoas off fipngS couccii.3Cnbl9ufai f SEracbite toasf

fipngS tSpanta.3enanerte to^bitopbel toas "'ebofaba f tonne of Banafab/ 9 abiatbar inaf capitapie of f fiing^ toarre toas^oab; CWrcauftZ&gt;attiatoa8f9?bpIifn tobupiactecffplt^ jietjpbo;tctBfcalomontl)epcopletopcrfo,'inctt. CCbe.rrbiij.Cbaptet. 19a ?auib geatbe tea to geatbet^B aHtbeXo?besof'lfrael:f jL02bes of tbetrpbes/tbe )Lo?bes offcom* .pantestbatnrrnpttreb tof ftpng up courfe/tbe}Lo?bes otter ty tboufanbes 9 nut ty btwbzebes/anb tbe 1-ojbes ouet all tbe gooaes anb catell of tbe fipnge anb ofbtS fonnes/^9tbecbamb?eiapnestoaitpottrcs 9 all actfue men bnto 3!erufalem.2;nb bpng auib ftooe bpon bis fete anb fapbe. 9eare me mp b?etb?e 9 mv people : % bab fnmpneberttobuploeanboutecfreato?f _ . ,. arcbr of tbe couenaut of MUM a a fete JR2B ftolefo?oure oa;/ anb bab mabe reope tommstfesfnat bujlbejutobfavbetome:tboutbaltnottoi)ici! ra t buplbe an boufe to? mp name/ becaufe tbou SSfig? j a artams of toarre 9baft ftjebbloube.S8o?e^^ C ( C u J ouertbejlcybe^obof^fraelcbofemeofall tbe anc fosate f boufe of mp fatber/tobefipng ouergffrael imtotifcvuMcb fo?euer/ fo?be cboft^uaato be a capitapnc;35 **" 9oj 1 e boufe of*ibaf boufe of mp fattjer/ m it }g?"J ' 9oftbe fonnesofmp fatberbebaoa tofttoSKSS! me/to mabe me Bpnge ouerall gtrael. 2na of all mp fonnes(fo? tbe jLojbe batb gette me manpe fonnes) be ban) cbofen ^.alomo mp tonne/to tptt t'n tbe feate of ty fipngbom of tbe )lo;be ouer ffrael.anb be fapb bnto me: ^alomo tbp fonne-be ftall butlbemp boufe 9 mp courtes/ * foxbane cbofen bim to be ,t&amp;m.p\)i) t c mpfonne/an&amp;g toilbe bis fatber/9 toFll tta*

A r aHa r* ^ i, -- -i- Wpftjeb6pngbofo?eutr/3fbetopIlbaroe tbefonne of 3brel.anaottertbetreafure of bimfelfetobompcomaunbementes/anbntp tbe feibes/in ty cpties/bpllages 9 cattelles/ latoes/as tt goetb tbts bape . 3tob note 3 fape bnto pott before all gTrael ty cBgreganon off S,o?b/ 9 in tbe aubien* ce of oure&lt;!5ob:fiepe 9 fefie fo? all f comau* bementesof tbe]Lo?bpoure&lt;!5ob/t pemape

em'ope a goob lanbe 9 enberetpoure cbplbje after pou f &gt;, euer . %m tbou Salomon mp fonne: ftnotoe &lt;ssoa tbpfatberanb ferue bim mwt. toitb apureberteanb luft of foule *foj tbe C }3,o.2befercbetballbetteS9 bnaerftSbetb an tbeamagpnacpons

. . fl&gt;?tar) ouet tbe too ;t cftraen inty feibes $ epllea tbe gtounbe/ toas &lt;?ri f fonne of Cbelub^ina * ouetttgbt of tbebineparaes bab &amp;&gt;emeiab f JRamatbite.tter tbe topnecellets 9 trea* futeof topne toas &amp;abbi m &gt;apbonite, anb ouet f olpuetrees 9 mulberpttees t^at toeteintbebalepestoas35aal^anan f a barft c.ana ouerf treafure of oplc toas |oas anaouertbeoten t febm&amp;arontoas'&amp;e

taw rbe &gt;;ouer ty oren t'n tbe altfe&amp;ebtnt/be toplbe founbe o f tbe:3Sut baiepes toag ^&gt;apbatf fonne of aMai.ana 9 pf tbou fo?fabebim/be topll caft tb e of fo? ouerf camelies cubilf f fmaelt'te.ana ouet euet.cafiebebenoto/fo?tbei-o?bbatb cb o* tbeafcStoa331obabiabtbe asjetotbfte.ana fen f /tobttplbeanboufeof tbpranctuarpe. otter f type toas 1"a?is f $aga rite a n rbefe 35 e ftronge anb bo it. toere f ruTers off fttbftflce of fipngj&amp;autb. ana ^aumgaue&gt;alom5biS fonne ty ana3ebonatbE^aitibSb;otbersfotme/am3 patetne oftbepo;cbc9of f bottGrsf longea r.ij, tberto/



ftetfo/ anb of fte fto?e boufes/ bppet ftam

tyeS/pnner patiouresanb of fte bcufeof fte merefeate:anb fte example of all ftattoas in bts mpnbC/bofte of fte court** of Woufe of fte "Ho?be 9 of fte treafure boufes roun&amp;e aboute/ fc? ftetreafures of boufe of ob anb fo? fte treafure of fte bearcat* gpftes/ anoofftecompanpesof fte p?eades site


#D ^auibrtje ftpnge fap&amp;e bntoa alf Ltlje cogtegacro : oca ^at^ fpe* cpaiipecb0fm&gt;alemompfcnne to&amp;ictj 10 pet pounge and tenaet/fr


Pit too?ebe W greate/fo? fte boufe is not fo? man/btttfo?fte&amp;o?be ob- ajtoeoung bauep?epareb topft an rap mpgbte fo?fte ijoufe of oa j golbe fo? tenses of gouiae/9 uitts ftat toapteb 6? coutte/ 9 of all too?6e* fpluer fo? ftpnjR of fpluer/ b?af fe f o? ftpng$ nanfoppe/ ftat Omlbe ferue fo? fte boufe of of b?affe/p?on fo? ftpnge* of p?on a nb tooob .

fte &amp;o$e $ fo?aUtoe(RJlesftat(bulbefetuc t'n fte boufe of fte TUtfbJnb appopnteb Bi'ni tobat toargbte of goulbe ftuioe feme fo? ftpnges of gou!bfto?ououtaUbe(relleS fo? to&amp;atfoeuer fafe it reruekanb tobat toapgbte

fo? tinges o/toooo::? onpStsJ ^ttoneg/ffett^S^

flones/anb of oft et gape Hones/ana all raa* anotijecpwo; net of p?ecioufe ttones/anb of marble great fc flow m abounbance.anb petbecaufegs baue iuttto s,,bi,,n * fte boufe of rap ob-.g! baue feuerall goulbe offpluerftulbefuffpcefo?allmanerof bef* anbfpluet tobpft3! geue to fte boufe of mp relief of fpluer/f o? tobatfoeuet putpofe ftep ob abouc all Jbaue p?epareb f o? f te bolp feruea. boufe-.eueftjeftoufanbtalcntes of goulbe

anb ftetoapgbteof ftegoulben eanbel* of fiDpbit/anbfeuen ftoufanbetalentes of fipcftes anb of raw lampes of goulbe/ fte tpluet ttpeb : to fple fte toalles of fte boufetoapgbte fo?euerptanbeiftwfie anb fo?fteit totft goulbe toberc it becometbe/anbt opft*' tempt S . anb f o? roc canbeiapcHe s of fpluer fpluer tobere fpluer is mete / an b fo? all ma* bptoapgbt/boftefo?fte canbtlttpcfiesalfo nerof too?cbebpftebanbesof artpfpcetS. fo? bet lampess acco?opngeto tbe oSpce of anoietrae fetobotStDpIIpngalfo/tofpllb tS ^;ptoapgBtoEgouia j&gt;atttiefo?tbe3!lo?oetb!$*bape. . m fo?tbe tabltg of fteto b?eebe/ table bptable: aD tbe aunctent lo?6es anfitbe lo ?te3 of anb Ipaetopfe fpltiet f o? tbe tables of fpluet. tbe tipbes of ? ; fvael / anb f te Capt'tapnes of Mm fo? fleaeboittg/ bafens anbb?pncfipng tbouranbeis anb bunb?ebeis ?tbe lo?beg am pottes of pute goulbe . 3nbfo? cuppejs of tberubttanceoftbefipnge/toetetopllpngf goulb ire toapgbte/ cuppe bp cuppe. 3inb fo? gauc f o? fte cempce of boufe of &l t;2Sob/ fpue '" : " tboufan^e talentes of goulbe anb tentbon* fanbepecfSofgoulDecopnes/anbtentbou? fanbe talente? of fpluer/ anb.flonj.tboufana talenteg of b?afre/anb an bunb? eb tboufanbe talenteg!ofp?on.3hbt^eptbatbabp?eciouCe

cuppes of fpluet bp iDargbt^ppp euppe. 3nb fo? tfte auttw of mcente of trpeb goulbe bptoapgbt.2inbraefpmplptu?ie of tbe feate of tbe dbembes ftat fttet cbeb oute tbefr tcpngesanb coutvebtbe SCtcbeoftbe coue

tiaunt of tbe lLo?De . ailltoasgaten mebp ttonesgauetbemfo? tbe treafure of pbou re

tu?ptpnge of tbebanbe of tbe %oitt itoW^ m8beroebnbetQSbeainbetoo?c6mSQ)ippe oftbepatetne. anb auf b fapbe to &gt; alomo W fount: Uatbe tbP Wft anb be flrong anfibo t / feare not no? lett tbpne berte bpftoutage tbe. tfo? tut %om C5ob mp ob tjs toptb tbe / anb

fball not leaue tbe no? fojfafie tbe/ bntpll raou batt fpnpabea all tbe too?be ftat rauft Rtue fo? tbe boufeof tbe %om . 58eboloe rae p?eaOess anb jLeutess btuvbGi in corapa* npes / f o? to bo all manet of femice ft at per* tapnetb to % bout e of ob/ ano befpbe ftaf / ftoubaft topft fte fo? all manet of tto?cfe manfbippe / all ftat ate topilpnge anb topfe fo?anp manet of Cetupce.3Cnbfte 5Lo?beg 9

of fte '/Lo?be / bnto ti)t banbe of ^ebiei fte etfonite, i $nb fte people tetopfeb tbatfteptoetefoC topilpnge : fo? topft a pure bette tbep toete topilpnge bnto fteTLo?be.16nbtbetto jsatttb fte ftpngteiopfebtottb great glabneffclnb ?autbbleaebtbe)Lo?bbefo?e all? eongte* gacpon anb fapbe: 2Bleffeb art ftou Ho?be ob of "Strati oure faftet/ftOeuetanb fo? euet.bPne(^&gt;)lo?6e) i$ gteattifCR/potoe* gIo?pe/ bicto?peanb p?apfe:fo?all ftat ig mbeaucnar.brn etfte is ftpnevanb ftpne is fte fipngbom(a) ]lo?be)anbftou art Ufte bpanbeebaboueall. anbrpfteffeanbbonoitre come of fte / 9

ftourapgnettouet! all /and in ftpne ftan&amp;e allfte people ate at ftp commaunbemente ts potest anb Srengbte/ anb in ftpne ban be in all ftpnge?, it t&amp; 1 maae gteate anb to geue (ftengbte bntoaH. w ontvmte of 3Daua&gt; ani of t%t pjjncw ft? f anbnoto oute ob / toeftanae fte / ana Minmvan{nK9iiivHM* anbtobat tgmp peppleftbattoeaulbe ob*~L CbWltiy,Sapfe^ fapneatengbtetobefofepllpngefjgutan^' - - - is of ffc/attoftftt toe weeauebef W* banbe


\&gt;m toebaue geue fte. jfo? toebe but (trail* am bef o?e f ^tenauntefs/ as raete all oute faftecs.fiDute bapes on tvtiyt is but a $&amp; botoe/anb ftf re is none abpapngj. &gt;Xojbe oute ob/ allftisbepe ftat toe bauep?epa teb to buplbe t^e an boufe fo? ftp bolp name/ coraeft oE ftpne banoe/anbisall tbpne. 3 toote rap ob/ ftat ftou p/oueli fte bette anbbaft pieafure in plapnefle . anb in plap* neffeofrapnebewegibauetopupnglpe geue allftiS.anbnotolfeftppeopleibPftate Ijere in glabnrCe/to offer topllpnglp to $ D jLo?be ob o3b?abam/3ifaacana of Ifrael oirrefafters/Sepeftis fo?euetfo fte pma* gtnacpon of tbe ft oug&amp;tes of fteberte of ftp people/? prepare ftewbettes bnto fte .anb Cgeuebnto Salomon mpforaie/a pute bcrte to bepe ftp cornaunaementes / ftp tettpmo* npejat anb ftpne o?bpnauns/anb to bo all/? to buplbe fte boufe tobift 31 entenbeb. anb stub fapbe to all fte eSgtegacion: Weae fte iLo?be poure ob Jnb allfte con^ gtegacponbleffeb ft e 'Home ob of fteie fa* v fters/ 9 ftotopea 9 botoeb fte fellies bnto % )lo?oeatofte apnge.3nbftep.8fieteblpffe* tpngesbnto TtoibJnbon traojbto^fter fte rapbeoapiV ftep offereb mbutHtoftwpr= ges bnto tbe &amp;o?be a ft oufanb oj en/ a ft oufanb tarames % aftoufanaelambesUfteft; b;pncbeofetpngesJnb ftep flue plenteous iffipefto?ououtall3iftael/9bibeate9b?pnc6e Wcmm^m fte fame Dapetoift &amp;me glabneffe.a.nb^'ep made&gt;aiomon$ fonne of auibapttg Keconbetprae/9 annopnteb bim bnto tits ilo?be/to betuler/anb^aooefi to be f p?eaSe* Snb fo Salomon fate'o'rt S frateofftejlo2be/anbtoasfipngfo??0auia bis fatber/s p?ol'pereb/anb all^frael obepea bim.3'nba?hl3eto?besanamen of pofeet/ 9 ft etto all an t onnes of ftpng ^auiB fubtnittebftem feluesbnaetapngSjaloraon. anb fte 3io?b magnifpeb Salomon on bpe/ t'n fte fpgbt ef all Iftael / ana gauc bpm fo glo?ioufe s l^pmibome as nonebf an I toere wpnges befo;e ingftacltyft. gi J^oto ^attib fte Cotme of Waf teas fipng ^ouet ftU$&amp;ati.$i&amp; $ f pace be taignea ouec ifrael teas fouttiepere:feuf pete inl^eb?on Q.fflW,1!m in g!erufalera.anb bebpea in a goob age:o?!)e/^cbe $ glo?ioufe: ana ^a* lomonbtS funne mfgneb inbPS tteaae .cbe actes of mm ftebpngbolfte fp?a alafte/

are to?ittes fte bobes of Samuel f feat 9 m fte bobe of kaftan fte p?opbete/ 9 in fte bobe of abftefeatofbifpons/topft allbiS fipngbomfpacDeratpmes^ toft ouetbpm 9 ouetaii IftaeJ/ 9 otter all fte spngaomes of fte etfte. Cbe me of fte fp?ft bobe of ftefit&amp;zo* npcies of ftej&amp;pngesof 2uaa&lt;.



CbeC()?onptlesof t&amp;el&amp;imses of JuDa . Xijefcconue bo6c. cie fp?ft Cljaptre. CC^coffcr^ng of Salomons tfte^lauUer at fi!5a^ Iiaon-' to&amp;cwbe teccauct^ an anCraer of C5oQ toftat topf 6omc ftulOe lie Ucuca ftfm.'toitji tje nun^e of lis c5attan&amp;i)o;(remeiu CCfte fp?tt cftaptet. iil5o^&gt;alomontl)cfonrte of auiD toajccD atSae m \)i&amp; % 6 pngDome/an&amp; tlje JLo^ t* ^t'g tg*aacjj^ oDtoas toitft ^jm * magm* f?e&amp;t)pm on^pe , anD&amp;alo* jmoconmncb toftftallfftael/ tUe capttaynes otter tfjoufanfi*; 9 tyxmtw? tftc mngf anD all ofljet "jHo^oe 3 ? aantimt ^efDC0tUo?otooutaII|rraeL3lnDfo)aio^ mon ? all m costcgacton \69n/toet to t&amp;e $ilauuct:ofabaon;o;^eretoas tabev* , nacle of t&amp;etopmeffe ofou/*te!)rcft fl^ofeg ccofiifyrt?. Iftc ttmmntt Qt$tt%o$zmm in tyt to^ a!i&amp;.?r;i*; ictneffe.23ut tljc36t:c8e of oa ftao aufD^ 111 * 1 * ^ottghtfroKawaftlJavim/mto placed ^a&amp;p/eparfDtl)erfo?e ,iJfo?^cr)a&amp; pptc^t&amp; a toite fo^itat^emtaie. ^o^ewtet f b?afm auttcr t f ?neel t fonne t&amp;mfo fonne o &gt;? ^au ma&amp;e/toasJ at abao aifo/bef o?e ta bctnacleof jlo?d Jnb&amp;alomS $g c5gre^_

gacrtm x&amp;i m bpfee ftjna^aiomon offeren ^ t^ete before t^eTLo?5ebpont^eb;aCenauI* tet t&amp;at teas bp t^ e tabernacle of totfneae/a tftoufan&amp;e bumtfactefrces, InD t^e fame ntgbt oDappeiei) bnto Salomon 3 rarae toftnn:aCfteto^at StJjaUgeuet^eJnb&amp;a lomS fa?DebntooD:t^ou Daft etoeDgreat mcrc?e bnto aufo mp fatljer/s ^aft ma&amp;e inefipHgfnbt0afafie*anljnoto^o?DoD/t9.c3iM IetttbP pjompfebnto J^auiD mp father be true, # 0? tbcu baft mane meiftpnge ouera peopielpfietfie&amp;ufto ertbftt multptune, iljetf ojc geue me topfljome anasnotoieuge ^ototobebattempfelfebntotb^peopte:fo? . te^otgabietoi'uage^people^iprogreatfC crbenooDfapDe to Salomon /becaufe ft ott t^abneft t^fe in tbpne &amp;ette/9bp&amp;eft not affeettepfiire? rpcbeffe/bonoure^tbelpiteg of tbpne enemp0/wt&amp;et pet longe Ipf e:38ut baftaffiebtopCDome^firfotoletae/to mage mp pepole/ouer tofticfj fl ftaue mabepftpng: topf borne $ finotelecgeOalbegeue tbe/ 99 topllgeue g tteaRire/rpc^eae/9glo?iealfo/ g amois^efipngcgbefojetfie o?aftert^e/ none to a? 0? (balbe Ipfie . anD fo ? alomo cam ftS $ bilautter toa^ at &lt;&amp;abaS to *h* rtttellfrS f tabernacle of tottnefle sratgnea ^ afJeruraiem.tnD g&gt;alom6 geatbered cba*^ tet^t5bo?ttme:bf baba fywtatibqt foute bfta;e&amp; c&amp;arrttejs/ 9.rn.tbOufam&gt;bo?femen/ tobuti be beftotoe&amp; in c&amp;arct cf ttesa aboi^




foefipng at3ertifele\anB p fipngmaae fpi uer a goulbe at gerufalem a? plenteous as It ones a Ceaar trees as plentpe as i? mulbc* rp trees' grotoe m tbebalepes.ana bozfes M)tcb Salomon bab/totte b?ougbtbim out of tfgpptfrofceua.cbe fipngt;marcbautes fttfoe oute at&amp;euaata p?pce . cbepcame arts} b?ougbt out of Cgppte a claret fo? fpre buno?e&amp; tpcles /anaanbo?fefo? anbunb?ea 9 fpftfejina fo b?ougbtfoep to all ftpnges of foe^efottesana to foebpnges of gsMa foojotofoebanbesoffoefapaernarcbau'tes. r Salomon fcnoetI) f ofi mm t|e ftjngc of mn f o: toooti anO too;tUmf n. C^e.fecOtlCe Cbap. |a^alom5Betetmt'nebtobutlbe an boufe fo? foe name of foejloft/ a an boufe fo? fits bpngbome: anb Itoibcout tb?e fbozeana tenfoou* ranae men to beare burbens ana f oure fo?e fooufanae to betae in foe mottntapne/ a fo?e fooufanae ana fpre bunb?eb to otter Ce foem. *3flno Salerno ft nt to ISJirS bpng of cite raptg:3S foou bpbett aeale to JBattta mp fa* foer a bpbeft fenabim Ceaartooaae/ to bpibe bmi an boufe to btoelle m/etten fo seale totfo me ncto'.foatlmapbpibean boufe fo? foe name of;lo?b mp&lt;ESob/to cofecrat itto bim toburneftoeteoboutes a to fett 0)etob?eeo before bi'm perpetuallpe/a fo?burntfacrefr= ce mo?npnge a euenpnge 1 a on foe 5 ab ofo bapes/a foe firft bare of euerp neto mone/ a in? foiempne Rftj of Ho?a oute Joo;fo to cotpnetoeuetfoirrael.anbboufetobtcb31 bupiae is great:fb? great is oure oa aboue ja oog:feo foattobo can be able to butiae ** fjim an boufe-.tofte foat beuf / nefoer beaucn aboue all beauesis able to receauebi/tobat am 3f tben fo aej Owiae bupia bim an bonfe? nap/but to butne factefice befoje bimtfenae menoto trjetfoje a connpngmSto too?cbein gouiae/ftiuer/b?a(re/p?on/rcarlet/cremofpn a g'acmcte coloure/ a $ can f Bplle to graue/

to be to foe conning men g are to me tnluaa anb ferufalem/tobtcb isaufb mp fatbet opa . p?epare.ana rename alfo ceaar trees/ fitre ffi60f^NKiMi out of Hibanon.-tfo? H" * ^ 9! toote toelifop f eruaftte s can tbtile to bctoe rpmb?etnjUbanon,anBfe/mpmen albe totttj tftpne/ ^ tbepmare prepare metr^nb?e rnougb.!JFo?tbouftVBbicb3!buplbefegrcat trpaDeifull,a , nbbebolbe/ l Sfentfo?tbprer* ttauntes tlje cutters a beroetss of tpmb?e,ti rboufanb quarters* of beatf tobete/wr-tbou fanb quartern of barlepe/a.W.tboufanb ba* tbes5oftopne/.w^ouranbbatbe0 ofople. Man itam fipng of ct're anfroereb t'n to?p&lt; tpnge a rent to fealomcmbecaufe %ait Iouetbbtepeople,'tb'rfo?ebebatbmabe tbe ftpnpj ouer rbe.ainb $itam fapbe riiortotter: bltmbe tbeHo?b &lt;sob of ^frael robtcb batf) mabebotbeBeaw? mft/4 ; 6&gt;|atb seum

j^aufb f fipng a ttpfe fonnsg battj btf creeps a bnaecQanbpnge/to buplbe an boufe f o? a)e 5Lo^e/aanotberfo?bi06pngbom.anbnoto_ S baue fent a to^fe mS a a mS of bnoetftaru bpng calieb^ttS JCbt/a iss tbe fonne of a too* manoft&amp;ebaugbters$of=an(borobettbte fatberrea* acraS) a be tatt fbpue to toorte m goulb/f?lucr/b?afle/??on/aone /tsmb^ey fcarlet/facinctybpffe a cremofin:5graue all maner of gtau fogy a to fpnbe out all mane t t otle roo?fte f&gt; tbalbe fett before bvm / to tbp connpigmen/atoptbtbeconnpngmeofm? ^o?b^autbtbpfatber.3Enbnoxo u)e robetc/ larlepe/oflearopnerobKb mp)Lo?be batft fapbe/let bint fenbe lus feruauntejj . 2Bnb roc tovll tut rooob oute of JUbane / a? raocbe as tfiou (baltnebe/atopil b;rngeittof fo ibip peg bp fee to potfe ^fapo: a Giice tbou mapft carpe tbe toletufale.lnb^alomo numb?eb alltbe&amp;rauhgetftbatroere fotbelanbe of gttael /after foe tpme W f afoec ^auibbaa numb?eBfoe.3inbtbeproetefounbeattbun* ti?eb a.lfo.tboufanbe anb fpre bunbjeo . Una

be f e r.tbou fa tib of tbe to beare burtbe?/ anb.lrrj:. fooufanb to bero tn mountapne/ anbtb?etboii(anbeanbCprebttna?ebtocou rage ana to fet tbe people a toozcb e. CEUe temple of the iojOean&amp;tljepojc&amp;tatcbpl&amp;rt/ toft^ ottfee tinges t^eciobtlOHgpng. 1QD Salomon begane to buplbe $ 3 boufe of t&amp;e&amp;o#eat %mtt&amp;tin 1 l*'&amp;* mout^o?tab/rcbif.b roag foetoeb jDauta bfJJfatber mbebep?eparea aplacefofoetb^flpng floureofffl)man tbe 3 ebuttte.ana be began to bullae tbe feconoe tape of rbefeconbemonefoe ^ fourfopere of bis rapgneJne fot's is founbacion of $a lomotnbuplbpng fOoufe lngtft teas t&amp;?e Cbo?e cubptesafter otee cubpt/^i b?ecetb.ryanb t pojebe at f enberoasas large as foe boure b?eaetbe.rr.cubptes-. foe betgbt teas an bunb;e&amp; a.jtr.cubptes.Hirtabf ouerlapea it on $ pnner fpae to pure gouKe. ^ anatbegteatboufe befplea tofp^rettee/ a oueriapaettto gooa gouia/? graueafoeito paulm ctrees ana foepnes, Mb be paueb foe b oufe to p;ectoufe (tone goobipe.Hinb 1 1 teas goulbe of jeimt 1 1 a tm . 3ina be ouertapae foe boufe:bofoe beames/pofles/toanes a bo?eji to goulft/a gtaueb Cberttbes Bp5 $ toalles. Snbbemaae f boufemooftbolpe/robofe lengfo teas, w.cubtt? Ipbe to? b?eaaefo of boufe/afb?eabefo foerof teas alfo.Ec.cttblt? aDnbbe ouerlapaettto^beftgoulb/tb^ieto f utmme of ,bt.bfibb t alent^JnbS toalg&amp;c off naples of goulbtoasfoertoft'Kt'efpcles. anbbe ouettapbe bpper cbab?e s togoulb.^ 3dnb be mabe in tbe boufe mooft borpttoo ^.flutrtj,' dtWrub^ofg-magetoo^be/a ouetlapaefof " to,gcu Jb Jna totruxes of c6mibe$ toere pp.



t /

^.cubptes lottge. be one topttge teas fpue f o? fipnge Salomon bnto foe teple of (Bob: cubptes a toucbea foe toalle of foe boufe / a W ttoo ppiiers totfo foeit f calpes of ttoo foe ofoectopnge toasitfietopfe fptte cubptes beeaeS foat roere on foe toppes of f pplietS: a toucbea f topnge of foe ofoercberub Jna ana foe ttoo to?efoes to cotter ttoo C calpes foeone topngeof ofoet&lt;berubtoas fpue offoebeeacstbattoeteonfoe toppesof foe cubptes/a toucbea tbe toalle of foe boufe / a 1&gt;PJletS:anBfourebtla?ea pomegr anates f o? efoertopngetoasfpue nibpteSalfo /anb foettoo to?efoes/ttoototoes of pomegtana* raugbt to ^ topnge of foe ofoet Cber ub ,^&gt; tf S f 0; euerp to?efoe/to cotter ttoo f calpes foetopngesof foe fapaeCberubes raugbt offoebeeaes foat toere on foeppllers.anb

Kccubtt^airtatbepftoae enfoetrfete aiofieo 3 intoarb^ama be mabe a f o;e bangpng of gia* rincte coloure/of fcariet/ cremofpne a bpffe: acaufebCbentbes tobe bourbereb foeron. 3nabe maae before foe boufe ttoo ppllers of Erttuubpty otige3in&amp; ^ btfo t teas aboue enfoetoppe of oneof foetoas fpuecubptes. ana bemaae fofoe foapnes as teas t'n foe quere/a put tBe on $ beeaes of ppllers / a maaean bub?tbpomegranatesaputfoeon " cbepnes. anabererebbp ppllers befo?e teple: one on tbe rpgbt tj ana a anofoer on iefte/a callea t rpgbt lafotn a $ lefte 35oa? Kl&amp;ty mam; of lAKircttje Ca/tyz beOeltrs to ttat^e wit&amp;.tlje catiCciavclice.f c. Cbe.Jfo.Cbapter;. a IM^S^a b e mabe an aulter of b?a .vt , mAW* [\WSml cubptesiwige a.rj.cubptj b;oaoe ana ten cubpt^ bpe. *3na be caft a

; b?afen fee often cubpt^ fro b;pm to b?pm / 8 rounae tn cSpafe a fptie cubptes bpe:ana a ipne of.***, cubptes mpgbt baue

be maac bottomes/ana latters bpon m bot= tomes-.atia g fee totfo ttoelue orenbnaertt. atnafoettopottes/fcbouelles/aefobobefi/ai allfoei'r beaeilesopa 9p;am3BW mabe fo? fipnge ^alomonfo; foe boureof foejto^a/ ofb?pgbtb?affe.g!nfoepiapne ofgiozbSBpa f ftpngcaftfoe/infoefotcfteerfoe/betteene S&gt;ocofoa5areaafoa.3tnamaaeofallfoefe beaeiles fo mpgbtpe greate abotmbaunre/ 1 foe toetgbt of b?affe cottia e not be/reben eae. anb Salomon maae all foe beffelles foat pertapneb to foe boufe of Ob : foe gouiaen aulter ana foe tables topfo foe foeto bjeeae bpon foe/tbe cSbeltttcbes toitb foelr lampes toburneafterfoemanerbefo^etbequere/ a foat of pure goulbe / ana foe flout es ana foe lampes/ana tbe fnoSers toere gouiae/afoac perfecte goulbe tana foe BtfOpage bnpttesy bafens / fpones anb centers of pure goulbe.1 anbfoepnneeaojes of place mooftbolpe/ anbfoebo?es offoe temple to /toeregoulbe, anbfotoas all foetoo;cbe foat Salomon

copaf e&amp; it umtu aboute. Una foe facpon of maoe 1 0; foe boufe of foe %om fp neffoea.

ojcenbpa compare it rottnbe aboute bnaer it: foat ts to toete/tteototoes of open caft toben tttoascatteapa copafefoat fee tobpeb toas ten cttbptS topae/rottnae aboute.anat't ftobe alfo bpon ttoelue oren : of tobpfo fo?e lofieb 0mffiit weft 1 tbje S&gt;oufoe afo?e &lt;eft/ ana foe feebpon foem aboue an bpe / anbfoe B bfober partes offoe t'ntoafoe.anbf fopefiett oftttoasat3banbb?eeae/afoeb?pmeipfie bim of a cuppe /to foam of ipipes . anattreceauea asjeiae foe fooufanaebat&amp;es. ana be nrabe ten latterS:a put fpue on foe tpgbt bans a fpue on foe lefte to toafo tolfo ali.anatnfoemfoep fojutt foe fledge offoe

iJurntofferpRgeS.JSut foe fee toas fo; foe p;eaftes to toa foe in . ana be maae tm can* bel&amp;pcbes of gouiae tn foeir facpons / a put foem in foe templr.fpiie on foe tlgbt banae a fpue on lefte.anabe maae alfo ten tables ana put foem in foe tern pie: fpue on f rpgbt tf tpae ana fpueoisfoe lefte. ana bemaae an * brniajea bars n&amp;' of goulbe . ana bemaae foe courte of tbe tWtttes / anbfoe great courte anbbo?es to if. ana otterlapae ao?es offoe to b?aae.arajbefetfoereet'nfoetpgbtfpae of foe (fed; t me 1 to toarae foe S&gt; oufoe.ana Qirammabepottes/fooueiies ana bafens, ana ^foain fpnetfoeofoe too#e&amp;e maae

ana toben foe too? cite \ Salomon maae mfoeboufeoffoes,o?betoasfpneflbeb:foen Salomon b?ougbt in foe gpftejs bebpeat bp JDauiabis father/ foefpltterana foegouiae anaailfoeljetoelles/anaputfoem amonge foe tteafute of foe boufe of oa. caft tty ftojt ^ottfts anb tbe accaetoeee putfa* temptc/tlje to?f t of t&amp;elojioe fpl 0)t temple. CCbe.b.Cbapter. $en Salomon geafoerea foe el* aersof afraeitogeafoeeanballl a beeaes of tbe trpbes ana atmcienttif. &amp;*,&amp; jLojaes amonge foe cbpia?e of 3f 5 an6.w9.a. rael/bntoierufaiemrfob^pngefoearclteoe foe cottenaunt offoe tlo;oc oute offoe cptte of auia tt$\t\) is *&gt;ion. ana an foe men of 3ifraelrtfo;tea bnto foebpng in foe featte of foefeuenfoe monefoe.anbtobeaUfoe eiaers^ of ifraei toere come / foe neuites tobebp f w arcbe.ana p?eaftes a foe fceuitf b?ougbt atoapefoearcfieatabernacleoftoitneffe/ anaaHfoebolpbefleiiesfoattoeremfoetai bernaclc.anaftpnge Salomon ana allfoe cSgregacion of gfraei foat toere affemblea bntobtm before foeatcbe/oSerea foepe anb oyen/fomanpefoatfoep couiaenotbe toiae 0? mtmb?ea f 0; muttttuae. 3na foep?eaoesb?ougbtf arcfie offoe pML appoint-




iippopntrnft of tBe&amp;ozoeonto,..-.. -.-... quere of tbe teple (jplacemoftboiy e;eiiebn* Her toe topngS of toe fibenibeg/ toe Pi* Iks ftreteBeo outtorit topnge* ouct $ irtac? oft^e arcfie 9 eouereo f aec&amp;c * bcr ftaues Caboueonbpe.anBtoettauegofme areite/ toerefolonge/itbeptoerefenealptlebefoze toe quereybut not faro toptoout .3nb toete iti;emameto bntotijisDaf e.S0o;t ouerttere toasinotopng in tbe arcfie faue too table* lM fl&amp;ofeis puttoerin atl&amp;o?ebytoben toe jUtomabeacouenafitttp: cbflo oflfraei/ after toeptorocomeout of Cgppt.anbtob5 the p?eaftJ toere come out of toe bolp place (fo?aw ptfafte* g^erefounbe fanctpfiea ftf felues 90io nottpaj bp coutft ) J5ut f ideuiteis euerp one of tbe ftat toere onbec a* fepb/$emananb3mitoun7aamorigetoete cbplotftt a b?ctb?e/ toete arapeSm bpffe ana, fangetoito ^nnbale^/^ralteneg.a batpejs ftatibpng$ettfromtoeaultet/a toitb toian 6unboanD.w:.p?eafteg blotopng teppette* anbtBetrompette blotter* a toefpngergfo agieebytoatitfemebbutone bopcein pzap* fpngeatbanfiptigtoe)lo;a.anbasJtbeboice of tye trompettejs/fpmbaless a inftrummtejj of melobpearofe/*a a* toeppzaf fea ^o?6/ bote be toa* good a ib?0 metcpe lafteto euer / toe boufe oftbe Hojoe tea* cplleb V&gt; a clouoe:f toattoe p?eafte0 eouloe not enbure tomptrtttetbptbereafonoftbe cfoubc.#o; tame of $ jtofleBab fpUeb f Boufe of ob. Ct|c teotfeeef Salomon 1 3 1 tie people.. i eijcp?apcc Detna&amp;etoHKoIi. C&amp;btMbapter.

$en Salomon raroe-.j&amp;e &amp;o?ae batb rpoBet't/boto g betopllbtoeli inDarcftneffe.anagibaue bupltan tyfthymrpfln rn?tftg*n?)fl placetO BtoeHefttfo?euer.3uDtbe6pngeturnebbiS rtahrgfopnuca^ raceableflebtbebolecogKgacionofirtael/ |ffi^5SS8HS?TSS anb all tbe cogresawon of 3ifrael ttobe. ana Sffl|^tfe^SB5S55 be open SHKSSSjfflffiiS S22 ^WwRnft *&lt;S place tobtcb. fpabe toptobpsmoutoe to mp fatber ^^^ ( outJaa ft^J jbou toolbett put tb?nametbere:tobetfiebntop?aertobi$ top feruaunte pjapeto at tofc place : Berfien torrfo;e bntbtoe p;aperss of top reruaftt a of

of tbHopne&amp;be&amp;all bullae an bcufet'o?rrt? name , % no toe&amp;ojbe batb mane go 00 &amp;$ faplngetbebatbCpoBen.&gt;ffo?3&gt;arofetntbe rbtomeofauibmpfatoer/afateonfeate of^frael/ass $^oaDp;ompreD/abaue buptt an boufe fo; ttjename of tbejLo;b@ob of %U rael.anb toermg; &amp;aue put $ arcfie tofirrm toecouenau^oftoejLozbmaSel&amp;toecbplb;! of gsftaeiyfc . anb be ctepte fotfbe before tbe aulter oftoe;fl,o;btntbep;efenceof all fco-gregaciSof^frael/aftretcbe&amp;outbiSbiDe?/ note Salomon babmabc ajfoafen puippt of fpuecubptessionge afpue cubptes* t?oao/ anfi tbe of betgbt/ anb bab fet It to if miDb ess oftijegteatcou,rte/bpo i be fteptc aanciea ootonebpabt0&amp;nee0befo?eallcQ'grcgaci5 oflfraei a aretcbeboutb^bfiliestobeauen a fa?be:]lLo?oe 00 of 5frael tbereig noob . lf&amp;etbeetbermbeaueo^mettbe/to6scbfie'. ,ll ' peft couenaut anu ftetoeft merc?e bnto tb UtMSttti tbattoalfiebefoje tbe\Salltberc ljerts.!ffibicbbattfeepte toitb 3atu'Dmpfa* tbettbattbou p?cwEfeDefi b"ti: tbou rapoeft it toltb "tftj raouft e anb batt fullf Dleb tt te tty tbpne banoe/a* it is to t e tW bape. j9ottX-o?beobofjftaei sepetttbpfer* iiaut auto mp fatber/ tbou p?omprebett bim fa? fgi*tbou altnotbetoftboutone of . ; otber in m? rpgbt gjwll fjtte bp5 tbe feate*gf of 3ftael.f tl)Ri coDtcion W&gt;' W tb? cbpIDje mmjuja toFH tafie beaoe to tbelt toapess to toalcbc lit mv latoe 1 ass tbou baft toaicftea before me. f&gt; oto 7Lo?ce oD of ffrael lett tbp faptog be itriie'ttbitbtboufaibtftbntotbpferuaatjsa uio.^otobetttoberrbebe/can&lt;pobbtoeUtt ma en ertlief )5c bolce/net&amp;et beaue o?beaue

oboue au bcaueis ifs able to cotapne :botojpi . ftulbe g boufe tben to&amp;ic^ baue buplt fo; bo iti 3511 1 tutne to $ p;aper of % fen taste


torn ttanmnil) btmettpfuiibniof fpinc ilmmtmeuStrSSSSS^SSi mSSSSST m sane8 """ isfeaSSsSSSS . j 3fbeaeftf!fl)uttbp/tbattberebeno ^rapne/becsurg^epbaueffnneoagapnft g: fee vf tfrvmw attbwsplace ano confetfc tbmme aira ame ftomtbeir fpnnes* at tb? . fco;gFnge:^mbearetboufrombt'autnanb BemercpaiUbHtotbefrnneof tfofmuum* e|anboftoeople tfrad/tbattboulbeto tbeagoobte^totoalfiein/ afenbe rapne bpon tbt? lame suJjpcb tb ou baft gmen bnto mv people/^? urn enberitaunce. giftbere dumnct oartbe in tbe [anbe/pefc ftlence/buii^aceo?fm(tinge of co^te/gra* oppersi o t ^ cateqtfnent/ o? tbat tljeir enne= WFtf beffget&amp;g totftecptfi* of tljetr atone -a**. ms;, SS SPF !S5 p,ase 0? ^Wn^ft wP^to ^asife ttwikuaunte te.^bensrsv;&gt;eiupplKafponi5ancip?ajer^ - tbat ftalbe ttn&amp;e of. all men amonge aiift? yeopreJfreri/iHbPcft alisnott etierpma^ m atone fo,ie moW atonegteffe/anb all ftretcbe oue ^ebanb? tottarbe m r)oufr. tbou Qjaltb^are frombeauen tbp btoelipnge . Vlace/anbfi^jtbemercpfull/agmeener? manacco?&amp;pngcbntoaHb?0toapi?/euma!S tbou alt trnme euerpmannejj bme : fo? tbou onetpsnotoeit tbebertes of tbecbplb^ gwomfim immav feare tbe anb toalfie

aufb abatb fuUfplleb it toitbbvs bansejs/ fo; oDfa?Qe ; fence tbe tpmeg 1 b^ougbt m? people out of tbefenbeof (Egypt/I, cbofeno

.tttieamongeanewb5oj|fraeitobupi6e jKSgiWJiittoiiwtelto tbercbofe lanpmanto be a ruler ouer m? nia CC h ratt 5; * tohseuou beareftitbeme rct* SffiteSSSSSSSS^^ anabuiraciSbela?betobttJcbai!ge/toaWure s ' ,Wi i 5,llpj3WfWptW? outetaataie3eueUbiWtaeWStoawbii5


5 ufbmpfatber:fo?lmocBe sjftttoajJm w hebwte/tobuplbe an boufe fo?mp name/ tboutnjbefttoentbattboubabbeftitmtbpne bert. jSottotoftgogng tfton tD^lt not bupIQe { boufe/ijuttajfonnetobicb (battiflueotit

tbourettarbeeuell ab?pngebi&gt;stoarebpS b is beeby a iufl e fpe tbe ngb t eoup a geue ban accojbpnge to bt* tf gbttoefnefie. 3L.pBetopre vt tin peopiegftaei be putto f too;(e dero;etbe enemie,s / Secaure tbes Baue

wapetotoatbetbew labetobiebtbougaueft bnto tbeir fatbetg/anb tititwb tbou baft cborm/anbto tbiS boufe tobicbl! baue built fojtbFname: ben beatc from beauen m btoeumgeplacc/tbefrfupplicacio apjawr! a tubge tbett caufe/a be mercf full bnto top people/tbougb toe? baue fpraeb agapnft f. 90 noto mp m let tbpneepes be open anb tbpne cares attee bnto toe p?aperjj mate m m&amp; plate, ainb note bp )Lo?be ob in top reapnge j)iace:boto turn anb 3ec&amp;e of top Emig^/anWettbppjeaesputonWetom: anb trip fepnete* wfopfe in goobneffe . 3nu Ilo;beo:otumenoeatoape ^ faceof topne anopmeo: Sutremerabje toemercpespjo*

:.&amp;%' t'onfujiwKj^facEPfBcc.OeaQJtRaB* pmcfttt) Salomon tftcfeeonotsme. &lt;T^.is?ii.C$apte!{. % Isbto^en^^omon babmabean xnu t'f p?apege; toete came boto* neip?efBorabeauen anbeofumea ai^m' idSFS?* 0fo f8eanb)eracn, hSf 1 &amp;fte Sio^pe of (Be t#M fpnebtbe SSRWW*?** " ot 5o w toBonre a. innate ottije )Lo;oeybecaufetoe a glo;peof$)L,o2be of o"f5iipng ^bfHfptotoeBmireoftBeiU3iKaB*l w ^* M people jresei/pi Be come from a fan* lanbe bpon toe pauement anb botoec mSSSS w mape finotoe to? namc/a feare toe/agboeto anb fo tbe Bwige anb a I toeoeoole ha' roPPeoplc?ienel:anbatitmarrbebnotoe toeoeBeWrt^fiffiSiSSSK 5^toatto^Sonfetobpcbabauebuplt/ WonWSR^iSelfflSS eailebaftertoi'name. toammeteBofmiu^^r^ft^n^hr^ fflKSS^^?^^*!' 2 ffWWW ftf* euee/teBOTaS gattftnbetoem. g.ftbeppjafEtotbeynje gaue p^pfetBo?oto toeirnanbel. anbtoe tt L i?e cotoacoe rt)ps cptpe tobpeb tijou baft p^eftes bleto trompetes faft bp toem- ana ^I5g#^^^^%^topplfefe toebfmpaweoftbecitte|toa0befo?etBe ctonap;aper/abeipetoemmtoeirtpgbt. Jlo?be:fo?tBerebe oftereb burnttSwrel SS l f at6e R al * ' e6oa bc tbeb^ftnaultertobicb aa&amp;Babmabe/ angrtetottb tbEmanb belpuertbemtotBeie teas not abletoteceauetbe burrtoffmiaea SSSfSSSSt ^"SSPfS! tftrff Bert? ana S.alom08epteafeaft|fame ceafon c coraeto tbem agapnetn g lanaetoBeretBep rt feiienbapes/anaaflgifraeitoptobpra/an p. erceaopnge

1 J 1 111



ejceabpnge 5at congtegacpon/ WKS $emattbnto fle rpuet of cgiptf. 1MMM etgbtoapettepmabeageatterwgeffojteep fiepttte balotoengeof tbeaulterfeue oaves SBfeuc bapes . anbtte.miM&gt;ape of totttmrnommeM * peoplebeparte Saiomonto1 l ftaelBWpeople.* anbfo albefipngesboufe atft allttat came in bP* bps atone boufe/anbtbai pjofperouOp*. InWoae apereb to Salomonbp nigbt anbfapbe $*&amp;***** m w J Dane ctjoftn tft^fteeefo? * togg boufe of factpfpee . ^o?eouerpf Itbutbp beaue 4 ttere be notapne/oj pf 3 tSmaunW rtelocuftestobeuoure ianbe/o??f gfenbe petttleceamogemppeople:petpf mppeop e that are names after m? name/ujall (jumWe tterelues smasetntereecrion afefiemppje* fence / 9 turne fro* tbefe tepefies MMM ufflSfjeateftB beauenanb be meicpRillto tbenrftnne0/9toiUbeaietaewianWberto * mpne W ftalbe open W eareSattene Srto tbepjapees mabe intbfc place Jnb ft* Spl batie djoftn afanctifpeb ttisboufe/ tbatmpname be tbere fo? met/ampne epes ampneberteroattettereperpetuailpe. anbpftbou(&amp;alttoalftebefo?emeas?&amp;a* uiBtbpfattei; toalfieb / to do accoflwgc g ait 1 1 baue c5maunoebtbe/ alt obfewe irnwoibpnauncesamptetoestttm&amp;topll flablplbettcfcatof tbpfipngebomjyacco?* opMeVtbeeouenaunt^mabe toitb jfcautb - M aJ m&amp; tit fatter fapmg:*tbou fbaltftaue eucr one . * petutneatoape afojfafie ^ffl0*0 . ImpcSmaunbememestobtcblbauefetbc* fo?epou/anbttallgofmteotterobsanb botopourefeluestotte:ttmtopll3lPlucfie tbem bp bptte tote? out of mp lanbe tobpeb fbauegeaentbeni/ a* topB caftlbPS boure , teM Waue fanctifpeb fo? mpname out of

SSfiK mv fi^tva tofllmafie a p?ouerbe a a tale of toh?th oftb* fobpe/ftalbeatoonDettoang pafletbtbetbp rucrtpcof toe tbattteprballfape.tobpeatt ^ojmmt flfCftcftatcnoe i y ft ^ ff ^ to , ft t6i3ianbeani}toitbtbftJ Si mSBE *Sft albe anCtom#/becaufe tobieb b?ougbt ft! out of f lanbe of tfgipte/ anbeaugbt boloe on otter tfobS/anbbotoeb totbemafetuebttem-.eue tbetfo?eb?oug&amp;t beonttemalltbiseuell. * . * CCnt{?f5tbatatonwbjlte9aftee ty ftwfe cfe6teasf8JtfH&gt;eo. Cbe,&amp;trj,Cbapte*.

&amp;afftt.#.pere ttben Satonuma baDbuplttBeboufe of tbOLojbetfiMRfBftft, biS atone boufeOje biitite tte cfttesi ^aca^^tliat fit ram gaue bpm/ put of tte cbtiD^nofJftaelintbe.1CnD Salomon toet toKematt) SQbaeartfjftrengttebit.anbbe butlt ere aomo? in tee totlbemeffe ano all tee tto?e cities tobieb &amp;* buplt in $emat| . 3no be buplt 38ettbo?on tfte bpper t4MMWfV tbenetter/anbmabe teem fttoge cities tob toalles/gates abarres Jnbtfaalatb Ml $ ftoate cities t Salomon baD/a all | cptiesateecftiesof^o^remen/aall e a lomonbabiutt to burtoein^emfaleana jife ban0/atbo;otoout allf lanbe of bis oominto SPWialltee people g toeteltfte of tee ^t tbtteS/5mo;ites/?eeetefites/l9euites a3e bufiteSytobKbtoerenotofteecbflD?enofaf&lt; iael:euentbeceiU&gt;?foftaf/tobicbtoetelefte aftet ttf in tbelanoe/a toete not cofumeti off tbe cbiUtfe of 3ftael/tbe Dio^alomonmafie ttibutatpesbntoteiSbape.)5utof c&amp;Ploje of grraelbpo Salomon mafienobonbemen v inbis too?fie: buttbep toere men of toatre f tulets a gteat)lo;ottoitt)bim;captapnes ouec bis cearetes anb ^o?femenJnbfipng Salomons oBpcetstbatouetCatoe atuleD tbe people/ toete ttoo bunD?eo ano fsftpe. anbS&gt;alomon b^ougbttbeoaugbtct of

ffibatao outof citpcof auiointof tjoufeC gbeeaDtuacefo?eer.ffo?eefapfie:mptoife ftallnotbtoellemtbe boufe of^autt fiinge of Jftaely f o? it is bolp/becaufe tee Jwfie of tbe JLo?oe came into it* m w 3nbftomtbencefo?ib Salomon ofletea burnt offerpnges bnto tbe %t&gt;w on ault oft)lo?Detoetce eebabbuiltbefo?ef po;cbc to offecbapebpoape acco?bpnge tofftr com* maunoementof apofes / a in tbefabbotes anttomones/anb tbetb^cfolempnefeafles of tbe pere/tbe feaftof ftoetebjeeoe/tbefea oftoefiesanDtbefeaftofbotbes. m w-3nb Salomon puttbe fojtes of p?ettes ineompanpesaSJ&amp;auibbPS fatbet ban of tterea tbe/bnto otTpces/ tbeHeuttesbnto tbeirtoapte/fo? topwpfe ampnpatebefoje *P?ettes oapebpaape/ apo?tets bp courted ateuerpgatc. &lt;f o?fobao ^awbtbemanof &lt;!5obcSmaunbeb.ainbfl)ec5maunbementof tbefipngebntotbepaefles tbe)Uutesc&amp; cernpngctobatfceuetcaufeit toas/a cocer* npngetbetreafures/toasnotbtfobepeb. ano alltbe tooojfie of ^alomontoent la* am fo;toaroeee onto tbebapeoftlefm&lt; oacpon of tbeboufe of tbeHow toas^lapbe: afmraentWbebabtpmtfteD%t8attbe boufe of tbejuifle teas petfectt . m cben totntfipnge Salomon tol?tonwberanb to tsioti) a to tbefcesfpueinf lanbe of oom. SBnb^rarafentWmbptbebaiibebf bpsfj^ uauntts



uauntes/OH'ppes anbfmtafites tbatconloe ffiilleoft^fee: ieptbtoenttoptb tee fer* uauntes of Salomon to SDpbir/a b?ougbc

tbencefoure [junb;gij anofpftpetaientes of gouin/anb b?ougetittoiipnge Salomon, CCbc c3mun(cacpon of Salomon troth tfie quene U&amp;bM ttiegvRcB'^at ^concaaueitc ottjcc.Cbe bcttl) of Sslomonjaftet whom fucaBeb iscboliefi: Haee.v.baptet. JSiatee quene of S&gt;ababeatbe of tee fame of &gt;alomo ana came to ' pjou* bim toitbrpMeiles at gem* ftfasem/toitlj a berpgreat copanpe/ ano topte cameues tbatbareltoeteoaoures ana pientie of gouioe a p;ecioufe ftone. 3n&amp; tobentbe teas come to Salomon/ (be com* mujiea torn) eim of all tbat teas inbet erne. Mo $&gt;afoaton Copies e^r-alifiecauefltons/ (bat Were teas notbinge bio from &gt;aJom5/ tobtce be tolreber not. anbtoben tbequeneof ^abababfene toifoome of ^p,iomon anb teeboufetbatbe ^ built/ana tbe meate of bps table anb tee fpmnge of bps feruaOteg! ana t^t ftan&amp;pnge ofbpstoapj-cr^/anb tbeiEapparell/anb bpS buttelars toite teetr apparel/a bis parloure out of tobicft be tort into tbeboufe of f iLo?o/ tb ere teas n o in jare bert e inber. , a'no tben Qje Capbe to fipngc:tbe fapinge ""afyitb 3 eeatDc in mine atone lanae/of tbine actejs anb of tbptoproome/istmetf). ut 9 beieuco not tbe too;bes of tbe/bntplli came 9 mpne e pes i&gt;m (ene itJna f e/tbe one balfe of tbp topfoomc teas not tolbe me: tecuey* ceaoctt tbe fame teat 9 eeatbe / bapppe are tepmen/aeapppeawtbefe tbpferuauntcs tobieb before tbeall toape a eeare tbp toifbome.35igffeD be)Lo?be tbp do tobieb bao iuft to tee/ to ma fee tbe fipnge on bps feate/bntotee&amp;ojDetbp d5ob.ecaufetbp obloueb gftaei/ tomafietbem contpnem euer/teerfo;e mabebetbe fipnge ouertbem toborpsbtanbequpte. C SDitWfte gaue tee fipng anbunb^ talentes of goulbe/anb of ftoete oboures er s ceabfnge great abounbaflce toitb p?ecioufe Hones/ $ tberetoasnofocbe ftoete cboures as tee quene of Saba gaue fipnge &amp;a!o* mon.ainb tberto tbe feruauntejj of l^iram 9 tbe fmiatintfg of Salomon tol)!cbb?ougbt fifc&amp;S? *? oulDe ttm ^P')^/b?ouget alfo * aigume Kpiaetooo&amp;anbwecpoufeftones. ainbtbe fipnge "^** maoeof aigume tooobfteparesinf boufe of tbeS,o?beanbmtbe fipnges palace /anb

barpes anb pfalteries f 0? fpngers.3nb tbere toag no Cocbe tooob fene before in lanbe of i^uba.ainb ftpgeSalomon gaue to que^e ~of Saba all berbefp?e f fre affifb aboue g Ibe fycugbt btito fimge.3nb fo die tutnebd torn toape tober atone laneetf ber feruaffK

. ceefummeofgoulbeg came to Salomo in one pere/ toas fpre eunb?cb.lttoi .talentes of gouiDe/befpbestbattoepce cbapmenanB matcbauntes b?ougbt/anb all tbefipnges of atabta anbbufies of countre pes bwugbt goulb afiluerto Salomon.anb&amp;pngeSa* lomo mabettoobunbjebbofielats of goitlbe/ bi.bunb?eb fides of 3Beten gouioe toa &amp;ofie* lar:atb?eeunb?rb pibesof jaeten gouioe/ me bunb?eb fides of gouibe to a ftiiDe/ a ee puttee in tbeboufe of \ fojett of tMmm. ana p fiinge mabe a great f eate of ^uone anb ouenapbe it toitb puregoulbe. anibtbet^ toere fire fteppes to o)e feate % a f mu\t of gouibe faftenebtoKeate:apomelles on ecbe wepti iptttngeplace/a ttoo lpi5s ftSmnge bpteep8melles.anbri?.lponsaooeonone fpoea on tee otber. bpon tm fteppejs/gtbere teas no focbe in anp fisngebome. ^anban tbe ojpnc&amp;pnge beatiit s of fipnge Salomon toere gouioe/aau occeis of tee boufe of ffozeft of jlibano/toerepure gouib anb as fo? rpluct / it toas counteo notbpnge too;tbeinpbapesofSalomon.4fo^fiinges mm toent*f cearfts ^b tee feruauntes *. i*a offimeuerptb?epereonce.aiibteeaip st * t i T c c c S pee of cearfisb?ougetgouIb/filuer/tctbe ibatnuo of eiepbantes/apes anb pecocftes. m#*i inb fipnge Salomon paffebaii g fiinges iff of tbe crtbe mrpebeffe anb toifbome.anball tbe ftpnges of tbeertbe fougbt f pjrfence of Salomon /tobeate tee topfbemetbat ob Dab put inbiseertcanb teep b?ougbt e uerp man ets p?efent in beftelles of fpiuer a bef^ f elles of goulbe/anb rapment/earneffe/ftoe* te oboures, eozfes anb mules perebp pere. anb Salomo babfoure teoufanoe mafi* gers of boiffes a cbarettess fo? tee/ a ttoelue teoufanbeeo?feme.anoecbefiotocbte^ng cearet rittes a totta 8 Hinge ataerufale. anb berapgneb ouerali fipnges fro fl?upe?ates

bntotfielanbof tbe peibftinesa fotoibo;^ tiers of gjpte.*anb tbe fipnge mabe fpiuer &amp;.&amp;&amp;&amp; m^eruraleapplenteousasftones/acebat$'iaaraue. treesas pleteoufeagtbemulben'treegtbaf grotoe mgbalepes.anbSalomS eab eo?fes b?ouget bim out of tfgipte a out of all SK. *m tbe reft of gactes of fipngeSalomg amuuti botb fp?ft anb laft are tojitten in tfie bofie of ****** JBatban tbe^opbete anb in tbep?opbefpe of abiab tbe Siloniteanb in tbe bpfpons of gjabttbefearof bpfpons agapnft Jeroboam m fonne of J9abat.anb tobe* S&gt;aiomonbaa rapgnebin^erufalebpon aRgfkacl fouttpe peres/be lapea bim toreft toptb bps fatbers/ a toa? burt'eb in $ cf tie of J^auib bis fatter/ * a KeeoboS W fonne rapgneb in bfs fteafie. C Cbe folf tbntf of fteboboara/ ano the bcuj ftotl of ppo waulmf* bejr,baptei;. ana

I* " J




m me&amp;oboamtoent to &gt;iehem: foj to S&gt;tcbf toere aligfraelcome to mafietitmfiinge .ano tobenf e* ^.^^JcoboSttie forme of #abat/bepnge (it Cgipte tiearbe it (fo? tie teas fleo to? feare of Salomon ttie fipnge )tietetumeb out of tEgipte.anb ttiep fent aim calleo tiun, %m fo gboboa" 8 all iftael came a comuneb toptft iRetioboam afapDe. cbp fatbetmabe fa? a gteuoure pouclie:but temptte rtioufome* tobatofttiegreuoufetempceofebpfattiee 8. of his tieu?e?oucfie ttiat beputopobS/atoe tofllfetue ^anbbefapDtotbKComeagafnc after tti?eDapes tome JnDpeoplebe'parteD

tohae tie tpueb/a tapbe: toba^unceHpjee pe me/to antrcere tbES peop^ aga^asJ*' ttiep tolbc tiim faping#f tbtu tbalt be firstie to tin's people? yieaft tliem anb Gjalt fpeafee loupnge too^aess to tbeVtbep top H be tbp ferv iiauntesfo?euet. utbeleft rbecouncffl totiicb tie elbers gauebira/atoofie councell toitb tee poungemen ttiat toere nutfeb bp tf bpm atiaD ftanbefn tiiS p;efence/ afapbeto ttiermtotiat abutTe geue pe j? 3! roape anftoere rftpS people totipctibauecSmitaeDtopm me fapinge-Jbate fometobat of gpoucfie tobicb ttipfatberbpDputbponb*. ; arfotfepoungementtiatfoerenutceDbp Crottbbpmtaraebtottbtipm fapfoge:ttius am , f toere ttie people ttiat fpafic to toe fapmge, " ctip fattier mane ourepoucfie beupetwu: -mafic tbou oute poucfie forrietobat ipgtiter. CtiuS topfe anftoere ttiem : mpj ptle tinges . , ftatbebeupertbenmp fatbers tone* *tfoj &amp;**$(' tobrtempfathetpuiaBeutepoucftebpSpou ' gtofflpntmoatctbmo/atobrtempfatticc ctiaftifcb pou tottb tobippes/3i toill cuaftpce fouto&lt;tbfco?mong. *. " anb tetieh "Jeroboam ano all giftaet toere come tbfiDei8pe/a*$6pngcbase,fapinge: comeagapne to mef tb?fbe fipnge anftortebtbecraeHp/fo?Bpngeaaeboboam lefte m councel of ttic ageb mf / 1 am" town tbeaftetfabirifeofrtiepoungetneri raping, ^fmpfat&amp;etraabepoute poucfiegteuoufe/ StofiJaDoetbetto/atobererrojfattierctiafti* feDpou toptb totiPPpes/3 topH ctiaftpce pou toitb Kowtows . inn fo ttic fipngeberfieneb notbnto ttie peopie/fo? tbe tutnpnge atoape teas of ob/ttiattilozoempg&amp;tmaBegooo &amp;PS fapmge tobpetibe fpafie bpttiebanb of . itifab ttie &gt;fionite to Jeroboam ttie f onnc of #abat. 32 3'no tobrn an Hfrael faro ttiat ttie fcpnge tooftcnottieare ttiem /ttie people anftoereb

f fipnge/ rapfnse:totiat parte tiaue toe trf tb auto oa cntiewtauncett ttie fonne of^lfaif i9fS.?0.D. letcuetpmanof iftaelgotofifetcnMno

note paufo fe to ttipne atone tioufe . %m tbctupon arigftad get ttiem to ttietr tenter fo $ mctioboam tapgneo ouct no moo of ttie ctitKijen of gifrafl ttien otoelt in ttie cptpess of ^taja.cbenBpnge3&amp;etiobolfentto tbf $a* Duramtbattoagmset^trtbute/attiectiilD^ off Ctaei ttoneti W^ ttonefttfiat tie Dieo Sutapnge^etioboateraaDc fpc&amp;cantigat bpmbptotiPSS flpeto |etufalem. 3inti fo gstrael Departed from tp tioufe of &gt;auiDbntotbp0bape, ttatfioboatn &lt; febiMwj to ft? g^t agapnfl JeroboS. t h&gt;tl)e.j:t&gt;j.Y?ue anb tbjef Uoje concubsiwe;* bj (^em.j;)ri9.fonnr'anti.irvt6o?EBaugUtM0. M .. tie.rt.tiapter. jawDbcnKetioboamtoajfcometoHf ftufaie/tiegcattiereiofttictioufe9atj.^?. of auio a ?5entamm4o I nub;e rnnm." t "F f f i"' ttioufantic-ctioifeme of toatrc to fpgtit toptti 'IfracJ/forio b?pnge tbe fipngoom , agapnc to aBctioboam.oeutf tco?be of ttie %afM:cm to ^craciati ttie man of oo faptnge-.fpeatic bttta BeboboS tbe fonne of Salomon Spngc of luba 8 to aH 3itf ael ttiat are mguoa/an&amp; toc ntamtn anDfapitbuiS faptti JLo?De.(SSo not no? Hgtit tofttipoutcb?etti?cn;ieutrettwneeuctpmS totiP3boiife/fo?ttips$ttipngc febone of me.^ anD ttiep obepea tbetoojoes of ttie !Lo?be 8$ wtntneafrom gopnge agapntte jetoboS. "Stm Ketioboam Dtoelt mfnnfalem /ano buflt Otonge cptresi in g:uba:a?i Vtiffldmi tam-a'beHua:38etb5ttt7g&amp;ocbo a fl?Dol lam:ctb/fl9arefSti ot'Pti:3iDutatifm/)Las ctii8an&amp; afecab^arati 36talon ano !^eb?on. itBtiicti toere n)e aronge citieis of giuoaasSe* niamtn . ano taben be ban rcpap?cb fottic ftronge cpticiS/ tic put capptapnesi tn ttif anb ttoje of oftafle/ a of opie a of totne.3nbtie w* beneo in aH cpticjs ftpmejs a fpeatcg/amatie

ttiem erceaopngc aronge. Inbfo gjubaani) jecm'ammtoerefanDetbjm. &lt; anb ttie p?eses( a ttie %tuit&amp; ttiat toere (nall3fraclrcfo?ttbtotipm/ cut of aUttirte cofteis.Snfomoctie I ttie leuitcjs lefte ttieic 4uburbeg a pofleffpon^ ann came to luoa anb jeruCalem : f o; % eroboam a &amp;PS$ fonnest bab catt ttiem oute from mimltrpnge bnto f iLo?oc*3Cntibeo^cpnel)ti^P?eQe0oftiPl* { 9*^ aultergbottieto fcmcbeuellce anb alfoto caiues tobicb tie 5jao mace.Jt no after tyz $er csmcof all f trpbes of ^fraeKfocticajstbeir better mottcD ttiem to fefce ttie ?Lo?Be ob of SpraeDto f crufalcm to offer bnto ttie %o}tit obofttieirfattiere. 3nbfo ttiep fircngttieb tbebpngeocmeof %m amatie-lSctioboam ttie fotme of Salomon mpgtitpe tti?c pere Iongc/fo?tti?epct? ttiep toaibeo in tbe toape " of JBrnib anb Salomon. 3nbKebobosimto8etipm g@abalatbtb* DaugBtee


baugtiter of serimottittie fonne of ^aiuo totopft/ano aibitiailttieoaugtiterof cEKab ttiefonne of ^fat/totipctibare bpm ctiplo?en: '!ieu0/&amp;amartatianD5atiam.3noafterijcc tictoobe^aacati ttiebaugtiterof abfalom totipcti Dare bpm afbfati/ itfjary 5i?a a s&gt;a* lumttb. 35ut Ketioboam loueo fl@aacati ttic baugtiter of aitifaloabouc atltit'0 other top* tie* a concubpnessfo^tieto&amp;e.ttiitj.topues a ttireffto?e concubpncjs/anb begat tti?effio2e baugtiterst anb.rrbm'.ronneiS. anb iSetioboS maoe Sbtabtbe fonne of fl^aacati ttiectiefe ruler amonge W b?etti?en/fo? to mabc tipm fipnge.3:nb be plapeb torfelp a f fiatereb ofail tip? cbpl^enttio?otoout all ttie countrepeg of luba a 55eniamtnin euerp ftronge citie. anb tie gaue ttiem abounbaunceof bt'tapie/ anoaffiebmanpetopuesf. Cfefafe by ng of g tpt robb&amp; tift temple of f Jtojfe. Jflcftaboam oirtij aiio auiab his (otitic JUtcca&amp;etb him ctie.rij,Ctiaptcr.

i^DTBtie metiouoatiab ftafalpfftjeb pe fepngebomc/amabcit ftronge tie fc?fobettie!atoeof U)e )Lo?be/a ^^Jairifraeltoptti tipm/ *totierfo?e fpftepere of fipnge Ketioboam/^efacttic spngc of cgtpte came bp agapnil f erufall became ttiepbab traTgrcOCb agapnft jto?b tottti ttoelue tiunb?eb cbareteja! anbtb?ef fio?e ttioufanbetio^femen. Jtnb tticpeoplc toere totttiottt nurabje ttiat came tottb bim out of ffiff* ^j*? W o Iftfa/a ttie * ^ucctittc? | mmm, tbe b!acfiemo?ej5. 26nb ttiep tofte ttie ftrSge ctttes fljat toere tn fuba a came to gerufalc. Cticn came &gt;emetab ttie p?optiete to asehoboamatottieilotfiessof |uba t toere geattiereb to lerufaiem f o? feare of befac/ &gt; a fapbe to ttie:ttiu0 faptti ttie txmi pe tiau e ^lefte me/a ttifo?e topH % leue pou alfo in f banoes of ^efac. itierupon ttie Holies of Ifraelanbttiefipngetiumblebttiem felue? a rapbe:ttieiLo?be i% rigtiteoms. anb totien tht %om fatoe fljac ttiep fubnu'tteb ttie relueg/&gt; too?be of Xo?be came f o&gt;emefab faptnget ttiepmefie ttiem femes / anb tberfoje i iopfl notbeftcope ttiem. uta topllbelpuer ttiem fometotiat/anb mp to?atb ftallnot fane bp5 ^erufalem . #euerttielatet ttiep albe m feruaunte0/to bn otoe totiat Difference i# be* ttoene mp ferttpce anb ttie retuice of ttie fitn-&lt; BeBomesofottierranbeitf. C atob^eracfspngeofffgi'ptecametofe* wtfalem anb toBeatoape treafurestof ttie Bottfe of ttie %om) anb ttie treafureg of ttie Bpnge^tioufe/a fho^tlpe tietofieali. anbbe toftealfo? mm ofgouibe tobtcti ^alomo mabe.^n Qem of totifcti fipnge Ketioboam mabc aptoeg of b?affe/anb put ttie in ttie fie* ptngeof ttie capt'tapne0 of tips garbetobpeb toaptebwtbegateofttieftpnges5boufe,3nb


a9ofteasJ|fipngetoettotioufeofRo?be/ | M toet 9 f ett ttie/ ^ b?ougtit ttie agapne bntof garae ctiab?e.3nb fo becaufe tie bum, bleb titm f elf e/f to?atti of jLo?a e turtteb fro bmt/abeftropebnotaUtogettier.ainDt&amp;etto tbertoeremanpgoobttipnges pet in Jnba,

2tnb fipnge as eti ob oamiDarebmigtitpe in aeroralem a rapgneb JnblSetiobog toas.rit pere olbe totim tie toasmabe fipnge /anb tie rapgneb.rbtj.peres in gierufajem ttie cptpe totitcti ttie )lo?be tjaa ctiofen out of aH fcrpbr of giraell to put tips name ttiere, 3nb tips mptticrsname toas iQaamati m ammonite. *ainb tie bpb eucltfo? be p?epareb not tips tiertetofefiettiejlotfe. . mmamt ^beactejofJEetioboamfp?iianbfaftare 9 ' a **** 222?i?fi e ft ges f * mei!il &gt; ft^* sSSSSSf mm of bifpons/fomoctie &amp; A e 2 a,OBpe an!)t b e Perpetuall roarte t toagbettoene metioboS a teroboS During ttietr life JnbmetioboS lapbe tipm to fjepe U KSff fc ^? w bime w^ ci'tte of autb/ anb abiati tife fonne rapgneb in tips fteabe. ca^brctojsjof 0b.iab, aga? nft arecoboam. Utiejrfn,cftapter. j^e.rbirt.pere of fipnge Jeroboam -3 Ibeganabiati torapgne ouerluDa/ tt&gt;.eg.yb.a. a tie rapgneatb;e pere in |erufaK. tticoaugtiterof?tel of atiaati. anb ttiere 525JK beftoen f ?"Ni Jeroboam. anbabtatimabeabatteHtopttian ffioftcof tpgbtpnge men of route bunD?eb ttiourana ctiofen men.anb Jeroboam put in arape to fpgtit agapnft him/ toitfl.bin,tiunb?eb tbotK fanbppcte men anb ftronge. anbabiati ftobebpbp55emarat'mantia mmoutcpb?atm arapbe:tiearemetfioute* roboam a aHJfrael.JBecometti itnot pott to finotoboto ttiat &amp;o?be ob of ^frael gaue p fipngbome of ^frael to^auib fo? euee/euf M ** fr . tfi e M totipm atotiPSfonnes/roptti a*falteb coue'fnSJS naunt. tit gjeroboam ttie fonne of @mt ttiereruauntof Salomontbefonneof a* utb./rebeHebagapnft ttie 5Lo?be. anb ttiere 55 geattiereb to bim letobe men anb ontti?pfte6/ anb p?euapleb agapnft fte&amp;oboam fonne of&gt;alomon:fo? lSct)oboStoaSpotmgeanb tettberBeartcb^notfttongepnougbfo? tm, anb note pe tbinfie to p?ettapie agapnftS RpngcDomeof )to?beintianbe offfonnes pfautb/becaufepebeagteafmulttcuDef ftauetoittipouttiegolbecaluestotipctiiero* boammabepoufo? obs. anbbaue penot caft outctie p?eftes of ttie fLofii tbe tonnes oC

aaro/a ttie )Leuites/a tiaue raabe pou p?eftr ftftettienacponsof ottietianbes-.cuen tafto* roeuercemettianbftnetbbis banbetoftban ore jfeue rammes/ ttie fame tsmabepjefte to tbem ttiafarenoiis.




Euttofmb&amp;t$$JlD?be&lt;Mte&lt;!5obtobome be buiittttoge cities mstibatbecaure fianbc C toe baue not fotfalien/anbtbe pjettegof tfic l^mteft/abcbabnotoawmtborepercjj. fonnWaatonmpmttmgetontoafccjbe/ W^^w^geuen&amp;rrawft. ffi a$xniitegtnomce/bumpngetonto&amp;jl.o;be anbtbetfojeberapbetoJubatletbfJbuflb* euercmompngeametpeuebumtofermg$ tUefe c^tpcss a compare tbftottbtoaiieff anb anbftoetec?re:atberoetob?eeo putin o?b?e toto;e0/gate*abarre/tobpretoebauetbe tops a pure tables tbe cSblettpcbe of goulbe lanbequpet. #o? toe baue fougbt tbe -ilo?be. toifb tbe lampes of fame/to be inW euerP outeoo; a becaufe toe baue fcugbtbim,be eue\tfoWepe*toatcbeoftbejlo?beottte batbeBeuetoSreftoneucrpfpbe. anbfotbep 50Wmt pe baue I ojratten bpm . flo?eouet built anopjotpereb . ano ara bab an armte re/tfobia toitb Mtntbefojetoarbe/'anb bp* tbat bate wtlbe anb fpeare/cut of gubs ttye wefte*/ ano tbe ttuwiBetrompetteis to crp e buruwebtbouranbc/a out of tferoamtnt bat alarum aoasnajou. y ecbplbjcnof gTracl barewiibcaomebotoejsttootjunbi^lrrr rwntnottttte)lofl)e&lt;ioooffoutefau)tBi: rboufenbe/aifctoewallftrongemen. mBSSSUmSnmfm. 3Eno tbere came out mrtQfSMftf* ut fo? all tbat Seroboam fentmenpjp* fl^onan wtfb an ^ott of ten tying?* tbott-uelpeabouteto come bebfobetopohtbf:afo f&amp;tibe/atb?ebunb?eDcbatme$/anbcarae a ? tbep toere betaeSuba/atbe lapet* in toapte fcrr e of atefa. anbafa toent out to t ym/ toewbebpnoetbeJfabtobfSutoaturnebanO atbepputmawrpetobatteHmtbetalepeof famtljetauWbebpnbeabefoje/tbepcrpeo ^epbatab befpbe flfcarefa. SMftcflMj btrtotfteTiojoe/at&amp;epjeBtfbieto ttSpetj tonto S iiojbebpsstfobanbrapbe-Xojbe itw amemenoflubagaueamotote.anbasf anonetoptbtbetobeipetbemtbatbaueno

meW^uoattototeo/ti&amp;obfmoteferoboaa potoer/ toptb fetoo?to?tbmanpe:beipe to* all*ftaelbefo?cabfaba|uba,anb$cbiUHe: 7lo?beouteoo/fo?toetrufttotbe/ain of ffraeiaebbefoje gtooa/a o)e Jtojbctelp* tbpne name be come agapnatbpsmultitub e uerebtbeinto * banbe&amp;of^uba .ano abiab cbouarttbe:ko?be oure Sob / let notman B abtepeoplefoieagreatOaugbteroftbWoS MMnML _ _ -w , mere toere ttrpbmbotonebeeb of gfraelf me anb&amp;Ho?bermotefblacHefl5o?efJbefo; e baweotftoufanncbofenme.lnlifo cbtltoe* afaanbSuba/tbattbepfleb .anbataanbtbe oWtacltoerebjougbtbnbetattbattpme/a people tbat teas toitb btm/folotoeb after t& amp;e we cbilbjen of gfubap?euapleb:becaufe tbep as ferre as era* .anbgblacfiejJEojes t one leaneobnto8)Cb?b&lt;!JJo&amp;oftbeirfatber0 Jta ouettteotoen/tbat tbere bobe non e a ipue of abiab folotoeo after 3!ctoboatoanne cer* tbe/buttoerebettropeboftbe&amp;ojbca of W tapnecitiej5ftomtym:etbeltoitbttotontsi $olte. anb tbepcarpeo atoape a mpgbtpe belongpnge tberto / anb gefanab toptb tbe great p;ape . anb tbep emote all n)e a m* totones r&amp;a t longeb t&amp;erto/anb Cpbjon toitb rounoe aboute erac. f o? feat e of Jtoubc

came top on tbe.anb tbep robbeb all tbe cities fojtbertoas erceabpngemocbetobetobbea tnttjem . ano tberto tbepfmote tbe tentes of catell ano carjeo atoapebplentpe of tbepe a camelles/ a no t etumeo to | em fa le m . CS?ng afabj tlje monicionof (6ep?Dpfiet atfat aflec be !) ai&gt; put sovnne tbt Jtiotess i a c r pf p e tij to tbt .o;ot.(e bspi rue t ij bis mother of hec fium jm?on . be.ib.&lt;lBaptec. J9b $ fpmte of &lt;se&gt;od came on a?a* * itiab tbe forme of be o.anobe toet loutagafnaaraanb fapbetobfm: , , Ibeare melfa 9 all 9Juoa ano J5e* awnrwrp . q tuamin.beXo?be&lt;0tt&gt;ttbpou/tDbfieifebe

iiBblfebnitbattDass Boofi^rtgbt toftbbjm;anDTf?e0iallfe6eb&lt;m/betoflbe intbeei?e0oftbe)L.o?oebw 00/ founbeofpou:butapfKfl}allfo;fafiebjm/ a toseamaretbe aulters of Oraa= be to?M fo^fabe you. rbere toill come manp gerjs a tbe b?laultew/ab?a6e tbe oapesjih^frael/tntobfebe tbere ftalbeno ^maBe^aniJcutboionetbe Bouejs/anbc5 ieue&lt;Potino?pjettegteacbetb/no?anjlato, maunbeo?ubatofefie f %ow&amp;titt of tbeit anoin fteft tribulac?5tbes aalJtutneb nto fatbet0/ff toboaccoiojnge cor&amp;eiatoes cS tbe^o7oeSobof^fraelaniiQ)allfebebsni/ maunbementJniibeputatoatfe outof all$ abe albe founbe oftbe.anbin t&amp;ofebartf rttiegofiuba/tbebtlaultersfatbefoolejJtfo? tberelbalbenopeacetotbetbatgooutani. tbe RtngeDome issft qujet before bpn, anb 20ut great be^artonbpon tbe enbabpters of aUlan&amp;w

bet totonc s . anb Jeroboam recoueteb not srengtb agape in tbeba? ess otabtab . ano atrbelatttbe&amp;ojoeplaBeBbmvi ftebjeb. anbabteb toarebmpgbtje/anb tobetym tffltoW* I anb begat.]rirXonne! anb.rbt. baugbterst. cberedof tbeacte? of ablab 9 bfe toaf e0 anbb* boragesJ ate to;ttte ftitbe 0o?ve of tbe p?opbete aso.anb tobenabtab tea* la^betonepe toitb bfc fatbeS/tbe? bu* wbbfmmt&amp;e cftteof auib/anb afatyJJ ronne rafgnebfabfc tteabe.Jn tobofe bajesJ tue lanbe ma qujee ten vat. ngbfab Owtb afttc tabom fucceabetb a fa. ffC&amp;e.rfuj.Cbaptet.

mwtf&amp;jMWm, !ffo?onenacpon man beftropea notber/ anb one cptpeanotber: fo; ob topll jgtrotonce tbe tottb all aouetfpte. ut plucfie ^outopfoureberte^a letnotpoure banbe^ tamt/foi putetoojfies Ibaiberetoarbeb. Jben Mn bearoe tbofe mo?oex&lt; a tbe p?o

p&amp;efeeof a?aw'ab fomteof Dbebtbe^o&lt; pbete/betofie courage aputatoape abbo= nimacioms out ofall oje lanne of Juia aJSeniamin/a out of tbe cities tobpefibe toSne m mount &lt;Pb?a!m/ a renueo tbe auiter of tbe -o;be tbat toass before tbe po#&amp;e of 6 jlo;d, anb be geatbereb all suba affieniamm/anb tbe uraungers toptb tl)cm out of Cp&amp;aim/ fl^anaaeb anb Simeon. iffo?tbmfcHma= np tobpm out of ifrael/ to^en tbep lato tbat ^(ffiiobtoasitopth Ijpra, anbt&amp;epaflemblebat aetufaUm tbe tb^pbe monetbe of tbe fpftene pereof tberapgneof afa. anb tbepoffereb tmtotbe JLo;betbatCame tpme of tbe fpopie toljpcb tbep bab b^oagbt. tfi, gunmen oj:en a pt),tboufanbe (bepe. anb tbep mabea couenauntto feKe tbe %QM ob of tbeir fatbers/ tt all tbeir bertt a all tfteir fouleg : fo tbat all tbat fougbt not jLoj&amp;e ob of'lftael/ftulb bpe fo? it/robe* SSS?* l ftS?' rt, * D %me toitbaloube I Sj Tfeifbopce anb ototpnge a tnptfi trompetes anb [WW TO,bo?ne3, anb all fuba retopfeom tbeotbe/ P# f0 ? tfW fta o toome roptbaii tbefr bertes/ S&amp;Sui jnbtoWbtbpmtoita alitbeir lutt/abetuaiS [mS* founbe of tbem.anb tbe )Lo?be gaue t&amp;e reft b so/ MftWuWK aboute. ef SDBBtt anb tberto ftpnge afa put flpaacab bpss ltSt rao&amp;CT out of aucto?pte/becaufe Ibe bab &amp; ffiS maw an * Me in a VWm b?afte botone bet 1 9*1 on iiie Pbole a aamptei'tanb burnt it bptbe b;osc {*m lot* ceb?on.58ut tbe? put not t^t bplauttctss out BEEFS* 3fmh nenttmmtme bert of afa toag K an &gt;teallbteiffe.anbbeb?ougbtintotboufe f^**** aw tbe bebpeat gpftes toftict) be abP ta* tber bab beotcate/m goulbe/fpiuer anb otber giemelleg . anb tbere toais no moaretoarre bnto tbcwyb .pereof tt)e rapgne of ara. cara/fo? featt of )aa(a bfog of Jfratl/maUetn a cq U!iaunttt)!ti)Wnii)a0.iQhyugofasicia, . be.W)t.Cbapter. JiS tbe.tjrrtot.pere of tbetapgne of afa/came ffiaafafepngeof ifrael agapntt Juba a bupitamab / to tbeententtbatbemolbeletnone $ pertapneb to afa fting of iiuba baue paoage in anb out . aeberupon afa fet out fpluer anb goulbe out of tbe treafureg of tbe bottle oftbc s,o?be anb of tbeapngesboufe/afene it to ldenbababgpngeof &gt;trta tbaebroelt at amafco/a fapbe.irbere ft a c0feberaci5 bethjenemeanbtbe / afo toassbettoene mp

ratbee a tbine/toberfp?e 3 baue fent ffpluet


anb goulbe/ tbat tbou go anbb;eafte tbpne apopntment toitb JSaafa bpnge of ifraer/* bemapebepartefromme. aib fcenbababis graunteubntobpngeafa/afentfcapitapnc ofbi0 armleagapnft f cpttejs of Ifrael. anb tbep bet aion/an/aUeimaitn a all fto?e cftteu of ^epbtbali.anb tobenjBaafabearbe tbat/be left butttpnge of isamab anaietb mo;cae ceafe. anb tben afa G)e apnge toae a ^uba a carpebatoapea ttonesta tpmbje of Kamab tobettoitb aafa toap a buiibinge: a He bupit tberrottb cuabaa a Q9a?pbab. ^ attbatfametpme^ananitbefear/came^ to araftmg of |uba a fapbe to cattfe tbou truttellin fcpnge of Suria/atruflea nptintbejiLo?betbpob/tberfo?eis( boSe of tbe ftpnge of &gt;iria efcapeb out of tbpne banbe.H9etenot f blacfte nio?e!anbtbei? of JU'bia agteatboftetoptb erceaopnge manp tbarettesi anb bo?femen i anb pet becaufe tbou truttebbeft in tbe jLo?be/be belpuereb Jbe m to tbpne banbeis. f o? epess of ^o?be beboioeailtbe etOfe/to Qrengtbtbe berteg of tbe tbatareboale toitb bim herein tboubaft bone folp^lp/anbtbetfo?e frombencefoztbe ou ftalt baue toarre. tbentpon afa toau m to?otb toitb tbe rear a put tym in tbe cornier* tpngboufe/fo? be teas bpfpleafeb toptb bpm becaufe of tbat.flo?eouer afa oppjeflfeb cec tapne of tbe people tbe fame ceafon. Cbeofljegof atabotbfp?a anb laft/are to?itten in tbe bofie of tbe fepngeg of !uba 9 gifrael.anb tbe.rnriic.pere of bps rapghe afa fell fpcae of bis fete/anb tbat b?S bpfeafe tp ceabib.anb tberto in b$ ficaneffe be af bebno councell of tbe )Lo?be/butof ^pfpepong, anb at tbe laB ara fell on flepe toptb bp)3 fa* tber? anb nki tofytn be bab rapgneb.rli.pere, anb tbep burpeb bpm in bP? atone f epulcb?e tobpeb be bab mabe in tbecptpe of autb/ anb lapebbpm in tbe beb tobpeb be bab fpileo toptb rtoete oboureis of bpuerfe fipnbU mabe

bp pcrafteof ppotecarpess.anbtbepbpbejei ceabpnge great cofte abouteburiege of bimCJeborapbM (Utcwbttbaftcp atln&amp;Mb cattfcfB tbeftapeof tbe lojbe tote ttnuriiamonse tbcpeojilfc Cbe.irbii.bapter, m febofapbatbfc ronne rapgneb3a inbpUflebea toaurapoAtpertben iirrael.anbbe put rouibpoureu in - . Jall tbe ttronge cptpeg of giuba/ anb fet rulers botfte in tbe lanbe of g'uba anb aifoin tbe cptpeis of flfptyaimtotycb aratyis fatberbabtoonne. anbtbe&amp;ojbetoagitoptb iebofapbat/becaurebetoalaeo intbe olbe toaped of bpg fatber auib / anb rougfit not58aal0:But fougbt tbe}Lo?be ob of ty'3 fatber anb toalbe&amp;inbPd cSmaunbemente? anotafter tbebopngest of 3!frael.cberfo?e )Lo?be OablpfQiebSBpngBome inW banbe/ anbali




Sbecameereeaopngerpcbeagiojpoure, ana &amp;P0 bert toass co;ageou$$ m t&amp;e toapes of t&amp;e Jlofle /anobe put Dotone pet moat* of $e &amp;t[aultet0anogroue$ out of 3!uaa, anatbetb?raepereof bpssrapgne be fent 0fbfeJL.o?besi:J8enbatl/abDfab/3ac&amp;ariab/ #atbanaeiatebaab to teacbemtfte cities o^uoaano toptb tbem/fDemetab /$atba* niaj^abaaiab/afabel/&amp;emiramotb/i!e= Bonatban/aaontab/#obiab anacbobobo*

niab &amp;eutte# a toptbtbeffiltfama a1o?am p;eatteis.anatt)ep taugbtinluaa/a baa tbe bote of glatoU n)&amp; toet aboute tt)o?otoout jralltbe cptietf of $uoa a taugbttfie people. * ana tbe feare of tEte jupoe fellbponaliS fipnge&amp;omesof t&amp;elanoeistbattoeretounoe aboute g&gt;uaa /ttjat tbep Ourftnottoarre tt |cl)ofapbat, ana$ J&amp;bilrtlines b?ougbt 3!e* (jofapbat gtftejs a tribute IpJuer, ana tberto tbearabienS b?ougbt bpm of epe/feuen tboufanoe afeuenbuno?eD rammeg/afeuen tboufanaeafeuenbunajeabe gotten. anOfo febofapbat pjofpeteD a gtue op on bpe.anO je built in JuOa/cattew ana fto?e citiESJ.ano tjebaogreatrubftaiicemtbe cities ofUuba/ a fpgbtinge men a me" of mpgbt tn Setufafc. ana ty$ tfity ojaer in tbe boufejs of tbeft: E&gt;fatbet!8/of tbecapitapness oner tboufanaess inIuBa:&lt;anabtbecapptapneanatoptbbmt offi&gt;$tpngementbjebuno?eDtftouram)e. ano new to bgrn^ebobanan a capptapne a ttBpmttoobuno?eoa.lWktboufanoe. ana bvW f paeama?ia&amp; tbe fonne of 3&lt; cb;i toil* Ipngebntofc&amp;Oisae/atoitbbnnttoobunazeD rftoufanae migbtte menJno of c&amp;fltyen of entamin/&lt;ltaaa tea? ami" of mpg&amp;t/ ano baa toitb ftrm atmea tof tb botoes ano iiae* ttoobunajea tbouran&amp;e,anabp&amp;pjsfpoe ye* bofabaa toptb tobome toereahbuojeo 9.1m tboufanbe trtmmeo fo? toatttc&amp;efe toapteo 011 tbe fipnge/befpbeg tbofe tebt'cb tbe singe bao put in fttoge cities tfjojotoout ail |uba. (caWeea^ah5a&amp;aChri&gt;eounceHoft^8fouw8unfi?tt) CCbe.rbu'Ubapter. % rvsssojiitogebofapaatbecameberprpcbe &lt;Fjsgfl.ff *a. B^ anoglozpoufe/ etopneo aftaftctt la&amp;ab.ano after certapne perns betoent botone to abab to.&amp;amaria anb Ibab flue Q)epe a ojcen plenteouflpe fo? &amp;pm a fo; tbe people tbat came toitb bpm/ * entteatcobtmtogotoptotto iSamoft) in a* laao.anaabab fipnge of Jfrael fapoe to |e* borapbat fipnge of luoa'-toptttbougo topft me toisam orb in alaao? ano be anftoereo 6mt/3! toplbeass tbou / anbmp people albe aStoFneanDtce topllbe totrt) tije m gtoaw. 33utaebofapftatCa?oebntatbe fipnge of

tf,Clj?otti&gt;tIeSv MofaplM

ftaeliacse 9 pm t /tbe toofle of lojce. itio t&amp;e Bpnge of ffrael geatt)ereb togetbtr of tt)e^opbetess fourebunb^ebmen/afaptie isnto tbe : QJall toe go to IRamott) m alaao tofpgbt/o?lBaagiceafefainbtbepfepiie/go: fjtojb all fieltaw it into &amp;ing^abe.3tnb |ebofapbatfapbe7t0tberepet bereneuer a ^opbetemo?e of 7lo?oe&amp;/tt)at toe mpgbt acse of bum ? ama tbenpnge of ifrael rapbe to 3Sebofapbat/ tftete ifi&amp;t one / to affietbe )Lo?bcbpb&gt;n: 75ut% bateb&lt;m/fo?be neuer p;opbefpetb me goob/but aUtoare eueii/one ^tcbeab tbe fonne of lemla. ano 3'ebofa^ Pbat rarbe;iet not tbeftpnge tw to, ben fipngeof fitatl called one of bP3 cftityelapne* a fa?be: fetcbe betber qupcai? 30t'etjea[j tb c Tonne of jemlaJno tbe Binge of Sifrael anbfebofapbat Spnge of g|uba fate etber of tbe onbpjsfeate in n)eir appareny in ff a tb? e Obf nge flotoje bef?be tbe gate of $&gt;a-- ^ maria/aalltbe^;opbete0p?opbefftngebe* f ojetbe Jnb one ^eoeftiab t^t fonne of Cba* nanabmauebpmbomegi of p!on anbfapbe/ tbujxraptb tbe jloflejtoptbtbefe tbou alt topnotoe ^mabntpntboubafl bjougbt tbe to nougbt.anb all t^ep? opb eteja pjopbefpeo ette f fapinge-. top to JSamotb in alaa a anbp;ofpete/fo;n)e Xom (ball beipuetit into tbebanoe of tt)e Spnge. anbtbemeffengettbattoenttocaU $$U c&amp;cab/fpaRe to bim faping:bebotoe/ too?b of tt)eP;opbetes( are pieafaunt to tbe ftpnge toitb oneaaent/iettbptoo?Dejsgi p;aptbe/be IpBe one of tbeirgi/afpeafte $ tobicb tgplea* faunt. anb fl^tcbeab Capbe : a5 trulp as tbe jlojbe ipuetb/eue tobat mp &lt;S5ob fapetb/tbat totU3ifpeaBe.amitobenbetoa0cometo tbe fipnge / tbe fipnge fapoe to bpm : a^icbeab/ ftali toe go to Kamotb in alaab to f pgbt/ -, 0? ftallf befnreftf anbbe anftoereb: a gose , | ' a p?ofpere/f 0; tbeiLo^ue 8)a belpuer it into i nJ^T j53T, poure banK.$ut $ Bpnge fapoe to btm-.boto m^ m p oftetpmefsaaB^aWuretfte^tbourapeno^nW'' tbtngebut trutbetome/tnfname ott%w$$*ff

l)mDe fapb e:gi, fe an gstraei mat e m in tatai as moStapn^/ajSnjepe g bauenoffiepatbe.anlivwec te emt tbe Ho?be fapbe:u)eCe baue no mallet/let 5f '*!,, retottiemetpmStobfeboufefnpeacecbenMS fapoe f Bpnge of giftael totebofapbat/OiD^tnio i^w

not tell $ /tbat be toolbe not p^opbecpegoobas t^ w &lt; bntome/but euellf jww* anb be anftoereO:ft)erfo?e bearepe tbe too?beoftfteiLo;oe.3fatotbe )Lo?oefptbp0 b^feat/anoall tbecSpanpeofbeauen ftan bpnge on W tpgbt banoe 9 on b&amp; lefte. ano $ )Ui?be tapoe-.tobo ftaHOeceaue abab Bpng of5ftaei/tbatbemapego?beoutb?otoenU atasamotbm^ataao.anOtobpleonefaptie tbujJ a a ftoBjet tbat/n)ete cam e out a fprate anoCoDebefojenje jLo;oeanofapbf:?tofli btceaue

, Jj?onptles MoK^aWwueBim,anti)Lo?ofapoetobim/boto^ m anobefapDf:3!toittgooutatoplbe aiptnge ftbftent g moutb5ofabi0p;opbetes(.ano f /Lo^ofapoe/tbou alt beceauebim a ftalt p;euaple/go outaoo tut fojnonoto bebolb t'to?obatg put a Jpingefpiritein f ntont&amp;r of alltbefe tbp p/opbttesi/ a petg jio;be ban) iff fpobe euell agapnft .anbo eoefitab fonne of Cbananab. toetto fmote a9t'cbeab bpo fcbcfie/a fapbe:bp tobat toape toct fpmte of f Ho?be fro me/to fpeafie m tbef anoSBi* ebeab fapoe : tbou alt fe g bape toben tbou alttune fro cbab^eto cbamb?e/fo? to bpoe tbp felfe.cben fapbe fBinge of f frael/tabe pE^itbeababeimerbimtoJmofgouerner of citie/a to |oaj5Bing^onnc afape/tbujs faptb 6piige;puttbt0felotoinp;efon/ana feoe bmttt b.jeaoe atoater of trtbuiact?/bn&gt; tpll 1 comeagapnempeace.ano fll^icbeab fapa:pf tbou come agapne in peace/n)e ban) not 'to?ae fpofie in me.anaa^tcbeab faioe mtwutxi berben tope people euerponeof pou.anofo fipnge of qjftaeia Sejj orapbatb f Bpnge of |uoa toentbp tolRamotb m a* laao.cben Capae $ Hinge of Jfraei to |ebofa= Pbat:cbafigep aget to batteli/butre|tboit ,bauc tbine ato^e appareil bpo p .ana f fiing ofjfraelcbaungeabtmfctfc/a n)ep toent to lntteii.tfuttbe fipnge of &gt;tria comaunaeo tbe capptapneis of bpss cbareteg fapinge :fe i pe fpgbJnotagai'nttfmauo/great/faue agapnft t^e fipnge of Jftael onlpe. anb tob? t!ic eapttapnejs of cbatett fato ^eborapbat/tbep baa toetbe baa bene Bing of'3Trael/j tberfo;e copafea aboute bim/to

f fgbte.Sut gebofapbat crpea out/a jLojae bolpe btm , a (Kob tpfea tbeatoape from btm. jfo?tobe gcapitapn^of $cbarete?perfeauea fit toa3 not tbe fttnge of Jftael/tbep tumea bacfie agapne fro bpm. ano a ceitf mS o;eto bWbotoe tgno,'autIpa fmotef fiing of |frael 6ettoeneiopnte0ofbiiSbabetgpne.attOfie rapaetotbecbaret m5/ttraieft&gt;inebanOano carpeme out of $botte/fo? % ambutte. ano tbe batten arote tbataape.^otobeft Bmg of gftaelcontpmtea ftanapngem W cbaret agapnlltbe^atenjsbntpHeuenJnoabout ff)t fonne got'nge Dotone be apeo. trafter Je^ofapijaCtoaBttlwfctftbj^e p?op6rtJ 5"'^ catleo agapne $ jwoplc (0 ttebononrwigof tgcjto;i)eoJ&gt;.'y.fbaptet m febofapbat Binge of Intel* tumeatobpstboufe fafeatounoe to2emfale\anof eba tbeforme of l^anam tbe fear/ toet out appntt

,- t - tboubaftputatoapegtout outof lanac/abattp;epatea tbineberteto fefie (SoD.ana a^eo ofapbat btoeit atjeru^

^apnebntog )L.o;aeoa of tbeir fa^ew inp be ftcSuogS inplanbe/tbo;otoout all ttroge cities of luba/citie bp cttte/a fatae to $g!uage$:tafie % m tbatpe 00/(07 pe bt not ^ auogeg in tbe lato of ml/ but of eob/ tobpeb ** m toitb pou tn tbe too;aeg of tbe lato. tfcber*

f o;e let me feare of tbe a,o;be be toitfi pou/a taBebeaeanaoo ft. foj tbere is no bnrpgbt* C toifne(Tein&amp;]t.o;a oure (Boa*no;regaramge-9 of perf onejS/no? tafipnge of retoataes. mma4J&amp; m worn In a eruraie ataiebofapftat fet Sftfife of 3frael/ouet fcttftom^ of $%*m cauM of ttrpfe,. ana men tbepreturneoagapneto 3;erurac.anabecbargeotbefapmge:ooeue fo in p feave of Uib *&amp; trutbe a pure berte. anb tobatfoeuet come topouof poure ter* tb;e i btoell in tbet'r cities/betto:ne blouo a blouae/lato/comailaemet/o;apnauccs a mftomeg:fe tbat pe toarne tbf / 1 tbep tterpace notagaf&amp;p%o;R/leRetozatb comeopopou a on poure b;en&gt;;f.cftusJ aoa pe an not of&lt; fenae.anafebereamarrab p?e(le tobtcb is beea ouer pou in all matters of tbe %oMi 9 5abaaiab n)t fonne of Sfmael a ruler tn tbe ftoufc itfQMfyii* oner an caufes concer. mnge tbe Bpnge/tot'tb offpeerg of jLeutteu before pou.cafie courage to pou ana go bpff tt/anatbe,o?ae albetoitb tbegooo, CCflt metueloufc Jjicfoije f &amp;e tftelojti gane Je^o# Capbat bpnj of ?u&amp;s agapnft tlje ^oobitee ana ibc fOFlO?enofararaon/anot5eraofSsit;, . CCbe.rt.Cbapter. If ter f came fcbila?5 of^oab a cbtlB?fof ammS att tbe off am *

brm rapaetofipngegieaorapbat-.ougbtell t&amp;outoteipf topcfieo/atoiouetbfgbate Ho?oe.|rttb!Sberelpt0 to?aft)ofe3Ui;oe upofiseuertbeJatertbereategooatbtngeiS

monit^agapnftleb ofapbat to ba* teu.ana tber came g" tolbe ^ebofa-Pbatfaptnge:n)er cometb a great muitituae agapnftf frS tbe otber fpaefee out of%ttfa ana fe tbep be in $afafon Cbantar \tbpcb ts

cEngaof Jnog'ebofaphat f euros fet btm feif to refie lo?be/a p^oelapmeb fattpnge tbo rotooutealiauoa.anogiuaagcatbetrotbcm Must* to getber fo? to afBe coficeli of p ino?a. anotbertoajete cameoute of alt &amp; cpttes of fuaa to fefie f^^e.anofebofapbat Hate tn{&gt; cogregaciS of fuaaaf emfale tnf boufe ofgJLo?Obefo?e$netocmirtearapfie;iLo?ce^ 00 of oure fatberu/artnot tbontfsoB in ben iif/arapgneanottbou onalt$fiingeoome oftbebetbenfanottttbpnebanofepotoera migfit/ $ no mS can Oanoe befe . art not tbou oure ootobtt&amp;opaeff caft out enba* WterjJ oftbtolanoebefo?etbppeople|frael/ " saved ftnjefeeoofab;a!)3n)plduerfo; s tuerf



3JetjoTapDat, tj,Cl)?onpcle&amp; Jtytm wci^nbrbepbtoelttbettnanbbauebuiitfc iribto6en$ub8cameto^a?p9abmj&amp;e atempletbetinbntotbpname/alapDe-.tobe' euelleometb bpott 60/ agtbeftoerbeof tub* gemef /peftttece o; bongre-.tben pf toe ttanbe before tbpg boufe 9 before tfte (fo; tbp name

\/ ^

tgtntbpgboufoatball crpetttto tbe in oure

ftp bulacton/tboulbattbeate anUijelpe. anbnotobebolDe/tbecbnb;cnoE amnton . a *oab amount&amp;eie/bp tobteb tftou tool* Deft not ret giftaelgo/to^en ftjep came out ot CgipteAut tljeg uepatteo M m a aeftropeb C tbe n ot-31 no te/boto tbep retoatbe bgy 1 come 0? to caft bg out oftfjp poffeaton tobicb cbott baft pofefteo bg toptb all. d&gt; oute ob/toplt tbou not mage cbonf fo;toebauenompgbt agapnft tftpg great companpe tbat cometb agapnftbg. etbertoottoetobattobo: but oute epeg be bnto tbe. anb ag aligiuba ftobe before tbe %om *b tbetrpoOge oneg/tbeir touug a tbeircbilb?e: tfte fpittte of tyt jLo;be came bpS labaft el forme of ^acbattab tbe Conne of ?5anaiab t ornie of letelffone oftapatbamab a&amp;eutte of S fonri; of atapb/eu? ass be toag in mmi of $ c6gregact'8.3nb be fapoe:berfie alrluaa a tbe enbabiterg of lerufaie/anb alfo fipnge !Jeborapbat.busi faprb tbe :ko;Debnto pou benotafetbe o;fapnte beartebbp teafonof J&amp;tW great muintube . &lt;ffo; tbe toarre ignot p poureg/but oDg.anb to mo;oto pe (ball go Dotone to tftl"; fe/tbep come bp at Sft/anb pe aiimete tbemfflaggr of $ b?ofie befo;e toilbemeffe of 3feruel.aj}o;eouer it belogetjj nottopou fo; tofigbtintbigquarembutftes pe fo?tb a ftanoe a bebolbefbelpe of &amp;o;be tobicb igto pou-.feare not/no; letponreberts faplepou/flDpeof' mo;oto go out totbe:fo;tbe"Ho;betgto pou, : 3nb|eborapbatbotoebbimfelfetoitbbi* fecetoicttie/aaligiubaatbeenbabiterg of fierufale fell bef o;e tbe %ofiw to botoe tbe felu$ bnto ;ko;b Jno f? %xuf% a tbe cbplb;e of v Cabatbiteg a of Coxites ftobe bp/to p;apreTHo?o 00 of gfraelto aloubebopee onbie.anbfotbepatofeetlpeinmo;npnge 9 get tbe out bnto toplbetneffe of cbeftua. 3no ad tbep toet out 3!e6 f ap&amp;at ftobe a fata beate me wtia $vt enbabiterg of letufale". 85- eIeuemJLo?bpoute&lt;Eioii/afo Iballpe co* tume-.a beieue ins p?opbet^ a Co (bar pe p;of pere Jnobe gaueg people eoftceu/a fet fin gergof $ %m 9^1 1 P^prebmborpappa* ' teHy to go out before atmie atotapeipzaife f jlo;&amp; f 02 fn'S metrf e raftetb euer .anb tobat tpme tbep begine to time a P^apfe/ tben t^t

%q$x ret lapetjs atoapteagapnft $ cbtlD?e of ammon a ^0oab a monte &gt; eft, to befttope ibfbtterrpe a to to?pe tbf out. 3Bnb tobf tbep baoraa&amp;eanenoeoftbeenbabitersof&amp;ere/ rbmtbepboIpetoBefttopeecbeotb^.

tobetne(re/tbep!oBibntomultitiiBeJnb beboiue/ tbep toete been catcafe? fae to tbe cttbe/anonone efcapeb , 3'nb lebofapbat f \)is people toet to robbe atoaief fpopie of tbe a founueamogetbeabouaauceof goooess a rapmeta of picarautgietoeaw/a caugbt fro tftem mo?e tben ajep couibe carp atoape:fo tbep toeretfye baped in geatberpnge of tbe fpople/it toasifo mocbe.anD fourtbe bape tbep allf bleb inbarepe of breBmge^f 0; tbere tbepbleffebf7Lo?beJnbtberfo?etbepcaHfb f name of fapae place^barepe of bleCpnge bnto 0$ oape.anb fo an t\&gt;t men of guoa a 3ierfalg re turn eb 9 |ebof apbat amoge tbe tbpefieft of tbe/f o? to go agapne to lerufale te giabneffe:fo? tbe Uotfie babmabe tbem to reiopfe of tbetr ennempes. 3,'nb tbep came to ?cruCareti&gt; pfartetpes a Damn atropcteg/ eite bnto tbeboufe of tbe %QWMo feare of ob fell in tbe bpngebomess of all lanbejs/ toben tbepbai&gt;bcatt&gt;etbattbe)U&gt;?De fougbt agapnft tbe enempess of 3Jftael . 26nb fo tbe realme of gicbofapbattoa^ in ttaqtrtltte: f o? bis obbab geuenbpm reft on euerp fpbe. 3nQ 3jebo(apbatrapgneDbpo !uoa/an&amp; toas.rrrbpere olbetotje be ftegane to rapgne^ 9;n3ierufaleJnbbiiS mo= ttjetiS name teas arub af baugbter of^&gt;ilbi. amobetoarbebintbetoapeof afabtsifatbec 9 botoebnottberfro/tobo toag pleafaut in tbefpgbtoftbejHo?b.fotobetttbepputnot botone tbe bttiaulterjs/netber bpb tbepeopie petpjeparetbeirbertejsbntotbetEioboftbeic fatberP. cbereft of tbeacteg of 3iebofapbat fp^ft anb raft ate towttcn in tbe toozefiejs of f ebutbe fonne of i^anant/ tobpo) noteb tbf in tbe bobe of tbe bpngep of Jfraef. Mm tbtg/3!ebofapbat btng ofjubafop* neb bi'm feife tottb Dljo?tab bpnge of Iftael/ tobpeb toag a topebebboar . 3Pnb b coupleb

btmfelfe tottb bint/ to mabe flnppe* to go to Cbatf&lt;!S.ainbtbepmabe tbe pppeis tnai?io &lt;5aber3Cnoo2lierer g f one of^obanab of fl$fl wfa p;opbefteb agamftjeboiapbat/faigAe* caufetboubafttopneb^pferftt flDbojtab^ lLo?&amp;batb b?obf tbptoo^3Pnb? (bipp^toere b;obf f tbep toete not able to go to cbarftg. pntutb to mm tjfs wmtU' anft o oppjedtt ot t\)t jBpi8fti/an6oset&amp;of(^Rpc j(ofapbat tepbe bint to reft lib bft 3! fatberg/atoagburiebtofc&amp;bfefo* tbetgi t ct'tie of autba^eboja t&gt;i0 lfonnetaflsnebtnbWtoume:tobKb jeboitSbab otbetb^etb^eVrSnrofiebofapbat: JCart'ab lebiel^acbariab afar iab^icbae! 9^&gt;epbatiab.a!tbefe toeref fonn^ ofgieba fapbat fiingof fitb a.anb tbeirefatber gaue ttemanse

tljofapljat % r _ ., c aofiab. tbentanpe greatgrttesi mfpftreri'gouiee anb otb p;eciottfe tbtng^ toitb ftronge cttieg in -I uba: but i fipngebomebe gaue to febo?g/ becaure be toag # elbeft.anb tobe aebo;am toassbpbpfr f btgbome ofp fatber afetelbe be flue all lu'0 on) er b;etb;e^b ftoerbe/a bi^ jwrB,?siif.oufeofgiLo;b^ftaertbmo*'3ebo?toag Wtii.pere olbe tobe be begane torapgne, a be . . rapgnebbiiipereing;erurale.anbbetoaHtei t'nptoapeiKoEtbefiingSofjfrael/ufieassopD fboufc of 3Dbab(fo; a oaugbter of Jtftab toag bfetotfe)abeto?ougbteueiiin f epesf of tbe )lo?be.^oro be ttg iLo?be tooloe not beftrope .fbouft of auib/becaufe of tbe couenatit^ bebab mabe\J)auiD/ aag bep&lt;!omefeD to

giue a ipgbt to bim a to w mm foj ettefe % n W oapejs g coomiK beparteo fro bnber f bSbe of "Juca a mabe tbe a btg.3hb |cbo^S toet f o?tl) U big lo?6^ a aBllSf pW ib bim aroarebpnigbta lapse onCbomit^JBbtcb

citieoRau!0:btitnotin|fepuTcb?eofbtg^ CSD^taJ rapgncfD (n ^ rotoraeof Jeftojam&gt;- Jeta " BfnupfjesraelbyltetljSDwjial). atbcttiabputtnttt to ot6atl-(5efcpngiflfi.vii83wonetp3foafleCcapet6. '- cbe.rrit.bapter. i9b enbabitetg of gierttfale mabe a fl)bojtab big poungeft fonne fipng inbijSfteoe.jfo^meoftoamtbat Icame to tbe arabpag tnfbofte/bab

Cbntotbt'gbape.'ccbat fame tpme alfo bib lobnab oeparte fro bnber big potoer/becaufe be leftc p&gt;o?be&lt;!0obofb&lt;gfatberg.a8o;eduer be mabe btiaultergin fmoutapncorjtiba/a eaufeotbe enbabiterg of JeruCale to comitt ^)p.iff,!oteoabttlterpe/abe*tb?uftQfubaoutoftoape. jfctof[mite. 3nbtbetcameato?itjngetobtm frg&lt;jfiab tbep^opbeteoftbt'gtenoure.'arbHgfaptbtbe %Gtf&gt; obofattib tbpfatber-.becaufe tbott toalfiebeft not in g toapeg of g'ebofapbat tljp fatber a in toapeg of afa Sing of fuba /but toalfieDftrntbetoapegofpfipng!; of Jfrael a Utt mabefuDaa tbe btoellerg of ^.erufale go atobo?inge,lifteto tobo;mgeof boufe of 3'bab/a baft tberto Clapne tbp b?etb?e^ toerc tbp fatberg boufe /.tobpeb toere better tben tb ou-.bcrf o?e bebottte tbe JU&gt;#e toill nnpte - ftetotjb.antpgbtiepiagetntbpfolfte/t'ntbp cbflb?e/mtbptomcganbtntbpgoobeg. anb tbpuftjartbauemocbebpCearetbo?otoinffr* nutfe in tbp botoelieg/bntil! tbp botoelleg fal out bp wafon oftftpfpebneffe/ bape bp oape. anbtbevLo^cfterebbpagapnftTebojg* fpm'teofpbtriftin^tbearabag^bo;bet cnpblacftemo#.ibtcb came agapnirf uba aall to tare lanbe/a carf eb atoape alt rub*

fiance $ teas foCbet'ntbing^boure/a tberto big fonneg a W^ tbete toag neuec afonneleftebimfaueg , eboaba?big pougeft - [onne.anbafterarr/tbel-o?bfmotebimm W botoelleg % an incurable bifeafe. Wno in p;ocefleoftpmc/eueaboutPenbeofttoopere biggutt^fefl out bp reafon ot btg Rebneffe:a MB23tF Mg fi ofmeU oifeafeg.uttbepmabebf BSSBS22SS*?*S?^ ftfte Womtke* of big fatberg. [*Sttai6rt J { &gt;ebebegSnetorapgne/betoag.wriipere mm ia, orbe/9taignebingierufele.bin:pere.anb*be puioteB. toalbebnotpieafautrp/ 9tbepbutpebbf fn$

flapne air W elber fonn^.anb fo Cbo?tab # fonneoflebo^ambingeoffuba/toagmabe bpnge.ctooa fourtie pere cice toag be tojjen be beganne to rapgne/a rapgneb one pere in I erufall. ^tg motberg name toag atbaltab ^ pbaugbter of amri.anbbe toalftebarfoinf ^ toapegof tbeboufeof abab/fo?bpgmotbee toagbtg couceler fo; to bo euell.UBiierfojebe btbibifpleafeb)l,o;b Itftetogboufc of.ibab fo? tbep toere bpg coacelerg after oeetb of big fatber/tobig beftruccio.Snb be alfo toal* bebaftertbeircoucell. anb JeDo^ fonne of abab bpng of Jilrael toet to ftgbt to ia?ael " " '- ' ' bpng of)jrtaatasamotb m alaab-.atbep of aaamotb toouoebb&lt;m;iberfo?ebetetur= neb to bebealebinle?rael of g toounortobtcb totre geue bim atffiamotb/tobebe fougbtto -1 ^a?aei Stng of &gt;ttia.anb bo?iab g fonne c of 3jebo?btnge of lubatoftbotone tofe|e*

bo^S^fonneofababatg-efraei/becaufebe toago!fcattb,*#o?ittoa0tfcuaiittofl&gt;bo- ^ lt ^ ?wft of ob to go to mom $ m toag JSJS. % g tbe fonne ofjBamfttobome tbe Ho;bbaban= to t\&gt;mtm nopntebtobeftropetbeboufeof abab. ttiat oe coming anb aggebu toag erecutpnge iufttce bpo L W 3 ,! I b oufe of abab.^e founbe g lo M of ^la 5SBS atbefonneg of tbe bjetfcen ofSDi)o|tab tbat toapteoon bo?iab/a befluetbcm.anbbe fougbt bo?iab/ atbepcaugbtbpmtobeie betoagbibin^)amaria/anbb?ottgbtbtmto Sebu.anb tobe tbepbabflapne bm tbep bu* riebbnn:becaufe(fapbetbep)betoagg fonne of 3|ebofapbat WtD fougbt tbeito?be to all bigbert.anbtberetoag none of tbeboufe of bo?iab/tbat couibe obtapne to be bpnge . *iJfo; atbarfeb f motber of flDt)o?fat)/ w&amp;wmt* Ibefatoberfonnetoag beeb/arofe a fpafie to air tbe feeb of tbe bpngebome of tbe boufe of fuba. 5But3eboabeatbtbeDaugbterof m bpngetobe*feboaggfonneof &gt;bo?iabaub *t 3m, ftafe bpm frbaraonge tbe fipngeg fonneg $ toere flapne/aputbtm a bignottrce inafle* pingecba"b?e.anbfo3eborabeatbDaugbtet of bpnge^eb^S atotfe of 31 ebofaaa fpjefte (becaureaetoagfpOetof)bo?!ab)btbbint frSatbaltab Ibe true bim not. aribbe teas tottb tbembibtntbeboufebf obfpwpere anb atbaliab rapgneb ouet tbe lanbe. toputtot^. ccbe.wiij,baptet. ' W. 25nb


0otn% fetich petegeboiabatobt apopweatogouetnettjebofte/anafapBeto ' m/smaaeabunae tottbtbE capi tbenubauebnoutisftbout tbearapesana spues of buna?eoes a?awa&amp; tbe ttHoCtocti Wotoetb bee/ let bpni be flapne tmuKot$nditimigmMMatm toitb tbe fttetae.tfo? tbe p?ettefopDe:flep bee


ofsobana/a?ariab forme offiDUeb/S^aa* notrntbeboufe oftbe tojaUna tbep lapae fiau tbefonne of aaaiab anooEltfap^at tUe banaesonbet/anatoben Gjetoas come out fame of 5e cb?t . ana tip? toent aboute m to tb e en tepnge oft^e b o?tgate in t be fipnges SUM ana geatbeteotbe iteuitesout of all boufe/tbepfluebertbete. tbe cptpes of guaa ana tbe auncpentbeeaes *anbf ebofaoamaaeabonbe&amp;ecbjenebft n a of aftaeianatbep came tosetmalem. ana ana all tbepeopleana tbe ftpnge/to be t&am p;e * at8,ct * ambecongregaeponmaaeabonaetoprbtbe ?lo?aei3 people, ana all tbe people toent to Bpnge tn tbe boufe of oa . ana Seboiaaa tbe boufe of jeaal anb aeuropea it / ft b ?ane lapae to tbem: be&amp;oiae/ tbe fipnges fonne bpsaultersanb bps pmages/ana flue m&amp; mutt tapgne ouet tbe cbPia?en of K&gt;aJO/aU tban tbe p?efte of )5aal befoje tbe aultets. tben,o?aebatbrapoe. anDTeboiaaaputtbeoBpcepoftbeboufebf 33 Cfjig isittbetfo?e pe Q)all ao.erbe tbtroe fte Jlo?ae in tbe banaes of tbe p?e ttes tbe patteof pQup?ettcs $ B^uites tobpeb come jLeuites;tobicftauio&amp;aBbeup6ebtaToms ttitbe&gt;abotbbape/n)allfiepetbeoo?e0fta panpes fo? tbeboufeof tbe )Lo;ce /toofl es tbtttie parte Ibaibe in tbe Kings boufe burn 1 ffi rpngts bnto tbe JLoja e / as it is -ft norbertbp?Be parte Qtaibeintbegateof to?ptten in tbelato of fl|)ofes/topfl) tciog= ttje founoat to; 5 all fte pecple Qiaibetntbe fpngeanafpngpnge / as it toaso?Dfp neabt *jo&amp;.w**couttSofboufeofi;to?Be.anatbet(bail au&lt;B.anBbefetpo?tersbntotbegateSof noneeomeintotbeboufeof &amp;Jlo?Be/raue$ ti)e boufe of tbe jlo?ae/cbat none tbat toast pjefles 5 tbe Heuites g miniftte.cbep (baii bncleane in anppopnte ffiuioe entte in, go in/ fo} tijep ate boi p: 9 all tbe people (ball ana be tone tbe capitapnes of buna?etbefS

Bepetbetoatcbeof tbe Ho?ae.Jna $ jLeuit^ ana tbe nobles /anatbegouernoutesof tbe ft all c opaf e 5 fipnge r ounae aboute/ft euetp people a all tbe folbe of tbe J anae/ ftb?oUgbt mSbiStoepoinbisbSaesfttobatfocuerottjet tbe fcpngaotone out oftbe boufe of iLo?ae / niicomeinto tbrboute of tbejLo^oebe (ball ano tbep toent tbo?oto tbe bpe gate in tbe ape tot t't:anb tbep (balbe toitb tbe Bphge, ass Bpnges boufe / ana ret tbe Bpng e bpon tbe becometbinanaasbegoetbout. feate of tbe Bpngebomc.ana an tbe people of 3inb| %mitm alijuaaatam alltbtagt; tbelanaeteioprea/ft tbe cptie teas in ttSqut* ag^eboiaoa n)e p?ettecommaunaea/toBe lite;but tbep flue Stbaltabtoptb tbe ftoerae , werpma^ismembotbetbetbatcameinana ,^^.. t ^. t ^., tbe * toent outtbe rabotbbapeifo? febotaBa c J* tar^wirof 3jo ftcpctb t&amp;e lavw tbe p;crc pw leenone of? copaniegDepatte. 2 i)ati8f) tor )iop^r je^oas wkvutt of u w aw* aina^fbofaoatbep/eftebelpuereDtotbeta* nctwuaunfcs/nnoafter^pmMpgjwiVaraafiaj. pitatnes!ofbfiWC6esifpe8KS(98)ilD5abou* . beiawsgpertapneDtofipnge^auib^toere Cfc&amp;e.M#fl.baprt*. intbeboufeof&lt;0ob.3vn&amp;befetaiitbepcopie jr^f^itiboagtoajjfeueKteoloetobenB ex seuetp man bis toepon In bi0banbf/ft5^e *""'* ttgbtco?neroftbeboufe to iefte corner of tbe boufe/alongebp tbe aulttt ana tbe boufe tounae about tb^bpnge. anbtbep bjcug^t fabe Jnb^ebosjtbpOg pleafe&amp;tbe}U&gt;; baii out tbe bpngeefonne anb put bpon b?m tbe tbe oave* of f ebofaoatbe p?ea e. &amp; m%t* *amm\t crotone ana tbe*teffpmon?e/ ana maae brm botaaa gauebftn ttso to jueg/ an a be begat tow of 000. bpngJinbg'ebotabaabtiSfonneisannopnteD fonnejianDDaugbter?. =.?#.. bpmanblapbet&lt;!5obfeuetbefipnge. ftcbaunfebaftettbat/tbatgfeboaistoail iben atbaltab bearbe tbe nopft.of Hit mpnbea to menae tbe boufe of tbe fco$e. peopierunnpnge apjapCFigetbe binge/tbe 3na bpon tbat be geat&amp;eteb to getbee

tbe toent amoge tbe people &lt;n to tbeh oufe of tbe p;e(tes$ ana tbe JUuttess anb f apae to n)em: ^oe.anatobentbefatotbe&amp;BngeSanDe "^oouttbo^ototbecftiesof^ubaanbgea^f.aKg^ at Di0pplerintbeenterFige/anDtbe)Lo?ae3 tberof allUftael fpluer/to Srengtft bouf e anbttompetestabouttbe fepnge/ano all tbe ofpoure &lt;Bob/jetebt peee/^fetbatjeba tt people of tbe lanbe tetcpfpnge 9 btotoinge tbe tbpnge:boto be it tbe %t uttes to rref lac* iWbftorapeteg /anb tbefpngewtostb in* fie. cben tbe fipnge ealleb ^ebotaba ttat - "' faimentMofmufpcbeteatbmgetopjafte; toass tbe cbeftft/ anb lapbe tobim:l&amp;bfte &lt; CTben ffierent bet clot&amp;es anb ecpea: treafon qup;ett ftou not oftbe teuptej ! to bivnge treafon. ana^febofaoa rbep?eftetoent out m/outof ^ubaanb^rcuCale tbeOtmme a&lt; to^tbecapfta|ttofbiinb?eoe!StbatiJ3e popiteobgS0orejJtbefemafitoftbe&amp;o;be/ anb&amp;s


beganneto tapgne/anb b t raigneo awifto fouoje fete in $eruialent . i^ps motbewsname toas5ebiab offiee

anb bp tbe congregaciS of f ftael;tetbeta tabernacle of topme tie.f 0? toicfiea S&amp;t&amp;auab 9bercbplb;ebaab;oBentbebou(eoftX!ob/ babtbettobeaotoe&amp;antbe aeatcat gpfteg of tbe boufe of tbeiLo#e/aboute Tttia. lbeJ:fo?eattbe ftpngeg comaim&amp;ememv tbepmaDeacofec/anafetit at tbe gate of tbe boufe of tlje Ho;ae:anamaaep;oclamacpon tbo?oto f uaa ana 9 erufalem to b?pnge in to tbejL.o;ae*tbe taracio of aeofe0 tbefemafit of^ob/tobicbbefetbpontftaelintbetopt: -aetneffe. ana tbe ,o?ae0anDatltbe people

* reiopfea ana b;ougbt in anb caft in to m co= fetbntfll it toa3 ftiii.ane tobetbetpme came tbat mt cBeae (buloe be b;ougbt in bp tbe banaess of tbe )Leuite at tijt apopntment of tbebpnge/tobetbepfato t tftete teas mothe . monepe 1 tben came m bpnges fcrpbe 5 one apopntcabptbe bpewefte/anD poto:eaout tBat tea? in the cofet/ tben tobe it carpeo it to &amp;PiS place agapne/ 9 tbuB tbep apo aape bpbape/anageatbetea mocbe monepe. ana tbe bpngeana S'eboiaaa gaue it to too;c6eme* tbat to?ougbt bpon tbe boufe of tbe &amp;o;De/ ana bp?ea Q^afong a carpenter to te a?efle tbe boufe of tbe X-o?ae/ ana fo bpa tbep atttf peer* in p;on ana b?affe/to eepap^e tbe boufe of tbe )Lo?ae.3na tbe too;cbemen tojougbt ft tbe too?c&amp;emenaea tbo^ototbeie banoeu ; anD tbep maae tbe boute of oa as it ougbttobe/antjavengtbebtt. ana tobm tbep baa fpnpfroea ft/ tbep b?ougbt qetca of tbe monepe to tbe Bpnge ana jeboiaaa/ fttbertopn) toere maae beaeisfo; tbe boufe oftbe X.o;ae:euenbefrel0 tompnputetoitb all ana to feme fo? burntoffecpngeS a3la= belies anabeffers of gouiae ana fpluet. arna tbepoBerea bumtofierpngesin tbeboufeof tbe tlqm contpnuallpe all tt)e oapes of le* bofaaa.a'nagieboiaaa toarea ol&amp;eanatullof ran mem vwwHtt&amp;WHtmtomMjMBim JrtfayeWoiaetoasbetobenbeapea . ana tbepbutpeo ij fayat to bfinin tbeciit'e of auiaamogen^e bpnge? K^abecaufebe baa aonegcoa in ffraei/anaon sSiffi*** "^**. 3tooaftet tbeaeetbof iiiianijuno?eo3 i ^w'8aa/came m JUvoeS of ^uoa 3 maae ^w.jtE. obey fauneeto tijf bpnge . aina tben be bee* fieheabnto 'fiiem, Ina fotbepiefte tat boufe

oftbe HL.o?ae oft* of f&amp;ett fatbetg/ana fetueb gcoues ana images , 3na tben came tbete to?atb bp5 iaba ?ejulalem/fo? tbps tbeit trelpacesfa!te.^ottoptb(lanapngepet(Etoa eent^opbetestotbf/tob?pnge tbe agapne bnto tbe jLojae.aina tbep teaifteb bnto tbem 38ut tbep tooliss; not beate. %nnn)t tpiiite of oa came bpon 5acba&gt; tiab tb e fenne si ieboiaba tbe p;ette/anbbe ^fteptbp titoue m people anb ftpaetotbem. rebus faptb oattobpttanfgrrOepe^ecb^ mattnaement?so^f)ioe^ieftaiUbetfbje




WoO&gt;ere/but as^pe baue fo^lase bpm/ fo 8allbefo;lafiepou*lbet^p5tbepcSrpitea : a ^i c ^ t, agapntt btm ana ftoneabim topn) ftones/ at tbe coramaunaement of tbe fipnge:euen in $ eoutte of {boufe of $ %om. 3n&amp;fof eboas tbebpngeremeb;ea not tbe fipnaenestobicb geboiababis fatbeebaa DonetobimAutnuc biSfonne.a'natobebebpeb/befapae:jLo2De fe anarequtte a teconpnge. Jtnatoben tbe pere toas out/tbe boll of f &gt;f wens came agapnft bpm tana tbep came tofuaa anblerufalem/anaaefltopea an tbe Lo;aesof tbepeopleftSamongetbepeople anafentalitbefpopleoftbemfanto fipnge toamafco.3na tbougb tbe atmte of^ma came toitb a fmalle companpe of men/pet *Jto?aeaeiiueteaaberpgreatboaeinto thtix banaes/becanfe tbep baa fotfafien tbejLo?ae oacf tbeiifatbees, ainatbertotbepfttuca geboasaccoiapnge.

ana as fone as tbep toete oeparteb ftont bpni/cbougb tbep ieftbpm in great aifeafeS: pet bp3 atone feruaimtcs confpirea aga pnft btm fo? tHe House of n)e ebpiatf of 3jeboiaaa tbe p;e Ue/ ft Hue btm on bis beea. aha toben be toasaeea /tbep butpeabpm in tbe cptpe of auiorbut not in tbe fepulcb?es off binges anatbefe ate tbep $ conTpireb agapntt bpm; 5abaa tbefonne of a&gt;amaatb anammonite anaSebofabaaf romteof &amp;tmritb a moa* bite . 3na bPSfonnesana tbe fumme of tbe ta*e tbat came tobtm/ ana n)e founaacio of tbe boufe of &lt;2*oa/ are tojitten in tbe ttojic of f boobe of bpnges.ana ama?(abbts tonne tapgnebinbiStteaae. Samatfab ourrcomeil) f traitipte6.anb 3foaa &amp;wta Jfcaet ouercomctft aim Hpitctt) ama?iatj. be.b.Cbaptee. a?iabtoas.ncb,pere oiae toben 3B be begSne to tapgne/ft be rapgnea wm*M&gt;9* Jwfr.SWflta mifalem . fips mo ^..-.-..aatbers name toasjeboiaaan of ?e* tufale.anabebiatbatpieafeatbei,o?De:but not toitb boaie bert.anaas fone as be toa? fetelea in tbe fipngeaome/be fmetbS I billea tbebpngebPS met. ttut&amp;erfuenot tbete ebpia^enas ttis to?ptten in tbe lato/ euen in tbebofteof99ore0tobjbomerbe'A,o;tBecom* maunaea fapinge:*tbe fatbers wan not ape mmma t. fo?tbecb(ia;ens caufeS/no? tbe cbpia?en fo?9.^www** tbe fatbers/ but euerp man all ape fo? bpS atonelpnne. anaama?iabgeatbevea ljuaa* to getbet ft maae capftapnes ouet tboti ranar ouerbunb?eN; in fboufeSof tbetrfatbers rb o?oto out all ?uaa ana tfeniamin. ana be mimb?eatbemftom ttofcpepereft aboue/ft founbetbetb?ebuna?eatboufanae luflie mt able to go to bat ten /ana tbat couftebanaie fpeate ana ftpiae . 3nbbe$p?ea tberto an 9um;eb tboufanae fpgbtphge men out of V.W, ffraei


gftaei/to? anbtirtneblraientesof fpuier. Sitttljete came a man of'oa?o mm ana fapaetlipnge/letnottbearmpeof 3&amp;aelgo toitb tbe:f o? tbe &amp;o;ae 10 not toitb Jfcael ne* j tberto anp of tbebouCe of(pb?aim.j&gt;? elies c pf tbouneaaestoplt/tbengo aaoit/amafie tbp feife ttronge tobattelhatbou ffialt ft/ g &lt;TOttaUiiMfiefaiibef02etbineenemges. jfojdsoabatbpotoet eot&gt;elpeo?to eattooune anaama?iabfapaeagapneto$ma' of 00/


ana tbemanofoafapae;8je;io?aeis able rogeuetbemotbemoatetbentbat. ana tbeo amasiab Ceueteo tb e armf e tbat iu as come to bpm out of ep&amp;aim / to go to&amp;ome agapne. iberfo?e tljep toere ercea* opnge to?otbe rot tb juoa,. 'a ret urnea to ttteit a tone in t) onie in great angre. anaama?iab tobeberte $ catpeaoutbiS WMii*&amp; ft 3**" fattoale *i&amp;CTeftenueof t&amp;c " * * ' cbilbjeof &gt;errtentbouCanae.anaotberren tboufanae cbpBttf of lufta to6e alp ue/ana caries tb e bnto ctj e toppe of a r ocfie 3 ca a tbebotone fro tbe toppe of tbe rocfie/tbat tbep al m to butB:but me of f armie tobfcb amajiab ^baatumea bacfieatooiaenotietgotottbbis people to battel!, ranne bpog cities of Siuoa from ^amartabnto jsctblj o?on 9 flue t&amp;je tboufanae of tbem ana toanne moc&amp;e fpople. ana it c&amp;auhcea, after tbat a ma? tab toas come from tbeClaugbter of {|&lt;2&amp;omiti;/a&amp;aa

feouabttbe (0000 of t&amp;e cbflttuen of&gt;eir/&amp;e fet tbe top to b e bis 000/ 9 botoea bpm telfe Befo?etbe"abuttteacenleontotbe.ibetfo?e %%0}b toastojotb ttlma?iab a rent to bint -apjopbetc/a fapae to bim:tobp fefieft tboup 5oas of people tobicbtoetenotabletoae* Jpuertbeitatonepeopleoutoftbpnebana!;:' ,anaasp2opbetefpa&amp;etobim/be faioetof ^ p^opbete: baite men made tbe of tbe spnges counceuYceafe/leae t&amp;ou be beaten.ana tbe p?opbete eeafea afap oe:| am Cure tbat oa batb tafif concell to aeBtopef ,'becaufe tboti baft Done tb t S , 'a obepeB not my councell. Cben a'ma?iab ftps of fuaa tofie a&amp;uife a CenttoS.oas tbe fonne of | eboabajSfonne fg^u fipnge of giftae! a fapae: come/a let bS ft etbet otber. 3nD f oass fipnge of Jfraei . fentagarneto3majiabfiingofluoafarig: 8.M.iwa c a tbi&amp;eR in it I) an on Cent to a Ceaattrce of ' I^anonCapinge;*geuetbpaaugbtertomp Conne to toifc.fcutebere came totiae beaft&lt;; ,if of libation atroaaeaotone &amp; rfw'fteH.cbou tbinfieBtfe/gi baue beatef aomitytberfo?e tbpne bert ar j&gt; fed) to'gioj i f pt tbp felfe.#cto bpaeatbome-.tobatneaeetb $ topjouobeto eueil/tbat ttjou periflje ana fnoa toitb tbe. ut 3Enia.?iab wdtcb not : fo? 't came. of oa/ cue to oeftuev tbf in to bana^ of #0f


ewmgejJ:? ttjatbecaufe tbe? babfougbttbe ffio&amp;ssoEtbe2comite0,3ni3Soa?6fnseof ifraelcameor^tbejCato etbet otbet/botb be 9 ama?tab &amp;enge of J : uoa at Se ftfcimeg iniitaa .3na 3uaa toais put to cbe too?f ? be* fo?e gfftael/a fleaeuet? mS to bpjJtent. Ina goafJSrnge of Uftaeitobe 3hnaKab fisnge of fuaa ffonneof geboasJ^fonneof*^^,-.^, tfabat etbftimw: ab^ongbtbpm to aenfcSJSjg fale/atatetbe toalle of^ettifale fto tbe gate^ Mnaat of ipb?aim bnto tbe corner gate, foure iaun= &lt;* of tbe D;ebcubpteiJl5ge,3nabetoftealltbegouiae|J"8"i"^ a fpmetaaiitbe gueittd tbattnere fouitae Sir* intbeboufeof oatojtb fl)bea(Bom?tbc ^ w tteafureof tbe firnge^bouCeanabottagesf/ ana tetutnea to Samaria. anaElmafiabs Conne of'Jeboajsftinge of fuaa Ipueaaftet tbe aeetbe of |oag Conne of feboaba? fwtge of ifrael fb.pere. cbe teft of facte* of amajiab f ??fl a iatt ate to;itte ntcbeboSe of tbe lunges of itfta anaiftaei. 3enaaftettbattpmetbataima?iabDFatutne atoaseftomtbe l-o?ae/tbep confptteattea* fonagapnft bpm in iemCalem : ano $1 flea to lacbi*. ifcbetbcttbeyftntaftetbpm ana flue b?m tbete / ana b;ougbt bpm bp to#&amp; bo?aesanabur?eabfmiB?tbl)r5 fathers in tbecptptofSu&amp;a. caftee ftotftofaraayfabtdf prt^^totjto^ffi bjsrowme. Cbe.Wb&lt;.&lt;f baptCT. mm ail tbe people of $uba towp !SD?t'ab tobtcb toas.jtbi.pere otte/a" ' JRta, wt naae brm bsnge t n tbe rovome of if0fetbet3ma?iab.3n&amp;&amp;ebu?lt . cElotb ana b;ougbt ft agapne to Juoa after Q) c 6?tig bias lapae to re a toitb bus fatbets. ^trtene?ereoiaetoas)?iabftbebebegan to tapgne/a be targnea.Ii).iet in Jetufaie. ^ismotbersname toas^ecaliab of fetnfa* lem. anabeapatbatpleateat&amp;e-jiutfe /in . : aiipofntesaSawb^fatber3tma?ifib.3Cna be fougbt oa tobsle ^acbatiab tbe eeacbet to f e ffioo ipueotana as ionge as be fougbt 3lo2oe/(!5oa maae bpm p;ofpete. 3dna be toent to battel! aga? ntt tDe $&amp;f&lt;

It tttnes a b?abebobme tbe toalies of ettj / atbetoanesof gpabneb a toaiies of acooa/ anabuiltctttesabouteairbobaaraongetbeS Pbfltftines.ainD oabolpebim agapO tbe Pbiliatnesa agajnft tbe Irab tens t otoelt in (utbaai/a aga?nft tfieS^e nites.3na aimmonites gaiie tribute to d);iab/anfi W namefp?eaeab?oabeeuento ^,? be plapea tbe mS a ercrabeb.g^o^eouet flDin* bupit totalis in jetuf alem otter tbe c j iter gate/a ouer tbe balepe gate/ana ouerorbet co^eis/ana mabe tbe tttonge. 3nb ht bwflt tiptac*&lt;h$ J^frneai&amp;fggebman?tofn5 ifo?be


-. v-v ^caten/boet. ... w ,.. e ana air in tbe piapn e;ano p 10 vo m en ana b ? * nea;e(Ters intbemountasnes ana m Cbar^ mei/ f o? be louea but banajpe. anaaD?tab baaanboa of fFgbtpngemen tbat taent out to tcarre in tbearmpe a toere toloe anumb?eabp ^eiertbetcrp'oea fl^aa* fiab an officer /bnaer tbe banae of ^ anan ia b one off ftj?ngesio;aes.ainaboalenaj)?e of tbeauncpentbeeaes of tbemenof mpgbt toere.ij.tb ouCanae a f?irebunD;ea ana onset rbebanaesoftbetoastbeamrieoftbeboae/ tb;ebuno?eaa feuetbouCana/ afpuebua;ea tbat maae toatre toptb mpgbt a ttrengbt / to fjeipe Q)t Bpnge agapna bps enempes . 2Cna ^^abp^otipaeatbe tbo^oto outeail fboae biiaeS/fpeates/beimeteS'babergpnncs/bo-toes a Clpnges fo? aones,3ina be maae engp* \ nes in Jerufalem bp tbe crafte of artif peers to be on ftoto?ei3aco;ners/to ftoteatotoes a great Bones to ail . ana bps name rpjea&amp;e fatre ab?oaoe/f 0; be teas toonjerf ipe bolpe/ bntpll be teas become mpgbtpe. anainbisgreatneffebpsbertarofe/^ bt

teas marreD:a tranfgrefleo agapna lo^ie b'S oa. fo; betoentintorbetempie of tbe %om to burne cenfe bpon tbe aulter of incenfe. 38ut Ifariab tift p;eBe toent in after bun toftb foure tfio;e p;ettes of t^t lofle toereboltemen.3Bnatbepaepteto ?iab fipnge a fapae t a bint:it pertapneffi not to tbe &amp;Wb to burne cenfe bnto tbe Xo;ae/butto tbe pjefles tbe cbila?en of mm tbat are c3= ,_ fecrate to? to burne incenfe.come out of tbe ^fanctuarpe/ fo? tboubaft trefpacca / ana ft . albenotoo;ftjepetofbefo;eio?aesoa. 3tna ?iab teas to?otb a baa cenfe in bps banbe to offer/ana in bis inaignacio agapnft M4M rbe p?e8e/* lepjofpe fp jggc in bis fo;ebeea before tb e p?eaes in tbe bouft of tbe tofiXI cuen befpae tbe incenft aulter. ana atariab tbt cbefe p;c Re \t an tbe otbet p 2 e a es lofteb bponbpm:a bebobetoasalep'erwbfefo* rcbfCb/ a ttep bejreabim tbrnce. ana tberto betoasfapnetpgoout/becaurejLo?aebab plagea bint.ana &amp;&gt;?tab tbe opnge cStpimeo a !rp?e onto tbe aape of bis oeetbe a btoett in an boufe at ipbertpe :boto be ft / be toas caft out of tbe boufe of tbe tojoe. Wm% oatbam bts fonne baatbe gouernatmce of tbe Bpntr ftouft anaiuagea tbe people of tbt Ianae. Cbe reaoftbe acres of fl&gt;?iab botbfKtt anafeft/Dia^Cat'ab tbe p;opbete rbefotmeof amos \njite ana toben 2&gt;ftabtoasiapaeto iea toitb bis fattjers/tbep burpeb bun tt bis fatbersinpfeioe of m burial! of the binges, f o? is a leper, ana 3oatb3bf* fonnerapgnea in bps tteaae.

C Jamm tflpgnctb % BarecometQ tbe 2mm jrt(M,

Cbe.j;rbfi.baptei(. .sDatbam toas.w* .pete otte toben 3 ie beganetorapgne/anarapgnea 'it'.pere in3ferufal5. ^psmortjers ____ jmetoaS femfab f Daugbter of 3aaoc apatbatpieafeaf x-o;ae in an popntes as apabPS fatber &amp;$$%: faue/ tbat be came not to tbe temple of tbe jU&gt;?ae/ano tbat e people opa pet corrupt tbemftlues. %e built tbebie gate of tbetf pie of Io;oe/^ aontbetoaUeflDPbrtbebupltmocbe. Wo* 13 reouerbe builteptpes in tbe mountapnes of ^uaa/ana in tbettooa coat re be built caaei* lesana.toto;es. anabefougbttoiffirbeftpngeof $ cbilb^e ofamnion/anapieuapieaagapnatbe. anb&gt; tbe cbptttf of amm5 gatte bim tbe famepere ^ an buna?eatalftesof fpluer/atf tboufanae quartets of tobete a asmocbebarlepe. S&gt;o mocbe a!fo oia cbiia?e of ammon geue bim tbe feconae pete ana tbe tbnae too . ana^oa* tbam becamemigbtie/ becaufe beairecbtea bps toape before tbelo?ae bPS obi Cbereftof gactesof |oatbamaabpS^ teams ana bps toapes are tojptten in tbe bofie of tbebpnges oRiftaela juoa.^e teas rtb.pew oiae toben be begamte to rapgne/ a ra vgneajfcf .pere tngierufag.ana tobl|oa* tb toas lapae to rette toitb bps fat&amp;ets/t&amp;ep burpeobpmmtbe cptpeof amoanaEbaj bis tonne rapgneambts tteaae. Ctfie uif cht&amp;neOe of aba? hpng of Jnba.afrtc bfm tapanetbf&gt;t?k&lt;ab. trcbe.rrbiij.bapter. i^a?toas.rj:.pereoiaetobmbebeV x gatmetorapgne/anarapgnea.jEbiS.aej.^,, perein 5erufaiem. ana be apa not "*"***" tfmtpienffht^g )Lo?ae/asapabps fatber auia:bu t toalfiea in toapes of tbe bpnges of jfraci/ana maae tberto }5aais of metall.anbbe offirea cenfe in tbeoalepe of $ ebiia;en of pennon/ana burnt bin cbiio?F in fp;e after tbeabbominacponoftbenacpons WcH io?a caaoutbero;e$cbpia;eoff&amp; raei.ana b e offerea burnt cenfe in bilaulters ana oninofitapnes a bnoer euerp grene fte. Bberfo;e$]Lo;aebisoaae!purreabimi

into tbe bano of tbe fipnge of tbt kittens: tobpcbbetbmtacarpeaatoapeagreat mul* tttubf of bis captiue in to amaCcon. ana tberto be toasbeipuerea into tbebanbe of tbe bpnge of JCraei tobieb flue of bis a mpgbtpe Claugb t er .f 0? p tjalseb fonne of Komeliab clue in 5"uoa an buna;ta a ttoetpe tboufana in one aape/ $m fpgbtpnge men*, a tbat be&lt; eauft tb cp baa f o;Cafien io?ae o&amp; of fteft fatbersJnb^ecb^ampgbtpemaninmoat &lt;Pb aim flue fl^aafiab tbe fipnges fonne/a a crt cam tbe lojoe Ouarbe of bouftoio, ana *ieanabtbtoasnetotbefepnge.anatbeS




cbpltym of attaeltOBe pirate*? of tbewe- oamafcoti$icbbetter)fm9fapb/becaufe teettafttoobunDjebtflouranD topue?/fonn$ t^e ob?oftbes&amp;irien* bealpe tbe/t&am p;etfo?e - jz.-,.. jstz. * -^ .. - M ~*. to iHgi offettotbe / tbat tftep raape fcelpe nte

9 baugbtet?/ 3 t&amp;ttto catgeoaiaate mocbe fpople of tbe/ano b?ougbt itto &gt;amatia. ' 33uttbetetoa?apjQpbeteoftbeXo?De? names ;beb tobicb toentoutto f^ofttbat came to ^amaria 5 fapae to tbe-.fe/becaufe ;LozOe 0dd of poute f atber? toa? to?otb tf&gt; iuoa/be beiiuecea tbe into poure bana$ Jna pe baue flapne t*js toitl) cruelneffef rcacijet^ bptobeauen, ananotopepurpofe to ftepe bnoertbe c&amp;plb'.en oE|uoa ana ijmtfalem 9 to maftetbem bontsemen ano bonbtoemen. ibatotber t^sngcoorc (pebnbapppe) tben offence "Ho?ae poure &lt;Bob. 33ut noto beare me/9 belpuer tbe captpue? agapncto^ic^ pe tjaue tafien of poure b?etb?en : fo? tbegreat

to?atb of fyt%QW i? opon pout* lnb certapne of tyz beese? of cbpld?en of &lt;pb?aim/a? 2fartab fotme of Hobanan jBatacbiab t tonne of flljjefimelotb/f.cbeie* fciab tbe tonne of S&gt;eium a ICmat'a tonne of $abalai ttobe bp agapnft tbem tbat came fro team/ ano fapse bntotbem:pe {ball not bjfnge in tbe captiue? e? tobere toe baue offenbebtbe;ilo?be all reaope/peenteoe to abbe mo?e to oure fpnne? a ttefpace . tfo? ouve trefpace f? great all reaope/ a tbere i? featcebtfatbbpo^fraei.ainobpon t tbe me of arme? lefte tfte captpue? a tbe fpople be* fo?etbe %oim 9 all ibe congregacpon. . ano tbere atofe certapne apopntebtbetto bp name/atone tfytp&amp;tmtst 9 clotbeballp; toetenafiebamSgetbe/oftfpople/aarapeb tbe a ffjoeb tbe" a gaue tbe to eate a to o?infte 9anopntebtbe79catpeb ail tbat toere feWe oftbembponaffe? 9b?ougl)t tb? to giertcbo citie of Paulme tree? faa b p tbeir b ?etb?e: anb tben returned to Samaria agapne. 3tnb at tbat fame tpme fipnge aba? fent bnto tbe fipnge? of Hiffut to baue belpe. 3nb tbe (Kiomtte? came pet agapne a Hue of giu* ba 9 catpe&amp;atoape tome captpue?. ainotbe JBbt'Uftin^inuabeb&amp;citte? in flotoe contrep anbtbefoutb of l ?uba:anatofie25etbfame?/ aialon/^aoer tb a *&gt; cot) toitb tb e totone?

alto.j&amp;uttyeptoerebtebefttuceiona tfteoe* fttucct on of all gjftael. 36no 3ba? geatbetea togefijettbebeffe^of tbeboufcof ooantj b^afie tftf/a flwtbp tbe oo?es of tbe boufe of tije '(Lo?oe/a maoe bim aultt rs in all co? c ts of getufale' Jno in all ^cities of^uba cytpe bp citr'e be maoe b plaultew to but ne rncenf e trnto otbet oos/a angteo Ho?o oti of tji's fatbets.ffibe tett offjtss actes a allb* toapess botbe firft alall are to?rtte in tbe bobe of tQe binge? of iuoa alftael.ano tobllifja? teas lapoe to re ft tt bt'0 fatbew/tBepe burpeo ftim in tbe cptpeof jcrufalfm-.butb^ougbtftpm not bnto Ifepuldj? w of tbe binge? of |uoa. *; Wm 3nD*jpc?efttal) Oi0f3neraignebinb0 KMeJJpip CSc?rtal) rtftojet!) bnfo (fte KpCeof f I#teattf$e tyWfc P liaOnot Ucnc nsncocti offtgs pjcOetcffourw. CCfie.KCije.Cfjaptei!,

C?efirab begane torapgne tobe Ije 31 jtoa0.rrb.pere olDe/ atapgneD.rrije S jkmwm perein5iemfale. 30no b&lt;? motber? Inome tea? 3Dbiat&gt; tbe oaugbtcr of ^Sacbatiab. 3tnbbe opo tba t teas tigbt in tbe fpgbt of tbe TLoftt in all popntess a? did a* uid&amp;ki fatber.^e openebtbe bom of $boufe of tbe %qm in f fpjftpere a fp;ft monetb of ty$ raigne/a&amp;e repaireo 0)e. anobc b?ougbt in tbe piiettess a tbe Heuite? a geatbereo tb^ to getger in to eettfttete: a fapoe bnto tbe. ieare me pe Xeuitescputifpe ponre feiuj a baloto tbe boufc of tbe 'How &lt;&amp;oo of pome fatbers/ a bjmge out fpltbfneffe out of tbe bolp place, f o? oute fatberg baue ttefp aceo ^ 9Done e ueifauo?eoip iti^epc? off B^o?0 oure ofcabauefotfabebim/anotHtneoatoape tbeire facegfrS gbabitacio offline a tut* neu to tbeir bacftess. atttb befpoe $ tbepbane ftjutbp oo?e?ofpo?cbe aquecbeol5pess 9 bauenetber butneo cefeno? offltrebburnt' offring^ in f bolp place bnto f 00 f gifra el. ibfo;e ttojatb of Ho?D fell ongttoa 9 lerufale: 9 befbatereo tbe 9 maoe t&amp;em fo

tbptmerbatmenbifleatit/eueagpe fetoitb longpngetherto/acbimnatoitb^totoneisof poureepejs. jfo?fe/ourefatber?toere ouer& lt; tbe fame.a ffiimfo toitb ber totoneg/aotoelt tb;otof toitb tbe ftoerbe a oure fo nnesi/oute tberin. #o?tbeHojbeb?ougbtgiuDalotoe/ oaugbtewJaouretoiuejstoerecatieoatoape becaufe of 3ba? fipnge of luua tobicb maoe captiue f 0; fame catife.i9otobaue 5! in mp ^uoanabeoatranfgtefleDagapnft^lLo^oe. boft^bcacouenaunt^itbeXo?oe&lt;!5oii ICnOCbiglatbpalnererbpngeof aiibircame of gifrael^b^to^arbmapceafe. ^ototber* bp0 torn anb befegebbim/but p?euapleo not f o?e mp tonne* be not neclpgent:fo? f iom asapnft&amp;wn.tfo?*!&amp;a?to&amp;eatoape ou toff batbcbofenpoutoftantiebefo?ebt m/anlifo; boufeofmelLo^eaoutoftbebpngegbouft tomintftteanbbutneoBerpngcgtobim. outoftbeXo?iie?boufe!8/9 gauebntotbe cbenf jieutes!arore:ffl9abatb fonne of C

6tngeof3Bffin;/tbougbftboIiKbimnoC.3EnD 2Cmafai93!oel $ tonne oflCfariabbepngeof tbettom tbebetptpmeof blsmbulacionDio (bt 0\am of f Cabatbitf S:9 tbe fames of irmge3Cba;tretpacepetmoareagapn(t tbe S$tmt/tMt tbe fonne of3bDf aaifariab tbe X2M. 4m bf otterebbnto tbi oW of tbem forme of getyfteltefcf of erf onite0/9!oab tbe fonne

fe^feialj, i|, re ftonneof)imma9Eoenfortneofl!bab: a of fonne? of cii?ap&amp;an/Simn t$tieu 9 of tbe tonne? of 3fap&amp;/3acbatiab 9 S0a&gt; *Baniab:a of tbe fonne? of J^eman/ g]ebiel 9 ^emei:9 of gfonnt; offeoutbun/^emarab 9 ?ieUnatbepgeatbereD tbeir b?etbie'a purifpeo tbe felue?/ atben toft at comafo oemet of tbe ft png bp tbe too?oe of tbe )Lo;o/ fo; to clenfe tte boufc of tbe Ho?ae . 3m&gt; tbe ! p;eaft^ toot into boufe of jLoj&amp;e to clenfe it/9 fyoug&amp;t out all tbe bncienneffe tbat. tbep founoe in tcple of t &amp;$/ 9 in f courte of tbeboufe of tbe MgfcMt t\)t %witt&lt;t tofie w&gt; it 9 carie&amp;itoutmtotbeb?ofieceo;S.cbep beganetbe fpjftoape of tbe fp^ft monetb to . purifpeyacanietbeeigbtoapetotbepojcbe of tbe jL.o;ferog t&amp;epbab purged m boufe of tbe %omin eigiji Dape? asiDt&amp;e.#rf, oape of ^t fp;ft monetb tljep maoe an eitoe. ainotben tljcp toet in to l^e?ebiab fipng 9 fapDe: toe baue clenfeo all tbe boufe of tbe fcnft/f fewdbf of bumtofcpng&lt; topcball bi? beffer?/a Qjetob?eefie table toitb all bi? apparent tberto all tbe beffel? tobicb fipng ; 3Pba? opo caS u f poe "ts^tn be rapgneo a ttaf= greffeo/tbem toe baue rcpapjeo aranctifpeb: $ a fe/tbep ate b?fo?e tbe auiter of tbe JUtfe. iff/ ^w** ^nb*^e?cliiab tbe fipng rofe erlpe 9 geatbe= Hf. reDtbe'jio?oe? of tbe cptpe 9toenf bp totbe boufe of tbe 'domino tbete toere b;ougbt f eue oren/feue rammes/feue lambe? 9 fette . bpbbe? to be a fpnneofferpnge fo? tbe fipng=

bom; fo? H)e fanctuarpe 9 fo;Huoa .anb be eSmaunDeo tbe p?eatte? fonne? ofaaron tooffertbem 011 tbeaulter of tbe)Lo?De. . anbtbepfltte ore: 9 P?eaft^ teceaueo gblouoeaCp?pnfileDiton aulter-.anotbep tmetberamme? afp?pnfileDtbebiouoe bpo tbe aulter:atbcp flue tbe lambe? 9 fp^inftleb f blouobpo aulterJnotbentbepbjougbt fo?tb t^z fipsbe? of fpnneofEerpngbefojeS Kpnga^cogtegacio tobicb put tbeirbaoe? bpon tbe.ainD fye p^eafte? flue tbe 9 offered ^.tbe blouoe of tbe op5 tbe auiter/ to mabe fa* STtiffaccion fo? allf tbe fipnge fapoe: t tbebumto&amp;png 9 fpnneoffrpng ftulbe feme f 0? all gtraeUnb tbep fet G)t juuft e? 61 tbeboufe oi : tbel-o?b1bfpmbaU?/pfalte&lt; tie? 9barpe?acco?bpng to f cSmaunbeme* of auro 9 of ma tbe bpnge? fear of bifio? 9 of jQatban ep?opbete.f 0? fo tea? tbe c5&lt; maunbemee of tbe %om tbo?oto (be \)5bt of bi? pjopbetegjno fo tbcjleuite? ftobe toitu tbe inftrumente? of auio/an&amp; tbe p?eafte? tt trompette?. Mnb ^c?efiiab comaunbeb to offertbe butntofferpngbpon tbeaulter Jna tobe tbe burnt offerpng beganne / f&gt; f onge of f'iAM beganne/9 tbe trompette? toitb tf^t t nftrumente? of auib fipng of ffrael.ainb au $ c5gregacionbotoebtb5felue?/anbtt)e

fpnger? tange/a tbe ttfipette? bieto/ 9 cotfc nueo brttpli f butntofferpng toa? fpneffbeb. ainb tobe tbepbab mabe an enbe Of fbumt* ofterpng, ? fipng 9. ail g toere tibim fineleb Ootone 9 botoea tbe felue? 9 gaue p?apfe 9 tbancfte?. ainb e?efiiab Hit fipng 9 lo?b5 '- babe jdeuife? top?apfe f %ofbV&gt; f tooM of auib 9 of aifapb fear ofbpfion?,3lnb tbejLeuite?p?apfebitbepreiopfeoagapne/ anb tbe otber ftotopeb 9 boteeb tbem felue?. %mt ^ejeftfal) anf toereo 9 fapo-.noto^ pe baue fpliebpoure babe? to 'jlo?b/go to anb b?png in faorefpee? a fbanfiofietpng^in to boufe of KLo?6.ainB cogtegaciS b?oug&amp;t intbefacrefpee? atbanfioffetpnge?/ 9 all toere topllpng b?ougbt burntoutpnge?.3nb v nub?eof f bumtom^pnge? tobicb? cogre* gacionb?ougbttn toa?.lw.oj:e 9 an bitb?ea t^ne? a ttoo btib^ea iambc?:a ail fo? burnt* offtpnge? to tbe S.o?a. 3tnb befpbe t tbep ae* btcateafirebua?ea oteatb?e tboufana fbepe-

36ut tbe p?eafte? toere to fete/ 9 toere not abletoflepe all burntofTVpnge?. tberfo?e tben; b?etb?e tbe )leuite? bolpe tbem tpll tbe too?fie toa? enaeb/ 9bntill tbe p?eafte? toere fan ctifpca.iffo? tbeleuit^ toere purer berteb tpfanctiftetbefeiue?tbentbep?eafte?.3Bno tberto f burntoffrpnge?toetc manpe fttbe fatte of tbe peaceoffetpnge? s tbe bjpneftbf* ferpnge? p. beiongeo to tbe burntofferfng^. ana fo tbe ferupce pertapnpnge to tbe boute of lUvbteet f o?toarb.3lnb $e?e&amp;iab reiop* feaaalltbepeopie/^ obbabmaae^ foicfte fo reabpetfo? tbe tbpnge toa? foaenipbone, Cl&amp;cHhia^ reuuetlj t&amp;cfcaft of pnffcoucr. i5o $e;c&amp;ia&amp; rent toaiig;rraei a* ?uba:9tbertoto?ote letter? tocE* Pb?aim 9flPanaireb/t tbep f&amp;ul&amp;e . i'cometotbeboufeoftbe^'beat ^erufalem/ to offer paffouer bnto tbe %om &lt;5oa of3!rracl.anb tbe fipng beibe a coiincell toin) b?)Lo?ae? ana all tife cogtegacpon at ierufalemtofiepetbefeaftofpaaeouerin? feconae monetb. fo? tbepcoulbenotfiepe it at t timr.f 0? tbere toere not p:ea lie? pnotoe fanctifpeb/netbertoas people geatberea togeatbertogierurale. 3Cna tbpngpleafea tbe fipng a all tbe cogregacion.ana tbep ae* creeo $ it flmiae be p jociapmea tboroto out all Ifrael fro Serfabe to Ban/ $ tbep ft)uloe come a boiae feaft of paffeouerbnto? jLo?o oa of gjfrael at 3!etufaiem:fo? tbepbab not . often bone it / a? it i? to?tete bote mv Jbulo. anbtbemeffengera toer toitb letter? of banb of tbe fipng a of bf? u.o?be? tbo?ou otif all ijfraeu ana |uaa / attbe cSmauttbemcni of tbe fipng tobtcb fapbe:cbpia?en of ifrael/ tome agapne bnto tbe )Lo?boa of maW 3Ifaac anblfraei/anbfo topii be ttttne to tbep,b. remnaunt


remnaunt of pou tbat art eCcapeb out of tbe ain&amp;0e?e&amp;iaft Cpafte bettelp snto teui* S- banees oftbefipngeof affur.anb be prnot testbatb^goobbnaeraa'apngof tbe jlo?&a mp;, ' ipBepQurefati)ersaiiorourrb2etb;ftobtc&amp; ataMUcvusHeace t^ae feaa reue Da^e ? ions rrerpaceaagaptift fXofleof poutefatbers/ aoSereopeaccoffet?nges * tbanfiea $ )Lo ;o tob?cbft)etfo;egatie rtjembp tbat tbep ate epea of t&amp;etr fat^tmss.ano tl&gt; e ^oale aaemble j&amp;toafteaaspe fe. t&amp;crfo;ebe nota?eenec= to&amp;eeounctUtaBepereueaaresmc o-.stfjep Sea Ipfie bnto poure f att)ers/but peiac poure bciae tftofe feue" capes to glaon e.&lt;ffo^e?e* feiucs unto f &amp;o;a/a come to bis bolp place Mai) 6ms of fuoa gaue f o; beaue ofttpnges tobicb be batb fancttff ea f o? euet / anb feme to cSgcegactS a tboufana oren 9 feue'rbou tbe^o^e route on /tbatbpstojatb mape ranafbepeJna;ilo$tgauetotbec5gtega=' turne fro pou .tfo? rf re turne bnto "Ho?ae/ cpon Co? beaueoerpngejs a tijourana oren 9 tbm route b;etb;e $ route cbtta;e (ball fpnbe ten tboufana ftjepe. ana tb e p;ea ftes fanctt* c6paatonmftep;erenceoftbetbathol&amp;etf)e fpeatbemfeiues/tbat tber toete pnotoe . captpue/tbattbepmapecomeagapnebMo anaail tbe cogrcgacion of 3fuaa toitb tbe tfiiSIanae : fo; tbe ]to;ae route &lt;Efob is mil of p;eaftes 9 Heuites / 9 all tbe cbngtegacron mercre ana compaffp&amp;V a- topll not tutne bPS tbat came out of 3 frar J anb t b e tttaungcrs/ face f torn rou/rf r e mtne agarne to brm. botb tbat came out of tbe lanae ofjft aei ano ana tbepottess toent from cptie to cptpe $ Btoelt wguaa/retopfeb: 9 tyae teas gt eat t&amp;o;ou oute tbe lanoe of cpb;aim ano $a-- tore in 0? fence tbe tr me of ^ a* naffeb a eue" bnto 3 abui . )3ut tber laugbeb lomon tb e f omte of jauto fipng of 3 ' fta el it tbem to f&amp;o?nesmociiea tbe. jSeuettbejeae bappmeancrtfofaijmifale.anatbep^ea

&amp;s pet bruetfe of affet /filpanaffeb ano of 3abu 9 tbe lUuttes arofe a bletfea tbe people/ anb lonmeafienebtbefeluesa came to Scrota* tijeitbopcetoasbtatae/atbenwapettoent lem.3n6t&amp;ertotbebSbof&lt;!5ootoasfm3!uDa/ bpbntobiSbolpbtoellfngplacebeaucn. toasacc02&amp;?ng to $ tooiDeof tbekojB.anb bctWiiintetbtsstuetptbi*. fo tbete aftembiea to letufale mocb people be Jro* .(fl&amp;apter, aampgbtfegreatcongregacion/toboiaetbe f^^n^btobStberbabftneabeban^: fcaft offtoeteb;eaoe in tbe feconaemonetb. jpO tbenairjftaelt&amp;attoetefounaeH t ana tber atofe ano put atoaje auitets rasaw tbe eptfesoftuba/toent oute ana C^toeteinJ.etufalcm.anbtbettoalltbem' l$i||ySb;abetbegmage$amtbotonetbea cent e tbep'bpa atoape a raft tbe into b?obe groues/ana all to b;afte tbe brlaui ters anb Cea;on . ana tber line patfcouer fouttene f otber auiter* t&amp;ojotn out all 3u aa a T5m * bar e of tbe feconb monetb . ana tbe p;ea(tes f ami n/&lt;pb;aim anb qaanaffeb/ b ntpll tbe? 9 Unites fanctifpea tHz femes fo? flrame/ bab mabe an enoe of tbe. X im aftettoa tbe all . a b;ougb t in $ butntoffe? -pngegs into boufe tbe cbrlb.:en of 'Jftael retutne o euetr man to oftbeniojbe.anb tber Bote in tbeit&amp;icpng bwJPofleffron in tbett atone crtteu . after tbettmaneraccojbmge to tbe latoeof 3nbe?emabfet p;eaaejSanbtbe)Le fl^ofeg m of fttJMift p?eafte0 fp^?nfi uitesJ in tbeo?b;e to tearte bp coutfe/euet? leotbe blouse receaupnge u of tbe tjanaes of ml accojbmg tobiS office tobitberpj eaSe 0; fJUufte&amp;anbbecaure tbete toetemanp in jLeuitetfoftbumtoffrmg^apeaceoffringy tbe cSgregacfon f toete not fancttfreb: anb atommfftteatotbanbeanb top;areintbe t8etfo#brb 5)LeuitegClerpaaeouce fo? all gate? oftbelQtseoft&amp;e&amp; p;tbeftrng , f toete not cleane to fancttfretbf to$)lofl. gaueapo;cfonofbi0fob&amp;auncefo?b utnt Cbere toasfberpmocbe people oute of $ ofirrngeg at mojnrng 9 eue/ 9 fo; butntof*

Pb?amt/^ana{teb/ gTa&amp;ar an&amp; oabulon $ 1 erpngejs on f ^.abotbbarejf $net o moness toere not cleane/ anb tbetfo;ebrb rate paffe&lt; aotbetfolempne feaft^/accoj&amp ;rng^ajsit it cuer otbettorfe tben to?rtf nge fpecrfreu). toftttf in tbe latoe of tbe %qmM nb be babe . ... ut e?e6iab p^reb fo? tbe" a fapb: f goob t people i otoeltftrjetutare to gene f pa rte i*"' 1 " Jlojoe be meter full to all g fett tbeit better of tbe pjeafteg 9 TLeuiteg / g t ber nrpgbt be V to febetbe ob g i0 tbe&amp;oj&amp;e ob of tijttt nnamteneb in tbe latoe of tbejLo? be.f nba* fatberg/tbougbtber bottnotaeco^brnge to tone ag tbe too?be came ab?oaoe tb e cft plbzrn ^ tbe clenneffe of tbe bolr Place, anb tbe )Lo?b of^fraeibjougbtaboimbaceoffpjS fruttf &amp;eatb$e;e&amp;iab 9 bealeb tbe people . 2na fo of cojne/tome/orle 9 bonje / 9 of all maner tbecbrioje oEgfraeltbattoetefounbeatJe' offtutegof g felb: atbe trtbegofallmanet mfalem/b eio e tbe fea ft of f to t te b;eabe feue of tbmg^ b 1 ougb t tb er in pleteoufir . %tto * bares toitb great glaaneoe/ anb tbe HeuitesJ cbriwen of Jftaei anb 3!uba tbat bt oettr &lt;n| ana tbe pzeaftojpzarfea tbe low iwpebp egtiwofgfu&amp;a/ttjev aifobjougfjtfn baretoitblotobemammente?, oforen aaiEpe/atrtbe^ofbearcaterbpng^

r /.

%wuw % .... tobtcb toete seQicatea to tbe 'fi,o;Qtbett(ffi5oa/ anoputft)? onbeape^.^ntbe tbirac monetb tbep beganne to lare tbe beapess/ 9 f rneffbeu tbemtbefeuentb. anbtobe ^e?ebiabanb tbe fcojbe* came % fato tbe beapeg/tber bleaeo tbe s,o?ae ana bis people % ftaei.3ina J9e?e&amp;iab queflionea toitbtbepjeatteg atbejtcuiteisconcetnrng tbe beapeg.ina a?awab tbe cbefe p^eafte of t^e boufe of3aooc6anEteeteabimanafarae fenfe tber beganne to b;rngeu)e beaueoSe&gt;

trnge? into tbe boufe of tbe HLoflie/toe baue eaten anb baa rnougb/ ana ret lefte aboun baunce/fo; tbe %om batb b ledea Did people tt anatbetoft'8itbijibeapelcfte.ana0e?eBiab babe o^effe bp fto;e boufe? aboute $ boufe of tbe JU tf e. ana Cottier &amp;rb / ana carrea in .tbebeaueofferrngeg ana tbe trtbc? ana n)e bearcat grfteg; euen of fraeirte. uer tDbicbCbonaniab t Heuite baag mle tt &amp;&gt;emei bis b^otber nerttobi.anblebiel/ ., . afariab/^abatb/3Draei/3!etimotb3orabaB/ eiiel/gefmacbiab/99abatb ana jSananiab toere ouer fears oaernea br Cbonaniab ana Fernet bis b?otber/atrt)eapporntement of fe?e8fab tbe 8r"5/ anb afatiab tbe mler of boufe of oa.anacboje g fonneof fern* ;; matbeHeuitepo?teroftbe(iEeaao;eba&amp;tbe ouetfpgbtof tbe fretorllofferrnges of ob/ to geue beaueoMtrnges bntotbe Ho?be/ano toasoucrtbrigesmottbolr.anobnaetbim toere &lt;&amp;en/ fl^miamin / fefua / emeiab/ amatiabana^ecbeniabmtbecrtiesoftbe p;eatt^ of t&amp;en: f WWe, to geue to tbeir b?e* tb?en tbeir po?crons/as men totbe fmaa as to tbe great. ana to tDe males alfo tbat toere tefieneb from m^ pete ana aboue amonge all tbat toet in to tlje boufe of tbe )Lo?aaare bp aape/ " to ao femrce ana to toapte bp courfe . anb to tbepjea&amp;fst&amp;attoett reftenea in tbebouf^ bolbesof tbeir fatbets from ttoentte pere 9 aboue/ to toaptetoben tbet'r courfescame. anato tbem tbat toere refieneatbo?oto out all tb eir ba bes/ torues / f Mines anb baugb^ lets tbozoto out all tbe congregacion#o? to Sie fpoelrti e of tbe apa men comitt tbeir ran^= ftebgpftes.ana tberto amonge ttft cbpia?e of aaron tbe p;ea9estoere mennameb bp name in tbe felos of tbe fubutbes of all tbeir cpties/cptie bp crtte/ fo? to gme po;cions to alltbemaiesoftbep?eaQes/anatoalltbat toete reftenea amonge tbe Heuites. anb of tbis maner apa^e?efitabtbo?oto out ang|uba/ana apa tbat toasgooa/ rpgbte anatmtbe/befo?etbeTLo?aebiSoa.anain all tbe too;cftesi be beganne in tbe ferupce of tbe boufe of&lt;poa/to feftebis &lt;Boaafrer tbe latoe ana coramaunaement/tbat bpa be toitb

all bis be/anbp?ofperea.


CfeetmafitrfMohich ftuttffiaut te feagej. J ., W at pete n of the aunatll . Qc?ctiiab Ovctb after WbS tuaMtb ^anaffch. Cbe.wrii.baptet. Mftettbefeaeaas 9 tmtbe / fbtnmm beribSpngofaffutcame 9 enttea M.&amp;wtita.s in to tuaa 9 pptcbca agapnft tbe JntSgecpties atbougbtto a?ato tt)g tobfm.anatoben 9 e?efiiab fato g &amp;enna&lt;. bertb mas come ana tbat be teas purpofeato fpgbt agarnft geturale -. be tofte councell tii btScapitapneS amenof migbt/to ttoppetbe toater of taefountarnes^ toere toitb out^e cptie:a tbep toere content to belpe bpm. anb f tbere geatberea mocbe peopleto geatber 9 ftoptc an tat toeiies 9 tbe b;ofte tbatranne tbojoto tbe mpaaes of tbe lanae/ entenbpnge Btbcftpng^ofaifflirftuiaenot fpnae mocbe toater toben tbep camef ana be toet to lufte*, Ipe a built bp tbe toalle tobere it teas b?ofte7 ana maae tom?es aboue bpon/ 9 pet anotbet . toall toitbout/ana repap;ea SJfcelo tbe cptpe isi of jsaura/ana maae trump aartes 9 tbiiaes. anbbefettcapitapnes of toatre ouer tt)e people 9 geatberea tbe togeatber into? large arete of tbe gate of tbe cure 9 fpafse tentelpe to tbem/faping.^luc&amp;e bp route bertes ana be ttrong: e not afrapea 0? in anp topfebif* couragea f o? a?eaae of tbe Spng of atftit / a ofggrcatmultituaef tStoftbbftn:*fo?tbere rffi KHt M , is onegrfatettotB)bStbeiitiibinnftbbmtS T tsanarmeof fleft :a5uttoitbbsis g %ojbe oureoa fo?to belpebs anb to fpgbtoure bataptcs.ana people toete toel! courageb toitb tbe too?bts of f e?eftiab ^?ng of Juaa, after I &gt;enabetib spngofaourfentof bts feruaunt^togierufaletbebrm felf ipinge before -Hacbis 9 alibis ftpngaom ti bmobn* to 0eseb iab iapng of|itaa 9 bnto aliguoa $

toere at g'emfalerarig.cbuS faptb oena*C b e rib ftpng of affur:* tobere in bo pe trull/ ^-MW4 pe I are be fegea in ^emfalf i $r?efttab ae* ceauen) pou/to aeipuer pou to oeetb/bSgre/ 9 tb?utt/far tg:tbe JLo?a oureoa Oiall tpaae bs out of tbe biae of tbe ftpng of aour . |s ft not tbat 0e?eftiab $ put aotonebiS bflaul* ters 9 bis tb er aultets/ 9 comaunaea Juoa ana !*erufalem fapinge:befo?e one auitet pe allbotoepoure felues 9 bpon f offer airo. $QH ouer baue pe notbearbe tobatl 9 mpfatbersbaueaonebnto tbepeople of all lanaes^toere tbe C5oos of tbe people of otbet lanas able to faue tbeir isars out of mpBSfi? tobicbofau tbe oas oftbofenacpons tbat mp fatbers bettropea teas ft/tbat coulbe belp uer bis people out of mpne bana / tbat poute &lt;0oa fbuia be able tobeltuer pou outof mpno banae:tberfo?e note left not i@e?eftiab U-eeaue pou etber perftoabe pou of tbrs fa-. cpony no; pet beieue brm. ijfo; as noc^oa amonge

amonge romance nacpons 9 bpngbomeg/ torn able totpuoebts people out of mpne baDe 9 tbebibcs of mp fathers : eue fo mocbe le He flja 1 1 p oure 00 ft epe p ou oute of mpn e fiaae.anDpetmoareDpDBtjsfMuafi^ fpea&amp;e agapnft t&amp;e&amp;tua 4500 9 agapnft big feruaift ^ejeftiabJnbfbettobetojotealettettotaite onjU&gt;?bobof3;frael afpaftetbermfapfg: ag tbe oog of tbe nacpong of otber lanbes baue notaetpuerebtbeirptopie out of mpne ftariQe / no moaw (ball tbe ob of $e?e8tab aelpuer bps people out of mpne banae . 3no tbcpcrpeDtopttjalotobe bopce in ty ietoes fpeacbebnto people of 9 erufaiem g tocre onrbetoalies/tofearetbemanato opfmape tbem/tbat tbep mpgb t baue tafcen the cptpe. tfanb tbep fpabe agapnft tbe ob of geruia* lem/asagapnfttbeobSof nacpong of?: ettb/tobfcttatetbe too;cbe of fbSbeg of men. ut $e?efiiab tbe fipng anafte p;op&amp;ete graiab f onne of amo? p;a pen concerning g fijpnge 9 crpebbp tobeauen . ana tbe %aftt fent an angeli 9 aeftropea an toe me of tear* teana tbe)io?as scapttapneg of tbebofteof tbe bpng QtMuvt be turned bis &amp;" tob

ffiame totoatae bis atone lanoe . ana tobe be teas comein to tbeboufe of &amp;iSob/be toa* tbete ouertbjotorntt ti)t t toerae tuf bp tbf tbatifluebouteof bpsi botoellcu.ainnfotbe %t&gt;w fauea $e?eftf ab 9 tbe en&amp;abpters at aerofe lent out of ty banc eS of ^ennabe* fin fipnge of aout 9 of an otber / amapnte* nebtbe onaflfpaes.'Jnforaocbe tbatmanpe b;otigbtp;efenteSbnto tbe juwe to ferura lemanap;ecioufegpftesto ^e?efitabfcpng of 5tioa:ro tbatbe teas magnifies m fight of all nacpons from tbence f 0? tb. f *3nt&amp;oiebape0$e*eBiabtoas fpcaebnto a.f.w.fl. tbeaeet&amp;anabefougbttbeJlo;be:tobpcban* jhutrfiiv* (toneb.^fm a QietoeDbtmatoonDetfuii mp* tacle:ifcHit9e?eBiabapbnotaceo;bingtot&amp;e nirtcfpeftetoeBbim/fb;bf0Bertarofe:anB tbetfo;ecametbereto;atbbponbpm9bpon qiuoaanbl'imifalf . #ot toitbaabpng e?e* "biab mefterieabimfelfe fo? $ arpfpngof bp* herte/botbe be anb tbe enbabprers of f erufa lem.8be;fo?e tbe to?atb of tbe jlo;a fell not tipontbenf nttbeoape? of ^efuaft. anae?ebfab baa ejcceaapnge mocbe rp tbeffleabonoureJnabegeatbeteabfmttea* fute of fputet/gouiae/pjeetoute (tones/ fpfc cegQnicrgaofallmanerpleafafftguelieg: 9inaaelro;eboufesfo;tbe frutes of cojnt/ topne 9 opie: 9 Cables fo; aUmaneeof bea* &lt;5tte0?anBfolbtSfo;ftepe. anabemabeftpm ' t otones becaufe be baa catell of ttepe 9 or en Seatabounaance.iffo;obbaBgeuenbpni b Qaunce erceabpng mocbe. 3 no tbt fapbc $e?emab itoppeatfte bppeftoaittfpjpnge* of ibon 9toou#t#emaotonetotbee8


fpoe of $ tpttc of iauft JnadejeMab p;o J fpel;eQtnallf)tstoo;cficsi.ffiuttoS)entbean,= baflaoouwsioftbe^osiestofabpiontoete fenttobimtoenqup;eofn;etoonD;eg cbafi* ceo in ttje lano/ &lt; 00 lefte btm:to tempt t bpm $ alltbattoassinbi* bert mpgbtbe ftnotoen. CbettDftbeoei)eiSoft^e?efiiabanbbi!S gootmeoe ate tojitte in tbe tf fpon of 5,faiab

tt)e p;opbetetbe fonne of 3moj in f bofte of IftingeUofliuDaanbJfrael.lntitbedScie^ Btab lapoe itfm to re a tot tb bp0 fatbetgf / anb tbepburpebbtm in tbe bpea fepulcb?eof tbe fonneis of autbano3!uba 9 tbe enbabite of|entfalei&gt;pObuntoo;Q)ippeat typ iieetb. ana 35 anaffet) big fonne raigneo f bft Qeabe. ca^imsffe^isfabcn pjcfontc ^anSaf tn 6c coinctQ oute (jeBffltoyet^ tbe JOolwJJr Ojtt^anD after Wm fuccca&amp;crtjaragn. after amo was UpllcOof^is attnc j? soptojofla^ his tonne taygnd^ ft; tiim. Ccbe.pwij.Cbaptet. IHinaCeft toas.jti/perc oiBr tebe W&amp; toajs mabening/a Hi^peu to jatAHKjfift in fentfal^anobcbpo toiclteblpe to Hje fpgbt of tbello?o/ !pl&lt;e bmo tbeabbominaciofis&gt;s of tbe ben)cn tefjnb tbe jlo#e call out before tbe ebpltyen of g.frtscf. jfo?bctoettoabupitagapnetbebplaulte3 tobicb9eie&amp;fabb^fatbetbab b?6se botone. ana be retea top aultens bnto isaal^amabe gtoti ess 9 botoeb bun felfe fanto alltbe boft of tjeauf ana femeaftemJnabe buptt aufteus intftebouteof tbe JLojoe:)ftol)tcbp %z&gt;M babfapbe* tnSratfale a)allmpnamebefo?0,3gej,ig.i,, euet.'inabe mace auitetf bntoall tbebode of beauen in tbe ttoo couttejJ of tbe boufe of tbe U.o;De.ana be burnt l)tscbplb?en t'nfp;e in tbe balepoftberonnes of pennon 3DnDbe obCerueo&amp;pfmallebape$$ aoccuppeb toptcn* ceaf te ana fo?ferp / ano mapntenea too^fiets* tottb fpm'tes afearg of f o?tuness-.9 to?ougbt mocbe euell in tbe fpgbt of loft/to angte bimtoitball. anabeputtbe seruea'jmage of anjaole^ tobiebbebaamaae/intbeboureof &lt;0oa .&amp;f tob t it b ouf e eo rapce to p&amp;w is ana to ^ a lomon kit fonne/tn tb tg boufe bete in %t t ufaletobfc^bauecbofenoutof all f tmft/ *StoPH putmpnamefo^euer/anomoare &amp;jpng feate of ifrael fts of tbe lana toljt'cb .aeg..t. g?baueo#epneafo?poure fatberg ,&lt;jf M&amp;*0* tbepCbalbeapligcnttoaoo alif baue com* maunbea bp AC cfeg in all tbe latee ojan'naff* ceg ana m&amp;netg .iSu t ^anafPtb maae 3" uba ana tbe enbabitetg of f erufaiern to em ana to b o too;fe tben tf)t beatbf tobf cb tbe )Lo?be aeSropea before tbe cbpui;en of qffracl . 3na toben tbe to;be fpafse to ^anaffeb 9 1 b p ss people/ tbep attenbta not to bint.

a&amp;bfo;etbeXo?beb?ougbtbpon tbtm tbe Capitafne* of tbe botte of tbeKpnge of amir/

atBit/tofjicI tone ^anaflebin an bolbe anb bounaejfm^icbainefS aearpeabimto&amp;a* .bilon.anbMjenbetoast in trpoulacpon be * befougbt m ;to;beb^ dSoa/9 biunbleabnn felfe fjweaag nsipe befo;etbe &lt;ssoa of bp3 fa* f9tg0/9 ntabe snterceOpon tobpm 19 be isag entreatea 015 i)im anabearae bf g p^perana teougbtbiro ii^apne to^entfaleminto bp* fepngbS.atiatbm fl^anaffe^finetoe boto f tbe &amp;o?ae *&amp;&amp;&amp; tbe aerp oa. after illje bttptt a toail toitbout tbe cptpe of J&amp;auib onftoeft fpbe of ibon in f b;oBe 9 fo fo/tt) to $0) gate 9 toube aboutepbrt 9 b;ougbt te bp ofoerp a greatbepgbt/9 put capitapneg -mmein all tbe ttronge cities of |u&amp;a.ana^etojBeatoape (traunge 00s 9tbe3!aoig out of tbe boufe of oa/ 9 an tbe auiteris tfese mm buplt in tbe mount of tbe poure otmh 9 tn Serufaiem / 9 caft tbe out of tbe tym Mtwt ma Dean aulter tottotbe Xo;a 9 fasrefgeebtberon peaceoSerpngeg 9 tbanboffeifengeg/ 9 cbatgeaiuoatoferue p %oit ofc :ii' v n-ael.i5euertbeleffc f people bja offer ftgitttatebe bplaulters/boto bet't an* to tbe %6m ttat 00 onlpe.


, cbereffi olftie acteg of S^anaffeb anb big ^p/aperbntoijrisiSioa/atbetoo^^oftbefears of options ^liyabetobimintbenameof tbe jLo^ie oil 0? glrael/are to;itte amonge tbe aeabeS of tE^ fi wig? oflfraeUnabts p2aper 9boto tbatlje jjjag hearbe / 9 allbps fphne 9 tttfpace/ Replaces tobere&amp;emabebilaul* tets 9 fttbp petted 9 fitrueb gimag^ before betoasmeftewea/areto^ttlamagetbeaaes of tbe f ear .3 % m U ong, anb toben #anaffeb toag lapbe 0 tell ti bis fatbers/tbep burpea bim in bis a 'a v boufe^na amon bps fonne taigneb in W votome .amon toas.wft pere

oiae/tobenyslseganne toraigne/arapgneb ttoo pere infemfamnabeapafaniplearea f&amp;e 'jlo?b Ipte Kit co S^analieb b'S fafljer/ fo; ant3facrifsceaian$6eiuea3magttobicb ^anadrb W fatijtt maae/alemea n) e m /9 me&amp;eneanotftf felfe before tbejLo?DagSa naffeb bttffit|gt: S)aa meaenea bimfel fr.JSut amontrefpKcgagreatlp.u&amp;berfo^bisatone (entaunte^aMpireaagapntt bpntanaflue bim inbiS atom? fjoufeana %t people of tbe fano flue m. I 'm confpirea agapnft Bpnge amon.anaiti!:tt9 \ people of tbe laaemabe SoftabbiSE -wm npig iubigrotome.


C3f ofi'ati tteftie^eti i ii e 3&amp;0IM flo?l) tfie tfnle; &lt;ntotlfcli tefoutiSetijcIioaeof rtwlatt*. vCmletQ 19 beKworljepjoplieriTftfiwcounccll. . c^iWtt'in.bapter. a Ukstj^H^^ 8 * 5 m aae itpnge tobenbe

ampere oiae/9 Be raigneatn ,feE;nf8le.irKtt.pere .ana be apa * cm-, Patbe JU)Sj/9toalcsea intbe toapesof^msi^jtsfarhttbotomgnetberto

^erpgbtbanbe o;totbeiefte.girtfomocBe* tbe eigfjt pete of bis raigne / tobSbe toaspec a lao/be begane to febe after tbeoa of a* mabisfatber.anain^ttoeiuetbperebebe* ganne to pourgegjuaa 9 gierutaif of bpiaui* terg/groueg/fierueog'mages/anDJmagegof tnetalhto $ tbepb;abebotone tbe auiters of aais eulinbJpwftnce / 9 tbepoolestbat tocreopontbeVbe caufeb to beaeftropea^na tbe groues/fierueajmages/ana fmagesoC

metanbeb;abe 9 mabeauft of t&amp;e/9ft ratoeb ttbpontbegrauesoftbitbat baa oflereato ^.ana be burnt (be bones of $ p;easr op5 rteaufters/aclenreailuaa anageruralent. 75 anaeuf foapabeintbe cptieg of fl0anafleb/ Pb^im/g&gt;ime5 9 oBQepbtbalitbertoana mStopiaerneffes of tbe roube about bepluc* fiebafonb;etbeaulers 9 tsegroues ana apa beate tbe 9 ftampe tbemto potoa;e/ana bete aotone tbe paoles tbo;oto out all tbe tenacof gifraei:9 tben returneo to gieruCaie agapne. anatntbe.&gt;Auj.pereofbis raignetobfbe baapurgeb iaa 9 teple/be kmM$n m fonne of 3?aUab/anb ^aaBabfgoue^ noureoftbecptteanbfoab f fonne of foa ba?tbereco;ber/tortpap;e tbeboufe oftbe Xo;be bis ob.anb toben tbep came to mu btab tbebpe p;ea(leymenaeliuereatb^ y mo= neptbattoasb;ougbtintof boufe of oa/ tobicb tfie jleuitrtbatbepttbe enttries baa gratbetea of biw; of ^anaHeft 9pb;aim 90fall i pettemapnebm?fraei9ofan%t* aa 9 eiamin 9 of fcenbabiters of Jerufale. ana tbep put it in W bSar, of toojeftemen tbat baatfie ouerfpgbt of tbe boufe of g jlo;b. tobicb gaueitto f labourers tbat to;ougbt on U)t boufe oftbe )Lo;o/to repap;c 9 menae * /9tomafongana carpenters to bpe betoea*' ftone 9hmb;e f 0? to mafie coupir 9beam(foj IboufestoaicbJftingjofgjirtabaaaeltroteaj ana $ mento;ougbtin too;cbeof fibettte, anatbe ouer fears of tifi to courage tbeni fo;toaroe/toeref abatfj 9 baafab JLeuitea ofibecbplb;f of setati'^na S&gt;ecbariaan&amp; flpefulam oftbe cbiia;e oftbe Cabatbf tes / 9 asmanpe otter of&amp;euitesasoulbeffiiHe of tnCrumetes of ^ufic&amp;.anaouer be a* rers of buttbens 9 ouer autbatto;ougbt/ in tobatfoeuertoo;cBemanO)ipeft toere / toero tbetefcribes/oBtcers9Po;tersoff jUu'tK. anaas tbep b;ougbt out monep*toaj fewtgbt into tbeboufe/ i^elBtab tbe p;eafte fofioe tbe bofie of tte latoe of tbe %oio gene bp^ofeS^na^elBtab anftoereaanafapa tos&amp;ap&amp;antbefcrpbeg!bauefounBet bone oftbe latoe iftt&amp;e boufe of the ftojoe/agaue


too^aeagapne/apingtaii toascSmitteato tbpfeiuauntes/tbataotbep , mtfamue



. -*

pote?ca out ftemottepftat teas foiinae in ftcufe oEt^e HozDe ana ftaue aeipuerea m to ft e ftaaes of fte ouec feats of too?cfiemen, 3Pn ft en &amp;&gt;apf&gt;an fcribeftjetoeb f fipng/ fepiiig:eifiia&amp; tfte Platte ftaft geuen me a bofie/anbfteteab it before fte fipng. ana tofte fte UpngftaDfteatBe fte tootfeg ipf tfte latoe/fte tare ftig clotfteg./ 9 comauaea eififaft ana aiftifiamtfte fonne of gyapftan ana HibaBon fte fonne of Sl^tca^ atftefapae g&gt;apftan fte fcribe a afaia a feuaunt of tfte fipngeg/tapingsgo a- enquire of fte fto?a ft? me afo?fte i ate ieftein3;frael anbgjuba/ cScernpngftemo?asofftebofieiigfouoe. &lt;jfo? great 10 fteto?aft of tftejiozo g ig falle 05- bpon bg/becaufe oute fafterg 8epc not fte too?aeoffte;ilo?b;toBoafteraU 'B3to?itte tn ftig bofie. eg ainBIelfiiafi ti fte ftat pertapneato fte lapngtoentto^olbaft ap?opftetiffetopft: of &gt;eiump forme of cfteftoftaft fte ftnneof ^ateraft ftepet of tfte toatB?ope( tobicft p?o? pftetfffe Btoelt ingetufale in fecoae toarae) a ftep comunea fotf ftec.ana Q)e tapae bnto fte:ft ug fapft fte TLo?ae oa of gfrael/ tell pe man t fent pou to rae.Cue ftug fapft jlo?ae:re/Wtoillb?pngeeuellbp5tftigplace anabponfteenftabitergfterof/euenalltfte curfleg t ate to?itten infte bofie tofticft ftep ftauereaaebefo?eftefipngiJfSuaa'becaufe ftepftaue fojfafiemeanabaue offereabnta oft er&lt;s oag to angle me % aiimanertoo?eti&lt;; of ft etr ftSai/ft erfo # tg mp to?aft fet on fp?e sgapnatftpg place a (ball not be qiiencftea. ainaas ft? ftefipnge of uba tofticft fent pou to enquireof fte jLo?ae /ft wall pe tape tf bnto ftim-.tftug fepft fte Ho?B .oa, of gtracl cocetnpngftetooza^tobiftftouftaaftearae eeaufe ft pneftert Bpa melt anB ft on apa?8 mefie ftp felfe beft?e&lt;2Soa'tofte tftoubear&amp;eft

big too?aeg agapnB ftig place ana agapnB fte enftabiterg fteroF.aftumbleaeB ftp felfe befo?eme/ana tatett ftp clotfteg ana toepea before me/ftaue;$fteatae alfo fapftp?lo?B. Btfioiacg: toputafie f toftpfaftetgaftou aWbeputwuftpgrauetnpeace/anbftpne epe an not fe all ft empf cfttue tftatgi toill b?pngbpStftigplaceabp5fenftabptergof msttt *&amp;$&amp;"" *ainBtr)epb?ougfttfte b.? n too?ae nij.jBeB.yw&gt; ggpyfojQfai taespngefent $eatfterea to geafter all fte eiaerg of fuba ana gerufale. aiibftefipngtoeMbpintofteftoufeoftfte 3Lo?ae/ aall tftemenofJuba anbfteenfta* bfterg of gewifale a fte ?cafleg aHeutteg 9 allfte people great anbfmaHe: 9teaaeail ftetob^ejsof ftebobe of fte cottenafit ftae tM0founaeniftebqufeoffte^o?ae.3Cna$ fepngttofieatBisaanapnge^maae a ceue* naunt before fte TLojae/ to folotoe fte Xo?a ana to Sepebt'0 c5maunaemente0 /Oft tof u


'neffeSana^aatuteUttiftaUflifiberteanD ttallbis ftule $ to fulfpll -fte toojbesi of fte appopntmettojpttenrnfteJapaetioge, ainabemaae to come fo;ft alt item fouae ii % emfaiem ana ehiatnftt/ ?fte etujabps teti5 of JewfaJe" p?omefeatofiepe ftecoue* naunt of $ oatobtft toast tbeceoaof fteit faft ets.ana giof ta^ put attape allmanet or abbominacpoiwout of all lanae? i jjertap* nea to tfte cftpltye f iftael / anab;ougfttaIl $ torn fofiaitfn |ftaei to feme I 'A-ozb ftew ooa.aina ftep tiraieb not a fpwMaftet tfte 3Lo?aoa of fteft f aft m w log ag fte 1 ? ea, C Jofiai) ftoIDctti paircoucc . c fpuftjc (f) . aga jnK ttie bjnfl of SPPt^anO&amp;petf). 3;&amp;cp?oplcUefeav' c 9?fli " : Cfte.wjcb,&lt;Sbaffr. aiofraft fteisetfte feaaof paflfc % ouecbntoftel.o?aein3;etufalfy mtrnm ana ftep flue paoeouet in fftft vim **" gayeoftfte fp;a moneft, ana ftp fet ftep?eafte3inftettoffpcesJ ^apaeatbem

mtftefeaipcebf.fteftoiifeofti)eto?ae,an&amp; ftefapae totfte juuiteis tftat taugftt ftojoto outail 'Jftaelana toere fanctifpea bnto fte jLo?ae:pu t ft e ftolp a tcBe m tfteftoufe tnfticft &gt;al6monKonne of ^auia&amp;pngof Iftael . atb buiiaeyprneaaenot to beate it bp&amp;poute Qrouiaet0 , t&amp;ftetfoje nob) feme tfte &amp;b/&amp;e poute&lt;5oaftftpeople'3ftaer.3Bnap^epate poute feluefs bppoute aunciCnt ftouft ofiK0 9 companies/ acco?B?ng to fte to?gtpnge of 3auiafepngeofiftael/anatftto^tsngef Salomon ftis fonne .Snaaanaetn fte ftoip place acco?apng to f eeupfiongbf $ aunciet ftoiuDouiaeg of potite b?eft?e ft e cftplli?en of of tfte people/ ana after fte aeupfpon of tfte auncientftontboiaess of tfte jLamfs ftpi! paaouer/fanctifpe? p?eparepoute b?eft;e ft at ftep map bo acco;bpnge to fte too?aei)f fteiLo?abpfteftanbof^ofe?. , . 3na ^ofiaft gaue tofte comenpeopltin lambed $ Bpaaeg/fo; paffeouerofEerpngest onlp/bntoall $ tarn prefect .roc.ftoufanae bptale; 9 ft i e ft oufanb or f /eue of tfte spngs fubftaimceJnaftiS)Lojb(gauebj?lIpnglpe boft bntofte people ^aifo bntofte pjeaQeg a bnto tfte ileutteg . ^ eifi iaft / 5 acftar iaft $ speftiel/rulers of tfteftoufe ofoa/gaue bnto fte p?caQ^ f ojpafteotterofferpngi; troo tftou&gt; fanbafpFeftuniceBlambeg fipaaej/ta?e ftCa?ea oren Jna Conam'aft toftft &gt;emetaft anbi8aftaneerft!'0b?etft?en / an&amp;$afabfa&amp; ana gjaielanb folabab Hoj&amp;e? of tft e xew * tesi/gauebntorfteuaiftest fpueftoufanbe pafleouet offetpriBe^/^fpueftimb^eb oyen. anafofteferuicetoemfojtoaitie'.ana tfte P?eaa&lt;8oDrftifteftptece*/$ 3 fteuit**i ~ tftefe cUpairfe^atfte fipngrt cBmauttaemft. ana tftep fhiepafittiurt:a?i)?eaB( rp^thclN left ft e Wmite wee fluptige it of ft e Suites/ ana

I jiiaSim. itBoacin. 5(liaft,

ana fte)Leuitej5 etiptetftebeaa^ amatftep feet atoape fte bumtoffetpnged/ to geue tftg biito tfte comen people as tfteptoere aeupaea bpaunetftoufe0/fo?toofferbnto lto;B/ ipse a0 it igb3?ptten intfteboBeof^ofes, caina ro aga ftep % tfte ojcento.ana ftep a^ef

fea tfte paffeouer roift fpre ag maner mag. 3Sut fte ofter ftalorbea aeapcat beaBeg ftep ftaaeinpottcg/cauiaemg^panneg a nenp&lt; beatfti qupcbipe amSge all t comen people, anaaftettoarbe ftepmaae reaapefo? tftem felueg a ft? ft e p?eaBeg ana ft? tftecftpia^en of aaron/tofticft merebuftea in offerpnge of burntoffer pngeg 9 fte fatt bntpll npgftt.3inb fterfo?e tfte jleuiteg p^eparea ft? ftf felueg ana 0? ft e p^eaBeg fte ftnneg of aaton. 3lina tfte fpngerg fte ftpia^en of 3fapft Boae in ft etc Banopng acco?apng to fte comautt* aemet of Bauia ana S'faplj/ Iceman alau^ tftun fte Bpngeg fear ofbiftong: a po^terg to aptea at eueip gate/ana migftt not aeparte from tfteir ferupce:ut ft eir b?etft?e tfteUe* uiteg pjepareo ft? fte.aiiafo ail fte ferupce of fte JLo?aetoentfo?toarae ftefapae aape/ in ofierpngpaffeouerof bumtoBrpngegbpo fte aulter of fte iLo?ae/acco?apng to tfte contaunacment of ftpnge^ofiaft. ainb ft fte cftpiajen of ^frael g couiae be founDe / oSeteb paffeouer ft e fame tpme ana fiepte fte feaa of troete b?eaae feuen aapeg. 30naftertoag nopaaeouerlp&amp;etog /fiepte in g'frael fro tpme of Samuel p?opftete: nefter apa anpe of ftefipngeg ogiftaei ftoiae ft fte a p3ffe ouer feafl ag apa gofraft ana tft e pjeaftcg anblLeuft? aaligiuaa/ aagmocfte &amp;W&amp;&amp;M couiaebe'baa / ^fteenftabiterg of jerufal?.36na ftig paffeouer toag ft olae in tfte.itfjtff.pere of tftetapgne of ^ofiaft. ij.Be S . W i(f.f.*aifterallftig/tofte3of!aftftaafmtabeatfte teple/jUeftoftpngofflTgpptcamebptofi'gftt agapnB Carcamtg bponupft?ateg/ano Jo ftaft toft out agapnB ftfm.3Dnb ft e oft er fent mefferigerg to ftim/f apfnge : toftat ftaue % to Bototftfteftoufipngof Juaa^gcame not agapnB fte now at ftig tpme/butagapnB anftoufetoifttoftomgiftauetoatte/ana^oo baae me ftactexeaue of fterfo?eanameaie not tt oa toftrcft ig &lt;ti&gt; me/leaBe fte aeBrope fte.j9euerfteleffef ofiaftturneanotfttg face f r5 fttm/but m aae ftpm reabpe to fpgft t topft ftfm/aftet fienea not bntofte too?aeg of J9e* cfto out of ftentoutfteof &lt;0oa.3Cna toftenfte toag come to t" pgft t m fte balepe of a^ageao/ tfteftjotergftotte agapnB fte fipng^oftaft. 3DnbffipngfapDetoftgteruaun^:caweme atoape/ftzgt am f o?e fturtc.aina ftfcsferuau* ... teg ftaa ftim out of j&gt; cftaret ana putftim rn a

nofter/ab?ougfttftfm tojentraletoftetefte bpeb 9 toag buiiea in ft e fepalft?e of ftfg fa* a*4A. tim *3inaa3|uiia?3!enifaiftnouweBft;




* t*

lorfaft^nagifwmiaftlameteaiofiaft/ $ali pngpnge men % fpngpnge tee menfpeafie of giofiaft to ftig aape/ 9 maae it an o?ainaunc^ tnMraei:9ftepbero?ptteinlamentacpong, cftereBof faetegof % ofiaft aftpg gdoaneg mftlompngeftetojptpngofftelatoe/aftpgbeaaeg fp?B a laB are to?ptrcninfte bofie of fte ftpngeg of Jfraelanafuaa. cafttcJotia^raiBnctlj jc^oalja*^ after Jelioa&amp;aj JtfiOMmaltet Jt^amm JeDoacin ^ after 3ct)oacfti ZeOcb(al);rntol)ofe tpme all t^e people toece cacpcU atoaptoia;alJ!lonanCitteteb;ougl)ta8apncf.ljCie.pcce afterz-lipapngcpnia. CCfte.fWbi.Cftapter. #atfte people of lanae tofie S|e*u ftoafta? f fonne of gpofiaft a maae i,m&amp;$* ftim &amp;png ft? ftig fafter iirlerufa^ 31 lem.aJnaieftoalm? toag.wiii.pere oiae tofte fte beganne to raigne/ afte raignea ft ?e moneft eg mjemfale. jfo? ftefipnge of tfgPPt put ftim aotone at gerufaie a merceb fte lanae in an ftuajea talenteg of ipluer 9 a talent of gouiae.anap fipng of dgpptmaae (Eliafiim ftig b?ofter fepng bpofuba a g;eru&lt; fale/a tutneaftig name bnto ^eftoafiim/but 7eftoafta?ftpg b?ofterecftotofiea carpeb .imto &lt;gppt.3nb 3cftoafiimtoag.rjrb.pere olbe toftf ft e begSne to raigne/a fte raigneb a n'.perein tymtoltit fte apa i aupieafea fte Jlo?aeftig&lt;EioDJgapnBftimcamei5abHcfto

aono?o? fipnge of ffiabilon a bounbe ftpm in fetterg to carpe ftim to #abilon , cftetto tfte fipng 0abucftoaono?o? carpeb of fte beffelg offteftoufe offteHo?a to^abilonanaput^ tftem t'nftig templeat55abilon.cfterefi of ^ acteg of geftoafiim a ftig abftominacpong/ ana ftat toag lapae to ftig cftarge/ ate to?itte t'n fte bofie of fte l&amp;pngeg of Tfrael : ana %u ftoacin ftpg fonne raignea in ftpg Bcaoe . f e* ftoactn toag.biii.pere oiaetoftefte beganneto raigne/afte raignea ft?emoneftt;aten aapeg ftiferufaieia apa apfpieafea f iLo?a.3na toftf f pere toag out/fipng ji5abucftoaono?o? rent ana fet ftim to iSabilontoift f gooaipe beflelgoffte ftoufeof lLo?b/ ^maae^eaess %m biot^c fiiaft fg*b?oftet fipng otietgfuoa 9 !Jerufale. t^nfo? *"* |na 3eaefiiaft toag.rrf .pere oiae toften fte SSSLaK besanetoratgne/araigneoaripereinSe^K" 9 ' n * rufalem Jnafteapa ftatbifpleafebffte )Lo?b ftig oa/a ftumbieb not ftim felfe before* temiaft fte p?opftete at tfte mouft oft Xojb, 30nb tfterto fterebeileb agapnB #abucftoao* _ no? 0? tofticft ftaa receauea on otft e of ftpm bp &lt;* ob/atoagto apfeiiecfteaa toftataefterteb totumebnto $)Lo?B ca of ^frael. tfterto 8B| rufctg of p" p?eaBeg toift f people tref* pacea a paceafter all maner of abftompna* cpong offtefterften apoftitea tfte ftoufeof g ^o?betofttcftfteftaaftarbtoeainTerufalem. aina Tto?beioaof fterrfaftergfentto ftfbpftigmeoengerg/fenapngetfte be &amp;m - &amp;m





fo? be bab compaction on bjjs people BfcbtoelrpHge Place .tfuttftep mocaea tbe meflengewofdBoaanaaefptfeo tbetrtoojas

9 mpffebfea bfe p;op&amp;te$/bntpll tfte t;att| of toe Jlojafo arofe agapnft ftps people tljac it toasJpatttemeaafe Jna Co Be b;ougbt bps tbera tbe 6?ng of Cal&amp;epe a Clue tfteir ?oung mentoitbS ftoeraeintfteitbolpteple / ane* tb et fpar ea pounge man no; ntapoe n / netber doe man /nether to mocbeaisbpm^ ttotopea Co?age:$uegaueaU intobte banoe. anu all beOCW of | Ijoufe of oabotbe great ana fmalle/ a tfte tteafuress of $ Boute of oo/? tbe tteafuress of tfte ftpnge ana ftp* 5Lo;o5 be carpea to isabtlon euerp tofttt.&amp;na tjjepburnttfteftoufe of&lt;Soaab?afte aotone rBetoalttssof ijerufalem/ana bumtalltfte palace? tftetof toitbfpjetot'tft all tbe gooblp Boone tbeeof /anamarreait, ainafte carpea atoapetjjemtijatbaaefcapea tftei'toerae /to ffiabtlon/ tobere tftep toere feraatiifiJ to bmt a ftfe cbpia;en/bnti!l tbe fcpngtom of perfta oegannetotule/ to fuiifpll tfte too?ae of tfte 7Lo?oe bt&gt;tBe moutbe of Jeftmiaft / bntpli { Janae Baa Ber preafuve of Bee ^abotbeg: fo? a? longe a* tbe lapeatfolate/ ffte fiepte g&gt;a* both bntpli (fte baa fuilfpilea.lwr.pere*. *a(inD tbe f p?8 ?te of ?iu.3 6 f ttg of ^etTia &amp;i c J ; f 1 '- c, tofpmn)etbeto3^eoftbejlo?Dbp moutft nno,ttu. f3 V j m ,aft/tbe)Lo;5e ueteabptftefpirttc ofCpjussfringofPetfta/gBemaaeapjocia* macion tftozououtallftts Wngaom/a tbetto fett it top m tojptpnge/fapmge : ^ftujs faptft CpjuiS fipng of petft'a/ail tbe ftpgoomeg of tbeertbe ftatb tbe %w oo of beauen geue me/tofttcb batb cftatgea me to buiiae ft im an jjouft In gjenicaiem tbat i in tbe lana oFJu&lt; oa . lBftetfo?e tobofoeue t ig amongc you of alibis people/ :io&gt;Bi0oa&amp;etoitB ftim/ ana let ftim go bp. Cbe enae of tbe fecono bone of tfte cb?o npcle* of tbeftpngess of Juaa, CCl)e r&gt;# bofet of C*tftiefen&amp;ett) ag^nnbrpropic :i)at toa?fn cap* maunfc(f) ttjcm to Impi&amp;e agamic ifjc (cm pie*


C^Ejefj? ft Chapter. ru.s ttprtge of $ertto($at tbe too?ue of #e %ow f p ofipb p tfje moutij of Jetem? m?gt) t be funftfleb) $e %o$? ftettft Ibptftefmetc 0fC?;u$fipn8e ofpftrta/^e cauftb tc be pwclamebtljojou out all W tmpmw 9nD by to^tt nge alf o/

,t,Ctl&gt;?a0, fro taptfoitie, fapfg;l)u^ial!trjCi&gt;w0 ftpng of ^etfra: Cbe J^o;oe oo of beaue batb geuen me all tbefiyngoemejstn tbelanoe* anDbatb com;era,riiiii &amp; maunbeo me to buplDe btm an ftoi tfe at Jetu falem in luua. nsbofoeuer note among pott 75 is of big people/ tbe Ho?oe biP dE&gt;oo be aptb ft im / a let ftim go bp to letufalem m luoa/ 9 bupioe tfteftoufe of tfte %ojtx oa of j.f* taei.^eigtftC(BoDtftat!0atg!etufarem.anb toftofoeuet lemapnetft pet in enp manet of o t place( toft ere ft e it a tttsunger ) let tft e men of ftijS place ftelpeftimtoitft fphtev agoutee/ toitb goob acateil/befpbei tofttcb tfte? topi* Ipnglpe offer/fo?ftoufe of ob atlmtfaie. Cftengatbp p?pncppallfatft0 of juC ba ano ffieng amin/ a tft e p;eattesi ano )leui* tess / aailtfteptoftofe fp?ete oo ftabrapfeD to goop/ano to bupl&amp;e tfte ftoure of )lo?&amp;e at 'lemCalemJnb all tbep tftat toere abotite tftem / cwngfttbcotbeirbanD toitft bctrelis of fplttec ano gol&amp;e/toitft goob a cateu/anb ?e toel? / befpije tftat tofttcft tftep gaue of tlfeit atone frttopll. 3nopngecp;u(S b;ougftt f G#b of tbe beflelg of tft'e ftoufe of tfte %o m/ totyc)) $abucbooonc5o? bab taaen oute of3i eruf ai e / a put in tfte ft oufe of fti'3 @ob. ut vm tbe apng of Perffa b;ougftt tftf fo;tft bp^itb;ibate0tbetreaCuter/ jnumb?eo tbe bntog&gt;efba?at:tftep;pnceof inbaJlMi tftfc i0 tfte numbje of tft e:tfti?tt'e bafeng of goulo/ anti a tboufanb bafeng of fpluet / a npne a tiQ ttoentiefenpueis/tbp?tiecuppe0 of goulbe/ a of otfter fpluer cuppess foure ftunb?eb a ten/ ana of otftetbeoeiss a tbouranoe.gD o tftat all f beffelsi botft of goulbe a fpluer /toere fptte tftoufanbafoureftao?eb.s&gt;efba?at:b?ougftt tbem all bp/ toptft tfte tftat came bp out of capttutte of JBabrlon bnto gferufalem. C K^ nomOj t of c^cm tfyat ceturnco f cS captiu(tic. CCfte feconoe Cftapter. j^efe are tbe cftplb;en of tfte lanb |

toentbp out of tfte cap t putt eitobo * j9abucboDono?o? tbeupng of 3a_____Jbtion ban carie&amp;atoape bnto ab$ lon^anb cameagapnebntOfemfalem ano in to tuba/ ettetp one bnto ftps cpte / ano came ttB;obabel:|eftia/eftem!ab/^atatab/ JSaeiaia^/#3tbocBat/j5enan/ ^efpbar/ 35egauai/ffielbuma56aatMia.WJJt0notof numbje oftbemenof tbe people of Iftaef: cbe cft?Ib?en of pt&amp;tiffl ttoo t^outanoe/an bunb;eb/a ttoo anb feuentpe:tfte eft pifcen of ^&gt;apbatiaft tft^e'ftuniBeb anb ttoo a fcuf tpr. tftecbpio?enof fratb/feuenbtmo^eoa fpur anbfeuentpe:tbe cbpibjf of*pabatb oab &amp;m w* amSge tfte cftplb?e of fefua 3oab/ ttoo tTbou* t%t utm* fanbe eigftt bunbjeo anb ttoelue : tfte cftplb;e 9 *. of &lt;iam /at&amp;outanbe / ttoo btmweb a foure anbfpfrpe-.tBecBplb?mof3ttBua/npneBun b;eb/a fpuf a fourtpe^e tW*$ of 5&gt;acat / feuen


feueftub^eb atft?efco;e:tbe c&amp;Ub^of ant/ fpire buna;eb a ttoo ana fourtpe^be cbplbwn of jeebai/ tw bunb;ea ana tft;e a ttoentpc/ 0)t cftplb;en of afgaa/atftouranaettoobun* b;ea ana ttoo a ttoentpe:tfte cftpia?en of aioo&gt; nicam, fpie ftuna?ea a rp*e a fpitpe: tfte cftpi o/enof Ueguai/ttootftoufanaanafweana fpftpe:tbe cftpia;en of Mm/ foutebuna^a a fbure ana fpft?e:tfte cbpia;en of 3tet of fie* ?efitaft/epgbt ana npnetpettfte cbpia?e of 3Se fat / tb;e ftu na?ea anbtft/e ano ttoentpe ; tfte eftpib;en of 3io;atft/an ftuna?ea attoelueufte copia?en of fiafum/ ttoo buna?ea ana tb;e a ttoempe:tftecftpia?enofebar/fpueananp* Hirwww/w/ to* wnojennr &amp;.* net P e:tfte cb pia?en of jBetbleftem/ an bua?ea SSSSSSSSiSSS^^ SSS9S anan ? ,eattoentpe:tbcmenoy5 topftaf W e PocbrrSof5eba^^^^^

J5epftu0mt/tfte cftpio;en of acbuc/tfte cbfl a?en of fiacupfta/tbe cftpia?en of atftut/ ft cftpia?f ofe?eiutb/ cftpia^ofasabrra/p 2fi^ "Jl^/nje cftpia^ of jeatcom/tfte ^eof&amp;tfara/tbe.cbiia?eofbamab/ tbpfiwen ofgeitaft/ tfte cftpia?e of fiatipba. jM^n of Salomon* feruaun&amp;/ &lt;I L e lfW c, i i^ &gt;otaf/tae cftpia?enof s&gt;o 5 pbeteft/tfte cbpta;en of Pbaruaa/ tfte cftpi* im of faalab/tbe cbpia?en of atcon/tbe cftpnwnof e&amp;e/tftecftpia;en of S&gt;apja 3

55 ana fiftpe:tfte men of anatbot/an ftuna?ea/ ana epgfttama ttoentpe-.tfte cftplb^e of 3fma* uetft/ ttoo a fourtpe:tfte cftpia?en of fcattatb Satim/Cepbirab ana eerotft feue buna?eb ana tb?e ana fourtpe;tbe cftpia;en of Kamab ana abaaft/fpre butycaana one attoentie: tfte men of flfcaebmas* / an ftunb;ea ana ttoo anattoentpe:tftemen of JBetftel ana li/ ttoo

ailtfte J5etftmini0anatbe cbpibzen offi&gt;a lomonsferuaiintestoetealltogeatbet/tbje Buna^ea ana ttoo ana npnetpe. 3Bna tftef e toent bp aifo/cbermelab/cbel fiarfa/ berub/3taaon ano cmer . ifatdn couio not fftetoe tfteir fatftew ftoufenoj mm feae/toftetftet tftep toere of Jftael . cfte m tjm of alataft/tfte cftpia?en ofcobiaft/tbe

i^^^l^&amp;^mP of M&amp;. fiftpeJnaof tbe mmS^SS^e

bt0/anbutio?eDanaJ?j:eanafpftpe:tftecbpl D?en of tfte otfter Clam a tboufanae/ ttoo ftu b?ea ana foure ana fpftpe:tfte cbpia?en of fia wm/tb# ftuna?ea ana ttoent? ei tfte cbiiaje of jLobftaaia ana Dno/ feuen buna?ea ana fpue anattoentpe:t&amp;ecbplwenof3eticfto/tbjeftu* ^eifanafpue a fouttpe-.tbe cftplb;en of ^e= naab/tb;etftoufanae/fwe ftuna;ea atftirtpe. /Cftep? cftpia?en of jeaaiaft of tbeboufe of gefus /npneftuna?ebanatft?e a feuentpe:tbe cftpia?en of erne*/ a tboufanae ana ttoo ana fiftpe:tbe cbpi^en of Pbaffiut/ a tboufanae ana ttoo buna? ea/ana feu en ana

fouttpfctbe fflBm of fiarim /a tboufanae anafeuentene. be neuite^cbe cbplb;en of giefua ana Caomf el of tbe cftplb?en of fiooauiab/ foure ^an&amp;feuentpe. ctje fpngew /tfte cftpia?en of arapb/anbtm&amp;zea anaepgbt ana ttoentpe. Cbe cftplb?en of tfte ao^ebepers.cfte cftpia?? ofg&gt;eIura/tbe cftpia?en of f ter/tftecftpia?en ofralmon/ tftecftpia?eafiub/tbecftpia?ett of $atfta/ana tfte cftpia?en of &lt;bobai : all to geatfteran bttntyeb ananpneanat&amp;ittpe. Cbeil5etbmtmsi/tfte tftplb;en of 5ifta/tftf ebpBnf of fiafupba/tbecftpia?e ofcabaotft/ tfte cbplb?en of Ceroxf/tfte cftpra^ of Siiefta/ tfte cftpia?en of ^ftabon / tfte cbt&gt;lb;en of \t* banaft/tftecbpia;enoffiagabaft/tftecbpia;5 of3Ccub/tftecftpia?enof $agab/tbe cbpia;f of S&gt;amlai/tfte cftpib?en of (panan/ tfte cftpl bftn of (Baael/tfte cftpia^e of aftar/ tfte cftpl b;en of JSeat'ab/ tfte cbpia^n of lSa?in /tbe rbpia?en of $ecuba/tbe cbjtt^n of afan/

xsxss. --';:r--'^ c $W#nofa6o?/ tfte cbpia?en of 75m flat / tobicb tofie one of tfte oaugbtetf of J5et?ilaitbe CrJalaaoite to topfe / ana tea? countea amonge tbe fame name* : tbefe fougftte tbe re gpSet of tbm bp ?tb/ana founae none / therfoje toere tbe putfW tftepjeaftoae.36nafiatftirfatbafapae bntotbem/tftat tbepf&amp;ulaenot eate of tbe moft Bolp,tpUtbere vofe bp a p?eaft toitb tie *lVK*toWtotnrte. mwm Cftetoftole cogregactonaisoneman/toaB ttooanafourtpetftoufanae/ft&gt;?ebuna;ebanb tft?efco:e:befpDetbeirferuaunte0anamap* * aeng/of toftoratftere toere feuen tboufanae/ tft?eftunb;eaana feuen ana tbp?tie.3Cna tftep baattoobuna?eafpngpngmenanatoemett/ feuenbuna^ea ana fpjre ana tbp^tpe omfeg/ ttoobuna?eaanafpue ana fourtpe flBuifg/ foure ftuna?ea ana fpue ana tbptfie Camefts/ ana fpretboufana/feuenftuna/ea anattoen* tpe aaeona certapne of tH)e cbefe fatbets/ tobentftep came to tbe boufe of the jLoibe af

ierufalem/tftep offerea topnpngtp bnto at boufe of oa/f it dmiaebe fetttnBfe place/ anagaueaftettfterrabplptebntotftetteafu* te oftfte too2cfie/oneanatb?efco?ethoufanb b?8mcjt/afpuetbouranaepounae of (met/ anaan ftunajeapjeafleggarmentcjf.&amp;otBe p?eaftejs ana tfte jleuitejs/ana certapne of? peopleanatbefpngers/anatftepo^terg/ana tbe jSetbinfmp atoeit in tfteit cpttes/ anaall gfraelintbeircpttesJ. 3

I. I ; Jl

[ \ I I I I ' J I I '1 I i

C&amp;e,i.C&amp;apter, [Jclbto&amp;ent&amp;ereuent&amp;moiw tB cam/ at&amp;ec&amp;plb?enof iiftael toerenoto Ifti t^cfo cetfest / tn people came to JgeatB er men as one man/bnto le* ttifaiem3inbt&amp;ere flooebpf cutatberonne of iofebec anb &amp;ft b?et&amp;;en t&amp;e p?eaues/anb

3o;obabeI tbe fonne of |Dalat&amp;iel a &amp;ft b?c tb?eti/anb bupibeb t&amp;eaultare of t&amp;e ob of iftael/to ofire burntoftrpngeis t&amp;eron / ass it 10 totfttenm tbe latoe of Apres* t&amp;e man of oo/at&amp;eaultarefet tbep'bpB &amp;ft Cocftettes (fo? fteretoagafeatfuftiesamSget&amp;embe* caufe of t&amp;e nations ano lanbcs) anb oarreo .. bumtofferpnges t&amp;eron bnto the JLoflse* i: *&gt;of eabernacles as ft is to?ptten/ ano oftereb bumtfacrtftces baplt e in o?ber/acco?bpng to tbe cuttome/ bape bp bape . 3ftertoavbe t&amp;e baplft burntofferpnges alto/ ano of t&amp;e nctn flpohe* 9 of all t&amp; e featt bajes of t&amp;e Ho?be t&amp;at toere &amp;aJotoeb/anb all maner of nam fferpnges/ to&amp;tc&amp; t&amp;ep bpb of t&amp;etr atone fre topllbntot&amp;e;no?be.


qftt ttmpuis ....... w m ^ r f&amp;outtoftBe:iio?&amp; teas ia#e,fi&amp;anpe alfo . of t&amp;e oioeweattes an&amp;Jleuftesanoauncift fatBets/tobftB &amp;a&amp;fene fp?tt Boufetto&amp;e t&amp;e CofioactQ of rbft &amp;oufe teas lai?e&amp; &amp;efc?e their epes/toeptetopf&amp;aloubebopre. ataman? . ftouteb toft&amp; tope I &amp; t&amp;at t&amp;e no? re gane a . great Tounbe/in Comocbg t&amp;e people couloe not ftnotoe.t&amp;e topfull founoe fo? t&amp;e nopte oft&amp;etoeppngeamonge t&amp;e people: fo?t&amp;e people ffiouteo toitb a louoe crpe/fo t&amp;at t&amp;e nopfe teas &amp;erbe farre of. COto W&amp;jnge of t\)t temple fe tonoereo/aitb Jet. ; be.roj.c&amp;aptet. MBjtoftcn t&amp;e abuerfarpes of guoa 3 anb tten$amut &amp;earbe/jj t&amp;e c&amp;pl men of t&amp;e eaptpupte bupibeb t&amp;e I temple bnto tbe &amp;o?be ob of |fe taej/t&amp;epcameto3o?obabelattbto p?m* cppall fat&amp;ers / ano fapbe bnto t&amp;em: ie toillbupibetott&amp;pou:fo?toefefiet&amp;e:ilo?be poure 00 ipbe as pe Do. 3nb toe &amp;aue bone racrpfpcebnto&amp;im/fencet&amp;etpmet&amp;ataro?

$acon t&amp;epnge of 3Gflt; b?oug&amp;te &amp;s bp BiHiwwvwi. bpt&amp;et.tfut 5o?obabel anb 3eftta anb t&amp;e poo tbe fp?tt bare of the tew monetb ot&amp;er auncient fat&amp;ers of gjftaei ant toeteb begannetlevtooBre buOTtrapfpcS bnto ftemsSf belongerbnottopou/ butto W to tbeKSUefotmoacionoftl'eterapie bupioe tbe boufe bnto ouwffiob:J&gt;?toe:ouK W&lt;&amp; im toalnotpetlapeD.^euertbete0 feliw? topllbu|IDe alonebntc if %om i WW ftjeifgaue motiep bnto tbe mafong anb cat. ob OWuafati mwtty fipnge of Ptt%mn,s penm0/anbmeateanbb^nc6e anb oplebn -^^S^SSSS^&amp;imtiitm^u^ totbemof^tbonanbofcire/to b;ungetbe #ot|e folcReoftftelanbebrnbetebtfie eb?ecpmb?eftom jLtbanugb? &gt;ee bnto *siJijertB(W *|oppa/acco?cvnge to tbe comannbemet of 3apoo. Cp;uisttjefipngeofperfia. C |n tbe fectjnbe pete of theft commpnge bn to 8)e bonfe of 00 at feconoe monetb I beganne^o^obabeltbe Tonne of Jbalatbirl/ anb?efua tbe fonne of Jofebec/ . 9tftetemnauntoft&amp;eftb?etb?et&amp;ep;eafte3 anblUuftesf/anb all tbep tbat toere come out of tbe captpuitebntotctufalem / sjappopn* tebtbe)leuttes5fromttoentpepc olbe anb aboue/tote tbat tbe too?cbe of tbe bonfe of 1fyt%oM toent fo^toatbe ,36nb gjefua ftobe toitb W fonneji anb b?ett)?en / anb Cabmiel tottb bi'ss fonneg/anb tbe cbplb?en ofjuba/tp fo?t^eetbe too?cfiemen of t&amp;e boufe of ob/ tiameip tbe cbplb?en of l^enabab tottfi t&amp;eft cbBttjen ana tbeft b?etb?en tbe iLeuitest. % nbtobent&amp;eburttewiaroe tbe founba* cion of tbe temple of the Hotfie/t&amp;e p;eafle3 aobetntbeftacape/tottbtromptttes.anbf 3Leufte(tbecbplb?enof 3Bfap&amp;tottb cpmba* t jB&amp;^g.i.^/to P?apfe tbe )Lo?be * afteeje manee of F pauibfisnge of gtrael.atnb tbep range to ^geat&amp;et/geupngep?apfe anb tbanbeg bnto tbe)Lo?be/becaufebetg gtacfouss/ anbbe* caufebwmercpenbuteta fo;ettetbpongf*

rael Jinball f people (boutebloube tnp?ap= Irage tat %oiW becatife t&amp;e fottnbacron of

people of giioa /anb maoet&amp;em afwptbto^ bupibe/anb&amp;p;ebcounceler0 agapift t&amp;em* anb&amp;pnbeteb t&amp;eftbeupce / as longe a* cp w&amp; t&amp;e awge of IBetfia ipueb / bntpH t&amp;e tapgneof?amiBbpngof^erfta.38utto&amp;e a&amp;afuetugi tea? fipnge / in t&amp;e begpnnpnge of&amp;pgrapgne to?ottet&amp;ep bnto &amp;pmacom= plapnteagapna t&amp;em offubaantigeturale. anbin t&amp;etpme ofart&amp;ajcerre(/to?ote^ fellam / fleit&amp;;fljateis / cabeelanbt&amp;eot&amp;ec oft&amp;efecounceiibntoa'it&amp;afetfegt&amp;efipngc of petfia.ffiut t&amp;e ttxiptuxe of retter tea? to?pttenint&amp;e&gt;p?ran0rpeac&amp;/anbtoagm* tetp?etateb in t&amp;e langage of t&amp;e &gt;p?fanjf. aBe&amp;umt&amp;e c&amp;auncelet/anb &gt;amfaifctp be/to?ote t&amp;pg letter agapnd ^erufalemto attbaFerfeSt&amp;efipnge. , teeKebumf *c&amp;atmceier/anb^am(af h ^^(w t&amp;efcrpbe/anbot&amp;erof a)e councelof^ma/i^m^nit of atpbafatb / of carplat / of Petfta / of %-- of m im ft racb/of JBabtlon/ of Snifan ; of ^e&amp;a; anb oflam/anbot&amp;ecoft&amp;epeopie/to&amp;omt&amp;e gteateanbnobleairenap&amp;atbioug&amp;teouei;/ anb ret in t&amp;e cptiejs of &gt;amatea / anb ot&amp;ee on t&amp;issfpbe t&amp;e toatet/anb*in Ceneecb.ainb #S D ? / f jaKt( t&amp;ftftt&amp;erumme of t&amp;e letter t&amp;at t&amp;e? rent %tm fentoftpngeaitt&amp;arerre*. Cbp femaunt ess tbe men on (b is Fpbe t&amp;e c tester anb tnCeneet&amp;.SSeitbnotone bntof ftpngt/

fipnge/t&amp;att&amp;ejetoefsa^eeomebpftomt&amp;e tobBnto3.eruiaiemacptie febpepcujs anb rtotoarbe/anbbupibet&amp;erame/anblape t&amp;e fiwnbacton of t&amp;e toallef* t&amp;erof/anb repap?e t&amp;em.^eitfinotonenoto t&amp;erfo?e bnto t&amp;e . fipnge/tbatpft&amp;isJcptiebe bupibeb anb t&amp;e toallejf mabe p agapne / t&amp;eii an not t&amp;ep geuetrpbiite/toiie/ anbpearlpcuftomf/ * 9 l j W ewtiit.eucbneot bpnges Iballt&amp;ijs&amp;urtrebotonbe. f2 Bllt notot&amp;at me all are t&amp;erbp to&amp;pcb be* SXeM^Vtumteple/w toolbenolonger fe

* * bpngejjbilbonoure.c&amp;etfo^fenttoeout/a caufeb t&amp;e fipng to be certifpeb t&amp;erof: c&amp;at ftmapebefougote t'nt&amp;e &amp;?onpciei5 of t&amp;p pjogenitoursv anb fo alttbou fpnbe in t&amp;e fame Cb?onpcieis/a perceaue/t&amp;at tins ct'n'e i9 febpeioust 3 nopfome bnto Itpngess 9 ttw/ anb $ the p caufe ot&amp;er alfo to rebell of olbe/ 9 fo? fame caufe toas tfttss cptiebeftropeb. C&amp;erfo?ebotoecertifpe apng/t&amp;atpf this cptiebebuplbeb/snbt&amp;etoaUesJ t&amp;erof mabe bp/ t&amp;ou Djait ftepe not&amp;pnge on t&amp;rp fpbe toaterbpt&amp;ereafonofft. _ c&amp;enfentt&amp;ebpngananftoerebntoKe* ^&amp;umt&amp;e c&amp;aunceler/anb &gt;amfat t&amp;e Scn* be/9 to t&amp;e ot&amp;er of t&amp;etrcounceii t btoelttn &gt;amarta/ a bnto t&amp;e ot&amp;er beponbe tea* ace 9 falutacf on .c&amp;e letter to&amp;ft&amp; pe fentbntob0/&amp;at&amp; bene opelpreb before me/ anb 5 baue comaimaea to mabe tearc&amp; : anb ftfcfouoc/gtbiscptie ofolbe&amp;atb masein* ruweccionagapna6pngejJ/9&amp;oto gbprore 9rebcllton&amp;at&amp; benecSmitteftt&amp;ertn.C&amp;ete Bauebene mpg&amp;tte bpnges alfo atfemrale to&amp;ic&amp; &amp;aue ratgneo ouer all t&amp;at is beponbe t&amp;etoatcr/atolie/trpbute a pearlpeuttome teas geuen bnto t&amp;cm.o pe note after t&amp;P0 wmmaunbemft/ fo?bpb t&amp;e fame men /t&amp;at Hit cptfebe notbupibeb/rpll % &amp;aue geitf c5* maunbemrnt.cabebebenotot&amp;at pebenot negi^ent&amp;ere tn/lett t&amp;e bpnge &amp;aue &amp;arme t&amp;ere t&amp;o?oto. ^ototobenlapnglErt&amp;arerfe^ letter teas - reb before JSe&amp;uml c&amp;aunceletanb S&gt;am= Cat t&amp;e e$txm anb tbeft counceil/ t&amp;eptoee bptoaUr&amp;e&amp;aaeto9&lt;ernfalembRtot&amp;eSe toeff/afo?bab t&amp;e toitb bpolenceanbpotoer. c&amp;meeaffeDt&amp;etoo?eBeoft&amp;e6oufeofoD at 3&gt;erufale/9 eontfnuebfo onto tbe recono e pereof j^att'us npnge of ISerHa.

! Wtt?,w*

C?tfieerIio!fatgonofaaflettB art&amp;%acian&gt;te# temple bujlcoaoajne. CC&amp;e.b.C&amp;aptei:. me pjop&amp;ete?/ aggeu? abb 5a* Je&amp;arp t&amp;e foraie of ibo/pjjop&amp;ecfed ibntotfte^etoesJtbattoew fn juoa -Janbl'erufarem/mt&amp;e name of t&amp;e eobofgiftaei.cbengatbp ^wobabei tht fotmeof s&gt;aratbiel/ibf efuat&amp;eforme of loreBec/anb.&amp;egannc taUtmtH botiftof

ob atgiemfalem/ anb topt&amp; t&amp;em t&amp;e foo* P&amp;etep of ob to&amp;pc&amp; &amp;eipcb t&amp;em . m t&amp;e" fame tpme came to t&amp;emci&amp;at&amp;anai t&amp;e cap* tapne on t&amp;i fpbe the toater/anbe&amp;tatbiwa* nat/ahft t&amp;eir coun ceittsj anb rapbe t&amp;us bn to t&amp;emiOB&amp;o &amp;at&amp; cBmaunbeb p cu to builbe t&amp;ig&amp;oufe/anbtomabebp toalleg t&amp;erof-' C&amp;entoloetoe tbe the names of t&amp;e men/g*i maber&amp;pg buplcpnge .)Butt&amp;eepe of t&amp;eft s&gt; ob Came bp5 t&amp;e cElbers of t&amp;e Jetoe^/tbat t&amp;ep coulbe hot cau re t&amp;em to ceaffe / cpll tbe matter teas b?oug&amp;t befb?eau0/anbtpll t&amp;ep &amp;ab anftoeteb bp letter ^ettthtb. C&amp;i* ft t&amp;e coppe of the letter t&amp;at &amp;a* t&amp;anatt&amp;ecaptapneonn)pi8fpbe t&amp;etoater/ anb &amp;t&amp;atbu?anaf / anb t&amp;eft counceiiewt of ap&amp;arfat&amp;(to&amp;ic&amp; toere on this fpbep" toa ter)fent bnto fipng mttusMotbmt en* tent of t&amp;e too^oejs t&amp;at tbepfeht bnto &amp;pm: nto &amp;wcm tbetepnge/ an peace, tfet'e finotone bnto t&amp;e ftpnge/ t&amp;at toe came into petotfto t&amp;e&amp;oufe of t&amp;egreate ob/tofiftb ft bupibeb % * roug&amp;e ttone / a beames are '* iaab.satois

lapebtnt&amp;e toalleg/ana too?6egoetbfaft^ a,;Wt fonb/9 wotpewtft in t&amp;etr&amp;loeg. aseaffieb t&amp;erf o?e t&amp;e &amp;bm$ fapbe bnto tbem : !&amp;o * Bat&amp; commaunbeb fou to buplbe t&amp;ft &amp;ouf e/ * anbtomabebpt&amp;etoauegf&amp;ecoffteearfiea t&amp;eirnamejsalfo/t&amp;attoempg&amp;tcertifiet&amp;e/ 55ut tbep anftoereb W tot't&amp; t&amp;efe tooM/ anbfapbe:leare t&amp;eferuauntes of t&amp;e 08 of &amp;eauen anb ert&amp;/a buplbe t&amp;e&amp;oufe toa0 buplbebmanp peres5agoo*to&amp;ft&amp; a greatc^- 3Hc 8.J&gt;f.a Spng of gifraeibupibeb anb fet bp.anbafter i"''W# oure fathers &amp;ab p^ouobeb t&amp;eob of &amp;eaue bnto to;at&amp;/*&amp;e gaue t&amp;e ouer in to f &amp;anbe ofi5abuc&amp;obono?o?t&amp;e bpngof ^abtlon s Mfsmtftf* Calbee/to&amp;t'c&amp; b?afie botonetbps boute/mo m ' m * earpebt&amp;e people atoape bnto jsabiion. t m jWtoWmmotMM tbeftfngeg of Ssbiion/ t&amp;e fame fipnge tm comatwt ** bebtobinlbet&amp;ft&amp;oufeofob/fo?fbefrelleij ofgoulbe a rplwer in &amp;ouftof ob /to&amp;tcft iSabuc&amp;obonojo? tobe out of t&amp;e teple at m wfalem/atyoug&amp;tt&amp;eintot&amp;e tepieat Ufa btTon/t&amp;ofcbpbcpws tbettpnge tafie out of getempieat abflon/*anbbeipuerebf fjem &lt;.&amp; /* onto S&gt;arba?ar bpname/to&amp;5 &amp;e mabecap* w ' tapne/afapbebnto&amp;tm.cabet&amp;ere beoeis/ go t&amp;p toape anb b?pnge t&amp;em bnto tbe ttm at^ewraiem/anblett t&amp;e &amp;oufe of obbe bupibeb in&amp;ps place, c&amp;en came tlje rame &gt;afbafaranblapbet&amp;e fouifljacron of t&amp;e powtt of toDg|ttiieal. &gt;ence that f pme . ^"Jl^^^^B/anbpetftftnotfp* nfeb.yf ttpleafe t&amp;e Bpnge noto/lett t&amp;ew terjatt&amp;mabemt&amp;ettpngestrearure&amp;oure to&amp;tc&amp; ft at Tdtmn / tobetfier ft &amp;aue bene

l l I



fipttg crntff cSitiatm&amp;ement/ e^at tlje &amp;oute ot&gt;at|cturaK flmtoe be bu2ioeD:9Cen&amp;e 6pt^8piBC0mBmjc concerning tUe fame, fcfltt5ecoraaun&amp;ttncntof?Dacfti3bpngof^ccn/ af tec trje temple t30 uupidco an&amp;Oeojcaiiv tije ct)?U 0;en of JCcael hepe ttjc fraS of BrUcucaaco bjeO&amp;e. CCbe.W. Chapter, fl^en comaunfieD fiB5 partus* / g rearcl) fl)ulbe be made in Ub?arp [of tlje Spng^treafuve boufe/to&amp;ki} *&amp;orae ceatte issfcsaiape at jSabtton .*&gt; o at &lt;gbattia arm tone top nftf in a caftell $ lyettj tn tbe lano of &lt;$ee* foaaeinac^w^cwtoajSfoaoea&amp;oSe/^mittoa^tDerc fee ( ism toas an actetojptten after t#$nianei:;3;n fw&amp; !hSSJ^mS * cre oE6 ?"S fltwiBJy commaunaeb tftc fame anQtjjcrin^aij rafale/in place trfjere acrtfrcetemaoe/ to;ptten focie etoiaretbefoun&amp;acion to beare tfjjeffioje amemi0aiLfc. C ubj t rje^t/5^C6o?embptE3b?ectb/? tl}?e toaliess of rougbe (tones* / $ one toall of tjmber/?eJence0 ffealbegeueof ftjnjf &amp;oufej)nbtt&gt;esouloeanfjfp!uee t&gt;eaellof ' OotiCe of od ( ttftcft abucbo5ono?o?to&amp;e outof tljetepieat 5emCal/ $bjouibt bneo 38abtlon)qjatbefe&amp;o?eb aga?ne /tbat tbe? . tnaje be bjoug^t bnto ffje temple at % mfa* lent to t&amp;eir placetntotbeljoiife ~* etpoufarreftotbetljetfoje/ tb out ^t&amp;anar captawe beponae? toatet/* bu?anai/ spourecounceleis* tofneb ate of o&amp;. efts* Ms be*


ftrtraiiigence.ainDfteiglDewsoftlieJetoes buflbfD/sjt&amp;eppjotperea tt)o?oto $ pioplje* uengeoeasggeustBepjopbet ana 3aciiatp t^e forme of 4jDo:$ tfjey bupften/ 9 fttbp tlje toojc&amp;e/acco;bpngetotbec5maunoemetof tbeoo of gftael/ $aftee tbe cSmaunDemft of#u$/?0atmgan&amp;3irtbaj:erte0 Spnges of^etfta.anUtbcppetfounneDtbeboufebn to tide t^rtie bape of tbe mohet&amp; a bar / g teas fagfote ?ere if t!e raigne of fipng J^armg,

*anBec^lD?eof3fraeI/tbep;eaacjs/f^ i&amp; a t a tm l*iifttt/$$e ofter cbpio?e of tbe captpuice bcioe tbe Deajcacion of boufe of &lt;Eo&amp; to#b iope/9 offereb at tbe bebrcacion of tfjeboufe of &lt;ESob/an fAKt caluc 0/ ttoo bfiozeb lamb$ foure^unb?ebgoatc0:?fo;t^effnofferpnge fo^aU'jfraelttoeluebegoatcjs/ acco?bynge totbe nomtyeof tbetr?bci3of3jfrael/frfet&amp; P?eaa$mtbeftcourfcg/9$ Aeufttfftitbeft o&amp;pc^tompnjOerbntocipc&amp;to^c^igsat^e^ nifaieastti^topttemtbeboSe of Sfcofc*. &amp;'n&amp; t&amp;cr cbpiu?en of tfjecaptjupte fjeloe^ JSaffeoucr bp5 tbe fourtentb baje of tbe ftuft monctb:fo;tbe p?eafte? anbJieuitsijab pu? f?eDtbefelueg/fotbattbeptoereal cieane a^eman/$ftpileb?&amp;aasouerfo?aU$ c&amp;# b?enof tftecaptpu!te/anbfo?tbetr b#tbz'en tbe p;eatteg/anD f 0; ft em feluejs.30nb cbifc b#n of gfiael tobtcb toere come agapne out ofcaptyupte/allfocba0bab feparatebtbe



X onocfte toater/gct?e atoare from tty&gt;.%tt feliicgbnto ^cm from t&amp;e fplt ^ptece of tftc

t^e toojefie m t&amp;e 9011ft f&lt;tWt&amp;at t^e cap tapneof t^e fetces ano tDeir tfttn* mapc bujloe t&amp;e Boiile of 05 m pi place. 3 ftauc commaundcoalfo /tsfjat fljalbeoonc to tftc ioss of g , uoafo?tfjeo#Dt&gt;;tgeof ^oufe ofd5oo/tliactftere aUbpttgentl? bctaften oftBe^ngesfgooDeiS/mcof H)e rented bc= ?onoe tBe VBater/anD geul bnto f men / anb # tftepbe not&amp;pno?eD.3nof tBepliaueneoe of calueg/fambe^/o? coatei3/fo? burntof* RtEngebnto tbemb ofbeaue/tebcatcfalt/ tope ople/after tbe cuEomr of tftcp?eaft^ at letufale/tftere Bjalbe geuen t&amp;e Bay le a3 i( acco?opng;5 fetbat tbts be Bonetoftft outc faute/tbatt&amp;epmai;eoffi;e Ctoete fauotweu bnto t&amp;e o&amp; of beaue/ a Ptm f 0? t ftpn gs;

^eptftenrnftclanfte/ toftftetbe jlo^Effioa

of'^frael/ateaftelDcroefealJ ofbnleuenoeo b?eDfec oapess tortb lope : fo? tfte jlojoe baa maoe them giao/a tutneb tbe (jctt of fte btng ofaiOtit bnto tftem/fo tbat tbeic banoeg totte Otengtbebtn f too?cfieof ^eftoufeof 00/ tobtcb t'0 b e &lt;&amp;oo of 3frae!. t:ptftctommauntementof at6artt(lW/'fft;88 tahetl) fjifl companpows tbe (5pU? of JttaeWanDtt* (ucnrtf) JojwutaUm. CChe.bij.Cbaptct. tftettftefeactfls tnfmtamitWf tbayeri8?ngeof petftaj tiweasmm toentbp frS ffiabilon / Jf6;a0 tfje fonne of $&gt;araiab/ tbc fonne of 3D* fattaft / tbef onne of 0el ftt'ab/ f fonne of &amp; e

I|lr/ fo? MS cbplb^e . flr&amp;ifS comaunuemene lunvtficfonne of5aboc/tbe fornie oO&amp;ttob/ baue f geueJnb tobat mg fo euetbe be tbat tbt fonne of amartab/' n)e f onneof aif anab/ alteretfttbcfctoo^/tbeteftaH abeamebe tftefonncof garafotb/f fonne of 5araiab/

tafieftSbt'0bottte^fttbp'3beQ)aibeb3get) tfienm/abtt boufe albe p??feo fo? oeaae. ffiuttbe (SobtBatotoelletb in fteauen/bc&lt; C Store all bpngefi a people/ that put to theft: banbeto alter 9 to b?eabebotone tbe boufe of ob atfetutalem . g attug baue com* maunbeb/tbat tty$ be bilpg e nttp bone.

tfte fonne of ?t/tfte fonne of 3Bofit/?fonne of IPbtfua/tbefonne of PbmebejS /tbe fonne of Meaf ar/o)e fornie of #aton&amp; cbefe pteatt &lt;&amp;bi8 &lt;Cb?a0 teas a qutcbcfcrsbetn $ fatoe of flPofe&lt;s/*tobteb jLo?b ffioa of Ifraei o?D _ . , geue.3nb ftpngegauebimall bctequp* ** reb/acco?opngto$ b5beof jio?bebfe&lt;ob

of tbe ^etbmmiiSbntoferutelem/ni t&amp;e fe* anbfinotoenbe t'tbnto vou / tbatve m h uentbrere offi?ngeaCttbajKrtifj,a'notbef bm^uSmmvSmSaeX

isitbefcuentbpere;bpont&amp;e im bapeof tbe toftcmonetb/beupfebbeto go bpfcom jSabiiomanb on t&amp;ef ffa bare of tbe f pftbe monetb came be to gjemfalem/ ac* co;bpnge to tbe goobbanoe of 00 bpo bint. ^!ffo?ro?a0p#parebbiiJberttofeBe latoe of tbe^o;b/anb to bo it/ana bo teacb n)e p?e* cep J anb iubgment in jftael. a'nbtbfe tP tbe cop? e of tbeletter/g bpng aetbajcetfesi gauebnto fo?a0 t^t p?eauy %

5Leu!tesf/ffnget0/po;tet0/^etbtnims$ amk niftetsftn f boufe of \W oo. Buttbou m* bm (aftec fte topfoome of tbe ob tbat tss tn tbPbanbe)fetttboutubge0anbatbptets5/to tuogeall tbtpeople tbat w be ponbeloiban/ euen all focb a? &amp; notoe tbe latoe of t^OoD* anb tbem tbat finotoeit not/tbofefetbatve teacbe,3inbtobofOfuet;to?H not mmamv fulfill tat latoe of tbv ffiob / anb tbe ^snges !atoe/fl)abaue bis tubgmetfo^beabeiDbe-

1M1*?55! L^SLKl**! ? nt - &gt; e cobemneb in goob^/o? to be put S p/efen.

4Tbenfiatbanat f captapebeponbetbe bpon&amp;mi JnbtbmtDentbpcetfapneoftbe ioatee/anb S&gt;^attu?a nat toitb t beft conn* cbplb? e of^ftael/s of tbe p? eat t eg/anb of tbe ceietg(totBbom6?ng^artus babfcmibfb &amp;wftea/oftBefwgnsf/oftfie powers/ ato oftbe

iff o?ag tbe p?eaa anb Urpbet'n tbe latoe of&amp; &lt;5ob of beauf /peace anb taintacpon.^ baue cSmauttDeb/tbat all tbep of tbe people ofjf* rael/anb of tbe piaffes anbj^euites inm? teaime / bftpcb are m?nbeb of tbeir atone goobtoplltogobpto Jerufale/tbat tbepgo toitb tbe/bepge fent of tbe fipngeanb of tbe feue JLo^begi of tbe counceil/ tobpfet^uba a Sierufaiem / acco?bpnge to tbe latoe of ob/ tobicft 10 in tb g banb : ana tbat t&amp; ou QntibeS tafie toit\) tbe/fp luer anb goulbe / to&amp;pc&amp;tbe fipng a f loiibe* of bi0 counceil geue of tbet'c atone goob toill bnto ob of |,fraeI(tobofe

babptacion tg atgierulalem)anb all ffluer agouHie % tbou canft fpn&amp;etn an tbecofitre ot^abilomtoitb it tbat tb e people a p?eatt( geue of tbeir atone goob topll bnto tbe boufe ofobat?emfalem, cabetboutbefame/abpebplpgentlp'io tbe fame mmttfttiUM lambe^ j goateg/ a meateotterpngesi ao^ncReofferpngeg/tooe offereb bpo tbe auitare of tbeboufe of poure obat^rufalem .3Cnblobetobat ttlpftetb tbe anb tbp b?etb?e to bo tojtb tbe remnaunt . oftbemonep/# boaftetftorll of poure &lt;sob. anb tbe beaelsi tbat are geuen tbe fo; tbe mi* npdracpon in tbe boufe of tb? ob/tbofe be* Ipuer tbou before &lt;Bob atjerutalem. #n&amp; tobatfoeuer thpngemo?e mall be ne* befull fo? tbe boufe of tbp ob/ ttfyvcli is ne&lt; ceffetp f of tbe to fpcnbe/iet tbe fame be geue out of tbe bpnK cbamber.a 8png IBrtbaicer* m baue cgmaunbea an? treafuteji beyonbe tbe toater j tbat lobe tobatfoeuer cEftnas tbt p;eafte anb fcrpbe tn tbe latoe of the ob of beauen/remsp^tbofpou/fbatpefuiepiitbe famebpitgentlp/bntpll an bunb?e&amp; talenteg of mm 1 bntpii an bunb;eb quarter? of [.... tonwte/anb tytt an bub?ebi8attbfS of topne/ pF*tftb^anbtpllanbiib?eb*3eattbe)8ofopie/anbfale 1 toboutmeafure.tbatfoeuei! belongetbto tbe latoeof tbe obof beaue/Ieftbefamebe bone toitb bi&gt;ipgencefo?tbe boufe of f ob of beaue/fbattberecomeno tojan) boon tbe Spigejj teaime anbbcto??en.

*JB?apfebbe f jlo$ ob of oure fat^er?/, #fll , Mfl tobtcb fo batb tnfpfrebtbe fipng? bert SjF**** npqj tbe boufe of oa at aemfalem : a batft enclpnebbnsmercp bnto me in tbe p^efence of tbe fipng/abfe counceierst/ anb before all

tbefiwgsbpeettateg.ainb3!toascounfo2teo (acco;bpng to tbe bSbe of tbe 2Lo?be ntv ob ouer me) a fo geatbereb % tbe beabr of ifrael to geatber/tbattbep mpgbte go bp toftb me. CC&amp;c nombjeof tjtmtt)at retutnea toafMufalna toitfiffifteas.'.Cbapter. !|efeare fbeaoes! of tbeir fatbmf. ^ hM tbattoere nameb/ tobicb toentebp "W* toitb me fro ftabtlon / tobat tpme yjsas asi|!l E8e3Kbairetfe!Sraigneb.fl&gt;f . je cbplb?en of Pbinebe0/erfom-.of febpr* fefn of|tbamar/?0aniei: of tbe cbplbzcnof autb/^atu0:of tbe cbtlb?e of5ecanteb/ oftbecbplb?enof pbaros/ 3acbarp/a toptb bnntoerenomjj;ebanbunb?eb a fpfttemen. f tbe cbplb?e of J&amp;abatb ^oab; dioenai tbe fonne of 5arafitab /anbtoptb bpmttoo bunb?ebmen. f tbe cbflb?en of 5 ecbaniab t fomteofgiabafiel/anb toitb bimftje him mo men . u&gt;f tbt cbplb?en of 3bin 36beb tbt fonne off onatban/anbteitbbim fpftt'emm. SDftbecbplb?en ofciam/gjfatab tbe fonne of aimairab/anb \oitb bint f euentie men. jf WMzW of ^&gt;aP6atia/3abab?ab fonne oWcbael/anb toitb bm fourefco/e men. mm cbPlb?e of 3ioab/babiab v forme of f ebiel/ anb toptb bPtnttoo burib?eb anbJ5 ewjbtene men.SDt the cbplb?e of S&gt;elomt'tb/ ^e fonne of fofpbiab/ anb toin) btm anbmt b?ebanbtb?emen. fiDf tbe cb0b?en of jBebai/ 5acbarp tbe tonne of ebaf/anb toitb bim epgbt a ttoen* fpemen.ftbecbplb??of3Mgab/jobanan/ ftefonne of l^abatan/anb \oitb bim an bun* &amp;?eb anb ten men.Df tbeiatt cbpib?eofabo* mcam/anbtbefetoere tbeir nameg: jjitpbe* lec/^ebtelanb $&gt;amaiab /anb toitb tbe lfi?e fco^men.ftbecbplb?eof35egttt/58tbaf/ anb3abtib anb toftb tbem feuetpe men Jn&amp; ?.;. %Statbttto

Pi 'I

Clje toplapnte, lttyft&amp;



gSgeat&amp;mbtb^togeatSetbptbetoatertbat rrnnetbtotoarBe abaua/anbtbeteaboaetoe ft ib?e oapeg.3 no tob e 3! iofiea amoge people anb tbe p?eafteg/9 founae nounfttf t&amp;ere. r^en Cct2 ciicrct/3Drtcl/^&gt;eraciaft /cinatban/aawb/crnatban/ $atban / 5 achats 9 fl^ofollam rulerg, anb iiotart'b ana CIna= tban rt&gt;e tpacbens/^ t^ofe Ce nt 51 fanto Do tyefeft at cafpbia/ mat tbep amine fttcfrb* rrijnfaetg'fojtbeboufeof oureoa/anb3i tolcertjetu^attDeg Gmloe tape bniotfbo anb to big b?etb?en tfte Jta&amp;fnftnjs at Cafpbia. an&amp;taccojbpngetotbegoobbanBe of cure oatoponbg)tbepb?ougbte toga topfe man {torn amonge tbe tbplb?en of fi@obolt t^e fonne of Jleut tfte tonne of gsttael / eue* &gt;a* tab! a xoitb W foraieg ana b?etb?e7epgbtene %'no $afabf a/ana toitb bimgifaiab of cbpl= b?en of 4 crati / toitb b ig b? etb ?en anb tbett fonneg /ttoentte.anb of tbe $etbintmg/tobo* P Paitfo $ u)e p? pnces gaue to mp ntftet bnto tbe jftetttte0/ ttoo buna;ea ami ttoentpe / all nameabpname. 3na men tbere attbetoatee befpaeaiba* atfaapngee^ua/ caufeb | a 8 fattpnge to be p?ociamea/ g astuc cctiptu# toe mpgbte bumble oute feuteg bef#?e oute temrtctK mf/ oa/tofefieof bratatpgbtetoape fo? bg / 9 SSSrfiSwiwWWawjaUouw fubftaunce . ffo?

iacins*ftiP'3;toajJaa)amebtotequweoffl&gt;espig/fous ripcacios ooncopetganbbotfmen/tobeipe bg agapnfttbe a* h &lt;3o6:o/ encmie ftittie toape . f 0? toe babfapae bnto ^^^e*8ne^ftaDeofoureWDttbp5aB sonro9tetetio?tbcmtbatfe6ebim in goobncis/anbbWbso^ cBmjngaiiaD'lenceanbb)?atbbponaU tbem tbat fo?fafce oj to; afjn im.&gt;o toe fattea/anafougbte tbig atoure tetbmctoS anbftoBeoutttotuteoftbe cbefepjea* ofti)eirCinncB;tte?/S&gt;arabiaans^aCabia/anbtmoftbei: a^ti0twjuenb?etb?entoptbtbem/anbtoepea tbem teete Mfcw&gt; tbefptaetanagouiaeanabeffeigfo? t ben* offerpnge bnto t&amp;e boufe of oute cb/to&amp;icb ti)e fipngeanbtbe Xo?fcg of bpg counceil 9 p?pnceg/anbaH3ftaeltbattoete atbanoe/ fjabgeue to tbe beueofferpng: 5 tbetewpea tbembnaet tbefcbanae f pre bub?ea $ cpftie talenteg of tptaer/ ainCpluertoeffel an bun* b?ea talenteg/ anb mgouiae an buna?ea ta* lent eg/ttoentpe cuppeg of gouiac of a raou Canoe &amp;?Smeg/anb ttoo coftlp ojnamenteg of goob&amp;?affe/agcleare as goulbe/ afapbebn* to ft em:? e are b oip bnto tbe Ho?a / tbetfo?e aretbebeaeigbolpalto/anbfolgtbe fpiuet a goulbe tbatiggeuenofagoobtopllbnto ft -:Ho?aeoaofpoureEatbers: ifcatcb pe tbet y fo?eanafiepeft/tpllpetoepettaotonebefo;e tbe cbefe p ?eafteg anb fteufteg/ ana aunriet fatbets of IftadaO erufalem in me cbeftes of tbebouft of tbekozoe.cBentofte ft p;ea&lt; fts anb "Heuites tbat to e^eb Ctfuet 9 goulbe ana bfffeuytob?rnge ic to giewiteiem bnto


bouCe ofouit $ob;&amp;ototfyaBei&gt;p/rteht tbe toatet of 3tbaua on t&amp;e noelnetb bape of tbe ftfft monetb/to go bntofewfalem : ana tfje banbe of ottte ob toassbpon bjjy anb be m ueteobgi f torn tlje banoe of tbe enemvtss 9 p^euptoaytingesfbptbetoaje Jnbtoe came toS'erm'aiem/^abobetbetetb?; bafeg. 23ut, on $ fouctb Dape toau tbe friuet ami goulbe/ anb beffen toepebtntbe boufeof oute ob tmber tbebanbe of J$eremotb tbe fonne of nabtbep^aft/anbtottb btm&lt;giea?aitbe fonne of Pbmebegy ano tottb tbem ^ofabab

tbe fonne of Jefua./anb jQoabtab fte fonne of jBenot jLeutteiS/ aco-'Dpng tog nombje a toepgb t of euerp one Jnb tbe toepgbt toasJ all to^ttenbp at tbe fam e tf me. 3BnO tbe cb?lb?en of tbe captputte/ tob^tb toete come out of p!efon 1 offeteb burntoffe* ttngesi bnto tbe o&amp; of g'iftael : ttoeiue buie locbeuftwaligftael/ fwe^npnetre times/ feuen anofeuentpe lambegi^ ttoeiue goatee fo^ a tyn offer pnge/all to tbe bumtofferpge of tbe 'Ho?be.3inb tbe? beipueteb tbe npnges commrffpon bnto tbe ftptges otTpcetu / a to $ capvtapnetsontbwftbe toatet.3rnbtbeg p;omoteb tbe people anb tbe boufe of ob. CCCtyas complaftuty on t^e people ctjat bab tun neo tpem fclttt* ftom oa/ana mar j co ttttft f aewptea Cbe.^crbaptcv. i$en ail tb$ toag petfoutmeb/tbe ImletsJ cameto me/ano farbe;be* people ot^ftael/anb tbe p;ea mi tanb Heuttes ate not feparatrb ft3 tbe nacgong in tbelanbes as toucbpngtfinc abbomjnacpang/namelp of tbe Cananttr g/ ^ttbtteg / ^ereftteg/ J,ebuRteg/3mmont* teg, fl&amp;oabtteg/&lt;gppc?ang/am&gt; 3mo?tteg. *4To? tbep bauetafien tbe baugbtetg ttt^ws fame/anbtbettfonneg/anbbauempitetbelXi'r.if bolf febe tottb tbenacpong in tbe lanbegianbjutiK.i fa tbebanb of tbe p^nceg anb ruletg batb bene p?pnripall m tbtg ttefpace. *tbf 9!bearbe tbpg /S rente m? clotbeg l8 , f *. ^j anb ntn rafment / anb plucte of tbe bearre ' of mpbeabe anb of mpbeerb/anb fate mour* njng Jnbtbererero?tebbnto me all focbag feareb tbe too?be of tbe %qw odd of ffrael becaufe of tbe greate tranfgrettyon . 3nbS fatemournpngebntpll tbeeuenrnge tact?* fy ce.anoaboutetbe euenfnge facrpfpcegi rofebp frompbeupneg/anb rctemp clotbeg amm?tafmentyanbfellbpcnmp fineeg/* f p? eb out mj banbeg bnto tb e % o?b nw ob/ anbfapbe.

flPp ob / f am affiameb/ anbbarre not lift e bp mpne epcg bnto tbe my C5ob: f 1 oute tofcbebneiregaregrotoneouerourebeebe/a cure trefpaceg are toaren greate bnto bea uen-^ence f tpmeof oireefatbergbattetoe bene in greate tteTpaeebmo tbfcbat*/*anb3Dwt.#| becaufe

becaufcof oute toycBe&amp;nefleg baue toe ana topueg of an tbepeopieof the lanbe . iSoto cure fijngeg bene oeiruereb.ttito tbe bSKof tbereigbopepettn gjtraei cScern^nge tbpg


, jtetbeftoerbe/ m to captiurte/in to fporle/ anb into conftis fion of face/ag it ig come to paffe tbpg bare, C 3&amp;utnoto igtbete alj tleanofoba? ne gra* cioufneg come from tbe jlo;be oute ob / fo tbat fome of bg are efcapea/ g be mape geue bga naple in bpg bolf t*a,ee / tbat oure ob mape ipgbte oure epeg 1 ana geue bg a iptle Ipfe in oure bonaage . jfo? toe ate bonbraen/ aoure oubatb not fo;fafie bg in oute bon bage/anabatb enclpneo mercpbntobg intbe fpgbte of tbe Bpngeg of petfia / g he tbuiae geue bg ipfe/ anb promote tbe bouCe of oure oa/ato rett bp tbe befoiacpon tbetof / ato geue bg anbeage in^uba ana Jerufalem. 36na notu oute 00/ toba t all toe rape after tbig: fo; toe baue fo;fafie tbP cSmaun* aemeteg/tobicb tboubatt cSmaunaeabptbp feruaunteg tbe p^opbeteg / ana fapae : cbe lanbe bnto tobtcb peso to poffeffe iftg an bn&lt; tleane lana tbo?oto ? fpltbineg of the people of tbe lanaeg / m tbeir abbominacpSg tober* toitbtbep baue maae itfullof bnclennegon ^uerpfpbe *cberfo?e ftallpenot geuepou* reaaugbterg bnto tbetr fonneg / anb tbeir baugbtetg (ball pe not tabe bnto pour fonn^ ano fcBe not tbeir peace ana toeltb fo? euer/ tbat pe mape be ftronge/ana eniopetbe gooa int^e lanbe / ana tbat pe anb poure cbplbjen mape baue inberitauce of it f o? euermoje. 3nbafteralltb?g tbat igcome bpon bg (becaufe of oure eueliaeaaeg 9 greate tref* pace)tbououteoa baft fparea oure topc fieanefleg/anabaftgeuenbgaaelpuetaunce ag it ig com e to paffe n)f g bape.

tberfo?e let bg maBe a couenaunt noto Xoith oure ob / tbat toe fljaii put atoape an tbe topueg(anb focb ag are borne of tbem)acco? bpnge to tbe counceil of the jl.o?ae/ a of tbem tbat feare tbe commaunbemj? t of oute oa/ tbat toe mape ao acco^apng to tbe latoe. et tbe bp tberfo?e/ f 0; tbe matter belonged bn to topll be tottb tbe / be of goob com* forte/ana bo tt. * benrore&lt;fo?ag/anbtoBeanotbeof ft t#.o.^.* rulerg/p^tafteganajLeuiteg/aofallWftaei/ tbat tbep ftulbe bo acco^apng to tbig too?be;1 anbtbepftoate , anb (fb?ag ttobe bp before tbe b oufe of oa / ana toent in to tbe cbSbee of^obanan tbe fonne of (Cltaftb . 3Dna teben be came thithetihe ate no b?ea/ no? ajancbe toater :fo?bemournea becaufe of tbe tram** Steffi on of tbe tbat baa bene in captpuite. 3na tbep caufeb a p?oclamacton bemabe tbo?oto out |uaa anb gerufalem/ bnto all ft cbplb;en tobtcb baa bene in captpupte / tbat tbep ffwiae geatbet tbe f elueg to geatftec bn. to ferufalem-.aitta tbat tobof oeuer came not tottb mtfcebapegaccoftpnge to tbeaeupce of r&amp;erulerganbfliaerg / ail bpg fubftaunce fljuibe be f o?fett/.ana be put out from the c5gregacton of tbe captpue. ben all tbe men of guaa ana 2Ben|amfo geatbereb tbem feiueg to geatbet bnto g&lt;eru falem in tb?e oapeg/tbat igori tbe ttoentie bape of the npentb monetb:ana all the people fate in tbe fttete before ft. boure of oa / ana ttemblea becaufe of the matter / ana fo? tbe rapne. Kina Cfb?ag the p?eaffe ftoae bp / ana fapae bnto tbem:*fe baue tranrgreffea/tbat pe baue tafien fttaunge topueg/ to mafie tbe JD *"***M ttefnace of liftaelf etmoie-.cnfeffennhifhpr. 3Uoic9.a

3Cgfo?bg/toebaueturneabacBe/ a baue .., ~ ft .~ lu ra w let gotftp commaunaementeg/to maBe con ttefpace of Jftaei pet mo?e:cofeffe note t ber-tractett 6}e people of tbefeabbomtnactong. fo?ebntotbe jLo?be oa of poute fatbetg / s a8tlttboutbenbeto?otbatbg/tplltoebebt Dobpgpleafure/ana feparatepoure feiueg terlpconfumeb/fotbatnotbpngeremapne/ fromtbepeopieoftbeiana/afrotbeftraage tttpHtberebenobelpueraunceffl))Lo?be topueg.cben anftoerea all the cSgregacion/ oa ofjfraei/tbouartrtgbteoug/fo;toere* anbfapbetoitftalouaebopce:)Lettttbebone mafttepet ercapea/agttt'gtb#bape.ebolbe agtboubaftfapae.Sutft peopleare manp/ tntbpp?eftnccatetoe tnouretrefpace/fo? aittgarampetoetber/atbepcannotftanae

becaufe of tt fg tbereno ffanapng befo?e tbe. bere toitbout/netbet tg tbig a too ?cfie of one c mz people cepente tbem ana mtne , j pntatssft bape o? ttoo/f o? toe are ma tip tbat Urne offett mtivmnie topues. beo in tbig trantgteopon.JLettbgappopnte , _i[H ej: iS* , 5 w * . -, outerulergfberfo?enialltbec0gregacion/ B -v 3 te#*# D ** mm wm&amp;nm iaUtbeptob^bauetabeftraungetopueg Wfcwi* M^ Naner / aBnotolegea/ toepte/anb in oure cptt'eg/mape come atf tpmeappo pn* ^^Wapebefo?efbouofioti/t|ere ttts/9 W elbergofeuerpcftte? tbeir 7ubgeg ^parefo?teb bnto bpm oute of |frael a toptb tbem / tpfl m to?atb of oure oa be berp greate cogregaaon of menanb toeme/ turnea atoape from bg fo? ftfe offence, am 1 cbplB?en:fp? tje people toeptebetpfo?e. cben toeteappopnteb gionatban ft fo nne o&gt; ^&amp;ecbamabtberwineof5ebfeloneof of 3fabeianb labaffaft fonne ofebefiuab C fbPib?enof f lam/anftoereb/anafapbebnto ouertbW matter :3Dnbg3ofollam a |,aba^ fb?ag:pebauetrefpacebagapnft ft. )Lo?&amp; tbaitbeiteuftegborpetbem.anatbecbpia?e ottreob/m tbattoe bauetabenftraHnge of tbe captpufteapaeuenfo.ainbCfa?ag tbe ?.#. p?eaft J '

3fmtfalem is


p?eatt/anafteauticp*fflBeatte*fto?otofte /firf** ftrfitrti * hftfet boufeofftettfafteig/sallftat toete no r &lt;Ojv lCUUUE UUUC tfteatfebb?name/fepai^ftmfelueg/9 ftf^fltf/ftrttprt^vfgtaHrtitihehftit? feteftembotoneontbefwttbape of $ tetmj Oteio?a5/orp^iopiEcauirpeooBC monefttoe^etbfgmatter.3itooffp/ft offleberaiab, *rbat tt / r? uape oftQe f^ae moneft ftep*mabe an enbe cflebtm&lt;ab btar ta k? nge sK tqxtu* w**$

n p nac XVJa5Bmnolge&amp; ftplfcen of fte p?eaae* B3. S":

iJiyngc all t&amp;c

pi moneft #ifant*nfte&lt;to|tfcft peate of fipngefliiftajcetfeg/tobcn

(ttic topne ftoue before bpm/ a tone jbpt topne/9gaue ttbnto {ffiing 9

ftete mete men f ounce g babtabe' utaunge tepuefs/namelp amonge fte ftplfce of ?efu fte fonne of joffttt $ of big tyeftje / 0 aa= Rab/fl!Ke?ei! /jatibano &lt;Boboliab.3rio ftep gaueftettbanoegftetebpo/ftat ftep tooloe;fojfteftttefpas cecSetpngetogeuea tammefo? ftett teef* pace.amonge fte ftplbjen of cemer/^anani"

Wtarttye arte* ofi&amp;e' tw bemteb f fonne of *9aftalia. Jffi 8 *' $tfo;tuneDinmoneft*Caf=* n^tma leuinftettoentfepere / ftat!J sating ^ tmftccaaeiut&amp;utam^'f 1 ")* ft?e came toift certapne men of 3|uoa / arm ortrX 3.aCfi eb tbem bote Sletoeg opa t bat mete oe* " to t do.

anb^ababfabJmonge tbe cbpttwm of l^a = ipuet eb 9 efcapeb from fte captpuite/9 b ob) nm/a9aaBab/(ltab/^emeiab/feb&lt;ei/ano it toent at letufele.anb ttm fap&amp;e bnt o me: fl&gt;f^.3mo!igefteftpffi?mof$baain7&lt;* cberemnauntofftecaptpupte ateftete m Kofitat/aanab/3fmaelJBatbanael/3Wa* ftelanbemgwatemiffojtune anb rebufie. bebanblcafab.3mongefte jieuitcg/go* *sbtoaHegof3iemfaleaseb?ofie" Wmt/9mm fabeb/^emei 9&amp;eiaiab/ tob? ft fame f g Ba anbtbe gateg fterof ate bjent toif t fpje. Iftbab^aB)abiab/3!uoa9eiea?at:.aimong ffibetbeattiefteretooW/gfatmebotone,* anbtoepte/anbmoutuebttoobapeg^fafteb^ a no pi apeo before tbe &lt;ssob of beauen 9 ftp 0: #&gt; 3lo;oc #00 of beauen / tbou greate 9 tet rpble &lt;pob/*ftou tbat bepeft couenaunt anb Sf**' metepfo?ftemftatloue$ano obfetue ftpXK eommatmbementeguetftpneeategbeatfieV ' nftpne epegbeopen/ $ ftoumaprS Orate pjapet of ftpferuafit/ tobfftl pjapenoto

efo;eftebapeano npgbte to? tbe cO?ib?en of gifraelftp feroaunteg /anbfinotoleoge $

ig tpngerg/tfliaftb .3fcmongepo?terg.%es lum/ceiemanbQ};f. ^ 4&gt;C3!ft8eUimongetbe ftpRyen of ffla* to^/lSemiab/lefiab/^elcbtab / 20iamin/ ga?ar / fle lebf ab /ana S anaiab.aim onge fteftplbjen of ciam/ SUaftanfab / 3afta* rp/feiHei/a. bti 1 gierimotb a (Siiab . a moge ^ecbrG&gt;;enof3etbua/(ltoenat/ eit'aftb/ ^atbant'ab/fettmotb/ 5ababanb3i3fea. lEmonge tbe cbfBuen offfiebat/febobanan/ ^anantab/5abat anbatbalat .Imonge tbe fpnnes of tbe ebfiwrn of gjftael / toOpeO toe cbFlft?en of jaeoni/fflgofolam/flpalueb /3B* baue commpttebagafna tbe. bawb/larub/aaalanaiertmotb^imonge ICnoi ntf fatbetsboufebatierpnnebaiv *&amp;omcwsif.tbecbvlb?Sof*^abatb#oab/(a;bna/CaIal/ fo.nee baue bene co;tupte ont o tbe /in tbat* itas&gt;ta*wof j5anatab/#aaffe/#atbamab / e?eleel/ toebauenot ftepte tbe cSmatmoem etejs/ da* ** enutanbSanaBeb.amongetbetbiU)?en tuteisaiatoesJ/tobicbtboueommaiTbebfttb? c 1 ipattm/(lte?et/aeriab / #elcb(ab / ^e femaunt i ores . ftt can to tememb^atlce metab/*tmeon/38en3amm/ fleallucbano v towbetbattbou c5maunoeDft tbpftruaflt ^amariab.amongetbe cbPlo?e of Safem/ S0ore0/anbfapoEtt:l?fpe tranfgtefle / tyn jg^atbnaf / ffl^atbatbab/ ^abeb / gupbelet/ topll 31 fcatet pou abjoaoe amonge^n an'Sft. 9eremf/g$anaot&amp;*&amp;emetfiinSge &amp;w utpfpetumebmome/anDfiepempcom* Hz of JSant, 'flabat/a!mtsyi9uel/38aneab/ maunbementesanb 00 tbe: t&amp;ougb pe t oete cbelubr/)8abaiab/anteb/a9awmotb/ eaaoutbntotbe btteemoftpatte ofbeauen Kaffl)/^amanfab/#atbanaf/1!aaran/35a wttopH3geawettou ftomtbence/atofl! nf /35emii/S&gt;emriab/&amp;atemlab/i9atban/ btfngejouftomtbence/euebntotbe plac e/ 3batab/^acbnababaid&gt;arat/S&gt;atat/aifa $ 9baue cboftn fo;mpnameto btoeli rti ete rael/&amp;elemtabu/&amp;amatiab/$&gt;ero73(lma cbepare tbrfemauntejS/ 9 tbp peopl e tob&amp;B riab/anbgpofepb.3Bm5getbecbPlb^of^e* tbbubaftbelpuewbtbo^ototbp great potoee

6o^afel/ffl?atbatbteb/5abeb/5abma/f e* anbmfgbttebanbe.ffiLo?D/ lettbpne eatetf Mfyoti anoSanaiab. ant&amp;ere&amp;ab taben betbentotbep^apetof ftp retuatlt/anb fte fttaungetopuejJJnbamBgeffametopuetf p^petoftbprmiatm;e0/tobofenrtp?e&lt;0to

ftete toete fome/ftat babbo^ie cfploj tn, ^be enoe of tbe fp?8 bobe. of^fojajs,

feaeetbpname/anoietftpfentat1tp;orpere ftttbape/^gtaimtebim tnetep in tbe fpgbt of ty man: fo? 3! tea* ftespngessbuteiat. CHfttfJ5tliin&lt;a6^ttobt8pnrtiltth!MofaeHaitor# befeconbe Cbaptet,

1 f * \

% toag tftuv in W p?efence cbenfapb&amp;tng bmo me:tobp lofieft ftou f faolpf Cbou att notficBe/ftatris nottbemattet/tjutftoti att beupbetf eD.J5euertbeiej53i toajs ro?e aftapeo 9 Capbe bnto fte fipnge: oofaue fte fipngr We f o? jfucc/Omtot 3 not lobe faolp^tbe cttte ofmpfatbetssburpanrpctbtoa&amp;e 9 (be gaff fterof ate confumeb tottb fpje.cben fapoeg Bpngebntome:tobatt0tbeftprequeftfften mabe^l mpp?apetto!Eioi)ofbeaue/9 fapoc bnto fte ftpnge:pf it pieare $ bpnge/9 pf ftp fetuailtbeffuwuteDintbpft'gbte.fberefiei renbe mc tn to ^uoa bnto fte eptpe of mp fa* ftetgbutpaU/ftat^mapebuplDett. -* anoftefipngefapoebntome/9fobpofte ** queneg fat bp bim:boto Ionge all ftp iottt= nepcotmue/ 9 tobf totTt ftou come agapnef 3nD it pleafcs fipnge to fenoe me/anb 3 fee bim a tpme/9 fapoe it pieafe fte fipnge/lc t t)mt geue me lettew to capf* tapnes beponoe ftetoatet/g ftep mapecon*

uepe me oitev/ttlij comemtof uba;9rerter0 bnto 3E tap b tbe?Lo?be of fte bpngeis toooo/ 1 bemapedeuemetoooD fo^beamegto gat5 of fteparace/tobtftatebattieonfteboHfe 9 batoeon ftetoalleisofftecptpe/anofo? fte Doufe ftat j an entte tn to.ainb fte fipnge gauemeaceo;opngeto goobbanoeof 00 bponme:3inatobeng!cametoftecaptapne0 beponbe fte toatet/9 gaueftem fte fipngejs letter . anb fte fipnge fent captapneg ano bowmen to Fft me. TSuttoben^anabafat fte$o;onftean&amp; Cobtab fte fetuaut of Wimmomteg bearoe ^/ttgteuebftefo?e/gftetetoag come a ma tobtcb fougbte fte toelft of fte ftilb;e of w* ^taelJnbtobenicameto Ictufale/anbbaa bm ftete tb?e bapeg/31 gatme bp tnmgbt f ear on; 9 a f eto e men top ft me: f 0; % tolbe no mantobat &amp; m i?ao geue me in mp ben to 00 at Senifalem:anb ftere toagnot one bead ti tne/rauettftat3|tobebpon. 3nb3 tobebp rtpgbte bnto fte ballep po;te before fte :a= gon toeii /anb to fte &amp;onge po#e/an&amp; conftV berebftetoaHes of-jetufaigftat toete b?o&amp;e botone/anbftepo?tegftetof confumeb tottb fte f p;e.3inb3! toet ouet bnto fte toenpo?te/ anbtoftefipngegconbpte/anb ftete toagno rotomefo;mpbeaS/ftat ftcoulbe gobnbet: me.cben toete^ onmftenpgbtebp $b?ofie fpbe/9 eonfpbeteb ftetoanV anb tumeb bacn anb came borne agapne to fte bau*eppo?te . 3tob fte ruletg finetoe nottobtftet f torte o? tobae 9 bpb:fo? btftet to bab gjnot tome $ ^3!etoeg9ftep?eseg/fte etunceletganb fte J^wlerg/9 f oftey t labottrebmf towefiejnb


|fap&amp;ebntoftem:pefeftempretpe^toeate tn/boto g'eeufale ipeft toatie/9boto gateg ftetof ate b;f t tot'ft twi come let w imploe bp toauegof f etufale/$ toebe no mo?ea

rebufieJnbatolbeftfof ftegoob banceof mp5obtobpcb toagbpome: anbftefipngeg toomegftatbebaofpofi^bntome.anbftep ' fapbe:ft en ret bg get bp / 9 buplbe: anb fte banbegtoete tttengftebtogoob. l&amp;ut tobtn ^anabalat o?omte/anb Cobfab fte fetuaunt of fte3mmom'teg/anb &lt;Pefemfte3tabianbetbe it/ftepiaugbebbg to ffiome/9befpTebbg/9 fapbe:tobattsifttg ftat pe boi o&amp;pii pe fall atoape agapne f torn fte fipnge^cben anftoeteb 3 fte/anb fapae: fte &lt;sob of beauen be it i&amp; ftat caufetb bg to P?ofpete: 9 toe be big feruauntegxet bg get bp fo? pou/pe baue no po?ci6 n 0? ngbt no? tememb?aunce in SettKaient, C|t of tbem tljat bustteb tc toallce. Cbe.u'i.bapter. J9b(aftbftebie p?eftgatbtmbp3E Vbbigb?eft?en^p?eaes!/9buittieb fte &amp;bepegate.bep tepateb it/9 -..-^Jfetbpftebo^egofitieuenbntofte totoetfl^eabtepatebftept't/namelpbntog *t- *totoerof^ananeel.i5eytebntobmtbuifi&gt;eD5'cfe.wf4.' ftemenof fetifto.ainbbefpbebimbuplbeb -zm^Ui &amp;aebuetbe fonne of 3Cmti.3Butf fpfbpo?te bpb fte cbplb?en of aifanab buplbe/ ftep co uetebtt/anb ret on fteDo?ejs/loc6eg9 bamg of it $ee bnto bim bupibeb^attmotb fte fonneof oi?iabfte fonneof i^a&amp;o?. f)em bnto bim buplbeb fl^ofoismfte fonne of J8a raftfabfteronneofa&amp;eferabceijaejrtewito bpm buplbeb 5aboc fte fonne of aana. fUejcte bnto bpm buplbeb ftep of cbefiua. ut ftrtrgteatemen pntnot fteftnecfieg tofteferupceoffteitU-o?be. 35 be&gt;Ibegate buplbebfeboiababSfonne of J&amp;afeab/s flp of oia fte fonne of efooiab ftep couereb ft/anb fee on fte bo;eg/iocfieg 9 batteg of it. 0em bnto ftem buplbeb #a* latiab of &lt;sabaon/9'3aoon of flerano/men ofd5abaon9ofa?pbab fo?ftefeate offc captapne on ftpg fpbe fte toatet. erte bnto bpmbupIbebQifieiftefonneof ^aftaiab f goMmptb. #erte bnto bpm buplbeb ^ana niab fte*2ipotecarpg fonne'9 ftep tepap?eb iaMM ,.^^ qpetufalf bnto b?ooe toan.f5ee bnto bpm i* S?"?f bupIbebaSapbaiabftefonneof^ut/Smleri/atacajrn; of fte balfe quattee of ^etufalf . tut bnto c bimbuplbebgebatab fte fonne of {jjaremapb

ouet agapnft bPg boufe. ^eitte bnto bpm buplbeb atug fte fonne of l^afaboniab. Vint ^elftfafte fonne of mxim 1 anb ^a fub fte fonne of $abaft SOoab buplbeb fte oftetpece / anbftetotoet befpoe fte ai* nace . efte bnto bpm buplbeb &amp;elum fte fonne of ^alobegfte ntiet of fte baife ?.b. quartet


Smtfalem is

1 1

quartet of 3 mifalem/ ana btS BaugbtetS, c&amp;ebailepgate bupiaea^amin/ 9 tbe cfc teffns of Sanoab.C&amp;ep buubeaft/anbfet on Ct&gt;eoo?e0/ loc&amp;ejs 9 battes tbetof / 9 a t&amp;ou* ranoe cubptes ontfte toall/bnto tbe onge* po;te, uttbeiE'ongepo.'te bupioeb 2@ei* cbiabfonne of ecbab/tbe tulet of f outtb *fcomt rea&amp;e. facte of *Hje bpliepatbes : be buBlBEQ it/9 let wetwa^sia. ontbeaojes/locbes 9batces tbeeof.ffiut tbe ifceilgate buiiaea&gt; elum t\yt tonne of Cbol* b ofafj /f tulet off f outtbpatce of flafp&amp;ab ^e buiiaea it/? couetea it/? fet on tfte Do?ejs/ locbes/ 9 battes tbetof/ 9 t&amp;e toall bnto ibe pole of &gt;iloab bp tbe ftpngeS gatben/ Onto tbe fteppes tbatgoootone from tbe cptie of 3Bauia.3ifiet bint builbec #ebemiab f fonne of 3Tboft /t&amp;e ruler of tbe balfe quartet of 36 e tb? ut/ bntpll tbe otbet fpae ouet aga yn ft tbe fepuleb?es of auto/? to ttje pole 30ruta . atib bnto tbe boufe of tbe mpgbtpe, Hiftetbpm bupiaeatbe&amp;euites/Kebum tbe tonne of 33ani. #erte bnto bl? m buy iaea $ afabiaft tbe tulet of tbe balf e quartet at fceilab inW quattee.Hiftetbi b.upioea tbeit

bjetbze/JBauai fonne of $enaaaB/ tulet of tbe balfe quartet of l&amp;eilab. Stfterbpm bupiaea arf et tfte fonne of lofaa tbe tulet of j09ap&amp;abt&amp;eotber pece barbe ouet agapn ft ftjatnene comet.ilftcr bim buplbeMSarucb cbefonne of 3abai tbe otbet pece too?mt&gt;P s ftillp ? coftlp/fto" tbe corner bnto efjedozeof tfie&amp;oufe of citaftb tbe bie p?eft Jftetbpm bupiaea fljtetimutb tbe fonne of ffliziab tbe fonne of igacost&amp;e otberpece/frotbeaoje f b ouf e of CEliaftU eue a&amp; loge as f boufe of .. Gliaftb ejrtfaea.Sftet&amp;im butioeb|p;efty * me" of cotitte JftW btm bupiaea leentamfn 9l8afub ouet agapnft tbeit boufe. ICftet tbe JBfatfabtbe fonne of Spaafiabtbe fonne of ananiab nerte bnto bps boufe. 3ftet bpra buplbeMSenut tbe fonne of ipenaaaa otbet pece ftom tbeboufe of JtCartab bnto tbe tut* ij pi g e /a n b bnto tbe coma, 3fcer &amp;im butf oca JSbalei fonne of fat ouet agapnft tbe comer anb t\)t live totoer/ tobicb lietb out ouet ftom tbe bpngesboufe/ betpaefcoutte of tbep;efon.3DftetbimPba Datable fotme of PbatoflaS foj tbe $ etbt* mmstbetbtoeltfn pbel/ bnto tbe nsatet* ga te /to to a toe tbe eaft to&amp;ere #e totoet ipetb out).Hifterbpmbui&gt;iaeatbepofcbe&amp;Katbe otbetpece ouet aga? nft gteate t otoer/tbat &amp;at irtfn c J'etb outtoatbe/is bnto tbe toall of*&gt;pbel. * w ut ftom tbe $o?lgatefo#bbupiae&amp; tbe pjeftes/ euetp one ouet agapntt bps boufe. 3 f 1 e r tb e bu^loeb 3abo&amp; ft e fonne of net ouetaga?nft bt ! 9 boufe . 3 ftet bpm buylbeb g&gt;eme(ab tbe fonne /of &gt;ecbanfabf fiepec oftbeeaagate.^ftetbtmbu?lbe&amp;^ananiab (be fotme of &amp; elemiab/ 9 ^anun tt)e fonne

of5alapb(fierpitf&lt;/$otbpeaceJftetbmi b uHoeo 0of Jam u)e fonne of ffiatacbtab ouetagatnftb^ebeft . 3ftet bsmbut ioca Q^elcbwb tbegolbfmptbe0fonne/bntmtbe boufe of tbe $ etb tmmg/s of uje metcbaflteu

ouet agapnft tbe eoftcell gatef? to tbe patlet in Gft com e t .2)nb bettoene tbe patlout of tbe comet bnto tbe S&gt;bepegatebui&gt;lQeb goio= fmptb ess anb tbe met cbaunteg . CSE&amp;t bujlbpnj sf JesuCaltm is ^pntpe&amp;ana let/but tfte jtto tiuflte licpHa tcaOpe&amp;acntjfca:leg t^ic enemas $ulD inuafte tjjcm. Cbe.uii.cbaptet. mttoben^&gt;anabalat beatbetbat toe builbeb tbe toali/be teas tojotb ? tofie gteateinbignaciSamocfieb Jtbe f etoeis 9 raroe before b?s b?e i?en anb fibe bofte of S&gt;amana-.toba 1 00 tbe impotentaetoesJfmaHtbepbetbusJfufftebf mall u)e? ofttef ftjal n)ep petfotitme it in one oa?e? wall tbeymafie f ttoneis tobole agapne i ateb?ougbtto&amp;uu7?b?ent? inbcobiab tbeaimmonite befibe bim faibe:let tbe builbc on/ff a fotegobp/be(ballb?eabe botone tbeit ftonj e toall . $eate fiD tbott oute ob/ bom toe at e befp tfeb/tutne tbet't Ibamebpon tbeit atone Beaae/i tbouma^eft geuetbem ouet in to Defpftfenge in $ lan&amp;e oftben: cap* tiuite.Couetoot tbeit toicbeoneflfe? put not out tbeit ffnne fto tbp p?efence:fo? ftepbaue pjouoRebtbebutfbeijg. Tetbu^Ibebtoetbe toall; ano io^neb it toboletogecBer/bnto tBe balfe bepgtb . 3&gt;nb u)e people toete toen mpnoeBtolaboute. 55ut toben S&gt;anabalat / ?^:obfab/ ?tfte s 3CtabianiS/93mmonitci5/9 3ftiobit5 bfatbe i fbetoallesofSetufaletoetemabebp/ anb tbattbef baobegonnetoftoppebp fgappe^ tbe v toere betp to?otb/a cofpiteb al to getbet to come ? figbtagaynft J etufalf /? tomafie anbinoetaOcetbetin. ^euettbeiegtoemabe out p;apet bnto oute ob/ 9 let toatcbmen bpS tbe toall ba ?e 9 npgb t ouet agapnft tbe. ana fuba fa^ie: tbe a tengtb of tbe bearetf 10 to febie/9 tbet tg to rnocb butt/toe ate not able to buflbe on tbe toall . 3Cnb oute abuet* farpeg tbougbr:tbef wall not finotoe netbec fe/cpii toe come in tbe mf Meg amonge tbe/? nape tbf/anbbfnbettbetoo?c6e.&amp;uttoben tbe?etoes Dtoeltbef^bc tbe;camc out of al tbe places to&amp;ete tbepbtoelt aboute 09/ana tome tig as go 00 a ten tpmesf/tbtn fet 3 tbe people after tbe binteo* toitb tbeit ftoetb^/

rpeateu 9 botoeg benetb in tht lotoe placet - s bebfnbetbetD8H/9lobeb/9gatme bp/anb % fajbebnto tbe cbefemen?ru!ewi/ anb to ttje otbet notpe aftaieb of tbe"*tbinBe Mlu . . bp5Sgteateloe tobicb ougbt to be ftawb *f w * MM 9 fffibte (wfouw bietbiOT/fonnetf/oaugb* r * tetfS/tosue^/anbboufesJ.iSeuertbeleiStoben oute

c oute enempes beatoe toe bab sottl vo;w of it/ ob b : ougbte tbeit coucell to nougbte/ anb me tutneo all agarne to tbe toall / euetp one bnto ty$ laboure J n&amp; fto tbatttme f 0; Hi ft came to paffe/i tbe balfe parte of tbe ? 5ge menbt&amp;tbe lab oute/ 9 tbe otbet balfe parte bel&amp;etbefpeategf/lbplDeg/botoe&amp;'anbbjetts plates*, anb n)e rulers ftobe bebpnbe all tbe boufe of luba/ tobicb buplbeb on tbe,toall/9 bare buttbens / ftom tbofe tbat laWD ftem, asitb one banbe nio tbe? tbe toojfie/ano toitb 3B,tbe otbet belbe tbep tbeit toeapen.ami euetp -^onetbat burlbcb/babbW ftoerbeguitbe bp bPS* ifbe/amD fo buplbeb tbep. 3Hnb tbe ttom* pettetsftobebefpbeme. ainb I fapbe Onto tbe p;pncipallmen/ anb tulet s/ahb to tbe otbet peopie:tbe too;cbe is gteate 9 large/ 9 toe ate f epatateo bpon tbe toall one farte ftom anotbet. Tlobe in tobae place note pe ^tdxt^t nopfe off ttSpet / te* tettf.1 tofc W tWWet bnto bs*ureob mal ft'gbt *" tomi 9 toe totll be laboutinge in f too?cbe. 3no tbe ball* parte of tb^belbe f fpeares fro Jmojnmge fp?inge/tillttattes came fotfb2Cnbatfametpmefap5e 1 bnto tbe people: eurtp one abpae toitb W fetuaunt at gjem* falem/tbat in tbe nigbt feafon toemape geue attenaaunce to tbe toateb/anwo laboute on tte bapetpme. 3'S fo? me anbmp b?etb?en/9 mp fetuaun temno tbe men of tbe toatcb be* bpnbe me/ toeputneuet of outeclotbeS/ fo tnocb as to toalbe oute felue-3. CCljepcoplcascbweB toitli l)sngce.fel)tinial) fo;/ tlMrttfj afntye, HfWfiV^ not t^e Ifujnij ofa tapta-mc,

Cbe.b.(Tbaptet. j5d rtjeteatofea gteate c5plapnte of f people/9 of tbeit toiu^agapnft m ei I te etb?en tbe 3;e toes.ano tbet torn fome f fapue: oute fonnes 9 &gt; *oman?/let bS tafie come fo?


bauifl)ttv&amp; bg fee oute ta^^bpepartie^anD^ourr^to pieDge/^i caSie &amp;y mm m v sat t^.Ku t rome I&amp;E&amp;e:lec bg b^otoe monep of t^c fiinges tn* butefo;ou^ia^oe0 ^bpnrjatnes.jaoto are owe b;etfM&amp;t0 bot^ep ap ourc atone boWejJ ano tft eit cjjsfiyei i a0 oute c^?I6?e: ew ftulDe toe ftibuue otw Minos anu Dauafttetss bneo mi *^ bwttage / m Ctirae of oute oaugfttens ate HSwSVWiMf/*i^w menftau ftaueoute ^evw^ij to iartoe? ante bf^^atbeg, aeame $m, iButb^iT^fjt^ttettjefteoinirtapnteaWj ifoc^tooe&amp;vfg &amp;i&gt;rpleare&amp; mefo?e/ attt'J aB* u?f e&amp; fo ^t mv mpae/lbat 9 tebufiefi ? cofi* ^ celery / an&amp; $e : :l rfets / ano fa^e bnto ft em: iwia^* tojH f e tetiir^ebfutp one of anotBctf 3no 3 bjougljt a ga^ite congtegado agapift tf)? and fiaqjotbhfo t^em; toe fflm oute abilite)

i - .

; ,f

baueboitBbteoureb(b?etbeiEtoejJ/tobicb toetefoioebnto rbe$eftbenjnbtopiipefeil poute b;etb?en/ tebo toe baue bougbte onto kti fbi beloe tgep tbeit peace/ anb co moe ffnbe notbpnge to anftoete. 3Bno 3 fapbe jft is not goob tt)at pe bo. fl&gt;ugbtepenot to toalbe in tbefeate of oc^ &amp; becaufe of tbetebubeof tbe ^eptben oute enempes^ anb mp b?etb?e/9 mpfetuafttes baue lent tbem monep ano come : but as f o?^ bfurp/lrt wieaueiMC&amp;etfoje tbfS fame Dape* f e tbat pe tefto/e tbem tbeit lanbes agapne/ tbeitbpnepatbes/opie gatoensanbboufes/ anotbebimbjebpatteof monepof-5come/ topne ana ople tbat pe baue toonne of tbem. Cben fapbe tbep:toe toplltefto^e tbf agapne ano topli requpze notbpnge of n)em/anb toil bo astboubaftfpofien,3tn&amp;3i callebpp?eft^/ anbtofteanootb oftbem/tbatfl-ep ibulbebo fo. ano % foouemplappe/anb fapse* od Qiaftt out euerpman aftet tbe fame manec ftom bPS boufe anb laboute/ tbat mapntep* netb not tbps too?oe-.euen tbus bebe wafien out/ anb bopbe . ^nb all tbe congtegacpon fapoe-.aimen/anb p?apf eo n)e %o jb e/3 'nb tbe people upbfo. anb from tb fpmc fo?tb tbat ft teas com* tnfttebbnto me to be a captapne in tbe lance of 3?,uba / nameip ftom tt)t ttoempetb peate bnto tbe ttoo anb tbp^petb peate of bpnge artbatetfes (tbat is ttoeluepeare)3 anb mp bitOiil Ipueb not of foci) fallen aflce as toa? geuen to a captapnef o? tbe olbecaptapnes tbat toete befo?cme/babbene cbargeable?^ bnto tbe people/ana baa tafien of tbem b?en ana topne/ana fo?tpe fpcles of filuet-.pee ana tbeit feruauntesbaOopp?eoeo tbe people, -uttoapanotu/anatbatbecaufe offeate of oa.3 laboutea alto in tbe to m e bpo tbe toall/ ana bougbte no lanbeJna all mp fet* uaates cametbitbettogetbetbnto f too?fte. Slijo;eouer tbete toete at mp table an bun* bjea ana fpftpe of tbe Jetoes ? tulers/tobicb came bnto me/ ftom amonge tyt $ept&amp;en/ tbatateaboutebs. 3CnB tberetoasp?epateo me aapipe an ote/ana fpre cbofen mepe/ ana bp^bes/ anb euetoncetn ten bapes a gteate fumme of topne. fettequp?ea not 3 tbe lp*

upnge of a captapne fo? t^e bonbage toa0. ( ,- iM -^ A ,, gteuousonto tbe people *cbfncbe bpo me^K tup obbnto tbe beft/acco?bpngc to afb TO * iWg * abaueaonefo^tbpspeopie. . &lt; C 6e bu?U&gt;yng 10 jet agapne (jjm&amp;jcb and Ult J5a1be &amp;anabaiae / com'ab ana efem tbe Jttabian/anarbe otbet* of'oute enempejs beatae tbat? baa bupiaeb f toall/? tbete toeteno mo gapp^tbetin (botobeit at t%t fame tpme bab 3 not bangea tbe ao?es bpon tb e ga ice) ifeanabaiat


3ferutolem is

&amp; anabalat 9 efem rent bnto me / faring* *afwc.come 9letbSmetetogee&amp;et*ni t&amp;ebtflages S2S22 eW W B ^ e Pla^e oft ettte:noi&amp;euert&amp;ele* www. jjj e? ^ 0l$gSK t0 Domc mcu&lt; ^otto^aa,,, irfnge | Tent mettmgers bnto tij em, Capinge: 3 &amp;aue a greate buftn$ to d 0/3 cannot come botone.c&amp;e toojcfie ulbe ttanoe ftp 11/ ? 31 toere neclpgent/9 came aotcne to ?oii.$om&lt; Deft tft ep f ent bnto me ass gooo as fouretjnn; after fememanec,ainD 31 gaite t&amp;e fame an* torn. &amp;en(ent^anabaiat&amp;#femaunt 33 bnto me t&amp;e f?ft&amp; tj?me/ topta an open lettec tn&amp;is &amp;anbe/to&amp;etwi bias to# tten: it is tome tfi e $ept&amp;en/9 eefem &amp;at&amp; raroe it/ g t&amp;ou 9$etoes t&amp;m&amp;cto wbemfo? f tobic&amp;caufe tboubu?Riett t&amp;e toa!l/9to?ltbe t&amp;ettfii?ng w t&amp;efe matters/ anb&amp;aft ojaepneo t&amp;e &amp;;a* P&amp;etes to p?eac&amp; of me at 35etuCalem/anb to fapes^efeftFngeofgiuoa.

0a to an tuts come to t&amp;e fipges eat es-. comenoto t&amp;ete/a let 00 ta&amp;e out couteii togetbetlQeuettbefcsgifentbntobimfanng tfjece tss no Tottje ttjgnge Done as t&amp;oufa#u: tbou&amp;attfai&gt;nebftoutof tbpne atone tjete . jfo? t&amp;ep toere all miaeb to ma&amp;e bs afcapeo ffi 9t&amp;oug&amp;te:t&amp;eplballtott&amp;b;!atoet&amp;eu:&amp;attW; fto &amp; too?&amp;e/j? t&amp;erfi&amp;allnotlaboure.^oto* btit% arengt&amp;eb my &amp;anoetbemo;e, a no H tamebntot&amp;e &amp;oufe of &amp;einatab t&amp;e fonne of 3B eiatafj t&amp;e fonne of &lt;3@e&amp;etabeei/anb &amp;e bab(&amp;ut&amp;tmfelfetoit&amp;m/fffaioe:letbscome toget&amp;erm to t&amp;e&amp;oufe of oo/eue two t&amp;e m?bbes of t&amp;e teple/ 9 Qwtte t&amp;e 00; es of t&amp;e tepie:f o? t&amp;e? to? U come to flaje i&amp;e/yee cue in nfg&amp;t toill f&amp;ep come to put t&amp;e to &amp;eat&amp;. jStttifapoitbulbangfot&amp;maasiflpe^os&amp;o &lt;S t&amp;aty&amp;et'ng as 9 am/mat torn go m to t&amp;e tfrie/tofeue&amp;rsitofltotHnotgom. tfo?g!perceaueo/g &lt;Soo&amp;ao not rent &amp;im: fee fpa&amp;e be p?opbectebp5 memeuert&amp;eielie &lt;sobm 9&amp;anabalat&amp;abbire&amp;&amp;rai fo?mo* nep.a&amp;tffb#tobe&amp;e$monep/ $t&amp;;oug&amp;e fearegibul&amp;fobo/9fmne:t&amp;e2mtg&amp;t&amp;aue an euel rep o?te of me/to biafp&amp;eme m e.092 jgi ob t&amp;mbe t&amp;ou bps coMab. 9 S&gt;anabalat acco?o?nge bnto t&amp;efe t&amp;eft toojaes/ 9 of t&amp;e p?op&amp;et#oaftfe&amp; 9 of t&amp;e ot&amp;er ?&amp;?op&amp;etesi/ t&amp;attoolbe&amp;aue put me in feate. k,-,-.u ^. 3Bnbt&amp;ebsaHtoasffntroebont&amp;eftueanb m*m SiWse bapes . atnb to&amp;en a oure enempes of augtta to;/ ijeamet&amp;ttof/ an t&amp;e ^eit^en toeteaboute wa awto' ftbS/toereafeajeb/9 t&amp;eft courage faplebt&amp;f: ^JHJfPfottbwmem&amp;immm tooj&amp;e came of oajnoattbefame tpmetoere t&amp;eremanp of t&amp;e cbefe ofSuba/to&amp;ofeletterstoetebnto ob fa&amp;/ fro cobta&amp; bnto tbe(fo? t&amp;er toere tnanpni luoat&amp;at toere ftsojmefanto tjpint toi &amp;e toastfje fonne in latoe of &gt;cbanra&amp; $ fonne of 3ira&amp;/ano&amp;fi3 fonne gebo&amp;attan


" *

&amp;abt&amp;eD8ttg&amp;tei;offlorolamt&amp;e fonne of 2Saracbia&amp; 9 t&amp;ep fpaftegoob of &amp;?m before

me/anb totte&amp;pimp too;oes) anbcobiab fentiettets/toputmcinfeate. caftet tgetoall ones buplotf is t^e toattb raomt cfc WW tljat cetucnea ft 5 1 tie cap ttu jtc are aomtyrt. &amp;e.b{j.C&amp;aptet;, ;a&gt;to to&amp;en toe&amp;ab buf lo'eb toaaa *" bangeo onf bojes/s t&amp;e pesters ningers ^euttiitoeteapposnteii. _.jaenbac5maunbeonn&gt;b;ot&amp;ra* 1HM / 5 ^ananf ab t&amp;e ruler of t&amp;e palace at iemfale:fo?&amp;etoas afajt&amp;RiUmS/^feawb cDmojet&amp;enbpoman; ot&amp;ec) anbffavDe bnto t&amp;f:iet not t&amp;e gates of iewfale be ope* peobntpll ffonne be to&amp;ote. 3fino to&amp;plet&amp;e* are tec aabi'nge m t&amp;e toatc&amp;/t&amp;e Do?es ftall be utfc batreo.aino t&amp;ere toete certajne tU tefpns of3;erufaleapposnteb to be toatc&amp;me euecyonetn&amp;rstoatcb/ 9abouteb?s&amp;oufe. as f 0? t&amp;e cptt'e/it teas large of totome/ano greate/but t&amp;e people toere fetoe t&amp;etin/anb t&amp;e &amp;onfes toerenot bu^IoeD. Wmme ffioDgaue me mmj&amp;ett; t&amp;at % geat&amp;ereotoget&amp;ert&amp;ep^mctpaHmenst t&amp;e 9 mmt people to nob?e t&amp;e 9 1 f oun&amp;e*a regp&amp;et of mZlm t&amp;e nobjevf t&amp;e / to&amp;ic&amp; came bp af o;e out of c n '"3tt. t&amp;ecaptiuttK^foimoeto^pttet&amp;eem^t&amp;eR" 8 ^*^ atet&amp;efonnes of t&amp;elanoe $ toetbp from s captpuptpe of t&amp;e earring atoa?e(to&amp;o #a* buc&amp;oDonofo? fting of 25abtl8 &amp;ab b^oug&amp;{ atoare) 9 camcagaynetogferufale 9 3oa/ tarn onebnto&amp;is cttt?e/to&amp;ic&amp; came tt ^ 0* eobabel:31erua / $e&amp;enua&amp;/3feua&amp; / aa* mta&amp;^a&amp;amant&gt;^arDoc&amp;ee/35elfan/#ef parat&amp;/#eguar/$a&amp;um ana Saana&amp;. c&amp;tsfts n)e nSb?e of t&amp;e men off people of |fraei. mtiptoqm of J^&amp;atos toere ttoo t&amp;oufanoe/an&amp;imD?ei&gt; 9 too a f euentpe: t&amp;e e&amp;iR);eofSap&amp;atia&amp;/t&amp;?e&amp;untt?eb 9ttoo feuentre:? c&amp;ff&amp;?*nof3ra&amp;/ft&gt;ze&amp;unD2eb ttoo ano ft ftpe:t&amp;e c&amp;p??bf1S!a&amp;at&amp; SBoab amonge t&amp;e c&amp;pm^ of jefua ano loab/ too t&amp;outanoe/efg&amp;t&amp;unD?eb/ ano ei'g&amp;tene:t&amp;e c&amp;tJb;enof(iam/at&amp;ourantie / too&amp;unbbC 9 foure 9 fpftie:t&amp;e c&amp;tlb?5 of 3at&amp;ua/erg&amp;C bunp?eo 9 f? ue 9 flwtje/f c&amp;plb?e of Sac&amp;al feuebunb?eb9t&amp;?e tfio?e:f cbfib?f ooaantt ftre&amp;una?e&amp; 9 eig&amp;tafo?tie:t&amp;ec&amp;riti?eno{ 3Bebat / fprtbuiai?eb aepg&amp;t9 toencpett&amp;e

c&amp;iia;enof3Drgab/ttoot&amp;oufanbe/t&amp;?e&amp;un3 btrtj and too 9 toentpe:t&amp;e c&amp;flo^n ofSBDo* ntcam/f? j:e &amp;ttn&amp;?eb 9 fcuen'9 t&amp;?e ffio?e:t&amp;c c&amp;rto?enoe J8egoai/toot&amp;ouranbe/9feueii i anb ^effio?e:t&amp;e c&amp;flo?en of 3toin/fire \)tm* bieb anb fpueanb fpftpe : t&amp;e c&amp;pBjif of atf ec of e?eBfo&amp; / epg&amp;t anb npentpe. f &amp;e c&amp;flb?en of ^afom / t&amp;?e &amp;unb?eb anb efg&amp;te 9 toentre:t&amp;e c&amp;flb#n of 38e?at/t&amp; &amp;unb?ebanb.fote 9 toentfet (&amp;e c&amp;|ib?eti ofarip&amp;/

ajtlataeujreaD, of $8f$$/a ^ina?eijrj ttomcfyt c^ii&amp;? w of (Efaftaonyf me tjnpentge:^cmen ofj6cti)s lc^m?i?!e[)op!)a^/ani)umj?eDanaep8St 9 fout'c f hottitfy? me o3Cnatf)ot8/aii ^un6?eo 9efg^aniieiD?tte:t6emmofJBftft3rmotft/ 50tttJpan&amp;fo??e:t!}emenoffianat^attm/ Cfp^ii^ft ^iSeetotft/feuenDuntKea ^%e * toifet :t^e mm of mama^ anD aba/ tje ^utiD?eD 1 one 9 nDcntpe:fl}f mm of fi^ac^ mass /fl!tfym&amp;;e&amp; ano ttoo ana ttoentye : tlje men 0? ttetyel anD 3W/ an Ouitt^n ann t^?e ano tttent^e:ttie men of $ebo/an tymtytb anD ttoo ana fpape: U&gt;e cftt?io?en of t^e ot^ec &lt;Kam/at&amp;oufanoe/ttooftunD;eDan&amp; foure 9 fpftpr.tfte cQHttfoi of ^attm/tft?e bunbjeo 5 Cloentee:t&amp;e divine of fecJc^o:t9?cbunD&amp; anb f pue anD f o;tf ettfte cEID?en fit oW&amp;abto anD fiDno/fetten ^unD?eD anD oneanottoffl'e: tt)t e^ilD?e of S&gt;enaaft/tbiffioufaffiSie/mne bunD ieD ano i&amp; tttK^' ? * _ySpweffiSTg^ cBpiD?enof jaoaiaft of tfjc ^oufe of f efua/ npne hunD?eD anD ft?e feuentpe:ttje cbtlD?enof &lt;fmer/ atftoufanee anDttooanDfpKpe;t^e^p!D^enof^afl)uc/ a t&amp;oufanto- / ttoo [junD^eo anD feuen anD f o?tpe ; t^e ca$&amp;?en of l^arim / a t&amp;oufcnDe anDfeuentene, Cfte leufteis . cf) e c^iD:en of ^efua of CaDmtel amongetfte c^plD?en of $0Diuty/ ^foureanDfeuef^c^efpngew.cftecDplo^ of 3fap^/an Oumj?eDanbepg^t anDfo?tpe,

&lt;*e t)o^ets(;cl)ccl)piD?en of feeUmt/t^e &lt;*&gt;#D?en of 3lcer / t^e tftflnm of calmon/ Ciec6piD?en o3icub/fte cftflD?en of fyatitaf t&amp;e cfpsnveti etfb obai/ail toget&amp;et an ^un* D;eD and epgWanft^Rrtpe, c&amp;e j9eim?n8g.cfte d}0m of 54W| c^0D;en of $iiUupba/tl)e cbplD?en of ceba^ tiotft/t Ue iWMtt of &lt;iero0/ t&amp;e c&amp;pltyen of ^&gt;fa/ t&amp;e c&amp;pJD^n of Pftaiioii/ t&amp;e c&amp;ptt^n of Jlebana!? ttte c&amp;^(D?en of ^agaba ; t&amp;e c&amp;pID?en of ^aimatt&amp;e c&amp;plD?en of ^anan l&amp;e c&amp;pm;en of ftef/t&amp;e c&amp;piD;en of a&amp;er/ t&amp;ec&amp;plD?enof Kaaia/t&amp;e c&amp;plD?enof JSa* ^fn/t&amp;ec&amp;p^nof jSeroDa/t&amp;ec&amp;i?lD?enof

of agfumm/t&amp;e c&amp;v?D?enof jSe^ufafim/ t&amp;ec&amp;pa?en of ac&amp;uc/t&amp;ec&amp;pa;en of *a* ciip&amp;a/tfte .c&amp;^en of ^ar&amp;ur /t&amp;e c&amp;D?en of JBa?!it&amp;/^e t&amp;i&amp;tfn of ^a&amp;rDa/ c&amp;iiD^ of ^arte/t&amp;e ajt3D?en of Kercoss/t&amp;e c&amp;flb?e ofS&gt;t'CKra/^gd)ilD?enofc&amp;ama&amp;/c&amp;ilD?e of J9e?fa&amp;/t&amp;e c&amp;pfij?en of atip&amp;a. C&amp;e d)ftb?m of &amp;af omong ftwaunte?: C&amp;e c&amp;#o?en of ^otaf /t&amp;e *0D^n of S&gt;cm Pfteretft / t&amp;e mvmm of jB&amp;erftja/t&amp;e t&amp;ilD?e of f aala/tbec&amp;piD;en of atcon/ t&amp;e c&amp;pfc Dttnof &lt;BiD^/?&amp;ec&amp;pRen of ftaiatia&amp;/ t&amp;e tWtom of ^ata/t&amp;e c&amp;?w?oi of JBoc&amp;e*

Jt&amp;of5aba(m/t&amp;ec&amp;?tt?enof 3Cmoh. 31! t&amp;f idet&amp;immtt anD t&amp;e c&amp;t&gt;i&amp;?en of ^atomOis feruaOty toete tb?e &amp;nD?e&amp; 9 ttoo f nmttve. 3nD t&amp;efe toente bp aifo of c&amp;ei eia/ 4P liel^atfa/Cbpmb/aiDonucmettbutt&amp;eg^ coiilbe not Ibetoe tben; fae&amp;ew &amp;cnfe no? tft eit febe/ to&amp;et&amp;cr t&amp;ep toere of |frael, c&amp;e c&amp;plD;enofalara&amp;/tt)ec&amp;piD?eof cobia&amp; anDt&amp;ec&amp;piD;encfj5ecoD^r^e&amp;unD?eDana ttoo anD f o;tpe,3nD of t&amp;e p?eUeg t&amp;e c&amp;D?g of i^abaia&amp;u&amp;e c&amp;plD?en of i^aco^/t&amp;e c&amp; #* D?enof 2BerfiJat/to&amp;pc&amp; tofie one of $ju'b&amp;* tens of iPerrifat t&amp;e dffalaaDfte to topfe/ ano

toag namebafter t&amp;eirname,&amp;efe foug&amp;te t&amp;rregtaerof t&amp;eirgenerarion 9 to&amp;en t&amp;e? foiuiDeit not/t&amp;ep toere put from t&amp;e p^ft^ &amp;oDe.3nD^at&amp;trrat&amp;amp5ebntot&amp;em/t&amp;at t&amp;e? I&amp;ulDe not eateof t&amp;e mooft &amp;ol?/ tpn t&amp;ere came bp a ^ead topt&amp; t&amp;e ipg&amp;t anft petfectneffe. C&amp;eto&amp;oleccngregacionajsone mS/toas ttooanbfo;t?e t&amp;oufanbe t&amp;?e &amp;uiiD^&amp;/anD t&amp;?eCfio;e:befpfiet&amp;etrfematmtcsanDmaps bts 1 of n*om t&amp;ere toere feuen t&amp;ottfenfte/ t&amp;;e&amp;unb;eD anD reuenanD t&amp;atpe JnD t&amp;ep I wd ttoo &amp;unb?eo anD feuen anD fo;ts?e ^n^ BtngemenanD toemen/ feuen &amp;imD?e&amp;anD Cpjce anD tftntpe &amp;o?fe0/ttoo &amp;rmD?eti $ %ie anD fo?tpe ^ulejs/ foure &amp;imD?e&amp;anb fpuc anDt&amp;^tpe pomUktfre muinme/ieuen &amp;unD?eD anD ttoentpe affe0, KinD cettape of t&amp;e auncpent fat&amp;et^s ga^ uebnto t&amp;e too?cfte.^at&amp;irfet!m gaue to t&amp;e treafure a rtoufanDe bsSmejs/f i'fts'e baftnsJ/ tint &amp;unD?eb anDti)p??e p;eftrjs garment m 3inb fomtof t&amp;e c&amp;c fe fatbers sane bnto t&amp;etreafureoft&amp;etoo?cfte/ttoct?erftouran6e D?ammej5/ ttoo t&amp;outan^e anD ttoo &amp;ummD pounbe of fpiuer .1EnD t&amp;e otber people gaue ttoentpe ^oufanDe b?5me2/ anb ttoo t&amp;ou^ fanbe pounae of fvlutt/Q feuen 9 t&amp;;e Cfi o?e P?efteg garmented. anD t&amp;e p?ettrjs anD 7U* nftmm ^tew/t&amp;erpngers/anDi otftet of t&amp;e people/ anD t&amp;ej9etftimm0/anD all U rael/btoeltwit&amp;efeeptj?e&amp; CCtteaff patfjeref ft to gct^ct tbc people anb mtxt &amp; to fhrm 1 1] e lavoc* ; ftef bepe the fcaft of t all ccna c lea FC&amp;,bapter. " JfiDtotoben t&amp;e feuen monet&amp;Dnteai jnpe/^ t&amp;e c&amp;#D?en of g-ftael toere .M8a Jm t&amp;etr cj?e0/ all t&amp;e people gea= (&lt;WIMM Bt&amp;erebt&amp;e felitett toget&amp;et a? one manbpon t&amp;e flrete before t&amp;e Watergate/ anbfaFaebntocft^t&amp;efci'pbe/^&amp;el&amp;ulbe fetcb tfte bofie of t&amp;e latoe of $otz?/ to&amp;ptfj t&amp;e U.o?be eommaunbeb to |f rael. * 3Bn&amp; &lt;fi&amp; ^^^ *W*r b?asJt&amp;ep?eaab?oug&amp;tt&amp;e latoe before ^Nl*! congregacton botb of men anb ticmnt/9 of all t&amp;at coutte bittetttanbe tt/bpon t&amp;e fp^a 6apeof


ipe oftbe feuentb monetb/ atebtbetinm ftrete tftat id befo?e tbe iatcigate{ftom ttje mortise bntpl! tbe noone ftape before men and toeraena focb ad couia e tonoetttanfte it-.a tbe earns of allfpeople mere tue.ineftbrito Uofic of tbe laroe.anft &lt;to?ad tbefcribe ftoae tyonanbpe pulpit of tooft/ tobpcb tbep baa itiaftefo?tbep?eacbinge/ abefpoebprnftooe #atbatbtab/&gt;ema/ananiab/5!J?sab/il9el== fiiaft/^fipaaftiaB/onftpgr^g^tc bano.ana on bpd left* banae ftoae pbaoaiab/SBifaei/ fl0elcbiab/$atum/ $afebaaanab/3acbarp and #ofolam. * ana (ERwopeneotljebofte before all tfie w people; f o? be ftoae aboue all tbe people.ana tobgbe opcnea it/all tbe people ttoaebp Mm &lt;ECo?adp?apfea tbe jU)?De tbegteate oa. ana all tbe people antoereo amen/ amen/ imtbt&amp;eitbanaedbp/ abotoea tbefelued/a too?Sppea tbe&amp;ojae totttj tbew faces: to tbe gtounae.anft3iefua/:!3aani&lt;getabtab/3 , a* mi/3icuba/S&gt;ebat&amp;ai/i)jo&amp;ata&amp;/09aatta&amp;/ Celita/a?ariab/3!o?abeft/$ana/|&amp;balaiab/ atbe'jleuited/caufeo people to geuebefte bntoiatoe/atbe people ftooein tfjeir place. SCnft tbep tea intbebobe of tbelatoeof oa bittinctlp aplanelp/fo g men bn&amp;et none tbe t&amp;mgetbat'toadtea.ana&amp;ebemiab (tobpcb id$atbttratba)a &lt;Cft?adtbep?eftafcrpbe/ anfttbe jUtifcedf caufeatbe people totabe bene/ fapae bnto all tbe people : tbpd oape id boip 'onto tbe &amp;a$ poure ob:b e not pe fo?p tberfo?e/atoepenot.&lt;ffo?allpeopletoepte tobentbepbetftetbetoo?oed oftbe lame. # Cbetfo?e fapaebebnto tbem:*gopoure toape/ana eate tbe fat/ a a?pncbe ftoete/* fence parte bntotbfalfotbat bane notp?e* pateo tbe felu$:fo? tbid oape s bolp onto out



anbtbepeopie toentbp/ ana fetttbem/a ' v mane tbem bo tbe^euetp onebp on tbe rofe of

bidboufc/aintbewcoutted/amtbe courted of tbeboufe of oft/aintbe Gtete bp $ ia* tergate/a in $ arete bp po?te,tf pb?aim. ano al tbe cSgregacio of tbe t were come agapne outoftbecaplpupte/maaebotbed/aftrceit tberimf o? fence tbe tpme of giofua tbe fonne of J9un bnto tbpdbape/baa no t tb e cbpia?e" of ffrael Done Co/* tber mad berp gteate glaft* neae. ano euerp ftape f r5 n)e fp?ft a ap e bnto tbe latt/reb be m tbe bofie of $ latoe of oft. ano feuen ftaped beiae tbep tbe f eaft / ano on tbe epgbtftapetbegeatberpngetogetbet/ac* co?opnge bnto tbe manet.


v: l

' OHflife

C fC&amp;e people repent fb?fabe t&amp;efc ftr aunj etofacs. Cota* recp(cf&amp; t^c Ueny fstea of &lt;Boo ano t&amp;e fjmnes of etje people* C' # tbe f ottrea tmentpe ba^e of tt)id \% monetb cametbecbift?enof3ifraeI toget&amp;et toirb*faftfngea facft m**msm ,_-. Itbed/anft ettb bp5 tbe/ feparateft mftfi&amp;uuii tbe feue oflfraelftS all tbe ftraunge cb?li3?e anft Qofte a ftnotolegeotbeft fanned / anfttbe topefieoneffed of tbeit fatberd / 9 ttoftebptn tbetrplace/ aceftintbebobeoftbeiatoeof^ %oM tbeit oft foute ttmed on oape/anft tbe?6nomiegeft/3too?tbtppeo*Jl-o?ftetbeft! oftfourettmedontbeftaye.anfttbejLeut* ! m Hone on bpe/nameftteiua/ 35ant/Cat&gt;* mel/^&gt;abantab/33unt/^)arebfab/5eant $ CbanamVa ctreftloiioe bnto tbe jLo?cetbei o&amp;.anft tbe Heutttd/ Jefua c aomrel 75 mi ^afabmab S&gt;erebtab $ofttab $&gt;ebantab/ Pbatbabfab/fapoe:flanftebp vm fejLo;fte route oft fo? uet:3 let tifcty begeuebnto uHimi we whuhv h**^ ** v ." e v.v v*,v tbe name of t&amp;p glo?pe/ tob?cb ejceUetb all *Loffle/be not veto?? tt)erfo?e: fo? tbe to?e of lbanl.ergeu.nge fr pjaFCeXoj&am p;e/tbou alone J5

eilojftetdsoureftrengtb. anfttbe}leutted battmaftebeaue/atbebeauenofallbeaufd/ tttneftalpeopie/s fapfte:bolfte?ourepeace toitb alltbeirbooll/tbe ertb aall| tdtt erm/ fO?tbeftawtdboI?/berenotte?ourefelued, tbefeeanoalltbattftbenmtbougeueaiife anftantbepeopletoete tbeirtoaretoeate 9 bntoaH/atbeboo&amp;ofbewentotoerbefeM tetnebe/a to fenoe parte bnto otbee/ato ma* bnto tbe.cbou art ttft %om oft / tbat balt aeBwatem^eb/becaufetbepbaftbnftetttaft cbofenab?S/ab;ougbtltbtmout of^tagMt* tbetoo?ftedtbatttieteDeclateftbntoibem. balftea/*acaroftllbtmab;abaafouttfteft^ t '* i ^ anbontbeneitteftapetoeregeatbereftto* tytWttttafflfWbtmWe *mal*ftaco s ww ' &lt; getberffiecbefefatbeidamongeaiif people uenaunttoftbbtmtogeuebntobPdfeftetbe anft tbep2eftedan6leulted/bnto(ro?ad tbe lanfteof fteCanant'ted $etbtred amoved/ fcttbe/IbetBuloeteacbtbemtbetto?ftedof |&amp;bereKted3|ebutftedaetgettted/anftba8 tbelawe.anfttbepfounfteto?tttenfnf lame maaegoofttbptBO?ft?fO?tbouattrtgbteoud f. *botogtbeiLo?Bebaac5mauniieftb?fll9oled *anftbaftcom'Bftetefttbem?fecpofouref a* &lt; ,o,(iW tbattbecbflft?eof^ftaelftulftelmieninbo tbetdmtfgt'pte/abeawtbwc5pte?nteb? tbedmtbefeaft oftbe feuemb monetb . anft tbeweft fee/anft ftetoebtobendanft toon fterd fo tbep eaufeo ft be ueciateft anft p^oclameu bponl&amp;barao/ aon aBbPdferuaunt ed/ a on tnan tbefcepeped/a at ^etufalem/ fetfnge. alltbepeople of bSdlanfte: fo?tboubnet oett ar,gobpbntotbemoatafetbfl)lpueb?aficbS/ ttbe?toerep?efumptuougaentenasapft m iewteb?aattcbed / flwtb?mmebed/?&amp;aime* tbem/ anbfo mabett tbou* tbe a name ad tt tmnvto* 6?auncbed/ab?auncbed of tbwbetwed/to &lt;dtbttba?e. anftt6eweofeetnWtttboube**$ai ' masebotbejjajjftfetonwen. w ^mftmiwbefWtbe^/fotbat,tbe?tort roojioiD

&gt; t&amp;o?ototbempftbedoftbereefi?}&gt;eoeci:an6 tbetrperfecuterd tb^emefttbouinto ftepe ad a ttone/in nugbtt'e toaterd/a leftfteft tbf on tbe ftape tpme m a clouft? ppler/ a .on tbe npgbte feafon tn appier of Ej?;e/toajetoefbe ipgbte tn n)c toa ve tbat tbe? mente. *$)ou camett oomne ali'o bpo mout *k&gt;U gto6.jrir.ii. natvanft fpafieft bnto tbem from beau5/anft I*** gaueft tbem rigljte tuegmentes/ true laroed gooft commviunDemented ano ftatuted/ anft fteciareftft bnto tbem tbp Ijolp &gt;abotb/ano commaunfteftft tljcm p?ecepted/o?omaaced/ anft latoed/bp^ofed tbp fe;*ga=

uefttbemb?eDfrombeauentobentbep toere boijgr?e/anii*b?ougbtett fo;tb toatcr fo? tbe out of tberocft toben tbep toete tbP?ftrenft pjompfeftft tbem/tbattbep flmlftc go In/ anft taftepoffetfcon of tbe lanfte/ouertobpcb tbou baaoett lyfte top eb?ne bantie fo? to geue tbe. 3But oure fatberd mere pjouoeanft barft* neebsft/to tljat tbep folotoea not tbe com* maunaemented/ anfttefufeo to beate/ a were notmpnftefull oftbe toonaerd tbattbou ftpft= ftett fo? tbenv.but became obttpnate abeaup info mocbetbat tbep tumeftbacbe totbeir bonaageintbetttHlbobeftpence. 55ut tbou mp oa fo?gaueft/ana maft grarfoud/mer* cpfull/pacpent/anft of gteate gooanece/anft fo?fo6etttbem not.*anft tbougb tbepmatie tttoffia, a mouite calfe (ano fapftetfrbPd 'd tbp oft/ tbat b?ougbte tbe out oftbe lanfte of tiCgtpte) anftDpa greate blafpbemped mt eojCo&amp;ett tbou tbem not in tbe toplftemed/acco?ftpnge to tbp gteate mete?. * anfttbe clouopppiet oepatteonot from tbem ontJbe ftapetpmeto leafte tbem tbe toape/netbet tbe pplet of fp?e tn tbe npgbt feafon/to Ojetoe tbem Ipg&amp;te m tbe toape tt)at tbep toente. ano tbou gatiett tbem tbp gooft fp?eteto enfo?me tbem/*a toptbbeiaea nottbp^an* na ftomtbeitmoutb/*anftgauelttbemtoa tertobentbeptoeretbp?ape. f o?tpe peared longe maftett tbou p?oupfpor fo? tbem m b topioernece / fo tbat tbep lacbeft notbpnge : *tbertclotbed toateo not oioe/ anft tt)ert fete fro ellea not . ano tbou gaue a tbem bpnge* bomed ana nacpond/anftpatteftft tbem aco?* bpnge to tbetr po?on&amp;/to tbat tbep poflWrei) *tbe lanfte of &lt;bebon bpngeof l^erebon/anft tbelantieof flDgtfte bpnge of afan. anft tJbett cbplft?en nmltiplpeftft tbou ad tbe ttar^ ted oCbeauen;anob?ougbteatbem mto tbe lanoe toberof tbou baaaett fpoben bnto tbeft fatberd/tbat tbep ulfte go in to tt/anft bae ftfnpoffeffpon. ana m cbiia?en toent fn/anft poflefleft tbe lanfte/*anft tbou fubftufteft befo?e tbftbem* babptetd oftbe ianfte/euen tt)e Cananited/a gaueft tbem m to tbeit banfte/a tbeit binges anft tbe people of tbe lanoe/ tbat tbepmpgbt







oo toitb tbe tobat tbep toolfteJitft tbep toSne e tbeit fttonge cptied/ a a fat a lanae/anft tobe .3&amp;i fat isoe poffeoion ofboufed t iwre full of allmanetjf^ gooaed/toelled ftpggeft out/ topneparaed/op^?" 1 ! Jffif legatftend/anft manp ftutefulltteed: stbepuiptf) ait Boon ate a toetefplleft/abecamefat/anoipueftm^inBCB as toeItbtbo?ototbP greate gooftn&lt;.#euettbe=jW ** ledtbeptoeteaifobeaient;arebtlleftagapna?L a c rw, W6 tbe/ anftcaft tbplatoebebpnaetbeir bacbed/" anafletoetbp p?opbetd(tobcb erbo?teatb5 fo earneQlp/tbatfbep flnuoe couertebntof ) anoapa greate blafpbemied. berfo?ega ueft tbou tbem ouet into tbe banoe of tbeit enempedtbatbeteotbem. . anft in tbe tpme of tbeit trouble tbep crieft bnto tbe/anft tboubaraeft tbem from beau en ana tbozoro tbp greate metcp tbou gaueft tbemTauiourd/tobpcb ftelpeo tbem out of i^. a " f S banfteof tbeit enemped.^uttobetbepcame^^nr toreft/ tbepturneabacb agapne to ftoeuelltapfaftir^c^ befo?e tbe:tberfo?e lefteft tboutbemin tbecaueo * people banacof tbetr enemped/fotbat tbep bafttbe fc5 ty'*'^, ftominion ouet tbem. &gt;ott)ep couetteft/anftJS^ 3 " ' " crpeft bntotbe/ano tbouberaefttbem from 5 ' beauen/anft manp tpmed baft tbou aeliuereft tbem aco?opnge to tbpgreate mercp/ anft te* ftpfpeftft tonto tbem /tbat tbep Omlfte tutne agapne bnto tbp lame. ^otttftbQanopngetbepb;erep?oufte/anb betbeneb not ton to tbpc5maunaem!ted/bue fpnnea in tt)p Iaroed*(tobpeb a ma tbulCi*fto/i'ft*w-fl'

aituetntbem)8 tutnefttbewoutoetfifisai'C/ gSRf it ameteapanecbea/a tooioenotbeate , anfe&amp;SSk manppeated ftpoaefttboufo?beare tbem/ a teftifpeftft bnto tbem tbo?oto tbp rp?ete/eue bptbe otTpce of tbpp?opbeted/anftpettooioe tbep'notbeare . cbcrfo?egauett tbou tbe in to pbanaeoffnactodin tbelanaed.JBut fo? tbp great mercpedfafie tbou baft not bttetlp cafumeft tbem/netbetfo?faben 0: fo? tbou art a gracious anft mercpfull oft. *j5oto our*oft/ftougreafeoft/migb=.B&amp;0im &amp; tie anfttettible/ tbou tbat fiepeftcouenaunt^^ M ._ anftmetcp/tegaraenotalptleafl?ttatiaple ?Danltw,B * tbat batb bappeneo bnto b&amp;/^t cute bpnged/ p?mced/p?efted/p?opbeted/fatberd a all tbp people/ fence tbe tpme of tbe bpnged of %u fur bnto tbid aape.cbou art tpgbteoud in al i tboubaft b?ongbtebponbd-. fo? tboubaft Done rigb f o? tod/ tee ba u e bene bndoft&lt; lp/a ourebtng&lt;;/P?pneed/p?eafted 9tof$G&amp; banc not none after tbp lato/no?regatfteft tbp comauntiemeted/atbP eameft etfbo?taep3d tobermitb tboubaft ej^o?teatbem/anftbaue not fetueft tbe in tbeit bpngftome/ anft tn tbp . greate gooaed tbattbou gaueft tbem/anft in tbe large anft pienteoud lanfte rebpeb tbou gaueft tbem/anft baue not conuetteft from tbeit topc&amp;ea too?cBed . ^ebolfte / tberf o?c aretoeinbonaage tbPdftape-.peeeuenintbe lanoe tbat


tenbetbat tbougauettbntooure faft)etg/to eniope ti)e ftuteg anb goobeg tHerof/be^ome flete ace toe bonbmen.anb gteace 10 tbe in* creafe of it bnto tbe bpgesi/tobotboubaft fct ouetb0 became of oute fpnneg/anb tbei? baue Dominion ouet oure b our eg ana eaten/ ana to e are in great double . anb in all tb # mafie to e a fure coue naunt/anb to jit e tt/anb letout* p^ncejj/ Jleuite* 9P?e&amp;e0fealelt. C ffllic names of 1 5 cm ((at fcaico tlje conenaunt to t wow 00 and (tie people. C^Oe.f.Cfiaptet. a fiSETSH freft Balem toere:ebemfob(tbat ;f 0) $atbttfatba$Coniie of fcacba* itfab 9 ^mum i tomemMte*

_- Jrfab/3etem?/19b8ftuK2mana&amp;/ fl^alcbiab/ $atu0/ &gt;ebawab/ 2allucb/ arim/^ertmotb/fiDbabtab/^anieigen* tbon/J&amp;amcb/^oroiam/abiab/^tamin/ J3aafiab /JBelgat anb&gt;cmetab:tbefe to ere pjefteg.cbe &amp;eufte0 toereiSefua tbe fonne ofa?attab/JBenui amonge n)e ebplbjen of irnabao 9 Cabmiei. a no tbe it bzetb?e":^&gt;e . jantab/obiab/Celita/1Sbalaiab/l&amp;anan/ 3icBa/iaotjob/0afabiab/&amp;atbut/S&gt;ete biabAfeabaniab/^obiab/tfatrf 9 jganinu. C&amp;c beabeg of me people toere:Pbate0/.a* batb^oab /(Elam/5atftua/ffiani/on(/ 3trgab/JSfbat/abonfo&amp;/:i3egoat'/abfo&lt;aret $e?efiiab/ 8fttf / $obiab/ fcafura / 58e?at7 f atfpb/anatbqtb/#ebai/:agpbja0/fl9o foiam/ $efir/ SPefefebel/ Ssftoc/ fauna/ idbalatta^anah^natab/^orea/^ananfab $atab 1 $alobeg/Pbaleba/g&gt;obe6/ jKebaV l?afebnab/S^aartab/3tftiab/^anan/a!nan/ 35 sEallucb/^artmanbSaanab. anb tbe otberpeople,&lt;tbep;e&amp;e0/)Leuire0 Po#crg/f pngerft fittynimm all tbe? tbat bab.feparateb tbefeiue0 from people in tbe lanbe0bnto$latoeof&lt;Bob/toftbtbefctoi'ue0 tonnes 9 baugfitei*/ agmanpag coui&amp;ebn* Dw8anoeft/anDt&amp;efelo?oe0 tbatbabruleof 3ofu.wW.c.f,Ww?elt^tftrttb;etb?eit. g.}&amp;ar.y.(. *anbr&amp;ei?cametoftoeare/9to&amp;waetfte* f elu eg tut ttj an orb to to alb e in cog !a to e/ tot) 1 cb toag geuen b*&gt;Q9 of t s tb e feniaunt of oD/tfmtt&amp;e? tooloe obrerues boaeojbfage bnto all tbe cSraaunbementW/fobgraente* 9 ttatutes of rflejLo^eoute oo:* tbat toe tooloe not geue our baugbtergbntogpeople a . ^ **$* lanbe/netbettotafie tytit Daughter* ** fof oute fotmeg *anb?f $ people of Ianoe tyougbte toareontbefabotb/9aHmanetof i-cui.wb.a. b?tajie0 to felf/ toe tooloe notcafse it of tbe a&gt;M.a. on tbe fabotb anb on tbe&amp;olpbapes * anb f toetoolbe lettbereuentbi? eare&amp;e fte concern Cttfitne all maner of cbarge. 3no toe oecteeo a nature fa po oure ft toes' . fogeuei&gt;fatfptWtbeparteofafKlerotbe . mtmfltaa'on m? boufe of oute ob/namel?



. of tlje people, . eM ,.~, w ,.*!batf#meatofleiime/to tbe&amp;apIieburntorTerpngeoftbefabotbeg/of tbeneto m oneg a featt Daje0/9 to tbe tbmar. toerefancttfreD/anbtotbeffnofferpnges' to reconcile 3Sfraeito?tb an/ 9 to all tbebu= fpneg in tbe boufe of oure &lt;esoo. anb toe can tbeiot amonge tbe p;eScg/ etute0 9 tbe peopie/fo; oflerpige of f toon to be b;ougbt bntotbe boufe of oure &lt;$ob ftf t eate toyeare/after^boufeg of oute fatbew ^ttmigbtbeb;entattpne0appopnteu/bp3 ?auttaaof t jLo?b oure&lt;5ob/a0itttto?itte jity latoe:a ?earip tob?inge ttje fitftKngeg Dfourelanbe/^tbefitaiingw of ourefniteg of an rree0/jeare bp ?eare/bnto ^boufe off 5Lo?ue:a tbe ft'rttHnge0 of oure fonne0/$of oure caten/a0 it is to;ttten fn tbe latoe:a (be ftrtth'nge0 of oure oren anb of oure ft cpr / $ toe ftuioe bnnge all tbt'0 to tbeboufe of oute ebbnto P?e8e0tbatmpntaer in boufe of oure ob: anb t toe ftulbeb^'nge ffp^fts Jftjge0 of ourebotogbe/ anb of oure beueofe t erpnge0/anb trje fru teg of all man^t treeg/ of torne alt anb of opuy bnto tlj e p?e Beg to tbe cbefte0 of tbe boufe of oure d5ob Jnb tbe titbegofoureianbebntotbe]l.euite0/tbat .fi,eurcegmpgbtbauetbetitbegmaH tbecv tjegofouremffnj&amp;racfon. anb tbe p?eit fonne of SCaron an toftb tbe J,euite0 baue alfo of tbetitt)e0 of tbe %&amp; mte0/fotbattbejLeuite0fta!lb^'nge bptte tttbf0 of tberttttbejbnto tbe boufe of oure &lt;5cb to tbe cbeft in tbe treafure boufe.4f 02 tbifotm of giftaelatbe cfjtl&amp;;m of jLeut Qtan btfnge bptbe beueo6erpnge0of tbeco;ne/ topie anb ople bnto tbe cbelle0. anb tbere fl)albetbebefler0 of tfanrtuarp/a p;etteg tbatmpnitter/anb po?terg a ftngerg/tbat toe fo;fabenot tbe boufe of oure ob.

GVDoobtwUrom Jetufalcjn after it teas buvlocif to&amp;o in (e tgvgte of 3uoa. I2btberulrt0of tbepfopiebtoelt* |a t Jerufale. 55u t tbe otticr people caft iotteg tberfo?e/fotbatamSge ten one parte toentto irruralem into tbebolp cpttc to Dtorii/!j npne pattc0 in f citie0. anb tbe people tban&amp;rb all t&amp;t men tbattoeretopnpngetobtoeHat^erufalem. Cbefe are n)e beabe0 of tbe lanbe btoelt in lerutaiem anb in tbe citieg of Juba. anb euetp one btoelt in bi0 poflefff 3/9 infteftcp* tpe0of3fraef/tbep?eBe0/H-euite0/tbel9e* t binimg/ano tbe ebtlb?en of Salomon* fer* uaunte0. anbat ferufaiem btoelt cerfawie of tbe dtvtom of fubaanb of ffietuamm. )ftbecbtlb?enofg'uba:atbaiab b forme of Pabtbefonneof 3atbatr/tbe fomteof amartab/tliefonne of g&gt;apbarwb/^ fotme cf^aE)alaleel/oftbecb!lb;eofPBateg.ana 0aa&amp;aa

#aartab tt)erontte of )5arucb/ tbe fonne of dfbal of e/ tbe fonne of ^afaia/tbe fonne of abaia/tbe fonne of aotarib/tbe fonne of 5a ebar?/tbe fonne of bilonf.ailt&amp;e cbilbje of i^areg tbat 0toeltat3ierufalem/toere foure Canb etgbt anb tb?e fcoie baleaunt men. Gbefe ate tbe cbtlbje of Ken gamin: &lt;bal hi tbe fonne of @efullam/ fonne ot%oeb/ tbe fonne of Pbabafab/tbe foraie of Colatatj tbe fonne of g&amp;afiab/t&amp;e fonne of 3!tbiel/tbe 30 fonne of gfaiab.anbafterbimabat/^eiat npne bunb^etb anb epsb t ano tto en tpe. anb 31oel tbe fonne of 3eeb?tbab t^t ouerfpgbt ofrbem:a -juba tbe fonne of g&gt;enuab ouec tbefeconbe parte of tbe citte. ipmA* s&gt;t tyt p;e(te0 tbere btoelt s geaaiab tbe fonne of gi.oiarib/3!acbin.&amp;araiab $ fonne of i^elbtaii fonne of 30ofolam/ fonne of

3aboe/tbe fonne of Q9eraiotb/tbe fonne of Sbttob; map pnnee in tbe boufe of ob:anb bigb?etb?en tbatpetfoutmeo tbe too?Bein oufe:of tobom tbere toere.bitf.Canb.rtij. nbabaiabtbe fonne of |erobam/ fonne ofl&amp;lalaliel, tbe fonne of ima;i/ fonne of 5acbatp/tbe fonne of Pbafljut tfye fonne of SPelcbiab ano lyg b?etb;en/ cbefe amonge tbe fatbetS'-of tol)S tbere teere ttoo bunb?etb anb ttoo anb f ojtiejnb amafat ^t fotme of afarael t\)c fonne of abafat f fonne of &amp;&amp; lolamotb/tbc fonne of cmer.anobig tytt\);i toerebaliaunt men/of tobom tberetoerean btmtoetb 9 eigbt 9 ttoentpeJnb t&amp;ett ouet* rear toag ^abbiei tbe fonne of agbotfrn. * jf tbe l-cuiteg : &gt;emefab tbe Tonne of iat.t.b, aftib/ fte fnne of arettfiam/tbe fonne of #afabiab tite fonne of ontsanb &gt; abatbat anb^ofababof tbe cbefe of ibt%tu?te$/in tbe outtoatbe buf^neg of tbe boufe of &lt;&amp;sob. %nh ditatbamab tbe fonne of d^feba/ tbe fonne of oaf bt/ tbe fonne of atapb/tobftb toag tbe p^neipantobegsnnetbetbanbcf* geuinge bnto p?atet .ano babbubiab tJ^t fe tonce amonge lj?g b?etb;en/ anb abba tbe fonne of &amp;ammua/tbe fomte of alai/tbe I onne of 3!&amp;utbun.airtbe j^eurteg in tbe bo If citte toeretioiobunwetb anbfoure 9 foure MMsm fco?e.*anb tbe potferg acub anb calmon/ anb tbett b?etb?e tbat bepte tbe pojteg/toere an butfoittii anb ttoo anb feuenepe. ag fo?' retpiwe of atraei/tfte pjefteganDHeufteg/ tbep toete in al tbe citieg of uba/euen?,one fnbfgfnbetitaunce. anb tbe jSetbinimg melt fn^Pbehanb 5iba anb apfia belonged fanto rbe.j5etbi* ouerfear of tbe teotm at iS'etu* faiem/toag mii tQe fonne of 3Baani/ fonne of ^afabiab ./ die fonne of fl^atbam'ab/ tbe a-, fonneof flffiieba. 10 M Hit ttymm of atapb tbere toeteftn* gew aboute tbe buf?ne0 m $ boufe of c^ob:

to; it toag t&amp;e&amp;snge'g cSmaunbemeht con cerninge tbem/tbat tbe fjngcrg ujulbe beale . faitbtun? euerp bajeag accopinge toag; . anb f^atbaiab tbe fonne of SlUefef abel of tbe tbiltotn of oatab tbe fonne of 3uba net

te tbe b^nge m all matterg concernpnge tif e people anb tbeir bpilageg/ tbo;oto oute all tbeit regpon0.anbtbe cbilD;en of |uba tbat toete toitbout in tbe torsnegcf tbeit ianoe/ btoelt fome at fiariatb arbe/anb in tbebpli lageg tberof /anb at tb on/anb in tbe bpila geg tberof:anb at cab;eei/a in tfye bpiiage g tberof: 9at 5'efua/ filBoiaoab/ etbpbalet/ l|a?etfual/jeerfabeanb in tbeitSj?nageg:9 at^ibelaganb^oconab/anbintbeitfefii lageg; ano atmremon/3atab/ letftnutb/ 5onoab/!bollflmanbin tbeit )Ucbi0/anb in tbe feioeg tberoftat Ifeftab/ ano in tbe b?llage0tbetof:anb Dtoeitftont Jgerfabe bnto tbe bailee of J^ennom. becbtlb?e of ffiengamm of aba/btoett afflacbmag/ata/36etberanbintbetrbvi* lageg.anbatanatbotb/$ob/ananiabit)a 5o?/aRamab/etbaim/#abib/5eboim,#a balatb/JLob/flDno 9 in tbe catpcrergban ej. %tib r'erta?ne of tbe Heuiteg tbat baopo?* ctong in Juba/btoelt in % en Janu'n. lEffi^c pjctlw sntiiciiyttetoiiKt) cam toitb *Zo;o6a fecllto 3ettifalcm ace niimUicO; s tlje ttall is ocojeafe. rbe.rn.bapter4 iJ^ereare tbepjetteg anb 5teufte0 ; tbat toente bp tottb 3o?obabei tbe fonne of &gt;alatbi el 9 tottb ?efu a: &gt;atatab/lerem?/iietb?a8/araa&lt; tiab/^eiueb/^attig/&gt;ecbaniab/5Sibum fleen'motb/abo/e!entboi/abiab^iamin/ fl^aaoiab/JBelgab/^emaiab/goiatib/^a* batab/ 3&gt;alu/ amob / l^elfitab 9 'labasab . Cbefe toete tbe beabeg amonge tbe p^efieg anbtbett b?etb?en in tbe tpme of lefua.cbe jleuiteg toete tbefetSefua/ ennui/ Cabs miel/ S&gt;atabiab/ liioa 9 fl^atbania!) ouer tbe office of tbanfiefgcu?nge/tbep anb tlj eit b?etb?en-.a cbufi tab anboinf anb tbet'r b;e tb?eh/ toere aboute tbem in tbe toatcbeg. giefua begat loabim.joaBim begat fia fib .(Eliafib begat |ol aba. gjotaba begat %ts* natban.'Jonatban begat itabua . anb in tbe tpme of goaWm toete fijefe tf)t cbefe fatbetg amonge tbe p;eQeg:bnber ^&gt;ataiab l$a&lt; taiab/fanbefjetemp ^ananiab/ bnbet U b?agQ9ofoiam/bnbetamartab3;eboanan/ bnbf t ^ilico gionatban/ fanoet ^ebanialj giofepb/fanber J^atim (Ebna/bnbet#ataiotB feelcat/tnoet abia^acbatp/ bnber (Bentbo #ofoIS/bnbeeabia 5ecb?i/bnber flgtnia* mm 9 #oabta ^eitai/bnuer elgab S&gt;a* mua/bnbet S&gt;emetab febonatban /bnber

gioiaiib (3atbnai'bnbet gabafab mU/bmet l&gt;eiat$teiat/bnber amo's (Ebet/bnbetfei^ a a mb



WW*toW$MW.tiB&amp;trt) #atbanael. nan 9%$tom/Wtt tbe cbtfe fathers amoge tb JUuited/anbtbepjelted tojpttenbnbet $ tapgne of ariud tbe pert ian.c&amp;e c&amp;pi* tern of juuif? principal! facets toere to?u* ten in tije crronicie^/bnc^ll tge tpmeofjona tban tyefonneot cEliattb, anotljerctDere &lt;$tf? amonge tbe Jleutees / $5 a tabtab/ &gt;e&lt; lebiab ana jcfua tbe tonne of Caomiel/anb tbeir b}tfy:tn oner agapnfl; tbem/togeue P?apft ana tbanfied/acojopnge ad JBauia man of oa.baD o^aepnea it/one toatcb oner agapntt anotijet . fiatbaM'a/ jBalbufitab/ baaia&amp;/^ofolam/c;almon $3)bub toere po?terdintbetoatcbat tb?ebolbedof tbe gates; . cfcefetotre m tbe tpmeof gjofafimi ftetonneoflffaatfje fonne of 3fofebec/anb in tbe tpme of $eljetmab tfte captapne ana of tbepjettefffo&amp;g tbe fcrpbe, r y^jamomtftewopcacponof tbetoallat!Je&lt; ^^ tufelem/toeret^elLeuitesfougftteouJofal tbeir place?/ tt)at tbep mpgfjtebebjougbte to 3ietutalem/to fiepe tbe beafcacton 9 glatN m ere /toitb tbanftefgeuinged/toitb fp nginge toitbCpmbaied/^falteriedanbbatpedJfcnb the cbpia?en of clje fpngets geatEjerea tbem feluejs together fc5 gplapne countreaboute gcntfelem/anb from tlje bpHagedof $ert)o pbatbi/anb from tbe boufe of &lt;ipalgal/ 9 out of tbefeiaed of &gt;ebaanbaiftiiauetb:fo?tbe fpngers ftabbuplbtb tbembpllagedaboute 3 erufalem^nb tbe pitted ana jleuitedpu* rpfpea tbem Ceiued/ anb clenfeo tbe people/

tfUjegrttdanbtbetoall. * %m% tmm W p^rncess of 3ut to go bp bp5 $ toatl/^t appopntea tto gr eate qu eevd cftban&amp;efgeupnge/tobicbtoenteonrrgbte Banbeof tbetoaiitotoaraett)eonggate/j after ttjem toente$ofatab/anb batt'e of tbe ponced of Siftfl/t #faria/&lt;ierb?ad/:99ofoiS guba/jeen gamin/ &gt;emeiab ana Jeremp; ana certapne of tbepjetted cbtfWen toitb tro petted/namelp^adiarptlje fonne of gona* tb&amp;n/tbe fonne of g&gt;emeiab. tfte tonne of flIS&gt;a t&amp;amaf} / tbe fonne of &amp;? tctjaiab 1 tlje fonne of 5ecur/tbe fonne o3fapb/anabP# feeft?en/^emciab/afarael;^elalai/(!5a lalaf 1 Q9 aar/ f5a ft an aei ant&gt; 3&gt;iba anb a* nant/toitb tfjeniuficaninftrumentcd of ?ga lUDtbemanofdBob. ana &lt;fD?8dt&amp;e^bcrptoebefo?e t&amp;em/to* toavae tbe uaellgate/frtbeptoente bpouet agapnatbembpontjjetteppedof tbecptpe of Battto at tbe gopnge bp of tbe toall to tbe boufe of auia/bnto t&amp;e iQatergafe Calltoarae. cbe ot&amp;er queer of fljanfiefgeupnge toft cuer agapntt tbem/anb Rafter ti#/anatbe fcaife patte of.tfte people bpon t&amp;e toafl/to*

toarae t&amp;e tfojnac egate bptoatbe/bntpli tfj e b;oae toall/ ana totlje po#e of Ep|;aim/9 to^e^Dl&amp;gate/anotot^e 4fpftgate/anbto t&amp; e totoet of l^ananeel/ ana to tbe totoet of fl ea^/bntpii rtje ^ijepegate.ana m g p?e fcngateftooet&amp;epftpil/anDfo ftoaetftettoo queers of t&amp;anftefgeupnge of tt)e boufe of 0D/and3 anot&amp;eoaueof ferule Wteptb me/anfttbe p^eaeg/namelp (EliaWm/ fl&amp;aa Ka^/flEtmamm/Stcbaialj/(!EUoenar;3a* cbatp/^anamaft/toitbtropettw/anoa^aa fta^/S&gt;emeia^/&lt;Ieatrat;/?ft/gicbol)anan/ ' fl^ei(*ab/lani ano &gt;et.3inD tlje fpngers fange iottbe/9 leftabiab toad tbe ouetfeer. anbt^e fameoapetoetetbetegreate fa crif pees oflreb/ 9 tbep teiopreb; fo? ob bab geue tbemgreateglaoneOe/fo fljat botb tbe ttpuejs 9 cbplb?en toete iopfuII/9 t^e mwfy offemfalemtoagbeibefarreot Ittbefametpmetoeretberemenappopn tea ouet flje tteafure cfi cues; to&amp;ettn tueit

^eueotfecpnges/ tbe fp^ftipngeganb tbe tp* tbes)ftattbep Iftulbegeatljectbemoutof $ f el&amp;es aboute tbe cpttegi/ to be (tribute tb em bnto tmt vie a e anb 'i eut teg ac o?br n g e to latoe;f 0; 3!uba toad glao of tlir pjeacg/ ano jHeuiteg/tbattbep BoDeanbtoaptebbpon offpee of tbeir dSob/anb tbe offpee of tftepu* tifpeacio jnbtbefpnge?0 anbpo^terg floae aftebecommaunbenientofauibanbof ^ Salomon bid f onne:*fo? in ttje tpm e of a MMtffip lift anb 3fap&amp;/ toere fte c&amp;ef e fpngerd f oun beo/anb tbe fonged of p?apfe ano tban&amp;efge upngebntodPob.g'n tbetpmeof 5o?obabeI anb J9^emiab/bpba3frael jgeuepozaog bnto tfte f ingerd anb po;terd/euetp bape W po;cion/?tbepgauetbpngedba!otoebbnto tbe Heuited/ ? tbe jLeuited jaue tbpnged tocre fanctifpeb/bnto C&amp;e 0&amp;m of 3wou. C5DfiUteconompciB rea&amp;/an&amp; toftcn tljrp tjauc ftrard icbe.yiti.ctbaptev, ^ OtobattpmeadtbeboBeofS^o* fed toadteo in eared of people tb ere teas f ounbe to;ptten tf) eun/ *tbattbe awimomtedanb flpoa*t bites Ojulbe netier come in to tbe congrega* cponof&lt;5ob/becaufetbepmettnottbecbfl* \%m of jftael ioptb bjm anb toatet/*anb jtupfW bp?ebi6aiaam agapnatbcm/tjjatbeQml&amp;e cut re t^em: neuertbeied oure tfob turneb t^t cumin to a Wefi^nge . J9oto toben tbep berbe t^e }Latoe / tbep feparatcb from %u raelt euetp one t^at baa mprte bptn felfe tbetin. a6nbbefo?etbpdbabtbe J&amp;?eftdKafib belpuereb m c&amp;eCof (be boufe of oure cb bntobpd&amp;pnfman cobiab:fo? be baa mabebpmagreat cbeft /anb tbewbaa tbe? afo?et?me lapeb t$e meatoBerpnged/fran^ sencenffr/becwiy anb #e tpt^ed of co^ne/ topneana

VV* i


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lr?neattbople(aco?bfnge totbecomaunae

mentgeumto tbcU-eupted/fpteB(po; tetd)anbbsbeueofferpnged of tbep?efted, Xmttn alt t&amp;pd toad not %atitmMtm: fo? infttoo 9 tbittietb peare of Stttmtftttii fipnge of isabtlon/catne 3 bnto tbe fipnge/ anaaftetatmsnebapedoptapnebg'lpcenee of tbe fip^fgr w come to Jenifa le JBn&amp; % gat Bnotolegc of ii)t euelltbat ciiaffb bpbbnto &lt;Cobrab/?i-i ; v:^-k: be baamaae bim a cue ft in courte of tefyMft of (Poa/ana itgreueb me J5 fo;e/anb'vi ni lo^tb all $ beffcid of fjoufe of cobfag ^^ ^f fte cbeft/^ comaunoeb tbe to elenft qk cl^ft . ana ftitbev b?ougbte 9 agapne m mm&amp;ot tbe boufe of ob/t^e tneatoffc&amp;^p; anb tbe incenfe, ana -7 p^mteb/tyattbe po;cfond of tbe %mm$ tsm tioegeuen tbem/fo? tbe tobfcb cawfe f Ttmft^f fpngerdtoerefieD/euerp one to bid &amp;be So? to too^fte. cben rep;oue&amp; %thtnm$/imb tapbettobp t o?rafie toe tbe ?)ouf e of &lt;E5o&amp;? ut J geat ^eteo tbem to ge* fltee/3 fettgemfli tbeirplace.c&amp;eii b?ougbt all |ubat?)eegtbedof co;ne/topneanbopie bnto tteafiifti Jnb ? maae treafuted ouec tbetteafuav^^n S&gt;elemiabtbep;ett/anb 5aboctbeilTpSe/aibof tbe jLeuptedPba* baiab^te^^eirbanoe ^anan tbefonne of 3acui t&amp;efonneof -3^at&amp;aniab : fo;tbep toere totim f^fuH/anb fteir oflpce toad to biftrpbuee bnto tbeir b?e^?cn.*bpnc6e fiponme ffi my ob herein/ ana toppe not outmpmercp/tbatlbaueffietoe&amp;on$boufe of mp dso&amp;i/anD on tbe offpeetd tbeirof. 3t tbe fame cpme fatoe g;fome tte&amp;pnge topnep;e{i^ontbe&amp;abotbanbb;inginge in cluQerd/ana affrd laben toptb topne, gra* Ved/fpgged/anab;ingingeaUmanet:ofbut tftend bnto iemmietn/bpon tbe &gt;abo$ bape . 3na| sebu&amp;e&amp;ti&gt;e carnefllp tbe fa me bapetbattfj?pfoioetbptapied.2Cberebtoeit men of c??e a?fo tbertn/ ttbpcb bjougbte fp anb all mmtt of toare/anb folbe on t^t $ &gt;abotb bnto t&amp;e cb?lb?en of guaa anb Je* nitaletn, c^n ttpwm % tbe tulttd in fn* ba/ana fapae uuto t be : tobat eueu tljw$i id tftpdtbati'eb0/*b;eafietbeS&gt;abotbbapei 30pb not ouee fattens euentbud/ ana oure &lt;Bob b;ougl all tbid plage bpon bd bpo ftid cptpe^^wo pe maSe tbe to?atb mo?e pee kmtht bpongpfra&amp;l/r!?4batpe b?eaftetlje ^abotb, fta&amp;o, 3nbitft^^^D/tbattoben*tbepo?tewoe *jtt Mtemf^m^ ^abotoCbefo^e f^abotd/9 iSflWhwrt* &amp; tifflt tbegated/ tbargea g

touUthctbep flbuife :ao2? openebtpllaftertbe^a* 6otb:anb Um Btm feruaunted fee % at t\tt S[ated/g tKm^&lt;ulbenoburtbenfrrb?ougbC nontbe^^^uape. cbenremapnebtbe chapmen em ^arcftaunted once 0; ttopce wternrjfJft M^jout 3;erucaietoit&amp;anma&lt;



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It*&gt;- : fe; -

nccof toai:#.c!)tttt|;cuft)3! Qem ro;e/ fa rue tin to ttiertDlfl? tarr l&gt;e ait ntgftt aDcte ttjetDa^3!fpe Do it once agapne/i totii lapc UanDegbpB ^ou.lFrom tijat t jme fo?tft r amc t&amp;epno mo?e cnt^e fbabotb'. ano 3 fa?cc bnto t^e )Lcttttestol)vt&amp;ttete cieanc/ ttiat tljep OjuioeeomcanD ftfpetbegatrg/to^a* lotof t&amp;e^&gt;abo# oil? e.Cbf nfte tpon raec mp oolcScertipnge tftr? arfo/ano fpave mc aco/Dpngetotftpgreatemewi?. , . anb at tbe fame tgnt fate? 5 fetor ?/tf&gt;ae marteb topues of 3PnwD/2mra5'f of 9^oaU ano tbrtt cbpib;m fpa&amp;e fjalfe in tbe fpeficfie w o afoob/anbeouiije mot fpeafte tiit^le*^ toe0 language/ but bptlje tonge mpgljte a man petceaite euerp peopiejn&amp;l rep?oneo ttiem/atiD cutfes tbem/anb (mote cetrapne men of tttcm/anb pluc&amp;te tbem bp/anD tone an ootb of tf) em bp d5ob : ye aali not geue potire oaugbtew bnto tbeir fonneis/netbec all ?e tatie tbett oaug^tetgbnto poure fon M0/o?fo?poure femes, ponot g&gt;alomo tbe Bpnge of giftael fpnne tberinf anDpef amonge manp ^eptUrn toas tbere no bpnge Ipfiebpm/anD betoas beabntobpsoo/

antxiEfobmabebim ftpnge ouerall ^ttael/s pet neuewbeiess outlanopO) toemen catifea , bpm to fpnnefanb (bail toe tben obepe bnto pou/to bo all tbpss great eueli/anbto ttanf* gveffe agapnft oute (Horn marpe Qraungr topuegf anb one of tSf c^ptt^eii of Sefjoteoa t^c fonneof(liattbtftcbpep?eft/Babmabeac8 ttacte toptb &gt;anabalat W ^o?ontte:bu 3tbacebBmiftome.mpffiob/tbn6etfto bpon tbemtbatare quite of t&amp;epjeabobe/ ano baue befplebtbe couenafit of tbep?ettf bone anb of tbe fceuta* &amp;u* clenfeb 3 tap ftom all fo^ a&amp; toere ourlanbilb/anD ap* popnteb tbe eourfeis of tfte p;ettes mVfUai* t0/euerpotietoBi0offpce/ano to ottre tbetoobat tpmejJappopnteb/anb tbe fp?tt frutejs.cftpnfte t^ou bponme(S)mvob) fo?tbebett. CCDe etmeof tftefeconbebofteof tifojati otbertopfe calleo tbebo&amp;e of gegemfog.




C6?i3 a&amp;aftieniMotrf sB' is callefi at (Barer * ma btt) a i- opall featt ' toQrcunto tbe quene Mattel tt&gt;?U not csmt;fo; tejjicl) caufetye wOeuofreft* |#$e tpmeof SfrjaTtte* rus taD^tcd rapgnea ft5 Jnfiia bnto &lt;tfiiopfiia/oiiet an h un Btetfi afeue 9 ttoetpe lanaes' tofiat time act be (ate onbps 'feate towB In tde cafteH of ^utento tfietfiirae peate of fits tapgne/ b* tnaaeafeadbnto all fits p?mces aferuaun* tes/namelp bnto tfie mightte men of petfta a ( eaia/to tfie capttapnes 9 rulers of bps countrees/tfiat fie migfite (betoe tfie noble tt cfies of fits fiingfiome/ana (fie gio?ious too?* ffitp pe offite greatneffe/man? Dapee longe/ euen an1ntna?etfi ana f oute fco?e oapes. ana tofien tfiereaapes toere ejcpp?ea/tfic fepnge maae a featt bnto all tfie people (fiat tominfeatteJlof^uratt/botfibntogteate 9 fmall/f euen oapes longe (n tfie courte of $ garaebi fc Bpngespalaer-tofieretfierefian* gea tofip te/reea 9 paioto eiotfies/fadeneb tt coaraesof ipnnen aftarletmttluerrpnges/ bpon pplers of garble ftone. Cfie beefier toere of gouiae 9 fpfttee maae bpona pauement or gwne/ tofittfi / ?aiotoe 9 blacB garble. ana tfie Demise toas cariea tn bedels of gouiae/a there toas euer cfiad* ge of bedell. ana tfie Binge* toine toas niocfi a e o?ainge to tljepotoer of tfie fipnge.ana no man teas* appopntea tofiatfie Gjuioe a?tnfie: f 0; tfie Binge fiaa cBtnaunoeD all (fie officers cf bisfiouCe/tbat euetp one djuiae bo as it tt

fiea btm.a'no tbe quene w, a&amp;ht maue a featt aiCo fo? tfie toemen tn the palace of afiafue* rus.ano on tfie feuentfiaapetoben tfie &amp;tng tf toasmerpof tfie tope/fie cSmaunaea S$e* ^fiuman/JBartfia/^arbona/JSagatfia/ aba* . gatfia/^atfiar ana Carcas /tfie feuen cfiam* beriapnes (tfiatapaferupce in p?efence of fipnge a&amp;afu erus( to f etcfi tfie quene nuaftfit to(t&amp; tfie crotone regal/that fie mig&amp;t flietoe f people a p ?foe es &amp;er fairnette:fo? (be teas betotpfull.tfut tfie quene attfit tooiae not come at tfie fipngeStoo?aebp Bps efiamber* iapnts. cbentoast&amp;e&amp;?ngeber?to?otb/a bis inaignacf on Binolea in film . 30ntfie feptige fpafie to tfie topfe men tfiat . fiab bnfieedanamgeintfie ojatnatmcejs of lanbe fo? tfieBthgess matter* mud; be bSWflj before all focfi an fiaue finotolege of lato e ano tu&amp;gemffcanbtfie nertt bnto btm toete/ Catfena/&gt;ewat/36bmatfia/&lt;!rfiatft0/ 0Ba reg/fl^atfana a S^amucan/tfie feuen pjm*

Dome/JSfiat latoe Qntlbebe erecutebpo tfie quene tnaftfit/becaufe Oit W not aco?btnge totoo;beoftfie Binge bsfifstcfiabetlapnes... cfien fa?&amp;e fl^amucan before tfie Bpigea^ tfie pj (ncejfctb e quene aiadfif fiatfi not oneig bone euell agasnd$ Binge but alfo agajntt all tfie pjinceg a an tfie people in all glanaeg of Bgngeafiafueme f 01 tfiiis oeoe of fcquene Ojall come ab?oDe bnto all toemm/fo gtfies an'befppfe tfieie fiutbantieis before tfieit e^es/anb all fa? e: tfie Binge Ifiafuer us co maundtQ cuaftfit tfie quene to come before film /but die tooloe not.ano f (ban tfie p?tn cedes in Petfta a &lt;3@eoiafa;e UBetoife bnto ail $ Binges pnnces/tofien tfie? fieate of (fits bebe oftfiequene/tfius (ban there atgfeoer^ pptefulnes ano to?atU vnougfi. %l itpleafe tfie fipge/lettfiere go a commaun&amp;ement ftomfit'm/anDlet it be batten aco?D?nge to tfie latoe of tfie^etfians a fl^ebians (a not to be tvaigreffeo) $ oadbi come no mo;e be f o?e Bfitge afiafuems/a let &amp;?nge geue Bingbome bnto anotfiec $ is better tfien (be. anbtfiattfiisto?ptingeof Binge tofitcft ffialbemabe/bepublsffbebtfio;otD out all fiiS rnipp?e ( tofii cfi ts greate (tfiat all to? ues ma? e fioioe tfietr fiuf bSbes in fionoute/botb amongegwateanDfmal. Cbts pleafeo tfie Bjngeanb tfie pggmu ana tfie fifnge bpoaco?Dfngcco tfie too;De of flEamucan . fien toere tfiete letters fent f o;tfi in to all tfie Btnges lanbes/in to euerg lanaeaco?aingetotfieto?Etpngetfietof/anB

to euetp people after tfieie language/ tfiac euerpma (fiuiaebeio^e tnfiisatonefioufe. ana tfi?s caufeafie be fpoBen after tbe Ian* guage of fips people, caf tet 0}tmtnc put amit.'uttm gooblp poung &amp;a mofcUcB ate fearclje Ooutc. ffiOiffa otjcttopte callrti &amp;abtt/fUa(tty thehgna'aiiD iamaDc'quew.a^ar* B0CI5CU6 optnEt!5nto.ttie6png tyofet&amp;attooltrcl** ttajct)pm, cfie.ti.cbapter, jfter tftefe actes tofien tfie bifplea--S Aire of BingafiafueruS tvas m to fie tfiougfite bpS naadfii/ tofiat (be fiaaaone/anatofiat teascficiuDea toncetnmge fiet.cfien (a?oe Jfie Binges fet* uauntes-.jHet t^ere be fap?e lounge birgins Cougfitefo?tfie6?nge/anDlettfie Bingeap* pomte ouerfears in all tfie lanats of Bis em Pl?e/ tfiat tfie?ma?e b;inge togetfier all fa??e lounge b|?g?ns bnto tfie cadell of Smfan totfie toemens builbtnge/bnaet tfit fiance of ^agei tfie Binges cfi amber lajne/ tfiat fiepetfi tfie IDtmen/anD let fiimgeur tfiem tbeir apparell JnbloBet&amp;btcfibantfeli PieafetfitBmge/ietbwbe quene hi waCfiis, lieaae.

fteabe.cbW pieafeb t&amp;e Binge/anatte spa f 2n tfie caaeli of fbutom tfiere teas a ge* toe/ toficfe name toasfi^ataocfieus/ffonne of^air/tfteconneof^emei/tfonneofcts f tonne of geminfytobicb teas car tea atoape mtfi$*. Rontierufa!e;ii/*tofian3iefio!ifafi v Binge of auoa teas lea atoa?e/ (tofiom ji5abucfio= bono?o;tfiefigngeofabir5cai?eaatoa|e) anafie no?tojea f aaarafiltfiat is cafier)fiis bncles aaugfitee s fo? (be fiaa netber fatfier no? motfier/ ana e teas a fa??e ana beutfr 75 full aamfeli . ?m tofien fier fatfier ana m o# tfier biea/ &gt;4$ttm$m receauea fier as fi?S atone aaugfitr**. j9oto tofien tfie ipges comaunaemef ana comidlon toaspubi?diea/a man? aamfeis

toere b;ougfite togetfier bnto tfie caften of ^ufanbnaergOanaeof^agei/dEafiet toas tafie alfo bnto B?nges fi oure bnoer f fianae of ^ageig aepetof t$e toemf/atfieaamfeil pleafeb fiim/ 0e founae grace in fits ftgfite ana fie cattfea 6er ointment to be geuen fier/ ana fier g?fces/a gaue ficr.bij.nof able getil toetnen of tfie Binges fioufe/aara?ea botfi fier afiergentilltoeme ber? r?cfiel?e in tfie fioufeoftfietoemen.25ut(Ofler (bctoeanot bee people no? fieefi?nrea:fo? ^araocfieus fiaa cfiargea fier/ g (be djuiae not tm it. ina S^arbocfieus toal&amp;ea euer?aape before tfie courte of tfie toemens bu?foinge/ ^e mtgfit Bnotoefioto cSfieroia/ ana tofiat (buiae be come of Bet. ana tofientfie appo?ntea tpmeof euer? bamfell came tim (be djuiae come to f Binge afiafuerus/ after tfiat (be fiaa bene ttoelue monetfies in tbe aecB?nge of tfie toemen ( f 0; tfieiraecB?nge mud fiaue fomocbt?me/na= ntelifiye monetfies to?tfi JBalme a QSftmi a flice monetljes % good fp?ces/fo toere tfie toerae beutif?ca)tfien toente tfiere one bafeil &amp;ntoR?nge/$tofiatfoeuernjerequ|?ea/ mud be geuen fier to go to?tfi fier out of tfie toemfs bu|laftige bnto fiing?; palacc.ana tofien one cant e in tfie euenjnge/ fame toet ^r Cr5 fiim on tfie mo.ioto info f cconae fioufe of toemen/bnafr^ebanaeof&gt;afag3Stfiingi; cfiSberlaine/toljicfi ftepte tfie cDcubin^. ana ffiemuft comebntoffiingenomo^e/ercepte . itpieafea tbr ftgnge/ ana t&amp;at be caufea fier tobecalleab?name. $oto toficss tfie time came of if Bfier tfie baugfiter of Mu&amp;ailfllgaraocfieus bncle(tofi5 fie fiaa receauea &amp;Sfi|S atone aaugfiter) (bat ffie (bulbe come to tbe Binge/ (be oef??ea no ftfngebuttofiae^agei tfie Binges cfiamber lame tfie fiepeio^tfie toemen fa?ae. anaedfitit- fownae fauourefntfietigfite cf all tfiem tftg^ofieabpon fier. ana dfier toas tafien bm Sgnge Sifiafuerug in to tfie ,boufe roiall/ in t\)t tentfi monetb tofiicb it

ealiea ,cebet&amp; /in tbe feuentfi ?eare of &amp;?s raigne.. ana tfie fimge Iouea BBdfier aboue an tbe toemen/ ana (be faunae grace anamerc? in fits figfite before an tfie birgpns: ano fie ret:

tfie queues croune bpon fiir beaa/ ana maae 9 fier queue in Beaac of Jttadfii.ana tfie fttnge maae a great featt bnto an figs ponces and feruauntes ( tofiicfi fead toas becaufe of &lt;ftfier)ana let tfie lanaesbein quietnes/ anagaueroiaiigEftes. ana tofiantfiebtrginS toere geatfierea to [etfiertfiefeconoetime/Q^araocfieusCatin i Binges gate.ana as ?et fiaa nottSdfier flje= toea fier fiinrea ana b er peopie/acoaainge as flaocfieus fiaa b?oatn cdfier a?a after tfie too?ae of SRaraocfieus/lifie as'tofie fie toas fier tutoure. at tfie fame time tofiile ffl&amp;araocfieus fat in tfie ft?nges gate/ttoo oe tbe Binges cfiamber(a?nes JBagatfian ana Cfiates tofiicfi Bepte tfie ao?e/toete tojot&amp;v a f otigfit to la?e tfieir fianaes on Binge m&amp; fuerus-.toberof 50oraocfieuSgat Bnotolea* ge/anatoiae itbntoquene{ttfter/a(EBber certpf?eatfie fi?ngetfierof in fll^araocfieus name, ana tofien inquifpeion toas maae/ it toas founae fo . ana tfiei toere botfi &amp;ang*a on tw ana it toas to?itten in tfie Crontdes befo2etfieB?nge, daman t$ca?8ce&amp;onfatt;aftet ftettia0a[fea/oD&gt; tapnd) of tfie bpng e&amp;at al( tfie jetoce ftuiot bt put to teetty becaufe apacOoc^iw bub not Bone bym tool* qipp/asotQeetial). CCfie.iii.cTfiapter. 5rtertfiefeactesa?atfiefi?ngep^ mo.te^amangfonneof Smaaatfia tbeaigagite/anafetfiimfine/ afee ifiiS feateaboueal tbe princes tfiat toere toitfi fitm.ana all tfie fi?nges feruaffK tfiat toere in tfie gate/botoea tfi eir finees/ana b?a reuerece bnto l^aman:fo; t\)t fi?nge fiaa fo commaunaea . ?5ut fl^ataocbeus botoea nowfie fince/ana too?(fiippea bim not.cben tfie B?nges feruauntes tofi?cfi toere in tbe Binges gate/ fa?ae bnto fl^araocfieus-.tofi? trafgreded.tfiou tfie Bmges comaumemhi ana xot^n tbe? fpaBc tfiis aa|l?e bnto finny 33 9fiefolotoeatfienot/tfie?toiae^aman/tbst tfie?m?gfifefetofietfier #araocbcus mat* ters tooiae enaure:fo? fie fiaa toiae tfif/tfiaf fie toasagfetoe.anatofieiBatnanratoe/tbat 3^araotfieusbotoeanottfiefineebntofi?m/ no? too? Cbippea fipm/ fie toas full of inaig* nation 9 tfiougfit it to iiftell to laie fianaes onelp on flaraocfieus:fo?tfif|fiaa(ftetoea film nac(5 of SKaraocfieuS/but be (ought to aedrepe antfie fetoes tfie nacton of#a(

aocfieus/ tfiat toere in tbe tofiole empi?e' of afiafueru*. i aa.ii/ antfie

1 1 J

%\)t oofee


p tbe fp?&amp; monetb (t&amp;fft fg tbe monetb j&amp;fan) m tbe rtoeluctf) *eaw of fipnge aba* luerug tbep caltptywt is alott) befo?ela tnaVontobatbape 9 tobatmonetb tbis Ojul&amp; beoone-.s ietoeut oute t&amp;c rtoeluetb monetb tbattgtbe monetb aaat . anb teaman fapae C bnto fiingeabafuews-.cbere is a peopief ca terea ab?oaean&amp;btfperfeaamo'ge allpeopie to all tbe lana^ of tbpne empire/a tbeit latoe ijs cottar? bnto al people/fttbep do notaftet tbe ftpngeg latoeg/netber is it ty bin&amp; P?o* fettofuffceibe^ftertbismanet.gifttpleafe tbefipnge/let bim to?pte/ t&amp;at t&amp;ep mape be beftropeo/ ft fo totll 3 mepe aotone ten tbou* Canoe talenteg of fpluer/bnaettbe banaes of tbe too?6men/to be b?ougl)t into tbe Binges c&amp;ambet.ftbentofietbe fipngebigringe fro bps banae a gaueftbnto amantbe tonne of amaaatba tbe igagite tbe^etoeg enemf e .-.ana tbe fipnge fapae bnto ^arnan: 3fl,et tbe * fpluet be geuen tbe/ano tbat pe ople aif o/to bo toftb all tobatpleafetb tbe. Cben toete u)e binges fcrpbeg caHeb on t&amp;e tbfttent&amp;bape of tbefp?ft monetb/ ana tbetetoa0to?ieten(aco?apngeag$amanco maunoebibnto tbe ftpngeg p?pnceganato i tbe captiueg euerp tobere in tbe lana w anb to tbe rulatg of euer p people in &amp; countrepes oneuetp fpae/aco?apngctotbe m?ptpnge of euerpnacpon/ ana after tbeit language in tbe name of fipnge abatuerug/ anb fealeb toftb tbe fipnges rpngcanb tbe to?pttmges

toerefent bp potteg in to all tbe fipngeg lan* beg/ to tote out/toftpll/ana to aettropeau |etoeg/botbponge anb oiae/ cbpia?en ana toemen in one aape (namelp bpontbetbp?* tentbaape of tbe ttoeluetb monetb/ tobpeb w tbe raonetb aaat)anb to fpople tbeft gooaeg. bPStoastbe fummeof tbetozptinge/g tbete uiae bcacBmaunaement gcuen in alHanbeg/tobepubliflaea bntoau people/ t&amp;attEjcp Omiae be reaapagapntt tbe tame bapc. anatbepofteg toentein all tbe bafle aeo?apnge to tbe binges commaunaement. anb in tbe eaCeil of Ibutan toag tbe com* maunbementaeupfea. anbtbe fipnge anb fcaman fate ana a?ancfie . uttbe cptpe of ibufantoagaifquieteb. Cfigatooc&amp;eus geurt&amp; ttjequmctmotofc&amp;aeoftljc HCbe.tiif.Cbaptet. % ESSBHI9cn @sraocbeus petceaueb all Itbattoag aone/betctebigclotbeg &amp; anb put on facfi clotb/ana af fljes/ .....isana toente out in to tbe mt?&amp;Dsof tbe cttte/anb ctif a iouae anb fametaW?/anD came before tbe binges gate* o; tbete mi gbt no manenttetoitbin tbefitngciSgate/tbat bab facb clotb on Jna in all fanaes *nb pla* ceg!/as!fai;rea3tbefii?ng^too?beanb com*

maunaement etfenaeb/tbere toas pcate la mentacron amongetbe a 3etee0 ana man?*5p3(tw( fafteb/toepte/moumeo/anb tef e in facb to S" W mi* tbes ana in aCOjes . $&gt;o ^ftbetP aamfeis i^XZ anb b cbamberiatneiS / came ana toi&amp;e tttomu of $ bet.cQen teas tbe queue eyceaatr.gip aBon^ tmautt, tTveb. ainbftefent wfntfut/t6at#atf)o^Jggat'i cbeustftuiacput tbem on/ana fm&amp;ktitggEfc tlotbe frombpn . 36ut a^atbocbeug toolDe u ^atflu.t. not tafietbem.cben callea dtftbetf Mwtymttmm one of tbe fipges tbambeflatwg (tobttbJ*3ft* ft oac before bet) anb gaue biw a commatm. jHfH* acment bnto ^atbocbeus / tbat be nifBbtfr 4, J% finoaetobatit toere/ana tobctfo?e be wtbtipt&amp;tofi fo.&gt;o l^atbatb toete fo?tb to fl^atbotbeus *w of &amp; bntotbefttettof tbe qnte/tobtOf toasbe* 08 * fo^etbebpngesgate.

Sna #atbocbeus toiaebim of all $ bab bappenebbnto btm/anb of tbe;fumme of ft b tier tbat $ama ^aa p;omtfea to toepe bcune in tbe fepngi'S c&amp;Sbet becaufe of tbe % etoea fo?toaeatoretbem(anabegaucbimtbeco* ppe of tb e comaunaement/tbat teas aeupfeij at ftufan toaeflto?etbem/ tbatbe m^gbte Qjetsett bntceflbEt/anotofpeaftetobet? cbatge bet/tbat aje ftuiae go in to tbe binge anamabebetP^asetanflfuppUcaciontinto btmfo?betpeopie. anbtcbe i^atbatb came in/a toiae cubes tbe mo;aes of apavbocbeusf / tfQbet ipabe bnto ^atbatb/anb conraunaeb tw bnto fflBataocbeujJ:a tbe fitnges femaun*,* teg/anatbepeopleintbeianaisoftbebsng*' finome 1 tbat toboftc net cometbtoitbintbe coutte bnto tb bjngc/tobetbej: be man o? moman^bicb i&amp;notcauea/u)ec6maunae* ment is tbat tbe fame (bail &amp;ve immr bjatlp/ eicceptctbe fivnge botae outttje gouiae fcip* tet bnto bpn, tbat be may e fyue. 3s fo? me/ 31 baue not bene calie&amp;to come in to binge notfl)i tbirtie aa?ejj. ana toben fl^ataocbeusi toais cettifiea of (jabetgtooza^arbocbeugibaDrapeagag ne bnto (Qbet':tbinbe notto (aue tbine am* nelife/tobvletbouattin bingegboufebe* fo?eall temeftfo^f tbouboiaefttbvpeacera attbi* tfme/tben all 3;etef? baue beipe ana beftuerannte outof anotbetplace/anb tbou ana tbP fatbetg boufe ttalbe aefttoyr a. wi anb tobo bnopjetb to&amp;etbet tbouatt corned to f 6yngaome/f o? tbis tsmes rabef flbet bab/geue^ataocbeus tfjiis anfteer^o tbou tbptoa^etben/a geatbettcgetb^alltbe^e toegf atefounaeat S&gt;ufan/ana fall fe fo? me/|peeatenot?a?inbenot in tb?eaape?/ netbet aare no? nigbf e.f anb my bHfeW torn faft l&amp;mwe/9 fo topligi goin totbefijnge cSttatp to tbe comaunbem?ft|f 3! pttt&amp;m petime.&gt;o i9atbocbeus tocntebfetoa^e/ ft b?b all tbat &lt;Qber bab comaiin&amp;ebbtm. Cflb

ffitgfl \)tt cntcetfj in &lt;o tbe 6?ng ana Dp&amp;&amp;rt&amp; fifm anb

Hainan to a fcafr.fciunS p:cpat etl) a gatlouft fo; S$av 0OtI)CU3. CSCb^b.Cbaptei:, jUa on tbe tbttae aaj e put ifftbet! on bet topaliapparef i/$ ttoae in coutte of tbe bwsi Palace toitbin lonet agapnft tbe binges boufe . anotbeni?ngefatebponb?gtopaUfeatem tbebpngeg palace ouet agapntttbegateof tbe boufe. ana Mien tbe fiKnge fame cEUbet tbe quene ftanapnge in coutte/ fljefounae grace in $$ Iv&amp;bte. ana tbe ftpnge beiae out tbe goioen fcepter in bg$ banae tomarae ~ ce ttber,&gt;o cEftber fteptc f o?tb;ft f ouc&amp;eb tbe ^toppe of tbe fcepter. cbenfapaetbe fitnge bnto ber:ybat toilt tbou queue ceabetf ana tobat requp?eil tbouf af ft e etien tb* balfe of emp}&gt;?e/is it all be geue tbe.Cftber fapae |f it pfeafe ftinge/let Binge 9 ipaman co me tbfe aape bnto banftet g 3 baue p?epa tea.cbe ftvnge Capae;caufe l|anianto mafte bafte/tbat bemapeboascjftber batb fafbe. iUoto toben %\ye fipnge a ^aman came to baiftetf (0ftberbaap?epatea/ fepngfapae bnto c-flberattbebancbet of to?nef ftfter/ tobat is tbv veticyoi ana it Ibalbe geuen tbe. ana tobat requp?eft tboufgjf itbeeuentbe balfe of tbe empp?e/it (balbe cone. cben anftoerea Cttber ana fapoe : mp p e&lt; f t'cton a aefp?c ts/pf 51 baue f ounae grace in fttftg&amp;t oftbebgnge/stf f Pieafe f binge to geue me mp ptticion/ana to fulfpilmpre quett/tben icttbeftpngc a i^aman come to tbe bancfic* g 3 (ballp?epare f 0? tbf /ana fo tofll-gf ao to mo?oto as tbe Binge batb fapae, Cbentoent Ban inn fo?u)tbe fame aape iopfuii ana mevp in bi^ mpnae.ana toben be fatoe iJ^araocbeuS in tbe fipnges gate/g be ftoae notbp anbbneiea befo?ebpm/betoas full of inaignacionat i^ataocbeuS.^euer* tbeles be refrapnea b&lt;m felfe-.ana tobe be ca* me bome/be fent/anb callea fo?bt'S ftenaes/ ana 5arcs Ops topfc/a toiae tbe of tbe glo?p of biS ricbeS/ tl)e multituae of big cbiia?en all to getbet Ijoto fiingc baa p?omoteb bnu fo gr eatlp/ana boto tbat be toas tabe aboue tbe p?pnces ana remaiftes of tt)e ftpnge.^a* rm m&amp; fapae mo?eouer-. f ce acHbee tbe quene letno man ccmc toftb tbe binge bnto banc Set t fl)ebaop?eparea/ej:cepteme/atomos toto am 5! biaaen bnto ber alfo toitb ftinge. ut in all tbps am ginotfatiffpeaas longe as 3! fe fl0aibocDeug tbe gietoe fpttiuge at f fipngeggate. "ben fapae 5ares bpgtopfe s all bps ftenaes &amp;nto bpm : %&lt;t tbem mafte a

galotoeS of fpKpe cubitcS bie/ana tomo?oto fpeaBetboubstfofbeftinge/i SSaraocbeug mapebebanaea tbeton/pf tboucomettme* telp toitb tb e ftpngc bnto tbe baucftct.^ama"

toag toell content toptb an/ana caufea a ga* lotoegtobep?cpareb, CCfje 6p&gt;'3 twmeO) orxti tf)c jCfconjjcIcB? 'ffnotfa' t 1;e f pOclpne of i^a cOo cii t nr&gt;: -J t hen to tie (Bfuf^B of ^aina/cSmafloctl) la&amp;ai'ooc&amp;cue to Ue IjaO in Ijonoute. a I3E feme nigbt coutte not ftmge 0epe/anD be comaimaeo to b?inge tbe Cronpcleganaao?prS:tobpcb itoben tbep toere tea btfo?eg binge tbepbappenea on place tobete it toas to?if ten /boto i^ataotbeug baa toiae /tbat tbe ftpnges ttoo cbSberlapneg (tobpeb fieptetbe tb?eflboiap fougbt:to lape banaeg on ftpuge abafuetus,anatbefipngefapae:tobattoo?* ippe a gooa baue toe aone to^araoebcus tbetfo?ef cbenfapae tbe fipnges feruautes tbat miniCtea bnto btm, flrbere is notbpnge aone fo?bpm. ana tbe fipnge fapae: i$bo s in tbe couttef (fo? I^aman toas gone in to coutte toftbout bef o?e tt)e fipng^ bouf e/tbat be mpgbt fpeafte bnto tbe fipnge to bange fll^ataocbeuS on tre/tbatbebaop?epaieo f 0? bim-)ana ^ fiinges fc'tuautes mpoe bnto bim:beboiae/^aman ftanaen) intbe coutte. cbe fipnge fapae-.let bim come in, ana \sben i^aman came in/tbe fipnge fapae bnto bpm: tobat allbe&amp;one bnto tbe man/ tobomtbe fipnge tooiae fapne b?inge bnto toozftpppe? " J5ut aman tbougbt in bps bert: tbom Qjuiaetbe fipnge els be glaatob?pnge bnto too?G)pppe,butmef ano^aman fapaebn* . to tbe fipnge: jlettbe man bnto tobomtbe fipnge tooiae be glaa to ao too?lftpppe / be b?ougbte bPfber/ tbat be mape be arapca c toptb tbe topali gamtentes tobpeb )e fipnge bfetb to toeate: ana tbe bo?fe tbat tbe fipnge rpaetb bpo/ana tbat tbe ctotoneropallmape befetbponbvs beeo. anaiettbisrapment anabo?febeaeliuereabnaertbebanaeofone of tbe fipnges p?pnces/ tbat be mape arape tbeman toftballttobo tbe fit'nge tooiae fapne bououre)ana catp bpm bpo tbe bo?fe tbo?oto

tbe ftrete of tbe citie/ft caufe it to be p?ocla* mea befo?e binv.tbus ftal ft beaone to euetv mS/tobom ri)e binge tooiae fapne bonoure. CbcftFigefapae:iafiebaOe/anatafie ag tbou baft fapae/tbe rapment anatbebo?fe:ft bo euen fo toitb fl^araocbeug tbe Jetoe tbat fpttetb befo?e f fipnges gate/a let notbinge fapieofalltbattboubaafpoften.bentofie $aman tbe rapment ana tbe bo?fe/a arapeb bim/ana b?ougbt bpm on bo?f bacfie tbo?oto tbe ttreate of tfte otic/ana p?oclamea bef o?e bpm: &lt;uen tbug all it be aonebnto euerp man tobom tbe fiinge is aifpofea to bonoure. 0. ana flParaocbeus came agapne to fipnges gate/but Iranian ga t bim ftome tn ail$ ba&amp;e mourninge toitb bate beaae/ana toiae *&gt;arcs big topfe 9 alibis frenaes/euerptbpne^etftat aa,iii;. baasap*

I *

Ijaa&amp;appeneb&amp;fatc&amp;en fetftegfc toife men 9 oaresbig topfebntobim^f itbe figaroo* cbeuSofftcCeDeoffteSetoeg/befojetobom thou balibegonne to fail/ ftou cans Do no* ftpngebntobrm/but ftalt fall before bpnt me t^e Spngeg cbamberlapneg/ ana eaufea Saman to mafte b a ae to come fanto fte bSc* feet ftat e ftb e r tjaD p j epar ea . C ra e 3 ueTU b lWlc ^ ft* bl ' n 3 ana ^ 3ru5 agapnOaatt V;apet) fot t)cc fetfe and i)e c people 9tj c accuCctl) c:cpaccOfo;a]arDoctifUS* * m .^ i#d iD&amp;en fte fcpnge art) Iam5 ca* mctobanc6etftatqitene&lt;je3ber tjaDp;cpatea, fipnge fapoebnto

tflfteronfte fccon&amp;e aape attlje banc&amp;et of toptie:to&amp;at is ftp peefcto quene (Eftber/tbat it mape be geuen fte? 3na tobat . requp?eft ft ou^fee/affie euen balfe of em* pp?e/s ft all be aone.&lt; {ftetfte quene an* Ctoerea attD fapae: %f 3 jjaue f ounae grace in ft? fpgbte( fipnge) s pf it pieate fte fipnge ften graunteme mpipfe at mpDefp^es mp people (oi mppeticiog f a6e:fo; toe are foia* 3 my people bofte to be d e arciefcf o be flame 53 9 1 o p e a e, 3 no toolDe&lt;soQ toe toere foiae to Kfeommat*. b e 6 onbmen anB bonatoemen/ ft en tooiae 3 aitetymrtt ft*bo!aemptoge/* foftmtoe nottbeenempebe tolmmmWM fpafceana fopae bnto quene lifter: nu toljatig Qeftae? g&gt;?tobereisbeftat Cane pjefume in b'fgmpmjeto Do foftaftingeaf* ter ftat maner? &lt;lfter fapaetfte enempe ana rf atraerfarp ig fttg toiefcea Hainan. 3gfo;$am/betoage*Teaaingl?afafcb before fte fringe 9 ft e quene^nD fte fipnge arofe from fte bScfietana from fte topne in bps bifpleafure ana toente into fte palace garaen.aina $aman Soae bp/anb betougbte quene &lt;(fter (oi bps lpfe:fo? befetoe ftat ft ere toag a mifftefepzepariD fo? bpm of fte&amp;pngeallreaap. Una toben fte fipnge came agapne out of fte palace garaen into ft e parler tobere fte? ,J)aa eaten/ i^amanbaa lapea bpm bponfte ^beaftat(fiberfatbponb*nfapoe&amp;inge * Dj/fnm?p?ctosil^e fo?ee fte quene alfo befl?ae*me in fence* boaters Cone as ftat tooj&amp;e toete out of fte talS^W* 1 moutb/ftep*couerea Ramans face. Snteo5anDarbonaboneoffteftambeflapnc0 tte of buta. Soae before ftefi jnge/fepae.iseboiae/ftere

ftanaeft a galotoegin^amangboufe fpftfe cubptegfjpe/tobpftbebaa maae fo? 0at* bocbeusf/t^at fpa&amp;e gooa fo? fte Bpnge.cbe fepnge fapbeftange b?m fteron , &gt;o ftep Hansen l^aman on fte galoto eg ftat be baa maiiefo?ar&amp;ocbeu3,bmtoa?fteBpig5 to?aftpacseb.


CSftectijEtieetBofeamanfeipavaocJfUScyaitof tftcn a t^ tpunfo?taiu letters fent bnto fjctoef . Cci)eAHj.Cbapte4 i^efameoait fifOfipge aj&amp;afae*3 jtuggeuefteboufeoffamanfte 'eto*enempe/bnto quene caber, inb 5arbocbeusf came before k v nge: f 2 &lt;(fter toibe b to ftat b e belogr b bntober^ anbftefi^ngeputof \w$ fwm rsnge/ tobf ebbe bab ta&amp;e from aman/ana gaue t'tbnto ^arbocbeusf. ainb (EOberfet ggtarbofteusfouerfteboufeof l^amJnb &lt;eifterfpa6e vst mo?e before fte fipnge/ana fell botone at bpss fete/9 befougbt bBm/ftat be tool&amp;epuf atoa?etijetoi?c6eimefSof m~ man fte 2 gagrte/anb W beuice ftat be bab pmagineb agapntt fte Jetoe^.ana fte fipng belbe out fte gouffien fcepter bnto (EQber. cben tofe cfibet/? eobe befo?e fte ftjnge/ 59 anafa^)e:?f!tpleaCefte8pnge/*?fgbaue f ounae grace in bte ttgt / K * b * coueniee fo? fte fepnge/ %&amp; it be accepted in W ( igbt ften let it be to#tten/ftat fte letterg of fte beupce of i^amanftefonneof ^amabafta fte atgagt'te/mase be calieb agatne: tobfcfl letters be to;ote/to aeftrope ft e Vetoes in all fte fipnge^lanoes.jf 02 bote ew% Ce ? euell ftat ftallbappen bntomy peopled ftftoto ca 31 lofte bpon fte be flruccton of mp fiynrea^ Cben f3^aefte ftgnge abafuerug bnto quene &lt;{fter/anb to 3|araofteug fte gte toe:ffieboJDe/g! baue geuen oBttber fte boufr ff of $aman/anbbmi bauefte? bangebbpon a trey becaufe be lapen banDe bpon fte $&amp; toe0j^tepenotoftcrfo?efo?ftegetoeg/ a? it ipfteft pou in fte fiynge? name/* leale it toic^ tbe ftpnges rmge (f 0? fte to;?tingeg ftat toe te to 2 Ft ten in fte fipige name/ ana fealeb topft tbe &amp;pnge? rpnge/bur ft no man

apfanulle.) b^n toerefte Spngep ferjbeff calieb at fte fame tfme in fte ftttoe moneft t ftat igftemoneft S&gt;iuan/onfteft?eana ttoentpeftba^e. a no it to m to2ftten{8i8 ^araofteug co* maunueb (bnto fte 3!etoe0 ana to ftep?pn* ceg/tofteeb?tte0ana captapnesm fte lanaeg from ^naia bntjn Cftiopta/ nantelg anbunb?eaanb feuen anattoentje lanbeg/ bnto euerp oneaco?a?nge to fte to?Etpnge fterof /bnto euerp people after fteir fpecbe/ anbto fte letoegaccozbtfige to ftrttto?^ tingeanaianguage, J0 SCnait teas toztttentnfte fipngeSDbafue* msname/anafealeatoiftftefiingegringe. anDbrpoftepftatroeebpon ftojftejongc SPAiW/imt Oet&amp;e to^^ngeg/toberin tbe Ssngegrattntebtbe getoes(fn tobaccos 1 euet ft ep toere) to geafter ft em Wat* to geftev/anatoftanbe fo? ftml^fe/ ann fc? torote

,. iwbe to rote oute/to flaj?e / ana to aearope all fte fo;E&amp;fit ipff potoecof ftepeople sianaeftattooibc trou* ft a S^JSJ ftem/toift ebpia^en ana toemen, / ana to ffil ulv Wbpie fteir gooaapo one aape in all iSaeg m*tfy fliaeof 6pnge3i)afueru3nameipaponfte ft^ 5 ^fa?c/ eoiw* tenft aage of fte ttoelueft moneft/tobic^ ig ^^ r 'j: l P'ftemoneftaiaar. . Sa befnnmieof ftetojptpngetoag/ boto ^cnifipcr.fteretoagecornaunaemetgeiteirialllanDi; frpepotof tobepubitubeabntoan people/ tbatfte ^FcsfiHfeA gjetoegfturDebereaapagapnftftaeaape to auenge ftem felues on fteir enempeg , aina ftepoaesftas roae bponfte fl^ulejs/maae

bafte tot ft silfpeae/acco^apngto fepnges too;ae;anasbe commaunnement toaeaeur= Rainftecaui: .-.fgjufan, 3K fo? #aiofteuiS/be toent oute fro fte ftpttgewro?aHnpparellofpeIoto ^to&amp;pte/ ana tob agreate crotone of gouae/bemge aravf b toitli a garment of ipnne ana purple/ ana fte cptie oeS&gt;ufanreiojCea 9 toasgiaa: but bnto ft e^e&amp;es fteretoa? come Ipgbt * 8taaneflfr/ana&amp;i?e *too?Q)pppe , Snamall ianaegana ejtfeg/ into tobat places foeuer tbeBpnge^fejo?b^ anacommaunaemetreai cbea/ftere^a^?opeanbmj;ft/p?cfpertte 9 gooaaapeg nmonge fte Vetoes ; infomocb ftatmanp 0? tf jepeople to ftelanae became of ftef etoe^beiefe/fo? f feareof f %ftot&amp; came bpon ftem, catftccomsun&amp;eincntof^cferngc^ejctowput. ft n'c abucr fayi w to DKtlj.Cfte Cornice of Haman are fiaugcd,ffiSc3c\ii?5Bcpcafeitaoajcmmcmlj;auu ce of tfjeir ticlpu c^atiwr. ^'aijeiy.Cbapfet, &amp; fte ttoelueft moneft/ ftatig ftefitoneft3bar/ bpon fteftw^ tenft aa?e/tebicb tbe fiingj too?ae Pats ^Bmaunaement baaappopn* feb/ftat it fijuiae be aone/euen bp ft e rame bape ftat fte etiem^eg flmiaebaue bettropea tbe f etoeg to fjaue oppjefiea ftem/ it turned contrary to'^V/ euenftatftegetoegftuiae fulftueften^empeg* cben geatljereafte Setoes to geeijer in fteir ct?tieg toftbfn all &amp; Ianaegof ftgngt^aktcutg y;to lape banoe on f ocb as toofoe bo tbem euell/ ana no man couiae topftffanb ftem : fo? fte feare of ftem teas csmeouer all people, anaalifte rulers in ft t lanaes/anb ponces ana TtbU ties/ ana offi ceos of ft e fepnge pjomotea tbe Vetoes: fo?fte feare of Sparuofteus came bpon ftem.f 02 99araofteuS toas greate in fte fijnges fjottfe/ * fte repozte of bpm teas nopfeainainss^/boto bemcreafea 9 gretoe. G$u$ ft e Vetoes fmote all fteir enemt es 38toiftafore3augbfer;anaCetoe9aearopea/

anaapa after fteir totfl bntofocfi as toere fteft Wttierffitiess^na at fte caftell of^u*


(an fletoe tin f*to i&amp; ana aefiro^eb f pue bun b;eftmen:3fietoePbarran&amp;afta^elpbS/ aitpbafta/ pbo?afta/ aaaiia/ aittoafta/ Pbarmattba/3rifai/airtaai/Ct!ai?afta/fte tenfonnes of amanfte fonne of &lt;&amp;amaa&amp; fta enempe of ftejetoes:birt on W gooa^ ft f v lapea no banaes. %% t$t rame tpm e toag tbefipnge certpfpeaof fte nomb:e of ftofc ftat toere flapneatlcaftell of ^ufan.ana^ tbe fipnge fapaebnto quene CGbervabe'S e* toesbaueflapne 9 beBrc^tb fpue yunaieft menat f cattell of &amp;ufan/*fte tenfonnes * of i^aman; lbatfl)all ftepaoin fte cftec lanacSoftbefipngefBBbatts ftvpeticpen/ ftatitmapebegeuenfte:^iYDbatrequ??eft ftoumoje to be&amp;one^ftljerfapa-JJftt pleas feftefipnge/letbimfuSfefte3;etoestomo=: toto alfo to 00 acco^png bnto ftig aapes to* mauntiemet/ ftatftepmave bange llamas tenfonnes bpon fte tre . ana fte ispng ftar* gea to ao to/5 fte comaunaemet toas aettf * feaat^ufau/ shamans ten formes toere bangea.ana m jetees geaftma fte feiueg togefter at feufan/ bpofte fourtenft aape of fte moneft abar/ana fletoe tint bun&amp;zcft men at Smfan / but on fteir goebeg fteg lapeanobanaeg, M fo? fte ofter vetoes in^Hpngeg l8eg/ ftepcametogefter/?*aoDe fo? fteir ipueg/ 9 gat reft from fteir enempes tana fletoe of *%$&amp; m fteir enempegfpue $fcuetpeftoufanb/boto ftcnert cijap^ beittbe? lapea nobanoeg on Wg^SS" 1 ** Cbigtoasaone onftefttrtenft aapecf m^ * moneft aaar/ onfte fourtenft nm of fte^ famemoneftretteDftep/tobpeb aapeftep o?aepnea to be a Dape of feaftpng 9 glatineCe 3But tbe Vetoes at puffin toe-t;e come togc* fterboft onfte SnttM#Uigt on four* . tetift/s on fte frftenft aape tbep refteb/anb fte fameaape t&amp;xgmttyet fobea baje of feaflpige 9 glabneg.cberfo^ftegetoes btoelt in fte BWageg an&amp;bntoalleb totoneg/ o?aepne&amp;fte fourtenft aape of fte moneft atiar/tobea&amp;apeoftteftpmianDgSaaneg/ ana one fent gpftes bnto anofter.

aina ^atbocbeug tojof e ft efe actes/ana f entfte to^rting^ bnto all fte 3'etoeg $ toere in alftelanaeg of fipnge Sbafuerug/ boft npe 9 farre/tbat ftep ftulbepearrp receaue 9 bolbe fte fourtenft $ fpKenft aapc of fte moneft 3aar/ag fte aapeg toberin fetoes cam to reft'frg ft eir enemies/^ as a raonetft toljerm ft err papne toag turned to iope/ ana fteir fo?otoe info p^ofperrtetftat fte? Qwibe obferue fte lame as Dapes of toealft 9 glaa* neg/ana one to fenbe gpfteg bnto anofteiv 9 toaittributebntoftepoo?e, 3na tbe Vetoes receauea it tb*\t ftep baa begonneto Bo/ ana ftat ftear&amp;ofteug to?otebntoftem:bctoftat^aman Come aa.b, *ffi&amp;

up&amp;Dtobeftropealltbe3!etoe0 / acaufeo to call $gut($at&amp; iu&gt;t)fo?toputtbem in feare/a to typnge tbem w naugb tasna fjoto ^eftettoenteanoipasetorbefipnge/ flat tbo?oto letters 9ft topcbeo wupce( tp 98 Binagirtf a agapnatbe3|etoes3)m!gbe be tut* neb bpon bis* atone beeoe/ anbbotobeabpss fonnegtocrebangeD on tbe tte.tfo.3 &amp; tolncij caufe tbep calleD tbtg oape &amp;urim after tbe aa# ttirt name of *p&gt;&amp;ur/acco?Dpng to all tfte teo?oe?s of tbiS tojptpng: anb tobattbeptbent ftlueg bab fene/ano tobat ba3 bappeneo bnto taem. ana tbe iJetoesfet it bp/anbtoae if bpon t&amp;eman&amp;tbeftfe&amp;e/abp5aliCocba$iopiie&amp; tbemfeluessbnto tbem'/ tbattbep toofte nor mpffetoobferuetbefe.ttooDapesspearip/acs co^pnge ass tbep toere tojptten ana appopn* teo/boto tbat tbefe oapcs are not to be ftygot ten/but to be septe of cbpieerg c&amp;pio;e* am9 ge all bpnreoess in all lanoe* a cpspeg. WV ate tbe oapeiJ ot$8urint/tt&amp;tcB are not to be ouerflipte among* tbe 3ttw/ 9 tbe memo* rpall of t&amp;emougbte not to pergftbe from tbeirfeoe. 3inoquene$e&amp;et tfie Daughter f mu bail a #arboc9eu0 tbe letoe tozote toptb allaucto?tte/to confirme fan feconoe to??* ting of p&amp;ttrim /ano fent tbe letters bnto all tbe ijetoeg in tbebitntyetft afeul a ttoentpz

lanbt* of tbe emp&amp;e of 3fjafuetu0 /toptb ftenMp anb faprtmilltootfeiS/ to confitme tbefe oapeg of Pburim / in tyeit tpme ap* P3f iiteo / accoftpnge as Q9arDoct)cuiti)e |etoe ana l^eaer tbe qirene bab o?oepneD co&lt; cetnpngetbenv,ip6ea#tbP bpotbeir foule ano bpon tbeit feoe bab i onfirmcd tbe actes* oftbe*faftpnge;&gt;anooeftircopiapnte.3!no elf er comaunaeo to ftabliffi tbefe actegs of #&amp; Pbutimanc to to?we tbem in abofie. CElit 3 [o :fc ana tioMew* &lt;&lt; .'( : s fuc t it s: anb 0u t ft a rptc of %ac08c6EU9. ff&lt;rbe.j:.Cbaptfr. 3d tbe fipnge 3bafuernss lapeb tri jbute bpon tbe lame/ and bpon tbe faw of tbefee.aSjSfojall # toojfie fof W po toer anb aitcto^te/ 9tyt irreatctawffiippeof iaidocbeu0 / tobt&gt;cb tbe fipnge gaue bim;beboH&gt;e/it is to^ptte in tbe Cronpcleg of tbebpngeg of Areata ana ?3erfia.# o; aearoocbeug m % etoe teas tbe recipe netfe bnto upnge aibafuerujs / ano greate amoge tbe fetor g/a accepteo amoge the multctuoe of bis* b?etb?en / as one tbat fefierb toeltb of Bfepeople/ anDfpeafietbtbebeQfo^ ailbftfe^. ttCbeenDeofrbtbofieof Ober,



v ;

Clje btjkt of 5ob, G-job to p UgeZ&gt; of &gt;5o&amp; b( f tje loCTt or yie gooOcs anb



PEI 1/ li ****-?

|ipf*J^^WfiJi[i L- 1 * ' j ?S^^f ~ fc^ 1 jf-^^^^^^^"^J^jP^^t ** ^ ^iS^^l

ityt laoe of i^us tljere at mag a man caiteo iiob: an m= nocent ^beituou^nian/icc^ one as fcaica Odd erctjuca eucllcO^mSUaD.Wj.fomiy^psfu^ Caunce toa0.bii.S.fljepwif,S^.camels i). C-fOUffi berg greateftoutl)o!t&gt;f:fot^at^toa0 cne cft^c moft p? in c jp aU m en am en 5 e ail tljem offtc eaft countte Jnbfti? Connes toent/ tjmaDe bancfiettess'.onecarein onc^otife / anocgrt Da n tn anotftrr/ 9 fent fo? t ^eiuy. r? fins to eate 9 tyincBe toicu tfiem. 5&amp;0 toften t^eg

^aDpaffea ouet t?me of tljeir banefietf ?ng toimue aboute/f sob tent fo? tftem / a cienfeo t^maga?ne;anbgatbpear!p/offereDfo? euei?oneab?entoffe?rns.ifo?Jcbftcugl)S t^ug: petatiuentnre mj fonncgf ftauc none f ome offence/anb ^aue bene bnt&amp;anbftdl to ^ obfntbcft|&gt;me0.XnBt6u0Dp65rol&gt;cuw^ wafftr bape . $otobpo atvme/toljen d *reruautfS uantrsof^o ofo^ b cam a QoDebefo;et6e7Lo?Dey^atjErc/tjn&amp;ftfl^ 5cynotonel^angclIf0^p\nti06co:Ocrctb tficcourfc j ttatfttaefite teo;iObutatCot^egobt^f c^ofni/to^ofH^e CDntiituall^ carc^aaiJ p?ouT?6tiftfoj**a* li*iCaiu*0o&amp;ebefo;ct!ielo;&amp;c.C6?cft not tfjaf ico&amp; fomc(?fiK " apcarct!) (0 ttje angetlefi/nn&amp; fomcEpmcno^fo; fljcfiooO nungcilcdo alfajflyfefctljcfaceofSo&amp;.'JDEt^rtfommenetli^ooBctUff^^tie aungcl(c0o; Vditlj tftcOeufUwuij botclvfpcacl&gt;c but ttie l)oipgt'S in tljc ftttpturcB fpcofectlj manv tinges unt ton a&lt; c a*W w ow fealvtisc^anBtoCetljamansroffpeaHpngc famplpar tons^awjlto tpnge apptarpng rprabpngenqtutpnganOaafhjeci'nBr Wj ffli ComingcKeB/tDftic^lljtngemftoneiyttfet^fofbvnfJt Hiatvxfytt' ftp map? t&amp;c f afctpat pcrcr mc fiis ntennpnge. (C^lit cowamttf * aungcilc0 flew 19 no notice tbpng (banco gcncarfcuntcs of ije office iniopnc b tbcmjto^'cl) tip? gcue,' fenotopB f 9^*^ Sob fcytj ttptt to^ac tcuft t&amp;cp Opb tt: ano to gene tliaucbrs/ano tesqtit f 0? cbcic w tatD4(^"epcamr(faytfta)?iflcn)bohoHcpng'inag.fp!ng' , p;affing gpupngc tl)ancbffl.5Df feacljan atfo to;ptet^ ^c 6a*cfl2 toit^ gopng to;o? cSmpngc in/but ty cam in ctjotigftf/toauccll'i m topebeb ecfpjc to atcufe tte tpgbtVorSe bcfo;c ($ob,?;s tljougl)?^ fierce ace tabf as a cSmpng.&amp;tyr br uplt tljenie counccb to ijauccome incotbBfpg^tof^ob^ottbatcljcmoattipcbcb.aiiiinbta^iiiiK tpg^toft^egoob^obybutbccaufcbisctutil^mo-ifeTt^^w tef camjnto tfte Cpgbtof d5ob anb iliii? ciicu note a aap alto com/ mctU tJrbettpiltDrtJtfiemmrocjcfwfttof icob 'in cftat&amp;e aufct^fpnbct^ttc&gt;bP)rt5/pEFftratctri*tcoumc^tl;EScti!j. . tban cam

ftancamaiftjaini)ngctem.3rtijfijeiLo?i3e CafDe bttto ^tUljan: sffromto^ence comett h Si sue g o:u aboxu tJj e lanQe a no teaic&amp;ea ttjo;o'a)tt,

i?cn faj$c S)e "Jlo^e bnto ^a^an^ad ftou not c5n?3eJ)iftj feruaunt'Job/ftoto ^t!3aninnoc:vneanbbeuougmS:focl)orte asfeam^ &lt;55oD/anoejctuetl)eueH/an2) t^at tljeretgnDine r^ftebim tntfteianbe^ S&gt;at^a anftoerea;ana tajte bnto tbe JLo?K : J^otbe 31obfeate&lt;iBoQo;nougbt^aQ^ounotp?e fmte&amp;b&lt;ni/t)^t)oufe/ anDail fns fubflaim* re on euer^ f^e i baft fi)ou not bieftb tbe iuo?c6e0 of ^^anaetf f fg not bts pofet tym ettctea&amp;b in tbelanaef ffiutlape tljpne banbebpon Ijnii a l^tle/ touclje once ail tbat pMe/anb(l boiDe)beaiicucfetbeeo tbP faceJno tin TLojU fapb bnto $&gt;atban: loan t^at ije !&gt;atb/bem $1? potDer: onip bpon bpm tsli fetftat tbou lapenot tb^ne banbe cb^a^nt^atljan fo?tb from tbe &gt;U?ae. &lt;j ^otobpSsc^tajnebapeteDe^stfomteg ano baugbfers toere'rat^ngc/anb b;mc6ing topne fit fyefc etoett b^otijerp Qourr /tbete came a meacnger bnto fob/9 tavtt: lb?ic tbe oyentoerea plotopnge/^tbe^iie^ going tn t^t paftttre befpbe tbem:fteg5abee&amp;cam in bio Jentft&gt;/finb tofie t&amp;e ail atoape : pe t^ ep baue flapne tb? fwuafitos inftb tbe toeav&amp;e/ anbi onlvrasHacm^toaK/toteUtlje, 3nb tob^le be teas pet fpeafi pnge/ tfteve came anotb* "t'/saa fapbctanje fwe of &lt;^oa is faifen from immm 1 ftbatb conrumea/ana b?entbp ail $2 Sbepe anb reruauntes:anb 3! m!;vat!ttem?taapc/tote!! tlje.^n meane - feafon tobi'h' &amp;e toag pet fpcaiipnge / xx^m camattotber/at!&amp;te;be: cb* CQl&amp;ctf ma&amp;e tb?e antifts! /? fefl in bpon tbpfantelg/tobicb ;-" tb^P bane mka atoape / pee anb ilapne tijp leruaanre^ 839 tbe t'a\mm:zm .1 onip am Bott?ato^&gt;w:^feHtIje;t&amp;bpicftetoa0fpea 5ipnge/tbt''; ctm^tosmtjiw tsgm&amp;fi

39fonneiatr^^:^bteritU)Cs;ceatpn3 Kb?pc= ."; .fipngeto^via jjcKribe(l&amp;;ot6et.8boufe/9 CWienir ft?B gene a mrglme gte ite topn&amp;e out of th?&amp;mfy/9tmmtfcM* co?nerg of tbe.boitfV'M'f $ fen bpon tbp clplb;en/to tbat tbep m ai ; anb am gotten attape . alone/to &amp;' : !'i^ Cben t v - :- befap/ anb rente bpg elot\K$ -^ .--.. aucbbfe E ?-*/Wl boime bpo 9;e gioflar / *^^Srtoozfl)ipu*'vi:3&amp;rbe^afieDcanieg?outof tonfo. ao itmpmotlK v.- ^ &gt; mbe/ snafteb ftaii^tnme ^MaGebtbetbptber fij:jB cbe ILo?be gaue/ anb tiie {W** it ^o;be b?t# sg&amp; en atoape * note blefitb be $ ri igrcbr nflme * m * 3UaU#tfB ftefc tb?ngcs &amp;ps **rt*i 01CT7 i}ig lob not t^&amp;fc/*nermutmureb fblpfblp a*

c?6b is plagcb^fe Cdarc bplcg;j aftttfeatbett moc'fej ofOistop&amp;.^fppnOe0bifptelnm.'jl)anE(ompairio sn i) pau Cc^e,ij,C^Pfet.


Cbappeneb aifobpSatpnie/Kjat a*oa Imqi ^a tobentbe fmiamucg of obcambne Mctim m % 9 ftobe bcto?e tbe ito.!&amp;e,&lt;&gt;atf}an *^ n &amp; Dc ' 4 ^fe^ came amSgetbem/sfto&amp;e before Kg n K^a bim^InbLbeilo^efapbe bnto ^atbam^a&amp;ut^n^crf if torn tobence commeft tbou^atbanan=aicbno^ajuib toereb anb fapbe : % Daue gone abaute fyt *&amp;*H im A

lanoe/anb toaicfiebflwoto it t . i&amp; l SES Cben fapbe tbe )Lo?aebnto^6tban:baft i f ^ tantnouc tbou not confpaereb mpferuaunt^cb/ ^cto af&amp;at&amp;ato^ tbat be fe an innocent" anb bertuoiig ma foci) al ^?J?SS . onea5fearetb&lt;Sob/anbee^ euell/ i2sS^M tbat tbere is none ipfie bftti in. tbe ianbf 2et? ^b bctcc t &amp;no/ tbou mouebeft me agapnft bpm / to puttgfh ten/to ttjm bi'm:pet is tt in bapneyf o? Ije contpnttetb (till Ira f i ^ c ** l1,! inbiS gobipncffe^atbS anttaieKcb 5Lo^e/ 5S2: mi&gt; anbfapbe: &gt;fipnnefo?Iftpnnef peeaman * toillgeueali euerbcbacb/fo?ftfeiitfc,25u6 lape tbpe banoe bpon bfm/toucbe feim once bpS tbe bone anbflcib/anb (|botte) be Gjall cutfe ^t to tbP face , cben fapbe tlje 'Hojbe bnto^atbamio/tberebaatbou^mintljp potoetybut fpare bts ipfe. S&gt;o toent &gt;atban fo?ti) from t\)i jUtffte/ anbfmote^ob toitb marttrtougfo;e bpies/ from ^e toft of (be fote bnto bPS crotone : fo tbatfte fat bpon tbegrounbe in tlje alHjes/ anb fcrapeb of tbe fpltb of bpS fc&gt;S io^tl) a potlberbe, tfjim tapffbiS topfebiitoQAiK ofie lljott C contpnue in tbp pefectties cuvfc ca/ anb bpejBttWob fapbe bnto ber.c&amp;cu I'pcaTieil Ipse a foIpfl3tooman. ^epnge tec banc re* ceauea p?ofperite at tije b^nfcc of ob, teljer f o;e ftuKe toe not be content teitb abueif p te alfof 311 all tbefe tbpnges/ bpanotg-ob Cpnnetoit&amp;bisrpppe^, iSototobengiobsfttnaesb^eof all (t^ Rouble / tbat bappenea bnto bpm / t^ere t&amp;mtfyit oftbem/euerpone ftombPS atone place: namelp / mvW m Cbamanite/ aiaaat&amp;e&gt;u^te/ana5op!)att{)ej?aa^ maibite. tfo?tbeptoereagreea togetberto come/ to (S etoe t&amp;efr compaffpon bpon bim/ anb to temfojtebpm. ^&gt; toljen tl)rp Ipf te ftp tljeft epe $ a fane of/tbepfenctoe bim not.

cben tbep crpea/ana toepte s tben ruerg oneof tbcm rente b?S ciotbeg/anbfpjpnrB* lea butt bpon tbeir bcabes in tbe awes rbej fat tfjem aoune bp bim alio bpo tbe grottfft e t?j.aapps ana,bii nigbtes.lSetber teas rbere enp of tbem t&amp;at fpafee one toojae bnto &amp; pm/ fo? tbep fatoe t^at Ijps papne teas berp



p;efcutlpfci0mffetaWc**.^att8cOcljoft^ttf85 oftfjep.:efuinprum of b&amp; atone ng btttoefaee* T (j C cannot ob

uws 10 wpouft anD fojeariabte Tbe.iij.Cbapter* a* dCtttfeifil (&gt;ii^l^ te * "Penea 3?ob Bpismoutb/ napcTif&amp;Eia |H ana/*cutreabisaape/anarapae: man ^aupnge H?l|fty Joftbc tbat aape / tt|(tin ,31 teas m asMnu Q&amp; fame aape be turnea to aarcfineffe/ ana gron.' haujngenotregaraeacf oafromaboue/netbet be mom ^"UjpneabpStoitbJpgbMMtbe coueceatoftb ftffiS i wfil fc /: *&gt; e ftaaotoe of aeatb . tett SwSfB cut e apmme clouoe fall bp on ft / ana let ft be t^agc/ ijoioctb iapPeDmtoitbfo;otoeXettbeaarc&amp;ao;me faatije m onercometbatnpgbt/ lettftnotbe recaenea t$^8&amp; m1 te mc to ^efppfeabe tbat nppjt/ bjiiimvmarrt aaffcomenaeo : let 8 * tbe tbat curfe tbeaape/ tanoo noting cue tbofe t be rea&amp;p torapfebpmournmge S?."r?5S seucrt alf0 *** curffe &amp; rtt #e G a * be WffBt.?!" me ' otote w"offt. let ft lone

"onfow of far fwmtm let it fenone/netber tbe rtfpng pijem^nse ana op of tbe fap;e mo?npng: becaufe it (but not curofeaaeflntft bp tbe toombe tbat bate me / net bpa rbefe "Syng aftc? aiaS/tobP W3 not ttl tf)e bp;tf&gt; f }&amp;p toe roanet of bpo nctl peep/ ns Cone as 1 came outeof m esmtnpeo* mpmotbers toombe f lfcBpfettbevmebpon EutSS cte ? ne i* "$* P ue *? me fucfi toptb

fiu'tfe. cri3fe UH * ,oe u &gt;* m wm * *Ppau places : as tbe h scav X5r 9mc * $ &amp;aegreatefubftaunce of gouia/ is/c^iaetft ^anotbeftbouresfuHofCpiuet.^ttjat jp ts ttcucsrag/gototetlp baa no bepnge / o?toere as a tbpnge ffi^f 6 w ^n*ttPut8ftDe)etfto;f Krotm* *. n se UJH?en/ to&amp;ftb neuer fetoe t&amp;e ttgbt fttva nc aaaCbeiemutttbe topc&amp;eocealfc from t&amp;efttp* ir.ic(a&gt;5tt.ccs,rannp/K)mfocbasareouerlaboitrea be at jncip Bw)in an Kft-.tijerc are tbefe lett out fte / tobpeb baue BBSS*** worn / fo tost t&amp;ep beare nomore new a espra if * *opce of i&amp;e opp.jeffaure: cbere ate wan tr pcutmg fmalf ano greate:tbe b ojioc man/ano be tbat bfs ftnai;y *mo i j5 ft-e fjom big maftet. &amp;mm&amp; ^fl*?e ( tbe ipgbt geuett to Bftn tbat no4p^t"' smmim '^ ai,5l l' fct)nio */* &amp;aue *dss 3 mm GeupijewcsJ f asbpeb fonge fo; oeatb I pf ft &gt;i)?t) toptD eomenot:?featcbfo;ttmcate^enfo2trea ollSS Cto^icij alto toofoe be eyceoing grao /a re SS topjepftbep.founaetbeftgraue.cbat uia . betopetotmatitob3fetoapefebpa*/tobfcb ft* eric? tiiat od bepetb bacbe frombim.jfo;'mpfp8be3

Ik* 'tpft / ntft comebpottme:anbtbe tbpnge tbat f tos tL ^L ?.!! a^tapea of /igbappeneb bnto me^a@a03 not to ... v-Wrft-inof/

CCbe.roj.cbapter. - 55 i^eii anftoereb (lipbag tbebe*^ c c srw p manpte ano fepb bnto bmu f t toe T"***. begrbneto comen toitb n)e perao*

___^uentutetboutopltbeopicontent/ -" buttoboian tottbboiQe iumtilt from fpea fipnge^SebolDe/tbo'ubaa beneateacber cf maiip/anDbaacomfo;teotbeteeerp^anDe0. CbP too?oess baue fetbp tbofetbat toete fai ren/tbotibaarefteffteo tbe totabe fineeg, Biftnoto tbattbe plage tp come bpon tbe tbou ffi;encfiett atoape-.noto tbat ftban) tou ._ cbeo tbP felf /tbou arte fapnt bartea . &lt;$9 not tbi0tbpfeate/tbp tttDfaanciii/tbp paciece/ ana tbe perfecmece of tbp&amp;iipe^^confpa^e (Ipjapetbe)toboeuetperpf^ea bepnge an tnnocetf&gt;;/tobe toete tbe goaip bettrepeo? E'S I baue fenetbem tbat plotoe banptie* fotoematietereapetbe fame.ittb ujeblaft of@oaapatbepptrpa/anbtoitbtbeb?etbof bi0angetcoftt : iieDtbepatoape,be**toa*a?pftcni, rpnge of tbe Won' tbe bopce of tbe Iponcffe/ tm&gt; muf ana tbe teetb of tbe Ipongs tobelpeg ate b;obe '* ^m* Cbe Ipon perirQjjtb At lacfie of p pe a tbe EM"* Ipons tobelpesare^terea ab?ooe. ^t, 3inabntometoa0too?aebpaae/ampne u^njts eatebatbeteceaueaaiptelitbet'of.gin pbS'^tawwaia* tafpessana tbougbtesi of tbe bprpong of tftcSf? 1 ** 1 " npgbt, toben arpe ccmen) onmemfeare caraffi^* bpo me anaa^oe 9 maae mp boneg to ffiafec wr .u .jjj $ ana toben tbe topna paffia bp before mp p;e= fpmiipmtc ? fenceftmaae tbe beams of mp fleffbe Qano'^'fl f ,' bp.^e ftooe tbere m% bneto npt W face/ 233S5 anpmagetbertoasbefb^emeanbtbettoaSr^cciitogric Kplnes/fotbatgibearatbPS bopce.^^ballo? nqMrbj manbemoareiufttban5oaf;fl)aH raan w, * r te ' be purer tban tbijs mafi erf^BCBo&amp;c tbet fe no trutt to W feruafitesf/a fn bis aungelles ^ h9 w5I ,, batb be founae frotoaranes . ^oto mocbe^Xf moare m tbem tbat atoel! in boufes of clape; &amp;i m ^ tobofe founcacion is but ertb : tobicb albe tipictaii?* eonfumea bptbe ^otb.Cbep ffialbeCmpttc pJ * fr5 tbemowpngebnto tbe euenpng-.pee mfR 3 V&amp; an perpm euetlattpnglp/ a no man tbincu tvm**m tbero. It not tbci'r D *atgntU'e tabea^ape % vummm. ^em/ftep all ape ana not in tepfaome. c '"" f ('^ f tut ma wte aoaterfgortBcOe ana pure tgan fcoDimttfifefe ftrpoSilile^ilie contrary raf ctocobnto na bp miclatpon. ce6oloe(beirfenottuaie. 0f laboatetbt'n coufirmpiSti^f toiitcfi fteftaO befo:rp:opounBra. &lt;Cbe Oimmtof fnc tcr.fanis 3cii# gcll ace not put ec to an ob/ccgo not men. D*JDignifpe/fpgn!fpet(i fiete tefiatfoenct tfiepbaue tobctin&gt;? crllofberABbetber (tbe tpefieOe oj tjonimre/potoef jonnsngtlfc rfo; none of tbefe tbali rebearae t b c m ftom tsteti. 'Cbe.b.Cbapter,

pmeme one els/pf tbou cSft fpna'e cnp:pee lobe aboute tbe/bpon enp of tbe bolpmen, M fo? 0e folpft Jmni oifpleafure bpiietb bim ana anger flapeij ijtrtgno?aunt,gi baue fene mp fcif/tobentijeiosttoasaepetotea/rbatbps letotp mas tmnlv aefltopea 1 tbatbi? cbpi^ a?en toere toitbout p;ofperite 0? beat: tbat tbep toereGapeintbeao?e /ana no man to oelpuer t^emd&amp;at W barueft teas eaten bp oftbebungif&amp;tbattbe toeapeneaman baa fpopleaft/emijattbe tburate bab a?oncfie bpbistpcb^.'jeisnottbe eartb i b^ngetb fo^trauapls/netbet comen) Co?oto out off grounae-.basc : ( It is mS/tbat is borne bnto mp* fetp/ipfieas te ap^ie fo? to fie. &amp; 56ut noto %m % fp eafte of tf)t Ito;&amp;e/an&amp; talbe of tiBtfi^pcbaotbtbpnges / tbat ate bnfearcb e&amp;ble/anb marueles toi'tb out nom* b?e:!btcbgsuetbrapnebpo tbe earn) / ana pouretb to'aeee tspon all tbpnges . tobicb f et? tetbptbem tifEotoeaegte/anafenaetb P?ofs petite/to tbofe Kbatatein beupneile ; ibfc&amp; beftropetbtbe aeupces of tbe fotpii / fotbat tbep are not able to perfo?me g tbinges tbat tbep tafte in banoe -.tobpeb compafetb tbe topft in tbeir atone craftpneffe / ana ouet* tb?otoetb ttK councen of tbe topcBeafjnfo mocb t tbegrunnefnto aatcftnefiebp fap?e rtejpw aape / 9 grope about tbem at tbe none aape/ j&amp;fc^fete as in tbe n?gUt. Sffi&amp; 3nafo mom MPW ftom tbe femane s of a ftoeatoe/froffi tbe moiub/ana ft0 tbe bSae (Sopjeji't/fpg of tbe ttucli/ f^st poc?e mapebauebope/ K" ""/ana tbat tbe moutb of n)c opp?efioure mape o4cbeftoppea. Mo fve&amp;* )6eboiae/bapppetstbeman/ tobom C5oa fciitaiiv iu)niipunpra)en):ti}eKfo?e/aefppre not tbou 5 cba iSJuZ aenvn &amp; of m aimpgbtp. Jfo?tbougb be tec wow tnafic a toosD/&amp;e geuetb a meatcine agapne:

^ -

irengeiji ; but t^oug^ Be fmgte / ^0 ijanDe ma&amp;eflj toggle ' S&amp;9: *ew^emftt6couteoflettoi*W/ ^JfT^^imiJefiMw^tjwcanitoJaniw mu Hea* from oeatlj ; mm iotym u t? toartc / ftom M k m m mf ^ e HwUlftcpe t^e ftom fi&gt;e pefloug tonge ^ftiir,tTi^fo t^at totjm miuftie contmetft ( /tljouftaIt ftt&amp;aeni) co^ nat'nwto$eawJ$n Defttuccron ^Hertfjt^ou HfiKif altbemg^/ (5 qjaftnotbc aftap^D fo? tftc rft* to# lanoeaaHfc^afeDerafctoit^tfte/ anDt^e ftapSc6&amp; beattcg of fi;e ftMlftalil seue t^epeace. fS^f^m^tbabtUtu1tii^m alt betjoiDe tftp ! '^^citfjtjc cftott ale te affo/tfjat tfe? febclDall enctf a* j,!Jw) ^nce/an5tfta#|?^ofteritealbca0tbcgtaffc

in a fap;e age yipfee as Gjitow gjceue^ are Wfl jf ttwir b^oug^c in tot barne to-taeftafonXoyttft**^" 1 " 58 fef matter/ai5toeoWTttltte eaue wbuttM^** bpejc|jetietice.c5ecfo?cnoto^at tljonfjea* ? ' tefttt/tafie better ^cde to t&amp;p felf, t^crt ^(Bfaute/^ct not toltijaSDma ^cieutct&amp; tbctin . (Bc^^ftapeeiv banftoerea/anOfaj'De: ^ mp x mfferpteretoeveD/^mp puniQi^ merit Japcb in tl;e balaunreg: foi tftenfbulDeit be fteuper/ tbent^e f ahDc oRt&amp;e tee , &lt;ac^!0 10 tfje caufe/t&amp;atmp ft auz^i ^^^earotoesof^ealmpgstjareinnipgijf^aftcc me/to^ofembignadon^at^ D?onc&amp;ebP mpcomemenn^ fp?ete/anatfteterrpbie feared of &amp;oh k&amp;t^^S^ &amp;e&amp;atf) graded d&gt;; crpeft tfte-ow/ to&amp;enUeSS aLc &amp;atl) foDDer pnougfi f cftat ti$t% i$ bnfaue* come ofytv/ vei alt it be eaten tottt) oute falte/ o? f *er )-'? a " *"

ant? tatte &lt;n toftpte of an esse.:C&amp;e tljing?.^^^^ fOat Come tpme % mpg^t not atoaj&gt;e tof tljaK/S* S! are note mpmeate^berpfo;oto.!fli&gt;t&amp;ati ofmra^ mpgbt&amp;auemp oefp^e: ftat oDteoteetoj*iiet6cpt6n? graunte me t&amp;e tm/tQat^ longe fo;:c&amp;at g^Jj be tooioe begpnne 9 fmpte me: fftat fte tootoe Knoroa fet fttt ftao go/9 &amp;eto me iMrane^eti tuae uraicufoupbiu' gj&amp;auefome cgfo;te:peeatootteDefp?e $m *** ge* in mp papne;t{jat be ftuloe not fpare / fo? 3 tPJLl topllnotbeagapnft too^gof ftolp one'. 55,ffl i&amp;at potoerbaue^ to erttwref^/to&amp;attoDc the crone f g mpne enoy t&amp;at mp foulempgftt be parted of mpfo pc ana g#mparengt&amp; tftettrengtb of flonegf ?/ wtcpconcB ig mp f lefte ma&amp;e of b;affef tytft notfo at]J!&amp;^ tbm^nmeno&amp;elpe:**t&amp;atmpfuba^^^ f taften from me.^e tbat is in tribulacpon t\yt s*mtt&amp; ougbt to be cofo^teD of lji0nepgbbour: c *but ( fa i* ^Jf) * th e f eare of tbe jlo;o 10 cleane atoapet^pne J2 * e * atone bjetfoenpaffe otter bp me a0 t&amp;e tea-- 5 S, Sb terb^ofie/tftat (jaftelp runneft tfto^cto tfiefameiBfii/t^e faanepe0.55uttbEptbatfearetbebo?efroft/^^tenue ^efnotocftallfallbpon tbem. SSSSSS 1 ! ftentbetr tpme ciimetb / t^Bl6e2Jffi ( %2 aropenatio perpfQjeiana totjen tft ep be ftt on a au far?c $* f??e/ftarIi? iap&amp;c as^nd&amp;fm.Cltpljasftitljc ftcgpnnpng office fourth ^aptcr(jafr fapDe/tftat the plage teas came bpo ftim 3 fiaa touched ^tm. Witft tbie (fa^ tljep)meateth fte ttotoe.5i5eI)ol&amp;e it notoneip toucfeetl) me / Ijuc toounbetft me toit^ar cottie*/ anUfftoretoenoume&amp;Wit^ benoume' Ijaprtp tottjj tfic gall of &amp; i iago0&gt;toitl) toljiclj toacftpng/ 1 liotl) mp Uloub ttartrtljtoooOe/anOaUmYCpiefci!fiippcDt)p.^b;eouer^oftr,rhi' not onelp t^OtvS ttjeft Oai-tcB tipon me/but alfo E)&amp; O^caDefull fm tljat 10/ttJbaf foeue r be bat^e tbat is tcrcpble/lape tb be on me* liffd5atmpCubffauncei0tabeufc3 mcCbcibafb mterpj.&amp;atbe* ?pbomei60cpartebfrommeyanbtbat/afterjaab.siof.fbetupr^ wmeof bpfuffpnge iu&amp;gmg * tepmg of tbougb? be QmU; .ftpeJfo toace w mpgeefeyfptUe mp belpe is tamo from me/f bat 3 am notpeemptteb f fceatbc fo longc/rpll J mape call to rerannb?miure vtofcat is moft acceptable to ^oft*Some yeabt .30 not all tyt&amp;xtn&amp;ty ofrapneiufo?cem?tgoncftomme* Ctflduttbc feace of tbe SLoibe^r.ast^ougbcticfflpb.^utalaB/notti B aapcS'tber 10 no fence of tyr io;De leaf t:au b f oec t'o.-'c it (0 no mar/ uell/yf c^jaritie aifo b^&amp;Q is ftpm to tbe feare o0uDybe not in ufe,


tt#fffyttmftttm^m\Mt%ztxpmtf &amp;afle aftct bapne typng^/ann ftB pevpQK ConCpb;e tbe patb# c*f beitian/$ toape* of ^aba/to&amp;etitttfjepbaue put tfiee'r ttutt* ConfounDeaatetbep/t&amp;atput cnpconfiben cemtlera:iffo?tobent&amp;epcamto optepncS t&amp;pnges g tfjeploBeb fo?/tftep tocre bjougW toconfufton. uen Co att pe alfo'come bnto mt-Mt note t&amp;atpeCempmpfetp/pe ateafrapea . p&amp;91 bep;epou/tocomebptbet? ;/togeueme enp ofpoutefubSauncefcobeipuermc fro ttytmmytg tjanfce/ o?w rati erne ftomtfte potoetof t&amp;empgtjttefceacfjmeanb'l topll twl&amp;emp tbngeianbfCfDo me/ftetoc me to&amp;etfn, U9Hecfo;e blamp pe fftcti t&amp;e too?be$ / g ate toellanotrulpfpobenfto&amp;icb of pou can uptom t\)tmi &gt;aupng onlp tbat pe ate Co* tpil to elje cfi mens fapingess/anb can fpea&amp;e tnanptoo?bc$int&amp;etopnue,yeanbpontl)e fat&amp;etfeffe/jgoaboutto ouettbzotoepoute atone frenbe. i&amp;etfo?e lobe not cnlpbpon tneybut bpon p outc Celueg : tobeftet % Ipe/ o? no.cutnc into poute atone felu$( % p?ape fou) be fabiffetent f u&amp;gess/anb cSCpwe mpne fcngpttpnecfctebetbet tljetebeenp bntpSb* tuoufnette in mp tonge / o; bapne too;beg fti tngraouQ. fate* C:&amp;e.WWapter S&gt; not tl)e Iffc of man bpon carts jabetp batapllf 2Hte not bpg bapcS ^p&amp;ef aapeg ofanbpjebfetuaate? tolpfieajJabonbe Cetuaunt be* f^e^tl^Jbaaotoe/aaganbKeijngetooIDe f&amp;gne&amp;aueanenbcof^tooze&amp;e; CuenCo fiauel labouteb to($o!e monetae* longftbtit imiapne}anDrnartpacat?fulfnpgfetbaueg! toiae. lObing lapeb mebotoneto flepe / 1 fairer tobe ttaligrpfe? aigapne,g longeb Co?efo?tl3cni8bJ.^ueiam3fuUoffo?otoe/ tpUitbefcarc&amp;e. 0f Seflje .tjs clotfjeb topfl) ton;me2/f?Itljpre(reanbDutt:mpCfipnne is

topt&amp;eteb/amicromplebfogefbet: mpbapej* 3B paffe oner mo?e Cpe&amp;elp / tben a toceuct can toeeue art w toebbe-.anb ate gone/o? 3 am aVDatre.Ormembje/tljatmplpfete but a topte/aio (Ikkc mpnc epe an nomo?e ce pleaftites tberof / pee 5 $at none otfjet m3s rpeOmilfemeenpnwe ;&lt;Jfojptfou fatten tb?neepcPbponme/|cometo naagbtlpfie ag a clou&amp;e is conCumeo frbanfflbeti atoape/ euen fo fje tbat goe# botmie to Ijett / cSmetfj tiomo?e bp / net ttmtetft agapne mto SPSS ^cufe/net^etQjaH^placeSnoteeijrmfnp mo;e. c ^etfo?c3topnnot^atempmout$/i&gt;tte


totii fpeafie in t^ettottfclc of mtpftfsem i bptterneCe of mprnpnae totligftalfie .anv| a fee o? a toBalfpaj/tBat tBou Septa me ro in P?efon?iBengtBpnfie:irrpbeaa mall com* fo?teme.3 ftallBaue feme refver&amp;jpnae bp talcfemge bp my felf bpon m? courtje: chen ttoublettttioumetofft D^camfiB/ ^mafieft me foaftapebrao^otobf [tons t-:)flrmi&gt; route tojfQjem ratBetto lie stangttD/f m v bom^ to be beeb. 3 can re no remeb?/ 3 mail fpuc nomo?e-. fpate me tfien/fo? myoaprji aie butbafne i Oat is man;tbat Eljou baft bim m fnib ;e pufacion/anofeKeG fomoebbp^'m ^ebow tafieftbiligent cave to? bfra / a fobralf boea tboutrj&gt;ebmi nsbPpefttbownoc frome/netifttearce alone / fo longe t^ll 3 ftoalob) botone mp fpetierl batte offenbeb/tebat a all '? bobn&lt; to tbe/&gt; tbou p?efewee of men f i'bp baft tb on mabe me to ftanae in tbp toape/a am fo bEu?abutbenbntompfelKibpboeftrbou not fojgeue me mp fpnnef mfyitiw tabes

t&amp;ounotamape mptopefiebneae. 56ebotbe/ nototnu(l50epeintb,ebuft:apftboufeSeft me to mojotoin mo?npng/3 ffialbegone. C?ol) 10 rrp.-cljctitcoanb notrt fo bant atfcrutofiys pasi.HDircripcionof{)tpoccifjc. 8f.Wlj.CbapttC. ^en anrtoereb jBatoab tbe ) ubfc te/afapbe-. ^oto longe mpittbon* talbe offocb tbpnge? ^boto longe QjalltbP moiitb fpeabefo p^oube too?be^otft obpecuertetbetbpng tljae is lauftiiK ?/botb tfte atmpgbtpe befttope tbetbpngetbatrstpgbtf tebentbpfonne? fpnnebagapnab'm/bpbnotbepumatbfni , fo?tbetttopcbcbneffef gftboutoolbeanoto tefo?te bnto &lt;ffob bp tpmfst/ anbmabe tbpne bumble pjapei totbe ailmpgbtpe : pf tbou moibeft ipne a pure anb a goblp ipfe : ftjulbe b e not toabebp bnto tbe nnmebiatlp/a geue tbe/tbebetotie of ngbtuourneOfagapnefjn fo mocb / tbat tobetem foeuet tbou babbeft lptieafo;ey tbou ajutbeft note tjaue gteate abounbaunce. enqueteoftbem tbat bauejs bene befo;etbe / fearcb bplpgentlp amongc tbp f ojefatbEt? : garnet p / tbat toe ate but of pe ft e 1 bape / anb conf?o?e not / tbat cuve bape* bpon earn) ate but a bet? ow&amp;otoe. Cbep 5n fljnoe tbe/tbepall ten flje/ pee tbep tofll glaup confefle n)e fam e. fi55apearp(Ibebegtfnetopfi)cut mopft* neffe^mape f graffegtometoptbout toatetf 0o : but(o? euet itbe Qiot fo?to / ana 0^ cure ft be satbnfltift tDf$eretb/brfo;e enf oa)ec Berbe. uen fo goetb it toftB alt tbem / u)ae fo?get ofcanbeuen $u$ atfo fUtaJl ttje ppo ctptejs bope come to naugbt.ffgconfpwrjccrfamibebeatofebvfojBetruastfi mafppbnsJ bfBlw.


ineBbe.^e KanetB Bw bpo W boufe/but Be allnot ftanbe:be boloetbbim faft bp it/pet all Bt not: enbute. flDft tpme a tbpnge botf&gt; flo?pa/anbraentbpnae tbatttmape abpoe |*&gt;onnefljpnptige:itfl)iitetBfo:tbb?aun* cbe* wBtf garoen/ft tabetb manp totes/ in fo mocb t^at itis ipbe anBoufe of ftones.

tfutpfttbeta&amp;enout ofBigpiace/euetp ^mioenpetb it/fapingvl Bnotoetbenot.)Lo/ tbufS is tt &lt;&amp; Btnt/tBat tetopfetb in \)i$ aiane Bopnge0:ano as fo? otBet / t^ep gtome oute oftbeeartt). ebotbe/ob topllnot caft atoape a bet= tuoug man/ netbet ttpli Be belpe tbe bngob* !p. cBpmoutB ftjaUBefpH^ilaugBpnge/* tbplpppeistoptb glaoneae, Beptt)at bate tBe/ajalbe confounbeb/anbtbe otoellpngejs of tBe bngoblp fijalt come to naugBt, C job Declare^ t\)s Ucnc^f ea of i5oa;$ $af manncs VP35 tctor CiK5 to uotlipngc. erac^ejjecftapter, . fi)b anCtoeteD/tj fepD:1ig f o; t^at/ 3; finotoeitig Co of a treut&amp;ytljat a man compatebbnto &lt;sob/can not __ _ beiuOifieb.gfbeto^latgiietoity Vim, be ftall not be able to anftoere f)im bn tooneamongeat^oufanDe. i^efeto^feof bctt/anDmpgbtiemttregt{),lboeuerp?o# i)&amp;fcanf/ ,: P mo/t ft a "ofiepatteagapnabpm^*^e mrnmrt* ttaniiatetb tfte mountapnejs, o? met t^epbe i^Dtompatoate/r&gt;oumb;otoetbtbemmbP3to?atb. W$i ^vetnmtm m eattb out offter place/tbat Sau Souoc bec P &amp;ym toptb all.^e commauncetft *auitfec)#flictbc &gt;oime/ anbfttpfetbnot :&amp;e clofetb bp . gmtca-itmcs ^ aarteg/asittoetebnDetaCpgnet.^ebtm


3f mentopnfpeaBeofatengfb/Befefbe , tfc tt ,, Btongea of att:pf men mp'i fpeafie of Wfr &lt;tZ ?o tt hat tuoufnf 0/ tobo oatte be mp teco?ee, &lt;*|re fS $% totll iuftifpempfetf/ mpatunemoutB Saiio"fuwato&gt;nc cobemne me;pf % toptl put fo;tb m? feife fo? fpahtto^ftwe/ apetfecteman/bcajalipioue mea topctoo*?ffl r i$ botKjfo; tbat | ftjutbe be an innocf t/iny c5= %53B5i fcpence bnotoetb it not/peejjmp felfe Mtlimtts fpuuc toestpofmptpfe. b^aswau CBi3onetbpn g topligi fape:^ebefltopetb t i 0l 2Kf

botB tbe tpgBttiousi tbngooi; . a.nb tbougft h ao SX Be ftape foaenlp toptg aje fcouige / pet iau* mcieut. &amp;on gBetBBeattBepunpa;mentoftbeinnoctnt.'o'&gt;) on the as fo? tBe too?tbe/be geuetb it ouet in to tBe 2Sf ', A 1 * ?!'? potoet of W topebeb/ Coco as tbe niter* be/ KsmSK toBetof alt lanb^ ate fuiu%s it not to? roBere iimsspwt^ iStbereenp/butBfisfocBom? w.^asmerta &lt;3Pbapes5Bauebenemo?e.ftopftetBcn a^? t gfSSL tunnet:tBep ate gone robemp, ansbaue fene s f haa* t-S nogoobttjpiige. CBepatepaaebaiDape/ascotbt c ccouc tBefttppestbatbegocbbnijcr fapte/anaassia?* o 6pm.' tbe aegte tbat Baftefb to tBe p?age. Ben j w f. iilcn t ^ amputpofeb tofo?get mp compiapninges^ r ?|' , 'r, tocBaungemgcounteiiaunce/ ^focoo?tet f uco m 3jt* mp retf.tbenama afrapea of allmp tofl;85/*ae- s*# fo? I Bnoroe/ tBou fsuottteft not an eucil cto t cccu ?ou boet^flbepenatopcReaone/toBpbaueag 1 ^^^; labourebtn bapnef BoogB3 ; toaifl;!;amp^ t^mtolo f elf toitb fnotoe matet/^ maae mpne BanbejJ cupmt 1 $ ne.uct fo clene/pet ftulaeft tbou apppe me in '&amp;&amp;* a "" tbe mpet/ana mpne atone ciotbes ftjuibe ucsS,^"! fpleme. f 0? Bt tbat2 muft geue anftoere bn 7s mM&amp;Z, to/anb toitb tobom 3 go to latoe/tjs not a ma semst of .joo/ asjam.JDetBetistbete enp oaprmantoieE ou t nvnBc wouebotb tbe pattejj./o^ tolape WW*2S!5S bettofjrttb0.lBmite!icB0MaatoafeftoSs"*ffi^ me/peeiEtBftnmaftemenomo?eaft3peaoffeto ivue m.

1 ^&amp;B


jj^f tooHDc/feife alone fp^ebetb cwt fte beauen?/ anb Bi v /e^ t *v^^aa&amp;n;t iui k^u'^i^ujihu i^ue dcc** ;SfcLXs oe ^ b P^s^toauE0oft&amp;eree^emaftetb 5^^" ^P* 0&gt;a 6 anCte $&lt;n l^r^aK^S to^ 5 ^^ mBSW fnpfeate/o?asiongea^ammro^fea^^^ ^c&amp;npmCattwanbt&amp;eCectetepfacejSoft^efouft. Wneffe/g|canmafienoanftoeve;^ nbtol)pfair.oii3EHcl^ S!^ bp ^ CDo ^sa'atetbpngejs/foc&amp;a0atebnCeat* tt^u^mpfouletolpue, ww*** SSr! * wM/K a^&amp; toonsets toffljout nombje. mi3c * toc ** W is, - 3f be cam bpme/!jmpgbtnotIofiebpon mm ^Orm:pf&amp;etoentl)i0toape/3amibe notpets B&amp;L tmxt *8 K &amp;e ballp to tafee enp tbpnge a^ L^a'toape/tobotomma6e^mteao?eitagapnef

ibo toHirapgfentobpm:tobatboeatbouf $e &amp; &lt;5ob/ tobofe to?atb no man mape toft^ ftande;buti^p?oubeftof an mutt (touts* bnoet bim.^oiD flmide % tben anftoete ^rmf o? to&amp;at toojDe^ utte fpnDe out agapnft Wti j ee $oug&amp; 3! be t^btuous/ pet topil % notgeuc^monetoo;beagapne/butmefie* if Cubmpttempfelfto mptu6ge.3Hbeif g 9 call bpon bsoi/and fy beate me / pet am % notCute/fbebafbbetbempbopce;beou&lt; filetb meCo toftb tbe temped/ anb toounaetb meoutofmeafiivetortboutacaufe.KetopH not letmp iptm be rnteft/butfpUetljme: toitljbpttcrneffe.

to anmen-&gt;an&amp; yet arcto;appe&amp; fti tnanpm^fctWfi and to;c*ri)cGiie0 often tpne oucc aueliatib (jerinfpctli tbe cftcfe of t^eiotraucrCplic ttop^tjoUanOftwaOuccfflrpes/tbatjblJbe^n&amp;s^I^m telft nocro haucOEferueO ^apunni^mcntbp&amp;iaouCttjapaciptipage: tofjcte &lt;i ms afiuccfarprfl acmcOonclvtoitbmampanaeica^ip topU/t^ous^ o6 (o be toncpgftttBrfi/pf tjotooUic fo gcciiotiftppiiumMK i)-m tgaC ^aOnotljEncanouttoac&amp;cfpruicccgapnftftjm. 5otvl)isconfcpm* cc bcacpnge ^pm toprneffey ija&amp; ipitca iunocentlp anO acepg6ttv/ anD ^uct notnan/^ao altoapfe fbaccO o&amp;tf too?u)pppefi^m onelpy tt0 c^plO?en alfo Ijab ^c nourtccttfo (ftc fcace of oo ^ aub coul&amp;eof no. man beaccufeOoftopcac&amp;nes.pcttopmcOc^ ^c uiftlp ftcw( ao atl t^e gosip Co) fyat ije uas not b tf eclp toitb outc fpnne / fo; ot^cc topic |jao Ijebcnc a lpaci.3To^n,u Jf toe Cape /toe ijaue no Cpnnc / toe oect sue oucfe luc0/anO tiuetiy is not in Mb ^D^ci-f o;e in t\ye places Men be fapty tbat Je batbe not to&amp;rtwd ^w punnpu)mlt/anO tbaC ftnl&amp;efeamctoftetojfmblamclcire Unotoc^atlje tpraH:^ of ljp outwarbe mancrofipmnac/nof oftfjeintoat-Oc thogl|t auO Qt fpereoffljefjcacr/tobeem^toidbaboiueoano&amp;iiucr. Carfte.r.Cfjaptet... C?ob i'0 tocerp of tys Ipft'j frtrftfj out bis fvmwt btfo;e ( Oefp;et&amp;f tpmctowplt^ Hviaipcia iScue*

Hfyt btjkt

&amp;uet$ eleffe/n ote tetug 1 put fo?Hj m p too?6eg;gi to pll Cpeafie out off beep ft eupneffe of m p fou le/ 9 top U Tape btito &lt;Boas Do not coaemne me/but u)etot me tfte caufe/toftetfoje tftou tuageft me on tftis manee.c&amp;tneBett tftou ft toeil aone/to opp?effeme/to caft me oftbeing a too?fte of cop ganaes) ana tomantepne tfte coisncriloEti^e bngooipf $ aft tftou neiftjp cpejs tften/o.z aoeft tftou lofce as man lobetb? 3tetftpaapesastfteaapeSof man/ anatbp peares as m&amp;peres? tftat tftou mafteftfocft inquifpeion f o? mp toicftebneffe/ f ear cfteft . out mp fpnneftobeee as(nottoitftftanapnge) ^ tbou fino toett tftat 1 am no topefiea pert on/ anatftattftereisnomanable to aeipuer me out of tftp nc ftanae . ftpftanoes ftaue maae me/a'fattftonea me alltogetftec wffae about/ toiit tftou tben aefttope mefoaenlp:' flD teme* b?e(3ibefefie tfte) bote tftat tftou maaeft me of tfte moulaeof tfte eattft /ana tbaltb?pnge metoeartftagapne. $aft tftou not mifttea me/a* fttoere mflcfi: ami tumea me to cru&amp;acs ip ft e cftefe f cb ou baft couerea me toptft f fipnneana flem / ana topnea me togetfter toptft bones 8 fpnotoes. Cftou baft graatea me Ipfe/ oone me gooa*. Canti tfte ailpgent ft eoe tftat cftou tones bpon me/b atb p?efetuea mp fp?ete. eft ougft tbou ftpae ft ttytte tftpngt in tbine bett pet am | fure/ tftat tbou temib?ea tfte all, itefterfoieaiaeft tftouftepe mi \aW% f pnnea/ana ba ft not cienfea me fro mpne offence? jf gi oo toicaeaip / too is me tbeef o?e: Va berpgftteous/petaatre 31 not ipft bp mp leaaetfo fuiiam 3 of confufpon / afempne atone mpretp. Cftou bunteft me out(bepngeinfteupneffe) as it tocre a %v on / ano trouble ft me tit e of meafure. cftou b?pngeft ftewtoptneftesa* gapnftme/ tftpto?atft mcteafett tftoubpon me/bet2manpareplagesg3!amtn.ibee fb?eftaft tftoub?ougft tme out of mpmotfterS 30 toombef fS) tbat 31 ftaaperpfftea / a $ no epe baft feneme/jf tftepftaa catfeametompgra* ue/as foneaS3! toas bojne/tben thuiaeibe

noto/as tftougft 3! baa neuecbene. 5li a 1 1 not mp o?t ip f e come foone to an enne'.' ftoiae tfte fro me/iet me alone/iftati tnape eafe mpfelf a Iptle a( o?e 3 go tft ?tber/ ftomtoftence3i(baffnottumeaga?ne.&amp;a&lt; mel?/totbatlanaeof oawftnene ^ftabotoe ofoeatft:f eemtocftatoatcfi clotobt lanfce 9 beablv ftabotoe/tobereaiS is no o^e/buteec ttblefeate as in tbeoarcfenefle, C?obttton&lt;nai9tep^etUtt!)ofSopfiac;&lt;!E;oli(0(tu &lt;omp;eDcnfBblr. ee meetf full to tfi e teptnt mm

^enanftoewb gxtpBatt^e &amp;aa&lt;x matbite/anbfatot S&gt;buttenotbe tfta t mafietb man;? too;oes/be a n-ttoettbi @&gt;butoebe tbat babietb mocft/be comenoeft tft etinf s&gt;butoe men ge ueeacetmto onljfcbou tojlt laugb otftet mentofco^ne/ anaftalino bosy mocftetfte agarne? nplt tftou (are bntooD;efte tying tbatg! tasembanoe.ispevfecte/ai anuicr.e in tbrfrgbtf: tftat &lt;od tooiae Cpeafie / anu open bte It'ppes agapitft tbe / tbat be mygftt Dietoe tftecout of bS fectete topfoom e ) boto manpfoioeb?!8)Latoeft!:tbenB3uJijefttbou . anotoe/tbat ooft aa forgotten tye/ becaufe oftbpfpme?, t@?lt tbou f pnae out &lt;S5oa tt tbp fefifag i toilttbouattapneto tfte petfectneffe of $e altmjgbtpef ^eiss btettben beauen/tobatS toiit tbou aof^epec tben tfje bell/ boto topic tbou tften nnotoebpntf$i0lengtb erceaaetb tbelengbtoftbeertb/ a bus b;eatb I b?ean) oftbe fee.cbougbbctumealltbpnges bp fSbeuotone/clofe tb em in/o? tb^uft tbtmto getbet /tobooatre cbeca bpm tbetfo^ef ffo^ftisbc tftat onotoetb tfte bansfe of men:ftefe?ft tbeit topeftebneffe alCo / Qmioe ft e not tften cofiD?e iti% bapne ftoap e.ral te tft bsm Celfe/a m fonne of man is Ijfie a tova* aires foale.gif tbou baaaeft note a tigbtbett/ anfttyfteDftbptbpne banaes totoatae ftpm: ff tbou tooiaeft put atoape tfte topefteone lie tofttcft tbou baft 1 n banae/fo tftat no bngoa Ipneoe Dtoeiftn tftp Soufe : cften mpgftttft tbou Ipft bptbp facete5?tbottt wame/ tftfn (buiaeft tbou be fute^a baue no neae to f care

Cbenftjuiaefttboufo7gettb?mtferp/ana^ tftpneue nomo?e bpon it/tften bpon tfte toa ters tftat tunne bp.cftm ajuia tftp Ipf e be as cleareastftenooneaape/ anafp?pnge fojtft as tftemompnge.cbtnnujgbtefttboubaue coitmfo?tft/tntfteftopetbattboubaft:8fiepe qupetlp/tofte en muloeft tbou tabe tftp re ft /ana no man to mafte tfte aftapea/peemanponetbulDfetmocb bpefte. 3Cs to? tfte epes of g bngoaip/tftep flialft e c5* (umea/ana not efcape:tfteit ft ope Qmlbe mp ferpanafo?otoofmpnae. C?ob tnftetopng ^pa pacpence declare t$ tBe iaflbt ano potoer of &gt;o. ajcfte.rii.ciftaptei:. fob anftoerea/anb fapbe: cfttn* (noaoute)peatetftemenalone/ a* topfbome wall petpft toptb pou. 38utg;bauebna&lt;raSbpngastoeH as pe/ana am no Ieffe tben pe. f eetobofino toetft not tft ere tft fngesf eft us ft e tbat calietb bpon &lt;&amp;oo/anb toft 5 00 ft eaft / is m efiea offtpsnepsftboute :tfte goaip anb innocene m a" is laugftea to fc o?n e .oblpn c ffe is a it'gft t aerpprea in tftt ftettcs of tfte t?cfte / ana isfet fo? .

M 3 06


^ Ctttti fo? tftem to ftomMe Bp5.cfte boufes of rob* ftpm toitft Bite* aie?H&amp;pilpe ac cepte tfte perTm ? bets are in toeaitft 9 p^ofperite/a tbep i ma fonof &lt;oa/a intt eate Co; ftpmf S&gt;fta tftat fa wmfoie "' ' beiPtpou/ Cftpnfte pe to begple ftim/as aman is brapr ate p?ouerbp* UKm wali punp pou/8 p;oue pou / pf S peaofectetlpaccepte anpperfonne. ^ftaii JStSR benot mabepouafrapea/ toftenfte etoetft jJopatfij/anB

bpmfeifef&gt;ball not ftps terrible fearef all fpai* ne* bpon pou^poure rememb?afice ftalbe Ipfie ? u '^k tf; m bnto tfte auft/apotire p?tae 0)albe turnea to gSS? clape.^oiaepouretongesnoto/anaietmemb^flcfa* fpeafie/fo? tftereis fometftinge come into toft&amp;ofcrett)* mpmpnoe*^fterfo?eao g bearempflemci^Sw tnmptetb^mpne foule in mpneftaesao/ .^itS tftete ts netfter confo?te no? ftope fo? me/ pf {SSf fte topli Gape me.JBut pf % iftetoe ttmow tt as a tbgnge Himp atno ImiM( .!.&gt; rr.* ,1.- &lt;-. ~ . s .... Ma A (0 be foi*

ticiouOp in m t agapnft (Siob/btoell tot tft out care : pee (Sea geuetft att tbinges tpebelp toitft ftps ftanae. 38 aifbctftecatell/atbepwaHtnfourmetfte: tftefotolesoftfteap?e/9 tbep wall teiitfte: ^peaue to tfte eartft/a it Jbatl etoe : D? to tfte fpftftes of tfte fee/ana tbep all certi* sfflfen ma. ft^^-'^atisfte/bHtbefinotoetfttbattbe CS. ftanae of tfte;to?ae maae all tftefeffn toftofe banaeistl)efouleofeuerpipupngtbinge/f ,tfteb?etb of alimen.^auenot earesplea^ tfntftfe ftte tn ftearing/a tfte moutft in taainge tfte tftinge f it mefti 3Cmonge oiae perfonnejs tftere is topioome/a amonge tfte ageft t'Sbn*


aerftanainge.yee toitft oa is topfeome ana mpne"atone toapes in ftYstpobt/be is c ue ffie walp "&amp;' ai ftrengtft/itjSfte tbat ftatft counceli ana fo?, fame/tftat mafeetft me toftole : a toftp^tftere W ^l u , - mape noftppocritecomebEfo?eftpm.{peare|? c i,i uluc mptoo?afS/aponajempfapingcs \6 poute'*cacicof. eaws.* D ffiebolce/noto baue ! p?epareo mp &lt; b c6oUlc J r iuagement / a snotoe tftat a ibaibe founae SXVm rpgbttoes.aftat is fte/tftat topli go to latoe S&amp;SSS toitb meffo? pf 1 ftoiae mptoge/^lbaliape. cwnU tdta/ iaeuertfteieffe gvaunte me ttoo tftinges/ana *w# ? "" tben topll^ not ftpae mp felfe from tfte. * J*,'*?* *. ^'ftfratoe tftpne ftanae fro me/ a ret not S c Koure tfte fearfulia?eoe of tfte mafte me'artapeD.rcafoutt&amp;ac 3ina tften fentefc?mctotftelatoe/f imapemj hope ts to

anftoerefo?mpfe!fe:o?els/letmc (peaum be SKftS geue tljou tfte anftoete.^ oto great* are mp Iffiff MS mpraeaes s fpnnesf /Let me Snotoe mp trafe Suttmc gredionS $ offences.* c tijerfo?e ftraeft tftou bnto mtmit tftp face/ ana ftoiaeft me f o? tftpne" enempe^ &amp; * noC P? lm tftou be fo ccuel sememe bnto a flpf g KBgSfSS Icafe/^foiotoebpona?pe ftnbbie^ tyouKSX lapeft fs arpf ip to mp cftarge/a toiit bttefc batu tmdmo Ip bnao me/fo? ^ fpnnes of mppoutftfebou w&gt; mntv. ftaftputmpfote in tfte ftocfies : tftou lofieft**""'^!? narototpbnto all mp patftes/a marcfteft tft e gffi fteppes of mp fetettoftereasgi (nottot'tftftan tbe moare m apnglmuffi confume ipfie as a f oule carion/ fare:j tbeirp* anaasaclotfttftatismotfteaten. SJSalleS Cjob befcribefb. tbe ft&gt;fc of a man/anb p?opBeRctb of is m w* tbe tctutrtctpon.Hopc fuftepncib tbe goblp/tpti tbep #e. QDbttfote obiajnetljattbeplobffo?. bjoeflfljotimp CCfte.fiiii.dtftapter. faccwbatfbe fantftatis bo?ne of a toomS/ftatft Jg^S 1 ;but a tbo?te tpmeto lpue;a is full \Z 3' jof aiuetfcmifertes.^e cometft bp tvne. , ?falletbatoapelpHeafloute.$eai flpetft as toete a ftjaaoroe/a neueecotinu etft tn one date, cftpnbeft tftou it noto toell aone/to open tbpne epes bpg focfte one/ ana to b?pnge me befo?e tfte in iuBgemet ? ifto canmafiettcleane/tftatcommetft of an bn= cleanetftinge^oboap. efte aapeSofman are o?te/ tfte nombje of bis monetftes ate bnotoneonrpbntotbe.cboubaftapopntea ftim bis bogaes/fte can not go beponae tftf .

mu ti,b. tor n ppen ( 25eftoioe/p f fte toitftoiae g tea* *"*. ters;tftepD?pebp:yfftelettftem go/tftepae* ftrope tfte eartft. ast'tft ftpm is ftrengtft anb topfaome:fte ftnotoetft botfte tbeaifceauet 8 ftpm tftat isjaifceauea. * ^e carpetft atoape f topfe men/as ft toere a fpopie/s b?!nsetft tfte iuages out of tftete topttes.^e lotofetft tfte gp?aie of bpnges/ a gp?aetft tfteir lopnes toitft a bonae.^eleaetb &gt;atoapetftep?eafteSintocaptpupte/ 8 turoisne.v'biixcnetft tftempgfttpebpfpaebotone. f e tafietft ejb.&gt; p. tftebert'te fro out of tftemoutft/a aifapopn* tetft tfteagea oftfteft topfaome.^e pottfrtft ouconfufponbpon Winces/ a confo?tetb tftem tftat ftaue bene opp?effeb. jLobe tobat

Ipetft ftpa in aarcaneffe/fte aeclaretft ft opelp: ana tfte beep Qiaaotoeof aeatft b?ingetftfte to ipgftt.^e botfte increafetft tife people/a fte* ftropetft tftcm-.^e mabetft tfte to multiplpe/ 8b?iuetft tfte atoape. $ecfta&lt;tgeffttbe&amp;erte oftfte^?ineesaapngesoftfteeartb/abifa popntetft tfte:fotftattftepgo toana?inge out of thetoape/a grope t'ntfte aawfie tottftout ligftt/ftacbertng to 8 feo Ipbeb?oncbe men. C?ob tep;otictb Ijib ftenbestt ttyti: Stent Opftigey ano conoemiietb bypottpfpe. ccfte.itui.cbaptee. SD/ali tftis ftauei fene m\) mpne epe/ftearae toitft mpne eare/ a fan* Berff anaitXobe toftat pe finotoe/ _. tBat fame aogi finotoe aifo/netftec amgitnfcwo? bnto pou.j5euertfteIeltt 3 am purpofea to talft e tot'tft tfte almpgfttie/ a mp befp?e t's to comen tot'tft &lt;soiM fo? pou/pe arc toojcfimafters of ipes/ a bnpjofptable PbtftctasaHtogetfter.iolaeoapefiepte pouretonge/t&amp;atpempgbtbetafiefo?topfe meEi.cfterfo?e ftearemp too?oes/ apona?e tfte fencence of mp Ipppes. aspllpe mafie anftowe fo? oa toptb rpes/ana mapntepne

&gt; ^ vis





f r :

m from tjrm/t&amp;at B e mape tea a iptie: tot tpUbfSbapecome/to&amp;fcbbeiobetb fo^I^Be asanbP?eipngeoo, gsfattebeeutootone/tbetetefomebope pet/at it toplifp;outeanb ute fo? tlje 33 launches agape : &lt;jf o? ousb a rote be toaren olbe $ ob bi tbe gtounoe/ jet roften t^e ftocbe getter tbe tent of toatec / it topll buooe/a b?pnge Fo?tt) botoes/lpbe as tobeit lead fp?ft piatjtea.But as fojman/tobenbe is beeb/perpfeo 9 confumeb atoape/ tntjac becomme of bim febe floubeS icften ep beb?pe&amp;bp / 5 erpuerS tobentbep be em* ptie/are fi!lebagapnetbo?oto efiotopnge toaters oftbe fee;buttobenmanaepe/be tp re not agapne/bntilltbe beauen peti: be aiinot toabebpnertpreoutofbiSllepe : at ou tooioett fiepe me/ anb bpbe me in bell/bntplf p to?a toete ftpllebt a to apposite me a tpme/toberin on mpgbteft a&lt;!So6Kmcm A *K'nntb?eme. flpape a beeb mi ipuea* tjcti) a inatoijf gapne^aiH t^e bases of tljig mr ptlgwmage jjc tjcaipfti) amgiofipng/tobempcbaugingeftallcome * ,Bfe 3*** gif outoolbett butcalime/3! ulbe obepe e:onlpbefppfenot too?Be of pne atone banoeg. 3$ tfo?tBou Baft nomb?eb all mpgopnges/ pet be not outo ertreame bp5 mp fpnnes. cftou baft fcaieb bp mpne offencyas it toere in a bagg :but be metcpfull bnto mp tope* bebneOe.^bemountapneSfall atoape at laft/tbe toffies atetemouea ou t of tfleic pia ce/e toatets peatfeo?ototbebetp ftones bp iptle a lptle/e fioubes toafftje atoapeg jtauell a eat:Cuenfobefttopeft tboutbe lope of ma in ipfie manet.cbou p?euapleft

agapnftbim/foatbepaffetbatoape:ou cijaungett Bis ettate / aputteftbim ftotbc ibeetbis c&amp;piD?e"come totoo?ippe o? no/be cannoeteii-.fnbpftbepbemeoflotoe begte/be finotoe not,H9bile be Ipuetb/bft tlefl) muft baue trauapie : a tobple e Coule is in bim/be muft be info?otoe. CClipnasrnHebEDetftJobbecaufebcafcribethtopfc iroiiie j putencato bim fclfr.^c btfctdiet^ t^c cur Q; p f Mctt) on the ttjcftcD/tchcngng 30b to be one of tbat norabje.i CCbe.tfi.Cbapter. 3 l^^l^enanftoetebCHpbajJ cbema

* c&amp;at is/ gshuteeatopfe man fpeahc

nite/a Capoe:*&gt;blbea topfemi anftoet as tbe Ccpence of toinbe/ a fpllbts belp top tbe topnbe of

* wo^ca/tbe eaftfebou tep?oueft toi too?oes/ tbat

tS&amp;S^l m ^ too?:Cpeafiett e tbmges/ fm 1 tSSS ftobicb can bono gooo.afcfojttame/ tbou bnpjofpt abts baft fet it afpbe/ els toolbeft tbou not mas e trvfipngcboc* fo man? too?b^ befo?eobtbut tbp topefieb* ^ n nhf^ n r?h neffeteacRctB #Pmut&amp;/ a fo tbou baft cbo ffi tfiS; Rn tfiea eraftietonge.tbpne atone moutft tbccfo;t b S aconofmnetb tbe/anbnotf-.pee tbpneaftne .wpfiiifotoitb{pppes (bapetbe ananftoete , m tbou tbe

%ftman /tbat euet toast&gt;o?neffi)2 / toaft J8 wis m tbou mabe before tbe billesf baft tboubetbe ln fw ty&gt;&gt; tbe fectete coucell of ob/tbat all topfoome D ( ?; ^ * ra ' ts to iptle fo? tbef ibat finotoeft tbou/tbat o?{;,S toebnotoenotf ibatbnbetftanceft t&amp;ou/tnMch P(0(w , buttoecantbefameflBitbbS ate omean&amp;^&lt;"!iefiaft ageb men/pee focb'as bane ipueb icgct then SHf* 8 " tbpfo?efatbetS. ^ _ r mffl Cbpncfteft tbouttaCmail tbpnge of tbefouinntrriw

confolartons of obfanbatetbegtottb Giz^^nxw^ a* Ifinge too^be . JbF botb tbpne derte masetbe Co p?oubef OBbpftanbeft tbou f * s , c ' Mi "' gteatlp in mm atone conceat e i nsbete bn= K to lofie tbpne epes/tbat tbp minbe is fo mft * ZtS bp agapnft!oo a irtteft focft toojbes go out cipoaot. eoo of tbP moutb^ tbatisman/ tbat be G&gt; ulbe c i ? m;^ be cleane^tobat batb bt(Wcfi is bo?ne of a Sf "ffl* 5 tooman)tobetbp be m?.gbt be finotone to be Kf ,}&amp; tpgbtuous^ebo!betbettsnotruft to bPSiptciiiiis com, fanctes:pee S ber5 a *beaues are not eleane t&lt;nm %s inbts Cpgbt.jpoto mocb mo;e tben an abbo 'J {a W v . minable anbbpleman/tobicb 6 *b?PncfictbfcS" 9 toicaebneaeitBetoatet^toiiifellt^/beatewS^ me:^ topll tbetoe tbe a tbpnge/tbat 31 finoto: of Bran% b|i tobicb topic men baue tolbe/a Ha^ not bene |* W jw bpb from tbeit fatbetSAnto tobom onlp tbe C %fM Janbe teas geuen/tbat no fttaunget flwlbe m j$ 10 u comeamongetbem. *&amp;. cbebngoblp befpap?etbantbe napes of **$**&amp; bis ipfe/atbe nob?e of a tp^auntcs pert s is $%}&amp; bnfin otone.3 featfull founbeiseuetin bps SubtSr eateSyatotjent'tiSpeace/petfeatetbbebe^BeiKf. fttuccio-.^ebeleuetb neuettobe bclpuetebbsoofctnitt out of batcfcneffe/tbe ftoeatbe is altoapete*J(*S J fo?e bis epes.lbe be goetb fo;tb to get bPsKS l5umg/bethincfietbPlanelp/fbattBapeoftovtiit'iJi8.Mt batcRnetre !'satbanbc.&gt;o?oto anb cateful=^ a man of i neffe mafie btm aftapeb/a cSpafte bim toube SifiSfJS abouteylpSe as it toete a fipnge % bis booft SmZ\ tebpto battapH.!(Fo?bebatb ttwtcbco out nc rysmfnaj &amp;iSbanbeagapnft&lt;iobV ^atmebbpmfelfeto u ma agapnft tbeHilmpgbtie.f e runnetb p;oublp wwbjw Upon bim/anb toitb a ftpff necfie figbtetb be S msm agapnft bim-.tobete as be ccuetctbbPS face* toitb fatneffe/anbmaftetb biSbobp toelllp* fipnge.cbetf o?e mall bis btoeiitng be in K" folate cpties/anbin boufes tobicb noma" in* babitetb/but ate become beapcjsof ftoncg. i^e all not be ticb/netbet aft bis fob* ftaunce continue/net enctearebpon eattb. tie (ball neuet come out of batennefte / tbe ame all btpe bp bis b?auncbes/ toitb tbe blaft of tbe moutb of &lt;Esob ailbe be taben atoape.^etopu netbetappipe bpm felfe to faptbfulnes nettteutb/'fo fo?efsbe Oifcea=" ucb toitb banite. I^e ftjall petpft/afo?ebiS tpme be toome

out/a bisbanbeajailnotbegtene.^eftal! be pmcbte of as an bntpmelp grape ftB tbe ' bpne/a ftalUet br's floute fall / as tbe olpue beta

M . JFo? tint &gt;;oagtegacttitt of ppocttees tg bnfrutef mm )t tilt an c5fume tbe bou fes of cocb/ usseegtebp to teceaue gpftes. ^e CQieawtt) ixma&amp;e/ be beatetb mpfebe* K/f WKttflHlutm to^b Wttcace, jejob tcpctji'Koif ^r mjCec je;captb tbatbc fuflewtb, inoare then l)fo agchebntBe batb oefesueo. e.)fl)t,Cbaptet, t nftoeteb/anb fapbe tj bmt

'Bi 3M&gt;


^mesbetbefocbtbbHK. ^^ %Me geuets of c5fo?teate ye/ _Jall i!)e lottt of pou.&gt;balinot tbp baphe too?be. come pet to an enotfifiDz/baft tbou pet mv mm to fape i % coube (pease/ agpebo alto . ut toolbe &lt;Sob/tbat poute fouie toete in mp foules fteabe :tben umlbe 91 Beapr bp to oftt* agapnft pou / anb abe mpbeaiieatpou.g! ulbecSfojte poutoptb mp m mttb/anb seleafe poute papne toftb tbe talBvng b?mplpppi.ut tobat fbaag bo? tiT ffo?allmptoo^/mpfo?ototoplinotceaae:

IB anb tboug?/3i"aolbe mp tonge/pet toill ft not bepavteftcnie. Snbnototbat 31 am full of papne/anB all tbat 3 baue befttopeb(tobetf mp Yomcm beaxt toptneffe)tbete ftanbetb bp a opffemblt't to mabe me anftoete tor tb Ipestompface.^eis angtpeatme/be ba* ten) me/a gnaftbetb bpon me toitb b'S tetb. u cc opt fl^pne enemp f fiottletb bpo me % bps epes, tjatmottbes/ cbepbaue * openeb tbeit mouttjegtopbe re 1 If * bpon me/anb fmptten me bpon tbe cbebe be* KgSJS fPPtfullF,ti3e^)aue eaftb tbe WH5tfio;oto I WwHnu r mpne abuea?cc.@oobatb geuen me otiet to . dptt /? tbe bngobliwraeipuereb me into tbebanbes ""K? 1R '"J? oftbe topcBro .. % toasfomtpme intoealtb/ K taM&gt;tD8nW^&amp;a*^WW me tonougBt. ^S in ibe l^e batb raften me bp tbe necb/be batb rente me/ a fet me / as it toete a matcfi f o? bv m to Ibutc at.^e ba&lt;b c5pafea me tounbe aboute tt bis bartes? / Uebatb toounbebmp lopnes/ anb not fpritft . ip botoeisbatb bepourea bpo tbe gt- at; .le batb geue me one toofiae bponanotijtnvanb isfaiienbpon meipbea im 15 m 9 ' Siaunte.S!': \m t lotoeb a facb clotb bpon mp mmAi fbpnne/a II?? Mtb mp fttengtb in tbe ma. wm S$t f^ mmm^Hl^ toeprng/ampne $m -9 epes ate mm apmne.^otobeit njete is no iSfSf^^topcftebiteMbisseiif .banbeu /anbmp p?apec it Slut ft cieane.' : ' : -g3t/couetnoempt)louo/9 iabcaucn. let mp amy&amp;t imoz no totome . ^fo? lo/ mp #wnot thctortneflefe ^sS?^iue/9bctbatfinotoetbme/ r MSSh*i ft a!b0UE ^ ! : '^ ? ? WbMV frenbes laugb me ; SKbS to Cco?ne/ U'? ; : -pne epepoutetb out tearcs l: &gt;wo s.'astoas sSSf 8 * Sm5o tbe an mciia bntoww .*! i jagbabobpmpgbt pleated ob/aSof. &gt;- ;^nbotb toftb anotbet/pettbe '"" "orn^e cfe ;B0^ttes( ate come / anb | muft toa^/^s;m;tobence 1 all nottutne

i ; %ii)tB)n ,agapne, jfiMtan tbt,c CJoiJ fapt ?&amp;* &gt; coafamtf lj atosre/ fitUi jet botb ^nwft-.iifu^pacientljaf,;?.^ r)^


CC&amp;ejtMj.^aptft; . pounteitfhuj/ ybaetbfapietb/mpbapesateOjo?!^"".^ mRD.3 ambatoe atbeatbes bo?e. a gffifif

abauebifceauebno mS/pet muft fesnttwntff mpne epe cBtinue in beupneDe.fll) &gt;npne mnon* beliuet me/anb ret me bp tbe:to^o ail tben J* r/ ^ B SS % beabletotbmampbanbestogetbet^cbouSSSJS baft toftbbfifiien tbeit bettes ftB bnbetftan. 2r?8ft iK bpnge/^etfo;ealI epnotbe fett bpon fo from tha bpe.iep?ompfetbbrS ftenbespatfeof bPS "'^XSw'P goob/butbftatonecbPlb?efpebeit.^eljatb' e mabeme as it toete a bptoo?be of e comon people. Sambrs geftpnge ftocfieamonge tbf .30pcountenaunce iSbeup fo? berp an get/atbf memoes of mpbobp are become Ipbe a aboto.saettuous men tbetfo?e all toell confpb;e tbis/a ttje innocent all tafie* tarteagapnfteppocttte. ' Cbetpgbtcous topll sepebis toape/ a Be tbatbatb cieanebStses/toplieuet be fttBget a fttongetJs.f o; pou/tutne pou/ a get pou bence/ fo?9!cannotfeonetopfe maamBge pou.fipDapesarepaft/mptijousbteS ate banpfftebatoape/ tobpeb bauebctebmpne bette/cbaunginge enpgbttn to bape/ anb m ligbtintobatcbnes.cbougb 3! tatp neuec^ Co mocb/pet ?gtaue is mp boufe/anb 3! muft mafiempbebintbeoatc&amp;e.g]callco?tupci0 mpfatbet/atbetoo?meScail3! mpmotbet 9 mpfpftet. tebat belpetb enmp longe ta* tpengei )?/tobo topll fulfpll $ tbpnge/tbat 3! lobe fo?f 3ii tBatf baue / aligo botone in to tbe pptt/ano Ipe tot me in tbe tuft. C'j3atoaoherrefbtbTpapne0Qftl)ebnfaptbfuU iopcBja, Cbe.ltbiij.rBaptei!: penanftoetebJBalbabf ^tite/ **m m it lanbrapbe-.toben topil*pe mabe an tbe as tbou. enbe of poute too?bes i flpatcbe _. Itoell/accwrpoje/toetoplirpeafte aiCo.lbetfo?eatetoecounteb as beaftes/ anbteputeb Co bple (npoute fpgbt?9bP be* ftsopett tbou p felfe toitb anget? g&gt;ball eat be fo;fafien / o? tbe ftones temoueb cute of eit place becaulie of tbe? Dbali;

not tbe ipgbt of e bngoblp be put oute* pee 8ameofbiSfp?e allnotbutnc . be ipgbtlbalbebarcftembftbtoellpnge/abP^ cenMe albepue oi? t ^b bim, is pjefump* tuouS goisigsg en u bepte in/9 bft atone counceii -aiftsS $m botone, &gt;jfo? bft fete albetafienfetbttett/anbbealltoaise t'n f fnate ^is fote aibe bolbe in gflbet/ anb e tbm&amp;K all catd) bim.n;Be fnare i&amp; lapeb f o? bim in e ^rouiiae/anb a pitfall in t&amp;etoape. iFeatfu!neffe all mabe btm aftapebOH cuetp Cptte /at be anot bnotoe / tobete to get ottt.^onget albe bis fubftaunce/f mpffo^tune allt)angebponpm.^ea m.ii eats

Clje bckt

tatttfe torn of tymvm/'*ty fp?&amp; *rtT$at ia/ an bo?ne of oeatb Qjall eatcbpsmtmb?es . M JSSjteana biscomfo?te abbpe ftalbewteboutofbi* iSHSK w***** / * featfulneae man WW 8SHtoy.Wnito tbe fipnge^fiDtbetmenflwll btoell b*)?^f ftaii m bis boureitobicb note is none of bis ) and fiwii : ftat &lt;s tyj&gt; maone fljalbeftatetebbpon (jib babita* aSffiF' "on.fps totes a&gt;albeo?pebbp btnetb/ana Jit aBou't ftallfitt batuett becuttootone,;$ps temeb?aunce (hail petifb from die eattt) / f bis name (ball not be p?apfeb in tbe aretes: be fbalbe bjpuen from tbe ipgljt into Dacca* neffe/ano be caft cteane out of tb e too?lb. $e (ball netber baue cbpityen no; 'fepnrfolcfiegs

amongebtspeopfe/no/netenppo&amp;entem &amp;isccuntie:paung a olbc albe aftontfljeb atljteDeat&amp;.^ocb ate note tbe btoellpnges bf.tbe topcaeD/ami tW tbe place or bim tbat Bflottetnoioo, Cjob tccjtc(^(0mpferfes ana gteuouft papui * Pr'opdeC^tQ of tlj c genecall xtiuut ct pon. &amp;e.;jc.Cbapter. ;sob anttoeteb/a fatfse :6 o to longe toillfebejempmpnbe/attoubie me toitb too?brs ? A-oy ten tpmes I )me pe tep?oueb me : ate pe not a Qjam eo/f o? to laugb me f to fco?ne I p f 3 go to?oge/i go to?5geto mp feife.JBut pf ?e to pll enfjaunce pom femes agapn tt me /a a c cure me to be a toicfieDpetfonnebecaureof $ tbamescomebp5me:BnotoetbiStben/ f ft t.s &lt;3oft/ tofi tcb batb boIeb me fo btollti? abatb compafea me aboutc toitb bts fcour* ges.J8e&amp;olDe/n)ougft 1 ctpe/pet biolence is bone bnto me/ j can not be betbe : cbougb "* coplane/tbrae is none to geue fentence tt le.^ebatbbebgebbpmp patb/ 3 cannot gee atoape, be batbfetbatcfineffe in mp ga&lt; ^.te.^ebatbrpoplebmeofmpnebonoute/ana ft* au auS t* 6 * *&amp;* a * CTOtonc atoa * e ft0 m ? &amp;eao if Sm Mtttoan Bat &amp; bctttopeb me on ettetp fpbe / ana a am Of id i&gt;p ttje bnoone: S^pbopebatD be ra&amp;en atoape fto trounce K,me/asfttoeteafl:epiuctebpbp rote.fcis c6ebp^tmtL 8 % u Sb1!toetebfeenemp. ncs of t$cfc $'* men of toatte came togefljet / toBfcfj ti$ts : fat aii maoe tbeit toape ouet me / anbbefegebmp "KJM 8 |&gt;toellpngetounoeaboute.$ebatbPutmp ww : aufaL M&gt; fane atoape ftome/arodj astoete Bije come ton* ormpneacquauntance/ate become ftrau* 5f rttanue 4 getsbnto mt.Wftnt atone fipnffois^ bauc SSKHL - f0?fa * ? me/ampfteMS baue put me out of 2K sfn temeb?aunce.cbefetuauntes 9 mapDest of Ctectouneof mpneattneboufe tafieme fo? a tttafiget/ 9

onemn acr |ambecomeasanaleaunt intbeft ffgbt. ** WW lbenu callbponrnpcetuafft/be geuetft SR S me no anftoemno tbougb 3! p?ape bim tottb ftai^ethtD^^mout&amp;.^Pncatonetorfemape nota= nitic t$at fim bpoe mpb^tb/aam&amp;pntt to fpeaatfap^

bnto tficebpR?i of mpnc attnlboopjeef bntu W aW fietp befette fooie? berppfe me / a tobe 3 am frpftom ts, gone f torn tbem/ tbcp fpeafte eueli bpon me "W-Sojfa aillfocb ass toetemp moft fammetis/abbo^ SSR* re me:| tbtp tobom 3 loueb bed/ ate twnrb Wu' SSl agamftme. $V bone bSgetb to m; ttpnne,/ man ifc j 9 mp flew tt atoape/onip tbete i^ieft me the *" fflpnneaboute mp tetb. i^aue pptc bpo me/ w * ^^f'" 1 ' baue ppte bp5 me(&gt; pe mp ftensejj) fo? tlje banDeoftbe'ilbftebatbtoucbcDme. iDljp bo pe petf ecute me "* ass cb/ano '* are not * * *'* (atiCfpebofmpfieflbef vmmtm ! tbatmp too?bej$ toete tojitten/jD tbat U, ',"'"'"' tftep totteput in abofie: tooioe od mm?mZ toeete grauett an p?on penne in leabe o?'in toot* hpm ftone.jf o?3| am Cute/2 mpteoemet Ipuetb/ W2tps6e baperfbatlifbailbe clotbeb agapnetetb^SSS fBpnnc/a'fedESobinmp'fleft. feejmpfeifefct. fbail beboiee bim / not toitb otbtt but toptb ( * (. ftjefefameepe?. ^ptejne0 art conftimeD f ,X *? toitbirtme/ toben pe fape:ibpDo not totmSitw, petfecucebim^toebauefoiinbeanoccafjonficuofaniancf agapntt btm . JBut b ctoatte of tbe ftoeat oe/ f lc (S ) CI &gt;* a * fo? ttiettoeam toplbeauengeb of toBc6eofBSMK neffe^anb be fure/tbat tbetc W a t*0mimE3B Cop58crapn/^at^ctmattJfctt^etoitetOBrfySM6MHt2'ana igeVopcBEti fljall^aue aftojtttcnOe. tjaiiifpcth a Cbc-ft.bapter. iouc'd^ i^enanftoeteb&amp;opgMtbejDaa4f?35 jmatbrte/antifapoe:fo?tbe famea to fan 10 li caufe bo mp ft)ougbte copell mt Wmt, bto anftoete .anbtobp:mpmpnr,eg rI g^' ijs toffeb bete anb tbete . ^ baue ruff prtcntlp % S betbetbp cbecbing anb tep?ofe/tbetio?eam 10 miififcKa gpurporebtomaSeanftoereaftetmpnebn" *) (a betftanDpng.ftnotoeft ftounot ti)W mn\v- t 3"? &gt; "W&lt;^ mm from m \mmim*m fence tbe noS'Sg; tteacionofman bpon eattb) tbe p?apfe of w *bngoblpbatb bene fbo?te / anb tbat ttje tope of ppoctiteg contintif o but tbettopncblpng ofanepefebougbbebemagnifpeb bpto beauen/fotbatbiabfabereacbetb bnto tbe

cioub^ be peiiffljetb atf laa ipfie bouge: gnfomocb^attbeptobieb Bauefene bpm/ fape:ibece t0 bc^e banpf ftetb as a b?ea* me/fotbatbe cannomo?e be founDe/apaf= fetbatoapeajsabifponintljenpgbt. &amp;&gt;o tbe w tofoiib fatoebimbefo?e,gettetb noto no fpgbt of Bim/anb bis place bnotoetb bim nomo?e.^iScftplt)?engoa begpnge/ t^eic banbes b?mgett)emtofo?oto 9 bf upneffe. ftS bt'S poutb biS bones ate full of bpee/ tobicB all ipebotone toptb bpm in feattfj, tBben topcbe&amp;nefTe isftoefe m bismoutb/ bebpsefft itbnoetbts tonge.cbat be fauou* tetb/tbat toplibe not fo?faBe/ but fiepetb it clofe inbiS tb?ote . cbe mr ace be eatetbv (baibt tutneo (0 tbe popfan of rerpentes/ toi'tbm

1I.1 .

r ^ *

Mp$8 ^mMtmw fy*m iaiw* Cffiail^ato^outof^isbeip^gjcitffucBc nffl^ fttpece0[jeeD/9 atoecg rouge $ail Cage ISf?^6Wf*iM butter: utlaboute all Saunitfta* &amp;e/6t jet^uetiot^mgeto eate.reatett:a= k6 jc:ifffratiuapleaaU!)ema?ie ft|tg$a / butljeftall 7ft m SueCpopieD/ananot64pttot?jeni. ^p3be:p ^ngtopcj n jjigr;oueeeouftieffe.^eDeuouwJifogreD2 ^ gooDW Q)a!l not wofpere . cijougf) fte ftatt pienteouftteffe of eaerg tftpnge / pet toag fte IJoo^e / anD tlj^fo^eUe rss but a to?etc^ on euerpfjue, ifoit^oug?) toicfieB^aueneuetfomocg toftHbJ3 btlv/ytt&lt;3&gt;sto Q}a]irenbet)t0to;att) bponljmi/an&amp;cauft ftpsbattapiltorapgne ouerft:ni:fog?f!)eGeiI}ep?onterapeng/l)e aIibefl)ottoitl) aeiebotoe.cijearotoe fljall beta "ftc fo;tl)/anD 50 oat at lj:s bacRe/ I11 cjatfe/tican!) a gltttermg ftteatoe tljojcta) tbe gall of *w5^6mi[jitn/feaK all comebpo&amp;i*m. b *[jere all ^^"^noDarcfiiiesbeableeobr&amp;ebi.anDbnfimlj*

Icd f p?e all confumel)im/anOlo6ete()at tnapnetb in W boufe/ft (bail be fietttopeb. CbebeauenDjaHbeclatebiStoicfieunefle/? tip eartb all tafie parte aga ? ntt bim,be fiibffiutnce tljat lie batft in W ftoiitt/ alb e taficn atonpe ant) perplb/ in tbe tape of tbe Jlo#e$to;?a) . :bi0 1* tbepo^cpon tbat tbe toicfiet) (ban baue of (gob/ ana tbe beretage t^at ^e mespe ScSe f 0? of tfte %oftt. C3ob rcc jrteit) f fte p;ofpcrie of i&amp;: topcfetti I * fl;t DcfcrpbttljtljciefoOaparupncano&amp;fanicc^n, Cbe^i^bapter, SDb antoereb/anb fapb : bf ate ,n;?^o;^/?anifnbepoucfelues!. &amp;ufireme alptle/ i^atj raape fpeafieaifo / anbttjen laugft mp too;D^ to tmnt/tt pe topIL p it toift a mg/ tftataraafietij^Difputacponiti&amp;bicbpfit tt ere f 0/ Q)uiDe not mp fp;ete be tben (n f o;e trouble? SSarcft me toell/ be abar eo / anb lapepoure ^anoe bpon poure moutb. $0} tobe J ponb?e $ cSfpb?e tftfjs/g! am afrapeb/ anompfieg)i0 fm^tten tottb feare. (rr^ fo?e 50 tofc&amp;e&amp;ftiett Ipue in bealt^ aift p;ofc petite/come eo iljett oldeage / anb tncteafe tnrpebe^f betrcbplberpcbplb?enlpue in tbeirfigbt/ gebeitBenetacpcn befo?etbeir citfcCQrA: qouOlv are tafe f 1 5 all feare/ f 0? tberoMiof^otsiaotbnotfmpJe tftem .cftcw bullocse senb;ctd/S tbatnot oute of tpme: t^eitr co toe caltietb/anD fa not bnfrutef ull. *ep umt fo?tb fteir tllflktfi bp flocfteg/ antuftetr fornix ieue uaunce, create

toitf)tbemtab^{an5^arpeg/anB5aue 33 mftrumenteg of murpefi at tbeir pieafure, Cbeprpe^etbeir&amp;apejsmtoeJtbpneffeibue f os?ip 1^ go Dotone to bell.cbeg Cape bn* to oa:go from M/ toe ae(p;e not tbe finoto lesgeoftbytoapcs.fia^at manerof feiotoe i$fyt aumigbtie, tbattoe fymiUm \mt lbat p;ofpt Qmioe toe ^aue 1 to fitbmptte oiirefelutiS bnto bpm i TLo / tbere is wtdQ no goooneffein tbe/tbecfo.'e toill norj baue to uo toic^ tbe counceil of 5 BitgoMp^oto oft all tbe cSsie of tbe to:cfceD be put outi boto oft cometb tbeir DeCmccion bpon tbf 5 *D to^atf o?otoe all &lt;ai geue tb^ fo? tbeir parte m Digs toiatb'f ee tfjep an be cue as tbaff befo# tbetopnDe/anb as tiuB tbat tbe fto;mecariftb atoape. 3nD tb oiigb mm fan e tl) e i t cb vlD : e from C focftfojotoe/pettopube fo retoa^etbefeU ueg/tbat tbep ail ftnoto it rtjr aitne se* Cruceton anb miferp oil tbep te tottb t\)tit epf3/5b?incfieof tbe fearful! to?atb of t^z aimigbtp $ 0; teftat caretb be / tebat be co^ meofhi0bouoide after bp^ ofaciiitDiicfe monet'be? paffe atoapefapftertben an a 3 totoe.Jnaj5mocbtbeag(0oDbatb tl)cl)pe8 potoerofall/tobocanteacbbimenpfinotos If gti ne opetb note toben be i^ mrgbtpe 51 atftij8beft/rtcb/inp?cfpeute:euetobibp0 *botoersJ are at ^ fatteft/a bi3 bones full of * ftw? t J mar?,an otber Dpetb m fo;otoe ^bcupneffe/ wne.*oiw. an&amp;neuet Ijao gooDUapeg. jijotottepe t^ep vea0 P a P^* botfj a Ipftein tbe eartb/9 tl)e too?meg couer tbmt.lBut 3 fmotoe tobat pe tb pnefie/ pee 5 tobat pe pmagin agapna me bnrigbtuoufip J0 iJFo?pefape:toberet?tl}e ^pnees palaeei tobere!0^e&amp;tDeifpngeoftbebngoD!p:l!ffie enp ma tbat gcetb bp tbe toape/ f.tpf pe toil! . nottegatbetbetrto&amp;ens 9 be^) lie alltell pou/tbat tbe toicfieb is fiepte bn to tbe bape of teftruccpon / anb tbat tbe bngcWpfljalbe b?ougbtfo?tbintbeuapeofto;atb. abo barre rep/oue ^im fo? ftis toapes to W face; tobo retoarttetb f)i n 1 fo; tb e bngracroufnede tftatftebotb^etftallbebe b?ougbttobp? graue/ anb toatcb amonge tbe beape of tbe beeb.c^tn all be be fapieto be burpejj a* monge t^e ft ones bp tbe bjofie fpbeJH men muft folotoebpm/attiereare innumerable gone bef o?e bpm. &gt; boto bapne is tl)e com*

t ojte t pe geue ntef Ice not poutc anftoeres cleane contrarp to rpgbt an) trcut^;

C&lt; Ii pljs? r rp jefcenOc tlj jfoti of unmcrcpfulncffc* Cbt wti.dr^aptct. &gt; lipbastbe cbemam'tf gattf anftoere/^t fapue:&lt;3i?ape a man te 2 comparer bnto ectjm tepfoonie/ Itbougb be feme to bim felt / f 0? to t ipfce UttnrlBEjat pleafute batb eoo in g Sb.iij. fflou

: S^


t&amp;ou artrigbtuoug?? tobat bo it p?ofite bim/g P toapeg are perfect?!*!)* atrapeb totep?ouee/ * to fteppe fo?tbtt tin to tubgmenti comet!) not ig fo? f great tor or fiebneffe/a f o? pne bngraetoug beb$ tobicb ate innumerabicfebou baft tafie piebge "from tbp bjete fo? nougbt/ a tobbeb na* fiea ofrtjeir cloing: co to ag toere toer* tftou geue no toater to b?incfie/ou ^baft toitbbiatof b?ebfro $ bugrpe: ^bulDe f o one en ag bfe bioiece/to?onge 9 op*

p;cffpon(botnge all mge of patcialrte, ano (jauinge re fpecte of pctfonneg) btoell in e lanse i cljoubaft fent topbbotoeg atoape emptie a opp?effebepoo?efaerleae. berfo?eartoucopafeb aboutetop fnareg oneuerp QK/9 fobelp bereb\i&gt; feare dbufteff ou efenobarcfineffe ? g&gt;bul* be not toaterSoube tunneouet e?#oto lecaurep" d?ob ft brer en tfte beau? g/a be* caufe oufepttieftarrcgarrfobre&gt;tot'it tbou erf o?e fape : cufb / bote fftulbe ob Snored Bo big bompnion tea beponbe tbe doubegt'cutb/tbe cioudc* couerbrm p be mape not fe / fo;beotoeiie in rjeauen. leell/tbou toilt fiepe ? oioe toape / tbat all tofefieb men &amp;aue gone : botb oltje aponge/ tobofe founbaclo is a vumnge toatet/ tobtcb fare btitoob:go fro bs/a after ig maner: eu/ tobat toctl m Jfmtgbtie bobnto tsi wmm*mv** a w" * : tobetcagbetnottotrbftaMrnglfrlUtbtbeir fttte ?t is tje Jt feife alone/toljo Yrtll tutnc

Jobaffirinetb Mattfe botfjebnotoeflian&amp;fcawh tht potocr ana fentence of themE^c j Cagttj tbaibc bath toalbeOmbis cjjjbttocftHlfc. cacbcrruj.cbapfer. g&gt;b anC toereb/a fap&amp;: 0Pp fating * ig ret tfji0 bare i n bitterness mp Dabebeupamonge mrgrenpng^. &gt;atampgbtfebimanbfpnbe rjaiuffi) at 3 mrgbi come bef oje big reate/ to pleatemp caufe before bim / 9 to frltmp moutoargumeteg-.batamtgbtfinGto/ tobat anfteerefcetocloegeue me: aat$

migbtbnberttan&amp;e/tobatbetoolbe fare bn* tome.lrilbepieate agarnttme tonb &amp;rs* greate potoer 9 flregtb/ o? totll be leane btm relfebttetlrbponme^bno/letbimnotbo fot&amp;me.lButlettbrmgeuemelrfie potoer togotoglatoe/tbenamlfutetotopnnemp matter fo; ougb? go briojtM f rnbe bim nofcff $ come bebpnbe/ J cangetnofinoto* lebge of bint-.? f 1 go on tbe left fpbe to pob?e btgtoo?cfies/acannotattepne bnto tbem agapie pf a go ontbe rigbt fpbe/ be tjpaet^ bimfelfe/tbata cannotfebim . 58utag fo? mptoapc,befinotoetbit:atrpemeage goice in tbe fp?e. #euerelegmp fete fiepe big pa/ 6pg tire ttrete baue 3 bolben/anb not gone oute of itj baue not fotfafien tbe cSmaunbemetC ofbigiippeg/ but lofie tobat be argeb me toi&amp;igmou/atbaue3 Owttbpin mr

bouffgtt algoob . l@bicft meanrnge of tbe bngoblp be farce fro me. fo; tot'tb iore (ball ibegoblr/an&amp;toitbglabneCe ffiati ttjeinno* cent fey tbat tbeie wcteaCe fljall be beteen botoneyanbtbeit pofterrte confimicbtoirtj fT?e . Ctjerfoje recocfle tbebnto (ffio&amp;/9be con* tent/Co ftall all tbingeg pjofpere tt frtgbt* toell.^eceaue tbe Iatee at big moutby ^lare _bpbigtoo^intbrneberte.ifo?rnboutoilt 3^ turneto f atmrgbtie/tbou alt ftanoe faft/ aall bmigbtiwufneffe all be farre fro tbr Dtoelirnge:^e all geue tbe an bameft/ to&amp;ieb in plentp 9 abcunbauce f&amp;aN e reeabe tUebutt of tbe eartb/anb tbe golbe offlPpbtc Igfierpuer ttones . ?ce tbe aimigbtre bru . atone feife Cpalbe tbin e bam eft/9 tbebeape of tbrmoner. Cben alt tbon baue tbrbe*

ir te in tfiea: imigb tie, 3 irft bp tbr face bnto @cd arbeiiDiafttbou mafietbr P?aretbn to bmy be ftall beare tbe/ 9 tftou fbalt fie* petbrp?* be ft in banb/be an mafie it to p;ofperett tbe/anbthelrgbt an rne in tbrtoareg. 4Fo? tobotobumbletb Brm felfe /brm all be frt bp-^nb tobo fo lofietb me&amp;elp / albe bealeD .je tboubeirmoeet/be allfauetbe: . anb tbo;oro tbe bngrltpne of tbrne BSbeg ftalttboubebeiruereo.

bimbacfti$tbottjagbimliactb/anbb?m* getb to pace tobat be toill.f e retoarfietb me intompbofome/amanr otbertbrngeg rao botb^ be/agbemarebrbigpotoer. ffibfgiS^ $ caufe/rtjat g jincfte atbigp^fence/fo^' tobeni confrb?cbim/3 am aftareb of brm. jfo?infomocb agbeigiBcD/bemafietb mp berte foffcanb fepngetbat beig 3Hmigbtpe/ beputtetb mein can notj gett outofbarcfineffe/tbecIouBebatbfocouereb mp face. lEjob Befcrpbe Cb tbe to jebebnes of men I J (Jttof lb tobat cuclIfbcIoiigcc!)coiiicrap:UtD, be.rriiii.bapter. fiDnfpberpnge t^en tbat t^tre ig notpme bro from tbe aimpgbtie; * bote bappenetb it/tbat f bep tob icb ___Jfinotoebim/toril not regarbebtg Dareg^ojfomementbetebe/tbat remotie otbet meng lanbematfieg: tbat rebbe tbent cftbeircateliy anb fiepe tbe famefo? tfteij a tonctbat tyyui atoare affe of tbe fatftev* leffe-.tbat tafie tbe torbbotoeg ore fo? a pleb* ge: tftattb?ufttbepoo?e outeof tbetoape/ anb opp;eflc tbe fpmple of tbe too?lbe tege* tber.i6eboibe/tbe torlbe am 01 tbe beferte goobptpmeg/agtbeir maner t'g /torpople: feetbebetp toplberneffe mpniftretb foobe f 0; tbetr cbilb?e, b er reape ib e cc?ne felbeffi m


tbatignottbeiratohe:9gat5ertbegr4peg cut of big binparbe /tobotfjepbaue oppjef* feb brtopojeme.cbep ate ecaufe tbat fo tnanpmensrena&amp;eban&amp;itare/baupngeno ciotbegtocouertbem ano fiepe tftetn from coloe:S&gt;o tbat toben e otoerg tn mou= tapneg baue rarneb bpon tbem/^tbep be all toett/tbep baue none otber fuccoureybutto fiepe tbem amonge tbe rocfieg. Cbepfpople tbefucfiinge fatbetfeiTe cljil b;eyanb put tbe pooje in p?efon: an fomocb tbattbepiettbegonafiebtouboutclotbing/ anb pet tfte bungriebearetbeeeiu , g.cbe poo^earefapiietolaboure in tbeiropie mil* ieg/ree anb to treabe in eir topne p;etTeg/ 9 pet to f time njp? ft .cbe tobole cptie crpetb bnto e jLo?be toitb fpgbpng/ tbe fouler of $ flapne mafie tbet'r complapnte: Sut ob Heftroretb tbem notfo^all tbig / tobere as tber(not toiftanbpnge)are rebellioug anb bifobebif t enempeg;to!)icb fefie not big ligbt anb tear e/ner turne agapne in to bpg pan). cpmelp in tbemomrngebo eparpfe/to '"murtburfte fpmple anbpoo?e/9in f npgbt tbepgoaftealpnge. ebe epe of tbe bngoblp ig Ipfie e abuott* terer/ toaptc fo? tbe barc&amp;neifc/frfape tbu0inbim felfe :cu/tt)ereallno man feme/atobebirgpretbbisJ face, gpnft npgbt ceafonepfearcbeboufeg/ anb bPbe e felues intyt bape tpme/bitt toili not finoroe f ligbt.J?02 ag fooneag tbe bapeb;eafie / tbe abotoe of bea cometb bpon f /mo tt)ep go in bojrtble barcfineffe. cbebngoblp igberpftopft: tWpojciS alfo bpoerib toereftopftertOen tunnpngtoatet/tobicb fUfftetl not \ ipmajo bebolbe e fap?e 9 plearautbpnerarb^. $ tbep(fo?toicfieb* net/e tobicb r p bauebone) toere b?atoen to $ beil/foner tbe fnotoeme Ite at tbe beate. ) at all copaffionbpo e toere fo?gott2: at etr bapntieg toere too jmes. at ep toere cleane put out of remeb?attceyawter* ermantepneebare/ama&amp;e tbtitiw cannot beare/9 bnto topbbotoesftepba no goob.cbep plucfte botone migbtie tt eir potoer/ 9 "cobm ep em felueg are gotten

bp/t&amp;ep are neuer toitbout feare/agloge ag epipue .anbougbtbepmpgjtbe fafe/ peteptopllnot receaueft /fo?eir epeg lofie bpo eir atone toapeg . cbep are eral* teb fb? a iptle / but o?rlp are ep gone/ bjougbt to ertreme pouerte / a tafie out of etoape-.pee abtterlpplucte of/ag eareg ofco?ne.agitnot fof tffibotopll erep?o* tie meag a ipar / a fare atmr too;beg arc nopngetoo?5 CBalbabp:ouctf) tbat no man is clcanc* toitb rate fsne bcfo?c&lt;a-oO. '

Cjcttst, CCbe.rwj.ciiapter. s l^en anttoereb OBalbab e&gt;ubi*2B k te a fapbe ; Potoer a feare pg % bim about 1 i mafie peace 1 fpt* . Jtpngein bigbigbmffe/tobofeinen of ttatteaee tnnumerabte/anD tobufe ipgbt arpfe oner all. mat bote mape a ma c .pa* . reo bnto ob/be iuftifpebf &gt;?/ boro can be 15 be cleane/at ig bam of a toomSf Stfioio/ e floone pne noing in copavtf on to tjimyanb f Ctarreg arebncleane tn bigttgbt. ^otomocbmo?eenma/ 1 igbutco?tup* cto^a S.fonne of ma/tobtc!) ig buta toozmei CJob^ctoetb tbat man (ahuotbElpc^5'oa/anoB:o# UbOitbpbismp:aclfB. Cbe.wbt.bapter. . |^^|j)b anf ir ereb/a fara: bote bcl= 31 ttSat t^lKpefl: eoou &amp; toeafiertobat cofo;te ,M frajgeueft oubnto (jpm t ba no J^5SJftrengfa@bereigt counceiit ourouibeftgeuebim/tobrcb bano topf* borne:" U9iitou fo etoe pne e;eceilent tp8btuoufneg^2Bcfo?etol)cmIjaftouipo*B fienoretoc?begf nabo mace tbe b?e to come out of mou:be giaunteg a too?* teg i 8reu"apne/aipebnbrretoo?ibe*&amp; tbeir copniong: pee a all ep tobicb bteell bene ine bell arenotbpbftobpm/anD berp beftruccio.jt felfe can not be fiepte out of big fpgbt.^e ttretcbe ottt no? ouer tbe emptse/a aggetb e ear bpj notbing. ipe bpnoee toater in bfgcioubeg/ep fall not botone togeer. ijje ljoibebacfi

big ftoule/tbat :'t can not be ttatt 9 fp?ebetb bigcloubcgbefc?eit. l^e ba copafeb tbe toaf erg ft certapne bounbeg/bntpiitbebapeantgbtcometoan enbe.cbr berp ppiierg *t*beatte tremble a m filiate atbg tep?ofe . 98 ftilletl} ree toi Z&amp;M9 * btg potoer/atbo?otoebpgtoplboniebatbbei)auc p:opi? fet fo? tbe toofflxMm W fp;eteba be uo pj* 1-9 w f garnifffieb e beatteg/a toitb bigbDe ba SMgffiS be toounbeb e rebellioug ferpent.cbtg ig S, noto a o?te fumme of big bopngeg . 2But tew tbem up/ tobo igablcfurttctetlpto rtbearce big too?- * lt mtmi&gt; fteg:i&amp;oranperceaueanb bnberftanbe f 2^',S2K* tbonb?eofbigpctoer. JBJS3S oftbebnfaptbftiUttitbi(Jb. . r(h! - huvitrim ffibf ob pioceabeb a toente fo? bfawrsibuiorB inbigcSmunicacion/faping: 2g S fon i - 1 ' *"" trulpag oblpue( tobiba *- taa,,ile&amp;,m * -^.tafienateapemppotoerfromOa tbeaimigbtpe/tbatbatbbereb mpmpnbe: fl^Plippeg all talfie ofnobanite/anb mp tonge allfpeafienobpfreate/ tobplemp b?e ig in me/a ag longe ag e toinoe(at (10obbageuen me)ig in mpnoftrefe obfo?bibbe/| 3 fbulbe graimtepoure 7&amp;MU caufe


Cbe fcofee

cauft to fie r^gftt . ^Sfojmt/bntpiimpne roue come topugtwuetgooftompneinno* ~ cencp.#ptpgbttoes beaipngeaepeg! fa&amp;/ 70 tobicb 3 topu not f ozfalte-.mpbett an not

a*MnberftSti/ttP20uemeofmpbapes a * .cberfb/e mpne tnpire fpent. ec enemp fralbe founbe as fre bngoblp/a &amp;e g mcani) tbat taRefrpamagapnttme/asbnrigbtuouS tcpcnce uc fau' Btea* 8006 / anb frougb ob geue Btm tp* t/oano mat uc frcs after biSbctK befp?e;@ofr oo btare topu not iMricbimfrefottet/tobebecriefr bntobimtnbis " " ""' necelltte? afrbe focb pleafureanbbelpte SffiJffime3llnii8()tftyf5eimaniecaUbp5 iffc Srar/ m oof? topilteafrpou infre name ofMtf totiicft it? c ana fre fringe t&amp;atl baue of fre aimigytie/ SJ" SB* , toiiig not fiepe from pou. ebolbe/pe Babe moamnocf tip. in poure ato neconceate/aS frougb pe bneto all fr pnges.lBberfo^e fr en do p e go aboute toifr focb bnpnetoo?DeS/fapinge:CbiSiS pojeton frat fr e tepefies frali baue of coy 9 fre betetage tftat cpjauntes frail re cea. ue of fre 3lmtgbtie.3f \)i get manp cbilb.ze/ tbep frail pen ft toifr fre ftoeatoe/abte po* Berlte frail bauefcarceneae ofbjeb. jLofie tobo &amp;e leauefr bebmbebtm/frep frail opea be &amp; it wD/atiD no man frail baue ptte of bis topbbotocs.&amp;bougbbebaueas morbemo* hep ass fre butt of fre etfr/ a rapttiet as teas Dp as fre clape/be mape toell pupate i t-.'ou t fre goolp frail put ttbpon bpm/ a tbe inno* JB cet frail Deale out monrp. &amp;ts Iioufe frail wraureasfre moth/ana as a br&gt;3tftetftattrjc toatfr mi mabefr . 3ben fre web ma bpefr / 6c cartefr nofrpnge toifr btm: be is gone in tbc ttopnc&amp;itnge of an epe, e&amp;ruccion ta* fiefr bolbebponbim asatoaterflouoe/ a tfpeftaealetbbtmatoapcmnigbtreafon. 26 bfrement toinbe cartefr bim&amp;ence/ a be* pattetb:aao;miepluc6efr bimoute of bpS rutfrefr in bp on btm / anb fparetb Btm not/Be mapc not efcape from tbc potoec tberof.cben clappemen freitbabesatbim/ peeafcaft of bt/tobe" tbep lobebp3 bis Place. C3ob$:Wtt!j tbat tbe tojfOome of &lt;3&gt;3&amp; is tonfeac* tljaiilf. -. ccfitJtfn'tj.C&amp;aptet. 3 /B^Easj^ete arc places to&amp;fte fpluet is 'molten /atoberegoibe is ttpeb: , tob ere p?on is bpggeb oute of fre grounbe/aQonestcfcIuebtomes tall. bc oatebnes frail once come to an enbe/be can fe&amp;e out $ gtoftoe of ail tbmg?: tbe ttones/tbe oatc&amp;e/a bo?rtbIe fr aootn. mt tbtbe tpuet of taater pattetbbea funoec tbe Qcaunge people / 1 finotceift no gooD

nepgbboutbeaoc:focb asate tuoeijnmanet IV a bopuftouts.^c bnngetb foooc out of ertft/a tbat ttbt'cb is bnbec /confumetb bf w fp#.bere tS founbe a place / babofe ftones are cleane g&gt;apbi/a torjere | clottes of S

eattb ate gome, ^berets atoapeaifo % t&amp; e bpjoesfinotoe not/tbatnobulturs epe batb fenctsbetln pjouoe abpe mpnoet) ma me not; a tobereno ipon cometb.Cbcre ptitcetb be ft is banoe bpo tbe Qonp tocfies/ano ouer* tb:otiietb tbemoutapneg.iamers ftovoe out of t\)t rocbes/ a lobe tobat is pleafaunt/biS epe feptbrt. fl)utof020ppesb;pnget^ bt geeate flouoes togetbet/ tbe fringe tbat is bpo b?ingetbb to ipgbt.^ott comefr a mg tbcnbpi?Pf3omefH0beretstbepIaee|mln ,^ ' f pnoe bnbetaanbing; wereip no ml can tell bob) toojfrp a tbpnge fre is / nefret ts fre f ounoe in tbe lanoe of tbe rputnge.cbc bepe fapetb.frc is not tn me . be fee fapetb*. fre is not b3itt)me.&gt;be can not be gotten fo? moftfpnegoloe/netbetmape fp^ce of bee be b ougbt totft enp monepe. o tt&gt;eoge$ of goioeof p&amp;tc/no p;eciouS 0nir ttones/ no % apbtts mape be cSpanrb bnto bcr.|9o/ netbeegotoe neEb;tBali/netbttftDeteo bours net golben plate. b e r e ts notbtng Co to o: tft p; o? to e^ceiient/as once to be nameb bnto bee : fo? pctfecte topftome gcetb fane be ponce tbemall.c&amp;ecopas tbat cometb out oElnoe/mape in no topfebe Hcfienebbn* tobecpeenomanet of appatcH bote pleas faunt anb fapje foeuet it be. tftomtobec e fren cometb topftome i anb JD teftf te is tbe place of bnber&amp;anspngef&amp;bc is bpo from fre e pes of all men/pee a fro tbe f Diiies of Japje . efltur ciort 3 beatb rape; tojcbaueljeroetellofljee^oureeates.JBut ob feptb bet bjapeyanb finotoefrbet Place. fez be uc&amp;otoefr tbe enacs of fre too?lb anb iobefr bpo all frat is bnbet beauen . i&amp;ben ^ettepeo tbetopnbes/ ameafutebftoatcrs: toben befet tberapneino;b;e/anbgauefre migbtte floubcs a latoef cbenbpobe Wmi fren eecisteb be bet/ pjcpatrb bet a finctoe bet Jnb bnto man be fapbr.ebolbe/to fea : re tbeHo;be/is topfbome:? to fo;fafi e euell. iSbhbetftatfrpnge.

C3ol)CopIapnct^of(t)pp?orpetiti&gt;ofJt)efpratpaB; futtfUprfpjoupngf t)?e fttnoMoframrse/totcaufc t^cp fapls p Job (uffctro accojDpng to bisocfecupna. Tbe.tri'?.baptet. _, 30b p;oceabebanb toentfo^fr* in bts communpeacpon/ fapmge: tbat Ttoere as a teasing mo Inetbcs bp patt / anb intyt oapes toft en 00b p?eferucb me-.toben bPS Ipgbt frpnebbponmp f)eab:teben| totm after tbe fame ligbt e frpnpngente frojoteefre batcbneCKls it Kobe toitii rati tobengj teas teeltbP 9 ftab pnougb : tob en 00 p;ofpeteb mp boufe:tobl fre ilmigbtte teas toitb me: 55 toben mp boufrofre f olebes Qobe aboute me:tebempteapestanneoiiettoifrbiittet/ anQtofoen fre Ccnp tocfies gaue me tpuets ofopK

ofople:teben| teentefro?otofrecitie bnto fre gatc/anb tebf frep fet me a cbapie in t^e tttete: tobc fre poung men(as foon.' as frep fatoeme)bpbfremfelues/a te&amp;en freagea atote/anb itobebpbnto rae:to^en frej^in* cesieftof tbetttaibing/a lapeb tyefcQaxm to tbeicmoufr:tebenfrempgbep bepte ftpii freit bopce/ana toben freit tonges cicueo to fretofeof tbeitmoufres. l^enallfrep t bearbe me/caliebraebapppe:anbto'jen ait frepfratfatoeme/topfffjeomegoob. foi % ^.belpueceb fre poo;etebenbectpeb/anbfre "'fatbetleOe frattoantebbelpe.^e fratftulb bauebenelott/gaueme agoobteo;be/anb tbetopbbotoesbettep^apfebme .anD tobpf t&gt;W tpgbt| put bpon me^tpgbtuoufnes / abiti) co&gt; SSt l^. ttCTea me as a earmet / anb equpte toasmp ' ffitirS m ctcobwe.a teas an epe bnto fre bimae/anb a Turn me/ foteto p iame/3! toasa fafretbnto poo^e/ jnrimsno msanb toben! bneto not freit caufe/f fbttg&amp;t ipw n{ojtoutbiligentlp.| b;j&amp;e fre cbaftfSoffrc 2S. mm? bnrpgWBbwit/anbpluctt frefpople out of jpcR^M Cbetfo?e/gifrougbtbetelp/fratfulbe turn bauebpeb tn mp nea-.a that mpbapes fruloe bauebeneasmanpasfrefonijes offreree. 30 jfo; mprote toasfp?eb out bp f toatee fpbe/

a.fre oeto lape bpo mp come .#pnebo.iout encreafeb m o? e anb m j e /anb mp botee teas euec fre ttrongetin mpbanb nto me men gaue eare/me tbep tegatoe b/a toifr ftfence freptar peb toi mp councell. %t%tm fpoae/ frepteolbe bane it none ofret teapes /mp too?bcs teere fo teell taben amonge tbem. Cbep toapteb fo? me/as fre eattb bofr fo? j bwfbfta tapneanb gapea bpon me / as fre grounoe Inm a m* bofr to receaue fre ^latter fr otoee . iBften srtt3noboiE#g|jaugbeb/tbepftneto toeilittoaSnot earLSSSSf eft:anb fris teftpmonp of mp countenance m * 1 iS Pleareb frem nofr tng at all.naben % agreeb tit 10 fp tnsc bnto freit teape/| teas tbe cbefe/anb fat as a Spnge amonge bis feruauntes:? as one tbat comf o^tefr focbe as be in beupneffe. Ctbf gwatctnTppffngf ofnunanb turffc of ob frat Job Cufttrrtlu ^ mm. cfiapter. 3CI??S^l!iHt note frep frat are mpne inferr* &gt;ours anb pounger fr tn /bauc me Hn Derpfpon -. pee euen tbep/tobofe Ifafrers litooibbaue frougbtfeo?* neto bauefettottbfrebogges of mp cat el I. &amp;e poteer a ttregfr of tbeirbanbrs migbt bo me no goob/anb as fo; freit age, it is (pee anb pad ausape teifrout anp p?of pr.f oj be* spmiferpanb bonger/frep toente aboute in fre toplberne &amp;: IpbeteietcbeS anb beggers/ plucSpngbpfteibes from amonge fre buf&lt; Oes/8 fre funipers rote teas freit meate.

E'nb toben frepteetcb?puenfo?fr/menctieb after frem /ss ft &amp;a&amp; lent after a frcfe.

CjrcMj, ytt in tlje caueg * taut:* oft&amp;e cart^port tntye&amp;;3Kitl)plc0 t^cp 8art&gt;ettotftetoge lapti^/tt).)K^ateacedato3^ fto tljr too?iD* $oto ami ftcit fongc / 9 am burnt tjjett teatttns aocn ;tt)ei? afi^jw me/tftep flc f ant fto me/ 1 Sapne mp face toitfj fpeoe. jf 0; t^c 3Lo#et&gt;a# openco^^qupucc/ljc Dat^ ^p me/8 puta b;pMe in mp mou'tb. 5pon m? rrgljt ftanae tftep rofe to gefflet agapnft me/ tje;t)aue fturEemgfetc/maDeatoaprtonea ftropeme/* mppatft Uaue tftepclene mat* teas Co eafpfo^ftem to do me tjarme/ tftat ftep mm no man to Ijelp e tlj em . clj e g fell bpo me / a? it ftad bene roe b;eaft?ng tn of toattrs/ a came ml)p [j capes to Dettroge mej earf ulneflt 10 tneneD agapnll me. fl^pnebonoure banja^etb atoaremo?e-nDpftlptftentDpnue/^mpp^oepence Depart teft ftece IpBc a? tt.u&gt;ete a ciouae. cfteifo^e tg mp mpnoe p juwd full of Deupeffe/ 5 tftc Daves of trouble ftaum&amp;e ftowebponme. fll? b one? are pear feo tftoj oto in toe npgijt feafon/mp Cpiietoes taftenoreft. IBfaj ail tfteir potoer ftaue tftep cftaugeb mp garmet/ 6tgp;6ebmetfterwtJj/ajtrt toeretiia coate. 3 am eueas it toereclape/?am become lifie aOiiesanoDuft. i8en|.apebntotfte/tftou Doeanotftearemf:3tftougft3;ftanoe before tft e/pet tftou regaraett me not, eft ou art be* come mpne enempe/ 9V&gt; tbp bpo lent ftanbe tft bu tafeeft part agapnft me. 3 n tpm egs pas tftouopieftfetmebponftpe/agittcereabo* uetftetD?nbe;butnoto ftatt tftou geue meet berpfojefall.^urejam/p tftou topltDefp* uermebntotieatft :toftereaga iobgpnge 1$ Prepared fo; ait men ipupnge. otobfenot me to 00 bpolece bnto the/ tftat areaeftropea W allreaDp:butttftecei)urteig done/ tftetetfe t^eptoftelpe.^pbnot'itoepemtftetpmeof troublei i^abnotrnproule compairpbnbpS tfte poo?e; fet neuertfteleOe toftere *s%W , fieu fojgooD/euell ftappenebbnto me: ana

toftere as 5 ^aptea fo; ipgftt/tftere tame aarcSneffe.^pbotoeWfeetftitfitftwi me/9 tafie no reft/ fo? tfte aapeg of mp trouble are comebponme.^ebelpalotolpcamegi in/ peefrtoftftoutanpbifplearure:!! aoocbpiti tfte congregacpon/ana cSmunea tot tb tftem 36iit noto.1 am a companpon of argons/? afeiotoeofcB8rtcftes,flp (fipnnebponme ft turnca to blac fi/ana mp bone js are bja# toitftfteate-.mpftarpe tsturneato fo;oto/9 mppppetotoeppnge. l joft Ttepftfl) tlic fnnocencpe ofljte Ipupngc atUi nDmb;cof&amp;teto:tucfi. Cftej:j3:j.cftapter. 55,b. 31 maae



a* &amp;o tnafee a cou:nafU toitf) (films /ft; to


a *&lt;abeacouenaunt toitijropne epiS/ tljac J tooiocnotlofee bpon a namcell. fo; botogreateapo?* .,..,. wj-.-J cio (bai$ljaueof oofroaboaeJ He r waat comr ft pejaw fo? tbebngoblpjbe tbat topnetbbim metti bp t&amp;e teifetotbecopanpoftopcfieoaocw all not nrcancB of tfje oeacuccionsmpferpcoimbponbpro* otb Stt?SlS ttoe 0efe rai? toa?e0/ teIIaffmvBoinBA n*a 10 fepoc3;f SOtttimA bntobanpte o?pfmpfete pane runneto Dpfceauc ; letmebeteepeo in an men balaiuice/ tbat &lt;sobmaprempin&lt;

nocencp.'jffobetbat 3 baue to;tbb?atone rap fote out of rpgbt toape/pf mp bert bat( foiotoea mpne ere fpgbt/pf 3 ! baue Qapneo o? Dttiieo'mp bSaeg; &gt; $m ijs it Kgtoi tbat 31 fotoe/ ana another eate/pee tbat mp gene* tacionanDpotteritebecieaneroteb out. %( nip bett ftatft lutteb after mpnegbboute? to?ffe/o? pf9S baue lapse toapte at bus bo?e. tben let mp totffe be anotber maitf ^atlot ana let otb er ipe toitb det, JFo? tfti'3 tf a tore* fiecneffe $ fpnne / ffittfif tootfbp to be pun* ; jb npfibeb/pee afpre tbatbtterlp flmfte confume/aroteoutallmpfubftJce. m^ ni tbr nfie fc o?ne to bo ngfjr bnto mp feruanteg 9 mapc&amp;J/ toije t^ep bab enp mater agapnft me.isutfepnge g .oatoiHfpttiniuagmet tobat ali^! boijna fo? fo mocbagfte toill neaejsbpfettme/tbyatanftoerelljauageue bpm*ie tbat faponeo me in mp motners ttombc/maDefjenotliimaifoitowetoenot bocb apen alpfie m ottn motberjs boated ibentbepoo?cef?;eb anp tbtngeatme/ baue 9 benpeo it tbem^aue icaufeb tftf topabotoe ftanbe toaptfnge fo? me in bapnei l^aue % eaten mp pc?cpS a lone/ tbat tbe f a* tbmeffe batb baa no parte % me ; f o? mevep C 5t:etoe bp toitb me fro mi pouib/* c3pafflon btffo wgata^ro mpmotberg toombe. $aue3 feneanp l ffitm ' of man pttttb tbo?oto nafieanece $ to'atpf do* S'Swof nwM&gt;*n&gt; poojeman fo?iacft of rap* fEjnnonc/is/toraent/tobofeftDegtbancBebmenot/betaure is giceious m be toag toavmea toitb tbe toolle of mp Gjepei 9ft*?* t0 ^pb 3i euer Ipftebpmpbanae toburte i&amp;E* fetberleffef pee in tbe gate tobereg fatoe uV Snr c ?o W Rift to be in aucto?! te; ttjen let mpne ar^ u. c^.c^mefallfrompfljuIDer/? mpnearme &amp;o!eg outijeraiiiacucbeb?oBenfr5tbeiopnte^ iffo?31 baueeuer * h? S'rnnn fta * c * tbebettgeaCce 9 puniftemet of &lt;so&amp;; ^to%^^etobet^toeH/tftoagnotaWetolwaw t^mowco gob^burtben^aue^ptttmp tmOmgolbe?

gfpT " |- t ; becaufe mpfubftaflcetoasgreat/ 9 becautt rii ' : sl t^tteiampbanbcgatfomocbe^pbg 1 euergreatlp -ftjuia^/ate6*regatbc tbe tpftng of tbt tonne i o;bab 9 b9g gri roune *g c gotng bo tone of tbe moone in gteate re* SKCiftttK, anpDtfceate-?/bib'5euerRpaempneatone

ijattue c tljat toereatojefictmeffe teo^n to bepunpajeD/t'o?t^en antlDef, ^aueDu&gt;?fo tfteootftat ijs aboue . $aue3 ; euet teiov ff D at t&amp;e&amp;utte of mpne enempf 2 tea? % f uer gJao/ g an?ftatme happmcD biito iftmi

S&gt;\) tmiev fuSteo ra? moufij to 00 fecfje a ffraie/asfto terftiJtm torn, fst t^om mpne atone ^oufto'oefarc:ta^ofijaii let 'os to &amp;atte oute bellp full of fjps fleQj; gi i)aue not fttfficcD a fttaunget to Jpe tottft cut / bnt openeom26o?e0ntoljim.ilj?8ue?eHCi;bcrie anptotcfieDoeoeto^ete t^o;oto r i ftaraebmp felfe before memo? anp afcyompnacpo/tont 3;toajSfapnetoBi?De iti$cwt% baDfeatcD anp gteate multptttoe of people:o? pf 3 baD a .. ..,. bene oprppfeo of tbe fpmple/fiD tben CiulO % cc^ty 8g S ftaue beneaftapeu. bus ftaue % qupetipHpi^i fpentmflrfe/^notgoneoutattbeboje.iD^^nieB tbat 3 ftau one iubpcb **Qmmt&amp;stEg* tbijs t! mp caufeXet ^e abnpgbtp geuc me # SS, antoere-.s let bpm tftat ig nip conttavp pas= mm itS tp/fue me tot'tba ipben.cben mallei tafie ft Jj&gt;* |g bpon mp HjuIDet/g as a gatlance about mp K?-?,?? beao.3 baue tolDfljenobetoEmrgotngeg/anoft, 9 oelpneteo tbf m bnto bpm ag to a P?pnce. toes tei JSut p cafe be tbat mp c *Iance ctpe agapna 5'tetn m? me/o? tbat tbe fojotoes tbetof mafie anp co= SLfiSai vmrtv-m Saw eate tbe Rttteg tbcvof bn= 55BS5 papeDfo2/peepf5bauegteueoanpofpjoton;&amp;p; 1 uoof memtben let cftpRfeg gvoae in tteaoe of mp *% iDbeate/gtbo^ieisfo^mjbarlpe. Ci9e'tfsn&amp;etfje mouses of Job. CCU' 1 -! aftcc tfjc oftjer fiat) fynpfTfi c a iijcir commit* . npcacpon/rtpfouetl) t^era o folpff&amp;ncB.2!8emaSct!( n3tamanto?Cc,l)util)efp:MeoM5oO. C^.^ttCbaptec. j2&gt;tbefetb?ementooIbearpue no* mo?e iw'tb 3ob/beeaufebe befoe a * * * ItMtB bpm Telfea rrabtuouisman. 3BHt,h F 3trtjft a *cEI'u tt)e tonne of ffiatacbcll tbe of iije tttte* jSuflite of tt)e ftinreb of Bam/toag betpfo;e of w g*g DtfpleafeD at?ob/tbat be calleb bfm feUiutt f ,S before &lt;S5ob.ainOtottb5!ob0 tb?eftpnDe0 beSW! toajs angrp alfo/becaufe tbep baD f ounbe no waiaiof fe teafonabJeantoeteto ouetcome bpm.J9cto &amp; fpo^n iju. tati'eD CUu tplltftepbab enoeb tbetc comtini- *w cacpontottb Sob/ fo;tobP tbep toere eJoet s&gt; t&amp;enbe.&gt;o tcben ceiiu tbe tonne ofo&amp;ara* cbeltbe3Suffiteratoe/gmefetb;ementoeve not able to male 3!ob anftoere/bc teas mpt= eontcnfcfo tbat begaue anftoeie bim feJfe/f tap&amp;e:Confpb?ing/tbat9 , amfoage/?pebc men of age/S teas! afrapeb/a&amp;utanot mem f o?tb nujmpnoe/ fo? 3 tbougbt tbuS toitbni mp felfe-^t becommetft oine men to fpea&amp;e/

9 ^e agebto teacbe mtn&gt;ome.uerp mg ( no uoute) batb a mptbe/but it t'g tbe mfpiracio oftbe^lmfeb^tBatgeuetfibnoetaanDmg.' aumeatenottofre/tiet5erbot&amp;euerpagfl&gt; man

* -

1 ,* -*

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man bnbetttanbe t&amp;e t&amp;mge't&amp;at tjs latotUU, Cijerfo^e topu J fpeafte aifo( in fo farre a^3S mape be btaioe)* topll eto pou mpne opp* npon,&lt;ffo? toijeng baOtoapwDtpUpe mase an tno; of poure tat&amp;pnge/anbbearoe j'oure toproome/ tobat argismetes pe m3be in pour communp^acpompeetoljeng bab bplpgetlp ponD;eDiDbatpefapde % foiinDenotoneof pou tbat made anp gooo argument agapntt 5;ob/ o;tbat bmctip cou&amp;e mafie anttoere bnto W too;bes:leftpe fljulbe p;apfepoure f elueg/to baur foiioe out topCDomr. becaufe it \$ od tbat batb ca ft bpm out / $ no man. j^ $euertbeJetre/f epnge be batb not fpo&amp;e bn* tome/tberfo;e topll not% anftocre bpmag pe baue bone ( fo? tbep toere f o abafibf b/tbat tbepcoube not mafie anftoere/no; fpeafie one too?ae ) but in fo mocbe ag pe topi! not fpeafie/ ftaiiDpngettpHfpfiebommen /anD tna&amp;pnge noanftoere:? 1 baueagooubope . foimppaiteto flwppebimananttoere/ano to flutoe bim n-pmeanpng.Jfo?3 amfuii of toowtii tbe fp;ete tbat 10 toittjm me/ com* peiletbme. ffifboibe/^amastbenetotopne/ tobicb Batb no bente/anbburftetbtbe netoe bef* feK in fimber.cberfo;e topll | fpea&amp;e/tbat % map ban e a bente# toill opl mp !pppe0/$ mafie anftorre 3 toill regar&amp;e no maner of pcrfonne/iio mi toill T ft)are.&lt;JFo? pf T toolb 3oaboutetopleafemen/5f ftnotoenot bote

fonemp mafiertoolbetafiemeatoape. Cliuftetoe(fjto5ct(njoboRentic(5.W(t!j^Soamap to aoi^ cutiwxflv fMtift on 1 &amp; 15 ttwaca. Cbc.JWi.bapter. ^erfo;ebearemptoo;b^( 5^) ^btrBenmitomeali/tbatJ topll r fape:)5eboH)e/3i topil open mp ?moutb/anbmptonge fljali fpeafie cutofmpebatoeg. fl^p^evt r&amp;allo^emp too;oe^ a r pgbt/ a mp ipppes all talfie of pure toifoome.cbe fp?tte of oa batb mabe mc/^tbeb^etboftbealmpgbtpebatbgeuen mempipft.3 f tbou canft/ tben geuemean* Ctoete:p?eparetbpfelfeto ftanbe before me face to face.j8eboRie/befo;ecb ami euen suttbou/foi% amfaftponeb anDmabceuen oftbetememouioe. cbetfo?e/tbou necett tiotbeafrapeaofme/netber nebefttbou to ^ f eare / tbat mp aucte?pte albe tobeup fo? ^tbe^otobaatboufpofieninmpnetai^/ft % bauebewetbebopce of tbptoo;be0:gi am clenetoiftoutanpfaute/a am innocent/* tbe re is no totcfieonejs in me.13 u t lo/be ba tb ppfieb a quarell agapnft me/$ta6eA me fo; fcigenempjjebafcbputmpfotew f ftocfies/ 8loft#&amp; narotoipbnto all rap patbeg.Be* BolM/bntotbefebnreafonabletoo^e? of tbpn topn % mafic antonc

r/;/ /

, ., J* ^&gt;buloe&lt;Sobberep?oueboE man; ib? ooeft tbou tben atpueagapnftbmi/becaufe begeuetb if 0; toben oo Dot?) once comdunbe a tbmg j tbere (bulbe no man be aaftm i to fearcbe * to^etbec tt be rpgbt.Jn iveomot a bpfpog of tue npgbt feafoii ftften aomj;inge cornet^ bpomen/g tbep tall a bVpemtbeicbebbejs) beromnaetS tbe in" tbe eaies/be infoiranetb tbem/anb Qietoetb t^em piapne ip '/ tbat it 5 be/toh'cft toitbb;attietft man ftom cupli/ be* ipuetetb bpm from p?pbe/ fiepetb bpgt roust

ftom beftniccioy a bts teft ftom tbe f ujeatbe. i^e cbaOenetb bpm tottb fpcfinene/anb bzin* gen) bpm tobis beb-beiapetbio^e punpibe* mentbponbpsboneg/totbatbpsipfemape amapetoitj ino biea/ 9 tyis fouieafcbo?ietb to eate anp bapntpe meatt r|.n fo mocbe tbat bis bobp is cieane confumcb atoapc/anb bi^ bones appeate no mo?e. i^s fouf e ojateetb . onto beatitccport/abpsipt'eto &amp;m.&amp;Dto *aat&amp;m pf tbete bea*meftnget(oneant5gea tbou= tfimm W ranbe ) fent fo? to fpeafiebntoman, and to t&amp;e vnoja* o# fteme bpm tbe tpgbt toape : tben tlje Ho;be &amp;* ft metcpfuil bnto bpm / a fapett,#e (haibt &amp; beipuetcD/tbat^efail not botone to berime cpon/fo? 1 am fuffpepentip tecocpieo. cban bpsflcO)(tobtcb Satb bene in mpfetp a tt&amp;u* ble)lbalbeasittoa0 inbpspoutb- f o?pf be fubmptte bpmfelfebnto ob / fjeisgvacp otiis/anD ftemetb Upmbp, 1 ? countenauceiop* I ullp/anb rematbetb man fo? bis rigbtuouf* ncs. Socl)eatetpecte batb be bnto men. cbetfo?e let amanconfeffe (anb tape) 3 of* fenbeb/ butbebatb cbaftenebanb tefc?mea me: 3 bpb btttpgbtuouflp/neuettbefca be batb nottecompenfebme tbetaftet. yee fje batbbelpuetebmpfoule ftom bettmccpon/ anb mp ipfe/tbatrt fettb tbelpgbtXo'tDuS io?cfietb ob alltoapetoitl) man/ tbat be fecpetb ftps fouie ftom petpfjjpnge/ anb !et tetb bpmeniopetbelpgbt of tbe ipupnge. fl^atcfie toeil( fob) anb be ate me : ftoibe tbe apii/bntpu 3 &amp;auefpofien.5But pf tbou &amp;aft anp tbpnge to tape / ibenantmete me/ anb fpea&amp;e/f 0? tbpantmete pieatetb me. gt tboubaanotbinge/tbenbeateme/anbbolb tbptonge/fo maHlteacfle tbetopfoome. CSilia pgtfttt d tfit iuttpce of jofy to^c^ tu&amp;getb tl)C too;lDc/ano gouccnci ti all. Cbe.m;ttij.fiapfti;. . 1 JLiu p?oceabing fo?tb in ftiS com munpeacpon / fapbe: ^eate mp too?bes ( re topte men )betften tbnto me/pe tbat baue bnbetBan* bpnge.!ffo?lpfiea0tbemoutbtaaetb f&gt; mea* tes / fotbe eatep?ouetft anb bpfcetnetft tbe . too?De0,&amp;5fo.2rbe iubgement/letbs febett out

', D T '


out am&amp;ge tmt fcfuesf/t^attoe map unotoe tobatisrpgbt.anbtobpilobbatb fapoe:-] amrpgbtuous/butdPuDbotbme to?onge.s mutt neaoes fie a ipec/ though mp caufe be rigijt/anajtoIemiVi.ampiageoiD^rea^ ...., ^nuoeno fatote:tobereistBere focbeoneas S?tS h m lob/ $ oncftetb top fco?nefulnes li&amp;c toatetf v * ' 25 tobicb goetb inthe copanp of togcftcDDocr^/ atoalfietb tottt) bngoblp mentfro? be fapetb: chough a man be goob/pet is he naught be* fo&gt;e Q5oD,berfo?ebet&amp;m bntome/pe that Bauebnoeraanopnge. iffarre beitfrom&lt;to:)/that!jeffj4lD me&amp; le toitb toi'cfieDncffe-.anD farre be it f torn the almigbtpe/ gbeftjulbemeole toitb bnrigb* tuous oeaipngetbut be retoarbctb tbe too?c* ficg; o f man ; ana cattfetb euerp man to f inbe aeo?oingetohiS toapes.tfoj fureitis/ /that &lt;3od eonbemnetb no man to?ongouflp/anb tUe tubgementof tbeailmpgbtpeisnotbn* rigbtuous.HBbo ruleth earth in W ftcaoef sp?, tobom batbbe fete to goucrne the tobole xcoiMi co tobom bath be geuen ftps bert e/ fo?to o?atoe his rp;ete ano b?etb bntobpm? ail fie ttjall come to getber bnto naug&amp;t/ ail men Ojalltuvnc agapnebnto ratttj. 'jf i^ounoto baue bnoetftanopnge/ beate tcbat g fate/ aberfien totbe &amp;opce of mp too?bes. gpape be be mace toboie / that louetb no tpgbtf 'i f thou toere a berp innocent man/ fjjuioeft tboutben bepunpfljeb* tfo? be is men the fame/ that unotortb the rebel lions ifpttges/3fapetBtoP?inces:*filngoalpmen

aiepe. $e barb none refpecte bnto tbe per* Sfonncs of the fcjMf/f rr garbetb not tbe rpcb ino?etbenpoo?e,&lt;Jl : o?ibepbca!ltbetoo?cfte of hi? banecs.j n tbe ttopncfeltnge of an epe ftjail tbep bettapnetf at mpbnight/tohen tbe people ache tp?auntrs rage/ tfcn all tbep irptB/aBe tahenatoape toitbout nances. inbtobpfbpS epesione bpon the toapes ef man/anbbe ftptbatlbt'sgopnges. c&amp;ercts ho barcBnesno? tbpefie mabotoe / that can BpcethetopcfiebDcersfr3bpm.&lt;tfo?noman albe ruffreo to go into fucgeme t toitb ob. iJBanponc/pee innumerable both Be pu* Hf ffle/atiD fettefb other in tbeir ttraoeS. ff o? Beftnotoetb their cueil aoatc&amp;e too?c&amp;es/ tberfo?e mall tbep be bettropeb. rbep tbat toere in tbe fteabe of &gt;ears/ Dealt Ipfieton* goblpmen.rberfo?eturneD t&amp;ep bac&amp; trap* tcrouttp abnfaptbfullp frombpm / a toolte not receauebis toaprs.In f o mortj tbat tbep Baue caufeb the bopte of tbe poo?e to come bnto bpm/ 9 note be hearetb the complapnte offcrtse a? are in neceftfe.3Tbebflpuerano gtauoart5,YrborDint'uDgeo.2consemnef ffititpfbebpbf atoapebts ccfitensuce/ toho te{l! turne it abonte agapne, tobetber it be &amp; to tbe people o? to anp mSfiJf 0} tbe topc&amp;eo*

neffeaHbCpitnt of tfiepeoj)le/8&lt; m36et an ppocrpte torepgne ouettbem.f o;fomoift t ij t tt 33 % &amp; a ue b eg o tine to talft e o f &amp; od / % ropn not tbe .gf a baue gone a mpue/ enf ourme mespf | baue bone to?onge/5i toiil ieaue of.lplt tbottnot geue a reafonabie anfmereZ Hit tbou aftajeb of anp tbpnge/ feinge tftou beganneft fp^ft to Cpeabe/ not SMSb ewtaemen of bnoecftanspige a topf* bbmey^atbaebeweme ( migbtfape:O0bat candtbou fpeabef 3tg fo;|ob be Dm netiicc fpo8en to tbe purport no? toifelp fatber/ let lob be toe Iltrpeo / becauCe be Oatb turneo bpm felfe to tbe topefeeu ; pee aboue bps fpnnesJb* batb blafpbemeb/tobtcb offence be barb Done euen before b0/ in tbatbe 8rp* tuty agapntt @ob toitb big tooioeU, C^ctbecbat(i'gatilFn(irep;ofet/'o:t)ngoD[^nretiu(( tjjSsttimttomsn. lbc.mi).baptfr. tiu fpafte mo?e ouer /'anb fapbe: Cbpnbetttbouitrpgbt tbat tbou* faps&amp;: g am rpgbtuoujs befo?e

'oDf^eingetbou fapettfo/boto Doeft tbou nnotoe iti itbat tbmge bafl tbou mo?e err eliet then 'i i f am a fprni etf c her* fo.zetopHT'gme anftocre bntc tbeanbtbp frpitbfgiloftebntotljE beauen / 9 behoibeit: confpD?e tbe cloubeg/hoto theparebpf rtben tbou. it tbou fpnneft/tobat Doett tbou bnto &gt;3 bpm^Jf tbpne offences be manpy bote get* tea tljoublg fauouter'ff thotibetrg&amp;tuoujj robatgeuefftbouftpmf flD? tobatreceauetb Bt oftbpbanDc^f focbeanbngoolpper* Tonne as tbou/a of the fonne of man tbat is rpgbtuous as t|mt p;etenuea to be-.tbere a grcate crp a coptopnte mabe bp themt&amp;at are opp^cttD toitb biolence/ pee euerp man eompiapnub bpon tbecrtteli arme of tpjafi* tes (fo? focfie one neuer rapetb:bere ig d5oDtbatmaoe me^ a tbat 0&gt;pnetb tponbS/C t toe mpght p?apfe bmi in t^ie nigbtilC-bicb geuetbbsmojcbi'ierffanbitig then be bota tbe beaffes of tbe earth / a teaebe tb bs mo? e tben (be fouies of beauen. Jfanpfochecomplapne/no mangeuctb an'Ctoete/a thatbecaufe of the topefietneffe of p?oube tp?auntes JEdit pf a man call bpo &lt;Sob /both tiotbe ftearebpm;" otb nottbe almpgbtpe accepfe bPS crpe^ lt5ban thou I peafi eff then/ flmloe not be parbon tbe / pf tbou open thp felfe before hpm/anb put tbp truft inbim; cbenbfrthbeno bpolence in BiS to?ath/ netber barb be pleafure in curp* ous abepeinqupficios. Cbftfo?f hath fob cprnebbtsmoutbbut in bapne/afolpftlf bathbemabefo manptoo?bcs. ceim ftttoetft totyttopfStiii puns%(b aub w* tcctttB. ncbe-wbj.dbaptei; ctti

iWu p;oceaoc&amp;fo?tb wbistalfiia g fapae:9olbe M ffpu aiptle/a3i (Dan ffietoe the/ tobat 9 &amp;auc pet . Jta fpeafte on oaesbehalfe. % topilopenbntothepetmo;eofmpne brmer* canopnge/anb p;ouempma6er righteous. -Siue are mp too?bes/ 3 no Ipe : 9 tljefinoto* iefige tober toitb alig argue agapntt the/ is perfecte.iBchoibc/obcaaethnotatoape mightpe, (a; he him felfe ism&amp;brp m potoer anbtopfbome.

as f 0? tljt bngcblp/he p?eferneth the not/ out belpeeb tbep oo?e to their right.e tur * netb not bis epes atoape fro the righteous/ Be fctteth bp fipngesin their trone/anb con* ftrmeth tbem/ro that tbep alltoapefpttttjer tn.2Butpf fbepbeiapeb inp/efon anb cBep* nes/ o? bounce toitb the bonbes of pouerte: then Wtoty betbemtbeir too?cBes abebes athefpnnestobertoitb thcpBauebfeb emeu* Bpolence. JgWgf - fl *^etoithpunifljpgeanb nurtringe of k pn it, W (t * to ifaue of from their topc&amp;eane&amp;e/ a Bttsfls/wftiigto amenbe.^f tljjpnototopll taBeheoeano gttfimBW/beooeotent/tbep ttjail toere out their bapes mSmta " WSW*M tbe V ares in pleafure a Sr&lt;i'X^^"tPf^Ptopllnotobepe/theplBail (ptroiaaca m go tho?oto ttje ftoearbe/a perift o? euer tbep ;|| ftinw m be atoarrejs fo? foche as be fapneb/biffem* mmm - tfc feiucs:fo? tljep call net bp0 BPm/tBouaB tBep be bis p-efeners. BS theirfoule pe* KObetB 'n foipfl)ncffe/anD their Ipfe toW) the conbemneb.cbepoo?ebclpueretBheout of B'S ttrapt eneffe/ comfo?teth focBe as be tn necedpte anb trouble,* uen fo all he fiepe ; the ( pf thou toplt be content ) from the bot* ,: tomieffeppttetl)atisbenetf*e:anDpftbou totrtBolbetbe mm/ he all fpll m table H tofthPlenteoufneCe. * - . $eurrtbelcfic thou hall cenbemneb the ^tuogementoftbebrgobrp/peeeuenfocbea h : ; then (Ban not ?f?p caufe be &amp;mto touh cruel* tie/no? pacpfpeutoitb manp gpftes. ^an) Co&amp;o#ene&amp; then/that tbe glo?pousipfe of the/ a agi focb mtgBtp men ftuibe not be put Botone:'p?ologe not thou tBe tpme/ tpll tber comeanpgbtfo? the/to fet other people in m Bea&amp;e.JSut betoarre that thou turnenot

8fpbetotoicfiebneaeanbfpnne/tobiciBtBet tothou hatt chofen mo?e then mefieneue. Keholbe/ ob is of a mpgbtpe hpe potoer*. ueOere is tbere foche a gpoe anb latoe geuer aShe^*"iotopHrep?oiieBpm,of bis toapef tobo torn tape bnto Bv.tbouBatt none to?5g^ a 0. confpb?e bo to greate anb excellent bis too?cfies be/tobom allmen loue anbp?apfe: peetepnbjeatBpm/anbpet thepfetjpmbut

M 3ohl xm afamof.eBolbe/fogteateisi5oa7thathe paOetB.oure Bnotolebge/ nether are toe able to come to the experience of his peares. e tumeththetoatertofmall D?oppes/hebTp* ueth bis cloubes to gether fo? to rapne/ fo 6 t(jep^ourebotoneanbb?oppebponmen.e tantm* outtheciotiDes(a couerpnge of Bts tabernacioanbcaufe hps ipght to ajpne bpontrjem/a to couertbeBotome of the fee jBp there thingesgouernetb he hPS people/ a geuetb them abounbaunce of meate.fn i tumpngofarjanbeBeBpbetbtbeipBht/a at commetB agapne CherpfmgBptBerofQietoetBhefohts frerc' bes anb to the eaten. ccjfti vmty tbat (betoporac ofJBoi ig Mm* cgcaulf, CCBe.wrbij.haptR!. C tBis/mphert is attonneb / mo*^, ueb out of his place. $eare tfjen \* founbe of BiSbopce /athe nopfe g .- -JBS? outof hiSmouth.i5egouet* netb euerpthmg bnoer the heaue/a his light reacfietbbntotbeen&amp;eof tbe too?lbeJroa* rtngebopcefolotoetBBmufo? Bis glo?iou* maiettp geueth focbe a tbonb?e clappe/that (though a manheare rttpetmape he not per* ceaueitaftertoarbe. Jtgeuethan bo?rpble fotonoe/toben obfenbetboute BPS bopce: greate tBrngesboth he/tohicb toe can not co* P?ehenoe.ihen he cBmaunbetB tBe fnotoe/ itfanetbbpon'tBeettB: as.foone asheoe* uetB the rapne a charge/ t'mmebpatlp Qjo* toers Baue their ftrengtB/ anb fall botone.

^efenbeth feare bpon euerp man/that tbep.might finotoe t&amp;err atone too?cfies.cbe bee* 25 ftes crepe tntotheir benes/atafietheirreft. am of the f outb commctB tbe tempe tt/anu coaeoutoftbeno?th. attbe**b?etb ofc?ob/tBeftott cometb/a fobbm W toaters are web ab?obe. arbe cloubes bo 'Q*** fi 8' their labour in geuing mopttneffe/the clou* ffSfig* teth alfo on euerp fpbe/aco?bmge as it piea= noj'ts tojntic , feth htm to beale out r)fjs too?cfies/tbat thep mape'bo/toBatfoeuerBecSmaunbetb tljem tBo?ototBetobore too?!De:tohetBer ftbe to punpft anp lanbe/o? to boo goob bnto them/ tBatfefcebpm. ^erBenbntothiS(lob)ttanbttpn/anb(ir confib?e the toonb?ous too?ces of &lt;Eob.airt tbou of councelltopth &gt;ob/tohen be Di there thingesi iiahcn he caufttb the Ipgbtl L come fo?tBof hpscioitbesf arttBouotbPS eotmcen toben he fp?ebeth out tBe doubts? ^aft thou tbe.perfecte finotoleoge of Bps toonbers^anb Bote tbP clothes are toam?e/ tohen the lanbeis ttplltbo?oto the &gt;out&amp; topnbef ^aft t&amp;ou Helped bpm to fp?eabe euttbeheauen/toBttBiStolofie Bpon/as it toere

dje bcfce

toerecaS of rleatemetalEfteacbe bg tobat toe ftali Cape bnto bpm/fwtoeaee bnmete becaufe uf aarcfenc&amp;&amp;0ali it be toloe bpm to*atfapef ftulDamanfpeal$e,o; fcuioe l&gt;e ferpcic bacSrftfczeuerp man ft?* not eligf)t/rtwtftc!ieptecieaieincioiiDe3/ to^cijbecienfcfttobanbemafieft topm&gt;e to bIotoe,&lt;softe tg bjm&amp;t out of f |Qo?ft/ fouttbep;3*re*bonouteof otigfeate c5* jueft from (gobble Rife Jtfe not toe ftat

can fpnae out fte almpgbtpe :ft; &lt;n potter/ equite/ rigbteoufnedebe ifrbpwtbah can teej:p;e&lt;Ies jbeingeften f euerpbo&amp;pfra* mbbprn/tofipflmlDe not all teste men aJfo ftanDeinffareofljpm, CCbctoani;e3 an5 nmuelttstSat tfie i-o;&amp;e&amp;t&amp; tout f i'Oiii 1 1 e far s pnnpngc. 1 tL\&gt; i sw n ti . chapter* $en ipafie fte &amp;o$ onto fob out offte ftojme/sfap&amp;e: tobat w be t^att^pDet^ t)ij3 inpnoe tott^ ofp L^|too;tiepf(iPp;ie6ptWiofnwii?&amp;e amaruo^toiHqueQponfte/l'etbougeue me a bit ec te a nf toere Mtfm tea tttbou/ tolje ; lapse fte fcunbacpSis of earft^flipia* nelp pf ftou Uaa bnbe t a anomg. ifto baft meatureb it^ncteett tftouf ?/ to&amp;ottatl) fpjeafcc Ipnc bp5 tt:'ffibcbpo ttanae fte Plimcfiti SD},\c\jolBVti co;mi Qonei ^^^^i^mtoafttftou/^tt^t^rao^ngftanejs SS3 oorciopffD ttpumpbantips iffifto ftutfte b .s go&amp;ip try u fee to r ft 5 q; eft to!} e it D :a8e toft ag a cftplD tomem.ioet^/outof^pjSmoftttjitooiTib^ l^en i mabe I* tKHJ? ** #* flouMiS t0 bca www8 f it/$toaoie&amp; &amp;a&amp; ittotftftebarc6ftoben3! gaueiempcom* t!i.^neatc5maun6cmcnt/ma6ingDo;tsbam!afo;it/ iiott^ua/fepvg;^itSerto0jaIt^oucome/butnof*^ &amp; 0U hfVi!f&amp; #**' &amp; m alt ftou Jape aotone ftp p?o*s 3 IffaK ** toaues^attftougeuen fte mwwt torn ftwcaw b ^atge ( a# fooneag ftou toatt bojiie i $ caued't iijv a* etoeb fte Dape filing #3 place/ g itimifi!}t tmotio'ja* tafeebotoeof ftccojnergaf fteeatft/gftat tew no niantjv 5 toeap'sbaft ftou tuifublpfie cla pf/| fttt Dcip:b Mm/ fte *P agapne atf fte ftafiging cf a gatnvtf, *" fr maoeyee ftou baa Cpsplea ftebngoDlp of tftrtt Slfio *S b;06? * e ame 0t * W a *- fimi - tt mimuau aim tbou euer into fte gtounce ofttji? fee: ojbntt 4ictiiiautM# ftoutoaIfteDinfteiotoeco?ner$offtebcpef fti Baitc fte gates of 6Cftf| bene opeuea bnto fte/o; Daft ft on Cene fte bo?e ofeitfslaftpng tieafute? att tbou alfo petceaueb ftoto b^oaar p cattb iptj5otopEtboubatt6noto5 Icftge of aii/tiien eto me toftere ifgSttttoeN

left . &lt;9 tobereDatcfeness 10 ; ftat tbou mapeS b;it ge bjSbnto ftrtr (juarterg/ pf ftou canft ^ ten die toape to tbeir bourw . ^ ftnetoett tbou (tobe tbou toatt bo^ne) bote olbe tyou Quiiocd bei ca en tea Qou euet m

to ft e tftCSftmcB of te ftioVw/ o; ^aB ft crt feneftefeciete piacegof ftebapie/toWcfta baue p;epaccoagapnft fte tpme of trouble/ agapnSftetpme of bated anb toattef %v tobat toape tg fte ipgbt parteb/anb fte %tm Dealt out tip on fte eatft? i@bo Deupbeft ft e abounbaunce of toatera into epue/o; to^o ma6eft a toape f c ; fte Q o?mt? toeftcr / ftat it toatereft $ mopOureft fte b?pe anb ba ten gtounoe:to niafie fte'gtade gtotoe in places tofteee no bobpotoelieft/ano in tbetopl&amp;e* nej8to^erenomanfemapneftft^ot0 fte fafteroftapne^^tobo baft begotten fte 6;oppfgofDeteef Out oftobefe to5became ftepfffibobaftgenb;cbftecdbne3offte ap?ef fta t f toatevjj ate ajs ^atbe a? ftoncsJ/ anDipecongeiedabouefte&amp;epe. $a(i tbou b^Jttgbt g bft Saul to gefteitf )? art ftou able to bunt fte enxle of beauef Canft ftou b;pngf fo?tb ftemojnpngp Oarre o^fteeue^ ttpngellarreaeconuenient tpme/ icSuepe tbem borne agapne:^notoea ftou coutfe of beauen :ftat tbou mapeft fet bp fteo?bp* naunce ftrtof bpo fte erftf fiPojeouet/eStt ftoulpftbpftpbopceto ftecioube?y ft^p tnape poto?e aotone a geeate sapne bpii ft e; Cantt ftou ftonbje alfo ftat ftep mapego tbeitteape/3beobeDi^tbntofte/fapfng:)],o bftcare toe. iDbogeueftfure topffiotne o? fteDfaSbnberftanDfngcr % tobonomb?eftfte cloubessintopftomcf toboftpweft ftebe^e* merit toatcrs of fte tjeauenfto^o tutneft fte elottestoDuft/eftcntobe elotteg agapne? t^untett ftou fte p?ape fro fte IpS/o? fcbett tbou W toeipea Iping in fteirDcneg/e lut? fiing tnftetr couebegf tobo p^onibeftmea^ fo?t^etau*/tobenbi0pounaeones crpebst* to &lt;r&amp;/ fte aboi?te fo? toatlt of nteate? . fceccfaa*jle*

i^7^&gt;^j JSotoeft ti)Ou fte tpme tebct^ ftflB SI P&amp;M ^ ! - 02 s^ *y ft* fc^ft ft tw^Bjje || ^mewSgcftent rcrtffid&gt;;iapift SE^S ft@u toapte tobf fte ^pttiH ife c

'* -

. 't



i-i . .

fflmi itkmtn ftou 'fte mcr-et^isaftec tiiiV eiJgen&amp;je/tdae ftou finotoeS fte tj?mr of tijeiB ueaiutgti' 02 toben ftep ?pe boton*/ toben ftep eaOfteirpounge om^/9 toftrn ei?cptebeiruereboftbmtrauarlegpi^pn?5 ^otofteit pounge ones grotoe bp 9 toa;tf greatefto^otogoobfeopngJtobo letttft t!)e totl&amp;e-affe go fre ( c? tobo iotefetb f bontcjs of ftemule ? ,5P-nto tefjem 3! fjattegeuen t?je topftemegtobetbett boufe/ $ tbebntplleb lanbetobefteubtoeflpiigplace. ^batftfp map grue i?o fo;ce fo? fte ttmltptube cf peo* pletntbeatK0/netbee regaibefte crpenge cf fte cjjuet : but fc&amp;e ftnr pafiute about ft*

4 -&gt;


;&gt; &gt;

ftemfluntapne^/anlifolotoeg gtcnesraffe.

jenspll^ebmcojnebefotameastoDo fer* upcc/o?to &amp;bw ftfU bpt^p ctpbbef canft tbou bmo pocft about jjtm in fy twtotai to mafiebgrti plotocaftcttbe mtbcbaHetei jg@aj!eatbouuttbtm(bccauCebci0ttr58) o? commute tb? labour unto b^mf Q9a?e&amp; t^oubeimebim/tbatI)ctopiib?mgebome co;nc/o?tocavpanptbmgebntotbcbamef cbe (ttri?cl)(tobore tethers* are town tban tbetornseg oE fte fparoto baufie ) toben be baft lapco bpg eggt bpon tbe grounoe / be b^cDeft tbem in fte ouft/ 9 f o?getteft ftem: ft ftat &gt; v migbt be troo! totft fete/o? b?o* C&amp;entDfftfometotfoebeaff. g&gt;o baweW^e bntobK5ponge ones /agftougb ftep tocre notbP3/?labouteft tnbapne toiftout an? feare.^nbftatbecaufe obbaft tafie totf* Dome from tyim/% baft not gene b?m bnoer* Hanosnge.i!;enbi0tpme!jS/beflKftbPon b?e/5 caretb nefter fo? ljo?re ner man. 0aC ftcu geuen fte [jojffe n&amp; art ngtb/o? lernco him to botoe ootonc bis necfe tt fearc-* t|)atbEletteftbtmfflfebeo?puenfo?ftl?he a grel&amp;oppeivtoheie agfteBoutenepenge thatbemalicft/ijj fearfullf heb?eafieft fte grounoe toift ft e b offess of &amp;$ fete cbearfuU ip in bis* flrcngft/ 9 runnetb to mete bar* ttf ttmen. $e lapeft afvoeall feare/bpjx fto* macb t'isnot abateb/netberttatteft be a bacfi 35)fo;an? ftoctDe.'arbottgbftequpuerg tattle bpo bpnt/ftottgl) fte fpeate 3 ibjltieglpQret fetuiGbet!) be in fearfelp/anb beatetb bpon fte grounoe. ^e feareft not the nopfe of fte trompetteg/ but ass fooneassbe bearcft the atomejs bloto, tbuOKfareft be)fo? be frael* left fte batefl a fatre of/fte norfe/the cap* tttStttt ano tb w outmge. conunetb it fto?oto ftp topfoome / fte oOjaufieateft totoaroe tbe^&gt;out^oft fte^egle mounte bp/anb maSe tyB nett on bpeatftp commaunDement^e abfbeft in fteaonprocSfg / 9 bpon fte b?e toppejs of bafbemoutapneg/tebeteno man can tome, from tbenremapebe bebolbe bpsfp^ape / 9 iofee farre about toift bte epes. ^iss pounge tticjs are feb tottij bioube/ 9 tobere anpbeeb bObplpeft , ft ere ig be immebpatlp. ^o;eouer;ti5ob fpaRe*bnto fob fapbe: Can be ftat ftrpueft toift fte almpjfttpe/be atrecf&gt;huloenothetebicbb!'fputetb toift ff 6B&lt;giob/geuebpman anftoere&lt;5|ob anftoereb f SSfSa 1 * TLo?be/ftpinge:58tboIbeyg am to bpTe a

! *5ispMce berfonne/to anftoere'fte/fterfo?e topil*^ fg}t flpii j fepe rapbanbbpo mpmouft. nee o? ttopfi =t5p^fiaueafpo6en/butatopUfapenomo?e. :^.)i(i&gt;. cjobBumirtct^^yraftlft n(0j9ft/tbctefipcv5 '* ofan Cicpljant. imjatljan. Cftbe,#.CBaptei.

m fpafie f jlojoe bnto Sob out 31 off fto.jme/$fap&amp;e:&lt;0p2be bp ft^ jou.y!tj*i^; Iopneg Ipfie a man/ano tell me fte ftingess ftafj topll af fee tbe.ltit tbou bifanulle mp lubgementfflD? toilt ftcu conbemne me/ftat ftou ftp felfe mapett be , ~ r u, f '; maaerigbteoug^ss ftpnearme ftt n Ipfie &amp;SS3t fteatrae of o&amp;J^abeft ft? bopce Cofte a o&gt; mm;al Un founbeajsbPJSboftfcbenatme ftp felfe ^0 pknuaM ftpne atone potoer/bp/becBe fte mftptolp atape/poureoutesnbtgnactooftbpto^aftJ fe that ftou caft botone all fte p?oube / lofie fi toell/ftatftoumaseft allfofteass be dub? burne/to obe?e:tteabc ail tbebngoblp bnber ftp feate/caft ftf botone into mp?e/ 9 couer tbeirifacegttbarcfinefl'e-.tEbentoiigicofetJ'e alfo/ fftpne atone rpgbt.banb baft fstieDf. 55ebolbe/* f, 35ebmoft (tobomgi mabete *6.C6cecb* ^Itobicb'catEftbapeasJanoredo/botoftrBgEsfinoEtaaiioe betssm biss lopnep/ 9 tobat potoer be baft in J&amp;fSEP* ftenaue!Iof fp?ebetb outbP^faa mStft tapleliHeaCeb?etre/allbisba?ne0are fipf, t^nc is an *, ^igfbpnneg are ipfie pppesj of b?aue/bps3 p5ant.&gt;t&amp;ec rpgge boneg arelpfie tonuses ??on. 4j??a &lt;r a "^ al ' toben ob mabebpm/be o?beneb fte toplber' JTiffi neffefo? bpm/ftatfte mountapneg fbulbfteaac that V geuebpm grade/ tobere an fte beaOtss of fte grcat-.but bnto ftloetabeftetrpaapme^eipeft amongef a " "pWho rebeginfte flgoffr 0. fte fenneg bpbebpmtt MgES fteir ffiabotoe/ 9 tbe toplotor of tbe b?ofie MnSErSi couer btmrcfib aboute.jlo ; toift out anp la^agrtc /hct*

bout nugbtbe b?int6e out of f tohoale floub tot a femtwb 9 fuppe ,of ^o^ane toiftout anp trauaple, glSESK bo earre lape banbe bpo bpm opelp/9 bn= /K ,{"&amp; bertafie to catft bpmf ? / tobo ban e put a &amp; uc ttpcf 5*3 boobe fto;oto bt'0 nofe/9lapa fnare fo? btf a" ffi'-cpiiant. arreRftoub?atoeout* [ jLeupaftantt , anang!e/o?bpnbebps tongetotfta fnarei SifiSfiSfi Cans ftou put a rpng in fte note of bpm/o? " *K 2 H bojebpg ftafteg ft o?oto toift a naulef JSSl/fi' iiapllbe mabe manp fap^e too^beg fottb ftcnifleth thegm (ftpnfietttbou)o?flattrefte:'l0piibcmafte f{tt f ?* tbat a couenaunt toift ft eim art ftou able fo? S.'hfl tocompellbimtobofte cStinuall fempceVSE' lpltftou tafie ftp pattpme toift bpm a0 % a bp;be/02 geue bpni bnto ftp mapaes / ftat ftp companpongmapbetobpm inpece0/to bepartcbamoge fte marrbaunt menf canft ftoufpn fte net toift bi'0 ffipnne/o? fte fpflj pannpertoiftbi0beabe^arreft ftou lape banbe bpon bimf|t i% better f 0; fte to mm b?e tobat barme might happen tbe fterefto* roto 9 not'to touft e bpm. fo? tobe ftou ftirti fiett to baue bo loe bpon bim/be (ball begple? fte:uer? man alfo ftatrepth h?m/fl)aiigci bacfie.ainbtebf^ftere barre none be ro bold a0tora?febpmbp. Cf t&amp; fame leupathan to^etof it mencponrt ftt t&amp;ei5bapfcraft&gt;;e.. Cbej:ltbapter, mo

I iff

a 1


!oftaMe to ttanoe befo?e me? ! jjD;/U)^o batb geue" me anp tbing ,afo?ebanoe/tbat3!ambounoeto littoarie bim agapne^u t&amp;tnges bnoerbeaueave mpne,g&gt; feare tymnet/me* tbet be tb?eate c? fpeabe fap?e.H3bo Ipftetb bim b|V8 ttrtpeeft bim out of bis ciotbes/o? tobota&amp;etbbpmbptBe bpftof bps b?poie? ibo ope tic t&amp; Do ?e of bis face? fo; be batb . $ bo?nble tetbe count) aboute.^is bony $ co* ' uereo toitCj fcalesas it toeretoitft ptoes/ locfife in/fiepte/s toell compacte to getfjet. :ne t'sfo topneDtoanotber/p; no ap?e can come in: fee one bangetb fo bpon anotbety a^pcfietljfotogetber/g: tbepcSnotbefun* oereo.^ts nefinge isipire a gl? fteting fp?e/ 9 bis epes ipfie tbe mo?npnge ffipne.ut of bis motitb go to?cbes $ fp?e b?anDes/out of bisnoftreistbetgoetbatmofie/ ipfteas cut ^of anbotefetbtngpoMSjis b?etb mafcetb coales burne / tbe fiamme goett) out of bvs moutb.Jn bis necfie remapnetb firengtb/ 9 before bps face fojotoe 15 turneb to glab* nete.flrbememb?esof bpsboopaie t'opnea fo Qrapte onetoanotber/anbcleuefo fad to getber/tbat be can not be moueo. i^s&amp;ertisaSbet&amp;e as aftone/sas faff as tbe fiitftpetbat tbe bammer man fmptetb upon, fEbenbe goett) : tbe mpgbtieft of an ateafrapeo/stbetoauegbeup. 'iffbeb?atoe out Git ttceavbe / tbere map nettjet fpeare/ tier 6?ett plate/abpce bpm . e fettetb ss mocbe Dp a Bratoe as bp P?o / anoas mocbe bp a rotten ttocfie as bp metall. ^e Cattetft not atoape fo? Ijrm tbat benoetb the botoe: 9 asfo?flpngettones/be catetb as mocbe fo? ; J Bubble as fo? tbem. ^e countetb tbe bamet no bettet tben a tttatoe/ be laug&amp;ctb bpm toTco?netbatfta6etb tbe rpeate.fe trea* oecb tbegoloein mp?e ipfie tbe Qjatpepot ffieroes. 9? mafietb tbebepeto feetbeanb fc opje Ipse a pot/anb ttetetb tbe fee tcget&amp;et: Iplie an ointment. be toape is ipgbt after fcim/tbeoepefs bis toal&amp;pnge place, pon ettbistbetenopotoerlj6ebntobps/fo?ftc ft fomabetbatbe feamb not# f aman tofll eonfpb?e all bpe tbfoges/tbrs fame is a 6fog cuetantbecbplD?enofp?p&amp;e. CCfic ttpentaflte of psfttt) tot btt ftfotitf / tt)!6gG0De= are tclloiEBQoublt unto hyra, Cbe,yiii.baptet. 3C ^ ^ ^ l^cn ?ob atiCtoeteb tbe jLo?Be/ eraf.rtwrj.c. gp^antifa^g 1 Unotoetljattboubatt

uscg.ysi.D. l^^jpotoecouei-allt^'nges/s^ttjete I gs^l fe notbougbt bfb bnto tbe. jfo? tebo can 8epe bis abme councen f fecrete/ but it aibe finotonef "bevfo?ebaue3! fpo* 6enbnto?reip / rejngetbefe tbingesare fo b?e/ 3 patre mpne!&gt; betfieti tbou bnto me aifo/s let me fpeafieianttoew

Cljtbofee of3fob


bnto tbe tbmge tbatgi totftafte te,9 fiaue geuen btligent eate bnto ffit/9 nc to f re tbe ti mpne epes.iffibetf o?e 1 gette m 1 n e atone fclfetbeblame/9ta&amp;etepentauce in Butt anbaCtbcs. l5ototobentbe lLo?be bab fpoBen tbere too?Dcs bntojob/befapbebnto $lipbasn)e bemanite:3 am bifpieafeb tottb t^enh^. ttoo ftenbes/fo? ?e baue not fpofien tbing tbatisrgg&amp;tbefo?eme/ls*e as imjfetuaBt fob batb bone.cbetfo?e tojeen %b% tammesyanago tompfentaimt Job / offre bp aifo f 0? pout e felues a b? ent oBt mg e-.ano mntM , let mp feruafitgjob p?ape fo? pou.^im toill 9! accepter not Deals toitbpou after pouw forpQmrffeuntbat yt baue not fpofien tbe tbirae tobt'eb ts tpgbt/ ipfie as mi fewaunt Sob batb cone. o cEft'pbas ^t cbemam'te/ jealbab g &gt;ubfte 5 &gt;opbattbe JSaamatbite toente tbett toape/anb opa acco?bpng as tbe 310?^* cSmaunoebtbe.cbe&amp;ozuealfo accepteb * Pfonneofgob/anDti)e)lo;oetumeijbpra bnto3|ob/tobe be p?apebfo? bis ftmties:7ee tbe Lojbegaue |ob ttopfe asraocbe as be babafo?e. 3na tben came tfiete bnto bi'm an ftis b;e= tb?en/a bis fpttftS/toitbailtbtm tbat bao bene of bisacquantaunceafo?e/ 9 ateb?eu to iib bim in bps bcuffe/bjcnb?in g atbpm/ 9 comf o?tpnge btn ouet all tbe trouble/ tbat

tbejLo?oe babb?cugbt bpon bpm. uet? man gauebim a ffjepe ano ajctoell of golo, anbtBe^o?cemabe giobrpcbettbenbf teas befo?e:fo? be baD.3cii0.^^^ cameis/a.fl^.poucb of tffm.!. aflbes, ^e bab cbpio;en .j,bougft tets.cbe fp?ttcanea ?ape:tbe feconb $&amp; uettctbe tbp?be!HplenteoufneS. in an $ lanbe teere none fcuoe fo fap?e/aS f octtgb* ters ofjcb/^tbeitfstbetgauetbfra enbe* utaunceamonge tbett b?etb?cn.3ttettbi* Ipueb^ob.ti.peates/fotlatbefatne W tBilb?e./ 3 bps ebplbjes cflftv b?en to tbe fouttf) genera* cpon.InbfobeDi'eb/ 6eingeoK&gt;eflof8 , petfectc ,age 4


1 m


CC&amp;efp?tt^falme. w***&gt;tCSEijofc t^atfo^'afec rije coumclks auD ttfl&amp;pcf otta ot* c&amp;c topcbc&amp;/an&amp; tt&gt;l)oUp gcuc tgem felues to fenotoe t^c U\c of ^oO/aua to ^zxot itin Cljeic lyu?ng:Ootl)

tfcps ^falm^ pronounce fclcffei/ botftctjercjin t&amp;e 3i'ao;ioeto come/an&amp;tjcu(ratpc parteyinbvi^t^e ! - fffie luape toouftrfl/mpferflbic ano to^tc^cb. **ww/*r^^^S3 26ielftD&lt;8!tl)tmati/ tfta c g c ft no t in tij e courueU oftt)ebngoftiv:t^aE:abp!) t'j notm d *fte toape of Csnncrg/ ^anDfpttet^notin t^eftate QlGjtttowMU



tilfKic raanerfl tfl?tynanncc9/ Mth ; as it taKfnatttspe. %ape tit (fie

pa totMCfo/ 3SutDeli&gt;tetO in t^c latocoEtfte)lo?be / 9 mx*&gt;t do 0? cyerc? fctfj ij^mftifcui^Iatoeybot^oaf e mltff &amp;oc6eamaiitt!jWatteptetttibp*e lifeafjto toatetC?Uc/l5aeb?snset&amp;fo^^? Ctutein 'Wbh ^buefcafon, 'tpttta 5fteaurjsajannotfaBor/9!oltthi6ae ffMfeorKfo?fofft^bo^/2rtbaiIp?ofpere. m\Hs-to en* 10 fo? tfte bngoMjyft tt not fo toft^ ftem: 1 ( fwL (ft ^ b t ttjep ate ipse t^e auft / tofttc^ t^e topnae imft&amp; rcateret ^ atoa ^e from of W gtounw, *eft:wfti 8etfo^ t bngo&amp;l; iDail not be able &lt;*to *Wai tt^uftanbeintDctutjgcnifnt/ncftectljc fpnncrg !ttf dte *o&gt; t&amp;e )U|&gt;e alotoct^ tbe toape of tbe pSkm to mfiixmaflmt toape of tfte bngoWpftall ^efemencerperpfte. uncet onfbcirfp&amp;r9:a?ieotolibc&amp;6aemcnf/(0rtolet ^rp;o

to (0 Iiauc fentence p?onoimccd ngapna c^g^e |tmf# .fe.y.a Mtp ifjis tcrt meanetbnomoieytratttjattfjeifipcbca Qjail baac *^aticcibIefcnfenccgccni)pontftem/(5attFjcpftaUuoflKable * J^-lDftcn t(jc io^eftall come to rfje gcaccail iuOgcm? ttit mew ^p3t t^attrge toj'cbc&amp;^aii not appwwintljciBDgciwnfe

Cffl%f?t6aefeuoternoto0 aremouc&amp;acjapnflfje bpngiomcofiC();iStx)it^onDi:rfuUintfticc0;l)U( in toapne'.fctcunnctli tytiv rage t!io;otoijctt&amp;ole YDDiioe*C5f onij tsape to gcaujji's ta cSmKthpftifi to JCfcift. m*5j bofte ^eatften gtitbge f to^Par Dotftepeopiepmagpnebapnet^mg^^^jft^ Cbeiapnge0oftljeeat^asnrebp/anD 3 bc% ^eruiew ate come together /ag^iitt tljc^ jLotfcanbagapnabpsanopntefc *^ ^ ^etbgb/eafietijertbonDegafunDet/^^f ^" caft atoape tdm poeft ftom to&amp; %g fc * *jSeuertbeieiiebe tbat btoelleft in lie^&amp;te 20* uen / Qmlllaugft tbemfo fco;ne :pee eucn [jJ?* ~ t^e |,o?be Ijpm ft if (ban tyuse $ on w beip* F a # ^ rprtte ft on . bnto cj? m I5?s ftenaUbe**fpeaBefcntot^mtnf)p?;^t)/i'to^ to?atb/9 beyetbemm^p^foje bpfpleafuw.:^?^^' ^pflof&amp;pon. tet^^Vi *3i0fo?me/g'tofllp;eac9e latoe/toftec^djob. of tbe)Lo?Def)atB fap&amp;ebntome:c^ou aw^cbeepn? inp foiwe/tbig iav^ bane | begotten tge, foftt. efp?eofme/$i!angeue $$e@ta&lt; n*toeof tftcn f 0? tbpne er*etttaance/y ee t^e btter^ I",f fi !" mod parte? of tfte too?lbe fo? ty; voffetimi. SS8S5 Cftou ftaltrulet^emtortb a fc*roeoe offeca^Wa p?on/arttib?eafiet$emtnpecegttliean ea^lrw,^ nna tljen beffen. mtw&amp;iJh ; *Betopfenotot^etfo?e/flI&gt;peapn!SC0/f r te betoaweo/petfiataw fetagegof gje mwj f*

^ m _ S&gt;etue^e)Lo?l&gt;cfetftfcaw/arj xttogU ** Mf tefoje ftfm ttttft teuaence. 3t af?sura.8tpe/$fo?eperFa)eftomerraftttoape, tpiiefpzac&amp;;in !jfO?ftf0to?3tfta&gt;aibefiftlDlflJa)O?tIp:Wef' ftanbe tfcac/ttln'c&amp;fe fpgnpfpeb tBccbp.^o? b? tjc bptTc of t&amp;e it toot* tiantieciicn netoabaws inmanp regpous Do the fubfeefefi teftpfpe/ tejntt^topUUemtbe ftptbl^atoecoffyrgpnge.. &amp;ecaUctbbpm fomic'becaufebebefo:eb:augbtmi6c father/ Capinge:Ctjoiiartinp fonncdjc^e^twBetfjrccccauefnftruccioa/o: be Urncfcmcanmg: tijecbpt&amp;attbcpfJjuife Cuumpt tijemfelues bhtot&amp;e Jpnoe-iCina/ eno wcaue ftp mftnucponanb cljaiienpuge. *


ter.C9f0intecp;etacponair9bobo^tE)embaS s tbe befcferiuOoftbciUtcnpfteobmatotoe ;mi&amp; tbetfote fcmej folotocb tbe fame t^cto^oU J&amp;fatfec ifioieto/ W^TpngcUbpt^ifltoo^e^ljauBtcr.jjgttoithftarT^ bpnge p autbouce* Oo bfueellp mfesKrtt *L Some Cape Upt itfignpftet^fto tbcttctout o; oueiv comenfcmejtot!jetopctQ;pe;tob*cb mapetbus agece imbcontotfe together pf tljoutabea pfaimctobea ftp;rpng* anejtjojtacponto putourctcuam&lt;SfoD^ being fureto obtnpne ttje top.cto?je: 3nb tohere forne lirtccp;ct(ybtitotbeenOc/tnbcraanaeeueftehefamEfo? t!jerfo;ebotoe put ourettuftm&amp;i&amp;'tyat tg map comeeot&amp;eenDeoftbei,pcto2pe.*orae tcanaate tbe tptle tfjuwa ^emcntflnboffenma&amp;eertojtacion m indrumentes ofmuCpbc/apfaimeto Vault /tfaatw astbept&amp;emfclucs erpoimbeit:a faime reuelate to 3&amp;&gt;auib('f0;9antOto ml&amp;ebmetbe batpfe ca&amp; not i&amp;egenptpfe. b#j3eginotb Cpgnpfpetft tfjetune o; note of tbe in* flcumentcB ttbec after tbe J&amp;faimeB befojc tobpeb it i Pfef preO/toece Conge-Jo; the pfelmes toece fonoc

#Be.flM8falmc. CJDaafli fpeaapnge unto th e Itfk I toontyctb botfj attbenombjeanaconfpBenfrofbpeeneitipeB/tobpclj

. cameagajnttbym/scSmpttctb tiimftlfctolt^ gcea!e fwrtftunuwnwwusniVfnswmmis mer e longc fafetpento t)i helpettlttjougb t&gt;te enempeBfocre at at cetten &lt;n8tumcntc/Uut fo that the ftee tt tune banae reabp to (tcpae bim:botb becauCe nomi da can nwloOpc of tbe fnttrumf tts p jeparea tt&gt;c rapnbe moje feue hpnwa becaufe none can be pattabetB of health perfwclj to perceaue the tooj bcsof tbe boipbplpe. OJtaluacpon but &lt;rp that &amp;tlrue tahpm anb tru&amp; * f0 ^*, 3&amp;iawiwiiCiiaBI/^*ofim?* a*j&amp;faime^ti * B *ralmeof#auft&gt;tobenBefieoge 2^tpgbtuouuie0:tboutbatcofo?t e8me *ebf.apijtom from tbe face of abfalom. fompttouble-Jbauemetcpbponme/i offiraSl b'2PeoftfiP9t P e. a mtbefe t 5b oftbelpn* betSCnblUO Hippie*, t^efoanae of 8eB "Mmm*** wjtotbe.w. &gt; ? fonnejs of mm/^oto longe topirpe an batpe. -jw^j &amp;p aw t&amp;epfo pwoj/fl) jLo;&amp;e / ftat MafP&amp;entt mpn e ^onoutf to&amp;p ftaut s e f ccf) * |gf ttouNC nief a gveatc multtttCic aw lltoIA ^ep/teatrpfcagapnanw. i'Stf ymanponet^erebegrape of twfoule: loasacpgnco? uttfjou/ jtojoe/awmp&amp;efen&amp;ei:/ to6ioftpftni3iiiptoo?ftjppe/ano^fliftctfapofmF6ca6 '* aria?" . i n l iuiu.nw up i thence? a ran bpontfie^o?oe tobmpi3owe7s ?ouw atone (jerte? upon poure bejjj jfjj /anfi at^meoutof^^olpfei. feelaft "mmibjcfoutefttoof. *Ia&amp;. I&gt;feet6efiiCTftpofriBWuouftitf/

$&gt;cla^. liwiotoc c^s/r^ac $e jlo?6e neaietft maruetouflp topt&amp; ^pjt fapnteif toDm 1 call bpB tftcU-o^Df/fteeearet^me. )Bc atigcpc/butfpnnettot:comentop^

toenfbtte tue 3lapcbme5otoncs Oeptc/butl tofc bp 5&gt;occ^c facrpfpee of t] tbounht agapne/fo?e&amp;cjLo?oefuttepnebme. put pout twftmt6ejLo?8e. , ttPlm ^ LSSSmS 3!amnot aftapto fo;taoutenoe0of tot ^f$5manp^aefape:toftotopHDobjs rt!, -

El,,llfn 1 '


i* SSmh.^ 3! am not aftapto fo; tbouftnoeg of tbe KS'tVl^^'ft^^paaemewunoeaboutc.^ mcannujoftbe P )Lo?iie/anb &amp;fft&gt;eme/ mp (!5 00: t)ccobnto f of tftoufmitettalmpncencmpesibpon the 33SS&amp; cbeseboM0/anbc*b ? ca6eQ WUctb of tbe thatitCp3iiifte Dn * 00 -'?' psf petuallp o; terelp. e* o bieabe theteetbofthe CCSCfftj.Pfalme,

anpgoobao^e'^tbp'bpwwtleS of tbp countcnauncc. tm^nti ^Obott mopfeft hnwBnte/tbottgfi tbett^f*^ -fa encwace be greatebotb incomes topne. gLg"" ^berfotopliaiapemebotonenipeace/a5i?ff'

rtpe belongetft bnto tbe jLojbe/tbetfoje mo , ta ^v wft:fc? tbou jto;oe onlp fette ft boiw * Ml lfttbpbleffpngebebponSppe?pie, metna futebtoeBpnge. ggggjf Tffifte.ftfi tararmc ff^rhe h faimc ftmottr;!?; I

the rbl3ftheTnp, f;eollf0 !S a i te 9 J J n . m b "itpititp of abfalora. on W i lott *Wowtbrbmaonea oftbebeaoeBjruIeeuofjf; 3t tbe tcu I wl hat eontppea agapntt b jm' % ealfcth tbt agapne fjB. 8 l auj. 0aunceof g0 oeeB/peace;anb fafctpc seSo^O aaapne - fcttoh^DEtijebenefgttofthtlOfoe. *Totbe&lt;Ibaaietfti'*i9egBT0/ al&amp;iatateof?ama. ab;Ab.e;ca* auiasimbi/eipofiteuieBrafteume; ftsnpfperb/co tbe cbeaft of the fpnotre ; wSgc q toe

CSl p?aje: of bpmtbaf isopweffeb of toPtart tne# mpes.'tohomtohen beftitoetn that tbep cannot but be batebaf obxbe tabetb fject that after beie 6el, ujKDfcoaUieoparapE/be#all3euetbancBe0toi3oa bpa faupoue m tbe corapanp of tbe hoip:Js:hetfb?t be* f echctb be tbe l o.-a t to leabeanb conoetb bpm that be be not ttappeo ttptb theft topleB : fnrtbw to ouety tbjotoetbenvanbtocbeateana incoutagetfaesofilp. *CofiE)e Cbatuitetbp 6 *i5ebilotb/ a|BCalmeof&gt;auiD. MaoaernthetptUoftbeiBfaimnbatgeetbtirtt befo;e. b#jBehHotbfpanpfpetbb|lntcep?etacpjnerlfa Scsjo? as rsme tof u a mtn ttfttumtnt of raufpfee. .5rate

3B^|^atemptooS)RJ(fl&gt; Jto;bf)confpti?e mpcailpnge. matfietbebopce'ofmppetpcpS/ .a.fft h., "W fi P"Be anb mp ob/f o? bntp ft e topll | Semommg ^eare mpbope*bp tpmeis ( )lo?be) Mcaif^ tpmefo^earlpintljemo^ipngtoplig gcttmebn* b (oniiflijrnt to tbe/pee anb tbat toitb biligencc. BISK, ifo?tboattnottbe(Pobtbatbaft) plea* i offioumratfmcmtopcSebneae/tbetcmap tiobngobip ip ipmc ai petfonne btoell toitb (be. I s*rjr . &gt;ocbe a0 be ctueiimapenot flanoe in I S v t r/bto^ f rabt/Jbouattanenempe bntoaBtopc* 1 LWnacle SebboetjS. -- tMtoffietf ooubeStopeatec!pftS:tl)e jLoibeab' pufiSw h ojtetb tbe bloiibe tbutftpe anb bpf tea tfitll. 35 3Sut ass fo? me/31 totlcomeintotbPboure/ euen bpon the mmtptube of tbP metcp: anb in t&amp;p feate topll a toojfbpppe totoaae tbp bolp temple. 3Lebeme(fiD jio?bltntbP n'gbtuoufneffe)

becaufe of mpne enempeg^mafie tbptoape ptepne before me. $ of t&amp;eie tg no faftbfulnefle m tbtft mou* thts : tbep bpffcmble in then hetteft : tbeit ^;cte 10 an opf I epulcb;e:toitB tbefr tonge? tbepbtfeeaue. C punprj)tbem(&gt;CE&gt;ob)tbattbepmappe t p0) in tbett atone pmaginacton&amp;caa tbeni out becaufe of t&amp;emultttu&amp;e of tbcitbngob* ipneoe/fo? tljcp tebell agapntt n)e. igapne/ it tail ibmi t!) at put tfjeit trufl m the, te topf e let tbem euetbe geupnge of ttanbe^/becaufe tbou befenbett tbe-.tbae (bep tobtcb loue ^p name / mape be topfull in tbe. f o?tbou)Lo?QegeuefttbP blefftngebnto tbe rvgbtuoug: toitbtbpfauozable bpnb&lt; ne0 ^oubefenbettbtm/as toitb a $plbe.;faime. Kwm&gt; CShis JSfalme coneapnet!jafetnentp?apre ofone tbatiBopp?elTrOtoitb grefc/anatfiat gteatlpabbo;* tetb acctb/fca cpng [eft the gIo?p of Ob tbuiBc be anp tbingeaarcticneo tbettnrtb-'ano that altb glwpctb of the beltbceaojca agapne bnto bpra. m&amp;btia * ft co tbe cbauntet^bp l5fgpnotbbpoti SSS? W ^Sbcmtnttb/ a Pfalme of aufb. IthLfJh C*fe9fnint(hisa6 mocbttofapca9anepght/fj?.an ristgan botft. inttrument ofmiiCpbetbjtbjt^epghtfltingeB. MiSnew iPset: ^b cbaften menottn tbp beuv puc.sichatte bpfpleafure. bjctttipiuone ^auemetcpbpSmc [SO %otat)(of% am SYmfSo toeafie:flD')lo?b b eale me/f o; aU^mp b on e&lt;s i?coaQ moig flgp toule alfo t0 in gwate trouble / but wwu some }Lo?ceboto longef Cffi c cutnetbe() jLo?be)$ belpuctmpfoule: "f(i? ^6 fauemefo?tbpmetcpe0falie. "wnenttM, dfo? *fn beatb no man tememb^etB tbe: ^fB^wfiDbtobotoviigeuetbe tbanrieis in tbebenf



|am toeetp of gtonfngtetteipnfgbttoafl)^ tofignpfie gmpbebae/anbtoatet mpcoucbe toitb mrfL ,he ww teate0. fawragement a?p cotintenaunce t0 cbaungeb tmuAwmSSi tntoatbegrefe/31 confumeatoape/lbauetoacth uut be manp enempe?* f b e ^^to aitoapeftomeallpetoicbebbof^foistbefeh^^ JLo?be.batbbm.etbebopceofniptoeppnge.Sft ce t ffi be %om ban) bearbe mpne bumble pe= qupupte i pea* tpcpon/tbe fi,o?Be batb teceaueb mp pjapet. bat&amp; . ailmpne enemies albe confounbebanb"^^^" . foo;ebewb:peetbep albe tutneb bacfie i?S Te puttoftame/anDtbattpgbtfoone. fcrtptuteftrtri tnto Dstobnt^oafball appcarebnto themtbat^aU fealebpsma* Bnent.'but pf it fpeabc after oure manw of iooa aaibongb it fpa* be of ammwa in tbe ?oCaI.^.c.a.obe after in the, .e*Sp bones ace ncptti.t c.iDfibispehaue Gt'ape.yrrtiiii.c. f*thepbc in tbcoeatf) ana in the bell cbat oifpaweana Wafpbcme aob/a0itisfapaepfal.frb. * CCbe.bif.^falme. C6e'atfp?ctb to be faneb from the greate" s greuonft pecfecucpon of^aul.eemcncponetbbyB atonein* nocencpc.iij piapctb that he mapc obtapne the bpng* oome P!omcfeb hpnvto tbintEt t^at the people might begttgeceD tofii'oa/anOtbe mpftbefeof t^e apcbcO erpelleB ; aben fapf h he tb'at tbe topc&amp;cO apll pc tOfe toitb their awnc twecDc / 'seneetbjbe jsi'almetoitb thep,iapCcof^ioa. , ^^^jaionof auib/tobt'cb be fang fo? the too?ne0of u0 ttjeconne of jemtru. . JficaBe tbe So?p in tjje.ij.of tbe apngeB.y M. a 'Sigaton as foine topll/fignifpctb an e rercpfcy that t B^a papnefuil anb beup temptacpon of wmg)t't)et tntecp;ete it anigno?aunce- becaufe be ftnttoiiptt^e f autc ihat teas lapoebuto bim^omc (ape that it teas oneoftbeinflromcnteB/tDtjeratalitbeptalmcBbc* f o?e tohtcb tt is fettvtoerc tonge.Siome tbintbc tljat it is a certapnc bpnoe of meloBpc. fflbiu is i)E r t calico umi the plate of the fi pngcn aboue rebcr feb m cailea Semei. ^^ iio^mprjEiob/intbebogittullifaue 31 4y meftomailtbemtbatpmecute me/? h4 , mt . t m *^'belpuetroe. *KStSe jieU** be bantebbp mpfoule ipbealpo/ nam** fea

anb teare it in peceg/ tobpie tbcte t? none to S bnaeraano belpf. ^ wb J&gt;]Lo;be mp oa/pf 5 baue bone anp rocbetbing/pftbetebeanpbnrigbtuoufnes inmpbanoe0: 9T 3! baueretoatbeb eupllbntotbem tba( beaitfrenbl? toitb me/o?butte tbe tbattoin) ,(!&amp; ,out anp caufe ate mpne enempes: , B tmWami *bfn letmpne enempe petfecute mp an btter be* foule/anb tabe rae:pe letbpm tte abemp Ipfe ?"* '" a botone in fte eattb/anblapempnebonoutin^iotK ta the tbebuft. l *S&gt;ab. fg.naitv ^&gt;tanbe bp( j3D tfflti in tbp to?atb/lpft bptbpfelfeouet tbe futpou0 inbpgnacport of mpne enempefcarpfebptf 0? me) in B)e be* geaunce tbat tbou had p^ompfeb. Cbatnje congtegacpo of tbepeople map come aboute tbe/fof then fafieg tbe tfo?elift bpt&amp;pfelfeagapne.




x\ i


&gt; &gt;

me t&amp;en(fi&gt; -fLopx) acco?bpngc to mp rpg&amp;* tuoufness 9 inriocencpe, &gt;b lee g topc&amp;eones of tb e bngoblp come e^amat is*ra t0 art (**** mapntepne iuft/t&amp;outtg&amp;* npcftt ta^ tou2 ffiob/t()at c *trpeft t&amp;e berp &amp;erte$ aim on tbc though t&amp;e tepnes*. . tcB/ijciectaciaa fl^p ^elpe c5met&amp; of @ob/ to&amp;ic&amp; p;efer* ffiSn ' ue # ttera ^at ate true ti&amp;m. BESS* ob # a rpg&amp;tuouiS tubge/ s ob fc euet :eu.rbia i t&amp;.jeatenpnge. &amp; W men topH not turne/&amp;e &amp;at&amp; to&amp;ett&amp;fc f * ana*. f *toearoe-.i)e batb bent &amp;@ borne anb maae **&gt;fm itreabp. ' w ' 8 ' $e &amp;at&amp; p;epateb 85m t&amp;e toeapens of . beam/ anb opened &amp;pg at oto es to De a tope. 3Be&amp;olbe/&amp;e trauapiet&amp; tot'tb mpf c&amp;ef e/be bat!) conceaueb bn&amp;apppnette/ aim b;oug&amp;t fojtbalpe. fe &amp;at&amp; gtaue an&amp;bfggeb bp a pptte/feut an fall b?m felfe into t&amp;e pptte t&amp;at be &amp;at&amp;mabe. QSVS5I! "* W* bn&amp;apppne&gt;i roan come bpon Oau faiiWon D POTbt#atonepate. Dim Mft. ec 30 f or me/9&gt; tejH genet&amp;anfies bnto t&amp;e tii'fir.atyrso.ejLo^Befo^istfgbtuoiifnrp fcfieyamj topn p;aptet&amp;enameoft&amp;e]Lo;bet&amp;emoQ&amp;pett. cc$e.bftf.&amp;!me. C$ep?a?fctb anb greatly toonberctfi at tbefttcffv' maule benpfp ft anb ipueralptpe of @ob maHer of alt tbmgcs towatbe inanBpnbc/tobicb mm toberetoftb anbnCpeaBaUleglo2pctt)etoctbb!Beuerlaftingpotofr anbttrcngth. " * *,*# *ot&amp;ec&amp;aunter**bpon&lt;i5ttM&amp;/ fount) i&amp;aUis.0ithiHi after romcfignpfpetbaBraocbeasfojrbe topnepicucs.afterfome/conccrnpng thc&lt;E!ethitefl. after other it to an inSrummt of mufpSf . 3G *rr\ JLofleoutegouernousbototoonbet*

SJ _ **?* * *F &amp;** aSb" * fucBipnge* t&amp;ou baa o;bepneb p;apfe / be* caufeoft&amp;pneenempest/t&amp;att&amp;ournpg&amp;tett bettrope me enempe (it&amp;eauenget. f o? j cofpb?e top &amp;eau?/eue" t&amp;e too;cBe ofmpfmgetf:t&amp;emooneemeaan^to&amp;icb t&amp;ou&amp;attmabe. 35 fl&gt;&amp;to&amp;atiisman/t&amp;atmou*ai*fompnb* bEfi5t is/ full of bim^tber tbe fonne of man tbaet&amp;ou tbnrtbou fo bpfptett&amp;pntf SK, j^"&amp;ab*&amp;fo;afronmaw&amp;im SSttffi^8jK5W/&gt;ou'*aotoneSett e! Me trotonebtmtoitbbonouranDgro^. bum u. fa to ft&amp;ou bait ret &amp;im aboue t&amp;e tooicfieg of S C h^^ a *PS a noW , - a ^oubaftputantbwjae0Hi iu jEb;ia after *" eP* anD oye/pee anb t&amp;e beaded of tisceuitcreciSt&amp;e WW. SfcatrriiiiMj, c&amp;efwWoft&amp;eapje/tyefpm.rjft&amp;efef/

anbM)atfoeutttoalcfietbt6o?ototbetoawjsanbofbi5ts of me fee. tytwitco d&gt; JLojeouwgMiemouK/botttoonoer*!-'* ^"f rWt&amp;prmmeinanmetoo;ibe;. UflrbejjM&amp;ralme. w * w *. C?e geurtfi tdanc&amp;es fo; a gteat ufe trnpc obfapntb 1 fo; the fall of agreatencmffocbeaB^ooIiatb 02 tome otbtr Jftjpncc of tbc JBbpuapncB. e? ptapft'tb tbc tpghttoctoflof^oa'tobichaltoapfcauenaejhbrs. *e p?a?t tb i5ob to pull bitfier tbe loscteb. fl *o t&amp;e cbauntet: bpon *ailmutb juben/ a *i"ftet4 teoin^' a Pfalmeof auib. % *^ 5JJ** m watmutbJUben.'aB fomc tbitate /fignifietba tcr* ^ ia " tapntinBruraft ofraufpbe.giomefape/tbatatmutii Cgnpfpetb^of tbe bertb:tobicb fame totiberftanbe b jtabcn/ffiolia t b p; fame other pb iliQinr .^bome tcabe tl|etptlctb*:a Jbementaiib often maoc tybojta* ij on of a fecret 02 folp&lt;b fonne : dbrt tmbrr&amp;anbe Jpcrbp tbe rsab'toeQe^tobtcb bp faptb is tbc fonne of

ob,'Jti)efameistotbeYEO.JlQfo[ia).becauCebeiBcg ' ' tpnuallp tn bectb an5 fecretteo:foi ijia Ipfc is bpOoem fOfiiQi tpU tbebpbbe tbinges beftctceb agapnc in tbe nibgcmitof &lt;$oo&lt;tt)?n (bailie apptarctbattbeoeatb of tbis toOJlbe is glo;pe/jelir reabctb tbe tptlc tbuss bnto t|je toittour 02 oueicoraer of tbc bcath of afole. tohi'tb pe map tecll bnoeraanbe of tbe beat jj of tolpb) an tp (t).:irt 9 of tbe rupne of bis bpngbome : botobcf C tbtotptle u)ulbefcamEmo2eiittieniciit fo?tbe nert JS fnlmc;tofiib after lbeGfb:ucslBaei8i!ict jofaime from tbpB/tobcrt as tUc iatcnittcB mafte tbesobrbe nertbottjeone. . _ &gt;*2*iSllgeuetbanBe0bntotbe() )lo?be* -iltoitumpteboieberte/jtoFiupeaBe of ^"alUbsmetuelouphjo^fieg. j % topU beglab/anb reiopfe m me/pee mf rongrg bgu % maBe of tbpname / tbou moott Duett. JBecaure tBou&amp;aft&amp;tftic mpne enemies abacfi t!tim toere opftonfpteb/ano pe nlbeb , m ^^^ atftl?P?efence, &amp;$&amp; &lt;jTo?tboubaOmapntepnebmp tpgbt an&amp;fenccBrfuc, m j 1 caufe: tbou fpttett m c&amp;e t&amp;? one tba t m (oucs/acmonc U)i ttue iticge. Wi jjiw cbou teuufiett tbe ^eptben/ a bettrope tt SBSS tbebngowp/tbou puttett outtbeitname fo; tbnttt'cwue euetanbeuei:. truoBina# Cbe enempeg fto etb^ ate come to an enbe/ tmtim moubattouettb?otemtben: l *cptpe0/tbeiKf''' i f ajc memo?rail t&amp; perpftf b toirij mem. ; 36utU)e JLo?becnbutl) fo? etiev/9e&amp;afb &amp; pjeparebb^featcbntoiubgement. vopii/be nwi l^egouctnEtb tbe too:lQ ttitb tegbtttonf'"") ^ ncm S / JS? mmm ttue immm mSt&amp; C$c 2t02Be fe a 6cftncrfo?tfjc poo^e/atratiiioi^tjn ttttnet in t^e trme of crouUe. mtfgpwrtj lettt&amp;em/t&amp;atreBet&amp;e. e&lt;[hctoiii' jfiD P?apfe me Jlojbe/ tobfeb btoelletb feptepntt of * ^ jon/metoe me people of b&amp; boingeg. fo^t w . anbtoBpi*bemafietb mqu ? rtc%f mBSSSS tbeWoube/anb Kmemb?etb mem :be fofnfo wjltw* gettetbnottbe^compternteofmepoo^e. i&amp;pjw "t" 8 ^awemet;cjbp5ine(si)jio?b)cofpb?etbe^^ ;,l,

Hgtiif ftnjjttouble tbat lam in amoge mprieenempes/ { ,iKa:eBnBertbou liftttt mebp fcS tbe*gategof beam. &amp;ranamtbe*po?^oftbebaugbtet;of&gt;t5/anb ZSum tet'opfe in mp faupnge bealtfj. rtitbfccw ai0 fo^ tbe J^eptbe/tbep ate funcBf botone wi &lt;J Jf tntbeppKee'tjaemepmabeitntbe fame nette Srffi *&gt;* *# c ? f W out p;pelp'/ ijj tbett atone pwotruftatfeetetafien. M asp tbig &lt;rbu?t )Lo?b is ftnotone to tteeute mte Mft ")P*fubgement/toL&gt;en tbcbngoblpw trappeb in Hg" ^ tbetto?cBe0 of IjtjS atone &amp;an e*. ^.eteb. Kf(iW8fo?w- Cbetopcsebmuftbeturnebbntobell,' $ v oftbeteoii&amp;.'.all tbe ^ettben tbat fozgee ob. jito onip to jgut tbe poo?e (ball not all toape be out S tbat at cf tememb?aunce/ t&amp;e pacpem abpbmge of Uu* thrift**** be in trouble mall notpetpftj fo; ftjifirbchcat, eun:. i^tbtagb tbe p iLo?b/letnom8 bauetbebppetbanb/ ffLra! Ictt ^^ f P* fnbc "^emnebb E fo;etbe, I mSu * JLo^efetafcolematteroiterme/raM iititnrtprai me Reuben mapefinotoet&amp;em felue^tobe ma butmrn. * h ^ela&amp;. | tvapcgatcBofbcatbare ti)C)iibgfm?teofbfefb/tBetocm:clleg | tftfit iMcteb' the cogregactosof^satban'tbeboctrineB of faiCnefi/ Wftkmofuer leaoetljtobeatij. 8r&lt;icpo.!tf so? gates of tbe Daughter of fepo'arc i the t ompanies ;;ii5r8iDt).mljfiptbfulMntobpcb arc rccpteOfbetratbeBof^oo/ 'Biiiall-liatlcaaetbtolpfe.pfal.UrjsS.a. F "^ J^lBcUb loae tbc. tij. p Crtme.a cbe.y.|9falme. C2p?aper agipnft frowatbe/malptpoufc;* Yuptbecj nun/tobiJb bottje ttttb topics anb up.lence oppieOe all that are poo 2c anb helpcleCTcitoScrin alfo their m* tolcrablep;iOcanai)iigoaipnes/toitbtbranapeano befpje to hurtc otljer arc BcCcrpbcO. C Cficre is no fflTptle In the r)eu/e to. ^p arte tbougone iofatteof/g&gt;

)lo?beftopltmou bpoetbffelfe in t?mt of trouble; iiabptetbebngoblpbatbl ouer Banbe/t&amp;e poo;e mutt f tiff re perfecucpom fl&gt; mat tbep toete tafien in t&amp;e pmagpna* cpon to&amp;itb t&amp;ep go aboute. Jfo; fbngobip mafietb booft of btS atone , bettesibefp;e/mecouetou0bfe(Bt&amp;&amp;tmfcif/ anb blafpbemetb t&amp;e jLo;be. &amp;ebngoblpi)Sfop;oube anb fun of in* * bignacpon/tbat &amp;e cawt&amp; notmetbet is 00b befo;e&amp;t!epfSJ, $iig toape 8 ate alitoape fitt&amp;pe/t&amp;P htog* menteji are fane out of &amp;u? ftg&amp;t/&amp;e be fpet&amp; an&amp;feenerapeg, jfo; be fapetb in &amp;pg bette : cum / 1 mall KCratei anb nn,erbe caft ^totw /tjw ttjal no&amp;atme &amp;ap* fsotocTitbe pen bnto me. Atripmware ttmoutbisfunofcurfpng/fraubeabt* tatiifi: tope* f ceate: bnoer bp? toge is 6 * trauaple &amp;fo;oto. SStaft?" &amp; ( # tea ) tartWB fo me-garsen* / mat w.f 1 i t be mapep?puelp mutt&amp;ur t&amp;e innot ent/ &amp;W ' epegawrftbpont&amp;epoo^. G $ e ipet&amp; toaptpnge fecreilp/ a* it toere a


iponiij&amp;pgbennr. ... \- , . lt&gt;eluvBet&amp; t&amp;at &amp;e mape raupib t&amp;e poo;* pee to rauim tbepoo;e/to&amp;en &amp;e &amp;at&amp; gotten &amp;imtnto&amp;p2inett. &amp;mfmptet&amp;be/tbenopp;eflet&amp;&amp;e anb catteti) botone r&amp;e poo;e to i tb ifit an c t o:i te tfo; &amp;e fapetb m &amp;p3 bene: cum /.ob . &amp;at&amp; fo?gotten/&amp;e bat&amp;tumeb atoape mh*mi.hL* ?*face/fot&amp;at&amp;etoiUneuerCeif. ffi^f/ arpfe jLo^ie ob/ ipftbpt&amp;pnebanb/pture rtgnpfp, anb fo;get not t&amp;e poo;e. eft of t? 1 1&gt;? fa, !&amp;erf o;e mulb toicBeb blafpftemetPob," ";!"^ J fapem&amp;ijs&amp;ette:turo/&amp;ecaret&amp;notfo ? re:,S / SB i n "S

&amp;p*t&amp;oufeptt/fo; t&amp;ouconfpb^tt ttep&amp;uma;* mpietpanbfo;otoe. wtr.r; Cbe poo;e geuet&amp; &amp;mt ftiff ou et in to t&amp;p &amp; &amp;anbe / anb comittc &amp; &amp;im bnto t&amp;e/ fo; tb ou art t&amp;e &amp;elpet of t&amp;e ftenbleffe. "&gt; ?eab e t&amp;out&amp;e atme off t&amp;e bngoblp anb maipctoug; rearcb out $ toicBcbneoe to&amp;tc&amp; bebat&amp;bone/tbatbemapeperittj. &amp;e }lo;be is Bpnge fo; euer/t&amp;e \$eiti)tn mail pertttj out of b is lauce. )Lo?b/tboubeareft ^befp^usiongpng cam! of tbepoo;e:t&amp;ep; bette ig fure/ t&amp;att&amp;pne jataime mt rareberfienetbtbetto. i)tfo?e,u elpr ; f fatbertece anb poo;e bnto tbere tpg&amp;t/t&amp;at tbe bngoblp be nomo;e eraiteb bponeartb. CCbe.ri.1&amp;falme. tCf&gt; reafonctb bis to;ong wttb tbem tbat tn?ittt b&lt;nt fojtb of all tbe bompnpon of $tutUft tbat be founbe no plate to abpbt in. &amp;e p?apCetb hps confpoence to ano&amp;e (fk ffiobttacOf ;anb the niogeineut of ob botb totoarbetptlc of tbc jb^BOobanbetttlL fourth ^fal *cot&amp;ec&amp;atinteji/ofauib. 3D &lt;T5f $ t&amp;ejlo;be put^Jmp truft : bote topP**^ ngo "IJpetbenfapctomi'foiiIe;tbat dje mulbe'Lf /^ -JiMM bp;oe bpon poure bpIIJ; mS&amp;w* Jro; io, t, *tbe bngoblp baue m t&amp;ett botoe/ to tb ipeatbe4.p a mabereaDP t&amp;eit arotoeg in me qupaer/ g wb'ib is fpgtn* tbep mape p;puelp mute at t&amp;em/to&amp;ic&amp; axtWJWw ttueofbert. fflauaS beberpfoflbaci5&amp;auet&amp;epcattbotone/moa pice an&amp; to&amp;at can t&amp;e rpg&amp;tuou? tben bo toit&amp; alif ~&gt; reabp tooe utmejLo;beijJin&amp;p8i&amp;oIptempie/ t&amp;e^ **?&amp; %om feate torn &amp;eauen:9e mtmMtt&amp;JffiJfl* topt&amp; &amp;pj5epe?/&amp;^epelpbbes( bebottetbeSTmaoe c&amp;plb;en of men. bc n be Rcobe &amp;e no?be fctt&amp; bot&amp;e t&amp;e tigbtuousf anb !3*% m |jnftiiE(fouieal)fto?re^. ; m ^ h ma

oipo t^ebngobl? %t fflail r^pne rnarcg / u pe rcaoc rjs (Re/ b?i?mttone / fto?me aii&amp; tcrapett : t^jg afl f ca (bcr t# wtoattje Q)an tfte? ta tie to honor. &amp;$? fSBfttuouCue0:Wg counttnaunee be&amp;oi&amp;ety great &gt; i^t at flic fftf nge tftat is mft . t u m %&gt;&amp; fa^twtofleoutof t^ecoa0c0Of IttMbntotty #Wiftu* mt% IjBe maiwr Do oureSauto Daplpperfctufc frW^.llffW*

tlfte cSplapnetfc t&amp;at rist) tuouCnegf faf $ arctucr? Cfceyrtcaflct^ tfcat a ll places are ftttl of topcbeti ana

tebcrebecapco/i tbattoplp jgpUfuU flatter crsrnle iUl/aHbp:apctb tbetojOc tobauecompalTpanon tbe asio&amp;e fbe amictftot)tcbibcpceueUptoe*e:jaIfotobelj*tb*acco; tptUoftbc,itii&amp;mgto6stoOfiieA^^o'ttJptanuot*tauenDto Calrac "f Ipucc bis/febra tbe WW* tompanpe of tbe toiclwD. ft*niie 5 **cofteoibauntetbpon b * ^beminift/ -tjtie of c^.i. a p&gt;fanneofautb. P 61 "" 8 * -rr &lt;0pe;ilo?b,fo2ftereisnotoneraHtcte 3 ^ihoje : berp fetoe fapftfuu ate ftere ?ty amongefte ftpuwen of mm. atetpmatelleftlpestobps nepg&amp;bour/ ftep oo but flatter totft ft etc Ipppss and opp fembleintbetrbette. ftat fte llojbe tooioe tote out. an ftp* f ceatf u II ipppeS/anb ft e tog % ft at fp eabeft P20UDC tf}!ng69, i&amp;ic&amp;rape:outttonge ftulbe pjcuaplc: toe ate ftep | ougbt to (pease/ tobo is iojoe .ouetbsi

*&gt; #otofo2 fte troubles fane of fte oppjef* ttb j ana becaufe of fte complapnte of fte pooieft topll bp(fap eft fte i&lt;o?oc ) 31 topit tsfffiat ta/o&amp;belpe ftem/ano ret ftem at te ft. ten iisrara. cbe toojoes of jLojbe aw pure toojbts: * rffi^ wen as fte ipluer/bfticb from earft is trpeo 3m *Bi . anbputpfpeb * nt fte fte. 5Butaftato. fcepe^ftefterfoM: Jlotfto ptffenie e $ r a, 1 &amp; j too;' jjg from tffijs genetacpou f o; euet. * ainbtobpitobenbanpte^pbplnesgetteft fte oueftanbe amonge fte t&amp;pibnen of men/ aUatemilofftebngoolp. CC&amp;ejttM&amp;falrae. CStottiObringinaieopatbotifc cafe to flreafpcrcll soil) carneftlp toitb petlfulnes befp.'edSobes be!pr/to tbintcnt tbatbpeencrapcfi fbulbenot reiopec atbps ulnhe the oeetb/buttjatberatbermpgbtreiopceof bfB bealtb Mfeof tbe itf ?* nci " ane "WW* magnpfpe ana pjapfe hi p;r aafalme ' t 6tuet 00 *^ % B *coftecbaunter/aralmcof?0aufo. b*taat is/ T|- v tolonge toplt ftou fo?get me/ &gt; soto tongr Ojai 1H 'jio.'oef f o? euetfboto ionge toplt ft ou jtafieociitera ^"r&amp;fbe ftp face fronted gL, . _ &amp;**boto longe ftall a feBecouncelltn Stt/matemPfouI^otolonge all % befo bewb m mettrcorpecti mpne&amp;erte: botoionge Ibanmpne enempe miigtnt/ toatjtrptimptie ouetme; 5f2SSK Confp!)ae/(iBeaterae/sD)Lo;oemp(0ob: siSaS'^BWenn^n^f^^ftatl Ceapenot in tuintt fof &amp;f aft. ip^ttat* f jLefi; mpne enempe fapr. % nue.pwiap=

open Cjntuw j ocfctf belt) tfjtic mott cojiupt/ f ji tb j anli oyolcnt tonbpejon: and f ut thct'liE p?opt)t t^ctg ScngtauncEtotbcm/ano (ainacfon totijeiunQccnt/atiiftetktit tol)om^epoppaanoOroonre. Icoft^cfouctn ,*;otlieftaunt/ofatao. | faln *

_,9e&gt;folpQbolrpe0 (ape inftn't better b^e^aceti &lt;?irtbufl)/ftetet0nooo gone out of ^ **** ^Ebepate co?tupte/? become ab^ t^sSISSS ropnabletnftett bomgeu / ftete is not one P S S tbatOOftgOOb. of oty Cbe JUtfte lofieQ ooune ftombauebpo fwuefeinime ftecbpiwen of men/to fe pfftetettereanp|J?'f '* a ftat tootte^noetaanoe $ ftfie aftee oo. 22 JJg JBut^tbep ate allgone out of fte toait/ owramalf fttf ate all togeftet become bnp;ofptable:anop,ou^ e . tbere is none ftat Dot ft gooD/no not one. *&amp;"*. ^oto can ftepbauebnuetOanbpng/ ftatr'"-* too?cfie mpftBefe/eattngebpmppeople/as it taiete bjeo/9 call notbpon fte Ho;bef C6etfo?e all ftrp be b?oug6t in gteate fcate/fo? obttanoeft bp fte*genetacpon mOu*** offten'gbtiious. .fofiS m fo? pou/^pebaue mabe amocfie at f *&amp;*&amp; coucell of ft e poo?e/becaufe Be putteft bts **}W ft? ttuftinfte)Lo;be. gfeft ce ftat fte faupnge ijealtbtotre gfueng^tSiL into j frael out of grion. i be t;gtinf jDbftatftes,o^Jtoolbc belpuetbttpeo^wfloffiBiB, pleotttofcaptpupte. BSSL cben am)e*g!af ob wtoift/atftSfraeikiSK fliulbe be rpgbt glab. t bat u.k to tStrmnco/blafpntnwoj nuoe^ttcfpetht tounctll of thf toossitxif, fcO/ | an6rpgl)ttorBiiian;ttcauCchefo?ro6caUp;onprtorifo!^nifEUe lmttbatonlptoiiichbetonfapiictlpbcttuttito tjau? ofOoi.fcljjj faupng bealtbts fohi *b;(tt. t*p3acobo?3fracl:3bnott8ancctl)etoljolcttstfa^p:o35Hj^ offp;pngEof3acoboj3rcatLasin(bjaralrae.w.a. yvc^^CCbe.yb.Pfalme. cehispfalmtbefcEiUctbtobatmanctBjfontipciSs . tbebtcpp(tfpnBOf &amp;80I s Hitmb;t of tbt tbuttb of^5obmuaosur.

3 $Talmeof&amp;auft. -^ fl)?be/tobo (ban otoenmftp cabema*^ jLcieitoboftallreftbponftpbofpbPlK J8 *" cuenbeftat leabeft mtonmwZ tm*t Iife:ftatbcft fte fting tobift is tpgbt /anb w tatgoo ftat'Tpeabeft fte rreuft ft5 bis bert. e ap* anbtooo ~.*.... ^eftatbfeftnooifceatinbpston8e*e tbat e,1 i w,l ? SoSSi? as ^^ 0? J f !^ caft S otone/t&amp;rp ao ^ no melltobisnepsbbour/ ^fclaun ^WtnT ffl/icoto^atttoubumetopuretotfeatit. bjeftnotbisnepgbbours. 5S c ftat fetteft not bp fte bngoWp/ but w mabeft raocbe of ftem ftat feate fte j,o;be: . ** ' ^eftatgcueft'notbismonepbpSbfutp" 4 $ t aft eft no retoame agapnttfte innocent. mbofoboftftereftmgrs/fljanneuetbe rnnoufD, bC

me ttntotftip 35utmptcufttst'nftpmetcp/$ mp &amp;ett in tbt baoes of ts topftin in ftp faupnge beaift . Pflf 3 *mm of fte)Lo?be/ftatbealeft fo foVso -finne (y3 wpnp^f re ftename of fte JUW ttabe.-tepc mc ft e mooft bPCtt-) atoapbe' fo? t ija ttobfeb is here reabe Ipgbfen tnpncepeB. *SE8at 3 flcape not inOeetbytba t is/t^at J He ape not tbc tlepeof CcEtb/Jbnt 3 ope not anb be ouer come of mpne encmpes:an&amp; t jtf fo;e fiMo^t6(i'Ic8mpn(;wnjptfapej3&amp;iEp;ejiaHltO,(e,

wifti^o; bO'Cfecbcfpji'tV iSobto bebps DefenOec. ?e pjofedeth i (mbt flft^eualtbatfletegeaemot^cfanoufoftftt utpoctesretbat fftin aitntt' he alitjo;c;; feelobet!) to ftauc tbepat* ^un&lt;ftofmuffCtaiiaci;-:!-vmulHop:oftbetp8!)tof&gt;5oO. (p*. * -j&amp;pubtatn of -auib. * *u\ Mtftme me(&gt;d5ob)fo; in fboj ttutt. ifflS T^a^r^^ob/mpgoobes atenoftmge if jeaitttb ibe bntofte, I d^hiifapnc m m mm i$ bpon tBe* 6 tepnctes ftat 1 2 f if r S" m tn " e ai)/anb bpon focbe IpBe. : K'L in * ** ^ ""* a fttt another/ all KtetesQE&amp;auegtesjeeiouble,

ftuieeatestome-.ijBetbebntompSbojbes^ . &gt;betoeftpmaruelousioufngbtncneffe/C ftou ftat faueft ft? tnbicb putftei( mttt in fte/ftom foebe as tel'ia tup wgbtfianbe, epeme as tbe apple of an epe/befenbe ^^y,, mebnBtfte'*ftabobje of ftptopnges. JJ S ffiS tfiom fte bngoblpi trouble me/fto mpne her/ r, fln ,f f c I enempes b3btft compafiemp foule rounbewotcccposbn^ aboute. wtawe gooa t^pft mStepne ft ept aime toelftpneffe Eg''| iDpft opp?e(Tpon/?ftepr mouft tpenfteft am , n fa&amp;e t p^oubtftpnges. 3tiBabo?ovDca Cftep ipe toapti'nge in ouuttape on euevp fpeacfi f. tfte

ptimte. CbeicD^mciiofitingeSofbloubetopUnot fpbe/tutmngefteirepesDotonetoftegton o W J|jS; "oSte/neftetmafiemencponoffteirname . ^ibeasaipon^sgteopotfipsp^ap^ssne/tohtchji ou

fcffiSff 3 oSte/neftetmanemtncpon of fteirname S2^Lttb ,nrai?motu! ' I fefl) ana J cue jLo?DeOimfelfet'Smpgoob?mppo? I oatb ^cpon/ftotjma^itapnellnipneenbetitaucc, f te/jiep;etts be los r's fade bnto me in a fapjegroub/

tttoerealposttaeipe rurcfipngmbijsisSnc. rrtMb/fcacctb cap iLo;be/bprapopnte bptn anb caft Bpm SfiEJS ce botone :belpurr mp fouje toptb ftp tt^SSSK front fte bngoblp. frpghtetb t from fte men of ftp 6anb ( "i,o?be ) fro tyw wmt$

ISttoS?* Ja^&gt;wif agoowpbetitage. -. s-s w "r *-^- ^ r!=rs Kfcf a to i? 11 ^nbe fte 3Lo 2 be f o? gcupng me ^ c * off fte mo?ioe / tobpeu bai te ftep^ gf*g*" l n f toPftftptteafute. tortbaUubQieal Cftep baue cbplb?en at ftep; be fpie/ anb tbe m ^attb,

leaue fte rette of ftepr fubOaunce fo? ftep? w#* babes, ysut as fo? me/f toil be&amp;otoeftpp?efen in rigbtuourneS:anb toben ftp ctio iv appea&lt; teft/2ftallbefatpffpeo. ' CCbe.ttiii).^falme. &amp;*&amp;&gt;** Cftlfi be befcrtbetb iljegrfat j fetucnt epnfp&amp;?cc tobitb bebab in /Dob/a tbent^trutllcB toljertoifb be Vjjbb ouetlaben: after tbat; rtje potoer of 00 ano Boootopil totoarbebpm:ia;benfl!.-tti,-tb bthts atone Oeliueraunce-'b'BmnocencpstbeinOgcmentof^oB totoarbc all men-ano after tbefc/tbe great pc'to;pe obtapn. of bis moft mpgbtp enempe/* that *5e f a fles of bpBbpngbome toere mcruelotiOp enlargcb'ji bispototr confp:meb fo; ener; at tbe laft be enOeta tbc |d fatmrtpub wvto/t Ui a p;opbeCp of ffb;ifl. C*-co tee c&amp;auntercf autbferuaunt of * jftfefeS fte zio?be/ toDicb fspbe bnto fte ?Lo?be fte 2J, * too?bes of ftis fonge/ on fte bape in toBpft fte )Lo?be beipuerebBpm f r5 fte banb of a bis enempes/a fro fte bab of &amp;M/9 fapb.^ &lt;5jtpji ioue fte( )Lo?be)mp ffrengft. b ^ mft 4l coejiLo?D ismpfuccout/mprefuge/ 5 a tfie iw; ^^ mp &gt;;EioD / nip beluet; in 'QSHKS* bealft/anbmpp?oteccpon. SSSSSS 3 topli p?apfe fte jLo?be/? call bpSbim/tapneobeaitb, fo ftall 3; be fafe fro mpne enempes. ?' ,B ? ,| ? nrtt

i m lesae mp toarnpngs : mptepnes alfo bane ftafteneb I to m mi;; me in fte mht reafon. t%t &gt; &amp; mo * % mii ** 3 (Bob an toapes before i : S^^ptot me / fo ^ et *^onnprpgbtbanbe/f a ftuib 1 ymfm: ana not be moufij, -g fo.otoetb/ cbetfLi^'iiibmpbertreiopce/a mp tifge TJKf-H? teas giaB; mg tee ft alfo ftall rett in bope. JB S tf0 - : **Fi w ft Q)alt not leaue mp foule ufcjaii in beu/nes)eB tijalt ftou Cuffre ftp fatnete to pb*ou!&amp;ait fe cojtuprpou. v&amp;k'Sl "!, p ^^ 0l1 &amp; se ^ ctoE0 rae tfif to8 P e ^ of fpft: : BSmS * 0tt ftattartr me full of iope tt tbp wm r&amp;tsmrupt.tenaunce, *ooo(^ peter at ftpcpgbt banbe ftere is pleafure anb S-^i bps c ? e fW etiesmo;e.

6mKS bejbij^falme. atr.riH. caDeficmnif anoftruentpjaptrofSDantb tbatbc mpgbt beOfipaercO from tbe pcrfecutponB of Saul. fee mnoccaUi'siftyfett) biB atone innortrpe'ac'be bp* in |&amp;f3tmc.tf2 crpetbfo; bealpe/beftribetb ti)cp:ou".c conOicioiiB* toapne intchcions of ijiaper* fccutcrB/ anb conteffetb tbat bis felpcptie t onlWktb Intbcbnotolcage of (Siob, aii p?aperofauft. a( 4 tf&amp;w fte rigbttfiJJLoiibJf 5ub?e mp co* lplaptt:!)er6enbntompp?aper/ftat goeft not out of a fapneb mouft. t'fst asipc %tt nij? feissence come fo?ft fro tbp P?e* QSSfSS fenCC: lofte l * on * r flfaB* ftat is equalf. WantoV Cbou Bae??oueD sbpfptebmpne bette fiWftiii/aam in fte npgift Mon: ftou baft trpeb me in jp IJMUJrt i.c fte*ft?e-4 ^a fofibe no toicfiebnes in me : f*#tinm fofimmt &gt;iHrporebftatmpmouft ftuft i _. ^notofenfe - . SmSS. 1*mf*S Uetoojbes of ftp ft'ppes l% jNwtte/but&amp;aue&amp;ep! \n..:. ^otbetoo?besofmen:in fte hwpincant toape offfiji '^yrfterer . &amp;!^f ^- iMtnipgoingesinftppaftes: SSS3 S ^ at mp f ! ro t,;S fl 'pp e not ffo?bntog^ ^iefteate megojncH'ne

M-/ *

&gt; * '

^Cbefo^otoes of oeaft etfttw/tfg2fr fteb ? obesofbngoblpnesmabemeafra?eb.5?tecUc Cbe papnesof be came about me/ fte iwws brttnoe fnaresofbeafttoReboibebponme. t&amp;emwuw;* yetinmptroublea raileb bpo IJrWBWSgaPtw S&gt;o be bearbe mp bopce out of bps b olp p;a'

tempie/anbmpcSplapntecamebefozebfm/f 9 *?'^^ CClitji Of ktetU


HSFB.hJ.6*! 1 !

^f&amp;mtfo mmmi

ngoaiinc6(bp ^ en t be catty twmbleb anb quafieb/e meant fhc * "^ * o # e t&gt;Plles5 Ofie ft teete obapnate muiWmouety becaufebeteas to?0e. tj tuoe of m cbere toete a fmo&amp;e out of bps ncttreW

siwa*mia&gt; *.- -' -- - vcamebotone/ re tignif iea t i)c $ tt toag batcfie b noec bpg fete, ipatMUB/i JOeroaebpSt^e f *bcrubpngaDpbflet S'ttitfcB to &amp; e carae **&amp;**# top use* off topnbe. tSc taKteftm* $ E n 1306 batcbneae big pauplion coun&amp;e or w encmpssaboute bim / toi barc&amp;e toater anb pcfte lappeneb into clOHbeS to bim. H22BB at ** b?tgb meg of bis pjef ence g cloubeg w tc 1 6SS WW0 W * ^apfc Bone? 9 coaieg of fp;e, taste; fo tbat cbe JLo?oe aifo ono;eb out of beaul/ tp J iuagntHit 9 e ^eygtlj gaue big ob# tt bapie ttones !LlnL!' anil coaleiS ****** SSPSJSi ^ e fent *** "Wto anb feat wo I / taftatoapi &amp;ecaftfo?e Ipgbtenpnges/Sbetttopeb tbe. &amp; tfoauuaRet c&amp;efpjpngeg of toaterg toere fene / 9 e S^?,rvfrS* founMt * olw oferouneeteo?loe toere W-HRS*""** at W pbmg( JLo?o)at ti&gt;e bla* Ac ;tijeiaav Qi&gt;ngean&amp; U?ett of pbifpleafureg. o^hcintng, * lljefentbotone fto bepgfofetcbme/ ni Wr ^aiofte me cut of *gteate toaterg. B eSSftto* i^oeipuctebme fto mp ftrong enempeg/ bsuehnetia $ fto mpfoeg tobi toete to mp gbtp fo; me.

fcfttyettiMn in bep p^encteD me in e tpme of mptrou* tiviu asnM'blertuttge i-oflie toagmp Defence. SSI ^ c Wotifi&amp;t me fo?tb aifo into ip&amp;ette: jepauthe !Wn ano Stfpuerebme/Oecaufe be baoa fauoursc0 sere tetjetbntome. fcoi0 ojfccibco $be 3L.OJQC an temarbe me afte* mp % 1 TaX' **** waW&amp; acco?bg to e clen* ' aiS **? Banoegftaiibetecompenre me. sob/ tobptb be f o? % baue feepte e teases of &amp;otf e; atatctbmKam&gt;ftauenotbe^aueo mpftife toicseblp a* W^^'^garntt m? od. f5:?Sa5 9i&amp;aueanepebntoail&amp;pg latoes/ecatt tnB/anoinjobnot outbid commaunbementegi fto me. ttvoSMi m ncomipteto?ibebefo?ebim;9tot' iiBefbingtB efcbuempneatonetopcBeonck oFbfe potter. * Wbtuous oealpnge; 9 aeco?bpng bn f tm tpnw to tbe clenneae of m? banoegin (jiis e^e ugb t. K mSSe Rp c CIea " e f 0)att be cieane/anb twieoeipbcciato^ tbeftotoatoetbouftaltbe frotoaroe, *e bj pottet f o? tb ou alt faue tfte poo?e opp?effea/ SnSSS^ f |ottrpgbteftmpcanDle/fl[) )Lo?bemj ?uabc0.*c. a0o&amp;:tboumafiettmpoarcsene0 to beft'gbe. ACro.tfjr.tofn dfojin^egjean Mfcofo?tanboftofmen: SKnb It^fjmw a can leape ouet tbe toa. S3 &lt;^WeT5ai?e of od ig a pecfecte teare:tbe tobtnt&amp;epw/toojoes of tbe JLojbeate ttpeo in tbefp^e: i&gt;k btfptro albe i$a oe of Defence /fo? aw tbem tbat

tntftWlBim. . 8'8.28af,ttM Jf 0? tobo i &lt;Kob/buttr H-o^eJ &gt;?/tofio *f n &amp;!(* bat^anpQtengbt/butoute&lt;0oDJ ' SWkmii ytutwum BWWnw torts Hrengtb/ Ktffi anbmaoemptoaBebncojtupte. U11S8S i . ^ebatbmaDempfeteljBebettegfete/^^^ctufM,!; fetmebponbfe. S5J l ? p;alf!l e teacbetb mjnebanoejs to mt/tm* Mnftt fietb m j&gt;ne atmess to b^eafie euen a botoe aam tmm Qele. 06 to) at one cbou baOgeuen me tbe oefence of jdBSSSS, bealtb/tbP tpgbt banoc bpbolDetb me / 9 3SS&amp;SS

loupge co?tecc?on mafietb megreate. miMwo tonfw cbou baft maQe'^rotome jnougb bnoet raei&gt; p $" me f 0; to go/tbat mj fote fteppeg ttutte not X2Z 1 gtopllforotoebpontmine enem^jf/ anoSSS tafietbem:!, tofflnottumetjlltbep tern* ' ( """&gt;f' eomfotfeo. tomewfa % topHfmsteftem/tbepOjaiinotbeableilf SSKK to Oanbe/butfallbttDetmpfete. wtb bV{S Cboubaftgwoeome tot'tfi Qrengtbbnto^ 81 '"'''* w tbe bateit/tbou baft tfcotoe" email Wmt3*g' bmv me/tbat tofe bp agaj nft me. gft r Cbou baft mabe m?ne enemies to tom&gt; ttoguwm ne w bacfieg bpo me/tbou baft uefttovto &gt;"*miI)iiik tyematbatebrae. HfewfJimw cbepmD/butetetoa0 noneto BefpeSSfflg cm:pee euen bntoe toW/Mmm&lt;wmm tbemnot. er pjopintp 1 totfl beate em as fman as e ouft * ?' t date m e toinbe/1 tojll caft em out ae SBSSB ' e dare eftrecejJ. " SSSSfi cbtu aitbelpuet me frome ftt?u f ho wjutiw gee of tbe people/ cuatt mafie me e &gt;&gt; ** '*Beaoeofe^efen. S*! rptate * apeopletobol bauenof finotoneaH B , ? t fje tetue me. tvts/auiMt 30fooneas(epr)eare of me/epall f(ea/|, if Die mug we, befsithjicttaa Cbe fttaunge jlbjen atetoayen olbe/ ociyuewj iip anb go baltpnge out of tie pa eg. ,fie gaimofaQb cbeJLo?bel?ue:anbWeflebbempbe!' per/p?a?fetibee(isoDof mpbeal. ***&amp; gep/anb fnbpue e people bnto me. 5'p5 Wi gittsbe atoelpuere me ftSmp ctueii of an 101*9* enemfes:ou aftlpft mebp from tbem Wm !Jfo?fecaufeg|to?iT geiieanfie)S bnto cbFi6;?ateo e(^)Lo?De)amogeegent&lt;les/anbfwgefe^ff f

p;asfegbntorname. * ffi&amp;ffi: ft 5eue be bnto W Sltt Bpnge/anbetoe lounge firnunefteb^ tFftftwiw to autobwanornteb/f ee a bntobwffebe wiu* 111 " fo;euetmo?e. oe to;aei^ 05e

niiw^'i* 8e.tfie.Pfalrne. JJcTicfccibEt!) the potoet af 0oo&gt;toontictful(p tx* tlaccDiipthc toojrtmilfifpeof tbebeauS9^c(6ftoth tbe eyceucntneo of tbe latoc of (Bob / Oefg P 'ctb to be fancb from fpiine/ anb toJiffbctb tbattobatfoeuee jje etbec tbpntbctb tiibert o; rpeab:t!) 16 moutfj / ro.we i J'Ae tlje bcuoflO 3iw acceptable to i5Jb.| iptitof tse *Coecgauntei:/aifalmeof?au. toctb.pfaitm oy^ejbet-vbeauensi Declare eglo?p of :.' * 0L&lt;Bj/at!Debetpfftmamentetoe $8 banope to o;cbe. ne Dspe telle another/ anb one nrgbc Wifpeanoet. Cbete tis mm Cpea net laguage/but :- eirbopce!3aveberBeamongeem. Cbe Counae is gone out in to all Ian * MAw eiv too?Des m to e enbes of e too?loe. jB ^3!nembaberettatabernacle fo?tbe aniline / tobP comme f o?tb as a b#oe* gtome out of btg cbamb?e/ anbteiopfe as a gfaunte to runnebis coutfe. It goetfj ton\) fto tn one enbe of e bea* wen/anc nume aboute bnto e fame enoe ictciatoe8gflpne/anbere mapenomanbpoe bpm artbe i.o?be 10 feife from e beate tberof. fflSe ratoe ft Quicfiene e foule. I v^cti mnft cbe teftintonp of e ;a,o#e is true/ anb ttttme/ mofo; gcue topome euen bnto babes. Of ebf ftatutcs of e )Lo?oe are rigbt/ re intottjii



Sb tbe t0 ? fe tfte ^'e:e cSmaunoemet of %q$c .tat of man fo P -anb geu e ligbt bnto e epeg.

tuarp/ano ft re ng e out of ^ it.' mt of mm 3Ecmem b^ all p ofterpnges / anb sect* ? ***! ' n * ptepb;entfacfpce. "*^&gt;eiab. 28SU&amp; &lt;5rauntebep &amp;erteg&amp;efpje/ anofulfpll {tbocKS* aHpmpnDe. npe &amp; of Ip/pitg 1 9e topllreiopreinpbear / 9 triftpbc JflN* w t'n e name of e)Lo?oe out* &lt;0oD:e ^ifflUM per|purmeallppeticionS. SSS i9oto finotoef /at ejioebelpe big m ra.yiiiij.a anopnteo/anbtoill beate btrnft "' brsb^lp^ f* tare beauen: mpgbtpeise belpeof bpstpgbt f jatWftj ^ a * . . aspetcaacoisc* S&gt;ome put eft mill in atetceg / anb #&amp;* fome in bo?feg : but tee topll rememb?e tbe to " f ie f St name of tbe )Lo?De owe cb. iSSBSSS Cbep are fcougbt botone anb faUer./but U^mm* toearerpfen anb ftanbebp rigbt. tbco /of iobom &gt;aue/jio;be / anbbelpebS / 6pnge/ fiKfc 2?? tobentoecabpone. SSSflS be.wt^ime, "ISSES tbe CBf&amp;ancbergcupngewbicb tbe people bfebfo? tbe 8 l "" ,!,,a * bto;p anb oibe t uenefptes tbat jt&gt;muO abounbaiu* tpeeccaueO* "*Coeauntet;a J&amp;falmeof mote afffTt? ^r SD?beVftotoiopfuHise ftpnge p$ u " w "* j^fttengtb^boto ejcceabpngegiab is ye ofvfaupngebeaif cbou baft geue bim big betteg befpje /

'iotorman w^-wm^B^n^mmBi^nq,, |aftnotputbimftoi;equeftofbiglippeg, ._.,.

wiafanmc^ cbefeaEeofe)toeigcleane/anben s *? ei *? fc . ,, mSSST t#etc.ooit/i Uie tbfo?ei;ei:tbeiHbgmentegofe)Lo2b JMm baft p^eufteb bim toi Tpbreal l ^7eimiar/ **hi S-^-S . - *w *bica$ngeg/anbfetactotoneofgolbebponfo; fonH/ gbeabe. am^ne*ih ^e aCfieo ipfe of e/anb ou gaueft Bim L* t,L a longe ipfe/euen fo; euer anb euer, [S! H" 0UIB $tg bonoute ig greate in p faupnge J r)eaitb/glo^anbgreatteo;tpe alt ou lapebponbim. !fo?ou altgeuebim euerlaftpngefe* Ipcite / anb mabe bim glab tet e iope of pcountenaunce. inb tebpf becaufe e fipge vuttt&amp;i W ttuft in e)Lo?be/anb in emercp of fimoft fc *-..... bieftbeftannotrnpfcarp" SSSSm %n all me enempeg felep bSb:Iet p m mmW* n'gbtbanbefpnbeoutalltbem^atbatetbe.t^to m me Cbouftaltmaftetbem ipfieaf^e ouenjs S c ^" B f in tpme of p to?a:e %m all u^Smm^ ftropeeminb'gbpfpleafure/anbcfp ? etobp [ b be m aiiconfumetbem. betbonfmnccB &lt;$bm ftuteaie ou roteoute of 1tfl*Zg*9* t ' eat/anbeirfebe fromamonge tbe (ggj^W"*!*** b?en of men. f o? ep int enbPb mpfcbefe agapnft e m pmagpneb focbe beupceg / as ep to ere not ableto perfoutme. . Cbetfo;ealtouputetogbt7anD

wSZ m tn&gt;eaitDtpgf)tuougaiitogeer. SjaflL flpo?epleafauntateepengolbe/pee m enmocbfpnetiolbe:ftoetetenbonpana ebonp combe. c&amp;ei'e p toiaunt 6epetb/ f o; fiepg of em ese H greate retoarbe, am tbo can tell /bote oft be otTenbefsDB ^ denfe oie rae f m mp Cecrete fautes.

ftepe pfeatafft aifo fro pjefumptuoug rpnneg/ieG epgetebominionouerme: fo all 9 be bnbef pi anb innocent f r5 e greate offence. f ee e teo?ocs of mp mou anb e me* Ktacion of mp berte albe acceptable bnto ey jLo/be/mp beiper anb mp rebemet. cbe.w:.pilme. Cap?apee tobeeftt tbepeoplc 6eCp;etb Btb fo bpnj watiiii/gopnBtaatiimculteanOicopartlUB batteltx* aifo a tbancaefgeupnge of ijealtb anb JnctOfpe oeaen &amp;t$ fl *Coect)atmter/apfalmeofauib. : ^** W S ^rm^ &amp; M oeare e in e tpme of : " Ch it it, wp BHttouftlt/e b * name of e* * ob ^itMheoJe. ^ M of Jacob befenbe tbe. i;.*r'B Ea&amp;jgl .s5t'(iDEegeipeft5tge&gt;an*

&gt; *

j,j8f&amp;aufl) ^fa\wi4wii

top pBrpnge? on alt mane readp pne aro toe? agapna e faces of em. 3Be ou eralteo / &amp;o#e/ in pne ffteng /Fo topll mefpnge and p;ai&gt;fe tijv CC&amp;e.trfj.J&amp;falme. ;:*****/ ^ CS&gt;aua Declarctb tocrpeupBentlp in rbpo J&amp;falme ttjat be toas a figure of ffbrift . 5'ittt be oetlacetb ffbjittCBOetccciuii* fmall eaSpmacpo j thjntbccr* nltacpon a no Dylaracpon oftjis bpujDoine.' ene" to f be roaCs oftlje cacti) ano cuQc of i tj e to o: iOc / 3 all tin* bit tbe fpjure ano ujaOoto of bim felfe. C"*co e tfbaunter fapon * " 2i'cle * ( of J SSftSf 4* datonpng/ a Pfalme of auto.

J r",h*fli c b#8Ei"U| tignifietbiucctminarunuiucifmtimi-: roucto pui&gt; ojasfoinettpll/aecrteBpnoot'raeloOpcJDpuersau* tjiou re? Co Opoerttp erpounac if. Cf ef tbeaatoning/tbis p falraetoas maorof mire ** ftaupouc iEbiiOrt uecaafe it toas not conuenpent to DifcriUe faun toith oute autocall too:0c/ t)e catlrlLj 5imt?)e0a*oaing/o;(a6fomewili)t5cmo?nigftae. 36 y]\tY70DQ / mpo3:tclji'i)aat()oufoMa= 4ttr|iafie me.'tfietoD^Es of m?ccp!apnce ^ ate fane f to mp beat. 6*matfBrp. m W&amp;/3: B *"* emt &amp;eaare t ? w &lt;/ 6ut gnifpco by p, ou beat eft nofcand in tbe mgbt feafon alfo iajjintijE fccig|ta6enoiea. KSfJ* * all /et dtoellea ou in c fenctuarp / ou SS&amp;a too^wpeof Start. *^ ' urefaer0bopedfoe/eptrueeD in e/andou bptiDeaaelpuet em. Cbep caiiebbpon e/$tt&gt;etebeiped:ep |HtteittruBtne/*toerenot confoiiaeo. 23uta0fo?me/!Jam arcomte^nomi: ..afaetp fcome ofme i $ cut raft of ppeopie. ** M e p $ fe me/laugb me to fco;m :ep ute ouctbrftlfppcM afie*betrbeaoe0. $e truaea in cd/ letbimdelpuct &amp;pm: let bim belpe bim/pf be topll baue ftim 3But ou att be g tofie me out of mp mo erstoombe: outoaampbope/tobenl **wniitBc^ ari SfofetbPonmFmo^er0b?eae0. tTameofScaor 9 oaue bene left bnto e cue* fence % arcBnBciftano tea? bo?ne/ou art mp oo/euf fto mp mo tficijMotB/tutbet0 toombe. miohrtof c gonotfromeett/fo?rroubiei0barae ofr,ttwc&amp;atbatide/anabetei0none tobelpeme. arc fattneoett Create buiie ate come about me/fatt tbe tytuee of oren ciofe me in on euetp fyoe. amiuM* Cb^gapebponmeUtbeirmoutfte^/ t *doama^ it ^&gt; tttamm V^&amp;^^ toatpnge torn.

t^tsttiae/iBtrateoutoftornt-.mpBettintbemiWieaofm? ponnccom 3on boD? , eocnlpfie meltpige toaw. aa ,flPplWBftft7?t&amp;6pijlieapotflwie/ act bnoeanob?oug^tmeintot|ieotta of Deat(. tit amp B*jfo;Dogg^atecomeaboutme/coilceH ' t .^ f tt " ei ' of tfte topefieobatb lapeo feage agagnft me. &amp;S ; 6ep Pwtfto mp banaes anc my fete / a ttina.LiseiD3migbtbauetolDeaUmpbone!S:a0 fo}tbm\j sts a ; t t\}ti attifts ttone ftat^nge ano (osrnge bpon me.

ccuepBauepatteDmpgamen^amoaeaiitartoyri, rjbem/anbeaft lotted bponmpbtture, -gctortcutpaS 55utbe nottboufatteftome/'jLo?jji-:l! !, " ouf i? nt : * tbou att mt fuccdute/baQe tbe to [j tipe me . ?'" ut ' *""' flfun; mpfoule ftom tbe ftteat&amp;e/m f ' AX beatirngftotbepometoftbeeoege. * fan^uiu S&gt;aemeftom tbelfonsmoutb/gbfatefts'fipi^&amp;ix mefto amongebo?nc0 oftbe^bnicojnep.!""'?" &gt;' tb;e/mt6empDoeftoft&amp;e cogtegaciontDpUof t^e S | a p;a? fe tbe. . tt5&gt;c5 twu% f &gt;P?ajfetbe)Lo;oeFe f featebim:^a=;F iBU "U l * 1 gnif p bim ail pe fece ot iacob/anb lertaU | g JaJ feDe of 5ftaei feate bim. K^l iffo?bcbatbnotDetpifeonet abbo.mot6e!; cnat^.! ntifetabieeftate of p poo?e:be batbnotbva Vi^^f W face fto me/but to&amp;e % caileo bnto bim; SSSH bebetoeme. cwjtcsatsf 3 topil p;apfe tbe in t^e ' *gteate congre * t browfe* garjcn/anD ptrfouvme mp bows in ftgbt JJ3JJ S cf ail tbemttiat feate e. SSffl" Cbe poo^e Iball eate $ be rat iffpeb : tbcptocii &amp; tbatfe&amp;eaftettbe JLo^ie mall p?apfebpm;tocs 10 of cute bette (ball Ipne fo; euet. B^ipiei 1, ail tbe enDf3 of tbe mo;JDe (ball remeb;e S2JILM, tbemfeiueg/anbbeturneti bnto tbe jtoTor:^ wSm| and all Hjegenetacpong of tbei^eitben lftall tcane ifitw toojffiippe befoje bim. p ,c *s of &lt;&amp;a f 0; ftpngdom i$ tbe jtojbejjy 3 be all J" Sft be tbe gouuernoute of tbe l^eitben. Syj" 2 i 1 1 ocb as be k *f at top on t attb/ftaliea t j is feytc in 'ji, alfo and mo?(bippe l *ailtbeptbatlpe in{ n.g.ana t^tp* buft/anb ipue fo batdlp/ftjan fall doicne be= fiMfflf

fo?ebpm. caim. cbefede aaUfeme Bpm / anbp;eat^ of (be &amp; iokr mix ^Lo?defo?euet. pcaunp, cbep Oiall ccme/ and declare W WfcLjgS 6n J inborn tge 3io?dc bat&amp; made, f rtc ^ emumimmmt. ISSS58 Cte bcfccibti^ t^toonoecfuHfacrfpc*. ? rcatBM^ t y" c f D c ; ; tcofafapttifulianOtureconfjacnccm^V * fSSttSte a^atmeof^autd. SSStc. / 5i r ^e jLo^dlgmp ojepftetde/gi can toanta VI notbvnge.. a*Disftfa&amp; i^c fe&amp;etb meina grene pafitiice/ (?* ledetb me to a fteftj * toatcr. fXZ %t quicbenetb mp foul*/ 9 b?pngetb mSEE* fo?tb in tbe roape of rpgbtuourneg fo; bPStcftitb a r^e names! fafie. &amp;ic.U).a bougb3!ftuldetoal6enoroinbaHep38 ...,..; of "*am&amp;orD of deatb/petf feateno eueii, J *** f o? dm att mptb me: tbp ttaffe 9 tbp Q)t pe *% jg " S bofiecomfo;teme. abpoCMM Cboup;epateaa c *tabrebefo?emea* e* -* 6* gapnllmpne enempes ttbou anopnteGmp^ CaU ^ sl9 ' f ' beadtortb ople/andfplleBmpcuppefull. Db lert tt)p loupnge fipncneS and mere? f olotoe me all tbe bapeg of mp Ipfe / tbat % mapedtoeninfboufeoftbe)Lo;tiefo?euer. . Cbe

^ CCbe.rrtiii.Pfaime. P t^c a,o.!i)c ttth Hirtoco irnto JDauio t^at f &amp;t tlj^mipng flonr of fi5;nan f 3fclnfpte 1 'tt^ic^ mae m %lplr 3$o;iii mois tljeplace toijece fie Vosloe fjauc a

temple Uuplijjo fo; lipm/JDauiomonplltico toif&amp;tbe fpajjalae goooncsof ^5oo tottacOc t$c Jftaelitcs amongca vntjS i&gt;e baa tbofenfjpmaOiocllpnaplacw Oefccpuefbtotoho tb*placcof jl botb Bmtpte* longc/ano tDbutj is tljc ttcrp nacion of 15o6/j amoit/ geft toijoiu iicBoucbfaiictb tobtoai.dbcn yc cjho;# tetb tbeui to tbclmpiopnsje of tbe temple. 3 Pfaime of l^autd. a /^r'^^ wtt &amp; * tfte ^o^3/ 5 au i tben'n Lfe:tbe compare of tbe too;lD/3a tbat btoeutbetin. . jf o? be batb f oundebitbpon tbe fee? ; and bupldeo it bpon tbe flouoes. lbo all go bp in to tbe bpll of jLo?d^ ,- . !;/tobowallremapneittbi0bolppiacei &lt;Euen be tbat batb innocent bandcsJana a cleane bert-.tobicl) s *liftetb notbp WJ mpne* b*bit&amp;ipf' IieBl,0D aiipte/ ^ftoeambnotto difceaue. ^notfpbpB $e all receaue tbe bleupnge from tbe 9*222** ^o^e/and mercp from ffiod His fauioure. K^J5 bisi3p gfneraciooftbe tbat refie bim/ Mm "of opt ^ * fefic 'fi^ace/ Jacob. &gt;elab/ m fcifc we pen pourgatci3(pep;ince!8Jietttbe tumtb 0? eiterlaBpng do?e? be openea/tbat tbe fipng Sec 'Si"? *^ w to* fipng ottfhmm fe gjLo^ue tiai/ int ta. Ocongeandmpgbtie/euen tbe JLo;bemfeb* 3!iiipir,f:ifetpeinbatel. -inoiSFse. fi[)penpouregate!X(pep?pnccs5)letttbe * 1 mm is&gt; euerlaftpnge twet be opened / tbat fipng Utfaamic ofOfglo?pmapecomein. nioo. m\)o i$ tbi0 fipng ofglo^tigt tbe Xo?a _ _ of^ooCe0/bei0fipngofgio?p. t *&gt;elab. filEmSa Cbe.wt.pfalmev C2p?a^erof3DauiOopp?e(rcbbotI)toitf) f^nnc anb ioU^cncmvca. @ep;apctlj tf)cHo?Oc&lt;o ficipucr^im f f Om l)fe Cannes to fijttee pn |ji0 toapr &amp; anO to rpl^J Ijimfcom t^cfnrpcofbto ennnpes* 50 tljeen^hc j)?apct^ fo; all ttjc people. ^ - - i9to^c()lo?be)^rpKbpmproule, not be cDfuriaeD/Ieft mpitt mrniw^ .4 Co buotec f tmmp^e ouer mc. &amp;SS' ,* $ at &amp;i* toawi notbe * Vt# pi7 aftameD: but foclj ais be fco?nrfuli berp f- tti aD : tij at ft( toitftoitt a c au re/tftep Q)aII be put to c

HttlpcmtjiefucpOtt. hBgoobufs; r metoppatb0. iMtancfe tbe JU&amp;emet'ntbptiiietb andlerneme/fo? g of ipfe/ tbotiarttbe&lt;ffi5odofmpbealtb/andintbei0 1 ^"^^"mpbopeall tbe dape longe. Caiitorememb?auce/)LoSie/tbpfen* ber mercpe and tbp loupnge fipndneffe0/ tolj icft baue bene euet of olde. jb remeb?e not tbe fpnne0 9 offence? of mppoutb/ butacco;dpnge bnto tbp mercp


tbpnfie bpo me/ jLo?de/ fo; tbPgoo&amp;nefle. bottftendlp 9 rpgbfuoH0 10 tt)e jio?a/ tberf o?e totll be teacb fpnner? in u)e roape. ^eledetbtbefpmpieangbt/9rocba0be t* mefie tbe (emetb be bi0 toapc0. 311 tbe voape0 oftbe llo^ie are berp mer^ cpand faptbfulneffe/ bnto focb a0 fiepebps . b*o6eaftcc *teaamentandconuenaunt. '"'^ e *** #M tbp name? rafie/ /lo;de,'be mercp^ " a ccaa, fullbntoinprpnne/fo?iti0gteate. ntntopTcpec* tebatfoeuer be be tbat f eaten) S Hozde/ 'f ^ c ua to ?" ^i0rouieajaBbtoeriatearey WbmtmSSSm 5 aipoirere tbe lande. aitcreo. wbec Cbe recrete of tbe }Lo?dei0 amongetfiem f ^^f r ! a ' ^Sr^ * ftoo,Oe/u&gt;bci&gt; a^pne epe0 are euet lofipnge bnto tte*f*te*rt* ti)t net. Jj* of a cuiw tbe bnto me andbaue merepbpon Sont%S me/fo?jamderolateandinmprerp. fo. Cbefo;orce0ofmpberte/aregreate/^ 6?pngeme out of mp trouble, juofie bpon mpnc aduerfpte 9 mpferp / 9

anbf o;geue me all mp fpnne0. *pnfPd?ebotDmpneenempe0aremanp/ andoearea maliciou0bateagapna me. fiepe mp route/and cclpuer medet me not oe cofounded/fo? 3 baue put mp fluff in tbe. 3ietinnocencpandrpgbtuou0dealpnge toapte bponme/fo? mpbopet0 in m. Jlerputtgifraei/^iEiod.'outofanb^ trouble. . fc , ^CCbe.w;bi.?&amp;raime. Cfe oefctibetb to the r nCample of tbe goob I tobat cnocuermince begaueromnocrntpe.'ibotD toatelp pefthneotbetompanpoftbeeuciutljen pjapctb be to efbape tbe bengcancr tbat abptietb f toithcti'fptbe Delpuetbbolelp; anBOefp;etbnotbpngemoate tben toretoufetbegiojpofjSoo. CfJ^auid. * 4f&gt; tfiou mp iudgey xo/f 0? 3 toalfie a p tbe S^innocentlp-.mptrua 10m tbe JLo?de/bett j rcyncs tberfo?e(balI'3notfalI. W^J eainenme/ iLo^/andp^oueme: fl*J2SR* out mp^*repm and mp bert. SmSw jfo?tbp loupngfipndneoe i0befo;empnef&amp;itbe; ww epe0/ano I toaifie in tbp true. f ? *3 rpt not amonge bapne petronne? / f ^SS bauenofemipetoiedifceatni. rfflKS 9 batee congrrgacpon of e tepefied/ i&gt;* co rpt a, andjtoiii not fpt amonge ebngodlp. mon ae tapne gitoaCempbande0toitbmnocenep/f"g"fS2 '/Lo?de/andfogogtopneaulter, gKg Cbat^mapeffieroepbopce of pp?ap- ta *e cspa* fe and tell of allp toondetou? roo^cfie?. ma onww" JLWfl louef babitacion of pboufe/ *"! ?eplacetobepbonourebtoelle. SJ2SS? dearope IWW WTO



C DearopenotrnpfOttRtoftbgrpmuw/ c# S&gt; tuwUK net mp ipfe toity tbe bioubtbutftpe. fpannfa 3!ntobofe e * bamiesigtopcBebnefle/anb tfytiitmt banbe 10 full of gpfte*. ut as fo? me 1 topll toalc&amp;e innocent* vfot c in tt)c } , oelpuec me/and tie metcif ull bnt me. 22??J? s p B * f ote ttanbetb right: 3! topu p?apfe iSSSUS&amp;l^ &gt;U?De)intbecongregacion0, SSiSm few trftbe-rrbii.^raime. &amp;**** as afiec in tbeCGTb's pfalmcmaoe JDauiasponfoinc grcafe ana 3MM.ffflH.b- Jcopacoous pcrill-againa tobictjbc bettttwObno feu? lett not the not alpteUtoitb callpng to reme'teauntc the p;omes fete of pjpbj of 5oa; j tijecbf perluaocb bun fclfe that be ujuloe ouet caserne. ft tbciwto:?: , J after Ipuepejcefaulp mebe trate ofgoOlplpupng. TDf?&amp;aiiio. _, /-|P.'$e jLo;Betgmp ipgbfanb mp &amp;ealth: * OLto(joraa)enftuioei, feared WtoM i8 ttfe ttrengn) of mprpfe/ fo? tobome ttenlftulDegibeaftareo' betfo?etobentbe topeBeb/euenmpne tnempeg ana mp f oeg/came bpo me/to eate Dp mp f ielb / tbep ttombieb anb fen. _. .P c&amp;ougb an booft of men toere lapea a* *%&amp;! &amp;mmm wmotwwbe warn tat* atocw 9 ftougb tbererofe bp inane agapntt me/ to: amigtb 1 pet topll 1 put mp twain bim. ttsbtenn fjnnu m fljpnge ftaue $ befp?f &amp; Of &amp;0?be/ SSuuetoB'cftltoJUwquP^namelp/tftatlmaf ffi ftuS* btoeii in tbe boure of tbe &amp;o?be au tbe tape* r.e of t thucth. ofmplpfe/tobeboUietbe fapjebeutieof t&amp;e MS*. ^be/anbtobpfetbigtemtfle. SSues me mbtf tabernacle/ pee in f feerete place

(* cc bpae ofBi0broeu"pngbatb&amp;efiepteanDfet me bp liis face fr6bi/bpona ft *toc&amp;e of ttone. /ni " ca ainbnotobatbbe' , *lpftbpmpbeababoue SSS ttow mpne enerape0/f cgpaffeb me roube about. ana ot C cberfoje toplll oftre in W btoeilpnge / to ijcace bpm:tbe oblacEon of tba&amp;efgeiipng-.J topli finge ana on* ton* arjD cpeafiep?apfe0tnto tbe jio?be. Sffitt *nibiitofHWW*Ur/*|Bi fafrol;i0%i3rcEebntot&amp;e:baue mercpebponmc ana larefo.iDim/io^eaKme. btatpebunano ^pbettfpeafietbbnto /mp&amp;cere6et&amp; SSW* t&amp;e/pee&amp;o?De/tbp racetopugi refie. SaSm. ( * &amp;P&amp;* not t&amp;ou tbp face fro me / call j&amp;cai.jws.M nottbpferuaunt of in wfpleafure. c^. us. q^ou art mp fuccoure/leauc me not/ ne fmSRtt *SJ # MH* "/* (B0 m P a "Po"Ea&amp;!nw/lnrttae;ilo;oebat&amp;tafeenmebp. eotane# ^etoEmetbptDate&gt;)lo;be/9leoeme i,o;oegicatuceintberipjtpaft)/becaufeofmjneenempe0 lBA10t ^. te ' JWftua; me not in to tbe ropleu of m pie tvm Smhr abuerfarre^/ fo?tbereare fae ropmeffeg ftuita beaipe r-prenbpagapnftme/anbtpeFtmagpnmp* M/butpaci?t#rcefe. jp m atote / ar, ^euertbeieae 3 beleue bererp to fe tbe SontSsooonrtKof )Lo;bm * Sue ortlpuing. SSJf ifc .*tarp tbou fno^ lefuire/be llrfge/

let tb^neljertbeof goobcomfo^e / ?tea?te iljou am fo? fte JUw&amp;e. m\)t.vvbhi.Walmt. efttp?apttft tbcJLo?Wnotto fojtete bim inbfti steat nflfpficeorfpctb tbat ta bepnginnorft/be not a* uengeb toitb tbe xopcBeoranb toUTbetb tbat euen tb cp alfomapc not bane I'ocbeftUigemcnt as the p fiaucDc* furo:&lt;Xi)cn gcuctb be tbancfece tg pafo: tbebic* to:pc, ; an!jp:apEtbfo? tbe people. CiDfjEauiu. mtDtbetosfl2 a *ctje/fiDnrFttfonge befenceubpncBe no fco^ie of me/lefty 35 pftboumafteSastbougbtboubErbelt asionem not/J be comelpBetyem/ tbat go botone in fco. tup f to tbe ^pptte. i.ffleg.b9ii l^atttbebosceofinrSumlJlepetfcBon/S^;^

ixibeng; crsebntotbe/?bolcebpm|l&gt;anBc0{ii m 'tans torcafbetbpbolptemple. j&amp;cai,icttiii}i fl&gt;plucfiemenotatoajeamongetrjebttB Sou; srotcfien docbj/ totjicb fpea&amp;efrenM? totbetrnensbboureybut smagpnmpfc^efe in tbeir bene?. meroarbetbemaccojbEngetotbeirtiebe^ ano topcBeoneffe of tbeir atone inuencion?. ttecompenre tbem after tbetoo;cfie0 of t&amp;eir banbeg/papetbe^tbepftauebeferueo. if 02 the? regarbe notice roo;c!te0 of tbe ?lo7be/ner tbe cperacponof biPbSbe^Uber* f o;e (ballbe b;eabe tfje borone/^ not bu?Ibe tftcmbp. PwFftbbetfie^ojbe \ fo?be&amp;atl&gt;Bewe C tbe bogce i nujne bumble pettcpon. Cbe JLoyx i$ mv tttengbt anb mv (ftplbe: mp bert bopeb in bim/antgi ambeipefctber* fo?cmjbertebaunfttb fo^iopc /anDltojU fsngcp;apfe0bntobira. be )Lo?b te f ttrengtb of Biss people/be ig befenoer 8S&gt;auioureofbs anopnteb. i&gt; beipe % p eople/geue tbp bleutng bn&lt; to tbpne enbmtauncc: febc tbem/? fttt tbe bpfo?euer. be.]trir.pfalme. rfeepntpretf) ^oo bp tbepotoet (bat be ^ctocifjfn tbonber 3 oibee tl peOes.anb teiopceib of bia goobnea totoar&amp;e tbepeopleof -fCtmU CiiiPfaimeof^auib. ascribe bnto tbeio^be/fi) pe migbtfe/_ afaibebntotbe HoW too;U)ippeanlJ arengtb. cu e t b f TLo;D tbe b onoure of biis name/ botoefoure feiuess to tbebolp maged? of tbe %o%e. fit i tbe t o?ce tbat cSmaunberb f roa&lt; ter0:9;ti0tbe giotfcue ob tbatmafiftbf it tbe %wt (bat ruletb tbe fee. Cbebopce of He?oei0migbtpeinope* racpon, tbe bopce of tbe Ho;b i&amp; a glorious

bopce. fiebopce of t9eHo^eb?eaBetB tytt* b?e tre e0:pee t{ie)Lo;be b# afiet&amp; f &amp;e Ceoer* of jiibanu0, Se mafic tb

|,#f|9itttfij %$$&amp;M

:' *

^emariettjtbemtoftnjppelpRea ca'fe: . . jtibanug 9 ^trionltfie a ponge anpeoane. _ be bopce of the jLo?ue beupbetb tt)e fla* M . , i-me0offp?e:tbebopceoftbejLo?&amp;e b *ajaBeta. 1 !lltto,flK'WSnK*/ peetbeiojDe ftaBetb tbe I S&amp; toplbemeffe of Cabeg. . " ( rtec of be bo?ce of tbe )lo?be mouetft t^t Bpn* Hi wpiieenea &amp;$ anb btf coueietb ? tbicfie buf eg: in big temple (bail euerpman fpeaBe of bp3 bo* noure.

. W^ft^Wti.Pfalmei -. : , dotbnitiineoe Cte Qetectb tebcctcitb be atengtbeneb 6pc Rope.' t'oeir E.rtreame waat be bcfp.itO to;/ tofiat be tompiapneb of/ in w^at iabnea/as pe ie cafebewas/anbijotobe toasmpnoco/tobenijes |is nx Cither a nj nietebeCetttonnOcaboutcmtbcniilteemB ef S3o mar.p oi6ce ab (ougbt a miatjj to efbape . I5e pjaptctb tbe plates; . ' great goobnesottootwo tcaro all focbeae reave bim: anb mouc tti men to tbe fcatc anb lone of dE$Ob/wt)icb tannotfo;faetbemtbatlcanentol)int. - . ,.-, a *Ct&gt; tbe cbaunter/a fefamie &amp;&amp;aaik cptieof S rtyiQ tbe/ jLo;be/istmp triift: let mene* f"!) Iau

che to;ae ftilletb tbe toater floube/8 tbe il uer beput to cofuf^cn, but belpuer me *

%dw remapnetb a fipnge fo? euet.

Cbe jiLo?be all gtue potoer bnto W people/ tbe ilo?be (ball geue W 'people tb e bleepnge of peace. *w"t/ ^be,Krjr.i&amp;falme. . . COcgcuetb tb aLhcafo.! tbe obtapnfng of fttBbealtfj. egreatlppjapfctl) tbcgoobneaof &lt;5oB;vnbpcb Cen/ eetb not ajuct-fptie linto bis people but fo? tbe btft.' p?ottaetb'tbritl)fOcrp;ctbnottbelengtbciungofbia ' ipfe fo; anp otner eame/tben to reffoace and ret fo;tb tbetbingcetbatinatiefo;tbeglo;ieof X5ob s p;ofct ofibeCapacteiSi -rfhiti * a ' ^fatoe anb fonge of tbe beopcacpon of ,ff tbeboufea*/of?0au1b. % .|^^iiipil magnifpe tbe/ jlo#e/fo.j A Wk tOoubaftfetme bp / $ notluffrcb b,Io6i? Cro. ' ag ^8 njp foes to triumpbe ouer me, ^Afjjstf* ieM^i sDjLojbmp^ob/l^crpebbns ^i, ft . &lt; . j ,totbe/anbt()oubaaBealebme. w . mnifti! ben ^B " ^? 8 l ) a * b ? "8^ mp toule out of in trouble mpne epe 10 cofu meb f 0; berp be sHsenfoiibc^BelhtboubaarieptempUfe/robereagtbep upneffe/peempfbuJeanbmpbobp. (fliieoffotewgobotonetotbepptte. SnfM ^ingep^apregbnto jLo?be(iDpefam Sa m it l WJ of bp0) geue tttanBegbntobpm folate m 6m. memb?aunce of W bolpneffe.

-*"intbP 6 &gt;rigbtuoufnetre. . \ jSKS ^otoebptotietbmeearetome/maficbaaemlbtSuca tdbelpuerme:betboump QrongerocbeanbtB ii?3 good/ a boufe of Defence/ f tboumapeftfaueme. "eB^mcrcpe* ftn tbouartmpflrogbolbe* mp eaiW^SWSf*' be tbou mp gibe/? lebe me fo? tbp narn^ fabe. jjg A ?atoe me out of tbe ne tt tbat tbepbaue tbcuonoage of laieb p?iu elp f 02 me/ f 0? tbou art mp ftregtb. satban ano tg* 3;motbPb5b^comebenipfp?ete:tboubaft,^, ca |8^ oelpuereb me iLo?be tbou &lt;ssob of treutb. imSSSS gibatenjemtbatbouje of banitieg / ?mp rmS^Sjft, trutti0intbe)Lo?be. gStopllbe glabanbteiorfein tftp mercp: fo?tboubaacofi&gt;3?eomvtioubie/t^oubatt

Bnotone mp foule in abuerute . Cboubattnotbelpuerebme ouer in to g Bflnbeg Of tbe enempe/but bail ret mp fete in aiargerorome, , ^auemercpbpon me/ Xoib/fo? 3! am u

iffo?l)i0to?afbenburetbbut tteinclt'ng JBofancpe/anbbtgpleafure i0in ljfe:beups neffe maperoeil enbure fo? anpgbt/but iope corametb in u)e mo?npnge. 3D0fo?me/ro!)engitoa0 in p?ofpen'fe/ 31 rapbe:cuu)/3l fljallneuerfallmo?e. anbtobv^ tbou ?io?oe of tbp goobneae fia&amp;ett mabe my bPH f ttronge. )Suta0foonea0 tbou turnebett tbp face &lt;r fro me/31 toag b ?ougbt in f eate. * bencrpeDUbntotbe/jgD.jlofle/peebn* to tbe lo?be mabe g mp p?aper . l&amp;at p? fpt 10 tbere in mp VbXM 1 pf 3 1 goboronetoco?rupc;on' flBapet&amp;e butt geue tbancfieg bnto ttjef fl&gt;? mallft beclare tbp faptbfulneffei a- ^eare/ iLo?be / anb baue mercp bpon iirtattotb (a/ 2in&amp; f tbou baft tumebmpBeupneue tn watsape i to iope-.tbou bail put of mp B * faca clotb / 9 'to? SJSSL ***** m WtB Slabneffe. jifttt3r ^afmpnfftonourmpgbtfpngep?aple0 *P Hf rei* bnto f roitbout ceafpng: jlozbemp obV lateitb iacbe3! ropllgeue tbanc8e0bntotbefo? euet.

flp ipfe 10 tnaren olbe toitb bcupne tie/9 mp pearc0 toitb mournpnge. #p ttrlgtb fapletb me becaufe of mpne a&amp;uerfpte/anbmp bonegare co?tupte. S am become a berp rep?ofeamonge all mpne enempeg / mp nepgbbourg anb tbcp of mpne atone acquauntaunce areafrapeo of me:tbep tbat fe me in tbe tttete / eonuen ^emfelue0ftome. 3 am cieane fo?gottf s out of mpnbe/a0 a beeoman:3! am become ipBea b?oftfbeRH. iff 0? 3 baue betbe Wafpbemp of f mul* titube:euerpmanabbo?retb me: tbepbaue gatbeteb a council togetbetaga^itt me,/ 9

are purpofeb to tafie atoape mplpfe; jeut mpbope i0 in tbe )Lo?tie/anD3! rape: tbouartmpdSiob. flPptEmei0intbpbanbe:belpuet mefrB tbebanbeof mpne enempc0/anbftom tbem tbatpetfecitteme.; ^betoe tbp Crruaattbe Ipgbt of tbp cow* tenaunce/beipe me fo? tbp metcpeg fafie. %tt me not be c5f ommito Ho?b/ f 0? I i call bpon tbe: lettbebngoblp ratberbeput to conf ufpon/anb b?ougbt bnto tbe bell. 3Let tbe ipenge Ipppe0 be put to fpience/ to&amp;pcb cmeDp/btfbanefttnp/abefpptefuilj/ fpeaBe agapntt tbe tpgbtuoug, bortf

va 1 1

j,if&amp;attfo imimMmW

jrtip.?.teg. fcg.b,

;boto greate am-mpfoioe is tbp g ooa/ tobtcbtbou baft brjb fo? t&amp;f tbat feare tbe? tobattbrngesbttngefttboutopafiefo? t y em , tga t put t tj e i t mi ft intbe/euen before (be Conner of men? s boubpaett tbem p^'uelpbptbpne atone ffp;efence fromtbe p;ouae men/ tbou fiepeff tbem fecretlp m tbp t at ewacie/f ro tbe fttife oftongee, ban&amp;cg b e to tbe )Lo$eyfo; be ba tb e*

tceo me matuelous greate fipnaneffe m a ftrongceptie. jfo? tobentbe foa&amp;ane feare cam bpo" me/ gifapoe-.giamcaftouteoetbp^gbt. a euertbeies/tbouberbeftmpne bumble dobc papery toftm 3*crpea bnto tbe. &gt;lmietbe&amp;o?be(aipebrsfapnctes)foj tbe&amp;ojae p?efcruetb (be faptbfuii/anapien* teouGp tetoatoetb Be tftc p:ouac Doer. efftBgetbetfojeanatabea gooD bme bnto pou / all pe tbat put poure trull in tbe Cbe.rrrn.1&amp;falme. ^' v ^ 6 C?&gt;e t&amp;etoetbehat all a&amp;uecfpties come of fenne^ 1 that be tbeefo;e is bapppe/t&amp;tt batb bis rpnnes fo;ae ncn:ano fuct8cMl)at Ootl) fo:gcticnc9 of fmucB ana tbepjoteccpon aitO Defence of &lt;8Sobaccobtapnea bp eatneftacSnetolcDgpngc ofoure offtnees^j fecuent mm- . B S? ft,teH " **^n tnttwecvon of j&amp;auib. _ *|\ Xeffeaare tftep/ tobofe bnrpgbtuoufc * ?JanetTeisfo?geue/ ana tobofe rpnnes are couerea. *oma,ftg,8. ' * tfletlea is n)e man/bnto tobo tbe Hojae impute no fpnne / in tobofe fp?etc tbete is nogpie. #o? tobileJibeiaemptonge/mpbones co= Cumeaatoape tbojotompaaplpe compiap* npnges. anobecaufe tbp baiise teas Co beup bp on me botb aape ana npgbt / nrpmopfture tea? lpfietbea?outbfn&gt;ommer. &lt;, *S&gt;elab. . ** .nb.5 berfo?e 3 confeffeampfrnne bnto tbe/ im'rocefaa^bbPbnotmpnebntpg^tiioufneae. " ' ffapae-.Stoplifinotoleagempne offence/ a accufe mp feif bnto tbe ju?ae/ ana fo tbou fojgaueft me tbe in vc&amp;eaneffe of mp fpnne &amp;elab. -iffo? tbpS an euerp fapnete ma6eLb?s p?aj&gt;er bnto tbe in bue f ea fo n, t&amp; et f o 1 1 Djail c#flDftbe&amp;notf gteate^toatetftouaes comenpe bim. 5?2lSSr bouartmpaefenceintbe trouble tbat V4 t Rfcfomeaboute me/a&gt;compa(K tbou me

oui^en.tttabout alto^b I ioteof beisuetaffce.Seiab. * C g!toillmfo?metbe/aaetoet&amp;et&amp;etoape D e ? topu fa^tobetnttbou altgo: B *gi topHfaftenmpne K n 5i SS enotpenoto ipW bo?feg anb muleu/ jbcbpmj p?o, toBB baueno bnoetllanDpnge. Ui%oiV} be ti&gt; v i@bo(e mou^e? tbou muff bofte toi'rb bft

anbb^Me/pftbeptopnnotobet?etfie/ tttetitbn teateplagest u)a begowrbaue/butft!tr, tobo fo putten) 1)10 tmff in tbe &amp;o;oe/mercp Q)an eompaoe btm on euetp rpae. 5ecgIab/fl)pengbtuous5/^ m'opfeint&amp;e TLoWW iopfuit all pe g ate e *ttue of bett. j*^ rtlal ^ CCbejwi^falme. lolJ ? ceeejrt)o?tetbana mouet&amp;men DiKgJHjeo p!?apftlyim,^ F ' -&lt;Bob: anoH&gt;etoetb^taUtbgiigeBafulUfi&gt;fl ' goootu*. ^* (t'opremtbe)Lo?De/flI&gt;perpgbtuou!5/ fi\ fo; tt be commetb toeli t^e iuff to be * ~" tbanbfufl. P)apfe tbeno;aetoitb batpetfpnge pfar&lt; ntestiuito bimtoitbtbeiute anbinfttument oftenfftfligtis. &gt;tnge u im a nets Conge/pee fpngeUtQefg bntobim/anbtottbagooOGo;age. fojtbetoo^ieoftbellojoeismie/ 3 an &amp;fctoo?c&amp;ejsatefapfl)fuII. ^elouetbmetcpanD tuDgmet/tbeeattb* it f ull of tbe goooneae of tbe JLc?oe, jBptbetoo;Deoftbe)to?De toett)e 8ea* uen^maDe/anaalltbe^ooffejsoftbembpt ' b;etb of &amp;is moun). I^e gatberetb tbe toateft togetbee a3i{ toete in a botteu/a laietb bpfbepe in turn, %ttm tbe eatfib feare tbe )lo;oe/ano lett aUtbem tbat otoeu totbe tooj&amp;e / ffanbein atoe of bpm. if o? lobe tobat be rap etb / it to bone : anb lobe tobat be co maunD etb/tt ftanaetb faff. bt%oM bjpngett) tbe ?oun cell of tbe

^eitben to naugbt/anbtutnetb tbe be upceg of tbe people. uttbecouncecftbe)Lo?ae enDutetb/ anbtbetbougbted ofbisbetteftomgeneta' n'onfogeneraeion. jsicffeoare tbe people tbatbolbe v%oibt f o? tbeir oa/ano bleoeo are tbe f olefte tobo be batb cbofen to be bp? betetage, be -fLoj&amp;e lobetb oo tone f torn beauen/a bebolbetballtbecbplb?enofmen:fcombP0^ - ., btoell in tbe too?lbe. um mSS^eonlpbatb faffjponeballtbe betted ofo? kkwiw tbem/anb bnotoetb all tbeit too?c&amp;ejj, place of m 2C6pngei0notbelpeDbpbiSatone great f* ,^ ^ooff/netbet w agtauntefaueo n)070to tbeS^Mi/ mpgbt of W atone fftengbt. but surety c# a b o?fe is but a bapne tbing to faue a ma7""&lt; 9 (al, &lt;' ftignottbepotoetofbp* Qrengtb tbatcan&lt;S belpuet bim. ffieboiae / tbe epe of tbe&amp;o#e lobetft bnto tbem tbat feare btm/ a put tbeft ttufftobtemeecp. bat bentape aelpuet tbeir fouiesftom aeatb/atofeaetbemmtbeaearetpme.. jLetourefoulepadentlpabpaetbe)lo;a/ , fo?bei0ourebelpeanba)piae 4 ^0 ffjan onw berte reio^fe (n^prn i be* eaufe

caufetoebauebopetfrtbtebolpnarae* aittbpmetcpfun fipnaneffe/ &gt; )Lo?ae/ 6ebponb0/ltfiea3 toeput oure truff in tbe. Ctie.jerriiii.^faime. frjjaufli piaptett) tije ao^J/becaufc ^e p; diipoetg fo; 6 13 tljofen m tpme of neaoe : anb mouee^ all ihen td enbeuee tbem fclucs to innoccntve anb.goblvneBy bccaufefocbasatembueatbetwittj/ace rpbSe fo;ta ofallpatclsjaUoimaatlprctoacoebtoilljalgoobnffl. lW* *fl)fauta/tobinbefapnebbpnifelf to be m aaae before 3.b imeiecb:tob?cbO;oue bpm

atoape/anDbeaepartea. Z u-^r lpllaltoapegeuetbancbesbnto tbe aljUtf&amp;e/BpfspjapEeajallciier be in mp **^meunj. ..^ , ^pfouIeq}anma6eberBoattin)Lo;a: ttfmBte * e 8 *fi"bie QjaUbeare tberof/a beglae, aii focb aa lJ?apfe tbe ^.o^e toptb me/ana let &amp;* jsitiifttnmp/ magnpfpebigname togetbet. mm gw a fougbt tbe Tl,o?ae/ana bebearae me/pee ^*?S^ Wfueab me out of all mp feare. .Hnitrea . bfptbatbaueanepebntobpm/albe ; f 3o^tD)?icftgbtcneo/atbeir faces qjalnotbeal&amp;amea. ** 38 bS poo;e man crpea bnto tbe jLo?ae /a m.tB.c. aualHwKwuWe*. j^anciipiM be 3ungeil of tbe }Lo;ae pptcbetb bPS !jBft!iibrictenterounaeaboute bpmtpatfeare bpm/ s SSffiL f taueanafeboto frenaip m%oftxto/ . annrragt of Wtffea IS tbe man tbat tmffetb m bpm. [ *m ft ub do ) feare tb e Ho;o/pe tbat be bis fapnteS: ' SS f0 ? # e P t8at fearebpm/lacfte notbinge. I&amp;SS/ m WE M all toant ana fuffre bun* HWajemtbe BW/but tbeptobicb febetbe &amp;o?a,'all toSt ;:[i;fB,i.i. nomaneroftbpnge/tbatisgoob. . Come bPtber/pecbPia;eni'berBe bnto BbS 1 *^ to ^" teac &amp; poutbefeare of (be a, ;ae. SSSw "Wi tt ft tfllpue/ana toootefapne rKtiuerarflr c *fee gOObaapCS. I Nnftwi rocb 3let bpm ref tapne bS tonge from eueli/a ffi^^&amp;PSlpppestbattbepfpeaBenogpfc, SrStti ~Wm efebue eueli/anb ao gooa-. let IJr p L bpmfebe peace ana enfue it. ,coftoo&amp; jPwtbe^epcsofgjLo^aareouerfrigbfus JSfwfJtouS/abtsearesare ope bnto tbeir papers , ffibT uttbe c *faceoftbe)Lojaebeboiaetbtbe ik tbatooeuen/toaearopetberememb;aunce H : F%eM to of u) em out of tbe ?ab . 9 lbentberpgbtuouS crpe/tbe jLo^bea* % l^te'tbtbem/ a&amp;elpueretbt&amp;etnoutofantbeit * fii-nt, be)lo?as!^npebnfotbem t&amp;atarecS' ;Sffi*w trpteinbew/ anatopnbelpefotb as be of ait kiSSS &lt;Bteateavs3terouWes of rpgbfuous/ w buttbeJLo^g^giieretbtbemoutofaii.

^efiepetbsrabeitboiies/fo^afnotone offtemtebzo&amp;en. IButmtmam ftjaflaFetbebna;oW?/

tbep tbat bate tbe tpgbtuous aibe gpitpe t . beHo^aeaeipueretbtbefouiesof bPS feruauntes/anaalltbep tbatput tbeirtruff bpm/ajaiinotoffenae^ *r.\j / nbe.rrjft.praime. G&amp;tbttytt b tt) 1 ftojo tofigbe f bim ngapnfl ^aul b:6abbetcBi'* to Ocliuee timfoftb of tbeir ^S^s. fjE&gt;auiai rpuetbou toptb tbem^ &gt; ?Lo;ae/ 1 * ftrpue toptb me / fpgbt tbou agapntt t&amp;e m tbat fpgbtagapnff me. X,apebanaebp0ntbe8)piaeafpeare/anb a s #fiatfbe**ftanae bp to belpeme, aanopaa e P v &amp;me mt tbp ftoeatae/anaffoppetbeSoS p r f f et | toape agapnft tbem tbat perfecute me/tape w aif B bnto m p f oule:| am tbp belpe^. after ** f Pfai jLettbembeconfoimbeo aptitto fljwie/wwA tbat febeaftermpfoule: let tbembeturnea bacb ana b^ougbt to confufpo/tbat pmagpn mpfcbefefo?me. jLet tbem be ass tbe an B befo?e u)e toinae/ anatbeaungeil of tbe jLo?ae fcatetpng t\$&lt; JLettbeirbjapebeaarcfieana Oppperp/ a tbe aungell of tbe Jlo.zaeto perfecute tbem. tfo? tbep baue p^puelp lapea tbeir nett to bettrope me toitb out a cauf e/pee ana maae a PPtte f o;mp tank/ tobicb 31 neuer aeferuea.^ JLet a fooen aeftruccponcomebponbfm 29 bnatoarres/3 tbentt tbatbe batb lapea P;p* ueip/catcb bpmfeife/tbatbemape fall into bpsatonempfebefe* tit let mp fdule be iopfuil in fyt%oiW

ana reiopfe in bpsbelpe. SB mp bones rbalifape* ^,o?ae/ tobotS ipse bnto tbeftobicb aelpuereft tbe pooje f ta tbofe f aretoftrongefo;bpm/ peet&amp;epoo:e anb tbe neap from bps robbers. ffalfetopfneffesarerpfenbp/anaiapeto rapc&amp;atgetbt'rtgestbatsifmobjenot. bepreroaroe me nteiiro; gooa/to t&amp;e greate apfcomf o?tb of mp foule, i9eutrtbaeOe/tobentbep toere GPci/9 &amp;*i? ifos putonaracb clotb:lbQWeamp foule toptb ^ '*&amp;*&amp;' atone botome. mm ^ c of d . a( , % b ebauea mp feif e as tbougb it baa beneaenpng of tbe mpfvenaeo; mp tootber/gi roente beudp/ tl *B ,B aa * as onerbatmournetb Wm motber. ffi"i $1 jgutinmpneabueifitetbep reiopfe/a ga* HSS tber tbem togetbert ]?ee tbe berp iame eome ro*T^ c. togetbet agagntt rtie brtatoarres/maftpngeJnwtU'^'^ tnotoes at me/ana ceaffe not. aettbtbegreopana feo;nefiili ppocrites f^epgna^eabpon me toitb tlmv teetb. !Lo?ae/toban toilt tbou lobe bp'oii tbpsf ffl) teao?e nip foule froth tl)e topebea nt' moure of tbem/mpaeatlpng from tbe ipss? . SotopT! 9! geue tbe tbancftes in greate ciSgtegact5/ap^apfe amogemoctj people. lettpfnotttiiipbeouerme/garempne tne'm'pejf'

I; * I I

fcgffeatift' ^Mm%mW&gt;

enempes fo?naug&amp;t:lettbenottopncfie *o tbeir epes/ttjat bate me toj^ouc a caufe.

3nb tobtftbeir comeningts not fo? peace/ butttjep jmagpi falfe iooiDe.s agapnS tbe outcaftegoftbelanbe. 3D Cbep gape topo me toitb tfje it motttljes / faping-ibewtbewtoefe it toitb oure eges. Ctjte tboufeitt/ 7Lo?5r:ftoiae not cbg tongetben/gb not farre fro me/ jUwae. 3 to an e &amp; m c I s QanQ e bp:auenge t&amp; ou mpcaure/mpcBob/amp'kozbe. '|uoge me/ 4.o?be mp &lt;0ob/ accoftpng .eotbvtgsDtuourneffe/ tbat cijes trpumpbe notouecme. let tbemnot tape in tbeir bettestt&amp;ere tbere/fotooloetoebauett: lett ttj.'m not fape-.toe bane ouetcome D y m. jLet ttjembe put to confuft'on sftamc/ tbat rciopfe at mp trouble : tec eb em be do* tftcb toitb rebube anb biujonoute/tbat booft t&amp;em 'Jellies agap.ia me. kettbemalfo begladanbra'opre/tijatfa9 uouremprigbtuousbeaipnge-.peeiettbem fapealtoape-.bieiftbbe tbeHojo/tobicb batb pieafutemtbepjofpergte of &amp;ps feruaunt. 2in&gt;j as fo; mp tonge/tt ftaibe taibpng of tbptpgbtuoufnesanb oE tljpp;apfe/all tfte bape longe. C&amp;be.rwbf foimc. C9Ep?apfct!&gt; tftc gooOnca of &lt;H5ot&gt; ccci0(n3lp&gt;i'o tBat be tbutterb not p yis mere? fcom tbe tonjoaip/Yuljeii ibepbaucgreuauUp offcnaeB bprn. B: Cjcttstft ai.V tljat tlje ctiofcn teaaae 1) ic gaoancfl b;fo;e c ttjjt/ sua p?apctbbpaimo?elacgeIp roOpttrp'jatebpB uenefy* tea onto tbemtbat fcnotoebpuwanO tooeipaer jjpm from the bp uicuccof tbswptBtOiwaofc nil j nipe bealfapiopbecpetb, **iobe the** &amp; tbe Cbauntet/ of auibtbe Cetua0t title of thc.jj. of tbeHo;tbe. poim ^^^fftertiijesjetbmet^etofcSeoneffeoE s MHjl# e b&amp;oo ? p/tbattbereisnofeare o ^*&lt;E&gt;obbcfo;ebpSepeS.

tfo? be bpffembletb before bis face/ fo log tpllbtsa'j&amp;ompnablefpimebe fauibe out. Betoo^ of biSmoutb stt temgtuouf mat tiki ate/be toil not beiernes to do gooo #.r^ e ^ ^epmagpnetbmprcbefcbpo bfc*beob/ nSSSi W"* 1 ccmem no 8&lt;"* toape/ net tefufe feet" w of c tftmge tbat is well. tccttw tn the ap mere?/ totbe/ reacbetb bnto tbe fH.fu4bf beauen/atbpfapfbfulneOebntotbecloubS. """^ Cbp rpgbtuoufnelR ttanbetb ip&amp;e tbe fltonge mountapnes/anb tbp iubgemet JiBe t&amp;egreatebepe. cbou jkoftpjefetueftbort) men 9beett$. 35 $oto pzf cious to tbp mercp/ ob/tbat rbecbpibjeof menmapeputtbe'fr tntObn b p vwHts bet tbe (babotoe of tbp topnges^ fSSmm 5 6ep walbefatpffpebtottb tbepleteouf* tiSSmi "he he * oH P ftottt/ anb tbou malt geue tbew betpei/confo^^pncbeoftberpuetoftbpplearutes. lacns/ torn* tiOttytyig &amp;**&amp; 0fJp/8n&amp;fot6j

ipgbt/Oialltoefelpgbt. f.e 5 or 8 v fpjebe fo?t&amp;tbp!oupng6pnbne(fcbm' 9* *jii to tbemtbatftnotoetbe/anbtbP rpgbtuouf. L??^ 1 "" neffe bnto tbem tbat ate true of bat. SSf* letnot tbe c *fote of pjpbeoucrtafie c*vmh, mej letnot tbe* banboftbebwjobIpca&amp;'ef mum mebotone. sliS^ m f o? topebeb boetjj / ttjep fall / tbep ate ?S1&amp; caftbotone/ aatenotabletoQanbe. uiue.-opp^,} Clttt th p.iofpcrpteof the eutlt ftuloe grtue tbt w " S03a.-heUjit|:tbat UniofotfjcnsftacrflBDoanolj-nc -

rgjbtuoullp/alltbpngcg^aUfispprntocllAanOttiat tijep0)aiUact:paraee bebappjc.tobcreaBtbe in. gooip altbougbe tbe frame to fto;v$efo? a tpmc-Cbaii at f laS tic ro tea/ 1 teipeO cleane out of tbrttapt. apfatmeofpautb. ^^ffiet nottBprelfattbebngoblp/benota ^rtbouenupougagapnatbeeueilboerss. r w if o? tbep ibau foone be tut boitne ipse t&amp;e gtaae/anb be toptbeteb euen asstb* gtenetjerbc. Spjii *^ut tljoutbPtruQintbe %o;tt / $bei! tWm . bemge goob:fo alt tboubtoeilin tbe lance/ SB? J s belp it mall febe tbe. WR.tnM 3E&gt;eipte tijoutntbe&amp;ojbe/abe ailgeue tbe tbp better oefpje. dommptte tbptoape bntotbea.o?be/fec tbPbope in bpm/sbe aall b?tnge tt to pace. $e (balmabe tbpngbtuoufneffeag cleate a? gligbt/a tbpiutt bealing asnoonebape. ^olbe tbe ftpllintbe ilo^be/ aabpbcpa* cpentlp bpon bpm-.but greu e not tbp felfe at one tbat batb p?ofpetpte/an&amp; Jpuetft in ab* bompnacpon. Xeaue of Etom to?atb/iet go wrpleafute / letnottbPgelouCpmouetbealfotoboeuelK hMtnttU ffo? topchebboetgOjalbe totrb oute / but ,Sl mm pacpentlp abpbetbe %om/mi^m enbfftttbelanbe. wii*.a. ^uffrepetalpfletobple/anbtbebngob*,.^!" gjj Ip albe dene gone: tbou fljait lobe after J ffi'S bps placc/anb be (balbe atoape. tut m tm ffiut tbe 6 *mefiefp?eteb*(ba]lpo{reflenuc longer tts tbeeattb/anbbauepleafuteinmocbreft. tletcwixb Cbebngoafplapetb toapte fo;tbeiutt/ fSBBSt gnaflbetb bponbim toitb big tetbe, kSSemtm 38ut tbe )Lo?b laugbety btmto kopxe! f 0? gooa im&lt;*&gt; be reptb tbatbtg bape is commpnge. ampts(W bebngoblp "tyatoeout fijettoetbe anb tSm benbetbeitbottie/tocaabotone fpmple 9iSm (m&gt; poo?e/atoflapefocba0 go, tbe rpgbttoape.cbce/fcpMjffl

iSeuettbeleg/tbeitftoftbeajalgotbo^todr fM' tbett atone bette/ tbeit boto e albe b;ofie.L 'ffi 3BfmajItbingetbattbetpgbtuou0 batb/ffi'S? t$ better ttjengteate rpebeg oE tbe bngoWp. g &amp;W ijt j jfo? tbe c *atme0oE tbe bngoblp ffjalbegotujwwfw fijobe/butrto^bpbonjetbtberpgbtuoug.'Brt^L 1 cbe Xo?bfinotoe tb tbe bapes oe tbe gob- 353 lp/a Qen inbentatmce enbutetb f 0; euec. \l im&lt;m. $&amp;e* (ballnotbecSfounbeDHif perioug *wm ttme/f

rpme/a m tbe bape* oftntb tbep 0) all baue pnougb. ^ Wfoi bngoblp/tbcp (ban petpfl)e:aftb ^tobentbf enempes of tije %om ate intbetr fiouresi/tbep an confume/pee euen ajs tbe fmo&amp;eftalltbepconfumeatoape. r rcaae cbe bngooip* bo?otoetb arm papetb not M agape/buttberigbtwoujJigmercpftiiianb fifw"? ipberall. ffnTfV; &gt;ocbasbebieOeaofbpm/ ftallpoffeffe SSt taeianbe:anbtbeptobombectfetb/ aibe m wtebout. cbe )Lo?be o?b?etb a goob mans go^nge/ anb batb pleafute in big toape. Cbougb i)t fall/be fftaB not be burte/ f 0; t&amp;e)Lo;bebpbolbetb^nitoitbbiSbanbe. 3! baue beneponge/anbnoto am olbe:pet J&amp;toe.a neuertberigbtuougfo;fafif/nerbtS febe to febe tbeb?ebbe, # cbe rpgbtuougfts euer mercpfun / anb ^j^ietbgftip/tbEEfo^e ai tytsm btbum if le from euen / anb w tbe tfipnge tbat &amp;

goob/fo alt tbou btoell f 0? euer. j^tbenozbeiouetb tbe tbpnge ^at-ijj tpgDt/Qe fojfabetb not bfcfapncty but tbep all be pjeferueb fo; etiermo?e : au fo; tbe ftbe oftbebngobip/ftftalberotebout. - fee tbe rpgbtuous all poOefletbclanb/ anb btoell tberin fo? euer. cbf moutb of tbe rigbtuouss fe eremfeb intopfbome/anb bs tongetalBetb of tub* gment. . mi iatoe of big &lt;Bob in in bis Bett/rbers % fo?e mall not bis f otett eppes flpbe. Cbe bngoblp reptb % rpgjtuous/a goetfi aboutetoGapebtm. )5ut B)c Jlo;be topll not leaue btminbpjf banoes / ner conbempne bpm ^m be i fcibgeb. I^ope tbou in u)e Ho^b/a Bepebt0 toape. febe mail fo promote tbe/ g tbou malt baue tbe lanbe bp e no rata unce/ anb f e/ tob en tbe bngoblp all periibe. Si mp felfe baue I ene tbe bngoWp in great tmtoer/i-iflo2tu)mgelp6eagrene bape tree: tmt tobe 3 toet bp/io/be toas gone:! ftmgBt &amp; bim/but be coube no tobere be founbe. w epeinnocencp/ anbtaBebebebntotBe tbpnge tbat is rpgbt/ f 0? tbat Qjall b?pnge a man peace at tbe lad. lis fo? tbe tranrgteffifttrs /tbep mall pe n'f (be togetber/anb tbe bngoblp mas be to* tea out at tbe laft. Cbebelpe of tbe tpgbtuous corametb of Qe^o^e/beistbeitttrengtbuitbetpmeof trouble. cbe&amp;otfel&amp;afl ttanbe bptbem/anbfaue tbem*^e mail belpuet tbe from tbe bngoblp/ atwbetpetbem/becatife tbep put tbetrtrua



C2bani0 tafetn tb^ a fcrumt &amp;?feafe&gt; fit f &amp;$ to Hi TpODe tljerof / att'gougQe l??s f^nnee &amp;aue B:fcruca fo toUc Ehaa^nco. ge cdplapuett) toooecfuup of tljcitu fbllerabl c Violence of bis tpefeen:.'. of tli? fafhtncd of bis fcfnoes ttWCj fojCobe im/artD of tije ccurtiws of bntt to^om letiV0U| commpttct^ ^im ftlft* a* Eofte ft a * Co tfte tftumttt y to b^pnge to tf mem^ JJ?5 ^*N* b* Wn&amp;crpan&amp;c; t|e bcticf^tc of 06 to f t^e jcc# to of famqk&amp;t cauft l)p baa &amp;e ipucr e&amp; Ijpm from fopajafiiUaoifeafe; an&amp;wflo?c0^n; to^t^beaitb* ^oteuci t fomc t(j? neb e^at tljis tc^ole jofalm inttea-* tftf of t^c fp(bne0 of tye toutofynt is y of tbe fame* Jm5ettottbbaua)to)a0EjFcc?CeO.anOtt)evbnb:aib t^e tptte t^ufi* fiCo Ivpng to wmembyauuee 9 to hnoto pure rtitupcfon anb (cn^nss/tm axoape bp ^b;ifty' to as raanp as wpmt anb brim. M

c *tmenot to rebube ( b)Lo?be)in* t#1&amp;u , m



!ffo? tbpne arotoes ttpcB fad inme / s tbp l e f gSbanbep?effetb me ro?e. * %?S^ Cbere is no tobole parte in mpbobp/ &amp;SS?S f becauceof ftjpbtfpleafurestbereisnorett in ttrpie tome

mp bones/ bp reaf on of mp fpraies. . s at fmai fojmptopcBebneffes are gone immfSSgwSS! 1 * beabe/ anb are Ipfie a fo?e burtben / to beup SfflS?!i to?metobeate. bfeoanaueteo: flp toounbescpnelie anbareco?tupte/?5 anotbatbc tbo?otompfolpmne(fe. tJj&amp;lT, J am fcougbt in to fo greate trouble ano SSSSS longe. neth Jjpon tbff ^0; mp lopnes are cleane b?peb bp/anb 8" u0 _ u u fc p 3 ?* tbereisnotoboleparteinmpbobp. aamffbleafoje fmptten/groateEo?tbeS"oft5a berp.btfqupetncsoEmpbert. tekat;*opcfp jLo?be/n)ou Bnotoeft an mpbefpje / a mp ww&lt; ?? gronpnge is notbpb Erom tbe. g*&gt; * ^" e me/sne Ipgbt of mpne epes is gone fto me. get ana \&gt;wt #p loiters anbfrenbes ftanbe lofipnge c wtatoe/ 5fKf mWC/anI,mP8rnfmmatC BOW toCVbS Cfaep tbatfottgbf aftetmplpfe/ahbeobo JlSSS? me euen/ fpafie of ipes s pmaginebbifceate stbefise m tbe all (Hi bape longe. caime.**. H asfojme/atoasipBeabeafeml aBetbc notranbasonetbattoewbomrae/notope* . npnge bis moun). 3 am be come as a mS tbat bearettj not: anb mat can maBe no refiftaunce toptb bps moutb. ' . i 01 in tbe / )Lo?be / ft! mp croft / tbou altbeareme/lLo?bempoD. _ fl^pbefp^ is/tbat mpne enempes triunt *^ pbe not oue? me:f 0? pf mp fore Opppe / tbep teiopfegreatlpagapntt me. I am rebp to fnffce tiouble/anb mp beut* neffeiseuerinmpfpgbt. m tot

- %

$ot%ttsnimw toccbeonefle / ana mp

^utmpneenempesipite/aawmtg&amp;Ete: anbt&amp;eptBatBatemeuttbotitacaufe/ ate manpinnomb?e. mw $ tetoat&amp;e me eueii f o? goon/ (pea* feemefiofme/beeauregfoiotoertjetBpnse tBatgoooiS. tfo?tabe me ttot(flO jLojoennj on) so not fane fro me. i^aftetBe toBelpeme/ 3lQ?oempruc* coure. CCBe.m#.0faIme. Cbe detects tQae altbongbe be tor'ft bejteb tot ib fije gceuoufe papntfl of bis fpcbnes/ pet 5 e Hep 1 b im ielft rotoitfi tn bpa bounties ; tbat betet no jmrpttpnge loBe the^kseftspebimttitftetpmeoftite fompiapnpngei tptlt of tbe.rtg 'fjefeip tobptc tbe wpcbeb beacbe brttw ' iacaime. -"*cotBe counter fo?&amp;*i;outftun/3 Pfalme cfauib.. ft s Jbutbun is tbc name of a c6aunter.f.aralip.;;S.a.iafmbi tbpncfeetb f bat 2&gt;autt raaoe fljis fftfatnvano tbat it toas toont to be Conge of t bat fepnoeof fpngateouectobic&amp;3cutbun bate eule.&amp;o* me tbjntb tt to be a e'er ten (gngrv aftes wbofe tpme tbejafaunetoasrungt. _&lt;r5r fatuesgi topn 8epe m? toapejj fBatl of* 3 4|fenaeDrtot(omptonge. *" anbfollbutmpmoutb/tobpfetbe bngoblp fepeb toapte fo? me. 3 Beioemp tonge/3 toas oomme/3! gepte . fplence/pee euenfromgoobtoo?&amp;es/butft . tpaspapneanbgrefe tome. ^pBetttoasBotctoitbinme/anbtobple itoastBusmufpnge/tbefp?c bpnweb:fop: Ifpabetoitbrnptonge, fU?be/iefmebnotoempneenbe/anbtBe nomb?e otmp bape*: % mare be certpfpeo ^tobatgitoame. w.fteBolo/tBoubaftmabempbapesafpane fonge/anb mp J? fe (0 a? toere notopng be* fo?e tfle. e*Meite J*&gt;&amp;to BapnearcaHmelmfogV^efab.

tftpb f8im,ayee euetpmstoalSetft as ittoerea aooto/ anb btfqut'e terb bun felf m Beap c tij bp rpebes / ana can not teA to to&amp;om Be ga* tbetetbtBem. 3Bnbnotoito?beto&amp;erm all 93 comfojte triefmpbopeisfotbe. Sfcefpuermeftomanmpne offences/ anb mabe me not a fcomc bnto n)e f ooiifb. 31 fiepe fprenee/ano open not mp moutb/ jA 0? tBou baft Bone ft. 6*tfffitett cumetb?pteg5atoapeftome/fo?3!am m tbe ^ raim. 'Ben tBou pun m e ft mS f 0? finne/tbou w*. ebattenett Bint: fo t W beuepe cfifumetb a= toape/llbe as ft toere a rnorfte J&gt; Bote bapne ateallmenf &gt;elaB. Jjjeare mp p?apet jLo#e/anb confpb?e mneallrnge: metoe not tb( reife as tbougB


tBou fatoeft noting t o?U ama Staff* get anb ptigri&gt;mme toftb tbe/a? an mr ro^ fatbetftoew, SD&amp;fpaw mealptfc tbat 3 mace refreift mpfelfe/befo?e3igooBence/anbbenomo?e fenc, ffcftejctf&amp;faime. ebttefopfctbtbatbeisrpboefbjtbofhfsgrcafteo* P?ebp tbebclpeof &lt;BM/anDttonbecctbatbi9im&lt; able goo tinea totoaroe tbc that fcave ii ii n: anb ro; (t'fyt^c be Cettet^ notfaj&gt;Cacrifpree/liut t b e tuUo U man /b e (Sm|ttetb b S m Cc I fe m t o bim-.anti . faftb tbat be topll p mtt Bib tigbttteCnes s goooneo contpnnaitf.Cbenu)etoetbb't&amp;egceuottfne of (be (eopat&amp;ietttiecfnbetoas/ctbe caiife tbteof / toftrtb teas bis f jnnee.a t tbttaft bebetetbetb^Boo to oucr# tb?otoeblBenemjei/anb toglaoatn tbeberte* of tbe Boob. a*ioftc5

cotbeebaunter/alBfalmeof^aufl). m\r tMl |lasteb parfentfe fo? tbe B,o?oe/* itcB encftnebbim felf bnto me: |anbbenempcaii{nge. $e b/ougbt me out of tbefto;* ttblt pptte/out of tbemp?e anb clapefle fete mpfetebpStbetocbe/* oi;ebmpgomges. i$t Bat!) put a netoe fonge in m 1? moun)/ euen a tbancbefgeupge bnto owe 4$ob. @anc m en f esnge tbfS / fbail f t are tBe Xo;be/anbputtBelvttuambtm. jBleoeb i tBe mS (bat fettetb W Hope i tBe &amp;o?b e /a nb tumen) not bnto tbe p;oube; anb to focB ssgo aboutetoftb ipeu. fS&gt; %Qfle rn-g &lt;86b / gteate ate tftp toon* betoustoo?cbeStobctbfl)ou baft bone: anb fit tbf tboug&amp;ts tbtoattie w t^ete mage none*, befyebenebbntotbe. ^ 3! tooloe beclate tBem/ anbfpeabe of tbJ: but tbep ate fo manj / tbat tBe? cannot, be tOlbe. 60fflttM &amp;uxgm 8biM imm^SBSi not baue**buta bobpbaS tbou oabepnebZu 3 me:butntoffetpnge0anbfactffpcefo?fpnnebnttaaiiie'fa tBOU Baft not alOtoeb. Deate roinAI? ^enfa?be^.:)Lo;3!come.g!ntBebegtn* a,li,WflW P* nmgoftbeboBettfti*Sto?tttlofme/tbat5! awibe fulfjii tbptocHfiDmp&lt;pob/anbtbat ami content tooo-.ceetbclatoe (0 toft&amp;nt , rnpbn*. % topa p?eacB of t&amp;pttsOluoufneCe tn &amp; great c Bgrega cc n oio/a top2l not tef cacne mcPpeis/sD3Lo;Be/tBaetBoufinotoett. 3 bo not bcoe tft y rjg&amp; tu u rnes in me bett/mptalbcngefsof tfjc tteun) afaucng beattb:3l bcpenottbploumgmetcc* &amp;ttb* fulnefte bacbe from n)e gteate cSgtegacf on. curne not tbou tbpmercc f {0 me toTLoib/G

but let tflp roupnge bpnoneffeanbeteutb al* toapep?efetueme. fof innumerable troublj are come'a&amp;mft me : mp fpnnes baueta&amp;en fotb bol&amp;e bpon we/tbat


MtatjR 4*

me / tbatSJ am not able to tu&amp;e op : pee $ep are mo in noDje tBenBeattes of mp Beab/ . anbmpbettljatBfapttbme. 4) TLojoe/Iet it be tBp pleafure to beliuet me/mabe Baftee 'JloJDejto Belpe me. JLet tBem be albameb anb cofouniD/tBat febe after mp ^fouleytobefttope it:lettBem ajat.fait bacbteavse anb be put to confufpon / 1 m toil&amp;meeucli. Utt tBe foone be b;ougBt to ame / tBat ttpeouerme-.tBeretBete. 38ut let ail tBorc tBatfebe tBe / be topfull anb glab in v.) e : 5 1 et t all f cb as beipte tn tat faupnge Bealtlj/fape alltoape : tbe jlotfe be P?apfeb. as fo? me ; % am poo?e a in mpfetf / but tBejlo?DecaretBfo?me. cBousrtmpfteipetanb teoemet/mabe no longe tartptige/ mp Ob* Be.j:li.J5falme. '^V '. \ C?ntbi0PCaImea!fofpeabttbbeofabpfrace;tober in tub pic bcto.ts bolof/ his enemas toecc great Ip ce iopceD'boppngc tbat be Cbulbc be mabe atoajetoitb j Violence of bie OgCcafe^anb in tobicb alfo Ejis f epibts brsa fo:Cah bun but icoQljolpebimtobitb alltsapea tDOlDepjefecue bim:anbtbeifo?c(ntbe begsnn^ng/ ttaifhr l)ep.:oaouncet!) bpinbappje tobpeb pecteauctb tbat i^fi Munttli of &gt;5oo concernpnge bun. S3r co l ^ e ^auter/a Pfalme of auto.

3D j|&gt; *# * be/tbat cofpo?etH * poo;e: j,pjo!c:utbcfatBWLo?DelbaDeipuei;bimintBecpme jmptBtefp**^^ of trouble, SShJl aLi f**9* fl ^ aI1 P^fttue Bpm / anb bepe S8SK**2 8' uf * c fl ' aI ma " e Bw to p?crpere bp5 iporoftbiflf^ft/'anDfljallnotbeipuetBimmto topH K;itie:b!itaucfBtSenempes. mi yatbe cBe)Lo?DlballiefteftjBim/toBeBclpetb to n; bpe m all bS Bcbneffe. ^noe/imto, 3!fapDe:)lo?DbemetcifuHbntome/Beaie &lt;if meahenes mp fou!e/fo? | Baue fpnneb agapnft ^e. r !r 3C loto/ flK ? ne wempeu f peabe cuefl bpon me: ^ toBen OjallBecpe/anbBisnameperftbeJ * Cbougb Becameintofe/petmeaneDBe falftbe in Bis l;ert/Beappnge mpfcbefe bpon bimfelfe. SCatBep tftat&amp;ateme/nmnetogetBetia* gapnft me/anb pmagpn euell agapnft me. &lt;EBepbaue geuen a topebeo f entence bpo me : toBen Be ipetb/ be (ball rple bp nomo?e. Tee euen mpe atone fampltec ftenoe/ C toBS % trufteb/tofjicB m eate mp b;eb/Batb fpftbp biSBcleagapnft me. in betltoumerctfttUbnto me(Djto?b) rapfe tBou me bp/anb| Qjail retoaroe tBem. 35ct|(s3 finotoe tbou fauoureft me/n)at mp enempe fija B ttot tnumpBe ouer me. BOubaftbpBofoSme becaufe of mp im nocencp/anbCetme before tbpface fo? euer. fl&gt; bieffeb be tbe Ho?beob of fl&amp;el/ftS Bence fo?tBan&amp; fo? euetmo?e/^me/ 3Bmen^


*&amp;*. - !be.]Hu.praime.

jMttoetb bote fo;ovftiltbctoa0^becaurebcioa le :f torn tbe iboipaffmbte anb fcatt of tlje ilojObr the t5fpiritpr of b(8 fonne 2tbfolom;an0 hoto he tone oif, qupetrtttrttbtbetoopces of tbe topebeb; WntbWaf/ Pbemeb the berp;e of ootpnee tobetunto be toa Biatwfot a tta jne anb bnpjof ptabte tbpng. 6 *cotbecBaunter/amowcpon of g fonnes ****&amp; OfCO?aB, tjttcoftbe 3T 3:beastBeBettbefp?etBtbe toatet bithT^ (mi J^,bes/foiongetBmp fouie after (Be tB Pob. Mv fome is atBurfte fo? ob/pee cul foj ^e ipumge 00: toBen mm come/anb be* boloetbefaceoffie-oD:' mv. teares are mp meate bape anb nigBt/ tobplett isoapipe fapnebntome:toBereiS nototBpobf j9ototoBen3!tBincfietberebpo/3!poure outmpBertbp mp feiftfo? % toolbe fapne go bencetoitB tBemultituoe/ apaffe ouer tottbm tBembntp tBe Boufe of &lt;sob / in tBe bopce of P?apfe anb tbancbefgeupnge / amonge focb as bepe bolp bape. 9Bp,are tBou f full of Beupnes ( mp foule)a toBp art tBou fo fanqutetetoitbin me; SD pttttBp truft in &lt;Boo/fo?a toill vet geue Btmftalies/fo?t^BelpecfB!Scotenaunce. mv ob /mp foule is bereb toitBin me: t&amp;erfo?e3!remcmb?et()e lanoe of5o?bane/ anbtBeiptieBpilof^ermonim. neoepe callet&amp;anotBertoptb tBe bopce* of n)p toBpftles/airtBptoaues anb toater fiouDes are gone otter me. CBeXo?oe Batb p?ompfeb ftps lottpngc bpnbneae baplpe/tBerfo?e toill ? p?apfe Bun m tbe mgbt feafon/ano mabe mp p?aper bn totBe(0ODofmplpfe. , |topu tape bnto ob mpftonprocfi:toBp baft tbou fo?gotte mer toBpgof (Bus Beue* lp/toBpietBeenempeopp?eoetBme? &amp;

mvlt mp bones are b?obf /a toBple mprie enemies caftme in tBe tetBe/oapiiefcpinge bnto me:toBere is noto tbp 00? aebparttBoufoBeup(mpfoule)atoBp aft tBou fo btrquieteb toiujin mei put tbP truft in ob/fo?j toill pet tba"* bebBmfo?tbeBeipeofais countenaunce/f becaufe Be is mp ob. ^ r ccBe.itlm.!S*amie. C0e befp t b to be betpue wo fr5 tbe t Sfpfre w *,, awotoro/ niat be mSpe toejtbelp pjapfe ^jb i bp* t g*Zi*&lt;S\x fentencebpcnme(&gt;ob)anb2 V^befenbe ; mp caufe agapns tbebbBolp a*omet; people:fiDBbelpuermefrS , tBepfceat*Bfi8eifgetne. tuu/anbtopebebman. *o?tbou(ff&gt;ob)artmp ftr?gtb.tebpbaft tbou fbotmefrom tBefUBBpgagitfienroBe* mti iieir/

uelp/tobpie fte enempe oppjeffeft me? 01) ferae out e^p ipgbt anut^s ttueft/$ ftep mape leabe me anbb?pnge me bnto ftp &amp;ol? bPU/ana to ftp atoetipnge. Cbat J tnapc go in to fte aultet of oB/ #eucnbntotbeoatol)pc&amp;iSnipiape3pieas fure/abponfte&amp;arpetogeue tbanbe* onto tbe/oo/mpoft. bp art ftou ro beup ( mp foule) anft toljpaittUoufoDi'fqupeteotoit&amp;Hime? ad put ftp ttuftm oa / fo?3&gt; topll pee geuebpmftancRe0fo.jt!}ebelpe of bpgcoa* enaunce/ana becaufe r)e is m p co, &lt;*^v^ mmsmmtm*

C$ec8plapneth ebatjrcaelfuffcttfb fbgtcuoiwper* Ccq-iutgon fa: the bon jucc of (BoBaoB hot? [pumgce fake/anb that jet oa is not pjeCent with e&amp;J in mp/ taclesBopnge/asheintpmespafttoao: ana p;apeta himcoputfo.:thbispotoes/aiia oelpuecbis from tbe tnforpesoftbetopcJteB. , .., a *coftecbaunteranmdruecponoffte B TKt Eftaue ftwtt outeeareflij) ob) a l^ourefaftersbauetoioebs/tobatftott badaone infteirtpme of oioe. $oa ftoubatt&amp;jpuen out fte eiften tt tmSS^ a *B t * W c V n * anocadtbf out. &lt;ffo; ftep gat not fte taiaempoaeffpon tbo;otoe fteir atone ttoerfte / nefter teas i t * ,.. J** atone c * arme tftat Qelpeo ftem, wntaTiS, "*ftPtPg&amp;tbanae/.ftpnearmeanatBe &amp; anp tee feBftt of ftp coutenaunce/becaufe ftou baa* tti;:runto tse ae ft a fa u oure bnto ft em, icanc*tciift/aa fio.u art fte fcpnge ana mp d?oo / ftou ^/fenaedbelpebntogacob. * s ft t$W bo?otofte/topHtoeoue* ftjotoe oute jp.6 . e ? t f oio/ enempefca m ftp name toill toe treaae ftem joetft/wut ttj i bnaer/ftattpfe bp agapnttbft, " SSSRS* * Mtopunotttuammpbotoe/ftfenot S5*anftoetbetbataHbelpeme. 6ea(p/t6&lt;nc ut it is tbou tbat faueft bs from oute apacjc enempes/ putted tbe to cgfuftonj? bate b$. letopU alltoape ma&amp;e oure boadeof oa/a P?apfe ftp name fo? euer.^&amp;eiab, 35utnotoftou fotfa&amp;ed bS/a putted bs a * lobe tye to confufpon / ana goed not f o?ft topft oure CboumafiedbStoturneoure bacs^bpo oureenempes/fo tbat ftep tobpft bate S/ fpopleoute^oooes. cbou lertedbs be eatenbp ipfie ftepe / a fcatredbsaraongeftetcitben. C cbou felleft ftp people tonaugbcy a ta* nednomonepe foftem.

Cbou mabeft bs to be rebufteb of oure nepgbbours/to be laugbebto fco?ne ano bab m aertfpon/of tbem g are rounae about bis. cbou bad maoe fags a berp bptoojae araSge fte $eiften/anb ftat tbe people (babe tbetr beaoessatb?.

fl^p con Atf? on i&amp; bapite before me/? tte ftameofmpfacecoueretbme. iffo? tbebopce of tbe fciaunoeret ano blaf- ** tttat is/ Pbemer/fo? t^e enempe ano auenger, 2!f ft mmm comebpobsf/anopltbauetoe %?SV a not fo&amp;otten tbe/ net bebaueo oure rcnufff&amp;pRttoita. bnfaptbfullpintbpcouenaunt. " *(* &gt;ureberteijs not tumeo bacbe / net&amp;cr L a OT"2 ftn tbou.baft *ftaitte bg inpiace ofD?a= sons. Bp m gon!S/jcouere&amp;bS^tbeaootoe ofoeetb " e of if toeftao toffiofg name of oure oo/ i8h 2* .S&gt;buienot(i5oD fpnoe tt outf fo;bebno* ni %$, toetb tbeberp fecrctesi of tbe be tt, t*ra/tM n 58utfonbPfa6etoeareftpiieoaH oape [?'"" J M * uapw. toe callrih to tap jLo^jeytobP flepe tbou i % toafie; a *&amp;e *&amp; caft b$ not of f o? euer. b . &amp;- a .Wber f o;e * bpoett tbou fb? fa ce ? toplt K?.*L tboudeanefo;getouremprerp 9 opp;eiuorK[ Jfoz oure route # b;ougbt totoe cue onto i pw m su tbeoua/9 ourebeipcieuetb bnto tbegroHo.^' n 8 ts ,0 5 3irpfe)Lo;o/beipeb5anb Deipuerps fo?^"^' tt)praercpfafie. jggf* ^earecominuallp t&amp;e name of .oil blafpftemeti j an iSsSteftb fpiftfl j allinanec onnfurice i tojBgcoaone to ttjc faubui-ctsftttrf abetCvt faptft tie. SEftou ijaa toueteajio ioie^ the fta&amp;stonf tb t^atiB.'witbtbeocrpOaec&amp;neiofOectb.ei'; w f ffioa is fapa to bpac his facertuDJ ftc Oitfcetb tbe gooa totostta, qautco of tbeeuell/aa it is fapoe of bio Cffl&amp;c fonnee of fiojab pjapfc Salome fo? tbe bctov tpc/tloquencc/arengtb/potoecana nobleneo botb of himaaoofbisipfeanOalCofo;tbenobplilpeoftbeir a*ote lb

cbpl0jen.3n ibem oo tbe? alfo fpgure ffibjiU/ anfrthe tptle of item powecanonouplptleofbiahpogaorae. JSfaim. a * o cbaunter/bpo** ^ofanfm/ani'n* b*3tma, aruccio of^ cblb;eofCo?ab/afongof ioue "|? f ' Rfl 1 ' j{V|Ibmtt enopang ofagooo matter /2?T t0 (mv ' imiipeabe of t&amp;at/tobicb3 &amp;aue maoe cf a " mespnge-.^ptongeigtbepenneof areaopto?pter. cbou arte tbe fap;e&amp;amongetbe cbPl* b?e of men/ton of gra ce ar e ttjp tpppejt/tber* f o?e oo bleffetb tbe foz euer. 02W tbe toitb tbpftoem.bp5 tbp tbPgbe ( tboumtgbtpe)tt too?ppe $ renotone, (Sooo tucfie baue t^ou tortft tbpne bonou= ^ re/rpbe ontottb treutb/mefieneffe 9 fg&amp;; s tuoiifne3:amitbprigbt banb QiaJlteacb tbe toonoerfuiltbpngejS., bP^arotoesi are tbarpe /tbe people (bal* e* a m befiib&amp;ueobnto ttje / euen in tbe mpobeft a* ^^ rf * monge tbe ftpngess enempeg.- ffift . bPfeate(&lt;EioO)enDuretb fo;eufr^eSKte fcepter oftbpfipngoomfgarpgbtfceptet. conference i Cbou bad loueo n'gbru oufneae/ 9 bat ea p-r ( |li ' D '^^ mtquite:toberfo?esoD( tobt'eb Hi f)fflSSSS anttp

4 ^ptui* an tb P garmeteg are ipse m p?re / 3!oejS 9 CafTia/to^e tbou corned out of tbin e pue* 8png^ oaugbterjsgotn tbp gooolp atape/ ana b pon tfj p rtgbt banDe danoe tb tbe quene in a bedure of tbe mod f pne g oie e. C ^er6eni)Daugbtet)corirpa?e/3encipnc tbin e ear e . f 2 g e t tbpne atone people / 9 n)P fatbewboufe. ^&gt;o djalt tbebpngebauepleafuret'ri tbp beutpe/fo?be fflm&amp;ttfM tbou ftjalttoo?* f&amp;ppebfm. cbe aa ugbt erg f cir e djal] be tbere toftft gpfteiS/ tberpebe amonge tbe people djall mabe tbetr r/uppucacponbefozetbe,

Cbe fepngejj oaugbter 15 all glo^ouiS totfbi'n/ber dotbpngetjs of to?ougbtgoloe. sa S&gt;be ft alb e b ;ougb t bnto tbe 6 pnge f n ropmft ofneaie tooifie/gimapafss after ber. focb a? be nertber 6)a!be b?ougbt bnto 0}t. tpt!j tope anb grabnetfe all toep be t&gt;?ougbt/$ go in to tbe bpngets palace . gin deaaeoftbp fatberg tboubadgottett ^^pt&amp;tfe^cbpiwen/tobcmtboudjaltmasewpncejj sutojatefp'tnaiilanoeg. [ jKrtitie apa* a topttremembje ftp name from one ge Site netacgon to anotbef.tberfo?e (ball people mm*"* geuetbabegbntotbe/todjlDetottbout mi. iff* eatetfbMBfenm W"* Clfie fucttp to^erit* tbe goblp be in aU mroct of ,, b , thr icopatbpt8*p ttjc hclpe of &lt;*.. Jk o"b- S 8 * % tbe ctjaunter / afonge of tb cbpft^" atame. ofCo?abbpon b *almutb. 3-^3fiB oure trouble? a aauerfpte/ toebaue b loke tbe "311 foimoe/tbat oo ts oure refuge / oure lUDfthe.fF -J' drengbtanabelpe. ?uuw * fcrfo;etopHtoenotfeare/tbougbSert&amp; feu/ana tbeugb tbebpue^.toere carpedtneo tbempaaedoftberee. rcbougbtbetoatewoff reetageaatoere neuer fo troublous* / anatbougb m moun&lt; tapnt # ft ofie at tbe te* ped of fame.s&gt;eiab. jfo? ftete it a flouoe/ tobtcb toutt bpssrp* uer0 retopfetb t cptie of 00/ tbe bolp btoel Ipngeofftemodbped. &lt;bob 10 in mpaaed of ber/cb erf ?e (ban ftenotberemouea:fo? oabeipetbbev/anb &lt;battpgbfearlp. _ cbe ^eitben are mabb / tbe fipngaomeu vmabemocb aaoo:buttoben beftetoefti bp* bopee/tbe eartb meltetb atoape. . Cbe JLo?aeofodef!i0 toitb b3/tbeob ei'ttebf9faeobii8oureaefettce. **&gt;eiab. n $ ~au a SD come bitber/anb beboiae tbe too?cfte* of tbe jlojbc / tobat bedtuccpon* be batb b?ougbJbpon tbe eartb. $e batb maoe toamiSfoeeaflr man ft e toojlM:fi&lt; batb b?ofien tbe botoe/ be batb . finappebtbefpeareinfonber/aobb^tttftf baettefJmtbefp;e,


JBeftpn ften ana confeoetbat^amcjioa: 3 topll bi ejtauea amonge fte ^eiften / ana awpn be eyatteabpon eartb. i*&amp;rmw ofgEaeobwouwoefence. S&gt;eiab, Sou . . *cbe.flbif #raime&gt; ; ^"-? * Cfl)ffl)eti;telt8iojicofi5aBOtciareott)o?outlie tobole toojlOe^Df tbe tonuerfyon of bpngco j- peopie Snto^ob* co tbe cbaunter/a j&amp;falme of ttje tbplb?f of Co;ab* ^ . ^jNfliappepourebaharsJ togetber (aiipe lOpeople) fpnge bnto ocatftbebopceoftbancbefgeupitge. 3fo?tbe)Lo?aetbe modbpedi^fobe fe# Rb/abetf tbegreatespngbpon an earft. i^e ftaUmboue fte people bnaer bsf/ana fte ^eiftf n bnoer oure fete. ecbofetbbssfo^anberetage/ftebmtte . - ., tAi ofj!acobtobombejouea. &gt;*&gt;eiab. J^SIk obiggortebptoitba merp nopie /a tbe T 61 ^ 3 ^o?ae toitb fte fotenae of fte trompet. 9 fpnge pzapfesj/tmge p?apf es bnto oa: $&gt; fpnge p?apfe* / fpnge P?apfe$ bnto oure lipnge. iJfo?d5oaftJ6pgofan eartb/fpnge ftapfe* bnto mm toitb bnaerdanapnge. - &lt;Eoat06pngeouertbebeitben/oafpr* teftinbttboipfeate. ' C(ep^pncejs oe tbe people are gatbeteb J*i!" e * tf . {pgeftwbnto fte obof ab;abS:'*fo? oa *SnE tt farre bper eyaltea/ ften tbe migbtpe Io?B5 fenbers of w of fte eartb, tattbixionu M . Ccbe..^atme. WT** CE?e great gio?ie felpcptie of the fBm&amp;i tott# ocegaeponin that the? hauc &lt;m tun patent toptbj Ibem^tobctheicBefenOec; befccpbeB bnBWtna h* {jure of jerufatim. r

a fonge of aibfaftne of ebplbje" of Co?ab iSeatetef ji,o?b a bPelie to be p?apfea/3B mtbecptpe of oure&lt;Eoojeuenponbi{J bolpbpll. g be 8 *bpU of &amp;ion in lifie a fapje plSte/ smi tiiti . M toborautbe!anaereiopfetb:bpon no#fi of fflX Cpae ipetb fte cptf e of fte great bpnge, Bccaanoe ttn oa is toell bnotone m bet palaces/ 1 be cburtb : es nu* fefteoefenceoftbefame. 2S&amp;2** iff o?io/bpngesi aregafteieb/anbgone bp JggSfi, fogeftee. *** Cbepmarttereb/tofefocbftpngegubeB^ toereadoniea/anbfoaenlpcadaotone. feare came fterrbppn tbem/ ana fo^otoe agbponatoomaninbertrauapie. Cbou alt b?eabe tbe Qipppes off fee/ fto?otofteeafrtopnar. a,pfiea0toebauCberae/fo fe toein rant of iLo?aof fiodes/tt ftcptfeof oure oft. **,* oftopbofiieft fte fame fb? euer, **&gt;eiab. **" J9fa,ni We uwpte fe? ftploupn ge 6pnone(R(fl5


ff48ftertti pastel

* &lt;

earn W mpbbea of p temple twiajtm* &lt;s$ooyacco?apngbntop&lt;*nameyfoi0

we of&lt;isoi&gt;&gt;iit%w&amp;#e\MQ$ too?iaestenae:'*p spgbt SttS&amp; b let e mount &amp;!on ra'opfe / ana e 5 sooais/ab/aau$tetfof:$uaabcgiaabecatireof tung* outnttie.bt8.amentf0. gS?,a?&amp;et/anatenbettoto?e*. . e^i. S&amp;arcbe toeH ber toallea/ fet bp ber bou* a s sbatis/fegi, t^at icmape be eoloe em g come,aKer. 52 Sft $f o? # oo fe oureisoaf o? eue* ? euery StX anabe an afltoape be outegpae, ^ * M "CBJe |S aifli raaone s of tbeto ttjac att bg t j# cljtffe/tDtiicti tcceaucibefr felfcptie fn ibis tooiine/** flataftec contjnuallp reraajn? inbeli: te&amp;trc as t&amp;e bcrtuous fi&gt;ali bate euetlattpuge i ope . a*iote t9e a * ot &amp;9auntra/a Pfaimeof ecbiibzen Htb af tb.u(j of Co?, fr**' .ifCk^eate p* / ante people : pona;e it 36 jJEJtoeH/anpe at atoellbpon tbe ear. peanaiotoe/rpc&amp;eanapooze/one toitbanotfoet, 09? mou all tpeabe'of toptaome/ana rapbert all mufe of bnoet ttanopnge. 3 tofll enclpncmpne rate to e parable/ ana etoe mpaatcfie fpea bpo e ba t pe, m\)txfo;t uiae 3 fearce eueliaapeis/ tobenetopc&amp;elmeaeofmpbeleacoparet&amp; me rounbe aboute? cdeftfiae pucQtlr ttuftintecft 5005/ 53 ano b a e t elu el in e multitube of eft rpebesi. #omamapeae!puerbfebtoer/'nerma* 6 1 a 5 w m en t bnto bim fo; &lt;ssoa. . if o? ft cofte mo?e to reaeme eft umw/ to at be muft let at alone to? euer. f eeftougbbeliuelongeyanafe notjJgraue. iff 0? it an be feneyg ;f 0 topfe mm an : &amp;peanbperietogeeT/ai$toeiIa0;ignos nojauntanafolp / ano ieue eft goooep

fo;oet. ko&amp;e tobat t'g in eft bourns / ft cont&gt; nue fttmtbefc Hiorilfns Place* ensure fro oneigeneracpS to anoet/artb ate calleb aU ter eft atonenames bpon e ear. &lt;I euetelefle man abpbe not rn f oca ft on aur; but is comparea bnto b?ute bea* aea/anabecometb ipse bntoem. cb^toaseottbcttgftbetp fo[?ne(Te/ . Bj)h ,.. anajettbeftpofletpttp?a?ftrttoptbtbeft *** beprfemtbtbtfllmcepc/aeatbfl)an snatoebpontbnn/ana tae tpg^tuoug ftail


&amp;benottbouafrat?a/tobe1tt&gt;ne&amp;maot;a trcat/?t8lo?pofb*boufe mcteaCea* ' ' - " *f o? be all cat? notbrnge atoaje b&gt; jo) tfAMie Iftn aiet^ / netbet ftaUbWPonipe foloisebtm. , xmW&gt; l?uet6/bt tt countea an bappie m: ana CO i nge agfbe 10 in p; orpetj te/m e n '' fpeafiegoooofbfra. JSut toben be folotoetb b&gt;0 fattens 'gene* tac jon/be Qau tieuet f e Ipgb t en; mo?e. i@ben a mant'sdn bonoute ana batb no bnoerOanamge/ ^e td cSpate&amp; bnto tbe b^tte tebeafteg/ana becommetb ivfie bntotbem.

10 Haltftj

p -


2JT! ' 'TcbeX^faime.

tC&amp;efcdpliettetlj tIjatojJoD topll call all natfons of t|erarti) bnto bim;bp tlte ^oofp cli:anQ (qat t) toill rtquj/et^ecoufettfonjpfapfjng of Ijfoname/'* not facet fMROta Ijott gccatlp ^c twll alAojKtbi/to^le^ boas tt)cm Celtics to bcccUg^ous ano^olj/antiaccm iieaoe noting it ire. C3$falmeof$(apb. . % t to itit 'fuen tb e mtgbrpe do 'b fpoBe/5 caliea tbe too?lo fto tj fpig bP of tae fonne bnto gdingcaotDne of tbefame. fl&gt;utof ^wnapeatetb glo?pou?beu ffeofjpoa. . fi&gt;ute oa an eome / $ not fiepe fticn* ee:tbetfgoctbfaefo2ebmacSfumFngfs;e/ anaanrigbtictempetttounaeaboutebsm. %t all can tbtifieaueng ftom aboue / 9 tbe eattb/tbatbe mape tuagebtf people. atbet mv fepncteu togetbet bnto me/ tbofe tbat fett mo;e bg tbe couenafit tben bj enpoffetjnge. 2Bna f beaufst njal beclateb'0rtgbtuoul neoe/fo?&lt;E(oai0iuUgebimWft. *^&gt;elab. l8 eatey my people: rettme fpeafie/let % - m *&amp; me tettffteambnge ? ou/ fD 3.ftael-.a am p raimcis.a &lt;E5oB/eucntbpoa. 3! tep?oue tbenot becaufe of tb? factftfce/ tbpbutntofierpng^atealtoape before me. 3)to^tafienobuiioc6$outoft&amp;l? boufe/ nergote? out of o)p fofiifis. # all tbe beafteg of tbe fefte are tmjne/ anatboufanaesiofcateHbpontbebJHejs. p i6nDtoe all tbe foule* bpon tbe moun* tajnejs/anatbe topBwbwaejJ of tbe feia are mmpffgbt. |f 3! aebongrpe/3! to?H notten tbe:fo? f

tobdetoojliieig mpne / santbat tbetrntfl. Cbfnbefttbou/tbatgitopHeate tbe flew ofowt/o?a?pncfie tbe blouae of goate# flDfite bnto ffioa pjapfe ana taantfiefges^, &amp; m w H?ngeyanapapetb?boiDes5*bntot^etnollaftct m j

ftaueaomuiacpon of tbemin tbe! mojnsnge * . .. ^t^e0:tb'rIlrerigtbQjaUcora*ume/ana weft. of&amp;b .^^"^benftalbetbeftotDeflpnge. 3Dna can bpon me in tbe tpne of trouble/ 'S2 ut ob Qjanaelpuerrap foutefrS^o* fo totfl 3 bearetbe/f tbou alt tbanbemc. mipon. tserofbeU/b)QeRbereceauetbtne.deiab. trt bnto tbe Wigoaif fa?e#oajib?

boett tbou p?eacb mr iatoe$/ana cafeett my couenauntintbpmoutb* i ber e ass njou bateft to be ttfourmea/ anb cafteft mp too?aes5 bebinae tbe? % f tbou fcta a tbefe/tbou runnctt tt bim/ ana att pai tabet toitb tbe aauouteret*. Cbou letteffi tbp moutb fpeabemtcaeZM nefle/ano tb ? tonge pap ntet b Difceate, CbouC^teafCpeaftettagapnatbPb?o met/ree 9 fciaunajett tbfne atone mo tb erst fonne. cb^tboiiooea/tobiie^boiaemrtonget anatbpnebeametobe euerirotboneagtb? f elf :bu t % to pil r epjou e tbe/ ana ( et m? f elf e agapiatbe. * D confyOJe ttjiss/^e taatfo:getoD:le(: J plume pou atoape / ana tbete b e none to be* Ipucrpou. tbo fo offtetb me tSancbf is ana pwgU'j be bonouvetb me:ana tbi? i3 tbe toape/ toSerbp

3 topU etoebim faupngebeattb of oa. ffbe.Ii.Pfaime. C3 pjajer of auiOtt^ermbc camettlp acfenolrt* . flctl) lj(9 C?nacS)l)c befntcb ib,c bolp gbooft/| pjajttb aloac tficfoj tft cburclj. wl)fc5 is ttjr true3uiatem. dpi it of tee a*jr; ^ e cbaunter /a i@falme of auia/tobe 1'ffik tbeP?opbetj5atbancamebntobpm/ aftei; S'3ncabe 6 *toasi gone in to ffietbfabe. "* 35 jflk^ue raeK P fa P on mc ( oa)af ter p 3gooaiie0/acco?DpngbntotbPgteate , / ^^mercpes/aoatoapempne offences!. ,.2S }ametocnfromptoic6eanefle/ana fStoSofClmftmeftomptptiw. I rtuiitrfes. fo?3i bnctoleogempfaittesi; ^mpfpnne in tte citan* 13 euer before me. i'fnf'iirh' 3Egapnatbeonlp/agapnatbeaauef fpn* ini S bctnea/anaoone euellfn pCpgbt-.tbattbou SB froi-eaiw migbteff be iuaifxeain p fepnges/ 9 ul* m j io?neD Qeff ouer rome toben tbou art iucgeD. wbj ftat jb ffiebouse/f teas bo?ne in topebeonetfe/ a SSm in fpnne batfi mp moet conceauea me. Zfi%u utlo/ tboubaB a pleaturem f treu/ iticrtifii? tbat ano ba8 etoeo me fecrete toploome. '^;'K"' purge me toitb *3fope/ana31 al be SSKS cleane:toa tbou me / ana % albe tobptec w: whp(henniotoe.fl)b Wime beareoftope agiaa* r.Khso" j t*e neae/atti)e bonesstobicb tbou baft b?ofie/ ;iiuuroi oa mape reiopfe. m m m aHraptmioeoest. rpcaaabic 10^; apafie me a cleanebett/ eoa/ 9 tenue aattoraetb arpgbtfp?tetoitbinme. ' JftS" C caftmenot atoapefromtbPP?crice/ a wftbi'fonle ta!Ben O^?^ ^ C P? teftommc ^nootu an?geueme comfo?teoftbpbelpeagapne/ Mteto tbe anaftablimetoftbtbpfrefp?cte. ESESft^MNi fteaebftptoapes bnto tbe toic&lt; JfiSeffi**^ WW^ mapebecomierteabntotte, mmm ^clioetme fto Woube"giltpneffeioD/ i*W out 11 tbou Mate tbe &lt;bod of mp beal y at mp



*4&gt; tonge mape p?apfep tigbtuourneoe. ' Swbw uttfiea . pen mp ipppest; 7Lo;ue / tbatmp f* 8 "&lt; moutb mape etoeppaaptei &lt;ffo?pfoubaaaeftpleauue mfacrtftce/ 5 tooiDegeueit tbe : but tbou aelpteftnot in burntofferpngeg. Cbefacrifpcc ofdESoa ist a troubleb fp j etey a b zofien anti a contrite bett / oa / alt OUnOtoefppfe. fpceofrrab^ betauo;able &amp; gracpoua bnto &gt; ion/ writes the f e toanea bfjetufalf mape bebupioeby!"^^ of -Jf oi tbenaltoube pjeafta top mfStSSS ^facrifpee ofrpgbtuoufneffe/toif bumt^eTX ? offerpngesta obiacpon&amp;tyen alltbepiapep^rfnge of bullocsest bpon tbpne aufter.; * * bnote '' . tfCbe.Hj4&amp;fa!me. SSfcr? Cbeaefcepbetb tbe ftotoartie mpnbe anb tntcnt of SS &amp;T * 3DoBMniaftettbat^banpftnwnt/anBt!)etOpfuU^aiiX%' te Wstljattberpgbttocsbabtbctof. Cttle ofthe "*oecbaunter/an eronacpo of WMibi f am &amp;&amp;u toben j&amp;oege&lt;bcmpte cameto&amp;aut/a 0)t&amp;om etoeabPVfapinge:?^autaisi come to e P f $&amp; a ty* boufe of abimeiec&amp;i miu^t S . 9 M jarj aip boaBeft tbou tbp feif / ou cp= j Ca raunty at tbou canu 00 m jrcbefef i^bere as e goobneffe of 00b en Jure pet oaplie. cap tonge pmagme toicfiebneffe/ ana toi rpe? it cutte ttfie a arpe rafoure, Cbouioueft tmgtacioufneor mo?e en goob/to taibe of i?t$ mo;een rpgbtuouf nefle eiab. Cbouioueft to fpeabe an too?be0| mape ao burte. ou falfe tonge, CberfO;eall ob cieane oeftropee/

fmpte ein peceayplucbeout of p btoel* ipngeyanb rote e out of e la no e of e ipi upnge. &gt;elab. , Cbe rigbtttous an fe te; ana feare/a 9 laugbbimtofcome. )Loytt t.s emSyattobenot &lt;sob fo? bis ftrfg/but truaeb bnto multftuae of bi0riebes/9toa?mtgbtieinbts toicfiebneffe. 300 fo? mey 3 am ipfie a grene olpue tre in eboufe of oa :mp ttuftiss in e ten&amp;e* mercp of oa fo? euer anb euer. % toill altoape geue anbeg bnto e/fo^ $ ou baa bone-ana toillbope in pname/ fo?pfapncteisipfieittoeH. , . - . Cae.iiii.paime. ^y^*


C^ecomplapnct^ t^at allplacee atf fiitt of eje toic# kcban&amp; i)ngoDl?/as U*ft;r m ttie.riiy^faime. flruccfonof^aui'D, &gt;U^^cftaboDjejsrapc int^eft: HetW: Co?mptc are tUrp/ ana become ab Hontfnable m t^eii to?c6neffe$ : t^rte tf

a iMte (Qi e? tie of t^e fouvt'a fdfat b*3ti9*tttfi (a?nc Conger i rtf cununt nr jmfpmg Op# fcafe/t&gt;ev((a#

ih-Bmmfc $felKftf,

c*to rcfi* af, obiofieb ootone fromfieauenbpon tue in^hr'f/rf cbpifcen of men/to fe p f tyctt toete enptbat S foun -aSnt'tooiaf bnbctttan&amp;e/o?&lt;*feBeatteroo. m an? ttipnsc; 38ut tbep ate all l *gone out of tbe tease/ nut bo* to ootyepare anbeeomebnp?ofptabie:tbetefct 5i* ^.none tbatootb gooo/no not one, oBS $ oto can tbepbauebnoerttanbpng/ tbat oo ano *^ are tb e too?cBers( of topcBeones/eatpnge top p;ofct of ouwmp people a0 tt toece b^eaD / ant&gt;* * calinot ntpa.bbout.' bpon Otf Sffil'^r 5 r(jepareafrapeb/toberenofeare fcf: fo? lie come tbe &lt;3od b?cafietb tfjeboneuof tbemtbatbefege fcvua-ntes oftfje-.tUou putte ti tbem to ccnfufien/fo? &lt;2$ob SauVoptS Bf ** tljat tBe faupngebealtb mere geuenbn* SEa'foaftaelwe of&gt;ion: b tbat tbejlojbe enpna totipcb tootoeoe ipuerbtt people out of captutite. o men orate ^en ftulbe facob r eiopfe I anb Sfrae I SSSub^^^errabtglaD. t6?C?ani)OiCceatfull/VBaicllt6jiitbtbcpfetei5oo/Jfc6ctBiftUlf' a * CBe raeanpng becof Qjail pr fpnoe imbe JS Calm, yti'K.B. j* f tbte pe tjauc in f a i.Ir 1 1 ij . c t$t $ttwtbhotol)eocCpjcabea!p 1 ofi&amp;e3Laof/ana' teas beacOc toijcntjctoafi toJougijt m togseatjeo* pa t apc/bp tbe treafon of the tpbitcj; j bote jSaH toteDengeaimceofbtBenempra* at lose t n e e *3U)ecbaumerm#egwotb/anfoaroc* dTtte of tb; cpon of l&amp;auto/ toben t&amp;e 5ep&amp;ites came ti m p&gt; fai in . ano fa vd e bnt o&gt; aul ;g&gt;amo ig bpooc amon* brflojic ofgjJJtiSS PJ2 SSfiafa WkM&gt; oN 6 *rb? r&amp;p name? fa* t^flCbtfctoo?* ^ $earentpp?apet{ob)coni$&gt;?e 5 fcs of tbe t?c* too.J&amp;ejs ofmp moutb. Km /tot m tfo?fttaunger$arerprmbpapapnttme/ ^i^^ewBbtie(b^cbbauenot&lt;i5ob6e 8SSS5* epcsWeBeaftec m? foule. &lt;*elab. tbjnsme/ $ Sutlo/eoois ms&amp;eipetiittebegbp* fpflnifpas fjoltietb mp foule. 2?ta!feJita ^eojaUretoarDeuellbntompneenenu'egf: gio&gt;;0oobD/ 3 ft e topll offerpnge tot II $ geue tb e/ana magnifftente^p^sft tbP B *name;no?be/6ecaure itit to

PSS2W' comfortable. 't'Sffii toS' tf ? tbouballDelpuerebme out of an mp sonntKO fnthcttouble/fo $ mpneepefept&amp;bWM&gt;efp;ebpon ^ mpneenempeg. a^bejajau ?imn.c. clSetomptapnetb twt}txoto biougbfftt foagreat ficavte/tb;ougc rnoft topefirb and ccafipcmett&gt;tob5 be tobc f o: bio cbeafefcentes* tStifS B *C * e cbauntetm JQegfaMb/anfo&amp;wc* fouctb acsi.c?onofautb. 1 3fcfc * 8K m ? P? a ^/^&gt; ob/anbbr not ^ ^ case beDe tonto me anb beate me/ Bom prteouftp 1, moumeanb complapne, ffibe enennje ctjefl&gt;fo / an&amp; tbe bngoWp comraetb on fo fa&amp; : fo? tijep ate itnjnoeb to bo me fame najfcbefe/ fo malrcyoufi j ate

tbe?fetaga;nltme. 9Pf Betttttftenj ortbni me/anb f feate ' of beatbiis fallen bpon me. tfeatfulneae anb ttembftnge ate cornea bpon me/ anb anbo#fl&gt;le oje&amp;e batb ouet* tobelmebme. a'nbifajoetOtbatSBabtomgesJljBea boue / tbat 3 mjgbt fie fomtobete /anbbe atteft. ,o/tben tooloe j get me atoate fawe of/ anbtcmafliemtbetofieeweffe. '*^etab. (utt(un S tool&amp;e maBe baift to efcape / from tbe ww^ * flo;mp topic e anb tempeS. e8tctetbetttongf!8(!x,o?De) anb oe tipoe tbem/f o; S fe bnr rgbf uoufnejf pOrtfe intbecftfe. ^bl? goetb baie anbnigbt aboute tbe toalliSJ/mfftbefe anbbFceatcitbemu&gt; Deft of it. iicBebneffefetbetfn/bffceate anb gpre &lt;

go not out of bet ft tetcg. tf rtmetem?ne enempe tbatrcu?rebme/ 3! couoebeareit: o;?f one t ougbt meeuel! topllbpbtb?eatenme;3,tootteb^!erapfelfe frcmbmt. jeuttttsstboumjeompamjen /wrgjbe s imjne atone fampfiet ftenoe. I e beb ftoete anb f rente cSmumcarf on f os getbetintbeboureof&lt;S5oa. ltettbeatbcome battel? bpcnr&amp;em /anb !ett tbemgoo botone qupes into bell/ fo? to?cfieoMf3 &amp; amonget&amp;em in tften; btoeic Ifnge?. %% fo? me, -a topn callbnto ob/ anb tbe }lo?Demallbelpeme. 3n tbe euenpnge; mo^npig anb at nocne baje toiil? mcutneanb complajne: an&amp; be ftallbfatem?bo?ce. Jtigbetbatbelpuetetbm?roule in pea* ce/ from tbe tbat la?e toapte fo? me; fo? tdes atemanpagapnttme. feeeue(Eicbtbateiibumbfo?eiiet/roaU; 6eareme/anDb?pngetbembotone. ^rlab. jfo?tbep tosr.ottume:anotoBjftbfeare not ob. fee tbrp rape banofgbponfocbajsbeat peace torn) bun / a f o tt)ep b?eafie &amp;t? coue* naunt. Cbetrmoiitbegare fofter tbenbuttet/a fetbauetbepbatteu fn tbeit mfnbe: t&amp;eft too?beg ate fmootbet-tben ojle/ anb ret be rbet&gt;berptteer&amp;c$. catttbpburtijen/o?cate/bpoj}lo?be/ be ftjaii nowtb tbe/ ano not leaue tbe regb* tuousmbnquretneffe.-Eutas fo?tbem/tbou(fi&gt;'ob)malttaft botonemtotbepptte of betttuccron. cbeblouDtb?uttfe8bffccatfuUftairnot lpueoutbaifa)eitbare0JBeuertbeleaemH tmft!?mc^e.




Cle Ifytoxfy fj o\ (e called on t&amp;e Qelpe oftfte tcu&amp;c; to^n^ctDafltnicopacaytefojeacbfefisingofeetJ): anb tju^co be accufta t{)tDj\:s auti^olcnce of $aoi a^D ^i aOL)CFcnt5.'ta^f(^aOdppaen^in into tbat pctrtL ^iobe^c*cotftc ^auttr/6pon 6 *t&amp;e 6ommc ftocft m of tr.# Dctcue: tofrctj flf rtft Krre of / s * fl^c^tam in &amp; tr^abia.iSCratbincfefrtjfSat^c&amp;Offlcflocbc&amp;oteUf teas tjc beg^nnpngf of afongc^after ttJ^oCe tune ttlts praline toss fouje. iml)i ana ottjec fuppofe tbat jDauta calteo l)(mtctfi?/ali5mc(ioc6Dotmtoljic^ fie to farre/bccaut'r^commptteQt^m fclfc ^olp fento ioo^/anO geupug none anfttsm to &amp;fe aJmr rfa/ tYt5fle&amp;atfautfcom^sa%jncnatp5ntott&gt;e1&amp;^V lirtm f 6 to'aub ft ere not onlp Sir anger eMt aifs ene* mpcfl Cbe ao:p r^ecc of to aac*Ujficjj.W

^ofeb.r"u:em^ctptieofJl)c^OT,#UIm?, 3 ,f&gt; (merrrfuHbtitome(fl&gt;owfo?moi iH topli treaae me botone ; ftep are .Daplp ^^^TO^f pnge an&amp; moubitngeme* fl&amp;ittf etkHipn* treaoe me&amp;apipe btmet t&amp;as;frtr/fo?tijfcFbcmanr!g p;oualp%^te aga pn ft mc. itjne(e6oft&gt; jamfteteffe/to^m3amaftarca/9[piit LTo^ S e 3 **H comf ojte mp fclfe fit cbeg too?b/ lib? tbc 0^ ree3i tosil^ope in oo/ananot feaml&amp;Hae

iwofthcufts can^aefl) ^enao tontomef ififiS te ^bflbe^e^e&amp;a^inmp too;tw^:ang gSf^^eefasctif /ij$ to do me mcif . Bfcfc cbep boieeaiuogrtber/tjsepe^m fel* jg ufg doft :ti)ei? matcftemn fteppep; &amp;oto ttjn? wapecatebmp foule, l5utinba?nc/fo?ft (ban efcape t^f: ana tobp: tb ou [O e otOw tbt fipfpieafute (bale caftDotonefocbe people. ' Cbou telleft mj {tyttrttgejj/ ^ou piifteft m? reared mtb?b0teu/$nomb?e(itl)em. C as&amp;enfoeuei; 3 caHbpontfteympne erte msep are put to flij5btt*b*?3j Bnotoctljat t^ouartmpoD, SB oDf0too?De torn 3 refopfe/fti $e OLo^ieg toozoetotfll! comfo?terae. fee in &lt;seoD &amp;o gf ttutt/ 9 am not afrajeb: tebat can man tfjan Do bnto mef canto ( &lt;25o&amp;) topil 3 papempbotoeg/ bmo tbe to pii 3 Bftie ft anBeg anbp?ajfe. &lt;ff o? t&amp;cu baft &amp;elpuereomp foule from teatb/atiD m? fete from faQ^tge/tbat 3 ware toaifee before ou in fyttysfr of t^e Ifupnge, Ctea;cVetb,bott6ecSinvffebfi?mCeIfr((itfielo;b/ 33 jefcapeaaUicoparbfe/tt9ibewastntbc caueano fa coubpats toitb bpm ; anb tottb wba( aftccpon fie . . gate tbmcteBBnto tbelo?btb^t:fo?cntntbalJerccip# - teen eflbe palf ce j ba t c sf b f nemjee toteat 5 bim,

*co cbauter/"* bettrope not *#fcb* a io&amp;e tue tarn of autD/tobenbefteDDe from feaui*?" ? f * into tbe caue. .j&gt;tme&lt; b*2);/tbotiWaItnotbcicofeo?tHft*attiw(a (bmetvplO.oeptbisb'eftgnifieib/aftertbcmpnat^f feirofiUtbat be ttopfc toitb ttooe ano a piles bis ioudv* aeg/tobitb moueo bim to feevrofe anb upll s jul. &lt;s &gt; t a t bin chetb it to bea ccrtf tune j mancc of Cpn ai,i j,

&lt;iDftbismt!)etpcleofcb:.yi.J&amp;falmc ^i* &lt;C metcpfull bnto me/a&gt;&lt;E5oD/ bemer* Uatpfullbntome, fo; myfome tmftetb tnat **" flje:8 bnoet tbe wabotoe of njp topnaes fbaibe mt refuge / bntjil tovebennette be ouetpaft. 3 callbnto ob tbe mottbrett/euen tbe od tbat (ball belpe me bp agapne. ^eOjaUfenoeftombeaue/ frfauemeftS fttiofttttt tbetepjofe ofbrm tbattoolbe ftoalotoeme J&amp;fai.j.a. bp. * D &gt;eiab. cbfe man &lt;5oDfenoe/fo?b^ nietcp anb 55 faptbfitlnessfaBe, iptmis J ive tt mr foule amongetbe ctueu U5ft SB? ;ww * eue amoge tbe cbli;e of men/tobofe * teaje atefpeated anoarotoe^/anbtueir tonge a fterpeftoetbe. ^etbptbpfelfe/ S5oB/abouetbebea* uenp/anb tb? glo?pabouealltbeeattb. * &lt;&amp;ve baue la pcd a neet f 02 m? fete / anb p jefieD ootone mp foule : tfytv bau e opggeo a Ppttbefo?eme/ ano are fallen Into it tbent felues. &gt;elab. bp to fpnge anb geue pjapfe. ajpunrtS tb aitoabe/ mp f *glo?p/ atoaBe lute anb fe,1 3 c g** batpe/i mpfelfetopllatoaBetlgbt eaflp. PASS?* Jtopllgeue tbanBeisbnto tbe,fiD JLo?oey Soo : at r ' gc tbe people/li topii fpnge pjapfc bn^ Mnib route to tbe amonge tbe l&amp;eitDtn, of bpm tbat , jfo?tbe greatnejs of tbp metcp mtM mm * bntotbebcauljj/anbtbp faptbfuineaebntb tbecloube?. feet bpcbpfelfe/otssob/aboue tbe &amp;ea uens( ( 'a:tbpglo7pabouealitbe eartb, CCbe.Ibiif.pfalme, Can inuectpueagapntt tfic Batttccr0 anb tmt&amp;tiS of &amp;aut/toftq tofiofc punpllbcment be p;opbpctb Jt4t&amp;* Hi* f9att5e tra&amp;mons ati&gt;c tooimrefttllp iop&amp;a. i^taMu *Co tbe cbaunKt 6 * 3ettrope nof'*flt'cb' oom " ,: i' tl,at ? e

tamofauii). oafttopo* a * lobe tftc tptle of tfie.&lt;i. $fa!me. toea tfipn3e3 b^Df th/m tfietpttcof tbe p(almene^tbtfo;e. tbat pr oi-.glic t* fffie wgitpf icacpon bere of/ pe fiatw In tbe ffiptle to tubge / SD it of t iji.pfal me. ~ femes S*# poute mpnoesi be bpon tpgbtuour* j* of * 19 rpgbt/fl) pe fonnep of men. ourttf rf , utpepmagmmtfcbefem pourebettejS/6cbethattt5Jcft anbpoureban&amp;esJbealetottbtopefieonetfe. rtrisfittorfcpc Cbe bngoblj are ftotoatDe / euen umBSSifSZ rbefc raotbetfJ toombe :a0rooneastbep &amp;fflm1 ?^b,b, bomeijjbtstft

t}.#f&amp;attfo, $&amp;Ufcfc

* &gt;

bo?ne/tbcp go a fttape anb Cp afieipes. Gt) e p a re as futpous a^eije f erpent/euen Ipse ft e oeaf a aer tbat a oppetb (jet eares. ewsrhaf &lt;a&gt; 'abatftjeflwloe not bear* tbe bopce of tbe tJS cbarmet/cbarme be neuer fo tercel*. tbe SB *?ea&amp;e tteit tetb c ob) in tbeit of mem/ tottcti moutbr s/fmpte tbe cbaft bonrss oftfte ipons ?^i^ft tobeipesinfonoer/: 3Lo?be. ** e&amp;atfbepma? e fall atoape / Ipae toatee * tbat ruraietb a pace: a tbat toben tbep l&amp;ote tbeir asotoes/tbep mar be b?oben. x, e t tbem cuiturae aaaje Ipse a fnaptt/? Ipse tbe bntpmeip ftute of a toomS; ano lee tbemnotCetbefunne. ?merpouretbo?ne0bettatpe/tto?atf . . tballtafcetbeatoavequpcfie/Ipliealtoms topnbe. cberpgbruou* aHteiopfetobf be feptb tbe bengeaunce / ana ail toaftj bps fete in tbeWoubeoftbebngoblp.

&gt; o that men wall fape/betelp tbere $ a retoarbe fo? t&amp;e rE8btuouS:boutles/tbere W . a (Soo tbat iubgetb tbeeartb, *_. . . C*c betpjetb tjrtpe agapnft bis entmpea'.Je boaflefti bistmiocentpe.l&amp;eOercctbetbtbeinaneKi cf^fsctic* a* Lose titt my :e . sr.Q propbccieilj tbeir aucngemettt. t*tta of t^.ftd. *^o tbec&amp;aunter/ 6 *beftropc not/^iJMcB* f ^L^rttamot^autD/toben &gt;aui fenbeeotoatea t!c.SaLtbel)0i'fe/tota?ntentto8rUB?m. ****"* j,^ fignpfpcac jon berof is (betorb txfivcttt (Be ri.pCaL ffibe lio;pe of this fptletpallpefpnaein tfje fp;fleftbefipnges tbcrtf. C&amp;apter. 3 **% igipuetme&amp;o mpneenempeso mp 4P 00) anb Defence me fromtbem tbat ^'rpfebpagapnftrae. e&gt; OEipuet mefromrbetopcfceb boers/$ raue me from tbe bIouotb"t&amp;2 men. f o? lo/tbep Ipe toaj?tinge f o? mp foule: f mi?gbtp men ate gatftereo toger&amp;es agapnft me/ tottbout anp offence o? fauteof me/,fl&gt; &amp;o?be. cbep tunne/anbp?epatet&amp;em felues/ toitb'outmp faute : %xii e/ come tbou belpe me/anobeboloe. 38 &gt;tanbbpfi&gt;li,o?be&lt;l5oboeiottegs/tbou btooMMHio&amp; of iftael B *to bgftt all l^eptbembenot SHISS5 fometcpfutlbntotbem # at "cnbe of ""W* K f cpous topc&amp;eDneffe. feelab. row jLettbemgotoanDfto/anunmneaboute tbecptpe/boulpngelpfsebogges. eboIbe/tbepfpea&amp;e(agapnttme)toit&amp; tbeir moutb/ftoetbes ate buber tbeir Jtppes/ fo?toborep?ouetbtbem:' uttbou{ i-ozDflfljsftfiaiKt&amp;emta bett'fiO/tbouaaltlaugftal^eitbetoCcojne. afjp tttengtb bo % afccpbe bnto tl&gt;e/foj . tftouf &lt;Cob)attmpbefenbet. - oB etoetb me bis goo&amp;neg plenteonf* *lp/(Sobiettefft mefe mpbef^e boon mm enemfeg,

^Iat&gt;e tbmnot/!eff mppeople ftggetft:

but f carte tbemab^oabe toin) tbr potoet; $ putthembotoney iLo?oem?befence. ilfo; tbe fpnne of tbeitmoutb/fo? gtoo?6C3 of tfteitisppeg/ anbbecattfe of tberc pjvw let rbem be taaemanD tob^ tbett p;eacbing i3 of cuttfengeanbisejj. onfme tbem in tbp te;atft / confume tbe m ttja t tljeg maye pe tift/anb fi note e tft a t itit cb/tobrcbniletbin Jacob anbinall tbetoojlbe. * t &gt;elab. r c f lokc ^ jLettbemgotoanQfro/anbtunne about J** 1 * tflecptie/boulpigeftSeboggejS. *" 3let tbem rfinebete anb tbeve fo? meate/ anb gruoge toben tbe* batie n ot ?nougb. a0fo?me/ito?llf?nge oftb? potoet 1% watfet&amp;rmercsbrrrmejSin tbemoitnjng: fo? tbou art m? befencc refuge in tbe tpme ofmpttouble. snto tbe ( m? ttteng{B)to?Hg! Cinge/ fo: tbou(e&gt; ob)artmpbefence/ am;met&gt; trfullob. CCbe.!!t.Pfalme. C(c fbetoeth bote o5 teftig rifpl ea&amp;aJfisa in tpa\t paftgruStijt people of Jftael into the banOsfl of tbcic encmf es/lrat 0?a f(C metcjfullp helpe them agaynt; (Jeftettetbal6)tbepotoeta!ia0omtnj8oftbe3fcae', ..,,. .... . Ipfcafljnto tDhomnotoaccfubbtieo tycityOdbtttS/tW?W&gt;n9 tbe fdbfUOinca : ano hoprth 6p the potoet af ob to fv. baue tbe Wrt ojje vttfiSlnm^th nffS *cot8ecbatmtet/bpon tbe wtt of to#* *" neffe/^fl^wetamof jg&gt;auto/ fo? WKacBuSJEJ toben be.fougbtagapna*g&gt;j?ia &lt;*4Ktfat5o2 potamia/j s&gt;p?ia of 5oba: anb toben |oab paeteof &amp;.n turneb bacfie/anb uue.jrft.tboufanlxOomp wQ * tallt4 teg/nitbebalfcfof&amp;alt. Jggg" J 000/tbon tbatjaff caff b^ one ? cauebsota. fcaterebWab?babe/tBouf bad 3. ibene to fo?e bffpieafebat tos/com* fo;tebsiagaine. ;bou tbat bafttemoueb tbe lanbe?beuf&gt; bebtt beaietbefo?egtbetof/fo; it fta&amp;etb. b*m#wto

c b o 1 1 Daft fte toeb tbr people beu; tbtn&lt; of t^m.f cftj geg/ttjou baft geue b* a B *b?rncae of topiey S52HS2 tbattoeaomb?etoitban.' KSSS yet baft tbou geuen a toBen fo? f ocbe a? of fame n s?' fca tbe / tftat tbe? mare caft itbp in m o; tbewf ttuetb. ^^ela^. mger.apw. ffibattbr beioueb mpgbt be Wlsucteb/f"^^,, fielpetbetoitbtbptrgbtbanbe/abeareme. t J* mi9 ' &lt;3obbatbfpoaeinbi0&amp;anctuarp(tobicb tbingeieiopfetbme)^ topllbeurbe Sjicbf/ 9 meate out tt)ebanepofbucbot&amp;. aiaaD is mjne/ fl^anaHeU t mpne/ gptoaim is tbe ftttngt&amp;of mmebcaoe/2u baismpcaptafne. 29oabismptoaft)potte/ouet(03omtoin . % fttetcbeoutmpQioue/pbpIpQeaMe glab of me. aebo tofllleabemcinto tar ftnngccttef 4

itlouffc V (atttton*

it3Botepnb?jgenieinw(aomf ^balt not tbou Da it, O od/ tbou tbat baft caft bs out-.tbou ob/tbat toenteft not out toitb cure bofte^ SD brtbon ourebeipeintrouWe/fo?bapi tieigtbebeipeofman. v bo?oto @ob toe ftal bo greatc actes/fb? ft is be t Ojaii treaccbotone out* enemreS. CCbeJrt.Pfairae; C&amp;e bcfjjftb to be oelpneeeO f eom pereH/ ftcaigbt toapeB/toptb apjoroeBoftbanetefgeupugeboaOetb' t M jtofte tbe tbat bw Oeff;c is beatfe&amp;fle mahetb bpm Ceife a fpgure nlleof fy-itij. of fib-!ia.tciopl'pnae of t)po fipngOomc/ &gt;bic&amp; la.ttctb i)iaiin:ri);thJt"er ti?. *co fccbautcrbpS^eginotb/of auib #

ffo nw M SC* m m * *&amp;*&amp; * oW S up W* i| t[ nOfeoftbe'fgbntompp?aper. M%tt/brfit0 **V ^jfromtbecnbfSof tbeeattb toi'ft^ S f l or !l iH bnto tbe / toben mp bwe ts in trouble? SalrapJ ^ tEt mE &amp;p bpon a " wt roc6c " - ' mftmt oe ^o?tboua mpbope/a ftrongtotoet fo? He/i tome me agaj nft tbe enempe. caiof tbe t&gt; a topit otoeji m tbp tabernacle fo? euer/ 8828? ^at?:napebefafetonbertbe couerpng* of Se'StbFtofnges. fiti* ttintbofc 13 if o? tbou/l,o?b/baft berbe mpbelftes/ tboubaftgeucnanberetagebntotbofetbat



*SB ft" fl ' a graunt e tbe fipnge a longe

Mr in.: tooio ipfe/tbat be peaces map enbure tbo?oto out BfaiM.iatabe a jt gencratpons. '"\w8i 2f bat bt ma ? e otoe11 Drt "W 00 f w wfl* KS 6 Jet tb ? l0U f"B e mf * ano fsstbfuims SSF'eap?eferutbpm. mto tbcatmoa &gt;o topH 3 an toape ff nge p?apres bnto |J2 B to 3jtbpname/tbat j mase bapip perfoutmc m* Kdt t cbe.Wi ?&amp;faime. ' , Mb br/ botoC5?feacbetbtotrua to^oboneip'anbneeto mcn&gt; tmstoten J nttbcttoatipoftbeitflctngtbea o? armpe0:anbbe# b;out IXcoitu Ccrpbetb tbf fretoatoencs antujanptpe; toptb tbe fciaipii 3 call bengeautite tbat abpbtibtt from abone. fcWII CbC 40,* t ma citerCp B *Co tbe cbauntet/fo? 6 * |butbutt/ toobtapnc mj a pralme of J^auib.

ttBUCft 30 /V&gt; * fouIC toaptetb onlp bpon &lt;E!oD J fo? Me tbe 4m|ofbpni commetbmpbflpe. tjtieof tbe.o..* ^eonlpisnip ftvengtb/mpfalua* ?^i. i Pon/mpbeience/rotbata allnotgteat* 5*a3fii)jatei t *f a H it of tbe ,mu ^ oto Ion 8f topll pe pmagpn mprcbefe mmt. agapnft euerp man; pe aalbe fla jne all m t*uo m of be f o?te of pou-.pee as a tottrpngt toall all pe SS; 8eirbcu?cetsonIpboto toputbimout/ bw ttou* P tbeir belite is in lves:tbep geue goob too;bc S tiuj to banc toptb tbeir moutb/butcurfetttbeirberte. "wungttf feeiab. BKSIte ^wettfteleu-e/mp foule abiben) onlp bp0 ^tairb.b ana i0b/f0? fte IS mp &lt;S500, ?F.b l ;

^e onlpis mp ftregtb/mp faluac jS/amp BCfenttib tbat 3 mail not fau. 3nobism|'bfaltb/mpgio?p/mpmiabt/ anbinobismptruft. j3&gt; put poure truft in bpm all teare ( Be people) pourc out poutebettesbefo?e bum/ ^^ ^ fo?(2Sobisourebope. 6 *^&gt;elab. tbtcbgfatnti as fo? men/tbep are but ba jne//mcn ate C bpCceatftiir.bpontt)e toepgbtestbtp are ail togetbtt Ipgbtet tban banpte it felfe; sS&gt; truft not in to?tmge anbtobbetp/geue not poure feluesbnto banpte: pf rscjjesen* creafe/fetnotpoureberte bpon tbem. &lt;E&gt;ob fpabe once a too?ce/ttepfe baue % beatbetbe fame: tbat potottbeiongetb bn=tocuob. ff D&amp;t tfidu % o? o e art metcpfulT/ anb tbat tbou retoatbeft euerp man acco?bi&gt;nge to biStoo?6cs. ir&amp;e ftctoetfi boto be gane bts mp nbe to tbe cotttem* placponof tbegooOnttanti potoec of GoO/ano was tbcittttb toanOeefuIlp comfo;teo / tobnt be toas ab Cent from tbe boip feaft tn tbeaiiaecnes of 3fu0a/ njjougbe tbe petfttntpon of Saul : ana bote be Catoe

Sp tbe fp;ete(Uotb bis craltacpon ano tbe Beftcucciott r, u fbiBcncmptojtobermbcalCofigureeb ffib^a^nacr a *'? f rneanefbj tbepctfimofbpmfctfe. " tbewptOrrnes a ^falme of@auiD/toben betoas in tBeiW,h?fe5 f*toplbcrnesofiuba. g^ m tip cb / tbou art mp ob : earlp topll I ^ febetbe, flF p foule tb?u ftctb fo? tbe/mp fle Icr gcrft after tbe in a baten anb D?pe lanbe/ toberenotoateris. Cbus bo 3! lefce fo? tbe in fbp&amp;Sctuarp/ tbat 3 mtgbt ibebolbe ttjp potoet anb glo?pi &lt;Jf o? tbp loupnge bpnbneffe is better tben Ipfe/mp Ipppes wall p?apfe tbe. aglongeasilpuetopligrttagnpfp ^^ anblpftbpmpbanbesintbpname. ^ #p foule is fattfff eb f uen as it toere t5 marp a fatnede/ toben mrmouti) p?apfetbj tbetoitbicpfulllpppcS. 3n mpbebbe to^l3 rememb?etbe/ ana toben gitoafiemptaffiimjeftjalbeof tbe !jfo?tboubaft benempbelper/anbbnDetfl tbe Ibabotoe of tbptepnges toplll rciopfe. flpp foulebangetb bpon tbe / tbp tpgbt banbebpbolbetbme. cbepfefieafttt mpfouie/buc in bajne/ fo? tbep ftall go bnbet tbe earn). **bfp mallfallmtotbefteetbe/anbbeab*!* mfanctii pc?cponfo?foite0.. i 5Put tbe ftpnge (ball tetopfe in ob : all tfeeptbatftoeare bv Mm/matte coramenbeb/ fo? tbemoutb of ipets fbalbe ftoppeb. CCOc.lrmT.pralme. CH P? apcr agapnft be t rape re^ vrh o fe D ifpofp tpon fjl 6tf(ribct|/anOp;opbEtjcibtbtifawngtinent.


a* lobe tbe tptlrof thciig 3talmc 3

*co t^e ebauntct:/ a Pfaime of auto. Care mp bopce / &lt;3oo/ in my corn* plapnte/pjefetue mpipfefromfeare ofttjeenempe. poemefrom c&amp;egatftcrptise to getbet of f frotoaroe/fr5 8eapcott?cfieo ooera. iiabtcbtobetttbewtongeafe&amp;eaftoeflje/ anoftwte totcb t&amp;eitbenpmoug toojoeg ipse agtottbaroiseg. cbattttepmappmteipbutttbeimiocet/ afooenlp to bitbpm toitb out an? feare. 56 Cbepfiaueoeupfeompfcbefe/acomimn neo amonge clje felueg/boto tbe pmaplape * fnareg'4 u OK f a? e t&amp;ep ) tobo Q) all ft t^emf

bttmtof be?pmagpn toBCBeonea/'aaepe itfe* 6ect/arc tbote f te amonge tbem felueg/ e ue rp man in the tbat nether fig OCPC Of $0 ftetW. &amp; J P 2 ? JSut aH ftWMF- ftutf an arote/ S5K p^atflepuMb* toounoeo. tuoffli good 7* **&amp; atone tongea Qmll mafie t&amp;em areftoucei) irnt fall/info mocbtbattobofo fepn) tbem/ftjall atttagftfuigig laugb tbem to fco^ne. 5?Smi ani,a ne * mteitmm mam bat&amp; *S SrSSJ &lt;SoBDotic/ fo;tbet?amUpetceaue tbat it f* eowcttteo onlf&amp;ES* too;e6e. wj brs w cbc tigbtuoug fDall reio pfe mt^nLo;&amp;/ gggjpNWtMl troBinbpimanoaHtbep tbat aw

be.W&gt;.falme. ^^ * **'" f$e fcctoetb tbat oO wb icb p;iuctpal!p s pjoperlp rulctbiBS&gt;!on(bpwbicb isfigrn'fieB the congrcgacio oetbefap|bfult)ougb.ttoUe fctiotoraana Wftopptb of attmcmbecaufe he geuttb aboun&amp;aunccf both of thinges pa r t e p n I ng to this Ufe/j o f be u{ Ip thing(aifo. a lobe tbe 1 6 *^ $ e c&amp;auntet/a pral m e ano fonge tptie ofthe.H' Of JBatltO. 3 f8lm * ,&gt;nw^oii/0)oDyattpwiWtej&amp;foii/f a r (Fbtito tbe t0 tbe botoe petfOurmeo. ^^ C&amp;ou beareB tt)e p;apet / t&amp;erf o?e commetb aflfle a bnto tfye. sDuremtfDeDEjsp^euaiJleagajtittbiS/SD^ be $ou mercp full Onto oure fpnn ea. 53iefffo 10 tbe m tobom tbou cbofea ano KceaueBbntotbe/tbatbe masOtoeiitn top ft alb e fa tiff pen bin) toe pleafu* test of top ftouftyeuen of tbp b&lt;&gt;lP temple. ~&gt; $ ea r e bg/aecoioing but o tbp toonaer full ^rigft tuouuieffty oo oure faluacpS: tbou tOat ate $c ftope of an tfte cm? of tye cawe / anOoftQef&gt;;oaoefee. iB^c&amp;m^fireg^ fetter fad mou&lt; tapneg/a ho to gs;oeo aboute tuttb potoer. I&amp;fc&amp;ft#tett)t8e tagfnge of tetee/ - toarpige of Big toauW/ ano t&amp;e toooone? of ft e people. bet&gt;t&amp;atotoeimt&amp;ebttermooapatte0 awafta?eoat tfttftofienss/tfiou mafitSbon) ttjemojnpngjeumpngttawejstopjapre^. C .c&amp;oubtuftatQeeattb/t&amp;outoatmfttt/ anomafcett ttWtrplcntwuit,


CBccgu!of.(!5oBi?fuoftoatettS/t6ou Prepare a ma&amp;&amp; co;nt/a t&amp;u9 tbou p;out&lt; Otftfo;taecaWB.

c&amp;outoatewflftcc fo?otoeg/tBou bjea^ fied t &amp; e battv clottes tbe t o f / 1 b ou mas e a it f o f t totb tbe &amp;? oppes of rarne; a bleaeft (be fnoeafeoftt. . cbouctotonetttbepeaie tottb'tbsgooo/ ! bsBgh fc , anbtbp w fottaeppesiowppcfatne(tt. tnteSS eb e Dtoellpnges; of tbe tt vloetneg ar e f at ttn= a t tbt cl0 ; alfo/tbat tbep o;oppe toitft ail: ana tbe ijtie " . ca bWiestawpieafauntoneuetrffOe. fmuaw, cbe fofiwatt full of aepc / tbc ballets "" Oanoe fo tbicfte toftb co?ne tbat tbc^ iaugb anof^nge. CCbe.ftbi.Pfalme. CatbanBftgiuingfojtbcDeliueraunccoftbepeopte ofJCcaEl/tobcctn tbe pfalm jtt monetb all men to (be alobe (5c p;ap&amp;ngeoftbe&amp;o?bc. tpticofibcitj *cotbecbauntrr/a pfarmcof3auio.PfiiBe ' ^tfefotfullm d5oD/apelanoeS/finse ^]p4p?agfegbntotbebonorof byname/ *^mafse b tjs p?apfe to beglo?pou*. &amp;a?e ontopoo:&gt; bote toonaeifullare tb?too;cbctf tbo?oto tbe greatneffe of tag potoet (ball tppne enemp eg be confounoco. fl&gt; tbat all tbe too;loe tooioe too?fljpppe tfte/ffnge of tbe/spjapfe tbr name.&amp;eiab. O come mw ano beboioe tbf too?clie3 of &lt;E5oo/ta&gt;bfc&amp; i? f o toonoetfull to b9 oomgj amonge tbe cbplOjen of men. ^e tutneo tbe fee into o?pe lantft/ fo tbat 8 net teente tbo/outbeteateron fote:tbet fo;etepIl toeretopfembt'm. I^e mien) tottbbpspotoet fo? euer/btf epej8bebolbetbepeople:tbe enagatejSftalI bsl&lt;lS . &amp;l notbeabletocwite tbemfelueo, (, *^elab.Si,tf,a ' magnpfpe oute 00/ ^e people/ma&amp;e tbe oopce of bus pjatfe to be bearoe. ibb boioeta oure foule in itfe/ano fuf* ftetb not oure fete to apppe. if 0; tbou/ &lt;EfoO.' baft pjouebtof/ tbou baft tcpeo 0$ Irbe as fpluet ia ttjeo, . C Cbou baft b;ougbtba into captfurte/s !a;eb ttoublc bpon oure lopnea. cbou baft fuftwomen to tfOe ouer cure

beaoea/toe toente tbo;oto fp?e a toater/ but tbou baft tyougbt bS out/ ano re fteft eo bjs. Cdetfoje topll 3 go into tbP boufe toptb bcftofftpngeS/topa?etbempbotDe3/tobb 3 P?ompfeotoi$mp(pppeaya fpaae topt^ mpmoutb/tobengi toao in teouble. 91 topnoftte onto tbe fattbjentfaerfficea toitb tbe fmone of tammea/3 toill oftte bul* locoes anOgoatea. gseia'b. o comebitbet a Betsen/an pe tbat featea &lt;3o0/3 topu teu eou / tobat be batb bone fo; mptoile. g caiieotntobprn toitb mp ntout&amp;/anD gauebprnwapieatoitb mp tungr.



-; 'Sf3 wcipnebnta topcSeoneffe toitb mp berte/tbe iLo;De toplirtot beate me. Cberfo;e (Sob batbBearoeme/ano confp* D^cDtbebopceofmpp.zapee. ^;agreo be pO/tobicb batb not call out ntp p?apo:/nei t urneD bia mcp fro me. _ CCbe.rjbif.^faime. G&amp;e top!Tt)cth tbe fauouc of0ob to tbepcople of Jf raclytotbpntflittljattbwbp tbchnottlcOgc jpjapfe of bis goaip gooanes ma je be fp;caSe tbojoto tbe bole too^lbe. * * $ Z Z***%* cbauntee/in 6 *j9egmoa)/a Pfal^ pmcfo;tbi mearonge, S* ^|^ flDObemeccpfuil bntoba/bIeffeba/9 , n rt rf ftEtoetoeipgBt of bpa eountenaunte

tjn t f e p&amp;i. ^-^ opon bg. * ( aaeiab wm*%S , cbattoemapBnototbptoapebpoeattb/ wftuiietota. tbPfaupngbealtb ambngeall^eitben. )Let tbe people p?apfe tbe/0 00/ pee ret aH people p^pre tbe. SD rettbepeopiereiopfeanobegiab/tiiat tbouiuogeft tbe folSetpgbmou0p/ano ad ueineft tbenaeponabpon eattb. ]iettbepfopiep;apfeebey(oo/let ail people pjapreaje. 00/ euen oure atone &lt;ESoO/geueba bw Dletrpnge/tbat tbe earn) mape fepngefo/tB Berencreafe. ^ (Koobietreba/anDiet a the mm of tbe too?rDeffatebpm, ^^ cbe.ftbitj^farme. Wepctottb the great goobnea i toonbctfuilpotoee 52**2 tb j lt ' 0:a epercifea totoarb &amp;ib people j the bolp wponnDe)of tbe Sfliang/ thuCbompteB/f the aw inonpteB: fpflucingeopenlp tbfrin the bpnabome of SSSSSP" l,c (m &amp;? the f P' cte f f 'He bole ttwtteteliieobepKttbec^eOt vbo/tetb allmento MUttfie S^P'arfcwtotbejUijOe. SK! # *"&amp;anter/a^&amp;lmeanofonge * FWmr * ofj&amp;aufo. 3 31- t**(BoBatffe/foajalibfaenempeabe inpsbaiiretb jgLftattereo/ ano tbep tftat bate bpm/ fflail mtfn&gt;" fleebefo;ebrm. Ha to S k *** Kmo&amp;ebanpqjetb/foftalttbott wtoant. o?Puetbematoape:sipBeaatoare meltetb awr. * b at tbe fp?e/fo mall tbe bngoorpperpft at tbe w.a.rui9.B.p?efenceof(!eioo. ^ ^ ,A tfutaerpgb&amp;ioua.foattegraoatefopfe 6efo?e oo/tbep fbalbe merp a iopfull b fpnge bnto ob/fpnge p?apfea Onto bwname-.magnpfpebpmtbattpoetbaboue tbe beauena (tobofe name ta tbe %om ano reiopa before bpm. 55 ^wsafatberoftbefatbeweoe/beias ; mi enoei of topoootoea: euen &lt;boo in bia boft

. Babptacpon, v e i^eia tbe 00 tbatmanetb men to be of one mpnoe m a boule/ano b^pngetb tbe p#?


foners out of captpupte inoue feafon/ but Uttetb tbe renagatea cotpnue in f carcenefle &lt;3oo/tobentboutoemea fonu before tbe people/ toben tbou toenteff tboioto the topfterneae, ^&gt;eiab. beeartbfboBe/anotbebeatieao?oppeo at n)e p;efence of 00 in &amp;inui at tbe p^ fence of ob/tobicb ia tbe 00 oHftael. ,... Cbouoofenoefta t *graewusiaime^ Wp ' f ' ,i ' 8rffl bpoottpneenbmtmmce/anS^^ toben it iao?pe.&lt; . . . . too;a ? j B of P ci Cbattbp beaft? map btoell thetini mthT^A^ ' tbou of tbp gooonefltbaa P^pareo'foJtbeLtoS.S im %*m an geue tbe mmmlt m ^ greateboBeaofcuangeipliea. ,J5K 0toft l^ ,;a , m, ^ ftan * /ano tbep of tbe boulboloeaialiDeupoe tfpopie 3!ffobetbat:pelpeamongetbe palea/fte ooueafetberaftalbecouereo'toitbfpluer/a ber topngca of tbe colour of gotee/ *iS*S ^3HmjB6tpfttt8 fipngea bpo peartb/it fbalbe eleare eue in tbe oarcfinea. *&amp;Wl of ffiafan iatsooa bpn/tbe bpll of JSafantaaplenteouabPH. JSS 1 * 8 ^^ C ? DiDE " b P" Wa bPH/ migfttp bpngei peetbejLo?OetopliabpDetnitfo?euer. ^becbarettea of ooare man; fl , fp*J3 mea a tbouranpe/ tbe to?oe ia amonge tbe mtbebojp s&gt;niat. . Cbou art gonebp an bpe / tbou baftfeo captpupte captpue/ano rece aueo gpftegs f 02 xnmytt euen fo; tijpne enempea / tbat tbep mtgbtotoentoftbtbeju&gt;#eoo. e

?&amp;;apteo be tbe fco# baplp/euen tbe oO tobtcb.belpetb 6a/ a pouretb bra benefptea bponba *$betab. 00 n&gt;e Ho?oe bp tobom toe efcape oeatb. S 9 * beootbatfmptetbtbe enempegbpon tbe beaDea anb bppn tbebeane fcalpeg:focbe aa go on Bpnirttbeir fopefieoneg. cbe B,o?Dbatb faroe-.fome topigj biftttt agapne from 58afan / fometepll 3 stumsc agapnefromtbeoepeoftbefee. : bat tbpfote map be opppea in tbe WouO of ftpneenempea/anotbat tbpooggeamap ipcnettDp, 2titoeBftne/oO/bototbou goeft/ bpto tbou mp 00 ano Spnge goeft in tbe &gt;anctuarp, . . . . cbeftngeragopefoze/anDfbenttjemwti % - * i flreia amonge tbe mapoea to tbt tpmbiera. . a&gt; geue tbanbegbntooob tbejio?be iniff tbecongregacpon/fo? tbe toenea ofaftaef. ; cbere iptfe eniamin|/tbe ^?pncea of 9m j tbe feigner? of 5abuIon / ano the gfpncea of ^epbtbalp beare ruleamongc tbera, cbg


Cbp Sob &amp;aft comptteb Orengft bnto / (tabled) fteftinge/ ob/tbatftoubatt to?oug&amp;tinbS. 4fo2 ftp tniipW fabe at $erafalera all fepngesb?pngep?efentesbntotbe. aAep?oueftebeattesamongetbeteebes/ ftebeape ofbulttStotft ftecaiues-.ftoft g 0?puefo?monep. fityfcatre fte people g belptefn bataple. cbe#?pnces (ball come out of ifgp pte/ fte go?ps lanb (bail ttretft out fjet bang

bntoob. -' e , &gt;pngebntoob/pebrngbomesoEi&gt; eartb:fpng p?atfeSbntojlo?b *&gt;elab Ji3b t ft f i'tteft in ft e beauen s ott e r all ft o tbebegpnnpnge:%o /be allfenbe out ft* bopce/p ee anb ftat ampgbtpe bopce. aicrpbe pe fte potoer bnto ob/&amp;r'Sglo* p ia m ifta el/anb biSmigbt in fte ciouoeis. &lt;3 on is toonberfull in bis g&gt;amtuarp/ be is fte @ob of 3lfrael/ be topH geue ftrf gft anb poaerbnto bis people, jeieOeb be oo.


ll cbe.lrif.l&amp;falme. C?l cSpIapnte of tbegreat aoucrCiijce of JDauib/tesv tpigtbc figure of fftttittt ofttjc fapnctcB j ffbtf* a inhf flit een/bifltneml*e8.ano after/a pjapee fo? beljurailcc rf if nf *&gt; tbcrfromrOTben aiopfuil rewpftnoe fa? belpe flenew S ikfaim tof $ apjopftcc jc of tbeentte aft oftbt cbub iopiwO wLMt a*n(t&gt;, t&amp;etunco. nfrSe *un **co fte cbauttterbpon&lt;*&gt;oranim tbe tvtle of tbe OfautD. yis.j&amp;faime. ^ Hpeme/oD/fo?fte f *toatcrsate S -3 come in euenbntompfouie. !&amp; " 3! upebefauin $ bepemp?e/tobere SSStfS BWW/ai am come into bepe toaters/ ficsof otatb. 3ftefloubeStoplIb?otoneine. 1 amtoeerpofcrptng/mpft?otet'$sb?pe/ mp fpgbt fa? left me/fo? toaptinge fo longe bponmpob. sbepftatbate metotftouta caufe ate mo ften f beams of mpbeab:ftepftat are mpne enemies $ tooloeoeStop erne giitieffe arempgbtpr.3 am f apneto pape fte tbing$ ft at 5 neuer tofie. ~ obftou finotoeft mpfpmplenetfc /.anb * mpfautes arenotbpb ftom fte.

jUtnotfteftattfuamfte/DJLo^i(Sob o f $ oo aes/be albameb fo? mp caufedet not ftofeftat fefte fte /be confounbeb ftojoto me/obof3fwel. 3nb tobp^foiftrlafie bo!Jfufte rep?ofe/ fbamecoueteft ray face, | am become a ttraunger bnto mp b;e* fcfffaH*ft?m/9analeafitbntompraotbetscbplD?e. &amp;US22S tfo?fte B .*?eleof ftpne boufebaft euen SSmS ^aSeatenme/anbfte tebubesof fteftat rebu* .*ri!^ltebtbe/ftJfaUenbponme. C 9! biepte anb ftatteneb m p felfe tot ft fa* ftpge/anbftattoa* tutneb tomprep?ofe. 9 put onafacn cloft/ anb ftetfo?e fte? iefteb bponnie.

be? ftat fate in ft e gate/ fpabe agapntt me/9fteb?ocBaroesmabe Conges bpon me. tfutTlotf e 3. mabe mp pv bnto fte In an acceptable tprae. $eateme/flD oD / toitb ftp gteate , met* cpanofureOElpe. cafieme out of mr^ / J fpncbe not: Cb let me beoelyuerebftom ft em ftat bate ine/ano out of fte bepe toatew. t n tt ft , jLeftfte toatetflouDD?objne me ftat fte tabic kmcL bepe ttoalotoemenotbp/anoftat fte wtte '..! ftutnotbetmoutbbpon me. &amp;&amp;* ^ )Lo;D/fo?t6p loupngbjnb, Srgjj^ ncfle is comfortable :tutne fte bnto me tt&amp;tmtynw co^btnge bnto fte gteate metcp, oedruttis m ftpienot ftr face ftomftp ft ruaunf/fo?" " % 3 amin trouble: bafle fte to belpe me. ^ M ' 3D?atoe nj e bnto mp foule/^i faue it: fiDb Sqtk belyuetmebecaufeofmpneenemjes. bjujoatapiwa bou finotoett mp rep;ofe / mj (bame 8 c r a ?&lt;u 'O^w mp bf (bonour :msneafiuetfarjtsare all in KjgJ ftP fRSbt. . tchctunto'tlicj rbe rebufie b;ea6eft mp bette/ anbma* mapbefoboa; fieft lobe fo? fome to bane pptpe { *? ti bpon me/but ftcre tsno man: f fo? fome to XL '&amp;, comfo?teme/butgiftnbenone. rfawE *

cbecgauemegail to eate/anbb;btn fimmmts teas fturcp/ftepgaue mebmegertobjtbe. ^m m fc %tt ftetr stable be mafie a fnare to tafie Jg : .^' ft em feints feift ali/anoccafpon to fall anb S % aremarbebntotbcm. icmco.^on )Letftetrepesi)ebitnbb/ftatftepfenot: | ? t !) E[ P'"ti'ai ano euetbotoebotonefteitbacbes. LSI* |&amp;oto?e out ftrne moignacpon bpon fte/ S3&amp; an&amp;ietftptojaftfalloprpleaCureta&amp;e&amp;oiDeftjK mo tt&gt;c offtem; tf flown/ jLet ft eir babptacpon be bopbe/? no man ^ u g to btoell in ft eir tcntes. SffiS ijfojftep perfecute bfmtobomftoubaa n mBo;noncat fmpten/anb befpbeftp pjoimbes ftepbaiieaii/iti6iiitrt geuenbpmmoo. 2H3fB 3let ftem fall from one topcbebneffe to B f m **&lt; anofter/^ not come into ftp wgbtuoufncffe, * * *%etftfbetoppeboutoffteboBeoffte (nam Iluing/$ notbe to?ptteamogef n'gbtnous. net ty tie ^, ais fo? me/31 am poo?e anbm betipneffe/ p &lt;m letftp belpebefenbeme/flDob. 25f5ff . cbata map p?apfe ftename of ob toift K,2Jt afonge/a magnr'fpe it tot'tb ftnnfiefgt uttig. i F f E .iic Me Cb'S all pleaft fte %mw better ftenof m m abullocfie/ftatbaftbo?nesattboofes. S 0&gt; conrpb?etW0anbbeglab(peftatbein^ J E aouerfptofebeafter ob/anb toure foule^tcio^^ ftalllpue. fliimtioofgow f o? fte Jlo?oe beareft fte poe?e/ anb be* m *S'*J*' fppftftnotbpsp?eroners. ' , r JjfSS 3Let beauen anb earft pjapfe bsm/fte fee ^aiM anb allftatmoueftfterin. sDnmci^s. ^fo? ob topll raue &gt;pon / 9 buptte fte |W eptpesof Suds/ ftatmenmap btoen ftere/ awWA anb

(|,iSf^fttttU ^faU^,l^

anbbaftftemtopoBeffpon. let ftem be confounbeb anb perffo/ftai Cbefcbeofbps feruauntesftanmberet are agapnft mpfoulejlet ftem be couerea ft/tbejglbuebisnameallbtomfterm, totft ftame anb bpSbonoutc/ ftat fc&amp;e SS


CCbe.lW.^ralme. Ctc tK?l&gt; bslpe^* c&amp;eauensemitaf&amp;Ceniemirt/ a l( hf tit tbac tbe fapnetre mape kid j cc of bis a jotI jfftofi6c9- *co fte cbaunter/of auiD to b?png fto". torememb?atince. " * ""1^ tte tfte/;ffi&gt; ^oo/to belpuer me / 9 tobeIpeme/)Lo?be. b .,. . , H pjam J JUttftembe Ibameb ^confoft* phlUESLPM ftat fefie after mp foule:*let

ftem be tumeb bacbtoarbe/anb put to con* fufpon/ftat topft mp eupll. % et ft em fone be b?ougbt to ffiame/fta t crte ouer me/tbere ftete. ^. WiW w wuu , _ utletaHftofetbatftbefte/betopfun age/tobeniam grapbeabebsbntpiif baue fglabinfte:anbletanfocbeasbelptelnftf etoebftpnearmebntocbplbers cbplb?e/

meeucll. 3is fo? ml % topll pacpentlp abpbe an ^ toape/anb topll euer encteafe tbpp?apfe. SBV mouft (ball fpeabe of ftp rpgbtu' oumeffeanbfaupngbealft ** all fte na&amp;iMwwi !onge/fo? 31 bnotoe no enbe fterof, . wnje S jietmego m()Lo?be ob) anb* topn 9imm mabe mencpon of ftp;potoer anb rpgbm* Jffififfi

cufneffeonlp. ffllSSSSS : cbou / eb / batt ierneb me frfl mp fplMmuA jouft bpbntpllnoto/fterfo?e topB % tell of ftptconberouPtoo?cfies. ifo?fafie me not/ ob/inmpne oiae

faupnge bealft/fapealtoape;ftex,o?be be p?apfeb. as fo? me/3! am poo?e m mpfetp/ fia fle fte&lt;iobfo?tobelpeme. bouartmpbeipe/mp rebemer anbm; #oDjffl&gt;b mabe no longe tatpenge, y^***- h '^falme. ceeftetoctfina'iB fie tans (Sfa;ttdoftbcl,Mti{|(tA BB^cbaBpiefectico b(m fence be teas a cbplte'Cb be to IDe not f 0? Ca Se i)im tn b is age^totjf b&gt; befmeb be Ux agapnft theme as it 10 fuppofea) tbat comCplceO tm'ib auftlom:* bora tjesauepjapfe anatliffnc&amp;es to fjim, 3 rt*0fte/-o?be/ is mptrudj letmene* ^1 u be put to confuCpo/but tpbbeme/s j-Ffirtpttermefto?oto tbp rpgbtuoutieflf: enclpne ftpne eate bnto me/ 9 belpe me. $eftoump8rongebolbe(toberebtto a mapealltoapebOtbouftat baa p?ompfeb to belpe ftou attmpboufe of Defence anbmpcaCeil. Pelpuer me/ mp ob/out of ft e banb of fte bngoblp/out of ft e banbe of bntfgb* tuousanbcruellman. f 0? ftou/fiD jLo?be tPob/art fte ft fnge 3 longe fo?/ftou artmpbopeeuenftomp pouft,

ftp potter to al fte ftat ate pet fo? to come. Cbprpgbtuoufneg/ ob/is berpbpe/ ftou ftat boett greate ftrngewfl) ob/tobo isipbebnto mi D tobat great troubles anb abuerfpties 9 ball ftou wetoeb me; anb pet bpbeftftou turneanbrefreQi me.pee anb b?ougbteume from fte bepe of fteearft agapne.

CboubaS b?ougbt me to greatbonoure/ anb comf o?tebme on euetp cpoe. betfo?e toiii 3 p?apfe fte anbftp fapft fulneae/SD ob/plaptngbpon fteiute/ bn to fte topll j] fpnge bpon fte barpe/ ftou "ftolp one of Ifrael. , ,. fflpp ipppes toolbe fapne fpnge P?apfesSK bntofte:anbfotDOlbempfouietobom ttouimttj baftbelpuereb. flp p tonge talbeft of ftp rpgbtuoufneae all fte oape longe /fo?ftep are confounbeb anb b?ougbt bnto (bame/ ftat fougbtto bo meeuea. cbe.lrtn&gt;raime. epmtSM$aVtbEB?ngbome of^Sbbmapc come tbdjoto JEbJift'J p;opbec;etb of tbc nolilencs / rmh' JuoufneayplentpfulneD'anobutalileiiesDfrbiBbpnji

bitC6^o(t ime of Jftaell

ph.,..r,-i,i. u .&lt;i.. . - . iBuui/pwunrnMii/aiiuuucHuiciiEBDc:oiBaj)tn{^ 3 bane leaneb bpon fte euetfence 9 teas borat^utautinoet tb* ftabomeof tbe bpnge omeoP lo?ne/ftouattbegtofiemeoutofnn'mo s jSatomon. . fterstDSbe/ftetfo?etsmfMi)rfateae f Salomon.

of fte.. 35^ 3 am becomeaiuonberwitoftemmtps

rf* &lt;ut ft c itpnge ftp fubgemf t/j ob/ ^%rpgbtuoufnebnto tmw*5*i*Ml *onne. _ ........ ^ tapnc9aren people aeco?* betaante tbe ' )00?e. JJttatttienana


bletmpmouft be fpllebtt tbpp;apfe anbbonourallftebapelwtgc. DPngebntorpgbt/anbbefenbeft ii2KS!Ste2Ffi!9? f/li * &lt;wtfte-*mountapnes mape M|SSSSS&amp;S *1S55Sfflft9S ea e * w - PMce/anb fte iptle bplies immSSSSSSni rtftSK^KiP^ a ? a?name/ ^to fte people. 5BSJ2 fteptbatiapetoaptefo?mf fouie/tabeften; e aofiepe-fte fpmple fone bp fteir Sw t^ct r tig* ^!Sf sefter/fapenghobbaft fo?fa* upgbt / befenbe fte cbplb?en of fte poo?e / 9 "2f ? P^"? fienbgra/perfecutebpm/te6e|iim/fo;ftea puTitfteto?ongusboer. ~ SSSffl* ^'SSSESBEL.^ - . cbouftaltbtiSrebaslongas fruime* Ww ^ ^yKSS 1 ^'* Wsw ' oD / aramow enbuteft/from one generacpon Baaeftetqbeipeme, toanoftw,


$e air cbmeuotone Ipfie t&amp;ewpne in" to aaefeoftoolie/si8&amp;et&amp;eD?pppegitbattoa* 3nbpg tpmeafli*gbtuou(heeeflo?p/ feeaa abounbaunceof peace /folcngeag ttjemoneenauretb. $t0bompnt&gt;onfflalbeftomt&amp;eonefeeto : tbe otber/s front tfiefloub bnto tbe toofl&amp;eg enbe. d*AM( k.1 cbeptbat otoeumt&amp;e topibeme* an finge of eE|e ^C Spttgeg Of t&amp;t ft?? Of tbe TlegfijaJI gS? M, * btftgepjefenteg/tbeftpngegof arabpanb w* &gt;aba8)aUoat:egpfteg, _ a li apises &amp;jaUtoo?l&amp;ppeBsm/anb all fjeatben (bail Do bpm retupce. ff jf o? be all belpuet tbe pooje toben He *ci?etb/anbtbeneaDptbatbatbnobeipe. $efl)albefauo;sableto ftmpie $poo:e/ be all pjefewetbefouleg of foveas be m aouerfpte.

$e mail Delpuet tbeie Couleg from ewo?= cponanbto?ong/anboeajea)all tbeirbloub tariSlhft '^Owlllpue/anbbrito b?mCba!bege&lt; afr aabrssi. nen of tbe goioe of Arabia :fc;aper alb e &gt;; tte potf maue euerbnto bpm/ ana baplpe all &amp;e be Of* ferae, ftajfcfi. cbere albe an beape of ce?ne in tbe eattb bpe bpo* tbe btlleg/Big frate flwl fljafie IPfte Hibanug/anb (Dalbe grate in tbe c?e e/ ipbc gtaffe bpontbe eattb. s 19^ name all enbute foi euet/btg name ^QjallKmapnebnbet: tbefunne amonge tbe po aerftesi/ tobttb ftalbe hum tb w to (jirn/ ana as tbe eatbm all p :apfe btm. TSlem be tbe %om &lt;sob/ euen tb e &lt;s oo jf3frael/tofifc&amp;onlpbotbto5Dcroiig t&amp;ingr. 4BnabieffeDbetbenameofbfematetlpfo'2 tuet/anb a'iHatfKftteftfl&amp;K34 to i tb W glo rpjmen/3men. " C^ere enbe tfi e pjaperg c f &amp;au tb tbe tonne of feffe. cXf)ct|)p?Delcat?rc, cJeJWcW^faftiie. ;'' i ^' ,, - f ' CfcSjrtortt) tinto t\)t confolatpo of flje gooIp/tonrfc&amp; act greuei) anBofieoteo tupty tlje pjofptrpte of tlje Snptijca.^otnimijuacsoUBanenof it tfrnput* SMt sgapiitljotofottmateanoijapppatitnBtt^tmpftcpc to&amp;cttatt) t^egoU; ftsnu tjew to te tfest jf&amp;/$alBt KttacOtOtDttl). 2ipfalmeof3!fap&amp;. a -rftN otolousngei(sobbnto|ftael/{o *#sfticbeagateofacUanebe# **^ $euettbeieaempfetetoeteaImoff gone m teeabpngegbab toell npe appte. 3nbtoBp?3! toag gwuebat tbe tope&amp;e&amp;/ ttfttbebngoblf tofocbe p?ofper?te.


iff o? tbe? aw in no pawn of beatb / but Oan&amp;e fas ipbe a palace. bep come in no mpffojtune If&amp;e otber f olfie/n etbet ate tbep piageb ipse c tb er me. . &lt;%nBtbi0tgtbecaure tbattbepbe to puft bpmpDe/anb ouettbejmeB toit&amp;cwtte anbbntTgbtuoiKneoe. CbtllwltoeUfo?atneae/tbe|Doeue tobattbepifft. Co;mpre ace t&amp;et/ anb fpeabe blarpbe* tttpe* mal;cpouQ;/p;oube anb p; efump w* pugatetberctooflxp. cb? ttracb b);tb tbettmoutb bnto tbe beaueny 9 tbe it toge goetb tbo; oto mm, : bet^o;e fall tpe people bnto tbe/9 tbere outAicBetb^nofmallauaumage. ,.. it. ig Jbete fenotolege in tbemooa bPetti innocmcw/ia Lo/tbeCeatetbe bngoOl?/ tiiefe p;otpew to 4ete up 3 t'n tbe too^lbe/tbefe baue tKcbeg in poffleasS. SHSf" : ft&gt;bulbeatbencienlempbei;te ftibtpieir??^ (tbougbt |) 9 a * biaft mp bibeg m irmoceep: &amp;&amp; acC t9erlo;eftaH3|betben punrtbebba^twut. lp/9becbafteneDeueti?mo;tnjnge C fee J, b ao aimoft sir fapbe euen ass tbe?: but lo/ t&amp;en ffiulb % ^aat conbemneb tbe ge neracpon of tbp cbplo;en. cb f n tbougbt 3 to bnbtfftanbe n)^/but ittoagtobatoefo^me. - ntpiigitoentetntotbe^anctua^of &lt;5od/anb conrpa ?eb tbe enbe of tbefenun. : ante!?/ &amp;o to tbou baS feet tbe ut a Opp petppiace / tbat tbou maptt eaa ft)e botone beabl?ngeg anbbettro? e tbem. boto fobenlp&amp;o ow conuime/perj/ anb come to a featfull enbe? yeeeueltfteagabjeametobenoneatoas t*mw' tetft/fomabeft tboutt)et't b *smage toba'twtttima mQ) out of tbe rite. o?gtg?pc

Cbugnt? bt toajfgteueb/anb ft tomte &lt;uentbo?otom?repnej(. &gt;o foteft teas 3 anb fgno?aunt/ abb a* ittoetea bead befojc tbe. jgeueftbeleaegiaraalltoaHebftbe/tBou BoJoettnle bpmsrygbtbanbe. ^bouleabeQ metoitbtb; councen/anb aftettoaewceaHettmebntoBlo?p. - Otobatigtbete pjepareb fo? me m bea umi tb ew ig no tbing topon earn)/ tbat 3 be Q&gt;;ebt cofiipac?fon of tbe, fl^pfleaft ?mpBevtfoplefb/but oai'g &lt;&amp;* tttengtb tfmpbett/mppo?el 8 fo? euee. jTo;lo/tt)eju)atfo?taHetbeaupe:f# c irtt!ma tboubeasoseftall tbem tbat ' * cSnnjrte, f op ( m mm tipcacson agawft n)e. gap Jjjj' utftg goobfo? me / toboltiemefaObf W&amp; |JJ ob/toputmpewanttbex^be tfjcb/atttitjrftto tofptabeofantbftoo^b^. ^msiwu.

#flattti&gt;. Bfirf, W


C0ecompiapnc^of%UittriiccFonof Oi temple/ oaCPOnoftfiC^POOZefoifutt - li^iofectb e oco t^c poujc tijmm rue p^neppau tijpnBw of D^ufeg of ty eattta ate tuu of to?c6c dneffe, tbistijwwf/to ttjc ftL-cngi^npiige^ confp:mpngcof fl&gt; let not $ ?mpicgo atoape aftameti: wmtom Ttife/flDcBob/^mapntepnetbrneatone antntttuccyonofafapB. Mufe/tememb;ebototbefolsBjmanbiaf* . m. vwaS -UN ob/ tobetfo^ boett tbou eaft W fo &amp;etnottbe P bopce of tbwie en emwg/ SSAS ^cttaneatoase^tofjbi tbp*to;attjfo *4WSi uf m$t%(?/ &amp;nf^bcaga5nittbelbepeoftbPpa8uref mcKafetbeuetmo^eanbmo?? mewngsante tbjnBebpontbpcongtegacpo/tobom . .,&lt;-. S^Eftoubattp^i^aftb.lwmii^iieBshniiiBC: '" '=' #cbe rrtb.lBfalme. piw.t/ baatebemebyeuentbigbPofS&gt;iontobetni aimoetRi

^UltimitflStbOUbtoetlett. topllttttoatCtttt w.,i Ul io; fi i u, J!cnjc;:nn nfirtqiftcpu' teaoebpontbfmtoKbtb?fete/anbeatt toar&gt;ttt!jt^atnBmaa6efo6atOpBtoai ^aaiil&gt;cftiB "*?lf nt iS r tbfm bOtone tO tbe CCCOUnbe / f OI tbe enemve ?"BOonw;anD alfo Bort tcpg gnuouft tengcaOce S8SSBff|SB(.%^^ ^roffi?;&amp;t u ,s aaraant " fp?ofpc ' U cbrneaQuerfariegroaremtbfbourrg/* r

it Jjctc bnocr t&amp;: QjsOotoe of JDatiffl _ . ..-'pirtnctgfurnDnto^ptn^to^frtBit66e topil ccfioacc tft* toojlOiWtti O;atopng toancnOc:an&amp;

33 fetbp tben bannew f 0? tofieng.

cotbecbaunra/^beflropenot/ a*iotet?e

^enmapfetbeayegglpaetaboue/Kbe . ^ aJ&amp;ralmerongeofarapb. eptieof^c.mfe ag tboft tbat btoe in tbe toobb. ?* iD ^ t f ^ ^ attC m *^ e t&amp;fairae.n&gt;o.ce ijapr i ^famw* ... ffibef cut botone alltbe fplrnct tooicfteof S?" 1 !^'? *5 *wi*rt goo aiioutc to ec srope fte&amp;anctuatptoitbbpireganbaras. w9ent6e,oefo;bpao&lt;ig, * be?bauefetfp?ebpotbe)anctuaep/ -ii.JZIL.. ., tbetbauebeftlebtbebtoellpngpiaceoftbj jft%^6 /fiD,E!ol,/ to^ntoegeuetb5Beg/ai name, euen bnto tbe gtounoe. fra?bntotbetoi?ilttegeiie tbanfiess/^ yeetbepfefeintbtttberteftletbgtpopTe TT |WW name ig con je/ toe toputeU ibemall to getbec /tbugbauetbfpb?entbp ofWtoonoetoug too;c&amp;eg, ailtbeboufeg of obin tbeianbe. _. HJ"* raapegeta conuenjenttpme/31 le fe oure tofieng no rao;e / (bet ig not waUiubge acco;o^ng unto ipgbt. tme^opbetmoje/nonotonetbatbnbetas-- . ^tattt)Wtoea6e*aiitbatigtbetm/ betbenpmo?e. butabeawppbttppierg. SD&lt;5ob/botolonge0jantbeabnertawbo , afawebntotbemaKiepeopleybeaienot *---*^2 .,..-- fomaDij/atotbebngoblr-^fttnotbpmn;' Bo^neg. e .*

not toin) a B vf necbe. to ftetw ; SJS iff 0? p!omocpa cometb netbetfto t&amp;e eatt povsct. atnoj netftotbetoeB/neepetftotwiDpujernefle.^ ainb tobpJ&lt;a&gt;0D tgtbe 3ubge:be puttetb ^*- , ., , ,.. _ _... botonetme/anbfettetbbpanotbei:. ,ilSg, tbou bjeabeetbebeabfg of tbe toagatftn .* iffowibfbanbeof tbe JLo^oetbeteig acmu &amp;e; tbetoatetg. *cuppeftmofarongetopne/abepouretbWi&amp;attpHr&lt; CboumnjtetttbcbcabejJonLetnatbanBi fiutofgrttiM: mS* Dfujeeattb fljail o?pnc8e tbem/ aim fucbe lutSttt U)em OUt. fictt) atflictpSf'

Wafpbeme tbpnamer'fo; etter^ * l@bPtoitbb;atoeatboutbpneban)ftobp Plu cb e ft tbou not tbp tigbt banoeoiit of tb? DOfome/to confume tbpne enempesi ut odd tgmpttpngeof oibe/tbebelpe tbat 10 bone bpon eattb,bcbotb&lt;tbpmfclfe. sbou beuibea tbefee tt)o;oto tbppotoev/


peceg/ 9 geueft b?m to be meate f 0; tb e pr 0= pie in tbe topioewetre. ecboubtggea bp toeiieganbb;obeg/tbou b;pettbpmpgbt?etoaterg. %ebapetgtbpne/,$tbe nrgbt is tbpne: tbou battp^f pared tbe ligbt^aiiD tbe funne. Cbou baft fctt al tin bo;oecg of tbe eartb/ QoubaSmabebotb fommei; anb topnter. tmtmb?etbig/3&gt;lLo?be/boto tbeene* mps icbubetb/ sisoto tbe f olpffl peopiebla&amp; pbeme tbpnante. -" 4&gt; belpuet not % Coule of cbp turtle bmft bntpibebeaseg/anbfoffltt nottbecongte

ut 91 topn taffie of u)e ob of facob/ a aU *" * *apfebpmfo;euee. 'ftwwrtiii auft)ebo?negofgbngoblptoHlib?eaBe/ tosUo#;

Mto4bc ek

P^apfebPifo;euee. * tbe bo;neg of $ tpgbtuoug ftjalbe eralteb, "be.ln*f . IMalme. C6cffictetttf5at3ura!tm teas mat uektiOp ana bpgfil? DtfenoeO of t!)t t o?D;auo t h 1 1 b p ij is ej cea&amp;ing &lt;,.&gt;,. mrv tnotettfttlepowt. X.fSSi **Cotbecbatt^/miSegfnotb/apfaIme^S? B e ffi anbfongeofaifapb. otytMPW, t in

iij f ^f&amp;attfo, ^faUwMi&amp;lvfoiii

,#f toft

a ^jiuDatgtfoDBnotomvbP.snametg "algwatemaftaei. cRattef je* -J* 3it'*&amp;aiemigbt tabernacle / ana waicm. BigDtoellpngem&gt;pon, cber* bjeabetbbe tbe aeotoet ofbotoe/ me QnjJDe /etc ftoeroe/anD tBembole Uat ft t lone t^e taple. "^clab.

B&gt; f ai-ijM, ciiou art of ma?e b onoure 9 m?s^ men IbebPiiegofrobberg. Cbe p?ouoe toalbe robbeaanD nepe tbert Cepe/atiD tbempgbtpe a lbs able to rbpngetoitbtbeitbanoeg. ^ lbentboutebuBetttbem7oDofl;a* cob , bote t^e cbaretteg anobo?fmen all fallonuepe. _. ._ . cbouatffearfuli/fojtobomapabpbetn 'C tbp EigW/toben tbou art angrptf bow JWJ betoe fro beautvthe ertb tutem l * &amp;*" bjfcaotumar fee toSen d&amp;oa aegretg to got* WP * *^&lt;*inent/anDtobelpeaUmemtb3ibemaDuee* fir'o fptpebponeartb. fecial). , S"*: bentbou punpgbett oneman/bemult anM^ratsnotoifbgc tbat tbou act reop to punpflje n.a8a?*beQffletino. ftwwof anu ^Qgj toQat re p;omf f e bntojM nojpe f oute tfob/ fe tbat pe Be ; it; all ?e tbat be tounbe about bpm;b?pnge p?eEenteg bnto bpm tbat ougbt to be f eareo. ibicb rafcttb atoape tbe bjetb of QW&amp; as,- ana is tootfje rfull amonge tbe iapngea ' eft&amp;t carta, Cbe.tobw'.^lalrae. C*e feptfi tbat &amp;e teas grcaueaaboue meaturc f 0? tbe tnp&amp;rpoftbebolp people.* witb feouHe tbougbt.s euenaimofl mpnolcffc:anO ajspnctbatbe came to al^tttellrfefe'anBtoa3comfo;tea/b? ^ e remembjaunce We of tte,|M,of tbcwonoecaatUimacuelUB/'Votipcb tbtiojot baa IMaime. boat Cojbie people. *.-% o^otbedDaunter/fo^lautbun pftue.m tbe * afalmeof3fapl).

t|cb bnto &lt;s&amp;od mptb rap bopce / pee

BtKOff.^Jje piame. ^^ turgta mini &lt;ipwi nHnwgiwgw 1 rw ilbnto&lt;i506crpcD2ttittbmpBopcc/ano J'&amp;ebearceme. 5n tbe tpmeoEmptroubleHEougbt ft* &amp;o?bc / 31 beloe bp mpnebanbeg bnto bpra in m npgbt ceaEon/fo? mp foul e tefufeo all otbwcorafojK. _ . SB&amp;enStoaistobeuBneutySmouSbtbpo^nmp bett toagbejteb/ tben bpb 3 fpra&amp;c. &gt;elab. GboubeitoampneepegtoaBpnge/Stoas foi*eMe,'t6at3|couDenotfpea6e. cbCTtmmbjebgweffmegofolDe/fr tbe pear eg tbat toere pad.

gbpgmercpcieuegone? gbp*P?otmjfe come bttetlptoan enbe fo;euermo?e? fad) tbe fcojb f o?gottf to be gracpoug! fl&gt;;/batbbelbuttbp bpgloupnge bpmj'-r neffemoprpieafute; "feciab. \um* SCttbeiaft/l cametotbp3popnte;tbae 3pf*unS th otigb t: Mjp art tb ou f f olp 0) itbe rigbt banoe tbe moofl bpett can cbaunge all. bo;e topna tememb?e tbe toouim E tbe jLro;u e/anu call to mpnoe tbp to onb e tg ofoioetpine. % topil Epeafie of all tb p too? cses/ana mp talbpnge Ibalbe oE tbp totes**. C9P toape/ ffl&gt; oD/tsboIp : to&amp;o fe fo Cteate ano ra pgbtpe as ooid i Cbou att I bbtbattotbb)ontiet!$/tboti bad oeclareo tbp potoer araonge tbe people.

Cboutoptt) tbpne'* arnte bail &amp;elpuereo20 tbp people / eiten tbe Eonnes o( Jacob $ 3&gt; e 2nw &amp;? tepb, feelab. ftttng^ipo, cbetoatensEatoe tbe/ fl&gt; &lt;Sob/ 1 toato55: *** (atoetbe/^toeteafcapeo/tbe beaptbegtoea^'* moueb. cdectfetr cloube*poute&amp;out toatee /f cloubeg tbonoereb / ano tbpne avoto e?s bent ab?oaoe. CbV tbonbee toa^beatbe wunbe aboute/ ^eipgbtenpnge? ffione bpon tbe gtounoe/ tbe ear tb to as moueb anb fflo&amp;etottb at!. CbP toare toajstntbeEee/ an&amp;tbppatbe* fntbegreatetoatetsysetcoubenomlBnobje , tbp f *fotefteppe0. SSt cbou ittbett tbp people l^be a florae of UfTtSm fljepc/bptbebanDeoffl^oreganaatanon. ttc snottWge C#e l^etob tbat it 10 tbe tommnunoemene of ^5ofi PW** anO a tpetpali gooD tbpng/petfrctlp to rcmemtoc ibt atttB anD asaScs of tbeilojBe bont to bis pcopteCljen f apt b be'tbat all tbougbe tbep tttce tmUft^faXU pet Opo be toonBersin ejpptc /anb bjougbt tbcm from thence / ana tbougbe tbepp^uoctob fygm to anger m bc wyiOecncae / gaut t^r ra aboonOantlp bP tene fjtcs. ana after tbat/ ttben tbep toere orScopel tebitb camt fo;tb ofEgpptf /fo: tbcic topcbeOnc:pte bjouglit be tbtic ComicB(al tbougb tbi p folotocb Jbris

fatncis ijnfaptpfulnf / CeCppleO tbe toonbersDone in ibe Uiiattnes fo? tftf it fat bete) into tbe lanbe p;o mrffctt/j a; ouc out tbe mbab i te cs : j n tobicbttUbougb

^e often punpltfatbemgKUOBap.'tt&amp;tntbfypJOUO' neb ana temp tea bpw at tbe ttft nt toaen of a great ferutnt xotatix befpbt tbetr great Oaugb tcr / tuScreB alfo tbcaccbetoUctaaen fromtbem/intbetpme of (Sip tbcp?eQe^etbebplt&gt;ebetbem fauojablpagapw geu pnge tbera )auiB to tbeir fepnge/anb reSoarins SO&amp;lpnea agapnc at 3 ecufalf. 311 tol)ic^-ttn?na^. aUO p?opbetpett&gt; of CbJ'tt MNM tbe fcatoweof Hauib. 3n 1 n flmccpon E arapb.

5&amp; 3 callebto wmemb?aunce m? Eonge in -Tflr^Garemplatoe 1 &amp;my people /en elp-. 3 tbe n*8bt/1!cSmunebteftbmme atone be/ iHncpourceate^bntotbc toojoesoEmg

attt&gt;lougfctbutmpfp;ete. r &lt; moutb. naputbel,Dfljecaaoutfo?eae^ % topi! open mpmone)mparaWe0 /anb filbebenomojeintreateoi rpea&amp;eoftb^gegoEoltie, ffibftft

asbrcb toe baue beoe c bnotone/ a focge 30 outelatbets baue tolbe bj*. Cbattoe ftuioenotbpKtbem from tbe cbpib;rn oEtbegeneracpon* to come: butto erne tbe bonoutof tbe Ho;be/bPS mpgbt s toonoetEull too^cBesf tbat be ban) Done . 0emaoe a couenaut toitb lacob/j gaue gfEweiaiaae, to'jicb be coramautiDeD oiivc lo?efatbecg to teacbetbeir cbpft;en. Cbattbeicpoaertte mpgbt Bnotoeft/anb tbe cbplo?en tebtcb toere pet bnb o;ne. Co tbintent tftat toben tbep came bp/tbe mpgbt Jbeme tbetc cbplDjen tbe Eame. cbat tbe^aiEo mpgbt put tbetwufl t'n od/? not to forget to^at be baUDone/ but to fiepe bps commaimDementcg. ... &gt; M anDnottobea!8tbeKEo?eEatbetg/a*fco ta SnerS' toaroeana otiett&amp;toattf genetacion/a gene-Sfl!jat.wcpon tbat fet not tbeir bte a rggfoanb fix, ' tobofefp^etetoag not true toteatDeciob. 35 JLpfteastbecbPl^eoE^dep^atm/tobicb u*aufio"Bbe bepngbarneaeb anD earp!g baa to:/turneb &amp;SS m UbK * bacfie in * c *" of bata ?mm *t ue of CbfP bepte not tbe couenaunt of &lt;tW 9 ttKti^en of toolDe not toalfte tabPg latoe. jtrati : neacr' cbep fo?gat tobat be baD Done /anD tbe S Jc te/m toon3ttl,Uto cSfi!ttiatBe 6a ftftoebfo?



Cbenatetbep angelg e *fcbe/ fo?b fent e*a?annaia -t&amp;fln mcate pnougb. " Il[0 ? e foiJC 9e cauEeotbecEatttopnbto WotoebnBer?Sl? '"?| tbebeaue/9 tbo?otobpg poteetbe b^ougbtsre coT&amp;tSw intbefoUtbtopnDe. butbrcanreit !^e mabt fleft to rapnebpen tbe as threbe " oounefca as Dutt/anbfetbcteD toultg itbe a&amp; tbefanDtf^H^ OftbeEee. place of the an ^e let ft fall amonge tfleft tentegtcunDegcis. anotbec aboute tbeir babptacpens. t o* ao tome , 4&gt;o tbep ate/ano torn fplTeb/fo? be fltieg?S^M e tbem tbftt atone befp. 2 e. aSSA Cbep toere not DpEapcynteb of tbeir lull, ft it came from uttobplep; meatetoagpett'ntbeirmou-- ft* """' fbeg:tbebeuptD?atbof &lt;s&gt;oa came bpon t\}l&lt; * JSS*K netoetbef*toeltbieQ of tbe/a Emote toiwte&amp;gSSS tbecboEenmenoflfrael. re cam from 58ut Eo? all tbig tbep limn pet rao;e/anb &amp;* aimpgbtp. beleuebnotbig toonberousi too;cBeg. CbetEoje tbeir Dapeg toere conEumeDt'nffi;!; M banpte/anb Eobenlp tbeir peareg toere gone, r n&gt; wer tben be fletne tbem/ tbep Eougbt bPm/ atbponatmtbe turneDtbemearlpbiitocBoD. ^ mggrmtn bep tbougbt men tbat roD toa efrSSg^ fuccoure/ anotbattbe bpe oDtoas a)e ir re^onie * migVv Demee, Kwast pit* ^euertbeleffetbep bpDbut flatftrbim m 1 ? ttB: '" ,t * 2 tbacacemooU

roctrtongeg. iwurram mpa iff 0? tbeir bette toag not tobcle toitb bimfBom. i&amp;cai# nether rontpnuebtbrp in big couenaunt. m --m&gt;3 nt be wag Eo mercpfuil/ ^ bf ftygaue tbeir mpf oeDeg/anDDeftropeb tbem not. f eemanpa tpmeturneabe bt'gto;atba= toape/ anb toome not Euftrebpg ttbole bpE&lt; pleaEuvetoarpfe. Jfo?beconfftieteb^ebeptortebnt8*rIeffl: '8*3FieHf

euen a topnDe tbat pafletb atoar e/anD com*22 ' m l " e metbnotagapne. pfaun " &gt; botooft baue tbep greueDbpm nube,.. topnerneffe^ '" i^oto manp a tpme baue tbep pjouofieb bpmfntbebefette^ - '

.Hf^ara _, ~,-^n- ,., v-ev. tnaecttdoe tbe of oiiK fatbetg in tbe lanbe oE CBlptey euen tumnm intbefeloe o'*5oan. SPS u ^ f oeupDeD tbeEee 9 lettbem go tbo/om WKflaDfe. /maDe tbetoat.rgto ttanbelpfie a toaii. iid.o.i.s.a.u. SntbeDapetpmebeieDtbetottbacloube/ dA, aanis sail tbe npgot tbo?ote toitb a ipgbt of fpje. llecloaue tbebarorocBegin tbe topioit* lteOr/9 gaue tbim D;pncbe tberof f ag it baa l&gt;ene out of tbe greate oeaptb. eb?ougbttaaterg out of ftonptocBe/ fotbatiBepguflbeDoutlpBetlierpuerg. Fetfo; an tbig tb^p fprnieo agapnUbim/ ep^ouoBtDtbemooftbpettin tppioerneg. Cbep temptea oDtn tbeir |MK/ ana re^ qupieb meate fo? tbeirluft. /cbeptumeb bacBe/ anb tempteb ob/a - jJFo?tbepEpafteagapnft(E!ob/ Eap^ietpeeMnoueotbebolponein'iiErael. * fte fa, WW aii prepare a a *table in ? toilDet* *- cbep tbougbt not of bf banb/tn tbe aape tuoBnicc/nefle/mallbe^ ** *- *- -*-SSjjm^w JL-o/be fmote tbe ttonptocBe/tbattbetoas SS (? ateameg guflbeD out/ano tbe Etreameg K ftoSi * otoe&amp; ** all: but boto ^"^e S^ue b?ea 9 tftmfiBtbe P?oupDeflefbEo?bigpeop!c; Mpti toatec mnen jlo?DbearDe tbig 'be toag tojotb: S^ mf F fot ft e ^ toasfipnDleDin3Pacob/anD beup WiffBA. vceoaft tbep beieueD not tn od / s put nottbeft truaeinbpgbelpe. o1&amp; commaunbeD tbe clouDegaboue/ openeb fte Do?eg of beauen. . ^etapneo Dotone fl^anna bpon tbem fo; to eat e/auo gaue tbem b;eb from beauen.

M)tn\)e ceipuereD tbem from tbe banoe of tbeenempe. oto be bab to?ougbt m mp?ar!fg in Cgppte/dbigtoonD?egtntbelanbeoE3oan. ^oto'betumeD tbeir toatersm to blouDe/ f mattbep mpgbt not D?pncbe o mieeg, i^oto befent Ipte amoge tbem/to eatetbe bp/ana Eroggeg to Deftrope tbem. isotobe gaue tbeir Ecutegbnto tbe catp? ppllecy $ tbeir laboure bnto tbe grrfoopper, 0oto be bettbotone tbeir bpneparbeg tt bapie ftoneg/ anD tbeir molberptreeg toptt) tbefroft. ^oto be Emote tbeir cateiti Oapie aone $/

.&lt;Eti, am

/r *

* *

an&amp;cbeirttoc&amp;estottbbotetBonbtt boitw. iSotobefentbpontbemtlie furpoufnefle of bis to?atb, a nge r ana opfp I eaf u r e : to ptb trouble and Ealing in ofeuell arigeis. i^benbe maae a toape to bps feacruH fn* *&lt;rbat is/ f o aignacpcm/ana fpatta not^tberefoules fro put tw toatb aeaflj ; fee g k t^ttt * catell ouct to tbe ^? a g mma 'peftplcncc. fcVam ft! iE&amp;enbefmotealgfp.2Gbomem&lt;sgppt/ jtpte.becau.tbemooftp;pncppallano mpgbtpeft in t^e asAOcafm of omellpngeg of h *^am. Srcuu * tfutasfozbisatonepeople/beieaatbem nunc * ch fo^tbipne ttiepe/anacarieatbemmtbe topi* fonocofgam. aetneffelffeeaaocae.

j&amp;m&amp;i* $e bjougbttbe outCafelp/ g tftep Ojtrtoe not tmt; ai 10 ouerto b eimeD tb m en c mpes toitb tbe fee. SfflEE w fatpeo tbem '*bnto tbe bojaerS of&amp;tS fS-SK ^anctuacp: cum hi to tbps m I W% be fawtaarp ana putcbafea toitb biStPS&amp;tb iOK. Hoii piacs was iijeapa call out tbe tsjeatben before tbem/ cameo tbett lanae to be oeu poea amenge tbe fo? an Heritage, ana maae tbe tepjes of 3&gt;f= raet to Otoeilm tbeir tentes, &lt;JFo;alltbiStbep terapteo ^ aifplcafeo tftc moG bpe &lt;2&gt;oa/ana fteprenotb'S couenaunt. 2But tutneo tbett bac&amp;eei/ana fell amape Ip&amp;e tbeir fojefat&amp;ers/ Gatrpnge ofp&amp;elpBe a fyofien bootee. flnafotbtp gteuebbpmtf tbeir bpepla* ces;ana pzouofcea bpm toitb tbett pmagt s. ibenoabearaetbt's/be toasmzotb/ a fofie fo;e apt pieatute at f ftocL ; -&gt;o tbat be fotfofie tbe cabetnaele m ^tlo/ euenbt.8 babttacion tobermbeOtoelt amongemen. . $e aelpuerea tb eft potoet into captpuite/ anatbeitglozpintotbeenempesbanae. _ ^egauefttg people oner into tbe faerae/ rtoW teas toMb toitb oft berptage. " * Cbeffte contumea tbett pogemen 'anb tbett mapaens toetenot geuen to manage. Cbeit JSjcftes torn flapnett t\)t Came/ and tbete mere no topbaotoes to ma be la * asusst ii n&gt;b:rj &gt; o tbe TLo:oe *a toaneb as one out of ijs ouEs:&amp;oto' flepe/anolifte agpaunte tefteflbea U topne. Ti'Kn^ $* fowte bis enempe s in tbe bl&gt;noet pat* t BKp p m ttmm jwtftjemto a petpetuali ftjame. w r $e refufeatbe tabernacle of 3!ofePb/anb eborenottbetrpbe of&lt;pb;aim. $eucwbeleffe/be cboCe tbe tribe of tfuba/ hZSE^***** ot fepontobicbbeloueb.

a lapca tbefounaacion of it ipfce tbegtoffae/ tbat it mpgbt petpetuallf enoute. ^ccbofe aura alfo Bis fmiaunt/atoae btm atoape ftom the roepe Eoloe?. %$ be teas f olotoinge tbe f otoeugteatett fonge/betoBebim/tbatbem^bt{ebe3|acob


bvs people/ ana ana el bW enberptatmce. ^o be fea tbem iuitb a faptbfiiii ana true bett/ano tuleo tbem toitb all tbe Dilpgence of bPSpotoer, Ot somplapnt tb of the mpCctps bone tojcsufall bp awiocQi'o/itefp.ctljtbttirlpcofiasoDagapnabpm. aipfelrtieofifcrapb. ^^ oa/tbe ^ eatbe ate fallen in to t&amp;pne 3 'fOl3Ctage:tbeboiptempiel)auetbepor.' ^^fpieb/anDmaae |erufalem an beape of G ones, *Cbeoeeb boapejs of tbvferuaimte0baue,, tgsscb M tbepgeuenfantou)e foulejS of tbeap?eto be w ''^ oeuouiea/anDtbeflem of tbP fapnetestpnto tbebeaGeisoft&amp;elanae. cbeit biouuftaue tbey tbeblpae toatet on euetp fpae of letufalem / ano.tbete teas no mantobutpetbem. aeeate become an ope am e bntooute 3 enempe? / abetp fcojne ano Detpfpon Onto tbem tb^t ate tcunae aboute 00. ^ojoe/botDionge tspittboube angtpef (bailttjpgeioufpbutneipfte fp;efo?euetf Poure out tbpnemoignacio bpo tbe^ea* tben tbat anoto tbe not/ano bpon tbe fipng* Homes tbat call not bpon ttjp name. *sJfo;tbfpbaueaeuouteoaacob/ ? lareo *?"?. toaGe biSbtoellpnge place. SsSSSS fiD^tememb^enot oureou* fpnn^butSSS! bauemeccpbponbS/anbtbatfoone/ fo?toef;gtutto &amp;i

ate come to gteatempfetp. J"ffW $elpe bs/ opoo oute feupout/fo? fteffi gloipoftbpnamer uelpuetbs/a tomutlsht^^ os oute fpnnes f 0? tbp names faae. &gt;cts. ^.f. % ibe tf o?e mall tbe $eatbe fape;tobete is &lt;&amp;bm&amp; notDtbeitcEJoa; c D lettbebengeaunce of tt)P reruauntejl blouae t^atis 0;eD,be openlp GjetoeobpS tbe ^eatbeninouteffgbt. lettbefo?omftiilfpgbpnge of tbe p?e* foncrScomebfo?etbe/anaacco;apngbnto , .,.. tbepotoetof tbpne &amp; *atme;pjeretue tftofe i . \*St atcappopnteatobpe. .** ana fo; tbe biafpbemp tobettoptb oute nepgbboutsbaueblarpbemeatbe/iebjatae tbem/lLo;b/feuefoiaetntotbritborome. g&gt;o tee tbat be tbe people a Gjepe of tbp paOute 'mall geue tbe tbancfiesfo; eun/9 topuantoape bemetepngefo;^ tbp p;apfe mo;eanamo;e.^falme. CCfie people of Son cSmpthft to tbe banbeaof t^t '"' lnpthrtt)efpeb Ue tpaatontof tbefc bonbaae/ano fttwrtb tbefo?mbencfitt90f obtmoct abo;otoeo a .lobfttig fpeacbeof anpnepatbt confrtrcb jo ttietcpftntmt/ tpfltof tbt.ii? ltetp/tot|iefitpfptii8lftteaBbenpn8oftl)rttbopf. pfaimr. *cotbf*auntet/bpon b *^of8nftn/ !*?&amp;!* apralme of aapb, irMMH -mm

cave tbou IDepbeiae of|ftaei/ tftou S leaoeG Jacob ipse a'flocec offftpe:0)etoetbpl&lt;ife/tboutbat fptteG bpon tbe cbttubpnjfc 3Befo?etgp^aim/ Seniantinytoa Q&amp;a-naflcS'.ftetebp tbppotoet/aconte^eipebS. Came as agapne/&gt; tifoD/Qjtm f ipgbt of tbp countenaunce / ana toe Quite toboie. o a-o^j^oaof 9oGes/boto longe toplt

fijou be angtp ouer^ep^pet of tbppeopief CboubaSfeatbem toifliteeb?eiJof teates/peetboubaGgeuentbem plenteoufiie* ofteatesioo.jpncBe. atom baft raatebsta oerp SQfebnto cure nepg')i)ours/ ana cure enempes laugb bjStofco^ne. J5 utne bs agapne/tbou (Soa of tfoflflf/ 0)cb3C tbe !psb of tbp countenaunce / a toe ftaluetobole. Cbou baft b^wgftta bpnepatae out of Cgppt e/n)ou opaeft caG out tfte f eatben/a . planteit. boumaaefttotome fo; it/ anacaufea ft . fotaSetote/fotpat it fpueo tbe lanne. CbebflieStoerecouereatoftb ? abotot of tt/ana fo toete n)e Gtonge t&amp; trees tt tbebototstbetof. &amp;be Gretcbea out ber b;auncbes Onto tbe fee/ ana bctbotocs bnto tbe toatet. mv baft tbou tben b?o6en Dotonc bet te^gevtbatau tbeptobjdj go oj/plucaeof ftcigrappegf Cbetopibebo^outoftbetoobbatbeottb ft bp / ano tie beaftes of tbe feiae baue oe -uouveatt. * Cutnetbeagapne/tboudpobof^olles/ lone ftom beauen/ bebolbe ana bpftt tbiSbpneparce. ^pwepneit/ibattbptpgbtbanaebafli plantea/anatbe fonne tobom tpou maaea fo mocbeoffo;tbpfeifr. $oj tobp^itisb?enttoitbfe/anarpei (tant*btre) aae:1 ? mt ^ m WV attbCKbUfie Of !)taNfojau,tbVto#rt&amp;. !BTi;maif / %et tt)p c *bana be bpon tbe ft *man of ftp * SSS?.' Bbtbanoe/ana bpon tbe man tobom tnou !S? ntaaeftfomocbeoffo;tbpneatonefelfe. . MCbat ie, nOfotoiilnottoegobacBftomrae:fl)b SMo/iuhpcb letbSlpne/atoeGjallcanbpontbpname. :

;SS, flimfbs agapne/no?ae&lt;!i5oa of^o* Si ffiffi f0 ' Q ' e . ta,e ^ W of ^ countenaunce/a !MM*f*to. ^ CCbe.fjntrj.praimc. CTecrbojtcifi to frcue anb \o;ftpp jiob mofltof **lole b e n ,: " c,0 "bt"3bfiicftte90oncnto3ffraet:ai)enre# iteoftf.-t'.a tp- f bbeb?pt9p tobat aoucrfptpe tbe p rtceaneb fo? 1-1 film*. 'tbffcttpn9eP3bttip&lt;Boo^aimbow mocbefttpep* '^Df f lis : ' E '' ef m ?8bt baue babae, pf thep baft bent obcDfent 'mtta, ! 8 ?;bnt9bpm. i3WcofS "*Co tbe cbauntet bpon* *&lt;iEiftbit6/ .^ftfaiw. of^fapb.

|nge metelp onto oa tobicb is outeai iGtengtbmaaea cbeatfullnopfe on* to tbe od of pcob. cafietaeiBfaime/b^ngebptbertbeta* D/ft/tbe metp^atpeana lute. lotoebptbettopettesintbenetomone/ bpon oute foiempne feaft oape. fo;tbisiStbebfemgfftaei/attbaiatoe oftbe&lt;!5oaof3iacob. ^ bbeo^ieneoin3orepb fojateftpmo^ np/toben be came out of gtpt/a baa beatoe a Otaunge language. iBbenbeeareobpswounKt ft3 tbe bur* ften/anatoben brsbanaes toete aelpueteu from tbe pottes. ben tbou calfcoft bpon me in troubic/3 belpeatbe/anobeatae tbe/tobat tpmeas tbe fto;m* feiibpon tbe ;*f pjouea tbe aifo at **$ tbetoatetofGtp. *g&gt;eiab. iw ?5K*. eate/mppeople/fo?3 affutefjr jpSimS.a aftael/pftboutopltbetftenbntome: Cbere ftjal no Otaunge 00 be in tbe/ne* tber malt tbou too;mpppe anp otbet oa.

3amtbelo?aetBp&lt;2!oa/tDbicb^ougbf ..,.,. tbe out of glanae of &lt;cgppt/&lt;*opZ tbp moutb Jf * ^S?^! topbe/anb^roallfputt. ^ J B3rfS?C Butmppeopletooianot beatempbopce/ c Ws f W aneatracltooioenotobepme, m *w S&gt;o3 gaue tbe bp bnto tbeir atone bertes WSSJIS luft/anaiettbemfolotoe tbeir atone m*S3$im gpnacpons. jobm^.b* flD tbat mppeople toofte obepe me/f o;?f 3ifta el toolae malbe in mp toapes: % fbuia foone putaotonetbeirenempes/ atumempne bib agapnG tbeir aauerfaries* fitebatets of tbe a-ojae GjuiaempOe %u t ael/but tbrit tpme Gjuiae ensure f 0? eurr. e ftuia feaoe tbe toitb tbe fpneft to^eaf t Route /ana fatpffpe tbem toitb bonpoutot tbeftonprocje. s^^-.p C^ monvffljttli p;(nc ce to pnOcuouc them (tints rfgutuoufnce/aiibaccufctljtbemooftottjcm ofm* tottpre. ecittrccbrtfiC5oa ttjattptopU tioucftfafe to tttfige t5etoo:lDf bp JCftUtflmfo to^ofcinberttaunce 5cat(bp;opljecpf^ttiataUt^sentvl^aUfaU. ^^ JDs Cancel m t^e congt cgacro oftge i ^oto longe topll ?e geue to?ong!uage s " c u f e ^^ D " men t, ana accepte tbe perforates of tljebn* Im* -aebetr gobip? S&gt;tlab. anb mS;ab t efenaetbepoo;eanafatberteffe/fetbatw^ focbe as be in neae ana nee e a&lt; te baue tigbt, elpuet tbe outcafte a poc?e/a fauefim ftom tbe banae of tbe bngoaip. lSeuewbeie(fe/tber toill not be lemeb anb 7$ bnacrGanoeybut to ai c fie on ftpii in b *aa tcfi&lt; &amp;* 3d a t chncg hefle:tbetfo?e muft an tbe founbacpos of tbe &amp;2S9** lanteterooneb, ^ f " A . Ce,i. a bane

rfcfltoid ** g bane fapor.&lt;*pe aw oo&amp;es/ pe all at

?aSri&amp; Bucpe&amp;jaHofeip&amp;e mm/ana fainpse ef&lt;^tfltbeoneoftbetp?auntes. . , .. .. teclarpnge of **%t$tjlS&gt; &lt;lWD/atUDge tfiOUtfie eattB/ Ipe potter a* fojaUfceacbmawtypebp enbetptauoc*. SS CCbe.tamPfalme. ficnne iS iJatoutetw|aO conCpiotobcftMfetbem/J flapetb fcwe tbv m# tbaMbtpmaprMteripbe conCumcaanotoaatiurucit to aawua * ** W *ntmpes toete tonCurata anb toattrt. Spntraanve^ acongeartopsralmeofarapb. torapteif* a fv dDioe nott^p tonse/O oa/fiepenot wa S?f-, 4a?HCpiMce/ftapnenottftpfeire w tbeptaiwo /**J^ jq j StoSVcl * o? lo/tbne enemp es mafic a murmu* rjnge/atbep batetbe/lpftbptbetr beaoe. Cb^PPmagpn crafteip agapnft tbppeo* pte/stabeeirfreJlagapntttbpfecmeones. Come (tope tbepiletbs rote ttjeni out fro amonge tbe people,- tbat tbe name of goad tnape be put out of remembjaunce. tfojrjjep bauecafl tbefr beaoeS togetbrc one content/a ate eonfeoerate agapnft p. ** tbcrabernaclej5oftbeomttgant)3C= maelptes/tbe S^oabptes anb$agatenes. !ebal/3mmon;arfli 3maletbube ? bite i*tm fe (fpnes toitfttbemtbat otoeliatcp;e. but m te airuralftisiopncbbntotbem/anbbelpe jwainw.ijr.a t&amp;p cbplt&gt;;cn of Jlotb. 8 *&gt;elab. utbotbou to tbem as fcntotbe flPacia* rates /bnto ^u"eta/ant&gt; into SPto bp tbe b?ofie of Stffon. asbpeb petpfljeb at fttbo?/ became as rfieoongrofrtpeartb. *flPafie rant ^incesipfie ?eb a *eb. fee mane all tbeir ?&amp;?pnci($ipfie as $ebea ano *almana. aabicbtope-.toe topll baue tbe boufesof tftfobtopocecpen. mpoo / mafierbe" ipfiebnto a tobele/ ano as the flubir before r&amp;e to pnoe. Hpfie as a fp?e fbat bumetb bp rbe toob/ a as tbeflame $ contumrtb tbe mcatapnes. Ptrfeeute tbem eu? f o toted tbP temped/ ano maBetbem aftaj ebtoift ftp fto?me. ffl&amp;afie (pert faces afliameb/ jUtte/

tbat tbep mapetofie tbp name. JUttae" be confounoeo aarjte&amp;ener mo?e mo?e:fetrbem be puttolhamea perim. abatrbepmapfmototbattftoiiartalone/ ttattbpname ts tbe l,o?oe;tbat tbou onlp atttbemooftbpeft oueralltbeeartb. a fflffltew-i. ^^eltrtiirt.tetoiine. teof th w * ,anft tD conw bnM '$ e 6o '* afrmbfranti tbr ftlict, Sflinu? oftHjaf cometontonv*fhpjap&amp;&lt;sa!&gt;tnit. *"* me 2 ,p5a*&lt;etbftb/a1&amp;faI.ofSfomifSofflio?ab. MMMibb ^^fotoamtablearetftpMbtoeHpnges/ ftfemw *"' ^pfoulebat&amp;a befp# 9 lotigtoge



*- V

fu? the couae of tbe l^o^ie/mp bttanbmpg?ims 0% fleQjtefoEfetntbelpupng(E5ob. faitDfuipopn . ifo; tbe fpatotobatfi founoe WUi|ift/**Sg arm m ftoalotoe a neft/tobete (be map lape ate T fflS pee ponge: euetbpaultets 3Lo;0eof ^0=^ ftes/mp*pngeanDmpoD. i)?tcsan , &amp; boto biefleo ate tbep tbat MMtjB!! boufe/tbep ate all toape P?apfpngf A elab S35 &amp; 561 effco ateftropeft in k iuw fte nooue oape. tnw of a bene/ 3B ftoufanoe an fallbefp&amp;e fte / anaten^ '' tboucanac at ftp rpgbtbanav but it all mSSSSm come npe fte, auofauc^uc.p Ct,b. 7efWP* .

fttjV#fteattfo, $foi

yeetoift ftpneepes alt ftou De^olDe/ ana fe ft e retearoe of fte tongoclp. f o? tbounojoe artmp&amp;bpe/ftoubsltft t ftpnefloufe of oefenceberpbpe. CbereftaH noeueUbappenbntoftc/ne* Cfter all enp plage comenpeftpotoeiipng. tfo? be man geue Dig angels ftatgc ouec fle/to fiepe fteinall ftp toapes*. Cbepftallbearetbemfteitbanoeg/ftat ftoubutt mitftp foteagapntta (tone. tiftou alt 50 bpon fte tyon anD3ooer/ fte ponge Upon ano ft e jagon alt ft ou treabebnoer ftp fete. JBecaufe be baft fettbfeloue bpon me/31 all oelpuet b itmj all oef enoe b im /f 0? be baft bnotoneropname. iBt)e nbe calleft upon me / g; alibeare bim-.pee 3 am tot 'ft bim in big trouble/ tobee out 31 topilbelpuerbPm/anDtyfoge bpm to ftonoure. 101ft longelpfe topni fatiff pe Btot/anb fbetoe bim nip faluacpon. C'je.ta'i.pra[me. C&amp;fje&amp;MottjiJapcteamete ana loucnpmf tjmefo pjapfe tbe tojto 1 became ((jcrc is f ticn ileaturr to ctoncte of bia beiKfjcesanotogeiubptn cbatittea tgecfo;e. _ traipaime of fte Conge fo? f fabotb cape. ^ 10 a gooo fting to geue ftancheis ton* *1| to ft e; l,o?ce/an o to fpnge p 1 apfeg Onto ^ftpname/mottbpeft. CoteilofftpioupngefipnbneffceatTpfti ftcmojnpnge/anoof ftptmeftmfte mgty fearon. pon an inftrumentof ten ftrpngest/bpS fte lute anotoift a fonge bponftebarpe. tf o? ft ou jlo;D Da a maoe me glao tbo?oto ftptoo?cBe0/ano3 topllreiopfe oner $ ope* tacpon of ftp banner. ss&gt; )Lo?b/boto gio?f ou* at e ftp toojcbeg/ ft p ftougbteg are betp oepe.

3B SGn^bntopfcmantopllnotfinotoeftig/ aan bntopft ano a foole topll nctbitterftanbe ft. I" 6 , 13 Sfiff te Cbat fte bngoolp are grene ass fte graffe/ S $ W * to &amp;* W8W te "K r. cruactti 000. 25ut ftou ;do?De O moftbpe 5 / abpoeft g?onct.r?.a.too;iDe toiftoutenbe. wiw &lt;jfo; lo/tbpne enempef$/;ilo?o/lo/tbpne enempes all periftje/anb an fte too?cbersf of toicbebnejs ft albef catteb ab?oabe. Sue mp&amp;o?ne albe ejalteb lifief bo?ne 228? c #pnce?ea!roanfebp*utftofmpne tocojpmpfto'nempeg/anbmpneeawfball bearebiss oe&lt; z2$$b Iff* &lt;" **** ftatrpfe bp agapnft me. ffift! CbetigntuouslballfloztftlpBea palme fto/ffi mtbe tree/anbgtotoeipbeaceb?eof jUbanus. $&gt;(aim W5. Sboft ass be pianteo in fte boufe of fte

&gt; /


/ .*. / &gt;

jlwoe/beftutefull/pienteoitfanbgrene. ' Cbat ftep mape ffietoe/b oto true $ %m m? ttrengft W/anbftatftei!S nobntpgb^ tuoufneffenibto. &amp; .-&gt;;,e. ceepjaptei^ tfje mafcflpe of ^5o6 fo? f^e treacroit of tb* toojlDr/ anOouErt^ottjna of ftatftill j Un ^i tte people. * ^jl-^to^befe %pnge/ anbbaft put on ULglo?pu0appareii/fte)io?De baft put "T onbP3appareH/anDgp?DeD b&lt;rarelfe w tf rcngft ;be bat b maoe fte tounbe too; I D e f fure/ ftat it can not be moueo. fromftattpme fo;ft baft ftp Ceate bene p^epareb/ftouart from euerlaftpnge. CbeflouociS arpfeiO ^D;oe)fte ttouaes

Ipftbp ftet'rnopcet fteflouoejs rpft bp ftetr toaues. Cbe toatte? of fte fee are mpgbtt'e/ 9 ra* Bebo;rfblp:butpet fte &amp;o?oe ftat Dtoelletb onbpe/i?mpgbrter. bp teamionie0/D)Lo?6/are berpfure/ bolpnede becemmeft ftpne boufe fo? euet, C^bejctiitpfalme. e^e callc!6 fo; ttje luogmit oftBsD agapnft tty ait, beo oppicffo u r s of ( Ijc innucnt ano afflict p ton nee . ,*\ jlo;c e (Sob/to tob om bengeaunce bu 38 tOiongeft:tbouEioQtotobombengeafi ; ^^ tebelongeft/lbetoeftpfelf. atpfeftou tusgeoffte'tootfb/ijwtoatbe fte p;ouoe after tbefroeferupnge. % o ;De b to tonge fljall fte bngoblp/ bob) long e (ball tbe bngooip trtumpbef ^otoiog fbaiiaii totcbebboewfpeafiefo WfoapnfuHp/ -ftmafierocb p;oudeboaOuig^ Cbfpfn.pteootone ftp people/ &gt; jl.o?d/ ano trouble ftpnebetitage. Cbepmitrtbut fte topboctoe a fte ffraS= 58 ger/ano put fte a*faftetieae to beaft. **fManat 3no pet ftep fape^uflje/ftOLo^e fepft J 'j! , ft 2g' not/fte ob of Jacob tegattieft tt.not. SJSr wS* caBebeoe/pebntopfeamonge$peopie:tuteofniA&gt;ti# fl&gt; pe foolejt/ toben topn pe bnoerttanbe:? s w S $e i plante b ft e eare/lban be not bearef " a " "J"! beftatmabefteepe/ftallnotbefe? 55? ^e ftatnurtureft fte eaften/ anb tea= j&amp;tiucty. cbeft a man bnotolebge/malnotbe pumfbf c be JL02Q bnotoeftf ft ottgbtc? of men/ ftatfteparebutbapne. lecreo is fte m/tobom ftou!ernett( &gt; 3Lo?tie)anbteafteftbmi!nftplatoe. batftoumapeftgeue bpm pact'enceftiC tpme of aburtfpte/tmtiU \ ppttt be" biggett bpfo; tbe bngoblp.

&lt;Jf 0? fte TLo;be topn not faple bt'^peopley nefttopnbefo;faftebttmberitaunce. anbtobpr'iucgmetlbalbe turneoagapne bntotpgbtuoufneae/anbauroftass bettue cfbertmailfolotoefc. . neborpfeftbptoiftmeagapnatbftopc* fieuf tobotabeft mppatteagapnftftecuei!

in* west gjffte&amp;ojaebabnotbelpeDme/ mp foule Ijao aimoft bene put to Cplence. tBbml fote baft fljppeo / ftp mercp()6D %o joobelbe me bp. 5nfte multttiioe of fte fo;otoes f % baa ^birnp bertey ftp comfo/tessjaue refteqjeo mpfouie. i@p!ttboubaueenpftpngeto botopft 5 iioole of totcfteoneffe/tobtft pmaginetb mp= fftcfttnftelatoe; ebep gat bet ft em togefter agapnft fte f oule of tbe rpgbtuousi/anb cotiemne fte in* nocent bloube. 25;itfteLo^eisniprefuge;mp&lt;3obiP ftrengft of mp confpoence. 5^c C?allrecompence tbf ftetr topefieonefle/ 9 oeftrope tbem infteir atone malpce : pee fte jLojoe wire ob an oeftrope ftem, %r- ^ fficb t.vtb Pfalme. C2UicrbO!tacEon to (^ccavnEff p?3jfpng of.Soo. 3 rffoffomeletbjspjapfefte jLo?be/ lettbs tObfttelt reiopfe in tbe ftrcngtb of mxt faluacpon. JLetbg come befo;ebi0p?efenceyi ftanc* Sefgeupng/ano etoe outefeifeglaD in tym toiftpfaime&amp; fo:ftex.ojBei0a greateOob/sa'gwat Spngeaboue all goiaejJ. gn bisbaoe are allfte cojnew of featft/ anb fte fttengft of fte b plies f* bis a if 0. Cbe fee f bis/fo? be mate it/a bfe bSbW p;eparedfteb;ie!anbe.

d) come/letw too?ppe 9 botoe botone cure f eiut s: iiett b$ bnele befo?efte Ho?d e cure maber. 25 -Jfo?bei?soureob:anbtoeareftepeople ofbtspafture/anbftewepeofbpjtbanbest. cooape pf pe topll bearebiP bopce/barbe ,~ m vouxtumea/ a0tobenpep?ouobfb in ^^mt&amp;^mioninttotoWtntti. iue Lm of *^btte poure fafterg tepteo me / p?outt&gt; utifciof toDic^ me/ano ratoe mp toojebejj. I itaBf.jjunw. fi.seareglongetoa^^greuebtoptb^ge* * neran5/^fapD:ftepeuererrein fteirbmy ftep ber eip baue not bnotone mp toapeg. . cberfo^ef fapDebntoftemmtnpto?aft/ ft at ft ep ulbe not enter in to mp reft. CCbe rcbi.pfalme. C^emouctb all cvestvxse tofbcp?apfc of (Sob. 3 pioptjccpe of t\)e tijngoomf ottyi(l ano of tbe in* cafct|trof. _ ggs &gt;pnge bnto fte Horn a neto fonge/ 31 -IMfpnge bnto Hofleallf tobole earft. ,c ~^ % pnge bnto tbe TLo?be/ anop?apfe bfe name/be tellpnge of bit faluacpon from Dapetooape. j, x declare bfe bonoure amoge fte^eafte/ , f ,, rt ., s . anb bisi toonoerg amonge all people. . eSSffi* **o;fte)lo;tii?great/anDcannottoof*


ftelp be p;apfeo'.be is mo;e to be fearebftetl ailgoboeis. , ^fo^anftegobbegoffte^eaftf/ftep^ bepufloolis/butttRtfte )Lo?oeftat maoe** ftebeauenU. .-...., CbancBefgeupngeanb too?tpeare be* fo?ebim/potoec ? bonoure ate in bE3 ^an&lt;

ctoarp. 3'fcrpbe bnto fte JL oft e ( pe bpnteses of fte i@eaften)afcribe bnto ft ei-o^oe too?* tpe anb fttengft. ,, . Jfcrpbe bnto fte A.o?b fte bonoure of bid name/b;pnge p;ef en t eg/ anb come in to bpjf courre. fi&gt; too;fpe ft e U-o^oe in beutpe of bo* d iphefle/ lettfte tobole earft ftanoe in atoe ofbpm. . cell it out amonge fte^eatbf / ftat fte Mei0Bpnge:atibftaFiti0 betobrftbaft maoe fte tounoe too?lbe fo fa ft / ftat it can not be moueo / anbboto ftat be all iubge fte people tigbtuouOp. liet tbe beauens teiopfe/anb let ft e earft be glao:letft efee mafic a nopfe / pee ano all ftatfterinijs. let fte feme be topfull anb all ftat ma it /iet an fte treess of fte toooo leape fo? iope. J8ef o?e fte lope/fa? be commeft: f o? be commeft to iusge fte earft : pee topft t pgb* ruoufne6eailbeiuogeftetoo?loe/anbfte people toiftbistrueft, .CCbe.ycbii Ptfalme. Cl&gt;ep;opbtcpctb bt alto of lEtnifti totrtow ffiofc tonacrfuIipfttiotO p pototc tinto tbe taluacyon of b cbofen/ano to tijt oacttbiotoing of tbeltenemjea auDof.BagnrCtipfrfllcj5s:ntotljcbnott)Icogjngof toaombcai'.'oci3o;tb rftpifre mo?oe is Spnge/fte earft mape be IILglaDtberof-.peeftemuitptuDe of fte at ^^Sfiwmapebeglabfterof. Clou^0 a oarebneoe are rounbe aboute bira/ttgbtuouf neffe anb tubgmet are fte ba* biracponofbKffcate. ^etegoeftafp?ebefo?ebpm/toburne ., bp bi9 enempess on euerpfpbe. isipgbtenpngep geue pne bnto fte too;me/fte earftfepftftanbiisafrapeD. me biUess melt Bbe toare at ft e pjerence

of fte )to?oe of fte tobole eartb. Cbe berpbeauens Declare bte rpgbtuouf* n s?i ano an fte people f e b&amp; glorp. conf ounoeo be an ftep too?rpe pmo* ge0/anbtielpreinfteir|Do1g;too?ipebtnt anpegooaeg. . S&gt;ionbeareft of it a tefopfeft:fee aBS tbe^aaiigbtersofg-uDaareglaobtcaureof ae^stm ftpiuDgmente0/))lo?oe. S2E # o? ftou )Lo?be art tbe moft bpett ouet vmaa * an earft/ ft ou art naltcb fatre abou e all Boboe&amp;

f f f * mi

. _ $ M,uWi,,xti%,ui4 &gt;-0m at loue e ju&gt;?be lit at pe Date latoe atbe gaue em

&amp;f Mnit

t&amp;e tljpngc to#cl)H( melt: tyrlotfiepjefte ue $ flje fouled o^ f apnctes*/ fee CHall &amp;?&amp; tier tftem from tfje ftance of t^bngoMp,

Dou QeatiKft fftfm@GD Itfte ourc ffiow typpra ar t&amp;ou fo;gaueft $e &lt;esod / anDpunrQjeuc 2i*k t&amp;eftatonemuenciortg; ** jmaBmf?et{jejLo#e

^y ux ip t&gt;wuiit vy a ittw* W *y* * fc by 5 *u it laaimytiy e (l&lt;u?Ot uUvt 00 /9 wv)z hxom/am a loffutl g laDneOfc f 0; f ocQ as be Qupe turn bpon ft $ hoi? bvii / fo ; tbt JIq?&amp;


fapas fa (Qr Ofblgbolpntfle.

niffctt) m e ^.^gtwtfia^giiva vrmfb^atmce Cjje&amp;wefeciarrtlj tftcfainr^ bfepoirt tf)c &amp;imt w btfo;e aui in {(jE.frti . - a J&amp;falme. r * ,k&gt;pngebntoeiLo?o*aneto fonge/ 'JOwbeba bonemarueloug pngeg. *^ HEi'^ ^13 atom rpgue ftansc e tot t^ a * ma (8 * ft* W ? armeba be gotten e btrto?p.

3Pi&amp;lmeofp?apfe. "]e topfull in co ( allpe lanaeg) 3 !fettieeiLo?aeto giaaiteg/ come ibefo?e fjf s pretence toitb to? p. t^L *i*A*/W*eiojoe&amp;efe &lt;25co:5t tf&amp;e tftat^fit^ maDebg/ anbnot tee outeftuwg:toeare but&amp;ig people/ j epe ofbigpa&amp;ure. gopoutetoapemtobr'ggateg entt

nocisofWlwIKtttwfeusiwe train of gentonofw jrawirton. """"M"" oureS50D. ^ &amp;ftetoejOUtCfcIuejtfOJfitnbntOf)LO?0 CGepjomefetbt&amp;at&amp;eto^llcrequu teffieolhK'ofa 'all p e lanaeg/fpnge/ref opr. e/ geue sueg, Baip ana ^pty prnicwtiat is to &amp;pe/ 1 gat ne SSttaA P&amp;tft tUt %ojte bpon fte fcwpe/ Cpnge !t ue ,nn " to "? /a n i a "* W*t m euri i * auaunt e totbebatpe\&amp;apraImeofancBeqjeuing. t,)emt&gt; ' 2iBta\meot smha R9 ttompettejJ alfo arts ft ate m es i ^^ ffi 2JS? ftltlmuj , 1L ,; tftefi?nge. .^4*t

Xet t&amp;c fee male a ttopfc an&amp;anf fyttin

fiD Jet me haue bnoetttanfipnge iii fljetoajcof &lt;0oD!pne/bntp!i tbewmetoat

bate ? fpineofbnEapt^ulnetre, ttJ&amp;alSnot creuebntome. *| ftotoaitie berte aHbrparte fro me/ 8ff5* ft a 3ib:?not6notoeatoftBeDperConne. ftawmttttt ibo (o mflt telaunwt) l)i? tie jgbbou* 25 gttjg - ioliejanbjeacimacfte/lmapenotatoapesWiiof^'W 31 /^U^^e)Lo;De tg &amp;?nge/bc people neuet to(tbtjtm ' an&amp;jKtrawM tfLfo bnpacient: De cpttea) bpon tfje cbe* . | vnt t&amp; ai f ofee fo? f ocb a? b e ftftteSSS Sg2

letallfte BpHejs be topfmitoget&amp;ef. 55ef o?e tbeiLo?oe/fo? bet? tome to t'ubge tbe eattft. f ee tottft rpgl)tuournes$ an beiuoge * toojiwmnfye people tottb e quite, ccbc.icefr.^rarme. CC5'8 J9filme Occlarct^ tjje gooanrs an5 pbtoer of oiJ t ttje btnttttcs ano toSotcs none tojfraclt niKbe tbe ea^neSo bnqiK

Cbe&gt;o?bt3greatem^&gt;ton/'$l)peaboue p* 9 tobofole&amp;etba goblj Ipfc/ftaibc m?

. CDereftannoMfccatfunpetfonhebtoen tnmpboureetbatteueti;!pejiaHno(ta rp in mp ftgOt.

all people. let mengeue tUSSes bnto t^v great

ana toonbttfull narae/fo? ft tgbolp. G^e fi? nges poteet louetb ntbgmet/ou a* whit bWPSS? t&lt;9x&amp;tl * ou ^^8 ttibgraent . a wm uui waiope an toe bng tmm tp anD r! S^toufnesin^3!acob. tbelanbe/tbatalltoicfieb Doergmape 3acobvf^aue s&gt; magnpfpe tfte l-o?De oute &lt;go&amp; / fan ----'- mm pan*, botone before bfe*fotettoie/ fo2betsbolp, W&gt; fcwM. ^otes ana Sfiaton amonge bis pxatw

ten out of tbe cptfe of tbc )Lo?be. iranpAis, . Cbe,dj,lBfalme. tlatthtmttit be Vuap [^ n s of t b i

ff'3 p?apec oftfjealflprt/ te&amp;en&amp;etoasm too o/'anD poteeteo outebp? complapnte be^ fo;etbe)lo?De. 31 3|^ceavemp.i*p?8per/ , jLo?!Je/ana left a Ccue IHmpcrpengewnu'bntotbe. jispptsan rrr ^oenottbpfaceftomemftpme (urns j affe/ ofmpttoauieendpnitbpne eare0bnto me SS *li *&lt;&gt;" me/9 tbatrtgbt foone. LriBiiftvisas/ #o? mp oapeg are cotifumeb atoape ipfie sao mw* Cmobe/aiio mp bone? are b;et top a? it toere fsafpoc^upoiia fp^ e b?ant&gt;e. *2teK * 1? W* tg fn, P tten otone ana topfterea 2 !aw cmina Wt gtaOe/fo 3: fo^getto eate mp" * b#k li mm &amp; foi tbebopce of mpgronpnge/mpbone ^ Blo.fC ana Jupjj fcatff cltue t0 mp Be. SffiS '2 am be con,e te al&amp;eifpcane in tofl JSwuocfplf DnW/anBifBei boleinab;o&amp;en toaif. rt of me fp;e * 5 toafie ., anD am euf as it teere a fparotb tm tcqup/ fpttpnge alone bpon tbe boufc toppe. AfpitocM ^ pne enempeg reupie me all tljeaape gy longe, tbep laugbme to fco?ne/?ate fmo^ne ttattn&amp;ptf) togetfterasapnftme. MM &lt; 3 eateafljes* toitb mpb;ea/anbm?glemp ?aia b. a. u;pncBe tot tb totppnge. Sm oil* anatbatbecaufe of tbpnemafgnacpan ^.bcfeaico ito;a)/ fo?tl)onbafttaBenmebp/ anacatt 5Bjjp;ai*r. me atoape. Mfttoot fo? Qt)p &amp;apf are gone ipse a aaotoe/ ana f " wwr - of 3?am toptbctcaipbegtafle, "* 2Buttbou/&gt;kotfe/enaute&amp;fozeuet/ ona tbprememb;aunce tbojato out all ge*

neracpong. SPrpft tftcif o fbauemefcp bpo &gt;ion/ fo; it 10 tpme to ^aue metcp bpo ber / pee o)e tpmeigcome. C 3na tobp:'tbP f ftuaiint5 baue a loue to bet : fttow|f# rt aoneg/a tt pittetb tbe to fe bet n Hft butt. Bfpgmfpc tte cfte l^eatbe all fearetbpname/jLo;o/ SBSSSB"" ali tf,E 8sn 8 w of tlJC Ear * w mma * km tS fa ** 3Lo?oe all bupiae bp )3&gt;ion/ano snii tnipioea as ail apeare in btf gio?p . iu^cr.n.8. e *^ptuinetbbfmbntotbe p?apet oftfie mxal?* W% wtt^ aefppfetb not tbe" Oefp;e. Safe* ft* ftalbe to?ptten f ot ft)ofe tbat come wt ftouce * c.aftcr / tbat tbe people tobpeb albe bo?ne/ o * &lt;soa to mapepjapfeti)e)io?ae. SSSSCSm offtE (jeauenactbtbe ju;oebeboiae , teappjouctbf^earn). .itotKtb/imato cbat bentapebeate e moumpngeaof SSfr u S c i e fot^asbe m capttutte/anb aeliuer e cbpt ffl?!*WofOeat6. m*M&amp; Cbat epmapep;eacbe name of tbe iMoncip onHo^etngjton/sbts too^fttpeatjmirale. *m tan* .tfegtti tbe people are gatberea- together/ " ^9tbeSpngoomegalfotoferuee}lo?ae. ' ^ebatb fyougbtaotonemp dreg mmp &lt;ouroep/ana Sjojteneampbapeg. f et topil 3 f ape: mp ob / tafie me ndt attapetnempaae8ofmpneage-jjsfo;p



peare0/epenaure o;oto outait genera cpong. mmtomkm begpnnpngbadiapea tbefounDacponofCfat/anatbcbeaueg arette too^cfies of n)p banaeg.

te:tbep ail all toere oloe ag ao a garmet/ SSZSSf ^ Q)alt ^ ou ** &amp;"/ epalbecbaungeb. cftecbPia/ofpferttauntesancBtp* nue/eir feae aiip?ofpere in tbpfigbt 4 ecbe.cnt praime. but) fo;gcuetb t&amp;t m tbeir ipnnesan? abounoauntlp JnflciUutttft nro tbtro too; tiip gooors* F jfl&gt;f9aiii 3^ffiapfetbeilo?&amp;/ mpfoule/anaan* JCf E teimmep?apfcbpsboJp name, 7T.. f W&amp; % e **&amp; m P fouie/ ana fojetnotalibi0benifptfs. iiabpcbfo^euetbaiitbprpraicg/a bea* re all tbpne mftrmmesj. ' * *^ t&amp;btcb fauetb p ipf e from aeflrwecpon/ ana erotonetb e toitb mtrcp / ana iouwiae fipnbnefle. * . i&amp;bpcb fatfffpf pbefp;etop aooa pnge0ymafipng tbe pongeanaiuftpasaft aegie. j&amp; Cbe tm erecutetb rpgbtuouefle ana tuogment/fo?allemtbat fuffretozonge. I^e ftetoeabig toapegbnto CPofejj/ahpg too;c6e3bntotbecljplo;enof3frael. Cbea.o?ai8fiillofccmpaflponanbmet:j cp/ 8 *longe fufferpng/.ft of great gocBneffe. * ttbtiottt %t topil notaitoape be popnne / nettet' 8 '"Bf fcft* topll oe fiepe um anger fo? etfet. * Sffif ^ebanotaeaittottbb0afterourefpn s !;n?b"o't neg/ net retoaraea bg acco?aing to oure tote "* ip ruffrctb/ beaneffe. uutairo oifet&gt; Jfo; lofie bote bpe e beauen tg in compa^ &amp;5S nfonoftbeea^fogreatetsbigmercpaifoaS^ totoarae em at f eare bm. % fpnnn / io# Jtobe bote topae e raft Jg from toefl/ "W ti " tf r fo fern babf ft t oute fpnneg from bg. fX* ( i' feelt&amp;eagafaerprtietbbisatonecbtl4 SS. bltweuen to tg e Ho;a merepfuU bnto e som^d

at fearebfm. em ct Dccp ? , tfo?beftnoire tobcrof toebemabe/be;i^ u 'of Ba remetnb:eattoeatebutauft. ffif.5f rbat a mS m big time ig but ag tg graffe/ "pence long* ana Oo?ie ag a floure of e feioe&lt; Htstmtat *t. . Jfo?8gfoonea0etopnfiegofouernY ft tg gone /ana e place erof finotoe it nomojjc. ffiut e mercpfttl goobneffe of e tme-B* enaure fo? euetana euec /bpon em at fearebim/anabtgrtgbtuouelfe bpon ere plDetgcbpj&amp;?en,

&amp;#ffcattfo, $M,cinj.$,cU

s $cb:.i.&amp;.

g&gt;ocb as fiepeBts couenaunt/S ttjincee bp on Bfef c omm aunoe men te s t o do t'g c m . Cbe 3lo?oe batb pjeparea bps feate tit beaucn/atiD W fcp n goome ruletb ouer all. fl&gt; pjapfe tbe HL-DTiic pc angeis of Bts/pe be mpgbtte in flrengtb/ f ulf pllpngbr's corns maunberaenttbat mm mape Beatetbebop* ceofbfStoo?aes. d&gt; p?apfc tbe &amp;o?ae an pe Bfc fcottesy pe fctuauntes f b is, ttj at do Bis plea Cure. ! fpeafie gooa of tbe iL.o?ae all pe too?ebeiS ofbiS/mcaetp place of Bisoomintoipjapfe tbou tbe JLo?ae/ me foule, q- , . i0 . C?cp?apfct6 Sob fo: tbe creacpsnofaHfbjttjcfl/j ^^Eapfe tbeilotfie D mpfoule-.O 'JL0.2&amp; jaitg(2&gt;DO/tftouatecome erceaopnge T^ glo?iousy tbou art don) ea tt mate a? ano bonoure.

eBouDecBettt&amp;prelfttlpgBt/asttttiew toftb a garment/ tbou fp?eaeB out beauen Ipfieacurtapne. cbott bolted it aboue tottb testers/ tbou maBeB ttj e clouoes tbp cbaret/ a goea opon tbe topnges of fl)e topnfle. *Cboumafte8 tbpneangeis rp?etes/anb tbp mtniflers flammc s of fp?e. Cbou Baft lapr t&amp;c eartb bpon net f mm* bacpon/tbat itneuer mouctb at enp tpme. cnou couereft ittoptbtBe&amp;epe ipBe as toptb a garment /fo rbattbetoaters ttanbe aboue tie BpHes. 38utat tftp rebuBe tbep fle/at tbe bopee of ^rbprbonae'rtbepareafrapeo. B&gt; (ften are tfie Bplles fene alofce / ana fbe ballrps benetb in ttteft placeicbicb tbou baa appopntebfo?tbem.) CBoubaft ret tnem tbeir bounaes/tobicb tbepmape not pace /tbattbepturne not a* gapnetocouertbeeartB. Cbott caufeft tBetoellesto fp?pnge bp amonge n)e balie ps / tbe teatets to tunne amonge tbe Bplles. Cbatalf beaflesof tbefeiaemape &amp;aue b:pncfie;a t'jat t&amp;e tetiaeaffeg mape quencb t&amp;eirtbp?fte. aboueopStBeBpneu Bauet&amp;e fouler of me ap?e tbefr bab t ra cpon/anb fpnge amSge . tbebzauncbe*. 8ou toatrctttBeftpne* from aboue/t&amp;e eartb tsfplleatt tbe frutesof tbptoo?c8ejs. cboub?pngeft fo?tb graffe fo? tbe catell/ anagtenebetbesfo? tbererupce of mm. boub?pngeftfoae out off eart&amp;;ropne tomafiegJaBtbebeeteofman/ opletomafie bpma coeatfuil coimtenaunce ana b?ebto a mat &lt;jr fttengrb mans Berte. mwmi C&amp;ftteeS*of tBe JLo;oaw fuHoffcppr/

m ttreeg ofMbanuis toBtcbbebarbpIiteb. w or m u.

tibereraabetbe bwuegtljertneBeg / anb m mZmt tbe fp^re buies are a Droellpng fo? ao?c6e, staffenofmra, c^eGaiegawawfugefojptoti&amp;egoate*/ ano f are t&amp;e ftonp rocfies f 0? n)e conpe*. CBou baft appopnteb tfteS oon e f 0? cet&lt; tapne feafons / tbe ^unne anoroetb bpst gofngeootone. CboumaSeftbawsneft /tbatttmape be nigbt/toberinail t&amp;ebeafles of tbefo?eaoo moue. fee anbtbepongejpons tobfeb toawafs ter tbeir p?ape; ano RBe ebcti meate at cb. 55ut tDbenrbe funnearpfetb / tbe p gettbera atoapctcgetbet/ alpetbembotoneinttjeic beimes. cben goetb man fo?rb to W too?cbe/anb totpllbfsdanbebntplltbe euenpnge. *j,o?b/botomamfoibearetbptoo?6e0/ ttt r, Uri . . tfgbttopfeljbafttboumaiietbemaU:j; e ** ^ ft ' , eartbipfuiloftbprpcbejj. ^sois tb5 greate a topoe feealfb ; toberc maretbtngepcrrppngeinnumerabie/botb fmall sno greate beaBes. be re go tbe tyippe* ouer / anb tbete is 50 tbat^teutatbS/tebcmetbcubaamaoe/to **&amp;m tafiebispaftpmetbenn. p6aiu3(Hr Cbf P toapte all bpo tbe/ tbat tboumajeft ,1,e ' gcue tbem mr ate in cue reafon. mbentbougeuea ittbtm/ ttjtpgattjec i't:tobentbouopeneatrjpnebanoe/t|jepa fpllcOrottbgooD. jeut roben tboiiDpbtftt&amp;p face; tflepare fc,:oufufi:pftboutafieaatoape tbefr b?etb/ tbepepe/9 areturneo agapne totbeft buft. agapne/ toben tbouie tteatbpb?eibgoo fojtb/tbep aremabe/ano fo tbou tenuefttbe face of tbe eartr). ;begio?tou0mai'eftpoftbe)Lo?beenbu*. retb fo; euer/a tbe jLoj&amp;e * reropBttb in bp? towc&amp;es*. &lt;wfcsf

b e eartb tremble t&amp; at tbe rofie of 6mt/&amp;e l*nfl*r botbbuttoucbtbebpllesanbtbepfmofie. JiJJSBSi 1 topil fpnge bnto tbe JLo?be as fonge as SSST 3! fatal topil p?apfe mp eoa tobpie 9 batu A mpbepnge. . fl&gt;tbatmptoo?6fjtmpgbtpftarebmi/fo; mp tope fsm me )U?W. 3s f o:f pnners, thep Qjalbe cofumroout of tbe eartb; anb tbe bngoovp fflail come to anenbe*utp?apfe tbou tbe x.o?oe/ mg (pule, ^pfetbeeuerlaffpnge. Jy &amp; '^Vcbe.cb^ralmf. r ^c raotielft to pjajfc flPoO in t(&gt;- ^o!p affctnbte at (be 2t tbe of ttg&amp;lfft ano cjfc(I) bis bnufiti s oone totbboi?P"P"- _, ,^fN&lt;seiic tbancfiesbnto tbelojbe/anbai t 4y calibpo bf sname:te tbe pecple tetjat SgfSf '' *^tbpnges be barb bone. ,efe ' ffp, sd let sour ronges be of ftrnitpjapfcfitmy ana

ano let poure taiftptge oe of ait bp^ aonbe* roustDOJcftes. (EKuebpSbolpnameagooD repo?te/ lete rbeir bettes reiopfe tbat febe tbe low. ^ebe tbe &amp;ofl&gt;e/an&amp;bps ftrengtb / fefic btSfaceeuetmo^e. iBemembje tbemamelouS too?cfies tbat beban) oone/bis roonaers 9 tbe tufigmentcS Dfbtsmoun). ipe reoeof 3Bb?abambPS ftntawit / pe cbplti;m of Jacob bis cbofen. 0eis tbe iLojoeiuredJoD/robofepumft)* mentes aretbo?oto out aiitberooflDe. '. ^eisaimapempnbfuUofbpscouenaftt/ anb p?ompfe ttjatbe majie to a tboufanb ge wewepons.

f ee n)e couenatint tbat be mabe VbWtw* bam/ano tbe oon) tbatbeftearebnto 3faac. ainbapopnteDtbefamebnto *3!acob fo? alatoe/ano tojfrael fo? an euerlaBpnge teaament. )apmge;bnto tbe topll 5! geue tbelanbe of Canaan/tbe lot of foureberptage. 9 . J^bmtberetoaspetbutafettie ofn)em/ anbtbeBraurtgerstberfn. * Ibattpmeastbeptoentfto6nenactott to ano fa e r / from one bpngbome to anotber. dfiica cue. Sefuffreonomantoburtetbem/but*i;e * p?ouebeuen6pngesfo?tbeirfa6es. , Coucbnotmpneanopnteb/bompp?opbe s u .,,,teftnobarme. I JrStib ' ' Wemtt be fl * caHebfo? abartb bpon tbe BEIT ew/9 MBropta " all tbe p?ouifpo mm, t coat is/an )Sut be bab fent a man befo;e tbetn/eum tiw wtapiw. *w bfepbtobi'cbtoasfoloetobea bonbe fee* *w5S : Cbe?'*burtebpsfetein tbeBotbes tbe liittpmjDtbispjonpearfcobysbette. M in i\)t aou, . cintilltbe tpmetbatbtS mojoecame/anb S"" a i rpirtbetooiae of tbeHo?bebabtrpebftim. SSSS Wen fent tbe Bpng a caufebbim to be be* K^S liuereb/tbe P?ince off people babletbimgo. 9? tbe r-on ipe mabe b tm &amp;o?be of Btsboufe/ a ruler Enrage b?a of all bS fubftaunce. SS cbatbe mtgbt enfourme bis p?fnces after

fumcB of c^jgasaaraunger in tbelanbe of J^am.i 5S;!W ^ # ut be fncteadeblttst people ercea&amp;mglp/ ^"Sp^'anbrnaoetbemarongcrtbenrbetr enemies. eatei n E V .nabofebertturnto/fotbattbepbatebbis sraime.waa prople/ftDealtbntrtilpttftbbts feruaBtes. &amp;3SS5' *cbmfcntbe fl^oCesbtsreruaunt/ anb ft5ffi.^ttnA*nfteftabcboWi. ^ - '

V*m ' ' 6efe trpobistobens amonge tbem/ ana toonbers in tbe lanbe of $am . ';,- \:*..9t fent barcmteOe ana it teas barcbe/ MfeMw, rottbeptoere nut obeapent bnto bpStoo?6e. kcn. ( ,H *^eturneotbefrtoatew&lt;ntoWoube/ant&gt;

, ,i

*beftl&amp;b;ctig|tfo?tifrcgge^/Ee^eue liniM intbeirfipngescbambers. . *^^* *$c;fpafietbe too?afe ) anb tbeft came ail M#M maner of flpesana ipee in all tbeit quarters^ ^egauetbem baple Bones fo? raphe/anbv flam tries of fp:e in tbeir lance. m fmotetbeir binepatoes a f pgetrees/9 beftropea tbe trees I to ere in tberc coaQes. . *$efpaBefajo?ae/atbcretoeregreaop** rt .a pet* anbcatp?pp!lew innumerable. ** Cbereatebpall tbegrafle inttjefr ran&amp;eV anbbeuo?earbe&lt;tfrutc0oftbegrour,oe. *, * ^e tmote all tbe fp:B b6?ne in tbe lanb/ ****** euen tbe cbefe of ail tbetr fttbBaunce. $e b?ougbt fbem fo^tb toptb fplner anb m '" -' goiae/ mere teas not onefeble petfonnea*^ mongetbeirtrpbes. fgppte was giaa of tbefr aeparfpnge/fo; tbeptoereafrapeooftbem. ' * e fp?ea out a dbube f be a conerpug/ jro. jrftu ana f p?e to gen e ipgbt in tbe nigbt ceafon. *at tbeiraerp?f /there cam -ciuapies / a be 1 j.*w.c* fpneatbemtoitbtbeb?eaaofbeauen. ttd . rnrt b eopencatberocfeeof Bone/anb toa= S*!u ters flotoea out :fo tbat rpuers ranne in tbe * inpiaefnefle. fo?tobp^berememb?eaBiSboIpp?omeS 'tobicb Be baa maae &amp;rito3ib?ab3 Bisfemafle. ' cbus beb?ougBtfo?tB Bps people toptb f ope, anc bis cbofm roitb glaaneae. . 3Cna gaue tbf we lanaes of tbe eatben/

tobere tbep tobe tbe labours of ttje people in / poOeffpon. ^rBat tbej mpg^t bepe ^fs flatutes /anb obferue Bislaaes, ?&amp;?apfe ttje euerlaBpng, C&lt;Sbcp(OpteofBot)'Cp3cptcoab;oaCKfo;tbrirof# fni ces m juetg qnO &amp;t aung- ton t cr p :/( jrlj o; t tbrffl reluestopiapCetbc goomes afjoob/tobpchtsriiei; teaby fo; tbem tbat teas? bpnv. am So alfo recjtc ib ftnnfBoftbeit eiacceanlifo?Catbcra:anl) agapne/ibe' bciufy tcflof Coa. ttiljicb be tbetoco t bt m.totb in tb( to jlberwa ano after m the lanoe cf Canaan. J&amp;?apfe tbe euerlaBpnge. ' -jjn eue tbattcbes bnto ftje JLojbe/ fo?Be % TO is gracpous / ano bPS mercp mburetb fo? euer. bo can erpjetre tbe noble acteS Of tt)e 3lo?ae/o? Bwtoe fo?tB all Bis p?apfef JBleffeoaretbeptbatallrtiayefiepeiuag* ment/ana ao rpgbtuoufneS. JRememb?ebS/fl))lo?ae/acco?apngeto afcffi&amp;eiw&amp;t tbe fauoure \ tbou bcateBbnfo tbP PeopfttK^S. . ^bpfetbStoptbtbpraupngebeaitb. , SgS ^Batttempgbtre pleafure of tt&gt;p cbo* m boip 20a* fen /tbat toempgbtrricrpfein tbegiaonetreppaifftti); ofmPt'eople/ageuetBancbestoitB^mPrte^,^"' mberptaunce. t^KPff use B3ue fptmea VrptB cure fatBers./ toe tieStSi Baue Done ampflev toebauecealttopcficMp.toiw wmxt, - '- ' " JHt*

i tfoiefaftersregafteanotftptoontjew fttEce/foflor^tt*J^injtfjiffiirfr fogppte/ftej&amp;eptenotftpgKatego.oB* *-" ^ rie&amp;wrememajaticertuttoere oifobeo&amp;nc

#tcautem wmitowtpm/m b toiaeftemplaneiptoiftbisipppcs. faM/^f^Vm?^rinaBcT^potortttbe fcotfecommaunaeoftem. wwt ft

~8tftefte/euenatfteteearee, *&gt; #euert&amp;eles/&amp;eBefpeofte"fo?btsnamei8



$erebu&amp;eBfteteeafee/anafttoaSB?fe&amp; ana letneo fteir too?cfies, ** |eift$f ftojoa 5 oepe a* in a topi* SnfomocB g fteptoojfoippeafte it pwa

c&amp;itf&amp;e Cauea ftem from fte bans offte bater/anaaeintetea ftem fto banee of ft e enempe. rffM *8*fojftorer&amp;atttoubieb ftem fte tos* tetsouertobeimeafte/ftetetoasnot one of ftem left. 8enbereueaftep fabts toojae/ afange pjapfebntobpm. ut toiftina tnbtie ftep fo&amp;atbis tnoic* fies/anOtooiaenatabpaebts councell. C a mft came bpa ftem in fte topiaemeffe/ f o ftat ftep temptea C5 oa in fte aef erte. fet be gaue ft em ft ei r oefpje, and rent ft? pnougb at fteir toplle.s. c&amp;epangtea^ofes mantes/a aiann ft efapncte offte jlo;De.

5e*/tobf ft t times to t^ftv atone tecs w, J2!XEP mm * mtit m ^'ters onto Deuel?.

ana fflea { mnwetblouaeaftbeft formes for fteft aaugbters/tobom ftep offrea bn* toftepmages of Canaan/ fa ftat fte lanfie toasatfpiea toft* Wotae. * a &lt;E&amp;ustoereftepaapneBtoift fteir atone too/cfi/an&amp; toente a tobo?pngc toift ftris stone muencpons. &lt;&amp;etfo;c teas fte to?aft of ftelort apn*

fje fpje toasfipnaieo rn fteir company fte flame b;ent bp ft e bngoaip. e ... 6 . *bep raaoe a calfe m l^o^b / ana too?* &gt; K &amp; WP tfc molten wage. pbj toijptij buS ttjeptutneutljeit* * Bfejp ft tofte taas t &amp; ei t a i a - fpmi illtufie of a calf e/ft a t ea t eft Bape. * l * ^epfo;gat&lt;Boatbeft^autour/to6pc9. i^K *onacroustoo?e6c0rnisaeof&lt;*$am/ tbepfeiana featfuHftt nge0 in ft e teea fee. tewg.t. .j&amp;ofiefatte&amp;etoolBebaueaearopebt&amp;eV

Snagaue ftem otter- into fte bSae of fte $eawe/Sftepftat&amp;attaftem/toereio?ae$ cuerftem. congregation of awtam. Q?an p a rpmeott

P?ouo&amp;eabtmtopft fteir atone muenciSs/ 9 toew b?ougbtaotonefo? fteft toi cfieaneflt tfeuerfteieaetobmbefatoeftciraaurt* rpte/bcbcn&gt;cftefccompiapnte. f ft ought bponbis coumaunt/ ana pp* nea ft e m/a c c o?apnge bnto ft e multftuae of 9V$ mercpes. fee bema&amp;eaHftofeftat baa lead ftera atoapecaptpue/topptfeftem; *^ ^cipub?/j)toeoiiwoa/aiiaffa* tbct w from amonge ft e $ eaft en : ft at toe

, -, . , mapegeueftanc6estoftpbolp

tn ftat gappe;totumeatea?e bis tojaftful mafic outeboaft of ftpwapfe.

mafgnacpon/left be tyuiae aefrrope ....... of ftat pleatant lanae/anagaue no cieaence bnto w mm, utmufmureDmfteJt tenteiJ/ ana beu i not bnto fte bopce of fte i,o;ae.

lefleti be iLo^j &lt;s5ca of Sfftaci ftff tuer laftpng 8 toojia toft&amp;mit en&amp;eA'&amp; let anpeo* piefape:3tmf mme, 1&amp;;apfe i euecWftjnfc e %%t fpftD treatyft. iaBBSStt^^^- ^e.cb^ Co caftoutmeufeac amSgeftenartoss/

rt ana t o team ftem in fte lanaes. v Cbeptopneatbere!ue0bnto38aa!pro2/ anaatefteoffetpngegoffteaeea, t fbu0ftepp;oiiofieabpm bnto angcttt ftefcatoneinuencpon? / anafte plage toag ,_ . fiwateatnongetbem. P**Wa bw tmevmmm torn* tuau ce/ana fb fte plage ceafea . ana ftat teas counteo bnto bfm fo? ipgt)

\* *

ftnt8n4taraato8|cofoa* *^ ^ -jaeueftancfiejj bnto fte xmttnty J0 Wgtaepowi/anaBpJmctcp mouwft WtfterageueftancfiejJtoborafteioa baft reeemea/anaoeipucita from fte ganac of fte enempe. 2iSJ&amp;! ^Jft/ftomtbej9o;tbanau .,..., nwn fte * ^&gt; ouft . ttYnatae aw*

tewftt^/mnj^85pojetft^eaecino?e ffiljeptoentafttawfntbe teentfmrt6'm b "" , * tt 6 il

.mh 1W ,, urn mifuutm K;[HW , m f ^epmentaiitaj'emnie tortnetnrtfc tt angerpa bpm aifo at fte toatew of an mk^mStZmSi





$ongwe aftreflpe/ 9 ftrttfouietapntea inftem. . mtatis- $&gt;ott)ep"*ctpcabntofte jLo^aein ftefe JSmS fwu&amp;le/^ beaeipuereafte ftSfteirafftrefK, jii ffuM ^eieaftefo;ftbpftcrpgfjttoape/gftep SfK pw * mpgt)t goto fte cptie tobete ftepbtoett, 6,aiui e^oat. &amp; ftat men tooiae p;apfe fte gooonefle of * ftejLo;ac/anaftetoonaeiftatbcaoftfoi fteftpia^enofmen. 25 foi be fatiffpeafte emprte foule/^fpnea ^tbebongtierouietoift gooa. S&gt; ocb as fat m aatcfineae ana tit fte flja* ^- # . fotoeofaeaft/ bepngefattbounae tnmpfe* 0Mmf.rt.o. agecaufftaeptoetenotobeaief tofte co* maunaementcsofdJoO/ butlpgbtiptegar* bea fte eotmceH of ft e mott btgbeft . ecbeit berte teas beyea toift Iaboure/ftep fell aotone/ a ft ere teas none to beipe tbem. g&gt;o ftep crpea bnto fte ilo?ae in ft tit ftouble/ana be aelpuetea ftem oute of ft tk bpftreffe.

^eb?ottgbtftemoutof aawsneffe a out of fte ftaaotoe of aeaft/ab?afie ftett boars mfonaet. ftatmen tooiae p^pfe fte gooaneffe offte7L,o?ae/anDftetoonaew( ftat be aoft jj % aa, f ? # e c &amp;i?R&gt;?en of men. Mano tattes iJfo? be baft bi often fte B *gates of b?affe/ 2S anarmpttenpe * bartes ofpjon tn Conae v. 9ma:ip ^ Cbett foule abbo?tea all manet of meate/ storage fteptoereeuenljataeataeaftesao^e. 2w&amp; ^ *^"^*^*l-oftmfteftfwtt s *5 Kit We 4? ftc fielpuerea fte out offt eftbpStefle. ijtiwwic; a r ^e rent bis too;ae ana beaiea ftem/ ana immanec of faueaftem ftomaeflruccpon. smIlX .IPy* 1 mm to0,De W*** $* sooanefle *m pottetB Cbat ft ep tooiae offte bnto bt'm m Cam




teft/ana fobebjpngeft ftentbnto ftebauert tobete tbep tooiae be. fl) ftat mm tooiae p?apfeftc gooaneg of fte lo?ae/ana fte toona?e( ftat be aoft f o? fteftpltyenofmen. . cbat ft ep tooiae mitt bim in fte cSgte gacpon offte people/ ana loaucbpm in fte reateoffteeiaets. . iiBb^turneftfteflouaesftto ajpelana/ anab^eft bp fte toatet fp?pnges. . 3ftutefulllanaema8eftbtbaif/fo?fte topefieaneffe of ftem ftatatoell ftetin. 2gapne/bfma6etbt '*topiaernfjjaflan* ..^^

bmg toat/a toater fp;mpJof a a;te gtonoe. ^Sm&amp;^ cjewje fetteft ftebongtpe/ ftat mt$m* mape bupiae ftem a epete to atoeil in. Oiewtu m ra, Cbattbepmapefotoeftettgtounae/plSfewy 1 ' 8 bpneraraes / to peiaefte fnttert. of tntteafe. , am ,. tiB/be ceaamglp/anafutTteftnotftewc8teUtooe=?ncafs. eteafe. l^bentbep aretmjnffltea a b;ougbt Iotoe fto^oteeopp^eflpon/ ftojotoe enp plage o; trouble. bougbbefuffreftemtobe eueUintrea* feafto?oto tp;auntes/o?lett ftemtoana?e out cf ft e toape in fte topiaerneffe. y etbeipeft be fte poo?e out of mr'CrwaC ftsiaa;anamaseft bPmant&gt;outt)oIbeipfie aflocEeoffljepe. ffberfgbtuous tofll c5fpa?eftts awfopfe/ ? mouft of all totc&amp;eaneffe ffiallbe ttoppea, ibo fo is topfe/a pona?eft ftefe ftpngeU toeii / fball bnac rftanae ttje loupnge fipna* neffes offte JUyae. e . - , CCbe.ebiiJI&amp;falme. c ^ x C6t "teefft pty fetucntl; Befpjefb 1 p;r&lt; ijSoB'* anOtEcptet6ttjcnoti!tncsoft)J86pnBDom'anBintirt as in a tyaootoc ttjt nobplitc of JCb;i8e6 spnaOoroc. 3 fonge of a pialme of auta.

( ^*oa/mpbwetsreaaptorpnge /ana ^cci,ega. ttl ^8 ,a on c 9. ftarpe^mprnpfelfetojilatoabengbtearip. "Nrte&amp;u bep.ftatgoaotonetoftefeefnfttppe0/v atopHgeucftancfieSbntofte/flDjLo"? /

(wftftfia bep ftat go aotone to ft e fee tn ftt'ppes. w(pBRije. a oceupf e fteir burpneee tn greate toaters. ,[ * befemenfeftetoo?cfiesoffte^o?ae/a bfsstoonbwisbifteatape. tfo?atbiStoo#f/fte aoimptotnaeawTeft/

anblpfteft bp ftetoaues fterof. Cbepareearpeabpto beaiie/aaotone agapne to 5 aeape/ftetr foule melteft atoape in fte trouble. cbep reletoanafro /'ftepaacfier ipfiea b?oncaen man/ana are at fteir topttes enae . &amp;oftepcrpebnto )Lo?afnftetrtvou* me/abe aeipuereft ftf oiit of tbet'r atureffe. . e mafieft fte fto?me to ceaffe/ fo ftat t toauesare ftpll. ben ate ftep giaa becaufe ft ep be at

amonge fte people /$ topn fpnge pmtea bnto fte amonge fte l^catben. , t o? fte gteatneffe of ftp me rcpisbtgbet ftenfttbeauens/ana ftpfaptfjfufnefferea* cbeft bnto fte ciouae*. *S&gt;etbp ftp felfe; (jioa/aboueftebea* * uens/ana ftp g!o;p aboue all fte eatft * pMMM * Cbat tbp beloueo mape be Befyuerete .&amp;ii e belpeften toffttbprpsbtbanae abeateme. ***"* &lt;!5oi)baftfpofieinbisSSctuarp/tobpca ftpngereiopfeftme. Smmaeupae %icbem/ana meate one fte ballepofgmeboft. oaiaaa is mpne/flKanafles # mpne/ * ,aw.r4i Pb?aimisfte8tengft ofmpbeaa/ luaa ^ff mp .



raj captapne*

C ^oabismptoawpotte/ottet&lt;bomtofll 5 Greece outemp qjue/ ja^tuaea wall be glabofme. . , i^o toiHleaae mem totge tttoge ct'ttef !Bo topll I) J?iig e me in to e b o mi &gt;Baltnottbouboit (flDob) toBpeB Batt caftbiS out:tbou c&amp;oD/tbat toentett not (offl toitb'oure i^ottesi 0beraouourbelpemtrouBle/fo?bapne feit&amp;e&amp;rlpeofraan. Bo?oto ob toe an Do petit actes/f o? ftiSBe S all treabebotone oureenempes. . be.cir.1&amp;ralme. CKgapnttJDaeg and otbee flatterers of Ssaul/toBt'eb toitb ttjeic ipespjouobrb bpm agapnS JDauio : ana bnbee tbe (6aoott&gt;cof tbem agapna3uoa8f at! focfjc as after that maner trouble tbe fame* ofoo:Htim * * * Cttoaptttbbcbtsmpretieianapjapetbfivbelpe. fc-EJSr Sf * tBe cBaunter/apraime of &amp;auft. WmS "af!k ,M not tbptoge/o oDof mp P?aife. 3i 3eJ iffo? tBe moutb of tbebngoolp / pee '^ 9 tbemoutf) of bifceatfull is opened 6p5 me/a fpeabeagapnttmetf falfetoges. bep (Spate me aboute \b too m$ of ba* eb/a.fpgbt aga jnttme tottbout a caufe. $M ion e ft at J Bab fa n to tbe/cbep tafee notompc5trarppatte/but3geuempfelfe bntopjaper. bus tbepr emarbeme euefl fo? goob / 9 Batrebfo?mpgoob topll. S&gt; e t an bngoWp mS to be ruler oner firm / (UetS&gt;atanaanfteatb!SJrpgfttbanbe. lEben fenrence is geue bpo Bi'm / let b tm be conbempneb/anb let bis p?apet be turneb .,.,., intofpnne. Ef *&amp;etbts bapes befetoe/a W bt'wop?fcfte a fflEbetoo^vTetanotbectabe. acs tohich m f a * %tt bps cbplb?en be fatbetieffe / 9 bis B&amp;3L*I* a topbotoe. mZm SmB *** ## fcebagabounoes/ 9 begs tm S wi!iDp4tbeitbzeD:imtberafe&amp;e ft/ as tbep

ojpjaping -,oe&amp;ropeb. J?SlVfc. Jr &amp;ettbe erto?cfonet confume all tbat Be $%$!! &amp; W&gt; let ttraungers fpople bis laboure. rtetcffittat "Hettbetebenomantopetpe/nertobaue ft ai t in ocaoe camp aflpon bpon Bis fatBecieffe cBploim. "J* f a h ^ : Het bS enbe be beuruccpon/a in nepte Sfm ue hail' generacion let bis name be cleane put out. boQotB/fo: 7bto %tt topcfieonelfe of bPS fatBets be baa tbptfiKn Bjaibtte remeb?aunee in tbe fpsbt of tbe %oM/ a Mgabounbes : m notf fpnne of bis motber be none ato ape. 2? Mn oSt **"# altoa ^ c fte before tbe :to?b/but as fototo'Vaefti to tBememo jiall of tbem felues / lett it pe* tftci&amp;fai.fie.tpft from out of tbeeattb. tiet aiitbo* asnbtbat becaure b?s mpnbetoas not to ^ft^i^bogoooybtttperreeutca $ poojebelpleffe / 9 ttiopwu . ^ toasJijejeDattbebette /todape Bpnt - ^isoelpte toasincutfpnge /anD tBerfo;e * ffiall ft bappen faneo Bpm : be loueo not bleP= fpnge/anb tbat all be farre from Btra,

^ e ciotbeb bpm f elf e to ttb curfpnge Ipbe as toitB arapment:|ee it toente in to bis be* toefS Ip&amp;e aater/9 ipbe ople in tobis bones. Xettitbebntobpmastbeclocbe tbatbe ' batbbpon b^m/ano as tbe gp?ol( tbat be is gp?aebtoitBaH. '. . jut it tbiis bappen from n)e }lo?oe bnto mpne enempes / 8 to tbofe tbat fpeafie eueii agapnftmpfoule. 55titbeale t&amp;ou m\i me/ &gt; %tm eo/ . acco^Dgnge bnto tbp name/ fo?fttiete is tBP mercp, H&gt; Deliuerm e/fo? % am belplette a POo;e/ anumpberteistoounbebtoitbinme, j 3&gt;go bence Ipfie tbe ano toe tbat Depart tetb/?amD?pue atoase as tbe gretbopprrs, b*mts&amp;m p finees are toeabe tb ojoto b * faftpng/ ^ n&amp;cr, mp flefo is b;ieb bp fo? toant of fatnette. &amp;&amp; n M* 3 am become a rebube bnto tbe/n)ep lobe 55^* bp on me ano fijafie tbeir beaoes. ft ?e ratK i^eipe me/ Ho?De mp od / ob faue me mu. totbpraercpesfafie. Cbattbepmape&amp;notoe/BototbatrbfS is tbPbanDe/anotbattbou batt none it. Cbougb tbep airfe/pet blcffe tboivanb let tbe be confounoeo/tbat rjfe bp agapnQ me/

but let tb p f eiuaunt reiopfe. ILctt mtne aouetfarpesbe ciotbeb toitt) tljeit atont fflame/as tottb a cloase. Sis fo; me/3 togllgeue tBancfteg bnto a)e jl02titopti; mpmoutb/ apjapftbpniamogc . . ttemuictube, JifSS 1 jf o? * be aanoetb at tberpgbt&amp;anDe of f Jj jra poo?e/ totauebpmfto toffy as eoimempnepooienjaia/ B?S fOUle. He to pjett CM CSetKftcnjetI)ttjeUsnsliomoW^iff/to!)i^6cs5nt before in Oc ju^jo 9 10 come iteougU tl)c tojole toUw* ftau &amp;aue pfaU^ub ttjc oucc I) anD c ty U Dig encm?cs be maOe ^ f ot c,C o I f . 2iei"a!meoE5auio. j 7 15^ tc:Bc farse bnto m? to?De: a &lt;to on atbpfCteBOfe. theSoHIpma. He i.o?fce mall fenbe tbe robbe of (ftgtfp tbatbe potoct cut of ^)ion;be tbou oiler euen in g natb/(o wfc * mpoDeit amonge tBpne encmpeiS. SSS Jo m oape of tbp potoer iball tftp peoptegf gj oftre tbe fretogllonrpng^ toitb an boip too?= &amp;m on bp ipe/ibc betoe of tbp bp?tB is of tbe toombe rfc&amp;tfiSMgw of tbemompnge. 1fi '""' beHc?oftoare/9 toill notrepet-.bouart^ J ' a p?e&amp; fo? euerafterp o?ber of 0elcbire&amp;ec. i3 matlEt)Fm u cBe &gt;Lo?De bpon n)p rpgbt ban&amp;e / mall mw fmpte euen binges in tbe nape of bis to^tt). ?' m fW !ge mall be iubgeamonge tbe J^eatben/ gjg be mall fp!l tbem toitb beeo bo&amp;pes/a fmpte ^ lote^at, in fonae: tbe Beabes ouer btuerfe rountres.f yii.o. Vic all b.^ncb* of tbe b?ofie in f toape/ * * **9P Jberfo;eOjaUbr*lpftbpbiSbW0, ' ^SS m&gt;


Cbe.cri.Ptelme. Cffbe potoer, topfaome^ gooJracB of &lt;!5oiJ arepiap* franobieb ace tupbeni to fetip bts towebefl anb nctoa bone amonge tbe people of Jfcai II, ^apfetbeeuenattpnge. rtf H9P geue tftancBf jj bnco tBeHotfe ^ . at a ll m ? to ^ o!e ^ me: fectftlp amonge tBe Ci, ^ faitbfull/ 5 in tbe congtegacpon, ^ Cbetoo?cbes of Hoflaregreat/fougBt out of all tBe tBat Baue pieafure tbertn. f iStoo^cfieiStootfbpto be p;apfebanb ba&amp; in bonoure / ana bis rpgbruoufneffe en ouretb fo? cuer. Be mercpfuli anb gtacpous JLo?be Ba tb CobonebPSmatueloustoo;cbeS/ rbattBep ougbtto bebabin rememb.'aunce. 0egeuetbmeate bnto tbem / tBatfeaw bim/be is cuer mpnbfull of bPS couenaimt. 75 l^e metoetB bis people tBe potoer of bps too;cfieS/tBatBe mape geue tbem tbe*&amp;erptageof)e^eatben. Cbetoo^cbes ofbiSbSbesareberpte anb fabgmenr/allBiS cSmatmaemeteS are true. bep ttanbe faft f o? euer anb euer / 9 are bone in truetB anb equpte. e rent rebempepon bnto BPS people / be batbcommaunbeobiScouenauntfo? euer/ boip anb reuerent is Bts name. *be feare of tbeiLo?be is tbe begpnm'ng oEtopfbome.agoo&amp;bnberttanbpngbaueaii tbep tbatbo tberafter: tbe pjapfe of it enbu ten) fo? euer. Cbe,c#ueralme. CftebecIarefI)(liepcrpemallp;ofpetrteofl^toliicB feare anb tofcl&amp;pp ob/anbtonirefetbpe goobnes. Pwpfetbeeuerlaftpnge.



ejoucr.i^ aWj.c 3i(li,!,B,'ij.|sraime. ceeraonetb to tbep;apfe ofXoob;uecanf:ljcfepfE| all tbpng./4no ruletb anb gouernetb ibem after nw topllanbpiearuce. |&amp;;apfe tbe euerlattpnge, ^ix ISapfe tbejlo^bei tf) pe femaunteg) aD jap;apfetbe a *nameottbeiio;be. -- . ... fromtBistpme fo;tBfo; eun mo?e. *5 ~ be 7lo;oesnameis too.JtBptobe pjapsjoan.rDs.a. reb/from tbe rpfpngebp of tBe ^unne unto tBegoingeootone of tBe fame. Beno?oeisbpeaboueall^fatBen/ 9 bts glo?p aboue tBe BeauenS. m' mo is ipbe bnto tbe Jlofle oure oft/ VM wit twtbatbbiSbtoeHpngefoBpe/toBpcBBunubc ftutefuii oietbbimfelfe / tobeboloe tbatisinBeauen, ,0 j' auca te | bo* anbeartb? bhoimwio e f anblpftetbtBepoojeoutoftbempje. as mtbt ipw bat be mape rettBim amongetBe pm&gt; a{ u ua ncff ces/euen amonge tbe p?pnces ot bs people. *f &amp;!?Sfl^tcBniaSetBtbebaretoomSt.notupe^^ta boufe/anbtobeaiopfuiimotBer ofcBpl3?e.boute of bec p?apfe tBe eueriattpnge, e ^?- atonc/ f '&amp; . .^ Cbe.cjrtiij.pralme. &amp;} &gt; JSJJHjw I&amp;e Urfeflp recptctb tbe gecateft ano tt)caferap:a ?'*7 ll "*: " .ciestobitb tbe LojOeOpbfojjfracMDbeiibcfc ought *"*&lt;iPte tberaoutofSjppf. 7|tf *3&amp;en3.frarl came oute orcgppte/9* |^tt)e*boufeof-3acob fro amonge t&amp;at*,,,,,,.,... fc Qraunge people. sRHff* ^ubatoas'*BiS^ancftiarp/3;fraenB^t6^5K

OOmpntOn, j offp;pngc of befceratoetbat/anbflea/fo2bantur s ? atol,0: ?ft a ' ; fj nebbacbe. SfefSf?" "' '"'*'""' '-'- - riij.anbjni9.0f

_ jf&gt; %em is m mS tBat fearetb ttje XWW aM fl* SPSS?"? ttf W ft I,fie tan 3jabatBgreatebelpteinbPSc5maunbe s a "Hl^'e^s^ ,... raentes its&amp;acapieDtnc/ tbou fee / f t^ou flen= ffirobuB^ $ tb C 9iS feoe man be mpgbtpebpo'eartb/tbegc* fjJ-S? ^ ou 3&amp;*i ' ^ st ^wi rameoea * Iffl&amp;i 1 !! tiprarwfiHriFtlii-favthFitJrniaihrlneffos D8CHt7 ,... *',


neracpon of tBe faptbfull malbebleffeb. "fflS

rpgbtuous l9eli is Be tbat is mercpfuli / anb lenbe r&amp; gteblp/a ponb^etb bis too?bes \Sbifcrecion. jf 0? be awn neuer bt moueb/ f ngbtuous . mall bebab in an euerlaSpng remeb^auce. 55 l^e topll not be afrapeb fo? enp eueii tp= finiges/bis Berte ttanben) fatt/anb b eteuetb inmtoffx. m*fi.t ^Berteis tofijnot&amp;jpnc* iSS5 f 6e/bntilIbefebiS*berp?ebp5 bis enemies. fftraccpim. *ebatb fparfebab?oabe/ ageueto tbe 'ff9?iiu]tA.poo?e/B!SrpgBtuoufnt;remapnetb fo? euer/ biSBowe Iftalbe eraltebtoitb bonoure. be bngoblp mall fe t't/anbit mallgreue 6pm:be mail gnaw toifl) is teetb a confttme atoape/9 f fiefp/e of I bngoblp waaperpw*


iBpcB turneb tBebatbe rocfieintoaofjfeii. ttanbpnge lrater /anb tBe flpnt Bone into a t* abatises *P?PiBPngetoeH. . w% vmunt #Sfli0 to iwonn&amp;rt m rtje p ttbnlryfj* ?oto be:( fomr/i i&amp;cfe trccUcntlp UrncO'tonOecftan&amp;e it of tlje ftabpng/ trc mblvna j fop* ppngeof wMljbfdR/tBtrii tljetora? cane Botomc fogeuctbc latoc.rrt)r.]njr*c^ O.tDljul) fi)abing(fa^e (Ijep ) Vdhb not onelp fcne in ( lm( bpU alone but alCo in atl tfic bpllrs npc nto hpt . r*^frerochtucucomto^^fer^?rMac,^o.ybn*jjOum.fft CSf pjapcfEi C3oQ fo; tfyc glo:pc of tjis names fake fo fojebecbi3 peopled tbpnest cbatftmape beettritff* !p bnotoen r^at fie alone is 05o&amp;/an&amp; tfje Jficfc s of rfie (catben but tapnc t bpnges , * ^rSa&gt;tbntob9/)Lo^/not bnto bg 'but a *i&amp;cif m *Xbntotfif *namegeue^ep?aj ft/ fo?br fpgnir r ; Q f? r tfjploupnge mercp 9 fapcbCtilne 0. J^ 6'fin3mc/i9 lftrtfc^ ftail^c ratHti rape 5**mS&amp; f ^^

auto, paU)cbUjrtrij,$. cjrt#

i0notofteiroD? M fo* oure oD#e 10 in uroitot ity &amp;ot^ teljatfoeiKUtpieafeft&amp;inu nMm rmc *ceeitpmage0atnttfplerati&amp;2ol&amp;c/ 5555. menftetoozcfieofmensftanDei*. ^apicn.F^ c Ijcj fjauc mouftesJ/ario fptfafie not ; epcgs watuc$.M" Ijauefter/butftejrenok _ U Dauc tmm^mz notwofeg Baue 25 ft W buttles fmell not. cijcp ijaue DanDe0 anD&amp;anDle not / fete baue fte?/ but ftep can not,goo / neftercan fte^fpeafieftojotoftehrftjote;

. 63* cjjerftatmaDefte/ateiffiebntoftem/ anbtoaalltoc^a0putftettttufttnftem* V ut lett 5 f ta el tvu ft in ft e %mti fo? tje K fteir fuccouvr anu Defence. jLet fte bottfe of Hiaton {Hit ftefrttutt m .fte %opxJfQ}1# m ft etc fuccoutes Defence, * C&amp;ej? ftat ftare fte ju&gt;;be/ iett ft em put ft en; truft in fte jlojoe / f 0? fje 10 fterc f uc* ** Ahatto ceuteanDDefence. jj9 /fauo?etb feftw^ebiefieft tftouCeofacrael/^eWer^ muipi^tt feftfte^oufeoE3aron. SSR3 JHSBBSf*' 1 * 1 " ****** lucbve. ene. W tOim 8ttb gteate. r *a &amp;o;be encteafe pou mo?e anb mo?e: t * C6 c 6ee pou/anb poute-ftplbten. p W fe not tee ;jf ? pc are tfte WeffeD oe ftefcozbe/tobtcb aff *: matte beauen ana eat*. SmS aH fte tobole beaues ateft eXo?bes/but t&amp;bic that ~$eatft baft be gette bnto $ c&amp;pib?e of men. Bpso in f \wi &lt;* ^^cbeeD p;apfe not fte( fl&gt; ju#ie ) ne* r- n ,T tB ^r a ^" ant ^^ at 5oi)otoneinfofflence. 2 a&amp;flj j2 Suttoctofiiwajfc t jlo?a/fr5tbistpme toes tot)i^tftcEo^fj)?cutmo;e. pjapfe $ euertaftpng. 3aomap:ir Hue. *N2U , :be.eirbi.ralme. HlfortbofetbatcarbancBefgeupngfa;tbcbcaIpoftbcILo?oetobetv Dpeintbeir hi* tip fie cftiape&amp;tDbS be teas compaffebabDUf earth the f?ritc/jfoclje&amp;o8eof&amp;auW fcee'ecptetb thegrcateicopatopana as btpngpet aaraptettbermbttbentoafcanOp/apfctbtbegoo&amp;tie* Ipuc ace aeeO/ of /Eoo*p tubofe benefpte be teas p ferueo. roam Cpnne. ^amtoellpleateo/ ftat fte &amp;0;bC baft i}eroeftrbopceoEm?p?apet. *" cbat be baft encipneb bis eare bnto me/ft etf 0? e topll 3 call bpon r)pm ass longe asj,lpue. ... ftpMjftfta. *cbe fnates of&amp;eaeft copafett me rounbe aboute/ftepapnesofbeilgatbolbebpome/ a*Lhcio?i3! f ounoc trouble anb beupnefte. is not taiifO CbmeaUea:2bpoftenameoffte}lo?b: rpghttoes alo&gt; Jlo;tbe:berpuetmptOUle.

SSLfcrt o'f u Bfa**if X**e/a a *rtg6euou$/pee tDpuBca/ *\ Cbejlojbepjerraieftftefpmple/^toaS butaifo/iietatt* ;ougbtbotone/anb ije ^elpeame. g S*S!*9 *W asapn e ften bnto ftp reft / mp 3oa bMDmaoe room beatb/m?ne epc? ftoraf mt&amp;l ano ms a feaie of mer/ ftteftoni fajBlrngC,


3; torn tealcfic before tftp MM Itofytti turn, to t*Ianucoftb,eltu?nge. MMta* *3 beleueb/anD^fo?tbaue 3 fpofien/ ^ f " c f B WW 31faf&amp;cmmi?baae:aHramatelpeKJ. .i. ibat vEtoatWibaUJ gcuebntotlLo?b/ *W%ia f o? all W benefpteggbe batb bonebnto me? E&amp;&amp;2* %m tttmu fte * cuppe of caiuacpo. gJ'/K anb call bpon fte name of fte Jloae. emu. % tojHpaf e mrbotoesmfte P?cfcncc of *o-Co; x allb^people/rtgbtoeawm fte fsgbtcf fte JJJS."^ Jlo^eigftetieaftofbfefapncteg. 8RS8 mo?iie / a am ft p fetuaunt / 31 am ftp 10 uc am fetuaunt/anbftefonne of ftp banbmapbe/ non-ntia. ft ou ftatt b?ofien mp bonoejs m tonoei. g", S* "*' 3 topH oflte to f ytbe faenfpee of ftScM* mm geupnge/ anb topn can bpon fte name of 3lo?be. I topnpape mpbotoessbnto 8 TLoflxini fpgftt of all bfc people/in fte ccurtejs of fte 3USWS boufe/euen in fte mpbbeft of ft e/ ^crufalem. ^apfefteeucflaapnge. Il^be.cirbrj.prarme. C^cp;opBefetI)t!iaritielentfpteofrbej)IpeHO)al cometnto t6e astcntpics anttStaibcn. jjj5kP?aprefte)Lo?be an pe a *&lt;SMntpleg/3| . . lOlauoe Dim all pe people. ,l^lf ft ^ (Jfo?b0metcpfullfipbtte0 t ru"Sffimo#anbmozefotoarbebS/anbftetuftoft&amp;cbnmfBij fte jlojbe enbutxft fo? met. JBiapfe 'f" ikk tbeeuerlattpnge. SLffi/JS

., fcbe.efbui,pfalme. Jfigg cawngemiliertoKtiiOaiiiOOelpuereofcorafjisati/ temes Ofate. utrfptpcfl/ anbpjoractfoto tfie fcpng&amp;ome OftUJbttoJl . fflbt raELgauetHancktBtoooBopralpratfte f abemailc: fme Qiall fte 3 tobitb be alfo bcarctb tbe fpgutc of tffcift. p ?0 pk gtuT ^-x *eue ftancisessbnto fte TLopjcj fo? tbanttefl.K, -jTgbefegracioufS / a ^i^meicp encutetb **^fo?eu. SKfi** L et fte bouf'e of lOaton'noto cofeBe/ that Bt'gmercp enbuteft fo? eutr. f ee let fte note ftat feare ft c 'A-o^ie tot feffe/ftat bie mercp enbuteft fo? euer. .3callebbponfte)io?bemttouWe/ afte io^bebctbemeatlatge. *Cbc 3Lo;b ts mp belper/f topunot feare tobatmanboeftbntome. *Lfa.ak bejLo?bei0mp beipet/ anb3aH * BM " W * mpbefp2ebpoBmpne enempe0. 5ft tisbettettotrutti'nfte JUiflc/ftetito put enp conf pbence in man. . acwbettettottuftinftetoabetbcntOr, putenpconfpbencefnpjpnce?. *** 3BU ^eaft en compafeb me tounbeabout/ but in ft e name of fte $ topu a Dfft tow ftem^ bep aepe me in on euetp ft be/but intbt tanw.of fte %w/% topHbeOtopeftem. fan

% #f ^aufi% kUtit


jHJro.,tb.a Ifayg.a

CbeprameabbutetneipBebetsJ/' atoete as bo as ft e t p;e in fte fto?nes7 but in ft e name of ftejiotfea topBDetttopeftem, CB ep t feutt at m e/ft at 1 migbt fall/but f^eiLo^oetoagmpbeipe. *cbe jlo;be is mp flregft/anb mpfonge/ anbisbecotue mpfaiuacpon^ , Cbebopce of ropeanbmpjftfetnSbtoefc fgaBSLtf lnges of ftfWBbtumtf/ fo; fterpgbt b&amp;e ESSStt E tft^^w ^ at ^ Soften fte btcto?p. Simito tbe CbE80tbanbeoffte-/Lo ? bebaft?p?e Bojiiicibcgcayempnence/ftetpgbtbanbeofftejLojbbaft M rpaStttef* gottttl fte biCfO?p. Sj Scr ? ^ topn not bpe/ but Ipue / anbbeclate fte ^ e gaio tttat cbe TLom baft cbatteneb $ ceixtcti me/ i^gooapEopie but be baft not ge uen me ouet Unto beaft. f5S sane) fl * ^P 01 mctBe 8 atfg of tPgbfuofneS/ iSt." %e ftt I mapc goo in ftete ftojoto / anb geue wp!^rocbe ftancfies bnto tbe Jlo?be. Kntijcj 3 at- a bis ts tbe bo?e of fte jLo/Se" / fte tpgb* mtit w ^cfuouSftalUntteinfto?oto it. mSSt ftbancficfte/ftatftoubaabwme/a tr.a. iocae art become mp faluaepon. iutiDcw tc bEfame b * ftonetobpftfte buplbers te* SI'S SS fufetl/ ' bf c ome ft e beabe done m co^iet. SuS n*. 6W toa * l e ^008 bopnge y anb it is ttj bantettfiSI in outeepes. Ktwiiittrttib CbiSiSfte c *bape/tobtcbfteXo?bebatft ftpeofp;ea.mabe/letbS reiopfeanbbeglao in it. Tel w ^elpenoto&gt;)lo?De/!)Lo?DefenbebS


i^ngca of tfleOebbebeftatcommeft in ftenameof 1 ffi, *$?* tfte ^ oc / tee topft pou goob lucge / pe ftat mmiuf e bt om ftouft oEtftc *- p ^ SSijcMft obtsfteiiojbe/abaftftetoebbSIigbt: 1 raiapc(b.sDf gampftfte foiempne feaft topft gtene mjm m&gt; b?aunftes/ ette bnto fte bomes of f aulter.

iffi^fL 1 . ^^ a "'p&lt;!E5ob7anbg5topUftgefiefte: maSnmi t I ou art m f ob/ahbgi topll p?apfefte. *ape of iku * Sie ftancfi es bnto ft e )Lo?be / f 0; be is "wpu e.c gtacious/aus bpS rVtertpenbuteft to? euet, rerbe.crij:.|&amp;ralme? v "%V CffiOis !&amp; falme Oc ctacctb botn mocfie tbe fapnetea 9 Cfciftenfet bp tbclstOEBOf ioaa/andboto gtcatlp (fiepenbeuotir th? feluesbnto tbemrfti fo mocOe tbae tbep fo?otoe them to be tcanfgcefTeB % ttitbttanoeO of bettipc&amp;co:anBl]ototbeBp?apcfobetaugbt tftf fe6 aboiie/dtobcatcneotntbtoitbtbi: stopftc asmanp asttanrgrelfc; toitbttanoe [bem/toUeOtfleovcD ana mabeatoape. K aiepb. 1 &gt; 30 jt\ tLettebaretbofeftata* besnbefpiaiti #ttoi)8jm* ^fte toape: tobtft toSlcfiein fte urn of Wftrtin tbc'"^tbe^o?be. iSOfSt* 58lEBeb m %** ftatbepe bPS feBpmo* [ mitoSf raes/anb fe6e bimtotft ft eir tobolc berte. 1 'tstiti! : ano to x tobift toalcfie n|fti toapes/a bono tope* j Meat hi tbe RCttteffe. P m&amp;ttoa * ^ oa fasseweit Btapte cbarge foBepe

s ftatmptoapestoeteflablplbeb tofie peftpftatutes. k ^ofljulbelnotbeconfounbeb/tobPlel baue tefpecte bnto allftp comaunbemetes k I topll ftancbe fte % an bnfapneb berte/ becante % am leameb infteiubgmentes of ftprpgbtuoufnelle. 1 topll fiepe ftp ftatutes / fo^faBe me notbttetlp. 42 i 35eft.-2.- * a l@bc toiftall fballa ponge man cienfe bts toape; cuenbpmipngebpmrelfe aftee ftptoo?be. a ffiiftmptoloieberfefioffffiefte/flMet me not goft^ge out of ftp cgmaunbemetL a bptoo?Desbaueg : bPbtoiftin mpberte/ ftat a ftulbe not fpnne agapns fte.

a P?apfeb be ft ou &gt; jno?oe / g&gt; teach me tbP flatutes. a iftmplpppcstopnibetenpngoutart fteiuogmentessofftpmouft. a Ibaueasgteatebelpteinftetoapeofftp teapmomes/asmallmanet of tpftes. a 9 topll eyercpfe mp felfe in ftp comaunb-metes/^ bauetefpectebntoftp fotepaftes a m mue mm in ft p ftatuty 1 mi not fojgetftptooaes. A 5 (Pimel;?5 s)bo toeiibntoftpferuaut/ftatsmaved' Ipue anb ftepeftptoo?bes. 5, pentboiimpneepes/anbfoffianifpie out toonoetous ftpnges in ftp latoe. 1 3 am a ttraungec bp on eatft/ bpbe not ftp commaunbementes fro me. a $2 tome b?eafteft oute/ fo? fteberp fet&lt; uem oefpje 1 31 bauealtoape bnto ftpiubg* mentes. a Cbou tebubett ftep;oube/cutfeb are ftep ftat beparte from ftp commaunbementcs. s turne fro me ftame anb rebufte / f 02 % nepeftpteatmonpes. . j, ^pneesalfofptarpeafteagapnttme/ ,, tVwit(M butftpretuafitis occuppeomt&amp;p ftatutw. fe t?SS a in ftp teftpmomes is mp belpte / ftep are ruicb?P mpcouncelers. mmivmi uwruV-as- ^ aleft,--: tituail(afltbcp


n jujjp foule cleaueftToftebull/flD m&amp;SFSSSi ftouracacco?bpngetoftptoo?be. r ouK

S 3: finotolebgeb mptoapes/ aftoubetbeSappcraunceoe me/fi) tcacb me tben tbP ftatutt s. *P ? fc* n ^afie nietobnbetftanbetbetoapeof &lt;f SHnSfi * commaunbementes/anbfo aU atalcfie of JSjw?S tbPtoOnberotlSto02CrieS. fpaBeagapna n fi^ptOHlemeiteftatoape fo?berp &amp;&amp;&amp;** neffe/ fe t m e bp accoflmtg bnto ftp too?be n cafie fro me? toape of ipenge/agtaunte me ftp latoe. ^ f baue ftofen fte c* toape of treuft/ toJgSlhSSS fubgmentes baue 3 lapeb before me. {SSSBSSSB n 3 ftpefie bnto ftp teapmonies/ ]to?be aftertbc tiwoc fun, con*



of ttucii) m** conf ounbc me not. fifiSSSS Jtopriranneftetoapebf ftpcSmaunbe* SwSS 1 " ^ ' N*-** fott corafo?Q mp berte, IDauiatljat&amp;e n 9f*'f* batijtDau tf n ceaftme &amp;o?oe fte toape offtpfta* te : * " I 1 . tutewanDJ all bepetc unto ftetniKi ScW K " B*BKemcbnoeta5Dfngc/ai. % a 1 jparpn^incaftepetftp latoe/ pee|, aUBpcft toptb mp bp t&gt;un fc tfe ;.o; tobOle tlfrtC. i,?ap mo;Mn n jieaoememftepaft of ftp comraaunfc mto$nZ mmtt s,t l m nP betwe. anoW.n fliclpne mp/ie berte btico ftp tcftprao* peter tujs nfe0/aminottocouetoufne0, 5!S*JS n turne atoape mpne epe0/ left ftepbe* ffl^S&amp;otoebani'te/squpciienme in ftp toape. S"p8?S#h ftablKbftp too?oe in ftp feruaunt/ $ u.apeoftcuctb3.mapefearefte. ai ujjc men n a&amp;eatoapeft. rebube tyat% amafrapea

% c "a B &amp; of ^ jp iuosmentes are ampabie. SSSt&amp;S 58eftoII)C J m * *&amp;*** w #* f Bmaunoe* tsec toiuiEraa/metesJ/ qupctsemeinftprpgbtuourneae. npnu tijen tbat . 1 BfUlt** to/mal '' lUttBpIoupngemercpcomcbntome/ fSSJfc^n^/awftf teusnse bealft acco?opnge na:atuofi5uiibntOtfipto02De. ana of ^istoiiiy *, ^&amp;at 3 mape geue anttoere bnto rap blafr KmJ? S Wema0/fo? rap ttuft ft in ftp toojee. ?hoi. a K" ' *&gt; not ft. too?De of treuft btterip out ncwr co ofmpraouft/fo?mp&amp;opei0intbptuogmets totatntttnet i &amp;ou)ali3&gt;altoapeliepeftpiatoe/teefo? ano itaugut pet eueranoeuet, SSaaotftti anoitoplltoalcfieatlpbertp/ fo?3frtie (rife ^ topes ty? rommaunoeraentc*. outetoe fp;etei |topiifpea8eofftptcfttmonfe0euenbes of oo/ etjae fo?espnge0/anDtopll notbeal&amp;amea. S? SSj WW**rtM* comaunomete*/ ana fegeuetbtobtCbltOUe. fpnne* fcei? ij * flEp banoe0 alfo topil tf ipft bp bnto tbp out anp wet/ commaunoemente0 tobicb 3 loue/a mp tafc 22 M * 1, 8!&gt;nse Oialbe of ftp ftatute*. . .1 5am. -7 w i ftpnebe bpon ftp feruaunt an corner* npnge ftp toojoe / tobertn ftcu baft caufe d metoputmptruft. * #o? if ft mp cofo?te in rap trouble /pee ftp too?DequpcReneftme. : t bep?ouDebauemegreatlp inom'fpon/ jet ft)?pncbe not 3! from ftp latoe, j; remembre ftpne euetlaftpng tutgmf K/ Mlo^e/araiamcomfo;teD. t 3ambo;rfblpaftape&amp;fo?ftebngowp/* . fo?fefieftplatoe. t cbpftatutesiare mpfongejJ t'n fteboufe ofmpppigreraage. \ 9ftpnefiebponftpname/iLo?b/tntfte npgbt ceafon/ana fiepe tbpiatoe. \ ati'u rapne abme/f o?|, sepe tbp tfmafio* mente?. r . .

^n cftou artmp 9Wm/toftxj ism

purpofefitonepeftplatoe. . n 'Jmafse mpne bumble prtpcpob in ftp p&gt;efence toft mp bJboieberte/) be mercp* full bnto me acco;bpnge bnto ftp too?De. n 31 call mpne atone toapeg to remerab?aw ce/iij tume rap fete in to ftp teftimomess. n 3imafiebaae/anbp?olonge not fte time/ to fiepe ftp commaunijf mente0. n Cbecongregacpon^of fte bngoblpbaue lobbebme/but? forget not ftp latoe. n at mponrgbt ftanoel bp/to geue ftScfieg bnto fte / fo? fte iuugraentes of ftp cpgb&lt; tuoufnetTe. n 3!amaccmpanponofanftemftatfeare fteyanofifpe ftpcomraaunoemehte^. h*cbeearft/sD)io?ae/ijJfullofftpmet* # (i,i,rMa i6 cp.aD teaft me ftp ftatutesJ, v&gt; ce&amp;.-3 o JLo^/ftoubaancaltfcenliTptofftftpferuaunt/acco?bpngebntoftptoo?ce. * o &gt;lcamemeftp6pnBneae/nourtoure bnotoleogeyfo; 3 beleue ftp comafiDeraetJ, o 38efo?e3toa0troubleb/itoenttojonge/ but note Ifiepeftptoo^ue. o bou art gooa a frenWp/fl&gt; teaft me t(p ftatuteg. o Cbep:ounepraagtnlpe0bponme/but3 gfpeftp commaunceraetegtotftmptobole bcrte. o clieirl!fitet'0aBfata0b?atone/butmp tclpteigt'nftplatoe. u It 10 goou fo; me f % baue bene in ttou* ble/ftat 9 mape learneftp ftatutea. C belatee of ftp mouft is Bearer bnto

me/ftetjftourande0ofgoU)ean8fpluer, . 3od."1 *CbPbSue0 Dauc raaoemeanb faOtponebSt me/ geue raebnierftgbpngeyftatj mape # f|W ^ iearneftPcomraaunDtmentej. 3** 1 bep g fearefte/topHbeglaBtoUen cpre ferae.becaufejputmptmftm ftp kpotft. n 3 finotoe/fl) io;iie/ ftattbp tubgmentetf $ are tigbt/ano ft at ft ou of w p f aift f ulneffc baC cauftD me to be trouble b. 1 Ictftpmercpfullbpnimeffeberapeom* KW aecotfpnge to fte p?cme0 fta t tbou; baft raaoc bnto ftpferuaunt. n let ftp loupng raercie0 come bnto me/ ftat3i mape lpue/fo? tbp latoe 10 mpoelpte. i net tbe pjouoe be c8founoeD/ tobtft bSfi* le me Co faI0pe. , Sutut Coftagfeare fte / anb fetwtoe ftf teftpmoni'c0/betume5 bntome. ^ lettmpnebertebebn&amp;efple&amp;fnftpfta* tute0ftat3,benot8araeD. d apb. ' s flp fouleiongeft fo?ftpfaupngeUearft/t f 0; mp truft ?0 in ftp too?De. &gt;flpneepe01ogero?efo;ftptoo?bf/fapig: fl&gt; toben tosit tbou wmfoiumi pi

% M fanvfib

t&gt; fo^anibecomeUbeaboteningfmobe/ . tetbonot'lfo/getftpftatuteg. 3 ?b)oto manp are fteoapeg of ftpteruattt^ Wm topit ftou be auegeb of mpne mm towel

o cue p?oubebaue&amp;pggeapptte0 fo;me/ tobift are not after ft piatoe. a auftpcommaunDementesawtrue/tflep perreitemefai0p/beftoumpbtipe. a bep baue aliraoftmabe an enbe of me bpo catty/ but 1 1 otftite not ft p effmaunbe* menteg. b qupcfieraeafterftploupngftpn&amp;nr/? fqtyalljfiepe tefttmonpegof ftp mouft. **&amp;&gt;**'%, iLameo;tiWb &amp;o#/ftptoofleenbutetbfojeuerm beau en. V Cbp treuft alfo remapneft frs one ge* neracpontoatiofter;ftoubaft lapca Sfofis bacpon of ftt earft/anb it abpDeft. h Cbepcontpnuetyi0bapeacco;!jpiigeto ftpne o^opnaunce/fo; all ftpge0 ferue fte. \ |f mp kipte toerenot in ftp latoe/ 9 tyulbe pei p&amp;)e tnmp trouble. ? 3 topll neuer foiget ftp commautine * menteg/ fo? toift ftem tbou quicfteneft me. V 3 am ftpne/ bbelpeme/fo^fefieftp commaunoeratnteg. h c&amp;e bngoDip lape toapte fo; me to be &lt; ftropc me. but ' confpb?. ftp teftt'monpr 0. \ I fe ftataiiftprg^coraetoanenbe/but ftp commautiDeraent 10 erceanpnge bjoabc. An uebaticuebaue ? bnto tbp ratee; all fte bape longe 10 rap talbpnge of it bouft3.2oto ftp eomraauntifment baft mace me topfer ften mpne enemies fo? it 10 euerbpme. 9lbauemo?ebnDetftanapngftenanmp teacber0/fo? tbp teftpmomeo are mp ftuft'e. 7 r e ? am topfet ften ageb ; fo? 5 bepe ftp coram aunoc rr.f ntf 3. n 3irefrapnerapfetefr6eufrpfiientoape/ ftatj mape bepe ftp too?be0 .

S Sf tyffncft not from ftpiubgmentejs/fo? ftouteafteftme. boto ttoete ate ftp xoopxn Wtro mp ft?otef u feerao?eften bcnpbntompmouty. n cbo?oto ftp tSmaunfieniente^ get btr berftanbmg/tberfo?e3!bate all faife toareg. 3 fiun.i^A a 6p too?oet0a'*lantctne bntomp fete 6eteo^cibalHfttbntomppafte0. foiiiiaiiea3 2 baue ftoo?neaamftt&amp;faftlppurpofe&amp;/ S'f anatoftepe f iuogmetegof tbprpgbtuoufneae. StoS,/ 3 3 amtroubleDabouemeafure/qupcfifn *'*t5 iiflMc 1 "* / Ho?be/ acco^opngebnto ftptoo;be. wsaatctaeB: 3 J^et fte ftetopll ofterpnges of mp mcitft *w\ m Plfatttye^]io?{i/?t{at[j me tbp wogmets

m a f * S?fouic !js altoape fti mpljanW/ jet te w m* Do not ifo;geti^ piatoe. . . tonjittan^wf

60.-.. J ... ,.,,.,,., 3 pcyngooFplauelapebafnare fo? me/?'']"% butpet fteatuemt-1 fro ftp cbraautam^. SEEKS a Cftp teftpincinpea bano | eiapmea astocaaueaifo. mpneberptage fo? euer:ana toijpf ftep are ft *" berpiopepfmpberte. */?*?*

re aope to offistf


teg altoape, euenbn to fte enDe. . o feamecb.- 1 s -rr - - o 91 bate ^bnaoMp, but ftp latoe bo floue.^ fnftptooe. jotusietoiiw d oitoape fro me pe topcBeb/5 topHfiepe" |{lB poi"i* ftecoramautttiementepcfmpooB. Jcamoateat

o ftabltftmeacco?iitng)ntoftptoo?tie/ " ftat f mape ipue / 9 let me not be Difapopn* te&amp;ofmpbope. e oloe ftou mebp/anbT mail be fafe:pee 3 fl)all euet be talfipnge of ftp ftatuteg. e CQOu treaaeft ootone a ftem &amp; ceparte fro ftp ftatiit^/fo? fteppmagtn butbifcrate a Cbou putteft atoape all fte bngoolp of fte earft ipbe o?offc / tberfo?e 3 loue ftp te* ftpmonreg. o J9pflefttrembleftfo?feareoftbe/anba am arrapeoof typiuagmentcg. 9% bealettfteftmge p70laufull&amp;ttgM/ geueme.not ouerbnto mwietpp?eaour0. 3 Be ftoufuertpe fo? ftp feruaunre to bo mmgoob/g ftep?ouDeDomeno to?onge. 9 flppaeepe0aietoapfteDatoapetetftlo Spng fo? ftpbealft/anbfo? tbeteo?Be of ftp tfgbtuourneffe. y oeale ^6 ftp fetuaunt acfo?^png bnto ftpioupngemetcp/steaftmeftp Oatutr0, sJ am ftpferuaut/gtaunteraebfioet* uaotng/ttat^ mape ftnoto ftp rifli'mcmc*. v .3!t igtpme fo? fte ( jLo?ce ) to leprto ftmebSoe, fo? ftep baue oeBropED ftp latoe. v tfo?l loue ftp eommaun&amp;emcre0aboue golbeanbp?eciou0ftone. v fetfo?e boioe 1 ftrepgbt an ftp com* maunoement(0/anbau falfe toape&amp;3 btter* ipawjo?re. * ,&amp; pie," 7 * ; ^ &amp; Cbpteftpmonpe0aretoontierfun/tberr 1ft to?eboftmpCouleBepeftem. w a HB&amp;en'ftptoo?oe goeft fo?ft / ft geueft Ipgbt a WiOttOanOpnge, euen bnto babe?. a I cperapmouftanDc?teein mpb?eft/ BUI befp?e ftp ccraraai inoem enteg. a lobe ftou bpon rae/a be mercifull/a? ftcubfeft tobobntoftofef loue ftp name. a ?o?empgoingeB after ftp too?De ftat no topc&amp;tcnefle tapgne in me. a DeljHieinieftofto^gfftugtiraiingos of men/a MftaBP bepe ftp (Bmatintrmr ir. a ^bitoefwoftbtccuntensficebnto

KM &amp;aufo, pal t^femaunt/anoicawcntcftpffatute?. a ^peeFesJguflbeouttttoater/becaufe mm6epenottbFlatoe, s 3aw."7&amp;* mi&gt;gbtuoumtbou/&amp;o?be/ari&amp;true fetbFubgment. j ^e te&amp;FmoitFJ (flat tbou Salt comati* am . . fcbaweircea&amp;Fnge/tFgbtuou* aria true. : SSh 2 *fflPF?rtebat6cuetontanwDme/becaute J * irneenemF#&amp;auefo;gottmtbFtootf&gt;eg. * CbFtooibeiflttFebtot&amp;ebtteimoa/artb ^retuaHhKloiKtfttt. j * amunanan&amp;ofno reputacF on /jetbo not^fojgectftpcoromauwierattttW. s ft? rpsb tiioufneffe i$ an euerla tt jnge i^gbtuoiifnefl/anbtbp latoe fjs true, 3 Ctoublean&amp;beuFneae&amp;auetafienBolbe tops me/pet fc mp DeiFte in tbp commaun&amp;e * metxtes, * ftetP8fttuouuiessotfipteCpnonj0fi{ eueclaflpng / &gt; gr aunt e me tonoer Qaopng/ an&amp;atoattipue. p gcalltottbmptoboieberte/Bcawrne/: %W*,% topll&amp;epetbp ttatute*. p yeeeuenbpontbebol! cal/belpeme/anb giftaUfieperbptettpmonte*. asTOHiatttP &lt;&amp;tipmtbemo;npngeoo3 8 *crpebnto ^pifFrt Bp tbe/foj to tbptoo;beisJm? trull. trying; y c bane p appif r pt 3 p^tu en te t\)t ntgb t tea t cljeg/ m tar . piainw tljatl m jgjt be occupreuin ^p too?DeiS, *"* p eate mpbopce / fl&gt; kojbe / accoflipngc bnto tbp loupnge&amp;Fnbneffe/quFCBenme ac* cojoprige as tbou art to ont. p cbep ojatoe npe tbat of malpee perfecute me/ ano are Earn from tb f latoe.

p e t&amp;ou npe at bamie aifo/ JLo#e/fo? ftp p jompM ate fa ft!) full. ,p 3W concempnge tbp teat'mom'e*,'! baue Snotone etier fens tbe begpnnpnge / $ tbou baa gcouiaeo tbcm f o ? euer. n fiDc5Cp5?empneaDuetC?tey5DeIpuerme/ Apf bo not fojgetnjp latoe. &gt; flitentepntboumFcaureanbbefentieme/ qtiFC6enmeaeco?&amp;pngebntotbptoo?oe. . i eattb iP fane from tbe bngoWp/fbjt&amp;eij wgatBfntftbp nature*. , &lt;e&gt;reate fe tb p mercp/ jLo?be; qupcnen me ad tbou art toont. ^ anptberearetbat trouble me/ 3 per* fecute me/ pet bo not 3 ftoaruefrom top te* ftimonpe*. &gt; ftgreuetbrne/tobenfre/tbattbetranC* BteflbutfS&amp;epenotttpiatoc. r\ Confy^e/fiDTlo^De/botoflouetDpcom^ maun&amp;emrntesJ/ qupcbenme tofto n)p to* Bpngespn&amp;neae. cb? to oft e &amp; true from eu etla a pr?gr /all Itje ftagmeme* of, (ft ttgjjtuQufneSe en*

.ttitv : Dure fojcueimoje. , o ^flepjmceispetfecutenietoout caufe/ butmybme&amp;awtbmatoeoftbptoofttss,* oj 9 am a glab of tbP too;be / a* one i fpi ' !* f**

betbgwatctoopie*. JK *ff v&gt; as$fo?lje0/5bateanbabbo?rerbn/but j&amp;faim.t p toFiatoebogjioue. , _., c * &gt;eue tpmep a&amp;apeoo!! pjapfe tbe/be* *** caureoftbptpgbtuouptuDgmente?. ' fnK9 ' v . create 10 tbe peace tb a t u)e? baue tcbt cb louetbplatoe / atbepatenotoftenDfliatit. aa Jlofte/3: lo&amp;e fo; tbp faupnge bealtb/ 9 bo after t&amp;F commaurttiementep. w ^Ffouienepetbtbr teapmonpt is / ano louet&amp;tbemerceabtnglF. ss 3fiepett)Fcommaunoemente0anb teat* monpejS/f 0; an mp toa?e are befo?r tbe. r\ flrbau.- 3 - 1 * ts %tt ntf complapnte come befo?e tbe / v loft e/geut m e bnDaanapngey,acc oftpng ' bntotbFtoofte. n b let mp Cuppltcacpon come befo:e tbe/ belFuer m e accoftprtge to tb p p?om e js . bi' i3p Ipppes mail fpeafie of tbF P^apre/ fepnge tbou baft taugbt me tbpaatutes. r&lt;, fetmv tonge Jiallfpnge of tbFtoofte/ ft? all tbF comraaunbementess aterpgbt. v, %u tbpn e banue beipe me/fo? 3 baue cb 0* fen tbF comrnaunjementejs. r\ ? ionge f j tbF faupnge.bcaltb/a&gt; lo;b/ anb in tbF latoe tssmFbelpte. r&gt; b Itt'mj fmile Irue anDpjaFfetbe/tbat tbFiuogmentess ma?e btlpe me. r^ 3! go aftraFe/lFbe a roepe tbat t&amp; loft: B (eaetbP feruaunt/fo? 3 bo not fget tbF maunbementesj.. , n^j-. &gt; i^ y.^fafme. can affecrnous tomplaynf e of 1&amp;* piopbrft / iKTnjje b;yuf outcofrbclanse* abpOpngaraonBrtbctojtfirt tljat OyO all tinges by t ranOc ano stolen tc. **befongeoftbefteare$$. *gn trtovft att!otb.ab!.jra Inrwbrtli if (0 bt tbeotgynnpnae of fomc rongc ; afttr tobote tuns tbe j ra!rar t&amp;at banc tbis fyllt tocre tonar4Dtb W

pounDf it to (ygnifpfun abyglicplacp. fisomc tftrr b* Wbitb taye/tbat tbe iroy tra Cange ail tbtCt $ Calmrt . to Sauitu bonft/bpon tbe Scares tt&gt;b&lt;c9 tnmtfta toe tbe cbaraotr toberr tbe men afftmbltb/ to ttje tbanw brc teb c re the to t mt n tommtnly ausbe. if enj am in ttoutiie/3 can bpott % Itbe'tofte/abeam'toeretbme. 3onuj.; eiFuer mr foule/ l^ofte/ !fr om Ip enge lFPped/9 from a opf* teatfull tonge. iiabatretoaroemaUbegeueno;bonebn totbc/tboufaUetongr. CuenrnrgbtFe anb marpeatotoed/toptrj 8otebumpnge*coaleis. .*;ow l^oigme'tbatmFbam'ffimetenburetbfOttiiistibirffJ' Ibge^btoeatn? tabernacle? of Ffojoufulf. uip&gt; **k $$tim belong? Dtoflt ambge ttjem/ wm&amp; tbat

"&amp;,j@ram aarai. tftat lie mwtftwopiatt. j laboureD fo: peace / but toDen^^afte ^erof/tftev maoe -tycmto battapie, Cfte,cwr potae. Cfec Qittoct^ tbat the go&amp;tp muft mt fo; tjjeir ^clpe of 5 jO oulyrs that t) s gc ub it beep readdp* *. cuefongeoJtfteaeares. L^nfl" i|ftomtoftencec5raet[&gt;mp)ewe. *^ -J' $$g ftclpe commeft eiien ftom tfje ^o;ae^rct)t)acD ma&amp;e ^rauen ana eattfj. 8etovUhoLfuffiefti?fotttobemoueD^ 1&amp;w ft aim ee tftat fiepetft ft e/flepetft not. ** *35etjo!6e/(3et8at8epeti3g.ftael/5oftne* ffievOomb;eno^Oepe. C&amp;e to;De^mfelftJtfpfiepet/ %ffl &amp; tb p Defence bpon ttjp mbttyffmt.

an5tftatti)eCimne (bail not burneflje bp Wye/ne^ec tfte moone by nygbt, Cfte&amp;oifcepjeferuetft tbe from an euell/ fee It fe fte to?oe tbat nepet&amp; ft p foule, 0)tt&gt;oW P^eferueft ftpgopnge out 9 ftpcommpugem/ ftomfttgtsme fo;ft fo? cuecmo?e. CCbe.crirtj.1&amp;fa!me, CW^tr (^e ftsDow anil i^gutp of Jerttfalcm ftf 6f# fcrit^rtefel?c?ieoft5; congwgacpon ofCW ano tljeDef?;f sof i^tajnctWADjftpnj cucr tftcfac* Cberongeofftefleares 2B/-M as giaD/tobcn tbe? fepbe bnto rae: w 4{to^piigomcoftebouftDfftriLo2X ^ fi)uie fete 0)ailQanbe toftpgated/ Jerufalem. fetuf aiem is bu^IDcb ag a cptpe/ftat W atbnytemitfeife. $ o;ftereftetrtbe0 gobp/etieti tbetrfbrt offte"to?6e:totettsfpebnto3fraeI/togeue ftancfies bnto ftename of fte lo;be. f oi ftcreisftefeateof mbgement/ euen K ^efeateofftebouteofBaua. A5 pwefGjftepeaceof^emtelf/ftep Q)anp;ofpere tbatlouefte. 25 i&amp;ear e be toitfttn ft p toaiw/tj plenteous tWJtotftm tbp palace*. $ot mp bjeftjen anb companf o0 &amp;fieg/ . 4' tovlt topO) tbe pzofperite. fee becaufe of tbe Qouf e of fteiojb oute oD/3! topllfefic tobbftegoos; Cc&amp;e.c^ttvpfalme. Cffll* got) (? fnb&amp;UfO to tbe tupcbell &gt; &amp;o afff cf tt oull? tf fp;ci5oD to aclpucr Hjcm/fo? tmto t&gt; pm t|?cp totjotp COmmpt tb^ni felacs. 3d cbefongeofftetteatefc i*p tfe rpc ^%^to fte Ipft $ bp mpne a*epes ft ou ^WjwflOU^assteciieflftiftebeauenji. aSSSSK ^ebolbe/eueafiftecpegofftruau^ #? nSSr W lose bnto ft&lt; ^anbe of ftert mafterg: 9 teifc ? ctnt^ca0fte e?e0ofama?nen bntoftebanbtS of gfifcn rua&gt;t bet maOKeffe/euen foourc epes.toapte bpon

bponb^. 0auemmjbpcW/^3U^auemeri t$ bpon W/fo? toe ate btte tip befppfeb, )ure foule i fpitebtottb fte fco^nefull , wpjoftof ftetoelftp/ati&amp;topftfte wepite* fulnetKoftbep;oube, r be.cynnj^ralme; Cffi^cgoWpwiopCe^attUevaccrpoac/bptSeUcIpfi w,,^ fl , of &lt;2SoO/fi;8a?eopacBp\ljtw'"9 t^ey wcwwcp W.fijg (Jf^'S *Cb^ fongeof fte flcateis. tot tpcic of 151 /*s*jffte)lo;bebabnot bene of oute tm il noto mape ^ftaei rape ) gf fte %ow --^babnotbeneofoutefroe/tobemehtbfe . bpagapnftbp. COefbab f toalo toco b;3 bp q uprfie/ c i^ mmi * . 6 toberi

fteptoetefotojaftfuiipbjfpleafeoatbsf. . fee ftetoatet? bao D^toneo b?/f Qreame &amp;8Dgoneouet oute foule. cbeoepetoatctsof ftep;ou5e&amp;aD gone euen bnto ourefouie. ut p;apfeb be fte JLoft/tohpft ftaft not geuen bp ouet fo; a p;ape bnto tbett teeft. SHite foule fe efcapcoyeue ag a bp;be out of tbe fnate of fte f oukt; ft e fnate te b^oficn anbtoearebetyueteft. Durc bflpe apnoeft in tbe name of fte JLoj&amp;c/to&amp;ie&amp;Baft mafiebeauenanbeatft^ C^be.fEtb.^falme. . ei&amp;t^ixvc^e orfongcegacpon ib in fafttpc Yojea t&amp;c io;&amp;f OefenOctlj it/ano lvalue p^ofprrous totjeo 6^ faue;et^ ic anO pu cgcti) t^e topebco t tj ci oate* Cbe Conge of fte fleare?. .^-^epftatput fteitttuttinfte ILo^be/jf 'ill areeuenasftemount S&gt;pon/tobKb ^^map not beremour oybut aanoc ft fatt fo;euet. cftewictf llanbe about Jewtalcm / eul fo aanbeft fte Lo^e tounoe about \n$ pco-

pie/ftom tbW tpme fo?ft fo? f ue nno;r. Cbat fte tobo of tbebngooip come not fm tofteiotofftetpgbtuou^/leQ ^tpgbtuwiS putfteftbanbebntoto?t6^"e^ otoeii/O-kozae/bntoftofefbegocB anb*ttueof ^erte. # %$m m M fo? focfte ag tume bacse bhfb ttftttn^s &amp; up tt&gt;e atone topcfiebneCfe/tbe jLo^be ftan leabe mBSDS fo?ft toiftfteeupUboetgtbut pfaeebebpojgS;^ Cc^Ccrpbrtitbc8imcB of t^epcopte ntttv'nflift ajiapnefcomlSabplon/4 wider $efpgure tjeeof tbe teiapfpngr of t^c li:i'af n"/ totjom ti)c tonne of .5otj ^at^iuAOfcrfromtbccaptiuptdofCpnnrand&amp;t[) &lt;Sbefengeof fte Beau*. 1+ cuften fte no?be tutneft agapne tbr^ OWcaptpupte of &amp;ton/ften {ball toe be ^^ipfte bnto ftem tbat Djeame, rben ftall outemoutb be fplleb topft !augbtet/anb bartcongetotft tope. Cben ftaiut be fapb amonjje fte ^eafta fte io?oe6aft acne gteatt ftmge fo^ Ob nil F*

Oft&amp;e.cry, fdialmi

yttmcfLojxb&amp;tiftme greate wwt fojtys all reaop/ to&amp;etof toe reiop re, Cuene o u re cap i p up: t / &gt; JL o ev as tftt rpuetSintberoutb. Cbepg fotoe m teares/foall reape infope. &amp;e tbat note goetbinbiStoape toeppnge 9 beaten f o ? tb good feoe Ojal come agapne - toitbiope/b;mg;ebtSmeaueStoit&amp;bPm; Tcbe.cErbttl&amp;ralme.

CW?t6e onip Kbctalpte j gpft of boast's tbe bsufe antt b ouOp o We gc w' ttc cpt pc fefcuDr &amp; m ea ft mynp/ Ciib/c&amp;plOjcnjtbofetQtDarOanBtbjpfiptojtapiiea. *f t Step* *CBc f onge of tbe Oeares. hue tefe , .&gt;v.ecepttbe ju&gt;?be bupibe tbe boufe/ tacit SiS? !** about i* butlotttUat buploeit. *" &lt;Wcepttbel.o;be8epetbecptpe/tbe toatcbm a n toafiett) but in bapne. gMsbutloftlabour tbatperifebp earls/ anb tabe no re ft, but eate tbe b;eobe of care* f mn eile: f o : lose to to&amp;om it pleafetb bim/be geuetbttinflepe. jLo/c&amp;pl&amp;jen anbt&amp;efmte of r&amp;e toom&amp;e areanberptageagift/g c0metb of to;be. %m as t lie a ro toes in tbe banneof tbe B?aunt/eum fo arc tbe ponge elwlo;en. . apppistbeman/tbatbatbbtSqupuet lull of tij em: tbe p oial not be aujameo, toben tbepfpeaBetoitbtbefrenempesfo tbe gate, CC'ie.crrbin.^falme. C&amp;' tfiat ftatttb aoHuHSo tocil ana ft.-tunatciu at all ccafons. J)efbngeoftbetteares. 3t-|%iLe(KoaKalltbeptbatfea &amp;o;be/ I M aibtoalBetnbpgtoapes. ~ tfo;tbouQ)aiteatetbelabouresof tbpne atone banoes : toell is tbe/ bappp art.tbou. Cbptopfeftalbeasf ftutefunbpne bp5 tbe toalles of tbpboufe. Cbpcbplb?enlpfietbe)lpueb;aunrbes MCbatftrtb wunoe aboute tbp table, uo toitb tocirtj x.o/tfms (ball tbe man be * bieffeb ' tbat Bo*erptt. featetbtbeHo?be. "be Ho?be all fo bleffetbe out of fet'5/ tbattbou aialtfe gerufalcm in p;ofperpte antbplpfelonge. fee tbattbou OialtCe tbpcbplbers cbpl &amp;;en/anb peace bpon ^fraet. Cftbe.tfrfr praime.

Caittjottabe t&amp;* topckcb Do tongc ano geeatlp per fiv cut* fbt aoDlyv prc$ui tbep not pjeuaple ontt tbmt: | ftoki tbt toJfldj Pcr tobtn tbe sooip ibal tt in fafctpr. - v cbefongeofrbefteares. 3 i|Vft3inpatfmebauctbCFfougbtagapnft *|tlnie ftomf poutb bp(mape Jftaei note *L ape.) 7/manp a tpme oaue t&amp;ep fougfta* laps me fromppoutbbp/ but rbep baue not ouercom erne. b fctetaettplotofb toon nro bacae/ 1 wamsbeiongefojotoes.


JButtbe rigbtuous:Ho;be batb bctoen tbe poc&amp;e of tbe bngoblpmpeces. juttbembeconfoun&amp;eb a tumrn bacfi-toaro/asmanpasbaue eupltoill ataxia a *S'onm% Jt*C tbem be enen as tbe bape bpon tbe Sh !*?*'? PlUCBtetp. grcgacponof ifcberoftbemotoetfpnerbnotbHSbanbe/;*' t m netberbe tbatbpttetb bp tbe Oieaue? , hp M"** bofome. 22*21? f&gt;p tbep toUicb go bp/fape not fo mocb S^ntit aHo?oep;otperepou/ toe totu) pou oooo f E e ,oto i uicfte in tbe n3me of rbcxojw . * Jbe.cinric.|&amp;falme. can tajnHlpjapit of ftim tbat teethed tcttbao* wrfitit fo? btt IMMre tbat fntelp bopctb to o Mam CbefongeoftbeSearcsJ. aatof tbe,*bepe can j bnto fte/3C Xo;be/)Lo?bebearempbopce. a#*pt6c km ss^awj ^^ ICt WW WW COnfpbZC tonociaanoe ^=^1 toeB tbe bopce of mp compiapnt'e. {SlS; W '

3ftbou)U;btopitbeeitrnnetonwrc6eS[ ) 7 3 &amp; tobat i? bone a.mpffe/ sDb io;bc tobo mapc tttroS, abpoe ; tete bmmt jettt tberc tjj mercp toptbtbe/tbat 4SS!3SB mapeftbefeareo. Sam f 3 lobe fo; tbe TLotumv foule botb toapte m ij I fo?bpmyanD m bis toojoe rgmp fruft. uerfpt^trou* Q^p foule uotb pat ientlp abpoe g jUjbe/ "i*"i*H from j be one mompnge to tbe otber . SSSnSB xetf frael truft mteeiio?oe/fo; toitt) tbe outcotoftH jLo;3Etbfre!i3nifrrp9pietou0 reDemprfo. fpnwi. anb be ftal tcbemeg fraei fto al bij5 fpraxesf, . , e^be.cym.i?raime. CfteiVftoribp be teas not p;onBe/but mtate | lotelf. 3rbefongeoftbeftearc0. ^jf SW^amnotbpempnoeo/gbaueno jTp;oube lobes. % _ 9 -bo not tfercpfe mp felfe fo rate matters/ tobtcb are to bpe f o; me. JButlrefrapnemptouleafiepct'tlotoe/ ipbe as a cfarioe tbatis toeeneb from bts mo* tb:pec rap foule is eue as a toeeneb Otflte. Jlet ffraei truft in tbe ]Lo;be/frcm tbps tpmefo;tbfo; euermo;e. *m v, ^;tf.1&amp;falme. C&amp;$fteb tb3t(bcp.-ofprrp(pcofb;ffsl!pn3* pome wtbeutp/j tbat &lt;BoBi8alitt)awp;tfenttoD biBibuttbeanbcongcejuyon: O-bpaootb bt bnOrt tbt rpjuwof wiO j of tbcattteabpqpBjtojbio'. Cbefonge of tt)e scares. arSD?De/remeb?cauibaibt"stroubie.a fy ^otobertoo?fbntoa)eXo?be/anb bote r o a botor bnto tbe afmpgbtpe one of gpacobrj topllnotcome mbin$ tabema* tie of mp boufe, no? clpme bp in mp becbe. 3 topllnotfuffcempne cpestoflepe/ not mpne epe ip&amp;oes to Oomber. JHntplt a fpnbc out a place fo? p" toftt 1 an bjbjtacjg fo; tfje migbtjc one of Jacob.



, . &gt; , ^M^i^MMM^ih ****** Xo/toebeaioeoftbefameatPb?ata/9 jjCs^Nsf? tbename of tbeHo?Be/p?apfeaf . . founbeitintbctoob. lOit^peferiimintesoftbejuitfie ioftt.ti. sac topll go in to bifSfabernacle/anb fan ; : . ' - fttttat 8anbeinfl)eboufeof *** _ botone before bi8 fote ftofc. . . ftojo/iri fcourtes of tbe boufe of oureob ,tdtau'- 2tepftyXo/ into tbp**reftpng place/ . p^PfetbeXo;be/fo?tbe)to?bt'sgrai tKriiic^^anbtbeatcfteoftbpftrengtb. . ep?u*:rpngcp?affesbntob?sname/foi H^batcm XettbpP;eaftesbeclotbeQtobwgb^ &lt;t.|,Ipuelp. tefoje m w ouf neffe/ano let n)Pfapncte0 reiopfe. fwtoftj? (be Lo joe ftatb cbof tn * facob a * ^G* &lt;. t*KSf; ilfo?tbpfcruaunt auibSfafiet,*tume tmtobmiceifeaafraelfo7bftatonepoaeg.S?S B teb ? Lttw-e^^^*^. -. M finotoetbattbeXo^eisgreate/jSiS

ill I -1

LSSS not a , to f ^ e WttiW oE tbpne anopnteb. j ScD c. tuae be Ho?o batb made a faptbfuU oon) bn S /ftnaue nottoauJO/sbe roallnotm^nSeftomt't;)f gSS n rftftBo{%lrfln3 fetbpStbp featc. SSntS Sf *P cbtib.^topll sepemp couenafit/f "* ^ mpteftpmonp g | DjaHlernetbe-.tbertcbpl-b?e alfo an fpt b po tbp feate fo? euermo?e; f o? tbe jLo?b batb cbofen Ston/to be an . babitacponfo;bpm felfe batb be cbofen ber.

flrbistlsalbempvcft/betetepll 31 btoeil/ fo?3!baueabe[ptetberin. gitoplibieaebetbptaHeStoitbfocreafe/ anb topli fatpff pe ber poo?e toitb b?eb. 3toplibecfjeberp?eaftestoitb beain)/* berfapnetes allreiopfe anb beglab. cs*)o;nf fo? flrbere Qjaii^ mafietbe c *bo?ne of a K M S.-* ,rtbt0 ^m^ baueo?benebalanternefo? tmm,m mm anopnteb. 3tSfo?bpScnempeS /| ftallclotbe tbem tt (bame/but bpo bim felfe alibis crotone flo?p(be, _ ccbe.cymii-Pfalme. tE?cp?apfetIj tbeiinpfe aconto?6cof b?etbjfit tbefongeoftbeaeaws 3d of auto. *** tm jty Ebolbe,.boto goob a t'opfuB a n)pngeie SSKol Wetb?ctobtoelltogetberfo bnitpe. Wft,

tbat ; wire &amp;o?oc is aboue au gobbes. p cai.j(m.6i lubaifoeuer tbe jLo?b pleafetb tbat botb *-" &lt;fl ' be in. b.eaue n anb in eartt)/ in tbe fee / anb tn * all beape places. ie b?pngen) fo?tb tbe cloubes from tbe enbes of tbe too/fc* / be turnetb me Ipgbte* npngesbntorapne/b?pngpnge ttjetopnbes outoftba'rtteafurpes, ' jmm fmote tbe fp?ftbo?ne of cEgppte/ *oi..r; botb ofman anb of bead. cro..u; 9 .ic ..^ebatbfenttobfs ano toonbers mtotbe "^pwm rmobea of tbe/ tbou lanbe of cgnSS ** J^ataoano alibis feruauntes. lbicb fmote bpuevfenacpons/anbOetoe. - " mpsbtpeapnges. , *^ebon&amp;pnge of tbe 2imo2ptes/Ca tbe **. Hpnge of jearan'anballtbe fepngbomtsof "*"** Canaan, : .

*anb gaue t beir lanbe fo; m betita&amp;e/fo?* 30 " ,,:9 anberttagebntojfraeibispeopfe. * bpname/ijLo;be/fnburetbfo?euer/ . fobotbtbpmemo?pa/ Xoflje/fromone BenEracpontoanotbet. f o? tbe ?Lo?betopjiauenge &amp;is people/a begracpouSbntobPSferuauntes, i^MMWMwawnMv, **sfo?tbepmagesoftbe^eatben/tbepc gttsipBetbep;ecpouSa*opntcment arebutfHueranbgolbe/tbe too;cbe of mens *l&amp;ra i.c.fe

banbes. " ' ' 59ap.rt.o.f Cbepbaue moutbes / ^rpea&amp;enof:epes a,;uc!, ' ,,t bauetbep/buttbepfenot. Cbep bau e earwanb pet tbep beare not/ netber is tbere anp b;etb in tbeir motttbes. ^beptbatmafietbem/arelpfie bnto tftf/ afoareantbeprbatpnttbortruftintbem. . . I&amp;^pfe Xo;bpeboufe of3fraei/p?apfe. tbe TLo;ce peboufe of aaron. iS;apfetbejLo;bepeboufeofxeuf/pei . . feate tbe )lo?be/ p;apfe tbe Xo?be.

bpon tbe beabe/ tbat raimebotone bnto tbe beerb:euenbnco3Carons beerb/anb toente botonetotbeffipjtesofbiscbJtbpnge. Xifie tbe betoe of Sermon; tobtcb fen bp fbebpllofS&gt;pon. fo? tbere tbe Xo;bep;ompfeb bps blef* fpnge/anb Ipfe fo; cuerm o?e. cbe.cjw*n'M&amp;faIme. . Cftee)fbo?trtb top-ape ano Pf'apte^oJrwe anb tbat alfointbenpgbt. m be fonge of tbe fteates. 41 -q bolbe/) p;apre tbe Xo;be/alI pe fee* "Sb7tbeTo;b KSotfctobtcb Jguauntcsoftbe^be/peetbatbprfigbt fitoflSSSfalem; ' *WS / *'ftanbemtbeboufeoftbeiLo?be. tbeeiSpnoe * fl)lpftbppourebanbes in tbe^anctua* J ****&amp;** &lt;z n y.,.f-

rp/anbp;apfetbe&gt;Lo;be. Cbe.cwbt.|Bfalme. Cbe Ho;be tbat mabebeauen anb eartb *fSjSR?i25? !tt ? , ? ,t0 w*sM*li blefle tbe out of ton ISSSSSF'SB&amp;E* 1 * ai*UBftoft UeeutrptobrOocib/aEbptbofetol)etW&lt;tbbtpef* *^^fo;euer. KtSfrntt jpipauauncco|fraei. geuetbanftesbntotbe0obofango^ret a l&amp;zapfetbecueflaGpngc, tt0&lt;rtW mercp enoufefbfo;euee. fi&gt; t&amp;sn&amp;c

* ,**


o t b an uc w %om of an %oM/foi Big meter enbuten) f o? etirr. Wiffl onlp botb greate toonoetis/ fo? b# meter enburet&amp;fo? euet. i@biclj tjp&amp;i0 torfbomemabe tbe&amp;eauEg/ Co ? &amp; i? mere; enburetb f 02 euet. oaiji'c^ lapcD on t tftc cartel aboue t^e toa= tens/fo; Big mercp enburetb f o? euet. n@B'c&amp;BatBmabegteate IpgBteg/fo? &amp;pg mercp ensuret^ fo? eues. be funne to .tuie tBe oare/to? bpg raetcp enbutetbfojeuet, C&amp;e moone $ ftc Qarreg to gouerne ttj e 16 npgb t / f 0? W wietcp enoutetij f 0? eucc. &lt;fm$***' *Bfcbfmote&lt;!^tlfctbefrfpjfibo?ne/ fo? big meter enbutetb fo? eu et. 2nDb?ougbtout Jftaelfroamomje $1/ fo? ^fss meccp etiDuret^ foi eucr. iitb a mrgbtpe ban&amp;e anb Sreecbeb out arme/fo? big metep enbutetb fo? euet. ifcbteb oeuFDco tbe teeo tee into partes!/ to? big meter enbutetb to? euet, *to.pu$. *^no maae? ftael togo tbo?oto tbe mr&gt; ftcflj Bfit/fo?big meter enbutetb to? euet. wutatfrwbatao anobt^^ooft/be ouet tb?etoe tBemin tBe reeb ree/f 0? tjtjs mete? en* butetbfo?euet.

* Crub run * nw W W W0 people tbo?oto tbe topi* n.9. &amp;ctneffe/fo?btg merer enbutetb fo? euet. C *aVP0 fmote gteate fcpngeg / fo? ft* * meter enbutetb fo? euet. f ee / ano due mrgbtpe Spge* / fo? br* metcriiiuwtbfo?euer. nmt. Mic. *&gt;ebon fcrng of tbe 3 ! mo?rtcg/fo? W 9fB(utt,m, meter enbutetb fo? euet. ano g tftc fifng of ?6aran/f 0? W met* cr enbutetb fo? euet. 3 no gaue atoare tftet't lanbe fo? an ft ftp* tage, f 0? bi'0 meter enbutetb f 0? euet. tfuenfo? an heritage bnto attaeibfe ret* uaunt/fo? big mercpenoutetb fo? euet. tb(c&amp;rcmemb?etb bg/toben toe ate fit trouble/fo? Big meter enoutety fo? euet. p^humx *t&amp;)id) geuetbfbbe bnto all flelb/fo? bis merer enouretB fo? euet. geue tbanfieg bnto$ 00 of Beaul/f 0? Big meter enbutetb f 0? euet. CCBe.cjwtbn.pfalffle. Cff5t*mplon|aBBreppeOoejftl GmtttfMf H&gt; j perpctuaMf UctoapletiH)tD(?cucci8 ofjcmfali. a Jft ? tbe toaterg of JSabplon toe fatootone |0atoeapte/tobentoetememb?eb^&gt;ron. ..W$ fo? oute batpeg/toe Bangeb tBem Dp bpon tbetteeg/tbat are tBetin. CBentbertbatleb bg atoare captrue/re* qup?ebofbsa Conge anbmefobpmou'rebe* . urncg:frngeb0oneoftbefongegof&gt;ion. oto f&amp;antoefrnge (be jLo?oj fonge in afttaungelanoef af2fo?gettBe/3!etufale/leemp!W'gtjt


Barer be fojgottm. gjf 3 oonot rememb?e tfje / ret mr tonge cleuetotbetofe of mpmoutB :reerf %m

fetre not 3 etufaiem in mp mr?ttj. Jttememb?e cbrib?e of igbom/ 3Lo?o/ in t&amp;e oareofaetufaiem / Bote tBer fame: botone tt it/botohe toitB teeuf to gtouno. a* n (tei 8*&gt;oaugtjtetoabpl5/tBott fljait come * KaspSnto tomrferr tBrfeife;ree/Bappfell)aH Bebe/'H? tBattetoatoetbtbea? tBou Bafl ferue&amp;bg. 0F " w * w &gt; jeietleo $ all be be/n)at tafietb tbr cBrt *mtsvu b?en/anbtb?otoettjtbeagarnttn)eftoneg. ecbe.ewtbiii.pfalme. Oe pjajf tff) tt)t gootmes of ^c6 1 otoacb? firm/ ' *oftictj fcatij OelputttO 5pm fwt^ of aUJwpat toes/ % pjomo teo t)im ton to tbe opgnitic of a ftpnge. fl)fautb. ^* irHgeuetbanbsbnto$/fl&gt; jLo?b/ topt&amp;mptobote&amp;Etie/euenbefo?etBe* iJ&gt; oooeg/ toiii 3 fpnge p?arreg onto tt)e. 3 toiii too?ftrppe totoatoe tbPBolp tem^ pie/9 pjarfe tbp name/becaufe at u)p leuxg brnonetie ?ttuetB/fo?tbouBallmagiiErpeb tBr too?oe/acco?jiing bnto tbr greate name. OBBen a call bpon tBe/tbou Beatett mm enoetoea mrfouletoitbmocBe QrengtB. ail tbelat'ngesioCtBeeattB (ball p?apfe tbey&gt; %oWi toBentBepB^aw ^erco^fcfg; ofttjrmoutb. fee tBep (ball Crnge in tiie toaresf of t&amp;e )Lo?De/tBatgteatet0tBegio?poftBe&gt;Lo?oe, iff 0? tbougb tbe )Lo?oe be Bpe/ pet Batb Be nfpette bnto die lotofya* f 0? $e p?cuDe/b( beBoioetBBpntafarteof. Bugb a toalfieinfmpbBttt of trouble/ retaattwouteftetbme:tBoutbaltfttetcBe to;tB tbrne Bab bpo tbe furpoufr.ess of mpnc mtmg&amp;ti tbp ti-gtjtbgbeftaii faueme, CBe )Lo?b tbaii mafic goob fo? me/rte tbr merer/ JUyoe/enburetbfc? euet: cefppft not ttjen tbe too;cfie of tbrne atone Banoeg. ""rir*-?^tiic.^raime. ' CSc ft Vnitl) ttiat all tii :ng arc cuiboi t j open bttfO 00to^ic^maoe&amp;tm:an6i5atbtocnptoh8/an6 a#tofic lit fept^ all t^pngre. tptlcoftdtiij, *otbecbauntet/aPialmcof^suib. Wn *

^^ ]to?be/tboufeatebeft me out/ anb* "f!f=i&amp;notoettme. *T^ Cboufinotoeftmpbotonefrttj'nge 9 mpne bp?prrnge/tboubnDet&amp;aiiiiea nig tBougbtegafatteof. ^ODou att aboutemppatb 9 aboiife mp bebb/s fprett out all mp toapess. !lfo?lo/tberei3notatoo?6etnmrrcnge. buttbou/SD JLo2oeSnotoettttaltcgetbee. CBou Bad faftroneb me bebpnbe anb be* f o?e/anb lapeb tbpne Banoe bp on me, &gt;ocbe 6notoiebgei(to toonberfullanb excellent fo? me/a can not attepne bnto it. iBitber fljaliagotben from tbr Cp?etef 35 o?/tobrtbetqjaliagotBen frotbrP?efencei

Mmntb af a tlpmebpintobeauf/tBouaMtBere*. rf^gobotonetoBeU/tbouatttBereaifo. .. ff 1 tabe tt)e tornge? of tbe mo?npnge/ areraapncmtBebttetmoa p3e of tBefee: en en tbcre aifo (ball tbpbanbe lease me/ anbtBprpgijrbanbefljallBoIbeme. at a fape-.peraouenture efje barcftneffe Oiaii couer me/tben all mp npgBt be tut* neotobape. fee tec barcftneffe feno barcftneffe toptf) tBe/but tbe npgBt igag cleate ajstbebape/f batcftneft anb ipgBtare botB alpfte. a tf o? mp rcpneg are tbrne/ tBou Ijaft coue* m me in rap motBetss toombe. a torll geue tBanfiegbnto tbe/ fo? 31 am toottberouapmabe-.maruelougaretBrtoo?* fie?/ a tbatmp foule fin otoetb rigBt toell. fl^pbonegarenot brb from tbe /tbougt) . abemabefecrcteir/anbfamponebbeneiBin tBeeattb. Bpneepegfempitebnpatfectneoe/ tbep itanbeaUto?ptteintbrbofte:inrbapcj8tofte

fatbroneb/toben agpettBete teas not one cftbem. n ^oto beate atetbp couneeiu bnto me -" o*ifS&gt; boto greate ig t^e fumme of tBemf , if a telltBe/tbeparemo in nombjetben tbe fanbe-.toBena toafiebp/a am p?efent toitbtbe. iptttbounotaare $ torcfteb(B &lt;S5ob) t tbe NoubtbP?ffpe mpgbte bepatte fto meJ y., jfo?tbep fpeafie bnttgbt of tbe/tbpne ene* mpeg ejcaltc ftem febtegpje&amp;tmpruouap. . a'B atttftcm / ;(I&gt; ^o?be/tbatBatetBe:anB amare not atoape torttjtbofetBat tpfebp agarntttbef Fee a bate tbem tigbt foo?e/ tberf o?e ate ibepmpneenemrefc ctreme/S) &lt;0ob/aw&gt;fefietbegtounbe of mrne bett:p?oue me/aejamen mp tbougbK. Vlmtm* HLofieroeiipCtbete beanr toare af tope* kstim icaee fiebneffeinme/ 6 *anb!eabe meintbe'toape (Daiis/otatop ccbe.ett.^raime. *&gt; c&amp; 6cfp?e) f o be oclpuwof com tty opftcfltcs IpfS a*loi! c ofiaJocg/anohiscompanponB. wmbeM __ a *CQtb e cbauntet/ a ptalme of Bautb. mm ^^sfei (Slpuet me/flDS,o?be/fto tt)e euert mc/Bp?etetuemeftfitBe tor^ fteb men. . b^icbrmagfnmrCcfiefemtbett berteg anb Qetebp ttrpfealltbebapelonge. bP tbarpen tbetttongeglpfie a fetpet: abbetdpoifonigbnbettbeitlippeis. &gt;elaB. ftepe me/S&gt;ilU&gt;?be/ftom (He banbe of

tbebngobl?:p?efetue me from tbe topefieb tnen/tobici) ate putpoftbto ouettb?otoemp BOtnge?. Tb cbep?oubebauefarebafnatefo?me/ " -t ab?oabe tor* coatbeg/ ne anb


fettrappeginmptoape. 6 *&gt;elab. .... ' n*iatet(ie 56 ut mr fapinge is bnto tbe JL,o?be: t&amp;oU WKlJi art mr &lt;6oo/beare rBebopce of mp p?apet SD)lo?be. )lo?be ob/tbou tttegtbof mrBealtb/ tBou Bad coueteo mp Beabe in tbe bare of battarie. ~ , jUtnottBebngoMrbsue&amp;rs M&amp;e/ JLo?b/letBimnotbaueBigpurpofe/iefttber betop?oube. &gt;eiab. . . JLettbe mrftb'fe of tbeit atone it'ppes fall bpontbebeaboftbe/tBatcopafe me about. . jUtbotebutnrng *eoaleg fall bpo tBe/ crates; &amp; let tbem be caft into tbe fr?e/ a into tbe mi ot iB &lt;*&amp; m -i u)at tbep neuet tpfe bp agapne. mw&amp;W amat!fuiloftoo?beg mall not p?ofpete bpon tbe eattb-.amaipcrougatorcfiebpet* fort (balbebunteo atoape/anb beffropeb. ^ureaam/tbattbeto?be ternauenge tbe poo?e / ano marntepne tbe eauCeof tBe Belptleffe. Cbe rpgbtuougalfo (ball geue tbanfieiS bnto tbp name/ anb tBe tuft (bail contpnue

tntBpfpgbt.- _ _ Hebe ctWPfalme. Cyp;(r5ep!apctbfo?t5cfpjrteto6crVDi'tfihc mape p:cfeccc the (baepe ftenirtftpp of the fapnetee l)tfo?e i6cp;ofpcrlte of tftt topcBeoiano after that/fo? wo?* tftpcaucngcmentofbtaenempessfo/bisoelpuraaci!. a p&gt;faimeofjBauiD. jt ?be/acalIbpotbe:BaaetBebtttome/3f V anb conriDctm2bopce/roben3; ctpebn* totbe. net mr p?apet be fet fo?tb in tbr frgbt'atf tbe incenre/aiet tBe iiftingbp of mrbanbe^ be an euenpnge factrfpee. &gt;et a toatcb/)Lo20/befo?emr moutb/ r ee a toatcb at tbe bo?e of mp Ippp eg. letnotmpnebertebeenclpneb toanr euell tbrnge/to bempnbeb ag tbe bngoblr 0? torcfiebmen/left Jeateof CocBetbiugeg ag pi'eafe tbem. jLetilje tigBtuoug tatBet fmite me frinb= 35 Jp/9tep?out me:Cotoilia tafieit/agtboitgb Be Bab pouteb ople bpomp beab : it man not . Burt mr bf abe/r ee % topil p?ape ret f 0? tbete topeftebneffe. CSeir t'ubgeg domble at tbe done/ret Beare tbep mp toojbeg/tbat tber be topfull; ute boneglpe tcateten befo?e tt)e ppt/. Ipfie ag tobert onegrauctb anb bpggettj bp tbegrounbe. iButmrneepeg iofiebntotfie / ?Lo?be: . (Sob-.intbeigmr trull/ b caft not outrrrg fouie. 6epe me from tbe fnate tobieb tberbaw lareb fo? me/am fto tbe ttappeg of tbe tope* fiebboerg. lettbe bngoblr fail into tbeir atone net* tegtogeeBet/bntpliabegcnebrtBem. , ; mm


CfetesjtttjJ&amp;felme. ficLOcfra Saul into ttjc cauc/| thought ttjat ^c^utoe tbcretjauetTHctangn. cfjetnftmccpon of auia/a p?apet toben betoagmtbetaue, i /%9/ ft *crsebnto tfte )Lo?ue tottb mpbopce/ ,v*[yceeuenbntotCejLo;WDo11maSe mp uauffti f pral.' J&gt; fupplpcacpon, *b.eeo. ^cta 3| poute outmp eomplapnte befoje&amp;pm/ *** an d ID etoe bpm of mp trouble. iben mp fp;ete te in beupneflfe/ f o? t&amp;ou Snowamppat&amp;;?ntoartoI)^n5toalfie ^jauetyepp/euelplapefia foawfojme. 3 iofecbponmprigbtBanae/fcCe/t&amp;ereiis no man ft at to pn fmo to me. 31 f&gt;aue no place to fie bn to/no tn carets fo?mpfoule. cbetfozeool etpebntotbe/ jLojw/f f a? e; ttyou art mp fcope ana mp po;cton m ttj e b^rc tf ttW^nwoftfteljupnge. tnanpftaneat ContjD;*empcoplapme/fo?g!amb;Qug&amp;t ttjeian&amp;eoft&amp;cbtrplotoe. ipupngc rignf/ oeipuerme ftompperfecute$;fo? #ep SRSSta? nm mp (oule out of pjttm I tbat I totiict) vet cc* mapegeuetbancftegbrttotbp name:tobpcfj

mapnc m t$pa.tbpngepf tbou.topltgtaunteme/tben ftali SVh^Sl tfatti&amp;timti ittom bnto mp companp, mtgawm. ... . Cb*.ctfuj.rfa!me. ** * C&amp;l&gt;i0 J&amp;falme tfte $fetmr nejtbefo;e artbotye ofonetcnQursmaOcbQtljcocouet&amp;pngc, IpfatmeofjBaiuD, 1^- Hfttemp pjaper; lofle/ confpwe wm^cg.9.^HmpMr^e:anftofremfo?tftstrcut^ ^r tpgb tuoufnefifc false, 3Cnb entre not into foagem ent topts ftp fetuaunt/ foz in tbpfpg&amp;t l&amp;alino man Ip* upnge be mftpfpea. jfojtbeenempepetfecutet&amp;ntpfoule/be fmpeetf) mp rpfe ootoneio t&amp;e gtoiwoe/ ije laprtft me in ft e Daw fineff e/a$ tlje beeo mm oftbetoo?fee.! rbetfb?e#mprp?ete bejreb tofcbinme/ $mpbettetoftbm me is oerotate. 3S fetDoarememb^efctpmegpatt/gmufc bpon all tfjp too/c8e$/pee gj eyercpre mp felf m $e m;cm of tflpbanae*. : | ftrettb* ftytb mpne banfieg bnto fie/ wpfbuieerpetb bnto tbe out of t^ttbpmpe lame. &gt;e!ab. $eate me/ jlo?be/? fljat tbone/ fb? mp rp2ctctoa]cetb fepntc:bP&amp;enot $p facefro nte/ieftgj belpfiebnto tfjemtbatgo botone into tbe graue. ^^ a letmebeatetbploupngebpnbnelfebp a rb?&amp;2 Jf?' tfwwtttbe*mo?ntng/fo?n? ?t$mptru8: ^^^^actoctboumetbetoapetbat^ftulbetoaise *n/fo&gt;1!lPftbPntproitlebntot&amp;e. 5Mpaer me/ Ho?o/fto mpne enempes/ fojSrtfojtebntot&amp;e,


ceacge me to&amp;o $e t^frtge(9ttpI(Mret&amp;

f /f o; t^ou art mp oD.iet ft p louing^ete It aw me fo?fo bnto f line of WBw5aSat anofo?tbpr?ojtuoufticae fafeeb^semv fouie out of trouble. ami of tbj Booonefle tmtt mpne ene* mpr? ab?oaoe/$DeutopeaIItbcmtbat bejte mp foule/fo? I am n)p fetuaunt. Ccbe.crinn. praime. C5f P?ajfr tf) ana tysn ttetfi ^5o6/liccmifc tjt ^ao i , IjucrtObprnftemall 3copacOpcs and putCujngt of 5 is tnnnpce.'atiB piomolcfl ti jm to be a ipng/ano aifo tnaOcijis fcjnsoome toSo;pQ)tcil^ aliounoauncc of aUtwvw ^(?m&gt;' j o if aufo. ^i jLedeb be tfte x,o?oe mp refuge/ to&amp;ptfr iQteacDetb mpbanoestotoane/ano mp '"""fpn&amp;eKStofpgbe. fl^p Oope anamp caflen/mp Defence anox mpDeipuerer/mpftpioern toBome a trutt/ toepcbsouernefttbe people! tt bnbetme. *)Lo?De tcbat is man/tbat fljou baft focb, s retpectbntobpmffl&gt;?tftefonneofman ; tbat tbouforegaroeabsmf fl?an isitfteatbtnge of naugfit^tt tpme patretbatoapelpfteatftaootoe, a*muna&gt; 35otoe top beauenjs/ )Lo?De/ 8 *come effl?*i* botonc, toucbetbe mountapnefJ/tftat tftepSlS wtmtmaa. SS.S &amp;enDefo;tbtbelp5rBtpnpit8?reatertbe/K fbuteouttbpne^arotceiS/ft confume Hjem. N*f8 ^&gt; c nse Dotone tbpne banoe from about/ m,ml a( W' tielpuerme/ataficme out of tbegreat toa-- 6e !!%^ tcr3/from tfje banbe of *fliaungc cbpio?rn. * 'jSS iljofemoutft talSetbofbanpte/ ttb&amp;faimm. rpgbtbance tea rtgbt banbe of faifece. s-aibcit &amp;k CbatJmapfpng'eanetD fongebnto )e/'S'ri^f if^oD/anDfpmje wapfessbntotbe bponagS tenStpngeoiute. Sp"* ^rbou tbat geueftbpcto^bntonigeg/9 * w baftbelpuma autbtbpferuauntfrom iteigSKS

pateHoftbeftBettie.' Hgf* S&gt;aueme/ 9 beipuerme fromtbe battae c ' of araungetbpib;en /tebofemoutft talfietb of banpte/ano tbcir rpgbt banoe ig a tpgbt banoe of falfeoe. bat ou re fonnef mape grome bp ag tfte pongeplantes/8 tbatoure baugfttetgmape be ajs tbe poipujeb cower? of tfte temple. bat ourc garners! map be full anbplen* teouS toub ailmaner of ftoare:^ oure Ojcpe mapeb?mge fo^b tboufantie0anibunD?e^ tboufanbts in ourebpHagrg. Cftat oure ore map be flrffge fo laboure/ tftattberebenomprcbawe/no becape/ano complapnpnge in oure ttreteg. apppearexfte people rbaebe mrocftea caft:peeWe0eb are tbe people/ tobpcB ftaue t6ejU#efo?tfte(r&lt;sob. Cbe,crib.pfaftne.

ercbe.crlb.Walme. CC&amp;e gooant s of &lt;BoD is fo abounirantlp geuen bnto aiimen/tljfltaafI)pngcB p;apfe(t:c&amp;caftip tbjrgoOlj/ Xc'ftit) ace lucgctjEftmOucbtljertott^. 3 pzapfeof J0autb, .



&lt;arxapfetbe-iLo^e/^ mpfotrte*. lFj3!ipuetopUlp;apre tbello^tie; pe eajJ * UttutKS* tt- jonge as a baueanp btm%t/% topB fpngep?apftgbntomp(!5oD. t

Euerp bape topii 1 geue tbancfteg bntotbe/?p,'apfetbpnamefo; euer gieuer.

Create ijs u)e ^o;D/5marue!oii0 toonbP to be pjapfeb / tbere s no enbe of bjjs greatneffe. SDnegeneracpon u&gt;aHp?apre tb? to'o;irj bnto anotber/anb Declare o)p pobjer. % fo? me I roplbe talBpngeof tbp bio?' ffi?P/tbP Sto#rt&amp;! p;apfe / ana roonoerou? teo?cficg. 55 Sott)atmenaUpeafieoftbempgbtof rftpmatuelouis actcg/teH of ftp greatness. ftememo?iaHoftbpneabounbat fipnbheg ajalbeajetoeb/amenjpalirpngeofftp R'gfiteouineire, Cbel-o.jbe tegracpouss amercpfull/loge fuHerpnge/anb of greate gooaneOe. ; cb* t02Miu loupng bnto euerp man/? bpgmercptstoueralibpsiVDo^fees. 3inftpb3o?ftegp?apfefte(SD 'jlo?be/anb ftp fapnetes geuetbanc&amp;cjs bnto ft e. C bepn&gt;etoefteglo?pofftpBpngDome/gr talaeofeiippoiDer. Sbat ftp potoer/ftp glo?p 9 mpgftf pneffc of ftp Spngbome mpg^tbe Bnobine bnto men. Cfipftpng&amp;ometeaneueria&amp;pnifipng' bonte/anb ftp bompnio enbureft ft o?oto out allagfU, cftejLo^ebpbolbeftaHfocbeais ftulbe fall/anb rpfteft bp an ftofeftat be bouhe. Cbe epeg of all toapte bpon ft e/anb ftou geueft tbentfteir meate mouefeafon. Cbouopeneaftpnebanbe/anDfplleaan ftmgeg ipupngc bjtft plenteoufneflc. be Hoja t'js n'gbteous fn all big toapeg/ anbboip in all big too?cfie g. fte jto?b ig npe bnto ftem ftat callbpS ftpm/pef all focb ag callbpo bim fapt&amp;fullp. 19efiilfplictbftebefp?eofftemft3tfeare 6fm, bebearetb fteircrie/an&amp;belpetb r&amp;em. Cbe)Lo?Dep?ereruetball ftem ftatloue ftpm/butfeatereft abjfoaDe aHftebngoblp.

fljaltturoeagapneto big earft/an&amp; fo allbig ftougbtcgpetp&amp;je. . &lt; ieffebigbetbatbatbfte cab of Jacob . . . . . fp?ftlgbflpe/*anbtobofebopetginfteJLo?b*ace.ic.'(3.c. bPg(!50b.. flpota.jtii9.l liabicbmabebeaue ^earft/g kffl ang fterin ig/tobiebfiepeft btt p?omr'fefo;euer. . .aa&amp;ic&amp;beipeft ftem to.rpgfttftat W8re . ro;ongeAofticftfebeftftebongrpe. bei";Delob)fetb men out ofp?efon/ o#e geueft fpgbt to fte bipnbe. ^beitojoeftelpcft ftebp ftatare fallen/ fte JLojbeloueftftCipgbtuoug. CbejUojbe careft fo?fte Oraungerg/ be befenbeft fte faft erleae anb toiDDotoe:ag fo? ft e toape of fte bttgoMp/brtu rnetb it bpfpbe oottme. a$tia&amp;tW&lt;mN&gt; &gt;pon;fgfcpnge fo; euermoje-'a fto?oto out allgeneracpog, - p?aprefteeuerlaapnge.&gt; &gt;&gt;v ,y- ?1 , Cbe.ejrbii.^falme. &lt; ; C e mo'ttct^ alt men to t^e pjapfc of j5oiv tfftafi If 3 Ccael anb tbe cptejpns of 3f cutaicm. ^;apfe fte euetlattpnge. gff\ P?apfe )Lo?De/fo?ttigagooDftfng - *Mtofpngep;apfegbntooure &lt;0ob:peea * "^ iopfulianDplcafauntftingeigit to be tftancRfun. &lt;fflt %om ffiaH buplbe bp %toMmi&lt;t gaftertogefterfte outcaOegof ffraei. $e bealeft ft e contrpte in b ee/anb bpn* beftbpfteirbjounbeg. ^eteHeft ftenoumb?e of fte Carreg/ana calleft ft em an bp fteit nameg. ' reate ig oure )Lo;be / ano great e ig Bpg p oteeitpee b pgtopfoome iginfpnpte. be JUojot fetteft bp fte mcbe/anb b?tn geft tbe bngobipbotone to fte grounae. &amp; fpngebntotbcjLo?bebjift ftanfiefge' j$ utnge/fpngep?apreg bpon ftebatpe bnfo

oure ob. " ibicft couereft tfte fteaucn bjift cloub^/ ^be/anbletaliaeftgeuetftahegbntoftig ^Sm^Z^Rm febeftftepbngerauengftatcalibponftim. Jgeftaft nopieafureinftfOrengftof an fto?fe/netberbelpteftbeinanpmgleggeg. ttt fte ^o?begbelpteig in ftem $ feare

Mp name fo? euer anb euer, tfte euerladpnge.


ffcfte.ctibi.ftaptei;. Casmr6e}&amp;raImenertbefo.efobotb{ic6erc^au(na , , . . tbat be berc petutpaclp nJ"b from puttpnge ttu ftpm/anb put ft r tRttt Ittbtg mercp. nfj Qence m men. #?apfe ft %&gt;OM flP 'jjtfmmt / p?apfe ^apfefteeueriaQpnge. ftpti5ob&amp;ion. !ffo?fte mafifft faftftetowsof ggafeg/ ana

ana MMW8 tbe cbplb; t n toitpd u)e. $e mabetft peace hi ttiv bqperji/s fpllftb. tbe tot tb e flout of tobeate. $e Cenoetb foitbbff commaunbemerit bponeattb/bi0too2berunnetbftoF8% ^egeuetbfnotolpbetooile/aCcatetetb _^ bo;eftoaipfieaO)e0. SS2S2S**" is abir to abpae b K ftoft?

tb bjoicoffe ^efenoetft outbfetootfwsmfaltetfitfi!/ fie bio toetb tt Btetofta/ 9 efte matetfj flotoe. $e etoetb b?0 toojoe bnto 3!acob / bP0 ftatuteg fr ojopnauncegbntogfraei. $e ban) notbealterotopt&amp;ali tbe $ea* tben / nen)er baue u)ej finotoleoge of b# fatoesJ, ?apfetbeeuerla&amp;?nge. Cbe.crlbfff.pralme. Clf monctb all creatures to tbe psapfc of j6 .' as toellfaeauflpaBeartblpij tbermtoarnefb.tbe Gmc fefanogoolpto confjocr tt)c great ana raarueloua p oto / to pfoc m i ana-good nt b of &lt;ood. J^apTetbeeueelaepnge. ^ $;apfetbe H o#e of beauen / pjggu *^ P?apCeb?mau'i&gt;eangel0ofbr0/' Wasfebimaiiftfebooft. ;apfe&amp;ym Auimeanb Spoone/pjapfe bpmailpeaanwanblpgbt. ?a?febpmaHp*eeaimi*/anD n toa= tewtbatbebnbertbebeauen0. JUtrtjem p?a?re tfte name of tbe lo;ee/ f o; be commaunbeb/anb tbe? toere matte. Sebatbmaoe tbrm firitfti euet 8 e uer/ be^atbgeuen tbemalatoe tobrcb (ball not bebjobet?. ;a#e tbe itoibe bpo eattb/pe tobalf rf* flwanbalibepe*. . tfKcano&amp;atfe/fnotoanbbapotf/tofnoe aia fto^iie/ftiifpiipige bi'sJ tooe. fi&amp;ountapnea a aUbpWtutefuUtte e* anoaliCe&amp;KfS. SeaQestano eaten / tawnte* a no feoetea fouiee. &amp;pnge0 of tbe cartb 9 an people'/ pwn ce0 ana alt iuage0 of tbe toojloe. f onge men ana mapoenis/ otte wen ana tb?a?c:iEbemp;apfettenaineof $ Jib?*/

iof bi0 name only 10 frcfiiet/anb b# p/a jfe , *iw, a &lt; a * ,pue beauen ano eartb. MtSt 2S1 ^**o:alteibtbebo^cofb people/an *uco aft* bWfajmtegaaH p?a?rebEm/tbecb?ibjeii l&amp;fai.t;wi?.oof afrael/euentbepeopietbat cetuetjj ftm, Pjapfc tbe euetlaapnge. cabe.ctfiy.^fomte.




fit* pecttltaclP mottttbjrtacl to pjapft oW6f Muft bcnoi oiilpbsBBelsucecatbemfrom tbeit bondage butalfohaD ma8* tftembjctotiKa and cbaSjfers Of

t&amp;e gentses ana fceatljcn. Pwretbeeueflaagnge.

jjjn &gt;?nge bnto tbe ;io2be a netofonge/3i ^jiettbeccngrfgacjooffarncteflpjarre Bwtu Hetgctael refogfe m bim tbat mabe bim/ anbiett&amp;e cbjlfoen of &gt;ien be ioffuii in tfiEirSynge. net tbem p;a? fe bi'0 name in t&amp;e Daunte/ let tbf m fpige p?a? ftg bnto 6sm tef ttj ta* b?ette0anobatpt0. &lt;ffo? tbe torn batb pleafiiretn Bfj; peo* pfe/ano ftelpetb tbe mefiebatteb. . jutttjerapnete* beto?fuUtortbgIo^/let tbemteiopfe in fteicbeooest.

Ttfttbe vmlw ofoD befnt bett moutfi/ antHbai^eftt)ctDe0 in tbrabanoeu. cobeauengeDoftbe^eatben/anbfore* tube tbe people. ^obpibetbeii Synge? in cbcpifS/ano tbeitnoblee toitb ipncfiea of ?;on. Cbattbep ma? be aucngeo of tbem/a0 it WtojitttvCoc&amp;bonotirBaueaHBfc fapictf?. P?apfetbeeuetlattjnge. Cflrbe.ct.^falme. &amp; MOWtg all men to p;apft(Bobmt) tW tnoB af # feetiiouap/notonlptojtliibflioptelmt atfo tertjj til BpnOfS of inttrumentcB.-br tobicfi be f^ntfletb/glao* nee of m?noc ane bolp conuerfatp8: (as fome tcpil) %WfcoiopfuinfBanBgreattBloat9rn tbepjajtea otflciootobKbtoeftaUbaiwnitlwljfttotome. P?apfe t&amp;e eueriaftsnge. ^ N MUb TLo^ie*inbnJ JfcmcipfrfL 4fti . w 4Q ^/p;af f e bim in t be tmamnt cf bi? tmSSZ *"* POttet. ty/c botvpla* JWajfc bim in bt'0 noble act tf/flgttft bim tr. 4.*Rtan. 61 b?0 f rceilf ntgreatneffe. SSWSP' p?a?ft opt in tbe (ounce of W mw%ffim p;aFfebpm bpontbe lute ano batpe. namum ftomt bpm in tbe cpmbale* aub baunR/ p?apfe bpm bpon tbe Otrngns ano p?pc. jejarfebim bpontbe toettuntDrfmbaW/ p^FTe bim bpontbe louoe cimbale^. Jteteuerptbrngetbatbatb b;etb/p;afff tbejlojoe. J&amp;;arfe tbeeueiiattpge, CGbeenbeofffie warn.

tt?t)(triiccp3 bOtu tobpefi teftoli-c ler

C CCS e p:a?fe of tojtbome. ^De map not bcccU bnto tfie bolup tuouB pjonocacion # inticpngeB of fpnnerf . HDpfbomc compiapnetb ba to tebc(p|tfb of allmen/ anb p;opbccfctb OeBrnccpon bnto bet dcCpptere. 4Tbefp;ftbapter. ^e^outrbesof^alo* Imcn fonneof l^auitj &amp;?ng of fftael : to leme totfoome/ s *mftvucci6/bnDetaanDing/ p^ubece/rpgbtuoufneOe/iuifc: gement^equfte. bat tbe t6bn!icrbisbecpbabe0mFgbtbauetot/anbtbatponge jMto/tofte menmrgbtbauebnotBleogeanbbnoeraan* StttM? 8 WS* *S beaipnge /tbe totfe man (ban K comebpmo?etovf6ome:anbbpejcpmecebe ftalbe mo;eapteto bnoeiQaitbea parable/ 9 m interp?etac tbetof / tbe too^oe? of tbe bwhtftMi topre/aoawfiefpeafbe0oftbefame. cbe estbtn&gt; m. jeut^foole? Defppfc tofCoome8m6tucct0. jgfci 1 lobe ^fonne/beatetb?fafljeisiboctrfne/ 9 Sffijfrt fo^fabenot tbe latoe of tbp motbet:fo?tbat ^SaoTfei ab?pnge^gracebntotbFbeaoe/ albaU wine* beacbepneabouttb? necae. fl^rfonne/ j5 eonfentenotbntounneKS/fftbepencpfctbe/ J'fflf tbiB ni 8 fape-.come toitb b0/letb0 D * lege toapte fo? WbM. bloiioe/anD lutcfie pjeuefp fo? tbe innocent tottbout a caufe-.le t bgftoalotoe tbf bp if be tbebell/letbg oeuoute tbe qupebe 3 tobole/ aiJtb ore that go bo tone into tbe pit. &amp;o Biau toe fpnoeali manetofcoaeiprpcbes/ 8friloutebotire0toitbfpo0e0. catttntb? iotamongebS/toe ftallbaueau" oneputfe. a? fotine/toalcbe not tb ou tot'tb w M* twfttomefcfiai^Wf^ftonift'fttoaiwi .ffO| tbeic * wt lawo. fetenlneto eueij/^arebatWe toibebebloua.

t. &amp;a; 0/ it jewe!fti bap? is tbe net lajeb fo^lj WW

tbebKbeis egeg. feetbeFtbem feiueglepe f.*^,^ toapte one tat mm* bloub/ one of tbem SSSK28 tooibeflefeanotbet.cbefeatetbe toapegof f t&amp;; tttSwi all focbe 80 be couetou0/tbat one tooloe ra&lt; sob tuknmw up anotbetSlpfe. W tbe W cs lffbomectFetbtoitbout/8puttetbfo?tb SSffiwt bet bopcetn tbe ftwte*. S&gt;be caiietb before then tU: tbeeongregacfointbeopegate0/^Q)etoetb &gt;-bettoo;be0tbo?ototbecFtpe/raFinge:fl) it fbovan6oi cbplb^en/botolonge tofll fe loue cb^lrtj(b* tofiat . f * n ' f ?' neaefbctelongtopntbe f *fco?nee0beiitem^^ fO S fco;ntnge/anbtbebntopfebeenemre0 onto mSSmfci finotoieogei tutne poubnto mp co?tecciS: after 9n**m !o/9itopej:p?eaempmrnbe bnto ?ou/anb *Wr.. niabe pou bnoet ttanoe mp too?be0. *&amp; eing *erap.irb. :. t tUm i % bane calleb/ape refufeb t't:3 baue 3cremp.b9,w tttetcbeb outrn? banbe/ &amp;tw manregarbeb it/b ut all rap eouncettbaue ?e befppfeb/anb ' feempeo^eccp50atnaugbt.cbet;fo?elbaii . aalfolaugbmpoutebeflniccpg/anbmocfie f 011/ toben tbe ttjrnge tbat pe feate corametb bpon pott:euen tobentbe tbpngetbatpebe aftapeb of/faetb mfobenipijbe a Co?me/ apoutmpfettlpbea tfpeft-.pfetobe trouble ffbeupneaecommetybponfou. cbenlbali tbepcaUbponme/butHtorllnotbeare:tbep! ftal feae me eatlp/but tbep qjai not f inbe me: SBnbpbecaufe tbepbateb finoteIebfi;/recea* utb not tbe feare off Lo?b/but abbo?reb m? councelI/8 befpifebmpco?reccio. rberfo?e ffiaii tbep eate frute0 oftbett atone toape/ ? be fpnebtt tbeir atone cofieel0:f 02 t\^t tut* nfgatoapeof$bntopfe ftalflepetbif/af p?o* rpetfteof fole0 (battietbeiratone bearucctS. 5Su t tob fo barbenetb bnto me/fbalbtoel ta= Wf/ baue piougb tfiout anpfeareof euell. 4$g cjf

r I II I


Clje ia?otttrte 0ffltifjf$,

&gt;afomott, jEfrM&amp;lMtot,


en^taomctetaUjnTUijaccOjfcf&amp;p* SusOuoufo toustediuanis to btcfajueQ. Fbe.ij.rbapter. ^f^SOf fonne/pf outoplt teceauetng ccifnocuour/12^saDntotoin)ome/applietfcfne*&amp;ctt mreupgencc/ entomtberftanbpnge* #o?pfoucrpeft 6Pif-jo/affec# after topfoome/ icaueB fo? imotoieoge: pf o^ cawoni orB W f ^ ft as* fo? treafure ;en alt ou uy towas?cbn&amp;craanbeefeareof jlojb/ 9ftnbee m3yep?rccauefi n otoIeige Of @0b, #0/ ttij*e kOJbe XS**^W Otttof&amp;gl moueome w f mjpnk 6notote j, ge ^ bnof roanufnge. $e p#rcr* ^ue toelfare of tigbtucug/ 8 befencc f attoalftenoc?clp:bc fiepe em in engbtpa/s p^efmirtbtbe toape of bts fapnctf, Cbtn alt Git bnactttannc rtglj * etwutheffe/niBgement 9 equtte/ pee 9 merj goos pa. 3 f tosftctii 1 entte into pne 5ccte/?^pfoulc^IptcmftnotoUDge:t6m b&amp;councellp?efimee/$bnberftanbmg Cirar; fiepetbe. cbatejjou mart ft becelp* umDft5eeutfltoape7$ft5emanat fpeafceebfrotoaroetnge0. ijftcmcocftea!?

ttiprte atone concrete/ Hut Rate e %tyb/9 beparte from eueifcf all p a * nauelt be a* m* a totjoW* pbones ftronge, tymty* ^ $onourejlo#topfubftaace/9to ftcS'Ilf

f P?ftlpnge$ of all pne encreafetfo an p cL ^ a , barnesbefpllebtot plenteoufnefte / &amp;p P?effe0 all flotoe otter to ftoete topne, &lt;Js p fonne/befppTenoe aftenpngof f iLo^e/ neerfapntetobeouartrebu!ieb of ftta*.***, ,, Jftw tobomtbe ilozbeioue tfm$e aftc* awSffi netb^pet beipte in bim cue as a fatber in J 6tt atone f onne. ifcelt ft &amp;tm g finbe topf* Dome/9 optepnebffljerftanbpnge/foze getting of it tf better en anp m ar afi Difc offpluer/9p;ofetoffti0bettetengoioe. I5n3ctne!0mo?etoo?tbtftenp?ecpou0aoc ( r mm all e fngeg ou tanttoefpje/are ncttobecSparebbntober, ponberngbt banteisiongelffe/^bpo^rlefthan&amp;ip'rfr ebe$ 9 honour, ^et toapeg are plefai-nt toapf$/&amp;aHbcrpaf$ igatreeoflpfetotbematlapebolbftpor* ber/anbWeffeb are ep at fiepe fjer fall, 8M topfbomeba f )lo?b lap* b f cte baepen of e eavtli/ ? tIjo?cto bnfcrvttancmg

M .,^Ah W ftr^/.* rrfcetnrti^^ av &gt;tf ft r &amp;*be ttablpebebeauF&amp;bc?cta bi# S25l52ffi topfUcmc beaptbr* b?eaSf too/** clcu&amp;rss

Cbarc8enear:tobtcbreiopfembomgeeucH/j **TOjofc beiptcmtotcsebtbrng^^tobofetoapesare to^csacccco^tog^/anij^eirpatftegfcjaunceiouss. &amp; C bMt l^a r 'QHmapeftbebeipuereb alfo fro e rp ijfc p;ouetb ttraiuge iuoman/a fro Dec tfjat rg net tftpne jy w afiTAOe .atonf :to^'cl) geiict^ toete too?D^ / foifafietft t^e^afban&amp;ofijerpout^/e fo;gettetHw* uenaiwtof&amp;et&lt;ob. fioiUtt tjoufe&lt;sen a cljmbbntotieatI)/-tecrpa-:()fgbntol)eiI,

^aill tijep go in bntofter/ ccmenot agspne/ - ^net^ertafiet^epeoltieofftetoapeotipre, CftattftoumapeStoalSein f gooa toape/ ^fiepet^epat^esofrt)engl;tuou0. fo^tfte iJE5! l SS M OWII** Moemtt toe lattney^ tftefnnog* K ( S "0 an remapne m tt:bt tfte bngoWp ttal* t"afw {?cto#be roteo out of rt?e lan&amp;e/anD tl;e topc&amp;cd co tn c|c pfeiDoe^Ojalbetafeenoutof \U


CRie commautU)tmeti(t0 of &lt;o&amp; mufti* bitigenf* fi^Bejij.C^apter, %1 fonne/fo?(jetnotmi&gt;latoe/ butfetfjatt^sneljcrt fiepempcomauDemetess. ito?t^etOrallp?o* rongee m tutytam t&gt;f ftpirfr/ ?b?mge peace. )Letmii;cp 9 faptt fulneii newt go fro (ftgfqube tbe-iboue ^p necfte/ 9 to^pte tftem in tfte tables oftypnelierte, g)0 ftalt tbou f pnse fattottre $ goot bnaer# ftanbpngeintftefpg^of^obamen, put ftp tmft f n tfte )Lo?De to ali tbpne ^er te/ ano leane not bnto tftpne atone bnuetftanapng, 5nalltf)ptoapeSbauerefpectebntobpm/(i ^efl!aiio?D^t0pgomg(!8, jeenottopfcni

b?oppe Dctone of tbearto. ffi^'p fenne/ Jet ncttyefetftmgesDepattefrSt&amp;pneepfg/lJtjt bepe mp latoe $ mp coxmlis tbalt it be ipfe bnto t^p f ouie/ a grace bnto t^p moutb. ften Qjalt tbcu toaifie fafrtp tit tfep toape/$ ftpfote all not Oomble. $f t&amp;ou 0cpeft/ t^oti alt not be afrapeD/but fbalt taSe ftp rett aepe fteetelp. cbou neuett not to be afrapeb of anp fc&amp;ane feare / netber fo? e&amp;e bpolentruCbpngemoftftebngowp/to-fcenit comets ^teelLo^ue tbalbe beffgtt^e/ anDfiepe^pfotetbatt()oiibenotta6en. aaefufenottoDogooDbnto bpmtbat (buiue bau e it/C logc ag tfjpie banDisa We to bo ft.

&gt;ape not bnto tbp nepgb bour.go tbp toape ftconteagapne/toroozoto topu| geuci^e: tobere as tbou baft noto to geue opm, JntenBenoburtebntotbpmpgbboiwfenig bebopetbtobteeli m reft bp tyt. ^npue not ligfttelp toitb anp ir an/tofcere a^be batft bonetbenobame. jfolctoe net a frpcfiea man/9 cboft none of bte toapcg:fc? $%*$* abbo^etb tbe frotoarDe/butbp? feevete amongetbetpgbtuoug. cbccurfcoftbe )Lo?be t0 m t\)t bonfe of tbe bngoaip / but be bleffetfi tbeotoellpnges of Efttngbtuouft. 3 s fo; tbe fcQintMl/ be (DaBIaugb tbem f f co?nr/but be fiiall grue grace bnto lotolp, crBc topfe (ball baue bonour in poffeffi5/but fiiame fc tbe m omoct s tbat f of e? fljali baue. C.^ vC&amp;ome ana bet ftutrs ano toa^s w$t to be ftavcbcO,

|cjare/)pe cbpnen/tbe fatbettp lefbo^tacpS/^tafie goobbeoe/ebat Ipemape lerne topfoome.yeeg mi geue pon a gocD retoarae / pf pe topHnotfo?rafiemp latoe. tfoztobfgjm? felf e toa?s m p fattjerg neare I onne/ 9 KnbetipbeloueD ofmpmotber/betaugbtmealfo/ fapfnge'Xettljpnebeitereceauemptoo^/ RepempcommaunOementeiS/$tbou alt !pue. &lt;0ettOetoproome/gettbe bnberftS' bpnge,' f :o;c t not tb e to o?ueg of trip m out Ej / 9 fbmtK not from tfjem. ifo;fafiebernot/$ 0} e ail p : eferue tbetloue ber/ ano e all 2Sfiepetbe. cbecbefcpopnteoetoproomeijs/ tbattboube topilpnge to optepne toproome/ an&amp;befo?ealltbpgoobep togett tbe bnbrt&gt; ffanDpnge. ^afie mocb of ber 9 e an Promote tbe: fee pftbou embrace ber/e all b^pngetbe bnto bonoure. S&gt;befijaJimaBe^eagracpouis beab / f *t ?ESS fi^WW* be a *toitbactotone ofglo?p. uuccw after tbf pearegof tbplpfemapebemanp. fJofll vi)e.fM etoetbe/tbetoapeoftopCbome/^leaaetbe nrtberpgbtpatbeg, &gt;otbatpf^ougoeft tbenn/ftere allno ttrapteneOebpnber e: anbtobentbourunneft/tbouftattnotfall. &lt;jca8efaft bolbeof boctrpne/Iet bet notgo: fiepeber/fo?efe tbP Jpfc Come not m

tbepaoftl)ebngoQlp/anDtoai8enotme toape of tbt topefieb. CEftbue it/an&amp; go not fterimsfpftrtc afpee/8 pace ouer bp it* $q? tbep can not He p e/eycept cb ep b an e Kr ft bone tome mpfcbefe : nefljet tafie tbep anp reft/eircepftbepbattefp^ftbonefomebarme. jf 0? ttjep eaee tbe b;tb of topefiebneffe / anb b;pncbeetopneofrobberp. cbepatb of tberpgbtuoug pnetbagtbe Ipgbt/anb $ eue,r b;igbtev anb b;tgbter bnto e parf ecte bape.55ut tbe toape ofe bngoWprgsag^e iie?t?jecig^tDarebne?i/toberinmefaII/o?epbeatoarrf. SSl'f^tf! fl0pfonne/marcfiempteo?beg/$eneltne JSS&amp; *$$mtmmom f*ww. utmm mm in vro: c Departe aom tbpne epeg/bepe e euen m$ iw*m left/mpbbeft of tbphe bwte. &lt;fo? tbep are Ipfc ^fifS aoiJ woaIltbofeatfpnaetbem/$beaabbnto mtXxJSt antbew bobpes . Sepe pneberte toftb all ijano to/toa bflpgice/fo? tljerebponbange Ipfe. put t&amp;atfcc!jctoo;atoapeftomtbtafrotoarbemoutb/anbJet m gotx'toijKE) ipppeg of fdatmba be&amp;rre from e. Jlet r^a^weepejsbeboibeepngeatfe mm a Mmv * e * ft?"^ n?e libbe? lofie ftrapgb* befo?ef . feototot|euftPonb?etbepaoftbpfete/foaH all p to* i0/t Me toapejs be fure. cume not afpoe/neer to 10 60 tbat PfotefromeueH. tolicft is fo:bib Cfie toarnr ff) f efctjuc * flee tofo?tJOiTK. ?e fo:U^ 6?*as it is to;i 0et i P?o0i3aiitpegf toaafult Cpcnbpng.ljc xrpiktWs ten in Smtet* tolputofoure avoittlabouKs. figcnmnftlwt5ejF tetvn* * cbcA,baptfr,

fip tonne / geue Qebe bnto mp z topCbome/^botoepneeare bnto mpp?ubence:atouraapeftrei&gt; garDegoo&amp;coiicelJ/sg pipppegt mape fiepe nourtoure. jfoj e Ipppe^ of anbarlotare abjopppngbonpeomue/ ^bet iote tjs f ofter eh opie. $tit at iaft e rlsa0bptterasstoo?mtoob/9as arpeasa

ttooeftgebftoerbe. ^er fete go botone bnto bea/?b fteppeg pcarfe o^oto bntoMt &gt;bt regarce not pa of IpK/fo bnfteb^ ^ faftarebertoapes/tbattboucSftnotsnoto^ era. #eare me erfo?e(flD mp fonne)anb bepartenotfromtbetoo^e^ofmp mou. Sepe tfjp toape farre fro ber;? come not npe ebo?esofberboufe. batou geue not *pnebonourbntoanoer/? p peareg^mae^tfi? to e ctueil. cbat oer men be not fffleb cuuaan tot pgoobes/ 9 at tbp labourer come not in a fttauge bbufe fee $ ou mourne notatelaft(tobenoubaft fpetpbobp anb goobeff) 9 en fape: 3tlaa / tobp batea | nourtoureitobpbpbmpbertebefppfeco;rec* eponf ll9bttfo?e toag not^ obeaet bnto ^ c bopce of mpteaer? / 5 bevfteneb not bnto eatinfourmebme^ 51am comealmoft into all mpCfo;tune/m tbe mibbeft of f mul^ ****,* iEf tptube 9 congregacro. **mincttt of tea- j, ioe the m ter of pne atone toelI/3 of f rpuers ^ rune to apw.atow out of pneatone fpjtngy*)Let p toeiies ^fe. flotoe out ab?obe/at ere map be m&amp;ESEShSZi oftoatwinfftmJ:oiitietraibeoBlPmcoK t5pneatone/anbnotftraungergtoitbe. tjoufe^t^o^ jietptoeUbebleffeb/9begiabto!e"o u ^ 3 not as topfeofppou. )Loiipnge!0e bpnbe/ ^ frenblptsfeJBoo:letber b?ettes atoape^ fattf fpe e/? botoe e euer contet tot bet loue. 3Ppfonne/tobptopftoubaueplea* fure rn an bar lot/ s embrace e bofome of anoertoomanf *sffo?euerpmS3 toape? *Wjwm are open in e fpgbt of e %^m bt pon* W"* 1 * b?ealletrgotngej5. cbttopcfiebnelleg of e bngoblp all catcb bpm feffe/? toptb f fnares of bts atone fpnne^ ai be be trap* peb. ecaufebe toolbe not be refourmeb/ be allbpetanb f 0? b^ gteate folpneflt be albebeftropeb, C^&amp;cttouttjfuiuaotig^isp^che&amp;anba^reofa icte*Rje fc^fmaffte 10 cep;oo.2WuouttpouBfit taUrncncfllpauopticCi. rcbe.btbapter. f fonne/pf ou be fuettpe fo? p* nepgbboure 7 ou baft fafteneo ^tbpnebanbtoianoerman:pe

!ouartbounDetotpneatone toowm tafien toi tbpne atone fpeacbe. Cberfo;e/mpfonne/bop!Sfbpfcbatae p feif/fo^ouattcome tntop nepgbboura baunger. 00 tbp toape en foone/* iw treatepnepgbbour;letnottne epfssaepe . -

%\)t $?OUttfc0

nes t^gne cpripanesf Oombet. &gt;atie tbp tclfe 80 a doo fro tbe banae/ a a* a togae fro t&amp;e banae of tbe fouler. Co to t&amp;e emmet tt&amp;ouflogatWconrpaje&amp;et: toapcu/a tfme 1 tjjoEft, &gt;bebatbnogpae/noteacber,/na fe&amp;erretint^e &gt;omraer ffiepwipoetfj b - meate; 9 fiacuccccfr bet foe e to gettjet in tbe *. ^ amea * fctolorige toiKtbouBepe/tboit HSJ te * Gcgpl&amp;man: IS&amp;entoplttbouatgreoiitof tbp ocpf* f Oepe on ttpua fptfc / oombet arptie/fbiaetbpnebanaesjtogetbetpftaipt* le/itBoumape&amp;aepe-.rofijai poume corns bntotftea^oneittauaglettj bptbetoape/s necefBteliBe a toeapeneo ma.3l opffemblins petfon/atopesea mangoes tf&gt;a frotoatae moutb;betopnc6etb&gt;bfe epeS/betoBenetb ttbfefete/bepopntetbttbfc fpngers b^s* euer pmagenpnge mpfcbefe 9 ftotoaraneae mbi0bettc/acaufetbaifco2&amp;e.cbetfo2ea&gt;al big eettruccton comebaftelp bp5 Dim/f oof ip ftaU&amp;e beau to bjoBen/a not be'&amp;eaieo. mm be f 1 n tbinge? tobicb tb e'jkojae g a mb/an&amp;t&amp;ereuent&amp;be bttertpab&amp;ozretb'. 26 PJOuaeloBe/aopfliemblpngtonge/banDessg fbeae innocet blouoe/an bertefcgoetb about tt topefiea pmagpnacpSS/fete tbat be ttopft to wnnpnge to 00 mptcbefC/a fait e toptneffe

tbatb?pngetbbp IpeiS/afoeb onea? fotoetfj Copfcozaeamogebjetbtf. flBpfonne/fiepe tbp fattier* c5maunaementeiS/a fojfefienot tbelatoeof tbpmotber, uttSebptoget&amp;e mtbpnebette/abpnaetbeaboutetbpnccB. C&amp;attbepmap leabetbe to&amp;eretbou aoed/ p;efeme tbe toben tbou attauepe/a fjto&amp;en tbouatoaBen/tbou mapea taifie of tbe.&lt;ffo2 tbe commaunoement is aiantetne/ ana tbe late e a Ipgfjt: see cbaftenpng a nourtoure t* tbetoapeofipfeitijattbepmap Bepe tbefto tbe eue tooman/a fro tat ttattetpng tottge of tbel&amp;aflofcg tbouuift not after ber beutp totbpnebert/ale&amp;tboubetafie"tt bcrfsne loBesf. 3nbariottotHma6eamantobegg W bjeo/but a maw'ea toomt topiibunt f 02 ftecpou* Jpfe. fl&amp;ape a man ta&amp;e- fpje in Bi0bororae/b6$clotbe*notbeb2et; 2 eSoncgobpoboatecoalesJ/abfe fete not be aabutte? &lt;Cuenfo,tobofoeuetgoetbtoto&amp;pg ^nepgbboutgtopfe/a toucbetbbetcannot be bngtltp. fl3cn 00 no t bttetl? oefpire a tbefe/ tbat ftealetb to tettffge &amp;10 c oule/toben be is 6ongvp ; but pf be map be gotte/be te&amp;ojetB agapnefeuentpme* as moebe/02 efe be ma* fietb recSpmfe tottb an ? goobof bi* boufe. ButtobofocSmtttetbaououtrptot'tfja too* wan/be &amp; a f oole/a bimgetb bra Ipfe to aeftmccpon.$egettetbbmi feifearfo fljame 9 bTfbonour/fotbasKbalneuerbeputout.iffoj f geloufpatojat&amp;of mtoiinotbemtrea. teMwtbougb tbou tooiaett offw bt'm gwate gft^tomaBfamfoesJ/betonnotKceanetbf,


? p

maunOcratnt" otig^t to Uc tept; fl^antgn appctvtct

rnia&amp;ef?;ous6ttoiicftonnco. * . ibc.bO.CbapfeJ. feFfoime/fiepe mptoojaejj/a laptop mpctjmmaittiaemetejsbp tbe. lUepe m commaunDemete? a mp JIatoe/euf as apple of tbpne e? e/ 9tbouaitlpue. j8pnoeJbepontb?fin gers/a to^ee tbf ra tbe table of tbpne bette. &gt;apebnto tojroome-.tbouartmp fpttet/ a , caUbnoetCanopnge m fipnftooman: *rt)at **w4*i fbemajfiepe tbefto tbe Oraunge tooman/ 8 * 4 9ft3tbebattottobftbgeuetbftoetetoojDCS. f 02 out of fl)e ttpn&amp;oto* of mp b oufe 3 loBeb tb02oto ftrealeffe/ bebeibetbefnnpiepeo Ple:aam5ge otbet pmge f olfies 3 fppe one ponge fooiegomge ouertbe Cteteu/bptbe coinerwigtoapetotoarotbe bartottessbouCe in tbe tbjpWgbt of tbe euenpnge/ \xt}tn it be* gannenoto tobenpgbtanooarcfie. *?Cno *,;&amp; Bebotte/tbewmettbpmatoomanfnanba^ iottejsappateH(a opfceatfull / toanton aan bnttebfaft toomlttobofe fete couoe not abpoe tn Ote boufe/noto i6 M toftbout / no to in tbe ftretfiS/aiurfeetb in euerp comet) e caught tbepongeman/fipoeobfm/ a teas not atba* meb'faptnge:3S ba&amp;Deabotoeto pape/a tyi8 bapeg! perfourme it. gerfo;e came | fozn) to metetbe/tbatg mpgbt fefietftpface/ ana fbfbauefounoeibe. maae oecatempbea toitbcouerpngejsaciotbegofcgpptc. ffit oeobaue.gmaoe tofmeliof #p?re;3(loe0/ anocpnamon. come/lett bjJlpetoge* ttietf ana tafie ourepieafure tpll it be aape iF89t.&lt;f o? tbegooa man is not at bome/be i$ gonefarre of. e barb tafien tbe bagge of monepe toitb bm : to&amp;o can ten toben be c5* met^bome^ cbu0 toitb manp ftoetetoo?brS&gt; fte ouercame bpm/ana tottb Ber flatterpnge IpppesJftetoaratebPm. Immeapatlpbe folotoea per / a* tt toere an ore lea to tbe oaugbtetca ipBe &amp;&amp; it toere to tbe ftocBeg/tobete folate punpfteaifo wngetpaffie baa toounaea bpm ipuet b&gt;m ber oart:rp&amp;e ass pf a bpjee bao ea to (hate/ not Bnotopng tbat tbe pareil ofty* Jpfelpetbi tberbpon. ^eare menoto tberfoje.' mg wnne)anamarcftetbetDo;oes of mpmoutb, Mt not tbpne bette toanajeinber toapeg/9 be ttottbouBpfceatteam bet patbeg . iJfoi manp one batb Oje toounoea ana caft aotone/ peemanpa Otonge manbatb flje Hapne. ^etboure0 is tbe toape bntobell/toberemm

go botone into tbe cbamberjjof aeatb.



^ ^ ifiDtb nottopfaeme crpe? aotb not bnaerftanaig put f02tb ber bopcef &amp;tanaetb (benot in tbe bpe pia* J roamtfte Qceteganatoapw^aotb fbe not cr p e before tbe tobole citte/ana in tbe gatesJ tobetemen go out ami ft gtfott / &amp; pememtapetb (be)tobom % canf tBntopou (pecbpia2enofmen)lpft3! bpmpbopce. ^ cafie beae bntoBnotoleoge pe ignorant/ betopte m&amp;erte pe folesJ. (Pen* eare/fo? 3 topil CpeaBe of gteate matter*/* open mp Ipppess totell tbpngeis tbatbe rpgbt. m mptb2ote (balbetaiBingof tbetruetb/amp ipppe? abbo;re bngoaipneoe. an? too;a; of mp moutb aw rigbtuousv tbete it no fto toaraenetfe no? faireae tdetfti. cbep ate aHplapne to foebe asf topUbnaetttanae/anb vpgbt to tb em tbat fpnae Bnotoleage. ise auempaoctttnetbfo2e anotCiBter-.amp ftnotoleoge/mo^etbenfpnegoUie. iffo; topf* borne is mo?e tooitb tben p?ecpoug ttonejs/ peeantbetbpngstbattboucanftaerp?e/are not to be compatea bnto it. 1 topf aome gatte mpatoellpng U Bnoto* leage/a p?u&amp;ent councell i$ rapne atone. ioitb me is tbe feare of tbe )U&gt;2oe / anb m efcbupng of euen. M f 02 pjpacapfoapne/ 9 euen toape/aa moutb tbat fpeabetbtoic* fiea tbmge?/i! bttetlp abbo?re tbe. 3! can

geue councell/abe a gpae:l baue bnaerBS' bpng/3baueftregtb. Cb020tome/ttpnK tepgne:tbo?otome/p?icef5maBetuaiatoe0. b"Woto me,ao2be0 beate rule/a aUiuagejJ of f ear tb erecute iuagemet . 1 am loupng tettotbofe tbat loue me/a tbep tbatfeBe me eaflp/ftaH fpnaeme. JSfcbejsanabonoure are toitb me/pee ercellent goocejs atpgbtu* cufnes. #p f cute is better tbengofte ana 2ecious5 Qone/ampneencreaCemo2eto02tb t&amp;enfptKCputct. ^toalfiemtbetoapeof tpgbtuoufnejf /a tn tbetttete of iuagement. Cbat|map Cenaep2ofperite to tbofe #ftoi{ *cbe jLo^aebtmfelfebaamempoaeoponinfbe* gpnnpnge of W toapejj/ 0; euetbebeganne btoo2cBe0afo2etpme. Jibau^beneojbe^ neafrSeuerlaSmg/aftStbebegpnnpng 02 euer tbe mm toas maae . mb en % toad Ijome/tbese toere netbetaeptbe*no2fp2mg5 oftoater. efo2e tbe founbacpon? of tbe mofftapij^toereiapea/pee befo?eallbpnest jDtoasslboine. cbeeartbaalltbattiSbpon tB^eattbtoagnotpetmaae/nonotSgrofiae ttfeif. '|i^tobenbemaaetbebeauens/^ toaBJpiefenitiiDbenbefett bptbeaeptbe? in 02B2e:tobe Di^angeatbe clouae* abouettobe Be ftftoieB m fp?pnges of tbeaepe : lben be fttuttbe&amp;tstoitbtn certapne botonbe)S/ tbe toaterg fisiiia not go ouer tbeitmatcBeis. Vtytntyv&lt;m tbefounaacpS^oftbe earn)



% toag toW Dfat/o^fttge an f$Nffl/W&amp;

ttngasplF/ 5 tcto^Cjng all ttape btion Btm, M ioi ftc touitM compare of f)$ too:Ise/ ^maneit fo?fn:fo? tag frlpteis to be a mogc tftecft0D?eof men. cftetfo?e fterfiS faneomc/M)pe^Io;e/fo?Wefliaatctftepg ftepe mp toapes. &gt; geue tatt bnto nur^ toute/be topfe/ 9 refute it not. ffiielleD i$ t^emantftatbeatetbme/toatcbmgDaflpat m^ gatejs/^ geuing atten&amp;aunce at ^ poQess ofmpso;e0. tfoztoljofo ftnuet^ tne/fpn* betblpte/^ftallobtapnefauour of ttAfa TSut tcbofooffenoeft agapnft mt/ffitttm W atone Couie, an ttiev t^at bate me/ate tbelouetisofBeatb* CCbe.ft.^aptet. GU3?C&amp;omc moHctftaUmEn co embrace |cr Afje p;opcctwofato5o?e i7fbome batb bu^aeb \)tt fclfeaw^ iboitfe/^bttoenout^feueppiuw: a #vmaiv IbebatbSpHetibetbitafleg/pouteDtiiecGttgnom/ lout bettorne/spjcpare&amp;bertaWe. ** *&gt;! &amp;b^ batb fentfo;tbberirtapoesto crpebpo c " ttt S Jtfe&amp;piaeeof f tte:uai)o Co jgfgno^aut/ ietbemcomebitbev. anatotbebntotreibe Caroe: come on^oute toave/ eate mp Lues; @ 9b;tncfie mptopne/to^cb 3! baue poureb out fo? pou, f o^fafie igrto;auce/tjpe all iBue;ano fetbatpegomtbe toapeof bnber* ftanbpng. lbo Co rep?ouetb a f co?ne&amp;fll petfonne/gettetb bpmfeUe D?Q)onoure:anB betbatrebufietbtbebngowp / flapnetbbpm b*#wftfl ftlfe. ffiepHwe nota b *fco^er/Iea ^e otoe gJ^JS^ (be euelltop;but rebufie a topfe man/^ jjejgf L torn loue tbe. eue a bpfctrte man but occafio/?betoplbeto!fet/teacbea^gbttt' cuss man/$ be togll increafe. cbe feate tbe Um it tbe be gpnnpnge of topfbome/? an a tttofc tomes* uefuttei* ctae of qt 22SS2 ZJSSnZ

tbeftnotoieDgeofboiptbmgestjSbnbetftan' $ to D?rTarae bpnge. f 0? tbo;o\o me tbv bapeg fljaibe otijcv * to open P;ol5gea/$tbepeaw0oftbpipfr a{bema* ? *' np. $f tbou be topfetbp topfoome qH 00 SSSSS tbPftffegooD ;butpftboutbmcbea fco;ne SShmi* tbewf/itlbalbe tbpne atone batme, a fo= atro tomctima^ iptoteMefletooman/fun of too?bes/^focb fecamocbattte onea0batbno6notoleDge/fpttetbmDo?essj0 gg"J ofbetboufcbpona ttooleaboue in^e cpte/ 6ef P c7i^ana to cali focb as go bp/ano toal&amp;eaeepgbttn t^at repute tt

tbefctoapes, ibofofetgnojaat(raptb (be) tottma^ letbpracome bptber/anbtotbebntopfe MfJF^Jr (apetbrttollen toatetsare Ctoete/anb b?eb!K w ** tbatWp;euelpeaten&gt;baftagoobtafte. SSuttbep confpbernottbatoeatb fetftew/? tbat bec'geQeg gobotone to bell. CCbexCbapter. CJ e^i'0 Ctiapcet * in all tbat foiotoe bnto tfje ftp;/ tjet^ ^tb topfe manerljotfetl) bpbpuere fentence* to^tcb b^ Cwfll i&amp;aeaUiee rto fototee Viectue? an&amp; aett|(C0; ano t^tttoetli alfo toljat p:ofet eometfj of tejfOOroe;*tt!iat^nO;artcep?oceaDetl)offoluimca , e.#feoffler^fi be*Pawboiess of Salomon. ww** S# 3'toffe

H$e$iottttto0 jftmttt

I if refonne maae agrabfaer/ but an bnbpfcreteiomie fttfp&amp;fe upneOeofBSmoet. creatoress (ataretopiBeolp gotten/ p?ofpte no pnge/butrigbtuoufneae brliuere fr5 bea$. c&amp;e %oM toplinot let tbe (mile of tfic if gbtuous fuffrebonge r/but Be putted ifte bngo Dip from &amp;ts befp?e. an pole garni maaetb poo?e/butaqupc&amp;e labo?png bano .ma&amp;etpcBe, 9bofogatberetb inborn. ^mer/iStopffcbutBe g isaougp in Barueft/ b?fnge&amp;imfelfeto confufpon, toupng anbfauo?abieis n)e face of ffie ttgbtuous/ but fo?ebeaoe of bngoolp is pad a me/ 9 p?erumptuous. cbe memo?paii of tBe toB all Baue agocb repo?te/ but e name of t&amp;e bngoolp ail Bpncfie. a topre mm to pli ttce&amp;ut toarnpuge/ buta foole topll fo* USEES**. be tow**** W face. $e tfjat leabe KS&amp;" mnocentlpfe/toalbe fuit ip:buttobofo ibgm ottobtBoe a to?ongetoape/albe bnotone. w touftntjnj/ B *$e tbatttpncBc totbisepe,topn bo to&amp;i&amp;e %nt* fome batmc-.butbe $ Ba a fooip mou/ 55 aWfo Q,albe bmm - *rot&amp; of a tigbcuous SKSSS" 1 * iSatoelloflpfe/butemou of tbe Kii.wtM.bRgoolpispaftame/frp?efumpruous. CEupH topll Berebp ftrpfe/*butioue eoue* mttMk$tm tbe multptuce of fpnnes. jn lpppes

WW***** Bra cfiatbatb bnberBanopng aman all fpnoetopfoome/but ero&amp;oe belongetB to tBebacfieoftbefolp. tfcpfetmnlapebp finotolebge /but e mou of tbe folp is itpeoe&amp;tucep5.BcttcbemanS goooes are Bis 2 cos e Bo foe/ but p ouerte opp?eOe tbe poo?e. cberpgbtuous labcute to boo gooo/ but tbe bngoolp bBe fit's encreafe bn tofpnne. cotaHebebebntofcBaBenpng of nurtouw/ is tbe toapc of ipfe : but be tBat tef uf e to be ref oiirmeo, goe oajonge. 3&amp;p(femblpng lpppes &amp;epe Battcbrectetlp/s beat fpeafietbanpfclaumiet/is afooie. tberemocBebablpngiS/ere muflneoes be oSence : Be tBat ref rapne bPS lpppes is topfeftofalf. antnnocettongeisanoble freafure / buttbrBerteof e bngosip is no

to?D ma&amp;e a long ipfe but p earn of tbe bngoolp albe c?teneo. cbepacgtabp. bpng of tbe rigb tuous albe turnebto glao* neffe/but fbope of tbebngoblp (bait pen, CBe toape of t&amp;e jlo$e geuetb aco?agcbn s to fgobip/butitfea feate fo?toicbeoboers, sE b e tigbcuous an neuer be on e t ?otone/ b ti t gbngoolp foal not remapne in tbe lanDe. CBe moiuft of iuft toplbe talftpng of iDpji o o me/but tbe tonge o f e ftotoatbe all pe . rp. CBtlPWKSferpgBtuousateoc* cuppebin acceptablct&amp;pngr./buttBemou of e bngoolp ta&amp;e em to tbe toojft. falfebaiaunce (0 an abbotnpna^ cpon bnto tbe TLom/ but a true 41 toetgbtpleafetB bra.t@berep;^ie _ fc/tb*te is ame aifo anb confu* fpon:but habere au to iotolpnes/ttjere igbjpf* Borne, ctje innocent beaipnge of tbe iu&amp; alUebetbem/butt&amp;ebnfaptBfulneffe of i tefppferjs albetbettatonebearutcpon. mdteMelpe not in tbe oape of bengeafice/ * &amp;mm bu t rigbtuoufnefle (telpueretb ftcm beatb. ec ^m&gt; c l) e rpgb tucufnrs of n)e innoclt o;b;etb bis toape/but m bngoolp allfall in bis atone topcfieonece . cbe rpgBtuoufncffe of tbe iufl all belpnet tBem/but tbe cefpprers albe tafien in tbeir atone bngottpneflr. , *3Ben an bngoolp manbpetb/bf ebope K5gone/^e contpbeceof rpcBes Q}all pckiO). *^ a P^**&lt;' Cbegbtuou0albe belpuereb out of trou* Lie /anb $ bngoolp all comein&amp;is* aeabe, $bo?oto tbe motitii of tbe wembier is brs nepgbboure oeBropeb/ but tbo;oto bnoto* leogc all tbe iuB tebelpuereb. BBen it goefl) toeiltoptbtBerpgbtuouiS/tbeeptpetfS

raerp:ano tobentbebngoMp perp/ ttjttefc glaoneffe. iBentBeiuftateintoeattb/* cinep?ofperetb:buttebentbe bngoMp baue tbe ruieyttbecapetft. 3Gfboieto?ingetbbpa fdatmcet of BismepgBbourjbut a topfemS topafiepeitfecrete. a bpfiemblpngpet* -, fontopUbpfcouerp?euptBwgejj/butbetbat . to of a f aptBfuBBerte/ topll ftepe counceB.

'W&amp;tiwm;.' mmwM mM

arebnoefileb. 3taUnotbeipegtoic6eb/ tbougBtbeplapeaB tbeir Banbe? togetberr buttbefene of tbe tpgbtuous albe p;efer ueb. 3fap^tooinatottboutoprcretema= ners,-Wltfiea-agofgoIb in a ftoinesfnoute. CBc wft laboure fo.2 peace anu tranqupl* lpte/butu)e toigootp fo; apfqupetneae, &gt;omemangeuetBoutBPi8gooies/9 to

nocencp of Bis moutb/g aftet tge too?6eg of BiS banb^ all Be be retoamb. Tl-ofie toBat *1BV fote m a^fooietafietBinBSoeftetbpnftetb ittoell t&amp;e P?n Done:butBetbatiStoi?fe/toplibe coficeleb. ffiJX"* a foolebtteretb W to?atB in aBbaBe/but TSSSm aoifcretetnanfo?geuetbto?6ge. JiuttmS Mowfnge toplltell tmetB/etoetbetbpngetBatis^atone ' rigBt:buta falfe fclafc ." JfS* tt a p

^&gt; unit, man liiuviy uu^fn jjuuuip, r ? '3 nyyiiuiHtt taut miOTt luouteaiieuj * iciaij: "" * V V tBerpcbet7buttBenpgan(Bauing pnougb) bnaitf peifonnep^citttBttSeaftoetD/biita'tgS S^

Wpngetoo?tB. CBelpppesoffngbtuousJ Habere no goob counceB ijttbere tbt wo&gt;* feoe atDBolemuttttube/but foles al opein pie becapeAuttobere as manp are tbatcan tboe atone folp. cbebleffpngoftbejio^ gcuecoutKeB/tBerefetoealto! ficSatrt mabetbrtcb mm to) carefulltrauaple/it fuertpefo?a Brafiger/burtetb binr relfeAut

_.,... jflHd. ...,_, ip mafiWbuta tob?te of- it: neuertBeFeflS f t i0 toponte f o; a man to betoam of f ocbe. be tbtnge tbattbe bngoblpate afrapeb of /afl comebpon t&amp;em/buttbe rigb tuous allBauefBeftbefp?e. Cbebngoblpisipbe DuttBetfgBtuouS remapnetb Cure fo; euer. teceaueafuteretoaite. JLifieeswabtueuf* ^as bpnegetwto tBe tetb /anb as fmofieis nesb?ingetblpfe:euffotocJci'fbntoeuelI/ Xffitffi^L }???'^^ "?! bm 3 m %*$' ^o^ abfeojretB a faptoffiftbatRaieBtmfl)?tft. cjeftareofg Betjgm/bHtbebatijpieafuwmififmtbat ate

be p meoletB not toiti) fumepppe/is fuw. a gtacpous toemS man tepneta bone flie/ag fo;tBempgBtpe/tbep mantepne rptbes. ^e f -batba gentlelpberaB ftomacftismee. cpfuBOmt tobofoBurtetB B'S r.epgbbou/ts atpwnt.CBelabouroffbngotapp^fperetft not/butBe at fotoefl^ rpgbtuoufncs/all

topll ocpaite ft cm non)pngey anb pet is euer ^ inpouertpe. f etBatis ipberaBingeupng/ allBaueplentp:Bcat toateretB /all be toatereb aifo Bra Celf . \ bo fo B oojoeta bp bis cojne/albe curfeb amonge tbe peo ple:butbleu'pnge aB Ipgbtbpon BS Beab tBatfeBetbit. $e|labouren)fo?BoneSp fpnoetBbpSoeCp?e:buttoBoro fefietb after mpfcbefe/it all bappe onto bpm. J|etBat truBetb inbisrpcbes an baue a fall /but tbe rigb t mm all fl o?p as tBe grene leaf. UdBofomafeetbopfqupetnes in Bis atone Bouf e,Be fljall baue topnoe Eo? Bis beritage/ anb e foole albefetuaimttotBe topfe. CbefruteoftberpgBtuouSis as tbe tree of

Ipfe/a toife man aifo topnnett) mens foules. ruptttutipt *jf ty e tpgbtuous be recopenftb bp5 earn)/ Botomocrjmo;erben tbe bngobIp5fpnnerf arbe.jcij.CBaptet. 3H^^g|^oCoiouetoproome/tofflbeco* Itentto berefourmeb-.but Be tBat .batetb to berep;oueb/is a foole, sili'gooo manis acceptable brrco jio?bc/buttbetopcBebtopBBe conoempne. a mancannceenourembngoblpneffe /but tBe rote of tlje rigbtuous all not be moueb, u&amp;cmnt torn flebfa.ft toomanis a fl * crotone bnto Ber -'SSffiS* ****&lt; etbatbebauea) ber felfebn* &amp;2S&lt; bmm * * a ?rupcpo in B*S bones. Be wa,, * w tbougbtesoftberpgBtuouSarerigbt/but pmagpnacto of e bngoblp aw bifceaf fuU. Cbe talfipnge of tbe bngoblpiS bote tBep mape lepe mapce fo? bioube / but tbe aontd oftberigBtuouStoiiJ&amp;eituertbe". &lt;D?euei: tbou canB fume tbe aboute/ fbngoaip al* be ouertb?otoen : but tbe boufe of tbe tpgb* tuous all ftanoe. a man albe comenoeb fc?BPS topfdome;buta fole aibeoefptfeb. a fpmple man tobicb labourcfb 3 toojfietb/ fSbetterenoneatisgo;gyo(;sanbtoan* tetB b?eab. % tpgbtuous ma re gattetb tBe JpfeofbiS cateil/biitftebngoblpbauecruel bertes. i9eebattplIetbBpsianb/anijaue

totfe mas t5ge is toboifome. a true moutb &amp;23mm to euer con Bant/ buta bpffemblpnge tonge &amp; ano mfc to foone cbaiigeo. cbep I pmagpn eueilin^? 8 If* tbettmpnbe/topllbpfceaue-.but tbe counce* J?i K ?

lers of peace all baue iope folotoing tbe. obep? to ftooa CbeaHno mpffo?tunebappen bnto tbe of 00/ as be tutt/but tBe bngoolp albe ftlieD to mtferp. fo ; n *** . be?lo?De ab&amp;ojretbbpfceatfull ipppes/ 2,i*/* ' butepatlabourefo?truetbPieafeBim. * " "" e f BatB bnberflanbpng/ can bpDe BPS toif* bome:but an bnopfcrete Berte telle out BiS f oUftnefie. a btlpget bSoe all b eare rule/ but pble albe bnoer trpbute. eupneffe bifco?age Btrteofm/but agoobtoo?oe mabetb itglabagapne. cbr rigbtuous is Itberall bnto Bis nepgbboure/but toape of t bngoolp topll opfceaue tbe felu es. a fip* fceatfull man aU fpnoe no bauntage/but Be tbatiS content toi atbeba/ ismo?e too?tBengolbe. 5n toape of ngBtuouf* nefle ere is ipfe/as f 0; anp otber toapeitis epatbbntooea. ffCbe.rH'U&amp;apfej. [uepfefonne topiireceaue BpS fa&lt; tberstoampng/butbe i iS"*fco?^

nefull/topllnot beare tobenbe ItgBBZ rep?oueb. a goob ma" all eniope 0*9.0 bap.u tbe ftute of Bps moutb/but Be batb a fro* toaroe minbe albe fpople b. $ e f fiepe bis m outb/fi epetb bis Ipfe:bu t tobo fo fpea* Be bnaouiteD/finbetb barme. cbe aogard toottfape bane/9 ca notget BiSoefp;e;but efouleofebpligentallBauepientp atpgbtuotiSmanabBo?re:lpes/but bn^ goMpamebotboer9Bimfelf. isigB* tuouniefiefiepeemnocentinetoape/ butbngoMpneffe all ouer?otoeffpnner. S&gt;omemen aterpcbe/tBougB tbep baue notBmgftagapnefome men are poo?e ftaufg gwatetpebes. !ttBgoobeseuerpmbeM ueietBBiSIpfe/a f poo?e topnnotberep?^ ueb. BelpgBtofrigBtuousmaBeiop*i9 full/ bnttbe canble off bngoolp albe put

pletuouuieuc of b?eab:butbeatfolotoen) . out. amogeep;oubetBereiseuerBrpfe/

Ibpfttts/isaberp foole fte befp?eofe brigoMp bunte after mpfebef e/but f tote of erpgbtuous b?in* gef(ufrute. cBetoic8ebfalleinto fnare tbozoto | malpce of Bis atone moutb/ but $ toft an efcape out of patell. Cue tp man anenfopegoob acco^mge totfieto*

but amSge ore at bo all togestoitb ab= upfemet/ereistoptbome. aftelp gotten goobesare foone fpent/ butep at be ga= erebtogeertoi Banb/allincreafe. )Longe tarpenge fo? a pnge at es opfler* reb/greuetb f berte:bnf tobene befp?e co* raetb/ftisatteeoflpfe. iBofobefpifeSC g,iii;, too;be/


too?w/oeaioHctftftpmrelfc:but^ { fcateft { cBmaunaemet fbal baue peace. fyt la to Watoelloflpfebntoftetoife/gitmapfiepc bimftoftefnare0ofaeaft. oobbnaetftS* Dpngegeueftfauout/butljaraef0ftetoape offcocfppferk 3 topfe man soft all ftmg$ toiftbpfcrecpon/butafooletopuoeciateljfg folp. anbngoaipmeffauger&amp;?mgeftmp* Cfte f e/but a f ap ftf ull embaffpt o ur {0 tob ofc= tome, fjeSftpnfieftfcojnetoberefout* mea/comeft to pouette $ (bame ;bu totjo fo teceaueft cojreecpon; (bail tome to honour, 33 lben aaei&amp;e ijsbjougbtto paffe/it ae* lptetbftefoule;butfooie0 aWjotfebimftat eCc^uecft eueiL ^eftatgoeftinftecom* pang oftopfe men/l&amp;albe togfc: but tobo fo 10 a companion of f ooie0/ftalbe butte, fl^pfftefe folotoeft bponfpnnetfYbut fte rpgfjtuou0 (ballbaue a gocaretoarbe, m\)itt) tft eft cbjioers ftpia^en ftallbauefn polRffpo/fojfte tffteiB of fte fpnner $ iapea bpfo?ftemtt. cberei0 pientuoufneffe of foae in tbe feioe0 of fte pooje/s Qvalbe m* treafeB out of meafute, i&amp;e ftat fpareft fte f oaae / bateft bP0 fonne : but tobo fo loueft &amp;pm / ijoIDeft bpm met in uurtoure. t)t t pgbtu ou0 eateft / anB tf iatiCf pea/ but fte brlp of fte bngoaip Daft neuer prioug&amp;. be #ft,tfbaptei\ lpfetooroabpboioeft()et8oufe/ butafolpfljtopfepIucBeftrtaoto* ne . lbo f o f eared) fte &amp;o?ae,&lt; itoalfieft in fte rigbt pafttf regar* beft notbpm ftat abbozreft fte u&gt;ape0 of {?

&amp;o?ae. tnftemouft offtefoolp i0fte L%IS&gt; top fetoptbe toatre of forb. ibereno ft *c* g p/cacber^as m are/tijerc fte ctpbbe &amp; empty e:but tober e i.connUr^opeiaboute/fterefjSmocSfmte. atapft* MESS"* full toptneffe topil not apffemble/but; a falfe 9 wwp. itfofce toFllmauea !pe, afcojnefuil bo* Bp feBe ft topfaome / ana f paBeft ft not : but Bnotoleage i'0*afp to come bp/ bnto bim topllbnaerftanBe. jfee ftoumeoie not toubafoole/saoasftougSftoubaaoeftno Bnotoleage, c&amp;e topfaome of Bpm batfJ bnoetBanafg tt/to tafie beae bnto b5 toape/ but fte f olpibneffe of bntopfe Bifceauetb, tfotejj mage but a fpozte of fpnne/but ftcre ft fauo/able loue amongeftetigbtuou0. Cbebfrteofbpmftatbaft bnaerttanapnge ' topnneftetapfparefozanpfojoto/nerbeto p?eftimptuou0 foj anp f oaaane iope. b* boufe0of fte bngoaip tftalbe ouet* twww ft;otone/but tabernacles of rpg&amp;tuoug SSIfiftwXa Cftereiisa^toaretobtc^fome * Srb nctmenftpnfeetoberpgBt/ butfteenbeftetof (n iDt \ape ofieascft fantooeaft. cbef)ertet0fo;otofull fpmcrs.* ruftti laugtjter/s fteenbe of mp?ft igfteup* KiSS nm * anbnfafftftio perfonne JUalbcfpi^

Cl) aptec,]rfti|,f .jct); i :B *b &amp; w atone toape^/but a goob man topll betoam of fofte. 3Bntgno;aatbobpbeie^ iteftallftpngegs/buttoftofobaftbnDwfta* bpng/lonefttoeuti)^0go&lt;nge0. atoprt man f eareft/anb bepatteft Ecom eueii/but a f ooie goeft on p;eCumptuouOp.2Hn bnpacp* entmanbealeftfolpQ)lp/but^eftatf0toe[i abupfeb/boft oft et toape?. cbe fgno;aut . bauefolpftnesimpoaeBpg/btitftetopfcare^ crotoneo toift finotolebge , be eueu (ball botoeftem felueg before ftegoob/ sftebn* goaipqjalltoapte at fte Dojest of fte*pgij# tuou0. bepoo;e$^atebeufof^!0atone nrpgbboutee/but f tytt) ^atb manp frenb^

i&amp;bofoberppfefti)?0nepgbboury bot^a mpG'e.butbieaeb te^eftatbaft pptpeoffte Soo#. ^ep g pmagpn topefieone?/ Dtial ebtfopopntebtbutfteptbatmurefapogoob ftingc0/bntofocbe(bai! happen mecepana fapft f ulneae. ill ^get labour b;(ngeft ti* c&amp;eg / but tefiere manp bapne too^acs are/ miiyftere fe fcatcenecre. H3&amp;W arean ornament bnto tl)e topfe/ but fte fgno?auce of fooleg ig betp foiptbneffe. % tav ftfull toftneffeaelpueretb foule0ybut a ipar of fcea* ueft ftem.cbefeare of fteiLojbeWa flrfige bolbe/fo?bnto(&gt;i0^etopnbeafureaefence. ^efeareoffteTLo?ae!0atoeiloflpfe/to atiopae fte fnateg of aeaft. \)t increafes P?orpcrrte of comf 1$ ftpnge0 fjonoure/ but fte aecape of fte people t0fte conf uRoji of ftepjmce. I&amp;acpencei0a tosmoftopri borne /butto;aft sbattpeapfpleafure iga toBen of f olptyneflfc. % merp berte 10 fte Ipfe of fte bobp J but rancoure confumeft atoapeftebone0&lt; ^eftatboftapoo^emS to?ongc/blafpbmet^ W maBe^but tobo fo batb PPtpe of fte poo;ey boft bonoure bnto &lt;Ecb. cbebngo&amp;lpteafrapebofeuerppa* rel!/but ft e rpgbtuott^ baft a goob bope euS inbeaft, nspfbomerefteft m berteofbim (batftafbbnaeroanapnge/? be topllfeacbe tbentftatarebnlerneb. iKpgbtuouIheoc fttteftbpftepeopie/buttopcBebneffeb;m* geft foIBe to aettruccpon. a bpfc rett fer^ u afit 10 a pleafute bnto fte fipnge/ but one i is not boneft p;ouoBeft bim bnto to;aft. CCfte.ji).Cftapter # g ^&gt;ofte anftom putteft botone bifplearure/butftotoarae too;bejS p^ouofiebwo anger. 3D topfetoge cemmmaeft finotoleisge/a folpOi

mouft blabbeft outnotbpnge but folpft* neffe. beept0offte Xo?aeIoBeoneue* tp place / beft bponfte gooa anb baaa. % totiolfome tongeis a treeof Ipfe/but beftatabufeftft/batbab?oBenmpnae* 3D foole ae^jpfeft bP0 fttber? co;reccpon/ butbeftattafietb^eaeto5an^ei0 rrp?oueb an &amp;aue fte moare bnaerBanapnge.

^aloraott, &amp;)&amp;m%


5 9!nfte^oufeoffter^tuou0are greate rpcbWE/butin f increaCe of bngoaipftere wmpfo^e. aitopfemouft poureftoute finotoieogeybut t^eberte of fte folpty aoft not fo, cbe Mm abftojreft tbe facn'fpce of fte bngoaip/ butftep;aperoftfterpgb^ tuou0 10 acceptable bnto btm. cl^toape offtebnsoaip 10 anab^ominacpon bnto but to&amp;ofo folotoeft ngbtuoufnes/ btm be loucft. ^eftat fo^faBeft rigbt ftrete/lbalbero?epunplbea:anatobofoba* teft co?reccpony falleft into aeaft, cfje bell ^S br papne it Bnotone bnto fte fcozb/ bote moeb mo?e ften fte berte0 of men^ % t co?nef ulf b oap 1 on eft not one ft a t rebu* Beft^pm/netbertopiibe come amonge fte topfe . a merp ^ertr maBeft a cbearftiil ioutenauce/but anbnqupetmpnae mafieft ft beup. a toprebettetomrefieafterfinoto* leage/but fte mouft of fooled meaietb tofft fooitajnefle. 3dllfteaape0offtepoo;eare mpferabie/but a qupete berte 10 a0 a conti^ nuail feaft. ^Better t0 a iptle U fte f eare.of fte %*M ft en greate treafure / fo? ftepare

not toftbout fojotoe. l&amp;ttttt in a meae of potage \b loue/ ften a fat ojee tt euell topll. ^ 3in angrte man fte teft bp ftrif e/ but be g fs part ent ftplieft bifco?ae. ^betoapeof |aouftfiUU0fuIloffto?ne0/butareteof Irtgbtuou0t0toellclenfea, atopfefonne maBeft a giaa fafter / butanbnatferetebo* bp Ibametb W mofter. 3 foolereiopfeft &lt;n foottfl) tb pnge0 / but a topfe man lofieft toel! to bP0 atone goinge0, naaupfeb ft ougb te0 fbail come to naught/ but to^ete a0 men are ftat ran geur couneell/ fteretf fleafadneffe. &gt; boto topfull a ftpnge \$ it/ a man 1 geue a conuenientanf toeref botopfeafaunt igatoo^aefpofig fnatiefea* ton. cfteuapeof ipfeleaaeftbnto beau!/ ftat a man Onuae betoare of ben beneft* 1 C^e)Lo;Betopnfoeafieaotone^oufeof f pjouee / but be (ball maBe fatt | borers offtetetoatfa-e, cbe&amp;o?Beabbo#eftfte fmagmacion0 of topcBea/butpuretoo;^ are pleafaut bnto bim. becouetou0ma toteft bp W atone boufe/but tebo fo bateft retoatae0/aja Hue. a ttg&amp;tuou0 mS mil* f eft in bp0mpnae boto fo ao goob/ but fte mpnae of fte bngoBlp pmagpneft / boto be mapeaobarme. cbe JLo^ae 10 farreftcm fte bngoaip/ butbebeareft p^aper of fte lpgbtuou0, utffte a0 fte clearneQe of fte epeg reiopfetb ^ettc / fo boft a'gooa name eae fte bone* rbe eare ftat Barfieneft bnto tobolfome toarnpnge/ ana enclpneft tberto/OmU atoeH amonge fte topfe. $e ftat refufeft to be ref outmea/ berppftffi 6i0 atonefouie:butbeftatfubmttte^Oimfeife toco^eccpon/i0to^


j^efeareof fte)Lo?aei0 fte rpg^f 21 fcpence of topfaome / 9 lotolpnes a*c&amp;at te/no goeft bef o?e bonoure, *a man to ?" of" 15 c ? berte/butfteanftoere of ftetonge eomeftoSS \St mm of fte Uo?b. a ma ftinfieft alfti0 toape0 or &amp;&amp; to be cleane/ but it 10 fte 'jlo?b t fa ftt onetl ftempnae0. c Smptte ftp too zcfie0 bnto 1

)Lo;ae/ana lofie tobat ftou aeupfeft/ it fljall p;orpere. cbfJLo?ae aoft all ftpnge0fo? &amp;i0a^nefafie/pee?to^nfteBepeftftebn* goaip f o? fte aape of tojaft. ^be Ho/a ab^ bojreft allp;efumptuou0 9 P^ouae bette0/ ftete mape nefterttrPgft net potoer efcape. litb louing metcp 5 faift fulneffe fpnneg be fojgeuen / anb tobo f f eareft fte %vm efftueft euell. lbea mS0 toape0 pleafe tbe % o?ae / be mafieft bP0 berp enempeg to ^ beb*0 frenaeg. etf er i0 it to baue a Ipf It *&gt; ftpnge % ngfttuoufne0/ften greate renter to^Sgeouflpgotte, a mS aeupfeft a toape rnbi0berte/butiti0 &gt;Lo?be | o?a?eft bp0 goings ftenp?op^ecp 10 inf Hppett of fte 6png/l&gt;i0 motift (ball not go to;ongein iuagmet. a true meafure 9 a true balauce are $ Lo;ae0/bemafietb all toepgbte0. ^e i0agreateabbominacp5tobenfipnge0ate topefi tij/toj a ftpnge0 feate BUuiae be b often bp ft rpgbtuoufneCe Kpgbtuou01pppea arepfearat!tbntofipnge0/9ftep!ouebpni gfpeaBetbttrueft. cbeBpngesartpiea* fure 10 a metfeuger of aeaft/ but a topfe mS topll pacifpebpm. &lt;&amp;i)t cberefull counte* nauneeof f fipngtelpfe/sb&amp;loupngefa* uoure is as tbe euenpngebetoe. co baue topfaome in potftffion 10 better tbengciae/ 9togetbnaerCanapng/i0mo?etoO2ftften fpluer. ebepaftofrpgbtuou0efcftueft euell/? tobo fo lofietb toeli to bi0toape0/Be* petb bte atone foule, pyeftimptti oufneis goeftbefo?eaeBtucct6/gaftcrap;ouaettOi mafietbere folotoefta fall. etteri0it to be of bumble mpnae ft ftelotolp/ ften to beupaeftefpopiesfttbep^ouae. ^eftat bableft a matter topfelp / optepneft gooa:? bieaea 10 be/ $ puttetb W truft m $ %*M* lis&amp;o fo l) aft a topfe bnaer ttaapng/ 10 calleb to couneell : but be i can fpea&amp;e fap;e get* tecb mojerpftes. nacrftanarng 10 a toelic of ipfe bnto bpm f baft ft/a* fo; ftecbaSe* npng cf fooie0/iti0 but foolplbneffe cbc bate of fte topfe enfoutmeft bismouft / 9 amr naeft fte aoctrpne rn W ipppea. jfap?e too?ae0 are an bonp combe/arefrefltpngeofftempnae/^bealftof I bone0, *Cberei0atoapefmenftmcfietoberig^t/ mm m but fte enae fterof leaaeft bnto aeaft. 3 sSfigSr troublou0 foule aifquieteftber feife/fo; ber cfn,tt.^ atonemouftt)aftb?oug^bert&amp;etto. %\% mfo bngoa^




Clje Bjouote


tongoolp petformefteretbbp men/ sftibtf IjPfesbeWasantoboteburnpngerfee. aftotoatw bobp caufetb fttpfe/a Me I ft . abfabbeofbfttonge/ma&amp;ebeupfpona* monge p?inces .a tofcseo man begpietb bps nepgbbout/a leaae Drmtfte toape t ft not _._ Pawn. ^c*e&gt;atttjpncftet^ \f(!3 epes/pma-ta^SfMm BWttbniptebefr.abe ctjat bptetbbftuppe*/ taSW* forae &amp; atme ' 2Csc ft a ctotone of ** io?ipe/ pf ft be fomne in toape of epgb* ruoufnc 0. a partem ma" f s better en one ftronge-.abe at can tuie bim feu" e/ft mo?e too; enbe at toprnie a cptpe. abe lottesate caft'in to e lappe /buteie fail ttanoe in tb e Lo?De. rcbe.tbti.Cbaptet.

ffi^siJCttet ft a o?pe mo?re!I ttqupet* 3 H ^.EH. ieffe/tben a f u u boufe a manp fat cateiltoiatpfe. *aoifcretefer* ._ Uaunt an baue mo?etuii: en tonne? g baue no topfoome/ a ali baue lifte betptagetottbftebje^. jlpBeagfpluet ft ttffbjn tbe fp?e a goioe in f o?nacc/ eue [obof'4,o?aep?oueebertes. atofcfteo bobp bolae motb of faKe lippes/a a often* JHpng Perfonnegeueearetoa bifceatfull *tnw.tim toge. *mt)oto laugheWfpoo;e to fewne/ LiQu^a t ^^bftmafier-.abetbetfsgkboe . CbptDerscbplB?enareatoo?'5pppebnto tbe elaers/aefaets ate tbe bcnouteoff cbpuwt. an eloquent fpeacb became nota-fooie/a opeemblpngcmou alfobe* leme not a p?pnce. jiibetalpte ft a p/e* * eww ftonebntobmnbat bait / fojtobete toeuer be becometb/bt p jofpere . n@&amp; o fo couere anoet mans oSence -febe lout: butbe f bifclofe tbe faute/fettetb frenbis atbartaunce. ^nerep?ofe onip bo mo?e gooo to bun batb bnberuanbpnge/tnan &lt;t.ftrppes bnto a foole. afeopcioussper* fcmne fcbe mpftbefe/ but a crucii mefiafi= get (bail be fr nt agapnft bim. %t toere bet tetto comeagapntta eEeretobbeb of bet tobeip:s/en agapnft a foole in bft fooiift* WBoma.tff.6. w*. *mtjo fotetoar&amp;c euell fo? goob/tbe hfiS* 11 ! PiaSfftaHnotbepatfeftobftbouff. tte teWfcl j&gt; louetb bl?fco?&amp;e a ftrpfe / ft lp8e one tbae

bpgge bp a toatet b?ofie:but an open ene* rope igltae ftoatergb?ea&amp;e out a re ne cab;oaae. Cbeilo?&amp;bateastocnbpmf tuftifpr ? bngoMp/asbim jSconaempne i mnocet. i&amp;bat beipetb it to geue a foole moneptnbtb8b/tJ)bereasbcbatbnonipn bctobpetopfbcmef ^eftafrenoetbatail toape louetb/? in aouetfpte a mi ftja I fin o to toboftbwb;otbec. tborop?ompfetbbp f mi 9 ft fuettpe fo? anotbet/be ft a foole. ^etbatlouetbfttpfe/belptetbfnfpnne:* tobo fo ftttetb bft oo;e tobre/ (efietb after a


fail. ibofobatbaftotoatbebetteoptep*i netb no goon:a be tbatbatb an ouertbtaatte tonge/ujalfallmtompfcbefe. 3n bntoife boopb?ingetb bim felfein tafojoto/ ana tbe fatbetof a foole can baue no iope. *a me- **'***&gt; rpbertemafictbaluftpage/buta ro?otofuii XL ( rainoe b?petbbp ft bonea. ffbtbngoMpta* aLiml fietbgift5outof5bofomeytoto^efte|toapeg of iubgment * OSpfbome fl)pnetb in fare *"H4w of b?m g battxbnaetftanbpng/but f epes of "* foolejstoanli;etbo;otoouta!iiabe0. anbn* bifcrete fomie ft a grefe bnto bft farber/3 an beupneaebntobft motbet f bate bim. co pmr 0) tbe t'nnocet/a to fmtte tbe pjpncess g geue true iubgmet/atebotb euell. *cft ,. - topie a Wfctete/f ttmperetb bW too^ie?: ; atflB, M beft ama ofbnoerSanbing/gnia&amp;e^mocb of bft rp#te. fee abetpfooie( tobenbebol* betb bft tonge) ft counteb topre ;anb to baue bn&amp;erftanotng/te&amp;en be (buttetb bft lippeu, Cbe.rbuj.&lt;Jbaptet. i^ batb pleafure to fotoe opf&lt;3 lro;be/ pp&amp;etb a quatell in euerp tbynge . a f oole batb no belpte in sbnoetftanoinge/ but onlp in tbcfe rbpngegtobetfobftbettern'optetb. asbere br-goMpneg ft, tbete ft alfeoi f Dapne-.ano fo

tbetefolotoetb&amp;ameanbbilbonout cbe toojrtH cf a manjjmoutb ate Ipfie ctpt tea* terB/anDtbeteellof topfbomeft lpfteafuil as asxtot* Oteame. % tft notgoobto*itgatbe| pet. vmSmg fonne of tbe bngo&amp;lp/o? to put bacfte Ittgb* t* H* wim. ttom in iutgnet. 31 foole? Ipppf s are euet J* b;atoltng/a bft mcun) p?cuo&amp;etb bnto bat&gt; * tapll. i focJtgmcuJb ft bft ateneoeftruc. cion a bi^lpPPi? are tbe fnarefo? bft atone foule. Gbetoojaegofafclanoererareberp tootinbesva gotbo^oto bntopnmofl pattest oftbebobp. lebofoftaoutbfuuauacBe mbft laboute/ft b^otbet of bim tbatft a toafter. abenameoftbejiojDeigaftroge caftell/tbe tigbtuouu fipetb bnto it a ftalbe faueo. 33uttfeerpcbinattjSgcoDesartbftC ftrongebolDe/peebe taftetb tbf m fo? anbpe toail tounbe aboute bim. 31 ftet p?pbe co. metbcefltucclo/a bonour after lotolpne?. * l&amp;e fgenetb fentece ma martetbefoje be ,-., k beare it/ft a foole/ a toojrtjp to be cofofi&amp;r b. *"*" a goob ftottiac&amp;ebjtueibatoapeama'jsois feafe/but tebe tbe fp;eteft bereb/tebo mapc abfte iti % to pfe bene to&amp;curetb to! *ncto* iebge/a a pju&amp;eji t eate febetb bnuet 8bwg. jlfljerauteb;pngetbamantoboncute 9 too;lbipe/afettetbbim amengegteatmen. 4C betfgbtuoug accufetb bim feife fi'rft of aH/pf bft nepgbboutcome/be Ql fpnbebi. ^rbelotpaetftetb f ban's Oce/apattetb tbe migbtteafunbet. cbebnite ofbjetb^rais fttongettbena eafteil / atbep t bolbetcge&gt; tbet ate Ipae tbe bane of a palace, a man* trip


Itit Qalbe fatfffjeb toptb m fruteof yps atone moutb/a tortbifincreafe of bft lipped (ball be be f piieo. ^eatb anb Ipfe aloe in i potoet of tbe tonge/be tbat louetb ft/ Iball e ni op tbe ftute rb er of, l bo Co fpnbetb a topf e fpnbetb a goob tbpnge/ receauetb an tobolfome benefpte of %,oft. &lt;M}t poo;e maaetb fuppliracpon ano p?apetb men elp/ but tbe rpcbegeuetb a tougbanftoete. a frenbetbatbelptetbmloue/botb ama mo? e frenbft)ipe/a fticRetb faftetbntobimtbena

b;on)et. be.yft.cbaptei;. letter ft tbe poo^e.g ipuetbgoblp/ mntat biafpbemee tbat ft b ut a foole. a&amp;^ete no bifcrer pon ft/ ,,._ ibere tbe Coule ft rtot toeil ; s tobo roftftopfteonfote/ftobletbbafteip. JToo* It a neat ma&amp;etb a mS to go out of fo toape/ am&gt; 0)en is W bette bnpacient agapnft tbe TLofix. Epcftes mafiemanp frenbe? / but m poo;e is fo?fafien of bi? atone tttnm. a falfe toptneffe all not remapne bnpuniT* eo, i be ^ ipt-afietb ipes OiaR not efcape. be multitubebangetb tpon greate men/a euerp man fauouretb bnnggeuecb retoaro;. as fo? tbepoo?e/be ft bateb amongeaii bpjs bjetb^nt peebps atone f tenoeg fojfaft e j5bim/a betbatgeuetb creoeee bnto toojbe?/ gettetbtiotbpng. i^e^fttopfe/louetbbft atone fouletatobofobatb bnaerftanopnge/ aHp;o fpere. a falfe topmeffe Qjali not remapne bnpunplbeb / abe i fpeafietb ipes allperpftje. eiicateeafebecometbnot - afoole/mocbmo?ebnfemcipfi3ft/abonDe matobauetberuleofp?pnce8. atopfemS puttetbofDprpleafure/aftftbft bonour to lettfomefautespaffe, cbebpngesbifte* uour ftipfie I'oaryngeofa&amp;pon/butbws frebftjpe mm betoebpo % gtaffe. an bnotfaete fonne ft f beupnes of bft fatber/ anba b^aulpiigetopfe ft ipae toppof an goufe/ tobcte ib ozoto ft ft euet tyopppnge. ** $oufe a rpebesf mape a man baue bp berp^ rage of b:g eiDer*/ but a bpfctete toomSft # gpfteoftbejlo.a &amp;ioutbmmegb?ingetb flepe/a an pbrtl foule all fuffet bongec. $ mt)o f aepetb cSmaunoemetyfiepetb bft atonefouje-.butbegregatbetbnotbft toape/ all ope. $e t batbpiftebps g poo?e/len* betb bnto ,Ho?D:a lobe tobat be lapetb out/ ft (balbe pspesbpmagapne. cbaften tbp rotme tof|??e Sbete ft bope / but lett not tbp fbule-be tmm to Oepe bpnt. &lt;jfo? greate l?atb bmw&amp; barme/tbetf o?e let bimgo/a romapefti30t}?.eacbbimmo?enurtoure. fl&gt;geueefii'eiMftogoobcoSceH / abe cotene ^u. to be ceGnstmeg / tbon mapeft be topfe bere -* aftet. \C6ew are manpoeupceg in a mam* bme/tteneei^jesgcooceii oftbe^o ft)aa

ftanbe. gtftamanjstowftjipetobogoob/a better it 10 to Oea poo?e man/ tben a optttm* blet. befeareoff)io?bep!eferuetbIife/ * peeitgeuetbpienteoufnes/toitboutpbifpta^ ipS of anp plage, a Ooutbfull bobp fbutetb bfSbanoeinto bFSbofome/fbpbecannof putft tobft moutb.*If tbou rmftefta a *fco? *pm4ttiU mm petfonne/|igno;autlbaH tafie btttot,,, &amp;g*M beae; apf tbou rep?ouEft one i batbbneer. ?** ftanbpng/be topll be? topfer. i^e i buttetb 2^?*** bPS fatter o?lbutetb out bPS motbet/fta fbamefulla anbntoo?tbpronne. flFpf-onne/ beate nomo?etbe aoctrpne tbat leaoett tbe atoape from tbe tooabtg of bnoerflanapnge. a falfe toitnejs laugbcu) iubgmet to fro?* ne/af moutb of t&amp;ebngcaipeatctbfaptoic* bebnes. Puniajmente0areo?aeneafo?tbe fcojnefnll/anb fttppeg fo? fooies bacses, 3"nefta boIupmougft)pnge/anb hint ft pnni'rt ri i ft r:-, rphrr tnn.v^ho

* *

b^ocHennes caufttb feaicicn-.tobo 38 foaelptecb tberin/ujallneuetbe topfe. -be6pngougbttobefea* reba$tberoarpngeofalpon/toborop?ouo* Betbbmibntoanget/oftenDetb agapnft bps atonefouie. ^tisiamasbonouretobepe bim felfe fro ftrpfe/but tbepfbaue pleafure . m b?auling/are fooleS euerp one. a flroftt* fullbobptoillnotgotoplotoefo? colb/tbet* f o?e ftjan be go abt ggpng in S&gt;Gmmer/an&amp; baue notbpng. l@pfe councen in g berte of mitf Ipse atoatet m bepeof eattb/ but be $ batb bnaerftanapng/b?pngetb it fo?tb. flfcanp tbete be t ate calleagooa boers; but tobete (bail one fpnae a true faptbfuii ma? lbo fo leaetb a goalp ana an innocent Ipfe/ bappie Iballbft cbSlb?e be tobom be leauetb bebpnoeb?m. a Spnge ^ fpttctb m iuag* merit / ana lobetb toell aboute b pm /fijpuetb

atoapeall euell, *lboeanfape:mpbme *&amp;**&amp; ft cleane/9! am innocet fro fpnnef ro bfe i"S*"^ ttoomaner of toepgbtes/ o? ttoomaner of effi'.c. 8 meafutes/botb Wefe are abbomfnable bnto tbe Home, a cbpiae is finotone bp bft cons uetfacpon / tobetbetbpst too?cfieg be pure s tpgbt. |s f 0? m beatpnge of tbe earc a 8 fpgbt of epe/tbe )Lo?b batb maae tbe boa), eipte not tbou m ttepe / left tbou come bnto pouertedbut opentbpne epes/anb tbou alt baue b?eb pnougb. t ft naugbt m ft naugbt (tape men)toben tbcpbaue it/ but * tobenit ft gone/ep geue ita goob too?ae. amou of bnaetftSbpagis mo?e too?tt) titm goioe/manp precious ftones / a coftlp * ^etoeis. cabe bft gatmrttbat ft fuettpe fo? a ftraunget/a me a puage of Dim fo? &amp; bnftnotone mans fafie. Cuerp m lifietb f b?ebtbatft gotten toftb btfteate/ but at tbe laftbKi moutb albe fpliebteirb gi'ffu en. ftWoto councell e tbpr.gcs mt mm teuffe

&lt;$fyt 3$pimbm ljapter.fli$ Mi*

beupfe go fo?toa rbe-.s toi btfcrecion ougb t toawes to be tafemtn ^anoe. Science tottbbtmatbcto;japecb fecmes/anoisa rdaunberet/anbbifceaue tot bfc lippe0. tbofocutfetbb??fatbet: anDmotbet; bP8 Itgbt 5) albe put out in e mpoD efl of batcb* neae. &lt;Ebe M^ftage tftat come to baae* fpatefp?8/ allnot bep?aprebatenbe. _. &gt;ape not ou:?i toill recompence euell/ "taitputtSjttuft in e iLo^ac / atib^e fijall befendee. be;&amp;&lt;o?babbo?rfttoonias neroEtoeps^tes/ ansa faffs balaunceftf an * euell inge. cbe3lo?Deo?b?eeuerpni0 gomge0/fo? tobat fss be /atbnbereanoe 010 atone toapeii; 3!tis3afnarefo?aman to blafp&amp;eme at tobicb fss b o ip/anb en to goaboutetoibotoe0. aitoprebpngeoe* flrope e bngoblp / 9 b?pnge e tobele ouertbf. belantemeof e"t,o?bt0b?e o f man, =i goe o? o to all tbe intoarbe pat* ^ ten of e bobp. fl@ercp $ fattftfulncgf p?e* "^ rerue e fipnge/ $ toi louing apnbneg bi0 feate is bolben bp. be arengtb of ponge

men ts e to o? ppe / s a gtap beab / is an &amp;onoutbntoageb. IE)ounoSo?pueatoape eueii/anbfobo ttrppes tbe intoa roe partes of e bobp. Be.m.Cbapter. i fte 6pnge0 bote t* in tbe banbe of 9 - - 65_Jeuer be toill. =utrpmainfie bwf atone toape to be rpgbt/but Jlo?oe tub

gp fte in t be bofome ftpfle futf oufnefte. b e t uft oelptetb in bopnge e pnge j? igtpgbt / bute too?cfier0 oftopcftebneire abbo;teefame. bemanattob?e out of tbe toape oftopfbome / Hall temapne in ecSgtegacion of ebeeb. *$ebatb&lt;r pleafute in bancbettcg/fbaUbe a poo?emfi:* *hu4i&lt;&amp;i iBbo fo belfte in topne anb beltcateg/fta ji not be tpe. b e b n goolp albe geuen fo? tbe rpgbtuou0/ae toftbeb fo? eiua. *3.ti0better tobtoellina topKerneffe/tben fi ttG tH , , totacbpbingeanbanangrpetooman, 3n atopremara boufetberefcj greatetreafure anb plenteournefle/bttt a f ooip fb bobp tpen* cert) bp all. t&amp;bo fo folotoetb rpgbmouf* neae 9 mer cp/ f pnbe tb botb Ipfc/ rpgb tu ou r* near 9 b onour . 3 topfe man topnne tbe cptft of emigbtfe/ sag fo? tbe ftreg at tbep ttutt in/be b?ingetb ft ootone. OBbofo bepe big raoutb anbb toge / tbefame \zpebp$foule from trouble*. $eati0 P?oube ap?efumptuou0/i0ralJeb a fcome* fun mS/tobicb in to?atb bam too?cbe manriouflp. bebolupftioiiflieffeoftbefloutb'33 fuMepta atone beatb/fb?b5banbci8 topn not labour. $ecouetetbabefp?e a *ail wailM* t bare longe / but tbe rrgbtuoujs us altoape ""S' ' ft! "" geurnge Bepetb notbing batfie, *&lt;srbe JJK3

^getb tbe bcttflJ. obowgbtupufncffeanb

facnfpce of ^ebngoblpip abbominan'S/fo? * teTou.ji*. tbe io?0/Il?6eass ate tbe tpuew of tbe? cfite tbe tbwge t w gotten to?tbtopcj3c.b. f. toater:bemapettitne it tobttbet fo beonesUi falfe toftneffe ftaii petiftt/ but b e ttoribecontentto&amp;eate/ajallaltoarebaue potoettofpeafiebirafelfe. 3nbngoWpmS goetb fo?tb raftlp/ but tbe tuft tefowmety m atone toape. *cbete tt no topfbome^ ra tbeve ig no bnbetQanbpnge/ tbetei? no coa&lt; sf3ie . i.s. ceil agapnQ tbe X,o?be. cb e bo?fe to w-- ano.tiw.ii.pateb agapft tbeaape of battapll / but (je*fl*w ^o?begeuetbtbebicto?p. ecbe.wtj.Cbaptee. *oobnaraeisJ rao?etoo?tbtben* gteate tpebi/ 9 loupnge fauoute . tuMfiM tu better tbenfpltietanbgolbe. (cn.M 1@betber rpcbeis 0? pouerte bo

ibgmetisimo?eacceptable to )lo?Detben faerifpce. ap?efumptuousione ap?oube flomacfie; 9 tbe lanterne of tut ongoblpisJ fpnne. Cbe ttaem of one $ 10 byiigent/ b?tngeplenteoutnei8:but be 1 1$ bnaou pfeb/ ebmetbbntopouette. ohofoboo2Dejbp rpcbe^tt. tbe bifceatfulneis of bifitoge/beig afooIe/$fpbebntotbf tbatfebetbeic atone beatb. cberobbetie^oftbebngoblpujals be tbetr atone beQrucctoyfo? 0)tv toome not botbetbpngettoasJtFgbt. cbetoapesiof mctebS/ftcSmetbaUofffiob. iDtopfemi tJ[iefrotoarbeateQraunge/but^etoo?t6e0 feptbtbepiage9bpbetbbunrelfe/but$ too c.u. ofbimfigcleane/arerpgbt. *f tig better j&gt;?onCT.jj*.o to btoell in a eo?net bnttt tbe boufe toppe/ tben to at&gt;?aulpnge toomS in a topbe boufe. Cbefoule of tbebngoblp toptbetb euell/ anb batb no pftpetpon bw nepgbboute. &amp; m.t itt, *&amp;t&gt;tn rbe f coatefuH it pnnp fljeb/tb e igno* taunt t afie tbe better beoe:anb toben a topfe man t0 toameb/be to&lt;Q receaue tbe mo?e bn&lt; bet aanbpng. &lt;&amp;&amp; rigb tuous enfourmetb

ip go on apii 9 are punpffi tb. cbe enbe of lotolpntg ft feare of ob / is rpcbeg/bo* nout; p?ofperpte$bealtb. &gt;peawss ^fna teg are in f toape of tbe ftotoarbe / but be g topll bepe biS foule/let \)im fle from focb. ff tbou teacbett a tbflb m bis potttb tobat toape be fbuloego/ be all not irauefttobenbet^ otee.berpcberuSetb^poo?e/ 9 $ bo?otoe

fgferuafittotbe lenber. getbatfotoetf) tbe boufe of tbe bngoolp/ but $ bngoupgoo topcbebtieffe 3)aUteapefo?otoe/ 9 tber osbe on Qpll after tbeftatonetoicfiebneffe. l$bo of bt^plage (balibeQropebim. *ID lou rngs fo ttoppetb * eate at g cttengeof poo?e/ epe ftalbe ble(Rb/fo? be geuetb of bp* m **9^S lieftanerpebmtfelfeanbnotbebetoe. 3B bnto?poo?e. Caftout B *fco?nefttHtnS/$ '^K' P?eitpretoatbepactfpeajbirpiearme/anba hftatiarfegoitbpm/Ebarfaffa*5r 6 tt ,^ .JUaunDw

fdaunber (bail ceafc . \ i fo belptetb to be of a cieane bete; anb of gracftnjf ipppes/tbe |pngftabebi3ftentie, cbeepe0ofJL?b p?efetue bnotolebge/ but a? to? $ toozDj of $ befpptefuli/be b?ingetb tbeto naugbt. cbe floutbfuli bobp rape tb : tbere ts a Ipon toptb* out/3ntggbtbe0apne in tbe arete. &amp;t nioutb of aubartotigabepepptt/tobermbe falletb f tbeiLo?bet0angtie toitball. (Jfoo* Iftne0tticbctb in $ bte of t&amp;eiab/ buttbe tooofco?tecdoub?puetbrtatoape. bofo C dokj a poo?e mS to?Sge to increafebWatone rpcbe*/geuett&gt;(comenlp)bntot&amp;etpcbe/fat tbelaacometbtopouettebnnfeife. flpp fomie/botoe botone tbpne eare/^berbl bnto tbe too?be3 of topfoome / applpe tbp mpnbe bnto mp boctrpne:f 0? it to a piefaunt tb ?n$. fftboubepeitintbmeberte/jp?actpfeitin tbpmoutb:tbattboumapettaltoapeputtbp ; trutttntbeu.o?be. fcauenotijtoarnebtbe berpoftto councell ftlearnpngei? g % nrtgbt etoetbe trrutb atbat tbou toptb tbe bertte X B mpsbieft anttoere tbem | iape enp tbpng* * agapnfl tfjef &gt;e t tbou robbe not f poo?e becauf e Be to toeafie/* opp?eire not fpmpie &lt;niubgraent:fo?tbe)Lo?bebtmrelfetopllDe. fenbetbeitcaufe / 9 00 bpofence bnto tbem tbatbaue&amp;feb bpolence. #aSenoftenb* wipe toitb an angrpe toplf till ma/ sbepe no cSpanp totbe iunottf: left tbou leamebp*

toaptg/afeceaueburtebntotbproule. 35e nottbouone of e t bpnbetbeirbanoebpon P?ompfe/anbaieruettpefo? pf n)ou baftnotbing to pape/ ttjep an tabc atoape tbp beb from bnaer tbe. bouftaitnotte* moue $ Iasibe matcfie/tobicb tbp fo?e ettetfl bauefett. S&gt;epftounot/^tbeptobpcb be oplpgent in tbeft bufpneg ftanbe befo?e Bpnge0/a not amongetbe fpmpie people; iW.jejwi.cbapter. 3 ffJTBIE! ^ntboufpttctl at Stable to eate .ifi a !o?oe/ o?b?e ftp felfe manerlp ,'ifitbetbpngegg atefetbefo?e tbe, J 23ipeafurepneappetpte:anbpf t^ou toplt mte sbpne atone felfe/be not ouer grebp of bi: meate / fo? meate begpletb anb btfceauetfi , mu not ouergre atettauaple 9 labour te U Si?tbe/betoarre of focb a pur* Jiofe. tbe toffetbou fet tbpne epe bpon n)e *ffiite/ tftft, 8e/ tt, ^ c ^^'Pb a nietbab)apei fog Ml 68 a*tpcbeumaste^einfeiue^ topnge0/?*tafie *. tbettftpgbfl^anaiegiemtoap?e. flEate nottbouto^'^eenupous/ 9 berp?enotb^ meate/fo? *; 'mit a maruelou? bette. ^ e

eate alttrHHt ^tb?afie /"jiefe tbitfeftoete too?oe0. : ;=HKOpnge in to tbe eare0 ofa foole/fo? fft-^ys-wanu ti)z topfoome of (ft too?bt0, Jii^ytienottbeclbelSbe raarbe/

? come not toftbuttBe feioeoff fatbetleflb o?be nme^ e i0 mhmi tarn be all befenbe tbetr caufeagapnft tbe, jp&lt; IHtetbpnebettebntolearnpng/ 9 tbpne care M ^ ?otoo?be0of8notolebge: WSSS^BSBS -9B9SS ftWJ&gt;f/fo?pfoubeateftbmi . ,WM ' pb?eobbe/beannotbpetberof. cbou * . fmpteft bun to e robbe/but tbou miimtt bi0fouie from bell, fl^pfonne/pf tbpberte -receauetopf oome/rtip berte atto an reiop* ce:peemprepne$aibeberpgiab/pftbplip* S.^ c &amp; t S e ^^ # * r rabt. * ]Ut not *to.mii

tbtneberte begeiou0 to folotoefpnnets 'but anB ' 5 8epeeapllinefeareofe)Lo?b^aii t a ,^, bapelonge:fo? m me to not pet come 9 tbk t *??* panentabpbpngeomllnotbembapne* OTm w,A , JPP fonne/geue eate $ be topfe/ro al mec bette mm i toape. feepeno copanp to topne bpbbers a rpotoug eatew of fle: to?fotb a0 be b?oncbatbeg 9 rpotou0 fljail come to pouerte/a be^ts geueto mocb flepe/ S^SS^f^SB cote, cue eate bnto S p S" l b ^at e/ a befppre not tbp mo^ met toben me 10 olbe. labour fo? to get e treutb:fellnot atoape topfoomeynourtonr 9 bnbereabfng(fo? a Bgbtuote fatbetta mar* ueious giab of a topfe f bnne/ anb beiptetb in btmjfo airtbpfaerbeglab/atbpmoer p baretbe/ftaiireiopfe. QDpfonne/geue mepnebette/ftiett pneepeg baueplea* fute in mp toape0. f 0? an tob o?e is a bepe graue/aanbarlotifianarotopptt. g&gt;be Iutbe rpbe a tbefe/a ofeg be not atoarte fteb?pngebntobec. tberei0too^tobereB f0fo?otof tobete in ftrtfe^tobete b?aulingi toberearetoounbwtoptbout caufef tobere bereebepe^ uenamongeofetbatbe euer at tbe topne/a fefie butt tobere tfje beft to. U-ofte not tbou bpoetopne,botorebbe itto/9 tobat a colour it geuetb . e glaffe; ft goetb botonefoftip / but at laft itbp eeU6eaferpent/a Bpngetba0an3Bbber. &gt;oaIlpne eftfiote bntofltaunge toemen / atbpneberfe all mufe bponfro* toarbepng^. feeoualtbea0ougb ou aeptea m tbe mpbbeft of f rec/o? bpef toppeofemaft. cbeptoounbebme(alt ou fapObut ft banot burte me/ ep fmote me/but | felt it not. nabfijattttoetf toabeneb/3! topll go to e b?pncbeagapne. be.rriiif.Cbapter. . |*&lt;E not ou geiou0 ouer topefieb _ me/a Wetem ou to b'eamoge*,. .-, _, em. fo? ettbevtepmagmetbifi!"^?* 81 . -Jo do burte/a eft ltppe0 talfte 3**""** mpfcbef e. cbo?oto topfbome an b ouft al* be bupBeb/9 to bnber aabpnge ft ftalbe fete bp. bo?otootrcrectonftall$cb3befbe fpBebtoalIcoaippieafauntfpcbe0. 3B 8mSi0 ftroge/peeamS of bnberagbing Abetter/

" -

Clje potteries;

10 ucnet tbenbe $ fe mpgMfe of OtestH. rjfo : toitb bifctecp on mutt taoatte? be take tn t&gt;be/$ toftere a* aw man? cangeue eofu cell/tbeteii$pwcto;p. ipfbomefean&amp;pe a * Rat u/fct&amp;png/pee eue to nje fooie/fojbe^oarrenot b at re no t bL op e n t)!0 m outb i n t b e gate, ip e e 2 mag p* founac amBjr ntt m pfcbef e/mape toeibe callea an bngta* un ? ' a ISo^pConnc. cbetbougbteof f fooli Kffl*fpnne/$ W Kojne&amp;M an abbommacijf frt g .r.a bnto men. "^Et&amp;ou be ouerfene 3 negltget Mam mrf tn time of neoe/tbenijJ tb? Btlgtb butfmal. 2J?, ""J"^ ^eipuer tfte go bnto beatb.'anb ate lea S * atoapetobeOapne/Sbenotnegligfttbewn. ticnceitspset. If tbou toilt fape^i bnetoe not of tt. ebin ta is t?trHca,fie&amp;rooup^etobicbma&amp;e{}Bene!5/l&gt;otbnot efsnuo. cofp&amp;?e ftf * betabubtegatDet&amp; tbpfmile/ report not? &gt;&amp;alinotberec0penceeueti&gt; mSaccoflpngtobtetoojcliejj? Sgpfonne/ tboueate&amp;bonp$ tbe ftoete bonp cooe/be* caufe it to goob 9 ftoete in t&amp;p moutb . tfue" Co (ball t&amp;e&amp;ttotelebgeof topfoome be bnto li) p Co ui e/ a? foone as t &amp; ou baft gotte it, 3nb tbere it goob bope/peetbpbope mall notbeinbapne. "Hapenopjcuptoaitetoic* fteblpbp5tbouteofp^'8btuou0/&amp;bifquiete not bts re&amp;png plate, tf o? a tutt ma failed ( *f cue tpmefr 9 rp retb bp agapne/but bn Jg &lt;sftit '"'.goDIp fellm to toicHeon^. Keiopce not tbou Jlffiia fail of tbpne enempe/anb lettnot type offpcaujna ofUtrtebegJaDtobenfjeftombletb. JLetttb? tbciscb:uw.jnjLo.jD(to5ebefe?n)tt)beangtie/5tuniebK5

m ttwtti i rtto?atbfrobfbntotbe* D . jLetnottbtto?ata 222. ? gejoufp moue ti W to fooloto tfte topcfiea 5 mas o! mat* bngoDip. atno to&amp;p? t&amp;etopcbebbatb no* tofs:anbpctaret&amp;iingetobopefo;/e canole of tongoolf tesp aifo cajico, Qjaii be put out. agp tonne/ featetbouf SSdmSEbW** * e ***/ Sepe no copanp tt tbe fSSSSiHi ftiaunoetous-Jo? t&amp;eft oettmcdo Own come tftstfe fayttMnfooenls/ stobofinotoetb 5 fall of" tbebotljf ffciii/totort cbefe are alio tbe fapengesoft&amp;etopre. S9HQ! f0 ttwsnotgooa/tQbauerefpecteofanpper* cnwto 7pmc"fonneiniuOgmft. #e gfapob to Sbngob* tcreaur fuii ilrtt^artrpgbtuousybrml&amp;alltbepeople iwtfttt rpg&amp;t/ cuti'e/peeg come tic (ball abbojte mm. ffiut tefneo ,wco?/ $ f p g cebufie Sbngoaiplbalbe comenbeo/ SfXci *S arpcbebleflpngfljaUtome bpo tbe. $t tosom j e ap, maseft bim felfe to be toell loueo/ f genetfj poynteabefozc/a gooDanftoete. if tttt mafiebptbptoo?cfie 'if^aitb tie f i0 toimout/^lofietoelibnto i tobtcbtbou Slf 5om baQm ^ feiDe/?tbenbuploetbpneboufe. mm aitor ffienofalfetottnefleagflinOtftpnepgbboui:/ ^ iuafpc6: aburtebpmnottitbplppptg. ^apenot: mat a maac 5 topllblWebim/eueap be batb Dralte toitft fnth nm. * *&gt;? wtoatoe tuetp ma" acto^Dpnge to SB*"* - * bfebtaej*. 3!toentbp&amp;felBeof ffloutbRtll/ a c^atfe to &amp;bp f bpnepatoes of ^efooltflj mg.3nlilo/ rape/ to be auj.t't teas allcouere6ttwttelst/ QoDefullof *J ?" * IZ *W/ &amp; ftone toantoagfeobf uotone. 2!pf nSStnta? ^b!5 3 fetoe/anb cofpbereD it toell : 3 fetch -* js ; wc.s i. t. bp on tt/9 tobe it fo; a to atnpng, *f e e dene


t 1 .

on ftpu a iptle / 0omb;c a Iptle / Eofte tbf ne banner togetbet pet a iptte-Jo Iball pou erte come bnto tbe as* one t&amp;at tvauapietb bp tbe toape/^mceflptelpfieatoeapeneDman, C;be.w*.Cbaptec. c^efe alfo acert)e a *fapnises of . ^aIoraon/tobicbtbemenof?emab 8 **ontt. 6pngeof3uba fc *gatbetfO "ftS* . togetber. . ' tomO?

jtetbebonout of ootofiepeaa "' * tbpnge (mm/ butftefepngeg numntm, jonout it to featcb out a 6 *tbpng. tftt m&amp;i 4 . Cbebeauenijsb?e/tbeeatebii3?" i i" tt 55'!)c: bepey ?f Bpngejibeei0 c *bnreatcbcabif. hli? 5 *** case tbeD?cfff fro fpluet/^tbeielbal. %;fc tta , &amp; beacleanebefleiltberof. aofcmV"^ case atoape bngouipncis fro tbe fi pngc ffl ' im ' : * t,n ' btsfeateejalbeBabiiftrottngbmtuiwp.Sl'iW' J&amp;ut not ftm m f elfe m f p^ef enre ottbr ZmSSm 6ftig, a p;eace net in topplace of greate ml, m mid*, better it it f it be fapoe bnto tbe: come bp w.. bttber/tbentboutobefetDotoneinn)ep f 'C' h . c "aft fence of &amp;p?mcetobotboufepatoitbtbpne 52S tm. enotbatttetogoto tbelatof/lett a B bapplie tbou o;b?e tbp felfe fo at laft/t&amp;at infw m t tbpnepgbbourputf tofljame. ^anoietbp"'?-^''" matter tt tbp nepgbbour btm felfe/9 bpfco= ffiSS uer not anotber mg fecrere : left tober. men ua% E tote S bearetberof/ttturnetotbroirooncure/anlijrtmfwiis. left tbine enell nam e bo not ceaffe. % to o.-be fpofie inbuefeafon/ issip&amp;e appu-js of goibe tnafpluerbilbe. cbe cojreccion of topfc tetoanobebteteare/agol&amp;ecbepne 9 a|r* toell of goloe. npfiea? roe topnter code in tbebarueft/foiga faprijftiii meffaungecto bim tbat rent btm/s refref fljetb bus maSt rjs . rnpbe &gt;bo fo mafietb gtcate boatte 9 rf geuetb notbrng/t'p f pfie cl oubts ano topn&amp;e * iooutrapne, l@itbpaciccemapeap;ince be pacif peo; 9 *&amp; a roft toge mape rpgo?ouf- tiejsbebjobe. SftbcufpnCeCbonp/eatefcw mocba0!0niftcietfo?tbe:lelltbou be oitet fu!!/3perb?ea&amp;ett cut againe. ain)b;ato tbp foote fr5 tbpnepgbbomjs boute / lett be be toeerpeftbe/ffoabbo^te tbe. ietjofo e*?t6M beatetb telfe toytnece agapnttbp? nepgbtWi&gt;ttiS boure/betg a betpfpeare / a ftoearbeyanb a SJ'E- ms Jbatpe arotoe,, *rbebope of bngoblpm a^cS 7 tpmeofneabe/i!8lpfieatottltotba0ippe="bp|iie' rpfcote, a&amp;bofofpRBetbafonge to a tope* ^jV - " ! beoberte/clotbetb bim tt ragged in f color/ *S ^poutetbbpnegerbpocbalfie. *fpieSS! enEmpfbSger/feaceb!m:pfbetbp?a/fieue r itJn.6. brni b;ircf.e:f o?fo ffialt tbou beape coalrs of ' 3floffl8.;A fp?ebpb" bi0beab/9tbeiLo;oe ftallrtteartie

tijt. cbf ^o?tbtopn&amp;ebjpttetb atoape tbe tapne / euf fo Bot&amp; an eatnett fober counte* naunreabacfibpterstSge. Jtfgbetterto fptin a corner bnber f rofe / tfien tta bn* IpngctocmaninatorCf&amp;oure, 3goobre* j&gt;0}tt


falif nge uotonf b efoje c^c bngoDlp, (g lifie a tcobleDtodI?arp^ttge5at i?s DeOrojcD^ S^pfie as tt is not goo&amp; to eat r to moet? &amp;onp/ cuen Co9ett)attDpURatti9 out^e^pngeB/ it qjallbe tobeup fo; ftfm* $e ttjat can not mMtm ffl* / W Ip8e a cptpe toS)?cU b:oBmDoi'orip.-anDl3ati)noto3lfe3 c9e.)Cfirf*Cftaptet;, pe as fhotoe tss not mctc in tow mei:/itn;rapnent)atuea:euen Co ig too; tbrpe fanfemelp fo; a t oole. tffte agfljebp;oe 9 ti&gt;e ftoalottr ' WBe t^eir flpgijt ana flc ftete and ftete/fo ftr curft^at^geuminbarnc/ftaUnotI?gtj6 bponaman. snntot^e^o;Cr belonged a tobpppc/tosFit atffcstepate/ antiaronoeto tUe foolcsbacfir. me not foolc anan* f toere aftcvfip^ f oolsffineffe / left tftou becos me IpBe bnto fjmv.but mafie tbe foole an an* Ometob^fcoipibnetTe/ left be betopfe in $10 atone concrate. ^etjj lame of W ittti fee b;oncften is be in banpte/tbat comittctb 7S&gt; enp ebpngeto a foole. 3UBea&amp; it 10 an ftp feraeir tftpngc tobaueieggeg petto balte/ euen Co t'0 a parable in tbe foole** mam ^etbatfettc^afooiembpeDfgnite/tbati0 e5 as gf a ma Dpo caft a p;eriou0 ftone bpa 0)k galou0, a patable in a fades moutb 10 Ipfeea tbo;ne tbat p;pc6etb aD;oncfiemS Intbebanse a man of experience btfeet' ttefij all tfjpngeg toell / but tobofo bp;etb a f oofe / bp;etb f ocl) one a0 topii tafie no beoe, Jlpfieagtbeboggtutnetb agapnetobP* bompte/ men foa foole begpnnetb b?0 fo* ipQmeffeagapne afte, fftbou fepefta

^rnan tt)at!0topfembt'0 atone eficeate/ibere ^ 10 mojebopetn a forte tben in bpm. ctje floutbfuUfapetb: tberefta leopaoe tntbe toape/* a ipon in tbe mpbbeft of m ftrete*. )LpBe as tbe ao;e turnetb abewtebpo tbe tb;eO)oibe/eue fo botb tbe Doutbfull toelter tkmititt bPnt felfe in bt0ber3. *cbe aoutbfulibobp * m '** eb;ftrtb \m bancc in tobp0 boCome/ and it greuef^ni to pitt it agapne to bi0 moutb, a * oat to/*&amp;* Bogaae tftpnfiei^ bt'rn f life topfety tben man^au &amp;rfo:c **Jf jnm b *flmtfpttati&gt; teact^, lbo fa mtfte.ynitji. gcfebbpgsuttletbtoitb ctber men0 ftrpfe; S?iS bei01pfieonetbattafietbaboggbp eare0; v para* jLpReagoneuteft oea&amp;lp atotoe0 anb Wonw tt&amp;e Uarte0 out of a p;eupplace/eue foootb a bifc i'?i!!f l ^r&lt;^Ubi0ner^ * iitE &amp; C: ? bpbit but rn fpo;te. Habere no MSB woil 0/bete tbe f p;c goertj out: $ tobere fte bac* bpteri0 tafecn ateape/tberef ftrpfe ceafetb. ft^jftifai *ole0 iipnMe beate/3 toobD tbe fp;e*.eae f botb a battling f e lotoe ftete bp bar iauce. aifclaun'oeretf too;ae0 are Ipfie flatetp/ ?&amp;bttttl)eppeat:fe g tntoaweparte^of bobp.


,enpmou0 ipppes 5 a topefteb l)ette/anl IpBe a potfcetbe couett b toitb Cpiuet b;oae^

anenempemtrembietbtoitb bf0 lpppe0/ anb in ty meane teafon be pmaginetb mp&amp; ebefe:but tobe be fpeafeetb fep;e/beleuebmt not/fo;tbereate feucn abtjcminacpon0m 10m i@bofofiepab eueiitopii/ftcrefc ' lp to bo bue;b0 maipce flmlbe ft ttoeu be* fo;e tbe to&amp;olecongtegacpon, *aebo bpg* *&lt;* ccU t fc getb bP a pptt/ all fail tljmn : anb be tbftt mautUU toetttetba ftone/ all ftomblebpon itbpm felfe. % opffemblpnge tonge batetbone \ rebuMtb bvm / anb a flatterpnge moutB too;cBetbmpf(^efe.. CCbe.nDi/.crbapter, y' Mt not tbp booft of to mo;otoe/fo; ai tbou finotoeft nottobat mare [jappe tpbape, )Lettanotbermanp;apfc tbe/ and net tjjpne atone moutb: pee btbes folcfie0ipppe0/nottbme. Cbe ftonei0beup/ ^tbetanue toepgbtpes but a f oole0 to;atb 10 beuper tben tbep bo^^ !;ati^ ?0 a cmeil tbmge / 9 f urioufneff^ r0atoerptcmpcft:peetobo is able to abpnc enupef an open rebuse ig better t^m a fccrete loue. tfaptbftiUaretbe ft *toounDe0 ofaiouer/buttbefiptfe0 of an enempeare h aft l bifceatfull. ^etbati0fu/atbo?tetban^ t%*Z; bon?combe:butbneobpmtbati0 bongtpe/*^ S euerpfotoec tdpnge i0 ftoete. =^etbatoft fiufecs ana tc* tpme0 flutetb/i0 liBe a bp;aetbat fo;faBetb P !0fe ? **Ijetneft. ^|ej|f^tel8fa&amp;aItoetcoI^^M- fc f!?; mr nt 9 fauoure/but a Oomacfie t can gene Ste goob couneell/reiopfetb amStmecgbboure, ; Cbpne atone frenbe$ tbp fatber0 ftrnae fetbou fo^rafienot/butgonottn toti)pb;o* tfjer0 boufe in tpme of tbp trouble, 5Bettet:i0aftenQeat^anb/tljenab?otSer ferte of, ^p fonne/be topfe/anbt^ou toalttttafcem* aglabberte: fotbat 3 all maBe anrtcew bnto mprrt)uBei0. 3E topfeman fcpnge plage topU b PQe bun fclfe/a0 fo; fooiee tbep goonftiU/^futferbarme. *caBebi*gar* *&amp;pjm.iai ment tbat 10 fuertpe fo; a ftraunger / 9 tafie a pleoge of bim fo^ tbe bnbnotone mS0 fafie.

9etbati0toba&amp;petop?apre b&lt;0nepgt&gt;^ boureaboue meafure /albetafien as one * tbat geuetb bint an euell repose. 3 b;au* ipnge ttoman anb 6ft roft of ti)t ffrntt b;op* P pnge in a rapnpe bape/mape toell be com* parebtogetber, $e tbat refrapnetft 8er / teftapwffi t topnbe/ana boloetb opie faft in big banbe. )LpBca0onep;ontobettecbanotber/foDot&amp; onemancofo;teanotl|tr. HBbofofiepetb bi0fpgette/ ftalleniope tbe frute0 tljerofc l^e tbat toaptetb bpon &amp;p0 mafler / Jba eometo bonoure. )lpBea0 in one toater tfrereapearcbpuerfe face0/eum(b bpuetfe

men bane bpuetfe bertes. kpfieapbel J 9 ^ t* ffijat fevoettrucepon are neuer fuH7euffotbei&gt;*cpei)i 2*'2!*S ofmencanneuetbeCanCfpeo. Opiums aUM SSw&gt; ,n enioulbe/9 gofcein fte fnace/s &amp;fai,tt.ti. Cot0a mS/toBenftei0openlppjapfe8 tobi* 55 face . c&amp;ougb'ftou ulbeft b:ap a foole tot ft a petteii m amotw ipbe otemeel l pet topli not b JS f oolp netfe gofto" bpm. &gt;e ft a t ftou fmoto ft e nombje of ft p eaten ft p ;*".. . felfe/sloftetoelltoftptlocBe*, tfozpfte0 abpoe not altoape/ 9 fte &lt; * crotone enotiteft e*ffcottnefo?not fojeuer. cbe bepgrotoeft/ftegraffe tt" *5f; eommeft bp/ana berbeis arc gaft ewb in fte mSESt* mountapm*. belambe0allcloftefte/ * '* anofo;tftegoate0ftoualt&amp;auemonepto ftp buCbaubjp . cbou ait baue goat eg mplcb pnougb to feoe jto bp&amp;ofte ftp bout* B e e/anb to ftt ttepne ftp maps en s, US^e.rttinj.Cbaptet.

jd r^iaya^ e bngoolp a * tlpeft nomanctja *E!)i3 flight ^^Jffngebtm/ but fterigbtuous Oa= tt^i fcarc g^ggpeftttpfasalpon. Secaufe of totenftt rpo/ (gfLj&amp;gfpmteftelgbe ooft oft cbatige bet 5&amp;m irmft W*"te tt ftojotomen of bnberaanbpnge arc aVrwto anb topfoomearealme cnouteft longe. toSenofcare ne poo?eman oppzeflpngeanofterbp ? *totf bfolenctvfc jpte a contmaall rapne ft at be* ftKiSau fttopet5 tf,c fcuW ** ** ***** ' sone Isto e/p?apfe fte bngoblp : but focb a? Repe an Dn6 c icf cf 0; ft e latoe/ab&amp; 021 e ft e m, iBpefiea men bt&amp; toant of jto cernenotftetbpngeftatfetpgbt/but tbep fcnowww of tbaefefteaftetftelLfl?be./btftufleaHtBm. * 3C pooje man leopnge a goblp Ipfe/tg bet* ttt ften rpfte ggoeft m frotoaroe toape0. $ ibo Co nepeft p Jatoe/ tt a ftptoeof fan* berflanbpnge-Jjutbe f feoeft tpotoue men/ b*omt tea* ttj ameft b t's faft ee. tbo f in cteafeft &amp; 1 6e:bfuc?e ano^fte0bp 6 %ittmage$topnnpnge/ietbfln S^TiSm gafter ftem tibelpeftepoojetoiftall.

nefle4&gt;e an longerapgnec lence eooeft en? man s bloube / mail be a wnuagate bnto bts'gta tie &lt; ana no man ai l be able to Cuccoure bun. tt&amp;bo fo leabeft a goDt p s an innocent Ipfe/ albc faf e:but be ftat goeft ftotoatbe toape0/an once baue a fell. *$eftat tpucft bus lano/ all baue**&amp;,ot, iu pleteoufneffeofb^eab-.butbeftatfolotoeft'EfttUitf.iu potinette / all baue pouerte pnougb . &amp; fapft full mi tft gtea tip to be comen uecy but beftatmafiefttomocbbattefo.'taberifte' aHnotbebngpltie. obauetefpecteef pert owe* in iuogmet rs not goob-.ainb iDbpf

be toi'tl bo to?oge/see eue fo; a pece of b; eao, $e ftat ropli be tpcb all to (cone/baft an eueu epe/anb cenrpbereft not/ tbat poutue ffiancomebponbtm. ^eftatrebu&amp;efta many.Qallfpnbe mo?efauouat fte la a/ fteti&amp;eftataatmbbim, lisbofotolibeft bf3fafterano motbet/ anbCapeft tc 10 no fpnne -.ft e fame fis Ipse bnto a mo; t be ter. ^e ftat i$ of a p^oube Somatbe/ litteft b ttrpf e:but be ftat putteft W ttutt- in ftc M2De/aiberoellfeco. fee ftat trufleft in b 10 atone t)txtt,is a foole-.butbe ftatbea&gt; lefttopfelp/tyaibefafe. fee tbat geutm bnto fte poo;e/ all not toante : butbc ftat &gt;vQ lumen) atoapebp0e?e0 from focb ag be in neeeflpte / all rufite gveate pouette bptn feife. IBbenftebngoblpatecomebp/me^ ate taw to brce ft em re me ; but abi ft t v per? yfte rpgbtuou0 incteafc. &lt;ftat t0 apfnecRro anb topH not 3B be tef oumieb / all fobenip be ee aropeotoiftoutenpbnpe. i@btte Ifte rigbtuou0baue fte ouer bioe/ ftc people ate in p?ofperite: but toberefte bngoblpfiearetb rule/ftere people mout* .. .

ffie touettes; C!jap



aathert&amp;cmti)9 t battunieftatoapei)i0earefri!lbearing t. fyunjjuwymi'iuuiHt mamtgu v^ bdsuimaucreto? latx&gt;e.bi0p?aptt;albeabbo;reb. l@bo faftetagfabmam*bwbeftat6epe ft bats

# poo; c. as at &amp; fo leoeft fte cpgbtuous in toan euell toape/ lotted, fpen& amp;e ft atcaps tba t be baft. lK&gt;ift J^'}!^aBfeBintoBt0atom;pptt/butiuaall trueiuogmentftefifngefetteftbpgianbe/ Kriivm. 6auet6e BM0mpolJeffton. ijerpftmatt butpf fjebe a manftat tafieft gpftrs/ be e*&amp;.-)m?tca#ftpiicBeft^imfeIft robe topTe/ but poo;e- tumeftitbpfFbefiotone. lfjo foflatretb tu;fta6ft&amp;. ftat baft bnbCTflanttpngc**/ can perceaue- fti0ncpgbbour/lapeft an ettefo? mmt. ffi ,&amp; ft ' mtom S nou 8 &amp; . 9bnPgbtwon0men Wpnneofftetopc&amp;eb is bfe at one fnare/ lV*s! mem nti9niteimmm^fo}m nit ftwwlt^^enftebngoblpeome bp/ftettateof toayes to tijm, men ftaugeft. @eftatbpbeftbi0fpmie0/ tse tjpm toyfe (jjaiinotpjorperetbutto&amp;a to Snotoleoget^ *auce 6 is ftemanbeo?taBeft;cra/aBbauemerep. *i '* * Ietti0bnnftatttaieeftaltoapeinatoe-

butfterpgbtuou0aRbegiabanbteiopfe. Cbe rpgbtuou0 confpo?eft fte caufe of t powe y bu t fte bngooipregatbeft no bnbnv Oanopnge. ipcfieb people b;pnge a citie inbecape/buttoffemenretttbpagapne. 9f atopfe mS go to latoetottb a foole ( tobe=

a0f2bpmftatBai;beneftbt0be^te/beaaa , fterbcbealetoptbbpmftenMp o?rcugblp)

fan in to nrpfftefe. xpfie as a toarpnge ipon anb an fjongrpebeate/ euf Co f0 an tn goblp p;pnce ouer fte poo;e people. tt^ereftep7pncef0topftout bnbetQan bpnge/ftetei0 greate 6pp#afon(j to?onge: but n be be loft one a0 bate conctoufr

r -

Begetteftnoteft. cbe bloube ftptfie bate M k , fterpgbtuou0/but fteiutt *tefie bi0 fouic. 2&amp;&amp;

Ji fooicpouteft outbi0rp?rtealtogefter/Sr^ InuatopremanBcpeftttintillaftfttBarbf.aitotaiicna? 3f a p?pnce belpte in rpcjs/aa bf0 ferua5 lift,. m bnsoois, c&amp;e poo t e anb lenber mete togeftet/

C togeftet /fte o?De ipgBWieft boft tbeie : epeff. cbefeate offte spnge ftatfetft* /uUpiuogeft ftt poo?c/ail continue furs fo; euermoje, cbe vobbe ano co;reccpon tnpniQte toproome/but ?f a ftpibebe notion neb bnto. b e facing eft bf mofter to ffiame . iffiben ft e bngoblp comebp/ totcBebnefltitf CTeafeft*utftecigbtuou0 aUftftew fal. ^uttoureftpfomietott&amp;co^eccpon/anbbe * mat tt/allcomfo;te fte, pee be all boo fte gooo Htthaf tk attbjne bme, bete no" * l&amp;jopbete tt/ Dj.-ae a f asooy ftere fte people p et?e : but toell it b pm g mw.n(. ^peft fte latoe. 1 femaunt topll not be s* . fte better fo? toojbtf/ttyftougbbebobcr* ttanbe/tet topllbe nottegatbeftem. ,- . . . ft ftou fepfta man ftat 10 Battpe to fp ease bnabuvfeb/ftou mape tt truS a foole ^mo;eftmf)pm. ^eftatoeipcatelpbjpn* geft bp kit feruaunt frS a ftp/ a 11 mafic bpmbtiS matter at lengft, 3nangrpman fiereftbp tttpfe / ano be ftat beateft euell topUmbiF0mpnoe/boftmoco euell. after Pttbe commeft a fall/*buta !otoefptp;ete o;mgeft gteate too;pppc. iBbo fo bepeft companp totft a ft efe, % ateft bi'0 atone f ouleibc beawft blatpbempe0/aiib telle it notfojft. ^eftatfeareftmen'ftalbaue a tan-Jut tobo CO putteft b 10 mitt inSton allcometobonoote. #anrftetebeftat febe fte^pnees fauonre/but eurrpman0

*ubgcmcnt commeft from fte fto$e, Cbl!pgbtuou0abbo?reftfte bngoDlp ; but 80fo;ftofe t be in fte rigtjt toaje/fte tope* Betftateftem. CttftefntfncBoftfif teOfof&lt;soo:ano toftattte oastit to ccqii?.:c of oo/ titl} ttcten XBOnottftill t^mjjes thatat etn ttjis tto?UK. CCbcwncflTbapter. cldjttto^esof^gurtoefonne of Ja&amp;eb. 3ElSSI^ep;opbecpe of a rntftapftfuB man, trfjcmdesoD baft belpeD/tobo 'CfcbbabtBfo^tbsnftpfteD. f 0; ftougbS am $ leeaof aU/abaue hom50i3nBetaanopnse(fo;5neuer lemeb topfbomtfpef bauef bnbctttanbpng 19 am rotUinfourmebin &lt;Soolpftpm&amp;l@bobaft elpmrnebbpintobeauenf OBbo baft come botoncfrSfte'ee? aabo baft bolbe fte tofnb feft fnsWbaiiof I@bo baft top;ebenbeb fte toatem in a garment 8bo baft Cert all fte HbaMfec. enbegiof too?ibtf lfebati0bi0name/o?bi0 5t.H..tonne#name;Canftourtli;*aiU?too;b5 uteomc K9. 0' b are pints cieatie/ *fo? be 10a p tMnoitif.9c.fantoanftem/ftatputfteirtii)ftntbpm. m a* enoputft ounoftirtgftmo?ebntbjji0too;oe0/ f -ISLS?- JiU ,eQBE wue fte/anb ftou be fouoe a Ipar. |^Bfl 5t cto0 ft?ng w a wquRe offte/ftatftcu tcpit not Denpc me befo?e| bpe. Kemoue f ro me banpte anb ipes :geue me nefter pouerte

no;epfte0/ onipgraunee nteaHtceaai:? if upnge.&amp;eSpf i be tofull/l'benpe fte/ana fape-.robat fcioroe is fte %,6w Snoiett 3 beinge conttrafnebfto;oto pouerte/fali bnto aealpnge/anofoif toeare fte name of mp 00a. Hccufenotaferuauntbntobi0ma&gt; iter/ JettbtfpeaBerueiiof fte alft/anbftou beburte. feeftatbjmgeftbp an euell rc po?te bpon ft e genetacton of bp0 fafter anb moftet/10 nottto?ftptobecommenbeb.

Sb e ge n eracpon ft at ft pna e.t b em reluct* deane/ftall not be clcnfeb from ft etr f piftp* neffe. cberc are people ftat baue a pjouoe lofie/anbcaftbpfteirepe lpooe0. cbispeo= ple0 teft are Ctoerbe0 /anototft fteir cbaft h on t0 ft e p confume anb beuourc ftc ft m pie of fte earft/anbft e poo?e from amoge men, "bf0 gcreracpon(tobpcb i0ipbe anbo?C* left eMjaft tto baugb tens ' ftc one mmtai f etft bift et , anbft e oft er b?png btft er. Cbcre b e ft it ft t n gs ftat are neuer fa&gt; tpCfpeb/anb fte four fapetb neuer boo.tsrbe bell/a tooman0 toombe/anbfte eatftbaft neuer toatcr pnougb. M tot fp;c / it fa p e ft netier /boo. u@bo Co laugbeftbP0 fatbee tofco?ne, anofetteft bt'0 moftetg commad* ocment at naugbtitbe rattens ppebe out b:js epesinftebaWere/anboeucutebbebeoffte ponge 3egle0. cbe be ft# ftpnge0fobpcfo?me/anb a0fo;ftefourtb/itpaaetbmpbnotoleoge. cbe toape of an Hiegleinfte ap^/ftetoape ofaferpentouet aftone/fte toape of app m fte Cec/anb ft e rcape of a man toift a poge tooman. &gt;oftei0ftctoapeairo of atopfe ftatb^eaBtft tocbloc&amp;e/tobift toipeft bee mouft libe as toben e batb eaten/9 fapetb. 30fo;me/3bauebonenobarme. cbojoto ft;eftuige0.fteeatfti0 bpfquieteb/ anbfte f c tuft map it not beam$bo;o*&gt; a feruaunt ftat beatefttule/fto;ctoafooleftatbaft greate rf fte/fto?oto an pole bouCtoptr /ana fto;oto an fjanbmapoen ftat is bepreto tier matttes. . cbeeebe foure tbinge0 intbt^ earft/ftetobpeb are bcrpiptle-.but intopC^ bomefteperxeabeftetoprc. betmmette0 arebutatoeabepeople/petgafterftcpfteu; meate to gefter in fte barue tt. be conpes arcbutafeblefotte/petmafieftepfteircoti cbesamonge fte rocnes. bi greopper0 \&gt;mt not a fetoe/petgo.ft ep toft togefter bp b eap f 0. &amp; e fppc er lab our e ft toi ber ban* br0i 9 ftat tn fte fipnges palace. bmbeft;cftinge0 ftatgo 8pffp/bue e going offttfourtb 10 fte gooipen of ai. Upon/tobtft fefeing of beattes/ 9 getteft placctomjmS^cocfitcaoptofigbt'.airgme anb sfcpng ftatgoeft fo?ft tofft bs people. f f tboube fo fob tomagmfte ftpftlfe/o?

m/Dlett toift anpCoft ftinge/ften lape tbptte ^b banw

bancibpcntBpmcutf). i@go fo cbpmetb

&gt; *

mslcncmafictft buttfc: Be tftat tubbed Bis -o 3na pf fte perceaue tb&amp;f Bet b outte vftve C nofe /matofy it MiKianb Betbat caufetb boetb gooD/betcSblegcemnct outbpnigbt, to;atb/b;mget&amp;fojt&amp;&amp;t?fe, Job. ^ &amp;Bela?etBBerfpngn-stotBefppnbJe/?i bet fcanae tafietb b old e of tbe rocftc. capb. . 9 ^beopenetbbet banbetotbe pso;e/vee tte fftettbetb fetfbbet bartbes to focbe a* baueneoe, 3tamea. . V befeatetbnottbattbecoaeof topntet all outte Bet boufe / f# ail bet Bou ftioioc foists ate trouble elot&amp;tb, Agent. S&gt;bentabeibbetfelfefewe ojnam&amp;e*/ bet elotbinge is tobptefplBeanb putpjc, fton. a ^rtBufbana ismoebfetbp fit tbe gates/ toBenbefittetBamongetbe tuietsof p land, &amp;amecb. b &amp;beraabetbelotboffflfie9feetbft/ans belpuetetb a g pjbie bnto tbe matcbaunr, . 3Mn. &amp; v fertengtb anBbcnoutefS&amp;et elotbpnge/ amtbelattetoapefceQiaUtesopre. Pbe. a ^beopmetbbetmoutbtoptbtogtaomt/ anBinbettongefstbelatotofgtate.

5aac. '. * &gt;be lobeib torn to ? toaptg of betbouf* bolDe/aratet&amp;not&amp;etbjcbtoitbpBplnf*. aopb. p etcbfllwi atpfe/anbcaflbet biefltfcano brt bufbanoe ma&amp;etbmbcb oCbet lies. n fl&amp;anpoaugbtetB t&amp;ete betbat sat&amp;ettf* vt&amp; togetbet/buttbougoea about tbf ail. -jtotn.' w 20fo7fauoute/ftttbtfcratfii!I/fteutfe t* a batne tbfngertmt atooman tbat featelfr tit jl o;ot/ fte is to o ?tfj p to be pjapfeb. cbfl. n euebetof tbeftute of bet bancfS/anb letbet atone toojcbesitfapfe bet m f gates,

Ciytigts ougtitfoiu&amp;ge ttftlj. C6t pjof 1W of an Ooiitamantottfff. cSCtjenjoj&amp;esofStPtigeaamttel/ anotbe;opbec?etBatbpsmotbet taugBtBpm. f f onn e/ tbou fonne of mp bob p mp ceate beiouea fonne / geue ict cuerfftpfubOaunce 9 mpn&amp;c into toemg/tob'cb are tbf befttuc* cpon euen of fcpnges . O iLamue 1 geue fcpngesnotopne/geuefcpnges a frtaett no ttronge onncfi t uea tbe; bepnge ajonefie fozge ttbe latoe/ 9 tegatae not tbe caitte of tbe poo;e/ana of all focbe asbein aauerfite. &lt;2&gt;eue ftrongebn'ncBe bnto focbe a? ate con* bempneatooeatb/'anatopne bnto tbofetbat moume-.tbattBepmapeanncBeic/a fojget tbeirmpferp ana abueefptie. Ee tbou an a&amp;&lt; uoeate/ana Qanbe in tubgementtbp felfe/to

cpeafiefojalirocbasbeaommeafocoutles. iBi'tb tbpmoutb offence cbetbpnge tbat is latofuHanbttgbtyanbtbecaufe oftbepoo;e anbbeipeieoe. 3Mepb. , J@Bo fo fpnuetb an bonefr faptbfuH too* 9 man/fbei0 mocb metoo;fb tben peties, J&amp;etb. s rbebettofbftbufbanamapefafeipttu&amp; tn bet/fo I be &lt;ball baiie no neae of f p oples. fowl. % gjbetopttbobpmgoobanoteuenantflc bapegbfbetljfe. aletb. n &gt;Becccuppl)tooUanb fiajc/anb Iabou. t c ii) giaaip toltb bet Banc ep. i^e. Si ^beisipaeamawbauntetf ffipppe/tbat ;ingetb bet bp tapi es i to m a fatte. mm. \ &amp;bei?bpintbenfgbtfcafon;top;oupae meate fo; bet bouftoiae/ ana fobe fo; bet mapotn?, 5a. t $&gt;beconfpa;etbi&amp;nae/abperbft/atoftb ftute of betbanae jJOie pistetb a bpnep atot. i^etb. n febegptaetbbetiotnfg wt&amp; fltmgtb/f coutagetbBftatracP.

CCljeenDeoftlje ^3?otterbts; of Salomon.

f *


"^ . "


C :l)c dole of tlje ^eacfjee /otUert&amp;pfeeaueD CccKftattes.


fa'ilg.-ace iiii*

Call t^at to in tfite too;(tie &lt;s tanpf le. C3C0efp?tt chapter. t8e$&amp;?eacUer/tConneof?0a* te but banpteffa? rtt) p?ea^ cgetlaUr? bucplapnetoantte. f 0; toft at el? ijae&amp; a man/ of

. ^ ^

Dffaict(; a ii t ^eiaboutceetafictl5bnDertftc&gt;unef K.57I' ne generacton pa# atoa^c/anotft ct coK metft/tait t&amp;e rartft abpecto ftgll.c&amp;c^Snc

arffttft/^cg&amp;iinnegoc^cotone/anDretu^ neto to fti3 place/ Qatljetit&amp;petyra r?fe top agasnt.ctjc totnDc goetft totoarD S&gt;outft/ _ 9 fetcftcft Dts copafe atoute bnto go;$/ 8 fo mm in to ftim ff agapne. aiii Souk rurwiemotftcftr/?tetftcftei0notfplieD; Co; I oh e bnto tolja t place t &amp; e toater? runne/ tftence tljep come aga jne. ail tbittgeg are f o ^;oti.wbri.cftart)e/t nomancanejcp;eiBt^, *djeere ccciiniiMj. rgnot&amp;tiffj/e&amp;ttfFgftt/ ^eatefenotfplleo *** te ijearpnge, c&amp;etftmg f ^at^ bene comety topaffcagarne:^ f t^tng batls tone Done/ ftDoneagapiie;tftetei0noneto t^png bnuer tbe&amp;unne. pt^reenftfttnge tobetoErt ma?ebefarDe:lo/tftii8f0nftoef fo?ittoas Icngr 3300 in tbe tpmeg p ftaue bene before W, ^ ft:tbmgetbatigpiiQ/!0outofremem* b?aincc:ienfotbet&amp;vngestftat are Eo?to cwwey ftall no mo;e be tftougft t bpo amonge tbe at comeafter.3 mpfelfetfje^eacfter/ bepngeSpi:geoEgftaei5 r Jemfale ; applreD ra?mpneetofeSe out sfeaccrj fo? HjclmoteIcDge of alltfipngc0 areDonebneer Beau?. h.grw/g^ocbtrauavlealaboutbatbgotigeufbnto -tttt5iome w f*to^oftlW/tOCS^^ tearx n- cbtu c&amp;us-j baueconf^cballtBe tOpttge? ^ P;m jf Mam, come to pare bnfcer tfte ^uhne/an&amp;lo- 7 tbe? w &lt;5:iis.xua. atc all bstt ban? te 9 beracwm of mtnlie.cee * ctofiea cannot be ma?ae (IrapgW/^ faut^ can not fee nombjeb . g5 cSmonebtoptb mjne a^nebme/ taping Jo ^ am cometo a great e^ate/sbmtegottemwetopfoome/tbenall t{j?pt5at9auebenebefo;eniemg!erufalem

r "

feempbette Babgteafeetpeticnfe oftepf* borne a bnotoleoge/fo?tbetebnto3 ; appuen mvmpnoettbatq'migBtfinctoetobattoefc topfbome a bnbetfl^oing/ tobat tone moot afolpffiness. Siibjppetceauebtbattbigauo toajJbutabftaci5oftm'nbe:fo?toBctemocl} topt&amp;omete/tbete t{S alfogteatettauarle 9 btfquietneg:anbtBemo?e anotoleoge a man Batb/tbento^etisbfecate. rabounoauncc ofrpefjeffe 1 of pleafurc 9 of tiuvl* 0Sn8caceBapnet5p:igra. CCbe ti.fbaptet. ^en fapb ; rijus in mpBettt:J9otD goto/ jtopll tabempneeafe ana Bauegooboapejs. 35utlo/ 1 teas banpte alio : info moiB $ %iaw bnto laugbtet-.tbou art mabb/ ana to mp;tb; tobat Doefltboui ^&gt;o | tbougbt in mp Be Ue/to toftba?atoe mp&amp;efb fro topne/to appite tn? mpnoe bnto tDpfbome/? to copjebeoe f oUftneg otitis tut tpme t (amSgeal! $ tBinges to^itb atebnocs f S&gt;fflie&gt;J mpgbt fe toBat toete bea f 0; men to bo/to longe as tfjep ipue bnoet Beauen. 3imaoe gojgious fap;e toojcBeg.pug [ btbraeboufep/? plStebbmepatoes. | nuoe me o;tcBatbf s 9 gatbens of plrarute/a pia teu trees in tBe of all raaner fmtes. % maoe poles oftoatet/totoatetfgreneaftutefui! trees toitball. 3 bougbt fetuaut^ $ mapo/ ababagteateBouCBolbe. as fo? eaten 9 epe/9 baa mo/e fubttauce of tbf 1 tbf nail tbep f toete before me in 3lerufalem. Jga tBeteo fpluer anbgolbe togetBer/ eue a ttea* futeofBpngesanolanaes. 3! p;oupoeb me fpngets anb toeme tobt'eft couae plape of inftinmentes / to mabemeti mpitb ^paftime. 3!gatmea?mcBpngcup* pes alfo aglaaes.(g)Bo;tIp)5teas gteatet* m moje teo?fmpe/tBen ail mp p;eaeceOou ts inaeruCale . $ oj topfaome temapnea ib me:

9 lobe tobatcoeueempneepes betpjeb / f let tbebauc it:a tobertn foeuer mpBette eelftco o? baa enp pleafute/J tt tjeioe ttnot ftom it. : Cb"S mp Bette teiopfea in all tl bpa/a tw 31 tofie fo?| po;cion of allmptrauaple.ffiue toben3!c5fpb?eaa toojefies? mpbanbtS baa to;ougbt/aaQ tbe labours^ J Ba3 tat.5 tBetm:lo / all teas but batipte 9 betacpon of mpnoe, ano notBmge of enp balue bncee tbe Sjimne.cBen tutneai me to confpb;etopf* Dome / ettoute a fOlpQmefre ) fo; toBat is Be amoge men/ mtgbt be compate a to me tbe fipnginfocBtoo;cB^)?ffatot/^topfoone etceiletft fooU'bneffe/as fa we as Ipgbt botb bar. fineffe.*^o ? a topfe ma beatefb bis epes C abouteinBiSBeaa/butf foolegoetbin tbe*af'^ batcfineffe.^perceauebalfoftbepbotBbab^'!,^' one enbe.cben tBougbfJ in mpminae-.l'f it w ' 8 * * bappen bntog f cole as it botb but me/tobat ^b.ij. neoetb

4 -



* -

neaetfjmeften to laboure mpmojefostopf* -aitrmctoficpcfylettce/.satfmetcirpeaftft &amp;)me^oic6feffeatoitbmmpberte/tbi0 -&gt;3 tpmetoioue/anaatpmetobate: alfotoasbutbanite.fojf topie aeeeuera* ^tpmeoftoarre/anaatpmeof peace;

iptle in remeb?auee a0 f olio/9 angoa vfr foe to come (balbe f o?g ott e/ see tbe &amp; pf e ma t&gt;tetba0toella0 foole.bu0beganne31 to betoeerpofmplpfe/mfomocbtgicouaea*

toarcttnotftT;is^&amp;onebnOfir&gt;une/fa? mwt but feantte 5 ftejaciS ofmpnae :7ee| toa^toeeiFOfalrn^Iabout/ti^r^^aatafte t nii 1 1 tbegnme, b e cauf e^ flwiae fiefapne to ieauetbebnto anotbermS/ cometb afterme fo? tolio finotoetf* / to&amp;etber be albe a tnpre mSo2afott?3iiapetqw!bebeio2Bofal!m2 iabouw/to^cbJtefocfttoptDorncbauetafic taaertbe^une^nottbwabapnetbpng? &lt;feo 3 turn ea me to ref rapne mp mpnae ft5 _ ftllfocD ttauaple/a&amp;8&lt; tofie bnaer tfje &gt;&lt;ine; 3^ fo; fo mocb a? a man uiae toeerp btm feif e tttopf&amp;ome/ttwaeiftStfngjoppotfunfte/ spetbcfapnetolemw&amp;iglaboutfbntoano tl)t/ neuer ftoeft f 0; tbem . cbP0 ft alf a bapne tbmge ana agreate mpfetp.&lt;ffo? tobat gettetbamanof all $ laboure strauaple of Qftf mpnae/g IjetaBtfi} bnaer f &gt;unne/but beupneffe/ro?otoe?atfqutetne0all Dape0 bEbi&amp;Jrft53;nfomocbtbatbtebtc cannot reft fafmpt .30 not tbftaltb abapne tbfog J E0ttnotbettertbenfo?amStoeate 9tttnc ie/ 5 b 1 foule to be m erp in ijis labour fee gtfatee t tb teal fo teas a gpfte of oft: f 02 toljomape eate/b^ncfie/o? tyingc en? tbmg

m&amp;attjatb a m3 ei$( gaottj anp tfjinglbut toeerpneffe 3 laboure: f ojajstoucbrngtbe trauapiescarefulneffe tobub oa batbge* umbntomen/Jfefbebatbgeuerttbe/tobe ererctfea in it. Ml tt)i$ batbb * o?aenea mar* uelou3 goo&amp;lp/to eu erp tying btf Due tpiw, 19 e ba tb plateD tgnojaitce alto m tb e b er te's of men/g tyep Ibulbe not fpnae out $ grotto of b W toopfteiS; tobitb be boty ftof beginning toenbe.;)o3!perceaueb/gitn^etetbmg5^ tbere Ut notyinge better f o? a raan/tyen to be * merp$toDotoenfoiongea0belpuety. jjfoj afl f a man eatetb $ bjmcSety/ pee tobat Co

euer a ma emopety of all bis labour/ $ lam e teagpfte of oa. Jcofpaerea alfog tobat foeuer oa aoty/it cotinuetb fo? mttJ9t no tying c5beputbntoitno;tafiSfr6it:(ig oa _ aotytttotbeintet/g menibuiaefearebpm. ** Cbetbingef batbbene/t0noto:? Stbingeg ft fo? tocomeybaty bene afo?etpme/fo?oa re tto?ety agapne tye tytnge tbat toag patt, ^o^eouer/'lifatoebnoer tljefunne bngob^ -C ipneaein tbe tteaae of foagemet/ ntfquptt mQeaaeofrpgbtuoitfnea?. cbentbougbt ginmpmpn&amp;e:ob(banfeparate tbewgbtuoiigfrotbebngoblp/^tben Sbaibe tpme anaiuagemct of all count* te 9 too?cfie0 1 comeneatt mpne atonebertalfocScenrfng m tfte c(jflb;f of men;l)oto oa ^atb c&amp; ofen t^e/ ^

topaSeto^boutbrmJ 3nbtobpibegeuftb iijetIettetbtbcapeare:a0tbougbt^eptoere

JbntomSytobatitpiearetbbimitobetbentbe topraome/bnaer ttanbing / 0; giaanede. 3Sut fcntofCpnnerbegeuetbtoeerpneg ^tojoto/ i &amp;emapegatbet$&amp;eapetogetber ftbmge/ i afaTtoaisetbaJbegeuebntobfrntobomit pleafeti; $cb.cW &lt;? note abapne tbmge/ pee aberpEtCquieeneffe^beyaciS ofmpnae. C211 tinges come in tjcirt^mean&amp;patrcatoapn'n ttjc;; tpmc* C^e.j.l&gt;apter. . rav iffiierp tbpnge batb atpme/peeait 3P fy yy tbat &amp; bum %t beauf /ba tb 10 co^

uenietfeafon. cbere 10 atpme (to be bo?ney? a tpmeto ape, C&amp;ere 10 tpmc to plate/ 9 a tpmeto plucfie fep tbe tftpnge/ tbat 10 plan tea; t aitpmetoflape/anaatpmetomafietoboie ^attpmetob?ea6caotone^$atimetobutiabp, 3 3tpmetotoepe/anaatpraetoteugb: -j a tpm e to mourne/anaa tpme to aaunf e: 5 atpmetocaftatoapettone0/anaatpmeto gatberQoneg together: a tpme to entoace/ 9 tFme to reftapne fro B . enb^acpnge; 7a ft&gt;mcto topnne/anaatpme to lefts *J 3D tpme tofpate/ana a tpmeto fpenae: ^3Bt^neto:cuttwpece0/?atpmetofotoet^ getter;

ti)t ^im\)u*




bea(le0:f 0? it bappenetb bnto men a0 it aofl* bnto beattc0/ a ag tbe oneatetb'Co apetb fte otber:peetbepbauebotbonemanerofbp^/ fotbat (tntbi0)aman batbno p^eempnence aboue abeatt/butailarefubauea bntoba' nit icMv go all bnto oneiplace/fo? a0 tim be al of butt Co (battbepall turne bnto butt agapne. iebofinotoetb*tbefp;eteofman g2 i goetb bptoarae/9^ bity of tbebeeft mSSSK goetbbotone into g eartb? mttttfoxy per^ ^m U* eeaue/ tbere 10 notbinge better fo?aman/man goo then tobe topfull in bte labcure/fo? tbat 10 SS^JSls fe tbe tbmge tbat fball come after bftn; w www * eC&amp;ettvpfcricoftljf innocent* Cdr fupctfiuous lavuuecs of men. ^c cbiio tiiac 13 poo:c 3 topfefce. Cbe.tiih&lt;bapter.

ffi&gt;3tineame/ cofpa?ea alltbeaj bpoient to;5ge i teaone bnaer tbe funne;dbeboiae/tbeteare0offoc^ g a0 tocte opp;efiea/ $ t^eretoa0 no man to cofo#e tbeo? f tooiae aelpuer ae* fenae tbe fro fi biolece of tbeir opp?effoure0. ibfrfo;e9iiuDgeatbofetbatareaeea/to be mo?ebapppetbenfotba0beaipue:pe*bpni tbat r'0 pet fanbo?ne to be better at cafetben tbep botb/becaufebefettb not tbempferabie too^cfies^atare ai?nebnai{iefunne. SSgapne

4i i.

23 3Bgapne/|fatoeftataii trauapleanaat* tbouQiuiaeap;ompfc/ananotpape 4 wte Ipgenceoflabouretoa0^ateaofeuerpman. nottbpmoutbtocaufetbpftdbfo^tofpnne/ C#H$ t0 alfoa bapne tbpnge/ ana a m acton tba t tb ou Tape not before t\)t angei fee- . ofmpnae, -arbefooiefotoctbbi0bSac0to* ipffinecei0tntbefaute, f ojtbe oa toflbe gefter/anaeasetbbPb^atonefletb* fl&gt;e angrpeattbpbopce/3ae2icpea!Itoo/c6^ banbefuii(fapetbbe) 10 better toptb refty oftbpneljanaes. anatobp^tobereasate tbenbotb tbe banac0 full toitb laboure ana manp a;eame0 ana manptoorte0/ tbere a te trauaple. Qfmmit turnca me/ana be* aifoapuerrebamtpc0:butloiie t WaUm boiae pet anottjet banpte bnaer tbe sbonne. cgoa. %f tbou tepft tbe poo?e to be epp^cfi bei0onemanynomobutbpmfelfe feaanato;onseouflpaeaittovtbaU/fo%t alone/baupngenetber cbpiae ner bjotber. equpteanat^erpgbt oftbelatae 10 te?aata {ett0tberenoenaeofbi0carefuIiteauapie/ mtiicianaemmviieilnottbouatfocbiuag* W epe0 can not be fatpffpea toptb rpcbe0/ ment/f 0? one greate man ficpetb toucb tott^ (petaotbbenottememb?ebtmfeife/^fape:) anotbevvanatbempgbtiebelpetbemferue? !}fo? tobome % ao tafec Cocb trauapie i f of togetber, Cbe tobole lanae alfo tep tb tbe tobofe pieatuce do 31 tbu0 confume atoape feiae0ana alltbati0tberin/f0fnfubiecc(

o Cmplpft^cb^i0alfoabapneanampferabie ana bonaage bnto tbe fipnge.fe tbat lottetjj tbpng. cbei'f o;e ttoo are better ttjen one/ monep/topll ncuer be fatUYpea tottb monep: fo/tbepmapetoelientopetbep;ofptof tbeir ana^bo foaelptet!mrpcbe0/ an bane no laboure. ff one of tbem fall / bP0 compa* p^ofpt tbercf . p not tbP0 alfo a bapn e nron,beipetbbimbpagapn:lButti)oi0bim tbpngef UBberea0mocberptbc0 10/tbcre tbati0aioneyfo^pfbefail/bebatbnotano^ are manp alfo tbat fpenae tbemataape. tbertobelpebimbp. agapne/ toben ttoo %m tobat pleafuremo?ebafl) be tbat par* aepetogetberytbeparetoarme;butbotocan feffetbtbem,feupngetbatbemapeloftebp5 aboapbetoarmealonef^nemapebecucr" tbemwt^bP0fpe0f aflaboiupngmSfle^C come/but ttoomapemafiereftdauce:3tb;e petbtoetelp . toitftbent belptle c: mucb $ folbe cable t0 not ipgbtlp b^ofien, 3Cpoo;e be eatetb tbuttbeabounaaunce of tber pebe cbplbc bepngetopie/ 10 better tben an olae topllnotfufftebpmtodepe, fipnge/tbataoteti)/ anacannotbetoarre in fet 13 tftere a fo;e plage/ W$ 8 baue Btpmetocome. $&gt;omeonecommrtboutof fene bnaer thefunne(nameip)rtcbe06epte to p;efon; 5 10 maae a &amp;pnge: -i anotber tDbpcb tb e b urte of ffim ftac batb t bem in poffeffion, t0 bo?ne in t\^t fipngbome/commetb bnto po if 02 oft tpmes tatv pen toitb W gteat e uerte. Sn&amp; ! ipereeaueb/{ anmcnltuing mpferp^ttoubletanbpfbebaue ac^pibe/it bnaertbe^oune/gotoitbtbefecoaecbilae/ gettetft notbpnge, *?lpRea0became nafieb * mik*\ t^atcommetbbp mtbc Qeaaeof tbe otber. outDfbt3 motber0toobe/fogoetbbetbitbee sno. bub 3$foj tbe peo^e^atbaue bene befo?e agapne/anacarpe^notbingeatoape^bpm ^im/anb tftat come aftet^im/tbep are tnnu* of all b?S laboure. cbte i% a mpftrab fe ^- x m mtrabte:peti0nottbrir&lt;opetbegreatertbo* ptage/^ be (bait go atoape euf a0became, ^ h " a /rototpm, bi0tealfo abapnetbpnge 9 tDbatbcfpetbftbpmtbeh/tbatbe^la* rcADifctoVd'abeFacionofmpnae. iBbentboucomea bo^eatntbetopnae; antbeaapessof bw (mi&amp;etflaa into^boufeofoa/fiepetbpfote d *9b;ato Ipft alfo mutt beeate m tbe a

arcfie/toptij ftP^oochan^/bJ^at^oumapeQbeare-.tbatftbetter greatecarefnineffe/fpcfineittaharo^ oto, LT Cf \ uc J^ cberfo^emetbincseitabetteranaafaprer Sufswr* nott^ateueiitbepbo. . tbpnge/aman toeateanaa?pncRe/anato be b^TOK^,j araon j C? ontobetoacccofca^cotnmunpcafpon* refcelbeaof all bP0 laboure /tbat be tafietb tettttyz to nfcflttg^tnottoiwtiieiattjcopp^ffiffaftWowe^ bnaertbe ^ttnne all tbe aape0 of bP0lpfe ES'iKfi * couetous to not facpffpeG toiit&gt; ^10 spetjea. &lt;a$\fy ob geuetb ftp m/f 0? tbtf 10 bw po?^ CCbe.b.bapter. cpon. *ffo? bnto tobom foeuer oa geuetb notba(Hetoitbtbpmoutb/^lett rtcbe0/gooae0!anapotoer/be geuetb ftb?m nottbpneftcrtefpeafeeenptbpnge toemopeft/totafteftfo?bp0po?cion/anato raOJlpbefo^ffioa. dtotfifttt bereftea)eaofb^laboure;tbi0i0nototbe Inbeauen/anatboubponeartb/ gpfteofooa. ^betbpncfietbnotmoebe tberfo^lettl)ptoo?oe0befetoe. f 0; tobere botoIongebe{baiilpue/fo;fomoc$a0o&amp; mocbcarefu!neffet0 /tbete are manp a?ea* fpnetftW0^erte toftbgiaanede, me0:anb tobere manp too?ae0are/($ere men *Bcu(cjrtnamapebearefoole0, *3fftbouma6eabotoe cbp^ferpeoffticcpcBeanacoitftifl.neB tf# ttwuc.Buc. bntooa;benot0ac6etoperfourmeit.l0 feraunceofafoicanoatopfcmati. tyWm botoeg/fe batb no pleafure in W. msrh^Mmumm ^ftboup?om?ftenptbftige/papett:eo;bet* IPWWJv _ teeittttbat tbou mafie nobotoe t&amp;en tbat www. C5"C

gcuc/asfooles fo*

I jfl

Ti)e foofee


ierei0petaplagebttber&gt;une/ adpangueintbpmpnbe/fo?tozat&amp; rettetf "5rtia general! tljpngeamonge wtbebofomeofafooie, *bapenottbou: llD&amp;at tj t&amp;E caufe tftat tfte Dapc&amp; of t|c oibe t pme toere better/tben tfjcp that be notof f oj tbattoerenotopfetjueBion. i?CDcmei0 better tben tpcbe0 / peemotb moje tao;tfj tljen tfte epefpgljt, &lt;Jf o; topfiicmeDefenDetb ag toeli a smouepe/ anD tbe er celient fincto:: leDge ana ttsfbome geuetb ipfebnto^rm j? batb ttfn poffettton. ConfpDje $e too/cue of oD/ bote tbat no man can mafic t&amp;e c^pnse Oraigbt/tobtcbbe mafietij crofieb. ft toell , .,--,-. tbetpmeofp?ofperpte/anbrememb?etl&gt;e _ iffo?^e corned to naugbt/ -igoeftljigtoape tpme ofmpffo?tuncifo2oDmafietbt&amp;c one c tf mtoflarcfine0/anbbi0namei0fo;gotten. bptbeotber/foamScanftfflienotbpngel0. ^^ojouer/bef^tbnot^&amp;cnne/fjimotoett) c&amp;eCe.ii.^mgegaUol&gt;aue3c5fpD2CDr n of no rettnetberberenertbere: f eetbougb tbe t?me of banpte:tbat Siuflmanpeuftea j belrueDttootboufauDepeare0,peljatb&amp;e fo^wrpgfttuoufnesfa&amp;e anDtliebngoDlg nogooblpfe.Comenotalltoonepiace:M Ipuc^in^topcfieDneOe.c^etfo^ebetftou tbeiaboutegamantafietb/t0fo?bunfelfe/ m^ertocigfttuousncroiiertopft/tbattftou anD pet ftp* Detpje i$ neuet fplieb after bp$ periQ) not:be netber to bnregbtuou 0 alfo net

rlje pjeaci)ei%

m en : toljen od geuetb a man rp ^tbe0/gooDe0 ^bonoure/fotbat be toantctbnotbpnge of atltbatbP0berte can befp;e:ano pet od geuetb bpmnot ieueto enrope defame/ but another man fpenbetb ttjem. Cbt0i0abapnetbpnge$amprera* 5 We plage. |f a man begett an bun&amp;?eo tb*i' bit /anb Ipue man? geare*/ f tbat W bape0 aremanp m nomb?e / ano jet can not eniope ftw goob; netber be Intriefras fo; BtmgTape/ t&amp;atanbntpmelpbp/tbfc better tljenbe.

mpnDe fo^tobat baft tbe topfemoo?e tben 9 ftc foole? ibat beipetb it fte poo?e/ tbat be finotoetb to toalcfie before t&amp;cigupng: "be fpg&amp;t of Q e cpegs ft better/ ttjen rbat forte QsulDc Co Dcpatte atoape, i^otobeit tb&lt;0 is alfo a bapne tbpnge a na a Dpfqupetnefie oe mpnae, is&amp;atttf mo# excellent fljen mi

tobatbatyaman elstf trie not to fr fee after* Cbe.bfl.cbapter. O; tebo finotoetf) to&amp;at 10 good

to foolp / left tboubpe before tbp f0 gocbfojtbetotafceboIDe of tb't0/ anb not to let tbat go out tbp banoe. sffo? g be feared obOmiieCcapetbemaii. o&amp;pfDeme gutntmo?eco;gebnto tlje topfe/tbentenmpgbtcemenof i? citte: *fo;**twj.r tbere 10 not oneiuft bpon cartb/gboty goob/ 22*%?* pet can be not in tbeiatoe get tbe Wctojp of ana fpnnetb not . cafie not &amp;eD e bnto euerp ffil ; ofbimtbatfcmpgbtrertbenbe: abapne too#etbatt0fpofien/leatboubearetbprer* tbpngefeit to catt outemanp too&amp;w /but uanntcurfetbe:fo?t^pne atone berte fi no^ toetb / tbat thou r b p f el f e alfo t*aa 6ft t jm es fpofien cueli bp otljer men.EH ttefe t^pnge^ ^aue 5 1 p;oueb becaufe of topfbome: fo?3J tbougbt to be tovfe/but e toent farmer f metbenaetoasbefo;e/^9fobepetbat % fo;manlpupnge/ intbe baje^ of mtgbtnotreacbbntober.fappiieQmpmpn J^ W baj ne If feytobicf) W buta fta* u alfo bnto 5mote!ebge/$ to fe&amp;e cute fci en* n 1 topfDom e anb bnaerftanbeng : to ftno toe fte fooitOmeffe of tbe bngoblp/^itbeerroure of Dotpnge foole0.2nb'3f founbe/tfjata toos mani0bptterertbenDeatb : fo? ftetisaberp angle/ber berte t a nctt/ anD b banbeg are cbepne? jebofopleafetftobaH eftape from ber/but tfte fpnner topll be tafien toi^ ber. 25ebolbe(fapetb tbe p?eacber)tbtt^aui DtlpgentlprearcbeDouteanDp^oueb/tftat' mpgbtcomebpfinotolebge: tobpd&amp;ag | et^ fefieyanbfpnbert not. 3mongea^ofen&amp;e mentbaue founoe one/but not one tooman amonge all.U / ttyes onel? baue % f ounbe/ tbat oDmaDemaniuO anb rtt&amp;t/buttlie?

ftfie Dpuerft f oteltpeg/tebereap nomSbatft toptbomeanDbnDerttanb^tge/togme an* ftoeretfcetfmto.


!F)otoef fl)j fcljototliteiiaman/ *&amp;mw9*tofyat fljallbappenaftn^mbnber $%&gt;5Mi jcanta^a. ^ * 3 goob name w mo;e too;tb tben a p;e* crowjsopntmet/anDt^eDapcof beat^w bet^ ter tben tbe bape of bp^tb. 3t i&amp; better to go wtoanboufeofmournpng tbenintcabac* fietpng boufe. f 0? tbere i$ m Rftf of all wen/ 9 be tbatiglptipnge/tafietbittoftett. Iti0bettertobefo?ptbentofaugb/fo?to^ tfie countenance is beu p y tbe Ijerte ft top* fuif. cbebcrteof tbetopfeigtn tbe mour^ npig boufe/ but tbe berte of folift $ in tbe bouffeof mp^tb. ft r0 better to geue eate to tbe cbattenpngeof atopfe man/ tben to bearetbetdngeof foolee.jfojtbelaugbpng offoicgi'g ipfie tbeaacfipngoftbo^ne^bn* ber a pot. 3nb ttat is buta bapne tbpnge. ibo to Doettj to^mge / maftetfj a to^fe man to goo oute of bt0 toitte/9 DcHropetb a genfleberte. ^eenBeofatbpgef0better ffientftebegpnnpiig, Cbepartctoffp2ete Abetter t^en ^ebpempnbcb, jeenotlja*

C Cbcftjnsps commaun&amp;emrtit ougbt to be o&amp;prt Giadncii ifi one f ttj c c$eft t^fngee bnber ticCotrae, CC&amp;c.Wo.c&amp;apter, i^pfbome

ffbome mafiet^ a man? face to Qipne, butmalpceputtetb it oute of fauoure.iSepe t^e fipnge0 com* &amp;om^waoe' s * mminD ^^3! to atnetbe)anbtbe S^K :* otljetDat tboubaft mabe bnto*ob.5Benot ft/3ogw baftietogooutofbtjSfpg^t/anDfetboucos tpnueinno euelf t&amp;pnge : fo. 1 tobatfoeuer ft pleafetb ftim/|boetb b WLilie ag tobe a fitng

geuetb a cijarge/bP0 commaunbement i$ mpgbtie;uenfotobomapefape bntobpm: toftat boefttbouf lbofofiepetb tbe com* maun&amp;emet/lftan f ele no ^arme: but a topfe man0ljerte Difcernetlj tpme anD maner^ 0? euerp tbpnge topli baue opo?tunite anb Son gment/anbtt)p0r0tbe#pngetbat maietb mf AiU of carefulne0 anD fo^otoe.ano b^pf amanfinotoetbnottobat 10 fo: to come/fo; tobotopHtelibpmfji5etbetr0 tbere enpman tbat batbpotoerouer tbe fp^ete/tofiepeatii fte fp;ete / ner to baue enp potoer in tpme of beatb ; ittgnot^e alfo tbat can mafie an enpe of battapn/netber mape bngoblpnea DelpuerbtmtbatmeDfetbtoitbaU. atbcfetbpnge0baue % confpbereb / anb applpebmpmpnbebnto euerp too?cfie tbat igbnber tfyt S&gt;onne*^oto one mS batb lo^j* v i fbfpc bpon anotberto ^0 atone barme .iff 0; J baue oft fene I bngoblp b?ougbt to tbctr graue0 / anD fallen botone from tbe i)vt anb glo?iou0 place : m fo mocb tbat tijtn toere forgotten in m cptte/ tobere tbep toere bab in to b p e ano great e reputacpon,b$ f alroabapnet^pnge. ^ecaufenoto tbateuell too;cfie0arenotbaOelppunptbeD/tbeberte of man geuetb bpmfelfe ouer bnto tepefies &lt;j ne(Te. TSt\t tboug^ an eueil perfonne off eno t an ftunb^eb tpme0/anb baue a longe ipf e;pet amg* fure/tbatit allgo toell toptft tbe tbat ftare od / becaufe tbepftaue bpm before tbefrepeg Jgaphe/a0foj f bngoblp/ftftalt notbetoeil toptc) bpm/netber (ballbe p?o^ Iongebf0Dape0:buteuena0a Qabotoe/ fo qn be be tbat fearetb not ob. feti0tbereabanptebponeart^: ftere be iutt men / bnto tobomit bappenetb / a0 ttioug^^epbabtbe \uo2cfie0 of m bngob* Iptagapne/ ^ere be bngoblp/ toitfj to^om it Boea0tbougbtbepbabtbetoo;cfie0oftbe tpg^tuou0 .bP0metbpncfieaIfoa bapne tftpng.c^erfo?ef commenDeglacneBe/be* caufe a man batb no better tbpnge bnber f&gt; &gt;orme/tben to eate anDb^pnc&amp;e / anb to be merp:fo^atfbal^e^aueofbt01aboureau tbe bapes of W Ipfe/ tobtcft obgeuet^ bta ^bnberf &gt;onne.lbtn3SappKebmpmpnbe i^toleatnetopfDomev ana tofinotoetbe tra* ua?letbatt0 % n ^ c too;lDe ( anD ttja t of fo cb momti 3lfftnotmpneepe0to aepe netfterDapenernpgbt)3bnDerttoDe ofan too?cfie0 of ob/*atitf0notnnpoattefo?


a man/toatta?ncbntot5ci&gt;JO?cs t^ttate bonebtfiiet;^eS)omie:?teou8^ebeaoteic Df laliourc to tm tlem out/ pet can [je not wacb SMtto tfte:f ec tbougft a topfe mS tooiac fanDettafie to finotoet^em /Ktmjsljtljenot fpnoettjem. ca manttottetpot^bptfic rjgfittBrrnco of By? aane too?cbcB/teetBcr Be te too?tl|ic of lone o? Bate. a ma ougBt to I jucmetclptotB Bwvojft.8 p;apfeof CBe.ft.c^aptei;. UDt all t^cfe t&amp;m&amp;l ptpofto a in 3d mpmpnaetofefieoute.cberigl}' fl * ^m" uuou0 $ topfe pee a (deft* too;c- "f c ; fttuaIi ' . Ifteg alfo ate in t^e Ijanoe of os-.^ . 6*tfteretgnomanttiatnotoea)et&amp;etioiie b &amp;ome 02 ^ate of ft e t&amp;pnge tfytt f&gt;e ftatft befoje Dim. tttoimma Itftappenetft bnto one as bntoanottjetijt^ovocti) m goetbtoptfttbetps&amp;tuoiigiag topft fteim^iSf J** SoQIr-toitft tbegoob ana cleane aft toift tbeffift niiut bncleane:toitft timitbatoffttetbajj toftB jtaB.c{; tbat offeteft not:lpfieaiSit goetft topfl) 0bet* fentf ce cpgni# tuoug/fo goetb it alfo tottb ft e fpimet:3g ft** w w^ bappeneft bnto ft e penuteb / f o bappenetb KS StTr amonge allftpngeg ftatcometopaffe bn- Bate an? man: oetfte &gt;onne/ftrjs ig a mpferp/ftat it bap= wwernanoe/ mm bntoall alpfie.cbis is fte caure alfoK'^jL i fte berte* of men are full *ttiWftft/SwSS and maoD foolpUmeffe is in fteithertes as w """ WWfc longe as tbep ipue/bntpll ftep Dpe. . ainDtobp^aslongcaSamanlpuetb/be^ is;a qincftDogg(fapeftep) isbet 55 tertbenabeeoipon:fo?ftepftatbelpupng/ finotoe ftat ftep all ope : but ftep ftat be oeeb/finotoe noftpnge/nefteroefetue ftep enp mo?e. fot ftefr memo?ialiis fo;gotten/ fo $ ftepbeneftwioueo/bateonerenupeD: neftetbaue ftep enpmo?e parte in too?lo/ ftiallftatisoonebnber f &gt;onne.oftou ftp toape ften/eate ftp b?eo topft tope / ano o?pncfie ftp topne topft giaoneffe / fo? ftp toozefces pleafe &lt;Soo.'*)Let ftp garme tes be altoapetobpte/^letftpbeaDtoStnoneopnt'. . C *X' S L merit Mte ftp f elfe to ipue iopfuiip m\) ft iSSjStt? topfe tobomftoulouett/an fte 'capes offtpSt llnml * Ipfe/tobtcb ts but bapney i oo batb geiten mmtt m* fte bnoet fte&gt; onne/ali fte oapes of ftp ba= c0 *

nite:fo?ftatistbppo?cioninftisipfe/ofaH ftp laboure ano ttanapletbat ftou tafieft tower tbe &gt;onne , WmBmfn ftou f afieQ c inbanoetooo/ftatoo toitb an ftp potoer: fo; amSgefteoeeo/tobereasftougoe&amp;bn. to/tbereisneftertoo2cfte/ councell/finoto' . leogenettopfoome. &gt;o% rumeome bnto oftetftpnges bn* bet fte g&gt;orme/anD 3 fatoe/ftat in runpng/ ft belpeft not to be ftopft:tn battapll/ it bei^ pctb not to be ftronge: to febpnge/ itbelpeft not to be topfe:totpftes/ft beipeft not to be mM. MM


Clje bofce


futteifctobe&amp;afi^fauoure/ftbeipetbnotto lcconnpnge:butatall t?e in tpmeana fortune, tfo? a man tmotoe notbp0t?me/ but Wc as e fp e are tafien top ean* gie/anaa0eb??ae0 are catc^eo tope fnareu&amp;ienfoaremen tafie tnt^e perloug tpme/tobenitcommc foaenlpjpon em. m CW toim ome &amp;aue 3. ftne al f bnant^e ^ jbonne/ano me ougljt ft a greate tftpnge, ED ere toaga ijtle citte/ana a f ttoeme tot* in it:foete came a greatefipnge anti bete gratt/ 9 mane great c buitoarc&amp;e0aga?na it.3in&amp;fcie cptieeretoa0founaea poc;e mam&amp;ut&amp;e toa0toptt)to&amp;iir?;;b b?3 topfc borne ae!?uerea ecptge: pettoa0 tijereno boap/at ft a u en? refpecte bnt Co a f jmpieman, eftenfapae'} :to?raomei0 better en ftreng.#euertbf leg / a fpmpleman* fbp&amp;ome 10 aerpifea/ana bfe too?ae0 are not be rae 3t to? fe mas; co un cell at id f olotoeb in fpience/ 10 farce about tfce trprnge of a +m#aM* captapne amonge t oole?. * tfo? topfacme is SsSSKf betet c &amp; m fcrowfls*nt one bntb??ftalone uw-fltf* aetlroEetftmorftgoob.

CtE T jeBpIfaunce bcttoftt a fole wft a tvpfr man* tfojtunattana&amp;appjf fe t^at seaulme tojictjtjatba topfep^ncr. CfjexC&amp;aptet, Wfiff^^fy* 8 $ wwppeftofte opnt? * 1 a ^^&gt;lmentanDmafiertto(!?ncScyave fromtftpge mo2e toojrt en e ft itopfoomeanbtionoureofa fooie. a*ttatfr#oa topfeman0bertei0**bpon tfg^t tySte/ bo ati pn* butafoo!e0berte!0bp5eleft.aiootpnge gwatnu. foolepncse/at:euer?manaca0foo* Iplp a$ b?m felfe.Jf a p;f ncppail tvmbt jjeuen e to beare rule/be notnegiiget en m tbpneoffpee : to; fo all greate to?cftea&lt; ne*beputaotone/a0tttoereto?ameae; j5 cpnejnofter piageis ere / tobp31 fjaue fene bnber e fonnemamelp/ e ignojafice at fccommenlp amonge pjincar. in at a ftoiefpttetngreateaign?Je/ anberp are fett ootone bene : 3 fe ternauntejs tw * ** ,*. mm h **?" to**/ W*** 8 wnge bp5 eir ft te &amp;SSSSS 2* tt tom "" * wt fie g a pgge "**** bp a ppt/an fell erni fttm felfe : 9 totio fo b;eafiebotone bebge/a ferpet all bpte bpm.n^ofotxmoue ttones/ftaiibaue trauajietottball:? .lie frbetoetoob/albe burtertoftft. ^nanp;onf0blont/anaepopntnct fbarpenea/rtmuftbetobcttagapne/ $at totfbmpgbfctfuen Cobo topfoomefOlotoe babler of btf tonge teno better tben aferpet at Bpnge totrtjotitUpffpng, et&gt;etoo?be0 out a to?fe m&amp;moutbaregradoufi/bue ? Ipppejs of a fooie topn Dtttrope p?m fclfe.cbe begpmipige of W talfi?nge 10 fooiiftne^anfi $ laft toojoe of t)t?raou^

J? great mabnOeJ fooie f fo fuH f too?t&amp; fyat a man can not tell tobat cnue fte tor 11 mafic; tobotDill tbentoarneb?mtomafiea conciuf j5;cftc iaboure of e tooli \ gtcuou0bntoe/toft?letDe?&amp;nobif notboto to go in to ecprte. n^obtbntoe(&gt;ourealme 9lanbe)B lrboles?Jigewbutacft?iDe/ 9ta&gt;bofep;?n= ce0atctari?attirbamficttc0,uttom fe ei oureaftneanD ianfteltetiofe fung ig comeof nobles; ana toft ore ponces eate in bue feafon/ fo; Qrtng ana net fo;luft. rbo?otofloufulnc(:c v balcfi^ fallDotonc; an&amp;o;oto?aicftanbf0ttra?ne in ate boufe.^eatcmafiemmtolaug^/9tome mafieemmer|:bntbntomonrp are an ?ngc0obebient.tBi e fi?ng no e uell in lougbt/anbfpeafienobueof r?e in?p;m?cbamb?e:fo;a b?;oeof ea?;e OiaUbctrape ? bo?ce/anbtotber fe0 all e bcto;a?e ?too#c&amp; CCfte.ict.Ct)apttt !nbea*?b?ta?le0 cut r etea*ai ter0/?foaitouf5nDcgafter ai man? ?care0, eueit atoa?e a* Wftribu(f ^p ___imcnge-*ff wn o? c?gbt ; fo? ou gjg JJf 8notoeanottoftatm?rcr? all come ivm v Xitm eat.^i^c clouars are full/e?pou tcsatfipngoue out ra?ne bpon e ear . anb tobf n e ere | w mm. ^(tobeeritbetotoawce^ouo;^"! &amp; ] ]a iao;)fntoftatplacc focuerttfall/ ereitS;L i?f .^eatrcgarbr e topiM/ a II not fo; an \mt&amp; fctoe:anbfte &amp;afpcctebnto $ cloutcs/ 3 aUnotreape.i9otol?fieagou InoteeO (* w* nottftetoa?eof etovnac/nerboto 6wf* wTOS; aref?ebinamoer0toombe:ulfocijS^a Bnctef ftnote too?cfir0of CO /' ttWc|ji0fc(ofisuf, tl)etoo?c6ema8crofall, CeaCe not ou erf on tei ? Banttjf c tofotoetftprcoe./ to5ceritbein emo;* n?nge 0? in c eutn?nge; f o? on finotoeU nottobctftcrt0o?atall p;ofpcre/anb ?f c? bo tafie/itt0e better, c^e l?gbt is twtz /anti a p icafauri e ?nge 10 it fb? e e?c0 to lofie bpon e^unnr .ff a man Itftte manp?eait0/anbbesaaDincmail/ictb(ni remembtf eba?cg of Darcfincfle/toft?cft

n^allbcman?:5tobenc?come/aU?ngt allbebutban?te 4 ffieglben ( tbou ?ongeman)inprou/anoiet pne&amp;ertc bemer?inp?ongeba?e0:folotoeg toa?cs oftb?neatoneberte/?eluUof?neepf0: but b r tltoufure / at dd all bjpnge c mtotubgmentfo;allcfe?nge0 CJFtouonrevoBthtoitalitteeo confer amitw garttljw gooonrs of ^oo.


tppptp 3B lif^w * atoa ^ irtft'icaftire out of me oert/rcmoueeuf Hft5? boo?: fo? pKefto&amp;e 9?oufe but banpte,licmcmb?ec9?mafierinE pou/o; euer eDape? of aauerfitie come/ 9 o?epearc0 D?atoe npc/ toftentftou alt ra?e:3ftaueno pieafure in em befo?ee funne/eipgHt/emoone and Qmwbe barc&amp;cneD/anb 0; e clouds turne agapne after e rapnettoben e fiepers of &lt;ft ouf e aHttemble/5 toben e flronge men all 23 botoe em felues : toben e mpller* Qanbe ft?U/becauCee? be fo fttoe/s toben gfig^t ofetopnDotot0 all toare^pmme: toben eoo?c0 in eQrete0albeutt/ 9to^cn ebopceofe m?neralbe lapcbDotone: penmen all vpfebp at ebopce of e b?;be/ana toljtn all e baugftterg of muftfie aibc b?ougbt lotoe : tot en men all feare in &amp;pe places/ anb be afrapcb ine Oretc?: toben eaimonaetrce aibe t&gt;crppfeb/e grc opper bo;ne out/ anb toben greate po* ucrte ail b?ea6e itr-tobenman goe to W !ongebome/anbemourner0go aboute$ J$mLf&gt;t euer f fpluer lace be tafie atoape/ * 3 0; ? gol wn banae be b?o65; a&gt;t epot be

CecneiO; auft be fiirneti agapne bnto cavty from totjence it came/ 9 oj tfte fp;ef t tetutne

bntoeoti/tDDp^gatieit.aiue but banpw (&amp;ft&amp;P;eactfet)atti0butpia}&gt;nebamtc.- . C^e fame^eac^ettoae ncttof re alone/ fiiittaugftt people finotolecgealfirtjega' uegooD^eoc/rouabtout^egtcunoanofet-. fo^manp parables .^i atiigence toajs fpnoeout acceptable toojut g,. traljt rctipttire/aito tfttoo?Deg of mietb.jfo^tBetoojfiess of tfte topfe.ate lilte p^cfieg anbitaplcg tftat goo tfjojoto/toftertof tb men at e fee p tc toge tbettfo; mi ate geuf of one ft epbetoe one* iF.Cftetf oje be toatte(m| fonne)tbat aboue tbefetboumafeetbenot manpano tamnue* table bobep /no? tafie bpuetTe Docttpegui banoe/to teeetp n)P b oof toMball. Jtabmbeatetbecociufponofaltfimgeigs $ eate ^ob/ano fiepe bpg c om an noemf t e?/ jfo;tbattoufbetftallmen-JFo;(i5CD ftallfusgealitoOKfiftSanb fectctewpnge0/tobc rbettbepbegoob ojeueU.

CH|e mot of tljt Rofee of tlie t^?ea djer/ottjer topCe calleo

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^ mefatompgaRien : mpfittct/ W Sipmtei ban e gatbewa mp fi$p;re toitb mp fppre.3! to|B eatt mp bonp and mp.bonp combe / % topll typnefie nip topne ano mp mplcfit. fTvO''il facafietb ?oJk 3ft Bib'. (Eate/peftcnbe0/b;pncHt?l&gt;t mttp/ &gt; pc belbueo. C ftbe t&gt;cr?cc oft}?.- &gt;Cbm $, 30 % tea* adept/ 9 mpbert toafipngt/l beaue tbe bopce of mp beloueb / toben be bnocbeo. 0pm tome (fapoebe)fiD mprpBtt/mp Imwmpoout/mp oeripnge: fo;mpbeabe 10 Cull of oetsc/ano toe locfies of mpbeartt ace tuuoftbenpgbto;oppe0. 3; ban e put of mp cote/boto can % bo ft on agapnei 1 baue toai&amp;e&amp;mp fete / boto (ball itpiett)nagapnef C&amp;bebopcc rf $c$tmb i "jjfsR'ng o' 'b?i3. Suttobenrnploueputmbisbanbattbe bole, mp bene toast moueo totoatbe bpm : f tgat'l uooebp to ope bntomp beloueo. fl^p banocg b;oppeb toitb jflppjw / 9 tbe 2p;rt rannebotonempfmgersbpon tbe loc&amp;.e&lt; uertbeieffe toben baD openebbnto mp beioueo, be teas epav tea anb gone bPS teape. 0oto ipse as af ope tpme toben be fpafce/ mp berte coube not longcc refrapne:&lt;2uen fo nctt l tougbt bpm/butg coube not fpnbe bttn^crpeobpSbpin/neuettbeleffebesaue menoanftotrt,

. CCiie COuabe cemft &lt; gnetJf of ?jss ptrfecuterg &gt;o tbe toatebmr n ttjat totnte about tbe citte foutioemt/fmoteme/ stoounbeb me: } u tbep tbat beptetbe toalies tout atoapt mpgatmentftemt. prbeBPowfefiefpeabfflj total fopanj/b';; I cbarge peutb f rfo;e, 3) pc oaugbterg of ^ctufaiem/pfpe fpnoempbeloueb/tbat pe tell b pm tjo to tbat J am fpcfe fo; lout. " &lt;f $% ncrer oftbe s3rp?i860g&amp; mo t0 ftp loue aboue otbec louet*/ tbou fap;e&amp; amonge toemeni :;.tobat can ftp loue oo/mo;e tbenotbetlouer0/ f tbou cbatgeftbafbOtaptelp: #Kje Gfmrcvt'aHfBjfsyaBe of ffcfft. 20fo;mploue/be!0tobpteanb rebbe co louteb/afpngulatpetfonne amonge manp tbottfanbesfcbtt beabe tit tbemott fme goloe/ tl&lt; e iocfies of bis bearre ate buffteb, fcorcne ass tbe euenpnge: lijisepes ate as tbecpe0 of boue0bptbetoatetb;ofte0/toafbentbmpI&amp;/ anb re mapnpnge m a prenteou0 place : ljjp0 &amp; tbrfies ate ip&amp;ea garotn be m tstjere fn tijt aspotecatf egpiste almanet of ftoete tbuigc: $10 lpppt0b;oppea0fbt floute0of f mos

p;mctpaii #p^e/bi0bart^atefurofgolbe tpnges 9 p;ectous f}one0.$i0bobp 10 as tbe purepuerp/becteoutt toitb Sap bttes-.ists Iegge0atea0tbepplet0 of #atbell/fetbp5 fosette0 of goloe : l|M0facei0 ag tibanup/ anb as Oft betotpeoftbe Ceb?e trees :i^s tb?ote 10 ftoete / pee be 10 altogctct loueip. &gt;ocbeonei0mpioue/fl) pebaugbtet0 of Jerufafem/focbe one 10 mploue. CSbsbopceof 'riie gijpnagoge fpealtogg o'tbpb'K3&gt;e, . lbftbtetbl?Iouegonetben(flDtbou fap;ea amonge tocmen) tobitb'er 10 ftp loue oeparteb/tbat toe map fefie bpm toitb t^ef;. C cacbovce ot tbe Cbutcbe. T loue tsgoneaotone into bfegat^ tlben/bnto tbe ftoete fmcllpngbete |loe0/tbat be map teftelft b&lt;m felfe itn tbe gatben/ 9 gatbet floute0.

&lt;9@p touei0mpneyanb % am but / tobttb tt&gt; 32 betb amonge tbe lplpe0. C.Cb'fifttoiiictCbutcbe. . . Cbou att pieafaunt ( mploue) euen ag louelpnefle i t felf /tbou art fap?e as 5j . erufa* lem/gio;tou0 a0 an atmpe of men/tt tbeie bannet0.( cutneatoape tbpne epe0 fro me/ fo? tbep mafie mefo p?oube.)cbPbeartf (ocbesatelpbe a flocbeof goates bpontbe mount of aiaab. cbptetb ate ipse a floebs of ftepe tbat be clpppeo/ tobtcbgo out of tbe toafljpnge place :tobete euetp one beateft) ttoo ttop0/an&amp; not one bnftu tcfttll am oge tbem.cb? ebebes ate Ipfie a pece of a pom* granate/befp&amp;e0 tbat,tobf cbfpetb bpotorfta* m.cbeteate tb?e fco?e Juene0.'fouw fco^ concub(ne0/apongetoementoftbout nom&lt; b)t. TBnt one ts mp boue/mp oeflfage. &amp;be is tbe onelp beloueb of bet mo tbet/a no beare S bnto bet tbat bate bet. IBbentbtbaugbtet* fa toe b et/tb ep fapbe/ Qje toa0 Ueflebifirt tbt flJuenes 9 concubpe0p;apfebbtt. CS? t&gt;opce of tbe &amp;ipHBcge. !@bati0 (be tbr'0/ tbat ptpttb out as tbe mo?npngf^fap;ea0tbemoone/erccntnta0 tbe funnt/glo;teu0 as an arm pe of me to 1 a) tbtttbaner0. clj? tbe ^pnagoge. 9 to mte botone into ttxnotte gaaen /fo fetobatgtetoebptbcb?obt0/to Wttt tbe btntpatbt flo?i ftto/anb pf $t pomgrana te0 toerelbotfo;tb. ecbebopccoffl)eS&gt;pnag6fte , m

cbentbe rbaretwof tbt'J&amp;jfnce of rap people mabe me footnlpatraptb. CCbe bnpee of tbe Cburcbe calipnge agapnetbe^piagcge^ curneagapne/funifegapne/ rticft ^uiamftt/tumeagaptJt/ninit cgapne.i toemaptofiebpontbt. be


*-$btM. Cbapttt. 3! cbarge pou/iptbaugbter0 of %eoti&amp; m t%m&amp;w 'i&gt;?i3gogg. lem/tbatpe toabenotbpmpioue/nettoucft Satpleafute bauepemojemtbt bet/tpHOjebecontentbetfelft,

&lt;S&gt; bote pieafaunt'ate tbp tteabpnge0 tt c^bt fcapce t \ fpoiue ues^e fpouf etar. tbpa)ue0/tt)oup;ue0DaugbteticbPtbtgf0 3 amtbefametbattoabebfte bpamoge js areipBeafap^eietoel/tobKbt0 to^ougbtbp tbeappietttes/tobete tbpmotbec batetbe/ aconpng too?bemaftet:bpnaueui0iifiea toberetbpmotbetb?ougbttbttnto too;lb, toabgoblet/tobicbi0neuettoi'tboutbn'nfir. 0jebtttcbtipeapJMofeiii-. bptoombe!Slpfieanbepeoftobeate/;fett fetmea0aftalebpontbpnebert/'anb aboute toitb ipiteS'-cb? ttoo b?cfles ate Wbe 80afealebpontbpneartne:fo?louet0mt gb* ^.ttoottopnnfsof pofigetoe0:^brnecbi0a0 tpeagtbebeatb/anbgeioufp a0tbebell.i9et ^ittoereatotoetofpuetpitbpneepesarelpSt coale0ateof fp^t/anoa betpflamme of tbe tbetoatetpoles m^ertbon/berpbcvpo;te tbat manp toatct0 atenot able to ofatb?abbim^b?nofei0 imetbetotoercf quecbe Ioue/netbecmape Oreamegbjoijnt jWbanuS/tobtcb lobetb totoatb ^amafcuS: .y ee pf a mS toolbe geueall tbe gooo of bt0 *

cbat beab tbat ftanbetb bpon tbe is ipbe boufe fo; ioue/be Jbulbt countett notbm ge, Catmeiube beattcof tbPbeaoei01pbe tbe ai$#t$ceik$3t:gr&amp; 5m|i-s.: : '

^ ; -^i'V V :.

!tabenoute!ouet0tdbtoutepounge ft

ISpgesputplefolbenbp in plate0, fl&gt;botofap?e? loueip arttbou/mpbeat* ... t ipnge/ fn pleafutes i&lt;&amp;fi Saftne IP ipftea aet/tobofeb?ece0 ate notpetg rotone/tobat bate tfee/anbtbpb?efte01pfienjegtapc0, qwlltoebobntobetf jfl'ia'-/&gt;: , "nfCpea&amp;!?ijgi , oftiie croiif, mUM^t^mx&lt;av^^.^\tK u Ifapbe: 3 topllclpmmebp into tbe bate ttee/anbtafte bolbeotbi0b^uncbc0.

f f e be a toan/ tot (bail bupftt a fpiuet ooltoeecfietbet bpon:pf Cibea totoetytoc ftaa fatten b toitb bo;bti0 of Ceb?ettrt. Cb?b;ette0alfi)lbalbe a0 tbe bpoe gta* i^ttat(iM)usttitoec^iiiEtr^ pt0/ftefmeu of tbpnoftreis Ip&amp;ettje fmell 2f3btatoall/mpb?ettesU6etoto?e0/ ofapple0/^tbptb?oteipfietbebeae topne. ftynamg asoneftatbatbfounoefauourt i)te albepute^ cleate fo; mp loue / bpP fa bi0fpgbt. lippeganbtecbtbaHbauetbeirpieauire. mtimviwm&gt;mmw^:mm?&amp;.&amp;

Cbete topiig; tutne mt btito mp loue/^ be ftalltumebpmbntomt,. CH 4":&gt;5S^S ipf alii!? to Cb;iii.

^alomobab a bpnepatw at ffiaal^a mon /tbi0 bpnepatbebelpuetebbebnto tbe fiepet0:tbat euetp one fo?tbe ftutt tbetoe

ad come on mp loue/ let b0 go fo;tb into Qjulbegeuebimatboufanbpecepoffpluer,

^tbefelbe/anbtabeoute lobginge in'tbebpi* lage0.3in tbemompng topil toe tpft bptp=


me0/anbgofetbebpnepatbe:pfitbe fp;oge tbtattjoufanb/anbttoobunb;etb totbtbe fo;tb/pf u&gt;egtape0 begrotone/ ?pf mep5' petsoftbe ftute, cboutbat btoelleft i nrte gtanates be u)ot out.^ew topflg geue tbe gatben0/flD let me beate t^p bopce/ tba trroi mp b;ettes: tbete ffiall ftt ^anb;ago;as ccmpanpon0maptbetsmtotbtfamt.

geuetbeitfmell befpbe outebo;e0:tbeve/ mp loue/baue % fiepte bnto tbt all maner of frutfS/botbnetoanbolbt. sj,&lt;bapttt. ibatUmpgbtfpnbe tbttoftbotrt/ anbbpie tbe/tobom I loue as mp tootbettobwb fucfite mpmotbtt* Eb;ettt0:nbattboutooioettnotbe ottenbeb/pf Utobe tbe/anbb;ougbt 'tbe into mpmotbersboufe-.^tboumpgbteft teacbe me/ana tbat^mtgbtgeuetbeD;inbeoffpi* cebtopne i of m ftoete fappe of mp pom* granatt0.$i0 left banblpetbbnbct mp beab anbbi0tpgbtbanbttmb2acttb me. 02$!&amp;9WtO((fctfit.

i&gt; gettbeatoape/mplout/a0atooo; apongebettbntotbeftoett fmellpngemoum tapne0.

Banttof :jBaette0 of Salomon/ caoebin&amp;atpnt cantfcumcanttco^mt.


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CC Cap f&gt; ,; epos cictfi t i&gt;a t tfie anger of &lt;3ot&gt; all to ms bpanjecufalemlKcanfc oftyrts fpnnrs. befp?ftCbaprer. i|cp?opDccpofeto^tlje tonne of amos/tobiebbefte* toCbbDonSiibaalemCalem: g;n| a *time of "stHiab/foa* tbam/3iba?/anb gebesetuab ...&gt;.,.., __J6pnges of %m, mm* rtsp.w t^-witjeaulijttfien &gt;earn&gt;y'fo;f )Lo?Drpeaftett): anaio fte. 9- 3 tjaut 1 wo.;i3)ebb?ougbtbpcbplDjen/anb SfiSEE tbep * falisatoapefro meJn ojee Imotoetb KB V*&amp;&lt;o$/$anMebisma&amp;ets fetttt9fr Miic&amp;. raeltfiMaefl) notbpnge/mppeopiebatb no 35 bnberluing.ailas fo; fyig fpnfull peopled ta)tti tobpeb ase sfljerte in blafpbempcs / a fro. ?.*.'"' toat0 senerarfon/bimatural! c^plo?e . cbep K &amp; auc ** *&amp; e "do^oe/ tbepbaue pjouo* c#ci)e Seas fieOfte Sjioip one of Jfmel bnto anget / ? are omfett t^gonebscftfcjatb.tJi^rafo?efl)uiDeKoe pla*

wvMW'tttijtuimmti $ oi pe are euet fallpngea* aSSST" 9WM&amp; iotjole &lt;* beabiS rrc&amp;/ 9 tbe tjerte X jfwm rtie tt berpbeu^ffrom tbe fole of fote bnto &amp; . toju.*c. aQatfirfl&amp;j ipw fcno to&amp;ole patte fo all poute te &amp; mom bobp:feis aH.are toounbes/botebes / fo;rs 9 Sffffi Htf/*il(| can netbet be belpeb/bounbe waaiMM bp/molifpea/nereafebtoitb en? cpntment. '. f oisre ian&amp;e ipetB toaae/^oure cptt'esare ttitfjat w went bp/poureenempeSbeuourepoure lib/ twe* people/ anbpeswuftbefapneto Canoe /an&amp;Ioftebpo J!r l SS e b Pftt fe&gt;ft WDerotote/auftmew w&lt;tft enemies vrm.o. ftta&amp;atteu. fl^eouet'nbebatigbtetof i*c&amp;e ma, ^ 5fe&gt; !gft sl0W J ? 6c a C0te 8 c fo a binepata Ber'of tijs ti&gt; Ip&amp;e a toa&amp;c&amp;oufe m tpme of toatre / ipfie a pmteiB^omt befegei}cptig,3nb ejeepte Jlo?b of fcolles &amp; al te * &amp;ab leftbS a f eto aipue:toe flmlbe bane bene K * wfa a* &amp; Mooma/anD Jpae bnto &lt;5omo;ra. b/menamcof fymfbrntifKot $ tt-ojbpe tpjauntes fitiuigece ana of f *^- ob^iiia-.anD^erftm bnto tbe latoe of in wbtmxk mice oxiO/^ou people of omozra . lbp MP0Oa)IC nfffe -,; : anii Carvvtnrett htifnmr -&gt; Blum


jrtj(aiieti)iwani)to-i| fatneffeof febbeafles .g&amp;aueno |omste.* (.pieaftfix a$$e Wouoe of buHoc&amp;es/ lambes s*L w ^ an&amp;gc&lt;6rsW@ben?eapeatebefo?eme/ta)bo ntiu tt to^aup^yt'OHtotteaDetoitbinnippowbeis^ miHi tiie oe K c ass no mo oblacions/ f 0? ft iss but lo tt 6( fpfuii na* about - : a| rsbbo?w?oure tncefej mape not 2n'toJoe atoapi^si^ourenetomooneS/poureS&gt;ab=

ht E w **** Sbtenww aares .youw fattpng^ *W fMhce ' awaffo&amp;i f&gt;apie. -Ibatepoute netoe bolp tasan ammo Bapes s- 3a ^Kinge&gt;j/euen fto inp berpbewe, !{. cbe? siiitjfie me 'meets / 3! can not abgue

t&amp;em.c6oi!gbpeBo!ocoutpowe&amp;Soe$/trt tutne 31 mpne w&amp; ftom soujnotbougb pe i6M!M maSemanpp^aFeW/fetbearegi notbpngat at.i&gt;i.b.anBi aH/*fo??ouiebanDe9arefullofblouoe. W'** iaft) pou/mafie poucleane/putatoape" 8 poute oieu fyougbte* out of mp fpgbt/ceafe ftom Dopnge of euell anbblolenee. JLetne to Do tpgbt/applpe poute f elues to equpte / be* ipuectbeopp^efleo/ belpe tbe fatbetieffe to btSJtpgftt/let topootoe( complapnt e come before pou.j9otD go todapetb tbe totWflw b&gt;pn tal6e togetbet . %$ it not fo i cuougu poure fpnnes bea^teab as fcatiet /Ojal tiiep not be tobptet tben fnotoe i anct tbougb tbep toete libeputple/ftal tbep not be lifie tobite tooHefasf it not fof ff pebeloupng anbobe opent / pelbaueniopetbe bett tbpnge tbat gjotoetftin ttjeianoe.iSutpf pe beobttinate 9 rebellpoug/ pe Ojalfceoeuoute!) bjptbtbe ftoewetfo? t&amp;us.tbe )U?oe batb p;ompfeblio bis atone moutft. * ^otobappenetb it tben tbat cpgbtuous s co mine cptie(tobptbtoas5fiill ofequpte)i?be comefnucrmtoii;cr' bnfaptbfuHasantobo?e;wgbtuoufn^toett^.''*'; 0, ' l ^ c in it/butnoto muxtbuv. * ibP MAMSSSSmS tutneo to Dt o ae, anb tbp topne m wc t U to a u c me t&gt;euenip tet.cbppjpncesare traptoutisanb compa^ojoeofffioa^ npon? of tbeueji. cbeplouegpfte0aItoge to ?" 1 P 1 ^ tbet/anb f oloto tetoatbeg. M fo? m father- 2SffiS* iw/tbepbelpebimnottobPStpgbte/netberuEtouCneacascs toplltbepietttbe topbotoes mm comebf-ttiircij iDpngs fo?e tbem.cbetfo?e fpeaftetb ,tbe )Lo?b ob *jpfc of ^ottegp mpgbtp one of aRaebSb a mua JJ eaf e me of mpne enempes / anb a benge m e ^o^, , n'a. bpontbem.ainbtbetfozelbaH gjlapempbib motet tm bpontbe/anbbuineouttbp b?offe from tbenot/bc?sftp, fpneaanbpureft/anbputouteall tbe leab/ anb fet tbp lubgeu agapne agtbep toere fonttpme/anb tbP^&gt;enatoursastbep toere from tbe begpnnpnge.cben (baft tbou be talleb rpgbtuouscptpe/tbefaptbfullcptpe. Xtot &gt;ion albetebemeb toifi^ equpte/'anbber captpuite toitb rpgbtuoufneffe. Jf o? tbe trsrgceCoiirs anb bngoblp / anb focb as are be

comebnfaptbfunbntotbe)U&gt;;b/muftaltO' geftet be btteflp bettropeb. . Jnb eccepte pe be affiameb of ofie trees toberin pebaue fo belpteb / anb of tbe gar* bestbatpebauecbofempeQialbeasanofie , tobofe leaues are fallen atoape/?as a garbe tbatbatb no mopaneae . Inb as fo? tbe gio* tp of tbefe tbpnges lit Cbalbe tumeb to o?pe aratoe/anbbetbatmabe tbemto a fparfie, 3Dnb tb ep ffiall botb butne togetbet / fo tbat; no maa walbc able to quencb tbem. * Cfflf tie cSmjnge ani) tirctlj offf|n'S;an6 of t&amp;e cat* ln0cof(&amp;ceca^emi


m mm

3fmtfale/$ Sfuua* %\)t ^mW


% rsT^fflweouertytsiS etoo?be tea? tbe iaa oajes: (sMffl Hmo?/bpon Juoa 3 lerofalem, ft bv wtjici) is co SJagaMtogH be alfo a *m p;oeeae of tpme: HMgSl batebplitobere the boufeof e JLo?m S$ &amp;5* buplbeb/ftall be ecbefe amonge ftrtlcjs/ mpn&amp;/ f torn and waited about alllptlc bfllesJnd all W t&amp;K onto &lt;bejjjeaenanp;eacebntobim/9emultp* em MWf tube of people all go unto bim/fpeaBp nge 52?iS&lt;Ni " e t0 anoer:bp/lett bsc go to W mi m am om cob-.tftat be mape etee bs bt's toape, 8 ttjac places- toemapetoalcBeinbiSpaes.ffo; ,ri iatoe .** BJ f' f ftaii come out of &gt;ion/ 9 e too;be of 00ft S tttafoalS fro 3etufalem/9 allgeue fentence amoge r 0; tt)e comaru tbe $eaen/anb all refo;me e multr'tu* oemfK8.iiuta! eoepeopJe: [ *^)0 gepall b;eaBe (bete

SrSffi ftoet ^ 9fparr/toma6ecpytpcles9rab* foKS *&lt; 0o tpme fo; al not one people S es j tiiacBsf/ ipftbp toeape agapna another/ neer all gcupBe0/Jfo; tbep leatnetO ft'gbt ftOltl ti)ttt$f 0;.3jt iS to an t^at is t ^ e tjjatg 1 , crpe(&gt; boufe of Jacob ) bp/letbS oSe om toalc6einelpgbt of Ac juvoe. Uut thou tcdament. art fcatteb ab;obe tog p pcople(&gt; boufe t* 0 f t&amp;cp of |acob) f 0; pe go farre begonoe poure fa* ftau lueast ers/tobeer it be in &gt;o;cerers (tobo pe SSL852S baueastbepbBmesbad! 0; in earners of 5S2 mens bp;tbes/toberof pebauetomanp. as

anb bp 5 all Btonge toaii es/bpo n an rppeg of e fee- ano bp on euerp tbtnge at is glo* tf ous ano pleafauotto lefie bpon. 3n&amp; it Qtall b?mge botone the m &amp;e of man / a lape mans p;etumptuoufne(re full Iotoe/anb ttje 3Lo;oe {baU onlp bane tfjebtcto;pinatbap e . j8uttbe9Doisallbtter= ipbe rotebout. fltDen aU ctepeto to boIeS, of&amp;one/ andintocauesofthe ear/ from* 3 eCpgbtoftbefearfulltubge/anD ftome glo;p of bis msgeft? : tobat tpme as be ail mafiebimbptoa&amp;etbeeattb.&lt;iben en/ allmScaBatoapebiSgobbes of fpluetanb golbe(tobubbeneuereiesbabmabetohonoutee)&amp;nco flUoles anb38acBes:thatbe m m better ctepe into tbe caues 9 tocBes/ anointotfieeltftesofbarbaones/ from tije tpgbt oftbefeatfuUiuoges fto tbeglo;Eof ^tS 2agcttp, G&amp;e]&gt;;spl)tCKty that aitfie tommjngof ^!i8 Ml ftv-emjet) J potoft CpaUbc put fo?t^ of jUPft. ecbe.iii.CbapKt. t&amp;erp man can efebue a petfone3! moueoin angecy fo? tobat ootb be to? f e ipf (uen fo ail tbeH&gt;o;oe oC 9oSes cafe e atoave f t om J erufalE aluoa/aii potROions 9 potoet/allmeatanb Diincbe/tbecaptasneafte fouDpare/ tub*

? of m w foone as poure lanoe teas full of fpluer ana ge 9 tfee p?opftete/tbe top fe 9 tbe ageo man/

mtmf n* golBe/anunoenaeofpoiu-etwarute-.roCoone tbetoo^ftipfulloffptieBeaieolbe/ 9tbebo oc Wm*W asroiire lana teas fun of ttroge Boifes s no no?able:tbe^enatours/ anbmt n of bnbet .'cfin-rnwau en e off owKc^awtteiK^mittWafli teas it BanDing:tbemafts of oaf test 9o;atours. oft&amp;cfapti;fi:fiiHof|oolsalfo/euetoo?c^ofpoiireatone 3nti3aUgeue tmffltbmio be poute iDiijcft n&gt;pac# bab?/ tobid) pe poute feiu^ baue facioneo/ 9 P;pnces(fapetb t be %ofiD9 babes allbaue fect^it not p'pourefpngctsijauemabe.^&amp;etefineletbt tbeculeofpou.neaHeuecbebopn gbt'os SKfiin'J' mS/tbere f alletb tbe ma ootone beo?e WW ience anb to?onge toanotfjet.c fie bope an Ss ^ t^oucaanotb^ingebtmatoapeftotbece, pjefuraeagapntttbeelbet/anbtbebplepes* totcncions C anbt^etfojegettbefooneintofometocb/ Ioneagapnftbono;able.Feoneantafte tttifc scsat^apoe^emtbegcouDeftot fpgbtofffea^ afrenbeofbisatoneBpntebbp ebofeme/ 52, S5.KS1K fulliuoge/9 fto tije gio?p of bis fl&amp;ageate: anbfape:*tboubaa clo tbpng/tbou alt be t - hlrf tt wsSuS W*W tbebigbioses of p;e* ouwbeab/ fo^tboumapeftBepe bS ftotbpS rt " u ?tte tS ano aiifaut jc fumptuous pei'f onn es; 9 typngetb lotne tbe fall anb pareil. tec appacrtae ti-aftes/tD^c^pjpbeof man/9beonlpaiiteejcaltebin bcnallbefb3eareanbfape:3:cannoti v gtm g g** tft F ma ?!bape . jfo? tbe * oape of tbe torn of i^oOes Jtlpe pou.3ojeouet/ tf eetc isnetbet meate KflKS K'S all go ouet all p^pbe 9 pjefumpepon/ bpo m clotbpngeinmpboufe/ mafie menotuSSffiSS o'^caifoto.toailtbetbatejaltetbefelues/ 9all b?pnge lecoftbepeople, &lt;}fo?5feru falem anbiuiwSiftatftf tocm ; tofttij tbemallootone:bpoaBbPgb9ttoute f *Ce* muftbecape/becaufetbatbotb tbe fe teOj b ;wc}W ^pna is fpani' b?e ttees of WbanuS / anb bpon all m obes 9 councels ate agapntt tbe Ho;be / tim W&amp;V&amp;i. If* , ' 8 rUSt' ofJBafan/bponallbpgbbJHes/anbbpoail uofie tbe defence of bPS mageftpbnto ^ SgSffli , mnM ttoute mountapneS/bpon all cottlp totojes/ ger.cbe cbaungtnge of t&amp;tt countcnannce ^twraaS

fpcitsi fntoeo^ beto?apetl)tbe/ peetbepbeclare tbeit ateie'jcRftiim oosna ftecin atco;b?ns fo ie counrei of *. taaui^pch fa^tfi-ief fpnnes tbemXelueS/ afS tbe &amp;obomtes/anb ^iint6atftolc.actenomoai;e/6utlrtl|iinratl)ct:laljoutctet)i8 fiSara ht*efh C mno t IDObebntOtBeftCoiirp*; foi fomc 8 ooi)tl).ti S .fDemare9auctagtuei)ntogim?.waatt!j.epb.nw ^S^S^SS^Ss?SS^t^. HW **v* off toiO'ionoc aapt off tuttiuoscmf Wn tatfeUBU Jb*P a w bieip wtoaroeb.c ben almes pjourtl) tlje coftitnte of euctp mS/ftctopng gim fclft a mC iuiige: as Tape: fea ppfe ate n)egOblp / fo? tbep map* itisfjauteoofff^a.sf&gt;aia.ig.a.utto5oraa?cai)poet^caascof em'opetbeftutesoftbei tftubifS.JSuttoobe tfrnam otDct place: tonfoie fjamfictii fte ttiet*p# moll &amp;&amp;* 5 , S5H5H5 WOrttWCBW. mppeo C tf p;tacT*nilacs.tie.j:u,raiK alfof jofuaoucctbato/as pe ccaae ple/^tpbaubfSOPP^eO e tbe/9 iSCmenbaue *** !? 3fotu.^.6mi!!Jiabrottilmtt.3tisanl&gt;pUm$p;fa.aRmf,tf.c mjeoft&amp;e, ' SmBSB ntj

Smitttii tbe fiDrnppeopIe/tbpleabetSbfceauetbe/9 wwcoatee* oftreabe out tbe ape of tftpfotefteppes . cbe pjcdf s j pk' ^b is Uete to comen of tbe matter/ 9 Can K \i ISHS5W&gt; Bw iubgmenttoptb tbe people . SKSr&amp;cbe&amp;oae allcomefo^tbto teafontoptb ftfbttkiie!anotbe^enatoui;S9PapncesofbSpeople/anb aiitbstacc oe/jjjajifajjetbuSbntofljem'.Jttspe tbatbaue prate ef: bnvntsjpmpbpnepatoe/tbetobberp of tbe IhTSe a6Poo;c is in poute boufe.lbetfo?e bo pe op. MMiciH9 &lt;c p;effc nippeople/anb matte tbe faces of tbe puaciftes ibe miiocentesf tbuS all tbeob of l^ottes re' W' ,( D: "??upietbem. ^^faicip ^weottet tbuS fapetb iLo?be:S&gt;einge Sas tw feiuto Daughter* of %\o ate be come fo p;oube / MDcfpicituaii: anb cowe in int'tb fttetcbeb out necbes / anb juaij am ioitbbspnetoanton epes-.fepnge tbep come ^ffihintt?pp?iig&lt;tott8celpriibtbettfetRCbet Knu/re tiSP fow aU tbe ^o?beauc tbebeabeSof ngoie ( as daughters of &gt;ion / 9 mahe tbeit betotpe the? can it) bare in $ bapc. f n that oape all the fcoj&amp;e t*ffls^ tm-atomHwiwtmt of tbeitapparrll/ flSSf K 9 fpangeg/eliepnes pattlettes/anb coiares/ liof pa: ana bjace!ett^ sbooues/ g^oblp floureb topee to not fo feanc^b;ofteebm?ment/b^u*es 9 beabbanbes/ .f^m^'tpngesanbgatlanbes/bolpbape clothes 8 rtSts bales, txmm Eippnnes,glaafS9fmocRy i M . f ffc . /g . bonetteS.anb tacbes.

Sm 36nb in Seabe of goob fmen ere aibe wen m*/ ft ttpncfi amonge em, 35nbfo;eir gp?blcs . m tWtonttlw albe lotofe bartbes . 3nbfo? toelifett wiat&amp; ^atrc there albe balbnefle .in tteabe of a ptv o;m.u&gt; aomachet/afach clo / 9 fo; tbeit betof p tbjunijpre is topiftcr$neffe9fonnebutnp!tg.beirbcurs tytitwt cen* &amp;anbf js spD erempghtpe men all perp ?o"lSt ; ^therv i5 etbeinbatell. 1Wet6etiJecbec5pia?2rt?iliiKl/ o? maciagcnma&amp;c;o?micome to the cable of tljcfLo&amp;cMytfyct fye tytb bztytytcb/O} ^eacrDbu* tyti/t'wz is cuec route "ujijac rcqup.ica. Jfurtijecraoace ttjrp ate not oiaipaccnfeatoUcrourtoufe^biitaiCotolictoemen/t^tiB/rffctny* wtc 1 toomaip:bccanfe if^fi moaft fpitffdp 91 pOt Ip fpen&amp;c toaftr ,5/ Wtcb^ep'oaucfccape'j^Uicfgeluig^oKcc/smoftnaugftticfncio?. fftCoftantt^lwatooirtoEmcHifl tomabet&amp;f confounficO ana IQiiimtO/'fo; it 10 nCj^ii . ty avoaml to be Onue. i Co:, rua. ^30 ttjat 1jeja:op^ctctjerljpfpga^ctft/^alio?otoetifpcaciif/tSattScilo;fte failmahcfbeaaugijtctsoJ:^toncliptot)icbnDecaan6c/fl)etoeme .' of3ucpe)cohfounQcDs a^anwb/* b;?ogtl)f toertwmcaauecfvtieiE fouertpe/* cucntonougl)C5oCcpEjuamahctI) mencpon tfaat 3?rtrv flftnifityfefi teas ttj? cljew i'pi&lt;ct&amp;erof/\B3^ onw fofaincfflfO ttjat a clftoom^oPtljecpticatelei'att)ncc^UJ.^Hrcit/fometinOcrllanQ 8u? ijece aiCobp p Oaugf;fei-0 of fepo/t je totsnes^pllagcsy $ caftcU&amp; *f liionyie ltOotfjem bca&amp;e tftcn fpgnifpein t&amp;c^criptuPfS. 3B (ON t5t?t oimcn.tig.toem5 Ocfpje to 5ue oncinl

tf 5-^1 almon r/ tea cSpiapvte^ tea. f c no( * *rt] tbe fou.

*- 1

v complapne / atbep all fptt as ^f&amp;e&amp;rtatefolcfebpS featth.^^hen

*MM) all feue ropues taBe feoioe of one paVof&amp;att" pc*man/t5t3itCt!peitoetopiiiapeall oure meate wflw toptt) tbe anb flo^pnge together in comen/onlp toe KSfiS&amp;HV te "*Mh bJfneS/ 9 at is ame* at of fen* f uB WBft "'ape be tafte f com bS.Hif tet at tmih e ttu tpme all e [ *b;aficb of 5 JLo;b be betotp* Mi tbe place fullanijtjiffihtfe/a tbe frute of eartbat 5SBS8 bt fm ^ m(mnt fo; *ofeafraelites tW

fljaHCpjmget^wf^enHJallt^rmmaHtfo e| itea *n&gt;ion? ^eremnauncatgtmralembetoao te&amp;jpmec caueo QOI| aiameli? all t ocft a3 ace tofftten a* S^ffil^ mongec^c Ipupig at genittteim uuat tjme*^SVf ^ a? tl) e'JLb :D e 0) all ftaty atoaje tfte Cefolacto us $*u be d-&gt; oft^cfiaug^tecfiof^io/^poiitgc fbiouDe arcw&amp;*nota out fto?;emfalete tlje tovnoe oE^fmofic 9 ma ^J?^ ft;e.o^ouecbp5allewilii?ngeoftfteM bfiiof^tonano&amp;pontljm toljou congtes atrmoucuc/ gacion/ftaHt^)Lo?Dp?oufaea cloubeanbpf tbe people fmofiebpoaje/ anDt^eftvnpngcof aflanvj! c not J2f&gt; mpnge f ??e bp mgOt:f 0? all mnt glo^ (Dal, ^Jffijrt Dep^ftrucD^ntiSmiralc ajaHbcataUcr^ii.wpueo ?c naciefo;afljaiotoebecaufeoE^emDaje^^&gt;^ nln 3 tpmc/aplaceanDtEfugcto^creamantnafcw^e^c^ fapcljmt fo;toet^cranDtapne, ffi"ft{ t beir &amp; 3tif b a 3 cs/lr.! t tbe r (ball come fo c be a fbartencs of men / p t bt : be Caat fo: eucrp^uftlj toomfi one mS^ocbc a nangbtet ftaltbcc Uif few mi ft) si t nnaync^ j v teems (bail beb;ougbt in (0 captiuitic. ( * V tbis D;au!u!)e cntirvaaii&amp;r baft. i cbe.b.Cbapter. Cf CbJift anb biBijiuepacDe/toptb an ryccracpotl of couctuuCncs anb of O;oncbnes. m to toeu then ;% topll fpnge mp beloueb frenbe a fonge of b'S bp* neparbe.fl^p beloueb frenbe bath fa bpneparbe in a berp frutefuil plenteous grounbe.h&lt;Sbebebgeb/tbpsbe toaliebrounbeaboute/ 9 plSteoittogooblp grap5.|npmpbbeftofitbuplbebbeatoto?e/ anbmabe a*topnep;effetberin.ainbaffet= a * g? f 5* toarbe tobmbeiobeb tttmt\&gt;m&amp;mVS$tl' grapes/ ft brought fo; o;nes. ^totm anoint mt potonoto mp caufe(i) pe Cptpfens of lent* ncvocfl of tbe falem 9 tobole Juba-.)3uoge3 p;apepou be wjk of &lt;%

ttoirte me/9mpbinepatb.ihatmo;e coulb m ( p c *b u "9 baue bene bone f o; in at 5 banc not bonef lberfo;eenhatbitgeueutho;neS/tobere Sloaea tobauebabgrapesofiti ?ell/5 alltellpouboto^tombitoi 35 mp bineparae-.l toill tafie the *&amp;* oge fro it/ u p- tbe that ft mage perp/9 b;eafte botone toall/ hebgc # ju.hi is that it mape be ttoben bnber f ote.gj topll lape w * '^ ' it toaae/g it all netber be ttoittebno; cut/ 5 ffi^ butbeare o;nes and b;eares. gitopHalfOtoitijtbe^opiB fo;bpbtbeclouces/tbatepffiallnotrapneofoa(toi::(t&gt; bpon fo? tbe bpneparbe of the 1 o;b of talle s tll - c *'' $ottes it is the boure of gfrael/a tohoie 3u- SSlt ba bis fap;e olantpnge.flDf tbefehe lofieb fo; pairco aboutf # equpte/butfetberetsto;5ge:fo?rigbtuoufcoefeiiacB. neffe/lo/jt is but mpferp. lo bebnto pou g iopne one bdttfe to ane* tber/9b;pngeonelanbe fonpgbbnto ano* tber/tpllpe cangeenomo;egroimbe . IDpH ^ pe btoell bp5 the eat alone ; cbe lc;be of* $ottesrotonbe meusinmpne eare:al not manp greater a mo;ego;gios boures befo toaae; $ noma" aldtoeliinttc; afna ten afiersof bpmSalgeuebuta;ffiuarte/ anb,rtr.bueis of febe aligeuebuttb;e. lo be bnto em at rpfe bp e atipto bfe em felues in b;oncfiennes/anb pe taf 93 M. npgbt

- ];::-;

- #

npgbt aw mo?efuperftttoug toptb am.'in tbofe eompanpes ate bat peg anbliitrss/ta* tyettesanapppes/anbtopne. Suttbtpre* gatoe not tbe tto?c6e of cue "jtojoe . ana com fpa?enott&amp;e operation of bt'sbanoes. flcbet* ^fo?ecommetbmpfol8 alfo in captpuite/be* faufetbepbauenobnaerttanapnge. cbeft gio?p Qjaibe mp#e toptb hunger / anb tbeft p?pae malbe matrebfo?tbp?&amp;e. c&amp;erfo?e gapetbbell/anbopenetbjjet moutbmatue*

lous topoe: tbatp?pae/ booflpngeana topf* bome/toub focb a? reiopfe tberin/ mate oefc ccnbeintott. Cbus man man baue a fail/ Be malbe bjougbt f otoe/a bpgb lofies of tbe p?oube lapoe aotone.Sut me kiwoe of $oOes i mat bolp &lt;S5oo-.Qjalbe ocalteD * bntoucbeb/ toben ' be mail Declare brs equate anb tpgbruouf* nefle after tbigf maner-.c&amp;en Q^g ^ Ia mbr^ eate tbeft apopntea foaer/fr mall feac plen* teoudpfu t&amp;e moutapnes.nao be bntobapne pert ones/tbat a?ato e topebeanes bnto cbe7 astttoeretottbacoo?ae:sfpnne/asittoere ttacattrope.asbftbbfetofpeaBeontbpS maner:let bint mafie bafte noto/anb go f o?tfj toftb &amp;ps too?cfie/tf)at toe mape fe it. jlett cotinceuof tbe bolp one of gfraei come/ ana b?atoe npe/ tbat toe mape finotoe it . # ii3obebntotbemtl)atcalleueHBooo/- ^goob euen : tobtcb mane batcfineffe lpgbt/fr Ifg&amp;tbarcbneOe /tbat mafie fotoet ftoete/ ana ftoete foto et.l o be bnto tbem tt)at ate topfein tbeft atone fpgbt/ anbt&amp;pnclte tbem

Clje $?oplftQ&gt;

chert atotoes aie (Batpe / anb tbe ft botocg bent.cbeir bo?fe t)oof0 ate Ipse flpnt / anb tbeft carttobeles line a tto?mp toinae.ftbeft crpe is as ft toere of a ipon/ anD tbe roatpng of tbe" ipfielpons tobelpes.Cbcp roaliroa?e/ anb bantcb bp tbe p?ape; anb no mS all re&lt; couet ft o? get ft from tbe. Jn tbat bape tijep (ftalbe fo f earce bpon tbem/ ass tbe fee. ana pftoelofiebntotbelanbe/betjolse/itCbaJbe all aarcfineffe anb fo?otoe.gjf toe lobe to bea* uetn beboibe / ft malbe batcfi toptb carefuil befpetacpon. Cfifapfstue t5 i glo:pcof tbe o;a:/ anS teas Cent to pioptjetpc tl)p Of f olacson of 3rpr .

$ tbe fame pearetbatSpnge &gt;a ,5iabDprb3;ratoe*tbe)Lo?befpt=a*r5ntf;fo,

ting bpo anbpgb 9 glo?ious feate/ RfifSSi J ana&amp;ts ttapne f plleo palace,5fro SSSA aboueflabtea tbeg&gt;erapbmj8/tobetof euetp fuii teu c&gt;pb one babfpr topnges . ipcb ttoapne ecb c o-- moa fefi uereobP8 3 *face/toptbttoapnebiS fete/ana *f afS -f M &amp;e toftftttoapne bpabeflpe.fc&amp;epcrpeaalfo ecb ffi ffi onetootbei;ontbisimane:;bo!pbolpbolp/igcawf.hjaio: ? )Lo?b of f tobole too?ia is full of* cjibu. &amp;; &amp;?SgIo?p. yeettjc geattes anb bo?ecbefies # moiteb at tbeft crpenge / anb tbe boufe toag b * ^J* fuiioffmofie. benf, fapoe: too 10 me.ER?Si*g* jf m i toa* aflonpflKb : tbat| ( tobpet) am a Sweltiw man of bncleane ipppeg/anb otoeil amonge s ' *fytw people tbat fjatt&gt; bncleane Iippess airolftulD 'i^ 8 " * te tbe iftpng anb)Lo?be of mm toi'tb mpne gajL feiuegtobauebnoetftanbpnge.aaobebnto epes. StwEaasSe, tbem/tbat ate connpngemen to fuppe oute ben fietoe one of tbe ^eraprjmis bnto cau ft iiiat iip topne anbeypecteto fett bpb;oncfienneae. me/baiipngeabotecoleinbi0banDe/tobpcb'^ faCD 'if^ Cbefe geue fentence toptb me bngoblp f 0; be bab tafien ftom ttje aulter toitb V ^e tow- toe "Sffi tetcatoegs / but conbempne ttje tuft caufe of ge( 1 anb toucbeb mp moutb / anb fa poetlo/ C . "X tbe (pgbtuouss. tbpis batb tboucbebtbpmoutb/anb tbine bn- kinm$ to C8etfo?e ipse as fp?e Ipcbetb bp Sratee/ tigbtuoufneg is taben atoape/anb tbp fp nne "jawm u?isc anb a? tbe flame confumett tbe ttubble:iiEuf ' f o?geuen, J'ftei; tbiS 3 be tbe tbe bopce of ti)e ^"'i^r, fo ( totjen tbeit to tete full / ) ttieh; bloffome %ojoe taftpnge abupfement on tbpss rnancf. S !m QiaHbanpflj atoape IpBebuft o^ fmone : fo? lbome mall | fenbe / aiibtobotoplbe ou re 5j6i&lt;.8. tbepbefppfe latoe of tbe 7Lo?b of ^ottejj/ meflaunger^ccben % fapae-.bere am H/f enoe anbbIafpbemetbetoo;beoftbe bolpmattet me.ano Cobe fapbe-.go/anb tell tbp people: cf Ifrael. * pe allbeate m me 1 but pe mall not bn- m&amp;A ^ b

# cbetfo?ets5tbeto?atboftbe%ojbRpnb' betaDe/p.eroaHpianelpfe/?notpetceaue,^ tl lo. . rtffl . Bnwhc ^lebalfoagapnabi2people/anbbe [ *a)aftet&amp; ^atbentbebatteoftb ftipeople/floppetbeitftuc.jup. ctcbfo;tb b^banbeattbem-.peebemallfmptefo/tbat eare0/fljuttbeit:epe?/tbattbepfenot toptbacfti.W9.A ^ts^ana at t^/tbebpUe? mall tremble. 3nbtbeir fiarcafe? tbetr epefrbeare nottopt b tftert tvm 1 $bn 3""!: f r tsfop?oupat all ipein tbe opfnfltete0/lpBemp;e . 3f beraanBe^ottoftbtbe^rbettcJ!/an bc5uerte a ' ra * p, *J?*L r Sxftetalltt)ii/tbeto?atbofE:obmalnotceaiTe/ anbbebealeb. . BKuouft?fo butbemanflretcbb^banbetopberJnbbe benfpafie^Xo?Be/botolongefbean= w pon?* $1 fa ftall gpue a toben bnto a fltaunge people/ ftoett btbntpll tbe cptpe js be btterlp toptbout tum i*nnt6.anbcallbntotbemfaatamcofitte:an&amp;be' tnbabptourji, anb tbe boufes toptbout men/ ^'""''fi'bolbe/tbepmallcomebaflelptojtbrpetie. tpntbelanbebealfoDefolate/lpebnbHp I etrtcB* fo ? ia Cbetet'g not one fapnt no? febieamoge tW W, iffo?tbello?bemallta fietbemenfai'' i)i9 9anae/toeononotaaogpfl)no?flepetpperfone. rbere teatoape/ fotbat tbelanbe ma ltlpetoatte. tojii topics/ ffiall not one of ttjem put of tbe gpjole from jSeuertbeles/cbeten tbe parte mall remap* vttua&amp;m* 8i3iopne0/ne;lotofetaeftlacbetofbigmue nerbenn/fo?ft(ballconuerteanb befrufe fiiil ' -


fhri ShNMdMftf tbe cetebpnte^ anb met ms \&gt;jm fom taef* &gt;/ f all cbeboJpfebebaueftute.

Sipe,p:iaiismoBe battel! agajntt Jfjoftfcnu jwatnljaUteawatb'sIO*. Cbe.bii.bapter. \ ^l ! tbe fonne of gioatbam/ toUpctj teas w sea run M m t1 ' C fon " C 0f ^^ B P"8 e f 5"'' StS" a US ; i-Jftat*a?fti tbe ftpng of^trta/ atlbP&amp;a&amp;efttbefonneofKomeitab/fcpng ofl.ftael-.toent bp totoarb Jetufaiemto be* fegeft/buttoanneitnot. ^ototobentbe boufe of pauib [ tbat it aba? ) beroe toojbe tbetof/tbat&gt;itiaanb(pb;aim toete eon* feberate togetber:biJJberte quafteb ( pee anb tbe bestes alfo of bws peopleiipbe as a tre in tbe feioe/tbat tss moueb toitb tbe topnoe. ben fapoe ob bnto fa p:go mete aba? (tbou anb tbp fonne &amp;ear ^afiib) at ? beaa of tbe ouetpole / m tbe fote pstb bp tbe fuS. letsgrounbe/anofape bntobpm tafee bebe to M Mti anb be flpll/but feate notmtw be fapntbarteb/fo? tbefe ttoo taieg: tbat IS; fo? tbeft ttoo fmofipnge fp?e tyanDesw tbe to?titli anbfutioufneg of ftsftn tbe ^raan ana JSomelieiS fonne:becauft tbat tbe ftpnge of S&gt;mapb?aim ^Jaomelieg fonne baue , toftfieW p confpireb agapnft tbe/ ^'topIlgoobotonemto'jHDa/ijeFetbem/ anb b?pgetbembn8etbS/anbCetaSpngCtt)ete/ euen t%z fonne of cabeel.f 0? tbugfapetb JLo?oe ootberto /5ft mall notfo goofojtir/ netbes come fo topafle : fo? tbe beao c?tpe of tbe ^srianiS is amafcust / but tbe beaa of 9amafcu*fe Ka?in Jnb after fpue 9 ibtt* fco?e peai'e; mallcEpb jaim be nomo?e a peo* ple.30na tbe f btf e cptie of &lt;f pb?atm ts S.P' matta'buttbebEsaof&amp;amarta ' liesfonne.Snapfpe beieuenot/ tbetemall nopjompftbefieptetoftbpou. ^03eouet/&gt;oa fpabebnf aba?/ fapig: tequpie atoBen of tbe Jlo?be tbp oa/ tobe* tbetft be totoatoe tbe beptb benetb 0? tc&lt; toarbetbebepgbtaboue. cbenfapDeiba?: ' ^ topll tequ??e none/ netbet topll'3 tempte fee torn W Ho?a anftoereb-- ben beare

to/F of ^ boufe of auta:5S it not pnougb . fo?pou/tf?atpebegteuoui5bntomen/butpe g mufl ante mp oa alfo ; ana tbetfo?e tbe jLo?ae all geue ptitatoBen of bjm felfe: eboiae/abirgtn mall conceaue auabeate a mat &lt;s/a tonne, ana mall call bis name a *manuel. J5 ttitj m. JButtes sna bonp mall be eatc/ tbat be mape Bnotoc ilie euell/ano cbote rbegoob.Kut 0? tm I rfjpibe come to Bnotoleage/ to efebue the eueil an&amp;cbofe tbe goowbe ianbe( tbat tbou mt I'aafrapai fo? ) ftalbe oefolate of boffin; Bpngrfc

y / / UK %^t^o2bcalfo mail ftnbeatpme bpon j *&lt;Dwj*&gt; tbe/bpontbP people /ana bpon tbp W^JS/SSis! 6oufe( focb asneuer came fence tbe tpme g^MI cEpb;atm aeparteo fromluoa ) tbo^otoe tbe J^m . &amp;&amp; bpngeoftbeafltnsnsJo? e?ac/ wa 6* ABU tbe )Lo?o tobtfi le f 0? tbe flies tbat ate * ' aboute tbe toatcc of gppt/ ana fo? tbe t es jSSS&amp;T in tbe Haitians lanae.cbefc mall come/ano WM of ^ar; mall ipgbt ail in tbe balepes / in n)e oatotcs tivjaw / jv of aone/bpon all gtene tbpngeS / ana in alt fggggft COt MW tame tpme roalltbe lo?b t *maue 3ffi5fSa B *tbebearreoftbebeaaana tbe fete anattjeuccaofc tijec te beeracieane of/attbtbe c *rafoure^ be ttatttntfawtmag pajbWtottbailbeponbetbetoateK&amp;|^^ftg Ip/toptbtbeBpsigeof tbe aoinans. **SSSSS5 tame tpme roali a'man ipue icoitb a cotoe / maairia a6os ttoo ffienr^cbenbeca'-u'e of tbe abounoatlce oante ofisrte* ofmpicn/ fie awttmaSebuftCT *^jgg?2ff feowateucrponetobtcb BWjW f S" Vrjaai* lanae, mail eate butter ana bonp. at tbe fa t iv ibfluu6. me tpme all bpnepatbes (tbmigft fijeve be a mmpi a/ tuoufan6ebpnesinone/anatoevero!aefo?a^ cicuue a. tboufanae fpluerlpnges) ftalte turrtea to ^^ B , bjearsanatbo?nes.'JLpBeastbepmallcome tbcn0 |,i ra ana into the lanoe toptb avotoes ana botoes/fo rtdat&gt;.snUt mall ail Planbe be come b?ears ana tbomes . W"^JJ ana es fo; all WWW noto are beteen c f *,$$' botone/tbou malt not come bpon tbem / fo? tbt c ' oniC a i, feare of b?csvsana tbo?nes . 2But tbe eaten (pe/j waata*

mail fcea?puen tbptber / anb tbe mepe mall jg^ feotrbew. tumintm CCSeOctpuermnceof (be lanteb? Cmannri. E6e JJJ SJS Banc Dfoffcnce/atwbicbraaiipwauaomljtc. ottftaKflcibie fiD?ecucr tbe to?Dfapae bnto me: tbci- Mm Cabe tlje a greate leaf/ ana to?pte mm* ;m it/as me n bo toitb a ptnne/tbat a ibefpetebpm to robbe/anabaSe bmttotpcple.AnDimmeaiatlpfcalleabnto me faptbfull tbepjeft/ana 3acbariab tbe fonne of Earacbiab . aftet tbat toentl bnto tbeP?opbetifle / tbat noto baa concc aaeb 8 bo?ne a fonne . cben fapae tbe TLo;be to me:gcue bim tbpS name : SPa* betfcbalali)arcbbas(tbati0:afpeo!etobbei: an baftie fpoplev).4f 0? tobp/o? euer tbe cbplb mall baue Bnotoleoge to fape : abi am%m/ (tbatts fatber/anamotber): malltberpcbeS of amafcuS anatbe fubflaunce of &gt;a&lt; maria betaBenatoape/tbo?ototbe fijnge of tbe afftrians. *.-.- cbe jLo?aefpabealfo bnto me/ fapmge: % |e mm fozfomocb as tbe people refutetb tbeflplltbe bpngns of a *rennpngetoatetof%ilo/anaputtbcitac' ffiauio/ tswb iptem 15a?inanamomeltesfonne:iBebolb/ &amp;S* 'fe tbe)Lo?ae mall bjpngempgbtpe ana grcaee JglJS" Mi floubes of toatetbpontbc:namelp/ tbe ftptig tmm%&lt;mu cftiflirias toitb allbiSpotoer.iBbKbmallof*iio;uibic!&gt; aa.iij, poure

mc8teWp2g^ n Jff. | n w/'ncKalfciiBmpototc/ tmwm.&lt; tmw&amp;tte onm.. 2Hbegrttfttmbppjotej9eanfpllalfo yi.6. ana 2a/ etopaeneffeof planae 6 * rot bra; b?obe Sv IkmcSm ^Bes/fiD ananueii. o together pe pec

poojc* lowtp.^wmnsp.sFuurczou/^gatgerpou: mus c.*ngnc fire pouana gaer pou / tafiep oure coucell mi a fwma ^"S^'Bo in ftanae topaii/pet ail it not ae ti&gt;e tote P?ofpere.ircepte&lt;manuel:(g!S @oo)be tf of* tjiiiof CbS.&lt;fro;ejUpbcfta8'feBme/ fltoaemebp

2KF&amp;3 ^ SDe/ * toarnebme/faping bnto me:tftatjj nua 5 uScr;g"^toalc6emptoapeoftbPS people, tut cp?pngetb g* fapaemo?oHet:roiinBetf none of em/ ret ten Routes roftofoeuer'ape.-ponaer people are bounbe the tsatymt of PwCf / lettwjm be poure f eare ?tyebe.#o; thegrounor,-jfteiS!?fanctpfpeng/8Bonetoflombleat'*t SShfJUS? tocfi t0 ra W/ afnare enetto botb 5 boa. S5 ?i- S* ^ :t0 3 ael ^ *w a*aWtoutjs of jer'ufalK. marc of fed 3nomanp all Bombfe/fall/ ana be b?ofie Masts bo;oi bponftpm:peeep fljalbefnateD anb tafia?. uuS&amp;S&amp;m. # oto &gt;'*&amp; toptneffes togeer(fapbe SS efcoaejanoftale tfte latoe top mp bit* &amp;5^**ffi2 lM tft wwrttfie jio;aefta fmai caimati5 turnebftis face from e boufe of -Jacob/? i l?^&amp; l 3 et , n ! WMtott Jo/as fo?me/s cftplD?e ibst is/ttpt^ faBe/tofttbtoe!lct"}bp5Et)pilof g&gt;pon, ftps ^ottts of 3no etfozepf ep fape bnto you : affie SB? rtf a cotmcenattfle foefapers/toptcftes/ cftar. itto ra " 6mcm /ti!en mafie cm tftps recoup an anftoere:Jstftereapeop'eetrptoftere /at tasiet^attiatf) aiftenot councellat ftpsooBttoftetftettt w&amp;KI' concernpnge fteaeao/ o? tfte Ipupnge . ff

bpom to (&amp;m&gt;* fie not after is meanpng. J f be Do not is/ SSftSSSSSl &amp;* ftnMrt&amp; anafuffte (junge r . 3CnB pf be reKt f o n Sl &amp;f R "&amp;^e^outofpacplce/anbblal tiabptonra of P&amp;emeftr''fipnge(jftis&lt;E'oB.cftfnioBe 3eturaf{ . ana fte bproarbe/? botone roatae to 8 ear/? beESS? |*e* trouble batcfineffe, bejtactf toiibcsntot^^owtoefocftabuerrite/aaiibenotefcape. w. 6oufeBofgrtatI/tbatiB/tof bou&amp;of juba i totbeboufc offbc.t. S2fSi, , n ft!!ff,*? iaom . Mj4mt ? fJ^ttpo%ctuf 3 (ICbaI KS Pona.i.jaet.ij.b.fapm B :bntopou tberfore tofticb toh m fflSESEESf!****** belcuenot/ tbj Sow tthitbbebupie s ntaw, Ccfte.ft.Cbapter. Cgpjopbeticth of b!iftr natpnpte j bompnpon. ""^iPOi fpfie as nitprnepaS it batft benetoeHfene; tbattbe lantie of ^abuionanotftelanb of 0epbta*

m (to&amp;ere tbo?otofee toap sott&amp;

iSeuertftcles tfte people tftat ftaue btoelt JSM? in Darcftneffe/tball fea greate ipgftt . 3*fo? SSU&amp; tftemtftatDtoeiiintbeianBeof tfte (pabotoc ' of oeatft / bpon tftem ftall tfte Iraftt ffjpne. fa ?f ' 'be a# &gt;baltt&amp;ou nniltpplpe tfte people/ ano not^" 103 '^ 5 " 18 tncreafe tfte tow aifo^ftep all reiopfe be= HE top tfte euen ag men malic merj m ftamett/ to n ttfi anb asc men tftatftaue gotten the bvctom bwtt.*tm Mentbepbcaletftefpople. foi tftomBaltt t SlfIf tfte ttaffof ftpgf Qjoulbet ano tfte tobo of ftps "SS opp?effoure/asi in tfte b *bape at a^abt'an. js &amp;** apo^eouer all temerarious ana feci ctous M JW* m potoer (peerofteretftere tebut a cote fplcD J ^ ; "' toitft blouDe)(palbebumt/anb febe tfte&amp;e. tc|SIg $0} bntobs acftplbe ttjalbebojne/aitbbnto fcnatoc n h b?a fonne Ojalbegeuen.JKponftwt ouicer l^ 00 * f" am tfte Bpngbome Ipe/anb fte Oialbe caHeo tSSl S toitftftissaronename^ftetoonberous geucr of m aS ofcounceo/f mpgfttie ob/tfteeuerla fling fm* m fatfter/tftep?pnceofpeace/fteaHmaBenot 22! t * 8H * anb allfptbpontfte feate of aufoaramSE S, DP? Bpngoom/to fetbp tftefarae/ to flablifli tooutecpnnw/ tttoptft equpte anb rpgfttuoufneffe / from !"*""* tftence M eermo?e. .cfti? fljal tfte ge, mTtS. fte)Lo?bercntatoo?Beinto3'acob/trje" , c*i)?ia. t fame is come t'n to 'jfrael . SDnDt&amp;e people ? oan 'M fl* alfo of p pftjatm/ano tftep tftat btoell in &amp;a 51gMg mana/can fape roptft pjpbe anb ftpe Oomac, wffi fies/ on tftp0 maner ::fte tplc reo?c8e is fa t tbe bofteof i lenborone/butroctopn bupioe ittopcftbar5 na ''" ll " ts ^ c &amp; be r flonc s.cfte 05olber ptpmbje i0b;ofien/ JSl!!?^ buttoe fljaUfettitbp agagteroptft SSRS^euertfteleg/ tfte TLo?ae mail prepare *afttt ?mrfte eiiempe agagnfl tfte/a fo o?bttieir wfl**. a apuerftrpes/g tfte^inans maflla^ WM^Sffif bpon tfte bettor/ a tfte fHtfttffme* beftpnlie/ SmBS anbfobeiioure ^ftael roptft openmoutft. wmSk? 3fteraJltfti0;tl!Cto?atft of tfte jLoibftall #* i 8 * notceaffe/bntpetftpsi ftanbe fljall bcttRf f ISSffi cfteoouteapil. ijfojtfte people tutnetbnot* g&amp;2S bntoftpm /tftat cftaflpfetft tftcm/neflict bo 2TE? tftep fefte tfte - jlo;aeof i^ottes. ftftetftuerbe srmou* bA/ ^o^e all rote mitt of SQaejl both Beab b / ** ( w* anb taple/b^auncbc anb ttoigge in one bape. %$$$! toure anb ftonojable man/anb bp tfte taple/ f ?? a * m tbe|&amp;2opftct tftat p;eacftetft ives. foj ail tm " ""* tftep toftpeft enfourme tfte people tftat WjSRB be tn a rpgftte cafe / focft be bpfceauetf. gKSjS

*Wfljedapf at $$mante mfgetbe&amp;areto6cnn&lt;3L5cafoa ttit^ Ouc an innumerable mult ittiDeof tbe iaOpanpt/ a# perraBE?;ncrcfougI)t t&amp;c o:6fo;'nim^anDO*^ucrrt tlj pfpupfrpft&amp;cocufH/wet5/an&amp;|jpiiijjffh;iit.

* *


iSf fa^.

1(ei;ttfa!em, mongetftefe/ate butcaft atoate. C&amp; Wf o j e fljall fye%Qite fymt no p!eafu fatl)eii; wnge men /nefteifauoure tftrtt fatft wleffe anu topDotof 5.f on^P are all to* 9 getter ppocrrteg anDtopcficfi/ano aliftetr moutfjegfpcafiefolp.aiftfranftisajaHnot tfteiLo?b^to?at5ceaffe/ butprt&amp;^fjanDe Qalbe Smc[)et)oute Spll jfo; tfjc bngo^ I? buwte/ a0afp?em c^e b:gci:g anD tbo;* nc?:3nDa?'tttoew outcofafwe m atcoD o? a wwe buft/fo aftentif t^ fmo6t of t^cir

p;poe. fot apt caufc an tgc te?atf&gt; of g jLo^ne of t&amp;oacg fall bpon Uje lanur/an&amp;tfte people ftalbe conftimeD / a? ft toere topt^ fp;e/ no man ftai f pate (jig b?of$*&amp; If a ma Do tume

/ /-/y

Ul|. maita f IS too fap: \ root able to icpnne tbe ittpngbome of tfte idolater anb thets gobbeS/butnot gseruraiem anb Samaria. Siftall 31 not bo bnto lerufalem anb tfteir pmage3/ag JiDpb bnto Samaria anb tfteir jmagesf fterf o;e tfte %M tapetft : 2'S f oone as gj&amp;auepetfouimeDmproftole too^caebpon t *ffl:obpibt tfteftpll of ^&gt;pon anbSeruraiem /tftenropll aotboften &amp; Saifo c *bpfct tfte noble anb (route fipngeof mfpefetota* Mirta/roitft ftisroprbomeanbp^pbe . fo?fte ^ Scn | c r a "S te/ flan&amp;etfttftusinftps arone conceate :Cftpsf a ? rwu bof tftoa) tfte potoet of mpne a\x&gt;ne ftfibe/ ww anbtfto?oro mp topCbome-. jfo? 3 amtopfe;! am fte tftat remoue tfte ianoea of t!)e people/ . girobbe tfteir punces-.?(lifie one of tfte too; rftpes) 3 b;pue tftem from tfteir ftpe feates. 55 flfcp ftanbe ftatft f ounce out tftc^otefs of tfte

ftpmto tfte tpgftt ftanae /fte toallfami&amp;je/oj (-tttatetbtorfte lefte ftanbe to eate /fteQjal! not ftaue people/asittoeteanettJ nblpBeasegges/ tte ftSc of pnougft jCMf ma ail * eate^ fle of ftt's tftat mere lapae ftere ana tf tere/ are gatftereb b,?aneacine/ atone arme: flpanaffesftall eatecpftjaim/ togetfter:feoDo5,gaerallcou ntrees.3tna fi! ta S E '^'ana(i2p!)?atm9Bana(res anatftepbotftall tfteretsnoman/tftataattebef oboiae/asto KfK' e eatefuaa.1ifterallisanotelo.2bes toucftafetfter/tftataaweopenftismoutft/o) fifiiae: * roJ' to?atft ceaW/but pet allftisbanoebe flret* once roftrfper. bctbbu htnt# c&amp;eb out 8plL 38 u aotft tfte ate b oott it felfe / agapnS mi.ffibe ma* bim tftat fteroetft tftetroftft / o; bo tfte faroe SK,?S c c^ctb;eatncfb the oppnour8 of tbe P oo;e /ano maBeenpftracBpiige/agapift

ftpmatu* Sw et p;op!l " l " tl aOTn * ^nna!I , Ie it f oftat roere euen Ipse / as pf etob CCfte.r.Cftapter. bpbejcalte it felfe agapnfl ftpm tftat bearetb Obebnbpoutftat mafic bnrpgft* it; o?as tijoug'j ttje ttaffftuiae magmfpete tiiousiatoeS/anbeeupfe pnges/ felfc/ass ro'^o tocre no tDObfi.-ctjeif o?e &lt;&amp; tobicftbetoftaraefonoftepe-.toftci; aUe)Lo^eof$otte?ifenDeftpmpouee |tftojctotftepoo?eareopp?effea/on inftisrpcftes/anbburnebpftisporoer/asie . mM, .. euerpiiiue/anatfteinnocentegofmppeopie toetetoitft afp;e . 2Suttfte ipgf tt of Jfrael i SkVS 8,t, aret!)errai5ft*robbeaof iubgment: t topb- albe tftat fp;e/anbftis JMMM cj albe hcaiX. boroesmapebepourep^ape/ ana t pemape tfteaamme/anbitallBinaie/anobutnebp

ftiS tfto;nes ana i)jeers in one bape/pee all &amp; glo;ip of ftis rooaaes ana feiae s albe confu* mea toitft bcap anaCoule . as fo? ftpm felfe/ fte albe as one cftatea aroape.-$fte trees al fooffttsfeiaeaibe of focft anomb?e/a(

robbe faefleire.lftatropHpebointpme ofeii'ptacionanbaearuccpon/tftatall come from farre i o toftome topll pe rernie fo?ftclpe?o?totoftomrortlpegeuepoureftO' noure/ tftat fte mape fiepeit i tftatpe come 38 not atHoge tftep^efoneres/o? Ipe amonget&amp;e a chpiae mape tell tftem. DeeaafeerallisalInoteto?atftoftbe aiftertftataapeftaiUfteremnauntofJf* ILojbe ceaffc/but pet attftisftanaebe ttttt* tael/anb focft as are efcapea out of tfte boufe CbeDoutapU. ofjacob/feBenomo?ecomfo;teatftimat io be alfo bnto % ffur/ toftpeft is a ttaf of fmote tftem/but all com f o; te tfte m felueS mpto?ai'ft/lntoftofe ftanae is tfte rob of mp toitft faptftfumeae ana treutft in e Jlojae/ . pimp ffiment.f o? % all fenae ftpm amonge the. unit) one of arraei che rcmnaunt / ee 3T

ofe ppocrpti people /amonge tfte people f&amp;ane aefertieampaiffauoute all J feno ftim:ftemapbtterlprobbee/fpoplee/? treaae tfte aotonelpse tfte mp?e in tfte Crete. ^otobeicftiSmeamngiS not fo/netbet (bin* teftis ftert of ps fafp5.)8utftepinagP' ,-netft onlp/ftotoftemap ouet?oto5beSrope tecum m m P^p\e,to: fte fape:are not mp vmS Tm aH Spnges,/ JSnot *Calno as eafpe w cptpf e / to topnne / as barc&amp;arm'0 i ?s it barber to toWcbaae toconqnetx intiocftia en3Brpftabf ?iSie 33?* l ^ m tomum mama* m &amp;**

tfte ft olp one of Jfrael . fte rcmnaunt/ pee at e Softer pte of Jacob, allconuerte bnto&lt;i5ob e mpgfttp one. fo?ougft 8 peopiet Jfraei ) be as e fanoe of e fee/ petallbuttfteremnauntof tftem onlp cfJ* uerte bnto ftpm .perfecte to e iuagment of ftimatflotoe in rpgfttuoufneffe /$er* f o?e e tow of ^ottesj all'pcrfectip fuf* fpllepnge/atftcftabeterminea in mpaaefl of e toftole too?iae. cfterfo^e us fape t&amp;eLo;bec5obof ottes -.cftou mp people, atatoeilcfl in m'5, be notafvapea fo; ripngeof eKfu'riis-.te allroagg

Stye&amp;taacpoti of tije people* ^ v tt - rv ^r : KfiSEffi^* !*? tt * c toift etoaa/ t^e ore/o; cotoe.cbe eft? toe toftple &amp;e fuc* *, &lt;*m ,, aae tfgppctane opafome tpmeiButfoone fie/all bauea ae fp;e to e fetpfresneC/ to0 ' 0 c "B aftw/ftailmpto^aaanDnipteiniiignacfon amjto^ti^i0toEaneD/^tBaHpntfti0fi{iS mB ''" Ktoit ~&amp;efttffplleaagapn&amp;tbetrbiarpbemiea. intoecocfiatt*ceaenne.&amp;omanauVh 2 SL5P

- . ^ ^ na/ftialltftp^pBlI of iw ^ancttiaw. jfo? ** ' ' eearaibeftUiofefinotoieogeoftbcJt*' I &gt; E Mi }lo?ae/euen a? t&amp;ougf) e toatet of t be fee ft* flotoeoouereeartb. 8wS fc&amp;enailegentple8 enqucreaftetf ewwfcof rote of 9[eirecto^cft alfte fet bp fo? atofien fife** , bntoemtpies)fo?bt0atoeiipnge ftatte sj? *** glowua. ate fametpmeati es,o;oec * mZ'&amp;mIZZL'Z "*'"** wy iimutv tafie in banae agapne/to conquete e rem-

6*)!t&gt;aTaa^,r 1 l? tt i / - ant,S00unp ***** naunt of bia people (tobpebare left a e), aiiioeffi; gabc etr reflpngepiace / KBams ttal* * ^aSH y5w5 K* ?!*

,parcareourgefo?btm/ipfieaatoasepu; npfomentofSgteetanbpStbemoum: of* eeb.aina6ealiipftbpbiaroaeouer free/ aa tie apa fomtpme ouet $ &lt;gppciana.cben all bgs burtbenbe tasen from p ttoul* &amp;ers/fiiapocfi from pnecfi/ pee e fame joes an oe cxwiptefojoerpfstneae.^e an come to 3ita/ ano go o?oto totoarb ^tgton.EutatSjJacbmaa allbemutter

abetter*,- SS^"" Wj^/J^JailJai* Jf com t&amp;c aiffmang/CSPPcratisJ/airauiatig/ ter&lt;&gt;aiiim)albe|)etaebnt0iaiiJ atoaina* o/to&amp;icbaHb albetn trouble, ggab' mena all tremble fo; feare/but cgtefxnss of attn are manlp/pet ale remapne at #obataape.3fterat/aMifteipftbpbiB panoeagap nft e mount &gt;ion / 9 agawitt

ana gianaea of tbe fee. ainb be all fett bp a tofien amonge tbe entplea / anagatberto* geer e aifperfea of ffraeJ / pee 3 tbe out cattea of fiioa fromtbe foure cornets! of tbe toojiDe.cbebatreo of cpb^atm anbtbeem* . npte of gum albe cleane rotea oute. e&gt; fhV'f^ii rffflUrT t?"",* ' J a a wu; pb?aim allbeare no euelltopll to Uuoa/ s SlffiEffi!^^?*^"** ^toaimotbate&lt;pb?aim:buttbepbotb ffiPEK^^^^^P^^efrom togetber all flye bpon tbe outers of tbe pbiuftftitf totoarbe ifceft / anbfpople emtogeertbat btoell totoarae eea&amp;. Cbegaumptea anatfte 09oabttea an iett rbeitbanaea fall/ana eSmmom'tea albe obeaientbntoem. m CbeHoflealCofoaii eleue tDefiingegof

ffteoEgppcpanstfce/ 9 toitbamsgbtretopnoe a** SS2'S** ,VW *' ttallbelpftbpbjijsbanbeouctiBfluu/^ an ipetbESS rbf re all come a tobb fnujtebijsfeuen creamea anbmale mengo ro; of tbe Bpnreoe of feue/anba ouer b^c ob . 3nb tHu0 all be mafie a woffome outof tjist tote.cbcfp;ete toape fo?bt'g people/ Iremapnetb fro *m&gt; fwT^rS z itK mi 'f Sbt bpo it : tbe nams/we as ft fiappeneo to tbe Jfiaeii'tea/ Z^ Q l^ tb V mt&gt;mtaani3 me--m trbatrtmetbepbeparteboutofKbofCgfpt wseteof counce!l/anb a;engtb : tbe ip;cte cot' twe tbt^umfomeommnie^tlc offinotoiebge/anooftbefearebfcsoD'aiia *ww***!nioft&amp;e*wite* AriiMM^. ^ CCbe.yij.&lt;s^apter. &gt; | tben tbou ait fape: jLo;b/ ftbg6etbe/fo?tboutoaftoifplea** tmicte4 . ffbatme/buttboubaQrefrapneb lt r o SJS (ftp to?atft/s bas mere? bpon me. Sure atf

tbMice/tottbfeare. ^eailbetobotDnetbe p;oube/anbfeHtbebtempnDeD.cbetbo2nes of e toob allbe toteb out mttb vm/m %mm&amp; allbaue a migbtpe fall, Cftepjopftf citji of t&amp;e naffuttieof fffcifl/aiio of 6u MOMc:f tpe remnauntofiirraci/anapf (h f fMjh nj tt)elJeBt5fn otwtfltB. * 31 Ccfte,ri.&lt;bapter,

allmafiebimferuent in tbe feare of ob, tbpng at all be b?oug{jt befo;e ft fe cpes/ netberrep;oueamaeteratf fpu bearvna- v - - - &lt; -- --^i - B but toptb rpg|6itounieirean betuoge e -^Sfe at ^^ mere? bpon me.S Ppo^/anbtoitbbolpnes au be refourme ^^/obtampbeaitb/intofto^trutt/^o; tbefpmpleofetoo?iae. tCf0 c ?amnotafrapae.f o?rae JLorte^*^

*iB .Cfietfoze tt tope all peb 2 atoetoater S3S&amp; outof B.*t(fHBi of tbe ^autoure/ Sn&amp;S 3

a* * w f e all fmptetbr *too?lbeWtowbtbe SS8SU? fi ^of6Wmoutt)/9toptbtbeb?eatbofbps tD&amp;icDifltto;tonb tapfbfuineire/ tbe gjjbpngebp of hvs 7.7:""' l ' u ''*: uv " J " a ' w ''' w ''^ t 9itm'M,mtkKt f t^ w7" to?t 'S8 t -nocfies/Lpon0anacafea ffffii^/^^^ttt^/JEffiJtL

^Sepecompanptogetber/fotbatalptlecS fi5S 8 ^ c !P aH ^ to0 ^.W&amp;/SJn5S5 h*^^^2ngi!uei6emft^.jecotoetBette 5f sfa&amp; '* 0u ^ tofncftln ^i5/4greatwtrial 5 e , of %L ***/* eft ponge oneS g^PWpce:eftolponeofffrae!. '^'gSfwS kbe


Cfte.jf.Cfiapter, - a . i cfitt&lt;9fBtej^^j;MJii8ttfiebeup a *burtbeofJ5abp' ui.!wp;optjpj ^j;j fel ion/ttbicbcEfapf fonneoffmojf 'iSSl^'r^'*^' femetobcato ttje g nE l^fsEjpe ' bplIeB/cail bnto ttem/botte h*omembppoa:tl)anDe/ate p?pnce raape go

I -

soract f nf ^atljlttpli can fo? foctj/ass rnumpbe jtj^FH'jsn/inmpg!^, Itritol j|iai 5*S w/aSSL Pwpift s mabpnge/as ougb tbe fcpng* Si nccauft bomejs otail nactfcJbaD come togeer.(^tiD ot m ttfflt i e %&amp;M of ^oOes toaae Capfapne of m n-om 1 1 ft# toi)r.uuiS!iii'e.)ai8epbaD come not onlp out SS?ffl ' rfftra eountww/but alfo from e enbess "Sm of e^ii-tettf:Cuentbejlo^e bpmfelfe&gt; it* ptoptc of then?y.r?tTerfi of w to;a/ tobeftroye tbe ^ecfuanoofjjj^jijjignEi^oiivne^erfo^e/fo^ebape S2f JSE of t fAtfst iaatbanoey 3 comme aa a be* r!wn tt 9 T&lt; Iwittftiwi e JlmpgWpe. cben anal! "wfede tow baR&amp;^lrjetten botone/anb all mens bertea tiipofeoijp w alliiwjsstoapc/ tbep all aanoein feare/ 5.!22ffl e w6&amp;:eSeanDfB70to 3U comebpone/ ST"* anbii^Eimllbauepapne/as a toomatbat tttraufiFlfEbtoftb ploe.^^ne alleuer be

* somcttaoeabafftjebsif'anotber/aiib eit faeea^ttail ucrp ma *ai burns igfjf tbe flamme. SfSiE^ f 2h 4fo MH bape of e }Lo?be an come/ Hiffiw*^ ftiilofmbpgnacpon anbtow:to sis? emu; fo' mafie tlje tonbe ttaQe/ano to tooteouttbe 8ii0iipf6$amafpnnes;?cs!?f^o? eQerresanbplanctea oe pa fo ov-ftP'i)eaui|;5:Unotgeueettlp3bt/efunne SS SS ft a,te f S l,gc W " * tp f P"Be/9 e moene uffi o'ftHni apnetoicbbpsisfibt. ansa tupll tt tc miout coupiuipi!! djs- ujpebebneae of c * toojlbc/*

C of t&amp;dto&amp;M topli mafie amanbcareren f^aidatij.'fpne plte/anb a mantobemo;e too?/ tiieg *aibc ro ens'Vi)tecntoeogeoffl&gt;pair. (!o;eouer SPSSf 3 *W itafieebeauen/tbateeattft Sfftauu fm * aif w j! w out of bet place. Mtcaa tm i^ujs iDall tt go top Sab? ion mrbc 1 ? t^e tojarao? ;tie^o?Deof^oaes mtbebape of

Sflct' to!OBi:a epberoe.&lt;guerpman alturne flut^tof. tobPiiaksite people/ uflee rcbone intobpa aXaM'imm, lbofoiafouo^alone/ albc ot ti7oi;^nlitofto gaer togetber/ fitfN i^f&gt;eopea tofe ftaetoe. *beit

env^flcb allnotregatte fpluer/no?be bef?,iM^.f goloe.cben ais pounge mens . &amp;oto%aiiappeDtfunoH,&amp;ti8ee&amp;esai

bauenopptpebpontoeraentoit&amp;c^ibe/anD .- . .,,. eit faces all notfpare tbe cbplo?e. *3Bt film* *'? 3Babplon(atglo?pofaingDomefibeto tpe of e Caloeea bonour)albe nettropeb/ euea0obDeBropebg)Obome^omo?ra... . jt allneuet be mo;e mbabpt / neer b5Ppfotei all ere be anp mo?eotoellpnge tbere/f cS of tt,eC generacpon to genetacpon. mSSSSt

Cbe airabpana all mafie no mo tenteg &amp; mct cm C ; rbere/netber al e epbaroee mafie etr am/mat mn fofiieaereanpmo?E:buttotlb *beatt^ttaite Mtm ar ipetbete/atbeboufes m \) t fullofgrcate^y*"'ulee.Oricbffi aflbtoel ere/anb a pea a SK, allQaunfetbe:elpt!e fiDultaaHcrpeasaft mtge in tbe palaces/one after noer,anb ?a- fft*fa&amp; gons albe in e pieafaunt parioure Jnb HJSSa asfo? ffiabplona epme it i at banb/ anb ber JggJ* 0ttc11 bapea mape not te longe abfent j Cffi&amp;c wf onrtte of tij t people from capepuptte . ttte p:ofperptpe of Kit people of @oo/an&amp; aSlpccponof tystv nwrapes. ft Ik p;?o* of osabplon. rcbe.jrmi.&lt;bapteti iKt e JLo?o toplbe mercpfull btt* tolacob/anb tovll tafie bp Jftael fagapne/anDfet tbe in eir atone . llanoe. &gt;traungera all cieaue bntotm/'anbgetem toeftoufeof gia* a sprt tun cob.ftepalltafieepeopley anb carp I feinortftaaof bometoitb e.ainbeboufe ofgfrael all *8**2** bauetbeminpoOewon fo; feruautitea anbg^lf '"" mapbea in e lanbe of e tom.^tv all ^ ^ u " tafietbofep?pfoners/toi)ofe wptpueatbep i, ft ^|, p , ei3a baabeneafo?e:aiibrule ore at bab op- imciiooouofo; p;effebe.tben eX^flnoto allb?inge * im^mu* etorett /from ftrauaple /feare/ 9 Wot Sg^Sffi bgbage ou toaftlaoe tot all-.tben alt SSfSStS tbou bfe pa mocfiagebponc fipnge of !(&amp;{** 53abpIon/ anbfape: l^oto bavpene it at teiruu ;bt. e opp?cfiour leaue of^ fa e goiben trt- g 22?"! bueecometomtenQef ^outeiea tbe Mm ffi&amp;* Ba tyofien e * ttaf of tbe bngoBlp /ana a}t toM u. eftepterof efojblp. Ifebpcbtobenbe iafcr VJ toapimg to;oftiip?e people t&amp;burable Srofies/f"*?- mm fita in M comets be pafecute em/ana %*"* |f/'^ tametbtijetontpnuallp. 6 *Sna erfo?eeS" 6 ^Se tobolctoojloeianotoatreftanaqupetneire/ trs crow anamenfpngefo?iope, tte leases anii fee euentbe rjfp;retreea ana M(8 of SSS # J"ft Jlibanua tetopreatpfall'fapinge: #oto Jp"M&gt;*fi. tbatouartlavoeaotone/erecomcnomo J^ * - te/ bpto aeOrope ba'*^ellairo tremble otrnf rp ijae tbpcommpnge/allmpgbtpemgnana f&amp;;p 6* &amp;mi tupH cca of tbe ear/ tteppefwt&amp;befoje e. W BS^SS mmow mtwamwM twvtte S2S

te/fep map alKone after anotber) "pnge i, ft&lt; . 3{ / fifr anarpeafiebntotbe. H!reoutoomibi/)alfdgiirativ tmS aatoefartmibecomelpfiebnti)ijfi:'cftpwJ cflin l ,c pompeanatiipp^aeia goneaotone tot^S&amp;KLSS a^otbes albeiapae baaertlje/ s too^oia ffl$5 aibepcouerpge &lt; jfc :ai3B.b. oto

rJM*?ir5?h JQMm%mtmmffibmiP*&amp;%nfi anbtfterpmpietaHDtoeiUnfaWpe, cftt SBW a W ^^ wwtojBatefttopptoftMonBer/* ft AM O0noteto^8*? na W l wwfl|cgtounw/qtti(iiQt flapetftpremnafit,gl9ouniepepotfe0/toe p* feupngoffl.u#ttfanDpnB)DrUfafuODiic ft c peopled ana pe cptpeg/s feaietbou;flD tob ole paieftma) ciftrwmo?* pet tftou tftougbteftm tftpne fterte:3 topll - ' *.-.. , , ,. , Si h m " c i?me bp 'into (jeauen/ana maSe mp reate wucffa the abm %* ft 8 "** of / * toI Cpt bpon cbpioe of ti&gt;e tfteglo;iou0 mount totoarb tfte mM/% muinvngc/ t*c^ topn cipme top aboue tfte clou&amp;e0/anb torlbe wnfrrtappftulpfieflje ftigfteftof aii.fcebarre 1 lape/tftat SSS^W^ * tone to tie Depc of mtmmtVlMam^ tftat fr tfte/ (bail natotoip lose 52oioc^i^ingbpontfte/anDtftm6em tftem felueg/tapen* ougftt to Dauegerjgtftigtbe man,tbatb;ougftt all lamts 5M feare/ano mabet&amp;e feingbonw afcapbe;

SPtfUS i $otobappenctbuvt&amp;at tbebpngegof an Kou i thVt pCoplc W* om &amp;oe in b atone ficdcoptiia i &amp;Ew2 * WW: as a DeaD coarft m &amp; tt0 * it ttao a P a% "nwc fete:* art not burt'ea to!'t&amp; tbem.'Cuen me toouec* becauretbattboubatttoalleaftplanse/ana npottrnnciaa/Deotofrii tbp people.^ o; tbe generation of StySSftfi^WctejgjaitetoitftOtttftonoac/fo^iin;.

thou or, ** Ojal ato3pc be CtnigU t to oettcoge t&amp;etc shttfl.soch acBii&amp;;en//fo2 tberr fat&amp;era toicbeaieg: tbe p mk thpngc taftallnotcomebpagapietopoffeffe $ lanae/ ifeVift^too;lMftaiofcaflcttaiilitoten. *XE M Sftoinaanoebpagapntt tbem (fapetb tbe JLojaeofbo&amp;eoianatootout Rename age neracion of leabpionffapetft tbe U-ojae ) ano f totiigeueit to tbe flDtters/ana toil! male toaterpooaeijsofttJna-7 ton Ctoepe tbem out toitt) tbe become of aettmccion/ fapetb tbekofte of ollcs$ .cbe JLojae of l&amp;ottejj Batbftoojnean ot&amp;e/Caprnge:&lt;jtu)alkome to paffe 801 batte oetermpnea: a Ibaibe ful* fpHe&amp;a0!Jbaueaeuprea.cbe3Mipriisibar be aeftropea in mv lanae / a bpon m p moun* tapness topn ^treaae tbem bnact fore. tfcbet tbo;oto ffl pocfi all come from pou/a bPS buttben ftalbetafie from pouw'aouloew. Bp8t beupec batb oa tafien tbo^ohi tbe tobole too?loe/ ann-Qun W ftps banoe Oret* cben out outran peopie.&lt;f oj pf tbe mo?be of ^ofles Detewnen a tbpnge/tobo topllbpfa* male iti 3nD pf be ttretcb fo;tb bra banbe/ tobotopllboiDettmagapnef Cbefamepearetbat fepnge Ibaf bpeb/ ob tb;eateneb bpffap on tifflmtott-Mt* topre notftbou tobole Palettpna) as (bougb tbewo ofbim $ beatetbtbe toerebwaeifo; outof tbeferpentegtore/tbere allteate a Sortatriee/a ft frute ftalbea fp^etoo;me.

fo?tbere ftallcome er5tb.e^o;tba fmobe/ tobofe potoer no manmapabpbe. nsijo (bait ttjenmapntepnetbe mtOagegof tbe&lt;Mitp* less; ffiuttbe iLo^oe RablpOjctb S&gt;pon/ a poo?eofroppeop!eaipiittbejrtruQ'inbf, C3 p? o p? c c jc agayn tt 3?o .1 li. -be.fb.baptEr. ^!g 20 rtjebeup burtben bpo ^o. 3 , ab:Xr ofpoabtoas30eftropeb [a&amp; 'me tbougbt ) in tbe nrebt feafon: PCfcttaHcg of fl^oab perpflbeb in tbenpgbt/abanpfl)eDatoape:beptoov!eto Saitb a ibon inf bpepiaces/fo? to toepc: fi^oabbpb mourn c from flcbo to BeDba: *H tbeirbeaoestoetecoUeb/anii ail tbettSJ beatbe? auen. %n tbetr arete? toere tbep **?" mw

bonana sieale crpea/tbattbeir bopce teas v* %* btataa bearae bnto Jaba?. cbe toojtbpe* alfo of fflSSflj l^oab biearea ana crpeafo?berp fo?oto of SJSSSS ttew mpnae0::io is mpbettefo? oa6|JhxS5 fafie.cb^P flea bnto tbe cpte of 5oar/ tobpeb c i&lt;^n isilpBeafap?eftutcfulIbuUoc67rbep toent "*&amp; bpto)Lubttb/toepmge.cbetoapetotoarDe"?J[S': ^o;onaimroasJfuHof lamentacponfo? rftesSrSa Burt.cbe toatetjs of jQimti'm toereb;pebbp/3tni?.si}.f; tbe graffe teas toptb?ea/5 betbe0Bearopea/? ut "*p atobatneceaarpgrenetbtngetberetoalJbe=S'' c f aa,, fpae,Inlpbemanertbetbpngetbat tea* left WB|M t tbem of tbeir fubttaunce / tbep carvea it bp n toaterto'c toetouer tobole w fanae of fl@oab:fr3 tfglaim bntoffieer/toajj tbere notbinge but mournpnge.cbe toaterjs of imon tocre full of blouoe / fo? 0)e ene* mpe baa Cent tbitber a bonae of men/ tfyttb a*alpon lapeaitoaptefo; tbe remnauntoi tbe lanae a fo? tbem cbat tone ef capeb, Ca&amp;etettmccjonofffljoali. . earbe.rt'.&lt;ibaptct. ^en fenttbexo^aeg of tbe lanbeal ,manoftoatfe,ftomtbewc6etbat i; Ipe tb. totoatae.tbe aeferte / *bn&lt; .JaflK ( jf o? agf o; tbe " *aaugbterss of a^oab/ tbep toere ag it babbene a tremblpng bp?ae/ tbat b*** ' igputoutofberneft/bptbe ferpof 3roon) $22^" tobtcb meaaunget fapae^atber f our coun- 8nI1 ***** ceH/cometogetbety*eouer bs toptbpoute c*.ff paaotoe B *m f mpaaapt/ag m npgbtootb: "* * ? bPbetbeebaCea/abetowrenotfbemtiatare atcl,l,,ict '? 8!, f ou/beoureopftefugeagapntttbe beflrop- t atmtm ' eRfo;tbeaauetferpopp;e(re bs,' $ robbe* taM tMMoetbbjj/a tbetpwuntea?puetb Woutofth ns w * owe

^Csppte, #f (av.



uo-i-3 iieatc of cute i&amp;mtMit one of-poutcBpngDome toift fteficftie/^to5eoaeg acf)jet6ftcffi' ptrfrtutpott* jjjfliH of grace/t&amp;ctf o;e ft f e^at fpttcft bpfi noi togetftc i: in ftebalttpc/of a *isa^aim/ ?5 ? 3 ^f2S** |rf * fe W ftl,,lrtfc awnwftftitftftoiilic mnmmnmvtttomtm^om^m J^fXl LmSc^ h^oneftii^aiiiin^tw ^tfteftinncgenccEo!5e?pefl)o;tlp/acco;tipngtoequptc D?tftbutttoo o? t^ oipue benrt aboucinontuc gotty* ftn not ournc 3 ngUmouiiiefc 3js fo; fl^oabg .p^Deiftall t&amp;e toppe/ tj fmirc o? fpie in tftc b;auncfte0. W of 3nw. HPftfoaif t^cpanr^nOftiss toeHfinotone. 3nD ail CBttffycluiieaubof ?ftaeteatftfp oSm.3 fl ^ c ^ b *t f t^ougft ti}c? be et;ceHrnt/p?oubf /arrogant/ f)en all man conunte aga'pne butt y JRCflUnu * bpempnfceb:petttfteft ftrengtftnortpnge fm*malKr/9turneb0 epfgtotfte bolpone Ii6eJn&amp;jsrfo;e S^oab compiapnetft tinto orjftaei. amomiinottumetotneiiuieeni fl^bab/it^ertfto;oto fcljep corneal torn our* i are ttjetoo;fieofbtg atone ^anDe ^nttfjer nr;an&amp;?to&amp;tl)attOepbeftnptten/tBep tafie O)alllielofiebpongroue0rj pmage s/^teft tljeir be ugce benetbbptfte b;pcfitoall/an&amp; ftfefingersijaueto^owgW.attfjeCa mefEme^ mafie tfi compispnte. all tfteir ttronge mm be befoiatc/itfie m * Cijefieburbeg alfo of ^efebo toere maBe toere once fo^afieplotoe0^co;nc/tol)pc ft toatte/^ dje Wnttt of t&amp;e entile^etoeo fljep fo?fofiC/ fo? feate of $(HM off fiaei. botone fije ^pnepar&amp;cp of^tbma/toftpeft &gt;oQ&gt;aWtbou(amafcus)beDr"rolaee/ toere plasuefitoptb noble grapes anbfpjeD becauftt^oubattfo.igo;^ oDt^p ^aup bnto|a?eivanD toentebntotlje enoeof tbe ouve/rjbattnotcalle&amp;toremem^auncetli e Deferte/toE5oreb;auncfte0ttretc^ebteeirfe^ roc6oftlipatcg^.i^rfoze^ou^aaalfo ueg fojtl? bi'ponDe t!)e f ee.cfterfojeji mow* feta fap;e piste/ 9 grafteb a Bra iige b?auc$.

neb fo?|a?er/9fo?bpnepar^of &gt;tbraa 3!n tfte Dape tofjentljou bpoea piante it/it tt great fo;oto:3i poureDmptearegbpoKJe* toaggreate/anDgauefoone tftefiuteoftftp Ubm ab &lt;leaie / fo; allt^err fonges toere feDe; Suttn tbebapc of barueft/ tijou aft IapDebotone/intberrOaructt^gatl)erpnge reapeanl)eapeofro?otoeg9mpferpe0. oft^it*grape0;S^p?tban&amp;cl)etetoa0gone uaobeto^emultttiiBeofmocftpeople/ outoftl)efeiDetjbpneparae0/tnromoc^/g tftatruOjinlifietbefee/^anutotbefteapcof^ no man toag glab ner tonge .cftere toent no f olfte/t&amp;a t reneouer all ipfie greate toatcrg. treabes; into topnep;epe/tbeir merp cljere 4fo? tbougl) fo mmv people increaft a ^ tfje toas lajae Dotonc. i^erfo;empberp roble D Botopiig toaterg/ano tljougft tftep be armeb/ (ag it dab bene a lute } f 0? fl^oabg fafie/anu pet tljep flee am of/anOianilb a toape Ipfie mpnemtoarbe mfmb:e0/fo?t9e bivAMl* tljt mift toitft t&amp;e topnoe bpon an asf Ks&amp;fte. 0; tt ftappenefttbusalfottoFjen tbe tebp?letopnDett)o;otoafto2me.!];bo u8ft fl^oabfato f e toasturncbbpfptiebotone: tftepbeRarfullatnpglJt/pettntftemointns etoentbp onljpeintofter &amp;ancttiarp/to t'ttegonctoptb tbem.cbp0i0tfteirpo?cpon / mafieDerp?aper^ere/bntfi)empgbtnctbe tbatDobS^arme/anblieritageofiieiiiytbat;?3 10 t&amp;e beupce/ tebt'eft m lotfie robbebfl. toftemfjanaeatfljattpmeagapnttfflgoab, ca mwnmft*mb

utnototl)e)lo?bfepetftt&amp;u0:5:ntb?epea reftallftepotoerofapoabtot^tfteirpope (tofticjft gveate)be mpnpfljeD/lpfie a0tbe burtftenof anbf;aferuaunte Jnba0fo? temnaunt oftftem/tftep talbeieffe ftena f etoe/anb no t rebeneb mocft too?t^. ca pjoplJCcpcagaynaaDamafcua* ;Cbc.jtbw.Cftapter. ;il^'0t0 tbebeup buttljenbpo a=

be.rbm,0)apter, betoibelanfieofflpegflr^pes/gg to^peftfeof tbfjJfpbetfieflottce of* ectopia ;toftf eft fenbetft fter met Slrageouevtfteree in] nappes* of re* beg bpotbe toater:anD fapctft :goo fomie/ bopouremeflage&amp;ntoaaraunge anafiarfie folfte:toafearfullpeople/rjtoapeopietbae iSfnrtfiettben tftif(:toa Deflate snDppl* n;-afcu0:iBeftofeej3amaCcu0fljal lebfolbe/to^ofeianliergQeiubebftobattof^ ,. Jbenomoje acptpe/but anfteape rpuergoftoacer.^eallpetbatfptrntfteco^ r^los"b;obenaone0. ^ftecptpegof palfeoftftetooflb/anDbtoeUbpontfteeartb: atoevSjaibetoaee-.tbecatellftalllpetfttre/ toftentftetofienftalbegeuenhpontftemo fi^ ^nomanfliallfrapetberaatoape. cpftjatm tapne0/tben Iohebp:anb tcgn tbe bo?ne tftaHnomo;ebe(li:oge/^amafcu0 Qjail blotoetft/eften fjetfiento/fo? tftugftatftfte nomozeoeaSpngDomeJinbagfojteeglo^ Jlo^efapbebntome. flapae me botone/ rpof TOiZisauntof?S)?;ian0/ita)aibea0 anbponb;eb tfte matter s'nmpftottflc/att&am p;e ^egh^^-tbecftplb^of'lfraei/fapetbtfte i5ooneoapetol)eittoa0bote:aCnDtbii:efelS jU^i^^jftc0.3tttattpmeal(bQ)al[tfte ampOpngefljotoer/Ipbeabeto/agitljappe8lo?pog'|teobbeberppoo?e/ 9 bP0 fatneg netftfn i^aruett. mt tftefmteg toerenot Ieane;^i:^lbapp!totfte/a0tofteonelbeai pet rppeeutof/anbtfte grapes toere Bat Ktfttomeft/^r^citttf^ftftftanbfiUI pounge aro grene, cften one fmote of/

tbegtappesrtBanBoBe/peebebetoebbotone ' alfotbebotoeganatbebjaucDeg/sauocaa - eatoaje Jna ug ep toete la? ae toatte/

v fo?efouIegofe mountapnegi' 9fo?e beaftcg of e eattn togeet . g. o at tfje foulegrattbet bpon/aebea8eg of feat tofntereaere.c&amp;en ail erebeapjefent b?ougbtbnto e TLojae of ^otteg : me t^at barae folfee/at fearful foiise/9at futer igftenrtpg-.tbataefperateanappilebfolfee (tobofe lanae igaeupaea fro bg top ftoubeg. of toater) onto tbe place of e name of e jUtfje of $otteg:eue bnto m bpll of Ja&gt;pon, Cgf p:opijec jet!) flpll agapna Cgppt. __ ccbe.w.bapier. a E5^ : l ^ l^' gtg ebeupuuttbebpSCgipt: "Si *S M pona ttop fte doube/9 come two 10/(0 uifctano l^l52fCgPPte.3JnBegoa&amp;es5Qf Cgppt puni nuicwp all tremble at bpgeompnge/ 9 e&amp;eu of Sffi'^SPPteftail qua&amp;etoptum&amp;er, jfo? ug chonceso ft* &amp;S&amp; &amp; &amp;* : 'i *W ^ere bp tije cgi-p* j:t:&gt;- m tbea?' cpang one agapn tt anoet amoge ttjem ui&gt; ttta wgis to ueg/fo at one atbe euer agap.iit (jig b;o hS\r &amp;* $ nepgbbout/pee one cpre agapntt anoof f tec atte * tt ' one Sfngoomeagapnft anoer.3no a.:atof oiit.i c. Cgppc ffialbe crjcheo in get t'etfe.natjm ttjep gppt (m tto arfie councell at tbetr gooaeg/ at eft P;o* SESSmS** 1 **"** fotijcapcrjs 9 toiteg:en 3 0? StoBia bzpge etc councell tonaugbt. tptiatwouv 3i toilioeliuer cgppt alfo into e banaeg fiotoca witHofgteuougmlerg/anbacrtttll&amp;pngetoall SSSifSS baueetuleofem. &lt;*cbe toatet of tbe "io^w fte * dW fatten out/ JBflu* all fpnefie tuiipuB lipase atoape/^be D?ocbcbp.cberpuerg alto fljal' feityc sroiii):bea;atonout/etoeHeg albectcaceano Sri 1 3B *W* atoape.Keae 3 ru 0) ail faple/ f grace toanv ifirehE/ bpetoatcrgfpae ojbpBtbetpuerg bacfie/ ?3tii-tt)c tea* ?ee ana tobatfoeuer tg fotoe bp e toaterg/ tp cftapt) aUutoptbereo/oe&amp;ropea,ano b/oug&amp;tto HJiSfltafc naugi't-fflw Wn* all moutne/aHfccb ttVt &amp; ibe a0 Cflfi ansIe0 ,n ^^toatcr/ all copiapne/ fcarctnravano 3 eptbatfpteae eft netteg fa e toater/ wantof water albefapntbartea.&lt;5&gt;o ag labourebpon SSfSS?** 9fplc&amp;/allcometo pauerte/^tbepalSS Co * toeme * too?cfieg JH epounae* tc bete calli-0 bp&amp;puers nanus-' tome t pmc tbe fte, fame fpme tpuers;

fomftpmDtofUc:0/fometpmepouni0.*c.Jft5atflouCierfltut^.b* f on D . p t&gt;'ip?6/ it is caUcO ttjc fee mo t onf p be Coh f 1 1 fje ^cb;ur s call al coii3rfr;.3tp3sofa?tfr6tlicfee/genpraltp;butaU*obecauftit tcagof oiQ tpme a c onfl at cp into after tb i feto^ee/t^at it natf? bis o;igpnal bcgpnnpng from the SDcean Ccc* ?e mapc alfo tinOECttanD Up tlje ftf# nefioffiiius^atitoucrfloutoeOnottftclanae/contcarpetotbeolDe accoftomeO manec t&amp;ccof.aome^aO leuee Ijaue t^s to befigucatelp apptpcD. as iljeccbc tevten toatere of t&amp;e jfeofpcU' to&amp;pc^ t^e Ijolp goaftgmecb^foarcetjcraltot^etroablaustoatftsofCgppt/t&amp;atiB/ of teo^lpoocfrint.^tjecfoieujften ttietooiO of &lt;2m3&amp; is ones btatOe/ tboretoatccsO/pesp^iw^enolpsooa rep^enoetb t^etDO?tbeof fpnne/| openers Deciacef^t^etDojcHerof Baccanes Jntljefttoa/ tersOoreOef ta^egrotoeitQattS/tapRcitcp&amp;pnjtoaicaes/roc^ad aee djetco/cbes of tjipocry tcs/tonict) after tlje outtnaca fyt rot f apt* tannw learnt ane$ frs$e4mtre totil}mfeapne$ nought to;tl}.


ofijgppte/alltbepollpcpe oftften; fl^oateg anDbpcbeg ftali come to naught. yeetbebnbpfcrete ^inceg of 5oan/ fte eoaceil of tbe toife &gt;enatourr g of pbarao/ ail tutne to f ooipibncfle: cboCetbat ca rre boaft fape of J&amp;bataog bebalfe:3; am come of topfe people/I am ccme of tbe oloe tegall p?ogenp.)Sut robereate note tbP toife meni Itettbem tell tbe ^ ftetoetbc/bjbat t)Lo?De of^oftegbatbtabefabanoagapndCgipt. f ooleg are tbote P;tnceg of 3 oan/^i pjcutie are tbe P^nceg of tftopb: pee tbep bpfceaue Cgppte toitf) tbencbiitte of tbeir ttocfie.f o; tf tbe %ow baft) mace a;ppte b?oncfien tot'n) tbe fP2e of erroure/ 9 faep all bfc it in all mattetg: euenlpfie ag a o;oncfte man gob fpetopnge aboutc. Jfo; tfgppte OjaHlatfie goob councell/ fotbat tbep tbaHnotfinotoe tobat to bo/nctber begpnnpngeno? enbe/ne* tber bpon fae lanoe net toatet. ben all CEgppcpagbeipfiebntotoemen/afrapDeanD attonpeo/at ? Ipftpngbp of tbe heafi/tobicb tbe)Lo;Deof^oileg ibaiiipftbpcuer tbem. C&amp;elanb of juca alfo Oiau mafie tbe tfgpp* cpang afrapbe/tebo fo botb but fpeafte bpon it/ftallputtbEminfeare: 3nb tbat becaufe ofK)ecottcell/tobicb)Lo?beof^oQegbat&amp; beupftoagapnC tbEm. bni (ball tbefpue cptpeg of cgppte fpeafie teptlj tbe dananp' teg tunge/8 ftoeatebp tbe lafto of l^otteg/ ^eitopoltsftalbeoiieoftbem.attijerame

tpme (ball tbe iLo^uc of odegbaue an aur ter in tbe mtDDett of tbe lanoe of gppt/ toitft tb'g tptle tbetbp-.nto tbe)lo?ce.biS' 6)al be a mm oi tettpmonpe bnto tbe %o$it of i^otteg fa tbe lanbe of Cgppte ) tefen ffiep ja fljaii crpe bnto btm/becaufe of tbofe tbat op pjetretbemitbatbefball fenbetbem a ap tapne ana a ^aupouteto belpuer Hjem. Wotmm; cgppte albebougbt bnto tbe %om/9 tbe C gppcpSg alfo all bnotoe tbe)Lo?Eie at tbe tame tpme:tbep an bobim reuerece tortb peaceoffrfageg/9 tot'tb meatoflrmgc g:ep all p?ompfe bim otfringeg: peeanbpape^pmauo buge,o;beaH fmpte egppfc/anb ftrale it agapne: fo a!i tbep tumeto tbe tWM be alfo allbaue mercp bpon e/ 9 faue tbe.cben all tberc be a comen toape out of cgppt in to 3%rs. betffp?iang all come into gppte/$tbc CgppciSgfato aap^ia.^be cSgppcpangalfo 9 e3lTp?tang an bo haueone obeg ferupce.rbenali5!fraeltoitb bonoutebe tbe tbp?be to cgppte 9 ifltir. anb e Xo?bc of $otteg all bieffe em/ fapfage: 28IeOe D igmppeople of ecgPPcpang/MUrig tbe tooifte of mpbanbrg/but Jftae l tg mpne mBerttaunce. caaapnS iSmtt ano ffit&amp;iopia. ir^tje^oibaptet, Cgppte

niraiem 25abplcK Zxn\na. aji^TWi^tbefamepeawiCbattbaeame a *4,omctta* ^^[toaifboD/abere&amp;atgotlje Sins ttmmtw \MWmot ;!ie Mnm$ fentbpm/to^at aweiietb m |Iw^|jriieagbeaifobefegeb21oD/ana Km ano* anne ****** feafon'-Cben fpabe tbe ? SofV %m bnto cfap efonne of 1Cmo?;faping: *mm " go 9 lotofe of at facb do fro P lopneg/ Man jw Or* jput of p tieg fro p fttt Jffil f be 0^6/

JS^intSoingEttaftebanD barefote. benfapoe e KKSm;ci* ag mp feruaut cfap goe na S tticBeonacp/beb3bavefote;ittgato6e$ fignpfpenge of

wit to Z e f age of tbe affp;iang b?pue bo pong hau? ttu# 9 oIbe/80 p;efonerg nafieb ana baref ote/out ecc to totonif of cgppte 9 ctopia Jino all aifcouer e W 1D S awe of Cgppte. ^bep albealto at tbeie Imb * aito Is totttegenae/9 aamebone of anoer.e an pt that is cgppcpang of e fl^on'ang/ana tbe Q9o?f* tcouuico wptb nn g of e cgppcpag/at figbt of tbetr glo* D, ' t " fl f c i' n ^rp. fl *^o,'fouerepat atoell fa e 'Jleg S ? a allfe eucn e fame aape : bebolbe/tbig ig oaia n aft* oure ftopc/eo tobom toe flea to fefie belpe/ f turf o; becuf- tee mpgftt be belpuereb from e fcpnge of t gHSfc a&gt;^^ ^ oto tt * H toe EtC8I,ei fffi'S fficbe-W.Cbapter. fliffce'o? tijen f^SsS-i3BDg fg tbe ^Rtc burett of e ttnofpuofc jp* tt attefeedB gveuougbpfiotoag a^Ffi^ etof bbnto mc /Ipfieag robena , uptqewafl ItsM So?me of tovDE a rapne tuflbe ire sunocritaa in from e tnpiaerneffe/at terrible lanae, I0 ita{|o fo mape opfceatte (fapae e bopce) let SSStaEl bim aprccaue:3bo fo map opttrope/ let bim Ksreat oiftrope.iepciam/befegeit d&gt; Saaat/fo? ccttte* tp.atopUftpilalleirgronpngeg. u@ipS/

fe h fte of cueu ne ffe m aoe me f earf ullin mp mpibe Sfftttttw yeefoonemabereaap tablet fapae ig fct&amp;eraoaborce)fiepetfte toatcb/eate 9b?inc6e:5ap pe priuooa jocrCaptapneg /tafie pou to poute ffiplbe/ fo? P?i ,rt ? te ' t&amp;u* ^f^'aebacbargebme^optoape/ mi m m h? fet toa&amp;ftntan / at be map tell tobat be Wioto fep.anbtobenbe bab toaptea bplpgentlp/

C be fatoe itoo bo?fmen-. e one tpapnge bpon b*pb.citanaiffe / ei!eoet bpon aCameli. 3nae *ir aoro'[ E oncrpea*o?ae/'3 baueftanae toaptpnge ^toSalltbetobolebape/abauefiepte mp toatebe aorpt !% all m nmW. naptb at came ere one rp' M* m tfte.s. apnge bpn a cbaret/ tobP ant toerea/anb 8.jfto.MoBe.jc(apae?Babplon igfanen/etg turnebbp* S2fi2T&lt;*W'ww*** 1 pmageg of bee obeg mt&amp;im cinbfannerg) batte % beatae of c . ,ojaeoi;ioaegecioaofi!ftae!/toeto

it bnto pou, CCbe^ettp button of Bttitla. One of S? eir ctpea bnto me : iaf mantobatbaftouefppebbpnigbt/toat man tobat baft ou efppea bp rtpgbt? . Cbe toatman anCtoereo:;be aapeb^ea? Be on/ana tbe npgbt tg com pn g : gf poure requeft be earnett/en af fee acome agapne, QQbz beup burtben of Arabia. M euen pe all abpae in e toob/in f toase totoataeeaanim.a^etee urttpetoi toatet(ja&gt;pecptefpng of l^emajmete tljofe tot b?ebat areflea. $oi ep all runne atoape ftom e toeapen / from e b?atoen ttoerae/fi5ebent botoe/afromtbegreate baten.$fo?ugbatbe)Lo?ac fpoftenbnto . me/ouer a peareaIlallepotoetof ce* batbegone/lpfie ag tobe t\)t offpec of an bp* reo fetuauntgoetbout: 30noeremnaof e gooa arcberg of Ceaar/ albe berp f eto: jfo? el.o?ae d&amp;oaof ^.Craeiba fpofeen it. ta Pjopbetpe agapntt JeruCatera. frcbe.ttii.Cbaptei:. 0e beup bur? bpon e * banep g ofbpfpons. W*t baft ou ere a jrctvtit to ao 'at ou dpmmeft bp into taiuo m \&gt;a* ^^^.e boufetoppe/j ou cptpeof |*Hf*i9RW mftacleg/feapctoug 9 toplfull I feinge / 1&amp;? gg J* flapne men are neerfipllea top toeroe/ SJtfa^^; neraeeafabatel^o?allpCaptapneggatte0 teacberj em to eit bo?feg frS e o?apnaunce/ pee !"&lt;

ep ate an togeer riboe atoape/ afleu fane ** of.iben5! perceaueaat/3i fapae: atoape frome/at3i map toepe bptterlp. cafeeno laboure fo? to comf o?te me/ag touing e besmccponof mppeopie. jfo?igii3 aape }g of eXo?a of ^ofleg/toberin be topll plage/ treaaeaotone/a toeae outeballep of bpfp= ong/ 9 b;eafie aotone e toalleg/toitb focb a cracfi / at it all geue a fo tonae fa e mountapneg. % fatoe e Clamptegjafee e qtrpuetg to carte 9 to bozfe/a $ e toaliegtoere bare ft5 bameffe.CbPgooaipballepg toere full of aretteg/ebo?fe men mabe em foone to befege e gattg. % m toag tbe couerpnge of|uaaputfromence/anatntoag fene efegeofetpmteeboufe. bereanretf fe e rpfteg fa e toalleg of tbe cite of a* it /toberof ere aeman?.ye all ga ei;togeer tbetoatergofelo\rerpole/ anatdltbeboufeg of ferufalem/ 9 b?eafee offomeofemto fiepetbe toalleis. anape aIlmafieapptbettoieettootoallegof tbetoaterofgoIBepole/anotbfageregarae bpm /tbat t ofeeit fa banae/9 maae it.ana at b efametpme afle)Lo?aeof oQeg call men to toepinge/ mournpng/ to balbneffe 9 puttpngeonof facfi clo.25utepco fulfil eielutt 9toplfulnesJ/aaugbtero#n:tbep


spn epe/ep eacecoBlpmeateyabjpncae fiapt-Q.bji topie/*ietbjs eateab;pnc8eytomo;ototoe \mnrn. gjaiibpe. &amp;euerelelfc to^m e loju of $o8e$bearoe of ft/befapb-.peeypf i? tote* SebnejfofpoutstfjaltJetemitteD, pe mutt o?e ftjft.b(*batU-o;bobofbottessfpoSe. $ &amp;Buis tape e %om od of $ oc?: o in to etrearurpe onto jbounatbe go uernoureyafapebntobpnr.iMjat ba8ou beretobo? aftom to&amp;ence corned ou:at

ou&amp;aftmabeeagrauebere:? jf cubebaa eauftaacolllptombeofaonetobemabefo? 6pm feifey a a place to Ipe in to bebetoe out

tdje Bjop&amp;ttp

bope/netbjougbcbpbaug&amp;cerJjjrooneasJiR tfgppte perceaue ft ; e toplbe W fojpas Ciruss it felfe.o met 8 *e fee/ moiitne pe a fe 0m . .... at Dtocll in e lies. j?not at tbe glo?i- tern toe* ous cfte/tobicft ba bene of loge antiquitef g j * cp tobofenatiueflatoenpnge ferreof/comenbe 2M2 &amp; Uecro greatlpfneboba Deutfeo focb tbmg' BHR b pon mig e ctotone of all cptpejf/tobcfe t&amp;c macthaa, marcbafitwacaptapntgtoete e bpgbcft"tftbt3if 3 ! $ tfncf pan of e tootfbefCuentbe jlo;a of OT '" s f ' $oae*batftoeu?fe&amp;ft/E be mapputaotoneKX allpope/ampnpallegio;pof $ too?ib.o$Mts k, -......, ,.,, .&gt;., ~ oo20top[anae(&gt; ou aaugbter ofH"{&lt;&amp;. of aroe6.25e&amp;olDe/tbe Hoj&amp;e (ball tad e tbe feflasmengo ouer tfie toates: y anaere cuebpbpoleice/betopliaecBeofanoei: ijsnotagpjaienuye. fepon/aputbponeaftraungccio. Cbu0e;no?aeatremoue.e8png'c ^eoiaiicatpe etntoafarreeountre/lpRe oomess/ftba tafien inbanoc agapnft at a ball tot bis b5oe?.cb ere ftait ou ope / mpgbrpe Canaan to tote ft out: batu am= eteallepompeofpc&amp;awtte$ baue c&amp;ea out 6pgf tjanuc ouct ttic 6 *ree/anti rejce: . an enat:tbou bpUepne ofeboufe of c ffrombencefoj (Halt oumaae nomoie b J 9cmta W %m-% topn uttee out oftBpnc offpee/ mp;( tbon aaugfiter of g&gt; ou ffiffi aroMe&amp;onu&amp;pneeftate. altbeputootoneofeCeenis.&gt;tanaei. m m J 3fttbii3 toll! 3 : call mpfetwaunt &lt;Ita* op tbetfo?ey anb go tobere tbe enemp e topn Bmtyt&amp;efonne of fcelbiabya acape bim toitft carp eytobere tbou alt airo baueno tea. pcoteyanagp?aebpmtoit&amp;pgp;aie/anb #olDe(fo?pneenrample}cbebaiaees$ *M,o.t l ^B we .W?otoftitoljp0 janbe. fee toetefocbeapeople/atnomantoas5 ipfic JteK aUjea fe*etof ecptefpn? ofSerufcleV tyem/3un buplbeaem :befetbp bp* ca*

Oel!8apalacesJ/ab?o8etbembotoneagapne. afnaerfo?emourne(pepppe$ oftberee) f o? poure poto et albe jotone botone. affettbat/tbaHfbc.lKC.pearepofcwu? (euea*longeas$eapngejj ipfetoasjbe^

fo?gottf J nb aft er.irp. pearesy it all bap-

&lt;sfi 8 nffitiaBi q,au ' ea[ai 9 01 igecprerpnp m%ttimw tente* pswt a of tbe fipnrea of Jute-. 3 topll alfo lapetfte u in ^Bepe of auiosiboufe bpo Ijig ouidew/ ?* L e * 9Pf beopen/no man (ban Qmtranopf bet Zp t9e ut/nomSujallopen.l topnfaftm^imto ' ^anaplemtbeplaceoffmooabrgbefaptb* ftifljeffe/abeftalbebp5 rbeglo?pous5 trone ^w.*^^^, kio p/ .mon^ii. of W fatbewi boufe. cbep 0)an bangebpon pen to ciruU a^ toitb an bartottbat plap etft bpmanfl)eglo?pof W fatbewboure/of tbe bponalute.cafietbplute (tepententobw) cbpl&amp;;e a cbpieetg cbplb^/an apparel! fman anbgo aboute tbe cptpey tbou art pet an bna great/all inttrumente? of meafure 5 mu* finotone toencbe y maae pattpme toptbb p* tpbe.bttu)ancometopaae(fapetb lo?D nerfebaletfeg/toberbprbouniapeft come in of oftejsjtoftentbe napie tbat t^fatteneb to to acquan tauce. cbuss all ft bappen after fbepface of tbebpgbea faprbfulneffeyftalbe lW.peareg.cbe a,o?8e an bpfet tbe cptr e plucatof. fnbtoben tbe toepgbt tbat ban. ofcpjug/an&amp;ftl&amp;aHromeagapnetolj eE getb bpSft/JwB fali/be b?oae/a De\stn in marcbaunbpfe/ anb (ban occuppe toptb al l peceis.f o?tbe U-o?bbpmfelfebatb fap&amp;eft. tbelapngbomestbatbeintbe too;tte. mt cap?opiircie asasna ffj?ue^an6ap!oms tore# ? H Bw occuppinge anb topnnpnge ftalbe coattftaaapne. balotoeDbntotbeHo?bc.#o?tbenfl)aHtbep ffCbe.Piw.CbaptCT. lapebpnotbpngbebpnbetbemno?bpobea' l/^^;l5beup burtben bpon gw* , pe? : but m marcbaunbpfe of cirtiS an 3 WMm Wwmeie ftipp^ of c&amp;arfis/ ft? belongebntp tbe cptefpnis of tbe&gt;Lo?i ieyto * L^m^i^ ns!C ^ otDcODto "eto?gro(iDe/ feaDpngatiortiQenpngpof tbebungrwyami l^Sfesa ctfquereb of tbem tbatare come to t^e clotbinge of tbe ageb. tbemarcbafitesiof&gt;onyatbeprbatoccu ttont^ccoom.iecmttoHmw. x

Ppebtbefee(oftobom tbou toaB full rom-- tpme ) are at a popnte . fo; bp fee toere rfter ftutes fyougbt bnto /a all manre of co?ne bp toatcr.bou toaft tbe comen marcset of . ailpeople. Sioon i$ tm fojiti pee aan tt}e poteeroftbeftecoplapnetb/a fapen): g

ffCbe.Wiij.Cb'apter. hmtt*A &amp;mwt %W ujalltoaeeanb"" 6 " SSg* plage m too?lbeybe all mafief SJJSS face of tbeeartbbefolate/ a (carte ilttlm* fab?oabe tbe inba&amp;ptoure? rberof.p:?tii'i9cc

J' Ufur^/liiiebntoBIm f bo^otteft bp5brurp/ tbecrebftoureya? tbeoetter. fee mpferabip ftaHetoo;loebetoa8e8cleneoeatopefc dot e jLo?debatbfoDetermeD in birafelfe, cbe eartb aibe tieupe a oecape : cbe face of fceartb allperi afaUatoare/P?oube people ohbe too; me all come to naugbt. f 02 tbe eartb ts co?rupte of ber inbtoellersc. ^ ^tobS^epbaueoffenDeDfiatoecbaas geb tbe otfpnauncejj / amaberbe **niRls* M ftoi^ itjnge teflamet of none eSectcanb tberfoje rSm (Daltt^e curfebeuoute f eartb : fo? m Wt tS$%* btoeil tbero baue (ptmeb/toberf o?e mW* onifit)atiDi)!&gt;beb?etano/anbtbofetbatremapneyae


' _

7iS-y H ( BW WWD* toeaae/a an p paue mneme* g^gftto(jam/alittBbe.eenKoftal);et*

nawrc/ tob.^ teg Ibalbe iapoe boaney tbe cbere of e topfcwiitimour fun ftanceaffe/a^epleafure of luttf ail K5 ^ w baueaneiioe:ereailno mo?e topnebe St^b?oncfieto!ibmp;/tbebeerea!bebptter Sitt^o? totbf at fcfasett/tte totcMDcirrai ape fliacis no new bjoBenbotone / aUftoufeg albe ut/ at St 3neatesallerebelpftbpacrpe gSS? c beraufeoftogneyallmes( cbere allbanp Zb iatt of atoapeypllFopeoftearalpaffe.?Beto &amp;Sf&amp;Sf toW antemapnemtbecpttess/ano tbe ffiiaf Sate? aie imrtten toptb toaftneffe. f o?it K &lt;T mall bappen 'onto all lanoeg 8 to all people/ *wiiiure ipfie a? toben aman fmpte botone e oip* m faif?ue&amp; U e0/tbat are left bpon eteefco; frtc af^ SI SffiwS tergrapes/tobeetopneperpngi0otft. '"'^^'''ainbtbofetame (atremapne) alllpftbp eirbopceyabeglabya all magnpfpee oloip of exo?oyeue from tbe fee/a p/apfe tbenameof e)Lo?beobofirrael ( inc balepsi a3R0R9e&amp;We beare fongesi e piapfe of e tigbtuoug/fro all e enbejs of e tocjltie. cbetfo?e 3 muft fpeaae : d&gt; mpnebnftutefulnefleyflD mp pouerte.HBow ine/alli0fulloffpnner?ytobpcb oftenbe of purpofeanbmalpce.anberfo^( ou atbtoenea bpo e ear)ere AS atbanbe fb2 eyfeareypptanbutare.iebo to efcapetb tftetemblecrpe/ftallfallintofteppa'nb 7m come out of e ppty be albe raaentt efnare. -jfo?etopnbotoe*aboue albe Swneb/finb e f on&amp;aa'on of e ear au P moue.^ ear aUgeue a greate cracft/ ftans?aeato?erupneyataiieanb03rle

( ear an ftacfiet ipfie a loonefcen manya ; i)g?a8? atoapeipfie a tender mpfr mtft attlpe to beup bpo beryat e muft fen/ana naietrpfebpagapne. atefame tpme online jL.o?u muftre togefter e bpe fioofteafeu*;/anbe apngep of e too^be bpon m ^ttB. Cbefe albe coupleb to ge^ ' era0prs?fonerj5be/anbalbeutinone toaef3i!!!gtffieflinnuraeraWebapej5,be

^ooneafteg&gt;Unnealbc aam/tobe e)Ui?Deof$oBej(allruieematgeru' fafembponemountS&gt;icn/befo;eatoi Bteejceellentcounceil. Ka tftantSc Cgcujng to &gt;5oo fo; ^i WtmSf* Cbe.Wb.bapter. Jlo?be/ouattempi05y3! topflai p^apf e e/ a magnpfpe p name: a * j fteftail fe ou b?igeft matueloug in= offattc s vncii oloe councelis/ rrulp a ftebfaftip .Cbou ma* JinSscs ' aeftof cottneg/beapeiS of ftone: a of beab a*&lt; B tocfofeema ^ tpesf/b2oBetoalless:[bepaiact0of peyfe*m ^ all neuer be bupiueb agapne.rbf o?e e f e BfXI berprube peoplemuft magnpfpe eyanb tbe egnpf p m f* cpweaofrftecruelllpeatbenmuft fearee.m/wia ifte /o;oartepoo?eman0belpe/a flregtb ^""Sr fo?eneabfullinbt0iieceapte. - Jgg Cbouartabefence agapnaeuell toeer/ai J 6u.e y topii abotoeagapnft ebete.JBuf bntoepg' mabc jew&amp;# fumptuousy tbou art ipfee a aron g r tobpjft : g t ggf f ebngoblp:cufiepeftmen from beafeyto ,Vwutf a* tbe abotoe of tbe cioto&amp;edy ou cutteft cf uoutc &amp; n. fte b?aunes5 of tnaunte 0. W gflett weparea feattfo?aH people bpon e WcHSS 3 pjentecu^ycoftlp /pleataunt a *feaa/of fj g uo ti ){ fatatoell feoebeaftess/of Itoete amoftpure ctu&amp; (Ehcge alipeople/anb ecouerpnge tobetirrtballauourEncmp* entpiejs are couereb. M fo? Dea be an cs. m m ww )Lo;o 00 all mppe ^'gJ' atoape c teare* fro an face?; atabe atoape gf^Sga e confuRo of W people o?oto e tobole au mf are &lt;,, too;e.jf o? e]Lo;bbf mfelfe ba fapbe ft. or BFi'st- o' 3tefametpmeallitbe wavm***** t e oure ob in tobom toe put oure truftyanb 9 g g

8efta5eaWbAWtte^^atw^f^ baue ttapteb for- Wt bg reiopfe anb belite f n t^ jL ;&amp;t wp* bi0beal.^o; febanb of e'io;ce ceafe naeuaii * botonebnberbpmi ^a|earatoi0trobe ggggjrf bnber fete in a bogebpll. f 0? be all uret h tt i F mct s outbigbanbe{Jbp5bim/lpftea0 a ftopmmer fo^^.naes ft* banbeg anbecattbotone WW pompe JJJJJB !*fo?bi!S arSgbolbe? aibpe MH aH 8CS * som ' botoe emycaft em botoney a feutbemto egtoimbefntobuft. ca Congt of G)t Dflpuraunce of rtje people, cbe.rrb?.bapter. [l^en all pss fonge berunge3g elaoe of.| bauea arog a*&lt;&amp;m a'rte/etoanesa eojopnaunce .^r.Jall Repe bss."* pen e gate?/ ?Vi c ST2*" attbegoobpeoplemapegoinytobp la* aJSSSS ftuKttfty e true Jnb 011/ tobi art ^^tanutatt* e

Clje $jopto

C$cp;optjecp&amp; tfjat all mutoits Qralbc ataroprb aboute t&amp;e commpnge of fot'8, ^rat&amp;e lortctoptt) &amp;pg ^cuff/31 gtPat/?longc a *ftoeatDeJftaUbi' a**rtk ret jumat&amp;an t fotifiugbic U\&gt; ftwt* of $

mtBSSS&amp;9ff Kt i3SPS^ , ' ** iftcbloMDetftae Qie fpacn beucutea eaH rwMjoHS^wwijei^epe &amp;pntne ^o;ae/fo;tn^e &gt;"h**e*&lt; ,;&amp;,&lt;.*.-..* J How do is eiterlaltpnge arena, tfo; toftp/ftfcfte/t b;pnge lotoetbeftpempnoeb cpfefpnjJ/? catterftbotone e p?ouoe cp=

tie?. ^ e eafte em to tbe gr una e/p ee eue foto tbe mtwtfyat ep mare be troben wi* #aerefeteofefpmpie/9toftbetteppe0 Masai*" juwimgan p inupncpwe ut"nr oftgepoo?e. ac&amp;ou (&gt;Lo?Qe) confpD;ctt tbe le^23pent-.EiiEtib*)Lrujat!)antba tci:o-i? ?i ' ,6Biie ' Cbetfow&amp;ojBeltoeftauearefpecte bnto | bpnep atoe of ^ufcatel.3i t^e}LD?ije f icpc tt/ eucc taa F ngc 8 *toape of p iuogementes/ tftp name 9 p anbtoater it tn one toatcft aap e aiai 3,,, 5i ,L * ,, i tt JftfS! WW^^ * 1 '^ "^ *&amp;* route "WW/* "omanfoeafie mtott.i beare no #2&amp;S SSfe^SMJJ8 to / fl &gt;"8 ""OT to W^.^otopllcompell JgSSff *5t5S}5W*WkW fceiptotbe. fo asroone as me/at3greatip fo;gettpngeau fapful. * ano tfte cco|.tbpmbgementW6notonetotbetoo?lb,- " ttctft '^i^9MW^WnrttfWioo6ie/ S1iacob(balbeVotebagapne/?iftrfl)alfiVoSS BBSSal PJacetobetefte$punpea/fte o&amp; &amp;gim/9beatefliw/^/ftaflffU5tWSS v^c wiop*ftnbetb/?feaietbnottbeglo?p of t&amp;e&amp;ott. toboletoojiaeioftft tbef tfrate.g&gt;mptefte f w n ifi&gt;b ftmtrstmte* ftpwt&amp;ff tofflnotfe pne bpe banoe/ nctbtSfmpter/aseiteilas&amp;ef e mitten jSiSEttjRjS ** 6 6ut^aliteft/anabec&lt;mfounaeb:toften Wfe:earopetbftenottbemu^w/asK^ ouattaeuciuretftemtop t&amp;e to:a s ftefemurereKuerpman wmwm^mSS

tftepeople/fr tot f fpje of pne enempe*. tot tfte meafute atfte receaue: fie mu- ** '* . ctbntobJJ/ JLo;oe7p?oupbe fo?peace: retftbp5ftt0 fo?e topnae/asbpon eaapea ot ** * ",' ^otttoojcfie&amp;tobgallouretoozcBess. ofertteamebeate.fnaerfo?eaflWnt. c T^ fl&gt;Jlo2aeoure&lt;Boa/ougbfo;iiowbaue qupteofg!acobbeuss teconcpiea. inbCont.X* BompnaeponbponD&amp;asBnotoenwtb^pet Jal^etafieatoapeallfniteofWgfprai.Wwt8aie gtaunte/tftattoemapeftope onlpmtbe/ariD M fozauiter Crones/be aiimalteWem ? an * b tn 5 8epetftpnameinrememb?aunee.cbema= allagttones beaten to pouteer-.tbe owaeBSSSSil S! ipcpoug cpjauntes toben tbep bpe / are ne&lt; myw Ojall not Qanoe.cbe irtoge cit iea Jfflf 25 m SSF * tfte "f"eccion/fo? tbou Iftalbe befolate/anD tbe fapje cptpeg albe bpfpteft tbe 9 tooteft flje out/ anb betttopeft leftlpfie a toploetnekcbe eaten Giaii febe 9

all tQe memo?pall oEtberaJgapne/tbou in&gt; ipe tbete/9 ttje cape all eate it'bp.c brtr, creacett ftje people/ )Lo?oe/fl)ou increa* BarueftO)aibeb?ft/tbetttopue(Jtobicnto ete ceotbepeople/tbou malt be p;apfeb 9 mag- t&amp;eirbetotpe toben tbcp came foztb : fflalbr npfpeoraalltbeenbe?opiDo?ib.cbepeo' befpieb.Jfo? it m people toir&amp;out bnberll SPjetbatCeftebntotbewittouble /t&amp;at fame bpge/8tbetfo?ebetbat;eatebtftm/fta abuerfptetoblcbtbepcomplapneofttbnto notfauouretbesbe^mabetbemftaHnot w&amp;dmmmbttwty.lLnmatovfe bemctcpfnHtoB)em.5ntbattpmea&gt;alitbe toitbcbpibe(tobenbetttauaplec5metb bpo JLo?blftutefrStbeftopftetoatwof(fiipbiajritm aroameb/crpetb 9 tuStetb tbe papne: tesi/bnto ty tpuet of gppt Jnb tbete (b all fifiSSES^S ^^e/mtbpcpgbtj@e tbe c^plb^en betbofenoutone bpone.fien ate toptb cbpibe/toettauaple / 9 beare/anb all tbe gteate ttompet be blotoen/fo t fiat wwptiitSite^W ^^ 81 ^^^ oretoSl ^ 8aebenebeewpe&amp;to tbeapflp* { SHS5S ^S bnoeatopeb/ anbtbe rtan!5tenbe/anbtbofetbatbefearrebab?obe

Sot rt,e9abptounsoftbetoo?lbepeepnot. t?gbttotasin utassfo^tbp^beabmen 9 ourg/tbat tbcapo.Fiig.cbebepattea/tbepate inipfej tefurrteaon. tSSMS**!*^* e * I n/^nrfcaSe/ bauefope: leSfflSS * plieto * 8Wto i? ft anblpgbt. isut in tbe jLo?oe. e place of tbe malpcpon? cwaunteg i$ UK? $at cpfe fall?atoape.&amp;o go note mp people aito tbp iia6ftou8joi ou ^8ft-Wo;bebolbe/tbe)lo?btopllgo out fiuiuw&gt; wene "t^g men oc ou etiaoen t ?D.Ki.^.of Btfbabitaepo/ Jbrfettfte tofCRewieiUJof toft$ topif^eboioe/tbeailatb awi potter oftbc

in &lt;gppte:ftalIcome?too?(ftpppe H,o?be at lerufalem/bpontbeboipmount. cajajnO t^c pjp&amp;e of Cpfyaftn/tno agawiR falft ^?eaacsanop;tac&amp;et0.

CCbcwbffj.fltbapter. -, betotftecrotoneofp^pbe/totbe 41 ^^ , "*b?oncfi|(epb?aempte0/? to mmm&amp;tm fapbpng floure/to tbe gio? 'pope/tbatfe bponajetoppeoftbe

^laim. " of tbe to^be an bjea&amp;e t'n to tfte lanbe on euerp fpoe/lpiie a tempett of bapie / f bea* retb bottne ftronge boloeg/anD Ipse an bo;* ribie /mpgbtpe anb oner flotopnge tester. 3nb p?cuoe crottneof D?oncfte cpb?ae* tnften/ all be trooenbnber fote. fnoag Eo? m fapopngefioute/tbeglo?pofbi0Pmpe/ tobid) tisbyo tlje toppe of tbe plenteous bal* ^lep:ueW!appenbntobmi/af$toan bntp^ ^melpftute befo^etbeftaruett come . l&amp;bv$ as foone sg ft igfene/iS bp 9 bp oeuoureo/o? euer ft conte tcell t'n a mam banbe . b*3o?ftiU 3no tbennjalltfte Ho?beof ottegbea asttu Bio'!*topfuH crotone / anb a gion'oug garlanoe tpguf garnit bnt0 tfteremnauntof bV3 people .Binto tbe S"&amp;otolp/b fl)aibeafp;eteoE tuogement/ano Stuc bntorftenj tftat D?pne attape tfte enempe? toarsc t^at toe ftom tbe gateS/fte albe afpjete of aregtft. wef:t)Kft uttbep go tojonge bptbereafonof topne/ SSrTm tfte P;eaes anb p;opbetcg rtjc f elue* pmtti m go amtffe/tbey are 5?oncfim toteb ttpne / 9 * roeafieH^apneb tbo;ott fttogwt'ncfie.cbep erte t'n f e'pnae / anb in tugoment tbep Eaple. &lt;jfo? all tabled are fo full of bompte ano fpl= CtftpnesJ/tftat no place i cieane.'*ibattg be c.feomt reaamogefljgm/tbat can teacb/mttructe o? en^ Ktohom M'eMinntt&amp;ecftpnsen/ tobftbare toeenebftS SSRS&amp;bci "? rsften from tbeb?eSeg : of enp otber

We^mtmm*'timmmm mape be co' wkriac ftismaunbfSi.-fcv'b fftat mape be bp&amp;Dcn/ fo^bpbb kqcmmttitustmgnc befojbpbDen/bepebacbefmape SmTSM ftepte'bs.-.tie/betealptte/tbereautle.lnb Wfattts.^o; itppngelippcss iinb tottba ttraunge language is conrfiy fav Bnto ftis people to tol)om be fpafie af o;e of fi r h a r u Sfotenisner.arb!8!alb;pngereffiypfonerc. SffiS fwft tbe teeerp / pee tftfti all b?pngereS. lOTich/toojibip T5ut tbcp ftab no ttpll to fteare. 3no fijerro?e ptuc&amp;B $ t^tfteno^be all anftoctetbeir ttubboutness Fs Ua 2l tE . s -,. of (Comaunbe tbat map be comaunbeb; bpa i 9ff&amp;i mapebebpbbe/fo^pbtbatmapebe fojbpD' m Stem Den/6tpeljacfietbatmapebefiepeb8cae/ t* b;eaa? 9 / bcrea Igtie/tfte re a Iptle) Cbat tftep mapego f/^^'fonft/falbacutoarb/beb/ofeb/fnarebatabe. torta? Biberfo2ebearetftetoo?beoftfte MMli S3tH 1 atmocfier? tbatrule tbe im$ people/tobtcb isinjftsoajt t0atjerura!em.iJFo?pec5fo;te pour felues ttBiwi ttat tbusf:cu/beatb 9 toeareatapopnte/anb S l ttft/tottgrtbereb? 6 e t5n;aunoeo.cftallnof; cometoponbjs. iJfo?tortbOifceate fcutsottKisftttopiitoeefcape/ an6tottbnpblencj5 topil tStJaSt toebefenaeoitrerelueg.cbetfo?efapetb tbe SS&amp;SS'MM MMtt /% toplllape a ttonetn w lobsnge to &gt;ton/a goat ttone/a amp* comer Bone

#f fap. : if* . u of bapieftalltaBeattapepottrrefiige/ 1 Wg^jgJS

ftatte to bifceaue toitftaii: 9 5 oueraotopnge SSSSM toaterg all b;ea&amp;e borone poure Oronge , cc tetVnt ' IK boioes of ot&amp;l'nutlacton. Cb3 tbeappopnfc oaannmnu ment . pe baue maoe Vboeatb / Qjaltte bone "Jjj"*|*r .

K'S! tfft?afiw tombacpomg tobofoputtetbbP^ trutt fti bmt, all not be confounbebSpgfc

cton gcetb tbo/oto/tt all all to tKacepou. % jopnctu t^rm 5taitabepoutjupteattapebefo;ett Jo?to vep* * ft all go fcjtb eatip in tbe mo?npnge/ nwnwK contpnue oniptbatoape ^tbatrngbtamb g toerp feate onlpftall teacb pou/tobe pebeare ft.Jfo? tbebebbe allbe fonarott tftata n;S

can not ipe bp5 ft :3nb f coiterpng to (mail/ tbat a mg mape not topitce fttm felfe tberin. jfo?tfte'JLo?bal tteppefo?tb aPbebpbbpof tbe mout* }Bera?t'm/aKb all tafie on a? be tlr" bpo bpon tbe *oale of abaomtftat be mape *.%&amp;*&amp; bjpnge foptb bt'Sbeupce/ e *bi&amp; Bvaunge oc tjotmidkit upce;anDfulfpllbts5too?cbe/bi0toonDerfull too?cfteJnDtt)erfo?emabeno mocfi^ W lfc *23SJS tbat poure capttutte tnereare DHAfl baue ^ ^ mat t F fteroe tfte )Lo?De of hottest rape /tbat tberecetott) roannta all come a fooen oEftruccton 9 Plage opon petccuctaunt* tbe toboie earn), caftebebe/anb beatemp fe W bopec/ por:b!e anomtrcftemptoo^begroeH. eaefy not ibe ftoufbanbe man euer m one reafonearrjettlptobPSlanDcibemotoetb 9 plotoe b' grounbe to Cotoe. 3nb totjen be 45 ftatbmaoettplapne/befotoetb ttMiietcbeg o;compn.^e force tbetebeateanoar Ipe in tbeir place / Mum anb Bpe alto intbtrpIace,anbtbatbemapeuotttpgbt/ bis ob teacbe btm anb eroe bim. fo; be treabe not fptcbes out tot a toapne/ neer brfnge be ecartbere 9 ere otter tbe compn/but be ?ctte tbe Eptcftes oute tottb a flapie/anb e compn tot a r ob . a s fo?e tobeate / ftegrpncetb ft to mafie b?eb erof/5EnaSmocbasbeannotb?ittgeitto paffe tot treabpnge out. f o? netber b?o= fpnge f e cart tobeies mafie/ner bt'S beaftj can grpnue ft . cbPU anb Catb Ipfie &amp; comeofe)Lo?beof ^ottestobpeft ft mar. uelous fn coucel/fr great rigbtuoufneffe, CWc bEfltuccpon of 3ctuCaIem.agasuft tfte tern' mannocmcnKsofmcn. jebe wtr.cbapter. . . fiD be bnto e fl&gt; atteI/ott cttte at autb toSne.cafie pet f ome J peaty ?iccfome feaftes petpaae wJ ^ouer:maliarieIIbebefegeb/ to at e al be beupanb fo?ottfull/ 9 al bebntomeeuenasaipon. fo?3teplllape fcgeto e tounbeaboutc /Beptcmtt totoers/ 9 graue bp WW agapntt e. ana tftou alt be b?ougftt lotoe / ana fpecifie out of tfte ear/anb p too?bes ail go bumbip out of $ gtoun&amp;e.^bptoopcc allccme cut


taifipnge Ibafl gtoane out of tfjempje. &lt;jf o? #*t(8teif *t((c multptuoe of fbpne enempes *fljalbe foaum/mas te # * 3lfae ** * e 5utt t&amp;at tfte topnbe tsbeta knabic to be atoapefobenip.cbouflwltbebpCiteDoftfce nSba* as mica, ju?be of ^ofles toitb tbonbje/eattbqua&amp;e; h-aift Mr * to ^ a S* 8 * ctacft/ti tbe ttbpife topno/ mate* $; tempett/anb toitft tbe flame of a confumfng wnntra toibtfe.58utnDtotbemultptijDeof all tbe wo* te. asto&amp;ople/t&amp;attoentout agapntt3riei:tbetobole 22K 2E2J botte/tt)e flronge boioes/ ana fege:ts ipBe a , that toiii &lt;tr Ipfie as to&amp;en ait bungrpe man ojeamen) tc upon bets eatpng/anatobenbeatoa&amp;etb/be&amp;atii IS a rao ^i notI)I "8 :l P 6eas{toftc " a ftWOf* man&amp;jea* i BBff" 1 * ^tbeij3b^ncftpnge/?tobmbeatoa. be aiiecome |WK &amp; ttffl/9 W* fOltle bnpacpent. ttje Ufrvtot S&gt;o is tbe multptuoe of all people i mu ^ ltt i 2S2: St *tbem femes agapntt tbe bpll of &gt;ion. SappwAbnto to* abafoetcpe fljall ftacftre/a tele to a fto. fsHinaftwiu: ^Fe flialbe ozoncBen/hutnotof topne.f e fct tati it net fljail fall/but not tbojoto o;onc&amp;enes:tfo? 2teS^ 0e ^ r 8wepouan^Bewiig|tewy ftrtoe Km * tooloe botone pour eptS:namelp pout j&amp;jo* ftai t tr *w Partes 9 beaoes tobicft fljuibe Ce ; tbem ail tea ans pit, (je couer.Hinb allbifions fbalbebnto pou/as ffifutn aa m *2fe tftat Sanoe in a f ealeo fetter/ tobe ffiffio*6ttttaniit|jattjjferiifD/8aje: ttH.icfa*ftareiieb0tbrsiettre.'Cbenbeanftoeretb^cS' oftftetboni)/not reoeit/ foj it is fljutt.Eutpfitbegeuen S!Krrta?J2S t0 on ^ #wttonrt/o?rapDebntobtm:KDe S"?ftf itte:bwtapetb beg cannot tease, mttotate 9s Cberfo?e tbuS fape* tbe jlo?oe : ffo? fo betu aiiy tow mocb as tbte people Djatoetb npeme tt rtjeir ffiSSiUSSS / 1 m * m m toWfttt toptbfijrfr t umpett d)aii tan;eftot iw$ftefeatetobicb r&amp;ep otoebn* mtfeitofi tome/tbat turnetbeptomens latoes aooc* SLSSaB t^w Wfo topii 5 alfo fljetoe bnto tbps ST 6euou (i&amp;amelpt&amp;is:)? topllbefltopetbetopfoome

pf tbetrtopft/atbe bnoetftanbpngeof tbett femeb men wall perpflje. U)o be bnto tbem c fffiat &lt;a&gt; pat fefie fo aepe/to bpbe tbeft pmagpnacpon tcftauD;onc/ before tbe Hoibe/tobicbteberce tbeir coun= *Z!tEE2&amp; ce . K m ft e &amp;w*nw/ 9 fape:tobofept8 bg/ o? fo clem actttv P Wl ^ is eue 80 tobe tbepotters eiape tafietft tutcofcoQceiirabupfement/agtbougbiBo?fiempgbtfape SL%S t0 ft e too^Smaftertmafte me not/02 ass tobe BUe p ^etflanbett)not.*epenottbatitisbattj ffi^toStaS^? 118 ? Je 0/ F*te wnnajatea to f(c ton, csaoHaSSitBataMaiB'

irlje ^^opljet?

iDf faj&gt;

anb tbattbc ptatncfeI6t8&lt;tBWc5 WftWttjfl^obf 6at mdi ,,; become rough ano fUUof talTBts.ffiije t?me. t Bat lia auu5 i6tbeft(rpnKtbatbemeanetb/tob^btbeftryptoa f ho 7; , , I a f&amp;ojt tpme.ffibcn Cbatl tbebnfmtefull/cougliAj toolOB heath.* 1 (Wbicb bnOecaaObp ILnianuajbe turneo unto f tdwrpon ? Ccb congteBatpono; cbuccb^ibnto tbt tcut fentpce of |L ftS^ (tohict) t bnowttanb bp b wmell) that ftutefull j totn tplleb ^J bp/tbatUfbanus fltalbe tutneb tntocbai^ mel/atbatcbatmel albetafienas a toouf cben Oali oeaf men bnoerttanoe tbe toozK oftbebofie/anbtbeepesoftbebipnoe ftaii fetoftboutanp cloube 02 barcfenes. be op&gt; pjefleb fball Bolbe a metp featt in tbe jLojbe/ atibtbepoopepeoplelbaumopfe in bolp oneofjftaei, Cben (bail tbe furpcuspeopreceaCe/anb tbe mocfiers fljalbe putatoape/anbaUtbep JS*** tbat bo tozonge fljalbe pluclieb out/f ocac as SbmSSSS tebouteto bzatomen bnto fpnne:? tbat bt&lt; IKS* fceaue bpm/tobicb tepzonetb c*tbem in tbe t^t. gate/^focbastutnegooo pwConnestoba' *# nite Jnb tbttfo^e tbe JLo;b(eue tbebefenber of abjabam) fapetb ttjuisbnto tbe boufe of

3acob:J9oto (ball not Jacob be aflmmeb/ no; 9&amp; face cofounbeo/ tobe be feptbamgge bWtbPlb?cn{tobommp bansesbauemabe) focb agf balots mp name amonge tbem : tbat tbepmape fanettfpe tbebolp one of ?acob/ anbfeatetbeoob oraasel: ano tbat tytv tobPtb a fo?e tpme ioete of an erroneous fp;ete/bauenoto bnbetttanbpnge /anbtbat focb as before couttenot fpesfif/awnoto lernebinmplatoe. ca curffeagapna thcra tbatfojfthe the connctlloE OBotvanoaptbDntotbecouncEllof tncn. $e tteate, wtltttieteftoftbcpcopIe/tobptbaRertbeotfttucca of JcruCaiemtoentein fo (Egpptr . CCbe.rrr.dbaptet;. \f bctotbofe IbzpnBpngecavRi?! mm Jlo2De)ttbicb feae con* .celi/butnotatme-.tobpcb tafiea ^^^toebbeinbanoe/butnotafter m? iopllttbattbepmapebeape one fpnne bpon anofljet.cbepgoobotonemto egpptefanb m l m M co ""n)to febe bflpe at tbe potorr of jBbarao/anb com fam in mm* botoe of tbe Cgppaans.JSutpbaraosbelpc fljalbepourconfufpon/anbtbecorafojtefti m Cgppcians ftabotoe fljalbe ponre atone fljame.foute rulers bane bene at 5oan/ a poure meflaungers came bnto mMJ&amp;ut S e flan anbe afljameb of tbe people gmape notbelpepou/tobicbflian notb?pngepS Qreitb oi comfo2te/but fliame a confttS fourebraflesbaue bo;neburtbms &amp;&amp;* tJerrbacfi^totoawetbe^outbytbSotor 55 tbetoapetbatis full of pareii anb trouble/ pecaufe of tbe Ipon 9 Ipones/ of tyeaoctto Wee anb flwtpnge Dragon, fee mma[es bare poure fubftaunce/anb tbe cameK b2oug|tpoure treafuteupon tljeir crofieo bacfits/bntoapeopfeg cannotbesipepou. in


^ tfo*t&amp;e&lt;SPPtfans&amp;elpe Qjalbebutbaprie bmcoap^ftatpebecStet^mtog^W aSSSWltolbepoualfotbatpour fpltbpnesisfape gettpoubence-.cD ntupll . ^ftSfSJnSwWfo^aolJW begcuerapnetotbefeoe tbatpe fljall fotoC tt ina IS^ tbat itma? remapne Up tfjen: create of tbe eartt / fo tbataii fljalbe pien* mSu^uSSSSSSSmAl' tuousanDabounDaut.cbP catena Co jail mSSSae bnfaS I cftpWn/cbplD?en be febe m t.De bjooe.mebctoeg/pee t^pne * ffiiP^efawtotbepjopbete^^ntro' gocafoboer/iobicbispurgebtottbpfanne.^ mmeinvS%mdmmm/ mw oooip rpuers all floto out of aW* mou- f SlSfeSSbSofnotbWfo? tapnesanbbPlies.lntbeoapeofegreate SSfet'ffitSw?too?beSbntow/ flaugbtertobentbe "toers fljaHfaH/fte SSSSfiiSSlS. W *t&lt;* moneftJallAJpneasHunne/anbtbefunne merffevJrtSmbS AftfoietbusJtepetft fljpne/asfnteuenDapeSbefpbc { v _ ^^ f b&amp; of Kl ^5Kcb as Pf baue ?n tbat bape wall tbe Hojbe bvnue bp tbe ftluesS^toeranbnpmbleneile/a put toonnces.febolDetbeglojpof *U JflWB ij^cmSeitttetBeflI?etn come from farte/bPS face fljall burne/ tbat SSSSStfccfo nomantbalbeabletoabtbeft/bPSlWPfJ SSfS ffi asanbve^n/ftatfalletbbe 3 fljaHtoaggefo?btrpinbpgnacpor iimm ffit?S/S 1 * BK Ifrael batb oftbebolpfoiempnpte. ft fljall reiopfe frS ^SS^mm^^mmm tobentbepgobptotbemountoftbe %wf mSffSSHt SfflnKre tmtoteerocftofaflHKl. CUWaralfcfiaJ t^^S&amp;eSwfawSo^Sitbi fetbptbepotoetofbPSbopce/ 9 aeclarebps Jffi-o^^rStolSKJo^ terrible atme/toitbb&lt;Sangrpcountfnaflce Se^'feoStoemufl rpSon totft pee anbtbe flame of tbe confumpnge tog ffi^lXSSiy toitbeattbquafie/tempeltoftopnbeiabapie S fi "S e?a&amp;raCmfof rouftaS uobenfl)aIWe SRSSSfi fleKrn?sttl^ becauCeoftbebopceoftbeHOJb/tob^fl'aH f J SSBS5 fmptebimWtb roooe.3nbtbefame nw teSt! a! ; ISK Ssft bpo an bpe moo tobtcb fte)lo?oe topll fenbebponbPm/fliaH SSS a bestteSn onbpll! tnoue tbe tobole f ounbacpom toitft trompct/ ^tetaSSS ?SS ^toastwiie/tjBt toiftnopreoftoatreanbbatell to&amp;estepe

fclSleSK^^nbVA jforbebaftWepatebftefp?eofpapneftont SB'IKJWuesoutoBWce. ftebegpnnpttge/peeeuenfo;SpngesaUJ. XhwiiM^ittf^^o?ttawJ(l) tberofiSfp2eanbtoobbfnmimerable/tobcft tufalem) ail peneuer be in beusnes/fo* amatcftofb.pmttonf, ^ boutleffetje topll bauemercpbpo\n tbe.S cBecurfcththtm tbat fo^rabe osou/sub ftab e f tee foone as be beatett) tbebopce of tbp cr?c/c oupesf n.

topll Ijelpe tbe. &lt;!rbe)loJoegeuetb^ftc a*bjeu of abuerfpte/a tbe toater of tcou.bie. a hc b:ebse)5ut tb?i!i!inuructet flpetft notfarrc froOT f aonccfptpe R/f tbpne epes lofie bnto tbpne inttructer/ I**'"" anjtiip batben tobps too?oe / tbat xuie* ctoubicnetto thflelte. atbepaffienoqueQpoattbe)lo.jDe.bere ijWM, SBoTeouer,i?f peoefltope tbe Cpluet too?* as be neuettbeles plagsfl) tbe to tcbeb/a pet 6tSor^wiboWaflOcatt3toaiietbegol* gottbiwtfwmbtstoojoe/toftenleaeppete

irtibe.yrrf.Cbapter. jfiD bebnto tbem tbat go&amp;otoneftt* ito gppte jpjbeipe / anb trufl in* bo?fcs/a comfoJte tbem felues in i*.cbareftes/becaufe tbepbe manp/ a in bozfs men becaul'e tbep be luff a ftrog.


Clje $?op&amp;ecp

0apnttoui)t6ff|0lljEoet6eftotoattie/58gasnaajc^flpeof bptoitBBoneftp.

Sm ""HlWlJoto^e mww atemen/9 SSBw i ^ ob/atibtBett Bo#Sfleft9 notfpjete. fcamcta *nba$fo()ne80tBefc.oftKtcBecBoutBt* fireWKOTf te banbe/tbcn OKffltbe b* Iper fell/ano be tbat

Kffii' P" 1 *' W*w Wo/9 awn all togetpet ra^ftftpXw*ontt:)WagtIfono? ipoms tobeipe taii. ny g.e. s toatetB bpon t^e pjape coat be ba tft gotten/

tap(pt efcb ano poel! cptf cs),BatBen bnto mpbopce.fecaieJeffeciaeS/nMtfiemptoo;.C Degf.aftcr peaces 9 oaves? at pe be b?ougbt ntfeate/:fi!&gt;pecateieffe cpties. f o?$atueft fcalbe out / ano tbe grape gatljerimge (ball notcome.petpcbpDeH cptirspetbatftas te nopatell/pe Qjaibe abaSjeo 9temouefe toBen pe te tbe batenneoe / tbenaaeoneffe 9

^if'"^8;anbtenotafrapeb/tboupjt|&gt;emuItftuiieDf p;epatpnge totoatte JeOmil fin ocbbpoit mSST * *' pbarbesctpeoutbpon bpm / netljetaba* route b;ettes/becaute of tbe plea lautfeibe/ tonW '"'fteDfo? autbebeapeoftbem/.&amp;oqjautbe anbbecauteofcbeftutefuiibpnepatf ie.#p &gt;e aanttn; JLojae ofJ&amp;otres come Dotoneftottje mount iopiesttIoea)aJlb?!nge tbojne09tBteU to? m euetpBourttsboluptuotitheS: anbfo testtW/totifumes.cbepalaci^alfoOialbe 1bm&amp;tm * o&amp;esfiepe/raue/DefenDesoelpuec fe* tyofien /anb tbe gteatipoccupi oe cptpesbe* Matte 6pri3ruraiem.&amp;berfo?e/pecBpIo;enof3fraei/ folate, ffibetotoers anb bult oercftes fljalbe of suteffs ana tutne agapne/ ipfie aspe baue erteabeo tn become oennes fo; euetm o;e/ # pleafuteof ^^''on^poutegotnge baefi. fain tBatoapteuetp 20ules (BaibeturneDtopaftute to? tt jepe: tijr aiOTniu manftaUcaQoutbtjj|.boWoffrtuetBott/ bntbtbetpme tbattbefp;etebepouteo bp5 tvEip^^Piic'tobicbpebauemaoettpoiiterpRfuHbaiib^. Wftomaboue. ntbuiUKt &amp;mu*Mutalto roalbeOapnetoptb tbe ftoetoe/ $ben (ball tbe topftretne ffe beaftutefull SSKS*. nottoitBamansftoetbeJ ftoetoefliall be* feloe ana tbe plenteous ftibeftal beteBenttt ST 1 uoutebprn/butnotamangftoeroe. aitiDbe fojatooooe.cben (baUeQufKotoeJlmtB*

sDnw(faecauQjaUHeCtomtfteflaugbt6t;r't)!0fettMunte0 befejte/9ngftuoufneaetnafmtefuH fi&gt;e, a t&amp;c p;optje&lt; ffialbetaBe pjpfcners. efl)angoto? feate ano tbe tetoatoe o f x^MmntmBt fljalbe *e a utie bcftje t0 g$ n^nge BolocS/anb bis P;ftice0 all peace / ano bit ftu te t f SaisD nupetneffe foi BSEEE*** front B'3 Baoge.CBfSBatB tOe Jtooe fpo euet . 3tncj mppeopfe mmmi in tBe pn to &amp;fatejM ten/m&amp;ofc ipgBt butnetb in g&gt;fon/anb fn's w* of peace/in mp eabetmcttawi pieafnre tee) erpouuQc fp?e in w rttf ai t m. tebete tbe te is pnougt ;: 1 torn all , Inn tobS Bna.iBoejipottw3tobMotbfoutartrt''iiotbpiniittftf*e tbebaplefafletij/pt8Hfal!!itu)et DObtie (w&amp;icballmapbe taltf0^ctv&lt;ec6cofman)(baUourc fp;ctuaUent' m the ctfie ff)hn ht hfitmo tliaii cp he/When memnjipbe tttctst ttwtcanot be feneiteieb^brtbt&amp;saunaiu aeto W rafeipiotoepo u.eie&amp;cocfpbeaUtoa-

lyWW|&gt;oiitanOemonenp8B-fa.ywB(J.g. CCbe.trtit. Cbaptet. C &lt;I!)e conbp:paneofsoo&amp; culganB5ffp:ets, _t?g^sH&lt;bolDe/tbefipnge (bail gouetne aH^smaEtettbetuieoftigbtuoufnw/a f P?ince3(balltuleaco?otngto{ _ liialaaceorequite.^effiaibebnto men/ as a Defence fo; topnbe/a asi a refuge f 0; f te mp eft / Ipse a? atpuet of toate t in 8 tbittttie place/a $ aaaotoe of a greatetoca

tcrsanb b;puetbptbet tbe feteofpoutcotf

anbafle?. C tb^empnoe agapnfl t\t affpjians . a bffowtfM of:bemtbi3tasllft(i)rS.o:tic. CCbe.twnf.Cbapter. a etfo;etoobebntotbe( tobbet) alt not tbou be tobbea alfof arm bnto tbe tbat lapeft toafte m tobo fape tbere (bulbe notoatte be I aioe .. k ., ,- ,^_ _, fct cbe:iBobnto tbe tobpcbboeftbutfe/euf mab;ie!anbe.&lt;!rbeepestofpftingeftjainot foQ)aietboubebuttaIfo.3nba0tbouIateS bcbpmme/af eategoftbem f beate/aa toatte/fo8)aBtoaptbeIapbefo;tbe alto. tafiebfTigentbebe.cbrbettoftbebntoife/ jLo?6ebemetcpfuHbntobs,toetoafo? fitai I attapne to ftnotorege / 9 tbe bnpatf pte tbe . cbme atme i$ a t a popnte to bpfet b/. ^jrwrfM,. tage (ban fpeaftc pianelp 9 oiftinctlp.cbm btitbe tbou oute&amp;ealr&amp;fa tbet pme of ttoi'ie/ffl ' 7 ftalItbenpgatDebe no mo^ecanebgentte/ We.&lt;i5;auntetb8etbepeopiemflpefleattbebea (tp?&lt;w. . net g ebutie ipberall.ffiuttbe cbutie toiii be anget of tbpbopce/ tbat at tbpne bpftan-3* * Btt , fc 5f tbutliftlp mpnbeb / bi* bett toiii toojfie e. apng tbe mnttten map be fcatteo a b ?oab/9 12S3&amp; uelispiape ppoctttt/ apmagpnabbomf^ t6ata*cbeitrpopiemapebegatbeteB/ agtbe?rt aR i* twt nacpon* agapnft Cob/to mafie tbe bungtpe gteftopperg ate comenlp gatbeteb togetf tet tbe aunaii tn leane/9 to tojtbbofteoipnfee from tbe tbiit* tntotbeppt. &lt;&amp;tanDebpJlojoe/ tbou tbat Pteo|t| ftie: cbefeatetbepetlousitoeapong of tbe btoelleftonbre^ett^ponbefpliebtoitb^**? * couetoug/tbetebebwflwmefull councel?: eqitteanbngbhioufneae.)letttteutbanb7 fl ^ tbatbe mapebegpiecbepoo;etottb birccat- faitbRflneffebein bittpme:potoer/ Oealtb fSuvm* fuHtoo?fie0/peeeue tbete as be fliuloegeue topfbome/ finotoleuge 9 feace of obatc * ttoftfm &amp;ntenceibtbcpoo;e,j8uttbeljbetaUpet s Bp;eafw,eBoibe/t|eitaum|eWetpeJ6

tei'co ^

s :*k

toiftout/tbenttflafigftiJolpeaeeteepebpt* H0oe ca* tetip.cbc fttetegate wafte 7 tbete toaibetb cetupijisM* nomantbetin/ tbeappopntmentt0bjofie/ !raJ 21. t f ties are bifppfeo / tbepate nottegat^ tK^/tbeDefoiateeattbiawbwpnes.^ SSsewmtftabetbitbutto^afpotte/.tbatittsJbe*

iK/buttbe&lt;t con ceaueabWe/9l'tatefttatoe/9c*poute ttjougbt toafl H (p2eteftaHbe fwc/g itmapecofumepou: LSKkof 9 f people aalbe burnt liBe Ipme/9 as tbo;* K Sect 7 nfi i butne are betoen of/9 catt m tbe f&amp;, wtitmm ^otoberbento/petbatatefaneofbotoS t bti mma* 00 tottb tb cm / 9 confpo/e mp glo?p / pe tbat tt L l?, c S be at BSbccbe firmets at Sion are a ftapbe 'fi-lw: a fooane fearfulneftt pscomebpontbe ppo= CcrpteS.l^batiSbeamonge.bSl fapetbep)$ tspoat a** toHI btoellbf tbatconfumpnge fp?e i tobpcb tt.^ei/ f jjg mape abpbe tbateuetlaftpnge Beate; JSfflmn^ * leoetbagooiplpteCfapel) 9fpeaBecb Sffia VwutB :etbat abbonBtobobtoience }Stbebetpanbbifceate:betbatBepetBBiBbanbe tbatbe tp;s tbat (ban t0 ucb no tetoatbe: toicb ftopperb Bis eateg/

!SE#atbe beare no councen agapnft tbe tnnoSS cent-.tobicb bolbetBboVwie BiS epes I tbatBe Sn Wont fe none euel, ^e itis/tBat ftafl btoell on bpe 10 aungeiitotobofe fauetgatbeftwlbetttfttuetocBe/to ittUojeion. himfl)albegeuentbetpgBtttuemeateano b^ncfee , sps epes altfe tbe Bpnge otBW Blo?p:anDtntbetopbetoo?Rw/anbbwBette ail Delptc in tBe fcateof &lt;2$oo.*iBat (Ball tBin become of fc^bee of tbe ^.enatoutf tobat of bint tbat teacbefl) cbplt);en cbete Qalttbounotfeapeopleofaftraungetuge to Baue fo btftufeb a language / tBat it mape not bebnoetftSbemctbet to fttaugafpeacbe butitOjalibeperceaueo.

rbfreaaBS)ionbefene/tbeBeabcptpe of oure foiempne feaftes . be (ball tbpne epes te je ftifaiem tbat glopous Babptacto: tbe tabernacle t neuet awlltemoue/tobofe napIeS al neuet be taBen out roo?lbetoicB cut enoe / tobofe coatoes euetpcBone Gbatt neuet co?mpte : fo? tbe glojtous PageUp of tbe %om Cbali tb ere be pjetent amonge W.g|ntBatplace/iBbncfapieb;oabetpuet0 9 ftteames ate/ftaBnetBet C5aleptotoe/net gteat 0)ippefaple.&gt;f o^tBel-o^Qialbe oure cap tepne/ (Be Ho?b albe oure lame getter CBe ^ojtie toalbe oute Bpnge/ 9 OeOira telf ftalbe oute ^aupoute . aBtwate tbe co atbes to iapoeabjobe; $ tbep cS not be bet* ter:&amp;bemafttetbpoftocBafafi)pon/no bannet net faple BangetB tBeron : but tbere bealeb greatc fpoplC/Tttlanie raenturme after tbe pjap.cbetelfettjmornS tbat faietb: SamfpcB/bucaneueifstaBenataMpeftom ^epeopie/tBstbtteatBm,

Cffi&gt;elaDeflrucc?flflaFt1je *pi8g08t)ti^|e^ t^ctapngOomE j pieatJoOt 1 of tfaar people teas tranQa^ tektotty &amp;\)ixvfy$ fbrtijeegacpon of Avjtt. 8c pe pcoplc.^ctBen trjou catty 9 all f 10 ^etin:t^ou toun&amp;e com^ mat mi all tyat grotoett) tbere bponfo? fyt TLojwt&amp;angtyt toftlj allpce* pie/ 3l)i0 DiTpleaCut fs fetnoica agaptt all multptufieof tfteni/tbcurfttljEm,. a to Ccpc tt)em,g)0 f tljm flasne Cjalbc caft out/ano tacit bo&amp;peg Cpncfic: t cum tfje bety Utiles fbalbetajettoty $ blouDeoftijem Jll ftar* teg of fjeau en Qjalbr confunicD/ 9 flatten ail fol&amp;e toget^ec IpftearoII/aan tljcftar* resstfwof (ball fair . ipsea.s t&amp;e leaucgfaiuS" ftwntbe bpc0fpgetree0.jFo?mpftt)eatDe crafceaeejajaibc UatUrotnbraug/5 Qialim^ mcaiaop come botone bpo 3jDumea/3 bpo people to^cb^auectttfebfo?mtbesegce, 3 i7D *iLo;Deg ftuearbe ft alb e full of blou* be / ata be tu Qpe to ptb tbe fameire 3 bioube of lamb es anb soot eg/ toftb tbefatneffeof t^e gpMterg of toctfjets, Jf o? tfte tojocftatt Spi a greate oSringe in of ra / 9 in tbe Ian* be of ibumea . cbere all tbe Qan?co jtteg fantoitt5tbcnlleg/(t^at!0toitbtbegpa' untesijanD tbewlanDe i&amp;albetoalbeb topt^ Wouoe / ^tbeirgrounoe co?mpte toptb fet* neffe.oittto tbe aifoc ^ jon) mai cotnetbe bafcoffte bengeaunceofiSJoa/anbtbe^

are toben ft sne atone subgmente Q)aibe recompenfeb.cftp floubegflialbetwnebto pptcft /anb tbpte eat^to b?pmQonie / anD tbettoftb ftalltfielaiiOebeBpiDieo/fotbat &lt;tlbannotbequencbebbapenecn?gbt;J5u{ . ftnofie euetmtoe/anbfo fo;tft to i^e toafte, ti 3nb no man an go tbo^ototbp lanbe fo? ei4ei::iBtit^eieaneg/S&gt;to?6eg/gtea(:fl)U' leg/anb JSaueng ail baue it in poffeff? on/ anbbtoentften'n* jfo?obftaii fp?cbeauttf)ei?neofbef0 lacpon bpon ft / ana toe je tt toitb tbe acnes of emptpneg JiSbenftmgegate callebbpony ibeteftalbenone/anballp^pncegftalbeas toape. ebo;ncs all gtotoe in t^eir pafe' -ceis/'nettefeanDtbtlHeisintbewfiroRgedoi* Bes/tf)at^eD?agon0mapeb3uetbetrpIea^ fuwtbenn/ ano tbat tbepmapebea courte fo?(Cfttfcbe0.cbereQmH tttaungebtfutei anomonQruougbeaftegmetedneanotbec/ q tb* toiiaefiepe companp togetbet . &amp;tyw OiaHtbelampalpe/ano ftaueber, lobsfngr. Cbeteantbe(iebgboge buptte / Wgge/be tfteteat&amp;ome/anbb?pige fojtb W pounge W one0.chete all t&amp;e gfteg come togetbec/ ec(jonetoblp6e, ^efietbo?otot!}efcfrpfitt'ecftbao?be ? ttbtit .G&amp;aeftaH none of tbefet&amp;vngeji

u &gt;



fmtfeltm 6eieftout/tfteaTnotone(iinfocfteitBe) fa?le.tfo;ttobatbismoumcQmaunoetft/rbat tameootb bps rp^ete gather togetbcrto; ful f pllctb.) pcntobcmfoeuer foe lot failed/ m toto&amp;omfjeaealt it tottb tbe if nt tb/ofe Qiaii poffetre tbe cnbetftaunce from genera' ^ cfonrogeneracpon/abtoellrberin, 36 CCiftbefpmeanofcjngoomeofjebfia.

a*pfl)eoc* C^C.JW*.^apw:. Cect* tojlOec*" - *" tlCBiBt'.QrHiiiij tbeccfUect&gt; of ttje catben/ tobpcb toere

irlje iftop&amp;ecp

to tbe toapetbatgoetfi rtootoefte tuners lanoeJnorotbrrecamfojtbbnto btmUa sraif eiiw; foane &amp; fcefpoft/fcobna* ^rttte/sawHSSfapDsttoincg fcceretarp, Jia Jfiawa&amp;eb fap&amp;e bnto tbctmceii e* seifab/ftat S gwate Ugng of Mt)ia fapeta t&amp;uStoUobpm: mmpmrnption is thwt/ ^attljoutwfleabntofctioutbtncBeaiptr* a w*,* , *w*0 $*t tbou baa councell $ potoet xmtujmtoam pounce ajaibe t0 tm8eBtbou/ tbat i&amp;qii eafteft An fwr# ifball fto;pl&amp; pleafauntlp / ana be fim Ba g f ^ SJSSSBSRSHE ^,^ - ,bfgeupngoftbancBes mo;e mmSSomSSSSSP 1 " tucuteiitti n3 .lftafinotoeebeBonouroftue,o 2 De/anotbc KffljSSSffiSSmrtaeiniii sSSL , f**pim t&amp;era tbat arc of a fearful!

of at rough,, wj^wwu nu igatareot a teartuu ncs 1 5)ufcu te bewr.J5eofgooocijne/9feaKnot.fboU fiiitue of the poure ofi cometb/to tale bengea8ce/a to tostotufB.i3tetoarOf/oDcometftbteatonefttfe/atoj t&gt;*p tbps oelpuerpou.cbenftalltbcepesofSblpna BffWH"!H9'! * w*of cfieoeafe openeo. f amcg'iniijcft &amp; tbeoome mans tunge (bail geuetbancaes arece the m* %n ft)e toptoerneoe alfo tbere alt toelle s ;*! IT w "WP/" 1 Souoesof toater tntbe befert. uS of tac Wawwunw (ban turnc to rpuers/anb fpo'ife that * fte tburape to fringes of toater.lfcbere as

to mm * b;agosotorttafo;e/ibret fljallgcotoe Ctoete bopping ttpon floures anbgrene ruttbes.cbere qjaibe tote h.bcte&amp;uctb^^eboip toape. o bncleane perfon all thcbi?i!oea)aigofto;offitt/fo;tbe-fLo?ofbtmfclfeQ)alIao ft/th E o^afe ma tottb t&amp;em tbat toape/anb e tgnojafit ftall a nam? ** "8 e "catt Ojall come tperm/no; be tftere/ rtfl fjgne ef but men (&amp;aH go tftere fre anblafe.anb tbt the tonrapnaereijcmEo of \ jLojoe Q)a(l cormme/ano come SKrpS^^I^ tB ? a " 6f 5Pns-'Euetlaaing rf$^*VWiilweaw/|rte8towaittgia^ ieB^a!hra^balbeamongetbem.It)agfo?aHlio?otoe of the fetng, anbbeuwtfj,it fljallbatif fljatoaw, ome of (Boo in the fapthfalL a?aohpn6e tsas aeafe to beare ifie &amp;ra Bcnl?8omjneof(!5o6/6oraetop!apCe69ra/lametompnawo *ps ntMbbou wano to pwebe the go^elUt.ffhefe thingeof h; lathhealtotoitfihttto'.nmpnge. * -W" M ffihe laa je of ty e ta jncttB i ftpthful to jeee tallet&gt; ffit bolj tea? e. ',, C^be.jwf.Cbaptet.

'tfie ap^aniTbotone "to la?e ftge **^fttBftnijftfiecoiiB|teoftbeotittpole/

- t

bebe: toboft Qmtacet 9 aulttrs 0e;e6iab toBeOQtonc/3 comaOocbluba 9jcrufaJe/to too;ippe ontf befo^fauTrer.abpDe /ibou ^?X coribpcf toptb mplo;be Bfng of 3CfffriSsJ/g be (bufie geue (be ttoo tboS fen&amp;6ojrefj:arttflouablecofetmwt6erb; %fpignoto gtbou canttnotwtta potow of ? fmaueap;cnce| m)Lo;bebatb/boto barrctt ftpu twa fti f cbarett? 9 bo?fe mf of Cgtpt:S|o;oun;/tbKfcea tbouta am comt muie bKbet/to oeftrope tft js lanfie toitboue Mow t^be)Lo;b(iii)oebtttom/8o BoajnemtogigDc/gtfjoumaiea befit m it.

CbcnfaffieciiaSim/^obfiasfoabbn* to Sabta&amp;eb^peabetobstbp feruatint** WVWJbtM tbe % WanjJlanguage^fo? toebnoraftanDcr't toelftfn&amp;rwancnot to to* m fl)e gjeiaegtonge/ left tfje folcae beare/ m$ lpet&amp; bpon tbj iess . cben anftoerea mabf9Beb-.cbrncBere/tbattbeliptige fent raetofpeafietbte onjfbntopju;fiatbbenoc fentmetotbemalfo/tbatliebtioittiKtoaUir ^attbep benot copeifetito eatet&amp;fft atoneC bonge/8b?mcBe rtincaiDfieaare teftb mi 3nolSabraBeOaoDeB?ff/anocmtitofA aloube bo we in (begetee* tunge/am fayb: goto .tattebebe/botD tbegreate apnge of tbt affinans geuetb ?outoammg.cbu*fal!ei|i I B 65ng:JKtriote?eBta) bifceaue w/foj be mi not be able robe Jputr pou, ^cjoua ietnot^f?efiiab cofo?terouing Zo#mi be fa jetb:cbe ]Lo;D toft&amp;outboute ftjaUbeftn&amp;ebg/a aHnotgeutouettbftidtiemto tbeftanoejofSfifttgoftbeaaj^/belaie bpmnot.JSuttbujJfarrbSfttng ofarfa: oprepnemp fationre/encrptetome: romave 'JWntimwfflbinttm Sftgetww/ ao;mcftetaetoarerofbf0cilreme:bwo tfie tfmetbatgicomemrfeif/^b^ngesottwta a wmtm&amp;mt ?oure atone:tobetfitw toDeate^topne/to&amp;tcftts bortj fotom topta ftbe/anbpiantfbtoit&amp;Dpiefatwu, w


qietufele. txt not l$ttfhUi&amp; ottttm rou/ tobenbe ^* fapetbbntofouube)lo;beftwUbeftuerWJ ^Qjbttbe(Bobbe0of(be&lt;iE!etiriie0Bet)e

rue rp mas lanbeyfrS tbe potoer of n)e itmg eftbe Susans Ja&amp;bere tbe &lt;0obof e= matb 9 etrpbabf ! b ere t* tb e c3cq f &amp; r t^aruatmf 3nbtobo toas able to befenbe bamarta out of mpbSbe;? totjictj of all $ odqes of tbe .lanbets / b atb btlpereb rbett cofirre out of ms potoer/fog tbe )Lo?b ftulb belcuer ferutaiem fro m p banoef nto rb is ^e;ebtabS meOaungers beioerbetr tunges/ a antocreonotonetoo?be:fo?tbe&amp;pngbao ebargcb tbf/'tbat tfiep Qntibegeuebtm none anltoe re . 'g&gt; cameett' afifm ^elbfebsi fonne neftrObeitt/ ^obna tbes&gt;crpbe/a3oab aifaptjS fonne tbe ^ecretarp/bnto^ne&amp;f* ab to! tb rente clotbes/a tolbe bt m tbe too^ oflEabfabeb. cetjtBi'al) hambtetb 6 jnt Rife befiw rtelojoe.Cfie atmpeof fei;nnahetii ts Oapneof t^caungeltoft|e S.o:ac; j he h; in Cclfe is b;Ueo of h is atone f s nnrs. CCbe.rrrbn.Cbapter, i^en 9 EjeBiab beatbe tbat/b erete b/ftclotbeiJ/aput on a facfi ciotb/ 9 toft into tbe tf pie of tbe jlo;be. jSutije fent eitafimi tbe p&lt;;eff* bent /sDolma tbe ^crpbe/ toptb tbeelbeft pjeaa'i clotbeb tn facs/bnto f P^opbet cEfap tbe fonne of a mo?./ 9 fbep fapbe bnto bmu d&amp;u0fapetfl$e?e8ra&amp;:CbS!Stbeoaee of trouble/of plage/ s titoM ft: ipfee as tobeti a cfcploe cometb to tf)e b #&amp; /bu t tbe tooman batb no potoer to b^nge it fo;tb.cbe TLoiq tftp cDinoDoute}batb toell eonf|terebtbe toopoes of mabfaaeb / tobom W lo;fie tbe fttngecftbe affiufansbatbfent/toDefpea blafpbcme tbe ipupng 00; tottb focb too;B^ as R)c A-e;D tbp ob barb bearoe rigbt toe! j. ainbtbcrftyeipftbptbppjaper fo?tberem naunt/tbatpetareieft.^)Otbereruauntej . ofpnge^e?ea&lt;abcameto(Bfap. 3nbeiapgauetbemrbfeanftoere:&amp;ape 75 tbtis bnto poure lo;ue*.tbuS rape tt) tbe jlo?d: enotafrapeooftbetoo;toe0tbatfboubaft bearoe tobettoitl) tbe Spnge of tbe3'ffp?!ls reruauntes \itaK blafpbemea me. 33ebolDe/ 3 topircaufea ttpnuego ouer bpm/asfone as be beaten) it/be ftaii goagapne intobps tountrc/tberetopllj beftropebmi tottb tbe Ctoeroe.^oto tobrn 3Babfabebretumeb/be fmrbe tbe Spnge of 3%te lapenge fege to Hobnab / f 0? be babbtiberftanoe / 1 be to as

Departeb from jLacbft. iJFo; tbere came a ru moure/tbat c^arbabab ftpngof ctbiopta toas come fo?tb to toarre agapntt bm. Sfinb toben tbe fipngeof aidp^a bearbe tat/befentotbermeaaugers toftpng^e* ?eateb to'tH mis comaunbemf t : S&gt;ape tflujj to^eaiab iKpng of juQa-.jUt not tbp 05

;eaue tb e fn tobom fbo u tjope ft ,

S emfal e Qjail not be geue m 1 tbe baoes of tbe Upng of 3flp?ta. jfo? ttiou Bnotoeft torn boto tbe Singes of aiffp^a baue bahbreo all (Belanoestbat tbepbauc Cubuerteo/ancbc peftrboutoefcape; Il3etetbepeopieoftbe &lt;0enrple0(tob5mpp;ogenproutjj coquerew belpuereoatanptpmetbo;ototbefr goboesf Mmmelv/ oian/^atan/ Ke?epb/ a m ebplo?enof(Oen/tobUbbtoeHat&lt;H:balaaar. iberefstbeSptiBeof^emab/9tbefipnge ofarpbao/atbeftpng of tbe epepegyepbat' uamt/ia ano Wwl #oto \0)tn ^e?efitab "' babreceaueotbe iettre of tbe meaaunsersi/ anbteab ft/betoentbpt'ntotbebouleoftbe )Lo?be aopeneb tbelettei;befo?etbeilo?be, anb ^eiefifab P Japeo before fi,o;D on tbt* maneno ]to?oeof BoSen /tbouoob of|f' raei/tob&lt;cbbtoeneabpon Cberubpn.f Ijou art tbeob;tbat onlp is ob of an ftpng* tomes of rbetoo?l6/fo;ftouonipbaftcrea* tebbeauls eartb.enclpne tbpne eare,o?be 9 confpb;e/open tbpne epes/ iLojoe/afe/ 8p3b;eall f too;bes of &gt;ennabcrib/tobicft batb fent bps embaffageto biafpbeme tbe ipupnge o&amp;. 3t ts true/ fl&gt; %om 1 tbat *

tbe apnge* ofauptfabaue conquereb all ftpgbomes 9 ianbes/8 caft ibetr gobbesm tbefp?e. #ottoptbftandpngetbofe toereno goobesi/buttbe toojefieso'f mens ban&amp;ejs/ oftoobo?8one/tberfo^bauet6epoeftropeb lfiem.3Beipnet wi/o /Io?d oure 00/ rrotbebanoesof aennabertb/g aHftpng* bomes of tbe carta mape wiotoe/ tbat ttiou on!patttbeto;i)e. cben fap tbefbnneof amo?fentbntoe?efitab/fapinge:bu0 (apttt t o;ae 00 of Jftacl:tb e re as tbou s e ^ aa 85t Baftmabetbpp;apetbmome/astoucBpngK f &amp; g&amp;ennabetftj / tbps ts&amp; anftoere / ifiWSpJRS ^o^ebatbgeueconcempngbpmjjBefpefebofpnrefapti)^ arttbou/amocBea/ B *flD oaugbter of a&gt;pg) *WS p u 's Slewtelem, JButtbou S&gt;ennaberib/ tobom oSSXi bafttboubefpebaWafpbemeKanoagapnftBt&lt;nthepi tobombafttboulpfrebbptbpbopce/aera!^? 011 ^ ^^ tebtbPWOubelOHesrtuen agapnftfte m2hS$SP one of JftaeLCbou mm feruafitesbalSft'ofn/ blafpbemeo tbe jto?b/anb tbus b ofteft rboutaughM ofs&lt; oftbpfelfe:3couei:tbebpemountapnes/3 0&gt;i '* c '^aui fpbfoftibamtstoifbmpbwftnl.anbtbewd! S.' topII|cutbotone bpe Ceo;ettce$ mWmttlmtg* fap;ea^retree3.ltotabpmtotbebepgrb SP n ? te 9 ca!ie[b of it/a into fbefeft of W tpmb;e tooooei*. th c fi "s ana If tbew c benotoater/^toplgraue 8b?pnae 9 Jjgggl rbem bp toptb fte fete of mpnef otte. f tt jbaw couples (fapeft tbou) baft tbounotbeatse / tobat % ?" wte dhb BauetaHfntnbanoe/'anbWougbttopafleoi m i ^ "l l ,l, mm* Cbatfartietortig bo note aifo:^g&amp; Sb8fte/bfftWje/8b?iiigeftrongectoesbntbnJo&gt;infnB

nm 1

Clje Wmiity

beapeMftoneg.tfo?eftfobabitouigal. belpfte lame men / b;ougbttn feate 9 cow* founatD.CtiepffialDelj&amp;e tDcgtaffe^Btene beibegwttefcH&gt;e/lp6e ebap bponboufe topped toiew afo;eitbe gtotonebp. m iinotoeptoap eg/pgoingefo; ana pcSntpnebome/pee ijpmaBneae agapnft me . cbetfo;e p futfouCneffe agapnft mc/ toew.k wattngemp nofe/anaa b;tBlebpt tntbe VfrtftA atoegcf e/8turneeaboute/euen e fametoapeou cameft . ftoU geue alio is fo8?( fce'?Efiia&amp;)s peare alt t&amp;ou eate atfgSeptin ftoare/ 9 enejtpeaw foch a? at otoe Eft of bfoi f elf / 9 m e p;ae f eaw w alfotoes reape/peepeftallplStt; tonepaeg/9emopeeftutegerof. 3rtBroofeboureofSuBaagareefca* peb/ ail come togeet/anaetemnaunC ffiaflta6etotebene/9b;rngfo;friitea* boue,jfo;e efcapeaaallgooutofgeru* raiem / aetemaunteft6emount faro. 3no ig flwH e geloufp of tbe Ho;oe of -boftegbjmgetopafle.cbetfojet^raie e ;U&gt;;Be/concerpngee ftpnge of Wl&gt; toitam: $e an not come in toftecptfe/ ana aHotenoatotoem to it/ere all no Aoebutte it/neer all ep graue a* bonte it. $e fame tear e at be came/ all be w toutnc / 9 not come at ig c joe; fate tbejlojbe. 36naitoillfiepeanafaueecp* tfelfate be)fo; mpne atone/anb f 0? mp fe uaunte?0aupBgfcfie . twMiewfrg *cbug tbe angelteent fo; /anbfletoc c cr. t iu m, f tfj aoptfang b ft e/ an ci tb .oufanae. fK'Aa e^nb tobenraen atofe bpeatlp( at tfautt* iSfflrfpcn : ) ffiebome/ alt lape fuK ojaaafoopeg.

*&gt; fe ^erinaber^pngof $3flp;tgb;afie bp/9 btoelt atJWniue.2!ftectoarDe it cbaun* r/agbep;apeBt&amp;e temple of tfefrabbES nowat3iB#malecb 9 &gt;ara?et bigatone forwsfletoebimtoieftoearbe/ anbfleb At totbefanbe of % rarat JnB3fet baacn.bfg ronnetefgnebaftetbtm.


H.3Rc8.W.a MMtstftfff

r*rtiab is fjtb totifo tbe beetb/ but is pet reupttto bptbelojoeaniiipiictii .rotates aftn : fojtei^ib fcjnefj tt i)c geuetij ttjancfees. CSbe.rmirii.CEjaptet;. 3 |RV*),|tf&gt;tlongeafo?e tb# /toasJ $e?e* "Wab fiebbnto Bee: 9 e$;o* ipbetG8e fonne of 3mo? came _ w riJbntobftn/anb fay&amp;et gtjug com* *lS/L* nafi w" ta ft e JUwa-.&amp;et ine boufe in o;b;e: SmSSS fb;oumuftbpe/9 attnotetcape . cbm 3*i ttan $e?ebteb tutneb big facetotoarte etoail/ lad aptafaM 9 p;apeabntoffie jlo;Be/ anafapae : eme ft|.t52, c iS* c *b?e()iLtnbe)atg!bauetoalc8ebbefo?eft Sf 3 fS na * tm ^ anl,a Sebfaflbette/ 3 baueaone S{(tejSbtbetbPigeatftipleafaunttoe.3Bnb^e* urn. ?e&amp;f ay tuepte ;e, cbJfasbe ob bnto

igfas-.Coafpeafiebnto^ejeBiab^eloftc ob of auto ? faec fenbetb tbe tbp? too;be:l baue bene ? pjapet / anb conffM b?ebt&gt;teaw$:beboibe | nopu put fpftem featc0mobntoplfe/anobelvuettbeanb e cptieaUo/ftom e banoe of e firng of ana/fo?gSb3^loefenbee citieJnotabe J5 et*to8eoftbejlojo/ateetofUboit/ ai be batb fpofien:eboloe/ 3 topil tetume e abotoe of Iba?bial/ gnoto is lajeo out to|eg)unneano b?rnge it ten oegrees bacblatbe.$&gt;oeS&gt;unne tutne&amp;ten of.

gtee9bacfitoa/ tobtebbetoats befcenoea aft?e, 3 ancbefgeupnge/ tebicb $e?ebiab *pigeofauoato?ote/tobenbebab bene fpebe/a tea tecouer ea . '*3!ougbta ulbebauegoneto f ga c teg of beu in mpbeft age/ana baue teanteo bttzwuij eteffaueofmppeatejs. tftoug^^^Ba Ifpabe toitnmpfclfe:3! aflneueebt^ *?? * fettbejLo;Deoaintbiglsfe:3aanmet^8r5'S s femanamongetbe6toeUefgofetoo?lBe. mimw*t. fl^pie ageitJfoloenbp togeet/anata' %Mw benatoatetrome/Ipbe a epberaes cotage: *jjffig?fc mp Ipfe i0 betoe of/lpbe 69 a teeeuet cutte 35SKJ ofbfttoebb. DJOitcijc.s^ iBbple 3 tea? pet tafipnge mp teft/be be- ma?t tc pn cc tDtameof/^maae an ence of me in oneaape, m ** ^tbougbtJtooe^uelpu^iW^gJ*gg, mo?oto/butbeb?ofeampbcne3lp6ealpon/ 1 ?f , ana maaeanenae of mein oneaape. fetaa ftuae Cben cbatwbl ipbe aftoalotec/anaipbe IgigaR, actane/anamoutneaassaaoue JCJ 9 ipftebp mpneepeginto ebepgfit:,Vewpt m ^o?ae(fapae5)bpolenceK5Bonebntome/be m oi^c let' / oufuettpefo?me. -&amp;9EIEE lbat aligjfpeabe o?fape/tbatbemap gfiffi J t0 oofff map ipue outall mp peate 91 pee SSBiffS mtbebpttetnerreofmplpfe; ^mz-Mm (Hetelp()Lo?ae)mennuift ipue bptter* t&amp;t wntfttst neffe/? anmplifemuft? palie ouettftenn-. gg jf 0; outapfeft mebp/ana toafieft me.ffiut -gup 9 ' as gp lo/3teplbetoellcontettoifebpttetnejJ.|c f tiiiawi)t J9euer.t6ftarrt5rt nputgafo;p/as?ema?totHfe lip IteaHMI btfiijt W^SS! &gt; i0f /t^at 3f |ic toaltfttft brf o t^e &lt; tmttfc f a RwfroWtw baue Bone tbe tbrngt tbat to plcafaunt to ebt'.tobicb Jbpnjt vpo B aoctb/ncabclb not to ftacc anpof tboft tvto pias. ^tfjWBtpat/ tbe Dunce mm feopbifteta t^em CettUB-tobtcb to*ct(aamo8 wr# neomentbmthe)tbcinucntoutcB*fpnoetB,pcanBtbebftpinaK of puccjatojp/'fatc tbat bef o tbe tpmc of Abn'Ont tf inpnfl t 'tpere

teas no fdtb plate; fo tbatftef ebiab is bp tbeit fentente Cbplb* qup of tbat ptace:ano of bell Ootb tbe (enttnee of tbe toojoe of oo qJ* . .... .. 'Bnoton&amp;tmnatpontotberotbatajeffl


a0toboHnttfapr.j^ou0bttQ^aueJpue6l5geriiut6pto?Df(o mc as it baft to ne a lja:$ ftblca mjUoncB ? ftemgeft; ? fo ttoflcto mc ttubtbe arcuoiw pages of mpbift a&amp;zast^ouffb 5etoolD m ouc oa tiauc maacancn&amp;cof mc. fcocbeaBtcucnsfvchnefltolwneOtOT t^mcte^it Dauti)alfolatourcbtoit5/to^ratjcfe)?a;a) lOjOflWK Wc/ft?JlSb9ncfiawttc^0 f i5falt(.a.*.WFb^a,

feVfof'trU j6mmftelempeffuettocpoljatftfoptea* htwttfflpif. notmagnpfpeKje. . .. ^c war * c^FlsoDottitcftttof gcaue/p?a?K ffi Wlffir acfinotoleDge ttj^/ipfte ass a do tft psteaje, gatctiau ion/ cfte &amp;$tt tt 0*9 5fSS ^id?ch o&amp;p fap*^ 8 e?o!b"*'furiteffe* cK c e a , n ml JBfljuen W(j &amp;o?W)an8toetopHhge SS i ftafcm * anD(gfapfaHW:tafiraplapftetof fpgfi/ Kcfccfpsout(ji a p C rtbpont^efo?c/foO)a!litbctt^oie. i**?.^ 6f" ^T&amp; i9e?eBtafc to&amp;at a steattftins iKitK*/W3l Qoi)Pinto e Jouft of -wawtb tbpBtfte JLojftc. "ftp iu0gem:an&amp; e^c topcbc&amp;toptl impute mp bcaftto ttrfttft' ftiottpnsof Ibolatcpc/ 9 to tbe puttpng Ootoiie of tftc b;afen it rpSt S OT tbat 30 Ootome into the gcauc p;apfe not tbp tcuettvtbat w b()Ptnotfo;tbctruftboftbpto^iolpp;omcfeg/tti^cl)tbott!jaftp?o# nrfeD tonto Cotb aa toalcbe ijubcf^Ubip in tbp latoe.a&gt;euteco,rrbtij. IDjrtcanotrciopceoftbe^beaUb'tobcnalibopeofrccouccpngets Wti.tfutpfebou graat amSbie lpfe^pfanpm4cctoucc V Cicbnea Stout; be Wat ac&amp;notwlebje tbp goobnee^euf aa Jnoto gme tbScbco ub tbtv to tbe benefpte of mp beaUb tofjicb W W reao;cb me. C^c&amp;bta!)^ repioueb of etap/becauft bc^etocb^IS tctafuce bnto tbcCmbaffabourreof abplon. Ctyefaiue tj?me i^etobacft 30a*


r*0 m

laoaiu/ }Salaoam0fonne Spng of iSabplonj ftntletttegJ p?efenteg to l^e^efiialj. fo; b e bnoetftofie bote atljebaa bene ftcb/ j teas recouerea agapne Jna ^e?e6iab tea? glaa tberof/ana etoeatyftbecoraoopfpeg of big tteafute/ of fpiuet/of goia/of fppceg a tooteg of p?e cpoug opieg/alltbat teag inbpg cubbo;aeg S atrearuteboufeg.^beteteagnotone tng tnf e?ebiabg boure/afoo.2oto outallbpg Spngaome/but be let em re tt. Cben came fap tbe p?opbete to Stpng tftefitab/ 9 fapae bntobpm: a^at baue e menfapoe/afrotobenccameepbntoef i^e?ebiabanrtoeteB:ep came out of a fane court tte bnto me/out of sabplS . &lt;TapfapB: tobatbaueeplobebbpon inpne boufe^ $e?ebtab anCtoerea-.aill f t'g in mpne boufe baue ep tent: ana ete t'g noinge in mp tteafute/buti etoeat'tem . Cben rap&amp;e of fap bnto $e?e&amp;tab:naei&gt; fianae e teo?ae of e Ho?o of ^ofteg: "8&gt;rboiae e tpmeispll come, a t euerp pnge *&gt;\)i tg in pneboufe/anb al atpp?o genptoureg baue lapae bp in ftbate bnto -^igoape/ftalbecatieato abplon/anano ^ingeieftb^pnae.cbpgfape e ^,o?ae.

to cfap: )9 oto ob pjoCpevebpgattne court * cell/tobi on baft tolome.ipe fapae motf oiiet: &gt; ateie be peace ana fapful*

neueinmptpme. Cffibe tBmpncj of ft.Jobn apfift.a%ep;f patacpS of tbt apoftleB.O:be tailpngc of tbe cseniples. 9 . Cbe.itl.cbaptee. * trattrit [(2 of gooa cbete mp peopie,'be rt JS""" ff*'' [ooam(fapepoure oajcB.^XS lfo;te'5Eetufiilem/anbtellbet:attiupte&gt;tobp9 _|a*betttauapleigatanenae/at6utf&amp;.irr. :ncetgpatoontB/at e ba recea- P ttB xsim &amp; ueB ofe )lo;BegbariE fufficiet co#eccpon Sr* fo;allberfpnneg.3 bopcecrpe:l&amp;;cpatep % m mm toape fo; tbeHo?De in tbe topiaemeOe/mafie $0 mm fttepgbte pa fo; oure 00 in e Befette. gio:pe of tbe ft-etallbailepeg be 9tUt/9Kttfmam'*SSSS , !Bf tapne anabpll belepea iotoe.usbat fotg SSBSSt fieo/let ttbemaaeftrepgbt/ aietterougb ton? t&amp;rgow placegbemaoepiapnefeiaeg.^ojtbeglc tobeebp tot tp of e?Lo;ae allapeate/ 9 ail Be all f "'"" feit/fo; tobp/emou of ejL-o;ae W^SffiSfoS ipofientt. ftotobcrvfoj Cbe famebopcefpaBe:^otocrpe. Enogi tua ronnccfj?i&gt; fapae-.tebat al j erf ef cben fpafie merptcB. all fte f g graffe/ ana tbat * all e betotpe 5S l E? a 3 ] ftof/fgageflouwofefeIBe.ibene^ a i,^'J' a a 3 gtaffe ig teietea/eSoute faile ateape. vocii tbtjtws ten fo ig epeopie ag gtaoe/ toben ef nie/ b;eaof eHo;BebIotoe bponem.^ 2S25&amp;5

enourefo;euec.a0o;eouerebopcecrrea ffibe s'o;pc of ug: B *obp bfttoebpll( &amp;ion)ou * *!ftS"f ^ b;pngeft gooa tpbpngeg/ Ipftbp p bopce ^SB8* brfpotett/ oup;eaet Jeutfalent. MMtottstB X-pftrtbptofoutfeate/a&amp;pebntocitteg the bow.c. of luaa :BoIoe pouw oa / boe e * *i aU t6c jLo;ae/euen e ailmpgbtteftall come tot gSJgSJK pomet/9be^mleWbtganne.38ebolB/S a Tubeb9 beb;pngebigtteartetoi bim/anabpg ipncs 9 mw too;cb^ go bef o;ebfitf.9e an feae big ftocfi *SL*Sg2i lpfteanbetam8n.9eangaer elSbeg fffiW togeertotbigamte/ scarietbemin bpg So "Xe: bofbme/ana all fipnBIp intteate ofe at ourctb no ion* beareponge. ser tben tbe &amp;&amp;o ba botten e toatew m bpg fpttf LSK lbobameafuteabeauetoi big mm/, *ff%m anaba comp;ebenaeB all tbe ear of e onfnc B /j boip* too^ae in ;efpngerg;tboba toepea tbe Kowtow*

mountapneganabpneg ; teboba Kfbut&gt; . _, niem|^oft^Xo;Bf0;tobotgofbig, a *ffifto connceBtttracb^to^tobSbaftbcaffieaffiSnffi councell/tomabebprn bnaetftanae / anato t the cbur* letne btm e toape of fnbgmffc to teacb Mm * otm tm fc^e:anatomftwctebiminetoapeof^' ) i^ c " 6 ' Feeaparteofpfonneg/ataiicomeof bnaeeftanapnge. oiae/ an people are totowS/8S e/stobo on altget/ftalbe can'ebbSce/ compatpfon of bpm/ agaa;oppe to a bo&amp;et ** to# grace 8 become geibeb amberlapneg efifog ftH/9 are connteaag e left tiling at e m &amp;calt tbae cf aupiongcmirtf ;cbenlapBe$e?e6iaB baiauntoepe,)eet)oiae/ tbe|ifg aatoJjgSSS JftJBjb, compa*


trlje $?opljp

wtitnmok t&amp;twt&amp;mti Btfn/astBeroabotoe of tbe ?'SS tonne beame. jUbanust's nottuSpcpentto Sffif S mpnpatefp;efo;biS olfcmge/fralitBebea. * atft&amp;etofatenotpougBtoonefacrpfpcc. unpeople in cSpattfonof BpmateteBeneb 85 no t&amp; tog/pee Bapne banpte $ emptpnefle. c2 oto&amp;omtBentoill?eftfte&lt;l&amp;oWo?toBat fnnplitube topll re fetbp bnto Bpm:? febail tb e earner mafee Bpm a carueb pmage i anb ft all tye golbfmptB couet bpm tof tb S old / o; eaft BpmTn to a tannic of fpiuet pia tes? " &amp;9o;eouer Ojall tbe p mage mafier (tbattbe poojeman toBpcbi'3 Bptpofeo / mape baue tone tbpnge to fet bp alfojfeBe out 9 ebofe a tree/tbat 10 not rotte/ana catue tbetout an jmage/tba t mouetB noti fcnoto p e not tW^eacoe pe neuet of it^atb itnot bene p;ea* cbebbnto pou fence tbe b eginnpngf i^au e pe notbeneenfoutmeoof ibis/fence tbe foun* BacponoftbeeattbtoaS lapoe-.ebatbefpt. tetb opontBe circle of tbe tooflbe /anb tbat alltBeinbabptoutsof tbe toojiaeareinco' if patif on of bim/but as gre oppersccba t be

fp;ebetBittbeBeaufsasa couetpng/tbat be fttetcbetb tBem out/ ajf a tent to otoeli in : Cbat be bjpngetB Ptfncesf ono tBpng/anb tbe wages of 1 eartBtobu8:fotBattbepbe notplanteano; fotoen agapne/netber ttjeft 8ocBcroteBagapeineattBitfo?asfoonc aSBeblotoetBbpontbem/tBeptoftBer a fabe abiape/lpfie tbe urate e in a tobp?ie topnae . o tobom note toiu pripfien me/5 tebom ftall 3 be Ip&amp;e/fcpetb tbeBoip one? 3Lpft bp joureepes onBpe/ana eonfpoje. l@bobatb mabctbofetBpnges/tobpcB comeoutbpfo great e beapes i ana be can call tbem ail bp *bettnames.*FojtBere is notbpngcbpbbnto tbegteatneflitof bfepotoet/ fttengtb / anb mpgbt.^oto mape tben gatob tbpneBe / 0; Bote mapegftaet tape: fl?toapes ate bpb from tBejLojbe /anbmp oOfinotottb not of mp iubgementes. Unotoeft CBou not / o? Batttbou not beatbe/ t&amp;at tbeeueriaffpnge &lt;Bob/t&amp;e torn toBftBmabealftBeeowet* oftbeeartB40netbettoeerpno;fapnt: anb tbatbis toptoome cannot be cSpjeBenaefc buttbatbegeuetbatenfitbbntotbeteeerp/ anb poteet bnto tbe tapntet' Bplb;en ate toeetp anb farnt/anb tbe fitongeft men fan: 35ut bnto tbem tbatbauetBe torn befoje ityit e?es/lbalQrfgtB be encwareb Regies topngcSSMIgrotoebpon tbem: naben the? uttne/tbesaHnotfaH:anbtobftbefgo/ tBep mail not be toeerp. Cf tip goobneoi mere; of &lt;8ot&gt; totoatb f people* . j.CBaptet. SBir^aiiS ftplKpe^ianacp) snbberfce bn ^omexetttSgepepeople/Come BptBet/anb fteto point caufe/toe mm* to i Jatot. tog6w,iBQ

* -

rapfetb bp tbe fttffe from tbe rflpnge of tbe

&amp;unne/ anb caiietb tym togo fojtB* tBo cattetBbotonetBe peopie/anb fubbtietb tbe t&amp;e Bpnges befozebttmtbat Bemapetb;otee tBemaHto tbegtounbe toptb Bif*ftoearbe/ 9 fcattetbemipBeaubietettbbP^boteef $e folotoecB bpStBe/agoetBfafelpBimfelfe/a com ttb in no f ote pa tb tt bis fete. iB Bat* maae/cteateb/anb calico tbe generation fro tbel)egpitnpngfcuen3;t()el,o?B/tobUbam Q tBefp^ft/anotoitbtBeiaft. " JBeboiae ?e 3ieff tbat pe mape feate/anb feenbt0oftBeeartB;tbat?eniapebeabaf* Qjeb/b;ate npe; anb come bitbn:.uetpman Batbj:o;tebBp0'nepgBbouce; anbb;otBrt/ anb bpfiaen bpm be Otonge . cBe ^mptB conf o;teo tbe moutoer/ 9 tbe gronfmptB tbe Bamm etm an/ fapengti? t Qjalb e goob/ tbat toe fallen tbis catt too;cBeanbtbentbep fa* ftenebittoitbnaplesJ/ 1 itfljuCienotbemo* ueb Jna tbou atraell mp feruaunte : Jacob mp eiecte feoe f ab;aba mp beloueb/ te^om 3 ieb from (Be mm of $ eartb b p tbe banae: iff 0? 3 calleb tbe from fane / anb fapbe bnto tbe:Cbou maltbempfeniaunt-^Baue cBo&lt; ientBe/anbtoillnotcafttbeatoape:benota ftapo/fo?s toiii be ti&gt; tbe.jtofienot bebpnbe 4 tBe/fo; 3 tepii be ftp 00/ to flregtb , belpe t/ftoBepetbetoitbtBiS5gBtBibofmpne, 3&amp;eBolb/ali fbep ttjae tefptt /an come to confufpon anb mame:anb tbme aauetfanesJ (Batbe ocBtoptb 9 B;ougbt to nangbt . $ tBattebo fofefeetbaftettbe/fljallnot fpnae tbem.cbP aeflropet? Q)allpetpQ)/5 fo Qiall tbeptbatonbertabetomaBebatenagapna tBe.iff 0; tbp %om 9 &lt;S$od / toill tttengtBett tbp tWBt Banae. euenatbat fapebntotbe*. t eare not .% toillbelpetbe ;e not a ftapbe . tbou iptle toojmegiacob/anbtBou beippftb K . Sfweufo?itotUBelpetBe/faprtBtBe)io;b/ fa . a *|,S anbtbeBolponeofaftaeltBpneauengee. SftSSSS 53eBoiae/a topllmafietbea treabpngcattaju fa^e pia aneteflaple/f tboumapeatB;eflBe9 gtpnb"ttatfteearf tBemountasnep/anb b;pnge fywm &amp;J&amp;2K2 pouiaet.cbou altfannetbem/a Hetomb&amp;SSSSS ftaueatpetbem atoape / 9 tBeteBPZltopnbe^pw^wt fballfcatertBem. But tbou Ojaltteiopfe in i?" utiiei/ tbe jlo?Be/anb JBaltbelpte m p^apfinge (Be SL 1 !/!".! 10 "' Bolponeoffftael.' * ****%&amp; - iBentBetBp?ttpe 9 poo;efefie toatet K" fpn&amp;enone / anbteBen tb tit tonge i$ tsw of pia?ne ft i&amp;m

tBp?8:3geueittBtmfaptBt6e5Lo;ae.gj tbeJ2 p ,at / &lt;Bob of pad f o^fafie tbem not. B *a b^nge SSSPaSS fo?tb floubegm tbe BplW/anb toeu% intbe SnS fit plapnefelbep.^tttmtBetoilbetnesJtori' m ffiSm uens/ftBewpeKbetoconbptBeg of toatee.w$s*J ' 9! planteintBetoaaegtounbefreeiJ of cri2"*"J*I b?e/ore/^?re 9 Ipueg. 2tna in 8 ^SmSK 9! fetf p^tetreeg/cimw/a^atotBoniOJto* T#? Xrnet getbee, intBpstboK/rbattBepaltogetlieetosioNnei 01 mi

rot p t b . j te. map fe $ matcfie; perceaue toftb tB eft B ett? fflsat .-3 "/ conrpb;e/tbatiBeBanbe of n)e ju&gt;;&amp;e ma* ffl itaeib^ngetBtBemtopaae.&amp;tanbeatfout wtvtoaii 5r caufe(t'apetbtbe)Lo?be)abn!ngefo;tb pour me/toat wftere Qcoungea gtotmbt/conceietB tbe fipnge of 22 jacobxettbe gobb^ome fo^Btbifeiueg/ S555S&amp; *ltee We tbpnge? tb arepaft / tobat rtmnsccaaoctbepbe:iet tbem beciate tbe bntoW/tBattot tot trtouce? mape tatsetbemto berte;afinotoe tbeberaf. f ^'^^"ter.eber/lettBemajetoe bS tbpngejJfo? to fflffi come/* tell b$ tebat ftalbe Done beraf ter:Co f ( "tcfa:anoibaUtoefinotoe/tbattbepbegoabe)j.^Beto n;pr) OhHiucto fomtbing/etber goob 0; bab; fo toill toe BotB tp ne jesce of ftnoteleage ttjefame/* tell it out, ?erSoftS 35tboio/pegoeiJate of naugBr/pouc m us of mu mabpnge i&amp; of naugbt / but abbompnacpon tc ^&gt;Decc aiibatb cl)ofen pou. jaeuertbeies '3 Bauetea* ttietnuof ^8ebbponeftomtbcJ9o?tb/ aBelballcome. SS^a^naanotberfromtbe ^att/tobitB ftaUcall 1 o7apnc&amp;?n 3 bponmpname/s B)ailcometo tbe^ince?/ (trouics'.toe' as ttje Potter to tjt's clape/* as tbe Potter Huii i^5treaoetbaotone mpje.lbotolbe&amp; afo;ef Saotiivtovctuous.TSut tbrte ignone tftat ffietoetb o; at. tome/ t|o;ow dare tb anp tbpnge/ tbcre is nonealfo g &amp;ea ^8tp'iia i *rcrbpouretoo;ae0. 55eboiae/3 topll fp?tt ISIBB&amp; BM** tte of feion |etuCalem to be ffu5= ttK S geliftes.23ut tobe 3! cofpa;e-4bere not one iftfol move am5ge tbe tbatp;opbecpetB/netbet(toBen 3 iiKti p r ofei t tw arse bpm) f anftoc tetb one too;ae.lo/ toic

- V

* &lt; #

T .

jef ; lcs 1? 'ouen f m p ?pn c ffc ; to 1 1&amp; t^i t jttiag tf together* tl)s tabw a* cflt^c commas of CfctihauD ^bapremr tf we ui tfc cstte jtti.CQaptrVo fw . ^ ^gftonc note CQccfoie / dfftf tt me fc iu auntf teljcm 9 to?H fiepc to tup ftlftmpic elect c /iiito^o m? fcalc fliaibe pactfieij;? tojUgcM ^pm mp f p i et e; th a t ^ f map e \cc f o?ti? iuD* gcment^fquptcamongetljecEWntpiw. ^e allrsotljeiinouccrper/nfranftpc mpnoa petfon&gt;t)?!3bOEce ffiall notbeljearDE m tlje Ctetc0.3i D20ffi;DtfDea)aB5f not bjeafic/s tftefmofipngflaj: Bjali &amp;e not quencj) :6ut feptftfulips truipaail^gme iuDgement. ^e Qjatlne^fr be ouerCene net (jaftpc/t^at gf mapewfwe tpgfttuoufnw bnto $ eatt^; ana t&amp;e c^entp lee atfo fflatlftepe^ lateen ^o? tfiu 3 fapetO oD tfte HojD bnto l&gt;im(euf le^at $ mace ^aue0/9fp?eD^emab;oK QUtfojO} tymtytemttiwxttt :toftpcl| gcu&amp;b?eatljbntotftcpeopleftattm!t;9 toafm^atbtoeHtftmn)! t^e jLo?^au caHffitbeinn'BWiioufnefle/j icot^c bp tfte Jaitte.flrBrrf o;e topli| alfo Ds Rime fte/ano getiefljefo; acoumaunt of ttje people/a to be $Ipgftt of $ ffientpieg. a&amp;zit ftoumapeS opm tn e epe? of ^ Wpi6 J/J e t cuttle p?t f o*

netfS/jtBeratbat tpt in batdneflfc/out of tbe bongeon boufe. f mp frtfe/ tebofe name t ji 3 tbe jto.-ae / tobpeb geue mp potoer to none otBee/netber mpne bonouteto tbe (So&amp;bea; flwtopototbefenetoe tpapnges/anateii poii tbem 0; tbep come/f 0; oiae tbpngeg alto ate ; cometopade. ^pngetbetfoie bntotBeXo;be/a nete fonge of tBancBes geupnge/Blotee onrtipd p;apfe two tbe enae of tbe teojib.cbep tbat be bpon tbe fee/ a all tbat is tber in/ p;apfe

Bim/tbelles atbep awil in tbemxet tbe teplbcmesteitBberdtiejSlpftopBetbopce/ tbe totonesairo tbat be in ceaat. lettbem beglabtbatfptbpo rocbes of Qone/aletn)g crtebotone fro tbe fm motaapnesafcribinoj alrmgbtpnes bnto tbe %,o$x/ ^magnpfping Bmtamongetbe@entpie0.cbe)Lo?ae8iall d . . comefo^tbasagpaunte/atafieattomacBe* to bpm ipfte asafreftman of toarre.^e Cbal toate ana etpe/ana ouercome bis enem pes. ^bauelongeboiaenmppeacecfapetbtbe fcojoe) J&amp;uiae I tbetfo?e be ftpu / a u epe fp* lence f 0? euetfl topllctpe IpBe a ttaueipnge toomg/anb oncetoptttbcotope/aaeuoure. 3- topii mafie teafte borb mountapne abpll/ a a;pe b p euerp gre n e tbpnge tBa t g r ore e rb tBeton.l topi l b;pe bp tbe fioubes of teatet/ anb aj in c fie bp tBe rptiers.g; to pi 1 b; in ge tbe Wpnaein to atttete/tbat tbep bnotee not^ lrae tbein toafote patb'tbattbep are igno&lt; rauntin.3 Jballmafieaarcfteneffe ligBtbe fo^tbem/anb tbe tbmgetbatisctoBeb tobe Orcpgbt.Cbf fe tbinges topll % bo/anotfo;* gettbf.3inatbetfo?eiettbem conuerte/abe attiameo eatnettlp/ f bopc in joofes/^fape tofaftponea pmages-.peate oiutgooes. f eare; peaeaf men/ana arpepoute figBtestofe(pe Wpnae.}i5uttobois blin-^ bet/tben mp fcruaunt;? fobeaf/asm? ,,bbu *meBaungers/tobom3! fentbntotbKiffo? g ccTee m 1 tobo is fo blinbe as mp people/a tbep f baue mam mot tBewleofmefbeparelp6e/aspftboubn.P'8"' s -S betaoaea mocb/aBepteft hotbpng:o? pf one J g J' *g Setae teetl/butteerenot obebient.cbe X^uai^uitis emetcpfull bnto IBS fo; bis ttgBtuottlheGe um tucottw/ fase/tBatBtt teojbempgBtbemagnpfpeb 9^ S3 S2S PWfeb. utitiSamprcbeuous WNOlSSEESi people, sbeic poimge men Bel8geallto tBe main t&amp;rao. fnate/anbfibalbeQHitintop^fonBoures. rpeiu &amp;&gt;4e CBcp albecatpeb atoape captpuc/anbno ***H 9 manalUotoCetb?.eplBalbe ttobenbibSJ?'^*^ act f ote/ mo mS all lab onre to b?ingr tbe g? SI. agapne.ut toBo is BeamSge jouytBat p5 b;etb tBiSin Bis mpnbe/tBat eonfpbjetB ft/ 9 ta Be tb ft f 6} a toampnge in tpme 1 com t: t&amp;BofuSreb 3acob to betrobbenbnaet fete / anb ?fraei to be fpopiebf pb not tbe

jLo?be^oto Baue toefpnneb agapnft bpm/ aBaucffaBnobelctetotoalcBemBistoapes/ netdei


irlje $?op&amp;efP

net^ecfaettc obebpent bnf ofitis latoe. fo?ebaft bepouteo bponbss bp* to;aftfufl a? fpieaf ute/a ttronge batel!/ tobift mafi eft WJ&amp;auetoboon eueepfgiie/pet tcgHtoenot btm&amp;mtt bums to bp/pet Cpie Seft rtnormrooutcberteft. ;, , tr&lt;353ti pio mefett) to fcnbe bis $}(&amp;/ tobieb eball be* tones Ijje people. SefojBeuetbipnnesfoj b?B atone fafe. ecbe.riiij.Cbapter. cat note / ftejUiflie fta t maoe t^e Jacob/ a be ftat farttpoueo fte flD Sftael /fapeft ftu&amp;tf eare not/ to; | topll cefenoe fte. J baue cat leoftebgname, ftouavtmpne atone.iebe" ^outoe nteft in tftetoater, gi tea? bp fte / g ftettr5gaoitQ$ ftjulonotplucs fte atoape, tbenftou toalcteft mftefpje, itftjail not bum ft e/ano ft e flame Sail not fimble bpo ft e.&lt;JF o? 3 am fte JL o?o ftp ffi ob/tbe bolpone of9ftaei/ft?&gt;aufour.$ gauecgpptefo; ftp Delpueraunce/fte $@6;paras 9 fte S&gt;a .&amp;ee$fo;fte:becaureftoutoaft oeatein mp ftgbj/sbecaure'Jfetbpfte/anoiouebfte.i pplleo all men f 0; fte/abeiptterebbp al p r o* pie f 0; ftp f afie/ fta t ftou ftul oeft not f rare/ #to;3 tea? topftfte.g topiib;pnge ftptfte from tbe tfatt/anogafter fte together from fte fee a a topn (ape to fte 0? ft 1 (ft go. 3nbto bouft/fiepenotbacfte:but tmng me mp f onn es fro farce/ ana mp oaugljt ets from fte enoesof fte too;lDe:&amp;amerp/all ft of e ftat ire cafleb aftetmp nam v.f 0? ftem baue i ccea ten / faf ftponeb / ano mace f 0? mpneijonoute. JBjpngef 02ft ftat people / to&amp;eftei: ftep aueepego;bebipnbe/oeafeo; baue eatejj, aninacponis ftailcome in one/ana be gafte*

te&amp;r'n one people, J3ut tobtcbamonge pon* fcergoDOeS fbaUbeclateroftetbpnges/ 3 tell ftftoQattttocomrf nee ftem bztngetbeir topttieffeS/fo r&amp;all ftepbe fre:fo;tbenmm ftaUbeareft/afepe/ittsnuft.iSut^mg . sou toptnefles ( Capft tbe &amp;o?oe ) euen ft ore ftataiempfmauntesvto&amp;omgi&amp;auecbo* fen:to fte intent ftat pemygbt fiecettpfpeb ana geue me fapftfull creof ce:pee ano to co U&amp;e/ftat 3 ambe/befo;e toboraft ere teas - wuev anp $ob / anb ft at ftere Qtalbe none C after me.% am onfeft e Jloj&amp;e/anb topft out meis t&amp;ereno ^ geue toampng/ gmafie tobole/9 teaft pou ftatftere ftuib fieno Braunge ooamonge pou, an&amp; ftps teco;bemuftpebearemepoutfewe0 (Capft fte&gt;Uiibe)ftat9 am&lt;Bob. 3Cnb mm be am 9 from ftebegpmpng/ ftere is none ftat cantafteanpftpngeoutof mpbanoe. 2ino to^atg bo/tanno man ftaunge. &amp;u0fapeftfte&amp;o?bftebol?oneof3!i&gt; raeiHourerftemw: Jfo?pourefase % topR

ftnoe .10 J8abplon/&amp; b^nge all tbe flrBgeft ortbemtromftence^ameip/fte Cbaloeeg ftatbooaftemofftetr$pppeiS:(uenStbe )Lo?be poure BoJp one toftwbbane maoe 3;f* rael/anDampourefipnge.^o;eouer/tbust fapeft fte)Lo?oe(eue ye tbar .malietb a teape m fte fee/ 9a footpaft in fte mpg^tpe teater0:tebfcbb^ngeft fo?ft tbe cuarctteg $ bojfep/ tbebofte aftepotoer/tbatftepmap failaflepe aneuerrpfejanDbeecttncteylifie a^toteeftquenc&amp;eb. ft tememb;e not ftpngeg of otee/anb rc garbe noftinge ftatis patt.*cberf o?e be= . a * P"[ * botte/3iftamaaeaneto ftpnge / a 9tmSSSB ftall ttappeare:pe ftaUteeU ftnotoe it J tumaejcc. t* tolDtt pou afo;e/buti tetltel itpouagapne. memtb tm 3 topumaBearetesfnfte oeferte/atf uers g t2SS of toater in ft e topIDcrneis. b *cbe topBe bea= SfJ2 ffe* ftaltteo?.fl)pppeme:fteb?agon/anb tbe ~ ',; E PM , (IEarpcbeforiajaHgeuetoaterinftetopI=^ ife/fe berneffe/anb (treanu? in ft t oeterte : ftat 3 *^. map geue b^pneae to mppeople / to&amp;om | LJrffiS tbofe.cbte people baue 3! matie f o? mpfelf/ nnoumw anb fteptbail c *ftetoe f o^ft nip p;apfe. sffo? tow tic *m ftoufgf.acobjtooloeftnotcallbponme/but^^b?^ ftoubaWJeftanbniuft totoattie me/fl) ^"ijjfi* rael . *cbougaueft me notftp pounge SmSS beafteg fo? bumtoff rpng^/nefter bpoeftbo* i.m.e.

nouremetojft ftpfact*ftce$.cbouboug&gt; br m teft me no beatefptcetetbpmonep/nefter^"^^" poureoeft ftef att of ftp facrtftcep bponme. fSSZu ^otobeitj bauenotbene chargeable bnteSaSafett ft e in ofirtngeg/nefter greuoujs in incmie. mc oc tfrfebca *)5uttbouftaaiaoemetotft t#t$Mft5JBg4 anbtoeeneDmetopftftpnebngoblpneis. ggggg *HB!jereafJ 9 pet am euen be oiilj/tfiat^R fo;mpne atone felfegrafie bo atoape tbpne* beamy ccn ofienceg/a fo^getftpfpmtes-.roftat ? topll i&gt;"3 fl 001 ? neuerftpnefietponftem. *^ut menotogi* te in rememb?aunce)fo? toetopH reafontoge. t h^ g Uf ft er) a ft e to tobat ft ou ba ft f o? ft e/to mafie tame u?^ pr fte qupte. *cbp fp;ft fafter offehbeb^ ** toti/9 ftprulers* baue fpnnebagapnftme. gfiff i*S2 Cberfo;e a eft rufpenbeb/ o? flue fte cbe- SK ftftPffnccff:9 bpbcurfe Jacob/ anb gaue tfrsauaarca. f traei into rep?ofe. me ) to *b ttjej fliallnot fauttn 60 Suit fn tlie eput ft/but ftal put t(jete Nit oecs snoer tbe jocb of fajtbu be tnleo toit^ tbe latoe of cpacttfe. t Co Ifceto fojtb tb e p?apfe of tbe le;tuii3/ta pzeacbe tbe mpaw of Cjnnea/j tbe belpucannce from oeatb and bell' ana tbegrtteneeof eueclaflpng Ijfebj tbe mectpofob'f Cbjtfles fahe.a Isberaawe of Cpeab|H8eufttba)autafntbe |Bfalwg.0.tobete be beatfttaetbe fi'Sare of gbjifttfayett): Jn tbe mpibea of tbe congregation topll J pjajCetbe. * ee. ffbUBfl)ulbetbeiEtntjlrBtatbenp;apfcbiiif tobicbpeoplcbec5oCefo?bfinfelfe/aBpemapeCetn(6cte:rfo;t5e 3fetoeB(tobicb ace fignjfpcobp Jacob) toolbenotboiMitit pat ttjeie confperace in Beppnge of tbe latoe.JEbP8 "o'b tbe ?B;opbettipb;eaoe tbem toitb^in the pecfon of (SoO'Capingc: &lt;ibou gaucfl mc not Hi? jonge beaBcB.* ce.aa tobo u)ulbe [ape:flape not tbat tboa bade geu mcmanpfaccificeB/botbebecauletbou gaactt tb^notbntomeon!?/ bat unto tbp calueB | JSaalles j otbee3f6olcs;j alfo Uecanfc J opbnc* ucr (et gceatlp bp tbem/nec gceatlp requp;eb tbem. ffbcp grenca me alttajeBrt8boif5fajt5 anb tbe beuotjonqfti)egeue was atoape, ff(c

Kftael M tSsf xh giK(epe of tu uwhtoffernfl esb;tjua6*eft ou Botunto mcmeer ftbe/ftatcuettoa^lpReme/t obicbamftcm * ul0 , c h fa r ^ : !;; Ha m &amp;m w toitb m *^&lt;&amp;*&amp;***2. euettaftrngeijletbttn ftetoe bis mmim ^gSS SESmM* manerof tbcBeatben^ tSraaunbeo tbattbepamlbe 7ietBtmtellp0Uf0?ft planelpf tmgeg/ftat of ft* KoSccDbntootbergootieB'Imttrato me/of tobotegpfttbouK' BWpatt a fO?tOCOme?peea| toiftOUtanpP'oPt"?"^

(fueota tbcm cetera, fione of all tbcXc tWV* Viof pceo mc : as ftaK ^ f| ppe 4 j f 0; ftaue not | eurt tome gngett to Kotiastbonieftcftoftbetbmgestobtcbj cbefip Rqambbttu jouhtthCTto/gtoamebpou? f e c an beare 5 ^ ^* SftM*ftpn&amp;inbgemeM.fiBW*r* li * a 5 "Sattmotbmo ^^SSeflBStt W tfleteaw* tt aftnbea me toptb tb? Cpnnes / tben tbat ttjou cans piapfe me toitb all me wo?oe poureinuep . ctjwr anp qpoo mwxS^wm mamww?mtwtom&gt;&gt;*t*tmt etceptemefojanpmafier/ftatlftulfienot tSmmtompfauoure/inte(ictbantbcpfp;abempbcloueStfcougbe fttOtoebpmf Si. #jDomanerof39oleB/iKrtbeCaccpfpccBoforcnxB)epe/o? lhefojeaBcatttet Of QAOttS at tbuC ^^ZS&amp;SSSfS&amp;S!SSi bam/mtit labour loft.^epmftftbeare ffltS&amp;KSn^a^ reco?beftentfeluej5/ftat&lt;fepngftep canne. lboiiotoneBtemcmbcrtbem/totbmtchttopunpft)etbem:Pee/anO ftetfenetbnberftant)e)ft ep ftaibe COttfOfi' 6eb.lBBoffiuRienotomaBeaC 0/O?fafti5 jooftenfailenfromtbpfaptlj/tobub Jonelptcgatbe. #tfelfc an5FftOte/tbat!8U20fftaWef 02notbfnae'' tepngc me in rcmembfliacc/reaCon tbe matter tt me/ s fteto me/tobe/ SlS'S SSi S.5 S^ r h# fteEtbouhauealtoapc3 mo;c p?oi.obEbmcbntoangcryo?3batieuene JBeboae/aHfteWotoJUp ppeofftemuftbC oucrniocbfauomblesnto iiic:i tohettisr 3 ftauc cueriiene reabpec to bjtottgbt tO COnfufpon. tetallfte toO^ma* &amp;;geae / ttjen tbou f amenoe. flftor canft fucelpnener b:pngc anp g et g f ^ rm come 9 Q aMof togftbfr ftom tapngefoitbe^tobttbptboumapcttmapfpetbpcaufc agapnffme. amonccemeniftepmuftbeaba fteoanbcon' ,(Q;awbaanotcbolenmc/but3bauetboCentl)c.3maoetbpfatber ffK25H2H flSSS^teSSl flbain.(Bene.t.b. tobicl)tt"pgbttoapeBtranfgrclIeBfbetoraaunac' trnmoeOOneteiroa no^r^peimuntaHetO aent.cne.i9.ab.an6ab!abacoui6cnotbeiuftpfpei)bpbtBtoo?bes/ pjon/anotempeitftlttol ft Boateccaie?/? wt aphis fapti).aom.iii).a.aBnonotbet:ms can-.tobofe toboieipfts faftponeft ft t oftb bammersi/amafieft ttte jg&amp;ZSZt fBHofipnnccuenfromtlieircbpUJcboae/peecuenbetbatlpuetbbut aHfteftrOlgft Ofbftatm e0:peerometpmeSJlS

s bat' Wttb teas uicfccreO before Cfau/not fo? )ib mcritcB o? befer* r; *S 2~2 Sm 1mSm^m* ^/hfo Zwu , b " to WP tfie BnSrbvcteccpon.&lt;Sc.wrtt.aom..r.b.ffibptuIacB/o;(aBrame ^ftfapnt^betpbU^jer/anb fOftWftpe/^opftctcpapn K&amp;tp;etouvcB^ofcB'anaaacon,toecenotfcunacto.tbout *bfbaftnomo?epotoet. t *ci) ecarpfter(o? telb oute tbe cWebtfojeine/butipmieaagapnft me.jBumep.jt.e. Ebecfo?enot pmage caruEC) taBtfttti eatOf fte tgmbje-.a M ^"*SSi

ita^tm^Smm^ fQiiawfttt/ama8eftftafterftepmageofatpon/conc. jtparetbiBajnenecbca jftutapctieopie.'!sut3topii at tpme con* man/an5acco^5png^o ftebetotpe of amam'w toc l2 n mSSmStt^mmmam tt^amwttxm of apnoe ft at it ma r eft a noc in the temple. 8 W/ BJ Spi aUuacpoiiB tbo!Otob?tfl,mtob5alltbecbofcnlbaU tteeg:^efopngetB bomeImepanbperOfci 8 oftbe 6WrcB.cne.&gt;r8.a.ana&lt;JEiai,ni9.e. oucbfafe;gooBrcabet/ fl)Bej5/anbOftettpmb?e offtetoOb. jD?eIg3ftot*.iCW tonaae tbe teyt toitb aU:ft 8&gt;alt tbouperccaue totobicb parte of tbe ftejfpfl tf tree0 to&amp;tft&amp;e planteD bW Wf/jffifSL*.*'

Wtcuecpparteoftbenatsljciongetb ffCbe.rltft. Cbapter. CiCteift pjomefttb to Belpaerbtt cbuccbe/tobicb be batb rcacamca.30olatrp 9 buelpng befe pmageB. t. 3D ace confutcB. -fif j fljaii p^MSD beace noto/fl) 3aeob mp fee* toui-e toater i^^^uafft/^girraeltoBomabaue fto Wontftcicc " Kf tbe tester

roft&amp;fterapnefisftftoeuen/ tobpeb tobb S"SS eSS? fecueft fojmentoburne. tiDfftftbetafietbcan m tic top re anb toarmeft bpmf eife mafseft a &gt;&gt;e perowbea to fpjeofftfobaae bm. 3Dna aftertoame ma* &gt;", 9^

aeft a ob ftere of/to bonoure tt-.aan 9boKg ffi tOBiielebefo;eft.SDnepecebc burneft in f fbSeiK fen.4fo?ftufifapftftello?be/ftat ftwtofftahofterbetotteftfle :f bemapepmageB-Cbei e

anamurs^a*=^ niaoetftc / fa P MW tfie / Bfl ^ earoftebp(JbeIpruH:top fte ftjfljebe berEana" tbe fte/euenftom ftp moft erst toombe-.ffienrt toaimeftppmre!f/afapetb: 3Eba/3!amtoeK W *J"? ttare of oo: aftapeb/flD 3acob mpfttuaunt / ft ou tfgb- toarmeb/1 baue bene at ft e fpje Mb oftbe SobM&amp;ui&amp;eni aj? tbca?pe tU ou0/tobom9bauecboren.*iJfo? % ftan refpDuet)emafietbbpma@oD/antian3 6elenoconBicpaoo SHE tVl 1 poure toater bpo fte b?pe grounoe $ rpuers to; bpm felfe. $e fineleft betoje it i be too?^ m wz w SHWt&amp;iJPoftcfturQpe.9ftalpouwmpfp?etei)p5 ftpppeftft/|eppeftbntott/?fapeft-je H s ^?S kDitbbaanotftpfeocanDmpnemcreateBponftpftocB. uerme/fo?ftouartmpoD. SSSSSS bmtpiieb ana^cp ftal grotoe togeftet/lpBeas!gtaffe/ yet menneftet confifeener bnb erftanfie/ ibert6 Z 22W ^ as fte J tilies bpfte toaters ffbe. * Dne becatt fe ft m epes are ftoppeb/ ftat ftep can 5 saratenes ai mSoe8i8*ft W'-aaw fteHo?DES.3noftet toill call not fe:anD tbeir bettes/ftat ftep ca nnot pet&lt; &amp;"**??! itftefentencefebnoerftenameotlaeolj.^eftp^e ftaibe* ceaue.cbepponbjenotin ftetrm pnbes/ ft^zlSriS ttete befo:c mfcrpbetopftftRibanbebntofte ^o?be /anb ftepbauenefterbnotoleuge ne tbnoerftan- ^ta5 ^^ygeuebpmfelfebnDerftcnameoflfrael. bpng/toftpcBeftuS:lbaueb?entonepecetnietf)te) KfflS fl9o?eouet/ftus baft fte Ho?oefpo6en: ntftefp?eg!bauebaBebb?eD toitb fte c oles ougbt toe to** euenftefipngeof9fraei/anobis auenget/ ftere of/9 baue roftebflefttoiftaft/a eaten JU*J2Sf"S fc* ne topufte 5Lo?beof ^oftesgi am g fp;ll a ft c laft/ teftalig! noto of fte re fpotte maBe an abbo^ SettntsaS;oanbtotftoutme^ftei;eno ob, ifo?to9at mpnacpon/sfaflbotonebefo;ea wftepec et6etfo^jetfa Of toOHf sase/W

23)etultme?*tittce of t&amp;e people. 8*w gw of toooMft&amp;efieppngof outt/anb fottqmeire m *?&amp; E* 0* &amp;"*e&amp;atb turneo tbe a fpoe : f o t&amp;at none ratncmi to as * tfw ran Nwt* conference to tbpncfic: bpjwbpcbBtapenotSjerref f"^' &amp; conrpo2etbi*(S&gt;giaEob33frael&gt;tojr&amp;ott tohtaw ( h art m * fewaunt .3 baue raaoe tbe/tbattflou SS. ?"J tcft fm e nte.JDSiftae!/ f o?get me not. ffltoa gtaflteug ag ftp tbpne offences /$ fcpuetbem atoape ba* a bet, ipse cue cioubes/ano t&amp;p fpnne* as tbe mill. B: e giab pe beaueS/tobom tbe l.o?t.e tjatfj townee toit i&gt; maoe/ietaltbat is bete benetb bpo $ eartb/ cum etfpic be be io?fuU.Kefo?fe pe motftapnesatooooes/ an offcrjceetfcr toitft all tbe trees tbat ate in pou:fo? oj&amp; SnS a^Ktegacob/anbajetoebiSglo?pbp5 toscpctDf fcaSftaeMfotbusfaptb t jloj&amp;etfipreoemer/ thcfapth of euenbet&amp;atfaffiioneDtbefromtbpmotbets *6;nJ:anig^toombs:3am jtofle/tobicbboalltbinges LV e mtt ;ra ? me a,on e. 3 ompbauetpjeDoute tbe muetbcm, beauens anog onlpbauelapoe tbe founts* fereoofrfuttei^on of tbe eartfi. gjbeftrope tbe to&amp;ens of toOici) fa luttc toitcbes/s mafte tbe&amp;otb Eapersgo to;oge. ** if* 2!? fo? tbe topfe/3 tume tbem bacfctoaroe/i-i fijpcrd pcMn. ut swe bp tbe putpofe of mp (eruaun* $o be ft tea, am) fulfill * tbe councell ofmp m effaii* b* cut*/ gers.|fepeto3erufale : tume agapne: into S^ C SL ,B to tbe cpties of g|uoa/be pe buplwb agapne: S anb3nweeft becajeupiacess.Jtapeto fit. tbegtounir.beojiejn&amp;fojpebptbptoatet BouDeg.arape to Cp;u9:^ou aa mpne betb' mair-fo tbatbe fulfill all tbinges after mptoitlj.fapeto'jetufalem : be tbou bupl* Deb/9 to tb e temple;be tbou fact gcounoeb. tfiCbjOclputanceof tftc people toy ];m . Ebe (5 nu&gt;ns of ty?i8anb calling of tbe t&amp;tneples. CCbe.flb.Cbaptet. i^usfapetbrbe&amp;ojoebruoCpjuiS ,W anopnteb/ toy om be ieoctb bp tberigbbanoci ftbepeoplemape Ifalbotone befo;e biimi toil lowie tbegpzbleof fiing$:p; tbepfljatopen f gate?

petite t&amp;vt&amp;te / 3 not to 8wt tbeiroozes.a |Dngobefo;etbe/ , 9nafiefcto6eo8tepgbt 3 (ball b;ea fte tb c fyaCen ao :ess/ 9 buta tb e ftonbatreg.5 fbalgeue tbetbebpo treaCur-e 9 tbe tbfnge tobpeb is fectetlp fcepte : tbou mateft Snotoe / tbat 3 @oo of ifraei baue caliebtbebptbpname: &lt;jtbat fo? -Jacob mp fcmauntei5fafie/anbfo?i i .ftaeimp cbofen. &lt;ffo?3caHebtbe bptbpname/ o?beneD tbe 0.2 euer tijou %ntw% me:c5uen J tbe &amp;a?a/ ^tiefojete^omtbete t'ssnone otbecfo; toitb* outmetbetets no ob.g; baue p?epateb tbe 02 euer tbou finttoett me-.tbat it mpgbt be toobjne ftomtbetpcpngeof tftetunnetotbe gbpnge botone of tsefinne/j} allisinoftfng toiiboutme. foi% amtbejioibe/ftbereis tWnonejttiS^ tbat cteatebtbe Ipgbt anb toc6ne?/3i malep^ace 9 1 toub te: pee euett

a tbe i-o;De bo all tfteft tapnges5. a *5!e Bf a a * feome t ta uen0 aboue DaHb?oppebotone/ ?itbe dou= acpe \mm U9 Qtafl tapne tpgbtuoufneg. cbe eattb ftnoc ai &gt;*M ail open it felf/anbb?pngefo;tb bealtb/* ! ^o;be Q)aUb;pngeittopa(Te. ac.c&amp;c ^'0, lobebntobpmtbatcbpbetbtoptf)bP? pl ' Ec6fC t^ mafiety tbe potlberoe tt tbe potter: g&gt;apetb gHSSSE tbe clape torbepotter-.ifcbatmaseft tbouf 0; SSmZ tbp toozefse fertietb fo; notbpnge^ieo be bn&lt; pit U jitaa* tobim/g fapetbtobffifatber-.ifcbpljegctteftton&amp;tt 1m tbou^natobP^raotber'.tobpbearfa^ciuf'B'i^^-'it Wu9 fapetb tbe How I euen tbe bolp one 9 Zmlclf mafieroflfrael-.affiemeof tbpngeg fb;t0a 3 S come/concempnge mp Conner -. ano put me oiuia tvpm inremembjaflee/aistoucbpngetbe toozefteg oeoooibt ^ ef mp banoes-.a bauemaoe tb e,eattb/ crea ""g l*g tebman bpon it. lptbmpaebanOeg Qaue 5?i?wmS ^fp;eb fojtb beauen/anbgeuen a comaunD' tbe ratibip metfopantbe^ofttberof.J IballtoafiebimtootBe not re* bp tt rpgbtu ouutefK/9 ome all &amp;p$s toapejs. g* wi ^e fball buploe rap cptpe/ana lettotitrapgj, JJff ?rfonetsf:^i nefljet fo? gpftno?tetoar5eis/ Sen i n'tof tapetbtbe %ow of J^otteg. teairofw oute ccbe Ho;b batb fapoe mo?ouer: cbe occu gp" _ piers* of tfgppte/tbemarcbauntess of f S$a&gt; wffigjg iar5attb&amp;abee0/fl)allcomebntotbe toidj StK tr pbute/t^ep ffialbe tbpne / tbep ftall f oloto gtatwfi* Mp

tbe/8 go tottb cbepne,? bpon tbeir fete, cbep ue ofi faiaacji all fail botone befoje tbe/anb mafie fuppli S*?*2S3J cacpon bnto tbe.f oi ooitoiftouttobo tbere M it none otber ob)8jail be toiti) tbe.iDboto tmmftibti p?ofoube art tbou fiOob/tbou ob $sb9&gt; "n 'to mast uioure ofJ,ftaeKConfounbeb be pe/anb put ourf W to tfOonouKgo bence togetbec toftft (bame/ Jg^gS all pe tbat be too/tsmaaeru of mora*: Wat [gSgg HS i0too?bipper0of5fioIi3)Sut3fraellroalbebei6Jbttiiitt fcuebin tbe Hojbe/tobicb ist tbe euetiaCtmge tuoufneaoftbo faiuartomcbep an not come to fbame ner SSS*!!!? confufpon/iBo?ioetoftboutenbe. Kj;5 #02 tbu fepetb tfie jLojQ: euen &amp;e crea ujingc m&amp; m teb beauen/tbeeobtbatmabetbeeatib/ f woman of faftwnebit;(lftttftfiwtB:3bauenotraabe fa ^ al *^ , * it ft? naugbt/bu(9|mabefttobeeiiBaWtebr o yp? mf V &lt;S5uen^tbeI,02Be/iDptbouttDbom tberci^to wfaw noneotbec.5 baue not fpoficfecretlp/netbet: fajingt: in oarcfie places of tbe eattb . %t is not f o? Jr _ *2l naugbt/tbatlfapbebnto tbeftbe off acob:^ n %f u refieme.3am$ilo2b/iDbicbto^ellprafie/S gtttt, beciaretb tbe tbing tbat is rpgbtuoug a true. Hettbembegatbeteb ^cometogetbei: /lete tbem b;atoe npc bptber / tbat are efcapeb of * the peopir.^auc tbep enp bnberttanbinge/ tbitfetbptbeaocfiesof tbeirgboW/apwie bntoafflfoa/f cannotbelpetftem^jdcttrafti bzateenpe / let tbem come bptberj/ arm attic cottceiioneatanotber/srbetoefo2tb:ebat tgbe, tttat toioe tin's bf fo;e^o2 tobo fpafie of it/euer fence tbe begpnnpnge^aue not 3 )Lp?Debone:ft;teif tbout tohom tbewW none etber


lape ft altft m &gt;io/ geiic Jftafl raj 5102J, C Kt 5 c teOJCe of ttje Ld:0 c agnpnfl 15 abplon ffftejflbii',;6apjer, tagfo?( fcaii^tertfiou btc* m)Babrlon)*i)ou Ojaltfgt fn3

t^etr efts none but 3! i 3no tytttw taint ir5

f outmto rar 'Mvttnmot f earti?) fo ffiaii febeteucD/fo^amooa/ anb tfifwracW nonc.31toeatcb|m?fe!fr-outofmtmou^ cornet^ tfte tooflje of rnbtuouOiett/^ tftat mapcnomaturnc:biitalifincej3(3)aUbotoc bnto me/anuall tnngeg dial ftofarc b jme/ fapmge: crelpinfte^Defjsntjrfgl)' tuoufnes ano Crengctj. co (jf m (ball mrn come:but all tftep tfyvntte fto?neof ftjjm/ ffialbecSfounbf0.ainotbc toboiefrtcof^ raei ftaibe iuOJfjcD/* p^Cttfe f 31o?dc.

C7ola(cpf0 rt'p:cutd. Ghelicaltlj t^at come 5 tp C$k ttbUbapfet, [ eii^t^eie? fl *Scu Jball fall/ anu jBabO ftaIbeb?ofien;tobofeFn;a' g^area button fo; t^e UeaEes 5 to Qttedflt* tijem / arm to

3 tftta* ?&gt;?o/amjai!toge^n;:fo^epmapcnot eacetbe p^cifftaiuf o^oEtbefvbut^en/cQeifioemttft tbetgomto 2ST fflmmoww^tfmaib/m r* 5gallfetl)ati:ema?ne?ctdfgbouJboeofaf* taehtobom syaue ft5 pontetnotbetg b*ffe gom toOT "be/?b.2oiig^poubpfromvourbmb/ tacta &amp;iin/tpii peinem gnttBcnsg 3 toijr^ alibeate is/ a tatu gooo f ou toneo y oute latt age : % baue maoe jou/ BHS i I topi! aifo no?vO) pou/ bearc j?ou ann t aue c*^*mca^!)0, , smage/g^mape beijse bm i 7e f ooies fep^se ?;"3/(noboute)^vHtflficoutfpluct; tjgol&amp;eoutt SS ofpourcpurreg/$ tocpcft/amjbp?eagoID'

ami oe^ iDotoneijtoo2(bippcit.yetmuabebeta6cn toms* onmcn3oulDCKS ^boznc/^fctftibtis #a* Sffii fet l^ cc/tbatbenjapcttanDe^notmoue, Stlas g gSf mm uiaectgebntobim/tobftb geuetbno fccVmf^i anftocrr;aisiJDelpucretBnoetbf ml gcaiueb iijaitost^ rtjt bpon btm/ftom btt trouble. w^ao Mi# conrpD^tbtiStoell/antJbeaCtjameb.^Co tracfepft; ttememJwe tbfngegtobwbwepaa/ience WW toiti) f tbe begpmig.ige o E tbe too;IDe: g | am WStf Wtof^;anbtbatt&amp;e0ei(iiio4Ri(i/feeaittifbeve oum i a f of atbpnge/3 tbetoe tbe enbetberof : aitt| 3w:atr^anDteHbefo?e/tL)giigej5tbatarenotpetcomcto

wbgt ^paffe,litb one too;t,eigmp ueupce accom* 2S [?' pipa)eD/auijfuIfmetbalLinp plcafiite. % S Efw fee caU a ^S* * oE * *2a ft / " &lt;* 31 %.&amp; Ctopf tiv taSe in baDe/out of Carre coit trees/ a? foone utoftfjceaftyaslcomaunbe/Sbjpigeitbttbftrasreone Ifit^l !S tb?nc6etoDeufttatb?nge/'|Doft. KS ^eareme/ je gare oanbpeOomac6/ i^^ingfrobuefati'vaErpg^uouCneffe/iaallbjmge wtuJMuta. fojtb n?g rggbtuoutoefie , %t i$ not tami ?

Dutt tbou Ibalttit bpo grouDe/ 9 a*co ftt ft ot rn a . tronc ( &gt; tbou tnafben of **J jjj CbaBea)Cbou ftaltno wo?ebecaUeDteDfr^?!. ; g ) Dfl# 5Pleafaut,cboua)aItb;mgfo?tbt fa *quev4ciw ne grmaemeele/putfiotone tbp ttomacbcrdtciwo/ to cpte masebaretbpfinees^i1)altto80etbo?oto^&gt;^F^ toater wzxzmD? Qjame fljalbc sifcoiicvr D/ J '?' ;/** anDtbrp;euptte0 fliaibefene , f#91n|IwhpSi&amp; auengeme of tbe/ano no man fljall Irtt mc: fraa^utiji fapetb cure warmer/ tobicb iscaileb )Lo;b wbe^w ofoft^;tbebo!vcneof'3ftart. SSS?2iS ^ptttpll.bolBetbptunge/^gettbetotoSStJ fomeoarcfieco^ner/^Doaugbteriiibaloea/tijefpgureofa fo? tbou alt nomo?e be calien laop of Bing* piqu&amp;c quew: Domeg.5 teas fotojctb toitb mp people/^ W^SSSSm puntfljeb mpne cnberrtaunce / 9 gaue tbein 35 ?h2Ss

to tbppotoer . iSeuertbele^/tbou fl)etoebEtto? ous ^ *m ^-1 tb?nomercp/buteuentbeberpageDmenofaftcrftutnto tbe/btoeOtbouopp;effirpgbt fo?etoptbtbp c ^ cceame p * fomer.anDberpoeallg/tboubattnotr^^^^^ garDeb tbefe tbmgynetbee caO/tobat ffiuioe flanDet6 u? tfc come after.^eare note tberfo?e/ tbou topll* luerne^o; caa ftm/f^tefttb fHiiiiw4nM^ft*S^. tbwieberte:? am alone / ^Uoutmeig ^iwJSSSffiK none;? allnemrbetopDotoe/nerbcrolateic? conojcj9 agapne Jnbfetbotb tbefetbtog^ fballcome to t&amp;e bp5 one oape in tbe ttopncfilpng of an epe:}55amelptop&amp;Do^eaD/anQiiefoiacpon. g)ep an migbtelp fall bpo tbe/fo? mul* tttuDeoftbptoitcbe?/5fo;tbegreatebeape of tbp cSturerg.f 02 tbou bait comf o;teb tbp f elf em % &amp;prceatfulnf0/anb iisC faptc: j5o man feptb me . cbpne atone topaome tj connpngebatbbifceauebtbe. ?ntbat tbou baft fa^ie ; % am alone / 3 toitbout me tbere I0none.cberfo;e (ball trouble comebpot / 9tboulbaltnot6notee/frcm tolieccit Qiail arpfe,a?prcbefe(balfaUbpo/tobtcbtbc (bait not be able to put of , % fooane mpferp -. ftalleome bp5 tbe/o? euer tbou be ato arre, v J9otogototbpconiurer0/ anb to tbemul* tttubeoftbptottcbesi(tebom tbou baft bene acquameb tottbaD from ttiv poutb ) pf tbe? mape i^elpe tbe/o?ttrengtoentbe.srbouba8 bttberto baomanpcouncel^oftbem/folee ^e ^eauengafens ?tbe bebolbcrjs of ftatre* comeonnotoannDelpuertbe^ee sletttbem ftetoe/tben tbefeneto tbpngeg ffiaii come bpon.tbe.SeboIDe/tbep albe Ipfie ttratoe/ tobicbpfit bebpnweotoitb fp;e/nomSmape tpDbeitfo?tbebebemenceoftbcflame;2tU&gt; yet ft geuetbno fpifljerg to mattne a man . bp/nerclearefEjetofptbp,cuefoftaitbfs ... be bnto


-ii 1

baue toibe pou tbpa before . yceg all can Att / oti ( bimanbb;mgebim fo2tb''geuebimap.!0&lt; * **"* fperouss fdurnepe.Come npe mwtmW&amp; SSSftSj baueg fposen enp tbpiigeoatcfiip Race tbe seutlincs begp nnpngci toben a tl)pnge be gpnnctb/ J upy i^tae* amtberr. " j***** t&amp;crfo;etbeiU?be obtettb W toe m '8** 6at8 fent me/dino ibttf faietb tOc io$ eb 52) S2E| tfateibi^fiDtbouboureoflaeob: tjjmeauengee/ tbeboiponeofSftaelhganwre no* at EC tbat ate calleb bp tbe name of tbe)lo;Dtf)p oo/ tobpebteacb f profitable a!i * I M 3Sftaei/atecomeoutofcneftocbe (INh^/fleaiirfttbetoave/tbattbouibu^SW; itbluoaitobicb ftoeatebp name beftgof f toou toiit note regatbemp coma/ SSSS

3Jfrarf. fiebntoftetoftomftottftattMej 3 occupy tjpg erroneonjs toaFe/fttflmirnoneoftfjem bttmm\}t. * c^fjc ^pocrpfic of tfje Jet** 10 wp;onc&amp;.f3C!je Iw&amp;t aionctePUbcrao;*ippo^tD0icljl)at5c{joftrti3ft'anft tobicS) focou mi? fcfifo; l)u atoac Case. Cfcfje.wmiiQaptcr.

s meanett)tfjat$ jeopie ofjlca* cl toe re (tub* bucnc-frotDst of tbe 'jU#e/ beare tottneUe bpitje ob of unberaent/tbp toettftpifji fcalbeas tbe toa ttfpun* inao fi,-/utii ? otiB/ffiael(butnottttteutHrt2bt)toDvc&amp;ate tcrOteameigi^pngJjmourn esajSttoguce^mta!.,?!:!!.

!n.S f&amp;i ea,,eo ftemm " &amp;e &amp; 0,? cpttc/ ass tijep ^ fiotopnge in tbe f ee. Cft| fcbe ibaibrlpfte a* "f 3 w&gt; SS ana * a IOBe to confo?tb in oo of Iftaell/tobofe tbefanbein tfttfee/ at&amp;eft ute of t&amp;p boor/Sw iTi 8somereanameij(tt)ejLo^ieofBoaes{. Ipfie tbegraitei lioness tberof: cbp namefoijm. em?** fe !ftoite ? c&amp;etbinges % % Ojetoea poueuer fence mallnotbe roteb out / no? b c&amp;topco bcfo;t * cfot SSUfffifl* begpnnpnge : $aue a not b;ougl)t tbem me . f e foall go atoapc from E abplon / anb SffSftSC f^.F^toW/tmmfattvMtyitmtwttimt Efcapetbe&lt;IaloEe0toitijamrrvborce.cbi0 t fl?X? 1 'i cWentbeoutmoutb/frbeclareotbem^nbtbepateccme:: Ibalbe fpobe of /Declatebab;oDe/a gofo;ibf*iWh;;a/ of j fouciicac^otobeitsmtetoetbat tbouatt obBpnate/ bnto tbe enbe of tbe tooriae -.fotbattt&amp;albe^pncjiinttwj 2S52S2L 2 ^ at ** " ecB " 8 * rt an p;on M * ne/ anb t fapbe:be tlo?oe batb Defen ces W ferrtafite *&lt; * &gt; , S1B3ST t6f b?otoE . ls ct 6;8tt ' fieue t * e,a5 a {)auc ^acob / tbat tbep Cuffrc D no tfjutHe / to!jen 2ffi mtnc avunr fa, fun; fence p beginning Qiftorb fte of tbing^ tbep trauepleb in m tetlDetneffe.^e claue 5 $ SS te^auej iiomfo? to come/ anowdauD tbembntotbe/o; rocfteisafontieryantjtbetoaterg ufajebout.buo-na p ;om e fo;tfte bngooip / tbep baf no peace / tomfyfa* -,-,-,.- -.. rr ..'.,-s... ol -~ ,- Bene imto atiot|)rt peepte o; nacyon. filtc bttb f tftctaw w sot flcttemp ipoeraH tgeiettjingessmgetijetittoagieB ^^i come rti jeuea .jot .#. * f torn kctic otter . SwUM* ilojye to ^p/Dpl)efpeDtbem:j&gt;Utaj3fO?n,e/3tOli3etbe 0?ng8 of beaUD ^all t^cts^o l too;loe mrauceriioueiljct (fa a n ?"^"-_ h befo?eattbebegpnnpnge/nriDanbfecte **WWBflN|wHpf*ap*wc

fammpmmte^s^/tbat 0)ou bnctoett notofanb feme it )U9.3 woio bone note not of oioe tgme/ tob etof tbou ne not tuffec to* ec berbctt /before rtjep toete b?ougbt to wsou? to tt* paffe-.tbat tbeu canft not fape : 3 fineme of pur f ita the ss baft ti etUtt Ljcrae net bnotene / netbetbaue gout *cucr ts$ep bene openeb bnto tftine eares afo;e tim e

CCbe.irtrr.Cbaptet. frtyib ft all gattjH- to getljtr nil natfia bt tfitv nc, ntc fo far re of. ^ beDefeBeopteftofam:be,o;brLS^S batb calico mefto mp bp?tb/ ano uflwu* rus mabemeiuponofrnpnameftomp

ffw*Mpn*^oriftneto tbat tboti teolbeamaltcpouflp mot&amp;er0toombe:t&gt;*be&amp;a t&amp;niabempmou$ t a tbaibna fflH^ ofienbe/tberfo?ebaue| califbtbeattanr* Ipbeaftatpefaetbe/bniertbe ftabolWoff fiS S? oUoicsgteffoMre/euenftomtbpmotbew toombe.

cicanieii / there eutttbele* f o? mpnames fafee / 3 baue ftuite nothing toftbb;atoen mp to?atb ^fo? rapne boncurg ^XS^^Sbaueouerfenetbe/fotbat'lbanenot 4'v't no tootebtijeout.* 5Beboibe3 baue poutgeb (bttiohautije/tbe/anbnotfo? monepe. gibauecbofentbe ne fauto : utm f fp;eof pKictte/ 3nb tbat onlpfo? mpne 3 gwjgj ^ n 'f ri atone fafie/for5geuempne'bonouretononc SJSttK * w / ^ at ^^ ^ uIw ft not oef pp ft me mie ofafflictt^etbenbntome fiDaacob/aafraeltobom on/tuat is/ c f baue calleb . 1 am euen be tbat tt/3 am WW , fttaanbtbelatt. ^pbanbetetbefoitnoa. SSSto t * mtU * esm/mv fflt barme fpannetb emttTt tw * tbebeauenis. Igfooneajjgi calleb tbem toh?c&amp; ? aftertbeptocretbete.tsatbetpoualltogetfter/ 9 tote oeijue^etfiemiebicb of ponbetgoBbeSbatbbecla* ttt; e 7 a na&lt; Kt, *' 0/tta| W r UJWb| bp (fir fipnge m St * ato( tobomebelouetb afauouretb) nwiwfate, anDb?g(XaiaK5 big! wmi%mtMf alone

bpfibanoebatbbe befenoeo me/ abWjnwtnffirle&amp; bfaqupuec/a3agooliaiote:e/anbf3pebnioeehat!)s ci; me^ouattrnpreruaunt^frselt/ 3 toplbe ""J " * ;rt{ bonoa*biatbe.ben anftettccg-.s BKHSrgfX lefe mp laboure /? Qjali fpenbemp fttfr.stbcotbafir^ inbapne.Ueuertbeles/gtotllcommptttmp^, toWi

caufeanbmptoo;bebntotbe tojomp^oD. 35 w nttl f anbnoto rapetb tbe !Lo?b/ euen be f raOnc- * r i?* , neDmefrompmotber0toombetobebigftt'" 9o VZh^ uaunte / tfjat 3 mape b?mge facob agapne mtiw w bntobimibotobert/'ffrael torn hot be gatbe *e &gt;t&gt;* ;?&gt; rebbntobim agapne. Sntobofefpgbtjam^""^!' ' geeate/tobfeb alfo it mpHojo/ mp cbanb SffllcS mpdtengtb. lettttfcebutafmaUtbpnge/^toptbtotoM tbat tbou art mp feruafit/ to fett bp g fipn* oute ertufc recoe? of facob/aeo teftcre ftr beBtuccion Jtts" ?*!*' of?ftaen : m mafietbenotalforbelpgbtg'St of tbe mm/i moumape8bempbeaitbSn|,e rf bntotftewBcoftjetoojloe, wwhaw


#f Cfa?


dr 'sBojeouej tbtus fepetb rbe 4.o?oe tbe tbeft fljouloe . Jteftes? a\be tw now gg gfi C aue^nobolJoTrtItaei/becaufeof Kft^S?SSfflSS^S abhwttnsanbDefpBfntBeamongetbesen' fingemotbeW.beplbaUWlbefo?etbett tioU f a no.ct , S/ conSnnne Suaunt of all t^em t-jert fa ceg flat bp on tbeeattb / anblpcft bp ^ SSSSSniamtaamtei tbe buaoftbPfete:tttat tbou mapettbnotoe/ KeSfaptbfulltanbbecaufeoftbe bolp NMSSSS!8S&amp;5&amp;&amp;5S one of WtaeU/tobpeb batb cbofen tbe. fpopletb tbe gpaute_ot bus # w tobata* jSKSB8ffii:^Vtpiie 6etbtbep;efonerfcotbempgbtpefanbtbet ..Wh.UflpSteXpUlbewefeWtottbW.*3nbm fo ? etbustapetbtbeio;oe: Cfte wpfonet? 3w- SeSofSb tepia WWW l *** *** W ta6en ftom *? SSSSSJ (me -. 9 rta a Elbe ItopU tmt ea ^ttbge fo?tbe belpueteb from tbe totoiete: fo?1ltoitm apn Sm/anKnge agapne tbe tcatrebbe* anb fane ftp f nrnee Jnb toil feoe tbpn : ene* STbatCnwVftfapetotbep;e* mpegteitbgett atone mmmWOm SSgofoitb /a to tbemtbatawtooatfr b?pncfie of ftepj atone bloube/agof ftoett

Bsssss ssbil,--^---* uoutetbtbem/(bameabetbem/ageuetbn b;pncbc of tbe fprpge toeiles . a ttJBmaW . ^toapepbponaUmpmountapneg/ampfote wtbtfljalbeewlteoJnbbeboloe/tbepfljaH come from fartetlo/ fome from tbe ntyt&amp;ano a. W 8.c. toett/fome f torn tbe foutb.*meiopfe pe bea-

ccbc,i.cbaptcc ^ussfaietb tbe fLoibe-Atym in jbpUof pour**motber3 beuerce^ meht/tbata fentbntober o;tobo an5oti tow BBs^tis o)e bfurer l to tobo % folbe poui n m om toeft/foraefromtbefoutb.*metoprt pe w &amp;b m ' fo? ?ouie atonr o5e " crs m l e SSm S the SS uSSSlSSSmSSSSm folbe;anbbecaufe of poutettanCgtetbon VfgSogE iffib^teSSSSSi5pe0' pouremotberforfasen. ^tobptooIDeno, 9 .u)eraanbc ^b22S^too^tefiSoW. manreceaueme/v^enacameranbtobcnl^^cwanj * y om.f.a. m J&amp;Sl^v3tSv*mStomi calieo, no man gaue mc anttoere . Wt mp J 3 ^ ^%Vffi#ffi^n5Mto!^*^ banbeclenefmpteof/^itmigbtnotbelpe^ojSVf^cJ

bbo fnap:S toa/vet tofflnot'? ^foiaettbe.ebolbe/ i fo; teat of toatet/p BinW i*S SJ?hSS?* affi^&amp;nSKMnnttttSrS/ tbp ana Die of tBu?ft. 33 fo? \)tmm/ lelot&amp ;e it Jg^ r to&amp;fc . * wta ^SKSSfeSt "SB toimbarcbneffe/^putacacfibponit. tbrptoerc oxm \ e **r.affiJSeTSSMK*emttBe* eatebpbptpmegintbemo;npnB;(8jJSfeo. ^ c hal /ag a SS^2^ateCbe1SSflW%((m Umaatr3bo;tbatgmigbtbet6e.:beJLo?bf P arpieoarna, ttp m thpnt - fl Wieu/anbc2be tbem to tbe / a? a not tape nape/ner tottb bjatoemp te u/ouc j ^l., *wftVMgg^S^0WifiWt{ ofirempbacbebntotmptet|/ampcbeBsjJ ^7 tnfanjnge ^ ^S^,^SX,itt7oKDTtttt^e to npppe.3ttirnenotmpfacefr5 roame^ c c w &lt;*J SI?^SSi^^S^teSS afpittpnge/fo?me^beobbelpefl)m^^


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1 *

attjoubta. . - ttino ? ceythatwfoteteaione/butftSttbencomemne5 lw ^SSK^*^JS*3lMl^2*3r WeaKintKa "KB tbuSfapetb tbe iLoJbe 00*. asian olDcIotb'tobicbf motbe^fljaleatebp . ; ft to focbe a -JSeSSS a*Et mwebanoe to tbe cbetfo?e tobo to f eatetb tbe jlLo?0 a moge -.; &amp;^^ffiS&amp;l^ffSMtaV(iai^ Jt, " oro ^a l ett ' ,n barebnefle/a no ipgbt





iiaBtoboanbbolbebpmbp6J0&lt;0o&amp;.;iSuttaBebebe/ amo?tanm/tbecbflbeofm&amp;touic baoet&amp; pm: se mm **pebaue all Bpnaieoafptf/agprteo pome atoapeaSBoftb ft Oouttigno tern s the rf mi w^R*! oureatonefwf/anbint&amp;e flame tbat pe uens/anoiepae (be founbacpon of tbe eat*. ' ce/vmttf&lt;wwbaueBpnbleD.biScomewbntopoufromp #ut tbou art euer afrapae tatbefpob tof CC&amp;e.H.Cbapter. 3*ftjfflnotpertft/t&amp;atitftunienotbeaMe cffwifoiacta j afoity is p^omcfca unto f fert&amp;fmi *o beurope/netber ftaii it faple fo; faute of -jv^H^tfrBentoitome/petbatboibeof nwftpnge. 3amtbeilo?berope5oa/tbat * u h %pgbtuoufnes / pe tbat tea* tbe mafie tbefee to be Spu/anato rage : tobofc . JLo?oe.cabebebe bnto tbe Hone/ name is tbe ,o?be of ^ofleg.g; ftaii put mp

nsu^tobeiout ?eare ftetoen anoto tbe too?Dtalfo fo tbpmoutb/abefenbe tbe toitft graue mtierout pe are apggeo . Confpo?c t&amp;eeutnpngeofmpbanaeitbattboumapcS wmm poure f a tb er/anb&gt; ara tbat bare flan ce tbe beauens/a lepe t&amp;e f o untiacp ons fous&amp;oto tbat 3 calieabpm alone/ p?ofpe &lt;"tbeeattb/anbrapebnto&gt;ton: tbou art abbimtoeU/&amp;encreattbbim:&amp;Qto$ %om m VV ec VH. comfo;tfo gjpon / anb repap?eb all betbe* . atoaae/atoaae/anb Banaebp/SD jmi'if ape:maapnge berbererteasal&amp;araapfe/ a wKm/tbou tbat from tbebanb of %6m/ tfc& amp;rrmf Btttopiaernefleaatbegaraen of tbe jlo?be, &amp;a&amp;B?oncBMouttbe b *cuppeofbtS to?atb:P 8f &lt;^'' 55 94 anb iope toaatbere/tbancfiefgeufog Sffiffi* &amp; aft fa W* of / fucftrb out foe KM' c l' anbtbebopceofp?apre. auetetpeete bn&lt; B ?,^'ngemppetotbebotome.jfo;ambgefffiM tometben/iJDmf people/ alepetbpneeare all tbe foraie? tobom tbou baBbegotten /\* Wa,Z to me:fo? a lame a an o?ap naunce ftaligoo t&amp;ere 10 not one tbat map? bolbe tbe up: ana caur. vdc &amp;auc teftfrome/ ra not to ieafiefte bp tbebanfc/tfalifte^ a 2 W barbbp /| mp bealtb a mp rpgbtuoufoetre fonnestbat tboutjau no?pfteb. ot&amp;tbe reg h Inf. all goo f o;tb/anb tbepeople ftalbe e?a?eb W a" bappeneb onto tbe / bumbo is Snh lW toMbmpnearme. fo^fo;tt.yee/bearuccpon/toafltnge/bim=t*e!i of ft* _ Cbesianoejj (tbat is tbe entples ) ftaii get anbCtoetae:but tofto batb confojte b tbr: (et g* * jttpetome/ 3 put t&amp;flttmS fompneatine. ^fonneg ipecoratotle* atfftea&amp;e o f tu* Sr***' a-pftbppoureepeatotoatbe&amp;eauen/aioae ttsretelpBeatafimbenpron/aarefulof* ftpwflje eattb benetb.Jf o?tbe beauen* ftaii ttmbU to?atft off lo#/8 puniftmet o ftbp bamftatoapelpfceunoBe/tffteeatt&amp;ftaH &lt;Bob.3nbtberfo?etboumtferableab?onbt tearelifieaclotbe/atbcytbatbtoeiltbcrm/ (botobeitnot^tBpne)earetb:cbu0CB . ftaBpertftmlpbemaner. utmpbealtfi l!ftbtb?)loie:tbplLo;Maob/tbebefen enouretb fo? euer / amprggbtuoufneis all WtoibW people:J5ebofte/3toiltaltetaom notceafle.cberfo;eberBtn bnto me/pe i b?ing cuppe out of G}? banbe/euen cuppe bauepleafutemrpgbtuoufn^/tboupeople tttbeb?egge0ofmjto?att):ffrombfnce tbatbeareftmpiatoetotbfneberte.jfeare fo?tbtbouu)altneuerb?in6eitmo;e/atort nottbecurreofmen/benotaftapbeoftbeir Pt it in tbeftbanoeg trouble :tobtebbauc olafpbemiep a reu#jnge$:foj too?me?anb fPoben to tbp route ttoupe botone / tbat tee raotbSfljaleate tbf bpirbeclotbatooll.Sut mapego otict tbe:mafie tbpbobpeauentt mprpgbtuoufneffe (ball ensure fo? euer/a tbegrounbt/anbagtbeflretetogobpon, m? faupgbealtb ftS generation to genera* ca ionfaiacMn tmtonb to t^mpte of os. " Cbe.uj.bapter. &amp;pon bp / tabe tbp ftrengtB, ibnto &amp;t: put on tbpne bones rap* * *u;ift&lt;- wnotmoube/tnbafttoounbebtbat i^^^wfnt^jeruraiem/tboucptwof Btt,e 'p?ouoeluetfer/abetoetbeb?aance (balbe inbabiteb. anb w*t. ipse a* a p5ge ma tafeetfi abaugfiter to ma*

tfiu0baue 3!troben botonetbepeoplefnrap to;atb/anbbatbebtfiemfn mpbifpleafure: gfn ro mocfi 1 3 baue Uebtfieit bloubebpon tbeeartfi. atopllbeclare tbe gooonewof U.o?be/ peanb tbe p;apfe of tfie Itojbc fo? all tbat fiebatb geueob0/fo?tbegi:eate goob tbat bebatfibonefo;3fraelI:tobPtb bebatfigp* uentfieraof fiptt atone fauoure/a acco;oing to tbe

I. J


I I' 1


begpnnpnge of tfie tob?ibe tftpre toa^none (ereepttfiou SDOQ)tbatbeatbeo?percea' ueby*netbetfiatb anp epe -ttne tobat tfiou ^^ Doltfo; tfiem/tfiatputtbetr truftmtfie. cboufielpeftbpmtbat botfi rpgfit toptb ^ chetefuineffe/ a tbemtfiattbpncfee ',on tbp toape0.j3ut lo / tbou att angtpe / fo? toe of* fenDe/afiauebeneeuetinfpnne/* anbtfiere ,3Botna.tftM (0notonetofioie. 9earealia0 wfimtmtmm* tfiinge/a all ouve rigbtuoufneffe* are as tb,e clotbe0 ttapneo toitb tbe floure0 of a toomas toe fall euetpebene a* I leafe/ fo; ouw m ne0carpto0atoapelvltetbetopnoe.cbcrct0,j no man tbat called) tipoti tfip name/ 1 tbat

aanoetbtoptotaite boioebp tfie. fierto?e fipoett tboutfip face fromb0/anb confumett b0/becaufeofourefpnne0. Butnoto jLo;be/tboufatbei:of oute0: *toe ate tfie clape/ a tfiou art ourepottcr/a ^mut.t.9 toe all are tbe toojefte of tl)p tymw.l&amp;t not eotMtttf? to fojebpfpleafebl ^) Ho?be)afif pe not our offence* to longe in tfip tememb;aunce/but confpb?e f toe allate tbppeopie.^be cptpe0 of tbP feanctuarp ipe toafle^pS te a topi* *" Mrneae/ani3!eturalemaijefett.flDittebo1p fitfe tofiicb (0 oure betotp/ tofiere ottre fatber0p;apfebtbe/i0 b?entbp:peeall oure e8mobitie0 apleafure0are toattea atoape. iplt tfiou not be intteatea ( Ho?be ) fo? all ^(flttboubojoetbppeace/anbfcoutge b0fofo?ef It ffibc fetf cf tpc of Jetufebm/anO tbe tMgW of tbebtatbett. ^^ ^ ftapteri*fic pfljalfefieme/ g bP'berto ba* -, be not afften fo? menijep flial fmoe *, , m/t UPtfieeto baue not fougfit motm jC ^. _ Jme.&lt;icben aHlfapetmmeorattp to tbe people p. neuet called bpon mp name: tfambere/! am bete. #o?ibu0 longe baue 3leuetboHienoutmpbanoe0toanbnfaptU' full people/tbat go not tbe rpgbt toape/ but aftet tfieit atonepmagpnatpbfltf coa peopie f 10 e'uet Def ping me to mp f aerobe* mane .jbtttt Wju tbeit oblacpottiJ in gatben0/anb tfieit ratote &gt;eute.*.iu.fc bponaultet0 of b?pcfie/tfieplutcfie amoge tbpiu/aipeto8benejai!nii^.*TO3^g^ eatftopneBeO)/ abncieane b?otbi0 mtbett * m * wu beoel0.3if tbou comeft npe tfiem / tfiep (ape: toudjmenot/fo?aambolpertfientbou. aill tfiefe men tobenil am angrp/OJalbe turneo to fmobe a f P?e / tfiat wall bur ne f 0? euer.tfefiolbeitig to?ptenbefo?e mpface/a j* U)alnotbefo?gotte/buttec5prnfeD ,*j fbal ***?. W * tetoarae it tbem into tbeit botome: % meane inyc.ioi).a. poure mpfDeoe0/a tbempfaeDe0 of poure fa= &gt;etj w&gt;. ffier0togetber(fapetbtbe-flo?a)tobicb baue maaetfieirfmofie* bpon tfie mountapmw

tMbe.ljtMii.crbaptet. J cbattboutooiaeftcieue*beauen ! in fonaet / a come aotone: tfiat tb e mountapne0mpgfitmeite atoape ,^attbPP?efence/ip&amp;ea0 atanfiote nwtatfiattfie malpcpou0 mpgbtbople/a0

Ibe toatec botfi bpon tbe fp?e: &amp;betbp tbp name mpfi': be nno tone amSgetfipne tnt* inpejj/fttijiu tfie entpie0 mpfifit mbmt'

h t%

Xfatmtbtw of t&amp;e nwuw. ^ licfomeagaptte. fio;eouett&amp;u* fapetb TLotU-AW autobenonetooloegatbetboip gfape0/menfapewitolnm:b;ea&amp;e tt net of fo;iti|5bolp:euefotoiig!boaifofo;mpfei;* iiautcp fa&amp;cff -'p. g; topllnotoeQiopetbeau". 5Sut5 toil cafieafeoe out of giacob/ijout oe juoa one/to tabe p o geffion of mp bpi I . fl p ebofenwaHpoaeafctbefetbfoge$/8mprei&gt; uaimtf S ail oto ell t b m, &amp; aeon (baibe a 0) e pc folbe; a tbe toallep of 3ictjo; all geue tye Qallpnge fo; tbe catell of mp people/ g Cfeateme/'JButaiJftypou/peatetbep/t&amp;ae pjouer.u, (jauc fo;faben tbe jLo;oe/anD fo;gotten mp Jemp .|M. ^|j ^ t y ( j, aue fet bp an au Uet bnt0 f 0} , tunE/anDseumrp$o;inc&amp;offetpnge0tonto eafurc.crtetfo^toplig!nomb?e pou toitb tbeltoeroe/tbatpe fljallbe bellropeb all to getbet. f o; tuben 3 calleo/no man gaue me Wmiim. n anftoeteito&amp;en a fpabe/pe getbeneo not bn* Sjffi/ttme/lmtbidtoicMDnftefleBijticeroi/ ton in t tj t m, ano cbofe 1 1) e tbpnge tba t pleafeb me not. pie foiow ttj betfo?e$u0favetbtbe;ilo;be&lt;oD:&amp;e&lt; $S! n KjL"?ftolbe/nif fetuaunte js (ball eate, but pc (Dal XX,^rhbaiiebonget.Se|)olDe/mprmuuntejj

irlje S&amp;opljetp



ty goad' i jN o;mcbe/but pe mall fufite tburBe.Eeboibe/ uctft tbf Die be mp remaunte? all be metp/but pe tyal be &amp;? a ? confonnDeb.ebolbe / mpfeniaunte* mall &amp; c W&gt;opce fo? betp qupetnefleof bette : Eut pe 3 tojii baur a wail ctpe f o;fo;oto of bett/ anb complapne iua pmifiin fo;be*acfonofmpnbe.yourenamelbalnot to oo to; good, be Cmo;ne bpamonge m p cbofen / fo; $oo Viineiefw^ ^w.ftUtef ewu/anDCiUW fe nher ue cbiio uauntc* b v anotbet name.lfcbo Go teiopfetb nee otoe man. i) pott eattl)/ fflali teiopfe in ttue &lt;goo: 3 nb t cetera. ffibeto&amp;ofoftoeatetbbpon eatm/tbailftoeate in tESffitiL tfle mK 4To? tbe oibe emnpte malbe f o;&lt; nun teoe tPieB gotten/ano taben atoape oute of mp f pg&amp;t, in titc tiavnc Jfo;lo/3| all mane aneto&amp;eauen/aaneto dope of tb&gt; eattbJnb as f o; tbe oloe / tbep mall neuee K"'^* be tbottgbtbpon/ netbepte fnmpnoeibut oraK hfl5 tbpngejj/tbat J fljalloo. uep;o , ffo;tobp:)8ebolbe/$maUmaHeafopftiU ? tc .u ,n .uT 9!evufale/pee3! mp felf mm * teiopfe to if* gS^J b '?mfalem/beglabtoitbmppeople:linbtlje louc not tbto bopce of toEppngeano maplpng mall not be -fftikn t uft 4ai betbe fit bet ftom t&amp;e"ee fo;^.** bece mall ibmchr tijem neuer Ue cDWienec olbentan/tDat baue not fffeimtoanbfio?etbi!eawoloe/*ltroalbpe. B *^^^ putji* btCf^pfbe t tstanba&amp;;etb peateof agebom;5ge/ of tbe ipft to be malbe ctirfe&amp;.cbep malt biipibe^oufe^/ 2SiH? anbbttelltntbemttbepmallplante bpnep* tiKeiilai nitiee/anb.cate tbe f tute of tbem .rbrp (ball icmocbbenetnotbiipibe/ anb anotbnpoCece: tbtp mall t #*onw tcabmot plante/anb anotfteteate:58uttftelpfe of Mgy*' mp people malbe ipse a tte/anbfo mall tbe WSSSf fcWrteoffttf **. twt* anfiuh* flP 6oftn mallpwelonge/ tbep malnot b?b jeatc or laboutemba?ne/netbegettttttouble'.fo?

tbep ave tbe bpe WeffeD feueof tbe^b;6e/attb 8. . cte t8ettfmtf0to(tbtbtni.3inoitmaibe/t8ato?f' o P i ;)tmca euet tbep call/gp mall anrtaete tbem JB^SSSii tbepate pet but tbtncfiliigboto to fpeafte/a SieSeSSmc mall beate tbem/*be woiff anb tbe lambe to an etqi&gt; m mal febe togetbet/anbtbe Hon maieatebape E?jw Kt ipse tbe bullocit. f *ut eartb malbe tbe fer- Sff S* ?? J pentejj meate. bete mall no man butte net SSS gape anotbet / in allmpbolpbf H/fapetbtbeto mi (% TLo;be. natfonbetBe Bteotee e dbe toolfe anb tbt lambe f ball febe ( ffbemconjiig /tbattb&lt;mooatoFCBebctuetlmenfbflU at tbecompBOf h;i(i agree vUb t\)t gooDnnb pcaCalile: a no ibnt i be cBcnt j Ira ( tobicb fo: tbetc beaSIp if upng ' ace often flgnpfpco tonber tbe name of bcaacs) fljalbeatsnjtpevmtbibefaptbfuivanb tbeonelfue loupngljtojiij tbe otbet teitbout Orpfcabe berf fame (aping bauepe befo/e in (be jetaanb.b f * ut eattb I balbe tbe (erpentea mea t c i I) a t ie^toptb ear tb f 6 nil t b ferp J t be contl Ui netbec ftpng man/no; tjuvt ytm U bee bentmr. . * Cob btoelletb not in temples rnabe bp mannta banbe .^eOefppfi tb Cacrpfpces bone toitljout incctp 9 faptb . &lt;Eob comfo;tetb tQem that ace troubled fo: bis [a&amp;e.amonge tbe b;iaen/t|e jbabbotb is coit* tpnuall. _ - *uufapetbtbe)Lottie:eauenfeS mpfeie/t p eattb 10 mpfote Qole... "**ft* *tbete mallnom boufe flanoe J""; "gjft _Jtbat pe mpu buplbe bnto me i too ffiffli tobete mail be tbe place / $ y, milt bmeli iai rape s iwnt r i o a? fo; tt)efe tbinay mpbanbe batb maoe tt)e mow aH/t&amp;epateall cteatea / fnpetb the *4&gt;8f,M&amp;f"* Wblcboftbf mal3tbentegameicuenbpm2 e 745 tie tbat 10 of a lomip troublebfp;ete/ 9 Sanoetb ttuboie toojitii inatoe of mp too?be$. f o; tbo fo Oapetb an ptbejiobBn m fo; mertotb mefo geeate of fljonoute/a* VSSSSL be t fiplletb a man . i^etbat bpiietb a ftfffSSSE fo; me/ cbofieti) a bogge. 0e g b;pngetb me err m mmn meat offcpngep/offcetb fupne? blouoe:i@bo of macuc

fomaftetljnieamemonaaofincenfe/p^p'v:^^ "^ mm tblnge mat id bntfgbt. yet tafte tbep JJ^g f cb mapes inbanbe/anb mv foule beUtetb piaec fo; vouce in t\)ttt abom(nacpon0. f erupt e/to tb&gt; berfo;e mil 3 alfobaue pleatute In lau* ff *g gbpnge tbem to f co;ne / anb tbe tbfnge &amp;SffJfff tbep feate/tomab;fngebpon W4mmmm.iSt % can eb/ no mE gaue anCtoetc:toben3| (pa be novo wmj | tfteptooibenotbeate:jeut bpbtopeftebneffe" M l t &gt; u * befo;e mpne rpm/anb cbofe tbe tbmge* flMttgSSSJSu opfpleafeme.^eaKmetoo;beofobaHpe/Knl,6; feate tbe tblnge tobfeb be fpeafietfiToute to me $ topoie b;etb;entftatftatepou/anb caftpou outfa*w*"* mpnamesfase/fape: jLett tbe jLo;te wMSSUfi Si npfpe bmifelf/tbattoe mapefepoute gl^RSSJ2 nefleianupettbepmalbeconfounbeb. i (batbemp ^0; ( touebpng tbe cptf e anb ^ temple/ * o;ftip* 3 beate tbebopce of tbe)Lo;be/tbat topllte m WJJ L toatbe/wcompencebttenempe0:lp8ea0' n fl { l ue Sr, toben a topfe bnmgeeb fo;tb amS cbpib/ WS fap^iw euetmefufitet^epapneofttebp;manban^ouaptop^ip' gupmof tbe trwiapie, ISboeuev bemeo; vcbviib(acu fatoe

M fap

Mmf p^monebapefo;atetlit people bo;ne all at (tbatbebeipuewb)amogeHjcentile0:mtp 1 gtttiri ngb' once / ap n beatetli net foime^J ,dFo; el?cia/3ftpcaanb'jUopa( W)c vemctic1n ^ffltlpj0rafeibtbe^b;Dei*raaiiet!HnialJet(j 9anblebotow)iitto2tajpeairoanD;c6e SSft'O^ettobtate/anbbearenotmpfelffam lanbe. .*.*." mttiM*tt.&lt; Rn?i|ainotgsoetBatbeatetft/anDniaBetb bawnf cbeglejJ famof/iliatbatienotbevfle Jg ggg

u pwwt favefljtbpdPob 3lieiovfetoptb|cmfalem/ fpeaneotme/anbtyuienotrenemp gio;p /p tC p CR iaiftnii ISSSttiWHl gab toptb8ee/aIlpetl)atlouebct. ^p;eatttmpp;apreaittpngetbecntile0, a p f rpetti*u XmSEfa iopftrt toptft Dee / all pc that motiwieb fo; anb mal U;piige ail poiirtb ;ert);cn fo; an of, * g r ia "'(teg/onbbe tatif fteb. f e maltaQe/anbbaue l)o;fejJ / cfjarvette^ anb bo;fe ip ttcw / apon J,, nflt( ^ W*#f$'mte m tbe vleutcoumc&amp;'e of bet potoetjo; #ulep anb catte* to jemfaiem m p ftoip mmtl: ot tbe SStBas9a9ffifi!S9E^!SS !ffi^^

{fibfift't'' oli; peacctittol)ei/ipItcatoateiflotiiiE/anotbe tbece.ii. tbap^npjmt f $ It^f pmenltfte a flotopng ftteame. Lffii'anoaetfpbeg/aiibbelopfulbponbetlincepfo; Sit tbepipneasJa cftpibei? comfo;teb of bn motbetv perteaue bo^ fo Q, aI i % comf o;te pou / anb pe malbe com^ ^Vr^hfo^eD in f enifaiem. anbtobenpefe tbpsJ; SSBVw ft wall tefopfe/anbpoute bones wJraDauemalluojpmipftfanbftbe. tDitbout cbutf wall (be banbe of tbe ;iLo;be be KmhrtrnHnotoneainoitgebps fetuauntes/ obutii' SaSeaclbignacpon amonge bP0enempc0. fmj S'rbip w bolbeytbe %m man come toitb t&amp;/% m knuit gootp. cbat et mall be Iplie a tobp;l topnoe / mat be mape tecSpencebW pengeancejn bis to;atb aiwbfstfnbignacpon toptfttbe flame of fp?e 4 Jfo; tbe TLo;be alliubgeallflem toptb tbe ' - me anb topt!) Diss ftoeitie/anb ti) trelbaibe a oteatenomb;eflapneoftl)eJLo;be. ^&gt;ocb m batte ntabe tbemfelueg ftolpanb cleanein roegatbens / utbofetbatbaue eaten ftopne fle(b/mpce/anu otbet abbompnacporig/ ma! be taken atoaye togetbet/ fapetb tbe How. ifo;ltoplcome togatdetallpeopieatogetf KFtoptbtbefttoo^esanbimaginacpons-.tbefe . w iaOcome/amimpgio;p,ntotberawai

of^fracl b?pngetbe offrpnge m.eteaneMftowerte^..

feWto ti)c botife of MM* . . EOT. i 3Pnb9l mall tabe outcettapne oftbfm fl ,^iu n , f ntt&gt; fo;to bep;eatte0 anb leuptea /fapetb me tpnuam*w&gt; jto;be. (JFo;ipfiea0tbe netobeauenanDtbcbotb '*** neto eattb tobpeb |topnmafie/ ntalbc gMfSSSSSS {lablpflKbbpme:(fapetl)tbe)Lo?b) S&gt;o ftalJSSwj&amp;i pottterebe anb poure name contpnuet&gt;* anb tbep mute*

tbcte malbe a nets d^oone fo; tbe 6t()et/anbaneto&amp;abbatb fo; tbeotbet/anb*aiflem(bal cometotoo;mipebe ;fo;eme( fapetb $%QM)to1i tbep mall gofo;tb anb lobe bpott tftecatponsoftiicm tbatbaue ttanfgteffeb agapntt me . iff o; tbep; too;meg mail not ope/ netbee mal tbeic fp;ebequ?* cbeb/ salfleQ) (pan abbojtetbtm.

lielntbereple' trjatlcaltortp* 83 ftatl thtp toavfe oO 111 Fp^tejtcnetl)/ M Willi aburt: fpeaflinp?o* fiecfte : Dep ftalnetbccrt* nctnto Jdoirs necanptre.itit tea but (ball

teo;fl)pppe i\)i ilojDeoiilp* .. t-oepallfUQ) JiecetiibrrftoB tbrl]:jiieu.

I &gt;' *

CtClie ettbe oftlje bolte of


1 .

1 4

\ t \ i

I . ., i

. . -

* *


Ctri)t6oke of jje KM

Cbc flf b of Jewmpt / anb in tofiat tpm* be M* pmHUVt tjwfcth Wm fttfe toolteKfuft tfteom* of a pjopI)ttr&lt;becaurc be to lounge ant) wcjper t . t6 taugljt of tbelojo/i btcometb. bolbe. H5oO ope* tic t b bnto gun/that tbe bcOructpon of ti&gt;e Jeww/ u? loe ali jlonww^io at banbe.l erempe &lt;b commautu fid) to fptaiic tbe towoc offiBoo unto tot 3tttt9AB ontftatr.

ftaBetonieagai!nc/anoi?D?:i8fltftPft?/i?XK njoui3Jnt| fepoegbo feafeetbingepot/io* IwS nS 8 tag e (torn cut of t be n 02 tb bP t b toarbe. tbc faire tm cben fapbe tbe jiojbe bnto me : fiDut of om *m t&amp;e noM fl)al come a plage bpon all $ btoel* MSStSS" let*of tbelanbe.tfo; lo/ 3 totl eallalltbe tHSSffi ficers of tb e bmgDcmes oft&amp;e nojtb ( fapetb t i )t twot of tlje JLo;be.)3nb tbe p (ball come / anb euerp ttm^m one am fett i)(0 feate to tbe gatesol Jew* g"* W falem/anbtnalltbeit toalies rounbeabout ffifno-S atbo;oto allrbccptfeji of $uba.a:nbtbo?oto toatnot onm* tbem all % beciaremptuogment/bpQn all ttafc w tbe topcBetinelfe oftftofe men tbat baue fo? ^""Jj"? taben mt-.t baue offrrbbnto ftrafigegobbes [SSML atiD toozOjpppebtbe mm$ of tfteft atone Eiksiwcan, banoess. " Btpejfutiw

s^tfiertb^^gf^tvflipioiitw/afjft/^tf;^ anb ten We aii/tbatu geue tte m cSraaunb* X L?r ment.tfeatetbemnot/ gjtopllnotbauetbe am^Zm ************* tobeafrapeboftbem.flo;bcbol&amp;e/tbisbapeof tb&lt; urn* Cdcaefp^dBaptet. bol!mafteHft5gefenfeDtotr)ne/aiitton" , ?#n' of^eremptbe fonne of $ei* Mfff/flifl'SK W m fitaW&amp;efte/oneoftbem SSiSS^SSSS^SJB^iSg!^ tbatbtoeltatanatbotbmtbe SSSS^ffi^SSERKfia 5S5 lanbe of tfenaamm: ttben SKS^^2ffiSK5K?J BBS JLojoebao ffl\ fpofien top u) 22SS&amp;Mh2522SIB&amp;%S2!? "&gt;"*&gt;W* ipnu- 6 ^ C mbW/.*tntbeWofWtbe K foneof^ f^^BKSK^ffjBSrfffi of bmh fipng&amp;OtnfcanbfObUtpngebntO tbetpW Of catifetbepfO!fohe&amp;/* becaufetb eytannea De tbtp not to be ^mcpfbawinlleljoaBtmtberonneofgofiabftsngeorju* buwpngaftwjiMttf. -----

3 a3tfaanc# ccilnp tftpuje to i lie tmotc Hauutajjoftijc JD.opl)ctcc^ to to Unotne ttjc jSitosptB of tijc

ftanoofauo* Ccbe. ti, tsTftapter. ^i * g*j ?ouet/ tbctoojoe of fle)Lo;6e fiSjaf 1 * cgmafioeDmetbu0:ffiotbptoat!e/ f*** (ucrpe in tbe eateg of jetufalem/ 9 * fatetfrbitfiafetb tbe 'jlo?oe:5 u-

iijc toucti) of oa/anobntfutbe.rf.?eate0of5eorbfob tlje #ftpnge/ eta fonne of lofiab bynge ofjutta tbere 'enWD:

JSVh/c. Lof toften^ewWcmtoMi laSf / cue In tbe fpftb the bote : j m fl&amp;onetb.Cbe tofte of TLo;De fpafte tm tut rtcsooftbebntome: 5Scfo?e 5 faffftr'oue&amp;tijefn ttpmo= *b;onptitBf tbewtbjombe/aDFbbnottetlje-.ainDo^eiiej! memb?etbefo;tbeB?nDne(feofo &gt;g foutb/ SK^ 35tboutoattbo;ne/*-3 tancttfieiitbe/ano o; anDbecaureoftbpfttofattloue:totbatt bou tbapttr totb ( oenel)tbe/tobea)d;opbetebnto tbepeoplf. folotooeametbo?oto tfte t osjoetnefle; fnan cnoeairo. eCbnfa?oe3!:flDft^o?oe ob/a am bnme* bntpIleblanDe. cbouiftaeltoaft balot oeo i&gt;;ophc(^b a, te/fo??am vetbtit jounge.aino ttjeno^e bntotbe Ho;De/anofotwpf0f j;Q ftute0. ^""^^""anftoewome tbus . &amp;ape notto t%am to aiUbeptbatoniouteDllftael/oBitnlie lhraff* [uifanctifi- l?onge:jfo?tbouwaItgootoaB tbatlftafl fortune feu bpon tbem / fatet fttbc jLo?bf. rtthe.e.fflf)atfenDetbebnto/ ^ tobatf oeuec 1 comauttbe ^eaietf)etfo.2etf)eb)0?De oftlje)lo?be/ fl&gt; iwjbcbpcateo/tbe/tbatftalttfioufpeaRe. JBtnotaftatieb rooiibouCcoHpacob/anbaKtbe genetacfoti wiBwSuertlK/fafeiftflieiLo^e. bntopou. ^ toteaia:o, 3notoittitljat/)tTLo?betttc^ooute tidbatbnfa|tbfuInrflefounbeourera&lt;] 5 pijttestuo - bta ijande,anotoucdebmpmoutb7$fa?De tber^inme/tbattbeftoentefofamat oaee gfJfS* . wojwei bnto me . 3B etj oioe 5 p u t mp tt&gt;o;w; fro me /fallmge to B gbtnelfe / ano befnge fo Ktn ton 'n^moutb/anbtbtetMipebbafettbeouei: ha " ^ h, ' , ' .. .*&lt;% h**t*t. bnto bpm/tobs tbe people Bpngo om eg : tbat tbou m aje ft tbe fatbtc hatb rote out/b;eabe of/betttoje/amabe toatte: IgHi 6 and tbattbottma?eftbutfbebpanbplante 32m* 3Cftettbii8/tbelLo?berpafiebntomera?mg:

fevemj/tobatfei!tttbouf3Cnb5lfrttbe:q! Ce

bapne ; rfjep tbougbf not in ttieit betms : n0betebatietoelefttbeX-o7b/tbatb;oiigbt bd out e of tbe lance of CfitPte /tbatleb b0 Hjo?oto tbe totfbf nu fre ; tbojovo a ocfevte 9

tougb lanb/tbo?ota a d?i&gt;e anb a Qeesip lSbe/ peeaiatiaetftfltnomanbab gone ftyvotoe/

j -;



#f Seremp,


ba q ti;ogbf poumtoa pieafaOtibeiUuiiaea Hjpne atone to apes in tbe toobbeg / bai iepg

% m


atoa&amp;]?ngrQbbr#benrarbeffic&amp;oMoii attbtoflermnomanbaQotorlt.^tibteben^ bao

lanoe/tbat pe mpgi)t rut ope tbe f tottfi anb al tbe c5m oopt w of n)e fame: petoent f 0; tf) anbbef plebmp lanbe/ 9 tyougfyt mpne beee* tagetoabbommac^on. Cbe P?e(te0 tbem feluejj Capae not once: ibete fetbe jlotfe^bept&amp;at baue!atte fntbettbSbe?/ Bnotte me not:Cbe pjepbet*

besoffenoe agapnftme.cbe p?opI)etesbo f e m?c e bnto )8aal / 9 f olotoe f cb tb P nges a?(ballbjmgetbtmnop?ofjt. UDbetfo?e3iam conoanpeb(ra?etb tbe )M&gt;;be)to mabe mp complapnte bpon pou/ bponpouieebtlb;e. &lt;Bo (nto tbe lie* of cetb im/anb lobe toell; Rnbe bnto debar/ taftfc biHgent bebe : anbfe / tot) etftet focb tbpnge* bebone there/ toetbectbe entiles t\)l femes beale fo faiapanb bnmilptottbtbeft gobby (tobpebpetate no gobbes tnbebejjSut mp people Matt) gruen ouer tbeitbpe bonouw/ fo;a tbinge tbat mape not beipe Ibrtn. 55eaQontfbeb(pebeawes5) beaftapbe; 9 abatyeb at to cb a tbfnge / fapetb $ k jbe. &gt;jfo;mp people Ijatb bone ttoo eueis. Cb^P baue f o?faft en me t^t tocll of tbe toatet of - lpfe/anbblggebtbempptte0/peebple9b?O' Ben ppttes/tbat bolbe no toatet.S? ^ftael a bonbe rem a fit /o; one of tbebouftolbt r)P ifjj be tfjen ro rpopiewibP bo tbep ware anb ape then bpon bpm m a Ipon i cb e p baue . mabcbfjoManoetoaae/btfcptftfarefofyft bp/tbat tbereiuno manbtoeiltnge in tbem. ...... -fit tbe cbplbjen of * * j9opb anb ^apbnejJ "-, ; %auebefplebt!jpn?cfi. " JUSST' C5metb not tbts bnto tbe /becatife tfiou Shbo of scn'jatt fo;(a6en tlje Hotfe tbptBob/euetfence brftfte of ' be lea tbc bp tbe toapefainbtobatha&amp;tbou jpptt / wber in note to do in tbe &amp;tete of fgpptei to b?pnc6e SlfiSSS foule toater f tbCT/tobat mafiett tbou i n;f inww.. "'toapeto afliria ? co ojpnefie toatee of tbe * flbunefcbpne atone toicbebrieffe Ojal tep;o* .. uetbe/ tt)p tuvnpngeatoape mall cBbemne ** tbettbat tbou mapelt finotoe 3 bnberttanbe/ bote euell anb burtf till a tbpnge 1 1 tt/ 1 tbou " |aft fo;fafien tbe Ho?betbP&lt;!5ob/ snot tea' febbtm/rapetb ttft %opu on of pottos.. 3bauceuerb;ob8tbppoc&amp;ofolbe/abut

0f rbpboiiDes-.petfat'ea .tbou/3 toflnomo?e feru f / bu 1 1 p fie an bat Jo t} tbou tuned about bponaUbtebilie^/samonge algrene trees wtie&amp;ti 9 vlanteb? out of noble gtapep aoobrofes,otoatttbou tumebtben in to a Mttoyb"ftttefullf 9 lleaimge geapef yee s. ,. Ctba^co ro^itbat'tbougb tbou maflbe n)e: -^^.IJf^'I^KujjsmaBe tbPjCelftorauoute e ffio teaftc ftat ftoete fmellmge berbe of 35o?tb;pet in ' mam ibttftpffBbttbou art ffapneb.toptbtbKttPPbeb' *&gt;. wflf/fatftf) tfje 'jiyo;betbpj!5ob. s " aiape notnoto^amnotbntiene/anbf bauenotfoiotoeb fbf ob bejt.v.l'OBebpon la -" "'.&gt;'



anb aennWrfo ait tbou finotoe/ tobat tbou battbotw.cbouart Ipbea ftopft ^omebar p/tb at goetb eaCeip b is to ape ; a iw tb p toS&lt; tonnejJtelpbea toplbeaffe/tbatbfetb tbe toplDemeffe / anb t bat fnoff et!j anb blotoetb atbfs tofiLbo can tame thefill tljep tbat febetbe/ujallnot faple/butfpnbe yf n tbine atone bnclennes.cbou fiepeft tbP f ote from nafiebneg/anb tbp tb?ote Born tbp?fte / anb tbpnefieft (bus f n tbp frlfctufb: 31 toil! tafie no fo?otoe/l tolll loite tbe Qraunge gobbesl/ anb bange bpon tbem. JLpfie as a tljef e tb&amp;tifi tafien toftb t me commetbto Qjame/euenfois tijeboufeof Sfraei come to conf ufion; tb e comen people/ tbetr fiingf sanbrulers/tl)eirp?eftes a p?o*^beprapetoaaocfi/tbouattmp^^, . fatbet/anbto a ftone-.tboubaftbegotten mfamtnt* pee tbep baue turneb tbett bacfi bpon me /? z ^ not tbeir fscctfut m tbc tpme of tbef t ttou- f

ble/toben tb ep fapr -.ftanbe bp/ anb beipe w 91 al anftoete tbe:H9 bere are noto tbp gob* to sJ/tbat tbou bad mabe g i bpb tbem ftanbe bp/s beipe ttje in tbe tpmeofnebeljfo; lobe bote manp cities tbou baft ( 3ub*)fo ma* npgobbeji baft tbou alfo. lbetfo?e tben tofllpe goo tola toe toptb me/fepinge pe all are f pnnew agapn ft me/ wpetbtbe&amp;ojbefJtfsbutloftiaUouw/tbat 31 fmpte poure cbplojen / fo? tbepwccauc notmpco;reccpon.f oure atone ftoearbebe* ftropetb poure \&gt;i opbetes, Ipfie a beuourpng Ipon.Jfpe be tbe people of tbe/U&gt;?be / tbeu berfienbntobi0 toofljct3m 3! tben become a toplbernefle bnto tt)e people of Jfvaei i o?a lSbe tbat batb no Hgbtfl^berfo^c fapetb m? people n)en: toe are fallen of/ anb toe topll comeno mo?e bnto tbei^otb a mapben top get betrapment / o? a b;pbe bet ttomacbetf anb Dotb mp people fojgetrae fo loge: nsbp boofteft tbou tbP toapes fo bpli'ei to optapne tauoure tbettbo;otoe i toben tbou baft pet ttapnebtbem tottb blafplj em k$i , Qipontbptopngestsfotmbetljebloti&amp;ejDcttte.^.a of poo;eanbtnnocentpeople/ anb tbat notsrmp.i(i. s, In corners sboleg onlp/ but opelp tn al tbefe Ja.w.i. places, yet batrett tbou fape-.| am gpltlefles Cu fb /bis to? a tb can n ot come bpon m e.ffiebolbe/ % topilteafontoptbtbe becaufetbou; barreafap^bauenotolfenbeb.)bOto euel toll it be fo? tbe/to abpbe it : toben it wall be finotone/ boto oft tboubatt gone bactoatbf iff 0? tbou flialt be confotibeb/as tori of fw* pte/asoftbeaSffirians:peetljou(baltgotbp toape from tbem /anb rmpte tbpiie battbetf (ogetber bpontbpbeab .DecatifetbeHo^ all b/pnge tbat confpbence anb bope of tb we 1 naugbt /anb tbou Ojait not p;o r per t toftbellt, &lt;uob

-mead, Clje $?op&amp;ecp ^ c&lt;Ko66 f namtrtfftiUiinlittn( l Ki!cntaacci,i ! . tbP greate blafpbethp: 0m^/J I0t^ toubioottB.frcrWib 3fc*lwtt ptntauii/

woSpnatWfl^Pi)"*" Ihat Wuioebauccbctcie MSaae^-ai c " tutn0f 3 CcKlumtf 00 ' confcffpnatbcisoacnK... a H^H^roe" 1 * / toben amanputte &gt; ascbatiay (f^fltoas^^ totft;anD fte gor ft} ftom tBou^fiUoR^J^^nv^mavtet^ttftaiiotijet/ttjen wa;tt)pppf0^i ^J^gAe quettpontS: uloebe reroute [SS unto bet w mo;e aftet ft ?$*not i* feibe S'S: tbmbefpiebanftbncleancj JggMf/ oBM)au ? M s *oubatt piapebebarlot tot manp lo flioee/i in ma* uers/vet tume agape to me/faie ? %oio, 2S2* mwm epe* on euetpfpbe / 9 loBc/pf baa fbrcuw n emin e ftretesf/anba* amuttbererm t nutbpbufoab/toiloemcCfc.cftojototftj tobo;bomea a* Sritmt * W i * m / flat e rapne eue&lt; t"o Z- npnge betoba ceafeo. cbmt fta (t gotee tbe ltwn VDtjc(fo?t an toj)(ue0fo;cbeab/anbcanftnotbeaa' tou mm* m tn,$] tooioeft ou fape bnto me : 4&gt; rap %VX t lame ftomppou : i@pltou en put thinbcthctar/tneatoape/anDcaflme of fo; euetrffl&gt;;totlt luaip/* 3 to ju h^ toitflo?ato p relfe cleane (to me; #e* 9S. *" uWie*/ou mm m mm / but C *$be;M&gt;;brapD alto bnto me:inetpme of Tfof iai) e n pnge: i^aft ou fene tobat f ;mftpng3:rraelba bone? boto U&gt; bad b tumiebpbponallebplleiJ/aiibam5geaU f cb t reefJ/anb ete plaped toe batlofcbaft oufenealfo( toben fficbab bone all r?) bote 31 fapae bnto bet : at e uloe tutne agapne bnto rae / pet e W not returned luoa 6 bnfaptbfullCpfter of bewiallofatoe fei:j3amelp/atafterg; bab toeilfene tbe abuouttpe of tbe Owpncb png batlot Jlra el/ 3! put bet atoape / anb gaue bee a bpll of be*

uo;cement. ... ^ f o;atll*/betbnfapfunfpttet Subs toag notafoameo/buttoent bac&amp;e ^plapeb etobojealfoTeeanb Snopfeofbettobo;. &amp;omebaoefpiebetobole lance, tfo; e

flajne. *3e.f.a JecM b iirj.iRfBJM

baft bnfaptbfuilp fo;faben tbe It* p ob/3baftmabepfelf part tafcet of draft* ge &lt;3om[ bnbee all srene meg/ but baft bab &amp; no topll to beat* mp bopce/fape e Ho;b. }t t h(ci.. f , *&gt; pe;inftpngebplb;e7turne agapne/ fe^i^, tapetb tbe fcojM:&amp; | topll be maepeb toptb vau4fot% toplltabe one out of tbe cptpe/9 ttoo out of one genetaepo from amSge pou/ anb b;pnge pou out of jbpomanb totll geue pou berbme aftet mpne atone mpnoe/ tobfcft (Dallfeoepoutoptb letnpngeanbtopfbome, as oHouet/toben pe be incceafeb anb multt* plpebintbe !anoe/tben(fapetb tbe %om) there all no mo;e booft be raabe o I arc m of tbe %o M ceftamf f :j9oman alltbinfie bpon it/netbec all anp man mabe menc&lt;9 of it:f from ttjence font) it all netbet be bpfpteb/net bonouwb toftb gpfteg. ben alllerufalembe cailebe)lo;^ feate/anb all $eatben albe gatbetebbnto it j fo; tbe name of tbe JU;oe fafie / tobptb albefetbpatfetufalem. 3tnb from tbat &lt; tpme fo?tb/tbepall foloto nomo?e f pma&lt; gpnacpon of tbrit atone ftotoatbebette. abentbofetbatbeoftbeboufe of % uoa '$ all go bnto tbe bouf e of fftaer.s tbep all cometogerbet out of $#o?t&amp;/mto t^t fame lanbetbat3lbauegeufpouefatbec0.3Sbaue etoecalCo/botol tolie tbe bp being but a

ebtlbe./sgaue tbe a pleafaftt ianbe to) tbpne betetage, pee 9 agooblp ofte of ^eatbf : 9boto'3c5maunbebtbe/gtbouulbeft*caUflj*t.^j.(. me f atber onlp/anb not tc jpnebe fro me. 58ut l vfie a0 a toom5 f apletft bee lout ti To ate pe bnfaptbfull bnto me (JS&gt; pe bouf e of 3 ftaeDfapetb tbetoj&amp;.Xno tberfoje ^bopce of tbecbpib^ of Sfraeitoais beroe on eucts (p&amp;e/toepmgeanbtoalmge:fo;tbepbauebe fpieb tbot toape / anb f ;gott en ob rj t n %om. ad pe mi nfipnge cbi;en/tutne agap ne &amp; &lt;fapnge:io/toe atetbpne/fo;tbou art tbe Ho;oc oure 00: ) Unbfo all 31 bealcpoure bactumpnge^.^bebiued fall/anball $ bie p;poe of tbe mountapne0 / but tbe bealtb of

' ll

#f $mmpt,

3!Craeil/^tbotttoplttume/tben plaee/ltbeajstbetoatcbmenmfbefetoe.ijfo?^ tuene bnto me / fape tbe)L.o?be, tbepbaue p!ouoftebmeto to?a/rapetb tbe and pf tljou toilt putatoape tbpite % o;oe. _ abl)ominacpon0outofmpfpgbt/ CbP toapeg anb tbp tl)ougbteS/liaue tbouaItnotbemoueb:anbaltftoeare: b^ougbt e onte tljpfJ / tbw is tbpne atone Cbe lAito iBuety : In tteu / in equpteanb topefteoneffe 9 bptobebpence, at batb po f ; tigbtuoufneffe:anb all people ail be f 02 tu* TeffeD pne tjerte : aij mp belp/ab m p belp/



e ciccttnceCCDtot^e Jlojw/cma cut a toase ft c Eo^effijnne offouw fterte? / an jjc of3iuDa/amou tlje mDtoellers oegiewfalet

(fljait tftou cr^ ) l)9to t0 mvijcvt fo fo;eftnp !jf it panted toitftmme /% can not be Qpu/ to^UUaue l&gt;eroe cringe of W)t ttopetteg/ an&amp;pealepoftoatre, Cljep crye irautijufc bp6n muttbut / tfje toDolc ianbe all pcipO), gimmeDratlt wvg

^)atmpinDrsnacp5D;caltcnotoutUficfp;c tftttWtocrfDfatopeD/aimmpijangntgfg/iri Sn5finDle/foftatnomannta?equencftrt; tftcttomcftWngcofancpe.ipototonBenjall ecaufeoftl)etojclie&amp;nw of jou fmagp* afetftetohc^of toawe/anaijearetlje nopfc

4gtiacfon0. uffontour/ J&amp;;eacSfti5iWwanD|ufaWn/mrout in eodwrt/ anD fpr aftf :Dlotot t(je ttopettw in tlje lanoe jmrf fpgnp* effe tftat eup man nta jc ftcaw / anbta^e: ffi*Sf/L 9 Pi together / ana toe totll go in to SSSSu ftrongecftftft frmptbtmm in m/

oftljettcmpectes. IQcuecttjcicjj ft ip Qjail come bpon f ftem Jf fircaufe mppcoplcig beconie fooivfU / anD ftF^*J&gt;** fc ftatl)btcrtvnobnoerltanopnge.a^aiffi^ aiol ' w ^ cljplD?cnoffoofljnE0/anotDptl)outcui?Dir* do mcll/tljep ftaueuji? ct jnouglj; lint to 00 to el/ tlKi? Oaue no to yfoom ?,% Daue Jofieobpon tlje Wttfj /an&amp;fe/ttt'o toafte and


batbeommpttebbevabuoutrpe tofftoneK Sfraell ttanbe onip bpS oboure)Lo?De. anb ftocfieu Conf uf pon batb beuoureb oute f a er3 jaeuettbeiefle/betbnfaitbrunfiftetluMi laboure from oure pou bp: pee eft epe

tjnottutntbbntomeagftine toib tobole anbbulfeCBeff/tbettfbnnefianb oaugbtetu. raberte/butfapnetilp/fapetbtbel.ojtir.ant) g&gt;oootoealfoflepemouteconfiifponia na m%om fapbebnt* me .cbebacapoeesr* amecoueteiKi^o;toeanb ourefatbew taell it mo je tpabtuB us; / en e bnfap&lt; f r 5 oute pou bp bnto f bape baue fpn* full ?uba:aetfo;egop;ecbetberetoo^ nebagapnfteio;beottte 5oo/anbbaue totoarbe e no; / ano rape: fflbou ;ens rot obepeb ebopce of e to;o oure 00, apnge 5Traell / tutne agapne (|M cone twt ttttmutmottttumtiv (oofi. e jL.o?be ) anb % topll not tutne m? face from t^oiM^totitamm^iimottmtttt. nhtau pou; f j J am mercpfull/Cale e )Lo;De/ ctuctpmof jtwv 10 ww &lt;w f ,6 *' ? of % toillnotaltoapebearebifpleafuteagaft lKfbtw. ae:butoni0(onbicfon/atoutnolM tfabe.ffft.C&amp;ajtfet. Jfwel

i* *'


HJKU0U9 ia/ fpebepou/anDinafieno wnitaciou/' as b^ige a gteatc plage/anb a greate oeftrue' ^"^""'^cvon from tbe 110; .forty fpoplee of e bopoe.3 lofteb totoaroebeauen/ano it bab ffiSSwbGentfM i&amp; b &gt; oben b P ftomBW *"/ as a no pne. i)iato.ieuoop/lponoutofl)i0benne/atftemapeniaTiee gibebelbetfte mouhtapne0/anbt'ptre tentctij hpa ianbe toafte/atibbeftropetbecpties!/ fo at bleb/anbaiitbebpUegtoirei nafeare.giiO' flMh"atb no man mapebtoeHerm.lEberfo?egp?be fiebabouteme/anbtberetoajinobobp/anb KR?(hSourefeIue0abouttofacUclo/*mourne aHebp;be3ofeap/etoeieatoape.jniar s wiid.&lt;7 atib'anDtoeyc fo; e fearfull to;a of p %t&gt;M ficDtDCll / ano tlje plo tofD feioe toae Hifii*aiiaii $ allnotbetoib;atoenfrom pou. toafte: peeaetrcttte0toeieb;oftf botone imrcDtoort ait^efametpmeiTapetbtbejlo^beifte atep.3efenceofejLo?be;anbinbpgna'

BfP bettofefipngeanbofep;pnee0allbe ctonofbpPtoja. r*omf gone/e p;efte0albe aftonteb/anb e tfo? ttfba e'/io;berapbe-4betobole o&amp;e tti; o;pep;0pbetc0albefo;eafrateb.benfapbei: ianbe albe befolate/ pet topll g not en dS m camctij jd jL, ;b obod / baft 011 en offceaueb 19 baue bone .3ino erf o;e ictt tb e ear mouf aua af ' w' people anb^etufalem/ albaue ne / anb letttbebfanmbc ;p aboue : fo; mm* iftLpeace/fr noto tbeftoeatbegoe o?otoett t^t Inge at 3 baue purpofeb anb tafien mmv oftqclpue0fbcnallitbefapbetoepcople bpon me to bo /all not repenteme/anogi toigbt:oempto3lerufale: ,, *erec5nieatoarmetopnb topllnotgo fromtt . cbetoljole lan bea SEmSLp fromeno;tb o;otoe toape of mppec fle/fo;enopfeofel)o;fmenanbUotom?: SSa 1 to # pie/butnetbirtofanne/nertoclenfe. epall tnnneinto benneglntotoobbe^/ winnfuinj '*3Bfterat all ere come bnto me a anb clpnime bp e ftonp rocness . Me occJiij pt ; ana -fttonge topnbe/ j en toiu % alfo geue fen* cptpeg albe bopbe/ an bno manbtoeliinge . S!3K*ttt bpon tljem. jf 0; 10/be commcbotone erpn. ^tohuhtol?Bca0acloube/anbbarrette)SarelpRe tPbattoplttbounotobo/tboubclngebe* mot dm mo** fto;mp topnDe:bi0bo;Cmg are ftoifter en ftropeb.'iffo; ougbtbou clotbe ft p feif t te *. a,c, tie tobjii tb { jeJegle.0obntobjJ/fo;toeatebeftroptb, fcarlet/anb becftefte top goto : ougtt * "f fjft g d) ^erufalem/toa pne hettt from tope* ou papnteft p face top colours / pec RISv ftebneffe/ at ou niaFeft bebelpeb . $oto alt ou trpm p felf in bapne. topioKiuto loigen)apnopcomeougbte0remapne #0; ore tbat bpr&amp;etto baue bene g m,M.* Jpef greate fauourerfJ/allabbo;ree/anbgo jjaftcr tbat :! . ^ 0; a bopec RS an anb from e bill af aboute to Qape e.f o;(me pne fte) 5 1 beare


SSSS&amp;#IM fpeafie ntty anb telleof abe* anopfe/lpfieas ittoereof a toomantraueSit ttruccjon.ieebolbe 'e ^eatben geuegmt* rpnge / 0; one labo;pnge of bet f p;ft cbplbr. mm town talem toarnpnge/anb p;eacb bnto ber/at turn ebopc e of e bauBbterSpoii,/at nofetaanBcbefOeftropcrjJaw cSm page from farrecoff* caftetb out l)ec atmegy anbf otone /fap &amp;w "^"'trees , ebep tell tbe eptie* of 3!uoae fame fnge:3fttoO!)3nie/iiotofo; ebereDafupnte JS^' BtBav 'aUb/epallgeueemtoarnpngineue'p i0mpberte/fojematnreOapnei'

i'V :

ffinf ebwe fcth lenotMWtWf oj topfull man B tUVne to fp;e/atU&gt; mafie e ptOPfc M founowtect amongtft tt)c ptopie/witcruiaa ^ tooD/attmapeconfumeem. iiDfttmtiKiw6Wjf.^.W'**'* l jio/3topiib?pngeapeopl*bponpoufta jrtwtofcwojrtrftnt^ww. ratted ^oufe oil fraeiKfa^ toe JLo?fie) rabe fa baptet. a mpgbtpe people/an bloe people /apeople R=5?^fie020to lerufatcm/bebolDe totjore fpeacl t^ou ftnotoea nol/ nctoeibn* |anDCe:feeBetbo;otoe bet Artless DecaaDctttobatepCape.#c&lt;ratofa)e$sate alfo An/vt ft can fpnoeone fQDaneoea/pceepem femes be betp |m8/tbat Do equall anD rpgbtj o? giaatess.cbi* peopieall eate bp P frute tbat labouw to be faptbfull: anti a all fpatebintffape * Jlo?De&gt;#o?ougbtl)ep eanfapeipXojD liue/petoo ef Ctoeateto ViS&amp;ytf 8 bttceaue-.a&amp;bete ass ou( fl&gt; KLo?oe) a *toBeft "^^onlpbponfapftanDtreu. fc ^ . *M amenoeme't/buttptefuftDpcojiec5. 38utpfepfape:tabetfojeDotbe3Lo;De CbepmaDetbefrfaceabatbertbena (tone/ n*DauWbntoW5? anbtoolDenotamenoe. * cberfo;e3! ougbtinmp relfe : peraDuentute epare f o Cimpie a foli/at ep bnoetttanDenopnge of e jtojoesJ toape/ anD iubgmenteis of ouce oD.Cberfoje toill % go fanto tij cir beaoes* anb tufetss/anD talfie tot tbem: pfepfinotoee toape of e jlo;De/attDtbe iuDgmetejJ of ouce oD.JBut tbefe( inlpite manewbaue b ; often tbe fort/

b*wijrtfwe a ** l J^etfo;ealponoutoftbetooDball JpttSHSiS' I fanbe/fotbaettean"oi JKtf &gt;*8^^ Sail faaffebt* bounties* :4fo?ougbittage/pet tbeftbeattcft &lt;Deutope S.cbe cat of tbe mountapne all fianpfftb the ige lulling b p eir cp ties , to teate in peceff *w f * a 'alle7at cometbetout.ffo?eit offences* W on - aw manp / anD ett oepattpnge atoape i gteate.febulD % tben fo; al iss baue tunc? bpon ef cbP plDren baue fotfaften roe /




ijitmw .vo-ytp ftof it wait *"* "r *w e *"* 3 p m eate/pc e ep (ball o euout e p fonnS atbpDaugbtetsJ/tbpaepe 9 p bullocfieu. Cbep an eate fap p grapes a fpgejs. M fo; p tttonge anb torn fenCeb cptgejs/ tobetin ou owed ttuft/ep ailoeatope em fait e CtoearDe,euereleis J totll

W$m anCtoere e" :b ecaufe/ at Ipse a* sebauefotfaftSine/aCetueo Otafige goDB$ tn p our e atone lanoe/euen ro alt p e feme ei goooeis alfo fn a araunge ianfa.$;ea $ 10 fanto e b oufe of 3 a c ob /ana ecu it out in 3uDa/anD rape u0: fieate t0(ou foil ftbnbifttetepeople)*pebaueepe0/ but . lifMM . petenQt-.eatc0baiiepe/biit?e&amp;eatenot, JSj tfeate pe not me/Cape e imtei Mu pe notaameb/tolofte me in p facef tobicb bpnbee fee tot p fanbe/fo tbatit cannot paffebv bourne :tf o?ougbittage/pet canitoonopnge / ano ougb e toaues* ecofboftoell/petmapetbepnotgoouei;. J5utifj people baafalfe anbanobat** natebette/epate oepatteb $ gone afajape ft m e.cbep incbe not in etc bam* . let bjEt reate e jLo;w our e&lt;soo/ at geue

Ca^^nTpffXtawnog^V^O ' M^mk^ttMiisM tbefeftompou/aitbpoutefpnne0bauetob* tf 5Jip7fc

pet ep fell to atiuouttte/ anD baunteD bat* lotted bouf ess. 5n eoefp;e of fanclcnlp Iuft ep atebecomelpfieeOoneDbo?fe euerpmSnepetb atl)/jsnepgl)bouvsstopfe:febulDe3!notco?* recbei{i/rapee)lo?M. $&gt;bue 5 not be auegrt of euetp people/

beopoubetof . jfo? amonge mppeopleate f ounce totcueo petfonnejj/tbat p;fuelp lape fnatessatoapte fo? m?/to tafte ea beOtope IJnD Ipfie ass a net t full of bp?w; /to ate _, M , MV r . vr . eit boufcss full of at tobP ep Baur tbat&lt;0lpfiefantot^lpmmefapbp5eic gottetoifaleDanbD(fceate.etofeom* toaileg beateftemDotone/butDeflvope f tne tbett greate fubflaunce anb rpcbW c nBe (0/ not httetip.t*cut of eft bJafichejJ/becaufe betof ateep fat ano ioeip/ ano ate tunnc SS:WS^ SSess Wfanrapfullp ^SSSS&amp; 1 !SX i ,SSSSt 8SS 5S. K eboufe of MDHnM fo;faften J^JKfiSSSSS^SJSSS me/fapetbe)LojDe.cbepbaueDenpeDe enbeofefatbetle(iesJcaufe/ep&lt;ui)genot 3to?De/fapDe:tti0notbe.u/eteaB ^JSS5^25S22K&amp;br*#i nomfffo?tunecomebponfas$/toeallfene* . ^?i5*Wft9'*5S5KSSs etftoeavDc netb5get.3Bsifo?efa)atnpn8 P Xo;De-ulbe|notbeauengtDof allfocb of*?opbetejJ/eptafieftbutfo; vspnbe/ people/a0e(tbef on&lt;ble anb gteuot* peetbeteissnoneofefe/tobPtbtopllten pngessawbtmemtbelanbe. f / ? foe pngess all bappe" bntoem. Cbe ftbpbeW tea* falfelp / anb W _ tbetfojeu0fapeeto?DeoDot weaflejsfolofaieftem/anDmppeopleba ^oaejJ:becaufepetpeafiefctbtob?bes^ bf' pleafuteertn, battopUcome etofa* . boloe :ffibetooabej(f ate fttbYmbii topll eiaft. _. J'flLge

e&lt;n:teftnKfo?toJsJettfeiemSB amjct. ttfii/ rircflcpfcb hiwb . iCoiiceoufiiCB. jDirceatc.ffifte io;&amp; vcfcctetl) tbe facrifvcesof thcJctDca.fOCtjc cBmpnge of tl)t aUvioniiiBiflp;opljccico agnpnc. 3 eifte.fatcbaptet. j strnie outof letufalem / pe aioge ! cl)tlD;en of )Ben gjamin-.biotoe to p tbe trompetteg pe ffiecuptefi / fett ,-^^Jtopatoltentonto )3ecaeem/ fo? a plage anD a gteat mpfe vp pepe out f torn tbei5o?. , _ a % toil itcften e Daugbtet ^ po to a fap^e anb tenD?e tooman/anD to bet all come e eppbetDetjs toitb tbett flocftesJ . belt ten* tess allep pttcb tounDc aboute bet / anD t$&amp; flafte batell agapnftbetC allepfape) 5e3ttpre/letttoiSgobp/tobtleitt0petDape. ailas*/eonpe goe atoape/ a e npgbt aootoe&gt;3 fallDoiBne-Jtife/lete toss go bp bp npgbt / anD oedtope bet Qtonge boloess / fo? u0 ba tbe ilo?De of bootleg commatJDCD, i^ebj Dotonebetttees$/anD fettbp bid* fatness agapnftlemfalem.f;b^ tfJ e cite at mutt be punteD/fo? inljettss allmalp* cfouCnesJ.jtplieagi a conDpte abounDe in toatet/euen Co if) cptpc abounDe tn topc neDnesJ . Jitobbetp anD bntpgbtuoufneffe pss betDe inbct/foJOto 5 toounoejs ate euet ete tnmpKfifttJmenbee(.jDaufirtem)tttt gifajiD;atoe mpbetteftome/anDmane e e Defolatc: p lanoe alfo/ $ no manotoel mm tttn it . iff 0; utf fapetbe )lo?De of booflesJ: weaSSS * *Cb tefpaueof atrael albegaeteD/a0 ti)?toQ!oc$authevemnaitntofgtape$$. me cboreu ue anDtbetfo^etutnetbPnebanDeagapne ffiKu&gt; t0 W bafnet/ltfte gtapegaetet . 35ut Si fS fanto fajbS alii cpeafteytobo mm toatne oftftcin ucuittmatbemapetalte beoef cbeiteatess ate Co tntftto* bncttcuncpCcD/atepmapenotbeate. ebolDe/ep tafie tbe too^De of oD but f o? a Ccome/f baue no luft ettoJnD et= \&gt;*m*t ** fott "* % am Cofnllof pne DpgnacpS 3 cannot dm t ^o^De)at'5mapefutTtenolonget.)beDe

povsecout tbe outp to2a fapone plD;en^ate tot' oftffS' b Vonalipong^ Sft t8m. mutt betafien P^cConee top e me/ 'anD * s 9 tbeageDtoieciepel.cbwbure0top tbeit ianbesj anD toiiteg all be tutneDtonto tttaungetg / toben % ftretcbout mpne banoe bpone inbabttatoutsj of tsJ lanoe/ fate e ftojDe. m ftom e leeft bnto tb e ntoft/ ep bange all bpon couetouCness : a from 5 tuopbet bnto e p?eft/ ep go all aboute \&amp; falfteeDanD ipess.

mitteD abbominacpon.58utboto ulDe ep beaameD/fa&gt;benepnotoenomg / m* etof ante net gooD nuttoutf 3nD ep f o;e ep all fallamoge tbe Dapne/ anD in e boute tyen% alltopfet em/ep al be bjougbt Dotone/rape e '^o?De. Cbu* Cape e )Lo?De: gout totlje ttteate* / contpD?e atnaWfnqttprpcpoitfp? tbe olDe toape: ano pf it be tbe gooD anbttgbt toape / en go etpn./ tbat pe mape tpnpe tettfo^pouteCouless. 36ut epfape-.toetotl not toalcne evpn/ anD 1 topll Cetttoatcb' men ouerpou/anDerfo;e tafie beDe bnto. tbebopce of e trompett.lSut ep fape-.toe topll not tafte beoe . l^earetbetfo?e pe emtplesJ/anDoueongregacponaltlmotoe/ tobat 3i baue DeupfeD f 0; em . eare on eat alCo:bebolDe /% topll cauCe a plage come bpon W people/eue e ftute of etc atone pmagpnacponss. . &lt;jfo? ep baue not bene obeDtent bnto mp too^DeganDto mplatoe/ butabbojteb em. tberfo?e b?ingepe metneenfe fto &amp;&gt;aba/ % Ctoete fmellpng calamuss fto f arte cam- gJMJ tm$i f otire burntotTerpngesJ DiCpleaCe me/ n&lt;i)t anD3!teiopfe nott'npouteCacrtfpcess. fnDetfo?e uss Cape tbe '/lo?De: be ljolDe/3! topll mafte ttfi people Call/ 9 time all fail ftom amSge em e fatber tot e cbplDjen/ onenepgbboute (bail petp toianoet. . ^, n ^ arao?eouetu0 Capetl) 'Jlo?DeiiBebolD/ 1 ere all come a people from tbe }l3o;tb/ a Jl agteate people all atpfe ftom tbe enow of * eattb/tot botoejj 3 tot Datteg altbep be toeapeneD-.3,t iss a rouglj a featce people/ an bnmetcpfuil people: eir bopce toate

ipfie fee/eprpDebpo bo^fessteeliopopti' teD to e batell agapntt tbe / JD baugbter &amp;ton.cben all pss cvpe be betDe : tne atmeg ate f ebie / beupness 9 toim? J come bponfass/aa fapon a tooman ttaueltngctot cbtlDe.j^o mango fo?intoe feiD/ no ma come bpS ebpe tttete : fo?e CtoeatDeatiD feate of e enempe albe oneucvpCpDe. lberfo?e/gp?Deafacltciotbaboutee(|{ ( oil Dougbter of mp people )Mgg #fllM1 felf\baCess/moumea toepebpttctlp/ *amoj assbponp onlp beloueD Conne ; m e Detttoper all CoDenlp fall bpon toss, be baue % fet fo? a p;ouet of mp barb people/to f cue out anDto trpe tbett toapessj 0? ep ate all bnfaptofull anD fallen atoape / tbepbange fapon fpltbpe lucre / ep ate cleane b?affe a won/fonbePburteanDDearopeeuetpman. cbe belloussave b?cttnefp?e/ eleab

xr.i. 3cvc,


^ *

moMmm I ep beale e butt of conCumeo/tbe mtltet meitc tn faapiw J ^ nnSuS^^S&amp;vm'm^ tbeeueliwnottalifatoapeftomtlie.cbet' fojeepmuabeaameD/fo;tbepbauec5' caulee^ojDebacaftem^out.^^^

tfytoojfe sftkW toljptl) tcuftr (fa m t&amp;e oiuwarOe . fc4ycf of t^c rtinpu/fftateeflipetjnotljpnge. fflctjc

pucllc tljat ITjalltjapps to fytjtuw fo; tljc Oefppfmg ^i;op6c0. &amp;acrpfp&lt; bt0 U)0;Oc 1 Eupftet&amp;.

of Otic fSjopBette. SbactyfptcsDoii) nottlje toide tfcefrlp regime of 3tt&gt;cs/ but tbat tbep, fliino obtp

iW.bM,&lt;f&amp;aptee. l?e fe arc ftetoo?be* g ob fpafte bntoSromp: &gt;tanbebnoertbc gates of fte jlojoejsftoufe/ 3 crpe

fte.&amp;epftftcunottofatftfpoofoScitpfis of Juba/ 9 to it ftou t let u fatcnif clje cftpioje gaftet nicfies/ftefaftetis funoie-tfte fp;e/ moft erg fineaoe too togtte/ to bane cabe? fo? tfie queue of fteauen. cbep poure u t b?infioffrmg( bnt ftrafige SoboeiS/ to pjouone me bnto to^aft : 190m be ftepbunenotme(fopeft fte ilo?o)Uut rafter con t ouno e / 9 ft am e tftera feme 0, 3nb ftetfoje ftuss ratet&amp;BS,o?be 00b: be*

out ft ere toojbeg ftete/ Ualoutse ft 01 e/m p to?aft anb mp inbignacion ft al b e

b j?ce/ ana fape-.^eate fte to o jbe of ft e fco?b all pe of juoa/tOat go in at ftp* WW/ tobo&gt; noun fte no;oe , bU9 fapeft to e jlo?be of ^'oCtcefte ooof tftaeil, amtenoepoute toaf esanb pout ecouncew/ anb 31 topll left poubtocll in ft# place, ruttnotinfalfe Ifenge too?be*/fapenge : bete ts$ ttie temple of ft e %o)hej ft tre is fte temple of ft e jlo;o/ tjete &lt;3 ft e temple of ft e &amp;o?be. *ffo?pfpetopHamenberoueetoaresJanb * ero.w tf . c. emuwHW pf pe toill tuogc r pgftt bet to prte a satua. uig. (.man anb bp 3 negbbour e : vf pe topil not op' mw. ...... K u. e ^ , wv^ a v &lt; SSSSI* WrtWH fttaunger/ fte faftetle* 5 fte topb inaunneb pou/ftat pe inape pjof pere. 3WW * 1 botoe:pf pe topll not ftebe innocet blouoe in JButftep toete not obeotet

/ ftep tnclpneb fttg place :pf petopll not cieueto ftraungc nottftep? eatcss ftere bnto /but wen t after gobbes to poure atonebeftruccio-.ften topi j fteit atone pmaginaep Sjs 9 after t be mocioia letpoubtoellinftteplace/p eein ian&amp;e $% gaue afo?e tpme bnto sotit fatft c w f 0; euet. 56utta8e(jeoe/ v eettuftfo counreig/ beg^lefou 9 bofounogoob. jfo? tobi?e|aue ttollen/mueftuteb/commttteb abuoutrte/ $ ' :iben rebaue offtebbntoaai/fo

pouteboutbpS ft(0place;bpd men ^cateil bpon tteesi tn feme 9 all fwte of $ ianoe/ aft ftallbume to/ $ noma maje quencbit,* C0u faseft fte %oja of 1^ a eg/ fte od of jrrael-.y ee b eap c bp vout burntoffttngett tofft route facrtft ce/a eatefte fle fte. jeut to!) 1 1 b;ougbt route father out of (Cgfpt/ % (pane notoo;oebntofteofbutntofmg; afacttfrce0;butft!03!commaunoeD ftem/ fasmgedjetfien 9 obepemr bopce / 9% ftal* be pouteGOD anb ?e ftall be mp people:tog K toaicne in all g toapeiS / tobicb a baue cfi

of ft eft atone toftbeb be felue0 atoaye/ a conuerteb ftf $ baue tijep bone/ ft6 faftctjt came out of csggp

t te / a not bnto tbe tpme tti bnto

fo tut n eo ftem me Jma tbat poute fti* bare,

iSeuetfteies / g rent bnto ftem mrfetiiir ua ti ntes all fte p;opbete&amp;3i tofe bp earlp 9

tornge(ttaungeabnBnotonegobbejS:c^f Cent tbemtoo^eypettoolbeftetnotbetfien/ come pe / a ttanoe before me in ftp* boufe/ net offte me fteft eat^/but toete ob llpnate 9 (tobicb baft mp name geuenbnto ft a Cape: too;fe tbentb eft f aft e tu.3 no ft o u Omit note

Cu ft / toe ate abfolueb qupte / tbougb toe [jaueooneallftefeab^omt'nacponsJ.

*ibatiftlnljepouftpi9Boure beatetft #fafe.iw.t&gt;. mpname/rjjabenneoffteuefjf tnbftefe tft tng^ ate not bone p.uu elp/ but bef o;e m p ne epes rape ft fte to mp place in foM.b. * *''* / tofterunto % gauempnameafo?e a9afthw&lt;.u. tpme/aioaetoelbftatgibpato pfameplace I i f fmpmK.ffo; ftetopcSebneuofmppeopie ofiftaell. Vat m i V ant) noto/ tBou ^ ^ aue oone al ft efc os ffi5!Ki( to l^* e ^ Wa m FWfwftftpeue(p tpmesto toatnepouatocomentoptbpou/ pet tooioe pe not ft eat e me: 1 cailebype tooioe notanfaete . anbftetf o;e euen as g baue bone bnto &amp; iloft / f topll 3 1 bo 1 1 W ft dure/ !, fmpnameiisgeufbntoiaftatpe put poute toffiT m,a m } ^ bmo ^^ P Iace ^^ baue geuen to myr. f ou anopomeatoo^atoagj tteWm a pou out ofmpfpgqt/80 5! fjaue caft out all poute Mvft aptig. b;tft?enftetoboiefebeof*pft?aim. obaanV/ h? ****/ ttou ftaltnetftetgeueftanfteg/no? . ptuntr . tit. mtwin to? ftps ftou ftaltmafte not'nter* m&gt;H&gt; E.f -a. cemB to me fo? ft? fo; in no to ire toil 3 beate

Sftraet ^*^ hah

(OtylfbV tl, t pppjitae tbatitvtcobt' fg;eU)fOano latome/at t^ltsiaclaats

bebuwDbecaufetftegftaieiaftauenotoffi me. fee ftebeebbobpei* of ftpis people ftall be eaten bp of ftefouie0offtear;eatotioe beaftet) of tbeeatft / anb no man ftall f tape

ftem atoape. 3 no as fo? fte bopce of mp;tb a glabneffe of fte cptieg of Juoa/a Setufale t *ftebopceof fte bjpbegtome aoffteb^poe: I toillmafte ftem ceatte / fo; ft e lanoe ftall bebeftlatr. C^eacfti'UCcponoftftcJetocB.iCnjc-ILo^cmoiicdj

M Jewmbe


P : "bitbtbcR

i *ll

Cpeafie all ftefe too;D^ bnto fte/butftep ftai n ot ft eare :ft ou ftalt ctpe bp5 ft li but ft eg Dial not antoete ? .cftetf o;e ftalt ftou Cape bnto fte:ftt0 i? fte people/ ftat neftee ftea* teft tfte bopce of fteHo?oetbeft&lt;ESob/nee mfaueftbi0co?reccpon,4fapftfuutf((ani&gt; tteutfti^cleanetoteboutoffteftmouft. iljetf o?e cut of tbpne fteatte/a catt it a. &lt; toape/tabe bp a cSplapntein fte to&amp;olelgbe f 0; tfte '/Lo?be ft a! caft atoape/9 fcatte peo* Pic/ 8 ftcidbifpieaftbtoiftall. jfo;ftecbpl* s b?en of 3 11 oa baue bone eucll in mp rpgbt / raieftftejLo;b.ceepftaueretbpftcftabBo* minacio0/infteboufebaftmpname/anD baue bcfpleb pt .cbepbaue alfo bupibcb an b*copfit th aulte r at b*copbeftytobicft ijitn Sballep of abaiiw te^e tfte cbilbj? of ennom : $ ftepmigbtbutnej n " &amp; ftcitfoimejJanbbaugbtetiS/toBpft 9 neuetS|M ( commaunbfb ftem /ncfttt came ft OMMaiSSS mptftougftt.anbftetfo;ebel)oloeyftcbapejirttobrK3oa ftall come ( fapeft fte jio^be) ftat ft ftall &gt; offtco no mo;e be calleb copftctft / 0; tbe taltoSSLSSSF* of fte ftplb;enof 9cimom/lNi(&amp;taiw li '&gt; Wl *' of fteftapne/ro; rnflropfteft/ftep man be bucpea



L* '

1 ci/cifc- iww^wMnapaiw* CCbe.biu.uEbaptet. c ft c fame tpme faieft tfte J,o?be I jtfte boneft of tfte binges of Juba / f bone^ of big p?inceg/ bonesi of ,^Jp?e8ei5antip?opftetesi/pceanbfte Vf .i0 ot tfte cptpfens of Setufalem/ ftalbe Jj;ougfttoHtoffteftgtauesiaiapcbagapnft fte gaunne/ tfte ay one ano all tfte fteauelp 6oofte:toftom tftcploueo/ toftom ft epf etueb tobom fteptanne after / toljom ftepfougftt a too?ft ippeo.^ftep ft al neftee be gafteteb togt tftetnet butpeb / but ftalilpcbpon fte eat ft / to fteft ft ante anb bef pifpnge. anb all tftep ftat temapne of ftps tope* fteb genet acpon/ ftai bcfp;e tatft er to bit ft? tolpuctoftetefoeuec ftep tcmapne/a toftete tfaaifcatee ftem/faieft fte jtotfof bootless. Cbtf ftaltftouCapebntoftemalfot 6110 fapeft fte Ho;oe: men fall fo / ftat ft ep atpte not bp agarneianb turneftep fo fattc . atoape/ftatftep neuet conuettef tffiftetfo^e ften MJftpjJ people ano gietufalem gone fo fftttebacfic /ftatftcptutnenot agapne. jtm,w.f cftep are euet fte longer fte moje obflrna* te/anb totll not be conuettcb. ^fo?3bauelo6eb/a confpbeteo-Jbut ftete Ottoman ftatfpeaneftagoobtoo;be-.ftcte

tuno man ftat tabeft tepentaunce fo^ftpg fpnne/ ftat frpuTomocb as fape :toftetfo;e baueg|bonetftp0fJ5uteitetpman(asifoone asbewturneb bacfiOtunnetft fo?tft ftil/Iifie a toflbe fto;f e in a ato?ne lino; toeft ftps apopnteb tpme/ft e cuttftboue/ ^toaloto a tfte Ctane cdnfpbje fte tpme of ftettttauaiicibut mp people toilnot ftnetoe tbetpmeofftepunpftmentoffte jlozbe. "lotobattepefapetfte-.toeatetopfe/toeljaue iciatoe of fte Lo?dc amonge Wi jeeftolbe/ ftcbpfceatfullpene of ftefcrp* be0/fetteftfo?ft!iei8:ftetfo?eaaHftetoife be confounbeb/tftep ftalbeaftaiebanbtafie: fojfo/ftep ftaue caft out fte tooioe of fte TLo?be : toftat topftome can tftcn be amonge ftem; leberfiwe/gtopngeue fteft topuejJ bnto aleauntea / anb ftep? felbes to bt' P^SttWmm totoeft bnto fte weft/ftep

-k t

foiotoe an fpiftreiuctejantiftow'ftc^O' pft ttbnto fte p;eft/tftep beate all topft ipi . J$euettftele8(/ tftcp fteate v ftutteof mppto* Pie toiftf toete too?be0/faicng&lt;peace/ peace ,,*., *,, toftetetberetisnopeaceatall. TteSffUhw iJfpe fo? ftame/ ftoto abftominable ftpnttf ttje nut cteft* boftep'anbpetftepbenotaftamtb/tccftepwcaiipnsc.Kj finotoeofnoftame. ... gSfgg tftetfo?e in fte tpra e of fteft bif if acpon/ gSS^ Sc ftcp ftall fall amoge fte beeo botipess/laietft 3 tw.y du to tw tfte u-ojbe. --- : tucaw. sum a *^o?ouet3 toill gaftet ftem in(fapetft *"$* tlje )Lo?De)fotftattDct:e ujallnotbe otictjit^ ^"tVjcmaviic pebponftebpne/neftetonefpge bpotitfte,,, tijc tvii* fpgetre/anbfteftaiiejJftalbepuicteof. tf go?fH Cften toilia caufe ftem to bepatte/anb * * rape:toftpp?olongetoetftetpme.' iLetbfiga. Sa tfter outefeluegi tbgeftet/ago in to $ fttoge t |. cl . f/ta i (,m cpte / tftete ftall toe be in teff.jjo? fte how be &amp;p to Syr.

mite obftaft putbS tofplence/anb* *git to the cv&lt; * . bStoatetmittetotftgal/tob?inclie:becaua , ^7' l ^ cl , .; u |o toeftauefpnnebagapnttftim, -; Et**r itaeloRCbfo? peace / anbtoefatenct tiie J tofmu^ better/ toe toapteb fo? fte tpme of ijealft/a * % lo / ftete 61 notftpnge but trouble. * ta ffiS ften ftal ftenopreof ftijJ fto?Ceg be ftearbe "'"; f^ "J, ftom an/ fte toftole lanbe ftall be afraprt) &amp; ci) pau? :b* atftenepengeoffti0fttongefto?fe?:fo?ftepmfntii..aiiMc ftall go in / anbbeuoute fte lanoe / topft all C ? 1ICC uct: ' ' ftatijJ in it tfte cpties /anb ftofetftat btotll u 'K atl mS fterft.fio?ouer, '*U topll fenoe HoibWV m waict-nurt tti anb fetpentes amonge pou( toftpeft topll w?ib ait '3 notbecftarmeb)aftevftallbptepou/fapefto:p'i' i ' l ";; t mum. ' . . SBSSf ^&gt;orotoc w comebponme/anofteitpnes SU W et.&lt; ) i bejteft mp ftert:fo? Io/ ftcbopce of fte ewege t^mmof mp people ijs berbe ftom a fane countte: &amp; . %$ notfte3Lo?be in Spon? %&amp; not fte npng t i ** f fllt thfter i lftctfo?e ften tjauc tftep . teueb me p*'"!"? ' (ftall fte to?be rape) topft tbeft pmageS &gt; SSSBS foolpft Dtaunge faftpong 2 cfte ftanieaSr,.'^ amoue PS gone / fte jfeommec tja tti an enbe / ano V ou a fe" l * cS toe are notfteipeb Si am fojebereb /becaufe pp "^"'Jfl' of fteftutte of mp people : 3! am ftetipanba ZSuSmS bafteb/fo?ftctetsnonto?e c?pacieata"|; t , rP . c . laab/anbftete psnoJBItpfpcpen/ftat tan e m\&amp;w ne fteaietftefturteofmppeople, jima/em CC6ecomt&gt;lfipntt(HifV8ajlpii8oftbe}0!op(|ptt;fO!{ (l n, p arot\e tt)tmal(CEOf{&gt;peopU.3[iiJhnowicD3cof d5oaoujl)c ! utni'moifl toJJitcli'to iojcc.Ei|f Biutrcumcyfjo oftDe Ijfrt. ijntonat- 1 of Ccftciic.crftapter. Mimcm* lftotopllgeue mpfteabtoaterretpenwa. : pnougft/anbatueliof teateg fo?a mpnecpes-.g |mape toepenigftt anbbape/fo?fteflaugfttet of mp peopief lolb CBob tbat % ftao a cotage font e toftere f arte ftfi folcRe/ ftat 3 mpgijt leaue mppeopie/agoo ftom ftem: fo? ftep be all abuouftets anba ft?pncfipnge fo?te. ftep benoefteft tungeg Ipfte botoctf/tq ftute out

JWM. lSt, .

i I r p


11*0:30 to; toe t rut to/ toe p mape notbpnge atoape toito a 1 1 to to e ao? id #o; to ep go fro one toicfieonts to another/ aboloe notoinge 1ft of me/fapeto tbe ;no?se. * ,.,. f ? one muft bepe bfm Cdfe f r5 anotoer/ iiW.tantnomanmapCaCeipmift fjfpatone b?otber. ajttp.Bp.a. fojoneb;otoerbnbermpnetoanotoee/&amp;one nepgbbouee b egpletb anotoer.y ee one bpf* femuieto toito anofter/a tb e p oea I e topto no ttuetb.cbepbaue p?acttfeb toeir tunges to Ipe/a tabengreate papnrstobo mpfcbefe. Cbepbauefet toeir Sole in fytmmea otbu (am/ ana fojberp op ffemblpnge fallbebe ib*p toiu not fi tic to me/fapeto ttje /Lo;De.: * betfo?etou0 fapetb toe )to?be of $oo* S&gt;N*r.*Mfc ftWtoeboloe/S toill melte tbem/a trpe tbem/ cai.jcbrp, a, to; toba t fbulbe? els do to mp peopleic&amp;eit tunge0 ate Ip&amp;e fljatpe arotoe0/to fpeafie bpfceate.tBitotteKmoutbtoepfpeatiepea* t ea bip to toeir neigbboute/but p;euelp ttjrs iapetoapte to? bpm. &gt;butoe 3 notpunpib toemfo;toefetbpnge0/faptto tbe s,o;o;fl); ftulbe a not beauengeb of anp focbepeopie 80 tof0:'apon tbe mountapne0 topll ' take bp a lamentation anb i o?oto fiiii crpe/anb a tnournpnge bpon toefapje piayncsof tbe toploftttf 0: #ameip, boto tbep are to b;ente bp/tbat no man goetb tberr anp moo;e:f a man to all not ft ear e one braft trpe tone, 3ep?ocs ana cateil are all gone fro toe" ce.

iff o? cfjerc i0 a lamentable nopfe beame of 4 Sspom bote ate toe fofoje he ttropeDi


bote are toe to ppteouflp confounbeoi me mull fo/fabe oure atone natural! countre/ atoe are Qjot out of oure atone Ioogjnge0. Fet beare toe too?oe of toe jlo?be( pe toe* menjanb let poure eare0 wgatoe tbe toojbe* ofbp0moutb:$ pemapleme poutebaugb* tew tomoume/stbat euetp one map teacb bernepgbboureffe/to mabe lamentacpon. $amelptou0:eato 10 cipmhtpngbpmat ouretopnootoe0/bei0comem to ourebou* fe0/tobeftropetoecbplbe befo;etbe oo;e/a toe ponge man in toe tttete. JBut telitbou planetp/tbu0 fapeft toeJlojbe-.cbe oeeb booie0 of men all ipe but - 9 tbegtounoe/a0toebonge bpon toefeibe / a 80 toe bepe after toe motoet/anbtoer a I be nomantotaBetbembp. S&amp;o?eouet/tbu0 fapetb tooLojoe: %tt not toe topfe manre* topfefobp0toptoome/ner tbe uronge man 8saM tf in Dps arengtb/ netber tbe epeb man in Gp0 m as tun \ rpcbe0:J5uttobofotopll reiopto/letbimre^(toas it* topfe in toto/g be bnbetttanbetb/ a bnotoetb f?2SS 5* me:fo; Stun t JLo;b/tofticb 00 mercp/equp* St { h * teanDrp8btuourne0 bpon tbe eattb.a&amp;er? , bf \ Jffi; fo?e bauelpirafurein focb topnge0/fap etb : " tbe 'j!Lo?be.#eboloe/tbe tpme cometo (fapetb 2? Sr M ,( * tbe JLo?oe) tbat j topll bpfet *all tbl/tebofe SSS252S fo;efftpnnei0bncn:wincpfeo.cbe ttfpcp, 8BSS 5

(&gt;.!.. ' aone0/anDaDenneofbenfmou0too;me0. ana 31 topll mabe {cptwof SEubafo toatte/ tbatnomanlbailbtoelia)erin.l@batmanf0 to topfe; a0 tobnoer ftanoe tbi0f); to tobom batbtbe)Lo;berpoiif bpmoutb/tbat be map &amp;tt.WJ&gt;* fbetoetbte/anbfape: tbouianoe/tobPpe tpQjett tbou toJ lt9berto;earttboufo bjtnt bp;'alpbeatoploerneae/tbatno man goen) tb o;oto i fee toe &amp;o;bebpm felfe toioe m tome bntotbent/tbat fo?cofte bps latoe/anb ueptenot tbe. tbtngetbat be gaue tbe inco&lt;

maunoement/netbeeiuiebtberafter:liutto' iDtw.ttitM. lotoeDtbetopcbeoneg oftbeir atone bertea/ 3"&gt;fe. wmj.c.ano femeo arafige gowe0/ a0 tbeir fatber0 tangbttbem. berto;e / tbu0 fapetb tfte Ho?oe of fio^ &lt;te0 toe (Sob of gfrael: ffieboloey J topll febe tbp0 people toitb too;mtoob/anb geue tbem Jt)fut.)rrr8.c. gallto wincfie.? topll fcattetbf aitoamBgr jtatw- tbe^eatbflVtobom netber tbep ner tbeir fa* tbe is ban e bnotone:9 1 toill fenbe a ftoeatbe am ouge tbem / to perfecute tbem / tmtp! 1 % b;pngetbem to naugbt. $)o?eouer / tbu0 fapetbtbe^o?oeof^ofte0:lo8etbatpe call !o?mottrnpngtopur0/fl ftnbeto? topfetoe* men-.tbat tbepcomeo?tlp/s ftnge amour* npngcfongeof potwba c tbe tear ess map fall cut of oi'tt epe0 / ana tbat owt ef e rpbbep .tnapeguflbeoutofttatre.

nite0/tbe #oabite0 ; anbtbe Oiaucn $a&gt; as 'ouctunj $ Manite0/tbat btoell tn tbe toilbemes.jf 0; all * f , * r Sg tbe, &lt;2tentple0 arebnciwiiepfeb tn toe flelb/ Sklmu^ but all tbe boufeof Jfraelate bneircumcp. *&amp;**** feb/ntbeberte. tffto, CR)e tonflf uacjSa of tiji (tarrw awnot to b* fta# tc6.^)f tbe totRbeiics of JO0U6 / auo gf the potoet of &lt;B00.jf cuctt tucatea, CEbe.r.Cbapter. ;caretbetoo?beoftoe %ofte I tbat 31 berpeabetbbnto$/&gt; tbouboufe of 3frael:bu0fapetbtbe to;ct: *T-i-flTc toall not lerne after tbe nmnn mrm ^ . of tbe eat&amp;en/ape (ban notbe aftaptbto? ^8,?, ' n ' 9,e, tbe to Reus of beauen:fo? tbe l^eatljen ate afrapeboftocb'.peealli cuttome09latoe0 of tbeoentple0are notbpnge/ butbanpte. bepbetoe botone a tree in tbe tocbtoitb tbe |fl| wW banbe0 of tbe toojefte man anbfnDjpon it tf&gt; tbe are: tbep couer it ouer toitogolbe o;fpl uerytbep fatten it toitbnaplESanDbSmers/ t it moue not.?t Oantba0.fipf a0f pai metwe/ttcgnetberfpeaftenergo/bHtmuft-,^,,,,,., bebo;ne.Be notpe afrapr bof focb/ to? f4rS5S5tt

c8bonftbergoobnertufl.)5utftttef0nonrSoffi. Ipbebnto tbe/ Ho;be/a greate'10 5 name of top potoet.iBbo toolbe not feare tbef* to bat Ring of f &lt;S t tplr0 toolt e not obtpe #* #0? amSgealltbe topfe men of t^&lt;sm^ fflfS

mm in all tbeft fifngbonte0/tbeteto none. tbat mm be licbenebbttto tfte.^bep ate all togetoer bnlerneb anb bntopfe. ail tbe co* npnge g but banpteatamelp/ toob / fpluer/ t^idH i0 b?ougbt out of cbarfi0/ ana beate to plate0:anbgoibeftom pbir / atoo;cbe . ' g&lt;0maDetottbbanbeoftbecraftefman$ tbecatter/clotfteDtoftt) ?eloto fplcb 9 feat* let ; euen to i0 tbe too?cbe of tbr topfe men alltogetbct. 3Buttbe]io?bei08true5oD/a ipupnge ob/anban euetlaftpnge 6png,3!f be be to : t&amp;/tbe eartb Qiafietb * ail tbe &lt;Sen* tple0 mape not abpoe b&lt;0 tnbignacion. *ttW0bwir *m to? toetrgoDDe0/ttmapetoell Be Hxofittmtu fapbeoftl)e:tOeparegobbe0/^mabenetbec


mm**. 1 *W mmt Seruraicm alto an bwpe of mmmtm/W Dompte0;tbe 3Dntmo*ii(cucbmtJii Ip^ KKOttO.;. QoneS/'anbabemieof bttlPnioua teoimrft. t\ite.#/the.Gnn\\ite'tint\ti\e(\ &gt;tmin aiaa.aatauthiaal mi



St rmu ut{ a0 (o; oure ob ) bemabe tbeeartbtt : mfutm* bt0potoei7aiibto&lt;tbBi0topfbomebatbbefg

nilbeb tbe toljole copatte of tbe tooflbe/toitb bis bit erect on ba to h e fp;cD out tbe beaue0, flr atbi0bopcetbetoatet0gatber togetbee in *tbeap?e/beb?atoet&amp;bptbeclouDe0ftomtbe bttemott partem of turnetblpgb' tenptigeto rapne/9 b;ingetb to?tb toinbe0 outoftbetrttearitte0-. ! t0topfOomemafietb ,. . allmeiitoole0.3noc6tounDebbealleaflet0 of pmage0/to? tbat tbep catt/i0 but a bapne tbpnge/anb batb no ipfe.^&amp;ebapne craf tef mentottbtoetr too?cfte0 /tbat tbep in tbe fa ant'te baue mabe/ (ball pertQ) one U ano tber in toe tpme of btfptacton. J5euertbele0 / ' Jacobs po k ton r'0 not toeb'-butit is b e, tb at batb mabe all tbpnge0/ 9 Ifeaell 10 tbe robb ofbiSinberitaunce:Cbe)Lo?Deof9ofte0&lt;0 b&lt;0 uame.}9ut atoape tbPne .fanclenneffe out of lattD/toou tbat art in tbe ttronge cities. t o? tbus fapetb toe %om JBeBotoe/ topll no to tb;u ft out toe inbabit ours of tots lanb agreate toape of/anotroubie tbem of focb 8 faftton/toattbeptoalnomotfbefounoe. aia0/boto am f burte^2Dla0/ bote papne* full are mp f course* bnf me i f o? 1 confp* bjetbf0to?otobpmpfelf/ ^muftfufireit . _#p tabernacle to otftropeb/aallmpcoar* mm are b?often.&lt;H9pcbflb^ategonefrome/ 9 can no tobere be f otloe . flotobaue 3 none tofp?ebe outmptente/ ot to fettbpmpban* ginge0.jfo? tbe berbmen baue bone foltlblp/ tbattbepbauenottougbt)lo?b.cbfo?e baue tbep dealt bntopfeip toptb toelr mm/ anballarefcatrebabtobe.l8ebolbe/fnopfe tobarDeatbanbe/anbgteatefebicponoutof ti^t no? tb: to mabe tbe cptie0 of % uaa a topl&lt; beme(re/anbabtoelKngeplacefo?^?ago0. , j5oto3!finotoe()Lo?be&gt;tittonottomS0 potoer to o?b?e bP0 atone toapes / 0? to rule . bP0 atone aeppe0 anb gopnge0. berfo?e ebaftentboub0/^o?be/butto(tb fauoure anbnot in tbP to?atb /b?pngebS notbtterlp


t V

tonaugl)t,?&amp;oureoutt&amp;i&gt;M (nm'snacps ta ftetbponftecntuc0/tijaciuiotoeti)eiiot/ ano bp on tf| c people ^ call not on tty name: 3Bnti (t&amp;atbecaufe t^e? ^aue confumeD / 6e* uouteo anQ d e a &gt;kd Sac o fa /auo Ijatte toteo outUs0glo;F, CSl cuctreoft6^arofteFnot(^too?De of jSotific* p;omeHc(ari?cpeoptcof3f0n folovupngctlje rteppca of ttcir f a tfjn* toajtyppper 1) Scautisc GoQDeo.^ljc lo?Oc fape to toat Ijctopll not Ijcnrc tlje 3c\es/ 3 fo?# bpOOc to alfo 3erem v to p?a^e f o: (Ijenu m - m i^iSiSanotbEt &amp;&gt;t rmon/tofjicbf * )Lo?be commaunbeb ^eremp to?* !top?eacb/faping:li)eare $ too?bi; |of toe couenaunt/ anb fpeafie bn* to all luoa/ano to all tbem tbat btoeif at3ie mfale Jnbfape tboubnto tbf . cijits fapetb tbelLoto^obof^fraei-.curfebbeeuerpone tbat is not obeopeut bnto toe \ooiw of tbi3 couenaunt-.tobicbl, comaanbeDbntopoure fatber0/tobattpmea0l b;ougbt tbem out n#ffi8?pto88 of gppte/from tlje **pw fonmi toping: *" '.? a" J jeeobtopentbutomp bopce/noacco?iitng^ ? t ijc ncate to all tbat 11 eomannoe toal pc be mp anpifrf gw *

people/anb 1 ! topll be poure &gt;ob/ anb topll fc'wji* fiepe mp pimm/OW % iwuw ftoo?ne bnto BSfifiLj (Otwe fatbers s ftatneip / tbat % tooifie geue Siwltl tbem alanbe tobpefj Uotoeto toicb inplcfi ana fica.uj aujj. &amp;onp780pere/iti0 come eopaftf toitotl)p0iii.e Dape.sben auttoereb^/aub topne. 9mm, 3t i0 tnm to ;no?De/a0 tbou topeft. bm$ JLo?Defapse bntome agapne-.p?e tH)tGiiin % cities of 3|uba a routibe aboute ** gierufalem/ a tope: $eare tbe too?bes of tljis conuenaflt/tpemapeltepetbem.jfo?3 l baue biligentlp eco?teb poure fatliers/ euer fence tbe tpme tl bjougbt tbem out of tbe Hanbe of cgipte/bnto tbiS bape.l gane tbem toar n?ngeb|tpme0/fapenge:betftenbntomp bopce:j9euertbele0/tbeptoolDe not obepe me/no; enclpnetbeireare0bntomej but fo* lotoeo tbetopcbeb pmagpnacpon0 of tbep; atonebtrtes. 3Bnb tberfo^ebaueiaccufeb tbem as tranfgreu*out0ofautbetoo?be0of tb&lt;0 conuenaunt/tbat % gane tbem to bepe/ tobpeb tbep(not toptb bnoe rftanDinge) Ijaue notfiepte, 3pnbtbe JLotoe fapbe bnto me : 3lti0 tofibe out/tbac tobole 3!fraell anb all tbefe cittfen0 ofjerufalem are gone bacbe. cbepbauc tutneb tbem felues to toe blafpbetnpe0 of tbeirto?fatber0 /tobpeb babnolttft tobeare mp too?be. Cuenlpbe topfe baue tbefe alto folotoeb ftraunge gobbc* / anb too?fbpppea tbem .cbe.boufe of ^rraellanb^ubabaue b?ofiemp couenaunt/ tobpeb 3 mabe toptb tteftfatber*. c berfo;e tbu0 rapetb tlje )L0;Cc: j3ebolb/ W&amp;M, % topll


91 ropltfe m a plage amonge you / tobpcb pe an not be abieto efcape :ana tbougb pe ctpe bnto me/3 toil! not beare pou. cben . fyailtye cotonessof |uoa aim toe cpte?pns of jewfaiemp/atiDcallbponrbefr goooes bn to tobom n) ep m a oe tbeir obiacton.s : but tbeparenotabie to belpe tbem m tpme of tbeietrouble. tf o; ad manp epties as tbou

baa/oguba/romatip &lt;Boooes bad ttjou alfo: Jno lobe bote manp ft" re tep tbere lie in tue(fi&gt; 3etufalen!)fomanp toamefullaul* tees Uaue pe few Dp/ to offer topori tbem bnto Kaai.l6utp.javc not tbou fojtbps people/ bp&amp; netber p?ap fenetpjaper fo; tbem / fo? tftougb tbep crpebnto me In tbeir Rouble / bt (pea* pettoiiig; not beare tftem. goQctooW^WtbowB&amp;tlrat&amp;oipflftomrsWaUfolue \ p E a nnny .mi, tbe/fpeciallp toben tbou baa mane tbpboott urn3tob:ort9vto{cMinw0. beXo;ue called tbe a SaSS SSw* 11 "* uetK/a &amp; W e ow / *teftiH one/ StiRiS" BW* mtotmwmtl* a cotrarp thf p to uaue tfrepojte of tbe ab;oae/ be topll burne tbe bp/ ocaines tDciP anbbettropetbpb;auncbes. tfojtbe jLojjbe SKSSS? f ^"JSLft? #****$* batboeupfeo a RfficBSc W^ f ' &lt;&gt; Wu boufe of Ifrael a |uoa) kcBsflffDipfa* fo; 8 euelitbatpebauebonetopjouobebtoi Mimffim to to;att) / m tbat pe Dpb fetupcebnto aar. tojeteefufrt cbS(Jlo2&amp;e)baue3lerneboftbe/an&amp; m m ' m tonbertt&amp;oe it i tat tboubaft metoeb me tbem * pmagttiaci5s.2But3!(a0 a meBeiambe)toas carieo atoape to be aapueuiot Bnotoinge/ \ fbepbabbeuifebfocba counceii agapnft me it!! f f mi( - m *&amp; m *W e W " top tb m&amp;autr, Ipumg-.tbatbtf name 0&gt;a(neucr betbougbt poimoc ijerup bpon, beef oje a topll befecbetbe noto(fl) tomato oet jio;d of booftes)tt)ourlgbtuous iubge/ thou MSR%M(MraM/fN bnto tbebaue 3j ta-sw tftcpjo cfiimttebmp caufe.cbe &amp;o;b tberfojefpafie tot Avflw Uuj tbu* of rfteipns of #notbotb/ tbat fougnt iipn 8 e ott\)t to flape me/fapenge : ftescb. not bnto bs in fSwtftte' nmne oE ^ e ** J **** alt ope lauo of tuc ijvOf oureban&amp;es.Cbus(i(ape)rpa6etbejl.o;b iitng ogntfrm of boufteS:3Bebolbc/3[toill b"et pou. f owe MV n *"8' mw aU M** toptb tpc ftoeatoe / pom tonnes a f out baugbtewnbaUbtterlep bpeof bongee/ fotbat noneftall remapne. f wbpS $ cpte?pnis'of i'natftotb toilibjfng aplage/tbepeareof t&amp;eftbifttacion.

mtt&gt;t&amp;lop\)tttmttttltt1)ZtetittvMmp:otDnt* tpt of ttc topctte&amp;/aifl)ous&amp;el]c tonftfft fiootobe tpgfttiioiw. E f) c jetoea ate fo:f ahtn of t&amp;? ft,o?oe. ec fpcakftljaijapnaiCucafcsanopjfa^ctB tbat fe DtiKthcpcopIe. ffhcioitiethjeattnrth 6c8ruon bntothEnacponatbatUojotrtotjponjt^w/toliMli



Lo;De/ tbou art mo?e tfgbruoujf / * cftentbaei Omloetiptputetoitb: fleuertbeiep/lettme taibe baptb Jtbeintbpngejstefonable. *oto ^ bappenetblt/ tbat tbetoape of me bngooip g&amp;lf ijjfo p;ofperous; anbtbat itgoetb fotoelltt MUaUU( ' u, tbem/ tDljtcb; toltb out enp (bame) offenoe 9 ipueintopcBeoneae^cbouplantefttbem/ tbeptaberote/tljepgrotoe/anOb?pnge fo?tb frute, Sbepbooftmocb of tbe/pet Does tfoott not puntQ) tbem. jBut tbou io;oe(to tobom gam toell 6notone}t&amp;ou tija t baft fene/ anb pjoueo mp bewe/taftc tbem atoape/ ipbe an a flocfe is catpebtotbe flaugbter boufc / anb apopntetbem f o? tfje oape of Qaugbter. ffiotolonge malltbelaniiemourne/anba! tbe Deft e* of tbe felneperpflj / fo? tbe tope Mm* of tbem tbat otoell tberfnf CbecatellanDtbebp^egaregone/pet**. . rape tje|:ruq)/obtopll not wftrope W^ mt(ftt /*^ngtbottarttoeerpin running toitb of qcpioflu ? f ote men / bote toilt tboutbenrunne toitb Sft! , tll f to: i bo;f?0f |n a peaceable fueeiaoetboumapeft SL"S?^T , berafe/biitborototlttbouljointbefurpoug SM?, 1 P?poe of gojoanc i for tbp b?etb?en ano tbP paraiitr. m fipnrebbaueairtogetbetMfpifeb tbe/a crteb '! 01 } tol " w outbponrbefntbineabfence.eleuetbem SSBSSS not/tbougbtbepfpeafte fapje mm to tbe K fffi 30fo?me( (ape 3) 3! baue fo^faften mpne tbcpcrrecuM atonebtoellpng place/ aleftmpneberetage. *!^.*m mmm g 3 louefotoeii/bauegsgeuen SB|

m to tbe banoe* of mpne enempeu . 09pite SSS S beretage is become bnto me / as a Upon in tbou Ttbi SS* tbe toob.git ctieo outftpon me/tberfo?c bane He wibm 9 fojrauenit . fl?ne beretage is bntome / tSMS as a fpecbleo bp;oc /a bp;M of opuerDe co- SS?^S! louresisbponit.csobence/anbgatberang nifsirm; and beaues of tbe f eloe togetber/tbat tbep mape aup f r eateitbp. fabietucttiof ^puerreberumen baueb?ofiebotonemp' 8 "ggBS bpneparbe/anDttobenbponmppo;cpS.iDfC b p7S; mppieafauntpoKiS/tbepbauemabeatoil'Ofjojoimjeni betnesa beftrte . bep bane lapeb it toafte: ***"* *b&gt; ano nptotbatitiStoaae/ftfpgbetbbnto me. JJg"2 fee tbe toboie lanoe ipetb toatte/ anb no mg ff8SS wgatbetbft. cbeoearopers eomeonettbeto the B ati beetb euerp toape/fo? tbe ftoearoe of &amp;o?b **tm **** mall confume ftomtbe one enbe of lanoe SKflfiS J2i^" /a J!5" ^ ffia,Baue " ft -^^PpW all fotoe tobeate/anbteepemo;nes.cbepatotiauwt* (ball tafie beretage in poatffion ./ but it mall KwjBftttit bo tbem no goob . atto pe malbe confounbeb ffi""^ of poure atone topnnpnges / becaufe of tbe SKIS greateto^tb of tbe lUwoe. Em ebus fapetb tbe ftotfebponan mpne men negbbours /tbat lapebanne onmpne beretage /tobiebSbaue geuen mppeople of g!ftaei:ebotte/g(toflpiueltetbem(namelp } SftaeHout of tfjeir lance / a put out * boufe oflufia



ofaubafroamongetbe. 3na toben?! bane roteo tbem out/? toplbeat one toptb tbem agapne/anotoillbaue mercp bp on tbem . a b;pnge tbe agapne / euerp man to bps atone betitage/ano in to bis lano.ino pf tbep(na* melp tbat trouble nip people) toplllerne tije

toapes of tbem/ to (toeare bp mp.nameicbe jlo;be IpueflKlpbe as tbep ierneomp people toftoearebp 23aal) tben (bail tbep be rebe neb amonge mp peopie.&amp;ut pf tbep toill not 0be?e/tbentopll31 rote out tbe famefolbe/ anuoettropetbem/fapetb tbe jLo?oe. CCbe Btdvuccponof ibr j(Wf6 pirfpsueeo/aub tfietc ipatplpnu* ab;ow. Wbp jfcacl toaBtewaueti tol)etbepcop[eof(0oO((tDt)pthcptuti-cfo;faben ffcbe.viU.Cbapter.


J (ft tone Up an gutksatoctpg'

at terufalem. Inbgitopn mute tbem one agapndanotber/pee me fatbers againtt tbe fonnes/fapetb tbe 1Lo?jie. % topiinotpatbon tbe7l,topilnotrpate ( g tbem/ner bane pptpe bpo tb tm-.but oedrope 0J8t obeotet/geue eare/tafte no bpf oapne at it/fo; it is tbe Ho;Uebpm felfe tbat fpea' fie tb . onoure tbtTUifte poure ob berein/ oi be tabe bps Ipgbt from pou ; anb oi euer poure fete ftomble in barcfineffe at ti)t bplls left W)en pe lobe f o? tbe ipgbt/ turne it in to tbe (baooroe a oarebneffe of Deatb.i&amp;ut pf pe topll not beare me / tbat geue pou recrete toarnpng/3l toill mourne fro mp toboie bert f 0} poure ftubburnefle. ^pteouflp topll 3 Tj"" 1 ?- tuu toepei a tbe teares ftjallguObe outof mpne **** epes. fo; tbe fto;&amp;rs Roche mall be caipeo atoape captpue . eil tbe fipnge anb tbe un lers : fumble poure felues / fettpoubotone

SDjeouer/ttjiis (apoe tbe jLo;ue bntome:gotbPtoape/*a gettbe (jjalpnenfoecbe/agwoeifaboute _ . . _ - . . . Jtbplopnes/anbletltnotbe toet. lotoe;fo;tbecrotone of poure glo?p fljalfaii

ZfcSUSfrMtn % gotmeab?ecbe/acci;Dpngetotbe ftonPourbeab.cbecitiestotoarbeKoutb ^^'"'camaunbementof tbe)Ui;be/aput ttaboiU WOt flrotbp/anorto man mall open tbem. m?lopnes.ftertbiS/tbe'/U;oerpa8ebnto


me, agapne: rabe tbe b;ecbe tbat tbou baft p;eparebaputabouttbe/agetttbebp/anD gobntoiCupb;ates/abPt&gt;eitinaboleoftbe t6. %q toenc i/anbbpnbe it/astl)e jto;be commaunoeD me.aina it bappeneb longe af * teetbis/tbdt tbejtowfpafte bntome:iap/ getmecooEtt&gt;pb;ates/ a fet tbe b;ecbe from mSce/tobicbicomaunoebtbetobPbetbere. ffiben went g to upb;ates/a opggeo bp/a tobetlje lut'tiK from tbe place tobete 3! bab bfljfca iitD(&gt;toe/tbeb;ecbe teas cowipt ; f o " " ttjat it ton f. ' p;o f ptabie f o? notbinge. Cben f.ipaetbe)l/0;ije bntome:buS 55 fapetb tbe iL-o;b'.&lt; uen fo mpll 3 comtpte P;pbeof'3!uua/atbebpempnbeofaerufale. Cbis people is a topefieb people/tijep topll _ u , . notbearemptoo/de/tbepfolotoetbetofcfieb ?Sa . 't% * ittwgpnacpfjs of tbeir atoneberte/a bange M * w tipon rtraunge dPobbes/tbem baue tbe fee* ueo a too/mpppea-.a tberfo^e tbep malbe as tbSb;ccbe / mat femeu) fo? nompnge. ^o; aSQtaptclpiisabjecbelpetb by on a mans lopnes/lo it t-atelp bpa 1 bpnDe toboie boufe Btuteto (ia.c oE fftacl.' $ (be toboie boufe of ijuaa bnto HMUh me/fapeth tbe"/Lo?be:tbat tbep mpgbt be mp people : tbat tbep mpgbt baue a g(o?pouS name:g mepmpgbtbetnbonoure:buc tbep tooioe not obepe m 'e .&amp;b e tf o 2 e lape tb ps rpb* le before tbem/a fape:cbus fapetbme 'Jto?o - Jobof'^frael:(uerppot malbe fpllebtoitb " topne.3Dnbtbepmalfape:tbmcfteft tbou toe finotoe not /tbat euerp pot malbe fplleb % topne^cben malt tbou tape bnto tbf-.SCbuS fapetb tbe %om-. ieeboiae/3 (ball fpii all

fnbabptours of tftis lanae toitb bioncftf nes/ . tbeltpngeStbatfpebpon^autas dole/ tbe f;cftes anb ^;opb etes/ toitb all- tbat Dto el!

36lig;ubalbailbecarieoatoapecaptpue/fo tbat none Iballremapne. JL-pftbppoureepes/abebolbetbem /tbat w come from tbe $ 02 tbmpis e a fat ftocbe mat tbepfalibpon tt/e.cotobo topit tboumabe tbpmone/tobentbepcomebpotbeifo;tbou&lt;y. M rt tir d baft taugbtmem m? felfe / onbmabe tbem hon. ttii'b.t matters ouet.&amp;balnotfo;otoe come tops fCni,M.a. "ic/asonatooman teauaplmg toitb cliiiaej no pf tbou toolbeft rape tbe intbpneberte: lberfo?e come tbefetbinges bpo me^c-uen fo;meraultitubeofmpbla(pbempes/lbalI tbPbmber partes anb tbpfe t e be btfeourreb. jro? ipse as me man 1 jnae mape cbaunge bPS fbpnne / a tbe cat oftbemountapneliee l pot tes:f mape pe tbat be erercpfeo in eu el/ bo goob.$erfo;e toil 1 31 fcatre pou/ipne as tbe ftobbleg t's taften atoape toitb tbefoutb topnoe.cbis fbal be poure pa?cpon/ anb tbe po?cponofpourmeafure/tobertoitbpe(bal be retoaraeo of me/fapetb tbe )Lo?be:becau&lt; f e pe baue foigotten me/aubputpoure truft tnotfceatfuil tbing^.cbMfoze ojm % turne tbpclotbesouermp beab/anbbiftouer tbp Dra,s,to tbpgbes/ 1 mpp;euittes mape be fene / tbp abuoutrp/tbpDeeblpmaIice/n)pbeaftIineire anb tbp tbamef ull tob ;Dome . f 0? top on tbe felDesanbbPlleSTbaueftnetbpab&amp;omfna* betontotbe(&gt; ?erufalem ) toben toilt tbou euerbe clenfeb enp mo?ef CtDfthc occtbtbattbuloe come in jcto.^c. C&amp;e pjaptr of tbe people atftpngintctp of the lo^t.Ctie nfajtbfull people ace not bearoe. SD( p;apetv fa* amsc/j of falfe i&gt;?ophctca ttjat Ceouce tbe people. CCbe.wnj.dbapter. ^e too;oe of t\)t Ho;bmcbjeb ton* to 3 eremp/ concernpnge tbe bertb * of me ftutes.^uba mallmourne/ metbalnotgomocb mo;etbo;om &amp;j&amp;&lt;i\ih bisgates-.

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3mS W)t Wmwv &amp;i0Sate0:elanbealbenomo;ebaointe* to Otitic cm)boepatibtfrtoput&amp;/ putacfon/ft cne of aerufalcm al bzeabe eir fonnce anDtfjeir oaugbtetf. ffo;u* otiMtbeloflea (ftail fenoe rtjeit fecuautites topll 31 poureefr topc&amp;eone0bpo nem, tofettoater/9tobeneycometoetoel' cijr'0 Qjait tijou fa^e a Jfo bntotyetiu fl^pne 1 e0, ep man fpnoe no tootervbut al catpe

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eitbeaew Borne emptpe , bep all tie afyamro ano confottnotD/a all couer etc beabe0.jfo;egwunoe albe o/ieobp y tie* catife ere comme no rapnebpon i t : be plotomenaIfoalbeaameD/ a a l couer eir beabtjt. beijjpnbcall fo;fabc tbe poge fatone/ p be b;i nge f o; in e f elbe becaufe ere albe no grade, betoplbe aae0 al ftanoe in tbe spoffc/ anb D?aioe in Selrtopnbe ipse tbe &amp;;agon* / tyeft epr* allfaplefo;toantofga(ie. 9 j&amp;outlroouteatonetofcbebnecerctoattie *WtoMtb0:ut&amp;o;beooouaeco;oingetopna

2&amp;2 ?, me/ougboute tranfgteflponoanbfpnne* a b fa . be man? . tf o; tboii art tbe comf o ;te * bflpe aton bcfi* of5ttaeltnetpmeoftrouble.**lbl?tot utft ttjpfeifDu tljotibeasa ftraungeetntbe&amp;anoe/ anoas I * 8 *?! onetbat goetb oucre feu* / a comme in S S 'W t0 wraa ^ e f0 * a "B^ "W toiltou ?o;tijouftt(ima6etftpttKacoiBane,'anoJtffttoeteaBS*

epc0 all toepe totout ceattpngeoapeanb mgbt. ji ojnip people albeoe 8 vcpeo top great b at m e /an all peep top a great plage.&lt;ff 0; 1 f % go in to tffr f elbe/io/ it ipe all full of flapnemen^f 5 tome tn to tbe cp* t pc/ lo/ep be all fameeb of bonger. y ee tbeir p;opbetc0 aire anb p?e a eg al be leu in to an bnbnotone lanoe. $aft ou enbttetlp fo;fafeen$u&amp;a? (fapoe 31 ) oft ou fo abbo;re ^&gt;pon ' &gt;; baft 011 fo plages b0/at toccanbebea* leb nomo;e f 9e lofteb fb; peace / anb ere commenogooo: fo;etpme ofbeal/* lo/bete 10 nopnge but trouble.tee bnoto* lege ( fl&gt; to ?be ) all oure mpfoeow / ano tbe fpnne0 of oure fatbeW/ tbat toe baue often* oeDtbe .enotbpfpleareD'JU&gt;;be)fo* p name0 fade/ fo;gett not p loupnge npnbneg: lBememb;eetroncofpnebo* nourc/b;eaHenotecoueuaunt/tbatou baft maoe top b0. 3reereenpamonge

not bpu/arc aunteatpet mane not helped* tfo? tbou egobbe0ofe&lt;iBentile0/atrenbcrap ne 895!2iH. artotir0(&gt;no;be)anotocbearepname/

K B J MM erfo;cfo;fabeb0not. u*%mer# Cbenfpaftee;no;oe/conceitipngel0 uMttyuiS) people at baue pleofutetogo fo npmbip l ^ a t ^ t J ie ttfitfetc/anbieainotof/anbei;fo;e ffiK bifpleafe e fco;De:fn fb mocb 7 at be to?H

taiU9w/BfM.nototjinBeflgaiinetotem?b;auncea!eit mrfbeoei*/anbpunsalIeirfmne0, fee mm 110 fapoet&amp;e Ho^Qebnto me:Cbou alt not p?ape to Bo t&amp;iS people goob. fo; ougb ep faft / J topll not beare ef; p?aiew.atitiftougbti)epoftre burnt oflttgj $ facriftcejj/pet topll not % accepte 5 . iff 0; j toil) Deft tope em tot |}r iceatD e/ bonger - anb pefliience. cbert anftoerbe? : 1S&gt; %aM * 5ob/tbe p;opbete* fare bnto em-.u/pe al fe no ftoearoe/ ano no bonger al come bpon p ou / but e tlojd all geue sou con* tinuall reft in i* place. 3BnDe B,o;bete?oebntome:bep;0' Pbete? p;eacb lye'g bn 1 em in m p name. % baue not f p hen toptb tbem / netber gaue % em enp atge/ netber bpb5i fenoe ? : vet ev wca'cg bnto t? ou falfe bifiiS^/tbarming banite/9 bifceatfulnefte of eir atone bert. Gberfo;e u? fate e lofixxtn fo; ofe pjopbetr s atp;eacb inmv name ( tobom |neuerele0baue notfent)anoatfave: . &lt;nrufereatlneerbatelnerbongerbe . inf0ianDe:t&amp;vftoeati&gt;eanbta&gt;Ibo"get mall orep;op8cteispfr/anotbe people to tobom ep baue p;eatbeb albe caft out of SFeruf alem/fipe of bonger/ nnb be flapne top e ftocatbe ( anbtbcte albe no man

0; geuee otoer0 of beauen i joft not tijoute D %om oure oft /in tobom toe 1 1 tt ft iJteL o;0 e/ ou boft all ere tbinge?. CCt lO'tK topi not t)tare g^oCce 0: aa r on' If ttje p p;av(fo; tbrptopltz-butvopl u&gt;;appt ifititi inraaup mpterpw. Ct)t tauftpf foctje gcemcmpf ctpcj. CCbejrb.baptcr. l^en fpafte tbe tt,o;bc bnto me/ai anbfapDe-.clioiigb ggtofe* a^&gt;a=3crempte.b; muel ftooe before me/ pee baue 9 p^fftfiff no Ijerte to pfi people. E&gt;;pue *** em atoape/at tljepiuape go out of m? fpgbt.3Bt)pfepfape bnto tbe; lbPee all toe go? cben tell tbem: cbe &amp;o;oege

tie pou pg anftoere: g&gt;ome bntofiea/ fome to t^e ftoearoe / feme to bonger / fome into captpttpte. fo;^ topi b;png fottrepla* ge0bponem rape 'iojo.cOe ftoearce all ftrongle em / e tmgge* all be * uoure em/e fouler of tbe ap;e/ant&gt; bea fte0 of e ear aliente embp/anbbe ftropeftem.3! topll fcattertbemabouteal(0 inallbpngbomc0 mnw tobeplageb/ l) ecauf e f g?anaOeb e f onne of $ e?efiiab Bpnge of 9 ubay; e ingeg atbebpbin Herufalem. lbo all en baue ppte bpon e/fD*. 9eruralemf ibo all be fo# fo;ef ti&gt;t v to bo al matte intercefti6/to optepne peace fo; ef fepng ou goeftfro me/ano tumeft bacfi toat oe / rape e Ho;oe i c berfo;e9 tofll ftretcb outmpne B8 b agapft e/ to tie. Orope Ibe/O | topll not be t n treat eb . 1 tovll rcatreeab^Deto{ffanneoneuen!fn)e ofe


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oftae lanoe -.3 topft toafte mp people anb oeftrope em / f 0; epbaue bao no luft to turne f rometr atone toapep. a WB maae eietopbbotoe0momnSb;e/en $ fanoe^ orttefre. aponemotber0ofepl* b;en/'l all b;pnge a oearopet tn e noone

W pe.4obenlpanbbnatoatre0/al5ffenbe a feare bpon eir cpttefl.fcbe ba borne bf/.cbplb;en/allbaue none/ ber berte al defulloffo;otoe. be $&gt;unnea!Ifavieber in e create b&amp;ve/tobeu e albe eof ounoeo anb fapnte fo;berpbeupneae J0fo;ofe $ remapne/ 9 topll belpuer em bnto e ftoearoe of tbeir enempejs/fap e %we . &gt; moet/ aiajs at euer oubpoeft beare me/an ene&lt; ac mpeanb&amp;atebof e to&amp;oie lanbetcbougb ineuet lente nee receaueo bpon bfurp/ pet all menfpeahe etteil bpon me, Jna ejLo;u anftoerebnwXeoenota \ enbntogooo; Comenot 9 to e / "a^l ouart fttieoubie-. sbeipee/toben pne enempe opp;effetb e t P 0 one p;on burte ano er / 0; one wet all at commt from e 0? / ano&gt; eras fo; poure rpf 3 9 tveafure/ 9 topll geue em out into a p;ape/not fo; cnpmo* nep/but becaufe of all pottrfpnny p pe baue bone in all poure cbafteu.aino9towIb;mge vou to ( poure enempe* in to a lanbe / at ve bnotoe not:f 0; e fp;e at i npnoleb in mmbignacpon/allburnepoubp. &amp; jL,o;tie{fapoe 9 en ) ou ftnotoeft all inge0/erfo;e rememb;eme/9 bptetme/ belpuer mefrompperrecuter(:meceauenot mpcaufelntbplonge w;a/petoulinO' J8fii fo; fabe9 CUffrerebube , mtn ^9babfounoptoo;i)e0/ 9ateembp gre= Mlp:ep bau'emaoe mpbetteiopftill dglob fo; 9 call bpon p name/ fl&gt; JLo;be &lt;2(o6 of ofteiS.9btoellnotam5gee fco;ner0/ ne* Seett mpbelpteerJbut9btoellonlp in e reave oPbanb/f.o; tboubaftfpllebme toibptterne0.fcal m p bwpne^enbure fo?euer;airempplage0enftgreate/at taep mapeneuer be beaicbf itlt ou be a* 8toater/at falletb/anb can not continue? Olpon ere too;oe0/ uu fapbe e tape bntome:9f outeplttumeagapne/9 aU fettbein mpferupce:anbpfou toplt tabe outttetbl?tigeatf0p;eciou0from bfte/ ou alt be euen as mpne atone mou. Cbep all conuerte bnto e/but turne not oubntoe:foall9mabe ea fttSge toail of ft el e agapnft 10 people.c&amp;ep al fpgbt agapnft e / buttp all not p;e* uaple.f oj 1 -mprelfe toillbe Mb e/tobelpe tae/anbDeipuet e/fape e*.o;be.3Bnti'J topll rpbbe outof e banbe0 of e tope . fceb/anbbeipiiei;eoutqfebanbeof &gt;


COe IMpixcpett, tbt vtfm &gt;* &amp; t #** feS , tocttl'itiattbewojtfippptnfle ofg&amp;olcs ? tfte tontfpt geot)laWMBtBecauftofH) fIi; mpfctfe. WW Bhcttl)tt)Jcnpt(uptlcofnbplon/lbeli;l)clpue# iaUte m il)cna8aftw.S$e cattpng off tMiltj. cbe.iebf.bapter. fl);eoiier/tbu0 fapoe tbeiLo?6brt* ^ tome:i:boualttalienotopfe/ met beget plo;en in tbP0 plate. HBB.Jjfo; of e pl&amp;;cn at are b o;ne in 10 place/of eirmotber0 g baue bo;ne tbem/ant)ofeftfaer0atbauebegotte em inP0 lanoe / u0 rape e^e: Cbep alope onbo;ribleuee/ noma al "gSjA.mourne fot em/ner butpe em/but ep 9*m*1*^all . peri o;oto tbe ftoearoe ano bonger / anb eirbobpe0 allbcmeatefo;efouie0 of JMJ^wwjj. tyt&amp;m anbbeeftt0 of e eat . agapne/ *** U0 rape e %owQ not bnto 2/tbat come togeer 'fo; to mourne ano toepe: fo; 9 baue tafte*mp peace fro 10 people(faie e %ttfto)ytt mp fauoure 9 mp mercpJno in i? lanoe all ep ope / olbe anoponge/ allnotbebutpeD uiontan all betoepe ^ em/no man all clpppe 0; aue |im felf fo;em. cbere alnot one bifet ano e t, to mout&lt; netot5 fo;eir oeeo/o;toc8fo;tetbf . jSDne all not oftee a n er e cuppe of c 6 foiacpon/tofo;geteir beupne0 fo;fae a moec.cbou alt not go tn to tb eir featt hoitfe / to fpt botone / mocb leUC to eate 0; Wincbetoi e . 4 0; 110 rape e %w of ofte0 e oi of gfraelh" * eboioe / 9 # ot * al tabe atoape out of 10 place/tbe bopce net of mc j&amp;: a of mp; am gftnelfc/e bopce of e b;p&lt; * "^ begromeanoofrt;pDe:pee9atinpoure^g^J Oape0/atpemaperett. to ntact jQototoben on etoefttijpsi people all 1 eorafwt ttte ere too;oe0/anbepfapebntoet ffiber* fafiw3w

f o;e ba e JLo;oe oeuvfeb all p0 greate JgSjR plage fo;b0itD; bati0 offence 9 rpune/ g^Ktt , SS at toe baue bone agapnft eHo;be oureurtotDetuboie od i Men mafte ou em 10 anftoere: ccttptuw tm. jeecaute poure fatyer* baue fo;fafien me " (rape lo;oe) sbatie cleueb bnto ftrauge goe0/ tobom ep baue bonoureb 9 too;* pppfo;btitmebaueepfo;fafien/9baue not beptemp latoc. m* pe to poure ame* full blatpbempe0/baue erceaoeo e tope* &amp;eone0 of poure t aer0 . #0; eueep one of pou folotoe e frotoarfie 9 euell tmagP' nacion of \)i atone berte imb &lt;0 not obebift bnto me. _ Cberfo;etopll9ca8pouottteofp0 lanb;in to a lanoe tbatpe anb poure faer0 joeUf .wj. t bnoto not-.ano ere all ve rente ft raunge jtwmiH* goobe0bape anonpgbt/tbere toplrf etoe vou no fauoure,?Sebolb tberf o;e(rape e ?9,b, JLoffe)


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XoMWteWMttmt/mtitimnQ' tonoewea/toafaftflbnocciipfebranbe.**) A , , Sm g fcJ*M KWl / ***&amp; Mrtto e man/ tBat puttetB bpg mi a in tfS&amp;g SWJKig^ ^ Sflwil " 0I ** t&amp;Olo;be/anbtoBofeBopei*tBe&amp;o?&amp;ebpm Wt !an&amp;eofrappmbut/ftmalbefapoe/Ho;b felfe.*tfo;Bewalbeaaam/tBatitfpjanteb*f8u fi*492^% cBpiojenofgftaeii bptlifto^Kttoljttlirp^^outlSe

22 n iP e 5?S f *" ftom alHanbe* tobete bnto mopftneae / tobora t&amp;r beate can not ?M*5W*^.f ^SL^to^** Barme/toBenit coitimetB/butbtt leauegate

agapne m to Cbelanoe/tbat 3 gaue bnto ^tBeirfatbew, tot JoW(Wt6t6c)Lo;W}3a&gt;fl!fentit e ( w, out mans " *fPfl)cwto talu tftem/ 9 aftee * bnamj toe toillj ftnDt out manp Burners to bunte tbe hmmateMWtto&amp;W l anbtbep can not be bpo fro tijeit tuu. mp face / netber can not tope see Debea be ft/JlKS^ *** c,oft out op "pf|gbtc.ut ma torn tfinr S Pbme*anb Cpnness / toBertoptp tbep baue mr ni at cue , oefpieo rap iatiDe:#ame 1?; to !ti&gt; $ef t ftmc aii. at?bf "&gt;P ttwngtb/mp potoet/anbrefugem tpme latt m % xpm of tto ubie ,cb e en t pies tyall co me bnto SL2SSL &amp;MHe ww o*tbetoo;JDe/ano fare: e&gt; KB ttiS! p , ou,: *!*S5 ft" "ebbnto lpe*/meit huntw g U If31boWawbutbapneat)np;ofiwWf,ffioto cS oftftoftrtUBuamanmalietOol'tbfeisoww/tobfcbarenot dun tcu m able to be goOMfl.3 no tbetf o;e 1 topll once *ffS"Kfinotoe/tliatmpnametttbejL,o^e/ * folotowwe/at Cffibeerototttmefleoftbe jettw. ftirfftftuttbQfc tytlflW.f. ttputt6e? tonfjbracefnraaiwtboftWdrrtftat tcuftto&lt;2Sob. pannes fitttts tofc&amp;eo. abisetjt . rrtK()froftfte^.fflielfapngttJttMcefiw(8M. Gbc baiowjngeoftbe*aWwtb is cominaunbrt, )c.bft.&lt;lbaptet. a^E^P""'*"" 8 ** of tbe tvebe of puba)i* ro;ittetn tbe table of pout Bette*/ graue" fobpon tbe etme* ofpwtaultewapenneofp*on fttoitBanabantitdatoe tBatpourecbplOK alfo mapetbmne bpon poueeaultetsi / toob* bW/tWcftetteesj/ Bie Bplleu/ mountapnesJ a feu&gt;5;.tbetfo?e/3! topllmafte ail poute ftm* Oaunce atreafurebefpopleb/fo; tbemeate f pnne that pe baue oone bpo pour b(e places tb o;oto out an tbe coo Q eg of poute lanbe.fe

flw II be caft out alfo from tbe becetaae/ tba t 3igaiie pou. 3 nbg topli fubbue pou bnbee tbe beup bonbage of pme ewmpeg/m a ISO tbatpennotoenotVtfojpeBaue mpnpOreb fp/eto mp mbtgnacpon / tobpeft (bail mime euermo;e.fflbu0 fapetB tbe &amp;o#e:Curfeb flaCtott* be tbeman tBat puttetB Bfetrullfo man/9 beti) fc*f *tbattabetbflerofo?bpi8anie:9be/tobofe mlZia," jwttjwiwwttfft ftow MlojM . 0e mall be EK1 iPjetbefteetb/tbatwotBemmStotlbernes. uytb?ii3 but 30fojcbegooDtf)ingetbatf0 fo^tocome be m ttt iomr. fb all notfe ttibut bttieii in a D?ie place of tbe



gtene. 3Pnb tbougb tbete gtoice but iptle ftute becaure of b;oum /pet 10 be not caw* full/but be neuecieauetb of to b;pnge f o;tft frute.aimonge all tbpnge* ipumg/mS barb tbemoabifceatfuuan&amp;bnfeccbeable bote. I0fto malltben bnotoeitfisuen J tbe X.o?bereaKbouttflegtounbeoftBebette/ a trpe tbe vepnei/anb temaeoe euetp man acco;ofngetobp!Jtoaps/ anbaco;opngeto tbefmteofbfiscouncel*, , CbebpfceatfullmaBetd anea/ but bjpn# getb fo;tb no ponge:0e commeeb byqebeff/' out not epgbtuouap. 3ln(mtbbeft of bis itfe muflbeleauetbembebmbe bim/anbattbe la ft be f ounce a beep foole . js u t ttiou ( Horn) tobofe teone tt mod glo;iou0/etcel&lt; lentanb of mod antpquite / tobpeb otBdiett

in tbeplaceof oute boivreft ;cbou art rbe comfi^te tbep tbatfo;faRe tbe/malbe confounueb: ail ttjep t bat bepatte feomtbe / maibe v?ptten in eattb /fo? tbep baue f o?ra R en tbe jto;oe tbe oerp conbpte of tbctoaterooflpfe. i^ealeme/flD 3do;o/anft3! (pall be toboles rauetboume/anog malbe faueb/ fo? tbou artmpp;apfe.$eboloe/tbefemenfapebnto me:9betet0tbetoo;oeoftbe^o^eaftt come. tbeap J neuertbeles lebpnge tbr flocu in tt)p toapejs/baue compelled none bp . bfolcnce.iJfo#neuetwfp;eDenpm06eetp/c tW finotiiea tbou teen. %t tooMH alfo toere tigbt before tbe . e not note terepble bntome/no;oe/'fo;tbouavtfie mtobom ' Jbope/tobrngiammpateii.)Letmppetre* cuteRtbecafounoeb/butnotmeuettbembe aftapeb/anDnotme.C0ou malt b?tnge bpS t&amp;emtbe tpmeof tbeteplage/aimmaitbe* Sropet&amp;emrfg&amp;tro^e. agapne / t&amp;uftbatb tbe Ho;beCapoebnfo me: (Soanbaanbebnoectbegate/tobeif tfto;oto tbe people anotfte Spngesof 3[uM gooutanom/peebnbecalltbegatejjof7 ; e* rulaien/anbfapebntotbem:$eaceb)o;w of tbe jLo;be/pe6pngei8 ofluba/anDalrbou people of |uba/anball pe cptefpnsJ of 3|etu ralem / tbat go tfiojoto tbp*gate:cbu* tt)e jdojbe commaunbetb : ca&amp;e bene fo? pome tputg/jpecaepenobuttbfbponpoufntbe btpefeiM ^abbotb/tob;pngeftt&amp;o?otot&amp;eg8feiS ofnoiiuouctio g'erufaiem : pe mall beareno burtbenalfoj* 1 "! ffij outofpoureftpufesintbe &gt;abbon). **ft %*, mail bono laboutetbertn / but balotoe tuempuu n* feabbotb/ asgticomaunbebpoute mtxtAwtuwit ^oto


dLciM oe^otobefttBepobetebmertW/neftttbeeB^ SS/m neDtbepbnto mr-buttoeee obftpnate? ftub* j^ w aso6o ^(ne/^ netaet obepeb me/no; teceweb mp flB 2 * mpll balotoe tbe ^abbotb / fo tbat pe 00 no TUSS^A tbertn: $n ftalltbere gotbo?oto iu^Stbegategoft^cptfe/fipnge^^^^^ I Bk tbatwaUfpttopontBettoleof^autbiCjep &lt;t etfc OfngM njaii be catfeb bpon cbawtte0/anb rpbe bp5 1 SSJKS* ^' Uot ^ ei? al ? SSSE&amp;2P

iba/ftom aooute ^eruiaiein/^Rom qt , 1 mtrtp,-civaiiuof50en3amm/ftomtbeplapnefeloe0/ oftB* iatoe/ to ftomtbe motmtapnejj anbftom tbetopi&amp;ct* SKfSSSjfneft-.toftfeb mall b?phgebumtoft^p|tgeg/ ffiffi^^fpce3/cblacion0/anbtncenie/anbofite ffiiuouit bp tbancnefgeupng m boufe of fte ^o;p. toftot^fawif c u t pf pe topll notbe obebpentbntome / to rtfcbwWtoiKUotttlie &gt;abboib/fo t petofllbeawpout SSJUI tbo?oto gate0 of 3tifa Jbpo| Wemi^t C f|ecwfale/9&lt;taiaUbuCTebptBtBoufesor "S 5*' It iufale/ no mS mallbeable to quencb ft. Samon7ea6e'faou(J)DUitfoI(BeB/eobeppl?fuHou(^toej' kec tbtiMMTien* * W DcDc to tlw wpft fiMM* ?BS that m the io;6jfo?upB- Ifte *at&gt;uot&amp;(buUJe uc apptjrt S|ffcSllK.9tP Auyaot tftnfabM ^OTtffc. !l *mmamibtu to be fanctsfjeb/ not toVe CSSSSSESSB itiflb trnrOt. 0 &lt;35nb alone nuitf *RSSHttSS5aB5SS r?e*o(0 o? gofite* Mottt* Wb* We not to ng^*"""! ^St*abbotbtoaso^eneOfonnanmothi^^^ ^2*totbatliitmr6neefon/tb*lfjeov^^2ffittS lmtWOboutCttbwb act tfie tbeafe ana MS*!**** m ( f CMrb^lS%n*S8SS 1 1 facipc tbf agapne toben tb8 Smeob .ttb* tonCpt* Ss &amp; Stttf anotbet commuttfcarfon/ 3D Ml tbat ob Bab tt snemf /AM ^1 ^ a*pre/an&amp; Pjo ootone in to | pofe BsalterjSBoufe/anbtBere fflalig? teO, ino?eof mpmpnije.i5ob)toBtn acamtotae jgottev.6 Boufe/ 3 f ounoeUf m maHpnge bptf too^BebponabiBele. B?bentBaecBe jBottte mate of clape/.fcMaeamonge W baof0:So bebeganne aneto / ^maoeano^

rbttfaeceii/acco?opngetoB^mpnoe. ben topoetbe )io^etBU0bntome:flgafcnoti

Ik "



I .

of ffrae ii: gf ate in 'mp Banoe / tm aji "W

*' .-

ciapemtbe^offmsBanb^ . '..' .' ndbenl ta&amp;e m ijanue to tote out/ to be. 35 s Brope / 0/ to toafte atoape enp people o? 8tngi&gt;ome:pftBatpeopleiagapiifttol)om r i| hauetbupWupKB] conuette from men; toic* fl#m ,, m Reime0: l 5fmmcb!artp/|, a *eepete of ? plage/ taun bt^soo tBattbeupfebtob?pngebpontlje,3gapneto/ibGcij ll ^ a people 0? a bpngftome: pf me Came people 3KE? bo cuc before me / anb Qeave not mp bopce: lmmfbiaflp/1!PtttoftBegdoD/tljat|i)es upfetobofo?tBent, ^peaBenototBerfojebntotoBf'ie'Jttba/ anbto tBem tBat btoell at serufaleimabm? fapetBtBe .toW-fteWW t am beupfpnge aplage f 0; pou/anb am taapnge a t binge 1 n Banoeagapnltpou. CBerfo?e let euetp man turne from W

euell toape/taae bpon poii tBe tBftige tBat is goob/anb do ttgBt.Eut tBep fape: jSo mo?e of tDftJ/toe topll folbtoe oute atone pmagp* nacporos/anobo eueepman accojbpnge toft toplfulneae ofBte atone mpnoe. caetfo^etBugfapetBSliort^Cfieamoge^ tBeeatBtn/pfenpm5BatBBetDetocBBo^ ,B ' -'epbie tBpnges/agtBe baugBtee of g&gt;pon bacBDone.BaHnotfcmotoe(t&amp;atmeKct&amp; bpS tbe aonptoc&amp;ep of w banusfl ) moptten tbe f tmt} mape t &amp;e rp? pnge* of toatewt be fo gtauenatoape / tbat tbep runne no moje/geue mopftneffe/net matte ftutefuHf ttut mp people BatB fo f ojgotten me/ tbeg baue mabe tactpfpee bnto bapne 0OM&amp;, 3no tobple tBep folotoebtBeit atone toa pes tBep ate come out of tbe B? tttete/anb gone &lt;ntoafotetoapenotbfeotobeftotie.lBW tbo;oto tBepBaueb?ougBttbeie lanbe in to an euetlaftpng toploemefle anbfco?ne : feo tBat toBofoeuee ttauapletB tbetb p / maibe abameb/anb toagge tftef r ijeabeg. ositb an &lt;aatopnbetofflgfcati:etBtm/befo;e tBett enempejJJnb toBe tBeir beatttcciS cometb/ gitopHtutttempbacBebpotBS/ butnotmp UpbeuerttBep^eftesJ/totoBomtBelatoetoaS eommpttebttBe &gt;enatouKJ /tBat toete tbe toffe ft :ana tbe p?opBete0/toBf cD to ateb n ot tbe too?&amp;e of d&amp;ob.Comf (fapbe tBep ) lett bjj cutoueBWtunge/flnoietbjJnotKegmtielj^,toco6ejS.confpo?entt/fl&gt;)Lo;De/ anbfieaie w. . (t t , tbebopceof mpneenemiefl. o)epiiotte- SyS* compent e euell f 0; goof)/ toften tbepbpttg a pptfo?mpfoiiie^!U'iiii;inli'/ljoUi ffl Qooe befo?etBc/to fpeafie fo^tQeta / hud to tutne 8toapettipto?i#fo)hiffif ; ;t. MmfoieMtiW t'fi^i ofeoffmnftei;/ anb lett tBem he appmn ma i:m itoeatbe. %it tBeft topiie^bt' wAteb iKiqA cliiin^en/ anbbeiftoibbotoefi:Iett[)ea'||Pt!fbaii&amp;e? IbeOapne/

* il


y * * hi


3fmtfalem, dje W beftapne /Wt eityongemen be Bplie o tt ti; eftoearoeintyeeelDe. Jlcttt&amp;enopfe be betbe out of eft: Doure^y totynf muKbetec comme font nfpbpon cm :# o; ep&amp;auc , , Wggeba pit to tafie me/ano lapcb fnarcg fo? *?*.#.* mvfttt. Fet&amp;o;be/ouBnotoeftaUen: cmmali/i ep taue eeupft o/ to* Oapeme. 3nbcrfo;e fo;getie f not eft: topcBeb* neg/anblet noteft:fpnnebeput outof * iV&amp;W but lettem be wbgeb bet"o;e e ad c gpltpg ::&amp;pg ait ouoo bnto emiti Hie tpme of p m&amp;pgna cpon.

* .

C&amp;e pjopbecpfth t^e otBcuccpo" of Jtrofatem/fo? tfi toiucmptanawfpyrpiiflc of t^ctao;0fof dQ. tircbejrtc.Gbapttt. :?eouet/ugfapoeEHo;bebn toieremp!Boptoape/ $b?ee _ sti er e n pptcbet/ anb b;ge to; .,, ^jEtiatburS/anDcbefep^auegmtofte ballep of e p ib;f of fcemtom/tobi titty befo;eepo;teatigma&amp;eofb;pcft/an&amp; etoe em tfjete e too;oe0 / at $ (ball tell e/anb fat eugbnto em ; t^eau e toocofe JU;be/pe6pngeg of 'Juoa ano tt6.tit.pri t tyt c?tefpngof3erufalem-.*cbu0 fa? ee

ftm*** ^ ?W OtSQttej e &lt;!5ob of gtraei-.tfebolb/ 1 topll fymge f o a plage bp on is place/ tbat? eareg of all t&amp;atbeate it/ail globe. 3lnDtbatbecaureepbauefo/fafienme/9 , bmjaioto ig place / anb baueoffreb in it ^bnto QraungeBo&amp;Defcttbometwtbet tfjep/ ercfaetg/ netefipngegof$ubabaue Bnoton e .cbep bane fallen ig place alfo 1&amp; tbe biouoe of mnocemeg / fo; cpbauc fett bp an aultee bnto ffiaal/to bucne tbeftc&amp;fl. b;en fo? a bumofferpnge brttoieaaI/to&amp; ic&amp; 3 nefter eSmaunoeov net atge&amp;em/ne er ougbt once tbetebpon. i&amp;olbe erf o;e/e time c5me(fafr a*4)f so, tlo;d ) g ig place allnomo;e be cblleb. ffi i w *rte/iw$ ballep of cbtt&amp;tfof &amp; gj w t9 ' nom/but e ballep of o;m pg * place toiiliflape e &amp;ena tourg of giuba 3 gewfalem/ Bplltb! botonetteftoeatoe - wefpgbtofeftenempeg/aofemat febe tbeit Ipueg . 3tob ep; beeb carcaf eg topll geue to be meate fo; tbe foulest of e -WW beetteg of tbe felbe .flubStoplmaBe * t W cptie fo oef oi ate/ anb bet tobo fogoetb etbp/ all be abafbeo affljfeaft .u- * b?nb/i&gt;ecaufeofaHbecplageg. JMM *I topll feoctbe alto toi efle oftbeft ""**"* 9 eie oaugbtetfJ .yee euei;pone mail eatebpanoerinebefegpnge anb ftrape* neffe/tobertoi eirenempegig ffltt tttit !pucg)ibaUfiepeent m . atnb tbe pptec alt tl)ou b;eafie fit tbe fyubt of tbe men/ $ ftaibetaiptfttbe/anbfapebiitotbem'.iKbutf fapetb mum of Softest Cum fo npii % wcwie tb fstptopie, anb cte ; ajs a ftotta

leafietbabeotW/ f cannot be raabetobole- ' agajne. Sncopbetb an tbep be burfeb/fo? tbe? w . ftailbauenoneotbetpiace.cbtigtopll'jpbo'f.. ' ,.: bnto m placealfo/fa fctb tbe ^tm/am fo ***Wli t&amp;emtbatbtoelltbettn:nee3|topiibototbi# i cttte as bntocopbetb( ffty bouftjs of |e* tufaiema tbeboufest of m iwges of juoa awbef#eo/li!6ea$copetb)becaufeofaU boufeg/in tobofe pattew tb ep bpb face? fjee bntoalltbebooQeofbeauen/apoureboue bjmcbcoffringeiSbntoaraugegoQBes.anQ fo^etera^cam ftScopbetb/tobete jLo;a bab rent btm to wopbeeje / anb tto&amp;e t n tbe courte of tbeboufe of tbe %otbe &gt; anb fpnfie to all tbepeople : cbujifajetb tbe )lo?be of o aegi tbe ob of afwen-.ibebolbe / 3 to? b;pngebpontbfji cjtte a bpon euetstptone abouteft/all * plagegtbat Ibaueoeupfeb agapnfttbemsfojt&amp;epbauebene obftfnate/ anb toolbe not obepe mp toampngest. CjEccmjj is fraptfeti and caft in top;cfon;foj pics* tbpng ef tbe Vao;oe of ao.&amp;e p.!opbccv i&amp; t^e captw uptfeof al!oit c (omplapneH) ( 1b a mot* . . hpnaotb^o;thetoocof&lt;!MI).bHcompeUc06 tacfpjeeop;eathetbftoojJie^to|UbctoJlli|niot. Cbe.w.bapteif. .en**i8baut p;eatt/ fotme % of^mee/cbefeintbeboufe of tbe :***&amp; %om/ betbegfetemp p;eacl) fo Bggfij _ _ _ JBtmmm nnote^etemv/s put 3SiS9 mmt ftotftejj/ tbatarebf tbebpe mnSSES at 38enlamfn/m fbotife of tbe ia?oe.cbe * #wn nefteoasefolotorttgJSbaftutbiougbt *' ffJSfSjK'v moot of tbe Qocbeu agapne.cbenfa^e j c ff SSS' I 3erempbrrto bpm : me % o?oe all call tb e 1 1J0SS 3 norao?e l&amp;bam;(tbatfe excellent a &lt;nctea= gooimcirc. in ; fpnge)butflago?(g ijjfeatfnii aaftapeo) J.|flf "f M'l eueep 0? tOuss f apetb e jlo;bt:be. fifRH ;

boloe/3 toputnafte t&amp;eafeapeb/ e f felf / ffi J* SS an&amp; ail at fauoure e : tobf ail peep no t &lt; repfouit tot tbeftoearae of eftcnmifttJ/ turn bt&gt; p* tt &gt; e ^' fo;epfac " nutfcawow , 3Bnb| topilgetie tobolegimw bnber tbe JfgSS potoecofe65ngofab?ion/tobtcbail uEV catte fomebnto JBabpion p^efonetg/ aflave sw" man f fome tot ettoeatte . flpo?eoucr/an c gSSSSSS fubttaunce of Ianbe/aHep;ecfoug &amp;2l*22E anbgo;geoug too^cll'eg/all cottlvnent/a all &amp; not A e tteafuw of e fepngrg of JuDa: tofllj 5t.oebcbutm# geue in to$ ftanoeg of eft enemteg/tobfeb S *JS2SLall rpople ein/anb carte cm bnto a 5SS5SSS Won But ag fo? ( ?&amp;baut)ou alt H"pS be cart bnto abflon tottb all foe bouf. fo; He Mpt ot boloe/a to iBaW ion alt ou come/ tobete Jft f* ' " ou alt bpe/anb be butpeb :ou a all? ?22fa f atiouVerg/to tobom ou baft p;eaeb ip eg ^oppco t fl&gt;iLo?be/ou mafieftme toeate/butoup&amp;tnte m Kfteeftme/amaBeftmr ftrongeagai&gt;ne, f'gSffiJ i tofco;neofeue^maii:becauCe3bauenotoofti)ent%i P?eaeb cenaanur.




^^ B?eaebWgeagapnftaKctou0iu .. 9ettemefbeftmccionjo;eti)bi ar cattfe e caft e too;be of elo^e in mj *Mr/anb lane me euec to e too;8. mtttojfi ougbt ftom bence fo;/ liottofpealie of bim/nettop^ea emjmo;* b^ name . 39ut e too;oe of e i-o;oe toagatKWbumt&gt;ngefp;emvbett anb nteboneg/tobttobe3!b)oibebatftftoppeb/

jmtgbtuot. ff 0; tobp/3beibe fo man? Deri* fpong anbbiafpbemteg/see euen of mjne atone companiong/anb of fo ag toere cons uetfauntetoime.tobttomteaboute/to raabe me afra?eo/?mgr.bpon Dim / let bg gobponbfov tofeate b?in / anbmafiebpm loibebtgtonge: t toemajeouetcomebmt/ aittbeatiengeoofbim. 36ut e JLoiot ftooe b? me/l?e a mrgb' ttegiautite;ecfo?emp perfecuterg fell/ 9 couioe bo all be fo?e cBfofi* beb/fo; e?baue bone bnto?fel?/ e? all boue an eueclaft vnge ame . 3n&amp; note / fl&gt; TLojoe of i^ofteg / ou regbtuoug fetxbee &lt;tobtcbbnotoeft $re?neg aebec?bettcg:) !etmtfcempunicD/fo; com= mrttem?caufe. ^.vngeonto c -i,o:bc/anb p;a?fe l)V'i'/ aAfo?bebabeliueeebefouleofeopp;ff* 1 wast ftfcb/ftom tbebanoe of e Molent.* 6 Cutfeb CfjnpfpfO bp beeba?e/tobefin5R toagboe:bnbapp?e tutiingof ttKbegtiaye/toUetmmj mott b;oufibt me &amp;m SfJ^WbwfW(b be e man / at b;owgbtm? SSfcttfcM fctb Stpoingeg, to mabebim glab/tejtng: n&amp;tc ime ace oubaft gotten a fonne.Hcttitbappenbntut to uc taken to tbat man/ag to e c?tieg tobf e Ho SSS^SSr? Jftumeabprpbe oototieitobfbe babbeaiw Wg BStS tbe totcfteb vumouw of f ) becaufe be aetoe v tut conteinsme not/ag foneag % cam out of m? moetg ttQc tcapupftoombe /a becaufe m? motbertoag not mp S^!8tauebetfei/tbat b?;migbtnotbaue . KKcomeout/butreraa?nebft?Hb^ Slln bV ftuecamf, fo;ofmmoetgtoombefco umfoitb tb. bane ejtp e rten c e of lab oute anb fo; oto : anb toleabem?i?feto?amef CbfpjopbctpHU tbatZtojhiabftaiKje tabnt/antf ctvtptburneO. Cffibe.ictf .Cbaptet. l^efe ate e too?oeg g e Ho;be fpabebnto^eremp tobattfme as la?nge 5ebetab fent bnto bnt ..., _12&gt;a(burefonneofa9elcbiab/a ^opftontab e fonne of j$aafiab p;eafte/ raptng-Jffie councen at eXo^(toep;aw

e)of oure balfe/fo; j9abu0bonofo; fr torn of Babylon befegebg/?fe Ho (pewbtienturc ) totlibeaie top bg / acco?* b?nge 1 &amp;t matueloug potoee/a tafte b?m ftombg; _ ..., Cbenrpafte7etem?.&lt;eue5ebebtabtg anftofte.cbug ft tye&amp;ofte ob at%u



taeibbeboioe/SBtofflttittie bacbe e toea peng/tbatfe baue in pute ijanoes / tobtt* toi?efpgbtaga?nft e bpnge of JBabp* Ion a tbe Calbreg/ tobi bete ge p on tounoc aboute toaileg/al toiilb;?ngee togteeintoempbbeft of ig cptie/anbi m? feifetttllfigbtagaphftpouAoan out(iret&lt; t b eo banbe / a tot a ml gbtie arm e/ in great birpleafureanbtmleto;a'.ato(ilfmpte em/at btoell(ntg cttie: pee bo men a catell ailbpe of e petti] ence. 3inb af t er (fape e Hoe ) % all j3 belpuer5ebefttabe ftpnge of gitoa/ a bpg fecuauteg/big peopieta fo agtre efcapcb in c cpne/ftom e peftiiencc/ ftoearbe/a bonger) to e potoer of $abuo&amp;onofoi ftpngeof Babplon-.peeinto e banbeg ol eic enempeg/intoebSoegof ofe at folotoebponefripuegytobttbaH fmpte f. tof $ fto(atbe:epaHnotpptietbe/ epaiinotfpate(m/epaUbaueno

metcpbponem. a no bnto igpeopleou ait fape-.cbug pe e Ho;b:*bolbe;3 lape before pou meute.m. ti etoapeof ipfeanbbee. tBbofo abpoe f**2f* ig eptle/alIpeHO)rfer to^Ctoearoe/ *"* * " toi bonger/d; toi peftiience.But tobo fo goeouttobolDeoneCbalbeegparfe/i . befegeit/beftallfauebiglPfc / anb* ail ***' topnneb tile fo; apw ; *o * fett gSJSg mpceagapnftcptte(fape w -ft iw) aSSBS to plage it/anb to mutt beg :$t mmt geuenintoebanbeofBpngeofabp' Hf*t^ ') lon/anbbeb;enttoifp;e. S??S&amp;' 3Bnbbnto e boufe of eftpnge of Has/ SJ8BT '" fape ug:$eate e too^ie of e Ho;oe( @j S tjui e ,- am ouboufeoflauio)fo;u0faieti)^ilo;5:iB/i)?3iyfr,U)-,i fl^miftce tpgbtuourneg/anoatfoone/ oe^ **** ** lpuereopp;eaebftom bpolent potoer-.o; w^run mp tewpble to?a b;easeonteipbea h wiwciy" fp;e/anb butne /atnoman mape que ip baut toit us ft/btcaufeoff topeftebnegof poute pma- if bgJSS gpnactong . 35olbe (fape e h W ) 5 SBSS toillcome bp5 pou &gt;t btoeme baucpeg. SJJSSST jocbeg 9ftC/9 fapetCu:tobo to mafie be ftaio tpnne bg aftaP^0; tobO totll come to OUte b0U it/cue as a man ttg^o5?toftibpfeepou(tee rte ^^Sati"* 1 becaufe 6fetoicBeonegofpouuenciSg/" ,, a " ,,u anbtoiHbpnMefoafp;einpouretoob/ag . au conme all/attg aboute pou. Gbeev&amp;o;tetbtbe limgeofjnbito tttbnwMan&amp; tabiuoum.'SH)bp Jecufaltm is b;ougbt(nto cap/ tpupipe. tfb beats of Aelum tb* fonnt or JotUa i piopbtcpeS. . *be.]ct.&lt;fbaptee. ug fapbe e Hoe alfdi (0oo % botone in to e bouf e of r Bpng 'of f tiba / ana fpeafte ete efe ,.Jtooeg/anbfape:^eatetoofl&gt;e, 6^eMr/ouBpngoflubaaflptteft. e

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mftebpngip feateof auto: ftcuano ftp fWMuntwanoftppeopic/ftatgotnaout a t ft f s gate. cbus tie jiojo commaunoeft: itepe equpte ano rpgbtuou&amp;ieffe / oelpuee fte opp^effco from fte potoer oftEje Solent: oo not gteue net opp;eae fte Utaunget/ tbe faftetfeOe ntct^etopuooto/ ano Jbeoe no m* nocerrtbloube in ftis place. . anovfr^Bfpeftefeftingegfagftfulip/ ^ftmQmilftete come in at tycoon of-ftps b o ufe fringes/to fp t bp o jE&gt;a ui 09 featesftep ftailbe carpeo in Cbatettes ano veu bpon bojfeS/boftftepafteirremaunteB/ijfteii! peopie.Butp f petogirnot be obeoientbnto mere eommaunoemf tes/ 3 1 ftoeate Dp mpne atone feife(fapfft ft e fcojWftfs boufe all betoafte.ffozftuSbaftftrko/Ofpofie'topo' tbe bpnges fioufe of 3(uba:bou art $bea 0/ as alaab is in &amp;f banu* : nebattop it tftou tape ofit/pflmabeftenotfo toatte{ 3 ftp cpciesaiftOftat no man rballOtoeil fterntf 3 mill p; e pate a t ft to p er toift bis toeapes 40; fte / to beto botone ftp fpecpall Ceoje trces/anbto caft ftem tit fte fpje. ano all fte people n)a t bo bp ftis epefe/ a all (pealie one to anofter: 1 @be r f 02 e ban) *eutf Mitjtbe jL-o^e boneftus bntoftpsnoblc cptpe? .eB.&lt;r.o. c^tn (ball it be anftoereo:* beraufe ftep tinatua rr^.bbaue bjobe" fte couenauntof tbe %m fte- c

. ia vw.tosi.a dW , 6 /g t ^aitett&gt;o?Q)tppeD i Crmro ftraunge , a - nmf to _ goboes.fl&amp;oufhenotoiKrfbebeeb/fr benot berS htw to0 f0 ? tteMiut befo;p fo; btm ft atbrpartv &amp;cio aii tbctetb atoagf :f o?^c commeft n ot agagne/anb ftmnf b of jofeftctft bis natpueeounttc nomo;e . f oj ftus JL* 6 , i! Ff8 * ct &amp; $' ***# # touftpnge.* &amp;elum ffi SB^^^SfflaBf * w ot f m f ***** v. steatc fta. tapejnebafteebts fafter/anb&amp; tat? eb cute me jopcoouteoftuijjplace-. $efballneuer comebpftet of 3rf al f^agapne/fo; be all ope 61 tbe place /tober* SSI?* bnt0 "J e W ,eo wpttue/ ano Oral fe ftfs lanoe ,"S nomo/e.tfco too^ft bfm/ ftatbupJOrft bpS tcwcirbwib boufe toiftbnrtgbtuoufnes/anbbis parlets euttbcbonouruiitbtbf goob t be batbgottenbpbtoience: X*S^ffi^ c &amp;* nw wca M ,ft,IW * W nepgbbouts &amp;mmSm^ omfm Pa*eb!'mbfebpje . $eftpnc* man? ibsutBc beft inbtm felfe # topii bupfteme a topoe to be rpc?aif bourE/ago;gtou0pati0t9e cattfetb toto iWS-*K r botoe0 to bebetof n tberin/ anb tbe fplpgeis ffiB&amp;'anbBMftwiiwjrtft^rtC^ / anopapn. ptV/ tbttebetetb tbemttftb^enobtr.cbtnefteft ftouto Bfto.iii). Kcg.taigne /noia iftou pjouofieU me to t;atft .;8 a^toftbtbe Ceb?f trecsf SSS'cSun fonbPtetbeteateanbb;ftK6e/anb bn SttiKtou P?ofpere toell ass longe a? b e Dealt tt equite taBtnor^abuanDtpgbttiourneaefyeetebenbebelpebtbe (Ijdoouojo; / j opP ;eaeo ano poo^ to tbeft tpgbt fttn p?of. toaVvsanbt ftStobenee came ty$/ but onlpbecaufe itrmn.'ba*Bebal)me-bero;ebHJepei/rapetbtbe^o^e. ft tut nffBiu-f g)euevttielfj5/a5fo;tl)pneep jfttnebm/

* 1

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: tbep lobe-spon couetoufneoe/to (btbe (nno ?tbot&lt;HteJi cent bkJuoe/tooo to;onge ano WotenwJnb * I 2J , * tbertW/tfotf fapetb tbe jLo;oe agapnft 5e Jw* boabtm/tbe fonneof loftab fipnge ot|uba; t ^ t K2 cbeplbailnotmoutne fo;bim(a?itbtpbfe W nrt.c. at to oo)alajj b?otber/a!an rpQef.i5eft?; {ball t w W n#

ftep Cape bntoqpm : aia m I alass tof ftat * ; - Q "JJ nobiep;pncc^ut ajj an Me altbe be bu* SZ tfeb/coflSpte ano be caft tottbout \^t gates o&amp; man.u .j ofletufalem. - ti;a?Dftt6w ilpmmebptbebpHof u-ibanus( tbou g2ffi."g2 baugbtec&amp;lon)lpftbptbPbopcebpona*Suo a S fan / ctpe feomaupawefj-.foj all ftp loiters % tbnr yoc ^ ate oeOwpeDJ gaue tbe toainpngc/ tobple t|pt tmp tboutoaftpettnp/ofpetiptc . ut #w*i5H9H! bett;3lmpUnotbeare . anb tbpsmanet batt Sg"? ftotibfeo fcom ftppoutb / ftat ftou tooloeft ii,.ts.ii neuetbeatempbopce.autbPbetDmgftalbef auttn b;puen uptb ft e upnoe / ano ftp oetlpnges *J* Qtalbe catpeo amape tn to eaptputte: ben Sgjtt (balttboubeb;migbttoO)ame a cSttifpon/^Soiu becaufe of all t hp to cbe On^-.ft ou $ btoelieft tr bm m (tn bpon )Libans/a.mabe(l tbp neQ tn fte Ct' tooiot 3f wi b?etcees,&gt;botogceate (pall tbp moutnmg""" Jg be/tobenftpfo;omes come bpon tbe /as a SUSS human ttaueipngetortbcbploe? - tojcboab^/ as ttulp as 1 ipue ( fapen&gt; tbe Jlojoe) xmm*t bougb VConantab f fonne of wtyotfttm 3 M9R fipngeof pubatoew ftefpgnet mwJES banw/pet Sffli plucftebim of-.ano % topii Sa'trii?. gettetbe mtotbepotoet of tbemtbatltft* to i&gt;.i iS 3" Capetbe / anb tnto tbepotoetof tbem tbatnfab.^aUA tbou feateQUntotbepomee of i^abucbooox n f 0; tbe Sipnge of tfabplon /ano m to tb e potoetofftecaioees. fl0o?eouft'/atopi! (enoetbe/anotbpmotbettbat bare (be/in toaftraungeiao/tobetepetoetenotbo;ne/ \ ". ano tbere all pc ope. tfutasfojtbelanoe^ tbatfebrflioefpietotettttnebnto/ pe ftali neuec:come at ft agapne . bis man Cona* nfab mall be ipse an pmage tobbr a to;ne /, in peces - tobf cb pleatetb no man/fo; all bps appateH.ibetfti?ebotbbeabPSfeoeftal . be fent a toape/anb ca ft out in to a 13oe/ ftat ftrp ftnotoenot. . ftou eattb/eaetb/eattb*eaw f Vpefte of tbe jio?oe : tid;pte ftfsman amonge fte outiawes/fo; no wofpetlte (ball ftis man baurallWS !pfelSge.r5eftct (bal enp of bfS feoe be fo bappfe/a* to fpt bpon tbe feate of aufo/anotobeatemieniautja. ...

1 t * ^ * - ' C^ rveaftrtd agapnftetttlf nra0 l^af m*r Eu# uoch of tt&gt;c ftocfe of t^io^f . Of tbexonucr(^on^f $e rnntwwM of jctw totft'e fa^tj. OCQt com' agapnit falfe p?opTite0. W^a |0;op6e(e ^eacb? ttj t&amp;r toftiOc of &amp;&amp;}&amp;&amp;. con ur c tf (^W butt* oftty facers, agftia^2opt)c(fDfijatp3ciUajel^tfbr^r t^nam(O?o^C^mpiacU0orfa.ft^8taW^




fl) be bnto tbefbepbetbes/tbatoe Srope/a fcatte mp Qocbe / fapetb jt&amp;e&amp;ojbe. ll3berfo?e/tbpsfStbt Jcomaunoement of fte Ho^oe^ob ofafeaell/bntofte fbepbeebes ftat feoe mp people-.f e fcatte ano tbjttft outmpflocbe/9 lobenotbpoftem.cbecfo;enob)toplt!Sbp' fet fte tot citeones 1 p oute pmagt nacpons/ I ******* fa ^ ^ e **&amp;* anlJ to P" Bafter togeftet; 'Eit awtbe*w mnauntof mp flocbe/ftomalliaoes am tt mnan ftat 3i bao o;puen tbem bnto/a toil! bnnge t / bttaufc ftem agapne to tbefe paftuve s/g ftepmape K'naiSL grotoeanbutcreafe. Stopllfett Ojepbetoes SStSm alfo ouettbera/tobfeb fbail feoe ftem.cbep nba.f.r,flballnomo;efeateanoweoe/fo;tbetelbaH *w.b. none of ftem be loft/rapeft fte kojoe , Se= ( bolDe;tbetpmec5metb/'fapetbtbe]io;oe/g to^fcfflV^* 3 toplltapfe bp fte epgbtuous bjaunfte of

-^ rfJ ?2&gt;aiub/tobt cb (ball beatetule/anb bffatffe ,B ''' , * matters tetoproome/a roallfett bp equpte a r fgbtuoufnes agapne mt be eartb. tmttmm i,nbis tpme Qjall Juoa befaueoanb 9jf&gt; vaeil Qiallotoeii tof ftottt feate. ano tbps is fte name ftat ft ep (bail call bpm: ettenfte t ff(n.i.D. %.o;be oute tpgbtuous mabet.anb fterfo;e




^ - *

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*** * *


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beboioe/fte tpme cSmeft ; fapetb S/O;oe/ ftat ft O)aunomo?ebefapoe: fteiLo^e ip uetb/tobtcb b?ougbt fte ft piozen of Iftaeil out of tbe lanoe of es p'pte: J5u t fte no;o ip uetb/tobtcb bi ougbt fo?ft/attb leofte feoe of tbe boufe of Iftaeii/out of fte 0,2ft lanoe/ anb f com all count reestob ere % bao fcattrb tbem/a ft ep Qjallbtoeil f n ftett atone lanoe agapne.

flpbeweb?eaBtft fn mp boop becaufe of fte falfe p;opbetes/allmp bones fbafie:| am become ip&amp;eaojoncfienmanitbat bp teafon of topnecan tabe no ted ) fo; ber? feate of tbe )Lo;Oe/ ano of bps bolP too;De s: becaufe $ lois fultof aououtetets/tobere tbo^otoittsoefttopeo ano moutnetb/afte pieafatmt paftutes of tbeoefette areo;peb bp.fee fte toape ftat men tabe/ is topebeo/ _ a ftett gouernaunce ts noftfng Ipbe t bolp * too?oe of fte ftojoe. f ot fte p;opbetes a fte p;eaes tbem felues ate poluteo ppoctptes/ anb fteit topebeones bauel founoe in mp boufe/fapeft io;oe. abb e tf o;e ., fteft toape ftaii be appperp in fte oarebneffe / tobetetn ft ep mape ftacb et ano fail ,jfo? 5 tot II btfng a Plage bpon ftem' euenftepeateof ftete btfptacpon/fapeft ftejlo?b,llbauefene folp amonge tbe popbetes of gjamarfa /ftat ftep p;eacbeo fo?&amp;aal/s of fceaueomppeo* pleofgifrael, % bauefenealfoamongefte^opbetes of gietufalem f ottle aoumtteep / a Ptffump' tuous ipes . cbep tafte fte moft mamefuR menbpftebaiiOe/flattrpngetbem/fo ftep cannot tetutneftom fteit toicfieones . ail



ftefe topft ftett cptefprtsate bnto me / as &gt;ooom/aas ftetnbabitoutsof $aamm. mmton ftus rapeft fte 'iio?D of pontes *atjt b concetnpngefte p^opDeteSsJBebolDe/?. toiir feoeftem totft too?mtooo / anomabe ftem OjpncfieftetoatetofgaH.Jio;fi'omftep;o Pbetes of letufalem (sftefpcbnesofppos ctlfpe come fn to all fte lanoe. _. anotbetfo?eftel.o;Deof0oaes geueft^., ttha pou ftfs toarnpngi^eate not fte too?oes of SSI ftep?opbetes/ftatp?eaftbntopou/30ff' ' ' ceauepou:fo;ftep fpeabeftemeanpngeof fteftatoneberte/anonotoute offtemoutb of fteX,o;oe.cbep fape bnto ftem / ftat oe- 22Bf7? fppfe me:be JLo;oe baft rpofien i t:cu &amp;/ s * Wl * pe (ball p;ofpete tpgbt toeii. ano bnto all

fte/ftat toaic&amp;e after ftt luft of ft etr a tone berte/ftep fape:cuQ)/ftete Cball no mi Cf 0?* tune bappen pou . j?o? tobo baft fptte in fte cottneen of ftejLo;oe/tbat be baft beroe ano bnOrtftanoe/tobatbefSaboutetooo i tbo baft matcbeo bis oettp ce/ano betoe it; -&amp;t&gt; boioe/tbe fto;mptocfter of fte Ho;Oe(ftat i s/btt mofgnacfonjfDall go fo?ft/ anb fball faliootone bp3 fte beao of ft e bngooip. ano $to;aft oftbe&amp;otf fball not turne agapne/ bntpllbepetfourme ano fulfuli ftougute of bis bette .ano in fte latter bapes pe (ball bnotoebismeanpnge. % banc not fent ftefe ^;opbeteS( fapetb &lt;3 tbeHo^e)anbpet tbep ramie. 3 baue not fpoften to ftem/ano pettbep p;eaftco .ut fww* pf ftepbao contpnueo in mp counceil anb beroe mp too?oes-.ftep bao tumeo mp people from ft efteuell toapes ano topebeo pmagp* nacpons. am 1 ften (E!oo tbat fepft but fte tbpnge/tobicb fsnpe at banoe / ano not ftat is facte off fapetb fte Hojoe. S^ape enp . man bpoe bpm felf f o/ftatl man not fe \mi t fapetb fte junoe . 0 not? fullfpllbeauen ano earft '. fapeft fte "jHo?oe . % baue b eft e toelipnougb/tobatftep;opbetesfape/ftat P?ea eb ipes in mp name / faptnge ; 3 baue bjeameD/S baue 02 cameo . i^oto longe topii ftis continue in fte p?opbetes b e rtes / to tell ipes/ano to p/eacb craftpe fotplte of fteit; atone bette 1 molt putpofe is ( top ft tut bjeames $ ettetpone ten; to mabe mp peo plefo^et mpname / as fteit fo?c fat bets bpo/ttben ]Saalcamebp.cbep;opbettbae barb a o?eam e/iet bim tell tfcanobt ftatbn' oerftanoeft mp toojoe / lett bpm fbetoe it fapftfullp. 4 ^o?tobatbaftcbatftanbtobeatetooo to noffbatibatc geftetf fapetb tbe )Lo?oe. |snotmptoo?oepj'f ' lpfieafp?e/ fapeft t\)t%w/ mmtlKmSSSSmL bammet / ftat b^eafieft fte batbe nmiSXSF Gfytxfw ftus fapeft fte low. beboioe /% Stycb 3 r baue topllbp0 8piopbetes/ 6 *^ttealemptoo?oenot mmm p;iuelpftomeuetpman. 36eboioe/beream l,rt * WW

h3 '-'

3f {fa wtb tbe &amp;o?oe)agapn(r tbe pjopbetea/ ffiben came tbe too?ue or tbe Mt bnto 35 toattabebpon tijerc tutigcp to Cpeaftc *. Elje me/aftertbts maner:cbugfapetb JLo? ce IJlojbebatbfatfieit. Eebolbe/beteamU tbe@oooflltaeU:lpbea8tbouHnotoeu (tape* the jlo;be)agapn&amp; thofe pjopbetes/ soon fpgess / to mall 3 anotoc tbe men lea tbatbarrep;opbecpipej$/an&amp;opfceauemp atoape/tobomgbaueTentoutoftbpa Place people toltbtbeirtoanitiea/ anb mpjsciea/ intotbelanbeoftbeCalbers/ fojtbeirpjo* tobomjneuerfent/ner commaunoebtbe'. fpce:anb3!mpllfetmpneepeabpontbemfoj bep (ball bo tbps people greate batme/ tbebea/fojgstomtopngetbemagapneinto fepeebtbe JL.o;oe. tbifSlanw.g topllbuploetbembp / anbnot it tbtapeople/etber enp pjopbet 0? pjeft bjeafee them totll piste tbe m/ anb aCfiet^e/anti rare-.totjat t? tye &lt; burtben of nottotetbemout Jnb3!topllgeuetb em an cffeatB/tbe)Lo?be^bouajaltfapebntotbf:H9bat " ' ' ' attmun buttbenibetfo;e topll | cart pou fro me SffXSKSrT (fapetbtbe U.o#e)becaufepe poute felucs SflSSuSTa *M burtbSJnb p;opbet/p;ea 0; people * ****" tbat bfetb tbOS tetme(tfte butttf of jlofle) Him topi 1 9 btfet/anb biss bouTealf 0. 3Sut tbug (ball pe f ape/euerp one to ano;

bette/to bnotoe / bote tbat % am tbe 3L0 ; &amp; e . bepwalbemppeopie/anogjtopllbe tttew tfoft/fojtbep (ball tetutne bnto me *&amp; tbetc tobolebette. inblphe asJtboufinotoefttbe naugbtpe figea.tobpcb map e not be eaten/tbep ate Co tueil:uen (0 topii Kfapetb tbe &amp;o#e ) lett

tber.i@batanftoerebatbtbe-iiofl)e geuenf 3eoebiab tbeftpnge of3uba/.(.pe 9 alibi *

o?/tobat&lt;utbe fcortea commaunoementf p?mcefj/9tbetet?ijue of^ewfaiem tbatw

anbas fo? tbeburtbcnof tbe jUw&amp;e/peftall f p eafee nomo;e of it ; f o* euetp mans atone to ojoe is btsburtben/becaufe pe baue aite. teotbe tobies of tbe lpupngoD tbe Ho;o cfli)oftesoiite&lt;3ob. bus (balleuetpman rape to tbe P?oPbetes:to&amp;at anftoere batb tbe ILotfe geue? tbef&gt;?/tobatfaFetb &amp;Ho^ainb not once tonametbebuttben of tbe jLo?oe.ebetfo;e tbus(apetb1U&gt;,De:ffo?fomocbaspebaue bf eo tbps tetme ( tbe buttben of tbe jLotfe) tobere asi nottottbttanbingfentbnto pou/ 9 fojbaoe p on to tpeafte of torn, buttbe" . el) did e tbetf o? e/,3| topll tepu t e p ou as a buwben/ 9 toillcaft you out of my pretence: pee anb tbe cgttealCo / tbat? gaue you anb p ouve f a the w$ tot 11 bjpnge pou to an e uer= la tt pnge c'onfufpon/anb in to focb a Qjame/ as tyall neuer be forgotten. ccbe.rriiij.fltbapter. Cdhebpfyon of pannes of fySB^s- 0)e fpjflbptyon Cnnifit t\) tljRtpacte of tye pcopleftuia be bjougot ngapuc ftS captiuptje. Coc tccoiibe/tf)ac Seochta^ ano (ftt read oftrjc pcopltftutte be 0t# Bcopeb. I^eiio^fiieirebme abprtomj5e 1) oloe / 1 1) 1 x e a ooe ttoo maunoes of ffgges before n)ecempleof tbe l&amp;ort/aftet tbat fjabucbobonof 0; tbemfgbttemenalToofiuoa;\otbetob^B' maftetg/a connynge men of jemfalem/bn to3BalHion'.5n tiie onemaunoetoete betp goobfvgfS/euenlvbeas tbofetbat bef^Q tppe.^n otbetmaffoetoerebev? naugbtte

tnaine out tin t&amp;i'js lanoc / ^tbem alfo tbat btoenmdEgppteitobe mm Plageb in all ^ fsrngoomes 9 lanDes . ano topu mafie tbem ^ to be a p?ofe; a comen bp too?be / alaus gbmge ftocite anb ftame / in all tbe place*/ tobetel Cbalircatw tbcm,? toplifentie tbe ftoeatoe/bonget 9 peatience amonge tbem/ bntili 3 baue cleane conlumeo tbem oute of

tbeianoe/ tbatgigaue bntotbtm anb tbeit fatbet&amp; C jtxmv VWWftty tW tQep (Batl be m cap(p# HftVtJM" peatefl/ becaute tftcj contcmnebano6ff# pjftOtijEVooiOe of osob. ecSbtwetl) tbat nfiet.iry. peaces tbe JBabi'lonianBftnibebcbtnroyjb.Cfie be* avuccf onof all nacpoiw ib pjopbectcb.^e mouet() tbe pnafcz of the tia cpon* to toay Ipnj, rcbe.w.baptet. $)eimon tbat toajsgenf bnto 3e*_ w m F/ b p n all tbe people of J una: 3D |n t f outtb f eate of ieboamm " [fonne of^oflabfiwige of3!uba/ toas/ in tbe f??&amp; yeate of i^abutbobonoro; Singe of ahilon.a&amp;bitbfetmon (9 eremg tbep;opbetmat&gt;e bnto all tbe people of 3ju ba/anbtoalitbeinbabitouwoffetufalem/ ontfjismatiet. from tbe.f iti.teate ofgpotf ab tbe fonn e of of aimon rU-ngeofgiuoa /bnto tbiu p;efenc bape(tbati0 euen.wui.peare ) tbe tooj&amp;e of tbe no;oe batb bene tfmpttebbnto me. Mb (0 3 baue fpo&amp;en toyou/ 5 baue rtfen up eatip/3i baue geue jou toantfnginfeafon/ butse toolbenotbeateme.cbougb f now ban) fent bis f e tuaun t es / all tbe p?opbete* bnto f ou in feafon: ftt toolbe v e not obeye/ ;e toolbe notenclf ne youre eates to beate.

ffgeu/toftrcb mfgbt not be eaten/ tbtf toete foeuell.benra^jetbelo?bbntome:tobat ^efasbe:tumeaga?ne euetj man fronts ieptttbougietemp;g!rayiie:ftge(/toBerof biseueiitoaye/aftompouttoicfieusmagi'*' fome be berp go ob/a nb Tome fo eu el/tbat no nac i on syano fo Cb all ?e b to e l 1 f o? euet in tbe man ma ye eate tbem, lanoe/tbat tbe jLo;be pjometeb you 9 p ure fo;e



^ fortfatbewJnb go not after utafigtgoBOy retuet&amp;emnot/too;fttpetbemnot/ a angte me not toptb tbe trojclies- of pourc banbestt tben tosimot apuni eouiQeuen&amp;elef/pe toolQenotijeateme ( rapettt tbe %otW but baue Off ked me toitbtbe to o;c6cs of torn faxmn / 1 poute atone gteate bat m e. m\)ttio:e tbiiS CapetD |U;D of ^oftes: 58ecaufe/ pe ijaue notbet&amp;eneo bnto mg too;be/lo/^ topllfenoe out/9 call fo; all tb e neople/tbat btoeilniebeOo;tb/ fapetft tbe XjoBbe/anD totll pjepap/e ^abucb ooonoro? t&amp;e ncnge of jBabpi on mv fe tuaun t/ 9 toUl b^ngetbembpon tbi01anbe/9bpSall tbat btoell theritt/9-bponall tbe people tbat ate 8boutetbem/9toillbttetlytote tbem oute. atoiUmabeoftbem ato?iDemeffe/ amoc ige/9 a continuall befette. #o;eouet / r ii toiU tabe ftS tbf tft e** bopce heftOfglaoneueano folace/tbe bopceof tbe b ttinaejate Voegtomp 3 bbe/tftebo?ceofftanDjnteo/ StftMN tbr toStb tbe cteflnettes : ano tbi* toboie lanoe wc /tbe Qiaibecome a tofloetne*/ 9 ttjep (ball feme JfflJi apoe people ana $ b?ng of ffiabpion/tb/e otSs rcojeteateiJ anbten.UBbentbe. in. vme&amp; 111. au eate ejtpp;eb / a tofll bsfet alfo tbe toicbebi 1 w ooitt6e ne tre of tbe ftpngeofSabpion 3btspeopie fti ff, o3 ; anb topll ma&amp;e it a petpetuall topi'' Em'm oetneu/anb totll fulfill all mptoo;besbpon tbatnb/toWcbf bauebeupfebagajnftiti ee all tbat in totttte" in tftifJoobe/tobfca it* remvbatb p;opbecf eb of ail people:fo g tbe? aUoCpanbefubbueb bnto biuetfe nacpons gwatebmgJ/tej3ltoiUtetompenletbf/ mtttuib. scco)bpngtotbeitbeoe09too;cbe0 oftbett ttwtebanoejj. fo^ibuiSBatBtJLoibeaobofjreaellpO' lC6ii.11 tm 6en bnto me:2Cabe tbfft * tope cuppe of in I&amp;1W6J1. cfgnacior? ftompbanoe / tbattbcu mapett

caufealitbepeople/totohomgfenbetbe/ foitob;mcBe of tt:J toften tbep&amp;auebzoncfientbetof/ebep mage bemao/a out of tbete tofitteu/toftentbeftoeattie cSmetb/ tbat % tojllfenbeamongetbem. cbentobe|tbe cuppe from tbe iwmi banbe/anb mabeall tbe people Dwncbe tbetof/ unto tobom tbe iojbebabfentme. ' tftitf^atbecEtfeof^etufalem/aaitbe cptitu of iuba/tbeftbingejjanbp^nceg : to mabe tbe befolate/toaae/ befppreb 9 cutftb Caco?bmga8ittscometopaflerbiSbape.fee 9l&amp;bawo ftB(ngeofgfpte/bWCmiaOtet/ bftsptt&gt;nce09 bWpeapleantogetbeeonett Snotber anoatt 6ige0 of tbe tenbe of 9ug/ allbpngejj of tbe PbttfttoMOfc/aftticw a?ab/*ceaton9ibetemnauntof atbob/ f omttejj/tbe oabttejJ 9 arnmonttejJ: all m fipngeu of &amp;w* 9 fbtooni tbe ttn&amp; of tbeiletf/tbatate beponoe tfte ftr.j2ecan/ "f

i &gt; &gt;


cbema/i5u? 9 tbe ibaueh'jemacHteg -.all tbe 6pge$ of atabv/anb(genetalii? m ) all tbe ftpnge^ tbatbtoell in tbe befee:ali f ft vngi;. of 5amti / all tbe fciwe* of / au tbe fipnge* of tbe #eebejj/allttpngesJtotoatoe

jQojtb/tobrtbet tbep be fatte 0; nje/euet onetoitbbfJJnefgbbourg: yeeanoalltbe bungbomeutbatatebponwe toboie eattb. Be bpng of S&gt;e?acb/fapbe be/lbal D^incue torn) tbem alfo. . . ainDfajetboubntotbem:ffibiiWtbeco . maunwrnentof tbeiLo;oeof boawtbe od 0f3iftaeh^nc6e9 be b?oncben/fpetoe 9 a rall/tbatyencuettpfe: anutbat tljo;oto tbe f toeatoe/ tobvcbSI topll fenbe amonge jou. 3But tf tbe* topUnotteceaue tbe cuppe of tbl?banbe/9b;pnBeit/tbenteUtbem|bnP| t ^ botb tbeH07be of oftep tb^eatg pouwnfee %g$3j&amp; tt pe (bal/anb tbat o? 10/3 begtnne to plage tbe.cntpe/tbat mp name ijs geu? m to:tbpn(te ?e tben/tbat a topll leaue pou bn punpftebffe all notgo qupte.iff o? tob?/i callfo;aftoeatbebpon alltbeinbabptoutjJ oftbeeattb/fapetbtbe)Lo;bofboofte0. cbetf o;e tell tbem all t^efe to ojbes/ anb Cape bnto tbem : cbe Ho;oe (ball ctpe from joe 1. i..c. aboue/ ano lett bP* bopce be betoe 1 torn bps amos.i.a bol?babptacton.Wptbagteateno?fe (ball . be ctpe from bis couttc tcgall.^e (ball geue agteatebopce (ipftetbe grape gatbererp ) 9 tbe fofloe tbetof ftalbeberoe bntotbeenDtD of tbe too;loe. foi tbe %wb batba iubgmift to geue bpon all people/anb to pii boioe bp* r our t e of tuutce toptb all ftclb anb punpfbe tbebnuoWr/faietbtbel.o;be. . . $o?tbussfapetb $ JLo.Deof^odeutBe*^ bolbe/amiferabieplagelbailgoo from one 3et e m.o, peopletoanotber/anbagreateSo;mp toa* ter ftalarple from all tbeenbegof tbe eattb. anb tbe fame oape (ball tbe lorn b (m felfe dape tbe/f rom one enoe of tbe earn) to ano* tbet. cbeteu)allnomonebemabefo;enp oftbem/nonegatberebbp/noneburieb:but CttaUlpe auounge bpon tbe groun&amp;e. fiRourne( pe Q)epberbeS)9 crte:fp;inlle poure felue? tottbaf(beiS)pe rammegof^ tlocbe: f ojtbe tpme ofpoureflaugbterift ful ftlieb / anb pe (ball fall lpbebeWeonnpn alp mabe f 0; pleafure. Cbeftepbetbejsibalbauenotoapetofle/ IMttff* anbtberSmesj of tbeflocbelballnot efcape,

Cben all tbe (bepberaea crpe bo?riblp/anb tberammrgof tbe flocbeOiall mourn v. (at tbe TLo;be Q)allconfumetbetr pafture / anb rbetrbelt feioes fljalUpebeebbecaufe of tbe Bojtf We to;att) of tbe lLo?be.cbep all fo?* Caftetbeitfoloea ipse as a ipon: Jfo; tbelt Ianbe0(balbetoa(te/ becaufe oftbeto?atb oftbebeitroper/anbbecaufe of W femfull . fowgnacm



Cjcttmfe tsowi&amp;Hjt people to onwiibrmfut. &amp;7&lt;i when of (be JBjopbctcBauO J&amp;?ta(U8/ itymuftt to nios m triage accufto iw far tl)c Ibri n tea nn ftocreib/tbatbe bao.pwtbtgonljj tbe tower of Coo. albe tin a ts an o tbe people Oc Ijuer Jere i uy e&lt;aaapna tbttofUea of At fr;ta&lt;t * jfcopbeteg; after tbe c* ampWef b&gt;tauH)&gt;vbpcbbaooel]?uttrb flBicbtnb/ (bbaiip;rtsbfO tbe fame tbuigtBtbat Jtrtm; baa p;tacbfO.U/lib (be p/opQetcia 6?UiOof3tboahlm/ tomtit? tUlftt?Hefi2oe, be.m&gt;;.Cbapfer tbebegpnnpng of rtje tepgne of . geboafiimpfonne of |efiat) bras of Suba/cametbis too;atft8 toe J fco;be/ fapmge ; stytf fa^ctt) a e ^;6*t fctanbeln tbe coutteof fte jtotftf boufe/anofpeabebnto all tbem tobicbloutt of o)e cptit* of guoajeome to do too;awjpe in tbe )lo;DW boufe/alitbe tootfes tbat a comraafiDetbtto fape.&amp;ofie ^act^ou&amp;rpe betooiu* (mft e plage/tobfcbabaucoetetmeb to b;rnge *bnpe niMf bpon tbem/becaufe of Mete topcBco inucn* 8 b it net/ Dut umcponS. Sgf J'*aftWiJ5aiiaarttf)ou fpeafie bn&lt; Biwc4 tt: ana t0 tbem: ebu0 far etb tbe jLotfe; rf petopil Mtwn f|iuu notoberemf/totoalcfiemmplatoe0/tobfcb

ffiti*' 3bauegeuenpou/anbto beatetbe toojaes m.b.jtu^ J" f w/tPfjnBe top ejmrip/ an&amp; ttH rit-

ITlje $?op!jttp

fiER 1 Wnot folotoe tbem&lt; 3 rape) tftmtojuaDo totbrsboufe /ait qbpo bnto rebofau tbe people of tbe eatty. ainbtbe p?eatte s/ttje p?opDc tw trail {people bene mmwm tbefe toojaw/ mtbeboufe of tbe JLojoe. J&amp;ototobf bebabtposf outaH? too;be0/ tbattbe&amp;ojoeconunaunDcbbpm to puacb bnto m W peopie/tben f p;efte0 / tbe p;o* Pbetejt ano all ttjr people tobe boiae bpon bim/anDrapDestboufljaltbpe, feotoaatreS ^r ? bf f^olbe/ajs tofape (tttDe name of(e &lt;&amp;o;oitqianbappriuotwsbourea0ftb?&amp; fmtq&amp;nog;* uWertfefljalberotoalle/ \ nomaniballDtoelltbettrtf K . wib tnbett all the people toete gatbeteb aboute decern? in tbe boufe of tbe lo?D/ tbe p;ncrff of ?uoa betbe of tbi'0 mmoute/anb *" " " *mt* jtotece *.&gt; KBi li: EaEriTSKL"' "I"*?!**' 9 fettbebotone **rtwu tefo?e | netobojeof tbe fcojbe.ffibenfpafie te lie p;ettanb tfte pjopbetrs bnto f niters 3WBwa jio;tbptobfe/ fo;bebatb p;eacbea WW tbf0atfe/a0cesotit(eiufiaur{ietbetoft&amp; foute eawp. Chen fatbe gfetemfbnto tbt rulrrt ano coalitbe.t&gt;eopie:cbe%o;betiat{ircntmrto


r ~ ^F ft 'weaebaaafntttbteftoufeanbagasntt tbts tftie alt ft too;b0 tbat je baue betoe ,bet f o;e anient voutc toaw / anb route abut remeritefi/anb be obebientbnto tbebopte of 'tbejL-oaeijoiitecsobtfoqjallt&amp;e&amp;oHKte. pente of tbe plage/g bebaDbeu^eb agamft pou.^oto8Sfo;me:3!am tn route banbejj/ bo ttitb m eyas re tbrncbe tx peo lent a goob. lit tups (ball rebnotte: rf reputme to beatb/re ftalltnafier oute feiues/ tftis cptpe anballtbettibabftouts tberof/gpitfe of iw notent biouDe.jf o; ws tf of a tteutbttbafct &lt;s HwDeftatb fentmebntorott/ tofpeabea|Iat.t V tiJ i tbefc too;bes tn route eateg. Cben farDe U)e tulets anb tbe people bn to(bep;eae0anfip;opbete0:cbttntSntare not be conbemneb to beatb/fc; be ban) pjea* cbebbntobKftttbe name of Oje7Lo?Be oure ob.cbf ^Ibew alfo of t&amp;e lanae ttobe bp/ anb farbtbutf bnto allttje people : $9f cbeaft *'*.u tbefl0Mttb&lt;te/tob&lt;cb toass ap;opbetbnbet &lt;KeMab Bfngofiuoa/fpa&amp;e to all f people of juoa : cbuSfapetb tbe}Lo^ebf olle0:f d&gt;tonftalbeplob)ebnbeareloe/lfeturalemfl}((^94 Ibalbeanbeapeofftonetf/anbtbebrneftbe &amp;o;De0bouriujaibetamebtoanb?eb&gt;ob. ' rb !eftiab tbe &amp;rng of |uba 9 (bepeople of|ubaputbnntooeetbfo;tb&amp;'i9o bete&lt; if /but tatbetfeatebtbe jLo^be/ a maae turn P;aretbntobftn.jfo?tbttob(cbcaufealfo5 'r Jlo w tepenteb of tbe Plage/ 1 bebabbeur* febagapitd tbem, &amp; buloe tot tben bo focb a fbameruli bene agapntt oute foules : ctjerc toa0ap;opbeteaifo/tbatp;eacbebarflr fit ?nameoftbe)Lo;ije/calleb9nabn)efonne ' '* of*emetabofcattatb&lt;atmi.tbfeniap;ea# cbeb alfo agamatbr? cltfeanbagarnfttlftf tonoe /acco?bpnge to all a0f etempfaretb. bpnge toent about to aape mM e.m.titx petceaueatbat/be toauaftsteb/afieb/ mw%T ' pattebtntotfgrpte.

M Cbengseboaftim tift fiptigfentfetuafiwjj fn to tbe lanbe of tjgppte, ^attitip:dnatban $ronneor3Dtbabo;;anbcettarnenientoftB btjnmtocgrpte/tobfcb fetcbeb w?(ab oute of&lt;gppt/fb/ouBbtbimbntofepnggtboa* * ^toitbtbeftoewbeyteail W$lpeb ie peopieto b'eOarner' 7 "" "^ BIWft * ViJttmttiamttovmtaititmmtoUhil^vttnf m bondcetotqr lpn fl f 8f3uo^.26(. |&amp; lpn0(6tottfnpt/totfcbp tb^ftce (An became fubyctt8bntofiatuc8ootibfe;. Jetoir*

nun t wv ww viii mi WjiDeebbobr ftitotbe content* 5Sut3bi6amt&amp;efonneof&amp;

: m

P;op1)ttt, Cfcbcwbi/.c&amp;flpfe*,


tpebegrnnpngeoftbeteigneof leboabimf fonne of Joftab bpng of iuba/came tbte to o?oe bntoie 'unit ftom n)e )lo;oe/b)btcb fpafte ttu0 bnto me:g@a6et&amp;ebonDe0 acbapnes/ a put tbem about tbp n ecft/ a f enbe tbem to

tbe Stpge of (bom/ n)e %rnge of f^oab/ tbeftrnge of ammon/tbeftpngeof Cu0/ anb to tbe apns e of $&gt;roon-.anD tbat br tbe meoaunget*/ tobpeb (ball come to ? etufa lent bnto ^eoe&amp;fab tbe rnge of tuba/ anb brb tbem fare bnf o tbett maaets: cbu0 raretb tbe Hone of i^oaes tbed^ob of %u tael/ fpeabe tbus bnto pout mattet0 : 9 am be tbatmaoe Git eattb / tbe men/a tbe catell tbat ate bpon tbe gtounoe/ toptbmrgteate potoet ana out Otetcbeb atme/a baue geuen tt bnto tobom 1 1 pleaf eb me.a no nob) to pll % ictkflaftt. y.a belpuet all tbefeianbes into potoet of J9a* suoicum.ra bucbobonofo; tbe firngeof abplon/m? VS^mu (etuaunt.cbebeaae0aifooftbe felDefljaii 5SSrSb4.a geue brtn to do bpm fctupce. 3Bnb all peo* jwmfc fleAb pie all fetue bpm/ an&amp;brs fonne / anbbW t?fBi9.a,ii.(bltte3 cbtUwen/bntplltbe tpme of tbe fame Wbt be eomealfo:reemanp people a gteate Simge0 (ball feme bvm. S^ojeouet /tbat people anb ftpngfiome tcbpcb topll not feme j3abucbobonofo?/anD tbat topil not put tbeitnecBes bnwtft pocb of tbe fipnge of abplon: m fame people topli ^Q bpf et torn) tbe Ctaieatbe / topn) bon &gt; bet/toptb peftplence/ bntpll J: baue conftw raebtbemntbp0banbe0/fapetb tbe)lo?ae, anb tbetfwe foiotoe not route J&amp;?opbete0/ fotbefapets/ejpounbets of Djeames/cbar. metsana toptcbes/tobpeb tape bnto potupe Own not feme tbe firnge of tfabpion. fot ttep pjeacbepoulrt0:tob;pnge pou facte ftom pouteianbe/anbtbatlmfgbtcadpou out/ anb DeCttope pou. jsut t^t people tbat put t beit necfies biuret tbe pocB of tt)e &amp;rng of56abplon/anDfetuebpm/tbofe3!topHlet temapne aril intbeltabine ianbe(fapetb ^it Ho;be)anb tbep all occuppe it / anp ato ell

tbetin. vtncttWffr 3Blltbefetbpnge0 toloeli 5ebefiiab (He sRM^Mvx. up, ge of ^uba/anbfapbe: Putpout necbe0 bnbettbe pocb of tbe ftpnge of tfabplon / a femebrm a bPSpeople /tbatpemapelpue. robptoplttbouanbtbppeople petpojtoptb tbeftoeatoe/toptbbonget/toptb peftplence: lrbea0tbeXo2bebatt)b.eurfebfo;ailpeo pie/tbat topll not feme ftje bpnge of abp - _, a lon?cbetfo?egeuenoeatebntotbofe$/0' IS*lh* Pbete0( tbat tell pou? 7e an notfetuetbe jut**** if^gj ofTSabjion ( ( 0Z tbep p;eacbe pou lre0/necbetbaue|fenttb^&lt;aretbtbe)lo;b: SotobcittbepatebolDe/falfelptop;opbecre imp name: tbat gi mpgbttbefoonttMpue pou CHt/anbtbatrenngbtpetplbtoptb pout

M %ttwpt



p;eacbet0.3i fpafit totbe^?tfte0 alfo/ m\fm to an tbe people : cbus raretb tbe KLo?be: Ideate nottbebJo?bes of tboft^opbetes/ n)atp?eacbe bnto pou/ afape:3Bebolbe/tbe *:*w ft ia *oeQfel0 of tbe toMfi boufe (ball wtiPtettit^fc lie be b;ougbt bPtbet agaphe ftom JSabpiotv. &amp;! m totu ifo? tbep p;opbecpe lr0 bnto rou.ffleaie tbe , cfll ? c 2 nton ?l. not/but feme tbe ftpngeof ffiabplon / t&amp;at tou&amp;3C(0,l,a&amp; pe mape lpue.iiabetfo;e topll re mane tbf cftpejtobe oetttopebf^jButrftber bettue ^opbetest'nbetp beae/anorftbetoo?ae of , j** u( * f tbe %om be commptteb bnto tbem/ u)en let ffi * w tbep;ape tbe jLo?a of boftes/^ tbe temnafltSffiJ-.%e Oftbeo;nam!te0( tobpebavein tbeijoufeof true pwiw tbe jto^e/atemapnepetm tbe boufe of tbe fw ao two as fipnge of auba anbat jeturalemjUe not ca-*f,"" ' tSSt

ttebtoffiabrlonalfo.jro;tbu0bat^tbe/lo;oa f fl tt nt ^ e 1 of booftes fpoben concempnge tbe pplers/ unsmice ttjac tbe tenet/ tbe feate anb tbe tefpbtte of tbe 0?* 00 t^ate * namentes tbat pet temarne intbpscptpe /,""' ; ut ^ tobpeb jpabucbobonofw tbe fipnge of Td&amp;4%lSS* bilontofie not / tobenbe catreo atoare Je= M toe &gt; icane to ebon tab tbe fonne of $eboafifm fipnge of iv * poetic Quba / tortbailft)e potoet of^uba anb eeiw*eftm# tufalem / ftom amfelem bnto tfabplori/?,!' l'^L'" c _ captpuf. .&amp;; y ee tbu0 batb tbe )Lo?be pf booftes G\t Ob of |ftaell fpofien/ as touebpnge fljete* |&amp;II . _ fpbue ottbe o/namf tes of tbeHo#e0 boufe ' T of tbe fipnge of gubaes boufe / anb of fern* falem: cbep&lt;balbecatrebbiitoabplon/ anb tbete tbep (ball temapne/ bntpll % bpfet tfiem fapetbtbe jlofle.cben topll g b^nge tbem bptbec agapne . SGnb tbP3 toa0 Done in tbt fame reate : euen in tbe begptmpnge of tbe teigne of 3e&amp;efiiab fipnge of gjuba. CCf)efat(&lt;)a;opQec;ofbananfab(6e|d;9ptictr. jetempctbttoetl) t^attbe pjopbeeye of feanantob, tt ra((e/b;t^erample of tbe otbec |D;opbete0.Q&lt; being infpiccooft^E.o:octcp;ouetU bananta()/pjop|)P' fhsefyvoeatb. Ccbe.ttb/,baptet. m in tbe tbe fouttb reate of tbe* rapgne of 3eoefiiab fipnge of^fus Da / in tbe fpftb fl^onetb / at bap* _ Ipeneb/tbat^anamabtbefonneof aiOut fl)e p;opbet of abaon/f pan e to me in fte boufe of tbe JL-o?De/in tbe p;efence of tbe p;efte0 ano of all tbe people /a fapoe . cbu0 fapetbtbe ^o?ae of booties tbe (Sod of gr taellij ^aut bjofien tbe pocfi of tbe binge of J3ab i ion/ ana after t to reate tofll 1 b;pnge agapne in to tbt'S place / all tbe ojnamen te0 of tbe lo;De0 boufe / tbat $abucb obonofo? fipnge of ffiabplon catpeoatoape ftomtbp0 place bnto ffiabilS.Fee 1 toil b?inge agapne jecboniaft tbe (onne of qieboaftim tbe lipng of guaa bimfelf / toptb all $ p;efonet0 of %u m tbat ate cat tea bnto ftabilon leuen in to

tbigptece/fapetb tbttotMn% ttplbjeafte c.ii, tbe pocb

I* .

* *.

tl)t S?opljp

%bt captmpttt ofllitaeu , -. - v. m # KJCfwfi of tbeWHgof JBabplon. ana alttbepeopie / toBoni flabutbcbonoro; bentbepjopbet gerempgaueanftoete

\ i

bntotbep;opbcte9aiianfab/befo;etbep;e ue0 $Mo}t al tbepeopie t^attoere p?cfent tntbt boufe ofttjt Ho;oe3no p;op03:e* tempfapbe:aimen/tbejUi;bDo fc /agraunte tbe rt)tnge/tebtcb ttjou baft p;opbecieD:tbat be mape b;pnge aga ptic all tbe cjna m en teg of Qe jl.o;dc0 boufe/ ana refto;e all tf&gt;e p;e loner? from iBabil'on in to n)e plate. #euer* tbeW/bet&amp;en ttjou airo/toba 1 3 toil rape g t&amp;ou aallftpeopiemape&amp;earetcbe p;opbe= ttat toere befo/e 00 m tpmf0 paft / totjpcb Wopbeefeb of toatre/o; trouble/ 0; pe ft liece etber of peace/bponmanpnac&lt;on0 9 sreate lungbonfytoetep^ucb bp rbtt( pf 00 bab fcnbetbfmbetpbebe)tobentbecbpngecamc topaW/toBicbtbatp;opbettolbebefo;e. ff 3iib$aiiamabtbep;opbcttofiefccbapne ftom $* p;opuet 3!er emjesi necft / b;a&amp;c it SwwS T ano tottbtbat tapbe i^anantab / tbat ail tbe

jeoplempgbtbeate: bu0 batb the %vbt &gt;o6en-.&lt;uenfotopil3 b;eafte tbep ocs of . jab ucbobon of 0; fit n ge of 8 a bflon / ft S tbe necft of all nacfou0/pee 9 i toit&amp;intbt0 (too teate.ainbfo tbep;opbet3ewmptoetebP0 toapc .oto after t&amp;atl&amp;ananiab $p;op&amp;et bab fatten tbe c^asne from p?opbet3,ere&gt; mieg necft/ anBb;o6mtt:Cbetoo;beoftbe ftoflecamebntofcpjopbetfetempfaiege: &lt;Bo/anbteni)ananwbtbefetoo;be0-.&amp;u0 B fape#i&amp;e&amp;o;b:goubattb;ofietbecbatae ^ of tooo/but to aeaoe oftoobtbou ttjaltmabe

bab ieo tonto j&amp;abplon (after tbat rente that ftpngaecbontab/ano big uene/yftfc&amp;ani* tyclapric* tbe prince? of Suoa 9 ?et ufaiem tbe too;cftmaUer0 of Smitolem toere be* parted tbftbet. tffibpcb lettre &lt;iara&amp;.u)e tonne of feapbananb (samari'ab tbe tonne of fcelftiabjbpb beatc/tobom 3eWBiabt&amp;e binge of juoa ten t bnto abplon to J5a bu* cbobonofo; tbefivng of abplon:t&amp;efc toere,tbetoo;be0of3!eremie0 autre: ? " eb0 batb tbe kozbe of booflcs tbe Oo&amp; of Jftaeifpobe bnto all tije p;efoner0 / tbat toere ieo fr5 jer u rale bnto IBabilon: bupioepou boufes to btoell tbe tin : plan te p ou gar* bens/ tbat pe map ent'ope tbe fruetesf tberof: tafte pou topiiest / to beate pou ronneff anb baiigbtet:p;oupoetopue0fo;poui;fonne0/ anbi &amp;utbonbt0 fo; poure Daughters / tbat) &gt; tbep mape get tonnes anb battgbterst/ a tbat pe mapemuitpplpe tbere.'/Lab wire not to br f c to e/bu c f ebe after peace anb p?o fperite of,* tbe eitfe /toberi'n pe be p/efoncw/s p^pe* bnto obfo;it.jfo; to tbe peace tberof/ibal pout peace be. &lt;JFo; tbu0 fa petb the JU;oe of boft C0 t&amp;e ob of % fraei art not tbofe p;op!)cte0 anb fot&amp;fe pew tbat be amonge pou bifceaiie pou: beleue not poure atone b?ea *** w* me0.^o;tobpytbepp;eacb.poulpe0inmp*KS


name/ anb $ Baue not fenttbemjapctbjbetiipngcgfcijj Hoibt. i$tt*tttS&amp;

38ut tbussfaf etb tbe )Lo;bet tben pe baue *' }p v nwu/um mi u wu* wi ivwivxu w ...u* fulfilleb.lw pearc at JBabilon/31 tob;ing JS^aS cbapnes of won.tfo? cbufS faietbtbe )Lo?b of pou borne / a of ropneatottegoobnep g! topll atu t %v &lt;** faooQeg tbe ob of ifraebl topllput a pocb carle pou bt tber agapne bnto tbte plac ebo; me to mm 31 bnotoe tobatjbaue oeupftb fo; pou faietb 3" 'W i&gt;? " tbexojbe. ^ptbougbtejt aretogeuepouW^y peace / anottrouble( tobpcbl gette pou allSmSntorite rebie)pe migbtbaue ijope agapne.y e Qjaluitt/ ano p't ctfebntome/peftallgoacaUbponme/ i%xnu tbaa 0)albearepou.fe(baHfeRenieafpnbeme/^. w"# yee/pffobegpefebemettpourtobole&amp;ert/X, "SL, 3i toil be foObe of pou {fate t b 5 %VM toil ce= $ H t,hi tut ' Ipuerpou out of p;efon/ agatber pou toge cue pmw tbetagapneoiitofailplac5,tobereinlbaue^eao;^ fcatreb pou ffaietb the jLo?be : 9 topi! b;pnge^"M"g pou agapne to tbe fame place/ from tofcence Z^wttimtt; 31 caufeb pou to be catieb atoape captpue. vi ttic fai*

of p^nbpon tbe necli of all tbps people / 1 tbep mape feme jQabucbobonofo; tbe bpnge of abilon/peea fo Ojal tbepbo.3nb3| toill gene bim tbe beatteu in? felbe.cbrn fapbe Vto$)t 1 3'ere mpbnto $ p;opbet ^anantab; 9earente(3I p;ape )$ananfab:be}l,o;D batb not rent tb e /but tb ou b;(ngeS tb 10 peo pleintoa falfebelefe, anb tber fo;c tbu faterb tbe )Lo;be:bebolbe/31 toill fenbe out oftbelanbe/atoitbin apearetboulbaltbpe becaufetboubadfalfelpfpobenagapna lo;be. o ^ananfab tbrp;opbetbptbtbe famepeate in tbefeucntb ^onetb.

jsut tobere a0 pe tape/ tbat


CSbt p?ait of jctemw rent tnto tijnn tbat twee rapfeb poubp p?opbete0 at jSabilo

n : cbu?

fttlt M |*. y H &gt;9 . w &gt;-- r . r -~-", "*- k ..... ab{ If B t buO 4tbiMiicWoftbi^anbortbe'ivb ^Kf"bintbeBoof5aujb/anbM^ Jt rt mapiwa m 3c ruralcm. 0( tl^jta tene tM. Jpio c tee tbat ft fcu t to ebe ptoptr. (tbe btatb of fee*

.capijuytpcafttr.itj'.jfatcB. ^pjophe .HWtffon oftbe fcjnge antiof tbe propl jat rcma? mo tn gecufatem. bt t lca tene t bj. Jp !0/ .ijctee tbat febuttotbe people. &lt;ET nwtab tbe jQcbclampte is pjopbe tjeti ccbe.wtr.rbapter. t'0 10 tbe (Topic of lettre /(but jeremp tbe p;opbet few fwhi^e* nitaiem bnto tbe p;efoner0 -. tbe &amp;enatouw/p;eQe'0 / wPbttW

people tbat btoenintbft citie/poute b;etb;?*&gt;e m * tbat are notgone toptb pou in to captpupte) Sfsffi bu0(| tape) fpeauetb the %ojb of boottep: a^jfSS $ebolbe/3topllfenbea ftoeatbe/bongevamocbet lausb pettiiencebpon tbem/anbtopHmafietbem to jjw" lifiebntpmelpfpge0/tbatmapenotbeeaten^"ffi fo; bftteme? Jnb? toil pnttrut e n)em tftb ,* !ui tbtftotarbe/toftblorigetabfatb. eavesntoiu.

nflftMl* - - *^ SbjpnbelpttettbembptoboBejcebbfal^ . .:.. ;- Btogboine0/tobrcufeb/abbb;teD/latigbtb to fco;ne/anbputto confufpon of all fl&gt;e people/amongetobom3ibauefcattebtbe:! tbat becaufe ttiepbauenot bene obebpetbn to mp eommaunbementeis ( fapetb t %oibt) tobpeb 31 vent bnto tb em bp mp f er liaun teft

f p;opf etejJ.3! Qobebp eatlp/ anbfrnt bnto tbem/ but tbep tooibe not beate/ fapetb tbe Bvo;oe.$ ea re tber fw tb e too;be of i.o;b/ all pep;efonew/tobomjfent from femfa*. lem bnto lb abplon : cbus batb tbe %om of BooBeistbe&lt;Bobof 3ftaell fpofien/of 2bab tbefonne of Colafab /anbof occefiiab tbe fonneof #aafiab / tobpeb p;opbecpe Ifcjs *) bnto pou mmpname:&amp;olbe/3S. topll belp* uer tbem in to tbe banbe of jSabucbcbono* Co; tbe bpng of 35abpion/ tbatbtmapeaape tbem befo;e poure epeiJ.3nbai i wefonens of juba tbat are in iSabpion/ftall tafte bpfi tbem tbp? terme of airfpnge/anbfape: goto 00b bo bnto tb e / as be bpb bnto 3eoettab anb 3ibab / tobotn tbe itpnge of s3ab plott rofteb in gfp;e/becaufe tbep fpnneb Qiame* funpmSftaeH. 5?o; tbep baue notonelpuefflebtbrttnegb* ranv topuejs/but alto pjeacbebtteng too;bs ftimpname /tobpeb^bauenot eommaun* beb tbem.bW3! tefttfie/a aflure/ ttriefytbt )Lo;b.J5uta0fo;Sbemefabtbej5ebelamt.te tbouOiattfpeaBebntobpi''Cbu0faietbtbe %ojb of booaess tbe'esob of 35ttaeijiBeeau Aftboubaafealeblettresbnbertbpname/bn* to aD tbe people tbattt at fetufalem / anb to&amp;opboniabtbefotmeofti$aafaib$P?eQ; peeanbfenttbemtoalltbep;eae0:toberem tbouto^tefttbu0bntobim:cbe^o?bf batb o;a eneb tbe to be p;e ft in Qeabe of 3 eb oiaba jmi .*t.a tbe p;eft / tbat thou flmlbeft be tbe cbefein Ji*i* t&amp;e boufe of tbe %om about all p^opbe Ml anb weacbn* / anb tbat tbou 'mpgbtett put tbemmp;eron/o;fotbe&amp;oct0,9otobap* penetbft tben/tbattboubaft notwp;oueb q-erempofanatbotb/tobpcbneucrleauetb ofbP*p?opbecprns.8nbbefpbealitbP*/&amp;*

bath fentbStoo;be bnto ffiabplon/anbtolbe Mplanrtp/ tbat oure captpupte (ball longe enbure: tbat toe ffiuloc buplbe b0 bouff to DtotlMerin/anbtoptanteWgatbeniMbat toempgbt emopetbe frutetf tbetof . bpb lettre @.opbonfab tbe p;eftbpbrebe/ anb let 9ettmptbep;opbetbeatett. Cben cantetbe tooflw of tbe Ho^iebnto atemp/fapenge:$benbetooctoailem IrmiMM. tbat beta captpupte/ ontbP*man:cbug batbtbeXo;bf|6Wcacewmge&amp;emeWB * j&amp;ebelamitc : jjecaufe i ^emeiab ban? i. pjopbecpebbnto pou toptjout &lt;mgW* ... - fpon/3b?ouBbtpouintoafaIfebope/tber*

' * \

* &lt;

*^ j

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w # "^ I * t boibe/3 topibiret g&gt;emeiab? fiebelamfte/ anb bP0 few :fo -tftat none of M Jball re* niapne amonge tbt'0 people/anbnone of tbe fljailft tbegoob/tbat^toillbo fo; tb&lt;?peo* pie/faietbtbeB,o;be, lfb;bebatbf?eacbeij falfelpoftbeio;be. .

|rEbe refoutneof tbe people f com abptottc _^ bpbps cbaflcnpna ftettctb tbat tbe ptopJettf?nfuU. tgpbe Otftcutc jon of ttje entmSes of Jfcaet. .. fbe.]t)*.eapt. . ... efeatetbe too;bf0/tbat TLojbt35 jetoeb bnto g i ) eremp / fapenge; WW faietbtbe)Lo;beffiob of -Jf* ^_-^Jraell : B0;pte bp bptf gentlp all tbe too?be0 / tbat 31 baue fpofien bntotbe / in a bofie . m lo / tbetpmeconmtetb(fapetb tbe 'jt&lt;o;be)tbat3totllb^ngeagapnetbepiefo. .. newofmppe'opleof3ftaeianb3uba/fafetft tbe %ojbc. jfo; 3!. topll reBo;e tbem bnto tbelanoe/tbatggauetatbea fatbev3 /anb tbep all baue it in poaeffpon. Jgapne/tbetetto;be0 fpabetbe ttmi concetnpnge gfratl anb^uba-.cbu? fapetb f )Lo;tr.iebeate atertible crpe/feare 9 o&lt;f ; quietneflie.iJf 0; tobat e botb tb ugnp fie/ tbat-3fWj9amelp/^ aUftrongemenfmpte/ euerpmanbptfbanbebpon bp0lopnj/a0a tooman in tbe papne of bet trauapie. bo euetfatoeaman trauapletot'tbcbPioe'&lt;ti' 3{Kms ,t(a i s quetetbetaftet/afe.yeealltbe&lt;rface0are j f " maruelouapale. - . . . Sla0 f 0; tb 10 bape/tobpeb is fd b; ebe full / tbat n ot te mape be ipc&amp;eneb bnto it-.anb ala0 fo; tbe tpnte of 3!acob3 trouble /from tbe tobtebbe lbalipetbebeipiiereb.4fo;m tbat^ bape/fapetb tbe jLo;be/31 topll tafte bi? pocft from of tbp necft/^i b;eafte tbp bonbf p.cbep ftaIlnomo;e ferue ttraunge obbeg bnber bpm / but tbep (ball bo ft rupee bnto 00 tbertiiLo;be/ato3Bauibtbeirpng/tobom * . ^ atoplltapfebpbntotbem.*3Bnb aafo; tbe/^f/S tf) mp feruaunt3!acob/feare not(f apetb tbe jecemt. u ?Lofli)anbbenot afrapeo/i!)3tral. 4To;/lo gitopllbelpetbealfo ftomfarte/? tbpfebe Romtbeiattbeoftbettcaptpupte. , 3Bnb31acobftaMturneagapne/be walbe fntett/anbbaue apMP?ll?K/anb no

man QiaUmafiebimafrapeb.iJf 0; % am toit^ tbe /to beipt tbe/fapetb tbe Wfl** *nb tbougbi ajanbelfeope an ft people/ araSge tobomaWuefwtbe/pettopIl3!notbe^ topetbe/butconecfitetbe/anbtbaf toptb bpfcreepon.!ffo;^ftnotoe/tbattbouartinn topfetoptboutfaute. ttttrfe* tbug gffgJ^fe lbe)lo;be%amfo WltbpbntteanBtooa' "JJJ * w be0.4bere i0 no mS to meble toitb ibF caufe: J nuM o;tbbpnbebp tbptoounbf0: were mape no ail t^s louer* ^fluefo?8n#/^ et,u), caw

^ .

flcwellttwfte/anacbaaeneatoetougblptf tesa ra8iwi W rv-,Zi^ 322ESHL5 jew. t(ff.B. toatto;toemuitptuaeof topmptoeoe* / fo; toprpnnesbaueoaotbe ouerbanoe. iOljp nwfieft toou monefo; top ftarm^ | mp feie bane ppte of tbpfojotoe/ but fo;tbe multp* tuDeoftopmpfaeawafsnneji/fbaueaone tfjtgs bntotfje. ?w.5At.rf.6. 3nD^erfo;cfliiftept56uouw^e/ albeaeuoutto/anaaU tome eriempea at be lea to to capttoite,aiii toep tm t mafic toe : toafte/ tyalbe toadeo toem feme* : ana all ttofettatrobbetoe/topligimafiealtotobe - Mbbea.tfo;3totiigeuettoPbealtoagapnc , gnu mafic tor toounae* tobolc/tepeto foe Jlojae :becaufe toep reujlea toe / a? one cad ^atoapeanaaifppfeo/ &amp;pon . timr.wM. .J ? toitofapctt toe n,o;De:Eeboiae ; %

toilirettbp3acob*tente0 agapne / anoai' fenaefito btocifings piace.cbe cptpe t&amp;aibe buploeom Dec oloeettate / ? tbeboute* (bail Baue toeirrpg&amp;tfounaacpon. Stria out of toe toaltgo tbanfielgeupnge /-ana toe bopec or tope. itoffltnttftfolpetoemvanatoeptyalnot mrnf(be:31lbaiJenauetoemtoptobonoure/ ana no man (bail fubflue rbem . Cbew e&amp;pl. torn tyalbe a? a f o;e tpme/ana toeic cong re gacfon (ball contpnuc m mp fig&amp;t . 3no all tbofe toatbere wem/iomabpfttt. 3 captapne alto (ball come of t&amp;em /ana apjpnce flrallfp;pnge one from toe mpaoeft pftbemibtmtowacbaiengetompfeif/aiia be all come bnto me. # 0; tubat 10 be/ t&amp;at geuetoouerbto&amp;erttocomebncomeifatet&amp; t 9 c &amp;&amp;* . ye fbalbe nip people alto/anai *rtuu.f. toplbe jautetfoa. Beboiae/ on toe office 22"***** c *ae ail ffie to;at&amp; of toe Hozae b;eafte out ww a$ a ttomip toater/aisa mpgfjtpe tobp;lc topnae: ana (ban fall bpon toe&amp;eaoeiSoftbc bhgoolp, . . Cbe terrpble apfpleafureoftoe %om Ipan not leaue of / bntpll bebatie bone / anb a Wfcw^M?!"*** "WW of&amp;p* fierce /tobpeb kc uvf m mtoe*iattetaape0 pefljail bnaer&amp;anae. toijattutp f( B att&amp;efametpmeifafetbtoeilojb) foal 7 be




, V



.j^piotfji mty tm tb eppopic of Jfcaet (Ml* rr* Oojc&amp;aaaptie&amp;iuo tbefr $ofprsf tw. fltoUetucnrti from fenm to tfie gpft of &lt;&amp;&lt;*. Che Uwft of fatf [0pp&amp;rcpf&amp;.aHtftetopc6OHiall ftpm t&amp;cjnic# tnnM.ttfc ncto fCcOament and coucnaunte 10 p:o^ jbecpcO^beTC^Wcnacctauaijcaaftmflcucfoffbe witter fl)UKffnneflfta(irolf mptecft/ih3(tbep JiHnot oiw* Ut thoue&amp;t on. 0o&amp; pzom-fe (Q th at f,? ttBUatflfWflWj, ttfclmflflpnaeajiapiirof




' J

0f5ftaeltobicbetoappfbmtopl-jDnw.^,ii betnejiftom tbe ftoeatoe j. founoe .____gracetocomcln to tbcttteft, due" to(bailffie)lo;be note alfoapeate bnto me from torn/ mjm lew tbe&amp;pffi an euet* (6 .,,. laarngeloue/ffiei:to;cbo3!fp;ebempmetcp ? ^f* befo;e ffic ; 3 topll iepap;e tbe agapne ( ttjouuaug&amp;ter ofSCtaeintbactljou mapeft befadanotote.cboutoaittairetbptab^f te0agapne/anDgofo;tbteitbffiem/t&amp;atle&amp;e tbeoauncc. Cbo u (baltplante bpnetfagapnebpon tbebplle? of gtamavfa / anb ffiegrapesa' toeretjuftallpiante/anbfpnge. 3inD toben it &lt;s tpme /ffie tnatcb men bpo &lt;&amp;# tbe mount of pbwim (ball pe:3iife/iett b3go bpbnto aron to oute j/o;de ob/to; tbus fapeffi tbe 7L.o;qe: JBeiopt e toltb glatinr 25

becaufeoflacob/ctpebntoffiebeao of tbe (Eientileis: fpeafie mit/ Cpnge/nnb fape: cbe )Lo;De (ball beipuet bfe peopie/ffie temnafit of3.ftaell/anbmafictbemtoboie.^eboloe/ 9! topll b?pngetbem agapnetoom out of tbe no;ffiianoe/anbgatbertbemfi;omtbecnbe{( oftbebio;lDe/toptbtbebIinbeanblametbae areamongeffiem/toptb tbetoemenffiatbe gteatctoptbcbplDc/anbtocbagbealtoiielp* ueteD-.atbecompanpofffiem ffiatcomea* gapne/iballbegteate. . bepbtpattebfrombencemBewpneu/ but toptb iope toplli b?pnge tb em bb * gapne.a tolll leoe tbem bp tbe rpueru of tea* term a tttapgbt toape/ tobere tbe? wall not aombie;flty 3 topll befftaeisfatbec /ana ItffitfS Pb;atm(balbemv fp?fbome. ~'^^"% ^eateffie too;ae of tbejLo;oe/ w* t OMh toe HW/ tbat Ipefaere of/ 9 fapc:betbatbatbfcattebgrrraH/walgatbef U mi togetbe; agapne ana wall fiepe bpmatf aftepbetoeaotbbpsJflocfie. jtatbeiUibc toaitebemeaacob/atpabimftomtbtbanae of ffiebpolent . 3Cna tbep Iballcome / anatetopee bpon tbe bpll of &gt;pon / ana roall^aue pientcoutoes of gooae* / mbptb toe fcoiae wallgeuctoey9ameip/tobeate;topne/ople/ yongetoepe t caluejj . inatoeft conftpencj toaibeas a toell toatrea gataen/tot ftep toal nomo/e be bongrpe. cbenroaltoemapoewlopcetotoe baOceC pee botl) ponge ana olbe f 01 hep . f 02 1 top 1 1 tutnetbeft fo^otolnto glaaneae/ ana topll comfo;tetoemanamaftetbemtopfuii/euen ftom toeftbwteis. ftopii pouteplenteoumt bpon toe beweis of toe peefle0 / anarap peo PleDjaibefatirfpeattgooatopngoJ/fapeto rbe^ojoe. Wf glrtbtoejLo?ae :* cbebopce of ^ mm tt

tom*J toeppngeanatementacpoa came USi,

* totfflitoitoMI anb tobtae not- W eomtojteo becaufetoeptoeteattapei. . ... . $ut note fapttb tbe ' jl djb'e: leaue of from toeppnge ana ct|enge/topft)oiae tbpne epes ftom teareg / fo? topiaboute toatbetetoae beo/fap et b tbe U.o;a t . 3na to e p (ball come agapne out of toe lance of -tacit cnttop'tiJ: fttmtn ton pofte w'te (ball DauC cbnfotacia tn tb W ( topeto tbe JLojae ) toat top topiajeri Qtatt cflme agapne to to toeft atone iatioe. . #o?ouec 3 ljetacc2pb?apm / tbattoa? tea atoape captpue/complaphe oh top ma&gt; tmnDiiofw/ toottbaft co;tecttme / atop cba&amp;enpnge bane 3! teceauea /essan bn&lt; tamcacalfe.Conttette tftou me/anagi fljalbe conuettea/f ot tooit att mp %ow oas f ee as foone m tooutumettme/1 OialltefdUt* , ^memi?felf:anatobenpnaciiaanoe/l.Qfan .,_. AfH *f/*fmptebponmptoS^* ilfo;bereWabaue fcps tSSI commsttcD OJamefail topnge* itomme St m me, V ouffi beate tote tep?ofe ana conf itfpon, ft.*- niMtictt) capon to ps coplapnte; J tljdugbt tbug am ttbm t( bpmv felft ifi not iEpb^apm mp Dear e tonnes mXA IPbenottoecbilae/toptb toijomabauebaa BfBgs/Oc ^ a nallmp;toanapaapme t m fence toetpmc conKtowpcii/ tbat jfirtt commeneatoitbbim/3 1 bauebim SEH2 *iSf ' to temf b;aunc: toerfo?e mp betp bttte mn. topuibauemercpbponbim/toictb $ JUW&gt;. u* cape bo ettoetoatcbmen/PtoMpaeteacbeiisfo? tyt SS2S5S fetttoinei)Cttebpontopgbt toa?e/| toou Slhf WHlDeCtoaifie/anatuwe agapne (flD toou SSm /uj Iheaaugbterof^ftaeiptumeagapnetotbettc^ ffmjiffuae bftpcgi oftOpne. ^otolonge teflt tbousosi *wm fttt# arare/HD toou wzmfiittg aaugbtct^o? tbe ffiT B J5K 'kojae topi tootoe aneto mm bfon eartbi St th tub ^toomanfljallcompaffeaman. Mitrt a r * if 0; titusc fapeto toe ftojae of booflesi toe fepuej &lt;!Eiobofjfrael:3!ttoicometoto/tbattob^ ^!?.f3liaueb?ougbtg:uoaoutofcaptlu(te/toefe

iKSia^aeisibaiuebetae to toe lanae ana in bs ft$w fwfw c^WftflEW jto?ae/tobicbtotbetoKeb?pae fcniijeic tto gvome of tpgbtuoufneffe/maRe toe fruteful IHS&amp;FJP tooubolpbpllta'natoeteftai attend S3 X&amp;L &amp;a / ano all ber tm / tfte epberaeg ana o?m hV but banaemen i m % Wall feae toe&gt;ongr s e umesofffi(ti);fouieyrefi'cma}fapntebett(.iiabepetoe ^SUSA W$% eameagapne to mpWf/ ft muiea/lifie EaStt'S a0H baabenettafieaoutof aftoetedepe. SB i" )8cboiae(faietb toe jUto)e UW come/ p: ana romr toat9] will CGtoCtoe&amp;oufeo^ftoellanOtbe mwatWW ofguaa/topto mN toptocatett.7eeit * wife of aHcome toetto/toatltoeasJlbauegone ffr about in tpmeu paft to rote tof out/totcatre * v toem/tobzeafietoemaototte/toaefttopctoe ' anatoaftmtoemscuertto topiigjaitogoaf^ Kgentip aboutt/tb bttplae toem bp agapne: . . atopiantetoem/ll'etotoe)Lo?ae. . &amp;en fbaiiit nomo?ebe fapaettoe ratbwbaue eat? a totoergrape/^ g cbpia;^

teetoate fetf cn egW:fo?hKt? ohe fljauape to; u 10 atone mtraeeae/fo.toat tobo to eat e to afotoetgrape/btofeeto Qjalbefrt on eage.^ . 35eboiee/toe aaped come(fa?to %o m 3r 'toat J topi iiiafie a neto coueiiaunt tof to toe boufedf|fraeiatoitb?bbutebfi.iiaa:nbt after toecbuehaimitoatimaaetoptotoep?*^'J :bi ^ a ' fatoerii/toben'S tofie toembp toebaiiae/aha KSaf* lea toem out of toe lanae of iEgppte : tobpeb' ******

couenaunt toep b?afie/tobetfb?e|i&gt; toem fd;e/faeto toeHoiae : j3ut m&amp; (ball be toe couenaunt toat % top U mafi It tof to toe boufe of Sftael after toofebapeji/ top' etb tbe %om 1 J topll plahtempiatoein f intoatoe bartejl of toem / 9 to?pte ttfri toe(tbeite0/# tot'lbe tbeif (Soa/anS toep toatoemp peopfc ahaftomtoence to jtotoeiUrtbmti teatft W negbbotire 0.2 ijf btotoev/ana fape:fino&lt; toe tbe 31020c: isut toep (ball all finotoe ml

from toe lotoeft bnto toebesd /tape to toe tm e. 1 0? % topll f omeue toeir mptoeoeg/ anDtovllneueticmembie Mfptoiegehg mo?e.cbus rapetoto^TiojaeiD^ptosauef ftinne to bea iigbt to; toe aape/9 toe moone ana ftarte? to fljpne in tbenpgbtttobfto mo* ueto toe fee/ fa toat toefiotibegi tfjetoftoaye f ea wes bpg name v W fco;ae of bo fl eg. IpfieafitoWotopnauncelbalinetierbetafienoutofmpfpgntyfapetotoe)lo;ae: S&gt;a (baU tbe feae of ifraell iteutt ceaae/but all Myth* a people btto;emfc #otouer/toU0 fapetb toe tO2oe:Ipfiea0 (^ Ibe beauen aboue can notb e m eaf urea/ana as toe founaactomJ of toe carto benetb mate not be tottgbt out: s&gt;o topll 5 .alto not caft out toetobotereae of |rraei/fo; toat toe* baue commttt ea/f apetb' toe TLo;ae.55eb oiae toe a apes come tope to tbe jlo;ae/toat toe cf* te of toeH-o?be(halbe enlargeafrS toe totoje Of$ananeel/bntofgateoftoecd;nertoatl&lt; from tbtnee (ball toe rpgbt meafute MtMdUi lieu befo;e bet bnto toe &amp;pll tbppe'bf d&amp;a&lt; xwrigm** reb/ana mall come aboute aa to / ana toe toboiebaiiepoftbeaeeafiarcafe0/anaoftoe mti/% ail Ceremoto bnto toe b;ofie of ce b;on:ana from tbe nee bnto toe comer of toe bo;fgate totoatae toe &lt;gaft /tobere ais toe tanctuar^of tbeHotoe alfo Qiall be fet. na toben ittonotobupiDea/afetbp of toto fafOjpon ft (bail neuer be b;ofien/to);caft ftotone ani?mo;e CJc wms": iff cflfl m to pie fbnybccmtft ft c p ? opfi cc^li" t ifn e cfi e cplpe R)U 1 o c Oe (ntteu o f tfjc ftpnge of 06afap# lon.^p tfte ftib'tljat Jeccmp Wu'g^t at f|e cSniaon^ . fcemene Oftge lo;M/tf fpgnp%D aflat ttje peppte tWMMM agapne a tpc itf nvtute jMjfftfTpon a;6t ptt$k of 060 ace 0f0 femriflKjj^etf MW.|m &lt;za:o feare iood 10 (^ofief jj vf t,- 1 o tUpn't^C tbat fpnne tf Waj8W*ft|ucfc

- ^l


%\yt l^opljetj*


#efetooc$rpaBetbe:iio;bebn* bpneparbe*ae pofleaif&amp; agapne At pa v togetemp/t'nctenpeareof ianbe, oebebiab Bpnge of 31uba/ to&amp;pc&amp; $om toben? &amp;abDclpuerebeeupbencc , toag cjtbin. peace of #abucbo* bnto 28 arocbffonne of erfitt/9 befottgbt bonofoj/tobatt pme as e fip ng of jBabf* tbc ;HojDe/rapg:&gt; juwbe #00/ * ftttttou $pfteiapeo feagcbnK&gt;2erufaiem.;ut|e* at baft mabe beauen anb ear top p tempep;opbetetapebounbeinetSbutfe greatepotoeranDppearmf/an&amp;erefi$no' pftbfWrfbn/b*ftta0mtbe6pnBof|u' pngeto&amp;atbefo^e.cbouftetoeftmercp^ baWbMife:to^etf5e6fa^tf)e6pngof|u&lt; bpon oufan&amp;e*/outec3pencett tec itfcsgL . , oacaufeb Bpmtobelapeb/ becaufe be bab fiebne*ofefaet*;mtocbofoineofe"* ,w(, fo Wopbectetoftbtfmanct: cbu* fape e ebplb:enatcomeafterem. 25BHS4Iflfi588d^tf , ' | IH? *# * tfrflI ^bouart (be greateanb mpg&amp;tfe ob/ ^wto cbSbe*ofefipngeof jBabiion/tobtcft toborenamefee JUfleof fiofte*: gteatc nan ttfte tt .wtm Seaeftfep tbe Bpnge of in councell/anb foftnpte to tbougbt: cb pne i.^W a, l n ?* bc abrct0 efcfl P e tt,e al * c P eiS lofte W* all tbe tease* of t ncttfcttfl* ,,. bee*/butfurelpbealcometntoe bSbe* ojen/ to retoarbecuerp one aftecbtt toape/ ' * of tbe ipf oRSabllomtobf cb all fpeafie anb accoflpnge to tbe ftute* of bps tnuen Mtbwramoutbtoinowtb/anooneof em cpon*: fcboubaftbone greate to&amp;en* anb ,.,* W( ,. alpBeanoetmefaceJnb3fbe&amp;la&amp; toonDEW&lt;ntbelanDeof(g^t(a0toefetbftSf albe catfebbnto abflon / anbere dial! bape ) bpon tbe people of Jfraellanb bpon itp

v '** iiUt Bebe^ntintbetpmetbattWfetBlm/fatetft mafic? namegteat/aatti* tbe jlo Kftutvt outaBett fobSoe to Kgbt come to paffe fe base : cbou baft bjougw agaptft ? Catoee*/ou alt not p?ofpere. ? people of 3iftael out of tbeffib of cgppt/ r- 22 ? tum V fapbe:arbu0 ba tbe &amp;o;be top toftenss/toi toomye*/ tol a nugbtfe ipo6enbntome:i8eboloe/ananeeiSfonne banbe/topattreteboutcatmeanDtop ft Selum pne ncle* fame all come great e ten? blene* : ano baft geuen tbem


M $mtmfi

j?rri.a auilj.iiS.s.

bnto e/anb requ v?e eto tebeme la noe/ atlpe Dnatbo bntotbpftife: fo^Ug teafonoffipnteDtt#ppartetoreDemettV itum.*^ anb to bpe it out. $um.wiM. anb fo ananeeimpne fancies fonne came foment {fcourteof f&gt;p?efon (accojopnge to tuetoojoeofejU&gt;;be) anbfopbe bnto me: tfpempianb($p?a?ee)atlpem3ina tbotbmtbecootteoe tfengfamimfojbpbe* tetageoubattrigbttoiotoftftoutfo?p fclfe/tbetfojerebemeit.cbenljperceaueb/ tbat i* toaatbe cSmaunoemene of 3 iLojb/ anb fogi lotofc b e lanbe from ^ananeei of 30nao / mpne nclcs tonne/ anb tnepeb bf ra tsete tbemonefeieutn feuen Cgclea-/ 9 ten ftfuer pen*. 31 caufebbimarfoto mafiemea to;nttmg/ anb to reale it /am calleb reco;Qe tbecbpy ^ atoepebbfmtbete monepbp5&amp;toa(gbteiJ. C S&gt;o|toBetbeeu;bfceb)(t&amp;tbecop(e{tben

ft toass ojberlp fealeb anbeeb ouet ) a % gaue tbeeupbencebnto satucb tbe Comte of 1-. tfab Sfonneof #aaftabmtbefpgbtofa&lt; naneei mpcofen/amPKfence.oftbetBPt* necre0/tbatbenameb(ntbeeupoence/9 be* fo;eall tbegetoe* tbat toete tbetbpfn the coutteoftbepjeron. j cbatgeo ffiaweb alfo befo;e tbf / fapfg: Gbe %W* of fottejs tbe obof aftaell cti&gt; maumietbtbe/totaBetbf0 fealeo mfaence toftttcopfe/atotepeftHtanettbcnbeOCl/ fttattt mape longe continue. 4ro;tfte.o*be of ^oftegtbe &lt;Sob of m mimth QmeD/tbat boufes/f t laejs anb

tw lanoe / me ag tbott baobeft p;ompfe&amp; bnto fbeit faft etg:f5ame!p / ^ tboutoolbeft geue tbem a lanb/ tiwtflotoetb toftb mpicae anbbonpe. iSoto bjben tfiepcamet&amp;etm/ anbpofleT' f eb t't/tbr p foiovneb not tbp bopce/anb toalc* neb not in tbplab)e:butalltbat tboucom* maunbeoefttbemtobo/ tbatbaue tbe? not bone/anb tbetfo;ecomealltbefe plage0bp5 tbem. jBebolbe/ tbece atebuntoo;cBei3 mabe nob) agaptttt tbe cptfe/to tafee ft:anD it fljal* betoonne of tbe caioe estbatbefegefc/ toftft ftoeatbc/toptbbongeeanb oean)/ anblofie tobattbonbaftfpoKen/ tbatfame (pal come bpontbem. jro?lo/alltbpngesatep;efent bnto thr.v Vet fap;fttboubntome(&gt;)Lo;be&lt;Bob)an&amp; comaimoeft me/ tbat^ mail lotsfeapereof lanoe bnto mp felfe/a taBCtotrneOtti tberto; anb pettn tbe meane feafon the tytie (ss belt* u fteb tntotbepotoee of tbe (taifreefl. r-Jmen came f$t vobfoe of tbe J,o?be bnto m ey fiipirtg; JSeboBC/ ? am tbe U-o?b d3ob of aiiSefbe/fttbere enp tbpnge tfjen to bam fo;me^bctfo;etbn0 fapbe tye* Bolbe/ 5 all beipuet! tftpsJ cptpe fn to tbe

potoecoftbecaioeejj/anbmtotbepotoec. - M of jSabucbobonofo? tbe npnge of jeabpion/ ?51 e i p tbe? all tafteitm: tfo^tbe caibeeg au w *'"' come / anbtopnne tbp* c?tpe/anbfettfp;e bponft/ anb bumett : toftb the go;geoutf boureg/mtoborepatiew tbepbauemabefa* cffficcbnto$aal/3 poukq miners oQtmge0 bnta

( bntofttawngecSoJliW/top^uoBeniebntfl W Jo/fepngetbe cbplbltrt of#fta&lt;!l/anbt&amp;e cb?1b;ehofiubabauetD;ougbt&amp;)pcBeiine0 befo?e me euec from tbcrcroutb bp / tobat bane tbep els oone ; but pjouofteb me toptl) taebjo^BegoftbeicatonebabegJfapetbtbe oj/toijat iiatb tbf a' cptfe bene el* / buta p;ouoftinse of;atb/euer fence oape tbatabupjoeo it/bnto tbfe Bftite i tt&amp;bcttn feaft it out of trip fpgbt/becaiiCe of great lafpbempegoftbe cbplb;enof ?ftaeii ano jjuba/tobub tbepbaue bone to p;ouone me: re tbep/ tbettfipngesJ/tbefrpjpnceg/ t\\tit ?ea(te(/rbew^opbetesJ/ tobole Sum/ 9 all tbe cpterpng of lemfaiem. 4 tben j ftobebp easlp/ am taugbt tbem h**.i LanurnSmctetbf /tbeptumeo tbeic batfte* ******* t0 m &gt; m uottbrn face* . Cbep woloe not peace / to betefowtmebanbco;wcte . $ be? baue ft tt tfiett (EJobbe* in tbe boufe / tbat 1* jtn,*54,9 fjalotoeobntompname/tobefpleft. ffi ^ Ep baue buplBea ftpe pja ces fo;Saal in tbe bal rep of tbe cbttb?en of ennom/to bovce tbett fiwinc* anb baugbtet* bnto ^olocb-.tobicb k neuec commaunbeb tbm/ ncttjec came it f unfit mp tbougbt / to mafie 3uba fpnne toftb focb abbommacpon.


mm in to tbe [jatis eg of tfj t Mbiett i fee lanb albe bougbt f 0; moriep/ 5 euibence* mane ft)et bpon anb fealeb before topmefrea in connive of JSenfatrttn/a counbe aboute gierufalemiin tbe citie* of f uoa/ih cptte* tbat are bpori tbe m ountaprie*/anb in rb em tbat ipe berierb/pee s in tbe cine* tbat are in ? berate .dfo?9 topllb?2ncjetbeitp?eroneR bfiberagapne/fapf tu tlje %ofte. CUElje piovOciew mouv^f 6 of tl)rlo;6/tc pjayc to tijcficlv'iiccmuucof (l)cpiople.'tol)ici)tbEi.o:8cp:a mrfety.fl&amp;o&amp;fwgcucit) ffwusmtom gwcpouOif to tnr proplc/fof bio avmic renowntjf tftc li?l) at lwft.&lt;Xt)MipgOome of lj;ta m tttcibuuijc ajoll ncuecUecndrD. UCbe.wriij.ctbapteC. ;eouertbe too^eof t{)e Hofte f camebntogferemp on ttjijs manet/ jttm^WA troben be tea*tct bottnoe in tbe !*** vcoutte of tbep;efon:Cbu* fapetb tbe Hofte/tobicb fulfplletb tbt tbpngetbat befpeabetb/tbe)Lo?betobPfbpetfourniem tbetbpngetbatbetafiett)tnbanbe:euenbe/ tobofe name us Ho;b:tbou batt*ctpeb bnto * flEtr.t.D. nte/aJbauebetbc^ijbaueaetbeDsteate^'^a^'ifc bpetbmg^/tol)pcbtoerebnfinott?bnto?oiT. Cbwsil fapejfpaBe tbejLojoe (Bob of 3.Ccaei/concecnpngtbeboufe*oftbt0ct&gt;tie/$ tbebouft* of tfieBpngf* of gjtiba : tbat e? malbet);o8eiHbo;objetbe o;bphauhce anb

fl0O2eouectbuBbatbetbe)lo?tie&lt;Sobof beapenss/tobentt)eal&amp;ee*cometobefege gftaTl CpoBe/concetnpngc tttf* cptf e/ttbicb tbem;anb tljep fijaibe f meb totu) beeb Bar* (a*?e?ourerelue*c5fe(rc)albeoeipuereD


fit to tbe banbe of tbe Bpng of tfabilon/ tobe tt i* toonne toftb tbe fbjeatbe / toptb &amp;ong anOtoitbPtftlence.J5ebolbe/ltorngatbec tbem togetbec from alMamms /tobetm 31 nauefcatteoftjemmm? to^tb/fnmpfear full anb greate bifpleafute:anb topll b; 1 uge thl agapne bnto tt)W Place; tobete tbep all bteell fafeir. % no tbep alb e mp people/anb ^ tt&gt; vtbe tlietv Mr . ^ -* Jnbgitopiigewetbemonefterte anbone p"MbW toape/tbat tbepmage Jfeate me all tbe bape* of tftcie ijfti tbat tbep aW tbetc cbpiwen af temmapepwfpece . 3Bna|tt&gt;pllfettbp tut euerlaftpnge couenautrt wtb tbem/i9a ntelp:tftat atom neuee cea0e &gt; tooone goob/ a tbatgi bjpliputmp feate tntGeicbtttee/ ro tfiat tbep allnot ninne avoapc .worn me, fee to ho tbem godb/anb faitbfuilp to piante tftetu in tbp* lanbe top m? toboie Hette/ anb tottft allmpfoule. :- jfo?tl)u*fapetbe)lo^lpfiea*^baue . b;ougljt all iisgceat plage bpontbpgpeo* J&gt;le:to toill a alfo bjpnge bpon em all tbe gooB/tbatf baue pjomprea em. %nn men an QtatJteft polfeffpon* in tg lanbe/ toberof pi fape n'ott/ at it all neec be . &lt;nbsWt4oi)eoPienecofcateu,bittbcQ^

cafe* of men/tobo J topllflape in mptojatb 9 bupleafutettobeti I finite mp face fr5 i* cwe/becaufeofallbertoiciieoncis.jeebolb/ (fape ( '/lo;b)3 totli beale tbetr tooutiDe* anb mabe emtobole:! topll open tm e treafure of peace anbtreu. 3Hnb 5 topi! retume tbe cabtptUte of ju* Da anb Jftaeii-.anb toill ft t em bp agapne/

a* e? toere afo?e. f ro aUmproetie0(tober* In ep baue offenbeb agapntt me ) y topft. clenft ?: anb ail eft biafpijempe* tobicfi tbep baue bone agapntt me/ tobe eprcgat* bebmenot/3 toil! fo?geueem; anb i* mall get me a name/a p?apfe i ^ Gonoure/ amonge all people of e eat/** tobpeb ait bf are ail e goob/ at-j toplletoebnto em: pee ep all be aftapea anoattonnpebat all e goob &amp;ebe*anb be* nef?te*/at9f topllbo fo? em.iKlojCouet. tbu* fapetb e TLoM$n t\0 place/ toper*: of pe fape it all-be a toplberneflt / tobew inneeEpeopieneccatellalbttell:.le' manetfii e cptpe* of fuoa anb toptboue jetufalem(tobicij alfo albe fo bopae/tbae neer people ner cateil (bail btoell ere) ^.Ijalf toopce ofglaotierte be betbe agapne/ e bopce of tbe tfzpbegrome anb of e b/jbe / ebopce of em that nil fpnge: pmte %0W of ^oftetf/ fo; be t* lotipmf;. Cb. anl



ano wmtw fn&amp;ttterb fo? euer) ami bopce of ftemtbat (bail offetbpgpfti; in W Boufe of m ft ojac.tfo; mm rerto/e cap* tiiigfeof tbiS lanueVas t'ttoas afcye /fapetb fte fl,o;be.GuS Cagctb tbe ,o;Be of I? ottes fit all come pet tbetto/ tbat mtbislahoe/ IddHtcH isbopbe front men artb catettV aria to all fte cvie0 of tbe lanb */tber e (ball be fete b P 0) .ep fjeto es c o tages : i n CI) e c0e&amp; bpotfje ; mountaphesanbintbecpnestbatlpebpon tpeplapne/anbintbebcferre. 9in tbe ianbe of JBengtahtfn/ in tbe feibes c f Jjeru rale m/a no in ft e cpcte.s of 3ju Da 0ml tlje roepebenomb;ebagap ne/bnoetSbanDe of bim, ftat tclletb fbeni / rape tb tlje jLo;w.

Cjee&amp;oiDC/tftc tpme counts /fapetb tfjcjLo?o/ 3mms.yi(f.a. t j, at 3 toillpetfoutme $ goobibpnge/frbid) 5 baue piomefcDbn to tpe (joure of gjtratll 9 totbeboufe ofjuoa. %n tbofebapesanbat f fame t grae/s to p II bjfnge f 0.2 ft bn to a tiio/fteb/auncbeof tgfiljtuoufnegf/ anb be mall do ecjupfe 9 rpgbtuoufnelle in lanoe. Jntbofebapesmallfubabebelpeo/anbie* wfalem (bail otoeii fafe / anbbe tbat mail caliber is men &lt;2&gt;ob out rpgbtuous matter. &lt;f ojtbuS tbe ;Ho?aep?omefetb- auto all neuer toant one / to f y t bpon tbe ftole of tbe boufeofgrraelwieiberfljantbepjeftesanb Jleuptes toant one to offre ailtoape before me burntofiew'nges/toftpnoletbemeatof* f eipnges; anti to prepare tbe f act ifgcegs . a-. anotbetoojbeofftekojbe cam onto ge* &lt;Kne ms &amp; mpaftertbismaner:cbus fapetb &amp; )Lo?b: w .!,. ^ apet ^ e cp tt cnaunt tolncb 9 baue maoe toitbbapeanb npgbt bebjoben/tbattbeee Ibultie not b e ba pe ana npgbt in D e fea f on i Cbenmapemp couenaunt alfo be fyoncn/ - tot) icb 3 maoe toltb a uid my feruaunte/9 (b be not to baue a tonne to repgne in bps _ . rone.&amp;o all alto fte p/e&amp;es 9 jieuites cBmf.ju.fl.j neuw fepje/but feme me . jf 0; Ipue asfte rpia. farresofbeauenmapenotbenombjeb/ne' tbeetbefanaeoftbe/eemeafuteb'-. Cotopii % tmilttplpe tbe febe of auto me fetuaunt/$ oftbeJUuit.esrapmpttillers. m ojeouer/tb e tip of tbe JLo?ue came togietemp/faieg:ConfpotftrtSounottobaetW people fpeabetb' an am upnreaae s( fage rbepJbaotbe- fcojoecbofen / anb t&amp;ofefame ttoobatb be call atoape. &lt;)f 0; fo fane is nig people tome/g tbeubaueno bopero come to getbee en? mo;e/$ to lie one people agapne, b:fo;e tbus fafetb ,tbe %om- $f ? banc maoe no couenaunt toitb oa|e anb npgbt / $ geuenno ftatute bnto beaue anb eairt): tbeti i?l9! alfo caftatoaye tbe febe of atua m^ fewiaunf.totbatgi topll taRenopjynceouc of bw febe / to rule fljepoftetf te of S b 2 a es/ gfaae 9 g^cob.Xhtt pet gj toil tame agapn?

meft captf wfte/? btme wtf mibnta teem.

* *il

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airo/*nlljegeUenmtotl)ci)aiiacscifiyeia?figofa vcbuhct t) t Bern etiae Ujoug^t Cocbc of tijtitt b;cift?en into cap t ju jK / as we t* p acOonco to go at tjpir ijpeHtBtt' :!S icbe.^fb'.bapfer* tefe ate tbe tbo?be0 m^cb tbe % %oM fpabebntoletemp/ ttbat tymt ais&amp;abucboDonoCo! ft&amp;ing of )5abpl0rt / ano ail bE*$ofte* tout of all tkt ayngdomeu tbat toere&amp;nbtt b 10 potoer) 9 all fjf people/ f ougbt agapnft jetufaiem ano all tbe cptteistbetof . qfyufi fapetb tbe H020 e oa 1 %vm\ \ : 00/ anb f pease to 5ebenf ab tbe &amp;?ng of 3,uba/ tell bitmcee -jLojoe (enbetbtbe tbfJ too?be:e boioe/f tttlt belpuer tbtjs cpti'e tn to g tfctx of tbe bpnge of fiabplon be mall butne it/ 9 tbou malt not tfcapeW bancejs/liut malt be leb atoape p^efoner/9 belpueteb in to bv&amp; pomer.cboufyaltlo&amp;e tbe &amp;?nge of &amp;abf* lonintbeface/anbbelbalifprabelfittbtbe moutb f mou t b; anb tben malt tbou goo to , 3&amp;abtIon7ctbeate mo;beof tbejLo;oe/fl&gt;

5ebeftiabtbouBpngof3 ! ba:ffibu0 fapetb tbe JLo?o bnto tbe:bou (bait not beflayne te tbe ftsearbe/but malt bpe in peace.Upbe as t&amp;p fojefatberjs tbe ftpnge?/ m P^ogenf* toutf/mere bit te-.t (bait tbou be bjtt alfo/ 9 in G)t mournpng tbep&lt;baIlfape:ob )Lo;b. j;o; tbugbaue' 1 ? betermineb/fapetbt l^o;b. bfn fpafie leremp cbep^opbttau tbefc toomt bnto ^.eaefiiab btrnge of fuba tn tt 3!erufale'.tobattpmea0tbe fipngo'f ffiabp* Ion{tbooaebefegeb?rrufalem/anbtberfm haunt of tbecpttegt^amelp/tacbfSJ aaije* cab / tobpeb ret temapneb of tbe Qronge be* fenfeo cptftu of Juba. Cbtfcawtbetoo.tbe0tbattfieto?bfpafie bntog;eremjtbep?opbet/ toben &gt;eoe&amp;rab toauagrecb mitb alltbe peonieat jerufalc/ tbattbere (bulbe bep;oclameba )bette:fo tbat euer p m (bulbe let-bW feruaui 9 banb* mapoegofre/^eb?ueanb^eb;ueae/9no J 5 eme to bolbe bP0 Wotber as a bonbf man. 0oxd as tbepbao cofenteo / cue" fo (bepmere obebf en t / 9 let t uem go f r e.JSut aftctteatbe (bfprepenteb/ atofieagapnetbe feruaatetf . ana ban be mapbens/tobom tbepbablettgo fre/anb fotwabetbembonbeagapne.- , ifc; n)e tobicb caufe tbe too?o e off tofit &gt; came bnto geremp from m &amp;o;be bim feif / * rapmge:c&amp;ti0 fapetb fljejio?be ob of W taell:* athabe a couenaunt toftb ?ouw fa* tbers/tobengi b?ougbttbem outof tfgppte/ utew.rt.e (g tbep Omlbenomo?e bebonbmen) fapfngt ** iben feuen yeares are out/ euerpmS wall letbiS bougbt feruaunte ah fytbw go frey f f be baue ferueb bim f p .re peaf^ffiutpotib fatbersobepebmenotanbberHeneb.notbn' to mej0 fo;pou/pemwnotolurili/anb



r7 ".: otbtngbtb^enfe/tn tbatpe p;oclameb/: euetpmantoletbPSJnepgbbouregofre/9tn, tbat pe mm a couenaunt before me/in tbe tepie tbat bearetb rapname:}8ut pet pe baue

turneo your ftlues agapne/anb blafpbemeb hip natae&amp;n tbW/i euerp man batbeequp* m bPS fctiiatlt 9 bantimapbf agagne/ mb8 f ebab let go qupte anb fre; 9 epmpelleb tbem &amp; to feme pou agafne/9 to be Mow bSbtrnf 1 ^ Mi tberf o;e rbusiapetb tbe )lo;be:pe baue Hot obepeb me'/ euerp man to p;oclame f re' borne bnto bis b ; tlj 1 1 9 n e p'gbb our e; tob e r* f o^/| topll call poubnto a f teaome /fapetb tbe ^o)b :cueh bnto tbe fhiearde/ to t^e pt etlehce/9 to bonger/9 w pi I nta ft e pou to be flagebtnalUbeStpbgbomesof tbeearh). ' &lt; fectbofemenibauebjoBcmpcouenaimt/ 9 not fiepte tbe tob;bes of tbeappopntemct/ tobftb tbepmabe befojeme-.mbetbepbetoeb (be calf e in t to 0/ 9 'aHitn t b ere torn te tbo;oto fbcttoobfllfestbcrof;be^wiKSof3;uba/ tbe^pnccsofqfetufaiem/rbe gclbebmcn/ rbe#;efl:es 9 all people of g lanoe /toljicb toente tiWWto tbe ttoo fpbes of tbe caife. crbofe men jH 3! kw* in to tbe potoer of tbeft encmpftV9 ihto tbe banbeg of tbat folotoebpontbe/tftheS. ainbtbeirbeebb^yesmaibemeatefo? $ foules of tbeap;e/ mtfbeaOes of tbefeibe* "S^^ebeiiiabme^pn^eofaubaanbbps '^nces/Ji tofUMlitiitibt'JtrtoKlf poinec . of tbetrenempes/anoof tbem tjfett arflpctri ._ ^. l flapetbem/anotntofte banbeof tb# ?J"ge mSSSK J^abplons botte/ "*tobpcbnoto i$wp&amp;, t^acteo from *5 ftoni Vou:25ut tbo^ote mp eommaunBf -ttjcmto go a. met(fapeti)tbelLo2b)tbepfballcomeagapne g^MfS before tbPS cptpe / tbep mall fpgbt agapnft ffiMo ft / to ? "'f ft/a ** &lt;*&lt; ^o?eouer 9 toil tmuton, fa pe tbe cptpes of Juba fo toade/ no man mwatmb mall bto ell t\)tvin. *J2ta? ahMI t)N woFounortb ) oteDpence of tftt RtcfjaliiMB^ .jMoiBKm. tftt C6p coufoun&amp;eii) tljt pjMe o(^e3ew8&lt;E^e 5* msunBoiwritof^onaoawtltefat^eB of tlje juecftstiC ttf.fte t Ijientcnctl) puiiyfljmi t bnto t\)e r tupli joito jfcttcsFjcp.umefttt) p;o[pcci(cbnto ti}t JRec^lntw f e; S&amp;ei ? oueo^ence unto t^m fait^cv. cbe.KEKb,cbapter &lt; _ g CT5 j^etoo?beg tobub tbe Jto;befpabe * s ^ Kagl bnto l jeremp/intberai?gne ofge* boabim tbe tonne of SQottab tapng of5fuba/avetbefe:(S0bntobouft

W.aB.r, c. of tbe asif ciia oiteg/ 9 call tbem out/9 b;mge tbem totljeboufe of tbeH*02bemto Come co' m obpous place/9 geue tbe topne to oztneb s. Cben tofte g| 31a?aniab tbe fonne of aerem? r tbe fonne of ii;aba?iniab/ 3biS b^etiweanb '' ajlbPSfonnes/anb tbetoboieboittbolbe of t$e JSecbabptes: anb b? ougbt- tbem to tbe boure'of tbe TLofrftn to tbe ciofet of tb.e mt * . b?fofanan.tbefonneof3egebaiiabmS WdBobJtobKbtbagbKtbecloPWiOftbePjm*

" -

.x ;3

ees/tbaf isaboue tbeclofet of Mfiab tbe^ foutle of Selum/tobr'tbtS tbecbeafe of tbe 5 f eeafurp-J rttibef o;etbe f dnrtejs of tbebUirtbU qf m mecbabites/3! firt pbtfes fitll of mtfP anbc(ipjJes/artBfapDebtitotp,eirt:;pncbV topne.)5ut tbep tepoe:toe fepricfie no topne/ . fo? |bnabab tbefortne of jsetbab oute fai tbet commaunbfbbs/fajinge: pe t^wmittutfifA fonrtes mall neuer b?pncfte topne/lwpttjto botifis / fofeenbfebe/blantehobpneS/.w| Vt (ball baue no bprt ep'arb es :b ut fo; all lour rpmepeiball btoelt In rentes/ tbattf ma# Ipiie loge in ttje iSbe toberin pebe mffiaii bw^batte tof elbtmm tSmadhbsmf t of-3!bnabab frfonne of ftecbaboure fatber/ in all tbatbebatb ebat gebbs/9 fo toeb?&lt;nBe no topne all oureipueionge: toe/ notour* topues/oure tonnes ftnboiite'baitgbtcrs, . iQetber buplbe tot anp boufe to btoel tberih/

toebauealfoamSgebSneiberbpneparbcs/ ner co;ne lanbe 1 fotoe: but toe otoel in ten&gt; tes/ toe obepe/ anb boacco?bpnge bnto all/ tbatSonabaoourefatbercoipmaunbebbSi ... 2tut note tbat ^abucbobbnofo; $ binge of iSabiion came bp in to tbe lanbe/toe faioe (ome/iett bs go to ierufaiem/tbat toetpat e &gt;# efcape tb e b 00 tt e of tbe Calbf es Ahbrbclfe r (p;ians: anb fo toe btoell n to at |e tufalem, &lt;cben came toojbe of $ *,o?bbnto ierfmj; tapenge icbus fapetb tbe %om of bpottes tbe od of gfraei-.o anbteUtobolcluba if-'. al tbe inbabi 'tours of aerufafemslBpl pe no J berefourmeb/toobep mptoo^esffaietb tbe' jdo; toojbf s tobicb lonabab fornt^ "' cfWecbaO commaimbeb bis fonnes/f tbep uibe Winfce no topne / ate fact anb fittel* gepte;fo;bntotl)(Sbaperbepb;inbenOto(ne butobffe tbeirfatbers commamitKmenr. mitadiomt/% baue ftao bpfarlp/|bauejMf4jjig ia i fpoltenbrtuo pou/ ageuen ppneameS toaw^.b npngetanbptcbauepenotbehefibebifntbn* to me. &gt; ee i banc fept mpfWiiauptes/all &amp; P?opbetesbnto pou,^,rofebp earlp/ 9fenf f ou too?oe/faiengei f&amp;tvm pou/euerpmS frombiStotcbebtoape:ant^eppttrlfhf(i/: . anogo not after araunge go&amp;&amp;fS/totoo*&lt; fbpppe tbem stbatpe ftiape tontpmiem tb't lanbe/tobpcb3! baue geuen bntopott 9 pour famers/ but pe uolbMetber beare mr / ntfi folotoeme,' : becbiw?ehof3fD^babac^bdfijmif . baue ftebfaaip fiepte tbeir f a tberjj c maun &lt; tsemmt/i be gauefbem/but tbps people ts hotobebtettmrome-9fibtbtrfo;etbtlSfietb ft e hom of booftes tbe ob of ^fraelliiSv* bolbe/g" topHbjingebpongittM 9bp9 euertf sue tbatbtortlefb in^ttufalem/al ftroubW |jbauebeupfebagaim1tbem,^ojfbauett. otirt&gt; , ft fposentontotbc/buttbeptoolbeitotfolotoeiffapitiju., pauceaHebbnto t&amp;em/neu?rfbeiea ,tftepjirc,t)i&gt;.b. wolbf


*** I



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* f

tooiae geaeweno sttmoere. gieremp alio fpabebnto tbeboufboloeof tbe eebabitfc Cfiu0 fapetb tbe jLojbe of l^ottegt tbe oo o ffftaei: f o? f o mocb aj pe baue o m eb ft c&amp;naunoement of 3lonaoab poure fatbee/9 tepee all bPWJeceptcft/ 9 bone accojbpnge je*M*f#.e.Bntoalltbat be bath btf&gt;Wttpou:cbcrfo;e tmi0fapetbifie:tofleof$ofteis/tbeobof artaei.3ionabab tbefonneof mecbab (bail not f&amp;ple/but baue one out of bfo ftocte/to ttanbealtoapebefojerae. OMTOCB Wf rttbCaa 3semjenoitetb) (tjebofee of -" "--''---- [euttoptg toe bera all. c * ; .m,,., c .-. u ,. ..-JwetOfalto. &lt;0( unlaw ftetoe sntp tbe fcftije ttjt toM &gt; of Ot bos 1 c. flcbuW tatetb tfte bote/ naoctb slf Ml of it' after caOttb itm tbefpe. Cbere ia anotbet tcjiits/

att&amp;ecommaunocMrntoftbriLo;oc* . fflbtJfWM.bapt. " . i w^ Q i jStbe fouttb f e ate of ^eboafttrh ft m9m " m mm of gafiap ftpngeof Supa/ came tbetoojoe of tbe ilo;oe bnto us^Jajtte mp/Capinge: abe a bob e/ 9 3dcmt4VM ttmetbetm aHtbe toojbcjs/tbatg! baue fpo* tentotbf/ tojftael/ to|,uoa/ an&amp;toalltbe people/ftom tbe wme tbat g beganne fo*to toeBbebnto tbe (to tbe tapgne of Hofiab) bittotbPf* espe.cbattobenrbe ftoufe of Jtioa beatetb of tbe plage/tobpc^ H^aue wu? feb . fatbera/tbepnrapbeeaouetiwetume/eue* 3w^^w"iT&gt;raanftorabtttost6ebtoaje/tbat3Sraa5e g o?geue c&amp;efi; ofieneess anb fpnnes*. 'abenopb^erempcall ttatucb tbe fonne jeKmMiwitfjSettab/atfatucbtojoteintbeboteatft tnoutb of jetemf /all ft too?beg of tbe )lo;b/ tobftbb'ebaofpobenbntobsm'. ainbletemp eommaunoeb 38awcb/fapinggiammp;e foh/totbatjmapenotcometato tbe boufe a, of tbeJLoftetttierfojrgot&amp;oti fbptber/anb *&gt; tbe bobe/ tbat tbou baft to?pten at mp ntoutb:#amelp/tbetoo?6ejJ of ftylofte/9 tcbetbtmmtbe fcofle* boiife bpontbefa* ftjng ba?e:tbat tBe people/tobole auoa / 9 as geptbat come out of tbe cptpe* / mape &amp;eate.$evaouentuve tbeptopllpjapemete* Ipbefojetbefaceoftbenojbe/a tumeeue* tponeftombte topctebtoape.jfojgeeatel* tbetojatb anbbpfpleafute/ tbat tbe &amp;o?oe batbtatenagapnfttbfcpeople, &gt;o#atucbtbefbnne of 0etfabbpb/ac co?o?ng bnto all tb&amp;t^etem? tbe ftopbete c5maunbeDbpm/eeabpngtbetoo;tbefSof tbe TLoM out of tbe bobe in tbenofte* boufe. 3nbtbfetoa*bonefnftfpftb pears offeboa* Sim tbetotmeof $oftab fcpnge of juoa/fR

inn* iff *. tbe.if jnonetbtobtntttoai8c5maunbeD/tbat "*** afltbepeopieofieratolfftulbefaiJbefoje :, tbe fto?or/$tbep alto tbat toete come front

?ns f gtababntbie cufelem neeajftmicbtbtsaw&amp;esoi


M . w 7 ... ft &amp;iSufe of w 'ta^Humm out of tbetteafurpof amattab tbe tonne of &gt;apbantbe fcetpbe/mbfeb b&amp;befttetQe bter lofte of tbe neto oo;e of ft jLofljeu boufr. tbataHtbepeopleiuKSbt beaee.jeotetoben SBtcbeab tbe fonne of arcana!) tbe fonne of S&gt;apban&amp;aD&amp;eatoeaUtbetoo#ei$ of tbe ft,ojbeout oftbebobe/betoenteuotoneto # fcunge* palace fn to tbe &lt;$#* cbamb^/ fo?tbetealltbe1&amp;;5ncf0*etefft:ltfama (be *&gt; c tpbe/^alaiab tbe fonne of goemef / lnatbantbe fonne of 3Dcabo;/amariab ft fonne of feapban/ oeoeblab tbe fonne of ^ananfab^allft Wnctt. 3nb fl^tebeab toloe tbfail tee toot}s/ftbebeatoe fianicb tew out of tbe bobe befoje tbe people. r Cbenafttbe1&amp;;&lt;nce0fentgebubfftfonne of i9atban(ab/tbe fame of ^tlamfab/ tbe fonne of &lt;tbuft/ tint arucb/fasi nge*.cabc fn tbunebanue tbe bobc/toberout tbou baft eb before all ^e people/anbcome.a&gt;o a nicbtbeConneof$erfabtobeft bobe-lnbW banoe/ eame bnto tbe.amb tbep m oe wtto ipn&amp;rtootone/ateoe tbe bobe ft toe ma v ieatealfo.$&gt;o ffiatucbteu/tbattbep mjgbt jeare. Boto toben tbe? bao beatoeall n)e too;o$/tbei&gt;toeteabaCbebonebp5 anotbee/ 9fajbe bnto 38awcb : uaetofUcettffFetbe Itmge of all tbefeinojbeg. anD tbep mm* neD3eawcb/ta0ng:tenbSJ/boto bpieft tbou to?8teaUtbefetoo&gt;e0 outofta* raoutb^ Cb en ffiatucb anftteteb tb em : 9 e fpafie al I tbefetoo?oSbntome\bbWmou^/anbgi* . alone tea? \b bbw/* to?otetbem in tbebobe.

&lt;j^en fa*be ft tom bnto jBawcb*. 0 tb? fea?e/ a^toe tbe toftb ietnt?/fO tbatno man bnotee mb etc f e bejitb tbe? to ent in totbefifngetotbecoutte.^uttbepbeptei bobe f n tbe cbSbje of ffiltfama tbe fktefre/ a toloe tbeft^ng all ft raom tbatbe mfgbC beate.&amp;o tbe *mgfitgf,ebuWto fttcbb&lt; tbebofte/tobicb be b;ougbt outof ffilrtamaft $&gt;ccebe0cbamb;e. asnog&lt;ebuof teoft/ft $* snge 9 a tbe Wwtf/ tobtcb toete ajboue bvm /mrgbtbeate, j2ototbeapigfatfntbe topntet bottfe/foj ft toag in tbe.f r.fl9onetb/ afyei* toa* a goob ffte before bfaUPm) tobe gebuof babteb tb^ojfouw leauejj Wmt/imrtf* be cut tbe bobe fnpecesf toptb apfnefinpfe/ ^ 9 caft ft fntotbe f^ebpS tbe be rtb / bnt?H ft UobetoasaUbjItemtbefwebpS.tbebartb. Tetnomantoaiiaba(bebtberof/o;tente W t\ tbeftn era et tbe fipge b pi felft/ net Btt fetuaiimwtbougb tbepbeatoe alltbett toojot^euettbelefte cinatbS alaf ab/9 amaw'ab bef ougbt tbe ft^nge/ ft be toolbe not bume tbe bobe:nottoftb(lanbFgetbe Xt jnge tooioe not beate tbem / but cStnaun* bebietabmeel tbe fonne of jtmaierf)/ S&gt;arafabft fonne of csrf el 9 ^eiamiabft fpnne Of 3b*

SSwbeptc tbe outof fpgbt.aftetnoto Sat tbe P &amp;ab b ^ n e bote/ 9 tbe et* monjStobWatucb woteat tbemoutb of SmScte too?fie of tt)e Hofle came bnto ietemp/ famge 1 cabe anot^et bote/anb Sate in it all tbe fo?ta?De femong:tbat toS to^tten in ft fr??ft bobe/tobub l,eboa. lnnitbelapngeof5uDabatbb?ente, .

Ifnbteliaeboabmt a S ngof guoattbug falSli tbe &amp;be;tboubaftb;ente tbe bobe/ 9 tbSett tottbinfllfWfe W|baftftou. SSB %etin/tbattbebi!ngeofj5abglon Sal Uome/anbmte^ton^^2g . hefliaumane botbpeop e acatelltobe out Wm tie bsnge of luoa : cbetejball none of. 5^genee?c?onfitbPott ^ggSBt m, Wbeeo co;fe ftalbe caft outytbat tbe IMPM beateofft oai?e/9tbeftoftoftbenrabtmag comebponbv.anb5 tojUbstettte tope te55of bpm/of wreoe/9 of Wfema* teSSuetalltbeeuelltbatgbauw qp Bainse bpon tbem/bpontbe inbabptoutes ofletSfalem/anbbpS alllnba. JtenWM 9tum anotbee bobe/ano gaueit jBavucb tberm outof tbemoutbof ft fee* SS ft toetemft fwabobe/tobFCbjebo^ 5 ; tbe bpnge of 3 uw Qpo bume . ^no tbee toeee affi bnto tbem raanpmo fetmonis/ tbenbefo;e. OfenWin-Jfltatien.?ei9bcatcn/-$putmp;tfou. tu WiiiettOlwIijnieZtW* ccbe.wcbrt.tbaptee. w _ 1=r , Kiebiab ft fonne of floOaty tobicb BfflffiBwaii raabe bpnge tbo;oto^abu^ c -""^^^^^cbooonofoj ftpnge of tfabplon; j^^scefgneDin tbe lanoe of QfuDa /in ft fteaoe of Cononfab tbe fonne of leboaftim. 58ut netbetbe/net bP0ftt"auntes5/nett*e peopieintlielanbbjoioobepefttoojDesi of ft &lt;m m *. ^o?b/tobicbbelpa6ebvft^opbet|eicem|. &amp;' leuettbeleffe^eoebiabftbing fent^ebucal ""^ IKfSeiemiaba&amp;opbonfabft^nne offleaaftabtbe^efttoft^opbetgietemp/ raping: wapetboubntoft jLo?oou&lt;ispn toM.oto ietemptoalfieb fw amonge tbe neopie at ft tpme j 9 tea* not put in p;efon ntt MA,' a8 Mb|rao}Sbofte alto toas eome out of WP ^WTtobpcbtobentbeCaibeegtbatbetg

gebfetufaiem pctceaueb/tbepbeparteb ^ Cben came m tooe of m fcojlggo ^^etemptbepjopbet/ MMf^MffiiS fte 5Lo?be ob M&amp;&amp;M0 anttoe w


vegeuetotbefipngeof 3&gt;uba/ tbat tent poti bntome foi couceu: JBebolbe/Wawou bo ftetobpcb income fo?tb to belpepou/ (ball returne to (Sgppte in tobtss atone lannemut tbeualDeeis all come agapne/ano fpgbt aKA , nmB flJ ag a WtbP0cpipe/topnnet/anbfettfp ? e*omm a . bp5it.iffo?tbu3fapebtbeiLo?D:ft*Dpfcfauejo lll 5 affctcl&amp;fe *: notpoure atonempnoeg/ tbmchpng on tbW iinBt s ffb maner-.tufb/tbecalbeesjgonoto tbefttoapeffgaiocw, h* ftomb0;jSo/tbepfl)aHnotgotbefttoape. iffo; tbougb pe bab flapne fye mm bofte of tbeCatteesJ/tbatbeffgepou/anDeuetpone ..-. :-.\^'* of tbe flapne lape in bfti tente/pet ftuite tbep ^trnttUft ftanoe bp/ano fet fpjebpon tbPPcpte. j9oto m to m&amp;i ; tobentbe ^ottcof tbe Caloee* m$ b^WlJfMifm ipaVaiem/fo?feareofe^f^^ CWW aempe/jeuemp toentout m mmSm o?ctotoaroe ft lanbeof )8enfarain/**tobo cer-.bjtbtBensCion tapne bufpne? tbetc amSge tbe peopleJno Omm Wm be came btftet jBen-jampn^ pojte/ J a JJfc tbete toas a po^tee/calieb WW. M tonne J&amp;mSE of ^elemtab tbe tonne of ^anamab/Wbtcb ibotu. * thee ftlIbponMm/9 tobebim, faptngjtbpmpnbettaafuo fcpnra iff to runne to tbe.calDeeg. benfapoelm, W**J mmt not to/5 go not to ^J^^S?SS uetmele^Seriab tooloenotbeieuebpn/but t h C ml ^c f iiiouglit l ?etempboittUiel)efo?etbe|&amp;;inceiJ.jBiit.iopif;tbnt abbemie tbe J&amp;?inceiS toete angtpe tottb*' ' S ' 0 1 !K" inp^efottin tbe boufe of lonatba0ft fctibc.ofiuBpfop,,:. f ube toaptljerularof ft p;eftn.CbtftoW ma triune

letemp put in to tbebongeon W/^^iffi tS? lapet4)etealoiigetpme.^ben5ebe^egg4g fipng tent to? Dim/ a cnlleo bpm/9 aftebMn m(m , qupetlvinbisJatoneboure/faptngttbinbttt^ tbou tbi3 bufpne0(tbat note i in banoe) a* metb of tbe %owi ?ewmp anftoeteb: jee ft ftbotb-.atbou(fapDebe)lbaltbeoelpereOin to tbe bpnge of JSabplong potoee. lrao?eoiiec/?eremp fapoe bnto ftpng 5e* bebteb.ibatbauea offettDeb agapnfttbe/ agapnft tbp fetuaute? 0? agapnft tbpsf peo^ pie/ ft pe baue caufeo me to be put in p/efonr ifcbete ate pour p?opbete0 tobicb baue p?o obecpeDbntopou/afapoe/tbattbe bpnge of abpW uioc not come agapnft pou 9 tb* lanbef m tberf o?e beare noto/fl) mflUtte tbe bpnge : let mp p?apet t* weepje . Wg ^ ^ tbe/afenbemenomo?eintotbeboufeof lo* ttanec , ftat , natbajs tbe &gt;crpbe/ft1 bpe not tbete.cben awB/tog* "5biabtbTbpgcommaunb^ wmpintbe fo 2 e Wgg 2?ig8?SS w* tobe geuebim a cabe of b?eo/a eW no btgbte $ m , 0aie meate/bntpnantbeb?eDtnftcBtetoae*ea'ofti)w'o-n"' ten bp.cbuj55etcmpemapnebintbe ftw^gj, the rrqucftof abeSmeUcft tbe Cbautn* Serlapne)tbe Sing cSnianbetbJecmi? tobe toouabt - " fojtb of tbe JDongeon. Jercraje tMMtb W "Jnn 6 . 5WbrtnisbtcftnPb. ' . ' _^

i- V


ap&amp;atrab tbe fonne of ffl?atban/ G3ooo!tab fonneof ptyafbut/jU' cai tbe fonne of &gt;elemtab / am iQmt ft tonne of fljMcbiab per* ceauebt&amp;etoo;be0/tbatg;ei:emtbaDtpofie

bnto all tb e people / namely on tbt? mane t : Wmhtpuk. cttiut Carets tte JU*b:lbo To tematnetbtn WW*. tbwcftte/ftjallpeiW/etbettoitbftttoeaKie/ tottt) pongee o; toftb t&amp; epettilence:iBut tob o fo faiietb bnto ft catoee0/l&amp;aie(cape/*tom' fcWpmtwaentnge bis foule f o? a mat/9 all itue . jf o? SSSLa!N fate* w %m. wm vm^mm %S&amp;Zm*btbtitumbMoWvmtt mm* m tSJSfwu of abuo79bealfoibattofneft,fcben(atoe jstw*t. ftrntnceflbnioftfitnge^tz/toebefecbton leetbi* manbeput to Deatb,tf oj tbu? be otfcojagetbtbeban&amp;esofftfouotetstbatbem tbl? cttte/ 9 tbebawrai of ail ft people/ tobe He fpea&amp;etb focb too?De?bnto tbe, cbts ma beeeltlabouwtbnotfo? peace of tbepeople/ but mffebefe. Seoefiiab tbe Blngeanttoereb 9&amp;*toe:lo/bej?!ntoutbanoe0/fo;ftfitnge 2jtnatebentetounotbtnge.ben tonet&amp;et

iTIje 1&amp;opt)p


v &lt;,


ftoetoSebefiiabtFllbepfotnebntottie/ ' tbou toil traufe me fuSte beatbt'tf 3 fitue ft councei/tboutoiltnotfolotoeme. &amp;o i&amp;e Btnge f too? e an ootb fectetlt bnto Jeremy/ fatengetJMtraltastbe H-ojoe Ituetb/tbat made b? tbefe fouieg/gi toll not date tbe/nee .. geue tbe in to tbe banoas of tbem tbat r e &amp; e r afteitbtltfe.

ben fatoe jetempe bnto 3e&amp;efitab: &gt; hits faie tb tbe %o'm o f b oo &amp;e? tbe ffiob of . Iftfiel:3.fcafebe/t&amp;att&amp;outefitgofotf&amp;bR totbefifogeofabijon?p;foce0/tbpu(barc ^ u faue tbt itfe/ana ctttjs ct tf e ail not be bzet 3tx W*** ; tee bo tbou ano tbt bouttjoibe all efcape tottb toueeltut0 . ffiuttftboutotlt notgo fo;tb to tbe fitnge of fcabtlon? pjlneea/tbe' all tbt? cptte be beltuereb in totbe ban&amp;e* of tbe Salbees tobfeb (ball fet ft;e bpon it/ 9 tbou ibalt not be able to efcape tbem, 3nb Sebefiiab fatbebntoJeiemFjamafrafbe Ito^t^e 3.etocst/t^at ateflebtmcb left 3 come In tbett banoe0/9 f o (bet to baue membettfion, 5SutaetemtanCtoetbe:il5o/tbet tyainot#

40f JftTeittp


Seumt /ano call btm to to tbe bongeon of betwte tbe: berfienbnto tbebotceoftbe

sfeelcbwb fonne of ^amelec-b/tbstbtoelt In tbe foje entre of tbe pjefon . 3Bn&amp; tbet lett botoneieeemttt coatoeismtoaoongeort/ to&amp;et&amp;tteia!Jno toater/but mt?e, &gt;o lewmt ttacfi faft in tbe nuj?e . #oto toben ibe&amp;meiecbtbe Oj)o;&lt;an betnga cbambet' latnetnt&amp;efiing$ eoutte/bnoetttobe/gtbet bab call geremt in to tbe bongeon : be tocnt out of tbe Binges boufe/ 9 fpafie to ft fifnge/ (tobfeb tblfatbnbecftpoozte of Benjamin) tbefe xooiw.Q&amp;v lo;oe tbe fiinge/tobete a? Ctbefemenmeole tottb letemttbe p?opbet/ tbetbob'm to?ongr.^ameit/mft tbegbaue put bim in pjef on/tb tte to &amp;te of bonget^fo; tbete 10 no mo;e btto in tbe cttf e . \)tn tbe &amp;fttgecommaunDeb3Pbeomeiecb ft #o?iau anofa?oe:ca6e from tobom tbou totlt/9b?atoebp3etempft p?opbetout oftbebongeon/befo^ebte.^&gt;o3vbebme* lecb tobe tbe men tt ftim/9 toent to tbe bouft of3Cmaiecb/9tftewbnoeeanalmetp began oioe tagger 9 too^ne clouteis / anb lett tbem botone bt a coavoe / m 1 ft DongeS togjeremp.

ano abebmelecb tbe G o? ran f at&amp;e bnto t&amp;ep;opbe:3lecemp:fl&gt; put theft saggwano doutejs bnoet tbtne attite bole? / bettopjete A tbemanbtbecoatiie0:9letemttitbro. S&gt;o w t\w b;etoe bp gjetemt tottb coatties 9 tofie bim out of ft bongeon/ 9 be tematneb in tbe ftp entit* of tbe p?efon . cben ^euebteb ftebtngefent9 cautebHetemttbe p;opbet becallebbntobim/intotbetbitbeenttpe/ft net eetbn c toajibttbeboufeof tbe )LD?n.3nb tbe binge 3t "' w "* fatbebnto gieremr-l! toill afbeftfome tobae but b 5 e notbinge fro me, c&amp;t n^etemt an*

JLo;q (3 befecbe tbe) tobfeb J fpeabebntoft/ fo (bait tbou be toell / anb faue tfit l jf e.B ut tf.tbou tofltnotgo fojtb / ft JLojbbatb tolbe me tb? planeit:)&amp;ebolbe / all tbe to em en g w left in tbe fipnge of gubaeu b out t / (ball go out to tbe fitng f iSabir 110 p;t'n c est. Jf 0? tbet tbin&amp;e/tbat tbou art bifceaueb : 9 tbat tbe men in tobom tbou mta put tbt craft / bait e gotten tbe bnoet/9 frit tbt fete faft tnft mKe/anbgonetbetttoateftom tbe .cbec fo?eaiitbv topue? tottb tbefe cbtlb;en mall fte bnto tbe Cam mi 9 tbou ftjait not efcape tbetebanoest/biit (bait be tbentnge of .a* biion*p?efonet/9 tbyt cttt'e ajall be bjent. m Cbenfatbe^ebesfabbntoaetemtr.lobe ft t nobo&amp;t bnotoe of tbefetoo?besi/9 tbou (bait notope.Buttftbep;(ncejipeeceaue/tbata bauetamebtolcbft/acomebntotbe/fale^e: sd fpeafie/ toftat fatbe t^t binge to tbe^b W ftnotftomb!8/9toetonotputtbetoiieat&amp;. ^cell W(toe pjtapeft )tobat (am tbe bmge to tbe^etbougeuetb5tbt0anftoeie:abau bumblt be fougbt tbe binge/tbaebetoll lett me \t e no mo?e m jebonatbSjJboufe/ j %ttse not tbete i &lt;iben came all tbe pjtncejs bnto gieremt/anbaffieb btm/3nb be tolbe tbem/ aftettbemaneta? tbe binge ba&amp;btm.ebtn tbet beloe tbeic peace / fo; tbet petceaucb notbtnge.&amp;o^eremt abobe fttltn tbe fo;e entile of tbepiefon/ bnttll tbe bate tbat Je*

tufalcmtoagtoonne. C JlJabucliotionofoj befegctft ?f tufalcm. -reftebfaft flpetb. bt(6tahfnofthe6ai0eee. tyis Cornice are

Oajnc.bieJate t5;uttoutc. Stttm; f pjouptieO foE.HlKomtlccI) is otijuctcb frffcapt oftbt con fj&amp;snce 1 5a t dr |a$ m oD,

fqt.aiKOtnctccli mOclyuett b fc3 cap( jupts/bctauft CCbe

Cfte.te)rf|:.C6apfee. .. a .,_. JDte tobentde cttpe of ^erafaiem tea? tafiKfo? m ft .ijctea te of 5 e oebrab Ktng of |uba in tbe tentb I fflaonetb/came J5abuc&amp;obonofoj tbefcfng of X5&lt;ibtlonano all b* ^ofte/ and btfegedlevufal^itnainftiCj.teateof^ew* Blab WtBe f ouetb iJonetb tbeiijc.bate of ft flPonetft/bebjaBemtotbec-ttfe), Gbenall tbe pjtncesf of png of abtlo/camein/9 fett8eDDtonr)nbmftepo2tf:$egel/g&gt;8* refee/$&gt;amegatnabo/3&gt;acracbim/)sabra i*J/J3eeegel/ ^&gt;awe/abmag / tottb all |o^etp;tJ&lt;offttngofabtIon.anB p*mW&gt; flbtn'Sebeftfob tbe Btnge .of guns tottb ftp foubtew ffltoetbem/tbttfleb / anb wpattco outoftbectttebtnigbttbojott tbefevnges gatbf /anb tbo;ototbe po;f etbat 10 be ttoene tbettootoaiie^/anbfo tbettoentetotoatue Suttbe calbee0#ofte folotoebrade af* toe tbem /ano tofie 5ebefitab in tbe feme of 3etfeBo/anob;ougbtbtmp;efonetto J8abu ebobonofo; tt)e Btnge of abtl8 bnto JSeblatb/tbat itetb in tbe lanb of ^ematB tobece begaue moment bpon blm. o (Be fitng of Sabiion caufebtbe cbtlo;enof 3esebiab 9 alltljenobie? ofiubabe Oatne /before bt0 face'atiBeblatb.anb mat&gt;e5^efifaB0 W8 to beput out/9 bmmt bftn toltb cba tnc0/ 9 Cffntbrmto)3sbtlon. mmtfoA flpo^ouei/tbeCalbeejtb^tbp ft Binges ***#*. uaBwe/to&lt;)ebeotbetbouie0bttbepeopie/

anbb;aBeoototietBe toalles of ^erufalem. 30 fo; m Kiurtaunt of tbe people tbat toere At tbe cttle / tm f ocb 00 toeee come to belpe fceraltobatfoeueetoatfleftof ft come fo;te) 0abu?aeanai8 w c&amp;efe eaptatne catpe&amp; tbe : 1 '-'"- toabtlon.JButj5abu?arabantbecbeft eaptatne let ibetafcall people ( 9tbofetbat i baonotbtnge)&amp;toeliatll(ntbe lanoe of 3!"' ba/anbgauefbembinetatl)e09comefelDe0 attbefamettme.j5abucboiionofo? alfotbe Btnge of 3i3abi'lon gatie ^abu^tcaoan die cbeftcaptatne a cfiarge/ concemtngejei e* mf/lfftige:ttroe ano c&amp;oiflj blm/an&amp;mafie mocbofbun:fetbouDobtmno batme/ but i ntwatebim aftetbid atone wft;e. fto J9abu?ataban tbt tbtlt eaptatne/ $abufa(ban ti;e eftefe eljambeelat ne/ i9ec* galfine? ettbe tceafuteeanb antbeBtngof * *^., H . abf ion? WtoUftm fo^|eremt/9 caufeb pmm* hmibefttoutoftbcfo;eenttteof ft p;e(on/ anbcommfttebbimbnto(E(obobaBtbefonne 'V of SbiBS tb t fonne of &amp;apbS'.f be ftulft ca* Z jrtebtmbome/9fobebtoeltamb*geftpeople. ffW8.)rt.fc oto tobtie feremtlatctet bounbein tbt tm enttle of tbe p;e(on/ft too;oe of ft TLo;oe camebntoiHii?/fatlnge:C9ooannteliaibeo' melec&amp;tbe jWnW m&lt;% tbt &amp;m




- /


of^oae0tfie@oi)of3ftaeu:ffieboloe/t|)e ctuellanb (batpeplage tbat^baucoetiifeb fo;tbf0cttie/tofll5bJpngfbpontliem/tbat tbou alt fe f t:butg, tofll oelpuc 1 ft 1 fapetb tbe ^o;oe) anb tbou Q)alt not come in tbe b3oe0 of tbofemen/tobcm tbou Um&amp;.fof. boutle0 % totll faue ft / fo tbat tbou (bait not -. . peiilbtot'tb tbeltocarof: but tlttlpff fbalbe faueb/9 tbatbecaufc tboubaft put ibv tittle &lt;nme;fatftbtbe)Lo^e t Jcrcm?e ha(i) (pccncc logo toiiElt)cc fie teylt. He otoeilctl) toitli tbt f oplt te majmJIj at je tufa/ it m'oncc toljam (tSoboIiab n;l:tb. Jay amm p;oi&gt;bc&gt; cpt tb 0 tb bnto dBoboHaf). * Cbe.]tI.&lt;Ibaptet. a M JLw.tttrfi 0t0i0tbemanee boto tfie JLoaw-| ttaejtwuJ". intteateo Jet emt/tobenj5abu?a taban tbe cbefe eaptatne ban let biiu go Ate from lit fimab/tobttuee bebablebbtmbounDe amonge all ibtW ttmw/tbat toe cavttoftom imifaicm 9 3ubantoJ8abtlon. cbetbefe eaptatne tmtb fo?g!emt/anD fatoe bnto btrnvtinbe jlLo;6etbt ob fpafie mtgijtelt before of tbe mtfettbpS tBf pIace:lSovu tbe )Lo;oe batb fenttt/9 petfouimebitapljc bao womtrcb: jfo; te bauc fjnneb agatnft tlje WW /ano baue not tone obeotet unto bt botce/tber* fo?e c8mb tbt0 plage bpon tou* JBebol&amp;e/ 31 lotofetbebounow ftomttyf banoe? tm tbou tollt noto go tottb me bnto tf a* bflon/bp; 31 totll fe to tbe/a p?out&amp;e f 0; tbe-.J5ut tf tbou totlt not go tottb me;(f. &amp; abtlon/tben wmatne Be. 5D ebolbr/aO **ufc tbei5bef0attbttotll/lofietobeitboutbtn' fieft conuenlec9gootifo; ibetoabt6e/tbereJ e S'W s ' ( btoen.gfif tbou canftnotbe content to btoell alone/t'ben tematne toltb &lt;0oooliab v fonne of Xibfcam/tbefonne of S&gt;apban:tobom tbe Btnge of tfabtlon batb mabe gouetnoute ouectbecttie0ofjuDa/anbl)toeiitoitb&amp;(m

amonge flje people/ 0; tematne tobeiefo* eueritpieafetbtbe . S&gt;o tbe cbefe eaptatne gauebun b(0 ejtpenre* tottb a tetoatoe /anb w*rtv* letbimgo.cbcnhientegieiemtbntoeiobo* llabtbefonne of abifcam to '^a?pbab/anb Dtorlttbete tottb blm amSge tbe people tbat toeteieftintbelanbe. c j9oto tob en tbe eaptatne of tbe^ofte of o|uba( tob^bltbtbefefelotoe0 torn fcatteb ab;obe on taevv ftbe in tbe lanDejbnbetftooe ft tbefitngof abilonbabmabeoboi(ab/ ft fonne of abfeam gouetnoute m ft lano/ 9 ft mS/totfe 9 cbtlfe/tee 9tbe poo;e men in ft lanbe( tfta t toetenotleb capttue to 55abt* lon)ftjutobebnbetbi0nKffDiccf5-.&amp;betcam to obolt'ab bnto flga?pbab: gamely /^fmael ft fonne of j9atbanfah^obanan9Sf 0* natbabft founts of Cawab/^awaBftfonne of cban

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1* v'

~* ofabah&amp;otmefonnesofpbaf&amp;$3e* tbecal&amp;eestbat&amp;efoimbetbetetoaptfn ge topba tbite^efamabg fonne of S^aacljatt/ toponbmt. toitb tbeit companions. SnD oaolt ab tbe """* *" fonne of abtcam/ Qetonne of $&gt;apban/ ftoo;e bnto tbem ana t^eir feiouiejs on tbpS manefctfenotaftapebtofetuetbe Caiaees/ ifffjBfB.wb.t . Dtoellin t^e isnae/anb Qo tbe Spnge of a* btion fewpce/to ttjalipe p;orpcte/Bebolbe/ 3NelI at 0a?pbab to be an offpcetin tbe Ca&amp;ees bebalfe/ft to fatiffpe f ocb ag come tobS.Cbeefoje sa $er you tope/ cojne anb ople/anbSepe tbem to poute tease fjoufe^/ 9 btoellto poute cptl es gpe baue in Kepihg. n .JSSSSSSgSSSSSSSSm waSB^SSBg*

- : S,

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&lt;8f 3feremp


c?ene]cteoae afterl&amp;fte bebflapne. oaoliab (tbemattee toas pet bnfinorone&gt;; tbete came cettapnemen ftomautfeem/fto &amp;ilob ft &lt;bamatia/totbenombjeof.Ww:.: tobpebbabtbauen tbeit beetbes/ tenttbett tlotmi 9 toete all beupe/b;ingpngmeatof* ftinges/anb wcenfe in tbefc&amp;anbes/tool&amp;e ^ it in tbe boufeof tbe fcojoe. 3nb3f^ei tbe tonne of flatbanfah toft fo;tb ot#aipbab toeppnge/tomete tbem . #oto tebenbe met fap&amp;e:

- - * *

ofabplonbafimabeoaoabmefonnedf aetoetbem/menattbempaaettoftbeppL S88SS6! of fcapban/gbuemoute 3monge fUgm :Sf2SJS , Sffi topWTtoetelefttnSuaa-.ailtbeSetoes ^^8^^!^^ fV.^S (I fape)teturmb outeof allplacejs tobete Bauepet a gteat : tteafim tn tbe WW l o f tbep toete flea bnto-.ana came in totfte lanoe tobeate/batlep/ople 6onp . ,%o b^f pajeb

of ?uD8to eoDOlfab bnto Sp? pbab/ 9 ga ffietebtopne 9 oft er ftn tes / ft t beep mpeb. ^ojeouee Sobanan tbe fonne of cateab anball tbe caprapnesoftbefcoue/tbattoete fcatteb on euetp tpbe i n $ iana e/ cam to oboIfabin^a^Pbab/ ft fapbebntobwmimo* toeft tb ou not $ at 56 aaltf bung of t&amp;e am*. tnonitesbatbtent9fmaeltbe tonne of 0a* tbama&amp;/toaapetbe?ut&lt;sobouabfonne bt3btcambeieuebtbmnot.cbmfapb|0' banan tbe fonne of Cateab bnto oaowab

tb em/ ano fle toe tbe m not toitb tt)eft b; e tb?S &amp;oto tbetwt tobettof fmati bpa caft f bees boapes of tbemen( tobombe Uetoe becaufe of Obolfab) babfcpnge f fa W tfe btot* ^^ maae/fo? feate of fcaafa fit nge ofHtael/ anbtbe femepptbpblfmael fpil toitb flapne men.30 mm temnaunt of tbe people/tbe bpnges baugbtets anball tbe people ftwre petleftat^a?pBab/bponto&amp;om flabufa. taoan tbe c&amp;efe Captapnebaa maoc 0D0* liab fonne of abicam gouetnoutfc$fmael


Jnm^mtttmwBtumm%mm tbefoimeof^atbamabcaerebjematoag go IwapeKanaltofliaapeirmaei tbe pjefonets totoatbe f Bon egJPuttobj b/ fotbatnoo

fonne of 0Atbaniab / fotbat no bob? (ball 6notoeit.itDbetfo;etoiUbebfUtbe/tbatail tbe Setoes toOub vefojte bnto tbe /tmjgbtbe fcatteD/anbtbewmnaunt in ^uDaperilbe; ffiben fajbe oooiiab fonne of 3BWcam to fobanantbe fonne of Caceab: cbouftalt notbo it/fo?tbepaee but liejj/tbatmen fate ofjtmael. C3fraacl h?Uct6 ot)ol(s5 wbfltUf / f man* otbet toit^ IjpiujoSjanau folctoc^ afte t Jftnael. CGbe.tli.Cbaptet. Aitintbefeuentb S0onetb it bap' peneo/ tba t ifmael f fonne of j!5atbamab tbe fonne of &lt;siirama(one of tbe fipngeii bioubejcame topn) tbem tbattoetegteateft aboute (be fisng/ ft ten men J toete ftoojne toitb bbn 5 bnto &lt;so boltabtbefonneoflbicamto^aipbab/ ft ate t b ere togetber.36nb Sfmael tbe f Otrne of ^atbaniab toftb tbofe ten men (bat toete ftoome to bim/ ft arte bp / ant) fmote oooHab tbe fornie of 3bcam Oft fonne of &amp;&gt;a pbantoitbtbeftoeatoe/anbOetoebim /tobfi tbebfng of abplonbaomaDegouemoute of tbe lanbe.^fmaelalfo fleto e all tbe$etoe* t5aitoetetoitboDoKaDatflea?pba9/aii ax. *


lobanan tbe fonne otcateab ana ail tbeg tobtebbabbene captasnett ouee tbebgnge* ofte toitb b?m/betne of all tbe to?c&amp;etme* 9nttm i9ffmaeltbefonneofj9atbamabbabbonejuijt WW * f&amp;ev tofietbeir companions / ft toentouttoj to f gbt to? tb ?fmaeii tbe fonne r M* nfab/ftfountiebimbutbetoatwofJBaltfnt &lt;n d$abaon.i5oto toben all tbe people/ tob9 gifmaeuebcaptfut/tatoegiobanan^tomw Of Cateab ft all (Ht otbet &lt;rapta?neg of tbe . ofte/tbeptoeteglab. $&gt;oatbepeople# gitmaelbabcaiieD atoaje from fi$a?pbab/ toete b;ongbt agape. 2tnb toben tbet? teturneb/tber came to io ban an tbe ronne f careab .is ut? f m ae 1 tbe fonne of j5atban&lt;abtlebft5f obanan toftb * evgbt of bis t toojne companpong / ft toente towe3mmonfte0.cben9i:Q&amp;anan fonne of cawab sail tbe eaptapte* orfeMef toete^btmytobe tbe temnaunt off people/ tobomjfmael tbe fonne of Mama&amp;bab lebatoai?e(!benbebab ftapne CMMml I fonne of 3Dbicam )tob5tbepaltb babtefcuea ftfl bpnnftgbtmg men/toem? ftcbf mo/9 geftebmen/tobomtbepbiougbtagajneeeS &lt;Babaon:anb toente from tbence/c fat tbem ootone

botoneatdSetntbctamaam/ tobtcb lietbbe tm etblebe/tbat tbepmigbtgointo Ggi* pte f 0? feate of tbe Caioeeg: of tobome tbep toete afrapeb/becaufe tbat?fmael tbe fonne ofiSatbaniabbaoaapneffioDOltablbibam^ tejf* fonne/tobomtbefitng of JBabilonbabmatie gouetnouteintbelanbe. GUbt ffnptavnceaCbc (ouncell 9f Jeccmpe to^at ttejouflOtto Oo.3fempc monpflittl) tftc remnauut oltDc people &gt;"&gt;t tc go into ajpie. be.]W. Cbaptet. all tbe miewanD3.obanan tbe fonne of ftateab/3e?aniab fonne of fiDtatab came toitb all people

i 1 mtmmJ"" m f leeftbntotbemott/ ft fajoe trf a bntoimmptbep?opbet:^eateourepe fSmSSi ticfon/cbattboumapeft p^a^^WbntoS im.rm9 ^jetftj^otjyanufo^tbetemnaunt/tobee of tbete be betp feto left of manj&gt; / as tbon feiftWsfbattbejiojDe/tbPfcob mapfteto Watoape togoin/ft teltbs/ tobat toeftuioe bo . b jeeemp. tbe ?&amp;;opbete fapoe bnto tbe:gibauebetoepoit.25eboioe/atomp;ape bnto ob poute tlowm pebaue MM meanblofte tobat anftoete tbe '/Lojbgeuetb f ou/ 1 (ball certif t e pou tbetof/anb bepeno tbingbacftftovou.anotbepfape bnto 9e. Sbrifii a tern v*. be iLo;De of tteutb ano faitbf ulnw SB be outerecojoe/tbattoe toill do all/ tfiat fte JL-o^betbF^obcommaunDetb biJ/tobetbee ftbegoobo^euell. ie topllbeefien bnto tbe boweof outejl-o?b(!5obto tobom toe fenbe cbet&amp;attoe mape p;ofpete / toben toe. baue Coiotoebtbe bopce of tbe llofte oute od. 3tflbaftet ten bape* came tbe too^je of i TLojbbnto f eeemp. cben calieb be aobanan tbe fonhe of ftawab/ ftantbe captapnes of tbe people tbattoeee toitb btm:peeanbal tbe peopieftom tbe ieefttotbemoft/ anbfapoe bnto tbem*. bus fafetb tbe X.o?b ob of at' welbnto tob5 pe fentme/ to lape fojtb-pout: pjapewJbefo^ebimtgifpetomiJtoelimtbps lmu/% wal buplbepoubp/ anbnot b?eabe poubotoneij (ball plante pou/ anb not tote vou outttb; 9 am pacif peb/ as concempnge tbettoubietbatgibauewnetopou. jfeate not tbe fiing of J8abilon/of tobom pe ftanbe

jLo?oeofbooftestbe!iobofgft;ael:3Sfpebe tobolpputpofeb to gp in to (Egppte/ anb to be ttj. te as tttaungers : tbe ftoearoe tbat pe feate/ ftjall ouee tafte pou in gppte:anb tbe bongertobeeofpebebeteaftapeb.ajalbSge bpon pou into Cgppte/ anb tbete pe (ball ope. #o? ail tbep/ tbat of few putpofc wm&gt; tafte to go in to cgppte / tbete to eafe tbem femes of tbeit mpfetp/ (ball petpro toitb He faeatae / toptb bongetanb pettplence : not one of tbem (palltemapne/ tbete Qwunom;

ef cape tbe plage/ g 31 topll b?pnge bpon tbe. ffo; tbus faietb tbe %om of booties rtje oboflftaell: ipbeasmp toMtnaiibtnbPj gnacpon (S come bpon tbe tnbabptatouis of 3|etufale/fo (balmpbpfpieafutego fojtb bponpoualfo/pfpegointoc-gppte: mm tbete pe ftalbe tenpleb / abbojteo/bjougbt to ftjameanbconfutiS^nbaS fo? tbtSplace/ pe ftjalneuetfe itmo;e. be %ofi# fo?bpD' betb pou ( t&gt; pe temnaftt of auba) t W mu not go in to cgppte. anbfowetnot $ % baue toatneb pou ear* neftlptbisbape els (balpe begtie pouefelu^. got pe tent me bnto tbe )Lo?oe poute 00 / anb fapne: p?ape tbou tbe !Lo?b oute ob f 0; bs-^nb lobe tobat anf toete t &amp;o#e oute ob geuetb tbe/tbat b?inge bs agapne/ anb toe (balbotbetaftet , oto baue f ftetoeb/ anb oeclateb bnto pou tbebopce of tbe JLo^b poute 00/ f 0? tbe ttbpcb catife be bap fent metopou.gjfpetoplnotfolotoeit/befute/8 pe (baipetpme toitb tbe ftoe,atae , tottb bon* getftpeftiiencceufintbefameplace/tobete poute luft teas to go/anb btoell, raobamm cacvetb the temnaunt of tbe people (n to (ifan'te'confratptotbeinfnoeoejecemte.jwemp P!opbec?etb tbe oetteute?onoe flVP". C^be.tWw.cbaptet, to toi)f 11 'Jetempbab ensea all ;too?aesof tfc%Q]Nt obbntotbe ii&lt; ipeople (fo? tbeit fanes to tobom tffc= _ !B JoDba&amp;fentbtm)a?atiabfonne of faiab/ft Siobanan tbe fonne of ateab to all tbep?ouoe petfonnes / fapae bntoj|e=-

3UwDe;f 02 31 tof U be toitb sou / to ^elpe ?ou/ noe tmJ^^SS! S!^Mi JS :r!Z

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belpuet pou ftom bPSbanbe.l tofflpataon 5ou/| toill baue metcp bpon pou/anb b?ing

vou agapne in to poute atoneian&amp;e. * ifeueetbeies/pfpeputppfenottoatoell * in tbfSlanae / net to f olotoe tbe bopce of tbe 3Lo?ae poute oft:but topll tape tbuS/toe topllnotbtoell bete /but go intoCgPPtej. tobete toe al netbette toatte/beatefcnopfe Ofbat?l/netfufteeb5get/tbetetoiltoebtoel. lbetfo?ebearenototbetoo?beof)lo^e/ A) pe temnaunt cf 3!uba. cbS fapetb tbe

not go in to Cgipte / ana bto ell tbete : ut 35 j&amp;atucbtbe fonne of #etiab p?ouobetbtbe agapnftbS/(batbempgbtb?pngebStnto captpupte of tbe caioees: tbat tbep mpgbc Oape bs/ anb cat pe bs atoape p;efonets bn* to i&amp;abplon. $&gt;o jobanan tbe fonne of Sateab/anb alltbe captapnes of tbeboofte /anball tbe people folotoebnot tbe commaunaement of tbe )Lo?be:l9amelp/ to atoell in tbe lanae of 9uDS'*ffut fobanantbe fonne of iBateab/ kk ana alt



anb all me captapnetfof tbe&amp;oofte / carpeo atoape all tbe re mnaunt in JuQa/ tbattoece tome togetbee agape ftomtbe eptben(a mongetobomtbep&amp;abbenefcatreDJrootoel in tte lanbe of jubajaBen/toemenycbilb?!/ tDe 6pnge0 oaugb t esjscall tbofe tyatftabu* ?arabantbe cbefe captavnc^aDleftte C50' boiiab tbe fonne of Hbffeam . cbep cavpeb C atoape aifo ty p?opbet Setemp/jeatucb tbe fonne of J&amp;etiabya fo came in totf gppte:fo; tbeptoere not obeopetybnto tbe cSmaunoe' mentof ob.&amp;btws came tbep tocbapbm*. anomc&amp;apftiiw tbetoo?&amp;e- of tbe'jLo?a Bappeneb bnto leremp/faping-.caBe great ftonetf in tbpne banbe / atto bpoe tbem in B?pcB toaU/bnber c&amp;e bo?e of $batao0 bowfe incbap^nfe/tbatall t&amp;e men ofjUM mape

fe/anafapebnto t&amp;em:cBu0 faietb&amp; Me of boo at tbe C30B of$ftaeli:#ebolbe /$ to pn fenbe an&amp; call fo? $ab u cb oo onof o? tbe fww*u u vng e of tfabflonmpfetuaunt / 9 topll fett bis reatetopon tbefe ftone* tbat 1 baue bpb/ ?be QiallfpjeDe bts tetite ouert&amp;em; .. anotoben be commet&amp;y&amp;e (ft ail (mpte tbe lanbeof &lt;gppte toitb aattgbtet / tf pjefon* mentyanb toitb tbe ftoeatoe.l^e (ball fet fp?e bpon tbe templed of tbe tfgppciani* gobbe?/ anbbutnetbembp/ a tafie tbem felue0 wfbneKJ.flPojeouetbe (ftallarapebimfelftt tbe lanbe of &lt;gfpte/Iifteajf a (ftep&amp;erbe put' tttbonb?fscoteyanbtftallbepatteftp0 toape from tb'ence fn peace . cbe pplens alfo of tbe

irlje $pp&amp;ecpt

ttfftcebntoataunge gob&amp;esJ. ifcftetfoje mpneinbpgnacponanDtojatft tea? bpnoleb/ anb it b?entebp tbe cptpe0 of3!uDa/tbe feibc* toitb tfte ftretefl of femfale * fo tbat tbep toete maoe toafte anb ocfoiat e / as tt te come to paae tbi0bape .ototfterfo?e tftug fafetb tbe HoM ofbooftcs tbe obof 3frae:^oto bappenetft it/ $ pe do fo gteate euellbnto poute atone Couie? / tftn? to be* 8topetbemenanbtoemen'cbilb?ettanoua beji of 3|ubaf fo tftatnone tftom left / becaufepe p?ouoBemetonto o&gt;?atb top* tbe too?fie0 of pout atone banoeg: toften pe offee bnto fttaungegobbe0Mtbe lanbe of tfgipte tobeeeafspebegonetobtotlkcbatpemigbt btterlpperilfte/anbtbatpempgBtbeteuple&amp; anb (ftamefullp f ntteateb of all nacpon*. jftaueyenoto forgotten tbe tofccBebne* of pout fo?efatfter0/tftetopcfiebneis of tbe BpngefS'Of'juba atbeirtopue0,tfte topeftebne&amp; tbat pe poute felues anb pout toyues baue bone tn tbelanbeof luba ; fotfte cptpe anbintbelanbe of jerufalentf

7 et ate pe not fo?p tbtt oapey pe feaw not netftertoaiBepe inmpiateeanb/nmpeom Sfl r maunbementesytBatgiftauegeuebntopou anb poute fo;efatbet0. Cberfo?etbu0fapet&amp; t&amp;ejlo?beofftoo:


Qs ttli stfot 1 of attae'li . J am ft ebf a ttip' ab* upfeb anbbetetmeb/topunpQ)pou/anbto tote out all ?uba. Mfoi tbctemnaunt of am ft4b# uviuwrn-^.u^K^^.^. 3ubatbatputpoaptoenteintogipte/n)ete temple of tbe &amp; unne tbat s in gppte:ft)all to eafe tbem of tt)eit mpfetp :9 t opll tafte tbe jne.ttu bebjeabetnpeced/anbbumetbe temper anbtbeplbaUallbebeatopeb.SntbeJanbeanM^ of (Jgppte OialltBep petpftj bepnge conftfa meb tottb tbe ftoeatbe anb toitb bonger.ff 0; ftom tbe leeft bnto tbe moft / tbep (bail pe* ti(b tottb tbeftoeatbe 9 toitb bSgev.^b;e ouettbcpQ&gt;albeteiipleb/abbo?reD/tyameo/ anb confonnbeb . f 0; % toill bpfet ttcm tbat btoell in (Egipte/ais | baue bpfiteb J erufa lem;toi'tb tbe ftoeatoe/tof tb bonget ano toitb 3tum&lt;fl peftiience.^otbatnone oftbetemnauneof |uba/tobicbategonetobtoell.m^sipt&amp;)al be left to come agapne in to lanbe of 3 uba all tbougb tbep tbpnfce to come tbptbet a* gapne/^tobtoeiltbete. jFo;none (ball come agapne/butfocbastateflebatoape. ! Cbcnalltbe men tobicb bnetoe tbat tbrit; topuejj 'Iwb oftteb bnto fttaunge goows/anb agteate ro?teoftopue!tbatftobetbete/pec anb ail I people tbat btoelt tbete in tfgpptc tn tbe cptie of patutes./ anftoetoegieremp / anbfapbe:3E0fo?tbe toojoes tbattboubatt fpoBenbntob8tnrbenameoftbe]lo;b/toe to ill i n no topfe beate tbem : but tob atfo euc t BautiMtmumwiiimcu/uuMuwuiauvuuit* goetboutof oute atone moutb'tibattoplltoe nable tbinged/anbtbtngeg tbata bate J5ut bo:lBe toillbo factifice/anb ottre bMac iontf ?ftr , Mfc itbeptoolbenot foiotoenetbetfien/totutne bntotbeJJBueneof beaue-.lpfteajJtoeaomr from tbeit topc&amp;ebneit/ ano to Do nomo;efa&gt; fo?efatbetf(/ oure ft; nge* a nb oure beaoeji


oftbetigipefanggobbeg. CBe Ecp?outtU t&amp;e people fo? ttjtit JBoIatcic.UE^p tbat fet tf gt)t bf tbe thjeatenpng of tbe Lo;0/a 1 1 tfta* QencD.tHjcOcttiuccjD of ffifippte tie JeWcs tljerirv tspjopftccyeO. C^be.yliftj.Cbapter. ^13 is tbe too;be tbat toad Oftoeb to gse remp concetninge allt^e^e* 3D ^^ toe0/tobpcb btoeltin wioisl g&amp;agbal/ atbapbni0y at fluent* pbi^/a in tbe lanbe of J&amp;atuiess .cbitf faietb tbe 'JLo?oeofboofte$s tbe obofjftaelhpe baue frne all 5 mpfetp tbat J baue b?ougbt bpon letutalem/ anb bpon all tbe cptpejs of gwaito tbat tb(0 bape tbep ate oefolate/anb no man btoelimg tbetfm anb tbat becaufe of tbe great blafpbempe^i/ tobicb tbep commit' teb/to pjouofie mebnto anget : Jn tbat tbep toentebacftejtooo factpfpee/anb too;Q)ppe bntofttafigegobbeg-.tobomnetbettbef/net pe / net pout fa tbe 1:0 baue bnotone. ^oto be it/9 ftntbnto tbem mp fcttiafitedaU tbep;o Pb e t es :gi tofe bp eavlp / % fent bnto tbe my a gaue tbem toatni nge-.fiD bo nofocb abbomf *

?Pt ' baueb^n^ecit^0oe|!uba/6ntwtbe ftfetw a ftlbe0 of|t mfall.Jfo;tbmbab toe plenteoufnefle of bptaiejj/ tben toete toeui p;ofpetite/anbno mpffotfunecambpo 00. i 3Butfen0toeleft/tooffre/anbtobofacrt*

j-i 4 5ftbWotbefl)iimeofbeautn/toe&amp;aiiebaD t^at^u f CawC ngej of all tbfogeji/anb pettfl) toitb tbe ftocatlw abongerjUft of all/toben toe toe* men bpb factif pee anb oftreb bnto tbeffiuene of beau^/bpb toe mabe bet cabedanb poute bntobetwpncfioftrpnged/toboberferupce/ 1 toitbbutetitebouCbanbc0toplle0f Cbmfapoe Jetempbnto alltbe people/ to tbe men/to tbe toemen a to all tbe folcbe/ tob&lt;cbbabgeuenbimtBatanttoetejtbnot PW0tt9*M%fijto temcmb;etbe factif pce0 mat pe/ . Mute fo;efatbet0/poute bpnge0 anbtuler0 (toftballtbe peopiejftaue oftrebtntbt icptie* araiaa/nttbe fttete0 alanb of Sctufaiemi anbbatbbenotconfpb?ebflji0inbi0mmbef Info mocft/tbattbe %m migbtnolonget fuftretbetopcBeone0ofpoure muencpon?/ ano the abijom inaWe tb t'nge? tobicb be bpb? crm.1* ^rtotpoiiteianbebefolate abopae/peeanb ab&amp;ojteb/fo tbat nomJbtoelietb tfterin tnp motf /a0 it i0 come to pafte tbt bapeJ m jepbnotaiitbi0bappebntopou/becau M .? repemabetoebfaenfpee/ a rpmteb agapnft SSffi tbeto;be.7ebauenot.folotoebbtebopce/to S toalcbeinbi0 latoe/uibp0 oiWnaunce0 anb jrjatutti.ftl.a ftatutes. Tee tbt3i0 tbe caufe / tbat au mfffiwtune happened bnto pou / as it 10 come topatre tawoape, iJ9o;eouet/f.etemprp8Be bnto all the people ato alltbe toemen t $eate tbe too?be of tbe %&gt;W all funs/pe tbat be tn $ lahbeof Cgppte: Cbu0 fapetb tbe '/lo;be of ottfljtbe ob of fftaehye a poute topueri bauefpoben toptbpoute atone moutb/tbe ttphgetbatpebauefiilfi'nebinbebe: . 7eetbu0bauepefapbe:ietotunotfapie/ iwpwMM^tootbetbpngetpatpirj^WtW topi! bofactpfpteapouteout b^eBoftrtngejto tbe ffluene ofbeatien.^tpoflp baue pefett bp pour atone goob meanpngftvanbbaftelp iaueefuUpliebpouteatoneintente .anb jberlo?l5/&amp;eatetbetoo?beof $ lUwbc anju* IM/'petbatbtoelltntbelanbeoriSgppte.

Mi jeebolbe/lbaueftoomebpmpgreafe *fwtffu name/fpetbtbe)to?be/tbatmp nameftaK ^ lot bewbeatfebtb wto enpman? mouft of hm/ia ailtbelanoe of gppwo fape;** i6e&lt;Bobijuetb/fo?9(tomtoatcb/topiaf &amp;e ftem/anbnot f 0; tbeft: toealtb . ,anban teen of gubatbatbeintbe lanbe of tftgtt/ 2^tm^w &lt; f.ftaiipertmtoftbtbt^towwanbtoitbB1' oet/bntplitbep be btteeltbeftropeb. * i9euert(&gt;eie0/ tbWe.tdatfteb atoapefo; ?

W ^i-f t

h *t

3nb ail tbe remttalit of|uba y tbat ate gotf* into i^ppte / t^ete to btoell / (ball imotae tobofe too;be0O)albe founoe true Ubeir0 0; mpne.^afie tbi0 fo? a tofien/tbat 91 torn &lt;oU fet pou in tbt? place / fapetb tbe %W / anb fljatpemapeBnotoe /bototbat3(toptbout boute) toill petfoutme mp putpofe bpo pou to purtpfl) pou.ffiebolbe y fapitb tbe JLo?oe/ k toplloclpuet ibatao $opb?ea ISpnge of rigpptintotbebanbe0ofbi0enem|e0/tbat mt aftetbt'0 ipfeieuen as I gaue oebf Biab &amp;*Z5SGA tbe ftpnge ofjuba in to tbe banbe0 oM9aSu* 3fece*ww* ebobono^o? bpng of jBabpioy tobicb fougbt afterbfe ipfe. C^aeu^iettpjottefi iot jefem^. cbe.jclb,baptet. 'ere ate tbe too?be0 tbat H etemp ^ tbe p?opbetefpafietinto VMP juUMy Sevonne of^ettab / after tbat be 3crtWpBM _ibabto?ptten tbefe &amp;etnon0 into abo&amp;eattbemoutbof3emp/3h fouttb

peate of gtboabim tbe fonne rtff oOa&amp;bpng ofjuba. . tou? fapetb tbe H*o;be &lt;Sbb of gfftael! bntotbe j fl&gt; atucb; Jnfomocb a tbou tbougbtefttbu0(tobenn)ou toaftto?ptpnge 100 10 me 1 tbefto?De ban) gtuen me papne fo?mptrauaple:3!bauetoectieb mpfelfett fpg^pngeyanb ftalia fpimbe no teft i be^ fo?eteilbimynD3!cremp/tbat % ju&gt;?b[apetl&gt; tHtH^BfMM/#C tbmg tbat | baue Uupl* b tb/ to pi 1 1 b?eaBe botone agapne / anb tote out tbe tbpngeytbatl! baue piantebypeetbiS tobolelanbeJnbfeBefttboupetp?omociof HLobenot fo? ityanbbffp?e it not.jf 0? 5 topll b?tnge a mifetabie plageopo allfleO) fapetb tbe n,o?be.3But tbplpfetoilil geue tbe f 0? a Ptfp/tobercfoeueetbougoeft. C^pjopbec?etbtBe6ttttut(tonof^3PPfe3'lP* ' upaunct is pjomefeo to Jfcnel. ccbe.ttoj.fibapter. |erefoloteetbetoo?bC0 of %o&amp;* to ibe p?opbete 5[eremp / tobicb be 5^*^ jfpafiebnto tbe entpie0. 0msS &gt;too?b0 folotopnge p?eacbebbf to ^e ggppcpan* concernpng tbe l^oft of pba taoi&amp;ecbo fipiigof egppte/togenbe toa0 in Cbarcami0befpbetbetoatet of &lt;upb?atf0t tobat tpme as iQabucb odobo?d? tbe Bpnge of J3a b pio n aeto e bim y in tbe f otntb peatt] of Seb oabim tbe fonne of loffab bpnge of 3iuba, feiratotebpbuciie-rartbroflbe/pegoo' ' fo?tbtofigbt:yebarne(iep(lutebo?fe0yafef joutefelue0Bpontbm'.yefetJdUtfaleffe^ faft on y pe b?pnge f o?tb fpeatt0 /pe fcotite joureftoeattie0/aputonpoutb?eftpiateft. ut aiaiS/Bbtobappenetb %af mm r;r, foafrapeb t tob? ?mcBepe M*f *Srr* , lo;ee your too?tbie0uatneeet(jey rjrg


ift atoape/atnone of emloBe be*

bpnbebpm, tfearfulne{fci0fau"enbpon eue* rpone orcein Cape e jbojbe.cbeUgb* teft oEfotc all not fle atoape/ anbe too;* tesftallnotefcape, cotoaebe e #o? bg e toater oftfuaftixoe tfau pb?ates3/epaIIttombie 5 faJl.33uto!jat arco hpiica ttjf i0beif*/gftoeUetbbp/as5ittoereafloube/ SSB9SSSS wa ng * eagfogelibef sremncff of toatetf SSK ?5&amp;S SPK tbat rpfe bp Kftc e float/ 9 iae tottaTOc cafte out e toatews teitft (0 gteac nopfe, * JBoMiwtaw. #0?epfope:1i8etoing0bp/tollC0Uer Kffi2e*! ea ^ :toc jnbe&amp;rapeecptpe0 A top thn't eo:ftc * toll fo? tbe Gbarrecteji/ comefo?petoo? c^acctte s ma. tbf eg: pe i$o?fan0 / pe jUbeaw tot poure 5SMH bucietf/p e%mm tottb poure botoe0: &amp;o Kf an *&lt;* B'ape fie bnto e *o?b 00 of boo* ccueii a u c ftejs/ a oa ? e oE bengeaunce / at be mape a tjtjc a in z&gt;), toenge bun of bis enempeis.cbeCtoeaibe al ape tbcbmoute/it 1 albetotpfri'ebabaebfnele ^ST-^^^^tb^Woe oD of bootleg IbaH acffj/acupnae^wEaaaBne offtf nge totoarbe e #o?tB/ them &lt;nto tbe bp e toater of Cupb?ates . obp( aijaiiocB or tie mab } anb fypmjettpacie bnto eoaugbter mmemm oftfgipte: . KiKJo, JButfobapnealtougotoCutgerp/ pijetc tijj ease fo?y toounae all not be flopped, cbe ofn;eic niii S b^eyenalbeareofpame/ij elanbe SSSSlf** 1 * WHWtt confufp on ;fo? one tteonoe SrtffiS SB**** ftomblc bpon anoer /boto tben SeSS uloe ep not fall botb togeee. of (i;cito;oe. erbefearetbe toojoess toat 'iLojDe fpafie to e p?opbet3ietemp/conceriitng e&amp;ooft baBt|ou(|bofj5abcftoijonofo;weftfn3eof3Babflon/ haiihon wnePflMft out o?ototbelanbe of cggppte/anb as a ijoooip f a? caufe it be p; c lames at fi^agool/ SBepbps "i&amp;fo; tap* ano ftbapbnfe/a fape : Stance ttpn mam

^fXl^t^wfome^mit mi commit toe 1 o?en are $oto bappene it (bat p mpgbtpe too? oongett ^fejsarefallen:' tobpftobeepnotfa&amp;? K^SiK'BWcifttftt)l^ijttia-fbenibotoie. ttooBtsTa ** flatter toasgteate ;fo? onefeileuet tome raii them ftiH bpen crpebbponanofter: gaeocB) fa ibau rap , if tt tos go agapne t o out e atone people/ 'SSB28F3L antl t0 outfatonenatutal matte/ from M uetbe weight GtP* eumere:46&amp;araoftpnge of&lt;* goiicctijioto^gipte/tbetjmetotH^pngfeopcpon.aisittus t^iEOW 3 *"*&lt; a ^* $ c ^"S* / tobofe name MfttrSMe thetnount of cbabo?; 3 as n^banus vf it aooe sipng^ of a*ln tbe fee. tboupaugbferof Cgftitemafte *no*hp3hooft K bptbpgeerto flpt.JTo? fl^empbris albe . ... k bo^e.anliDefolattyfotbatnomanQ)alOtoel f c uSSStSiffi : - ' &gt; V. - s. ' fTtn - : ,

tbatbeaftbbn/alP6efaf caluejf, ^^ h dwalfo ftaJBeatoapetogetbei! '/no gKi?* notab^:fo;tbeoaFeoftbeftaaugbterano^ flW ftM tbetpte of tbee; bttitatgon all come bpoti 9 &gt; t&amp;e toaT Htm, fteBtftattofe, Cbectf* of tbeft enempegftall mafie ipJfiift not&gt;fe/ag W blaft of a Kompett. tfo; a15SSJBi (ball entte in toftb tbeft booRe/anb come tt ocpntpe ? &amp;" ajceu/ag ft toetebetoetg ootone of toob; Jnb pusitoenflrtj fbef all cut ootone bee toob/ fatetb tbe' "J, a ^!"' )Lo;be/toltb out enp Wfcrectf. f ojtbej ail ggfifgL bemoin nomb?e tben -tbe gwQwppwu/.W omunitS (bat no man albe abletotentbem. be ftmee aifoflft baugbter of cgtpte albe confounoeb/tobe *$p$ff&amp; ealbe oelfeomto t&amp;e banoejsoftbe ffi '^J, peopleoftbeno?tb. ^^ #t SgSS ; Q9o?eouet tbue fa^etb tbe U-o?be of boo- aape ertbtttM flcg tbe (3oo of 'ifraell: iScboloe 3itoiilbpff t fitatpon jjiu tbat reGlefle people or IftM/ WHwo ^Sfi"** anb (gpptey?ee botb tbeftgobbeu ano tbe? ? w MngesReuen Pbaeao/ anb all t b era tbat put tberetrafttobmi.yeegtofl!beifumbfmtQ

t&amp;e bSbeiS- of tbofe/tbat fefte after tbeft ljufi* darnel?/ in to tbe potoee of jSabucbobonO' ; fo?tbefipgeofffiabilon/anDmto|potoee of bt'0 fe t uauntegi Jnb after alltbefe'lbsngS italbe tn&amp;abfteb ajta fo?e tpme/fajttft tbe*-oe. -i 38utbenottbouaftaie&amp;()m?fmtaat f &lt;facob)feare-nortbo/-aoell. fwti'% toil beipetbe from farre/anb tb| febe from &amp; ISbeoftbftaptpttFfe.|acob alio all come . aga?ne/anbbefnteft:beail be.rjcb/anb nomanallbobimbarme.fearetbounote W facob mpff ruaunt) faj&gt;e tbtbe Jicw/ fo? a am toitt) tbe : anb vfh beorojeall na cponss/amongetobompauefcatrebtbt. mmWUfSi to^l not cdnfume tbe/but cbadentbeanbco?tecfietbe: peeanbtyattt btferecron: netberto^l| fparetbea^one toerefaiitleffc, -..? CE&amp;etoo;&amp;e'of tfielotfe-agapnil tht JfefiflfftrtHB. r^e.flbij.bapter, . ^ffeatetbetoo;Df0/tbe)Lojoe3l fpafie bntojeremse tfjep;opbfte agapnfl tbe Pbfltftne*/ before tbat^barao (mote tbe c#fe or a* lab.cbw fa^etb (be jlo?b:ieebolbe / tbere all toatewarpfe oute of tbefio^tb^ffiall g to toe to a greate floube / runmjnge ou er anb couenngetbe ianbey tbe tmtW tb em tbatbtoeerin. ' 3Bnbtbemcnffiallcrte/8ailtbe8t btoell*' ml ianbe/an mourneat e noWt a Bam* pcngeaf{beftarongebarbrbbo;re0/attbe '' aftpngeof efttbarettesiartbat e torn* Wpgf &lt;tf etobew i cbefatbew all notlobfOe(rcbilWen/fofeabUanBtee rFaefr baji5f?be;8te fametsme/ tobmee



^ *

. r|


tobenbe ai be (bm/to ie fttopetbe wb oie lanoe of t Pbiiiflme^.^e an mafte toafle bo fruj3 / s&gt;on anball oer tbat are ftoojnebntotftent. Jpo? tbe lo?oe togll seftro^e all :paiedt* na/atibtbe oerJles*/at be bcupbeb ftom J0ecountre.38alonefleisicome bpdn 3B^ab/ 3Bf calon top fjer oer bailey all ftepe ber peace. $oto longe toflt ou Have / fit) ou f toearbe of Hoft? mime aga?ne in to m eetb/tefte/aiib leaue of. 36ut boto can it ceaae/tobf n e A-oibebim felfe ba geuen bim a cbarge agapift afcalon/ano tapfeb it bpagajnft e tytm of e fee coattf C&amp;etoo?aeoftfielo;teagApnatbeJoabp{e0* ccbe.ribuj.bapter. Bategenaug jee %oM of $otte*g 36 S^|(SoDofifraelagai?nftfl0oab:toO w.tb.a.&amp;u ^3 1be toe ct'tieof jQabo/fo? it all a.rin).u 1 5g.g^l beiaDeotoafle/b?ougbttoconftt' SbiR u f?on? tahtn.)'cepttrongcitfe offtatiaSAt, larim albe bjougbtto ame/saftaEeD: ^oabalnomo?ebebabinbonoure:i@iC' fieb eouncell albe taben bpon l^efebon.

Come(alltbe?fape(letbtJrotetbemoute/ . * tbepmapebe nomo?eamonge f nomb?e ofe&lt;0ent5leg/peeatepmai?enomo?c beotigbtbpo:Cbu0 e ftoearoe ai per* ttmtW&amp;i bopce an ctpe from ^o/ona\ fm:ii gteate \aapnge ^oeatuccpon/ijj - hamna ia9oabma3eDefolate. ft SSS 3Wb(ft erpe albe berbe ft an bem* *Soie RS tbe going bp bnto tin ere all ef^oabiieB.arvfeaiamentacton: ^botonetotoaibe ^0* b*aftec tbetonaim /ere all bebetbe a cruell anoa CwacSsome bcebip ttyiSet ?ou atoave/fauepour ipuw BSg l ff f &gt; n beUJBebntoebeemetopIbettiejj. MMtttfem* 1 o; bttanft t ^ ou m mm in (gp aronge 5gboeg ^ttearure/oualtbetabf*&lt;Eba* t aoe tb;. mo0 toi W P^etteg anb p?pnceg all goo tnwunte tb(s atoape in to captfuite. f tftc ebattt* djebeftrover all come bpon a cftfetJ/ ffiSSR-iwnefliaUrttape. cbeballe^ albe w mSPS ftropeb/9 1 feibe0allbelapebtoaae:lifie ' te^iew^eo/aseHo;oebaofKrmtD. gtofibcapoa b*09 a ficatoftenbntofl0oab/tbategtt ScTtttbet atoape fpebelp : fo? ber cm* *m mS t raabe f betolate/g no man anotoenet= M(bJffiutrrt. t *ufebbe ftttbatboetoo?cfie of ,*Deti)atnet/ i,o?bnegl(gentlp/anbeurtebbebeat be* BSfA pebacbebK3 (toearbe from ebbpnge of 1 naui at th'f bloube. -BttlTi floabba euer benerpebe anbcarleffe . 9fti!)efemoaftomberpoittbbp/ ebaCptten anbtabf g*b ffl9oafterearetoibertreafure. &gt;be toa? newer SShSSS," ** vat out ofonebeffe H in to anoer.( at. pSS'L Meneuee toenteatoape in to eaptpufte/ Aeeiu a qf(h ttt eberfo?ebertaaeremapne/ aberfauoure I- : * lM ' (gnotpetcbaungeb, ,

utlo/efphie cme/fape l%i&gt;w at 3 all fence bftttufler* to twee W bp/to prepare 9 feafonbet beael0:peebet^, tancbf roe* rattell anb abe to anb f to Jno ** $9oab albeaftamebof dbamois/ipfii as frael toas:aamebof 75eel/ toberfne

utberttuft. bBberfo?ebopfPiicbeu0:toeamfo&gt; tie/ana tttonge men of toarrei ^oaball bebearopeb/bcptis0b?entrbpxbercbo ? fen pongemen at be u'a we./fape v bing/ tobofename 10 e %m of be^ ftruccion of #oab comrne onapace/anii bet fall in at ban be. 3W1 ber nepgbbout* allmournefojber/ anb ail ep at finoto ber nam e/ an fape; D1)otobappeneit/tbateaeongertaf9 1 egooblprobbiss u0b?ofienf 3nbou baugbter^fton/comebotone fr5 pgio?p/ anbfpttn pouerte . tfo? be at bellrope 2@oab/al come bp to e alfo/anb b?ea&amp;e botone tbp Otonge bolbe0. anbou at btoelleft maroer / gete totbe fttete/9 me abouttbe: atfie ?at are fieb anb efcapeb/ anb tope*, tobat pnge i0b8PPtneWJ&gt;/floabi0confounbebanD ouercome. floume anb crpe/ten ft out at SBrnon/ at #oab is bettropeb. anbmpferp all come bpon e plapne lanbe:amelp / bpon $olon/1iabaiab:bp5fl8pbaa a on bpon^aboanbtbe boufeof eblatbaim/ bponariaiarim anb 35egamui/bpcn 58emaon at Carf o/bpS o?rab ar.b ai ecptpeamtbe lanbe of ggoab / tobeer ep liefarrewniawt/^) ^j^pWeoflPoab allbe fmptten botone/ a ber arm e b?bfien/faie e Ho?De, flgabeber b?onften / fo? emagnpfpfbber felf abouc e jlo?be/tbatmenmape ciappe tbe(tbanbc)satberbompte/anbtbatealfo raape be laugbf btofco?ne. &gt;g|fraell/ alt *.,*,, ounotIaugbb&lt;mtofco;ne/tobf bei0 tafte smt ' fm ' amongeeue0 iftt becaufe of p too;be0 at ou bad fpoben agapnlt bpm / ou altbebjpuenatoape. Feflgoabite0all leaueecptie0/?btoelltocfie0ofaone/? become libebotoue0/at mabe tbeir ne He? &lt;nbolf0. M fo? $)oab0 p?pbe / toe baue berbe of iVfhetd berpbic mpnoeb.31 finotoeber iioiiu &lt;2

neflfe /be? boOinge/bf r arogancp a e p?pbe ggffaL of ber Itomacfi/tape tbe Ho?be.&lt;ffo? ber fu. J*"*'" 4 tioufneiei mape netbee bpbolbe ber to flrf g ner bf be .cberfo?e ail er mourni^Tgc be maoefo? fl^oab/anb euerpman alicrpe fo? fll9oab0tobe:alamentacpS (balbcnwbe to e men at (lanbe bpon e toail. &amp;o toil 3! mourne fo? e alto /&gt; ^a?er/ anb lot e/fl)ou bpnepame of ^abantaby w.w cbr


CWtoBW tymmeftes an tome ouet fee/eb;8unesof3|a?etbutbuto$ree; M ceflropetfoan bjeafie foto?Batuett 9 gtapegaermg:fl$p; 9 tare albe tafcenatoa?efrome t?mb;efeibe/ anb fta etB6oreiahbeofgoab. erea!benoftoetetofnefnt&amp;ep;e(re/ ernaoet all&amp;aueno ftomacBetoejpe/ jeetbroaaUjenonetoctiebntobtm-.tobi afojetpmetoetebetbefto BefebontoGieaie anbgabas/tobiebliftebbp tit bopce from Soar bnto$o;omum:/ atbulloc&amp;of ;e peace oiae, ^etoatet#airoof$5emwm albeb;ftbbp. , ^ . . flBojcouet 3 totfl mafie oab ctett (fafteko;De)ftomeoft"EpngeS3cen' fpnge at e ha mabe bntobet go&amp;be? m frpe placed ib et f o;e mp b ert mbur ne to; i$)oab / Spbe a crotooe piapenge an beup fonge -.ansfo;e mend fane of ebjpcne

toall mp be tte moumerB alfo/ me a a pppe atptpe abolefullfongt: fo; e? albe betpfetoe/anbbeUropeb. lllfieabes allbe auen/anb al beerbes* banbesuounoe/anballopnes gptfeo aboute toi facft do, wpon all e boufe toppes and tttetes of fl@oab / ere alb e mournprigtjfo? 3! topi B jeaie fl^oab mean bnp;ofttabiebeiren fat e e tlo^b. &amp;otofeatfulU0e? botomourne e? &gt; botobo #oab Bange botoneBet beat) /anbfsaameDfcbuSalfl8oabbe a laugbtnge ftocfce/anb bab in oewft'on of all em/tBat be tounbe aboute bee. *. ..* , f * uSfapc * HLo;iie:55ebolbe/tbe

Sffi enempe al come fipenge as an3cgle/anb 3wm * * ' fp;ebeBfetopngesbpon fl&amp;oab. cbepftau elpmmc ouet e roalles / topnne tb e tttftje IjoloeS.cBeng migbepmfs bettes in S^oab ,. h aftelpBee Berteof a toomantwuclpng M anb fipoab albcmabefo Defolate/ a t e (ball nomo;e be a people / becaufe ffiebafettbp betfelf agapnft e ;ko;be. ftm 1 ppt 1 anb mate an comebpon e ( jd a&amp;oab ) fapette l.oe. iBo fo eft*. eefeare/ all fan in tbe ppt ana tobo fogetteoutofeppt/aUbetabentoe ^^^^^fetoWft^ngeajeate ofbffptaepon Upon^oab/laietb*e'iLo?oe. BPat areabletoflpe/ftallltanbe bnbet \ aboto of $efebon.f o?ete allgo afpjeoutof ^ftbon/anbaflameftom &amp;f on/ anb all buraebpatp;oubepeopleof$&amp;oab/bo befw anbbebpnoe. Sdobebntotbe(&gt;^oab)fo;t&amp;out&gt;eo We of &lt;ffBamo0altpetp-.yeepfonnt0 anbbauaBtersaallbeleb atoape captpiie. f etatt&amp;e iaH to?ug tygnge j0@oab out of

t *

r 8fte;tofle, cBu* fan* oft&amp;e plage of 0oab, CRetooj6e oftbe &amp;6e aga?n tilt araraonstcs/ afla jnft 3Du m t a.-SDama fc us ,%trm and Clam. Ucbe^ln-'.Cbaptet. ^ concetrange tbe am nionnteis / $ tbuj3 t&amp;e jto;b (aict&amp;^ atb $rraeil em.nm no cbyiD?en /o?is be b^tbont an^ua. beige i aabPbatb ma bjnge toe a,llw &lt; * tafien ao (niiri)foteDotft bis people Dtoel bibtiJ cj tteu^ebolDe tberfo;e/tbe tBiwe co metb(taetb fbe jUmtoMftat a torn b^lnge a ho? fe of toartetnto abab of wWmn* nrtes$.)LabelalbeDefo!8te/anDbeccjtve3 b;entbp;t&amp;e iftaelcte? fballbeio^iefi ouettftoct that babt&amp;rmiri pofleOt'ona fo?e/ fsietbtbe )Lo;De.^efebonaH moutnej tot ft ftal betoteb outof tbe gtounbe/faeetb tbe %oflij&amp;itt1tW8 o ^ al)ab all cite out/ sn&amp;gpftefbem felueg toftbfatfi ciotb :tbee all moume/an&amp; tun n e aboute tbe toaliesJ: f 0} ihetic bpge all be leu atoape p?ef onet : jeebft(p;eeaefjp;ineejjtoitbbira. "&amp; l@ber f ve tntdeft tb ou in toatet ft team; tb at fiotoe to anb f to/ D tftou f r a tee oaugb , ter.anotbgnSelt tbouartfofafe( bjteafon of tb? ttearute) at no mS al come to e? j6ebolbe/3ltoillb??ngeafeatebpon/ &amp;ft e )Lo?be ob of bootteftfrt al tbofe at be aboute e:fo at ?e all b e f catreb etter?man ftomanoet/ anb noman all pt&amp;et tbem togetbetaga?neatbefleb. 38ut after at/3 tot ll b??ngee 3mmon^ tej5alfooutoftapt?ufte8ga?ne. .-,,, . apone(fbom?tts5baeS.o;teof*^j, bootteis rpofien on?is manee tt ere no JBffiKS* mo?eto?rQonuincbtmlfg'0etenomo;e Wi ' | good councell amongebpu people i 90 eft tt&gt;?fbonieentutnebclene tonaugbt; ete

Sou Qence/turne v tire bacae g/crepe b otone toto^bebepe/ ?e c?tef?n0of eoan. fo? H tomb?mgebeftwcd5 bp5 crau/ ?eanbeba?e of bRJbifitacion .Jf gtape gaeretj5 camebpon e/ulbe e? note leauefome gtapes * %t e npgbt vobbent came fapon e/ulue e? not tabe (btttocb g e?ougbt toete ?nougb? ut| toill mase^fau bare/anbWfco. c uetbtffecteteu /foatbe all not beable tob?W^m.0Wfebealbe toa&amp;ebatoaye fttW b;e?en anb biss negbb ouw/ anb b e bfoifelf an not be left bebjinbe. . cbou alt leaue* faetle(B cb?ft?en * WJS bebmbee /anbS tojllfiepe *mm miSSSSR tosbotoes an tabe eft com; in me. dfo;u0bae Ho?befpo6en:]Solse/ e? at me ougbt toe?e bnrnete tobjfnbe ofecuppe/baueb;on6entoftb ef^;S:? sne8QUento6*fre? $0/

j9o/nosoualtfleei;bequ?teno;fte confumetbeparaceofjBettBabab. butoumuftJw?ncbeairojjro?tobp/aba J0fo; cebatanbe8?ngoomof^a?o?/ ueftoo;nebpm?felfe(rapeeju&gt;#)at tobomi9abucbobono?o; ebptgeof 5&amp;a^ . mt 36o!tab albecome a tofloetneffe/ an open bjlon fmofe botone/ tbe %om Ba fpoften ' w . ame/a laugbinge ttocfie anb cutfpnge : a up bpon on-Jtpfe/ana get you bp onto bwcrtftSWalbeacontsnuallberette, cebat; anb betttopetbe people totoatbee jTo?3!ampeefectl?foutmebof6S.o?b/ eaae.cbeittentejJatbeitflocBegftautbe? atljebaCenta meaageallteab? bnto tabeatoa?ey feetbeftbang?nge0anbt

$eaen.aet ?ou togetbe t/anu go fo; -u-. . agapift em: mabe?outeabp to ebat' #SIM.b.tF/ fo?"s1!topll maftetbe but fmalla* wwStoiP. mongetbel^eatben/^lvtietegatbebamoge men. ttbtfb?e aomacb aep^beof ?berte

bauebifceaueb e/becaufe tb ou vopitbtoell mebolej$of fton? tocbe*/ abauee bi?e mountapne? tnpoffeffgon. $euereless ougb p neft toete ass W aft tbe JBeglt 0/ jettorlli caftebotone/ra?e ei.o?6e.

beflett. cbeftCanielgalfofljatl epcat?e atoape top em . cbep 0)all come aboute em on euetp t pbe toi a teatfuU ctpe. iff le/get pou foonc a toape/ctepe in to ca* ue0/at penmpbtoell tbcte-.ffipeeinbabi* touts of fiaw fapctb e }to?be: fo; i9abu* cbobonofo; binge of jeabtlonbatfj&amp;olben a councell concetnpngepou / anbconcluoeb W beupceagapna pou.irpie/ anogettpou bp agapnft ponoettpcb anb cateieae people (faie e Ho;oe ) tobp baue ne Hie t gate?.

439o;eouee gjoumea all be a topl&amp;etneae: net bo;e battel / a at btoell not tog eet.

cbeit camels albe Qollen / e o;oues of eit catell b?puen atoape. @o;eouet/ efe at be aue totigi fca* we to toatbe ale topnbes/ano b;inge em to befteucepon : pee anb at o;oto tbep; atone fampiiets/ rape e 'Jlojoe. i^a?o? alfo all be a btoeiipnge fo; m&amp;iom/ana

tobofogoebp it/ albe abae&amp; / 9 toon D;eatallbetmifetabieplag5.)U6eauSiO' borne/ omo;/anb e cptttu atia?e ere aboute/toeretutneobp fpbeootone( fape e)U;be)ro allno bo9p0toelUn|.bumea/ anbnoman all baue ijiiSbaWtacion ere. olbe/lpbe a(J e H?on ciSme bp from e pleafaunt mebotoes of 3o;banebnto e an euetiaSpnge at no bob? Scene pasture* of am/ foto?llib;?ue allbtoeitbere/anbtiomantyalbauetyete im/anbmafiebimtunneaga?nttbet.i6ut bi0babptaon. ^ n"mn 7 ootoBoWe*?ongmanat1!to?no;be?ne brfeareetoo;be0/attbe)lo;bfpaBe w E&amp;tasaetoJlbo(0l?Bebntome:ibatt0be $ toep;opbet9!etemp concern?ngelam/ mtattn tf&gt;eto?Har?uetoimef a&amp;Batepbeema?e in e begpnnpnge of etepgne of 5eoe ._ _

sceu my&gt;u (lanbtinmpbanbesi hiab fipnge offuba . cbugteietb e t*mJ3%~ ZiffSi" wWeate%councelloftbe)Lo;Qe/ ofbootte?:56e|olQe/3 to?ll"*b;eabe jegRS, wkT atbeba6enbpon3bumea:bspur- 9*****i**i*t*toK**** nufi: ftninttfi*.. *.*

p oft/a t be ba Deupfeobpon e cptrfpn* fiof ffibemamcbeleeftof * Bocae all teate emfnpecc0/8loBetoBat?;e ?nge? Uaue/e?almaBeittoaae/emfeluf0 al.HtenopCe of eit fall t eat all quabe/t ctpeofeftbopcealbe betbebn erebbfee. olbe/eenempe all come 9 fle bp BPct/ l?Be as it toete an 3egle/S ;ebe BiS topnge* bp5 o?tab.CBen

botoeofdElam/atabe atoape eit ateng:m batten: mm abpon oElamJ topi b;inge e foutetoinoes Dfw tf5e from tbe foute quartets of&amp;eaum/anbtopl? X&amp; fcatte em agapnft e fame route topnbes,, cm ?tS anbete all be no people /but me of 10 meant, mat . glamallflebntoem. %p a&gt;uiac m f 01% toil caure (Clam to beaftapeb of eft "" ,'" enempes/anbof em tbat fe&amp;etbeit i?ues:g*" JJg* anb topll b;inge bpon em e tnbignacion tna au.-oaoc of mp to;a /fapee i.o;be.3Pnoato?llmtottjefoutt

*\ r

anebertesofetoo;?esm bom be petfecuteem tot cftoeaefoionge til "*{* oi "J c aseBetteofatoomanttauei?ngof?lb, gpbaucb;ougbtemtonaugbt.3!ttpllfett ra "; ( jj :ija e(8 ponamarcus/emaa3Btpbab all ^mpttolefnjElam/gitoplloefteope tootfttt)e(aaromcti)Ub&gt; come confufion/fo; ep allBeateeuelltp* Bfnganbe p;fnces from ence/?e e auyaunaettbc bpnges:epallbetoaebtoanbfto ipBe 3Lo;be,utp;oceffeoftpme/itoiib;ingeB" mm* &lt;*eat cannot Otoe a?ll.amafcus al- 0am outof captpuptpeagapne/ fate e ffl" tt * w beto;cafta?be/alIfle/ttemW?ngeall %om. '*

comebPonBer,*o;otoepapne ailouet CDtvimivrmtte neamccponof wabfiotvtj fSBetaSaSSl?nge of e^plbe. ** of ai ,1 ibaStt aPW ' ? ^ 36utBotouibCotoo;fpfulianttglo;wu0 fjbe.i.baptee. acitfebe fo;raben^eateetfo;eetp3ge ESSSl^e too?bes attbe tojbe fpafie men all fall in e fttetes/ anb all bet men ^ Oibnto ep;opl}et Jerem?/ concet'U oftoatte all be taben atoape in at tpme/ K|RQ9npng}5ab?lon/anbelanbe of 5 eftMfM iffape tbe JLo;be of ^oftes.l topll ftpnb'.ea Bs^2JCalbees:p;eacbam5geetiles/5 ^*l f?jeetoallesofamafcuS/tobi al lettpoute popcebe bearae/ manea tomiiitl iftitiii. ct|e

- 5 fc - ^

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crtemtf/6epenotfletwfjlwtfepe:)8abflon aJlbetoonne/j5elalbeconfounoeD/an&amp; &lt;et3etooaalbeejuetcome. fee eft goooes alfS,bponSpion)tobpcb jbautabe S5SBS BSSSSS^^ 5tS-i^obi0 bpfpofebto j wfigSSSSeaJB *ij iV tbcm/anbfufipcpemlp $ASSSSB ftof ratn of y ee f fMeifrtbe %oiM)$ topfl mabe tbew Sf Stt ' KwcelSe t topfe men/ tbeir cbf fe ruler* *** |S&amp;wtbpe0/b?oneb?:fott)attt)e mall aepe an eueriaftpnge aepe/anp neuet toafie-.^bufs faSttb WW**** namc

iatbeHL.o?oeofboftea.. j - |sbiieouer/tbu0fapetbtbe^o;Deofo e ffi fte0%etbpc8ctoaliofJBabKJ6roaibeb?o fien/anbberp?ouwgaKa roa be b?entbp, iiffiVtbpngetbattfe&lt;2$entple0 9 tbepeo. Pie baue tojovtjbt #b gtt ate trauapie anb teboute / all come to naugbt ano be con. toSnafafi *foimolieetft*/t|ieeDmof ^aafiab/tobenbetotnttotoattjegabploti toftbotbe6tabepgef|ui)a/ teateof bta raigne.jcJototbtS^&gt;araiab toas apeaceable |Bice.31eremp. towtein a bobe a tbemptttp tbai.jujbe.comebpon ffiabp. S^eUallft)eHiWon0tba^to?pt/ i tenagapnft ffiabplon / a na ggae ^aca jab tbP0cbatg : t|e ntbou commeftbnto a* bpim^ac tbou ceabealltbefe too;Dea/ anbfape:))lo;W/tbouactbeteiTO/btotote auttb&lt;0piace/fotbatnetbttpeopfetierd tei(balbtoeltbereenpmo?e/but gMMfte S wertanotobtn MttMtt JSae^pnoeaftonetott/acattttintbtnifO'


15aWlonfpncbe/abetbruftbotonetotn)fl)e buttben of ttouble/tbat % toill bjmge bpon iffef tbat e (balueuer come bp agapne. Cbu0nearetbep;eacbinge0 ofjetemfcirtetnttttmi ta'hpnge of i etieKiaf). Jetufolcm KSeblBtace'wiBlm cvputoute % iptjc 9 Bo^etemp Uis VCSSSSSS tone lef t in Jetufalem are cat ft i to OBnb? on. i W 3el)oaBimi9b?ou8^fo&gt;l!) of pMI fo ' "*. ,ccbe.i4baptec,^ ^; ^UB)ebiabtoa0.ra.peare oW&gt; Wa , * p toa0 maoe bpnge/ 9 be ratgneD ^ j SC&gt;rr if.&amp; 'w.peareinjerufaiem. 910 mo* ^paflkjott* i &amp;B 9B ^tbcr0nametoa3^amutal/ g^ete* mteaDaugbferofTlobnab^eliueototcbeOi

Ip before tfcfLojtx euenag feboabtm opo, tebetfojet&amp;e jLo;betoass angneat^erufa* lem $ 3uoa/fo longe tpll be bab.caft tbe out of bi0p;efence.aitib5to&amp;rai) feiiftom m fipng^fabplon.ffiutt' . . rapgnclntbetentb a9onetb/tbe tetb M?fg

mm t befo;e gnetufale/8.belW. v - . tbem bunmcftcAtooae tibwU it 3m W fieregpngaoftbecptpe ettniwb mtW*h ateofftpnge5eDeb(ab. . , ^ .. mitmt fourti) momav *w &amp;*&amp;t JfflBtieffl/tfetttoaafoBKBW&amp;Sgetina, r cptfe-.tbatfStre toercnomo?ebptaplej3 fo? tbe people of tbelanne .goaiitijefour.pa0 J8 bflaeatoape/? flcb out of tbe c^ebpinpjtg^ tbojototbetoape of po?tebettoenctbettoo' ! ""'** ^ , toaHegbptbefipiigeCgatben.^ototbeCal? beesibab compaffeo tbe ct'tie rounbe ao oute/ jettowte tbefemen )eirtoapttotoarDe toptteftt'efte. . ; atoofcttjetfalbeea folotoeb bpon tbem/ attbtobe StteWaft tb.eitpi.ige in tbe feioe of Sfetpcbo/ toWnb^Booft toaa nmne from |m^ott)epcarteDfbefi/&gt;geatoapep?e ? . ftnet to Jseftfctb /butt ^ e I l M^ r S3f.ww* bflohuttbelanbof9ematb/toberebesaue J fubgmentbponbim, k ^ cbebpng of isabplo alfo caufeb^tww'' aba fonnea tobe0apnebefO7ebi3face/pee a put all tbe p?ince0 of giuba to bentb atBe blatb- fl0p?eouer';eputouttbeepejs of *frA bebiab/caiifebbim tobe boftoe ^ cbcpneg/ * tobecatfebbtttoJSabplon: anD lettbimlpe inp?tft^l|beopeD. ^ototbetehtb oapcof tbefpfro ffl^onetb in tbe ft, peare of jSabucftooonoro? bpnge of aWion/j9abHfaraoan tfte cbefe captaf * fie anb-tbe bpnge of abplona f ertianntea came bnto teruralem,/ ?b?entbp tbe ftoitce of tbe JLo?oe.^eb?ent bpalfo fipngeapa* lace/alltbtboufea ?aiitbego?geou0buip Dmgea


^ -

:V 4 A




J ^,

opngea 61 gicturalem.anbtt]e |oie i^pott toass a taptapne of t&amp;efoulbpafr/at fofttim of tue Calbeeg tbat toere toub tbe c^cfe lap* men tbat toe re tbe Hpnges f etiia at rifo tobf cij fas ne/b?afte Douone au t^e toaUes of Jem* tDtre f ounot m t^t* cvtie-.anD ^1 ep ^er a cap* fejcmwunoe aboute. rapnetbatbfebtomuttertbemenbftoatte: M to) t&amp;e pooit people ano focb folfie a* of tbe countte ttjat tor t* tabf 9 pettoaa Jeftfotbecptie/tobtcb alfo toere fa!* mtbe eptfe , cbefcj&amp;abuwtaba n tbe rtjefe len to tbe fcpnge of tfabplon/ pee and tof at caprapne t one /anb caries tb'etn to fbefcptig people as set trmapneb: abu;araoan ttje of Jbabplonbnto ueblatb : artbt&amp;eiipn

ge ebefc captapne carped tbem atoape ptfro of SSabplon caufeb;tbem to be put to ocat b rffctf.Eut tbe poo?e people of ttje coutitre/ atlKtblatbmt&amp;elanbeof^ematb. a no bpd#abu?arabancbeebefeCaprapncieaue tbniJIiubatoaiMeobeatoapecaptpue/outof mtbelanbe/tooccuppetbe bpncparoeg ano bpg atoneianoe. cbpgfetye untune oftb* femes*, cbe Calbees alfo b;abe tbe bjafen people/to&amp;5 $abucbobonofo; Jebbe a toape pplew tbat toere fntbe&amp;oufe of whom/ captpue, : pre tbe feate anb tbebjafen lauer fyat ms 3n tht fenentb peare of bf* tepgne/be ca* intbe&amp;oufeof tfte iLo?oe: anD carpco all tfte ttoatoapeof^etoeg/t&amp;etbouf anbattee metall oftbembnto tfabplon. c&amp;epto&amp;e anbttoent*.j;tt&amp;ejtbfn.peate#ab utbo&amp;o. atoape alfo rbeCaun&amp;ong/Cbottela/fleOJ bo nofo? carpcb atoape from gerufalem efgbt Be*/fpjpn6ler*/rponc0 /anb aiftbc b/afen bunb;etbanb.wr4|.perfonne3.gin^e.wrtf, beffeiitbattoaa occuppebtntbe peare of iSabucbobonofoj $afau?araban tbe bafen*/cotepaitne*/fp;pnbJerjJ/potte!S/ cbefeCaptapne/toae atoape feucn bunt yetb canoeHtpc&amp;e*/ fponeii ano euppe* :toberof Wb.$etoe$p;tfoncitf.abetobo!erumme of fometoereofgoloe/anbfomeofrpluee. all tbe pjefonew/fefouret&amp;oufatiae a fp * fcbe cbefe Captapne tobealfo tbe ttoo bunbjetb. ppieej/rbeiauertbe.tfi.bjafen buHocfie* Me.tfrbft. peare after tbat geboacfti tbat &amp;obebndfbefeate/tobpcbftpng&amp;a&lt; tbefipnge ofjubatoa* catpeo atoape in tbe lomonmaoefntbedonfeof tbe H.o;oe:anb mj.bape oftbe.rtf. ^onetb/Cnulmetobaeti an tbebettell comepnebfo mocb metaH/tbae fepnge of Babplon ( tt)e fame peare tba t be ftmpgbtnotbetoepeo. tfojeuerpppiertoafi reigneD)gaue feboacm rbelipmre of um rbttj.cubptes bpe / anbt&amp;e rope tbat toente Bfeparbon/ei let'em out of p?efo n / a fpabe aboute /toasJ.r. cubjtes /ana fourefpn* roupnglptobpm. anbfetbte crone about $

gc t$ tbpefie anb rounbe:i&amp;oto bp on tbe rope tofrebjafenfinoppea/aeuerpanoppetoajj fpue eubpteubpe sf bport tbe anoppe* toere toUope3,anb pomgtanatejs tounbe aboute ofcleanebjafle. after tbPSJ maner toere botb tbe pprera ralbponeb toptb ttje pomgranate^/toberof tbere torreanbunb;etbanb.ircbf.tobfcbban' gebbpontbetobooper' rounbe aboute .cbe ff cbefe captapne alfo tofie $arfab tbe bpe P2eSe/anbfopbonfab tdat toao cberenot btoi/ano tbetb;efieper3of tbetreafurp. e toseoutoftbecprfea cbambertapnctobpcd

trone^oftbe btberftpngeistbat toere topn) brni in 39abpion.9e cbaungebalfo dotbeji ofbte p;efon/ peeanbbeate tottbbfm anbftt iprelonge.ainbbebabacontpnuau ipup nge geuf n Wmof ttje bpnge of Sabplon/, euerp oapeacettapne cbpnge alotocbbmiaiitbebapetf ftebpeb.

-* t

CCljeenDtdftrje&amp;o&amp;tof trjc ^?oprjett

* '**lt wf. i 1



Jlbjougbttn to'captpuptie 53 : ecufalent


n 9enifalf,rpntteb euev mo ;e 9 m o?e / tb e r= f o;e 10 m tbep fjatJbec tnbohout/bef|&gt;prebcr.f02.tbepbaue feneber , fpitbpntW.yeefteftgBb/anbiisalbameb ofber felfe. , ; . __ . ^ :.. JNtb. .. :;.. jr.fnttr . iob; .. , ..- :,. .... , , . , ^crbeenrmpebatbputb^banbetoailtbew tag/boto fpttetb tbe cptpe p;ettou{Stbpngeatbatu)ebab/peeeuenbe i w ' fo befolate/tbat fome tpme fo?ebereEC0cametbe$eatbenin9 outof was full of people * $oto tu $&gt;anctuatpe-.tobbm tb ott ; n etiet t b efes; b a a 0) t become ipbe a toebotoe/ f ojbpboen to come toft&amp;tn tbpcongregacpb*. tobfeb toa0tbelabpofana . Capb. |cpons(f i^otottlbe b?ougbt 3 3W Ber people febetbeirb^bU^upnejs/

tfebefp;Qbapttr, aiepb.

bnber frpbute/tbatrulebanianbeg. 35etb.

anblo|etobatp;ecpou0 tbpngeeuerp man batb/rbat geuetb be f o? meate / to faue m

a ^betoepetbfo?efntbenpgbt/fotbat lpfc.Confpb;e/aD^o?be/anbfe/botobplegi ttare*runneDotonebercbe&amp;e0:fb;amonge ambecome. allberlotierp/tbereijinonetbatgeuetbbec laft . . enpcornfo?te:pebern#tefeent$abbo)re *? sDpeaHtbatgofojebp/bibofteanbfe/

h er /anb are become be r enempeji, BBrt.

Pf tbere be enp ft?oto memo mpne/tob er* tottu tbe )Lo;De batb woubttbme/ in fbape

'-, jtibai? tafien p;efonet/becaIelbe toasf ofbtt fearefuii to?atb.

beRleb:anbfo; ferupngefomanpsraunge jobbeg/ (be a toeifetb noto amonge tbe f e p

flpem. . n $ t om aboue batb be f en t botone a f p;e t n &lt;|

tbtn.^be fpnbetbnoteft / all tbeptbatper* to mpboneu anb tbatteneb me:be batb la pea

anetf&lt;wmpfetc/tb?otoenmetopbe open:

bebatbmabemebefolate/fog a nuitt ruec



fecutebber /toneber / atibfoftebtoeuetb a mongeberenempejf. mua&gt;. ^-i^bettreategof^tonmoume/becaufeno _ ,---' _. ._,, mt . mancornmetbmo;etotbeft&gt;lempnefeaae0 3 ^epocBeofmptfanpewonWcomeat ailbergateg arewfoiate/berpjeaeismafie tbelaft/tottbWJbanbebatt}be tabe : ttbp/9 tomentacion/ber mapbens are carefuH/anb put ttaboute mp necft.^p tttcgtb if gwej eberfelfe ifSirtgreatebeupntBe. '. * "" n- ^et enemfegare fallehbponbeebeab; baueputberto lbame:becaure g ^o;bbatb

tbe 5to?bbatbbelpuerebme fnto tbofebSbV tobecouti can not qupt t elf e, Earned), 9 cbt ^o?be batb aettropeb all tbe mi'sbtte

-* . &gt;

cbaflenebberfwbwgreatetofcfiebnescbct "^W?'^^ I ^!M?22J5S! cbilb^ are lebbe atoape captmebefo;en)eft ftauVtotaugbferanmpbeame.Cbc&amp;o?D

batbtrobebotonetbebaugbter of juba,ufie agtttoeremaupnep^elK. atn. jf .

enempr, au; n aHtbebetotieoftbeiiaugbtetoffiilonfiS atoape/berp^mcegawbecomeJmetoetbew 5 CbM6bo|toepe/ WSffififfi rbatfpnbe no paoare.cbepareo/fuf atoape 0titeoftoatet : fonbeeomfo;tertbatftuibe Krh tftri Mtrntvr / fofliat thtt* baueato flUPCftenme/tt fartefro me . Q9pcbplb?en

5ahi. J5btobotb1!erufalem timembjetbetpme

gottentbeouetbanbe. fcbe.

Cofbermfferp abpfbbtbtfce/peetbetbpeanD &amp; j#jgW^jigfggW Pleafuregfteba^t^&lt;ntpmegpaft:fepng MmMMbm^m^mjmf bev people ta b?ouabt botone tbo?oto tbe tbe enempeprounbe aboute Jacob /anbie* potoertfmeirenernte/atbetfffjnomanfo; rofalemttagtttoweamen8woiJ toomS/ tobeipeber-.BercnemtesaSbelo6ingatber mtbempbfttftoj^em, ,.

4&gt; t

fcrfl - J --



%.%-? f ^

5abe. be*o?be ttn0raouM3ttto uoseb

t :



somr nates uofie&amp;6$*coit((H8fittbneoan8(t,J9D rafie ^2ffibebeaUpfpeopie/an&amp;contib;empbeupne*$ SSStSSt *W mapbenaanbmp poungc men ate leu b ; rapmjsc anbatoape into captpuptpe. P 3&gt;eaiieofo;mpiouers (buctbep begpieb me)fo; trip Pjetteu anb co unc eler g/but t Be p pcrpaeoieiientobplerbepfoitgbtfojmrate/ rofauetbeitipues. se* .&lt;3-i Confpb;e(fl&gt; )lo;be)boto 3 am ttouWeb/ mp toombe opf q upet e d/ mp bette turned aboutin me/anb 3 : am (till of beupnesJ.Cbe neat&amp;e^uety me toitfjout /anbtottbfn 1 amlpBebntooeatb. w $bep&amp;earemp moumpnge / butlbete At nonetbat topllcomfo^teme. 311 mpneene rasejs ijaue beatue of mp trouble/ ^aieglao tbetof/becaufetboubattbonetc. ut tbou fl&gt;attb;pttgefo;rb tbe tpme / tt&gt;&amp;ent^efaJfo fbalbeipBebntome. Oaiit n ffrom tbe fluiii come ail t&amp;efta&amp;uerfptpe: tboutyaltplucBetbematoapeeuenaatbou battplucBebme/becaufeofallmptopcBeo nejj. tfo; mptooto ts oetpgteate/ anb mp bette te beup.

CCbe.fMtbaptet, ,l/i^ :(L8jt/ &amp; 0to b at 9t&amp;' &amp;&lt;t batcBe* HiliSKQHBMb tbebaugbtetof &amp;ponfo toe mm*m: mtow bonoute ofaftael/bebatbcaftenitbotone ftom beaueml&amp;oto bappenetb it/ tbac be re* memb?eu not bp* atone fore Hole toben be toaaangrpe? * afl&amp;Xtttt ban) caftbotoneantbe gfo;p of Jacob toitbout anpfanoute:alltbe OtSge 222L r * e "augbtee gubabarb beb;oBen tnbf0to;atb/anbtb;otaentbe' botorie eotbe rtw*e.R5&amp;S fipn8Domc w? Whcwbitb M fwnsf m 9S "WWW, 8ti0ti'i&gt;ottci! M , &lt;$fmel. WPAIW fn tbetojatbofbfctobpgttacpon bebarb SfSSS^^" 11 ^ *m of|tael:bebaffltofS to ar ftom ttjcS same of je ttf Bvnblea fn 3!acob/9 batb 6?n,5iJorac of confumebbpaHtounbeaboute,



plaecftpeean bfe fttongebolpes batbbebe fttopeb/fr fpiieo tbe Daughter of Juoa toptb moty fo; oto anb beupneffe. aiau. t tyettabetnaclefrbtcbtoagitfteagatoett of pleaittteibaibbebeftroFeo-.berbpefcifp. ne feaaes barb be putootone . cbe &amp;o;bc bato bjoufibtrtfoto pact/tljae tlje lempne feattejtanb a-abbatbes m &gt;ib7are clean e togottf .^n bte beupbilpleafure ban) be maoe tlje ftpnge 3 p;eGes to be befppfeb, 3am.

i C&amp;e&amp;ojBcbatbtoranebteatoneaulter/ anb i to;otb tof tb bt s atone &gt;anctuarp/ barb geuen mt toalles of tb eft rotors in to fc babesof rbeenempe.beft enemptismabe C anopfefotbeboufe of the ko;oe / asit bab ,. **a * benemaforempnefeattbape. JfJJgJ n rb e %m tbougbt to b;eafie botone trie ks / do mi * toalles of tbe baugbt et &amp;f on,**be fp;tb oiit b tymgu: bf0tpne/b;etoe not mi btt banb/ tpilbe bab SSfgfe beHtopebtbem. cbetfo?e moutne fbttti&amp;SJSffiB retted anb tbe tooben toallesi togetber. turn S cetb. Btammm p ^cponepate caKbotoneto tbegrofiw/ gtS5F ft *

0f f emt&gt;

bet ban** arebjobens imjtten m fonb:^Sftttl becittmge spnce0 ate carta atoaje to tbe ffi m entplep. cbepljauenetber laice ner|9;o*of tbe i?nc; Pbete?/ner letenpbifponftom tbe ^o?be. Toft,

(he l?ne/af it is Cnv^f. if. SMu9. Jf I 3 '*cbe ^.enacoutsjofrbe baugbtetft&gt; mXSS fetbpontbe gcounbetn fplence: rbep batie of car^ntre* fteotoeb aCme* upon tb etr beabes ; anb w J ^""MJt m tbem femes vn'tb facft mkm SffitfiS ofaetutaiembange botonetbeit btaDtftoScomti CbegtOUnoe. no;ab(; gor* Capb. oi? *p a #fne epeg be gpnne to fapie me tbo?otoe gJJ* toeppng;mpbobpbtfqureteb/mp lenetfjj ,JSSi P our eo top o n tbr eattb / fo; tbe gteate Hum tV b w ofmppeople/femgetbecbFib;enanbbabe*ip((&gt;)^ M f biftf tootone fn tbe fttetejs of me cftfe, BSflB V (EuentoBffttbep'fpafie to tbeft motberg: 'Stiff, tobere f* meate anb bftncbe; fo; tobple t beg fb fa toe/eber fell botone fn tbe uretc* of tbt i\ eptpe/ mm tbep bab bene mounoeb/ano iomebjebfntbeftmotbewbofome, t . ;jem, ,.\...

&gt;a lbataaHafareofrbe/tboubaagbC

?fJ ,a *^ aweo6 , ttr *JWbeasattabuer. CotobommaH3c8pawrbe/fi5rboUbaugb SS'i?? ^? p *WK**toiw Plcafaunt ter&amp;ion/toc5fo;tctftetoitbaicbi? burte tofe/bebatbfmprenftbotone.^ebarbpoii. '*" * " 2!M2*Q ^8^/wtotbe.te* n ate lo;nefebecome!p&amp;eas ft to an


ttliReamafnefre/tobomaeebeattfte? J9un. 3 CbPP;opDete*baueIobeboutbapneanof foKm rbpngeufo; tbe/ tbeybane not Qietoeb Hit of. tbs UfcBeDneOe/to Bepe tbe from cap* tse;bwttiaHeoHewentbe/anotbo?otDe raft

fttoa, **^ faMpeb Ccatfeb tbe ab;bbe, , &amp;amecb. e 3DUtbep rbatgo bp tbe/clapperbewbSbw at tbeibiflpnge anbtoaggpnge mix mm Bpontbebaugbtecjetufaiem/ anb rape: ijs tbiSrbe cptie tbat men call fo fap;e / toberm tbetoboieianbeteiopret^f int. m aiHtbPneenemp&amp;gapebporbe/tobfTpe' rpngeano bptpnge tbeir tetb/faprng-.iet w b euout e / fo; tbe tpme 4bat toe lobeb f o; / $ come-.toe bmte founbeano fene tt, ^be.

ff s b e "to;b e barb f ulf plleb tb e f bpnge / tb at 71 be ma* putpofeb to bo:anb petf outmeb tb a t b e bab beupfeb longe a go:bebatb beatopeb/ anb not fpareD.0ebarb caufeb tbpne abuer&lt; farpto ttmmpbeouer-tbe/frfetbp ttjebo;ne oftbCTeenemve, 3abe itf* am i JLettbpnebert^ctpebntotbeHo^e/ hliaMt ftgnpTtbott cptie of tbe baugbtecg&gt;fon:lettbptea mmtaip' w cunne bototte ipBe a cpuec bape 9 m'gbt: SSm Kst m/9 m B ** aJ * ot tliine W itaue of, ml* -P Stanbebpanbmafietbpp;apetmRta toatcb of tbe npgbt / poitre oute tbpne bette IpBe toatet beco;e tlje"A-o;be s ipft bp tbpne baitbeu/fo; tbe ljueu of tbp ponge cbplb;en/ tbatbpe of bonget in tbe at eteg, IResj. &lt;B-i ebolb/flD)Lo?be/anbconCpb|e/tobPbfltt tbou gatbeceb me bp fo cieaneJ&amp;ballf toe* mentbeneatetbeit atone ftute/ euencbpl' btenof afparme longer S&gt;balirbe vtttteti 9 p;opbete0beaapitec&amp;u0 in tbe^anctuatp oftbe)lo;be; w y onge soloelpe bebpnbe tbeftteteftbpS tbe gtounbe/mpmapben*.* ponge menace Qapne topn) t^e ftoearbe : tobom tt)ou in tbe tape of tbP to;att)f H (nbignacpon baft put fobeatb:peeeuftboubaftputtbftobeatb/ i anb not fpareb tbem. ... Cbau, . ry #P nepgbbottr* gate tounoe about me/ baft tbou cal I eo/as it toe re to a f eaft bape:fo i mtbebape of tbe fLoiw towrbnone etca tjcb/nerbec toag enp left bebinbe.cbofe tbat 31babb;ougbtbpanDno?pffl)eb,'batbnipne enempbeftcopeb. .; ''.Cbatttei;. "- Kiepb. %m tbe man / tbat( ft) 0; bto tb e tobb of bpJJ to;atb)baue ejrperpence of

miferp. ^_ J . b&lt; $eb;oueme fo;tb? anbiebrae: peein to baccfineCe/btit not in tolpgbt. k agapnii me onip be turnetb ty&amp; banbe / 9


3 flKpfteaj ampffipnnebatbbcwabeotDe/ anbhtpbone^batbbebmfeb. a ^ebatbbuploebrounbeabouteme/? clo* .^^ f 9 febmetntoitb*gallanbtrauaple. . ro?oufuueB: at a ^e barb fet me in batcbnefte/asf tbep tt)at in the i&amp;caime bebeebtoeuet lm,c * &amp;* pmei* eate. t. Ehat 5 i^ebatb fo btbgeb me ta/t | can not gec/tbrt oiioe out/anbbatb Iapebbeuplpncite0bpon me.&amp;auc comfojtta s bougb a W anb callptteouap/pet bea* W wmj retbbenotmpp;apet. 55 BJg a^ebatbttoppeDbpmptospejJtoptb fonre (en&lt;n p to;oto f quareb ft on ep/ 9 mabe mp p a tbe.s ctoBeb, ^ aa v f one aietb. aiuitegruewt/ n^eiapetbto8ptefo;melpBe8ece/3a^4 e a ^ alponmaboie. . . gnt. mScu i $eba&lt;b marrebmptoapejJ / 3b;ofienme tbat snvbKce mpece0/bebatbtasebmetoafteattogetbec.waBfofuifii* ^ ^ebatbbentbistbotoe/anbmabeme a*g* g*g it toere a march to ftjutte at. arwhom ^ba# $e. ufbwaa t^tm n caeatotoegofb^ qupuer&amp;atbbe mot/afwHwae*?. euenintomptepnj. H ^ SBBS&amp; n a am laugbeb to fco;ne of an"mp people/ ' 9 " m * m tbepmaBe rongeis bpon me all ^bape longe.

n ^ebatb fpiiebme tot'tb bpttecneoe / $ge* uen me too;mtoob to b;pncfie. aaau. $e b atb rmpttmmpterb in pece0/3toileb c meintbebuft. i ^ebarbputmpfouieoutofteft/giroaet allgoobtbpngeis. V3tbougbtrnmpfelfei3!ambnbone/tbete i$ no b ope f 0; m e in tbe % o?D e. 3ain. rememb?e pet mp mpferps mp twnB tbetoo;mtoobanb tbe gall. fe/ i fee tbou roalttemembjetbf/tottipfoure . meltetbatoapeinrae. \ mtm cofpb;etb.efetbpngeiSnmpbett/ Igetabopeagapne. $et&amp; n ^amelp/tbattbemetcpe* of tbeto;baw not cieanegone/ anb tbat fjtgs loupng Bpnb* nefteccagctbnot. n ^t0faptbfuiness is greate/anbtenuetbit felfeastbemoutnpnge. n 0)e )Lo;be is mppo;cpon/fapeft)mp fon* le/tberf o;e toplia bope in bim. ceft). o botogoob&amp;tbe&amp;o;bbntotbem7tbae puttbeitccuftinbim/ anb to tbe route tbat feBetbaftetbimf o 2&gt;botogoobi0ittoftb ftplnedetotoate 9 tacpe/totbebeaitb of tbe Ho;be? o boto goobi0(tfo;a man/to fane tbe pocBbponbfmfcombttpoutbbp, ' i girt), " ' Te fpttetb alone/be bolbetb bim ftill/anbp btoeuetb



%ty lamtntaepons

btoclletfj qup etlpbp bim feife. * fceiapetbbfetfacebpontbeeattb/pftper* cafe) tlj ere bappen to be en p b ope. i $eoffiembi0ebebetotbefmpter/betoptt" tie con tent toittjrep? one?, caps, a ffo?t&amp;ejU&gt;;Detopnnotfo/fabefo;euer. a Kuttboiigb&amp;ebocaa of/pet acco;Dpnge to multftubeof Bfc rnetcpejs) be receauetb to grace agapne. i if o; be Dotb not plage/a cad out tbe cbpl* o?en of men from bi* berte. &amp;ameo. V cotreaoealltbe p;efoner# oftbe earttj bnoerbpjsfete. b co mo ue tbe fubgementof man befo?e cgemoGtbpgbeit. b cocon&amp;emne a man in W caufe: c&amp;e xotfebafl) nopieafure tn Cocue tbpngeg. bmi w n to -a "t&amp;Btt # be tben tb at f ape tb :tb e r e aula manpfea that foraetbpngebebone tojtbouwbe jL,o?oe?c5* an aouecfftpc tnaunoement? SKS* *** of " * ** mooft * &lt;Wn itbougt) BOCA) not etltll 3J1D gOOO? etuffnoti)^ia lberfo;etben mutmuretbt&amp;e ipupnge KB* ? a &amp; b* lobe toeiibpon oure atone toape*/ * MflMtm/ # anbrememtye oure feme*/ a turne agapne

tofieroitteeructotbejLOtfie, SSSaSS 2 ww Wp oureberttf tofts oureban* AS* mm % e W* tbat 10 tn&amp;eauen. c^oniptetuo/ 5 ffiebaue bene opffembleifc/ anb baue of* touiptoifeano fenbeb/topltt&amp;outberftue notbe intreatebf &amp; flwttSi . *" mt m lis CboubaacouerebbS$totbPto;atb/a peril), u. Cometh fecuteDW/tboubaftflarnebgtojtbout an; tbet anppiage faitoute. mattttt.i(. e cboubattbpb tbpfeiffrn a cloube/tbae oure pjap er (bulbe not go tbo;oto. e Cbou batt maoe to outcatte0 / anb to be berppfcbamongetbe ^eatben. m, v 2!Houreenempe0gapebponb0. s sffeareanb fnare fc come bpon W/m bef ppteanDbe&amp;tuccpon. tffv ^oieriuer0oftoatetgumeoutofmpne epe0/fo; tbe greatebutte of mp people. ^w. fc a fl^pe epeis mnne/ anb can not ceaffe/fo? tberett no tea. 5 sd Xotfie /toben'topft tbou lobe botone from beauen/anb confpoje? $ 4pneepeb;ea8et&amp; mpberte/becaurcof all tbe baugbtetjj of mp cpte. ^ Saw. s flpneenempe0bunteDmeoue matpelp/ : If lie abp;be/pee anb tbat toftbout a caufe, s Cbffbaueputbotonemp tffefneoapftte/

anblapebaflonebponme. * cbep pourebtoaterbponmp beab/t&amp;en tbougbtgjtfiotoamg unbone, fiopb. P 3! eallebbpont&amp;pname/O jLo#e/ottt of tbe bepepptte.

P Cboubaftbetbempbopce/an&amp;ballnott turnebatoapetbfoeeate0fromp fpgbfogc a crpenge. p c&amp;oubattencipnebtbpreifbntome/tobf % calieb bpon tbe/^baQefaf oe:fearenot. Kf0. i Cbou(&gt;)Lo;oe)baamafntene&amp;tbecau' Ce of mp foule/ anbbattrebemebmp Itfe. n &gt; Ho?be/tboubaafenera?blafpbemei$ tasetbonm? caufebpon tbc t Cboubafttoeil conffWebbotetfiep goa* boutto bomebarme/anbtbataltUetr conn* cetfateagagnft me. Sm. w cbou baSber&amp;e tbrir mpvtttutt too M ( Ho;be) f ee anball tbetr t magtnacson? agap n(t me, w cbeltppe^ofnujne enempeu/anbtbefc beufce^ tbattbep taseagafnttrae/awtbe bapelonge. w .cboufep aaifotbeteffttntgebotoneanb tbei r rf ring e bp / tbej&gt; mafte tbetr f ongess of notbmge but of me. Cdati. . n asetoatbet6em(jLo?be)acco?bfngeto tbetoo?&amp;e{Softbettbanbef(. rs &lt;Beuetbemtbetb?nge/t&amp;att&amp;efcabMK bene it afraj eb of: men tb? curfe. n JBerfecutetbemi)Lo?oe)toftbtbmem Wgnacpon/ anb rote tbem out from bnb tbebeauen. ccbe^ftc&amp;apter, aiepft.

; OotofeSgoibebecomefobpna me i ^o to 10 tbe go oMf coloure of ft fo f o?e cbaungebfanb tbe Qonen oftbe S&gt;anctuaretbu0fcatrebAi tbecomrrofeuerfaretei etb. a cbecbt?Ib;enofd&gt;pnt&amp;attoerealtoa^ fnbonoure/aclomeDtoftbtbemoftp;ectousf golbe:botoare tbefnotobecommetynetfie enbenbeaeis tobj cb bemabe togty fbepot* ter0 bance. s Cbeftamiwfgetumefrgongeonetffucfc tottbbare b?eflegi: but tbe Daugbter ofmg people is cruell/anb otoeiletb m tto toplbfr* neBe:lfiietBtartcbe0. ^ fcaietb. n cbetonge0oftbefucfipngct)plD?en/cie* ue to $ lofe of tbeir moutbe0 fo?berp tbwtt, cbeponge cbs ib;enaf&amp;r b;eb/btitt&amp;erei{( noman/tfiatgeuetbftfUtm, ~4i



it, " tbemsjfo?tbeptfiemfelue0n&lt;^rttegarbea nC^tBattoetetoontetofap^ebeUcatlp/ tBep;eee0/notprtiebtbfttetter0

*" '

Serpujcintbe areate0rtbeptt)ata fojetoete ;ougbtbptnpurple/mauenoto mod) of

bonge. wau. 23 1 Cb^nne oftbe baug&amp;ter of mp people eiHi.)rtir.t. i'0become greater tben tbetofcfiefineire of $&gt;obome/tl)atfobenlptoa0bearoreb/anot tafimtottbbanbe0. 5am. 1 ^eraUQepnet0(o?J5a?aree0)toetobftei: tben tbe fnotoe o; mplae : tb ei i coloure toa0 f teO) reab a0 tbe o;a/tbeii;b(utte iv&amp;et&amp;e ^apbwe. $et&amp;. n 3Sutnototbeftface0areberpb?ac8: fn fomocb/tbat tbou ftuibcftnotitnotoetbem


a idBerfo;epetoureepe0fa;ieb0/tob^ toe lobe fo; bagne beipe *.repnge toe be en ee toaFt(ngbponapeople/^canbob0nogoob. $a&amp;e, ..w i cbecfapefolbarpetoaftefo?b0ytbattoe cannotgofafebponareate0: fb?ourenbe (0come/ourebase0arefuIffHeb/oure enbe tffltte. ftOP&amp;4 tire perrecutet0 ace ftocftet; tben tbe egie0 of tbe me/ t&amp;e? folotoeb bponb0 ouer tbe mountapne0/ anb lap eb &amp; arte fo; b0tntbetotioerneae. Ke*. 1 Cbebeitb;etbofouremoutbuentbe

fntbe areatc0.cbeft fb tm cleuetbto tbetr pmtopmm* Jbalbetaften bi ouve


bones; 3t4l tottbereb/anb become ft&amp;ea togrtocf. cetb. o cbertbatbefopnetoftbt&amp;eftoeacbe/are bappterthenCocba0bpeofbonget/anbpe* r tffje ainat? famf typnge f o; tbe fntte0 oftbe . feloe. Sob. W&amp;SBfa cbetoemen(tobtcb of nature are p/rtefui) \ tS &amp;aue rowie tbeir atone cbtiwett tbeft bSbc0 ' - * * tbattbepmfgbtbetbefrmeate/in fmtfera^ Mebefti'iiecfon of f Daughter of my people. capb. o Cbe 'ib^e batb perfourmeb b?0 beup to;atb: be ftatbpoureu outtbefunoufne0 of W bpfpleafure . \$s ban) It pnWeba fpiefn gf on/tobf cb barb connimebtbe ( otinoactS? tberof. lUmeb.

fpnne0/of tobS toe tape :*anbetbi0 ibabotoe toefi)albep;eferuebamongetbe ^eptbm. fcrfn. w I nbtbout baugbter &lt;bom)tbat btoeiu lefttntftelanbeof^in/beglabanbrelopce: fo; tbe cuppe ibal come bnto tbe alfo/ tobtcb toban tbou foppeft of tbou (bait be D?onc8f . cbau. n cbPR'nne fgtoei pumibeb(ffl) tboubaugb tec fbitmM (ball not fufire tbe to be carpeo atoape enp mo;e, ut tbp topcfiebnetfe( a&gt; baugbter Coom ) (ball be bpfet /anb f o; ^ fpnne0 fabe/be (ban lebe tbe m to captiutte. CCbe.b.cbapter. Cbep^per of aerempe . ail to wmembzaunce(&gt; jUjoe) * tobattoebaue fuffreb/confpbpe^

fe oure confucpon .fiDuw enberp* stauncefeturnebto^ fEraap[er0;$i oure boufe0 to $ aleaunte0/le are become carefullanb fatberlede/ anb oure motbens





V iDetbertbesmgesi oftbe eab/ner an tbe in atlbe sate0of tbecptte of ftferufalem. outeatone.toater fo?monep/ anb oure at one m yi m uw Hg ifKHHMM, to0Dmu a aenj-e toptb monepe.fiDure ncc *n ibicb neuertbele0 &amp; come topaffefo? arebnberperfecucpon/ toe aretoeerp/ana tbefpnne0ofberp;opbe0/fo;tbetopc. baurnoreit, Uttoitg of bet $;effe0 tbatbaue fteb innocente0bioiibetottbbiber. gun.

If *&gt; ' I*


1*** *

V -,. ;


T " f

% fo;e tpme toepelbeboure fe!ue0 to tbe 53 gppcian0/anbnototot&amp;eHffitfan0/onelp tbat toe mpgbtbaue b;ebpnougb . ure fa&lt; tber0(tobwb note are gone) baue fpnneb/ ,.., , anb toe mua beare tbeft topcfiebneae.^iers ff*t*|s , II ifnmtcjg baue tbe ruleofb0 /anb no m^ mmfm belpueretb b&amp; out of tbeir banbe0.i@emuS gettoureipupngetttbepareJlofourewi o 3But tbep ctpen bnto eiierp man :'flee tbe becaufe oftbe ojoutb of at toplbern ettt. ftapnpng/atoape/getpoub5ce/ tonctyenot. uref8pnnef0a0ttbabbeneb;enf btan fee ( rapoe tbep ) pc muft be b;ent / pe mutt cum/ f 0; berp f o;e bongei f .cb? topue/law btoelam0ge$&lt;&amp;entfK/ abpbenolfigerbere. auea)ebm^&gt;pon/anb tbemapbew Um %in, cptpe0of|uba.cbep;pnce0arebangebbp 9 CbeeountenaunceofteeiLo^iebatbba. toptb^ejanbeof tbemempe^tb^baiK^ " ebtbem/anbttalneuer lobemwe bpon not fparebtbe olbefage mm/tbepbaueta* c &amp;&amp; wn

a fbo tbat tbefe bipnoe men toente Horn' blpng in (be ftmtw ttapneb tbemfelue0 toftb bioube / tobpeb el0 tooioe toncbe no bloubpclotb. jbanm.

tttnomottbnwv tbe sates /ano tbeponge acre&amp;;asfcbab Dene tone fecweb metau c ""w(i menbfenomo?epfofenBoffl&amp;tfi&gt;6e.cbe WCT(^tofngcsbpanSKX^W io*eof ouKOcrttWBone/ouwnKtjfquew tiers erQaDmaU^.eScffM la* ' * tsturnebtarflfflournpjiBe,besarlanbe of tbeie to^ges to W , otoarbr t&amp;foureco mite bcaoisfflllcn-niftfi Hind iipv *i,p rt&gt;ti. HSM 1 ^h *.t-rlf^r...'... u '..

oure bcabftfallcmaias/tbattuettoefEiii nebfofo;e. Cbetfoje oureberre t"s fun of geitf neffe/ anboutttjes bpttime:l)ecaureoftbebvllf , * ! ^ &amp;1&gt;ontbatfSbe0ioi&gt;eb.3nroniocb/tbat 32&gt; fores tunne bpon 1 1 j&amp;ut tbou/ ji ojoe/ 6 remasneS f o? e urim o?c / &lt;} tbp re ate too#o toptbout enoe; tobetfo?e irtitttjou GplI ft?* GetbS/anOfojfafiebSfo longer' kojDe/ tume.t&amp;ou bsbntotbe/ero alltoebe rm&gt; neo.lRenue out cape s as in oloe tiwes/ fojt&amp;oubaBbanFtyebbSnotojons fnousb/abatt bene Coo* btfpieafcbatbs. _ trcfieenbeoftbe&amp;amentacjjons offeremp.

. fettoeeetbetopnse* ,_, toucbeb anot&amp;er. H9benbej toente/tbep turnebtbemnotaboutetbut etyone tornte ftrepsbtfojtoarbr. sapontberpBbtfpbe of tbere foure/tbeftc faces toere ipBetbe face of a man / anbtbe face of a U.jon:J8iitbpon tbe left tfbe/tm Babtbefaceofanore/anbtbefaceofatiSe* Ble.Cbefe factsalf o ano tyefr topnges toe w lp;?ooutaboiie:fotbatttoob3ftiBW of one towbebewrttoo tojngesof of anotber/ 9 toftb ff) e otbrr me? coiiereo tb fit boop.cue' rponetobenfctoente/ittoentetteepabtfo/* toarb.ibereastbefpjete tebtbem/tbptbti; tbrptorc/sturne&amp;notabQtitmt&amp;ep^ going. f be fa Rip on ana countenaunce of tbe beaffes teas ipbeboate coales of fwe/euen as tbcitgb immpnge creffettes bab bene amSBCtbe bea(tcs:anbtbe ftoegaueaglv*

ftre/anb outoftbefwetbere tornte liable* npnge. Odbentbe beaUcstoentc fowatbe ano bacbtoarbe/ one tooloe bane though s ttbab iEBbtcrieo.$ototoben3!bab tocll com ftberebnjebeaaes/31 fato atoo;cbe of tobe* Its upo m r artb toicb foute face salTo ip/ae tbebeaaes. 5befa(b^nanbtoo;cBeoftbetobeIe* teas ) p&amp; e tfte f ee. cbe f owe tobeles to etc


* 3d Qcfluens xoete eperjciMbatte/ tobewtbecvue

r Ctftt 6bfe of % -^"^oMfofH^o^Morr^fliutt onebibttiabe{fo lo&amp;ebpSjasft bab bene tca t s . act) e y fyou of uje toi) c ico, abe ti p ijg u of cue tobel e m a no th e t.bsben one toente f o; toe tB;on,anao{f tDejmajc about tg e $. toatoe/tbep toentc all f oute/anb tutneb ef t CtbefpjftCbapter. not about in tbeftfloinB.fcbep toere larae/

* --1



,* ^^ -:" "'* I vsinunwvv \if till ail fomensben n)c beattes toente / tbe tobeles toenteaifotoftbtbtm: Snbtoblrbe beattes* m, m. irStomipft bp a fo. ibtbec foeuet tbeoV m(X

rp?ete toentr/tbftbectbrnte ther airo'/anb &amp; " mm ? m tbebJbefestofrei|ftbp/anbfoiotoebtbem; wnwanD fc s ii art? ^ ca s,b^ , B e a ao W torn 6 c .sssssaS hM/M.i carwoutoftbej9o;tbtoftba Batecloube asftbabbSftrSSEX

.a^onetb/tbatgibjas amfige tbep;efonersbptbetfuct of FsneofvSbwiijfiS inffij;Cobat;a*tobetbe beaues i!m^,:ruf otro jg^Br^^!openeb/anb gfatee a bf fgon HaJSPlW' of ot, J&amp;ototbefpftb baseof tbe monetb ^^ntf|rlfRMrii(l(ii{M

t.aa.wj. tbe^;e(lry(ntbelanbeoftbe calbeesbvft M'ji ^' toatet of cobat/tobcre tbe banbe of iu&gt;;b

^on^^K^SSaH besibnbettberamefrwanlen tSmift" trtintbj f Ct ( otwtKewttasaHcieate/9 astt toere tofnaesfawbabjobe/ one tohiarhii n#hpr/ If prate tl ue 0P f iWSneffe of foute beam,' tobpet, toere (I nmSSSSSSmmSSaiSSn * great!


r#f ^t^tel

J! Breafetoafcrs/aSftbabbenetbebopceof cloffbboW:fbebatAeopttbefo^me/^ :f .:. .. Se gteated5oD/ant) a rufftipnge togetbei; jfttoastomtenbjttbm Wtbout/fu Bof fffir-J, asfttxiei;eoanbooaofmen.anbb3b?tb? cawfu!lmouttwise#aias/anbtoo.




tbett topnges/tttbonbtf btotbcftf mament fc tn t mo t^ p opie tyat tttntn enpt jw st that toaSaboue theit beabeS. aboue tbe punptbinentofaawnte tw q&gt;etoetbnpttbepp lc finnamettbatbMSoueetbetrbeabes/tbere tbt&lt;rt 5 nne. mas tbe faibvon of a reate/as ftbabbene , f Jfg LSHS *#**hm Saoe of S&gt;apbir.p8 tbe feate thete fatone B^i ffiM^ttSttSSjl ipfie a ami UlH anD fte toas ipbe HKRN" fgSSSSSuS!bS&amp; Ji JiSS^SSmtrR *besaue me tljebobe fo?to rate/ ano fapDe SMflm/iS ^aS KeuSASe. bmorae:cbouWeofman/^bett Ojal! . ahowe/toasMeacasnbotoe/tobBcbnta bobe/tbata geuetbe. rbenbtbaeatetbe^ ftum . S^bSaffi^SKoiffi^ boBe/9ftb^fnm?moutbftoetettbenbo=r P ocau.r,w ons/tob&lt;cbbaaebpuetfefpeateesanobawe iSbtbenfavbebebnto nie:SlSbe latiBuaBes/tobofe too?bes tboit imbeeaan*i | &lt; bp bpon tbv feceo tbou f onne of bed noc:j9eiiertbeielte/i?f l few tbe to tbofe Lan) 3to#lta!betottbtbe.*ib people/tbeptoolbefolototbe:ut tbe boufe jctb4.b. j^^sasbetoas cSraongiiBetoptb me/ orgftaelteellnoc Motor tbe/ rnttep. Wf lbmfflH tWwu came in tome/sno fetttne bp nocfolotoerne-.pce aKgbouteafafraeibaue bpbnrafete:fotIjat|rnatcSeb thethmge/ Opf fojebeaDes anbbatoe bertes, 5Seljo?oe * bcfePbebntome.itibbefar&gt;be:ebol&amp;e/ tberfo?e/g|to?HrnaBetbvfe tveuajic 'IS fonne,ofman:i totn fenbetbetotbe JKftwg^ffi^WESR cbplbjen of gifwei/totbofettinnasateu ano agapnft tbrrr fo?ebeabes : fo tbat to tW* m , tttt bi oM?natepeople:fo?fcbauetabenparte beabeftalbebattertbenflnlCbaniS o?flpn t*** aaalnft me/a aw tone atoa?efrome:botb aone:ttjattb6wmaBeftfeaeetbemb)elelK/ SanbtbSefame^ anbbelelfcafta*eboftbem/fo*fbet&gt;area

"Ciutttfa. yeeltoiUfenbe tbe bnto a people gbaue ftotoatbeboumolbe. ... ,fnmv* ^ggS^^aontgc^&amp;bntotobom ^efajbemo2eoueebntomeitbottfonne(iCj ? thouBjattrafieontBfsmaner:cb!U^o;be ofman/taBebi?B|tbebeto^btbfne cares/ $oSSinfeifbatbfpgB?/tbattobbtbe? to W toojbesfbat 'I fpeaBebntotbe/fatten SSCtKf^Sa^toarbe bouf. tbemmtb?ne i^^ajibBototbewefoners betiea^opiiecamonge thjm, trjtjs maneRCbttStbe&gt;o?beobbatbfpc* ibcrf c rt) ufonneofmanifcavc ibem brn:tobe*erfebeare/o?bearenot. iDitb cnpt/netberla^i?eboftberttoo;beS:fo? tbattbei/etetoWrnebpJnbSJearbrtbj tbeV mal rebeH asafna fte/3 befppfe tbe. nopfc of 3 gteate tuObpnge anortmoupnge ml^mXt^tcmmi&amp;nt oftbemoftbleffeb glo^g of tbe JLo?oe out of ftare not W* too;bes / be not mm at BW Pge. ^ ^... : fl(&lt;J&lt;i) tbetrlobes/fojft sa ftotoaroeboiiOiolBe. abeatoeaifotfje nosttof tbetopnaes oi^* &gt;' ^SSw fpeJuemi! tooibes bnto the/ tbe beafles/Jatruflbbeb owagawf ano * tofflee&amp;WWn^W/foMbfgare tber/peeanatbewtlpjigoftbetobeles/tbae obQ^tr lVctfn;e , tli^ fonne cf mS/oUev toevebp tbem/ tohpcbtufOj^ge anbnopfe ^tbowantbBnB0/r8at3! faeebntorbe 79 be to MWJrMgg^.^. ^,^^.^^ BPWBS jeSBBHR T^S9!toasioWnBebP/beboae/tbere tq^gfflf^^ afWrw^M. ^(Mtbntoiw^nftr/:WMMili SBnbfomtbebeBPWfng^emoneg^,

1 \

LV ^

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C&amp;e IMrcpe




vwmuamVM*/.W*t tftey toete:,2noco eontfnu* no p;m^weu% amonge tbemfeuenfiayefs / betoge be* ng acf mouib 9 ftatie mabe ftea*teatcDm5 bnto tbe boufe ffi52fe rt 3wl**i|Wfiwe tafte goes pebeto tfte S2 ?uft **M&amp;we tbem toarnynge at my cS&lt; * fe ^ C^Si** MUtl/iMWv- MAW*******Wfcftnm ** -'" - Itefl few

Cfte,fl,&lt;bai&gt;re. Scuforaieof mam ,1 *taiie a Mr* ftone/amjiayejitbefoje tfte /anb* a , .,,.

^taybebwimttftefftiecfg:*^ - - J mmtom tt 1 befegeo/ftotobul. WSSS toorcfiesanatttongebytftefj ate grauen cn f| 3 nc 5i( 3e

tfmoa30MW maoe mea*teatcl)m5 bnto tb *?^: or 3! ftaeI; '*^"fo^ Wte gocb bed ~ "" * ottnwtounwai)outeft. BBSB moniStujfis mtjngm manoyeinftyatone bnrygij. cftfe fm&gt;tatofmM&amp;l^a&amp;i*M^ ^ ffiftWS^ tftou geu e tea* - anb toye tfte ftone of tfte boufe ofWj bpo f c ou [ * nynge bnto tfte toyeftr D / aitD ficyet fojfaue tbe.Certaytietwytfi awovnteft/tt ou , aSfi***** notftr*bngiyneift:&lt;bfnan&amp;eDpetoftje fleiiebpS^affi^^^ aaBBKttBSBi W ljSROai! wquraortftyneftanbt, Wflre/toyHSeutrlaMBotttbe drhafoie J9ittUEltile/Pfftouerto;teatfterpg^ StnotoS&amp;Ta 7S^ 3S9S53 83Skssbk . ; : tSSmt " n *&gt;"**Wtt 9to alttftou bjyncae Dan? from tfte be



i an obftynate autpe cftyibjm ofjfeael eatet&amp;elt orMrb b;ebfo tfte mpbftea of (be tfentylejj/ am8ge

toftom J bjjiiftattettrra,



- ^



ftenfayae3|:&gt;ftfcb?fte&amp;ob.jee&amp;olbe/ my rbuie toagi pet neuet ftayneb : foj fro m? voutD bp btito tftfe fyine.3 Wo neuet eate of abeeDcatcafe / o? of teattoDfcl) toasJ oape of tosme beaaeg/netftee cam t^ete euet enp bncieaneflefl) in mpmou tl), ttDfjf -bntoEje anftoeteb me / ano tojue: eHttewgtopngttmnte totaSecotoJ bonoe/fb; fDc Donge of a man/ ant&gt; to tttaae tbe b;eb otter a&lt;t6 aU/befo;e tftem, 3DnDoefai?6ebittome:ffiegolDetl)0ufonne --... t of ma/% toyUmpmffie all tee p^outfpon of _*mmM ntnin 3letufalem/fo i tftep IhaJI toe? e f^ctr '*' b?e/anD eate it totte f catcene(Te.J8ut ajs f o; toatet/ tfiei? all ftatte aberp ivtle meatu i&amp;ttoMotoPKiw . atnbtoBente?Bae no* mo?el'?eotier toatec/ onewallbebeatopeb tw() atiotlier/anbfampHJ atoajefo? tfte( SB^cfteaneffe, .'-: ' CCfjeryfiMeofflje ^ernts /bv Vo^fs ff M#&lt; ttjeocacuccfoti of t^e people Cfte caiifes ww Bet of/ojo tow.1508 Hicpcople.fflC^e llojoe Biftloretj) tOetjoouoftOc&amp;carttB. C^(je,b.eaptet

A* 4 0.

t *

tigott .fame of man/ tafic tfte tljen a tbatpe fimjfe/namelp/ata* f ouie . ca&amp;ei/a (Daue tft e beawe ^_- of tljp fteair anb beetb rcben tafte % fcoalesf {t tlje toafgftt y a benp&amp;et&amp;e bearre a f under , anb burne tfte t&amp;J'roe parte tyerof fntUef^etntdempD&amp;eftoftiie ce/ scut tfte ot&amp;ee tbtroe parte to peeec tottb a Bnpf e, ass fo?tl)etbtrbe parte tljatremapnetvcaft it to t Oe to v &amp; e/ a tn c it D) e tu bare fmpfe. FetaftcrujarDetanealptie of tyefimtr/ amibpiiDcttintbpcote lappe. cfjentaftea oirteff of t/ano call it to tfte mpbbeft of t9 ^^d butne it totbefp?e.fl&gt;ut of tbe fame i'ilt (ball tljere goo a flame/ bpontbettiOoie J5 ftotife of JCraeil . j3E)o;oet / tftuptopbe tfte jlo?bc oD-.cftfe fame ts^erufalenLffett ^ertot;jemi!Ooeftoftbe0eatoenanacton0: tfiatarc roustDe aboute ^er/ but foe ftatl) be* fpsfeomp rttugmentejs mo;e men t&amp;e&lt;Efentf s Its tftem felurty ab^ofienmpcommatmbe* mfteg m o?e I8en nacponss / tljat Ire roflue aboute (jer :f o? tflepbaue catt on t m?ne o?di nauncejs/^not toalcfieb to mi? latoeg. acfter&gt; f o;e/tbujJ fapetft tfte %otn oo: tot fo noc&amp; m fetoftflpoure tetcfteoneffe farre erceabe Pbwrtifi h fte^eatBen/t&amp;atbtoeKwunbeabouteiJou: pnvn9.n. (^ 0? pei jaueno tinaIcfiebtomi? laroeg /tit* 1 *"' tuetbaue pefteptemFne ojbtoaucegXEDtr*

: :- fo?etBui8fapemtfieilo?oeob, ^ 9E topll alio come bpoittfie, tow t{jenn&gt; jjeftoftDefepnifsttotoiigment/to&amp;ffget oftbe^eatben/atopnbanbletbe of fotij a fafl)tcn/flC % neuer &amp;?o before / anba$3!ne iter tttHDo from tBattpmefotfB/anotoaf becaufe of aUtBjneabfiomfnacton? 4fo; to 1

tbefatftewftanbefapnetowtefBeleatohe^iiMri^ iswm ta their atone fatuerg^ocb SSiS a courte tutlia ftepe to tfte/ 9 tne tebole re m "w*"* naunttosil^fcatretnto all tue topoej*. 9berfo?eafS nlf a03lue (tasetft toe 3LoiDob)feKngtbou0aKt)efi?eom!?S&gt;an ctuatr/toftb allmaner of abbomtoacgong $ lb aU W toamefuU offenccgiiro; tb3 cauf e tomgiaU*oDettrotet&amp;e.fiI&amp;t?neese (ball not ouee tetBe/netbertoiua fparetue. One tljirbe parte to ttUtu tlje /all m of tbcpeftilenceanbofftongertainotijejtljtrae parte all be Oagne dovdiib vounbe aboute tbe/toltb ttoearoe: scije otber tOtroe parte $ tema?&gt;netb/ttt ll|J f catre atyoaoe totoame alltberb?noe3/ani)b?att)e out tfte ftoearoe . after tftem .cljusjiatopllperfourme imj iww bignacton a fet my m?atft agaput tbem/an&amp; eafe mpfeifc. g&gt;o (bat ml 3 aue fulfpHea ttti'rte anger agapna tft?/ tbej&gt; all Rttotoe ' tt w I am tbe to^e / |M tot'tb a ferufttt OtlouQI ftauefpoften it. #eouct %W{ mane tfte toatte anb abfto?reb / befoje all tae 'eatftentftatDtoellaboUtetfte/^tntbeHgfte ofailti)cm/tftatgoupt()c:fotftatttl)e1ip^ n( tfte in my to?atft/m rapne angce/a toifij i lageof mg toftote otfpleafureuftou alt be a berpabftomtoac(on/ame/a gafyng 9 toono??nge feortte/ amonge tfte l^eatft? tfta| we aboute tfte , &lt;ue 9 tfte jLo;beftaue fpofte f t/anb it all come to paffe / toften % ute amongetftemtfte perious bartejs of ftongw 4^^ tofticft albe butbea : Tee tfterfo?e aim utetftem/becaufegitoyll bearoye you. 3 tomencreafeftungee/amynialltftewo itifyonofb^ebamougeyou. plages anbmyfery toyiilfenueypu/yee

atoylbebealiejJaitoto bettroyeyou J&amp;mt lence anb bloubebynge all come Upon vou/anbtfte ftoearoe toil % b?(nge ouer you. tium % tfte jio?De/ftaue fayae it.

Lift '

If 1 *! lift "&gt;


G8e 9W8 tftat t^e people &lt;&amp;itlic pUJcO fo? fB&lt; fjnne of laolatcie.^ewopftecyetl) tfte rcpcnfflititce of tt)e cemnaunt of tlic peoplt/ano tl)etr oelpttcraflefe ffibeocacucqiouoftljefL'Owacacfopropljectco. H&amp;btfte too;beof %oitt camebnto* me/faytoge:ftou fame of man/ turnetfty face to tfte mountayneu L fgfrarf/ tftattftoumayett |9o*^(|#|Wi pfteciebntotftem/ afaye-.^eare tfte too;be of tfte 'iLo?be d3oo/fl) ye mountayne* . of %u taei-.^ftujsftatft tfte jio?be oft fpofi? to tfte toountaynes/fttoes/baiieyiS ano balejj. tfeftotoe / % toyii bzynge a ttoeatbe Kurt tou/abettroyeyoureftyeplace0:5!totocafl! botone loure aultetg/ a b?eafie bo tone your^ tepleis.yonteflaynemen toyllf laye beM fouregoboeji/ anb tfte bttb earcafefJ of tfte tftjtoenof 3!ftae toyU 9 catt before tfteftf 0,to. image*/ .


wam/mtrtm$ &amp;r n % mwe roun be aobute joure aultere / ana Dtoellpngr places. 35 a&amp;eeMfflalue&amp;efoIate/r&amp;ebpncbaa ptl lapeo toatte : poure aulterc De&amp;roreb/ anDbjoBen:p oure goalie* call Dotone / ana tBBenatoare/roiirete"pel0l8roeeau5topt&amp; (be grounar / souk atone too^&amp;es cieane ntttoKt foureflarneraenftalllreamongepou/ tti a t ?e map e ieame to Bnotoe i Dots rtjacgj ameae&amp;ojae.cbofet&amp;atamongepoubaue *nrMt.iftf efcapeatfieftoearae/ topiisueaue amoige I&amp;e&lt;8entple0/fo;3ltorllfcatte rouamffge (Denacroft^nDtbertbatercapefrompou/ all tbpnctie bpon me amongetbefeeatbeV toberetbepftaibeincaptfurte. 30fo;ebatte&amp;o;r 9 bitra^fun ^erte or tbeiwj/to&amp;ertortbtbe? runne atoape fro me/3|torHtyeaBcit:reeanaputoutetbofe *$m&amp; mmmm ***** c&amp;mallr&amp;ep^eaame&amp;/anabfrp!ea lea tortb tbeir mm/ f o&gt; t&amp;e topcBeaneow aim ajDBontpiartSjj/ tobicft tbepbaue Done: ana ail learne to finotoe/boto tbat ft 13 not tii basne/ tbat 3!tbe &amp;o#e fpaae/ to b;rngefo.c&amp;mfferrbpontbem, Cbe jlo;De fapae moieoiiet bnto me: &amp;mrre t&amp;pne banae0 togetber/ana ttampe

toitfrftpte/anDfafe:otoo;tDafltbeab' bornvnactons ana tofefteDneffe* of tbe boufe ofraeJ/fo/becaufeoftbem/t&amp;ep3llpe tott&amp;tbeftoeaiae /toltb&amp;ffgerana toitb peflflence. lfcbofot0farreof/ ail ape of tbepe&amp;iirnce:betbatl0nreat banae/ mall ^petfjbtoft&amp;t&amp;e ttotam-. ana tbe otber flat *m befegea/aaliare tttamm, CNtopUa fattffpemp i^otbfuHDff* Pi eauirebpon tbem Jna fo allrelearne 10 anotoe/tbatiam tbe -lotfe/toben route flapnemrnlre amonge route goDBetf/ana aboute route aultew-.bponau bre MM 9 toppe? of mountapne0/ amonge ali grene f /amonge alitbpefie ofie* : euen in tljc [D0W.3 topll Ureteb mrnebanoe outebpon jem/anDtorilmaftetDelanbetoaOe: &amp;o (Dae it awreaefoiate anabo?ae/ from trie toliaerneae of ebiatbabfbtfb/raojoto m tbefc&amp;abftacrottroleatnet&amp;efo/foanoto^ t8at$amt&amp;eiLo;ae,

- K*"




y* *l

C*Rnfr 0M1 t&amp;c tanfte of grfcatUtyaK fotanfo WWW Wife of t&amp;e&amp;eftsncct 3 tijerof. fific p;oi '-. : CcfieMc&amp;apter,


* r *

Ac toojoe of tbe JLofle camebnfo I me on tbftf maner:be3! can/ tbou forme of man. cbii0fapetb $c :Ho;oe tf oabnto tbe Ianoeof Sftael: Sbe enae commetb/peebereiptbeenoe comme tijopon ait tbe fonts corners of tbeeattb. _ jeutnotoant6eereeomebpStbe:foj 3!topllfenaempttyatbbporttbe/9topllpu* ntfttbe-.aceojawge totygto&amp;H anare*- .,,;* toatDe aftaHtbrabD0m&lt;nac|W.aww^ w ** k ^ ercftailnotouerfttbe/netbertoiiigifpare tbesbut retoaroe /accojapng to tDr to a res/ anDDeclate tbr ab6omrnacroni.iSen al feBnotoe/tDat3amtDe)lo;w, - Du0 fare tb tb e %om &amp; od : Beb olce/ onemrfetranDplage (bail come aftecano tbetitbeenDettbete.^beenoecifare) tftae toartetbfoi tbe/tt come all teaor/ tbe boute , 10 comeagarn&amp;t&amp;e/tbatotoeileil m ^betrmetffatbaiiDe/tbeoareoffeijfcrS f0 \)m Dr / ano no glaD trornge0i)pon the moatarne0.betfo;e/3] torn Q)o;r PWite out mr to)t DKpfeafute ouev tDe/ana fulfra mrto;atbbpontbe. atorilftiDge tbe after tb?lape0/anDttcompencetbcaiUbrab' Bomftiacron0. &amp;&lt;m&gt;W ^OMiececmaK not ouewe tbe / netbee * t&gt;ai3!fpatetbe:biitteb&gt;aae tbeaftee tbv

toare0/anDettett)p abbomrnacfon0 /to )Lo;DetDatfmrtetb. 58ebolDe/tbeDarei0^flo^ii. ' oeee/? oar e is come/tbeDoure is runneout/,^ ^ "t*m*taumj torifiiineire toamD?SSJ gtene/malre(ou0btolencer0gtotonebp/?i 5 7K|!S tbebngowjtoaeentoa daf.yet mil thmtnmmw no complapnte bemaDe fo; tbem/netfo; tbe * 2MS8s8 ttoubletbatmaUcomeoftbefetbrngS. ffiSS 9bof0bretD/lettbrmnot referee ^etbattufaton. feiietb/letbim not be f o?r;fo; tobr . rouble 39 wall come in tbemrooeft of an tea : fo tbae tbe feiiet all not come agarneto tbe btft/ fo;netbecof tbembott mall ipue. jfo/tbe bifton malleome fo geeatlr ouet aa/ tba&lt; fljali not b e brnneteDijU man alfo tofts brs toichebtieatQiail beable tofatie br0atone Irfe. cite ttompette0 all re bloine / ana mancrou all teabr/lJttt noman mallgoofo tbebattei/fo;3amto;otbtoitt)alltbetoboie muitttube. * Cfte ftoeatbe roalbetoftftout/ peCftence* an&amp;hongtortbto : fo tbattobo toit mm ... feioe/ftalbenarne toltb tbe ftoeatBe:anObe S7w, ^ ,&gt; * tbat[0iiitbecre/allpcnft) torn bongee anDpettflence. , anDfotba0 efeapeanbfle from amonge pern 1 all bebpon tbebpe0/ irfie as tbe Doue0 m tbefeibeteuerr one maibeaftare*/ tieeaufe of W atone ypft&amp;JML



#f (Mitel


Iferttfalem fr -' 3611 Danoe0albe let Dotone/ano "ail in"abrfronto3!etulaiem/nit6tbeenttri,. . nnee0aiuetoea6ea0tbetoatet:tt)erall tbe8*innetpo?teglretbtotoattifino;: &amp;eiac s6til i gr;oetbefelue0to[tDfac&amp;ciotD/feateal( tberedoDeanrmage/ttttDtoDombegbacb^ont eaBwai *; :&lt; ; Wtattbp5tbem.cbetface0aeconfoun* ailtDUige0ftib&lt;0potoet/toa0fietrto?o tt). SS*ftS2f ^dtaMKJ "eD/*a tDeitbeaDe0baioe:tbetfrUKtal anDbebolDe/tbcgio;roftbeoDof3^taM a S ,, ftv^ ipr tntbe tttete0/a tbeit goloe albe oelpr el toa0 in tbe fame place: eue a0 1 bao mJSlt 9 tofl6 cai&gt; ttn:*ytt tbeirfiluet agotoe mape not oeu^ itafo;e in tbe feioe. .tnabe fapoe bnt o meiifot^oQcwac itct tbem / in tbeoare of tbe f eatfull to;at&amp; cbou fonne of man/) irft bp tt )rne ef0/ e wteJftwe oftbejLo;oe, anDloDetottatoetbeno?tb.cbenlrft3!DPC SRSST #epallnotfatrffpetbefcb5gtr fou- mrneerc0totoatDetbeno7tb/ano bebolDej t h&lt;t mtt tee U0/nettteet'pu tbewemptpe beir0 tbettt: befroetbepo;teno;tbtoatoe/ tbereuan anuai i;^attaa ifo;tt.3 become tbettatone oecapetbo;oto aulteemaDebntotberniageof pjouocacpocaii eb t&amp;e m* tDeittoicfteDiie0: becaufe tber maoe tbetof mtbebetrenttrngm jnobeferDefuWbS a ub u# notonlrcoair9!etoeie0 fo; melepompea mo;ebntome:^bou fonne ofm/fe(atl)ou g ^ u V. nC out WSOe/uutaifa abDomrnabiermage0 atu&gt; toDattbefeDo^elfttboutbegteateabbo^artic fi-a w BDoie0.jf o? m cauie topll 3 mabe tbem to mpnacpoiJ (batmeboufe of jf cael comrt te W&gt; v{ teas leabbo;teo.fl@o;eouet/a ttfllgeue ftmto In tbi0 place? abb ougW not to be none In" SSKXS tbebanoeg of tbe ttcaunget0to oe fporieD: mpfanctuarr i Mt tutne tbeaboute/ ana , owpa Bw V $totbetopcBe&amp;/fo;tobetobbeo/anb tber 0)ou altferet greater abbomrnaeron0.wi.i perpa all e a to pe it. &lt;J^r face tor II I turn e f to ano to lib tbat b; ougbt be m e to tbe courted wne j e m

tb?/mrtteafutraiOeDefiuo:fo;tibeue0 gate:9tobenllobeo/bebolDe/tbetetoa0an^ rt Ju *allgointoit/afufpenoe.i torllmafee boieingttall.cbenfariiebebntome:bou XtSJ elenetioDaace/fo;tl8oet0toboieDefrieo\o tonne of mS/opggetbo;oia)toaujnDtobetaiie Btiieinnct bnttabtuou0 tubgementofmnocetbiouDe/ iDrggeDtbo?oto toall/beDolDe/tbetetoa0couc(e . am etye tei0 fullof abbompnacron0.lbee aDo;e.anDbefarDebntome;o &amp;*&amp;***&amp; fo?e/jtorilb;mge tbe mail ctueutr^um* nt/ lonettbtt torcBeo aDbomruacfmwffig'J. 1 ^ ml to amonge tbe J^eatben/ eo taiie tbelu tber bo t&amp;ere. &gt;o 1 vetnte in/ a fattier be; ^mfwu &gt; bonftd in poffeK5.3! torn ma&amp;e tbe pompe boiDe/'tberetoeteaimanetrmage0oftoo; ^c(9fcir(rt&lt;fa; oftbep^ouoeto ceatle/atber alltafietn me0aJjeaae0/auabole0aabbompnacro0^"f'*^ (belt ^.anctuatp.iben tbi0 trouble com* of tbe boufe of gfkaei parnteo euetr vjSASS ntetb / tber all f eue peace / but tber ail eounoe about tbe toaii,$bti' e ^od z a lfo u^^\ ^^ Bauenone.nemrfcbefe afo^oto aiifo- fo;etbermage0.lrr.lojBe0oftbecoaceJlofi,ut util e nu Jotoeanotber/^ onerumoure ail come af tbe boute W0nm in tbcwfbbeft of OmW* .wjtlg teranocber:cben ail tber Cefiebtfr on0 in ftoueiaa?amab tbe fonne otl^apban:jnD2"% l H e , barneattbeir$?opbete0.cbe latoe albe euerp one of tae bao a cenfoute in bis* baoe / %, S, gonefromffiep;eQe0/ storfoome ftomtbe anooutof tbeincenfe/tbetetoentafmobe/te^ec c caiieiij elDer0.bettrngealimourne/ tbe^n* a0ftbaDbeneaclouoe.benfaraebebntot^ mje oe ce0 albe clotbeotortbbeurneffe/anD tbe me:cbou fonne ofmS/baft tboufenetobatPw ,o c M^ banoes of tbe people in tbe lanoe all ttem tbe ^&gt;enatoute0 of tbe boufe of Sfe ael 00 it Z* oiefo? feare.31 torilbo bnto tbe after tbeir fecretip/euerp ^onembi0cbamb?e;ijfo ?tbcrttoheot^ao;o atonetoape0/ aacco;ornge to tbeir atone fare:Cu/ tow fcptb totfnor/t&amp;eWjDr *mb wii) , (uogemete0torli 3! IuDgetbem:toletnetDg regarDetbnottbetoo?lDe,3nbbefapDcbntog wj;




fo; to finotoe/ tftat 3 am tbe Jlo?oe.

meicutne tbe r? t agapne/ano tbou alt ft jf^g

* "


,&amp;?plltl CCbeAUMEbapter. fo?**cbamn0.cbenfaroebebntome:baftjf &gt; rcbappenen /tbatln ftrtepeate tboufenetbi0/tboufonneofman'curne uvm*. tbe fiftboare of tbe fprte monetb aboute/atbowalt ft ret greater aUotrtfafta *. %mnwmmw%met nacron^nafobeb/ougbtmetntotbe gim^ngf ^= ecottnceiloflubatoitbmejanD toaroe court of tbe )Lo;be0boufe:a 69&lt;SS e X' tbebanoeof tbe 7Lo?oe obfelteuen tberc attbepojteoftljeiLo^esboufe/bettoirtegfa^e a tonne/ bvo me aim as 3 lolicobp;^ fato as It toe- fo;e entrpe 9 tbe aultcr/tbere toete f rue anb j wtjieij ro fay

. ri ircmieffe of fr;e frSbw'lorneS botone t toentp men/tbat tutneo tbeir bacnes bponneo jUm toarDe/anofrombWiorneTbptoarDeitftr e (Me oCeiLo ? ac/ tftetr faces totoaroeg 1 ,^ ^ ^neDmarueiou0cleare.cbi0miUtuDe8ree tbe eaae/atbefetoo?rppeotbe fonne. fa0 ^ (6c ^ c ^cDeDoutanbanbe/atoftemebrtbebeartre 3iiDbefar8ebntome:bafttbouftnetbi0/mciiof|c to;je locfw of mpbeab/ a tbefPtfte Ipft mctjp tbou fonne ofman^brnftetb tbe boufe 0% i *j*j bettoftte beauf aeab:oD.b?ougbtnic gfraei/tftat wwbiit a^rjar/tooo tftefe ab- ^ ^Sn Se

- 9


botti it mpw ominact5Sberf?S&gt;bnJbetbe| f| HHjclanoc fiebrteffebpo tbeftbea&am p;ejJ.JPnbbcboIbe/ tf,c ' g* L 1 ** J'" c fullofto|c/ieoneu'e/9bnBertafetop;ouobe man $&amp;ab tbelpnenra! m?tbp5bwn/ atb* toa8/utmmc/ raebntoan 8W t f putpofeiitoeatt top to;jters we&amp;bo;neb|brtl&amp; e:toI&amp;e alltbe ' toiijci) was ttjertnofesbponmeJ flrbttfo;eto|U3 alto maftetbijtotebappentb/afa ibe'AojDe/afl maoj to tocpc&amp;ofome tljtngemniptojot&amp;fulbttpleafuw/ tboubaaeomrnatmbebme /fobauc'Jbone, . ^(e-cfotfiatmpneep6allnotouerfe Ompat* M ^ . . fwctbwjma* *h P r*H l 3lfi)flicthcm YreflnbtbotiabtheB e4Dft&amp;rmant$tttoito?iote i)urnfna cobsoute

alfo umaplc Cipemm|neeateStolOU8ebO|Ce/fetro|ll iKnofibeburnraBOfafemCaUtnUrebcr raUof itje tijcic fcpac^'i notbtatetbem. tn&amp;5oftieiBbtte/of tbeueaawj of tbeffbewum* cionfco tlieii; fTCbe t olbatitet Io'uevs/anbi-ccat)eDtatncc(3of3[bo[a(m0ytbeconUcrra(($ i|C3c*ijOn ago infifn; fefbo lbe ItttflC fit-* io?Q wbcn oftberp3Dttts.Cbe;tbBtaUicbU(Dflmacc# M$^*n W* fi wT a HSE! ctjep outayneo BcD.ia;6eptbataMimmattBeOatcBaMie.acopU|m# fihSW^l mam " 2 toa ^ atc,!e ft* &lt;TBeW.jfch,(t,j tbtmajjajne. u of ebtj&amp;jopbetefojtbebcflruccpon of tbc people. P*pawbpnstbcr cappearebf|m|litiibe C^be.i^.cbaptfi. SSSSSofaftoleof&amp;a})bittipontbrm: ; e cr i rb alfo toitb a louoe boice fit ben fa ? be b e ttjatfat t be tin / to b im tbat mweeares/fa|ing:Comebereie babtbeiinenraiment bpon bfauCrepefo jwiers of tbe cite/ eu eriman to Jttt bettoenet&amp;etobelestbatarebnDertbe cbe* IbiStoeapenebbanoetotbeaaugb' tubins/anbtafietbineBanbefun ofboate tet.cbencametberefftemencutof $ arete coaiof out ftom bettoenetbe &lt;j&amp;erub |hs/ 9 oftbe bppnpotfetotoat&amp;etbenojtb/ 9 me* catt tbem one* $ cfftjnbbeereptem/ tb at i*&gt;manatoeapenmbiSbanaetotbeaaugb ~ * ter.cbete toas oneamogeft tbem/tbatbaQ on bpm a linen raiment/ 9 a tasters fticb' bo/neb|bist|oe.$ Cbetetoentein/ Adobe bffpac tbe b;afrn tbeglojioftbejUjiieremoueDfrBtbeiEbe aulter, 02 tb e giozi of tbe %o)tx teas gone rub| ns/anb came bpon tbe tbtffljol& amp;e of tbe .. atoaie ftom the Cb*rub/9toas come ootone bouftirotbattbetepletoagfullof cloub es/ '"^"^"totbet^eqjoltieoftBeboufc/^becaUeDtbe aubtbe couttetoas full of tbe we of tbe mantbat gab tbe linen raiment bp5 bim/ %owz gio;p.yee 9 tbe founoeof tbe cbe . 9 tbe to; it e rs wcRbome b 1 b js n be / 9 lb e tubpns towges to as beatbe into tbe f o?e jlo#efa|oeontobim;otbitoa|et&amp;ojoto couttr/Ii&amp;easftbabbrfletbcbopccoetbc

tbeciteofterufalem/arettbismatciien almigbtieiiSOD/tobenbefpeaBetb. goto cbauwpfitbefo/ebeabesoftbe/gmouuie tobenbebabbibDentbeman tbattoafcio* 9atefo2|fo2ali,tbe abbommacions/tbat tbeb in linen/ to ,go anotane tbe boateeoa bebonet&amp;etfn.anbtogotbrr'beraioetbat lesfromtbeiniibbea oftbetobeles/tob|c&a mp; *'.:. Cimra&amp;tbc8W.ffio?eaftetbfmtbo?ootbe toetebnoetibeCbewbwffcbetoenteairi M! cjte/aaie/eurrfe none/ fpatc none :&amp;jii bef?betbetobtie2.cben $cnc CEberubte a 9.&amp;ettroieborboicemm9ttmge/ma|bf$/ cbe&amp;fo?tbb&amp;anbefwmbnbertbeCberu '. cbjlb;en/anbtofue!S. b*ng/bntot&amp;eff;etbattoa0bettoenetj)e 3&amp;uta0fo?tbofe/ $ bauetbtfrnatcse t\ GbembEns/ ano tone tbetof /?gaueftbn ban bpon t&amp; e tbat ? e toucb tbem not/ t o,b m tbat ban on tbe tynen ea ptent tnbtt


tmfg&amp;tfe. gototbecbmibtmsaobebpontberigbt &gt; rioe of tbeboure/ toben tbe man toenteui/9 tbeclouDefFUebtbepnnermeecoutte. JDaH^tnm


tbat tbe one tbefeconbeof tbe f ouittj ab oue.cbiis

facets tbe face of a Gbemb/ aman/^etb^be of a iron; of anaegle/8 tijep toeteljftebbp &amp; tbe bead/ tbat| fateeat tbe

toatetofcobat.^ototohcnt^eCbftubvtiss toente/tbetobeuutoeijtetD&lt;tbtbem/toUe tbefib^ubimsibobe tficw toynge to lift tbcmfeltiec bptoatbe/ tobelep tcmavnta notbebenbe/btit to m tbem alfo. %&gt;i)02 1 tp/to^etbev fiope/ tbefeQobealCo-.ainotobe fbtff toeteivftbp/ tbe ttbcles toete lift bp alfo tot tb tbem/ f 02 tbe fp;eteofI|fetoas in tbetobeieg. aa b tbe gIo of tbe loM toafS I|ft bp *ri*jttaftotbe tbzefho^oeof tbe temple/ ?temai*

^ nebbp5tbeCbuupi0;ainatbeCbei:uWn . fla cbteb toit b tb e ft to tnges / * i|ft tbe felutf bp ftom tije rab:fo tbat 5 fatoe toijen tbef toent / anu tbe tobeieg toptb tbem. Inb tbe? ftooeattbeeaa iw of tbe po?te tbat (din tbeboufe of tbe awe . S tbe glo;i of tbe 3Lo?betoas bpon tbem. bC0&lt;* ^t beaft ! ebat 3 fatoebmiettbe&lt;S&gt;oD of Jftacl/bptfje toatetof Cobat Jnblpecceaneb/ ^ ft toa&amp; tbe Cbubsiis.cui? one bab foucc faces/ anb eueci one tout* tojjnge*/ abnbet tbett topigfp/as it uwe mew banoep, iSoto tbe figure of ib eft faces toas/eue as 31 W fene tftem/bitbe toatee of Cobar/anb h toas tbe countenaunce of tbem : eucti one in bid goingetotnte ataEB^fo?toarbe* 1 - cnifia t be s toetc i|jat (t fiuccb tfe peoplt of jfftart. ajapiiftt!)erebep;opBec(ctb/lbtttjnBritlfliott)tl)p

3f*te.t)rt)A. Mit.-b &lt;.jt,rtsf.c.

dbeginneat mi&amp;Sctuari.ben tbef be* ban&amp;e:tobicbtobett/8toentout JnDbnber^ gSne at tbe elbers/ tefai 1 b mere in tbe tepie/ tbe to in ge of tbe Cbetubittf/ tbere a ppea* w

f o? be bab faibe bntotbf: liaben |e bauebe te&amp;tbe iiebneffe of a manis banbe :j| fatoe al&lt; fliebtbetgpie/ a filieb tbe conrtetottb tbe fofouretobeie0bet'|beScberub{nfi/fo| be flaine/tbengoiouretoaiefo?tb. feotbe? eueticberubtberettobea tobeie.ainbtb* toente put/9 aetoe botone tbo;o to tbe eite. tobeleStoere(toIollebpon)afteetbera Qitoit gototobentbeibabbonetbeflaugbtet/anb tftbep;ec|ou0aoneofcbattW:iet(bnta ,3s.efeapeb:afeH botone bpon m? face/ tbeC|gbt)tonetbe|faft|oneOI|8e/8Utf ^actieb/faiinge^io^e/toiKtboutBen onetobelebabbenemanotber. fteltroieaiitberefibueof jfraei/(ntbffo;e Wben tbe? toente fo^b/tbeptoentean bifpleafuw/tbattboubaapoure&amp;bponge* fouretogetber/nottiimingaboutenitbefl

ttifalem;cbenfa|bebebntome:beto|c* goftige:uttobewibefMtttoente/tb|tbei fieDrieffeoftbeboufeofgrfraei^aubaiube* toente Ctjep afteealfo/ 10 tbattbep tume B .ngteaft:fotbattberanbei0fuMofWoube/ notabouteinebrtegofng.cberetobolebo*-,^wb.mJt &lt;becitefull of bnfaitbfuftttae:&lt;ffo?tbep bieft/tbeftbaclies/tbetebanb esato|n8e)8/*' ,f,w ' fa.wiM.- faie;culb tbe jioibregarbetb not ^eartb/ feeanbtbetobelefialfo/toeteairt iHofefetf . tti!.Mi.b,befe|tbbsnot.berfo^torug!bpfftbem/ tounaeabonte tbem all foure.;ino$&amp; raroe *WM* mwiee|eftallnoeouetfetb5/nttbetto|H bimcalItbetobfle/algai(tbat(S)arofioe anaretbe/butto|HwSpfnreibeftto8c. botile.euencneoftbemba&amp;fouteracfStfo


^albcbjCpai'picqabjoaoc.ffibcrcmifiigc of tlit beet toramcibof ^06 /otbttvft tan tot ngttsalcke In bfs tb;e atenetb tbem (bat lean c

bnto tbtit atone counties, Cbe.ri.baptee. , fUbWMnMt fp;cte of tbe )L-o;oe SUMwJ Ji|ftmebp/{ib;oiigbtme bnto tbe ?eatt po;teof tbejLoJbesboure. i anbbebolbe/tbete bnoertbeDo;e amongetobomilfaroe 3iaa&lt; ;aniab tbe fonne of ^uc/ anb Pbcitiab tbe fonne of laananiab/t rulers of tbe people. rben faioe tbe )lo?be bnto mejticbouConne cf man: tn efe men imagin mifcbefe/ ana a tolcBCD co u c el tab e tije 1 i n tbf a ci it /f aifog: tu 0) / f bete is no b eftmccgon at banbe / let fog 6u|toe boufes: njis 3 e tufalc is tbe cam* 6;on/a,toebetbefle.cberfo?e (Bait tbou

p;opbec|ebntotbe/|eep;Opbecietoalttbou bntotbtm/0foonepfmah,Jii.btoBtb.tbat fell tbe f p;ete of tfte ji;b?tie.bpon me/a fat &amp; e ^bntbme:^peabe/'tt&gt;isfa|e'tb tbe J&gt;b;be: v D n (bis manerbane ?e fpofitn(&gt; ie b oufe .. of3frael)an&amp; 9 8notoett)eimaginac|onj5 jofioure bettes. f0ani one banc ?emfft* ft ut eb in tftis c ?f e/anb f ill e&amp; tbe SreteS full flffbe0aine.cberfo;e/tbu0fayetbtbejlo?n

upoaicse Oameriien ebat lebaue' lagoon tbe grounne In tbis c|tie/ate tbe fie uj / anb tl)lsc|tel0tbecauiwonjj8ut3!te|lib?inge ( w ,j t tti(ii * lou out of i't;|e bauc b;atot out (be f to erbe/ 2S5SJ euen f to|ll 3 1 alfo b^inge a fwearbe ouev pou/feietb tbe jLo?be ob.f to|lib2|uc |ou out of tblS cite anb beliuetiouinto loure enem|esbano^/ariai3D|llconi&gt; (ball be dame in all tbe coades of ^fraei/f to|U be auengebof |ou ;toletne,|ou fo;to lmotoe/tbat'3amtbeJU^e,ncbttc|tea)al not be loure cautt;on/netber all ie be tbe fleOj tberimbut (nrbe coaQcs of Jfiael to|U gpuniflj |ou/tbatjemaie bnotoe / tbat5B am tat jHo;De:in tobofecommaunoementes ttummi ,ie batte nottoaftfieb/ner Reptebis iatoes:t.;^ bntbaueboneaftertbeeuftomesof $ea* eben/tbatlievounbeabouteioit. . goto tobeapacacbeb/Pbeitiab fcfonne of c ananiab bseb.^benftil J botone topomp face/anb erieb toitb a loiibeboice.- &amp;o;&amp;e (Esob/toitttboutbehbttetlibeoroieaii tbe remnaunt m gftael?anbfo tbe too;oe of tbe 'jlo joe came to me on tbtsmanet : tbou fonne of mamtbl b?e tftjen/ tb| 6| nf f olfee/ anb tb e toboiebbufeofiuba/tobicbbtoell at^eru* 1 fale/fa|e:be|begone farre frStbeX-o^o/ but tbe Ianoe (0 geue bs in pofleaion.cber&gt; f o;e tell tbem/t bus faietb tbe &amp;o?tie &lt;B ob ^ tolilfenbepou farre of amongetbe &lt;$&gt;tntp :les/anbfcatte|ouamongetbe nac|5s/a 3 tolll balotoeiott but a l|tle/nt tbelanoeis tobereie (ball come, cell tbem alfo/tbu* .

faietb tbe &amp;-o;be&lt;E$ob:?toiil gatbee foua* game out of tbe nations/ anb b^ngeiou ftom tbe co un trees tobete lebefcatceb / anb to vilgeue |ou tbe ianbe of |fraelagame: 9 tbltber (bailie come. ainbaSfo?allfmpe&lt; Bpmenfts/anaall ioureabbom|nac|ons:3i m toplltabetbematoape. ^futinat 3nDato|ilgeue|ou onebere/anbg! toin WiSvuf plantea netoefpjete toitbin fourebotoeis. Cbat 8onibftftwp!!!tabeout of jbure bobi/ageue|oua*flef(biberte^ jemaie -^ . m toaffie in mi commaunbementep/anbBepe *%% mineo^i|naunces/8bo tbem:tbat|ema|e tractabttbtrt be mipeople/anb-3 soure&lt;so&amp;. Eutlobe tobofe bertes ate bpfpofebto folotue rbeic abbommacionsa to|cbeb!|U|nges:tbofe mens beoestoill 3! b;pngr bpon tbtft atone beaoed /faietb tbe Hojteooo. after t&amp;?s b|btbeberub|nsi|ftbp ibefttomges / 9 tbe tobeles toente tottt) tbem/ anb tbe gloji of fbe^ojcetoasbpontbem. S&gt;o tbeglo;? of tbtTioftetoente bpfrom tbemuoefi of tbe ette/a Oobebpontbe mount of tbe cite to toarbetbe eaft ,u t tbe toitiae tone me bp/? inabiftil(tobtcbcameb|tbefp^teofob) itb2oubtmeagapemtocalbfa amenge tbe p jennci&amp;efrir 9 &amp; on % % k m he/




banpfbebatoaje frame, &amp;o% fpaaebnto tbep;efoner0/alttbe too;w? of tbe juyoe/ tobtcbbebablbetoebme.

lje $jopljecpe

Gfage.Ml&gt; KJar.iiu.a. Bom.j".b.

tben/anoCtotoebjljemmtbe lamw / the p (ball bnotee/tbafj am &gt;lo;b,;ut/$ to ill leaue a Iptle nombje of tbe ft5 tbe f toeatoe/ ,,,., .. _. ftungcr^iiDpfawncettotenaHtieicaWjO' .tfjeparaiiieoftiieBe!Tfisoftiiecapt ? .ip(^.G^ nunacponsamonaeroeiSeafltf/ttbetet bcp fepnge zeOtStabtf HflmfitO.anMto pacablewto ffm**"} 8 * Wf "lapebnoto/ &amp; 0to t * 8t5 ai " ljHieOpaKffeo^ouaccflnO(l)p;fli8ij3upfpco. X^tJLOlOt. m CCbe.yn'.Cbaptei;. ffl0e;oue*/tbetoo;bcoftbeX.C0became * - DetoOjbeofnjejlotfecamebnto bntomefaprnge^oufonneofmanttoptlj ; me/fetfoge:beu unne of man/ s f eaefuii tremblpnge (bait tbou (ate tbp tbou otoiieft in tDe mpcoeft of a bjeo/ to ttb caret uineue 9 f ojotot ait tb ou ftotoatbeboufboloe; toy pel? \)me b;pncBetbptoater.3nabnto tbe people of epwtore/anopetftnot-.eawjsbaiietbepto t&amp;elanDe/fpeafietbouontbfemaiier-.cimg beare/ apetbeate tbep not/ fojtbeparean fapetotbe kojoe ob/to tbem tbat btociun ofjtti a te tjouQ)oll&gt;e.$$eEfo;e(d&gt; tbou fon* Sewifalem/a to tbe lance of % t raeisf t mil neofmanjmafietbpgerewbftoflit/anbgo catepoute.bjebttfoptoe/abftnciiepoiiK fo?tb bpfapreDapcipgbt/tbatrbepmapeft. toattottbbeupneoe:f eetbe lance toitb yee euenin tbefcfpgbt tbalt ttiougo from fulneffe tbetoffbaibe lapoe toatte/ foj tbe tbp place to another place :pf peeabuftute totcbebneaeoftbitbatbtoelltberin.2nbt &amp;e tbeptopllccnfiDze/ tbat tbepbe an bnobe= cptiejubatnotobe toell occupptb/lballbc bpent boutyoioe . cb getetbat tboubaft bopbe/anbtbeianbebefolatf : tbatpe mape

mabewbptofipttoptbau/ttoaittboubeaw itnoto/bototbataamtbejLojbe. out bpfapjebapeipgbt/ tbat tbepmapeft: yetcametbetoojbeoftbejlojDebntomef anbtboutbp feif fttattgofo?tbaifaateiien agapne/fapmge:;bouCohne ofmS/tobat , mtbei*fpgbt/a0 a maiiDotbtebenbe flit* manecofbptoojbei0tbat/tobicbfebftto * tetb.pggetbo?oto tbetoall/tbattbrpmap lanoe of Sftaej/fapinge-.cufb / f epnge t bat ft/a beave tbo?oto it tbe fame tbmg; g tbou tbe oapep ate fo Qacbe in commpnge/a ll tbe ton 1 a op in tbeft f 1 gb t.30 ft? tbpftlf/tbou bifpong ate of none effecte : e ll tbem tber* flialtgo fo?tb intbe oawue. $pce tbpface t fc?e/ibus3 fapetb Jlo?0ob:3i topllmafi e tbouft not tbe eartb/ f 0; J baue mabe tbe a bptoojbeto ctatfe/fo tbat it (ball nomoje flttotobebnto tbe boufe of 3ftaci.$oJii M be comenipbftbtopael. tbe fcojbe cStnautneb me (05 w-fyt gete jBut tape tbip bnto tbenucbe bapcg ate U&amp;aDniabeteop/toougbtgoutbpDape. atbbe/tbateuetptbpngetobicbbatbbene M enen a b?afte ootone an bole tbo?oto tbe p;opbecpeb/(balbe fulfpllcb.Cbtte Qall no toailtoitbmpbanbe:atobtn(ttoai$batc&amp;e/ pifponbe in bap ne/ netbetetip p;opbe cpe 3Itobct()egeiebp5mp Q)ouRiei9;anDbare fapieamong(tbecbplb;eno( ^ixatu^ojitm ^.tbemoutintbeitfigbt, W3!tbe)Lo?b/tbatfpeaBeit:9tobatroeuei: " anDmtbemowpnge/cametbetootteof atbe)Lo?iieCpeafie/it(banbepti;foutmeD/ toe U,o;bepnto me/ fapingeicb ou ftnne of anb not be flacbein commpnge. , mau/pf Ifraei $ ftotoatbe boufbolbeafbe yeeeu?inpoutebapeji(peftoub3abc tb?/anbrape:tobatDqeatboutbete?cbm botitbolbe)topll3beupftCometbpnge/anb te}irbe:ffibu0fapetbft|'O;be&lt;!5ob:Cbi0Pu b?pngeittopafle/fapetbtbel.o?bobJna : moment toncben) twtyttt wtm&amp;t gem tbe tootf e oftbeHo?be cambntomefaptng: faiem/aalltbeboufeof gftael/tbatbtucH ebolbe/tbou tonne of man:be&amp;ouftot .. amonge*bem:celltbem:i ampoutefbeto fftaelfapeintbttmanecrCuOiais fo; tbe . tobemlp&amp;e a ft 5 baue bone/fo (ball it ba p-- pi (ion tba t be b at b f e nc / it topi I be manpa penbntopou^fliallpealfo/anbgotnto tm outcome to paffetfji it (me of pet /ft captpitpte.cbt^teatbatisiamongepou/ tbpngetbatbe p?opbecpetb. cberfojefape all iabebrgQjou!bet0 intbeoatcfie/aget bntotbem:bM0fapetbtbeiLo?be&lt;!Bobsa

ib.tmatoape.9e ftallb^eafiebotone g toair/ mp toojbejj (ball nomo;e be Oacbe: Jl obe to catpe fhif tbettbo?oto: ^e ftail couet tobatafpeafte/g fametballeoraetopaffe/ .bwface/tbatbeftnottbegtonhbe/toitbbte fapetbtbe)lo;be. ?&amp;?* v WS^^"^'"^"^ toabp d(c6 nam*mUt\}tttmmtmQt itKaac "'"- ion/mtJteianbeoftbe&lt;aibee)S:tobpebbe tow, .&lt; Biaiinotfe/aptt(ballbebpetbete.30fo;ai . Qbe.);itf.&lt;baptee. .ftwbeipew/aanbtt $ottetf/(batbeabout E^^ getoo?tieoftt)e)Lo?Decamebnto$ bfm"5topIlfcattetfj!totoatbealltbe topn ^^ me/rapmge;cbouronne of man. beg/9D?atoeoutaftofatafaftet;tftem. feo ^Ksc SbpeafiepjophmeagapnCttfioft tobenJbauefcattebtbemamiSge tbe 0ea* GKs2 p;cpbetf j$/tbatpjeacB(n Jftaei: afape



^ \

9fai&gt;e t&amp;oubnto tgent tbatpjopbecpe otit of (beftatonebett$:$eate tm otf %ojn; fbugrapetb $ lo#e$oo:!&amp;0bebntotboft foWp;opbeft0/Sfolobjetbettatonefp;ete * , uttifW** tobetetbeprenotbing. 9 *^ I S2K 2' r . aeI y ^^ P?opbete0areipfte tbe fwe? bpou I 'SK * D ^ e feioctf o;tbep ttanbenotm fgappess 1 tteMofnrtBwnetbermafie tbepan bt-ogefo? tfteboufe of jtnDitiou ootniftaei/gmenmig&amp;tabp&amp;e g parelfn^Dape I ^if a fSt of ^^- a W^imie0tbepft/9telJpe0/ 5S XF^a^'w^^tP^acbpngestoitbal. cbe 1 SitowX^^Cfapefbepibatbfpofiett/toBaiitebeqj ofasoo/flnairt* bebetbe JUybbatftflot ftnttbem.apneW* * JS' Cpcn0&amp;aepeftne/an&amp;fpofienfal&amp;p;opbe*

Si "A ^&lt;'ttbenperapc'.tbao;bebatbfpo6enft SSiftSS/ tobere aflpeuetfapDett. tffo# 35 . betfo?e/tbu0fapetbtbea.o;be(!5ob:35e mm cauftpouretoo?be0bebapne/apeftbeoiit 2 3BLE8L rc*f 6olbe/3l toilbpS.pou/raptb jLo?b. SfSfS &lt;W 6 an ^ Ibal eomebpa tbe p^opbeteis j eD !j&lt;* uc ft to w out bapne tbinge0/a p;eacb Iie0rfbep mil v to ftal not be in tbe councell of mp people/ nee Kuffi toJ 'ttwi b &amp;e of bouftof aftael/netbee DQiie w "*(s,antftepcotneintbelanaeof3!fraeWbatpe itsiMA. jwapeliriotoc'/ bototbatgiaratbe)lo;b(2Joij. 3 v 2lnbtbaefo?tbP0cauferfbep bauebifceaueb mppeoplc/anbtoibet^ofpeace/tobereno * ... uu ^acetoa . fiOneftttetbbpatoal /anbtbep ttttMfce* patobe it v&amp;lotofe eIape.Ebetfo?e tentbem tobiebbatobe it toitb bntempe m mooter / g. Kfbalfal.!jfo^tbereu)al',onteagi;eatajon)ei; of eapne/gteate ftone0 fballfalbpon it/ anb a f o?e tto?meof topnbe (bai b/eabe it/to ai *to8leomebatone.S&gt;balitnottbenbefaf&amp;e fntopou:tolje:ei0noto tbe mm/ tbatpe batobeb it toitb aUftfteilbp tbu0 fapetb tbe )to;!be dPoa^topB b;eae owtinmp to;otft fulibirpieaftitetoitbailomiptopnbe/rotbae in mm angee tbm(pall cornea mpgbtpe fbotoee of t'apne/ a baple Horn lit mptojatft/ tobedtopetoitbair. c ^ ai0fo?tbetoan/tbat pebanebatobebtoitb * bntemptteb nmtetM toil b;eabe itbotone/ maReiteauentoftbtbegwunbe-.fotbattbe rouwiactontbbof fbaftemene/ a it (balfal fee a pepoineftiue0Qta!pe(tQ)fti.f mfboeft tbetoWoiewiepoufo; tofinotoe/tbatSam tbe Ho;b.cbn0 toplli peefoumtemp to^atb . tipon tbps toall / anb bpon tbem tbat baue batobebituiptb bntempewbmojtee/atbfli to|19lfapebitopott:cbetoan(0 gone/anb Ibebatobets aveatoape.^befeate tftep;o mfrm of aftaell / tobicb p;opbecpe bnto tbt w cvtit or aertifalem / anb lobe out bpfion0 of

peacefo; ttjem/tobe w a0 no peace 10/topetb tbe X,o?be ob.nabertbje ( g&gt; tbou fomteof wan ).fttt trip face agapntttbe baugbtet00f tbp people / tobpeb pjopbecpe out of tyit ttjmatk* fpeabe tbou p;opbecftagainft . tbem/ m tow W fapetb tbe jLo;d (Sou;


BTj: ft*



naobebntopou/ tbatfotoe pplotoe0 bncee all awne boie0 / anb bolttew bncet beasest botbofpongeanb ofte/to catfbfOuk.'itopB)^ a. !Jfo?tobanpebauegotcentl?ei'ouie3 of iL n mp people in ponte captfuite / pep^orajft Sffi &amp;; tbem ipfe/ anb bpfbonouve me to mp people/ v fo?an banbfullofbatlp/ anbfo? a peee of

breb:toban pebplltbetoule0of ttjem/tbae bpe not/anb p;ome0 ipfe to tbem / tftat lpe not:cbti? peopaembie toitb mp people/tbae I&gt;elcetl)poi!elpe0. IWnfojt Hju0 fapetb tbe torn ob JBe* boloe/atoillairobpontbeppiiotoe0/tobee toptb pe catcb tbe foulefl in ftp engeitb; topll Stabe from pottveatme?/ anb let tlje roitle go/tbatpe mcl)in flpenge . fouee bolder alfotofll 3!teateiupece0/ abelpuecmppeo* pie out of pome banteft tbat tljep ftail come nomojent pouiebanbegto befpopleb/anb ye OKin bnotoe/tbat % am tbe iloj&amp; eing ^attoitbpoutelpe0pebifcomfo?tetbel)erte of f&amp;etigbtuou* / tobonigj ^aut notbifeem* fo?teb-.a:'gapjie: jfo^fo mm a0 pe mtmm,Wh tibt banbe of tbe topefteb/fo tbat be mape not tunie frombi0 toicfteb to.ipe/anb ipue:tbet* fo;efball pe fppe outnonio;e banpte/ ties pjop&amp;ecpepoure atone geffinge0:fo; % top! beipuer mp people out of poure banbe / tbafi % emapefinotoe/boa) tbat^amtbe )Lo;be. C (ffid t Uibi tit up u d ij(2 tosiOt to J people fo; tli: 1 c Cpitiico C-ihc. fflCfjeDyfpjt'et'S at t^e too;0e 6ot&amp; tftc lto;!icfometpmcOcccnuebpfnlffp:opl)ctto. acorn* fct;tb ofttjein tliat H:0&amp;e onto wabplon. be.j*fti,ci&gt;aptcr. Ityeteterotfebbiito mecettapne of ai tbe eioet;0 nfgftael/anb fatbotone wAtt.a s bp me. often eaniet&amp;e too?be of " _Jtbel.o?be()!U'ijme/rapeiiE:cbou tonne of man /tbeft men beave tbwiboW mtboe beitfs / aim go pui-pong bpon tbe ttomblpnge blocb of tftep? atone topebeb * . neat : bato bawe tbeptbeii af fie councell at . me.cberfo^ tpeafistoitotbmwaiib rape: tbu0 fapetb die K&gt;om dSob: Cuetp man of tbebouft of Sftaeiu&amp;ae beatedi m mufi mbP0berte / puttioftnge fa rtomWe iTibMt atonetopcfitbueirc/iinincomnifib m \m* Pbet/toenqiffis;egs8j?8ijp^at wiMwwt bnto tbat man topil tsje %nm m^kwaeue anftoere/aco?bgge to flje inuitgttibe 0I !)Ri

lbol0:tbattbeboni'e ofpaeHmflpe befn%&gt; eebtn tnett; atonebetteu'/ liecaufti tbev U elenegoneftome/fo?tbt;ftWno!^jait^.' .,* . : 9berfo?e / tettffle uoufe'bf r {(taelfc tftiwi! fapetb tbe )U}b (ob:iBecomicmb/ fojfaitc poure^boW/ anb fawit poure turn fcm tmm* abbompnacpow . dfo? eoevg mm (tobetbet bebe of boufe of fivaei 1 ? iiJUi* mi tbat fogeoumeta m^ftaell ) t*M tie* pattetb ftome/acatietbibo^miijp0b''ty putpo*

' 1


*: *. "


?. .

Gattet&gt;iuofttabU toottof tfctopw treett caBM , 18 tbe ft/fo fajtb be tW 3 esufclem ftalue Went. jbe.)tb.&lt;baptet. '.Be toojoeof t&amp;exojbe camebnto[me/rapfttse :Cbou fonne of man:* EltatjatcStnct^of tbe bpne amSge fall otber ttees?9 oft^e bp nc ftocn

affiecMincelatmettwotobmubntoSmatt W^^ W/^Jf^fg torti 5E tbt 1L02&amp;C geue anttnete /bsnrpne ma? e anb too;c&amp;es : 9 pe Oja iifinotoe/boto tSfeKSSuBmSface agasntttbat t&amp;atitis nottoptbouua caufe/tbatlbauc otyer/pee9acomenbptoo?oe;anbtoplitote tbejLo;beob. &lt; a*tf.*ea.&amp;9l?inutofnippeople/tbatbemap mwtoe/ ISS^BwpS amtbca,!n&amp;sf t&amp;ttjPio* Pbetebe bpfceaueb/toben beteiletfj tyros too#c;tben3i ty tojmt mpfelf bauebprcea* ueotbatp?opl)et/9 topll OreecH fo?tO mpne tymbe bpon frfm/to tote giro out of mppeoVie of'j;fraci:ano tbcp botu fljalbe punpOw '&gt; amnticeau ffl tSe ofTawatie ? 3E &gt;a ofWmtl)aeaCftetft/(baH^fjtneof^o : ^S^S^BMSfiewalieorft/tt : mmnmmmmxwtonomomfW iXfvtetobhm/m fs;econfumett| in tWx toscbebneffe-.buttbattbep mas be H^maSSa 8/ tbempDbEfttS toent to tfob.ainbtbe now of tQejLo^e camebneo '"'ff^SKrac aS S Z-2- *. *. * me/fasfose:b6ufomieof man/toftentbe lanbe fpnnetb agapnft me / 9 goetb fo;tb in tepcReDneOe . 3! tor H ftwtcb out mpnc banbe bpon tt/flbetttbpe ailtbepjoupfponof tbete tyeb/anb ftnbe bertt) bpon tbem/to bctttope -.* iifi.6. manabeeftmtbelanbe.ainbtbougb#oe/ (8.V. darnel aiob tbefe tb;e men toete amonge ymm ^/fttflwif|jrf(tfteiiBlJtotihJ&lt; isuerbutmeitatonefouies;fapetb&amp;ii&lt;ozbe tf&lt;5&gt;o&amp;.f fpjsngenosfcmebeaftes into t^e iaffl&gt;e/to toatte itbp/9 itbe fo befolate/tbat nomanmapegotbetinfo'beattesrpftbefe

4tfrig tben/ Sfttoas mete fo; no to o?ae/ betagtobole-mocbieaemastbereanptbtrcj be maoe of ftytobentbe tm batb contumen abjentltJnbtbetfoje tbusfasetb tflflft* (poDOLttteasl! cafttijebpne into tbe fs?e foj tobeb;em7as'otbet trees of tbe toob-.&lt;ueti rotoslli,botoitbmemebatotoeHto ^emfa* lem/9ftms face agapnft tbe&gt;.tbes mango out Cr9 tbe mm set tbe fs*e (bau f onfume Stall yz Bnotoe / tbat 9 amtt)e -HojDe/tobeng fet msfaceagasnfttbem/fr inaRetbetanbetoafte-.becaure ttjep^auefo

fo?c offenbeb/fas ert&gt; tbe Ho?oe ob.

iioiiiaiMiinrvv t y."...wr-'v.w.^. t . ,.. rnie oacnoeo'iapetn tqe iio tbjemenalfotoereintbelanbe/astruls as c&amp;vortetc&lt;nUs to rpi a ipueifasetb tbe&amp;ojbe ob)tbep wall faue naci-ona of jentfttcmaoft f ?# *? n

faBcoftgeaWjomf* ^etoctbetentfjicf

ipueteo tftem feiueU: anb m fo? n)e lanoe/ it tyanbetoafte. . rtF a&gt;?tf1!b;&lt;ngeattoeatljemtotbe!aniic/ fl t barge ttto go tijo;oto t&amp;e lanbe*. fo tbat, 3! flaw Dotoiif man | beaQ in it 1 9 V t ti) t fe t b?e mentoeretbeifo:3Hf5ttuli?as$3!i!?ue ( fai?etft tbe )lo;b ob)tbep (baliotiruer netbec fou nesnetbaugbteisJ/butonlsbefaueD ttym felne0.gifg;renbeapeaflecetnto tbelanbc/ epcureoutmi' fo?emWguacnon bpon uin Woubeyfotbat^tote outof it bootb mlanb timfctf 0oti 'mnUl 9'iob tocretfteruii as (ml? as % lvue(favetbtbe )Lo?be ob) tbev IbaH beljuet netber fonnes net baugb* ters/ but faue tbeiv atone foules in tbeftJ tigbtuoufnes. Q^o?eouer/tbuS rasetbtbe &lt;&amp;%\sW &lt;Sob:C[)ougb 3 ftnbemv route ttou jiK.jrja&amp;ii. bious pl8ges bpon |ehtRrtem : ete caeatoe bonget/petlous beattes^beQflence/tobei atoj-eman a beaft out of it-*?et maltbete be b temnatit faueb tberin/ tobf cb all b jinge fo?tb tbeftfonnes anbbaugbtcts. JBebol&amp;e/

iics/fo; \\n fojnpcac jot* ttftb JooW B wmnr tp tpe toschconeo ofoibec people ft cBparpfon of tDc W* twfl of 3etuf(em.R , f taufe of t\)t abeompnacjonfl inio toei(^tl)efcoOomi?(c#feHe.S5et;fStt'P?oro?iboto^euptuiaimt. be.rtf.&lt;Ibaptei;. ^ . . ,&lt;!5ai?ne/ toojoe of tbe Xwb fpaae % ;bnto me/faFnge:cboufonne cf. 5 ?^";^ 'man/ftetoetbeejite otgwufi^MffiB ^^-^tbettabbomgnactons^fase^iiS^ST favetb tbe)Lo;be obbnto ^etufale m: W Qcaunae mtj cogens an&amp;bjwtt) came out of tbelanbe wSSKfiS

*Canaan/tbp fatbee tons an 3Bmote/tb? glr, ** - *#*# aw h uaye of tb?bp;tb TkSS

tobe tboutoaa bo?ne/f lOtingeof tbK'*na ma? im^ ueli teas not cut of: tbou toatt not batbebm t Mm f*. toatettomafietbeclene:cboutoaa netb"itat|Bs [ wbbtDto!tbfalt/netftoeWebfncloutes:0oSf D TC man tegaoeb? fo motb/as to bo an 4 ? of tbefe^ojoc * ft-* tbinges f 0? tbe^oj to roeto tbe fotb fauoure/ of o6;m buttboutoattbtteripeattout bp5tbefelbe,'f?fj' f/seebefpifebtoatttbouaibave of tbpbRtb. {,?)'( %mt. 02ignjnuniKiiuuciuvuw.A'niuiu-./ cbencamegibutbe/anbfatoef^ettobenBfyattc from fbejJJbail come fojtbbnto* ott/ a se all fe botone fit tbwteatone bloube / afafbe bntoieudi ia W Ubeft tease/ 3 tobat tbej taw batae / a se. t&amp;tQw Qwtt be ooutgeb fwm tbs je ajone tW nauei u


ugg!(.i e. ffijebioiibe/ fto tbrneatone 6loube(iifase } (bait Sue f 5l fomr oE ibSfelbestbouatt gtotocn bp/ano Snmcpn ti-nt toa^ngteate-.tboubaa gotten a mamelouS 3ftjfnffo pieafafltbeutte/tbsb?eftrsatecomebp/tb? SK. af&gt; a ttnaReoanobateafo;e. *ciijc l9ototobangitoentebptbe/aiofifDbpon tKdD of tbe:bebolbe, tbs tsme toas come/see eue tbe 8S&amp;S5U 11 * t0 botoE -be. benfp;co 1 mp dotbes SffS QU ^' tocoue "'o t lboneftie:seeamaiie SeK-wmoftanotbebntotbe/anDmatpeomp felf tostb txeee jie/* tbe(fafetb tbe totfe &lt;35ob)ano fo tt)ou betammW ["meampne atone, cben toaf4)Kb2tbetostb 8SKS*/btjqtirBebttril bloube from tbe. a Mtof tficic anosnteDtbctottbosie/'jgauetbecbaunge tnm. ana mofr8smentes,"5|' maoe tbe ffiues of cajniff M*jli(jB: SWHfteb aboutetttobite fjlebe/ ffi?&amp;B 9 clotbebtbe toitb betcbues/3 becbeotbett Si coaisappareii/aputtsngesbpon tbsfsn itsi9&gt; getS'.acbavne aboutetbs nec&amp;e / fpanges at mtD tticfc bpon tb n f o;e oeabe / eate tsngepbpS tbpne ^.^M^aW'/anbfecalnitfRulcwiBiietpon tbsne IHWtK&amp;Mb. cbns toatttbcubecfitetoftbffluet* "myng tijetc goIDe/(? tbsrasmettoagof fpnetchitccsifie/ ittneftteflije-jof neoie too-fie a of bpuetfe colours.

S22SS! I* - oeft eatenotbsnge but rpmneis/ SSSftp wp 9 oplemiamelous gooMs toaft tbou hmcimt 9 beuttftii/ see euf abersjine toad tbou fyopuH&amp;o-o'jnfomodi/tbattbs^beuts teasfpolte of n ,Si'? f i CJ i amon 5 e ** '^eptben/fo; tbou toaft ejecellee SfSSSSf to m l? betP/tebPcb 3 Put bpon rasetb tbe BHK;aftceto?be(3ob. ttuttboubaftputconffofcetn Dvtp of tKcie tbpne atone beuts/a plascbtbebatlot/toben rtvtue! wtotboubabQeftgotten tbe aname. cbottbaft 2!!2 tol,llllfttft,ll) W nie / toptball tbat teente mm 'tm bs'tbe/9 baft fulfill eo tbett;btfs;es:see tbou turn titbit batttafee tbpgatmetes of bpuetfe colours/ apM (.ftoci a Decfite tbpne aultets tbettoitb / tobete bp5 BJffiJNliq mpgbteft fulfpll tbpe tebo;bome/of SwtMmm*' 01 ^ a fafitfon/a* neuec toaS Done / net foal* ej-ppi _ be.cbegooblso;namentesaletoelstobicb aiui on &lt;" 3 1 gaue t b c of mpn e atone go id e ano fsluev/ a-fty* baft tbou taiten/anbmaDetbe men* wage* SteSSfi, tberof^a commptteb tobo;Dome toftball. wire* m era / ^ gatmentes of Dsuerfe colours baft M/fcjtre ve/tbou tahen/anDbecfitet&amp;emtbettoitb-mjjtje vwm bar. ople a incenrebafttboufetbefo;etbem.#s Sh ,,S! meatc to ^ b a gaue tbe/a* fprnneis/ ople a i.{{ S bonp:(to febetlje teftbanjtbatbaft tbou fett am to3giiobefo;etbem/fo;afteetefauou(e. 3DnbtbSS jmau onriv fame alfo to pane / fajetb tbe )Lo^ie &lt;sod: ; S2a Sto?Sftt baft tasg tbineatone fonnesa baugb mm Rf ers./ tobom tboubaDbeft begotcenbnto me: toMojDiKon'anDtbefe baft tbou oftteD bpbtttotbf/ tobe |*i* mttrtbetemeate^s tbs but a fmalltobojbome S' B W'offO-n c (- ttC fi^ iSff 1 cbpiwen/anb geueft tbem ones/ to be b;ent ^e*jtijtobntotbenifKinDsetinantbsabbmsnacions ktBiteare f , anb tobo2Dome/tbou baft not cememb^D i

oaprs of tbswutb/ botonaSebabatetbottfljffttirt,^ toaft attbattpme/anb ttoDen botone in tbs* u fatsttl f neatone bloube. iftetalltberetbs tepebeb'-^ ifleM* neflfS(tootoobntotbe/fasetb)Lo)tbou5"'-'S baftbttplotD m ftetees anb bjobel boufesSiK% in euecp place:pee at tbe beab of euetp ttte= an j&amp;otatm 9 tebafttboubutiDebtbeanaultet.cboubaft^o^n&gt;pcao&lt;

maDetbpbfutptobeabbo;teD/tboubaftlap-^"5i B "*/ h eb outtbpieggestoeuersone-&gt; camebp/ aSSS p S multtpeDtbSrtetobo?eDome.boubaftcB*iaHecinan mstteDfom^acsontoitbtbettgSpesanstbs nee a,l!l nesgbbouts/tobitbbabmocbflelbanbtbusSl^'^Llfh bfitt tbout^Dtbme tobo;oome/toatigetme.?;Srj g 38 ebolDf / ^ topll fttetcb cut mpne banoe t B fJniWJ cue t tbe, /anb totli mpn: ft) tbs Qoate of fobey tbeic femrta. anDoefpueetbe ouet tncotbe toplle^of tbe 1 W Eem f ra JbbWiftinestbftteenemses/tobwbate HS{ttff meboftbp abbomsnabietease.$ou w IWfm ^ plapeDtbetobo;ealfotoptb tbe Mp;pans/ tebfeb msgbt not fatsfffe tbe: fee tbou bail piasebtbebatiotyanotbaDsnougb.cbus ball tbou ftmcSmstteb tbs fiwacpon fro tbe ianoe of Canaan bntoi&amp;e jgalD ees / anb pet tbp luft notfatitfrco SotouTuIbc J atcumepfe tbsne 9erte(rasetb tbe ftoftc od) fepnge tbou Doeft alltbefe tbmges^ou p;e csous tobo;e: bupibsnge tbsftetoesattbe beab of euetp fttete/ 9 tbp b;oDell boufes nt all places ; bou baft not bene as an otber tobo;e/tbatmabetb boofte of bet topnnfng butas a toffet5b;eabetb toeolocbe/9 tabetb otbeein fteaoe of bee bufbonbe. pftts ate geuen to all tbe e tobo;es /but tbou geueft tetoatbes bnto aft tbs louetS'.anb omvft tbB gpftes/to comebnto tbe out ofallplaces/ 9 to commptte fo;npcacto4i tot'tb tbe. %t\l CO* metopafletoftbtbefntbs tobo;bomes con* ttatp to tbe bfe of otbet teomen: pee tbete batbnofocbfo^mcactonbenecommittebaf. tct tbe/fepngetbat tboup;ofeeft gpftes bti* to otberj anb no tetoatbefs geuen ebe:tb^ is a conttaestbsnge.' Cbetfo;e beacetbe too;be of tbe torn D tboubatlot:tbuSfasetb tbe Ho;beobi $ 0; fomocbastboubaft fpenttbsmonest/. anb btfcoueeebtbs (bam tytbo;o to tbp tobo* borne toptball tbs ouets/ anb toptballtbe

gibois of m abb ompnacpons in tbebloube oftbscbslb;en/tobom tbou baft geuentbf: ebolbc tbetf o?e/3 topll gattjec tog^tijuran tbp loners /bn to tobom efou bfiftmabe tbs felfecomemseeanbautbemto^om n)oufe uouteft/anQeuetponetbatttjoubateft-.anb to?IIDifcoueetbpO)artiebffo;et^f/tbatcbfS

aHmaseretbpfsItbpnes. ^o;eouee/3itoH!tttbge{asaI*;eafieeer toeblocbe an&amp;a muttburer / anb ucomphe tbetbine atone bloube in to^tb anbgelou= fp.^toflgeue tbe ouet in totbetepotoee/ 1 * (balbjea&amp;ebotonetb? ftetees/ anbbeStose tbs


- I

, J ,i



71 '



tBpbjo&amp;enBmifeftf&amp;epfoau ttrf pe t^e out of ftp clothe^ /all ftp fapzeftbeutptuiige* *. h toefcrnalltfteptafte ftomftc/afa letftefpt KiEtttk WW* frBate-.peeftep tyallb;mge the come ^ PW peopiebponfte/tobift mail ttone /aflape fteootone topft ttjettftceatoeg, bep ftall burnt bp ftp boutes/anb punpQ) toe in fte fpgbt ofmanptoemen, bti0 topll 3imafie ft v tofoojbome to ccalft/ f o ftat ftou ftjalt g'eueoutnomotetoarbes, jbBuUie 3 mafte rap to?aftto be Cill/ tafie mpgeloufpfeomfte/be content/ 9 nomoje tobebpfpleareotferngftouremcmtyeanot ft e bapeg of ftppouft / but bad p^ouoftea roe to tojaft m an ftefe ftpngcitf jeebotoc ftertoje/3! topll b;mgetbpne atone mapitf bpSftpnebeade/fapeftftejlotfietfDtoBoto be t t/i neu er bpo tint tte/accojopng to ftp topcWotteHe 9 ail ftpabBompnacponu.JBe* B ois e / all ft e p ftat bfe comen p? ouetbe / (ball bfe ftitf p?ouerbealfoagapnft fc -.toft a moftee/tocBabaugbtee. Cbouarteuen ftp m oft erjs atone baugh; tev/tbatbatb caft of BftBoufbanb shit ftti. tten.yeeftou attfte fpftet of ftp fpftet*/ tob t ft fotfofte ft eft b u tb aiioes a ft eft cb pi* 5;m. f outemoftet 10 a deft pie/ anb pour e

jjf fa ft et an 3mo?pte . ebpne elbeft fpftet 10 &amp;amavta/ffleamrtetbaugBtetj$ftatbtoeU bpon ftp left banoe. 23ut ftp p ogeft ft (let ft at otoelleft on ftp rpgbt&amp;anoe/t0&amp;oDomaa bet daughters. FetBatt ft ou not toalfceb after ft eft toape0/ net Done aft crfteft abbompnacpona: but in 1 toapeji ft o.u ha ft Dene m ;e cojtupte ftenftepj0ttulpas|Jpue/CapeftfiLo2De (Soo:S)Oooma ftpftftetto beroaugftftw/ baft net bone foeuell/agiftou &amp;ftp oaugB* teris.Botoe/ fte fptrneg of ftpfpftec So* boma toet e tbefe ;P?pDe/ fttnteflr of meate/ abouno&amp;uncef^d!Tne(rt:ftefettpnge0BaB weaftftoaug&amp;tetfl.Eefpbeaftat/fteprca' cbeb not theft ban be to ft e poo? e 9 n eop; bu t toere p^o ub e / ana dpb abb ompn ab le thing 1 befo;eme:ffietfo?e3toBttbcmatoave/tobg SBab.feneft. $eftethaft Samaria bone Baft of ftp fpnnejf /pee tboubaft ejtceabeb ftemintoptfieoneffe;3nfomoft that Incoparpftm of all the abBontpnacpontf tobpeb tboubaft bone / ftou baa mas e ftp fpftet goobtoemeit. 1 aafoifteftcaptpupteynamelpftecaptp* uptepJ&amp;ooama gbevbaugbtci&amp;tbe captf* uptq of.&amp;amaria amftetbaugbfeus^ toffl" . Bjpnge tfteth agapne/ fo topHl! attb bjpnge agapnfftpcapttuiteamongetbfitbatftou mawft tafte ftpne a ten e confutf onbps tbe/ anblje aftjameo of alf ftatftou baft bone/ 9 WtpcQmfQ#eftem.cBusftpfpftet0(name' -.




Bet DaugBtetsfti ftp Celf ano ft pbaugftrerg/ alb e brought agapne to poute olbe eftate. mm ftou toaft m ftp p;pbe/ a before ftp tope ft ebneffe came to Ipgbt.ft ou tooineft not Beatetpeafte of ftp fpftet $&amp;&gt;oboma/bntpll ft e time that fte^pjtas toift all ftctr totoneg/aftePBPlpftpnesttftBallftatlpetoua abou te them, brought the to ftjame a confu* rpemftatftoumpghtett beate ftpneatone f P Jft pne0 a abb ommacp 5 / fa pe ft fte/to;be. ^o?ftu0fapeftfte^ojbeob:^ftjulbe (bjrpgbt) oeaie tolft tbe/asi tboubaft bone. Cbou baft befppftb tbe ootb / 9 b? often fte cou enattnte.^ en etft ele fle l IS topi I temeb;e ftecouenaunt tbatfmaoe topft fte in ftp pouft/tn fo m oft $ it ft albe an euetlaftt ng couenaunt : f that thou alfo tememb;e ftp tampers be affiameb of fte-.ften (bait thou teceaue of me ftp eftet a p5get fpft erg/toljo ltopllmafteftpoaugbtet0/antitbatbefpoe ftp couenaunt. anbfo % topll tenue mp co iFfcBp uenaimt tolft fte/ftattbou mapeft anotoe ***** ftat? amfteito;ije: t ft ou mapeft tbtnefie bp on it/be afbameb/anbejtcufe ftine atone confufpotinomo?e: tobengi bauefo;geucn fte/alliftoubaftbone/fapeft f %om&amp;a&gt;. C&lt;St&gt;epava6lcof(bettt)o9fglwr(gnmctbt()atZ(* beb(ab&lt;vo&lt;)icb contcac^ to btsotbr bab fo;fabtn tbe frenMbjp of UaUwbooonotoj/turnel) bftn fctf (0 tbe ftpag of tSgppe/anO thrcfoT pcc((beb. 2Hi e rpofi c i S oftbtpatauie.apjopbecjoftfbjitt. . ' fTbe.^t(.baptec. I^e too^e of tbe jlo?w came bnto 3j me/ tepinge:&lt;srboufonne of man: put f Ojft a bat cfte fpeaftpnganb a ^^^^.parable/bnto fte bouft of aftael/ aiapeicbuisrapeft mtiojoc OPob-.cbete j'M! came a gteat*aegle itb gteate topngej;/ K jS5 pee toift mpgbtpe longe topnge s/anb full of Spun is t&gt;M feftetg of bpuetfe coloured/ bpon ftemoOtfte tflwge * , of jimami?/? tone a b;aunft {torn a ceb?e SffaSRff ttee/a b^ase of ftetoppeofBwtmpage/a a lSjn catpebttmtofteranbeofcanaan/^fetttut 9 " p a cpte of marcbafttess.^e tofte alfoa b?a(lcft offteianbe/aplStebfttnafvutefuUgeom); be brought &lt; t bnto gteate toatew/a fet ft afl atopilpettee ftetbp.efteuopbft gtotoe/9 toa0 a gteate bpnettoeae/ but lotoebpfte gtounue:ftu0 tbete came of ftabpne/anbtt b?ougbtfo?ftbloflome0/3fp?eboutb?aun' cbeg.ffiut ft etrtoaganoftetaegle/a great*

one ; toftpcbBabgteate topngesi manp fe tBetfta beboibe / fte toted of ft p? bpne baa anbungetafcet:B&lt;m/a fp?eb outBWB?atm&lt; cm eoteatoe hftn/to to ater bp0 ftute*: 0t* ue ttb eleg it to as plant eb bpon a goob gtoflB Befpoe gteate tofltemfo (Bat ( Bp teafon ) ft OnilDe baue B;6ugBtout b?afic^e0 a ftute/9 Baue bene a gooblpbpne.^peaBe ft ou ftet &lt;r tomvm ftpeft fte %w ototR^BautBftf bpnep^fpeteiftjaunot^'ssto^ss be plucfite out/

** eute ^10 ftute be b;ofteof/&amp;p0gtene b?r.a^ anballtlieteeedof^efeibeftatif inotoe (Betitottbetcafabeatoapefpeeteljout eftet tftat 5f.fte jlo?be baue b?ougbtbotone fte fttSg acme 0; manp people/ Ural pfttc bpe tree / ana fett fte totoe ttee b p : ft at % fieDDpbpptotejfjseboi&amp;e/ft toauplanteo: Baue wpebbpftegtene ttee /an&amp;mao e tbe an ft p?ofpeteftetfo?e. jfoball ft notbe b;petteetoflo;p0j:uen5! fte %om ftat WpeDbpanDtopfteieD/peeienintbeOm fpaBeft/Baueaifob;ougbtittopa(re. ngeoutofbt0Oioaome?!/aii(oone8SJfte "" " "* " ^eattapnueblotoeft; fc w fllpo/eouec/ too?bc of 5 %,*&amp; cam bnto me raping*.^ ptafte to ftat ftctoawt fcoufBolbc:Snotoepe not/tobntftefe ftpngegbo fpgnpfpeiceii ffieimiBebolbe, fte ttpnge of JBabpion cametog etufalcm/ and tofte fte Mtpngeanoftpii p?pnceg/anb leaoe tbem to ^abplon. ^e tofte of fte apngeu fene/ano mabe a

Mt fijetoc t!) tbat ruetp man 0;.i li btacrbfs atone tpane.Co bpm tbat GmciiOjtl)/J faluacpon pjorae* ffO. 3DJtl)iBp;ophrcpco totbetfsbtttftrc/tDbpch tucnctl) uatBcfi'om tbec;nbttta;e CCBe.irtift|.Cbaptev4 ^e too;be of fte jLo/ee carte bnto me/on ftfemanet; tobat meane pebpfttj$comen p;ouetbe/ ftat*

pebfemftelaoof^ftaei/fapmg:* CBe faftetubaue eaten foutegtapeg;/ a fte ftpiDjenateft ate fet oneoge* auttulp us |

couenaunt toptb bpm/ ant tone an otbe of ipue/fapeft fte jLo^c^oo/pe'tbaH bfe mi MttoW fiww of fte lanbe tofte be totft bpttbe nomwe rtfrtaei;

Bpmalfo/ftatfte lantempgbtbe boioenm fubteccpo/anonotto tebefle/but fiepe fte couenaunt/anofulfpllit. 55utrje fen front Bpm/afentbp* emuaffptoursi ft to egppJ ftatBempgbt baue l)o;fe? anb mocbe peo

9Seb oloe/all fouieis ate mpneXpfte a0 f ^ faftet igmpne / to 10 fte fonne mpne alfo* w Cbefouieftatfpnneft/BjaUbpe. gfaman be goolp / 9 bo ftpnge ftat us equaii anu spg^t/beeatetBnotbpofteljpileftbeivfti

pie. ^huibe tbat p?ofpetef g&amp;bulbcbebe notbP^epesibptofte'looftJofaftaeiibeD et fiepte fafe/ftatbotbfaebfttnges^; ftjuto fpieftnotBf*nepgBbout*topfe;beraeDieft! Be eccape/ftatb?eafteftbt0couenaunt^aiis tstftnomenfteuou0tooman:Begteueftno

boopsbe geuetb his Defter his pieoge agapne ije tafieft none other man0goob bp ftpolen&lt; ceibe parteftftiJJ mete toift fte Ijongtpe; be clofteft ftenafteb^eienbeft noftpnge bpo biutp$e tafteft noftpnge ouet: be topft m&gt; to eft hi? banoe f torn botnge tojonge^e bno*

-ttiiipau 91 ipue rapeft fte /Lo?be &lt;?oa: $e ^ftailbpe at ffiabpion/in fte place were fte iBpngbtoelleft/ftatmaoe Dim fttngptoBofe ofte Be Baft oefppreo/ anb toftofe couenaftt Be Baft b;tfftet defter fl&gt;ail ^Batao toptb BP0 gteate Boftana multptuue of people/ wmmv - m9mmm .,..... w 1 *- mapntepne him in the toattc-.toBen ft ep caft left f aiftf ullp bettot tte man 9 mam be teal-

Pbpfte0,anbfetbpbultooifte0toDefttote fttftinmpcommaunaemente0/ani&gt;ftepet&amp; mocb peopie/jfc; fefugbebatft befppfeb the mplatoeg/a petfoutmeft ftem fapftfull p;) pfte / anb b?onen fte couenaunt (tobereasJ tm in a tfgbtuous mS/be fljallfuteipl put Be petgaue itv^ fjn use fterbpou ) anb bone rapeft ft e ko?oe dob. dF aHftefeftpj,gt0/BcO)al!notetcape, 3lfBenotogettaroiine/ftatteamuttlnW ffiBctfoje tbu0 faxw fte %om ob;3Ps wt/a ftjebet of bloube : pf Be bo one of ftefe tmlpass g| ipue/31 ttpub?pnge mpne ofte ftmges(tbougBBeoonotal)Beeateftbpoit ftatBeBatBDefpffeb/aniimpcouenaatftat tBebinesJ:bebefpleftbWnfgBbout0tepfe:Bg Be Baft Bjoften / bpon Bp &amp;tone beab . 1 geeueft the poo?e 9 nebpfte wbbetb 9 fpop* topll caft mp net aboutt hmi/ ano catch Bpm ieft:begeuetBnotfbettetBPieogeagapne fnmp tf abvlon totua earpe bint/ Be lifteft bp W epeg bnto 300W/ 9 mebi eft) ftete topll?! punnpft hpm/Becauft of fte toift abbomfnatJle ftinge? tbelenbeft b pS gteate offence ftat be mabe mM f 0? ft ofe bfutp/ 9 tote am ouet. &gt;Ball fttf ma n oatflefto Upmoutofftebooftyftepftalbe ipue^eflalnotlfae.&amp;epngebeBattDonB Oapnc toift fte ftoeatbe.cBetefpbneajalbe '.---". -. fcatteb to toatoe all fte topnoefcanD pe ftall imv thM finotoe / tta 3!ft e 'i'0?bebauefpoftenft. 'MtyJntei. Cl)u0 rape ft fte Ho;oe ob$ topll alfo Bmticautcia/tafte^ab^auncbeftom anbpe cebjettee/

all ftefe abbompnacponsi/be ftjailbpe Bp0 bloube malbe bpon Brat. *9oto p f ft t0 man get a fonnealfo / ftat a ttfft an his faftetjj fpraie? / toBpcBBeBaft S te .mi bone:anb feareft/ncftetboft foft Ipfte: J9a- efK*


iZ Wit 8 ^ lft P \ m me %* bppetmoft ttopgge/ meip/be eateft not bpon ftcmofftap ne* sbe m 1 of wSu &amp;**&amp; 6 rt uMMb piante ttbpon an ipfteft not w epejj bp to fte iboW of fr it nn to bpeBpll:J5amelp/bponfteBpebPllof S&gt;&lt;5 taer:hebefplethnoth[0neghbo ut0topfe'.he m;b|ti)c)ptomgiplanteit:ftatftmape b?pnge fo;ft beyeftno mantbefiepeftno mamtpiebge t l K^'S'ttopggeP/anbgetieftute/anb be a gteate Beneftetfpopieft/nettobbetBenpmaru Be SS. J ? c&amp;i!e tm ' Xo t0at a " mm ouie0 mape bealeft bi'js meate toift the Bun gepe':Be dof tBebrttoffeia^^'ntt/anomaftefteftneftesJBnbec tbe fteftftenafieb:Bcopp?effeft notftepooje* Puko toe ibaiiotoe of W b;auncfie^ Be receaueft no bfutp/ner anp ftpnge ouert ,., * '. .A' Belepeft

&gt; -


beBepet&amp;mylatoe0/3toalcfietb in my cd ^et:fo;e toilt KDpe/rf&gt; f e ftoufe of grrtael? fpmej P j^

maunbemente* timvmlMtmww ftpn tftauenopirafutein$bca^of&amp;jm^w' by? fatb on fynne / but all lyue toytbout tbatoyetb/fay etfj tbe &amp;o?b ob.cutne you j, J nr * rgg fayle.a0fo?bi0fatber:becaufebeopp?effeD tben/anbyeqjalliyue. pflrosfoMM att&amp; fPOVleD bVj( b20ttiet / anD bya toycftebly 0llD afot&amp;aBc!)iintop.:iF o?bempgbtCfli&gt;e:6pi Jfoigaitc pou point --" ' -'-.. - tbeftMtnotjoucbBnBpnBetobicbfeouctoiitopourtbcft.&amp;Qib, partoutoolOe tficp be lot^c to baue tbat fp?tt pmagpneOtt. 3fi| fipnfle tobtcfi to Out a man/lie moKeeKtyfiiiltgnn to Btair f o tciib bis pjefoncrfe/tobo" be fojgeuctbtl&amp;otoqmlBe oO tbciitabicbtooiic Pcueiil(fatbet/tot)Ub(0fUcngootnu0lt(clfs/t)aue(o(bcaro[([||f fapn*bfanbmipetfcetfo?gtuene/'tbat$itloaftet:punptb!j0utljte ov v?ll J notofpeabt no moare/Uft jetbulOf baplp: fmcll'tbat (tip folucpon toece pmagpnrt to ppcfce memua purflcB / tbojoto Qt\m pcntc/JDitiae BroltB/ffiwniallrfl/prace mpnoe B/monctb mjnta.jf, HBecauCcrbataltbougbe &lt;Bo8 can j mape f o;gcuc tbe tpnne/petmuii

' amonge W pe op ie:lo ; b e t0 a eeb m b t0 a ton e -. fynne. anb yet faye ye : ibfo?e $? l&amp;ulbe ! .,not tbyfl fonne beate by* fatbera" fynne * G&amp;&amp;etfo#:becaufefonnebatb bone equtte 9 tfgbt/batb nepte all my comau no erne ti test/ 9 bone tbem : tberf o? e ojali be (yue in oetie. be tome foule tbat fy nnetb / fbal Dye.f He tonne (ball not beatetbe fatbersJ offenee/ne tfjer ajaltbefatbetbearetbe fonnejs offence. \)t rysbteoufneu of tbe rigbtuouis (banbe bpSbim/ 9 $ toicfieoriej* of gtof cireb pjalbe

focb tbpngcsobtapne the foigeiicmB of t^e puiii(bir,5tow tbrtmuo: &amp;)i f tbt piffles be ticfpcES to-.cfc not cuffictf t fo; ttii to ljuc o\\im\ outfoihppUage;oji&gt;cttbattbepo?epEopteeouU&gt;ebpaiipotbema^ nr be mptcBrti from tbat tb?nge/tobtf tojtb tbcp/tbcltttijwii/tjfli; UoufcoiccanocbpitKcnibiuoeipue,

bpon&amp;fot feif alfo. JButyf tbe bngoblytoyil a*aUnoftuwwatoaye ftfall (ftftntte* tbatbebatb ff4 rte.cbaptet. &amp;?2" , S s -' ,one/anl)fiJ P eaUra P eommaunbemente*/ c * twwof 3^Tor icBoacfn * a&gt; L c SST abb bo tbe tbynge tbat it equatl anb rtgbt : nptp cobp toe iponatotjeipc e/* o? tt&gt;e tpon. *&lt; at tc tt&gt; S-nnr? Etafofl ooufletffy Oialtyue/anot bye Jjx fo?a!l&amp;i0 om tym&amp;ttw of tbc tof lerufaitmtjae is focbi!Bt/tob(cbtbougbtbpon:butfn^tfgbfuomesitbat5e "

tmournetbou fo? t&amp;ep?mce0 ofar Strati/ a f aye : ?berf o?eiaye tby motber tbat lyoneffc amonge tbe !lyon0 / 9 no?f web br f onge west amSgetbe Jton0 toijeipeiS^ne of bet toN pe0 Q) e b; ugb t bp / anbtt became a iyon : it

t eftpfpe p oD ^ s( [, oone/lje (bal lyur.jffo? baue j eny plea wilmtat tmin %* Ka * &lt;rtPMlHl How fcrcaiiagapw&lt;!5o6:buttatbettbatl)ecomiee/anblyiK Disfo;aeuc/^ agayne-.yftbetygbfuousitutne atoaye

me auo pie f com Oi0 tys^tuoufnesi/anD'Oo in t'qu tt e/ac v w v, uu y wf / wh Hnn&gt;H gt;t&gt; .* 2SSi5SU\ co^oyng to alltb abbominacy ong / tbat tbe lemeo to f poyle/ ano to oeuo ute f olfie . cbe (Bao rofSnctfl toycbeDmanootbslballbelyue^an ? tygb ^eatbenbeweofbym/anBtofiebimm tbtft tBjfpniK/buttuoufneagbeba^bone/roainotbetbougbt ***"** i hfci m *rhtbfrtK. nottbpum(b bpon:but tntlje fatote tbt be batb offendrD 2J8SB8 toitbail, anb fntbefynne tbatbebatboone/ p:ato;n-.iit ws is not inDt^tet. ideate tt^eifoje ve boufeof Bbpocmpucgj giftael^notmy toayetygbtftf)?/ ate not S!u/fXtc mw t'aye0 rafter totcfteoi \Wn a vygb. mtmmiitom* man ftwft atoaije (tomb 19 w'gb' tbpo ik not co tuoufneffe / anb meDfe cb teytb bngoDlyne^: moctttoitbBoc^nuiftDyetbetintyee fo?fte fantygbtuouf

SSS%SS nw tbatbe batb boneymutt fteDpe. agayne: Sat S moSS * * ifrtebman tutnetb atoaye ftom tljs dBoocaubW toicfieaneae/tbatbe btb Done/ anbbotb 9 bo(nstOtsaftbetbmge tob(cbiUe(iuallaniu;igbt:lje am fiim) faue w f ou j e alyue.f o? in fo mocb an be * SSnftbu e nwb2etbbimfelfe/8tutnetbbimftomaU Conin"/tbebngoblyneg tbatbebatbbfeo/be wall fo p \)t nam lyue/anbnot bye. scucmetomo* ainbyetCayeft tftebnufe of 5|ftael:culB/ SSSaS ** *aye of tbe )Lo?be ignot equal!, ate my roK?Knottoaye0bntygbt/yebouCeof^aeH:ate oncctbpncM notyoutetoaye^ratbettnequanf a*fo? n

on mp fpimc mM toylliubge etiety man/ acco^bynge to X2M2 W toaye0/i!D ye boufe of afrael/ fayetb tbe S aince! JLo?be&lt;S5ob.lbetfo^ be conuerteo/a tutne anop betoBiiyoucleaneftSaHymittoycbebneffe/foroaH ,.., v . . , nottWae ontberenofynneboyou batme. Caftatoaye toagtoteaouttnbitplearute/anbta&am p;botone JSJS'if/W ft8 you allyoure bngoWyneffe/tbat yebaue to tbegtounbe . cbeaft toynbe bff bbp utre t af# }, one . mafie gouneto better saneto fp^ete, " berfttite/tKrflroiigtaai fiejftoereb/obf of/

nette0/anbb?ougbtbtmincbayne0bntotbe lanbeofifgypte. 0m tiot)m tbe bamme fate ti tbat all bet Dope ana c5fo;thtoas atoaye/ tyetobeanO'S tbetofbettobelpett/anbmabealyon ofbimt tobi'cb toente am onge tbe ly on?/ s became a featce ly on : letneb to fpoyle ano to beuoute foicRf.oebeatoycbtbeit palace? /anbmabe tbey; cytye $ toatte . fn fo mocb tbat tbe toboielanoe anb etiety tbynge ttyrfti/tone utterly befolate/tbo?otoberyboyceofbyi* roaringe. cbtncametbe^rattientogefteroneued

tyfybeouteofaKcottnttee? agaynft bym/ lay ea t b eir nrtte? fo? bim / anb tofie bym lit tbeirpytte.&amp;otbey bounbe bim toftb cbay* nesf/anb bjougbt bimto tbebynge of #ab( ion ; tobi cb put bim in pjefon /tb a t W boy ce Q)ulbenomo;ebeberbebpon tbemountay* ne0of|rraeiJ0foMbymotbee/(be(0!c8eC abyneintby bloube /planteb by tbe tpatec Cybetber frutcg anb b?attncb0 aregrotaien out of many toater* / bee ftaifiess toere fo Ctogei t memtgbt bauemabe ffaueti tberof fo?o!KeerftOjegKtoCobiemb&lt;efta!lie0, . &gt;otoban men fatoe tbat (be e rceabea 5 beygtb amuTtytube of bet brauncbe* / (&amp;e



lo|tbet;ebanbb?entintbefy?e.)5utnob)lbe anbyettbeboufeof^fraelrebeUebagayhii Wplantebintbe toylbernetie/in a b;ye anb meintbe toilbtraeae/tftey tooibnottoaic i-.e tburffye grounbe.anbtberef0 afy?e gone in my eommaunbementeM&amp;ey baue catt out of bet aaicftes/tobtcb batb b;entbp bee abiaye my latoWtobfcb tobofoftepetb (bulb t&gt;;auncbe0anbber ftutetfo tbat tye batb no Iyue(ntbem)anbmyS&gt;abbotb bayes baue moatongeaaicBejj/tbbettaue^fo? offy* tby greatly bnbalotoea. fimmw cerj,^bi0f0 a pyteou? a myferable tbinge. rt)M$, ntabe me to poure out my inbyg* * ***

cffbeio^e omiemtbatbctopuatittewe tbitobtn nacyonbpStbem/a to confumetbem in me ^S^^S^S!S^!S^&amp; toylberneffe. f et 9 tooibe not bo it/ fo? my

timmtifomtomtmmmmmmntme toylberneffe. fet 1 toolbenotbo ft/foimi obtofWto.ewomtfttb tbat bie people ftatrjturiw ^BSStm^MM^^MiuM ftomcaptpuptpc wptbewobatbatibuioebt b;u jtante0Be:iettttfljuiDueDyibonoureDbe




tt Cignifiea tbe buciipnge of Jecufale in cbe.rr,ilbaptcr. j ^tbe.fljij.yeare tbe.v.bayeof tbe b.monetb/ it bappeneb / tbat ret* tayne of tbe etoergs of iftael came bntome/to?to affie counceilat $ Uoim/9 fat tbe m bottine by me.cben cam e ,cbetDo;be of tbe Ho?be bntomeon tbi0ma&lt; nertcbou fonne of man; fpcafce bnto tbe el' Dera of^lfraei/afaye bnto tbf:Cbu0 fayetb


fo?e tbe eatiien/ from tbetobicl)31 baoca* ryeb(bematoaye.)8Ht3(too?ebntotbemiii tbeb)ylbetneffe/tbat3i)oibenotb?ingetbi in to tbe lanbe/tob'cb 31 gaue tbem ; a lanbe tbat flometb tsitb myicbe anbbony/ anb I? a pleafure of all lanoe0:anb tbat becaufe tbey refufebmy latee0/anb toaicbeb not (nmy comitiaunbemente0/bitt l)ah bnbalotoeD my

&gt;abbatbe0/fo? tbeir bewe toa0 gone aftei; tbetr ybole0.i5euertbeleae myne eye fpatebt ft Jto?b0ob:areyecomebytberioaffteenp tljem/fo tUatgjtoolbeiiocbttetiy ttaye tbe / Ibyngeatme:a0trulya03lyue(fayetbtbe anbconrumftt)emiittOeiwylberne0.4i^o?e&lt; 3to?be )| toyllgeue younoanftoere. lylt ouer/31 rayaebtito tfteit; Eoiuw0 in tlje &lt;a&gt;vl&gt; .*,&amp; tbou not tep?ouetbem(tbou fonne of man) berncfl"e:tDaicfienotmtbeltamte0ofyoure p ' toiit tbou not rep?oue tbe.f &gt;beto tb^ ab* f o?efatber0/ fiepe not Ujett o?byna unce3/ 9 bomynacyon0oftbeirfo?efatber0/9 tell tbe: bcfylenotyonrfeiue0U)itbtbctry.Afc0/fo ? ,. ._ bu0 faytb tbejLo?be i0ob$n m baye tob? 2 am tbe ?lo?ae youre ob. tit ttaic&amp;e in ?&amp;?***' myftatutf0/ltepcmylatDe03Ootf)em/ba* wu lotee my ^. abbatbegifo? tbey are a tobe be^ ,,,,.,. ttoirteme atou/tbaeyemaye imotoljoto g x 1 am tlje %om, ^otniptbcanbyngc/ tbetr ronne0beiieDasayuamealfo:tbeyU)alc&gt; s . ... ftebnotinmy ftatute0 tbey beptenotmy la* S.K toeatofiilfyltbe" (toljtcbbe .botb (balltyue SSSSIfc inthemmetbetbalotocbtbey my &amp;&gt;abbotb



I cbofe ^frael/anblyft bp myne banbe bpon ^efebeoftberjoufe of Jacob/ 9 metoeomy felfe bnto tbem tit tbe lanbe of egypte:&gt; 7 ce tBben|lyft^ bpmytie banbe oner tbem/anb faybeif amebe)Lo?be youre ob/euen in bayetbat'l lyftbijmynebanae otter tbem/to 6?ynget?iiU ot!|tljetanbe of (flftypte/into a lanbe tbHf;^0bP?ouybeb fo? tbem /tobycb

1 .


ttfletoetftYvftUuiylelie 9bony/(ti0aplearatlt baye0.cbeti g niaoe me agayne to p oure ma JanbeanwiwofalltrtbeetCbeHfaBbe % bnto wrtmptebygnacfononet(bem/atofaitifHe_ (OtffltcattMtoafe euetf man (be abbomy myto?atbbpoii tbem in tbe toyl&amp;erneff

e.#e. ^

ueitbeleOe % toytbb?ebje my banae fo?my name? fabe/ledit (Muibeuebiibalotoeb a mogetbel!5entbe/befo?ebjbo^babb?ougbt tbem fwtb.3 lyftbpmyne ijaime ouertbem



i' -

tiacyoiw (Dotle batb befo?e bym/nnb bef Pie not youre Ifeilucjf tbft&amp; tbe 3'bole0 of cEsypte/ to;! am tip &gt;i,o?be youre &lt;ob. '. ffiutk:ljitvebc!ieaagayname/anb toolb . . jwtfblWne BHWocaa atoaye cttery man ttje alfoin tbe toy&amp;t nieffe/tfiae a too lbe fcat [ tibamiimanttitW eyc0/anotofo?fafie them amongetbe l^eatben/a ftrotoe tbem (. tbe g|boh ! of (Cgypte.cben % mabe me to v|&gt;outrm?.M'nvj;)gnacy5 ouettl)i;tn/anbto fa* titfye mg Vo2tft.bpon tbem ;y w euen in (be - tnybbeft- MU)t lanbeof of gyptiMPutS! vooia ttotsoft/foi my-name? falte-. fOatit mulbe

amonge tbenacyon0:iiecaufetljey babnot fiepte my latoeff/butcaft afibemy.commaabentcnte0/bibalotoebmy &gt;abbatbe0/ anb lyft bp tbeir eye0totbeir fatbera goole0. lberfore 1 gaue tfjemalfo commattnbe*

notbebM)i!Mtoebbef6?etbe^eatbe/am6'ge v mnte0notgoob/^latoe0tI)O?oto tbe tobicb- ,, .. tobom m&gt;mtU/9 amfige totjoni % fitetoeb tbey (bttlbc not ryne/a 3! bnftalo toeb t^em in Ww* tttyfelfebiieotbenMbatgi tooi!beb?yngctbe tbeir atone gyftesitobe^ appoynteb fo? my tut of tbe lanbe of Cgypte. 0ototoben &gt;i bab . *elfe all tbeir fy?ftbo?ne)to mafie tbem Defo. eatyebfbem Dtitof tbe lanbe oi.' fgypte/anb latettbattbeyunjhtfinoto/bototbat^ am F.f. tm^tami ntrofljetopftenieffe-.g gaue J9 ttoMs *s . rbem my wmmaunbementc0 / a lbetoebtbeC^Cberfo?e ( tbou fonne of man)f ell t&amp ;e mitit wrfatoejfctoBf eft tobofo fiepelb all lytie in boufe of gTrael/tbufl fayetb t\)t %om ffiob: waA tbem.1 1 gout; tbem alio my ftoiy bayes/ to be JBefybe an tbi0/youre f o?efatb et0 baue yet S8*M a toft? iw'M'ctem 9 0/&lt;* tbt tby to finoto/ blafpbemeb me mo?e / anbgreat ly offenbea p^wrt.cej8tgiamti3eS,o;be/toBfcb6atotoetbtbera. agayname:jfo?aftetibabbjougbttbe min* m totofj



3fewraiem. Simmon.

%\)t Bjopljctpc


totc!antie/t&amp;atg!p?omjftDto!jeue^cni/ j?oumtotfjeiartt&gt;eof |ftael;ffCfnto f ame

*$f e^cjtfd

tobentbepfctoeeiierpbptbpliaaU&amp;tbicue trees:foepma&amp;efoeretbeftoffrpng5/ft p?o uocfieb me toitft foeir obiacpons ; mafipnge ftoete fauoures tfte re/anb pourebcut foeie bptnc ft omingf S. ften J af fir b fo c m : to ft a t fmue pe to bo toail/ tftat pe go tftpfoet ^ H no foerfojeis it calico foe ftpe place bnto fops bape .b&amp;bftfoje/fpeaftebnto f bc-ufe ofgf* tacheftus rapefo foefcojbe od: pcare rug

lanBC/ftat^ ftoojetogeuebntopoure fo;c&lt; fatftc rs.Cftcre foalpe call to tcmc mlyaunce taut atone toapes ^ al! rouv (tnaef nacf 50/ toijcu'n pc ftsue I) cnc befiieb: 9 pc foslbe oft* pieafeb totfo poure atone relue*/fo;a!pom: toprfteiineS/foat pe bane bone* atobpe ftall jmj.t(ji finoto/tbat 1 am foe jto?De:tobtn3! entreate P***tmt pou after mpname/ not afterpcure top cfieo toapcs/neraccortujngetopouwcojtupte

t in

BSbncleneas poure forefathers / 3 comrtte toojtftj: pe ftoufe of-jftaej/fapefo JU #&gt;,

toft o;tD onte a ! f tot fo foeir a b ft out p n &gt;xc 1 1 is. 3 mmtuut. 3" aW * outc pboieS/ toftere bnto pe bjpnge pMMt?rf.fti *w ob|acp5s/to toftofe ftonoure pe butne pw.ti. ' p ourecbiilbtfmpeoefpie poineremcs/euen ft^yfift bntofofSbapefootobattepttftcn come/ano ; B c, afbeanHucflfonatme:'&gt;pebou(bblfieof tawutWM taeK 8* ttwftwj Ipue ( fepetft tlie tuoM &lt;3co) pe getnoanttoere of me: a as fojfoe tbpngctftatpego about e/ it Dial! not come to paffe/toftete as?e tape : toe toill be (is ttjc iStatftcn/aboas ofoet people in foeianbe/ tooo a no (tone topft toe to 0; d p ppe .

^o;eouer/foetoo?oeoftfte &amp;o;be came bntonte/faping-.cbou fonne of man/fet fop facecotearbefoefourb/frfpeaBeto foutb

- * '1


topibc/ifarcto^etoobtotoatbtttjefoutftr , $eare tfte too;ue of foe&amp;otfe/tbustepetbS gffiffft? /Lopoe @od :Keft olbe/3 toil! fepnbie a tfte in r^m t * ft foe/foatttallconfumetbe*grene trees to ' * tfte &amp;ttt.m man (ftalb e able to quench fits SSSttSf tactto;tft/0jalbc b;ect&amp;edn: allfleO) (ball ftoproJc.iM, ft, tftat 3Jtfte]iio;bet)auefivn&amp;lea tt/fotbat j focwiitM* riomanmapqti?cl)ft.cftenfapbg!:tf))lo;o/{' c n !1 " 1 " ,tu $.. atstrulp as^ipmvfapefofoe&amp;ojDtfOD/ tbeptoplirape of meieufo/foepawbutfa* fBB&amp; 3 mp fcife topll wile pou topfo a mpgfttpe bieo/tbat fte telfefo. imSm mntiti tolfo a ftrctfoeb out ar me/? tolfo (it c?c HwMfwtj tut rWrtMni 10 to capw to ruc# Sojtti-tijat / btgnaciiS poureb out ouer gou:9 toill b^tnge 3^ ' B * t **?.t3 Wte "' Mpf"! * om jtnM peare fcatrebtanbgatfterpou tcgeiftir toitt) &amp;$&amp; ? otDct/at m m wuhk mmm am^gfttfeftanbe/toitftalttctcftcDcutatme ticctbuiuo^atiucdctionoiu^vni^i^.

toftft inbignatponpoutfboutbponpotitjj . topll b?pnge pcu into tfte toplbeme ae of tfte people/9 tft ere 1 touft reafon toftft pou face toface.ju&amp;eas 9 punpflfteb poute fo;efa fliers in foe toploerneire/fotopl! 3! punpot poualfo/fopetft Hojbe (jpo^topab^nge poubnbermpuiCoicci5/ abnber tfte bmiot of tftecoucrtafit. fte fo?fafters alfoanbtoe ttanfgreiaiuKitoHigitaRefroamoitgepou/' 4 b?pnge tftem out of tftejanoeof poure fta* l)?tacp5:asfo?foelanbeof3;(raeMftep(rjal notcome(n(t:tftattftepmaveHUOtoe/r)oto tftafjamtftejlorbe.

chiimt noto * &lt; ra Vftft tfteXo^be &lt;E5ob) pe jety.^iitf.a ftoufc of gTrael/catt atoave/^bcarope cue* tp man his J&amp;olcSttften Qialt pe fteare me/? nomo?e biafpftemc mp ftolp name tottft pour oftt(ngesanb?boles.^5utbpompftoIpt)ill/

fte.w.(ftapter. i$etoo?oeoftftexo#camctorne/3| rap(nge:(jou fonne of man/fct JtftF face totoatbe3;etttfale/(peafie ^Slagapnft tfte g&gt; s ctu a ip / 9 p;opfte&gt; w aga suit tfte lanse of ^ftael /tape to foe tanbe of lfracl:ftus fapeftfoe)Lo;bf ob: 5Seft oidc/3 topll bpon tfte/ 9 topll bjatoe mp f toeatbe out of Ifteatft/? tote out of bofo tftertgfttuous stftetoyciie&amp;.gaefngefoen p. 5 topll rote otic of foe botft foe rpgfttnotiS 9 to(citeb/tfterfo?e u)all mpftoearoego on^ot bis focafongarnftau tiefofrotljejto;foto\ tfte foutfttfoataUflefo map Rnotn-e/ftoto ?&gt; ] 3 foeA.oerjatieb/awenmp(tocatoe out of ; foe foeafo/ a ( t foallftot be put in agapnf* J #ourne tfterf o?e{&lt;3&gt; tftoufonneof man) $ foplopnes cracn toitftall/pee ntotnm bft 33 terip fo?,tftem S 3Cno pf tftcpfape / toftrrfo;e


euenbpon tfteftpe ftpli of ifraei 0&gt;a : -.i all tfte boufeoflfraclanb all tftat (s m foe lanoe/. mourneftfoou;cftettHfoemsfo;foet/Din jD^o.rl.atoo?lbpppeme:anD(nfoefameplatetopug geSfoatcometft/attftetofticftalllime sOial fauottrtfoe/anbtfteretoplll require pout meit/aliftanbcs foalbeietten botone/all (to* 8eauebfftpnges/anftfoef?mMngeso{; pour madnesuWifapnte/GaHfinfes (balltoare oblacpons/toifo all poute ftolp eijfn; \t$ . . f eble.we ftoice/tt commefo ? tya lbe Mi pi* 3toiilacceptepoureftoetefauofite/to^l leb/fapefofoeU-o;be&lt;!r&gt;ob. \ 3 b^inge poo from foe nations / anft gatfter agapne/ foe too?be of (fte TLoM cam

e, pontogefoeroutoffoeianbes/toftev'inpebc bntome/fapingetsftou fonne of man/p?o* jxttatoto rfoat^i mape*rftalotoebin pott be* pftecpe;anbfpeafie-.tfftus fapefofo e)Lo;bc fojefoe^eafoen/anftfoat pemope&amp;notoe/ oobtfpe afie/5 (toeatbe (sQ)arpeneb a toell foataamfoe %m /toftEfo ftauc !i);oug(|t rcoufo.^batpenrbtis ft lo; { Qangfttn/d fcotirea

cfcourtb foat ft tnape be b;tgftc. * / tfte be "iojbe obstaae atoape tftu mpffe/anb p ut . aijsonir KB/ Ctogege ttaf of mp fonne/ foal b;(ng botone of tfte crotone / anb (0 is it atoape : tfte bum' tmSS^taiMm . iUeftatftputftps ftatam to foe bieise]talteb/anftfoep;owbeb?ou8ftti otoe. WfiJKWgbtinge/ggooljftolBemapebetaBenofiti ^unpfo/puntfo/peepunpfofoemtopllS/? ftftleaaffcofClJiSftoearDets foatpentb?iBpgftt/foatit 6e8ropefoem;anofoatfl)alin otbefulfplteo ;.'. my cornier aii&amp;mapebegcue into ftanoeof $ rttanaaper. bnttl fte come/ to toftomfoe tubgrnentbcio* !8 itttoB. fffte e(fiDtftoufonneofman)?ftotole/fo; gefo/ btftou J'^f'SfoiSftoeawefoalfmptemppeople/aaHfoe {fonne of man)p?opl&gt;ecp/9fpeafie:cft uS Stt0totttits m^raei/tofticfttoitftmp people foal fepefofoejU&gt;?De&lt;$o&amp;tof oefotib;en cfMujttt^.mj * ^^ fwt/ijtrpbebeaapiieDoronetofoegtoun&amp;efoo?otofops mD/9tofoe(iblafpr)emp/(p eaRetftou:a;t)e?*

ftj^aiifottityanbestogefoetsmafie^fteearbettoo ties/anbp?opftecieblpes) tftat tt rnape come iFtttipwofsueogeo/peemaRe itfote ebgeb/ p" mandapers bponfopnecbe/Ipfieas bpontf te otfterbn* MUfjpfeau cmeaioe/foatftoearbeof foegreatedaugft' goblp/toftiebbe Oapne'ttoftofe bape came/ mw. tec./ toljtclj foal fmpte foent/ tnlin tfteir p je - toft an fo etc toicft e bneffe toas full, upfoamb;e0:tomaBefoemauafoeD$fapnt cbougftittoeteputbpagapneintofoe

atfoeftcrtes/ anb in ail gates to mafic tome foeafo /pfttop3!punpd) foe / m foe i an&amp;e offoem fall. ftotob?(gftt anb foarpe (Sit/ toftfrefooutoaQno?iujeb?bo?ne/anbpou* bototoellbigftt9metefo;$aaugftter.(!ett remptnbignacionbpontfteanbtopUblotoe tftetofome placealone/efoerbponfoerigbt bpou foe (nfoe fp?e of ftp toaafo/ ann&a mp;eip* banbo?ontftelefte/toft(foer foeuerfopface tier tfte bnto crueil people/ toftpeft are letneo turnetft.ltotlfmpte mpftSbestogetftcralfo tobearope.cftoufoaltfebetftefp^eanbtft p 9rat(ffiempto;ofofiiliiubignacpon:(iten blonbc (ball be foebtn foe (anbe/ foat tf tou atfte&amp;otficftauefapbeft. mapeabeputoutoftememfeatmce.tEueri ftetoo?beoffoe)Lo?be came pet bnto 3foe lo^beftauefpoftenft. me asapne fapenae ; cftou fonne of man/ * WQ % of tl,r lma a3S ^ ntt i mmm f&gt; * BpngeotJoabplonmafe come.joofofoere tttntottumfo&amp;mW ts w iac,il * 0(t u* n ' ': . ftWteS foallgO Ollt Of one lanbe.^e foall fet CacpablecouetouCne0.fttj(annveof rHlfltf.i5;te ftim bp a place / at foefteabe of arete mall wuKtngEttjc people be foofe ftpm ouco comer.flpafte a ttrete/ ccfte.wn. Cftapter. t foeftoeaiDemape cometo toarbe&amp;abafo pst^];eouer/ foetoofte of foe %mu ^offoeanmionites/atotfteftrongecptpeof IWMKlKsaraebtitorrie/^rapbeifoQufonrie^ ^"'ertifaltni.iifo.jtftEnpngeofffiabplonfoaU a^^Hofma/topIttftounottep?ouefoiS anbeintftetumpngeof foe mape/atfoe BialisiiblouDfoutit petite; ^betotbent





liw.ftry.f, v f#a&gt; .t u tc. ^f(i,b, fteao of tfte ttoo aretes : to affie councell at tfteit abftompn acpons/anb tell tftem: eft us W foefofoefapets/caamgetftelottestepfoftis Cipefofoej,o?be&lt;Eiob;foOttctte/gflj eDf arotoes/to aCftecouncelattbe^bols/ anb to bed bioube-tnfoe mpbbeft of foe/ g tft ptpme lobe in foe Ipuer. tfut. foe fotbefapenge foal mape come alfo:8 mabe ft 3!ftoles to befple popnte to foe rpgftt fpbe bpon [', t rural t m/ p. foe id t foa 1 1 .eft ou ft a a mabe fop feife gpltp/ ftemapefetmen of toatte/tofmpretttopfoa ititftebloubetftattftoubaftfoebtanbbefpl eo gt eat e nop(e/to crpe out % latum ; to f e 1 1 ba in %ts 01 es /ruftt'eft foou b aft mabe. eft ott tellrammesagapnafoegates/togtauebp baftcaufflifopbapestowaroe npe/9mabe- bpebes/9fomabebultoo;fies, |tgme of fop peaces to come.cftfo?e toill ^euerfoeles/asfo;fotbe{apenge/tbep |mabefoetobecStounbetiam5gefoe9ea foal ftolDe 1 1 but fo? banfte/ euenas foougft foen/$ to be befppfeb In all foe Ianbes; rcfte* a(efttoeretoibefoem:pee sfoeplbemfews foet tfttp be npe o? facte from foe: tftep (ball vememtyefoetttoptbebnefle/fogbPtPgftt iaugftfoetofco;ne/tftoutftatfta(tgettefoe di foep mutt 'be taften 5 toSne. ebetf o?e faiefo fo f ule a name/ 9 art full of mpffoeft. 25e. wnatt. fee, "foea,o?bOoiti-.jfotfomofoaSpe poureferu^ ftolDe/tulersof|ftaeIftaueb?ougftteue..^i.c foetoepouroffence/anb&amp;aueopene&amp;poute tpmanbtSpototr/ toicfieo!u'j!ivfotftatmalpometoo?6e?men foebauefoepberppfebfaformofoet/(ttt tnape fepousfpnnes: pee in fomocbcj rape) bauefoepopp;efleafoettrafige/ttitbebaue ipepoureCeluesbauemabemencfonfoerof tftepbewbfoetopbbotoeanb foe fatftetleffe. pffoalbetarienbpbfolence. eboubaftbefprfebmp^anctuarp/an5bn -M . _. fooufoamefutttofcbebgpbeofgfftacl ftaloroebmpfabbafo. ^uttftetetsarefoew* M*

tobofeD8p(scome:euenfoetpmefoatto(c. ftfoe/foat(bebebrbuii/eatebponfoebp5* Mlw '* iebneoTifoaHbaueanenDe^usfafefotbe leu/ajttftitbefoepbftbifoapppne. -/

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V 1

3ferttfabm, &amp;e $?opljetpe C fntbebauetfiepopfcouerebtbeirfatbetiJ ipeptintd t^e/fapmgttfte 2,o?bc Sbb (bame/intbebauetbep bevcbtoeme In tbeit fo/tobtte ass tbe ;il,o# batb net fpoben .rcbe flcane ne.cue rp man ijat^Qe alte ft aiwf ul people in tbe lance bfetb topcftCD e jtojepon Iptoitbbtenepgbboutst topfe/aabbompna* atobberp.cbep bejre poo?eanebpeaop' bipoerplea big aaugbteefolatoe.3;n batb p#ffetbeftraungeeagapnftrpgbt.3ina3| euerp ml fo;ceabfst atone fpftery cue bifsla* fobgb* intbe ianue fojaman /tbat t oolbe tberst oaugbt e t:pee gpftest baue bene mta&gt; mm bp tbe bebge / atiD fett bum f elf i n tbe hcd in n)e/ to ftebe bioiiae, c bou baft tafien gappe before me in t\^t lartoegs bebalfe / tbat btutp anD encteace/ 1 bou baa oppjeffeb tb p 3 1 (bulbe not btterlp oeflrope it: but?. collide nepgbboutstbpejriojcibVanBfoHjottenme/ fpnoenonc. cberfojetoplig 1 point out mp sfflha ,/3 f0 rai?etbtbejlo?!0c/3!baueftnft* etueii bpfpleafuee bpon tbem /

ana burnt tocre; m tohen ten*mpbanbe0bpon tbp couetoufneft'e / g tb em in tbe (m of mp toz acb : tbefr atone offl t 'catc\oo/ tboit baft bfeb/anbbpon tbe bloubetobpcf) toapegtotii^recompenc ebpontbeir&amp;eaoegi 6nw. batbbenefteafntbejsitbpbeweabletocn' rapctbtbekotfeooD. bn re it/o; map tbvbaoesi at fenbe tbf feluest/ c&amp;mt fwwwwtw tt&gt; to rape/ of w aoomitp intbe tgmetbat % ftjaftb;pnge bpon tbe' Qt&amp;amatlaj jerufau / bnon- iijniamt0 Of;i)Qla&amp; muen*tbeilOJatbatfpea6eit/topllbnnae t^oMUnMncompatffonoefcamatfe fceftetortfr $eatt&gt;en/a ttrototbeabouteinrbe lanbejJ/ tmaf wo t^e tofe* fcf&amp;mM owe. dg tit iva top 1 1 eaufe tb p fpltbpneoe to ceaffc out of a m c 1 jon. tbe:peeanb3!topHbauetbetnpoCfeapon in C&amp;e.jrirw.Cbaptce. tbefpgbtof tbef eatben/ tbat tbou mapeft gg|g3,$etoo;!beoftbe %we camebneo bnotoe/tbat 3 am tbe %ofit, iff] ^ me/fapfoge:cbou tonne of man/ # 3natbetootteQfjLo?b came bnto me/ Isjg^tbetetoerettootoemen/ibatbae fapinge:bon fonne of mS/ttje ftoufeof 3if liS^ionemotber:abefe(tobe" t&amp;ep mere raelisttutnebtobzofre. ailtbep tbatftulbe pongObegannctoplapetbebatlotteiS fnG* -tfrt M . beb?aire/tpnne/p?on/aleaae/are in tbe fp;e gppte.Cbete toere tbeir tyefteg bjofe b/ anb f "" ' become b?offe.$berfo;e/tbussfapetb )Lo?o tbe pappess of tbeit mapbenbeab bettrope a, d&amp;obtfo?fomocbe agtpeallare tutnebinto cbeeiaeftoftbemtoasfcattea^fiDbolaban a o7ou"e/bebotoe:3' topubzpngepou tcget&amp;cr betpongeafpfter b *fiDboitba&amp;. cbeftttoo.. ** , twtogeniralem/lpfieasJfplueiybzaffe.'ptf/ toetempne/anbbatefonne^anbbaugbtew ' f l A a '' f tpnneanaieabeateput togetberin tberty* beirnamestttere,'&amp;amaria/ 9 tlMtttoasc bdongtiia m nace/anbtbefp?eblotoe tberebnocrto melt bolab-.a fctufalem/tbae toast $&amp;oliba b:torac tbenr.tfuenfotopll'Jgatbeepou/putpouui au5fo?flDbolabftjebeggnetogoatobo?ing/ "j ffiy.y fctogetbet/anameltpouinmptojatbainbfg* tobenlbaDtaiienhatome ', Sbe toast ft tt}

XtS-/ nacpon. % toplttypnge pou togetbet/ana on fp;e bpon bet louerg; tbe affitiansi/t obicb jMKHjnSft ' ftpnblefp?eofnipcrumbpfplearuiebnbct babtobotoitbbef.eiictbep;pnce39lo?be0/a6mm?s at i pou/tbatpemapebemeitebtbew'n. tbattoetcDecftterncoftipai;ape:fap?ep5ge tuat ?- | ti'"? /lpnea?stbefpiuei;ijsmeltebmtbefp;e/ men/!uftprpbetuofbo;re0. P latc * ; fofl)alpealfobemelteb tbetinttbatpemap cbusftboiotobettobwbome/qjecleucb bnotoe /bote tbat gtycftofte baue poureo bntoalltbepongemenofaffp^a: feefte I mpto;a(b bpon pou. toafsmabbebpontbem/anbDefplebbetfeie , ainbtbe too?neoftbe)Lo?bcame bntome/ toitbalItbeic|boIs.j8etbee ceaaebtpeftomjs ;' raptnge:3rbou fonne of many tellber: arbou tbe fomfcacpon, tbat Qjebftbtoptft tb e &lt;JSP S ' , . _attanbncleneianbe/tobpcbi3noti;apneD pciansS:fo?inbeepoubttbeplapettbecytbe i bp8intbebapeofmecrueHto?atb;tbpp?o bMeDtbeb^eftegofbermapbenbeab/anii Pbetes tbatare in tbe / ate f toojne togetbet poureb tbeit toojbome bpon bee. lbe rfo?e/ tobeuourerouiejs/ipfieast atoarpngetpS/ Ibelperebbetintof banbegofberloueKf/ tlpuetbbpbpsjp?ap.rbepwceauetpebe0 euentbcat&lt;an0,'tobomftjeforoueb.rbefe anbgoob/anbmabe manptofobotoesintbe. bifcoueteb bee ftame/ tofiebet fonnett anb cbpp^eftegbjeafiemplatoeyanbbefplentp baugbtew/anbaetoebettoitbtbeCtoeatbe:. . &amp;fctuaep.bepputnobn?etencebettoene 3neueinamegatftjeofalipeopie/anbtbev ;*boIpe3bnboipe/netbeebifcernebettoenc punpftjebbee. m cieane a bncieane . tbeptutne tbettepe* ffiee fpftee bolibab fatoe tBfe/a beflto peb .from? rabbatbV3! am bnbaiotoebamgge bet f elfe toinp^bpnate loue / mo?etben (be/ mfajfJu ,tbE.bp tuletf in tbe ate ipBetaupftjpnge aerceabebbeefpftetinb:bo?bomca) eioueB SScrfrilh tooiue*/to(bebbioube/anbtobeOropefou' ^ao'tian^tobicbaifoiapettbee)name lp/ vmum us j fo? tbetr atone cotietougructe . m fo? tbep?pnca gteate lo^be? / tbatto ere do*

wtbp ^? opbeteg/ tbepbatobe toptbbnte mpe&gt; tkb to alimanee of go;gf ouisappat eli / all '"Kbclape/tbepfebanptpejj/anb p;opbecpe luftp bo?fmen anb fap^ ponge petfonne*. ffiben


Samaria. $ ben? fatoe/tbaf tbep botb toere oefpieb a *^ Clp6e.5eut0)e incteatea ftpu fatobo^ome? fo; xo^m W fatoe men papnteb bpon tbe toail/tbe pmageti of tbe Cbaibee^ fee fo?tb toptb tvt&amp;i colour/to fap;e gp;blesi about tbem/ anb goowp bonettejj bpon tfteitbea. besJ/iolipiigalUpfie^pnceis (aftettbe ma^ netoftbe^abplonpifianbCaibeeisintbeit atone lanbe/tobeee u)ep be bo;ne)pmmebP' atlp/as' foone a ft t fa to e tb t\ 11/ ft t b; mt m Ibuebpont0em/8fentmeflauHgrjifo;tb5 intotyemm of die CalDeeg. i9ototo!)entbe3Bflbplon&lt;8s!cametober/ tbepiape^itbb/9 befpleb bee tatlj tijeie tobo^bunityana fo toajs ftepoiiutcQ toptb Hiem. 2tVoben bet; luft man abateb feom tl)em/i;!v :v,-)rjo?bomeanb fljame toast opfco* umb $ kW'Mw mp bette fo.ifofte bet/ipfte a.s mp &gt; &gt; &lt;'m$ gone ftom ij ee .f pft ev alio, fituffltytem ftebftb bee tobo^bome euet longec tiftmow 9tememb;(b tbebapest of beepoKtO/Hibewn fte bab piapeb tbe Ijatlot in tbe l( ; p 1 1-' nt egpjjf e:fte b; ;iif in lutt bp5 Ibf / MofoMWttt voajs ipftetlje Beft of Mt &amp;/ 3 tbett -:'.;ii:-: -Jf'fte v t'eoe of Oo^fesJ.cbujt tbou baft eeuti^ii nsje f ntft piu' Be of tbppoutb ftobe tbploue.&lt; teefeb tbppappej;/ amatrebtby




toeftegit&lt; i awBL ^ &gt; &gt;155oubab)tbu0rapftbg^p?b

6t v %*


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dsob.'i io/&gt;Hmpfebptbp louci^itoptbtobo tbou btUi ti'itttfpeb typiuftjaj ;apnft tbeynb gattyw $u eogetber tounbenbout tbe : na tneip/tljb'^iibplonpan^ / aaKibe calbeest: i&amp;e cod/ ;' v. djua anb Coay toitb all tbe Mm* aw-Mmw anb fap;e J ou e? : st :p?ince0 anb loiW/immlittm gentlemen/ tobfeb be all gooabo.unmuc()efe all comebpontbe'to bo;fest/bus:eettest/a a gveate multptubc of peopieibifjici) ftafbebatneftebabout tbe on weep ipi)e/toitbb?eftplatest/ftelbes a tyU mettest.i topuptinpro tbe before tbem/ pee tbep tbem feluest ftalipunpft /acco;btng to tbeit atone tubgemft. % topllputmp gc loufp b p mi to tbat tbep (ball beale cruelIp toitb tbe.cbep (ball cut of tbP nofe anb tbpne etwr3/a nb tbe eemnafit (ball fall tbo tou tbe f toeatbe.cbep (ball carp atoape n)P Onnqs anobaugbtew/atberefpbue ftalbe b;ent in tbe fp;e. bep(ball fttppetbeout of tbP clotbest / anb catp tbp coftlp Jetoeiu atoape toitb tbem. cbtt0 to p % mm m enbe of ftp f at ftpneffes tobo;bome/tobicb tbou baft bjougbt out of tbe MM of if gpp te'.fo tbat tbou ftalt tutnetbpJiieii:pS5nomo?eaftettb^/acatt.tbK mpnbeno)iio?ebp5(fgppt. &lt;(Fo;tbustfapetb tbe)Lo^e:bebolbe/itopllbelpuetf into tbe banoe* of tftem, toljom tbou bateft : pee eue into tijt \ym\m of tbe /toitb tob om tbou baft rulfpnebtbpiuft/tobpcbwaUoeaiecnKii?

toitbS-JHtbpWbouteftjafttbeptabe toitb tbem/anbleauetbenafieDal)are/3tbu6tbe ftjame of tbp f pltbp tobo;bome ftau come td lpgbr.aiHtbefeibpngesHball bappen bnto

tbe/ becaufe of tbp to b o;b cm e / to t peb tb ou baft bCebamonge tbe &lt;etentilest/tottb tobofe 3:boie$s tbou baft befpiebtbpfeif.cbou baft toaltfiebtotbetoape of tbp fp(let:/tbetfo;e topll 3! geue tbe bet cuppe in tbp banbe. bujJpttbtbe^o;be0ob:boii ftalt benefit- of tbp fpftew cuppe/boto bepe ana tarie fo euec it be totlje botome.bou ftalt beiaugbcbtofcojne/ $babass gteatlp tn be* epff on/ astistpoOibie.cbouftaltbe full of tyoncbenneft 9 fo;otoe/fb;tbe cuppe of tbp fpfter&gt;amaria iss a cuppe of befttuccpon 9 toaftinge: tbe fame ftjalttbou o?pncfie /ano fuppe it out euen to tbe a?egge0/pee tbou (baiteatebp tbeb^oben pecestof tt/ana fo teat* tbpne atone b^eftcss : $oj t\un% bau i poben it/fa^etl) t^e %om &lt;2fob. Cbeefo^etbu^rapetb tbe )Lo?Dec5obvfo? 6 fomocba0iboubaftfo;gotteme/$tcftme afpbe/f b eate note tbpne atone fpltbpnetre 8tobo;bome.cbe3lo?bl'apbemo?eouetbn to meicboit fonne ofmfltitoplt tbou not ee* p;oue boiab a .-oDfi otiiw. \y: @&gt;betoe tbem tbeitabljoiiipnacponftnfimelp/ptbepbfjue b jobe tbeit toeblocfie/8 ftapneo tbeit bJSfiep toitb bioube-.peeeuetoitb tbeiepboies bate tbep cbmptteoabuoutep/ftofttro tbem tbeit ltil toi . ln atom- cbplb?e(to be bcuouKb) M)o tbep ba? ""'Wb-wi* bo^ne bnto me.yceanbtbi3 baue tbep bone &amp; mhtb( . bnto me alfo:tbep baue bcftlebmp^rHtiia* " tpintbatfanieoape/abaue bnbaiotocb nip Sbabbotb, $w toljentbepbaaflapne tbcie ebplb^ fojfttcic 3|boleiS/tbep came tbe fame bape into mp ^winctuatp to befple it. %q/ tijis baue tbep bone in mp boufe. JS&gt;i tpbe all fW/tyoii baft fent tbp meftaflgetst fo^men out of f awe co mi freest: % tob e n tbep came/ tbou baft batbeb/trpmmeb ana fet fc$ tbp tAiMt ; feif of cbebeftfaftJton:tbou ratteft bpon a vmtPftVt gooblp bea/ aa table fp^ea before (be : tobet; opfitboubaftfeempnefitcenfeampneople, cbentoasitberegreatecbearetoiibber/?^ tbe men toere fent ftfi farce coffttectfouer^ tbebefert/bntotbefetbepgaueb?acel!ettess bpon tbeit banbest/a fet glo;pouft croton $ bp3 tbeirbeabefttben tbougbe f |:n uuw tbefe tofll bfe tbeir barlotrpalfo Mt$ ponaec olbe tobo?e.3Cnbtbeptof te intober/ast bnto a com en ban 1 s &amp;um (0 toente tbep alfo to bolab a jboKab (bote fpltbp ttemen. pe au tbat lone bertu 3 r I'gbtuoisfr.esi/ $&lt;,#*,

iubge tbe /punpft tbem: &amp;a abuoutreiis ana wtoMjt murtbeterst ongbt to be iubgeba punpftebo f 0? tbep are b;eabetst of toeblocfte/aub tyc btoubewjmtbefr&amp;anbejJ. iberfo^e tgusi fapttb tbe JUjoe ooib^t'nge a grea te muh




tptube of people bpon mem / 9 maae n&gt;m be reacted afpopletetttefe flwll done tbem/ and mt t^em toitft fftctr CtoeatBcsJ- cftep all oat e t^eft Connegt ana baugbtetg ant&gt; webpt&amp;eftBoufe0toitbfpje. Cbu0toplig;beftiopeau focB fplrtjynep

%\)t ^mWp*


g tbe % o&lt;!De baue Co beupTeotfee ft income tberto altebp, tbat|. toill Do t t.j topll not so Ba cae / 3 toill not f p ate/ a toft not be f n t tea &gt; fhaliaape mwionnep ano Daua ntCTp ano teb:butacco7bingtotbptoape0apmaglna&lt; # IwinebpWfo&amp;ouWtoftbfpje. cponss/t&amp;oudjaitbe punpfttb/fapetb tbc^ ffbt&amp;tosliabedropeall focb fpimpne* jLo#e&lt;isobJnbmetoo?beof $%bjw&lt;am outofmelano-.tbatalltoemenmapieatne/ bnto me fapfog:sbou tonne of mS/bebolbe nwtoboaftetpouibncIenneae.anDrotbep % topi! talieatoai&gt;e*tbe pieafute of tbpn e*W&amp;/Uij foalHapePoiwefPltfcfneflebpopauteatone cve0tiaplaBe:retd)altmounetbermout' to ?' f -

feiutf/apedjalbepunpfbeDfojtbcrpnnej-i/ ne/nettoepe/ntttoatet twm\ tbetfoze: tbatpebauecSmptteototfbPoutegibofeJ-.s tboumaptdmcume bptbpfeif alone/but femaUimotoetbaf3amtbe:ilo;t;e. bfenobeablplamentacpon.^olbetnmpbO' v p net/anbputont&amp;pttueiUHwnmpfete/cO' c^(p?w4t5jefjim3of3ftufatemb?apatb!tof uetnottBP fac / aeatenomoumct0b#b, afEt^ngpottcCRcpKableofiEffctjiclstopfelKrftiB &amp;, 3IpafitbntOtl)cpeopIebpt^1 1f9U1tbe . fctbuty 4 tc afect ^ pouiwe(9. mo;npnge/anb at nun mp topfe bpeb t-tben CCbe.#W.CbaptCT. Bponmenej:tmMoto/9b2ba03toa0com' tkw . vmt/ia toe.t . 2 one tb/ maunoebJnb $ people fapbe bnto me-.toilt tbui.bapeof me fi$onetb/came mounottellbtf/tobattbatfignWrtb/tebpcft tie toojoe of tbe %tju bnto rae/ t&amp;ouboedi 3 anftoeteb tbem/tbe toofle of l&gt;tog:fl&gt;tBoufonneofmft/to#te tbe Hojoe came bntome/ fapfnge -.ceiime^ toptbenameofttygoape/peeeuetbeboute &amp;oufeof|ftael/ttu0J&amp;pet&amp;me)io;be 4ffob: oftftijJ parent oape-.tobentbeftpna of 35a* Bebolbe/ toillfufpenbemp fanctuatpteu e" tplonfctbpmfeifasapna^eturae^beto tbeglo;pofpoucpotoet:/ pleafureof foi matobdtaatebouaolbeaparable/afpealtc epe0/anbtbetbfogetbatpeloue:pQiiteron* bntotbe:cbu0 fapetblbe Jlojoe GobtfKtt at* anDbaugbtew tobompebaue Jeft/ mail apott/fetfton/spouretoatenntoit:putal falltlwototbettoetoe. t&amp;epecegtogetbet in ft/all megoobpect*: _ Wfieasgibaue bone/fodjallpe bo alf o: tbelopneatbedjoulber/a Mltttotmt bed yefljallnotbpbepouteface0/!!e (ball eate


1 n

* 1 *;;e c ti e f 5 b eft ffiept / 9 a n beape ofbmejfottbaiMttftbopletoen/anblcttbe atones fetb toelltbertn. fiaum.).c l&amp;ftbtpat fapbe tbe }Lo;oe 00 on t&amp;ptf bawc. ij.a, man et : I be bntome bloubp cptpe of tbe potty toberbpo" tbemttpneffe bangetb/ftW not pet fcottteo atoape. calieouttbe pece0 that ate in it 1 one after anomtPtbete neabe not lotted be cad tbettoje/ f 0? tbe bloube is tctm it.dapona piapneb?pe done batbfte poutebft/anbnotbpon tbe gtounbe/tbattt tnigbt be coueteb *&amp; bud.3Cnbtbetfo;e baue 3jlettenberpouwbetBloubetop5 a iplapne t&gt;w donptoefce/becaufe ft Coulee not be

no m out nm b;eo:pouic bonnet teg fljail pe baue topon joute beabe0/9 djucis bp5 f out rbaunetbrtmoutne nettoepe/but mi outefpnne0 pe Q&gt;albefo;otofuIi/9one tepf te tottD anotb er.cbu0 c? ecb W tt pout fbetotoft^o; lobea^^ebatb bone/f(tobe &amp; tbij! comraetb) pe (bail bo af Co: tba t pt mape letnetofinotoe -tbatSam tbe %.o;be (Sob. 55ut beboloe/O tboti fonne of man -.Jntbc bape toljen 1 ? tafieftomt^em tbcfe potoer/ tbeftiope ^bonoute/tbeludof tbrteepejj/ tbebuttben of fteitboopw :nameip/tbe formes anbbaugDtets-.cbm (ban tbrteone rfcape/acomebntotbe/fo;todjeto ^e.^n


"S 1


^fi/$ t ? msgljt b^ngemv tD?otftfuII &lt;n* WMff all^rmout^beopcncotoWm/

.- ?

bsgnacponanDbengeaunce bponbet. C &amp;&amp;etfo?e/tbu0ra]&gt;etH)U&gt;?be&lt;fK)b:V too be bnto tbat bloubtbutdpe cpte/fo? tobo i tot 1 1 prepare a b t ape of toobbramne tbou bones togetbet/ftpnbiet^Qu % fp;erfeetb Qedelb/letaUbetoeilfobbl/t&amp;atf bone? mape be fucfi te out. #o?eouer/ (ettbe pot emptpebpo tbe coaiess/g (t mape be toatrae 8tberaetaHBote: tbattbefjUfi 9 tudpnede mape be confumeb. 39ut'ftto0lnotgoof tberefttomocb of ft: tbe tiidpneflc mud be bjent out.cbp fpltbpnede is abbompnabie/ fo; Jtooloebaue clcnfeb tbe/ But tbou toot bed not be r!enfrb.gou candnotbepout gebftStbpne bneiennefle/tpil-l baue pou* rebmpto;otdfuUfnbfgnacpSbpont&amp;e.^

tobfcbigefcapeb/tbatt&amp;oumaped fpeane/ be nomo;e bomme: Fee anb tbou ffialt be tbeft djetotoBf/tbattpepmapefinotoe/botv tbat3iamtbel.o;be. CGftf towfttof (tieic;0*bp5 0)t tonnes of amm!/ M tot) ui] ttinta at Ihr fall of Jet uCaie.agapnft t|o



t,b&amp;c!r.aB*?^ijU(atacB Ccbf.ift.CbapteK. $e toojbeof tbe jLo;or came bnto me/fa$mg-.boufonne of mfi/fet tbpfaceagapnd f ammonpteg/ pjop&amp;ecpe bp5tb?/3faprbntog ammonpteg-.bra te f toojb of $ X. o;ae &lt;0oD. buB fapetbt ^o;Beob; f o;fo moc&amp;ea* tboufpeaWdcuttmp&amp;anctuattJM ttoto

f *S

tfttbtw m

1 i V ^H

fl I "IE 'J 11 f i! '

P V ; I ft-:-


m 1 T ^^H

* ' .'J

-1 HT* w. i /] FS.-

^ f roto ft be noto fufpenoeb : anb ouet lahbe of aftaei/^ troto it be note befoiate:pe e anb ouet tbe jjoufe of % uba/3 1 ttoto tbep be note reb atoape y?efonet0:3eebolbe /3itopbelp= Uettee to people of tbe ead / $ tbepmape baue tbe At potMfomtbefe (Ball fet ttjett ta ..^.deWanbboufesJ 111 tbe . bep (ball eate top * JtrP' 1 f tute/ 9 b?p ch e bp tbp raplcfie.3li0 f o?*ma 3 &amp;at8/l topdntafte of tta ftaii fo; ramerg/9 of Inrnion a (iDepef oloeianb pe (Bail finotoe/ tbat5ainKiK:)lo^e. J5 f o? tf).B&gt;s mnetb lto;b dctob: 3!n fo mot!) ass tbou bd cttqneftttttb tijpn';banbe{j/anb

ftwttpcbftiftli fBffett/peetefoprebtn tbpne fiette 0WK#' iaiwe of |ftaeltopib befpjte: Bebofte/^ tngH dtetel) outntpfiebanbe oun tbe aif o/&amp;s;:.'i tiiipti er n)e/to be upopleb of tbe ^eatben/aii)i*ote tbe out ftom amonge ffle . people/a cautt tbe to be bedtowboute of all lanbettpcr! topllmafietbe be fapeb toade/ t bat tbou waged fiiioto/tUatg am ftUfte. fattt,p&gt;.W. nn0fw!?siOtbe)Lo?be&lt;!i$oV.ji r o?romol} .etspj.jriwij.aa? #oabmt'o je(r bofape:ai0 fo; p botife - "-gmtfMh of gjuba/it 80 but ipfie a? all otfjst&lt;B5mtfiefJ be-.cbert o;u fttijolbe/ 3 toffl make tbe cpti, e# of !3oab torapenlefle/ a tanen atoape tbetr fli engtb:tljef b cptf e&amp; 9 1 bef e coad cs of tbeft lanoey to|)i&gt;1jate tbepleafure^iof n)e coun* m-3U matin. jBtajfeffmotii / jeaamteon anb C at inifjot m:t&amp;ere tot ag open bnto tb5 offtecaft/jltljepraapefaUbpontfteaimmo - nfteftatffl totf! get ft tbenrm poffeffpom fo *tftat tbe itminonfttf djall no wo;e be bab fn Kmemtatmm 1; amondetbe ^a^ett . uen tbu0topll % punpdj 99oab aifo/ibat tbep mape &amp;n otoc-noto tbatf am tbe jlojbc. - ; fl9o?eouet/tbu0rapetbtbn)io;oecb: IwhKlSrf^ecaufe t&amp;afi Cbom batbauengebaeafeb 3 X CT ' W m feife bpoa tbe WuCfof $uba / tbetf o?e nwtii ttu0 fas'ei^ ) )Lojb:31 totll Ka rft out mpne m' banbebpoisi^iom/anbtafieatoape man 9 ^ c bead out uf ft- ifrem fflbeman bnto etian StirL toplllmalisttbecolate/tbepinnllbenapne

t&amp;a.ta Jtottft tne fVoeacbr.cbo?otomp people ofg&gt;f -""tad totu r ^mengemeagapnfbponbqm: ^ep djalitjiibje fjim/acco^bpnsto mp to?af b ambfgmw?i/ fo t&amp;at tbep all finotoe mp '." toengeanu- vlapetb fte)Lo?be !5ob. e; a' bu0fi?.rw:ii)tbe'A.o?be&lt;!5oi):'jfo?fomotb n 80^ep|ilj^ne0baue boneibp0: namelp IflBflBr taben fccn^muncetoftftbefpt'tefull domacs ** fie0/ano nil m olbe euentofll reft tbe felue0 ~ r ' ! ; 'tobed WW (jetfoie tbu0fapetb tbe )Lo?be 0OW6i' 1 tyto topll drettb out mpne banb , ouettbef Uflfftfitt*/ abedttnje $ bedwpeiv anb caui'ii sH sbe vemnaunt of t$ fee cbad topecpf).i;i;ieafebengeaui:e topll 'JtaTte bponmttu/rtnb punpdj tbem csueirp: tfiat ttep maj?^ 5itstoe/boto tbatiam tb e % Qfil tobtcp \jnut uuengeb rae of tbem.


-" *

!--: *i


^1&gt;:^: ^/:,

G^c pjopljccjftd tW Sim C&amp;albe otter thjouicu/ bccmsfeit rtlojcfDattljcOeitriuq&gt;uof Jccufatem. ffiljEtoon&amp;erynsaiiiiaaor.vajmcntoEHiemai'cyafl* tee/fo?t^O((olac;onof*X{;u0&gt; cbe.yj*l.bapfee. Cbappeneb/tbatintbe.] we fp;d bape of tbe fl^onetb/tbe too/neoftbeJl'Ojbcaraeohtome/ . issssstfapinge: fffjou fonne of man/be* .^. M ... , . caufe mat cpje batlj fpolttw bpoti %&amp;** JSfflJ. iem:2iba/notolt;ototbepO2t0oftbepco'^et!iicty)rti. pie be b?ofien/ $ fl)e tm neb bnto rae/ f 0; a baue oedtopebmpbelp full^ fen tbetfo^e fapetb tbe %ow Jolu ifiefjolDC p?e / % topllbpon tlje/gi topli b?pnge a gtcate raul&lt; tptube of people -ap :' ff: tije/ ipfie as toben tbe fee aspfetfttoftb w toaue^-.^befe fbail fe; eafte tbe toadem tizms/ anb cad botone . tier toto?es:'| topll fcrape tbe gtounbe from l;et/anb maftebrea baveaone:pee a0 tbe b;penge place/ tobeve tbe fptbets bange bp tbett nettep bp tt)e fee fpoe. idif | baue fpo lien it/fapetlj me )lo;b (Sob. cbe ientple0 1 *'' mall fpopie bettbet baugbtet^ bpon feibe **' fl)aii petpdj toitb fftoeatbe/tbattbep map finotoe boto ttjat-j am tbe Hum* f of tbu0 fapetbtbe/0?be &lt;ESobi3f5ebol# bty-3! topll b?pngebpfttt JSabucljobonofoz (tobtcbt0tbeapitgeof^abvlon/^afepng offcpnge0)ftomtbeo2tbbp5fl;p2e/tofttt Dojfe0/cbatte0/bo;fmen/ tot tb a gteate raultptube of people, bp baugbtet0 1 ate in me lanbe/d)allbe flape toftb meftoeat&amp;e:

butagapndtbe/ be (ba!lmafiebultoo?cfte0 9 gtaue bp bpcbe0 aboute tbe/ 9 l?f t bp bf JUplbe agapnd t\ie. ^p0 dpngc bateii&amp;' meg mall be p;epate fo; tbPtoalIe0/9 tottb bp0 toeape0 b;eane uotone tbptoto?e0,bc budof W bo?fe0 (ball couet fytbep ffjaibe fo manp:tbP toalle0 (ball (bane at tb e nopfe of tfte bo?fe raen/cbatette0 s toberejs-.tobe be cSmetb to tt)p potfetf/as men bo into an ope&gt; cite.l&amp;ptbmebode0 of Ijp06o?re fete/Qtall be tteabebotone an mp dtete0, $e diali depe tbp people % tl)c ftoeatuc/ gtb;ealjebotonetbeppret0 of tijp dtengtb, bep dial toa de atoape m (Kp/f fpopie tbp matcbauiiDpfe . CEiijptoUe0 mall tbep b;ea&amp;ebotone/?ibedKopempboufe0ofplea* fute.cbP done0/tbptprab?c a f otinosdomt^ _,. -. (bail tbep cad in tbe toatet. bu0 ^'p***** b?pngetbemeloi)pof fbP t'onge0 / 93 bopce oftbpmpndtelfptoanenbe/ fogtbepdjall nomo?ebebetbe.3itopll maftea bate done of me/pee a bzpmge place fo?nette0/ 9 male neuev be buplbeb agapne-jo? eu5 f KLozbe bauerpoBenft/fapetbme7Lo?be &lt;0ob :f&amp;u0 batbtbc)to?be &amp;on fpoBe cScetnpng wmi sbe IIC0 (ball be moueb at tBe nopfe of tbt fall/a at me ctpe of tbe (lapne/tbat ftad be $$., muf


Clje $2optjecpt matt tfifu torn nmtnthtMbt]


i i"f

muribe kd fa t&amp;eJHfcpnge* of * come botone fvomtbw feateg tegallttbep atiiapeatoapetbeirroabejsysputoftbeir -. roftlp clotbingetf eew'tb ttemblpnge Hall *" tbep b e clot&amp;eo/tbep all fpt b po tbe gro CD-. tyve CfjaiUe afrapeaat ttjp re ben fall., anb

fceabaObebatrbe. Cbep Hall moume f o; tbe/anb (are bneo tbe: tbou noble etfe/g baa bene to gt eat* ip occuppeb of oloe/tboutbatbattbene ttje flro ngeft bpon (be fee to tbpne inbabptout* of tobom all mtnftobe mfeare:l&amp;eto arte tbou notofobtterlp oeBvopeof i^otoactfje tpmeoftbp fall tbeinbabpt ours of? gieay fee ano tbe gie* tbem felueg/fljall ttanoefa f eare at tfjpne enbe.ff o? tbu? f apetb t JLo;a ofctoben 1 mafte tbe a bcfolate cp tpe ( aft otbev cities be/tbatno man btoell in) 9 toben , 3 bjpnge tbe bepe bpon tbe /tbat gteate tea tew ma?e coueetbeicbentopll $ call tbe botone bnto tbem/ tfjae befceoefnto tbepgtte-.bnto a people tfjat fja tb bene loose tutu/ ano ft t tbem a lanbe tbat is benetb/lpbe t&amp;e otoe toplberm 0/ toitb tbem tobf cb go ootone totbeitgraues/forbatno man allbtoell mojetntbe. 7bnb% topllmafte rftctobeno mo?efabcnqu*/tntbelanbeoftbelpupnge. 5 to? 11 mafic: an cnoe of rbe/9 tbou alt be aone.cboufibtbou be fougbtfo?/pet (bait tbou not be founoe fo; euermo;e/Capetbtbe HojbtcHoD. Ciie piofttU a moueo to' bstoapIctfiebtfeiacjS of ttwuejeftthfooute wmiit of Gmtot t&amp;* tuni jtigc of marc&amp;mroicB tQrrto. CCbe.rttHji.cibaptet:. ie tr o?de of tbe to;oe came bnto me/faping: tbou fonne of man/ mafie a lamentable complapnte __bpon cpje/anbfapebpon ewe/ tobicb ts a pojteof tbefee/tbat oecuppetn teiibmoeb people/ amanpaiefrtbujsfpea* fietb M%oiti&lt;Bot: Cpje/rtjoubaft fapb: tobat/3amanoblecitfe:tbpbo?bewfawfn Ibe mpbbea of tbefee/fr t&amp;p bupioetis baue mace tbe maruelouugooblp. ail tbp tables bauetbepmabeofCppjetreejJofibemeune feamr.ffeom jubanwtyaue tJjeptabe'Ge' o;e treeg/to mas e rtje mafte&amp;atbe fies of tfafanfomaBetberotoerjj. cbp boojbe0bauetbepmaoeofpuew/9

tf coftlp too* out of tbe gieof Cetbitn. cbp faple tea* of tobpte fmail neble too;c B e out of lanbe of gppt/tobange bps tbp maft: immpmvtmto rpicteputpie/out a* fcw&amp; * e 5* of *c wrab. cber of fcfoon an! ip7?^"3niabtoetetbpmawfWanbt^toffeii"S Haio. cwtoctetto ppmaBcw.cbeeioeftanb topfettaefcebaltoeretbep/t&amp;atmenbeban! toftb tbrtttttpmeoKupjfebtbeftmaeeftaa.

ores f n tbe.c&amp;e P wret/%i&gt;ofanjj 9 ipbffi* toereto tbpnebooft/9 belpeb tbe to fpgbft tbefe bangebbp tbm ploe 9 fjeimettes to $ /tbefe fet fo;tb tbp betotp. cbep of 3Dtnab toerett tbf ne boott tofibe about tbt&gt; toaUe*/ ana toere tbFtoatcbmen bpon tbv totowew tbefebSgebbPtbefrftiiD^rounoabouttbf toalleo/amabe mameloujSgooblp.cbat* tf ft!$ occupf ebtottb ( in all man et of tea teg/ in ftiuer, w5/tjnne 9 ieab/9.'mabe tbi mar* fietgteate.|auan/:ubal $$tttH) toete tbpmarcbafltea/ isbfcbb;ougbt tbemen/9 o;namente0 of metatl ,fo; jtfjg occup^engr. bepofboureofrbosatmab;ougbtbn. totbeat * tpme of tbpraatte/bojfe/bwfm? *mb,m* anomulw.bpofeoantoeeetbpmat* cbafitef$:9 man? otber gie tbat occupieo to tbe/b;ougbt ft)e toetberit/elepbant bonejs 9 Papeocbeu fo; a parent. bf^ Wan jj oc* eupjeb to tfte/becaufe pf tbjbpuetfe tto;c* fiejj/a incrcafeiitbpmatcbaaoies/toftmaa ragbe*/tofcatiet/to neble too?be/to tobpte Ipenciotb/WtbtplcfieatottbCbifdall. 31uD3 a tbe lanbe of 3 f rae J occuppeb toitb tbe/9b;ougbtbntotbpmatltettefS/b)beatr/ ' balme/bonp/opie/9tttacle.amafcu0al fobfeb mar cbaunbpeei tot tb tbe/(n ft)e bed topne 9 tobpte boil; becaufetbp occupieng teas fo gteate/9 tbP toawjj fo man?, an/

giauan/anbflpeufallbauebjougbtbnto tb? B , rftt rf , manette 3/pjon rebp mabe / tottb * Cafta 9 JSSJS fialamust/ acco;bpngtatbpne occuppenge.kvuts of &amp; &amp;mn occuppeb toitb tbe/tn fap?e tapettrpmw 6 twt toowfte 9'quiOji!n0. atabfajau * mncivltSSSSffi of ceoatbaue occupied tepn) tbe/ in Ojtpe/ K ^ toetbersanb goateu. S Cbc matcbaOteg of &amp;eta 9 JSema baue o; occuppeb alfotoitb tbe/fnallcodlptppcew s fnallp;ectoujja0nfanbgoH)e/tobfcbtbep . A, b?ougbtbntpwpmatcBe,ttejf.0ai;an/8r*fi T neanbi^en/ memanbaunteft of &amp;aba/* * UfJtttaanocrbeTmaCi/rcereaHboftg tofR) #




. ..v


anboccuptebtoft,_ . ,,., ....., ^ of palotn fpicfee 9 rteoie roo?cbe ( berp p?ecf&lt; ous/9tbetfo;epacBte abounbetogetbftto toapejjjfee anb fn Ceo?e tooboc /at tpme oftbpmarcfeettesf. cbcfftPPPep cfcbatfffl toecetbe cbefe of tbpoemppenge.

bi* tbou art fufl/9 wgrearetoo/Djtpe/ etiennttbemibberioftbefee. bpmatv neostoeteeueKb^ngpnge bnto tbe oute off man? ut f eafte topnbe Q&gt;a! ouer* b r ate tbe in to tbe mpbbeft of tbe fee : roebat tbp toanffjtbpmarcbaffirfetf/tlpwbeff/ifip. marpner0/tbp u)fpmaaeui/tbpbelpet0/tbv occuppertbatb;ougbttbetbnigf0neceO3 Ep)tbemenoftoatretbatiareintbe:pee anb all tbp contents (ball perpflj fn tbe mpboett oftbefee/fn tbe bapeoftbp fall.cbe fub. utbr0 mm ftmfte at t^t louoe wpe of tbp OPP?



{ J


PpmenJllrobirTpmen/anuairmarpiiers felfebauefpownft/fapetb tbetbjbe 005. bpontbefee/Ojalueapeoutoftbeteboace?/ jJpo;eouec/tbetto;Be of tbe ^became! anbfettbe Ieh1e0bpon.tbrianbe.cbep all Dntome/fapenges;bouronneoftnS.' mafte^ Ipftbp tijeir bopcebecaufe of tbe/ano mafie a lamentable complapnte ouer tbe bpn ge of aiamentablecrpe.b^P(balcaCtbu(tbpon ep;e/anbtellbpi'&gt;bu0fapetbtbeilo;be

tbeli; bf aoew 9 Ipe aotont in t&amp;e affljeftc&amp;ep oobKicb ou art a (eale o f a IpcbneOe / full of tyall an e tljem felue^/anbput f acfie dotb topfobme 9 excellent beutp.cbou bad b ene bpon tbem ( 0; tbp fas e. in {pleafaunt garten of obs tbou art becte Cbepab moutnefo? tbetoptbberefull toitbalmauerof precious ttoncej-.toitbKu* fo^oto/anobeuvlamentacpon/peetbetecbi! bp/opa0/CbHttal/3!acpnae/fl)ni&gt;j:/9afr 6;enaIfoa)aUtoEpefo?tbe.a.ia0/Vbatatt'e pp0/apbp;/ ^amaragbe/ carbuncle/ i barb fo bene oeStopeain tbe fee; a$ViWi anbgolbe. ebpbetotpanb tbebolcg tijat be m ibenti)ptuare0 9marcbaimbie0camefr5 in tbe toereretfo;tbintbeoapeoftbpcrea* i t eejj/tbou gauea all people pnougb .cb cpon . cb ou art a fapje Cberub / ttret cbeb 8pnge0 of tbe earn") baft tbou maoetpebe/ topoeoutfo/tocouer. tbojoto tbe multptubeof tbp teatc0anboc 1! baue fett tbebpon tbe bolp mount of cupfenge: lent tboi* attnoiti can bobme tn &lt;0ob/tberebaft tbou bene/ 9 toaift cb am'dge totbebepeof fee/ all tbpiefo^teof people tbefap;eglpaetpngeftone0.&lt;frotnebeti &gt;n!e |0peEbtoptbtbe JHtbeptbatMwHin j of tbp cteacpon tbou baftbene epgbt mtu Sleg are .abaf dm at tbe/anb all tbete bpng^ lent / tpll topcaeonefle toass foun oe in tbe . ateafrapeb/^eetbete face^baue cbaungeo SecaufeoftbP gttate marcbaunupfc / ii^&lt ;a(aUi,H; eolotrre . cbe mar cbaunte? of tbe nacpons bett tg full of topebeoneae/anbtbon b ad of* toonb?eattbe. 5Jn tbat tbou art focleane fenbeb.cbfo;etopligicatt$ftSfbemotTc bjousbt tonaugijt/9 commeft nomo;e bp. of @ob ( tf&gt; tbou couetpnge arberubjan Q uetyopetbeamSge $ glpttfteringitoneg. cbp^ c mt *";oc of Sooogawia tty ipnge t i Cftw bettta0p;oubeintbpfapje beutp/9 njo?oto tm Ko p;ja*. pomkl sic tawftt te 19 inouroto b* (hp beutp t b ou baft befttopcbtb P topfoonie. sasffiKofe WBttoKeKujiotenofgrroei: F Rgbtoffipngj.cboubaftbcfpieatbpfeauc

W. Wbitj.cb ap tc r. t uar p/ rcitb tbe great topcbebneCTe of tb p fan % aea: e moae of tbe jLo?betame bnto tpgbtuoug occuppengc.3i toil b^pngea fp;c J me feptng'.cbou fonne of mS/teii from t^emfboeft of tbe/tb eonfumetbe: ano ftwM.ji^MJ ftn tbt'P/pnceof Ce: b0fapEtb totlmaftetbEtoafe0/intbefpgbtof alltijg BSyra 'tbe s*e/becattfe tbou baft g lobcbpontbe.ailltbeptbatbaue beneac ap;oibebeitamjbattfapbe:?ama&lt;!5ob/a quapntebtotbeamongetbe^eatb! alb* bauempfeateintb*mpDbeftoftbefeeitBea abafebatf:femgtbouartfocreneb;ougbe ew: tobeee a* tbou art buta mS anoMSob/ to naugbt/anb commeft no mojebp. epetftabertin fbpne atone cSceate/g tbou 36nbtbebao?be of tbe )Lo;De came bnto aettiPob; aieboibe/tbcu tOpncbeft tbpftlfe me/fapeng: cboufonneofman/fettbPface4 f ^topfertbens'aniel/tbattberf nofecrete0 agapnft$&gt;poon, p?opbecpebpontt/ ano Bpbftatbe. fptbtbptopn&gt;ome3t&amp;Pbnber' fpeafie.cbu0fapetbtbe^bet!5ob:Keboi* ftanbpng/tboubaftgottf tbegreatetoeltbi' be o^)ibon/l topHbpontbe/9Btmebo.^fneffe/anb garbereb treafure of fplueranb nourefrttbe:tbat!fmapebeftnotone,boto t **" gotoe.ieitbtbi gteate topfoome and oc W.amtbe)lo;b/tobn3JPunpb/9Betme pfenae/baatboiiincreaCeDtbPpotoee/9bC' b'oww&lt;nb. | Jfo?3!totBrenbepeftiiehce9 caufeoftbpgreatt'pcbe0/)Pbei0P?oube. Woub ebbpnge infobet ftreatejs/fo ftat - Cb":fo;etbu0Capetbtbejlo?be(25ob:iro? tbofetobfcbbe0apnettptbtbeftoeKjc/a w fo mocb a? tbou baft ipft bp tbpne bevte/ e ipe tounbe aboutetn tbe mpbbeft of bcr: ana ebougbtboutoewob-.bebolbe/g!tofflb?mg tbepftaHfinotoc/tbatgiamtbOlbaie.Sibt enempe0bpontbejeuentbetp;aunte0oftbe alnomo?Ebeap?icfimgtbo;ne/9anbur* $earbe:tberea!b;atoeouttben: ftoeatbeg tpngb;eerbntottjeboufeof gjtraell/netbni bpon tbp beutp anb topfbome / anbal(be to tbemtbatlperounbe aboute bft&amp;nbbaK *pletbpglo?p.cbepailcaftebotoneto b : anbtbepalbnotoe/eaamtbe %#M. tbPPtte/fotbattboualtbpeftTfTOPi* bugrapetbtbejUfletfobttobanaoa^ beftoftbefee/as$tbeptbatbeoapne.jlet^/ tbettbebouffiollKof|ftaeItogefbeeagaTln]' , pf tboutopltfapetben ( befaetbe cbataape ftomfte naefongamffge b*omtbepbe ft* fbe^amdSobrtBbereastbouattbuttftttan tern: tben alia be tantMteoinwm We

*6i/afl8nbnot dEiob/intbebanbegof tbe" tbatftape fpgbt of tbe entple$; 9 tbepi |ail btoeH in |Pi8mMfbf.pealttbou/eiten*aJJtbebncfteum. lanbe/g ?gauetom|ferttafit|acob.cbe| W cpfebtntbebanbe0oftbeenempe0-io;3mp oaHbto^faRlptbetm/bupfteboufej/atnl ^^.b. pianw









f 1 *


plantcbwtcgataegts eefafelp OiaU(w utoc I into m ianoe of pattjutes their atonet us* t^enrt. txi^S ijaiiepuiiFQicD alt t^ore/t^ac tuuccpattejt^attDepmavcbetftctealot o* Dcfprftftfmroimoeaboutf.anotym ftall lfCmaUhPBDome:^ctt)CfftfliUe^ tmal* ttje? finotoe/g 9 am tyrilo2t&gt;eti)w o&amp;. left amonge ctljet fivngoomeg/Jcft tljcpe^ ccp?opijccr^ &lt;* 9ncBo.ff p;opBjctj aitetljiiftiuegabouettje $eat(?S;o?3itmii tecDccoia^ofOfflFP^anotijefpatpivnscawoatie fomonrftrtiem tbattftep fflal noraot ftule rtmwaro uf if n B Wftstoaw ft ibeiaboue blltO ft boufe Of tftael/nettjey p?ouone tgS toSiitti tie ton* ajapuu apm. an v moje to tojcfieoneffe/to caufe ti) e tuine ijsbe.irtr,&lt;tbaptet. bache/9Co foiotoe t&amp;enu^ t^sfaiallbnoYue [iSi tee.Jc ypawbpon t^e.^iY.traee thatgiamtbe;il.o;!be(EioD. cftbejt.monetb/tbetoojbeoftbe p tbe. wbij.peaie/tbefpjtt bareof tbe crajejftr.a. jKSSf Kg tflojbe camebnto me/faf Inge: ) fjy&amp; monetb, / came tbe tt&gt;o?oe of ttje 'JLotfe *** ,.,. BfcSSJtbou fonne of matt / ret note tbj bntome/ra?inge:cbu fonne of man/#a SSSriSfM tow agatnBPbatao tbe bynge of tfgrpte; bucbobonofo? rt)e ft jnge of tfa btf on batty VI j'wiri* ^op^cKasaftiO^m 9 agaynfr I tobole mabc bftbooB/toitb gteat trana? le anb la* a n&amp;c p;s# lance of &lt;|gpptes fepealie / 9 tell brm/tbuu boute to comebefo ;e owe: tbat euttp beao p 5 , l !e of tt e? *'fWtbtbejio#e&lt;i5o&amp;:beboU)c/ Pbarao mai&gt;ebebatoe/a eueri? wouioee bate, fet ffi*^#^WB^4l totflbpontbe/tbou batbcwe geuennet&amp;ei:bi&gt;m nerbW booS

"auncc of ioaBW**bBon/S fees mtbetoatewi:tt)ou anj&gt;tebjatbr/ft&gt;;ttbegteatetta uas le tbat be ttcoaw. fence ftfajeflitbe teatette mfne.g 1 bauemaoeft botb tafien ttjete. cbet fo;etbui3 fayem the fo?c is toe uma mp felfe.g; toplput an bofie in tbp t&amp;awt 0/ no;be tiSob;beb oloe | toill geue toe lan&amp;e of SKffi bangealltbeftft intbptoatewbpontb? ffgpptebntoflabucbobonofoj toefcfngof tetaufc of X a Waaw H toili fcatoft out of to? tea* ab jlon/toat be ma? e tase ato at eallbee abaun&amp;aQie of terg/jee&amp;auft fp(b of tbptoatop g bange rubftaunce/ robbef jetrobbews / sfpoyie tnatcc t 9 ac a bpo toil cafl ft cut bpo tbetype bet fpoyleis, to p aye bte boon toeit; toagjefr i"l fl K^' ,anDe:toftb ^ f * oftft f toatew/fotfjat'tbou toitball.31 toiflgeuebim tbelanbeofflgppt Sw*SS5fttt' fo;btjslabouteytbatbetobef!raebefo; ' rmiiOattuiB/ tberebmrtafiebp:btitB)altbemeatefo?ft tfwe. attbefametrme tojlM* ca ufe the* . buaufror dec beaficgoftbefelbe/anbfojtbefouleisofthe *homeof ftboufeofgftaeltoijfc otoefiwtb/ ***Mfo SSSBfff 8WfttttaBtbejtt*jfftwwm tfgWtt/ ftopfti)pitiouaB8jne tofijwtbtnritbatB'Pfw SK ntajebnotoe/tbatgiamtheilojbeibecaufe tbevmavfinoto/bototbat^athtbejltj/lje., . '- 4Knss8SEasass ass-^*^* - ***^ 5.Rrg.&gt;*i$,obanD ttjoub^abeft 9 p;f cfiett ibe" on eucts CCbe WCF.&lt;tbapte^ - ' " mj.wj.a. feoe:9fft0ecleanebbpontbe/tboub;abeft f^^C9etoo;btoft^)Lo;Dcamenio;e rrtLi^Mw. abutted the te?ne0 of tbetrbaclte^. erbic ^^jouetbiitome/fajlns-.tbouf onne^ f o?e/ ti)iis fajetfj tbe io;ce ob:bebclbe/9J ^ Kgn of man/p;opbcc?e 9 fpea&amp;e itbus topllb?pnge aftoearbebpen tbe/ arete cut fflSsalracetUtbe Jio;bec3ob: fi^ofitne/

* l8f ?etijttt.


ateBeStopeb.3ittbattfnie/a)aHtbertmff s lonsiarrne/^ebe atmejjof pbataoojaifti faungrtjS go fo;ty fto me in Oicppe^ / to botone : tfja t it mape be bnotone/tba t % am mabe ft careleae So;pSjs afrapeb/ anb to* tbe jUiTD/UWcb geue tbe binge of JBabtt oti Kotee (ball come bpon tbem in tbe care of mpfroeafbetnbtfbSoe/tbatbemapebzatoe (gtptefo;boubtlegtt(balcome. ttoutbpontbeianbeof&lt;Cgppte:9tbat\Dbe Ifoufi fayecb tbe %om C5ob l %M&gt;y\l 3 ftatte tbecgcpcuanu amonge flje oentC ma&amp;ean enbe of tbe ptople oL'Cgfpte tbo&lt; ieu/ ana fttotce tbent in tbe lan&amp;e* aboute/ ?oto tbebanoe of ^abuebooonofo; fijnge tbepmacebnotoe/tbatlamtbe^ojbe. tanb tbe ctuell t??aunt( oe tb e ^eatben tbr,p;otj&gt;c:itic ottntsm ai.9e p?ort teie th a mm fl)albeb;ougbttobcato?etbeianbe. cbec ocaraccsontrntoiiicmboiDc. fijal b?atoe out tbetr ftoeatte* bp9 Cg^pte CCl;e.t'i'ti.I)aptet;. fSltbeianbcfulofflafnemen.^ttmD?pe RT^^ouCT/ftbappctitDmft4*.P&lt;a&lt;^ bptfieitflouoe3oftoatet/$reiitfte!aDelnto Wl^lllrcft.KtBbavEolgtbltb^onetb* tbebanbes of volcfiebijeopie.s'belatnieanb IsMSllMatfbJf to*M oftlje jld?q came al^{itbettn/tDiI'ibt(Irocetbo;orotbeemf y^9Ufbntomefa^g:nboufonneofmS me?(.(Eueiig;tbe)Lo';bbauefit?Dett. . fpeafiebntoPftarao'tbebcngofiggvpte/acjrcti .wft*

55 anbti)ugfavet0tbej(bo^eSOb'.?tpll toalbfdpeople-.nabomattthouIi'Ketntbv^^w^ 5SKj.ijf.a. beftrocetbe'Ibolsi/anDb^riBe tbejjmage* gteataeaefJ3eyolbe3!auil:ttia 0li)beaeb;e. iffhacto/ f*j9opbtoanenbe. cbeft)aHnomo?e Kebpontbemountof ]Lbami0 touhfafte P9- 6eap?i'nee of gfpteyanba featfufaes topi tyauncbe&amp;fotbtcHe/t&amp;atbegaue ff tabobjegj 3 fenoe tn to t{}e noivcifs lamtM fo? Pa* $ ot out my hse.l^is toppe teacijeb bnta tbuwiS/3!tot!mabeft&amp;erolatf/ahofcinblea the cioudw.cUp Soatew maoeitem gveat /gf jj#6 fflv^e&lt;n 6 *3oan.3Blei:anwfaniill^ punilb tbebepefetbtmbp anbpe , JSounbe ab oute M ^fcta^atPouwmv^otbfullnblgnaclSbpon^^tn Imoi ofhfmr8netbftefloube8ioEbjatet7 r ' . - .:.T ttthfrh to (ho ftipnrrHi nf nPrrimf C 5M (he fnh^

HS w.

be f en t out b?3 igti c r ymm b n 1 al tbe tiers of ft felbe.cbetf o?e toajs (jebjet tytn m tbe ttee^oftbefelae/^ tbo?o\t)tl)emultituDe of isatesiStbatDefeiitftom bjm/ beopta^nea


- '^

t &gt;.*

0*1 *

SBSK*W*tt*e ftvengtb ofEgfpte.aitbefub&lt; ftaunce of 3Mej:anwia tovllf beatoie/anb btuble a ft :f in Ggipte. _ ft)fna)albefngteatebeupefle/3lej:an ^tfia fljalberoteb out/ anb jSopl) (ball ijaue many Ionge bjatimbejS M fouie of ft ae bacfyefo?otoe.bcbe(tmenof$eicopoli0 Biabei|)e(wefttf6ibfti6;afibeg;bniit'bW a leuballo Ibalbe flasne bjftb tbe ftoeatbe/. batoesi geojeb al thefc bcaOe? of ft felbeana anbcartebatoaveeaptcue.atcaDbmsJ tfte bnoctb^jtbatioroorrfital people. fmt$ bafelbalbebai'cbe/ttiben3b;eabetberetbe beutifuiibja? be tn oyjj gwatenedeano tn rreptet; of tbe lanbe of gtpte/anb tobentbe toe lengtb of m b?auncbf SJ / fo* bpi srotc pompe of betpottetfliallbaue anenbe, &amp; ftobe beffbe gteate toatew / no mt txt cloub fljal couetbtrya betbaugbtewJ ibalbe ntrabt wt piM pieafaunt Batten *

of tbeborbmananb beaft. 7eetbe lanbeof toob;o?tbtbfeoape/fo?tbebafe0bew/tbertM


bnotoe /tbata am the jlo^ie: 3r5ecaufel)e tbe^eatbeVtbeboure Watftanbe/ft ftteat t rarbe:ftteateet0mcne/3 mpfelf baue mabe commetb bpon oEgvpte. t&amp;bentye mouno efi tt.)8eboIbetbet:fo;e/3|ta&gt;pUbpontbe/abpS menfallbovunefncgVPte/tDbifnbetpeopl e c tb?toatetfc3to#imabetbelanbe ofiffgtpt atctabfnaoape/atobenbiounbacion0 toaae abefolate/ftS tbe tote;e of &gt;?eM* ate bettroveb / tye $omw lanbefljan be bntoft bojberssoftoe fii&amp;o?fen*ianb:roft m aftajeb/fee tMt flojtentJIanW/)L&l t;bla anb

%\ jearegtbere fttaBno fotcofmahtoalcfte ILfota/alltbeitcomen people/bub/ani tljere/ netber foteof catell gotbere /ttefbec all mat be confebetatebnto tbem/fl jaHfau fljaii it be mbab? topllmalie tbe lanbe toitb tbem tbo?om ttjeftoeatte. of tfgppt to bebefolate/ainBgeotftet toaBe cbufi fatetb ttje &gt;Lo?be :be mawite g* counties/ anb bet cttpes tol?e bojbe.W, netg of tbe lanbe ofcgfpte fftali fall/t te V ( mp /amonge ottjetbowie ww- Jtnb 3 p;pbe of berpotoetfltall come botonc : eue n topli fcatte m cgf vdonfi amUge ttje $ea* bntDfttotoet of g&gt;cene BjaBtbe* bef lawte tbenanbnacpons. botone tim tyt ftoeattie/fai?etb tbe Xoitt 3ga? ne/tbug faj ttMttofc &lt;ffifc&amp;:ttBI)f &lt;!Sob:amongeotber befolate co untteeutbef me.citeatfCareetp^eb/jtoillBatrifttlje BiaifcemaDfCefolate/damoBi'otftfttoaae CgCPCfangtogetbetagacne/outoftbeaa* cjtpesstbep ftjalbetoafirb. acnbtbep.&amp;ja K &lt;fon0/amongetBbom tbeptoetefcatteb/a ftnotoe/tbat3lamtbe)Lo?be/b)l)en58fnWe togH b^nse ft p?ef onerjj of cgf v t mm a f;;e in CBHXt/anbtDftt n oil On D tlpf v . ad



Itb ate are in to captpupte.cbu^ topll 1 pit nvB) (gtpte,tljattl)ei?mafe bnotoc/bom g gamttje^oe. St b appeneb in tbe # .?e are/bpon tbe ff ^uenrbbaceof tl)C f^ft fl^onetb/fttbeTlo;^


cOefi, the plaine twets toeee not Kbeft bmtfi ofbvm . antbe trees in tbe gatben of (00b migbtnot be cSpateb bnto bim in bid beuti* ro fap;e anb goob! bab 31 mabe brni toftb

too?btcamebntome/faEege:53tI)olBe tbou t(jemuitituDeofb&lt;0b^uncbe0:3:nfomocb




fontieofman/ 5toilb;eaficganneoEW vaoBsnsof8fpte:9iottQ)alnotbel)oube bp to btfyaUb/ neeftt r fljaii cnpplapttre be la jefi bpon f t;f 0.2 to rare ft/02 to ma fie ft f ftronge /ass to Dolce a toeatte . c&amp;etf o?e /

^ altftetreegtntftepleafafft gaf oWM 'iLo?tie on : to; f mocE) a0 t)e bat&amp; Igfc top immtmvc; 9 ftttttmw toppe m to $ ctoatit0/9 rn'ngei)v0f)mfjjp2ouDEm^S



tbui fa^etb tlje )Lo?be &lt;Kob:fbolbe/gi to?i bigbneffetH toil! belpuer bim into Sbanbeu mtIba t( aa bponpfjarao ft bingeofcgipte/anb b?ute offt*mt'gfttieft amonge ft ^eatften/tobsc bLttttoWaS. bt Btonge a v meiye t ts it but a bitten one) Dial tote bim ou t.30co?Ding to b ? * nw&amp;eb*

atoiBfmvtctOeftoeatbeoutofljiisDanbe. negtoiBlcaflbiniatoape/ftenempegfljaH 3ss fo? tl&gt;c &lt;Stpcvans5;3 toil fcatte tljcm oeBtope bim /anb tbe mpgbtf men of tbe amonge tbe eatben/a Hvotottblin ft lan* fceatben Btalfo fcatrebrm/ft big bjafiefi e* bejs aboute.lgafne^tbCUBrengtbftanne aiipebpon aimoBcafneg ainaibairew: of ft Ring of BabflS/a geuc gimniBftoeatb ftiisbotoejj fbalbebjofiebotonc toft g rofioe ^inbigbgoe.butltoiib^eabePbataodatme tbo?om oiittbeianbe. cbenalltbepeople w fotbathefl)aiibotticit befo^ebimpcteouC* of tbeiSbelbai goftombW Bjabotoe/afo; '^ iMificatoounbebman. - fafiebim.ttcibenbeififallen/altliefouWoC* f w% torn ttabritrn ttje fignge of sabp f a(BMlfk tbponbiin/aaltoiiwbeaBen of tbe

3 *

of t\)t ww ftan go aboute amsgebis b?aa cbcS:fotbatftombencefo;tb/notreitii&gt;toa-tetlhallattapnetobWbPgbneOe/HQjtcacb tits toppe bnto tbe cloufirs/ nettier Qiall en? cwoftbetoatera&amp;befobpe/asbebatbbone. 4fo; onto beatb (bal tbep all tie belpuewDbn* bettbeeattb/9 so botone toQe graue/ if be -overmen. f so?oufr/fbu*ranet&amp;tbeE,d;6oDtfn tbebape tobenbe goetb botone to tbegraue/ 9topll caufealamentacponto bemaoe/ 1 topil couet tb e or pe bpon Dim /I topi l Oafi eg btsaouDes/anbrbegteatctoaierstballierc. fl csfgneD , 1 all caufe Jtt'bamts to be fo _ - toutWojbiSfa&amp;e/anbailtbetteesoftbe SSfSl, feme (ballbe fmptten. 3 topll mafic $ $ea cattbpmbotorieto&amp;eil/toitbtbetbatDefctn*-

be in to tbe pptte.aili tbe trees of tfDert/ toitb all $ cboftnanobeft trees of jUbanus /pre 9alltbeptbatareplariiebbpontbetoattrs/ - foall mounte toitb bint alfb in lotoet b &gt; o bifacp onS-.foj tbep Iballgo oototie toljtli a btm/bnto tbe tbat be aapue tt tbe ftocaroe/ toBicb oteelt afoje briber tbe (baaota ie of t^ss atmeamongefbe0eaiben.cotobomlbalt. tftou be ipefieneb / tbataufoglo#ot aiia greate/ amonge tbe trees of &lt;ben J yet art tftou cafl botone bnoet tbe eattb ( amSge tbe trees of &lt;ben)tobere tboumuujpe amonge bncitcwncpfeD/ toitb tbem tbat be flapne tbeftoeame.tfuen tbus is it toitb feaarao 9 all bis peopie/fapetb tbe'jLotfc ceob. tn&lt;X^c p;opI?f te f eSmaunbcJ) to betoajle JBftntaa tllfhyngof^aVP^PJepUKJtttittjatDcasuccyoii A) all tomt nto jyp ' 1 8 o.:a' t tic ftp Kg of je au y 13 . Cbe.iewij.Gbaprer. fttbejeii.peare/ tbe fpjttbape of tbe.w&gt;.flgonetft/tbetoo?6eof tbe lotf cam bnto rae/faping ; cbou . fonne of roan/ ta&amp;e top a lamenta* cton bpon Pbara o tbe Sprig of gppte/anb fapebntobumcbouawteputebasailpon oftbe$eatben/anbasatobalfilb in tbefee. Cbou eaOeatbp toarets aboute tbe /tbou tnuHefi tbe toatet* toitb tb? fete/9 OSpett - * * fottefcflouw*.&amp;u0ttfflji4WDtea &gt;5.-fc totllfpjeof mpnctoueef/namelp/agreate *tft. , muWtubeofpeopie:tbefe(bailbttuetbeiri tomppame/fo;3) totil catttbebpon lanb/ 9lettbelpebpontbefeioe/tbatall$foule* oftteap;emapefptbp5ibe:3!topHgeueau' tbebeaOesoftbefetoesnougboftbe. dm ~tlelbtopllfcattbp3tbebpne8/3fpiiSb&amp;i. . * lepeStt tbpbpgbncffe#topll toatcr lanoe -. ..- topm tbegbounbaunceof tbpbloube eue"to

1 i .;. tbemountapne*/9tbcbaKep eg (ball be full ffiSW* "ftbe.tSbentbouartputout /'} topll couee 39cMS.t. &amp;eaue79 mafte b is Oarer* bpmme. 1 * topi! fp;eoeacloube ouer 5 &amp;umte/9 5 flSJoone


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JballnotpjeuebeerjaW. antbelrgfttesof Oeauentoslllputoutoueetbe/anobjpiBe oarebneffe tope n tbp lariw/ favetb tbe )Lo? w &lt; o o . 3" to jli trouble tbe betted of man p peo&gt; ple/tobtn|b;(ngetbp oettruccvon am&amp;ge tbe Kcatbe countteeff/tobS tbau fine toeft

not.fe e 3 totfinia&amp;e man; people tttbeic fifttgesfoaftaceb tbo?otoe tbe/tbat tbeic beatee (bal (taoebp/tobel ffiafie mv fto e am at tfjeit faces. ^obenlf (ball rcjey be allon* . nseo/euetf maninbcmfelfe / attbebageof tWfaii. if o? tbus fape tb tbe %DM &lt;pob: tbe 6? n g $ oftBabtfonsftoearoelball come bpon tbe/ toitb the ftoeatoes of tbe toojtbgrs topll 3 fmpte botone tbp people. Mi. turn tbatbe mtobtfe amonge tbe &amp; tnt sit S/ (bail to&amp;Qe tbep;oube pompe of Egvpte/ anb b;snge ootone all bet people, an tbe catellalfo of Cgppte to? lig besrore/tbattljcf wall come nomo;e bpon tbe toatetfsfo tbat netbet mSst fctener beaaesclatoe'/ (ball Sere tbem ens mo?e.cben toyllj: mafie tbef* tvaters clea te/anbcaute tbeir floubes to vfine lifie c jie/ rare tb 'tb e to?oe oo-.toben 3 mafie $ lance of cegvpte befolate/ano toben tfte countvett ailtbatistberin/lbalbelaf oetoafte: 9 tobS 3 fm vt e all tbem tobtcb otoell in It/tbat tbeg niatefinotoe/tbatgiamtbejLojtie. cbJB'if tbe moumpnge / tbat tbe oaugbtei'S of tbe ^eatben (ball mafie:?" ee a fo;oto sno lame* 9 tacp on (ball tyev t aft e buy boon Cgypte anb all ber peopic/fafetb tbe x&amp;br ob. 3ntbr4#,Fean/fbr,)ft.MEe of fbeO^O' netb/came tbe too;be of tbefcojoebneo me/ factngecbou fonne of man .caftebpala* mentaef on bpon tbe people of Cgjpte/ anb _, ^ . caft tbem ootone/yee a tbe m?gbt?e people S^f^i, of tbe eatben airo/ cue to?tb tb? tbat btoell www* bcnetb-.anbto(tb tbem tbat go botone in to graue. otone ( bote f m e f o euer et)o u be) anblapetbetoitbtbebncftcumctfebjmttae tbofetbatbeoatne toftbtbe ftoeatbe/ (ball tbeslye. beftoearueis geutnalrebp/be (bail be D?atog fo;rtj anb all bid people, coe migbtic to b;t bK s anb b b elperjJ / tbatbe gone botone anb fye toitb Hit bncftcumcf feb atoitb tb? tbatbe Oatne toptb tbe ftoeatbe: flialifpeafietobimoutof tbebeir. anbieistbereairotoitbb^cBpanf^imb/p tbele graues tounoe aboute/ tobpebtoere* flatmes fel all toitbtbeftoeatbe/tobofegtauesifebefsbebim in tbe lotoe pptte.^fe comenu are burieo eouhbe aboute b?S graue: alltogetbee toounbeb anb flarne tow&amp; tbe ftoearoe/tobicb mf afoje tymtr b;otigbt I :&gt;

reintotbeianDeoffbelpunnge. , cberei)S(CIamalfotoitba^bWpeop^e/(l|&lt;wJi* , tbeirgraues ro0oeaboute:tobf cb allbepna*' *^ toourioeb anbflasne bitty t&amp;e ifrfatDe /a*e gone


l "J


- fl

fftaet ^ gorteUbtone bneirctincifetibnoer tbe eartb/ tt^FC^ neucttbeles Comtgme b^ougbt feate in to tbe lanae of tbeipupge: fo;tbe tobveb taebeatetbeir(bame /toitbtbe btbectbat be gone ootone to tbe graue. $ belt burpausgeuen tbem anb aitbeie ^ people / amonge tbem tbat be datne . cbeiv graues arc rounoealioute al tbem/tobieb be bnclrcacifeu / ^toptb tbe tbat be Oapne tl)o* toro tbe Ctocarfr fo? fepng tbat in tpmespaft tbepmabe tbe lanoe of tbe ipinjnge afcapeo/ tbepmuftnotobearetbeic atoneoiame/to tbemtbatgoootonetotljepptte/alfeamog

tbem /tbat beaape. Cbeeeis ^efecb alfo atibcubai/^fbev; people/ 9 tbeit graues to uae aboute, b ef e al are amogetljebncivctlcpreb/ 9 tbe tbatbe flape )BiW&lt;i tbe t toearoe/becaufe afo?e tpme tbep mane tift lanbe of $ Ipupng a f rar eo. ^buioe not tbegtlitn Ijeall'o amonge f : totctbpes / anb bncircuncpf eb pauntes i tobieb top t b tijeit toeapens are gone botone to b elhtob dfe f w mm are lapeobnoee tbeir beaues/ tobofetoicfteDneffeisbpontbcirbO' nes:becaufetbatas toojtbpes / tbep batte b i ougbt feare in to tbe lanbe of tbe (puingei fee amoge ib e bneir cuci feo fit) aiettjou be oe tttopeb/ ano fleye toitb tbem'/ tbat perptyeb tbo;otorbeftoearDe. &lt;5 sbere is tlje lanbe of CBom U bet binges ?'* * anb pjinces alfo / tobtcb toitb tbeit fttengtb S* T atelapeobptbem tbattoere Oapne toitb tije w ftoearbe/peeamongetbebncircuncpfeD/9 tbem tobtcb are gone botone in to tbe pptte. fflStoeouer / tbete be all tbe ponces of tbe nojtb/toptballtbe S&gt;tbonpanS/ tobieb ate I -'. gonebotonetotbeflapne, &amp; . itb tbrit feare 9 ttrengtb tbepate come tocorifufion/anblpe tbere bncircuticpfco/ amonge tbofe tbat be Oapne ft tbe ftoeatbe: anbbeare tbeit atone (bame/toftb tbem tbat begone botone to pptte.i&amp;oto tobanPba* tao feptb tbis / be (bal be comfo?teo ouer all ppS people/ tbat (S Oapne toitb tbe ftoearDC: botb Pbatao anb all bps booft / fapetb tbe ?lo;be (S5ob.f o? 3! baue geuen mp feare in lanbe oftbelpupng.tfut^bataoanbalbPS people al ipe amonge tbe bnciwunciRO/9 amonge tbem tbatbe Oapne toitb ftoearDe fapetb tbe &amp;o?be&lt;ESob. Cbe ktttO) out tfte office of a tutatc tW pj eflclietb tlieOBoCpell. ^canfl)enctl) tfcemteat tjftawM! toiocnett) tljf toitb fijcpjomesofmcHp.astbefiB* mci tyu^ttecenca I)tlpett)not ttje rygl|ttot0'yt bc 8eu c ijp m ftlfe ngnyne to fy nnctfo tfie eymieaoone Ue* jjeatcnot impufeo to^ toytbcD tliatamKiet^. Cfte. toojaeoftDeloj&amp;agaynftf winnaunt of t^cpcople. ajjayna t^mocbew of t&amp;e toojSw of tftepjopStW*



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, ifc- ;


(tBapie/t^c too?ti Of t^c]io;u came 38 bnto me/ avenge; cljoufonne of an/^peafie co ttjc tl)i\mt oEtljv people/? tell Idem : i^arx3ifenDe a ftoearaeDpon alanoe / jf tije people oftlje lanDetaReamanoft^eircountte/ (jfetWm to be tOf ft toatcfynamf fame manitoljau fte *** feptlj fteltoearae come tpon tljeianoe ) (Dal blotoe ti)e teompet/s toarne ei&gt;e people, tf amamioto&amp;eare tijenoyfeoftoe ttopet a no totll not be team co/ ana ttj e I to eawe come ano tafie Utm atoave : !)}# blou&amp;e fijail bebponU^atone beao; fo?bel)Cjetljefofia of t'jetrompet / 9 tooioenottaheljeoe/ 1&amp;' fo;ef}fcbIouBebebpon(jpnt.3Buti;fijebiji

receaue toawinge/lje all fane ty$ jgfe, 3igajne/pf tbe toatcb mS fttljetoeaco come anb (ftetoei'tnottoftbtbetrompet/ fotbat 58 peoplets not toatneo:vf tbe (ttteatDe come tben/ano tafie env man Eromamonge tbem: tbe fame fljall betafienatoat?em \\y$ mm fpnne/ bntbpS bloube tol3 l mviw of tbe toatcbiban^DanDe. 3Dnb ndto ( fl&gt; tbou fonne of man ) gf &amp;aue tgjrt^*fc inauetbeatoatcbmanbnto tl)e boufeofgif* raemtbat tobere a# tfj ou beared mf tbpnge out ofmpmoutb/tboumapett teametbetd 011 mp brtjalf e.g 1 ? 31 RP^ bnto toicbestbou topcftfD/tboufljaltftuelpope;^ tbou geueffi b^mnot toatnynge /tliacbe mape betoavre of bEtfbngoaiy toaye-.tben ojall tijeto? cfteb o^e in \M atone fpnne / bat 10 btott&amp;e topi! 5 tequp^e of tbp ^anbe.j5euettbeie{pf tbou toame tbe topcfieQ of ty$ teape/ to tutne (tS it /tobere a# I) e pet totll not be tumeb from it tDenaallbebse becaufe oeopsj fpmie /but tbonbaaueipaereatbpfoule. &amp;)tfJto/i ( f$) tDou fonne of man ) fpeafte^ bnto tbe boufe oegiftaetfe fape tb^: ti&gt;utv a ' offences anb fpnneis ige bpon b?/ anb toe be co?mpttmtbem:botofljuloetoetbenbete* Oo?ebbntolpfefeUtbem:aisiti;ulpa0llpfi iie/fapetbtbe Ho?De^oD/3! bauenoplea* CiivdntbebeatboftbetotcfteD/butmocbra^^ji,^^ tljertbattbetoicfteDtutneftombpStoape 9^ y Ipuc, cunie poti / tutne pou from pout bn* gouiptoapeg / pe of tbeboufeof gftadl, j0b/tobetfo?etopilpeape!f ^ h mh mwt onne of man/ tell tbe ebpitwn of^wW***tbp peopie:cfte t; pgb tuoutw; of $ ttgbf uous Q)alinotteuebpm/toban(oeuer betutnetb atoape bnfaitbftillp:lgapne/ totcneoneffe of tofclieD alitot bubim/ toDan foeu be conuertetb from Or 3 bngoblpn e ffe . ainbtberpgMuoufnefK of tbe tpgbtuotut ftalinot fauebpsipfe/tobanfoeuer beftn* netb.lf 3! fape bnto tbe tpgbtttou? / tbat be iu an fUreip ipue/anti fo be ttuft to W atone rpgbtuoufitefle/anU Ho fpnne; tben (bail bp* i^luouftiefle be nomo;etbougbt won/ but&lt;n



C!)e $?op|}ecpt

butin tbe topefcecneffe tbat be batb&amp;onebe fonneofman/tbecbplb?e*oftbp peopl e tbat J0 all bpe.aigapne/i&gt;f 3! fape bnto topcbeb: talc Etc of me/bptbe toalles 9 tn tbe do?c* of tbou Qjalt fureip byrs fo be tunie from bis melt Boufc0/fapmge one to anotber:&l t;tome/ fprnies/ 9 00 tbe ttjtngetijat ts mtsfullanD Mosbeate/tobattoo?oe i0goi.efort&am p;ftom rpgbt^n fomocb tbat Sterne toicfteaman tbe tojbe .fltfteft come bnto tbe/ after tbe. geuem me plebge agapne/ re ao;e t b tijat be m anet of a greate people : see m; people baD.teBmatoapebprobberp/toalcbetbmS fptDotonebefo^eme/anbbearetbptootfes/ cSmaunbementes of Ipfe; 9 bofbnoto?3ge: but tbepbo not t&amp;evafter.f win fflct r mourns a ^oto tfjt btfi all be fureip lpue/9 not bpe.f ee me t&amp;ey trjetoe mem femes/a s tbougb tbep toe* Wfi,' fti" 1 ** * at bebar&amp;bone/&lt;&gt;*flrcil neuer be teferuent/buttbefcb erte gcem after tbric

mm 1 nStab tbougbt bp8:&lt;f 0? m Co m ocb 80 be botb note atone couetouS lucre Jnoa* a baler ft. barb tett/iohe i tfie ttjtnge mat is latofull anbepgbt/be ujart a ftoete tune/anb is pl earaunt to fpge / to fo; c m i#&gt;t. ipu e.3 no p ct m e ttymm of mp people fape: alt tbou be onto me s mp to otfies mai tbeY *&amp;a?tw. cu(b/tbetoflfeoetbeiLO2bei0notrigbt/ Beareybuttbeptoilnotboffletafte r.iiBban to&amp;erea0tbelr atone toaseturatber bnwgbt. tW commrtb topaffe(fo; lo/ft c5met binoe lEbetbertgbtuousminem fro bisiigb- beitbe al tbep finotoe/tbat mere batb bene cuoutaeae/aooetbir&amp;ingetbat&amp;tofCBeo/ ap;ppbe(amongetbem. Be allope merf oje.Sut p $ topc&amp;eb turne c9gl na vmpm am cutat tbat t&gt;tft&gt;( ktbe S 'ft latofull fjtfgbt/be Q)ailpuetberfo?e.y et mtiwMWWBMwmtotWi sGre teem - ecaw:tbetoawofrbe)LiMbettnoteQiiaU. "* ^ngr*wn of * oneofpouafterb.0toape0. Cbe.w*.Cbaptet.

1 1 *i

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JBbtbetoojoeof &amp;o?oe earaebni tome/fapmg;bou fonne of mff/ Wopbecp agapnft 0)epbe rceg of Sfrael / p;opbe(*fpeaiiO)ntorBf: ? t5.B,j 1

.." * mtbejrtj.peawt&amp;e.b.oapeofrBe.ic.ntO' netb of oure eaptpupte/it bappeneb/ g one tob** toajsflebout of Jerufelem/came bnto me/anb fapbe :t&amp;e cptp ei0 Dearopeb.J9oto ,._ ,... . . tbcbanbeoftbep?bebaDbenebponraetbe 7^^Ui&amp;S^Smb!S^^t$S euenpngafojetbismKtobicbtoaeefcapeD) 0)epbntieiSofjfrael/tbaS camebntome/ababopenebmpmoutb,'bn mtmi^SSSSmSff tpllttiemo?nttigtbatbecametonie:febe TefHm&amp;SSlStSmmSSaai . opewbtnimoutb/fotbat91toasnDmo;e tbeMtoftbtKrrS^^^ bomme.bencametbeii)0)Deoftbejlo;oe fla?ne;buttbe0oc8ebauewnS ' bntome/afaEDeicboufonneofman/tbere ^btbmmumnmo]SSiat&amp;t taSfiSS?"? ranoeof aftael/fat e: S vmBSBS 11 ^ 3b;ab5toa0butoneman/bebaorbelan6e bMros^/rVontctiSEwS in pofeD^omnotoaretoeraanp/aiberantie. ft^wrtf aSSS BffittSStouoffi ijIpem.cbHgraFetbt&amp;eXo^e^ntbeblouoe cbugaretbeiircarrebbereanbttecetatifh.


~*8B6BftSffliS ?wSS^asS

&lt;W sum: Hteiiioft maehm Stonsc bonce j oennto/ ftKsSS^SrmomSiffSSJ *.... Ja ItKorUKptlHIniBjfo, Jtojll matt S53fflBffi wffiffiiSSI 2L2-mS-2t , * w J raafie ^ e ,anbe toa0c - tbe ftcpbetoesJ Qiall fene tftrni mut &amp;m anbbefolateybecaufe of afitbefc abomwia- moje : 2S tSSiKS S! fSSSS cfoft0/tbattbtftwurto;ouo|f.a no S , ott R|/!?SiSKS

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1' f ' "

iv -

?0tl)em after tbfe* 4f o? tftus Cajrtft trje 3Lo?e aawllfinotoe/tbat|antr{jex6joe yfebi)di&lt;-* fcfr fBoU:38e(jolDe/l tofl! lobeto mp Oiepem? baueb;oftentljeir l?orte/anbbclmer ehrt2 Kft t. ft/fbctbe.)ttfiea0aajfpberbcanionge oureoftbebanoegoftbofe/cuatijeKiethrtrt ^' fc tbeflocfierefietb after ft ftepe tbat are fca* mfubieccpon. y*tneni .tereo ab?oflfie/euenfotorK3!ftReafterniii cbeplbalnomo?ebefpoPleb oftbeffien* ftepeyagatl)ettbemtogetberoutofallpIa t&amp;en/netoeuoiiKDt&amp;tbebraftegofftiai i&amp;ei mt&amp;m tbe Daue bene fcatre&amp;fti clou* but rafel j? (ball tfjei- Dtoe ll / a no no m fliall bj?anbbarcnebaife. atotfibtfngetftemout ftapetbem.3 1 tomfctbpanewelientPiSite from all people / anbgatber tbein togetber f 0; tbem/ro tl)pp ffiaii fuffrc no wo ie bun* outofallaiie0.gitoub^ngtbcnuntotbeir germ g latiDe/rittberbeaietberepMeof ft atone lanbe/anb fe oc tbcm bpon tbe tuoun- eatben tay rao;e. cling (hall me* bttM b Ia|!ne0of3:fiaei/bptberi?utr0/ontiinait Qimtt%m%omc obamtttbtm/ plactpof tbe countre.| tofll feue tfte inrlgjt Q$tt}ty{mt tbe boufe ofSftaeUarct itpW raelJbaltbeiefolcepbe.cbtrelbartbeFlie flocfie/FaretbeqjepeofmypaeureSI toa goobfoloe / ma fat paftute Wltbci am sotnr coD/ftseqi tbe %qm co. p&gt;l&gt;l*ol)Hlo;Or. v ttcbe.wrb.fibapter, ^eouer.tbewo^eoftljejLo^e came bnto me/fai&gt;i&amp;:boti itmie 35 of man/ fame t&amp;y face totoavoc i mount ^&gt;eir/p?opbecv bpon it/ sfaEebntoit^busfapttijtijt %om eon) J8e||oloe(tl)oumoHiit^tiB)3.toi)iU)pon tte/3 tojUreacboutmfnebamjeoun me/ pee toaft e ano bcl'oiate tori 1 n mane , c tj g c?tie0 topllj b;eabebotone/$tbcu tttaltlf c bopoe:g tDouma]&gt;ft finotoe/ bote g a amt&gt; Ho/oe.jfo; tomoctjaetbou beared anolbe

enempte agar nil tbe timm of Hfraer/anfl toitbacmelb-oebattmace tbcm afrapeb/ tofiat tpnie ng tbtp toere ttoubleb ano pu* ntfteb fo? tbetr f?nne:cbetf o;e/ *as ttul? is 8031 isue/fapetB tbejlo/be mb/% toiil p;f. utumm pare tbe bnto bloube/ tee bioubtmeifgicto m^am*9 bntotbim: JBcbolbe/3trUftier tbe fatt bps tbeifeiiigtboutopea toajte ft? Wottbe/ * **"* ffiepe from tbe leane: (0? fo mo ib a0 ie baue tl)erfo;e (ball blouoe perfecute .b ir0 toiil Djot tbe toeafte Qiepe mnWIWn tftouu % mabe tl&gt;e mount $ieirDeCoiate a toafte &lt; $ ber0 /anbiunne bpon mem tottbwureboj' b^Bngetopaffe/tbattberctballnoraangoo ne0/ fo longe tpll ft baue btterlpfcatreb tb5 tbi?mer/ner come from tbence . i?0 moun* ab;, tofll belpemplbepe/fo mat fflc? tapnegtoplijfplltojtbbwaasne men:tb (b8iinomo?ei)efpopleb:Fee3 topllbpfcctne b?He0/bale0s bailey ftalllse full of tb ?/ oneOjepeaomanotber.gitoFllrasfcbpbn* iareaasnetoitbtbeCtoearDe.gjtoflmaBc tijeaperpetualito^bemeae/fotbatnomaii Oiaiibtoeiiin tbpcstt'c0: g pe ma^e bnotoe/ bototbatgiamtbejlo;be. 3nb becaufe tbouljatt rapb:tobat/ 6 *botb C tbeft naepon0 an&amp;borb tbefe \m&amp; mult be i&gt;GQae fs tf

fbem to mei'r re it/ far etb tbe jHo;be Cob. ^ocba0beloQ/to{ll|fe.e:focba0goa&lt; ftrape/totl 3 b;toge agajne:focb a0 be toofi* l beb/toilt a b ptioe bp:focb a0 be toeafie / toiil a maBc utoge:focba0 be fat toelllpblng/ tbofe toiil I p;eftrue/amj febe mem toitbtbe t&amp;mge tbat 10 1 auf ull.3 nb as fo; \ ou ( &gt; my , . C fflepetfapetl) tbe JLoz&amp;r fl-obg ^1 put a t&gt;\U Hiwt, ftrenceamongetbefteper'amongetbe toe* mer0 anb tbe gcate0 . nsa0 it not pnougb fo? pouyto eate bp tbe goob patture/ butpe nm a tteabe botonetfierefpoueof pourepa* Our toitb pout fete alfof mat it not ftwigg f o? pou to D;incbe cleave toater/but pe mutt trouble tbe reftbue slfo toitb poute fete! Cbu0 mp Ojepe mu a be fapne to eate tbe tbpnge/ tba t pe bauetroben bonne \b poure rteyatoo;fcftcit/tbatpe\bpcurefetebaue befiieb. b. am, thus fapetb %w ob

totljem one onlp Qiepberoe : euen mp ft r jjfuaunf^auiobcajallfebetbem/eibefljal r J29SS"* betbeirtbepbetbe.ltbejLo?betopilbetbep? I ft^ffi&amp;'ob/ii&gt;mFftruauiit J^auibOjailbetbeir 1 m* ioattifc/ P?mce;ucn % tbe Hofot baue fpoben it.

bftauiei)ftois flo?eoucr/gstopllmafte acotienauntof nipne/a 3! toiil baue ft)e" in poaeffion/tobw tt,rt/1ul,aatl * HtftW lace biitb tlm/ 9 b?puf al euel beaOe0 out a0 Ho?6toa0 tbere.cberfoje, tfau ja fapetb ymu mli cateof oftoelanue: fotbattbep mape btoeiifafelp tbeX,o?bed5ob:3i0tru!p n0|, Ipue^topll . ,Wlo. aoccbitbetoplbernenef anoaepemtbe rooMw. Banme tbeacco;bpngetotbpto?atba noge I tWwD8.foobfo?tunep;ofpet&lt;tetollf geuetbem/ .oufp/lpfiea0oubattbealtcrueHp tttb^ s anbbntoalltbatbetounbeaboutempbPU. tbafimapebebnotoenamongetbem/boiD aip^ofperou^ajotoerarapnetotllaftnbe abauepuniDjebtbe.feeanbtljattboualfa tbem in Due fearon/tbat tbe trees f n tbe toob- mapett be fure/f % JLo?bbaue ber oe all tbe be mapebnns fo?tl) tbeir{rute0/ f grofioe befpptefull too?besytob&lt;cb tbou ball fpoBm bertnci;eafe.;!)fpuja!befafeintbeltfaiib/ agapntttt^mountapne0of3rrarl/fti&gt;mg:



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jlo/t&amp;epateraabe toatte /a geucnos to be* uouK.cbustoiJtbpoute moutbes pebauc nrnpse pome boott agapntt me / pec aim muitppipeo poute p^ouoe toojoes agapntt -(!* t me/tobP#paue&amp;ett&gt;ealtogetbct.ibete * w *' bnto / tbusfapen) tye &amp;o?be od : toben tbe tobole io?iDe is in toeam)/ tt) en torn J mafi e tfte toafte JnDitfie as tbou( moat &gt;ep?) toad glab / beeaufe tbe here cage of boufe of 7 traell teas .be 1 o p eo : e u en Co topll loo

Clje ^p^opljecpe


.' :



m&amp;abiteb/atbeoecapefiplacejtftalbcttpa* kd topi p;o'upoe sou to mocb people atiQ ea t e 1 1; tob t c D ft all m cteafe a b?pnge ftute-31 toil tetto;e pou aifo to pout oio (date atbetoepoumojefimoncs ttjen euetjebao befo?e:tobetbppe fljaisnotoeytbat 3j am tbe )L.o jd z .y e e people topll 3 renbe b n to pou ( mp f olfte of 5f fratll) tebpcb (ball baue tbe in poffefifon/a t&amp;ou alt betbefcfoberitaimce (0 tba t t&amp;ou malt nomo;e be toptbout tbmt.

tmtbtyealto/gtbouttoboleisoomftaube aigapne/tbusCapetbtbejlojbetfob: tffojfo



bftttopeb/aRnotee/tbatiiam tbe Ho;oe. Cl9p:flmffc!b ttrtfuemunf c from tljr (Benefits n to If caeU . (Stje litnpfpi eofiotic to tljt Jetot? an tone af.nbeD to tfcmmpof iBoi). not tmco t&amp;ep;te# femjngc.i5oD venuett) ottrijmea? w map ttaU# he (n bis cemmaunotmetittB . F CGbe.Wjtbj.flrbaptet. 8m^s*$ouConneofman/p?op&amp;eciebp5 f mcfltapnesofSCtaei/ acpeatie: fcate tbe toojoe of tbe n oiu 1 pemountapitesofgictaei: c&amp;ust topet$t&amp;e&amp;o)be&lt;EsoD:;eeaufepcute ene mpebatbfapoebponpomlE ba/tbebpe can* lattpnge places* ate noto become outs s p? 0= p&amp;ecptfietfoje/anbCpeaKeitbuSfapetbtbe jU?b &lt;Sob;^ epnge pe be tea fleo anottoben botone on euetp Cpoe; a become a p otteffpon bnto tefpbue of tbe entiles/ tob pel? baue

tyougbt poutn to mens mout&amp;e* a bnto an euellnamcamonget&amp;e people: cbetfoje/ beaw tbe toafte of tbe 7bo?o ob/ &gt; pe mofi tapnegofJCtaehcbuSCapetb &amp;o;dc ob bnto tbe mountapne? a (file*/ toalieps anb abales/to bopoe toilbetneaes abefoiat cp&gt; tpeS/tobpc&amp;atefpopleb/anobabiuoetiCpoii oneuetpfp&amp;e/amonget&amp;etefpoueofi&gt;l!Jea jBtfjen'jee euent&amp;uscapetbtbe jU?De &lt;esod: !Jn tbefpje of mpgeioufpbsue % taneu a oe upce/agapnttt&amp;etefpbueofme(i5entiles/a . . agapnttalltf&amp;oimtobpcn&amp;auetaftentnmp "*"* * tanbetontotbem felues fo?a poffeflto-.tobub alfotetopCebftomtbefttabolebett to aopfr , pttcful Qomacfie/to toafte ft/a to Cpopleit. :.- pyopbecptbetfojebpontbelanoeoPTC* laell/rpeafiebnto monntapne?( anbbflW/

&gt; 1

mocb a0 tbe? Cape bnto pomtbou attan eatec bp of men/a a toaQcc of tbp people :tbetfo;e tbou malt eate no mo men / netbet beaeope tbP people enp mo?e / tape tb tb e % o?6 e e od. anbl totil notfuffre tbe/ fo; to beaw tbpne atone confuCtonamongetbe entiieg from benffo?tb .cbou malt not beate tbe eep;ofe of tbe nactonss/net cad out tbpne atone peo pie enpmo?e/fapetb tbe %ow &lt;son. 2@o;eouec/tbe toojbe of tbe to;oe came bnto me/fapeng:flD tbou Conneof mnU/toM {bouCeoE^fwelbtoeltbpotbetratonegtofia tbep beftleb tbem Celue0 v&gt; tbeit atone to a teg a p m agpna cpong s Co tba t tn mp Cpgbt tb t n toape toas Ipse tbe bncienneoe of a menft wows tooman. iiabetfojel pouccb mg to;oti&gt;fuU opfpleafute bpon tbem / becaufe

of tbe blouoe tbat tbepbab meb in tt^e lance/ a becauCe of rtmt Jooltf/ tobcttottb tbepbab bef pleo tbem feiueg . 3 fcatteb tb f a if amog tbe eatben/fo g tbep tobete fttotocb about tn tbe lanoe s.lcc 02oing to tijei t toape? anb after tbe it atone irittencponU/Co bpb3 pu&lt;g npm tbem. 15 oto to u c n w p to ere gone bnto (f)t $ea* tben/ acomemamongetI)emtbcp n *Dplbc* ^^.^ nouteompbclpname: fo tbat it toast Capoe nornii.K' of tbem: 1 te t befe tbe people of e oD &gt; a tn u ft of t ij turn u go oh t of tbei'r atone iSfe^.bfn fpatebj mp &lt;o tiatpiKM bofp name/tobtcb tbeboufe of afrael babot, \S&amp; GicnoutesamongetbeOfntpies/totobom"" ,i^ tUfSS tbep came . rcberfote tell boufe of gifeaell: xSSSm w Cbttf f apetb tbeXojb oo-.g 1 . Do not tbW Co? ay annwui j pourfafieg | DouCeof ^Craell ) butfo;mp "Jjgyi

$ ttniblt \x&gt;tath.$ m fo mocft ais ?c Dauefuf*



ftebrep;ofeof$JeatbS/tbetfo?etbuj5fafetb tbe &amp;02be ooti'.gi baue Ctoo;ne/tbat @en&lt; tpltfitoljicb Ipe aboute pott/ tbal bcarepout eonfufpon tbemfelueg . anoas fo; pou( ntofftapne0 of giftaeDpe .ffial route out pour b;afi cb rf$/ a b^pnge fo?tt) pbute Crtite to mp people of 7ftael/f 0? tt te bare bp/ tbat ft toil Ccome.ftebolbe/ % come bnto pott /anb tot* .topoutofllltutneme/tbatpemapebetpu lebanofotoen.

bolp names fafte / tobpeb pe bproonouteo a= SSS^m *t monge tbe l^ea tben , tob en pe came to tbem. ipje unfapifc* beefo;e/3ftolllbaIotoempgreatenamea* wWJfc J

gapne/tobpebamonge tbe entflfgfeeuell Cpobe of.f o? pepouteCelt^bauebfmcnoureo ft amonge tbem.Snb &lt;E&gt;en titrg dial fin otoe tbat^lam tbe iLo;be /tobanlambonoureo m ou befo;e tfief t cpea/tapetfi 1$ jio?b ob. as fo? pou/ J topH tafie pou from amoge tbe {^eatben/anbgatbet pou togctber out of all connrrees / anb b?pnge pcttagapne fn to pout atone lanbe.tbe n topjl % pottre cleate

....... toatetbp5pou/9peO)albe0lene:peefr5alI , g'totlfenbe pou mocb people/tobtcftroal' your bnclenneffcanofrfi al pout 1 ? tm roar K* ; JaHflft(lBoureof3^rl^eptte0ipaw 3S netobctteaico tortl gp geue *"* Wl ? U



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rtttWtt ^ tm, /anb ttett fp;ttt tofll 9 put fnto pou: . IT aisfo; tbat ftonpbette/^ totil tafte it out of jpM.i^ f oute boDp/nnbgeuepoua Bemlp berte. f ' toili geue sup tp;ete amongepou/ anb caul you to toaiefte n mp cOmmaunbemetes / to iepe mplavoeAanb to fulffiltljem. JCnbCopeiyalltitoellintbeianbe/tbatgi gauetopouvefo;efatbers/ancipemalbemp people/ a % toftbepoure ob. a topll belpe pououtofalivoutebnclennefi'e. 1 ? topllcaii fo;tbecome/atotIlmcreafett/atotlIletpou baue no Uonget.3; topll multfplpe tbe ftutes of fbettees ^tlicmcteafeof felbefo?pou/ rotbatpeO)alibeatenomo;etep?ofeofbo get amSgetbe^earbf.cbenroallpetemc' U?epoutfltonetofcnebtoapej*/apouremta gpnacpons/tobicb totte not goou : fo tbat pe fb an tafte btfpleafure at pout atone femes/ Jjpteafon of poute fpmtes a abboimnacpSs. v 55ut % topll not bo tb&lt;S f 0? poute fafteg (Capetb G)t 7LC..7D 00) be pe Cute of 1 1 .cbetCojeyi peljouft of gctael/M aQjameb of poutfpnot;i^o?eww/tftusfapetpi)Lo?o &lt;5ob:tobnf'.f'!!iea0^(l)aHclenfepotifr5aH poute oftences/tben totil % mafie tbe cptpeg to ^ be- off upgeb agapne/ 9 topll tepap?e tbe Places ft mx- aped.cbe beColate lanue roal te mptt#i s\apne/tob&lt;cb afo?etpme lape toafte in (}( eVgrje of all tbe tbat toente bp. - ifi^en tbsMit He fapti&lt;:tb!S toafte lanbe 10 bc&gt; '.V'ionte lyU a wnbf of pleaf ute/ a tbe bopot/ 'beColate ni:t Soften botone cptpes/atenoto fltong/awn fetTeo agapne. cuen tbe reObue of tbe Qm$m tbatlpetounDeaboute pou / fballntiMir M&lt;$amtbtTlojbc/WtiW' :pap?etb(:V^!^ Soften bo ton e/ano plante

.agapne/.:!?'!:' ias.maoe toafte. &lt;um % tbe JUi?oe feu flabften ft/anb toffloo it in be be . Cftusfii, .- i) tbtJlo?be od;^ topll pet . nceWfffi*:e')':agapneoffboufeofg|Ctaei/ m.. a bplfif s tm - 1. m:% fball tncteaf e tb cm as a "* flmirofmeti TLpfieaStbebolpflocfie^tbe flpcfteof'ietmfaiemareintbcbpeCoIempne feaftfS:fo ftfiHalfo tbetoploe toaftfb cptieS D.efplleb tontft ilocnes of men : anb tbep mall ftnotoetD&amp; 1 nmtlje "to?oe. . tfiinmeittfl) (Ije B;(tiapHge ajapne of tie pftipft ' SeltiljemttU't'piiste. B fttttelfi tlje mvoa of t^t ten ttpwettUl) ciji- tvuo. ti;taiBtQf bpngd'of tljtjCtijf* fln people iitoiie/mio tbe onlvfiierlaftpng jttfitim (tftof*. V-V -.v ; ra."fte.w:j*tt&lt;itbaptefe' |)e m he of tbe 'jio?De came bp on t :! ;.. vi carpebtitf out in fp?eteof iil)?;a.o?be/anb!et me botone fn a ptapne felbe/S lape full of bones/ s a be lebiw muto about bp tbetma beljoioe/ tbeftonegtOflfciapebpotbcfeiDe/toetcbetp manp/ami;uclousb?pealfo.benfapiiebe :hnto"me;iiOoufonneofman:tbinftefttbou .tbefeboiu^mape lpueagapnef3!anCtoetec:

*4m r * -



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Ex .' iff 1 *

bnto me:|9?op(jecp t (*oi.i bp0 tytfc bentg / 9 rpeBe bntotdem: &gt; cb;ire bomct/nniteae too;bc of tftc )Lo;W . i;0 fajct^ tt)c )} v 02Dc 4^ 06 bnto ef)f fe bones : VMiqidiv '3! topll put v bKfl^^lfopou/t()fle^?cmfl}?!peiftomgeu&lt;; , otofpiiotoe?/?*maaeeftjHvotobp5 pou/ court; pou mw to(t^ tlmtie^To geu^ pou ^t e j,fe b?etJ)/ttatpem^lptie/^nrilui()toe/fiiae 3 mtee)Lo?De* iHeJnDa0a^a^p;^pfjcpftip/R}^e^me a nopfe anb a pesife xiwvoK/tf efwajj^ bo.: tiesi tanne euetp one tn mmim&amp;m mm aeaB^^bpoH^emian&amp;f4boi5et5ep^B^ couereb toftH ffipntie/init ttjetefef^wo b;ei fn ^e.cfjenfapoe Ijt; wttometcoou fofiinj

ofraan/p;opi)eci?eeftoucfltoaaejetopin5es * p;opi)ecp/9 twm t&lt;) t topim; mm mum . t^ejLo?6e 0ob:conie(4) tim ap^)ftwn rlje foute topnDW/mwibiotop bponrt)eft Bapney c (Ijateftepnirtpbe^art;ei,itolpft.^o'|p20' pherteb/fljslje f$n ctixmmmnmtym came vb;ctb*nto^e/eeljeptoaueDlpe/ftoDe , - ' t&gt;p bpo fljctr fete/a ntautelou0Bi:eateto;te. fl0o;eouer/5et'apDibhcome:ffl:i)oufonne &lt;)fman/t\)t(c bonc^ at *tl&gt;e toftole IjoufeoE &gt; ^Crael^eiioiDe/t^pfape-.fiOui'eboneaat'c ,"" 1 b?pebbp/ouKel)ope Wpne/iue aieciene cut of.^^eifo?ep?opIjecpe^ou/ 9 fpeafiebmo totutftBLv tb?:t()n0fflpfti)tr|e^o;beoii:3ae&amp;t)ioe/gi ww iDilIopepoutegvaue^(&lt;B)mppeopie)a6e pou out of pouw fepulcraj / 9 b;inge pou fn totbelanDeof ^ftaci agapne. &gt;o (baflpe liitoto tftatf am t\)t %o$ t ia$m j ope pout grauesJ^tyingepou out offl)e. ^pfp;ete rtICotDplig!putinpou/6tpefljaHlpue:ltor fet poti agapne tn poure a\ne lanbe / ano pe Hiall Motot/ 1 31 am tl&gt;e *i.o?be/to[jic5 ^aue fapoe it/9 ftilHIIcD it in aebe. cfje too;De oftljeHo^De came bnto me/ fapmge-.tfjoufoime ofman/tafiea ftpeftej to?pte bt&gt;'on it: nto ?u&amp;a ?to cue cl?piD;f of %tiatU0cm\panm&amp;Mt)mtaitfmQtim fticle/8 lt)?itebpon ituanto 3!ofepH ftocft of epl)2atm/ 9 to all t\)c ()o ft oid e of 'f Tvaei Ijtg companpo^.ainDt^tahe botlitbefeto* getfterintljpne Danbe/fo alltljeiebe onecj , (tpefie &gt;ecotj9oto pf tf)e e^tlD;e of tljppco* plefape bntotl)e:topIttftouipt Qjetoe W tol)attboumeaneft bptfjeft^engeuet^ t^feant\et:e:tbufapetl) %oM ob:be* ftolbe/^toiutafietlje ttocTrof^orcpl&gt;/tol)f^ ij3 in tbe ftanbeof p!);aim 9 of tbe tribes orflMteOb ^fvae!^felotee^/3tomputtf)ltoftoc6 bf^ufia/^mafietbf oneftOEfte/* tfjep Jftali bebneinmpbanoe.Hinb^ttooKpcfteiStoftere bpon ftouto?pteft/ fl)aJtioul)min'n tbpne (janD/tftatrtjepmapfe/^fbaitfapebntot&amp;e: 331; CftttH '

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jjaagog, ? j? efiusrapefot^fcoibeeJoofoebolbe/ anwngefoel&amp;eflfoe'/nmoto&amp;ofoepbegone/ a wpil aat^ec foem togertj cr on eue tg ffoe/ a b;m ge foem agaftie into foeit atone iaoe: fee 91 topilmabe one people offoemtntbe lanDe/bponfoemountapne0 at iftaei/anb foepaiifoanbauebutoneBpng.cbepfoaii -&gt; nomo;ebetmopeopic0ftom ^Icefo^/ne* foetbebeupbebintottoo fipngDomes-.foep (ball alto Defile tbefelue0n omo;e nufo foeit abbompnact? ois/jooleis/a all foeitmicBeb* boinge0. 31 tDtit^eipe tucm out of ail foeit btoellBngpteces/tobetintbep bauefpnneb: ano to vi l (o clenfe to era; foat (be? foatbe me eopie/93Sfoeit&lt;oo. ' . . $ auibmpretuauntlhalbe foeit fungys )rb.w&lt;#.B foep allfoattbaue one foep&amp;ctoe onlp.rcbtp 3*a.*fc fftatttoalcBe in mp latoeg/ 9 mp cSmaunoe* mete* foaHfoegbofo&amp;epeano fulfil.Cbep foallotoeiiin ianoe,foat31gauebnto3;a' cob mn reruattt/tofim as some fattens al* fo baue btoelt.yee euein foe fame law all

foep/foett mm 19 foeit ebiMt* cbiio;en bfeell fo; euctmojeanb mp fctuatit amo foalbe foeit euerlattmg pnnce.&lt;Jl[)o;eouet/ 9 topllmafie a bonne of peace topfo foem/ tobifo ftalbebntoformancuctlaapngcco' &gt; topllfatlefoealfo/anbmuitiplg foem/mp &gt;anctuatp topll 3 f et amBge tbe fo; tuetmo;e. mv bmellpnge *albe toptf* - . tbcm/pee3.toplfbefoeito&amp;/anbfoepfoall bcrnp people. &amp;u0foe ^eafoenalfo (ball Bnobji/foatl foeHo;be am tbe bolp mafict of 3 l frael:mbe' mp &gt;Sctuarp foalbeamoge foem fo; cuetmo ;e. * C@cp;bpQe(pcif) tfyit j^og anb ftagosfenllcomr tothanappopnteoboRcmtotbclanOeof p;omrs. bcirentcnt.&amp;eicbcrKtb^battbccSmpngofjfog , toaoljcfo:cp;opI)ccicDoft(icp?opbctc3.fli;i)cDcOcHc cjon of bjm. CJ&amp;be.Wjcbro'.tf&amp;aptet. ijSb tbe too;oe of tbe Sortie came w __Jbntome/raplnge:botifomieof a Hffl^wjman/tutnefljp facetotoattte og _.... Jin tbe lanbe of fipagog/tobpfofe tbectiefe p?wce at apefecbanti cubal:p?0' c&amp;.tw*. pbecpagapnftbfm; 9 fape:3rbu0 fapetb tbe jLo?oe ob:CD ogfoou foefe p;fnce fl9e apocau. jrjr.c. fecb 9 Ctibaltbebolbe: topi! bp on tbe/anb topntutnefoe-aboute/anDput a bpttfofop foatoe0 -.% topllb;p nge tbe fo;fo a all fopne boott/bofo &amp;o;feanb bo?fme n/ tobf eft be all toeapeneb of tbe belt fafl)S: a great people/ foatbanblc aitogefoetfpeatw/ftplotf/anb ,~fwetijc0:foe1&amp;ettf0/$!9o;pan0 atoifofoem ^ foe U,?bfan0/tobfcb all beat* ftplbtfabel' mette0:ometanballbi0&amp;ootte0:foeboure of tfbogojnra one of foe nojtb quarters, ana ail W bootless/ see a mofo people toffo tbe.

Cde Bwp&amp;ecpe

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\M^efatt prepare foe/fct fop felffn state to tt &amp; all fop people / tbat ate come brito tbe bp &amp;eap *0/ anb be foou foeitbefence. a ftet manv oateg tbou (Dale bebtfiteo/ an&amp;ln tbe latter veate* tbou Qjalt come in tol lanbe/ tbatbattj bene beatopeb tnit&amp;tbe (Watte/ a nom is tepiensQjeb aga?netoft&amp; bpnrtft people bpa tbe mofitajne* of Jftael/ttbicb Dauelongelpentoafte. frctbeFbetyongbt* outoftbenacponjj/ abtoeiiali fafe. cbou malt come bpiifcea ao;mFmetbec;to couee tbe lanoe/a'n&amp;aisit toere a oatcfte clottbc: tbou mwb all tbf ne boKess/ 3 agteatc mul* tstubeofpeopletoitbtbe. fl0o;eoueey $110 fapetb tbe W&amp;* 00: at t\it fame tpme (ball manptbinge* come in to tbp mpioe / fo tbat tbou malt jmag* n mpfcbefe/9 fapf.g toiiibp to gonuet plat ne lanbe/fetng tbep f j t at eafe/anbttmell (0 fa* fel?(fo?tbei&gt;Dtoellall tottboutan? toalleu/ tbepbaue netbet battel no; bo;ep) to fpouie m tbem/to tobbe 1 1 /to lape banbe bpon ttieir f roell (nbabpteo torlottneffeg-.agapnft tbat peopie/tbat its gatbeteb togetbet fro amoge tbe eatben/tobfebbaue gotten eaten ano BooD/anobtoeiiin tbemsouett ofttje lanbe, cljen Q}al(3&gt;aba/anbeoan/anbtbemat* cbautesi of cbatfljJ toptb all tl)cir too^fes/ faye an to tbe: JCtt tbou come to tobbef l^aft tbou ga tbe t eo tbP people togetbet/becaufe tbou topltrpople^otane fpluetanbgolbe:to car? atoajecateilanbgoob: anbtobaue a gteatep^fef Cberfoze/ tbou fonne of man ; t^ou (g altp?opbecf e /anbfaje bnto og:&lt;r bms rapettj Ho;d/ oa-.^n tbatbape tbou (bait ft noroe/g m p people of Jftael btoclletb fafe: ano (bait come from tbp place out of % no;$ pattejwboii amotb peoplerrftbtbe/tobP'^ tpoebponbo?fe0/tobetof tbete a gteate

mult* tube 3 an innumetabie f jte. fee tbou malt come bpon mp people of jfraell/ 88 a cloubeeocotiertbeiande.cbttwalcometo ***(*&amp; pafleintbe*lattetDape0;3 topiib;inge ir W u&gt;ii bp into mplawe/tbat tbe ^eatben mape* *isr finoro e me/^ben 9 get me bonoute bpo tbe wjfc pM jogybefo?etbettepf0. WW**.* Cbusfapetb tbe )Lo;oe &lt;Kob:cbouatt be/of to&amp;omgi bane fpoften afo?e tpme / bg mpfetuafites p;opbete0 ofjfraei / tobtc^ p;opbecpeti in ttjorcoapejs 9 prate / tbat % Q)ulDeb;pngetbe bpon tbem. %t tbefame tpme/toben og commetb bp in to tbe lanor ' of Jfr aei(f ape tb tbe %om e oo ) mall m p in* bpgnacpongo fo;tb(nmp to?atb.tfo?fomt? geltmfpanobote opfpieafute 3 baue&amp;eup* feb/tbat tbere (balbe a gteate trouble in tbe land of gjftael at tbat tpme.cbe be xv .ffftcn. . fo tbe fee/tbe fome of tftc apj'e/rbe beaoe^ of tbefelbey anb all i\jt men t&amp;at ate bpon tM .

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tb e eatrb / nj all tremble f 0; feare of me, be m lie0 alfo Gbaibe tutneb bp fpo doto ; ne/tbe ftap:e0 of (tone fbal fall/anb all toal* le0 dial fpnciic to foe gtounbe .9 mm cal fo; aftoeatbebponfoe in all mpmountapnes / fapefofoe %ow &lt;oa-. Cotbateuetp mans f mearae foal be bpon ano tbet , m pr^ peftp' ience anb bloube mill %. punpfo bPm: fto;mp rapnea bapie itone0/f p;e 9 b;tmUone/toil 31 caufetorapnebpSbfot aaiu^beapepeea bpon al tbat gteate people tbat iff totfo b im . Cbu0mill 9 be magntfpeb ; bonouteb/ anb anomne am nge tbe $eafoen: foep tnape be fure/boto foat 3! am foe HLojoe. C(c fljcvnettj tbe beftcuccpS of i5og ajagog. he jjcaueof j05O8* of fiiBl)oac.ecp?opb'ecictlj tbattpog I Ijia compnuv flifllbe8etiourc6ofbpjticsanO beaflcfl, W&amp;eefo;e the Ijoufe of JCtael is watteo. ff ijcie b?ftl g{ng(ago{ncfcomcaptputtpei{ip;pnwfto* gicbe.wt)c.&lt;lbaptet. tj;etfo;e tboufonneofmS/p;o ^fjt'cpeagapnft ogy anb fpea&amp;e: C)ilju0fapefofoe]iLo;oe ob:&gt;Be* $jlbe/D&lt;$og:fooucbefep;foceat efecb snu itbal/9 vnpi bp on foe/a tutne foeabout/^ tarie fo;foya leabefoefto tbe no?fo pa '&lt;&gt;':':'; ; b?fog tbe bp to^mofltapneg of jftaefl. .fes fo; tbP botneygi topll fotpte it

out of fo^ (fSfjanoe / anb caft fopne atotoe0 outof tbp:ym banbe .cbou topfo allfopne beape/arrd : : 1 f) e pe pie foat i tf foe/mutt fail bpon :i)f! iuQuncapne0 of % ft a el! , cDen tot U 3! gt'r . r bnto foe fotiiesj a toplbe bca Qe0 of foe ieM l to be beuotiveb: tbere muft " foou Ipe bpofi foe fetoc: f 0; euen 9 foe ao;be baue fpofi en ie/fapefo foe )U&gt;;be ob. 9nto ^aeog/anbamongefoofefoatfpt COcatele(fe(nfoe31le0:toing!fenbeafp;e/9 foep foal unoto/foat 9 am foe ]io;be. 9 roiil tnaae alfo foe name of mp bolpneoe to be Bnotone amonge mp people of 3 Traei: anb9 toill not u -u itipbolp name be euen fpoften of enpmo;e:lmt foe betp ^eafof alfo foal fino* toe/foatl am foe 'Ho jdc ; foe bolp one of p rael. ffiet) otoiv rt commefo/a foalbe fulfilleb fo bebe/fapefo foe ?Lo;D'0 10 bape tobetof3lbuefpoBen:^bepfoat btoellfo cptte0 of 9 ftael/foall go f o?fo a fet fp;ebpr tbe toeapeu0/9 butne foem:foplbe0 9 fpetej Bome0anbatotoe0/bplle0 9clubb(0:fetten peate0 foal foep b e butnpnge foetof/ f foat C foep foall eis b;foge n ft t eft e from felbe/ nefoet (jane Jiebe toltm botoneenp outof; foepfoafoaue raeape0pnoto tobutnt:. l&gt;ep foall tobbe foofetbat tob bcbfoenvcfflbfpoplefoofefoatfpopiebfoem liefofoe)to;be&lt;i5oo; aitfoe fame tpme roffl 1 geue bnto dfog/ a place to be liutiebin/fo|ftael:euefoe bal* lepADbete foo;oto men go from tbe eaft to? fee matce.^bofe foatttauaple foetbp/foail

a bb o?t e it.tfbiu foall og anb all bfd pe o* plebebutieb:anb(tfoalbe caiiebfoe ualiep of f people of dsog. ^euenmonefoe0ionge foaltbeboureof3&lt;ftaeibebutiengeoffoem foat tbe? mape clenfe foe iftoe.y ee al peo^ pie of foe lanoe foall butpe foem . it foall be a glo;iou0 bape/ toben ';j| get t me foat bo*

noute/fapefo foe %ofit &lt;tob,tbep foall o;-^ bene men alfo to be beeb but(et0/euet going * foo;otofoelanbe/aappopntefoemcettapne place0 to butp foofe in/ tobpeb temapne topo foe felbe . g tbe lanbemape be clenfeb . j?rom enoe to enbe foall foepfefie/aiiD foat mimo* netbe0 longe. l^ofo fo ofe foat go foo?oto foe lanb/tobere foepfe a mS0 bone/tljep foal fee bp a t oft l bp i t/ till fo e beebbut f ew baue b u tf ebit alfo/ fo \ baliep of foe people of og. . ainbfoenameoffoecitiefoalbecalleb.*i|)a'fiaf;tnui ntonab:Cbu0 malfoepmafie foe lan6.clene.' ullf * 2tno tbou fonne of man : fou0 fapetl) t^t froflieoob: g&gt;peaTiebnto allfoefoule0 9 euetp bp;be/pee anb to all tbe topibe beaff e3 of foefeioe : beape pou togefocc anb come / gafoerpoutounbeaboute bpon mp Oaugb* tet/foat9baue flapne f o;pou:euen a gteate Oaugbterbpon foe mountapne0 of IfraeS: eate flefo/antiD;( e foal eate f g . fletf)offoetoo;fote0/aiib!);pncBefoebIoiibeapociwiy.D offoep;pnce0offoe lanbe: of foe toetber0/ of foelambe0/of foe goate0/ano of foe ejteti tbatbe al dapneaeftafan. date foe fatpouc belpfull/anbbjpnc&amp;e bioub/tpll pe be o;oi^ Ben of foe flaugfttet/tobpfoa baue flame bntopou. t ill pou at mp table/toifo bo;fe0 9 arongel)o;fmeu:toitb captapneganbalm? of toatte/fapefo foe nom oa. 31 toillbtfogemp glo;palfo amonge foe * SE&gt;entpIe0 / foat all foe ipeatben tnape fe mp tubgement; foat 5 baue fiepte /anb m pbanb tobpeb 51 baue lapebbpon foem : tbat f&lt; bou re of Ifraell mape finotoe/ bote foatl am

Hozbe tljep; nsott / from foat bape fojfo . inb foe ^eafocn foall Bnotoe / foat tobete a0 tbeljoufe of ^ftacll toeteleb into captpuite:ittoa0fo;tbeittoicftfbtte0fafie/becau* fefoepottenbebme, #0; foe tobpeft caufe 9 bpb mp face from foem/ano beipn eteb foem in to foe bafflw of foeic enempe0/foat foep mpgbt all be flapne toifofoeftoeatbe.aiccciDittgetofoeitbncIe' neffe anbbnfaifoful oea!foge0/ fo baue9 en tteatea tbem / anbbpb mpface from foem. &amp; Cbetfo;e tbu0 tapetb t\)(%oM ob : f5oto w mini b;pnge agapne foe .eaptnted of 9aeob aittbane metcp bpon foe toboie boufe of 3!f' taell/ 9 be gelou0 fo; mpbolpname0 faBe. . ailfoeit conftift'B ano offence foat foepbaue bone agapnftme/foallbetaBenatoape: anb fo fafelp (ballfoep btoellin foeit Iafoie/fo8t no man foanmaBetbemaftapeb Jnb mm m&lt;H. 31 baue

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Clje temple, Clje ^?oplje^e

mbwmtiiwwb of $t hojt mjasm. Ue co&amp;t before tbe cDambjcjs tea* enecti'C bpteb;obebpon&amp;ot&amp;tBefp6e0/&amp;tbei&amp;am l3?t-p (lie cubiteg topoe of n'tbet fibe.^c mea* fureb t&amp;e dq;c ftomtbe rrsgeofone cbSb/e

' baueb;oug!)trbem agaptie fromamonge tbepeopie/tobenl bauegatberebtbe togi-

tber out of tljtrt enempe0 t8be0; 9 am p;ap ft D ui t&amp;em before mans pa t&amp;eiw D m fija l tbepanotoe/tbatgiam e )io?be tbeit (Bob/ __ to&amp;icb fuffreD tbem to lie led in to captpupte to a nod}* t/ tofjofe toponef te toa0.rrb. cubp amonge tbe ^eatbeVbut note baue tyougftt re0/anbonebo?eftobeagapnft anotbet.&amp ;e tSemagapneintotbeitatenelanbe/anbnot maDcpfleraalfaJjc.cubtw&amp;pe/tofftieabout left one of tbem ponDet. w comma 5 efo;e intx?ftt&amp; pae bnto Sifter t&amp;at/toplig&amp;pbe mp face nomoje tbe fwctntre of tbepnnennet:bo;c/t oere&amp;. - ^ ^. h ftomtl)em/butto&lt;ipouie outmpfpjctebpb' cubpte0.becb8bet0 8tbefcpiiet0to it&amp;m/**t&amp;e\}MkQf%ttMVrwtyt\)t%Qm&lt;sicb, rounbeaboutbntotbebo;ie/bab fpbe t opn* , _ botoe0:&amp;oba&amp;t&amp;efo;eemtfe0alfo/to&amp;ofe cffi^tiBodrtftBeofiiit ewe oftfie tempfe tw topnbotoe0toente rounbe about toftbf n Jnb ""'"'"" topont&amp;cppirt0t&amp;ereftobebatettee0.

terns to ome (0 ft t web bnto t be JB; op^c te rc&amp;e.Jrt.C&amp;aptee. %&amp;&amp;ffl&amp;ibet)fotmt of ciixtt&amp;ptwv* ' |!fpe/intbebegimimgoftbepeaie/ Uje.jc.cap e ottlje mcneib-.ttjatfe i

&amp;enb?cugbt&amp;ememtot&amp;efo;ecoutte/ tobete ass to e re cljam b?t0 9 paueb to o; c ft eg/ mabefti t(jefo?e courte rounbe aboute. m\ cbamb;e0 bpon one paueb too;cRe.#oto (be jtffu.peate/aftet (bat tbe cite tea? pauebtoo?cfietoa0 a longe befibetbebo;e0/ tmpten Dotoneittje fame bap e came tficbanb 3 ^ teas ttje lotoetpauebtoo;CBe.aft ettb(0/ of ttje jLo?bebponme/acatrEDmefo;tb:eue jje meafureb t&amp;e b;ebt&amp; frfi t&a

mp;e lotoee bo;e/ into tbe lanbe of |frael b;oug&amp;t &amp;eme f n t&amp;c bnto tbe pnnemier cour te of (be outfpoe / bytyonfsof 00:3 fet mebotonebpSamat* tob(c&amp;&amp;aban.C.ctropte0bpont&amp;eeat t U^ ueloucbpe moutape/toberbpontberetoag nojtb parte. 3finb t&amp;e oo?e in t&amp;e bttermoS abuplDtngeositfjaDbeneofacftejtotoavQ courte totoarbe t&amp;e no;t&amp;/'meafure b&amp;eaftei; (&amp;eojt&amp;. . t&amp;eieiigt&amp;8b?ebt&amp;:&amp;(0t&amp;?ec&amp;ainb;e0aUo C&amp;ft&amp;et&amp;ecatfebme/anbfte&amp;olbe/t&amp;eve enctuecftoe toitb big pp uw 9 foje entries: toa0amaVto&amp;orefimti&lt;tubetoa0iffieb?a(re/ to&amp;tc&amp;babeuentbemeafureo ft&amp;cfftft&amp;oje, to&amp;icb baba mmot EIa;c m &amp;t'0&amp;anbe / an&amp; $i0ijepgc&amp; toa? ft ftp rub? js/ i);ebt&amp;. Wb. amectfrobtiealfo.$e ftobe fa &amp;oje/&amp;rapee cubpte0:&amp;i0 topnbotoe0apo;c &amp;e0 toif&amp;&amp;p0 bntomr miarcfietotll teit&amp; t&amp;pne ept0/&amp;er bate tte0/&amp;abeuenlpftem eafure ag &amp;o;e sen totottb t&amp;pneeatw/ 9 fatten it in rbt'ne totoatoc tbefaft:t&amp;etetoere ,bfj.Qeppe0to &amp;ert/to&amp;atfoeue3|ft)aHu)etoet&amp;e/fo? to Bobpbp5/at&amp;efrpo?c&amp;ebrf o;et&amp;em,0oto intent t&amp;att&amp;epmpg&amp;tbeftjetetb t&amp;e /tuer* ttje bo?e of pnnetmet court ftobe ftreig&amp;e fo?e atttbou bjoug&amp;t&amp;ft&amp;ei;. amtitobatfoe* oueragapn&amp;tbebo;e/t&a mp;at teas totoarbt&amp;e uett&amp;ou feplt/t&amp;ou malt cettjfjetbeboHfe no^beatt.fto onebwetoanotbei;/ be mea of|fraeitberof. ruwp^cubwegj/^ ^tboibe/tberetoa0atoalIontbeoutf(be(jN4i?fa!Wat^?ougb(metofoutt rounbeaboutetbeboufejtbemetetobbetbat toberetberefloiiea bojetotoattetbe foutb: bebab(nb?banb/toa0U]crubftc0lonjj9a tobofe pliers anbpo;cbepbemeafuteb/tbfe [panne. &gt;ot)emeafuteD ttje bitttyot (be eabtbcfwftmcamte/9 toptb ttjfepncm * bufJbing/bjbitbtoapameteroDbe/aiib ttje tltCEbabtofnbotofjJroiinbeabomt/lpbctb e begtbaifoametetoMe.cbencamebebnto fitfttD?nbotte0.bebtgtbtoa0.l.cuWtj/

tbeeaS bo?e/ 3 tnente bptbe Mtxm men* tbeb?cbtb.)cj;b.tb Ocppt? toao bpbponAW rureb tbe poaeg of g bo;e:tobetoC euet? one po ?cbe aoocbefo;ebim/toitbbte P0ewa n&amp; toa0ameteroMetb!'cfie.uers c&amp;Sbje.toaiS Date irosonfitljtrflbe. anbtbeooje of the 8meterobbeioBgeab?obe:bettoenetbecb8/fnnnmwue ftobe totoatbetbefoutb/s bet0bjeref?uetub?te0.bepofteof Dott be.mfafuwbfrotnonebo?etoano(beraii.C, toiU)int!)epo;cbe/toagonemetctcboe. ff;e cub(te0.S&gt;obeb;ouBbtme(nto|raitenit meafureb alf tbe po?cbe of t^e pnnermet f ourte/tbo?oto bo?e of f foutb ffbestoW ca bo;e/ttbpcb contepneb a meterofi&amp;e. ben be meafureb/ anbitbab tie meafute afo meafureo be tbe entree of the bo?e/tbat con fb&amp;e.gin l|liemanei;/bf0 e^amli?e 0/pietjj/ terne b egbt cubute0/anb&amp;i0 pjltt0 ttoo cu* anb fo;e entrte0/babeuf (be fo^e fajbe;tbtftntrfe none intoarbe. furealfojnbbbabto(tbb(0po;cbe0cof{ba becbamber0of tbebo^eeafttoatbe/tBtte aboute/tofnbotoe0ofX.cubfte0Befabty f tb;eon rticturfbralfae btoto anblonge. jefb.fubfte0b?oiie.bepo^be0tofibaboue ffbe pjlerg alfo tbat Oobe of botfj (be ff w/ totre.wb . tub $te0 longe / anb. b . cubWrt toereofonemeafure.aftettbW/bemeafif b?o&amp;e:arib&amp;0pO2rbreat&amp;ebbntotbe b ttec* ' Kbtbe ttjbeneffe of tbe bowto&amp;ub toa0jp, moft eouif.bponOr0P8r0tbfKtoetebaK , -



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mi, ;:" Ms -

ftee0/^ to go bp bpon. C ^eb?ougbtmealfo(ntopnmoftcourte bpon tbe eattfsbe/anbmcafurebtfjeDo?e/ acco^bpngtog meafureafo^erapb.^i? ctjg* *et0/pi?ier0/anbpojcbe0babeuentberame meafure/a? fp?(lbab:bj(tb W po;cbe0 be bao topnbotoe0 roObe aboute.cbe be^gtb toa0.l.wbpte0/tbeb?ebtb.j:)cb.cubfte0:^i0 Pp;cbe0 reacbebbntotbebttermoft courte: W Pftt0 alfo bao bate tree? on epfljer tmj a,bf ij.(ieppe0 to go bp bp5 Jno be bjou'gbt me to tbe no?tb Dop/atib meafitreb itfim d) alfo bab fo?efaj?bmeafure. WtQ&amp;bttsi Piret0 anopo?cbe0 ban bjpnbotoejsrcunbe aboute:bjbofebepgtbtoa0.l,cubvte0 / 9 tbe fceM&amp;.* ,#?0pf lets Oobetotoarbe bttemott courte / $ bpon tbem botb toere bate tree0/anb,biii.Oeppe0 to go bp bpon.^bere ftobe a cbamb;e alfo/ tobofe rntraunce toa0 at tbe bo?eppi*r0/ anb(beretbeburntoffe cpngesstoescipaHbeb. . 2n m bo;epo?cbe / ttjere ttobe on etber f tfttm taWeg fo! tbe aaugbtpnge:to aepe tbe b?encciTi?nge0 / fpnneofferpnge0 anb ttefpaceoftV{&gt;iige0 tljerbpon.aiib on tbe out f?be a? men go f o?tb to tbe no?tb bo;e/tbere ftobe ttoo toiue? . jfome tabl5 ftobe on etbec fpbe of ttje imte/t ttxiii.tabieg/ iuberbpon tbep aaugftteb.f ourc tablet toete of b c toen

ftonefo^tijc buttitofterpngejj/of a mbm 9 a balfloisp an&amp; tyoBe/ anb one cnb$&gt;te &amp;ve: ibbeiljponVocrerapeD tbe bedels anb o;na^ nuitff* /to&amp;ytQ toere bfeb to tbe burnt anb mm tffowimitifc tVu&gt;m Oaugbteo. anb toitijm fijete toere bofieg route ffitgeiff mote/ faftateb toiutbr aboute/to bange fleftbpoii/anbbpon tbetableg toasiapebg offepnge flefb.fiDn m ontfpbe of tbe pnnet* nmtm toere the fpger? cbamberg in tbe mtoatbe courte beffbe tbej3o?tb bojeourt agapnfti? ^outb.cbere ftobe one alfo/be* fpbe tbe eaft bo?e notfbtoatbe. . ^ . ^no^^l'bebntomeicb^cbamb^eon i*aw.f.a, the &amp;mt$fybelittonge(D to tbep;efte0/g l-mn&amp;t. fiepe trjeOi*f^tacpon:anb tbg0 totoatbe tbe mm/ifit'to ;?ette0 tbat toaptebpon (be attlfer:tob!tl) be tlje fonneg of g&gt;abocb/tbat boferupc^ fiefojetfteilojbe (nfteaoeoftbe cbplb?en of Kcut . S&gt;o be meafureb tbe fo;e coirtte/tobKb Uo in lengtb an.cctibrtt?/ anbagmocb in bze&amp;tb bptbe foureco;net0. Kioto t Its- auKet ftobe bef o;e the boufe : anb fte b/ouftbt meto tbe foje entte of tbe boufe/ -., anbmeateMbetoaHe0b.ytbe enite bo?e: tofeft feere fpue cubpteg longe on etber fpue. cbe tmtmm alfo of rtjeoo^e on etber fpbe/ toa0 tb?e cubj'tep.cbe lengtb of tbe po;cbe ;;.- toa0.w.cubp(e0/tbeb?ebtb.]Cj.cubjte0,'anb bponfteppf0toentmettbptoit:bttoaHe0 I alfo toere ppietss/onetbetrpoe one.

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* i.

m *-.



CE5c blfpot^ cjon an&amp; acu^tt of biipttwae sawiw t|) tmif U/| of $e otgtr fHpnges t^ctto belong na, rcbejrS.qrbaptet;; ' jftet tbi'0 be l&gt;20 gljt me to g M) -;a mrartiKb tbe poftos-.tobPdJ toere 3B of botb fybe&amp;bj. rtibpffjS tbicfte/ ?acco?bpnge to tbe topftow of tlje tabernacle, cbebjeMb of (be bo?etoa0,j;. cubptesanbtbetoaftes! of tbe bo/eon eitijee fpoe fpue eubpteg . !pe nteafuiei) tbe iengtb tberof/tobiebcontepneb.]cl,eubpte}5yiiotije b,jebtb.);r.bentoentebc in/ anbiueaiurea tbe bo?e pofte0/toftpcb toere (too cttbgteff tbicfie:but bo;eitfeifeton0fi&gt;):e aibjtetf/ 9 tlje b?ebtb of tlje am toas.bij.cubptep. t meafure lengtb anb ti^ebtb tljetof / tobpefi toere euerp one^jccufiptc*/ before # tepie, ainb he rapbe bnto me j tbPfS i9 tbe b olpeft of a.itemearureb alto tbe toatt of gbouft/ tobpeb teas fpre cubptejs cbamb?c0 i ftotieeofibe aboute (joufe/toete euerp one foute cubptejJ topae/e one ftobebarbe bpon anotbee/toberoftberetoere.Witiii.anDtbere ftobe pottos benetb bp tbe toalle0 rounbe abotite tbe boufe/to beare tbe bp : but in tbe toallof g boufe tbep toere notfafteneb: c#e . fpbe cbamb?e0 toetetbebpertbetopbet/anb bab fteppes tbo;oto tbem rounbe aboute the boufe.cbu0toa0ittopberaboue/tbatfrom tbelotoeftmenmtgbtgotopbpeft 9 mpbb cbambet0 . % fatoe alto tbat tbe boufe toa0

berpbpewunbeaboute.Cbefounbacponof tbe fpbe cbarub?c0 ton* a meterobbe( tbat t'0 fpre cubpte0}b? tbicfineoe of f fp&amp;e toaft to&lt;tbout/co!!te?&gt;neo fpue cubpteg/ 9 fo bpb outtoall of tbecbao^t in tbeboufe. 35ettoenetbecljamber0/toa0tbetopbe* -beg w.cubptes roiibe about tbe boufe. be cbamb;ebo/eg ftobe oner agapnft tbe out* toall/tbe one oo?e toa$f totoarbe tljeno?tb/ otbertotoatt&gt;etbe^)outb: atbe tbpeftneffe of outtoall toa0.b.cubpte0 rounbe aboute oto tbe bupibpnge tfiat toa0 feparateb to* toarbefbetoeft/toa0.iriccubpte0topDe:fbe toall of tbe buplbpng toa0.b.cubpte0tbfcae rottnbeaboute/tbeIengtbfourefco?ecu. bpte? 9 ten.&gt;o be meafureb boufe tobicifj toa0 an.C.cubpte0 ionge/anb tbe feparateb buplbpng toitb the toall toere an.c.cubpteff longe alf . b e topbnefte before the boufe 9 ofit tbat toa0 feparateb totoarbe tijetfaft/ toag an.c.cubpte*. atnbbemeafurebtberengtbof tbe hxgt* bpnge before anbbebpnpe toptb tlje cf)Sber0 bpon botb t!)efpbe0:anbit contepneban.C. cubttc0.cbepnnermertempie/tijepo?cbof tbefo?ccourte/tbefibepoft0/tbefetb3ebab fpbetopnbotoeg /anbpprer0 rounbe aboute ouer agapnft tbe pofteis / from tbe grounbe . 9M bpto '

&gt;*s **

bptot&amp;etopnbotof* icfttoijiurotorfl tbem feme s mete tylfl) oue r toftb boflrffcanb fyu* toa*&lt;t aboue ttjc ooje/bnto tbe pnmoft Dou* fe/anb toitbout aifo.v y ee tlje tu^oie toatl on eutop fpoe botb tottbin ami tottljout \oag fp&gt; feb oittc to g teat e bo;oe . cbere tMW Cljf jDniMn* anti mttttto mabe alfo/fo tbat one


U?e3totoatDE toe mtemoff courte bpon ffjs fojefpbeoftbe ebamb?e*/toa0 k.cubpte* Ionge:f o; tbe iengtb oftiie brtemott c^ao ;ejs in tbe fo?e courte toau JLcubtteis alfo-.but letigti) tljetof before tbe temple toag an c. cubtte0.cbe(ecbamb;e0&amp;aobnoect&amp;em an fottaftceoftbecaftttfi/to&amp;etbram&amp;migbc

r *

wtettee ttofteiutrbetoittettooCberobwtfs go m to t&amp;emout of tbe twt coutte / tftam ftneCDerubBaDttogfaeep/fcfaceofaman tberbicftetoal cftbefoje courte totoatft tbe ittrage arpoe totoatfte tbe bate tre/anba eaftvtigbtouetagapnfttbefepatatebbutf* feonVfoccoii &amp; otbetf?fte.bu0 toagicma* otnge.ffie^etbefaraetai^ngebpontbKfS mourn aboute m al tbe boufe: fee Cfte* fpbe tbete toerc rtjarobet? alfo tobjcb t ab robins aDatetteeatoetemabeetStbegtofiD atoapetontotbe/lp6ea0tbecBambet0on troaboue tbebtae /atoftooetbei alfbbpon tio;tbftoe of tbe famelengtb atopoeneffe . (Sail oftbe temple, bettlnttaunce/fatbiionanbDojegtoete cbebppofte&amp;oftbe temple tone finite aifooftberamemanet.yeeeuenJiseast&amp;ec fouat&lt;a/Vnbtbefamionoftbe^anctuatj omet#ambetoo;e0fcere/fotoeretbbrralCb tea* eucnaa it appawbbntomeafojein i oftbefoutbr?o.3ffl)befojetbetoapetotoata WBpn.cbe table toajs of tooobe / tb;e cubp* tbe fingewtttppess on me eatt ttbe/t bete fto* tefrbw anb ttoo cutnjte0 longfcbw co;ner0/ be abo?e togo m at. cben fajbe be bnt o me: tberengmanotbetoaUcatomoftooobe. c&amp;ecbambetgtotoatbtbe no;tb tbe foutb Inbbefasbebnton:CbJwtbetaWe/tbat mv$ ttataebefoje tbebacfie bujibpnge; ftalttanbebefojetbe&amp;ojfte.cbetemple a tbofebe&amp;olp babttacpon*/ tobetpntb epje* ivmuh _./.. ... v .. r ftc0 tftatfio f erur ce before tbe jlojoe/ mutt eate tbe mo a Doty off c t inge js-.anb tbete mutt tb cy lap e t b e ni o ft of v of erpngcjJ : meatof*

feunqes /ff nne offrmgeg a tterpaceofferpn* geg/fo? it i0 anbolpplace.tbcn tbe p;ette$ cometbetin/tbep Rjalnotgo out in to foze courte : lhtt(f efmgc tb ep be 6oly ) tbeiroall leaueffle cioturo of tbe(tmmfurac|on/ anb put on otber ga tmeteg / toben tbepbaue etife fopngc to do to ttb tbe people.

tbe bolpett of al bao etber of tbem ttoo oom 9euetpoo?ebabttoolptle topcfiettejjtobub toere foiben in one bpon anot&amp;et/ on euerp f joe ttoo ,aiiD bpon tbeoozeis of tbe temple tijete toere mabe Cbetub&amp;uf abate tmmV' fie a* bpon tb e tealiestaa gteate tb&lt;cbe bal&gt; fieoftooooe teas before on tbe out rpbe of po?t&amp;e.cBponbot&amp; thereof tBetoalltf of tbe po;cbe/tbete toeremabe bepe toinootoes 9 bate weeu / b aujnge beamed anb battle*/ Ipbeasttjeboufeban. C5f thi cftamtee of tbc temple f o; tbe ^ ?eaft t i (toWe'twao. ' . CCbe.iciti.^bapter.

j^oto toben be baft mea futeb al tbe inner* m mDnifr/ bcb?ougbtme fo?tb tbo?oto tbe ^

eafl pojte/anftmeafurefttbefame rountiea kwmiim, boute.^emeafurefttbefaftfpoeV&amp;tbemea en catpebbemeoutintof fo?e te?ooof/tebl?cl)toimoeaboute contepnebb. court totoatbe * no?tb/ abjougbt Cmeterobbeis. Inb tbe notfbtybe meafureb bf/tobtcbcontejnebroiinfteaboutecuenfo mocb.fl:&amp;* "odpcic ttoo Cvbe0 alfo totoataetye foutb anb tbe toclKtobtcb 8* meafureb ) con* tepntbetbetof tftem b. d.nieteiobbeg . &gt;o be meafureb all tbe foure fym tobewt&amp;fte toente a toallrounbe aboute b. c. meterob' bessionge/aasJb^otiealfotobpcbfeparatebg

b olv from tbc bnbolp.

mefntotbecbamb;e g ttobe ouer _._ Jagafnfttbebacfiebuflbjngno^tb toatbe/tobf cb baft tbe lengtb of an. . cufif ttUtobofebo?eturnebtotoatbtbeno?tb.lje topftenefle cStepnetiX.cubitejS'.ouet agaf nft tbe. tt. cubit ess of tbe pnnermer courte / anb agapn a tbe pan eb too;be tbat toass in f f o ? e coutt.fiefpbealltbetetb?e /tbete ftonepp* w .. e . t . ....--, , lets/ one ouer aaapntt anotber : inbbetbie cb&lt; twn t^t gtoj ? of qsoa jopngjn t o t%t *hw*f tbW cbamb^ tbete toap a toa|ng place ot gj 3 6 i B (wt ortbi wmmk^WmW

r.cubtejS msbe/a tottbin toass atoape of one mbnwbe/9 tbettbo^eg totoarbe nojtb. CbuS tbebpeft cbamb?e0teereaUtoape na&lt; tbtoettbenme lotoeuanbmpbbelmofr of $ builWngtfo; tbepbate cbamb;e bpon cbam* 6;e/anbftobetb;etogetbecone bpS anotber notbauvnge pflersJ ipfie tbe t o?e coutt:tbev f qjz toere tbep fmallettben tbofe benetb anb tntbem?bbett/toteben from tbe grounfte bptoatoe. ^etoantoftbouttbataobeb^tcSam-

Clje ttmplc, HBt tmtyid




* i'*

tt)ci&gt; ttw conftuneO* btouHH to ntfaffyUjIt is tom mauno'o to call itjcm djjapnt to tcpentaunce. fflbe.tlf.cbapter. bebjougbtme to iboje/J fiw netb totoatbe tbe eaft. jetbolbe/^. r tben came tbe gio?p of t Be oftof Sfiaen from out of tbe eaft/tobofe bopce toag Itliea gteate nopfe of toatetp / 9 tbceattbtoajJlpgbteiifbtoftbb^glo2r-9t0?et6.ri fpgbttolofie bpon toass ivfie me fy;S / time Sfatoe/tolJEnatoentem/tobattpnie^ttie c?tte

cptfe fbuioebatiebene beftrope&amp;anbipne $ tbebototnctbwof tofibeaboute one cu bptej btffcon tbat % fatoe bj? tbe toatet of Cobat. ftps uepptf ttobe totoartte tbe ca tte.anb be frfttifeif a ^Benfeligibponmpface/buttbeglo?pof&amp;. fapbbiitome:cboufonneofnta /tl)usfatetb Ew JL-o^be came fn to tbe boufetbo?oto tbe BCaft tbe)lo;bcCE5ob:tbefearetbe o;bpna unce?(9 " Doje.&gt;oa tofnbetofiemebp/anbb;ougbt latoesiof tbe aulter / in tbeoate toben it fg me&lt;ntofbennnermercoutte:abebolbe/tbe mabe tooffteburntofftpnge?/ atofpjecfiie ^ctfccUKj.j. boufctoassfulloftbeglo?poftbejLo;fte. bloubetbetbpon.cotbep;efte0/totl)ea,e* 58 31 be toe one fpeabpng bnto me out of tbe utteg tbat be of tbe feoe of &gt;aft ocb/a tteabe bonfe/anb tbete ttobe one bpme / tbat fapoe befo?e me to fto me fetupce/fapetb 0 )e Hotn faw.a.JrW.abntome:flDtboufonneofman/tbiJJrotome oftiffijnfotbefegeuetbouapggebttUo cfie/ fticwFirf w mi feate / a tbe place of mp foteft eppe e: fo? a fpnoffetpngeja tab e tbe bloube of bum

tobetea05!topllbtoellamongetbecbp!ft;en anDfpiencitlebfefourebojneiStoitbailantt oigjftaelfo?euermo?e:fo tbat tbe boufe of tbe foure corners of tbcaultet eouerpn ge/ 3!ftaelttjaiinomo;ebefilempbolpname:ne* toitH f lebgetbatgoetbtotmoe aboutesijer acuf t*uh tbet tbep/nettbeft6mg^/tbo;oto tbeit tobo?* toptb fbalt tbou clenfe it / anb tec ottcpie it. bome/tbo?ototbettbfeplacs/atbo;otot(je CboufbalttabetbebulIocBalfooftbe fpn&gt;jF mo bobpeg of tbett ftpngess : tobpeb baue offtinge/a burnt btm in a f euetall pl ace to* tmpioeo tbeit' tb ;elbolfte0 in manet barfie outtbe^anctuatp. bponmptfcefljolfteg/ atbeftpoftegalmoft cbenettetjape/taReagootbucntoptb' atmspotte0:fotbattbetei0butabatetoaH outblemilb fo?arpnotpng. toteconcpie bettopttemeanbtbem. aulter toitbail-.lvbe as it teas reconcplebto bu0bauetbepbefplebmpbol?name tbebullocne. iSototobentboubaamatieic toftbtbeitabbominatponp/tbattbepbaue cieane/tbcnoffteaiongebullocbetoitbout c0m?ttcb.ilBbetfo?e3bauebetttoyf'j mem blemptD/aatammeoutoftbeflocfietoptb' tnmvtojatb:2Butnoto tbepfball putatoape out biemifb alfo:flDfire tbe before tbej Uwb/fctftWM*** tbeittobo^ftomeanbtbebeebboftieg oftbeir anftlettbep^ettcattfalttbetbpon^anbgeue ,. ... ^fisngegoutofmifjgbt/tbatSlmarebtoeil tbemtObntotbe^o?ftefo?aburmofterpiig.^ tt " UJ1 ' 4 ,.. amogetbefo;euermo;e.c;berfo?e(fiDtbou ft&gt;euenftape01balttt)oub?inge/euerpbape zttw*ft fonneofman)metoetboutbeboufboH)eof agootbucit. aiiongebuHocfteaaramme fftaelatcmple/tbattbetmapebeafbameb oftbeftocbe (botb toptbout blempflj) Oialf oftbeittoicficftneffe/anbrneafmetbefeiuesi tbeioffre.&gt;euenba?e0fljalltbep teco fpie an etample tberat. anb clenfe tbe aulter/aonte bpon it. fBben mat toben tbe? be amameb of all tbeft tbefeftapesare etptreu/tbenfepontbc.bftf, toojetuss/ tbenQjetoetbemtbefoutmeanb bapeanbfofoifij/tbe partes fljaioffrem't fafbponoftbetempie:tbecommFnBein/tbe burntofftingep a bealtbofftpngeabpontbe gopnge oute/all tbemaneranboefctipcion aultet : fo topll % be metcpfull bnto pou /

tberof/peealltbebfe0anbo?btnaunce0of fasetbtbe5lo?Deo&amp;. it/g tbepmape6epeafulfillalitbefami30 *fr^tb#Mtm*m*mt mtt&amp;eta anb CtlttOme0 tbetOf. temauniKO (o upujavtip tlje people toict) liicic otfciicf. bi0i0tbeoefctipcponoftbeboufe:2fjb* a*wrfMim'?ft&amp;mbttot&amp;f*.3*iwareto cue bp5 tbe moot tounbe aboute an *cj; 6^^*jf'nifet^tti'w**oto ^MKZA^*nMS!^ lttfaC6.Ufaietototo68tp;eacBftetooloenuaO Wtbeftefcripcpon anb fafbpon of tbe boufe. cbe,tftft'i.cbaptet, 6Tbi0i0 tbe mcafute of tbe aultettaftet tbe T^^l4ftettbp0/Beb;ougbtmeagapneiit (tue cubptc. tobpeb 10a fpanne longettben fw^ to tbc outtoatoe Dmeof tbe hm* anotber cHbt!te)b#botome intbettipfibeft lW&amp;uatpontbe ueatt fpoe / ano tbat teagacubptelongeanbtowe/anbtbelebge RP^toa0(but.(jen fapoe tbe^ofte ftat toente tounbe aboute it/ toags a fpanne bnto me:cbi0 boje mall be ttpll (bu t / a not ' ojobe.cbiflfo tbe bepgtb off aultet tjftom openebfo?en?mantogotbo?otoft/butons tbe gtounbe to t^e iotoet fteppeg tbe itngtb if f o; tbe jLojbe &lt;esoo of gift ael : pee be mall fettoocub?te0/anfttbeb;eftfbonecubpte: gotbo?otoeit/el0a)allitbefbutttrtI. mt , . . anbftomt&amp;elotoetfteppe0fotbebigberare p;pnceb?mfelfeOjallcometbo?otott /tbaC L. - fbUtecub|te0/atbeb?eDtBbutdnecubpte. be mape eate bjeab before tbe tMtMt tbe wmmM' Cbe aultet tea0 foure cubpte0bpe/ a fr5 po?cbe fballbe come m,ianbtberefta llbego me attltetbptoatbe ttobe foure bo?ne0/ anb outagafne.cbenb?cugbtbemetogDo?e/ tttoaiS.p?.cub?teSlonBeanb.^.cubptcjs bpon tbe $ojtbftbeoftBeboure. anbap 1 ? '- ^ ,ptoobe/bp5 foure comer0:tftecouerpngebf lofiebabouteme/bebolfle/egto^poffltojb?^ .'^:' w auItertoa0.timcubfte0iongeanbb?obe fplleb tbe boufe :anb^fellbotonebponmpSmSMT i bpontbefouteco?net0,'anbtbelebgetbat mce.feotbejLo?befpaftebntome:tbou*^mS. toente tounbe aboute/babbalf a tubtteanb tonneofman/*faflentbf0totb8neBette/J5 * , ' Um. bebpio// '

t '

1 *';

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Clje temple, dje $?opijecpe

beboiQi a* cuiie Diligent beoe to au t % tout fo; to tbe people m to ttje ouetoat bcOiittey lai'eciitatye/toiiiCinKngaU^eo^tnaun' ejtfc*llputof$ciotbes/tobetinri?baue MiiofeJLo;oe8aUbi&amp;jatoef5:ponO;etoel mvnp(h'eb/anDlapeeminebabptacvoji toi c D n e ij me 1 be eo m jng m o f to e b ouf e of e &amp; an c tun tp/ anb put on o er appa* 8egoigefo/ of e sanctuary :8fell tel/ieQ t^ep bn^oiotce t^e people rage t^e jl o;be (Bob: boute of $rael/i&gt;e ebe V all not aue ttjeic beaoes/ner no f ^due uobj Done^nougi? iBitftall gouteab^o- n&gt; e butteof eir Carrey but wun&amp;e **utrftf. my nacyonS; fe jnge rtat ye baue b/ousb t in eir beabes only. 3H e p?e lies tpatgo in' * to my ssanctuuiv ttraungcrs/bauyngeon* toei?nmoft coutt/ftalbjcnefieno toyne. . circuncyiea tjeseesf anb6e/tobereo;oto&gt; &amp;beyaUmaryno totootD/nctljrs onp tft ae SSLT sua a my^anctuary isoefneo/tobenieoffremc fsputfrombetbufbantobutamavbeof e y Mo/tat/ano bionof. febeoffteboureof^rael/ozatoyebotoe/g Cbuatttalii&gt;oureabbomi&gt;naccon0te batbbab ap;eftbefo?e. bauetyonenmc cauenaunt/ anDnoc tieptc cbey all etoemypeop!eebyffetfce e&amp;otco;tHnaiicesofmi?&amp;anctuat|&gt;:but bettoeneebrfcanDMoJF/bettotetee i'etbeper?ofm?&amp;anctuar?/eu!aftei;i&gt;out"co?Dearir e/ev atone ni?nbe.eberfo;eusface &amp;o;be all Dpfceeneit/anDgeuerfntence after m? -(Bo6;talleuranger*atotoeuamo"ge iubgementes . flpp folempne fealtes/my^ * e e bylb? e n of giftae 1 c no uraunger ( a t) i"e la toes ana ojbpnafiees a 1 1 tbe? fi rpe; anb bette ?ue is not cptcumcyreb ) (ball come &amp;8lotoemc&amp;&gt;abbae0.cbecall come at tnftbinme Sanctuary. #0 net e Jleuitts no beeo petfone/to Defple c tetuesw cepte

tbatbcgonebac&amp;eftonit/anbbauemjrcea* ftbefaec o?mcer/fonneo7 Daugbtet/ ueoe people of ffrael toi all erroures/ fyottyrojty aet ba babyetno bufbanoe) aoingeaftereiti?Dojes:erfo;calltbec fatoebecm8FebebefjleD. beat* eir atone toycbewies. 3&gt;buloee|&gt; 3nbtobenbeiSctenreb/ereaIIbcre* btfetao?DencbtoniEn?utcbnoettbedo;e0;anb?begointo of tbe b 011 1 e of m v &gt; an c tuat y i anb to bo $ &gt; an c tuat y agawe to b o f em see/be CO all ft r u v c e 1 n t b e b ou 1 1: t Oa ye burntoftonges b;fnge a t y n ffty nge f ace tbe &amp;o?oe on. 8 la t u ty c es fo; tbe people ; to Canoe beto;e Cbec Iballbaue an b eretage/ye e 3. mcfelf e 5*W*** 3atbe/stofmietbem:fe?ngetbefetui?cctbat toilbetbefvbeKta8e:e!0fbaUiesenetbfnol%? fp ^ecboe/iSbefo;eefe3oole*/8caufcfc potfeacon in ?fraell/fo; f am eft poC* 3MH *** ftoufe of jftatl to Qomble 0; to tbe tore f von.cb e meatoffcpnge/f ynnoffty ng 8 ttef fieDne*z#o;etobfcbcaufe3|bauepjucBte paceofntngalieceate/anbeuercDebc tti.msM. utmcncbanbeouertbem&lt;face$ JLojbe) categmjfcaei/albeeiwc&amp;eflrtt. fpatnotoecmuftbeatetbtfratone tnf Ipnge? ofall tbr fiva frutect/atib all Quy t e/ano not to come nye me; to feme me offey nges all be tbe p;e&amp;es. tottbtbeftp;ettbooe/m mp &amp;anctuatc/8 ft Qial geue bnto tbe pjeft airo tfte H ttt mooa bolieff of ail:tbattbep mage beare ipnges ofpoure botoe /tbat (Bob mapp;* tbefcatone(bame8abbompnacFS0/tobtcb fpei'etf&gt;ei:ef?aue.i3iitnooeebcatronfbal tberbanebone.SbnlDea bfetel tobepo; p;efteate/nerfocba0ltfbeuotttebOftoiflbee.jiA ter^oftbeboufe/anbtaaii tbe fewpce tbat beeflejJ/fbule? 0; catel!, tmm* luSu ^ fonnejJ of feabocb/ttat fceptetbe bolpoj conteof aaejthnftr of koimb a t fa t ftpatatt b?en of arcael toere gone feo me: pall come ^WiS^mS^^SmSff tome/tobomefetupce/toftanBebefo?eme/ ttnotitott}thtatetot3(wt.tma*tiitotnm anbtoontemetbefatanbtbeblou&amp;e/faietb wf , t&gt;tw.^ffpftfntrt. t. tytWim. Cbe.flb.baptee. a cbejftaugomtomj&amp;anetuani/atib Dsw^^en t&gt;ebrus&amp;e tbe laoebFtbeTct/^ treaDebefojemptable/toDomefcmtce/anb feS)^feCballputaf|Deonepauefo2 totoaptebponmrneojbpnaficep.jSctotobe ^5^i.o;De/tobebo!fft6ctbet!iSDe0:5 6 ,,iw{,i

tbe?gomat &amp; oojegof tbefnnetmctcoutt: BSS^namelpttft flK.metetooCep Iffoe/ tbep oallputonftnen clotbet/fo t no tool- anb.f.a9.b;obe.bfjtf^Ibebolp/aptoFoe Ifrtecomebpontbemttebtletbejbofetupce a0ttt0i:oumieabbute.fl)ftbippamtlKte bnoettbe bo;eg of tbe pnnetmetcoutte;anb ,; tettbm.cbepfballbauefa^eljnenbonet* fetoboe0fnalltbefotiretojnerp/anb.f.ea -? ttjJbpontbrtebeabe0/anbi?nlb?ecbejsbp5 bftejihU'iierounbeaboutetotbefubutbegL :-- tftefeiopne^/tobpcfttntberriabouretbrg anbfttmtbttmeafure/namelof;wb.flB ltiaiinotputabouttbfm:ainbtobentbf|go meterobfif(iionge/8X@,b;ooe/tboua)aic roeafui*



raeaniwytobetmffte g&gt;anctuatganb bo* Itettofailmavettanbe. Cbetefpbue of tbat bolp gtounbe (ball 6etbep?eaejJ/tobfcbboferui?cem| ^an&lt; ctuatp of tbe Ho;be / anbgoo in befo;e tbe jLojbe to fmiebpm / fljat tbcp maj e baue totome to btoeli in. 35- 3B0fo?tBeS&gt;anctuatp/it(banaanbefo^ ftrelf:8to tbejieuf tejj feme intbeboufe/ tbeee fbaibe geuen.jw;,babptacRonj5 / of tbe JW3.S0 . lengtb mw&amp;wom e Ufall geue alfbbnf tbe wit a poUeffgoii of;me&lt; teeobliej{b?obe/8jeyb.J.Ionge/befpiietbe patte 1 toe &amp; a net u a tp : tbat Cb all be f 0; $ ^rb&gt;(0.D&gt;toboleboufeof3?ftaell.iii}ponbotbtbefrbeis ^,of t feanctuaewpatte/8 bp tbe cftfe/tyete &lt; Qjalbe geue bntop??nce/ tobatroeuet itetb

ouec agap n tt tbe cjtie/ as fatre as reacben) toc&amp;toat&amp;e ano eatttoatbe: tobjeb fbalbe as longe as one paite / ftS f toefl bnto eaft. tyfi fbalbebttatonelanbetngifiael/ f mp Princes be no mo;e cbargeable bnto m? ,--... people, anofocb as remapneto jet ouee in ranbe/fbalbegeuf to f boufe of 3ftaei aeco?bpnge to tljete tribes. 0us fapetb tbe &lt;jl,o?beo&amp;; pe ponces/ re baue note op* p;effeb an&amp; be a t oueb pnouaij jnoto leaue of/ ttCpDati 10 abanble noto acco^bpng to tbe tbt ngc/tbat is witttor Wcqngii ano lautuh anb tb^itt out m? people * iuai ftnomo^e/fapetb tbe )Lo;b ob.f e albatie mSm of atwetoej?BOt/atme fl *igpbab/anbattue nwfSt tDmgr.^jeatb-^be Cpbab 8*att) fbalbea itbe. ^ nejSatft GballcSteme $ tentbpaite of an ^oraet/ 9 fo all one tf pbab Do:tt)eft mea&lt; ffyftfte aw be after tbeomee , fiDne &gt;f cle i5,n.i idea ma/ a nb. nb.^Bcies mafi e a pounce. cbiS is tbe teKX** beaueofttpnge/tbatpefballgeuetobebeai SSS of |g.^tiebameii!/.]* i.patte of an cpbab /out boS X of an joiner of tobeate : anb tbe. ]tbi. pa of toont to Dane of anc-pba(j/outof an Corner of batlf .^cbe jib pjopee us/ ople fball be meafuteb Mt^ tbe tfatb : euen mow. tbe tent paite of one JDatb out of a*o;. ^flwJr cen2Bati)csmabeone^omec:fo;one iw'Stfii ^metfviletb ten)8atbes.3nboneiambe jiif, ftomttoo bunbjetb epeoutof tbe pa Sure of 3!frael/fo? a meatofikinge/ bumtoffertng anb bealtbofitpnge/to teconcple tbf /fajetb tbejLo;beob. ailtbepeopleof tbelanbe all geuetbt'S beaueoffetjnge toptb a fee tof O'gapnc, it alibe tbe p^nceapatteto offee buintoffertnges/ meatoffetpnges anb b;pncbofiepngesbntotbe)Lo^e/intbebO' 1 p bates /ne to ^oones/S&gt;abbaef(/anbm _ an ebfe f eaCes of tbeboufeofffeaer.cbe f ffnofapnge/meatofftpnge/b/entoffergnge . anb bealtljott vpnge ail be geue/ to tecon* c? le boufe of ^ftael.cbuB rape )Lo^c Oob:cb e f it ft ba je- f tbe f n8 mone on

alt t abe a conge bunocte toj?out bie*


, . * *HM ' mp/anbtienfetbe g&gt;anttuar. ^otise P/efte all tabeoftbebioubeoftbe fpnof* fupge/ anufp?encbie it bpon tbe poues of tbeboufe/anbopontbefoureco;netsoftbe aultet/toitbtbebo;epoftesoftbennetmen courtcjtnb tljne Oiaict&amp;ou boalfo feuettj ba(eoftbemonetb(fo;focb as baue fpnnea of fgno?aunce/oj bepngbifceaueb) to wco* cpletbebouretoitljalixipontbe.jtiiu.bape of $ f^QmonetyteftaitBepetfaftee.&amp;e' uen dapes all e f eaft continue / tobeti n ere al no fotoet net leueneb b;eb be eate . isipon e fame oa?eal e p?pnce geue^ to) bim feife anb all e people of e lanbe/ abuIlocbefo?afpnomtnge.ainbin feaft ofefeuenbafesbealioffteeuercbapea builocfie 8 a tam/at are toitbout blemi/ f 0; a burntomrnge bnto e %ow anb an begaote mvlvetota ftnoftcrpnge. foi e meato6rpnges/be algeue eueran epbnn toabullocfie/anpbal)to a ram/ gan&amp;iii of ogle to an Cpbab . wpon e.rb.bave of f feuetb mone/l)e all bepe e fetie Daves Ijoip one a fter anotljer/eue as tlye otb er f cue ba jes: toi tbe fynoftrvnge/burntofirvng/ meatoSrvnge/anb toitb e ovle, CiEbefactifjf0 of tfj'efeabUotl)? of fyt titro mot rite. Qftoim v^(c&amp; oo?E0 tbr nwftgoftvo; torn* outoft^e tctnp(c$ CCbe^ibitCbaptet. ^us fave e ftotf 0ob:e ao?e of e vnnermet courte totoarbe $ % eaft/ baves-.buttn e &gt; abbo anbnt

bave of enetoe ^6one/itaibeopeneb cben aiitbe pipnce come bnber etioje po;e/anb ftanbe frpHtovoutbpe mtt\ cbefte.S&gt;o p?eftes all oftrebp W burttf nnbbeaIofferpng^. 4'nbbe all too?ppe at $ bo^pofte/8 gobiStoavefo; agafnes but e bo?e all nomoje be ut tgil e euenvnge. jflDntue famemaner an people of e lanbe alfo bo eictoo?ipe befojte $ %wi tovtbout tm bo;ebpon tbe &gt;abbaes $ neto ^oones. ccbis is noto e burntofle- $ rpnge/ at e p; pnee all b;pge bnto $ MM bp5 e^&gt; abbot b-.fpre lambes tot* outblemt/anbaramtoiout blemg/ anb an &lt;pbab fo? a meatoffrpge/ tor c ram M f 0; e Iftbejs / be mave geue as ma* n?meatofferngestoem/asbetoin/ saw ^ in of ode to an &lt;2plja &amp; . in e have of e neto moneytt al be a conge builocfie x out blemc/fire lambes 8 a ram alfo tof * oHtblemi.lP'iebuHoefie6effiftlsftie anepbab/anb toferaman ffipbab al* CO f 0; a mea toffe tpng-.b ut to e lab e 3/ toba t be mave come b p Jnb euet an tyin of vie to * an(pbab.*beep?vncecome/beail 3ia.b. go

,-, -



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tEtje $pp$ecpt

3$etempie/atu&gt;t|)tM* gobnotttbeoo;eMie/anbeuent&amp;erebe coutc^/tdeve tuass maae a Tptie courte of. j rt, partefortbagafne.ffiuttobentbepeopleof aibpte0Ionge/anb.r.cubite0l);oDe:tbere tbelanDecorae befoje tbe Jlotfie in tgebpe foute Iftle courted toere of one ipBe meafu folempite feaft/a0manpa0 come in bp tbe re/&amp; tberetoe"ta tpggemall rounbe ab oute ST5o?Hj ooje to Do to o? fopppe / mall go o ou te tij em a II fou r e / bnoert^e u$e$ tbete toere aga jne at tbe &gt; outb bo je .at'tio tbep come bartbeg mabe rounbe aboute . c^e it rapD be mattBe&gt;out&amp;bo;e/ajaHgQfo?tbagapne bntome:cbt0f0tbe becfim/ tobere t&amp;em p' attbe$o;tbbo;e.G&amp;ere tyaunonego oute nfftets of tljeboufe ajalbpghttbeflapne of' at ttjeDo;e tobete be came ttubut mall goo ferpngessoftbepeople. all go matt) out amonge tbem. ple . *)&amp;, of tij lanot of mtmmo fr* ?&amp; BpontbefolempneanD&amp;pefeaftebape0/ u^pntjwoftpttBbw. * tfi(0(baIbetbemeatoft , rutge:ain&lt;rp&amp;ato C&amp;&amp;e.fltotf.Cbapter. a buboes anb an epba to a tarn/ anb to tbe (i "&amp;%[$ i er tbp;3 be b? ougbt me agapne 3


before tbe oo?e of ft boufeanDb* bo!be/tbe regumtb out toatewfro" to n Dec ttte pofte of (be boufe e a ft*

Iambe0*0mant&gt;a0 betofl/but eueranl^m of one to an cpba. $oro toben tbep?pnce bjpngetb a burnt offerpnge 0; an beaf tb Be* . rpngetoptbafretepllbntotbejUjbe/tbe toaroe(fo? tbe boufe ftooe totoarbe tbe ea ft) eaft bore Ojalbe openebbnto Dim/ ft be mape tbatrannebotone bpontbe rpgbt fpbeof tbe botottbbp0bumtanb&amp;caltbotpnge0/a0 bouft/tobfcblpetbtotbeaulter foutbtoarb. be Don) bpon tbe g&gt;abbotb/anb toben be c8encatfcbbemeouttotbeno;tb&amp;ojc/an D goetb fo?tb/tbe Do n all be (butt after bpm lijougb t me f o?tb tbete-rounbe abou te bp n)e agapne.l&amp;eftralbapifebjpngebnto Ho#e fattemoftbo?etbattutnetbeaft toame .Ee* - s . fc ^ 3 alambeofa peace oibetottboutblempibfoj bolDe/ u)etecamefo;tb tbe toater bpon tbe r^ m * abutnt ofttmge: t&amp;tt (ban be bo euerp mo;, tigbt fibe.#oto toba tbe man ft bm ft mete- " njjnge Jnb foja-meatoffctmgebe mai geue roobembtfbanbe toente bnto tbe eaftboK/ t&amp;eurteparfe of au&lt;pba/atbe tbp#e parte UemcafureDa mp\cubfte0, 3 tbebebjo ugbt ofani^n of opwto mingle toftb tbe cafteg) metbojototbetoatet/euentoftanclefcfobe euerp mournpnge. yeetbi0roameaoailpe meafuwbietatDoufanb/sbjougbtmetbo* meatotftringebnto tbefcojoe/ fo^aneuec *oto $ toatetagapnebntoft finee0:|etmeai laftfogeo?pmaunce:$ tbitf u)al t&amp;e lambe/ futebbe a r&amp;oufan&amp;e / &amp; bjougbj me tbo;oto tbemeatoffecgnge anb oplebegeuen euerp tbe toater onto tbe lome0 Jftectbwbemea* mojnpnge/fo? a oaiife butntoffetfoge. tuteb a tboufanbe agapne 1 tben toast tt f

ocft jmma&amp;mwiWb tbe jto;be ob: atpuec mm, mrabt nottoabetbo;otoft: fftbep^ncegeueagpftebntoenrofbBSJ cbetoatectoajxioDepe/tbatfttoa^nebeful fonnejs/tben ftaiift beb^fonneubevetage tobaueftofmmeb/fo;ftmfgbtnotbetoabe&amp; iJltpetuaB/g &amp;ema?epoaeaett. jeutlfbc ouet. 3nbbe Capbebntome :baftt$0ttfene muttMu to?n geMe one of m flmiauntt* f ome of W twi flD don fonne of man i anb t of t$ tbat/ iBurac. W pw.cberetage/itujallbebtotbeftepeare/anb beb;ougbtmetotfuecbancB agasne. * tbgt6cetucneagajnebntofp;picejfo;bW jeomibbengicameteew/^eteaobema' i^fi. betagema!bebisffonne3onir.bep?mce nitceegbponetbetfiTbeof^eciuecbacBe. wffl 8 * alto fballtafie noneof tbe peoplejSera)eci cftenfa|bebeftntome:;Bf0 inatert batflo* launce/netputtbefcomtbeftpoaeaio-.but toetb oute totoatbc* tbe caft/ anb wnnet&a mp; tobfistonefonnes!troaHbegeuebtjipo0ef' botonemtotbeplafne'felbe/commet8into|, l ! ,, *w ,!&lt; ' fSon/tbatmnpeopiebenotfcattebab?obe/ tbefee.anbftomtbefeetttunetbout/ama'^* , *' / buttbateuecimanmarebaue^atone,. nets tbetoatewJtobole.yeealltbatlfueano fpnbbeb;ougbtmetbo?omtpe.mtcaunce moue/toberebntotbfscruereommttb/loal attbefpbeoftbebo^etotbebabBtacponof tecouet.anbroberetb^roater tommetb/ fg&gt;anctuacp/tbatbelongetbtop?efleis tbeceqialbemocflfpro.!ffo?aUgc5metbto anbaobetotoarbetijenojtb/^behoibe/tbere tbf0toatec/ft)albeluapanbto8ore.itu . toasiaplacebpontbelGeltffbe/tBenrasbe cpec (ball tbe fffl&amp;etsiftanbe from nga b&gt; ftebntome:Cbtett Splace/tobetef p^efted ti bntoifniJgfaim/'atberefp^Deoute^efe ffialibfgbttDetrefpaceanbCKnofirtnges/? / ftalte tbe meatoffetinge$:tbattbei?nebe not l?Beaismtpemawefee.ai0fo?b|0claie beareibem into tbe outbiarbe courte/ anb ptftejJ/iBe?allnotbc tobole/fo?tobp/je to to brtbalo toe tbe people . g&gt;o be b;ougbt ftalbe occupjoe fo?falt. mein to t&amp;ebttemo&amp;eoutie/tounbe aboute )8t6fettueebpon!iotbtBeffJe0oftBec antbefouceco?net0.3Bebolbe/(neuecpco?' fbo?e/tbecefbalgcotoealmaneroffcuteful

. nee oftbefo?e courte/ tbecetoa^ ret a litre tteeu/toDofeleauejJftaHnotfallof/n etfjei! coutte. yeefnaii winter ro;newJ of tbe ftaiitbeftftute penft:but mtt betnwat '.-' -'(jcte

tbrtc monetbeu/fo; tBefttoatei; cfinetb out oftbefc$anctuatp. fy&lt;t fnite^goobto rate/anb W leaf profitable fo; mebj/cine. Cbuu fa?etb tbe Ho;be mmt* ttbW be tbe feojbec/tobetm ?e mail oeui&amp;e lanbe bnto tbe.y ij.trjbe0 of Jftael/tottl} nje lyne.^acte ttRtb|)lferentl|bntoonea{S bntoanotbecof h tfte tobicblanbe|!ftoo?e bntoioutefatbetjj/ tbat it (hulbe fall to joure enbecttaunce. &lt;&amp;bnmbt bo;becof tbelanbe bpon the nojtbMoe/from tbe mapne fee/a t men go to 5aoaba:namciH3ema tft /)8erotba/)aba ritrnftom tljebo;belof amafcus 9 e man)bnto f a;a t mb on/ 9 t&amp;at ije tb bpon tbecoattegof ^auerS.busi bo;bergfr8 taefterotf &amp;/flbalbel!ja?ai; tan/roe Iwoec ofamarcuistbei9o?tb/anatbebb?bjiof w ^ematt):n)ati0tbei5o;tb parte. 35 ^beeaafvoetbaiiiemeafuceftom^a* uetan anb am afcus , fromcsaleab anb tbe lanbeofifraeibp?o?Baneanbfofo;tb/fc8 tbe fee co a ft/ to at Hetb ea(ttoarbe:anb tb(0 fetSeeaft parte. ,. ,, h ^ f foutbflbe fe/fcom cbamacfo^tb to g'L tbetoatergof ftrpfebntoCabcs/tbe tvuer/ w r totfje mame fee: anb tpattjS tbe foutb part. crtje to e ft parte.nameli tbe gteaf e fee fro tbe i)o;bers$ tfterof/tpir a mS come ton to t$e hiatb:tbW ft tbe toeft parte. Cb&lt;0lanbemal|eparteam5ge|ou/ac' cofltngtot&amp;etHbeaoflftael/frOeuiDf ttto beanberetagefo?|ou/ fo;tbe ftraungerg tbatbtoellamongepou/$begettecb|Ib;en. L, H , . I o e alltafie tbf amonge tbe cbrlo;en of BSt Iftael/ Ijfie a0 tbougb tm toere of ourc

f.nuo.( atoneboumoiDe^coatre/9Wt&gt;Qtallbaue beretage ^ louamSge tbe cbifb;! of Ifraei. Xobetntobattribetbeftraugerbtoelietb/ fntbefametribe(bauiegeuebimbi0bne' tage/C aietb tbe no;be Sob, CObr lottcs of 1 1) t. i) a. 1 1 (tea. O^e p artcs of tin poSfdyon of tbe pienllco t of t?c tnnplcof tbe He* MKto^f tlic cytit/ of tbe J&amp;?ln/nte rebearMS.dbe lottcs of t5 c otljet t r ilKB.fElje gates of tbe cplje. CCbe.clbiu.dbaptet. ^efeare t narne^ of tbe tDfbe^^ fye bpontbe no;tbf|be/bp ft toave of fiction/ tplltboucSmeft bnto (Dematb 9 ^a?at cnam / tbe bo,: betft of amarcuu totoarbe tbenotfb beftbe ^ematb:an (balbaiiebissporciBfromtbe eaft quarterbnto tbe toeft.capStbe bomm Manfr5tbeeaftfrbe bnto tbe toeft/ (ball atttbaue bijs po?cf on.iBpon tbe Iwberjj of aaer from tl;e eaft parte bnto tbe toeft (ball Depbtbalt bauebifs po?cwn. topoii tlje bobbers of ^epbtbalf fromtbe eaft quarter bnto tbetoeft/ mall Qjtonafless baue w vmion :port tbe borers of 39 a * naffeg from tbe eaft f jbe bnt tbe taeft/qjali


.&lt; **

oEPdwi'm baue b^poiciori. pohtbe hw bei;0 f cpb^im from tbe eaft parte bnto fe toeft/ftall JSnbenbauebisi po;cpon.aapon tbe bo?beris of -Kuben from tlje eaft quartet bnto tbe toeft ujailJuDa baue b^po^on: mpon tbe b ojbens of juba fro the eaft parte

bnto tbe toeft /pe mall fet afpse one portion of . cr b .20&lt;me ter obbe? longe anb b;obe (It he m anotberporcjxn from tlje eaft fpbebnto ibe toeft) robe tin tbeg&gt;anctuatp mall ft See. M (ot tbe pojcyon/tlja t pe (ball fepn rate e jcc5.i;io.a out f o? tbe Jlojbe/it (balbe. ccb.% longe/ anD.r.2@.b;oDe.tbcb fepatateb bolppo;* cpon (ball belonge bnto tu err. namelp to tb e p^e fteg /totoarbe tbeuortb.ircb. fl.anbto* toaroetbrtoeft.]p.^,brobe/totoarbe ft eatt y,fl9,b?ooealfo/totoarbtbefoutb.Wb.09 longe/toberin tbe )anctuarp of tlje Ho?be mall ftanbe. fee mis fame place (balbe tiie^ p;efte$j.'gare of ftcbtlb?e of ^&gt;abocb/3baue &amp;&amp;#%&amp; bepte mp boip ojbpnauncr.tobtcb toete not .&gt;;iu(|.f. aftrape mtbeerroute of tbe cbplD?enof gjf* tael/lpfieais tbe )Leuttes5are gone aftrape:* tbtt feparateo pece ft tbep baue of tbe lanbe fltalbetbemoftbolp/barbebpontbeborber? oftbeHLeuiteg. anb necte bnto tbe p;efte0/ mall tbe jLeuitegbaue;t-j:b.&lt;l.longe/anb.]C #.b?obe. cbp (balbe on euerpfpbe.wb. I9.longe/an&amp;.r,s.tyoDe.Jl&gt;f Wig pompon tbep mall fell no t b t nge f - ner mafi e anp pec mutacpB tberof/ieft tbe cbete of ft lanbe fall ., bnto otb/ fo? it (0 baiotoeo bnto ft jUtfoe. cbe otbcr.b.(J. after tbe b?eotb ft lpl| bp tbe.Wb. Surname comen :tt mall belage totbecpte anb totbe fubucbes fo? babpta* cpon0/9 tbe cite (ball ftanbe tn tbe mpo&amp;eft tberof. ILet tb&lt;0 be tbe meafurr. totoarbe tbe . nortb patte.b.c.a .((ij . at? .totoarbe ft foutft P art t .to . 1 9 . iiii . QjMo to avbe tbe eaft parte/ b.C .ano.t id . 09 .totoarbe tlje toeft part.b.C. anb.iiij fl. Cbcfuburbeg barDebpontbe cptpe/ffiall bauetotoaroetbeno?tb.^.(j.., totoarbe tbe foutb.&amp;.an&amp;.it.G.totoatDe tbe eaft. %# ttoo.C.totoatbe ^e\osa alfoX.anbttoo.C 3t0fo?tbe refpbue oftbelengtb/tljat IpetD batoebpon tbe feparateo Dorp grounbe : na* melp.ic.tboufanbe totoarbe tbe eaft/ anb. p, '

^.totoarbe tbe toeft/necte bntoft borp po?-. cion:ltano ttje increafe tberof (ball feme fo? tbeit meate/tbat laboure in tlje cptpe. cljep tljat laboure f j tbe toeltb of tbe WW Ibalfl raantepne tbiits alfo/out of toljattribeloeueK rbeibefngfrael. m mat (0 feparateo of tbe. rrb.'ge anb.nrt).J.b;obeontbe foutepaite0/tbac mall pe putafi'be fo? tbe feparateb po?ci?ois oftbeS&gt;anctuatp/afo?tbe poffcffvSoCtrje^ cite.c;betefpbue bponbom tbt fpbf0 of %t * ^anrtuarf anbpofteftpon of tbe cptie/ftwil btlottge

' t* l-_* _

%\yt mmtn

oftbecptpe:tbiSlbaJbetbep?mcespo?eioB. M ^ pjoptjetCSDauttU btsroalberaeftolpplace/anbtbeboufe of S?' e ia!K e JsS ll, *'* e """&lt;" (^mi the SrtitaS ftU ffamh* to f h? monhrft 6p " ae "P^MMfe (bums tftat toere in taptp up, M^O^OllCr from tbe /LeuiCejS ano tl)e cptpeS ujulo Uc taught (he uwnragl languag e of the HMU poSt(Uon/tHnt lW ttttbe ratUUea Of tbe p?rn.= oeeftttbepa albtoco the ftpnaeg fe bpnff.S&gt;an&lt;et'a6, cespartesiofietoaatttmapnetbbettoijcte ^JfI , f5S5^?&lt;^*f 1 lf^ neate of '^ *v nfle or au^ion. bo?berofWaw*bo?ber of $Si/ iw-ir *# w*m. &lt;troalbetbe?mces. __ccbefp?a Chapter.


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$otooftbeotbeetrpbeS. iJf torn tfte eaft parte onto toe tteft / CDall ICemanUn baue Bis ponton, mpon tbe bo?&lt; bers of tfeirjamm ftom tbe eaft fpbe bnto toeft/lbau" &gt;pmeon&amp;aue 00 po?rt 3 won tbebo?&amp;ciSof &gt;pmeon ftom tee raft parte

$ t&amp;e tyym vmt of at . tapgne of ieBoa&amp;tm fip ng &lt;**** ofiuoa/eame #abuc&amp;obO' *ww npro?ftpngofabplonbwb lerufalem/abefegebifcanb !tBeU-o?b oeltii ereb jetjoaBmi

pen t&amp;ebo?bers of &amp;aftn fro tfie ea a ftoe tajne oinamSS of WoufcTSSS bntoftoett/qrai&amp;abulonBauebispo?^. fffiSS^SKSSnaw ajpon i tbe bq?bet* of ^almlon fro tbe eatt to tbeboufe of WlKKtelS partebntometoeft/roaliasabBaueBispo?, mmMo^fSsSSSm^X on.5Hpontaebo?DerjJbfdBa&amp;routbtoarDe/ ^umtUSmiSSaiS/ tBtcoauesroalltracbfr5c&amp;amarfo?tBbn SMuSbS pe ujait ppurtBute onto tbe tubes of sfraei/ teb/tnftructe to all topfbomc/ conn vnae arm fared} tBe UM ob. sutju* topbe all t&amp;e Uetmw&amp;StoZmStaaS meauites.cbe wee* of tbe cite/wall Bane f ? to rpeafie Caloelfli. Wj}* m *rtp ttbe *rtWwei-Mi}evwtt . Bntotberefipngappopnfebacettai&gt;ne t?ffttomembm/mom3W/ to^ono^atonemate/ToftSe7^ ^S&amp;Sfi&amp;fWk^^M /*. , tofttcPeD?ancfieWmfelf/rotottdJpfl)tS rapottt&amp;eeaftrtbe.b,ca.ffft.fl&amp;.mearu* tbze geared aftettoatbe ei mtwhKine t t&amp;et;i8en5amta/t&amp;et&amp;p?be an.sspontbe ccttamom^^^S^SvS'^.meafutes/toptB ElnaBffieSSP^ 1 getb?epo;teS:t&amp;eone&amp;pmeon/anotber % 1, ^c^&amp;SSKtteSJ!

ate/ teetbp;oe &gt;abu!on Jnb bpontlje mmcam^^^SliSSlS/ mmealures tounbe about Jn&amp; from WngegmrateTneTftSiine l mShtiSJ lape/leftbelbuiDeDefcbFmfe.&amp;o(SoDSfl,fc gaue =a m'ei fauoure anb grace befoie (be ebefe c^ambenafne/tBatbe farbebnto Wm: 9 am afrarebof mp lo?betbeBpwge/tobjJcB batbappopntebvousouremeate$b;ftic6e: le ft be fpf e poure face^ to betuoife imme Wn ottjer fp?mgalDe0 of poure age / fo


tftattpmefonb/tbename oftlieepte Ibalbe: tbello^ete r&amp;ete,. CBe enoe of tbe J&amp;opbecge of



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pe aaHmabemelofempbeaD bnto fiwg,

cben antelanftoereb^efafito/bjboni ? cbefe cbamberlapne Uao ret ouetanftl/ inotiftHf/ flaei ana 3farfa*/ a fatuc : p?ouebuttenbafe0tottbt^feruauntes/ ietMbauepotagetoeate/^toaterto b?rnc* , wm Jf-p^ioSf^onourefaee^/stftetwibal .r,:.*^fe#;v- ;'.; wteof tbebpngejs meate.aiiib ajtt&amp;ou rem/

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foJjearetoifOffipferiiafitejJ.&amp;obe confeti- bec?aretobatftmeanet|.^entkfiEno r.n' teb. to them m tbte mmiwmm Wna$. ftorreb/tan'nge:3perceaue of a tiuetb/ tliac bapeU; aiiiu after tbe ten Hw*/ tljert faceg j&gt;e do but pjolonge tbe t jme : fo? fo moch as toerebetter iFbinge a fattev/tljen all ^5g pefe/g tbetbrngeiggone frome.^bctfo^ rpjmgalbriMtiBrcb ate of tbe fiwigeiS meate. pe topli nottell vmtmm/tt all al bau e a^ &lt;Pjti0 ffllJelattartobe atoapetbett meate one iubgemet.jeutpe tape a bpffe mbieib "atiOtopmvfiuagaue tljem potage tberfoye. bapne too;ce0;b)ljtcbpe fpeabe befo?em e/ obgatienototBefefoiirefp7msalDecon' toputoftpme.cbero?cteiimeti2eame/ npnge auMeiupng in all Ctrtpture aifttopf- afolballilmotoe/pfpecnnlbetome/toljae

. borne : but unto aniel fpecpallp/ljegoiie itmeanetB.atpontljisi/ caltieesgauean* bnberftauDinac ofali bpfions aim njtmtfi. f toere before tbe ftpng/ano favce:tbe re 10 no j9otob)bi)etpmetoa!sej;pp?ei)/tbattlje man bpSeartb/l can tell tOetbvnge/toblcft Spnge imd appocnteb to b?(nge 111 tijefe pog tbe ftpnge fpeaftetb of; pee t bete m nctlier rp?pngameimtobpm:tljecbefetf)amber-- fipnge/p;pncener&gt;Lo?6e/tbateuerat6ea . ; topne b;otigbt tbem before J5abucbo0ofl' focbtbmge^atarot&amp;raper/cljarmero jcal.. ro;/anbtbeiingcommimeotoptbtlje.ut beer;fo?ttfeabetpljarDematter/itftefirnff ' &lt; . amortge tbem all toere founDe none focb as requp?etb.i9etbert'iStfierea np/tbat can m i mantel / ananfajt/ Slfael / anb %tetm, tpfpet&amp;cfipnget&amp;erof/erceptetOeK oo&amp;eg: Cberfoje ftooetftep before ffipng/toBicbln tobofeovoeiKng issnot amofic tije cre atures allmpfoome* matters ofrnioerftanomg/g 4Fo?tbetobicI)Cawretl)elipngh)as(to?otft . . beenquercooftbe/founoetbetentpmeisbet. toitBgreatetnolgnacion/aiiDcomauriDcDtoC ter/tl)enalit!)efotbfaperfacbarmer)8/tbat oearopeatltbettpfemcnat2Babffon:i?tl)e tuere wanbpisiealme. 3Dnb aniel abooe p;ociamaci5roentefo;tb/t6attbetopftmcit ftpH/bntot!)efp;ftpeare of ftpnge p?uiS. QmlDebeflapne.^ljeprougbtalfotoflave S12L fa ?" ^ * tb0to fi wv s "HMS' anlei toitbb'0cSpapon0. ffiben mmi lo hpm GmottBt ano ttqn^eth of them toib tftc Enouerenairioch &amp;t*imtnt&amp;nl Ztf2vkr b^aineanotljrmtetpjetacyonthei-of.aLhcpaufttfW ^SSSSSXSSlS^SrV^PS. tDattheptnnnotfhetocit.KEDchpngecommaunBttb uogementanDfentece/tBattoa0gonefo;tb allthewpfe men oWaliplon tote aapne.SDanielre, alreDpfOfipHfOCbaStoeietopfeatlBa bpIS. qupjet^tpinetofoiutetheqiiettvon.iabe^tKope* ^eanftoerelianbfapDebntoiCtlocb bei nae Jietftihnnvftcivunfoffianiel.SDdnicliflWoughtbn* thenthefimLeebtbvtemhvhtiththet tvnae tacjon tbaof. m the ctwrtaftpnge hpngoome of PI&gt;Wb focnteuaftiltence f ^90 IrfOC^ wa.ciifftoiiefl;b;tft.sDaniEitgcicaitcD$p?omo* ^JDe ameltbematter &lt; 5Bpontl)ts(/ h3ente

tet&gt; gftbchpiifle. -..._ anfelbp/anboefp^ebtbeliptige/tbatbe Cpe.b,bapter. mpgbt.baiieleproure/toa)etttbeftpngetbe J3 tbe feconoepeateoftBeratgne tntetp;etact5: tbencamebebomeagapne of iaabucbobonofo?/ bab gabii* a etoeb tbe tbtnge bnto ananlajs/ (JKtTael ci)ooonofo;a o?eame/toberetbO' 9 Wattifibi? companies : g tbcp Ibulbe be* . - - wto bis fp;ete teas bejeb/anbblS fccbegeon of beatte fo? grace m tblsfecre t/ flepc bjaiie from btm.cbm tbe fipnge com. tbat amel a bt'S felottes toltb otber f ocft maundebtocalltogetberaltbefotbfapers/ aStteretotfeinJBabpis/Mmibeonot.cben cbarmers/iDitcbcs a Calbees/fo? to fljetoe ioastbe mpfterp flieioeb bnto antci In a tbefipngbtso;eame.g)Otljep came/a (tone bpfponbpmgbt.3nDaMelp?ayffD &lt;sob oefo?e tbe ftpnge, 3!nti tbe ftpnge fapue bnto ofbeaue.amelairocrieDIouoe/a fapoe : tbem:3 baue tyeamen a o;eame/a mp fp;ete S&gt; tbat tbename of &lt;Efob mpgbt be p;a pfeb toasfo troublebtbervti/p % bauecicnefo?* fo?euetanbeuer/fo;topfDome a Orengtb Botten/toOat^ tyemu eb.etpon tbis tbe cal* are bps atone : be cbaungetb tbe tpme s anb_ bees anftoereb tbe fipnge fn tbe &gt;p?tans ages:be puttetb botone fipng^/be fett etb bp , ft fpeacb:*flD ftfng/tifob faue tljp ipfe fo? eiier. fipnges*egeuetb topfbome bn to tbe topfe /"* ... m %&amp;*9l Kwtautes tbe 5?eamej a toe Gbafl abnoerftanblnge to tbofe tbat bnber aanbe/Stk h mm of su 5&gt;etoe the/tobat it meanetb.Cbe fipng gau e be openetb tfjebepe fecre tes:be ftnotoett tteMraSSa i EBB* I Ca, "^ ft* anftoere/a fapoe-.^t is gone tblnge tbat Ipetb in oarcfineffe/ fo? tbe ligbt wSSm*t. ffiR btoelletbtottbbtm.3!tbancfietbe/ap?apfe?o 1, ^' b * ['mutt; ,a " , ^cb?eametottbtbeinterp?etacpontbcrof/ tbe(tbwioDofmpfatbers)g thou baar*** * 1 peallbpe/apoureboufesiI)aibep?preo. leptmetoproome aftrengtb/abaftwetoea 5SutpfpetciimetbeD?eameatbemeanpng metbctbinge/tbattoebefp?eboff/fo^tbmi tberof/pe mall baue of me giftes/te toaroes baft openeti tbe fipnges matterbnec . 3&gt;agreateBonoute:onlp/lbetometbeb?eame JpontbiStoentantclir.pnto aitiocb/ anbtbefpgnpfpcacpoitofit.cbepanftoereb tobomtbefipngebaoo?bmebtobeftroperBf agapne /anb fapbe : u)e fipnge muft roc toe tolfeatffiabpion-.betoentbntotii'm/a fapDet "r: pis femauntes tlje b?eame/att6fo (ball toe wfttopenot focbasate topfe m jgabplon / it


ft Licgpnns



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Clje ^jopljecpe



but b^ngeine in bnto &amp; Bpnse/ anb g (batboome fljau Dea( UtSge a* won .&lt;Jf o? Tpfie ag fftewe tbe ftpge the intetp fftaciwi (#" won b? off tlj anb u jean rtft aii tftp ngeg-.y r e atioct) bjougbt mantel in tottjeitrt a to U eiien a * W n ba rt&amp; eut *P ^ vng bor one/ i tfte Batte/anotai&gt;b bnto BMuJftauefounDe totballit Urate botoneanbbeftrofe, amanamongetnepjefoneHSorsuba/tbat ' t^o,eaj tl&gt;ou fatoeft t^e fe ttnbtoctf/ mu tot** w awst tbe mtwnmm* .!* otem\) am parte of womtbatfc abe abenanfroereb tlje bpnge/afapbe bnto 2&gt;a MM fipngfiome / toftptb neucrtfieie* ftalt ' roel/ tobofe name masswalthafai;: #tt ctjou ; baiie fonte of tyt wn grottoe mf tW tottU ft/ be/tf)at canftfljexoe me.t&amp;ebjeame/tofticft'j'- fojfo mocftas tftouftafl; ft itf tliei&gt;;onmy; $aupfeDC/at&amp;ctntp?ctatpohtijew^a toitfttfteclai&gt;e. mei anftoewDtbe npng eobiji face/ fa}&gt;D ijc tors of tfje fete tbat were parte of avtofbjipreaetcy foztbeteftpcfttftiifipnge pjonanbparteof clape/fpgntfpefib: flW K mafeetbinqtUtpcifomitefSHetfteteberopfe/ u)albe a fipgobme parcel? ueong anb par t tbefojceter/tftecbatmerni.-rgbeuell conte* eiptoea&amp;e- Hiiid toftereafl tftou fauoeft won i m/ibatcancertpfpetbefeftigtfofffcJDnlp mpittetoi?tl)clai/e:tljeifl&gt;iiHmig!ett) em &lt;obm&amp;emiencanopenfecretei3/F)e&lt;tfe/ fewejsioitfttbefeoe of tymplc people / apet ?at.ji.c. tbat foetoetb tbe Bpnge $abucftobonofoj/ not continue one tot'tft anotf tcr/ltleaiB p;ott to&amp;attflfo? to come m tfte latter tm&amp;. topllnotbefoulociebtouftapotaier& amp;e. a CftE ueame/8 tftat Wty tftou Daft fene gntfte bape* of tftefe bpngy all tyttitob' cftu-t, ,^ntbpnebeaDbpotttfti&gt;bco/is5tfti0:fl[&gt;ftpnB;/ offtcauenfetbp an euerlaftpg fipngbome * tftou apaeft ca 8 in tftp mpnte / toftat Ojuioe rotiicft mall not petift/ ftijJ npng&amp;ome i3tai comeberafter: &gt;obe tbat iss tfte opener of notbegeuenoueftoanotbetpeople:peetf te mp&amp;etpe$j/ tetletb tbe / toftat iss fo?to come fame (ball bjea&amp;e 9 bettr

ope all t&amp;efe &amp;cng 30 f o? m e/ tft 10 fecrete 1 no t Qj c toebme/f 0? borne?/ but ft all enoute to; euer. en?to?tbomeg'j;Baue/mo?etbenenoc!jet 30nbtoftcreai5tftoufatoefl;/-iftattopiboue U&gt;upng:butonrp&amp; gmpgbtlbetoetheBpng enpftanbe0tOeretoa0cutoutoftftemounte rbeinterpjetacpon/ atbatbe mpgfttfinotoe a ttone/tofttcftbjaBetbepjonytbeeoppery $ v"***' $ ibougbteuofftfaatoneberte.cboufipng ca t;t&amp;,tberplueranbgolbem pecejJ-.bpt bat fatoeft/anb beftoloe:tftete Qooe before tbe a tyttb tbe greate 00 fljctoeo tbe ft png/tobac greate Image/ robofe fpgure teas mam*' topll come aftet tftfe.cbte te a true b?e amr/ lou* great e/anoftig bptage gtpmme . clje anb tbe in tp;e taepon of ft is fute. 3magebrabtoa$ioffpnegoibe/ftp0b;eft&amp; c&amp;ra tbe fipnge j&amp;abucftpbonofo ; fell acmes of fpiuer / ftps boo? 9 lopnes toere of boVsne bpon 1) 1 s face/ano bocoeb b&lt;m felf bn copptt/ btss legg^ torn of ??S/ bus fete toe te to antel/anb comaunbeb tbattbe? f tulbe parte of p;on/an&amp; parte of eattt}. otfte meatoffrpnge anb ttuete mm on* cbWtbou Catoeft/tpUtbe tpne tBat(toftb to bpn . cbe ftfnge anftoereb antel/ anb out enpbanbeg) tnere teas beto en of a (lone fatfie : v ee 1 a tveutb f oure &lt ;!ob it a &lt;&amp;ob robftb fmote t&amp;e fmage bpon tbe fete/tbat aboue all sobbed/a *jLo?9e abouc a U toerebotbof??onanbeai)ft/anbb?aBetbf ano an opener of fecteteg-.ferngetboucanft to pouioeruben toajstbe won/tbe eattb/ tbe btfeouet tbig m^fterfe. &gt;o tbe fiyn gemabe copper/tbe f pluer anb goloe b?ofien altoge- Mantel a gteate man / anb gaue b?m man? tbecinpecejS;anbbecamel{netbecbatTeof anbgreategyfteis. co?ne/tbatt&amp;e topnbebiotoetbatoapefrom e mabebstti rale r of all tbe countree * tbe fomer fio o?e^ / ctjat tljep can no mo?e be of 33 a b jion /a nb I o/be of a ll tbe noble*) tb a t fotinbe.TButf ftonetbat fmote rbe^mage/ roeteat)6alnjlpn.j9otobanftl intteatebtB e became a greate mountanne/tobfcb fulfil' fi^tige fo? fbymb I dpfiub anb3be&amp;n a* letbt&amp;etoboleeartbiffbfefeSbjeame.ano go/foibatliemaDefljimttjferjsoueralJtb e

nototovUroefljetoebefo/etbefisnge /tobat offpergtn tbdanbeof J8ab0on:38uf^a* it meanetb. niel ft \m felfe te ma vmh fttn in 'Hit tcnttt flDBpnge/tbouartatsrngeofftingejJ: bptftebfnge, f $ o; tbe e ci) of beaue ftatl) geue tfte a ft? ng. bome/trcbr0;arengt&amp;anbmafeft&gt;:9bfltb ****&amp;* ^to*&amp; &amp;99l&amp;*M 1te \ mm of men:tfte beafte* of tfte feme /* \ tzmmtuxamu wt ate mm ml njc h? 11 ?* tftefouleisbnbettbefteaue/anbgeuetftebo* .tommaunocoto tooj&amp;v? tbcstiuige. A Lbtrtcntre mfnrcn mier tftem aiMr&amp;ou arttfiat soloen ,0 Do u an5fl " P ue ln to aiutii$n uMurtt.p ii heab.Hftettiefeereftanfiturefinflfhfrltftirt, m^oott|f|are6flpneK6ftomtl)tfKf.jO aliiiclio* . tfti&gt;?befi^gbpmeftsibi?l&lt;Becoppet/ftaue be,trt,Cftapfer. bomsnarton/naHfebW.cftefouttBIItjg* ; ' ww fiabu^

*l ; ' : * .


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iis^ r ^-^-^^Duc^lidrtofo;t!jeBfiigecauCci) ' | ; i(t)cfii/5Babplo gevatoutctogawer tcgetljertDc l mnpeuc buiieis/lo^bi 1 ^ anb rtoWcsfytOe mbsef* an&amp;of L 2ti^uo^ of lei '^ of tl ^ lant^seftat tfjcr migUt eoiiie to eU i l rprt'**wp. nofo?i^- fcwiue tjao ftt bp . j&amp;otbe buAest/ "%(um io;ue0 ah?* uuWcjS/tftc ftiDgec ana "ofti#/ DcDttw tfori i'Oimwtoitl) ai tlje rut wis of toe lanoe gar! i -. &gt; tn Jftem toge tftet/anD carve wi to tfje heiu'-nif i^ige of rue Enrage / tftat j^a* . tucljoUoHuii^itljefiitngehatjreEbp. i9ototol)i^ef ftoficbefo^e te3!mage/ toftrc^a!mcl)oiJonoCo?retbp/teDrtcriea out tottd ai W miQfohfD jepcopie/ftsncec* K0 and hmmuto p eu ten fapbcitftat totjm pefteatetl)enoi?feoft^cttompeKc0/toOicft albc blotocn/tottH tfje fjatpcsf/Cftatontcjs/ ^falttvu^/^gmpftoiucganDall nmnev of fly uffcfitpfi ftii Dohinf anD toojfijrpe $ goiHmg|mage/n^aUucl)oDoiioCo;t^Bfng [jatljfetbp.n.MjofotDeii failed) not Goto ne 9 botoetl) Dim tfcif ; mail eiieu fame ^oute becaftintoaitl)otebutnpnge wien, cljer-

fo;c/toJje oliefic folcfieftcroe t&amp;c novfe o{5 ttompctt^tljiittoEWblott)fu/h)(tljfi)crjar&lt; ty QMtaiint^/lMiIterf r (S/ ^vmpftomes tj vruoejGi am* nattoae tell Dotone / ano botof &amp; Qcnt Kfttfff bnto tlje goJDmgimage y g jQa^ biu^ooonofo^ )e fti i nge fjao ret bp, j5oto toe wtfjere certasnemen of ftc Cal^ 38 bw / tim \w\tt turn tytn and accufeu tijt 3ehjc0/a?Ujfi?rscbntot{)eRgnge^abueljo* bonofo?^ ,! &gt;^Hig/&lt;!3oUfauet^!ffefo;eufr, Cftoubei^^ i&amp;t?ngefatt geueuacomma^ Mnmt^x: all men toftn tljrp ^eaw mm of tlje ttot*H*Cfc^0/6arpeff/ ftaturar^ /pra{^ Uw/fwtq$ww8axn an toe otuermclo* bieftlfcaJi fefU&gt;otoncati*bob)e t^emfeiu^ totoarae^if Anjf^u^niage: toljofo tften fell ttotDoibs^ a!!OC;a)ippeDnot/tftatl)erbul*' bebec^fl : i?H&lt;t!nf)otebuvnpiigeciuen.i5oto -ared)ere ^E&amp;tyiiegjctaeji /-toboni mil WUI fet mttg&amp;K'tiivttft offftejan&amp;e of ?5abvlon: wel^/&amp;^c&amp;/#^efta3ibebnasa, CWenuiHs*) fipnge) iegav&amp;enottftj?eom^ waunijeiutV vetl)ej?lcslnotrere t!it?go&amp;^ beg/riecb^iif^em feluesco fljegolDc^wur*ge/tUac tftuH fjidtt fet bji. Cljeit j$aiur.ti)o6oiTofo; f n a ct^ell }ti;af anQbttpfci&gt;artv/c8mautiDeo/tf)a(^iD7ac&amp;/ ^tf8ci) ?! abebtiaijo (buiDc be b?0Mg{)t bntobpiu. *;;.&gt;*r)efementoei'e bzougbt bc&lt; fo?e 6^^%m j9abuct)oDonofo?fpafie ' bttto i^eJwM^tesKtoQatf d&gt; ^ib^c^&lt;*





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facft anb ^be&amp;nago / toi?il not te ferue m ? gobbe^no? boroe voure ttluts to tfte gotten ?mage/tI)at5lbauefetbp:to(ll/bcreD?bcr4 after / toften pe fteaic tbe nojfc of tfte trom pettes blotoe togtb tfte ftatpes/ fljatoftiew PfafteiiejS/ffmpbonteiisanball t etfterme* lobfe&amp;fbjatp fallboroney too?tPPC tfte 5|mage tofttcft % ftauemaDe.58ut fligt roo; Oiyppc ft not/Ye Qiailbe ca(tfmmebtatli&gt;fn to an bote burning ouenXet fey roftat dBob tjstftei'e/ tbatmafebelperyou outeofm^ ftanof ss^twacft / S^ifacl) anb aibecnago anfttereo tlje fivngey faf be*. U) fiabur fto^ bcnofo?/toeougfttnottoconfentebnto $ tii *.,.. t u la tl)i0marter/fo;roft?:otire ob roftoroefeiv u, " v ^ v, "ue/igs able to fiepe m fr5 tfte ftote burapge oue(JE&gt;bvnge)anbcanrf8bttoeHoeii)iiet;u!J out of tftr banfiejs.anb tftottgl) fte iu jilnot/ Kt ibaittftott finoae{ &gt; figiig) tbatue totil not ferae tftp gobbefl/nes-fioratereucctotbe * Smage/roftf cb tftou baft fet op . ben teajs jQabuc&amp;ooonofo? full of tnbignaejon / to j| k countenance oEftigfacecbaflgeb 0p3S)&amp; b?acft/Spfacb/an&amp; abeanago fterfo?efte cftargeb anb comniaunoeb / tiiat tfte ouen flnilbe be mabefeuen tpnes botety tftehft toajx monte to be;a fpafte bnto tbe ftrongett to o^tftlejs tftat taerc in ftijs ftofte to; to btnbe ^ib&gt;acftyfl5ifacft anb abebnago/ ato caft tftem t'n to tfte ft o te buinpnge ouen. g&gt;otftefementoere boun&amp;e m tftrtr cote* horenylftuestiDytb tfteir otfte r gatmentetf / 9 caft in to tfte bote bumpnge f ant* ge commaunoement roa}5 fo ftrateyanb tfte ouen toajs ercebtnge ftote . W tot tfte men g put fn.&amp;gtyacb i^Ffacft a aibeonago /tbe

rlSmeof fp;ebeft?ogeDtfte, 3'nbtftete tb;e etavM^a. mf *i&gt;b;acft/0Difacft aabebnago fellboto* ne tn tfte bote butuwige ouen / beinge fatte bo(iDe,&lt;!rfteni9ablitftooonofo?$!il&gt;ngmar' ueieo/anb ftobebpfn all ftaiftiftefpafte bnto D?0 councell anb fapoe :bpo not ve caft tftefe tli?emenbounbeintotftefi&gt;?efftefanfroe* ttb/anb fapbe bnto tfte npnge: Tee SD binge. ?#e anftoereb anb fapbedo fo? all tftat/vetbo '}. fe foiue mengopnge lotofe in tfte mptioeft i)t'tfteft'?c/anbnotftttige eo^upte-.ano tfte routtft ipfsean angcii to lofie bpon.tapou ocMm ([jt'sj toent J5abucftobonofo; bnto tfte moutft^nw** of tfte bote bornpngeouenibe fpaftealfo /$ w i'apbe:flD ^&gt;vmtUf Wffm sabebnago/ pe imuaunteiEi of tfte ftpe cob-.go fo;tfty ana comeftttfter.ainbfo^pl)?acb/il(9vfacb 1 9 flbebnago roete nut of f^e.cften %tmmt toft anbnoble0 / ano tfte lipngejf councell cune togerfter to fe tftefe men/bpon toftif tfte fweftabnomanerof ptmjcrftitljeft bob^e?: ginfoniocfttljattbeberpfteamoftiiefrfteaij {nan not buuite/ 9 tfteir clotftetf bncftfiageb: feetbetctoagnofmeloffpjefeltbpStfteBii.

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ani.b(j.t&gt; incut

cben rpafte 0abtiebobonofoj /anbtefb: le(fcb be toe tf ob of &gt; tb;acb / u"ato 9 aibebnag ; tob leg batb font \m a ngeil/ 9 8e f enaeb |tsf f eru aflt w/ to at put toeit ttuft in bum toa t Dane altereb fipgee cSmaunbe* ment:anb feoperbe tbeit boote* toetbpomta toettben toej toolbe {true 0? too;fl)t&gt;pe c np otoet ob/trceptetof ft atone &lt;m only.

Clje 3ptopljtcpe

be beafte0ofti)efeibbab fbabofresJ bn* bet (t/anb tbe f ouie0 of toe a jyeotoelt to the botoe0toetof.S&gt;bo*tH&gt;/allcteature0febof ._, tt.tfatoctompbeabawffon bponwbeb; ai T n g C i 8 ;g

9 be Wit 1* a toatcfte t came botone fro lje- 1^ ^ ^ ,- f . uen/fr cryeb m pgbtel|&gt;/fai?to8,$eto botone f tte/bjeabe of W fyaun$e*/flwfee of hip leaue0/anb fcatte l&gt;iss fnite l? obe: toat all &lt;E&amp;etfo';e 'J topli -anbcommaunbe /toatall tfjcueettes3nia{&gt;eget tbeni atoai'e frSbnbqs people.fipneDeganbtungeg/tobic^fprafie bito/anbtoefoule0frombt0U7a3cb&amp;.&amp; e an; blatpbem?aga?na&lt;E(obof g&gt;fD/acb/ uertbeiegieaue toe gvomtoc ofhte rotef tfl! SMJilacb/anb aibtbnago/tbal! wi anb tljf it to tbe earto/anbbjnbf bim bpon toe p lapne

boufejs (balbe pa&gt;feb: *5ecaure;tbetet0no fclDe/toi'tl) cijeyneja of v^on ari D . ro^iij obtbatmavefaue/asstot0.&gt;otoetojnge tbebftoofbeauen(baHbcuetoet/&amp;betoail p;omoteDS&gt;ib;ato/'g]9fracb/anb3bcbna&lt; hauftoflpattetotbeljetbegof toe grow n* go/totoelanbeofJBabj'on. toito otoettoi&gt;ibe beatteg. . m *. u. .""... %.':. _ .: ^ . " cbatmanj!berteofbipfl&gt;aHbefalfr5 fSSVZS^SL^ZSSXf ^rn/anbabeaftfjJbftte all begeuebtot/ ^ooa--an&amp; is iTaotfiuito&amp;iDUimsDQHu* CftW eranbe ofgtoatcbei; usacSmauir o* tt-ffiijiM'n'f.ctjavta, mentgtounbeo anb Congo e outfntlje coun* ftbticbobonofo? Itynge bnto all cellofdim/tftat tgmoflfjofy'Xoltatntxnw people/ Iirnrt'Dbw ana tungrp g (6? to bnoctaanDE/tijat ftjeft Iiatf? poton:* iDtocli bpo ti bole iart&amp;:peacebe otter efte ft? ngbome* of men ^geuctft #?/ *.' mutt!pH&gt;e&amp;am5gei&gt;Qu tftougljt toto^omitlpftcH)l^m; ^I^pget^ebeig! itgooDtoOjetoetftetoRengan&amp;mamelous oute cades of men ouettyeiti, 4C0{tfi0f( je . toojcfieg / ttjat t()e !)i?e csod Datlj tn^ou!jt b;eamc/t!jat 5 nyng $abucl)oDori ofoi ^ac . bpon mc.G ijoto gieaie uicbis toftengy ntiD fetw.0)etfo;eiiD3Bam)afftv /telltQou me ftotoiwigStieare^toonuc^f ^tgftviig* toDatrt^gmfi'e^:fo/fomocl)fl^allttopfe borne 10 mi euettatt?ngefigngDonk/anb W ttKnbf my fiyngbomeare notable tofijcbie potoetlattet&amp;fojeitftanbeuei;. we/toDatttmeaiwtft.ffiuttftoueanftftoit/ 9'iSabcBoDonoCo;bei?ngateell'mmvne fo?fp;eteofti)eftoli?&lt;i3cBtiejsfemtl)e a (&gt;oufe/aiiflo?ifl)pnsemni?pa!ace/fatoea . C5einan!el(to0ofehametoa3ife bicame/ toftrc&amp;maDe me afrayeb: anb t&amp;e fat)beine Org peace by Hie fpace of nn&amp;oirce teougfttegtftatiftaobponmpbebytoitljtbe anbOps tboug&amp;tes troublcirftfni jfee tbe . &amp;prponsofmi?net)eaD/tmbleDme, cljen 8?ngefpafte/fapDe:flf)JBaUI)afai;/lettiie * femg'outaconuffion^alltb^toljtcijtocie tftettlje b/eanie net tI)e&lt;nterp;etacv ontfje*J9 oftopCbomeatJBabfion ffiulDe be bmi&amp;t offearetfte,i5aiH)aratann\)ei;eb/fa0ti

g:J&gt; befo?eme / to tell me^eintetp?etacyon of mp)lo;be/tft!0b?eameljappentot&amp;Kjem e- \ . ftcD?eame.)Otftere came tftc tovfytavm/ mpetf/etfte ihtetpietact?onto t^ne aDuet cftarmew/caibeeganbconhiww ototmltb (&amp;w$Mfw$ tie }at tymtim \xfykb to toliom 5f toioe tfte b?eame/but toljat it be toajJ fo great 9 mtgftepe/o#oCel )e|j^w* tolieneb/tl)e^coujenotp)etoeme;tfUat;$ cf)ebbntotljelieaue/flnD!)^i)?eb^Kfoftl!! iaft/tbere came onejE&gt;antel(otI)eito}?fe cal* tfjctoo^bitoftofe leuefi toettf awe/9 ftttW lebJ5aUI)arnt/acco?B5ttgtotIjenameofmV mocH:tonbn:'tdir tofiifeii tfie bcntfte o f ft frliie &lt;Sob)tobicl)batDgfweteoftbel)olrgobi3V ftabteeaftabitacpn/anbbiiwitoljofelyai l* mb&lt;m:tototjom5tolbetl)cb;eami7fatmg: c^e^tQerbitlejsoet&amp;eaneb^fBt;' : flDjeaitbafat/tftoup^ueof^outbefattrg; Cuent!iou(iS&gt;fij?nse)attU)eto/Reate jeJfo^fomocljastiRnotoe/ tljattbou ftattttje ftronge.flrbpgieatngffe inavaeet$/Q (ca fp?eteof the holy &amp;oms anb no Tecrete is cljetObnio tljetjeaue/ fobotO fftp potter to ft ft^ftomtlje-.teHmet&amp;erfoje / tobat i^ebp* ttbttt of tfteeattl)/?j$utVo?)wa3i f)efi|iis' fponofmvti^amcitliat^bauereneimare ratoeatoatcbeieuenanljolvangeH/gcame ftgntfte .T fatoeabvfvonmmp beab bpon botonefeom(jeaueit/anbfa^e:l)etoboto!ie mi&gt;be&amp; : ario beftolDc; tftere Qobea tie bpon tOetre/anbneftroseit^tieaue ttjegtxtsiiiS tbegrounbe/tebrcb toa^beep bve/gteate of tf)rtoterntijefartfi:anbfti-ttbe(innbpo n $no mpgDtpe s tbe &amp;epgrt&gt; reacWb bnto tfte tfte pnqwftinritQ cUerne of wo n 9 Cele: beauen /anbtbe bzefirt) ejttenbcb to all tde ^efljallbe toettoiHjtfKCetoofl&gt;e au?/anb rnbe!8oftbeeaft:6ijS!eaurs(teetcfap?e/Be DWparteflmnbetottHbeettejof^efelD/* bas berpmocb fntte/fo tbat euer? man gab tpli feu? feat eg be come anb gone bpo fstn: tnoiiggtoeatetf)er&lt;n. efe{68nge)ft(t(Ktoeerp;tcron/seeft .i. fjjtlie

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ww . i$ tut M\&gt; beupce of bini / tija t i'jj Uses of al/ anbittouc^etfj mylojbct&amp;e fipige-. Cbou (bait be caft oute fro men/ anbtbp ua . DtoeHfng fbaloetottb the beaded of ffeioe:

WSSSl **M B taee flwtttftou befeb mi an oje. su.. ftou , m ,(Hjeu)ettottl)tbeDetoof tyebea' urn: peefeuen^eategaalltome/^gobpon tDe/tplt tbouftnotoe/g tbe bftftljatiipo mec , bpontbcftpngboraeflofmen/ageuetbttieni EKhJhi totobomljelj?ft^o?eouet/tobereas(ittoaff ff'T" 8 farbe/ tbat tbe tote of tfte ttee fljulbc be left tttfl to tbe grminw:ft betoftenetb/tftatt!)? byngbome 0)alf temasne tobole bntotoe/af tevtboubattletnebto bnoto/tbat tlje pototr cotninetb f torn beatienJ&amp;bf!(fo;e/ &amp;&gt; fcng/ be contet toitl) mv coScrll/ tbat tboti majeft lotofe tofFnneg(toWBtp4Btotifnetre;anb ttojne offtnceis toftb meter to poojie people: fo; focD tftyngeg (ball pjolotige m Ptatt. 2CHtljefetl)tngcs! touch e tbe Spge |5abti' cbobonofo?. f S&gt;o atm.xii.monemMfc brng toalfieb bp 9 botone tntbe palace of the bpgbome of 55ab vloit / anb f asoe: cbfe i$s tbe gteate cvte of )8abt&gt;15/teUK&amp; amp ftlfctottb mppotoee 9 fttengtl))baue mabe a ftjngesi coutte/fo?g bonout of mf mageape,tb?le tbefe tco?Dcgt toete pet the ingest moutb / tbete fell a b opce ftom I) eauen/fa? inge-. fi^ng ff aliu* cbobonofoj/eo beftfpofte:f bP bpngbome (ban bepaite ftom tbe/tdou (balfberaft out ofmettf coutpanp:tbPbtoellpng aibe toi'tb tljebeafiefio! Keioe/fo tDat thou fbalt eate Stale bi'te m an ojcr /ttll feuf jeatejjbe com? 9 gone otier tbe:euen bntflltbcAt nnotoeft/ 1 tlu;l)eftbaiO potowbpo toebpngbome? of men/attotrjatbemapgeuetbem/bntotobS ftpHatetbbpn. cbebetpfame boute tea* tbfjs Rttttee fulffllebbpon fiabuebobonofo?: f tbat be an i v caft oute of meng company; anb ate $?m it fie an ore. ts bob? teas to et tof tb tbe Mve of Beaue/tsilbW beatres toe Wltwzw 'A "eglejJ fetbets/9 big naieis libe bp?uegi:ciaVoeiJ. l^beu tlus tpme toa0 palt / f J5abucfio&gt; bbnofo; Ufte up mpne ef ejsbnto Ijeauen/anb mpne ft'iibi'i-ftanopnge toas wflo?eb bnto me aga. f)Mgauegii&amp;ancfieis bntotbebP' Bbeft.5! magtoftcbanb p?apfbbtoi tbatii?' usfy (0/ twmml toljofe potott enburetlj

altoave; mW* bvngDomr ftom onegenetacpon*oanon)et:tocompaHfonoftobomall tm tjjat oteli bpon tbe eattb/ ate to be m puieaajsiiptbinge. .. l fee batioletb aeo jbt'nge to bfe totll/amSge tbepotoet0 of beauen ? amoge toe topabty ; ^ftitwi&gt;.atout)8of0jceftttb:anbtbwe tonone ^ ntave |v: '" tefpftel)m^mbe/o?fa8e:tobatboefttbouf |:i: . ; 3Mtbeto'^^metoa!Smpneljnbetttanbpnge imtm. gcuen nse apswr/anba toajj wHojebtotoe

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bonouteofmpfipngbome/fompbpgwt'te/9 to mpne atone ftappe agapne. ffltpgteate effaces anb ^tnce? fougbt bnto toe/anb ? toaS fet to mp fisngbome agaphe / fo tbat* babpetgteatettoojftpppe. ... cben Dpb"S ^abucbobonofo?/loue/mag* m?fpeanbp;a?fetbefi?ngeofbeauen:fo?ali

bt0 too^cftestatetttie/anbbw toapeg ttgbt. m f 0; tbof t tbat go onp;oubie/ be W able to b^ingetbem botone. .... , .... , C^nittjajim; hvng of iCfllpion/rtufJiiae tfte totlTcIf oftMc tcmplwftftt) sutyffittt tojytinge in tfte MH. (EtjE fotljefa? c r0 callc of (I)c hpngc/caii not ctpoflae ( ije t! pt png. anfel &lt;6 caUeO/tttQi eft tca&amp;ctft it /anb ntccp:etctl)mCo.Wiilti)afnH)rmaJttU2iif/?Datuui fti(Bctftinft(8tott)me. , ..... *. CCbe.b.Cbapter. ;ynge j3aitba?at ma tie a gteate ar ibancftettotofi tljoufenbe&amp;ojbW: tojtb all tbefetboufancebe mabe Igteatec&amp;ete/fcVtbe'Oe toa0b?onc ton ujitfj mpne /be comaunbeb to b?inge btm tbegolben 9 fgiuetbeffelg / toijtcb bus fatbet ^abucbobonofo?babtafien out of toe teple fclMfcjfflfcM ntietufalem-.tfjat tbe ftpgeanb b W lojbe^ tettb btP quene 9 concubpnegm^tb?mcfte taetout. . S&gt;o tbe? fougbt toe goibenbeflell /ttjat toaptabenoutof tbe temple oftlje Jto?be3 boufe at fttufaiem.cben toe ft ? nge anb W \oiw toitobtoQtiene^ concubfneub?5che outoftoem.Befb*oncfietome/anDp*a?* febtbettgjboleisofgolbe/fBiuet/coppet/wo/ toobbe anb ttone. jn toe toetf fame boute toete appeateb f lngew/a0 ( tbab bene of a mams^anbe to 2 u tpnge/ifgbtouet agapnfttbe canbeifipcse bpentbeplapnetoall to tbe m-ngeu palace: 9 toe fifnge fatoe tbe palme of tlje banbe tljae to;ote.cben cbaungeb tbe fipng b0 counte* naunce/anbbW tbougbteB ttoublebbpm / fo tbat tbe totntf of \ffl bobp fbofie/anb bW ftnecs fmoteone agapft otoec. !*0betfo;e tbe fifngectpeb mygbtelp/tbat toep(bulbea&gt;aftift b?togebpmtbe cbawnew /Calbee0 anb con* futet0 of oeuels.cbeftsngfpaiieaKo to toe topfe men of J0abplon/anbfajbe:a0bofo ci wbetot'0 to?ptoige/ anb ffieto me t&amp;eplapne meanvngtoetof:fbalbeclotoebtoftoPwtpie/ baue a toepne of golbe aboute bt0 necfie/anb title tbe tbv*be patt of mpb pngbome. -l}pontof0/camealltbeRfnge0topfeme: buttoepcoulbenetbetteabetbeto;tting/nee toetoetbebtogtobatft ffgntfteb. cbentoa0

toeBpngelo?eaftapebtofomocb/H&lt;0eO' : loute cbatmgeD/anb bf lo;be0 toete fo;e be* tea. S&gt;obvteafon of toj)3 matter/ tbat fjab-. bappeneb to tbe binge a I)t0 Io?be0/ pquene * totntbpbetfeif into tbe bancaetboufe/ ana fpafte onto toe fiWKe /fapinge: D fiynge/ tfobfeuetoftyfe fo? twM t not $ tooned* Silt tC0

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0 trouble tfie/ano Jet nottfip countenaffce" t^bu BnetBeft alftQere (gfng^:l&gt;u t &amp;a(l becbaunge&amp;.jfojtobp^eretjsamanmtbp gn?fpebty?felfeabouetbejlo;beofbeaue7 BWgoome/ tbat batb tbe rp;ete of tbe ^olp fotbatttjetieCelgofbtiSbQitfetoere bjo ugbt gcotjegtoubmbtm/asisfttoassrenemtbpfa. before tye:tyattbou/ftty?lo?be0/toi&gt;ty tbp tbettfbapee.^ebatywtwettanbifng fttopfc qumeanbconcubjnefl/mfgbtbjmcfietopne oomeifse gc&amp;ae0.yeetbe B?ng#obucbc tbcrouc.HinDbatt pjapfebtye iDo!e0offt?I Donofoztbpfat&amp;etmabetbtjs mancbefe of $ ueranogoloe/copper anD??on/bf toobb anb . rotyfa^w/cbannetf/Cal&amp;ee* anb beuelca* Qone:30f&lt;fbe&lt;Bob mtobofebanbecon r?* ,,,., . furer0:becaufetbat fotbe an abounbaunt &amp;etbtbi&gt;bjety anball tbp toajefl-.t youbatt *"*"** fptfte/Bnotolebgeanbtoffbome&lt;toe)tpoabe notioauebbfm. -, Djeamestytoopenfectetefr ftto&amp;eciaie barbe &amp;berfo?e istbepalmeot t(j0ftan be fent w bototesOtoa* founbe to b im;pee wen in a bptb e r f torn bpm / to toaen bp tl) te tojpt i nge,

mei tobora tye ftp ng namebffial tt&gt;a?ar. jLee 3nbtbfe fe tbe f erf pf ure/t bat 10 twttten bp: tbi0famej&amp;anfel b e feme fo?/ arm be all ^ane/cbetei/Pbateg.ftototbemterpjc. ten/ toba t it meanetb. tacp on of tb e ttonge f tbpg : $mt/ oob cbm teas aniel bjougbt befo;e tbe baty nomtyebtbefijngbome/anbtoougbtlt 8?nge.&gt;otbeBi?ngefpafie&amp;nt0j&amp;anfei/ft toaneitDe:cbetel/tyouaittoe?ebro tbeba! fa?be:atrttboutbat antel/ one of tbe we* jaunce/ anb art founbe to lpgbt:pbare#/ tbp fonergorguba/tobomm? fattjet tbe apnge fimgbomettbeltmpatttf/anbgetientotbc fyougbt out of&lt;$t\onif bauebearoefpeabe glebes anbPetftt. oftbe/tbattboubatttbefpzeteoftbebofs cbencommaunDeb$altba?at/tocioty gobBr0/e*pertenceanbbnberttanbpng/ahb mantel tojty purple / to bange a cbe?ne of tyatrambatbbenegteateto?tbomefcunb golDeabotiteb0necBe/anbtomarieap;o w in$ .$oto baue tb t re bene b;ougbt me/to#e clamacnon concenujngebpirotbat be a time conpnge cbarmet0/te teabe tfois touting/ be tbe ruler of tbe tb?;be parte of W i png* anbto Qietoente tbenteansnge tberof :fflut Dome.cbeberp fame npgbttoae 3Saltba?a t mum ti tbepcoufoenot ten mejtobatthfe matter ft* tbeftmgeof tyecalbeegflagmYanb&amp;atf utfma. gnvfi eb.Kn bcaroe g fa pe/ tba t tbou cantt out of i$ew a tofie f n tbe 6f ngoom e/betoge mnuip,&amp;, trpounbe barest tbi?nge0/anbbeclarebarbe irij.peare of age, boute0.ieiitban/jf tbou cans reabetbflJ * to#tpnge;anb fljetome tbemean^nge ttin* trmutusmm mittom m\u&lt;Hi&lt;taM*\w


ti *

tywoeparte of mp ftpngDome.

IWI Banfel antoeKb/8 fafbe befo;C ft Mlfft f aW m ^oO.jDanttO accularo are put bnto t&amp;etjy 6S3D0 fojtbp retoarbeg/ Bepe tbf to tbpfelf/OJ ons mt toimtn(omKtM&gt;mavtmnnimix !m Win.*** geuetb8rtcbBgftesJt.oanotbet:jetnottbe. ** ****m4mmm*m*. Ngat** fefle/^toiiUrtoetyetojftwtgebntotbefirog/ **# ***. aribroetoebfmraetofer#etac?ontbeeof,tf&gt; . cowi.cwHii ' - fipnge/&lt;ESobtbebpettgauebnto#abucfto&lt; igpgs^pleaftD^atfuistotetouethfjS 3anrei.#. bonofo?tbpfatbet/tbeWgni!teof ainge/tt ,^l SHngboniean.C.anb.wXo;bejJ/af toojauppe^bonoiwfotbatallpeopie/Biin. ^RrtitobtcblbultiebeutaUb^fipngbo. '- reooes ft tungeg ttotietn atoe ftfeare of brat/ K^Jmeaboute.aibotie tbefe ber et tbie bpreafonoftbebFeettate/tbatbebablent ^nceU(oftobonijsan(eltoagone)tbattbc bpm. fo? tobP/beOetoetobombetoolDe:be lo?O0mpgbtgeiteaccompte0bntotwra/9 fniote/tobom it pleafeo bfoi.aigasne:tobom tbe&amp;nngetobfbnbffeafeb. -^ fc betolbe/befetbp:anbtobombettft;&amp;eput )8utan&lt;ele)cceabebaUtbefel&amp;; fttcej9 juanicuf^.D. ootene.53ut becaufebtSbEtoa3 Cop?ouoe/ lojbeiS/ fo?tbe fpjete of oD t oaD plenteous anbb^SomacftfetfofaftbntbtocIfiilneffe'. fnbpm:fotbaftbeftsngetoa0mfn&amp;eDtofe t betoagbepofebfrombttfitngls ttone/ftbtt bpnoueetbetoloiewamte. usberfoje tbe raageftptoautaftenftombftti.^etoaiswot ^rncwanb)iLo?be(Jfougbt/topscfieouf piitfromamongemen/bttbeite toasipbe a ui^antel fome quarelt agapnutbebrns* f beaflrs bett e/ano bS0 otoeusnge toass toptt) bomeifet couibe tbep tgm none oc cafy 5 nee " tbetopi&amp;eaffes toast faenetoeate grafle fautebpon^fm. mWli betoWfofawb * I?6eanowanbbl*bobstoajJtorttottb tbe full/tbattberetoatinbblame netWfconeft* betooftbebeauenitpHbefineto/^atfbfett founbembfnt. babpotoer bpontbe ftmgbome* of tnen/anb cbe n fat be tb eft raenitoe tof n get n o qua* ftt S?*A?S /te ^Wi M .. "ItaBa^ntt^^^anW/weepteftbefritpe^ -JE22K22Sffi? , iffiS S to^BJbb.flpontb^toetttetfiep^n. tbfe/battnotfubmscteb tbvnebeete/tbougb rejsanblo^^togttbwbntotbebfnge/anb

fapDet[ju0btttof)fm;&amp;wgariuse&gt;oofatte taleansacpe.utotltpe0mtbemo;nfng tbPtFfefo?euei;.3WltbcgteateeJlateisoftbe attbe bjcabeoftbeoaife/tbe fcwgearcic/ ' teajm e m $ ^?pnce/j0u heu/^ e natoutu anb toente in all baft e bnto tbe senne of in anb fuoge0/aw oetenneD to put out a com jLponjt . maunbententoftbebsnge/fttomaBeaRite ^otoatsbecamentebntotbebenne/be ftatutemameip/g tobofoDeCp;etb anppsti- crtfbtoitbapgteoitf bo^cebnto^antn^re ey5/etbeeofanpgobo;mS(tott&amp;mtftis(,]cw;. tbeftpngefpane/anbtapie bnto antel: bapi)e]tceptettbeonlpoftbe/ifitng:tbe antel/tboufetuauntoftbettusngeffiob/ . fameperfonmasbecaatntotbeii|5?benne. t0nottfjpeb;teljom tboualtoaie fetueQ) ibeef o?e/ Hpttg/coufpjnie tbou tatg Qa* able to beijuet tbe from tbe ifonis i man tel tute/anDmafieato?ptmge:tbattbetbsnge fapbebntotOefii'nge-^ISpnge/ecbfaue^ tob?tbtbefl?be0anbPerfe0 baueo;beneo tbpftfefo?euer.flp&lt;Bobbatbffntbi0aun*j 8n(s , ( ( , t 6enotaJtereDnerb?olten. geii/tobtebbatbrouttbelfonismoutbej5/foait.j:n.e. ;?. ^ojsawusJmaBetbetojpttnge/anbcos'.rti ti.c. Cftemebft.iaotDtoben@anteibnDeraobetbat bngpltpneffetsifounbeoutbefo?ebptJnbj! w h c 8* ,: ". c * tbe tojpttngetoagmaoe /be toente &lt;n to b?)5 ajjfo?tbe/fipnge/2nmeroBfnDeDtbe. ew ' ;w ' b oufe:a no tbe topnbotoeg of W bat totoaroe cben toajs tpe bpnge n cea Ding g l ab/ a tt b i Serufaiemaooeope.cbeeebneleDbebotone cSmaunbtbtotaBe&amp;anfeioutoftbeDemie, ' " . iponbf0bnee0/tb?etvme0abafe:tbetebe jS&gt;o aniel toasl)?ougbt out of tbe b enne/ maQebt0peticpoti/anbp?apftbbt?iob/Ufie %m manerofburtetoajSfounbebponbpm ajibwmanectoasJtoDoafojetpme. fo?beputbt0tittainbpg(Eiob.aintafoa Cbentbefemen made feawbe / ftfounoe tbofe men tobgcb babaccurrb Daniel /the &amp;anfel mabpnge \m pf t ^cpon/ft p;ap(nge spng cimaunbeb to b?pnge tbe /ft to caa tbe tntobt)S(0ob.S)Otbepcantetotbebpnge/ft fntbe)lFon0Denne:tbtm/tbettcbpIO?cnanbtaet .fb* ,

, t ; - fpabe before brat concerning bflseommafi* tbetrtopue(J.ftotbeWonPbabtbema Brf &gt;an K | 'J ; " | ;'8 bement/favragtjflD fijng/baft tbou not fub* of tbent/anbb;afieall tbet'r bcnegaf cntct; fcribebtbeaatute/^tottbn.w:j:.bape0tobo o;euertbepcameattbegrounbe, '. forequp;etl)bi5petpcponofanpgoobo?ma 3ftertbisf/t?oteBpngatrnsJbntoanjtnfeug.f butonlpoftbp felf/ftpnge;beroalbecaft people 6snreDbe0/anbtungei9/tbatbtoeit in info tbe benne of tbe Iponei Cbefipngcan* alliaw:peacebemultipltebUpou:(3$pco ftoeKb/ftfapDe:fee/ft mutt be ass maimDem5ti0/maUmpb(imHn?onftiii?jig* alatoeoftljefleDf0anb|&amp;etre0/tbatmape uome/tbatmenfeareftttantietnatoeof^a . notbeb;oben. . ntei*&amp;o&amp;. benanftoerebtbep/anbfafbebntotbe &lt;jfo? be tbe ipupngedsscu/tobpcbabp. it Hm ^ajnge: Bant el one of tbep;efonew of luba ttty twxm ftpngbome mall.not faple/ m \flm&lt;titW' fS&gt; fijiig/regerbetb netberf net tbF ttatute/ bis potoer i0 eueriatt|nge i Jt $ be tbatbe* V9&gt;( * tbat tboubatt mabe/but maftetbbf0 petjrtS ipueretb / anbfauetb : bebotbtocnber0 anb tb;etpnu0 a bape. tbentbebpngebcawe m amelou0toojcbe0?/tn'bcaueanbtneartb; tbefetoo?be0/betoa0fo;egreueo/anbtoolbe j, E ftaib p?efenteb mantel from tbe pot oaCOftW*** baueercufeo^anicl/tobelpuerblfra/ftput oftb)tpon0.cb0antelp;ofperebfntbef*a2f L , " , 7 oftbematter/bnto tbe &gt;unne toft bototte/ ie^giieofj0arfn!SanbCttu0of^eia. w**" totbefntenttbatbempfibtfauebtm. , - Jfc^ ..,,,.*, _ _ . asHgfsa SSSSSS tbclatoeoftbe&lt;3ebe0(inDP , errf0i0/tbatt jS^t^ngamMtec^^ft. commaunoement ft ttatute tobicb tbe fipng icbe.WJ.Cbapter. Bawd ^.wa&amp;ftb/mapznotbealtereb.cbciitbebpng rapHa^Sfp^ttiieateofiBaltbafaBSm g^ " OT ;bat&gt; tbent b;pnge antel/anO tbes caabpm \ER ffigof 35abl6/fato anteic o;ea me/ * into tbe twm wnti*. yBHwanbabtfpontoaBinbtsJbeaobpott Cbe[igfigeaifofp3Rebtitoatt/el/atta SUSS | bt0bebbe.btcbDjeamebeiD 1 tote; rapbe:ttipoD /tobom tbou aitoape femes/ ano tbe fummeof tbe matter f$H0mm el etwtti be all Defence tbe. 3no tbere teas fpa&amp;e/an&amp;fafbe: ffatoe in mp bp fponbg

ojougbtaftone/anDlapeDbpontheboieof npgbt/anbbebo!Dettbefoueetofinbf0of.tbe tbe bene:tbt0tbeBpngeffalebtottbbi0 atone beauenttrouebpontbefee/anbfotitegteac . tjng/ft totb tbefpgnet of bP0P7fnce0:tljat beette0 came bp from tbe fee one bMg fte tbe Bpnge0 commaunnement concernpnge anortjer. . 10amei/tt)uK)enotbcb?OHfn. bertttoa0a0aipon/anbietbab|ie . . &amp; o tbe ftp ng e toente fnto W palace / ft 3Iegie0 topge0 .% (mt /tbat b |fi tofngctf bepte bpmfobet all npgbt-fo tbat tbete teas toerepluctefrombim/anbbetaftenatoage no table fp^eb before bpiti /.ne'tbee coul&amp;e be fwmtbe -.ratty :tyatbe ttobe bpon bpj fete WMf. aa -

1 1

'V ^


C&amp;e $pp$tQ&gt;*


fomuw^bjf ii. a. .



2poca((p,i.c liij.a.ry.U. JDantei.jr.a

aga man/ana t&amp;attberetoaisgeuenbfai a mo;e fo? n longefeafoH, KJfteterj^ J M qup mansi bote, teo of lige nrbj to finotoe tbe ttuetb / concet' aeeljoltic/f feccnbe beaft toass itn c a beer/ n ?ng fourth beatt/tobrc^ reap fo Caere titv ,. -.J^anaftobebpiJtbe onefidejmongebfeteetb Ipfte toe otber beafteityfrfo bo#fble :tobofe " w tnbp0moutbbebao,(if.greatelongeteetb/a teetbtoereofpjon/anbbwnai&gt;je!Sofb;a fle: ittoag rapbebntobim'. artfe/ eatebp /mocb to^cbBeuoureoanboetttopcD/* ttampeotft e fit 0). ^en 31 lobeD/ anil be^olDe/t^et^ tea js tefpuue bnbet b# fete . g Deepen alto roaporait^.j, another!? to bnto a leopatbe-.tbpis ban topn finotoe tbe treutb/agf toucbinge tbe fen ho?*yy*f* ge&amp;ajfafoule/euenfouvebpontbebacBe. ne^tuacbc baDbpon bfe beao/ atbfe otber cb# bead Bao route beau e?/anb tljere toa0 tobtcb came bp aftettoaroe / befoje t obofe potoee gcueti bm. after tbijs U fa to e in a bU face tbete fell ootone tb ?e: tob peb bo?ne bab f^on bpnpgbt/ anbbebolbe/tbe fourtb beaft epe* anb a moutt) tbatfpafie p;euimptu ouj$ toasigtpmmeanbbo;trtbfe/anbmaruelouiS tbingess/anb lofceotofty a grimmer bjfage fltonge.stbabgscatwonteetb/it beuoureb tbenbf* felotoeg.g beljelDe/s famebojne,* ano Deft roped/ ^ ftamped the tetybue bnoet mabe battapll agajnft tbe fapntefJ/p t e amr big fete. 3 : t teas fartebnlpbe tto otber bea gat tbcbpceo?v of tbeftnbntpll tbe tpme tbat

a ts tbat teere bef o;e tf.f o? tttjab tenbojncgf/ tbe oiae ageb came/tbat tbe u iogement toajs teberof % tcfie gooaheDe. gene to tbe cbefearasnte&amp;anDtin tbe tf me/ 36ndbebolbe/tberecamebpam5getGenv tbattbefapntessbabtbeBsngbometapoffef' tfanotberipfiebozne/befozetobomtbetetoete on.^egauemetbi0anftoere:cbatfourtft tb?eoftbefp;ft borne* piuc&amp;teatoave, 5Be&lt; beaft (baibe tbe fourtb Bfngbom ebpSeattb: boJbe/tbiiSbojnebadepeglpfie aman/anDs tt aibemojetben all otber Btngbome*/ ft moutbfpeabpnge pjcfumptuou* tbpngca. roallbeuoure/treaDedotone/anboeftrofeali gnofiebtpll tbe feateis teere p;epaieb/ ano otber lanbe*. t pit oice ageo fat bpm dotone,$bs clotbtng cbe ten bo?ne$$/are ten BAigtMfyttQa H % ac6,u teas ass tob#e ass fnotoe /ana tbe beartegof atjfe otttof $ fipngoome/afteetobom tbete bps bead lifie tbe pure teoll.^trone teas allftan&amp;ebpanotbcr / tobpcblbalbegr ea* fewtbe fpjge flame/and bp* tobeiw a* tto ttxtton tbe fp?ft.$e (ballfubbue tb?e n yn*45 burapge Wc tow a#tee fo;tb a tgjtt geg/afballfpeafietoojaegagapttlt tbebfett _ ,. .. ftteame/ toent out from bpm.astboufan&amp;e ofall-.bemaldeftropetbefapnte sJoftbemoft apoHp.4. fi&gt;mejJatbDufani)efemebbwi.]r.a9.t8me bpeft/anotbpncbe/tbatbemai&gt;ecba u!tge ten tboufantie Rose be f o:e lm. cbe iubge* t vm eg anb iatees.cbfP fbal be geuen bnbet menttoassfet/anoibebobef-s openeb. cben bWtpotoer/bntpnat?me/ttootBmeis/5baK' 1 """ , a' JPtobegibebetberebnto/becauleoftbebopce atpme. ftPfetfA cftbep?oubetoojbe0/tobicbSbo;nefpabe. uttbefwbgenientlbaibe fiepfe/fotbac ^ bebeiDe/ttfl tbe beafte toasJ aajne/anb BRJpotoer lbalbctafiefronibfni/fo;bc6) al b?0 toD^Deftroreb/ a geuen outr to be bjent be Dcfltoveo/anDpettO) at tto laft.l ss fo? fntbefyje. ( , fi?ngDome/poteeranDaliinpgbtt&amp;att'jibn' 3sfo?tbepotoeroetbeotberbeatte0alfo oer tto beauen: ft Ibaibe geuen to tbe bobj . ft tea? taben atoa? e / but tbefr ipueg m m people of tbemooftbrett/tobofe Sfflp

mic., . ,, p?olongebfo?atpmeanbfearon.3fateeina fsJeuertaftpnge/peeall potefiiS Ibaaftniefs SSu'tMc bpfvon b? nfgbt/anbbebolbe/tbere came obeje bpm.cbup farre ertenbetbe too?be?. ' " one in tbe ciounep ot bcauenJtbe tbefonne jSeuertbeleg/gi anfel toagfoberebfnm? . of a man/tobftb toente bnto tbe oloe ageb/ tbotigbtes/tbat w countenaCce tbaunge b/ befo;etobomtbej?b;ougbtbfm:cbfngaue buftbetoo?be?3!liepteafntnni^beite, * bebumpotoerfi bignfteregall/tbatall peo&lt; ar^ , ple/trpbcganbtunge^Jbuttjefetuebtm.^tg a xfifc Potoer fsi an euevlaOfnge poteer/tobfeb (bal J w *^' ncuerbeputbotone:bftb?ngbomeenbu* jDnHfei.jca^.f.tetbbncojtupte. fllf5p torn tea? bejteb/ 3 a 5antel bab a troubleb fp;ete teftbtntne/ 9 tbe biftons of mv beab mabe me aftaseb:tf II n S satme bnto one of tbem tbat ftobe be/to 0,F * *finotoetbetmtt&amp;/concerni)ttgaHtberet&amp;fo' gejj.feobetolbeme/^mabeme bnoetSanbe tbe fnterpjetacyon of tbefetbmgeg. : . befefouregreatebeaftos/arefoure fn tb e f bef e cfte/ tobstb Ifeft) 'w tbe lat ibe of fitngegtohfcb ftallarpfe out of tbeeartb. $lnm)anb intbebfffonjmetbouabtitaiSft Cftefeftalitabefn fbpngbomeof ffajntess bf \to truer of Mat. oftbemoftbjett/anbpotreffewanimoje? c&amp;enarofieD bp/atie fabjetanabeUoibc ,'."". Here






caupfjort of a flt^fc bctttwnca t5mc* an |Cgoafe fffje bnbpre3i!Dprt8f of (bebydon (0 of tfr bafeU 6e# ttecne (fie tynge of |Der flaawb tlje bpngeof tipjBfts

r '. 1

.? -


CCbe.bit'i cbapter. 1$ (be tbwoe seare of (be tarsttcss J of s jtige Jt&gt;aitba?ar/ tbeteapea* j[ teb a btfrS bnto me cartel/after 1 tbat 9 bat ifene tBe f m .2 fatoe tn m mU m si a bf fpn (a tobf ngr fatoe UMtos* at JbSftt w " w *

T tbereflobebefojetberpuer/atame/tobtcb bab bo?ncS3-. atib tbefe bonnes teere bje/but one teas bye t tb en ano tb e e , a R)e bvtft came bp lafl .3 fate e tbat tbte ram me putbeb teitb blSbojneis/agapft tbe teeft/aga^nft tbe no.jtb/aiiD aga^nft tbe fonrljifo tbat no beaftejjmpgbt Sanbebefo;e bpm/nerbefenbe tbemfrombc0poteer:butbebfbas(bsmlS' j ft'eb/ a toareb greatly tobe ifm bnto t\0/

atbencametberean to goate from tbe tee ft . otter tto tebole eartb / an&amp; touebebnot tbe grounbe. cb^goatebabamaruelou0gooblrbo?ne b e t teitte W e^esi/anb came bnto tbe tame/ tbat bab tbetteobo?ne0(tebom 9 bad fene af o/e b^ tbe t^uer fj?be ) ano ranne fearcely bp5 bem teitb W m^gbtj fateebfmb^atee ttsebntotbe tamme/be(ngeber?fearcebps bpnuiWbegauebfmCocba ftro&amp;e/tbat to cM&amp;ebigtteobotneS'.^etberbabtberime fo mocb ftrengtb ap to ftanbe before bpm: but to caft bimbotene/trobbebimbnoerbist f ete:a no man teas able to beUjuee tbe t am e outofbispoteer. Cbe goate toareb ejrceabfnge greate/an&amp; tebebeteassattbeftrSgeft/biSgteate borne teas b;often alfo. cbtn gretee tbere otber ^ .fourefocb lefte in tbe tteaoe/totoatbe tbe.ttil ^^" tofiioeg of tbebeauen.yeeoutof one of tbe 9 leeft of tbe Ce b o?nea /tbere came bp pet ano tbetbo?ne/ tobicb toareb manieloug greate: totoarbe tto foutb/toteatbetbeeaft / anbto toarbe tbe fa#e pleafaunt lanbe. It gretoe bptotbebooftofbeauen/tebetofitbcbcaft fom e Dotone to fl)e grounbe/9 of tbe ft at ct j* alfo/anbttobetbem fenber fete, fee it gretoe bp bnto tbe ptvm of tbe . booft/fromtebom tbebavlje omitpnge tea0 tafien/a tbe place of W S&gt;auctuatp caften botene.Ki nb a certajne f eat on teas geue bn toit/aga^nft t!)e Da^wfferjnge ( becaute oftorcftfbnefi'Otbatitmrgbtcaftbotonetbe berptetofbegroun&amp;e/anbfotop;ofperem . antbingeg/tbatisstocnteaboiiti:. sa napontbtg^berbe oneof fajntcgfpea' *^ Binge/ tobiebfavntefapoebnto onetbataffiebtbt'S queB^on: ^otolouge GMltfyifiby' f f on of tbe bapbje fact iftce a of tbe toaftpng

abbom?nacionenbure:tbattbe&gt;anctuatp anbtbepoterrfballfobetrobenbnber totti ainbbeanftoereDbnn: nto tbe euenpnge a tbemo?n^nge/euentteotboufanbeanbtb?e Bunb^etbbaEeg-.tbenJball tbe j&gt;anctuati? beclenfebagapne. : i9ototebenlairte!babfenetbtJSbl?ri8/ . anb fougb t f 0; tbe bnber ftanbjnge of bolbe/ tbere ftobe before me a tfyyiw Ivbe jibnto a manJnbS! betbea mamsbopce in t^t * tsuer of mini / Wjicb crpeb/a fai?be: &lt;Ba&gt; b?iei/mafte tW mS bnbetftanoe tye bifton.

&gt;0becatm7anbftobeB? me .38ut % tea? a framed atbtf* commjnge/ anb fell botene bpon mp face. cben fapbe be bnto me j S&amp; tbou fonne of man/matcbe teell/fo;intbelaft egmeftail tups b srjjon be fulfilled . fiote a? be teas* fpeamnge bnto me/ 1 toareu fapnee/fo tbat 9 funcbe botone totbe grounbe.jBntbe tobe boloe bpon me/* fttmebpagajne/ fa^ng: 23erjoise/3S topu Qetoe tbe/tebat Q)ailbap&lt; penin laftto;atb:fo? in tbetimeappoEn* tebittbaibefuifpiieD. Cbe rammetobpeb tboufetoeft torn) tbe ttoo bo?nep/t0 tbe bpnge of tbe fi^ebeu ana &amp;n res : but tbe goate is tbe apnge of cs? e ti e lanbe: tbe greate bo?netbatftobe bettoiite Wew/tboM* tbe p^incf pan fipnge. uf tobere ag ft b?afie/anb f oute otber rofe bp in tbe fignifietl)/ tbat out of 08 peo* pie mall ftanbe bp foure fifngbome?/ but notfompgbtpeajsit. after tbefefipngbomesJ (tobple bngoblp f nefteiss a gcotoingotbere mall arjfe a bpng ofanbnwamefaft face/tebicb (baibe tevfe inbarcbefpeabpnge?. ^emaibempgbtpe anbftronge/butnot inbii* atone ftrfgtb.l^e iballbeftrope abcue meafuie/anb all tbat begoetb aboutc fball . p;ofpete;be OJallftai/e tije ftrcnge anb bIP people. 3natbo?otobiJ$ craftpnep /faifljeo Ojali pzofpete fnbtfS banue/btfi berte maibe

p^oube/anbmanponefljaHbepiittobeatb u tn bid toeltljpnefte.f e ibai ftanc bp agajntt t)e ftgnce of l&amp;?pnce / but be walbe be ftropebto(tboutbanbeJnbtbJ!Sbpft'ontbat. a i r8te ft . is ibetoebbntotbe/Wasifureasitbeetiening i,3rfi,r* a tbe mowwg.cbe *o?e to^ite tbou bp tW f tgbt/f 0; it tepibe longc 0; it come to paffe. &lt;scat,wii,t&gt; t pon tbtt toa^a anieiberp fapnte/fo tbat 3i lavefrcfiecettapnebapeg-.buttebeii arofc bp/^; torttte aboute tbe hyngess buff nefte/anbmameicbnttbe bpfpon/neuertbe' lefte 11 oman fine tee of it, C SD.iiiict &amp;cfp;c(f) (0 finite tliac pctfomtft) of osoa VoUV ci J hc&amp;aDpjomefta concccupngc tl)e ixcout-ne of tlje people from tljeic&amp;annyfljemeiitjn TiffnUplon. 3C trueconfcirioa.2Damc(0pia^cffl^av&amp;e.^BflUjiclt6c aungetcrpounDee^ Diuo Own f !je uvfpon of tfee.U^. tocabc0. ftc anoyntpnsc of ^ift. (tE[jc liuvibp ng# ajapnc of Jccufaiem tin&amp;cr iijeljemiaij. lacfjc ijcatft of iCljnft*8ecaWn3coiitoftIjc vovc&amp;'eftgetoEA cbe.fy.Cbapter. Ffitbe ftaS peaveof ^a^tjfttf^ fonne cf JtbafiiCtti^/tebfefji to* _, . loftbefefteoftljc &lt;SDebeit/6i tw,}^ 1 wabe fi^iige ouev'% fefibHi?4'g Caibeescpee en? in tbe Ntftfeare f lit^s tttc* gne /3ianiemefv?fbf,o fineue efteji^jf nomb?e out of tbe bofieg/b)ljev;o? #t- ^o?l fpabebntogietemi/tbel^'b^^iiftiiiti!^ . ..

, -i rrf iK


mraiem uldelpettafte M, pe ares: and gr bpfpieafutc be turned atoat&gt;e(3! befec Be tbe)

v J 3


tumtbme bntodWftfc )Lo;lw fo;to pwje 9 mane wpnc tntweflfeon/torti) fattpig/ftttB clotft $ aflj8/3! P/aB toef &lt;w t&amp;e tlqm nip oD/an&amp;ftnotoieDgeb/favmge; jlo;w/ t(j ou grcateana featfuii 06/ C&amp;ott ft at btp t It couenaunt arts mctcg tu 1 1 b tftemytojic^ louetftc/anDHotlj'p com maun


* A



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'A* &gt;i

fromtb|cpte3JcruCalemtbpbolpU|ll. 3"B tobpifo? ourefpnnes rafie/anD fo?t{jete^c&gt; fteone0eofourefo;efaeta fs^e rafale ma ppeopieabflojred/of ai f tbatareaboute W . #oto etfo;e/fi&gt; oure ob / beate tbe pjaperoftbpfewaunt/anbbisfotetceffpon, lee not p face pne ouer p &amp;anct u a* wut,f,a. bementefcaBebauefenned/toebaue often* rp/tftatlpctoatte, ^ bed/toebaue bene dpfobeopent a gone bach: fi&gt; rai ob/encipne tbme eare/andbet* teetoebauedepattedfromaUtbppjeceptea fien(at tbeiecftttytbsncatene raise) open and tu Dgemen t es. tb pne epes-.bebolde b oto toe b e dcfolateo, vee m le toofteneuer folotoe | feruauntea and tbe cptpe alfo/ tobpcb is called aftcrib p the P/opbeces/ g fpafie in p name to oure name:fo? toe bo not cad oure p japers.b efwe hinges and p/pnccs/to oure fo;efafbens / einoureatonerigbtuoufnes/no:but onip to all tbe people of e jLo;b/ttjsb* m| gteatemewpeis. fl) jLoj&amp;c /&a mp;eare:fi&gt; tuoufnefle belonge bnto tbe/ bnto b,e per* fojgeue kojde: %ofte confpbje/tarpe not tapne n orb pn ge but open a m e : ad ft 3 ouer longe sbut fo? pne atone fane bo ft. fi&gt; come ropaffe is&amp;aie bntoeuerp manor mpob:fo&gt;cbpc|teandtfippeopJe is calico $uba/anotoebematdtoeJiatg!eruraleni: after p name. yeebntoaH3!ftaei/tobectepbefatreo; 76% toaspetfpeaapngeat mpp;aiers/ l c:ojoto out all lances-, tobeein tbou baft anotolebginge mpne atone fpnnes/ and e ttrotoedera/becauteofe offences t tbep fpnnes of my people/ mafipnge fo mpne in* bad bone agapnft tbe, teeceffpon before tbe lotfe mp od/fo? the fee 0&gt; nommtoW/to am binges a Uoivdrijs fane of my od: pee tobpie a toas _. . Ptfnces/eoourefo;efatbetS:euento bsa/ pet fpea&amp;pngfoiiipp;a|er/bebolde,e ma* w ,ft *

at baue offended e/beioge open (bame; ab,nei(tobom f bad feneafo;e ra e bifid") 38ut bnto e/fi&gt; jio;oe oure od /pertap' cameflpinge to me/and toncbeb me aboute netb mercp anb fo;geucneiTe. as fo; bs/ toe tbe offeepnge tpme in tbe cuenpnge. Re At* Jf ace gone bacbe fco btm/anb baue not obegs f oumieo me/ano fpabe bnto me: fi) a tn ' el ebtbebopceoftbejlo^eouredpob/totoalfte fapDebe/Samnotocometomabetbebnber* in bpiS latoes/tobpeb be lapeb before bs bp ttanbe ft : $01 as foone as tbou beg annett f.fcM.f.o* btBfeeuauntestbe^opbeteS;peeaU9|feael tomalietbpp;apec/fttoasfoovtipre b/anb nW H.ffc "\ za^, bauetranfgeeffeb/ano gone bacfiefeom tbp tberfo^e am | cometo (bttoe t be. anbtobP^ ,,F ' 1 atoe/fo tbat tbep baue not bereneneb bnto fai tbou art a man gteatipbelou eb. tbpbopce. Wrtoje/ponDjetflematceetoeH/ftae n ^ ibevfo?e tbe cutfe 9 otbe / tbat/Sto?ft- tbou mapeft uxnej to bnberttanoe tbe bpf p- iJliHK tenmtbelatoof fl^ofestbefemafit of &lt;IPob on.]i^.*tocfiesaceDetermeooueetbppeo SaVvS (agapntt tobom toe baue offenbeDNs pouteo pie/ano ouettbe bolp cptpe-.tbat tbe t otcbetN ftcmu. w* bpontos aenbbe batb petfourmeti bftJtooz- neffemapebeconfumco tbattbefpnnemap ,l 3 8 ,;tf0 ' e M . bes/tobftbbefpafieagapnftbs/anbagapnC baueanenDe;tbattbeoffencemapebeeec5'i^: w ^!5 : -; ouce i ubges tbat hibgeo bs : f o b^nge bpon cpleo/anb to b^i'ngc i'n etieelaa/n gembto^S ,# ^ fag focb a mm plage/ as neuen toas bnnec oofueffe/to fulfpli tije bpfpons anb tb e ;o ' tjcauen/lpBe asit is note come to paffe tn Pbetes /andtoanopntetbemooa bolp one ( gerufalem.yee all fbfc plage/as it nn to??t* nbetftanoctbpstben/anbmaKftet'ttoell : ..- tenfntbelatoeofii^offS/lscomebponbs. tbatfeomtbetpmeftmalbeconclubeb/togo fetmabetoenotouvep?apetbefoze)io?b an&amp;eepap;eleeuralemagapne/bnto Corfu : ottte d5ob/tbattoenug()ttumeagapne from (o; tbeanopnted) p?pnce:tbere albe feue n . . ouietopcueoneffC/anotobeieineDtntbpbe. toefies. cbenlballtbeCretesanbtoalletf "

. rpte.cbeefo?e batb tbe )Lo?oe mode bafte/to be bnpioeo agapne.a-ij.toebes /but tt barb bHttgetbfepiagebponbS:fo?tbejiLo?boute troublous tpme. Sifter tbefe. ai/.toebes/ m ob fsrpgbtuous/in aiibtstoo^bes tobtcb (ball Cfi.nft beflapne/anbtbep O)alfiaue no ^ftebotbsfo?tobp/toetooloenotbercftenbmo pieafurembpm. cben Qjaii tbere come a ftpflbopce. people toptb tbe &amp;}tott/ anb beOcope tbe tu j.^.au . 3WMoto/fi) %oite cure ob /tbou te anb tbc$)ancrnarp:8bPenbe all come !S, tbat toptb a mpgbtpe banbe baft b?ougtjt afitbetoatevfloub.iSuttbebefolacpon ffiaH SSr^ tbPPeople out of QEgppte/ to get tbpfelfe a continue tpll tbe enue of n)eba tte. ttame/tobfcbremapncfttbfsbape-.toeBaue ^efljallmabea ttronge bonbetoftfima* ipnneb/^a-o^be/a bonetopcbeblp agapnft np/fo; tbe (pace ofatoene: 9 toben tbe to eae ail m vfgbtuoufnes: pet lee tbp to;otbfuU fs balf gone/be all put botone tbt Oapn e anb

II * &gt;

l^wi a


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: I

anb meaeoffrpnge. 3Bnb(n tbe temple tbere wsfflM ftalbe an abbompnabie befolacpon /tpll ft mm* baueoearopcaall.ainbfttsconclubeb/tbat

tbW toaftpng all contpnue bnto tbt enbe. CdCBtw appear^ bnto jDanfel area doAeOmiw eacfle.;r.cbapte. ranHHtbetbp;bepe.moffipngcftuS 3 i IH of ^fta/tbecetoajs fbetoeobnto ^Wantel(otbectoirecalleb)8alcba* BUHrar ) a matter/pee a true matter/ outlets peta longe tpme bntoit, $ebnoeiv aobeebemattertoeii/ aperceaueb tobattbe fapfpontoas. Sit tbe fame tpme W amel mourned f 07 tbe fpace of tb;e toeats/fo tbac 9 badno luft to eate b;ed:as fo; fle 9 topne tbere camenone toptbtn mpmoutb:j5o/gi bpdnotonesanopntempreif/ tpll the tobole t^etoebestoereout. taipon tbe.miii.dape of tbe ftrftmonetb/ m % teas bp tbe greate ftoude/called cigris:3! mm.W* Ipftbp mpne epes/and loliedand btboU/a :.* man ciotbed fn Ipnen / tobofe lopnes toere BP?ded bp toitb f pne golde of arabp : bfe bo. dp teas Ipfie tbe Cbrffoifte ft one/ bis face(to lofiefapon) toas Ipfielpgbtenpnge/ bPS epes as ebeflame of fp;e/bps amies ifftt toete ipbc fawe glpfteringraetali/ but % bopce of Jfctoom toasitftefbopce of a multftude, idiom in 31 Daniel alone fatoetbis bifton/tbe men St toere tottb me/fato &lt;t not-.but: a fitrate h * fearfulneffe fenbpontbem/fo ftattbepftcd atoape/abPdtbemfelues.f teas left tbere m? felf alone/9 fatoe tbis greate bpfpon/fo longe tpll tbere remained nomo?e ftrengrtj

tottfjin nit: pee jioftmp coloure clene/i toafted atoape/andmpftrengtb toas gone, fee berdeijtbebopceof b(Stoo;oes:and aS fooneasj berde tt/fapntneOecamefapSme/ aafelldotoneflat to tbegrounbe bponmp face. Hind bebolde/an bande toucbed me/ tobftbfetmebp faponmpfinecs a bpontbe %mtu&lt;r*. valmeg of ntpbanoes/ raptnge bnto me: anfel / tbou toell beloueo mamtaaegood beoeof tbe too?Des;tbat3! allfapebnto / .a ftSderigbtop/fo;bntotbe amgjnotofene. atnd toijen bebad fapde tbefe too^des / % * (lode bp tremblpng.ben faide be bnto me: .ftarenot antcr.foj tobp fence f ftrftdape tbat tbou fee tbpne berte tobnderftande/and dpdeft cbaften tbpfelfebefo;etbP ob'.eb? too?des baue bene betde. Ind 31 bad come bnto the/ toben tftoubegSneft to fpeaaebab not p;ince ouer tbe bpngdome of Waft* toftbftanoeme,m.Daies.38ut ro/ fl^fcbaei one or the cbefe p?inces/cametobelpeme/ tjpmbmtegi left bptbe ftlng of #etfia/aam cometo etoetbe / toftat all happen bnto tbf people in tbe latter dapes:jfo? fttoplbe longepet o? tbebpfgon be mirpireb.

I j


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VJeliif.tiA, .:: lpii.f(f,a

J5ototobenbetjadfpolnentljcietoo?bfis fentome/gifiaftdotonempbeaBto gtofioe and ijelde mp tunge. I5el) olde/tberc toutbeo mplpppesone berpiphefahtoaman. ben opened 31 mpmoutb/a fapde bnto bim/tbat ftode before me:fi) mp'fl,o/De/mp iopnteg^ arelotofedintbebifion/andtberetsnomo;e ftrengo) tottbin m e : 19 to map m p tomn feruaunt then talne tot't'o mp %otm fefnge tbereisnoCtsgtbinme/fo f | catmottabe mpb;etbfpS this tbere toucbed me agap ne/onemocbipbeaman/anD conforfedme/ . f a pfrige: fiD tbou man fo toell beloueo / f eare san({,(p.b, not:becontet/tafieagooD btm fanto the/9 be a roge.S&gt; \sbm bebad fpoben bnto me/ |recouereD/a fapde:g&gt;peafie on mi %m/ to; tbou baft refrefted me.cben fapde be: ftnotoefttboutoberfo?e3l am come bnto ^ noto toft % go agathc to f tgbt "tb tbt pjince of $p&gt;erCesJSCoone'as3gofonb/lo/p2iuce of reftelande all come, ifteuertbeles /% topll etoe tgetUe tlunge/ tbat is faft noted in tbe fttpptureof truetb. 3Dnd as fo? all ponder matters /tbere is none that belpetb ineintbem/butgpcbaelioiittp nice. Cft wopiiecp oHfrMtpngcs of ]Sc fHa )f tije hlng* 6omeofiSttcf.Dftl)clivng6omcutiiga?pt/8pjrite lioiiUe t^cjof/aiiD of tije battel! tolti) tljc ttpng&amp;ri; k of gifti'ia. fi)t t^e 3to3 tljntSpi unto ilje iapuqe of ^gpptc/toljomliitiocl)U0 tt)e lipngc of Ssivic, ttvi fttutetli/totjptf) fpgtitetl) tontows tottfyfa, mjt p?fOeof8ntiot8U0 '-, ccbe.w'.cbapter. rjm?r J5d in tbe f|?ft leare of partus of % !][$!$; 4!#edea/ % ftode bpbpm/to comw(fo?te bpm/ sto ftrengtb ijtm /and , ^tnototeilll Q)etoe tljerbe trueflj. JBeboioe/tbere allftanQebppettb?efling5 in perrta/bu t e four albe facte richer then tbep all. Sndtobenbeisfn e ebcfeffc vv

potoer of Die tubmpt all p;ouofieeuerp man agapnft t realme of ?eiieiande.ben all ere arpte let a mpgbtpe binge /at all rule tot greate dompnpen; a do toljac btm lift, attib as foone as btt BpnBoome'co'tf*f M wi .1 me bp/ft albe deftiopeo/anddeupdedto^ mm9 '*&gt; toardeefoureto|nde0ofebeauen.^bep(.tt a ci, &lt; . tbat come after bpmyall not baue focb pO' toer ado,mpn|onaSbe:butbiS fipngdome albe fcatred / iee euen amonge oer en tbof e.2Cnd e hmg of $ f outfi albe m(gb&gt; tier /en blsioerp?!nces.aigainftbpnt tbere allonemaftehimfelf ftronge/a al . tulebisdompniontottbgreate potoer. . ffiutafter certapne pearesep albet'op* nedtogeer/andeftpngesdaugbterofe fouall comeeotbebmgeof e l6o?/ fo? to mahefrendffipp/ but e all notop* tapne tbe potoer of at arme / neer .wall-, e be abieto endure o?Oto bis mpgbt-but a&gt; e/anb focb *9 bwwgbtnerfpee anble%t mm begat



C&amp;e Bjopljwpt

11 *

v begat8er/cSfo#ebbttfo;bpatpme)ai' nptpe:p$ aiiccmefncraftelp/anbop

. : be belputteo bp. &gt;ut ofe^e bjaucbefj of bee tape e fipngbome top fap;e to o; De*3; be tote/tbereailoneftaneebpmbtfsfteaoet ailrtebtagapnft.tyearinejjof&amp;ntrgbtpe tobtcbto!pQtoerofaimes3aiigotbo;oto (an&amp;oeutopetbein)peeanbagattitt*p;nit* (be ft pnges lanac of W no; / 9 baiiDle bp m of e cou enaunt, aeco;oingtobis$ ftreng.{$ fo; tbew&amp;ow $&gt;o after at bebatb taben truce top 9p;ince0/toitbeircoftipg;ttoeb5ofgoibe bvbealbanblebpfccatfullp:tbatbetnag if luee/be (ball carp cm atoape captpue* gee tyr/9 ouewomebHti toitb a fmall floc be: Into Egppte/a be (ball p;euapieagapnft arotottbcraftOTeaetogetbimtatbefatteff bpng of tbeno;cettapne pate*, dnotobe place of elanae/anb to beale otbettopfe/ bei'P coraeinto % ftpngejirealmeof fou/ enetbetbiis faer0o;gratttiDfatbewbpb. be albe fapneto tutne agape intobpd #o;beallbefttopeetog/tbatepbao . atone lanbe.a&amp;&amp;ei:fo;ebferonne0albcou"* robbeo 5 fpopleo ?eeaalleirfubft aunce: pleateb/anu (baligatber togeee a mpgbtp pmagenpnge ougbte* agapntt e ftrong &lt;E greatebooftofpeople:anbcneofemail boloe$/aatfo;atpme.$i0potoerbewe tome/ agoo;otoliftea toaterflatoefctben (bailie tterrebbptta greate armpeagapnft ailbewturne/agofo; toi befpinge 3 tyebtnge of tbefontb: toberetbo;ota&gt;i fitoa boaltpngebnto b atone ianoe. of tbefoutb fftalbe ntouebtben bnto battel!/ cbene ftpng ofefou albeangtp/ tot agreate ampgbtpebooftalfo. #euet&gt; anballcomefo;tof(gbtagapnttlng eleCe/beallnotbeabletoMce/fo;ep of no;:pee be (ball b;mge a great e muw all confpp;eagapnft bfm.p ee tbep t ea te tptuDeot* people togetbet/ aagwate beat* of btemeate/all burtebim :fo f btebooli ftalbe geue in to bwbanDe:tbefe all be ca* aiifall/amanpbeftapneootone. rp atoape tot tb greate p;pae/fo; fo mocbe a* tibstt ttoo fipnge* ibalbe tnpnbeb to do be ban) raft botone fo ma np on fanb e? /ne* ' mpfcbef e/anb ta i fie of bpfceat e at one table: &lt;f .Gjact .*. uertbeleg be allnot p?euaple.tfo? tbe rung but tbep al not p;ofpere:fo; tobp/ tbe enoe ofeno;allgaet(of neiD)agteatet all not come pet/ bnto etpnte apopntep, beape of people enafo;e; 3 W mefo; (af* cben albegobomeagapne into bigatone tee a cettapne tpme $ peareg) toi tb a nugbtp lanoe tort b great goob/a fet bfjs

bertagapnft: booaemceaopngegreategoob. tbeboipcouenaunt,br albeburpagapntt 3tefametj?meeteaiintanp (ramie ft/* mtetutne bomc. at tpme appowi' bp agapnft tbe nfoge of tbe tou/fotbat $ tebbe allcome agapne / a gototearoetbe tot cfteb cbpttnen of ppeople alfo (ball e*&gt; foutb-S&gt;o (bail tt bappen otbe tnrffe tbenat ..&lt;* alteemfeiuejJ(tofu|ffflebprpon)aen $ fp;ft/petone$agapne.a)nbtobP/ moor ' 4m .falI,&amp;otbeftpngofeno;allcometo orc#bmialcomebponbim/atbentap Iape fege/a to talte e fttonge fenfeb eitiefc be fmptten a turneagapne:tbat be ma p tafte ano (be potocr of t be m of tbe (outb iballnot fnoignacpon agapnQ tbe couenaunt of bo* beable/toabplie bpm/atbe beftmenoftbe Ipneffe/tomebieagapn&amp;ttjeebeftarftuv pecpiemainotberoatSge/astorertttbi'm. neb(m/ao?atoefotbbntob(m/aj(ifmieffle abo.Jtelp/tobenbecommetb/beftallbSDle bolp couenaunt. bfmagbeua/anomahibaiberobarDpaiJto ^(balUetmpgbtpmentobnbalotoeflie' ftanDeagapnab(m.$e(baiaSDetn$piea&lt; @&gt;anctuarp of arengtb/ to put bbbmeae faiimccuire/to&amp;irfotbojotobim (baibeoe. bap^eoSerpnge/atofetbptbeabbompna*flropcb.^eibaHretbWfacettallbt'gpohjer t)ietiefoiacpon.3nDfocbasb;eafierbecoue fo optapne btji ftfngbome/ anb to be ipbe (t. haunt (ball be flattre toptb fap;e tooatfi. i. /f tbat ftallbebo/ anb'geuebpm bnto tbe utfljepeople gtopllfinototbeft tiPob/ty al baugbtew amSge toemen/to beftrope bpm. bauetbe ouerbaniie ano p;ofpere,cboal* : ffiut be (bailfaple/netberwail be optapne fotbatbauebnberuanirtngainongetbepea * W putpofe. SPftertbpsmaii be fetbpsi face pie(ballenfburmetbemuirptube:anbf02(i bnto tbe31lej/atabenianpoftbe,a p?t'nce longe feafon /tbepfbalbeperrecuteti toptn ftauaoppebtm/cobobprnaroamc/becpbe ftoeatbe/tottbfp;e/to(tb captfufteanbtoftb W confufpon tbat eftftan comebntobfm. f tabpnge atoape of tbe(rgoobe*.#ote tobl ^bu{5 (ball be tourne agapne to W atone tbepfaU/tbep (balbefettbp ttalptle belpe: tonne/Combie/a fan/a be nbmoje founae: but manp (ball cleuebntotbemfapneblp.. to be tbat came bp5i)tm abpbbpm bpol?ce/ f t fome of (bote tobpeb baue bncerftan

* .aliaaniiembis5place/abaueapleafaiint bpngeOtall be petfeeuteb alfo :g tbep mape *pngbome'.anb after fetobapegbeffialbeiie' betrpeb/purtfpebanoclenfeb/tplltbetpm e tobpey atbatjjetbeKn to?atb /nermbat* beout-.fojtbtrelspetanotbcrtpmeappopn* rp bpafteauetbere (bail arpfe a bple teb.cbefirngujallbotobatbimlptr/belba! Con/notbolbentoortbpof abpngejJbpg* eiralteflnbmagnlfpe bfmfelft agapna an/ ,\. :.:,::. tbati^



pjjeKcfttweccpoii. ^ *at(0&lt;!Eiob.feebelbaHfpeaBemarueious JbPngilagapnll n)e E5ob of an gobbes/tobr* s, tb a. $% baiip;ofpm/ folongetplltbe to;atb b-MMfc* befulfpiieo/ fo;tbe c6clu(pon6oeupfeoaK reop.^e (ball not regatbe tbe ()ob of hn (a&gt; tbejw/but btjs ma mail bebpon toemenry ee ^ W*M mt tot C,, P "b/ f o? be ibal ma* gnlffeblmreifeaboueali.g'nbfepiaceibal btoo;(bppetbempgbtpegiDol0:anb^S!ob .tobom w totbm ftnetoe not / ftall be bo* noure torn) goioe ano fpiuer/ toitb p;ecpoti^ ftoneg anopjeafaunt^etoew. m Cb^lbaiibebo/respngebeFpeanbruc* rcratttt g mpgbt(e|bois a otaunge obar. 5oa '80 totii receaue bim/anb ta&amp;e ban f 0? 4&amp;ob/be (ball geue tbem greate toojftppe a potoenpee anomabe tbem io#e$ of g multpcube/a geue tbf tbe ianb topn) Ktoaroesj. 9ri tbe latter tpme (ball tbe bpnge of (ffoutb arpuetoitbbim:anotbefipnge of tbeno;tft In ipftemanec all come agapnft bun topn) cbawtteg/bo^fmenanti toitb a greate naup of Wppcjs.^e an come ta to tbe lanbeg/ beftropeanbgotbo;oto:be(balientrealfoni to tbe f ap je pieaufaunt lanoe.^anp cpti'es 0pocaif*]r0.e. ano countree? all Decape/ercepte iff bom / fl^oab atbe beft of tbecbiio^en of Imrnony toWH mall efcape frombis banbe . j^e oiail

Bretcbfo^tbbtebSce^ bpontbe countreeg/ 9 tbe ianbe of irgppte (ball not efca pe bpm. ff 0; tbo;otobi(J gopnge in / be fijaUbaue be mint on ouer tbetreafureg of fpiuer a gol&amp;e/ 9 ouer all f p;ectoti{t ?etoel0 of (ffgppt/Hp* bfa ano 2tbfopta.i9eue ttbeleOe tbe tpbpng^ out oftbecsaft atbeno;tbalttouble bim* fo?tbetobptb caufebeallgoo fo;tbto be* ftrope a curfe a greate multttube.cb e tf tea of bfe palace (ball be p p t eft bettopm $ t too rees/bpontbebplloftbenotoeftjonctuarp/ MUb^N all ccmeto tbe enoeof (t/ a tben fljal no man belpe btm. C6f pjopljctftt!) tbe ftitf tjon of rtjc6J&gt;. She Oatc&amp;ncffe or ibe p?opI)pe of JDanieU be,rtj.&lt;bapter. ^^^; ^e tpme topli come alfo/ tbattbe 20 1? II Bff at prince S^lcbaei / toblcb QS' bwtto.* , Ja ^i Df t!) on ^ P eo ^ le ff De/ all atpfe lKS^Bbp/fo?tbere (ball come a tpme of MatnatA trouble/f ocb ajs neuer toasJ/fen? tbcte begS* ne to be enp people /bnto tbat fame tpme. Cb"&gt;lbaHtbppeoplebetielpuereb/pfean m i t rtoflf g be founo to?i'tten(ntbe bo&amp;e.flfcanp iCoVwb.e. '.oftbetbafflepe(ntbeOuftoftbeeattb/nall atoaftetibme to tbe etleriaapnge ipfe/ fome to perpetuall ante anb tep?ofe. be to pre ' : -Jfoeb^baue taugbtotber)ffiallglptter/a0 sttia rrbepnnpngeofbeaue:anbtbofetbatbaue ff^ fnttructe &amp; multttubebntogobipnelie/ tw bea0tbenarre0/to0?lbeto!tboutenbe.. , : jtnbtboui0^aniel/utbptbefeuo^/

WOtfllt&gt;r&lt;.j t

a feaietbebo&amp;e tfll$la(ttpme.^anpail go ab out* bm anb a)ere/a tbentyal bnoto* leogelncreafe.^oa antei lofteb/ano be* tjoioe / tbere ftobe otijer ttoo : one bpon tbp0

(boje of toater/tbe otber bpo ponoer fpbe. J anb one of tbe rapoe bnto bun / tobpeb toas clotbeb in ipuen / anb Kobe aboue bpon tbe toatewoftbefloiiDe-.^otolongealIitbe_ torbeenbeoftberetoonbetou0too?c6e^ war Cben berbe 9 tbe man toitb elPrten do* tbes/tofttcb ttobe aboue bpon tbe ttaterti of tbeflouoe:toben bebelbe bp W rpgbt sm^9,jci^n&lt;t. leftbanbebntobeauen/anbftoate bpbpm tobicblpuetb fo? euetitbat it all tatp fo; a tpme/ ttoo tpme* a balf atpme: atoben tbe potoeroftbe bolKpeopieft ciene fcatreb a* b;obe/tbf all aitbe re tbpngeg be fulfpueo. % b em it to ell/ but 3 bnoer ftobe it not . Cben fapbe %\ mp io;be / tobat allbap' fB pen after a t i m anftoereb : 00 p toape antel/fo; tbefe toojoes ai be clofeb bp a fealeb/f/Iltbelatt tpme: amanpalbe pit. wfieb/clenfeb a trieb . )But e bngoblp all Ipue tofcbeblp/anbtbofe toicfieijtafi manpof tbeais epbe)albaue no bnoetoanbtnge. m*WQ-i&gt;' M fo; focb ass baue bnberftanopnge / ep alregaroe it Jnbfrom $ tpme fo;tb at baplt'e offeringe aibe put ootone aeab* bominablebefolacion re tt bp/ ere aibe a tboufanbertoo bunb;etb arc.bapeis . toeii ii bf m/tbat toaite / a come to tbe tb ou* fanoe.itf.C.arWb.bape?i.(Eiotboup toape noto; til (tbe enbeb:tafie tb p teft/anb bpbe in I lot/till e bapess baue an enbe. * f r irebe enbe of m !&amp;;opb.eej of^ant'et. * a m -

ta'aing an t)aclac to ijie tog fey flsnifirtu tftejooiatcpe

of t ^f peopte.^e Oeflcu cc5 of tlje offing of 3 dj w an&amp;oft6e3ffac^fefi/wp;opycejrt. Ho?d / teat wnir bneo sflbteais of feag/31oatt)au /:i&gt;^^ 3ie?eBta&amp;n^8^o^udi^ in tftctpme of a^oboffiRfBi;


' V-.V*;

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* &lt;

fonne of 3|oa* fipnge of W.fraei!. &lt;ffp;ft/toben e %om rpaRebiico-fl^ befapbebtttoblmt^otbptoape/tafieanbM^ 8 lore to tbp tbtftj aiib get cftplb;en bpbw: i^ elanbebatb commit tec greate tolNbittm

.: *




Cfte Bzopfjecpe



abat&lt;wc5*agai?nfttBe]U&gt;?M,-&amp;dftetoente/an&amp;toBe tfiutywtootoetye not finotoe/ fa^tea* 3 SS''* oniet Soaussfttcroe 6 * eblaim:to&amp;tc&amp; petgaue&amp;etco?ne/topne/oplc /fpiwt ana S qS tonauED/anD bjous^tEo;^ a fonne . anD goloe/tobtctjOjebatbbangeObpotiiSaaU. anD3uoaWt)Lo?tifaEDEbijco^m;cali^0namE'*geC' tbet fojenomtoiugj go tabemp copies - : awtipiie ton, rael/fo?l topll fto?tlpauenge tbe bloube of topneagapnetntBeftfeat on/anDfetagajtie ""!**# l4 , Seftael bpontbe boufeof 5j ; ebu/ anDto^U mptoolian&amp;mpfiaje/to&amp ;pcblgaue&amp;er/to ftwte or fta* b/foge tbe fipngbomeoftbeboutt of Jfraell couetber tbame.ainonoto topiia bpfcouet: Bcflttacauft oftoan fnDe.c&amp;entopHgtoeafietbe botoeof &amp;erfooipneae/euenmt& amp;efpg&amp;t orotic t6EBatni'31frael infljeballepof 'jetrael* uew/an&amp;nomanl&amp;aliaeipuerbetoutofm p.-,, . SHSSSftS?*' ** Swwaitf&amp;sieagapne / anb bate a banbes.^eouet/gi toil tabeatoa pe albet wwtl '"'

? u &amp;ftf bauBbtrt.lnb(ictaroebiitobi?ni: Callbet rnKtb/Berbolpbapea/Oetnetomo oiiW/bei: Cumin. name*j,o?ubama&amp;(tbatifrnotoptapmng ^abUat^ce aiiD all Uerfoiempne f e attf o: 3! cmewp)fo?3!topllbauenopptebp5bourc toillBettropebetbpnpar&amp;efJ anafpgemeg/J m| Wii.f. t*fflfiat&lt;MM3ftael/butro?gettbem/SPuttbe" cleane tBoug&amp;mefapetb:lo/bereate mpKtoatt!rjj/_ fMiKofiBoifc out oftememb?aunce.$euertbeiefle SB topll opll nmRe^, M . , ,,?^5m?rT Bauem ^ 6 P on ^ c&amp;oufeo '1!uba/9topl|[ fta\oooc/anDt^etoiloci'eeae)8 0)aH eate Wil " e4fW,e * wngiw mwcf. fau( , ^g /euen g, 0;oto ^ ^tie tbeit (Bob. ft bp:3 topll puniQi ber alfo fo; tbe oape* of J8ut3 totfl not belpuett&amp;em tbo?otoe enp JSaall/to&amp;erin Sjecenfeabim/ber &amp;yngbim botoe/ftoearbe/bateil/bo?fe0o?bo?fmen. toftB&amp;ereartngegacbepneg-.tobcn aefol o^ nWt 6 . * $ototobenfbebabtoeancD;iLo?ubama&amp;/ toeb&amp;erlouerfj/9fo?gatme/fapetb gXotf i, p 3&amp;fl)eeonceaueaagapne/$bareafonne.cbm H9betfo?ebeboIoe/gjtopllcalibftagapne t*Wimot(&amp;iet}i)t',cMWmmt.&lt;*flo amp.^tobp? 6?mgebermtoatoilbetnej$/afpeafie fren&amp; tnypeopie pearenotmppeopie/tberfo/etoplnotgi be lpbntobet:tberetoil3fgeffebe.tbe rbpnpats pour0JnDtboitgbtbenomb?ecftbecbTlb?e beuagapne/peeanatbeballepofaicbo?alfo *.''*. cfgftaelbeastberanaeoftbefee/tobpcbca' toGjetoeberbopeanbccmfctfte.abcnGml l netBetberoesfweDnertoiDejpetlntbeplace wefpngetbereajfintBetpmeofberpcutb/ tobf te ft ft) fopbebn to tbe/ pe be not mp peo* a Ipbe as in tt)e bape toben ft e came out of JofA9 .ft. ple:eu&amp;tbere(l)alitbetbusirepQ?teooftbe": lanDeoftfgipte.cflentfcpemtbejLo/b cfce,,,. . tbepbe tbecbplb?e" of tbe Ipupng &lt;S5od. cben ftallfape bntome:SDmpbouCbanbe/ s (baflS^ % ttalIt&amp;teb#b;eof3!ubaan&amp;tbetbi?lo?mof callmenomo?eJSaal:fo?gtoiltafteato ape w ' 3frtaelbe.gatbete&amp;toget&amp;etagapne/sebofe tbd&amp;namrsfof JBaallftombermo utB /pec , tBe'reluegonebeab/anbtbenoeparteoutof foefl)ailneuerrememb?e tbep? names* enp :.. * tbe.lanbe:fo?gteate[baibebapeof3fraeJ, mo?e.cbentopll3maBeacouenaunttoptb &amp;m '" bU ' j : ccDcptopieiBtaiicQbnforcptntauntf* t^em,ttt[) tbe to^l&amp;e bea aest/ tut?tf) t^e fou* ~ fbe.&lt;i.Cbaptet. le*oftbeap?e/atoubeuetpt&amp;pngetbaecre */maa^(piiy 0U rcb;rtb?en/tbattbepa petbbpontbeeavtb. jmppeopie-.anopourerpftere/tbat 3&amp;fo? botoe/ftoerseanb baten/3" tomse. $H9&g

t;* .tbepbaueoptapnebmercp.aisfo? fltopefscboutoftbeianbe/stoillmafietbe"^ t ,: asoioniftWSSS'lfout^motbet^eJbaleb^ietoitb toaepefafel?.bu^topU31matptbebnto ei " WA (*rran:f i M&amp;ber/atep?oue&amp;et:fo?(ftefts notmptopfe/ mpneatonerelffo?euermo je: pee eiie" torn? S^&amp;^to^ "^ et: f " a g** 1 fwCbamj e / bnlecre Qj e put relfetopiiamatptbe/in rpgbtuoufnefff/fti %Z\fS^&amp;mnmo}bomeontcmnmt/9\m equpte/ wcongwj(ati5al)uoutapjrombei;b?eQe0.gifnogj(baiat;s fapmalfotoffl3!matp$bntomprel f7atBou . te p , le i vemmmmmmuma^mc&amp;metn (bait finotoet&amp;ejlojb.Hlt tbe fame tpmeto il f&amp; rai.j.8. to e tod;loe; pee J fliali tape bettr atte/artb 9! roetoe mp feife frenblp ano gtaefousbnto ''-' afi *fr c E B ' ato,,bEtne / e / a ^^ tBp;Qe.$palbauenopiteairobp5betcbll' wallBelpetfleeatttyatBeeat^qwil&amp;elpe b?en/fo?tbepbetbe cbilb?enoffo?ntcacpnn. tbeco?ne/topneanaople/at6ep(&amp;allbel pe ^ei^tbetbaj&amp;b?o6ebertoeoloc&amp;e/ geftael.itopllfotoctBembponeaitfi/ftua . tfaBeflijfia. a , nD ? c ^ atbat?ttie/tecometocottfuf l' ort ft&amp;etompneatonef elfe/ijtoillbaujmetcv v*i5 *ijfo?aera^:i;to0!goafteemprouew/tbat bponber/tbattoaptoftboutmewf, ainbto nw . ftr . te geuememptoatetanbnifb;eD/niptooil? tbftobUbtomnotmppeopie/q&gt;tortlfaw:uSi i *m/WMtattomi&gt;mt!it.l&amp;ut'&amp;*m ou art mr people. ainb Be JftaiHawuBou beBgebetoaveto(tbtbo?ne0/anbaoppe&lt;t/ artmp&lt;S5ob. . .-;" *......-., (bat.fbe (baU not fpnbe bet foteaeppeg: anb G4Df t^ loue of^oo (ottataetQe peopt r, tbougbfbetunne after bet iouens/ pet (ball ' ' ' ftenotgettbem:lbeaHfeftetbem/butnot lSSt^"fapDe tbe jlo;be to me: &lt;Bo pet-, . tbP toape^ibotoe anabuouttroujJ* ;^ lM 4 tooman/tebomtftpnegbbouwlo* e *^ ,f '"


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1 &gt;*j


fpnbetbem.cbenfljaHJbefape-.toeli/itofl! goCtitneagapnetompfp?ttboufbanbe/foj at f bat tcme toat^bttttm eare/t&amp;tnnoto




of^ftaell'.boto be ft tbe? batie tefpecte to ataungegonots/ 9 loue tbe topne banner. itaj kirn* -^&gt;ogigatbetfo?.j:b,fpluetlpnge0/ 9 fo?an iiigSSf^omet^anbalfofbartpeyafapDebntobet: ***" bou (bait bpoe toftb me a loge feafon/ but retbattboupiapeftnottbebarlot/anblo&amp;e tboumebletoftbnone otbetman/ anbtben M toplia fiepe mp feife fo? tbe. r , . JS ^bu$J cbPl^eofartael aUfptagttai r *r w oftetpngcanDaultet/toptboutp/eftan&amp;te' uelacpon.jButaftettoaiDe fbali tbecbpib7e . .. h of |ftael conuerte/ano febe ttje '/u;&amp;c tbeit ,( ?'^ ,(,,0 (!5oB/anDau&lt;btbettBpnge;9intbelatter bape^tbep Djall tnojfofppe tbe jLo?oe/? b3 loupngeftpnoneoe. ca (3p(a;nu agayna -f peoples f p?i 0(c ofjfCf fleU ccbe,ntf.bapter. tfate t\)e to o;fie of t ije jl.o#/ pe tbplbaen of atrael ; ^o? n^e l/o;w mutt piiro fli tbe/tbatbtoell in tbe fanb.anb tobpi cbcte te no faftb fttlneffe/ tbcte igno metcpe/tbete fe no 6notoieogeof &lt;seob in tbe lanoe: butftoca* tpng/Ipengc/matiOaiigbtet/tbeft a aouou&lt; ttpbatiegottc tbe ouetbanbey aonebioub' gpitmeOe f olotoetb ahotbet. cljetf o;e m\ I tbe lanoe be in a mi feraWe care/9 alltbepg btoell tbetin/ojall moutne . cbe bcatteiS in H)e fefoe/tijc fouler in tbe am/ 9 c fpfl)ejj

ttttbefte foallbpe.F etijJtbetenone/g topll cbaft en no? tep?oue anotbet . Cbe p;eatte$j Hxtotito flmioe tef outme otyet men / ate be come Ipfietlje people." 33 Cbetfo?e ttomblett tbou in tbe bape time &amp; tbe pjopbet ft tbe in $ n^gbt.^ toil! b?ing m%%u tbp motber to Cplence / anb tobp I mp people pwpfte / becaufe tbep bane no imotolebge. @&gt;'ng tften k tljou ijaft tefufeb bnbetttan' bprtg/tbetfo^ctoilia tefufealto;fo f tbou fljal t nonso?e be mp p?eft , 3Cnb fo;fo mocb ajsftoubaft fo?gctte latoe of tbP *t/J toiilalfo fo?gettbP cbplb?en ,be mo?e tbep incteareo in tl)emult!tnbe/ mo?e tDcpfpii* neb agaj?na me / tberfo?e topll 3 cbange tbeit bonoui'c in to ftame. bep cate bp tbe fpnness of mp people/ 9 co?age tbem in tb't topcaetineae.cbug n)e p?eft i$s become ipbe Ct&amp;epeopie.ibetfo?eg topll punpib t\)t fo? tbefttotcfteb toapeg/fl rctoarbe ibem acco?= mco vrcotngetotbeit atone piiiagpnacpons. cbep tiStbl walleate/anbnotbauepnougb-.^bepbaue fflout*p;o/ fl *bfeb tobo?bome/ tbetfo?e fball tbep not ttmm p?ofpete; anb tobp t tbepbauefo?fabentbe Mtiothtt jto?5e/anbnotregawebbim. '&amp;iv n tbo?bome/topneanbb?oncfienneffetaTic rffi, tbeberte atoape. flpppeopTeaffie coficell at Mm? &lt; tbeit aocfteg/ tbei't ttaffe mutt tell tbem.df 0? antobo?ifl) mpnbe batb bifceaueb tbem/ To tljattbep c5mpttefo?npcacp5agapnft tbeir




'J:El tot


&lt;EfoD.cBt pmafiefitttfffc&amp;bpo t(je bpemoii tapne0/9 bume tbeitincenfe tops tbe billed pee amongetbeofttff/gtoueis 9 buibeiet/fo?^ tbm ate goo&amp; fljaootoesi i cbetfo?e pome ^ baugbtetg are become batlott c0/ ab pourc tyculifil)autb}ont\)tk toeDlocbe/f topll not punpQ) pouvbaugbter? f 0? beinge befp* leb/9 poureb?pDes(g became tobo#fj;teihg $ fatbetix tbe felueg bane mebleotf batlott;/ i,.*^; &amp;* aoffetebtoitbbntb?ifie0:buttljepeopletbatffipV,Sfn topilnotbtibetttanbemuttbepunpibe^ moaa tmaa ^cbougb tb ou 6 *g:frael art bifpofeo to plape ^ &amp;wW tbebatiot/pet ibuibed not tbou baue offen-f!!'" ^tf DeD/fiD^uoaitbou Qmtoett not baue runne i^.'u. pc todBalgala/netbauegonebptojBetbauen/ tcaceinmc. m net baue ftoo?ne/ )Lo?be Ipuetb.tfo? gifrael of tH| we t'0 gone bacfie lifie a ttatort cotoe.cb&lt;%o?De Hf J*fi tbetfo?e fljal mafieber febe/ajsp iSbeggoctb &amp;s?S2 attrapeJnb tobere as cEpb;afmi$ become wosonip 3110a partafietof?8oljJ/toel/Ietbigo.Cbeitb?5c--a"iwcniam(n liennessbatb puttbebacue/sb?ougbt Wemj**"!"*^ totobo?bcme, rbeitiuier0loue tetoavbes/SaKtouif b?pnge (ifape tbep) to tbeit atone (frame . % ip caiiet. ja-aef toinbe 0)ai taRe ijo&amp;e of tbeit fetbetiS/9 tbep &lt; toe gwpije (balbe confounbeoin tbeit offtingeg. yjSKf Qfinmuan&amp;onoti)iiijjcfljjni&gt;t!ft,ioQa. CCbe.b.Cbaptet. Te p;efte0:beare tbig / fafie bebe/ ;fl)tboubouolDeofafrael:geueai eave/fl&gt; tbou bpnglp boufe: fo? !tbt0pum(bment topll come bpon pou/p ate become a mate bnto C@p5Pbab/ 9afp?ebnetbntomountofcbabo?.bep fipjlfactifpcejjbpbeape0/*tobegple people tbettoitb:tbetfo?e topliapunifiKbeall. * tl 1 ,la ll

giunotoPb?atmtoeUpnougb/a3ftaeili0 W3lo,MW ' . not bpo fro me: fo? m!pb?aim i!3 become an ljatlot:U3fraelissocfileD.rbepateno(;mpn* beQtotuttJebntotbeitob/fo?tbepljaueanXJ tobo?(fl) bett/fof' tbep can not finoto 'A&gt;o?d. 35ut tlje p?pbe of ?,ftacl toiH be tetoatbea biminbtsiface/peebotbpael 9Ep[)?aiu fl1ft M . fc . (ball fall fo? tbeir toicbebneoe/ anb g-miatt *" tV9tV * tbem alto.cbep (ball come toitt) tbeir fbepe ^umv^.h, (tbulloclte0tofeftetbei(Lo?li/buttbepibaUj)itc.ii.e. not fpnbebim/fo? be (ft gone fro tbe . M f 0? &gt;tt0.)t9.a. tbeH.o?be/tbepbauctefuCcbl)im/?b?oubc , l bpbaaarbecbpib?en:amonetlj tt)ctfb?e xm iieuouretbetttbeIrpo?ciom&lt;JJMotoettt!)e (batomesiat^abea/ 9 tttijettopetinlllai mab/ctpe out at 5Detbare' bp tbe p&amp;'tpiie of )5en|amin .gfn tpme of tbe plge all &amp; Pb?aimbelapebtoatte/tberfo?ebpbgifaitbfuHptoarnetbetfpbe0oe"#t'ael.yetatetbc P?icc0 of %um become iplie tbe/^remoue l&amp;DemarcBes/fberfon'toplI 'Ipoure outmg to?atbbpontbc iplie^wat e.'il'Pb?afm i$J op^ p?e(reb / anb can Baw'wwipg&amp;t of tbe latoe: fo? tohpf efte p foiotof &lt;ft bocttpnefj of men.


lir - . . - ,

f' ..






$ to t&amp;e fjouft or into a0 a cateeppllet. j^tw.b. i^ii(Epo?aimratoe^0CK6ncffe/anD Wm( ^^* u 5fHDafji0Dvfeafe:(Ep^a(m toente ttftttt* fiuvana but ton to iiiuige gawb: see couIDe . tiotMyflpepou/ncreafejbuofsourepat* nc.3ambuto(]Ep^atn^aga ipon/ano as a Ijonis to&amp;elpe to tyz bottfe oQutn* Cuen 3/ 31 topUfpo^le t^em/ana jo mv toaf e.3 toil! ' taRctftetottftme/jnomanffiallrefeuetfte, 3 to j] I go/ana return* to mg place/ tgU tbep toajce fftftit/anh fe&amp;eme, Cflfflfccyo caufetfc tman to wtournc to ^otrfffj* tojebebnee of t&amp;e jfceaeo. JQ tyn'r at&gt;uet;f?tetuep ftalKefie mi e/anDfare:come/iet tog tutne a* gar m to $ jtotfic :f o? De Oatb (mU tenb*/fr he (bai&amp;eale to: l^e batb

Clje ^opljttpe

'J * J*-


^ toounDebb0/3BcQ&gt;alJbpnDeb0topagapne: Smu i m rna *&amp;&amp;* Da * e B e flmiltapfe itfbp/fogtoe (hall mite tun ~ 'PueinhiffHgBt.cBenlball toebauebnDev. tmjeftai^c * aarpnge/fcenDeuoureoiu;relue0to anoto W" P,-tbe&amp;o2oe. ^eajallgoftytb as tb'efpjpnge ttt (tan id 0f * f * e/9 COmC ti,,t0 b * a * WMW&amp; ^icts trou anDmowpngetapnebpontBeearrb. tie do / rt- j &lt;pb;ami/tobat Q)all3 Do bnto tfitffl) m* fjt SuDa/botofyail'S intreatetbe? feingpoure fballfp;ebempnetoHerthcm/ $D2ato etb? to^iiijcaie bs iouei0lpfieamb2npngcloube/&amp;lpae abeto DOtonea0tbefoule0cfthea p2e:&amp;acco2Dfng ST?p rf 'tl)atgo^eai;Ifatoae.Berfo?etiaue3iCHt * ' ' fim'taots. m* b bne tbe WlNl ' toUwn be nine tDitooape/ mp toojbc0 tbattbppunproment b/toitbwt ia B (ball come tolpgbt. 4 wf bauepleaftire in

WW&amp;i to Bauepleafure tat&amp;eit topt6eo&gt; ne0&amp;lpe0.aMUBrebutneinaououtrp/a0jB it tern an ouentfiatthebaaerbeateto/tobe Be batti lefte fincabpnge/tpll the botoe be le* ucnbeb.cuen Co goetb it tins cape to&amp; cure a pnge anDp;ince,s; f o? tbep begpnneto be toocbe Djicnca en t b o? oto topne : tbep to f e fa* mpi write totth focb 80 Cpf ceaitt ibem.cBei? toith thepmagp nacpo of their Bert* ate Ipfte anouen/tbefrurpe f0alltbenpgbtfpfietbe flepe of a ba6er/in the moinlng 10 be tf Bote atst&amp;eflame of fp;e: tbepare alltogetber a* Botea0anouen. b e v baue beuouteb theft atone iuoge0/ &lt;j alltbe ft ftpnge0 are fallen:pet 10 there none of them that calletbbpS me.abetrtye muft tfptyaim be mix 1 1 amoge $eatbe\C-pb28* inns become ipBeacabe/tbatnoman tur* net l): Qrafigets baue beuoureo &amp;&lt;0 tttegtft/

f et be wgatoctB it not : be toa^etb full of grapbeatwpettopllbenot bnotoeit:? tbe Vfflt of gftaci 10 call Dotone beto?e tbeft^^-, face/settotutljf pnot turneto $ )Lo;oe tbei't w *"*" oD/nec feae bim fo; all tbfe. (ffpbraim te Jpaeaooue/tbat^beg^cb/ anabatu nobeete. j5oto calltBe? bpontbe **!# flegvpef an?/ note go (bepto tbe aoiriang: but tobple tlj ej? be go vnge bete ano there / 3

SlXulL! 8e IbuimB-fifcnbnette/anD not in orningc: jee in p B tbe anbtolebge of cb/mo?e tbenin burnt* . w facriftce.iBut ene lifte ag 3bam Dro, fo baue tbep b;oben m couenautit / ano fet me at . naught. alaaoiis a citeoftoicfieD ooeta;of ' matyema peopieanftbloHDQjeobew.-^h^ mult ptutie of the jeQe 10 tyftean heape of then e0/niuttbeier0 3 blouitl)uttti&gt;sf 02 the? . baue to/ought abhompnacpon . l@02tpble thuige0 hauegreneuitfte boufeof Mxmv

a0tbPbauebenetoarneD/fotopiigpiwi , them.l 0 be bnto them/f 02 thep haue f 02fa* S 8 '* 11 ' limine. tEhepmuftbeoearopeb/^thepfU-,,,, haue fctmeatnaught.? am hethathauete Ifflg* Hemebthem/anbpftthepa!Ccmbietotthme.raf.wi)r.M bfPcailnotbpometoithtljeitherte0/but&gt;*wi^ Ipe hculpnge bpon tljcit fceDBC0 . Habere a0 thep conic toget&amp;e t/ itt&amp; but f02 incate ana bwicacanb me topll tbep not obepe.g haue taught them / ano bef enoeb their atme / pet Do thep pmaginmprcbefe agapnftme.cbeg turnethemfelue0 / -butnota right/ aarebe* come a0 a lijoite botoe. cbeit P2pnce0 Qjai* b e 0apne toitlj the f toeatDe / fo2 the malpce

thewplapcth ttfnm the harlot/ 9 jfrael . oftheiv tflge0/Cocb blafpBempe? hauetbe t; 10 befpUD-Jjut ijuoa Hjal haue an hatueft f02 lerneb in the lanbeof cgppte.


'* mm I


* E

I)pr4feife/ toBen 9 -vetutne tljc captput'teof nip people. 0m t^f ttSCEoanl) wmifonnes of tftcpecplf. ,...., . erche.bii.dhaptet. i^engibnbertaae to mafte g'ftael itohole/thtn the bngracvoufnelTe of (L I ph;aim anb the toicliebne0 of Samaria cSmeth to Ipuht: then go tftrp aboute toiri) Ipeg. M home/the p be theuegtanbtuitfioutiiiepfflll to vubbpngt. rhep conrpbje not tut heft heitc that! te memb2e allthwe tot'cfiefcHMIjepgo about . roitb .tbere atone mucncj'iMig/but'Ifethem ( JlpnoiiBh, c&amp;e;'imi&amp;&lt;;tDe iituae anb the

Ct8 eam|on of Juba ano Jftaet 1 fat t nu ft of ^tir3C0la:&lt;c. CCBe.biii. Chapter.. m $ ho;nc to thpmouth/a Wotoe: Igettheftopftlp (80 an aiegle) bnto the houfe of )Lo2be:f o; thepbaue wtmtif !b20fi? mp couc nafit/ 9 ttanrgter* feb mp latoe.gsftaei can Tape bntome: thou awmpob.toeanotoethe:but he hath re* ftiffbthetBingethatr0goob/tBetfO2efijaW Krt ,.^ the entmpfolotoe bpon hpm.hepBaue 02 s g,a ^

Denebbpiige0/butnottho2otome:thepb8ue mate p;fncf0/atibgj mutt nctanotoeof tt, m theitfpluet a nbgolbe baue thep mace ifletn


^ rhem 3mage0 / tob^pnge them Celue0 to dc ttruccio.hP C8f/flDg)amaria/ ujalbetaBe .atoape fo2 me to20thfull inbpgnaciS t'0 gone fo?th agapnft the^ l^oto longe trpll it be/02 ^thep can be cieitfebtf 02 the calfe came from ^Ifrael/the too2cfte man mabe it/thetft&gt;2e can , inut v ttbe "o Ob/ but etien to a fppber? tnebbe oiBwowftaH t calfe of Samaria be tumeb. fl *hfP ikii lit feiiiEohauefotonc topnoe/tbetf02e ibau t&amp;f pteape 'iowq-trp#a Qo2me. '^BSStm chettrebe fljalbearenoco2ne/thetcroalno fiSffi n,eell,e mabe ofthewtnereafe; though thep tai ttoiiuic reape/pet thai ftvaungewbeuoureitupiaf' aimjiopaiopcrael tbaiiperpai/the enttlc0 ffiallintrea'te iS^Zim 0 a f onle beffi-fl. ^&gt;ence thep toft bp to i }te 2Dffp2&lt;an0/thepare become ipfiea topme i&amp;Mitie toaffeintljebeCttte. i',; i : in m y # tgph ?a t m geucth re toarbe0 to get louew act (,icfe toe tj, f tfo;e are tbeptcatreDantfgethe j^eatbf / 9m " jfftheretopir^gathetthebP.ChepQjaHfoone be toeerp of y burthen of fcpnge* 9 P2Pnce0. ph2atmhati)maDemanpaulter0toDoto(C'

fteone0/ tijafojt (rjalitbe suites tutne to &amp;P0fpnne. chough % er themmpiatoe ncuer fo mocij / tbepcounteftbut Qraunge boctrpne. Inhere a? thep bo factpffce/oK' ^rpngetheflefl) anDeatingeit: the JL02DC topH *^hauenopicafurethernnbuttopllremfmb2e their topcfiecnc0/anD punpQ) their fpnne0. ffraeltuvnethagapneintocEgipt/thephauc ;b2gotten bpmtijat mabe tl)tm/ thep bupibe d)tcftc0/s 31uDa ma fieth nianp ttronge cp. tie0:therfo2e toil 3 fense a fp;e into their tv. tpe0/anb it flsall confumc their placeg. COf tlje ljungc i; j (aptJUJ tjc of Jfuacl!, S 5 ^^ not thou trpumpbef fl&gt; f frael/ 2B3s ^^niafienoboaftpnge mo?e then toe H^lj^eathen/fo2thouhottcommttteb g.^g^iirnimifyy agapnO thP &lt;30D: litafigevetoai-De0haatbouloueD/nuvethenaHg co;neao2e0.thetfo2e Ibalthep nomo2e entmfcomtiag, $topnep2eire0/ft theitftoe' ie topne iball fapierhe.chep topll nototoeil inWcripo in the jLo2be0lanbe/ but cpfcamt tutnetb 11 gfw &gt;"' agapne into Cgipte/aeateth bnclesne thin;Sffi gr0amongethe3POp2ian0. crheppoureout ftSomlSR io topne f 0; a D2incBot?ringe bnto the H02D / ueibc (pme ofiiethetgciietbep himtheir Oapneoeringeg: miwto m* but thep be bnto thf 0 mourncre me8tc0/ SSStoBerinafltBef that eatethem /ateDefpleo. Km mall not come into tbe houte of the Mtoe. ftift/mf . ^ ttshattopupeborhenrnthe^folepne bapt0/ I Kt!fta &lt; the feaft of the )Lo?bef )Lo/thcp roan Kb SS!8ctthematoapefo2thebeftruccionfgppte fonm, a i ? uc fliall reccaue them/? 0oph Jftall btrrp them. si) niBi: yc ijatic cbe nettle0 (Bali ouergcotoe their plea ' ftqtyons.ui fauntgoobe0/anb burrea flialbeintteirta' . 6emacle0,?eepe Wet (gfraeDthetpme of


bifttacion ijs come / thebape0 of tecompen* rpnge are at hanoe . M f 02 tbe&amp;opbete/ pe oIdc Bpm f o? alooie-.anb him that 10 tp'eb tn thefp2ete./fo2amaDmansfogreate i0poute . totcbeone0 anb malp c e.eph 2a t m hath mabe him felf a toatebman of mp ob/a prophet f i0become8uiare^oDo hurte ineuerp ate* te/a sbhominaepon in tftehoiife of hi0 od. chfp be gone to farre / haue befttopeb the felue0/lpBea0thepDpbao2etpmeatffia* baa.&amp;Bttfo2etBeittopcneDne0 $albe ttmc* bjeD/anDtheitfpnne0 puniOttb, 9 fonbe3fraeupaegtape0 in theteplber* neg/ 8 fato their fathetg a0 the f P2ft f W$ Hi the toppe of the fpgc ete. 35ut thep are gone c toiBaalH&amp;eo2/&amp;rane atoape fro me tothat?cm?.st&lt;M u)8mefH3[bo|l/arebecomea0abhomm8^ u, c ' ; ' : ' ,a ' biea0 their iouer0.eph2aim b *flpcthipaea^ ( jr 6( ,j 1B/CL r/ bp2De/fo waltheir glo2palfo-.3nfomocB/g mfuxonaugiic theplbalnetherbegettejconceauenerbearc ci)!io?en.aitiD though thep b/inge bp enp/pe t toiili maBe the chiioieae amoge me Tec too aUcometothem/tohenlDcpatteftothe.,-.,..,^(2Ph?aim(a0metBpncae) i0 planteom toci- w -* thmeae/lpBe80CP2u0/butnoto muft Oe l)2Pngehecatonechilb2efo?thtogmaaaptr, 0&gt; ^02be thou waif geue the: what (belt thou geue them i geue rhem an fMifCutefull 3ronw.w.. toombeanDD2peb2eae0 . Ml their topefieb' nette to Done at aigali /there do | abho2ve them.jf o; the btigvacioiifneg of tfieif atone tmifncion0/3!topllD2Pue tljemoute ofmp I) oufe.3 topll loue tbemnomo2e/fo2 all thett P2pnce08tebnfapthfull.iBPh2aimi0hetoen Dototte/tBeftwtet0 D2ptDbp/ fo i thep (ball b?pnge 1 1 om o?e fmte : pee an b though thep b2inge f02tB enp / pet topll 1 Cape euen the beabeloueb fruteof their bobp. &lt;3p&lt;ioD fliall raa the atoape/ f02tbepBauenot bene obebientbntohpm / tljer^eujall thep goo aarape amonge the heathen.

caaa?u83fra?lano 1)18 JooUcb. CChe.?.Chaptet, i^ttaei toa08 gooblpbpne/buthe^ ihath b2ought f02th bnp2ofptabieS ra9&lt;J , if rute: pte the mo2e f rute he haD/ ' Jmoaulter0htmabc:mo2egooD , J Dp&amp;totheiri5b/f mojeftf Dftiipeftietoebthep to their piagc&amp;cheirBert to BetitteD/tBet* fo2C toilt thep be [DettropeD . cBe Ho2fie (ball b2eaBeDotonethe(i9mage0/Belb8lDeatope tbep;aulter0.brn wall thep (ape: toe haue no apnge/ tot tohp i toe haue not feareb the 'jL&gt;o2be.3CnbtohatQ)allthentheapngeDoto W- Che P comen togetbct/anD ftoeare bap* ne othe0: thep beconfeberate togetBet/rhet* fo2e gtotoeth their punpwment / 80 the toe* De0 in the fo/Otoe* of the lanbe. chep that btoellin Samaria haue tew* wippeo 0e calfeof ^etbauen: thero2e (bai m mptty

%\yt ^opljetpe


ffl&amp;atji, c

3MU tbepeopie moume oueetbem/pee ana tbe ia ptobp/ mm oeatopea atm men t tm pjeuesalfo/tbatfotbefc toeit&amp;pneae teioj' tbatbecaufe of t^ett atone pmagpna cpows. aatoub tbsnv.anatobp:' it Qjaiipatte atoape #p people batb no tuft to tume mtome

/^. , , ftomt^mMaibeb;oii8bttotbeajtipta7 t6eirp;opbetesiapet&amp;cpocfiebpontbe7butSaihr r, . fojap;erehcfento8ing3|ateto,&lt;pb;aimibal fljepeafetfteranotoftbeitbuttben. Ju ctVu teceaue full punpfl)ment:p:aellbalbc con- Ji3batgreatetbingesbauegeueti tbe/ fbunaeafojbiS atone pmagpnacpons/ &gt;a' ep^aimfbotofaptbfuHpbaueaoefei^C matia toitb b w Bins 0&gt;alt soati p a ape/a ceo ttt e/SD Jf taci: aue a Dealt to it^ tbe as tbefcommemtgetoatee.c.bebpe places of tojt^ aoama f 0? ^aue 3 intt catcb t^t 3Euen to&amp;ete g ; ftaei do Cpnne / (bait tie caft &amp;rbotatf #o/mp&amp;erti s ot&amp;ettoife mpficeo. tootoneitbp&amp;ftisatbojnesroaiigtotoetopon yeempmercptstotuent:tbetfo;e&amp;aue 3| tbeitau-f "ts.ffiben all tbep Capeto $ mou* not tutiteb me to Defttope pb/aim in m p C t avnesc couet 00/ a 1 tbe $p UeS: Call bp5 s. to?o i b full bi fp ft afure.tfo ? J am d&amp;ob a no no gftaei/t&amp;ou&amp;aa fpnneaas&lt;!3abaab|D man/lam euen tbat &amp;olp one in tb e mp&amp;bett afojetpme/tobete tbep temapnefclbuiae not oftbe;tbougb3camenottoitbintbeepte. tbebatelitben come opori tbe topcaebt&amp;tf* ety&amp;o#etoatetbltBeafpon/tpjitt bepJ&amp; o;en / as toe ll a s bpo tbe ab a oin'te ti% tot 1 1 mace f olotoe b f m: jee as 'a ipon toatetp. be/ f cbattentbem/euenafteempneatoneoerpw t&amp;cpmape be aftapfblpfietbecbplDffnof th e $ people fyalbe gatbetebtoget&amp;ec ouettbeV ree:g tbepmapbefcatwb atoape frscg ppt/ tobenipunpmtbefoMbeftgreate toicBeb* asmenCcaicebp;!aES:ftapeDatoapc(asoo&lt; heoe.tfpfoaimtoasbntome/asacototbat uestoretobe}fromtbe3iffp,2mnsianbe:anbg isbfebtogo toplotoe/tbetfojegf, loueb&amp;fm/ becaufej, tool Be bauetpem tatp at borne/ : a fclluponbiS fap?enecftj o;oue&lt;epb?afov fapetb f ;Ho;De.#ut tfpbjaimgoetb aboute 3!uoapioteo/s3acob piapebtbebufbauac metoftblpes/anbtbeboufeofifraelblttem* nian:tbattbepms8btfotoebntow'gbtuouf' blem.nfe3ubaboiaetb&amp;im toitb ob/airo

nes/an,bteapetbeftutesiofttelDoinge:tbat toitb tbe twe&amp;olptbinges. ttepmrcbtplotoetoptbettftfwlanac/anD wwB*mmi*tm*m fefietbejbo#e/tplieecame/afttneDtljem cbwij.baptct. t? S2nSl!*;h, tt i..,riH,rt,5wAh Bff^|P^a'nfiepetbtbeap;e/anbfoIo*3ll a&lt;ttiattt/ 3i3utnQto a *tbepbaueplotoeBtbeto.cfteB KJ Lf^toetbaftetpeatttopitoe ibeiseutt; mnmucs netre/tbetfo;e all tbep reapefpnne/a eate H BgMncteafpnaclrcsanDbeamccpoii, lW^ t mto*MW-&amp;WOwm**mt*' BJracbepbecS&amp;StoSS^ l* 1 "*^ n^pneatonetoapes/anweaneftto S55S5^inBSfflSSS ' tbe multpttiDc oftbPtoo#bpeS:tbere flail fobebaejacouttetobolbetoitbltia/aml grotoeafeMcponamogetbppeople. ailtbp toiUpunpmaacobiafteetfteftStoapes tttigeatiesmalbelapebtoattc/eufasfcal. MccoSpng to tbeir atone tmiencpSs/roafl nniMiBas w^oseottbiSfamWecs/tbo* &amp;emopen&amp;:tbemJctoiiebiS ttffiwfo *0mm* totobpmtbattoas auengebof aitbeii/mtbe nele/tobenbe teas vet fnbftmotbets mbl&am p;^-mu bapeefbate*^^ betcbpffin.(suenronwllrtgotoftbpou( fiwiefcrfSKIWB/SS^bSS etbel)becaufe of pout malpcpcus totcfieb' f0 t hatbe mapbe anb Defp;eb bpm . lie fonoe nesXPeastbemompngegoftljatoape/fo ^A^SSSSSmSr roalltbefipngeofSftaeipaOe. feetbeiuweWofbooftes/euent&amp;e casasnatfttbnhtwintBofjftaci. )U?aebtmfelfetmemb?ebbpm:Cbetitut' netotbptfoa/Bepemetcpanbequpte/aiw a rafflSS^w3,fwelteaspounge/3i louea bopeCpil in tbpcB . JBut tijemarcbauue B*o.imuZMm$Wmcam bpmmpfonneoutof batbafairetocpgbtittbpSbanDe/bebatba.,. ajat.y.f. *MK tBeIanoeoflS BPPt.^iittben)o?e pleafuretooccupiee)cco?d8.(Cpb?aini tbtn**. eSl^tbepteeteralleD/ S mo?etbeptolt betbtbU!3:ruq)/3amrpcbe/3ibauegooa oacbe/oRnngbnto^oois/anbcenfinggima* fnougb:9nalmptoo;!ieSmalnotonefatote etomat. SfS-lftttieb^aimtogo/abatetbemm befounbe/tbatabaHeoffehbeb. fetamgi twtwut. fwarmes/buttbeptegarbeb notmeytbat tbe,o;beip4&lt;pob/euenasto6en %bjoum iiujRqjwu. tooiDebauei)eipeotbEm//ieDtbemUcoat* tbeoiitoftbelanDfofcgppfe/anofet ibeiii

pesoffrenbftppe/ tbptentes/aaSMiibebpefeattbapes. teas euen be, (bat lapeb tbe poc&amp; bpon tbeie % bauc fpofcen tftojoto tljepjo phetes/anb netses.ggauetbemtbeftfooeempfeif/tbae meh&gt;ebbpuerfei)(ons/anbbeciatebmpfelC tbep Q)uibe not go agapne into tfgppte Jnb bp tpe m in i fl racpon of tfj e ' p; opb e tts , ut ^no^isaflntibelrBpjige^ojfteptoolbenoe aecalaab is t&amp;eabftompnacpon/tfiepaWm tutne onto me.betfo?e man ftcatbebe* fallen to banpte^talgairtbepbauenane^ Bprate in tbeitcpties/tbeaowegt^epbaue tytmanbasmanrbeapes of acnes as tbep babi


? '.a

JfeWU . ^^ babmtbeit!lanbefo;otoes/Comanpauiters bane tbepmabe.lacobflebintotbe lanbof ^trta/anafitael fetueb f 0; a topf e/a n a f 0; ^topfebeaepteqiepe. pa pjopbet tbe Jlo?be b;ougbt tbem out of tegppt/anb bp a p;opbetbep}emueb tbem. }Sut(Spb;aimbatbp;ouoBebbmt to bifpieafuce tbo?oto bis abbomitttct 3$tbet&gt; rojewallbisbiouoebepburebbpO&amp;imreif/ ano? ]Lo?be bis ob Qjalt Wtoanw bfmbts Wafpbemies. CCbe.fiiUbapter. ^eabbominacpon of cfpb;amtfs

a ^i^ come alfomtofftael.^e is gone ^baefieto^aal/ tfieefo^e mutt be Ibpe Jnbnototbepipnne ino;e ana mo^e-.of tbeiefpbsee/tbepmaaetbem moite gpmages/ipfie tbeibols of tbe ^eatben/anb pet an is notbpngbut toojcae of tbe ctafteftnan , tio t tot tb Qanbpng t&amp;ep p?eacb of % f b fo topli fipffe n)e calue s/off re tb to $men,betfo?etbegwaroeastbemo?npnge douoe /ana as tbe aeto tbat eatlp paoetb a* toape/aipaeasotifttbat tbempnae tabetb atoape fiom tbe &amp;o?e, anaas fmofie g goetb outofttjecbpmnep. % am tbeiLo^oe tbp oa/ tobicb b;ougbt outoftbelanaeofoEgPpt:tbattbouQ)uiaeft finotoeno csoa onelp/a g tbou ul. -^ , beftbaueno&amp;auiouwbntohrpme.atofie SSffi .biligentbebeoftbettitbetePloemeirel b*pe l ^ ww ' , "lanbc.uttobent8eptoeeetoeHfeiibe a baa eiitKfl a. pnougb/tbepttayebP?oube/ anbfo?gatme. r www,u, Berto;etopliabebntotbem asalpon/ a asaUeopatBemtbetoapetotbeaffitfans. % toil! come upon tftem as we beec/tbat is * robbebof bee melpes/ a Stops bjeafte tbae ftubbutne beeteof tbeftS . eft e topii 3! be* ttoute tyem as a Igompcetye toploe beaftes . fljallteaeetbem. gsftael/tbouboeamitbelleoptbpfelf/ gn me onlp is tbp beipe.tfcfle re ace tbpfipn* ge s n oto / tijat m uft e belpe tbe in all tbp cp&lt; tiesjyeeanatbpiubges/oftobomtboutep' itn us a beft:gtitemeafipngeanbp;pncesf toell /$ ., m b.b^h, jpmjujjaiipnjtoinjtojanj/jBUftiinpb* pleaf me topllf tafie Dim ftom tbe agapne. cb e toicfieoncae of epb'?aim is bounce to

getbee/abiSfpnelpetbbPb&gt;beefo;e man ; fojotoescomebponbtm/asbponatBoman $ t eauapietb . an bnoiftrrte ronne is be:f 0; be confpojetb not / tbatbe (buiae not bane beneabfttobaueeubutebrntbeipmeofbiS bp?tb/bab not 9 befenbebbim ftom tbe gea : tie/aftbbeipuetebbimfeombeatb. 5 0beatb/31topttbetbPbeatb:ben/lttifl tJWnnlT fee tbp spnge . f et can mm comfo;tb/fo; i#K tebenbeisnoto^egooWpeftamongcb?e* tb?en/tbe eaft topnbe(eul tbetopnbe of tb&lt;


)Lo;be ) (ban come b ttene ftom tbe toploty ne(fe/anbb;pe bp bis conbpte S/anbb?pncbe bpbistoeHes:bEfltiaUfpople tbetteaiute of alipieafauntbeffels. %$t o^amarta/tftep albentabe toatte; attb tobpf tbep ate bf robeoiet bnto tb e it cgoo, Wmw* &lt; cbep mallpjt rift toitb f toeatae/ib eit cbfl a?en fljalbeOapne/ an bfbeitlsemtn steal toitb c&amp; plbe malbe rpptebp^ CCljcOtBtucc?Diiofjamtftlaj bejrt^4ba^rt. .-;. , t ^ftael/tume tbehofc/bntqtbeg . X&gt;o;ae tbp C5o0/f 0; tbou bait tab! j*ct*M0 .a, a greatefal(tbo?otoe tbp toic&amp;e^ *i&gt;.*wd.e* !neae.cabe tbefe mow mm) pou/ Ifflfi . tobenpetumetotbe)Ul/a&lt;apebntobim: ,9Jflt8 ^ tte fiDfojgeuebsanottrefpnnes/teceauebs aacimt/ gtattotiap/anatbentoplltoeoen)e a *bui'tfi C p;ajfn l 3c e / locbes of cute lppp**mitotbe.ai6Ut tbaibe ai&gt; t^nc&amp;n* nomoje oute belpet/nenjet to ii toe tpoebp 6 ww**bo^senpmo^caiSfwtbetoo^Besofoure** banbeS/toe mpllnomoie callbpS fQcm:faf

it is tbou tbat att ou re &lt;0ob / tbou (be toeft eu et metepbnto tbe fan) etleffe. ( pf tbep tooioe bo tbis ) % fljuio e beale tbeitfo;es:pee toitb allmpbette moiaeg lo uetbem;fotbat mp to?atbmtilDecieanebe tutnea atoape from tbfm.ftfj tooia be ton* to3!ftaelastbeactoe/an&amp;be muiae gtotoe aj$ tbe iptte/anbbfs tote muiae b;ea&amp;e oute asjlpbanus. Sb?auncbes ftuibe fp?ebe out ab;oae/ana be as fap?e as tbe olpue tte/ C ana I men as t iba n 1 1 s.cb c p tbat a to ell bn* bet bis mabotoe 1 fyuibe come agapne / ana gtotoeDpastbecojne/aflotflbas bpne: bemulbebaueasgoobaname/astbetopne of Jltbamts. ) Pb?aim tobat baue 9tobott ?.boIS enp mttif topll gtnriouap beate bim/ana leae b&gt;m f^ om&amp; topll be bnto tbe as a grene iftjuMt/tvi me alt tbou fpnbe tbpfrute ^ tbofo'istopre/aHbnbet&amp;anoet8JS:.&amp;be tbatisstigbtenatucteytoplltegatbeit. foz tbe toapesof tbe )lo;beateepgbtuous/fiocb as be (Soaip topll to al cr e m tbem:3sf ojtftc toicftea/tbep topll aomblctbetin. ccbfwbe offtep^opbecpe of jfeas, -



3ffrad q$e botte of gforti to iSjopftttt.

Clje iJjopfoetpe

a torn? faptlj in tbe pjoioge of fi)fec/f Eftofe P/orttt(tof&gt;&lt;t&amp; ftDtoc not tbe t^mc of t&amp;eft noMpfti^

alajJ/alass fo;t&amp;rtwe, SDrtlito^JtDeljape of tfyt 1#t it at tjantte;fc commetft as a be* 5SfSSS!a^3gW82 SSSSS&amp;3S3SB nmmtm at&amp;ano.. '^W feoe 0W pertl&amp;fn tbe grounbe/ tbe garners lC&amp;efp;ft chapter, roalipetoafle/fcflojesibajbetyofilbetohc/ l&amp;ttfft thp mmhp nfrtt* *;ne 8);tobatafp T^JE'rSSSL? V! SSPnse mafie tbe eaten * tae bullous ate pe &lt;mmm tntbelanbe : pf r?atu cSftimeb tbe gooblppaftutes of * tovf. __^.euer mere bappeneb focb a mnm/mtbtSthath^mtbaliitM w^WWOape0/ojfooape*ofpouK m^S^^mSfflSMmi me oc V wo gKHEffi bp/anbtbe fftrwft c5fomeb toe pafturcs E*ebppefo8cfiattesyatoepe:mourneaHpe ffilSATSiS^^^^^ topeftwew/bccaufeofpou t ftoetov. ; e/ g IggUsi toflintbe Sap ?JS3te*nftS.c Feeampgbtpe anoan fonumerable people metbyatsbawjeatbanbe: abarxfie&amp;aw /a mtwtt mm. Cgep0*nraa6enipbpttepatt&gt;e bmmmSSmS^SSfSSSe totte/tbepftaUppHoftbe batcftesofmp vtmvmaiStSSSSB?SS M^^V'^wmcbestobpte. ^t^ebmfhalbeaconiumt'nctefwe'anfl ESSJSSS? / i w *S!fW ^^ a 8aenofpieafutebefo?ebiT/S .

betafteatoapeftomtbeOoufeoftbejlotfe: neffe/anbtberefeno man/ that nSSSSt moimmmm Ibalbe toafteb / tbe lanbe resya trunne lne botfe WoaZ beoeftroreb/geftoetetopne (bail come to cbarettestastWmeof tee AonfumeS conffon/a tbeopie bttetlp beware . m the amtot/anQa^amKpwpttSS . bouawnbemenatbetopnegaiaenersftjan tbebatell. utM B,,, ^wpeopreoFro wSeppteouflpania6eramehtacpon/fo?Hje abefolfieffiafoeafrapeboffiMnyanfav tobeatt/tot-ne a bateip/a becaufe f barueft ceg alt be astScfieas "a Toot KfcfltS i peteftemjjftanraa6e8atemone/tobeti lfien&lt;enoftoarw.&lt;2uerrmaninb?gao!S treesyflrt&amp;eotbertteeS of tbe fetoe ftan top tner atoape.cbus tbe merp cbeate of { mi Bjenof men/man come to cpnfufpon. pjbepou/amalrtpotirmone/ pep?e

* *

i M .

* ** .1.*





patb.Cbere (bal not one bzpueaitorberybuf eibe (ball fiepebps atone toape. c&amp;ep (ball

b;eafie fn at tbe to m oto e / 9 not bebutte: cbepftancotnefetotbecptfe/aniiMteiipS foutetoavein/anbQepeftifacls dott)/ P e G?e?SSo%?befoSK fringe Otaij be taften atoape from $ bout* BjallUeoawfientD/ a tbe ftatws m5 ofpouw&lt;H5o5.^ocrameafaapiige/cantbr SaSftB ciKHStoa ragtegacwtt/Batbertbeelorttf^alltbeto. mo^S^SffSlSSS&amp; Jbeo^erow;ob/9CTfebtitotbe]toe: raatwbfiiwne.cB&lt;is?Itbaigtfattin^ lW0


&lt;r iom featfuH Wj?e of tfie )to?ur. ao totto ti$ abletoabpDett, l9ototberfo^ fapetb tbe JLo^oetcutne f ou onto me toirb all poure btef5/toptb fa^ ttpnge/toeppnganu mournpnge/ttnte pour bettesf/a not poure clotbea.cume sou onto tbt %&gt;om pouw od / fo; be 13 gracpouji ? f ftfcUffBta metcpfuil/iongeftiffergug 3of gteate com* 3ona.!M. paffpon:a reop to parbone toicBeoncg, [jen (noboute)bealfoq)alltume/afo;geue:aij!j after bi0 rtjattenpnge/be Qjaniee voiirefn* creaferemapne/fo; meate a o^rnfioffngej8 . bntotbejLo;oepoure&lt;(oDf)3ioto)eottt toitl) 20tbetKompetfng&gt;pon/p?oelameafaamge/ call tbe congregacpo/a gatber tbe people td getberitoame tbe congregacpon / gatber riie ef r0/b?ftige tbe tbpfiol 9 fucWpnjK to gc tbet.JLettbebjpbgrome izotoMot\)V#cW l)je/a tlje 0;pDeout of bcr clofetXettbe P^e* MMnittt\eK,owbtttoiftc$wtbnU aiiKee/toepmge? fapmg:be fauouvable/ MM I be famiorable unto t&amp;y people : ice hottbpnebetetflgebebzoHgbttorocbcBm* fion/leftt!)e^eatbEnbeio;bc0tbetof.!igbcr *$w&amp;f,it fojemuiDetb^pfape amongt tbe eatfjent tobereti3rtototbeio6f &lt;g cben mall tin MM be geidiw cim Bfst fanbe; a fpatebtepeople-.pee tbe "jtb;be Ml anftoere/afapebntbbte People: J3fbolbe/gi jtoili fenbe poa co?ney topne/a opie/fo tbat pe fbanbaue pientpof tbem: 9% toplf nomo?e geuevou ouerfobeatep?ofe'amSge J9ea tben.3'gape/a0fo?bpmof v. 0tmM al

D;ptiel)tmfarifftompoti:ai!)tifebtm(Jutt'rt to ab?peanbtoaftelanbe/bi'g facetotoatbe tl)eeattfee/anbbp0 briber pa rtestotoatbe fljeotmoit fee. 0&amp;vgwMiQt bW fliallgo 'bp/anbb&amp; fpitbp co?wpc$'on Oiail fall bpon (ipmCelf/ br caufebebatb bealtc to pjouDJp. . 5fearenot(J!D ianbe)bt be glab anb teiopfe/ f o? tbe %om topll bo grcate tbfage&amp;ifie no^ p afcapeb nerOet ( pe beattes of tbt feiae) to? tbe pa ameiSCBaibe greneyanbtbetrec^ Iball beate tbetr fmtr.tbe f pgetreesi a bpne* tjatbes (Dan geuet&amp;efttncreafe. * 30egiab r&amp;en ( pecbpl^en of mn)$ m utolMntto%oM poute &lt;j5ob/fo?bebatft geue pon a teacberofepgbtMouftteg-.abetf 10 $ fijal f enbc pott bo tone (Ditto e $ of tapne/ eatlp anb late in tbe fir ft monet b:fo tbat tbe garners ffialbe full of co;ne/anbtbe p^effess plenteous tn topne anb ople. atnb as fo? tbe pe'ares tbe greoboppee/lomfte/ blaftlnge a caterppiiei(tnp gteatebooftytoytcb | fent amongepou)0aueeatenbpy3 , lballrefto?e tbem to vou agapne:fo tbatpe (ban bane ; : jnougb to rare/anb be fatpff peb: anb p^apfe foe name of tbe Hofle poute ob/tljaf fd itiavuelouapbatbbealtetoftbpoti. : ainomp people ibalneuer be confounoeO


; &lt;i *-i


V /

m mo;e.fe Qtan toen finotoe / tHat 3 am

&lt;ntbemtbi&gt;eftofg;frael/anbtbat3iam?our Bobtpeea t tberetsnoneotber/amppeopie anno motf betyougbt to confucpon, &lt; aftertbtS/tofl3pdureoutmpfp;ebp3i s i :^a. anfleftnanb pour fonnes a pone baugbters ffiSffift aHp?opbecp:pouroioe n.en m\\ mmStSSSS *b?eames/apourep5gemenft)aH fe bifioS &amp;&lt; fcbpft*i pee in tbofe napes I toil poure out tiip ffcete ? ^ ** ^ bppnfertiauntes totll ftjetoe t0 ' aMi * toonbers t'n beatten aboue/a tone s tnf earffl bertetb: bloube anb fp?e/ anb tbe bapoure of rmofie.rbefunnea)albeturnebattobarcB neoeya fmoonemtobloube:befo?e Igreate anotabiebapeof ILo^become Jrtb Otpme,, ~- mtl * roan tome-. toljofoeuer calletb on tbe name * wwwwr * ofg/Lo^e/ftalbefaueb.fojbpontbemoftt . . gtpon a atgierufalem/tberc ibalbe a ralua' cpon/ Ipse aStbfiU^e batb p?ompfeb:pee anb amonge tbe orberremnaunt/tobom tbe . JLotfeftjallcaH, CC^fttie Giogemcnt of JSoUmtid tie tncmtftrf oCOfepcoptei ebe.&lt;li.&lt;Ebapter. p? taae bebe:tntbofebapesaat fametpmeytobeiturneagapne^ fbe enpt pupt e of^uoa 3erufale:* , .. _ $ Jbaiigatber all people togetbec/ a b;inge tbem in n)e ballcp of giofapbafcanb tbere totli % rearon toit(j tbe : becaufe of mtf people aberetage of 3)ftael:to(j3 t&amp;epbau? fcatrebabouretnfbenacpons/apattebmp ianbe:peetbepbauecaft lottesfo?mp peo ple/t&amp;epongemenhauetbeprefM {&gt; oo;be! poufe/afolbetbeamfeisfo;topne/|.tbepM TOtbauetob^*?e.^i){.ai anbailpebo?bei'Sof tbe $&amp;tlpftpnes:toftat wjjw* bauepetobo nie? bSplipeoefpe nief toeliy **"w Pf pe toWlnebesaefpeme/i (Ball recSpence pou/eulbponpourebeab/a t gbt ft&gt;o?tlp: Wpebaue taftenatoapemp fpluer agolbe/ mpfapjesgooblpgetortsy 9 b;ogbttblftt tppouregobes boufes.cbe cbpio^enaifo of fubaanbjerufalem bauepe fotoe bntotbe ttftes/tbat pe mt'gbt btf ngefljem farre frfi taeoo;bersoftbetratonecounttees. je.yij *9,olbetbetfo?e/3! topii rapfetbemout mm*

oftbe piacey tobere pe baue fome tbem/ a toil jetoarBepoueuenbpoii poure beab. foure ronnesapouteoaugbrer{5toifelltbo?oto tbebanbes of tbe cbpM of auba /afo tbep WaD geue tbe (ottb to fell/ bnto tbl of g&gt;a* Oa/a peopre of a fatre cotre:f oi tbt %oM bpmfeifbatbraptieit.crfe out tbere tblnges amonge (Eientlleo/p^ociametoarreytoabec bp tbegtauntes/let tbem b?atoenpe / let tbe &amp;M come bp all tbe Wftptoarrpoiits of mm* . fiepouftoearbes of pourcplo^fftarcs /anb fpeares of poure fpcies a fptbesxet ?teea fie man fapcaamaronge^uftrcpou/anB "ML come



torae/allpe l&amp;eatben tounbe aboutetgatbec sou togetber / ttjere all tbe %omim all tbpgpaunte0totbegwunbe.inetihepeopie . arpre/agettbetot&amp;eballepofgiorapBatifoj there torn 3fpc/9iubgeau iieatbe rounbe abouteXapetopoutcptBes/fojtbebauiett iSrppe:Come/getpou botone: tornep?effe is full/pee tb*tornep?effes runne oats/ fo? tbete tot cftebneae 10 toaren gteate. 3!n tbe ballep appopnteby tbete Gjaibe ma* np/manppeopie:fo? ty bare of toe &amp;o;be is IB npe mtbebailepappopnteb. c&amp;e funne ana moone Qialbe &amp;arcrteneo/s t&amp;e Carres mall toitbD?atoetbeirligftt.cBe &amp;o?be flml tone outofg&gt;pon/9crreoUtof3Jerufalem/tbat tbebeaues 9 t&amp;e eartb ail quabe toit&amp;all. $mmm't &amp; wtp2Lo?se fbaibe abefence bnto bisatone people/a a refuge fo? tbe cbplbje of gjfrael. c&amp;usibail pesnotoe/ g gjt&amp;e "tojbe route , &lt;poi) btoellbpon mr Bolr mount of &lt;bron. Cften manjerufalem be &amp;olp / 9 t&amp;creroall no fttaugetSgot&amp;o?oto&amp;eeanr moje.cben tballtbemountarnesb?oppeCtoetetopne/9' t&amp;ebriles mallflotoe toitb mpicbe. mi tbe rruets of giuoa man banc tester tnougg / 9 outof tbe tt,o?Des&amp;oufe:tBtte (ball ftotce a Unmet to toatert&amp;e b?obeof g&gt;ftfm . but

tfgppte lapeb toa&amp;e / 9 0m malbe beColate:becauCe tftep baue beaite Co ceuellp amow* torn m cmwn nt^mim ma mmut blotioe In tftefr lanoe, aigapne/fuba fyalbe mbabrteb fo? euetmo?e/ 9 Jemfalem from generacpon to generacron :'ro; 9 tori! not leauetbeirblouoebnauengeb. aihb fto?be allbtoellmfeion. Cbeenbeoftbep?op&amp;ecpof3ioel.


cede bofce of rtje . P;oprjet3fotos. * SS*i?!? Wwopjecpe of amo0. cW*( weje Ho;Ocaaapna ajal)yaaapti&amp; (Ewe/aaapnft ^om/iagapnatycfon^ofammonT trcbefr ?ftbaptee, ftftawthi ferm5s $at mere Cfoetoeo bnto $mos(tobicbtoasoneof WpberbesatcBecua) bp53!fraell/in$trmeof ffabbptigeofgiuba/fr . Jffl t&amp;etpme of Jeroboam t&amp;eronneoffoabftfogeofSTtael/ttooreate *Hh h Sf E ?^^^quafiOiibberapb:cbejLo;b 3 u * |emfalem:fo g tbe pa&amp;utes of f mepberw; mlbetn amfcerable cafe/a jJtope of &lt;rba&amp; toeJo?rebbfc&amp;usrapetb tbeto;p: fojftyr*


a foure toicfietwetres of fcafriafctW/ 5! torH

not (pare bee becaufe tbep baue rbzoQieb (Salaao to mn Bale fc$u t J, toilfenbea fr?e in to $ Doure of fca?ael/t&amp;e fame (ball con. fume tbe palaces of enabab.cbus torll gi b?eabet&amp;ebawesof amafcus/ arote out tbe t'nbabi ut fco tbe felbe of Mm/ 9 bum t bolbetb ffceptM/outof tljepieafunt &amp;oufe: fogt&amp;epeoplelbalbeb^uf outof fawe^l* vta/twth Hojb . cbud fawtb tbe ftojbe: j?o; tb?e anb f oute touefteimeffeiJ of &lt;i5a?a/3|)B tDlilnotfpatebetibecaufettjevmabeg^.u . roner02etmo;ecaptEue/abauebmi?tbein to tbe lanoe of cftio m ,clj et f o?e toil % fenbe a tm m to tbe ipalleiJ of &lt;Ba?a/tobltb aloe* uonte betboufe&amp;g! toil vote out tb em ibtoel ataifooba bw &amp; boloetb tbe fcepter om* calon /; Otetcb outmune banbe ouwafeca* ton / teat tbe temnaunt of tbe p^im wst 0)alpelbfapetbtbe](Lo?w. fc Cbus Carets tbe iio^e : jfo? tb?c 9 (me jorwm totcfiebncffcjj of tbe cf tie of cite/ 1 torilnot fpare bet:becaufe tbep Baue (ncwaCeo $ ca ptiuiteoftljecBQomitesJ/abauenoti;emem'fl&lt;.3RcaAJ.' b;ebtbeb?otbeeli?couettaunt.cbetfo?etoiI! 3 fenoe a t&amp;t in to tbe toalletf of cite/ g ft a l confumeber palace , 5.cbu0 fa? etb SJUybetmia ' !ffo? tb;eanb fome toicftebneaos of jbom j j*.ifcii toil not fpate btm/becauCe Be petfecuteb W btom toitb t&amp;e ftoerbe / WMqw bn mo tbets toombe/bawBatteb bettj longc/ anbfo riepteinbignacfonaltoarebrbim.cbeefo;e T ; toil! 3! fenbe a (fte in to cbtman/tobtcb Qial beuoute tbe palaceu of ofta. a Cbud faretb tbe )Lo?be : fo; tfee a foure tot cbeDneffcs of tbe cbtntfl of 36mmon51 totl?eMiM not fpatetbe : becaufetbeptppfebptbe toe* ?*'* mengteate \b cbpiDe in alaao/tomaite tbe" botfwjsof tBetelanbes tornee .3cbctfo?ea toflbrnMeafp^e fotbetoalle* of Kabbatb/ ^walconfumebetparaetgittagteatctw/; ! fntbebapeofbatel/fote'peftamtbebai/eoe ! tto?me:fogtbeft fiing Cbalgofttto capttufte ' be 9 bis P?fnce0togetbee/raietb tbe Ho;be, Cbe.#.fltBapter. MfaretBtbe jlojoetf o?tb9 Ifbute torcfiebneJftstoffl^oab/g!*, !toflnotfparebfm:becaufebeb?rcf D , t | l __ 'cpeboneg oftbefit'ngeof bomtoJ?SS i. a[eftcbetfo?etotl3!fenbeaf?;efnfoflo*S//^ ab/tobicb mall confttmt tbe palaces of ca* ttofflo tbat @oab malperim toftbanopfe

a tbe fonttDe of a (batome.3! toil tote out tbe tubge from amonge W/9 nape ai btf pjwt* ctftoftSbim/rafetbtbe&amp;otfe.cbuSftwtfi tbe s,o?b: fo? tb;eanb foure torcfteoneceg of &amp; ^uba/itoiinotfparebrncbecaufebebatb caaarrDetbelatoeofrbe)Lo;be/anotReprt b w comaunoemente^ : fo; tobp/tbe? tooioe nbf#




i 3 5-ttf

nebejs be DfCceatteb ttptb fbel57 tbat tbeit lo?efatberg folotoeb . cgerfoje tojligilenbe a fp?e in to 3!uba/ tobfcb malt confume tbe palaceiSofgjeufaicm. Gbug capetb tbe %tm : fat tb?e a foure toicfiebncceg of puA/% toilnotCpare b&lt;m: oecaufe be batt) Coltte tbe mbtumni fo? mo* nep/anbtbepoo;efo?(bue$ . cbertreabc bponpoo?emen!8 beam/in fbeouftof tbe ' a tojyci)c/5 att ^8"o&amp;etBetoajie0oftbeme8e. cbe ! ffiitpuerp ijptt fonneano tbe fafber go to tbebatlot/ ttf bjt* *( . ii:t?ct)p5cio*bonourempbolrname; n)e^*Ijebef|bees ' S!^ , L'? uc ; P e : bponciotbei5taBentopleogeya . b? ftSc S wtbebotift of tbeit gobbeg tbepb?j&gt;n6e tbe

B(ii!(j{!iooi&gt;cotopneoftbeopp?effeb, fetoearojjebjtbe .atmtowtrc* atmo?ptebefo?etbe/tbat toa:3 asbre asf tBe S om t!)e &lt;leD?et:0/8nba0 arongeaa.tbebbesi:not= F* toitbflSMnggibearorebljiftftiiteftS about f Bis vote f com bnoer.




o{amo, WM letb bw fcetcbefo?e bnto tm tausxam tbep?opbetejS , Wbeua iron toatetb / tobo torllnotbeaftarebf ^erengetbentbattbg %om MMW fpeabetb/ tobo tojfl not * . wc?8 i *p?opbecr* tmm J^cbmtbcpaiacesJatiHteb/anbirtC " tbepalaces of tbeianbeof csiptej anbCare: gatBer rou tbgetijer bpon tbe moumafttas ' of Siamavra/Comalipefe gieate muvtber aubbpolent opp?effron amonge tim/tof ' to&amp;f/tbejwsaroe not tlje tbr i&gt;8 tbae W tigbt fapetj tbe %we : tBer gatljer togetber e * ueli gotten goobes/anb lore bpiobbetrfn tbeivboufes. cbetfo?e tbw tamb tbe %ofte d5ob: Cbisianbe ibaibe troubiebabefegebroilbe aboute/tbr ftveugti) ibalbeplucte from tbe/ T a tbr palaces robbeb.cbuS t'a?etl) tbe'/Lo?b lifie as anbrrtieman tauetb ttoo feggea 0? a

agarne:g!b?ougbt pouout of tbelanbe peceofaneate oufcof urivons mouth :'cug SSWWrtW rou tLpeates tt)q?ototbe fo tbe cbrlb?en oe^ieiKtbdtMurll in ^a


toiibeiwire/tbat re migbt Baue tbe 3imo?p* tes fanbe m poffeflion .3 tarftbbpp?opbe' tes amonge route cBrlb?en/anb abfterners amggerouverongemen.l'sitnotCo/ a&gt; n cbtlb?en of ^ftael/faretb ft)eXo?bei 36utre ; gauetBeabaernerStornetob?rnfte/pceru tomaunbebtbe p?opbetes/fareng: js?oplje* cp not.JBebolbe/i tofll crame rou in fonbet/ Iibeas a toarne cvaf fljetb I i is full of tyea*

maria/baupnge tbeir coub*S in tf) co?nery a tbeirbef?}J at SNnrafrtt* ) (balbe pbtcte ait ape. petite/ beatettco/btfhtotbouft es qfatob (ffcgeto tbe ito?be $00 of tiooftew m,maa ttL Cj ' vbent, begpimetobrfec topcfieonef*i6tt#r e- ^eH/^topHbereffbtauUfwat^e* 18*1': yitoifo tbat tbe 0?iws M auKe? ibal* be bioften of/9 fall mi\t%ws\m SCS fb? tbe tormeufjcmft: a lommeB bonft/

P 'A i

ues:fo tbat pftoifte (ball not efcape/ne^tbet |topJltoreetbmiBotoactati'.t{JieIj tniftsof tbe aronge be able to do top tbingemo / tbe 3iuetp/pce 9 m,mp oo)et boum&lt; 1D! mttbt 8[auntemal not faue bis atone life.cbe ar* beftvopfli/fa^m^itiW

giauntc/fijaUitttbatoarebefarnetorunne bis tear e nalteo/ fsrb tBe low.



r L

.. fatftpne/ 4HtittpeB ffii'ttpl of Samaria: 3d y . ptl&gt;a* ?m Mij^e men to?ouge/anb a*v&lt;5efe tlicbe.wi. Cbaptes. beo?e tbe )' -o?ue Data (Voo?m! bp (jisboli. oHKS (Eate/tobatrbe jLoa&gt; rpeabetbbn* neffe : beoap.ibaH eotnebpon pou / tljat w.wfl* to pou(fl) pe cb(ia?en opgftaeljna- re maf be it ft wmi Wtm/ % pout nolle* meip/bnto antfje tcpUts/tobom g (ft e catitn atoape 'n r pnoersi panpew. ye b;osbt out n^^p^? fapb: pou Sbal getpoit out at nppes one aftiit ano* onir batit^j mww mm m ibe geni tfttt/ianbfo ;| W i?w iball pebeesKaioapf&gt; , imm)cmubmmm\tim&amp;tmim (wtbW'Mm. Kr . ' JW^totcijeontlR^apettoaftietoaiiie . y^mnetoiimbmmmmwmma^^um^ togetber tv;ct ie tbep be agteeo atuonge tbe ;f oufties/atiD baue ntavafeo pout rw imwat J*wW felues^^otli a iron toate in tb^toobbe / S5algaI : pe b;ougl)t point facepfpre* in Hje ffi'*'^

--. .


.'1 F '-

ceptebeOKtM' a p?apf &gt;? crietb alpos toljelppe out ot'ljis aenne/ tjKtnteljebnnt gotten t omtbnigt a i&gt;otlj a bp?oe fall 11 1 a fiiate by 5 fije eartfj vobcre no fouler iSf afietb a man biSWai 'm ttumtOepoun&amp;e / afo?e be tot* cbe tomti-&gt;baf :' Ctpe tbep out Alarum topfl) tbe tnmoee in tbe citpe / anb tbe people not otrapebf Commetb tljere enp plage t'n a ct'tre

uio?npnge/aiiD poure tytbw bnto flje t&amp;ttbt S^^^* 1 mabe a tbanitolfttpnge of mm/ pe ^onule&amp;ttetoilioaetpi igejj /anb o?oeTameb tyem.-3ocb iuftoaDpe;0 petbfl&amp;?enaf i&amp; wci/rapetb tbOo?ae&lt;ii$ob:bettb?ebaiie3I ; geuen pou pole uu% m tymwcMw m ' uauie e ot b?eb m all ponte ptecefS: pet tovK pe not tuvne onto me/fapettj me /l ?o. 1100?

toitboutitbef/Lo^besbornsef iotobotbg" tljeretoerelDuttb?e monetbeu bttto Se &gt;o?be5oDRomanftoifftpngt; /butljetei? ueft/StoptbeiDctOe tapnefrowpcmS XM, tapntft

wsm ?f littffitffBUI

Cfje $jb$ttj&gt;

* &gt;

MSiteD bpctt'onecfee7atfb'hocbtf onwodpct/ tbcpotoebfmeuentopnvg tepjouerbibem one prceof gtounoe toast mogOuteb toffi) opf !?: tobofotelietb tgf tor piasne tro etb/ *;tapne/ano tbe gtaurr&amp;e tbatS! rapnebnot tbepabho;teblm.#o;fomochibena0reop ^ . bpon/to.b;pe.i&amp;b*o;ettoo/i?ee tb;ecp&gt; p;etre the poo;e/$ robbebtm ofbisjbef t ru*$,h,trf i

tje* eamebntoone/tob;pntbe toateetbut aenaunee:tbetfo;e/ tobeteaspebauebuyl tbep toete not fatfffpe&amp;W toillf t nottutne Deb&amp;oufe* of fquate Oonc/se OjallnotbtoeW





Sftaue ftijteji ptttb;outb a Wafting-, all jepiante/butt&amp;e topne of tbem ftjal pe anb lo&amp;e bote manp ojcbatoeg/btnepatoess/ not o;p ncfieumb tobpc'ap fo; $ mu ltptuoe of f tf ge tree $ olftte tree* pe Bab: rtje ca terp 51* f oure t p cfic&amp;nc flesa no pout Route ft must; letbatti eaten tbtmbp. ut pettopllpenot 3S&amp;notoet&amp;emBgbttoeU. &lt;*nempe0 arete tutne bntome/fopetb tbe &amp;o;be. Peftpience of tbe tpa btuou*/ pe taftc, tetoa fte* / je op* baueilfentamongefou/asiDvutncsppt: p;effetbepoo;ein iiiasmemint4bfo;e p oute p5ge men baueg, nam tt tbe ftoetce/ toffe muftnoto be fapne to bolbep tun ge/ anb can res f oute b o;fe$ be talten captpueffl (0 togcaeD a tpm 1 1 it. maoetbeftpncbpngerauoureof pouretfte* fcebeaftettbeibpngetbattegooo/snot tocomcbpttito?ouwnolrreb*:7**topUpe eueii/fo fballpelpue: peetbekotfe^ooof not tumebntome/fapetb tfieiLtebe.^ome bofteg (ball be toitb pou/aceo?bpng to pou t

4&amp; Ofpoubaiie3ouertb70toe7a$3ouertt);etoe atone oerpje.Sjate tbe eueil/Sloue tbe gooo: 35 ^ooomeano &lt;Somo;re:f0 tbat pe toere as a fetbp rigbtagagne nttbepo;te:9(no bout) m M . . ,. b;anoepiueteoul of tbe ft;e.7et tot? if e not tt&gt;e'jio?ae oo ofboa^ibau be met cp mil g JJ ; J*

tutne.bnto me/ fapetb tbe tojoe. Gbetfo;c bnto tbe temnaunt of Mepb^f no (fapetb

tbuptoplfabanbletbe agapne/ Jfraei/pc t&amp;e&amp;o;be ob/tbe qd pJ&amp;Pfte$)tbe Ib al cure tbiip toplllbanDletbe, {pafietfierea* be moumpngeinallfttetes/ peet&amp;epl &amp;au bp:ibenti)raete^ob/iaftaei,tf oo/be fapr fo turn attfe :'a#s/aiw&gt; cftei? mail maficeb'fc mbfttapntf/beorteneti) tofnj&gt;e/ caatbeboutbanDnianfojammtaspon /ado ; be aetoetftmatitobatbetg aboutetbooibe fotbais canmoutne to mmgt\,9ntOit mabetb tbe mo;n?tige .9 ti)t batcfinfifle/pe bwwms tbete (banbebeupntfle* fo;} tteaoetbbpo tbebpeplacegoft&amp;e eattfotb* topllcotrte amonge pcu / fapetb tbr) Lo?6c. Xo^jc &lt;2H&gt;0 of ^otKg! W ^ptf name, I)b6bebntot&amp;emtb8foefj;et||e;*i?e x oftbe &amp;w**i*t*t*tc*w#tita*u ; '^ c ;WfP;etoolpesebaue^fo;g cbe,b .Chapter/ uaw ofttt* JLoioe/it Ibaibe Davcne:-an&amp; not (Sate tbwi too?oe/j&gt; pe boufeof cleate , .yeelp6ea0tobenarnan runnetbfeStf Sft ad/ 9 tobrn mult mafie tbw SBSSS2^^ monefo?sou:&lt;ibe bpwwi qpftaei b^ eommetb into tbe boufe/an&amp;ieanetb&amp;w WLummmWWmSm ^ffl*" 1 /.??"!! Sffflfe _ (balbecaftootonebpSbeeatoneotoffiie/ AWftfWIgJSgf mtmtemt**/ no man ibaHbejipebetbp. ffo; tbuSfavetb anbnotcteatefawUttnotbertoulig/anbno .. tbe)lo^e&lt;!5ob:beteajJtbetebtoeltaffl9. wrnemitf

'* 'f

^ * ,"



in one cjte/ tbereffialbe left (met m bun b;e4tbetnt:9 tobete tbete otoeit an c tbete .fbau$attetenbelfftfb;$ boufeof gikaei. j?euettbelB(re/tbugCai?etl)tt)el,o?Debnto

gibateanbabbojtefouteboipba^/anb tobtteapsecenfente tobise tome togetbet 3 toil! not acctpte it, 3nb tbougb fe offrc meb;attodersnge{t anb meatdjfttnge ?/ 1 et


boufeof9rtaeI:a&gt;eBeaftei: me/abb w mall baueatlopieauwe rbtmMmwmm &amp; Ijue/biitfebenot^tftetbeUomenotat tbancbofiei^Beis/atoiiifnotiobebpon tftj. alaol/anD Bonot to .etfaba : fo;algal aaa f e to,t tbat "ojjfe of tbv tow*] ' 3i to rt albecarteoatoa^csptwe/^fietbeiSai notbeatet&amp;jpfewof inuftcb; butfetbafcome to nausff. S&gt;ene be )Lo;w/%at i?e equfteflotoeastbetoatet/anpitgbtuctif, mafettufciefttbeboufeofiorepbbe b?ene nedeajiamjBbWflteame .. Jne boufe of


toftbfweanbttfnfumeb/Hettteetebenone |fwel/BauffemeomttiBesJ anbfactttpcetf

to quencb kernel.. : - tbofe.W.feate0lonB*tntbetoslbetHefl^?ec yetutnetbefatoetotooamtoob/aribcatt ' " * *""'"*" -**- SotonetcBbtuduute((bntotbeBtouniie;Gb&lt; lLojDema6etbHje,bfl.uaweiBanbtbejD?|i k ^ . M t _. c otybeftitnetbtbe nwbtinto baje/anbof Wtwwto toojropppetbem.cbwtwetopu * tbebarebemafietbbawbneBe.fietalietbtbe 9 1 taufe joubecatjatoa?e bettonbe 9a : toatets oft^ereey spouwtb tbemout bpon wafcui/faFetbtbelLo^e.'tohofenaraeiist

bauecefett bp tabetnaclesi tot oure Qy lotb/anofmaBeg of soutef bbb^vet atbej^-,. flat re of font sob ftempba/ f? gutes tob Ub ,g % e2 ,f 1, f

tbep!avneBtounbt:tbe&amp;o7Def0 byname, etaffrtboeatuccf aopon t\}t mpgbtf peo* ple/?b^ngett)ootonetbe8tonBebolDf;but


&lt;S5ooofboflc0. KMSgnd tiie p?fticts of JCcsel tju jug (n plsaCiirei, bf,b|,cBaptet. ^ )too


. *JL

ao beto p? oitbe toeitb? nr&amp;f 5 to iocl) a? tbin&amp;e tbem Co futeijpg tbe mount of ^amatia: tobrcb Ooioetbf Wuejjfo; n)e belt or tbe too;loe/$mtetbeboufeof|rtaea/euena0 tbe? lett.dDfobnto abte/ft: 9 ftomtbence get you to ^emaa) tfte Bteate cftpie / 9 fo bo botonetoeat&amp;offpbttfftfoejfibet&amp;ejbet* ter at eate tljen tbefe 6tnsbome0/o;tbe bo;' betoftbettlanbetopoettbenwuwif feate ta nen out fo; tbe eue l oav tl euen w $ fptt m , tbe ftole of toflfirfne(R:y etbat if ebp5 beb* 4 3D&amp;e0of , luet'f/&amp;bfesoutetoantomieaebpon m.w. b. j, our eouci)ejJi?e t&amp;atrate tbe be ft lambed of 1 ! tbefloclte/9tbefatteftcalue0oftbeb;oaue: f e tbat if ngc to tlje lute/ anb in plaf enae of :*- i!iatunit : tesicompatefoutCeluegbntoa - utD : fetljato;inftetofncoutof goblettesJ/ 9 anofnte fou;e felues toitb tbe beft of le/but . nomani0fo;ffo;qiofepI)jSbutte?.cbttfo;e notofbalfebetbcftiftoftbem/tbatwajbe ieoatoaf e captcue/anbfbeluftv cbew of tbe toplfull ibal come to an enoe, . bt %ojbt &lt;E5ob batb ftoo;ne euen bp i- h bimfelf(fnf))el?e"/Lo;be(2ioDofbooacs()'3! |ama,WR,a, ftatc t(Je j,^,. of^acob/ anb^ abbow bf g paiaces:auD3i tof H geueouettbe citie/toitb ai tbat tss fbeebPfo tbattbougb t^tu wimp tie ten men in one boufe/tftcf (bail Df e, g&gt;6 tbeft iwiac bf nffolcbcs aim tbe.beeb butietd Ibal tabetbem/anb catf atoaf e tytit bone?/ anb faye bnto Of m / tljat 10 in tbe wnetmrt boufe:is tbere f et enf mo bp tyetftob be fliaf an toe;e: tljcf ate all Bone / bob* tbf tunge ((bail be faf e ) fo; tbcp tooioenot tememb;e t{)enameoftbcS/0;oe.

ja 5Bel)o?ue/ tbeJLotfefcmrnbfbfofmFfe tbe Btcaicisuti TeS/fo g tbep mail oecafe: 9 If tie boufeff/tbat tfjcy wall cleue a ftinbet, Bw*- ' a0bocaijrj;stifeil)o;re^/o;plotoetto)i;eit bai'/ . PpontbclK'^Kocfiesof ftone^o;tobl?/fe IK^/^baue^tsi :ti iWiuDgmettototifttein?ue IKSJS'iS . ai&gt; ftute u : wdituonmeffe into too;m tooo;


[f r ,




P^t batons m&lt; S : .."!ei./taftebebe/febouf!oC 85v'v sttfeRt/fn^i ."/ijox^btftobofboofteu'^ltoa Kili;in^ : -s.JOufou/tobW)-b8lltw&gt;w* H|! w ; -v -. i&amp;i toa ve t(ae goetb totoatW Pb*^' ffjeb;oeftitbememw , vX&gt;, ;f i^je.wi. Cbaptet, Ki F- : ,; - ; '-' ' ' -i '*^ PM Ibe toeb me foeb a bf* ^ '" ^BVm t i-^'M9ift^mWm onetbat |^ r^-i! gtxfa oppnw / euen tobert {V ^.y* f 1 .-,.' mots Cmtf nge f oy tb / aftet finis fa* ' ."iWbftKbepe.jBoto topFtbegbn fe ttofi e ( * "1 f . Mi p a( tbe gtene tbinges in tbe !cidio;9 .'.i*:.v smU &gt;UWbe ob/ be metcf Bill/ 5, Mutyr : oijo isidc ej3beipebp2acob

tbati0b;miB&amp;tfofotof^btbe)Lo;ijetoa!5 atacfoug tbetin / ano tbe }io;oe tsmtoei/ it Q)ftInotbeaiBafne/ t\)t jlo;oe (betoebm* tbf 3bf ff on tbehoibe/ )e JLo;tie on callea tbe f f ;e to ptinpfo tof tbali/ anb it oeuouteb t^z flteatbepe:f et it confumeb a pat te alivebf .cben faf oe f : jLo;be oU/bolbe tbf ne &amp; " banbe : fo; tobo (buibe ew beipe bp gacob tbat is b;ouBbtfolotoeJ^otbe Ho;6etoajs mete? fun tbetin / anb t\it %om obfaf be; toell/itmairnotbe. ^o;eouet/beibetoebttietbfJ{MffoJbe' bo!be/fl)e )Lo;oe ftobe bpon a pi a fteieb toall/ # Som c a a anb a maf onu* ttotoel in btt lantie, 3inb fljrtw* )Lo;b tap be Onto metftn 00/ tobat feitt tbotif 91 anftoeteb'.a mafonis ttotoelLtEben fafoeg tom ' bebotte / g top U lap e tbe ttoteeil a* mongentf People ofaftaenV9tofllnomo^ ouetfeetbStbnttbebfebflcbapeiBiofjfaac. mnft be lap e&amp; toafte/anb tbe c&amp;urcbetf of ip taeiimaDeDcfolate:anbaiSfo;tbeboufe of gfctoboanva toffl ftanbebpagagnft ittoitt) - = tbe ftoetbe. OHponfljf rent amaftal) tbef , ,,,- ma: p;ed to TSWtl bnto fetoboam tbe binse o0 m *' ma&gt; 5Pftael/fafenBe:35mo0mafietbtbeboufeof fftael to tebeiagaf nil tbe/tbe lanoe can not atoaf e toitb bf too?be0, go$ into* faf etb/ ge toboam mail ope toin) n)e (toerbe/anb gf&gt; raell n&gt; all beleb atoape captp ue out of t&amp;epj atone fanbeJnbaimafiabfafbebntoaimoss &lt;5etttbebtncei(tbou tbatcanft fcfotoelDa fie info tbe lanoe of gnbs : getttbe QftK^i Ifupnge/anb p;opl;ecf tUm :anbp;opbecp nomo;e at 3Bef ben / f 0; it tg tlje bp nge0 cba* pell/anDtOeRfnge0cotitte. . $M.tttto 3!mo0anftoeteD/anbfapbeto,aimafmb: 3C0 fo; nttf am netber p;opbet/ net p;opbc* xmtti* *i te0fonne:butaliepetof eaten. $otoa0l toa0b;eafi(nBeiiotonemolber(e0/9gopiige aftettOecateil/tbe JLo;befofieme / 9 fapoe 6ntome:sotbp toape /anbp;op(jecp bnto mp people of ^ftacii . anb tbrtfiye / beare tbou note tbe too;b of tfle Ho;d:cOou faieft:

p;opbecpnot agap nft itraell /am tptafii notbinge agapnft tbe boufe of graacbsije x* fo;e tbus fapetb tbe %om tcbptoffe Ibalbe' befpleo in tbe ep t pe/ tby tonne? s&amp;augbteriJ Ibal be flapne WO) (be f toeatoe / a tbp (anbe* Ibalbemeafuteo out \aitl) t()e lp ne.cbou tbp f elf malt Of e in an bnclene lanbe / 9 Iftaell flalbeb;puenout of W atone countre, CCfte.bfti. Cbaptee. CHgapnfl m tuiacB of jenrtt . me lotbe ftuf a* tttbtbatbe ttfll flUfplItBe tb^eoxob^btiebam ittim jt6 nijflf n Jfcacll }e?Lo;be d&amp;ob (betoebme t(ip0 bi.3 Iff on :an&amp; beftoiae'/ tbete toad a ImaunOe toitb fommft ftnte. afntt be fap be:3imo0/ , tohac feift f b ouf 9J 'auftoew&amp;ia maunbe toftb fommet ftute. . %%M, Cben

I " a


* -*

metb.bpon mp peopleof KHd/slWW offte templebetutrieom to fojoto/tapeftS 5U?De0oo. 09.anp Deed bob? eg( all l?e m _ . ,#tfi&amp;/peftatopp , ;e(le^poo?e/9be(trope

W*f ftenebpflffte lanbe/fapfog:tl9&amp;entopllfte netontDneftbeaomvtbattoemapefellbP' fole/anbftr&amp;abboft/tb at toe ma pebatte feawenefle of co?ne:toma6e butftel leffc/ attafte&amp;pcie greater: 1 aae all fetbpfaife toalgbtes/g toe mapeget JW* bnberb* toift fttft mone p/ 9 fte neap alfo f oj uesJ: pee let w fell fte cbaffe fo; cojne. . C Be&amp;ojDebatbftoo;neagain(tt6eprtoe" amw'MA ' of Jacobift ef e too ;B ee o f ft ef ts toll 3 neue* forget. &gt;W no t ft e latin e tremble /a no all ftep t otoel fteeto y moume m ttftf jfeball not ft eft oetteuccpon come bpbnftem ipse ,, h atoatee fteeame/ ana flotoe ouer ftem / an je m 5 .j!b.6. m fl(WlJC of ^^ vjtKBne tpme(faieft fte &amp;o;be pob ) 3 all cauft fte &gt;unne to go oo tone at none/ 9 fte lanb to bebatcfie Hte inc^e cieawbape .f ouftbpefeafte* topligi tumetofo;oto/anbpoute ftngeatoraout' npnge: 3 totll bjtoge facfe dote bpon al bw 6eS/3balDnegJi3poneuet:pfteatj:pee focba SitmwiA. moumpnge toWS fenbetbem/asstfsmabe upon an onip begotten f onne / ana ft c p (ban baue a mtfetabie enbe. jBebotte/tbMwne eommeftfrapeft t&amp;e 5Lo;a e oD ) g % Cbal l f en w an bager to to earftmot ft e bfige* of b;ea 1 nee ft e ftpjtt of toatet: but on bungettobeareftetoojbeof fte 'Hojoeifo ft at ft eg (ban go from fte one fte to ft eoftee/ pec from tbe no/ft bnto fte eatt/mnnpnge aboute to febe fte toojoe of ft e %m&gt; 9 all not fgnae ft/Jn ft at tpme/ ft all fte fap;e bftgm* ana fteponge me pe* rpflj fo? thpjft / we euen ftep ftat ctoenre fnfte offence of jbamawa/anafapeMftu* IP a js ftp &lt;5oo ipueft at Ban / anb a* trnlp auftpiBoaipueft stttetfeba , cijere mall fail/ano neuec ep ft bp agapne, CffiftiealtnpngcBaBatnajftMl.igijmancaiierMBe tljetjatiCfof^Soti. Cfte.fc,C6aptee, g&gt;atoeebeHo;be ffanbpgbpon fteaultee/anbbefcpbesfoipte fte

aozeftebe/ ftattbe poQetsmape (Dane tofft aii^o; ft eft couetouf' nefleftattfallbponallftefc&amp;eabeji/ 9ftefe poftertteftalbeaapnetopft Ctoerae, &amp;btv Jball not fle atoape/ftete all not one of fti ; efcape/neebeaeipueteB.^bougbfteptoew butpebtoftebeil/mpbanaeftalfefftfteni f 1 1.* jp (p.a.- f com tbcnce:tbougb ftep clpmme bp to bea$um. uen/pet (bang! cattftfDotonejftongb ftep - bpbetbewwtte0bpbn tbetbppe oftfaitnel?


^T- i^ T


pet an % U&amp; ftent out/ snb b^'iigr' ftent ftpm'ftenjce-.cbousbftepctepeootonefto mp fpgttt m to ft e bepe ot ft e fee/5 (ball com tnannoefte fttpente/euen ftew to bpteftf;^ %i ftep goo atoape befojetbew enempegmi3 to captpui te / ft en (bail f c ommaunw fte ftoeebe/tbetetoOapeftem. . .. bu0topn|ftttmpne epe? bpon fte/fo; ft e barme a not f 0; ft ett toeaift . f 0? tohen fte )bo;be ffi.ob of boofteis toucbeti) a lance/ (t com" ume ft atoape /anb all ftep ftat btoelt |betfn/nutftnebe0mounie:im)tobP tiWammMt . be Deuce ton (bail aepft a* euetp ftteame anb ijj.ucj.wj?. vunne ou 1 1 ft em /on tbe floube (n cgtpte.^ e ftatbaft WjJbtoeilpnge in beauen/dgroun*

Detbbte tabernacle in fte eatib:e ftat cal&gt; amo u J , . lefttbetoatetjfofftefee/anbpouKftftem raB * ' out bpon ft e plapne gtounbe: b&amp; name 10 $ JLo;be. pecbplbjenofjftaell/awpenot bnto me/ euen a* fte flfcojpan* /( apeti) fte - , , , )lo;be;ftauenot3Bb?ougtttgftaeloutofftef rt ' fls * A ;; lanbe of cgppte /tbePbflSttpnesJ from Ca&gt;* Pft o;/anb fte S&gt;raan from p;^eeboBje/ (fcw - ' " tbe tm of fte )U;be ate bpon fte eealme i SSH fpnneft /to to te It dene out of fte eatft: j5e&lt; ora w v, ueefteies/J toflibot btetlpQeOrope bouft of3!acob/fapetbftelLo?De, f 0; lo/ftt0 1 p;ompfeiftougb 31 fpfee fte Bouftofiftaelamongeallnncpon^cUfieas ftep bfetofpfte in afpue) petQ)all not fte (mailed gcauei! (tone fall bpon fte catft: }Sutalifteto(c6ebboet0ofmppeopie/ftae fape: en /ft eplage'W not fo npe/to come

fobaftelpbponb0:ftofeftai peti toift fte^.. ,, ,,. ftoeeJtftattpmetolll3buplbeagapneS(ffi tabernacle of aulb/ftattt fallen botone/^ * anbbebgebp ijtssgappejs : anb lobe tobatfis b?often/5 ftal tepap;e it : fee % all bupl* be ft agape /ajs It toajJ a foje epme / 1 ftee mapepoffedefte temhauttt of cnom /pee 9 allfoft people as call bpon mpname^tftf / fapeft fte jHo^e/tobpft ooft ftefe ftpngejf. JBebolbe/? tpmecanietiMl'apeft f 5io?b)^ . Um ftat fte plotoman al outt tabe mdtoay*WK ano ft e tteaoeB of gcappes/bi'm ftat Cotoe tb feue. &lt;S;bemountapnei$aUb2oppetofte topne/anbftcbille0allbcrrieful/ait'S toill tume ft e captpupte of mp people of 3 : t* weibftep aleepapiefte toafte cptpefl/anb baueftemwpofre01fon:ftepftHlplantt;bpn" patoei/anbb?(nfietbetofiiet)eeof:ftePa* mafiegatbenjs ; jeniope fte feutejJOf ftem, . apnbg; toilplante ftbpmnbrtratone Btotmbe/foftat|to^neuenote ftemoutagapnefr5tWs lanbetobjcbfbaue fteftofle v m&lt;m. CCBeenbeoEftep/opl)etro?Umo.


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Soke of tHe C&amp;S*n&amp; &lt;S &amp;om'/ * tjjt t cue t (j a f t jjcp dab in ricfjee, ^siisttjtlJprporttDat toa0.ftetoebbntoalbbp:Cbu0 Daft fte Ho;be ob fpoben bponcoom . mt bane b'etbe offte Lbjoeftat ftew art embadage Cent amonge fte ^eafte:p/letb0atpfe/anbfpg^tagapnft ftem.jBebolbe/gi totu mabe ft e Cmallamoge fte ^eaften/fo ftatftou altbebtterlpbe^

jewnp.tWF.c Cppfcb.flcbe p?pBe of ftpne be'ite bat &amp; ipft tuc : bp/ftou tbatbtoeileftinfte atongei)olDCjt ot ft one, 9 Oatt ma&amp;e fte an bpefeate : ctjou fapeft in ft pnebett;tobo all call me botonc to fte gvou nQe^oetit ftougb ft ou tocnteft bp a^bpeas S3egle/9mapDeft ftpne tt aboue 55 amonge tooloegiPlucfie fte botone fcomftence. f f fte tijeuejj anb cobberg cametoftebpnpgbt/ftoutaningeftp tcft : ulbe ftep not fteale/tpllftepbab v Wm^y f fte grape gatberers came bpon tbe/tooloc ftep not leaueftefome grapes 35ntboto all ftep rppe (fau/anb fefie oue U^trtafiiresj; fee ft e m en ft at toere ftoojne tone tfte/ inilD?pne out of f bo;ber^of ftpne atone lanbe.^beptbatbenoto atonett fte/ all bifceauc ftcj &amp; otiercome fteafiuen ftep ftat eateftg b?e&amp;/ allbettape fte/o? euerftort perceaue ft. ^ball not! at fte fame tpme &lt;beftrope fte topfe men of bom/&amp; ftofe ftat eray.wfp.c. ftauebnoerftanbing/fto fte mount of utmi cbpgpaunte0(beman)albeafrapeo/ t oi ft o?oto t aaugljter tbep albe ail ouetv &gt; ' ft;otone bpon fte mount of crfau, ^)[)am e " all come bpon tbe/ fo? fte malpce $ ftou ftetoebeft to ft p Softer |acob:pee fo? euer* t mM tbfl c ra we ait ftou perp/9 tbat becaufe offte jDOBie'.M.tJ ' tpme/toDen ftoubpoeft fetthp felfeagapnft "i&lt;m/euentol)cn tbe enempeis carpeb atoape f b ooft/ anb toben fte aieatltes came in at j(0 pq;tejJ/anbcaft lottesJ bponHemfalem/ anb ft ou ftp f elf toaft a^ one of ftent.

a* ^oualtnomo?efeftebapeofftpb?o ^ fter/tbou alt nomo?e bebolbe ftetpine of hfe captiiu'tezft 011 altnomo;e refopfe'ouer fte cbplb;en of g ; uba/(n fte bape of ft eft oeftwecpon/ ftou. alt ttpiimpbenofflo/e m $tpmcofftefttroubie.cboualtnomo;e come In at fte gate? of mp people/in ? tpme of ft eft becape:tbou alt not fe ftefvmpferp ftitbebapeofftftrfan. ^ cbouDjaltfenbeoutnomSagapnfffteft * b 00 ft / in fte bape of fteft aouer fpte: nefter altftouflanbetoaptpngeanpmoaeatfte

'-. t, /



co;ne^ of dtetejj/to mwftur f oft ar art tlebvo; to tafieftem p?efonew/ftat eemapirr in fte bape of fteft troubles 0? fte uape of ^ai lit 3Lo?beiiJbaRiebpbpSail ^^eaftf Mbm ft3i&lt; ftoubaftbone/foftaltftou be bedlteto'ifts all/pee ftou altberemaroeD euebpStDpne 1 beab. $0} Ipbe topfe ass pe baue b? oncbf bp5 Wprte&amp;olpbpll/roflallall #eaften typnefie contpnuaUp:peeb;pncbeali ftep/ 9 ftoa joto'ebp/fo ftat pe albe/ass ftougt) pebab neuerbenef. . . 35ut bpon fte mount |on/ftere all &amp; remnaunteftape:fteftaibebolp/anbfteC ^ -* b oufecrfjacob an poOeae euen ftafe/ftat sJff* -! Ban fte felueg af o?e in poffeffpS. S o^eouer/ fte Boufe of facob albe a fp?e /fte bouft

of'jofepba flame/9 &amp; boitfeof cEfau albeJcwmr.!).^ tbe ftratoe:tob(ftftep aiifipnWe ano con furtte/fo ftat noftpnge albe leftof gl)ouf e of cfau/fo? fte %oM btmfelf baft fapbe ft.. Cbep of fte &amp;outb allftaue tlft mount of &lt; fau in poffeffton-.anb lofie.mbat Ipetbbpon fte srounoe/ftat all tbe $&amp;f name* baue: fte plapne femes al QEpb/aftw tfboxmtst po(K(re:aui)ftemoutapne3 of 0nlaao all jBeniamtnbaue. 3CnbftpiSbobft albefte cbplb;enof^frael0p?efonetS:i5ototobatfo (&lt;sa(ntl , n ^ fpeft fwm^danaanbnto " * oareptab/ 9 tfte S, fn &lt; *S)epbara8/ftat albe bnbee fte Mt* t. am w/ ftccponofg;eruiaiem:ani) fte cptpeu Offte *"uu. foutb allenberett't,f;bufs ftep 1 tbat eftape Jl^ m bpon tbe bpll of S&gt;p8/all go bp to punp ***** ftemot1tof(rau/anbfteBpngaomealbe? ftejlo?oes{, tfcfieenbjf offte boae of $i ^;opbecpof^bop. Ctrde hokt 0! tlje Cffif f fetf of ?oria5 tote BrttH fe'nfe f d p;ictef a feitipcftcattfct5/aiUicaaetUt)imin tftc fee toW



C^beffjftCbaptee* ,^e mm of fte lo?be came bntd %, omt^maf M ofaimfftat/faptngi3tp ~ . _ A ft/anbget fte to isrnfue.*"" 6 ";'^ 'tftatgteate cpte:9 WW-STBySS* cbc bnto ftem/ftoto ftatttaoctt)toV ftefttopcBeone^ j'0 comeigft* eoirtefe

ntabebpm reabp tofle bnto * cbarfttfrff fte SS P?efence of fte )L.o;De/anbgatbpmdotone to IS 16* 3oppa:toberebefounbe a pppe reabp fo; 'tajievc t&amp;uirj to go bnto cbarf.^oBe papoe W tW/t &amp;tKB L. toente abo;be/ftat BempgBt go topft ft em W&amp;Sr bnto flbarffe/ftomfte p?efence *Wm-nE3mk ^Htftelojbeburteb a gre ate mm inwmwtiwiu %lM fte

.; = )

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T &lt;efee/flnbertlba**mpgBtp* ...... ilcc inwn / Bofogefttpecep,cBentBemacpncc$ toetea* m : &amp; novo* tot ftafOe/ an D ci ptb euerp man bnco bPS goo : a s a t w* t gobbes at mere in tee 0) pppe/ tyegcaa fototBefee/toipgBtenitofem.ut3o' .na^gaet^mbtiQev e Batc&amp;e*/toBetebe&gt; jslapebBfoibotoneanbflomb;eb. . &lt;fco e matter of e pppe came tQ&amp;foi anofaroe bnto Bpm : toBP dorabetett ou i tap/calf fapon p ob:pf ob(Bappelp)toiI

. t^pnfecijponbs /tftattoe pr cpOienot . 3no ep fapbe one toanotber. come / lettbS call lotte&amp;tbat toe mape bnotoe/fo; bofe cau* fe toe are us ttoubleo.anb f ep ca a lot* tes/anbeiotfeiibpon3onajs. . C cb en fapoeep bnto bttrnteibis, to; tobofe caufe ate toe us troubleb? toBatis pne occupacpon i tobentr commeft tbou i tobat countre man act tbou/ a no of toBat nacpottf $e an Ctoereb em: 3 am an $b;cue / a no % fear* tbe Ho? D e 00 of Beau en/mbpcB mab bo e fee anb b;pe lanbe. cben tcetetbe men e* ceaWnglp afrapeb/9 fapbe bnto bpm: toij p of be a tbou fof ( f 0; tb e p bnetoe/ at be teas fleb from e u;efence of e jko;be / be taufe be liao 1 toioe em )anb fapoe mo;eo ueebntobpm: i&amp;Batailtoebobntoi/ at e fee mape ceatife f torn ttoub Jtoge bs? ( f 0; e fee to;ougbt anb toss troublous ) Be anftoereotBem: cane me /anb caft me fo ^toefee/foairftttpoubeinte[|:fo; toote/ft is fo; mp fafie/atis great tf pe rscomebponpou, v . $euereieire/emena(fepeb\i)ltoto topnge/to btfnge e pppe to lanbe -.but it toolbenotbe / becaufe e fee to;ougbtfo/a teas fo troublous agapnftem.lBeri'o;e ep ctpeobnt e mo;be/ fapbe: jLo;ue let bs not peri fo; is mans oea/neee lape tbou innocent bloub e bnto out eft urge: I o? tbou/ &amp;o*tj Baft bone / euen as p pleafutetoas. &gt;oeptofiefonas/anbcaftBpmfnto tbetee/anbefeeleftetagpnge. nb emf ftareb tb e o;be eweabfogip/Dopng facriff cejj amafimgebotoesibnto weiLB^e. pi; &gt;::&gt;!,- nao. * *^ f, ^* 5 a CCBe*f/.CBaptet. tfuhetft of fj ?^tt)e/toftoalotobp3onas,$s&gt;otonS tieicomfiysoof H B$]W ?nasm e belp of e fp / tbzr WffifSS WBM&amp;lbapeiJ 9 me nfgbtes . 3no Jonas ffiSS^MlkmtgB^noiiitt9rUtt *taiTe/&lt;to i* bn Joe*,o;b/9bebetbeme: out of tbe befe ^tte'- 39 91 e^b / 9 tbou betoeft mp bopce. SU?" WtfW fee / ano tt)e flouge compares S?

' "?


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aboute: feealtB; toauets anbtoule jjof bjs^B tetttientouecine/SltBouBBttQatlBwbene c'aft atoape but of tb? fp&amp;Bt : but 91 tupU pet agapne lobe totoatbe tBpbolf temple . 4$eta&gt;ater* compafeome/euen to tbe be* cp f out e tb e bepe iape aboute me / a tbe to t

W toere m;apte aboutempne b eab. I toent botone to tbe botome af tbe bJHes / anb tea? baraeb in toptb eattb f 0; em t. 33 ut tbou / c jLo^e mp dsob / Baft tyougbt bp mplpfe a* gapneout of cojrupepon . tetjen mp foule rainteottttBm me/gjtbougBtbpStbeHo^: mp p mn camein fintaue/ euen t'n tot^p b 01 p t emple.cBepfbat boibe of bapne banp&gt; t(efS,torilfo?fafieBi0raeticp,utatop!Ioo tbe ractpfyce to ptB tbe bopce of tbanbefge* upnge/anb toil pape tbatS Baue botoefcfoj tobP^ faluacton cSmetB of tbe TLo?o Jno tbt toft fpab e bnto tbe fp/ anb it caft out 30* nag agapnebpon tbe typettmoe. Sjon-stffenoaaajneti)flin(ue. c^etepcntaSct CCBejif.cbapter. * i^en came tbe too?oe of tbe flofti bnto^onas agapne/fapenge;bp/ 9 gettbe to^miue tBat gceat cptpe/ J a weaebbnto tBemtbeptf aebwigeJtfuAt . rbaoetBe.&amp;oaonwarore/fttoente to^miueattbe %ojm commaiinbemenr, 0mfue teas a peate cpte bnto ob / name* lp/ oftbwbapegfouwep, 3Bno Sottas to e nte to / anb tntteb fa to tbe cptie-.euen a oapes ioucnep 'a ctpeo/ fapf ge: CBece ace pet rlbape* anbtBen ffiai &amp;fmue be ouectBwtoen .anb tbe people of jsnrtue beleueb oo/ano p;ociameo tadpnge / anb acapebtbem relue{(n*facftciotb /ad toeif* mempi tbegceateastbefmaH of tbem .anbtbetp- Q* mmtm binges came bnco I binge ttmnmt vbitB SS^ISS acofeoutofb&lt;mfeate/9bpbBisappateUof/SS e t gS anbpue onfacbclotB/anbfate Upmootonece/ao(u.Hv. in affiles. nuu. ano ftbjaji ccpeb anb comraaunbeb in &lt;c 6 , ' j9tnftie/bptBeaucto;iteofmeBinganBBPffl;' : ' ,fe |o;bes/fapenge: fetbatnetbecman ozbeeft/ 6nt,,!,,t ore 0; fitepe tafteougbtatan: anbtbattbep netBeefebenetb^nbetoateRbutpiitonracb: clotb botb man anb beeft/anb erpe migbterp Bnco ob: pee fe tbat euecp man turnefcom m eueu roape /anb from tBe topcbebneCe/ cbatBebacbittbanbe.

* li9Bocanten;obmapeturne/ar(pen* te/anb ceafe from bin feacc e to;atb/tbat tut 3* ^ , peep not. SDnbtaiBendSfob fatoetBefttoo2** raf * wW8,11 fieS/bototbepcurttebftomcBeirtoicfiebbMi* pes-.Be tepenteb on tbe euen/ tobpeb Befapw betoolbebobntotBem/anbbpbittioc.


i^ecfo;e3!otta|{;ebpfcon iobp^beBoibe/tBejLo^beftaHgoouteofBtg tentaangrte.ainbbtpjapebbrtto place/acomebotene/atteaoebpontBeBpe S )Lojb/9fapbe:.ji,ojbrosnot tbpngeu of tl;e eattb, Che mountapnes al |tBismprapinge{|p;apetBe)toB^ eofumebnoecBim/atbebaiiepesftalicleue, 3! toss pet in mp countte? tBetfb;e 3 b^HH afunbecipbe as to a r confumetb at tb e f p?e/ ' vatbet to fl e bnto cij at ft s / fo; % anom loei! a as tbe tuaters mnn e d ore n to atbe . anb all pnougb gtBouartamercpfuUoD/fu of tBiSaUbefo;tt)etopcftebneaeof3!atob/8


c6pa'on/iongefufferpng/ aofgteatbpno ne6e/9 tepenteft tobf tBou uioefttabepu :':-- . ttt A n&lt;mlt.ano note )Lo;6/taBe mplpfe f to , . o&gt;w* me (abefecBe e)fb; g|Babraerbpe tben


tBefpnnes of tbe boufe of ihm. uttobat(s tBe topefie oneae of gacob? 9$not&amp;amariai'rf)icbaee$Bpeplacesor

3iuba^s itotienifalemf betfb;e;3i all #

JpUe,ben fapoe Ho;b^tt tbou fo angu'e? mabe aamaria an beau of (tones in tbe ..*?., anojoims gat bim out of e cftie/anbfatt felbe/toiape aboute btnepatbeber ftones n i.iag.ti.a 35botoneonBeaftf(betBetof:aetcmabeBtm ^ - ^ ^^





a bootBe/a fatbnbec it in e apoto/tpil Be mfebt fe/toBat ufte cbaunce bnto cptfe. anb.e/Lo;be obp;epatebatoplDebp

all SJ caft in to gballep/aoifcouec Bee foft* #*&gt;* Dacios.aHber3?mag5allbeb;oBeDotoneW* a anballBectopnnpngesa!l beb;ei intfyt fp;e:peeaUber^bolStopiI % oenrope: fo;



' t

ne/tobitb fp;ange bpouet |onas/tBatbe tcbp/tBepategaeieooutofeBp;eof an^ mtt tmjt t mpgbtBaueabotoeabouebiSBeab/tobe* toBoje/ a in toattto&amp;o?es&amp;p;e an epbe Ipuet Bim out of Bis papne. anb Jonas teas t ucneb agapne. tBeef o;e % topll mout ne $ ereeahvnaeiTtait*ftt%n,n%&lt;&gt; mafieiamentacio/Dace anaftebtopU'l go;^

cjcceabpngegiab of e toplbe bpne. , tf ..... WB a ^v.^, ffl 25utbp5nertemo;otoagapnftefp;mg muftmoutneiifieD;ag5s/afa!tero;otoas oftbebape. cbejLo;De o;Deneoatoo;me/ (?(tttthei:fMthHr.\nt\Hi^i&lt;it\aa &lt;&gt; mphii. tobPtB fmote e toplbebpne / fo atittof



ftricbes:fo; tit tooube is paft remebp: _., ^,.w t ,.., ,-...... JnbtoBp;itiscometntog;iia/aBatou'C .tBereoatoape.E'nb tobf e ^unne teas bp c&amp;eo $ po;te of mp people at gietufal e aite= Mts-uw :bbp;epare&amp;aferuenteafttopnbe:an&amp;e bp.Hdepenot/lefttBepatetBperceauett, ^unnebettoueteBeabofionas/atBt BouatetapB;a/toelterpfeIfine :lapntebagapne/anbtoifebbntobiSfbuIe/ buft aates.&amp;Bou$btoeileftat ^epijtt/ tBat Bempgbt bpe/ai fop&amp;e: attsbettecfo; get e Bence toi ante . cbe p;oube all flietoDpe/tBent0lpue^an&amp;&lt;$obrapbebnto booftnomo^fo;berpfo;otoe:anbtoBpfBe t; ^0naS:acttBoufoangcief6;topKiebpne; nepgBbourealtafieftSbectoBateba.

anbBefapDespeeberpangtteamgeuettbtt* "* **"" -*--''-- --to.ebee. anbe jLo;befapbe:ou baft

CberebellpouScptieBope/ $ it allnot &amp;l e ^* w H* tt *^tflaiaieowr^^ fcwb ( M



F- v

^ comparoonbpon a toiloe bpne/toBetonou ft5e jLo;be/eue in totbe pojte of 3erufa beftotobeQnolaboure/nermapbeftitgtoto: lem.cbegteateuopfeofecbarettesall fcabpcb fp;angebpinonenpgbt perpfteb featetBf/tbatbtoeliat)lacbis/toBpcBisatt in anot Bmf nu ulttenofi enBaue com* occafpon of $ fpnne of $ DaugBter of fef on/ . taonbp5i9im'ueatgteatecptieADBet fo;inecamebpgtopcbebneffesofffraei, in TO ace about an.C.a,jcr.ouranb per* Fee e fen t Bet couriers in to isd of &lt;ee. *" *"" ' "' "" cBeboufesoflpeStoplibpfceaueffiingc ofgiftartJnbasfo;e(ouat btoei left at fl0o;afta)l all b;png a pofteffionet . bpone/a e plage of iftaei alreacBbn* tooolla.&lt;a9abeebalDe/attee/be* taufe of ptenber cl)plb;e: fll^afie cleane batoe asan aegle / fo; t&amp;ep albe catpeb i^r...Hwiw, atoapecaptpuefcome. . . Oatt^eatamct'ionotTaarMtiabeiautt at tftetc C^cRtninaceaaapattterpnfuUpcopte *

fonnes/atbnotoenotrittpabtbanbfta ibelefte/befpues mocB tatellf JCBeenbeofelb;opBetpeof3onafi. e.tytyhaht of tht


*WMJfi* rf|fc , t^^l^^SmasfiRtbbbai . SIS tpeirjO^De Of trJC iwg^Bacme/abeupfebngtacponfntae atom/ ^ came bnto Q9ter&gt;eajs ^Ss|4bpon tBeit beaaes / to perfourme e a^o;aftite / in f bapes of S^^ftt in cleare bape : fo? er potoer .- KtK Ml ., gioftan.vaBasaaeBejeBiaB iSagapnft(fott.tbeepcouettoBaueiab/ &lt; ^ ,B ' 2,w '* bpngedofiubajtobpcbtoas eptabeitbpbpolence/ep robbemenof etoebbimbpS Samaria a t&amp;errBoiues. ^Chus f P opp;effe a mS f o; Bis Boure/9 euetpnian fo; bis Bevetage . cljetf o;e uj!

ptrwe JiWttB.jbUa S!3tt! w **N fa ^^ e awWpe^^ * w,w b3eHeav/anbairateritttt:feee , wwv . lpl ^ w )lo;be ob bpm felfe be toptntae araonae fepe'e-(U&gt;;b:iM)oibeagapnfti0Bouf* $ou/euEtBefro;bcf&lt;;5biSBolptenipie,^ oloe baue aoeupteo a plage/ toBeroutpe &gt;-, %%&amp; all

- i

- "

allnof plucfie f out Rtd&amp;y e Dial nomoje gofop;ouDlp/fo; it toM be aperiouss tpme. |n at aape an p0 terme be bfea / ana 8 moutnpnge (Dai be made ouet sow on p0 manet:ii&amp;ebeoteerlpbefoiate/epo;cp5of To mppeopiew rranaateo.lbantopnbe parte bntob0eianoe/ ebeba taftenfrom b0J jiSeuertbeies etc albe noma" to oeupoc fitwn.y wr&amp;'.f #e P po/cpon in e congtegacpon of e poute tunge (fare ep.) 3t (ball not fallbpon**" people'/ ae all not come Co to confufpon / rape tbe boufe of aacob.fis tbe fp;ete of e A.o;b fo cleane atoapefo;i0befompnqefc;reuiti0/mp " " * tooj&amp;ea ate ftenblp bnto tbe tbat ipuetigbt: but rap people botb tbe contratp / eefo;e mutt atafte parte agapnft em: fo? ep tafte atom botb cote ana clone from tbe fpmple, 7 1 bauerurneb ponw feiue0 to fp gbt/e toeraen of tup people baue peot outftom t&amp;e&lt;r gooo boiices/anb tafte atoape mp ercet&lt; lent gpf teu from eit ptMen. wp/get pou bence/fo;beteanpebauenoreft. 3Bec8ureofeirgjaolatrpeepateco;s *upte/8allmitetablppeti.3!f % toere a fleftipfelotoe/aa pjeacbet of fpe0 ; 9 toioe tije tbat tbep mpgbtfptbebbpnge 8 boiling/ 3 8 beojoncften: tbat toere a p;opbete fo; ^t0peopie.#Htitofllgaetefooeoe/ffl&gt; gacob/8D;pueeremnafftofg!fraeiailcos geefJaHcarpemonetoianoer/ -. a08flocftetnefoi&amp;e/anba0ecateHm eitttalnwtbattbepmapbCDprqupetebbf otbetmen. tbofo b#afieegappe/be all go befo;e.cbep al b?ean e m mte/ agoin 8 out at it. cbeit fipngeallgobe&lt; .;-. foje tbem / anb tbe ilofle albe bpon e 6eabofem. '.'.'" Gasagua )e t#annl&gt; otpitattw falfep;opfjefj. - VCbe.K'j.'tfbapter.

JlKfltfare/ pe beaoetfof tbeboufe of *' faacob/8Pelebet0 of tbe boufe of - ..- J^MFpfra^^buIDenotpefitioto/tobat fffmffi' **&gt;* latofull * rpgbt? Sot pe bate S&amp;a egoob/8loueeeueUpe plucfte of menejs f fipnneis / a tbe fle ftS eft bonefrpe cate e fle(b of mp people/? flap of citfbpnne: ?eb;eafte efr bone0/pe cboppetbem in pe* m au it to ere in to a caulD7o/8 a0 8e to a pot. $oto e tpme (ball come /tbat toben "ep call bnto tbe tom/ be (ball not beat* 38 tbe7 A *butbpoebfs3 face fcomtbem/becaufe a^cofipBc i)i9 tbat tbo?oto eft atone imaginacpoff tbep .fi,cei0;foftcw^ aue j,eattefotopcfteblp. V- '. mSSSmt . ^nba^eoncempnge tbe p;opbete)S tbat Wtomw mppeople/u0exo;be rape SD.'iitc.rffi.D. agapnft em: tbenepbaueenppnge tobptebpbn/ tben tbep p;eacbat aft al* be toeilvbut # a man put not Come png in

toeKmoue0/fl?p#ae&amp; of toaifte 8' .. gapnttbtai. \ 'fcbetf o?e pouve bpfpon (bait e tut neb to nigbt/ a poure p^opbecpenge to batcftneae. Cbe S&gt;unne lb ail g d tone ouet tb f e p;o? ^ Pbetesf/9 tbe bape (baibebatcfte onto tbem, ^m (bait tb e bif pon feet? be a (bameb/anb tbe fbtbfapet^ confounoeo: pee tbep ftalbe fapne/all tbe pacbe of tbem/ to ftoppe tbeit moutbt/fo; tbep baue not odp mo;be,ai!J fo?me/3iamfuUofttrengtb/aof tipfwtu of tbe Ho;De/fulioftubgmftabolbnette:to Qtetoetbe botife ofjacob tbeit topeftebneffe/ a tbe boufe of ftyael tbeit fpnne.

beate tbtf pe tuietm of tbe boufe of 2a m cob/^ pe iuDge? of tbe boufeof %mti :pe g abbojte tbe tbpnge tbat ipiaufull /,$to?aitt afpbe tbetbpng tbatiu ttteigbt: Y e $ bupioe bp &gt;ion toitbbloube/85P.etwfale^i oopnge .,, a . to?onge. fiDpeiubgejJ/tegeue fentence f sSSSSi: : gpf te?: pe p;eatteg/pe teacb f 0? lucte : fiD ' *^ ^ pe&amp;opbete*/ pe p?opbecp fo? momj , f et itxtm** toplltbepbe taftenau tbofe tbatboioe bpon &lt;5ob/ano tepe^g not tbeHo?oe amonge w; cuty/tbetecanno miff o? tune ftappenbg. betfo;e (ball S&gt;pon(fo; poute fafiep) be plotoeb ipfte afelbe^eruralem (bal become an'beape of Qoneg/ anb tbebpllof tbetepie . an be tutneb to an bpe tooooe, C f ttje callage of tije ^nt;ic0/anO conuccijoa Ccbe.ftWaptep. 1 cut m lattetbapesi it topllcome^ to paffe/ g tbe bpll of tbe a,o;oesJ fi|j: muufe Cbalbefettbpbpettbcn enptcui.wsi.j* lmountapnes5o?bPUei3:Feepeo pie ail p?eafe bnto|t/a e multitube offc ^etiiesi alibalte tbe tbiet/fapeg:Come/ letbSgo bp to e bpll of e jLo^oe / 8to c boufeof 0od of jacobitbat be mapeteacd bSbi^toape/a attoemape toalcfte Utili paest.iffo? e latoe al come out of &lt;fci67 8 e too?oe of5ol) t tomlerufajem/ a an tttium gette fentence amonge e multptube of e v l^eae atefoutmetbe people of fatte coS* $ ofctrCtoeatbesJepallma6e^^ , . Plotoare$/8fpej8ofefefpeate$. **' SDne people all not ipftbp a fmeaea' ffi gapnftanoet/.peeepalnomo?ettame'^ to f pgbt:bue euet; man. ail fpt bnbet bp? . Wnepatoe a bnbet bw fpgrtte / anbno man to frape bmi atoape:fo2emouof ft TLoj* '. of better ba fpofie n it.cbetfoje, tofjeteais ; an e people baue toaicfieb euetv man in e name of btt atone ob toe topll toalcfte in ename of oure ob fo; euet a euet . 3SC efametpme/fapee)Lo?be/top3iga etbp e lame 9 e ontcatt J/8 focb as | baue cbadeneb :a topil geue pfluebnto e lame/8niafteoftputcaft&lt;jiatjatpeopft.t at


' w

Uv J 'I v, ''f If. it 1*. 1 I*

^ anbe)lo?bebl!nifeifefflaet$eitfivnge Cbponemouttf g&gt;i5/(com t^tpme fo;* mum*** fo;euetmo;e.jOnbbntoe( fl&gt;btOtoee ofebet/ouftrongeboiaeofetiaugbtet g&gt;ton(bnto e alt ft come : euene io?o ipe a fipngbome of tbebaiigbtttattufell. UBbP en att ou noto fo beup? t?eteno ft p nse intbef ate ep co u nceiet*' atoape f ouattfopapneb/a08toomanbet!tta&gt;' uapttilnb noto(! oubaugbtetf&amp;ton)be tt;p/let it gmte eat a topfe labo^ng \fl plbe:fo; noto mutt ou get e out of e cptfej anb btoei! bpon eplapnefeibe: fee

1 %

bntoi5abpl5altougo/etealtou be oeipueteb/anb ere tbe &amp;o;b all" e front e banbe of pne enempe0.

T*" i^otoalfoate etc manp people gae* rebtoa^etagafntt ^18pmg:tobat/^i5

^ tu cutfeaj/toe all f? puteiuft bpa bet. jBut tbepftno toe not etbpugbte* of M%qm/

l: ,1

P ,i- * -

8t^f* * thepbnDertfanbentf ftiscoflnctll/tbatlbai /flDtbouoai

oaet emigeet a) eJWeuejs me bame . cb^8 fW b P^ to** W" tet Snon/atio ?otTe oute co?ne : ffo?

1 i




.*- 1

1 *

topll mafte p fw&amp;tim anbpclatoej{ 6?afle/atou mapt'.tt Stpnbemanp o

pie-.eit goooea Qtalt c&gt;if appwpjtate bn toe^o?oe/anoettfub,Cta\ ( incf onto tbe tuiet of e tobole too;tbe. ea)f(fte(iffti;uccEonof3&lt;curaleirt&gt; be.b.Cbapter, ^ ftetatait oubero&amp;bvbjbf reife / iDtbouitobbet* baugbtj epfljat tepefege agapnft bU/awtt ^^tmpteembge of gftaeit toffi * torn bpon tbe cbese . 3nb ou ^eleem e pb;a ta/att iptie amSge e oufanoejt of S u Da /Ou t of e al come bnto me/ tot)f eft ai be e goiiernoute tngftaehtobofe out gopngeba bene from e begpnnpng/antt


ftom ettetlattpnge, 3lne meanetobplebe Plage tb tbem f 0? a feafon / bntplt e tpme at e( tobi (ball beate)baue bo?ne;eh

alletemnauntofbpibmb?enbecon tiert eo bnto e plb?en of 3jftaeii.^e all r traM&amp;ft ttanbefaft/anbgeuefobeintbettteng of M.fA eLo?De/anbt'neWcto?pbfenameof aoisa.t.D, e jLo?be b&lt; is ob:anb tobenep be cbuet* teD/be all be magntfpeb bnto e fatet1 parte* of etoojlbe. .. cbenautbetebepe8ce/foate3er&lt; i watwa Sttefanmapecomefnfoouteianbe/attrtbe ftnumfit'2ewourebouft0. lealfbmtBtbP*rett^n MKdfiwjf, epberbe08nb.Wft.p?pncejS bpon I rtbefe allfubbueeianbofiautlbeftoerbe/ anb e lanbe of pm 1 00 top eft nafteft toeapims.cbu* al t)e befpuet b* ftom e

Bflftian/ tobe be comme toitn b'utelahb/ anb fette biis tetof Vtfin mite boflKt 9. . e anbetemnaatof3|8CQbalbf8mo^e

e multptube of people ; ag ebeubf e jLo?ae/ano afSeo;oppes bpon e grace/ attarlefo?noman/ano toaptetbof wu^^f^ bobp.yee^ 5 mm of^acob atbe amUge* 8 "* w * " e (Btmileg! ano tbe multptiioe of people/ y as elpon'anionge ebtefteis of tbe toobb/, anb at* * &amp;pon* tobelpe amb^e a flocfte of epettobieb(tobeiibegoe o;otoe)ttea&lt; bebotone/teate in pecess/ 8 ere 10 no mantbatcanbelpe.cbpnebanb albelpfc bpbt&gt;onpneenempeis/anbaiipne'8buet fattejJtDaitpeti;. .. ,, .... . , ,,, ~+ cbetpme an come aifo/fape? ito/^ atStopntaftepnet)o?teisftome/and befttopetbp cbarettejj.a topll b;eaftebptone ecptpegofftplanbe/anbouert^Ottean^^gia*, p ftronge boioejs .am toftcrafte0 topll^*^ 1 * m rote oute of pnebanbe / ete all no mo foppinge0be toiintbe, fcbpnegDoijs anbpnelmagegtoiliaoe(ttope ottt of e fo atou alt nomoje botoep felfe bn toe too?cbr0 of pneatonebanbeg .cbp iPlucfiebpb$erotc0/ ana b?eaftebotone f cptie0.ct)u to flia be aueV gebalfo/bpSall 9eaig topilnotbeare;

&lt;Je.W.ftaptet. iffirfien noto tobat ejlo fape : * . lbtateeminimetof t]Ho;b/ pe mountapne0/8 pe mtgbtie founbat0 of e eat:fo? e B,o?b to tepjouefj peo ' pit/a teafon 1b gftael : mp people/ tobat ftauea oonebnto f fo? toberin tjaue|burte WXmm anttoere.36ecaufe^ b;ougbt$ co i.ttt.U tromeranbcoftjgppte/anbbelpuerebe ' ' outof f boufe of bonoageiJSecaufegi matiea ja?ofe0/l8tonan&amp;fl^lrtamtolebe'e;=Beflumw#;a mtWJt?e(fl&gt; mp people)tobatal8i fting of 1S&amp;0&amp; bab ?magpneo agapnft e /anbumt.ttfc tobafaitfim^e at Balaam fonne of&amp;u tmmwV

o?gsue6im/fi?nt aetbim bntoJalgai/ pemapefittoto(Jie'?Wtpng ftpnbneqe0ofe 1 bat acceptable $*n&amp; an 3! off re bm to f' )io;air 3! botof T?P ftnee toebpe CoMg&gt;ang!comebefo?et)r&gt;topb?ene ofttpnge0/anb top calue0 of a peate olbef i^a e 3Lo?oe a pleafure (n manp ou* fans rame0/o? tmmmetabie ftteame0 of op* Ui$&gt;i all9i geue mp fp?ff borne fo; mpne otttnce0/8efruteofmpbobpfo;efpteC ofmpfottief'3 topll etoee/ma/tobat Himim tobat e *o?be reQup^ of tbe-.f5amelp/toDpt(sbt/^bauepfeaftitetii loupn|tftpnon{re/to be iotoip/a to toalcfte toit|p&lt;Eibb: aitgoufflaffftbecaileDa tm .?

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A. II--

cpfte of toe ftojbr/^at topnamemape be tpgiftuoumeqe . feate ( jb&gt; pe ttpbe0)tofto fttntoi** J? 01 "* *** Bene pou f oto toatnpnge? &amp;bul&amp; jDtae.nit. 9notbebifpjeafeb/to? bntlgbtuou0goo&amp; J0U.M.&amp;. in toe ijmtfeg of t be topcfieb/anb becaufe toe fttc*#* meafute&amp;fe mpnpfte W tf); (bulbel taftii ie t be falfe ba(aune0 ana 4 basse o f otf eta tfulltoef8bte0/amongetoofetoatbe full of . tpc&amp;e0bntpgbtaouapgottemto&amp;eretoectte fptt0Dealetoitofal(beDe/fpea8eKe0/9baue bifefatfulItunge0mtotmoutoe0? .'. , . a&amp;eefo?e!$toplltafielnbanbetopunpfft tbe/anbtomafie toeaefolate/becaute of top ftonetf.cb ou (bale eate/9 notbaue r n ougb; -.- peetooul&amp;aftbjfogetopfeffebQtoM.c&amp;oti aft fie/but not efeape : anb toofetonttodu

toolbeB faue/ topng? oeipuev to (&amp;e flume, rvn* w e &amp; ow alt totoe/butnotseape; (bnu (baft wnunmt. p}( fo out ottuea/bnt oplc (baft tbou not &amp;a.. l/toauopnietopfelfetoptoall: mmmft ttea&amp;eoutttoetemutt/butaftitfpcfieiio flMMMffl.** topne.y e fiepe toe o?Dptiattitcej3 of 3ra# / 9 all tfte eu&amp;ome0 of $ boufe of aibab : pe f o iotoe toef t pleafute0/ toe* f o?e topil 'I matte toe toafte/ano caufe top f nbabpf et0 to be ab .. &amp;Oi!teb/JS&gt; mp people: 9 tou0 (baft toou bea&lt;= wtopneatonetoarae. C 21 comp!ap:it a f tBc lyfcil li56 ofeijc r y nil tu oul'e ag.ipnft t ije truetl) oiigt) t toe no i to Ijoltie will) quit Sjccatett fcpnbef j tr^e.brt.eijaptec. M'fflH^ Wro^I* become a0 one/tofit a !w&amp;^%oeto a gleanpnge in toe patueft. cbeteatcuo mogiapessto eat*/. If et tooloegi fapne(tt all mp Uertc) .baueoftbebeftftute. i)etei0notasoolp man bpon eactb/toeveft not one ipgbtuou* - am8geme*,bep ,l *IabOutcaltoeoblouD/ t ^?'?K$euei;pmSbntftbbisib;otbertotieatb:pee to %l '? HW?.fo** toepDotoelltoben toepoo eueiUfef iisptcfoi immtoe pzpnee topll/tofapetb toentoge: tbatbe tew/to .mate mapeoobsm a pieafutc agapne.cbe great? gw l w* man fpeafieto tobatbi0beetebefp#to: 9 toe K"?ffi*^^bto.ebeftori(ifft6tttwtt MmuwJmw SpBW toemolttpgbtuouss of fpft btitatf tbK0y?i)(oif/ab?eeefntbebebge, jSuttobcntoebapeof? . FMft mat* $p P2eac&amp;et0 ebmeto / f&gt; tbou (baft b e Wfp- &lt; teo : njen (ball toepbetoadeD atoape . % et mi ma" beleue bfc ftenbe/ tin putty?* confMcew m a wtnce.&amp;epe toe pojte of top mouto/fto' bet g ipeto to topbofome:fo; toe fonne (baft

put&amp;tfj fatbeeto apibonouie/ tbebangbtec M1M tttrrh aI11 *8* asa^ntt beemottjee/tbe oaugbtet: '.*eBaoiS6i latoe agapntt ber imcbrt to lato: ?a mS0 tOf mm ma fotts (balbe euf tbep of bW atone bo(boroe, tsttetteoWto ^euettbereffegitoflHofiebpbnto )Lo?d/ &amp; 1 : S - W b allfieate toe . fiD tbou enempe of ;.tf ngof toe tS/Wpw/tefopce not atmpfa/fo?3! (ballget ^H(fe3fuJ'.iW)fbpagapne:9tbouBftafptto Mf b8Wfinetre/

pet ttje jL-ojbe tss mp Ipgbt . 3 topil Beate t%t pum(bmet of toe )io?De(fo? tobp/3: baue of* fenoebbim) tpllbefptttn tuogme'tbpoii mp caufe/9feB8'-bauewgbt.^etopHb?ingmi; f 0? to tof Kgbc/sa Djatfe U10 ttgbtuou fneae' ^betoatWrnpneenem? (ballofiebponc it/9 becefounbeD/tobwbnotofaftto.SBbete'^^^^^ in top )to;oe csod; a?pe e v3 toallbeboloe bet/tobentoe toalbeteoDc Dotone/asJ clape intbettwteis.cbetpmetopH eome/ gapped Qiai bemaoe bp/ a toe latoe (ball go ab2ooe:at tpme (ball toep eome bntoi/ ftoaimnibntotbe fttonge cytitm ftom toe fteongecptlejJbnto toe tpuenftS toe one fee to otoee/fr5totonemo6tapneto\$ otoee, i5ot iBptoBiinopnge tbe lanbmuft be tea* aeD/bccaufe of tbem tbat Dtoeli tljetto/ ana to? toe fmcejs of tljeie atnne ?magtnacpSg. beefo^efeoetbppeopletotto top^coDoe/ cmombtu tbeflocfieof tbfne betetage M)ic&amp; btoe 11 0^811% tij 00, folate in tbetooooeitbattoepmapc be RW&gt;eBw * ao bpon toe mount of cbatmell/JBafan 9 m* l %P mm laabae afo;e tpme. #atiielou0 topng? tod ^ % (bctoe toem/ipfieaji toben tbepeame oute of &lt; toairtbe^eatoen fe /anQ be atbameD fo?alItortepotoet/fog toeptoam t*wmv ^lapetbetebanbebpontoeft nwQ/m&amp;V*' ftoppetoei'reatejs.cb^tbalHpcfie g Oull-^Sathi Ipfteafetpgt/^sjstfte toomtesfof eattb/^ mu m ttembleintoen:bole0,cbep (balbe aftapes* tmmt ?* ,.

oftofJLoibeouKOoii/gitoepnjalfearetbe.^, 015 , 6 ^ .SBbereto toerefocb aoba ^mimSS^ pattionelltopcfteDnejs/anbfo^eueatoe &amp;mmSt fences of toe remnaunt of tbpne betetage'.' (ftW*B* ^efiepetb notbfeto?atofo; euet.anbtobpr' OSS*S bpj$ Dcifte fe to baue copaJKombe (bail turn* tSSStS agapne/ anb be me pfutt to b0:be (ball pue SSSSap botoneourehipcftebneffe0/anDcaftalloim:iiefoje una # fpnnes w to toe botome of fee.cbou qjaftf atSKm fiepetbptmfttofto gjacob/^^w"^ : : 3db?abam / ipfie a tbou batt ftoojne bnto oMefatoersfiongeagoo, ff fbe enbe of toe pjopgecpe of ..ilftbea?,


CW boke of tlie ef f lie' Bcft cii :c pon of jpiiut anooffge Sf ijni c* saunecofJCrael. ecbcfp^acrbaptec, ^isirgfi[)el)cupbttrrtj% of jaitmte/tobPto $abum of dftbo0 bpo to?pte ass be fatoc it.Cbe^o?b fe a gelonjiffiSoD/ -,-1**, a a tafiev of bengeaunce : pee a tafiee of bengeaunce W tbe jLoWanb. 2'otbfkiHcb( X^o tafiu ben* geaunef

* "I



, ^^ geattnee of &amp;fewetop&lt;0/antttefeeueto'w&amp; ^nfts. Pieafuiefo;bWabuetl^eg.cbe)Lo;Qfuf* &lt;3;o fiiff.aj;ftetolonge/befeofgreatepotoe/5 fotono 3fWW^^enttbeieatietonomSfautleutbefo;ebtoi; Cbe iLo;begoetbfo;to in temped 9 ftoimp ' toetbee/toe clouues ate toe Duff Of bps fete. ibehberep;oueto tbe fee/be oiietb itty/4 33 turnrffi all m floubejj to &amp;pe lanbe . jeafan febefolate/Cbatmel atoepieafate oOLpba nuss toaftetb a toape,cbe raofitapne? item* We fozbinvtoe bplleg eonfitme Jttoefpgbf of bim/ eartb quafteto:pee $ tobole too?!W anbaHtoatbaelltoetin.lDbomapeenbiite ww.t.u. befo$ebfeto;ato^jtoboi$abfttoabpDe o* ,w 5?' *W* 8Pn Difpieafure* Ml anfteerafieto on r Sfii ^ii Itoefp^/anbtoebatterocfiepbiwfitofuhi $uiigi-actou0fetoe&amp;o?De/anbaittonge Uoioe m toe tpme of ttoubft/be finotoeto tof tbatputtljeittmfttnblm: tobmtoefidube vennetb ouee/anbbefteopeto toeplace /anb tf tobentbe bawlmeire f oiotoetb ffpll bpon l)ts * enempe0.U0[jatbo pe9imagfn toenagapnft f jlo;d on tbfe manetf(cuO)/ tob? bebato once mabe an ttttx/ tbe re (ball come n omo tettouble.)#o;!pBea0$too;ne0tb8tftfcfie togetbeeyanbau tbe b;pe ttramr /to (ball toe fconcfiarbes be confumebfogetoer/euf tobf toep befulLcbetecomeotiteoftoefocbaiS 3magfnmefcbefc/9geue bngtacfoug couV cellagapnft jejLo;w, 3&amp; cbfo?etou0fapetotoelLo;be:)Lettto? be ass toelip;epareo/ peea aumanp m\M can/pet (ball toep bebetoen botone / a pane atoape.aino an f 0; tbe&gt;3! topi beice j but not

b cc g up oeileope to e J no n to topft j b ? tafi e bfe coooe fee top bacfie / 9 buvft top bonor^ in fonbet'.^ut toe &amp;o?oebato geuen a com* maunbement eoncetnpngetbe/^ toete (ball comenomo?efeoeoftoP name, cbecarueb 9 catten gimageiS topll 9 cote out of boufe of top dSoo. bpgcaueffianapjepatefo; to c/ano tbou (bait be eonfounbeb

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Ctocrcdlctlj !^c(cfo!jf of t&amp;effal&amp;ees asa;n(t ib'jWntott Cffitie.e.cbaptet. * n ' mm " l^ofiie /. bpon (b&lt; mountapne? reome feteofb('m/toatb?uigetb goobcfbtogeis; ap;eacbetbpeace. Itf&gt; 3'uba / fiepe top bolp bapes!/ petfoutme toP p;ompfejJ:fo? Belial toaif comenomo^etn toe/ bcijJbttewp toteb out. Cbefcatetee foali come bp agapn tt toe/ 9 lapefege to toe ca ftelixofi e to u to el to toe fttrtw^maftetopiopneg atonge/armetbp reifttftbailtopmfgbhto/toeMbelbaite tto^agapne tbeg!o;p of Jacob / ijfie ajs tbe glojpoff ftae!.cbebeffeopef baiie b;oU tbembotone/amaKebtoetopneb/atincbetf, )t fl)piD of Q swunftf gipftereto /bps

men of toawatecldffteb' toputele.Iftiis cW egacea?fp/e/ tobenbemafietob'm fo^ toato/bttaecbecaatetoeiibeclitcattimmeb ,. Cbecbatettegtoueppo g ftwtejJ/ atoeitee J to toebf etoape0.bepate to lobe bp5 ipfie ^ wettetteis of fe/agpftof ftip/ast f ipgbtc* npnge.a&amp;be beootft but toarne bfe giautcg/ tbep falltotoeftatape/a battelptbep clpm* me bp toe toalle^:pee toe engine off toane arep;epateoallteabp. , betoatetJ pontes all be openeb/anD tbe fipnge? palace all fall. Cbequenebccfeifefballbeleoatoape captpuc/anDbcr genlf itoemen (balmouvnec . 60 toebouc0/anb gtone toptbto tyttibti* mobMUiLi, teis J9toiu.e ifi Ipfie a pole full of toatee/ but ftW ' tben (balltbep be fapneto fie. ft&gt; tanb/CSbe/ (altoepctpe)anbtoeceu)alinoConetumfbacfie.toaye tt toe fpwec/atoape tottb toe goibe:fo; bete if no ejibe of tteafut e, &lt;cMtw toabeamultptube of allmanet cofllp b?na* men te sm w muft (pe be fpopleb/ emptten cleoelrttpeijoUt:toattoeftbettes( mape be meiteoatoape/toeit fineeg ttemble/alltoeitIopm;be toeafie/ a tbett faces blacfie a^a pot a0befenototoebtoenpngoftoeivo0/ w etoepaOureof! lpon?itobelpetobetetoe Ipon 9 tbeiponefie toentttlbe tobelpe^/ano ma frapeb toe atoape^ jaut tbe ipon fpopleb pnougb fpzbfeponge one^/a oeuoutcb tot bfeftonew:beffflebbtebfne0ttbtep;ape/9 W btoellpng place toitb i be babvaupf fbeb. eboioe/g topn ppS toe/ f ape tb toe&gt; )to;;Q of boftf0/9tofllfetfp;ebp6toptoatette0/toat toep alifmofie toitb all/ 9 toe (toetbe toaif beuoute toepSge fpft.&lt;$ topli mafie an enDe of top fpoplpng ftb out of eattb/ 9 bopce oftopmettaungergibaUnomojebeUu'&amp;e, . . . CiE!)efallofj5fnfi!c. CCbe^cbapteti ED to g bioubtoutffp cpiie/tobicb at Jt0allfunoflpe09tobbetp/9 to ffi c&lt; ; .^^ .not leaue of fcotauiffljmg.ccljete f* JamS mape beate fcoutgpng/tuf* topnge/toenopreoftoetobeless/toectpenge . of tbe bo?fe0/9 toe tollfnge of toe cbatette0. ffl^etetoebojtemengetbpttnafiebftoerbv 9glpffetingefpeate0;&lt;s;betelpetoamultp*

tubeaaprie/anDagteatebeapeofbeebbo* bpe0:cbete i0 no enue of beeb coatfe0 / pee men fall bpon toeit boDpej) : 3Dnb toat to; toe gteateanbmanptolbetobo?Dome/ofgRtp;e anb beiitpfullbatlotttobicb (0 a maftceffe of toitcbetaff / pee 9 felleto toe people too;obi bet tobo^iome/anb toe nacpon0 too?oto bit toitebctafe. " , . . &amp; 9#tiuft*tfrw toe(fapttb S P^JeSsirtrt , of bollesilattbtopllpull top clotoes mttttbp ggffi; beaos toati mape ftetoe top nafieone0 *****"? mongetbe9eatben/anbn)paitieambnge

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toe apngbonrng! tour cattbpjee brftty/to twite toe beaboojceo/ m gatpnge Bocae*. : . f ttmtimtifMtmapmty /torn mvtt JUo topu Oaue pptft dps tOe-toSjere mall 1 fefie one to coi?fo#e the ? 9tt fbou better -.. MntmmteciUQtmtpMM&amp;mtlave m W toaeets / am oab the boaters counoe . abnuteit;toljrcbJDa0 ; ai%ipfmci$toaUEO tongrae&amp;e? ectopia anb tfgppfttoere fjet ^Otmp/9tftatwai)(n8jst;ea(aljoucniea^ ure.SlpO?tca 9 Xpbra toetc OecOelpecs/pet teas me typuenatoapc/ 9 b?ougftt into cap' tpupfeiOetpongccOplbtftoeKecmiitebotone attoebeab of euetpitceteytoeiottestoete caff f 02 rOemoitaunepenf men in (jet/ 9 all W mpgOtpe meutoeKebounbe in cOapnes. j&amp;ienfolbaittOou aifobe tyoncoen/fttt&amp;e . t0pftJf/9ftnetbme0elpeagapn(tthpneene.= tnp, aPHtOpftconge cptpesipaibeipiie f?ge ttees toftB cipe figes: tubftg toOe a man cia* fir^/tbef ftalfaiintto {&gt; moutfl of eatev, WeOoloe/tbp jpeopie toftOin $ aw but we* nten-ttypotfs; oftopianbefltalbe openeDbtt' ; . totppneenempes/an&amp;toefwe (pall Deuotrce ftp batres,;atoe toaeer. itoto agapnft tljou tebefegeo/maftebpchpetongeboibes/go w txam ?M* e dWwewe tie mo;ter/mafie fttffg toft, w Wae-pettOe fpje ami eSfume tbe/ i f toetbe foalibefttopf toe/peeasthe locuftebotO /to mWott t&gt;p.3itawHfal beuelpbpsf as tBeloaille^/peewgbtbeitelplaHRTHbp5 tOe/etteas i&gt; gcel&amp;oppets. copmatcljafites fcaumnengbiiebtttBeltarresofhraue'-but .- , otowaitOepfp?ebeafyoDeastgeibcuttiw anbfle tOett toapeicO? tobcSaieaMOcgie-

tnoppers/9 top capiases* as tbn nniftptiioe , of g&gt;;efl)oppcrs:toOicOteben tOepbe colbe/te tnaj-ne f ntbe Oebges:but t0cn rite &gt;tmne g bP/tBep fleatoape/ gno mgcau tt It toOtie tOepatebecome.copftepOetbes ate depe OMpngeof #(() top tootfowsaetapeb . . . . .: . Dotone-tOppeopletsfcatteb ab?obcbp5t0e - ,&lt; woifntatnefJ/flnbnomSgatbettttiDeratO' getOeeagapne.cOptaoimbe can not behni m Plage is fo tw.m -m tbat fieate - ; ibwoftbe/fljaHcrappetbeitban* --- . beSouectlje.^tohatisOe/ 'V totobomtboiflmftnof; aiteapebeueabpng Butte,

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fCBeenbeoftoep^pOecp r#0mm. !




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CClK Ook of tl) t CB tompiaviittaBBynftjfracU CCf)etirftcbaptec.

toDtchtbe ^opweabacttCjvfc, B D^b fe. jflD jiojDe / bote longe ^ r * n '*' ftalia crje/ ftpwi toplt .not jofcfc,i, hcawf ^oto longe (baU3 c8* ^^^^^-^piflfne bnto the / fnfttmge tojonge/tj tbou teflt not beipei ibp letteft tbou me fe toetpieffe 9 labonte i ^pjannp 9 b?olence aw before me/ potoec ouetgoetb tig[)t:Eo? tDelateeiiS toarnetnpece?(/9tbei can no vggljt iubgrimi r go f cu tb . m$ tobpf 39 f| bn8ODlt!0mo?efetbvt!)en rpgbtuoug; . tw w e eaufe/tbatte^onge iutigmf t p?c cefietb.jecboiDeamqiigethe eat^en /anDa ttt j ft iofte toeH:toonD;e at it/ano be abaftebtEo^ m ' topHlioatbpnginvom;tj?me/to!)tc&amp; thongft ft be toioepcu/pe JDali not belt tie. jfo^io/itoputafebptftecaibee^/tbac,,-,,,.,, . .. 6 ttteranoftopfte people :tef)vcb ftal! go asi eu vr'Bf topoe as (ante ijs/to ease poffediS of Dteel* Kng place0/ be not theft atonp. 3 gtpime anDbosfteoutspeopiensft/fljeferbaliatto

i u ogment pumlftc.cbeft ho?ft0 ace f topf . C tec then tlje cattess of )e nioumapne / g bv 18108W94 .; i f e fo?ec tljen toolueg tn eoetujng. chert fto^fmen come bg gceate Oeapejs ftom facte/ tbet fle battel? to oeuouc a^i the aegle.cbep come all to rpople : out of them commetb art call topnoe/ toh?cft blotoe thano gatheretb theft captpnejj/ii)jteasitflefaof.^pQ)nH mocfte tftc fimgess/anb laugfte (he p;mcfil to fco?ne.rbep mi not fet by enp ftcongebul^ be/fo; tbep 0)al lapeo;bsnaunce agapiS ft/ anb taae It.Qbm (ban tbep cane a tW to? Mr ,/ ; ^ j ragebnto them / togofojtb a toiomo/e e*.f Ki uel/a ro afcrybe that potoec bnto t^eft ob, v,p " ( : 55ut thou &gt; H,o;bemp dEtob/muftolp one tbou act ftom the begpnnnge / tbetf o?e (hal! tee notbi&gt;e.JD jd,o?be/thouba(f o;benebtfjg fo?a punplbment/ anbfett them to cep?ouc thempgbtpe . chvne ej?egace ciene/tbou mapefl: notfe cueH/tOou canft not bebolbe ft ^ mwmm^miKb. wmw then m*titmt0 tbou lose WW eljebngoMp / anb bolbet thv mSffim tunge/fclitintlit; mmtb beuoutetb the man that^Sjtctec fhel)i&gt;m felff cfjoumafitCm? ajs the f j(be At t tw anb lifie as (fie ctepaiB &amp;eefte0/tfiatbauenogpbe.cheptaift6paii toftl) theft uwie/Wv cm it tntbeft' net/$ gatbec Ufa theft patne: tofftcof thepceropec anbateglaB.cbecfo^eoffcetijepbntot^ep; net/anbboract(ficebntothetrpatne:becaii fe that tho?otee ft theft po?cp6 ijs becomefo fat/attbtbeftmeattfopienteoujS.pbftfiKO tbci



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t^ep cad otft cgctrnet agagnsy 9 neuti! era fe to Oape the people. C *Df ibe b^non ott&amp;t p?op5t te. 2tfla gt8 pafflwa/ (ouetoufnes/unti3f6oiatt:ic. CCbe.0.Chapter. t^tobebponmp toatc&amp;^fcJm* .ibpcn mp.bultoo?cfte/ toMiW Itebatpe teotbe Cape bnto me / ana ^_ Jtohatanftoerea ibulbegeuehim that rep^oueth me. J5ut the TLom anf teteo me/anb fapoe j ;pte the bpfpon planelp bpon to p tables/ that tub f corttmeth b p/

mape ceoe it:f o? the bifi on is pet facte of fo; a tpme/but at toe laft ft an come to page/ 9 not f apie.anb ttjough Oe tatp / pet toapte thou fo?0im/fo2inbetp&amp;e&amp;ebetopll come/ 9 not be aacfic jaeboioe/tojbo to topi! not be* leue/Ois fouie a not p;ofpetej but iuft 55 (Bail Jpue bp bto fapto.jlphe as f topne bif* ceaueto toe b^oncftatbe / euen fo tOe p;onBe (bail f aple 9 not enbuce.^e openetO is be* fp;e topae bp as tOe Oell / 9 is as bnfaciabft as beaiij.a it l^eatOen gatOecetO ^ to Opm/ . 9 oeape t ii bnto Otm all people. 3Suc all not all tijttt t a fie bp a p 1 sueo fie agapnd oim/^mocneOim Vo a bptoo^e/ 9(ape;9obrttootm tOat O^apetObp ocoec* mensgoobeSf ^otoiongetomOf labeopnt relfetoif.'j tliicfte ciape^0oto fobenlpteitt tOepflanbe'bp/tljat (baiibpte/ aatoafte/ i BNteacefi wpwsfpeet^ou$alt betOeft Wape.&amp;emgertKW Oaft fpoplebmanplea* then/njeifo^e QtaO r temnatint of the peo* pie fpople to e sbe ca uf c. of mens bioube/ am 1 02 tlje to?onge bone As ti?e lanoe/in tOe eftft nnObntoantOemtOatbtJJiil tOecin. iobnto 0m/tOat coii ewuflp gatOwetrj tuellgottengoobeSinfoOWOourettOathe tnapefct his ttettan Ope /to et^spe fcom the rf poteec of mif to^tune.cOouOalf beupTebtbe ^ Oiame of iijpift atoneOoufe/ fo; thou has (lapnetomocOpebpie/anbOaQ tof jfullpofc fenbeb:fo tbat tOe beep (tones of g tevill Otall cipeout ofit/anbtOe tpmb;e that (pert) be* . ttoftcetOeiopntesoftOebuplbpngftaflan' fto ece. H9o bnto him / % b uploetl; the to tone toktm* bioube/ smapnwneto toccptie topto bn* flMpv ft'gotuoufnes.gjbairnottoe jHb?bOf OotteS

it^tgetoistopaae/toatt&amp;elabotttesoftoe peopiefljaibe6?enttoft0agceseefp/e/ 9 ra.i;/ the thinge toljecbpon the people Oane teeeo jDtttfitM ttebtOemreiues/Q)anoeloS^o;tOeet?cett italbe full of finotoiebge of toe fortes W fioutt/ipoeastoe toatecstoatcouet tOe tte, fe iBobtttoOftittbatgeueth Ot'snepgObouw

oftoejLo;bWi^toioeatUbmpaiTetr)e abotite/anb mamef uw f pe tot ng in iteabe of tOPtoo^ftiipe.Jfo;tOeto;Sge that tOott att* 4 , bone in )Wbanus/aialouech)OeimetO!/ mffiih Wtomt beades fyai maoe toe aftapeb: be" 4i ' 6 cm fe Of mens bloub/9 f 0? tUe to?onge bone mflteiartoe/m tOe cptie/anbbnto allfocljas btoelltocctn. moatoeipt mm mm&amp;tuj *&gt;w mmmmmn OatO fa tamtbWMc bapn* call jmage/toOecin becaure tfie ccafterman purtet&amp;wsthtft/tbetfoje mafieto be Unto 3bolsf Jotnto m / tha t fapetO to a pecti ' of toob:acpfe/9 to 9 bomme ftonejttanoe bp^ m tooatinftcuwpon mape focfj one geue^ 3c2eopibeftisiapebpee,toftO goib 9fpWee/ fefetfj anbtoeceisnob?etO tnft.ffiuttOeoWtrt " WsborptemplersOt/toOwnall tOetoo?ioe cfl tmtt of m mm mm f t&amp; iimtwtiit 0e,ti|.(i0aptec.

-V .



fi^ltcftj / to W 0pm UttofQUR DBKaftO* fft^i0D?oncricne(ft:ti)ftt&amp;eiiia!JeWW)Sp;f* u^w^f)at'o?eto^fjO)ame'B)aU tbou {ye fiiryfcffeawi)WDnott.^nBcftou6l#

ij&amp;ofte/to&amp;enf oee fpeafee of $ /-, litoasafcapfti. C0etoo;cfiet0at* jthou Oatt tafie inUanb/rpaU 1 ou sspetfoui'meut OtS tprae/ a&gt; fcoibj anbtoOetOp tpme cometo/tljou fljartbecla* eft.3nt0pbecpw?at0t0out0incRe(fbport metcp.&lt;25ob commett) ftom cbcmait / 9 tne polp one ftom the mode of i&amp;Oatan. ^erab. ^Wgjo;pcoueretOtOeOeauens/anbthe eattO is fut of Ois p^apfe^is irte isasth^ fumte/abeames of ligotgo out of Ots OSbt/ fOewrsbispotoetOPb. ^ettrucciongoetfj fiefo^Oim/anbbncnpngecceaeetes go ftom bis fete.^e (tanbeto 1% toeafuteto tlje eattlt eloBet0/9t0epeopleconfumeatoape/t0e-i mofitapnes of tootfbeealtbotoneto potot* w Otc/9f0flftsarefapnetobotoet0efelues/ fWWSgofngesaceetieiiaftpngeartbfuce. afetoe/ tOattOettauttponsoftOeflBo* nans 9 tOe tentes of f tanb of #abian toecc becebfo;toetpnef.lafttOounot angepe/ 0^p;oe/(ncOetoatetsitoaSnoftOpto^tB . tngflouoes/9t0pbifpleauiieint0ecee?pes/ tobcntOwtfatteftbpontl)pneOo;fe/ 9 toOert tOpcfiacettes Oab bicto?p. qou Oieuebd . tOpbotoeopenlp/ IprteastOtOaobeft W&amp;*htitM mifeb tottp an oje mo tOet cpbes.&amp;etaO, IW ~5F* W Cfjouapaeabeupbei toatees of toe eato. iteben toemount apnes fato tbt I thep toete ' aftapeb/ toe toatet Became toente 9toape{

tOebepemabe anopfe at toe ipftpngebp of tmntmoMtpmt anb ^oonecemap^c tie* ftplt in tOeicOabitacpbn.cOpne arotoes mid toente outgWftttnge/aiiDehpc&amp;saS ftpneoftOelpgOtenpng.^Oouti'Obeftboto* ne the la no in topneangec/anbbpbeffi f0;o&amp; mm




camett fo?tft fd &amp;elpe $# people /to fieipe t&amp;ptteanopntea,G&amp;QufmoteftaotonGfieaa tfiefiouCe of Pngoaip/aaifcoueKBeft BIS ; f oimasci5S/eue bntofnecBeof fiwt.^elai). W&amp;a turfed fite fepters"/ tfie cap tap tie of fitsmen of toatte:P)fifcfi eomeaSa ttoj* tnp tofpato fcattemeab?o&amp;e/a ate glaa tobe tfiep mape eat bp poo?e ffcretlp.cbou ma belt atoape f o? tfiptte fio?fes in the fee/ euen in tfietimtaae of greattoaters . ifc&amp;c*^ fieave tfipS/mpboaplstoerea/ mplpppes tremble - at&amp; bopce tfierof/ mpbones co?ruppe/g am afrapeatofierea ttanae.fiDtfiatg! migfitreit in tbe aape of trouble / tfiat3| mpgfit go top bnto our people/toft icfi are alreap p?eparea, ffo? tbe f pge w* Ojal not be grew/ $ tbe

bpnes wal beare no frute.cfie laboure of Digue fttalbe butloQ/a tbe lanae mall b?ing no co?ne:tfie fbepe ftjalbe tafien out of foi&lt; ae/ana there fiialbe no catel m the Sailed. #utas fo? me/31 topll beglaatn tfie TLotW fcfal . cWLkOnO toill tetopcewt &lt;Efo&amp; mp &gt;autou?e .fte &amp;o?ae od is mp ttrengtfi/be ftial mane mi? ' fete ad tbe fete of fiercest a Be tofiiefi geueto tfie bpcto?p/ aHWW me to mp fipe places fpngingebponmppfaimes, 'be en&amp;eof tfiepjopfiecpof aifiactic.


CCfj;eatningejj agapnttjuoas 3erufalcm&amp;fcoufe oftBefcjr&amp;olatti*. CCfiefp?8 Chapter, &gt; INs is tlje nugfce of jtfie;lo?ae/tofiicfi camwi 'to^opfionptfiefctmeof Cfiufi/tfiefonneof&lt;ieoo lia&amp;/ tfie fonne of 3&gt;ma rt'afi tbe fonne of $c$&amp;. fiiafi in tpnte of 3&lt;ofla&amp; 4&gt; tbe fonne of amoti i fipng of tuaa.l topll ga * t $ n t,p ari tftpnges in w lanae ( fapetfi tfie vm&gt; tmm topll gather bp man a beeft# topll gatberbptbefouiesin tbeayjeanatfie fpflt

tn toe fee(to tbe gwate becape of tfie tofcfiefi} 5 anb topilfatterti? Dcttropc tfie men out of tfie 35 lanae/fapetb tbe %opx , 9 topll ftretcfi oute mpnefianae bpon g uaa/ana bpS ail focfi as often at3lerufalem,bus topllf cote oute theremnant of JBaalftomtfiiS place /a tfie names of tfie laemttrins anb p?eftes : pee $ focfi as bp oil tfi eti fioitfe toppes too?(bppe 9 botoe'tfiem felues bnto tfie botte of fjeauen: tofiiefi ttoeare bp tfie )Ut?be/a bp tfieir $&amp;* tomtom, bomalfo:tohicbaarteabacltefrS &amp;o?a/ g w&amp;w ? netfier fe&amp;e after^xo^ner tegatw film,

jBe ftpltattfie tndMtce b^# ^b?l5bb/ f 02 tfie oape of tbe io;oe i$ at fianbe: pee tfie . &amp;o?oeficfi.p/epateb a f lapnaofferpng/ anb callebfigS gefte? tfierto . anbtfius ifiailtt fiappentn tfie bape of tfie JLojbega Clapnof* ferpng'/iJbjpil bpftttfiep/pnces/lfie fitngesg.jBcjj. ww , cfipRtfen/anb all focfi as tot ere ftraunge cfo*?w( npfMi tfipnge.3|ntbe fame bapeaifotoplli bpfet alltfiofe/ tfiatcreabe ouertfie tfi?e(fiolbe fo P?ouWp/tofitcfi fpHtfietr)lo;be0 fioufe toitfic trobberpanbfalQ)ebe.3Ctfametime(rapetfi tfie torn) tfiere fhalbe fie toe a greate ctpe from tfie fptfipo?te anb anfiotolpnge ftp tfie otfierpo;te/anbagreate murtfiut from tfie fiplle0.^otofepetfiatbtoeu(ntfiempu?fo? . all tfi e marcfiaut people are gone / a all tfiep tfiattoere labentettfifpluer/ateroteb out. aJttfiefametpmett)pH3feetfio;oto gie* rufalemtept&amp;lanternest /abpfet tfiemtfiat?e : w . continue in tfietr b;egges/ anbfapein Qnag*3E?-' goob J nefa9 * ner eueii. c&amp;efe gooaes fhalbe fpopieb/ ana tfiett fioufes lapeb toatte ; tfiep Qjali bupiae fioufes/anb not btoel fntfiem: tfiep tyalplan te bpnparaes/but not b#rae tfie topney.tfiw* of . iffo? tfie greate bape of tfie %t#X fsat fianbe/tt is fierae bp/a commetfi on a pace. HjojtfbletstDetpamgess of tfie )lb?aesbape tfien tfial tfiegiaunte crteout : fo^tfiataape

t0 a aape of patft/fl bape of trouble afieup* netrcabapeofbtteraeatuccton^mpfctp/a barcfie aglompngebape / a clouapa flonnp bapei'aaapeof nopfeoftropetfe? aftato* raes/againfttfie ftronge ciiim Die tom?es. %. gitotl^inffetfiepeopietntofocfiberacpon/ M t fiat tfiep (fial goabouteitlieblinaemen/be* - $i] caufe tfiep fiaue tpnrieb appnft tfieHLo^be; r^^fieftblonbe (paibe lfiebastfiebuft/a ltt&amp;****t bobfesas tfiemp^.sSetfiertfiefr fpluei; ttec tfietrgoiaeibalbeaWetoaelpuerebtfiemtng .; to?otfifuloape of tfie&amp;ojflw / but tfie tofioiegopij.m " : : lanae mm cofume&amp;tfio?oto tfie fp;c of fits geloufp : fo? fie (pall Coone mafie clenerpfe . baunce of al tfiem tfiat btoel in tfie lahbc. CO c moiif Hi to tetuvue to 0o D ; woy ij c c ? dig c buds tle one0a!iicc80' to ttjeortjep liviietaunce. jdme togetfier anbgan^er pott/ f rauto erae peoples; tfie tfipng go 4 foztfitfiatfSconciuaea/anb o? tfie* ftpme bepaffea atoape ajs tfie butt; o? tfie fearfull tojatfi of tbe :to;ae come tops pou/ pee ojtfieaapeof tfie^Lojaes fo;e bpfr pleafure come bponpou.S&gt;efie tfie jio?ban peemebe fiartea bpon eattfi/pe tfiat too?cfie after fits tuagment-.fefie rpgfituoufneffe/fe belotolpneOe: f pe mape be aefenbebfn tfie to^otfif mi aape of tfie fcojaetfo? &lt;iSata (bal mmp# beaeotopeb/aaifcalonaal beiflpebtoaae^^a*"' 8 Cfif p 0)9lca(t out^f&amp;eaat tfienoone aape/

^ anbfccaron fbalb* plurtitebp bptberotess. j3 i o bnto pou t btoellbpon tfie fee coofl;/ pe mur tftero us people:tfie too;ae of f Ho;b fljalcomebponpou.ocanaantfiou lanae of tfie |Dfitttftpnes/3i toil aettrope tbe/fotfiaf tfiere (bal no man atoellin tfie en p mom ana as f o? tfie fee coaft /it (pall befip;amenS co tages a Cbepe foiaejJ: pee it (fialbe a pojcpon totiosty asretuapne of tfiefioufeof iuaav to

feoc tfier bpo.gjn tbe fiouCeg of aCfcalon fflal tbepreatotoaraeupgl!t:fo?tfie7lo?ae tfiep? -. m.,w oaOjal bpfet tfie/ a turne atoape tfieirca* tot&amp;Bu Muite.% fiaue fierae tfie aefp pte of v oab/ Swb.Ii 9 tfie blafpfiemtejj of tfie cfiiliueit of immon : cfioto tfiep fiaue amefullp tntreatea mp. people/a magnif tea tfiem femes toitfim tfie borers of fbeir lanae. cficrfo?e as trulp as 31 iptteu'apetfi tfie 7Lo?a of fiottes tfie &lt;foa of _, .,.,. |fvael)il9oab (fialbe as S&gt;oaome/aaimmo itnmifZ as omojra J euen a?ie mm fieages/*falt mu wtierc ppttesanaaperpetualltopiaemcs . cfieec mum* fpatte of mpfolcne (fiallfpople tfie" tfie,rem&lt; naunt of mp people (ball fiaue tfiem in pof* feSion.cfifS m allfiappe bnto tfiem fo? tfien; p?pae/becaufe tfiep fiaue aealte foftame* fitnp toitfi tbe ftofte of fiofles peoplej a ma* gnifiea tbe f elues aboue tfie. Cfi e JLo?a fl) al begrpmefopo tfie/abeffrope all? gobWSOt tfie lanae Jna ail f flesof f eatfiSlbaB toojlfiippe htm / euecp man infifsplace. ;' fe{o?iasaifolfiaHpenO)ilimpftoerae! pee fie (ball ftretcfi out fips fianae ouer tfie nojtft/ana aeftrope Xftur Js fo? j5iniue / fie foall mafie it aefolate/a?ieanatoa(le.cfi$ flocfies sallfbeaftes of tfie people (bajllpe f nfmiaaeft of (t/pellicanes a fto?cfies roall abpae in tfie topper poftes of it / f oules mall fpngein tfie topnaotoes/a vaunts roallfptf . ... . BpS m iialclies/fo? tfie bo?aes of Cea?c Oinl r m4u tfte f berpuenaotone.rfiiststfiep?ouacana ca* lr .m&amp;;numcvtmMtWtinW pertesi am / Wiw.(. anatfiwet'S eisnone. &gt;fiotofs memaaefo toafte/tfiat tfie bee ftesipe tfietinf UBfiofo goetfi bp/mocfietfifier/ana popntetfiatfier ;:'.; toptfifiiSfpnger. cagana tfie gouetnewof 3feturaUm.Df ttic cal tpngeofaittljc^EntpJeji.a tfinfiwH) to tl&gt;e sefpbHjs of3Ctacl. CCfie.fii.Cfiapter.

flDtotfieabfiominable/fpltfipe a crueil cptie-.tofiicfi toill notfieare/ tier be refortrmea.f er truft is not in tbe^.o?ae/netfier topll (befiotae in.M &lt; DeK t0 Bet &lt;SPoa. Hs toitfiinfier are as ww iSttMM watpngeipoit*: fier tuages are as toolnes !*ciif C t8 ** ^ cuenpng/tofiicfi leauenotftpng be* ,. ftwe aii^oajcfipnoe tfiem tplt tfie mo?otoe.^erp?opfietes ft Pf^o^areipgfitpetfonnesanbbnfaptfifullm5:fiet! i -mtfm p;eftesfanbalotoe tfie Sanctuarp /ana ao tojonge bnaertfie p?etence of t&amp;elatoe.tfut


f: f

lev ;



tfiefua ,o?aetfiaf botpnobmigfit/toasa' monge tfie/euer? mo;npng Cbetopngtfie fits iatoeclearip/a ceaffeanot* 53ut gbngoaiy topll not lerne to be af fl)amea.cfierfo?e tot I 1 rote oute tfips people / ana beftrope tfi eir toto?eSipee anb mafie fbeir ftretes fo toopae/ tfiatno man (ball goo tfietm.cfietrcptpes Q)albeb?obenaotone/fotfiatnoboap (ball beleft/neratoelltbereenpmo;e. g % fapaebnto tfiem: fearemeyattbbe c5&gt; w tent to be refourmea . cfiat tfief r otoellpnge

Ouiae not be oeftrbpea/ana tfiat tfiere (fiul* oe Happen bnto tfiem none of tfiefe tttinges/ tobertoit&amp;3roalbpfettbe\l8utneuertfieles tfiep ftanoe top earlp/to folotoe tbe f iltfi'pnes of tfiep? atone pmaginacpouS . fierfo?epe Q)alltoaptebponme(fapetfitfie)lo?aebntt{ tfietpme tfiatg ftgae 31 am aetermea/ togatfier^peopiea tob?ingefipngaomes ' togetfier/tfiat % mape pouve oute mpne an* ger/peall mp to?otfifull oirpleafure bpS tfie. Jo? ail tfie too?iae malbe confumea tottfi tfie _ _ fp?e of mpgeloufp Jnatfien toplll clenfe SJKtS Ipppes of tfie people /g tfiep mape enerpefij rs one call bpontfiename of tfie a.o?ae/arerue bint toitfi onefbuiaer.^ochas? fiaue fubbueb/ana mp chpia?e alfo to fiom % fiaue f catrea ab?oae / (ball b?pnge me p?eftntes be=* ponaetfietoaters of (Ethiopia. ?n tfiat tpmelbalt tfiou nomo?ebecon&lt; founaca/becaufe of aiitfip pmagpnacpons/ tofiertfio?oto tfioufiaaaeft oflenbebme:fo?3*lM&lt;fa gitoplltafie atoape tfie p?ouae boofters of tfimefionoure from tfie / fo g tfiou O)altnos c tno?e trpumpfie becaufe of mpfioip fipii. 9n alfo toil J,leauearmalpoo?efpmpiepeb* ple;tofiicfi ftjal truft in tfie name of f )Lo?ae. cfieremnaunt offfraeil tfiall ao no topefieanyner fpeafte lpes:iieti)er Ibaltfiere enp bifceatfull tfige be founae in tfieir moutfies. &lt;jfo?tfiepwalbefea/anataftetfieirreft/ana - .= nomanftialmafietfiemafrapea.GsettetfiS^ ; fies ip aaugfiter &gt;pon/be iopful $mfch teiopceanabeglaa fro tfip tofioiefierte/ baugfif efjerufaiem/f 0? tfie lo?afiatfi tafig atoape tfip punpfbement/ana tut n ea bacfie ^ine enempes.cfieiipnge ofjftaell/euett tfie }Lo?afiimfelf iS toitfi tfie:fo tfiat tfiou M Deft nomo?e to f tm enp mpffo?tune, gjntfiattpme it ifiaii'be fapeato^erufa^ lem *. feare not /ana to &amp;ion *. lett not tfipne fianaesbeftacfie/fo? tfie ;iuube tfip oa is toitfi tbe /it is fie tfiat ft a tfi p otoer to fait e: ft e ft a tb a f pec tail pleafure in /a a marttelous louetotoaraetfte:peefie reiopfetfi ouer tfie toitfi glaanefte.^&gt;ocfi as fiaue bene in fienp' nefle/toiligi gather together/ atafie oute of tap c5gregacpomasfo?tftetbame arep?ott tfiat fiatfi bene lapea bpo tfiC /it m albe farrtJ' fromtfie.Irtblo/intfiattpmetotiitieiiropj? fl!8@ all

-" ^

Xemple. anDgatbetbptbeeattatoape;peegtofllgifc tbem p/atfe and bonoure in an Iande*/ toberetbepfjauebeneputtoOmme, attbe fametpme topll g t^pnge pou iwand at tbe fametpmetopliagatberpou.Jtomgetpou a name 9 a goon repo?teamongeailpeople o f tb e mm i toben I tutne bacfie route cap* tp u sec before p oure epe */ fapetb tbe jwbt CChe eno e of tb e pjopbecp o&gt;optjonp. . * %

CCde bofee

en &lt;SfW.Ma, SUam.D.c.til.a.

#jopime3Cggeus. Cflfte tpme of tl)e]t&gt;?o|&gt;lMc?cof j;&amp;oj/ t acpan tobUfloe ljc tempUagaynt. CCbrft&gt;;ftbapr. "1$ cue feconoe peate of iapngei&amp;ariiuMn netb; tbe f p; a oaf e of tbe mo* ijttttb / came tbe toojoe of tbe Ho;De(6ptbep;opbeteaia .*.&lt; * - J geug)bnto5o?obabei&amp;tonne

"W** * of g&gt;alatbiei tbe pjfnce of 3uba/9 togefua cbefonne oftoreDecbtbebpeptftt/fapuig; cflna fpeafietb tbeHojo of mts;9 fapetb: crUis people botb Tape : be tpme is not pet fometobuploebptbelojoes boufe. bw fpaaethe &amp;o;oe bptbeP&gt;;opbete 3iggcuis/9 fapDc:ye pourteluess can fume tpme todtoel fafplebboufefj/frtballtbtebourelpetoaltf 53 Confpdjenoto poute atone toapejs mpoute jcH.f f 9.8 berte* ( rage t&amp; tbe &amp;o$e f b &amp; c ) ye f otoe mocb/ but pe b;tnge Iptle in ': pe rate/ butpe bflue not pnougb :pe Djiticfi e/. but peare not Uuftirmo. Wietepe&amp;ec6e pouw feluesi /butpearenot &lt;ftD.Lij.; toatme:anobetbateamttbenptoage/put&lt; 3a.u*i. titbit in a bjo&amp;en puree. iitfaw.ij.b. cbujsrapetbtbekofleofboottejfcConff* fee poute atone toapesi in poute Items / get _ poubptotbemofltapne/fetcb toob/abupide . top tbeboufe:tbat it mape be acceptable bn tome/anbtbatfmaplbetoempnebonoure/ &amp;fflfttbexo?ue.f eioaebfo? mocb/ 9 lo it &lt;3 JBe g.H(P. to eome to li tie: 9 tbougb je btfnge it borne/ feeDogWotoeitatoape.ainbtobpfO/fapefty .tbOLojbeofboftrcfeuen becaufetbatmp ftoufeltetbfotoatte/dpe mine titer? man 1 mm m ft *tttobfeatoneboure.lberfo?etbc beauen Sf"* * tobpouen togeue you enpbeto/anb tbe $.0; ib.(. c *art&amp; fa fiwbp&amp;ben to geue pou e n c ware, $ baueca!fe&amp; fb;ab?outb/botbbp5 tbe rantie I*ut.w^o9bpontbemountapne0/bponcoie/bpon tope / 9 bp5 ople/ bponeuerp tbpnge tbe grouitDety!nge$ro;ffl/bponmenanbbpott cateK/peeanDbponall&amp;anQpia&amp;Qute,

8ototoben3o;oba1)ei tbe forme of &amp;a !atb&lt;el/93!euia fcfonnc of JofeMtft tbe bpe p?efttoftbtbetemnaatoftbepeopie/betbe tbebopceof tbe %oj\tt tbcic cd /and tbe_ toojoess of tbe $?opbete a gge us ;i?lte a* tfje 310,! D e tb eft 0ob baD rent bimjibe people po cease tbe 'jLo;oe. cben 3tggrup tbe ]lo;beiai angellfapDeintbejlojDrismcffage bntotbc a*rofc* peopieyjamtoicbpou/fapetfr f JUJ?be.S&gt;o&gt;p&lt;Sefp; P (e" f tbe )lort e^* toabebbp tbe fp?cte of 5 o?oba a j Wim beitbelBiitticeof gpuoa/anbtbe fpweofSe' 8ffll&amp; fua tbe fonneof tofeuecb t W wm e SRV fpjeteoftbe remnant of allfc People: gtbe$cetfBtasci,, cameanblabouteb/in tfte boufeof n)e 3U5ffP ** ofbofteptbittffiott, gftgp CSe ttjttoeft l^nt He flOobljnelTt of t\)t ftcono tfpbgrtate fmum, fVaitc;8et^fy;tt/yf(flufeoftt)eteiiuiigoftfg;ia.Mnticr, _ CCbe.ii.cbaptce. |&amp;ontlje.)eirt&lt;i|.bape of* . netb/in tbe feconbe peate of Sipng pumwtstixw of tbefeuftb Imonetb/came $ too?be of VfLaMx bp tbe fttopbete aggeue ( fapfngeif pcaR e to 5o;o Lis be J tbe fonne of &lt;&amp;aiatbiel p?mc e of Suba/9 to acuta tbe fonne of aorebecb Ibpe p;ea/anb to tbe tec ioue of tbe people/? tape: lboisHeftamongepou/fatoetbfJJbU fnbecfp;Qbeutp;]5uetobattbincbepcnoto lipufpitnotmpcuteepes/eueaiatbougb ittomnotbpngef i5euectbeleae br.of smtmuM cbe5o7obabel(fawtb)lo;Wbcofgooli co m f 0; t c/ 3;ehia tfj ott fonne of gofeoecb bpep?ett:tabegooi)berteiSbntopoualfo/aH WfMf ris , pe people of tbe lanbe/fapetb tbe Xom offfi" botteu 9 do acco;bt'nge to tbe mowf 01 31 am . ttpou/fa(etbtbejLo?i&gt;ofboile{ ) ipfteaisa agtcebtoitb pou /tobenpe cameottt of tp ianbofsgppte: amprp;ete tyalbe amonge . jou/ftawpenot. fiot IBM fapetb t^e %om of bottejj j pet ,., wice mo;e topll 3 mane beauen ano eattb/ Muu tbefee a teefepelatibe pee atopllmoueall i^eatben/a tbe comfo;te of ail^eatben Qial come/ ana fo topll % f p II tbid boufe toitb be-

noure/rapetb Jlo;oeof bottejs .beffluet; BMte hfiU , ttmpnc/9tb*go!oef*mfne/fapetblo?be K,w of bottea . cbug tbe gio?p of m lattboufr (balbe gteatec tttm tbe fp^tt/fapetbiJLojiie ofboOc0:3intbi0placetoilia gcuc peace/ fapetb tbe TLotfe of bode*. rbe.wfiif.bapeoftbe.iiC.monerbincbfre- &lt; f conue peare of fipng artuu/ camei toojbe of tbe %cm bnto ibep&lt;;cpljrte iggewj/ fapmge:.!rbu8(fapetb tbe %,o;&amp;e ob ofbo* , ftejs:3ifBetbep?eBe0concernpngtbelatoe/ . afapeipfonebearebolpfleroinbtecotelap* : . pe/toitb bfelappebo toncb mt taeVpc **,,(, tage/topne/opieo?enp otbeemeafeslballte fteboff aWW cbe p?eaej{anftoereB 9 fapbe: ' J5o,cbtti.fajocapgscms^5oto.jfbnebeing befplej


&lt;i.b.*.t&lt;.6 wfpie&amp;ttabecbcatcaftytoucB enpoftbefe: tfmmt* fballftalfobebnclencf bcp;ettei8 gaue anfteceafapbe:pee/ieQ)albebnciene.ben Iggeud anftoeteb a no fapbe:enen Co 1$ IW people 9 tW nacpon before me / fapetb tbe TWOWfo ate ail mojebefS of tbeicbanby pee ano all tbat tbep oStt/is bncleane, atib note ;3!p;apepou)confiD?e from ty$l bape fo^b / anbboto ttbattj gone toftb pou afo;c:o; euec tbetetoajsiape &amp; one ttone b?)S ano tbe t in tbe temple of tbe jiLojd t : t bat tobS Hecametoaco;nebeapeofj:jc.bumeW/tbere ffijj.Mj toete fcatce temsnii tbat toften pe cameto f topne p;etre foj tbpo to ?e ou t. n . pottr? ( topbe/tbete toete fcacce.w: Jo? I fmote poti tottb beat e/ b lattin g a -baple flunes in al tHi labours of poute baoeftpet toa# t !j ere none" of pou/tbat toolbe tume bntohie/fapetb tW Ho?&amp;e.confpb?e tben from t bps bape f 0; tij P anb afo;e/ namelp/from tbe. mi t'tuape of tbcijc.mflnetbybnfo tbeoapnbat Hotmoa*

. -ft: **8 ot tbe jio?oe temple toag lapcbimatcB z*flW|i* ittoell/^ncttbefebepetintbebatnef bane nottbebpnejs/tbe figetrees/ tbe pSgcanatesJ k; 9 olpuetree^ bene pet bnfrutctitlK but from g"i; tbiJ aape to?tb/a (ball mabe tbe to p?ofpm. W." |3o?eoueetbe.wit'ij.tiapeoftberaonetb came tfje tucg&amp;e'of tbe ?Lo?bebnto3(ggeusi agapne/faj?inge:S&gt;peafieto ^e^obabei tbe fcpttce of^UtDa / anD fape-.i tout (babe botb leauen aiilf eattb/ anlotutrb?otoe tbe feare . ' of i\)t nmW'inejJ/pee 9 ceflfope mfgbtp npngbome oHhe ^eatbf..9 WW ouertb?otoc tbe cDareetes/anD tbof e tbat fpt bpon tbent/ fo tbat f ioifi bo;fe anD man mall fan ootone/ euetp watitfjojbto biis nepgbbonw ftoetDe. 3nba^S:'o^b(:/flD5o?obabel(fapetb %m of boiler ) \\im fonne of g&gt;aiatbiel mp fet&gt; uiumm torn tafie tbe ( fapetb tbe %oM ) at tbe fanie tpie/$mabetbe asia feale / fo; % bawe cftofch fbe/fapetb fljeS/O^beof boottcp. C:beenbeoftbe^;opbecpe :! ofJggeujJ,

* "i*

m p 1

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tftotte'of.tfie .irteiftdttcib the people fo tfetutne fotljeilo^^anb toefc5uctiju\wicbcDncae0ofttjn'rfat!jcw,l8e^ef?'



JU2 tljeeFeDttiionett) of tbetec'i5De.Bea,re of bpng a* rms/tamef toa^Deof nuobe bnto acbat p fonne f JB a racbiau/tbe fonne of HtbDo/ $?opbete/rapinge:tbe &gt;Lo?ae batb bene fo?e opfpleafe&amp;at poute tofttatbd.3Dnbfapetboubnto tbe:tbusfapetb tbe

10, Horn of bofte0.cutnep6Ubnto me (fapetb, tbe JLo^De of boftos ) 93 topll tutnc me bnto ***** pou/fapetb]io?Deofbofte0.)r&gt;enotpeiiRe, ^ ,. pouw fojefatbews/bnto toljcmtbe p?op|je SlSKSi te(crieDafo?etpme/faping:ibu0fnpetl) * 9,ai -'" D "&gt; a I/OJbe ob of boftesf :curne pou from pome a** m a eueiitoape0/9from poute topebtb pmagp* 3Sf.M** nacpong.ffiuttbep tooloe notbeare/ mtw garoeme/t'apetbtl)e)lo?; comeof pouttfo;efatber? anD tbe^opbe^ r "-' :Uli,a * tejs^are tjjep pet ftpll alpuef ut bpDnot mp rm * - tooz&amp;etf 9 ftatwfe jwubtcb { comitiau nbcb bp -* mpferuauntesf tlje|&amp;?opbefe!8 ) toncb poute * fo?efatljeiXi:5ap6tb^/tijepgaue anftoere 9 fapbe:lpiie &amp; tlje %om of boftepbeiipreo to OoitntobfS/accoaDpngtooure atone toape.s 9pmagpiraci5ss/eug fobatbbebealtey&gt; b?, : '..' ajpon. tbe. Wiij, nape of tlje .w.monetljtobicbtPtljemonetb g9cbat/ in tbe fecon&amp;e peare of pariup/came tbe too#e of g %oflx bnto^acbfliptlje fonne of JBaracbiajJ / tbe fonneof Ibbo tlje Pwbete/ faplnge-.g; fa toe bpnpgbcanD 10/ tbew fat one bpon axtm boj!fe/8 ftobe ftpll amonge tlje fipp^te trees/ tljat tocrebenetb bp0 tlje grounder bebpndc blm toere tljete reaae / fpceftie &amp; / and toljpte bo?fejj.cbi'ni'fiptiei:SOinp)lo?D/tol)at are tbekiXm tlje nungcu tbat talciieb toitb me/ fapuebntomcs^ topll llietoe tbe toljattbefe .be..* nd ^ man mat ftode antoge tbe ipp?te tree^/anftoet'eb anfi fapnetcljefe aw tljep/ yuljouulje'jLoftieljatl) cent to go tljo;ototbe too?lde.ifin&amp; tljepanftneeeb tbeaugeliof the Jlojoe/tbae ftode anifige tlje M)viie treeg/9 fapde:ti0e batie gone ftcyoto tlj&amp; too?loe:ann befjold e mfyt \w?M fitoellae eafe/and arc

careiefTe .: ffibentfje ijbajtofl. angell gaue anftoere/ anbiapdeii!) %am0 butted /bote longe toplt tljou be bimiertptull t ojetufalemand W#-U1 ^ ,, to tlje cptpeiu of|iiM / toiHj toljom tljou baft l, r 7' * beneopfpiepfco noto tbifc.lW&gt; pearr $i. So,.o^ta, tlje kotf e gaue a lonpnge and a conf o# able anftoere biito tlje atingell t bat ' talciieb topft) uMtoo tb aungeil that cftntoncd toitlj me/ fapde bnto iiKtCtpe tbou/and f pea6e:bnsf fapetb tlje jt^bt of ftofte^ am eyceadpnge gelousi ouee^erufalcm unit ^&gt;pon/ andfo;e bpfpleatebattbe cateieffe^eatb^fo? tobere W|toJbuta.lptle angrpe/tbep WW*** beft tbat % mpgljtdeftrope cbem.c||Cie6;e *L te M . tljHS.fapeeb tbe jLo^c-.f toplieurnemea* ***!* gawe trfmctet? totoaitie|mifalem/fotbat mp.'boufe (balbe bupfted in it /fapetb tbe ^oideofbofte^'.peeandfbeplommetilbalbe iapeoatyoDem'leiiifaiem/fapctbtbe&amp;Otfieofooftegt. . Cne alfo/9 fpeafie:tbti is fapetb tbe fto;&amp;e of boftejJ:^? cutpcu mm in good p?ofpe. rite agapne/f Ho?de fballpet c5fo?te ^t$/ g^fl.if, and

I fl "

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6ojritt?un&lt;c3iiti5 fa We bnto tbeangel i tljattalfirtb tf&gt; Wffllo?w/fttn ttoce a m ugbt m ate nomtmvbte"* totmmtffl ****** &amp;atfccbeiioft tewouef (ttjou SeKftufalfmab ? oM.anDfto;tie &gt;atan)teetfte)lo?tiftatjattiteofi3;u s

aewbmeitfj.carpentew. cbtttfcfK&amp; fate/WMoueMnotftWaJ^tt;w toSStoil^efeDo^eanraCTeD/afasoe! outoftbefp^otoSefuatoa* rto^DinJB dWe ate tbe borne* /ywcbbaue to IHkk bnclenetapment/anbGooebeteefcangel!: bis beab : #ut eft ate come to ftape tbem before &amp;tm:tatte a toape $ fbule cl ttfrg fto . SSe/atot6ttHwiWofcm. |lm.anbbnto^mftela.fbP^rtM/3l)fl' ttfe/tobicbKftbpmeftNneeuerrt&gt;elanb uctaHeatoa?ttbpf|nncft5^$toilbfcfie oKVfcatwAok :: tbeiwtb&lt;*aungeoftapment,$erapbemo ^iT 1 ..*-***: tonet:retafap;emi?tettoponbf$$&amp;eaD. g&gt;o ^^|^ W52J- 3Wfc . - . &amp;epfttafawcm?tetbponbWbeab/3Pue KHSBS ttobetbete.cbentbe nt^aaftelotftie* 1 S^M^i^^^mbnto %o?DeofbodfteU:3ftbouto?ltb3ameirimB tonge abotobjooe itf*.3nbbd)oioe/tt;ean&lt; SKiffiSK^flffiwSSe geHtbattalfieDtfme/toentbKSWapefotfb. ffiSS^Se ttSRS^BS SS ben toent tbett out atioti) et angel to mete SSSXSSaX^eS btm/acavbbntoblm:munne/fpeafietotbi0 ^SS^S^SSSSS^^ m**/* tamtam mm mwm gjgjt wg to f ^,5 KK tortttoutett^toal/fo?tbebetpmult?tDeDf ffiSSJfS 38people?catel/0)albetbettn.yee3 1 mvfeif |!R e ff2^SSS%ffilffiS (tapem tbe &amp;o?oe)totll be bnto bet a wall or s25hffiBKHS8S4fi 2m22 ' iflDget ? oufo;tb/^fleftomtftelatt;eor SK J S mwWmp fcatteD in to $*f oute toinbes bn&amp;et beau?/ yjgfw WW wp ' W roc JMW,C 6ecn&amp;ttbrfaprtbtbe]to?be.&amp;auetbpreJfe/&amp;p8: p^okw. todoic voojibt/ MtQu fhjt btoeliett totfb tbe baiigbte t of a **** b?f f on ot ^ solBen #**"&amp;**$ t^e t r* , sssa was SsSESS ofibtonfojaic )Beglab/i;efoi&gt;ce/SD**baugbteiofS&gt;i5* W nffiSB^/iSsSitfffit i EmSSyffi?M?S8S?K SiogfanCtoeKo/afpafietotbeangelgtal^ * SSff^!ftf{ ** tottb me; fa t?enge : ra? Hum tobat e w ; -JS^?^oKiSnM^SacSS tbefef be angel $at tallteo toftb me antoe Keoffi^^ tebafavbebntome:6tjotoefttbottiiottobae - -^^^S^totSiKfnbS tbefebe;26nb3fa?ue:j9o/mi?lo^e.$ean, * v: ' ' &gt;f^fflfS^/flSSS^gS tomb/afatwbhtometc&amp;fefet&amp;etoortof ; fo;etbe Hojbe/fozbe ft tpfen outfetytf bo* Ipplace.

it** f,b,


cDf the later anti %e cftnte of fffotO/tontiec tftt f (&lt;




4* J

tbe ]ib;De bnto ^o^obabel/faftngttjSetbei: tba?bto an booft of men j net tbojoto ttregtb; buttbo^BWV Htm/ rasetbthe)Lo?Beof ^ boottejs.ltauat atttbou/tbou gteate nwun T tainer befo?e5o?obabei;tbouniftbema8 oe cueu. 3nbbcfta!b?mgebp f^Qftone fo tbat men (bat air bnto ftsmsgoob lucfie/ gooblurte.

4 4

fiJo;eou&lt;betoo?oeoftbeiLo?oeeame cm^c^iinrtttji^Mctik^iit BMbraw bntome/fapinge:cbe banbt0 of 3o;obaber oft ,l| ' h ? n 3 , "" Iu:B * aeiapebtbCfounoacj5oftbi0Uoufe/b^ u u . M ^

babe0O)alalfoftnp(bebft:gpemawiinotoe ff^e.b?,bapter. triM* Botot&amp; t}Lo^eofbofte0batbfentmebn' rjrmfl^^otietatutnebme/ltftiingbpai topou.^Detijatbatbbenebefpvfeoalvnc |sVTOUmsneegtf/&amp;io&amp;eD:&amp;be&amp;oi Detbete fearon/lbaHreiDpce/toaenDefeptutbettnne lai^gf^mc.mj.ctjatettegioutftomue. toergftt in 3o;obabeWbanoe. c9c.Wi.epe0 SSSr : 5 W r te i to ? Wtt*mwWW&lt;&amp; zae|8.&lt;.v. ^ate tbe &amp;ojoe$/tohMb go tbwototbetobole to"/ ^^^ntbefp?8cbatetbjetei:ea6eap pea.D^. tolbe.cbenanftoeteD3/?fawebtttobtm: B "^4tbef5Dcbatettoewb!ac6ebo?fe/ asbatate tbefe i^.oipue treesbpon tbe tfabt 1" tft fft?^ cha fc *ete tobf te bo?f e/in tbe eieftrsbeoft&amp;ecanbeltttcbe^fpaftemole' f0 bcbatettoete bo?re0oED|uetfecoiouwJ ouet;afapoebntobmi:tobatbetbefe,oWwe ft^pse-^ben fpaftea/anb raptie bnto tbe Mcbe0(ttbfc&amp;t&amp;o;otettoogoRpwe0) angetbattalcfiebb)rtbme:jLo?be/tobae emptpetDefemesmtotbegolbe^eanftoe* a "tyefe:CfjeangeHanftoteo /fflMMmto '.. ebme/*fapD:Bnotoefttbounot/tobattbefe " ,e: ^ fi ^atef.i|.toinb5ofbeaue/tobib? fce^nbj rap*eno,'tnpjLo?be.cbe Wfte; ^romefo;tbtoaabebefo;et mieuofall g 3femp^.i &gt;, ftoMKtu abereatetbettooofeiiebjauncbeis/gaattDe fattb.f bat ttrftb tbe Wacfie bo ?fetofte in to befo?etaetuietoEtbetoboieeattb. geranbeof tbe na#Q7 tbe tobpte eoioireo ,. * tbtm/anBtberpcfilebbo^e!toentefo?tbto c&lt;n6Dpfp5of(6ea?toafiBhf/ff8np^t8ee8tBtffe toaibKoMtb.a;befebo?res(toetebetp8t SB/ ^ cc&amp;e.b.Cbautet get;oubence/9gotbo;otDtbetbo?lQe.^o HMfl?fa^^^aDwtutnebme/iiiftpngebp mwje ^bjentetbo;otoouttoonoe.henraeo ^S^^^mmom/9bkmWivm ^J"e/anbfp3ftebntome/fapinge:be. teDicfi tbe m*^^^reifttbouf3anfwereD:3ifeaflpfae ?ij mvto;atij m t^e no?tij count te. tuw&gt;0 of bobeof.M:.nib?testl5ge^.iC.ciibpteisb;ooe, , Jnb tbe too?be of g)Lo^ e came bnto me/ c S2HSe 0?^ E a De be bnt0 t */* 2fflSS9 e of f rjC Wfonewi tbat ate come onB6oaifafcwaJbeiuogejjaftettbri5bofte/8aHftoeatew Pa:anb come tbou tbe fame baje/ anbgo 0)albeiuogeDacco?bpngetotbeCame/i tofl "totbeboufe of loftab tbe fonne of g&gt;o JBb;ingeitfo?tb(fasetbtbe)lojDe oftoobtf) ^onP'^entaBegoloe anoQfluet/^mabe fotbatit roaicometotbebouftof tbetbefe/ "otoneg^erof/andfettbembpon tbe beab

a to tbe [joiife of bim/ tbatfalfelv ftoeatetb of|efuatbe fonne of goreoeb/tbebp epjeft/ bp mp name: a aB remapne in big boufe/a 8 "S f E e l 6 l"! t0 bpm:C bulS fa?et&amp ; *'"** confume it /tottb tbe tpmb?e a Honest tbet f ,f bofteg: fflebolDe tbe man ttboftn amett-^^. . of.cbentbeangeHtbattalfte&amp;toftbme/toft SfflSSJKJ'JS * at ttaB fwpnge ^SBBta .fo?tb/afapDebntomTltftbptbpneepe0 anb !HKHH28feSaS temple of tbe pwuwu ^fe/tobattbf0igtbatgoetbfo?tb.Snb3lfale: SS*'*2fgSftS'2* ,e 5E* ^ ,eo ^ **.**. tobat igit^eanftoeteDttbi^ a meafete L? e ' Sflffl ^ate tbe p;apfe/ be mil Bomgeaute fapDemo?eoet: mtn m* f?tb P n tbe jto?oesittone / annbaue tbe do* atctbep(tbatbtoeHbpdntbetoboleeattb)eo wQfflW.^ .,. . lOBebpon.fnobebotoe/tberetoasWftbpa % ^ e J anbebealfobponbpg ttoney$_ talent oneabe* lo/a toomanfatintbempb* 2 W a 5 I i c " m i eH f , ,b ,l t, ! fct oftte tfl6m Soinmi beftoftbemeafute.SDnDbefapbettbftfgbV J,M nl, ^5 rotoneJJ " , * u,c imt "^RESffif * goDlpneffe.&amp;obecaftbetin tofrnpobett of SSSSMSSKSSHRS ttSSKT tbemearure/anbtb?etoe t&amp;e Iompe of leabe !l m /oWab /?Daia ano c^en tbe fonne of bpintoanmbore. ^ WWJ " ^opbonpJnbfocbasJbefatteof/malcome cben ipftgibpmpneepesJ/a robeD: be- MGSiWtomwti mumWat* Ibe/tbetecameout.fl.toemen/atbetowi&amp;e wgwtW/WeWW|lejU^&gt;e ofbotteg

^bolbe/tbetecameouU.toemen/a,tbetopnpe n^bnotoe/botbatJ)e)Lo?beofbottej toaa mtbeittopngegf fojtbep babtovnges batbfetrtmebntorou. anbtbpis ftalleome lp6etbetopnge0ofaao?fteTaepljftffi I * Paffe/pf petopHBetftenDpIpgentlp bnto meafcebetbw'e eattb atbebeau?.cben

rpabe 3! to tbe aungenitalcbeb1fime:tobp* ....

Smttt.]c.b bMomemitotbeianbeofSjptiear/fobttjlbe pffi s 'tbeanboufe:tobttb tobenftfe p;epate&amp;/t(K tneatute tbaibefettbere mbi0 place.

* -

1 i


:o to the fouttB tbempoDeftofSeti

*- 4

* ut

Bappeneb alto in tBe fouttfr c^miwftoraewf^jfoi Senate 8fc* Saw of Binge 90610 / t Bat tbe be calleD a fapftful 9 true cftf e/tbeB W of tbe wM0eoflo;Decamebnto3a* 3Lo#eof&amp;oofc0/peeanBolp6ffl. _JZ o,tw fouttB Dare of tbe.fjc. cfiuj* fapetB tBe %oM of Boofttf :CBcre monSoWcbijS calleD *caaru:*9at time fbal pet olDemen atoemenDtoellagapnem ^ tt/w S2SffiSSame!ectt atbemen tbat tbe arete* ofaentfalemtpeeatocBaggott tn * w tomStbl Sn o^eilfo;top?aBC aaue^ntbeitUaegfoiwase.cBeCte motmtZmmatmmmtm^ tejJoff^gealfoaapefulofwnBebo^ Sp;eaS/SAtoereintBe^oufeoftBe ^oamrelM/pla^ebponfteto. 25 Soaof Softttj a totBep;opbete0-.&gt;BnlB cbujfapetB tbeftotfeot booftentff (Be .B.m*jffl f S^S^/&amp;aBiiejiif/ tefpbueof ftp people ttonte ftto Be bn&gt; l-J?fH S^Krnmtt Maws' ffi&amp;eit uofltbie m tbefe napes / OulM it tbetfoe lie

jevwfiw. o^ VtBM%/aS&amp;tBeivett | /anDrai&gt;e; eBolDe/g^iHDelpuet mp People Rpm tBe SenwKanDmwJDmtBebanDBU, 1Mwor(Bec8ftaioii^/a^M^v{eft.^f mmemw*WM.W*&lt;* J &amp;Wefatt tBemaBa?ne^tBe?raa^Btoell|ew/apo^wf.c Sme-"S mwnteal(oanBD*onfic/DfD felem.Bet?amlbemppeople/anD|tottbe . SS faunae fojpoure awnefeBw^ rtjeit ob/fntteutB ano epgbtuoufrjeffe.

SSttmmm/mv^m^m Bu0fapetBtBe&amp;o/bertBeoBe0:tettpoure forte W\ m wopBete* a fo;e tpmc/ *&amp; BanDtt be atonge / pe tljat note Beaw tbef e SBSUB^ toojaesbptBemoutBofftewopBetcsi^icg aeanBffleclwelwunijeabouteBer.toften betntbefcDapest&amp;at ^bwwwjajeb*"'" SeteKSbotBWtoattetBECoutBanD ^^^j^MJ; SttctSm couittreesJ * Pie mape be buplDeD.tfo? tobp ! before t&amp;cfc ' n?Ke f tBe JLcjDe came tonto bapes /netBer men nee cateu couloe topmie * *ac&amp;atw(ai?enge: cBu0 fcpetBtBe Jlojoe enptbpnge I nenjet mpgBt enp man co me m xmn.W x.?S*lFmet iitcttue tuQgement: Cbetoe 5 out mteB/fo; ttouBle:butS lett euc rpma *om*m. BS5SflSKS5^ifWWW goagapnBBfcnegbboute. ''BSSlwWotte/tijefaetteC* 0euettBele&amp;e3[topHnotomtreatetJbete* f tcto 1 ngrt/anb poo?e no twongr. anD ftcue oftUWpeoplc as a o;c tgme/ I ffiSffiS&amp;aUWlWOfBtt ffl B rt|)t6ejLo;Deof|)oo(leis/Biitt|ettatte ibtsbert SSeieBtfte/ttoIoenottaRC afcDeofpeace.cbebpnpaiDr tballgeueBct KutS fmte/geounoe(baUgeuejecineate/^ BSSS/Soef ftullje notbeare-.pee B*ieH0tbalgeuetBettDeto:&amp;3J allcaufe he S 'm Ww 80 an aoamant ftone fbetenrnaunt of tbj0 People/to haue ajtfjeft Sftt8erffiBeawtBelatoeanotoo?M0; fnpoffeflrOnti tibalcometopaffe/tlpBeC StBe itjoe of booties centin W boip ass pe toeve a ci.rfe amonge WmW" L f Hte 8? tBe pjopbettf at o;e tpme. i&gt;e Bouft r 3uBs ?e Bowfe ofjftae )Jue fo mSSw e W of Boodej* toa^be* toaDeiruecou/tf&gt;aegc fBaibeabiea?ng: ^tBtoiotBatttem,anDtBujJiiJitcomejoiJaC ftarenotibuttttjoutBanoesbeftronge. - SJS8S5R Si B tBep tooioenot tfo; tbus fapetB tBe Ho;0e ortootte* :&amp; Saw eien fo the? ?eo / anB 1 tooioe not Be ass % oeuvfeo to punpfl) f ou / ttbat tpne Set SSbtSc WeofBooftes )butfca. afonw fatbetis p^ouoBeftmebntotowtB/ KrtZ^^eattWtqefl/toBomtBeg ra^tBtBe)lo?BeofBooae0/anBfpMeDnot. ^#KotBuBtBeianwtoa0mat)ffooe' uen foam 11 oeteymeb nova in tBefe DWM t Sate / TS ttauateo no man tn it netbe* fo? to 00 toellbnto tfteBonfe of Jim mm Snecfo;/lK tbatpieafaunt lanue toau Bt. fatem/tbeefoje featet?enot. JSoto ftetBf n* SKtoatte. gejjtBatfetftaUBo/aw tBefe: gpeatt tetistarcoirauc. eueepman ffte tteutBBntoBW negBbouw/ tfp6r .8, ^IKSffSSS Sem &amp; SfflSSS? wecute iuugement teul? / ano peaceably ct|e&lt;8IM cSeAi.CBaptee. ueninBWBertagapilB jJnepftbotiw/anB

mmmS&gt;W b)o?Be of tBe fco;Be came roue no f alfe otbeu ; f 0; aU tBefe ate j tBn * 3I^Wbntome/rarenge:sBu0raietBtBe gejjtBat?r.Bate/fa?etBtBe^o?M. 3nB tBe M^tLojDOfBoofteftftoapinagrrat too?B* of tBe %oM ofljooftes ycamebnto i^^oelouftouft^on/vre^baue me/fafengettBuUfapetBtBeJLwtieofBoo* benebewgeloiu*oueenet:inagteatrplea* Bc0:CBefaflpft^fouttBmonetB/tBefaft fti"ctBuPfa?en&gt;t|^o;BeofBoofte0:atopl pftBeftftB/tBefattpitBefeuei^/anBtBe S me aoa webnto Son/9 toMwUfti raft Ql&amp;umWW iW ano glaonece/

* 7?

gsssr mwhm* ^ .. M * y anbp;ofpetouiJ Bpe feafte? bnto tBe Boufe toBetini0notoafee, euwiesottnototo tije Qf3oa:nli?/louet6ett'eutB ^ipeace. ftrongeBoIoe/5egbe(np?efon/alongefo?e - cftustfajetBtBel-o^eofBooaeiS-.cfiete tobeocrytiercD: 3nDtBWDase3!b^ngetBe ^ (Ball jet come people/ anotBefnBabf tew of tod/be/ 4 ftotUtetoatoetbeooubieaga jne . .. mans citiejSianDtBeptBatDtoeii in one citpe/ IfojJuBafiaaeabentouta^aliotoe.f ojm'e S. a fbau go to ahotftet/f apenge: wvi let WJ go/u ano PD?c&lt;im ftaue 31 f plieo, ^b? fohne? ( a) r wuw ap;aj?ebcfo?etBe)L.o;t)e/letb0fefie)Lo?D ^ionjtoillltafetjpagavnatBe^efteg/ s of BooQeg/3! toil go toitB pou :pec mocft peo mafic tbe oss a gtauttte* tieatt)e:t Be to^ie Pie 9 migb tie ^eatBen (ball come a fBet!)e &lt;BoD ibatbe rcne aboue tfXm/attBBw Jbatcoi %W ef Roofless at3!eturaiem/ 9 to p;a je be tbailgo fob as* tBe ligbtenpngt.fcB.e %oM lo;etBe)lo^.Bu0faretBtbe)lo;oofboc' fiSobQj'alibiotoetsje ttompet / 9 fflall come He0a|ntBattsmefbaltenmen(outofalma* foptbaPaftoameotttoftBefoiitB. m ne:oTlangw8ge0oftBe(iE5entple0)taBe one cBe&amp;otfe of bootleg fbal Defence tbem / 9 . . . . getoe bp tBe Bemme of W gatment/ afape : tbep (ball confume ana Deuouw/anDfubDue g^M* toetofflgotottBpou/fojtoebaueBeKie/tBat tbera toitB mze&amp;mMfrvtoMtowte mil,rm '* i

&lt;sod is amonge po. atage/a0ittoetetBo}ototopne.cbep(balbe cffftecoiiutcfionofmeiDitnt!Jca.c5emra(nBr fpiieDM6e8bafen0/8a$Bo?neisofj$aur tiWt ifttmstontnm. ter,clje)Lo?DtbeitEibBaj(alDelpueetBemin t Dape, as Sflocft offtis people: fo; done? T^s^^etoo^eoftfje/lo^be albe * oEbiSSjanctuatplbalbefetfapinbiSIanDe. 41 EBal^SI ceatteoataiDjacB / aawafcu0 DBotop?ofpetousagooWpatBingefball| fbalbebi0oSeifBge:fo)tBeepesof bef&amp;beco;netftalmaBe$ongemencBea&lt; allmenoftBettpbe0ofg,ftaelI teful/atljenetotopnetbemapDengj l^ematB fftal be Baeoe tberbp / cp?us alfo s nactb of tbe aojo. ne um ^tmufttb t o Spftt* ' ^iDon/fo;tbepatebeeptoife. crp;its (Ball &lt;6mfo;tb tuc tjourt or^rcaci.

cbe.y.baptet. JRape tbejLo;oetBen bp tpmeg to %

geuepou S*iattntapne/fofbai *jg)e t^yc to;De mafte rtooBefJ/ageue rou wn MA* 1 tapnepnougb fo?alltbe intteace ftSS* * of tbe feioetf o? bapne is anf toeve OfJDott. 3WBW * cije fotbfapets fe ipes ) 9 telbutbapne D;ea

V, tt.(.o.



mafie Betfelf tttonge/Beape bp fpiu e r as tBe fanoe / ano golDe at tBe clape of tBe ftvete*. jwi.ii. a JSeBoiDe/tbe jlo;d fbal tafteber in/anDBaue Bet in potfeaiombe fbal fmpt ebotone f) n po *

toet in to tbe f ee'anD tbe (balbe confumeDtt f p;e.Oi0 fflaiaifcaion fe/abeafrapeD.tffita ?a (balbe berpfo;p/fo fbal accawnalfo/be caufe BetBope is come to confucion.iffo; tBe nte* : comfoatb tBat tbep geueyis no tBinge jCBfngeof 5a?a tbattpetf fp/anDatafcalon tooB.CBeefb;egotbepaatapeiifteaflocBe fbalnomanotoel. offbepe/ftatettoubleo/becaufetBepBaue $&gt;tiaunget0fbalDtoeIat3Cn)oD/a0fo? nofbepBetDe.fltBpto^otbfiUlDpfpleatuteig ^ t( . uRtottB/ttS* VMe of Wiminttlft tball tote it out. mouebattbe tbepijetties/ a 31 topllbpfet tbe S**** ftct$8 of '^BeitblouDetopJrataBeatoapeftS tBefe goates.f 0? tbe %wbt of booftes to illgeaci* * tout 30018/ moutB anD tbeit abbominacpSs frS among ouCpbifetBiS flocfie/ tBe bou fe of Uutta/anD ltt?JfWeij:tcetB.bu0tBepfbalbeleftfo?our&lt;!i5oD BolDetbeasagooDlpfap?eBo?feintba teil. uw '" 9cate peetbeplbalbeasap?piicemg!itDa/^3cca. utofUuDafballcometbebelmet.tBen ale^w^?. tonKfieasHebufp.anDfotopIigicompafe tbe batelbotoe/aalltlje ponces togetbet. www mpBouferounDeaboutttmpmenofteatre bep Ojalbeastbegiaunteg/tobicB in ba* goingetoanDfco:tBatnoopp?e(rourecome tell tceaDebotone tbe mp?e bpon tbetteeteg. . . bpontbemenpmo^e . #0; tBatBatteg fene cbepfballfpgbt/ fo? tt&gt; )Lo?Delbalb etoptB nototoit()mpneepes. tjjem/fo^Hiebojfmenfbalbeconfoun&amp;eB.'. lltet'opcetbougteatlp/flDbaugbtee&amp;fS 3!totIlcomfo?fetBeBonfeofg!uDa/anDc begteD/fiDDaugbter5iemfalem.!jfo;lo/tBp p;eftuetBeBouteof3!ofepB.11toplUume fifngcommetB bnto tBe/euen tBe rpgBtuoua tBemalfo/fo;9!PifietBe:atbeplbanbelpBe . aS&gt;aup3itte:iELotolpafpmplei0be/Betp' a0tbeptoete/toBen9IBaDnotcafttBemof. berBbponanaffe/sbpontbefoaleofanaffe (jfo?3ltBe)Lo^eamtBetc&lt;ioD/anDtoplbea* I tort tote out tbe cBatrette0 from jpb;afm te tbem .pb?aim albe as agpaun t / anb atbe Bo;feftom3ertu^lem/tBeBatelbotoe0 tbeitbette (balbe cbetefuUa0tbojototopne: CibalbeDetttopett.^etbalgeuetborttpneof pee tBeit cbplD?en fliallfeit/anbbeglab/ peacebnto^eatBen/a bis Domfnpon fbal* tbeitbette(balteiopceintbeilo?De.3!topl befT5tbeonefeetotbeotbet/8ft5tBefloU' WotoefonbemagatbettbemtogetBet/foj

"be0tot[)eenDesoftbetoo?IDe. 3toplteDemetBem,cbepu)alIincteaceya0 BoualfotBo?ototBebIouDeoffBpcotie&lt; tbepfncteafeDafoje.'ltoillfotoetbeamiSge ^ !taunt:(BalflettBrP^foiwt0outof,fBep(tte tBepeople/tbattbepmaptBpncHebPonme 9mM, fnfatre *


3fmtfalcm. u#e $joputtp

in famcounttee0:fte? ftall iruttoitbtbeit atoftbcm)an&amp;3;tofietbe,rrr,frlttci 0pene/ M?e/3tuimagagM.9U&gt;Ubng$fra ano catttbem to tbepotter in tbebcufeof agar ne alfo from tbe lanoe of Cgwte / ana % 01 a e.cben b;a B e 3 m v otljec Oa f alfo( na&lt; -.gatbertb! outof3(lftfa#tojUcatret&amp;e"m mel? too)tbat3! tmjgbtlotofe tbe b;o ttjer^ *^ to tbe lanoe of flalaao 8 to jitbamuJ 9 foe? beab brttowte srubaanbgftaeUtnb f/lozb ftau toante notbsnge. $e ftau goo bpon farbbntome:ca6eto fcalfofttafe of afootbe fee of trouble / a f mpte tbe fee toaues 5 Co lift ftepbeiofcfo; lo/j mill r ar f e op a ft e p alitbebepe&amp;ouDe$5Q)albeo?rebbp. c&amp;e berdem tbe lanbe/tobfcb (Ml net fefie after P?oude booaing of Mir qjaiDe cad botone/ tge tb? ncjejs ttjat be loft/ net care fo? focb as a fte fcepter of mu all be tafie" atoase. 3 to r 11 eomf o;te tbe m m $ e &amp;o#v tbat tb r r ma? e ttalcBe in bt0 name / faretb tbe %o% CfEijc fcftuicc j5 of tlje pfc.I&amp;e care of tlje f ayt&amp; * full is t omymo to tf MB/up ttjc f atijti.a gnuotw to jfjon agaynft 3 e cu tale m a no 3116a, Cbe.ti,Cbaptce.


teee0. otoie ?e f r ; t e treejs / fo; !tbeceD?et0falle/f eeall f pjoufe ace teafteD atoaje .lotoie(;reoBe mess ofjBaafan)fo;tbemrgbti&gt;e ftrongetoobi0 cut botone.^en mare beatetbe ftepberoe0 mourne/to? tbeir glo;r iss oeftropeo . 8$ tn mate beare t ^ i^onis tsbelpets reave f 0; tb e P??oeofgio;Danet0toaftebatoae. cbus fapetb tbe 'Ho#e mr o&amp;: ffeaette

rap.r.E KC.?F'F. a thp rrtnter r\f rinnuMe (ball he tab? a.&lt;nnavt go aftCagC'.^e all WOt ^CalC tljC tDOUtlbeb/ be (bail notnoft ffietbgnge Mat te tobole: but be all eate tbe fletb of focb a? be fat/ 9 teat e tbefr clatoess in pecejs . ja 010 (h epb eroe / g leauetb $ flocfie. be f toetoe ftall come bpb" bW arme 9 bpo bfe t rabt epe . 9(0 arme ftalbe cleane d; r e a _ entbs&amp;o;e0/&gt;)Ubanu0/tbat bp/anb bf0trgbt ere ftalbe fo;eblrnaeo. tbe fpje mate confume tbl? Ceo;e (* tjeat erocfion antbupioingeagatm of 3* t ufalEiu. carbe.ritcbapter, $e beuf buwben tobtcb tbe %ojto ba tb ompfeb f 0; 3 fraell . cbuU $ fajetbtbenLojoe /tobfcb rpjeDtbera.. W Kf$ Beaumg ab?oae/la?&amp;e tbefounba tj.itto.s. cpo!)DTtbetattb/anbgmetbmStbeb^eab e " c 9 1, of lpfe:38ebome/3l tofUmabt gierufaiem a euppeoffurfetj bnto all tbe people tbat are tow of tbe daiigbtec / tub?cb fbalbe aapne r ounce aboute ber-.y ee |uba bem fel

fe alfo of tboretbatpoaeoetbeimpettDeptafieufo; fljalbe mtbeCegeagapnOHerufalem.aittbe notunne/bitttbef tbatfeutbem/fare: Cbe fametrmevupllfmaitegerufalemanbeu; 3Ho?obetbancBb/aamwb:fretbeatone ftone fo; all people/fogalifocbajJKftftbp/ ft e pb eroeg f pate tb em n 1, cb er f o;e tovli % ft alb e toarne a rente/ a a ll tbe people of tbe nomo;e fparetbofetbatbtoell tn tbe lanoe eartb ftalbegatberebtogetberagamftft. (Car e tb tbe Ho;be)but lo / 3 topll Df ipuer tbe in t bape/fapetb tbe HaiW % to tll ma B e &lt;m m peopie/euerpmSt'ntobis(riepgbbourubSB/ allbo^rejiabaffteb/atbofetbaerpDebpon iip anbtntotbebanoeofbte?ng:gtbei&gt;mape tbem/tobeoutoftbetrtoptte0.gtopHopen .. fmpte tbe lanDe/anu out of tbetrbSoegwii mpneesesbpontfteboufeofgfuba/^fmpte not^oetyuertbem. all tbe bo;feg of tbe people tottb blpnoneo*. 3mpfelffeobeaaugbtertbepe(apoo2e anotbep^ncesJoffuDafbanfateftiftefc ftocBeberelp)atoitebntomettooftaue0:tbe berte0:cbe fnbabptewsof lerufaiem (ban one 3 calleblousngemefieneffe/ n)e otberi geue me confoiacponfn tbe Hojbe of bbQ es; caueotoo/afolfieptetbeftepe.cteeftep- ftea , &lt;30D.3ntbatt?metopngf.maBefcP2ut ber^Deftropebgimonemonetb/fo?3lmigbt cegofjuDalpbeanboteburnmgeouentt m*tt9.t* hota'toapetoi'tbtbf /netberbaDtbepenpDe- mobb/anblpbea creflet of fweam ongetbe iptefnme.ceenfaHoe^togllfeDepouno. ftratee:fotbattbep(balIc5uimeaIlcbepeo'Sibb;. t.i. mo?e/tbetbpnge tbat bpetb/let ft bveta tbat Pie rounoe aboute tbem/botb bpon rpg bt 8wM* . topllpertfbe/letftpertfb/alettberemnafit banoeanutbeieft.gieruCalemalfefbalbet ii 1 eace/euerp one tbe ftefb of b^ergbboure. babstebagat&gt;ne:namel?/uitbefamepla ce gtoRealfcm?lou?ngmefiellafe/ab;aBe tebere^eruralemftamietb. &amp; itJt 3 mpgbt otfanulltbe eouenaimt/tob^b Wt %W ft all p;efente fte tenteu ol* gjmaDetoltball peopleJnb Co it toajsbjo* 3ubali6ea0afo;etpie-Jbtbattbegloor Benin tbat oave. tbeboureof^aumanbtbeglooftbectte&lt; J CbentbepoojeCfmpleftepetbatbaba fpngofSJerufaleVatalbebutiptleregaroeb/

c reCpectebntome/ftnetoetberbp/tbattttoa0 &lt;ncomparitonoftbeglo?pofgiuba.g!ntb af tbetoo?beoftbejLo?b.anbffapoebntotb?: bafefballtbe)Lo?Debefenbetbec|teffijor Sffetbsncneftgoob/b^ngbrtbermpptf* 5feturalem:fotbattbetorafiefttbenamBgc ccvt no/tbcn If aue.$&gt; tbeptoapeb ootone ftem Ciaibeas ^aut"D:anb tbeboufe of a m -Wtttx pens/ f baiue tbat J toag p^re b utbftalbe Ipbe as tfoo* boufe /anbajJ tbe at.3nbtbe^o?iiefaiDebntome:caftftbnto StngeU of tbejLo^e befoje tbem. fpotter(agoooisp^cefo;metobebalueb 3ttberamrtfmeto?H2soab9utecobe

flro^e all rocfj people a? come agapnft |e tufaieni^o?eouer/bpon tbeboufe otm ; . . hid 9 bpon tlje cfteKns of gcniTaif/ ton 5! . poureouttbefp^ete ofgrace,antjp;aper/ro; *** tbat tberftall lobe bpon me/tobStbeb^aue ptarfeottinb ttot ftaii bewtpe b im/ajfrne n mournef o? toeit onlp begottepwine j m | be fo;p to? bpm / as men are ft;; fp? tbetr r, v - . flrftcb^be A ;\;:.;^; i ; :;,...: ::r: ! ;. W, -iifiLr*!* ftalltumbeagte^ttttiournwrge. |yf. i erufaiem / ipie as tbe; Jam.ehtacspt at,

f; h*/a feluesaione/utbettVBpueSbptbem fefufs; i ^C-* G&amp;e ***" 0{ t ft ufe of ^atban tbe felue *** alone/ a tbetr tor uesbp tbem feiuesvcbc Spnreb of f tjocift of %iia tbffeiue? alone/ : 9tbetrtoi!ue!Sbptbefijiief5:&lt;scbe firnre&amp;oE ^ ," ' ftcboufeoC^emcitbcfeiue0alone/$tbr . W r . fj fc,pu^ bj&gt; tbem ft lues-.g'n ifbemaner/aUtbP 1 # s V f : 0tiergenei'ficro0/euercboneb?tbe,ftme;0 jgr ;- / 8|one/anb tbetr toruegbptbem felueg. ;; ; : tt$X tfietijciiof araceatip tcuctb Cbjitt. )ffte .flaanBi'tOJn(itttcof36otaKf/* offtUfeyiiop^etce. -iDe.rtij.Cbapter,


A r *

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|j0tbattgm ftali ^ boufe of a* hi)) t; Jib tbe cpteftng of^etufaion bavic an open tneil/ to toaft of ,^r- ^___'|ini:anbbnclennejre. 3htbftrft' mw? ' i (fefetbftc-jMvbeot botteiS)3;ipllbearopc r?f/\ /'ftenameiJ oc^iolce out of tbe lanbesfo tbat ftef(baU!iMJiii)?ebeptitinrememb/aunce. ?f aifsto; ^ fait* pwpbetejs alfo a tbe bit' *." tienefpzetc/^i iballtaftetbeoutof lanbe-. . g)Otbatj&gt;f:V(g of tbe p^opbecpe anymore/ btfatone frttluranDmotbertbatbegatbrin/ (ball fare s:iiifibtm:(irbouftaltbre/fo?tbOH fpeafteaiv^bnber tbe name Of tbe Ho;be: vee b?s atone fetber anbmotber tbat begat ^bim/ftaHtoounbebmutobebepjopbectetb. anbtben ft tbore p?opbete0 be conf oun* Wb/.euervoncflfbt0bpi:(ontobenbep?opbe* * #*tb : neflie 8 ftall tbep toeere facbclotljtg aii mo?e/to bffceatte men tottb an. 58utbe ftall be quae to fare: 1 am no p&gt;?opbete: % - "aman NlBiaiiW man/fo? to amf taugbtbr Jfibamfr o my poutb bp Jnbpf it br farce tontolifm.bototametbetetooubeistbentntbpne ^ba'nbejjrDe flnillanftoemcbttf arng; toofi'


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- - c * - - - /VM|t|# tbojoto tb^f^/aHb toil cienf'e tbem Ai^e'.ptt &lt;&amp; ,' frluer (0 clenftbiree a trpe tbe irfie a? golbe KHiJr (0tr^b.benftalltbepcallbpS mrname^S j a ia anb 1 topll beare tbem;| topll fa? is m p peoplcairt&amp;tbep ftall taretjUjUe/mt o&amp; t CSIjcivattpriacof ttjc cfiiiiitljctiiib'ce (iicf^ureof 3etuCalcm.a)E tlje Ujngtiome of tfjc ttojOe, Vfl$t.#ttlg&amp;aptrtiv /o. . -'. Hboibe/ tbe bftpe of tbeiHb?be co% metb/ftat tijou ftalt be fporlea 9 robbebifo?1, tolligatbettogetbec _ !all tbe ISJeatbeit/ to frgbt agar ltd aetufalemtfo tbat tbe cite fbalbe toohne/tfte boufe0fporieb/ahb tlje toemt n bef0eb;b : balf of tbe crteftallgdatoaVe ifttotaptp' um/mi ttfibtie of tbe people (ball hot W : carreboiitof tbeerte;; JBfter tljat itallttje jLo^bego fdjtbto ftgbtagapntttbofe fe^ ; t&amp;f /afttnen bfe to frgbt in bare of battejft;

\}en ftailbbs fete ftanbe bps tbe modt ots u ete/tbat Hftb bp5 tbe tad floe of aerufaif; . anb | iflofit oipiietefliallcleneiuttoo/eafts toarde i toefttoaroe / fo tbat tbere ftatbea^ gseatebaileria tljebalf irioflt ftaliremoue totoarbetlje nb?tb/atbeotbet&gt;totoatbe tbe foutbJiibre ftall fte bnto tbttalleg of my brite0/f o; tbe baner of tbe btiies (bail read) bnto3faU7fle (ball ge/tyhems reflebfo?amo0.i.a. tbe eartbquabe in tlje bare^of Dftab Binge of|uba.ainbtbe.flo?bpmi?&lt;3t5obftalleome/ aallfarntestoitbbim^iiitbat bare (ball (t not be irgbt/but colbc a froft.cbis ftall be' tbat fpecrall bare, itlneb t0 ftnotone bnto $ l-o/be-.tietbrr bare nebnpgbt/ but aboute tbeeuenrnge.tpmeitftalbfr irgbt. ^ntbat . fbM/ tpme ftalltbere a * \miew of irfe runne out 2! M ?T ftom^emfalem:tbebalf parte of tbem **to o'S toatbetbeea&amp;fee/atbeotberbalf totoarbe u* cota)at6e tbebttermo&amp;ree/a ftall continue Nftfo&lt;4 c&lt;aaftCAM met a tornter JnbtbeTLo?oebrm felf ftalbe JJJSgaSLi firnse out tall tbe tax. SfiftSS at g tpmeftaiitbetebeonOLo^eortlr/onfj. s anbbr.3 name ftalbe but one. fli^enftallgoc aboute fte tobole eartlj/ m bpon a f elbe; fro (Mora co ffiemmon/a ft8 fteftuft fo|eru* faiem . S&gt;be ftalbe ret bp/a ttibabtteb iii bee place-.fro" jgen ^amrng po^te/bnto g place of Git fr?8 po?te/anb bnto tbe coma po?te: anb fromtbe toteerof ^aiianeel/bnto tbe ' fir8e0torneP?effe0.cbeieftoUmenbtofV .".'" anb tbere ftalbe no mo?e cutflnge / but %t. rufalemftairbefafelrmbabrteb. $b?#lbaibe tbe plage/ tobevtottb G)t HoM i.feilf . fntfte all people/ tbat. bane fottgljt agarntt ^erufaiem-.ji5amelr/tbeir fleft ftall eofume atoare/tbougb tber ftanbe bpontbeit fete: tbeircpeg ftalbe corrupt tn ftetr bole0/anb . tbelr tunge ftall confume in tbetr moufft,,. ; 3n tbat bare ftali g)Lo;bemaBe a peat . . i ear oi i amonge tbem/ fo tbat one ma fta! taBe

' -


taacanotBf* bptbe Banbe/ (jiapebt'Sbaoess bpo tbe bases of bis nepgbbouce. quoa (bail f pgbt alf o agapnft 5 ecu t alem/ 9 we ao s cs otailtbe^eatben ftjatfacsat^eteo togettjet tQunbeabouie:golocano fylucc atuia betg great multitude of elotbes.aino To Qjallt^t? plage go fetbOjfe*/muieg/camel0/affeg/


tbe lanbe of Jftae 1 1 gteat tonoute.^i)utD nota fonnebonoutc bifffatbet/ a fttuaunc bpfrmafterf jf 3 be note a father/ tobeee mmtywutMty be je nofte/trtovant $fe4M0?f8B^^eXo;oeofboCjfjJ, : : jQoto to pou wtftw/t oefp name.

sail $e btaffe* tbat Waibetn tbeboft/iptie ariOfffe fape-.tobron baue toe berppf eoibP


aapoipcrpjagetoa*. tfueipone premap name i %n a)i/tmw**oBxi.mwt*vt*v Mt h mm, iKtttttn6UttteoW/tt&gt;lMtt jetufatemyw'aitBobppeaiip/totoojWppc fnjliauetoeoffetebanpbncleitetbiingebnt6i)H' ottp[f5\| p hpngeieuentbe JWtibe otboBcgftrobepe tbefjtt W10 t&amp;at pe fape-.tbeaultw of *Xo;b J "^ fawi ' We ttattof tabeniacleiUnb lobe tobat gi&gt; tfff fttt to be te gam 0.3 f pe offr e blphoe / 10 f * r SHf ntracponbpotteattbBoetbnotbp to sent*; no* tbat eueiifainbpf pe offre tbeiamcaii bC SS*

falem/fo; to too;fbpppe tbe bpngeieucn tbe JLo; e f b a eS)bp6 1 b e fame mail come n ropne.jf tbe bphteb of egppte go notbp / 3 _ come not/ it ffiall not raphe open ttje, n e tb t r. , %&gt; . W Walbf tbe ; ptf atobettoitt) tojbe

topll fttip lean .^atbin/tbat me no t bp.t Bepe tftef edit cftabituaclefcpee tbw walbe f fphne Plage offgpptanbtbetsnneptage

nan ues in tbe boiif e f tb e %om. CCbe ente of tbeP;opbecje . f3acbatp.

&amp;tnt.m.t. omaJr.b. lofot.tfUVA CO

fj.c6/Wnottbateueilf fee cifre ubnto tfjf n: d?b tco;^ ptfhce/ Wallbe be contet toitb tbr/o; acccpte KgSBfc tbpetfonne/fapetbtbe)lo?brofl)ofteJ '3g&amp; : , ;,; anbnoto maRepoure pzapec btfo;e d5ob/ meS * Watbeuiapebauemercp bpon bjJrfo? focft)r.&lt;y,a, tbfogefsbaiicpebone.&amp;balberegarbepouc , ; perronhefVtbpnliepe/rapetbtbe %o}bt of ' - ,-.= .,. ....*,. bQftWeetebattsbeamongepott/^topii of all people/ tbat go not bp to aepeftn!i DoComocfj a^s to 0Jt ^ Do;es/i)z to f eftabcMcieg*;. ;. f&amp;ebp5mpueaHiterfoznaugbtf$baueno at m t tpme watt werpopnggeer of tbe plenum in sou/rapetb rtje to^oe of boiled: i)o;ftgbeboipbntatbe)lo?De/utbe better anba0fo?tbemeato8rmge/i totftmtuM in tte toim boutt ftallbe 1 jfie tfje baft ns tc pte it at four e banbe. foj f t om cue rffwiff ^^f''* 9 befotBeaultett^eafltbeietttIjjft||ctu bpcftbefonnebtitotbrgomgeootDiieoftbc faltmanbg!uba/8)albebolrbnto tbeJLo;a fame/mpnametBgteateamongetbedrsen- '-' of bofter-arb all tbeptbarflaf e offettngtg/ tlles^te r n tuetp place wall tBere facttf t ce . ' : ' allcometafieoftbcm/abigbttbcmtbert fiebone^aclenemfatoffringoffrebbpbntiit in Jnb attbat tjme tfete Dial be no mo Ca&gt; mp name, f 0; mp name &amp; gteat amonge tbe

$earbe/fA?etb;ilo#ofboae{j.38utMba ue bnbalotoebit/fnttjatyefapc/ f aultetof (Be)lp?be!)snottQbetfgatbeD/MtbetbinK, -. ,. tbatiis ret tbeibpon/nottoo;tb?tobe itM kSSBBS ' n2oiDfapepe?3ftls but labouieanbtt'aT"fW uarle/anbtbwsft aue j?e tbougbt rco;ne at it (fa^et b tbe &amp;o;be of boo ft ess ) c $ a gnge fob berp ; see tbe lame atifittje fpefie , fe batte baougbtmeinameatoffetpng/ajulbciflC'' cepteitof jou?ebanbe/fafetb tbe Hofflel Curfebb etbe MCerablet/tebftb batb'in D&lt;0 floctte one tba t ig niale/ano it I; c'wlir niaiiettt a botoe/ off e tb a (poteb one bnto tbe )Lo;d, jfo;3ama gteate ftfnge(fapttbtbejfl,o?be of booffe?)anbmj name t fcatfullalhonge tbe^eatben. .,. ; ' CfflbJMtenj ngeB?nft tit p it ace be(n fetm* cetBOftOfptwU. CCbe-6'.Cbaptee. #bnoto(fl&gt; i?ep?eff) tfiftcom



C2 complapntt agapnft Jttatlt fct p;cSe . CCbefp;ttCbaptei;. ,^eDettrbn?tDg/ttWcD tbe jUjoe fbttottt) agajnft grraelbj^alacbj.gjbaue loueu f ou/fapett) t jL.o?oe : je t f e rape : tobetin fia ft tbou lou m&amp; mtnot mu fa* _ ^Mbe^/fapetbtbeXo^b^Wbattegflo* ttfb?ob/anbbateb(rau:see3bauemabe W Wflffl Jajage/9 WPbetetagea toiiberneire f 0? b?gcns. anb tb ougb ( aom fapbt: toeily tot arebf.fttopeb / tee tt? 11 goo btiplbe bp a gape tbe placejs tbatbe toatteb: ytt ( fapetb

ftf fcpzotof botte*)tobat tbep buplbeb/tbat b;a h e' g 1 Do ton tba t ft tea? ealleba cutfei) lanbt/anb a people t tebom tye ;&amp;,o;be bat!t

55 e'ttfj bene ahgrfe teftbaH.

ept 3 baue mtit/mtomt Mmh

maunbementtoucbetb tmsfffc 38 topi notbme it/fli egameft/to -. - B f e ?8io?pbnfompname/rafetft tbeiLo;De of bofte^/a topilftnbea ctnfebps vmr0i peu/^tefiicutreppurebleflpngcftpfecutfe turn topaa pf pebp nottafiebebe. ebolb/ afliaUco;wppepouterebe/(nb caltbonge fnpouw face? cuentbeoongeof pouee lb* lempne


1 J

WtmStrntz cfflieSiwDe, . . , ^ ntpneftaS^allbtt(baIcleuefaftDp5poii Mm pe wall Bnotoe / t&amp;at 3 bait* rent tbp? commaunoement bntopou ; tbac mpcoue* naunt tobicb % mabetft leul/ mpgbt aanoc fapetbtbe^o/aeofboffe?. 3 ma e a couenaunt of life 3 peace toptb dmt:tbP03.gauebpm/ebatbempgbt Qanoe in atoe of me:anb f be bp feaee me/anb ban

^mpnamemreuerence. ^jeiatoeofmien) ' teas inbis moutb/anbtbetetoauno Wcaea *&lt;Mr.tat nefle f o mfte mbiglfppes. ^etoamebtoitlj * ww meinpeaceanbequpte/anabpbtuwiema* nponeateapefeomtbeitfpnne0. ffo?ttjc wette* iippeg Uulbe be fute finotoieoge/ $ men mape ft Be tbe lam at bwmoiitb/fo? be IS a m e aa u nget of tbe JLojbe Of bofteiM&amp;u t ass fo;pon/pe ace gone dene out of toa?e/ anbbaue caufeb multptube tobe offenoeo at tbe iatoe: pe baue b;ofien tbe couenaune 90M&amp;. 'of ieai/fapttb tbe jLo ^of &amp;ofte*.cbetfo?e toplljairontaBepoutirBeDefplftb/anDto Be ofnoreputacpon amonge ail tbe people: becaufepe baue not fteptemp uapesybut benepaccfallintbelatoe. 0k on . Uatie toe not all one fatberf l^atb not one " &lt;5imabebgf tobpbotb eueep one of to tyn

2 V i),tag.i&gt;. befppfebifiatoneb;otbee/anbfo6;eaBetbe couenaunt of outefatbeK0otobatb3Puii8 offenbe&amp;i peetbeabbompnacponfs bone m ^ftaei 9 in 3etufaletn / f 0? Juba barb befp* iftttbt Sancmatpof tbe tbjb/toBic&amp;bt lo* ueo/3 ba tb fiepte tbe baugbter of a ffcaffge &lt;Uos.18uttbeJLOrteallbefti;opetbem8 g botb ctX0( pee botb tbe maftrcanb tut fcolai) out of tbe tabernacle of -Jacob; toftb bpm I offcetb bp meatoffepnge bntotbe 'o#e of boffef. ^otobauepeb;ougbtftfofbP0 popnte agapne/tbattbeaulfetof tbe Tto;be wcoueteo toito teaceistoeppnge anbmoue* npnge : fo tbat 3! topi! n om o?e tegaebe tbe meatoffecpng/rietbectopll3!eeeeaueo;ac* &lt;epte enptbprige at pouee babe* . 26nb pet pe fape:toberfo;ef oEulbecaufe f tobete as tbe %om mabea couen auntbettoijete t^e 9 %

jatoifeoftbppoutb/tboubaltbefpi(ebbec:7et tit roe tb p n atone cSp ah pon 9 ma web top ft. CkMBWe S&gt;oDpbnot*tbeone/apetbao beaner jjefoiupje, ceiientfp;efe.lt9batbpbtben tbe mti %e Ktfm&amp;ftUtttfe feto: vtmm of ob,cbecfo?e % ai iaB 8 ioetoelIif|i:iMerp;ete/slettnoman btf. |pre # toffi tiwvwto&amp;t$m batell bee putbec tfam i fapetb tbe l-ojb @ob of If' taei anb gc-iif *,. t a ciotftf nge f 0? tlje fco;ne/ rapefbtbejUo^ofboaeg.&amp;oBetoelltben loyourefpn'te/anboerpprcbeenot. ye gteuetbe '/lo?be toltti poure too?oeg/anb pet fape-.tobcibjitb allbaue toe geeuebbpmf ntW/i pe l'ape:3ll tbat 00 euellate goob itfteft'gbtofob/anbfocbpieafeWm,; tWtoBerei(tDcobtBpunU'M!)?-


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SPf ...

GSDf tije meattiset of f$ei&lt;sb*$o$H jflfptvde, )ijeOap of tbetosoe/* of Iia&amp;. aj^e,iii'.q)aptee. ,&lt;b m 7 a topu fertbe mp meffauii* _ .grt/tobicb wall prepare tbe toape 9 , ,, K 'before mej3 )Lo;b tob6 pe toolce 2fc a Ibaue/ ^walfoone come toftttffple/Ke.i&gt;.e." pee euen tije meffaungec of tbe couenaunt Scn.u r.n.y.s tobompelobgefo?. mmpmhi eboloeybec5metb/ fapetb tbe &amp;o?beof |otteg.)5ut tobo mape abp&amp;e tbe cape of fuss commpngf tb walbe able to enbuw/ toljp &amp;eappeacetb?ffojbei$lp6eagolofmrtbe0 fp?e/ ipse toaffbet? fope. 0e wallfptbpm botonetottpeanoto clenfe ? rpluet/be (ball poutge tbe cbplbw oObeuf / putifie tbem Ipbe ass golQe^rpiuev: tbat tbep mape l)?Ing meatoffetpnge0bnto S jLoftemngbtuoufne&amp;cben Wall tbe offeepnge of guba 3 vt*^ rufalem be acceptablebnto tbe JLo?oe/ipfte v as from tbe begpnnpnge anb in tbe peate*/ af o;e tpme.% topll come 3 puntW pou /ana 9!mp relf toill beaftopf toptness agapna tbe toitcbejj/agapnft tljeabuouteterss/ agaptifi falfeftoearensipeeanDagapnft Ibofc/ebaf to;ongeouOp bene bacbe n)e bp;efpnge0 betotp:tobpcb beivtbetop&amp;botoes 9 tbe fa&lt; tberle(Te/3 opp;effe tbe Qcaunget/anb feate notme/fapetb tbe)Lo;be of ^oftejj.tfo? i am MUm t ebaunge not/3 pe ( cop j* mitt tttii( b;en of tacob)toiH not leaue of:peate gene SSL atoapefcompneo;binafice0/3fen!Stpme ! ' of pout fo^fatbewbaue pe not ftepte tbem, Cuenepounotobntome/3 Jtoltutne_ flA , mtbntopou/fapetbtbe)LiW0eofbooaeg:pe5 at ,t * tope:H9betinwaltoetutnef&amp;buloeaman Q1 ' bfe falweoe anb bifceate toinj ob ass pe bfe

faiwebe anb opfceate toptb mefyetpefape toberin bre toe of fceate toptb tW fn cftbe* anbbatie offertngejs . betfo?e are-pe cue im-mtui feb toitb penutp/ uecaufe pe btffemble toitb a ^' l ' a - b me/ailtbefo?teofpou. ?inge euetp &amp;G}e in to mp batne/tbat tberemapebemeatfnmpneboure:anbp;o* lie me tof wall ( rapetb tbe %om of booffe &amp; ) pf ^ tof II not open tbe topnootoes of beau en fa uco poti/anb ponce pou out a bieffirig totrb plenteoufnelIe.fee| wal tep;ouetbe cofumet fo? pourefaBejS /fo tbatbe wal noteate bp tbe ftute of p 1 tre grounbe/netbet Wal p bpnpatoebebarenin tbe fclbe/ fapetb (M %oW of bootteg: Jnfomocb tbat all people 1 Wall fape/tbatpebeWeffeb/fo;pefl)aii Deal pleafaatlanoe/fapetb tbe Xom of booftrfi, fe fpeafie barce too?be?J agapnftme/ fapetb tbe Jlotfe Jnb pet pe rape : a&amp;bat baue toe fpoben agapnft tbeife baue Capeb. gtfff but toft laboure/to rente (Bob^ l&amp;batp;of(tbaue toe fo; fteppnge bpscorn^ maunbementni /anb f 0; toalftpnge bumbip befo

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^Weoareoftfie ftojOC/^bftflafi. toefape/t&amp;attbepjouafaiebappte/flnat&amp;ae eats MUCH beaic tottu bngouj nm/m fete ' . bfcfojtbeptempted&amp;ob/anbfetercape.

.._ jButtbestbatfeatedBob/rasetOujBone tbanotbet : tbe no#e conr? beretbanb bea* terb ft. Fecft tjS bero?e &amp;pm a memozpall wmembje&amp;tename.En&amp;mt&amp;eaatietftatg: iD?HmaBC(faretfjtBcl-o?5coE hottest) t6ep fijalbe m?e atone poffeffgon:anD'? to ? 11 f a* unity tftera / ipfte a? a man fauoutetb diss atone ronne/tbatbotbbtai ferujce. cuwe sou tbetf oje/ahb conffiye tobae Difference t's liettopte tBe tsgbtuou* ana bngoblp: be* ttotfte bfm tbat cemetft &lt;&amp;ob / anbbgm e^ae MfKM femetb&amp;minot. jfo?marcfi /tbebape commetfj t&amp;at (ball butne m an owl-anbaB tbepjonbe/ j&gt;ee ana allfocb agbo toicfiebnefle/i&amp;albe Otato: anb t be bare tftat is f o? to come/ ami butne tfjem . bp(Cat?etH'Jlo?DeofftooCe3)fotbatttfi)aI ftaue tbem tutbtt tote net b?auncb.

Eutbmoiwt&amp;atWatemiitattif/iftali - ' |&amp;onneoftf$tuourneaeatffc/&amp;bfaittt . 0&gt;aibebntietbHitoi&gt;ngei8: ?t fiml go fo;$/? mulrtplteasJrbefatcalueg.fe ail tteabe botonetbe bngoMp : fo?ttjep Qjalbe ifBe tbe afl&amp;esi bnoettbe roles of route fete/tn (be oajetbatg iDaHmafie/fapetb tbe tojoe of bobttcs . iBemenrtw tbe la toe of oW rw fnv-,., ... uaunt/ tobjcbU commjtteb bnto bwi to*** 1 *** SD?c b f o; all 3fta el / tarn tb e ttatute* 9 0* aat , k t . MnaunceMBebome/g tottlfenbefou tfa*t? tbet);opbec before commwge of f base of rtjegreateanb featfuH lojbej&amp;e frail tutne m better of tbe fathers to tbefc -.,.. fbfo&amp;en/atbebetteaoftbecbjUHf to tbeit.fatbetss/g % come not anbtotftetbeeattbtoftb cutting*. CbfWeoffBep;opbecpofflaWtbj: anbconfequentlsofantbe ftopQctt*.

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C^ljcbolumto ttjeboftf s called ^ponrtplja-.

contasnebnt tbe comeli crana, jeba firt no? tntbe

itbec m umm. tobscbatenot founDtmtbe^ebjue


baJK. 8V '^; W

L-t *

OetBKbeboeofto. be f our m UoXteof cio^. Cbebofieofcobiab. sbebobeofguMtb. Cbeteaff oftbebobe of Reflet. GbeboBeofti?rBome &lt;gcdeftaOtcu0. attKbtbe^?opbetc. Cbe ronge of tBe,w,C6#tye"facbe otif , crbeOo;Feofa&gt;ufanna.' be ff one of jeefanb f tbe ??agon. GDJP?fl?ei'ofS5anaffE'g.

Cbe f g;tt b o5e of tbe *acbabe#, Cbefesonbbobeof tj;

(be aaacbabeert,


. j&gt;*




t\)t%ttfim. 10 coufyDetacpoti tijat tDeboHesbefojcatefbuitDem tJ)el^e. Btwe tonge,reeeaueb of ail men-.a tbat tfte otbee rolotopng/robttb aw caileb J4i|Wiwa(liecaiite^epto6retooitttolJ{teaoc/noto|6mi? aineomen/but asit nete mfecret anoapatte ) atenetbet founoe in ttte eb?uenoj m the Cbaioenntobfcb tongeitbepbauenotot ionge benetotftten m lefle tbcnit; _.__-_. Jwerebapplp tbe bone of jfeapienceitoberbponittoerenotoberp batoeto SfflSfiRSSSS^* 1 ^!^ notteceauebnMtafienais legpttpmateano loacleafuU/as WB of tye fcebjuepas ort^c to&amp;oieCburtoe/a$&amp;$!feronie foit oethaw baue ier.ftpamtBctti/|tfttfl)eiiiafm/tftattftepraartlje better be tbtnte nt mat men mape finotoe or tnbtcb botit#tottmf$ ougbttobe receauco/ anborto&amp;icb not.jfo ? tor rapoe fSSSSSSSSSSL SS ^ UBS 1 * ( toft,t * S *#** / flat *e auto* &amp;*&amp;* ttpneof^ecburcbejjeauecntfbetEtberatoe(a0tb?caU)ofCanon.c.^ancta^c. l ^^wH\ M&gt;SSfifSiSSnSS fte mMtt &gt; m memUMttoV re tbe loft of.ccanom jbj, oeneraUFaitto;puip_tt)epaienotalotoeb,3ittinot toptbout a caure:&lt;jfo;toattbepb aue bene co;ruptebata taifprpcD fnmanppiacejMt appearetb futtiaentlpbp Cufebiu? in b is (bow called m&amp;QM &lt;ccieftattica:i&amp;bfcntbfnge Weafpe to be bnoroe euf no te a bawl in

?^3S 0IU B 5l ca,teD $ ,fto 'to *** ftattf cA:!&amp;bfcbtbfnge f* eafpe 'to be bn oroe euf ftoto"abawB mm,$Kh M^S^mter bobei* or tpMabtcptogoft fecoift bone &lt;&amp;&gt;.$fcro.c3fef J 9 $** June, ^a.^-W^K^ of toe matwo .m: of nie tCTaftettfje manet ora fto;pe/a*toeii or tbe bofie ofd&amp;acbabee ga* of toe.iif.or Mutual Hm*m foo-9raPtbtbe too^eorcsolj/asatbpngraoattue ^cettm/openeobptbe tfpopbetes a SSf^SM^L 8 "***^ t0 conf * ?me ** tbeit oppnpcn* bp tbe later etubmmt ?2L?. tet S tatoM I* e l?upn8e ** : but ,n mnm 'bucncpona / lucgpnac or *JS&amp;B22F u ^ em/ant "WB toanbnrewen mm nacpon a pbantafpej ^?$ll tom *l mbmm ontberounDacponoftbebolpp?opbrtejj aapoQlrp/anti i^rtt..e.wrtf5yfOjnetaone(ontobicbtBfptbcmfflue0bM^^ * f * fiSSffi? WW/tbe fuer (tone)ieaiietbe tbtngejs tbat ate tncetten to ZZiu ae cm? : tt, 8 SSHSSS^ % ftcm/anD feftnfttBeoureanwtbe/flUinanipfti.

* ? S2SSS&amp; c $ m M? D0UtefuD WB /"" HWW f mood emw "^ffi^S 1 ? 008 twepeifualpon/tafienanD conffcmebbf infiaWjlebttfte^ antobtcboD8cauntebgtoiBa!cfiet3erpettiaUpe/totb(ntenttbatac{OJ. bMoft(fulfpnpngebfebolptopHi"iib0/anDrEttwiaeafj5fan ftiuenepons conttarp bnto bpm)toe mape ipue to ppjJbonout/anb to tbe eopfpdige otm Cbtittflf.

t '


&lt;?. . -


ClTljetlj^Debok offD^as CjoaasQoItietl) palfeouec.affcr tire ecatti fs Jcc^o* nies ftp fonnc maOe fcgngc to bpo flcafi e : tt^iom ttjr ftjiiSt of 8PPt puttctts out^j fclfctti in few b;otfe |oat0im.3fufaleraOrtlro|t0/i&amp;tttcfe&lt;aBtaSfn. CSbefp? a Chapter. I15D Sofia* ijcidc t^e reaft of caQer t'n jemfalem bntotbeH.o^e/ant) aeroetbe Padeouer tbe. jrft'ft bape or $

rp?tt monetb. e fet tbe|i*;e _|fteis airo tit otf&gt;;te(acco;bpnge totbrtebapipcoutresDbrfngawpebtnlonge garni en t eg tnt&amp;etempleoftbe&amp;ozoe.anb befpafiebnto Vttuvtts tbe boip apnffiew of Jfrael/tbat fyey ffiuloe balobje rtje rein t$ bnto tbe jLo?be/tofettbeboipatcue or tbe fcojoe/fo tbeboute tbat M ng Salomon tbe fonne of auto bad bupioeb/ ana f apbe: ft flballno mo;e bearetbe arcfie bpon poure fbuIber0.0oiD feme poure % o?oe/ a tabe ' tbargeorbP0 people of Ufrael /after poure bpllage* anD poure trpbcsr.accozopnge as . itpnge 30 an i D tbe iapnge orffraei batb b; beneb/aacco?bpnge ag S&gt;aloraonbW fonne batb bono;ablp p;epareu: pee lobe tbat pe al bodmipcetn tbe temple /acco;opnge to tbe o;b?ntg a touwbucps of tbe p?inctpan men tobftbateappopnteboutoftbe trf bed/to bo reruicefo? tbe cbPlO;eaf ?frael,p p*afreouer/ap^epareo&amp;tngesi fo? pour b;etb?c / aboaceotopngetotbe tommaunbement of tbeHo?tie/to!)icbbEBauebnto ^ofejs.aiwi bnto people t toajs f ou nbe 3 ofta $ t boufanbe of Qs epe / Iamb eg!/ fipbbr 0/a goa* ^ test/ 9 tb?e tboutanne or?. Gtytt tbe fepnge 10 (or 010 fipngip irberaltte)gaue bnto tbe p e o&lt; ple/acco;bpngeai$bebab p;ompreb-.ato tbe je;elle!Jro;tbepaouer)begauetroo.Q9. ffiepe/f* anbunb;etboren.#o?eouer/je&lt; cbonfa(Sa^emeiaji/9i9atbanael bmbrtl 9 ipa f a b ta0, 3 ebi/anb f ofabaD gaue tbem totbepadeouer/fpuetboufanbe Ibepeanb ffttebunb^rbbuNoefiejS. anotobentberetbpngei8tob;ougbtto pau"e/tbep?efle0 atbejLeupte? ftooe goob lpmtbefro;b;e/anbbab tbebnleurnrb bjtn rbo;orooutmetrpbc0Jnoaftertbeo?o;mg of tbep;pnctpallmen in ttfe trpbeg/tftep of' f ereb bnto tbe tow in tbe fpgbt of tbe peo Ple/acco;bpnga0ttf0ro?tttenthtbebofie of flfWtf/af tbeptofteb tbe q&amp;fttt iambe a0 aceotopngeta0.a'0 fo? tbe tbaneaeoattngs anb tbe otber/tbepbrgbt tbem tn e ttew anb potteg /a fet tbem before tbe people Ab goob topfl/anbafcertoarbe before tbem feloes/ 9 t&amp;e$;eae0.#o;t&amp;e$;esQe0ofu?Dt&amp;efatt/


bttrpllt6etpmeroa0eirpp;fb/buti iemtb P i epar eo fo; tbem felue* 9 f 0? tbetr b; e tine tbe ebllD?f or aaron.^be fpngetg alfocbi b;en of arapb Kobe in tbeir ;o;e/accc?upng ap^autbbaoDeuifeD.&amp;oDioifapboatbas epaaoutbun/tobicbroereappopiueDbpme fipnge. 3^o;ouer tbe posters aoo;ebeper0 Qobe bp oojeg 9 1 oiUgetlp/f g none toft out or m ttanbtnge 9 f erupt e:f 0; tbeir b2e^&gt; tbjen(tbe;iuuite0)pjepatcbfo?tbem.&lt;ffibusr raereailtbpng^perfourmeb/tbatbelongeb to tbe ottetpnge of tbe )Lo?oe. SntbatDape tbepbeioe tbe ^aaeouer/aoffrebtbanbofie' r pngeg befpoe tbe fatrifpt e of tbe)lo;DC/ ac* co;bpngto| cSmaunoemetof fipng^ofiag. S&gt;o $ tbpibje of grraei tobitbtoere tben p;efent bclDe an bono ;a ble Paoeouer/9 tbe feaaofitteteb;eaD.bii.oapcgloge.yeefotb a Padeouer teas not bepte in 5 11m 1, f tS n)e tpme of tbe ^;opbet &gt;amuci . anb alt tlje fipng^ or gtraei beibe not locb an CaQer / as tbwlwrfcbfipnglottajJ bribe/at p;etteg/g Heuit(0/tbe3croe0aaU3frael/ofaiitbc^ toere atlerufalf Jnb in &amp; .roui.pere of rar gne of 3ottasi teas tbrePaaeouer bept.inb tfi aparfecte berte bpo fipng % of tas o;o;e all bpstoo^cfieg/ before pHo?oe/9 tbPBd voererojptte of bimintinujjpauycoceiutng tbofe t fpnneo aroere bngoblp agapnntbe nam before all people; MSBmS&amp;WtMaesM t roo?be of foaoe mj^fSmtStota %,pZA atteg ofbpbg?ofia0/Pbarao $ fipng of c gppteroentbp a cametoroar&amp;eCartamigb? (Eupb;at cg/a 3offa0 toet to mete bttn.ft beii fent tbe bvng oftfgpptebntolofta^Captg:

iobat baueS to bo \b tbe/ flt&gt; tipng of juoaf 9 am not ftnt of tbe iLo;be to fpgbt agapnft tbe/foj mp toatre i$ bpo cupb^ateg, go tbou tbproape bomeagapne mall tbebaQe. 3Dnb-. % ofiag tooibe not mine agapne bp5 bis e ba ** ret/butbnaertobe to figbtagapnttbtm/ana betbenebnot bnto tbe too^e of tbe p;opbet/ tobitb be tolbebtm out of ibe moutb of od/ butppttbeoa battapuagapnttblm tn feto offl^agebbo.2nci^p;(ncesp;eaffebtobmg J c ft' ben fapbbe tbe b pnge bnto bp? fet' uaate0:arpmearoapeoutoftbebattapu/ f o? 'I am fo?e toounfieb Mi immebiatlp bid fematmtes tobe btmaroape out of tbe front of tbe battapll.cbtn fat be top bp6 $ feconoe cbarett/came to jerufalem/ bpeb / ano teas burpebtn bis fatijers fepulcre. Anb tn atl ?c te^ptbepmournebfo^oria^/peetberuterjK alfo tottb toeir ropucg mabe lamentacpo fo? bim bnto tw bape : 3inbtbS0 toaji bone euet OpHtngfrael. cbefe tbpngeg aw tojprte n f n tbe bofie of tbe ttojpe* of tbefipngea of|uba/ name* IP /all tUc acteja ^ toojcaesi of fiphge bis fipnglppotoer 9 male Up; W bnut r ttm&gt; 3Caa.i;, bpng


&amp;3bmgmWtetoeoe0ob/9tobat6ebpbypee ttting^tototci} are notaries' m ttoe bone offt _bm&amp;of3.iraei93[iibawinbtoeopieto&amp;e3.e* chinas c&amp;e fomw of aotlas ano maaetopm ftpnge inu ea d e of Sottas bis faetoet/totofbe;uj.$raw oioe, &amp;no be ratgneaouee Sfraei r&amp;je monetlje0,an!3 ttoe ftpng oftf gp pre pnt toim botoney tbat be flj u l d n 1 raign e in 3,f rufalEm/ and rajfcB tip a tairtof ttoe people :namelp/an.c.taltntr0 tffplurra on? talent of golbe.cbeupngeef Cgpptau fo mm % oacbtm bis bjotber fipnge otjuoa 92utelem/as fo; tbe ofttjeflgngtpcoun* fell to ttoe ftpng bf m felfe anb 3 a ra c c If &amp; is Iwttoer/toe tofte tfcf / carteb tbj arcapt p;e foif et0 in to cgppt. ffp u e 9 ttoftfe ft art old teas goacijim/toben&amp;e toas mafic ft png in $ labrof$ubaatib$ri^all/9&amp;ebpbeueutoe* fo;e#e ftojae.after tbisy J5abucbobcricfo; . #e apngof #abp!6it came top/ bounoebmi toitb bamiesof ?;on/9 catieb bj[m onto $s* .. Ri5.8abucbt&gt;bonofi&gt;;aifoto6eaii * beows tbat toete balotoeafn tfte temple of $ JLo;o/ anb ail tb e jetoew'/anto catieo me ton to j&amp;a bplcny 9 b; ugb t rbf m to bis a tune tf pie at abHon . f D 10 bncleraw 9 to n g otl img/it f Stotfttem g bobe of ? acres of tbe ftpnges. ano'joacbim Ijtjs fonnetatgneb in toiS aea^ * be: $e teas mabe ftpnge bepnge.rtoin, peafe 91 oioe/9rataeotoutib;emowtte0aj:.bape0 mgS(ufele79bpOf.uaibefo;erbelo;b.$boafter a pe at e/flahucfi obonofo; fenta eaufeb toim be b;ongbt bnto jeabplon to bolp bef* feis of $%omi$ maoe &gt; e&amp;ectoias fats b;o rfter spng of giuba ano Jerufa le m / tsDin betoa0.Kirf.reaw olMjntiJje rafgnrtjcEpeaw; ano e t oro etieuaifo in rpgtit of $xo;b/ 9 cateo not fo? r&amp;etoo^i.tomfpobi'toW tobimbptbepjopbetjetrmpat $ moum of )l.o;be.3nb tobereaufi* babmaoe anorbrbnto b pnge ftabucBobonofo; / toe manftopje bimrelfe/aftnfrStopmbaupngea Bpfnecb a a Bttt/9 ttfifgretttballfltatuti; 9 o;buiaa* teg of tfj e jlotfe &lt;sb of gilrael . c be rulers alto 9 beabes of ttoe people of tfi e l ojfce apb motto euelI/9 became bngobIp/mo;ettoen . Seatben/bepngeoefpieam all maner of ab&lt; bemmarfojufcf ee abefpleb $ to oip. tepie of g

Ho?Beatgferural!.anattiecoofttoeftfa* tfteru fenttoW meUaungers bnto ttoe/ to rm&gt; ne tbem bacBc 3 to call ttoe agaprte fr8 ttoeft be tooltie fapne baue ,rpareb ttoe Sfo;tot0botp tabernacles faBei5etiert5eIefS/ &lt;beptoaDtofSmeaaunger0inbetmon:9lofte tobatoo fpafee bnto ttoe bp W wpbmjtf rtoepmaoe but a (von e of ft.toftib# toon fo ionge 'tffl g loie tea* to?otb ttbfcpecple fo; ttoelr bngowrnrui / anb tpn toe tauttbtmt arngeff of fffaibeastocomebp/totofrbfleto &lt;torf(ronp;emmttrtoeftoerbeyfeeeufmf




1 .

copatre of ttorft toolptlpie/drpantonobcbt/ nttbet ponge neroibe / nettoermapben nee Voitgemambuct&amp;eptocreaUbeipuerebmto ttoe potoet of ttoe apngesi of f tfaloeeg / 9 all rbe^olpbefleliBoftbejiotteanbtbeBrnge* treafti0 toaertoep/a catieb ttoe tontoX5atnXinM f 0; ttoetooufe of ttoe Ho;be / ttoep b?et it/9b*;aaebotonettoetoatieis ofierufaieVfee fp;ebpontontoto?e0/besropcbailtoernobie buplbin8f0anbb?oiiatottto(mtonau8tot/9 f peopiettoattoerenottiapnetottoeftoetbe/ ttoepcarpebbntoabtjon. - . . bus became t&amp;fppjefonetisfcbonbe me f ttoe ft ruge of 36abilcn/tpH t&amp;ep tt'er e MU uereb9rapgnebfo;tl)emfelue0/*totoenttoe

too?c es of tto )to?De toete fulfpJleby totopcto 2H?* toewomprebttoem bpttoe raoutto of ttoe pjc* "** Ptoee jeremp/anb tpirttoc lanbetoabtoer reft: nameip/allttoetpme ttoat it lape toarefl^ab ttrett aittqupetnesur;rbit.pfate*. CCfcuf ijencelj Iftencetotlicjetottto refutntto 3e tu Calcm/J rtaojrtl) l^tm tbt nttiiUe ott\)c tlfk. SUM p act ttjece Uttcte ftn&amp;c to a c tamfw &gt; tofiiclj accua (f)t 3c tr cb f to jlBpnac or (be c 1 tit: ano Co to ttntmttbjnflOjpuiof.siupiUbf.ij.jeaicofJDariiic. ,*fl) to totoen ftpng tf pju rafgneb _ ouet ttoe petKam/a totoen g %otb * MM _., tooloe,petfourme t(jetoo?ae ttoat rKr" toe toab p?dntpfebbp n)e moutto of g "** ' p;optoet3eremp: n)e )lo;b rapfebbpfipiiete of cp;n0/ttoefitngeof \k man* / ro ttoat be caufebrtoWto;sttnge tobe p;oclamebtt)c toto outetopti totooie reaune/faplnge : tou0 fapctb itoebptigeofpetftans :ctoe fco?be of jfraefttoattote )lo?De toattomabe me fipnge of ttoe Ian wy anb commati n d eb me to bupibe Wm an boofeat Jeruralf m %e to?p. $t ttoere beenpnotoofpourepeopreyttoeXo;bebe\6 . toimya go tip toltto ton to g[emraiem.3Dnb aft rtoepttoatbtoellrotinbe aboute I piace/fbail toelpettoemytotoettoerlt betoftto golbe/toptft f nun; /toftto gpfte0/toltto too^t0 anb neceua. tp catell 1 9 an otto er tupngcg \ are b; ou gtof toltto afretopnto ttoe tooureof tfte to;Beac jerufalem. to en \ p; t nrfpair men out of ttoe rtpbeff anbbpnage^off ubaanb ttengamm Sooe bp^obpbttoep;eQe0aUb9ttoeiLeutte0(toto9 ttoe, ton e bab moueuto go tip y 9 to bupibe ttoetooufe of ttoe Lotfe at jetuTalem . Into ttoepttoat toete abouter&amp;emytoelpcbttoftoftto all maner of golbe/anbfpiueryanb eatai fo 9totttomanplpberangpftf0yanbtto&lt;0bpb manpotteytowempnbetoa^aerebtiptfier'

to*ftprig&lt;p^i0BIfob;oujgtotfo^tottoeber'in fewanbo?naniente0/ttoattoetel)alotoebtiniJ.ioi.( 1 f, to ttoe %om ( totorcb ^abuctoobonofo; ttoe ftpnge of JSaMcn bab c arte b atoape ftBje. nifaiemyanb eonfecrateb ttotm to top* 30011 anb



an9pmage)anbbeit&gt;uereb ttoemtb $ttw. Daw? b^ twafureryabp topm ttoep toe re ce= tpuerebto S&gt;almanafar g Debpteinleto;?. ainbttoi^toastljenomb^eofttoeiCtoottoou'fanbe 9,"ii. C fpluer bctiiejj. w ;r.fpluet ba^ fens(.irw.bafen0 of^ f ef of f slueryanb a tboufanbe b efpbe. Ml $ faeaei0 of goioe anDfpluetyDere.H.^.bnj.c anb,l)c.ctoeretoere nomb?e&amp;bnto ^&gt;alma* \ nafatya tbem that toete. come agapne tofft) _ __. bpmtoSetutailont of.ttoecaptpupteof m&gt; $mm bplon *j5oto in ttoe tpme of apnge Mtattt* .1 . fe0jjeftpngofjeerfiayttoefemen:Tenlemu0 9to?ibatu0y^&gt;abeUiu0yKattofni?y2Bai' i rtoemu0y$)emelm0tbe^&gt;cribey9 otbettbat totoelt in g&gt;amarfa 9 in ottoer places bnoet ^ oompnpo tbetofy to?ote a letter bnto iapnge 1 3Crtarerft0 y to&amp;erfn tfjep complapneb bnto ttoepngeofttoemin l jeto?panb5 ; eruralem. Ctoe letter toas mane after t &amp;i0 maner: C &gt;p?ytbPferuafite0!aatbimu0ttoetto?p to? wery ^abeiliu0 tlje *&amp; cribe/ 9 ortoer tub* ge0 of ttoe courte in celofp;ia 9 l&amp;benpces. 3Be it finotone 9 inanpfeft to owe Jlojae ttoe ftpngey $ tt)e lerocg totoicb are come tip from poubnto b0 into ttoerebellpou09toicfieb ci

tieybegpnnetobt&gt;ioeitagapnc/9$toaile0 aboute ity 9 to fee bp cbe temple of t&amp;e neto. J5otopf W tbetoallep ttoerof befet tipagapne/ttoeplbailnotonlprefufetogeue trpbutesanb tares y but airorebeilbtterlp agapnft ttje ftpnge. anb fo? f omocb a0 ttoep tatoe rtois in banbe note aboute uje tepley toe tbougtot it reafony to ttopnbe no f com e of ity buttoftetoeitbntooure jLojoettoettpngya to certpfpe toim ttoerof: to ttomtent ttoat pf it pleafettoeapngeytoemapcaufeitbe fougtot in ttoe botoes of olbe: attoou malt fpnbe fotne toampnge to;ptteya (bait Dnberttanbey ttoat tbfs cptie bat n all toape bene rebellpous anb bifobebif tyt&amp;at it ban) fubbueb fipnges anb cptpesyano ttoat ttoe Vetoes tototo otoell tbec inytoaue euet benea rebellpousy obftpnatey bnfapttofuu79fpgtotpngpeopieyfo? toytct) caufe ttoi0 cprpeiS toatteb. ns()erfo?erioto toecertpfpeoure&amp;aflettoeftpngey &amp; pfttois cptpe be b up lb e 9 oc cuppeb agapneyanb ttoe toalles ttoerof fetbp anetoytbou canu toaue no paOage into Celofp;ia anb Ptoenices, a Ctoen to?ote tljeftpnge to ftatfttmtw ttoe w llo?p to?pf ery to JSalttoemitSyto s&gt;abellius ttoe^cribeya to ttoe ottoer officers 9 btoeller0 in S&gt;pua anb Pm pees y after tbps maner: I toaue teb tbe epiftie tototcl) ttoou f ente tt bn tomeyatoaue commaunoebto matoeoiligec fearctoyatoaue founoey $ ttoe cptpe toatb euer tefpfteb fepngesy ttoat ttoe fame people ate bpfobebientyaub toaue caufeb motto toarte/9 tftat mpgbtp ftpnges toaue tapgneb in %txivfalem y totoicto alfo toaue tap(eb bp tares of


&gt;p?ia anbPtoem'ces.mtoerfoje 1 baue c maunbeb ttoofe^eople y ttoat ttoep Qjau not bupibe ttoe cptpey ttoat tbep matocno mo?e to ityana ttoat tfjep p?oceabe no f o?ttoer tot'tft tbe buplbpnge : fo? fo moctoe as tt mpgbi be ttoe caufe of toarreya bpfpieafure bnto ftpnges. J5oto totoen aaatbpnms anb ^abeliius ttoe S&gt;crpbey 9 ttoe rulers in ttoe lanbe toab rea ttpng artayerfesy ttoep gatt tbem togetberyacame (naiittoebafte to 31c* rufalemtt an booQ of botfmen/ 9 % moctoe people of fore; 9 fojbab ttoe to bupibe jnb U ttoep left of from bupiDpnge of tlje temple/ bnto ttoe feconb peare of ftpnge atius.

CSDatiU8raaSetbafeatt.Ebc.&lt;e.fcntcitce60fttoc.ftJ jounflc menioetolii'cl) tlje fp?ft is Otclawft. C^toe.uj.Ctoapter. fnge anus mabe a great feaft-n bnto bis feruauntes; b|o all bPS * courtey 9 to all officers of^ebea aPerfiaypeetoalittoe bebptcs 9 rulers ttoat toete bnber bjm/f roni | nata ton* tottoiepia/antounb;etto 9. rrbij.'counttes. gsototoentbeptoaa eaten atooncfien being fatpffpeb/ahb toere gone borne agapne.Ba* rius tbe ftpng \oltt into bis ebamb;e/ lapea bpm aotone to Oepe/t fo atoafteb. Ctoenttoetb?eponge meny ttoat ft epte ttoe ftpnges perfonneyana toatctoea tot's boapyco* moneb amonge tbem felues/ 9 fpatoe one to anotber-.let en erp one of bs fape fome tt)ingy 33 9 lobe tobofe t entente is topfer anamo?e er* cellent ctjettctje ottoerybntotopm all ftinge partus geue greategpftes/anb ciottoe topnt toptlj Purple, w (bail geue 6pm beoeis of gblbeto oypnetoe inyclotfies of goiae 9 couerpnges:toe all mafie bim a cottelp ctoawt 9 a b?paie of gone/ be all geue bpm a bonet of tobpte fpibe?9 a cbepne of golbe aboute bpsnecft:pee&amp;e albe ttoefeconoe anapjin* cipali nce bnto ftpnge an'usyana ttoat becaufe of tops topfoomeyanb ftalbe catieb ttoeapngesfipnfman. &amp;o euerp one tojote W meaningyfealeb it/9lapebitbnaerttoe ftpnges pelotoeyana fapae-.totoen ttoe ftpng atpfetftytoe topllgeue topm oure to?itinges : ana lofie totoofe too^ie C ttoe ftpnge anbtoPS ctoefe jLo?bes iubge to be ttoe m 00a topf elp f p or e/t toe fame (ball toaue ttoebpcto? to?ote: iDpneisattronge ttopnge.cbe fecona to;ote:Ctoe ftpng is tttff* get ctoe ttop?a to?ote:tomen baue pet mo?e itregtbybut aboue all ttoinges true tlj bea* reiftatoape bicto?p.^oto totoen ttoe ftpnge teas tpfen bp/f&amp;ep tofie ttoeit to?ptinges ana belpuerea tftem bnto topm y ana fo toe reattoe". CBenfent toe f o?t&amp; to call al ftis cftefe toim/ all ttoe aebptes ana rulers of ttoe contrees of ^eaea anaperfia.3na totoen ttoep toere fee aotone in tbe counceli y n)e to?ptfnges toere ' aaa.iij. rea



rtbbefo?e tbem JribBecommaunbeb to can ft tb t p o 11 use men/tbattbe? m?gbt &amp; t f 1 ate t&amp;ett meanpngesi tyiffcltw bp moutb. &gt;o tobenibei&gt;toerercntfo;tfacamem tiding fapoe bnto tbem: Chetoe 00 anomalie b?s to bnoerftanbe/ tobat n)e tbpngcis are tbat re bauetojptten. -, cben beganne tbe f?; ft (tobicb bao fpofee *^of tbeftngu)ofto?ne) afatbe: Berrien/ towettnwroelouglWbnge/a * women) tbem p; b;pncne itut ctfceaueti) toe m?nbe/a b ? pnge t b b c 1 1 e p o o Je rc a n 3 tbe trtflc to

pf be comaunoe toptente/tbetpTante. C&amp;e comen people a tije rulei $ ate obebift Ditto bftn&amp;no tfje ?ng intmeatu fcafon fitted bpmootone/eaterb/a D?pn8ft/a tabetbbtt rrit-.tben Bepe tbep toatcb rounbe about ft femg/a not one of tjjgbartf getBim out of toape .' to bo btt atone bur?ne*/butmutt be obebiet onto ttje fi?ng at a to?oc . juoge pe note/ ?e men/ bote amine not be go WW aboue/bntotobomcnaretbuflobeoietfano. tobebebabfpoaetbijJ/6ebeloe(ji'ut5ge,bP twbto&amp;otenametoagfaobabel/tobtc&amp;bao

eotaaeanbbamte.ebtttbotbttaliotoit&amp;tbe fpoBenoftoemenaofttuenybegSnetofai&gt ;e bon&amp;mananbtoit&amp;tbefte/toit&amp;tftepiJojea after tbttmanet:tf&gt;?e me/i t tenotf great* r? cbeat tafieib atoa^e tbeitbnbetftanojng/ a png, it tt not tbe multttu&amp;e o

f men/netbec anomofiet&amp;tbemcareicffeanbmetp/fotbat tttttopge g cyceiletft:ttUo&lt;3te tyen gbaty noneottbtmKmemb?etbanrBeutiK0/Mtt tbeIo?Da)tppeouettbimf^auenottoemen o?bttot(r.atcaufttbantantotbtntfie alfo bpjnefc fc?ng/ aalltbe people f ntietbof e tbat tbe tbtnge tobicb be botii/ttboneuanb tblngtfSauenotteemebometbe/atooug&amp ;t goootatctnttnbm^nottbat betta *?nge/ tbebp/Splantetbe bpne*/toberout Jtopw no?tbatbef*iriauttb?ite/a I be ougbt not eSmet#abe?mafiegarment0fo?aiimen/ tooofocb fbwtaeg.^ojeouet/toOimen ate tbevgeuebonoutbntoalimen/a toouttoe* b?wJcBBnge/tBtffo;getan ftenotbrppe/all men cSnothicnlfue.giftbej gat&amp;etgoUj c $ b;otbei? faftbfulnefJ a loue-.butajs foone ftruetaaUptfrtou*tbingS/aieafa??e toel i a$tbe?ateo2onB?/tBe?o?atoeout? ftoerbe fauouteatpoma7tbe?!eaueal! togetbetv a a toflfigbfta to&amp;m tbe?arel8?ebbbtonc frS turtle tbettejeis onlp bnto 6 town s) a gape tbeto?ne/afor*fen bpagape/tbepwnnot bponbe/a&amp;auemo?ebefp;ebnto ber/t&amp;en 'teiitobate?oyD:mogepenoto/t)snottoi&gt;ite onto ff luetagoiM/o;anf manet of pject * tbe ttrBgettf iff o? tobo toolo e el ss tafie.ta fjanb ou* t&amp;ingj mfieauett) btt fatber g bjougbt * to bo rocb e mwtii arib tebenbe bab rpoSe bim bp/be ieauetb b&lt;u atonenatutai coOtee/ cbtt be&amp;elbebtttonge. -, , aereauetbbntotbetoomi-,i?eebefcppa&gt;et6 cciicbtiacacyaofttc.e.aftfittuccMfi6cpono bwiERtot^tbetooman/fwniemwenjne* mcn'Kopmtii6mt^iCiaptttfcfie:ofttWcbti)e' tbttfatbet/netmotbet/nercoatte.^tbw m,tm (, tfat bcr.tft tcatf0 foftctofrm au tben ?e muft neoc* firjbtoe/ g toemfBau e $ (6mgeB/(flmpat8mcnotO aWttJO.roariiiB.ttjirt^ f,Q m nrt. Dnffl ietcDit araofflrto reaeoou' woe swottwt titnJtij8tof jtnifnicm. i mataBetbbttftoetbe/agoetb bwtoajeto C^beJtftCbaptti;. fteale/to am/to muttbet/tofaflebpontbc lentbereconbeitobtcttoauraiibe/ fee/? fe?tb a US/ a goetb in tbe oatefinegf: 9 jattfietwngetoas Qrongee)be tobenbebatbuoiien/Mfceauebatobbeb/bt

ganetofpeaBe/fa?jng:fi)iemen/ b?ftjgetbttbntobjJXoue.3gapne/amanlo* latenottbt? tOetttongeaanDmoa "efb b^ttpfebettftcben fattier amotbet: eycellent/tbat conqtietctbe lanee a tbe fee/ t eemani one ttm be/tbatrtne out Of tbeft a all tbat is tn we fee a tn tbe eattb^ J9o to t$s become bonbmen foittrtttosue? n)c Kfttge lo;oe of all ibr fe tbpngeg / abatb fafiej5;manp one alfo bauepe#fbeo /a baue uompira of tbem amano lobe to&amp;at be cum bene oapneyabaue tfmtf obecaurc of to etnf . matloenyttttijone.gifbereniiebfJJmenfOatb "' inbnoto beieueme/3*nptoeasngo atoatfate/tbeigoab?e8fiepotonebplleu/ tobiebfpgreatembfepotoet/anbanianbejj toaHe0atoto;e0.beiareaa?ne/anD0ate ftanoeinatocofbtm/anbnfltttanbatteiafe (otbetmen)njemfenie0/aouetpacenottbc fianbebpobmt:?ctb?bgre/tbaf 2t.pante(ttie fiinge0to,oe.9fftbe?gettbebseto^ tbe? paugbtetof * gteate nge attatag)tbe b^nge6&lt;ngallf fpotie.WBetotfegotbet Fnges(c5tubtne;fat..befWe| ftpgebpon njatmewenottoftbtoawesjaffgotfnge/but tbetFgbtbanbe/ato8eAfbw;totoncft8bf0 t0lfgrounbe:tobentBei&gt;teape/iepb?fnge bwb/afetftbponbts,atonebeab/a rmote ttvbutebntotbefnge;ainbiftbe^nge tbefisngetoftbbetieftbanbe.fl@o;oun;y alone oo but c8maunbe to mi HmmH ?ngrioBebbpff6et toftb op? MouMfte be ciSmaunbeto fo;gme &gt;tft fo?geue: ?f be laugbebbpS Btm/be laugbebalfp:butrf (be commaunne to (totfe /jbrrftnttc ?f be bsb tone an* bf fplr afttre tofnj Hm I tbe ftjnge b?fue atoa|e/tbeFbm atoa? e : ?f be eom toap fejne to flatter bery a to gtue bet g oob maunbe tobtt?lbe/tbepbu?lbe:jfbecom- too?c5/tfbefcabgotfefcer fauturagajne. naflbe to b?eae botone/n)etf&gt;;t ae bbtone: ipjk men/ate not tot men tbtn arcrge tf teate

a 1


,4 '


r* v

\ *

, watetgfiieear^alwt'jjtbebeauentbat bo tljere twn^cgrcijentle Svng af Winces lofteb onebponanotbee. .^o be beganne to Cpeabeoffc tnietb*. pemeuavenottoeme Orongeef 5.eate ip n)e eattb/bve tt tbe bea* uen/ftoptf tt (be coutie of tbe fumte/bet5pafetb tbe beauen tounbe aboute/a fetcben) btt coutfe agajnetobtt atone place in one be not ewellenttbat botb tt0iftt gteate tt truetb/a flt Bgettben all u)inge0. JllJ.tbe eat tb calletb bpo tbe ttuetb/ tbe b&gt; uen p;oi?fi tb tt/ali too;fiesi Oafte arm mm W at / a toitb it tt no bim'gbteoitt tbpge, m mw W ontigbtuoittif Iftingttbntigbtur * oitt:tooni58veonngbtuou0:all cbHWe of men are bntigbteouov reealltben; too;cficj$ are Onrtgi)teousf/a tbete i&amp; no trtietb m tbe/ intbeir bnrtgbtucumejsaifoatal tfjej?bebe= tttopeo a pet{u).a?i fo? tbe truetb / it am* ctb,/&amp; t3 an toape flrongea't Ipuctn a c5que=&gt; tetb fo;euermo?etoo;iDetottboutenbe. . cbe truetb acceptetb no petfonnea lit puttetb no oiftVtfce bettoirte ricbe o?poo?r/ bettoprtc tbe mpgbtpe o? ft mple /but &amp;ct&amp; ttgbtbnto etterpman/tobetber t&amp;e? brew 11 o;gOob/a an men arc lousngf j bealttoftB

all in m too?ne0 of fttc$e uRgemct of it tbere tt no bnrtgbteoitt tbmge/but flrfgtb/ yngboni a potce t a mateU? f o? euenrio;e. 36|eflebbetbe ob of truetb. 3initoin&gt;tbatbtbeibC;fttttong?/ attball tbe people crieb a faibe-.^teat tt tbe ttuetb/ aaboue all.cbenfafbe tbe fewg bnto btm: af fie tobat tb o u tojlt/motf ujen tt appopfc teb in tbe to?rtinge/ a 3 (bail gene it tb e/ f oj tbou art f ounce toffer tb en tb's companjj5fi: tbouibaltfttnertme/anDbenrp fipnfman. &lt;5btnfapbebebntotbe ft^ngc :3Bemcmb;e tfjp p;om vfe a botoe/tobicb tbou bait botoeb a,p;omifeb(tn tbe bape voben tbou camea to tbemgbome)tobHvibebp3ietufaiem/anD to fence aga yne all tbe be(Ktt,al!toett/tbat toere tali en atoape out of ^erufalem :teb it\) tm feparateb/tob en be offrr o in 38ab?l5/ a tooibe fenbe tbrm agapne. atobtbp msnbe toag to buploe bp tbe tcmple/tobtcbtbe bo= JBfWbjent/ toben geturale - toaSbeatoreb titty tbe (Jbalbeess. ebtt onlf( ?nge)tt ftjnge tbatgitfljuwt&amp;wtttbe maiear/ toljtcH5befv?eaalne oftije ttbatflwrnrr* , foutmetbebotoo/tobicb tbou tt tb?ne atone ' tnout!] baft niabebnto tbe a?nge of beauen. r $t$m atiuatbe Itittgeftobe bp/abff* febbim/ato7oteaietterbntoaHtbeDebpie0 arm ft;euc$/to all the % ojm a noblejS/tbat tbepfljulbe conueye btm fo?n)/ a all tbe fljat tooibe go bp toitb bt?m JBe tote a letter al* fo bnto an tbe&gt;b?eue:8 tbat toere in Celof^ ria aJHirm'cejs/abntoHrj&amp;anufJ/tbat tbep ftmlQDjatoecebje turn from fcibariitt bnto


gfrufalem/tobutlbecitietoit&amp;alT,^o;es ouerbeto;ote bnto all tbe getccs tbat toere gone out of bttrealmemto^tto;t became of tbe frebome/tbat no officer/ no ruler/ito? b?eue/ fbulb come to tbeit bojefra tbat t- 1 tbeir lanbe tobicb tbe v bab ccnauetib, fl.uio be fre a not trtbutaif Jtnb tbat tlje cootnitj ftmlbe geueouertbecrrpe? a ovllcgcgof

Sctees/jobfcbtbeins&amp;taheimtec anb tbat tlpep 0)ttlbe ?earlpgeue .ft. talenteg to tbe burftinge of ftetemptofampiitljetpne g tt toere tyro? ft eb:ato tbe bapl y balob W'S t-f b?entGfrrmgeg(ai5 ittt comntauncententa* lentcg pearl? alfo: 3no tbat all tbe? tobpei) ccme fro Jgabplon to bu?lbf tbe c?tte/ fbuia baue fre ipbettse/ tbe? anbibeit tb plo?en/ a alltbeP;eaac?J. . $e to^ote tbe greatne ffe alfo/ * cSmaun* bebtbattbe liolv garment flmlbe be pur tbem/tobetin tbevmpnvftttb : ato?ote tbat conurtaunbement^ tbuioe begeuen to tbe ILeutteiS/bntilltbebape/tbattbeboufe toere ffitpOjrb a?,etufalem buplceb bp;anb cor maunbebtbatailtbeptbattoatcbeDtbccite/ flmloebaue tbeir.po?cvon0.atoage. . #egane outr alfo all tbe bedew t &lt;T?.tt f)ab fepavatebf to &gt;B ab?lcn:e alt djat t \ &amp;&amp; babgeu^in comauncc met /^ (anic tbaigeo be alfo/ g tt fbulbe be bone a ftntbnto ?evu* f8lem.}acto toben tbttjojige man toajsgene fo?tb/betumebbJ!5 face totoarce Jerufai?/ a p;a?feo tbe ftfrtge of beaue/a fa?oe:&gt;t^ cometb tbebtcto??/ of tbe cSmeu) to?t borne a cleame fle/a S am tb? ferafit. 5&amp;ieCeo art tbottrtobicbbaftgeuenmetoi(bome:f toiil % p;a?fe/fiD"i.02b/tbcu Cob of ourefatf) etjs. '. a no fo lie tofie tlje letters, and torntebnto abplonutnb toben be came tbcre/ be toice tbtt bnto all btt b?etb?e tliat toere at ffial?* Ion/a tbe J p^?reo tbe ob of tbeit fatberg/ tbatbe bab gene" tbem refreffipng al?btte togobp/atobuplbe jcrufalem a f temple (tobicb tt tbere calico after tii e m mr of tbe )Lo?oe)anb tbe? reio?feo toitb inflmmenteji anbglabneCfe feuenba?eg longe. . c Gfi c p f ftat remtne (03 r ni fa 15 arc ik mb; 1 . (ZtfKf licgpnw.toiatcttjefoimliacvooftftetcmplc/but ace Ut ijp tlicmc^Ufs of cncmpt'9;j foio lljc bUfltynge fi;paen ofbpitjc fpacc of (toopcarco. iffter tb^ toere t&amp;e pynrfpall mm of all toe bpUage? efforett ip ttic* itrpbrstj fipnreDcg/ thatttir? fcuID

Igobptoftftfteir tafitf{t9c$|fi0F/ tottbtdefvrraiaiinte0 9 mapDenjs /toitb ail rtwcatclianbrubftaimce.anDBJ'^tiPtlje jBynge rent toitOtftpatftourance bourne/ to con u eve t^em fafeJ? bnto % mtfalc : 8 ttztlt b?etft?e toere glaO/pta^Fg bpo fnftrum'trs/ 9 r^iigpngc, anottjefe are tflr names of tbe 3aa,iu^ nun



wmmmxM^MpwviWS/ ac= fceutfcs: be fount 9 of Jefu* in cabubej wWVtyt tr#es.*Dftbe??eaes/ftfonne anbanus/anbg&gt;etebfas/ and Cbtas/fe* of Jsuine&amp;es/ftfonneof aaragefusft fonne uentpeanofoute.

cbe to&amp;olenomtyeoft&amp;efe ftfijtff .jeaws teas. nj.g.tH'f. can b.ljnf. SDf tbe tonne s/ Dangle 10 anb tor u ess; tobole f umme toas flMto.1f.C9. Wpm tonnes of ft PjeOes tbat wapfeb od in the temple: cbc Tonnes of araptj / of tobome t^cre toere an . c. ano fpoiii 33 u t m oo;e fie pets to e t e : cbe c Etpi= 0?en of eimenuS:t&amp;ecbplb;enof aferttbe tbplo;en of 3mon : tt)e cb?lo?en of acuta /

of ^oieoec/'icacbim ttje fonnr of 5o?cbalel tbe tonne ot^alatbaKof u)e fijnveD oE3@awb/out of tbe bpnreo of {^acc s/of toe tribe of iuoajtobpcl) ipafie toohoerfull tbpnges tonoer patnistbefei?nge of erna /in tbe feconbe peateofbisraggnein tbefpj&amp;mo' netb of fiitfan. We alto ate tbep of ?to;p/ tobicb came

bp/anbtumebagapnebnto 3erufalem/out ..., .. v ..,,,. .*, cf m taptpupte tbat abu cb coonofo; (be copa:tbeebplb?en of Gobi*, an buntyebano *t nge of jeabplcn babb?ougbt onto #a Bft&amp;fliaU. Ipton. anbeturpmanfougbtbpspojcpon cbe l&amp;je&amp;es tbat feruebto tbe temple: aisarnem&amp;tott/bifscite/tbeptbatcamett CBeformesofffcel/tbe fonnesof afpba/ $o;otbel/9tottb3efus/:#cbcmfas/&gt;a=&gt; toe fonnes ofcoblocb/tbe fonnes of Carta / ratas / tfaelaias / eiimeus / CmmaniuS/ tbefonnescftub/ tbe tonnes of teeliu/tbe iitattwtbeuiJ/efifetui5/^e(bpfft/o fonneuofiLabana/tbefoniifjJofatmacba/ eboj/flDlioj'/cmonf as/one of tbeft Wtoees. tbefonnesof 3cttb/tberonnes ofmtbai tbe ano tbe nomb?e of tb?acco?btog tot&amp;eir tonnes of Cet^a / tbefonnes of aggab/ tbe;binyeof|Bba* fonnesof flDbap/tbe tonnes of ananf /tbe res/ttootbcufanbe/anburtbjetb Mwi.Cbe fonnesof canna/ tbefonnes of ebou/tbe c&amp;;S!;e fonnesof Hn.'ttte ronnf is of SB a&amp;fn / tbcronibim;cn of Jfemo/an.C j.tfif^n tbefonnes nes of efanon/tbetonnesofecboba/tbe of3;tfusanb Joabes/a.flM'J.C anb ttoo. fonnesof Cafcba/tbe tonnes of &lt;5fo?a/t be Cbefonnes of jeenfu.n. flfr.ttif.C. anb.ljrr. fonnes of flD?ul/tbe fonnes of S&g t;tnona/ tbe c.9.b. Cbe fon fonnesof atra/ tbefonnes of ftaflem /cbe nesofffiantca/an.c.ane.lrbuMbefcmirs fonnes ofafiana/tbe formes of SBanti/the ef mebecb.uff.C.9 tfce.cbe tonnes of %%* tonnes of iSafffto/ tbe fonnes of 3ccuf a/tbe cbab.nn.C9. won. c&amp;e fonnesof dbam fonnes of agtaa/t&amp;c tonnes ofa?uf/tbe nw.befonneuof3o?oai;.e.&lt;..itt)tj. fonnesof Ration /tbe tonnes of Pbaftlon/ Cbe tonnes of 3bmu.mi.c. ano. I. be tbe fonnes of fl^eeoa/ tbe fonnesof feuto/ fonnes of abarectis an.c.anD.blb'.c&amp;e fon* tbe fonnes of Careo/fle tonnes of Karats/ nesofCiafoanboeiasan.Cami.bu. c&amp;e tbe fonnes of fearea /tbefonnes of Coeff/ fonnes of a jojec.flf j.c w#r ,c be tonnes tbe tonne? of #afit/ tbe fonnes of agi Ba/ of|ebatbone/an .c.anb.3tmf. ^befcnnrs tbefonnesofpebon:S&gt;alomonbfSfonnes/ ' of ^ananias an. Canb.wjt.cbe fonmsof tbefonnescf aropbot/tt)e fonnes of p&amp;a; f* afonf.jcc.crbe tonnes of aeatfar mj.c^nD ca/tbe fonnes of eeii/tbe fonnes of ebon / fff j.Cb*fonnes of dabat^. ycb.cbeformes tbe fonnes of fta&amp;babel/tbe fonnes of 5a of&lt;&amp; ronnes Pbeus/ibe fonnesof agofa /the fonnes of of$epopas,Ib.b fonnes of ^ccbanatus aact'aret/ tbe tonneo of &gt;abatbem /tbe an.CanD.ibfi'i.cbe tonnes of.oebtttjanus fonnesof ^aronetb/tbefonnesofflBalftt/ fonnes of Cteatpattos tbe fonnes of anta/ tbe fonnes of ftaftot/ (tobtcb is caileb alfo iffnobaWfS 9 flfcobtes) tbefonnesof auS/ tbe fonnes of ftub a/ Wj.C.a.wnj.flDf tbem of tamos 9 abca tbe fonnes of enra/ tbe fonnes of ftabotfs/ an.C.anb.itrt.flDftbemof3Betreion9Ccag tbefonnesof IBbatpbat/tberonnesofflBar* ge m.m tbem of attants/ an.. 9. mi. mon.atbefe mtmjOtebmtbe&amp;anctuarp/

flDrtfjem cfjeecbcnobes.ib. fiDf ibefonnes anDtottefeHiafitesof&amp;alomonieuen m of )Uptts/ fonnes CanbiymJ-. ofi|abonnus..Mj.&lt;t.anb.lWi.flDf tbe tonnes cbtfcfolotofngeatetbep/f toentbpfr Sjm ofg&gt;fcbem.tO.&lt;ir.anb.i&gt;:i;.flDftbe fonnes of &lt;tbelmellatbeJarfa(tobof e|&amp;nces toete^ Ssuabon anb limon.n'j. Cuinb.lntbfff.flDf CatmelS 9 Cam&amp;)9 migbt not Qtetoefo ^b # fonnesof,9.)elb.ffib Hww ewes 9Bjntetbts botortef toeteof -fonnesof 3naas.iif.C9.lw;. 3ftael-.cbefonnesofataws/t} fonnesof * bep;eBes:bcfonnesof3'eNius:^be cuben/tbefonnes''Of^eebobafcus.flDftfi fonnes of cutber:tbe fonnes ofcijaffb.fff. je;eBfStbatejt;eeutebtbeomce of tbe;ea c.anb.ljmi cbefonnesof Cmetus.ff.c bcbe/9toetenotfofftie:rbefotmrsof flDbfa/ aitb.tCbefinesoffafuHus.rti.C.9.lbii. tbetenncs of atbifcs ibefonntsof man/ Cbr fonnes of Cat ea. ij, C anb , nbiiM Be tobKb matieb one of tbe baugbters of Pbar* Vim/

S&amp;S&amp;2 BPnteotoas fOugbtfn tbetegt* aeeoftbeiegenetaaS/butfttoasnotfoaoej "-" *iBeifo;etoetetbepfo?bi6betoeiteflitetbe ffi-?A'-W e Wow.wiltonjefai!oe|8tBr*2S! i^i^/^ejBJUlbebaueno po? JPonfn tbe s.anctuatp/tpu tberetofetpan ?? a E'?^ toe "^9Un?Juft&lt;nn&gt;ePlajne ^Mww.jjtjigtb/iStinifraeU btttbt fer* uaimtes &lt; 9ntap6ai)tbetetoetc.jrt&lt;f.^.ft/.c I5OT53J5? 1 * 1 ** fettttwees f maf bens.bti.^.m.c.a.wfbj.^ffrngpngmen Jfsnwng toomen tbete toere.if.canb.l&gt;b. fjmimW iwjcj.c amels.S&gt;en5 (bou fanbe/ Ctoobunb;etbtbo' *ifSS[ r8 L 8Dej,aIf0 ' tbemretsmtbettrges/tobenfl)ep came to3!erufalem/9 tootte ntfibe 9fetbptbetempieof cso&amp;agawiein fttsplace/tbepgaue(afteetbettabfittte/bn' to Wcwnple/totbetteafute 9totbeferupce of^ea&gt;anctttarp.iti).0?.pounbes of golue/ ti.tbouramje offpiuec/anban bunb?etb je

ftesgatmeteS.anD fo btoeit tbe ^;ettes anb W JLttiptes/anbtbe people tbat toente out to aetufalem/ 9 m tbe countte tbere about/ tberfngetsaifoanb tbepo^ets/euerv one .im*&lt;i&gt; 0f|ftaelm|)isatonclan6e. ****** ^otobentbe feuentb monctb came anb tyMtytWlMnofztxMtoMtMttmm at |fS bufpnr s/f bep came an vo one conf en jntotbecoutte/tebKb toasbefb;etbf cad bo^.anbtbwettobe lefuatbefomteof uftbWSb;etb?ent1eJ&amp;;eaes/95o?oba


beltbe tonne of ^alatbtei 9bFS b?etb?en/ ftttfng bpanaufter/to offre b?entfacttffces bpoit/as itts to;ftte fn tbelatoeof SBofes. - 5*fcamepeoplealfoof otbetcoattees/ 9 tbe \$caW out of an ianD( to fet bp aul ferfn bfsprace/9 offreo facet ffces ano tyent. offttnges bnto tbe jLo?aefn tbe mo;npnge. anbfotbepbejbettjefeaftoftabetnaeles/as ttttcommatinbeb fn n)e Jatoe . anb bajelp Otttebtbep as acco;opng toas/anomabetbe facc|fptesappo|nteb/ tbe owpiges alfo of e%abbatbes9of tbeneto apones/9a|r bolp feattes.anbau tbe? i botoeboffrtnges bntotbefLo?be/beganneattbenetoflI9oonc of f . monetb to offte bnto oo / fo; flj e tepie of tbe jio#e teas not pet buplbeb.anb njergaue bnto tbe fl^afons 9 Carpenters/ mone*;mcate/9 b^nfie toftb cbeaefulnefK. jfointotbem of fi&gt;pbonaffo9cwetbe?gaiie eawes/tbat ttw m uib cartp ceo;e trees tts JLtbanustobetaaesanb beames/ anb tbat fbep fbulbemafte fbpppes mtbe bauen of 3oppe/acco;bpng as it teas appomteb anb o?bepneb bp m mge of tbe petffans. anb tn tbe feconbe peare tbep came m* totbe temple of 00 at Smifaiem.Stttbe

feconb.monetb begSne5o;obabel tbe Tonn^

ofJBMWbm/ 99efua tbe Conne of TofcMt 9tbeft bietb;entljei&amp;;eatS9 lemtes/aritt all tbe? tbat torn come bntog;ttufalem out of tbe captrupfe of JBabpion / anb law tbe founoacf of tbe tempie/in tbe rteto flpoone of tbe feconbe monetb to tbe ferohit ware * tbeytoete come into 3eto#ano Jetufaiem. ahbtbcjappofnteBt^eiturtesdbattoete aboue. tf.Vtm olbe) bnto tbe fcrupce of tbe jLo;be:fo^efua anbbis tonnes anb biS b;e tbjen all n)e jLeuptes ftobe to getbet/anu perfourmeb tbe latoe anb otfnjnattnce totbe boufeoftbe)lo?be, ano tbep?eftC0 Kobe/ anb fjaotljettgarmentes 9 ttompettes/ anit\)t jieuptes / tbe fonnes of afapb babCpmbais / geupnge tbanbes anb pjapfes bnto tbe % ojbt/ acco^ bpngasaulbtbefitingeofSfrael bab op bepnebJnbtbe fong tbat tbep Dfb fpnge bn* to tbeXo;b/toas aftettbts manet* flnge WUWM bnto tbe)Lo;be/fo?be fs gtacfous /anbbpS goobnes bponffiael enbutem fo? ettet.anb alltbepeopiebleto outtoitb ttompettes/ 9 fonge tottb louoe bopce/p?ayfpng tbeftoflie . togetbetintbeteatpngbpof ft boufe of tbe *_ , TLoflx. *bere came alfo from amonge toe &gt;** l&amp;?eaes anbjUcuttestbetulets anb eibets/ accoflpnge to tbe trpbes abb 6? ntebes (focb as bab fene tbe I) oufe afo?e) to tbe buylofng of tbS temple toitb greate ctpeanb greatr mournpnge/manv alfo tottb trompettes 9 greate to jeijn fo mocb/ tbat tbe trompettes mpgbtnot toeil be beatbefo? tbe toepjnge 9 mounrpnge. &lt;ffo;tbe commen people bletoe gooWy bpon (be trompettes. *mn cametbe emmpes of ttje trpbes of ls AJffj. 3ubaanben3amin/to hnotoe tobat tbat trompettpngeanbnopfeoffbatomesmpgbt lie. anb tbe? petceaueo tbat it teas tuep tobtcb toere come agapne out of captpupte/ aiibtooi&amp;e buplbe tbe temple bpaneto bnto tbeHo?beobof3frael o tljeptoenteto 5o?obabelanb gefua/anb totbe mitts of tbe bpllages/ amjfapbe bntotljem: Sibalf toe buplbe toitft pou alfof #o? toe Ipbe toptc baue bearbe poure )Lo;be/ anb toe toalbe af* ter tbe fame maner /'from tbe bapes of ar* ba?aretb tlje 4Stng of aoftfa/tobicb b^ougbt bSbptber. fflben ^.o^obabelanbfefuaami tbe as uiets of tbe bpilagcs of ?frael fapse

bntotbc-.gitiSnotmete/tbfltpeibulfttiupKje tbe temple of oure Co toptbbs: toe cure felues alone topll buplbe bnto tb tiomi fie ascp^s tbe pnge of tbe perfians ban) commaunbebbs. 55uttbecatben totbelanbefapebtbent felues agapnft tbofe tbat toere in Jeto?p/ belbebp tbe bupibpnge ft5 tbf / lapeb toapte bp5tbemp;euelp/ ttoppeb focbeas bjougbt aaa.b. anp



*f * ^ =


an? tbfoge to the m/fojbab tbem re tmpice, 9 bpnoeie &amp; tbote tijat mace tbe" paffage; the feuilbynge Oniibe not be fmp Of D:*j tbi? con* tp nue u 10 ionge ae iapnge 4 # u.3 lputb:9 Co tbep put of the bufiOfnge fo; tbefpate of .n teare0/bntplltbe rapgne of lapnge arms. ca ggcu s an02 artjarp p; op f eye. dttjrp btipIDrtEje : . trropie toii^eut ut 0; tjjiUifcauiicc/iji'tljctominaQ' tonwntofjwwiui. ga ^HPBH Pt togtuaanttnae in tbe fecens 'peateof fctapgne of J&amp;ariw/ig* [geu0 $ 5achaip the tonne of abbo lp*opbecpeobpo them tn3,etojp 9 |eru(aleni/in tne name c f tbe oq o^.ttaei . Cbrn3o;obabeitbe fonne of ftalatbiei 9 Scfua ronne of 3'ofcbrc ucbe bp/9 btgSne

to bupjtef boufe of tt&gt;Ho#&gt;at3eruraiem/ tebenrfiepwbetes of the kojobeipeotb?, at the tame tpmecame ftpfennc0 I oncer ft bzi e in ft yj ra 9 Pbcmcc 0/ t&amp; tt)e la h 0= tojoes 9hW npanp50/0rapDe bntotbe': tbo bath bpbbe 9 cBmaunbtto p cu to bupioe tbi boufe/to mafie the refe aali other tbing$ agayne: ano tobo ate f [j e too#fi e men/ tbat buplbe tbem:'$eiiertbele&lt;re tbe eioet0 of tide SetoeBbabfochegiaceof t&amp;e Ho;be/g tbcp toolbe not be let(tbcugb the p toere p;ouoh eo tbettojbut buplbrb on Bill, -bmpil ti)c tpmep: fcyngejOatiuBtoere cnt^ftieD therof/ 9 an anftoere rcceautbfrom bym. che fetter that tbefemen re ntbnfo J&amp;png ^artug/toajJ af* tertbfJtmaner. ftyfennea tbe fans erg; b?eue m ftptfa 1&amp;benpce0/9 tbe lanolo jess tot tb their co# panponB/tobtcb are beaorulewn ftpjfo- 9 l^benpces, fence their falutacjiontmto &amp;a&lt; nu0tbt8pnge. Ie certpfpe cuteiLojae tbe ftpnge/tbattoecame ftitotbe lanbe of 2ctojp/9tttntto jetufale'-tobete toe foilee the buplbpnge tbe gteateboufe of &lt;Bod 9 tbe trple/toitb greate cofielp fre Bone anb toifb gooblp rpnttye fo? the toaHejj: pee tbep mafie greatetmBe tof th too;fie/ 9 beipe one an 0* tber/anbitgoetljfo;tb pzofpetouflp In their .,, banoeg/a tot'tb greate bplpgence 9 toojBjpp 70 is ttniaDe.Cben afficbtoe eltietg/tobobab eSmauntieotbftoniafiebptbeboufeanbtbe bu^ng/ anb t hi? toe tyb to tbe intent tbat . tot mjgbt certpfpc tbe petfectlp/ 9 to?t'te ton* totbe/tbename^oftbofe $ toetetbe tulets of^too^cfie.gDOtbepgaiiebSJtftfeanftotre: toeatetbefetuauntfji of tbe fi.-o.Jbe/ toi&gt;?ct) mabe beau? anb eattb: as 1 01 tfrt be trfc/ft ba tb bene bujlceb a fee bpafo?e t pme Up (be gteate 9 mwbtf eft^ng of Jftae 1.55 ut tube cute fatbetsj pjonoh eb &lt;&gt;cb fan to tojatb / 9 fpnnebaga?nfttbe ffiobofgfrael/begaue tbi otietfntotbepotoer of JSabutbobonofo? Hinge of abflcn tbe Ssng of tbecalbeeg/

WW b?aRebotonetbc bcure /8b?f eft/ana carteb atoapetbe people p?efonp btuo$a* bpK&gt;n.*lQeuettbe{e0/intbefF;ft feate tbat,. fifngedfj^ugtatgnebat abplon/p;it!5 , '*"""&gt;f tbe ttsnge to;ote 9 comaunbeb to burlbe Dp tfjis b ouUe agapne:? ail tbe jiiame tep tbat ^abuebobonofo? cavtco atoape f tS %t mfa i I bitto isab v 15/ 9 app;op;tateb bnto b 1 atom temple;tbereb?ougbtp2U8 fo?tfl agapne/ abeipuetebtbf to 3o;obabel to ^auna* nafar tbe bnbet $)b^ue/c5mauhung tbem t tbe?(bulbe bjitige ttjofe fame oznamites agapne to % e tufa I e m in to tbe temple, anb to begvnne fro tft e tpme fo?tb/to buplbe VM pie agapne in bfu atone place, cfien ft'*!* c manafatiafebtbe founbacpS of tbe HotfW boufeat 3 emfaiem / 9 euet fencebaue tbe p bu?l!Jeb/9?etiSttnotenbeb..anltbttfo;e/ fipnge/iftboutbtncHeCitgooD/iettttie fought in tbe Hybjatpe* stoliejs offtpngc CWttfCpf itbefonnbetben/tbatit i)Sbon tt tbe couneejla cmfentof Itpngetf tfiigf/anb pfouteio?betberngbefonnjnbeb/ietftfm to?rtebntobsJtbetof. '- *cbe ncgmaimbebftpng artujf/tofeBe * :M fntbefi.vbwte0:anbfoatgb3tbani{{(na , ' , * lwu &gt; f ' Ipticcytpein fllpebea tbr te-toajs founiie focbe a\r?Stpnge:5ntb 1 efi??ftpea of itberajgne 6RlKu0/tbefame6png p2fleiSniaUnceD tfiattfieboufeoftbelLo;oeat3trt&lt;ita|fftulD bebuplbeb aga jnetanb oboutegi to be mabe tb ere c5ttnuallpbnto g fi.ojbltobofe be;gt&amp; 1balbe.|:.cubpte0/ab?ebet^.|:l.culipte0/9 MUmtttrmmt betoeQones$/toit&amp; a loft oft*mb?eoftbefamectiuntEe/?tettaneto left/a tbe erpenfe^tbetof to be geuen of tbe boureofl5fngep;ifjmrtbeomamentejj ofgolb9triuet/f0abttcbobonoro;toBeouc of tbe boufe of tbelo;be atgetufaiem/IDal* te fee agajnein tbe tfple atjetufalf /ttbere -tbeptoeteafoje. ^vffnne^alfotfiebnbet Wim in 5&gt;pa alebenpttP/tbe i&amp;?pnce0? 4ette6panpon0/aibeotbettbatbebeabm* let is in ft ? jf aattftP binjee j/ SB'notmeMc no;baiianptftfngc tobobritb tbatpiace.

% Cp;twftaue tSmaunotb alfo/tbattbe? m 9bmieo?bepneotbem/eofetpe tbofcrfjat be comeoutof eaptpuvceifffl tbe boufe of tbe fto;bebefmi#b:anboutoftberrfbutcano tannge tbati0^8tivta?f*bp in ftfefa ^enice0/bfl?gfttptog(uetftem atettapne fumme totbe offer^ige of tbe JLomanb^t fametobpbeipuettfibnto^owbabeltbeof* fpcet:tbatbetbrttoitbamapo?bepr?eo)cen/ tamme 0/ lnmbes!/9 co?ne/ falt/topne aopie/ atfirffet conttnuarip enrtpffareatftettftc e jpenctjltobid) t^e ^cflfgrbatbe atgrem* fall/Qietotobemacetiapliubi'? albe gru? bntotbl tof r&amp;out-btiape tbat tfitf mare offec facri



maUm -WIW to^teitmijfo) tbe *,o?be/ aaeptetfte feaaofbnteuenebb;eab Bfngeanbfo?btfwttiaunteis / anbfopwpe b0.oa|ejf longe/eatyng 9 b?&lt;ne6jng9 toe re fo;tbettlpite0Xettttbep2ociameb alfoon metpbefojetbeiojoe: t()at tbe x.o?tie bao euetpffbe / tbttobofoeuo:b;eaBetft ow turned tfjebeupct of the fiftige otmvm/9 Imp commaunuemerttof tbe apnge/ comf o?teb ttjere banbes to tbe too?tfteg of Q)albcbsgebbpoagaloto(mabeofbi0atone fto2beoboffraei. goobjanballbtjsgoobeistbaibefeafonebbn*- ^ ''., . . ' to ftfipng.cbe '/U&gt;2betberfo;e( ffiMSSl&amp;5S?Sfe rt Jf c ! nW ' m l tfie Spngee anb people / tbat bnbettafie bp y "T"" 8 * ihvnbertbefame/oitooeaiebn' . f&amp;f.Wwapteft

comefo dHWhepe

eurteouai?toitl)tBebbufeoftbefi,o;batg:e. rufaiemj arw0 tbe Bphg baue o;betjnea/ tbat tbcfe tbpigWtbalbeBonetoWballbp' ipoence.

^baftetOint/tobcn3ttawtre0 f fijnge of tbe peruana raigneb/ tbere toente bnto bpm efbja? tbe tv . . 5--- Jfonneof$&gt;atata0/tbefonneofIi __ _ . j tempwte fpiwew ana t aptK ano (je fend ffttfa* tbe fonne of eicbiab / tbe fonne of omxmmiijwciBmtim. . ' ftallum/tbe fonne Of ftaboc/ tbe fonne oe CCbejbtt Chapter. !tJjftob/meConneof3martas/tbefomieof li^en ftpfciaiep ttje ttiDerD)?tue 3?arias5/tbe fonne of iSoccufi / tbefonne of mcelofp;fa/anbPhfntte0'9tbe Mt(u /the fonne oftehtneaB/tbefonneof otberlLanbloacgtottbtbeitcom* Elea?at/tbe fonne oflaronme fyjft pjeft. Ipan?pn0/obeKOtbcthfrgeathat bfe &lt;2fb?aB toente bp from ^Babjjon ) fo? Wlngeami3bal?o#meb/toerebfiraent bebabgoob bnbetttanbvnge in the latoeof tntpeboI|to02cfi(/anb:toetefelotobeipetg 2l9ofeB/thattoafiaeii?oftheiLo2Qe&lt;ie! ot)of tofttj tbe oioe niiets of tbr^etocB. 3tnb fo giftae i/to be taught 9 bone irtaeD e.) anb the too;c6e of the ftanctuarp toente fo;tb am? 6l&gt;ngefauoutebbim/9bvbbtm gteate m * P2ofpetcb/tohenaiggeu0 anb 3acbarpp. a)ipe9bonoute/afteralihiSbefwe0.&lt;Kbere . pbecseb.lfjnb thenperfoutmeiiaUthpnge0 toentbptorthhimalfoeertapneof tbe ehpi* fi}o;oto the commaitniiement of the fi&gt;o?be b;e of 3;ftael/of tbepjeftev/of t he fi,euitc0/ &lt;mtmnaj9 after the beupce of mm oftherjnger0/po?ter0anbmpnfacr0Ofthe 3E&gt;arfil0/anb3irtarerfe0ftpnge0ofPerrta. temple at fetufatem. #^%JWWto**wWemWtom(&gt; Snthe.bif.i'eareoftheraraneofBpge tae.wW.bape of the moneth mtttn &amp;gwmt in the.b.monethe/ tbat igin t hC mat of Bpnge attu0. atno tbe cbplb;en of bft.peare of the rapgne/thep toentftoma

3!fraelthepjette0anbthe)uutte0/anbthe bpioninthe netomooneofthe,b.moneth/ othertfiattoetecome outof captmpte/anb cametbebpe toape togferufalemafter hPf* foch a0ttere lopnebsntotbem/ bpb accop eommaunbemft/lpliea0the]iLo^ehabp;(N bprigea0(tf0to?pttpnrheboBeoffl5ofe0. lpeteDtben;ioutnep.!ffo^ntheferb0gac : fnbfntbebebpcactonoftaetemplethepof? gteateihBruccpontbatheflmlbleauenone ;ttebanhunbjeao^n/anhunb?ebmme0, of thetbpnge0bebpnbe/tohithatem glatoe WmtoM lambtf / anb.jrtj. goate0 fo; tbe 9 commaunbemetejs of @ob. 3finbbe taught fpnne0ofallthepeopleof|frael/afterthe tohole3fraelallrpghtuoufne09iubgment. C nomb?e of tbettpbf 0of gftael. Cbe p;efte0 Chen came the ft eetetarie0 of Bpng 3raJfo9^ejUuite0ttobearapebinthep?eJp tayerf0/anDbelpuetebtheto?ptpnge0(thae ganWhte0/ after tho trpbe0/ ouer all the toere come from mtmm the bpngltocf^ too?cbe0 of the JU)^e ob of |fwelIacco; b?a0 tbe p;efte ana rebet of the latoe of the opnge to tbe boBe of 2 otqs / am the po; tom : Mb thp.3 10 th e eoppe of the lette r. ter0bpalitbebo0., -j. ftpnge3(!ttaretfe?ifenbethhi0gretpngebn* , ainbtbe mo$ of gtraelttoftb thofe that tp mm the pjeft anb reber of the latoe of . toere.comeotitofcaptpuptOhelbethepaae* the)Lo;oe:SDffrenbf4)tpe9goobtopn|baue ^ - ouerthe.ytiti.bape pf the f tfft monetb / toh? o;bcpncb anb charges/ pf there be enp of the &amp; tbe p;efte0 anb the icufte* toere fanctifieo. 3 etoe0 j of the p;eftei5 anb fi,e uite0 fn mp Cbepthatcame out ofcaptpufte/ toere not tealme,'tebtcbberp;etbanb iecontenttogo 'all famtffieb together: but teuttee toere toptb the bnto ^erufaif /thathe mape boit. alffcnetifpeb together. 3Cnbfoallthepthat Chetfo;epfenpbemmbebtobeatethecom* eameoutofcaptpuite/bpUebfeaaeriabe/ panp/let them come togetber/anD goo toptb ft? tbetr b?eth;en/fo; thep?ette0 9 f 0? them the ( Ipfte ass f am contents mp. bi&gt;. fumt j S feiue0.anbthechPlb;enof3'fraetiBbat came mpcounceiet0:)tofetohat tbepboatgje tu* ^outofcaptpupte/anb efcapefi from all the faiemaiinieto^p/^fiepettte fhingegacco

?' abbomfnacpon0 of tbe^eathen /(ougbttbe bpnga0thouhatttn latoeof )io?be:ana tob;pnge

* -'




to bfflflt tbegy ftcg fcltto &lt;3 oo c&amp; e tojDe of Jftaei/ tyat$ 9 my ftenbes baue p;omyfeb to$erufaie m/a alt n)e fyiuer 9 goiae tbat 10 in tbe counw of tfabylon/bnto t&amp;e io?D to gjerufaicm/tottb c^rtftinjse tyattt geuen fo? tbe people in tbe :no?brs tfpleat erufale: y eetbat fame fyiuer agolbemayebe ga. HKStt/anb oren/rammes/fbepe anb goatcs 9 ottjet mat be longe to tijere tbynges:a tbat tbeymaye offer facryfyces bnto M%ow/ bpcn t&amp;e auitee of tbeu %om / iu^cb iS at Sterufalem, . anbtobatfoeuertbou9tbyb?etb?entofll bo toy e b to e ft luec 9 golbe / tbat bo after tflv mynoe / anb after tbe cSmau 11 Dement of (be j(U?De tby do; 9 Jybe toyfe tottb all (be b oiy toeueip/tbatategeue'tbr fo?tbere?uyce of boufe of tbe %om ti&gt;j? &gt;ob:a otbet tljpngeg tobatfoeuer 10 neceffary fo? tbe to tfte too?fie cftbeteple/tbatftalbegeuetbeofffiynges treafure:9 lobe tobat tbou toirb tby b?etb?e tout do toitl) tbe goiae anbfyluer/tbatboaf= ten tbe torn of tbe %om . ano 5 bynge m&gt; tarerfesbaue commautiDcD tbe iiepcrgi of treafuregin &gt;y?faai!DP(jenfcee;/ g tobat* foeuer cettyag tbe p?eft ano reber of latoe of tbe 'A.o?De botb to?pte/ it Ojaibe gene brra:

ilttlan.c.talenteisofryiuer/anDofgoioem lybr manet:fl&gt;f co;ne alfo an.c. meafures/ anbtyll anbunD?etbbeffeU3 of toyne/a otber plenteous tbyngejs tottijou t nomb?e . xet aUtbyngeis be Done afte? tbe latoe of pbpelt oD/ttjat tbe to?atb of &lt;esod aryfe not in tbe teaultne of tbe istng anb of bw fonness.g] c5&lt; maunbe you alto/tbat ye requyuere no tare net trybuteof p?e(tes/Heuyte0/f'yngers/ anoniymaertfoftbetemple/neroftbetojfc ters:anb i&gt; no man bane ait c 1 0: g t e to meaie &lt;I eny tbynge agayntt tbem.9* fo? tbe( a&gt; t&gt; bajtifettboufubges aarbytrerstn toboie lanDeof&gt;y?faanb$benice$i/afrert&amp;etoyf* borne of dSoD : 9 learne all focb ass are fgtto* raunt in tbe j,atoe of csoo tby JLom / 9 lett alltb? tbat offence agaynattjelatoe / be piu ny fbefctoljetber it be toytb beatb/ 1ji payne/ to be cScemneD in monep/o? to be bantfljeo. Ef)enfapDe&lt;CD?G$$ ^ to?ptfr.*35leireDbe tbe dEsob of cure fatbetsi / tbat botb geuen fo go 00 a nnjnDeanbtopllintotbe bette of tbe fipnge /to magntf ye big ijouCe tljat ts at jr* rufalent/anbbatb niatrenietobeaccepteD in tbe ft-gbtof tbe fiWg/OfUfjJ touncell/ of Btt ftenbes of bW noblest, anb fo 2 teas oeb faa mmymynoe/accotfiyngeajs if)t %ofie my(0obbelpebme/anD3 cbofeoute menof a ffrael to go bp to&lt;tb me. * 3Dttb tbefe are tbe beabt0( after tbelrfipnre^ abmireg of $rft fatbewitbat toentebp tot tb me from J0at Ion/out oftbefiyngoome or v fonnes of Pbareg/dWtfoni


of S&gt;femaw'tb/^tneiruS . &amp; I tbe feting cf J^atif b/2iuf(/tbe fonnc of et Ufa. Df tbe fonneg of ^bare0/5acbaW9 tottB fjgni tbere tmnrb agayne an (jtnb;tb ano tyftie mendDE tbe fonnejj of tbe captaym :st SB oabilon/5araei/anb toitfy btm.u'.c. aim J,menfl)ffonnepol3a(bneiJ/'getbonias 5eiboly/, Df tbefonneg of &gt;alamaafia?i/ceiotbolie/anb lW.teUb.bni, fiDf ttoim9 of 3apbacta.$a* ma $p/9 toltbbjm.iwj;. if tonnes of job/abbtaggebeli/anD trfHftsnt.1f.C9 yt).men.f tbe fonneg offfianta/&gt;aiimoaj tbe fonne of gofafbia/anbtoitb ty&gt;man.C9 ; 5acbajBcs

ijef/anDtoitb SDf tbe fenneu of (ffcab/jobannesi E?ecban/ totn) bym.C.^.raen.iDf $ tonnes of aDontcara tbofe tbattoere the laft /anbtljefe are tbeit , names ; dSltpbalam tbe fonne of &lt;0ebei anb ^emefas/ anbtoftb tbefe,^ callebatogetber by toatber flrbta/toftere^ toe pitcbeo wire tente tb it Day es/anb tbere SmuRereDtbem. as fo? tbe fornix of tbe pjeQesanD %&lt; ufteS'S: founce none tbere. cben fent^bn* to &lt;lea?ar/anD&lt;ccelom /anD Qpafman/ 9 &lt;3^alobam/anD cnaatban/^ *&amp;amea / ano jo^bimatbanycunagan/^acbary/fl^o* foliamumdbefe toere m lebers a men of t%* peryence) anb3! fenttbem too?De/tbat tbey Qmioe come bnto &amp;oobeu0. tobPtb toas n? place of tbetreafuty/9 commaunbeb t^em tbat tbey flnilD fpeafie bnto TboMna anb to fits b?etb;en a to tbofe tbattoere in tbe trea* fnry/torensebsfocbmen/asmigbtejcecute tbepjeRcsoffycc m tlieljoufe Of tbe %ow oure (Sob. anb toytb tbemygbtye banbeof otire iLojce od, tbey b;otigbtbnto bsmen of goob efperience/fromamflge t\)t fbnnes of Sl^ooliiis/tbefonne of meut/tbe fonne of afrael/^iebebefam ?tbefonneS9bySb^&lt; tbzenarbin anb amn/ of tobom tyere' toere tbif|.ijrrort!amongetbecFjylb;enoffonnes of Cananetijs/ atbeirfonneg anb oftbem tbatfertteD mtbe temple/tob5 fcauflftab o?beyneb/a tbe pjyncypall men tljat myntareb fo? rtje too?cfie bnto tbe It* uites in toftofe namesarealltortenebbptnto;ytynge, fjencommaunDebgiafaftyngebnto y cnge men before tbe jLo?De/jat gi mygbt Defy?e of bima wofperonS tourney 9 a goob toay e f 0? bss/yee fo? bs$ /f 0? oure cByloje" anb fo? g cateii/becaufeof f layengesatoajte/ anbg Duttt notrequy?e of tljeliyngemenof bo?fe a of fote/to coniieye bs fafeiy agaynft ,0m e enemytsi/fo? toe baD fayDe bntof mv tbattbepotoeroftbe)Lo?Deou&lt;i5oDfDulD betoitbtbem/tbatfe&amp;ebfmtoitBtbeiYtobole bene.

* * r



bme. 3Bnbrbmoiie to ^ffonabtf owe *3*fomeasg!&amp;a&amp;&amp;eati)etbefetB!nges/ $ betoasmercsfitU bntow/artbbeatteoure pnHeDouttbebeateofmpbeabemi?beetb/ PWfer 4 anb-g!fepaiatebfromamonBefru afatmebotonefo?oufmabeuy.S&gt;oaiitbeg lersof tbepeopie/ a fromtbel&amp;;eaes of tbe tbattoere motteo tbo?oto tbe too?o e ofoo afanfa/ ten ofgffraei/eamebntome:iratayiifull of nwnoftbelrb?etb;etoftbtbem.anb|toefea beuyneaebnttlltbeenenyngfacriftce.cbm tbemtbegolDe a tbe fymer&amp; all tbe p?e&amp;ly Oobef up frfifatting/bauyng ren te clotbes o?namentes of tbetjoufe of oure d&amp;oo/tobicb anb tt)e boly garnet/ bneltD oot one bpo m |fng/abiScoiicei!/a bis ^jittceg/ a toboie ftneegs/neioe out mp^anoegibntotbe jLo ;oe/ 9;fraeibabgeu?.a!nb tobenf bab toeyeb ft/3 a rayDe: 1WWM am eonfounoeb a alba* oaue tbe an.C.a Jjtoletesinfyluei;/a.c.ta' meD beftye tbl? face/fo? oure fmncs a re be* lentesoffyliietbeffepn.c.taiftesofgolb/ comemanybponourebeabes/a ouretoyc* 90fgoIbebeifeHfeuptymesttoentye/abe&amp; fieDneffesareeralteDbntobeaue:fo?fens WSof otbermctall (yce of goobmttafl ) jrtj. ftymeof oure fatberstoearetngteateft nne Siyttertngeastbegolbe/afaybebntofbe:ye bntotbfSbaye.a'nbfo?rbefynnesofbsano aUoarebolybntotbejio?D/atbebetrelsare oure fatberjs/toe^ oure b?etb;en a ttou boiF/9tbegolt)eanbtbeftiuensp?omyfeb p&gt;?eCesbaue bene beiyuereb bnto ffiyngej i tntotbe JU&gt;?D pb of outefatbetS.J8e oUU of flje eattb/tn t o fmerDe/a in to capr tutte/ gent note a bepett/bntylltbe tyrtie tbatye abecameafpoyletoitb confuCon a am*

belyu wit to tbe rulers of tbe people/to tbe bnfotbiS5baye,anDnotoflD7Lo?oeoD/bot o ?cftes/to tl)eiLetntes/atotbep;incfpaH: greatefs tbe mercy tbat toe baucgotte of* l men of tbe cttfes of afrael tn gieruralem / 9 m g tbou batt left w a rote 9 a na me in tbe intbe cbamb?eof tbeboufeof otiredsob. place oftby Sanctuary /to byfeouer oure S)0 p&gt;?eces 9 Reiittestobfebtecea' lyg&amp;tm tbeboufeoftbe juweoute &lt;5od/ 9 ueb of me tbe goloe/tbe flitter anb tbe befltll/ geuf Wmeate at all tymeg of our nuntttra. b?ougl)t it to gerufale into tbe temple of tbe cton.ainbtobentoe toere in captyu yte/ toe Jlo?&amp;e.an6ttomcbia toeb?abebp tbe.rtf. toere not fo?fafif of tbe ^o?Deome&lt ;Eiob:bue baye oftbe fy?tt monetb/tyll toe came t93e- bemabetbefiyngesofJBerfiagraciouisan ti mrale.anbtobentbetby?Debayetoa?paft/ fauourablebntobg/rotbattbeygauebsbf* tbe totyeo goibej Wuer toaebelyueteo in tayles ameate/ yee a leaue to buylbe bp tbe bottfe of tbe )Lo?be fourtb baye/bnto fla* tepie of oure TLd?De &lt;5ob agayne/ t orepay?e ^mq(btbefonneof3o;tbe^2efte/anbtoitb tbe-toaftea places of $&gt;ion/anbtobtoell in bim toascieajartbeConneof Pbineas/aijn f eto^anbgierufalem.ainbnoto {2&gt;%omi m toftb lb5toere;3!ofab&amp;us m fonne of ^efnet/ tobatfoalltoefaye/bauyng all tbe fe tbfng^ ictom$titme of anus/9 cettayneqf inpoaeffyon ^o?toebaueb?ofientbFcom tbe%enytestotbenombje9 totbetoaygbt: maunbementes/tobpcbtbmigauettbntobft anwbe toaygbt oftbem teas to?itten bp tbe bptbe banbes of tbiffewafltes t p;opbe tts/ fo?tbofetbattoerecome out rayinge:cbelanbetbatyegobnto/9 tbatitf of captyuyte/ tbey oftreb facrifyce bnto tbe geuenyou fo?anberitagetobauewpoBef* -o?be tbe ob of gifrael:eue.]ri;.o)cen fo?all fyon/isbefylebtoitb njebnclennesa fy ltb^ |frael.lwbi.ramnte0.irjru.fl)|.goat5 nes of tbej^eatben/a tottb tbeir abbo


fo?rynne.jcij. byne fo; a tbanbofftynge/aii totbefacrifice of Oft %omt. Jinb Syngejf. cSmyflySbeiytiereD tbey bnto tbe ftctoaroes anbbebyteg of tbe stynge/anb to tbebnbtr*! Q)?iuifiMeJfirp?ta abb Pbenfces.

1 r Ij 1 _ ^

ctonbaue tbey poiuteb (tall togetber.cbev f ? 1 all ye not to m youre baugbtersi bnto tbefe tbitneS ; / ner mary youre fbnnes bnto tbere baugbtets : ^o?ouer / ye (ball neuee feftetomaftepeace tt (be/gye maye increa^ fefetbsngestoere bonc/tbe. fe aeatefbeft in tbelanbe/9i pemayeae* miees came bntome/anbfayb-.cbe genera*, uybe tbe fnberftaflceoftbelanbe bnto you w cyon of gffraef/ tbe^?mce0/ tbe f^ettcs anu cbyfi)?! fo? ettemtoje. as fo; tbe t btnge tbaf jLeut'tes/tbe ftraunge people 9 inbtoellers noto bappenetbbntobs/ tt commetb all fo? oftbelanb/bauenofputatoasetbefrbnclf* ouretotcbebtoo;^9gteateffnnes/yetbaS neoe/ftomtbe Cananites/Ifeetbites/Pbeee* tbougeueribSfocbeaeote/tbattoe are come fjtes/frSflje 0doabites/(gypcygs / 9bo^ gaynefntoouratohe!Sb:9 toearefotofefieb inytesif 0? botb tbey anb tbeftfomtes bane f toe baueb;obf tb Oatutes 9 cSmaunbe' jnenglebtbem feluestoitbtbe baugbtersof metesagasne/amenglebourefebiestttbe tbem/ 9tbe boiyfeDefsmyrtetoftbtbeout- bnclfnejfof f outlSbtib^eatbf. JLo?b/are lanbyJb^eatben/atenstbebegynnynBeof tbpuangtyettbisftoylttbourote bSrteane tbeftraygnebaue tbe rulers 9 babesoehe; iiK$duterote9nameremaynenomo;e;fl&gt; pattetabers of tbeir toycfiebnetie; ' )Lo?bobof31fraeltbouarttrue/fci?outrote i, ...: .:- * cttDuretb.




enonwts; petbnto tfif* pjefentbape. and be* boufc:agapne/ tbl* too?cfie t* not a t&amp;pnge/ fiolde/noto ate toe beftyetbe in cure fpnne*/ that can be f m yf&amp;eo toa dape o?'ttoo/fo? toe ^ tiotocantoenotaanDebe&amp;yetbeiutbem. bemanpp&amp;auefpnnedm there tbfnge*-.?. ,Rv.*.a *am&gt;to&amp;encErb;a* toftbtbi* p?apee bad b?ene tberfo?e/g tberujer* o fthe multitude fmotoiebgeo tlje fpnne/toepmg/ 9 Ipege flatt tail thep that btoell toith b*/9 a* man? ass topon the grounDe befoje ty teple/tbere ga- bane outlandpw topues 1 the ?eae* alf o 9 rhered bntobpm from Serutalcm a greate iudge*ofeuerppIacemsp aandein fttpme multitude ofraen 8 toemen/ofponge men 8 appopnteb/tpu tbeplotofebptKto?ati) of mapde*/fo?tberetoa*aberp;greattoeping tfte&amp;opDeinbtSburpne*. 8mournpngeintbecongregacpon.&amp;&gt;otobe cbengonatba* ftfonneof &lt;?eK,' 9 $* gec&amp;orta* tbefonneof leheli oneof the cbtl&lt; a*anbhecam teceaued tbe charge of thp* DjenofgTraelcrfed/berapdbnto cro?a*:toe matter/ 8 )Bo?o?amu* / 9ttwn&amp;em* baue fpnneo agapna tbe tow/ tomtit toe tbeu* befpeD them tijerto .a f tee tbfe/a ll tbe? bane marteo outlanbpO) toemen of tbe $ea- aobebp g toere come out of captpupte, inn rbenjSoto artthou ouerallffraeuee toil! Gfb?a* the |B?ea chore bnto brm tbe mtnt t* ftoeaeeanotbetberfo.2ebntotbejL-o.ji1e/that pall men frSamonge the father* acco? bpng toe all put atoape all out* topue*/ tobich to their names/ 3 in$ neto mone of toe tenth C toe baue tafie ofthe E^eatbe/ti tbetrcbittye: monetb the? fatt together /to eram en thpa i"iHea*lti*appopnted$bpourefo?eeloer*. matter/and fot&amp;ematter toa* a oetermp ng &gt;tande bptben/open thou tt/anbdeclarelt (c5cerning tbe mengbab outlanbtft topu e*) pIapnelpbntob*/acco?bingtot|)elatoeofft bntpllft netomoneof thefp?a monetb.anb

Ho? tbe matter b eiongetb bnto tbe / 8 oftbe?eae* ft had mtrte them telue* toftb toetopllbelpetBe/qufctetbpfelfemSlp.&gt;o outlanDpwtopue*/tftereteerefoun&amp;e:ff gfd?a*arofe/and tone an otbe ofthe ruler* fonnegoftefuthefonneoffofedecanDbp* oftbel&amp;?eae*/8 of the juuite*/8 of Ifraei/ b?etb?e"/fla?ea*/&lt;lea?at/ 3!o?tb u* 93!oato do after there tbfnges-.ano thep ftoare. beu*/toftich offcedtbem feme* to put atoape caft m*m mucin* imt, m vmimt tbrtrtojttes/|toomearSmefo;tbefrwno. aiuasct^eitacanacvopucKanat^en wtucnet&amp;euc* rauce.ainD Of ft tonne* of s&gt; emmert/fipu* *f manmetcljuttto Ijwjatoiic&amp;tocllynse. fea*/8C-ffe*/8$eelecba3aria*.&gt;f fc fonne* . be.iic.cbapter. ofiJfofera/jLtmoftag/^tfmaen/iQatbanea/ &lt;s wset^T! enro?a*BcDe top fro" the courte ymoffiooum calfa*.and of the JLeuiK i ; ofthetepletottbout/9toemtnto g;orabdu*/)emef*/8Colni*/caleta*/!JFa* the chamber of Jcnatbag ftfonne ctea*/Colna*/8&lt;lfona*.f tberpnget* of of atabu*/8 remapneb there/ 8 the gjanetuarp/ flEltartb/^acBanw. t me atenomeate/no;b;onfieb^nBe/fo;fmul. pojtent/ftaftimutf acolbane^Jnbofgif* tftubeofthetopcfteDne* ofthe people, anb rael/of the ebtfbje of &lt;JFo?o/rt/ ?emt aa/ there toas mabe a p^oclamacto in allfeto;? 9 ebbtajs/^ fleelchtajf / flRfcpeluU / (flea* ?at jerurale/fo?all foeb as tocregatbcreb ?aru0/3lcmmeb!aiS/anDanna0Jnbof the atjetufaleoutofcaptpurte/ tobofoeuer cbplbjen of folaman/ChantajJ/ 5acftatf/ canienotto3erafalfto!thinttooo?^ f ctireluji/Jobbtug/ crtmoth 9 tfltaOnb (acco;opng tothetubgemctof olbeioflesi ofthe fonnejSof |Jathoim/ltabag/xifafa^ ofcounceiDbiiSgootiegQmibebetaSenfrom mu0/5ochfa(5/iarimoti)/S&gt;abW0ce*^ 6tm/9 be ejrclttbeb from the congregacpo of beDiaJJ.fnb ofthe fonnesJ of 3ebes/ giohan* r raptpufte .m in mmm toere all the? ne0/3Cman!ag/5abbta0/cmmeuj{inb of of thetitbe of 3!uoa 9 ftmjmin gathereo tbefonness of annusJ/ lammuu/ 0pialu together at 3!erufalem;tbe.rr.bai?eof_ti)e.i]r cbu*/3!ebbu*/3atub/ajf8b H $ 9 ya hn^ moneth.anb tobole niuitftube fat trebling 3nb of f tonnes of ttftfit/fftufttf/ft flBoo* in thecourteof tbetfple/fo?fttoais tointer. fta0/9CaleuS/?;maanajJ/fl9aaruajJ/#a &lt; ^50(Co;as arofebp/ afajbe rhathtais/JBefel/JSannug anb mmW. baue Done bnwghtuouflg/tnthatyehaue ta* ainb ofthe forme* of #aue/j3ones/3fifea* / fien outlamnjGje topueis to manage/ 9 fo to flelchta)S/S)amea*/^)tmoi/38enf amtn/ &lt;ncreafe|fpnnegofjfrael.a'nonotofiiioto. gaalchust sfl^arrag.anbofthefonnegof lebge thefame/9 geue p;apfe bnto t&amp;e&amp;offle arom/Carlaneug/#atbathla*/3&a mp;annu{{/

(So3ofoutefatherjJ/perfourmeht3tofll/ CKphalach / afrmtm,' &amp;&gt;emtt.f fon* bepartpngefrSthe heathen of the lanbe/ nej$of25annujs/3!ereimi,'!3oobfa0/il2a*i j5 from the otttlanbpfl) topueg. cflen crpeb the ma&amp;aobel/tf anea$/Peaa$/3ona /gBarfe to|oiemuftptubetofthloiibebopce/9fap6e: moth/ltanb/fl9athaneuj5/(Hlaff0/fl&gt;?ia iS lp6eastboitBattrpo&amp;etiTotoi)UiBeDo-.but 30felug(/Semebrui/5amb'0ag;ofeph.C fo?fo mocha* the people aremanp/anbthe the fonne*ofi9obeug/i5belu*/flRatBatatfl8 topnter here/toe mag not ttanae tottbouttbe &gt;ababu0/5ecbeoa/^&gt;ebmt/3!efleu* /)5a neaU

. 4


$ nea*. an there rjabtaaen sutlanbvfb toeme to martafiexaeiputthearoapetotttit$elr tmti/mtWitttefi'9 Jt,eui!te*/^atfthep of ifraej/ottelt st%wtiM t(Woto= cut all the laiiDe/in the neto moone of the.btf monetb/athechplb^oftiraeitoeretntbelr btoeiltnge*. anb tbe tobole muititu'be came togetherbp5thefloo;eatf dEaftfpoeof (&amp;i Wv po;te of the teple. a no the p fpafie bnto (b;a*thehpe ^;eft areaber/tbaf betoolbe 6;f nge the latoeof ^ole*/ tohtcb toa* gen l ofthe Ho;be0obof 3ftel.Q fb;a*ff&gt;e W ^; e a bought tbe latoe bnto the tobole ....... . .mul'ttii)e/tomS9tooma/?toaIU5;ettes(/g ffiS * c * nBftt heare latoe/*m * neui mone of f bolp po;te of teple I fr5 g mo;npng ear* IV bnto eueni'ng/t)efo;emen$ toeme,ano tbepappiyeo theirmpnoeallbnto latoe* - aribCfo?a0 tto |S;eft 9 leaser ofthe latoe f ftooe bp bpo a fcatfoloe of tooob/ tobtcb toa* made thetf o?e: $bponhi*rpghthanoe there

tto&amp;e bp bim Sl9athathta!5/^)amu*/anant a*/a?aa/eii.n'a!S/fl)5echla*/93c&gt;allam': pon h* lefte Ijanb ftooe-ffaloeu*/ S^ifael/ ^alachta0/abiifcha0/^&gt;abu0/^ababtaj3 sSacbarp.chen tofte fD;a* bofie befo;e the tobole multituoe/ fo;he toa*thc p?pnc* pall/9 hab in 1110 oft honour of them ail. anb tobenbebaorebouttbe latoey thepttobeall fltK$ht bpon tijeirfete.&amp;o &lt;2U)m P?apfeo the)lo?oethemoofthpe&lt;2Job/tbeaimpghtp d5ob of ^oftesJ.aubailthepeopie anftoereb: amen:anDhelDebpthclrhattbe0/feilbotone flatbpon the earth, 1 9 p;apfeb the JLoio. anb g l efu*/)Benens(/)arcbra*/g , abb!'mujai/ac* cubu*/ $)abbatljeuss /CalithejJi/a^arta*/ 31o?abu*/ananla*/aPhilta* the nieutte* Ipft their h a k bptoarbe/9 b otoeb their face* tof grounfie/a p;apfeb ftotfKC&amp;ofe toere thep tohtch taught latoe of fcojo/a reo ft latoe ofthe %mo in the congregacpo: 9 euc* ,5* rpman fet thofe befo?e g bnoerftobe latoe. hen fpafie atharate* bnto &lt;efb?a* tbebpe ^eaarcDer/stothe^euitesf taughtthe multptube/raptng:chi* Dapef*hoIpbnto jLo?be: sail thep that hab hearse the latoe/ toepte . &gt;o &lt;fD?a* fa?De : eparte ?oure toape then/9 eate the bell/9 Djirtfie the ftoe* tea/8 fenbe gpfte* bnto the $ haue nothfng: fo? thf* bape I* holp bnto the %om/ 9 be not t efojp.ftben toente tftepthetrtoape euerp* ebone/ate3D;o(iclte/atoeremerp/9fentretoame* bnto the th at hab nothing/ tha t riiey alfomf ght- eate *&amp; giabneffe i fo? thep toere eyceblnglpretopfeb/tho?oto the too?be*that toere tea bnto them in tbe latoe: anbfo thep toere all gathered together at sicrufalemto Uottethe f ea ft/accotfipng f tbe couenaflt of t$eTLoabeoDoflfrael. .cecf)eeii3i'ofthethp2oetJoBeofCfo?a*,

C% people is p:oucQ fo; t\)tit bntQancbfuliKs. CfoOttpUfpntiE another people^ t^tCc tovu not be ufomtti . ircbefpzit chapter. fyt I'cconDe mc of tj;e l&amp;?ophf te mm ( the fonne 38

oES&gt;arata*/$ fonne of aia tta*/ the fonne of $elcbfe/ fonne of ^allum/the fonne __ of$aDoc/thefonneofacht* tob/ft fonne of amerta* / the fonne of a?a* rla*/ft foime of aparat'otb/ fonne of g&gt;a= aht'a0/ fonne of C3?t/t&amp;e fonne of tfoccu*/ ft fonne of abti/the fonne of ^hinea* / the fonne of c-lea?ar/tbe fonne of aaron/ ofthe tepbeof jL-eut ) tohpch toa*p#foneem t^e lanae of gpeeoeg/in ft rapgne of attarerfes fcpngeofpetfla. ano the tootfe of theHo?bcame bntome/ Capfng:gothptoape/9lBetomppeople there fpnfuitbeDe*/ 9 their chplD?f their topclseb* neffe*/tohich thep haue Done agapnltme / g thepraap telltherr chplDer* chiiwe the fame: fo? the fpnne* of their father* are tncreafeb i'ntftemJnbtohp;thephauc forgotten me/8 15 daueo5teobntoftraungegobl!e*Jmnot3! rue he/ that brought them out of tbelanbe of CSfPte/fvo the I) our c of bondage? tfut thep haue p?ouofteD me bnto topath/ anD defptfed mp coacel*.^ull tbou out then tbebearre oe thpheabe/9 cattail euel ouer them/fo? t&amp;ep haue not bene obedient bnto mp latoe. jt i* a people toithout lernpnge 9 nourtoute.teotolongewalia fo?beare tbe"/bnto **&amp;&amp; tohom 3! haue DonefomochegooK * fl^anp 3 or "'"""'^* Kpnge* haue 3 defttoped fo; their fane*: ^ m m, s *mmo totth hi* fewaate* 9 alibi* potoer * w 9 B haue 3! fmptten dotone 9 llapne : ail the na* epon*l)aue3i deftroped and roted out before the/9n the cDaft hauej brought ttoo lande* 8 peopletonaught/euen p?e and &gt;pdon/ anb haue Uapne all their enempe*. g&gt;peane thoutherfo?ebntott)e/fapinge:Chu*fapeth , _ thejUj?De:*3ied pou tho?oto the fee/ 8haue *P*e geuenpoufurearete*fencethebeginnpng l!S(|I , ,.. *J gaue pou fl&amp;ofe*eo be pourc captapne/8 &amp;&amp;* aaronto be tlje p?eft: % gaue poulpgbt At a ma,m,n, pplet of fp?e/andfgreatetoonder* haue gj done amonge pou:pet haue pe f ojgotteme/ fapththeiLojde. Cbu0 faptt) the almpghtp %otU^ gaue pou quaple* to eate / 9 tente* fo? pout fuc coute:J9euerthele*pemurmureD/andarcrfc bed not the blcto?pofpoure enempe* bnto mpname:peetnp*famebape bo pepet mur* moure,l0&amp;ete are ft benefpte*/that31haue


&amp; &amp;-'.

rf* vs-

i&amp;f ttttm

bonefojrotrt t&amp;benpetoetcbongtre mt^c tor !b e mea / bpbi re not ccpe tinco me : I W Da a tbou bjOugbt b? into tb VS torloetneu/. to firii bjtf It ftao bene beast t'o;bj5/ti$aue fetueb tBe (EgrpnSsi, tyen to Dge m tb# toil* betneffe.cbenbabg! prtre bpSroute mout* *apica rbf . npngefl/anogaue rou apanna to eate,*fc ** ate angeK foooe. lbenre mere ftffftW _DgD not petoe ftjataaone/ 9 caufeo toatec touotoetbetoutf iffoj tbe beate 3 coueteb rou totttj tbe lean eg of t tee? J goob plea* . rauntfatlanbgaue'Jroiugcattouttbeca* .&lt;.. nanitefS/tbe^betefrtesJanbPbilrttme** be ** fo?e rou * tbat ftalig do mo;t fo? ton/ raretbtbeftoj&amp;e? cbusfartbtbeailm?gbtreTa,o?be:lisb*n retortem tbe torlbetnep/in tBe toatet of tbe amozrtetf/bemgeatbrtf/fjblafpbemrngc mr name/I gane rou not fr;e fo? tout tiiaf* pbempeu/uut ca8 a ttc e intofte toatet/anS mabetbetpuetftoete.tfcbatlball'Jbobnto tae/^DIacob^ftouSuDatooIoea not obepc

rae.5 torlltutne meto anotbetpeople /:an&amp; bntofbotetorll 3! geuemg name /tbat tbep mare fiepe my ttatuteu.^&amp;eing p e baiie foj* fafien me/3 torn fo?fafie rou aito.lfcfien re &amp;etr?emetobegtacrouf$bnto rou /l tball *&lt;gra(c.t&amp; Bauenometc?bponfou*lben?ecallbp5 me/'3itorlinotbeateron.jfo;rebauebefr* f eb route banDets tottb bloube/anb roure fete ate Ctorft to comptmanaaugotet. fe Baue notfojfaft? me(inamanet)but pouteatone felucfS/faptbtbejUo^oe. &amp;ufJ fartbtbealmpgbtre%o;!be:&amp;aue/3|j notpjape&amp;rou/ ajsafatbetbitf fonneu/assa motf)eebetbaugbtetjs/&amp;aiJ a no;(rebetpoge babe$/tbatretoolbebemrpeopie/a3|flniia be route ob-.tbat re'toolb be mptbpibjen/ * #*fc*l*i anol ftulbe be route atone f atbet I * % ga* tljeic-D r ou to getbet/ ast an benne gatbeieflj l;et cbefienss bttbet bet topngeu . 28ut noto tobat all 3 bo bnto poitf 3 ibaii catt rou _.. out ftomr face;* ibm reoffte bnto me/31 u J roail tutne mpface feom rou : fo? route-f 0* * lempne featt bapeg/route neto mooneiS/ artb route cfaumcrfrSsbaue'jfotfafien.'jCent bnto rou mr fetuaffteu tbe ftopftcttf/ tob5 je baue tancn anb flapne/anb tome tbeit bo br eji mpeceft'tobofe blouoe 3! torll tequ^e of route banoe&amp;faretb tbe jlojbe. * cbuis faretb tbe aimrgbtr &amp;o?be : route boufemuttbebefolate. 1 ? torH call rou out as tbe tornbe ootbtbt tttatoe:r oute cbrl Wen all not be ftutefull/f 0? tber baue oefprfeb mr commaunbcment/ anbbone tbe tbuige Watte euellbefotfme. foute bbttftf toril 3 geue bnto a people tbat mall come/5 tbep . tbatneuetbetbemeroalbeleuemme:atbep bnto tobom 3&gt; neuet fbetoeb fofien / allto tbet&amp;mge teat % cSmaunce tbe. &lt;H$e?baue

fene nopjopljeted /ret ftaU t&amp;er eaH tbeft rrnne^to tememb;aun/anb bnotolebge

t#tm.% tepo^temebntotbegtacer t^Mtt Ho (oj g people tobfeb 19 to come/tobofe cfjtl* D^titetovreinglaonejcatbougbtbcrbaue not fene me tortbbobelrereis/retui fp^ete tbep beleueirbe tbinge tbat 1 fare, a no note tyotbet/ bebolbe tobat gteate too;fbrPPe/9 fe fije people tbat cSmetb ftom tbe cjaft, bn= totobomitorllgeuetbemibeiiomofaib;a bant/'Jfaacanblacob/of^ftas/amcsS/^ fljt cbeau/of 3!oel/ aibbr/ 9fona0/ fiaum / 9 2ibacuc/of&gt;opbonry#ggeui$/3acbatr/fc ^aiacbi/tobfcb^callebalfoanangelKo; meffenget) of tbe jLo?be. GCl)s S-Fingoge fpn&amp;HI) fatUc toit!) (ct atone cfU U: en . &lt;E$( C5fiit jls 6 ace called. Cttbe,fl.&lt;ffftaptei:. :t!fartB tbejto?be:3! ^otigbt; tW people out of booage/J gaue* tbem mr cSmaunbcmentejsbr mr TeniauntesJ tbe $?opbete0/tof)om tbou toolbea not beate/but befptfeb mr coufei0.&lt;srbe motij et tbat bate tbem/faretb bnto tbem:&lt;0o route toare re cbrlb?en/fo; 5. am atovatiotoe ano fo?fafien;3J b?ougbt fou tip tottbglabne(Te/buttoftbro;otoanbbeurne0 baue 1 loQrou:fo? re baue ftnncbberoje Q)t ?lo?Deroiite wool anb bone tbe tbmge' tbat is eueii befo?ebfm.5Sut tobat (ball % noto to bnto rouf 3 am a torbboto anb 1 0.2 fafi en; go route toare/&gt; mr cbrltnen/anb af fiemetcr of tbe %owM fo? m&amp; fatbet/^ call Dps tbefo; a toptneffe ouet tbe'motbet of tbefe cbrio;en/tob(cb toolbe not fiepe mr conenaunt:tbattboub?rngetbem to coufUfrou/ . anbtijeitmotbet toafporle/tbat (bebeate no moie. Het tbeit names be rca tt to ab^oabe amonge tbe eatben/iet tbem be put out of tbe eattb/fo? tber baue t&amp;otigbtfcojne cf mrcouenaunt. &lt; asobebntotbeSdut/tboutbatbtbedfbe bntrgbtuous br tbe. bou torcbeb people/ tememb;e tobat l&amp;rbbnto &amp;obome ac3o* mojre/ttbofe lanoeiss tutneb to pitcb anbaf flt)est.uen foalfotorlll bo bnto all tbem/ tbatljeatemenot/faretb almrgbtr %ojH. g buss far e t b tbe %om bnto cfb;a{s:cr)lme people/tbari torllgeue tbemtbeftfngbome of |etufalem/tob(cb % toolbe bauegeuebn*

to|ftael.:beitgio?r alfotorll 9! tafiebnta me/3 geuetbem tbeeuetlaQrnge tabetna^ (les/tobrcb 3! bab p;epateb f o? tbofe. cbetteeoflrfe roalbebntolbema ftocte &lt;flnenrnge orntement : tber ajaHne^et!a bout e no? be toeet#.&lt;0oreroute toare/an&amp; reQtallteceaueit.^arefo; routefelueji a fetobarejJ/gfbermarebtoelltbeti'n. #oto 10 t\)e fe{ ngbome p?epateb fo? rou/ tbetfo?c toatcije.cafie beauen anbeattb to toitntw

* A


* jr

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w% ;-

9oi % W\t WoWa t&amp;e well nr pttt*/9 ctca

4@otf)er emD^flce tf)g cI)pID;ert/abb;pnge tijem toptoutl) glatmeffe : mafic tftewftte a0 fefta0apgiei;/fo?a^aue eftofm^c/torc^ a*nD trjofe tdae be Deed to? R J ra^re bp agape ftom fym piacw anD biengc tftem out of t&amp;e gratis /ft 3! ftaue ftnotonemp name tnytxwifi caw notttjoumotftec of cfltftym/fo^j rjattc cljofat tlje/ favrtft t(je jlo?De,ainDfo2t!)i?^lpeg|0)aifenDe^emK (eruaunteg cfa j? anb g*ctenip / aftet tolj ofe coucelia Ijatee fatutpftrti 9 pjepareD fo? t^e jrij, txw tofti) Dj?ucrte ftutes /anbagman? toelM/ftotosnge toitl) m vlcft an d ijoni? / ana ftueti mountapttejf/ toftetbpon tticiegvotoe row and WKejJ/ to^enn 9 tovll C;li my t#xU tymtoityiWMtmtewfltte fo?tftetoKlJ* dotoe/be hinge f 01 tlje fatljeiieae:gge totlje t&gt;oo?e:befentie U)e coinfoiteleffe : ciotljttlje nafieD;^eare ttjc toounDeD ano tpcfttlaugft notalawenwH tdfco?ne:Df fenDe cwpell/ aniJlet^ebI{?itrjecomemtotl)eft'g!)tofmi?cleacneg.^epe H)e olpf ^ soutige toit9in tOj? . toaile0;toi)eitromet t^ou tymaawwoj i(M tfiem/antibuvve tftem/anQf fljan geue tfte/teef^aplacemmgteftiri'ecao^oiDe if iWKi mi!?peopIe)a!fttaMt&amp;p teft/fo? tftv : mH$! comg/peftewi? cl)pin;e d&gt; tt) 011 gooft imp / fabipto tf)eitfete:3P0 fbitfte ftmaufjted toljom 3! fjaue geuen tlje /t^ere tell not one of Jftero pe;pfy/ f o? 91 topll fefte t^em ftom fiji? nomfee/beice not tijp fe ife. iJfo? toBeutOebave of tioubie a ftatyneg commcflj/osijui; (bail toepe anbbc to;otofulj but tijou ftHiSi: K)e me tv anb plenteous. &amp;(i e ^eatften iDftiii ^ gelou$/but ei) e p Qjalbe able jQbQ'noti)in$$ aa?ntt cue/EftptO tbe jLo;be, tv!0^r IMt)&amp;e# (Oallcotrer t ftr/fo tljat tljj? cOrt* bitnminmuui)tfvtt eaeuaQpnge. ^sc ib^fun jflD t\)mi motfteitottl) tlp c^ioje/f 0? to?Hbelgtt^t()e/tft^b tlje&gt;Lo?Br.enie* &gt;et% teen cOsn2nt/f o;.3l all (wngetQe f outoft^eeiWO/anD0)totnerci?biiofl)fm/ o; 3! jam 11^ Wull^rastB ^o?b Mmt g^tp, omb^a^ tfjpcijtftym / btttpil f -| come/9 fijetomet'ti'toitot^envfo^mpvtieiiesnmne ouet/anbVinM^ce (ball not eayle , ; a^?fif;irr:^mtebaef)atgeof i|e)lo;be bpon^eiio^^^eb/t^at^ ffiuiDe'go bn^ to 3taiei.&gt;ftirt toljen| came bnto gsftael tjjep tet meat s t ?(' wt/anbbefp?fe&amp; tlje comaun* bementoejt;v^De,aintJteifojeg!fapebn' totW/flD fe 8&gt;eaH&gt;e t^atfteateanbbnbe^

BanbctftuYM dwvotiK ttepfterbe/fte mall aetie^oueti^lattpge left : fo;Deti8 n^eat fanb/tljat miri r;ome in fy$ tm of $ too?ib, 58ewab5eco)ewtoai:beoftftefngbome/ tot tftf ftwfe tei:nscjss9 1 (Dan ftsne bpon

';* .w

roufo?euetmo?e, jfle t^elbabotoeof ttjr3 too;lbe/teceauetbeorfulne0 of route glo* tr.'l tettrfre mr fmgam openirt te* ceauetbegrfttbafrfegeuenroti/ abe glab/ geurnge t ban cnes bnto ftrnv tbat batb cal* leorou to tbe beauenir ftpngbome. atrfebp/sttanbe fadtbeboioe ffl nom*# b;e.oftbofetbatbe feaiebin tbefeaftof tbe )lo?be/toi)jcb atebepatteb ftom tbe maboto of tbe too?lse/ anbbaue teceaueb glo^ous Batmen test of tbe ftotfie. cane tbrnomb?e so 9rott/aitb (but bp tftr putrfreb/ tobtc^ bauefulfrllebtbelatoeoftbe)Lo;bc. cbe nomb?e of tbr tbriwen tobom tbou longe* beQ to} AH fulfillebiberecbe tbe potoet of tbe )Lo;be/tbattbr people tobi'cb baue bene cal* lebftonwbe begmnrnge/mare be balotoeu* % &lt;fo;a0fatoe bpon tbe mount %m\ a gteate people / tobom % com not nan b;e/ anbtberall p;arCe&amp;tbe JLogbe tortb fongest oftbanbefgeurnge,. anbintlje mpboeft of tbem tberetoajsa'fonge man of an brefta tute/mwe frolic nt tljen all tber/ anb bpon euetr oneoftbeit beabesbefetactotone/? toas. euet btgber anb brgbet/tobrcb3 mat* iielebatgteatlr.S)ogiarftebtbeangeli/ana farbe-.^rytobatatetbefef eanftoeteb 9 farbe bnto hwcbtfe be tber tbat baue put of tbemo?tailclotl)ingeanbput on tbe inw mo?tall/anb baue te ftr fr eb anb finotolebgeb fljename of ob. oto ate tberctotoneb^ teceauetbetetoatbe, ben farbe 9! bnto tbe angell:tobat r bng petfonne fejt/tbatctotonetb tbem /anb geuetb tbem tbe palmer in tbett banbe^f &gt;o ije apftoeteb a farbe bnto meg* 10 tbe f onne of &lt;0ob/ tobom tber baue finotolebgeb in tbe toolbe cben beganueg gteatlr to cSmenbe tbem/tbat aobe Co ttrflr to? tbe name of tbe

)Lo?be.3(inD fo tbe angell farbe bntome: (50 tbr toare/anb tell mr people / \a^eit maneH of tbrngesJanbboto gteate toonbet^of tbe M,o?be tbr ob/tbou baft fene.: ff;Ciie tooiibctono tooiciicuMjici) (3oO op&amp;fo; lljf people ate tc t jte b. ffittwu maviteletl) tljnt joo bif* f nil) the j3aU?lonpmiB to ^ane tule oiier l)is people/ toljicl) jet ate fpnnS0 alfo. cbe. fii.Cljaptet* 10 tbe tlj^trereate of t&amp;ef&amp;u" of !tbecrtre/3'toa0 at)Babrlon/ahbai lare ttoublebbpS inr beb / anb mr tbongbteg came bp ottetmr \)ewto} j fatoe i\)t beColacronof g&gt;fon/ anb tyi plenteous toealtb of tftem tbat btoelt at iBa= brlon:anbmrfp?ete toasfo?e moueb/fo t % begannetofpeane featfuiltootfiejsto ti^e molt bwft/anb farbe: 5Lo?ne iLo?be/tbou fpabea at tbe begrmtrnge/toben tbou pm^ tmfit eattb canbtbat tbrreife alone) ano 55bb gauell



andgaueft commaunMment bnto ttjc peopie, ana abooybnto aaam/tobycb totf a creature of tij banbess / anD t^aCt b?ethca m &amp;ym the b?etQ of iyfe-.anbfobe If ucabefoje the/ a tbou leoaeft by m mto patabf fe /tohicb garden of pleafure tby tygbtbanbehad plaV r tea/o? euer the earth teas mabe . 3CtiD bnto bymtbougauea commaunaement to roue tby toaye /tobicb be tranfgreffea/andimme'dyatiy ou appoyntedeaaeatb in bynvanb in bys generacyons.a&gt;f bym came nacions/ trybes/peopie anb fiynrebes out of nomb?c. ., anbettevy people toaifiebafter their atone 70 rryll / and byd nyce tbynges before the i ano as fo? tby commaunbememes / tbey be fpy* feb tbem.

JButin p?ocetTe of cyme tbou b?ougbtett thetoateraoube/bpon thole tbatbtoelt in toozibe/anadeBroyeba tbem. and Jybeas the aea toas ip.tbam/fo teas the toacee noudealtointbefe.iiDeuertbeieffe one of the tboulefteBmamely oe toitb bis OoutUoio/ of tobome came all ryghteousmen audit bappeneb ttjat toljentuep tbatbtoelt bpon the eartl) / beganne to multyplye / anb baa [otten many cbild?e7anD toere a greatepeo* ue/they beganneto bemo?e bngoaiy then tbefy?B. #ototobeneyaHlyue&amp;fotoycrte&amp;lybe* fo?e the/ thou ayaea chore n&gt;e a man from amonge tbem/tobofe name toas ab?abam.Asm ti) on ion eae a/ana bnto bym only tb on etodea tby toyll/ anb mabea an eucrla* Byngecoucuaunt toy bym / p?omyfinge bym /tbat tbou tooldeB nettec fo?rane bys fede.ana bntobym tbougaueftf faac/ bnto gfaacairotbougauea gjacobanb Cfau. as fo^acob oubydefl cbofe bim/anbput bacfie&lt;fau.anbfog!acob becamea greate multytudc. anb it happened at tohen tbou rebbeft Cbis febe out of gypte/ tbou b?ougbtea the* bpto tfje mounted yon / botoynge botone ebeauens / feltyngefaB the eat / mo*' uyngethcgrounbe/maftyngetbeaepesto abe/andtroublynge the mum ana tbe gio?ytoenreo?oto foutepo;tes offy?e/ catto nuafies/ ana toynbes/ ana colde: that tbou mygbtea geuetbe later bnto tbe febe cfJacob/anddyjygencebntoegeneracy* on of gftacl. anbyettolteBtbou notatoaye from the attoycftebbert/g ylatoe mygbtb?ynge f o?tb ftute in tbem. jf o? tbe f y?a aibam bate atoycfiebbert/tranfgreaea /and toas ouee* eome/(jrobealleytbatarebo?neofbym. Cbustemaynebtoeafinestoftbthelatoem tbeberte of people/toy toycftebneireof tbe tote : To tbattbe goob be parted atoaye/ i anb tbe euell abobe flyll,&amp;oe tymespaf'

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fed atoaye / 9 eyeatcs tomb?6ughtfo an enae.cbenay&amp;eBtbou rayfe bpaferuaue failed aur'b/ttb om tbou commaunbeba to buylbe a cue bnto tby name/ anb to core bp

incenfe'and f acryfyce bnto tbe tbcn. bys teas bone note many yeaws.cbtn tbe inba bytets of tt)e cyte fo?fofte tbe/a in all Hjing? byb men as a bam anb alleys genera ryons babbone : fo?tbeyalfo Ijaoa toyclseb bette. anbfo tbou gaucft tby cyte own into tlje a banbrs of tljyne fnemycs.a:etljey of abi-- w ion tben better anb mojerygbteoustljentby people/ that tbey, all tberf at banc tlje be* mynyon of &gt;yon:fiw tofjen | cametljete/? fatoetbeit bngoblynes/anb "fogreate toyc fiebneffe/tbat it coufte not b e nombjeb : yee teiicn ni v Coule fatee f many euell bo trs ( in .rrc-ffarelniy Derte fayh b me/fo?|, f atoc/ borotbou fuffteB rljem in focb biigoblynes/ 9 fparcatbetoyefiebboers: but tl;yne atone people ftaa tbou toted out/ &amp; p;eferucbtij yne cnemyes/anb tijys baa tbou not ajetoeb me, r cannotperceaneboutbys bappenetb. 300 tbey of jfiabyion tben better/ ttjen tOep of ^yoniiD;is t()fany otbeipeople/tbat; Rnotoctl) tbe/fauyngc tbepeopieofgfratlf D; tobatgeneractonbatbfobeleucbtby co uenauntes/as pcobf and yet tfjeir tetoatbe appearetbnot/u tOeiriabourbatb noftute. jfo? 1 ! ijauegonebere andtljere t^o?ototbc ^eatijen/s 31 fe tft at tbey be tyc!) 9 toealtby/ atbyncfie notbpon tbycommaunbemetes. teyetl)ou tl)erfo?e oure toychedneffe noto in tbe bataunce/frtbeirsalfo tbatdtoeil in tbetoo/lbe/sfo (ball tl)y name be notobere founae butin3)ftael . ffl&gt;? toberefei tljfve a pcopiebponeartb/batbnotrynnebbffo/e tbe;flD?tebatpeopiebatbfofiepte tby com* mattnbementesf cbou altfynbe /tbatgif* rael bv name batb ftepte tby p^eccptes/ but not the otber people ano i^eatben, toenm into tliepjofounoc iu6gcmcntteofX5oi&gt;. CCbcu'ii.cbaptct. m tbeatmgclitljattoas fentbnto a me (tofjofe name teas CB?iel) gaue meananltoere/^ laybetcby \}ttt batbtanentomorljbpon itintby? too^loc anb tbou tbyncftee to comp;ebenae tbetoaye of tfte^yea.cijcn Caybef-Feemy %oM. anb beanftoercdme/anbfayae:! am tent to fl)etoetbe tb;e toayes/ana to fee loM tb?e fymylyttibes / befo;e tbe : tobetoC yf thou cana declare meont/% toyll ftjetoe tbealfothe toaye/tbattbou aefy^efttofe: and % all ajeroetbe from tobence tbe toyc* Red berte commetb . and % fayuetccll on

my &amp;o?de. cbenfayfiel)ebntome:&lt;Botbg toaye / toeye me t\jt toeygb t of the f#e/ ot meawire me the Watt of tbe toinbe/o; callme agapne

\: M m3 K^ M TRV L . 1 1 1 Jt ^9 ^E Mil' ' ,^H rS&gt; B ^^k ^HV ,4 yK1 *m

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agapne tbe aape that is paa. ben anttoe, reo3!andfaybei!i9batmanbo;neiS able to botbat^ lbyrequy;efttboufochofme? anDbsfayaebntomeigif % uldeaffietbe/ bote Depe dtoellynges ate in the fee; t boto gteate toaf er fpnngi; ate bpo tbe fitmametf 0&gt;t boto great toatcr fp?ynges ate in tbe be* Btnnyngeof tbebepe^ m tohicf) aretbeout Bowg^ofi&amp;araoyfe^eradueturetboutool* beft-l'aye bnto me : 1 neuer toeme dotone Cttm totbebepe no? bell/nether dyd 3! euet clymrne bp in to beauen.jfteuertbeieffe noto baue| aflieb the butoniy of fy?e anb toyndC 8nbpftbebaye/tobetetbo?oto thou baa tra* uayleo/anb from tbe tohicb thou cana not befeparated'-anbyetcanft tbougeue me no anftoereoftbem. ^e fayae mo?eouerbntome:Cbyne atone thtrigeS / etfoclj asaregrotonebp toitb the/ eanfttbou notbnotoe:boto nibethybeaeil tben be able to comp;ebende the toaye of the $yea / ana noto outtoardly in the co;tupte too^oe/tobnbetaanbetbecoirupcy6tbatis MV bet in my fight; cben faybc 3! bnto bym: Ittoere better that toe tocre not atall/ tben that toe (buioe lyue in toyefiebneffe/ 9 tofuf* 56 fre, ana not to imoto tobetfo;e. lj)e anftoerea me/ana fayoe;gi toente in a toon/ f tlje trees tobe foci) a beuyce ana fayb: Come let bs go/ anbfygbt agaynft tbe fee /that it mayeaeparte atoaye before bs/ana that toemaye mabebs yetmo?e tooaaes. be flouaes of the fee alfo in lyse maner toSe tbfcbeuyce/anb fayde: Come/let bs go bp/ ana fygbtagayna tbe mt$ of the tooaa/ tbat toe maye mafte oure lanae the toyber. be thought ana beuyce of tut toobb teas outbayneananotbyngetoojtb/fojtbe fy;e came anb confumeo the toodd : cbe thought of tbe flouaes of tbe fee came lyfie toyfe to naught alf 0,- f 0? tbe fanbe ttobe bp ana ttom pebtbem. 3&lt;ftboutoete nidge noto bettoyrte thefe ttoo/tohomtoolbeatbouiuflyfye/ojtohom toolbeatboucoribeinne^3|anftoeteb$fayb; ctelyitisafolyQ) thought that theybotb baueaeuyrea.!ffo?thegrounBeisgeHenbn* (o the tooaa,- ana the fee alfo hath his place to beare bys flouaes. Chen an to erea heme / 9 fayoe:cbou haageuen a right iudgement/ mv tubgea thou not tby feifealfo^o; lybe

astbegroundeis geuen bnto the tood/ anb tbefeetobiSfloubeS'.etien fo tbey that ate ell bpon eattb/may bnderaande nothynge/but tbattohichiSbponeartb:anbbetbatbtoel letbabouetbebeaufjJ/maponlybnberaSbe tbctbing^/tbatate'abouetbebeaues.cben anftoerea %/anb faya:3 befecb e jg&gt; How let me haue bnaetttanbynge : f 0? it toas not mymynaetofjgcuryousoftbyhyetbynges/

but of focb a^toeaaylF mebte Wfotii/m mttgftymtt tbat aftaeiijj blafpbemeb of . the $eatbe/sfo? tohat caufe people (tohiS tbou euetbaB loued)is geue ouet/to be pu* nyebofbngodlynacy5s:8 toby tbciatoe of outefatbetsisb?oughttonaugbt/tot. tencouenautes come to none erTectevfr toe paffeatoaye out of the too&lt;rlbe as g gremop* pers/s oure life is a bery feare/ tee are not toojtby to optayne mercy. ibat toyll be bo tbenbntohisname/tobicbiScallebbpSouei!


toijcmtr/9 tayoe:toemo?e -s ^.^-hemo^etbouWaltmarueil/* to; the too;lbe haft e tb faa to pageatoaye/$ cannot comp;ebenaetbetbynges/tbat are Womtfea fo? the rtgbtuous in tyme to come/ fo? tbys too?ldeis full of bnrygbtuoufnei* anb toeabnes. ffiut as concernynge tbe tbynges toherof tbou afbea me/ a toyll teiftbe. che euell is fotone/buttbebeBruccyon njerof isnot yet * come.yf tbe euell noto tbat is fotone/be not tumea bpfyde dotone/9 yf the place toljere # euell is fotone/paffe notatoaye/tben can not tbe thinge come ? is fotone with goob. dfo? the co;neof euell feae batb bene fotone in the bert of man from the begynnynge/anb hotomocb bngodlynes hath he brought bp bnto tbystyme^ana hotomocb allbe vet

b?ingefo?tb/bntylihecomeintothe barneS Ponajenotoby tbyfcife/toben 8 co?neof euell febe is cuttbotone/boto gteate a barne manrtfyiifianftoercbanbfaybe^otoanb toh^ ai thefe tbingr s come to paffef ber* f o;e are oure y eares feto 9 euellfana he an* ftoerebme/fayinge: i^aae not thou tomocb bpoe^yea/fo?thy baflynes tobe aboue htm is butbayne/tbou maftett tomoch ado. jay&amp;not the foulesalfo of ryg[jtuousaffie queayon of thefe tbynge s in their bolynes/ fayinge:*^oto longe all % hope of this fa *apoc.W.b* yontBBbcn cometb the frute of my barne/ anamyretoarbefanabponthis^eremiel 9 archangel! gaue them anftoere/ anbfaybe: uen tohen the nomb?e of the fedes is fylleb inyou:fo?hehathtoeyebthetoo?lbeinba launee : in meafure 9 nomb?e hath be mea* fureatbetyme/anamouetb itnot/bntylltbe fame meafure be fuifyiiea. cbtn anftoerea 1 ana fapde:)lo;ae)Lo?be/noto aretoC all full of fynne/anafo? oure fafte peraauf ' ture it is not / that the barne of tbe rygbtu* ous all not be filleb/becaufe of tbe fyrmeu of them at a\oell bpon tbe earth. S&gt;obe anftoerea me/9 tayd:o tty toaye m toatoomStoithcbylbe/anbafbeofber/tob? ffiebatb fulfyileb her . fr. monetbes /yf bee cbilbebea mayeftepeby;anylonger teitft mber.cbcn faybeg;:f3o %t&gt;mti at can e bb., nor.

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notJnbbefapW bnto me^n bell tbe fecrete places of i"oule0ateiyjfietbep;eitpibamber ofatooraah &lt;j?o? lyftc ais atoomantbattrar uaplettt/manetb bafte, rcben ctje tpme 9 ne* ceffpteoetbebp?tbt0atbanae;&lt;uenfoboft&gt;

fbebadetobElpuee it tbat is comyttebbnto feet jUHetobattttoube fpjett to fe/t't fbalbe fli ctoeo tbe from tbe begp nnpngc. cben an* C ttCKhi* 9 fapbe'.$f $ baue f ounce fauoute mtbPfpgbt/anbpMtbepotoble/anbpf'Pc tnrte tfierf o:e , Gjetoe me tben/tobetber tfjere be mo?e to come tl)en (0 pad / o? mo?e patt t^eniss fo? to comc.iBbattjjpaa/g! itnotoe: but tn^at is f o? to come/g ftnotoe not. 3nb be tapoe bnto me: &gt; tanbe bp.bpott ft e tpgbt f voe/ 9 1 (bail ejrpounbe tbe c pnip* Iptubebntotbe.lbogiftooe/anbbebolbe/an toboteburnpngoiie'toenteouerbrfb?eme:9 ft bappeneb tob e n tbe flame teas gone bp; tbefmohe babtbebpperbanae. after tbp'U tb ere to ent ouer before me a toaterp clouoe/ $fentboronemocbrafne , toaftomic:$ tobjf tbe tto?mp rapnetoa0 pad tbe tooppes re* tnapnea dpfcfl pen fapbe fie bntome:lpfie a$ tberapiiei0mo/e tben tbeojoppesi/anDas tbe f p?eerceaoetbtbe fmofie,eue fo tbe mea* . tore of tbe tbfngrtftbat ate pad / batb tbe toppetbanbe. bentoentetbeb?oppe0 9 tbe fmofie abbue:anb3!p?ape&amp; anb fapbe : Orap: gipueubfttbedtboutontplltbat tpme? 0&gt;t tobatfljallbappe in tbofe oaf es^e anttoe* teume/anD fapoet 310 fo?tbe toftewtobctof *.. fc tbouaffie&amp;me/lmapetelljheoftbemfna mS!* patte;imt as nmtbmg *tbp me/Kjm t not "" ft)ftortbe/fo?lamno&amp;ftnttberfo?e.&lt;-. Cffii'cijafl anO tbe aungcti commeu t oactfjcc, tracbe.o.Cbaptet.- 'Guettljeie ae /as concernpnge the jti&amp;mp/mavfeetbw-.yjeboloe'ttje, oape0 (ball come/ tbattbep ffittfcb lotoell bpontartb/djaibe tafie in a . gteatenomb?e/anb tbetoapeof jtbetruetb ftalbebpb/anb tbe lanbetyaibe bat-en froth faptb:buciniqupte(ballbauetbebpperbSb/ lPBea0tboubatt fene noto/ as tboubaft bearbelonge agoo. ariBtbeianbe -tliat ibou ma note to bauerule/ fhait tbou ropitip it toafte.iBiit pf (Bob graunte tbe to f pue &lt; h on fbaltft after tfte tbp?a tropet/rbat tbe funne

(bait fooenlp fjjvne agapne m tbe npgb t . ana tbemoonetb?etpnte0mtbebape/anBbioube diall a?oppe out ofto.obb/j tbe done (bail jeue bfe bopce/9 $ people (ftalbe bnqupe f e: tfuenbefbanmle/tobomtbepttopenot g itoeli bpon eartb/9 tbe fouie0 (ball Apt/ano tbe ^ooomptplb fe.e Owll caff rut bp0 ffflt/ anamaneanoptefn tbenpgbt tom'cbmanp Iball not Rnotoe/but tbep tball all beate tbe bopretberof. c^ereibaibeaconfiirpoalfoinmanppia.

v. : .


ct0/anbtbefp;eOialbcoftftntagapne/ana tbetoplDe teattestbail go tbrtt toape/ano menQnicu0 toemen fb all beatemorurers/ 9 fait toatet0 (balbe foun&amp;e m tbe I toete : one ftrnbe (ball figbt agapna anotber;tben (bal alitost anDbnoetaantipnge be bpoanD put atpoe into tbett fectete viat-efM amifjalbc f ougbt of manp/anb pet founbe: tben fball bntpgbtuoufne0 anb. boluptuoufheji ' baue tbe bppetbanbe bpon eartb .ne larioe aii'oQjaUaffteanotber/anofape:S0tpBl)* teoulhe0 gone tbo;oto tljr ;ano it (ball fate: J9 . at tbe fame tpme (ball men b ope / but notbpngc optapne:ttiep (ball Jaboure/but 0)e ttapt0 ailnot p?ofpere. ^ Colbetoetfiefbcbetofienpg'Bauereue/ anb pf tboii tent p;ape agapne/anb toepe as noto/ano faftluten oape0/tboufbaltijeate pe t g teater t b in gee . c b c n 3 a toabeb/anD a f eattuinea toente tbo;oto ail nip bobp/ana mp toa0 febie anb carefull/fo tliat % almofl fotoneb tottball feo tb e aunge l tbat toa0cometotalfte ; tottbrae/^eioeme/com foptcbme/anbfitmebpbportniFftte. . , . ano in tbe frconbe npgbt tt bappeneb / $ ^aiatbieitbc Capfapne of tbe people came bntome/fapinge : iBbere baft tftou bene i 9 tobpi0tbpcof!cenauttcefobeup i finotoed

tbounot/tbafjftae.ligcommptteDbntojJ/ in tbe laribc of tbeit ca ptpup t ef tap tben/ 9 eat e/ anb f o?faue b0 no t / as tbe tb epbe roe tbat leauetbbP0floc&amp;e in tbe ljSbe0 oftnpc*. Ueotoclue0.riKnravbe3'bntol)pm:(3otb5 toapefto me/ anb come not npeme-.anb be beatbe it, anb as % fapbe;fo toete be W toape fro me. 2Mb tb % fafteb feuen bape0/mout npngeanbtoepingf/(pfiea0itt;ieltseaun* gell commaunbeo me.anb after feuen bapen tthappetfeo/tbattbetbougbteoofmpbette tor re herp guou0 bntomeagapne/anbrng fouletcceauebtbefp;eteofbpOet(tanbpnge/ anb 7. beganne to taiae toitb t^e moo ft bieft againc/e nb fapbf : }i o;be xo?be/of eue* vptoobbPftbeeattB9ofalltbettee0tbetof/ tbou baft cbofen tfie one onelp bpneparoe: 9 of all lanbrs of tbetobole toozloerbou baft cbofen tbe oneppt :rp bof ail flotites of tbe gtoimbe tiioubftft cbofen tbe one iplpe : ana ofalltHebeptbe0of tjhefee tbou baft fplleb the one rpuetianb of ail buptoeb cpt^0 tbott baft balotoeb fe pon bnto tbp. feif e-.anb of all tbe f oui es that are ere atcc ' tbou baft namrb tbe of ail tbe cateUtbataremabe tbou baft pj oupbeb tbe one fhepe:anb amoge aUtbemultptubr9bffolcfie0tboubaftgot' ten tbe one people 'anb bntotbispecplrtobff tbou louebeft/tbou gaueftalatoe/tbattt p^ouebofall. .".. 36nbnoto/)Lo;iie/tobPbafttboqgfui t&amp;fciMMCopiepttWbnto warij^bj?on m tit

^ *



onetotetboubaft p;epareb otber/anotobp baft tbou fcattebtbpone onlppeopleamSge manpf tobicl) treabe tbem botone/pee tobicb

baueeuettot'tbftanbetbpp;ompfe0/^ntuet: beleueb tbp couenaunte0f anbtbougbtbou toereftenempebnto tbp peopie/petftjuibeft ^oupunpftjtbimtoitb tbpne atonebanbe0. -Joto . tobenfbawpoBe" tbefe too;be0 / an* ^geJlg cametometbe npgbt afo?e/ma0fent bnto me/9 (apoe bnto me t^eare me/frbetfii . to tbetftinge |J Jape/ 9 9 Qtall tell f mojt. - 4inb31fap8e:S)peaHeonmpjio;De. mm fapbbebntometjibouart fo?ebeiceo'9trcu* Webfo?3frael0fafte. S,ouefttbou people better tben bim $ mabetbefanblfapbe^o JLo;ue/but of berp grefe 9 compaffpon Baue i fpofien. tffoj mp tepne0 papneme euerp boure/Uecaure a tooio baue ejeperiece of tbe toape of tbe nioft bf eft/ 9 to fete' out pait of bWiubgcmet Jnbbe fapoebntome: i thou mapeftnot.Iinba;fapbe:toberf6?e)Lo?oef tberebntotoa0| bo;netbenfffl);tobptoa0 notmp niotberp cbpibebeb tbmmp gtauef S&gt;obab|inoef?netbe mpfetp 9 trouble of aacob/9 &amp;trauaple of mp people of gfftael. anb be rapb bnto me:j5omb?e mef fbingt tbat arenot pet cbmeigatberme togetber b?oppe0/g arefcatrebab?obe:mafieme m Boiite0 greneagapne/^ aretoptbereb:open rne tbe tljtnge tbat iff ciofeo:anbb?t'ngeme fo;tbtbctopie0/tbat are (butbp: $&gt;betoe we tbepmageof abopce/9tben (ball *be* tlare tbe ffbftn/f tbou laboured to bnotoe, arm % fapbe-.fl) jLo;be/iU);be/tobo mape rmptoetbefetbinge0/butbetbatbatbnotbi0 btoelipnge toptbmenf a0 fo? me/9 atwbn* toife-^oto map3! tben fpeafieof tfjeCe tbtngr toberof tbou affieft mefcbtn 4 fapbe be bnto mr.ltBe a0 tbou canft bonone of tbefe tng&lt; tbat % bane fpoben of/ cue fo cand tbou not fpnoeotttmp tubgement/o; intfte enbefbc i u e t bat % us tie p; ompf eb bitto mp people, anb I fapbe : jSeboloe juwb/yet art tbou npe bnto tbem tbat baue noenbe:anbbAat fbalitbepbo f'baue benebefo;e me /o? toe tbat.benoto;o,!tbeptbatOjaicomeafterb0i anobefnpbebntome:3tofl!lpcfienmpatb* genient bntoarpnge. )lpfiea0 tberef0no flacftnefieof y iaft/euefo(0tbereno ftopft* neoeoftbefp2d.^&gt;oH antoereb anbfapbe: coulbctl tbou not mabetbofe ( f baue bene mabe/9tbatbenoto/ 9 tbatarefo^tocome) in one, tbat tbou mpgbfed fbetoe rbpftibge*

w ment tbe foonerf cben anf toereb be me/anb fapbe:cbe creature mape notbafte aboue f ,mafter/netbermapetbetoo?lDebolbetb|at once/tbatfbalbecreateb. . . anbq fapb:$otobad tbou fapbe tben bm totbp,retuaunte/tbattboulpupngemaber bad mane flje creature ipupng at once/9 tbe


creature bareit feuen fo migbt.ftnotoaifo bearetbem tbat be p;efent/at once, anb be fapbe.bntome:afBegcbpmebeb of atooml/ 9fapebrttober:3:ftboub;pngeftfo?tbcbPi* lut^tobpboefttbouitnottogttbcr/butone afte r anottjeri&amp;ape ber tberf o;e / to toiime fo?tbtencbpIb?en atonce.anbf fapbe:(he cannot/butmuft boit oneafter anotber. trften fapbe be bnto meicuenfo baited ;euea cbpibebeb bnto tbe eartb/fo?tbofeJ ie fotoen bpo it bp p/oceae of tpme. jfo? lift! a0 apongecbplbemapnotbjpiige fo^b tbe tbpge0 tbat belonge to tbe ageb/ turn to bauegi omnium too?ibe tobicb 3 mabe anb3arftebanbfapbe:S&gt;epng tboubaft notogeue.mea toapc/a topiitpeane before tbesfo; out e niotget of tobcm tbou bad tolbe me/t0 pet ponge/9 note fitea;atoetftnpebn* toage^eattftoerebme/9fapbe:affteatotb man tljatbearetb cijplbje /9 fl:e ttjaOteUft. Stapebntober :teberfo?e arenottbep(tob5 tboubadntto b;ougbt fo;tb)ipfie tbofetbat toete befo?e tbe / but leoe of nature ; ana (be fljalianftoeretbe: tbfptbatbebomein tbe poutb of fttegtb/are of one faffipomanb

tbcp^atebo;neintbetpmeofage(tobentbe cbpibebeb fap(etb) areotbertopfe.confpo nototbpfeif/bototbatpeareieueofftature/ tben tbofe t bat tocre bcto?e pou/a fo aretbep tbat comeafterpou/leffe tben pe/a0#creatureo Wtli noto begpnneto be olbe/9 baue paCebouertbedrenBtbofpoutb.benrapa S-.toybe % beferbe f be'pf | baue founbe fa* uoure in tbpfpgbt/ (betoetbp feruaunt/ bp tobomboed tbott bpfettbp creature? GE6e aunge ih'rftvi! c!ct{) HtbiasmitttMbbm tnCww toijienueayotw, v * CCbcw.cbapter. J5bbefapb bnto me^ntbebegfn'ai npngtobentbegrounbtoa0maDei brftyeffle too?ibe done/ o? euer n)e topnbe0bieto/befo;e ittbona;ea9 Ipgbtcneb/ o;i euer tfiefcun&amp;acpon0of pa* ta!)preh' ere iapeb/ before m fap?e floure? toere fene/o? euer Imoueabie potoet0 toere dabipflbcb/befo?e tbe innumerable multitube of angels toere gatbereb togetbet'/o; euertbe bpgbneffe0 of tbe apjetoere ipfteft bp/afo?e meafure0of tbe fp;mamet toere nan!eo/o?euertbecbpmnep0 in^iontoere tytte/anb 0? tbep?ef ente peare0 toere f ougbt out/ 9 o? euer tbe Amend oust oftb? tbat noto fpnue/toereputafpbe/befo?e tbep toere fea&lt; lea tbatnoto gatberfaptb fo? a cceafhiresrUrn bpb3confpb?e9ponb?eall tberetbmgeg/ 9 tbep all toere mabetbo?oto me/9 tbo?oto none otbet-.bp me aifo tbep be enbeb/ 9 lip none otber.cben anttoereb^ afapbe: \x&gt;\}Hff ail betbepattpngeafunber of tbe tpmesf ? toben frjalbt tbe enbe of tbe fp?d/ anb tbe be 5Sbb,i', gpnnpng

4 I

BPnnpnge of ittbatfolotoetb:' anbbe fa? tie tonto iiu $ tout &amp;b?abam bnto g raac/toben ^8col!anucr-fautoactio?nco^i'm/3acobj5 banoe tjeloe fp?tt tbe fjeie of tffau : to? ef fan t0tije en&amp;eot tmptoo?ioe/amyjacob iP tbe bcBPnnpnge of it tba t foiotoetl). cbebanbe cfmabettoirtetbebeleanbtbebanb.flDtber quettpomcrbzapjafbetbounot. 3 anttocteb then /ana rapbe : ffl) &amp;o;be lLo?b/pf 3 baurfiritoe fauoureintbpfigbt/ 3 befwbetbe/ fcjetoe mp feruaunttbe enoe of tbptobenp/toberof tbou ftjetobeftmepatt tbelatt npflbt. &gt;obe anttocteb anb Faroe tontome:&gt;tanbebpbp3tbp fete/ano bearc tbeperfectebopeeanb founoe. cbete (ball tomeaBreacemocpon/but tbe place tobere tbou uanoeft wall not be meueo.ano ti)ttfojeteljen tt)ou beared tbe toojoep / be not aftapeb; f o? of tbe enoe (ball tbe to o?be anb founoacponoftbeeartbbebnbetttanbe.anb mvitytxoow tftetof trembietb ana qua* betb/fo; it finotoetb/tbat it mutt becbaun* , b b at tbe enoe. ana it bappeneb/tbat toben I bao beatoe it/3 ftobe bu bpon nip f ete/anb bft&amp;eneb: sbeboioc tbete vap a bopce tbat fpafie/e tbe founbe of it toap ipfie tbe founbe of manp toaterp/an&amp;it fapbe. $ebolbe/ tbe bates come/u)at3 topll begpnneto o?atoe npe/anbtobpfettbemtbatbtoellbpoeattb/ anb toill begpnne to mabe inqupftctS of tbe/ tobattbepbetbatbaue btte equate ft ton' rigbtuoufnep/ anb toben tbe lotoeeftate of &amp;yon otaibe fulfplleb-.anb to!jent&amp;e too?lb/ tbae tballbanpibatoape/lbalbe ouerfealebv tben topll3 bo tbefe tobenp. . cbe bo&amp;ep ftjalbe openeb before tbe fft* mamcmvatibtbepwalliealltogetbet/stbe cbpib?e of apeve olbe fljallfpeabe tuitb tbeit bopcep:tt)e toemen toitb tl;?lDe (ball b;pnge fo2tl)bntpmelpcbpio?enoftb?eo;tfouremo= nrtbcpolbe/anbtbepftjall ipue/abe tapfeb bp:fobenlproalItbefotoneplacepappeare aptbebntotone/fuiiuo?eboufepmailfos temp be founbe emptpe/anb tbe trSpef (ball geuea foi mbe/teb icb toben euerp man &amp;ca= mb/wep albe balds gtpme all ftenbep figbt one agapntt anotber Ipfie

tnempep; anb ttjeeaub fljaii ttanbe in feave -toltbtfjem. - befp;pngep of tbetoellep (ball ttanbe ttpll/anb in tb?e bourep tftep (bail not renne. lbofoeuerwmapnetb fro all tbefe tbfngep tbat g baue toiae tbe/wall efcape/anb fe mp Caluacpon/ana tbe enbe of poure too?ioe. Sub tbe men tbat ate receaueb/fljall fe it/ tter tbat baue not tafteb beatb ftom tbeit bp;ttb:anbtbebertof tbeinbtoeilerp ftalbe c bafigeb/ano tutneb into anotber m eanpng: fo?fuell(balbeput out/anbbpfceate ffjalbe que" cbeo.ap fo; far n)/ it (ball flo;ilb/co?rup*

fVV'V tpon Q)aibeouftccmc:ano(f)Cfttjert)/tolticf) bath b ene folotifl e toitb out frute/Jbalbebe* cfo tefrjanoitbappenefrtoben be talfieb toitb rne/tlfa 1 5 lolteb b cmurelp bponbim/ be f o;e tobom'3 ttoue/anD tbefe toojDcs fajbebe bu to meg am come to etoe tbe/^je tsme of ft nrabtfojtocome, yffl)outosltp;a?e?etmoje/9ftftfim bajcis agaf ne/i (ball tell tbe mo?e tbingesi/ 9gteateitbenbefo?e:fo?tbr topee its beatbe bcto;etbe#peB:fo?tob^tbe^igbtpebatt_ fene tbe rigbteou* beaipnge/bc batb fme al^ fo tijp cbattpte / tobpeb tl)ou baft bab euec fence tby poutb-.ano tbetf o?e batb be fent me to ftetofall tb'efe tDrnges/ ano to fape onto tlje:?8e of goob comfozte/ anb feate not /anb bade not toptt) tbe tpmes tbat are paft to tbpncbebapnetbpngcpyantimabenotbaae oft&amp;tfattertpme*. * . anbitbappenebaftettbP0, tl)at3&gt;tpte agapne/anbfa&amp;eofcuen oapesin Ipbe ma* net/ 1 % mpgbt fulfpll tbe ti&gt; : t toefiep/tobicb be toioe me.|n tbe epgbt npgbt toajs mp bett bcfebtoitbm meagapne/ anb3 beganne to fpea Be before tbe ^peft:fo?mp fp;etcteas gteatlp fet on f p?e/ anb mp foule toass in bp

ftieae, anb 3! fapbe: 'iio joe / tbou tpabett bnto tbp creature from tbe begpnnpnge(euf tbefpjd bape )anbfapDeft: jLet btaurn ano eartbbemabe/^tbp tooaoe tua? a perfecte mim. %m tbentoas ttiere tbe fp?ete/ anb tbe oarcfineffeg torn pet on eitetpfpbe / 9fp* lenceuijere toast no maws bopceais pet ftom tbe.Gben commautibeft tbouafap;elpgbt to come fo;tb out of tbp treafurep / tbat tbe toojcli e mpgbt appeare anb be fene. oupon tbefecotibe oape tljou mapoeft tbe fp^eteof tbefp;mamft/anb com maun be a it to parte afunbtr/ atomafiea beupfpon bettotrtetbetoatew/ tbe one parte mpgbt Mmapneaboue/anbtbeotbebenetb.|foii tbe tbp;bebape tbou b?ogfl tea to paae / 1 tbe toa tctp toete gatbereb in tbe feuftb part of tbe eattb:^&gt;ire pattep baft tboub?pe&amp;bp/ anb bepte tbem/to tbpntenttbat men mpgbt fotoe anb occuppe bufbanbzpe tberln. M foone aPtbptoojDctoeitte fo;tb/u)e Vo;c6e toap; immebpatlp tlj ere toap great innumetablefrute/anbmanpbpuerfepiea&lt; furcp anb oefpjep of temptacpon/ fioutrp of cbaungeable colourea mieii/aiititbiptoap bonetbetbPJbtbape. rapon tbe fourtb bape tbou comaunbe bft m tbattbe&amp;unneftjulbegeuttbbPP Ibpne/ $ w ibemcone ber ipgbt: tbe fiawpbpbett tbou fett in o;b?e/anb gauefttbema cbarge-.tobo ferupce eue bnto m an/ f tea p f o; to be mabe. rapontbefpftbape tbou fapbett bnto rbefo uentb parte (tobere tbe toaterp tterr gatbe wWg cbep (bulbbpinge fo;tb Dpuetfebe say foulfp

if -



iy : -

fouler anb fplbest. 3Cnb fo ft came to pane/ tbat tbe bomme toatct ano topt&amp;out foule/ B;ouBbtfo?tb ipupgebeaaep/attbe com* maunoement of cbod/ tbat all people mpgbt t&gt;WfttbPtoonberouptoo!CBep.&amp;ben&amp;p eft tbou p;eferue ttoo fouiep/ one tbou caleoft enocbanDtijcotber iUuiatban/anDbpbeft repatate tbe one fro" ty e otber: fo? tbe feuetb pattecnamelp/tobetetbetoatectoaUBatlje* tea togc tfj er )mp gbt not bolbe tbem b o tbe. onto ettocb tbou gauett one parte/ tobicb roapb;peDtp tbetl)p;De bape/tbat be Qniibe btoelliufije fameparte/tobet-ni areatbotf (anbebpUep.?3utbnto)Leuiatban tbou sa* uestbefeuentb patte/namelp tbemopft/^ (ad bepte bpm to beuoure ivbat b)ou totit/$ toban. tsipontbefirte bape tbou Baueftco= nunttmemen t bnto tbe eattb/ tbat before tbe ft ftulbe bnnge f ojtb beaftejJ/ catcll/^ all i etpe/a(befpbep tbip) Mam alfo/ tobo tbou maaeftjL.o?beofalltbp creaturep: fbpm come toe all / ? tbe people alfo / tofjom tbou baft cboftnfpeciallp bnto tbpfelfe.ailtbPP bauefrapbenoto ^ifpobe before tbe/tftatgi mpBbtujetoe/bototbat tbetoo;lbeip mabe tot owe faftep.ap fo? tbe ot&amp; er people tobiclj alfo come of aoam tboubaft fapb tbattbep arenorbinge/but be ipfie a fpetle/ abaft lpc

benebtbe abunbaiice of tbem bnto a b;oppe (tbacfallftb)fromtberofeoftbeboufe, ain&amp;noto/ id %ow/%t jpeatljen ttbpcb naueeuer benerepufebap not^pnge/baue beaonne to be lo;bep ouer bp / to beuoure bftbut toe tbP people (tobom tljoit baft cal le&amp;tbe fp^ft bojne/tbp onlp bt&amp;ottm / 9 tbp Went louetjaregeue into tbeiVbanbePano potoer.fftbetoo^lbenotobe mace fo?oure fabep/to[jpljf!uetoenottbeinl)fritatmcein poteffpon m\) tbe toozioe^oto longe ftjali tbipenbmf/ C me ansel.(5etottl|Cfb;a8 manp t^(ng(0 to comr. ~ 4SCfje,bij.crbaptec. m itbappenebaftergg? babfpofie out tbefe too?bcp / t&amp;ew toap fent bnto me an anscll/tobicb Ijao bene bpmealfo tbt npgbtep afo?e/ be iapaebntome:ittp(ifo;ap/$beare tooflejj tbat 3am cometo ten Jimi rapbtfpeabe on)lo?bemvol). ^H)tn fapbe bebntome: Cbefee in fet in a topbe place/tljat it mpgbt bebepe $ greate-.but tlje enttaiice ip naroto frtiampTiearpuer#o?tobotoolbcgointo tbe.fee/toloftebponft/anDtoruleitfffbe toentenottbo^ototbenaroto/Botompflii'tbe come into tbe b?obef 3tenianotber:?i cptefp bupibebanbfet bponab?obe fettt/ Mip full of ailBoobep: W enttaunce rp naroto anb fobane / rpfie ap pftberetoeteafp?eattberpgBtbanbe/anba bepe.toaferattleleft/anbapit toere onelp


cue Orate patb bettoirte tljem botb/fo fmsll tbat tbere coiiibe but one man go tberc. f f t&amp;$ cptenoto toere getien to an bep^e/

9 beneuet. toete tbo?oto tbe parelonp toape/ bototoolbbereceauebip enbentaunce: ar.a 3 fapbe:3tipfo Ho?be.ben fapbe lje:ucn fo ip ifrael alfo a po;cpo jno tobpifo? tbeit fabe0baue3mabe tbe too?lbe:9 toben tba tranrgteaea mp ftatutep/tbeb toap $ ibing* luogeb tbat toap bone. #en toere ? entraft* cep of tbe too;lbe mabe naroto/ full of fo;oto anb trauaplercbep are btit ftto a euell/ full ofparelpanblaboure. fbj tbe entraunceu of tbe fo?etoo?loe toere topbe anb fure / anb b?ouBbtfmmo?tallfrute. . 3t&lt;bepnototobpcb are entreb into tbps too?Rie/mapenotcomp?ebenDe tbefe ftrapte anb bapne tljingep/tnocb leffe mape tbep co&lt; Webenbe anbbnbetftanbe tbe fecretetbing^ ibpbifquietefttbou tbpfelfe tben/feprae tbouartbuta corruptible man; anbtobat tooibefttboubnotoe/tobereaptbouart but jno/taB! anb tobp baft tbou not t eceaueb in to tbpne berte tlje tbpnse tftat i0 f 0; to come/ btittbatfp parent? Cbenfapbe3-.&gt; ]Ho?be^o?be/tbou baft _ o?benebfntbplatoe/f tberpgbteoup flmlbe tnberettberetbpngcp/ buttbat tbebnfaptb=&gt; fun anb bngowp ffiuioe petpftje. Gm&amp;et letre tberigbtuoup mall fume ftrapte tbingf/ analjope fo? topbe t fo? tbep tbat baue (pur a bngobip anb fuftteb ftrapte tbpngep/ mail not fetbe topbe. anbbe fapbebntome:cbe ipnoi'ubge aboue od./ ana none tbat batb bnberftan&lt; bpnge abouetbe peft. tfo; tbetebemanp tbatperpJb/becaufetbepbefppfetbeiatoeof (0obtbatip.fettbefo;etbem. fa ob batb geue ftrapte commaunbement to focbeatf comc/tbattbep finotoetobat tbepbo/^boto tbep Qiulbe ipue:anb pf tbep bepte tbip tbeg IbulnenotbepimppjeD, iSeuertbeleffetbeptoere not obebfentbn&lt; tobpm/but fpafieagapnftbpmipmaBpneb bapnetbingep/? purpofeb tofpnne/ * fapbe mojeouer tbat tbere'toap no ob/ anb tbat ob rcsaweb itnot. i^iptoapepbaue tbe notlmotone/bpplatoebauetbepbefppfeb/gi benpea Dip pjompfep: inW ftatutep s o?bp* nauncepbauetbepnot bene faptbfullf fteb* faft/anbbauenotperfourmebbtetoo?c8ep. anbtberfo?e Cfb;ap. bnto tbe full/plen* tp:ano to tbe emptpe/ empf pneae.ebolbe/ tbetpnte mall come/ibattbjfetofteitpto&amp;ic&amp;

3 baue toibe tbe/ibaii come to paire/ anb mt b?pbe (ball appeare:? f eattb tbatnotopaf= fetbatoape/Q)albeQ)etoeb:anbtobofoeueri? beipuereb from tbe fo?rapbe mm I Jjjallfe mpto5berp.jfo?mpfonne3efuplbalbeopfIpbeclareb/tobitbtbofetbat be toitb bpm: 9 bb.ft. tbeu



t$eptiKtwmawe/ftalbemet1?tofoure{&gt;fi' euerlaft?nge&amp;ope/to$ettastoecwefeiu& lt;9 bwww- ateeueumyne^tftereateiayeobpfo; aifter tftefe tame i?eare$ all mjfbnnc w btoellfoges of ftealtft 9 frebome/tofter ea* C8;t ft bpe/anb all men r fta t ftaue I? f e/ a ft e toe Dane lyueo men r'a no t lia t tlje too; 0) ippe .too;lbe Ibaibe turneb in to tfte olbe fylece.bii of tBe $peft 10 ficptf to befe nbe tftem/toftgcfc bajes/lf be as mi the fo;e iubgmetcs/ fo tftat baue Icd a parent lyfe / toftere as toe baue no mi flail remayrte.attb after feuebajes/ toalcfiebfoSmofttofcfiebtjayesofaltfa inii tbetoo;toertatyetatoabetftnot/Q)albera?V tftattftetewalbewetoebaparabyfe/toftott Rbbp/anb Iballbse co;rupte, Jtnbtfte eattft frute enouretB fo? euer / trljerin i s f reocnie ftal retto;e tftofe tftat Baue flepte tnft er/anb and raeotcsne / toftere as toe all not go for fo tyall tfte butt tbcfe tftat btoc II fo fiience/a fo; toe ftaue toalclieb in b npleafafit place* tftefecrere places (ballbeipuettftofe tftatbe ainbtbae tfte facesoftbem toftiebf

taueab- rf c8mtttebbittotftem.3nbtftemottbyeQlbaU ftryneb/lballu)i&gt;neabouctftettars/te 6ere *be ojwntebeclatebbpofoefeateoftucgmet/ as cute faces ftalbeblacnanbbarcfiei? tf foj (Wttmpfecy fbalbantftatoaye/alongefuf* tobtfetoefyuebanbbyb bnrygfttuoufltf./toe ;fWige ftjaibegatftetebtogettjer. JSuttftc conftberebnot/ftattoefoulomffrerfterf iye iaftgroentftaUeStpiue/tftetKufoftallte* aftetaeatftr mape/a faytft (ball toare ttroge/ too;cSe cftenanCtoereb Be me/anb fapbe: tfftis fc .ailfolotre/afoe tetoaibe (ftail be ftetoeb/ tfte confybetacpon a tftougftt of tf te battayl/ tfte^fttoouineu^lftalltoatcB/anbtBetot' toBtcbmanftatftbponeattBigyfBeberiuer-

rpoBtncufncflfg Oiall bcate no rule. fCftenfa2be3S:'3b;aftamp;ayeo fp;ft fo; . je obomites/ a fl^ofts fo?tfte fathers $ Cjnnebintftetotflbemes/ abeg came after bim fo;3frae l/m tyme of 3cftas anog&gt;a tnuefea J&amp;auiD fo; tfte betttuccion/anb&amp;a* lomon f 0; tftem tftat came into tBc^Sctua-

come/Be (Ball fuffte as tBou Ba fl faybe jQnf Vl ftegetttbe bicto;? / Be fljallteceaue tfte tfttfngetbatgifaye.iJfo; tftists t^eipfe/ictjnc of flip ofes fpafte bnto toe people / toftylebe rpueb/fapingsCBoretBeiyfe/p; tbou reayeft tyuejjeuettfteies tftcy beleueo ftim not, nether tlje P;opftetes after liym . &amp;o ner me

rp/anb$elfasfo; tftofe tftatreceauebrajne/ tobicbbauefpofienbntotftem/tfiatfteuy neiJ .anbfo;tbeoeeb/tbatftemyftBtifue:ac?e' ibulbe not teacb bnto tftem to tfteit oeu ruc clnas fo; tfte people in tfte tyme of hernia' cjon lyfie as tope is fo;to come o tter tftofe/ cbertb-.abyuetfe ofoetinfyHemaner/tofttcb tftatftsue fuftreb tftemTelttestobe en fout* tjattep;ay?Bfo;mani&gt;. twain faluacton.

&lt;Sue fo note fcynge co;rupte fs grotone J anftoereb tBen a faybc:!|finotoe;iL o;be/ bp/anb tojefieoncs incteafeb / anb ttje r?gB tbat tBe teft iff mercpittll / in tba tbe Baj tit on? baue p;apeb fo; f bngobl?/toBetfo;e mercp bpon tbem / tot)V'M aw *? &gt;" t bc teall t't not be fo noto alto; too;lbe /anpbpcn tBole alfo l^at toalcae 111 - ^e anftoereb me/anb fa|be:cBfs( p;efent bis iatoe-.anb tljat Be is pacret anb l onge ruf* too;lDetsnotenbe/tBereremajnetBmoc6 ferpge totoavbe tftofe tljat^auc rpnncDin bonourefoit/fl)erfo;eBauetBepp;apebfo; tBeirtoo;cli^anbtBatBetslrberalitcigeHC tljetoeafie.KuttBebai'eofbome njalbefoe toljereasitrequv;etB:nnbtBatBe isofgreac ,enbeoftbfSttme,anbtBebfgpnnj)ngoftbe mercp/fo;ljemutt(pltetBBisiouvngeii})nQ fmmo;talitefo;to comer tobmn all co;rup- nefres totoarbe tBofe tBat are p;efent/ a tljat cionbanilbetB/HllboluptuouftiesiSIotofeb arepatt/an6totBemteB'&lt;:ftafe;toi:ome, all n?pf beleue talten atoarey rygbtuoufoes f 0; pf Be rttnlrrplje not Bis merci es/ ? too;ia grotone/anbtBebtrvicip;ongebp. ben JbaHnotbRinaiie ipujnge / toptbtBofe tBat (ballnomaii be able to taue bim iBatfebe^ bto$ftttWfceaettrt&amp;alfoy fo;?fBe8a ue fttopeb/nertoopp;e(re Dtm i Ijatt- gotte tBe not of BiSBPObtteOe /.tbattBetteBuB Baue btc^v.J anftoereb Mn/9 fapb: s \0 is m? Bone eueH/foiaBt be eafeb/tBe ten djoufar O fttft a U&amp;mtng&amp; t it Bab bene better/ not arte it flil iio^aue geuen tfte, eartb bnto fflxm : 0; els 3tJff toljen it toflsgeucn him to fiepebim foatbe bealeb tot Auloenot,finrie , ^o;VoBatp;efyt is ft fo; flrope Uc,._, "mi? noto ifotbis p;eftt time to ipue fo beup? fliulbe txMft$

CltKDO 7 *CW ttuuinu tabic



neS/aaftfrbeatBtoloficfo;punffl)ment; multBtusfi^\c#i pttaba/febat ^aft foou bone:' f 0; rtougB ittoaStbmitBatfsnneb/tBouartsiotfallen cfl?w&gt;wifet6^[trt| &lt; *e^)im|fpatotw ;aIbhe/bu^eaU&amp;tccimeoftBe,jFo;toBat ^mtmm^mm^fm^A feofrtf0Mntobs/pftBerebep&gt;)mjfei)bs -.-, Cbe,bWf)a|&gt;t* : ^ ' flt.0rnmp?|a^ me / to) &amp; i;l ' ca ^ toer,,eo,eto ^ b^^J teoifWs f a^tBereisp;om?feb bf j an

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il3bljeanttoewbme/fa0nge:Be &lt;fo;agf/' befo;c[;&lt; toajswccmieb : JDTbcj&amp;e/ molt $rf&amp;maberBvstoo;IDe fo; tijoutbtoeiieftmetietiaftyngnette/toBoie ommiP/buttBe too;i&amp;e tocomefo; eyes areipftbp iuttje ae/ toUofe ftoititf ^feto.gitopiiteiitBeargmpitttibf/ ejrceaftpngBpe/toBoiVcliwdinaieaymave &lt;Efb;aS:^s toben tBou af Belt carib/it (ball not be compjeijei ibco/bef o;e t elio tbc^oftiai fa$e bnto tlje / tBat it geuetB mocB moulbe/ of Beaueu ttanoe iwptij tttmbijnge / 'a Bote ' tobere of eatiBen beaeis are mabe/but iptle ftrppnge is tut neb fo "m&amp;m ano f vim ftofe bfittBatgolot'cometBof.cucnl'oisittoin) too;oets true / toBofetaicftpngeis flcii iaft/ tBetoo;cneofforStoi);lbe . ^rberebe man; toBofe comiiiaiiii&amp;ementftatonge/ t oljoie createb/butfeto allbe p;efertteb.Ben an o;5fnaunce is fearfuli/tobpre loUcb;ietlj bp CtoerebKutii lapj-.CBen ftoalotoe bp p luitt tBcbeptljes / toljcfe m;atb maBtti) tlje mm (tbou fouie)ut ib oeuoure tBe bnberQanbing/ t a y\ ice to melt ato.1 ye / a Ubof e truetl) bea fo;tbou fiitaisveebtoljerfteatogeueeare/ retbtoptnes: !fl!&gt;BcatetBcp;aver6f t fti?.icf anbtoi?llVftetop;opBecEe:fo;tBouBattno ttaunt/anb maicfi toft^rbpne eatrstlje pe longerfpucepuentBe/butonlptolpuc.flD tfcfonoft&amp;fcrrature. %otw/Mom tBounotgctte tbpfetuaut lcti.7 jfo; tobpie % lyue/ %to0 fpeaRe / anb fo tBattocnwgep;apebefo;etBe/ a tBattBou longeaS'iJ'BauebiiDetaanaj'nge/itoillan* maseftgeuea-oebntoouteherte/abuplbe ftcere. fiDlcitenotbpontqcfiiniies oftjf oitrebnotrltatibptige/tBattBfrentaveccme peopje/toln'eft feme in tfte tuietl) . ^aueno ftttte of ittwtfj tftat euerj one toftiil) is co; refpecte bnto tfte totcfieb (tu tikfs of tfte Sea* tupte/ano beaten) tfte ftate aplace of a ma/ tften/butto tljcbei'ive of tBofe tl jat fir pe tiii? rnaseinucr teaimoniestoitftfo^otoes^Binflienot'ipo iffo; tbou art alone/? toeallate one too;cfi s tliofe tftat ftatie toaiaeb fapnc on? bcfoie tfte/

manflttjpeof iftpftanbes/ iplteas tftou Daft but bpon tftem/tofticft totofll ftu tte ftiiotonc rapbe/anolfficas tfte bobp is falbioneb note tftpfeare. in tfte cft?lDii'beo/anb tBou geutft tftemem* JLettitnotbetBvtopll to ocRroje ff tem/ b;es/anb t ftp creature is p/eferueb fo fp;e a Wd) Baueftab bea fti p nuitens/ b u r to tone : toater:a.iv monetBes botft tftp too;fie fuffre bpo tftem tftat baue clearly tau gftt lb? la toe tftp creature / tofticftis falbtoneo fo bet; but cafte tftou 110 inbfgnac gonatt ftciri / toUpcfj tfte tftstig tftat p/ei'efuet'.) anb ittftat isp;c nretoott'etftettDta'fti'Sibut loiie tlicm/tljai ferueb/ flwl botft be nepte togetfter : a toften alltoape put tlnir mtft fo tftp rpgfttuouf ' ttw ttotijt cftplitfof ft bclpucrctf) tfte tftfog/ nes anogioj|):fo? toe anb otn e fatJKW itmie

tftat is heptt anb grotone in ftet. jf 0; tftou ft Alt cDmmaunbeo tftebjrffes to geuemplcli 'onto tfte frttte/ tftattfte tftpnge tofttcft is creafeb anb fa flit'oneo/ma ye be n c ; ttftcb fo; a tgtnf : anb tften tBou oytpoft ft a o;o;eft it toirft tftp mercy/b;fogeft it bp toitft

all tfte fame rpeftnes anb bpfeaf c/but be canre of oure fpime^ tftote fljalt be ealieb me rcifull. Jfo;ff . aft oufta ft mercy bpo" bjs/tftou malt becalieb mercy full / toftereas toeftaue no too;ciies of rpgft fooufness : fo; rfgftf nous &amp;

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ie(ourttultJttoiif)tdvbnwrftanDvns/nioi " " "

tttitfkit&amp;tftWi! mature /annntafif ft !t ty* ( tttnseaftfOvtao;cl.&amp;evngr tlptttwu fiefttoteft Oftiv toiiicl) toctd fo great toftouig ip creates* am fafl)poneD teo?oto6tftpcom* wautiDeni^nfc / tftou couueft Ipgfttlp o;Dene/ alfo/tftat 10*? tOsngc toftpcl) rp mane ; mpg^c \ rrt) tW'i' tpeafie no^ of all men in gene* tallyas tljou Viuotoeft: but of il) j; people j f o; - toftofe fafu^ i 1 am fojp:anb oftyviitimitmn* ce;fo; toOotfc caure^moiitnetanbof Sffrael/ fo^toftom'HimitoofuU-.airtfo^acobyfo? goob^o^cla^/ ' "^ .tofiofe M&amp; 'j 1 amgveueottljetf o?e begj?nne9! ^lyfijeii aifftob e'reb \ltm t anb fa^be : ^imiw ' -\lb p?a?e fitter tlje/fo; my (elfeanb fo; thf/ tQf ngrsbaft tftou fponeu a rtf tt/ani) ai:co;i^ffetrj^rtHofW^ttenofbg/fljatbtoeH bpn8bntotbptoo;be0ft(&amp;allbe.!fa;$topil bpoueav^K^ut^baueftefijefiKftovftneg notbmlvc5f?b;i'ffie^o?cnt'sH)f)^'nift8ri) of 5 Mffitf/MMidt w * come : tl)evfo;e fjeave ftaue Cpnneb before uemtft / before H)eiuDs j m?bO| , ff:A5r^0jnbcraanbem?too?6e0/anb timtjbttetmftm(tfMtfait$\y$lWtoyte %^Mi\miinhtfo}et^ oerietoo^fiewtftnuIitof$tTgOtuou0. Cftftf^i^^iegpnyugeofl^too^e^of . gto]f!iicialb^iiirof|ie]&gt;0tnage/$bof?

togctfter/iball out ofrljcrtbcbc^ receauete* iuavoc.jfo; toftat ijj man / tftat tftou flrulbcft tafic bifpleafure at tytmi 0} tefta t i&amp; tfte eo? uipepbiemojtalliieneraefoif / g tftou (ftu^ beftbrrorougftetob&gt;arbeb&lt;mf ijfo; of a ttu e (ft tliere 10 no man nmc ge tftem tftat be bo;ne/ but fteftatb Dealt 10^ lieDJp.anbamonge tfte favtftftiiltftere tew* ne/tofticftftatft not bone ampife. iffo/in ift|?s (HDKlo?be) fftj&gt;i*j?g()tuouftU'0aib tftv gooin nt&amp; fljalbe tMavfeb anb iieclareb / vf tftou be


maspnge anbfteretoatbe . %m as 3 baue f posen nob)/ f o qjaii it come to paffe.ff o; ad

fteboufbanfiemanfotoeft moft feaebpon ftegrouriDe/anbptanteftmanptrees anb (et altoape fte ftpnge ft at is fotone o; pia* ten ts Hot all ueptc faft/nctbet aoft it all ta* fierote:u*nfotstofftemftatatotone In fte b}0/ioe/tt)ec Cball not all be p;eferueo. 3, antoma ften afepo&amp;Sf 31 baue fouoe grace/tben let mefpealieAPBe as fte bout* banbeman* lebeperifletb/pf it receauenot tapne At ourfeafon/o; severe come to m oft tapne bpen it : tfuen f o petp ffi rft man alfo/ ta)tcbiscreateatoiftftpb&amp;Qes/anaiSiplie bnto ftpne atone pmage anbtotbpfelfe/fo? toboft tafie ft ou baft maae all tbpnges/ ami ItcfeaieD^pm bnto fcboutbanbe mans febe. 5Se not tojoftatb?/*) lotfe/but fpate ftp people /ano bauemercp bpon ftpne atone tn&amp;eritafice;bemtrcpfull bnto ftp ctea* tute. Cbianttoeb bemc afaptie :cbpnge* , p; e fen t ate f o? fte parent/ 9 ft png$ to come ^ fo;f ocft a? be to o? tbou toantett p et moft/fepngeftoumapett-louemp creature aboue me:'j|. baue oft times&amp;;atonenpebn* tofte/butneuertoftetonrpgbtuous.!Jntbi&amp; altoftou artmaruelous befo;efte ipea/ in ftou b a a bum ti lea ft p ceif e / as it becSmeft fte/anabatt not tegaroea ftpne atone feif e/ 1 ft u art baa m (oft b on oure am oge tpgutuou3.^CTfo?e tyaUgteattotfcbiiH nesanbrnpfetpcometopontbem/tbatinfte latter tpme (ball btoeilm too?lbe/fo;tbep baue toalcbeo m greate p;pae.

bntobim/togic&amp;p;epattblpfefo?ftem.anb ft e rfoje (0 mp iubgmf t note at bano. cbere ft pnges bane pot tyetoeb bnto ail me/but bnto ft tomamelp onto tee / anb to toft act be tefietfje. ' $en anftoetebU anb fepue: JS tb cite s&gt; TLoM/noto b att ft ou ft t to eo me ft e m ultp* tube of tbe toftens, tobicb tbou toilt beginne toaoatfteiaft butat to&amp;at tpme anb toljen ftoubattnotftetoeame. * GCttoastatbMCfoiuQittocfctmtotiBni* (anftoetet)metbcn3fafb-.S5ea*

fttra ttou ftetpme opligentlp in it felfe/tobe ftoufepttftatone parte of fte tobe n s come to pafle /tobicb * bauetoiacftebefojie-.CoCbaittboubnaer* anbe/ftatft tics ftebetp feme tpme/tobertn tbe fcpettteaibegpnneto topfet fte to o;ibe/ tobift bemaae .anbtobentbere fflalbe fene eat ft quale anb topro are of fte people in tbe too;loe/ften ffiait ft ou toellbnbetttanbe/ 1 tbemoftbpeftfpa&amp;eoftbofeftpnges/ from tbeaapes ftattoere befoje tb e/ euenfto" tbe begpnnpnge. fm ip&amp;easallftatiSmaae to toojio/ batbabegpnnpnganbenbe/anbtbe enaeis manpfcfticFuen (0 tbe tpmes alfo off $ge8 bauepiapnebegftwpngcstotoeunbew anb rpgneu/anb tbe enoc in toojcBfltganb into* feens. anbeuerp onetbatttalbefaufb ana ujaiibeabieto efcapeb^ tot tomlts ana bvfajtb/toaertnreaaue beleucb/ all be p;eferueo ftomt6efefbeparel0/anbOialire mpfeugoure inm? lanoe ano toftbin mp boj


3Butbnbaanbtboitfo?t8sftife/9feBe m$/fo?3bauebalotoebmefromtbetoo;Ib. outgiojpfo? focbast belifietbe:fo?bntopoti. fjm (ban tbepbein catcfuineaev tobt c U

notobaueabufeom? toapes-^na tbcj^ bauc calt tbem ou te oefpptefulip / Own Mr ell in painejs. $o;roc!ta0intbeirlFfebauefeceauebbes&gt; nrfptes anobauenot unotoneme/anotbet? tbat batte abb ojtco nip la to e / tobple tb e? " bao pet ftebome/ ana tobltbepbab pet open ro tome of amenbementanb conuerfpon/ bnberftobe not/but a t f ppfea it: $ feme mutt finotoeit afterbeatb in papne . 3DtibtBetfe?e betbounomo;e carefully botDibe tngoaig (lialbe puniQjcb/^boto tberpgbtuoup tyal&lt; ipett/tb6ugbtfco;nebfb^latoe/'aro;feBf befeueb/anbtobofetbetoo;lbei0/9(b;tobStf b'i3toapf0. tbe too^iae/anti toben it iss.c ben anftombl

99o?oiie r/'tbep ba u e ttoben botone W anb fe?be3! baue talcbeb befojieanbnoto I rpgbtuous/$ fapbe in tbwbrne/ tbat tbere fpeahe/ana topll fpeabe alio berafta / tbat iSnoob/pceanbtbattopttpnalp/fo;tbep tftere bemanpmooof ibem tobpeb petpft/ ftfclf oMraf ssstbetbpngetbatgiftaue fpo tben(balbefeueb/lfbea0floubei0Bna Sen of;femaoe reabpfo; pou:(u5foi0ibitft tertbrn tbebjoppe*. ana papne p;eparebfo?tbem.jfo? (ttoaenot anbbeanftcereDme/feffttpf :IJiea0rbf hpstofll tbat mSlbuiae come to nangbtibut feiaeig/rotgalfotbeffbejastbeflouregbe / tbrp tobtcb be rteareb baue aefpiea f name To arrtbe colourpairo: rocb as tbe to ojcfimS of bimtbatmaoctbem/anbate bntbScfifuii t's/focbis alfo{.too;cteuinba0f boulband manid

is patabpte openeb;tt)e tre of Ipfe is plSteb/ tbe tpme to ccme is pzepareb/ pientecufeejs maae reabp: a cptie is buplbeb f 0; pou/ anb a reQ is p?epareb /peeperftrte goobnes anb toproomc.^ljeroteofeuellismarcfieafrom pou/ tbe toeahncs anbmotbiSbpbftSpou/ a in to bellflpe tb cotrupctS in f o?getf ulneu. ^ojotees atebanpfljr batoapev $in cnae is (betoeb tbe treafure of immo;talpte . ana fljetfoje arse tbounomoje queQi0S/cScet&gt; npnge tbe mttltitube of tbem tbat perpCb e, ! o;rt)epl)aue taaenlfbertie/ befppfeb (be

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tnanfsb&lt;mftlfe/feisbt')bou[b;anb^eal' Co"/ f 0? it toa? tbe tpme oir me toojlbe. anb mm % p;epareb (01 tbe are noto / 0; euer tbetoo;loe toas maoe / tuQeretn tbep Ibuibe

btoell/tt)en teas tbere nomg tbat toptb&amp;ojip mc.^oto men euecp one toas / ana tbe nto&gt; . Ret alfo in tbe too; 10 e tobtcb is noto p;epa rea/a tbe monetb tbat ceaifetb not/ anb tbe latoe mu\t is bnreatcbeable/tbeirmanevs toece co; tup te.S&gt;o j contpa;ea ti^e too;lbe/ anb bebolbe/tbere toas patell/becaufe of g tb ougbtes $ to e w come in to it. ana 3 fa to / anbfpareatbem greatlp/anbbaue bepte me a topneberp of tbegrapeg/ana a plantc fro* amongentanpgeneracposis.llettbeimiiti* tube perpib tben/ tobpebare grotone Dp in bapne /anblctempgrapeanb topneberp be 8epte;eue mp plahteif 0; toitb g^ate labour rebauegimaDeitbp. ^euertbeiespf tboutoiltta&amp;e bpStbepet feue aapejs moibuttbou malt not faft in tbe) goo tbP toa ve tljen in to tbe feme of fioutes/ tobere no boufe is buplbeo / anb eate oneip of tbefloures of Sfelo/taaenotflero/atfnc* fie no topne/ but eate floutes oneip . p'/spe bnto tbe $peft contpnuallp/fo topll % come/ anbtalfie toitb tbe. M g&gt;o5!toentmptoape anb came in to tbe ftioe tobicb is caUebamatblitbeasbecommaunbeb metotbeeel. fatamoge gfloutes/ ana ate of tbe berbes of tblfilPl/,* t meate of(befemefatjffbntt/aftttfeuen mt. affet bpon tbe^ra79 mpberte toasbejeb toitbinmelpbeas afo?e: anb % openeb mp mou*/ij begfine to talbe befo;e fy teft / anbfepbe:JD7lo?b/tbou metoefttbpfeife bnto bs/ tbou baft aetlateb anb openea tbP ftlfebnto wire fatbersintbetoplbernes/m apiacetoljerenomanbtoelletb / inabaten Slace/toben tbep came outoftjgppt/^ tbou lafiett/fapinge : l^eare me aftaei/ ana matemptoo;beS tboufeae of lacob.^e* bolbe / 31 fatoe mp latoe in pou / anb tt all b;(ngefruteinpou/ape(balbebonouream ft f oj etteeiN oute fatbers tobicbi*eceaueb N flato/fiepte it not/ana obfetueonot tbp op binaunccs ana ftatutes/anbtbe frute of ftp latoe toas notbeclareb:fo? itmpgbt not/fo? tobpfittoastbine.!jfo?tbeptbatreceauebtt/ pcrilbea/becaufetbep fieptenptlbetbpnge ftat toas fotonefn tbem.

*iSacuftome tobentbe grounberecea* uetb ftoe/ 0? fee a (b(PP/o? a beoell meate anb b2incfie/ ftattobf itperpfoetb 0} tt b;o* fientoberinatbpngiSfotone/o?toberinenp tbinge is put : fte fttnges alfo petifte a are B;ofien/tol)tti) arefotoneojputftectn. gut bnto bs ftftatb not bappeneb ftat ftauereceaue?j fte iatoe/pert(b vci tpnne/anb oure beotelvtyf 4 alfo teceauebfte latoe: not

+ *..

toitbftanbpngetbeiatoe petpQieftnot/but remapnetb in bigs labour*. . Inb toben$confpae;ea tbeftftpngrs in mpberte afterftis maim/ Slofitoaboute me toitb mpne epes/ ana bpon fte rpgbttpoe gifatoeatooman/tobiebmournebfo^e/mabe greate lamentacton / anbtoepte topft louae bopcctberclotbestoerereutinpeceS/anbibe babafftes bpon ber beaae, cbeniet^mp tbougbtesgo/$ 3!toas(n/ a turneb me bnto ber/a fapae:;e toe&lt; pelt tborftobp art tb ou lo Co 2 p $ bifcomfb;* teoiana fte fapae bnto mct&amp;g; /lett me be^&lt; toaplempfelft ata(iepetnio;e fo?otoe:fo;3| am fo;eberebinnip mp,iae / a b?ougbtbetg lotoe.anag; fapaebnto ber-.tobat apleft ftef m h $0 baft bone enp ftinge to ftef ten me, *&gt;befepoes? baue bene bnfrutefull ana ba* ten /ana ban e tjab an bout banb ftit tie pear^. ana ftef e wy.peares5 oonotbinge elsoape a npgbt anb allboures/but mafiemp p;aper to tb e fepe a , after t b ir tie pear es oa beroe meftpbanbmapaen / lofieabponipmpferp/ confpb;eb mp tt oubie/anb gauc me a f onne/ anb % mas glaa of bmt/fo toas mp boufbanb alfo a-al! mp nepgbbours/atoegaue greate bonoure bnto fte fl^igbtie . ano3!no;pa)eD b in 1 toitb great trauaple. &gt; tobf be gtetoe Dp / anb came to fte tpme/ftat be (bulb baue atopfe/^mabeaftatt. CC(ti;a69 lijetoomanfliat appcatcttj tineo dim (9/ nwiKOlItftw*

cbe.)c,bapfe;. m it bappeneo $ tofjen mp tonne toente into Dps cbamber/beftll^ ootone/anbbpeb:tben ouettbjeto toe all fte ifgbtes/a allmpnepgb* bouts rofe top to comfo?teme.cben t&lt;&amp;t% mp reft bnto fte feconaeaape at npgbt: ana toben ftep bab allreftea/ftattbep mpgbt cS* t'o?teme/g!refteDalfo/ana*orebpbpnigbt/ ana flea/ana am come ijftbetin to ftis felbe/ asftoureta-. a am puvpofebnotto come in fte cptie/but to remapne \)txt; anbneibet to eate net b?pncbe/ but contpnuallp to mour* neanbtofaft/bntpliabpe. GDm let a mp mebitacpons 9 ft ougbtes tan/ tbat a toas in ) anbfpabetobinbiP pleafure : bo foolpft tooman / ftpft tbou not oure beupnes ana moumpng/anbtobat bappenetb bntofasf boto ^&gt;ton ouremoftec (S all toofuii ana Cow anb bote (be is cleane bjougbt botone anD in mpferpifepnge toe be all noto in beupnes/ anb mafie oue mone (fo?toe be allfojoufull .)as fojtbebeut. nes ftatftoutafieft/ it (Sbut Co? one (onne. emaunae tbe eartb / anb fee (balltelitbe/ % it is (be tobicb ougbt(bpreafon ) to mout* ne/fo?tbefallof to manp tbat grotoebpon b -

, i

9 1

otber/aoc&amp;et (ball come: anb bebolbe/ tbrp cfrtietocman:anb3 lofied/an&amp;b tbolce/tbe toaifieaiimoiralimtodefttuccion/ ainanp tooma appeareb tontomen&amp;mott:buttbet t

of tbrm QMibt rotrt out. toag a cptte buplbcb / aa place mas mm* n&amp;bq ujuioc tben (bp reaf on ) mane mo?e from u)e grounoe ano fcunoacion. mournpnge/menlbe/tbatbatblettfogteat B^ftafmprd/9crpebtopa&gt;loube jumntptuoe; an&amp;not tbou /tobpcb art fo?p bop(e/anofe^e:tobn0JicHhcaS/ butfo; one, Sutpftboutoolbeit fapebnto tobicbcame tomeattbeftoft; tfMbebath me:fl|)pmoumpnge ig notipfie tbemour? eautebmetocoinerntiianpcSIWeiacwnfi ; 9 npngotjbeeattb/fo;abauetotttbeftuteof bpetbougbte*/ anbrnpnecnbeto turneoto im/bobp/tobuba bawtoitbbeupne0-.butft co;rupc(on/anbmpp?aperfo rebufie.anb. earn) (? acco;bpnge toft maner of tbe earn)/ a* 3 teas fpeaftpnge tbeie'tooac* y be came 9 tbe pjefent muitptuoe goem agapne to- bntome/9 lofiebbpon mc/anba lawaSe to ber / ae Itwcometo wa*:bcnfcpe a tbat&amp;abbenebecb/anbmpne bnwtWfiHtia bntotbe.:ipfiea0t&amp;oubaubojnetopbtra toatmmS/McmcmtlvmmUmt/ waple9to;otoe/euefotbeeabalfo ftfitbe anbcomfo^ebme/afetniebpbponmiiftte tSBSSOSSSSSBBSSSl SSSS^&amp;B^mm^i


bim tyamiace bcr.anb tberf o?en ittoUie tbp fo;otoeam&gt; beupntf bptt)p felfe / amtiofie tobatbappeneu)bnron)e/ beare it ftronglr, !ffo/pf u)ouiubgeQu)emarcfi a enoeof cpod to be rpgbtuoupanbgoob/andreceauett btt counceuin tpme /tbou (bait be commendeb tberfn. &lt;S5oo)?toase tbenintotbc cyt?e to fbpboufbanoe. mi efapoe br.eome:tbattopl!anotbo/ $ 3j wPU not go in to tbe cpt'fe/ but beare turn Sbpe.^oa commeneb mo;t toitb ber /and tap oe: 3E&gt;o not *0/ lint be counceied/9 folotoe me:f 0/ bob) manpfalle* batb &amp;on ? 25 e of gbodcomfo/tebecaufeof tt)e fo?otoe of ae* o; tbou fepft tbat our gjanctua*

^5fM ca ^B bwrt -55bnbeta&amp;: " n B"fJPBete/tebetfo?eatttbou tetf aadarapte^caufetbmibaft fojffenme: aMabauedoneacco/bfogbntomptooJdeo/ |to^tt w totbefeiw/anb tberebluel rene fbpngyft a^m notable toe&amp;;e&amp;.e1aSe bnto me : $&gt;tanbe bp anb be man)? / ano | f&amp;allgeuen)eero;tacpon. * . cttoi fapda : &amp;peafie on to me mp&amp;ojd/ fo;fefie menot /left %m in bapne: fork bauefenetbat 31 imetoenot/ sbetbe tbatl bonotfinotoe.iDjftaiimpbnderftandpnge be Nfceaueb./andmpmpnde;' jeutnotol be

.m ; iiii.'jn.* l yuu l :wiyaniui.)nnuji of ttjip toooer.ffieanCteerebrriethfn arattetp 10 lapeo toatle /cure aulter b?oben/ cute be arc me/anb? (ball enfcmwe SS templebenropeb/ ourepiapcngeof inaru* toberfo;etbou attaftajeb/ft;Tffi menteo afpngpngelapeddotone/ tbetban- opmfbnwnffctwetbWfSbmoiS fit fgeupnge put totpfcnce/ourmp;n) w ba- mm fcnc tbat ftp bSw SEwbt / ana mibcDatoapc/tbclps^ofourccanbciOEcfi l^t||wttkcft&amp;iffconnuB^S 3 fluencbeb/ tbearcfte of n)e cournaunt tf Ueople/anbmafieftgrcate amen tatran S taftenftomw/allouteboljtbjinge^arebc. &amp;iontanbtberf02ebnoerKeSebJfttS geb,'anbtbcnametbati0caiUD bponouer teDtcb tbouU a ipfebZleaoooabS W/w btqtonourep : out* cftvltycn arc put to fttg maner : cbou fatoeft SffiS foame/outeweftesatebwt/ourejUutte* npnge/anbtboubaftcomftebTf"iS

arecaneDabjapetntoeapt|u?tc/ ourebit. gfng arebefpleb/anb oure top ties rouplbrb/ out e rpgbtuou* men fpcpleb/anb our e cftO* D?en befttopeb cute fonge men are bwugbt tit bonoage/ anb oure ftrongetoojtbieisare become toeabe : anb feion ( tobpcb f eale tp tte greateft of all ) 10 lotofcb bp from bn too;Q)ippe:fo;lbet0beliuerebmtonSbei bftbtmrftatbatebu. nbtberfb;e(bafieoftbFgreatfieufneis/ anb put atoaFC tbemultttube of f o?oroe0 : $

tbewnotofepatboutbe irfiene? of Srtoo* wannomo/e/but njou tb ougbteft tfiere toast tooman tobo tbou fatoeft/w ^ton: tobew agojetolbetbe/ n)at(be ban) bene tb";Se sraKjjbnfrutefunanbbawn /tbtit are JB Kl f * /to * mn *WW noofterjnge^ utaft.yry.peare0 fealom5 bu?IBcb

SJSS5.5J SHL 1 "!!!! ^^ c&amp; fwm *" w w/at SS meMattpaiecaftcuteagreateboFcey berp aBaueajetoeDtbeJnbnotoSS^ tbouarl


i N

^ouattro;i?ftJfnijnbc/ruffaft5tfti&gt; t^eemeof tecsmealfo/im aKtfie fr;(t/fo bcrte fo; bee / anb f batb. be {rjctoeb tbe ber tbat it appcatcb nomo?e.


(leatneOe/anb tbe fafttie? of bet betBtve. 3nDtbetfo;e a babtbcreittaftiefa felb/ b)berenoboufei0bup)beb.&lt;fo;afinetB tbat the ty ( ft tool&amp;e ftjete tljis bnto tbe/ tberf b g commaunbeb tbe to goo into tbe feioe/ tbbere no founbacpon net bu jlopnge tg.jfo? in tbe place tobete tbe ^eft tojll ftetoe bl&gt;0 titie /tb t re (bail be no mam* buftopig . ana cberfo;e feate not/anb let not tbfne bette be aftapeb/butgo tbptoaje in/anbfetbeglo&lt; fioug ano f m e buplbpnge / ano bote great e it i0/anbbomgreate o)ou tbpnefieftfta^fter tbemeafure of rbpne cpeg/ 9 tbeh ftatt tbou b enve a nt oci) n? tl)ine eare0 mape c m p; e* be be if 0; tbou ait bleffcb ab oue m a n p otber/ anb arc calico teift) tbe @peft/a0ft fttatfBui tomo;oto atnpgbttbou (baltrcmapnebere/ 9 fo all tbe $peft Ojctne tbebifpona 6f bpe tbpnge^/tobpcb betorllbo bnto ftem /tbat btoellbponcattb in iaftba?c*.&amp;oaaepte tbefame riigbt ipfie a0 be cSmaunbeb me. C3n t'jif Cbaptec mi&amp; mibc.n.ncrt enfujngc/ Be tiUccatc(t)of cectcn BjfjoiiuaiiD of tbe mterpjfta* cponstberof. Cbe.rt.bapter, 30^^&gt;menfaroeaab?eame^nbbebolbe/ tl}f cam bp fro tbe fee an Hegle/

1 tel)tcb&amp;ab l irij.topngr9tb;ebeab5: 13 nbafatoe/anbbeboiDe/be fp;e&amp; l)P0 rujngcjs otifralicbeeattb/ anb all tbe tenting of tbe ap;e blift) fn tbem/anb fo tbep toercputtogctbevagapne.aSnb^bebelbe/a cut of ijis tctb: i'0 tbercgreto otberlptle con ttarp f etber0:tbc bcabf tefteb/ tt)e beao in ft wpbbentoa0 greater tben tbe otfjcr / set re* Bioittoitbtbeterp&amp;ue. flo;ouergifatoe7tbattbe 3Beglc flero Mb B(0ttpnge0,anb rapgne&amp;bp5 eartb / ouer plltbetbatbtoellbpontbeeartbjanDafatoe tbat all tii pngcjs bn&amp;et beauen \srre fub* lecte bnto bfm/sno ml fpafie agapnft bim/ no not one creature bpon eartb. 5 farce alfo tbat tbe a egle fto&amp;e bp bpon bit clato f / a gaue a founbe tof tb bin fetbent / anb a bopce fapinge after t\m maner: toatcb not alltogetber ,nepe runt man inbteavone plaee/* tea t cb fo; a tpme / but let t&amp;ebeaoeg be p 2 z reruebattbelaft.i5euertbeie0afatoe/tbat tbebopee tocnte not oute of bP0 beabC0 / but from ft mpobeft of m bobjJnba nomb;eb m contrarp fetbetg/ 9 beftolbe / ttjere were ctgbtof tbem 3fn&amp; flofieb/ abeboibe bpon tbe rpgbt fpbe tbm arofe one fetbet; j 8 rafg* neb ouer all tbe eattb.ainbft bappeneo/ tbat toben it raigneo/tbe enoe of ft came/ anb tbe j* Place tbetof appearebno mo;e . fto ft nerte ^(omym ftobebp/ jrapgneb/ftbabagreatf tfmm ft&amp;appeneb/)at tpben ft rafanety

t I

ben came tbere a bopcebntoit/ fapbe: ^earetbou p^aftfiepte in t&amp;e eartb fologe/ 0)103 fapebntotbe/befo;e o)ou begpnneft to appear* nomoje:bere fljali none after tbeattepne bnto tbp tpme ,ben arofe tbe ttiitD/ a raigneo as ft ou)er afo;e/ a appeared nomo;e aifo.s teent it^ all ftrefioue one after anotber/To ^ euerp one raigneb/ tben appeareo nomo;e4bena lQfieb/9 beboioe/ ntp;oceffe of tpme ft fetbew ft folotoeb toere fetbp bp3 n)e rpgbt fpbe /ft tbepmpgbt rule alfoiafome of n)? ruieb / but toitbm a rcbpie tbej? appcatepnomoje: f 02 frrnie of tbr toere fet bp/but^fleinpi/aifter tt)f0 9f lofieb/ anb bebolbe ft.yi&gt;.fetber0 appeareb nomo;e/ H

tkoo topngep: 9 tbere teas nomo bpon tbe aegle0boop/butttoobeabc0 1 refteb/j rtjee f ett)tt0.Eben fatoe 1 aifo/ ft tbe fpre fetbers toere patteb tn ttoo^remapntD bnbcrftbeab/ ft toa0 bpotte rtgbttpbr/fo? ft foure contt nuebintbenp^ce^oaiofieb/abeboloe/c 0)ep ft toere bnber ft topnge0/ tbougbt to fet Bp tbe fein a,- 9 to bane tbe rule . cben toap tbere one fet bp/ but (bo?tlp it appeareb no* nio;e/$ tbe feconbe toa* fooner atoape tbm ftfirft.anb'ibebelbe/910/tbettootbotigbt aifo bptbern ftiuegto raigneo toften tbepfo fljougbt/beboibe/tberetoafieb one offtbeaK ft toere at rett/nameip/tttbattoa0 inftrnpo* beft/fo? ft toa0 tbe greater of tbe ttoo beaw. 3nb tbena fatoe/ tbat ft)e ttoo beabe0 toere to Heb toitb bmi , a tbe b*M toa0 turned torn tbem tbat toere bp btm / au&amp; ate bp tbe ttoo bnber topnge0/tbattoolbe baue ratgneb. ut tbi0 beab put ft tobole earn) in feate/ 9baretuleinit/ouerall tbofeft btoeltbpo eartb \&amp;mocblaboure/ 9 befjabfte goiter nauneeofn)etoo?lbe/oueralltbefoi!le0ft baue bene.*ftertbi03! lofteb/a bebolbe/fl)e bm tfMt roa0 in tbemiboeft/fooenlpappeaa tebuomoje/ipbe m ft topngefct&amp;encame ft ttoo beabe0/tobicb rules bpa earn) / 9 ottee fl)ofe btoeit tbcrin. ainba bebmt / 9 lo/tbe beab bpon tbe rpgbt fpbe/beuotireb ft tbat * toa0 bpotbe left fpbe.Enba ftttbe a bopce/ tobitb fapbe bnto me:lo8e before tbe/ con* tm o)e tbpng tbat tbou feift.cbenqp fato/ 9 beboibe/ao ft toerea ipon ft roaretb /ten* npngebafteip out of tbetoob / 9be rent out am&amp;Obopcebnto ft)e3legle/ 9 fapbe : t)tmt on/9 topll tame toitb tbe/9 ftpeft (ban fapebntotbe;30itnottbouftbafttbebftto* rp of fi)e foure beaftc0/tobS f maw to r afa&gt; nebponeartbanbinrnptooifte/ 9 tbattfie enbe of tbeir tpme0 migbt come ft)o?oto rbeV anbojcfoum) came/anbonertoannean

tbebeatfe? tbattoere part / anDbabpotoer butbetop;liieto^gtfaieftatfuwtto/ana cure


weet&amp;etoboKcb'pafleoftbe eartb Mitotic mott toiceeo lalioutc/^ fo lonse tpmefttoett fte bpon foe eatfo toit^ Dtfceate / ^ tbeeatfo baft tbou iu&amp;geft not totfo tmefo. ffozfoou baa ttgubfeo foemeae/ foou baftburte foe peaceable ? qupete / ttoutatt loueft i^ergs/ ana aearopeottic fttoelipnges of tbem foat ly ougb t fo;fo mite/ano baft raft ftotone foe tea Hess effocft a* ftpo foe no ba trae.ce et f o; e is tbptojongeous fieaipnganti biafpljempe

'CljMipo&amp;e oneaftecanotBek jfozfoefeconceftanbe*

gpnnetorapgne/anoftalibauemojetpme tft en te e ofoet/ $ c^rs Do t b e.jetj , to pnges % hpfpe/ tobftb toon fatoeft JU fo; foe do; ce p (panr/H tboufatoeftgooutfr5tbebeafte0 but not ftSfteboop/ it6eto&amp;enetb/tt)ataf. tec foe tpme of tbat fipngoome foere ftall atpre greate ftrpupnge* / $ it ft all ftanoe in narell or faH^ngmeuettt) elegit all not pet fail/but ftatbe ret m tob(0 b egln n fog e . anft

come bp bnto foe $peftyano fop p;pDe into t!je eigbt bnftertopnges tobpfo fooufe


foe ^pgbtp.cfte^pe&amp;airobafo lobeobpo for p;ouw tp mes/ anft beb oio e/ foep ate e n* fteft/ano tbettabbompnacpons ace fuiftiieo. anftfoetfo;eappeateno mo;e tbou ifegle/ anft fop b^tibietomges/anofoptopcfteftfe* foers/anftfopbngeacpQu* ^ea&amp;ess / ano fop

bange bnto foe topnges of ft tin betoftf/tftae in bpm tbere (pall atpfe e pg tj 1 6png 5 /toftofe tpme (balbebut fmall/s foeit peare s ftopft/ at too o f foe" (ball b eare. ie n t toft en foe mpo* bed tpme commefo/tbere ftal be foute bepte &lt;n tpme/toben ijiis tpme begpnnefo rocome

fpnfullclatoes/anftailfoptiapneboDpitbat t^at ttmage be enogD/ but ttoo tbalbe f icpte tbeearfomajebetefrelbeft/ a come agape bniojbienge^/^ to betfelf/toban Qjc (0 fteipuereii fro" fop Wo'C^lnft topreast foou fatoeft fo; ebeafte0te*C

lence/ anftfoat (be mapebope fo; tbe iuftge ment anft mercp of bpm foat maoe bee. CCbe.jrtf.Cbapter. 19ft ft bappeneo toben ip3 fpabe foere too;Di;bnto&amp;aegie/3i fetoe/ abebolfte/ foebeafttbatafo;ebaft Ifoebpperbanft/appeareft nomo;e:

ftpnge/foi0 is tbe fntetp?etacp5:3r n big laft (baiitbe9peftraprebp fo;e ftpngftomea/ a rail many agapne into tbe/ a foep fballbaue tbe ftompnpon of tbe eatfo/anft of foore foat fttoell tberln/to mocb labour aboue all tbofe t toerebero;etbcberfo;eatefoepralieftft. beaoes of foe aegie:fo;tt(0foep tbat (ball

nefoet opft tbe foure topnges appeave anp b;pnge fo;tb bps mycbeftne0 agapne/anb

mo?e/g rametobtm/a toere letbptorafg' foat (bail pstfoutme afpnpfobpaiatt. ano neanfttteftBpngftometoa0fmalia full of toberea0fooufatoeft/ tbatfoe gteatebeab

bPMuwJnft 1 rato/9 bebolbe/ tbepappea reftnomo;e/anfttbetobo!e boftp of wwmt toaub?ent/atbeeatbtoais m gteate feare. Cben atoabeft 3! out of tbe ttaunce of mp mpnoe/a ftom gteate feare/a f apoe bntomp f P? e t e: Ho/tbw baft tbou geuentne/ tn tbat tbou featcbeft out tbe toapeg of $ $peft:io/ pet am 5 toeetptnmp mpnfte/aberptoeabe

appeateftnomo;e/ftrpgnpfpetb/tbatone of tbem (bal ope bpo bis beft/a pet toftb papne/ fo; tbe ttoo tbattemapne/ (baibe Oapne toftt) tbetoetoe.ffojtbeftoetoeof one tballfte* ttoute tbe otber / bu t a t tbe la ft (ball be fall tbo^ototbe Ctoeww bp'm feife. ainft tobete a0 tbou fatoeft ttoo bnbettom* geg bpo tbebeao tbat (0 on fbetpgbtfpfte/ ft

inmpfp?tte/a Iptie fttengtb to tbetetn me/ fpgnpfpetb tbat fttt tbep/ tobome m S peft

fo; tbe gteate feate g 3 teceaueo tW nfgbt. cbetfo;etof3| notobefecbetbe^peft/tbat be topH comfojte me bnto tbe enfte: % fapb/ )lo?fteto;l)e/pf a baue founfte gtace bef 0^ tbP tt'gbt/ a ?3 am foftf fftft toitb tbe befo;e manpotbet/apfmpp;apet be comebp be* fo;e tbP face,'comfo;te me tben/a Qtetoe me tb p fetuaimt tie tntttp;etacp5 a piapne fttf* fetence of tfitst bojtttbie ffgbt/i tbou mapeft petfectlpcif o;tempfoule:fo; tbou baft tubgeometoojtbp/totbeto me laft of tpmes. ainftb* fapfte bnto me.tbj0 is tbe mtetp;&amp;&gt; tacpon of tbw fpgbt.Cbe legle tobome tbou farce a come bpftJJ tbe fee/ ts tit bpng&amp;ome totjrctj toasrenem tbe bpfponoftbp b;otbet mantel/but fttoa0 not etpofiiieft bntobim/ #fo;noto 3 Declare ft bnto tbe. Seboioe/tbe Dape0come/tbattberetbaUtp(ebpa bpng* borne bpon eattb/a ft ftalbe feateoaboueal tbefewigoomes tbattoerebefoje it. Jntbe famefipng6ome(baU.]rtj .fepngeg tapgne/

batb berfte bnto tbeft enoe: tbP^ts a (mail ingftdme/a full of ttoubie.^rbe Upon tobo tboufatoefttpffngebpoutof tbetooftft/an&amp; toatpnge/ a fpeabpnge bnto tbe 3Degle / ana rebubpngebpm f 0; bis bntpgbtuoumetfe/bi tbe topnoe/tobpeb tbe $pett batb beptefo; tbem a fo; tbeft topebeoneffe bnto tbe enor. be tyalltepjtouetbem/a tentetbemafunftw befo;e tbem. f 0; be (ball f e t tbem Ipupngc befo;e tbe fuogement/ a ft all tebube tbem: fo? tbe refpoue of mp people ftall beftelpuec to ttoubie/tbofe $ be p;efetuebouet mpne enoeS:anb be (ball mabe tbem topfull bntpll tbe commpng of tbe ftape of i uogemSt/ tobet off baue fpobe" bnto tbe ftStbeotgpnnpng. CbjstS tbe b^eame tbat tbou fate eft/a tb# is tie tntetp;etacpon. cbou onlp baft bene metetobnotoetbefectete of tbe^peft. betfo;e to;fte all tb ere tb fo gr p tbat tbou baft fene fo a bobe/anti bpbe tbrm/anft trarf) tbe tbe topfefo f people/ tobofetjettra tbou bnotoeft

) J


finotoell mape c5p;ebenfte anft bepe tbere re? J^crete0.58uttoaptetboubete Qpfelfe pec fr * uen ftapee mob/ tbat ftmape be ftstoco tbe/ tobatroeuet ttplearetb tbei^peft 0 Declare bnto tbe/anotoitbtbatbe toentbte toape. ' anft tobealltb'e people perceaueft/ tbe feuenoapes toerepaft/a3 notcomeagapne Into cptte/tbe'pgatbereft tbem alltogetbee ft5 tbe leaft bnto tbe mofty a came bnto me/ anofapfte:tobat baue toe offenfteft tbef anft tofiat euen baue toe Done agagnft c&amp;e/gt&amp;ou f o;rabeft bS/a fptteft bete in tbftf placebo; f all people tb ou on f p att left bg/as a grape f t b e b pi j e/anft as a canftell fo a ftatcbe pla ce;anfta0 ait baue aftpppe p;eretueft from f tf peft.^aue toe not eisabit erftte pnougb/ but tboumuft fo;fabeb0 1 iete ftnot bet* ter fo; bu/tbat toe baft bene b;f t toitb &amp; ton* jfo; toeareuobetter/tbentbep t Dpeo tbere: anfttbeptoeptetoptblouDebopce. benan*

ftoereD|tbe a fapDe-.JBe of gooo cofo;te D "ffraei / abe notbeup tbouboufeoftacob: 1; foe 9peft batt) pou in rem? b;auce / 5 tbe i^PSbtte batb not f o;gotten pou in tempta* cicnM { 0; me/3! baue not fo;faRe pou / ne tberamiJbepaweDfrompou -.but am come fo to tljis place to p;ape/ becau re of tbe m rferpofirtael/tbatim^gbtreftemetcpro;^ lotoe eftateofpoure ^&gt;ancttiarp. anonoto gopouretoape borne euetpmS/aaftet foere bape^topii'? comebntorou,^otbe people toent tbeit toa pe in to tie cptft/ Ipbe as % to&gt; maunftebtbem:but3!temapneD ftpll intie feioe reuen ft apeg/a? foe an g el l baft metanD ^ ate onelp of tbe ftoures of tbe felfte/a baft mp meate of tlje be rbes m fo ore Da pes . 'ffcbej^.ct)8pm. i ftitbappeneuartet? reueospe?/ lat 1 ft;eameft a D;eame bp nigbt. lanftbebolfte/foereatorea topnoe [ftom foe fee) foat ft moueo all foe floufteatbetof.anDf lobeo/anD U eb oiBe/foe m 8 teas a tog e a tncteafeo tot tb foe d ud es of bcaufta toben Detunieft b'S coiitenatmce to confpbet all foe fofoge^ ttembleo g toere fenebnftet bim:anft tobenfoebopce toent out ofbfemoufo/allfoepb;ent tbatberftebpm/ Ipbe as foeeatfo toben ft feiefo foe fp;e. aftertbere'jratoe/abeboiae/tberetoas gatberefttogetbetamultftuDeofmenoutof nombje from foe foute tofooes f tbe beau 1 1 to fpgbte agapnft foe man / tbat came oute fromtbefee . anft gf lofieft/ anft beboine/ be graueftbim reifc a gteate mountapne / ano fletobpbpontt. i3ut^toolDebaue renefoe inabeto; place /tobetout foe bpB toaSgta* uen/anftgicouDenot. ;' Sfatoeaftettbefe/iantbertobicb came

tofpgbtagapnftbpm/toere fo;eafeapeft/ a pet our ft foepfpgbt . ^euerfoeles to\)en be

fa toe tbe fearfnea'e a bpoience of foe people/ be nefoer ipftbp W banfte net beloe ftoetoe/ net enp toeap^-.but onelpcag 3 ratoe) be rent but of bftf moufo as it ban bene a biaft of fp* te/anDoutofbi0lpppesfoe topnfte of fla me:anft out of tjts tonge be caft out tparft eg anDfto;mes/anftfoep toeteail mpjrte toge* foersfoe biaft of fp;e/foe topnfte off aimejs/ anft foe gteate fto;me/ anft fell toptb a tufflje bpon people/tobt cb toas p^eparcft to ftgbt anft b;ent foem bp tbat of tbe innumerable multitubetbere toas notbmge fenei but onelp ftuft anft rrii one , nafjen % rato foi0/|toa0aftapei). ^ aftettoarftefatoeg! foe fame man corned ftotoneftomtbemountapne/ ano calipngbn tobtmanofoet peaceable people: ano foere came mocb people bntobim-.fome toeteglaa rome toere rojp/ rome of foem tocte bcunoe/ f foat foep toere car i eft 5 b ? otigbt f o;fo. cbcntoasgirpc6foo?oto gteate feare/tf fatoabeft/anbrapfte:tboubaft(betoefttij^ fetuauntalitbp toSfters fro foe begpnttpng/ abaftcounteftmetoo;fop/ $ fooumpgbteK; teceauempp;apet:lbetoemenotopettbein=' tetp;etaef on ortbiS ft;eame .tfo;tbu0 % cofpft;einmpbnoetftanftpng.ii0obnto tbem f&gt; (ball be left in tbofe ftapes-.a mocb mo;e. too bntofoefoatatenotleftbebpnfte:fo;tbcpg toete not left/taere in beupnes. iSJotobnoerftanoegitbefopnges foat ate lapeDbpmt&amp;e latter oapes'tobtfo (ball bap* pen bnto foem/anft to foore foat ate not left bebpnfte.cberfo;e are foep come into great patelles/anft manpneceditles/lpfieas tbere ft;eames Declare jetisttcarier/g betebtcb ruffie tb butte. come in foere,tben to page a* toape as a cioufte out of tb e too?lfte/anft noto torefoefopnges g ftallbappeinfoeiaft. \)en an(toere&amp; be me/anft fapftccbe in* terp;etacponoffoefpgbt(ball 9 ftetoe tbe/ anftgi topllopen bnto foe/foe tbpnge tbou baft tequp;eo.jTo? tboubattrpolien of foem foat ate left bebpnfte/ anft fops f0 ctje inteip;etacpon. I^efoat tafiefo atoape tbe parell (nfoattpme/bafobeptebt'mfelfc.cbepfoat be fallenin to batme/ are rocb as l^ue too;* be0afapttbntofoe fll^oftmigbtte. lanotoe foiS foerfo;e/foat tbep Wti be left bebpn* be/atemoieweaiBj k foen foep foat be bceo.

C&amp;t0t0tnemeanpnge of tbe bpfpon.1bere astboufatoeft a man commpnge bp from tie oepeoffoeree/tbefame is be tobojndBoa tbe peitbatb bepte a grfaterearqaytobt'cb bpbts atonerelfe (ballftelptietbiscteatnte/ a be ftall ome foe foat ate left bebpnfte.ano tobeteasfoouratoeft/ $ oute of bpsmoufo foete came a biaft of topnoe/fp;e a fto;me/a boto


boto tbat be !;ft bp netbet Ctoerce no? toea= pen / but ft fte m m;Rge in of b ; m be (reopen ft toboie muititube/ft came to fpgbt agapna bmwt Cignpfietb/ttsattbesapes come/toban C obto;libei;uet tbe tbat arebpon eattb/9 in a trailer of mpn&amp;e ftallbe come bp5 tbeV otoeitwft eatt&amp;. ana one (ball bnoertafie to rtybtagapnftanotber/ one cftc agapnft anotQer/onc place agajnttanotfler/onepeo* pieagapnttanottjec / 9 onetealme agapnft anotber. m\)tn tb ts commet b to pa/ tben ftall tbe tofienscome/tbatfl, ft etoebfte be* fo?e:9ftenftan"m; forme beoeelareb/tobS tboufatoeftci;mmebpasaman,3Cnbrcben an ft people bearebfSbopce euer; man ftall fo tbete atone ranae leaue tbe battapli ft tbe; ftaueoneagafottanofter/9anfnnumerable multptuoe ftalbe gatbereijitsgeft et/ds tbe; tbat be to? Hinge to come Co ouercome bim b; f;gbtfoge. jSutbe ftatlttanoe bpon t^c toppe of tbe mount fbtm jBeuerfteieae &gt;ion ftall come/ 9 ftalbe ftetoeo/befogc P jepateb $ bu;ioeaf 02 all men; Ifbe as tbou fatoefttbebtttgwulfojtbtoftboutanpban* bes, JSu t rmj-ton ne (ball rebufie tbe peopleft arecorae m tbeirto; cfieones/tofrb tbe tern* pett/anbfo?tb*fceuell;mag;nac;ons:ani&gt; tbeitpapnes torjertoitb tye? ftalbe punpf* beo/arelpcbenebbntotbe flamme:anb tol ft ontanplaboure/ftailbebefteo;etbem/euen b; tbe latoe/tobtcbiScSpareb bnto tbe fpje. 3 na robe re a tbou fatoeft/tbat be gan&gt; lebanotbee peaceable peoplebnto bi'.ftofe ace tbe ten tribes / tobicb toet e ca tt ea atoap e

pjefonetsoutof tbefr atone lanoe/fo ft t;me of teas tbe ftpnge / inborn $&gt;aimanafat tbe Bpnge of Mrcia tone p;ef once/9 carp eb tbem ouee tbe toatet/anoto came tbe; into anotberlanoe. . 3Butfte;gaueftem ibis councen7$ tbe; ftulbeieaueftemuititubeof fte $eaften/9 to go fojft mto a farfter countre/* ueeraan6;nbe btoelt: tbat tbe; irojgbttbere 6 e pe tbe tt ftatutes / tobicb tbe; neuer fiepte in tb etc atone lanfie. a no Co tbe; en tt eb in at $ tbe natoto padages of fte toater of c2upb?aees/anb sob ftetoeb tone's to? Hen / * beibe ft ;u tbe flouoe tpn tbe; tocre padeb ouei: to? tbo;oto ft counttetberetoasagreatetoape/ inuwelgof apeareanb abalfe;outne;/ fo; fameregponfscanebaitarctb. bcn btoelt fte; ftere bnto fte ratter tpme: 9 tobentbe; come fojft aga;ne/fte$;c(i (ball EjolDe ft;l ftefpnmges of tbe ftreamejagapne/ft tbe; nia; go ft o;oto/ ft rr f 0; efatoec tbou ft mu! tftuoe toftb peace. anbftepftatbe leftbe* b;nbe of tb; people/ate ftofe tbat be founae tofftmm;bo;ber, #ototobm&amp;ebeftro;etb ttenutltptube tbat is gatbeteb togeftcr / be , ftanbetetflebps people ftatteinB;ne/ anb

tben ftallbe ftcto ftem greate toottbws. cben r;pe 3):&amp;.&amp;8bc fco?&amp;e/ftetoe 2 meftisttobeifawbauelteneftcraan com* itrfngbp frS fte bepe of tbe (ctfDnbbe fapie bntomeatbeaistboueanftnetbetfe&amp;eout no;bnotoe tbefe tbingep tbat ate in tbe jpe of ft fee/eue fo mawtt tbounQtiCem;.fpnney 02 tbofetbat betottbbim/butmtbetptieot tbe oape, cb^ tt tbe tntetp?rtac;on o| tbe b;eametobfebtboufatoeft/tbetfo?etbon I? art bere l; gi)teneb:fo? tboubaQ foaaben tbsneatoneiatoe/9appl;ebtb;MIigtbn to m;ne/$fougbt it. mtw* baft tbou o;* Keo in totfbome/9 baft caHebJjnbeeftanbmB tb;ntotbei:/9tbeefo2ebaue3) fteroeo f tbe tccafure of tbe ^;eft Jfter tb;e ba;e03! totll u)etotbemo;e/$taett tbe at mo;e large/ ;eebeu;anbtoonberowstbftigejJ to;H3J be* date totito tbe.

m toent % fo?tb into tbe feft e/ geti?ng P pf e 9 tban&amp;e? gveatl; onto 00/ b ecaure ofbtttoontier0robKbbeDsbint^ne/anbbe caul e be goueme tb tbe fame/ anb f ocbe ass it mtpme/anbtbere 31 fatttb;eba^0. C4BotiappeaKtt)tmtoCn;S0in^ebtt^ tytttty 91 " 9 ccbe.yfj.&lt;itbapr. . '. iontbetb;^&gt;oa;e3 fatbnbeean * obettce/Cben came tbere a bb^ce bnto me out of tbebuOj / ftj(a^&gt;e: fo?ae/ eniiasf 3no3 fatbejm am % tlom/9 ftooe bpbponjn; frep; pen fpafte be bnto mev|tttbe buft) Wb3 appeare bnto Worn/am talfteo tottb bim/ to&amp;eh me people feruebtn Ug;pte/tiICentb^n/Wfb m; people out of eg; pt/a b;ougbtbjm,&amp;jt&gt;5 tbe mourit i&amp;tonv tobere^belbebimb; me a ionge rtaton/ . foitteM nt; toonbetouis too;efie0/anDffietoeDbfmtbefecrett#$tbe t;mf|tbeenbe/a comaunofBbimjWWng: Cbefetoojbegftafttbou .bedaWflBiwr tb e Jnb noto a f a?e bn to tbe/tftgt tbou iaj e bp in tb;nebertetteb2eame$5#i3ttboubaft fene/anbtbeintefpjetac;omstobtcb3! baue fbetoebtbe*Jo; tbou tbaltbc teeeauebbfall/ tbou Qjalt be tumeogremape tottb m;cofi' ceu/9 toty (beba* be l;be tbe/ b n till tbe tv* m es b e enbeb. &lt;fo; fte too^w ban) toft b W ;outb/anb tbe t;m(begpine to tDareoloe. ffonbetpne 10 oeu^fslntottoeiue part w anbten partes of itate gone all reaojy anb balf of t^t ttm parti : w remapeib tbere tbat/ tobtcb in after $ baifoftbettntbparte. nbecfo;e pjepate ?o?bjecb;toufe/ana ref ourme tb; people; comfotf efocb of tbem 55 a0 beJn trouble: anb tell note of tbe beftruc^ c;on:irtgoftomtbemo?talitbougbti'.caft atoa;e tbtb ur tbes of man-.put of tbe roease n a ttimlapebp in fome places tbougbtes

fl^frfftbefetpmfftfo?focfleueir to;cbeb uece as tbou baft noto fene bappe&gt; (bai tbe; bo;etmocb too?fle.(fo/ tbe toeaber tbat tbe toojloe anb tbe tjme ismc mo?e (ball fptne a toubeoneOe mcreafe , m tbe tbatotr cu bp5 carflMfo? tbetruetb fleofarre atoa;e / 9 lefenge ts batb at banoe. foi noto baften) g btf ;o n to com e/ tbat tbou baft fene. rben anftoereo 3J 9 CapDe:ib(rtbe4o;a/ 9 tofli go a* tboubaft commaiinoeb me/anb refourmetbepeopietobtcbarep;efent.]8ut tbe; g u)a(lbebo;neaftertoarbe/toboto^l CJEbo^e 0? rebube tb e m : cbus tbe too;loe 10 let Wbatcftnrs/a tbe; tbatbtoeii mm/ are mtbout 1 rabt -. fo; tbfiatoe is b;nbleb / be caufc no man finotoetb tbe tb^tges tba t arc bone of tbe/o;gfbalbeoone.3if % baue fofloe grace befo;e tbe/fenoe Jbol;goo ft in to me/ attbt (ball to;;te all tbat batb bene Done ut tbe too;ibefens tbe begpin;nge,tobicb toa0 to;ptten m tb?latoe/ tbat men ma;ef;noe * pan) ano tbat tbe; tobicbtofllltue in tbe latter oa^s/ma^l;ue. - 3nbbean(toerebme/fa;fg:&lt;Sotb;toa^/ *gatber tb; people togejer/ fare bnto W/ tbat tbe; febe tbe not f 0; . %i .ba;es 1 but lobe tbougatber tbe man; bow tre es / 9 tabe % tbe &amp;a tea iwabm / &amp; elemta / c cba nus 9 aftalf/tbefef^ie/tobtcbarereab; rotwte fto;ftl;/anbcomebitber/8no'? mall i;gbt acanoieofbnottaioingintfiinebett tobicf) ftalinotbe putout,t;]itbetb;ngfS be per* foumtebtDbrcb tbou (baltbegpineto rc;icc , ano tbm (bait tbou beclare fome tbjngc? ppenl;bntotbeperfecte/9fometb(ng^mait ' tbou ft e to recreti; bn 1 (f to;fe . 0 mo;oto tbisboutcfhaltttiou begpneto to;itc. &lt;_/ff nentoentel fo,tb(asbe cBmaOoeome) anb gatbereb all tbe people togetber/afa;o: ^*aretbefetoo;bes JftaeltflDure fatbet? f torn tbe beg#in;nge toereftraungestnc ftwte/from tobenee mt torn brtyumb / 9 veceauebtbelatoeofi;fe/ tob;cb tbe; bepte not/ tobicb ;vaifobaue trifgreffeoartettb^. eben teas tbttlanbe anb fte ranbeof feton patteb amonge;onb; lotttopoffe (Te. 3Sut four father* 9W;ourfeiucsaifobaueoone bnr;gbtucurnes/a bane not ftepte ft toa;r0 tobi eft m ia;eft ebmaunbeb ;ou . 3Bno fo;(b

tttocb as be is a rigbtuous tuoge/ b? tofie f c5 rouin t;me tbetb^ge ft be babgeuen ;oti. nbnotoare;ebere9 ;oureb)cttef amffge ;ou.berfo;e ;f fo be ft ;e to;H fuboue ;out atone bnberftanbpngr/anbrefourme ;oure fterte/;e ft ail be bepte alpue/* after oeatb ftallpt opte;nemerc;. f 0; after beatb Ojail trubgmfccome/tob! toe ftalHinieagar^e: anb tbm ftall tbe names oftbengbtuous be mam'feft/anb ft names ortbebngobl; to(tb Qetr toojCBt* ftaii beoeoarebJiet no man


tberfo;e come notobnfo me / nttarieen; queatonatmetbeCcjri ba;cs. . S&gt;o3jtoBetbefpuemen(aSbecSmaun*-,i bebme(anbtoetoente in to tbe felbe / anb re* 9 ma;ne&amp; tbere . cbe nert ba;e a b o;ce can to mera;(ng:(f(bws/open tb; moutb/9b?; nc be ft J geue tbe. cben opentb J m;moutb/ 9 beb oib/be reacbeb me a full cuppe/ tofiicu toasfurtatoater/ but tbe colour of it tras Wfcr fwe.ainb| tofie it ( 9 b?ancne.3nb toben ababo;onciiett/m;bettbab bnaerttSDrng/ 9to;foomegretoemm;b|eft:fo?m;fp;ete toasfieptefnrememb;aunce,anbm;moutb toas openeo 9 ftutnomo?$;ett gaue bnoerftanb;ng bnto tbe fpue men/ tbat tbe; to;otetbeb;etbpigesoftbrn;gbt/ tobpeft tbe; bnbetaobenot.)8ut in ft n;gbttt)e;ate b;eo:as fo; me/ 3 fpabe fo tbe ba;e / % bribe notm;tongeb;nrabt.;es/tbe; to;ote ttoo bunb;eb anb foure bodes.;estoere RirfpHeb/tbattbe^;eftfpahe/fa;ing:cbe ttrft tbat tbou baft to;;tte/ f peafie openi; / ft m too;tb;anbbntoo;tb; ma;etebe ft. But fiepetbe.lw.iaft, fttbonma;eft ftcto itone IptoCocbasbeto^feamongctbrpeopieifftij fo tbem fstbefwpnge of bnbetftano;ng tbe fcunta;ne of topfbome / anb tbe ftreame of finotolebgeJnoibpbfo.

Il E&amp;? punyftmf t tbat mcll pt oplc Onl bractoftfcll &lt;San t om maunttc tb ea.: a s to (few onto tQt in. Carbe.rb.cbapter. iftoibe/ fpeabetbou fo tbe eaves of mp people ft too;besof pjopbe.* cte/tobtcbl totlf putfocbp moutb/ ,^^fa;etbtbeiLoibe:anb caufefoe to be to^tS in a letter/fo? ft is tbe truetb.dfeatc not tbe ;maginactons agapiift tbe / lett not tbebnfaptbfulnes oftbem trouble t\)t / tbat rpeabe agapnft tbe. fo; all tbe bnfaptbfull ftall ope m fotir bnfaptbftUnes . JBcboloe fapetb tbe Ho;oe/g topli b?;nge plages bp3 tbetoojloe/tbeftoetbe bongtt/oeatb 9 be* ftruecpon,f 0; topefieones batb tbebpper tyfo in all tbe earn)/ an) tbe tr ft amefuil too;fies arefuifplleb. ffibfo;c fapetb tbeXo;ae:,l topli bofte mptonge nomo;e bnto tbetr topebeonefie/ tobtcb tbe; 00 fo bngobl;:netber topli 3 fuf* ftetbe tntbetbpnges/tbattbep beale toptb all fo toicfieoi;.)8e b oioe, tbe innocent blotto of tbe troublebcrpetb bnto me, anb ft foules of tbe rpgbtuous compiapne cotpnuail;: 9 tberfo;e(fapetbft)Lo?b)1totllfmelpauege/ anbreceauebnto mean tbe innocent biouoe from amongefoem. eboioe /m; people / is !eb as a flocft of ftepetobeflapie/Jtopllnotfuftre tb?nov to b\n ell fo gppte / but topli b?pnge tbe out toicb a migbtiebanD 9 a Oretcbfb outarme/ Cce, anb


teCrope ailfciana. of tt.cgppt all mourne/ I ;ft e f ounba cions of it Oalbe fmptt en tofft fte plage anb punpment/ ftat oo all bzpngebponft. ^ cbe? tpii ft e gr ounbe / qjallmou wet e f 0?fteitfe&amp;C3 all be beQropebt&amp;o;om fte fclaGinganbbaple/aanbo/rpbiecatteteo

too? ftp toojlce 9 ft cm ftat btoell fterin / to? fte ttoerbe 9 tbeftocfttticcpon bjarceft roje/9 one people all ftanoc bp to fps^t a* gapnftanoftW9ftoetae0Meftb8b$.*f'o; men allbe bnftebfaft /9 rome all do b?o iencebntoofter:ftepalinotregarbefteU; Spngapjpnces/ftemapesoffteitbopnges ftbanoelpngestntbeitpotoer . 26 man all cefp?etogo into cpa'e/9 all not be able. tfo?becaufeofftettp?pbefte cptfes albe toougbtmfeate/fteboufesi ai afte/ ana roenftwlbc afrapeb 3d man all baueno ppttebp5bf0nepgbbour/butoneallp;o. uoaeanoftet bntb battapii tofpopie tbefc Boobt0becaufeott&amp;eb5gcrofbtf&amp;/anbbc caufe of fte gteate trouble. 55ftoiae/3:gaftec'9 call togeftet allfte Spnge0 of fte earft ror) t'cb ate from tbe bpr? Cpng/fcom fte &amp;ouft/fro fte &lt;j att 9 JLpbami0totutnebntotbe/9tettojetbe tbnge0 t&amp;attMauegeuenftem.&amp;i&gt;&amp;eai3fflei&gt;D0 f etftWbagebnto mp ft oren/fo trilia boal* fo/srecompenre fte in eft botome. Cbu0 fareft fte)io?oeoo: 3&amp;rpgbebanbail notCpawfterpnner0/9mpCtoetbeallnot eeafle ouet ft em/ft at eb fte innocet bloub bpon eattb. Cbe feare is gone out f com bps tow/anbbaconrumeo fte touraacpon0 of ft e eattb/anbtbe fp n nets Ipbe fte ttratoe tbattebpnWeb.ifcomotfbtbem ftatfpnne/ abepenotrnpcSmaunbementes/fapeftfte jtojbe.giropnnotfpare fte. opoute toape fecbnb;enft9bfolence/oe(^ienotmp^an* ctuatr-fo?fte tojaefinotoeft all tbemftat fpnne agapnO bim/9 ftetfojeoelpuereftbe ta em bnto bea aoctttuccpomiff oj note' ate tbepiagescomebponfteroo?ibe/9pe all remapne in ft era. jf 0? (Bob (ban not belpuet * pou/beeaufe ge baufflnneb agat?nft bf m. _/$eTjoWalfp?rpble bifponcSmeft fr5 fte caft/tobere genetaciSs of 3B?ag5s al comeout/ anbttje people of $attabes mprb mans ftatettes/ ano ft e multptube of ft em albe as fte topnbe bp8 eattb/at al! tbe? tobfebbearetbem ragpngefn fteit ro?aft/ magefeate anbbcaftapetoanbas ftetoplbe bom oute of fte mob/to all ftep go out/? toitbgreatepomeeanftep come/ 3 ftanbe fPBbtyttge tool) tbem/anb (ban toafte$ po;# cgon of ft e tanbe of tbe 36ffp?i em*.

Snotbcn all fte Wagons baue ebp&lt; petbawe/notYemmbttngetbefc bp;/ 9

an tutne aboute flttmw fbgeftet to Sreatc poroet/to perfeeuteft em. Euttbefe lalbeafrapeb/ ?sepet?lenceat tbeftpo* net/9 antle:9 one out of elanbe.of tbe anr;ten a ttai befe ge tbe/ a confume one of ft em/9 in fteit booft all be feare 9 ojebe/ anbftttfcamongetbeftbpnges. ffiebofte cioubf from tbe aft/ anbftom tf tbe l&amp;ojtb bnto tbe S&gt;ou/ atbegatebete* bojrpble to lofiebpS/full of to;aft 9 fto;me. Cbep (ban fhtifte onebpS anotbet/ ano tbe; ffiautmfte atftegreate Carte bponeattb 9 Mtt Carte / anbtbebloube Cialbe (torn tbe fnetbebntotbebels/anbtbefntolieofman bntotbecaraewiptter: inb^ere fbaibe great featfuweganb ttembrmsbpSeatn)/ aftestbatfetbetotatb/Qjalbeaftateb/anb ttembifnge QW8 come bpon tbem. anoftenlbantbete come gt eate tapne? from ft e &amp; ouft 9 from tbe # o?ft / 9 parte ft cm ft c naeit/anb from tbe Qo?rop menb* from ft e aft/anb (ball Qmt ftf bpagajne/ anb tbe cioubetobfcb be ravfeo bp mm;atb/ ano fte Carre to caufe feare totoaroe cafe 9 t&amp;elt topnoe/tfialbe befttogeb: a tbe great cloubejstbalbelfftbp/ afte mrgbticcloubS full of to?aft/anbfte Oarre/ftatftep mage mane allfte ear ft afrajeo 9tbf ftat btoell mm 1 ano ftatftep ma^e poute oute ouet alt piaceganbo^bte Sane/ ff;ea bae9 flange toerwana man? latent ; ftat all filoefsmafebefull/anbanituettt /anbftet Ojanb^eafteboronefcmes 9 roalles/moun' tapneg ano brllejs/all ttet$/ tooo/? tbegraffe of $ mecoto ejs/anb all ft eir f tut e. 3Dnb tbe; (ball go Q eofaft bnto ttabflon / 9 mafie bee aftaseb/ft ep (ball corae to bet 9 befrge ben fte Carre ano anto?atbJbano)e poweoul bponbet. ., bt n fljallfte bus anbCmcSegobpbmo tbebeauen/anbantbeftbatbeabouteber/ Oallbetoaglebertanoftepftattemafnebn

bet bet / (ball boferupcebntoftf tbat baue pttt bertn feare.-anb ft ou ana | comfo;teft ftp relfealfo bpon fte bope of Sabilon/ ahb att a tawlbtppe of bet petfonne:o be bnto the tbou to?etct) /becaufe tbou tjaC mabetb? feife ipuebnto bet/ 9 baft becfite ft jbauoj* ttx tn tobo?borae/rbat tbef mlgb t m'nmpbe anbpleafetbjIouft0/tobfcbbauealtoafe Xtttwtii to cBmltte rob o?bo me roi ft fte-.ft ou baOfoiotoeb f abbominabie cgtte in aU be* too? cbe0 anbfnuenclow. crberfo?e rapeftoob:? topn fenbeplage* bp5 fte, topbootobobe, pcuctte, boget / mar* tes/anbpeOilence/toroaOet!)Pbouff)Stoftb bEOtucci'onanbbeatb/Qnbfteglo?feoftb? povoet fitan be b^eb bp a0 a flouee/ toben # beate at? fetb is rent ouer fte. Cbouftalt beficft a*a pqw totfe gf Plageb 9oeatcn oftoemen:

of tofraeti:fotbatebe mFgbfte 9iouet __ itotbeabie,toteceauetbe. toiDeg;cobate tbe Cstwb tbe %Q#iti%i tbou bauoea not ar* mayedapnempcbolen/emtpngetbefttose of ftptjanbesf/ '9 fapbe ouer ftet'r Dtaft/ tobe ft ou ma ft b;oncfien:fettf o/ft t^e berotge of tbpeountenaunce. $b~eretoat&amp;eoftbt&gt; tobo?bome Ojalbe te iwettatw: corapenfeb tbemtb?bofome/ tbetfo;e (bait mmm*. ftouteceaue*.wtoatbe. $ ftp&amp;e a0 ft ou baft bone bnto my cbofen (fapetb tbe &amp;o?be)euen to ffjall ob bo bnto ft e/ana all oeimer ft e in to tbe Plage.cbt? cbnwen all o?e of b onget / anb ftou (bait faiifto^oro $ ftoetoe.Ebcptfe0 ftjaibe b;o Benbomne/auD all tbme mail pert toftbf * ftwmeintbefelb.cbegtbatbemfteraoa* tapne0 all m ofbonget/ a eate tbettatone fte/ana b;rncfie eft atone bloub fo? ber? boget of b;ebanb tbwft of toatet. cboubn* bapppe ale corae tbo^oto tbe fee/ '9 rceauc plages a gapne. %nty paoageftep an caft boron e tbe

flaune cftte/a all tote out one parte of ftp lanbe/9 confume fte pojepon of ftp gio?pe. Cbepftaiitrcabe tbotonelmeftubble/anb tbe? anbeftp fpjeanb all confurae fte: v ftp cvtvttt anb Vw lanbe/ft p toob 9 ftp ftu* tefuntteefl allepbutnebpbjf f fp;e. b? ft pia? I all ft ep carp amape captpue/ 9 lobe tob at ft ou baft/ ft e p all (pople ft/ 9 marte tbe betbtpe of tb? face. Ccbe.tbi.Cbaptce. SD be bntofteiDabtlon 9 3tfta/too bebnto ft ecEgppt 9 $&gt;p;fa:gp;be pourfelu?\bclotb?of facfta bear* I te/9 raoume to; pouve cijt'ja; en/be ton!/ lot pour befttuccfont0atbanb.a toet bei0fentbpopou/9ttbototlltutneftbacfti 3D fp;e in fepnbltb amoge pou/ anbtobo toill Siuencb ft.:^lage0 are rent bnto 2011/9 tobat b e ft at to ill b?p e fte atoapef ^ape enp manb^uearoapeanbSgtfeipSmtbemobr Dl mapernpntan quenft fp;elnfte Cub We/toban it t}aftbegonneto burnef #aPe onetutneagapneftearotoe/ftatisftojofa arongeattber;cbemtgbtte}io;befenbetb tbe plages / 9 tobat ttbetbat trill o#ue tb?&lt; atoape i me mt iespnbleb 9 gone f o?ft in 'bf0n;a/ i^e an cacitgi)tenpnge0/ atoboftannot featef^e autbonbet/anbmbaaiinotbe afrapeb;Cbe)Lo;Dealttb;eaten/anbtBbo all notbtterlp be beaten to pouioer at ty$ piefenai cbe earft quabetb/9 ^ towtDa* clone tberof: tbefeeatpfeft bp toftb toaues ftb* tbeoepe/9 tbe floiibes of ft are bnqupete anbtbefie0 fterofalfobefojefte %om/ anbbefo^e fte glo;pof bfepottet^o; Gro*

M tttm

ge is b&lt;0 tfgbtbanbe ftat boibe ft fte b otoe/ bis arotoes ftat be utcft / are atpe/ ana all not mpffe / toben ep begemte to be ot in to tbe enbe0 of fte toojloe. je&gt;ebolbe/tbe plages ate rent / 9 ftattnot 1* fufneagafne/ fp;ei0iipnbleb/9 aimot beput oute/ tpn 1 1 cofume ft e f ounbacions of fte earft xtee as an aeotoetobicbiS otof ampgbtpear* cbet/tetutnetb not bacbtoatbe : euen to tbe plages at all be rent bpon earft / all nottume agapne.iidoi0 me/moi0 me/iobo topii beipuer raeintbofebapesf c&amp;e begin* npnge of ro? oro ts 9 greate moutnpnge : fte begpnnpnge of bat'ft 9 greate beaft :ebc gpnnpngeoftcartes/ anbfteporcetsftail Canoe in feare: c begpnnpnge of t ur is/ 9 ft ep all tremble euerp one. ltjatairi boinftefeftpnges/toben fte plages corned JSebolbe/bonger/anbplage/ttoubleaatt* gug ate fent/a0 fcourgts to?araenbem5e. JBut fo? all ftefe ftpngUbep aunotturne (torn or topeftebnecfes / netbe alitoape mpnbefulloffte fconrges, ffiftoibe/i)ptaple0albeft'goob cbeape bponeattb/S etall?nfte tberafeluesc tobetngoob cafe: 9eueften all mpHjefe ototoebponeattb/toartes/battb anb great Wfqupeme0.tfo;manp of ftf atbtoeirbps ear allpert of bonget/atbe ofter ft at ercapeftebonger/ftallftertoerbebeftrope: 9 fte b eea albecaft oute as bonge/a ft ere ftalbenomantocofojteftem. jfo? earft albe toafteb/anb ftecptpe0 aloe caft Borone : ft ere albe no man left to Ml m eat 9 to tome it m be trees all geue ft iu te/9ttbo all piucbe fte of 9 gafter tbemf Cbegcap5 alibetiipe/ 9mbo antteaoe tbemf^fo? all places albeoetolateof men/ to t one man alloelfee to fe anoftet/ojto beare bis bopce. jio? of onetcbole cptfetbere albe ten left/9 troo in felw/rcMcb all bpbe fte felues in fte ftpcbebures/ dnbm ttjccipfesof Cones :lpfte as mben ftete w mapne ftjeo? foureoipues bpon fte orpue

tre/o?as robe a bineparbeiSgaftereb/fterc are left fome grapes /of ftem ftat Dffigent Ig tongbi^otetb7biw|b e./0 j^y36 uen to tn ftorebapesftlte albe me m HI fouteleft/fo? ft l at featcb t bouft0 toiftftefvoerbe. atnbtbe eat albe left mace/ 9 fte f eib es ft etpf all mate olae : 9 bettoape09allbet pae0 all gtotoetoif oftbo?ne0/ becaufenoraan antranaptt tberewoto,cbebaugbtet0 allraoutne/ bauMtgnob?pbgtome0:gtreraraHraa6e laraentacpott/batrpngenoboufbSDes/ftcft baugbtCT0anmoume/ baupngenobeipe oftbeftb^begtorae. |n {mattes aliftep bebeftxo{eb/9(bettb&lt;HifbanDr0lbaipenftj cc4U p(

ofBongrt. &amp;vttetm\mMo1ti)t%om/ beareftefe mam/9 marcfi ftg.tfebrtbe/ fte toojae of i tow/. receaue it s b e^oior/ tbe plages a?atonpe, ana ate not OacB in ta* nengexpBeasatrauapipngtoomaVtobicb after fte.if.mQneft b?pngeft fo?ft a Tonne/ toben fte&amp;mireof bp?ft is come/an bourc t to o o; tb;e afo/e ftat fte pa mess come bp 5 ber boap/ a toben fte cbplbe cSmeftto tbe *&gt;P;ft / ft ep tarp no t fte ttopnebip nge of an Ipe:uenfofl&gt;allnot fte plages be Oacfito come upon eatft /a tde too?ia (ball moume/ a fo?otoes all come bpontt on euerpfpae, a mppeopie/bearemptootte/mabesou w rebptoftebattapJl:9uialleuenbe euenas mgxxm fa p on ea tft ,e mieft / lett &amp;im beasbeftatflpeftbPStoape: atjeg bpeft/ 00 one ftat toiiuere t tboro occupfeftmat* ebaunai es/as &amp;e ft at topnn e ft not : a be ft at bupioeft /asbeftat wailnot otoell fterint

baft be foum^ii,3itttbebetetfmfl?e tot !* Detwsbaftbemaaefp?pngesoftoter/an6 poles bponfte toppe of tbetnountapne* it ft e fte uaes mtflbt pour e ootone fro" ft e Cong tocbes to toatet ft e eatft .fflemabemftV aim put bis bertein ftempoceft pf fteboop /ana gauebi&gt;mb?eft/lpfeanbbnBerttanopKg/?je ana fte fp?rte of fte aimpgbtie &lt;Boo/ tobpft maoeall ftjngw/ana baft fearftea groSb cfallftefecrecesoffteeartb. M $e bnotoeft joute pmagmacpons 9 m uencions/a tobat pe ftpnfie toben f efpime/ 9tooloebpoesoutyfpnne0;cbfbjebatb jLojaffarebeaarougbtputallpourtoojcby ana be Qiali beto we feu all Jnb taw jou* fpnn$ ate tyoug&amp;t fo?ft / pe ftalbe afoameo befoje men /anbfoute tone ftjnne* ftalbe pome accufers in ftat aape. IBbattopIlpe bo? D; bototopttp e brtefoutcftme* befo?e . M , ^9b3ungei#moR*/&lt;Bobbmife!fe be tbattotoetb / as oneftatftall not teape: tsfteiuage/feare&amp;pm/leaue of fro m joure

be g ttopft e ft ft e bp nepara e /a S be ftat (ball not gatbet tbe grapes.; ftep ftat mat? /as ftep ftat (ball get no tbvlb?emanb ftepftat marp not/aS ft e topbootoe*: 9 fteefo/e ftep I laboute/laboutfabapne.tfo? ftraungers ftalteapefteirftutes/afpopleftetrgoooV cueeftjotoe fteir b oaf es / . 5 tafte fterr ftpl. b?en captp itc/fo; fa captiutte 9 bongcr all ftepgetftpia?e*.30nDftepftatoccupiefteir ma rftaunopes tt robberp/ boto longe becbe ftepften' cptpes/ tifeitboufes / fteirpoOef. ffonis/ftpecfomieuifte mo?e tepll ? pun ftem fo; ft eit Cprnies / fapeft iftejUJ&amp;JITt Be OS an tobo?e enupeft an bates timum / fo (ball rpgb tu oumes bate inr qupte/ toben fte becbecb bet relfe/ ano (ball acciiCe bet to bee face/toben be comeftftat oemiaeft/tobpcb all mabe mquiTpcg on fo? all fpimebpon earft,3inb tberfo;e be not pe Kfte ftenttttd/

nee to fte too?cBcs fterof : fo? 0? euer it be longe/imqti tte 0ja Ibafien atoape out of eatft/sBgbtuoumesffiailrargneamonge - jLetnottberptmeeCapeytbatbebatbnot 9T f pnneo:fo; coles f *p;e (ball butne b p on b is beao/tobtebfapeft before fte Ho;b(0obam) bglo;gf bane no tfjmieo. )Seboioe/fte ?lo?ae Bnotoeft all $ too?cfieS of men/ftefc fmajsmacp50/tftefttbougbrJ9tbrfi:bmt. iro? befpaBebut tbeta&gt;o;be:letttbeeartbbe mabe/ftfttocufmaoeftttbebeaugbe mabe/ 9 it bpasmaoe.|n bis too?Be toere Oattes mace/a be finotoeft fte nomb;e of ft em. fte f eatcbeft fte gwimoe of fte oepe/a ft e treaCures tbetofibebaft meafuteb t fee/9 tobae ttconte?netb.e baft Unit ft e fee m f m?a* beft of fte voaters/9 toift bis tao?ae baft be ban3r&amp;fteeartbbpontoaters.C?erp?eoeft cwfte{jeauenirBeabatote/bpon{ta3atfrii

fpnnes/f fojgetpourebnn&gt;g&amp;tuoutnea*S/ aribmeole nojno;e topft ftcm : fo wail oa leaoe fou M/9beltuee y ou ft9 all trouble &lt;jf 0; bftoloe/tbe beate of a gtcate multrtnoe is Bpnctea ouer rott/d fteplball tabe abjare ccitapneofpou/^febeftepoletopfticiois: anb ft ep ftat content bnto ft em/ Ibaloe baa in oetirpon/laugbeo to feojne/ ano tvoof bit* berfote. , ; fo?bntofteplacestbw5!allseapla/a an&amp;tntbeneitte^iedagreatefnruereccfon 9 bpon ftofe ftat reave fte JU#e . E&amp;ep all beipBemaomen/tbep Qjall fpate nomS-.ftep tball fpople a tcatte foft as feace fte&amp;ojoe/ fteit gooaes ait ftep taBe from ft em / ana ftutte ftem outof fteir boufes.^ben ftaljt bebnotenetoboatttttpcbofen/aftevlbalbe tr y 1 as tbe goine nt fte r?;e.fiearefl&gt; ?e m beioueo/fapeft fte jLo;oe:bftofie/fteoap of troubleate atbanbe /but? tofll oelpuee jmt from ftefame . Be not pe afraptD/o|iv pap?cnot/fo?(Soaispoui;ecflptapne.

nsbofobepeftmpcSmaun&amp;fmenKSanb p?ecepte Sl&amp;peft fte )Lo;boo) let not pout fgmiestoepeptiu ootone/ ano lett not poure bnrpgbtuouRieffesbeipftbp. motaebmo ftem ftat are ruboueObntofteitfpnnes/anB tangieain ftett topcBeoneffes: JpBeas a fefa to bebgebnt toptb buf Qjtft/ aft t paft ft erof couereDtDiftfto?nes/ftaenomSmap ( ttauaplefto?oto^nijfoisbeta Bett/anbcaSmfterne/ anbbwt.' . .

J ;-

cbeen6eofftc.,boe mnm,'




flgwateconiiiamf or people of b?s Jw w pne oabelusitobift teas of bis atonetft'be) bepnge mneceupte/ be gauebpm fte far&amp;e toeigbt of rpiuee bnaer anbanoto^ptpnge.

MbMbmigrtttaimronei; ; fb;febe&lt;ji noe ttje after a longe feafon toben ^almana rat Hwofttoc(b.ffb&lt;mfrtpanbtUarpcDfa;Dbtat3/ ftp fiwigetoasoeeo /ano ^ennabertb fi t* bbto &gt;(fc/bp^omeoebaiOa ronne namcDfflo, 522S!ISjsS2?? ? ea ,f/. to bPCbbateOfte

bO^.ftr (UccoutDi5alllfo; mamytfr anO^lB ate cftf lD?e.0f 3ftaeI.&lt;JCobJab teet bajlieft 0;ota fipnetofips/uutaftett&amp;etiictijof jjtnnaii.'wu (ftp outallbiSfipnreD/anDcomfo ?teDftem/anO wounw ajajw , BaueofbfegooDestoeuerponeofftem/80 ITOe fptfCbapter. mocbasbemtgbfcbefeoftebongtieyclotbeb anbcweoffiepbtaU/tobPft 3nb toben S&gt;ennabertb fte bpnge earned fPf bpe countrees of agapne ano flea outof'jeto?p( tobat tpmeas &lt;earfleaboue^aafon&amp;toa?e oapunbeaWmfo;b&lt;UbiafpbeW)anbln W to;atb Ceto man? of fte cbjloje" ofjrtael Cobiabbutf*Dftefe&amp;obfe*.uttobfftta&gt;a0 toiae ft e fipnge, be comaunaea to Oape bimy anato6eatoapeallbiSgooaes.^euertbei{{( CCbbiab toftb b's fonne a toftb bPS tepf e flea bis toape/s toasbpa nabeo / fo? ftere toere man;ftatlouebbtm.iitafter.!cib.bapes$ fipnge toas Dapne of bis atonefonnes cben


to toarae ft e eft / baupnge , r,tbecttfeofa&gt;epbetbpontbe tfpoe. Cbottgb be toas taben p?eforaier in fte bapes of &amp;almanafar,Bpng of fte aairias/ neuerft eles bepngein cap t i uite/b e fo?f oB e notftebpapeof trueft-.lnfomocb t tobat

(beuecbempgbtget/bepatteaitbaplietoift Up fefotop?efoners a b^ft?en/ ftat toere of bttbfmeaJnbftougbbetoeteppngettben Boobe?reftb;ebbntobimT "" "'" "'" all in fte trpbeof ^epbtalt/petbpbnotbe m&amp;omww (oc^o^iBtmK nt-m &lt;so&amp;; Mwuebmireifecbpiae(bipinbWtoo?cfiei(L ^ h S^?^W f ^, fc ^"*Jf ana toben an fte ofter toenteto ftegoiben WtffiK^RSfct^TSS

Mlaej/tt^cbaeroboamtbebpngofjfrael %&amp;&amp;Tm!$r *" ot ** '*&gt;'

babmaoe/ be biftfelfe alone flea all fteircq; P8nlit/9gatbnn toSerulafcmbnto ftipie of ft e iojoe/ 9 ft ere too? ftjpppea fte to? w tfobof Iftael/fapftfulip offerpng of all bis r^ftfrutesanatpftes/fo ftat In fte tbp?ae peare bempnpftteb all fte tpftes bnto tbe ftraungers^conuertes.cbereanatoftipfie ftetftere ftpngesbp5a Warn. ne oape of ft eilo?oe obiab m aoe ' a go oo feaft in bps boufe/ 9 fepae ^^^JbntobtS fonne: ooftptoapeantt b;pngbtfter fome ofoure trpbe/f ocb as fea wtfoD/'tbatftep mapemaftemerj? toift bS.

.i r-

. &gt;

ftpnges apa be acco?apng to latoe of ob/ toas pet but ponge. tolbebWfafter/ftatbneofftecBWMeofifr' jeut toben betoasaman/betobeottte of eaeHapeaapnebponfte ftrete. Snbunme* btsatoncttpbeatopfecaiieo^nna/aofbet; btatlpbeleapefrombtstable/leftftereaft/ be begat a fonne/ tobome be calleb after bPS came faftpnge to ft e aeea coarfe/t obe b im 9 atone name/ana taugbt bim ffombis pottft barebimp;euelp in to bis boufe /ftat to ben tap/tofeare(!5ob/9to.efrapnefr5allfpnne. # ^unnetoasaotone/bempgbtfafelp bu* j3ototobenbe toift bis topfe/bpsfonne rpebimjnatobenbebaabpbftecoarfe/be 9 toift ail bis fipntea toas comeincaptiuiee atebpSmeatctoftbmoumpnge9 feare/re& lt; bntoj9im'ne/ tobat tpmeas ftepaUate of memb?pngftetoo?ae0;ftat fte )lo;bfapetb

meates of fte l&amp;eatben/be sept ebfcroule/9 bpfte p;opbet3moS:pourebpe feafte ? ftnuk toajjneueebefpleblnfteftmeate^. 3Dnbfo? betutneatofo?otoeanbbeupnes. fomoftasbe toasmpnaefullof fteilojbeftt J5uttobf ^&gt;unne toasbotone/betoent -. all bis beet/ tto gaue bim fauoure m f p?e* bis toape 9 burpea bpm .cben all bis ne pgb* Rnceof S&gt;almanafar g bpng/tobpcbgaue bourstep?oueabim/fapmg^ttSnotloge/ bimpotoettogo toberebetooiae/anafobaa fenstttoas cSmaunaea toflapetbebecaufe belpbertetoaotobatbimipft. offtismatter/abaftfearceefcapea^baun* c d&gt;o toentecobiab bnto an ft emi toere gerofbeaft/abufteftftouftebeebagapnef , . fnp#fon/anbcomfo;tebftem/9gaueftem iseuetfteles cobfab featpnge ob moare . fciabtobolfome eroztacpons. En&amp;toben became ftenftebpnge/tobefte bobpectof $ dapne/ p J"m oftoagesacptieofftefl@eae/baupng*ten btotbffnbiSboufe/abuttebftfatmtanfgbf. 1 ""' ta!entejJoffpluer(offte ftpnges tobertopft Htbappeneabponabaie/ftatbebabbu*C tbe&amp;pnge baa b onourea bim) 9 fatoe amSge riea l aeeb/9 toas toeerp/cam bome /aiapeb


^raWWttt|atwaaetJte^ittti*pic^ tbe baugbtet of Uaguei at JSage* am/cor toa*aflep/tbrofeUDotonebpon ft? w wemew* teas fclatmb;eo of one of btt-f* toanueb8goutoftbeCtoalotoesJnett/fo $ tbetfbanbmapaefl/nameir/tbatlbeftulbe iKtoWttjntie.cftJjJtfptariontWHEioDruffte hauebabfeuenftoutbanDtj3/toblcba$rcone tabapwn bnto bmtStbeptobicb came af esuftep toere gone in bnto fter / torn flapn* tet/mpgbtbaueanejampleofbiS paciece/ of ftbeucll caileb3fmobeu0.cbRfo;ett)bJ U6^of&amp;oipg;ob.tfo;totomocbas$beeuet; tbftepjoueotbemapoefojbetfaute/fbeanltetfl&gt;0ttMWf^ifitop/8&amp;eptebi0c5 itoetbebet/fcpejtge: oaiettbgneuetre maunoementesJ / be toasnot fteup agapntt fonnenet baugftterof tbemoje bp5 eattb/ &lt;Sob/g fte plage of blpnwiejscbaunfeobmo tftouBpJlet of tftpboufbScee.tfcpltt bouaa? bim/butremapneb ftebfatt tn&amp;feateoffcob/ mealfo/ae tftouftaft flapne reuen m en fat

tfttebopcetoentefeara in to an bpetftSbee of beeboufe / anbtb?ebape0 * tb;enpgbte0 ffie netfter ate net b;anc&amp;r, but continue in pjaper/anbbefougbt defob toitft tearejs / tbat ftctooltiebclpuetbetftomtbterebulie. capon tbe tbp;beoape ft cbaunceo/ $ tofte" mebabmabe an era) of bee p;apety fyeptffeC fed tft e)lo;De fapengsEle treb be tftp na me &amp; (Boo of oure ratfiee* / toftpeft toben (fiou ait tD?oCb/(ftetoea metcp/s in tpme of trouble tbou fo;geuett tbe fpmieg of tft em/ tbat call bp3tbe.gsnto tbe jLo?b tumeg mp face/ bnto lpft$bpmpneepe0.3| betecbe tbe kotfe/Jotofemeoutoftbebonbeaofrbfew* bufie/0? eiss taBt mebtterip atoape from of nbtofiett&amp;etboufbaniiebetbeft crpe/be tbe eartb.cbou finotoeft )to;be/ | 3 n euet faj&gt;oe:loSegitbenotaoll!/reao?eitagapne ba&amp;Detaebntoman/an&amp;t&amp;atgb aueBepte Wibeatonew:fo?ltnotiaufullfo;to0ito mpfottfecleaneftSalltoncienlplua.Sbaue eateojtotoucb ens tbtfwe of tbeft. (jen not Beptecopanptottbtftofe tbat paoetbeir toa$bf0topfeana#e/anbfapbe:#otoi0tbp tpmetttfpo;te/mtbetbatteg|nwbeimi Hope be come bajneop ?/ tbp allmejJ be* Beaaremanpfea. ittft tfteteanb focftip&amp;e toofttfbpb Cbe catt ftfm in tbetetbe. gtttU'MftlttutfetDef berfttber* fecmrawe. cctje pjpctantifaatnsof|ata:artaaltb t[)* innocencp

anbtbanBeo tfo&amp;all cfte m9 of ftis ipfe. n tfojlp&amp;e a*We(l*D3!obtoa$JbaD m bcrp ^fponofBpngw/etimwtoMbe laugbebto fcne olW eloens a &amp;tnrfoiBe0/ tobicft fapb bntobpmtobm felbPftope / fo? tbe toftpeft tbou baft Done auroe* anb burpeb tbe mti 3But cobfab tcbufiebtftem/a fpabe; &gt;ape iwtfo/to; watet&amp;eeftpityen of boipmenya lone fo? tbe ipfe/ tobicft &lt;0ob mallseue bnto tbe/{ neuet tutnetbeitbrleuefrSbim. an. . na bp* topfe tnente baplpe to tbe toeeupnge . toojefie/* loBetobat ipupmje U&gt;e coul&amp;eBet . tottb tbe labours pfberbanbejs/ fljeb;ougbt it. anb it bappeneb tbat ffteto&amp;e a fipbano

b;ougbttt borne. anoi

t cljaagtfcof \)tt.i)it' e z&lt;ttis of (SMIati aiiO ofga. raanfcaro*. CtiMcdaptct;' ItfncoWabtoBeftbeuelp/atoftb

partafier toptb tbem tbat toalcfie 'to H be&amp;auoute. euettbelc0anboufbanbbaue 9 cottfentebra taBemotfojmspiearure/but tntbpfeare. ftotopetaouftute etftet gbauebtnebn* tooptftpoftbem/ozelsstoeretbcpbrmietefo; me/ fo; tbouftappip&amp;a&amp;tiepteme toano* tbet&amp;oufbaiw.&lt;ffojtobtftbpcouncen tenet mt&amp;e potoet of man.ffiut toftofoeuet louett)

tearegbeganetomaBebissp.zapet tbe 9 feruetb tbe a rfgbt/ttfure/ tftatpfbi*

Capenge : fl&gt; mm tbou arttpgb. Ituou?/ a all to; fnbgmente0 are true/gee all cbptoapessaremmp/ faptbful* ntt atubgraft Jnb note &amp; to?D be mpnoe. full of me/^taBenobengeafice of mpfpnn^/ netbeti*mfb;emvmpf Debet*/ nee&amp;erft mpf. mi of mp eaetjj.jf 0; toe baue notbene obe* WentbhtoebpcBmaunbemf teu/tfinfoje ate tee fpopieo / bzougbt into eaptruste / 61 to beatb;intoberitt8thamebntoali nactSsf/ amffge tub tbou ball f catted bjs Jnb note Hoitti tbyfubgmftejsate great; fo? toebaue

Ipfe betempteo sp?oueD / it ttanbetb (n tbe tipengetf pf be enfiuretn patience / ^e all Qaueatetoaneftbe&amp;ftftcrotoneD: apt be bein (toubie/tbat Coocnoooute) Qmiifei?uerbim-.spfbigipfe be in cbaOenptige/tfiae be allbaueleaueto come bnto tbpmercp.

fM tboubaO no pleafitre in oute Damp* naewnsa tobp i after aflo^tte tbou mafieft tbettetbetfap^anb OpU: aftettoepptig an&amp; beupness tbmi geueftgreafeiope.cbpnamc a&gt; ob of paw/be p?apf e&amp; f 0; eu et . 3 1 tbe fametpmetoetebotbtt)errp?apeRibearBeini

notboneacco?D)'ngtotbpc5maunDem?tes(/ tbeft'gbtofmageBpoftbe^pell(ob.a(na

netber baue toe toalcbeb tnnocentlp before tbeJnbnoto lo^j/beale to itb me acco?* Dpngetotbptopll/acomatmDempfpjeteto be receaueD in peace/to? maze eypeDilt toere ' ftfiwmetoDfe/tbentolpue. 9 attbefametsraeitbappmeti/tbat^ata

iSapbaeitbebolpaungelloftbejto^etoas rent tobelpetbe botb/tobofe pmm tame togetbetbefo;e&lt;&amp;ob. CCofiia^ tftftirkfflgtobpsrartbajpMttttofacff Ub mon jcpo it to b tonne. be.inj,Cbapiet. Jbo


I fl&gt; tobecobfab tbougftt&amp;f*apet

; to be bcroe/ tbat be mpgbt ope / be calleo bntob*mbiU fbrtne cobiab/ t a rapDe bnto bm:p fonne/beate ,j too?se?s of mp raoutb / anblape ^em nt Mjpnebertea? afounbacton.iebert(Sobta&lt; Betb atoapemp fouie/ butpe tbou mp bobp/ anc bol&amp;e tbp mottjet mbonoute ail $ bapeg of bet Ipfe, $0} tbou ougbteft to t ememb?e/ bib a t ano boto gteate parens me fuffteb f 0? tbe inbettoombe Jn&amp; tobeffie alfo barb ful* fpueD tbetpme of -betlpfe/ butter befpbe me. aue dgobin tbs tbougbtafttbebaptis ofttjplp fe/*betoatrc / left at enptpme tbou confehtbntofpnne / ano left tbou lettflpppe ttec&amp;naunbemete0ortbello;Deoure 00. V eueallmessoftbP'gooDe0/anbtutnene uettbP face from $ poo;e: a foftjall ft come topafle/t&amp;at tbefaceoftbeXo?&amp;e man not betuvtiebatoapeftomtbe.iBemercpfunaf^ 1 tettbppotoer.gftboubaomocb/geueple^ tboubattfptle/botbp mm glaoip to aeue of tbat iptle . ffo; f gatbetett tbou tbpreifeagoooKtoaroe in tbebape of Mtna&lt; neceflpte.flo? anmejJbelpueietb*K5 Deatb/ wfSin W autfftetbnottbefouletocome mbatcBnes. Kina nam i gteate comfo;te(0 aUmJ befo;ettje bpe **&gt; 0oDybntoaHtbemtbatooft. ^ &lt;3Bpfonne/fiepetbetoeHfromaUtobo^ c oome/ anb(befpbetbptopfe)fetbatno faute befinotone of tbeXetrieuetp?pbebaueru!e mtbpmpnbene* fn tb?too;w/lo&gt; in p?pdj. ; ' beganneallDeatuccpon, ; flMofoeuev too^etb enp tbpngefo? ty/ ! tomebfatlFBeuebtmbttbwe/anblofietbat tbPbP ;eofttuaunte toagte? temapne not bp tbeounpgbt.)LoBetbat tbou neuet oobn* toanotbetman/tbe tbpnge tbat tboutoop beft not anotbetmi rouloeDo bnto tbe . ate tbpb?ebtoptbtbebfiPKanDpoo?e/ 9 couer tbenaBebtoftbtbSetotbejs.&amp;ettbP b?eQ ana topne bpoh tbe butpau of tbe *&amp;&amp; j*

bonottboueate anbbjtncBe tbetof toptb tbe fpnnewJ.affieeuetcouncenattbetopfe. iBe alltoape tbancBfull bnto &lt;HJob/anb be. fecbebmytbatb* topno^;ctbP toapeg/ano tbat tobatfeeuer tbou oeupfett 02 taBeft tri banbe/&lt;tmapetemapnetnbim.|cettifpe alfompfonne/tbat(tobentboutoaapet but a babe)f bettuetebten talenteu of fpluer bn. to &lt;S$abeIujJ/atage0 a cptie otwmw ^bi0b8Wbto?ptrn5ebaue3bpmeJra)^eifteftBefomemeane0/bototboumapeli co&lt; tnebpftpm/ atecealteof bfm f tapue toeigbt offpluet/anbgeuebpmbP0banbto?ptpngc ' a % l ffonne/benotafrapeb:ttaetbitfjs-toe leaoe berea poo? e ipfe-.but gteate goob mail toebaue/pf toefearepoo/anb bepattefrom attfpnne/anbbotoeW.

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COST obebfenee ofjounge (Cobiab to We ftt&amp;eiv tobicb 10 f t nt in fo ag* aungell accotnpanfctb toit^ijIrambtoiBiifiu*?. CCbe.b.Cbaptet. !t $en antto ereo cobf aft bid fatbet/ anofas Diatftet/all tbat tftouftatt 36 commaunoeDme/topil^bo/anb ft Dtligen tlp.fflutft oto 5 oil tequt* retb&amp;monep/aeannotteil .iQetbetbotbbe Bnotoe me/net a bpm . m b at toBen mall r geuebfm ? atn&amp;ajtfo? tbetoape'tftptfter /' neuet fineto it, bibW fatbet anttoereb bn/anbfapbe:3!bauebWbawitotP'Bebp

me/tobicb tobentbou metoeft bpm 1 imme* bfatlp be (ball papetbe . 53ut goo tbftoape noto/an&amp;gettberomemptbfullman togoo toitb tbe fo;anbp;e/tbattboumape(t tecea&lt; ue tbe monep/ tobple^ am prtlpupnge. Cben toentcobiab out /anbbpon tbe ftrete' be f eunbe a fap;e ponge man ftanbpng/gp;* beo.bp/anbagittoeteone teabpto tabe bPd i ourneplnbbe fineto not tbat it toajs anan gell of ob/but raluteb bim/anb fapM: f t3 tobenceatttbou/tboitgooDpongemanf^e anftoeteb:ftbecbpia?enof3ftael. 55 3nb cobfab fapbbnto bimifinomeft tbou Ibetoape/tbatlebetb bnto tbe councte of tbe $tmi eanftoetfb.S BnotoeittoeH/anb alltbofe ftteteu baue'jgone ofttpmc*/ anb baue locgeb toieft oute bjotftet oabelus / 1 btoellrtft in Bases a cptpe of tbe GBtw/ toftictj Ipetbbpon tbe mounte tfgabtbanig. cobfab Capfie bnto bimtgi pjape tbe,tatp to; me/tpn 1 baue tolbe mp fatb r t tft efe tbpng?. Sbentoehte cobiabfn/anbtolbebtt fatbet aiut $ tofticft is fatbermatueieb/apjapeo tbatbetooloecomeinbntobim. j?oto toben tbe aungell camefn/be faUt* tebbpm/anbfapce:9Popebe toitb feun&gt; mo;e.3Bnb olbe coftiaft fapbr.tobat tope can g!bauetbatfptberemoatcBneiS/fenottbeg Ipgft t of fteauenr'cfte pounge man fapDebn* tobpmtjee of gooo cbeate/ffiob man belpe tbemo;tlp.anbcobiabfapbbntobpm'C8ft tbou b?pnge mp fonne to abeitiiS/ bnto tbe cptpe of Kagtftn fliFebeaf Enb toben tbou commeftagapne/J mallpapetbenjpbt^e. anb tbe aungell fapue bntobpm: 95 mall leabe tbp fornie/?b?ingebim to tbe agapne. Cbencob!abanfTBetebbpm:teiime|pjape foftobatboufr/oxoftobattrpbeatttboui Cbe aungell jBapbael fapue bntobpm;af fitft tbou after tbe fipnreb of anbPtflpng/ o? feBefttftoua gpbefo?tbP fonne to go toptb bpm i tout (bat J mabe tbe not carefull /% am a?arias tbe fonne of great e ^ananiajj. 3Prtb cobiab anftoeteb: tbou art come of a gteate fipnreb: but % pzapetbe/be not bpf* pleafeb/tbaf? Defp^ebtoBnoto tbpfipnreb. cbe Hungellfapliebntobpmnbrfonne mall

ccc.att aieabr

"s. .;




totbeagapne. ^ ftbenmitoeieacobfab/attarapdeitoen/ go oupoute toa m. 9 ob-be to poute tottt* ne?/an&amp;bif$angeubeacepcu cfipanp. $&gt;o tobentbepbabp;epatei)flUt&amp;pnge0/ g tijep tooibmBetoi$tbemmtbeiriourne}:CQ. biabbabbp*&amp;tbet 9 U^motftetfate toell/ anotbeptoentontbetttoapebotbtogetbet. #Dtotobmtbeptoetegohe/b?0 motbetbe* gannecotoepe/anbfapoe: ^eQaff oroute age Baft tbou taben atoape / anorentbpm ftomfcfj. s iffiolscdESoD teat-monep baa nenetbene/ f o? tbe tobtcb tbou baft Cent b jm atoape. ? f toe babbene content toitbou t e pouette/tb'te babbeiiegt^tettfcbeflbntote/ gtoefctoe ouK*ohne&amp;ete,,cbtnfapKCobiab bnt0 ber:toepenot/eure.fonne (ball coraetoiWJ agapne.fofeanotounbe/9 t&amp;ineepeflibalWe 6(m.jrofittuft/at good3ngeHof&lt;l&amp;oa tbaUbeatebimc8panp/anbo/d;e toenail tbPngtft&amp;atB* tmtP t&amp;atbe mil come to bsagapnetfuope . at tbeW too/beg bps mo. tbetlefrbf ftfltoeppnge/ 9be1tebtoi!ge. tfPoung ffoblsfi laoelfiWbfromtbefrtnje/iip (be flungell.tt8eauitgeHj:bojtetb(QUiab totata 5&gt;av tatoftifltopft.;apKt. ' tfl&gt; cobiaj) tncnte onbp* toape / 9 a bogg f fifctoed b tot/ ano t&amp; e ft; ft npgbttbepaboDe bp:tbe toatetof CtgttfJ.c&amp;f n tolfc&amp;ebut to toa ft bw fete/9 bebol&amp;e/tbcte came fotfbanbo;tpblefpfotooeuoutebpm. ftobomeco* biabtoa^aftapeb/actieotoptbaioudebop' ce/fajengeao?be/be cffntetb pon me. a)m&gt; tbe ungell tapae bnto bpm-.cabe b tm bp eft efie biaae/anb bmtofipt to tbe.a ftb be b vb fo/anoojetobmt bp0 tbe ian&amp;e.3lna tbefpft bqjannetoleapeatbPflfete. *j. cbenfapdetbeaungellbntobptmcabe outtbe botoel* of tfjifs fpflj/9 ass fo; bte/ jbegall anb tbe leuet/bepetbem bp tbe. ffo; v; tbefe tbpngeg ate neceO&amp;tp ano goob fo; me btcpne.cobfab bpdfo/and toftedtbe fplh/ andtbeptoftebpm mi) t&amp;eta tbeit ioutnep: m tefpauetbcp mtam mocb as$ toa* fuf fpefentfo;tbem / tpllfl)epcamc towage*. Cbencobfabafbedtbe36ungeu79iap0bn.' tobim:gpjapctbeb;rt(;etai?atiab/tellme/ 5*?J a . ie &amp; eft ^SW S00D of flje ft/ tbat tbou baftbpddcn me fiepei .CbeaiungeHanftoettbftfmanbfiJrtie:ff tbou. lapeaa peee of tbeljettbpon coalejj/ tb^ofietbetofd;puetb atoape all matter gftalftecM*/ tobetbetftqefcom maw 0? PS toomS/fo ft5t&amp;encefo;tb $ GutteflfaH comenonio?ebntot6f.cbeBanttgoobfo 1 anointeo?toctefie^er^toitba/b)berek0

tbetetjj enpWemib) totbtm/fo (ball tbepbe to&amp;ofe.

and Cobiab capae bntobpnutobetetopit.. tbou t toctema? ne^beatingeiianftentD' 2 ' anb fapb:$erei0 a npe fipnfma of tbin t; one JSagueilbpname/toijpc&amp;batba daugbtee calleb&gt;ata/9 batb n e tb 1 t Conne net aaugb . tetbutbevJllb^ goob belggetb bnto tbe/ anb tbou muft matpbpis baugbtet: anb tytt' fo;ebefp;ebft ofbetfatbee/ $ be (ball geue bet tbe to top fe. cb f it anftoeteb cobtab anb Carona^ % bnbetftSbe/ (He batb bene matfeo bnto tuitn u u cbfibeu/anb t b e f all ate b ecQ: anbj batvebetbe (ate / tbattbe beuell detoe tbem.l am aftfeb tijerf ; t; 1 e a fo cb tbtngeu bappe bnto me alfctobf c&amp; ?f it came to pane (ftfngeaamtbeonel? fomteofmf facets mpmotbet)a ttulbe b?pngf tbe in n)rttage toftb fo;oto to tfiett gtauej:. &amp;enfa?be$ 30ngell)Sapbae!bntobfm:}9 l^eateme/ 99tosl(telltbe tcbattbe? beof tobomtyebeueti&amp;atbpotoet.$ameip/t!ies tbat teceauemartage of foci) a faftton/ tbat tbep a)ut &lt;sod out ftom tbe a ft8 t&amp;efe fim/ 3geuetbgfeW^ftofl)ettatoneruft/eiiea3it toeteanebwOTMie/tobpcb bauenofan betSanbrng^pSTocb batb tbe beueilpottet. Kuttobentboutaaea b/ ' ? aw come fn to tbe e&amp;ambet/toft&amp;oibe tbt? reife ftombettbff bace0 / geue tBvbsltgence bnto notfivnge butbntop;apetytftb. ' -^ -., anbmtbef8;ftnpgbttofltbeleuetoft5c ft' ft/9 tfieaeueirftaifa b?sueatoa#.Efle re* cfibenrabttbafttbbubeteceauebfnto f cs* panp of tbebol?patttatftej5,&lt;Ebe tfiftbentg&amp;t Oalttbou opteinetbe bleffinge of dttob/fo f tobolecbpiD?efl)albebo?neofjou.aftettbe tbi'tbe ntgbttaae f ma^if (n feate of oft/ amo?efo?tbebefj?eofcbrKi^/tbtnftJi ' fleftif lufl: tba t m m (tit of ab wftam". ,. ma? eft optapne tbe bleapnge m,cb8lti;en; cFounsSobfabantit(ieaunat)( torn* loibthoufir of qu jrc tb ^flflU e IBfia Bfll) t IP to ?&amp;/ ana olitajuttb hcc .. ]$en toente tbe; m to ffiagtttli/3 tebtcb receaue d tb! foffoiMnb

tobenlRaguelUofiebbpBcobrab/ ^ f berapnebntoannabi0toi'fe:^oto im iH ttwofige mSbntproutsttetjiftinne, a no tobe be bab fpoKe tbW/be fabe: faftince be ?e good b? etb?enftrbrfi fa?be:tf)f $ tr j?be of $ep&amp;t&amp;a/ont off cnptpuit e of. ilfnm Cben rapie JBcgnei bnto tbetmfirfoto ft mp b?otbetobiab:'bc?fa?tie:fee/toe bnotoe bf m toeii . and toben b e D ab fpob'en mo c b goobofbtm/tbeaungeliratbbtttolSagtiel: cobtab oftobom tbou af Bef/ftt tbwj wung maniSfatbet.^benlSaguflboteebb!mrlfe botone/a'nb toepte/ tobe bim aboute f nets ana

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ttbS?(ftbbpn/9tesbe:(!eiob0bie(ftngebaue tbou mpfonne/fo; ttjou atte tbe fonne of a ~HJBbetMou0matt.8n&amp;ainnabfetoffeanb jatab^baugbtettoeptealfo, mntfttn ppbabtaaca togen)et/aa*. gguelbabftpHatoet&amp;et/anbtotnafieafeaft, 3lnbtobenbep?apeb tbemto fptt botone to bfnnet/ cobiab f&amp;W% mi netbet eate net , b;pncbe bete $$* bape / except tbou f p? ft h W*T* m mvpettcfS/9 p;ompfe me to geue metb?baugbtetg&gt;ata.ib6agueibetoe **W&amp;etoa0aftonnjeb /fo^beftnetoe/ tobat pJfPfnebbnto % otbet.bij.mcn/ g mt btobet:9be begSne to ftatetbattt Oiuia &lt;b*nbntaftsmaitomrFbemanet. WMWWfc ftooefo in bonte/9gaue tbe tttingemaiiinoanCtoete/n)e aungeii fapbe

bntobpmi^aienottogetieb^mtbpbaugb' mi fo; bnto tbs* iban tbat featetb o&amp;/ btlongetb tijp baugbtet to tojfe/ tberfo?e mrabtnoneotbetbauebet. cbw fapb jiagurtta boute not/but (Bob Cbatb accepteo my p/ajetfanDteatesta&amp;tt ugbt:9Sttuaije caufeb^ou to come bnto mefo;tbe fame tnta/ tbat tbisJ baugbtet of mfnemrgbt be matieb tn bet atone fipnreo/ aeco^bpngetotbelatoeof Q9off0,anDnoto ' bototetb"" not/but 5B topligeuebetbnto : fbo betbfte tbe ttgbt banoe of bfe baugbtet/ anbgauebettntotbettgbtbanbofcobfab/ 9fasie;cbe &lt;3ob of ab/abam/ tbe ob of ..iftac/anbtbeoobofjacobbe tottl) vtmi rome?outogetbet/9fulfpHW!Sble(ftng in jouJnbt&amp;eptoftcaiettee9mab*ato?wfog of tbemattageJnbtben mabetliepmert'' 9 * to ob,anb jsaguei caHeblnna w bntobfm/anbbabbetp;epateanotbet "lec/anbtbptbetbeb/ougbt ftatabpis itet/anbftetoepte.cbwfarbebebn _.teofgoobcbeatems baugbtet /tbe "jLtfixbt beauen geue tbe fope/Foic&amp;ebc* upieffetbat'tboubaft-ftiffieb, tunc aungclllifntetb (heomrll. UTobtab e^bo;(etb Jjatof ft Mpjaprr/ano tje j p;a?t th;c oavts be fo;e tftcpljctogctijcr. C&amp;e.butBaptet:. to aftet J tbep bao fuppeb/tbes b.20gbt tftenonge man in to bee. OP ftougbt cobiab bp5 tbe too; I iws of tbeaungell/anbtobeoutof bWbaggeapeceoftbeIeuetoftbefi(b/anb totebitbpo tlje l)oti coalt{t.$s&gt;o m aungeii IBapbaeltoftcboIocGf^ebcnfr/ijfentbim atoafe/anb boiuibebim intbetotfbetnesot ftebPgppte,ai;b.lfpabecobiabbnfotbe Wtgin/9fai?be:eifSata/letbjJma&amp;eoute

p;aer bnto &amp;m to oape/tomo;oto / 9 otier= ttiojototfo* tbefe t^?c nigbteg toili toe teeon* eple oute felueji toitb &lt;Bo&amp;; 9 toban tbe tbittt boIjnigbt^psft/toeibaH iopne toget&amp;etin


tbebeutye of manage, ffo; toeatet^eebft o;en of bolp men/9 toema'f e not cometooe ibrrafffie t^eatben/tbatimotoe notob, Wtn ftobe U)tv bp botb tcgetbet/anb be* ^ fougbtobeameftll?/tbatbetooll)p;efetue* , tbem. anbeobiab fapbe: ) )Lo;be&lt;Bob of cutefatbetsf/ p;aprfbbetbou of beauen anb eattb/oftbe fee/toellejj/9 floubejs/anb of all |e cteajutestbat be tbetin. cbou tnnbeft jDio/tbemoMibe of tbeeattb/^gautabim w .fo; an belpet. 3Pnb note no;bc tbou bnotoeft t iti$ notbecaufe of boluptuoufneu/tbata tafie m fpftet of mpte to tojfe/ butonii fo;tbe loue of cbFlb;en/ intobS m Bamebeb!eireflfo;euet. 3BnD ^&gt;ata fayae: baueiftetctbponb0(jLo;be)bauemetcg bpon mm b botb come toOoie 9 founbe toagoodage,, . anbabdutetbecocftctotoe/itbappeneb/C tbatagueicaHebbiBfetuamite0/anbtbe SL5S! WJ/tonwbea graue.lfo;W tjae cbauncebbnto bftn petabnetuie/ agitbpbbnto tbeotbet feue men/ tbat toente inbntobet. 0oto )x&gt;l)tn tbep (jab maoe tbe gtaue/iaagueicameagapjie to m tovfe/ 9Sbebntobet:fenbeone of fljpmapbfg/to lofiepf be beoeeb/tbat % mmmktom af ^ e A b .W^ a ^.^o(befentamavaei8 tofe/tobtcb tobg (be came into tbe cftambet/ q&gt;e founpe tbem toboie 9 founbe/aeppng to getbet. anb fo fte came agayne / 9 bjongbt goobtpbtngejJ.cbm!Sagueianb3'nnab^3a tojfe p;apteb tbe %afi*/m fapbe:l&amp;;aieo w betboufl) l-o;be o&amp;of 'jftaei/fo;itwno6

bappeneb bnto Wm toe tljougbt. f 0; tbou battbealtemetcifuiip toitb bg/9putatoai?e ftombjJtbe enemvetbatpetfecutebiW /ana battlbetoebmetcvbnto ponbetttoo beloueo. )Lo;D/caufe tbe to ntagnyf pe mo;c pet* fectlp/9 to offce tbefactpfice of tbmam 9oftbettbeaHb;tbataHpeopltmapbuotoe/ tbat tbou onipattcio&amp;inaHtbe eattb. ainbimmebiatiplSaguel comaunbebbBJ fetuaunteig/tofpHtbegtaue/tbattbepbaQ mabc/toitb eab/afo;eTttoa^ fpgbt:9 baoe b wfep;epate a featt/ 9 tomafieteabpe atbmgegtbattoeteneceflatpfo?meate/to focb a? toete bp tt)t toape. e caufebttoo fat fipneaifo/anbfoute toetbetjsto beoapne/ anbmeateg to be pjepareo fo; abijJne ?gb 1 boute 9 ftenbeuJnbmaguei cbatgeb co biab/to temapne toitb 6pm ttoo toefteg. M fo; all tbe good tbat be bad/be gatte cobiab tbe one balf of it/ gntaoe tljis to;pttng/ tbat tbeftalfetobtcU temapneb/ (bulMfaU bnto cobiab aftettbeitbeatb,- . cm* aungcH.gottb tojBabctuer/attfte tK(to;co^ EoWabitoh(c&amp; Oeljutretb t)e (scr /anaccaiif ill " f|cmonep. CCbejf.dbaptet, 4&gt;, CbW-

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$encobiab calleb bnto bpmfte

1 aungell/tob5 be tDousfttto baue [bene a man/ atib fapte bnto bt m. mm ^ m ^ m j jBjortja?arte mi vmt fte bcr* Ben bntom? 9 roulbe geuem? relfetobetb? feruaunt/3; roallnot eeretue t&amp;p p;ou?bence. jQeuettbeleaegi befecbe fte ftaeftQutopltta&amp;eftebeafWftefcruauttf/a gobnto &lt;!Pabelu0fn mage? fte cpte of teceauetbemone? of bwn/anb v;m b?m to ccme to mp manage, g o? tfiou anotoett m? ff If/that m ? fat tier f ellem toe bape* : anb ?f 5 tat j one oaf e to long/ b e to vibe (o? p in bitf mpnoe. $oto teifttbouboto eatneftlp Ka Buel batb tequ?zm me/ fotbat a cannot rape bim nap. CbentoftelSapbael foute of JBagueW fee* uaunte0/a ttoo Cameis/anb toetc onto IB a oesJtbe cpte of me 0ebe0 : anotobmbe bab f ounce &lt;pabeiusJ/be gauebim b?0 banbtoji* tpng/9teceauebalimemonep.$etolbeb:m alto of coblab ttje Conne ofcobi / bote all tbfogtfbaobappeneb/scaureobfmto come * toitb bp m to me mariage.$oto tobe" be came into tue U cine of ttaguel/ be f otice cobfab rpttpngeattbetabie.abeieapebp/anbftep 6paeboneanotbet/&amp;&lt;i&amp;abei''toepte/&amp;pjai&gt;* Ceo (Sod/9 rapbeitbe bledpnge of tbe cd of 3;fraeibaueroou/fo?ftouaittbefonneofa riatbettecu0amttman/aofoneroatfea' &gt; tcft on/a genetb greate almejS. anbbleftinge bauetb? topfe/ a route cioew/tbat pe mapefcpoutecb?lb?en apoureb?lDer0ebpl* &amp;;m'bntoroetbp?beafourtbgenetacpon/9 ftatpom-eXecemapbe bleffeoof tbe oooof 3frael/tobf cb teignetb tootfb toimoutenbe. tnbtol&amp;enroepallbabfapbamen/tbeptoe"t to tbe feaft/ but toitbtbe feate of tbe 3Lo?be beloe tbe? tbe featt of tbe marpage. Cffo&amp;fali an&amp; tips topfe arc CaS be fo; (be fatpauntt oftliric ronttc.Raguellfcnftef^ajjosnc (Jtobialp tuii^ Cbe.r,baptet. jflDto tobple penge cobtab mabe

longe tarpenge /bpteaton of tbe manage / bps fatbet tea? full of _=__ Jeate a beuinc 0/anb tb ou gbt.tobat tyuloe betbe caufe&gt;tbat mpfonne tarpetb fo longe; fi5j ton? Ornior he be ficptc Co longe tbcte? petaouenture abeiu0 &lt;s$ beeb / anb no man topll geue bpmtbe monep. &lt;c:bu0 be ganne be to be bet? f ojotofull, be atnna b(0 topfe tot ft bfm/anb b eg n e to toepe bo t &amp; to* Sfftet /becaufe tbeitfonne toags not come agapnebntotbeatftebapeappopnteb. 30 fo; big mofter (be toepte toift bifcom f ojta* # bre t eatc0/a fapbeil o (0 me/mpfcnnr. i\ tobat aplrbbstto ftnoe? atoape into a fttatt* geccatie/tbou ligfit of outc e?e0/tbcu Safe

of owe age/ftou comf ojte of oute Ufe/tbeu hope cfouie genetacponf &gt;epnge all tbe tbingeg tbat toe baue ate cm? rot /toe ftulo notbauefenttbeatoapeftcmbsi. . cben fflobiab comtojteb mi anbfajM: boioe tb? tonge/a be notbpfcomfozteb/outc . fonnei0toboieanbCounbe:tbeniantbattoe fentbimtoball/ipfattbfun?nougb.i9euti! tbeleaeO)em?gbtinnoto?re be comfo^tcoi ; butoa?l?etoentout/icfieoaboute/atoenM about atttbe atetep/tobetb? Qje tbouOtto Qmlbe come aga?ne-.tbat(?f tt torn poiBWe) flje m?gbt f e b?m commpnge afawe of. 59ut maguel fa?be bnto b? f onne wiatoet&gt; tat?bete/anb , iajall(enbeame(iautigei} ,,fc bntotb?fatbetcobtob/ti)tfUbni|battljbu attingoobbealtb.cobiab ra?bebrttoblim:i am fute/tbatmvfatbet ^mp mctbet counte euet?ba?e/anbipttbeiv better ate fo. ^Dotoben ttaguei p;a?eb cob(abto?tD man? tomm atoolbtn no to?f e b eate bim/ bebel?ueteD^atabntobtm/9 balfepatt of allbKSgoobjinfetuautesJ a banbma?oe0/ in lbepe/tn amei$s/a in ftpne/ a tnottno* nep/a fo fentb?n atoape f tomb?nrtb peace anb io?e/ anb lapbe: ebe bol? aungell of tbe

Tuoiot oe toptfe ?ou in poute ?outne? / onb b;tnge?ou fo;t&amp; fafea.founbe/tbat ?e mm f pnbe all tblnge? in gobb cafe toitb poute el bet0/atbatm?nee?e0ma?fe?outc cb?Rttf afo^e^bpe. fbo tbe elbetg emtyaceftt&amp;ett baugbtet/n?aeti bec;a let b 1 1 go/etfwttoge betwbonoutebet fatbet a motbet in latoe/ to loue betbutbanoe / to tule toeu bee boufboloe/tofiepebetbouferogooDOibwanbto Oietobetfelfefauteleae.




C?ounae obial&gt; kofnae ^petojfc ' tjotitftol&amp;e fa IDtinjfifiettafC'COiiimetObcfwetDrrii ifte stunmO. tttjt fortune of Jib mother lohjnij afttt Iff CfiWKfC &lt;b i op f u Up reccau eti o f I) IB f a'tbec * m o t tjec. feg t o t o * mtt^.tia.oaytB after. Cbe.0.baptec. S&gt; tbe? note torn goinge gome toatbe agapne/ tbe? came to Cbarta/ tobf cb l? tb B in ^e balf toape totoatbe J9iniu t . a no tbe aungell (a?be: joftet cobfab/ tb on bnotoett bote tbou batt left tb? fatbtr. tbetfojepf itpleafetbc/toettooto?ll gobe fo;e/ a let tbe boufbol&amp;e toitb tb? topfe a tbe catellcomefoftafa?;l?aftetb0.anbtobeii cobiab toa0 content tbat tbe? (bulbegobe* fo?e/K'apbael lapse bntob?m :Cane of fte^ gall of tbe fiO) toitb rfte/fo; it Ibalbe neceflp 9 tp.^&gt; ocobiabtofieoffte gall/a tbe? toent tbeittoa?e.lBut3Bnnatbemotbeeofcobiab fat ba pip b? tbe toape ffoe bpon tbetoppe of anb?n/ftStobence roe mpgbtfe fane about bee. Inb tehple roe toa0 toaptpngetbere fo; hi 6 c5m?nge/ lite loBeb afatte of , anb anone roe perceauibbetfonne (6m?nge/9vannea

totoeftet8rBaitb/fa?fng:38ebott/tb?fonne commetb.anb isapbael fapbebnto cobiabs 30 foone a0 tbou cSmeft into tbe boufe Am* ineb?atl?too;w?PPetbe)Lo;bctbP oo/anb geuetb^be0bneobtm*.tben go to ftp fatbet/ 9 &amp;?fle b?m/a ft tpne bt? epe0 ouet xoititt^t gall of tbe f?lb/tbat tbou baft b;ougbt toitb ibe.^o;be fute/tbatb&lt;0e?e0Otall ftrapgbt toa?ebeopeneb/atb?fatbeeailfe ligbt of beauen/ a CDallteiopfe at tbe figbtoftbe. Cbentbeboggetbat babbenetoptb tbem in tbeief outne?/ tanne before/ anb came a0 a meoengee / anu toaggeb topft b?0 w ?ie fo? glabnefte. c d&gt;otbe bipnue fatbet atofe/ anb beganne to tfne/anb ftombieo toift b ija feate/a gatte aferuafttb&lt;0banbe/t9netomete (jtsfonne/ teceaueb bpm/anb npffeo bpm/be anbb?0 to?fe/anb beganne to roepero; tope, i 0oto toben tbe? babtoo;Q)ippeb a tbanc' &amp;e&amp;d5ob/(bepfatbotone.cben to&amp;ecobiab of tbe f?roe0 gall/ anb anopntebb?0 fatbeto e?e0:anbtatpeDbalf anboure/anb ften be* ganne tbe blemiro to go out offjis ept0/libe a0itbabbenefte tobpte fbpnneofanegge: tobicb cobiabtobe/anbb;eto ff5bi0e?e/ anbimmebiatipbeteceaueb0[0figlK. cbenftepp;a?feb&lt;EioD/beanbbi0b)?fe/ ^attbantbe? Hiiietobpm.anbcobiab lapb: s8f&gt; fcojoe ob of fftaei/ 31 geuetbe p^apfe anbtfjancfies/fo? tbou baft cbaffenebme/a mabe me roboie Jnb lo/noto bo 3 1 fe m? f ontie cobfab.iftet feuen ba?e0 came S&gt;ata m0fonne0 topfe alfo toljoleanbfounoe toittf all tbe b ou rooibe anb catel/toitb earned anb mocb monepe of b?0 to?ue0/ 9 toitb tbe mo* ne? tbatbebabteceauebof &lt;0abelu0:anbbe tolde bi0 faftet anbbtemotbevali tbe bene* l pte0/ tobpeb #ob bab bone f o; b?nt / b? tbe man mat lebbpnt. aiebio? alfo anb j^abatb oWab f?ft :l'onne0 came anb toe re glab/ a teiopfeo toift ijim/bpteafon of all goob tbat dpob bab fljetoeobnto bim.36nb fo fo;$ fpaceof fcuen bape* tbe? mabe met?/ anb toete tigbt topfull euerpebone. C?ou0e CobialivcrtenetppSnfolipBfatfjec ttje plcatUteB tQat tlje aungell tip3 tjgin. l?t offc e if) bnc o

' *6 Bunnell Ijalfe tiKBooQeB tljat \)t bmW tt bjra. CCbejeii.Cbaptee. ; ty m cobiab calleb W fonnebnto bpm/ a fapbe: ibat ma? toe geue te bol? man/ tbattoentetttbe? 'iicobinbanCtoeteb bi0 fatbet/anb fapbe^atbetv tobat re toatbe (ball toe geue Mmi $&gt;i tobat tftwgc canb?fetuebi0 benef?te0 fl&amp;e baft bene mpgpbe / anbb;ougbt me fafeagapnebeteceaueb tbe moriepfwra #abeiu0/ l)c caufebme to get m? topfe/be b/oue $ twiwmtt fto bet/be barb bene an


occafpon of giabnefte to bet fae^evaiib ma&lt; ft et:be beliueteb me/ftat 3 tow not beuou* teb of ft e f ifb/be Daft mabe ft e to fe light of beauen/pee toe all baue teceauebgteate goobof bim.^oto fbulb toe too;tblPSeftme tbefe ftinge0 bnto bpmf tim p;a?e tbe m? fatbet/ftat tbou topi tbefp;e b?m/ ?f bappl? betopilboutfafe / to taiie toift bim ft e balfe of all u)at toe baue brought. g&gt;o tbe fafteranbtbe fonne cailtb B(m/_ tobebpm afpbe/abegannetop?apeb?m/g betoolbe be contet to tabe ingoob too;ft/me balf parte of all tbat be bab b;ougbt. cben fapbebefecretl?bntotbem:P;a?fetbe&lt;e&gt;o9 ofbeauen/ageueftantliesbntobpmbefo;* allmen ipupng/fo^bebatb ftjeb)ebW0mer*owrtfafc; c?*bntob0. 3tt0goob to b?be fte ?nge0n&lt;()iott fectete/butto roeto atop;a?fetbe too;cbe0 of ob/it i0anbono?abietb?nge.^fl?i0 oob toift faftpnge / anbto geue alm0 10

ettet/ften to boo;be bp t r e a fu tea of go ID e. ^o; ajme0 belpuereft from beaft / denftft fpnne/a caufetb to fpnbe euetlaftpnge Ipfe. tfutftep ftatbo fpnne a bnrpgbtuoufne0/ ate fte enempe of fteitatone roule0. I Dbetfoje 5 tell pou ft e ttueft / anb to pli $ bpoen oft pnge from pou. iiabett ftoup^arbeft to ift teate0/ anb butpbeft t^tmn/ anb lefteftm? b?ner/anbb?bbeft tbe betbtnm; boufe open fteoapetpme / ftatftouttugb* teft burpe ft em in ftenpgb't i% offteb ft? p;apet before me lo#e. anbbecaufeftou to a a accept anb belou eb of &amp; ob/ it to a0 ne* ceoarp/mattentacpon Qiuicetrpefte, ana note bam me )Lo;be rent me to beale tbe/anb to belpuer $&gt;ata ftpfonnee topfe ftomtbe eueilfp;ete.f o; |am mapbael anaungel/. one of tbereuen mat ftanbe before ffiob, tben tbe? beatbe ft?0/ me? toete foje afta?eb/anb tremblep/ anb fell botone bpon J3 ft eit facessbnto fte gtounbe.cben fapbe tbe aiungeli:#eace be tt ?ou/f em not* !bew a? 1 baue bene toptbfou/ it i0me to pit of ob geuep?apreanbtMncfif0i5ntobpm. you tbougbttbatl bpbeate anb b^tcse toift pou/butptemeaietbatiafnuifible/ anbb;incbe mat fAnnot be f ene of men. oto ft etf o?e 10 tbe tpme g $ muft turn e agapne/bnto b?m t&amp;atfnt me. but be pe mancbfullbnto&lt;0ob/9telloutallbt0toon&lt; be tou0 too;cbe0. . 3Btm toben be bab fpoRen tbefe too;be0/be toa0 taben atoape out of meit figbt/fo mat me? fato bim nomo^e.cben fell tbep botone flat bpofteit faces bp fte fpaceof m^ebou* tc0/anbp?a?feb oo-.anb tob^ me? tore bp/ me?toibealibf0toonbetou0too;clie0. CCoti() (\}t tan gtuetb tftancfete unto &lt;gf 06, tfCbf.jrt^Cftaptet, ^ cbni

%\\t bofee

v .

$en oro cobf abopnteb bism outb 9 p?apreb ft %ojbe/$ fapoe:reat arttbou HoW fo? euetmo?e/ 9tbptspngbome too?iae toitbout enbe:fo;tboufcourgeft9baleft/tboujebett ttitob*li/9 b/tngett out ogapne/anb tijec is nonetbatmapefcapetbpnebanDe. gene tbanbesbnto tbe Ho?b/pe cbpia^e of Jftae 1/ fp;apfebpm in tbe figbt of tbel&amp;fatbS.ffo? amongetbe^eatfjetobpcb Bnottebpmnot tfatff^e fcaterea pou/to tbinte't tbat pe (bulb ftetofwcbbttmaraelouStoojcfteSitjcaiire ttjmifo; to anotoe/ tbat tbe te is none otbtr oo aim pabtpe but be.^e batb cba fteneo us . I o; oute mpfaeae0/ ana f o? W atone mete? JaliefiwUberaueb0. - coro"po;et&amp;en/botobebatbbealtbttpou/ f wapre bim toitb feare a D?eae ( ana magn U titty euetiaQp ng fcpn g in pou re to o;fses. 91 topii ppape bn e ul m me lanbe of mp cap* ^tpupte/ftwbebatblbetoea b(0 tnaiettte bn to a rmfuli peopie.cutnepou tbetf o?e pe fpnners/ano Do tigbtuoufne0 befo;e ob/ $ be.pefure/tbatbetopiiqietobi0mercpt.p5 P oh. 31* f o? me 9 mp f oule / toe topi 1 reiopfe tn ob. p?apre me &amp;o?o all re b'0 c&amp;ofen/ bolbe cbe oape of giaoneffe / 9 oe tban&amp;fuii bnto bim. 5 etufa le tbou cine of ob/ tb e ]Co?Be(jatb puhlffbeatbe fo? ttje too?cfie0 of tbpne atone banbes. p?apfetbe ;a,o?Be(n t&amp;BBoobtbinge0/9geuetbSfte0totbeeuef lattpnge ooa/tbat tie mar bupiaebplH'0 tabernacle agapne in tbe/tbat be mape call a* gape bnto tbe/allfocb as be in caprpupte/ 9 tbat tboumapeft bauelope fo? euermo?e. n&amp;itb a fa we ipgbt (bait f b ou ropne/anb all tbe eriDes of tbe toojlD Ojal bonoure tfte &amp;be

people Oi all come bnto $ fid f ant/tbep Qj a 11 bjpngc gp ftejj/9 too?(bPP tbe Jlo?be in tbe/ Otbpianae (ball tbepbaue fo? aS&gt;Sctuatp/ f 0; ibep (bail call bpS tbe grea tx nam e in | . C Cutfebwalltbepbetbatberpprethe/anb alltbatblatpbemetbe/malbeconbempma: but bieffeb mall tbe? be tbat bupibe n)e bp.. 30 fo? tbe tbou (bait tei'op fe in tbp cbplb?e7 fp;tbepallwalbebieaeb/9 gatbewb toge* tberbnto tbe 'jto?oe.isie(leoare tb ep all tbat Ioue tbe/9 be glab of tbp peace . p?apre tt)ou tbe )Lo?oe/ mp fouie / f 0? tbe JU?oe oute ob batb belpuerea W citie Serutalem f to" allberttoubW.Jtopllcountemptelfebap* ppe/pf mp f eoe temapne to re tbe cieatne0 of Imitalem. Cbe gates of ^etufalem (balbe buplbea tottft &lt;&amp;apbp?e 9&gt;maragae/aall tbe t om* pareofbei:toaKe0tottbp?eciou0ftone0ai! bet ftre te (balbe paueb toitb tobpfe m a t We ttone/anbinallbet 8tete0 an 3Dnelupa be futge.?&amp;?aprei&gt; betbe ]io?Dc/ttbtcb batb er alte&amp;bet/tbatb&amp;Sfngborae mape bebpon

bet fo? euermo;e. 3men. I no fo coblab maoean enne of bi0 tal&amp;pge. CfflToUial) prop ijcty: tij tftc Ocficucc^otiof &lt;n(ur. (is Comic rrtouriutl) to tfagueU after t &amp;e Oectfft of $ie father anDmotljct, .' Cbe.^iii.oibaptet. J5b after tbat couiab bab gettenS i,bi0 go t agapne/be liueo.jPUi.pea&gt; te0/9fatoebi0 c^pmers cbplb?en, Jl9obo tobe be toa0 an.C9.ii. peaw oloe/beopeD:9toA0burieobono?ablpin^f&gt; niue. jfo?toftenbetoa0 fiye9fpftpepeaw0 of age/beloftt&amp;efigbt of hp0epr0/ 9 bibfti be toa0 tb?e fco?e peate oioe/be gat btf ngbt

agapne.cbe tefioue of bi'0 life leo be in tope/ anDmcreafeotoeiimtbe feate of oo/ 9 De pat teo in peace. 38u t in tbe boure of bis oeat&amp; be calif b M* tobpmbi0fonneobtab/9feuipSgerp?ii. gaioe0bi0fonne0cbpio?en/am fapoe bnto tbem:beoeatuccp5 of ^miue is atbano/ fo? tbe too?oe of tbe Ho?oe cannot fapie/ann oureb?etb?f tbat arefcatreo out of tbe lanoe of^frael/lballcome tbptberagapne. a no tbe tobole lanoe of fttbat batb bene toatte/ (balbe f(lleo:anD tbe boufe of 00 tbat teas b?entmit/malbebuploeDagapne/9allfoc&amp; as feare oo (ball returne tbptbet;tbe ea* tben alfo (ball fb?fafie ttjei t jDols/9 come to 3!erufalem/9Dtoell tbete/anb allrbeHpngt of tbe eab (balbe glab of bet/ano too;lbpp tbelU&gt;?oeODOf9.ftael. notbetfo?empcbplb^/beaw poutete* c tber:S&gt;eruetbe)lo?be At faptbtulnes/fele after bis toi'ii/ano 00 tbetbingtbatpieafefl) bpm.Commaunoepoute cbno?efbattbep 00 tigbt/geue alme0/bempnbeful of ob/ ana curt to be tbanbfull bnto bpm in truetb ana toitb all tbeit potoer. ideate me tbetf o;e rm cbplD?en/9abpbenotbere : buttntobatoape foeuer pebauebutpeo poure morberberpoe me/getpoufr5bence.!fo?3!fe/tbattbetopc* ueoneaeofttSball b?ingeit to beatuccpon anoenoe. after tbe oeatb of W motbet/cobfab it* patteoatoapefromj5imue/toitbbtttopfe9^ cbplo?en/9 toitb W tbplbet0 cbflb?f/9 earned agapnetobP0 fatberanbmotbermiatoev 9 founce tbe tobole 9 fnagooo age/9 tone tbe care of tbcm.inobe dofeo tbeit epen/9 team bep/ebntoallaguer0 goooe0/9 fatoetbr fpftbgenetacpon9cbpioet0cbplb?en. 3no tobenbetoa0.rcir:peateofage/beWebmtbe feare of tbe Ho?oe/9 b|0 ftpnffolSe? burpeb bim Jno all W poftetlte cbtfnuebfn a goon !pfe/9 bolp conuetfacpon : fo tbat tbep toere loucbanbaccepteD botbeof ooanb men/ anbof alltbepeopie oftbefanoe. ccbe enbe oftbebobeofcbbfa^

3IUDtt!), ca^ebuptbpngc of Bgijflt&amp;aWB. Cljcbyctojg of jBaou^ooonofoiaaapnaacp^aj'a^.ffitKiiwffcnfleri

oe JiJaljHcBooonofoj avefipfpu'reo. f cbe fp?ft dbapfey, il@eoes f uboiieb mang peo; Pie bnto bP0! oompnpon / anb buploeo a noble dronge cite/ (toljicbbe calleb egbatijants. jebe toalle0 of it mm be of fte a one / route fquateo/ feuentpecubptcs bpe/9 .mxiMMbiM. I|eraabetoto?e0 tbetebpon of an buno?etb cubpte0bpe. ffiut bpo tbe fame co? nets euerp fioe to as ttoe'tpe foteb?oDe.^emaoetbepo?te0in bepgu)/ Ipfte as tbe toto?e0.^bp0 pngetmaebtn ,bi0nt(gbtpboil/9inbi0glo?iou0cbarette0. * ^oin tbettoelftb peace of b?S rapgne it bappeneb/tbat i5abucbooono'f 0? tbe apnge of ty 3) up; i'a iis ( wbicb tapgn eb in tbe great rpte of iUiniue) fougljt agapnft 3Drpbarat/9 ueccame bim in tbe great e feloe call eb jb a pu/befibe eitpb?ate0 anbcigrfs 93!aba fon in g feib of aEriotb tficftpng of ft &lt;ieiiftc0, bm toa0 tljeiftpngbome of jSabttcbo* bonofo? eralteb / 9 bP0berte toa0 ipftbp:9 befent bnto all tbem tbat btoeltinCeltciay * in amafcus /in Hibanu0/9 bnto tbe B ea ^ tben tbat to el t in Car m el ana Cebar mo to

focb asbtoeit in alilein tbe grea te feloe of fb?elon/to all tbf tbat toere in &gt;amat(a/ anbbeponbetbetoateeof ?o?bane bnto j t* tufalem anb tbe tobole lanoe of Jens bnto $ tnountapnes of Ctbiopia. nto all tbefe op&amp; -_,^abucbobonofo?tbe*pngeoftbeai0p?iS0 ^ fence meffauugets, ^ut tbep all toptb one confenttoolbenotagreebntobpmyanbfent , tbemeiraungetsagapneemptpe/anbpue tbem atoape toptbout bonoure. cbenj?a Intcbobottofo? tt)t fipnge tobe fnoignacpon

at all tbofe lattbes/anb ftoate bp bpS teone 9 bpbP0 Kpngbome/tbat be toolbebe auen sen of all tbofe countrep0.

tbem/tbat b^putpofe teas / to twage m tobole eattbbnberbl0bompnpon.j5oto tow tbeptoereallcontettoptbtbi0fapinge/ s* bucbobonofb; tbe fipnge ealieo feolofeme* tbe cbefe captapne of b(0 toarre0/anbfafbe bntobptmotbptoape fo?tbagapn(tantbe mgbome0 of tbetett/9fpeciailpagapntt . tbofetbatbauewfpprebmpcSmaunbeme't.fl' Cbou (bait fpare no realme / all Or onge cp tpe0 (balttbou b?tnge in fubieccf dbnto me. Cben ii)oiofernes called togctbet all tbe Captapnes 9 ruler0 of all tbepotoer in 3i(b&gt; cfa/anDmuSrebtbe foubpetu bnto tbe ijofte (ipfte as tbe apng co mmaunoeo b m)nam t* lp/anbunD?etl)anottoentpetbouraiibffgb s tpnge menbponfote/anbttoeiue tboufanb a vcbers bpon b 0? f eba cbe, 3il l W oftpnauce rentbebefo?e toitb. an innumerabiemmti^ tube of camel0/fotbattbebooft toas toeii^ P?ottpbeb fo? toitb oren/ 9 fmall catell/9 tbat toitboutnSb?e.^e caufeb co?ne to be p?epa* reb out of all &gt;p?ta fo? bis bo a. a^ocij gom 9 filuer alfo tobe be out of iapngesboufe. ^obetobeb(0foumepe/be aaiibisbooft/ to(t^cbarette0/bo?fmen/9arcber0:oftobo tbere toere fomanp/ tbat tbtp coueteb ty grounoe of tbe lanoe/lpbe tbe greiboppets. 3inbtobenbetoa0gonepa(ttbe bo?ber0of tbe 3B(lp?ian0/be came totoaroe tbegreate mountapne0offnge/tobfcblpebp5tbeieffi fpbe of ceiicf 9:9 fo be toent bp in to all tbeit cattel0/9 toanne euerp drongebolbe M fo? m tUt toeltbpe citie of Sl9elotbu0/be b?afieit botone/9fpoplebali tbe cbplb?enofbarfi0 ana tbe arm aeiptes/ tobfeb (ape totoatbe t\^z toiloerne0/ ana bpon tbe &lt;bout&amp; fpbe oftbe iatibe of cbelon. e toente ouer Cupb?ate0 alfo/anbeame intoflpefopotamia/9 b?abe botone all tbe bpe cpnes tbat toere tbere/frS tbebjofie of flUtambje- tplla man come to fee:9betobetbebo?bet0 in from Cel(ciabn fo tbe coatte0ofgiapbettotoat&amp;tbe&gt;oufb. $e carpea atoape all tbe fll^aaianptes 1 anb (popleaalltbeitgoobe0: 9tobofoeuei' toptb' aoaebpm/beaetotbemto(tbtbeftoetbe.Hif=&gt; tee tb is be toent botone into tbe felbe of a mafcu0 in n)e tpme of barueft/9 bjtt bp all tbe co?ne 9 allfl)etree0/9 caufeb t^t bpne0

c9oiort tne'f is ftni of juabucbooonofo/zto foboue SX^SSSHS feateof bpm fell bpS autbettwitesbe piepatac pgn ao pucfutcof $o# Alltbemtbatotoeittntbeeartb.

pinna rcbe.t;.Cbapter, Mcj'iff.peareofftpnge 0abu&lt; cbobonofo?/bpontbe.wii.oapeof i.tbe fp;ft monetb/it teas aeupftb in ftbecot^te of ^abucbobonofo? tbe fcpnge of tbe S'Opjfan*/ tbat be toolbe be. fenaebpmftrre. g&gt;obe caliea bnto bpm all I elbet0/albi0Captapne0/9mcn of toarre/ Oibetoebtbembpsfecrete counceil/9 toioe

CfcjngeB become toplipngiy rti&amp;fecr to Bolofetnss, ffbe tRannlf ao ttuatyt of gun* bei.cbapfct!. |jD tbe I5pngesaa#?prtce0of afl , ' mm 9 lanbf rent tljeit^mbaf' 3} |fptoures:namclp/tbep of S&gt;p?fa9 M M lfl9efopotatnia/$)p?ia^obal/9 JLpbfa/9Celicia/tob(cb camcto feolofer' ne0/9 fapbe: itet m to?atb teaffe totoarbe bS^t is better fo; b$ to ferae {gteate ftpntf #abu*

ttifyt bofce

iMmcbobonofojtoft&amp;ctiwtytw/attbtobe im/9tbattberMlbebolbeb?lt)gemtoate&gt; lubiecte tonto tbe/tbentbat toeftmloeoie/ 9 tobet$aroiataftetoai?etoa0 betteitff tmouV Iscaajne/ateceauegreatet fturte, ail! mtte taynes. 3tiDtbecb?Htfenof Jftael bib/ as*.* ewes ano poffeayottss/aii mountaftte* ano euacbfm tbe $/eft of tbe jlojoe fjaa co m* * PS w#/alf elbes/gteate a ftnat catell/ftepe/ maunoeo tbera.lbnb all tb e people ct^eD eat* goates/boWanocamebJ/ail outegoooes nettir/abumbieDibeu; foules toitb faamg{

a bouH)olb$/ be in tbppotoet/bnbet ttigfnb= *. taonbettautogetbetji&amp;eoutefeiuesai f a oute cbiltyen toiibe tb?ne atone / conie tontobsapeaceable /bo/De/anbtofe owe fes* uiceattblpiesfure. 10 cilen-came ^olofttntf botone torn t&amp;e V. mountaynes toitb bo?rmen a greatepotoer/ anbconquereballuronse fent'eOcitiess/aiio ail ^acott^ie tn t^eianoe. mn&amp;jout of all c^e

a p;a?ei#/fyei&gt; 9 tow toiue&amp;cbel^ett* 3 putonbeattpeciotbeg/ anolaffb tbetonge babes befoje toe templeof tfte Jtofl&gt;e/9 co* iietcbtoeauftnioftoejUybe toitb an&amp;eattie cloto.anb tt one ao?oe toe? ctfeb tonto toe jujoe &lt;o&amp; or Sftael/tbat tbeit ctoilo;f (buio not begeuenintoapjai/a tbeittotuesfoto afpofie/tbat tbeit citte0 ttulbenptbelaieb toalte/anb tbat toett Sanctuary ftmibe not

tm be tofie Qtogmeit/ afocbas toetemete betonbalotoeb/anbfotbej to bea Qjameano fo; toe teawttbtlpebim.abere came focb. Kbufie tonto toe $eatoen.

. afeaiealfobp5toorecounttee0/tbattoein &amp;teeUet0oalltoecitieMbeP;miS9Jau s *t0/anbtbepeopletogftbet/toentefo#bto mete biro ass became/ a receaucobfm bono* xabln toftb satlamw 9 to^cbes/toito bairn euertoeieiRttoougb t&amp;ei bpa f &amp;10 I vt t migbttbei?notftoagebi0t?go?ou0uomam butbebeatoreDtoectcgtpe0/9betoeb botone tbeittoobbe0.!jfo?$abucbobcnoro2 yng babcSmaunbebbim/tbatbeOMlbetote out

ebmtiiiac&amp;untbebvetMoftbe %m Yotm toun&amp;e abouteatl Sitae! / anDfpaue C bnto toem/fatf mjr.tfe \t luxe Jt tb t %om mUfeawyounveticvontiitfw continue uebfaftfo faftyngeg 9P/ai?et0 intoe fjgbt oftbe)Lo;o.jaeniemt)?e03ore0tbefen*aflt oft^e ju&gt;#e/ tobicb cuertozeto tbe 36male ctoitesttoatttu&amp;eomtbeltirojgBta potoer/ intoeftbooa/mtbeitlbslbW/tntoeltetoat' vettes a bo/Cme')not totto toeape*0/ but toffb bolppjapetfl. cuen fo all an tbe enemies

all toe oboe of tbe lancetfotoeintent toac of llraei be / n t e continue in toi* tootfe/

beonlimigfltbecaHefianbraBen fo; &lt;cb/ of tye.mucon* tobtcb iolofernes totto bis |Jotoer'bjoMeUtbnoetbpm.g&gt;otoctttbeit&amp;o* toto ^i?ia&amp;obal/anbtbo;{otoanaippa' mfa/a all aaefopotamia / came to tbe f ou* means/intbe lanbeoftfabaaanb jfeepto* pol?/a tofie toeft tytynj ano temaweotbet EtjW)aie0/tobetinbe cauteo al woietmti* tf tube of &amp;^$oft to begatoetc&amp;togetoet.

lepfaftanB WV&lt; be.m).cbapter.

mm tbe cbfltyen of &lt;$mi Hjat |btoeitftiae;pBea!&amp;e tb?*/tbeg .toetero^eaftapeDofbsm. cbere Icame focb twmblmge alfoa feare bpontbf/tbattbepfojotoebbeibuliieoobn' totbecjtfeof amtfalem a tbe temple of tbe Jlozoe/ajSbebaD bone to otbet: c0t* atbetr temples ^otfjep fentmtoaii Samaria rounDeaboute bnto %ttUfyu tofie lit 9 ocau ppeoali tbe topprs of n)e moatasnctt/ maoe fafttbetotoneg to?n) toaileg yanbp;epateb co;ne f o? tDem agapnft tbe battajllv : . lt'acl)imalfo $ i&amp;iea to?ote bnto ail tbe tbatbtoeit totoat&amp;e cfojelon ( tobpcb rretft' otieragatntttbegeeatefelbebf^otbaam) a bnto all t&amp;ofebp mbom men mrabt bane pacage bnto tbem/tbattbe? ftutoetafte in tbeitapesof tbemofitapne^/ tobetbptbete mggbt be an; toare ana paoaget ^etufa-

ttjat vt bauebegonne, &lt;k upon tbj'is n o?ta cion tuep cSr^nueoln mat before tbemo;b qn fo mocb that tlje^tobttb oflteotyent fact* ma bnto tbea-o?oe/offteo tbe offrfoge* bn* to Hojo/bevnge arapea mbeatrfeclotbex anDbaoaffl)e0bpon.tbe(ebeaDe0.3Dnbfbeff all bcrougbttitooftomtbefrtobolebert/tbae lie tooloc toilet W people of p-ael. CloIofccn (BtiffcotitcnCtoftl) tftejttoe*. fitcWw JVctoEti) unto (oiorectiu t^e metuclw of &lt;Btfeonc bntot|)(?eW'0/fo; to&amp;vch tt)sngt|tultrfimteB ^olqfttiwitDttftetgaiigcyvutt^lm. J beA.baptef. _ jaotoozMcameto ^olofewifjJtbe* i^cnce of tbe teams of tbeaffp* Wane / tbat tbecbl?Ib;enof |ftael Jp/epaceb tbem femes to male uCjftawice/afioto je? babfttmpebf toase* better it te tbe mountames.cben m be t%* ceab?t!gto?otb/anpcallcbaH(be^tnce0of ^oab/atb.ecapta?ne0ofmmon/a&amp;so tonto tbf :cellme/to|at people is tbfe/tbat fiepetblntbemountatneis^^batmanej; ntcvtm ate rbn&gt;f t&amp;bat 10 tbefepomeef m tobatmanerof$oabauetbetfto&amp;o&amp;tbea; Captapne;anbtobpootbetoefptTefag(mo?e tbenal tbofet&amp;at otoelin tbe tfatyariD come notfojtb to metetou/i tbepmfgbt teceaue bjftolmpeacefcben f cbto?tbe apta?ne oral! tbe SHitmontfte* anftoetea/ ano lajoe: S&gt;W,tfitpieafet6etoBea me/a topil tell

m cwctftbefo^etfteconcemsiigtbtt people teat DtoeUtnt&amp;emou'ea2nejs/anBt&amp;fce 0)all nolfegooutofimjmoutb. M dr&amp;K(peopie tv oftbe genecac?on of tbe 7PCaloee0/tbe?oteeltfQtn^efopotamia/ C0?tbermolbnotfolotoetbegoDoe0ort&amp;ett fatbetjS tbat toete in tbelanoe of tbe Cbal* am/ 9 to t o;fo6e tfteg tbe cu domes of tbeit (o;e fatbei$(tob]&gt;cb baomam goooes )ano toojftfppeo one 00/ rbat mabebeauf ano eai'tf):tobtcfj alto cSmattnoeo tbemtbattbe; fDulbe go f com tbence/ano oteell at 9acan. j$oto tobe tbe te came a btactb in to p tob ole lanBe/t&amp;eptoenieootoneto negppte/atbew tbeg btoett foutebi1o?efb peatess/m tebtcb tbepmuitipite&amp;fogeeatir/tbattbe(v;$ooa mFgbtnotbenomb;eb. ambtebentbeusng of (Egvpte opp/edeb tbem/ a fubbueot&amp;em in buflbinge of ft* c?tge0to?tb mafifhge of ciajeaift b?pcft/tbcp ctfebbnto 00 tbe jL.ofle/toWcbPiMi?toeD tbe tebole lance of flEgjpteSftb hsuerfe plages. jQototobentbeingeof(giptelettBem Cgotbefetoape/atbeplageceaiftD/atbenfO' Ioteebaftectbf/t6tabetb^/atob;mgetbe aga^ne into bW tecufce/tobfle tbejtoece flgenge ate a? ej tbe d5ob of b eaue openeb tb e fee/fo$ tbetoatewaooe raft faponbotb tbe fF&amp;esa)3atoall/atbefetoenttbo;ototbebo&lt; tomeof tbefee,b?pe (boo. ^n tbe teblcb place tobenanlnmimerable people of tbe $ glpct* an? f olotoeb bps tbf /tbe? teerefo ouertebel&lt; mebttotbetoatew/tbatftetewmaBneb not ohe/t tell tbem tbat came a f tee/Bbto tt bap* ^ peneb.feb toben ti)i$ people teas paffeo tbo im tbe reeb fee/ tgep came f n to tbe toplbet* neg of tbe mount sbpal/tobeteneuet: man m^btbteell afo?e/a tobete o)e fonne of mS babneuet vefleb. cbetetoete 0)t btftet tea* tet0mabe fteetefo; tbem /tbattbepmsgbt iWrtrt/ Wl.* earest ba&amp;tbet? meate fr9 t)ea* uettJiBbetefoeuettberteftecteltbotitbotee a avotee/teltbout baton o? f teetbltbelt ob

fbtigbtfo;tbe/acaufebtbftobaue;tbetolc to;ffee no man teas able ; tobutte fbts peo= . ie/e]cceptltteecefo/tbattbe?bepaitebton&lt; fastbftllKftotbetoo?lbSPPingofii)ello?be tbeit!ob. 3Buta0oftautbe?too?lbfPpeb anpotbet beftae tbele tfoo/begauetbf pnet; to befpojleb/to be fla^ne/ atobeput tdc0= fufMeitenbeiega? oftafitbe? toere ton fo;bepaetingefvomtbeteo7lblppe of tbeti (BobVtbe fame @oo of beauen gaue tbem potoetaategtbtotoltbftSbetbeftenemfes, ^ fl@o;eouettberaetotbepngoftbeCa* CmimleS/^biinteS/Pbmr^^etblK/ai^ m a3mo;f te*/ 9 all {mfgbtpeln ^efebon/ a tofietbeltlanbesa rffiesm pooembmafo longastbepfinnetinoe intbe fjgbtof tbeft obyi't toente toeiitoitbtbem/fo? tbeltsco



batetbtomtgtbuoulbeire. ffo? in times pan tebentbeiteentoutof tbeteaie/tebfcb oa ba&amp;geuentbf /tbattbeilbulbe teaiae in it/ tbei teete beOtoieb inoiuetfe batayieis of man;nacion0:9man|oftbemteei:e catjea atea?e p^efonensbnto a Qtaunge couritte. ffiut note lately tbeibaue tumeb tbe f elites agame tonto tbe TLojo t\)m o&amp;/ 9 ate come togetbev againe out of tbe coimet ees tebete tbeitoerefcatteoafeobeianotbusbauetbeg c8quetebtbefemountafne0/9bteelltbetfn* anb as fo;|emfaicm tebete tbeit ^anctttatFs/tbfibaueitagaiaempoa"eirion. ambtbetfo;e mi lojoe/ mafieblllgentin quififcig/pftbis people baue bone topcuefr neCe in tbe flgbt of tbelt ob/ tben &lt;et tos go top agaynft tbll fo? bouteiesi^eit d5oa ibaii! bel|iiettb?intotblbanbes/ 9fbbue tljenu tontotblpoteet.]5ut|ftbiSpeoplebaueno; blfpleafeb tbeit fflob/tee (ball notbe able t toltbuanbetbem/fo? tbeit oblballbefenbe tb^/9 foOallteebea fbametoalltbeteo^lb, ji5ote tebenScbiojbab fpoben:out tbele teo;oes/alitbe^inces of^olofetned teete te?otb/9tbougbttoaaebmv9fai&gt;beoneto anotbetstebatisbetbis/tebicboatte tat/ f

tbecbilb^ of tlftaelate able toteitbaanbe j^abucbobonofo; tbe fitpnge anbblS boofte tebete as tljei ate antonteepeneo people/ teitboutategtl)o;bnbetdgbmg of feates of toatteibataicbio?rbetto?emai nnotee tbatbebatbbvfceauebbi* / teeteillgofopin to tbe mountames*. 9 teben tbe migbti men of tbe" are tafien/be alfo Qiaibe am te \6 tbe ftoetoe/i allpeopiema?finoto/tbat^abucbobonolto;fstbe(!oboftbeeattb/anb tbat t|ete 10 none otbetteitboutbim. cac^o? f* coramytfeb into ttje tianttea of m Jetoe* by Qolof etiu0.9e (b tf eb to a tt tv but 18 lotoftft of t He 3t\m.a$i pwjes of t(jepeopU.actjlo;( comfo^ica a(t\)ejevots. ccbe.toibaptet. tob? tbeibableftof fpeabing/^ ^olofetnestobefo^einbrgnaciS/ * J 9 ca?be tonto Hlcbf o?. Of o? f o moc&amp; laStboubaftptoPbecieubntobs/ fajingestbattbepeople offftaell ibalbebefenaeo of tbeit 0D/3 tojli (betoe tbe / tbat tbeteisnb 00 but^abucbobonofo^.yee toben toe oaie tbem all asoneman/tboual* f owaltpetr toitb tt)em tbo^ote tbe f toerw of tbe MKians/ anoail fftaei (balbe be ftrojeb totm tbe f anotben (bait tbou feie/ tbat ^abucbobonofo; i0 tbe 3Lo?be of tbe tebole eartb. b*n (ball (bt ftterbeof my bnrabtbobe gotbo?ote tb|f|be0/anb tbou fltaitfailboteneaicbteamsge tbe teoftbeb offXmel/9 ffialt not come to tbi feife aga?' ne/butbebttetl|beatoiebteitb tiw.mtvt tboutbmcbeft tap wopbecjtt be ttue / &amp;&amp;? boefl;


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boft tfjoa tfim cfjaffge tfip eoiourer'tobpaitetbou afrapebfCbinHeft tbou tbat nip too?b$ j&amp;arenotabietobe petfourmtb:' mt$ tbou mapettfinoto/pj ttjou (bait fete tbefe tbtng!; toitb tbem/beboioe/fro tbisboure fotfbtoiU J fence tbe bnto ponber people /rbattoben tbe punt^eWmpftoetb(tobfcb tbep baue to 0; t&amp;eip beff rueb ) fftlletb bp on tyem/tfyns mape&amp;bepunpllbeb toitb tbem. ^o^olofeHiescomauttoebbpsfemaaees to taftelicbfo; / atocarp bpmbnto e&gt; tbuu'a/anbtoDelpuecbpm into tbe baribes cftbtcbplb?enofffrael.peniolofernes : fewafttestofte&amp;pm/atoe'ttboztjto prapne feloe.Euttobe" tbepbjetonpe bnto tbemoil' tapnes/tUe Opnge callers came out agapnft Sem: J5euettbeles tbepgattbem atoapebp ef?woftbemountapne/abounbe3cBf02 battfesfotetoatree/afolefcbimbounbtf toithpeS/s tutneoagapnr bnto tbeirjl.o?be. * JBottof tbftanbpnge tt) e cbtfiwf of 3 frael totnte botrme fro" tfetbuua/camebntobtm/ lotofeo bPm/b.JougD t bfm into ertmlia/fc t bimintbempooea of tbe people/ atib afftea brnitobattbe matter toa*/ tbat tbe SOW ,. bab left&amp;jm bounce. *' 0riastbefonneofg$fcb3oftbetrpbeof pmeon/a &lt;Ebarnum{ tobtcbisalfo called eotbomeHtorretbe principal! rule rs at tbe fametpme. #0 to toben acbto; ttobein tbe miooeft of He &gt;enacou0/a before tbe all be toloetbcm/tobat anftnere begaue fijoio* femes, to tbe tbmge tbat be af&amp;ebbtm / ano

bote $olo feme* people toolbe bauedapne &amp;imfo?fofapmge/a&amp;oto$Qlofernes bpm felfetoastojotb/ftcommaunbeobpmfonbe fame caufe to be belpuereo bnto tbe3!fraeli&lt; KS; tbat toben be ouercame tbecbplbjen of gfraeibempRbtcommaunbeaicbtojartoto beput to bean) topib&amp;puetfe' toimftes/ be* faufebefapoeitbe ooof beaue" is tbetrbe* renoeeJoDtobenacbio? Dae plapneiptotoe cut all tbefe tbmges/all people fir Hbotone bpon tbelr faces / p^apfpnge tbejioj&amp;e/anD pcmtebout tljetr papers togrrtjec bnto tbe JUwtof tb a general! compiapnte anD to u ppnge/a fapbe:t&gt; )lo?be obof beauenaub of earftVoeboibf tbefe p?pbe/a lobe bpo oure fotoltnefl/anbcSfpbtfbomftltanwtb toitb tbSfanwteu/amafiefttobefinotone/fitbou fo;iafies not tbofe/ tobicb boibetbem fas bp tbe/aboto tbat tbou bjpngeft tbemlotoe/ft p;efumeof tbem felues/ amaftetbeir boatt in tb eir atone arfgtb .g&gt;o toben tbe toepwra mm of tbe people ( tobtcb tbe? nab maoe taetoboIebapeJongejtoaS ettbeb/tbep comftoteo aWtt* oj/faptnge : cbeiipob of oure fa* ftwytoboiepotoeraftrrgtbitboubaftpwp' reojBaHCotetoatof tbe/tbattbou ffialt ra* tan ft tbefe Beawttpwi, oeoen tbe &amp;o;oe

oure -00ft tben fcairgette Bfefmiafliep tftfjj libette/oob bealfotoltb%amonge b* ro rbatpf ft pleafe tbe/tbou toptb tbpne mapea btoell toitb bs. !2oto toben lias bab enbeb tbe ccflceH/ betobebnu into bis boufe/anomaoe a great fttpper/calleb tbe elders to it /mm rb ep re* fteobeb tbem feme* after tbe fattpnge. 3nt&gt; aftettoarbe teas all tbe people calleb tcge. tbee/tobicb maoetbeft pjapers all tbe npgbt longemtbecongregacpon/anbbefougbt ft obofgifraelfojbeipe.

Ce tbulf a to brfegea of Goto ft t ncg. cbe people qupjetft ft tip e of Ooo. a^cy o f 56f tbu lia toolbe ceue ouet t^e cvtpc fo; toantc of toatct. ffibc p?awt of the people utty teatea and lamentatpon. be.bti.Cbapter. i^enertbaee/^oiofemos com&lt; mafiDea bis bott/to go up agapna * teetbuua. Cberetoerean.Canb ,'w .tboufanoe fpgbtpnge men on fote/a ttoo a ttoentpe tboufanbebo;fmen/ berpbe tbe preparing of tbf tbat toew toSne: acametotbemoneuerp ffoeoutoftbecoa* trees ano cpties tobicbbebaotafi? . m tbeft pieparebtblfeluesbntotbebatta^agavntt f f d aeittes/ s came on bp bp UfpDe/bnto tbetoppe g ioben) met agajnft otbaim/ from tbe place tobf cb tss called Bemia/ bnto Cbeimontbatipetbtotoaroeiftbjelon. ' #oto tobentbe cbffojro of gfftaei ^ fo greateamuitptubeoftbeiBiftj^ajS/tberfeU^ botone flat bpo tbe gtounbey trratocDatbeS bpon t&amp;etibeaoes/swapeoroitb oncaccoio/ tbat tbe oa oE'jfraeitoolQe (beto bis mercg bpon bis people.anbfotbeptofietbeirtoea* penst/afatbettoirretbemountapnr? m tbe naroto place/a bepte tbe toape Dape a nigbt. ut robPie $olof ernes toas goinge aboute/ befounoe tbe toaterfpnfnge /tobftb frStbe $&gt;ouu) fpbe toas conuepeo into tbe cpte bp a Mnbpte:tbp0commaunoeo tjttobe &amp;p;ecte anotber toape/a to cut tbefc conbpte in ton* oer cbere toere toeiies alfo not farre from tbe toallcp/tobjcbtbepbCeDfecretUf/moje fo?pleafuretben fo? neceapte, ben toentr tbe 3tmmonptes atye j&amp;oa* ,. bfteji bnto^olofemes/a fafoe:Cbecbfll^* orjfrael truft netbet m rprare no? arotoe/ buebauetabentn/abepetbemountacneaa bplles.c^at tb ou mapett ouercome m tbet five tottbout tbe Btpbpnge of anpbartapll/ fettmento bepe tbe toeiies tbat tbep 6;atoe tiotoateroutof tbem '.foftatttboubeSrope

tbe tottbout ftoerue/o; at tbeieafttfteptnali befofeble/tbattbepmuttbe fapneto geue buertbecpere/tobicbtbeptbfrttlc notable tobetoonne/fojfo mocbeajft Ipetbm tbe mountapne0,Cbefe too;Des pleafeb nolo femes toeiiant) alibis men oftoarrc/atftbe m

. J

retanbutyefb meateuerptoellroaueauoue. 3nb toben tbistoatebbab enourebttoen - tpe oapes/ f cttternes anb all tbat ban toa; tee/ fitfeotbem tbat btoeit in tbe cite of JBe* tbulia/ fo.tbat in tobole cite tbep babnot nm^ ?nbugb foz one tape 7 fo? tbe people baotoater geuen tbem oaplie in a meafure.' Gftm cametbemen ano toemen/ponge per* tomes ano ctjiib;e allbnto JOttaS/anb fapb all toitb one bopce: ob betuoge bcttoprte bSanatb,e/fo; tbou batt oealteuell toitbbS: tbou tooibed not fpeabe peaceablp toptb tbe bpnge of aiffpjians/tberfojebatb ob folbeps in tbeirbanbes/anbtberefsnoman to beipe bs tobece as toe are b;ougbt bd tone

befo;e tbeirepesintbirft agreate bettruc cpon.cberfo;egatbernototogetberatbe people tbat be in tbe cite / tbat toe mapeaa f elbe oure femes totiipngip bnto tbepeople of olofernes :fo; better it is t toe be cap tpueanb pwpfc tbe Ham toitb oureipues/ tbento beOapne ano perttbe / anbto be iau&lt; gbebto fcomeanb (bameb of euerpmantob? toe fe oure topues anb cbplb?e n ope before dure epes.toe taBe beauen a eartb tbis bape to reco;be / anb tbe dsob of oure fatbers {.toWD punpfbecb bs aco;bpngeto tbe ttt ferupng of ourefpnncs)anbgeue goutoarnpng /tbat pe geue bp tbe cpte note in to m potoer of i^oiofernesbooft/ tbat oure enbe mape be tbojte tt tbe f toerbe/ tobf cb els (bat ensure (onge fo? toateoe toatera fo? Wrft. tben tbep bab f p often out tbefe toojbw tberetoasa greate toeppnganbbotolpnge fn tbe tobole congregacion/anbtbatofeue/ rpman/anbtbepcrepbantobolebourelSge bnto (Bob top tb one b op c e/fapege : toebaue fpnneb toptb oure fatbers / toe baue bone . amptTe/toebauebealttopcbrblp.cboutbat art gracious/ baue mercp bpon bs ^punp g tire bnrigbteouCn^ti tbpne atone fcourge/ ' a geue not tboreouertbatftnotolebge tbe/ bnto a people tobpebbnotoetbtbe not /left tljep fape amonge tbe i^eptijen : toljere is ' tbeir&lt;!5ob; anbtobentbeptocrefo toeerptoptbtbigi crpenge anb toeppnge / ibat tb ep belbe tbeit tunges/flDfpaS ftobebp toitb toatrpeepes/ atiofapae: taftegoob iiertes bnto pott/ (beareb?etb;en)anbbe of goob cbeate / anb let bs toapte pet tbefe fpue bapes fo? mercp of tbe jLo?b:perabuenture be (ball cuta* ' toape bfeinbfgnactS/ a geue glo?v bnto bis name/13 ut pf bebelpe bs not tobe tbefe fine bapes are paft, toe ai bo as ye bane fapbe, ca)^lKt;fuQurettoman3utJit[|'G3!)pc{)pjouf(I) tQeanitcictUes becaufc t\m femptco tbe low . ffye alfo moaetlj tbem to cnco;age bettenf people ;arto ftfjwlb Bee coded! agapnS f encmseo of f Jctof b - cbe,b(ii,Cb8|.


m ft bappeneb tobentbefe too rtes t came totbe earcjj of Jubin) a topb' botoe / tobsrb toas tbebaugbter of SIBerari/ fonneof pot % tome ofgiofepb/tbefonneof fl)fiab/ tbefonne of Clai/tbe fonne of aanrnio?/ tbe fonne of le* mn/tife tonne of mapbotnt/tbe fonne of a* cbitob/ tbefonne of fl$eicbfa /tbe fonne of uam/tbe fonne f jflatbania / tbe fonne of S&gt;alatbtel/tbe fonne of fbimm/ tbefonne of mu beit .ano beibouf bfio toas calieb^a naoes/tobicb mn in tbe bapes of tbe barfpe barueft . #o? tobplebe toas bpnbpnge tt)e cues togetber in feibe/ beate came bp5 bis beab /anb be bpeo at isetbuif a w cp te / a tbere toas be butieb befroebiSfatbers.lSoto 19 toasiubitb bS befolate topbbotoe tb?e peart ana fpcmonetbes.Inb in tbe bper parteffbt ber boufe fbc mabe ber f elfc a p^eup cbb?e/ tobereflje btoelt/bcpngeclofeb in toptb W mapbeiw.S&gt;be toate a fmocb of bearre/ano faftebvatltt&gt;e bapesof ber ipfe/ erceptc tbe &gt;abbatbes/ anetoemones atbcfolempne bapes tbat tbe people of jfraelbepte.^be toas a berp fap?e a beutlf ull perfonne. ^er boufbanbe alto bab left ber greate rpeftes/a Plenteous bontbolbe/ greate bnraoueabie pooeotons a manp eaten. cbiSfubitb toaS a to oman ofaberpgoob repo;te toptb euerg one/fo; 0)efearebtbejLo?be greatlp/ann tberetoasnobobptbatfpabeaneuellttorte ofbw. . m\)tn tbis 3Iubitb berbe / boto flDfpas , bab p/ompftb t^t people / tbat after tlje fpflte bape be tooiae geue bp tbe cpte bnto tbe 3Dflpaans/4be rent f 0; tbe elbers fltbam* b/ianb Cbatmpn/ anb toben tbep came to ber / (befapbe : tobat tbpnge f s tbis/ toberpn iSDfpas ban) cSfenteb/ tbat pf 00 Beipe not toptbpn fpue bapes / be topi geue ouer tbe clteto aop;iansf lbatarepe/gpet?pte

t^e lawi &lt;fffia beuice optapnetb no mere? of ob/but p;ouobetb bim bnto to?atb anb bifpieafure.tplpe frt g mercp of jto?bea time a appomte bi m a bape after poure toil* jQeuertbelcs fo?fo mocbastbe)Lo?be&lt;s c pacpentylett bs ratber amenbe oure felues/ . pourpnge out teates / anb befeebpng bnn of grace.!fo?!obtb;eafenetbnotasaman/ne' fbec topii be be p;ouofiebbnto tojatb as tbe cbiib?en of men.anb tberfo;eletbSbertels fall botone before bim/ ano ferue bim toitb a mefie fp^et e / anb toptb toeppnge epes fape bnto tbe tofix/ tbat be beale toitb bsacoj* . bpnge to bis atonetopllanbmeccp:tbatlpbe as oure best is noto bereb / 9 b?ougbt lotoe tbojototbepzp&amp;e oftbem/ftmapefobecS* f jteb tb o;oto bis fo mocb as toe fo*. lotoe not tbe fpnnes of oure fatbers / WtH foitoM tbeit ob / a too;Wppeb tber goo* 3$M&gt; USs



I '-

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be* : fo? #t tobWCwne tbee prrifteo toitb ibeftoeibe/toere fpo?l eb 9 b? c ugb t 1 ft am e ofall tbee;encmee*.ai*fo;b*/toe finotoe none otfte* cesod but unci? ftim/fo? to^ofe cS* fo;teiettb* tat&amp;&gt;to?tb mefienefle.Beftall requ??e amafie tnquifieiS fo; oute bloube/ ftom bejraceon*of oureeneme r$i&amp;c ftall b??nge botone all ffie eetben/ t&amp;a t nit bp agaenft b*/ ano put tbem to Diftonoure / e* urnttt&amp;ojtDeoure&lt;&amp;oi&gt;.

eb"fo?efieaitb?etb?eti/femseeearef Bono;ableamieloer* In tbe people of ob/ bnto tobom all tbe people baue tefpecte / a bpontobomtbe lefe of tbe people ftanbetb/ left bp r&amp;eft berte*toitb eoure erojtaceon/ : *tbeemaecaUtormemb;au"ce/botooure fatber* alfo interne* pa a toere tempteb/g tSeemegbt&amp;e p?oufD/eftbeetoo?fi}?ppeb tbee? ffiooatfgfit , &lt;i$ee ousbt to remeb?e/ goto oute fa tt) e r % b?aba m beenge rempteb/ anb tt eeb cbojoto manptrebuiactou*/ tea* founbe a letter anb feenbe of o&amp; , jbo teas gfaae/fotoa* Jacob/ fo teas Qpofes / 8 all tbeecbatpleafeb 00/ bepnge trp eo' tb o?o to man? troubles /to ere fouae QebfaS in faitb Igaene / tbep t&amp;a t receaueo not tbeir tenta* cBonsi toit&amp; tbe feate of ob/butputtbe" W ties fo;tb tottb bnpacernce anbmuwmitf ng agaentt ob/pere fteo of tbe be ftroeer/ anb toereuaene of retpete*.3nb tberfo;e ftttlbe not toe bnbertafie to be auengeb/fo; t bing tbat 1 is Done bnto b*:but to cntftteey tbat ail tbefepuneftmente*are farre Ietre tben oute fenne* 9 m foeDes.Seieurnge alto/ tbt&gt;0 cojteccf on commetb bnto b*( assto tfyeiw uaunte* of 00 ) fo; amendment /anbnot fozoutebeftrucceon. . cben fapoe &gt;fea* a tbe etttr* bnto |u Dytb'.JCH tbat tbou fpeafiett/f* true/ anb no man can r ep?oue tbe too;be* . $jm t&amp;eu fo? bsnoto tberfo;e bnto ob/fo; tbou art anboletooman/a featett 000 . 3Cn&amp; juoetb faeoc bnto them : &gt; eynge ee bnotoe / me to o?aes are of 000/ tljen p;oue me co ficell a beuece / ef ft be of ob:a befecbe ob/ ft)e ; toll! b;?nge me councell to goeb tnie. Cbu*baue 3 beuefefcfe (bail &amp;anbe tbig! nrgbt before tbepo;te/anb3|toellgofo?tb tofr&amp;3b;ampmaeD!#;aeeettbetfe;tbn* toob/tbatbetoell grateouflewnumbtf bf* people of gifraei toetben feuebaee*/ ass f ebaue fapo t % % f o; toe c&amp;cnse tbat go in babe to?tb all/arse ee no que&amp;e5*offt/ tell 5 open it bnto e ou mefei t&gt;e no men g eld but p;ae e bnto tbe &gt;lo?be ec u t e ob fo; me. Cbtn rpagtbep?fnce of tbe peopleof gfu* bafapiebntober: otb?toa?e in peacetbe %a&amp;x be tojtb tbe / tbattee waft be awn* Mb of oute enemt f ? . tnb fo tbe j toeme fto bwagapie. .

Cftb?'frbapter. flDto toben tijep toere gone tbe?? itoa? /giuoftb toetemtobwo?ato.* rp/put on an bearrpe mwc*/8to* JtoebaftWbponWtbfab/felbote' ne before m%ojm crpebbntobnn/faBefie HS&gt; %oft ob of my fatber $b ym e tt / toblcb gaueft ban a ftoene fo? a Defence agavnft $ enemeejS/tbatbfebbeolence a toviifuines anbtbattauplbeb iwm 9 putbtowf' boneU^cbou goues tber; toruegntto a p?at&gt;e/anb n&gt;efv baugbtet* in to captgufte/ anball tbeitp?a?efo? a fpople bnto tbp fer* uaunte0/tob?cb bare a ?ele bnto tbe / belpe me tot?oD oto/ JLojb me ob/3 berecbe tbe &lt;fo?n)ou bait bone all tbengeu from tbe be. gpnnpnge/anblofie tobattbou baS tafteti fnbanbeanb neuefeb/ltcame euertopaoe. f 0? all tb? toajejJ are p;epareb/fr tb? ubg* meteiJ are bone in tbet uerlaa^ng fo; fin ore; lobe note bpon tbe atmpe* of $ %u CKlS0/l?fteagtttoa0tbppleaCu?efomtpme to lobe bpon ede bboft of tbgepcea&gt;/tobe tbepbetngetoeapeneb/perrecuteb tbefer. uaffteg/aput tbefr trutt in tbmebarretteft bo?Cmen/ anb in tbe multftube of tbm men oftoarre.Sutrboulobebeftbpfftbetrboolt caQengatbpc&amp;barcbne{Sbefo;e tbem:anb toben tbepcamefnto tbebepe/tbetoatent ouertobelmebtbem. duen to tomittt it go toirg t&amp;efe / tbat ^ cruftfn potoer anbmultitubeof tbeir me ** of toarte/mtbetf cbarettw/arotoep a fpea* reu/anb anotoenotj tbat tbou one!? art oute ob/ tob?cb&amp;e(tro?e(t tear r eg from tbe be* g?nnt&gt;nge/anbtbattbouarttbeJU);be. left bp tbpne atme noto if fie ass euer from begerai jnge/anb t n t\)y potoer b? pnge tbetr potoer to naugbt / caufe tbe?? m?gbt to fail in tbe to?atb.bee m afte tbee? boatt/g o)ef toelibnbalotoe anbbefele tbe ^anctuat?/ anb to toaett tb e tabernacle of tbe nam e a nb to ca ft botone $ borne of tbene ait iter toetB tbee;;engetopaffi{fl&gt;Xo;b) tbat tbe p?ebe of n)e enemee maee be cut botone toftbbe*atonettocrbetbat bemaeebetaaf toitb (befnare of bft eew In meanb t tbou

maeeft(metebmttoetbiePbf0ofmeioue. fi&gt;gruemea Sebfaft menbe/tbatgjmaee befpefe blm anb W ttrengtb/a tbatamaee beftroeebem. _ bed Wall twngetbe name an eueria* g ttengereimemb;aunce /ef f ftanbeofatoo* man ouertb?otoebim. fo; tbe potoer (-0 jdo;b)(ranbetbnotm potoerof ml Metber bait tbou enepieafute in t Srengrb of bo;* jRU.ffi bere toaa neuer p;oube perfonne tbat pleaffbtbe/butln tbe p?apetoftbebumbie anbtrieRebat&amp;lbf pieafutebeaeeitermo?e. Ibou


. :i&gt;t9ou ob or m immimn mm U I toateru/a Ho^ie of all ereature&amp;y beare mepoo^toomS/caQengbpontbe/anbput: tengme truft tn tbe nterce. emetitb;e tbe couenaunt )Lo;be/ anb htenittertto;beu inmemoutb 79 tlable tbWbeuecelnme bett/tbattbeboUfemaeecStenuefttlntbiy ipeU/anbtbatali tbe^eitbentitaeeBnotoe ano briber flanbe / $ tbou art ob / anb tbat tbere&amp;none otbttbuttboa. CjttBfflj it cm M itltcto ge &lt;o boloft rtttf . d^ fcltffjng &lt;Uat tt} ttit w gao* Juo 1 1 &amp; . e 0! fee 1 us is talQUcttttltfiibUbi " ,".. . irbcjc.baptei}. . |&amp;b toban (be bableft of ete^e bm to n)e ]to;oe / ffie r fe bp from tbe pi ace/ tob e re ft e bab leen flat bef o&lt; ' re.tbf *o;be/an ttlietibtr maeoe/ toentbotone intobec'boufe/iaeeb beartie clotb frbm bet /put of tbt gar men teis of bit to^bbotobobe/ toaabeo t)er booe / anoenteb

(tft feiftt wecioua tbingi; of ftoete fauoure/ D;oebeo anbplatebbtrbeatte / ret an bocnie bpon bit beabe/ ano put on fbcbeappareli belongetb 'tmeogiabntffe/nippiWbpon itftte/armeletteis/fpageu/earengejs/ fen let tenge*/anb oecbte btrfelf toitballbft leftarape. . cbe %om gauebet alfo a fpeciall beu* tee anb fae;neae (f 0; all tyf becbtnge of bit felt ttasS not none fo; ene boiupteoufmffe anbpieafure of n)e f left/ but of a rtgbt oifetecton anb bertue /tbetfo?e beb tbe &amp;o;bt increafebirbetoteofo t u)etoaue]tceabin ge ampable ano toelfauoureo in all mens eeei* S&gt;be gaue bir maebe alfo a b of tell of toene/apot toitb oele/pottage / cabe b;eb$ (Cbf ^ /anb toentebir toaee . iSoto toban ft e cam e 1 tb t po;te f t b t tite/ftefounbe}fia0anbtbeelDer0 of tbt ite toairinge tbere. H9bicb toban rbey Catoe |jer/tbtetoeteaaonneeb/amarueieb great' ieat bet betote/ntuertbtie0 tbee aftceo no &lt;)ufQionatbtt/butitbttgo/raeenge^be ob of oure fatter* gsue f W gtace / anb toitb W Potoer perfoutme all tbe beurce of tbebttt-.tbatferufalemmaeeteiopfeouec 1. tbt/anbtbattbenamtmaeebeintjenom^ t&gt;#oftbeboiea ligbttoutf. JBnban ty e t toete tbere/favbt tt one be it; fo be 4t.3lU9itti matte bit p^ett bnto tbe no;be/$ tenteoutattt)epo;te/lbe abit maeoe. . : %nU$ fte toasi gotnge botone ttye mcun&gt; laene/t'tbappenebtbat aboute tbefp;inge tjftbebaet/rbefpeesofi afftrtansmet^ bet/dnbtofie bet faeenget tobtnee commeft woi&amp;l tobitbetgoeat^ouf &amp;be. anftoeWbifam a baugbter of 3 t?eb;tie0/-anb am gebfrom tbem/fo; jitnotoe/ tbat tbee ftal' . 5gtiiNneojott'Wbtfpojieb:btcattftHjtF

tDdiig&amp;tfctine-to etIW WmftMtm/ tbattbeemfgbt fenbemercein edurefigb^ cberfb;t baae 31 btuefeo be me ftif oltrt tb!* maner: 3f tbpii go btfo;etbe p;ehce fyo* lofernes/ana ten btm all tbettrecrewsj / ana toell fteto tjim/ljotobemaee come be tbem/ anb toertnt tbem / fo ttjatnot one man of bftf DooffllallpeWffl. afobtobati ttjtremen babberbe bn: too/* * be* / a confnttreb r)ft fae;t face / tbertotre aaonnetbi fo?tbte toonwenatbit eirctuent betotee)a(aebbntober:cboubaarauebtbe 1 lift be f^btng out tbttbtuete/ 1 tbou tool' bt&amp; tome bbtone to oure io?ot 5 be tbou aire/ tbat tot)an tboti cSitittt bnto bibi/beftailtm create tbettell/ atbou ftalt pieafebim at $ btrfc ao tbee b;ougbtber in to i^didferne* pauetion/anbtoioebtmbfbtr jSoto tobert ftteanietnbefo;ebim/immebiaflebetoa0 ouercorhef fabe toitb bit betote.^ben fa?a W feruauntwitobo tooioeberppfe tbepeo* Pie of tbegjetoe* / tbat b^ite fo fae;e toeme^ JfebUloe toertotbpreafon figbtagafhtttb^ fo;tbefe; &amp;otobe?ubi$fatoe$olofeme0 retting ntacanape/e toa* to;ougbt of pur&gt; pit 1 reifte,' goibe / &amp;maragbeanb p;eciou* Cones /fbe lofieb faflbpobim / 9 feilbOtone bp3 eartb.3l'nbi9oIofemes fetuafitestofie bet bp agape/at tbeir (o?bejs cSntaObement. ijotofcrnw ttmMQot ffitaftft' Jtofeotbte tf 4tbe.ft Cbaptefc . l^en fat b^olofernejs bnto bet \ti&gt;i of goob cbere / 9 f tare riot in tbene bert/fo;|neuer Qurte man/ tbat tooioe feme ^labucbobonofo; tbe *enge J* f 0; m peopie/ef tbeebab not befpefto m.% rbttibe not baue lift bpa fprarea gaentt tbe.Sutteil mehoto/tobat w caufe i tbou art beparteo from tbe/ anb tobetfo?e art tbou cornebntob&amp; anb jubiibfaeoe bnto bem: ^e?/bbDft* flanbe tbeuo;be* of tt)e banbmaeotn: fo^ t f tbou toiltbo after too?bts of tbe banc' maeben / tbe % o?oe (ball b;enge tbe matter to a p;orperou0 eflecte.3B*trulea*^abu* cbobonofo;alo;beoftbt lan&amp;eieuetb/aa*

truiea*be?tSbtoer leuttb Itotyty is in tbe totbtpuneftnteneofaiimebtbatgoto;5g/ all men ftali no t onele be fubbueb bnto b?m tboroto ttje/but all tbe beettes alfo of $ felb, f, 0? an people fpea&amp;e of tbe P^ubent acte* uete /anb ittjatb euer bene tepo?teb / bom tbou oneie artgoobanomegbtet in all be* nebSbome/anbtbebifctetton in commetibeb fnalilanbe*/ . , Cbttbengtf*m&amp;.iffe(latro7tt)at^cb^^ f paft e/anb it i* toti finotone / tobat tbbti c5 maubebft to bo bnto btftt Mt tt)l* i*piaf ne anbofa furetpe/ tf)at oure obt*fo to?otj

toibS Obp e leafonof oute fpnnes jc^at ye ^atH eroeb bp y ps ?opyete* bnto e peopie/ypto at fo? tyefcfpmtesbe toplf oe* ipuecem o ti er b h t o e cnempe* 8nD fo^fo .mbcb'aiwyecypiDjen of gifcaeuenottie at tyep yaue ro DpfpieafeDtycfru&amp;ob/ epate fo?e afcapcs oft^e. yep fuffte gteate fjortgpct alto / aim ft? . toante of toater,ep are beeb note mama* nee, SNouertyepareappopmebtoaape all tftcle eaten / at tftep mape D^ncfie t^ e blouDeofcm:ano aw putpofeb to f pence all tye y olp omamcntes of eftd&amp;obctoyicy ye y a fojbpbben ft cm to toucy ) (07 co;ne/ topneanbopie. ^epngenoto at ep.loo efe pnges / it is aplapne cafe / at * ep mutt nebes be oefttopeb U typey toben gityp yanbmapben pecceaueb/ giflej from tyeni/8tibe%o?6eyafent me bntoc/ to eto tye ere pnges. iffojgf.tbpyanD* mayof too?ft)tpe iSob euen y ete note befpae tye/ anD pyanbemapben an goof 0?/ alio 3) topll mafic mpp^apet bnto 09/ 9 y e auteiime/toyenyetoiiltetoatbetye'eft

fpnne:en an 3i come $etoe 9 tyfnge tiie o;oto'e mpbbeft of aetufaiem/f at tyouaitbauauepeopleoffraei;as $ epetoityouta epeyetbetcyete all not (0 mocyas oik Dogs batcfi agapnu eye/ fo; cbefe pngesate etoeb me up e pjoup Hence of &lt;Efob:anbfo;fo moey asoob I'scif* pleafeb tot tbem/yeyaty femme to ten 30 e fame. yefe toojbes preafeotypiofcnie* anb ail y is.femauntes/ toy icy matuelcD at tbe topf-Dome of yet/anb fap&amp;e one to anotyet : ty ere i not rocy a tooman bpon ear / at betotpe ;ano Dtfetecpon oftoojbes, ainDolofctnes fap&amp;ebntdbee: obbatybone toeii/tyat ye Ija fentcypetbefo;ep people/ tyat ou map eft scue em in to oitre yanbes. ainbfo;fompcy asp pzompreis goob/pf ty? d5ob petf purme it bnto me/ye al be nip &lt;&amp;ob alCo/anytyouttJatt be excellent agreat in tye eottrte of #abuobonof o? / anb t by name ibaibe Cpoben Qf m ailtbe lanbe. * CWofWnttr commaun&amp;rt&amp; tftat 3ftiMt&amp;ltoeKln# Meatrt. Wpnttytiti licence to go outnitbe nwr&amp;t eeafon to wot/ant outaittt&amp; it- Wagao te fcnt bn&gt; (0 tycytonmt yn to come to to (Joloftcncu toaiit* f M/atrt q&gt;c comme(t|.oloft(iU0 (0 ojontton, cye.#j,cbaptei!.


fcencommaunbeDbebeteogoin/ toy e wy is treafuw lape/anb cyat* gen tyat flje uibe yauebec Dtoel* jEf^^lpngeece/nDappopnteb toyae utobegeueyerfrom yf* table. Hu&amp;ftyanVmmiWWt*m fo? enieate (bat

ty ou y aft cbratitautifieb to gf lie me/ 5 mate not eate of it as noto deft "ppfpleaie rap 0ob)but totll eate oifocy a$% yaue b;ougyt toi'ty me. yen fa?be ^olofeme^ bnto yet: 3f tyefetytngeutyat tyou baft bjobgbt totty tye fapie/toyattyausebobntotyefinb^ bity (Wt'M tculv .ais ty ou ijueft m j lo?be/ tbiyanbe mafoen all not,fpenbeau tbfp/ t pit oa yaue b? d u gy t to pane m mp yanoe/ tyetypngedtyat? yatiebettpfelr. ... $&gt;o btp Ceruaunteg tyougbt beetn, to fyt&amp; ten t/ toy et e ap y ebab apposnteb, |hb aft a e toass go^nge in / Q)e fief^ebtbat ft e m'sgye yaue leu e to go f 0? ty by nigy t fc b e f o?e bate/ eo y crp;ajee anirw male mteeceffg on onto tyeHo^be. yen commaunogb^olof ernes W cy ambetlasne?/ ty at ftjeuibe go out 9 in atyee piea(Ut/to p;a;e bnto @od ty of e ty^ebajejj* " 30nb fo in tye npgy t feafon e toe f o;flb Into tye baiiepofjeetyutta/anbtoaayeoyec feifein tye toeii toatet. yen toenteebp/ anbbefougyt tye j.o?oeobbf |ftael IMC ye tooioe pjofpete yer tease /fo; tye Drips uetaunce of W people. &amp;mm* toente in/ anb tema^neD cleneinyee cent/ tpll e tone yetmeatefntyeeuanjnge. . a &gt; pontyefoutty Da?eit yappeneb / fbat^oiofetnejs maoe a coftlpfuppce bnto y vs ^ fecuauntes/9fas&amp;ebntoaaagaoy^cyam betlagne-. 0 ty? toape/anb councell typs ^eb?ueac/tbat tmarbetorllpng to con* fent to nepe company tot ty me.rf 0; it toete a amebnto an tyeitflsn'ansi/ tyatatooman ulbefolaugyamantofco?ne/g etoete come f com ysm bnmebleb toity all. yen toente naagao bnto %0lty9 fafb: jfUt not tyegoob baugytetbe afeapeD /to come in tomp jLo^bey at e mape be yonouceDbefo^eypm/gftemapeate^Wnciie : topne/? bemecp toity ypm^ntotoyomju* bityanftoereD'.iiayoama/tyae-3!uiD rape mpHo;be napef toyatfoeuec in gooDbefo;e W epeg/a all 00 fttanbloftetobat 10 yps Pieaftire / tyat an % typncKe to ell Done/ astlongeasjipue. Sjo eftoDebp/anbbecWe yetfeiftopty _ yerappaceil/anb toente m/'anDttobe befojel

ypm. Htnb $010 1 m es y ette toas toyole mo* uey/fo tyat yeb;ent inoefije totoatseyer. anb ^olofernes fapbebntobet-J);pnbe noto anDfpteDotone/anb bemerp/fo? tyou baft founbe fauoute before me. yenfapbe in* birb:g)pi/'gi topll Djpncse/fojmp mpnoeiis mecpee tooape /en enecittoau In an mp lpfe.3nDeto8eanDateanbD?anBebefo?e bpm/tye tbpngestyatbeemapben yab pje&lt; paeeb fo? yer. ainb ^olofetneu toad mecp ft yet / anbb*ancfiemo?e topne /tyen eueebc bpbafo?embp9Jp{e,. -_


.' "V

^ -

/ -'



Cfoloftsnes flfapetH fa? ttvg 6/onclUM s/aao juottft ' tnttfty of !)H ^eaas/auC got t^ Hjcrtoflb (ofacc atmw pesplcof Vi;om 9e is teteauco toit^topf, ffi^cy geue i8ntlBtmfooO/fo?ti)fic aciyucminct. Juou^ fpeabetb bnto Slcl)io?/ tt(|it( matuclrtti at ^r ftatr tenito&amp;olofctna*. , ye,jnj.flryaptet. ; to toyen it toa? late in $ npgyt ibP3 feruauntwmabebafte euctp man tobp? Iobgpnge.3Dnb agao ut tye cyambec Do;e0/anD toent toape/fo;tyep toete all ouerlabentopty topne.^o toag lubity alone in cyambet. 3l|8fo^olofernei3beiapebpon ti)t beb all

toonc8en/9 of beep D?onc&amp;enne0 fena Oepe, yen commaunbeD futuiy b er mapd / to ftanbetoityoutbefo?etyebo;e/ a to toapte. 3nb3iuby ttooe befojetyebeib/ maHpnge bee p;aper toity teaees/ a motirb y et ipppeg fern ttp/9 fapor&amp;trengtyl-me^xojb^ob off reael/9 yaue tefpecte bntotbe too;cftes of mpyantieg in ty 10 y oute /tyat tyou mapft t f et bp^y p cpte 1 5 e rufale/ ipfie a? ty ouy aft p; ompae b;&gt; gcaunte at bptye 3 map pet* foittmetye pnge /tobpey a yaue be upfeb o?oto ty c beleue ty at I yaue tn ty e. _,. 9nDtobeneyabfpoBentyt0/e toente 70 to ty e bebtteabe/anD lotofebtye f toetbe tyat bangebbponit/9Qtftoitout.yentofiee y olbe of ty e y cacwe locfcejjof y y eaoe/ anb fapbetD trengtb e tne D 3Lo?oe obin tbp? youte-,9 totty tyat/ e gaue ypm ttoo tit* ; teu bpon ty e necb/ anb fmote bf big y eaoe. yento&amp;eaetbecanappatoape/anbroiieD : fbebeeDboupafpoe.?mmeDiatrpegatbet IW*/9Deipuecflj f ye at of ^oiofemtg bn&gt; to yet mapbe/ 9bab bet put it fobec toalet. . 2Dnb fo ere ttoo toente f ony togety et ft jyeitcuftome/att tyougy tyep tooioe p?ape/anb fo palieDbp (be ooft /anb came tojoto tbeballepbnto epotfe of e cpte. no lubity ctpeb afarte of bnto e toatcy * menbpS tye toalie0: pen e gate0(fapbe e)fo? oD(0toib*/toyptyfatbrtoeD yisipotoer in jftael. anb toyenffiepyeatbe yetbppce/ tyep cane&amp;tbe mm of e cptpe togetyet.anatbepcameaiitometeber/Ktie imbgteate/pounge 9 olbe/ fo?ep ougy t notateulbeyauecomerofoone. #&gt;o fbef Ipgbteb fancei? / anb gatyercb aboute bee eueticyoncbut e toente bp into nype place/anb caufey fplence to bepzoclamebv &gt;- lyeneuetp man noto yeiDeyfetbnge/

^lubftycapbe: p?apfe^,o?beouteob/




!O;yeyau0tDefppreb/no?fo?fa8enem/ Ibatput tbeittmtt in bpm:fnmebp0bftM mapb5yebaperfourntebyismetcp/tobicy yewoimiteDbntotyebouteof'ifjaeltpeein IbPbanbetytis faraettpgytyaty yeaapnetbe fliemp of bp&gt;J people. . 3nbtoityatetofiefo;tye beabeof ttunwc

^olofemeif but of tye toallct/anb etoebtf em/fapinge Jjetyoibe tye yeaD of QoIcp femes tye captapne of ty e 4i%ians,'$ &amp; if e canapp/ toy etin y e la pe in big b? onfi?&gt; nes:toyecee^o;be oute csob ya Oapne ypm bp e yanoe of a tooman. &amp;ut as truip as tye o;d lpuC/b is tn* geiiya fiepte me/goingeityee/i^map? npngete/9cSmpnge ypiyetagapnefeom ence Jnb e 1 ; d y a ty not fuffreb me y is yanbmapben to bebefpieb/ but toioutanp f iif nes of finne bath ye b?ougy t me agapne bntOpoutf at toity grrate bt'eto;p/foat 3i am eftapeD /3 pe be'ipucteb. j gwe an* sesbnt ypm euetpcyone / fo?ye fs otacp* ous/anbbfsmeecp ensure toiwc. &gt; ftotyep p?apfebe &amp;o#e aitogeet/9 ana gaue anfies Bhtoyim.3Cnbtoyetep tapbe:beio?byabie(reB$myispotoet/ fo;o;oto ebeyab;ougyt oute^icmp* es tonaugyt, anb lias tye cbefe ruler of- . e people of tftael/fapbe butoyets jpieffeD act ou of e Ho;d e tye y pe &lt;ob/ aboue an toemen bpon earty.

; 1&amp;mtt e xom / e mallet of tiea* uenan&amp;eatty/toyicy ba gpyeo e atpgyt to ttounbe ano to fnipteof tye yean of e Captapne of oute enempestfo? f s oape y e yamabepnamefo yono;able/at y pjapft allneuet come out of e mo u ty of men/toyt cy ail all toape tenten;e t potoet ofemo^:refngouya(tnotfpatpne atonef eif e/but put t in ieopatbp/eo nfts u ting eangup anb trouble of typ people/ anb fo baa yc ipe b eit fall bef o;e (Bod oute Ho;be Jnb an 9 people rapoe&amp;men/Sme. 9cbn; attb toas calleb/ a ye cam e. yen rapbefuDftybnto ypm:be0obof jftaei ' bnto tobbftou gaueft ttimes/at be'toolD beaucgebof yisenempes/euen yeyais npgyt o?ote mp banoefrnptten of e yeaD orauebnfapfuft.3nDtyat0umapclt fe tyatit fois/beyolbeisis \ beab m o lofeened/toytcy m y is p?erumpttibus p?pbe DefppfeD tye cs of tye people of jnael / 9 ;eateneDe tot betttuccp0/fapfng:tob? e people of |ftaei istaften/31 aHcaufe cbe alio to be ttpeatctof e ftoerbe.iy en aeyioKato^olofetnes beab ye fell bo tone bpon yis face to egtoScefo?betpangu&lt; afeate/fof yeftootoneb toiail.ut aftec atye toas come agapne to ypm felf/ye fen bo tone befo je y er /a nb p?apfeb yer/faptnge: lrireDattouofp obfo ane tabee* naclesbf1acob:fo;anepeopletbatbeate of p name/ all p;apfee (ffifob of Jftael becaufe of e.

Cff&amp;ecouncfUof ?tt&amp;i&gt;. Bc^fo? tetaj an Haffrt mart/turnctt) to afoD.ffitjt aiynina avtaftaftBif bb^. b&lt;



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Cflrbe.rtifi.crbapret, WW) fap D bn to all f pr opft :38?e* ;ft;l beareme.&amp;tpcbbpftrtbeas icbyoivoucc toalless / anO tofjcn &gt;unneatpretb /taftecuerp mart Wtneapen /anb fall out bpolentip:nota* ftougbpe toolbego befpoe fte"/ but to renne bp5ftem/tfibtolence . iben fte type* ft t ente* fe fti*/fyep (bail of necemte be com* peiles tpfle bactoarb / anb to tapre bp fyept eaptapneto $ battapll . &gt;o tobenftcp? ca ptapne* eomeintoiaolofetne* paupiton/ ano fpnuelbeeb bobp to?appeb tofye bloub/ featfufte*ftall fall bpon ftf: anbtobenpe petceaue ftat ft ep f I e, f oi o to e ft em tot ft ou t all catc/fo?(3oD (ball belpuct ftem bnto pou/tobeoefttopeb. bcn aftpo? repnge fte potoetof ob tobtftbe bab ftetoedtintofte people of Jf* laci/feilofftombi* fccaftenfftbelefe/anb put i)ps ttutt in&lt;W/anb let bpm felf be cir-(iunclfeb:anb fotoae u e nomb?eb among t

people oflfrael/be ana aUbi*paaewte ton* totbp*bape. ',&gt; : 35 Sottas foone a* it teas Dave/ ftep tticat bp ^olofemes beabbpon fte toailte / ano euerpman tobebf* toeape /anb ro ft ep toe te out topft anbtwftle erpe . Ifeben fte fppes fatoe ftat/ft ep rann e bn to I^oloferne* tent. anbtbep ftat rmetoifym fte rente/ came bef o;e b pss cbambet/ anb mace a great e ruf ffiing to toa&amp;e b im bp, tsecauft fte pfyougbt topfyftenopfetobaueraptebbtm.tfoaftere burftttotoneoffte2ffprtan*firtoelje/gom cjopen. :\ . ut tobm fte captapnes anb pjpnee* anballfte cbefei'n fte fipnge of fte aopjia"* boo a came tegefter / fte; fapbe bnto fte cba^etiaphe*:opouretoapeui/anbtoa fie irim bp/fo?$ mpfe ace ctepte out of fyeft bole* i anboatte p;ouobe Wbnto battapll, C cben toente ci agao ft to bp* ftamber / Aobe before fte brb/ anb clappeb topft bps banaeg/fo?beftougbtbebabbeneaeppnge tojftgpuwtb. 38ut tobenbe f)ai berfteneb perfettlp ft ftp* eate*/an.bcoube petceaue no fferpnge/ beteenlteftrettotbebeb/anbttftftbp/anb &lt;bettfiitofbeibebbbootcf^cioftttie$Ji

engeftete.tofft oitre a tjefib / toettwbfft&amp;fi* bloubetopon fttfeattb ^rtjeti cueobetoift loube copce/anb toift totppngtfht W c &gt; ftejaMbttemefttog!ubiftgtent/anb;f:of bet no t : 4Mb fo be leapte out bnto tbe peopi anb fapbe: one tooritan offte Jetoes/baft b;ougb^ali$abucbc&gt;bonofo?* people to fta* o? lo/ioloferrteg ipeft bpon tbe grotto anb baft no beab, - -* &gt; ..-Ul s 'i na&amp;rn ftefeof fte Sflftfan* booS^cl ; ftat/fteprenteftep;clofte*/ahbftefli anintolietabie feate anb ttembipngebpoft .ft em/fog fttp; mpnaes toete fo?e a frapeb*: anMberetoafran ejtceaopng great* cpeiti .ftetobolebooft.. . v - -,: ''#: -.1 ',:*&gt;

''GCEi)tftpgi)tofe5eaffw(aitB.Et)rpur[u(eofJft^t ftcmcnkf ttel tMOtarii) tpcftg/ bptjefpopue ot t\)t fl%ua9.3fuDitb &amp; papfco of, 3o(inane ^ t&amp;r people* .'&lt; f-*' .' .;'.' Cb^.)ft. Cba^rt. , f ' : b) toben ail ft^oott betbe ftat 36 ^olofernes toas beaaeb inwgt mpnbeanbcouncellfeilfcotnft?: l. F_'jj . &gt; ffanbfocb a feate came bpon ftf it tbfpbnbettofietobefenbetbe feuiefsbpfhje"$s . atDape:onetpafienotto anoftet / but baft* geb bobjnetbeitb&lt;flbf*/ieftalI bebpnbft?/ 9 maoebaae to efcape ftom mbimm$ ftep b/ ftat ftep toete battpng to come after toift fterttoeapeng/anbCo ftepflebbp fte teapesofftefelbeg/anb ftojoto alifte fotepaftessofftcoaftsJ. 3Jnb Win t tbHbJftt of|fraellfatoe ftac ft e p fleuftep foiotoeb bpo tb em / anb toente botonett ttopetteflyblotop g anb m aupnga gceate ctpcaftetftl. M fo; fte acrprianp/ ftepbab no otoe/ anb Sept not ft em felueu together /but fleoftrtrtoa?e #euetfte.etje fttlb;en of attael fell bpon ft em tcift one copanpanbo7b,e/anbbft*c9ftteba0manpa{( ftepmigbt gett. K'ftbfiDftais fent meffaungerp bnto all fte est jes anb countteea pf gftaell. &gt;o alifte reg^ai ftettbeft menafteeftf ftibamefllf/ $ftpe ft em toffy fteftoeroe /tpHftepcametoftf bttemott patte of ftett: bo;bn.3Dnb| "tbi f toete in tfeftulfa c am e in to tbe iihittt 1 fte3ff??taft0 / anb tofie all that fteptefipcU toete fled bableft bebpnbftcm , anb foftep / fouftbe great goob.ano ftep i came a gapne / to ffifftub'a from fte battapll / tofie tottlj / ft em f oft ft mges a* fiab bene tbeftU ": ft ere /

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teas no nomb?eof fte catellinb of all (iotf*/ Ip^etoeiu / fo ftat ftom fte lotoett bnto fte

&amp;pe|tyfyep toete all mabe ttfteofftefpop^ lesofftem, 3mb?oacbmiftet9pep;eiTat aetwtalem/cameto jeefttflfa toift all tbe eaew/ftatftephitfibtfeaubftb. 1*7.

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&lt; 0m WEwifte came out bnto ftem/Wep beganne all to p;apfe bertopft one bopce/ fapfngeifton too?.ppe of fteepte of ftm* (blem/ftoufopeof gifvaei/ fyoubonoute of ourepeople /tbbubaft bone manlp / anb ftp bette te comf 0; tcb / becaufe ftou baft loueb clenlfttejs 9 cba apte / baa unoto en no man l)utfypneatonebufbanbe:ftetfo;e baft fte tanbeoffte)io r bcomfo?tebfte/anb bieffeb ftaltfyoubefojeueta'nb all people fapbe: fobett/fobett. : 3in ftp;.tpe bapeg coulbe fte people of gpr* rael f cf e gaftet bp tbe fpople* of mm fpjtan0.Su tall tbat belongeb bnto $olo* fenie0/ababbenebP0fpecfallp(tobet|etft v toete of golb/of filuet/p^ecpou* ftoneft'elo* ftmge anb ail o;naftente0)tbep gau e it bnto

3!ubift. 3CnD all f people retopfeb/boft toe* men/mapbf{i/anbpongepeople/totftpfpe0 anbbaipes, Gttfte rongc of 3uO(tfl fo, t qcbyctwpt. Sfcec (be toietttpeottafnctwge people commetb 10 3ufalcm/ to toojfllfPP. ano p;apfe &gt;5oO. CCbe.tbj.Cbaptet. % !S^^1 e " f onse Slubift fttt fonge bnto ]fte^o?be:55egpnnebnto f llotot bpon tbetab;ette0/ffllge bnto fte fJlbjb bpon fte cpmbale^ S&gt; finge bnto bpm a ne to fonge of ftanbefgeupng/be topfull a call bpon bt* ttame&amp;tfe tbe Mk (bat beftropeft toatre*/euefte JU#e f* bt* name, iebtcbbaftpltftebbt* tente* mfye wpbbett of W people/ftat be mpgbt oelpuec b*rtStbebanbeofallouveenempe*. aaut cameoutoftbcmountapne*tftemultitu* be of bt* fttengft.f* people ttoppeb toa&lt; Kt b?obe*/a ft ebo?re* coueteb f ballep*. ^e putpofeb to baue b;ent bp mp lanbe/anb toOapemppongementofftfteftoetbe. ie tooiDe baueeacpebatoape mp cbplb;e anb bfrgpn* in to captpupte/but $ almpgb^ tpe]to;bebuttebpm/ anb belpuemftpm fit tofte banbe* of a tooman/ tobpft tyougQt bpmtoconfufpa.^o;fte{i;mpgbtpetoa*not WfttopebOf ftcponge men.git toa* notfte fonne*of cttanftat fletobpm/neftecbaue ftegeeategpaunie* fet ftemfelue* agapft ; bfm:but3iubffttbe baugbtet of fl^eratf tt b fap;e oetotpe baft brfcomfpteb bfm/anb b?ougbt btm to naught, jfo? Qielapebatoape gectopbbotoe0gatment/9putonfteappa ten of glabneoe in fte wtopftnge of fte cbpl* ?en ofjftael. febeanopntebbeeface/anb fiounbebp berbeaweft anbooue/tobegpw b i in et dtppet* tatif fteb tys epe */ b e t beta* tpecaptpiiatebbp*mprt6e/topftftectoeme fmote fteof b* neeB.CBeerfps* toete ', f onn peb at bet ftebf aftrieW / attb fte a0e&amp;e* atbetboione*.cbenbotoreD fte armpe* of fteaCp;fa*/tobempfpmpteappeateo/b,se



bfftpMf.^bcfonnesofftebflngbtet* baue &lt;E peatfebftemtbo;oto / 9 aapne m a* fug.tpue cbplb?en:ftep perpq? f bin ftebattapll/ fo? ftebetpfeateof fte no?bemp&lt;Eiob.iet bgfpngeafongeofftanftefgeupngebntof ?Lo;be/a neto fonge of p?apfe topll toe fpnge bnto oure &lt;J5o&amp;, %oM/ %om /ftou attea gteatdPob/mpgbtpeinpotoet/tobbm nomS map ouetcome JU ftp creature* tyulbe fet; ft ou fpafieft but tbe tdoim ftep toetemabe:ftoufenteaftpfp;pte/anbftep toete cteateb/? no man can totftftanbe ftp bopce.bemountapne*Oiall mbueftb" fte founbacpg* toift ft toater*/tbe ftonp rocfie* (bail meu before tbe Ipfte toajce. ut ftep * feate fte:ftslbe greate tt ftefn aiifttnge*. iobntoftepeopleftattpfebpagapnftmp genetacpon/ f 01 fte ailmpgbtpe &amp;o;be topi! auengebpmfelfeofftem/anbftifte bapeof fubgementtopiibebprettbem. ffo?be (bail geuefp?eatoo?me* intoftefrfle/ iftep mapbutneanb felettfo?euetmo?e. after fti* it bappenea/ftat after ft ebfc* 9 to;p all fte people came toaetufaif /to geue p;apre 9 ftancae*bnto fte TLoto. 3nb tobe" fteptoeteputpfpeb/ftepoffteballtbefrfeeC facttftce* anb ftettp;bmpfeboSnnge* Jnb iuatft offrebail^olofeme* toeapen* &gt; anb allfteg|etoel*,'ftat i ft peoplebab geuf bit/ 9 fte canapp ftat fte tobe ft5bf*beb/a ban* gebftem bpbmo fte 5io#,6e people toa* topfull/a* ft ebfe f*:anb ftf*ftpe bp reafon of fte bfcto;pe / topft Huaift/ enburebft?e monefte*. ; &amp;o after ftere bape* euetp man toente bomeagapne/99.ubffttoa*fn gteaterepu* tacponati6eftua/^tigbtbono?ablptafie in all fte laae of iftael. mntobn be rtue al* fo toa* ftaftfte lopneb/fo ftat after bttbufr banfie^anaffe*bpeb/fteneuet b neto man ailftebape*ofberlpfe.!iponftbpefb^pne bape* fte toente out toift gteate to o^bt p p e,

^ b e btoeltfti bet boufbanbe*boufe anbun* b;eft$ft'uepeare/3 left bttbannmavbe fte? 9 bpeb/a toa* burpeb befpbeber bufbanbefn JBeftulfe. 2Bnaaii fte people mourneb fo? berfeuenbape*.3&gt;olonga*ftelpueb/tbere toa* none tbat troubleb fftael/a manp pes* re*alfoaftetbetbeafy. ^cbebape tobetm ftf*bicto?P toa*'gotte7 toa*foiemplpboiae ^reftenebof fte Wetof* m ftenomb;e of fteboipbape*/$ ft&amp; petgreatlpbolben of fte|toe* rtietfence/biito fti^bape.

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tobubatenetbetfounbeintbe $eb;ue/nerintbe Cbaloe. Cff9f ojcamrsf GEjactiscljsuB, a&amp;e.ri.C6aptw after tbeftatpne. 3ftDoct)eu0 f&amp;t fotwe of 'jatt/tfte fonne of&amp;emei/ tberonncofCifefoftbetrtbe 'of J6en3!amln/ ageto-.tobftb babbigbtoellpngin &amp;ufig/ lamanogffrgfltetetmtaCPon/ excellent amonge all.tbemcbat toere in ttjc fcpngeg eourtedSJeuertbeleaebetoagone of tbepzeronerg/tobom #abucbobonofo;t&amp;c SipngofSabplonbaDcarfeD atoapefro^e* rufalcmbntoEabplon toitb^ec&amp;oniag tbe Bpnge ofSu&amp;a.fln tbefeconbepeatecftbe rapgne of great attarerfeg in tbe fp;ft bape pftbemonetbiSlfan/babtbtg^atbocbeug fccba ojeame-.^etbougbtbebetbe agreate tipeft/bo;rtble tbonberciappeg/ettbqua* 6C0/9 great bp;oure fn tbe lano:9 g befatoe ftgreateD;ag60/teabptoffgbtongapnft anotber.&amp;beir crpe tea?! great Jt tbe togicb wart tig etpe a Seatbftoeee bp/ to am .agapn&amp;t&amp;e righteous people Jnbtbefame ^bape teas full of batcfineg 9 berp toncleare/ fuUof ttoubte9 atigupft/peeagteatefear* fulneg toag therein all tbe lanue. cbetigb* tuoug toetearrtareb/fo;tf)epfeareb $ plage 9 eueiitbattoa0oeupfebouettb? /9 toere at apo^ite tw'tft tftem ttlueft to use. fcotbep ctpeb bnto 000:9 tobple tbep toere crpenge/ tbelptle toellgreto tntoa great rpuee 9 in to manp toaters. Snb toptt) tbat it toag Dape/9 tix furmetofebpagapne Jnof lotolptoeee ejtalteb/9 beuoureb tbe gfo;tou0 9 p;oube. go* toben S&amp;atwcBeu* babfene tbpg b;eame/be atoofie/9 mufeb ftebfattlpfn W bette/tcbat 0cb toolbe bo; anb robe beffteb cofinotoeaHrbeitratter/anbbp0mi&gt;ttlietoa0

tbempmibntpfltbenpgbt. C^acoo(5tue wwtijtyt twaton tKUj&amp;U agapna tljt *pngwin&amp; ft tktttoit xtmtWt of 0(m - cobe.rtl.cbapter. SErSwUIG defame tpme btoelt ^arbo. ebews toptbagatba 9 caregtbc feingeg Cbamberlapneg 9 Po;terg oftbepalaee.j&amp;uttobenbebeatoe tbeirbeupcc/anbbab bpif gentlp ccnfpbeteD tbefr pmagpnacp5g/be perceauebtbat tbep toet e about/ to laps tbetr cruell banbeg bp5 tbe ispng 3rta iwr ftfranb f be cert pfp to tf&gt;e ItpngtbetotobmcauftDtbeiapngetoera. men tbe too geiaeb toitb to;mI te* Jnb to&amp;e

tyep babgraateD ft/ t&amp;ep toere put to Deattj. cbfetbeftpngcaufebtobeputmSCto* npcle0fo;aneuetfattpngercmemb;aunce/ anbflParoocbeM to;ote bp tbe fame.ntat*~. ter.jfeo fbeSspnge commaunoeD tbat flat* Docbtug Qjuioe bo fetti^ce in tbe ccutte/ana f 0? tbp0 faptbfulneaeof bv.s, be gaue&amp;pma . retoaroc.uf aimantbe fonne of aimabatbti tbe agagite/ tobpcb teas tjoiocn in greate. bonoute 9 wputacp on in tbe fty ngeg coutte bnbertobetoburte g@arbocbeu0 9b?g peo* pie/bccaufeoftbettoo cbamberlapntftbas totwputtobeatd, Cd&amp;e cop p sf t&amp;e letters of fitr f atetfta agajn9. t&amp;jJetew.ttijepjaKtofiaSarOQ^cuB. _ tt.Cbapte*. . * i^egteatfifnglwayerfejjfe&amp;fc^* rapgnetb from ginbia bnto &lt;tbic pw/ouerartbuno;et&amp;anbfeuen9 IttoemselanDc^/fentietbbigftmb.

I$ratutact'onbntoailtbe^;cnceianb&amp;ebfteg of tbe countree?/ toy i cfj be fubfecte bnto b^bomstnjon. nBben3toa0mabejtotf&gt;e ouermanspeople/9babmbbuebtbett)boK eartb bntonip Dompnpon/m? mehbetoag ; nottoitbctueltpe 9to?ongetoeicaite mpfelf ' bptbe reaf on of mp potser ; but purpofeb tt equate altoafe anb gent vines / to goueene tbofetbatbebnber mp furffflf ccton/9tobo* iptofettbemfnapeaceabieiffe/anbtberbe to bamge mpfisngbome bnto tranquslKte/, tbatmenmfgbtfafeljgo tbo?oto on euevp imi anbto mutmce agasne; tobjjcb aH mmntty}t,0o\)a tob en % affieo m? Count** ** lerg b to tb ere tbpngeg msgbt be b?ougb t to agoobenbe/tbere rcagonebr w/erxelient intDSfbome/toboregocbtofll/truetb/anb fajtbfuinejs batb oft bene Qjetteb anb Vio* ueb( tobf cb teas alfo tbe ptfncfpafl anb nrjee bnto tbe fepnge)3Cman byname -.tobpeb cer* tpftebbU/bob) tbatmall lanties tberetoaff crepteinarebeiijouB folbe/tbatmabe Ca* tutejs anblatoe0agasn(t all otber people/ 9 baue aiitoai e nefpprtD tbe p;ociameb com* nmunoem t nt eg f i55 ngeg'- ana bote tbat to? tbig caufefttoerenottobefuBreb/tbatrocli rule Qiulbe cont|nuebnou9not to bepuc botone.^eyng note tue perceaue tbe fame/^ g tbtg:peopie alone are conttarp bnto euerp man / btynge Staunge anb otber maner of latoeg/9 toi tbttSBe oure Oatuteg 9 bof ngeg/ . anb gbaboutetoftablffbfb/etob matteW tbat oure Bfngbome ttuloe neuer come to goobeftate/an&amp; aeofaflneg: cbfo?ebaue toe cmnmaunbeb / tbat all tbe; tbatateap* Sopiteb fn toyptfng anb ftetoen bntofou ht man(tobfcbf*otf&gt;eneb 9 fett otter an oure btifvneg; anb tbe moO p;f ncppall nttf bnto tbeftmge/flnbfnmaneraisafatberjaan . toitb tbt it tojueg anb tWwn &amp;mm ea anb

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(tnbtofeb duterbt'rb tbeftoerse of tbefrene* m? eg anb m uerfarpeg t anbtbat tbere Qiaf be nomercp (betoeb/anb no man fpareb.Snb t&amp;Malbe Done tftertffl. base of tbemonetb (canebaioar)of tm muimt tbeptobfeb of blbe{9 noto alfo)baue euer bene rebellion*/ mate Atone oaye toy bplence be tbjutt eotonefntotbebell/totbe intent tbat after tbte maner/ oure empr;e mate baue peace anbtranqupifte. _ )3ut j^arbocbeu* tfjougbt bponall tbe ^too?cfiegatio noble acted of tbe&amp;oae/ anb ituttcb&amp;p/afetbntobfm/taM&amp;JUuoe 3Lb;oe/tbou baleaunt anb aftrnjgbtf e bmge (fo? alltbfngeg are in tbppotoer/ 9 V f tbou toplt belpe anb belpuer|fraei( / tbere to no mantbatcantoftbttfoenerietttbesfojcBbu baa maoebeauen ana eattb/anbtobat toon* betoug tbwtge fo euer igbnacr tbe beauem tbou art 'Ho;oe of all tbpgeg/ 9 tbere tgno m&lt;i it canreriatbe^))lo;b)cboubnotoea aUtbFngejS/tboutooteft'/Lo?be/$fttta0ne rberofmalpce/nerp;efumpcton/nerfo;enF befwe of giotf / g 31 toolbe not botoe botone my feife net too?ftpppet&gt; onber p^oube p;e* fumptuoug 2Bman ( ( 0; | toolbe baue bene content/9 tbat to j tb goob toyll / pf it mpgb t baue Done $fraei enp goob/ to baue fiptt ene bpg f ote Beppeg )but tbat 1! D?Df t/ becanfe 31 tooioe not fett tbe b on oure of a man in tbe fteabe of tbe glo^e of oD / anb beesufe % toolbe too? (Bpppc none but eneuj tbe m? Xro;be.ainDtbW baue 51 bone in no p? jbe net! Wefumpcfon. C anb tberfo?e)io?be tbou ob 9bfng/ baue mere; bpon ft)v people fo; tbesfma&lt; gtnboto tbef mape b;fnge bg to naugbt/? ee tbetr menbe anDDefp;e tjt to beQrope anbto ouettb?otoetbepeopie/ tbat ban) euer bene tbgne enbetitaace of oibefl&gt; befppfenot tbs po;cio/tobicbtboubaaceliuereb9b?ougijt oute of Cgppte to? typne atone feife. ^eare mpp#i?er/9bemerc!fullbrttotbp people/ tobom tbou ball cbofenfo; anbetetagebm totbpfelfe.Curnc ourecSplapnte 9fo;otoe fit to i ope/tbat toe mape lpue sd ^o;be/ano tmtt tbp name. &amp; jlotfe / fuSre not me moutbesof tbe $ p?apfetbe/to bebrttropeb. 3il people of tfraeifnlpbemaner cried a* earneftlpas* tbep cottloe bnto tbe Hojbe/ w; tbeft DeatbanDbettwecpon ftooebefo;e tbeftepw.

CQ^epjafer of Si)ft! fo;t{X UdjUftfaiiftceef gee " rt ^^cbejrt^ifli!bapter. : saene csatjec alfo bepnge f n batV tapn of bean) / refo;teb bnto tbe &amp;o;De/!awDatoapebergio;pbu0 ppareil/ 9 put on tbe garmented

tb8tferueDfo; f tteaocof p;ecpoug opntment/ fbe fcatercb adbeg 9bonge bpon ber fteab-.anb ag fo? besJ bobp/fbe bumbttbtt / anbb;ougbtft iwrp lotoeJlltbeptocejJtoberefbetaagtoontetoi battefopeafo;e/tbofefilieD fbett ^ bearre/ |fbeplucteoutberfelfe.S&gt;be P;ape8 aifd bnto )U&gt;;bf ob of grmeitt tbefe too;beg, fl)mp JLo;oe/tbou onelp art oure fipnge/ belpe me befolatetooman / tobpdj baue no belper but tbe/ f 0; mp mpferp 9 DeQrticcpon febarbeatmpb8De.ijfromppoutb bplbaue berDeouteaftbefipmeDof mp fatber / tbat ebon toseftjf cael fro amongeall people (9 Co baue oure father* of tbetr fo;e eibetg) tbat tbep fbuibe be tbp perpetuall t'nberp* taunce/anblobetobat tbou DpbeSpjompre^ tbem/tbott battmaDe itgoob bnto tbem. #oto toeil torn / toe baue rpnneD befo;e 3a mi tberfo;e baft tbou geuenb* fn to tbe banDcgof oure enempe*/ becaufetoe too; fbfppeD tbefr goDbeu . Ho;be tbou art tpgb* tuoug.j5euertbeies ft rati rf it tb tljem not/ toe ate fn bptter anb beup captf tn'te anb op^ ftedeb amSge tWi but tljoti bad lapeb tbeit banbeis bpon tbe baubeg of tbefe tbat tbep begpraie to fane atoape/tbc tbfng tbat fbou toftbtbpmoutb baft o;beneb 9 op* popnteb:tobeftropetbpnefnberptaunce/to &lt;butanDtoftoppetbemoutbe0Oftbemtbat p;apfe rbe/to quhlf tbe glo;p anb to 0; (ftpp'e of tbpbouTe anb tbpne aulter/anD to open $ mmitbegof$$eatben/$ tbep mape p;apfe tbe potoeranD bertue of tbe gobbe*/ anbto tnagnffpetbeOe(blpbpngefo;euer.

O )Lo;oe/geue nottbp fcepter bnto tbem &lt;# tbat be notbpng/left tbep lattgb b* to fco;ne fn oure mpferpanb fall : but none tbetr be* upce bpon tbem felueg /anb puntfb b m/tbat batb begonne tbe fame ouer bji /anb fett bf m to an ejcample. Cbfttcfie bpon bg JLo;be/ anb fbeto tbp feife (n tbe tune of oure biftre* abb of oure trouble, jbtrengft) me tbou spngeoftiBoobeg/tbou JLo;oeofall potoer/ geueme an eloquent anb pteafaunt fpeat^ in mpmotttb before tbe jLpon. cutnebp* Bert in to bate of oure enempe/to beftrope bfm/artb all focbag confent bnto bpm. $ut belpuer bg tait^ tbpbanbe/ anb belpe me&amp;e* folate toomah/ tobpebbauenobefence nee belper but onelptbe.jLo?oe tbou finotoeft all tbfngeg/ tbou tooteft 3 louenottbe glo;p anb to 0? lb pppe of tbebnrpgbtuoug/ 9 tbat SbateanDabbo;retbebeb oftbebnettcum* cpfebanbofall^eatben. Cbou finotoeft anb tooteft mp neceffpte/ tbat 1 bate tbe tofien of mp p;eempnence 9 W too;flbpp/tobftb IbearebpS mpbeab/ tobat tpme a* g! muft fbeto mp feife anb be fene/s tbat 3f 8bbo;reft igan bncieanedotb/anb Pfib.b. tbat


lje bo

fiat's toeatett ...,_ T . ^ alone bg mp Cett.a&amp;ou bnotoett alfo tbat 3 tbvbancemapbenbauencteatenatlCmana fable / anb tbat J.bauebab nopleafute no? bciftemtbeftpnge0 featte/tbatabauenot bjpncbe tbeb;inc&amp;Qfftfage0 /anb tbat3|(bv banbemapbenbau*ba&amp;no(opefencc$oape

tbatj; toa* u? ougftt Upt^er/bttto t^ip uatc/ tmtenelpfatbefi) JU&gt;;be.. tlou&lt;E5o&amp; oE aM6am/i tbbu nngfttge dffob abotie all/ bearetbebopceoftbeytbat baue noneotbee b ope/ a belpuetw out of tb e bSs of tbe topc Beb/abeipuetmeoutofmpftate. rtmrttftUtcefffonf6rpeople/tmep(i:fo?/ nteHHKw*t. ticbe.jb.Cbaptet. 3 f^3lJ3bbpontbetbp;bebapeft bappe* neb / tbat ^ e er lapeb a toape tbe moutnpngegatmentes/ a put on ^^&amp;etglo;tcu0appateu7anbSec!tte jet felfe gooblp (aft a Qje bab called bpon 4&amp;ob/tobfcbi0tbe bebolbet anb 3&gt;au(bure 0falltbpnge0)ioaettoomapbe0tobet:bpon tbe one uje leaneo bet felfe '80 one tbat toa0 tehbet: tbe ot&amp;er folotoeQ fjw / anb bate tbe ttapwofbetbeftute.cbelbpneofbetbeto' tpe mabe bet fate tofe c oloureb . srb t fpmttp= tuDeoffjct face teas cbeatfull anb amiable/ butberberte toagfwoufuilfo; great feate. &amp;&amp;etoenteintbo;otoalltbebo;e0/aaooe befo;e tbe bpnge . cbe lasnge fattbpontbe ttoneof bfe awgocme/anbtoa* ciotbtttn i)(0 gooblp atape/all of goto / a Cet tottb wctou0ttone0/ anbbeto0berptertpbie. $e Ipftbp bt'0 face/tbat one in tbe clmnta/ anb IofieD gcjw jp bpon bet . often fell tbe ffiuene botone/toa0 pale anb fapnt/leantb bet felfebpon tbebeaoe of tbentaebe tbat toentetoitbbet. #euettbele0&lt;3obtumebfipng$mpnbe/ tbatbe toa0grntie/tbatbe leapt butt of w feate fo; feare/anb gat bet in bi'0 atmes/anb b riD berbp tpll fbe came to bet felfe agapne. $egauebetioupngetoo;&amp;e0 alfo/ anb fapbe b n to ber.$eQet/tobat 10 tbe matter; / 31 am tbpb;ofljet/be of goobcbeare/tbou flialt not bpe:fo;o'ure commaunbement touebetb tbe " comon0notttje.Comenpe.anDtoitbtbatbe beloe bpbte goloen toanoe / anb lapse itbp5 bet necfi/anb enbjace b bet ftenblp/ a fatfce: talfietoftb n raps wq fatee u)e(fiD ftb;be)a0 an Sngell of 00/ a mpbert 1000 troubles fo;feare of tbpmalelrp a cleameffe fo? excellent anb toonsetfull att tbou ( &amp;o;be)anb t9? face 10 full of ampte. ttutjus

Cbetoa0tbu0fpeafift]gebntobtra7 (befell botone agapne to; fapnfne0:fo;tbetobpcb raufe tbe bfg tea aft a;eb/ anb allbf0 Cet* uaunftgcomftytebbtt.

G^etfopp otitis ictttrs of attfjomte/toSubp 6t ttuob0 6ofe tD^te b( fjjB fenOfojtb* &amp;e.rbi.Cbapter. i $e gteate lai ng artajKtfW/to&amp;f eft] tap gnetb tto Snoia bnto tb&lt;bpta* ouetanbuns;etb a.rrfciu.lanstf/ Ifenbetb bnto tb e P;mte0 a tufa* of tbe fame ianbe0/focbe as ioue bpm/bP0 ftenbip falutacp on. ebe bcmanptbat fpj tbe fons;pe frenbtbpppeg a bene fptejs tobf $ atebpuetflp bone bntotbem fo? tbelt'too;*, wpppe/be euettbe mo;e p/oube a bpe ntfn* beb/a bnbettabe not only to butt e cute fub tecte0(fo; pie teo 110 beneffte0 maie tbe; not fufite/anbbegpmietofmagfn fometbfnge agasrift tbofe tb at bo tb em goobi a tafie not will? all bntban&amp;fulne0 ate ape from men) but in pft&amp;e a p;efumpc jon(a0 tbef tbatbe bttrnpnoefuli a bntbanbcful! fo; tbe goob bebe0}tbepgoabout to efcape tbe fuogemlt of oD/tbat feptb all tbmge0/tobt(b(tubge&lt; mettbate'tb a punpabetb all tepcfieoneg. %t bappenetb oft alfo/tbat tbe? tobtcb be (et (it oSpcebptbebsetpotoet/ a bnto tobomtbe btiCpnes a catiCe0 of tbeftWecte0 ate cSnu'ttcb tobebanbleb/toatep;ouoe/ aoefjn? tbf femes toptt) flUeoDpnge of Innocent blouse/ tobtcb b;fttgetb fljem to (ntoletable bu we. ttdblcb alfo toitb falfe a bsfceatfull too;be0 anbtortbipengtale0/bifteaueanbbettace tbe innocentgooDne0 of P;tnce0. oto is it p ;of ptable anb gobb/tbat toe tabebeDeymabefeatcbtbetaftet/anb cortR** oe t/not onlf tobatbatb bappenebbnto b0 oC oiee :but tbe araefull/bnDoneft/anb nop* fometbpnge0/tbattbebebitr0b8uenotota ben(nbanbebefo;eouteepe0:anbtbetbrto be toatteln tpme to come/ $ w mace mabe tbefcpngbomequfeteanbpeaceablefo; all men/anb tbat toe mpgbt f ome tpme bjatoe it to a cbafige:anba0 fo; tbe tb? nge tbat note (0 p;efentbefo;e oute epe0y to toitb ttanbe-ft; anb to put It botone; after tbe mooft f unw manet. tObat tpme note as Eman tbe fonne of

imabatbu tbe fl^acebonpan ( a Otaunget betel; of tbe^etftanabloube / afatteftom oute gooone0) toa0 come (n amSgeitf 00 an aleaunt/anbbabopta^teb tbeftenbQnjppe tbattoe beate totoatce all people/ fo tbat be ttas caiieb oute fatbet/ anbbabut^febo* noute of euerf man/ a0 tbe nett anb pjpnrt* pall bnto tbe Spnge/be cottlbe not fo;beat e bim felfe fwmbWP^be/ batb bnbettaiieti not onelpto tobbe b0 of tbe bpngbome / but of oute Iff e; leitb manpf oibe blfceate aifobatb be be&lt;^ ttftb to beOtofe 0&gt;atborbeii0oute belpet anb p;ereruet / tebicb batb boneb0goob in an tblngt 0ub&lt;nnocf t Wtx tbe m eiar tabet

taiietofoutebmgiiome/toltbattbetpeopie. 1 0? w mmt toajic tobe n bebab tafien tb? witeof tbe toape / anbtobbebi)0oCtbem) b? . .tbi'0meane0tottahdatetbebi^tg&amp;bmeof Jletton0bnto tljem of S^acebbnt^TBut toe ftnbe/ tbat tbe jetoe* ( XD\}Vti toete accufeb of tbe toicBeb/tbattbev mpgbt bebefltopeb) ate no euel l b oet0/bti t bfe teafonabiea tigbt .latoea? anb tbat ctj fo be tbe cbj?lb;en of tbe mott $i?e ipupnge mmv tobom tbe &amp;png&lt; borne of .&amp;0anb oute p;ogenitout0batb bene toeilo;iebbitbetto.lbetfo;e/a0 fo; &amp; let* tet0 anb comntaunbementeg /'tbat bjete put .fo;tbbp|bmantbe fonne of 3mabatbu/ pe (Dallbotoeli/pfpebolbetbemolnooeeftect: fo;ben)at fetttljembpanb mgmQm/ bangetb at ^&gt;uK0 befo;etbe po;te /tottball 610 bpnteb/anb (5oU{W cb batb all tbinge0 tnbi0pptoet)batb tetoatbeb &amp;i&gt;m aitetftp befetupnge. ainbbpon tbt'0 pe all publtlb anbfetbp j^tbecoppof tbpsicttet fnallplace0/ tbattbe Stetoesmave fteipanbtoitboutblnbetannce bPlbetbem fcluegaftettbcft atone ftatute0/ anb tbat tbep mapebe&amp;elpeb/ anbttjatbpon f.tU|.oapeof.i:ti.monetbaibat/tbepmape be auengebof tbem/ tobpcb in tip tpne of tbelt angupO) anb trouble/ toolbe ban eopi P ; e ffe d tbem .f, 01 tbe ti?ob fyat gouern etb all tbpnge0/batb tu tneb to tope tbe bape/ tobet fntbe cbofenpeople Ibulbebauepetilbeo. fl9o;eoucivamoge f bpe folempnebape0

tbat pebaur / pe(ballboilietbp0 bapealfo'co aIIglabneffe:tbatnotoanbm tpmeto come/ tbt0 pape mape be atememb;aufice togoob; f 02 all focb as ioue tbe p;orpetfte of tbe#et* ftaiis.but a tememb;aunce of bedtuccton to tb ore tbat be febicpon0 bnto b0. . , v 311 cpties anb Ianbe0tbatbo nottb(0/al bo;tptip petpfb anb be befttopeb toptb ft)e ftoetbeanb fp;e/anb(bail not onelpbe nomo;e inbabiteo of men/but beabbo;rebaifooftbe topibebeafte0 1 8fOUlC0. "- C e&amp;e enae of tbe read of tftcboftc of &lt;fl&amp;er.

CCbtboltfof anOtoftofaef!ioftttatfpn&amp;cfj{m,a)fttiebolpsooa^ lWett\\Q\)tta flpc from bacbb((pnjj mutmutma^^

* ^


J - ^


Cbefp;licbapteii, i $&gt;ett pottre affecrtbti bpon topf borne /pe tbat be iuDg0oftl)eeattb.auea goobopiiH"onoftbe)lo?be/ anb feftebpm in tbel'pngie* ^ c . . 'nefleof bette. Jfo;be topll befounbe of tbem tbat tcmptebnn not/ ana appeatetb bnto focb as puttbettttuft tn tjini M fo; ftotoatbe tyoug&amp;tc* / tbe? fepatatc ft5 (Bob/btit bertue(pf itbealotoeb ) refouv metbtbebntopfe. 2W&amp; tobp^topfbome Ojall not entte in to a ftotoatbe foule/ netbtoeii in tbe boop tbatflj fubbueo bnto f pnne . jf 0? tbebolpgooft abbo;retb fapneb mittoute/ anbtottbb;atoetbbrm felfe ftp" t&amp;ougtye* tbat ate tottboutbnbetff anbpng : anb tobete topcfiebne0 batb tbe bpperbanbe/be flpetb ftom tbence.^tbe fp;eteof topfbome t0 10* upnge/gentleanbgtactou0/anbtopilbau6 nopleafutembimtbat fpeaftetbeueii toptb bP0 lpppe0. fl 0; ob 10 a toptneffe of bp0 tepne0/a true featcbet out of bf berte/ anb an beater of M* tonge . fo; tbe fp;ete of tbe )lo;befplletbtbetotmbe cSpatoeof $too;ib/ anb m fame tbat bpbolbetb all tbpgetf/

batb bnotolebge alfo of tbebopce, - Sbetfo;ebetbat fpeaaetb bnrlgbtuou?^, tbpngeS/tannotbebpbb/netbetmapebeef** cape tbe lubgment of rep;ofe.anb tobpii'n* quifpctbn tyalbe mabefo;tbetbougbte0of tbebngoblp/anbtbetepo;te of bp3 too;bt0 (ball come bnto &lt;$ob/ fo tbat bf0 totc&amp; eone* malbe punffteb. ffo; eateofgeloufpbea retballtbwtge0/anbtbe nopfeof tbe giub gtnge0/ (ball not be bPbb.cberfo;e betoatte of mutmurpnge tobtcb tSnotbpnge toio^b/ a tefrapne poute tonge from fclaunce r &amp; 0; b&lt;te i0notoo;oefo barcft anb fettete/ tbat tt mall goo f 0; natigbt i anb tiit moutb tbae fpeafietbiPWOaretbibc foule,


" '

craubetbetpsbtuouss/ stable not fo; oute pjof et/p e e tjeie cieane cottar? to oute Domg$.9e cbe cftetb bs f o; oBenbtng agapnft tbe lato; 9 fclaunojctb bs an ttanfgtelloura of ( mabetb bw boon tobaue ^ ftnotolccgc of &lt;KoD/rce ft e calietb ^im felFe oris tonne. $e is tbe beto?aft of oute tb ougbtes: 3it strut tb tojs alCo to lobe Upon brni/fo;btoipte tffnottpBc otbet mettf /bps roapes ate of anotbet fafljpon . 9 e coun tf tb fas but bapnepetf onnep / lie tomato etb bpm felfe ftom oute toapeu an ftom f pitbpne^be WM , *.-... - , ^. ....-.. eamenuefl) gteatlp tbe latter enoe of f toll/ berbntotbembQtbtottbtoojDesatootfes/ 9 mabetb Dp* beau tbat obtpbp* Wtoe*. awtob?letbeptbpnc8e tobaueaftenae of &amp;etb0retbenpfb(0teojbeebemie/lettb0 bft/tbepcorac to; bngobiptbac p;ouetobatroaJcomeponbfm:foaialllMm w - * -*-' j 6notoetobatenoebe(baUbaue.tfo;i&gt;fbebe^

C tfftSenotfttreateiwbeatototbeetrou* wolpouUpfe/Oelttopenotpoutfeluep tbo*

t oto ty e too;c&amp;es ot poure atone o; tiwo ftatft not maoe oeatb/ netbet ftatft be pt ea t'ute in tbe oeutuccpon of tfte I p u png e . Jfo; be triateoalttbpngcs/ tbat tbep mpgbt Oau*tbeirbepnge:peealtbe peopteof tbe eattbbatb be mm ftftev Qwlb baue beam)/ tftat tbere ibulbe be no be Sruccpo n in tbem / anotbattbe fepngoomeof bell amine not be bp9 e'artbifo; tpgbtuoutoeffe is euetlaflmg awinraotfall/outbntpgbtuoutoes b;pn* gem beatbJ^eucttbelefle / tbe bngobi? call

atenmfeoetatetoltbber ano taue bet parte/ ateiDo;tbfofDtfltb. tbftt coun U U agayna tf)t fajtijfutU ccbt.if.bapte|. . : j uf^=p0;tbebngooi?taifieanb?magto jtbus amongt tbem felues (but not rigftt-oarftc time of oute Iff e is but __Jft)o a tebpoup / a tobena man to once gone/bebatbnomo?etope net plea&amp;u re/netbetbnotoetoeenpn$tbattutnetba oame ft 5 deatft-.f o? toe ate b o me of naugbt anb toe all be beraftet as tbougb toe baa neuee o; oute b?e tb is at a fmofce m oute nofttte w/ ano too;bes an a fpawb to tnoue outebette.30 to; oute boo?/ It (balbe b ftp aCtbe* tbat are quentbf b/anb out rouie mallbanpm a* tbe toft ap;e.ute ipfe (ball paffe atoape a tbe trace of a douoe / 9 come to naugbt as tbe mp&amp;tbatts o;?uenatoape toptb tbe beamed of $ g&gt;oime/a put ootone tttbebeatetbetof. sDutenameaKo ttraibe f o n o tt en b? lp tie anb Iptle / an b n o mS $ a II ftaue oute toojcfteS to tememb;aunce. 30 fQ?curetpmeisabei?Q)aaotopatretb atoape/ aaftetoureenbe tbere Is no tettir* npng/f o? tt f 3 faft fealeD/fo g no m a com e tb agapnr.omeontbetfo?e/ietbjJenfoi?e tbe pieafuteji g tbetate / aietttwsfoonebfe tbe ' creamteii*eajsta?cput&amp;.letotflfpllou . T elues to! tb goob tome anb opntment/ tftcte ' ftaUnoaouteoftbetpmegobpbs.teetoHI otoneoutfeluej toftb rofeu afo?etbe? be toftbeteb.cbeteO)aUbenorap;e mebotoey but outeluft Hjall goo tbo?oto itXf tt e urtp one o f sou be pattafeev of oute b oiu p t u o uf nes.Hetb0ieauerometobforouvpleafure

to e tie tf place/fo; tftat (0 oute p o? c?on/ f 10 getteenotbinge

tfte ttuefonne of&lt;sob/be topii teceaue bim 9 belwettom ftom tbebances of bis enemies ftetbp epamenblmtottftoefpftefullrebube ano t ozmentsnge/ttw t toe mage fi no toe W tngnt'te aRbp;ouebi0 pacien ce .% -e tt bs con cemnebfm toftb tbemott ftiamefull ccatft: f o? Ijfteag fte ftatft Cpofcen f o Qjall ftc be ve* toatoeb. &gt; ocb tbtngeti bo cfte bngcoip f magto/a Boatttaje/fo?tbrtr atone toscfiecnes batft blsnoeb tbem M fo; tbe m?a ertt0 of cb/ tb ep bnbetftan&amp;e tbem n o t-.tb e? netbet b op e fo j f tetoatoe of tpgbtu cut n e &amp; , n 1 1 tegatoe $ too;u)fpe tbatbolpfoulen wall baue. j?o; ob cteatrbmantobe bnaeflrore b/seeaftfttbenmHBeofbteatonelrcfineromabe'bt btm.j9eutttbtltffe u)o?oto enupe of beueil came beatb into tbe too?Ibt /anb tbep ^ftolot ofbttftoe/ooaubeootb. C&lt;8%e tonfttuacf on and aOUtanct oftfte t f 3&amp;f to:*. O^t tetoacae of t&amp;c fay tt) full.;tbapter. a got tbe fo uies of tbetigbtuouu ate to tbe banoe of oo / a t&amp;e pome of oearb (ban not toucb tbem . $n iff fpgbt of ft bntotfetbej appeate to uje/9 tbeit enbef* taben f o; bet; beQtuc cpon.f be toape of tbe t|gbtuou0 Uitobgeb to be bttetbeQtuccpon/buttbetaretoteft. 3nb tbougb tbep fuffte pame befo;e men/ Ceti0tbeftbopefullof immo;taiptc . be? ate punt (beb but in f etc tbpnges , neucttbe* leffetomanptbfngepftall tbe? betoeii te toatoe M o? ob p;ou etb tbem/ano fpnoetb tbem mete fo?bmtfeift:see an tbe golbcto {

fomacebotbbtrtte n)e / ? teteauctb tbe 80 a b;entoffetmgr / anbtepentbe tyrae eom* metbtbermalbeiobe&amp;bpon. % &lt;cberfgbtuou0fbailCbsneaaa fpar&amp;e*

ipgbtuous/ietbnnotfpatetbetotlibotonft v-^~.-..^ .--^ e 7 ~^oior man/letb0not tegatbetbtbtaoesf ate tbattennetbo;dtotbetebebuflbe.ffibes(bal grap fo; age.X,ettbelatoeof bnttgbruouf- iubge tbenatpons/^batie bcmimonouet^ cneoe be oute aucto;(te/ fo; tbe tbpng tba t is pr opiey a tbefc 7Lo#e (ball tar gne fo; euec fcbicttnotttwetiPo;tb.cbeft;eiett&gt;9be* cbe^i pattbeftmtdtobjm/ fbantmoev* Oanbf

[" *


. . . . m .fliwtfr/a focb asbe faitbfuii/ toil agree bnto bimtoioue:fo;b^cbo(en mail baue giftep speace.Suttbe bngooip Ibaibe puntaeb aco;DingtQtbeft atone jmagtnai ji9n0/fo;tbe?bauebefppfeijebettgbtou0/ afo;fabentbe)Lo;De. teboro eefppfetb topfbome ^mutout/ Bettbnbappie/anoa!ifo;tbebopeofrocb/ itiB but bajne/tbeit laboiitg bnftutefuH / ano tbeit too;Be0bnp;ofieable. beittop ue0ate bnbifcfete/anb ujritcbtlb;enmott bngoblp.fjeft creature feonrcSfcBleaeb t'0 ,... atfh^bnbefgrebTBblcbbatbnot cnotone tbe f nf uii bebb-.lbe a l ban e ftute to f retoato of tljebpipfouieg Jnfibfeffeoiiif fgelDeb/tobicbttbfisbanDe0batbto;ougbf no bnttgbteotifneffe / netpmagtoeb tofebeb tbtogeaagapnQ &lt;t0dtt.&lt;ffo;f)ntot}ttn Ojaiibe* getieng fpeciallgiftoE faitb/anbtbe mod acceptable ponton in $ temple of ob. f 0; J jSJo;toupi0tbeftuteof gooniabdute /a toe tote of toptoome fljall neuet fabe atoape.

30 fo.i c|jtIb;eof abuoutrerss/tbep fljall co ihe to .anp nbe/ a tbe feae of an bnrigbteoup b ebb (ball be to ceo out . nb tbougb tbw ip ue lotige/ get Qtal tbep benotbing regatoeb/ ^taefriattage Owlbe toitboutbonoute . ft tbepbwbaftelp/ tbepbauenoftope/ netbet IBalitbepbefpo!ietom$bapeof &amp;notolebg #0; bp;tt&gt;ble 10 tbe beatb anb enbe of tbe bntfgbreouj*, 1

C$)ftc i&amp;naeficnccacpan of tftcfaptftfaliyanftof &lt;t)ciFfttftftc.4Df tdcOcattj of tl;erJBtw/ano of (be contemiiacy on'of l) t bnfaitlj full. : Cffibe.tiij'.fllbaptet. -^^sra^otofaweifjacbaftegenetacion u KKfiasKMkjjjfj^j-*^ tnemo;iall tbetof it's immo;tat7/fo;it(0 bnotonetb . ^ -Jgoob men.Haben tt is p;efent/mi ta&amp;e eraple tb ere at.-ano p it go a toape ' pet tbep bf tp?e it . ^t is ail toape crotoneo a b 1 bento bonout/ a topnnetb remarb of u)e . bnoeff ieo battapii . 58ut $ muttftubtof bn goblp cbtibJets bnp;of(table/anu? tbpngj i ate pl^teb ft tobo;bomeyfl)al ta&amp;e nooepe ote/net lape enp fatt founbacion.bougb tyt be gtene to | b?a(icbe0 f 0; a tpme /pee ftai tbej be (babe % tbe toinpe fo; tbcp (tabe not faR/atl)o;oto tbe bebemeceof | topnbe tbep Jbalbe toteb out. jfo? $ bnparfecteb;a* imcbes fljalbe b;ofie / tbeit ftute ftsJbejm* |t;offtabIe 9 fotoetto eate/ pee mete fo?no fftngjnb *W all $ cbilb;en g ate bbme of tbe toiefieb /niuft&lt;beateteco;beof toic= Jtewieffcagapfttbeft fatberp amotbetg/ tobrtt tbepbe affieu .Kut^ouBbtbetigl). teouabe ouettafien ft mail vet (ball be , be to tell. *&gt;. 3Cge(0an boiiowMetbftwc:neuettbeIes it Banoetftnotonli'mtfteic%tft oftf me/ net

in tbe muuftube of peateg:buf amatol tof* Domet0tbegtape beatte/ano anbnDeftleb rpfeis ti)t Wbeage.f epieareaoi) / atoafl tljat tobeteas be ipueba^ monge fpnnet0 / bettanfiatetj bimyee fo* benlp toas be tabe* atoape/ to tfte intenttbac toicnebnefrefljulDe not alterftisbnoecftqn^ bpnge /a tbaf ppbctpfpe fljuioenotbegjie bi0 foule . fo; S craftpe betottebpng of ipeiS mafte goobtbpngeg batcn /tbe bnttebfaft* neoeaifoatoicftebne0ofboruptuou0befp;e ttttne afpoetbe bnbettranbmge of tbefpm* pie. cbougb be toa0 foone beeb/pet fulfil* lebue mpcb tpnte.*o;trfS foule pieafeo o&amp; tbitfo;ebatteb be totanebim atoape from amohge tbe topebeb . mis tbe people fe / abnoet(tanbe(tnot:fbeplape notbp foclje JbpngW to tbeit ftertejs / bote tbat tbe lo* ttpnge fauotue 9 me ;e p of op 10 bpon bP3 f apnetep/ a tbat be ijatij tefpecte bnto bp0 cbofen. CbiiU tberfgbteoit0 tbati0beeb/cohbem* ttftb tbe bngoblptobtcb ate Ipupnge : 9 tbe poutb tbat to foone bawgbt to an enbe/ tbe longelpfe Of tbe;tbepfe enne oftbetopfe/ but am bubetftanoe not tobat obbatb beupfeb f a; btoi/a tobetf o;e aye TLo^be ftatft taben bt'm a toapf.InbtobpJ tbepfebim9befppreljim/tbetfo;elballoD alto laugb tbem to fco;ne: &amp;) tbat tftes tbemfelues (ball bpeljete aftet(butto(* tbontbonout)peein flwme smog beebfo; euetmo;e .vffo; toitbout enp bopce (ball be nutft tbofe t be puftbp/atemouetbe ftS founbacion0 /fo $ tbep (balbe lapeo toattc bnto tbe bpeft . bep fljall moutne/ atto tbeitmerao;pall(ballpetpflie. &gt;otbep bepngaftapeb (ball temebze tbeit fpnne0/ tbeit atone topenebneffe (bail beto jape tbe. C&lt;Tf&gt;e conrtnnltifB off tfQfittoee uefo.T tlirif pit* Cequuecc8.flCbe6opeoftl)cA)nfa|)ibfuUtel3utiiiraUW toapiw.ffit)cnUffr6nc8aiibf'i;tuiia&lt;itfeofHai&gt;'t itts % gooly. Cbe.b.bnptei;. $en (ball tbe tfgbteoug (lanbeto ~ gteate aebfaflnefle agapnftfocb * as&amp;aue pealt e^ttcantelp toptft tbem / a taftena toape tljett la* bouw . lbentbep feit/ tbep (balbe beyeu

tot tb bo;ttb!e feare/anb (bail toottoet at tbe baftpneffe of tfte fobane bealtb: gtonpnge fo; berpbfO;eae of mpnbe/? fljalfape toitlj*inttfem feluejj/baupnge tntoatbe fo;otee/ anb moutnpng fo; berpangupfl) ofmpnbe): Cbefe atetbep/tobom toe fomtpmebaa tooeiifpS/^iefleDbponJOefoolestbotigbt tbeit Ipfe beep mabnc(fe/atbe(renbctobe\&amp; out bonoute.5Put lo/ bote tbep ate counteb anwngetbecbtlD;enofO'oD/3tBEitpojciou isamoge


&gt; e

v *

teaftomtbetoapeof ttuem/ $ Wgbtoftigb' iti(hefle6atBnotmF&lt;ebbnto fifl"MH fUimertWttittttartD^^enpewBllonw. HaebauetoeerfeB out fenitfirttbe toape of fetcseoncaetwftwction.ceatous toagesJ bauetoegflrte:buta0fQ?tbetoapeof$jlo;&amp; I#batgooab3tbourep;pae Bone bnto bSJ SD? / tobatpjofptbacb tbe pompeof tpcbes biouabt 60 i ml tbofe tUgngcjS ate paffea atoapett8eal6&lt;tooto7$a0ame(j&amp;urtget t&lt; itfttse beco^etast a Qitptft t tftttf ouffctpt toaueS of tbe toater / to^fcH toften tt (jsone bp/ tbe ttace^erofcatiWtlwfoeM/nrt$e* tbepatb or fttnme flotiBtf . fi&gt;;8Sa 6km Mat f ipe tb tD o?oto 5 awe / 9 no man can fe etipto&amp;entobete (Be tsflotoen/butofflpbea* tetb tit nopfe of Bet topnge0 / Beatfnfle tbe WB&amp;t topnae/ pattntBe tee awe tftojotot^c bebemeceofbeEgomge/$flw#onftaftpns Bet topnges/tobe as aft e ctoat&amp;e no tofien of bet toape can be faunae, jlpfte as toben anatotoets (Bctt at amatefi/itpartetb tbe

ap;e/tobsb (mmeaiatlp commetb .togetbec agapne/fotbatamaneamTOtfitioto tobere ft toente tBojoto, tfuen Co toe in Ipfie manet as foone as toe toe te borne/ begonne mime6ia'tl8tob;atoe to oute enae/abaue etoea ndtoatof Bewue/butateconfumcbfo oute, atonetofcue&amp;neiie. * ^ &amp;ocbtoo;ot0fl&gt;ancbet?tbaebauerpmteB fpea&amp;emtyeBelMo^tBebopeoftyetmsotiltf is Ipse a b;pe tbptteil floute (o; auttttbat w MotomatoapetometopnbfclplieaptBpnne fcomme is fcatteb ab;obe toftft &amp;o;me: lpftea0tbe fmofietobicb fsairpetfeabete 9 Here tot'tb tbe topnbc/a0 tbe temembjaffce of a Qraunget tbat tan'etb f028bafe/9 Wn bepattetb.#uttbetp8btuott0 MS im fo; tue?mo;t:tbeit tetoatb alfo i0to tbe Ho;be: 8tbefttememb2aticetotbe-$pe(t.cBetfo;e fBarimepmeaueasiotfus fepngaome ana a bflntptun obtone of tbe ;ko;bc0banbc:fo? toitDljis tjgbtbanae (Ballbe couet tbf / ana toftb fits atone acme f&amp;ai beatfenae wXji* geioiirpalfo (Balltafieatoape tbe Barne/ GBemaltoeapf tBecteature tobeauefcebof tbe enemptf. ^efljalltwtbntwbtuoume*. fo/abje&amp;plate/an&amp;tafierutnuBgemtnem ft ease of anbemiet, Be in upncpbie mu ofeqtuteroaHbetafiC/bfsemelltojatbwal Be fbatpf f o; i fpeate/ 9 tbe toBole compare of tbe teniae (Ban fpg&amp;t to* tBBWi asacnft .tbebntopfe. -," *" . ** Ben (BantBc tbonbttbotte0gomtfof $ If gbten^ngesj /$ come out of tbe taftte 6otof of the clouoes to t&amp;eplace apopntea: out of tbebaroe ftonp taopgnacpon tbete mail fan tbu6eapies/^toatetcffee(6albeto;o#

p/i ._ ._ .... lp~togetbct.F ee ampgbtf topnafcaflftanoe

iSf topfootm.

bP agapnff ttfeiri/ $ a &amp; onto (ball f ate* ttf i;oae.C6uS tbebntpgbteous aealpngcof emmallbjpngeaHtlelBtt&amp;etoa to^lDft* nes/ana topcbeants fljail oucittyotoe tbe B'toeHiliB&lt;'fflf tBeittraWt*CCije calljnse'of fttngtsV fefthtwsutf utyptf ttbfth a alfo trtwteo toftStttjettsfCfjrar. JfCB^CBapteit, A . ^ ^CDomefsbettfstbeftttte^tb/^a* ImS bfonattttSbfttg &lt;S mo^ too;* tbertonet&amp;atte atog.^earet&amp;Et* !fo?e(fl) rei5tnBP)?bnbetQa&amp;e: icrnepctbatbetuogesoftb* enMS offtje eab.&lt;ffif^ue eate jetbattni muitftuats/ ^aeiv^inmocbpeopR^o^pototnsge* uen tou of t&amp;ekozoe/fl tbcaBtBftomtbe sett; tobtcp (Ban ttfe joute too;eBes ana reatcb out none pmagpnacpBs-. ^oto tbat pe beinge off? cecu of W *|ngoome/ Bade not ewutea ttue iuogem^t/baue not 6epte tbe latoe of rigbtuoufnes/no? toalbea afttt&amp;f is S toFH. $oii(6li&gt;anbtBat tfsBt foone ffiallbe appease fanto pou:fo?anbatoe&lt;uogement all tbep bauetbat beatetule. Obtttvt &lt;* graunteobntotbe fpmple /buttbtptbat be fnauctofttetiuibe ojepunp(btD.iffo?d0OB tobscb 10 %om ouecall / (Ball ejccepte no maspetf onne/netbet Qjail be ftanoematoe of an? mans gtr atneae:f o? be BatBmaoetbe fmall9gtfa/9catetbfo?allal?Rc.tit mfgbtp (bail bane tbefo?et punplbment. (Ditto pou tt)etfo?e ( e&gt; pefepngtS ) bo 31 f pease/ tbat pe map e letne topfoome ? not Sampire:fo?tbeptbat fiepe tpabtuoufnts slbe tpgbtuouap nibBeb^nb tbep tbatate letneainrtgbtuotistbpnges /(Ban fpnae to mabeanftoete, tberfo?efetpourelua bp5 tttptoo?Bes/8 louetbe/foftialipecomebp nurtour.tpfoome tg a noble tbpnge/ 9 nt' uetfapaetbatoape-.prefljeis eafeipfeneof tbf I (one bet/ 9 fonnoe of foc&amp;e asfeae bet. c

febep?euftetbtbetbatbefpaebtt/ tbat (be rnat&gt;efp;ft ftetoeber felfe6ntofBM&amp;ofo atoabetbbnto bet bptpmts /(Ban bane no great trauaple/f o? Be (BaU fpnbeBtt ftttfng t;eaapeatb(sao?e0.cotb$ncfiei3ponbet/(5 patfectebnoetaanDpng-.atobofotoatfbetb 1 0} bet/ Ojalbe fafe/ ana tbat foone. fof (Be goetb aboute/ f efipnge focb as are meter 01 ber/OKtoetb&amp;etrelf cberefuUpfcnto tbemftt " " ' s/metetbtbltottbalBmgFce. pneo &amp;efp?eof tefoutmactoniS ,.. ..^Wttnjngettocatefojiutttotit^roue/ Qlouetstbeaeppngeofbetlatoes.^otottje Beppngoftbelatoesi'spetfeccpon 9 an 6n comiptelvre/ ^slnbncomipte ipfe mttttf amanfampWetiDpfboo.3nbfotbeberp?e of8tBonieWeflSiwtBesnBbomeeuert8'J3 Suns,

laftpnge. gjf poutt aelpte be tben (n topali feates 9 ceptets( pe fipnges of tbe people) reroute lutt bpon topfoome / tbat pe mape rapgne ft; euet mo;e. loue ^ligbt of to pf * oome/aiipetbatbemletsoftbepeople. M fo; toplbome tobat (Bef0/ ? boto (Be camebp gitopiieellpou/anatopllnotbsae tbempde* 'e0 of &lt;S5oa f torn pou s but topi! fe&amp; e bet out ftS tbe begpnnpnge of tbe natpufte/ $ btfnge tbebnotoieageof bettntolpgbt/ a topil not fiepe bacft tbe ttuetb : i5etij e t topn % baue to ootoftb confumpnge cnupe / fo; focB aman (Ball not be patta&amp;et of to pf Dome . But tbe multitude of topfefc ffteifate oftoo;ia/ ana atopfe bpng ts tbe bpbolopng of tbe peo* tJle.flDteceauenouttouve tljen tbo;otoemp to ojaes/ana it (Ball&amp;o pou gooD. Gtt&gt;pft)Otnt eusbC (0 Ue pscfect cD brftye all tfj injjes. be.6n.Cbaptet. *re3fSnQ9prelfeairpama mo^allman/ llpfte as all otbet / anb am come of

tbe eattftp genet acion of bpm tbat Jtoa0 fp;ft mabe / 9 in mp motbet0 toombetoaS ifaftponeato be aeib ; Jn tbe tpmeof tenmonetbestoa0^b;ougbt ioge ttjet fn bloube tbo;oto tlft feae of man/ 9 tbe commobpous appetpte of Ocpe. Ib5 i toas 6ojne/3teceaueaipfteap;easotbecraen 1 9 fellbpon $eattb(tob(cb t0mpnatute(ctpfng ana toeppnge at tbe fp;ft /as all otyerbo , r toas to?appe&amp; in Ctoaaipnge clotbes / ana b;ougbtbptoptb gteatecare0 . jtoHtoaei* no bpng | batb baa enp otbet begpn npn s of bp?H) , ill men tben Baue oneenttauncebn* to ipfe/ana one gopnge out in ipft e m a nee. 33 #Betfo?e3befKeD/ana6naetttanapnBe toa0.Beumme:|caliea/$tbefp;ete oftopf* borne came in to me. 9. fett mo;e BpBevtben 6p fipngaomes 9 topali feates/ ana countea tpcbe0 notbpng in compatifon of be t.f s fo; p;ecpou0 ftone 1 compateaitnot bnto bev: f 0; all goiae (0 but gtaueH bnto b an f flan (Baibe countea but clape befo;e Betfpgbt. % loucabetabouetoellfateanbbeutpe/^put' pofea to tabe bet f 0; mp Ipgbt/ fo; bet mpne cannot be quencbeoJIi go oa tbpnges came tomettbet/umumetabletpcb0tt)o;otoe Bet banaes ,% toas glab in tb em all / fo; tpp0 topfoometoentebefo;eme/93 finetonot (be is motbet ofall gooo tb?nges. JSoto as 3! mp feife learned bnfapneaip/ fo a f mabe otbet me pattaftets of Htm bVQebet tpebes f com no man-40; (Be 10 an infpnfte tteafute bnto men/tobicb tobo fo bfe/be come patta8et0of tbeloueanbftpnWBtpcof ob /ana ateaccepteb6ntobpmfo;tbeBffte0 of topfc borne. ^ * (ESoivBatBBeauntebmetotal&amp;etopfelp/? conuenpentlp toBanaietbe tbpnges tbat be BatBgtaciouflilentme^o? itis Wt lebetb


bnto topfaome/^ tea cbetb to bretopfbomea tpgbt.^ib(0banaatetoeanaoute too;aes: peealloute topfoome/outebnaetttanapng 9 finotoleoBe of ail oute too;cbes. f 0; bebatb Ztutn metbertuefepenceof tbefetbpnBest fo tbat J fin otoe boto tbe too;)ae toas mabe/ $ tbe p to c t0 of elemf tes: tbe begpnning/ enapnge ana mpaoett of tbe tpmes : Boto me t pmes alter/ boto one goetb aftet anotbet/ anbboto $ep ate fuifpiieb: tbe coutfe of tbe I eatctbe o;apnatmces of tbe ftattes-.tbe na tu;e0 abpnanes of beaftes-.tbefurpoufneffe of 6eaae0:tbepotoetof topnbe0:tbepma Binacponsofmens tbeaeuerfptiesofponge plSteatbe 6eitiie0 of toteS/9 allfocb tbing^ a? ate feaete ana n 1 lofiea f o;/baue % lear nea.f o?tbetoo;cBmaftetof alltbingesbatb , tauBbtmetorfbome. 3nbet(0tbefp;eteof^ b na e t ttanflphae/ tobicb (0 bolp/ manpf oiae/ one onelp/fotpll/ cutteou0/bifctete/qupcb/ bnoef plea/piapne/ftoete/loupng tbe tbpng g i0gooa/(Batpe/tobpcb fb;bpoDemnotto ao toeil/Bftie/bpnDe/tteafatt/fute/fte;baupnB ailbertue0/c(tcumrpectetnalitbpnse0:te ceaupnse ail fp,' etes of bnbetttSapng bepng cieaneana fbacpe . f 0; topraomeisnembiei: tben all nembietbptigts - - (be goetb n)o;otoe ana attapnetb toa'U tbpnges/ becaufeof bet ctennes. jf 0; (be is tbe b;etb of tbe potoet of c3oe/ anaaputecleane etp;edpnge of tbe cleames of ailmpgbtpe oa . #etfo;e can; Ojeis v b;pgbtnes of eueriaapnge ipgbt / 1 bn* aefpieo mpn'oute of tbemaieftp of d&amp;oB/ ana tbepmageofbi0BOoBneCre. 3inbfo;fomocb(S a0 (Be is one/ (Be mape ao all tbpnges : aim bepnse ttebfatt Bet feife (be tenuetb ail/ana amonge tbe people conuepetb (Bebetfenein totbebolpfouies.&amp;bemabetb oasftins m ana p;opbetes: f 0; oa lou etb n man / But b im m tobo topfoome atoelletb.jf 0; fbeis mo;e beutpfull tben tbegmnne/anbgeuettj mo;e ipgb t tben tbe Sactes / ana tbe bape ts nottobe compatea bnto benfo; bpon $ oape commetb npsbt. ftuttopefieaneae can not ouet come topfoome / anb footytyne* mare notbetoltbbet. -

C&lt;Cf)t(ftctc0oft?ftom* Cbe,6iif.Cbapfer, iffoome teacbetb ftom one en&amp;e to lanotbetmiBbtelp/? louinglp aotb .(Be o;a;e all tbmgeS.g baue louea ibetana iabouteafo; bet euenfto mp poutb opbmpbpKBencetomatpmg f eire to bet/focb louebabi Bntobet Beutpe. b f obatb tbe cSpanp of oa/ cSmtnaettt bftnobiipte/peetbeHojaofaUtbpngesbbtt feife Jouetbbet, jfo; fteis.tbe fcoiemautece 6tW


tfrienuttcwofflob/aftcbotwotitofbis toojBes.ffamantoolBDefpreticbesitttlMS toftfVdm tsrpcber then toptoome/ $ too?&gt; fietballcbpngeSJ c*outoplt fape-.bnoer* Qanapnge toorbetb . caftat is ft amongeaK tbfnges/tbattoorbttb more then toptocme:' Sf aman loue bertue 9 rpgbtuournes / let 6rnilabourefo;topR&gt;ome/foj. ffiebatb great bertues.3nb tob^Bje teacfteth foberfies a pruomce/rpgbtuouCnes a ftangtb/ tobpett art focb tbpnges as men can baue notbinge ino;epMitat)U^eii;Iift.tfamantie[f;e mo* BnotoieogW the can tell ttje tbpnges ate p&amp;B /a bprcerne t btnge g Co; to com e -.0) e finQttetbthetoteltpcsoftoojoes/ 9 caner* pounbe barcfie (ententes. $be can tell of toBens a toonocrous tbpnges / 0; euer thep come to paffe/anb the cnoe of al tpmes anb age*,o a putpofeo after tbpjs mane* : 3 topU taBe bectonto mp company /ana comen lomnglp toitb betmo ooute me Dial geue me gooo k.oUceu/9 fpeafie comfortablpbntome mmp carcfubie* agrefe. if o?DtaWfljalt 3; be,u&gt;elianoboncBiptafienarn5ge t^ecomensaJUij&amp;eSof t&amp;ecouncell. chough % Depflnge/pettballjbaue Bjarpe bnberBB' opnge/to tyatS foalhe maruelcus in Ggbt of gteare men/ 9 t&amp;e faces of &amp;n nces ftall toonoetatme.iJB&amp;enpoIDerrtptonge/tbep aubpbempleafuee:toben$ epeafie/tbep ftailloBebponme-.apfatai&amp;e motb/tbep fljaii lagetftcit ^an&amp;0 bpon tbett mout^. ffljweouet/bptbemeanes of ber3f. flail ob

-Che bofec "" anobefousSBtftrm/anotoitamstoBDle^tte. gifapce after tbismaner; Ca p?apet of 4s a!o mon to Otoapne topf fioitu. V . CC&amp;, tfobofmpfetbers/anb&amp;orbeot .mercpes ( thou that ftatt mane ail 36 tbpnges tottb thp toojW/f oroep* v __ neomantboroto thp toptoome/ g he flulbe baue oompnpon ouer the creature t&amp;bicb thou hall maoe:tbatbe fluibc orore rooj!beacco;bfngto equpre a ttghteoufues/ aerecuteiubgementtoptbatruebeeOgctie me toptoome/tobicb euer about tbp ftate: a putme not out from amonge tl)p ebplD re; forlthpferuauitt afonne,oftbpbfinbmap' ben/am a f eble petfomte/of a BWte tpme/ a to pounge to tbe b n d e t ttanopnge- otiu&amp;ge * ment arbeiatoesJnbthougBa man be ne= uerto parfecte amonge the cbflbjen of men/ pctpf tbptotfbome Bl* benotbpngetegaroeb. uttboubaBcbofen me tobe a Bpng unto tbp people/a the ftibge oftbptonnesanbbaugbters. : . CboubaB commaunoeb me tomtplbe a 35 teple bpb tbp b olp mou n t / 5 an aultee tn the citte tobetm tbou btoelleBia Ipcfineffe of tbp bolp tabernacle to&amp;ptb thou BaBprepateb ft5 the begpnnpng/a tbp toptoome tottb the/ tobicb finotoetb tbP toorcB$: tobicb alto bias t&amp; ft ^jhenthoumapoea roo?fof/a aneroe robattoas acceptable in tin? r^gbt/anhif ght in n)F commaunDcm en tejs.sD fenbe her out

tapne fmmojtaftte/ aleaue behpwemean of tfa horj heauenji ano frorn^ttejtwne of eueiiaafngememo^au/amonge them that tbi? maleaj./that ftemaiebe toltb me/aia* come afterme.ialfet the people in o?b;e/ boutetofrhme-.tbat gima^efinotoe/tohat

a tijs nacjone ftalbefubcueobnto me.l^oj* rpbietpjauntegi ^aibeatrapeb / toben thep bobutbeate of me-.amonge the multf tube %

fbalbtcounteDgoob/ft rapgb t ge in batafiB. lb! f c ome bome/J Oal f moe re 8 e tt her: fojbercSpawbatbnobftterne*/ aherfele* (bpphathnote&amp;souttie(Te/butmf;tba(ope. I iSototohen^com-poetebthefethjngegb? the!counceuof&lt;so6?;/to5pcani9rnw rnFfelfe/anbpottoereothSnimpherte/ bote tohatrhetofllof&lt;SEioijf-Jfp?tbetboughtJ that tobe iopneobntatorftome \% immo;ta

ftsacceptablein tttv fight. 4fo; lb ebnotoeth abnueraan&amp;ethau thpngefS : a (be dull lew meroberip inmv too^aeg/ amp?eferue me in htupobjec . &gt;o ChaUmstDo;lie0 beawe* ptable /anbtben ftaU$goaemetbirpeopte tighteonap/aberoo?ihtto.fsttorafathe ; reate.4fo? tobat mantt be/tbatmaje fenotoc

lite / anbgteatepleaCure to baue bee frem&gt; Qji ppe:hoto that in the to 02 cfi ess of her baoes are inftmter?che0:botothat/toho foaepefb companptoithherwalbetopfe:ano rhathe tDhichtalbeihlEOher/Qalt cometohonoute: Jtoenteabouttfefisnge/togetbfcfantome. my tt80aiabbof artpc toprt/ anbbaba goobtmberBanopge. ffiuttobenl greto tomo?ebnlietQifng/ f came to an ^noefpleb bob? . JBeuertfteW rohen? pmeauebrhat? cotUbe not aepe mp felfe cbaBe/erceptesoo gaue itme(anbthat tea? appopnteof toffbome alto/ to bnoroe tebofegritroafJ)3 flepte bntothejlwjrc/


of mojtall men ate mifetable / a owe fo^ ca ess arebutbneettapne. 36nb tow* amo?' &lt;* tall a corruptible bobFtf beup bnto foule anb the earthsmanfia ftepech botone t bn* MtttanMng mufethbpon manprbtngr** etpharblpcanreeolfcrne thsngcis that are bponearth/anb greateiabour hauetot/ o*roe canfrnoe tbetftpnge* tohf chare bef

lo^-oure ejess : nebo topHtbenfefie outetbe orounbeofchetbpngeisSarebonefnheattfJ jDb tinfrtfafoo can baue bnorolebge of tbp pnbetttanBvng anbrneanpng /ejecepte tbmi geuetortoome anSfen&amp;ethp holpooff ft5 aboue;that thetoiaseis of them tobjebare bponearthmafebettfouttncbsfi merrma &lt; leawe


IrarnetlethmgesHrtPleaCauntbntothe/ H&amp;Bgg^^ anbbep;eferueotho;oto ropfoome. tJ&amp;^SSSSSSSSSS^SfJS^ Ccbe r Chapter of &amp;om sonebphim (ntoonbers a totem *- piefetueb the ?ft man/ agafntt the hoarpble fijnge. Mf gaue tt)e Itohom @oo maoe a father of tbe ngbtuousthertttattjeofthetrlabouta/ana ,too2lDC/tobe be toas createoalone/ leo tbem fo^th amatuelous toaFC:on oa^e ^bTptiGhthfm out of W offence/ to. tpme (be teas a Qjabotoe tnto the / a a Ipgbt ae him out of the moulbe of i earth / 9 gau e of flaw* in the nt&gt;gbt feafon.& amp;he toottg&amp;e BmipotoereowleaHmwgekn&amp;hettgbn. thftborovnthereebfee/atarrebthfthoroto tWhtuotni toenteatoapeinh|SJto?athtrom gKatetoater,&amp;heb?otonepejr enemies S toptoome / the tootberheao perpflbcD m the fee/a bought them out of bepe.So thKeSthofmutthu?.aga?n?ytohe tyrighhio^towtbefpovle^ftbebngqc-

ip/apzapfebththolp name / TLoint/ an&amp; magntfpebthFbictonousbanbtoith oneac co?oe.ijro; topfoome openetb the mouth of g bdme/smaltetb toges of babes to fpeabe.

CSDf m?jaclee Gone fb; JCcaell. t)e uenacauncc of (pniucB.(Ci)e9ce!itcpott)ccanl)mccc;af/&amp;i8

Cbe.rt.bapter. $e o^eutberc roo;chesm hSb5a of ft hoU?p;opbet:fo g tbeptoente^ cho;otothe tofibernes g toas not fnbabiteb/ a pttcheb their tentes in tbemafteoerette. Chepaobeagavnfttbetr

V .

t&amp;eteaterbearopebtheroholeb)o;Uie/topf' borne p^ferueo f nghttious t&amp;o?otoapoo?e tre/toherof (be toas gouemerher feif e. % 0-. reeuer toben tofefleones bao gotten thebp. pcebanoe/totbattbenacgonstoere puftbp toith WW 1 efinetoetbe rpghtoous/we* fetueb him f a u tieffe bnto ob/ anb lapebbp fute mcrcp for bis cbtfDjen. $&gt;bep?eferueb therpghtuous/rohenheflebfrSthe bngob' Irthatperpmeb /tobattpmeastbeffttc fell boronebpontheA.cfties: JLpfieaspetthW _._ w ^ t _,..,... ba;e the bnfwterall t h^tte/anb.fmofirng enemjes/a im auengeo of "tbeir aoueria' ^lanbgeuethtellmtonppf fftrt totfftoncflte ties.iBhe thetoerethitttie/thep caBebb pS feethebnrppeanbbntimeirfrutes ggroroe the/anbrcatertoasgeuentheoutof frocft/ bpon the trees. t a tbeirthitft flaftenco out of Haroe Bone. 3n6fo?atoBeef3 remcjnbjaunce of the jfo;bptbethpnges/rohere tbo;oro their ene* bnfapthfull foule/ there ftanbet&amp;appler of mpestoere punprtbeb/roetetbef bel pebin faltwaafochasregarbebnot topfbome/ theirneue.jfo? bnto the enemies thou gauett gatnotonlpthishutte/ that the? Bnetoe not thetbpnges tohgch toeregoob /but alto left bebpnoe tbebnto men/ amemo;iallof theft fOoWnes:fothatin ftthungestoherfn thep fpnneo/thepcoul&amp;enotbehpb&amp;. tfutas to; Cocb astaBeheoebntotopfbome/Oie Bjaloe* m Ipuer them from lo;otoe. c . lOhentherpghtuousflebbecaufeofbf^ brothers tor art) / topfbome lebhhn the rpgbt

torn i Bjetoebbpmtle ispngbome of ob/ gauebfm Bnorole&amp;geofholpthpnges/mabe hnhrpebein W labour^/abroughttopafie chewmges that bementeaboute.'jn the bif

mansblouoein Beaoeof Ipupngtoater. ana rohereastbep babfearceneffe in the rebufie toben the cbploren toereflapne / thougaueB bnto thpne atone a plenteous roarer bnloBeb foj-Jieciarpngebp the thKB that toas at that tpme/bototboutooibeBbrpnge thpne atone tuito honoure/ a Bape their abuerfarpes. $0; toben thep roere ttpeb a noctures V&amp; j* fatherlpmercp/thep Bnoteleogebboro bn* goblp roere fubgeo/anbpunHbebtho;oto the torach of ob.chefe has thou erbo^eo as a father/ a p; oueb the": but bnto tbe other thou ., . _ . _. haB bene a bopBerousBpnge/lapebharb to ceatfuln^offocbaSDefraubebhfm/BjeBobe their charge/a cdoemne&amp; the. tabethert heg pphmt/anb mabe him rpcbe.ft&gt;he Cauebhmt toere abfent o?prefe^/theitpunf Bjnja tnas tromrheenempes/ abefenbebbfrn from the aipfie.4fo?tbeirgrefetoas boubie: nameip/ bifceauers. S&gt;hemabehpmBrongeinbat' moumpng/9therememb;aunceof(hpnges tapll agaiiehimthebictorp/tfjatbe mpght paft.Suttohethepperceauebgtheitpumfl)* bnotoe /botorhattojfbomefsftrortger then metes bp&amp;themgoob/thepthoughtbpon t he anmpnges.t^bentherpghtuottStoastolb/ Ho^e/ fte to^toBe bt'm not/but belpuereb him. from thep helbe moct) of hpm/ of toho in a out ca&gt; rptmertf.^hetoentebomneitofthhtm mto flpngethepthoughtfeorne/asofanabiecte, the bo ng e on /anb faplebbf m not in the baw. f&gt; e u erth eleffe the rightuo uS bpbnot totoben tpll (he baa broughfljpm the fceptec of the thep toere thitBie:buteuf ipbeas $ t hough* ttaime/apotoeragapnttr&amp;Ofef&amp;at oppzef. teSof fooKBjroere/fo toas alto th ere tcic* febbpra Js fojthemthae hah aecufeb hpm/ 6ebnes.lhere ascertapnemf noto(tho?oto

ftje beclareo the to be Ipets/ a brought bpm errour)bpB toorlbipesomeferpetes 5 bapne vi / cee mm


beaQMou ttmm aimitt? tube cf Dome 3 iptie.j&amp;ottbst tbou toaft bnabir to fobo ue beattestopbtbcmfojsviifngeaiuc-.tbatujep tbetongoblpbntotbetygbtfouistnbattayUe

miBbtbnoto/ tljat loBetobete wttbalta man fpnnetb/b? fiame alio mange be pun yu)co, ^otbniom aumy&amp;btybanDe/ tbatmabe f too;ioe of naugbt/ it toa$ not bnpeftibie / to tense amogeUjem an beape of jeeerep/o? tooobelfona/ojwuettbeaaejs otaataunge

o? to? tb bea aeis / 6/ to? tb one wugb tocfletobeateye tbem togetber : #.u,t tb? niyuDe tnas to tyyue tocm out by lytle a u'tle geupnge tbem tyme a place to amenoe'.fitibs topngtoell/t&amp;atit toast an bnrigliteeugf na cpon atefcbeb of nature atbattbefttboug&amp;i ftynoej locb aparebnBnotone/o? fpoute f ?# mygbt neuet bealtcreo. fl 0; it teas a curfeft 0; caft out a fmoBpnge b;etb/ 0; (bote bo#i feoe ftom tbe begpnnuiBe, a feareb no mam toe f parBejs out of tbeiv eyes s tobpeb mygbt fet baft $011 pacboneo tbrf t fpn nep . jjf 0? not onlp beftcopet&amp;em tottb burtynge / but tobo toyii raye bnto tbe: tob? ba ft tbou bone aifo Byii tbem toirtj tbeitbojrybie Cygbt,pcc tbafc ? tobo toyli Banbe agaynft tb y tiifigtoitbouttbefebeaaegmigbttBeybauebene menti &gt;?tobotoyll come before tb? face ^ u^ynetottbonetombe/beyngepetfecutetiof anauengetof bnygbfeoiiis men? ? ttbo tbeir atone ttotfess /aioteatereoab?oab tofllblametb e/yftbe people pertu)/ tobom tbojotorbebzetboftbypotoei:. njou baft ma&amp;rfttot&amp;ttttti none otbet^oQ jBeuett&amp;eleis tbou baft ofteb all tbpnBe* but tbou/ tbat careft f 0/ aiMbptg

eg^ tbou fomeamre/norab;e.*toefobt,&lt;ffe? tbou bail mapeft Declare bom tbat tt)p iuDgmf t te not euepbabgteatftwgtftamigbty ato&amp;ontape bmjgbt. tberebawc nrtberfiynge/ntr tp* tautbftfibeg potter of tbpne annttainb toby taunt in tbp figbt tequp;e accBptt o f tbent lyfiea&amp;tbemialltbinggtbebalaace roe yerb tobom tbou baaebettroyeo. fois f roo?loetiefo?e g:yeeaao?oppe of fo;fomocbtbena9tbouartrygbteou0 mo?nmgeteto/tbatfauetbDotonebponu)e tbefrelftbouo^eftaUtbingciingbteottflv tattb.cboubaftmercybpbnaU/fo?tbou apumOjefteumbfmtbat,batbnetbefueb laftpotoetofantbpnge&amp;anbmaftefttbeafS tobepunimeb/atabeftbi'mfojaftraitngfi; lougb tboufameft nottfte fpnne* of men/ a an aleaunt nubeianbe oftb? potoer . df o?

tbppotoerfijtbc beginning of tfgbteoufnci&amp;: a becaure tbou art from brail tbingw n)et* f o?e aw tbou gvacf ous~ bnto all . Ifcbcn men tbinBtf nettobe of a fail Otengtb/tboube* cjatett tbp potoet : abojbtp bejpuerifttbott tbemouerg bnotoe tnbtjftitiboii JUybbf potoer (uBgeaquyeciy/aoj^ea be $ great

I) ecaufe tt)ep Sjuloe amenoe.f 0? tbou loueft allff tbrngeu tbat are /a bates none of tbem tobom tbou baft mabemetbetwbes tbou 0;* beyne 0; mane en? tbinge/ of eueti toiU. 0otomygbt ene tbmgeH enbute/ vt it to e re nottbjttiu; 0?boto coulee en? tbyngebe p^erertif b/ercepte it toere calleo of f f 36ut tbou (pares an/fo; an ate tbtne/fiD j^o;tie/ too?a?pe/ f 0; n)bu ma?eft.ppa tbouto tU/. tboulou?roffoules, . i6yfocbtoojfiCjinQto:bafttboutaiigbt ; - 4 C%tbeimrtfe of ob tetoartjfp nnew/f to*of V &lt;BS Pte /' tUat aman aUb OmWe befti ft a oa abiiKp;oimiiicoo 3cue(i)uvfuKtot(pitBB ipuptgejanbbaftmaoe ^H)?;cbilb?ento te of

m j C^Pttr. agoobbope: fo; eoen to&amp;en tbou (ubgefty * ^ r3SaSK l)Lo?be/bOtogracfoianbftoctefis tbou geuefttttometoawentie from tmm, |n&gt;p fp;ete m all f Sing ea^betf o?e &lt;ff 0; in f mocb a0 tbou baft pu niOj f b/anb % 'icpafteneft tbou ttf meafurabiy t f ocb bilygencc belyuereb tbe euem?es( of tbj?

Fgof;fige/a vratneft ffl cScemmg f tbingj vtbetin tbey cSenbe: tboufpeaueft bnto tbew/LozWa ejeojteft tljeto Icaue tbefr to?cbebne0/9tbputtbeittruS in ttje.^js fo; tbufe oioe mbabiterp of tb? boi; lanbe/ tbou mygbteft not atoayetitbeV fo? tbey corny u tea abbomynable too? fits agaynfttbeag toytebcraft/ fo;cery anbSbolatty:(be?fltto tbetr atone cfj?lb;f toitbouf mere?:. tbc?a te bp mens botoei&amp;&lt; abeuour ebtbe blmibe: ?ee bef aufe ofttcQ abftomynacySiS / myfbleueg a offctyngejB/tboufletoeft tbefatberg of tbe

feruaunte!S/tobi#tottetoo;tb?tobie(tot)ete ttjojoto tr)ou gaueft tbem tyme a place of a tnehbemfti tbeymygbt fume frb tbeft toft* bebnesi (tt bbto great Diligecetfjen punift eft tbou tbyne atone cbtftye n/bnto toborefa* tber^ ttjoubaft ftoo;ne a mabe couenaftK oc geoo p?omtfeg^o tobere ass u)ou boeft mt cbafte bjf/tboupuniQieftourencmiJbfuetre toayesto tijfflt ttb? toepuniftje toelbulb temeb^ tb? Bbbbnede : a tobf toe outfe lue? ate pun?Gbebif put oure ttuftin tMettf . . lbetfo?evtoberea0menbaue linebig' notafttl?a bntfgbteouft? tbou baft puniftjeb.

te(Watefoule)Sb?'&amp; banner of oure fatbet? flfcftfteiSbtob'fcb tbou loiieft aboue auotbet/ tbf fo?eeu?tbb?btotfame,tbingegtf lattbf s tn&lt;gbtbe8btoeii?ngefo? cbiib?enof &lt;5ob. too?ffi?ppeb,,f o? tfte? towte aft raye bet? $euertbele0 tbou fpatiea tbem alfo ( ajs longe tn toave of ertotit / a tjelfitf bcafteg . men)afcntieDfttbefo?erSnerisoftbynebooft (tobtcb&lt;uetbttrcnemfe?befpifcb)fo^ aoDli^ euenbo?netteg(tobeftroyen)emcutb?i?tie iyuyngeajtfcbifezmofno bntrtftanbyiTge,

* &gt;

ifC f

M tMome*

ui/mwiutvwwHuiHw^iiiwijiMiiin' cro6tbpeteoftoobb.iril:'unof!inobbe0)be mentamogctbem/ajjamflgetbe cb?lfi;en of eatucn) itb?l?gfti? ttjojoto bwbanvte, a na lano?aunceJjJ fo;focbap.toolbenot bete* (ao#pngtqtb_e BnoroiebgeofbisieSnyng) tourmeo by tbofefc o^esanorebubei/ tbe? begeuetb itfomcp;opo;con/fa(tbyonetb .e lefttat too^punwmtentaf &lt;n*Mm*t aft m fymyfytuw of a man/o; mafietb it ie?ftieb/t|e?bai!et(lmbn* Ufiefomebeaft/ftteaftetbrtouertoitbteoij/

pacytmiy/bcmg not contet in tbem but fan- a Pflf ntetb it/anb lobe robat foule f pot ijj in tofflm* ^notobe tbeypeHfi)ebb?:tbeJan tttjicaftjt^Smecoioutebponit, iftyngesi^ tbeytoBefp;gobbW/tbe?finato - benmabembeaeonuenienttabernacie ie&lt;pob/ fojff/fettefbft intbetoali/amabetbit faft Wxfw toW)?zon/ p;ouEJjyttfiefo fo?(t/lettttbap'

'.kppiippil onettuecob/ fojft/fettefbft te^ftoaB/ainaBetbitfaft

tobom afo;e tbey toolbenot bnotoe;tbetfo^ . tottb ?;on/ p;ou?b?ngefoT eamettjeenbe of tb|it bamnac?5 bpBtbem, |^tofair/oVfttetoelllin&gt; 1 .. /l OWK , 1 . can ibpnB** MMA#c4t t&amp;e hnowr^je of notfteipeitfelfe-.ainBtoftp^itfebueansma* ' : '0*tfmn0j*&amp;tom*m*. ge/anbmuftofneceft|tebebelpeti4 . CbW|.baptet ; , engoetft^aittbbebifBOcibe0bn^ yneateallmen/tobicbbanenot Wo;Bwc^b?enattbfo?b* toife^efe. e bnotoleoge of .(Bob: a* toere sbbflpeatft^e^ulft^BinceffattJbei|j epfroutof fBoobtbing^toWcb notaftamebtorpeafte bnto iftbatbatbno _ateftne/8netonptb?ni/ # of|(nt route:ffleatt&amp;$e mabett/WP petpxjSbn- , jtuerlaft?njje, iSetbectoSfhtbe? fo tobymtbatigfycfiftfojlyff/bep^yetbbnto mum legavoeof tbetoojicbegtbaeatemaoe/ .bfmi&amp;'atttbeeb^e tailetbbpobimf02bcl pe/ ass to snoto/tobo toap fl)e craftefman of tbf : fljat not abieto^elpebyrafeife:a to fentie *utfbmetofte tbefBc/fome tbe to?nbf ta 4i?maBW6fbuim?e/tje^?at^Bfm* maij a?;e/rometbecoutfeoftbe sanm/ibmr f notBb.anbfnairtee tB?nBiwebflt betaBeu) toater/fometobe^unneanb^oorte/o? | inbanbe(tobeajetittetooptayiiean?tbmg

lees of beauen tobicbrule tbeeattb/ fo? BoMefuttbouBbtBcttjabfojbepleatow -nomanerofgbob; tntbeitbeuty/tbattbeptbotipftttbetobaue : jtmittiiirt*,i*mmmmMfo*rMmM 6eneB0bbeft?et)uibe tbe?Wfinotone/ -SSStSS^9SSSSS^ Abto mocb mo;e &amp;m. be I mabetbe.ijro? M ^fjS;E; ?Bimi,W( ' f9, *' ew &lt;fte mafier of beut? bats o^beneb all t&amp;cfe \ . cc|e,i tbyngeg. m yf tbey marueieu at tbe potoer anoSt

MM enuiitf

. .. German purpofynge ayJe/abegynnytigeto tabe m

ime?. tbojoto tbe ragpnge fee/


0; cjBejs of tbem/tbep sjuise bane pet* ceauebtbeib?/tbetobfebmabetbefe:tbirtB5 , tjsmygbtyertbentftey. KKHUfcalIetbfO?beIpebntoa%ocB/tbae -fo;by tbegreatnetnjfbeutyoft&amp;ectea* (gfarretoeafiet/tbrntbetteetbatbeareeti tote / tbe mabet tberof map playnely be .bsm^wajsfojif/coueteonfneSeof moneye finotone.#otb toytbftanbynge tbeyarelbe batbtounaeitout/atbe craftefman nwbeft leaetobeWameb/tbfpiipat&lt;E!ot)/atoblbe tottb bKJronnynge.ffiuttbPP?ouy&amp;tnce /fiD bauefoun6ebim/a?em?fleb.3tm&gt;toby'fo; fatber/gouernetb all tbffige* ftiitbebegy n. Coraocbttbe?toenteabouttbWtoo?cfiesJ nynge:f tboubaftmaoeatoaye mtbefee/ afougbt attertbem /itWa toaen/tbattbep anbatorepatbfn'tbemyDbeft of tbettauegc beciarynge

are fene:botobeit tbey arenot tobol? to be belpeinaHtbmgeS/petbougbamantoen ?ftbefcbnbet8attb?nBainoto tbtbefeeto(tbbutaitppe.j9ei g tbecreatures/tobp bpb tbe? not bftyne/tbou baftcaufeban arbe to bema&amp;e

crafea.jro? yf tbeirbnuerftsnopngalnoto* ioWtits^mi^9t^m^^(&amp;/\ &gt;coaaeb?feetne m toWcBeaof tb? topfbome flmibe notbi

iatbetf?nbeouttbea.o;betberoti anb tberfwe bo men; (Smptte .,.....__ ';. 38utwtbapp?eatetbey/atttiamongetbe afmaapeceofttoBb/paopngeouettbefee beebwtbeitbope/tbat call tbe" obb5 ^m fna ftpppe/anbatefaueb. .,, are but tbe too?cfie0 of mensbantieiSisolbe/ ^oftntbeolDetptnealfo tobltbe p^ouB efe rpluer/a tbe tbmge tbat ijsfounbe out b? c&amp; BPaflfejjperiSjeb/be(itobon'n)ebop e toajx npng/&amp; ttmylptube ofbeaaea/o;anybayne lefttomcteafej toojiKJtofrointo ffl?ppe /

ftonetbatbstb bene ma&amp;ebpbanbe of olae. tobicbtowgoufmebtboibWtbPbartb/artb SD^astobenacatpftwcuttetbbotoneattee toreftettbettbtnbebfmbntotbetooflD.foj

outof tbe tooDD/ a paretb of tbe BarcB of it bappye tm tree tobet fbo?otortgbfuou f-


'a pa toftb

oneparte mafietb

lage othi

-..^^...tobebfea/airfBbtetb meate toitb ibatttmabett?tbbare)s/pebbtb if abe* wipbue, 3ss fo;tbe otber parte tbat it left/ maoeft.^e/Beeaufe be mabe it:aif /b eeajarc tobfeWPp;of|taWefo?nottrfnse( Wttto itM caOeb^ob /tobereacitipbrrta &lt;ee,.


r /

\- i

' "''


&gt; a

nes atebotu IP beabbomp nabiewito Boo. &amp;ienfotbetoo?cBeanabetbatmaoeftaICo foalbepimgQJED togetber . &amp;erfo?e all fljewa plage come upon tbepmages of tbe ^eatbentfo? out of tbe creature of on tbep ate become anabbompoaepon/atemptactS bnto tbe fouie* of men/a a f nare to? tbe fete oftbebntopfe. 3nt&gt;tobptbe fefsp nge out of pmage*&lt;*tbebegpraipngoftobo?bome/ana f b?tngpng bp of tbe is f otfttuecpb* o f Ipfe. f o? t^eptDCte not ftflttje begfonpng/netijet jfOiall tbep c5tpnue fo? euet.cbe toeltbppoel. ties of menbatb founoe tbem outbpo" eattb/ tbetfo?eaiitbep come Qwtlptoanenoe. W\)l a fatbecmoume D fo? bf* fonncg toa* tabe" atoapefrSbim/bemaoeblm an pmage (in all battt ) of btt been fomte: a f o begSne to too? pppe bpm a? @oo/ tobicb to as but a beeoman/a o?oerteD bP* feruaunte* to offte onto bfai.&amp;H* bp p;oceffe of tpme ano tb o &lt; toto longe cuftome/tbp* c wo ut e toa 3 6 e p te a*alatoe/a tp?afftes compelled men bpbn&gt; if nee tobonoutpmages.a* fo? Hjofe g toete

fo Earn of/ tbat men mpgbt not toojfljpppc tbem p?efen t ip / tbeft pg c cure to a b?ougbt (to fatre(lp&amp;e tbe pmage of a &amp;p nge tobom tbep aoibe bonoure) to tbet'ntenttbat toftb gteate Dyipgence tbepmpgbt too?ttjppe bim vrt)t:u toag facte of / a* tbougb be bad bene p;eftnt. aigapne/tbcfpngulat cotinpngeof ctje craftefmSgauetbe ignojafltalfo a great occaifon to too/ft ppepmage&amp;tfo? too?6- man toi'umge co oo 15pm a pieafute tbat rect btmatoojcfte/iabouwotoftball bf*c5npng to mafteibepmageoftbebeftfampon.Hinb 3 fo(ttio?oto tbe beutp of tbe too?Be)tbc comrn people toa* bpfceauco/to (b mocb tti a t tb e g toiiebl?mnotofo?a&lt;0QD/tobtcbaIpleafO2e toa* but bono;eba*amanJnbtbi* toa* tbe ertoute of mas ipfe/ toben mertcetljct f 0? to fe t u e t&amp; eft a to n e aff e c c i / 2 1 fom e pi e a furebntoapngesiafctibeo bnto Qonesano iftocne* tbe name oE0oo/tobpcb ougbt to fcegeuenbntonoman. ' ^O2eciier/tbp*toa*notpnougbfo? tbe i tbat(beperrebtotbefmotoiebgeof$ob:bue fcbete as tbeplpueo in f&amp;e gteate teams of &lt;gnojawice/tbofe manpano gteate plage* caHebtbep peace, ffo? ether tbep due tbeft atone cbpfl^eVa offreo (bern/ 0? bpb facepffce i n tbe mjgbtfft afon/ 0? el* beloe bnrcafona&lt; file toatcbe* :f f tbe; septe netbet ipfe net tnariagecieane-.butetbetone aueanotbet tooeatb mairefouQp 0? eisgte uebbt'sneig&gt; tfboute toptb aououttpe. ano tbu* toere all tbmgesmt'ttetogetbef.blouoe/manflaugb' ter/tbeft/btanmtlacf9/conupefS/bn(aseb' f utaeffe/f e&amp;pcpo n /p eriurp/ oftqupettage of BObomen/bntbSbfumes/oeftWisorfouie*/

M topfo ornt

(Daungpngofbp?tb/bhaeofa8neirebfma* tiage/mpfo?D;e of aououtspe abnclenneae. atabwbpft&amp;e bonouringeof abbompnablt pmage* is I caufe/tbe begpnnpng a em* of

an eueU.4f o?tbe? t tooaftppe 3!bol*/ eftbec tbepatemab toben t&amp;ep be metp/o; p;opbe* cpeipe*/;lpuebngoblp/ 0? el* ipgbtlp fo? fttoatetbemteiut* ; ffo? to fomocb a* tbele ttuftttm Siboisitobtcb Baue netbet tome netbnoetftano?ng)ttougb tbepftotarefal* felp/pettbeptbrncbe it Qial nor butte tbem. . cbetfo^commeo) agttateplagebpon tbem/at&amp;atto02tbeir:fo?tbepbaueaneueU oppnronof&lt;soo/gtiipngebebebntolbois/ ftoeatpngbnfuOlpti bpfteaue/ awfppffng vpgbtuouuie*. ffo?tbe(t;ftoeae(ngeI*no bemie/buta plage of tbem tb at fpraie/ano goett)euertoftbtbeo8enceoftbebngoup. Cffbc 1 pec of (bt fa? ull p?aj flnge *be mere; of &lt;35oO(fof to^oft acaccB rate itjcpfetuen8i3i&gt;oie. Cbe.]tb.cbaptei;. tut tbouo oute &lt;pob) art ttottt/% long fuOertng anbttue/a m met* cp o?D?eo mouailtbntg^cbougb toe fpnne /&amp;t are toe tbpney to? toe bnotoetbpatfgtbvif toefpnnenot/tben atetoefure/tbattbou regatbettb*. pm finotoe tbeyf* patf ecte tigbtuoutnes: Jtt to bnotoetbEtfgbtuoumesanDpotoec/ (* tbe tote of taimojtalpte. ID* fo? tbetbpnge tbat menbaue founbeouttfto?oto tbrtr eurllftf* ence/ftbatbnot bpfceauebb*:a*rbe papn* tpnge of tbe ppctucec an bnp;ofptable la* tJoute)9camebi!fflage/l*bfuft colour*/ teb of e figb t entpfettj (be bonouretbanbiihietbtbeppctuteofa mo (magetbatbatbnofoule. fteuettbeieae/tbeptbatlouefocb tutll J5 tbpnge*/ate to o?tbp of beaflj: tbep.tbat ttutt (iitbfm/tbeptbatmabetbem/ttieptbatloue tbem/anbtbettbat bonouretbem,bepot tetalfotaftetbatlperetbCoft eattb/labou' retb tt/anbgeuetb ft tbe fadbfon of abeflel/ tobatfoeuer fctuetb fo? oute bfr.afb of one peceof ciapebemalietyfbmecleanc beaen fo?ferupce/anbfome contratp. }Suttobete toeuetptteffeHferuetfj/tbatUnotoetb? pot* tetbtmfelfe.S&gt;o tortbbi* bapneiabouw b mabetba&lt;ioo of tbe fame dapf.tbp* botb

euenbe /tobpebe a i?tieafo?e tta*roabeof eattbbimfelfe/anbtoptbHiaiptletobleaf tet(tobenbebpetb)tumetbto eartbagapne. 0ottofttytanbt&gt;ng/brcatctbnottfiemo?t becaufe be (ftaH labour/netbecaufe bf * ipfe to Cho? t? but tttpite tb to ejecen golofm pib e*/ tbe fptuetfmptbe* acopettmptb^atabetb ft f 0? anbonoutto mabe bapne tbfng^. ff o? bt* bertef*afbe*/bttbope(* but bapne eartb^ dbttHfemo?ebflet6eeiafr.ft?fomof|p as be anotoetb not bJ* atone mabet / tbat gaue

ie bpm W route to too ; cue; a b?e tb to m .it tbe b;etb of ipfe.cbtp counte oure ipfe itapatrpme anbouteconuetfaeponto be but a marbet/a t rmn ftjuloe euer beget* tpnge/a S bpeuellmeane*. ^otobetbat of eattbmafietb fraple befit!* a image*/ bno* tottb bpm felf to offenne aboue all otbec. aijltbeenempesoftbppeopieatbatboloe tbf mtobteccpon/arebntopft/ bnt)apppe/a ejweabpngep;oubebntoU)eft atone foule*: fo?(bepftibgealltbt gjooisof tbe ^eatbeit tb begoobe*/tobftb netbet batttepefpgbtto fe/netnofestofmeH-neteaKStobeace/no? fpnger* of banbe* fo? to grope:* a* fo? tbeft fete, tbem anobcrbatbatbbutabo?otoeorp;ete/ fafttoneo tbem. Sutno mS-canmaae a &lt;Bob IpBebtttobvm: fo?fepnge be(*butmo?tau Bpmfcifc/ ft t* but mo?tantbat be maben) toftbbnri8btuou8banDs. ^ebimfelfeis bettettben tbep tobombt too?pppetb / fo; beipueotbougbbe teas mo?tall / buffo bpb neuettt)ep.yee(beptoo?ftfppebe8(le*alfp/ tobtcb are mott mtferab!e:fo? ciSpare tbtng^ tbat can not fele bnto tbem/a tbep art too?fe tbentbofe.yettstbece notone oftbefebea* tte*/tbattoftbbttfWbtanbebolbenpgoob tbpng/ netbecbauetbef geuen p?apfe net 0aiue* bnto &lt;ob. moanoMUotDtf&amp;ttpRtu.

#ffitte.p)J.Cba|e. m ^-^uh-P? ft*f ano focb otb tdpnge* 3 raCHstihflitiitbepuilfKO too;tbEPimpft)' t/anbn)o?ott tbe multptube ___ )f beafte*atetbeptoteb IleabeofcbetobtcbpuniQjmentes tbou baft geacfouap o?b?ebtbpne atone people / anb geuen tbem tbeftbefp?.? tbat tbeplongebfo?: aneto fttafige ta/p?epartng tbe quaple* tobetbtn; meate: to tbe intent tbat '(bp tbe fbpnge* toblcb tee 1 1 0) eto eo 9 lent bnto tbf ) tbep tbattoete fogtebp of nteate/mpgbtbe toftbb?atoeneuen from tbe oefp?e (bat toa* neceaarp.Suttbefttoftbtoflwtettatetoere b?ougbt bnto pouerte/ anbtapfteb anetoe meate.f 0? ft toasrequifpte t ( toptboutenp ftcuf e ) e a cue cpon Cpulbe come bpon tb of e tobtcb bfeb tp?annp/9 to ftetoe onelp bnto g otbet/boto tbeft enempe* tocre beOropeD. ^0? toben tbe ctuell tooooneffe of tbe beafte* came bpon tbem/ tbep pcrptbeb tbo?oto tbe w*oftbe ctuell fetpente*. #ottoftb&amp;Qpngtbpto?atb ensured not petpetuanp/buttbtftoeteputfnfeatefo?a IpHeftafon/g tbepmpgbtbeiefourmeb/ba upngea toben offaluacpon/toreuiemb?e t csmaunbementof tbplatoe.f oro J crniet* teb/toa*notbeaiebbptbetbpngeJbe^/ 6utbptbe/OfawourofaU.&amp;omtbi*tbou


ftetoebft tbpne enempe*/ ftl* t&amp;ou/tobftb beliueteft f rfiall eueil .36* foitben tobe tbep toetebpttenUgrelbopper* anbfipe*/tbep oieo/fo2 ftep toere too;tbP topetpfi) b? focb: ^utnetbet tbe tee tb of b?agon* net of be tip* mou*too?me* ouetcamtbpcbplb?$/fo?tbp metcptoa*euetbptt)emabelp&lt;b(^ .cbec fo;e toere tbep punpfteo to rememb?e m

too?b5/but baftelp toere n)ep beaieb agapne: left tbep -QMibe fail into (0 bepe fo?getfuli&lt; &lt; nefle/tbat tbep mpgbt not bfe n)p beipe. gt teas netbeeberbe net plap ttettbat re* fto;tatbftobealtb/buttbptoo?Qe()Lo;D) tobtcb beaien) all tbmg^.Ht i* ttou ( jlo?d ) (batbafttbe potoetof ipfe ano oeatb : tbou Itbeftbnto oeatbe* bo?e/ anbb?pngeft bp agapne.iSutmS tbo?oatopcbeanesaapetb Bt* atone foule/ anb toben bp*fp?etegoetb f o?j lit tutneu) not agapne/netber mape be call agapne tbe foule tbat to taben atoape; %tto notpofipbletoeffiapetbPbSb. jfo? tbe bngoolp tbattooioe not bnoto tbe/toeeepu* npQlebbp(befttengtb of tbpneatme: toptt) fttaunge toatet*/baie* 9 tapne*tocte tbep petfecuteb/ a tbojoto fp?e toete tbep conuc meo Jo? ft toa* a toonbetou* (binge t fp?e mpgbt bomo?ctben toatettobfeb quencbetb alltbpnge*:buttbetoo?lbef*tbe auengeeot tbetpgbtuou*. &gt;ome tpme toa* tbe fp?e fo fameytb8ttbebeafte*tobftbtoetefenttopu nftb tt)ebngoblp/b?entnot:a t becauft tbep ftutteftasnoto/i tbep torn petfecutt&amp;tt tbepiRUQIment of &lt;ecob Jnb fome tpme b}U tbefp?eintbetoatet oneuerp fpbe/ tbat ft migbt beftrope fr bnrigbtuousnacion of tbe eartb.iBgapne/tboubaa febtbineatonepeo' pie ttiSungel* fooe/a fenttbe b?ebre abp fr5 beauen(toftbottt(beftfaboute)bepngebetp Pieataunt anbtoellgtitteb Jnbfo ftetoetbp tpebe* a ftoetneffe bnto tfip tgnb?e/tbou sa * ue(tettetpone(beitbefp?e/fotbateuetpmS mpgbt taetobapbfbbpmbea. Burnt fnotoe a pfeabobetbebioienceof(befp?e/9 meltebnoe:tbattbepmpgbeiinotoe/ ftjatttje fp?eburripnge in tbe bale a tapne/befttopeb m fnite of tbe enempe*:tt)e fp?ealfof o?gat W*tttlgtb MW/$ tbe wgbtuou* mpgbt be no?uUeb.!fo? tbe creaturetbatferuetb (be (tobftbarttbemafter) f* fearfe in ptmifijing tbe bntpgbtnous/butiseafp a gentle tobo goob/bnto focba*puttbefttruf utS.cbtv* fojebpoalltbpngcs altetattbefametpme/

am toere allobebientbntotbp grace/ tobieb to tbe no?re'of all tbpngeg/ acco?bpng to tbe Defp?eoftbemtbatbabnebftberof:tbattbp cbplD?en/ 7Lo?be/toba tbou loueft/ mpgbt fenotoe/tbatft is net nature a tbe gtotopng offtute* $ febetbmf /but$ft(*tbptoo?be/ tobtcb p?efetuetbtbemtbatputrbeittrufl in (be , tfo? lobe tobat mpgbt not be oeurbpcb fiS,UU toltp

toftofberpje/adfooneadfttoadtoarmeMJ a iptle &amp;unnc beame/tt meltcbtftatal men m&lt;S0t firtotce/ ^ t^anficjs oug^t to begeuen bnto fte bet o;e $ jb unne rsrr/anb tbat ftou cugbteft to be toojfbpppeo befojefte Dace fp?fitge.jf o? t&amp;e^ope o f ftebntbS&amp;fuH all mettatoape ad fte topnter pre/ anbptrpl&amp;e adtoater/ftatfdnot necesarp, Cbiu&amp;jjementooffibbpontbcsi&gt;pcfane-. CCbcjtttf.tfbapfer. laeate aw topttibgmfted(&gt;*.o;b)

U$e bo&amp;e

fotpme tbep toerefo toeafiegftepctootontb touftallsfo? an baftpea fobane featftilned came bpon tbem .3 f tee toatoe / p f enp of ft! ban fallen/be tea $ bepte anb (butt to pjefon but ivttboiit ebapnegj, ?3ut sf enyutoelt i n a bpiiage /pf bcbabbencanbetb o7bufbanb' mS be fuftreb in t olla We necefff te: f c? ftef toereallboflbe ttonecbapne ofbarcfinefte. nabcftet it toete a blat?nge topnbe/o; a ftoetefonge.of f bpzoedamongefteftpcbe b ?a ttnft eg of tbe ecee 3 y 0; fte bebemence t ba&amp;fe tflntngetoater/ojgeearenopleoffte fellpngebotoneofftoned/ojtteplapengea 9 topcouneeld cannot be tmtm rftotoge of beafted tobom fteptetoe not / 0; fterfo;e men boerre/ gtopilnot be ftemtgbtienopreof roattogebeafted/o;fte 'tcfourmcbtoptbtbptof foome. iff 0; fbtottbcanftoercftagapnetoftebpemoft tobentoebntfgbteoud ftoug&amp;t tobaue ftp tanned: ftmane tb5ftootonefo;berp fea

te. bolppeopietofobkccpon/fteptoetebottbe tf ojallfte eatcb inebttcleatelfgbt/ ano tot tbe banned of oatcftned a longc npgbt/ mi toad btooereb to bid labour. &gt;nei p b pa touttbnbetfbetofty tbtobpngetoefcapette tbcmftete fella beup npgbt /anpmage of eueriattjnge topfbome. anb tobple ftet? battBneffeftattoadtocomebponftem.yec ftougbt tobebpbto tbe batcfineffe of fteir fteptoerebntotbemfeluedtbemoftbeut&gt ;ii fpnned/fteptoerefcaterebatoobcto bet; bojtfblebarcbnefte.

repobeft or fte bare* couerpnge of fojget* turned /puttobomble feate 9 toonberouf* 1; bejreb fo; tbe comet tobete tbep mpgbt not bepe ft em frS feate : becattfe tbe fountie came botone a bcrebftcnnpee manp te m bi e anb ftraungebtftons mabe ftem afrapcb. 0o potoer of tbe fp?c ropgbtgeue ftem *lpgbt/neftermpo#ttoecleatefiammedof aai*edlf$tenjbojrfblemgbMtotbereap* pearebbnto tbfafooane fp?e/ berptoebeful: it f tebtcb( toben ftcpfatocnoibfnge)ttep toetefoaftapeb/tbat fteprbougbt $ ftpnge tobicb tbtf. fatoe/tp be tbe moje fearfitoa f 0? toe Co? a rp a cncbauntemet I ftepbfeb/ tt came to bertffon / aftepjoube topfbome toad b;ougbtto ibame. $0; ftep t pjomffeb to &amp;jpue auapetbe feavfutoed ^b^eoe ftom |toeabe fouled/ toere fpcb fo; feate flm mueg/g tbat tt fcotot. 3nbtbougbnoncof f toonbew feajeb toe/pet toete ftep a frafeb at beeftcdtobicb camcbpStbeVaatfc sif. fpnge of tbe ferpented.jn fo mocb toattrito twrnMingftepftootonebvafapbe tbepfatoe not &amp; am/ tobicb no man pet mtipe efcape. c tfozftrdanbeupftpnge/tobenamand atone cijf timet beam b reeoj&amp;e of bid tope* Stoned a conof pnetobtot Jnb tobpi abejteb anbtoounBebconfrtence /tabetbtuerctuen #nged inbSoe if eatfulned fdnotbpng eld/ but a oectarpngetbataman febeib bribe a defence /to anCtocrefo; bpmrrtf.ano lobe bote motbiege ? bopefd toftbto/f mojefd tbe bncettftge of tbe matter. fojtbetebpeb be &lt;e punp(?eb . ut tbeptbat came to tbe mtgbtpttpgbttfiepte * Oepe i feflbpcntbe" era bnjrta ftomaboue:fomtpme tuetetfiep 8ftapebtbo;oiDtbrfeaKortbttoonbtrd/s

in Nje

effie fpit I53I) 1 1 Ij a 1 1 f) cp JtcdeKtee bab (n tmt (E^c pecftquuejon of ttjc faptl)fuil'E^ei.ojb Cmote alt t^e fp?S borae of jpp(. Clje rpnne of (be people "6erneB.aaronfteJwbttij(bEtsuEjtt' \)ie ccnCourc. Sbe.]tbuf.Cbapttt. cEuertbtlcdtbp fancted baba betf greate Hgbt(an&amp; fi entmped bttbe tbefrbopce/buttoepfatoenottbe ffgutjtoftbem,)3Dnbbtcaufetbei fuffrebnotg feme tbtnged/tbep magnpfpett tbe:anbtbep tbattoetene]re&amp; afo;e(becaufe cbeptoete.notburtenotai)tbancbebtbe/an&amp; befougbt tbe() $oo)tbat tb ete mpgbt be a btffetence.^betfo^bao tbep a butnpng pp let of fp;e to le be tbe* to t^t bn bnotone toape atbougauett tbem^ $)tmneft7 afre gpft toftboutenp butt. eafontt toad/tbattbep ffiuioe toant Ipgbt anb be puttn tbe p;efon ofDatcbned/tobicb fieptetbp cbflwen to ca* ptputte/bp tobotn tbe bnco;tupte if gb t of $ tetoeof ft to02loetoadfo2tobegeuf .lbenJ5 tbeptbougbtto Oapeftbabedofftttgbteoud (onebetogiapebout/anbp;eferuebtobeie betbntotbeotbet)tboub;ougbte(t out tbe tobole muttptube of toe cbpio;en/an&amp; it* firopbeft tbefe to tbe mpgbtpe toatet.fiX tbat npgbt toete oure fatoetd certpfpeba fo;e/S tbep bnotopng onto tobat otb'td tbee bao geue ctebfce/mpgbt be of goob cbea te. Cbtid ftp people teceaueb ftebeattbof tbe t^gbteoud/butfbngtiofptoete&amp;; Itbe ad tboubaBbutreouteenemfrd/fobalt tboup;omotebbdteb5 tbou caHebeftafo?e. foil rtgbteoudcbflw oftbegoobmf oflteb fecmipanb o;b?cbtbeIatoe of n'gbteoufned bntobnrte: i mm flmtte teceauegoo&amp;a eneUto Ift* nmn/ ffngfngr p;a; rrjsbnrp % fatbet


fatber of alt men Jgapne/ tbere toad betoe an bnconuementbopceoftbe tnemted / a a .ppteoudcriefo? cbb;en f toete betoapleo. e rbe matter anotbefetuauttoerepunpfteo to Ipbe maner. fm tbep all together bao in* numerable tbatopeb one oeaft. defter mere tlpuingefufftcfentto burp I DeeD/fo; in $ tmtocblpnge of anepe/ no


g&gt; fo? tbe bbgobiiJ/ 1 tojaty came % bpontoem tottboutmetepbnto $ enoe. fot be bneto befoje tobat Q&gt;uUiebappenbntotbtm:bototbae (tben tbep bao confenteD to letttbem go / 9 baofenttbem outtotoj gteate Wpgece) tbep tooibe tepente / ano folotoe bpon ftem. ff 0? toben ftep teete pet moutnpng a mabpnge

eft nactonof tbe toadbeftropea .3d oft ad lamentacton bptbegraued of tbebeeo/ tb ep &lt;WDb.elpe5tbfafo;e/petb)olbettnotmabe btiipfeftanotberfoqlpftnedJfotbattbeppe r*

tbem beieue:but to tbe ueftruccton of f tr ft bo;ne tbep bnotolegeo / tbat ft mad tbe peo&gt; pie of BoD.ffo;tobpieaUtbpngedtoere BUI/ atob^tbe npgbttaiadto fte mpmeft of bet coutfe/tbP aitlmpgbtfe too^)e() to;D) lea= fcte botone from beauen wit of ftp topail

fecttteo tbem to tbef r flf engeytobom n)ep ft a caft out afo?e toitb p;aper. iido?tbpnece(Tp&lt; te alfo tyoug&amp;t ftem onto tbfd enbe/f 0; thtv ban cleane fo;gotten tbetbpnged tbatbap.

peneo onto tbem afo;e . J3ut n)t tbpnge tbat toad toantpnge of toefr punpfliment / totm

ttotje/adaeougb manof toawe/to tbempo* tequpfpte f to be fulfpHeo bpon tbem tott a beftoftoelanbetbattoadtiefttopebtanDtbe tototented: ftp people mfg&amp;t&amp;aue a mar

toatpefmeroeperfourmebtbeir ft?aftecom* maunoement/ oanbpng a ftflpngalltotogr tottb beaft: pee it ftooe bpon fte eatft a tea* cbe&amp;bntotbebcauen. cbenftefpgbtof tbe eucll b;eamed bereb ftem fobenlp/anb feat' futneoecamebpon tbem bnamatred. te ben Jape tbere one bete/ anotbtttberc/ "^balf beebbaif qupcfi/ anaftetoeatbe caufe ofbfdoeatb.jfo2tbeb(ftondtbatbetebtbem/ m^o(ti tbem tbefe ftpng^ a fo;e: fo tbat tbep toere not ignorant/ b&gt;brf oje ftep perplbeb. .ffibetentacponofbeatb toutoebtbetpgb eeoudalfo/anbamongetbemultftubefiitlie

iteioudpaftagetbo;oto/ 9 tbat ftefempgbt fpnueaftcaungebeatb; ^m toad euerp ettatute faftponeb agapne of neto acco^opnge tofte topil ofj$ tbef tmaber/obepeng ftp cSmaunbemented toat top cbPlb^en mpgbt be nept bifftout burte/^o? tbe cloube ouerfbabotoeb ftef r te* fed/ 9 ft e b;pe eartb appeareo / tobere af o?e ma toatertfo tbat to tbt teeb fee ft ere toad atoapetofftout impebpment/anb tbe great oepe be camea grene feloe:mbere fto;oto ail fte people toente mere oefenbeo toftb tav banbe/ fetoge ftp toonberou* 9 marueiottd

ioMt weffe ftere toad umraeccf on/but ftp tooled, jfo? ad tbtbo;ff d/fo toeteftc p 1 1 co/ to;aft eubureanot longe. Jfo? tl}t fautlede aleaptelp6elambed/pjapffngtbe(&gt; to ?w

mantoentefn alitbebatt/anbtobeftebat tapilbpon b tm/b;ougbt f jtb ftemeapen of bid mpmftraepon : euen p;aper ano fte cen&gt; fourd of reconcf itoge: fett btm felf agapnft tbetowft / anb fo b;ougbtfte mfferpto an enDeaeciartogefterbp/ftae bttoadftpfet*

uaunt ,f ojbeouercame not fte muttftube toftb bobelp potoet/ner v&gt; toeapf d of mf gbt: buttoffttbe too^Debe fubbuebblmftatbe. . KObmt/putttogetbeto rememb;attnce of cfteotbe acouenauntmabebnto fte fafterd. #p;ttbenftebee&amp;tBrefallenbototiebpbea&gt; pedonebponanprbetybtftobetotbempb* , ^_, beft/paaff eb fte to^tb/ ana parteb t toape af t* w fte bebemence of fte ftreami bntofte;rpupng.3Bn8tobpftobpdlongegat* 59 fuffce btoo^toelp'aco?bpnge to Hen tnenttoadaiitbebeutp/a tof fbueetotoed totcftepnefted/tbep Dealtfo abbominablp 9 of fte ftoned toad tbeglo^ : of fte faft^rd f&amp;wflflMPtotft ftraungerd.feomer eceaueB grauen/anb ftpmafeftptoadtoMtenmfte; nobnsnotone gefted/fome b?ougbt draft* ctotoneofb!j5beab.csntoftefeft'ebearoper prdto to bonbagetbatbpb ftem goob. fte gauenlace / ami toad afrapeS of ftem rftfttt ft 58 all tbefe ftpnged ftere toere tome/ftae toadonlpatentacfontbo;ftpofto/aft. ' notonlpreceaueono ftraungetdtofftftefc ,;. ... .- ^ / ..toplled/butpetfecutebtbofeaifo/anbbpb SSMPiW 11 '' an&amp; '^8* i0 ? s t tbem mocb euell/ftat teceaueaftem glawp ttjuof aTa&amp;/but mrote tbe wuotmm. m 25? ; We as ftep tbat toere couereb tofft tf Cbcrtr, cbapter. banebatimeftatiio?edoffterfgbfeotid . ^ * ftgeuerp onefougbf gentrafice of bid bo?e. tf.f^ bud

tobfeb babbeftbeltoerebftf m jm tobpftbeg toere pet mpnbefull of fte tbpngt / ftatbab peneb tob'pieftep btoeit to fte lanbe: ftoto grounbe b?ougftt fo;ftflpesito Seaoeofca' tell/ 9 bo to fterpuet fcrauleb toptb muttitube of ftogged to fteabe of fpf fd. utat tbelaft ftepfatoeaneto creacpon ofbpjoed/tobattpmead fteptoereoffceaueb* tofft htft/anbbefp;ebbelpcate meated. f o? tobenfteptoerefpeaatogeoftbeftappetfte/, ftequapiedcamebpbnto ft? fromfte fee/ anbpunpftemented camebpon ftefpnnetis not tofftoutftetobendtobpeb cametopacre

afo?e Dp fte bebemence of fte ftteamed ' f 09


cftuss tbe elements turned m to tfiem feluep/ip&amp;eap toben one tpmefe cbaungeb bponanmatumentofnmfge&amp;7 ana vet all tbetefpaue fiepe tbeit meloDp: tobpeb mape eafelp be petceaues/bp tbe fpgbt offings tbat ate come to pa . cbe b/pe lanoe toa* tumeomtoatoaterp/anatbe tbpnge gafoje toamme in tbe toatet/ toente note bpon tbe type grouriDe.ebefPjebatbpotoetm teattt(contrarp to bip atone bertuejanb t u e toa * tec fosatbw atone fctnae to quecb/agarne/


tbe flammepof tlje nopfome beaded bum not tbe flew of tycm tbat toente toptb tbem/ net&amp;et melteb tbep tbe pfe/tobf cb els mettetb Ugbteip.'jn all tbpngep baft tboupjomowa tbP people ( O ;Ho?D)an&amp; b;ouBbt t^ to bonouv-.tbou baft not befpp leb tbe/ but ailtoape a mall place? 'battt&amp;ouftanbe bptbem. m&amp;bt enbe oftbe bofie of topfpom.

G!\)t bote of *3f efos t|ie Cbnne of &amp;p

Clje Bioloje of ftfttff fte fonne tljelaw/QUMftbcpjQpbetcpai*^^ to be tommenoeD / bptbeteafon of boettgif f t&amp;aueitanbteaceu/amienotonelpt&amp;rfeJuep v^.&gt;^. *ue o^eealfo toptbtea^wanbtorttfyac. i in ii 3Kei!tbatmpBraHnbfat&amp;ei#eni*babgeuenw^^ tbe latoe/tbe pjopbetep anb otbet bobep tbat toete lefttop of owS9ganMlMlg' SAbffftEtbeewbenutpofebaKo tbroemWtbatmeptobfcbtomtotllpngetojeatneanbt^ bnberttan6pge/anbftrtbemo?eaptetoleawagooDconue^orL . ntnfe . ateitn Mft . ft lbetf o?e 5 cjrojte pott to reeeaue it ^m^ '^^S&amp;^if^^l^l^ma fngoob tootfb/t ~"""' * "" '"" **""*' "*" ibatfetotftten...... _ tberfpeaebe.flotcnlpt&amp;fp!

ttt&amp;MwM ftBoobfinbntceuarp/to bettfitoe jnDsWBeneeanbttaua0etoftn&gt; - .atibccntfMrfngetbatfbautftne,

beC to petfeutme tb&gt; bobe/anb tob;pnge ftbnto tabfcibttQf arauwgera affotobicb areoifpofeo to letne /Wififitap* pitttbemfeluejjintogoobniatietp/anbivue

&gt; *%

aceotfpnge to tbeiatof of t&amp;c

fcojbe. * 1 .**

*.. % - - 'I

^- -



#.*! '


( * ,



ie.'ibobi uen/ tbebjei

* M C l^ yfl ome pjocentwtij atio t3me tf) of oa.a p;apfe cftljc face b f oD.a&lt;fl5itef ii i b is a Degte to come CjWjfoomE, VttteftiftjtHapter. mwpftome commctij or od tbeXo;o i a ban) bene eueetBftbbint mtoiti before au tpme . MM nomb?eb tbefantieof g fewbe Djoppea A|AtfkKcbttjebeegtpfbea of Hit eattb a tbe oepeneae of tfteJee'f ib&amp;obatb rotog'ot otottbegtounoc of (Sowes tojfbonie/te&amp;scb Satb bene be' fo;eatbwge0?lsfoomebatftbehe before alf tb?nge*/ ano n)e bnaet Oanbrnge of p^u Hence from eu e waftsn ge . ( &amp; m to o?&amp;e m $ bepgu) p tbe toell of tt^ome/anb tbe twe laftgnge csmaunoemente* atetbeentcafi' ce of bet, ) (onto uibom pan) tbe vote of toff* boraebeneoeclawbf D?tpBo batbfinotone btttortcfentotobS batb Docirpneoftopf^ borne bene offcoueteo a ftetoebf atebobatb bnoetSanoe nmtipfoloe entraunceof beef 35 G$ere&amp;bne:eiimtbe$geft7tbenia!iei; of all tb PgeP / iimpab &amp;e / tbe fifnge of potoec(of tobommf ougbttoaanbe amtlv : watoe)tob&lt;cbffttetbb^on^ttone7betnBe a @o3 of DonipntoJ fiebatb created bee tbo* toto boir gooChbebatb feneber/nombjeb bet / ano meafureb bee : $ebatb pou;eb bee out bpon all b&amp; to o?fiep/ aiib bpon all fie$ tectum* to b gpft :be geuetb bem'ebel? tmtotbemtbaflottebcm . ttyt feme of tlje Ho;o (0 too.2fl)ippean&amp; tn'umplje/ grabheae aafOcfun ccotone.iJEbe feateof tbe /LOjOe tnabetb antetp bert/geuetb glabneoe/iope anb lohge l?;bo fo featetb tbe Kom/tt ftagotoelltoptb bpntattbelaft /JjfinflSe baveofbpsbeatbbefbatibebleffeb.

m b e loue of on is &amp; on o;abic to pfbome: ^iofiebntotobomttapjjeamb/tbeiiliWefry foi tbep fe tobat toonoetous tbvngep ft botb . be feaeeof Ho;De #$ tbe begprinpngeof jbs fb om e /a nb toap mabe iom tbe f astbfull tn tbe motbetp toombe : pt ftallgo toptb tbe ebbfen tormen /anb fbatbe finotoiie of tbe KfgbteouftanbfaftbfuU. cbe feate of tbe

: *

^o/aefetbe vpsbt $obprerupce/n)atp;e* feeuetb anb tuatfietb tbe tjevt / anb geuetb m?;tb anDgiabneoei ado fo featetb Hoi&amp; (baU be bapppe:anb toben &amp;e&amp;atb neoeof coirtfb;te/be ftali be bleireo. co feate M4 $ to pfb orae tbat malt e t f) r peb /anb b? jnge tit all goob tb bet. S&gt;be f plletb tbe toboie boufe lbFtbbeegpfttep/anbtbegametp toptbbec treafute.cbe feate of tbe ju;b pp tbe ctotone of topfbome/ anbgeuetb pienteotippeaceanbbealtb.^ebatb fenebetanbnomb?ci&lt; bet:bnotolege anbbnbrtQanbpnge of topi* borne ban) be pouttb out ap rapneia tbem t beioebet faay batb be bjougbt bntobortout Cbe feate of tbe )Ui;bepptbe tote of topC bome/anbbeeb?auncbeparerotigeipfe.Sn_ tbe tteafutep of topfoome pp bnbetQanbpng ** anb beuocpon of finotolebge/but toplbotne IP abbo?teD of fpnnetp.) &amp;)t feate of tbe JLo?bb?puetb outfpnne/fo? betbatfp toitt&gt; outfeate/cannotbe maae tpgbteoup / anb bjp topiifullboionepip bip atone beOtucciS, apacpentmantopllfufltebntotbetpme/? tbe (ball be baue f tetoatbe of tope M goob bnbetOanbpnge topll bF&amp;ebtPtoo?bepfo;a tpme/anb tnanp menp Uppep (ball fpea&amp;e ot W topfoome, gn tbetteafutep of topfbome fptbebectetacporibfbocttpne/but tbefpn^ netabbo^etbtbe to6?ftpppeof Ob. fll^p fonne/pf (boil iKfpK toff oorae / fiepe tbe a&gt; mauniiement/an&amp;(SESbbiball geuebetbnto tbe: f oi tbe feate of tbe % ow (9 topfbome a riuttoure/bebatb pleafutefn faptbanblix upngemebeneae /an&amp;be (ballfpll tbe ttea*

ru tep tbet of. ffie not obftmate anbbnfaltft* fUR to tbe feateoftbeto^ie/anbcomenoe bntobfnttoftbaboublebett.jsenotanppo' ctpte frt tbeffgbt of men/anotanegoob be be tobat mn fpeafieft . fl^atcbe toell etjere tbf ngep/ieft tbou bappen to faUanbb;pnge tbpfouietobtlbonoute/anbfo&lt;!ESobb((couec tbp fecrctep / anb caft tbe botone fntbetm&gt; Deft of $ congtegacpon : becaufetbou tool* b^ftnttWiiili^te of &lt;pob / abecaufe t&amp;pBettiiSf ull of t apneimep anb irf feeate. pMnHMnppS/ft patictice/ anbt*lwtt9 Ha m a t f t awt&amp; . oo&gt; i o UUue/ to ba?r/ and to ion t Jki rtute ^eoBttctWctonftanOftft iuc foj(aBbt5fiij/ MmHtttb9H.a mttkw tyt totttmwtt I i -' -^m (jcMf. i rtfir.t;.bapfet. if fonni / pf tbbtt toflt comemW^ pe:feiupceof&lt;!5oB/ltattbe fallm* ltp|6tbufnepanb feate / anbatme _. itbPfowleto tent#cpon;fettle tb me b?tf,' , anBbe:pacpent:botoebotonetB'pneeate wceauetbe. too?oep of iinDetSanbpnge/ana ftlpncBenot atoape / toben tbouattentp&lt; tea. ^olbe tbe faft bpon ob / i opne tb P me cee,b, btito

~* *


Ccriefmtttcus, Clje bofee of

bntofjtmann forfte/tbattbpfpfemapeen cw arc at $ laft. i&amp;batibeuer bappenetbbn* to e/teceaue ikfutfre in beupnefle/a be fa cientmtbpttouble.tfozlpfieasgQloe afpi net are tt peo In tbe fpze/e uen fo are acee p ta biemen trxr&amp;efo;nacecf 8Duerr?teJ8eieue in (ffiioD/?ttje all belpe c^e o;o;e tt) p tea p e atpsbt/anoputtbptruftinbim.fcoloefatt pi* feare/anb gtotoe pe tftac feare 4 ILojb/tabe fureboloe of bis mercp :;inc. Senotatoape frobim/tbat pe fall not. &gt; pe ttjat feare cpe &amp;o;oe/beieueb?m/ anbpoure tetoatbe all not beemptie. it $ feareft TLofle put poute trutt in bim / 9 mete? (ball come onto rou f 0.2 pieafure. pe at feare . tbe;Ho;De ret poutelouebponbim/a route tjerte0aejpgbteneo. * &lt;cpnf?o;eeoegeneww'on0 of men( ^pe cbplojen)ano mattft tb em toelMsau ete euerenpone eonfounbeb/atputbi0 mitt in ft ftotfeiBSbo euer contmueb in W feare ano toast fo;fafien i ; tobom&amp;pb be euet befppfe / at calleb fapfullp bpon bimi tfa? 00 (0 graei ou ano m er cpf ul l /be f o;* geuetb f sime* in tb e t pme of trotible / ano is

bonoutebofe cbpui;eu /ai fobe tobata moer commaunoetb tjcx cppltyen to uo/ be roillbaue it 6epte.lbo fo bonourc bis fa* tbet/bP0fproie0allbefo;geHenbim:ano be tbat bonouretb bpsmotbet rcupfieonep. gatbe t ert) tteafute tcgetber.UBb fo be nou= ret&amp;bi0 faer/allbaueicpe of bid atone cbplo; emano tobe n be man e t b big pjaper, be (ball be beroe.^e tb at b on ouretb rjtjs tatter/ allbaucalongelpfe: anbbe atisobe* Di'cn t fo; tbe tojm fane/ &amp;p m otber all bauetopeofbim. - 0e at feare tbe ;Lo;oe/b on ouiebf0 fatber anD mo tbet / anbbotb tbem Cerupce/ ,* 00 it toere bnt tbe &amp;o;oe bun feif . ^onoure " ttjp faet in beoe/in too;be / ano in all pad* fnce / tbattbou mape&amp; bauebtf bleffsnge: fo;ebleOmg of efatbtt buplDetbbptbe &amp;oufe0 of tbe cbi;en / buttbe mo tb et cur= ferotetb cut efounoacpens . laeiopfcnot toben p fatbetfe tep;ouet / fo; itis nobe*

noute bnto tbe / but a ffjarae . f 01 tbe too;* f pe of a m0 fatber 10 bi0 atone too;ipe/ an&amp;tobeteefatbet 10 tbitftout bonoure/ it f0ttebioneftp of t&amp;efcnne. flEpfonne/

a oef entree f 0? all tbem tbatfefte bpmin e mafiemocb oftbpfaetinbisage/agreue twe.iobebntebim ft baa bublebftt/ bimnotasiohgeasbeliuetb.ainDpfbisbti ropcfteoipppes ano eueii occupiea banoes/s berftanomg faple/baue patience ret ijf tn/

totbefpnnet g goe ttoomaner of toajeis. lo be bnto tbem at areloofe of tjerte/ tobtttputnotttefcttuft mob/ etfo;e all tbe? not be bcfen&amp;fl) of Dim. iobe tin* to tbem at &amp;aue lott patience / fo;fa6en . rfBbttoayes/anoaretumeobacR intoftc ttarbe toape0.ibat topil tbe; bo/ toben tbe %oW ffiatl begpnne totrfet tbtmf c cbep tbat feare tbe JLo;be/tofli not mif ttuft bi0too;be:anb tbe? tbat loue plm/ tofil ftepe W commaunoement . be tbat feare tbe2Lo2DtorUfe&amp;eouttbetbingc0/tbatare pleafaunt untobfm: 9 tbe p tbat loue brm / all fulfil bisiaroe cbfp $ feare $ o;t&gt;e ropli pjepate tbeir bettes/anobumlle tbeir f outc0 in b t0 f igb t . b e p f feare tbe 1 ? oe

anbDerppfebf m notintbp Crengtb.iff 0; tbe goobbsbe tbat tbou Qjetoeft bnto 1 bp fatfjrt/ ftallnotuefo;gotten:9 toben tboutbpfelfe toantea/itlbatf be te toaitco tbe ( a fo; tb'? motb ew offence tbou (bait be tecompenfr^ toitb goob/jeeitfljail be founocb fo; tbe in rpgbtuoufne0)9intbeoapcof trouble tbou (bait be tememb;eo: tbp ffnne* alfo (ball meltatape/U6ea0f Ffeinf fawetoarme toetbee. $etbatfo;&amp;&amp;tbb&amp;tatBety McomeC to ft) ame:anb be tbat tiefyetb W motber/ (0 curfeb of 000. sy ? fonne ; perfoutme tb? roojfiesti) louenge mefieneffe/fo alt tbou be loue&amp; aboue otber nun. begreatet tbou aw/tbemo;ebumbletbpfelf(inaHtbrngt0)

bepebt0commauntifmente0y9tcpHbepa^Rbtbou alt fpnoe fauout in tbe figbt of

cienttplltbepfebpinfelf/fajinge -.better it te fo; b0 to fall intotbe banbe0 of tbe)lo;be/ tdert into tbe bance of tnerr-fo;b&lt;0 mete? tfi 80gteatea0bpmfelfe. (Cooutc father an&amp; mother ougftttwfo geucftoutlc bonout.fl)fteebleff?ug nnO cutHe of tf fat^rc sno noiticc.jSo man oug^t outt cue joutlv to ttatcbt out ^efcct80fiBob. Cffifte.ftf.&lt;bapter. ^e cbplb?en of topfoomrarea to* gtegacpon oftberpgbeuou0/anb tbeit ererepfei0 obebfcnee a loue. ^ 0eare trie pour e fat bet ( s&gt; m? bcare cbPib;en) 9 bo tbete after /tbat ?ema?

0oD.iTo;greate potoet belongetb onelpbn* to doby a be 10 bonoureb of tbelotol?. ftebe not out tbetbmge0 tbat ate aboue tbp cspacpte/ anofearebnot tbegrcunoe of focbtbpnge0 as are to migbtpefo; t^c.but lofie tobat obbarb comaunotb tbe/ tbpnfie Spontbatall toape / and benot eut?ou0nt manpof bP0too;fie0. fo;itr0notneoefuU fo; tbe to fe tt tbpne epr ^t tbpnge0 g ate fectete.^abenottbou tomoebft arc!) in lu* petfluoti0tbpnge0/a be not curious in ma# npofbp0 too;cfie0 : fo;man? tb?nge0 art fbmebbnto tbe ailreab? / tobfebbe abouef eapacite of men. rfie mrblpnge tt fotb barb;tbe^o;ottopllbauetbefatbr&gt;; begflebmanram$/anbtanBiebtbtittoftte0


ISSMsssl JL&amp;m&amp;,mW.

fabj^^ftabetbatlouetb paten/ an an baroe bette aiifa^e eueilat f las ^ (an beet tbat goetb ttoo toape0/al notp;o fpereca be tbat 10 froroarfte of bert/toill euet be m too;fe a too;f e.) a rf cbeb bett albe law Wtbfp;otoe0/ | bngoDlpfpttneetotil beapeonefrnnebpSanotber.cbeeounceil oftbep7ouoebatbno beaitb/fo; tbepiante offwme all be roteb out in bett of bim fi barb bnoetftannpng all petceau e bpe cbmges/ 8 a gooo eare topll glaolp bet' 8enbntotopfboine.3n bett tbat wtopfe anb batft biffietOfibpng/toiH ab fla pne ft? fpnnt/ anbincreaft in roo;cbe0 of rigbtuou(ne0, latet(|nmcbetb butnpnge fp;e/ametc? Kcflncpietft fpnnt0 , obbatbtefpectebnto m tbancbfuibbetbrncaetb bPBbim agapnft tfy tpmr to come:fotbattob5b faU letb/be all f pnse a a conge b oioe. CaimwMuttb? bonttofr^UmtWmw. OKeOu,ejt oftofmcanm)ftmei Stntbge au^t to.Jie awec^W. anctbo;facpon to 1 febue tut U to 00 aooO. . .tfcee.iuj.c.bapter. SB ISTKS^r fonne/ueftaubenottbepoo;eof. ;i0aime0/ anotutne not atoaye *pnee?e0 fS bim tbatbatbnebe. __ (efppfenot an bongrpe foule / a befpenot tbepoo;ein bi0neceite:gteuenoe tbe&amp;etteofbimtbatisbeipiefle/ anbtoptb* m\ot not tbe gpft from m nebefull. efu* fe nottbep;aperof onet&amp;atfcmttoubJe/ a turne noeatuapetbp face from $ neop . Call nottbpneefe0afpoe ftom m poo;e/| tbou ffeuebim not occafpon to fpeafie eueSof ft. vrnmcompime of mtn tbebfttetne0 of W0foule/btf p;apet all beberoe: euf be Jiatmabe bmi/albeatebim.e cutteou0 bntot&amp;e conipanpof tbe poo;e/ bumble tb? foulebnto tbe eJoet/abotoebohinetbPbeab toaraan of too;ippe.iLettitnotgteuetbe to botoe bottne ebpne eare bnto f poo;e /but papetb?bgtt/ana geuebpm a frenw? an*

ftoete/anbtbattoitbm6eneae, i*P e M mm ^mtth towngeftomtbc bSoe of tbe opp;effjut/ be not fspnt barteo toben tbou fpttea tn iubgmee. jBemeecpful! bnto tbe fatberle0 asa fatber / 9 be in neaoe of an boufbanoebnto tbeir motber : fo clt tbou be a0 an obedient fonne of tbe ^peft/s liealHouetbemo;eentbpmotbert)otb, ippfoomeb;etbetblpfewieobecebpio^/ee ejraue*emtbatfebcbet/to?ligobefo;e ftemtbetpapeofr(gbtuoufne0.eiouetb 6et/!ouetblpfe:9tbep|fefiebetDaigentr?/ aHbaueBteatefope.Be?tbatbepebet/ allbaue tbe beretageof ipfetfo; tobete e fltttetbm/tbete itbt bleflpng of ob.rbep tbat bonoure bec/all be tbe feruaunte* of HfUoJpone:anotbeptbapueb.,tt/atebe s

faun iof oo.ibofo geuetb eatebntobet/ aHfuogetbe^atbmWbetbatpatbw. fpeettbntgbet/aBbtoenfm ^ e I beteuetbbet/ftaiibaw brtw pot* ,* feaion/anbb0genetac?on allenbuteTfoj* toben be falletb,eaigotoitbbim/befo;e a.feaw/b;ebe ateptacionalle b;png bponbim/anbtrpebiminbet bo(ttpne:t?il ebauefop/ouebbpm 8eeommptteb&lt;0fouiebntobet &gt; b(nall e uabli bim/b?pnge tberpgbt toape bn^ tobim/mabe mm a. giao man/,etoebmibec fectew/anDbeape^pon b?mtbe. treafure0. of ftnotoleoge/bnoetftanbpng.a tpgbtuour*; nc0.utpfbegoto;onae/eafb;(ate wn/anogeue b?mouetintotbe.banbe0 of! btfentmpe. iiBS mft6 J mp * ^kme/ttcm, mpnmtm euell/a fo?tbp(pfeamenot^ tofape trwettj.!jfo;tberei0aamegb;in* #*"gfb*l0a ame tbatb;pn* getb roo;tppe ano fauour.accepte no per* ronafteetbpneamnetopii/tb;ttou benoe confounoeb to tbpne atone Decape. iSenot

aaraeboftbpnepgbboutinbi0abuerfite/ 9 aepe not barb cbp coaceii v&amp;en a m*m foob/netber bpbe tb? topome in bet beut?. o;tntbetonge (0 topfoome bnotone/fotd bnbetSanbpng/bnotoleogeaietnpnge in d taiBpngeoftbetopre anoaebfaOnefieinme too;cft^ of tpgbtuoufnr0.3n no topfe fpcafie agapntt ft too;be of treutb/ but be aamea of ft (pes of pnea^ne igno;aace.&amp;&gt;bame noe to cgfe ffe pne eteoure/a fubmptte not tbp reife onto eurtp man becauft of fpnne. luanoe not tbe face of empgbtic/ an&amp; ftr?uenotagapnfteBreame. utfo;tbe ftueat?ueoubntobea,anb(!l$cball fpgbt fo; tbe agapna tneenempes.ieenot baapemtbptonge/netbetOacfi anegBgent fntb?too;cbe0. tfenota0alpon in pne atoneboufe/DfSi:opig?bouoR&gt;e foicitt/ anb opp;effpngtftem at atebnbere. let not?nebanoebeftteteboutto teieaue/ anb ut toben ou ui&amp;eft geue, CJntpc^ea msjetoe not put an? ctmMenct.tZht toengeaunce oe&lt;eobougdt to be ftanb^auo to tmn* tauncemajetoenotbeflotut. CCbe.b.Cbspter,

mutt not bnto t^ttttbati 9 rape not: tu /j baue pnougbfo; m?a Jlpfe.( jfo;itannot beipem tbe _ ?tpmeofbengeaunceatemptactff) ffolotee nottbeluS of pne atone btrtem tb? Sreng/an&amp; rape not: tu/ bote baue % ftabttreng/o;tobo to?llb;?ngemebnbei! brcaufe.of.m?too;8e0f ; boutir0 ob of aufgeOirarenot;|baurc9iii?tteb mo. mm

tfeca toe tt) v ipnne to fo*geue /twnot iBe* fo;etDitooutfeaw/ netoeebeapeone fpnne tops anoft tt.3nbfape noMuro/ tee mtwp of

| Xoto 10 gteat/Ut toal tomatm mp *W&lt; m$m tepntuetforaanp.f wU&amp;eWbeto mewpfull/togoetoto;ato ftobtm alfo,W0 tobignacpon cBmetb botone bponfpnnew. , fflpafif nt tat?engc to tutne bnto Jlo?o 9putnototftfbaiptoDape:to;robempiball bto *&gt;;$ come/^mettmeobiwuiiw tie; not to toftfiebtpcK fo; toe? OWM notbelpe into* Daw of punftb* ratM9to;ato.-5enotcati)ebabout toeuetp topnoe/aiiDgoonottotowetptoapt^jjfo botb toe CpnneK 8 baft a ftouBIt tfigeAtJM Mto toe toape of toe fcoftc/ be aeofa&amp;m ftp bnaetttanapnge / abpbebp the toojae/ and folotoetoetoozoeof peace S8|toioS' ne0.#egmtletobeate Mtoom ofjBoB/ ft ftou mape&amp;bnaetaanbeft/anamaBe atrue anftoete toiti) topCaome/teeCtopft tofteate/ toutdotoe a patient to ttiou baft bnoet&amp;aopnge/lbappe to? jjera} Boueananttoew:3!fno/lawt6piefttobpa topmoutbWft tooubetrappeb man bnwc ctete too?at/9 to '5founoeb.9onout 9too;# wef$maman*topCetalBlnc^ut$tc4ige cftogtonDlCcretetobtoatoneoetocton.iee not apjeu? accufet asionge aj fyou ipeft/ abfe nofciafiotoito tbptonge , flo; CBame

batea enupea ana conf ounWb.fce toat toou tuaifpetoeCmallan&amp;gteatealpBe. 5b ooettjne atiD flouo counctU of tte ** ***** tfcflcMCbaptet. .

;&lt;C not top nepgBbouW encmpe fo; top frinoegfalte:fo; to&amp;o Co to eueJl t&amp;abetoebei&gt;;eoCKbu6e b?r. _ a - aa Ji)onourt/$toftoroeuer beatetft en up* 9 a oouboletSg effenbeto.Se notp;oubt rottelwtpceortopneatonebnbeWanbpng/ led topleauess .hrftoet /ana top fmte be be* tttoptb/ato ftoubclefta* ab?p e mm a topcBeacoule be&amp;topetobtm $ bato ft/ ma* Betotojmtobelaugbeatofcojncofbpisette*

mtc0/(aft?to8et6bfmtotaepCTOiortae bngooip J8 Ctoete toozoemultfolieto Wn W ana paepfpeft toeto toat be at toatpamw atfcatbancBfolltongeMlbeplenteoitotn agooaman-fcoloeftenarotppetopto manf/ imjewbtiesbauefctoonecoa'celetcfatoou* fan&amp;e.

Vf toougettett a ftmae/ p;oueto'm fpW anbbtnot battie togeuebtoutebwce .fW fomemantoaftenbe/butfo;atfme/9totH notable to t&amp;e bapeof trouble. Snbtbnc-til Come frame ttattunuffl to enemptc/anb tafictbpatte agapntttoetoPfjeBnottteni burtebptoe/betelletottoutJgapne/Comr ftenae is but acompanpon attf e table/ ami in toe bape ofntae be contpnueto not . put a one ftenoe totibebnto tbeeuen astowe atowfeif/9beale felftotoup top* tbpbou' ffioioe tome . It toou toffte ttouble anb ao uetCtte/bcfetoltotbe/anbbfiKtbnotbiim telf t torn tbe. 9epacte (torn tocne enctmje eanbbetwweofto8ftenM0 j^ affcfOftdtmefp-a Oiwigebetenec;* tebo to tenocto toc&amp;e one/ftn&amp;etbanoble tteafuw . 3 faitbtoU ftwiw batb notieaw/ , Itoigbtetgofte^lStoei; tonottobecom? pateo to tbe goobneOe oCbtt fafttt . M fa^b* full ftenae to ameb&lt;ctne ojlf fe /fjetg tapbetobtoileU/totoanfttoftenbebealto. SSSConne/ receaueooawie ftfito|Wuto b P fotbatttoouftnbetoiitoometgltooube oior.&lt;a$ to bet ait one to at plotoetb /anbto* toetb/anJ toafte pacwnttj m btogoobftu* teglojtoouQjaltbawbutWelaJouwm bittDojfee / butt&amp;out&amp;att ea of bttfmttf ttgbtfoone.*) bote ejcceabtog toatpe tt top fioracto bnUtneomenf an bnttebfatt bofif totitnottema?neinbet.ntofotbfl)etoa0 ft iDeteatoucbftone /^becaftetb betttcm bimtoaUtoebatte:fo?toitoomeijJtottobtoi mitinname/toetebe butfttog bauesnoto*

leoge of bet,(uttoftb toem tbat wioto b/ toeabpoetoeuenbntoftappeei?mieotpb.) 33 &lt;0fueeate(mvfonne);cceauemBooctt$' ne/ano refute not tag tmmaXL ^utntm toto tjet lFic6esJ/anotaaebettotBbpcinffi* neca-. botoebotonetoctooutoettotonjlct/ lwateftttpMwntti?/aitolKnottt*eti!of6er battoes.ComebntobettoitotoPtoboiebert/ ,

. '#*

aBepebettoatejJtoftbaUtoPotoee. Sbeft aftevber/anb (be ftalbe ftetoeb toe: anb toft| tbou battbet/ ojattoeteft toou Qiait tw* wtt tobet / anotoat toallbe tutneb to tbf gteatetof e.cben fball betfetkw be a ftwngebefence mm i&lt; abet imtft aglojfou0tasment^o?toebetDtfeo?feto tobet/anbbetJbantieeatetoe couplpige to* aetoetoffeluacfon.yeeaglojtouutapment ft/tbou toaitputft on/ 9tbe famewotone Oftoitftatttbotttoeew. . . m fonne/?f toou to0t/ta*ebebe/ toou&lt;! fhaltbaue bnuetBSbrnBf.anopftoou tol applftto?nmibe/toottftaltbetoffe.g!ftoow tolltbotoe botonetbFtteeate/ tfionftattte* a^eotrtw:9ti)cutieriteto beatnjf

Vyw^d&gt;tantietoftototmuttf&lt; tube of focb elDetjsas .yaue bttbeettan&amp;f nge/ 9confente bnto toeft .toplbome-tosto tosne Bettettoattooumajeft beateaiigobto ret* mon0/anbtbattbe : toojto1?fentn0 etftape tbe not. and sf tocu feift a man of oifctete bnoerHanbgnge/get toe foone mmw / 9 let toP rote treaoebpon toe (teppe0 of ijte bo&lt; rejJXettopmfnBe brbpon toe eommaun' Demented of mW9 be earned ly ecupfto to W \mtm (ball be ftablplb tof beet/ano geuetoe toctoomeattovneatoneoer^t. C* W&amp;mltiM tudl/f jce not fortifi* out felttrt CHeliE^pueoHi; oftUc\?fe tofoatbt bwtoyfe/bjs ftpnoc/plB ' to^(it^tttetinmmt(0/b(0 wtftw mo* yfr/tommwi*- '_ CCbe.bft.c^apt!. -nf^^SF^noeueH/fofbaitowno bavme a -j j IKftaMjappmunto toe;epatte atoase from tot tosnge t&amp;'at w wpcBta/ 9 no mpffotfuneffiau mebleU tbe, fl^t Coraie/fotte no euell to S" se0 to toe fo* rotoe0ofbnrigbtaournepvfotoalttoounot wapetbem feuenfoioe. nuaboute not bnto man fo; mv lo;bO)Spe/netbee bnto 1.1 vug f 0; toe feate of bonoute.f uftt fpcnot top felt &amp;efo;e mtm be finotoe to tb e Bett) 9 beft;e not to be Kputtt tofte intHe Pitt en ct of toe fttog.^abe no laboutetobe mabe a iiibge/ ercepteft Co toete/tfiat toou coitftett mpgb* telp put botone to? cfieonestf 0; y t to ou Qml* fits (tonoe toatoe oftbewecenK of $ mfg&amp;&lt; tpe/tftou tbulaeft fa;le tn geu'pnge Centece. SDffcnbenot to toemuftftube of toe cite /ana putnot tbP felfamonge toe people, tiymt not ttoo Cvnneg togetftet /foj to one fpnne toaKtbounotbebnpunpCbeb. sawnofc tutb / &lt;oa topsi lofiebpon toemultftuae of mr oblacpons/anbtobenl o8te to toe bpeCt tisobbetovilaccepteft. $, 25e not Cap nt battto toben toou maftett w tin p;ajet/netoet OaeB togeutog of alrae0. 3Laugi)nomatitoCco?ii6 to toebeusneffe of Bto rouie/fo?&lt;ioa(bJtotofn!tB an totoge0)to

6etoatcanb;fngebotone/9fetbpagarne. accepte no)eCjngaga|nfttol? baotoet/ ne toerbotoeCameagapnfttorftenae.eifenot lomaBeanpmanec oflre/fo;toe cuttome tbetofto notgooa.flaBenotma.nPtoo?ar/ to&amp;eh toou att among* toe elaera; ana toBen tftou'p;a?eft/maBenotmocBbablpgc.)iet nolabo;to0 too;cBe be tebtou0 bnto toe/ne* toeetbeboutbana?pe toBttotoe 3Cllm jglitie fjato createb.fl^aBenot top boatt in mill* ttfubt of to? tbptBe&amp;ne0 / but bumble top felfe euen ftom topne bette: ana tememb;e tBattoetojatotoaiinotbeiongemtatpfog/ anbtoaftoebengeaimeeoftoefleto of- ton* gaaip toa betf fp;e 9t&amp;0}me.&amp;eue not oner m ftpnae fo; enp goob/ntctoP faptofud b/otoetfoatoebeltgoiw.

fat &amp;m wm epatte not ftom a Mftwte 9 goob too* man/toat tofallenbnto toefo?tbp pompon totbe feateof tbe %t&gt;M/ fo; toe gpftof bet boneftftoabouegolbe. ?Beteas tbpfei' uatit toojcfie to ttulf (ntteatebim noteuell/ net toe 1$ ml jnge tbat to fapttniKbnto tb e. JUue a oprctete fetnaun te ass tbfne atone toule/btftaube btm not of m ipbettpe / ne* tbee leaucbtot a poo;e mS.3|f toou Battf ca&lt; teil/loB e toell 1 tbem : anb ff toep be f 0; top p;ofpt/Bepeto^.3!ftooubauefonne0/b;tog tofbptonurtoutearempnge/ aboloetbem to atoe ftom toelr pouto bp . 5 f toou baue baugbtet0/Bepe toefrboap/ 9 tbe toe not top facetoettfuUtotoatoto?.#artetobaugB* tet/anofotoatttooupetfoutmeatoergbtse , mattet:butgeuebeeto8manofbnbctaan' ' bpnge.3(f toou baue a topfe after tome atone mpnse/fo;faBe bet not: (but t ommptte not topftlfetotbebatefuli.), ^onoutetbpfatoetftomtovtoljoieberte ana fo;gettnottbe fo;ofun ttauapie g n)p motbet baa topto toe :tememb;e tbat toou toaft bo;ne tbo;oto toem/anbboto cSft tbou vecopence tftem toe topngeu tbat toep ban e bone fo; toe^eate f HototojftoaUtbp Come a 9bonoutebt0mpnta0. )LouetopmaBev

topto all top tttengto/9 fo;faBenotbP0 fet* uaunte0 . jf eate toe Ho;b toi tt) all tbpfdule/ 9bonourebP0^at0. eue toetoett po; cp5 of toefp;Ctftutt0 9 toctt art of tatto/ lpBea0ftf0cSmaunbebtoe:geue toem toe Qioulberg/ana toeftappopnteaofirptigeia 9 fp;ttlpnge0. sseacbetopne banbe bnto toe P q o;e/ to at oa mape Ulcere tbe to ? to plentuoucneis.ise If derail bnto allmen ipupng/ p et let not but ao goobeuen to toem tbat atebeeo. %ttnot ftem toat totpe be tojftbout comf o;te/but motmte *$&gt; Co to as moutne.Het ft not gteue (Be tobpfet toe ti(b/ fo; tbat (ban maBetoe to be bjtiouea. i^batfoeuer toou taBeftmbanae/mnemb;t toe ence/ 9 toou toattneuetooampffe. cagapnfl t&amp;p Wtct tt no atwW'&amp;(ti)t 6t&amp; of ttpnerMmiemapOetftou riot tume/ net tttimk ! 9PiepjiUlioUst0/'nertUetooj6{eoft^tojf'. ' UCbe.bto'.Cbaptet. ! cepuenottoftoampgbtpeman/ left toou (Baunfeto fan in to bp*:3 ,;fauncetolto a tpcBma/leabebappftob^nge bpanBatbequateilagapnCtg. f o;goiaeT9 fpluet bato bnaonemanp a man/pee eue* toe bertt0 offtpngft bato ftmaa e to f all . &amp; tti'ue nottoitoaman to fulof ta&gt;o;bess/9iapena apcfie0bponni0fp?e: StepenocSpanptofto i bnlerneb/leObegeue tbpBpnreb an euell rep ofte . &amp;efppfe not a man toat tutnetB bprnftlfeatospe ftcmfpnne / anacaa bpm&gt; not


ate Bapie e m wme .HEtfctrae fco;ne of tra maninbtf oietage /fo; toe toatr o&amp;ealfo. jBenotglao of tb* b*atb of tbpne enempe/ buttememb;etbattoemuaapealltbefojtc of os ( ana fapne toolbe tot (Oitufn to tope,) efppfe not flje fttmons of fori) elBers as baue bniietaa"&amp;fng/butacau8pme tbp fclfe toitb tbe to#efntenSoftbem:fo;of tbem tbou malt iemetotfoome ano tbe oocttine of frnbetOanopng/anoboto to Btuegteatmen

topftout complapnte. &gt;.;;.. * &lt;5o notftom ft oocttpne of tbe eaet*/ to* ^t&amp;epbaue Jetnebft of tbeit fatbets .tf o; of tb? tbou ait letne tnoetftanofnge / to ft tbou mapea mabe anftoetenttae time of new* : fcpnolenotScoalefSoffpmiets/leatboubc b;mtmtbefp?ieaames5oftbeit:r?nne&amp;jie


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ab;ooem ft fotftestbetof,cuweatoapetbp teceBomabeutpfaUtooman/anBlolienQt bpontbe tawmfttor otber, #anp a man batb petj OWb t|o?oto tbe brtotpof wemen/ f o; O)o;oto ft tbcoefp;e t &amp;jmaifoaetttoeteafp;c.(a3naouuotutoujj tooman&amp;jalbeBobis*nbrtaettoteaj$mp;e/ of euetp onetbatBoetbbptbetoape, S0anp amStoonaersnBeattbebetotpeofaatafige tooman/batbe bene caft out/fo; &amp;et too/bes bpnble a* a fp;e, ) fcptt not tt anotbet mas topB bpcnpmeants / ipe not toftb bet fepoti tte beta / mafie no to o;bes toftb ft** at tbe topie:Btttbmebettconfmtbntobet/anbTo ttjoutt tbp bloube fall mtobelttuccpS. tfp;. fabenotanoRie Ben&amp;e/fo; tbeneto qjall not fee.ipbcbfm, ainetofrcbefenetotopnc;ietb(rabeoloe fpftnottb'e face oftfttblafpB'Emdi/l be lape (jtbouflraltonnBe bimtoitb pieafute , ettottoapte to? tbpmoutb. Xenbenot bnto fp;enotft Bonouteanb rpc&amp;esofafpnner/ bfmtbaetempgbB'ettbentbPfelB: 3!fu)ou f ?tbou finotoett nottobat bearuccpon is ienDeabim/cQunteitbutloa.lSenotrueitie fo;toeoinebponBrai.J&amp;ei$tenottboumft abouetbppotoeVtpftboube/tbentbmcbefu. tbpngetbattbe bngowp baue plearurem/ Klptopapeit.&lt;Sonottolatoetoptbft iubgeA btfogerutetbattbemigoBlptfjalinotbeac .

fo;betopiliuogeaceo;bpng to bis atone bo&lt; cepwobntpU tbeBgtaue. c noure^sauatfenot&amp;ptbt'toapetopt&amp;bim feepe tbe Bom tbe man tbat batb poto et tbatfstoapneieOe/leftbeaotbe eueli;to;fte toaape/foneoeatbounotto tie aftapea of toiotoetb bs atone topifuines / arm tofbalt beatbJn&amp;pftboucommeabntobmvmafie tboupeti t&amp;o;otobiiJfojp. nofatote/leBbebappento tabe atoapetbg c &amp;ttpuettottoptbbpmtbatisartgtfcan6 lpft.33ememb;etibougomfntbempbbett ctneii/ano go not tof tb bint in to tbe topiocr* of ftiatejJ/abpon tbe bul toojf ies of a)e rttpe negitobloitoetenotbinge in bpssfpgbt/ana tfetoatte of tbp negbboute aSnptaS tbou tobetetbereimbeipe/befljaiirnuttbet ft. canft/anb meMetoft&amp;tocb asbetopft an b abeno.councellatles/fo;tbeploueno* bauebn&amp;etttanepnge.&amp;rtt iuamenbttbp tbpnge but tbe tbpngeegpleate tbe femes. geBes/imtbfmpjt&amp;beJhtteftateofcesob / ^a&amp;enocoffcellbefiwea atafigec/fo;tbou lettberem?b;aunceorobbefn tbpmpn&amp;e canttnotBnto&amp;attopHcomeoftt.&gt;pe'not an&amp;letautbptampngebemtbecimtmautt* tbpnebettebnto euetp man / lea %z bebn* bementesof tbe^peB.gntbeba&amp;esoferaf* tbancnfuu to tbe/ans put t&amp;e to wp?ofe. tentten (pall m tootles be commenoeb / fo ^^(mattrettotmatmatt (obeefebjucb. ^gtt fpaUtbe wtttces oftfte woffle fetbe ttpC Cbc.&lt;)t,&lt;Ibapei}. leabbofl:e. ' C not g?iou^ ' ouattetoiifepj tftj c^^sttiw jtti)jt.|&gt;^i MIN ^ bofome/tbatQieAetoe notfome ptxmwtt&gt;,wmt!&gt;mstti' .c^^.&lt;afflia,. !;'.'. Ifctfe ujBge tofll ojbwbtsftwople^ toitb offttecfon / ano tobete a man a or bn&amp;rc ftan&amp;pnge b tatett) rule/ _ tt)eregoett)fttoen. aCfJtbembge tbecompanpof atoomantbattsa plapeta ofteej people i*}'J^**W&amp; , baunBc/anb.beatebttot/!eatbwt&gt;e:pfi&gt; ?5ffi^WK w h5M8SS tbojoto pet mtprpng.ffifbojDe not a , map&amp;r7 E^/,Kl&lt;^^iSS85S

tbattboubenotbutt&lt;nberbttotte.&lt;laanot ffl?SJttffi^?fi5SS2 tbp mpnne bponbatlotte jj (n enp manet of P"P^ bu /2S^%!JS^,l!?.*?SJ ibpnge/retttbwiwowebotbitbpBWeanb awmri^bnbetllanbpnBtf/tbewfttciitte tbpnebttptage.^o not aboute.BaCpngefn ^Sw *u. . art h^ *,. fl f ewe^lane urtbe^tpe/netbwtoaniyettjon bepotoetof tbt eart&amp;tfmtbfban&amp;eof

O^etoebpopnteoftosc&amp;ebbPcBite lnebponn)e. &lt;seue nottbepotoee of tbplpB&amp;nto a tooman /lea W come In IbP fttenBtb/9 fo tbou be conf ounDeoXofie notbpoit a toomanttlat (3Oefp?ou0 of man; tnen/leatbourafffn tobeefnaves. oifenoe

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oo/anb toben bfetime^/be all ret a p?d* fptabie rnlee bpon Bjn tbebanoe of (Pod is t&amp;epotoer of man/sbpon t!)e s&gt;cwbts (bail Be lape bfS bonoure k liememb?e n&amp; to?onge of tbp nepBbboute/3 mewe tbou tottbno bn* ttB&amp;tUQuStoo;cfies.^;iDeisbateftiUbefo;e C0ooanSman/an&amp;aHtoicfieoiiesofti?e^ea. tben &lt;Sto beabbo^teo . JBecaufe of bnrpgb* tit pus 0ealpnB/to;5Be/bIaf pbemies anD by&gt; uetfe bffteate / a tealme (ball be BanOatea

Bom one people to anotbet. bc w notbpng too^fe tben a couetdus inan.lbP art tijoup;ouoe/s&amp; tbou eatft) a adbesfcbere is notamo^e toBBebtbinge/ Ibentplone monepe.2fn8 tobp^focbinebatb bpsfonletoferi: pettsbeont fpltbpe bonse tobplebelptietb. Mm tbougb tbe pbiflfcian Ibetoe W beipe neuctfolongc/ff tin conclufion it goetft after tbis mmn/to bape a bpnge / to nio?otoe MG&gt;,$m tibetii man bpetb / be is tbe bep; z of Bipentewbeaaeg 5 iDo^mes.cbe begpn* B8nfleofmansP/!pbe /isto fallatoapeftora &lt;Boo:anb tobp:bts bert is Bone Bom bS ma. nee / fo; pjpoe is tbe o?pgenall of all fpnne.' liabofota&amp;ettj boioe tbecof tbalbe fpUeo^b curfpnges/anoattbe laB it (ball oucttb?oto bim.Cbetfo^ebatb tbe %w b?ougbt tbe c5* Btegaaonis of tbe topcftebtobilbonoute / 9 oettcopeotbembntotbeemir.

fBt g&gt;PWt)


NtbPlenteoufnts of alltbpng^t&amp;enbe tbac

ff tiEtobatbOettropeotbereates ofp;ouae *P?pnces/ano fett bp tbe mefie in tbeit fteabe. : 000 batb toptbeteotbe totes of tbe wouoc eatben/3 pianteo tbelotoip among? tfjem, ^odbatbouett^otonetbelSoesoftbe^eaa tben/ano beatopeo tbem out of tbe Btounoe. ^ebatbcauBP tbemto tojtbet atoape/be batbb^ougbttbem tona.uBBt/an&amp;maoetbe memorial! of tbem to ceaffe Bom oufe of tbe eartbtOOb.^atb neatopeoft name of ftp^oube/ anoleft tbe name of tbe bumble of mpnbe. ) ^pbetoafS not maoe f o; man/netbet to?on&gt; fulnes fo^mens cbP)o?e.cbe febe of me*tbat Baretb 0ob;(baibe b;oiigQtto bonoure*.but t^t feoe tobtcb Banfgteffetb tbe commatinb. mentes of tbe s,o?be tbaibe (bameo . fee tbat

fSft tttlevamiSBe b;etb^, tsboibe inbonoute amonge tb l\ a be tegawetb fpeb as Bate tbe )Lo?D.cbe giojp of tue t? tbeyot ftbwwabie anbof tbe.poo^e is tbe f eate of &lt;foo. ^efppfe not tbou m niS poo;e mS/ anb magmfie not ft tpcb bngooip . mutt ts tbe &lt;ubBem^btieinbono,ut/petiStbetenone greaeet/tbmbeffeatctb^eD.tontptbereti uafittbatiSbiftme/OaUtbeBebofempce. i^etbacis topfe .9 toeil nuttouteb / topil noe 5tt!bgetobenbci?tffoum!fb/9anigno?aut ODp.tball not come to bonout. enotp;ou Be t&lt;\ do tbp too^cite / 9 bifpatenotfn ft tpme of aiDuetff te.jeettet is be tbat labou wb/ 9

w gorgeous a toantetbb; eo," ' g m fonnc/fiepetl)pt'quie inmefienes/a gcue U fiber Duebcnome. 1 t)b (ball iumi bmt/tbatflnnetb agapnabim mtimo totil bonoure bim/ g Wlbonouutb btS atonelpfef Jbepooje is bonoiweo fo; bi0 faptbfufnes 9 ttuetb/buttberpcbeiSbabmteputacionbe* cattfe of bw goooes^e tbat o?a;etb ftim felf beneaipmpouette/ bote mocbmo;e (ball be beljaue Dim felf boneaipin rpebes^nb tobo fo o?d;c tb bim reifebnboneBlpintpeW/boto mocb mo;e iball be be Oaue bpm feiB bnbo' neaipmpouerte, CfciK pjapfc of Dumiljeit. tttt (e cultoae ap&gt; pcraunceouBl)ttofnottomD0c.SDChEaopauoraa)g lUOBcraent^ tl&gt;c rj^t )B K tejiboui oftnce.ait '. Jbiiigcacomt of 00 .ail men awoo bs^oua&amp;t CCbe^f-fltbaptet, m topfoome of bpm is b;ougfle lotoe/fljall ipft bp ms bcab/s mail &amp; maftebpm tofptt amonge gieate ^men. Commence not a man in dps f mtpe / netbet berppfe a man in bPS tottev appeiaunce. b?JBeeisbutafmaubeaa

^$ Z B* fo wl WPetS&amp;et Bute ejcceaoing not tljp feift m tbe bape of tbp bonoute:f o? ft jmjlm of tbe l^peit oiuspare toonberfull; Pfegio;jpu^fecteteanbbnfinotoneate bpS too;cftts.flan|tp;auntesbaue ben? tape torptbotonebpcntbeeattb/atbcbnipemp , gatb toojne tbe c totone. flanpmigbtie men tJ ue eneb?oii8btiotoe/anotbebono;able bauebeneaeipuereointootbetmensibSbes, conbemne no man/ befo/e tbou baue ttpea outtbemattettanDtobentboubaamabeen* quifpeton/tben tef outme tiBbniou0|.&lt;Beue nofentecebefo;etboubaabetbe t\)t caufe/ but fp;a let men tell out tbeittaples. # -*. ? ,t ! pue m t0 * a m * itn tbae touc&amp;etb npftbpfeife/anbBanoenot in tbe iuognienc of fpnnets.^p fonne/meole not toitt) manp mattetS: a pf tbou toplt be tpclie / tbou Qjait not getit:anb tbougb tbou tennea tbp ttape afo;e/pet Otalt tbou not efcape. cbete is f 0* me man tbat laboutetb i * tbe mo;e be tote* wett)blmfeife/ft leoebebatb Jsapne/fome mantsOoutbfull/batbnebeofbeipe/toStetbi ' arenstb/anb batb mute pou e r t i t anaoBoos epe ipfierb bponbim tofloob/ Btteibb&amp;n bn Bontbis lotoe eftate/anb Wftetb bp bis beao: fotbatmanpmenmatuellatbim/anbBeue bonourebntoo&amp;. . ^;ofpet(te ana abuerfpt e/lpfe anbbeatb/ pouerte anb tpebes come all of tbe&amp;o?be. C (ipfbome/nmtoute ana Rnotoleoge of tf)e latoeatetottbdEJoMoue atbetoayesofgooa aretoftbb J im.(ttoute abatebnesatemabe t ot m netSsanb 9mm i Jfalte tbem feiues fatuity

ettleft afticus

Cljt boke

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fneueu / toajee one m eurtl . ) c&amp;e gsft of COO re m at etb fo; tb e rigbteoiftf / ans bFS gooo topll mall geue p;orperpte fo; euet. &gt;omeraani0 wcttbsisusngensgatqls/ 9 tQat fSf tue pojesott of (JSP r eto atoe/ in tbat befasetbmotobaueg! gotten reft/ anb noto s H 1 wtc antt wmftfe otmsgoobe0 ms f elf alonejnbsetbe conceit) not/ tbat ?tpme b;atoetbnst/t btmutt leaue al tbefe tbm&amp; imto overmen /anbbse bim m.pttm (boufattmfbseouenaunt/anberetcsfetbs (elf tb ertn /anbremasne f n tfje tooj&amp;ebnto tbsage.Coiitsnuenotfa tt)e too;ae0 of fsnnet0/butputlbsttutttacob/anbbsbem tlwjne ettate:fo; it i but an ears twinge in $ figbt of co'b/tomaHeapoo;eroantlc&amp;e/ 9 teat fcoenis. cbebieflSngeof Cob baftetb totbetetoameoftbetssbtou0/anbmafietb bfefniWfoonetoftorsw-GPJofpew.&amp;ase nofctobatbelpetbftmeiatobat maltgibaue $ tobsitf agasne/wsenotigibaue snougb/ . botocanStoattttDbentbouattmmelfare/ f o?get not abuetcs te ' anb toben ft goen) not toeil mftbtbe/baue a goob bope/tbat ft (Dal be better . ff wit lis but a fmall tt)pnge bnto Coo /to tbe case of beam to tetoatbe euers manacojbtmge tobfo toase0. cbeabuetflte oCanboutetnabetb oneto fp^gettauplea' (ute:anbtobenamanbseifi/bf0too;&amp;e0ate bftcoueteb^affe no bobp before b!0 beatb fotaman ffiaibe 8notonn&amp;l0cbUb?en. (fi 9;mge not euers man to to tbtoe bouf e/ f 0? mrceat f uii lapetb toaste bsueras.Wfie 00 apattrscb toamaunbe / fo &amp; tbebe of tte woube:anbW&amp;ea afpse/tbatloBetb

bpontbe fal of btt negbbouv. $ o;be tumefy goob bnto eueftv an* fclaunbjetb tbecbofm. fiDfone fpatcBWmabeagreatefsae/aan fangool? ma nlasetb toaste fojbloube. ffie* ( .toarre of tbe bftceatfuii / f 0; be smagpnetb - toftbeb tbfnge0/to b;mge tbe in to a petpe* tuall ftame.31 tbou tabeQan aleaat bnto $ bemallbe(twsew*tobnquietne0/9b;sue tbe from tbtoe atone toasetf. Gmto -coW tot oug^t todogooO fnemjc* onabt toUeeCcbueO. 'bejcft.baptee. % fflssaBB^entboutofltbo goob/Bnotoeto Itobom tbouboettft/9 fo (bait tbou be geeatls tbanieb fo;tbS bene* iffteu.ogoobbnto tbetigbteou0 anb fftou coait fsnte great retoaree : tbougb hot of bmvset(no boute ) tbe -Lo^be bun feif (ball rename tfte.$e Oanbetb not in a goob care t fealtoase occuptebtoeuel/9geuetb 5 no alme0 : fo? tbe 9t&gt;eft batett tbe fsnnew anb batb metes bpon tbem tbat ftieto tt)e too;rae0 of repentau"ce.ceuetboubtttofoeb ib Kate Cob/ ano teceaue not a fsttner . lis foitbt btigooij mtmm/\tttmttfm*

pen f e toengeafice bttto tb cm / anb Repe tbem to$bastofto;am.Ceuetboutonto goob/ anb teceaue not tbe fsnnerfto toeil bnto btm tbat is iototj /but geue not to tbe bngoblp. jlet not tbe b?ea be geuenbim/tbat bebenoe

msfibtftt n)en tbt&gt; felf e tbertn . $m fo fyaie tbou teceaue tto?te an mocb eueil/ in an tbe goob tbat tbou boeft bnto bsmtflnb tobc'tbe ^ett'bawtbfBimew/anbQwiwtofltDrbtn. geauncetotbebngoblp. I np?ofperite/'aBpnbftainotbeHnottiie/ . anb in abuerftte an enemle (bail hot betnm. fo?tobenamanfttlntoealtb/ftgteuetbbi0 enemteutm b euumfl anb trouble a man Aallfinotteb^ftwbe. armttneuettbene enemp / fo?i5fieasan^oi tuSetb/fobotb bi0to?cfiebneu . anbtyougftBttnafiemodSi ctoutcbpng anb bnelpng / fetliepe toellf b? mi'nbe/anb betoatte of bim.S&gt;et bun not bj? tbe/netbet let tym (ft at tb v tfgbf banbeileft betuwiebfrn/grttftito tbr place /tabe tb8 robnuc anb febetbpfeate/anbfo u)ou at tbe la c rememb;e mi toojbtss/anb be p^cfieo at mjfaslngejj. 58jnbenottto nmtrjogfffyi/ fo? tbete (ball not one bebnpumeb.lbotftlbaue pptge of $ cbatmet/tbat 1 Qpgeb off fer* pent/o; of all focb at come n? e tbe beaCetif cuf rot0ittoitbbimt ficpetb copanptovtb atttecbebman/anblappetbbftR felfein^m twiner. fo?a feafontofilftebfbetoitb tbe/ but ff tbou ftomble/betatlen) not. Snene* ms ft( (toe te In W IippeO/be can mabe man? c to ojbe 3 9 fpeabe mans goob t&amp;mgc&amp;y e e be can toepe tortb W e? ep 1 but In bS bette be wnagfnetb / bob) to tb?oto tbe In toi} pjtte: a f be ma?e epibe opoftunftr/be tolll nofbe rattffcebtoitbbIoube.3fabuecfitecomebpS 4boufflaltfwbebmitberefftu7&lt;t tbougb bep;etenbetotiotbebelpe/{et mallbebnoee mvne tbe.^e (ball (babe btfbeab/ anb clape bte bSbeu ouet tbe f 0? bet? glabne*; 9 tobille bemabetbman?to07bc* /be (banwfguffe b(0countenaunce.

3fettt0/tlje tonne M g&gt;?w%

emt company (if ttjtpwutieanb of fb tpt^e ate (oueettbuto* a tit (out of o&amp; AjUe bo (Span? tttf* Ccbt.KtJ.Cbaptet. bo to toucberbpftcb/ ttalbeff H jlebto(tbail:abttbat&lt;0 familial ;tbc pjoube/ fballciotbe b|m feife . Jto(tt&gt;P?be . ^etabetb a buttben bpoMblni/tbataecompanfett) amojebcno* wWftmantbenbimfelft.fflbeefoaefiepenp f amfls artte toltb one tbat f tfcbte tbe n m felfe.^oto agree tbe fieteli anb tbe pot tcgr^ tberf fo?tf t onebefmittf aga^nft tOmi it (ball be b;oBf . mm* bel?b bnftae* Wou^/anbft)iJf&gt;toftban:butpoo?e



7r\ -V

BewSfopp;eCeb9to?ongeouaFbcalttottb all/ uiflretb fcarceneae ; anbgeuetb fa?e too?be0. gjftboubefo?b8fP?ofi?t bebfetb sbutpf tboubauenotbpng be (ban fojraae je.at0ligea0tbou baftenptbpngoftbsne atone/be mall be a goobfeloto toftbtaeebe malmabe 5 a batemaV a notbe f o?p fo? tbe, %t be baue neoe of tbe/be mall bef taubr 19 WW a P?eur moc&amp;e } mall be put tbe In an bope / a geue tbe altgoobtoo?De0 / anbfapo tobat manteft tbou ? cbus (ballbe fbame nibbsmeate/bntlilbebaitefupte tbe clean e bptto? o?tbmfe/9 at tbe lad al be laugb tb e to fto? ftet toatb e /tobe be f eft b tbat

tbou ball notbiwse/be all fo;fabe tbe / 9 ttasebttbeabattbe. m etoarte/tbattboubenotalfceauebanb b/ougbtbotoneln fl)f fsmpleneffe . ffienot to burableln tbs tovmome / left toben tbou mtb?ougbtlome/tboube bffceauebtbo?om fool? Qme0 ,%f tbou be calleb of a msgbtse wan/abfenttbsfelfe/ Co mall b* call tbe to b(m $ moje oft.^caae not tbou bnto bun/ tbattbou be not Ojott out: but goo not tbou Carre of /left be f onset . Wftbtyato not tbs felf fro bi0 fpeacb/ but beleuenot b&lt;0 mans too?Be0.iffo? toltb mocb cfimunftaclon mall ^etemptetbe/9(toftbap;eusmoc!i)mailbe queaton f oftbSfeerte0.cbebnmerclfUH msnbe of W mallniarcb tbs tooj&amp;S/De mail not fpare to bo $ butte 9 to put in ptetoni 3eetoatre/atabegoobbebetotbBfelfe/fo? tbou malbeftlnparell of tbs ouertb;otontg. 6 jSoto toben tboubeateabl0too?be0/ma&amp;e t t6ea0(boitgbtboutoereftmab?came/anb toabe fapxoue Cob all tt)S lEf e longe / anb eallbpBbimlntbsnebe.cuetpbeaaiouerb Si0Iiae/euSfoleteuersm5louebl0 netsb= mnJlia^mtosnrefo^etotbetrltfie/anb ,-"' euersmantBSllfiepecompanstottb focb ass bet0bwtfelf.utagftooifeagteetbtosm . foe lambe/fo botbtbebngows tostb s *Sgb **., ttiou0,ttBbatfellmitmemuUieanbo!sman bauetoftbaboggef^otocantberpcbestbe poo?e agree togetbetf cbe toslbe ace is tbe I S50 P?as In $ mstbemeCfe/ euf f ate poo je men tbemeate of tberscbeXlae a0|p?oube mase not atoase mm) iomisne0 / eue (0 botb tberseb abbo?re tbe poo?e.|f a rscb m$ fall/ b ftebe0 ret bim bp agape-, buttobentbe poo;etalletbbS0ftenbe0 fo?fabe bsm . 9f a vsdbman falifti to an errour/ be barb mans ftelpewtbefpeabetb p;ouoe too?oc0/anb set menniftifsebmi. _. 5f&gt;utsfapoo?emangotojonge/be(0pit ^nsfteb'-seetbougbbe fpeabe tosfels/vet can ft baue no place.i&amp;bentbe rscbeman (pea* fitft/euets Dobsboibetbbtt tonge-.anblo&amp;e iuEiafbefasetb/tbesp?asreftbntotbec!oa be0,5Sutsffl)epoo?e man fpwse/r^ep Case

tttbat felotoe(0tbi?f anosfbe bo mm/ rbesmaIbeftto^bim.scbe0aregoobbn to bim tbat batb no fsnneinbs0 confcience/ iinbpouerte 10 a toscfiebtbbtg in tbe m ou .tb of tbe bngobls.Cbebett of man cbaungetb bt0eountenaunce/tobetberft betngoob 0; euell. a cftearfull countenaunce (0 a toeen ofagoobberte/fo;el0 (0 ft anbarbetbsnge tobnotoe.tbetbougbt, C&lt;Xbcoften(toftbct8ge.dQan&lt;0lmtaDasn(tbin8. Capp? be t|)8t contfnuetb in toff oomc.



I'jtetreb (0 tt)e man/tbatbatb notjL,-, tit t m fanmtoftbftoo?beof?(0moutb/S!f ft ' flnB anb 10 not p?ft6cD tosn) t^e con-juots*^ jfclence of fsnne.^app/e (0 be tbat .:usne0tnbtemsn6e/anDl8fnotfal* len from w bope . gt be commetb not a co uctou0mananbansgarce/toberscbe; anb tobat Qntioe a nsgarae bo toltb golbe itytf toftb alb(0 carefulne0 beapetb togetber bn tsgbtuouas/gatberetb fo; otber tomes 1 9 anotber man mal mabe goob cbere mltb W goobe0. ^etbatlsstoicbebbmobsmfelfe/ b to mulbe be be goob bnto otber mc nii$ to can focb one baue mv pleafute of btt goob$: cbere 10 no tbsng too?fe/tb en toben one bifc= f auouretb bmi feif/anb tW (0 a retoarbe of W tot cbebnefl.f f be bo ens goob / be botb ft notbnotosnge tbeeof/anbaga?n(Wtotlf/ 9 at tbe laft be beclaretb W bngraci 'oufn e . 3D nsgaroe batb a mscbeo ese / be turnetb a&lt; toase bte face/anbbefpsretbb&lt; atonefouie. ^o.rm.t. M couetou0 mang ese batbneuer snougb In cc tw.w tbepo;csonoftoscftebne0/bntsiltbe tsme njat be tostber atoase/ 9 baue loft b (0 atone foule. ~* 3B toscfteb ese fparetb b?eb/9 tbere (0 fear* ceneaebpon w table, mi? fonne/bo goob to tbsfeifeof tbattbou baft/ ageue tbe umt

W ;bueoffergnge0. Kememb;etbat bean) tartetbnot/anbbototbattbe couenaunt of tbegraue(0metoebbntotbe:fo?eouenaat C ti(.Ma.ofrot0too;lbemallbsetbeatb3ogoobbn*cobMtfi:i totbsfrfnbebefo?etboubse/anbacco?bsngiuf.jw.' to tbsabsiltereacb outtbsne banbe/ ageue bnto tbepooje.JSe notbirpopnteb of g goob base/9lettnottbepo?cson of tbegoobbase ouerpa0tbe.&gt;balttbounot leauetfts fwuasle0 anb labour bnto otber men ; gin tbe beusbmge of tbe beretage geueanbtabe/ 9 fanctsetbsfoure.iBo?cfiet8outigbCuouf* ne0 befo?etbs beatb / to; lntbebelltbere(0 &lt;stm.titn nomeateto fsnbejnaem mall face atoase tpttcito, Isbegeafle/anblsbea flo;srosnge leafe fcSWWfc agrenetre. Siomegrotoe/fomearecaS Dotone : euen fo (0 tbe genera c? on of fleto anbbloube:onec8metb toanenbe/anotbw t0bowe, in so


r *

t Mtnxmm tumtt foaii fapieattbe JaS/atiD the toojftee ttjer of (Ball go tolttjall. tfuerp cb ofen to o?ft e Qj albe Cud f f ieb/anb be meblettj tottball/Cballbaue bonottre t^etin.^letjebijs tbeman g fiepetb Dim m topf* bome/anb ejcetcpfetb bpmfelf mbnberBan* Deng/9 toittj bpfc t ecpon all be ttjinb e bp5 tbefojeBnotoiebgeof &lt;u$ob.n&amp;bicb confpoe* veto mm of topfoome fit Deft bett /baft) fanotcttanopnge mijecfecretc* goettj after fteWBJ one mat febem bet out) 9 contpnuett) fnbetbwpe0.0eloBe(Bmatbn;tofnbotoe0/ 3&amp;ecBenertjatbet:bojes$:letafietb bWtctt beObe bee boufe/9 feCtenetb W ttanein bee tt&gt;sile*:re all pptrtj BW ten te npe bnto Bet banbe/anantBi* tent (Bartgoobtbfoge* tett Co; euemtoje-.iue QjaliretbPS cbeittenbnbrc Bee eouertng/*i wall often bnaerberbjaun* rfjess. nberbercouctpngujallbebcbefen* Kb from tbe beate /aim to betglott CDall

be tea. COfte sootoitt ttfat fotoincfB torn to&amp;jrtj ftam&amp; &lt;Bob. oo retort &lt; 1 6 ant) t attttb of tbe (fernierjSJoo if SQUDeauttojofewll. tfsBe.jrt).CBat)tei! iC tbatfearett) (ftob/topllbogoob: ano abofo ftepettj ttje latoe/fBall oprapne topfbome. 0anBono;a* We motber (ball fbe mete bpm/an &amp; as a bfrgyn Otall (Be teceaue Bern. OBpttj ttj e fyeb of Ipfe atobnbetftanBeng mall (Be feoe Blm/a geuebfra tBe mater of toboifohte topf' aometobjfnefie.Sf be beconOantin Ber/6e alinot bemoueb: upf be &amp;oibe &amp;vm faftbp | Bee/be fljaUno t come to (oneutyS.&amp;Be (Bal wpngcbpm to Bon oure amonge Bfeneegb' boutess/a in tbemp&amp;beCi of ttje congregat p3 (Dall (Be open W moutb. HMtt) tBe fpjete of teefaomeabnbetttanoing wau mefenbun/ sclotbebfmtoirtjttjegatmetcfglo?v. S&gt;be (BaUBeape tb e ueafute of ntfttD 9 iope bpb" bpm/anbgCHebemaneueflaftpng name to Beretage. jTolp&amp;jmentopllnot tafte'Bolt-e bpon bet/but fort) 80 bauebnbetaanopnge/ topUmeteber/fojrt)eisJfamft5p?poeanb fipfceate. fl&amp;entbatgoaboutettlee0/toeil nottememb;ebmbutmenoftruetb (Balbe founbefn ber/euen onto tBe beBotopngeof oD.^apfe ist no t f emelp (n tBe moutt) of $ bngoole/ fo? be it not rent or (Be jto#e . ffoj cf csob commetB topfbome /anb ttje pjapfe IBaH ftanbe betfje toffoome of ob/anb wal be plenteous? (n a faittjfull m outb/$ f %w IBan gene bee bntoBtm. _, Sfcape not tbou: gt f* ttje iLo^iegfaute ^tbat3|amgonebe/fo;tBouftaltnotbo tBe tflfngettjat&lt;gsobbatetb.&amp;apenott&amp;ou:be batbcaufebmerogoto?onge;fo?bebartjtto tie be of f}bngobie,&lt;iBob batem ai abborttfna*

HCl)t bokt of

reonofetKoute/anbttjeftbatfeate^oBteil lone none I'ocb.^ob mane man f t9 (be Begin* &lt;sm,&lt;,$, ning/8leftbtmi'ntbebanfieofbl0counceu. ^egauebimb^ commatinbementeis 9 P?e ceptejj : it tbou toflt obfetue t|if commaun* bemementeg/anbBepe acceptable faubfuf* nest fo; euer/tbe? malpjefeme tfte. $e batb f et toateeanb f#e befo;e tb e/ tea eft out ft) ine batibebntotobtcbtbOHtoilt.iSefo^emanigijecc.wtJi, WfeanooeatB/goobanb melMofte tobat bim KBetB/malbegeuenbim. jfo? t&amp;e topfbome of &lt;esoo 10 geeate an&amp; mtgbtte (n potoee / anb beboioetb all men contpnuaUp . cbe epe0 of tBe fto?o ate bpon tb em tUat feareb(nt/ anb Be BnotoetB all ftje too?Be0 of man , ^eBatB commaunDeB no man to bo bngowp / net&amp;ee BatbBegeuen enpman leue tofpnne, C4DfbnbMK and toprtcD tfjjiojrn. fiomancan bfttfn&gt;mfelfYf(om$oo,3inejrbQ#acfonto tbcre* musufje of mBruecpon. Cbe.jtW.Cbaptee. rciptenottboum ajemultrtubeof* bngoblFcbelb;en/aBaue noplea* fute(ntbe/fftbepreatenot&lt;pob. __ T ___KGrultnott&amp;outQ ft)e(e life / a te gawenottben; laboutiS-.foj onefonne t} fea* reft) obi3 bett et/tbf atboufanbebngobip. 3nb b ettet (e (0 fo; a mi to ove toitbout cfitl imn j ft)en toleauebebenbebimfocBeBiIb^ (Watebngoblp.tfojbiionetbat ban)bnoec ttanbinge/mapea tobole cifte be bpbolben / but tbougb tbe bngoblp b e m a n p/ pet (Bal ft Be toafieb (Bo;om tbem.#aneCocB(Bmg( Baft) mpne epe fene / a geeatev tbpngep tixn tberebaueabetQetoptBmpneeate0 &lt; an!e congtegaepon of me bngobtp aall a fpje butne/anbamortgebnfattbfull people ftai ft)eto?atbbeB(nbleb. beoibeg(aunte0 opfapneb no grace fo;^ tbeit rpnnejj/tobic&amp;toete Detteopeb/tnifting &amp;j,u to tbereatone Qtengtb.i5etbetfpateobe tbp

amonge ta&gt;63lotB teas ataungee Butfmote asmm tbemanbatibo?btBemijecaufeoftbep?ice oftbeittoo^eg.sebabnopptpebpontbem/ but beQeoeeb all me people /tBat mere fo ttoute in ff nne.Jnb fo; fo mocB ao Be ouetfatoenot ttje f we Bunojctb raoufanbe / (Bat gatBereb tbem felue0 togett)ee intBebato^ netre of tbeft bette : it toeve maruell pf one BefngeBatbnecBeb/ (Bulbebe fre.#o?me*t cpamto;atB(0toftbBrm:Bei0botbmpgb tee to f o;gene/anb to pou re out of fpleafure. %ibe ass btsmercpig gteat/euf fo ijs bits punp(Bementa!fo/Be(uBgetbamanaco;bpn to m tooj&amp;ejs.cbe bngobip Cbau not efr ape mbf^rpopie/anbmelongepaepenceofbMi mat metoett) metcp/mal n ot bpbe bebpnbe, SCilmewpfljaHmalie place ontoeuetpmati aeortf ngtotbebegetuenge ofBjsi Wnmm after (be Bnoevftonomg of bP0pplgtemaoe, ^&gt;aje



3feftt0/ti)e fiMtne C S&gt;ape not tbou &gt; l topli b pserap fert? I from od/:fo? tobatopH tBeWBebpontme ftom aboue i 3 .Qtallnot be anoame in fo greate a beape of people /fo; moat i0mp foule amonge fo man? treat u testf eb otbe/ tbe beauen/ pee tbebeauen of bcaifen9/ ttje bepe/tt)e eactb/ ano all tbat tbertn iff/ (Bail be m ou cd at b ps p;efenee:tt)e mou ntapn en/ tBebeUeo/anbtBefoundacfono of (Beearcb IBaufaBefo; fears /ttben 00a upfptttb tt)5. ffibefe tbingeg ootb no berttmaetHaitbe/ bntbe bnoetaanbttBeuecebxtte/ano biBo BnberOanbetb W toaeeo i J2o man feptb BP0 fto;me/anotije:mott part of W uo;Bi0 arefeccete. iiaBotopllbeciaretBeiBo^cfics of B# rpgbtuoufneaf fi&gt;;ttbo Qumeabie abpbetbemf fot tbecouenaunti0lawefr5 fome/onb tbetrpengeout of men 10 in tbe f UifpUpng 0e tbat t0bumbie of bert/tbin. fietb bpon fotbe tBtnge0:but anbntopfeano

erconeouuman eattetb bpsmpnoe bnto fo* .le(Btbvnge04 ^ ^pfonne/berBentboubnto me/aieme bnbetQanbpnge/9 marebe mp moj&amp;eo toitB tBpne betted meiigeue ttje a fure boctrpne/ anoplaneip fbaiigi (natucbe t&amp;M5o&amp; (jatB fettbe0too;cBe0mgoob o;b;e from tbe be* gpnnpng/a parte of tt)em baft) be fuftbereB ftomtbe otber.@ebatbgamime&amp;Be0tto;c &amp;e0fromeueeiallpng/anbtbe(r bfgpnnpnges / accompnge to mix genrtacponfj. ^one oftBembpnberebanotbet/netbertoa0 anp of (Bern bpfobe bpent bnto bps too?ce. aftee tbw 1 ob lobeb bpon tbe eartb / ana t plleb it toptbbpJJ goobe0. mptb an manet of ipupngebeadejs BatbBe couereb tbe grun be / anb ty v all ftaibe tumeo onto eartb agapne. Cffilicrac?on oemsm'snO (be gootmw f^at Cfoa batl)Donebiwohpni.a)faulmouanDte|injtmK. Cbe.rbii4bapter. ,aDb thope man of tbe eartb/ anb tutnea bpm bnto eartb agapne. \i$t gaue bfm Vat nomb;e of bafCK lanb cettapne tpme / pee anb gaue bpmpotoftoftbetbpngeisg are bponeartb, l^e clotbeo bpm toptb ttrengtb/9 mabebpm after m atone ipcBneo.^emaoeaUOeib to Sanoematoe of bpm/fotfwtbebabtbeoo* mpnponof all bease0anbfoule0. emase out of Bent an betperletre bnto Bern felfe/ anb gaue tBtmbprcreciDttanb tonge/eee0 anb caress / ano a Berte tobnoerftanoe/anb WiebtBemtoitbinirrueceonanbbnberllan' Bpnge. e treat tb fo? tbemalfo t^e snoto* leogeof tbefpjete fpneo tbeir Berce0tt bn* berHsnapng/attb (hetoebttjem gooaa eaen, m fetBe( e?e bpon tbeir beneff/ftetlacengtf bneo tBem bets greateatta noble too?cfiejj : tbat tBfj (butoe p?apfe m bole name to*

-,,. ^wnm /anb be tet iM#u lengeaf Be0noBleacte0 #efpeetbe*7be sffff** gaue tbem mirrucceon/ anb tt)e later of lefe " ** fo;anbe:etage. l^emabebpmaneueriattpng couenauttf ttUB;tBcm/ainqietoeBtBemb()ireflbtuouO neo anontbgementeft (Ujepcaroe bps gio;e toetbtBetrepe^/ anb tbeir eareubeatbe tbe maieOpof Bp0boece. anbberapwento tbet betoarreof all bnregBtueu0 tbengeo. &gt;ie gaue euerp man aifo eommaunbimer to* eempnge Besnefgbboute. Cbenttoaeeisareeueebefoffbim/^areu notbpb fromblW eprjs. $?BatBftt aruiatS, M j t ,M bpeneuetp people/but3.frae0tbe-o?bejj 9SSSR Po?ce8 i autBeirtoo/cBe0area0 ?ftunne/ aub*.t* Kitberigbtdftipob/ahbbPSepejsatealtDape lo&amp;pngebpon tbetr toaee0Jtt)e(rbnrfgb* tuoumeaesare manpfett tntobpm ano all tbeietoecBebrtenesi areopenni Be0 fegbf. ffibemttcp tftata man (jjetoetb imirattt 6tcn.^r.b aputfe toitb bem/anb a hiaugooo oebe p;e feruetBBena0 tbeappie of an epe. SDttbc a?iu.wt laft (Bail Be atoafie;anb rttoarbe euerp man bpottBijsBraBaa bebatBberetueb/anblBaU tume tb^togeftjer into tbe -netbrwios pat* test of tbe eattb. 3Bt bnto tbe tbat topil re sicum &lt;M pent/be baft) geuen tbe toape of regbtuouf* ne0 M (ot focbeajt be toeaBe/Be comfoitett) tbenr/ruttretB tb^/anb renbett) ttjem (Be po;* cponof tbeberete. tnrnett)en bneo tbe )Lo?be/fo?faBetBefenneiS/maBett)ep;aeer before melLo?6e/ 00 tbe letre offence/ turne ngapne bntotbe 2,c;be / fo;rafie ft)pne tan regbtuou(ne0/ be an btter enempe to abijo* menacpon/lernetoBnotoe ttje rpgbtuou(v ness anbiubgement(0 of 08/ ftanbe (n (Be po;epon tbat tgfet fottyto) n&gt;e / anbirt tbe . tWrTOoftbemoabee$rt&amp;0intotbepa;* xpon of tBe Bole too^be/toen&gt;focBa0bt ip* upngeanbgeiietbanftegbntotgiob. 4 ibotoeiip;8ere pptmrnite w*#

abebenottBouin^eertoureof'tBebngob=S af j.- i; ie/Butgeoebem(bantBe0befojbeatb i a0ft , 'S^ fojtbebeeb/ tBancafulnene perreAfrom m " Bemass nomenge. asenetboufbaiRiBes id tap Ipfe/peetobpie tbou art huwige 9 toi&gt;oie fbalttbougeuetBanefte0/anbp^ifrt &lt;Bob/ anDWiopfeinbPSmeKte. iObotogreate(0 ttje loupnge ftpnbnefft cf roe MM/m%rf mercpfuHgooDnessbmoro^eajJtutnetwifo bemf ff e? aB tbpngesmape not be in wans anbto^pmef6nntofmarti8ttimmo?rall/ anabe Batfi tfleafnre fnfbe bafqte of tope 6ebne0.tteBat(0mo?e tieareerjen ^feitnef fit (Batlit fapie. A; tob*t it tmzt toptlfcb tben tbcftf nge | tett fblfttoe bm ?ms gpmufanb tbattewe MM wp?B. *bf jlojbe fepm ttje potoer of ttjefjpe beaueVana all are but eattb faflbe^.^ ,

mi t cocMcaer man. agapnn ^Soa tame ttrnot la



;C tBatlpuetb fo; euer mo;e/ maoc wlt&amp;tngtf togemer., sob.oneip i is tigbtuous/ ar emapncm a bicto lttoiw Bpnge f? euer. lBo malbe rous^t out tBegrounbeof BPS noble sctesi mo mall beclate me potoee of Mat great? ntffe;;/toBotopUtaaebpSBimfoteUcut BiSmmp;3Sfo;toonbeMustoojfieeof

. 3Lo;be/tBereroape not&amp;pnge be tafien from iBem/notBpngemape beputbnto mem^ne* mermape tQegfounoeoftaf be founbe out. 38uttoBenamanBamboneBiSbett/Bemuft besctmeasacncattMobmbe mpncietbto Becomemanenbe/BemuftgQagapnetoBtis laboure.tiSBatismSfieBettojSbe.tawtBi - it9Batgoobo;eueileanbebo*l!f fnomb;e of a masbapeiSBealmott an bOb^et&amp;ceatey ttfemocB. ib JlpaeastBebjoppejiofisapne atebnto $ " let /ano a* agtaueii done is mi compart f on ti.&amp;tt.f9,U, off fanbe;w atet&amp;efefeto peareuto oaprs 1 w euerttftsnge,cbeiifo;etetbc)iL'Oabepactem: toimmem/anbpoutem out Bfe rocrcptopon tBem.$e tatoeartb perceaueb me tbougBte* anb pmagmacpons of tifttmxtt / that tBep toere eiieinmetfoje Beapeb Be bp Bis me wp* fullgoobnesibpontBem/ ametoebtBemtBe toapeof ei&gt; gbtuoufnes. cbe mercp $ a man Bam/reacbetBtb&amp;i$nepgBboure:but$mer* cp of &lt;sfoDfabp6nallflcm.$e cbaftenetB/Be teatbetB 9 n euen as a wep? Berbetuenem agapne Bp* floes / fo bom Bo allttt em mat receaue cb aftenpng/ nurtoute anbbocttpne . fl&amp;erctfuliijsbebnto tbeVtBat ftarioett iatoe of Bis fubgroente*. : ^ ^pfonhe/toBentBouboeftgoob/maBe no6tttogpngeatft:atoBatfoeuer; t&amp;ou ge* uett/fpea6enobifc8w;wbletoo;be0. $&gt;bal notcbe beta) coble Bcattfcui tows mow bettettBenagpft.jSttotafKnolptoojDea goob Boneftgpftfbut a gracious ml geuetB tljem BotB . a foole fflall eattamanm ttje eeem/atB!f6ugBip/aagpftot$npgarbe nuttetBoutmeepes .tfetmerpgBtupufnes p9uet.rt,.befo;'efBbttcome to iubgment. jlerne be* #fc* fo^etBotitpeafte/anbgootopBlRcb o;;euec itBott be ficft:eramen ano wbge ftp Rife/ be? (o^tBcutbgment come/ anb fo malt t&amp;ou fpnbe grace m mefpgBt of &lt;$ob. tumble tBp felfe afeemou be fpeft /anb in tpme of tBP Dife afe fljetoe tBP conuetfacponxet no t topjapeaitoape / anb ftanbenot in am to

be tsefbufmeb brito bea ro /f 0? tBe retoarbc of


p;epatetBpfbnte/96fnota0onetBatfemp tetB ob.BEbmcfie bpontbe tojafBmll inopgnaciontBat Ojauje at me enoe/ 9 f Boute of bengeafice / toljeti Be (ball tume atoape Bp* face. lBn tbou Baft pnoug&amp;/rememb;e f tpme of B5ger:a toBe tbou art rpcB /mlncB bpon tBe t?me of pouettcanbfeame, jfyom tBe mommge bntsu tbe euenynge ft e tgme in cBauttgeo 1 anb all f ocB tBftige* w otefoonebone t'n gfpgBtcf &lt;scd.2i toffemS fearetb ooinall tbingesi/am tbebapentof trjlfgtetKon BeftcpetBBsmfelf fromfstme. Sbuxtete manBatJBpIeafuretn totfbome/ ano Be tBatfpnbetB Ber/mafietB mocb of be*. CBep tBac fjaue Bab bnberCtanb]&gt;nge/baue beait topfelpm toojbe^ 1 Baue bnberftanbe mniM fc&lt; ... tBe MtttB anD rigBteourneg/ 9 BauefougBt?.,^ 7 ''' outtosrefentenceisanbtiibgementejJ. dfo* f9 Wait not tB? luOe? /bat twme tBeftS tBme atone m?n. jfo?pf tpougeuetttbp foulebee oerieriS/jtmafraaBetBmeenempejitolauge tBe to fcome.cabenottBppieafuretngteae bolupteoutaejS/anbmeble not tomocp tottb* an.#abe not to greatecbeare of tBetbsng mat tbou Baft toonnebp abauntage/ left tboufaiim topouette/ anbBauenorbfinge mtBFPntfe,


bnotot to^fit 10 m a man. .o;rtcccon muft te bfei tottjoitfaiifl &gt;iaboitr$nge man t&amp;at geuenSB jbntob^oncitfnest/lbalnotberftpe: a Be mat maftetb not mocb of total tmingeg/malfaHbg ittleanolitle, wepneanbioemen mafie topfe mentenna* gatejs/a put men of bnberftanoAtg to tep?cw f a a Be mat accompanied abuou tetm roal become a tof cbeb man . flpotfie* a toojmen mall Baue Bim to beretage/peebe malbe fee bp to a greater ejrampie / 9 W foule fltalbe roteb out of tBe nomb;e.$e mat in Bailee to geue crebf ce f iigbt mmbeb/abotb agapnft BfmfelfjiaBofoteiopfetBmtotcfietnejf/ibal be pumme&amp;be tbatbatetB to betel ourmeb/ b&amp; life malbe mo^teneb anbbe tbatabbo;* rem babiinge of too;be0/quf cbetb topefieb* ness . m mat oSenbem agapnft &amp;p atone fmtle/maii repent tv-mo be mat teiopfem in totcfiebneu/roalbe punpfteb. BeBearfenotatoicbeb'anbcbunimto07be tt ttoife anbtbou malt not bebmoereb. $btto ** tbpfecrete^nemer to frenbener f 00/ anb pf tbou baft ofleribeb / tellit no tout . foi be man B6en fan to me anb'marcii c&amp;e/ano toBen Bef^nbetp opoMte/QrQtMl Bate tbe


me.lf mouBaftBerbeatoo^tie aga^nftmt nepgbboure/iet it be oeeo toimin tbe:anb be fute/tBoutbaieBauenoBatmetBeebp.aifoie (rauapietb toitBatootfte/ipEie as a tooman mat is papneb toftB beating of cbpfte^pSe a*anarota) motinabosgedmpgbe/fotisa 1 too?De ma foiesibette. ceiimpftenbe m f aute /left Be be igno;aunf / anbfape:3baue not bone it/o; pf be baue bone it/mat be bo it

nomoje. JEep^ouetBpnepaBboure/tBatBe ft ep e B'0 tonge; a pf be Baue fpoben/cBat Be Cfape it nomo?e. ceiitBpnepgBbouteBtt faute/fo;ofttp&lt; me? an offence fgmaoe/ a geue not creoente to euerp too;be.3i man falletB f omtpme tottB bm tonge/but not toitb tjps topii. f 01 toBat feBe/$Batbnotoff&lt;nbeb!nBp0tonge;&lt;tEfeue tbp nepgbbour toarnfng/befo;emou tb;ea&gt; tenBim/anbgeue place bntotBelatoeoftBe %otbe.fyt fcare of (Bonis all topfoome / a betBatijtarpgBttopfe mahbepem latoe^ meat me ooctr pne of mpcBebnetfe / it is no topfbome/anti tBe p^bence of fpnner* e'js na goobbnberftanbpng:(ti0but topebebnefle a abBompnactoaablafpBemmgoftoproome. 3Bfproplemanof email bnberftanopng mat fearem &lt;aaom better men one i bam mom 3@topfDome/anbtranrgreftetBme lame of w ^peft.aicraftptotteiimancanbetopfe/but Be iiSbnrigBteouji; anbtoitB gpftes Be to;a&gt; ftetbtbeopena manpfeft latoe. ai topcbe(t man can beBaue Bpm CelfeBuntBlp 'anb cm bouBettfcBBW&amp;eawanbpettaBebutabpf'ceauertoptBm.^ebPbetBbp? face /anbbpf* gupfe'tb ic:a becaufebe m'uioe notbe Unmne^ep;euentemtbe. 3Dnb mougb Be be fo toeabe mat Be can Bo me no b ar me /pet tB e Be map fpnoe opo; tunpte/Bemallbofomeeueii.Hi manmape be BnotonebpBp0 face/a one mat Bam bn&lt; - bctftanbpng/map be perceaueb bp tbe tone (Hii.^f.f. cf W countenanced man0 garmf t/laugb* mi anb gopnge/beclare toBat Be i$, C)f cojteccpon anb ntirtitaunce.&amp;f ttyffgtt at tljtxoite man and of tbe lolc&amp;flp utge. _. &lt;rBe..CBapter, 955sa m t man r*p?buetbbwnepgb* boute oft tpmeg ; but not in one feafon-.aigapne/fome man Bolbem BWtonge/abeiiS topfe a bpfcrete. 3ti0inocB better togeuetoarnpnge 5 totetjm/ mentobeare eueiltopli:fo;BetBat

JmotoiebgetBBPntfelfe opemp/ malbe wlerueBfromburtabpfttuecioitiLfBeajitoBl a geioes man tbo^oto befp;ea luft befpletB mapbl/euffoi0fttotmBtnitBatbfembios ience 9 bnrtgbtuoufneB in tBe latoe:fl) Boto 4oob a miHge ijSif/AnTan;tbat,i0 xwMeitf fa meto openlp m u pen tauncen oi f aH iBbuefcapftopfwHifpnnft

r&lt;t *

- '' ^


, ^ometttanbepcmfileiice/anbftfounbe topfe : but Be tBatifJ. not afljameo toBat Be fapetb/ WBatef nil. g.ome roan boioem Bl?3 tonge/becaufeBebamnot $ bnberftanbttig of W language :art0fome man ftepetb r^= , . lence/toaptpnge a conuenient tpme.a topfe wi(if; man toPll Boioe w tonge tpll Be feopojtu; ** hitie/but a toanconanb bnbf fcrete boop IBal regarbe no tprae. ^e j5 bfe tb manp too;ce0/ mallbutte Bis aithe foule : a Be tBat tafietb luctottebponBpro bnrigBtuouOp/ fljalbe ja(eo.g)Ome manbatB oft tpmes p?ofperi te in toicbeb tBf nge0:Sgaphe/ f ome mS get* tern moeb / anbbatb B a vme anb lode ; ^rBete is fome gift mat i)$notBinge too?tl):agapne tbere t',3 fome gift/ to&amp;ofe retoarde is Double. ^&gt;omemagettetB a fal fo; bepng topjoube anb fome commetB totoojOjppe from loi&amp;e eftate.feome m&amp; bteOf mocBfo? a iftie.p;fce anbmuftpape foi it feuen foloe, : % topfe man toptb bPS mtm maBetB is Bim felf to be Ioueo/but f fauours of foolts crtrf.fc"

(balbe poiiteo out , cbegift of me bhtopre mail Do tBe n go oa / f 0; BPS epes are feuen f oloe .-QeJBall geuejptle/ ano fape Be gauc *.di.iwfct* mocBsBe openem BiCTiomb acrpecB out / as tt toere one mat etiem out oape Be lenoetB/tomojotobe afftetB itagapne/ana focBa man is tobeBateo.cBefoole fapetB: 3 Baue no frame/ 3 Baue no (Ban be to; aft m p goob beoes : pee euen tBep tlja t ea t e- m g' b; eD/fpeafte n goob ofme . Boto oft/ ana ofBotomanp tBallBebelaugbebto fcomef l^e tasem a mo;e periouS fall bp foci} mo,!D5 men pf Be f eilbpon tBe gf ounaeieum fo Qjal tbe falles of toicbeb men nioutB of Bpm tBat is bntaugBt /are manp bnconuenpent anb bnmete too;Des. 31 topfe fentence OjallnotbealotoeD at tbe nioutB of tBe foie/fo? Be fpeabetB it not in Due f eafon. , ^&gt;omemanfpnnetB not/ becaufe Be Batb not toBerttitball/ anb in Bps reft Be CDaibe ftpngeb.^ome man mereis tBat be ftro petl) Bps atone foule toptB ame / ana fo; an bn&lt; topfe bo&amp;peSfaftencftropetB Beit/ anb toptB acceptpngeof peitones (ballBe bnbooBpm felfe. Some ma p;omefem Bis frenbe a gpft fo; beep Cbame/anbgettetB an enempe of Bpmfo;nattgBtJ ipeisatopcfieDfljame in a man/ pet mall it be euer in tbe moutB of tBe ton topfe , a tB ef e is better/ men a man mat isaccuftomrb to ipe/bttt tBep botlje qiallBaueoeftruccpon toBereragccbe con* ^prions of ipers are bnBoneft/a tBeir ftame jseuertopi&amp;tbem. . . . m : % topfeman mall b;pnge Bini felfe to Bo. 2L- t u ( mm Mi BiS.too^es/anbBe: tBatBatB ton. jSmM. la. Jbefftanopnge mm fef Bp dihottge greafe ft , * !mert.^etB8ttilletBB^&lt;anbe/IBai encreafe *" BBS Bf ape of co^ne : Be tBat too;cBe(B rpgb= iffff.iii. tuouf*

tetiattfat0, -cftebokeof

tuoufntf/walbeefafteb/ a betbatpiearetb neat me" /all efcapcmocb eueiisetoato$ agpae* wtnbet&amp;eepe* oftbctopfc/amafie btmoomeygbecannottenmenttteicfauteg i?CDome j febPb/a ttearute ^UoO?des bp/tobatp;ofi?ti0m tbem bot&amp;? ettects be tbat bepetb Dss igtt o jaunce Ceccete/ t&amp;en amant&amp;atbpbetb&amp;patorfbome.

C Pt^e wptntatmce of ftnnc* tffr map not fjeape Cpnnettpon;cUoioncife ofart fterctpfecfiCtje Bnteofrpnnew. ^DftljcfooteanDoft^tojremaiu


CcbWtf.Cbaptet, yconnepf tbou battfpimeo/bo ft nomo^Uutpjaye fo; tbP fo;efpn= 0/ tbat u)ep mape lie fo;geuen t&amp;e.l?iefeomfpnne/eHena0 feora a fttpent:fo;pftbou commeft to npc&amp;ec/ e tofllbpte tbe.cbe teetb tbetof ace as tbe teeft of a ! po / to Hcpe f o uies of men m e to? c&amp;ebrc* of mants as a atpe ttoo etsgea taxm/\m^ mabttb focb toounbe0 tbat tbepcannotbebealeb. g&gt;trpfeanb to;ongeou0 bealpnge all toatte aiuapea mSss gooQe0/(jtbo;otop;i?oe a cpcbe boufe albeb;ougbttonaugbt:fo tbe iBcbes of tbep;oube albe toteo oute. Cbe p;apee of flje poo;e goetb oute of tbe

m ou tb / ana comrnetb bnto tbe eates / anb &amp;? bengeaunce (0; Defence) (bait com e/an&amp; tbat baueip.lbofobatetb to betefoutraea it is a t often of an bngoolp perfonne:but be tbat fearetb ob/torii semnnb;ebpm felfe. 3 mpgbtpe man te&amp;nowie a facte oibvW tonge/butbe tbat batb bnbceftanbing/pet' ceaue tbat be ailbaue a fail. 35 m$Q fo bu^ioetb bp* boufe toptb otbee mens coftvf0lp6e one tbat gatberetb ftoneg in topntee. cbe congtegacpff of tbe bngoblp 10 If fie &amp;ubblegatbetebtogetbet/t&amp;ett enoe f a flamme f fp; e. be toape of tbe bngoo* IS (0 fett toptb ftonejj/ but to tbeft enoeftf WW baccftnesf/anb papne0.$e tbat aepetft tbe la to/ topli bolbe f a Q f bno ecttSbpng eljec= of/ana tbe enbe of tbe fare of qd t'stopf* bom e.^e tbat is not topW/toil not betaugbt mgoob:buttbebntopfeman abounbetb m toptbeoneiretanbtobece bptteme0l0/tbete f no bnbetftanbpng. cbe bnotoleoge of tbe topfeftauflotoeipfietoateegtennetboueti/ ano W councell 10 1 vbe a fountapneof ipfe, Cbe&amp;ectof a toole&amp;fipfiea b;obe" bedell/ be can bepe no to pfaome . j&amp;benaman of CtMtecftanbpnge beacetb a topfe too;be /be all cBmenbeit/anbrnaTsemoeb of tt.3Sut m boiuptuouss man beaee ft/ be all bane nopieaTutetyetto/ but caffft bebpnoc bp* . bacft. cbctalcBpngeofafoolef0lp8caii &amp;eurhitt&amp;f&amp;gtfietoar:&amp;uteo&amp;eate*torre

man tpmu/itte a pieaAite. m%tx a boute &lt;0 m ttje c5gtegac ton/it (0 atfieD at motify oftbeu&gt;pre;9tbepQ)aiponb;e b&lt;0too?biin tbeicbee0.)Liiiteais aboufe t tt DetttopeD/ euenfo tDgftome bnto a foole : 30 fo? tbe snouieoge of tbe bntwfe / ft it but oaten too?be0.octtBnet0bnto bumtbatbatb no bnoetltanoengc/(uena0 fettet0aboute b0 feK/9is&amp;emann?cle*bponbi0tl&gt;gbtbanD. % foole ipftetb &amp;pb&amp; boi?ce toitb laugbtec/ but a foreman ujall (catCelaugb feccetli?. )ientpget0bnto atosremana|etoen of &lt;twun .% golbe/9ic6eanatmieebp3 bftttpgbt acme, M fooliO) man^fote # foonein W nesgb' J boutsbonfe/butonetbatbatbejepecfence/ qtalbe aftamebattbe perfonne of tbe mfgb' tte.3B fooletogB pepe uiat tbe tofnooto in to I bouf e/but be tbat tsi toen nouttuteo/toi?ll ttanoe toftbout J fooliQ) man San&amp;etb bct=&lt; Beming at tbeno?e/buibe tbat tt torfe/ toiH beafbameb* be iwpetf of tbebntopfe to?lbe tellpnge fooliQitbsnge0/buttbe toojitftol focbais bauebnbecaanopnge/u)alUe toejeofo bat&gt; launce.cbebect of fooler i in tbeftmoutb/ buttbemoutb of tbe toj?fe lain tbeftbecte. bdbentbebngobliicucfetb^ebiatpbemei;/ be cucfetb W atone fole.3Bp^uj accutfets of otbet men Oral beffiebte atone rouie/9 be bateb of euett man-, (but be tbatftepeib m umm tonge $ t0 offccete/ipaii come tobonoute.) CC&amp;f purjacgon of ^eaent^fttll. je^lfolt# fonne&amp;aua^tetttmua^aueWrc(tceon|otoant&gt; fotobomtoeoug^ttopjeacDe/ofCojotomgiponttic C: e&amp;. a f ole rt no t to bemo c^r t a 1 &amp;cb w (t &amp; al U Jmti* t see &lt; wo nsce bo bttm fnnOQlfp s amjite. Cbe.!C0j,bapt.

^loutbfuii bobs w moufteb of a^ I (tone of clafetye tbat toucbetb Dim mu(ctoafi)bS0bantie0 agasne.3D: imj mmto?eb fonne is o((bonoute oftbefatbet.aifooHibbmiBbtttlbalbelftte ,. cegatbeb . % topre oaugbtee torn becetage bntobecbttfbanbe : but metbatcommetb to oiiboneas / b?pngetbbfatbetin beupneg, aoaugbtet $ i3 patt Ojarae / oplbonoutetb botbbecfatbec9becbufbSbe:bngobIi&gt;Qiai tegatoc bet/but tbegbou) al berpt'fe bec/&amp; plasegeof^uRCBfanotmetetobetebetis* ne0f0/euenrof0 $ cojcecceon^ oocttpneof tosfeomeeuetbnplearauntbnto roofeft. jj Il9f}ofoteacbetbafoole/f0eurna0one tbat gietoetb a potmecbe togetbee:a0 one tbatceiietbatatfetolnjm tbat bwtwbbpi not/ a no a? one tbat ratfetb a mS out of an beusflepe .bdbo Cotefletb a foole of toffbome/r? tut m amanitobfcb fpeabetb to one t &lt;0aaepe.pbmeebatb#eb&lt;0ia0e;r fcfetbtobatf* cbemaccetf mtn one bpetb/ lamentation ft mabe f o? bpn / becaufe tbe


ipgbt faBietbbrmjtuen fo let men mouthi ouevafooie&gt;fo;be toanteibbnoetSanbing. j3abe but J? tie toeppng beeaufe off nttta fo;be(0 come to tea/but tbe isfeoftbe fole &lt;0 toojfe tben $ beetbi^euen oave0 oo men mbunie fo; bpm tbatf0beeb/ buttbe lament tac son ouec tbebntogfe a bngooi s Qttilb en* bureau tbe basc0 of tbeic isfe. cal&amp;e not mocb tof tb a foolC/anb go hoi dt toftb bsm tbat bata no bn&amp;etuanopnge4&amp;e&lt; ttawe of bim/le ft f t . tutne G^t to ttauafle/* tb ou alt not ue oeffieb \x&gt;m W timtMt* patteftombim/anbtbou altfenbe veft/9 ibaitnotbeb?otolbacb(ntob(0folsne0. i&amp;bat i fteuvn tben leabef anb tobat uio a foole be calieo el0 but leaoe; j&amp;anbe/ fait/ (Wf *, d 9 a Wpe of y;S 10 eaff ec to beare/tben an bn bano of toobb bounbe togetbec in tbe f oun* bact on of t b e b ou re can not b e lotof eo im fo &lt;0 it % tbe beet t &lt;0 ftabltfbeotn tbougbt ofcouncell. cb^ tbougbt of tbe toffe/ all netberfearenetbeoffent)ebatani&gt;tpme.

%tbea0afas;epiasftrebtoailtnatorn teeboufe/a an bpe bufiofng/masnot abpoe itbetoinbeanbtto?me:euefof0a fole0becte .- '4 aftapeb m bP0 smagpnacpombe featetb at ;:*-.' euecp tbmg/3 can not enbuce.^e $ nf ppetb aman0epe/b;pngetb fo?tbteate0:abct(wt p;pcBetb bctt/b?pngetb fo;tb fmeanpng anbtbougbt. l@bofocalietba(toneattbe bp;be0/ftapetb tbem atoape:$ be $ Wafpftc* metb bf0 f cenbe/b;eaft etb tbe ftenbftpppe: tbougb tboutt;etoeftaftaietbeattbpfrenbe/ pet opfpap ;e not / fo; tbou mapeft come a= gapneto tbp ftenoe. ft be fpeabe fotoedp/ Rate not/ fo; pe mape be agteeb togetbec agapnetejtcepte ft be tbat tbou blafpbeme bpm/ bpfoapne bpm/ open bP0feccete0 ano toounbe &amp;pmttato;ouGp:fo;aUfi&gt;cbtbnige$ (ballb;pueatoapcafcenbe, rt ]5efaptbfuHbntotbpnepgbboucmbP0 - ^pouette/f tbou mapeft trfopfett bpm alfo ntbf0p;olpertte Jbpoe ftebfaSbntobprnni tbetpmeof b&lt;0 tuouble/tbat tbou mapeft be fcep;e tot tbbpmuibfc becetagcxpbe as tbe bapout a fmo&amp;egoetb out at tbe oubefo;e tbe fp;e/euenfoeuetoo;be0/tebttne0aniJ iweitenpnges go befo;eibloubftebbpnge. 38e not aame&amp; to bef enoe tb p fcenbe^0 fo; me/H topllnotftpciempfacefrSbtm/tbougb beulbebomebatme. tebofbeuec beacetb it) all betoarteof bpm. !bo allfet'a toatcb befo;e mp mbutb/ a a fine fealebpon mplpppe0/tbatl fall not toftb tbem/a tbat mp tonge beftcope me notf C8 ftpetai8pn8mpI/le(ftec?'Rno glolonp.^W fttB /biatplif m? '* otWfte communf t acjon. sbt fly e^c ftmotB of f jrwt s&gt;2$ 3npCp mws p;oaOs of tH*


. ]Lo;be/faibec agouemouk 6I.IB mpilfe/leaUe menotintbeft pma*

" &gt;

jgpnacp5aeoacfH.a)bletmen6t( ... ___JfalinfocbC(p;ofe.tbotombepe J mp tbougbt toitbtbefcbuvge/$tbebocttpne of topfbometn mpne bectei'tbatbefpace not htpne igno;aunce/tbatg; failnot tattb tbemA left mpne &lt;gnoiaunce0 jncreafe/tbat mpnfe offence* be not many t'n nomb;e/,a ti^at mp fpnne0 ejtceabe miffl%m befbie mpnp enempe0/afompa&amp;uecratptefopfe.fl)&amp;o;a tbou fatbeca&lt;lbofmpbfe/ieauemenot tit tbeic pmagpnacpon, to let me not bane a p;ouoe lobe/ but tutne atoape allboluptu* bunte0 fromccafie ftome tb? lue0 of tbe ')o&amp;p/let nottbebefp^0 of bnclenne0 tase lolbebponme/ageuemenotoueclntoan . . &gt;namefaft anb obftpnatempnbe*, l?eaceme{pecbpib;en)attjiigeuepoii 8bocttpne/botopea!lo;b;epoutemoutbij$ tobofobepetbft/ftalhotpetpfttboiotobw lpppe0/nec be butt tbo^oto tope beb too;cBe0 M fo;tbe fpnntti/beftallbe tafiemn bpS atonebanptejjetbat(0p;oube acutfeb/al mstfi . falltberfn.)iLeenott!jymoumbeacuftomeb li '"W&lt; toftb ftoearpng/f 0; m ft tbeteace manp far* i^. , Ie0.)iet notg nampng of ob be cot pnuallp 9 tt&lt;9 * Intbpmoutb: fo;lpneas$a feniaunttobpcb 10 ft punpfttb c5 not be toftbout torn e f 0? e/ euenfotobatfoeuecbe betbatftoeatetbamii nam e &lt;SE5o&amp;&gt; al not be clc&amp;nepourgtb fc8 fpnnej matttbatttfetbmorbe ftoeatinge/ albe fplleb toptb tof tMntt/ anb tbe plage aiineuecgo ftom bP0boufe.gif be begpK W b;otbec/bP0 faute albe bpon bf mtpf be bnotolebgenotbp0fpnnr/be mabetb amib bie offence/a pf be ftoeatembapne/beal! not be founoe tpgbteou0/fo; b&lt;0 boufe al ,; befullofpiage0.

cbe too;be0 of f to eat e c b;mget b neat b c (^o&amp;gcafitetbatttbenotfounbetftfboure&amp;rtti^i. of Sacob.) jButtbep i feate 00b/ err bue all fotbanblpenottoelttpngefnrpnne.fiafettbf ^pmoutbtobnboneft anbffltbp talbpnge/fewiW. to;fnttfa^tto;beoffpnhe,ememb;etbP fatbec ami tbp motbec / ioton tbou art fee * amonge gteate men; left sob fo;gef tbeftt;; tbeicfigbt/aiefttboubot/ngintbpcuftpme fuffre rebuiie/9topnottobattebene bo?*= ne/anb fo cutre tbebape of tbp natpuf tt.tibt man tbat i accuftomeb toftb tbe too;bc of btafpbemp/topnneuecbecefourmeb antbe" bape0 of b fphne ttotfe 10 torn oca/ butfljetbp;beb;fagetb to;at&amp; a beflmccpSi 30n bote Oomacft cannot be qitcbtbtb (euen Ipbe a butnpnge fp^) tptlft baue ttoatotojtfi bp fomtblngieue Co ah ttncbnft manijatl) no teftttlbpiS fle/tpllbebaueiipnbicb a fp;e. m . 3Cttb;ebW ttoetetoantobo;emtinget/be"^ toplt not leaue of/tpii be baue bP0puvpbfet tnm ama






1DM. ffi),C


Cttlettattttus, 3 man tbat ujeafeetb tteoloca / aregataetb notbisfbuie/butfep e $ ; ccuCb/tcijo fcptb tne?art60irtpa(WD abeutctoitpatetmes/ tbi tealleS 'couftnie/no bob}? feptb nfe : toba ncwsio feare? cbe 5*etttopllnotwmeitw Hie mp cpmw. ie bnbeittSDet&amp; not ttjatbps cpe0 re all tbpnges/f 02 all focb feare of inert e?puetb ateape tbe feare of oa from bpmt fo? befeatea&gt;onelptbe W of men/ anbcon CpDeren) not tbat tbe cge0 of tbe Ho/brace clearer t&amp;en tbe a&gt;unne/ beboifphge all tbe toap0ofmenanb tt)egtounoe of tbebepe/ anbioBpnge wen to mcwibertesfrt fecrete Ptecetf. cue &gt;Lo;oe &lt;E(oii ftnetoe all tbpnge0 0; euer tbep toere mane/ ano after tUegbc tyougbt topafteattobe lobetb bpontbf an. C^e lame man Ojalbe openlp punpftrbi'n S ttrete0oftbeeptfe/9fbalbe cbafeb abjobe lp&amp; e a p ongebojife f oale-.9 tobe" be tbp ticfte tb leeftbpoti it/be fftalbe tab?.cbuS (balbe be put to (name of euerpmi Uetauf e b e &lt;to oioe ttotbnoetaanbe tbe feare of toe ftojoe. JCnu tyu'0 tftal ft so alto tof tb eueirp tot fe tbat lea* uet&amp;berbouCbanb/ ano gettetfj enUeretaOce hb bp a Qraungentarfage. jfi'ttt, ebatb bene , fmfaitbf ull bnto tbelatoe of tbe 0pett t fbe&lt; *onwp/o)ebatb fojfaft? betatone bout banb: Cbitblp/fftebaf&amp;plape&amp;ftoboje in atmou* tr p/ 9 gotr? bee ebplbje bp anotbee mi. fe.Be fbaibe b; ougbt on t of tbe eSgrega cpo/ a bee c&amp;t lojf n fbaibe lo&amp; 0M ft all not taae wte:9 a* f 0; f tute / Uet bjaunc&amp;e* (ball bjtage fo;tb narie.3 (pamefull tepo; te fball (be leaue beljpnoe bee/ a bet bflbonour allnotbe put out. 3nbtbepe remap ne/ al anotoe; p. tbere tsnotblng better/tbenj f tare of out 9 Mete is notbmgftoetet tben to taftcbebebntotbec5maum&gt;em?te0oftbe 3lo;oe.aigreate toojQuppetsittofolovcei* -.3lo;b/ fo; longe ipfe fbaibe recepueb of bun C2 p;9?fe oftoffOoirwpjoceatritia fo;(fi of tbe moutb" of USOD.iDf tcc too?cli cb j place wbete ftc reaaettj.

CC&amp;e.wMj.Cbaptet. BSSSira yfoorti e (ball p?agfe ber felfe/anb *Jaw^bebonoureDin&lt;0oD/9 refopfe in * sflS^tbempobeQof bispeople^nfc tS" as*3sgiegaci5s of $ ^peft fftal (be open bet moutb/9 trfumpbeln tbe beboiopnge of btspotoeeijntbcmtbDt&amp;ofbet people (ball Qjebc eralteo/ aroonojebacm tbebolpfufe neffe.gntBemultptuaeof cbofen f&amp;e ftjal* be eomenbeb/anb amongefocb as be bleoeo 01 1 fbaibe pjapfeo/a (ball (ape*.? am come out of t ntoutjj of tbe fcpeft/ fpjft bo;ne be* , fc;eallcreatuteS.3!eaufeDlpgbtt&amp;attaF. letbnot/toatpfcmr&amp;ebeauen/aeouereball f eartb as a clotibe.^p btoellpnge is aboue tatbebepaj/ampfeatetein tbeppiecof tbe clouoe. 3lmpfelfealonebaue gone tounbe aboutetbecompatRofbfauett/apeatfeDg


. x

gramoeof tbeoepe :3 baue iualcfieli fhtbe ftouues of tbe fee/a baue dance in all 1 at 1 0: mp Dominion is meuerp people ano in euerp nacp5/ato(Wmppo&amp;etbaue|,ttoBfboia)ne a,; tbebme0of all/botb bpe ano lotoe. i nalltbete tbinge0alfo3! foustttnOt/f a btoelitnge f n forae enbetitaunce. $s&gt; tbe cteato; ofalltUpnges gaue mea comaunoC' B5 m ert f.a be tbatmaoe me/appopnteo me ata* betnacie/anofapoebntome:'iletttI)potDEl= . ling be in $acob/a tbpne fnbetitaiice in If* taei/atotetbpfelfamSgempcbofenjtoaS eteateo from tbe begfnnpnge ano befo;e tbe too?ioe / 9 (ball net iraue of bnto rbetoo;loe ta;outt.wttf, to come .%n be bolp babptacpon baue a f ee* ueb before bim / ano fo teas 31 ttabiptyeo in % 1 on &amp;ft tyrify eftte tetteo 3 in libe maner: &lt;mm M . finJlmiralem toa0mppotoee/gitoberotein anbono;able people / euen in tbe pompon ( vm-toj*

tbe &amp;0.28 a in bis betetage/a bepte me m tbe fulnesof&amp;fapnctes.S! amfetbpanbpelibe a C eoer bpon ilpbanus / a as a Cppers tre pp on tbe mount pennon : 3, am eralteo ip&amp;e apalmetreincaDes/aasaroreplitetnle" ; ticfto-JS a f ap;e olpue tteinftt felDe / a am cxaltfDIibe asa plantepnetrebptbe toatct fpoe. 91 baue geuen a fmell in tl^e fttettes/as tbe Cpnamom ano 25alme, ftatbatb fo go oa afauoute;pceaftoete oooure baue a geuen as it toete ffl?p;te of tbe beft. Sfjauemaoe mp otoeHpnges to fmell as it teer'e of tofpn/dEJalbanum / of Ctotees/a 3!ncenfe/a as lliban 110 \o^tn it t's n of b e toe C botone/ampneoDoutefsas$ pure ffialme. M tbe tiretebpnte baue 3&lt; Qtetcfjr out mp b;auncbe0/aiiD mpb^aacbrsate tbeb;aun tbes of bonoure ano loupnge fauoute . ats &amp; bpnebaue3!b;ougbt fo?tb ftute of a ftoete f auouw/amp fioutes are $ fmte of bonoure 305011.? w arpebes.^ am motber of betotpe/of loue/ offeare/of.Knotoleogeaofbolpbope.3lnme iSaHgraceoflpfeatwetb^nmefeallbope^,,,.-,,,. oflpfeabettue.flDcomebntome/artpetbat JQ ' ,,,,;ll ' ,fc be wm ous of me/a fpll poure f em es toptb mpfrut; : fo;mpfp?etei0ftoeter tben bonp/ 9 fo is mp inberptaunce mo;e tben tbe bonp combctberemembjau'ee ofmeenbum&amp;fo? euermo^.cbeptbateateme/iballbauetbe mo?e bSger-.a tbepgwncfteme/ftalltbittte $mo;e.iidofobetbenetbbntome^allnoe cometoconfufpomanbtbeptbat tob;cbein me/(ball not offence . cbep tbat mabe me to be bnotoen/aaii baue eucriaOpnge ipfe. an tbefetbpngr0are tbebobe of Ipfe/ tbe couenauntoftbe$peu7a tbe bnotolebge of tbettuetb.flI9ofes cSmaunuebtbelatoe ini - . p;ecepte0oftpgbtuouuie0 fo;an beretagef Si, bnto tbeboufe of giacob/ anb commptteb tbe wompfesbnto grraeiK ut of auioaps &amp;ni,tf ttfo ftia( otmt D to mitt bp a moO mfgfc *8*

v v .1

fpe Wnge/Ottmgem rbefeate of Vtiumfo} R!mo2e)ftbpsfpUe&lt;btoitbtopf8omeipbe putm as ttje flotiDe of PbPfon/9 as ftoube of ct* wW* gvf0/tobentbenetofnite0ateagtotoinge4 _ ^bisb?ingetb a plenteous bnaerttanomg

m*. . i H*5 t*?ate0i9fpetbitbp/a03o?oane 3iwo* ^, g ttiMeofbanteB.ffli0iriafietbrti&gt;urtbui! to bueale tm as tbe n'gbf / ano as tea tee ibontntbebamett. cbefp;(tbatbnot Bnotone (jet perfecflp/ nbmo;e (ball u)e lad rebe out tbegrounoeof bee. jfo; bettbougW IS fuller tben tbe fee / abet council i0p;o^ lounber tben tbe greate bepe. 3! topfDome baue catt out flouoes . % am as agteattoaterb^obe ont of tbe riuej.f am as tbe rpuer js&gt;om/m&gt; as a toater conbpte am? eomeoutoftbegatten ofpleaftire.^ fap&amp;e 1% topll toater tbe garden of mp ponge IJlantes/ anb fplltbe frutebf mpbpjtb. jfeo mptoaterb;obebecameej;ceatKngegieate/ anDmprpuerapp;ocbebbntotbefee.jfo^ tnabe Doctrine to. be bnto al men as If sb t as tbefap;e mo;npnge/anb3&gt;0)a mabeitto be euer m cieawtj topll pram tbo?oto ail m lotoer partes of tbe earn) /l topll lobe l&gt;pon al f ocb as be a flepe/anb lighten all tb8 tbat put tbeir ituft in tbe jLo?ce. % fljall pet poure out boctrpne/lpbeasp;cpbeep/9 leaue it bntofocb as febe after topfbome/ anb tbeir generacpons Otall fneuer f aple/ bnto tbe boip euetlaftpng teojice. ffieboloe/ goto tbat fbauenoc labouttb fo; mp felfe oneip/but fo;ailtbStbatfebeafteetreutb. Cft!)JcWngf0to^c!)pleafcj6flB/oetl(;fW|)((8 0* ^et|.fi&gt;t!. Jhtatjw tbat benot to be fa&amp;tttwto of fo e trat^ Kf) cafe if of tt&gt;c malp of a worn an. cbe..vicfl&gt;.cbapter, 9;e tblngr tbrre are/ mpfp;ete *. .,. * laf ia^^ecictianbment^bebnpte of SSfflf HSB2lb;etb^n;tbtloue of nepgbboms/ wmjM anbrnananutopfetbatagreetoeitogetbec, b;et&amp;pnge0tberebetobftbmpcouieba f etb/anb I btteripabbo^etbe Ipfe of tbemt ifflfM 3D potman tbat is pzouoe.S rpcb mantbat is a ipae/an&amp;anoibebobpt&amp;at botetb/ anb &lt;0bnc&amp;aae. |f fbou bad gatberea notbpnge fn tbp troutb/tobat topltfbou fpnbetben intbpne mi &lt;^botoplea(attnt8tbpngei0ft/ toben gtapbeabe&amp;m? arebpfcrete/9 tobl f fibers cSgeitegoo&amp;coacel? bote comelpatbing 10 topf&amp;ome bnto age&amp; menf pee btioerftan* bpng anb counceil 1 a glo;pou0

ctotonebfoftemenistobaue mocb eypeti' cnee/9 tbe feare of obis tbeir teojfbpppe. mm be.f ie.tbpnges/tobrcb 9 baue tub* -geQinmpbertetobebapppe/atbetetb topll w % tell foftb bnto men toftb mp tonge.3D man t&amp;atto&amp;piebe nuetb / bat&amp; ^ope^is ebpfc




5;en/9feitbttjefaiiofbpsenempes,ti0cliir bpm tbatbtoellerb topn) anbouftopfe of bn beraanDpnge/9 fibatbnot fallen toptb bps tonge/9 g bb not bene fapne to feme focb as arebnmetefo^bpm. 9eiifsbpm/g fpu betba faptbfull ftenoesa toeisbpm/tobicb talfietb of toifbome toan earegbearetbbim, bote greati0be/ fpnbetb topfbome ana bnotoleiigef fet 10 be not aboue bpm / tbat f eaten) tbe %oWMt feare of o&amp;batb fee ft fejf aboue all tbinge0.lefftb 10 tbe man/ bnto tobom it ig gtafiteb to bauetbe feare of &lt;&amp;od. tanto teb8 (ban bebe ipcbenro/ p w petbttfaaf crbe feare of 00 is tbe begph* npng of biSloue/9 t\)t begpnnpnge of faptb fe to cieuefattbrttoft. Cbe beupne0of tbe bett(0antbepunp(bment/ a tbetetc&amp;e&amp;ttes of a tooman goetb aboue aOH punpibmet anbplageisnotbpnge fncdmparifonof tbe plageof tbeberte/euenfo alltopc&amp;eones is notbpnge to tbe topeftebneae of a tooman, !batfoeuerbappEnetb bnto a man/ is notbtnge in comparpfon of it/tfjat bis euell topmer0bobntobim:anball bengeance is no tbpnge to n)e bengeaunceof tbe enempe. Cbetei0not a mo;e tofc&amp;ebbeabetben tbe beaboftbefetpent/9tberefenoto;att) aboue tbetojatbof a tooman .^toiliratbei; btoell tt a ipS 9 BjagbV tben f bepe boufe ft a toicbeb topfe^ cbe topefieoneae of a toomS

cbaagetbberface/ibe (ball motteiiftn: coil* tenaunce as it toereaeer/9 as a facb fbal ftje (be toe ft amSge tbe negbbouts er buf&lt; 6anbe is Woiigbf to fftame amoge bfs negb bours/attOtobebebearetbft/ftmabetbbim torpgbe. ill topcfirones&lt;0butlptietotbe topebebnes of a tooman / ^t pojepon of t|e bngoolp (ball fall bpon bet. jLpfte as to eipmmebp a fan&amp;p toape is -m to tbe fete of tbeageb/euen fo is a topfe fuHtf,tM.&lt;*. cf too.jses to a ttpli quiet emart.jL-o&amp;e not to u.mea.t i.a narotolpbpon tift betotpe of a tooman / left m#m. tbott be p;ouobebin &amp;efp;e totearober. cbe toWH of a toomani0bf (bonoure anb greate confu fpon.?,f a toomi get tbe ma a tie/ tben is file contrary to berboufbanto 9 topefiea topfe mafietb a fo;p berte / an beup countc* M a . . . naunce9aoeebtoounbe.sDf $ toomS pmfS&amp;ESk k tbebegpraipng offpnne/ anbtbo?otober toe all ate beea dseuetbptoater no paffage /no notalptle/nefber geue a toftbeb ttoma* bee topll.^f thetoalebenot aftertbpbanbe/ fbe Otall confounne tbe fntbe fpgbt of tbpene* mifS.Cut ber of tben from tbp flefl)/ tbat Art bonotaitoapeabuferftf. Cel;afftof5J[ooOto9inatt.^rft6efeat;e6ft6 tdpnscB 9 of tbe fouttft. fflf tbe Jeloiuc tijonthcri toomnn.f&lt;toi)tMrtg#8'tnatcauftfo;otte/j aftifi t&amp;fjOetobic&amp;mouetBtoatlj. jtttbacicto (mm.* mstfymnt tnitbout bgfrtatcv a tauetnecftiilioHt tjmwwDwtBngf, tfcbe-Wi.CHapfer, iffff,b. mm


.wrJW e man atba a bet* lui&gt;u*tepf/to;enorab;eof bfc peates albe nubble . ain boned _^Jteomanmabe bet boufbanbe a topfullman / antt e mall fplle peace s of bisiffempeaceJbettaoiwtoomitsano* DieBPft/ft.bfcbalbeseuenfo;a6oobpo; aonimtorocbasfeate^;betberaman be tpcb o; poo;e/ be mape baue euet a met?

berte/anbac&amp;earfmi countenaunce /ete 6etb?ccbmgptbat m? beete featetb / m* facets aftapeb of tbe tout . creaton Ins tpeie/afebpcfou0people/9 noptometSBe*/ 8Hefeawbeu?etefttbeDea.puttobJ one is mm ouet W tofte / tt b;fttsetb pa?n t anb to;otoe bnto e betfe : anb a too* rot at telle out all fngesMS a fcourge ofetonge.lbenone baaneueiltopfe/ id's euenas tobenanbn!?&amp;e pate of ojten muttbiatee togetbec i be at gette ber/ setteafco;w5;3 | b;5c&amp;e*toomltta8teat 3ui&gt;ittmn*M.piaae/fo;eeannotcouetbetatoneame $be tobo;bome of a teaman mape be anotoen in tbe p;pbe of bee epes anb epe ipbbes .gf pbaugbtet be not (bamefaft/ boloe bee fttaptlp/ left (be abufe bee felfe ciij(j.fc tbo?oteou0tnocblpbete.etoaweofau t btftoneftpof betepes / amawcKnotpf (be boagapntt VM.vmp j* atgoetb to| teae (0 ft(Me/to fljal (be opf bet mou/ frbipncBeof euttpneitte toatetft (be map* oet.iSpettetpbebge (ban Hie fptbet botone/ 9 openbee gupuetagapnft euerp aeotoe . 36 touwtgetopfe tetopfe bet boufbanoe9 fe oetbbK bones toi bet topflmme . 3fi teomf of fete too;be is a spfee o f 5 ob / 9 to al teell mittutebm?nberaapenopnB be ebpatebj ainboneftanbmanetlptooman usagpfc aboue oetg?fre*/9tbete is no toetgbt to be compateb/bntoa mpnbe tbat cantule ft reifeXpBea*e Jfeunne toben ftatlfe/ an o;namentln c bpebeauen of ft &amp;o;&amp;e/ tofeabettuouiJtopfetbe betet?e ofaiihet - .,. boure.itBea0ecleateipgbtfobp8ftboj ttmflftfcfc icanbel(Wc6/foftJ e betotrtofft faecbpB anbonett bobp. &amp;pbe a* tbe gotten ppiet* atebponetocbette0of fpluet,/ (bate tbe fap;eleggeSbponatoomanat batba cS* ftantm?noe. ^etpetuall ace ft tounbacpSs tbat belapebbpon a toboie ftonpe toebe /fa ate* commaunwmente* of &lt;2$od bpon an bolpteoman. , . ^ cbmbettoofage0aegtenemp&amp;ett/ ^amtmtbe ftbe is a bJfpleafute come bpon me. lis fien an ejtpetteman of toatte fufftetft

leatfenesanbpouette.M&amp;bcnmenofbnber* flanwnge anb toptoomeatenot feu by. %m tebenonebepatte ftcm tfg&amp;tooufheis tot* tofpnne. H9botooofteb/eJlo;oebatb piepatebbttnbntotbefteetbe^mbeQpa

maiteeof pnge^tobp me tb^ncbe te be ?ietoeanbperj&gt;iou*. araatcbauntcan hot P8fttlsfiepebimfcemto?onse/m^ata' uemetbttRfelfeftomfunne. . ^ k . t iflDftll*ojet^at.ttMjUwUE tfcbebPti;obact8ar thenuin tbat eemetb oO . flCljt untonflantnelb of rolc.j:6cfcctetC80faftpnlKanoCt8UtUtteKD. ffl&amp;c wM tmaawctft t utlt/ te&amp;icb re ttwtnet^ tp3 fclh

1 *



CCbcuvbff^baptee. ccauf e of pouerteboue man?

offenbeo itlcbe/tumetbbtt ewu afpae.jttite ^.^Japanatfeintbetoali fticftetb fatt bettt^te ttoo (tones / euen fo oo^ ftnne Of cfie bettedtte beet 9 tbe f eiiee !$t be &amp;ou&gt; b(mnotbtlSBentl(inibefeateoftbe)L'0;oe/ bisBouCefljaUfoonclicoum^oteenXjfie as tob en one ftftetb / tbe fpltbf cs temaj?* 55 ttetbtntbef]&gt;ue;$&gt;o/tema?netbtbete fome Pncieane G) 1 nge tn tbe tbousbt of man.cbe j&amp;npftn^.t.' ouenp?ouetbtbepottewibe(ieB/fo6otbtlp*&lt;*ttwii.ii,

taci&gt;8 of teouble ttpembtuou(Jmen.*Cbc ^ taii . tie of tbe fetee it wtotoebp bW feutc/f iftf ; tbousbt of msbtttfinotonet&gt;Pbteteo#S. ?&amp;;a b no mi ejecepte cb ou baue betbe b t m/ fo; a mani0Bnotoenb*btttootfeis.3|f Ibou foiotoeatpsbtuoufiies/cbou alt get bet/ 9 yutbetupon tbe as a fap;e satment/UCno tbou (bait bteelttettb bet/ 9 (be ftalberenoe t^e f 0; euet/a &lt;n oa? e of bnotoleoge tbou alt f^noe ftebfaftneoe, cb^^esttefo^c bntotbettlsbe/ foDon) tt)e mtetb tutnebn* to tbemtbat beoccuptentettbaU .-arbe l?o teastttb fo; tbep?ape:tobotbe fjnnesiutW bpS .ft teo;cbet0 of teic&amp;eones.^be talfimg of btm i featetb oo/ notbpiae but toff* Dome ; as f 0; a foole /be cbaunsetb as tb e g@oohe.1f tboube amonge tbe bnotf ctete/ bepetbFteo;be to a conuenientttme/ but amonge focb as be toife/fpeabeonbaebelj.* . &amp;W talbvng of foole* fcabbomsnaewn/ 9 Vat tt rpo;ce is boluptuoufneffe anamtfnur. touK.ffl9oci)CtDeacingmaBetbtbebeatteta , '" ftanbebp/an&amp;eo0-;uetoBtbfotb/ftoppW tbeeateu, CU -mmt ? p;oubeftblmbfiwW)teg/ atbettblarpbemvngeisbeuftobeate.Obo c obfleouetetb fectetes/ ieretb Wu etewwe/ emptf* ftnwtb no ftpnoe aftet btt topll. UttuetbB ' w^ ftynW/9 bsnbe tbf fcife m faftbfttlnes tot ttt btm:but yf tbottbe to;at eft b^ fectety tbou - * aitnotgetbimagatneijfo? If beast man (0tbatbefttopetbbf?enemye/fo ftp alto f beaietb falftf tn tbe ftenotbtpe of b(0 nefBb* boute. litbt as one tbat ie ttetb a bvibt go cute ef btebanoe/can not tabebet agames utn m fotboit / f f l&amp;ouseue ouettbpftsnt)e/tbou w canft not get bfm aga?ne:yee tbou cSft not eome bpbmt/fojbtt* to fam of, 9* feb* to tbe

*-: .



fo tbeas a IR00 efcapeD but of tbe fnate/ fo; bis foule ts toonoeb . m fo; bjounbe* / t&amp;ep maye be boun&amp;e bp agape / anb an etieu teo;oe mape be reconciles : buttebo fo be totafflabt fectetesotaftenoe/tbetefeno mwebope to bebabbntobim. .- . etbattoincbetb toftbtbe epeu / rthagp. mm tome eucil 1 and no man (ball tafte bfm ftom ft. tbentbou attp;efent /be (ballbP* ttecommeoe anop;apfetbBtoo^es:butat tbelaftbeCbalitumebtstaile/ 9 fflaunbet tbpfapenge . flyanptbBngesbaue3&gt;bateb/ but no tbhiae to euell/fo;tbe&amp;o;DebmuW altoabbo;retb tocb one, ; aabofocaftetba ftoneonbpe/(e (ball fall faponbps atone, beao: and be tbat fmptetb tettbBPle/tomtnoetbbtmrelf. l@botot&gt;pg Setba W 1 all fall tbetm : anb be $ laptb a fttate/(ball be tabentn ft brnifelf t mu to Beuetba topeftennoptome councell/ it all comebponbfmfeif/anobeftallnotbnotoe ftomtobence.cbep;oime Wafpbcme 9ate leo;ne fuU, but bengeancelutbetb fo; tbem asa ipon. bcptbattetorfeataiefallof tbe iiSbteou*/atlbefab?miKnate/angu$ of berte all contome tbem before tbep ope. 3Engeean&amp;tBBo;ournejtatetteoab(iomina bletbpnges ; anb ft bngoblpbatb tbembotb .bponbpth. C^oe ougb* (lottobttiitHetiitiSu/but to fotmie - the offtntf ,f tfie jjp teaof t(w tonje/anii of tbe oaQ# fiewt&amp;twf. cbe.ictbfti. Cbaptet. $ O^^l'E tbat fenetb bengeauncc/all jtt.w;B.e, I m pj?nbe ijengeaunce of tbe '^o;be/ *MM^BMEi|fBnneis..jrofljwe (ftp nepgoboute tbe Butte tbat be barb bone tbe / ano to all tb?tynnesbeto;geuentbealto/ tebentbou pwpeft.3i man tbat beatetb batteb agawift

anotbet/ bote battebe befp;e to;geueneffe of &lt;Pob?i9c tbat etoetb no metcp to a man toWW Ipbebimfelfe/bote batte beafbe oweueneaeofbtsf?nnes;3fbetbatbut fie/beatetbbattebanDbepetbft/teboteFfl intteate fo; W ftnnesf lRememb;eftenbe/9 tetenmjte paoe/tobtcb fefteft oeatb anb be. fttuccpij/9 abpbetbou mft eSmaunbemgK. 3Bememb;e t\^e commaunoement/ to ait tbounptbetgo;ons ouet tbsnepgbboute. 36Cb(ncbebp8tbecouenauntof eapeft / 9 rosette tbpnepgbbouf0(Bno;auhee. J8e* toatre of ftwfe/9tbon altmabe tbp ttnnes "WW* Wpw-fo? an angtie mS fitobletb battafice/ anbtbebngobipbirqupetetbftenbes/9 put= tetb jWfco;be amonge tbem tbat b e at peace.


tatftSffl* ^ffiwww fiphbietba $#/ 5 n ba(We fttpfeebbetb btoube " $m bloteetbefpatbr.ftaibtne: ^ftboufc bpon itift aiiso lom 1 9 bo tbefe go Sue ofiypmou^.BefcIaUrtWtet9bubbieton, K , &lt;i . (S , sea W cutfeo/ to; man? onetbatbe feenbes Klw **V h a S2rK^ tpaul,rti &amp; e ** ftwa* bate oifqupeteo man? one/ anb b??uen tbem S2l?S e 'S" 08 to anotflc,: S&gt;teonBe c?eu ba u b;onen ootone anb oue rtb;otone tne boufes of gre ate men , Cbe tb?;be t5ge batb Mftoutm ang an bones tooman / anb tote bebibemo/ eft laboutjJ. itaoo fo betae. ne bnto tocb/ftalneuet f?nbeteft/9 ntuee btoeii tofeip. cbe dtofieof etob thabetb ?etibetsr/butefttobeof etonfie fm?te Pft?ebtee fteewe/ but mnv moibo" totoetonge* . ^^tf b^lft beptf Maheuetttomte/^ - ;

9eommenottntbeanaet etof / WsA w b;atoenote?ocftofTocb/9rtotbofibe m e banbes of it.&lt;jf 0; e ?ocb mtot to of p?on/anbebanDeoffttf Qeic 'cbeceatb etofttabetpeueilbeafibbellteetebettet fo; one/tben tocb a tong$ ut e f?;e of ft inape not opp;eoeemat reate dEtob/ anb f Bammeetof ma?enotbutne?.4oett asto;fa8ee)loe/allfaliet:anbft all butne em/ anb no mi all be able to quencb ft.i ail failbps tbemasa %mfanbbeuoute! as a lepatbe . cbo beageft tb?8oobeu toftb ote^tobpboe(ltbOunoe taetmabeDo;ejJ9b^tte0to; ?mouf fboutee?eft?Bolbeanbf|luee:teb?boe( ounottoe?e?too;beSaito bpon tbe ba* latmcef ]5eteatte/at ou 0?be not (n ? tonge/anbtofaiibefo;e we enempeo/g la?etoapteto;e. CBottwediat(fMkn6Nu.ntortt^antitioalmM &amp;t f aptftfuu man anftottpngc t W ftpnOe. SUt tptwMlstjeanoooftjptaipt^ CCbe-w^cbapter, goto topn etee meHcp /lettbpm ( ttabie/iettb(maepeecdmmaa=swt''^.tt ^f^^K^^^^^^P^^boute^^w^* boutaBapnetnbuefeafon. fitepe? teozbe SBMBS^ %"8 e V ttheceffatg ^i^^^wbaiiebenetnahp/rtaftoben toimoe /anb mabe em ttauapic ami la* boute/atbabbelpebern4t9b?ieKte s

"'&lt; r -r&gt;PT* M.r*. fw uee nppnBe;/ep6paiffie taiv'oi

Bteatetfetbeto;ajanbft longet tbefttpfe ne/tbenio;eftbunie^

- /

6fobepbMmbieen!bopce i fttTtiMien ep ftuft 1 papeagapne epfitfpe ft bacw gene euteo?WS/9 mabe many ejecufesbi teaton

^ 4

tearon of tbe tt?me:a tbougb to to able/ pet geuetb &amp;e ftatf e tbe balfe agapney anb fie netbtbe attiecto be fcunbe. auiflf I betptt&gt; xlbeiiot&amp;i0monepe/fetbatbbean.enem2e ofbfm/anbtbatbnbefeweb. 35i9t pagetfs btm toitfc cutfpngeanb tebube 9 ageueibbtmcuelltooj&amp;es to? W goobbeoe com be manp one tobieb ate notglablo? to letrae/nottocauCeof euell/buttye? dm to lefetbetbingctbattbepienbe.yetbauetbou paciencetottbtbeCympie/anbtottbottenot wetcf feomB&lt;m,^elpe tbepoo;efo; tbe cS* maunoehttnte0 fabe / anbiett bpmnotgoo emptie ft5 t&amp;e becauf c of bi* neceffptexefe tbpmonepfojtbPteotbetaiHintpgbbouts Cane / a burpe it not bnbet a (tone / tob e it *&amp;at.w.c. tuOetb anb cojtuppett). mwt tbptteaut' ftucpui. teafteet&amp;ecommaunoementoftbe petty uwm.u. ate -(j, ftauitb^nge tbe mo# p;ofpt tben goloe. %WW tbe almes in tbe bano of tbe poo;e/an&amp; it tbatt&amp;epe (torn all eueil. $ amc i.9. t man* alme* is as a puife tottb bun/ a (Ball

i4ic.F(. B. fifpga maitfi fau ouie a? tbe apple of an eve: 2c Sfffit f. anoaftettoat&amp;elbailitatrfe/ a pape euetp

* V

1 'A

m&amp;bttvetoattiefapSbfebeab.ftamUffSbt I o? tbe agapntt ttjme enemies/ bettet tben mm ota gtaunte / ojfpcateof imfgbtpe. C a go oD b one a ma" 10 fuettpe f o? . bis n epgb . boute/ butatopeflebpetfonne !ertetbb?m come to fljame.jf ojget not tbe ftenolbppe of oftopfuettpe/fojbebatbgeufbiscouiefo? tbe.^ebngoblpberppfetbtbegooboebeof m nttpe/ a tbe bntiwncbfuH a ignojaunt leaned btsfoettpe m baungct. $&gt;ome man Vl oin gfe tb f o? bPS nepgbbottte : anb toben be batb loft bfi bone tt p; be ftai f o?fab e bim . &amp;iictttajpppe batb befttopeb manp. atgebe man/a lemouebtftemajs tbe toaues in tee. #tgbtie peoplebatb it bjpuen awe / and caufeb tbe to toanbje in tttaunge counttees. 3Pnbngoblsm9ttan(gteo^tgcbec8maunb&lt; mentoftbe jlo^iie/ mall tall in to an eueH . foettitbfpe;atbougbbefo?cebttnfelftoget .cut/pet(baUbefaHfotofubgme"t.eJpetbj nepgbbout out after tbppotoet/flbetoam/ &gt;ri-M(t.ei*battboiitb?t8lfefallnot infoebbett. cb* mom* gefeiWtbatbepetb in $ ltfe/fe toatet anb b j eo/ciotftpnge a no tobginfttyfo cotte e ftame. . ."* 3.' ffiettentfitfobaue apootfTpupnge ina ?&amp;fai mw.Of mis atoneboufe/tben belpcate Kite amoge k^^'^ttwunge.^eftlstlfojmocbftboubaft/ mvm ijoipetbecStentsrftbanvatbottibaitnotbe blameD ad a bagaboiib&amp;l;. fo? a mpferab le ipfefstt/togoftom&amp;cufefobottreiatobere amlfefrembe/bebanenot ope bt moutb.

bougboneterobgeb/aribbauemeate anb b^c&amp;e/petJ&amp;allbebetaBenastontooztbP/ abwt*raanbpttetwuabtoo?bc0/nanier

pare atabic to; tbp feife/ anb f ebe nw alfo ot tuattboubatt.aitoa?etbouataungetfo/$ beiegawetb W bonoute no mm) WW tbeteametbintompboufe/afobetenetbbt tbeneceaweoebfeboiiCe.cbefetbsnge*ai* beustoamantbatbatbbnbetltanbi&gt;ng , .na mel/tHero?bsiibtnge of tbeboufe/anb tbat tbeienbetcaaetbbtmintljetetb, tnmt tit toitttn on of ctjio^.ietb* (oramoos* be.OT.Cbaptet. ; pCo louen) bW cbFibe /boteetbaj MmaibnDetco?icccion/tbatbejaioHeMi,{ .mawbauefoje of bimaftettoato mm* ^ la f begtopenot tmtWmtQ/t y boui9Oo?e0. Begteacbetb W tonne / tyau baue iose in brni /a nebe not to toaftameb ofbimamongebttaquauntaunce. aBBofoW"*** . infontmetb ateaebetbbissfonne/ greuetb^ enemve; abefo;ebWtwnbei8 bemaje baue tow of bim.cbougb m uutomtfx ttm 80 tbougb be toeie notbeeb; to; be batb lete onebebt&gt;nbeb&lt;mtbatf0ipneb&lt;m.inbtii&gt;fie be f atoe Mm/ a bab lose in bim / anb %m\\nl .fo??&lt;nb(beatb/nei|eftoa5beaQ)amjtibe* fo;etbe enempes . ^o;beleftbeb?nWb8ht anauengetagcn&gt;nabi0 enemw*/ aagoob boetbntotbe ftenbe0. $m tbe tyfe of cbWbJe befflalb?noe.tbetoounbe0togetbee/anbbt0 berteisjgtencbateuwiictje, anpntamea bo;fe tot ibe batbe/anb a to ant on cbtfbe toil* be toPlfulUSf tboitbjpngebp tbp fonne belt* eatlv/be (bail maae tbeaftai?eb:anb Ff o ' plave toitb.btw/be (ball b;?nge tbe to bet e$5JLaugb not tottb bim/left tbou toepe \&amp; bjmaifo/anbletttbFtetbberettonebgeac , tbciatt,

&lt;2ieuebfmnoiFtoefnbi0Wtitb/aeycu*)8 fe notbi0 fol?.Otobotone bP0tiec6tobsRiu.i be (0songe/b8t bim bpon t^t twn tobsie be m fee but a cbKlbe/ieft be toare, ftubbutne/ ageuenomo;efo?ceoftbe/afoftalttbo) . hautWVnt* offoule . ceaci) tbP tbplQe/? tefiHfgettbetm/leftftto totf)? atne.iSet

cftt^De totitti #f^&gt;^atl),


AtH r


teti0tbepoo?ebesngetoboleaftt8geyt|eit amantobeF(be/anotcobauebf0beaub. .ealtbanbtoeUfow^abDueallgolbe/anb a tobofebobpaboueautteaniw v cberei? .notPcbe0abotieafounDebo5i/anbnoioFe . .about tbefbfeof tbetotf*. eatb issbet tec tben a to?etcbebl?te/ o^ cgti&gt;ttuaKfc6ne0, Cto goob tbpnge0tbat ate put in a eiocr moutb/ateisbea0tobenmeatei0iaKbbp5 ^egtatie. - _ nsbatgoob botbfteoffcepngcbntoan3!'&lt;E boflf fjfo^be cannetbet eate; taoe/netfmeil. . (Euenfoisbetbatis cbafeb cfrtje %oM/-f Beatetb tbetetoae0of iniquytpe.^e fett&amp; toftb bg0ete0/98Kinetb W Becbinan/ mac



it ipetb tettibi a bgnt anb tfgbttb *eue nbtouei;tb?m?nbemto beuFne0/anbtojte notibpCeif in tyine atone ceunrtUv&amp;betoge a cbeatftiines of tbebett ig tbe life of man/ anb a mati0 giabne0 10 tbe p;olongtng of bis bar e#.&amp;oue tbine atone foule/anocomfojtf tbine bt s as f o? fo;oto anb b e upne0 / B??ue it fatte rtom tbe/ fo? beu?ne0 batb flame matnjaman/anbb;ingeibnep;ofit. 5eie a anget otten the bapeg of ltfetcareniine0 anb fo; oto bjinge age before tbe tsme.cwto ametpbett euetp tbwgebafbagoos tail/ tbat be eaten), CWeOKg9ttogeuco$li&gt;getUdefetgi)ontei&gt;e 4Df tbrm jat t abt papnc to gather vvftts. Cte pja jft of uryc&amp; man without afauce* wr oug^tioatOfSc tonntOt ano folowc ftliewnr** be.w:)rf.CbapleK t JSauarie a catcfutnes tot V|cbe0 tabetb atoaie tbeaepeyamabetb tbeflefb to conftime b^benone iretbanb tabetbeate^e toabetb &lt;uee 6p/ liti e aSgteate f icfines b ; eaftetb tbe flcpe.cbe tpcb batb gteateiabout in gatbe* nngbisticyes togetfjet/ atben tttbeplea* futeofbisn'ebes betafietbbis teftanbis te fteibeb. tit toboto laboutetb a pjofperett) not/be i0 poo;e: s tbougb be leaueot / net i0 be abeggec^e g louetb rgctics/ (ball not be niaititw tobo fo folotot tb cotfupcfon/ibai baue pnougb (be tot . #an? one ate come in ;teate mpffo? tune bpQetearon of goibe / a auefounbetbeir beQtuccfonto fo;e tbem t is a tte of faitynge bnto tbem tbat offte tbp/anballfocbas be foolp fall tytiyn, JBleoeb is t!je ttcb/tobicb is founbe toitbottt blemf Oj/atib batb notgoneaftetgoloe/net bopebtn mone; a ttea(Ute0.!@bete is tbete (Ocbonef ana toe (ball commence bpm/ and callbrmbie(reb/fo; steatetbpngesootb be amonge bis peopie.tbofo 10 ttpeb/a toiUie peefectein focb tbinges/Ojaibe commenbeb ans p;a?feb- t@bom?gbt oflenbe i anb ban) noto&amp;nbetfJ&amp;bocoulbebo euell/anbbatb not bone it i cbe tfo;e all b J?s goob be Qa* biFfteb/anb tbe tobole congregation tya! be&lt;

elatebfSanmeoes. f t tbouftttat agteate mans table/open not tbe moutb topbe bp on ft/anbmabe not man? too?bes,ememb?e/ tba t an e uel l e? e is a tp?e to. 33. l&amp;battbfttgecteatebi0too;retbenatocc' &amp;ebcve;tbetfo;etoepetbttbefo;eeuetpm30 facerjlaeenottbitobanbbponeuetptbmg tbat tbtme w 1Mb /'. ano ft ve ue not to m bvmintbe bgDbe. ponoecbp tbp felt tobat tb p negbboute to oibe fapte b a u e /anb tout* fcrefem euet? pof nte.cate f tbinge tbat is rett befo?e t^t manetlp/a* tt be com men) a mamjeatenottomocb/letttboutoabbo?*


ttbXeauetbou of fits ofatbecauCeof nut* toure/lett rtjoubebe tobomno man mane fatiffre/tobifcb mase tutnetotbp becase, 9bentboufjttea amSgemanpmen/teacb not tbine banoe out firft of all . j bote tod! contenti0atoirem$toitbaUttctofnefto t tnaepetbou (bait not befebetbetof/ner tele enppajne Jtoetetobolfomeflepe ibolfocb one baue/a tele no intoatbe gt efe.i&amp;e t pfetb bpbftgmesintbemo?npnge/anotstofllat eate tn bim Celt. J8ut anbn&amp;ciaMe eatetfle* petb bnQui&gt;etit/ anbbatb acbeanb pajnc ot tbebo0F&lt;3!Mbou feleft tbat tboubaft eaten to mecb / ati&gt;(e /go tbf toare/caftitof tbtf aomaeb/anbtafietbFteft* : . , Jgfonne/beateme/abBMftSpferiiehotirf aat u)e laft tbou maltfrnbea03bauetoib6 w tte.analltbi?,too?6e0be biligftanbquwbe &amp;*&amp;**&amp; f o (bail tbete no lv c fines bappen bnto tbe. mmmfVM * i0boWi0KbetailfnoealFnBWitbiSmeate/.bwe.M!W manBinenftall bleflebpnanbp;apfe Bpni toitb tbeit ipppes: ana tbe fame is a nitetobS ef\W loue anb f ap t b f ui n es . ut be tbat (0 b n f a k tbftM in meate / tbe tobole ttttt fbali compiajne of btm s anb (bat 10 a fute cm* 'enceofbiStnfioel?te^to|cfteBnes,fflenot tboua tontebsbbet/fo; tornebatb bearopea manp a (p;e p;ouett) tbe batb vfl/ 1 1 ten Co botb tofne p;oue tbe betted of tfit

p;oube/tobentbettob;oncben, wmttotoVibWttim 1 qui cbenrtb ffte &amp; life of man.Hf tbou bi incbe ft it mcafumbip/ tbou (bait be tempetate . t&amp;bat ipfe (sit/ g tnareeontpnue toitbouttofneY i? ne teas maoe ftem tbe beg jnn jnge to mabe men glab(snotfo?&amp;?onfiennes) i&amp;snemeafuta* blp b;onben (0 a t eio pf ?nge of tbe foule anb boag. ;ut pf itbeb;onbentt ejtceffe/itnia* betb bpttetnesanb fo?o toe bnto tbe mjnbev ?onfiennes f plietb tbe mpnbe of foolpQi toitb Ibame atuFne/mpplbetb tbe (ttengtb a raabetb tooff&amp;ed. Kebube not tbf nepgb bouteattbetopne/ anbberpprebpm not in bis mp?tb- e e &amp; lm no;serpptefull too;bt0 anb pjeafle not bpon bpm toptb conttat? fapenge0. * CSbt tty bvtttewmmite ottbttotutfetHnboi Vit t)fact.a)f t(jefact/fajtt|/i (onfp&amp;tnce of &lt;sm tbbubemabeatulet / m be not tbrteif tbetin/butbe tbotias ones of tbe people . cabebiligent eate vmu4%h If 0? tbem/anb lobe toell tbtrto: anb ' tobentboubaftboneantbrbetotfe/rptttbe botone/ tbat tbou tit aj e ft be me tf toitb 01 anb eeeeaue a ctotont of bonoute , caibt topfel? a boneftip/ f 0? ttproomrbtcommetb tbe tfgbttteu&amp;pnbet not mufiicb. $&gt;pea!5 npt/tobewtbtteWnoaubpencetabbpouM nc-tfo;tH

CttfeRaftM not fojtb topfttomc out of tpme/at an-ftntw mvtt.TLVW*9$ Carbuncle ttone fflpnetB tbetopne feaft : anajft tBe femawgw flat ftfetingoiQe/fofttBeftoetness of 3?uffcR cSonSem|/tpea!ieatNcoraiiH| or/a tBatttPJOtptabie /anof etfcatfttoB?

tBou art' ttofceaffteb. aompjeBenuemocB tottfj, fttotoo^a.Sinmanf tBpnBSBiw* one tBatftignojaunt/seueeare/ ano QoiDC ^ tBf tBgc tortball. 3,f tBoube amoge raenof Btw aurto;ste/6e;enottocoowt^iwei)ti. lotbenuahbtoBenaneiaet tpealietB /mabe not tBou man? toofte* tbetfo .efo?e tBe tBottaetsoetBlPSBKttpnse/anabefo?emp route ansa amefaaheffe goetBloue anafa&lt; uoute.a&gt;tanbebpbptpme*y anbbenot tta latt-.butget ft. Borne Ccone/ a tBere tafietbp jmttpme/abotoBattBoutoflttfojBattBou bonoeueH/anaaefpenoman. ut Avail tftpgeisgeue tBancsess / bntobmi tbatbatb - tnaaetBe/ateplemaiebtbetoitbBftgooae*. C bofofeawtbtbekojoe/topllreceaue bftDocttrtietan&amp;tBef t&amp;atseft tBemtpBpm bp tpmea rwatmvqt. mmtxm M latoe/UWU befplfea toftball; 30 fo/ Bpm * ft But faf nea / Be topll be otfenDeb tBerat. Beptbatfeate tBe jubb*/ (bail ffnoetbe fabgmft/a tftoe rpgB t eoufnea alb* ftsrtJ* leaajs alpgBt . ambttgcaipmantopll not&amp;e eefbutmeo/ bufccan Belpebfm fttf tft&amp; tBe example of otbermBfapurpoft. 3 manor bnaetaSowgaefppcetBnogooa eoficeMmt BtofIoe8nBp;ouj&gt;e l BoBj&gt;,BatBwftai;e.fl98 fonne/BonotBtogetoftBoutaauf Cement /fa fftallftnottepenttBe after tBeoebe.onot in* toape toiftte tbou mapea fall/net iofitte tBoumapeft ftombieaBafnft ftone.tfeue nottbpfeifmto a laborious* flppetf -teas* / anbbebrooftBieatoneebiU8en Snail tfip too?6ej5 put tbP ttuftui am from ftp toBoie beet /fo? .tbatft tBe Beppnge of tBe eS&gt; mauneeme'ti3,tiBBof0beleiietBobi5too?ae taftetb Beoe to tBe coramaunaem ent t&amp; : ana BetBatputtetBBrsmi&amp;uit&amp;e %oM/ (Ban toantenotBtnge.


yttm/Wonm M&amp;pmb xlhiij,

* *

CCtjcbrtwmnctof (npttat ;** * 4R nfttm of &lt;(**&amp;. Ijtorftwf fafifr. jan fe to tbe Dm* of ob/a tbteajtb &lt;* % bano sfQtvMM* Wt)*aot tobf^oft ouwftlow/

jjbi tobttQroetuMMttaatijer. .Cbjcw&lt;.Bapttfc Ifcete ajallno euell bappen Bnt o B(m { ftaretb 4&amp;oB: ButtoBI Be ft [fotempcari5/ibe)Uwb ajauaeip* ^r. _ Jtttt Bmr.36 tof ft mabaietbnot $ latoe /But an fpoctfteft 80 a 0&gt;pp MM* Binge toatet.1 man of bncetaanbpngge MttBcteeencebnto^eiatDtofOoDyanatBe istteftfept&amp;roWbntoBim. Refute of tBe


matttn/twrntaiM weror. eru wwn Qruct/tBcnmap* bettefSefoottlbftlfBeaxatttoBeie/sbpjJ I cmM. 8tmBBteat2ne aboutlpfie ft awU ttctphe as a totfW'Bajft g nepetB bnwtcuetf one &amp; fettetfi bponBhn/ fott &lt;t toptB -a ftojnefuU ftenue . iBB^aotB one cape wellanotBet;/ fewige alltBeaaBeg of tBe seate comeof tBe. feunne^BetopCoomeof t&amp;e)lo?5eBatB to patteo tBem a tun&amp;e t\ atio fo batt Be o^otnen tBettrae0folempnefeaafp. g&gt;omeoftl)t BataBetBorm aBalottea Before otBetoapea Srta an mm ate mabe of tBe gtounae / a out

tUnwrtbtBem/anBmaMtBMttMiseaofBp uetft fatbpon0 AomeoftBtmBaftBe Weffeb/manemoeB of tB^/Balotoea tBem/anb clapmeb tljem co&amp;i'mft Iff . utfOmeof tB| Bat&amp;Be eutfeB/BjouBBttBf mm W W out of tBefeettate ftmg I eniaftintte mm&gt;w pottewBanBe/anDantBeo^pigetijerofat J,IW *' ,t, BfapieaattetfoatemenaUbtntBeBanBeof html ma&amp;et&amp;f /CotBatB* maneBeueiBem apftHfsetBBfmbf ft Jgapnft eueilfsgooo/ ana agapna ofatBW if fe :fott tBe bngoaif agapnfl focb as fcate &lt;]!5ob.eBolBe tBuaaii tfr b?BMJf tBe i^ef ft/ ana tBete are euet *ttoo agapntt ttoo / aonefett agapna ano. &amp; mm mt.% am a toaBebbp lattof all/au onetBat tm ww oatBetetB aftwfti bantett , 3!ntBf Bfft0 of * (pobanBfnBfabieafngei! amfneeafeb/a "*!. Baueffllebmftofnep;ede/IIBeaB(apeBa tBeret.eBolBe /Bote 31 Bauenot labourett onlf fo; mf felfe/butfo; anfocBea0loue nuttoute anb toffaome. Beateme/flDfeBteatemenWi people/ * 9BnB(ntoptBfouteeare0 #tulei of tbe c c0g'teBacf5.eue not tBf tonne 9toffe/iBf b?otBe. feenae potoet ouettBeytoBue tBou ipueft : B^uenotatsafe tbp (ub(tauttce9 BoobtoanotbeY/ lefttttepentlBe/acBou be tap ne to be ggc tBetfa;e (Bf MtM l otige a0 tBoulfueftaBaftb;e/letnomancbaunBe tB:f o? better it t tBp cBHB;r n to p?ape tytl ien tbat tBou QiuloeS be fapne tolofie tit tBeBan&amp;e0.anaHtBftoo#ae0bercfua/ tBattBfBonouwbentuetaapnea. ttBe ?, tpmetoBentBouftalMtibetBfaafeg/anaff* npft tBplpff /ofttefbute tBfne mbetftaece. $Be f oaaee/tbe tsbPPP c / ana tBe bu to m be* longetBbnto tbea(fe;S?fate/EO?teccf on/ 9 tDO?cBebntotBefeniaunt. &lt;$t tbou re tttjprmiaunt to labour e/tBou Oaftfpnbetea.0utfftbouIf(BfinBOf&amp;el/^ Befliallftlieltbertfe.cBf f ocB 9 *. tobpppc botoe botone tBtrneea 7 but tame tBou tBf euenffruaatttbonaeBaciwrcapB.fefnae bvmeolaboutt/g Bfgonotpble:3?o;p&amp;pl*

neBrWdtBetlmotB eue n.$b e t B WttwBe/ fo?

fo?tBatbclongetBbnto Bpm anabecomctfj. Bun mi 3jf be be not obeafetjt / bpnae ftps fetrbutoo no t, to m oc&amp; btif him tn an? to p ft/a iuftSout aifctecron bo notBfbB .Men Baue a (faftbfulDfeniaat/ietBfmbebnto i a0tBfneatone fouie/f 0? in blduaeBafttBou Botten Bmt.3if tBoti Baue a fetuaunte/ Boiae Bftna3tBpfelfe/fo; tboubaanebeof Bunas of.tbfftlf.3lf tbou fntteatea Bim eueli/a e peftbonBatoe/amaBeS Bf m tobep;ouae/ ana tort nne aroape from tBe/tboucanft not ceo tobat toaf e tBou (Bait fefte Dim, Cfflf 6jeam/0pa?na(Tf3tB/anb {ncDfliifttcmcnif b* )e ouo&amp;tto confute tupufispr/anoiPMap* ccbt pjajftof tratBatfte^S)o.4Df optcn tawebrsef tiwn&lt;VoOaota no t alow tbe voo/c be sf an tnfap t h * ruiiraan. _, ; B.WirtW.CBaptet. . 1 i9 ttf ft people begile tbem ftiue0 toftBbapne abtfceatntlf Bope / * torn ttuft tn b/eamea. nabo f %t&gt; lataetB weam ea/ ft if Be Bun tbat , ... rtaeof a Oiabotoe/afolotoe aftet tBe topnaeicue n fo ftft tottB tBe appmnngc of tMtame0.9efo;e tBe face ft tij e If cBnea of a faee.WHlo can be cienftb of tBe bncie ane^ 0t tobattteuto can be fpo&amp;en of a Ipart feotBfapmge / toftcBctaft / ro;cetf a ba mfngeft but banfteslfbeaa toben a rooms ftauapletb tofrtj cBf I&amp;e/ abatB manp fanta* ffe0ftiBBft. nabete a0 fo(BWff80 come no t .0 1 oayfe t not tBfneberte bpon tBe:ff 0; b;eame0 Baue alfteauebmanp a man/? tbc v fafleb/tBatputtBefttruaetBertn. K aBefetoetyalbefuttflfta tottBout Ipeg/ ^anjproomeejsruftYcflteoafaftBIUllmoutB. a topfe ma $ ft torn matucte/ bnaersaaetB mocB:abe Batb gooaerpertence/can talfte

SftopfDome.Se tbatbatb no ejtpertf ce/fino* &gt;ft !f*: t ttwtB caufetfj mocbtofcr Beone0. . . tBen3!ttiaspftmtrroure/|iemea ntocb aifospee gi toas ft lemeo/tbatl eouiae notejep/eflfeitauy ana came oft fnparenof BeatBtbetouer/tfiigitoaabelfueteB ftjjit. 0m 31 fc/tbat tbep tobicb feare oa / Bane |t#Btfp;ete:fo;tbeftBopeaioetBfnBnn/ ^*-nbelpetB5naBotoftaietB WUjtx/ **! ftt atoe of no man/ 5 ftnotaftaf eb/ . . w p;be ftBft Bopeanbcomfo;te, : . ; ieoeaft tbe foule of Bpm fearctB tBe. w wmm JW puttetBBf Bf0twtt?toBoft bft fttengtb^o? tbeef e0 of tbe )lo;aeBaue lefwttebiitotBf/tBatiouebpm. l^efttBeft mfeBtie p?oteccion/s a;Sge grounar :36 ae ftitte fo? tbe Be m 1 aeefUBefo; ft Botenone Hft/f fticco?efo; ftomblpng/anaanbelpe fa fallpnge.^e fettetbfap &lt;be pefbjt Hnetbfe epes-.lf)e geuetBbeattB If ft abftfc ^etBatgeuetDanoftrtnBofbnrteB'

- ^

f uou0 sooB/bft offerpns ft teftif eb: ana tBe fto;nefulI bealfiigea of tBe bmtgbtuoift pleafe not E(oa.(!Joo BatB no aelpte in tBe of " fcrpnse? of tBebiiBoaip/netBer map e fpnne bereconcpleaintbemultituoe of oblacpos lBo fobjpngetB an offtefnge ante of tBe' gooaes" of tDepoo.Je/ootB men a? one t Bfl&gt; letB tut fonnebefo;etBefatBer0cpe0. ^Bcb?ea of tBe neaefuli ft tbe if ft of tBe _poO;e:Be tBat BeftaubetB Bim tberof/ft a m a ^ ofbloube.b&amp;boro tobbetB BP0 nepBBBoure ofBftlfuis/aotBa0st'fatefpnnea0tBouBb BeaetoBimtoaeatB. ^etBat aefraubetB motet of Bft Bwe/fe a blonbe fljcober.naBe *** onebupiaetB anbanotBerb;eaiietB botone/ ttBat p;ofpt Baue tfjep tBen but iabome i lB en one pwfetb 9 imam cmtt tB/toBoft mmtip. b, bopce tof II tBe iLo;aBearef etBattoa&amp;jetb

Btm ftlft becaufeof a aeeaboap/ ana tBen touebetB tbe ueeb asapne / tsbat botb to imu tt\&gt;iu toampnaef soft it toitl) a man tbat faftetft StS. f 0? B.ft ff nnea / ana aotb tbem asapne . totto topi 1 Beare Bft vm^t &gt;i toBat aotb W fa&lt; apngeBelpeBfmf CfttetofUboitefopja^/ano fobol'accjfffe. (ffibe 5wj?r of tbe fatbeelelfe / anoof tbe W|60otoe ; anb of pmtbatbumbletfjljsmfeifc.. ecBe.rjerij.CBaptet. i$o fo bepetB tbe iatoe / D?pngetB 37 lofttpngSfnougb^ctBatBoioetB3eM)8*fi f aft tBe commaunoement/ offretB ItBerpgBtBeaitBofferpnse.fcetbat WtBacBfuiianarecompenftlB/otfretBfpne ItolH . . M , flou^*iBofoftraerciniiaBmett)alme0/.SS!'f (Bat ft tberpgBttBancftofltfnfie. (0oaBatB i&amp;5 " fp,,&lt;, " , pleafure/toBenoneaepartetB from fpnne: 9 to fo;fabe bnrp BBtuoumea reconcf iet&amp; ba toPtbbpm. CBou ffialt not appear* emptf e befo;e tbe % cm / fo; all focb ft Done becauft oi tB&amp;commaunaement.cbe oftetpng of tBe tpBBtuouaraaBetBtBeauitee fat/aaftoete f men ft it Befo;e tBe 9peft.cBe ofterpnge of tBerpBBtuou0ftacceptaBle onto oa /aim (ball neuer be fo;Botten.&lt;&amp;eue od BpsBc* nouretoftBacBeatnillefe/a BepenotBac&amp;e tBe fwftlf nae0 of tBf Banae0.3!nalltBf Bf I* teu fteto a merg countenaunce / ' ana Baiotoe tBf tptbess onto oa toptB siaanea. eue onto oo/accoftpnge asbebatB enrp cBeB9 p;ofpereBtBe:anBloBeb&gt;BattBfneBanaeft able/tbatBfuetoiu)a cBeatfullefe:fo;tBe ^ojaerecompenfetB /anbaeuetb tBe ftuen tpmeaaamocbeaaapne, ^. rue no bntigbruoue Bfftf0/fo? ftcB toin v Benotteceaue.jSetoatreof m^ongeoift of* ftfnse0/fo;tBejUi;BeftafBBtuou0ruaBe: art8awtbnoma4perronne:$e acceptetn

not%perftnneof(Bepoo;e/btitbebearet|i m

* *


j 1




$mma* tbe wawtof mu&amp;a$t ficrpsret^ not 6 A trtfitm fatWefc/nttttetotfHwto^be tte p^tetboutbtepjapttbefoiiebtn^ofl or ft e toJbbotef ? fteatetlj Be not coplapn re/ouer foveas mabeberto toept; "JW ceptea/9 bi pjapet teacbctb *" be clou* r M Mii oes.cbepiapetof bpmtbat bumblctb bP&lt; SS5 1, umSfSomSt cIouwb tp ll (be come * npe.|&gt;betopllnotbe comfoiteD/netgobet toape/tPUtbebpett ofiftaue retpecte bnto bee/geuettue rente" re/ 9 perfourme tbe tup/ oement. anQt&amp;ejLojoetopllnot bcffacftin tommpng/net tats longe-.tpll be baue fmpj* tenmfwoeetbebacbe* of tbebnmercpfull/

baue talifatoape multptube of tbe cttiettV anbtyofeen^e ceptecoftbe JWffiSi Wlbegeueeuerpmanaftetbi0toO2ehe0/9 tetoarcetbem as tbep baue ceCeruto : tfUbe bauebeipuetebbfc people/mapwrncb tjjeircaufe/wioffe5tbem&lt;iibW mtrtp.fiDboto fapjeatbpngefe mere? fotb* temepf an* out 0) attouble^t WItbe a ciouoe of tape ^commetfjlntbcrpmeofaojoutb. r a o'ttc to ffioD in tlje petton of alt faptt)fuUfflen: ttumtewapfcofaBMB woman. 3ue tnw* tops tofJ/fl&gt; JLo?tie/tftou &lt;Sob of aUtbtra'&amp;^&amp;u'tttt*?' onto tog (Dctse to* t&amp;elpgbt of ftp Imercpeg/tjfenoctbP feate amffge W mmtn 9 ftraungew/ tobpeb WW noj after tbe: tbattbepmape tinotoe /bote tbat rbetetenogsoDbuttbou/ a tbattbepmape Ojeto tbp to5DetoufStoo2Beg.) Jbpftbp rbpne banoe ouer tbe outianopOi fceatben/gtbep mapelernetohnotoetbpmpgbranb to*e|. )Mbca0 tbou art balotoebtnb0 before w CotywgetopaOe/tb^ tbou mapeftbe mag* npfpe&amp;alfouitbembefojeba'.tbattbepmap finotoetbe/ip&amp;eass toe unotoetbe. ff02 ttjetc i0noneotbet&lt;fcoD/buronlptbouSD tiom. mentoetbe to0/9 cbaugetbetoonberou0 toojefieg. &amp;bctoetbpnebant9tbprpgbt arme giojpougpJlapfc bp tbp in bpgnacpS/ an&amp;poureoiittbPtojatb. cabeatoape m aouerterp/atmptetbeenrmpe. fltyftette ttmeflwte/temembietbp couenaumvtbat tbptoe^eroii0toO2c6e0nwpebep2apre&amp;. &amp;ettbcto;atb of tbe fpje conform? tbe /tbat ipuerocawiefoanbletmempetpibtbat do top people burte.ftmpteln fonbettbe beab of tbe &amp;n nee / tb a t be oute enempe0 / ano fewjmewtenoneorberbiittte. . ... aatbetall tbe trpbws of Sacob rogetbrt Pagawie/ttat#epmapeBnttre/boto s ftew fcnoneottirt &lt;sob but onlptbou/tbattbep mace eto r&amp;p toonbaou* towbwanbbe

Clje boiie

tbppeopie 9b*"tage/ ipbe as from tbe be. gpnnpnge. id juyoebauemercp bpont&amp;e people tbatbalb tbP nante/aibbpi3fraei7 M ^ ; . 3 tobB tbou baa ipcfieneotoa fpjft bojnefon- WW&amp;-* n*.benKrepfollbnto$eruCalemtbecpte of tb? feanctuarp / tbe cpteof l&amp;ptett.iffpll tomxm m tonfpeabable bettut0/9 tbC^M^.% oeopletottbtbt glo.&lt;Efeuetottne0 tmtotb? \ eteatuwytobomtboumajbeaftStbeftegin* ncnge/9tajfebptbep;opbecfi tMntc bene Qje toeoin tbF name, is etoaroe ebetbac toarte fo; tbe/tbat tby#?opbte* mm be founnefa?tbfuJ&gt;liLoebearetbep;a|e of tbf fetuaate0/-acc'o/Dfingewtbe bleffpng ofaatonouertbVpeoplf.tbataHt^ptobtcb btoeUbpontbe eattb / ma?e*nowr/| mm mm ait t&amp;e low tbe etetnail ob/ WtW M euertattpise. bebelfoeuouretbalmeateB/cetttoiiemeatebettettben motteclttctfj tfteiBae* taaetbtoenpron/fofiotban^ Dpngc match falfetoo;oW. 3D frotoatoe bnt aeuctbbeuyMff/butaiitwiofQipetffctttf' tetbbpm bp agape, cbetoomanteceauetb enew man / ?et k one oaugbtet better t|en anotbet.3ifap;!eto#e*efotfetbbe*biifbSO/ a man loue tb notbfng be ttet ,? f Qje be lo uvnge ftbertuows tottb aii./tben tsnot bet buCbanne 10* ortjet men. e tbat batb got' ten a uettuoujJ tooman / batb a gooolp pof? feflfon-.Oiefebnto bpman^ipe/anDprlcr tobemp6bewaecb.ibKnob8efe/tbee tbegoooes ate fpopjeb:* toljeteno^oufto^f &gt;; it l am at ftenuesi mountetb. %m M tbcre tg no ctcuencc gcuen to a tobbet/ tbat aoetb from one cptsetoanocbettgjoffsnot tbe man be I eueo/tbat batb no neO/anBmu8 tumeta/tob w be mapabcw to tbe nfls&amp;t.

mwm fi




9 * If

Cfeoto amanftuttif bnowefrfnBcj cofiCtltaWMB feaccbtbetompansofa^olpman. - cbewwi.bapW!. _ (etp ftenbetef etbsl tofflbeftfb* a ipbntobtmalfa 5Sut (bef rp* me ftence/tobtcb &lt;ss onl? a ftSos in jname.etnatnetbtberenotbetif&gt; , ww .Jdeatb/tobena companpon ftftenbe iq tutneDtoanenemrei moB tofcBcDpjefumpepon : ftom tobence act tbou fp;pnge tfflW$ bp/tocouet eattb tof tb falfeee 9Mfceatef betetsJComecompant5tobpcb&lt;n pjofpC' tttetriojtetftttftbWtJ ftenuetbut m * tpme or ttoubie/be tasetb parte agapnft bpnt. . ._ ffbeee &lt;pfome c8pans5 tbat moumetb Wtft hia ftenof to} tbe btlpfalie: buttob? trouble cbM Actaftetbboto* of tbeMe.#o;grt not tbv ftente in m tnpnbe '9 n)pn6e bpon bwnm tbs'rtcBes.Cuerp councfletb^ngetb f ojft w.0 c*fffl: ^euertbeJes tbete &lt;0 feme tbat coficeietbbutfwbwatonepjofet. * t* toarteoftbeconnceJer/.$bea&amp;u5feBafoje Dprrto

toberto tbou torlt bfebtm/fo? be ro?ll cod^ ceil fo?bn tf. **1M)e catt tbe JotbpS tt)e/ ano fat etontotbe:cbtoapean&amp; putpofef0 gooa/ano aftetmatoe be ftanbe asaenft tbe/ anblolie tobat all be come of tbe.

m anienocounceuatbjfm/gfufpecfletbtb* ^ to an (tMnce/f bpoe tbp councefl fro fotb i a0batetbe.3fbenocounceilata tooman/ 1 cScemcngtbetbtnge0$(belongetbfo7Jiei; at a featfull 9 fanntbetteb boop/ to matter* of iatre:o?ata marcbaunt/boteoearebe lopUcbeape tbp tBarejJtotoarbe b* o? at a bver/offcHpnge:?atanenupou0 man/of tbancfiergeutng:? at tbe bnmercpfuH/ of Ioupngbpnbne0:?at5 flouttfUOof *o^*' fipnge \SS&gt;i atan bsielsnge tytd) batb no boufe/of pjofvt o?toealtb. (anioieboor so oibe not giaoip beare Cpeafie of mocb ia? fcourOcabenofocb folcfie^to coOcell/ but be oflfge't to f efie coOcell at a to evtuows man tbat featetb ob/Cocb oneag tbou RnotoeQ tobe a Beperoftbecomaunuemf teg/tobteb batb a mantle after tbpe atone mpnoe / anb 0 fojpfo; tbe tooben tbou ftombleft. ^ n&amp;botoetbpcounceiifatttntbi&gt;neberrs lo; tbete i no mS mo;e faptbfull to bepe it: rbentboutbpfelf iffo?8mS0m8nbef0fottk twne mo?e wfpofeo to ten oute / tben feuen toatebmen tbat fpt aboue m anbpe place Itx ipngeaboute tblJnbaboue ail tbtt Ppe tbe^eft/tbetopmeberbptoaie(nfaptt&gt; Nine* 9 truetb.ttefwe all tbs too?cMaf be cottcell fittt:ft o? euer tbouDoea enp tbmge/ betoellabupfeD.bere be fouretbpng^ tbat beclare a cbaungeb berte / toberout tbere fPWgetb euell 9goob/ watb9lpfe/anfia ma tter full t onge tbat bablctbmocb.&amp;ome mSfeapte a toeil tnftructefnmanptblng?/ 9 yettocrptonp;offtablebnto blmfelfe. ft&gt;o* . me man tberc t0 /| cangeue topfe anD pw bent councell/9 pet I0be bateD/9 cStpnuetO a begger :f o? $ grace f not geuf bun of &lt;S0&amp;/ tobe accepteo Jnotber Wrobbeoof allttpf* bome/retl0betopfebntobbnfelf/9t fw of tmoe tOa&amp;Fig 10 ftptbfull in W woutb. $. ...... . ?Dtt&gt;premanma6etbbWPeopletopre/9S ^ frute0 of b0 topfema fbailbeplenteouapble8eiiof(!i$ob:9alltbep f e blm; (ball fpeabe gooo of bpm. be ipfe

bf man ftanbetb tntbenomb^ oftbebape0/ but tbe tape* f %tml are innumerable. % tspfeman Q)alloprepnefaptbfulne0 9 ere* bence amonge m people/9 W0 namemal* be perpetuall.#pfonne/pwuetbpfoult in rbplpfe-.ftpftboufcenpeuelltbing/geuett notbntober.jfo;alltbpnge0are notpjoffta Imju t. * ( t allmf /netberbatb euer? f oule plea' B* ruretoeuerptbpnge.3Senotgrebp(neuerp fatge/9 benottobaftpebpsall meate0, miP Pfi,% #02 eftetie of meatt0 b2pngen) fpcbnt0/anb

gWtonp.comraetbattbe laft to attbnmca* glotonp bauemanp, one petbeo;but betbat wetetbb*n felf te petatip/p;olongetb b&lt;0 Pfe. 1 teamUS smM rtwB ouslie tte to p&gt;ajcrt fpnoc a M&lt;t#n ttWVaWJ "P mm * tetoe* pjnar omt tmtt.Soam.mtoOM' rnff M W mftct,Mn be.PWbi,Cbapter. noutet Pbtten-.bonoure btm becaufe of necefllte.ffiotobatb crea teubtmi f 0; of tbe pett commetb . _ a ,menecpne)9 be ftalireceaue gtftc0 of tbe bpnge.cbe topttoome of tycfttyCj W b?mgetb bmt to greate moittfpe/ ana tn tbe fpgbc of tbe greate men of mm toaoiipe /be ftalbebono/ablptaur be&amp;oft batb crea* teameneeine of $ eartb/ano betbat &lt;0 topre/ , toflinotabboire tt.ta0 not tbe bptter *&amp;, termaoeftoetetoptbatteitbat men mpgbt^' 8 * 88 ^^ learnetofinototbebertuetberof.^Ebe p;&amp; batb geuen men topfoome anb tonueraan* opnge/tbatbempgbtbebonwttfljinbWtoB' berotws mo jcBS.aaf tb focb botb be beam5 / 9 tabetb atcape tbete papne0 : m focb oot&amp; M 3Bpotecarp mabe a confeccpS/pet can no -manperfourmeallb*0too;cfie0 .get of tbe &amp;o2WcommetbP2cfpetou0to)ealtb ouetau tbeeattb. Spfonne/betpprenottbf0fntbpacBne0^

butpjapennto tbe to2be / 9be wall mabe ^ Stmma ; m tobolexeaue of fromfpnne/9 Jbie m wmStkt. banl&gt;e0arpgbt: cienfetbpne berte from all jfc6eDne0.&lt;0eueaftoetefauourej)oBnng/ 9 tbe fpne floure fo? a tobe" of temeb?auncc: mabe tbe oflerpnge fat/ ass one tbat aeuetb Sir fpift frute0/ant&gt;geuerotome to tbe Pjt* cf en.^02 tbe Jlofte batb cr eatebbpm : fete btot notgo frg tbe/fo? tbou baft neoe of bmt. cbeboure mape come / tbattbe febemape bebelpebtbo20b)tbem/ttobentbepp;apebn to tbe jLo?t&gt;e/tbatbemaperecouer/anl) getc bealtb toipue longer #e tbatfpnnetb befo;e bP0mabet/ Ojaiifaiim totbebanbe0oftbe p&amp;rtfcfen. flp fonne/ b^nge fo?tb tbp are0 ouet tbcbeeo:anbbegpnnetomotrrne/80pftbou| . . babbeftfuffrebgreatebarme tbpfelfe:9 m 9 **** 9 * court bb* boopafter a conuenfentntaner/3 befppfenot bi'0 burpaR. cntoce tbp felfe to tDepe/anbp2ouofietbpftlftomourne/anb mabe lamentacpon erpeoten tip/ 9 1 a bap e 02 tiro/left tbou be euellfpoben of -.anb tben u mtcm^, comfoite tbP felfebecaufe of tbe WW*Jf 02 of beupne0 commetb oeatb/tbebeupite0 &amp;to&gt;p&amp;.h. of tbe bert b^eabetb ftrengtb . eupne0 anb ant).t\&gt;u.t. pouertegreuetbtbeberte fntentacpon QOl* 9tau ff** ftnce.cabenobeupnegtoberte/bipuet'ta* toape/anatemembjetbe laft^ get it not/f 0; tbere 10 no tumpnge agante. gg cbou


ft&amp;ouajaitao Bern nogoob / but burtetbt [clfe.iiacmembzebtsiuogment i tbpne alto albelpBetopreibntomepefterbape/bnto e^ecoQ3Ee.5tet cbereraemb?aace of ft beeb ceaffe in bis reu79comfo;tetbp feifagapnc ouetBm/repngeBi0'fp?ete la oepatteD A3 b Bra.Cd e toproo me of tbe fctme (0 at conuew npent tpme of mmt ft ceafctB from eretr qfe 9 lab out e/malbe topfe.# t tHat BolbetB tbepiougb/ sbampleafutetn p;oobpnge9 9Wpupngetbeo#n/9goetbaboutetfifQcb tooj&amp;esJW can fpeabe of oti.fie fette tb bis Berte tomase fojotoe0/9 iSbiligent f o geue tbe apne fobbee.g&amp;ois mere carpenter airo 9 toojcBmaftet / tftat labouretB Sell npgbt 9 sape:be caruetb/gtauet b 9 cutte t&amp; oute/9 bis befpje is in fonb?peconnpng tbewjes/ 9 bPSbettpmagpnetb/botobemape conpngl* caftanpmage/biSbiifge"ceairo9toatcbpng pttf outmetB tbe toojcbe.^be p jonfmptb m rpriemanesbpaetbbp&amp;isapt&amp;pe/sbritbbi?!* brf pgence Co laboute me won.B e bapoure of toe fp?e b?ennetb btt flem/9 be mutt figbt toitb meBeate of tbe ftwace . Be nopfe of t&amp;efcamm'ec f ourtbetb eu et in bis eare0/anb Bpsepesiofte ftpll bpon tbe tbpttge bema Betb.^e batb fet W rapnbe tbeee bpon/ tbat &amp;etopllraaHcoutBp0too;c&amp;e/anbtBerre be toatcBem/boto be mape fet it out/a &amp;/fng ^obotb^epottfetbeBtttooacBe/be * tumetb ttbele aboute tot tb W fete / be (0 * Diligent a catefull in all bopnges / 9 bpS la* boute 9 toozc&amp;e is toptbout nomBje . $ e fa* ftfonetbtbe ciapetoptB Bw arme/anb toptB W fete be te pemb 1MM0 Bette pmagpnetB bote bemapenw6e(tpieafaunt/anbBt0bllf getice is to clenfe tbe ou tbefe bope in tbeirbSoes/3 euerponetbpncfietb to bee?* npng in Bis tbout tbefe mape not m c pties be m an tepneb/fnBabit eo net occu pfetopef come mep not Bpe in tbe congrcga* cpomtBepbnoetftanbe not tbe couenaunt of ft latoe:tbep can not beciate equate 9 lubg* menwbee cannot fp nbe out ft oatcfi rente* ces.but:tbo?oto tbem mall ft creatuteof me tooiibebemantcpneb: tbe pjam mem netb onelp tbe toojebe 9 laboute of cSnpng, Catopremsn . ffibt toojtbes of 0eD. Unto tfie fioo&amp;/gooQ Hjjngce oowoftfibut touo tbe jucII eucn SOOO tbpngee aceeuell*

CaBe.wrfr.CBaptet. &lt;e tbat applpetb bis mpnbe to'bn betttanbe tbe iatoe of&lt;ob/botB at*


%iii hdU of

Bpmfen taptngeSoffamou0men/anbn;eaffetBtoft ^ ? *!bnbrtttaiibfnge of bwcfifentenceiJ oftotf*


Bomc,$e reft etb oute tbe m jttetfe of frotft faplnges/ 9 ejcetcpfttB Bfmfelfe tbe tin con&lt; tenualie . ^e botB t erupce amonge greate men/ 9 appeafetbbefoje $ p?ence.^egoetb mto a (traffge coatee/ 9 tcauaeien) tbo;obt itiioBe tebat goob 0; eu ell is amonge men/ be p^ouefb ft 9(eBetb if out.^e pucpofetB til m tyM I to refo?te earlf bnto tbe %om t mate bem/9to Pirn befo;e tbe J^eft &lt;stob. 9eopenetbbi0mou^uip;aeet/ 9P;ajetb f 0; besi fptin es,ib en tbe geeate &amp;o;bto(U/ be (baibe fpiieb toptb tbe fp;ete of bttberaa* beng/tBat bemape tben pouie oiic topfe fenfences /anb geue tbatwbes fan to tbe)lo?oe in pss'p;aree.^e QtaUo^^b&amp;beuete/aUoe PS bnotolebge a tpgbf / 9 geue bpm bnbet ftanbpngeof rectete tbpnges.^e an fbe to fojtb tbe fcfence of bis lemjng; 9 eeioecettf V9t couenaunt of tbe latte of tbe %ofn, cbe tobole congregacfon QaUcSmemieBnstoef* bome/9 tt mall neuee be put out.cbe iemc bounce of Bern mallneuet be forgotten/ 9 bps name mall continue from one geneea eeu,tuH,t cpontoanomee.^&amp;togfbomemalbefpoB?

of/9 ^t tobole congeegaceon mall openi? beclate bis p;apfe.bpie be lew etb/be batB ageeatecname tben a^oufanbebefjae:ana after bfS beatb/{ fame name temapnertbn tobem.y et topli|fpeabe of mo men ofbn* becaanbpng/fo?iamfulla0^e^oone. &amp; ^ertfbntome(wBoiebfttotijcBpib^) B;enge fojtu f tute/as tbe rofe tbat is pisteb bp m b?ofies of tbefelbe/ageueee a ftoetc fmell as Hi banu S.flotim as tbe wfegatbl / fpnge a fonge of p;apfe.d&gt; geue tbScftesbn* to &lt;0ob ouec all bpfS too?cb es. C5eu e gl oi p 9 bonourebntotbenLo^e/ metoBWP?ap(?tt poute ipppets.fee euf toitbt fonge of wave Ipppes/ toptft batpes 9 plapenge/ ano in ge upngetbancbes bnto bpm/fape aftertbr3^.(.s. ' manee*.3BlltBetoo;cbe]Sof^el'0]beare e: ceaopngegoob/9aiiBes eommaunbemftest aremeteanbcomienientfnbuefeafon. . . ai ma neoe notto fapr-.tobat is J : tobat is w tbatif07attpmeconuem'enttBevmaHanbe fiH y.M,kj fougbt.3!tB8 cSmaunbementi toatwtoaj**^ as a toalI/9 attbe toozoe of BW moutb toa ters ttobe flpu . &lt;jn b?s commaunbementf euere tbenge acceptable anbteeoncpieb / 9 B&amp;Bealtb can notbe mpniibeD.cbf toojcbt of all flew ate be fo#Bim/9tbewiJnotbfng Bpb frS Bid epe&amp;$e feptb feS eu etia utng to euerlattpng /anb tbere is notbing to toiSoer* full 0? bpebnto bpm.a mannefienot to rape tben/tobatf*tB&lt;0Mat:tfo?BeBatBmaitf al tbsngei to bo goob bnto mS.^ps bleffpng all renneouer as tbe Oteame / ano mop. OutctbeeattbipfieafloubeoftoateoLpSe * asbemafietbtbetoatetfo?b;outb / folball W J;atb fail bpontbeeatbm.

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3 ttw/ifyi tonne e ^iStoapesareplapneanDtpgbtbntotb^ in u/ but tbe bngoolf flomble at tbem . f 0; tbe goob are gooo tbinges creates ftomtbe begpnntnge/ 9 euell tbmge0 fo;tbe bngoc* Ip.ailtbmgesneceOatT ro?tbelpfeofman ate createb f tS tbe begf nnpng:toa ter/f pj e/ {ronanbfalt/meel/to&amp;eate anbbone mpm 9 topne/ople 9 clotbtnge. an tbefe tbinges are cteatcb f 0; tbe beft to tbe f agtBf u!l:&amp;ut to tbe wtgoble mall all tb efe a)fngeube tuv* nebtotBeBueteanbBatme.&lt;sBetebefp;etci$ tbat are creates fo;bengeaunce/9m tbeie ' tpgo?oufnes Baue tbep fafteneb tbeir to?' mftes.S.n $ tpmeof ft enbe meemallpouee outtBe&lt;eftrengtb/9pacpfeefto;atBofB(m tbat mane tbem, tfpje/baple/bSger 9 oeatB: alltbecetbingeis are createb fojbengeaflce, Jf cbe teetb of topioe nopfome b eaa es/tbe f cojptons IB erpente0/9 tbe ftoerbe are crea teoalfo f 0; bengeaunce'to tbe beftmccpS of tbebngoblp.cbep mall be glas to bo bis c5 maunQementes-.anb toben neae ts/cbep fbal be reaupbpontartb:anbttben tbeir Boute 1st come /tbee mall not ouerpage tbe com* maunbement of ti)t%t&gt;M. cBetfo;e baue % taiagoobco?age bn* to me from tb e begpnnpnge/anb tbougbt to put tbeie tbengegm toasting / anbtoieaue tbebebpnoeme.3ilitbetoo?fiesoftbeTto?be are goob/9 BegeuetB euere one in one feafon/^tobanne&amp;eiS/fo tbat a mannebe not tofape:tbpSiStoo?fetbentbat. j|o?inbue feaf on tb e p arc all pleafau n t anb goob: aino tberfo;ep?apfetbe Hozuctoptb tobole Beet 9 moutb/9 geue tbanbes bnto W name. Cfiffl{mgmsfcrpesli8t(efnam5nesl?ft.aHt5fti8M ' fialTe Bwsjf/Liu t a fpjine % ttablcfsgtt} it raapnettr. JDftDcUicltvitgJofttw^wpup/tnOpffWgstjne oftbcfcawotoob, CCbe.yl.cBaptee.

-.T^foi create trauapie 10 createb fo? all 3Jf wAvy.i me n 9 anbeup pocb bponallmens !cbplb;f/fr5tbebaee ftBeegoout of tbeir motbetS toombe / tpil tbet be buwea tn( eartb) motber of aUtbmjKs nameie/meirtbougbteisanbemagmacpoo/ feare of tbe bert/councefl/mebftacfons/lon* ginge anbbefpie/tbebaee 1 b eatb'.from tbe beeQtbat fpttetbbpS f glojious feate /On* fotbelotoed amoftfpraple bpon tbe eartb: from bim tbat &lt;s go;gpouQe atae eb9 tote* tetb a ctotone/bntpiibpm rbat is butbome* leanbfpmpip clomeb.cBereiffnotbinge/ butto?atb/?ele/featfulnes/bnqupetneS/9 feate of beam/ tfgtaoujj anger anb fltpfe. SCnbt'n tbe npgbt toBenonefnulbe tes anb Oepe bpon bis bebb/tbeaepecbaungetbbe0 bnbetftanbpnge anbbno toteoge . % ip tie as notbpngets bpsrett/intbe Gtpeass toeUa? to tbe base of laboute.

^e featetb anb is oif qupteb in tbe i&gt;itpt\y$ OfbtSfiert/aSonetbatvennctUoutofabat' taplbanbin tbetpmeofbealtb beatoabetb/ ansmatueletb mat tbe feate toaS notbpnge* 5bocBtBtnge0Bappenbnto all flem /botB mananbbeftibutfeuenfolbeto tbebngob* IF. $$o;eouttbtatb/bloubmebDing/atife 9 ftoetoe/opp^ediony Bonger/bearuccponanb punpmement: tbefe msnge0 ate all createb,*, (! f Hi . , 9 agapnft tbe bngoblp / 9 1 or tbeie fafies tame &lt;sm(te%m tbe Ooube aifo.Kii tbat is of tbe eartb / man *m* tutnetoeattBagapne:9altoatetsebagaine fn to ^e fee, m b?pbes anb bntpgbteoufne* albeputatoape/ but faptbfulne^ 9 1 tuetB mal enoute fo? euet.cbe fub ft auce 9 goob; of tbe bngoblp malbe b;pebbp anbfpncbe a* toape a* a toatet floube/ 9 tbep (bail maBe a founbe libe a gteate tbonbet in tbe tapne ,

HeBeaistbetigbtuouS reiopfetb tobenBe^ openetB BfeBibe / to (ball tbe trafgteffouvs befaente/tobentbeirgoobesbanpm9 con' fume atoape. becbpio?en of tbe toWtolVmuititiub (Ball not obtapne manp b;auncbes-.anb tbe f bncleane totes bp5 tbe b pe tocBes walbero ' tes out befo;e tbe gtas op tbe toatet fpoe 9 bpon tbe rpuerbancfies. jft encipnes 9 lpbevalpte in tb e fncteafe anb bieapnge of ob/is ipie a patabpfe ano gatben of pieafure-.focb metcpalfo 9 fipnb5 enbutetB f W euer.colabout 9 to be content, mHf fli w u ttmatatMnBam/isaItoetepieafaumiife:SrS 9tbatistofpnbeatrearuteabouealitrea. v ' ' fate*, co beget cbilb/en anbtotepap;e tyt eitie/mafietbaperpetuaname;butanbo* nefttooman(smo;e mo;tb tben tbep BotBv ll9pne 9tnpntttelfpeteiopfe meBert / but ft loueoftopfbomeisabouetbembotb. w Pppmge 9batppngmaBeaftoetenopfc/ but a ftenblp tonge goetb beponae me botB. CBene epe secp/e tij f auoute anb betotie but agtenefebetpmetatbet tben tbep botB. 31 frenbeanbcSpanponcometogetbetat opo? tunpteybutabouetbembotB isa topfetbaf agt eetb toitbbet boufbanbe . sDne b?orbetf Beipetb ano tbet fn tbe tpme of ttouble/bufi aiimesmall beipuet mo# tben tbep botb. ,. ; &lt;solbe anb fpluet ratten tbe fete/but a gooo, counceii is m o?e pleafau n tben tbep botB Ctmpojall fubftaunce anb ftrengtb ipft Dpi tbe mpnbe-. but tbe feare of tbe Ho;oe mo;r tbent&amp;epbotb.cbefeareoftbeftotfetoan* &lt;etB notBpng/anb nebetB no Belpe. cbe fea te of tb e %om W as a pieafaunt gatben of bieffpttge/anbnotbpngfobetottfuilasftis, 30P fonne/lebe not a brggers Hf e/tot bettet fttoeretobfetBe*tobegg.OOBo foiobetbto anorBftmanstabie/tafiemno tbougbt Cot bisaffittelpupngebototobpboloebPSlpfe/ - : , foabe febetb bimfelf tottb otber mens meat. " ut atopfeanb toennuttoureb mantoptt gg sf, Betoatre



moutftof #eMam&amp;ft / tmtfiiWMf CS&gt;* c sememWauiuc of teety. SD ce tf) to not (0 be fcaD*ShurffcnpMi tftcin iijat fojCafce tbelat&amp;eof ^Efofcifcooo name* fame.3lnertQjtaii?3 to fleue tjcDe bnto wprtome.ajfttjat tjpniiw aman Qug&amp;e 10 tic ifebe.flj.dbapter. catb/boto bptterwtbe remem* bjalice ofttte / to a ma" t^at fenetb teft ano cSf o? t e in bp* (ubftaunct and t?cbe0 / bnto t be m a n $ barb rsotbpngctoberebim/ano tbat batb p?ofpe* tite i ialltbpnge0/pec bnto b?m tbat pet i0 abletoteceauemeateffiDbcatb/botoaccep* ble ana gooo 10 tbp iubgment bnto tbeneoe* full /ana bnto bim to^ oft ttrengtb f arletft/ 9 tljatWnoto fobW la ft age /anb tbat in all tinges 10 Cult of cave anb t eat! ulneu : bnto bim alfo tbat 10 tn oifp a pie / 9 batb no bope nee pac penc ti e not tb u afeapeb f beatb: r e membje tfjem tbat ba u e bene before tbe:? ?at come after tbej tbiste tbe iuogmenr of ftotfouetailBe ami tobP tooloett tbou beagapntttbi0pieafurcoftbe$?ett;O9be* cbeeitbeten/ &lt;uibunb#tb / 0; a tboutanbe teatw.beatbatfietb not bote IBs* one batb Ijueb. M cbeebribjen of tbebnsoblr aw albomj* Enable cbpiD?m/anb fearetbeptbat fiepe a* pan? toitb tbebngoblp. cbeinbetetaunce of bngoolpcbptttfen allcometonauBbt/ ant&gt; tbete poftetpte all bane perpetual! ame a confufton. be cbpnwe" complapne of an ungoMp f atbee:anb tobP ' to? W folic tbeparetebu&amp;eDanDbefppfeb. tfcobebnto pou( pe bngoDlp)tobfcbbaue f o;fafien tbe latoe of $ 9peft &lt;B5ob:pf pe be bo;me/pc (ball be borne to curfpng/pf pe D^e/ tbe eutfe al liepourepojcpon.

ail tbat i% of f eartb/tballtutneto eaten agapne:fo go tbe bngoolp alfo out of eutfe fatobeftruwpon . be Coyote of men 12m tbeft bobpflut tbe name of tbe bngoolp (ball 9; en. *rf.a* be put out/to? it tss notbpng to?tb ILabou* te to gee tbe a goobname/ fo;tbat (bail con&lt; tpnue futet op tbe/ tben a tboufanbegrcate tteafutcs of golbe. 3D gooblpfe batb a nSbje - of bapeg/but a goob name enbure tb eucr. tt 0Bp cbplbjen/fiepe topfoome fn peace:foj topfbome tbat tstipo anb a creature tbat 10 notfene/tobatp;oipei0mtbe* boty? 31 man tbat bvbetb big foltneg/i0 better tben a ro3 i bpoetb bJ0 topfbome . cbetfoje be pr tut* neoatmpmo?beg:fo;ftf!8 notgoob/ mail (binge? a altoape to be a am eo.ct ne fafcb wuft pjoue anb meafute ft. 15e aameboftobo#omebefo?e fatbet anb motbet: I8e a am eo of lefenge befwe tbep?jnce?menofauctojite;fiDffEtine/be

Cbe fiofce



ton r&amp;erobge 9 tulet:if offence/befo;etbe cSgtegacion 3 people:fiDr bnvfg&amp;tuouftietf/ befoje a companion a feenbe : m ibeft/be^ fo?etbenepgbbout0.ajJfo?|twetbofob Mom .. b ano bss couenaunt/be not aftamebt&amp;ewf. vm9 - SSeaQtameb tolpe toptb tbpne elbotoejs bpon tbe bm : e aibamebto lobe bp5 barlottes:7Se aftameb to tutne atoape tbp face ft9 tbp ftenoe : I3e aftameb to tabe 9 no t to geue:e aftameb alfo to lobe bp5 anotber? man? topfe / atibtomabe manp trpSpnge too?be* tot tb bermapben/o; to ttanbe bpbet bebfp3e.eafl)amebtobpb;apbe tbp tWbe:

toben tbbu geuea enptbpnge / caft bum not In tbe tetbtoit ball. Cftee*emitjenoei&gt;eotimfli. ObtWut of fiSOt rantt be WWt. a Baug^tet.a ttoma.^oO ttnotuet^ ailtbnses/fee euenitjefccreteB of ttte bejtHJ,Cbaptee 4 lebeavfe notatbsngettopfe/ anb 33 Jbtfclofenottbetoo;oe0 /tbattbou ' ft betbe in ft wete. SeQtame faftanb toell manereb in bebe/ to ftail euetpmS fauoute tbe.f tbeft tbmgr, benottbouaommeb/aaccepte nopetfonne tooOenbe.iQamelp/oftberetbpge0()e not aftameo: d&gt;ftbelaioeof(S(ob/oftbecoue naunt/ of luogment: to jb^nge tbe bngoble ftombtebngoolpne? bnto epgbtuoufnctf / 9 to mafteblm a goobmantto beaie faitbfulis &lt;&amp; tbpncpgbboute 9 c5panpon:tobiltrroute tbebetetagebntotbertenbe{i:tobe bilpgene to &amp;epe tx ue meauite anb to e igbtsto be con* tent/tobetbectbougetteffmocb o;lptie :to beaieteuiptoBtb t?po;allgoobrji in bpmge anb ftlipnge:to b j pnge bp cbplb;en toptb Hi* I pgc cetto co;tecbe an euell f evuafit: to fiepe tbat tbpne 10 ftSan euell topfe: to fett a lot* tobete manp b anoeg ate: tobattbou belpue* eeft anb geueft out to be bepte/to tell it/ans to to epe it-. to to?pte bp all tbe out geupnge s leceaupnge: toenfoutme tbe bnlerneb 9bn&lt; igce:f tbeageD/l ateiubgebof tbeponge f t tboubebpligentin tbefe tbpnge?/ truip tbou (baitbeiemeb anb topfe anb accepted of all men. &amp; fibebaugbter mabetb 8 fa^etto toatcb* fectetlp:ano tbe caeenilnw tbat be batb fo; bce/tabetb atoapebf0 flcpe-.pce in poittb/ leSQielbuibeouetgtotoebpm: ainbtoben (be batb anboufbanbe/left e uloe beba= teb: left effiuioe be oefvlebojeaupftcb in becbitg(npte/o;gottltof(b cbelbelnbeeto* tbewbouft: "*D?(tobennecommetbtot&amp;e man)leftebebauebeK(eifnottfgbt/o;c3' tpnue bnftuteRUl. 9 f tbPbaugbteebe toan* ., ^^

ton/bepebet ftratelp/ leftlbe eaufe tbw 9(mrp enemie? to laugb $tofco?ne/9Molecfcfe to gene | an euell ttpojte/ 9 to tbou be rap* wn*

m w (am A confounoeb befo;e all tbe people . fte&amp;onc' noteueepbobpRt bmtye/ abauenotmocb tmW btofllyngeamongetoemen.iffo?ipBeafJtbe tBo;me9 motb commetb oute of ciotbengc / tobot&amp;toiciteoneBcomeoftoeineni C 3ff0betteetobetof(baneueliman/$ctf ttaftenblp toPfe g piittetb onetoame9 ebube.itoilltememb;etbetoo?cbe0oftt)e lio?be/anbbeciatetbe tbpngitbaueftne gntbetooflwoftbeftoftrarebfttoOr'clie* etie frunne ouetlobetbau tbpngj tottd w Ibpne/9allbi0 too;cbc0ate tollof clear* ne0tbecof. #atbnottbe]lo;beb;ougbtto Paffe/tbatb(0rapnctf0ulb teu out allb(0 toon&amp;etou? toofie0/abicb tbe3Clmigbtpe &amp;o;bebatbftablpebf 3flltbpnge0enoure fnbt0glo?p.$efcftetbout tbegrounbeof $ bepe 9 tbe bert/9 befinotoetb all tbefe pma* _ gmacpon % jL-ojuebnotoetft w all fctence/abeloftetb in to m toben of tbe tpme.^ebeciawtb tbetbsngj tbat ate pad 9 tot to come/a opfctofetb tbpnge* $ atefe* crete.^0 t&amp;ousbt maveefcapebfm /netbee mapeenptoo;Debebpofeombpm, ^eba^b . gatnplbeb tbe bpe excellent too?cae?of w towbotne/9 beigftomeuetfaftpng toeuet* lafe^nge. m nto bf m mape notbpftg be abbeb netbeecanbebempnifteb /bebaft noneue alfo of enp councell. 0&gt; boto amiable are all b(0too?cbyaa0a (patbetoiobebp9;cbep ipueaU/anb en&amp;ute fo* euet : 9tobentoeuet hebel0 tber ate allobebientbntobmt.cbep

8realibubbfe/oneagapnftanotbee.:bebat&amp; maoe notbpnge tbat batb fatote 0; We mp. Bfjf.fwo.a. j^e batb (tablfffieb 8 goobe0 of euetpebone: anbtobomape betattffpeb toitb b^Slo;p/ toben be feptbfe? CCbe^liif.Cbapter. a K^l^ e Blo?poftbebfpgtb/Wfap?e * | * g| anb cleate ffemaraent/ tbe betotpe of tbe beaue in b(0 glo?f 0110 clear* neB.cbe funnetobeftappearen)/ beclaveu) tbe bare fntbegomgeoutoffe/ a maiueious too^cfie of tbe fcpeft, Stnoanc ft btiraen) tbe eartb / 9 tobo mape abpbe fo; f beate tbcrofY U9botofiepetb anoucntob? fe(bote/tb;etfme0mo;ebon)tbe ^unne fciiwe bpon tbe mountapne?/ tobenfeb;e cbefb oute tbe fp;febeame0 9 ptte:to?tb $ bTigbtnes of fe/ftblpttbefb epe0. teate 10 tbe torn tbat mabe it/9 in W cSmaunlM . menebecaufttbfetotennebaaeip. f *w. Cbe^oonealtoi0(nall/9atc9uenfent . ftaron(tetoetbtbf(pme0/anb&lt;0atoben mm oftbeipme.cbetolienoftbetolempnefeatt tstafien of tbe ^oone/alpgbtg mpnietb anb increaretb agape.^be SEonetb (0 cal lebaftntbe^oone/ttgtotoetbtoonbewuf* telnbetcbawnapngf.

. * y, fit tbe firmament of beauf ftgeuetba cieaw ^ anbMou0pne ^ Cbi0f0tbecleatnl0of tbeSarre0/tbebetot(fullappareliofbeau$y tbeappare!itbattbe&amp;b?belpgbtenctbtt? @erg(b.3!nb'0boiptoo;cttetbep c5tpnuein

lbefeo;b;e/anbnotoneof tbefafleu) in m toatcb.)Lobebpbniberasgnebotoe/9l'^p*ffi*ti&lt;&lt;|!^ ft bint i mabett : berpbetotpfull 10 ititt bP0 rbpe.^ecompafetb tbebeaue aboutetoftb b(0cleatne0 9glo;p/tbebam0 of tftetyftS Oatte benoeo fe.cbo;oto bis cSmaunbemene bemabetbtbetootoefotoll/9tbetbdnberof W iussmfnt to fmgte baftl? . cbojotoe w commaunbementtbetteaftite0are openeo/ anb tbecloube0 fle aa tbe f oule0 . 3n bw po-toer batb he ftrengtbenebtbe cloube? / anil l&gt;;oBentbebapleftone0; t &lt;bemountapne0mefe at $ ftgbtbf bftn/ tbetopnbe Uotoetb aceo;bpnge tobw topll. Cbefounbeofbi0tbonber beaten) $eartb/ anbrbbptbtbefto;meoftbeno?tb:tbetobfr* letopnoealfo ipgbtetbbotoneaBa fetbereb foule/caftetb oute anb fp;ebetb tt)efnoto ab?obe:9 a0tbegreqjoppet0 *5 befteoseali/ tofalietbftbotone.cbeepe marueietb at^ betotpcof tbetobpteneaetberof/ anb bette f0afeapebattberapneoffe.^epouretboue tbe ftoftbpon eartb/lpbe fait/ anb tobf ft (0 ftofen/it 1080 atpea0p;tcfie of atblftle, tbentbecoulbe^o;tbtopnbebiotoetb/tf barae Cb,!iftallci5metb of $ ipgb* tetbbotonebponan tbe gatberpngc0 toge ^eroftoater/anbputtetbontbe toatema? a b;e(t eeuoutetb tbe mofttapne0/ anbbumetbnie toplbeme(Te0: 9loetobae in grene/be puttetbft out K8e fp;e.cbe me* . bpcmeofalltberei0/tobena doubecSmet^ baftelp: anbtobenabetocommetbbpon tbe beate/ittyaibereftefbebagapne. 3!nbt0too;bebe aillerbtbetopnbe.fnbft*

cmmcelIbefettetbtbebepe/anb{tbe&amp;o;be) |erti0plantebit. cbeptbatfapieouer tbe fee/tea of b(0parel0 anb barme0: an&amp;tobm toebeattfttoftboureate0/toemarucittbe&lt;;tberebeftraungetoonberou0too;c* l&amp;e? / guerf e maner of npee beaft0 9 tobal&lt; Boobo;weanbperfourmeb/9inbf0too;ae allh)pge0 enbure. 3fpeaSemocb/but|cannotfufficicntlp attapnebnfofe/fo;bebfinftlfeonelpf0 tbe-, erfeccponofantoome0,efl)ulbep?ajfe w )Lo?d after al oute potoet/fo; bettgreate uanbfti too;cfie0.^eio/bi0tobe.feareb ^ . pee berpgeea(e&amp;be/anbmarueiou0i0bp0 **fatm potoer.^apre tbe %ojtn anb magntfpe bira aBmotbaBpemafe / petbotbbefarrefawe wceabeall pwpft.AD magnif ieblm toitb a poutt potoet/anb laboute eameftip/ petare wm.aut.


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fcwnotojibMelurtetolrtopjapfebfm. .wgo can magnffpe btoi Co gteatjp a? be Hi jfo;tbet*are bpb pet gteatet tbp"nge0 iben i|)rCr be:a^ f o? tojs ; toe baue fene but feto of 6W too;cBef3 . &lt;Jfo;ttjc jLojQe batb mabe all tbtogee/attBgeuf toprDQmetQfocba* fcate oo.

M$ b*fa of

ceBe.w.c&amp;apter. dt 00 cSmenae tbe noble famous mm /ana tbe genera cp onof oute f o t eeioews 9 fat&amp;e w. $an&lt;e mo;e glo2!ou0acte0batb $)Lo;0Bone/ anDujeai!0bPi3'gteatepotoer euerfenss tbe begf nning.ttb e noble famous men rafgneo to tbeicfipngbomejS/anobate excellent rule. 9!n thm to praome anb bnoetttan&amp;pngej tbep -,,.,, rolotoeotbecouneeiiroetoeDtn tbe p;op^e W**w*fc. efeg.c8ep tea tbe f olcae tbo;oto tbe eounceil anototfoomeoftbe &gt;ctpbe0 oftbcpeople. *pte fentencee ate faunae in tbett totttuo cpon.$bep fouojt tbeftoetem* anb melcbp of^uflcfi/anabjougbtfoztbtbepleafeunt fongejs to f crip tute &lt;ibep toere rpebe alfo/ '9 couioecomfo?te 9 pacifpe tbofe (bat Dtoelt totb tbemitil tbefe toereberp noble anabo* nojablemmtorftfrgeneracfons/anbtoete toelrepojtebofmt&amp;eittpme*, cbefebatte leftanamcbebfoBctbem/fotbattbefeptfF* fe allaltoap e befpobe' of Jfrerttarb tbete toerefome/ toboferememb;!aunct tg gone, Cbep came tonaugbt a pert Ojea/ag tbougb tbep&amp;aa neuet bene:ana be came asx tbougtj tbep baa neuce bene bowe/pee a tb'fr cbpl* o?en alfo tottb tbem. w IDcuertbeiea tbefe ate loupng men /tobofe tggbtuoufncfre (ball neuetbe fo;gottM&gt;ut c5tpnuebptbe(rpottetfte.fl;bejt,cbpiD?eare arieolpgooaberetagc: c&amp;eit feBeenButea fafttotbccouenauM.jfojtbefcrafiegfftall tbeircbcib^afeDrc9trmiero;euev/9tben; Pia pr e mall neuet be put ton e. b tit b . apes arebutfeatopeace/ buttbeftname lp= tietbfo;euetmo?e. cae people can fpeabe of tbeirtopfoome/anb tbe cflgtegacpon can

talfie of mm p j apf e.cnoeb toalBea tpgb t a .acceptablp befoje tbe Ho?t&gt;e:tbetlo?e teas be ttanOatea fojaneramplt of amenaeme" t to tbe gene ta cp n . $ e teas a free fa ft anb i^btuoujj man: ijmStpme of tojatb be became a teconcplp ng.&amp;bet toje teas beleft a temnafitbntotbeeattb/teb^fiouDe came, n euetiaftpng couenaunt tea* maoe teiib tom/tbafaRfteftftuiae perpUenomojett fctbetoater.f b?abamtoas a gteate fattier or manppeopie / togiotf toaatberenoite ipse



btitoBftnj&amp;eBeptetfteiatoeoftbe^eft/fl came Into a couenaunttottb bfm.$e fett tbe couenatmtfnbtfttlecb/atobenbetoaptcrm ptco/be teas fofioe raptbful.cbetfo/e ftooje &lt;&amp;oabhtobfot*5anotbc/ gbetooiaebleffe/ aiitKopletobtefeae/tbatbetooia multtolie a tocrearebimasstaeauft of tbe eartb /ana toeraitebtefeaeass tbe(tarre0:pecanB tbat W few flmiae baue tbe pofleffpon a tnbete* taunce or tbe lanae ft m fee to fee/ano ftom tbe cjuet bnto tbe bojoer* or t^e lanoe. iitb|faacb|&gt;&amp;beftabttft fame coue naunt/fo; aibjababissfatbetgfafie.fee tbae ' gcaccotufbiedFngeanbbealtb of aitmen/ a ""ww.i.' couenaunt Dpo be ftabipQjtoitb gs.raac/ ana maoefttovettppontbebeaaofiacob, i^e , finetobpm/in tbatbepKofpeceo bpm fottell &lt;snw.H^ ( anatrcbelp/anagauebfm anberetage / ana mr-.m *"' Rma et ea b wt po;cgon bv it feire / ana pattea ft amffge tbe ttoelue tttbeBM etcp rull men b;ougbtbe out or bim/tebfeb { oSOe fauoutc before all QeQ). Cttjepjaj&amp;of f&amp;otteiZatomnii &amp;tynttyg. CCbe.ylb.cbaptet, !res5beloueoofoNm^toboR3II -,

ememb;aunceftstn9re pwfe: *'* pmtbattbe)lo;aemaae Itfieing **m JI07? of tbe Capn cte 0/ ana magnf &lt; fpeo bEm f tbattbe enempes ftoae in atoe of b&lt;m/cbo?otobtt)o?a{beBpagteacetoon. ben* . I9e maaebpm greate t n tbe fpgb te of bpngegygauebpmcommaunciement before m people/ a Qjetoeobpm bis Blo;pous po toee.^e ftablpfteabpm tojtb raptbfulneg a ntefienett/ana cb ore bim out of an men . tfoi $mtu bebecaebWbopce;anaieab&lt;m ni.tbe aawbe clouae/anatbetebegauebbn tbe cBmauna* mentesi/peetbe latooffyfea topfoome tbae bemegbtteaebjacob tbe couenaunt/ $%u caelbiisiatoes. 4ecbofe3Bai;onbrj{b?otbeeairoouteoff . , eorjleut/ e]calteab&lt;m/a maaebfmfocbw^ft ipse. %n euetlaftpng couenaunt maaebett bjm/anagaueblmn)ep;eaboaenif people cmabebpnglo^poustnbetotpfull atape/ ana clotbea bpm toptb tbe gat men t or bo* noute. i^epttt peerectefosebponbpm/ana 0#aeabpm toptb Otengtb . eoecute bpm toptbCpoecloHjeS/anaatunpcIe/toptban ouetboapcoteaifo aagwaie, JRouna about maae be bw belle? of gome/ a tba t manp: tobenbetomtfn/tbefounbempgbtbebetbe/ tbattbep mpgbtma&amp;eanopfe nt tbejban' cmatp/ana geue tbe people toatnpnge.cbe bol?gattnmttoa0tD?ouojtab;oaetttDt&gt;t&amp; gotae/faiotofFlcbeaputpie.ainamgb;e(t&lt; lappe tbe te teas a gooolp tooj cfie / tobetm tea* fattened ipgbtanapeifectnetfe. mttm&lt;t wponfftweaKb tbewttajJ a too;cftera* c Benea

i,^^^^ 1 ^f " ^ ^r v t ^r t^ ^f ^^ |W mpnratacpo .cbeftonejiteete fafteneo ffiCTSSW^Z after tbettoeiue errjeforaftaeu, caponb^mptte tbetetoasa mm mm a noble too;cBe/gamtiea/

MS ,ttt ^ l Ifbpon.ero;ebiimtoete ewfenenofocbfap;eo;namente0yatbefe itbeboueofttm altoapetobfe vcbetempgbf none tbe c put tbem on/but oneima im, mm W cbpioets cbPBBenperpetuaiip. , . paplte petfoutmeabe W butmoSe tpngejs m too tpmes, O&amp;mtt Heabfebanae// ana anopnteabimtoftbbolpojie, y w Wtoajsnotoconfirmeabfrntostban . ^fuettettpng couenaunt/a tobktwi 99 m bajegofbeauen/nameip:. tbae m (bumtn Cmloealtoapcmpnmtebefo;ebpm / sperleurmetbe offpeeoftbe vmmh toB lbepeopiegooarnbfenarae.ero;eallmen ipuphg r bore be Dim/tbatbe (buiae oSre befO^etbejLo^ae/ amafieoaouns fo;attoete rauoute. a remembwunce/tbatbe ftuiae w - . u conc?,e ^ pe P lc or tbe )Lo?ae toptb bPt k|gte*C* aaayne,i3egauebmaucto;ftealfo inbttt mav.s a. o&gt;"aunaemente0a to tbe couenaunt / tbal ^* ?, ^be Oiuiaeteacbfacob tbellatute0anatew 1 monies/ a to enfourmeatfcaeWn bW tatoe. $ mettoie tbere floae bp certajne agapnft m bto/anabaaenupeatbimnitbetoriaemeft namelp/tbeptbattoereofatban/anaaibi' rams fpoe / anatbe futpotis cogregacpon of o;e.cbWtbe)Lo7aetotoe/ aftatfpieafea fiim/anamb^b&gt;;otbfuH matgnac/on force rbe?confumeajp^ateteonaeravbbebp5 mm** tbem/anaconrumeatbemtttbtberp;e.9e' rpaestbW/bemaaeaaronjetmoKbonwa* We ana glogous.fficgauebwtanberctage/ mm&amp; ^"bpwteatbefr^rititeisbntobrm. ointo

tourw,*, bpm rpecraiipiie appopntebtbe b;eafo?f. tmmtitot ttopjtmm of tbe offttng? of tbejLo?ae)tbWgaue be bnto bftn ana bp reacewbaabenoberetagener po;c?5 in I , fe 9*&gt;m tbepeopie. m tbe)Lo;aebP ^felfettbte Po^cponanaenberteunce, -v- f cbetb(taenobieaej!celientmanU9bf* w,^ . nebe0|fptmeoreafer/tob&lt;(ibpieafeatbe mmm* oa orgrraei/becaufebe baa f ?eie a rwe oftbeTLojoe,jro?tben tbe people toetetuti nea bac6/be put bfm feife fo^fflrtgbt toone/ a # toftb a gooa topn / to paeifpetbe tojatb .. tftbeju?oetotoaraeifrael.berfo?etoais p*. tbere a couena0t of peace maae toitbbtm/g be flUuteebe tbe p?ftwfpaamonge tbe rtab &gt; . tuoudana tbe people/ tbatbeanabfeipoile' , . . m* n&gt;e baue tbe ol^ce of tbe p?e&amp;boae f o;euee ( tpfte as tberetoa* maoe a eoue* naunttbftb^aiuaortbetrfbeoruaa/tbat ftfamongebftronne*ottttttbm4htiaebe


m 0&amp;m%* % sBpnge : 3na tbaemaron alfo ana W tebt ftuiDebetbeberetage/togeuei* topfeom* in outebme/ toiuagebf people to wgh' tuotitof dstbatb&amp;gooaea Qmianot come to tofo;getfuineft/atbat tbeirbonotire mpgbS enDutefo;euet. fbe,tlbf,bapter. jfnlp a Or9ge in battapliwajs ttou

ftiutbefonneof aue/ tobpeb tof ofu . tA . Sl^{mmepmetmfi^&amp; -----jgeije to becaptapneof tbepeopiesDu.mi(^tt toblcbacCo^ngbntobWnametoasagreatJof"^'" Wuteureontotbeeiecteof 0ca/to puntfb enempe^ tbat fprebpagapnft tftaei 1 tbae praei m&lt;gftt optapnetbrtr mbentaunce,fl). fftffi /n .? b,e Weilentttwee/tiben be ipft toy big bana/anaweio out bv tmm W^l&amp;Wvi WmmtommMe* tee btot^fo; tbejioj8*bfai felfe b?ougbt to tbeenempe0.d&gt;toaenoetbeSunnealat?o(Uf.y.* bwcomaunaemet/ aoneaapetoaisauionae asttoof ftecalleafapon tbe^peftanamoll mpgbtte/tobf tbe enenuje* p;eaffeaop5 btoi oneuerprpbeanatbe)Lo?aeberaetomtopto tfjebaple ftoneu.cbepfmote tbe I9eptbenitb people mfgbielp / 9 m fanpnge ootone tbeg ^^"^^^"^^^'^ttbe^eatbm bnetoe b( booa/anoaii bbaeftnce/tbat the Tioibbtin reirefougbtagapnatbem/roibe lotted bpontbemtabtfemenortbem. ^ |ntbet|meofi?oftialfobeanocalebifi tbefonne of^epbune/ apaagooBtoo?cfte/ toblcb aoaeagapnfttbeenempejs/ mptbeioe tbe people from fpnne / a Opllea tbeiolcfiea murmurtog.3na of fpre bao;etb tboufanae people of fote/tftep ttootoere p^eferuea/ toben tbep toere b;ougbt to to tbe beretage/ namefp/alanBetbatflotoetb toitu mplcTe a ponp,ffie %we gaueftrfgtb alfo bnto ca lebytobtcbwmaprteatirftbbmiantotojfage:^ R , ro tbaebetoentepp m to ty bpe placeS of \ #*** lanoe/anabfefeae cSquereatbe fame fo?an beretageitbaeall tbe ebfla^or ^fraei mtabt fe/botogooaatbpngeltW/tobeobeWftbn* tocbe)Lo^e.anatbefuage0o?rulewi(euerp oneafretbps name) tnbofeberttoentenota tobo;pnge/neraepatteafromtbeno?ae/ana t totme not tbe ^Bbnfaptbfulip/tobofe . remSb?aunccbatbagoobrepo?te:yeetbeic ben es.floji lb oute of tbefr place/ mete na&gt; me m 1 1 neuet be cbaungea. fi&gt;amuel tbe p^opbet beiouea of &amp; %m/ o?aepnea a ftpng/ana anopnteb tbe ponces ouer the tbe latoe of tbe io$nt

leabe/anaiuagearbecongregarton/anatse jio^ae baareipctte biitoJaeoD bep?ophec toa^founoebflrgentin m faprbfuftieis ivee tobf0faptt)fulne0b)a0tbetaptbf(tine0of$ *lf|onBnotone,^e caileobpon tbeiu#e WiMli, mfgbrte/





mpgbtpe/tobtrt e enemptf pjeafesbpffltfm oneuerp fgae/tDQattsnteastjeoffccogriic* Bpng I5be$$jnd8 - Jl?dtb5d?ed ftofjeauf/ 9mapaebis3bopcetobebereetoitbagreate noBft^atrcorafi&gt;tfl)tS&lt;p;8n0ofcp?ey Utj.UMi alltbewiewoftbe^iu&amp;ine^efojebpis raft ende be made p;ote(iacpon in tbe Cpgbt oftpe&amp;o;de/anbbi0.anopnteb/tbatbetofte netbee fub fta un'ce net good o f ens man/no notfomocbag(8QKie:anbnomanmpBbtdc cure bpm.3 f t ec tbig be to 15 e / $ at bp$$ ende toast at ban&amp;e/ andwetoebtbe bpng alfo W ende and aeatbtfftotbe eattb Jpft bebpbPS bopceftt p;opbecpe/p; tbe bngodip people ' ui&amp;epcrpipe, (DCfte p?ap fe of &amp; st^n^md/mti featomen.

CCbWlbfttibaptcr. &lt;jf tettoaroe in $ tpme of ft png a&lt; , utb/tberewfe6pap;opbet called #atbamflo;lpfieagitbe fat tfss ta lfien atoape from tbe ofEet^nse/ fo toaai&amp;autbcbofenoutof tpecbplo;e ofgif* rael. Ipe me W paftpme toptbtbe Ipow* $ toftbbPbDes/ajibtoftpbeatefnpbeaptoptb' wna^K.f. lamb est. g&gt;ietobenotagpauntetobenbe toaspet butponge; ana tone atoape tbete* buae from bfttpeople? tobat tpme a*be tofie tbe (tone fobfebande/ anb filiate bourne P;oubeffioatbb)ft&amp; ! tbe0pnae?jro?pecal* lebbpon tbe bpeft fto;oe / tpbf cb gaue bum ffwngtbw bfotPBbtbanbe/ fo tpatbe ouer* tbjetotbempgbtiegfauntetntbebattapll/ -g tbat be mpgbtfet bp tbe &amp;ojne of pi* people fcrffl # rti* a &amp;we.cbu0&amp;;ougbtbebmito ! too;ftppe " * aboueallptfnceis/ anbmabebpm tobaue a soon repojte in tbe wapfeof tp e ftOTbe/tpat )e CbulD toeere a ceotone ofgl o jp.tfoj fje be Jtopeb tbe enempejt on eueepfpae/roteb out $$bW8me!SbP0abuetfatp$s/tb;aBetbeie borne in tunaer/Hsea* it fe b;oben pet tW bape.SnaKbfci toowfie* be p;are&amp; #peft and ^olreft/atta aftcp bed tbe bonotire bnto w * mmn *imVm tbatmadebfmJBe ret fpngct* alto t&gt;efo?e tbe aulter/ano i n tb tit tune be made ftpetefonge0.^eo;bepnebto8epe tbe bolt bates too;fpfpfultp/ anb tbat fbefolempne feaBejt tbo;oto tbe tobole peace (buiae be bo no?abJpbolDett/toitbp;asrpng Rename of tbe jtLo^e/andtoptbbPjSCpngmgebptpmeg -r&lt;n tbe mojnpng fotbe &gt;anctuatp. fl.Bwum.rtc ^be&amp;ojbetofte atoape btefprnieg/ anb " m ewtebbttbo;nefo;euet.9egauebpmtbe couenaunt of tbe fipngdomi! /and tbetrone

of too;wtpem3|ftael. SOfterbpmtbeeerofe bptbe topreronnecallea Salomon/ and fo; bPUfaaebebjouetbeenempestatoape farce of.cbfe S&gt;alomS tafgned toftb peace in m tjime(fp; oDB(wiebfittftombj* cnc

. l -~~";-u .



Met on euerpfpbe / % b* mpfibt&amp;uplbebtm an boiife in W name/ anb p;epate tbe &gt;S' ctitatpfo;eues)lifien$!ibetoa0toeUinauiC' tetabwpoutb 9 fflleb toftptopfbome anb fender ftandmg/ajs (t Mattel a too tetflouae, Secouetebanbfpllebtbetoboie lanaetoptp fp mf Ktube 9 topfe p jubent (entente*. Sp0nametoenteab;cdemtbe3!ie0/be' caufe of bfef eacebe wajJbelouebJUUfoejfw' mameieb at W rongejjypjounb t&amp; / rpiiptube0/anb at btt peace/a at tbe name of tbe fLofite (Bob/ tobpcb i* called tbe od o E5.r taei.$egatbetebgoibea0trnne/anbbepab(0jsn,)FA , a^mocbftiueeaiBieabe. etta0mouebtn bno^bpate loue totoatde memen/ anbtoa* oueecomefnaaeccyon. fe aapebb^bo* noiweanbtoojatfppe/feebiupofterptebeftv lebbealfo/ fnb;jngpnge tbetojatp ^r wwl * ftojbe ppon bP3 cb|lb;en / anb fo;otee a feet PW&lt;ope:fo g W bsngbometoas beu^beo/^ anbicpb^afmbecameanbnfaptbfuH / wnw**.*to bnconagtBfnBbome.^euettbeTW ob fo&gt; 4 fofienotbp0meecp/netbet tea? be btteuv w* beatosebbecatifeofbttb)0?c^/g be ft) wide leaue bpm no pofteepte. 3)0 fo? tbe feoe t camebpS b&lt;m/tobcb be * loueb/be b;ougpt it not btt etfp to naugbt/ butgaue see atcmnaunt bnto|acob/anb a tote bnto auft outof bum. Hwt tea eo Salomon tof tb b f s fatpem/anb out of bt$ (ebepeiere beb^noe bfma berg fooipQme? . . .

of tbe people/a focb one a^bab no bnberuH bengrjiamelp/ttoboS tobtcb tuwieb atoacetf&lt; fs # tpe people tbojoto bP0 councel! / a jobod*w* tbe Tonne of ^abat/tobpeb caiifeb Jfeaell to fsnne/anb ftebscb cpU;a( m tbe toape of bn 8Oblsne0:3nfomocbtbattben;r{nne0anQ ' mp fbedest bad tbe bppeebanbe fo me I tbac at tbe laft t\m toete djptien out of tbe lanbe f o; tbe fame:yee be fougpt out anb b? ougbt bpaUtopcbebnesi/tsntbebengeauncecame bpontbem. Cffiijcpjaj(OffiEIfa5/6c!ijcuB/e8?8bfs5^fas. be.jclb0f.Cbaptec. i$enaobebp&lt;CKabtbepjopbeea* a f^e/andbtss too^ie b;ent Ipse a3 ctefpet. ^e bjou8btanb5Betbp6&lt;9 jmw*M Itbem anbtnbWjelebemabetbem fetomnomb?e. tfojtbepmpgbtnotatoape toitb tbe commaunbemente? of tpeiLojde, b o jotoe $tto;be of tbe ,o&gt;be be mutt tpe beauen/andtbitetfrnegbmbtbetbe fp^e botone . bM be came Hab bonojable in btl3toonderou0QeDe0.ltabomaKmaBebf0'!;' B 'f^ ,, booft to be Me$eki netbat mas Deeb" ,,,8 " , rapfeb bebp from oeatb/anb in tbe too?be of tbe C^peft beb?ougbtbpm oute of tbe gtaur agapne . $e caft bomne fepnges anbbe*&lt;9&lt;^^ Seopeb tbem / anb tbe bono?able from Hjefr feate,qupona)e mounte^pnabeberae tbe pit*

punpipment / anb bpon $o?eb w iW' mm of m benseaunce.$ep;opbecfebte^ &amp;W Wo *gW* / omwti p;o' S.t. JJWWbT fp;em a cparet of bo?R0 of fool ge toap o;df nedin tbe rep;oupnge0 fnttme SKSSft 9 ? ^ cob fl S a ? ne . letfed toete tbep tbati rate tbe / and mere gawiplfcr d in louejfb;toerpueftilpfe. &lt;eKabma0couerebfnHomie/bute* [preionpasJ f piieo tsitb btt moutb.tbpie be ipuebbe toagafrapeb of no p^nce / ammo man mpgbt oner comebpm.cberecoubeno loo;bebifceauebfm/a afterbttbeatbbp^ bo bpp;opbecfeb.^ebpb bjonoer^ m bp^lpfe/ 9

an tbp0/tbepeopieamenoebn6f / netbetbeparteb tpep from tbeftfpimeftt pn tbep tuete farpebatoapep;efonet0 out of m lanbe'/ 9 Inetefcatrebabjobefnallcountreeg/ fo tnat of tbemtbere remapneb buta berp lifle peo* Ple/anba wpncebnt tbepbufe of @aupb. fiobjbeitromeoftbembpbipabt/anbforae beapcbbpfangoDlpne*. fiewWab madebppcitieStonge/ciJitepeb c toateemto ft/bpggebtbo;oto tbe ftonptocb nr.w.atoftbPwn/9mabebpatofHbr &amp; toaterCpoe EN 1 ffi"* fftme S&gt;inaberpb bp /anb wit isabfabeb / ipftbpbWbanbeagapnft pon/9 oefpeb tbem tt gteate pjpbe.djea left bette? anb bSbe*/ rotbattpep


Jppopnteb to tumetpe people agapne/ anb tocaaeatoapeaH abpompnacponsof pi^ BoWp^ebp;ecte bpP0bert antotbe Woffle/ anbmtbetpme oftpe bngoaipbefettbptbe o?ftppeofd3ob agapne . ailfipngejsre^ cepteauib/^e?eftiab and |oftab) conufc ten topefte&amp;neistfo? euen tbe ppngep of qruo&amp; alfo fo^fobe tbe latoetff od i iff o? tbepgaue tbeir bo;ne bnto otber / tlitftbonout 5 voqu Wipe alfo to an Qrattnge people, . . bfo;etoa0tbeelecte cptieof S&gt;ahc* tuarpb;enttoitbfp?e/anbtbettvetteptberof0.3Hj,K.* lapebefolate 9 toaftei fo; tbep tntwateble* tempeuei/tobicbneuertbeleitajJap &lt; !opbe6 o;depneb from W motbew toombe / feat be &gt; mpgbtroteout/b?ea6eof/9dellrope:tbaf*eeet# be mpgbt buplde bp/9 plante aaapne, V eb/elifabjetbeBlo/pof tbe )lo?deinabpfi5 tobpeb toast ibetoebbpm pppn tije cpatett i tbougbt bpon g enempe? in me tapne / to do good bnto focb m

babb^ebtbeirtoape0arpBbt.aiidtbebonr of fije ttoelue p;opbetej8flo?pq) from out of tbeft pjace;fM tpep gaue comfo/te 9 confolacponimtof acob / 9delpueiebtbemfaptb ftillp.^otomaltoepwpfe^ojobabel/tobicb?^^^ tow a? a rpnge in tbe tpgbtbanbe? \Sflt ^ g&gt;;o pja0|eui0aifo tbe fonne of3JofebectS HSHM* mes Wbed tbeboufe/a B 9fett bp tbe j&amp;anetuarp of &amp; jLo?oagapne/&lt;i t .tf. tobpeb teas p;epareb fo; an euetlaftpnge towlbipe , 3inb iSebempab Wall toape to be^ f " s. eSmen&amp;eo/to&amp;lcb ret bp fo; ba &amp; toaiiea tpat^* a * ww * toere b;ofien botone/ made tbe pojtegi 9 bar* t0 asapne/ anb bupideb oure boufe? of tbe neto . JButbppn eartbis tber? no man crea* Gm.t.

* *

tepmblet tbe.. ,... w _ ww/ . w . fc fc _ ro;otoeo Ipfte a tsoman trauapipngc toftp g^^tbepcailebbpontbejlo^/tobtcb SSfSffiWW 1111 ^ &amp;anbe*befo;e r rr ,.*, .wm^^M, bim.jmmeotatlpf Jlo;deberdetbem out of tedlpbe Cnocb / fo^be toaa tahen top from 6 eii.nHij.&amp;, 2S&gt;*2/ anbbelpuerebtbembptbebanbeof eattb.ainbgiofepb/ tobpeb toag io;de of ht .b*^a cEfap.^ermofetbebooft of tbe aepwane/t* | """ ' *&lt;htihh^XiM.*;^,-.,;?S b^anBelldcaiopedtbcm.fojWftTabbad bonetbetbpngetbatpieafeofl)e)lo;de/ and lemapneb ftebfalllp intbetoape of aupa


jjil fttbtt Mfi50.|tt bWtpme&amp;feunne tolte bacBtoarde / 9 Ur lengnjened Ibpnge* S!

RK ^Sj Un ^ on6e 8 auc cwfolaciS/ &amp;KSS9Z2SBK yg^te.tbgmfeiueg ffiSSSfefffWM'^* * bereft; tocome 9fecrete/o;r-~' uu -" -* ttfJoa5r&gt;efcttJ/J tfllalKl/jeftjj^rmii .c'papter.

^ ?**

fbalbettoetea0bonpfnallmoutbe0/anba0 m PWW of ^ufpea bpf topne^e u,ag

Kitty, **nu auit^y/ mnpet; mas io;oe or ava b;etb;en/ a tbe bp bolder of m people: bpa bones toere couered 9 ftepte . % etb 9 %&gt;em toere ftiBreatebonoiite amonse f people:* fotoas f dam aboueaUtbe beafte?/ \x&gt;m$ toast created? Cf Afmon tpc ftnne of &amp;tU$, cbe.l.bapter. Fmon tbe fonne of fiDnpab tbebpe^ |weft/tobpcbmbP0lpfefettbptue ft,a ( ^ cboufe asapne/ain bp* oapeismade *Wfatt* pepstb of tiietl* plealfo toajt founded ofbpm/f double bupw buiB^a bpetoaiie? of tepie,g!n bttbapea tbe toeiiest of toatetflotoeb out/anb toere et* eeabmg fur af tpefee. c tofte care fo; &amp;p* people/aftelpueeebtbem ft3 tettuccrf. It Beptebwtcptte9mabeftflwnge/g mm not be befegeb .m btoeit in ponoure ane too;ojppe amonge bpt people / and en * -taiga tbe mtwunce oftbeb oure /and tbe couere . ^eBeurfb Ipgbt ast tbe m6ur* UPbBfBawefli tpempDbeft offtjetiotioea/; ' . &lt;iS8g,b, an&amp;ai


* 2&amp;

-": ';

etleftntttttt&amp; ftlitfofcepf

attta0tbemoonetob&amp;ta'0fuu\$epttttb as tbefunnem ty temple of oo. ^etW typsbtaa Scrape botoemtbe fap;eciou* be0/9Bo;H&amp;etba0tbe Bouress srofea mtbe IpjpnBeoftbe?eare/anba0lpjpe0bptber?' tiewof toateFA?Bea0tbe bjauncbesbpon tbe moat jlibanu * to t^e tpme of &amp;&gt;0mert 80 a fp;e 9 mcenfe tb at f ftgnDleD: ;Mfte as an tofjole ornament ofjmre goibe/fee toptb sllmanerof p?ecpoug Gonea: aa0anolpue ' ti*e^0fwt&lt;futt79a08Cpp2e0treetobteb Btotoetbbpanbpe, -- lbenbe put ontbegarment of bonoute/ r 9 toas clottjeD toftb all betotpe-.toben be toft . to w bol? aulte r / t garnpfo tbe couerpnge cftbe^anctuatp-.tobenbetoBetbepozep* 0110 out of $ $;eBe* banb/be b?t feif ttobe l&gt;p tbe battb of tbe aulter/ attb b?0 b;etten to it nee about e bi o?D;e 30 tbe b?aun cfjess of ceo ; e tree bpon tbe moat %tb a n 110 /to ftobe tbe? routine aboutebpm din as tbe b?aun ebe0 of tbe olpue tree/to ftobe all tat tame* tfflmn in Wit glo?p. IPnbtbat bempgbt lufff ctentl? perfourme bf0 ftnipce bpon t&amp;e aultw/anb garnvQJ tbe. offing of tbe b?eft ti3on/ be fttetcbeo out bP0 banoe anb tone of tbe o?pne&amp;ofrepnge/9 pourebm of tbetopne: CobepoureDbpont&amp;ebotomeoftbeaulteta 0000 fmeilonto tbe B*ett Pjpnce. beu begSne tbe connes of 3'atS to fpitge/ anb to blotoe toitb trompette0/9 to mane a greate nopfe/ f o;'a remembiaun ce $ pjapfe tmto f JLojb.cben to ere tbe people af rapeb/ f ell d ton e to tbe eattb bpon tb ef r face0/to

ttojGjpppefbejiojbetBeird&amp;ob/anbtogeiietbanbe0 to tbe almpgbtpe ob. cbep funge go ool p alf tottb tbeie bo pees / Co tbere toa0 a pleafauntnopfe tn tbe greate boufe of (ht X.otf.3finb people in'tbefr p;ape e bcf ougb t tbeU-o?Detbebeft/tbatbetooloebemetc? fu&amp;Vtplltbebonoute oftbeXo;betoereper loutmeb,bu0'i;nDeotbepftewmsn(ftract5 jflrtbfijtopee.cbentoentbebotone/anbftM' feb out w b$ot0 ouet tbe tobole ntuitptu* of tbe people of 3!ftaei/tbat tbe? tbulM Beuep#preanbtban6e0outoftbeft!pppe0 Unto tbe )lo;be/9 to refopfefn bfttname. W fteBanepet once alto to pjape/tbatbemfBbt openip oi'eto tbetbanbe^eufnge before tbe I&amp;pea/namelptbus3:geuep?apre9tbS6e0 (pee alDbnto tbe %W oute tfob/ tobf cb bato uerbonenoWeanb8reate#pnge&amp;:toBpcb Barb tncwafebouw6ape0 from outmotftewt toombe/9 bealt toptt) b0acco?opnge to b?0 wew?;tbat be topllgeueb0 tbe topfumejs of bert; a peace.foj outetpme tn qp ftaeM^bfep .teftbful!yBpetbbfemerc'Ho';b0-euwmo* ^re/9alltoapeber?ue^tbb0mbtjecearoh. ** ofterebettoo muter of people tbaf gab* eo^e ftomgjt w^j to? wmwi to&amp;om s :

(tttr/fttt no people: ope? tbat W HW tt)e mowrapneof*amatfa/tbe*(Mi?8fne0/9 tbe fool? people tbat btoell tn frflcjfMfA 5! 3tfU0 ft f wine of fet raeb &lt;Eita?atu&amp; of gerufaiem/bsuetonenebbp tbertmfonna* c?on0anbDocumente0 of topfoome anbbn* berttanopngemtbtt bose/ 9 poureb outtbe topfoome of mpbert, #ieb*ebt0betbatejrer* c?fetbb?mfeif tberm;9 tobo fotabetbCocbe to bett (balbe topfe. f f be bo tbcfetbtngeg/bt qjaiibeotongetnau, j?o?niel?gbtoftbe jto?belebetbb?tt, CCbe.U.&lt;cbaptet. Cbanbetbe &gt; no joe 9 B?nge/9 p;a?fetbefl&gt;(S(ob mpraupoutr.ia tojii jeioe p;a? fe bnto tbf name: fo;tbou attm? oefenoevet Helper/ 9baftp;efeeuebm? bob? fwm befltuccyon/

ftom tbe mare of tta?to?ou0 tonge0/ 9 ft cm tbel?ppe0 tbatate oecup?ebtti?e0. Cbou baft bene m?belpet/feomrocba0 ftooebp aga?nft me/ano baft beipueteo me aftet 0)t ramtitube of wtiwm/t fo; tb?b? names fabe.cboubaftbel?timbme from tbetoa* t?ng of tbem/tbat p;epaD tbe feluesto neuoute mr/out of tb e bSoe0 of focb as fougbt after m? l?fe: from tbe multftabeoftbf tbat ttottblebme/anbtotntaboutetb'fttteebpS me on euer ? f?o e/fo tbat % am n 1 b&amp;t in tbe mpoatftoftbef^jTromtbcotpeofbtll/frS anbncieanetonge/ftomisenge too;be0/ ftS tbe to?cbea la?ng/anb from anbntQbteouji tonge.^?rouie mall p;a?fe tbe &amp;o?oeoMo beatb/fo;m?l?feb7eton?ebntoben[. &lt;85be? compafebme t otmb aboute on euf' 58 t?f?t&gt;e/anbtberetoa0nomantobelpeme.3 iobeb about me/?f tbete toere an? man tbat tooloefocoiree me: buttbetetoa0none.cben, tbougbta bpon tb? mere? jLo?Qe/8bpon ; tb?acte0tbattboubaftboneeuei;ofolbema* melp/tbattbou beJ?ueteft Cocbas put tbeir" trufttn tbe/ 9 tpobeft tbem out oft banoes oftbe9eatbf.bu0ift3!.bpm?p;apet fr3 tbe eartb/ano pjapebfo? bel?uetaunce from Deatbjeanebbp5tbe)lo0em?fatber/tbat be tooSenotleauemetottboutbeipe/in tat ca?e of m? trouble 9 in f tpme of tbe pjoubf ; % p;apfeb tbp name cont?nua?/?eurfngboi nottre 9 tbanfies bnto tt:9 f m? piapet toa0 bttfie.cbourauebeSme (torn oefttu(c?on/ 9oelpucte&amp;efl me fr5 tt)e btmgbtuougtpme. &amp;erfo?eto?Hjattootoifbge9P/asretbe/9 magn?f?eibe name of tbe jto^e. m s \mm% toa0 ?et but ?5ge/or euee % to 1 1 a (tape / 9 befpjeb topfbome open!? m m? ?ija?er.a came6etfo?ebefo?etbetemp!e/9 ougbtber bnto tbe laa.bwflo?pQ)eti fte bntome/a0agrapetbat&lt;0 foonetppe. fl9? bjtt wtorftb myct/tbmtotntem?fotf tbe


v r


iftbftta?e/?eeft8.?outbbp fougbt3! aftet gerVS botoeb ootcne mpne eare ano receaueb ber.3 toOoe me mocb topfoome / anb p;ofpe Wbgwatijtnbet.cberfo/etoinaafcraje Bio?? bnto bun /tbat geuetbme topfbome: Co; Jamabupfeb tobotberafter.5i topllbe geloug t ocleue bnto tbe tbtngetbatf0goob/ fo (balll not be confounoeo. 09pfoulebatb tojeaieb tam ber/anb3! baue bene bplfgent tobe occupieo mber J ipftbpmpne banoe0 an bpe/tben toa0m?fouleI?gbteneb tbo/oto lotJbome/igiftnotolegeb m?fooK(bne0.l! oj;eb.m?foure aftetbet / flje 9 % toeteone pert ftS tt? b egmn tng/ 9 3 fofibt bet tn eletin e BUitiD tb e r f o?e (ball f not be f otfaaen. j^ fll9?bertlongei&gt;afteeJee/99|Batagoob tteafure,cb.o?otobet:tbe JLo?oebatbgeuen tneaneto fonge./toberto?tb3!to?ll p?a?fe Btm. fiOcomebntomepebnferaeb / abtoell in tbeboufe of totfiomr.toftbo;atoenot?out! Mne0ftom ber / butfalbe 9 comen of there tbfoges/fo? route fouiea ate berptJOfrftiej ppenebmpmoutb /;anbfpafie: comeanb b pe topfbome tottb out mori e ?' ; / botoe ootone f mitenecb bnbetbef?oc6 / anb?ottte foure an receaue topfbome. &amp;bef0batoeatba1&gt; anb!3 content to be founbe. tf ebotbt toptb wuree?e0/bototbatg5baiiebabbutrftle!a# poure/anb pet baue founbe mocb reft. ti&gt; te^

ceanetopibome/anDwiftarbaueprenteouP ofermpofleflil t ..., ... t ... : ., V . .;tnbf0metc?/n!iwt nm. aftamed of bi0p?a?fe. tteojfte bi0too;fiebp

.JBotoftnpofleuKon. ,


t?me0/anb beJbalgeuejow ?out wtoatw fnbuetpme. Cbeenbeoffbebobeofq!eru0t$e . fonneofs&gt;?;acb/tobrcbt0 canebtaLattneCp cieftaatcu0. CCfte hokt of the OBarucfitovorrabobc/ftutrvrtg tfie mt motve of abp!on/to6icljl)erfabDcbtfo3fCOnUauJ8ii* i!5SffiSiKS WMitt ** A b,ef??ftbaptei! HSbJSaruebbpbteoe tbe too;be0of tbt0boBe/t|at3!ecbonfab S fortne of 9foacm bpnge of gf&amp;a mpgbf 8beat^wbtoge&gt;tiMtcgaW fo?etbcro;bf0 of tbe counceHanberbeKSianb bntotbebecQ:befo;raa t&amp;em tbatbtotrtat

iabplon / b? tbe toate r of ftob? , tb?ep' tobanje?berbett/ toepte/ fafteb/ 9 P?a?eb tefo;etbt)to;De;..... ........... ; . &gt;. Cbefmabea coneccpon ajtb ofmone?/' 3 ftcco?Mngtoeuer?man0potott/anbfenttt ^"nWembntoloacpntbefonneofSell (biabtberonneof^alonp;eft/to(tbgotbei p;efte0:abbtoaiubep.eopjetob?tbtoeretS! Wmatfentfaie/tobattpmea0tb?baDgottg tbe omameme0 of tbe temple of tbe xW (tbattoeretaften atoapeout of tbe temple ) tbat tbe? mfgbtb?pnge tbem agapne tntog fanoe of 3ub8/tbe y.oape of tbe moneft S&gt;i* ban:namel?/ftluerbeffel0 (tobfeb S&gt;eoetbf* after tbati5abucbobonofo;6pnge of JSabt' lonbabtaftefecboniab/to!tbalbP0p^nce0/

ftW/ anbailtbepeopie /anbleb tbem ca* ^^^Mwtfaientbntojsabpion. , Sdnbtbe? fa?be:ebolbe^ebaue rent sou &amp; monep /to bpepou burnt offerpngfs ana tn-- nu-^-fi cenretoptbaihma&amp;e pon bnieueneb bMb/J2 M H* 9 offre f ojfpnne bpon tbe auitetof the im mm ** outtiPob, 3nbp;a?efo? mt wofperpteof S2SW2S? ? BpM8C of abplon/anbof galtbafarbt0fonne:tbat tbefr oape0ma?e tow eartb/a0tbeba?e0 of beauen:tbat obaomageueb0ftrengtb/anbitBbtg oure m: tbattoe mape Ipuebnber tbe oefenceofi9abuebo5^oro;B?ngeofaH6/ anbbnoer tbep^oteccpon of aitbafar bva fonne:tbat toemape longe bo tbem ferupce/ ano fpnoe fauoute in tbetr rpgbe . Brntm mm bnto tbe %Qfr oure &lt;Kfob/fo; tneW tpnnebagapnft tbe &amp;o;be oure ob/anbbn* totbpba?ef0notb?0 tojatb tu^neu ?et a' toapefcombg, 3hbfetbatpe tebetb?0bobe (tobpeb toe baue fentbnto poutobe mem ceomtbe tempieof tbe mo?be) bpon tbebpe ba?e0/9attpmeconuenfent. . bu* fb8ll?efape'.cbe^o;bcoui:(ffiob i$U rpgbtuoufi, but toeare too;tb? of confufion ean.r.,i.i,. 9$ame-.rifteaStti0eonietopaffetbt'0aape/r.a pntoaigruba/anbto euerp one tbatotoelletft atgerufaietfo our S?nge0/p?tnce0ypae0/ p;;opbete0anbto oure fatbers,it@ebaue rpnneb befo;e ^e %ojb oute 00/ toe baue not putoimmiftmbnn/nergenenbfmcrebfcl toebauenotobeieDbnn/toebauenotberfiei nebbnto tbebopeeof tbe jLo;be oure &lt;Boo/to toalbe m tbe eommaunbemente0 $ be gaue to*m tbeoape i be mm outefo?efatbereoiitoftbe lanoeofegipte bntotiira pftttmme/ toebaue bene euer a mptbe* reupnBeanbanbnfaftbfun people bntotbe )U?beoure&lt;!5ob:bettropeng ourerelue0bN notbearebp0bppce. * -JSSffiS^P "^ e D P" W great Pfage09 bwerfe curfe0/i?|e a0 tbtS &amp;?,' ttfitbbj



upfeb bp $ofeg pft fttottOts tobicb bjougbt oute fo;efatbetg out of $r lanoe of egtpte; togeuebgalanoe/tbatflotottbtoitbnu'lcfie twf.cM. WfW/ltei*tt* Wg &amp;a#.j&amp;tuer. mSim. tbeleg;toebauenotbetReneobnto tbebopce oetbejuaeoureffioo/aeojopnge toalltbe tootfiegoftbepjopbeteg/to&amp;om be rent bnto b0 9 to our* wiew : but euerp man folotoeb big atone tmjnoeanb tepefies pmaginacpon; to offte bnto Staunge g on d eg/a no to bo cud i in tbe Kgbt of tbe jLojoe oute &amp; oo. HffibeJewtscSfrtetbat tbepfUffcs Juaip fo; tbe fonnes.onrtcutfonMpon of tbe ffbjlflen. abe jeww beCp?s to baue I b r to,i it b o f o 6 turned from tbem.Ebe iofle to?Il tbnt te oUcpe unto winces at* tbougbc tbcy tceuil .Hi pjomeOTettj tbstbt tolll call agaputlje people from eaptpuitfc/ atio scuetbcma tmw rwslaatua teaamtnt. Ebe.ij.&lt;Jbaptei. &gt;;t&amp;e tobfeb caufetbe&amp;ojD oute iosbatb perfoutmes&amp;ig Dtupce/ letof be en t if pea bg / ano oute leabegtbatruleotn gnerufale: pee 9 oute ipngeg/oure pjtnceP/ ttal$ ttaeii 9 9&gt;uba . atnts Coeb plagegbatb lo;bb/ougbt wHf ttk b'ps bg/ag neuer came to paltebn&amp;er fpeauf K! 3 ,e Mbeagftft fulfilleb in lerufale/ aco;ofnge xwn.f(M. agttfttotfttenintbe.iatoeof!aofeg:tbata man tyulDeeate flcCb of big atone Tonne/ 9 ftettof %;o?eouer/be bat^ beipie wo tbem m totbebanbejer of ail J Byngeg/tbat ate tounse aboute bg ( to be co* f ounbeb a bttoiate) 9 fcatreb tbem abjobe m mall lanoep 9 nacf ong. Gbug are toe b % ou gb t benetb anbnotabouey foj toe baue ft&gt; nneb again a tbe Hofitt our &lt;2Soa/ 9 not bene obeotetbntobft boice.ccberfO?e)Lo;bout (Bob ft tigb tuo ust/ 9 toe to our f a t&amp;e ws( as reafon tg) are bjougbt to open ftjame / ag 1 1 ft to fe tbpgoape .Inbagfo? tfjefeplagegtbatare

coraebponbgallreabp/ tbe iLo?se bao amp* febtbemro}bg:?ettoolbetoenotp;acebnto tbeiojue cure (Sob/ tbattoempgbteuer? manturne from big bngooiptoapc g.&amp;o tbe jkojD batb eaufeo focb pia to come bp5 bg Co;be ft tfgbtuoug in al&amp;ft toojfieg/tobicb pebatbeb"maunbeb bg: tobpeb toealfobaue notoone/nexbarbenebbntobftbopee fojto toaise in tbe cSmatmoement eg of tfje jlojd/ t&amp;atbebabgeuenbntoba. an&amp; noto no ;ne &lt;Bob of gsftaen / tbou tb at baft b;ougbttbp people out of $ lanoe of tfgpptetopibampgbtpe banbe /toftb tn beng s toon&amp;jeg/ toitb tbp greate potoec anb cuttttetcbeo armetanbbaa gotten tbpfeif*. a name / ajJ it ft tome to paffe vm 6 ape. &amp;o?beout&lt;B8b/toebaueffnneD/toebaue bone toscfieeip/ toe baue bebauen oute feiu^ M bngoblpm antbp rpsbteoufneffest . cttrne c tbpto;atbftombS( toebefecbe f)fo;toeate butafctoieftamonae tae^efttim/ tobtte

tb u baft f eatreb W . 9 &lt;atf out mm ( Wtmm ouwpetfclBa / bmnge woutof captHuete/fo;tbsne atone fabt : get vtw uoure tn ft Dp of tbem / tobtcb baue lebtoi atoaveitbatall lanbea mate Bnotoe / 1 tbou aw tbe um oute &lt;8toM tbatffraeU $W generation calietb bp on tbpname. 0&gt; jLo^oe/lofieootonefromtbpboIfOoure^,,,, ^. . bp5 bs$:encitne tb?ne eare/anb beare b&amp;Jf 0; : tbeoeeo/g begonebotonetotbe:grae0/9 ' * ' tobofefouleaareoutottbe(rbobtej$/aralbe bntot^ello^enetberp;affenerttgbtuouf* mafirngeibuttfjefouletbatftbtreDfo? tbe muitstubeof betfennea/tobtebsoetb on&amp;C' uett anb toeabei? / tobofe e? eg beggnne to fale:teeCoeb a foule afcribetb P?a?fe 9 tigb tuouutefle bnto tbe &amp;o$e. . fl) H-o;be /toe poure outome p;aperg befo;etbe/anb re&lt; quiwmei^mtbgft'gbt/tf&gt;&amp;o?botitob:9 not fo? tny goblpnetfe of oute fojefatberg / but becaufe tbou baft fent out tbs to?atb 9

inoranac?on bp on W i acb| nge aa tbou bjoeft tb?eaten btf/tytft feruaunte0i p?o* Pbetea/fapenge. W tepetb tbe Ho;oe : ffiotoe bototte3wrt J* youteibulDeKJaminecbeg^ sferuc bpnge offfiabjlon/fotballjeremavne ftgHintbe ianoe./tbat 3! gau e bnto poure fatbetg.ffpe topu not no tb 20 / net beare tbe bojee of t^e HLo;Qe poute (Bob/to feme tbe fipnge of a b(lom^(baltieftwe|ouintbecitiegof3!U' ba/totri)fn5Perulalem anb toptb out .1 tttfl alfo tafee from pou tbe bopee of m^tp anb $ bof ee of fope/tbebofce of tbe b^aegtome 9 tbe bonce of tbe b;p&amp;e/anbtbere ffiai no man &amp;toelmo;euitbe lanbe.)Suttbef toolbenot berftenbnto tbpbogce/ to bo tbeb(ngofffia bplonfempce:9tbecfo?ebautgoupnfou*4 mebtbetoo^bea/tbattboufpabtftbstbpfer* uauntea ?p?opbettg^ameir/^ ty bone? of oute fipiges ana tbe bone* of cute fatbertf ftiui&amp;e be ttanuateaout of tbefr place, 3nt&gt;lo &lt;notoare tbet&gt; laibeouttttf ptae of tbe feonne/ ano (n tbe coloe of tbenpgfit/ 9&amp;eebtngreatemfrerp:tobSger/'i6ftoearDe tot tb petttlence 9 are dene caft fotfb. M tot

Bf &amp;MMh


\ i *

iSfR^K.^ , ,^ p;a J ?f ! ,l,cto * Jetnetljentoftete Wfcrecfonft; tobere^ 8 SSSSSSS^fflSfi 1 "!!! 6 e '/toberebnwrftanoinglftjfflaSSt SSSSPXSSS^S^^^ mafettfinotoealfoftS tobence SSSSm SES?Si22H ^*iwoWkw: We/awcettoHftttnge^euXof JtS &amp;appmebtontotbtfo?efatbera/tobi!ebfln tobocameeuernttobertreafurea ^ * anootbbntotbeirfatbeEg:ab;abam/?faac ^fievmtmtMvmQvme^tht foulest

|toiHincreacetbem/ananotmtn|lb tbem. KE?^ k anogitoEn mabe anotber couenaune totb ffi'A* tbem:focboneaa (balleniurefojeueKna

(tobermmen twftfo moc&amp;) 9maoe noenoe of tbetegatbermgcf WSbatfttoo^tboftbent

ttu'X m , '} 0i 9oma a!lentiurefojeuer:n3' tbatcojnebftluer/anbtoerefocarffi/aiia

mFpeople:am&gt;3!tojrnomo?eD?memppeo' Pjetbt cbflb/en of afraeH/ out of tbe ianoe g ! baue geuen tbem.

beroteoout/ano gone ootone to ben79 otbee menareeomebpmtbetraeaae-yongemcn bauereneltgbt/anbbtoeltbpon eartb: but

BK(usattaBB Sn^ffi

eop(c/u)nmfl to great now rftipte tame Bnto tbf roji JOIfptrpng tbceo?. ntlj ootoaof fmetot tepfoomK^f tbe mtatnatjon ofgj ttt.

netbnbetftonoe patbea tbe tofsnetber baue tbetr cbilbjenreceauebtt / jeertgbt farreft ttftom tbem. atbatb not bene beme of in tbe wcbe.ttf.Cbapter, atcbeman, m S fi S? &gt; % 0?,,aH " ,&lt; 8Btfe/n)oa Cbeaigarenegfougbt after to?lbome/but foDof^aeUioiirrouietpafftfti 1 tobtcbftratmip/KBeaa m mat US SSSSSBES^Bll ? lf W ot9elawjebo? W?of ftemSnate"on*

o;eg ,cbou cnoureft fo/ euer/QjuIDe toe tbS

tbepbnotoenot/netbeebotbegtbpftebpoti tbe patbea tb e cof . 3 f r a el, / b c to great e tn

I Mtfc ISSjS^ia^p^/Ww** tbeboufeofdpob-anfboto large fe? JSmcmmjw a*, . Si Sl a !f cat i n .^ to * wapC of ueebf,frae of W conftttow ^eate ft be / a& amp;tt none ?" " irf " -***""-''- * -" of tbofe famoufe gJafitea/tbat toere fogreae ofbobfea/anbrotoo;tbpmfoftoarre^cbofe


tbinfiebpontbppoteer^ namenoto attbws tpne:fo^ tbou art jtojbe our (Bob; anbtbe

toere tbep oeorojeDanD fo;fo mocb a? tbe? *-" topfbome / tbep perilpeb btcauft "

\ temple toberin tbpname toaff calleo bpon tbou baft lapbe it toafte / a* it ft to ft w&amp; bare:9tbat fo? tbe topefittmeg of ttjeboufe of fraell anb tbeboufe of |uba. Ham out on / tbou baft Mtreateb bg after an fpf goobneganDacojbfngetoantbatgreatefo* upngeme?cpof tbpne /Jpfieag tbou fpabeif bptbpferuaunte floTeg/(n tbeoapeto&amp;SB ftouopaeft commaunbe bpm i totojptetbj? latoebefo^e tbe cbflwen of fltatlli fapinge:., yfpetopllnotberbenbntompbopce/tben ibautbftgreatemuKtutbebeturnebtntosf btty fmall people 7 fojftopll ftarre tbem abjobt^ot toltbftanbpnga am fure/g tbft fOlCRt

torn* iSL^H 11 ^^ 8 /*^ ^ " 88 *^ wttomw. Vnl^B^SS 1 ?!^^^^ 1 ^ ^obatbgonebp(ntobeauen;totafieS *!l]zl jwn&amp;m/nm(*jbt1nmvcwv' topfljometbete/ab.jougbtbgrDotoneftomv ^S^Si^SW^* 8, ^anDbatbcborenVtabouegoiDe ,m SSS^5!5ffiJ^f tttc, 2* b;ougbtbetbrtbert ^omanbnotoetbtae lMinfr. sS^SSfSSSSSSSS^&amp;^it to a^oftoplbome/netberfttbereenytcan ;r "5ft ma ^f urfc/ant)Ctnne:I ^ eaSrt febeoutberpatbeg, Sut'be tbattootctba

iffi5SK?K fl maunae mentegof tobicbP?^areDtbeeattbatt?ebeSng Ufe:pono;etbemtoertottbtbineeateggtbou anbfpHebtttoftballmaneroffoSK m^eaetnetotfOomejButbotobappenetb Oi.&amp;0mftK&gt;iWM^ffi 21 fra ^ tBw,attr P^t ncencm BegIanoeJ atobfbecaUetbftagapne^obe^SK


tbouarttoaren ome fn a ftraunge countre/9 befsiebtottbtiiebefbj^arttpoit become

feare. cb ftarreg bepe tbeir toateb / age* ue^efrlcgpt/ceeanbtbatglabm^benbe eanetfl

tanetfj$eni/$ei&gt;ftitfe$CTe to? be 'ftetoettgbcbnto

ete toe be .ainbfo tt ebof nuj toubsototfy ieau?ngeme alone; g/KS&gt;neofe tJ{replagc0bponi?ou/beisuet sou alto ft5 w "t&amp;at&amp;atb tantoe outaUtotRwne /anbbatfr **i"&gt;* '"* mw gob.f.a. gmeBccbntofacobbWRruafit/^toHftael &lt;.3ojn,(.a bf0beloueb.3fiftettoatbebfl)&amp;e Qjetoe&amp;imi' CeKbponeawb/aotoeltamonBemeii.

acontMacfont eomtetjnjjeof bf*me UCBMiit CBapter.

e banw of pur e tn e mw$ , tfooittCtoart(0mpcbtityen) gopoute toatafojaaraoefclateanbfotfaaenabaue IWW v., w . wwww ^.... ., |w*oftbeclotbP8eofpeaceaputbponmefett.3.t

tbeia'cfeclotb of p?a?etyanb fo?mjtnmeaf* Cff'bewtoasSeoftbemtbat tope tbelw&amp;tbe toflcalbpStbemO&amp; eof gOObCbe aW* w " ' pingflwiwut origin mat ot cpjwe . a comRMWv* #&gt;nu&gt; cbvflnen: cm bnto tbe T L-oioc / anbbe k#^i*^^!^^&gt;?^^ aalw&amp;SftomScWStbewm. era/ route enempe0. w _,, ffo*bettf?/3!baueeuti: a goob&amp;ope of tefc the bobe of tbe commauit' pout pjoTpetoue bcalttweeabetpglaoneffe oementeaof tfobya tbelaaetbat feeoroebponraeftomtbeboljomvbecauK enbuMb fo* wee. IlltberSaepe oftometcetbat*eB)aBbaueofouitM&gt; .-~.._Jit/ wall come to itfe : but toc&amp;aa laBpige fcaujoute. ,-* f ojfafte / man come to beatb. Cutne tbe O ') moumpnge ano toeppnge &amp;F&amp;2 Jet 9 acob/ataBebolbeoffotoa!6eb?tbtoafe fottgoftonie/buttoftb^eanb penwugl tbo;otobtgb?&amp;weOeanb(Wne.euenoe Bla6ne0e/awll4o?beb?|njsejouaBaw tftne bonoute to anotbet/anb m too?0)tpe bnto me. UW a* tee newbouw pMMog MMMa b toafttaungepeople.Wtael/botobappse ^epouwcaptjufteft(!Wb.uefoall WW*** atetoe/fe?ngat&lt;Pobfatb(bftoeDbjjfo* Wt aifo fe fbojti* fonw &amp;eattb t o &lt;kW Ssn8eialap!eafaunfbntobmfeof tobtcbroalliameonvou*Beate&amp;onouW goob ebeate / tbou people of od / tbou anb eurrtaupnge mWm. mnciint snarl . floto ate pc fotoe among e trnM^i / tuffee M J jag theeatbeti/botobrftnotfo;pouteBttet:be* pat (pail coiwe bpon m. AKMW. Kfombutbecaufepewouoaeb obtbe 8*J^ w ^9 e ^W f SttSS jloabeto tojatfi aotfpieatW/tBftfojetowe b^bcBwccyon/ anb&amp;alttwabe bponjg re oefeumb onto poute t nempfcro; peopfr necae.^ bralpngSftaue gone rougb bttbe Pkaf&gt;tbeeuJaOinB5obibatmabe^Hi/ toape^/to^esawlebatoa^a^atoesejl SffeSebnto.beuew1nottoob.yeBau ^^a^ o Wto^tbeenwge0,Hjbe togottenbfmtbaeb;ouBbtroubi/8 poute cfgoobcomf0;fejmpcbplwen)anb crpe 53 WaWfatoetbatS twatb of obtoaa baebpotijettoeemembjatmcetanblpbcaa commpngefrponpou:rocfesbe:$et6enfi&gt; ^bauebenempnoebtoftoatueftom 1WW&amp;*, ; tbatbtoellaboute^oft/fo?&lt;35obbam ob/roibalsenotoenbeuouwBouwfeUie0

SttuaBtmctotogwatebeupneaeartbtobpJ ^tpmcamoje/totittneagape/ai* tofefte , Sfetltf captpupteofmppeople/ofmpfomiS bpm.ffo?betbatbatbb?ougbttbere plages BJibbauBbtetjj/tob*cbtbewetiaft(iiBob bpon pou/ftallb^ngcroueuttlattfttBwg SSlb jn bpon tbem . Ifcttb io? e bpb 3] aga^etotor poute bealtft.cabeagoob&amp;t te Hfl/tbem/ butnotomuB a leaue tbe tofo) bnto tbe/flDgetufafcimforte tobicb gaucft f mim '."""yLi,^ * * tbatmrat/ejo;tetbtbefotooo. be tofcbebboetxttbat nott pttt tbeto

toepflige ana Kyoto. iieenoman teiopce ouet w to?W&gt;otoe anb


eoMBen-.iDow9toj!9: qpwKPummMw vwffiailperiftatbfpcbatfbaittmo| ambefolateofwman.j?ojtobp/tb^oe^ CeD at Hjp falf /albe pimpffieb. cbec^ejJ aeoftomtBelatoeofsob:tbe?tooloenot tobowtftpeb^wlewe/atibtbaybaitecafinotoeU?0t?g(Jtuotirnei3/nettoal6efntbe Kbatoa^fotmVwlbeco|tecte.^oJJ|; toave of m commautttiementea:a as to) tbe be 80 tie? benoto glab of tb Weape foff ial


fejeof tb multf tubeffialbe tabenatoa^e

r 1 y

a wMoensW aboute g&gt;jon:come/anb atbefcc&amp;eate (balbe tumebto fbjotoe 1 f a j let bt call to temembtaunce m captvuf try a fgjt (ball fallbpon tbem ftom tfie eu efla* mtm *wJ&gt; m euetlafli?nge&lt;!Jobbatb b;ougbtbpoit Bfngob/longetoenbute:anbftflj

anwfti' SSSSr^StSS am? baugbteta.^ebatbbjougbt BJWbof beuei0fo?agteatefeafoti. a people /bpon tbem f torn (me/ anbncuv* rsu(iiiem!smoaea unojiabtK!fa?&lt;i)tfourne tetiSpeopIeaofaBtaaselanguagettobPCb C f| W pppi/&gt;ntenbefiwiwtbof/thebwb. iKtbetregatbetbtoloe/nww&gt;tjeieuMige,

wr-^gni /lose aboute tbe to? toarDr t&amp;eeaB/ 9 bebolbe tije foie SK^f^w'MijeeaBaiibtorB/w. SS!KiS?aSS* oftbeboirone/bnto (gejonoureof&lt;Sob, S 0; 'P e i n &amp;6oouw / tbac commett) bnto

WW WMWmua taw Ue ooist ana

4 \

* I

J^nwefftBingename Otalbegeuentbe ^ob/to&lt;tbpeaceoftRsbtuoufnefff7anb tbe bonoute of 000 fear*. A a tt etBeto . toa,:lie *" aft /n ob ^'^ S2?* l rc - 6 wfowe '" ^Bofttoojbe/ H ob tn tememb?aunce .^bep DC ^Spfwmtbeonfote/anbtoerelebatoape 8SBHW***li bonoute /a0cbf 1. o;en of tbe fttngoome .iffo? ob tt putpofeo SSSKSJ"** ft* ntounta?ne0 / RSSff Sf e W6 W t0 W "PbaWew/ i SiSS 811 **? 1 eauen to ^ tbegtounDe:g | n f S?JW bebPgenttolruebnto| bo.

SBSSSft^ff! JlW saHpleafaune ,M ouw ? aootoe aftawi/ tbe com* waunbementof&lt;!E(;bptbef fijau (Bob SP^S njWBpttottb tbe metcp a rteb tuouBieffc/tbatcommetbofbimfeif. *" ii^J 9 J&amp;W tocw ^^ atta ? e Wfroncco bp the *DpnfttbttoaBtommaunWib|tnof&lt;Q(r Cbe.W.baptei:. iCcaure of me tv nntts t&amp;at ye Baue DoneagapnB &lt;Bob/feO)aubeleb mWlwinto abf 15 eu? -j-P-Jof ^aoucfiobonofo? tbe R?nge of ,abUon.S)otob8nfebe tmtntoj&amp;bU lott/KeftalKmafnetbewmanrieaiea/anD &amp;?K^?^^tBOieiaej:B 2S&amp;I 5S 3 *W* wu atoaw peaceabw of golbe/of ffluet/of toobanb of Bone:bowe mmm famtm o caa out a teaam 6efo?etbe^eatben.utlobetbatfebonot a0 m otber : be notfeaftaj eb / anblett not tfte feare of tbem auereome mi, ^ . , ^^ o ;^bSl?efetbemulotHbeof peo* Pie too;rb(pfng tbem te&amp;moe a tttottm it V eui witebett e0: s&gt; jLj?Byft'tt tbouytbat .wgBteft onif tQ bf too^ipf ppea f ^gnr


JgwnftftWftoni niaanbmoibeg/iiBBen tbepbaue couetebtbemtotlb"naeDf P)iIeytbempetb V eftface0fo"mebuB neftatf) a fceptce tn ^ banbe/aa tlioS Je torn tubge of tbe countre : pe nnbrnS wasassssr 1 ** re f0 b?ofi Eti/ei 1 en r tt tottb t&amp;efr mm aboutebponbfm/tbatbatboffenbeb g amg; D;a0tt toetea beeb bobv bepte befW tbe graue: ^uenfotbe p;efle0 fiepe tbe bo;S tom batteaanb locfie0/refttbeit Mm* befpopleb toitbtobbet0.cDef retbpcSbeia befee tbem ( pee beteip a tbatmanf ) tobec

pf tbep can not fe one/ but eu en 80 biocftea/ to Banbe toep to tbe temple.^ tt farb/ tbae tbefetpente0 atooflne0/tobptbeome of tbe eaMb/gnatoeouttbrti:bme0/eatpngetbeni a tberccrotbe0 alfov anb mm fere ft not, Cbeft taceaate Wacfte/tbo;oto tbe fm oBe fa m tbe temple.cbe oule0 y ftoa!otoe0/anb SSS2l!S *&amp;* m/ ^ ca tfiatte0 runna ouettbettbeabe0. -JWS^WF bcft w/wt tbf? ate not m gobbe0 / tbetfo;efeatetbemnot.dcoolbe tbattbep baue/ft to mafte tbem betKuSi alltyat/ewepte fomebobf brgbtof tbrtc tuft/tbey to? nge ue no me : anb tvben mp ate bo rnena Iboulbet0/a0:tbore tfjat baueno fete; tobetbr tbepbeclarebnto men / tftat tbtv bi notb jnge too;t&amp;. onf ounbeb be fin dent tbattooafltfppetbrm, Jfojjftberrantotbr gtounbe/


"\ ~


ue/buttbegobbt0 butnea0ftbaWte0tbet8t cfocannottostbftanbe entbWge j batbattbepbe goboess^ojeouet 7 *&gt;*

?en&gt;ft&amp;all.ibetbet * 2gj ensmanbobnto tbem/t&amp;et? aeenot ableto netputMrnbotone^nttSematietroevmate !..,:. *orhi&gt; / net. vevBaae euell.


Sat Senotraoue . tfuttoban tbefe mm iff Sfo; tbeft goboe* baue nofeimgJ peat tfiem / ate of no longc contBttuaunce : goto HSentberomsWbatatemaoeoftbe/

ciea wscfie tojnbe oioiocnj in mwjr wuhu* sssssssBgn aistfteeawbftiiiemtoftanSgWftmttotone bSanbto)Mffjwta0eo?ottgtfg/ m ESS net Itmistt . mtgwmtoM roe* canneroetgeuefentence mwbgmemvi futejtbat tbepbe no gottefs/ tften fr ate rottn S?o7KSn5

^ocanyebecertiflebbynomanei; wraea' Kt0/tf&gt;at roes be go&amp;or tftronftyefeate tbtm

asaftajboggatbem of Cucuinbe w uepero noro*itge/ ci tf) ettgobbe* of tooo/of ftluet agoiw. 3 J?be as a tobftetbozm m an ojebatbe/t&amp;at eutn?

b#bef?ttetb bpon:?ee U*e a* a oeeb bob* tbattscafttaroe barcfie. cuettfpffflt tosft

roocegol0oftoc&gt;bbe/ ttte putpleanbfcatlettobfcb tfc pbaue bpon tbem/anb foone fap&amp;wfi atoape/s maf e ton

toraanbe/tbattbesbenogobbe0:pei . _ confumeb at ty laft/

tonfufl?on of ft f sue. , _ v .... jn/tbatbatbnotma* eg Stoojtbvppttbnene/ fwbeOialbefatte

Sieffeb tjs tbe goWBman/tfoitbatbnotma ge0stoo;l&amp;ypperoiton*/ fwmtep;ofe.

Mi ^

Cbe enoe of t&amp;* wopfye te fiatueb/ tobic&amp;fenotmtbecanon or tbe $eb;ue, CCIjefonseoftlie tD^^)^m;tt)t)ttD ttiwe pat m to t&amp;eboteb;ennjngeouen.&lt;li2}ec5men ttanaacpon teabetfitbte fonge in tbe.rtWbap.of cartel. li^ti tucp maiftct m tD e mpbbeft of tbeflamme/ p;af rpngeooftanbrnagnfftenge roe %om aratwb aowbp/ a pjajae ontbfJJmanet. euf ^^ _ fifBemi&gt;ttettonftefweope neb&amp;eWmoutb/* fefbtttleawbe tto fcojW^obofouwfaroetffeWfittoojrojto fercatfeb a bonoutebfo tbatname of gate toiwtvcaon : f 0? tbouatttjgbtuou? m ail 3tbvttibgnunte*mie.3toalltbero|nge0g XSaab?ougfttbponb0/9bP r ontbfbolf mte of cure fafte tt( cucn&amp;mttUm)^ KfSbponWbecaufe of oute C^irujs, fifMS/Wpattpigc fwnt tfte : in all tb?ng

baue toe ttefpaceo/ anonot obesm tbp com* finD, fl.b. Wtfo;caH I tboubaa b?ougbtbponM/ * f ?furfeige ft towbaftUonetoM/o SaftDone m in mt (uugment:^ tn WW mat wmtotbebanWJof onteeneniff*/ SgebngoMfftofefiefiabbtim^acpons/ Stoanbni^bwou0l^g/^tbewottfo ; : toatuebpS eattb JnDnoto tocmattnotope mt raoutbc?, mm be come* wtw ami


tcp?ofeiintotftpremaunt^/!jto^eg\ao2=3crc.y.a ffippctbe yftfo;tf)vnamepfa6c(toebrcc9e iw)ge w not bp to? euci; / b?eane not tbv rournmint/? tafie not ateare D v nic? ftS bst/fojtb? bf loiieoab^aljfeJabf /f 0; tbp tet^ uaunt3faawfa6e/anbfo;tbsboli?Sftacj0 fa6:totobomtboubaftfPofien 9 fPMK^gggj^ tbattftoutoolttett muimvemt(mamemau.h. ttarwtfflf ftaw / 9 a0 tbefanoe g If etb bpd tbefee (bo;e. jfo? tot( jLojoejaie be come trffrtfjemtwpeopie/ abefiptefanoct tbi'0 bap tin all $ toojlo/becaufe of our e f?nneg: feottitttott)tDel)aucnett&gt;etp??nce/Dufic/ p;opbet/butntofftng/ractvfpce/oblact5/ tocoife/net sfeanctuatp before tbe. J5e u tttb eieffe/ m a coiur? te ijctce anb an bumble fp;eteietbj3bcreceaueb $ tot may t opteyne tbpmetc? Xpbeag t n tb e butntofle vgng of tammeg 9 buHcciies / anb t? fie a? (n tbonfanbejj of fatJambeg: folett oute off e* ctngebemtbPfCgbftb^bape/tbatttmavef.igceti.fttt, pieafe fte/foj tbete te no c8futton bnto mmg** ? fc lputmetettuflmtBe.nbnototoefolotoe^f;f'; we toytb a outebette/ toe feare roe / 9 (eu mmMp ' B ' tbpface. ^utb^nottoffiame/butbearett bs after t&amp;plcupgefipnenecfe/saccozbuig totbemunetuDeofror meteieg. miwt Dbyrormi;acie0(a)^o?W9geetbi?name anbonoute-.tfjat all tbep to Web bo tbsfe^

uaunteg eueU/masebeconfoimbeb.Xettbe beamamtb tbo;oto tb? almtgbtte potoet/ 9 lettbeft fttengtb be b?ofien-.tbat mtmm finotoe/botoi tbou oniv art roe % o?o 00 / 9bonoutetoo?tbftbo;oto out a ft toope, 36nbtbefiinge0rmiaunte0gputrte(n/ ceaffeb not to mafie roe ouenbote toplbe fwe/bjje tttatoe/pftcb afagottc0:fotbatft flamme toente outeuf tbe ouenbpon a.jcifj;. cub8teu:pte f ttofie atoatei a b;ent bptbofe ane0/ft itgatbolbebp5 beffbetbeooen, uttbefngel!oftbe lojuecam botonefn to tbe ouen to aifartab ano &amp;f felotoeg/anb fmote tbe Oamme of tbefe out of g ouen/ anb mabe tbe mpooe ft of tbe ouen / ags ft ban beneacoIbetoBnbeWotong:Cotbatroefiw netbettaKhepjbi ra /Bueb tfje/netopa M burte^b^nlfefe tb?e(as out of one moutb) wSFtbiboiwuteD/anbbleOeb oofn 5 fo;* naceyfasmge. ^ . asieffebbe tbou/ fl&gt; Ho?be &lt;5ob of oute fa t^dc5,nf/,9. tbet0:fo?rbouap;ajfetibonoiitetoo?tbp/ veetobemagnfftebfo?euenno;e. lefffbPfauwii.f. .. Set&amp;ebofename oftbJgloff/ fo;ftf0 too?* ro* to be p?ai?reb/a magnf t\ eb m all too;lo; fflleffe&amp;betbottiittbebowempleofftpgio* w/fo? aboue all tbi?ng^ tbou art to be pm* frt/eeamo;e tben toojtbrto be magnf*. f i tn (oj tun icfff be roou f n tbe ttone oC fittfiwigbome/fo; aboue all tbouatttoo?* ttjto be it H fpofim of / a to be mo?e tbett




lfn fonge

tttagnf fteo f o; euei;.^le&amp;b be t&amp;mi/tfjat lo* ettfbo;o*tbe&amp;epe/?ifftteftbpontbecbe* wibmiafoj ttjou atftoo;tbr tobep/apfeo; 9 abQiieallto&amp;emagnlfpeafojeuec.iSlefleb to fftoU m tbe firmament of beau? / to; $ou art p;apfea^boiioutctoo;tbrfo; euet. aliretoo;c6e0of . *,o;b:tpea&amp;e good otlbe&amp;Q;6/p;aptebpm/anbftt&amp;pmbpfo; euet, SiS'a * *J/W/wa|fc btai/a fet Wm bp fo; euet. .*.. jebeauens/fpeaftegooboftftcjUybe: VJafft-Wm 1 anb fttWm bp W; met. s&gt; all # waters eftac be about tbe f ftma ment/fpeafi 'e goob of tbe ;Ho;De:p;aprt bim/ anb fctbrni bp fo; met. alf pepotoets of $)to;be/fpeaftegooft of $ jto ;o/p;a r f e Dim/ a fet b tat bp f 0; e u et. f&amp;ntwiftA . Feurtne a fl|)oone/ fpeafte goob of $ JU;be:p;arftfttm7aftf btm bpfo; euet. jDfau^uta a&gt; ?e {tame of beauf/fpeafte goob of tbe jl.o;be:p;arfc -tym/anbfttt bfm bp fo; euet. &gt; pe ty to e to a be to / fpeafte gooo of tbe %QMmwte btm/anb fctftftn bpfo; euet. - &gt; all petopnoes of 00 /fpeafte goob of tbe Ho; w :p;a p f e b mt a ftt blm bp fo; euet, a fl&gt;refr;cabeate/fpeaftcgoobof*Xo;bj p;arftbmt/artbftffttaibpfo;euee. . petomcetfrfommet/fpeafiegooboffc &amp;o;ae-.p;apcebtm/a fet bun bp fo; euec. ptbttteo a ftottcoytpeafte goob of fbe *;&amp;em;arbfm/anbftttbfmbpfo;cuet. peftottatibco!0e/ fpeafte goob of tbe Xo;ne;PWft bun/anbfett blmbp fo; euet. . pe pfe anb fnotoe / fpeafte gooo of tbe 3lo;be:p;apfc bmvanb feet btaibp fo; euet. penpgbteS anb oapes: fpeafte goob of tbe jlo;be:p;aprebmi/aretbmibp fo; euet. fD pe llgijtano batchneoe/fpeafte gooo of

e&amp;e Hoibs:p;arftbim/ a fetbmt bpfo? euet. re irgotertrnge* anb cloubeo/ fpeafte , ftoobofweiioflewarftbmi/anbfttibr'n 1 bpfo; euet. lett tbe eattt) fpeafte goob of ? Hojbe: . #*lffftp;arftblm/anbfttbtaitopfo;euet; SDpemoStapneg anb bPHes/fpeafte goob .. Oftbe&amp;o;oesp;arftblm/anbft8bmtbpfo; euetV - 0anregtene tbrngeo bpotit&amp;eeattb/ fpeaftegoob of tbt &amp;o;oe:p^af febf m/9 few -&amp;fmbpfo;euw. ' ss&gt; f etoelleo / fpcafiegodb of m jlo;bfi p;apre btm/anb fet bim top fo; euet. refteoanbflotibeo/rpeaftegoob oft&amp;e " ... &amp;o;oe:p;apftblm/anbfetbtmbpfo,icuer. iDretobaUeoanbailtbat ipue &lt;ntbe tea tet/fpeabe gbob of tbe JLojoe: p)a?rebfm/ iuibfttbmibpfo;euet. aiirefouwof? s&amp;t/tpmtpmt HcjU^Piaift biro/ a fctbftn bp ( 0; euer.

#tIjPto?ftt, all re bcali w 9 eaten / fpe a&amp;e goobot tbefcc*be:p;arfcbfm/aftfblm bpfo; euet, H&gt; re cbplbjen of rtten/fpe afie goob of tbe &amp;oi&amp;c:p;arftWm/attbftttbfo!bpfo;euet fl&gt; lettaftaell fpeafte gooo of tycloae: p/arftblm/anbfttbttnttpfo; euet. pc pjeftes of tbe no;w / fpeafte goob of Wfflmfr btot/a&amp;t bim bpfo;euet. 4fcM a&gt; re ftruauntwof tbe 5to;be/ weafttsS;^** goob ^ftbe&amp;o;be;p;aff*btttt/anb fettbf mmmT bpfo; euet. flWa.jriM, 1 a&gt;refp^tenaHb fouled of { tlgbtUoutt/ fpeafte goobof flje %m :mtft be m/afecc bun bpfo; euer. ti&gt; rebflir aHbBttfable men ofbetf/tpefc

ftepe goob of tfte ju^t:pwft je bum / ana fet bfm bpfo; euet. anantag/airarfaa anba^fael/fpease ye goob of t6i*&lt;b;b:p;ar&amp; wm/ s fttblm bpfo; euet,lW)ftbbatbbelruetebW ft5tbewm, f beil&gt;6epteb0ftomtbebanbeof beatb/trob be ftb tbe mrbbeS of tbe butnrng flamme/ erapiif a 9 fauebb* eue in tbe nuju&amp;eft of tbe fj; geurtbanche0tbetfo i jeb!itotbe)lo;be:fo^faitwtW4; bett&amp;gnoebatteb/abte metcp enburetbfo; euet.0aHbeuoutemen/fpeaftegooboftbe %otHt/tatn ti) ecsoD of all gobbeitc p;apf e b?m/anbgraeb?mtbancbe0jfo;bttmerq&gt; enburetbtoo;ibeb)Uboueenbe

-I _'

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C!je tto?p of ^u= mantel aftettb^&amp;atfii, bgion/eaileb joaebltn / Ibat tone a tojfe/tobofertametoaf* &gt;ufanna/f baugbtet of el cb tab/ a betrfar;e tboman/ ..,.- , a focb one bb ftateo dCfdb.iet! fafbetl bettuotbet alfotoeregowp people/ a taugbttbeft baugbtet aeeo#pnge to t&amp;t labjeof^ofts. 0oto|oacbim(bet bout' bauoe) biau a gteatetreb mS/ a ban a fapje o;cbatbe tornrng m 1 b is boure.lnbto ban Kfo;teotbejetoEgcomml?/becauCebetoass a man of leputacpon amonge tb? .cbefame I eate toe w mm mabe t to i uog ts 1 focb aft t\w Ho;bt fpeaftetb of :3CH tbe topcfi e BneOeof 38abiiori; cfime tft f torn tbe e&amp;iensdbae in ftomtbe iubge is/ tobttb ft me to tuie tbepeo* ple.cbefefaWedfttojoacblhtsboufe/anb all focb aa babenrtbpngetobouitbeiatee/ eametbptbetbntotbem. 0m toben tbe people came agarne at , after noont/Sufamtt toent tutober boufbSbe0 o;d)atoe/f toalfte . cbe elbetsferng fljW/tbat (pe ttlt ftibarire/a toaicbeo : tbeg ".' - pumfb



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fcutnebrttlufttobet/ reetbertoereaimod out of tbelt toltft(J/8 caft botone tb'eft tWI tbae tber muio not f e beaul /net tememb;e / ! &lt;Bobtjsatrgbtuou0tubge.&lt;fo;tbertoet^ otb toouoebtt t^e loueof bet /netbetburft one ajetoeanotbetbfe gtef e&lt;Snb fo; Qame/ tbep butft not tell bet tbett fno^ifnatelult/ i t be p tboibe farnebaue bao to bo toptb bet. fet tbepiapeb toarre fo; bet eatneaip ftom brtpetpbapc; tbattbepnwjgbt ( at tbeleeft) baueafrgbt of bet Jnbtbe one farbeto tbe otbet : Qiip/lcttb9goobome/fo;ftf9brnet tpme.s^o tber toent tbeft mare ftom bet. t&amp;bf ntbep tetutneb agarne / tber came togetbet/enquetrng outfmattet btrtottte fbemfelue0:reecbeonetolbe $ otbet of bps M cReo lu ft. cben appornteb tber a trme/ tom t&amp;er mf g&amp; t tafte fbufanna alone. ff Sttbappenebalfogtberfprebouteacon' ^uemettpme/ toben flje toent fo;tb to toalfie ( as betmanettoasOftnobobptoitb bet/but t too m a vols / a tbougbt to toafb bet felfe in tut gatben/fo; it ma? an bote ftafon i SPnb tbete teas not one perfontber r/ejrcepte tbe ttoo eloei'0/B babbpb tbefelue*/ tobebolbe bet. S&gt; me farbe tobet mapbens :go fet me ople anb fope 7 a (but tbe o;cbatbe bo;e / tbat maretoaftjme. 3Dnbtberbrba0mebab iem/anb (but tbe o;cbatDebo;e/a toentout tbemftlueBat a bacftebo;e/tofettbetblng t (i)t bao cSmaunbtb:but ^ufanna ftnetoe not/g (fit tmm lape tbete brbtoftbm.i9oto toben tbe mapbens toetegone fo;tb / f ttoo elD c tS gat tD em bp: a tanne bp5 b et/fapfngs noto tbe o;cbatbe bo:cs ate (but/cbatno ma canftW: toebauealuttbnto tbe/tbetfo;e tonftntbnt bg/anblpe tort&amp;b*. 3^ ^ftboutorltnot/toemaHb;rngeate(lf* monfellagarnfttbe-.tbat tbete teas a ponge

felotoe tottb tbe / anb tbat tboubaftfenta* icoa pe tb r mapbfo ftb tbe fo; tbe fame caufe. ^&gt;ufanna rpgbeb/anbfarbe&amp;ila* .^amfn ttoubleoneuetpfpbe.cbougblfolotopouc tnrnbe/fttoriibemrbeatb:anbrf 3! content not onto r ou 1% can not e f cap e route bSbes. mm/it to beetet fo; me / to fall m to route ^anbe to t tbont | beoebornge/tben to frnne intbefpgbt of tbe Ho;be:anbtoitb mat/ roe ctpebcwttoftbalouoeborcfttbeelbeto alfo ctpeboiitagapnftbet. Cbentannetbeteonetob;cbatbebo;e/ anb fmot e tt open . jfloto tobe tbefetuaates of tbeboufe betbe tbectrefntbe o;cbatbe/ tbertuObebt'naet|ebacBebo^/to fetobaf a m mattettoas. o toben tbe elbeto eoibe rbem tbe ft tuaunteo toere gteatltfafbameo/ 10; tobr/mete teas neuet focb a t epo;te ma* be of a&gt;iuanna.fl&gt;ntbemo;otoaftet came m peopieto gjoacbtai betboufbanbey atbe noo mm came alfo/ full of mrfcpeuott*



. rmagmaciso agarnfl ^ufarifiaV tbb;rnge betbnto beatb/a tpafte tbus befo;e tbe peole: &amp;enbe fo; ^nf anna tbe baugbtet of 5elc&amp;ra0/3ioacbhS tor ft. 3Pnb 1 'mm c of a tw tberftntfo;bet. StoOiecametebecfatbet amotbec/betcbriwfa aliBctftpntebej^^' ^ufanna toas a tenbet pttTbn/ dno matuclouo far;e o fat e.cbetfo;e tbe torcfteb mt csmaunnebtotabeoftbeciotbeoftSbetface {fo;mcto8JScouraeD)gatleett/tbermigbtf fO be fotlff pcb m bet beutie, cben bet fwoy ree aatttber 8 ftnetoe bet/begSne to toepe^ eftefe ttoo mm ftobe bp in tbe mrbbeft oftbe people/ 9 lapeb tbett banbeis bpontb*

beabeof^&gt;ufamta:tobftbtoepte/anblofieb . . . d . bp tcfaat&amp;ebeauen / fo; bet bette bab a fute i ttutt i n tbe Ho;be.ainb ttit elbets farbe : M toetoetetoalcftrngeftttbeo;cbatbe alone/ tbtf toomancamemtortbbet ttoo mapoeO; tobom (be fent atoare ftom ftet/anb fpatreo tbe o;cftatbe bo;eo.bBttb tftat/a ponge f eloto (tobfcb mete toag bro)came bnto bet / a lage toftft ftet JO f 0; bo/toe ftobe in a co;net of , o;cbatbe.3BnD tobe* toeftitoc tbfototcftebneo/w tbetSnetobettaperceaueb/rtberbabmeb' leb toget&amp;et.iBut toe couloe not bolbebrm/ torn toao fttongettben toe: tbus be oprneo f bo;e/a gat ftim atoare . $oto toftf toeftab tafte tbfo toomi/ toe af fieb bet / tobatronge felotoetbro toao : but me toolbe not tell bo, Cbf0fKtbemattet/a toebe tottneoes of tbe fame . cbe comen fo;te beleueb tbem / as tbofe t toete tbeeibeto a tubgroof tftepeo* pie/afotberconoemnebbettobeatb. *bw fanna ctpeb out tta loubeborce/afarbe: euetiaftrng ob/ tbou retcbet of ftcteteo/l*W.S.^ tftou $ ftnotoeftalltbrngeoafo?etber come to pa(K:tbou tooteft/g tber baue bo;ne falfe toptnc0agarnftme:abebo!be/3 muftbre; tobeteas 9) neuet bpb enp focbmpngeo/ aa tbefemenbauemattctouar/miftebagarnft me.3inbtbe^o?bebctbebecborce.jFo;tob5 (be teas leb fo;tb to bea tb / tbe &amp;o;be taprea bptbefp;eteofarongecbribe/toboftname toas pantely toftftb ctpebtta loubeborce: m 3 am cieane fta tbto bloube.^ben an pec : tg .&lt; pie tutneb tftem totoatbebun/a wrbpoibae wm meant tbeft too;beo/ f tboubaftfpobeiJ?a ;,$? ' nfelft0bemtbemrbbeftoftbe/afarb'Jtere : focb fooleo/ re cbrlb;enof fftael/tbatr^ can notbtftetnef f tbauebete conbemnebfl baugbtet of giftaelbnfo beatb/anb finotoe not tbe ttuetb tobetfive^o fpt onlubgmenc agarne;fo;tberbauefpoften raifc tormeu? agapnftbec.

ii8betfo;etbepeopletutnebagarne(naH tfte ftaftcainbtbe elbetfl(tbattt/tbep^ncr* pan beabeO)fapbe bnto b(m:com e fpt botone beteamongebss/anbroctoe wtm matt?* ferng&lt;0obbatb geu^tbeaogteateboK





tbefettooafpbeone ftomanotbec/ano tgen fljalig be ate tbe.tfcben tbep toete put arum betone from anotbec/be caiiea one oftftem/ atiafa yoe trrno b pm: tbou oioe cancaerae eatte/tbatbattbfebtbs topcaebnetle fo 100: tiirne bngrac?oud aeoed tot|&lt;cb tbou batt bone afo;e/are no to com e to (pgbt. tfo; tbou baft geuen faife .ubgerafted / tbou baft op* Ptfttebtbeinnocent/aretten tbegpltpe so fte/tobeteadpettb*IU#faBtt&amp;:Ebemno* cent 9 tlgbtuoud fetbou Qa?e not. iei tftS/ pf tboubaftfeneb/tejlnte bnbettobattre fatoeft tbou tbemtarcpngtogefberiHean* CmettbmnU r a flijjolbety ttee .3 na antel rapMttetp toell/nototboulfetteuen bpon t&amp;pnebeab. fcotbenteflaflget of tbe %otte fiatbteceaueatberentenceofbgrn/tocuttbe inttoo. c&amp;en put be bim afpbe/a called fo? tbe oHjec/ $ fapae onto bpm: tbou feae of anaan/butnotof jfuba;&lt;ffap;ene(fc batt) Dpfccauea tbe/ ? lull batb fubuetteb tbpne bme.cbudbeaitepeafo;etoftbtbebaugb* lets of Sflftael/anbt&amp;e? (fo; feare ) confentea

bntopouitrnttbebaugbtet of giuaa tooibe not abpaepoure tofcbeaneffe. $oto tell me tbanbnDertobatttee bpbefttbou tab e tbe/ eaapnge togetber? ^c anCtoe tebitansec a omgranatettee.cbenfasbe anielbnto piwerptoei/nototboii iej&gt;ft aifo cue \&gt;0 tbpnebeab. Cbemedaunget of tbe llotfe ftanae tb toaptf ng tof tb tbenoetbe to cut tbe HI ttoo/anb to flat e p oubotb. I ub tbat/ali tbe toboie multf tube gaue a greate ffioute/ana p;apfeb&lt;2$ob/tobi?cb 8ltoaveat!?tietetbtb5tbatputtbe(ttwft in f&amp;rai^fi.a. bimjnb tbegcamebpStbe ttoo elbetd(tob5 2&amp;mfeibabconupctetttbeit atone motto): tbattbepbabgeuenfaKetoitneBe) a beaitc iBt'tb tbem/euc lifietotfe adtbeptoolbe bane

Crjf ff o]p of get


Clje ttojp of iS ell/ ana of tbe ;agon/tob?cb in iij. Chapter of amelaftct tbe )La tpr. $ete toad at ftabplon an * pmagey callebj&amp;eijanbtbere* tteterpentbponbpmeuerg bave.rti.cabed .. ftepe/ano type gteate potted of tojne . ^_ i^mdfbtbebpngetoojftjfp bpmfeif/atomteoajijetobonoutbpiibue an fei too;fij jppeab td atone glob. Inbtye 6pngrapbbntobim:lbFBftnottbQutoo;. 0jj&gt;ppe;etf0eanfttereb atapbe:ecaufe % wane not too;ojp ppe tbpngtd t be mabe ?*** tottb banned/ but tbe ipupnge $ob tobpcb Si*., , .

ntabe beauen a eartb/anb batb potoet bpon Sf, anflefl).cf)eBpngfavDeijntoblm:tbmcbeftaj{,(Uj. tbounot/fc en id a ipupnge &lt;&amp;oW;reitt tbounotbotomocbbeeatetb anbfopncbetb rnetf 6ase?anW fmpleo/s teroe: Bjng &amp;!fceauenottbprelf:tbi3idbutmabcof elate toitbin/a of raetafl tof tbout / netbet catetb\, becuetanptbwge. lufam Cben tbe awige toad to;otb/ a faHrbfor bid p;efted/a tapbebnto ttemtSf pe tett me nottobofdtbfd/g eatetbbptbefe twtntw leibaHbpe-.butifrecan cettpfyeme/tbae tf eteatetbtbem/tben^antel tballbpe / (otini,mti "t battj fpoBeblafpuemFagavnttBel. 30na ^anielfaFoebntotbebfngeaetft fobe/aca cojopige ad tbou baft fafoe.cbe^eOed of eltoere.!cj.beffHetbcn:VDfued a cbite;?. ainci tbe bpngetoente toftb anfel m to^be temple of jeel.S&gt;oeldp;eaedrapbe:^o/ toe topii go out/ a ret tbou tbe meate tbete

MfftqMift JJMIttf.U



Donetottatbefc .mMbmttewwt, M bo^fal/anorealeft toi tbpne atone Kg* acco;opngetotbe tette of flpoftd/9 puttb^ netianb to mo?oto toben (bcu comraeftm /pf tboufmbeftnot/tbatjeelbatgeatenbpall/ toe topH f uftre oeatb: o; eld mntt\/} batb C l?e&amp; bpon bd. r be p;efted tbougb t tbe" f eifed furesnotigb /fo; bnoet tbe altatetbep bab mabeap;euvmtraunce/atbere toente tfieg I n euec/ano ate bp tobat tbete toad.

&amp;otobentbeptocrcgonefo;tb/tbeftfng fetmeates befo;e )6el.0oto ante! ba&amp;cS* maunoen bF0 fetuaunted tob?t"ge aCbed ana ttjefebefpfteb tbo;otoontalltbet!ple/ tbat m B?ngem?gbt fe. cbtn toente tbef out/an&amp; fpatteu tbe bo;e,fealfng ft toftb? ftwge d Cf gnet/anb fo oepatteft.jn tbe nfgbe came tbe p;eftedtoitbtbefr touted anb cbrl* b;en(ad tbe? toeretoonteto bo)anbateanb bioncbe bp ail .5 n tbe morning be tfmed at tbeb^abeoftbebafe/ tbefipngeatofe /am mntil ft bim.ltnE) tfi e fijng rayo : mantel/ ate

to aeatb.cft d tbe (nnoctntblouae toad f 3 ueb tbe fame base. ^ bm ^eicbtab absdtoffep;afeb ob/ fo;tbcfrbaugbtet&amp;ufanna/toftb?oacbmi beebuffranbeanball tbe btntebe:tbat tbete toad rtobt'fijonefte founbe &lt;n bet. if torn Ibafbape fo;tb toad antelJ|ab fngteateteputacvonni tbe ffgbtoftbf people.


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CCbeenbroetbeSo^ of&amp;ufanna. &lt;k * m


atf tacrfaledtofloleBet.'0eanftoaeb: Tee 08|ng/tbepbetoboie.$otoadCooneadbe bab openebtbebo;e/(be amgiofiebbntotbr aultare/actFebtoltbaloubebofce: &lt;Bteate ait tbou 35il/anbto!'tb tbetdnobtfeeate; Cbenlaugbebanfel/anbbcloe tbe &amp;?ng tbatbe(buibenotgofn/anbfa;be:Seboibe tbe pauemetymatcbe toeil/ tobofe foteftep* pedatet&amp;efefcbeft|!ngrarbe:3lfetbefote Itepped of men/toemenanbcbrlb;en. w Cbetfo;etbe bsngetoadangrpe/ 9 tofie t^t p;efted/tortb tbeie tojuedanb cbclb;en/ anb tbe? tbe toebbtm tbe p^u; bo^d/ tobete tbiv came in/ a ate bp focb (bulged ad toete fapo aultate. fo; tbe tobtcb caufe tbefitng Oetoelbf /anbbersuerebttelmto am'eid poicee/ tobtcb befttojeb bim a bid temple. a nb in tbat fame place tbete mad a gtea t b2ag5/tobicbtbepoftfab?lontoo;Opppeb. Mo &amp;&amp;ng fajbc bnto anielifas e a tbou/ tbat tbid id but a &lt;Efob of metali aifoflo / be iFuetb be eatetb a b;fncbetb:fo ptbou canft notfaje/tbatbe id no !j?ufnged5ob/tbetfo;e too;ftjipebim. Daniel fayse bnto tbe&amp;fng: 3! topll too; wipe tbe 'ilo.ioe m? ob / be id 5 mieipusnge(obuidfo;tb(d/beidnottbe obof lFfe.)Suegeuemeleaue( npng) a 91 fbailbefttof etbidb;ag9 toftboutftoeatbe o;ftaf.cbe&amp;pngerai&gt;be.3lgeuefbe feaue. CbEnaniflto6epitcb/ffl(teaitbbeattte tooll/9 bva fetb tbem tegetbet: /am mace lompedtbttof:tbidbe put in tbe 9jagon* tnoutb/afotbeb;agonbaeftnt foNbee: a'nb Lanier fapbeslo/tbetetdbetobomje too;* # ft&gt;tppf bJtoben tbep of abplonberae tbat/ v tbeptobegwateinbignacion/agatbetebtbf tcigctbetagacnfttbebwge/rapnge: cbe Stfngeidbecomea^etoealfo/bebatb be* ftropeb jsel/bebatb Urn* tbe b;agon / anb 1iuttbep;eaedtobeatb.&amp;otbei?cameto^ tms/9 fapocilct b0baueantti/o; eld toe topilbeftvope tbeanbtbpne boufe. ^oto tobentbe beng fatoe/tbattbeptuf* ffieb in fo f o;e bponbmva tbat neceiite con

0rai&gt;nebbim/bebeifueteb9anfelbntotbe. tobicb caft bim in to tbelpond benne/ tobete tietoadftfebased. ^ntbebmnetbete toete Ceuenipond/anbtberbabgeuentbem euetp bapettoobobf ed ana ttooOJepf. tobicb t^en toete not getietbem/^ tbegmygbtbeuoure aniel. -p cbetetoadingjebwja^opbetecaneb " atbacucb / tobicb bab mate pocage/ a b;obl ft;tbin abepe plattee/anb toadgopnge in to m felbe/fo; to b;pnge it to $ motoerd.tfut tbeaingell of tbe iofaFbebnto3Bbacucb: fio&amp;atf tbe meate tbat tijou baft in to '23a* Bf Ion /bnto aniel /tobftb id in tbe If ond benne Jnb%bacucbiapbe:Ho^e /Jf neuee fatoe jSabElon:a ad fo; tbettnne/pnotoe

y *

r *&amp;

^o, fcnot.cben tbe aingen of $ %oM tofie timi e &gt;t u,i(^^ bptbefoppe/anbbare bim bp be arte of $ bcab/a(tt)o;oto a migbtf e totnbt)fet bim irf vabpid bp5 (be btnne.a no abacntb ctieb/ far(nge:anieltbouferuaunt6fob/; , ....;, baue/tabe b;eabefaft/tbat eob batb f ent WMM &amp; * tbe. 3nb&amp;anieirafbe; (Sob /baft tbou tbougbt bpon mef toeli / tboii nettec fapleft tbemtbat (ouetbe. $&gt;oanielatofe/anb ate ; anb tbe angeli of tbe )Lo;be fett aba * cuty in W atone place aga? neimmebiatlp. . siipon tbe ieuentb base/ tbe bpge to en t e ^ tobetoepe janiel:anbtobenbecame totbc benne/be lobe&amp;in:anbbebolbe / aniei fat in tbe mpbbeft of tbe %vont ben ctieb tbe 6pngtoitbalonbebopce/faping:riateatt_ ,-i,^ ,,. tbou/l-o;be&lt;lE(ofiofaniel:abeb;etoeH e -'"^; fc bum out of tbe Kvmid* ; ifto tdat lirtt""**** tbecaufeofbtdbefttuccpon/^ in to tbe benne/ anbtbep totttbeuoureb in a

mementbefo;ebidface. 3ftet tbid/ to;ote t\)t ftpngebnfo ailpeo*' pie/ bpnteoed anb tunged/tbat btoeit in alt counteecd/fapenge: peace be muit jpipeb tt P0U.49P csmatmbemrnt id/inaii tbeaomt* nponof mpiteaimeitbatmen feateanb ftSbe irtatoeof 3anield&lt;BOb/fo; beldtbelpuing,,:^,^ &lt;,;; tfob/tobpcbenoutetb cticrtSm apngbome a " m * l,,,lfo abpbetb bn co;tup te/anb bid potoet id en et* c , t laftpnge.Vt iff be tbat canbelpuet anb timtnavm .to beootbtooflerd ana mameioud too;cbedfnf-'ii.w , teaiiehafneattb/fo;bebatbraue&amp; ant(Wjj.f; jewnieiftomttepbtoftof tpejupond.;peof3Ser, bolbencapt|ue&lt;nabjion. of oute .fatbetd 36b;abam / Ifaacagsacob/adf&amp;trgb Itoeoefeabeoftbf: tobicb ba 'mabebeaufanbeaitb/to |auo;namenttbetof/ bafleo^eneb tue fee bp tbe too;be of i . . tnaunbemftitobitb baft flume bp tbe be ana baft feaiebitfo;tbpfeatfull a lauba name/tobicb all men feare/anb tremble b f o;e tbe face of tbp bettu / anb fo; tb,e met oftbPtb;eatnpge tbe tobicb i8 importable 1 tofpnnerd.$uttbemetcpoftbp p;cmrdft gveateanb bnfeatcbabie: fo; tbou arte tbe jtojoedppb molt bPgbe/aboue all tbe eartb/ longefufttpnge / anb eteja? nge mercpBe/ $ lepentafit tin f malpte of mtn.tbou tw mm, tm

aftoibpgooonegbattpjomefebtepentaun' tt otm rempflpon of fpnne0:artb tbou tbat awe tbe od of tberpgbttoeg batt not put lepentaunce to tbe tpgbttoejs / atyabam gjfaac /and pcob/ bnto tbem tftat baue not firmed agapntttbe:J6utbecaute 3! baue

fpnnebabouetbe tiomb;e of te fatioes of ft f ce/artt tbat m pne M quitted at e mu l tipit ea 3( am bumbled toitbmanp bsaess of p?on/ 9 tbertsmmenob ( !eatbpng.gibauep;!ouoneD ttjgneainser/ anabaue done euel before tbej in cSmpttpngabbommacioss amultpplping otlence* Jnonoto$botoe ft bneejsof mpb requit taggoo&amp;nf,of ft )lo?D.^auefinnei&gt; ]^o;&amp;3S baue finned/ 9 ftnoto mpne fnfquifie. 3 oe toe tbe bp p?ap et/fl&gt; Ho?d fojgeue me: fojgeueme 3 dettrope menot tofty my nt tnu quftpes/netberbotbou altoapfe tememb?e mine euelles to p unpib tbem / but faue me (tobicb am bntoo#bp)after tbpgreat meter* anb % toll p?apfe tttc eueriaft (ngl p/ natty baft* of mp ipfe to; all tfiebertueofbeuenpjap* Ittbtbe/abniotty belSgetbglO' ! tfe/too?ioe J tofK) outeenbe, araw.

tt)e^acf)abee&amp; cMttv tfte Ueetftof aierattDer t&amp;e fepnge of s3?a# fconfo/antioctjus tafceti) tljc fti?u8&amp;ome.G8jani? of ff}e c^ptOif n of Jfraeimahe coucnaune wttft tlj* &lt;B&gt;tntp/

ir&amp;s $$fcofce

cfcbuo;en&lt;)partebbp0MboffleamMge tbem/ tobple be toass pet alpue.&gt; %\mmmbu wpgneDjw,ieate/atbenb?efc .t&gt;i(t.b. after bPPbeatb fell tbe npngdomebnto W Vitncea / $ tbep optaf neb it en e rp one in bfijsotome/ 9 caufeotbefeiue0tobecroto* neb agfimgeamndfo dps tbeitcbt&gt;;en after tbemmanppeare* / ?mocb topcfteoneCenv cteaceb in tbetoojloe. ftutoftbefecameft bngtacioup rote/noble 3Cntfocbu0 tfie f onnet a * ja. oflntfocbu0ftmng(tobicbbabbeneapleog **

8ti8ome)atytaignebmtbec,jtwrt&gt;ii4!eare oftberalgneoftbe&lt;iP;eBe0. M 3|ntbofebat&gt;e0toenteibcre outof9!fraen* topc&amp;eb men/ tobpebmouebmocb peopled tbefr couneell/fasenge: jlettb0go 3 mafic a couenaunttoitbttyfeatben/farerounde aboute bss-.f 0? fence toe Departed from tu em/ toe baue bad mocbfo?oto. g&gt;otb?f3oeupce pleated tbem toeii/ anb certane of ft people t obe bpon tbe foj to go bntoft fipnge/tobicfr gaiietijemlicencetoboafteetbeojbmauitce oftbe$eatben.abenfettbegbpanopftcole {at?mifojem)oftbe latoe* cftbe#eatb en/ atoerenomo?eeircuncpfeb:butfojfo6etbe boip ceaamente/a f ojneo tbem f erne* to $ i^eatben/atoeteeleanefolDetooomprcbefe &amp;otoben3(!ntfocbu0begarmeto be mfgb* tie inbi0 ngngaome/be to en te aboute to op* tape ft ianbe of tfgppte alfo/tba t be mpgbe baue rbebomtnpon of ttoo tealme*. pott tbi0 enttebbein;togppte tba fttonge boot to i tb cb arret teg/eiepba n teg / bowmen anb a gteate nomb;e of tyippe* / anb begarme to loam agapntt Ptolomj tbe Binge of gp* pte.ffiu t ptolomp toajs a ftapeb f b?m / anb fleb : anbmanp of be? people toere toounueo to aeatb.cbus 3Dntioebu0 i8ne mamOtS*

tsssspsssa^ssaissa ^iA**wv**v*m**

tiftattme/anOfojtipOBc^ tobcfeiSoite istee.m* iiot&amp;UBfcttetljtop anjaoieouec t^caultec of tSoD, CCbef^ttCbapter. iftetttac Mttftott tjje fonne at&amp;WlwPtf binge of fflOaceoonia toentefo;tbof ft Ianbe of cetbim/a fle toe @a tiu0ftpgeoftbeperf|an0 a 30ebegfftbappeneb/t&amp;atbe ibbegteate toarres m bSbe/toanneberp ma&lt; tt'pur onge tttit8/9 fleto man? binge* f t (s e ttb:gomgtbo;ototo ft enbep of tbe toojibe gettfngmanpfposlesof tbe people :3 ; nfo

tbelanbeofggppte. ainbaftectbatHlntfocbu^babmistten^ gr?pt/be tumebagape in tbe &lt; rUij.jeate^ 3 toente totoarbellftael/a came bp to setu^ falem tottb a migbtie people: 9 enttcb pjou* 01? in to tbe &amp;anctuarp / anb tobe atoapt golben attate ; tbe canbriO^cSe anb all tbe omamentetftbetof / tbe table of fffietobjea tbe p outing beflel ft cbargens/ ftgottenfpont tbebale/ tbecrotoneganbgolotn appatelf of tbe temple/anb b?afiebotone all . fee tote alto tbe fpluer a gotte/tbe p;ecioug JetoeB* anb tbe fecrete tteafute* tbat be f ounce.

mocb/ ft tbe toojloeOobein gteate atoe of 30nbtobenbebabtafimatospeal(togetbety

bim/a tberfoae toa^be p^oubein Qftt berte. I^oto tob a be bab gatbered a mfgbtpe Qt5ge Booa/afubouebftlanbe* apeopie^tbew p?ince0/,fo ft tbef became trpbutatpegbnto flim-IiefelCicbJnbtobenbe perceaueb tbat be muft neoeg W I be callebfojbjj* noble c aat5(tobtcfi bab bene tyougbtbp toitb bi'm

cmUh a gteate mtmbut of men /anb 1 fu! fiilebbi0ma!iciou0p;cbe/bebepavteb(nto W atonelanbe, bu0tbere atofe great e beumtae anb mifetrin altbelanbe of gsftaelcbe pjincea atbeeiber0of tbepeople mourned / ft f on* gemen aittt&amp;emacben*toettbff?!cb/anb (ye faf n

Hbttmt be'utyt oFbiemen toas cbaungeb: tbe b;ebegromeanbtbe b;|oe tobe tbem to tnoutninge: tbe ianbe anosuafe tbatotoeit tberin/toa0moueo:fo.2ali(be boufe of |a* C^objQg0lbjpugbt to confufton. WV afterTttovearegtbe ftpngfentbW cbefe t,uW** treafurerbntoft cptits of Juoa/robtcb came to Serufalem tottb a great mult! tube of peo ttfe/fpeabinge peaceable to o?oea onto tbem

6utaIItoa0DiCceate:fo?tob5 tbej? baogeuS bpni crebence/befel fobenlp bpjntbecptpe/ , fl 9fmoteitfo?e/anbbeBropebmocbpeopleof dWtiW'k f ftaell, anb toben bebabCpopleotbe tvw ) l m.,u / befetfweonit/ cattpngebotoneboufeganb w9.i.r. maiiest on euerp tyneMW to emen anb tbep; ebilb?entobetbepcaptiiie/aiebatoapetbeii; catel. arben bupibeb We tfc caftel of auib to it b a great anb tlj ten e toall/a "a&gt;i^ mtgbtie toto;eg/anb mabe it a Q;onge boloe i 0; tbe. 38eftbe alltljifJ tbejfetttovcfteb people anb bngooip men to fiepe it/Soareo it torn) toea pen* anb b ptaleg :ga tbereb tbe goo be of Te mfalem / anb lay cb tbem bp tljere : ttju* b e* cameitatbeupftcafteii. 3nDtbps3toa$3Done to lape toaite fo; tbe people tbat toent in to tbe atic tuarp/ ano f 0} tbe crucll bettrucc pen of 3 fmeu . cbus leptbeb innocent bloube on euerpfpbe of ft ^anctuarp/anbbefplcb it : ?n fo mocb tbat tbe cttcfpitfJ mere fapneto oepatte/ahoibe ci'tye beramean babitacjonof araungcisi/ bepnge befoiate of bee atone feoe / fo; bee a tone n at puejs toere fapne to leaue bee . f$et ^&gt;anctuarptoa0rtenetoafleij/berbolyoaf!; toere tnrnebintomoutnpnge/bee&amp;abba* flws.mif.b, tbe* toere bab inberif?on / anb berbonoure feougbt to naugbt Xofie b to great bee glo t p teas a fore/to gteate toag bet confuf pon/ anbbeeiopeturnebinto fo?oto. m antiocbu* alfo tbe binge rent out a com. . w.3 midion bnto alib8 bpngbome / tbat all tbe ' people amine be one. cbehtbepleft euerp manbp01atoe /anballtbe I&amp;eatbenagreeo to tbecSmaunbement ofbpnge 3Dnttocbui3: yeem'anp of tbe $feaeiite0 confenteb.tbere bnto/ offeringebntolbol0/anbbefplinge ft g&gt;abbatb . otbebpnge 31nfgocbu0rent &amp; 10 meoaunger0 toftb W commiflpon bnto ^etufalem a to ail ^t mm of luba : tbat -fbepomlbe folotoe tbelatoe0of tbe 0eatb?/ anbfo?bab etbee burnt offerpnge meatoffe* lingeojpeaceofferingetobemabeinfttem* pie of ob/ a tbat tbere (bulbeno $&gt;abbatb iterbpefeaSbapebebepte:butcommaiibeb/ tbat tbe ^tanctuarp anb tbebolppeople of Sfraelilbulbebebefpleb. $e commaunbeb alfo tbat tbere Ibulbe be

f ett bp otber aitate0/temple0 aUbol0: to of* fre bp f topnejs fleib 9 otber bnclene beafte0: tbatmenQMiQeieauetbefi; cbiO;en bneir*



cunetfeo/tooefpietbeit foule* bjitbaftmanetof bnclenneire aabbominacfon* . ft tbrp mpgbtfo forget tbe latoe / a cbaungeaii tbe boip o;binaunces of on-.a tbat tobofoeueu tooibe not bo aceojot'nge to tbe commaunbe* ment of ntng aiitiociius, OjuloefuBrebeatb gniphenianer ccntmaunbeb betbo;otoout allb!0realmc/a(ibrettruler0 ouer tbe peo* ple/fo; to compeil tbem to 00 tbefe tbinge*/ commaunbinge tbe cpt teg of 3&gt;,uba to bo fa* criftcebnto3!bol0. Qbtn toente u)e people bnto tbe beafben bV beape0/ f o?fohe tbe latoe of tbe %m/ a comitteomocb euelin tbelanoe:peeanb cba* ceo outtbefecretegtraelite0/ tobiebbabbpb , tbemfelue0 in corners anb p;eup place*, if cbejrb.oapeoftbe monetb Ca0eu/in tf)e C*lb.i?eare/rett ftpnge SntiotbujJ an abbo minable Jibol of befolacfon bpon tht altare of 00 / anb tbep buptbeb alt aree tbo?oto out an tbe cptve* of |u&amp;a on euerp fpbe/ befo;etbe bo;e0 of tbe boufes / anb in tbe firetesfctobere tbep b?ent incenfe/anb bpb fa. Jew. tffm crpfpee. Mb a^fonbebofiegoftbelatoeof ob / 1 be p b;ent tbem in tbe f p?e &gt; anb rent tbeminpece* . ibatfoeuerbetoa0(bae bab a bobe of tbe te aament of tbe %m foaa bp bpm/pee tobofoeuerenbeuoreb bpmfelf to bepe tbe latoe of tbe )Lo?be /tbe bpngc* commaunbement tea*/ tbat tbep maloe put b?mtooeatb.3nbtbo?otobl&gt;0aucto;itetbep

eremtebtbefe tbmgesieuerpnionttb/bpMi tbe people of JCraell tbat toere fonnoeli tbecptpea, &lt;tj5 be f pue anb ttoentpe bape of the monetb MM***** tobat tpme a* tbep bpb racrif ice bpon tbe ai* tare(tobicb ttobe in tbe Keabe of tbe altare of tbe&amp;o;&amp;e)aceo;bpnge to tbe rommaunoc. mem of ftpnge aintpocbu* /tbep put cer* tapne toementobeatb /tobpebbab caufea tbeir cbilb/en to b e cir ciicf fett&amp;ot onlptbat/ buttbepbangebbptbe cbpiwenbp tbenec* be0tbo;otooutal(tbeirboufe0/anbaebieft circuncifer0oftbem. fettoeretberemanpoftbe people of w&gt; taell/tobpcbbetermeb in tbem feiue0/tbaf taet tooibe not eate bncieanetbpngegtbut cb ofe tatbev tofuSrebeatb/tben to beoefilea ttbncleanemeate0.^&gt;obecaufetbeptoolbei not b;eabe tbebleOeb latoe of ob/tbeptoe* recrueiipaapne.3inatbi0great tp;mpfitt ' creafeb berp f o;e bpon Gie people of |Ctae, CCCeemournfngof Ola^!Kt)iab snbfxs (Smmm ft ' ttttettm cpon oltmoll tprt*. mV teftife Mi S*!? yagV 01 "- bi* oimmMm m tt)c tatiw of^SoO. mtgau ttajnc * \v rtdffefgtje agapnr tecaufc otttit &amp;sbbot\) Mp. Haamm op" inwcommaunoeto ^iofonncoto flpcBeljpthe vsatU Of XBoOafrer tftc ejeampu of tfjefathew. Cbe,ii,Cbaptet.

Cfjtftff-fefct Wmw tbere bpb ftanbe bp focb facrpftce / flttta focal* 1*2*2*2 one 0atbatbpaaMomieoC&gt;p' out latoe/to go anofbettoaEe. anb toben be me&lt;&gt;ntbep?ea(outof tbeawitebof baorpoberitbefe to;w0/ tbere cameone of joatiS)ftom gcmralcm / a btoelt tfte 9,etoes/to()t?cb openlpin tbe fpfijt of all / * - - - - o pbfectifpce bnto tbe gibois bpon e^e ault in tbe cptte of flobpn/aco?bpng to t^e urn* ges commaunbement.

ibe* fiatbatb*ab fatoetbpS /ituwuefi PSmattbeperte/fotbatbps apnes ffJOHerc toftball/anD&amp;i&gt;Sto?at&amp;Hlnblebfo?bet??ele oftftc latoe 4 8&amp;i?tb tljat be gaue a fbpppe f o?t^ / ano fiplleo t|e gjeiD uefgoe t^r auicn;: T eeano Hetoetbealnges commiOioner/tbae copeileb bim to Do factpf pce/ia ceQtoE eb tbe

bpon toe mount of fiBobin / ababb.fonnes: j bo ealleb 000 t's : fe p m on / called cbaft s jubas/otbet toife called fl0acbabeus:4ea* ?ec/otbertopfe ealleb 8baton:anb gona tbas/tobofefurname tea? aippbuS.cbefe fatoc tbe euell / tbat teas bone amonge tbe people of 91uoa aierufalfJnbapatbatbiab Sav be:lofs me/ alas $ tm% mas bo?nc/ to re tbt'S mtfetp of mp people/a tfte ppt eouS befttuceib" of bolpcite:a tbus to f pt fo 88/


it being belpueteb in to ' ffim of 3 enemi*. aultet at tbe fame traieM s *$$ajejt flultrt ^ ft g&gt;anctuatp f come into tbe potoet of to latoe of OD/Ubeas^pnebes bjbbn* *rw

ttraungers bet temple is/as it toere a man g batb loft bis goob name.$cc p?ectouS o?na * mentes ate carpeb atoape captpue / bet oloe men ate dapne in tfje tttettes/aber po*ge ml ate fallen t&amp;ojoto Ctoe atoe of the enemas, n&amp;batpeopie is ft/tbatbatb notfomepof

to*&gt;amb;lKonne of&amp;alomi. ainbflatba* tbiab etieb toitb aloubetoopcctpojoto tbe cf* tf e/fapenge:ibof in f mien t in tbe latoe/ a toil fiepefcouenaflt/let btmfoiotoe me,&gt;o MMM3 beanbbjsfonnes fiebintotbemountawes alef all tbat eueetbetbab lntbecftt?e.flEa

f eflpon inbet mngbome i m tobo batb not ty otber gobl? men alto Dcpatteb in to toil* gotten fome of bet cpopicjs- 311 bet glo?? t berneffe topta tbef r c&amp;tfwi/tbe it topues ana tafienatoat?e.&amp;&gt;be toas a amenm note dje tbeit catei/a temajnea t betftgng is become an banomaybe . iSeboloe oute focreaceb fo Co?e bpon tbem.

jbanctuatp/ outebetotpe a bonoute is toa Art atoape/aoefpieb b?tbe&lt;i5entileiS. oebat belpetb it bs tbe to fyue i Mb ^atbatb pa Ij rente Dig elotbess/be a bii f onnem put fa cb clotbbpon tbem/ amoutnebbetpfoze. m cben cametbementbt'tbettob?cb toete ^fcnt of fipng aintiocbug / to compell focb ag toeteflcb in to tbe cptie of flobpn/fo? to bo fac?f ff cc a to butne t'ncenfebnto 9!Dol)S/a to foyfafte the latoe of on . &gt;o / man? of tbe people of3lftaeU confcntebaenclpneobnto tbe/but SBaHjatbpab abiUfonnesftcmai?* iten fte&amp;fa tt.cben fpafte tbe commifftjonetis of fi?ng 3intiocftu0/anorapDf bnto #atba tbiab'-cbottattanobieman/ofb^eteputa' ci'on ana gteatc in tbtg citpe/bauvnge fa? j e cbflo?cnano b?etb?en . Come tbou tbetfo?e fitft/anbfulfill tbe bpngejj cffmauntsement / Isbe as all tbe eatften bauebone/ vee a tbe men of giuoa /anbfocb as remapne atretic falcm.f malt tbouanb tbp cbffi);enbein tbe . lipngeiS fauoute/anb entpcbeb tostb goioe/ fpluet a gteate te toatbess. fl^atbatbiab anftoeteo/anbfpabe tot'tb a " louoe bopce: D ougb all nacponu obepe tbe Rpng autttocbus/ anbfalatoaje cuctpntati fts hepptig tbe latoe of tbeit fatber&amp;tbougb tbepc5CentetobiScommaunoementei8/pet topi 31 ampfonne* anbmp b?etb?en/not fali frotbeiatoe ofoutefataets.oo fo;bpbtoe uloettbat toete not go 00 fo?bst/tbattoe fbuibe fo^fabe tbe latoe anb o^bpnaunceis of ob/anbto agte bntotbe commaunbement of fcungeaintiot&amp;Hfcc&amp;etfotf toetoslbo no

jQototobentbebsngeis fecuaunteg/ and tbe boott / tobpcb toa*at$enifale" in tbe cp p tfeof&amp;auibbetbe/ 1 cettaFnemebabb?0' fientbe Bpnge? commaunbement anb toete

gone tbeit toajetotbc toplbemefle fnto fe* cteteplacejs /anbtbattbetetoctcmanp bepatteb after tbem:tbep folotoeb bpon tbem to fpgbt agapnft tbem fn tbe feabbatbbare afapbe-.nspllpesettebellfiBefcyoubfn^^ bo tbe commaunbement of bpng aintioefiwJ anb re flbal iKue.cbeganftoeteb-.Jffie toil not gofo?tb/netbertoplltoebotbeb?nge0com* maunbement/tobef{letbe g&gt;abbatbba?e. 3oto.i,t&lt; cben beg8ne tbe? to fpgbt agafnft tbenc^ utxtbeme tbep gaue tbem none ot&amp;ev an* ftoere/netber caft tbe? one ttoneattbem net mabe fa a tbefr pteup places /b ut fapbe. Je tofllbpe al in oute rnnocencj/ beauf $ earn) mallteaifietoitbbst/tbatreputbStobeatft to?ongeoflp.buS tbep fougD t agasnlt m bpontbe ^abbotb I adetoebotbmen aca* teiif t&amp;efetojuefj a tbeit thmfit to tbe nom* bi e of a tboutanbe people. SBataatbiab anbbssJ ftlbes b* W,* tbt'0/tbep moutneb fo; tbem tigbtfoje/ anb -fapbc one to anotbet : jf fo be tbat toeaiibo as out b?eu)?f baue bone/a figbtnotfo?out: ipuejj a f o? ottteiatof agatnft ^ eatben: tben (ball tbep tbe foner tote m out of tbe eattb.&amp;otbepconclubebamongetbemfel* ucsattue fametime/fat&gt;enge: iBBatfoeuee bebetbatcommetbto mabe battapll toptft bs fapon tbe ^abbatb bate / toe topllfpgbc agasnd btot/a not ojealyag out bjetbjen g toew

toete mutt&amp;utep fo banouap, otpon t\m came tbe S&gt;pnagoge of tbe Vetoes bnto tblx arongemen ofiftael/ all focb au toete fee* uent in tbe latoejnbailtbep tbac toete flea fo? petfeeucpon/came to beipe tbem/anb to ttanbebptbenulnfomocbtbat tbep gatbe* veb an ijo oft of men / anb Qetoetbe topebeb boetjs in tbeit geloufp/anb n)e bngoblp men in tbeit to;atb .&amp; ome of tbe.toiclieb fleo bn to tbe l^eatben/ano efcapeo. &gt;&amp;bufi a9atbatbiab abtf ftenbes toente aboute/anb befttojebtbe aulterg/anbcit' cumepfeb tbe cb?lb;en/tbat babnot pette* ceaueo citcumcifio: as manp as tbep founbe

toitbintbe cotteS of ^frael-.a folotoebmigb* telv bpon tbe cbpHyenofpjpbe/a tbisacte p;ofpcteb in tbeit banbeft gin fo mocb/ tbat tbep fitpte tbe latoe aga^ntt tbe potoet of ^ entiles anb tbe fiinges/anb gaue not ouet tbeit bom pnpon bnto topefteb boe ts. - aiftettbpStobentbetpmewetoeonfaft/ * ebat flyatbart)fab roulbebpe/befapbe bnto bisSfonnes-.jiiJoto is p;pseanb petfecucpon Incteafeb/notoistbetpme of be&amp;ruccpon a to?atbfullbpfpleafute:tobetfo?e( mp fon= nes)be te fetttent in tbe latoe/ anb ieopatbe Sbuslpues fo? the eoamft of tbefatbers: canto tenumb?aunce tobat acfes oute fa

Bt iU mthbbtts


fou in tbe latoe of tbe %ojbt pfltire ob / ve all optapne gteate bonoute tbetin, ainobebolbe/gi, finototbatpoute b?otbee s&gt;pmon t&amp; a man of topfoomr. fe se geu e eate bnto bpm altoape/^e malbe a fames bnto pit, m fo? Sjubais fl^ac&amp;abeust/be batb euet bene mpgbtpe anb fttonge fro Dps routft bp:let bim be poutc captapne/ a o?b?e tbebattapll of peopie:tbus all ye bjinge bnto pou all tbote tbat fauouce tb e latoe &gt; a fe tbat pe auenge tbeto?onge of joute peo-&lt; ple/anb tecompence ttfe l^eatben ;agapne/ a applpepoutefeluestoboleto tbe commad* bement of tbe latoe. S&gt;o be gaue tbem bp# bleapnge / anb teas la?eb bp bps fatbets : 9 biebintbe.c.a.ribi.peateat^obin/tobeve b?S tonnes btttiebbim in bPSfatbers repuN e/aan3!ftaell mabe gteate lamentacpotg fo?bm. CJiiOnBiBtnaiictulet ouet t^e Je'tote. for hgttcttj appolotiftw 9 Scroii rtjcptfnce of fep?(a.Ci)c con* fjBcnce or juoaj tomtit OBoMuoss octctmpnctu to f fmt agapiitt Iprmay wftom awiortjua u no rasoe taptajnc ouet ijfe ^ort. CEijep^ajcr of j auttcsncM. C^be.iu.Cbaptet. ^en ftobe bp 3fubas flacbabeus inbjs fatbers fteabe/aaii bis b?e* ? 0fe p, U8 Mp

,tb?ebeipebbim:anbfobpballtbep5, l ,;,V.iuy 'bat beibe 15 brs fa t bet / a fougbt a n t tq ,

!KOll.$.C .oin.inj.o

tbets fi?b tn tbeir tpme/ fo all pe receaue toift) cbetefulnelTefo?50frael.S&gt;o 5Fubasaac gteate bonoute anb an euetlaftinge name. b&lt;S people great bonoute: e put on a bfen emenrb?e ab?abam/toas not be founbe plate as a gfaunte/a atawb bpm feife toidi faptbfulltntentacpon/anbittoastecfieneb btsbatneae/anbbefenbebtbebottetoitbbps bnto bim fo? tigbtuoufnesf 3!ofepb in tpme f toearbe.gjn bis actesbe teas ipfte a LnnJ of Dps trouble uepte tbe commaunbement/ anb as a ipos tobelpe toaringe at bis p? ape




1 -


anb toas mabea)lo?be of.cgppt .Pbmebes outefatljet toas fo fement fo? tbe bonoute of ob/ tbat be opta^nebtbe couenatmt of an euetlaftpnge p?ettbobe, gfofue fo? fulfil* iingetbe too?beof ob/toas mabe tbe cap* rapne of gfrael. Caleb bare reco?be lief 02 e tbe congtegacio/anb teceaueb an beretage.

30auibalfo in bps merc^full Bpnbnefle/ op tasnebtbettone of an euetlaftpnge fijngfiome.Cliab beingegeious anb feruentin 9 latoe/toas fallen bp in tobeaue.^ananias/ afarias anb g^tfael remapneo Qebfaft in fagtb/anbtoetebeituereboutoftbefpie.-jn tyke manet JBaniel be?ngebngpitpe/toas faueb ftom tbe moutb of tbOLyons, ain&amp;tbus pemape confpb?e tbo?oto oue $atlages fence tbetoo;ltiebeganne/tbat tobo foeuetputtbtttuainob/toetenotouet come, jf eate note tbentbe too?bes of an bn= gobip man/fo?bps glo?pis but bong e anb to o?mes:to bape is be fet bp/ anb f mo?oto is be gone : f 0? be is tutneb into eat tb / anb BPS mem 0? pall is come to naugbt. naetf o?e (&gt;mp fonnes)tabegoob bertesbnto;ou/a Qupte coute reluestp&amp;e men in tbe latoe:fo? Sf poo tbe tymtfi tbat ate commaunDfO

W s

* ^

l^e toas an enempe to tbe topefieb/ a buntea tbem out: anb b?entbp tbofe n)atbeteb m people: &gt;otbatb?S enempesfleb fo? feate ofbpm/anballtbetoo?c6etsofbngob!pnes toete put to ttouble : focb lucfie anb p?ofpe* tpt e toas in bis banbe . cbts greueb guerre nmW but gjacob toas gteatlpreiopfeb n)o *oto bps actes /anb begattbpmfeif agteate name fp? euet. $e toente tbo?oto tbe cttjes of gjttba/ be ftropengetbebngoblpoutoftbem/tutnpng atoape tbe to?atb ftomaftaell/ anbtecea=&lt; upnge focb as toete opp?etteb : anb tbe fame of bim toente bntotbe bttemoft parte of tbe eartb,ben 3Cppollonius ( a p?pnce of &amp;p tia ) gatbereb a mpgbtpe gteate booft of tbe ^eatbeaoutof&amp;amaria/tofpgbtagatfift SfraeiLiebPcb toben 9&gt;ubas petceaueb / be

toentefo?tb to mctebpm/fougbt tojtb b?m: ftetoeblm/anbagteat'multitubetoitbbim/ tbetemnailtefleb/a betobetbeit fubftaftce ^ubasaifotobeaippollonfusatone ftoeat* be/anb fougbt toitb it an bis ipfe longe. *Boto tobe S&gt;eton(anotbetp?pnce of &gt;t* ria)betbefate/tbat Jubasbao gatbereb bntobfmt&amp;econgregacr/on anb cburcboftbe^

lje fp$ bofee


f aptbfuH/be Csetie:3 topn get me a name $ ap^apfe tbojoto 3 totfl gofisbttortbgubajS a tbem tbat ace topt&amp; &amp;pm/asfmanp asbaueoecppfeb tbebpnges commaunbement. &amp;obemabebpmreabp/ anb tbere toente toitb bim a gteate mpgbtpe booft oftbebngoblp/ to ftanbe bp bpm/anb to be auengebof tbe cbplb;en of Jftaei. 3nb tobentbe? came npe bnto ;6etbo;on/ gubas toente Coitfb agapnft tbe toitb afmaii com&lt; ianp.2inb to^e ftps* people fame tocft a gteat ioottbefo;etbem/ tbep tapbe bnto aubag: ?oto ate toe able(beinge to fetoe )to f|gbt agap.n ft Co gteate a multitube anb to fl t 5 g ti feinge toe be to toeer? /anbbaue faftcb an tW &amp;apei mt %um fagae-.^c fa a (man mattes Co; man? to be ouetcome *d&gt; ftoe:pee tbete tsnobpffetencetotbetfobofbcauen/tobe

H3ftetfoje0etoa^cupm^rtnnM/anlJ&lt;.![ac6 t bn ( cbouebt to go into perttbeff /Co; to tabe ft** butwoctbeianbe/a fotogatbetmocb mo* nepe. a&gt;o beieft jipftais (anoblcmauof tbe Bp ngca blouoe ) to ouetfe tb e fiftigesf buc p* neffeu/ftom tbetoatet cupbjatepbnto tbe boflecsof cgppte: atoBepetoell btecoime 3nttocbu0,tpllbecameagapne. g$o?eouet/begaue bimbalCof Bflsboott anbeiepb^/commptteb&amp;ntobpmeuerp*

tbpnge of m mpnbe / concetnpnge tbofe tobpcb btoeitm 3uoa and 3SctuCalent:tbae be fljutoefenbe outanatmpe agapnft ml tobefttope anbtototeouttbepotoet of $C raeianbtbetemnauntof g|etufaiem:topuf out tbeftmemo;tan Cwmtbat place/tpCet ftraugetgi Co; to inbabpt an tbeit quarter?/ anb to patte tbeit lanbeamongetbem.cbu(S tbefipngetoBetbeotbetpatte of tbe Ijooft/^ww


ipuer bpa greate tnuttptuw o;bp a fman anbbepatteb ftomElntioeb (a cpte oCbp* te ****

.araitjrt.6; tbe bfcto;p oCtbe battel! ftan* betbnotintberaultptube octbebooft/ but C tbe fttengtb cSmetb from beau?, JBebolbe/ tbep come agapnft b$ toptb a p;efumptu* owsanb p;oubemultptube/tobetttopeb0/ cutetopuessanboutecbPlbzen/anbto tobbe bs.tfuttoe topilfigbt Co; oute ipuejs ; afo; cute latoes*/ anb tbe )Lo;6e bpm felfe (ball beatopetbembefo;eoutc face :ttjfo;e be notpeaftapebottbem. as foone a? be bao Cpofcen tbere tooflesf/ be leapte fobenlpbpontbe.bu0 teas &gt;e* tonfmptten/anb ftisJ booft put to f Hgbt/anb jubassfolotoebbpon tbembeponbe iSefljofon bnto tbe plapne f elDc : tobete tbete toete flapneeigbtbunwetb men of tbem/anbtbe wfpbue Ciebtntotbelanac of tbe &amp;mW* nee. benailtbe$eatbe on euetpfpbe toete a Cr apeb Co; ? ubas ano W b;etb;en : f 1 b a t tbe tumoute of &amp;pm came bnto tbe BpngejJ eatejJ/Co; alltbe entples coulbe tell of tbe





e3PntJocbu$$bfatbetbeCe tpbpnges/b e teas angep in big mmoe:tobet f o;e be fente fo;tb anb gatbeteb an booft oC bPStoboie teaimebetv, fttonge avmwftanb opmeo b^tteafutp/anDgauebs^ booft a t eatea toagpes in banbe/ commaunupnge tbem to be teab? at an tpme* . ^euettbeleae x^m be Catoe /tbat tbete teas not monepepnougb wb?3 tteaCutfeg/ anb tbat tbo;oto tbe btrco;be anb petfecuc^ on/tobpeb be mabe in $ !anbe(to put botone tbe latoefstbatbab bene oColoe tme* ) bps euttomess 3 tributes of npfteb feared tbat to beate tbe cofte^ anb tto;tobauefocbgpfte0/to tbe lanbe toete rap* be toag notable Co; cbatge^ anp longer/ gette Colibetalle

a0bebpbaCo;e/mo;etbentQe Bgnge? tbat toete be(o;ebpi.

alme ) ouet Kje toatet of &lt;upb;ateg / in tbe bunb;etb ano.tibii.peate/anb toent (bo;oto tbebcecounttee^. 3JnbjL|Ka?cbofe bnto BBm^toIomi? tbe WMM Conne of jso ;imfnu0 / j5cano; anb @o;gfa$ mpgb tp men /ano tbe Bfnge* Ctenbtsi.Cbefe be cent toi^.id.tboufanbe Cote men ana.bif. tboufanbebo;tmen/Co; togointotbe tenbe of |u&amp;a/an&amp; tobefttove ft M tbe bpnge c0 maunttb.&amp;otbe?tofteCo;tbtoitbaUtbefe potoet/ 5 came to (Smrasusj into tbe piasne fclDe.iDbentbemarcbauntefS bearoe tu moute octbem/tbep^ tbettfetuatintejj tofie b erg mod) fpiuet 9 goloe/f 0; to bpe tbe cb?I Djenof grraeitobetbtftboftDemen. rbere came bnto tbem alCo pet moo men oCtoatte on euetp Cpoe/out of^p;ia anb from tbe paledpne*. j^oto toben giutiag anb b^t b;etb?e Catoe tbat trouble mcteaCtb/ 9 tbat tbebooft b;eto * npe bnto tbeit bo?o ets-.conipoer^ng-tbe &amp;iit&lt; see too;oe0 tobicb be commaunbeb bnto tbe peopie:namelp/g tbeptbuice bttctfp toafte anb befttope tbl:Cbep fapbe one toanotbet: jLet bsJ reojeffe tbebecapeoCoute people/let b0 CpgbCCo; oute fol&amp;e anbCo; cure 3&gt;anc tuatp. q%m tbe congtegacpon toete Coone teaop gattjereo to fpgbt/to p;ape to mabc

Cuppipcacponbnto &lt;0obCo;metcp agvace. M Co; gemraiem/ttlape bopbe/anb toa^, -,., ^ asttbabbene a toplbemefte. bete mm**"*nomanmno;in!tatft/anbtbe&amp;anctuav , toais troben botone, be aleawite^ Bepte tbe caften/tbete toa0tbe babptacpon of tbe 1$ eat ben. bemp^boC^acobtoa0taaett atoapeytbepppeanbtbebavpetoaftgoneCtS amongetbem. me 3!(taeipteitgatbeYeb$emtogetbet/ anbcameto^aCpbabeCo;eietuCale:Co;to jarpbatof tbe place to&amp;ew t&amp;ttvm 6(Q}t



ifbjetpmr.^)OtbepCaQebt&amp;atbape/ 9 put facBclotbesbpo tbem/caft anHejs bpStbefs beao/tentetbrti!clotbejj/8lapDefo;tbtbe boaeis of tbe latoe ( tobetout tbe ^eatben Cougbt tbe ipcaneoe of tbeit pmageso ami &amp;;ougbttbc ^;efteomametejJ/tbe fitftiins W ano tbe tptbe0;bep let tbete alfo tbe abftepnet^tobtcbbabtuiCpUebtbeitoape?) befo;e 000/ anbetpeotoptba louoe bopce to tea toe b ea ti en/f apinge*. bat fyaU toe bo itoptbtbeCefanbtobptbetaalltoe car? tbem atoape^fo; tbe anctuarp i* tcobe botone anb beCplcb/tbpp;efte0 ate come to beup* nefte anb b p flj noute : anb bebolbe/ m I) ea* tben are come togetbet Co; to Dtftrope W, Cbou finotoeft tobattbpngea^ep pmagpn agapnft ts.^oto map toe ftanbe befo;e tbe/ weptetboud &lt;Pob)beoutebelpef Cbepbletoeouttbettompette alfttopty aloubebopce.cbeniubast o;beneb cap tap* .neu ouer tbe people; ouettboiiftnbe*/ ouet 6unb;ebe*/ouet fpftpe / anb ouer ten . But as Co; fo cb as Uuplbeb tbemboufeg/ matpeb topue^/plantebtbem bpnepatbeg/anb tbote tbat toete f earfuiiibe commaunbeb tbf eu u tpmantogobome/acco;bpngeto tbelatoe. $&gt;o tbe booft remoueb/anb pptcbebbpStbe CoutbCpbe of cmntaug.

3tnb3iuba0Capbe:f tmepoute feiueS/be Ittonge ( mp cbplb;en ) mabe pou teabp agapnft tomo;oto m tbe mo;npnge/tbatpe mape Cpgbttoptbtbefe people / tobpeb ate agreebtogetbertobeftropeb0 aoutefanc* tuatp. 3Betteti)8itCo;bjJto bpeinbattapli/ tban to ce on re people anb oute fanctuarp mCocbampfetablecate. ^euertbeieffe/a(f m topiu'ji in be auen/ Co be it. *3ftaasaoec&amp; agapnft (Satammm Htb in towtt. fepurtett0?giM&lt;m(&gt;&amp;f6 fl^W. UH tmaotmmft/ltat jalae iriut t b Dim ou(e.?a6 imtpfpttf tbt temp It mo fcojesttto tbe auieacr., Cbaptet. l^entoBe^ojgfas CpuetbouCanb (menoCCotej a a tbouCanbeoCtbe Ebeftbo;fmen:a remoueb bp nigbt / ftocomenpetobetetbeaetoejJboft lape/aco to dape tbem Cobemp. i&amp;oto men tbat bepte tbe cafteu/toete tbe conueper* oC tbm.benatoCe3!ubaistoCmptetbecbeCe 9 tepneipall of tbe fipnges $oft at &lt;2mmau0/ Co? tbe armp teas not pet come togetber. in tbemeanefeafoncamedjiojgtasbpnpcjbtin teaubaisttntw : atobenfte counse noman tbete/becougbttbemintbemountapne0/a tbougbt t&amp;epbabbene fleo atoape becauCe ofbfm-15uttobfCttoa0bape/fubais^toeb BpmfelCe totte felbe toptb tb?e tbouCanbe menonlp/ tobpeb batbtietbetbatnefie net

fte earoe0 to tbeft mpnbejt, . ut on tbe otbet fpbe/ tbep fctoe tbat t U fccatbentoetempgbtieanb toeli barncaeb/ anb tbeit bo;Cmf aboute tbem / anb an tb eie toeli erperteirt mm of tearre, cben fapbe liibajJ to $ men tbat toete toitbbpm: 57 e ate not pe tbe muititube of tbem/ be n ot aftapeo f tbeit bioiente runnpng e : rememb? e ^ to

oute fatbet? toete belpuereb in tbe reeb fee/ toben |&amp;bataotb;eatneb tbem toitbagteate^o.)H&lt;M &lt;0uen fo rettbjf aifo ctpe totoatbe beauen:an&amp;tbe)Lo;De (ballbauemercpbpa b0/anb tememb;e tbe couenaunt of oute fa tbet0/pee anbbeftropetljig ^oft befo;eoure face tbis bape:anDai!i ^ eatbe" fliai snoto/ tbatiti0&lt;!5obbpm felfe/ tobicb belpueretb 9 anb faueu) S'frael, _ men tbeleatben Ipft bp tbeit epe? :anb toben tbep fatoe tbat tbep toere commpnge* agapnft tbem/tbeptoent out of tbeit tentest intotbebattapll: artbtljep tbattoctetoptb pmj Metocbp tl)t trompettes . ^0 tbep bucftleb togetbet/anb tfje l&amp;eat&amp;en towebif* comfpteb anb fteo ouet tbe plapne felbe:buc tbe bpnmoftoCtbem toete flapne, 4To;tbep Colotoebbpontbem bntoHtraremotb/anb in toibeCelbeiJof gibumea totoatbe 3?ot anb giamntat Co tbat tbere toere Oapne oc tbem b'pon a me tbouCanbe men. Scubas tutneftflgapnetoptbb&gt;0 ^ofte/^fapbebnto tbe people : Be not gtebpoctbe fpopicg/toe ba* tie pet a battapll to fpgbt: fo; eo;gia0 anb bwbott ate bete epbg in tbe mountapnejs/ but ftanbe peCaft agapnft oute enempes / 9 ouetcome tbf:tbmmapepe fafelp ta&amp;e tbe fpopiejs. 3ijsg^ba!5toagfpeaBingtbefetoo?be0/ (! c tbete apeareb one parte of tbem bpon tbe mount. uttobanffio;gpagfatoetbattbep otW pattpe toere fteb/ ano ttje tentea b;ent bPCCo; bp tbe fm ofie tb ep migbt bnbetftanbe tobattoa0bone)tbeppetceaupngetb&amp;/toe* te berpCo;eaftapeb:anb toben tbepCatoealfa tbatgiuba* anbbps booft toetein m CeibC teabptoftticBebatapH/tbepflebeuerfcbona in to t&amp;e lanbe of tbe i^eatben. d&gt;o3&lt;uoaiStutnebagapne tofpopie tbe ten tes /to bere tbep gatt mocb golbe anbfpl&gt;&gt; uet/p;ecioii0ftone0/purple(igreatttcbe0, cbus tbep toent borne anb fonge a Pfalme oCtbanbeigeufnge anb p;apfeb 00b Cnbeauen:Co; be ftgtacpoug / anbbp0metcpen&gt; butetbfo;euer: ainbfo fftatHbab a gteate r a i m. btctp;pintbatbape-. t a SSStfi j5otoalitbe^eatbent^f efcapeb/ came anb toibe lipfpajs euetp tbpnge an it ^ap*

peneb. Jbetfo;e llpfpas tonsffo;e afrapefi anb greueb in biff mpnbe/becaufe 9;ftaei bab not gottenCocbmpCCo;tunea0be tooibetbep


_j*fte6pnge commaunbeb, _jenerteieare folototog/gaftceeb fcpfta* tU?e Cco?e t^oufanoe ctjofen men of fote / f fyueftoufanbebozfrneVtofigbtagapnaftf gjofteycametotoSietozy/attQpytfteb 3fteit tetesattfeftojon/ to&amp;eregiubas came agapnft ftem tolft ten ft oufanoe men . 3nb tobenbefatoerogteatemigbtpeanboott/be mabe&amp;js p;apet anb fapbe : lefttb be ftou (0 fautouee of %meu ) tobpft opbbett De am e fte bfoiem p otoe t o f fte gpaunte / to .!, ,t&amp;ehanbe of tap feruaunt iDaupb / anb ga W,m&gt;W* ueft fte boon of fte $eaften to to fte banbe ofHonaftasiftefonneof &gt;aul )anoofbps toeapenbearec. putftpsboottnotototo ftebanbeofftp people of $fraell / anbietftera be confoint' liebtofteftmuitttubeanbbotfmen. #a&amp;e ftem afeapeb / &amp;b?fcomfo;ft fte bolbnes of fteft tttfgft/ ftat ftep mapebemouebtbo toto fteftbefltuccton.catt ftembotonc fto rotofteftoearbeoftb? louer* /ftenftallan Wv ftat fmoume ftp name/p;apfe ft e tolft ftanfietgeuynge. g&gt;o ftey ttrofietbe bateH/ana ftere toere flapne of ftptfas booft/fgue ft oufanoe m tn. 9 en 1-pfpaS fepnge ft e Dpfcom frt pnge of - ftps men /anb ft emanlgnetTe of fte Vetoes/ bote fte? torn wan? / eftce toipue o? tobpe me mem^e toentebnto Ktotpocbe anb fto fe out men of toawcft at toba" ft ep toere ga= fterebtogeftet/ftepmpgbteomeagapneto tojeto;?. bmrapbe$.uba$anbbpsb;c t&amp;jembe&amp;olbe/ out enempes ace bffcomf ftebt Jlett bg nop) gopp /to cienfeanbtotepap?e

fte &gt;anctuarp. . _ upon ftys &gt; aH fteboott gaftetea ft em .ptogeftee/ anb toente bpbnto mount &gt; von. a -ffiaeii t a . i&amp;ototobanftep fatoe fte &gt;anctuarp laieb tfoubbes grotoinge in fte couttes/ufie as to a toob o;bpon mountaynes/yee a f. i Ptf* aeS(Tene0toercbjolienbotone:beprente fteir cloft es/mabe great lamentation/ cad aff&amp;eubpon fteft beaoe*/ feiibotoneflatto ftegtounbe /mabe a greate noyfetojft fte ttompe tees/s crieb totoarbe fieauen. ben guba* apognteb certapne mento fpgbt agapnft ftofe W cb toere to tbe caftel till fteybabcienteb fte g&gt;anctuarp. &gt;ob* cbofep;ette0&amp;toercbnbefpleb/focb asbab pleafureto ftelatoe of &lt;3ob -.aitb ftey clenfebftc&amp;anctuatg/anDbateoutfteoefyleb ftonestotoanbncieane place, ainbfojfo mod) as fteaultet of burn torTespnges teas &gt; fenbalotoeb / be tofie abupfement / tobatbe mtgbtbottaUrobeKlougbtittoaKbeStobe* Owpeftdetttt foutoebappento ootbem en? Cftamofo? fte;tpeaftef)abbefpleO!t/ a fter fo;etbe?bw8e wbottne- M m Uoni fteg

iab tbf bp p5 tbe woffttfne bf f ^buftto a conuenfent piacettil ftete eameap^oWet toQietoe/tobdtOiulbebeDonettftbtbem. &gt; ftep tobe toftole tt ones aco?btoge to f iatoe/9burtoebanetoault; focboneasm.A, ato&lt;tbout/balotoeocouttes$,Ji:bepmaDe J ' HUM,,l ' 8 ne to omamente?/9 b;ougbt ft e camrtiakb tbeauttetoftocenre/fftbetabletototbct?* ple.cbetocenfeiapeo tbejbpon tbe aultee/ ^ iratjteD fte lampes tob?cb toeie bpon fte canDflftfcbe /ftat ftepmpgUt buvne in I te&lt; pie.c&amp;e?fettbe metob^eobpon tbe tabie/^


rttoauafoje. 3enbbpontbewb.oateoftbe (i:.monetb/bJb&lt;cbeJcaHebtbemonetbofca^ af w* . fleu/to tbe .irtW.?cate:tbe?i:ofe bpbptp. mes to ft e mo jnpnge fo; to bo f actpf ice (ac* coiotosetotbelatte)bpontbenetaibumt;of ftsngeaulter.ftaeftepbab maDe:aftecfte tvmeano feafon tbat tbe i^eaft en bab befp* unit, cfle Came oare toss ft fetbpasagne/ totftrongespgpes/Uatpes?c?rabaies. ano all fte people feu bpon tbert facejJ/^ too?afppfngeftancfi?ngooofbeau? tobicbbab8euentbemtbepfcto;s.^otbe9.|)i(iU)9i fiepte tbebeWeacfon of tbe aulterwM. basesn offtgnge bumtfawffce* 9 tbanboScfngeft tutft giafineae . cbep becfite ,ft e temple alfo ft ccotont 9 Q) f toes of golo/s balotoeb po? te0$cel(es(/9baseObo^bp6tbf.Cbu0tbete teas oetp gteat giabties amonge f people / becaufef biafpgempof $^eaftetoaspuc atDase.9o9uD80ab^b2etb?ftttbelbbo' le congregation of g&gt;ftael/o;6eneD/ftaefte tpieoftbebebFeacfSoftbeauItevlbiii&amp;ebt fieptetob^feafonfeomjeawtoreaee/bp fte (pace f b com ft e m . ttm of tbemoneftUaatu'.jecanbftattosftmEjft) anbglabtieffe. anbatftefametpiebuBRie&amp;ftepbptbe mount g&gt;yontotftb?etoaHes anottronge towes tounoeaboute-Jett entiles tbuia come anbtteane ft botone/a0 tbei?bbafo)e. 4 betfojeamw* fettmmof ttawetoft/fo&lt;-*w*w iiepeft: anbmaoeftftconse/fo) tobefeftbe jsefttow: tbat tbe people myMttyuuavt' fugeagarnatbetf&amp;oratfes. CJiitiau bagnqusitea tty Statlun ifiat OO'atetifttt U Orope Jfcacl/anD is boip eo of t)W bptfttn ibimon mo jonac^ 8uefcotot{J At qptj eof p^8H/

begSneeoOa^anMopetrecute cettapne of i^.wfc.c tbepeople.cbenlubasfouisbt agapnlt fte wv . cbPKeof Cfau to Noumea / 9 agaf nfl ftofe tobtcb toere at 3dcabaftane ( fo; ftegoteeic

tounoeaboutefte3irtaeittejs)ttbecebeaetQ atttfpopleb a geeate muUgtu&amp;e of ft em. ^e ftougbtairobponftemilyceanbbtifapti)' fulnes of $ cbplWeof ean/ bote fte? toere afnate 9Qoppebntotbepeopie/9bob)fte? ia?ebtoaf te f o^ftem to WW toaFeubbet* fo;ebe (but ft em bp to to totoers / ano came bnto ftem/conbemtlea ft em / ano b;ent bp tbeft tott;es/toftb all ft at toere in tbem. 3)fte t toatoe toente beagafnft fte tW b;enof3Cmmon/vsbe(ofbefounDeami?gb' tpe pobiee $ a greate multptube of people/ tbftbetotoft; fteft captame.^o beftcobe man? battagis tofft ft em / tobpeb tu ere 9?' Oro?eo befo;e brm . afnOtoften be Km napne tbem/be toanue &lt;6a;et fte mw / to vtb fte totenes belongmge tbetto/anb Co turtieo a* game to to gebJ2?.be^eaftenalfoto m laabgafterebtbetogeftec/agapnttftt jf. taebtesftatteere tofteir quarters to da?e tbem:buefte?aeoto$catteiiof@afteman. anbfent letters bntojubasanbfjisbjeft??/ fa?ingc:be$eaftenaregaftereDaga?n(i 35 bs on euerp fpoe/to oedeorebs/ 9 note fte? mabe ftem f 0; to come/anb la?e Cege to fte cattell/toberunto toe are fleb / anb cimoft? ifi fte captayne of fteft^ott:come ft e tf o;e/ anb oeif net bs out of ft tit banbes: fo; ft ere S a greate multptnbcofbSQagne all reaop. Y eeano outeb;eft?en tftat toete at cubin/ arefla?neabeQco?eb{toeUn?ea ftouCanoe

&amp;f tfyi Matl)t&amp;m

CCbe.b.b8ptee. bappeneb alfoftat toban t^t9^ mti eatbmtcrunbeaboutbrtbi'botogJ^P'''

_ : bp toft w one ettate ft Wf pieafeo fte bet?fo;e / toberfoje fte? ftougb

to bettro?e fte generation of Jacob tbat teas amonge ftem ; 9n fo mocb ftat fte?


r&gt; 1

to*.rmcnbeg8ue ft^e ftctifciitc men ft? to go tn to ealilce; tut guta* t?tn re iff i;ab e?abt tboufance m calaaotfttm, ^ ben toente ^ tmon in to eaUlcc / atia &lt;a ' Otobe Wuetfe Uatcut, totft tbe ^f at0rtoi;5 beWfcomfpteD/anofolototb bpon ftem br. toftepo?teof^tolomaiS. 5lnt&gt;ftete tare ua?ne of the l^eaften allmoft.tij ft Durante men.&gt;o be tofie cpoyics of ftem, onbca* r ieb aaa?e ft e 5 fra elites/ft at to ere to a ltleeanuatbatis/to?ft ft eft to?ues/ fteic tbtib 1 en anb all ftat fte? bab / anb b?ougb( ftem to to 3ieto?? toift gf eate giabneffe.3 u Oas ^acljabeu s alfo anb ^i b?oftrr|Qna ftas/taiente ouer|o;bane/ano traua?leo.ftjl ba?es fourne? to fte toplberneae:!bece fte ebufteesmetftem/anareceaueDftemio* u?ngt?/anb totoe t b^uef? ftpnge ftat faaa bappeneb bnto fteir b;eft;en tn (Balaabt. fttm/anohotoftatmanpof ftem toerebe* fegeb to 58atafa/ofo;/ailimis / Cafpbo?/ filpageft anb Camaim(all tbefe ate Otonge toaileb anb nipgb tie greate cjtiES) anb ftat tbe? toere fiepte tooftet c?tjt{ of alaaa alfo: a to mo; to fte ? are apopnteoto b;f ge fteir $od bnto ftere cptieu / to tabe ftem f to topnne ft em to one cape. &gt;o3iuoa0an&amp;&amp;teBotttume&amp; toali fte base to ftetoplderneoe tov&amp;arbe 20cifo;/ano toanneftecptte/aetoeallftemalcst wift ftoeatte/tobeallftrftgooaejs/anDrfttfptf bpon fte t#it . 3toDto fte npsDt fteptone fteft (outnepe from ft encc/ans came to fte! eaaeH.36nbbptf megtoftemo?npnge tobeft fte? lobeo bp/beboloe / ftere teas an mnu*

men ) anb tbefe topes / fteft cbplbjen anb merable people bearpnge labets anb of tet;

^eiv goobes bane fte enempes leo atoape inUmme tes of toatre/to ta&amp;e (be caa eiianb captpue. toouetcomeftem. ib?reftefeiettetjJtoere peta wabpnge/ iben9fubasfatoe ftat fte battapii be* oebolbe/fterecameoftevmeOaOgens from ganne/anbftatftenopfeftecoftoente bp $ m iiie/to itb ventecloftes: tobicb toibe euen range to to fte bcauen / anb ftat ft ere toad fte fame tpbfnges /anbfapbe/ftat ftepof Cogteatea crretoftecptft^etepbbntobrt ptolomaus/of?;us anb of fet'bon toeic bott:fpgbtftiSbapefo;?outeb2eft;en.'{8nB

gafteteb agapna ftem/anb ftat all Galilee teas fplieb to? ft enemy es to bedcopelfcael iEbenJubas anbfte peopleberaefttt/fte? came togetb ec(a greate congregacpon )tobe upre/ tofjat ftepmfgbtbo fo; fteft b;eft?en/ tbat toere to trouble a be fegeb of fteft en u m?es.ainb?ubasfapbebntoS&gt;miSbiSb;o fteucbofe fte out cettapnemen/anb go belt* uer ft?b,eften to&lt;aWee:3s fo; me anb m? b;ofter?onaftas/toeto?llgoto to cefaiaa. biftim.S&gt;o beleft ^ofepbus tonne of 5a* cbarp/anb3Cfarfasto be capfapnes of fte people anb to fiepe fte remnaunt of \ $o(t infeto;?/anbcommaunbebftem/fa?fnge: afieft e ouetfpgbt of ftps people /anb fe t vt mafie no toatte agapnft ft eea ft e n/bn* ' t? II ft e tpme tbat toe come agapne, a no w

t 1


fo came bebpnbe fteft enempes to ft;e com&lt; panpes/anbbletoe bp fte ftompettes/ anb ccpeb to fteft p;aper to @ob. ut asfoone as tmoftfs bott percea^ utbi a^atbabeug toas ft ere/ft e? fleb from btot/anbfteofterdetoe ftem bourne rpgbe fo?eifo ftat ftere toere fitoebofftemgrame

bape/almoft epgbt tb oufanae men.ben be partcbgubasonto #afpba/la?eb fegebn&lt; to it anb toanne it/fle to e all fte males to ft/ fpopleb ft/anb fee fp;e bpon ft. tftom ftence toente be anb tofie Cafbon/iagetbi?8otoi anbftioftet cpt Min alaai ..... .... gafterebfmoftpanofter0 .otte/tobtcb Pftcbeo ftei'ttenteSbefo;e m Pbonbeponbe fte toater.lubas Cent tofppe $ bQfte/afte?b?ouaj)tbmih&gt;o;be agapne/ mm**: fapt'nge/



ftooft tsberpgreate-.y eetftepftaueftpjebtft* $&lt;* toftattpme MiubasanbjRonga* BSmft8petBem/?Kp(tci)eD tbeic toe m (fte lanbe of mm I ano pmon

come ? fpg^t agapntt tb e.&gt; o 'Jjuoas toente on to mete teem. anb cimotftp fepbe bnto tfte captapnes of ftps 0ooft : toften Juoas 3 ftps ftooft come nye$wtt-vt be go mietrM/toc al not be abietotoftftttanbefttmifojtoftp/ftetoflbeto ft r5ge fo; s.ut 1? foe bam not come ouee fotftatftepftcftfttstentebeponbetfte mater: tften toill toe go ouee/ fo; toe tftalbe ftvonge pnougftagapnftftfm. litotoasfoone asSu* bas came to ft tpuct/fte appopnteb eerrapne f crpbes ot tftepeople/ acommannoebtftem/ fapenge:fe ft peleauenonebeftuibcbpStftfe fpoe of tfte tpuer/ but let euerp man come to ttje battapi. g&gt;o be toente f trft ouer bnto tbe *%SS(SS|SSStMl opfeomfftebbe S^K^Sffiffi^g* fojeftlm/attbleWfctoeapensfal/awnne oftftefemen/bptoftS tfraelltoas ftclpeb.

ften lofepftus tfte tonne of Sacftaep ano afarpaft tfte captapnes/ fteaepnge of tftcacte* tftat toete bone ano of tfte battels tftac toete fttoben / fapoe: &gt;Lctt bS ge t bs a name alfo/anogofigbt agapnft tfte l&amp;eatften tftat atetounoeaboutebS, ^botftepgauetfteft ftooft a commsmtoe^ ment /anbtocntetotoatbc "Jamnpaft. ften came ojgpaft a ftiS men out of tfte cpt i tjt fpgfttagapntttftemrjofepbu* alfoanbafa tm tone cftaf ebbnto tfte bwbets oe y.tmv a tftete toete Oapne $ bane of ft people of lf laelfj^memfogtbetetoasagreatrmTerg amonge Jpeople/a al becaufe tfte p toetenot obeotentbntoguoas anbftp*b;etft;m/ but tftougftt tftep (bufoequpte tftem femes man

ftuo tftcte*pletftat teas atCarnafm. itafttcft cptpe* uoaStoamie/anb bjenttfte temple . toptft all tftat toete. m ft; fbo toascar* Mm ftibbueb/anbmpgftt not totrftOSoe Ju bas.cften^iibasgatb^ebautfte3jfraelftcs tftattoeecui alaaogtbsm /from tfte ieeft bnto tftemoft / toptft tftett topuftf anfttftetv eftpjb?en(abetpgreatebooft)fo?tQcometn to tfte lanoe of gtraeii. KB f&gt;otftepcametontoPft;on/toftfcfttoaiJ a mpgfttf e/greatc anb ttrbge cj t ie/ano tape fotftcfttoape,tfo; tftep coutoe not go bp it/ netftec ofefte tpgftt ftanoe nee oftfte left/ but mutt goo tftojotott. iQeuertfteieae tftep (bat turn tn ft w te/tooiDe not let tfte" go tfto; ott / ftuttoattebbptftepotfes toftft Hones. anb gjubasfent bnto tfte" tt peaceable toojbes/ raKmge: jiet bs p acre tb o/oto poute lanb/ toemape goo in to oute atone coimtte:tbete (ftalMoboopoopou batmc/toe topfl but on* lpgotfto/oto.#utt&amp;eptoolbenot lett tfte in. ifterf oje guoas commaunoeo a p;ocla' macron to be mabe tftbjoto cute tftel&amp;ofte/ tftat euerp man ctmloe bepeftttoweumbfo tftep m tfteie beft isftebaleaunt men. 3nblUDa0bcfegebtfteci&gt;tteaH tftatbape anbatt tftat npgftt /anb fottanneff.toftete tbes Oetoe as manpatf Vottemalegi / ano be* atosebtfte twa anbfposiebft / anb toente

tfto^oto all tfte cftte ouee t&amp; I $ tn ete Oafne. cftentoent tftep oueelo^bane in to ftplapne feme before TSetftlan . atab^uoa* ftelpeb tftofe foitoatbetftat cam beftpnoe/ anb gaue tbe people goob eico^acpon ail tae toage tbojoto/tpu" tftep toete come into tftelnnoe offuba.cftustfteptoentebpbnto ft mount &amp;im/ toftcre tftep oSteo tt mp;tft ? tftanc&lt;

uttftemf g toetetoiCftgfuDas/bjewgtea* tlpcommeniKbmtftefigfttofaUlftaclianb all^eatften /toftetefo eueetfteie name teas ftemebpon/ 5 tbe people came &amp;nto tfte bp&gt; bpngetftem toeicome. f fteetftpSbjenteSuba0fo?tft toptft ftptf b?etft;en/anbfougfttagapnfttfte cftplbjeoC Cfau/totftelanoe glpetft totoiatbe tftefoutft tofteee fte ttianne tfte cptie of ^eb? on anb tfte totene^ tftat ipe befpbe tt:a as f 0; tfte tnalles anbtoto?esstounbeaboute(t/fteb?entt&amp;em bp.cften temouCbfte to go in to tfte lanoe of tfte^ftiltftmes/anbtoente tftojoto &lt;&amp;ama* ft rametymetoetetbetemanppjettS ftapneuitfte battapU/toftpcft toplfullpana toftftoutabupcement&amp;xnteoutfo^to fpgftc to gettftembonoure, anDtoftenaubas cam toi^ot In tfte pmnms lanoe /fte b?abe botonetfteauUates/b?etittftepmages of tftett|bow/tpopiebft eptie^a cameagapnt in to tfte lanoe of SJuba, C.anf (0 tfiuc to jll jnj* (o (ate tfi e ntit ofIfns toi ap?ap(teB|uen9W%0f&amp;etf5lt$w.befaUet&amp;&lt;n

tQtjthenwanCitipttft. Mf tonne stnuoc^m tomate UngbKCtitbtrrsf oftoefoiwvofftion.Ciipatpf mctt) fn fo jmt ttU agceat atmje. t iioW#

#f tdt iHaf Mm,


Ac cptpeatb fpopieft/butftetoastiotabir., bngartpmtnof aftatli'opneb tftera feiu erf BBS ffiKS&amp;f toawrt ttt/ fou 9^ &gt; WA (fte bpng fSr K ***-*'** * rtmgeippHftbe/o/tftoupunraj m&amp;S outeb?etft;en/ m ftaue euec benempnoeb to botftp fatftet matte f bftf fta* tlttfij/anttto obepe biScommaunBementeej ffteefo^e oute people m f torn bs/ a toftete* fbeuee tftep founoe anp of bS/ tftep detoe tfte ;

lbftlm4nbfobefleb9oepateii\bgteatfte upnefle/a came agapnetnt JSab 0^ . teouettftete came one bifttcft b;ougftt ftpni tpbpnge0tniaecfpbe/tftatftfi8ftooaesib&gt;fttcft toew m tftelanbe of 3ju0a / mere o^puen a' toape/anbftoto tftat jLfttas tsent fojtft ftcft


^ tSH&amp;Sff 8^a&lt;Jb?puenab)ape at artb tftep ftaue not onlpmeoieotowb bfl/fi uc njesetoesjototftattftepftabtoonnetfteWc* toptft ailoucecounttees tani ibeK/K to?p/agottengreattgooiies outof tfteftoo- bapeart tftep befegpnge tfte cafteil a t fS Jes gpetplftebjftoto tftep ftabb^onf bobme rufalem/anb ftaue maoebp tfte ftrSgef toibe tfteabftompnacton/toftttftftefetbpbpoittfte fnJBetftfutatSnbpftftoUDoefthOtp^ene nte^^.Wfi

* altate at^etufaltm/anb fenceo tfte S&gt;anc t u at p wi'tft ftpe toalies/iifee as it boas af o;e; pee anb 23c t ft fum ftfs cite alfe. j5 &amp;oftcbaunceb/tftatbjftentftemgftab ftetbe tftefe toojocss/fte was aftapeo ano gte*

I ***

fbem rpgfttfoone/ tftep topil do mojetften tfiefe / anb tftou (bait not be able to ouet* cometfttm. - aBfteiitfteSpngeftetbeftrs /ftebjasberp, vene ww nogw/ve uias areapeo ano gte* angrpe/an? called all ftps freHbeg / tbe c ap ,S*n m* ffiffiKS2ffiS2SS l *SS! ^^PSfotemenanbofalli)fsS bponftis beb/anb fell ffcfte fo? beep fojotoe: men togetftee. i^e ftp?eb m en of teatre alfo out of otfteetealmesano oute of tbe lies of tfte fee/toftlcft came bnto bpmdtab t fte nom* ^ftisftc.iDes/afapbebntotft? 5 tfte tiepeis 9.nM.mmm\smmtmmlbSvLmtA m Cfterecametfto?oto Noumea bnto^etftfu.S w/anb befegeb tt a longe feafon / anb mabe

anb all be" canfs ft bad not ftappeneo as fte ft ao beupf eb. 3 no tbere contsnueo fte longe/ fo; ft(Sgtefett&gt;aseuecmo;eanbmo;e/ fo befatofte muftnebesbpe. &lt;sfteifo;e befent m ftiS ftcrtoes/ a fapbe bnto tfte": tbe Qepe is goneftompneepes fo;tftebetp (tyotoano &amp;jracpon of fterte ft 9!baue.iJfo;toften3 c8

fto/ernmpmpnbe^gteateabuetftteftiam bpitetfe fnftcumentes of ^mtSSSSti ^^^&amp;A^^S!&amp;Sf^^. &amp;**&gt;*%**** f ane outjubj bwnttftem/

|amcoj)t^n/b)ftereasafo;etpmeita}asfa wetp/anbfogieaiipfetbpibp wafon of mp

anbfoitgfttlpbnnen/CqTnlepltTebjuD^^^ ftom c() e*eafteu at lenifaiem / an&amp;tenicticb


potoet) aga^nf/confpbetlngetfteeuellf | tfte ftofttoia&gt;an.)ee%?acaean ouet ag apuf? ftaueDoneatgi^utaiem/ftgttiftences mm tfteftpngesarmpe. B p .,* t - ...4M.IMM.1 u.^^. . g)otftf 6pngeawfebefo?ctftesape/anB

b^ougftt tfte potoee of ftts l^cft in to toape

alltftetpcbesofgolbeafpiueegbjeteinft/ anbfent to fetefi atottf* tfte fttftab|tours of beto;ptottftoutanptea^ontoftpj|Bnoto/g iftefettoubles are comebp^ me fo? tfte fame .- ^ M,... e , v.vw e ..v , M uui uumn i caufe Jnb bebolDt/i muft B!e bjitft gteate anb to p?ouo&amp;e tfte ciepftantes fo ; to fiobt; Co?oto in a fttaugeianbe.Cften ^Ilebfte tot tftep Iftetoeo tftem tfte fappe of r e eo gtapes

to JSetftiacaran/toftete tfteiBoftes mabe tfte",* to tfte battapll/blotopnge tfte trompettes.

one pftaippe a t'renoe of ftlS/toftom^mabe tuletofalfttsiearttte/agaueftmtftcto&amp;sne/ ftisroabe^ftisipngtfftatfteibulbeta&amp;eft^ fonne SPnttocftusbntoftpw/a b;pnge ftpm

anbmoibenes.anbbettpoeDtfte(ClepftanttS amonge tfte ofle: fo g bp euerp depftante tftete ftooe a.fl^.raentoeil ftatneffeo/ after* mettea of ftele bp on tfteit fteabes &gt; fee on to euerp one of tfte ciepftantes alfo/ were o;oe

tiEiJc-offfilcaw.,Cftaptee. totoften Spngeantpocftus ttff' uaplebtfto;oft)tfte6pecounees/3J fc M . ftefterbeftlpmas in*tMa\BMmw$.\ 1JM .la noble a prenteous cf tie (n fputet',* mn *' \ a goib/a tftat tftete bjastn ft abetprtcftetl' * pir.toftete as toete clofft es/cote armou tes 9 tbplbesofgolbe/biftpcftaieieanbettftefonm: , of l&amp;ftfltppeBpngof fllacebonfaftableftbe* \ bpnftefti'm,iftei;;e fte toete about to ta&amp;e \ fte

iik7-**as -"4* np?&gt;trapgne ftpMrtf. ^ , ,- ~- rv m , ^ v UfU * tm ftpnge anttocftus bpebtftere/intfte. cjtllic. neo.b.C.fto^men of tfte belt/ te ftfeft toapteb to. -JP* 6&lt; Hpastotetoetbatt$.r &amp;pnge of tfte flElepftaitfe/gopngetoftete fo euetftg C, **.* igWJN o/beneb aticlocftusftps fenne toente/anobepatfee not from fttm . c uetp lKj.iitt. (toftomfteftab b?ougftf bpl fo eapgnetnftp^ tfiepftanttoascouereb toftf t a IttSge totoer fatftewfteabeja caile&amp;ftprrf &lt;JupafoM5oto bf toWtofteee bpon feaunte tftep tftat toete mt&amp;e cattelKatletufalem)^eapenstofpgftt/atoftftmf ttoaa ftepttintfteg'etoesrounbabouttfte^anc* amanot-^n&amp;v'tomiefftebeett.

tuatp/a fougftt euee opii to bo tftem ftatme/ t*l&amp; e WwtfamtoWe&amp;aMn. Bdfterfo?ef tbastftougftttobefttope Mi anWaHebal] tfte peottetogetfter/ tftat tftep mpgbt lape re^gebnfo tftem. 4o tftep came

as fo; tfte wmnVWttt of tfte fto?fmen / U fetttftem bponbotft tftC fymin t too partestoftft trompees/top;ouoftef^^olie/'an8 toftere bp Coeft as toeee aotoe in tfte at tope, ^. tv . rvBUI , anbtoften tbe funne (bone bpStftelrMDffli JB B fflSm W^ ffftf^ or Bolbeanbftele/tftemountapnesgKeb laplnge wttefto;bpnaunce anb fjiftru* agapneattftem/ anotoetens b?pafttasme 22^2"5?S #JP*WW ^Set^of^^etoiig^qKmTatoS toerebtfegebtoentefo;tft(bntbto5oirbmr MM^W^f^niS^

I* -


Che fyift haht ftepjfme0 totw eoment^ent W*ft| maBepeace/aftepteeeatttbft. *^*^JJ to ftem/fte* earnest of tbecafteH/ anb | Bpnge toenttbp to mount &amp;t^W*W tit fame ft at fte place teas tetn fencto / Be hm toe ofte tbatbeba* mabe/ frrtrajiuribeoto oeftwpe * to8Uwunbeaboute.ben bcparteo Ik mallfte Batte/a teturwDbnta 3tfoftc/tohe Befofioe Pbtoppebaupng bommponof $ cptfc.&amp;obe fougBtagapnft Bun/a to&amp;e cptteagapnefn tob&lt;0Ban&amp;e0.

usage goooBeoe/ana Beppngeftrft omtanDailtp^3tDto!tmtfjejanM/tofttaJ feapeoatftenopfeof tfteit Booft , tobentbc multtfube toente fo;ft/ a toben fte toeap?0 fmote togeftet/fo? Bootttoa0 boft great ftebattapU/,C.menoffte&amp;2nge0 cabpbfe oneof tbe&lt;ffiepbante0becfite tt fte Bpnge0 babge/anb teas a mo?e gooblp beett bponbpm/a teopatbe Bim felf to oelpuecBte people/anBtogetbtotape^etoattname ____ lbetfo;ebeannetoftb aco;agebntoi&gt; t tatfwuuofrtratotBpw&amp;n Clepbante tofte mpbbett of fte booft/fmp* &amp; - "**' tpngetbembotone otbotb fte fpbe0/j0etoe manpaboutebtoi.&gt;otoentcbeto tte*b&gt; Pbante0fete/ agatbpmbn&amp;erbpm/ftflebjc &amp;f m;ften fell ft e tiElep^anc botone bpo bun/ *ftetebebpeb.3!uBa0alfo abferaenftjngft potoeeoffte6pngatbcmpgbtpebj?olfceof -bftJ booft/bepatteo f r5 ft rmJnb fte Btnge0 * atmpe toente bp agapnft fte" totoatbe g,etu* falem/a pitebeo tbeft tftwtof eto;p befppe mount &gt;ton. &lt;&amp;o;eouer/ fte bpnge toBe twee tofftftem ftat toere to tteftfttta.

t.agaft.{tf.g* #ut tobe ftep came out of $ cgte(becauvc S&amp;a n a fte* babnobptale0tofftto/ ftelanBelaje Sf a a( ^ ? ' ,a 'bnweD)ttiesp8tofie3Btftfur8/9frtinfii *** tofiepcit/atutnebbtfboofttofteplace of tBe&gt;anctuatp/alapeD Kegetofta gteate tobpieJbeKBemabealmanero;Wnaace: , B . ESEiJ3SE=SBiBi Sbotoei 1 tttit Batte0/ mwtten to caft iftaelbnto &amp;JSiS5&amp; SeleSwalforaawoflipaunce agapnft b0out of oute atotteianoe fteftf/attbfougbtaiongeCeaCon. jeuttnftecpte t^eveboete no bptaple0/ fonttoassftefeuenftpeawoftbetoarae?/ a ft of e eafte" ft at temapoeb in % e to; p ba&amp; eaten bp all fteft ttoate , 3Jno m ft e fe&gt;anc tuatptoetefeto men lefte/fojtBunger came fobpon tbeVftat ftep toece f cateteoab ;oabc euetpmantobteatoncplace. MM fyo toben %\&gt;tia* beatte ftat PBUsppe i,*&amp;4rf.Mtobom3intfocbu0 tbcftpnge tobple betoap Mtlpupnge/baboflencD tobngebp 3fi* tfocbu0bf0fne/ftat hemmtb

^usi l,|0iuj*tltottblefltcjjw?o?3fttgo* tototOrcouuteUof(er(mw?thtopfonB.fflti p;atec of (Qe{;(lb agtsnft fi&lt;csn!.3 uOMkflWii flttanoj/aftitirftalinWMfittWfljef* CCbc.b.l)aptei:. J9 tbe..eaw came entewwa fte tonne of a&gt;etettcu* from tbe* cgtieof mome ingft afmall c5pa! nf of men/bntoac|t|?e ofrte fee coaa/3ftete^e bate tuieJno ft cbaunccb/ ftat to^en Be came to 3Bntioct) fte ctoe of W pjogenttoncjSyDVSUoott tone anocbu| jLtftwi/to b;pngeftebnto nmt.utto|fg bja? toiw Bfm/fte fapae : lett me not re efc face0.&amp;oftebooftputftemtobeaft*oto toijen 9 tmettf it* toajJ ttWonffleiWK w bi$ B?nsoome/ftfte came bnto btm bjpcfien

ano bngoDl?men oE51ftael;to^o captapne bjafJ aiictmufs / ftat tooloe Bate bene maK Bpep;ett: Befe men accufebfte peoptr o?

ttocbu0bWfonne/ tftat %t mm be fipnge) toa? come agagne out oEpetfta 9 flBtoea ttlftfteBRige0boott/t&amp;ougbtto()Ptat!tie tbe 6sngaome:^e gat Btm to fte Spra At all &gt;fteGafte/atoftecaptapt0of $6oott lam faje:b3eoKreafeiial?/9ouwbftalei8aw butfmalfcaigape/fte place f toe lagefege bnto/(0bet?aong/tttoereoutc patteto fe foj fte tealmexet wagtc toitB ftefe men anbtaBettuceto&lt;ftftem/anfttofftantlie people/anb paunte ft em to Ipue aftetftete latoe/asfttp bpoafo. Hot fte p be gteueb aooaUftfreftmg^gapa^/becaure tee

noto fome mando tobom ftou geueft crebfcciftatbenwKBoanofeaHtbeDeatttecw tobtcB be batb bone bnto M a to Kg! bPStf lanbe/anblettbfmbepunfibebwtball big ftenbeuanbfattoumiJ. Aiw ^ M cben fte fipige cbofeacb(bejJ a ftenbe of ms/tohfft toasaroa of gwate poton m fte t'eaime( be ponoetbe gwate toatetlano favftfullbnto fte Rpnge:anofentb?m tofe tbeoeQwccponftataubajJftaobone.fnbaj* f o? ftattofcfeeaf icimus / be maoebfmbf e weft/anb commaunoebbp to be auengeb of fte tmmm of aftaen,ft)0 fte? (low bp/ ana came toift agteateboott to to tbelanoe of 3(tioa,fenon0eme(faungtt0to ^ttbad 9 Nfftocttyeye fptabpngbntoftf ttpeacea* ble too?5e0-.but bnoet Wfceatccbttfo^gitt ba0 ab&lt;0 people beleueb not fteftfapfng/foi ftfpfatoeefteptomcomettagteatCoft. aftitftlsJ came fte rctfbeetogeftw bnto mdmii 9 saftfocss/mittffige fte btttbn* to m Jnb fnft f 3lbean0tequ jwb peace

of ftem/fapfnge^lctmuSfte pjeai'Sicome of fte few ofCatS/boto canbt Wlteattewj

$6$ fpgaiefteIousngetoo^e3/ 9ftoo;e bntoftem/^fapOf.toetoiibopounobatmc/ netb:jotwftenDfis:ftebrteueDftl.J5uc 9flH.^ B ftefaeepfameDasetoBeftepiF.menofftem afletoeftemaccotorngtof tDojoeatbatate to2ittemrbepbauecaflfteflelbofftPfanc' C tea/ft fteo tbett blouoe toun&amp;e abou 1 3 ecufalem/ a there toajsnoman ftat tooloe but? tftem. ^oftetecameagteatefeateab/eiie I amonge fte peopleyfapenge;ft ere nether tteutb no; tpgbteoufneffe in ftetn ,'foj fte? ' - bauebjoftenfteappopntententaofteftat * tbepmaucainb 55acbioei temoueobW booft { torn aetufaiem / anb pptfteo W te at ?Setb?ecba'.toberebefentfo?ft/ atoBema* ': tivofftemftatbaofo?faBenbpm-- efletoe man? of fte people alfo / ano catt ftem in to a gteate pptt. cben commptteobe fte (anoe bnto 3!lcfmu0 /anoleft men of toatretopft 6mtobelpebim/a acbttegbrmfe iftoen* tebntofte fipnge, 3Dnotbu03leimu0befen ' txbWW pjeftbobe /anbailfocb MWto h gtraeli/tefo^cDbntob^w.^nfomocbtbat tbep optayneb ftefanue of Juba/a opbmocb eueli bnto ft eiftaeMWi. J9ototoben , jub33 fatteallftetmjfcbcfe tbatairctoiuganobiscompatipbabDonetpee mo;e ften fte (^eaften ftem ceiues ) bnto tbeiftaeiite0:^e toente fo f tb tounoe about ai fte borers of 3cto;t&gt;/ anb punp m ft o fe bnfapft full rfnagatetf/ fo ftat ftes came no mo;e out in to fte countte, S&gt;o bften *l= cfmu0 fatoe/ftat luDa0 ano W people baa

gotten fte bppecbanoe/anbftatbe toa0 not abletoabpbeftem:be toente agapne to fte apnge / ana fapoe all fte to o? ft of ftem ftat becoulDe.^ben fte fipng fent tcano? / one Ofbt0cbefep;gnce0(tobpftbateeujiltopll _ bnto &lt;gfraei)anb commaunbeobim / ftat be tiAtb?li!itbSEDlflM?etbepeopie. Mat^,t ^&amp;j^tamoTcame to gerufaiemtopfta gteate booft / anb fent bnto giuna* anoblld biemm topft frenolp too;oe0( butbntietbi* fceate ) fapenge : ftete Oiailbe no team be* ttoftteme ano pout gi toill come^pft a ftto men/to fe bote pe Do/toift ftenb(pe .poit tbP0bt came bnto jubaB" / atititbep telutea oneanoftet peaceabip;but ft e enempee toe^ feapposnteototaBefutiaBbpbiolence^euetfteie0it toa0 tone ^uba0 / ftat be came bntobibutbnoetoifceate:toberfo;ebegae bim atoase l win Bim/a tooiue fe bt0 face no* mo;e. iijm$fcanoj peweaueb tbat Gp0 councel toa0 be to;a?eb/bc toent out to ffgbt agapnft ?uba0/ betpae Capbaeralama: tobete ftere toere aapne of (Qicanotf booft/ b. W .memftetefpoue fleo bnto fte caftell ofautJj. 3ftetfti?0 cameiBfcanojbp bntomownt ^&gt;ion;anD ftep;eae0 toptb fte elfiti* of fte



people toente fo;ft tofaluf eBim peaceably a to Ibetoe btm fte burnt factif kts ft at toe u ofteteo f o; fte Bfng. ut be laugbeoj ft t m to fco)ne/mocBeb tbtmiottambtwomtm* ge0/afpaReDifoanftlV/PeeanBCico;eihbi0 to;oft/fapengc . jf juoas anb&amp;W Booft bc#

hot neUttcreb noto into mpbantie0/ aa foone y.i$sf.f (M* 80 euetgicome agapne(a fap^etoelDf foal butne bp fti0 Boufe. tift ftat / toentebe out in a great anger, cben fte p;efte0 came . $mM, $ to /an b ft oof befo;e fte aultet of fte temple/ ttf.Kg.itf* e&lt; to e p in ge a fapenge: f ot f o ntocb a0 ftou ( fl&gt; ?Lo;be)Baft ftofen ftttboufe/ftaf ftpname ** migbt be cailtb bp on ft erin/a ft at ft fb u ibe be an boufe of p?apet abDpetpcpon bnto ftp pt opie : js e abengeb of ftt0 man a b 1 booft/ alctfttmbeflapne tot'ft $ ftoearb-.remem^ b je fte blafpbempe0 of ftem / a fuffce ftrm not to continue enp longer. u&amp;Ben ^tcano;toa0 gone from Jetufa* pftcbeBBf0tenteatBefto;on'/8tbe&lt; te an booft mrtBim out of fepjia .%W$ u* Dais came to aoatfa tofft tiiMmtt *maoe b&lt;0 p;aper bnto oB/fapenge: fit) ?Lo;Be/ be" caufe fte meflaungew of Jung ^enaftert b wat. t m(h(&lt; biafpBemeofte/fteangelltoentefo;tb/anB9.si9a( ueroe an c rcb .ft oufanoe of tbem:uento J****, * Beftcopeftou ftf0 booft befo?eb0tobape 8 "**w* ofter people mape Bnotoe / bote tbat be baft biafpbemeb ftp S&gt;anctuatp:a punp him/ acco/otogc to b 10 mail epoufneoe. ano fo ft e b oofte? (troBefte feloe / fte tblrtente oape of ftcmoneft Mm: 9 jglfca* no;0boofttoa0bffcomfiteB'/ anbbebpmfelf, . m ... , bi toa fp;ft0apne fnfte Battapll . iben jljiTW-w* can o;0 men of toatre fatoe ftat be to30 fif I&lt; leb/ ftep caft a toape fte ft treap c m anb fleb. but fte 'je to es f olotoeb bpon ftem an tobole bapes ioutnev/ from SBajet bnto ffia?ata/ blotopnge toift fte ttompe tm/ amabpnge toBena after ft? . S&gt; ft e yem&amp; cam fonb of all fte totone0 ftere aboute / a bletoe out ft e ft bo;n e0 bpon ftem /anb tunteb agapnft ty erntcb u to et e ftep al f (apne/ anb no t one oftbemlefte. ben ftep tose ft eft fub ftafice fo; 8 P;a? anb tmote of j$f cano;0beabe an&amp;BPSrpgbt banbet tobpeb be belbe bpfo pjotibip ) anb b;ougbtft tofft ft em /ano bangeo f t bp a fc* tegieruralcm.!i&amp;Berfo;etBepeop!etoeteer'

ee8Btogiprefopffb/anBpa(reBouertBatBaie togteatglaDneffeJnB'juoa0o;Beneb/ ftat fte fame oape inamelpfte .irftf.Bapeoffte mo ne ft 3Bbat ) Onilbe be Bepte to mp;tb tut* tp peate.cbu0 fte lance of luba toa0 to reft afitletobpie. Cluons eovMreafl titpmt t s gooMp patiitp of fb* tomf ni madcil) pcacr toiilt A! .t$\)t tctctw of (b c vomajnes C'n t unto tfje JeWcu. Jbe.bfij.Cbaptee. %ii %\\W

wamawtt/t tbep toere mpgtttp 9 baleafit men / 9 agteable to all , tbtogejstbataretequpjebof 0/ 9 mabepeacc toitb all men; tobtcb comebn* to tbem/aiib boto tbep toece bougbti! men of ateam, Sterns nmuxomtoimm os f betebattapw mom acteg tobpeb tbepbpu to folacfo/boto tbepbab conqueteb tbem / 9b?oug&amp;ttbe'bnber trpbute: 9 tobat greate $Wtbepbabboneto&gt;papne/bototbat tottb t&amp;efc top roome 9 fobet bebauoure tbep bab toonnetbe fl^pnes offpiuecanbgolbe g aretbere/anbbptapneb alitbelanoe /toptb otbet places fane from tbeimboto tbep a ad bprcomfiteo 9 flapne ootone t&amp;e ftpnges that eamebpon tbem /from tbe bttewnott parte of toe eattb/anoboto otbet people gaue tbe ttpbuteeuerppeare: Koto tbepbab flapne 9 otiewoniePbWppe 9$etfes apngeof ce&lt; JWm / anb otber motto battapli j tobpeb bab WOUBbttbeteojbpnailceagapnatbenv.boto Sf$bgfepmKtej great* ainttecbus bpnge !S fc w ? t ei, *W tottb tbem)

KK?I n/ *W9W* a b "P Bwate benabpm(toitorocba*fljulbe taigne after mm) to pap e tbem a greate ttpbute/pee anb M. riW, t i em ? OOI,fuwt 8C0 ana plebge;be&lt; Sl^^^totbepbabtafienftombim 23 3!n0tay fl^eoiaanb 3tfbta{^t fteft lanbes) 9 fiSSL^^^SWW^rawwJ. gapne/ ooto tbep perccaupng tbat tbe ^eftestoere compngetobeje tbetmfcnt agapntt tbem a faptapne of anboofly tobftbsauetbem bat* ttplj fletoemanpof tbem/iebatoapetbeft *!* anbcbilbjen captpue/fpopieb tbem / fOBepoffeffronoftbetrian&amp;eybetttopebtbefc Mtongebolbes/anbtobbuebtbemtobetbeft bonbe men/bnto tfjis oape: ^o?eouec/boto tbat as fo? otberbpngbomes 9 lies /tobwb fomtpmetoitbftobetbem/tbfpocfltopebtbe/ 9 b?ougbttbembnbec tbeit iiomtopain jsue beipebeueetbefc atone feeuoes etbofe tbat toeteconfebeeatetoitb tbem/attb conquereb Bpngbomes botb fat re 9 npe : 9 tbat tobo fo tuer berbe of tbefctenotone/ teas afrapeb of tbermfo; tob5 tbep toolbe tjerpe to tbett fiing* K2229 **# ; tobdft Iflteo not tbe torafgne/tbefputbimbotonesfnbbototbep toere come togreate preeminence : baupnge KIS? a *nns e tbem/ nct^ee en* man do* 88S iW?*/to be magnifftbtbere tt)o?oto , BauetBe gouernaunce of autbeiir mm to

tobSeuerpmStoasobetitenf 1 9 f r&amp;efetoatf netbet euell toil net otfeencio amonge tbem, c &amp;en 3lu533 c&amp;ofe (EupolemuS tbe Conne of 3!bon tbe f onne of gacob/9 Sjafon t^r Con* ne of ltam/9 fent tbem bn to ffiome fo; to mabe frenblblpe sa bonoe of loue tt tbem : gtoe?mtgbttafieftomtbem bonbageof iem/to! ^etoeu fatoetbattfte &lt;SJ;ebejs to otoe fuboue tbe bmgbome of gjftaell , g&gt;o tbeg toent bnto iSome(abetpgceatioutnep) ajcame in to tbe ^erlament/ 9 fagDe : aubajj fll&amp;acbabenis toftb bW b?etb?en 9 tbe people of tbe 9!etoe0l)actj fentbjS unto fou/tomabe a bonbe of ftenDffit'pe 9 peace tottb ?o/a it to note bjj as yotic louets 9 f eenoeg. JBnbtbe matter pleafebtbe iSomavnes traijt toell /

tobetfojett toass to?ttt^bp:of tobfeb Ifto* mavnejjmabe a to?ftfng in taDlep of ^atun 9 rent ft to jemraiem: % tbep raigbtbaue b? tbem a memo,iral of tbe fame peace 9 booe of fwnb(Wppe/aff ee tbw manet: ob faue tbe JRomafoe* 9 tbe people of getoeis botb be fee abplanbe/a bepef ftoeatoe ^enernp ft5 tftemfo? enemto;e.|ftbetecome ft^fteng toatte bpo tbe ft omame* 0; en y of tbet't f tf * be* tbo;oto otttal tbete bomtntS \ people of t^e % etoesi 0)al beipe tbe(a0 tbe tpm e re emu mm tbattoaltbettbettep. aifo tbey fljaif netbeegeue norfenbebntotbeirenemreg W tale0/tteapf)S/monepnet Ibtppeg-.but fttlftf tb cbiitse at f Komames pieafnte/a taitc notbmg f eg tbem tberfoje.Kigapne ?f fpeo* Pie of tbe jjetocsf bappe Kcatobauetoam/ tbe ftomaineg ibal ttaitbe bp tbemtt a goon toil/aco;omg aptbet^me toir fuffre, Wtt altbep gene bnto $ gietoessenemieiS/Wtaa less/toeapensJ/monepnecrbrppep. ebua ate tbe laomamejs content to bo / 9 wall fulfill tbeftcbargetoitboutenpWfceate. m %mfm to tbefeatttclejs / tbr ISomav* m negmabetbebonbetoptbtbe 3!etoe0. 0oto afteetbefeatcie)5(fapbetbet)pfeBpoftbe: patttejx toil put to tbe/o? tauenv tbfng fr5 tbem :t&amp;ev (ball 00 it *&gt;w tbe confente of! uotb:tobatfoeuei; mvam bnto tbem 02 tafieftom tbem /it (ball ttanbefaft.ainba! . touebvnge tbe euell tbat Bemeetgu* batd bone bnto tfr%omj toebaue to?(tten bnto bf m/fapeng: tbetfo?e lapett tbou tto htuv jocbebpon tbe 3!etoegoute ftenbeu anb lo* uewi m mv mabe enp complapnteoftbe agapne bnto bg/toe (ball befenbe tbem/ anb fl!8bt tottb tbe b? fee anb bp lanbe, caftct tlje beatt) of jlJftano? SDemterto fe6f ttttt wmmmjmr* 3me fa tmm , imam* ? a fh 5eac befl.aiejraii0i3 eabeuturtbtfiepai

l&amp;c comnuib bpan 3f%%eSSt% Cb&gt;v.'

#f tlje ^latljabees

^ 1 Til

4 _

CCbt#.baptet;, J3 tbe meanereafon to|Kn l^eme* ttpufs betbt I jSpcano? 9 bC^booft teas Oacne (n tbe f eibe/be p?ocebe&amp; Ifutbw toftnbe)5acbpbeuiaiicp' mu^agaenemtoaeton/ fttbofetbattoeve w tbe rtgbt tofnge of bftbooft/toftb tb^.ft tbeptoentefojtbbrtbetoapetbaciebttbbn* totiffalgala/ anb p^cbebtberetentcs before S9eraiotb tobtcb w matbelW/^ toanne citte/aaetoemocbpeople.Jnffitamonetb cftbccfft,jeatc/tbepb;ougbttbc(cbooftto aetufalem/^ tofe bp 9 came to jsetea/toitb wMMte men/9 HMWmm, $otoluba0babpftcbebbf0tenteatlaf' fa / tottb tb?e tboufanbe cbofen men.^nb tobw tbepfatoetbe multptube of tbe otbec armp tbat ft toap f gtea te/tbep toete fo;e a* fcapeb/9 manpcomiej eb tbem feiues out of tbe boo(t/3|n fo mocb tbat tbeteabo&amp;e no mo of tbem but bib. tBben^uDapfatoe tbat is b oft fapleb bim ; anb tbat b e mutt ne&lt; M ftgbtut b?abe W bm/tbat be babno tpme togatbet fibem togetfjer ;tob e t r 0? e tbe ma teas m extreme trouble, ^euettbeieae be rapoebntotbem/ tbat teraapneo toftbbvm: nap/let w go agapnS ouwenempe?,' perao*

uentute toe fbal be able to ftgbttoftb tbem. 55u t tb e p toolbe baue ftoppeb btm/ fepenge: toeJb8inotbeabie/tbwfo;eWbjsnotorac euteipueis-'anbtutneaga5netoousb;etft;f anDtbentoplltoefigbtagapntttbem/fo;toe ate bete but fetoe.aBnb giuba* fapbe*. &lt;Bob fo?bpb/tbat toe (bulbeflefromfbem.ieber* fo;epfoute tpme be come /left b0bpf man* f uiip fo? oute b;etb2en/anbletb0not ftapne out bonoute.cben tbe boo ft remoueb out of tbe tentess/ 9 ftobe agapntt tbem.cbe bojfme toete beugbebtn ttoo patted: tbe flpnge ca* flees 9 tbe awftetfj toente before tbe boott/ 9 ailtbemtgbtpe men toere fomtett mtbefel* be.isacbioes bimfelf toad mtbe rfgbt topng oftbebatteu/anbtbebooab;etoenpetnttoo patte0/anbbletoetbe trompettefS.cbep of lubaisfrbebletoetbetrompeftedalfo/ 9 tbe eattb obeat tbenopie of wboofteU / anb tbtpttcoReafeiDeftomtbemo?otottrnpgbt. SCnbtoben ?uoaiSfatoetbat aebtoesi booft toaparongeftoftberftjbtfpbe/betoSe tottb bpmalltbebatbpmen/mtb b;afietbet?gb( topnseoftbefto?D.2e/anbfoiotoebbpotbem bnto tbe mount 3E;ot. j^oto to ben tyn total toere of tbeiefte topnge/fatoe tbat tbe tfgbtfioetoaSDircom* ffteb l tbeppe;fecuteb3uba0 anb tbem tbat torn toftb bpm , cbentoajj tbere afo;e bat* UyWi fojmanp toere aafne anb toounbeb of botb tbe pa ttp t$ / f ubs* alfo b jmfelf tea* feplleb/anB tberemnaatfleb. S&gt;o9(matbai3 Rtib ^&gt;rmontoBeSubasstbefrb;otber/i9


burfeobim m bft fatbetis fepulcre to t^e tv tie of ^ofitn . and all tbe people of jftaeii mabe great lam entacionf 0; bim/anbmout* neblonge/fapenge : aiiap ; ttjat tbPis too?to Ebuloe be flapne, tobtcb belptieteo tbe people of 9fracUD0 tot otBec tbingeu pettepmnge to tbe battapfij of lubas/ tbe noble acteg be Wb 9 of bfc too?tbpneae:tbep are nottojit* ten/f 0; tbep teere berp man?. a Snb aftertbe beatb of gubag/topefieb mjjofepij. cap. came bp to altbe coaftes of 3frael/anbtberei".^ am* arofe all focbas too;be bngoblpnede . ?n tbofeoapestoastbereagteatebeartb to tbe lanbe/anb all tbe countre gaue ouer tbf f el* ue09tbett#bnto388cbpbe$.S&gt;o;aebpbejS cbofe to icfieo men/ anb mabe tbem I oim to tbe lanbe.cbefe fougbt out anb mabe ftatcb f oj guba* ft enb eg / anb b? ougbt tbem bnto Vacbibes-.tobtcb auengeb bim felf bp5 tbem toftb greateberpiteJnbttjere came fogreat trouble ingfraell/ a toajs not fenji tbe tpme tbat no p;opbettoa0fene tbere. ben came all luba* frenbes togetber/ 9fapbebnto 3&gt;onatba0:&lt;ffo?fomocb *&amp; tbS bwtber 3|uba0 ftf tub/ tbere ip none ipbe bim to go fo?tbagapnft our enemiyagapnft ?Sacb (Begs /ano focb as are abuerfaries bnto oute people. tfebetfo?etbp0bape toe cbofe t\}t fo? btovtobe outep;pnce anb captapne too;b;eoutebatteilJnb3!onatbasto6etbe gouemaunce bponbpm attberame tpme/ anbtulebintteabeof opjstyotbce lubas. tbenacbpbes gattbnotolege tbetof/be fougbtfojto 0ep bpm: 35ut g'onatftasami ^pmonbiis brotber/perceaupnge tbat/ flea toco 6 toiibemeffe of cbecua toptb aiitbete companp/anbpptcbebtbeirtentes bp f toa terpoieofaifpbar. i@bt'cb toben *3acbpbes bnoerftobe / be cameouer3o?banetoptballbpSboofl bpon tbe g&gt;abbatb oape. jSoto bab^onatbas fent bftt b?otber abon ( a captapne of tbe people) eopjapebWfrenbe* tbejBabutbftesf/ i tbep tnolbeienbetbemtbe07bpnaunce/fo;tbep bob mocb.S&gt;o tbe cbplb;en of iamb;p came

out of fl^ababa/anbtofiegibon anaalltbai bebab/ anb toente tbeft toa petogtbali Sben came too?be bnto ionatba^ atto s&gt;pmon |P0b;otber/tbat tbe cbplb;en of Iamb?; mabe a greate marpage/anb b;ougbttbe bjioefrom S^aoaba tottb greate (be toasbaugbter to one of tbe nobieft p?to* ces of Canaan . ^erfo?e tbep tememb?eb tbe blouse of ?bon tbcit b;otbev/ anb toente bp/anbbfbtbemfeluesbnbertbe (babotoe of tbemountapne. &gt;o tbep liftbp tbeft epes/anb lobeb:anb beb olbe/tb w teas mocb a bo/anu greate re* pap;e:fo;tbe b?pbegrome came fojtb 19 bps UmtK9W b?etb;tnmet tbem tottb tpm* %tt.iU panps


panpjs/fttitntmaittf of muttcb/ anb mam toeapend.cbengionatbad anb tbey tbattoe* te tottej i)fm/toft out of t^c(t loutftyng placed agaynft tbem/ an&amp;fletoe many of tbem. 3D so; tftc temnatmt/tbey beo m tbe to mou tagiies /anatlje? tone all tbeftuibftaunce, CEijusi tbe matiage toad tutncD to mo?ning/ anotlje n oy le of tb ett mel odp in to lamen c a* won. aino to toben tbey bab auengeb tbe blouse of mm b;otbet / t&amp;ey tutncD aga^rie bnta|o;bane. acbibedbeacyngetbyd/ came bnto tbe betg bo;bet of aojoane tola) a aerate potoet bpon tfje S&gt;abbatb baye . 3finb gjonatbad f ay&amp;e to &amp;i? company;lcttbd gttbp/9 f pgb t (Sagagnd oute enemy ed : fo; it ftanbetb not toytbbdtoaaye/admtymedpatt:58ebol&amp;e/

C&amp;* fft&amp;bo&amp;f

&amp;otbey tocntcanbgaue Batbfoedcbyd coficel/to&amp;icbarofetocomettagteatbooft/ &amp;renciettewp;roeiytobabbetetedtob(c|j toeteto3eto;p/totaBe3!onat&amp;ad9tbofe$ '

toete toytb b y m . bu t tt) ey mygbt not/ to; $ c otbetbaogottenbnotoiege oftbeg? beuyce, anbaonatbautoBea. .men of tbccounttty ( tobicb toete tbe t pngleab etd of 1 1) em) 9 fie to tbem.fcben aonatbaa 9 &gt;ymon toitb tbefc (Span; bepattebbnto tbe egtpe BetbbeOen tobf cb ly et&amp; in tbe toy toe rnege/ anb te pay je&amp; tbe becaye tbetof/ 9 mabe it tttonge . 1 ben tfacbpbed bnetoe tbyd / be gatbercb ail b?d booft/ 9fenttoo?&amp;etotbemtbat toeteofae* to;y.Cbf camebe9laycb(ege toJSetbbeaen 9 f ougbt agayntt ft a longe f eaf on / 9 mat* inatumentes of toarte.floto gionat&amp;ad lef* $

out enemfed ate in oute toaye / tbe toatet of te W bjottei Jbtmb* m tbe cytfe/an o toente

31 o?Dane bpon tbe one fybe of ba / to ytb ban bed/fenned9tooD&amp;edoftbeotbetfybe /fo $ tbete (0 no place fo? bd to bepatte bnto. Jbww.a, osbetfojeceienotobntobeauen/ g yemaye MPflMP bebtlyueteb ftom tbepotoet of youte enc* myed.&amp;otbeyfttobetbebateil.ainblona' tbad fttetebeb out W banbe tofmyte acbf bed/butbefleb bacto at&amp;e.cbenlonatbad 9 t&amp;ep toete toj&gt;tbbymleaptemto1o;bane/ . 9fopmmebouerHo?banebntob?m/9tbe?e toete flayne of acbibed fybe tbat osje /a tboufanbrmm. betfo;ej5acbfoej(tottftbW6oott fumes agayntogiecufaiem/9buyltebptbecatteld 9 fttijgeboioed t&amp;at toete In1eto;y/ Uetfcbo CmaufS I e tb o?on/ etbeil/ffibamnata/ #&amp;aca 9 copo/toytb b pe toalled/ to y tb po; ted9tolocbed:9fettmentOBepetbemjtbat tbeymigbtbretbeitmaUcebponlttaellfe toalleb bp 33etbfutab/a?atab 9 fbe caftell at %t ti t ralem aKo / 9 p;ouybeb tbem \ft men 9 b7taled:$e tofte alfb &amp; cbefeft mens f on nt, fn tbe count te fo; piebjed/ 9 put tbem in tbe caaellafjerufaiemto bebeptc. 3ftee toatbe in tbe c Mft. yeate f n tbe f e * con ae mone tb/3lcmiud cSmaunaeb/ that tbe toalledof tbeynmott s&gt;anctuaty Ojuloebe befleope3/9 tbe buplomgcjf of tbe p;opbete3 alfo.Snb tobenbe begannetobcfttope tbem tbetbinge^tbe toente about/toete b?nuereb fo; be toadfmp tten tt a patrep/9bl# nioutft

flmt/fo tbatbe coulbe nomo;e fpeabenec cS maunbeenpof bid boufeconcemingbidbu' -fpnecccbud bpeb llcimud in gteat mffetp w at tbe fame tpme . 3Cnotobf jeacbibed fa toe ilcpmus toag beeb / be tutneaaga?ne to 6inge/9fotbe!anbe toad in reftii.peated. tiften all tbe bngo&amp;lp m enbeloe a count ell/ fapenge:i5eboUie/^onatbad 9bid company ate at eaf m btoen tof tb out cate. 1 tab e r f 0; e iettbdb;ingeacftfoedbftBet/ giljefljaUa* be tbem aim one mgbt,

f ojtb bimfelf in to tbe countte/ 9 came toptb a cettapne nomb;e/ anbfletoe oared 3 bid b;etb;enanbtbecbiib;Sof^baferonmtbeis tented:fotbatbebegannetobeatonge/an&amp; tofncceafeinpotoet. Kdfo; &gt;ftnon 9 bid company/ tbeytoefi out of tbecycpe/anbb;entbp tbeinOtumeit tedoftoawc/anD fougbt agapntt JSacbfbflJ/ anDbFfcomfyteobym.^na 23acb?oed toad fo;e men/ becaute tys councel! ana trau. le toad in bayne . nabetfo;e be toad to;otb at { tofcaebmenctbatgauebrmcounceito co&lt; meintotbeiclanbe)anbnetomanyoftbem. abenpittpofeobrtoptb W company to go atoapeintobidatonecountte:tobceoftoben f onatbadbab ftnotoiege /be fent embaay* toutdbntobym/fo;tomd6e peace toftbbfm 9tbatbeQ)uloebeliuerbymbidp;efonen{a gayne . co tbe tobycb acbywd contented glably/9bybaco;bmgetobidbefy;r.yeeami maoean otbe/ tbatbe Cbuloeneuetbobym batmealltbeoapedofbydlife.&amp;obereao* teo bntobymalltbe p;efomterd tbatbebab ta&amp;en out of tbelanbeof fuM/anutbmJur neb anb toente byd toaye f n to hyd atone Ian* ne/netbee p;oceor&amp; beeny furtbet to come bnto tbe bojoetd of qfuba. rbud f fraelf baa m 0; e toawe.aino ^onatbad btoelt at UTBacfj* mad/anbbegannetbere togouetne pro* pie / anb bedtoyeb tht bngobly men out of mm. Cfficmtttmstierjtjftfito^iiutpeaeetelt^jonafliM.' WttantKtmo'itthxontvtetmajOmtttia9*1Dt* mctrmsisnapne. ffllljiftenBftppcof JfeJOlomfuef ais^anOec.

CCbe.y.Cbaptet. |9tbec.l]C.yeatecame ^J^? mW :^ 9 fonne of noble antyocb'9tofteIS r ,^ ^tolomafd/tobofecityrend recea' * neb wm 9tbetebe tafgneb. IBbf mmmia Htt tttexot i be gatbetfb an ewfabynge gwate Boott / anb toent fo;t&amp; agaynB

igaynlibimtoftgbt.i rent lettetd bnto^onatbad louynge to 0;; btf/9 vmttb bpmgwat.jf o; befe? &amp;e:toe toyU fy;ttmabe peace toytb bym/befo;e bt bynbebpmreif toftb aiejranben agaynft bdi eid&amp;e Ojai rememb;et be eueii tbat toe baue bone agaynft bm/bin b;otbet 9 bits people. 3Bnbfobegaue|onatbad leue togatbec an booft/tomabetoeapend/anbtobe confer rate torn) bim/9 commaunoeb tbe pleoged g toe in tb e ca Be l/to be belyueteo bnto bim, cben came lonatbad to 3|erufalem/ ano Kb tbe lettetd fntbeaubyence of all tbepeo&lt; ple/anb of tbem tbat torn i n tbe cafteiMfnb tberfo;e toete tbey fo?e aftayeb / becaufe tbeybetbe/tbattbefiyngebaogeuf btm ip cencetogatberanbooft.cbud toete $ pieo* gedoeiyueteobnto lonatbad /tobicbtefto' 32 teb tbe to tb eft elbetd. lonatbad affo btoelt at3ietulalem/9begannetobuylbebp anb to tepay;e tbe cite:c0maunbyng tbe tooftu men/totoanit/anbtbemount s&gt;fontounb aboute toytbfte ftone/tobe a tttongebottie/ anbCotbeybyb.3Ddfo;tbefieatbf tbattoete in tbe cafteld tobfcbSacbibedbabmabebp/ tbeyfleb: Co tbat euety man left tbepiace/9 toente into bi atone coStte, my at fttth* rutatemaynebcettayneof Vetoed/ tobicb baa f o.jfafie tbeiatoe 9 commaunbementeis cfoD/fo?jsetbfufatoadtbeittefuse. I^oto txjben bynge aieyanbet betbe of tbe Womyfed tbat i^emettfud bab mabe bnto fonan)ad/anb tobenfttoad toioebym of tbe atteld 9nobleacted/tobycb beanbbfdb;e&gt; tb?m babbone/ anb of tbe gteate ttauayied tbat tbeybabtabembefayoestobete (ball toe

fynbe rocb amanf toeil/ toe toyiimabebym outeftenbe/ 9bec0febetatetoftbbim.p5 tbfdbeto;oteaiettt&lt;bnto bym/toytbtbere too;bed: bynge aiejcanbetfalutetb W &amp;;o* tb lonatbad. l@ebauebetbeoftbe/tbat tbou ait a baleaunt man /anb mete to be oute ftebe:tobetfo;etbidbayetoeo;bene tbe tobetbebye&amp;eftottby people /anb to be calleb tbe laynged ftenbe, (capon tbyd/be rente by m a putpleclotbmge'9 a ctonme of goibeHbat tbou mayeft confine tobat id fo; outep^fyt^bepefrenbQtypetotoatbebd. . g&gt;ofntbe.b,monetb of tbe.c. fr. yeate Cbp8 tbe foleinpne feaftbayeof tbe tabetna* cled/3onatbad put tbeboly tayment bpon b&lt;m.cbengatbetebb an booft/9mabema nytoeapeX. ildbicbtoben^emettmdbet&amp;e/ betoadmarueloudro^/9raybe*Jiad/tobaf baue toe bone/ tbat aieranoet batb p;euen tebbdfngettyngetbeftenblbyppeoftbefe^ toed/f b; m atone befenceffet toyu j to^te r\ louynglybntotbfmalfo /y ee 9 p;omyretbf / / bi?gnytyed9tgtoaicbed/tbattbeymayebeof L \j&amp;gtjmmmhttoim bnto tbt thtu


too;bedyngcmettiudfenbCtb fittffti bntotbepeopieoftbe|etoed. mbne as ye baue bepte yout couenaOt totoatbbd / 9 c5&lt; tynuebntoutfrenb(bype/not ebclyningto) oute enemyed toe toetegiab/toben toe betbe tbetof. lbetfo;e wmayne ftyil9be f ay tb* full to bd: 9 toe (bail toeil t ecspenft you to;' tbetbinged/f ye baue bone on oute pattye: toe (ban wieafeyouof many cbatged/antj geue you tetoarbe d- 3nb notol byfcbatge you 9 all Vetoed ftom ttibut eis/'j f o;geu&lt; youtbecuftomedof fait/9 teleateyouof f ctobine tared/of tbetbnbepatte of febe/antf yaifof^ftute of tteed/tobicb t myneatcntf betoty.cbefef feaue fo; yoii/ftomtbfd bay* fo;tb :fotbat tbey Oja not betabeb of tbe' lanbe of |uba net of tbe me ti tied WW at* abbebtbetbntooutof giamatia 9 Galilee/

ftom tbidbaye f o;tb fo* euetmo;e. gjeturale ~~ alf to ft b all tbinged belonging tbetf o/fta!l &amp; beboly 9 fte/yeetbetytbed9 ttibufed (bail pettayrie bnto fo; tbe potoet of tbe caftelitobicbfd at aetufale/a temytte9geue ftbntotbebPepjeft/Sbemayefetfnftrocbe men/adbeQ)alicbofetoBepett.3!ftelybelf' u 1 1 ail tbe jetted tbat ate p;efonetdtbo;oto out all. my teaf me:fo tbat euety one of tbem albefte ftompayinganyttybtiteyyeeeu? cftbeitcatell. M f foKpwfesftefl/ft abbat&amp;ffl/netov monEd/tbebayedappoynteb/tbetb;ebayesbefo;e anb aftet tbe feaft Djalbe f te fo? all Vetoed in my tea) me:fo tbat in tbem no mart ft a l baue potoet to bo eny bjing/o; to mou* any bufyneffe agaynft any of tbe in any manet of caufe Mbexe (ball. wde.flMlfoof tbe Setoed be to?f tten bp in tbe Hinged boft/ann baue tbwtoagcdpayeb/adan otbetmem of toatte of tbe bynged (butoe baue: anb of tbem tyalbe o;bene&amp; cettayne /tobepe t\p bynged fttong bo!bed:yeeanbfome of tbem fbalbefetouettbebynged bufynefte/ 1 tbey mayefaytbfutlybeale toytb the fame. be 3etoe"d alfo Ojai baue p;mced of tbeitatone/ anb toaicbe in tbeit atone latoed/ad Hinoj batb commaunbeointbeianbeof juba. Vmthetbtt effltftthat are fallen bnto geto?ye ftom tbe countte of &gt;amatfa ana al(iee: 0albetabenad^eto;y /anbbebn* betone:netbetbe fubiecte to any ffeaunge Io;be/but to tbe by e p; e ft .3d fo; p&gt; t ol maid anbtbeianbepetteynyngetbetto/31 geuefe bntotbe^anctuatyatletufalem/ft);tb* neceaaty erpf ced of tbeboly;oje ouet / % toyll geue cuety yeate.iD. tb otif a nb a &gt;ycied of fyluet out of tbe bynged cbeset (tobytb pettaynetbbntome)totbe too;cfie of tbe temple:yeeanb lofittobattemaynett) {Wtb tbey tbat bab oute matte fnbanbe ftitymedpaft/bauenotpayeb)^ fame (ball mi. , tbtt

. ^j

* '&lt;

tftpss/tfte.b. i . fpcle^ to^pcft ttjrp tofse p mi;I p of tbe rente of Ml &amp;anccuatp/(b all belongcbntotbep;eilc0tbatborutce. Jte ra / tobofotuc c tb e ? be tfjae Be tfnco t temple ataewifalera o; toitbin tbe liberties tyM toftcwautlK? ate fallen ft fog Bpn* .&lt; ge0 baurtget: f bj eri p manet of buff nea/ tftep

ftftf W 6oke , aiejcanwt Bnto'fbnWass /tt)at ft* Qniloe eomeanbmete bfm,fcobt toehtebonojaWg bnto ptoiomaw / art) tbete bemettbe ttoa Bpngefc'anbgaue tbem gteattp;eftnte0of gotoe a ito fpluet/ anb fbaoe fauoute in tbeft f mt . anb tbete came eogetbet a gapn a "$o* natbag certapnc fcicBtbmena bngcacpou0

mail be patboneb / anb ail tftrgoooeu tbat pnfarie* of Iftaell / &gt;W25J tbefbaueMmpwaWe/fljalb'eftt,tfd;tbt ten of bpm/buttfte Singe tegatbebfbem not buplbpngealfo 5 fepatfptfgeoftbe toojfie a0to;lonatba0/tbe Binge commaunwbtij of &amp; &amp;anctuatp / ejcpento ibalbe geuen tafie of W garmentes/ ano to clot bebpm in maBingeof tbe toalie0tounbeaboute?etu* popntebbpm tofkttiwMm / apbfejbrww MM fojtbe bjeaBpnge botoneof tbe olbe/ bP0WPnce0: 00 Wbfmin to^tbenrtowtt ana fo; tfte fcttpnge bpof tbe tttonge bol* ofmecptpe/anbma&amp;eapjoclamacipn/t bat mini eto;p I Qtal $ cofte* a ebatgeabe ge* no mancomplapne agapnttbimqttnpmat


uen out of tbe binges Cftecfiet. JButtobenfonatt^anbtbe peoplebet* be to ef e tootfeu ' tbep gaue no neoence bnto tbem/netbet teceaueb tbem : fo; ibcptcme

tet/anbtbatnomanttejubiebfrnityenprna* nerofcaufe. &amp;&gt;ott bappenebtbat tobenbtf aenifersl fatoetbe too;ppe tobpcb toa0 p/oclamea bTeb' tbe g7e'a7e"twft*eom(ft tbat be ftaoWne of tymi a tftatbe toasclotftcbm puv ple-.tbcg bnto-jrtaei/anbbotofo;ebebabbej:ebtbf. bfb cuei*c&amp;one.anbtbcfipmjeraaQemoc-j lbeefo;eibepagteebbntoaiejcanbei:/foj ofbpm/ to;otebpmamongebp0 cbefcften* betoa0ap;incetbatbabbealteftcnblptoptb be0/mabcbpmabube/anb pattafietof bt* tbem'anbfo tbep 8obe bpblmalltoape. be" bouipnpon . ffbuf ionatb( toe nte agapw ^u mm gatbmbBpngeaiejwnbetagteatebooft/ 9 tolSwufalemtoptbpeaceanbglaoneffr.Snfcw^^ tbe Clpb.peate came cmettftustbefonm* oremetT?u0f?omCtetafntobp0f8tbct0 lanoe-.toftevof to^eti aiejranbe t betoe lei!/ be, Mlf * toaoiwbtfo;p/aU)tetournebbntoantpo. umK ' * M cfte . anb emetepttf cftofe 3ppollonpu0 {tobicb bab tbe gouemaunceof celofp^pa) tobebpaeaptapne, gaoftc gatbete b a gteatebooftanb came

jorfpsus.csp, bjougbtbtfatrnpeagapnlt emettpus. t&gt;, io, ^0 B)e tteo ftpngea acobe battavn toge* tbet/but emetrius boo(tfleb/anb aieran* aetfolotoeDafteeanBfellbpStbein J mlgb tie fo;e felbe teats tt/continupngtn tbe &gt;o* neteente&amp;otene/anD9emettfu{itea{saarne tbefameDare. f 3nDaiefanoetfenteembauVtouKJbnta

jetolomp tbe Bpngeof Ggpptetttbete too?* bnto^amnta/ anbrenae too;be btito 3ona bei/'fapenge:lfo;fomocbajgiatt cornea* tba0tbebsepjfft/r8reng:amftu)ou tt

gat ite to mp tealme/anb am fet in tbe teone of mp p;ogen&lt;tout0/' ano bau e gotten $ &amp; o mtnytii onee comeDcmetms/ conquetea tbe Ianbe/anb fttgben a feloe to p tb b gm / f

tbattoebauebtfcomfptebbotb bpm anobV3 I oott/ ailb t pt in tbe ttone of bB0 Bsngoomet Het bg note mafie ftenotW pe togetbec/geue

ttanoe tis tbp-felf alonef a $ fojme/^atnbut laugbeDto f co?ne anb fljameb/ becaufe tbott PloueofitbF ftif gtbagapnatis in tbe mo Stajneis . @oto tbetfo;e pf tbou trtiQ e$ in tbpne atone ttrcngtb /come botonetobant^ to tbe piapncfelDe/ ano tbere lettbjs p;oue outefttengtb tcgetben tbou malt ffnoe / $

ntet^p oaugbtet to topfe:foibaiia betbg abauebaleauntmenoftoawetoftbnwtanJ forniefnlatoe/anbbotbgeuetbecetoarbe^/ att&amp;notoetobomgjam/anbtbtot&amp;wt&amp ;ae anbbetpteatebfgnpte.l&amp;tolottiptbeBynge Banbfbpmp. . ... gaueanftoerr/racenge:9apppbetbebaie m tffibicbfave/tbatvoutefotefjsnotablefo tobe tin tbou art come agapne to tbr lanbeof ttanbebeftge oute face/fo; m father s baiw tbt p^genptout^/anbfett in tbe ttone of bene etopfecbaceofototbefc atone lanw. fbtfe&amp;togoomc. 90nototorll3fulf?nib? antinoto/botDtoplttboubeabletoabptiefi) tompnge:but mete me at ptoiomate/g toe gteatean boos of bo?rmenanbfotenienfn mapereoneanotbee/anbtbatgimapeniat? tbefeiiie/tobeteasfipnetbeKtocBe/ftonenec mFbaugbtecbntotbeacco;t&gt;pngetoeb&gt;be place to ftebtitof ff?e.&amp;-optblom?toc"tcoutof&lt;lEgfptetol&gt;t&amp; 3beng:onatba0b6ttbetoo;buJo r bi0batigbtetcieopatta/^camebnto#to&lt; appolionruS/betoagmoueDmbPSimpnoe: lomar's in $ M. peare: tobete fipnge aie - toberf ojt be cboCe^.tboufanbe men anb toe** ftnbermetbfm/anbbegaueileMnoerbf* teoutof ^eturaiem /anb^tmon bpb;o baugbteccieopatva/a mat? ebtbcmat$tfe tbermetbpm fo;tobelpebpm:3nbtbepppt $6maJtoitb8wa teo;lbcpe/lsBeai$tbt cbectbeittemfpatloppa/butgcftpefietite ,b(mfo;tb

%tmtoi/tot lopjiatoa^aii boiae of ap polionius.cben 3ionatbass lapeo fege to it/

anbttyff fbat toerenitbe mte/ fo; betpfea* u le % bim tn:anb fo3]onst{&gt;ags togne !|oppa. appolloniuis beatcnge of tbw / toBe tb;e rboufanbbo?femeny toitbagteate 150a of 1 te/s toet a;s tb ougb be toolbgo to a?otu?/ anb came mtmeof a tip in to tbe plapnefelbe; becaufe be ba&amp;fomanpbotfmen/ a put bp0 Muft fot&amp;em . S&gt;o jonatbas folotoebbpon bimtoa;otu0/an&amp;tbei;etbepfttoBe $ bat* tadl. i^otobab appolloniussiefte a tbou* fanD bowmen bebmoe tyl p# ueipfo gteteu. 3nbtoben3onattja0Bneto tbatCocbtoapte teats lapeo betynto tbem/ tbep toent tounoe aboutetbeenempejsbouVanbttot barter at people from tbe mo;npng to cuenpng, is fo; gionatbau people/ tbep Bepte tbeft o^;e ad be babcommaunoeo tbem ; anb tbe M cnempe0 bo;fe0 toete euec labouepnge. 9)&lt; c^enb;ougbt&amp;pmonfo;tbbi0botte/a fettbem agapna tbe fote men. jf o? tbe bo?f= men toete toetpallteabp. S&gt;o ^e Qifcomfp* tebtbem/anDtbepfleb. aitbtbeptbat toete feat tea in tbe feioe/gae tbem to a?o ms/ana came in to tbe temple of agon tbefe giool/ cbat tbep mpgbt tbere faue tbefr ipues.isut 3onatba0fettfp;ebpon a?otu0anb alltbe cttfe0 tounoe ab out e it/a toBe tb ei t goo&amp;e$$/ !l U9b*yi* anbb;ent bp tbe temple of "agon topt&amp;aU tbem tt)at toete fleb in to it. Cbu0 iBetefiapne anb b;enttoeirnpe.biif tboufanoe men .^o|onatba0t;emouebtbe bo tte from tb en ce / anb b;ougbt tbem to M* calon-.tobetetbemen of tbecicie came fo;tb/ anb metbpm toitb gteate too;ibpppe. aftee tbf0 toente lonatba0 anb b ps boae agapne to lerufaiem / toftbgreate ftibdaunce of gooo.aina toben fipng ailewnoetbetoe tbere t&amp;pngess/ betbougbtto bo 1onatba0 mo;e lo;Cbppe/anb fent bim a cola* of goIDe/ a3 tbe bfet0to be geuenbnto focb 80 ate of tbe fipnges nejtte bloube. ^egaue bpm alfotbe W it of accaton(toitb tbe lanoea belonging tbettojinpoffeffton, CEfie6p!Iencsoiiltto&lt;|!t fctoVmtoi WttmttiHV neftilatof.i

6 is mm tn Wa t. ttfy bum of ateraunOec.SDemto

#f tlje 0i*tfaUts,


an(io(l)ueftsa(nftS)cmc(tiU0.3DfmcttnwM{icl?' uectODp t8cfuccouc of Jonattias. after Ejre aclpuc* comte ^c b?cabc t&amp; ^s couenmnt t|)at e^atj matte. tfcbe.^.Cbaptee. ji)o tfte Bpnge of tfgppte gatbeteb anboae ( ipse tbe fanoe tbat ipetn bpon tfte fee Qto;e)anbmanv fbip. pe0: tof taboute tbo;oto btrceate tooptapnetbeBpngbome of aieieannet/anb to iotne it bnto w atone tealme ,mp on fb'0 betoBedi0ioumegemto ^p;iay anotoap

ie tee n in to tbe cptpes / a men came fo;n) to mete bim:fo; Bpng aiejcanbetbab comaun bebtbemfotobo/becaufebetoa0bi0 fa^et; rnlatoe. j9oto toben #toiomp entteointo enjeptie/ beleftemen of toatte to Bepe ft/9 tbi0bt m tbo;otoeoutall tfte cpt(es. anb tobenbecameeoa!otu0/tbepibetoeb b?m tbe temple of agon anb a?otu0 tbattoa0 b;ent bp/ toitb tt)e otbet ft)inge0 tobicb toe t e beatopeb/tbebeeb boope0 caaab?obe / 9 tfte gtaue0 tbat tftep bab mabe bp toape fpoe/ f 0? focb as to ete flapne in tbefeloe'Jnb toioe tfte fipnge tbat 3onatba0 bab bone all tbere tbpnge0 /to tbe intent tbepmpgbtgettbpm euell top!!, tfut tbe Bpng fapbe not a to am tftetto. anb fonatba0met tfte fipnge toptb gteat bonoute at^oppa/tobetetbep fabtteb

oneanotbec/atofietbeitteft.^o toben'lo. natba0 bab gone toitb tbe Bpng/bnto to a* tee tbat toass calleb Clcutbett^,/ betmneb agapne to 3etufalem . iSotoiStolonipbab gotten tbe bominion of tbe cptte? bnto &lt;g&gt;e&lt; leuciabpontbe fee coaft/ pmagpninge toic* fiea counceljS agapnft Met anoec/ 3 rent em* 71 bauttout0 bnto emetciu0/fapmg: Come/ letb0maBeabonbebettopjtteb0/fo mn% geue tbe mp baugbtet tbat aitjcanbet ft atft/ anb tbou alttapgne in tftpfatfteis Bpng* bome.l tepente tbat | gaue aieranbt? mp baugbtet /fo;bt goetft aboutetoflep me . anbtbu0befclaunb?eba!e;anbet/becaure be toolbebaue babbi0 ttalme. eft 1 10. be toBe b 10 baugbtet ftom ft im /gaue ft et bnto Fernet tiu0/anb fo;foBe aieitS* bet/fotbatbi0maipcetoa0 openlpBnotoen. anbptolomp cam toantiocbe/ tobete be fet ttoo ctotone0 bp5 ft f atone fteao: ctotone ofiSgppteanborafia.^ntbemeane feafon toa0 Bpngeaieieanbet in ctlicia/fo? ttytyp btoelt in tftofe place? / fta&amp;rebeireo agapn a bpm. #ut Wftn aiejcanbet betbe of tbtf/be cam e to toatte agapnll ft im.S&gt; Bpng # 1 &gt; lomp b;ougbtfo;tt) bf0 boa a met bim toptb ampgbtpepotoet/anocftafco bpm atoapr. CbenSeb aie yan oe t in to a tabp/tfte te to be befenbeb/aBpng|BtQlomp0bonouteinct;ea feb.anb^abbfeltbeatabianfmote ofaiie* Inbet0beab/a rent it bnto ptolomp , J3ue Hdt tft p?oe bape aftet / bpeb Bpnge $tolom? bpmfelfetanbtbeptobombe ftaofettin tfte atongebolbc0/ toete flapne of tftofe $ toete toitftm n)e cptpe0. anb erne ttiu0 tapgneo mtbebunb;eibanbfeuenanb fpjrtpe peate. 1 * at tbe fame tpme gatbeteb Jonatftas tbem tbat toete in 3!eto?pto!aperege bnto tbe caftelltobfcbtoa0at3etufalem/anbfo tbepmabemsnp mtteumente0 of toattea* gapnft it.cben toentetbete cettapne bngoo !ppetronne0(tobpcbbateb tbeitatoitcpeo^ pWbnto Bpng emettiu0./ anb tolbe bpm/ Sii.iiij. tbat


tbatfonatfoftbefegebtbe caftei.g&amp;o *&gt;&amp; fte

eeioe it/ft e teas angti e/ 9 immebiatip came bnto ptolomaft^ tt?ote bntolonatftaS/ g De flniloenotfapefege to eaftel/butconie 9 fpeaBe at tft ftpm m ail t&amp;e^aae . $eue t tfteiefte toftenlonatftas ftetoe tft fs fte cSmafr Deo to u ef Eg e It. 0c eft ofe alfo cettasne oftfte cioerjs 9 p?eftes of gjftaell/ 9 put fttm ftlf in tbe pareli/atoftctoft&amp;bmigolbe/filuet/clo* tft ins 9 bf uerfe p?efentes: 9 toente to pto 10 m ais bn to tfte fiinge/9 f ofibe ftim graei ou s. 3Bno t&amp;ougb certaync bngoMvme of ftps atone people mabecSpiapntes bpon fti m/pe t tUe fipnge intteateoftim / Ipfieas ftpspje oc c Effo nvs fta o bone before: 9 promotes ftpm m tft e f r'gft t of alibis frenbes /conf frmeb bim in tbe ftpe p?eftftobetoftl) all tbe too?q)fpe t fte pat afo?e/9 mabe Bim Bis cftefe ftenbe . jo natbas alfo Defp;eD t fte Bpnge tftat ft e tooibe mabe |c to?p fte/to(tf tbe f ft?e fteab cptles of i&amp;amatia 9 tfte lanbes petrapnyngetftetto: bpon tftfSbpb3!onatBa*p?omfreb&lt;m tft?e c. talentes.neftete bnto tfte Bpnge confenteb/9 Saue sonatfyus to?ptinge of tfte fame / con* tepnpnge tftere too?bes. pnge;emetrpus ONDeffi gretfnge onto bis b?otftet fonatftas 9 to tfte people of tbe %t toes . mtitnoe pou bereacoppoftfte lcttretoft?cbtoebpbto?pie bnto owe eibet fcaftftenus/ concerning j? on tftat pefbulbefinotoe ft. ftpnge emetrfus fenbetft gretfnge bnto - laftbenus ft fs eibet . -Jf o?tbe faptbfulncs $ ""owe frenbes tbe people of tfte Vetoes fiepe bntobs / 9fo?tfte loupngefipnbneffe tobptft tftepbearetotoarbbS:toeatebetetmebtobo tftem goob.ifteefo?e toeo?bene alltfte coa* m of pmmmMmm/ *&gt;m ana mamatfta ( toftpeft are abbebbnto Sfetojpfto' S&gt;amara)a all tftelanbespertanfngc tftere bnto/ to be ftelp reparateb fo? focft as bo fa* crpftce Injetufalem : botft concetnpngc tbe papmftes toftprb tbe ftpng tofiepeatlp afo?e tpe/atfte fmtes alfo of tbe earn) 9 trees. m f 0? other tf tftes 9 tributes tftat belongeb bnto b^/toeMfcbargetftem tftetof homm tsmefojt&amp;.gsnlpbenwnee toegwuntebnto

.. . oto ias tfte one erf pbon( tW fiab btnt elMtmms parte afo?e ) toftpeft tuftenfte fatoetftat all tfte ftooft mutmuteb agapntt

@emettfu]s:beb}entetomalcueitfte3Pra* bran ( tbat b;ougftt bp antpocftu? tfte tonne ofaiejeanuer)aia?efo?ebponbtmytobettHec ft i ni tyit v Sg 30 n t f oc&amp; u 0: tftat be mfgft t tag* gne in W fatbe x ttcabe t t tolbe ftjm alfo tobat greate ettell 9 em ettuip ft aD bone/ana botobi0nienof.toarrelouEDft&lt;mnot^fore mapneb tftere a longc to afon. ariD'ionatftagfmt bnto ftmge&amp;emetrf* ust/to b?f ue tfttm out toftpcb toere In tfte ca* del at'lecufalem 9 in tfte otfter refugpeg fo; tftepbpb3ifrafU greate ftarrae.^o eme tri0fentb3O?bebntogionatbai5/fajEnge:3 totinot only bo tftefe tftmges fo? tfte anb ^&gt;p IJeople/butattpme conuenfetgi toil! bo botfj^, tfte a M people greate too^Oippe . &amp;ut noba"' fftourjftaltbomeapleafme/fCtftoubifitrenb me men to ftelpe me :fo? all mpne armpe 1? gene fro me.&gt;o gonatfta? Cent bvm,i.^; Orongemenbnto Untpocfte; anotftep came bnto tfte ft mge/toft e r f o?c tfte bpnge toag be* tpglabattftEitcomFnge.;&amp;uttbeptbatfa)e re of tfte ritte(euenan,cw:. tftoufanbemen) gatfterebtftem togetbet/ amoloe ftaueflan* netfte fipnge/toftfeft ae&amp; m toftps cotitte-.ana tfte citttm bepte tfte fttttt of tbe cit le/ana begannetofpgftt, t)entfte bpnge callebfo? tfte 3etoe*s ftel* pe/bjfttcft came bnto ftpm altogether/ at&amp;e te ab?obe tfto?oto tfte cptpe/ 9 fletoe tfte Came bape an C.a^.memret fp?e bp5 tfte cftfe/gac manpfpoplesmtbatbape/abelpuevebtbe 6lnge.S&gt;otobentftecptefpn0fatoetftattfte: aetoejJbabgottcntbelrtoiioftftecptpe/ana tfteptftemfelue?bifpopnteboftfte(tpuroofc tbep mabe tfteir fuppHcaclon bnto tfte Btngc

fapenge/ &lt;s?aun te w peace/anblettthe le wa ceaae from troubKngebs anbtfte cptie/ 9 bpon tftpg tftep catt atoape tftetr toeapensfj Cbti* tftep mabe peace / anb tfte^etoeggatt greate bjo;ftlpe in tfte rpgbt of tfte Bpnge /.&amp; in tfte Hgftt of ail tftat toere in ftps realme j 9

2 Kz-ai"- ... . umvu toere fpoben of tbo?ob&gt; onttfte Bpngbome: fbemaitftecjtttomejjof fait9 crotonetawst anb fo tftep came agapne to gfettraiemt oi't&amp; tobrcbtereb ? ougbtbntobjJ.anbt8Wfrf. greategoobep. /* r a % rfil? f 5 s " tftc.P bauefirme 9 ttebfaft/ from S&gt;o tfte fii'ng Wtmetiiua fat tn tbe trone tftWfpmefo?tbfo;eHetmo;e .cberfojefc g offtfeBrngbome/anbbabpeacernbwranbe. If rt i a t 6c , ac Woftftefeourlettet!S/9befttifr #euertbeie*be baembeleb inalltb at etteK ubntoaonaajaiJ:gttmapebefieptebpon &amp;efpafte/9tolr&amp;b?etoebmrelfftomg!enaa * fta0ynetbertetoarbebblmacco?b?ngtotfte benefptes toftpeft fte babbonef03btm./bue troublebblmberpfo?e JftettftRi camecrr* pftonagapnetoitftpongeltnttocftus/tofticb tapgneb 9 to an crotoneb bpnge . cb en tft ere gatftetED bnto ftfmal tfte wen of toatte/toftS emetrfus ftab put atoape : tftefe fougftta* gapnft mimttiuftmitb flea 9tumebbp^ bac&amp;e

bolpmountma comientent place. JBftcrtbiw/toben^emetrfujJ tftenfnge fatoetbatbfjSianbetoaiJmteft/atbatnore* flOaunce toasmabE ftpm :ftc fent atoape all W ftoott euetpman to ftps atone place/ejc cepte an armpe of Oraungew / tobom be .- . 5?oBfte'toitt*e arwof toe eateeti/lBnetr W|ft.f&gt;e,fo^alBttfatfietiJt)ooar)8beHeitoriafbrm,



feacBe^octipbontobetb^iepbantejS/9 luanne amttocfte Jnb pong ain t lo cftuss to;o te bntoHohatbag/fajenge : I confpnne tbe rntftpp?eCoDe/9mafiet!)emiercf.iii),coe* txmii tftoumareSbeafrenbeof^binges, k atpontftt'sfterentftlmgolbenbeffiijstobe muebfh/9gauebtmietietob;mbemgolbe to be clotfteb in purple /ano to toetea tolas of golbe/l&amp;emabebpsibjotftet; *pmon aifo captapne/ftomtfte coottes of ftpniSbnto g borers of Cgppte.^ften ^onatftastobe ftps t oumep/ 9 toente tfto^oto tfte citpes beponoe ifietoater(ofgjo?bane)9.alltbenienoftoar tebt&amp;vm gatfterebtftem bht6bpmfb?to Belpe ftpm. &gt;o fte came bnto aifcalon / anb fte?oftftecptpereceaubftpm^ono?ab^:(i from tftence toente ft e bntd &lt;&amp;a?a / but tftep tooibe not lett ft tm mi to&amp;erfo;e be ia^eb fege bnto ft bitrnpngebp atftfpoplgnge tbe pm* ces tftat toereaftoutetbe cftie. w a)nbtftecpterinsof&lt;iE!a;afubmptfebfftem feluesbnto|onatbas/toftpcbmaoepeace^ tbe* /buttobe of tfteft tonnes topleage / ftnt tbemto jemfalem/ anb toente tbo?oto tfte countre bnto amafcus. j5oto toftengtona tftasfterbe tftat emetrtus Pzpnces toere comefnto caoes ( toftftb ts m alflee) toftb Bgeeat booft/pt trpoHng to put Demetrius out from mebipnge in tfte realme-.ftecame agapnfttftem/anbiefte&amp;pmon ftt'sojotftEt; fntftelanbctoftpcftcameto 3Betftfura/ano lapebfege to ft a longe feafon/ano btfcomff &lt; tebtftfiAjotftepbefwefitoftaiiepeacetoftb ^rm/tobtcftftegraunte&amp;tbem/aaftertoarbe put tfte out frS tftence/tobe $ cite/ 9 fetmen tobepe it. Unh gjonatftasttftis ftooft came to toater of enefae/9bBtpmesnt moj* nsng gat tfte to tfte plaine fei&amp;e of a?o?. 3nbbeftoibe / tfteftoottesof tbe^eatben met W in tft t felbe/9 iacebtoatcft f o? tfte in tftemountapnes:ro $ toftenljonatbas came aga^ifttfte/tfte otfter( tobfeft toere lapebto toatcb)tore out of tfteft places/ 9 fougbt/9

tfteptftattoeteoE^onatftasfFbe/fieb euerp mam? tftere teas not one of tfte left/ercepte jfi^atftatiftiastfte Conneo3bCalomus/ anb Jubas tftefonneof Calpftr'tfte captapneof tfteftoo&amp;.cfteng'onatftaStEttteftis clotftes/ lap eo eartft bpS ftts ft em/ mabe ftps p;a;er/ eturneb agapnetotftf in felbe:to&amp;cretfte? fotigBttogetfter/anbbeput tftem to flpgftt. !9oto toben ft is atone men t toere fleb/fato tftis-.tfteptumeb agapne bntoftim/ 9 fteipeo Qimtofolotoebpon alltfteieenempes bnto tfteft tentes at cabes. fb tfte re toere dapne of tfte fceatften tfte Camebape.uj. u. men/9 gonatbastumebagapetolenifaiem. mSontttoe fenOe tl) Cimbatrou tee to K omc &lt;t t o t Or S topic of j&amp;pacta to vtmetotittBWiswtottttnbt Kp.Jonatftas put tetb (oa?sBC (te Sjinccs of V)e* jnrtraw. Cr^QontabtQjonattiM bpiKcrate*

be.irtfbaptet; fl)natftasremge tftat tpme toasf^ metefo?ftlm/ cftofe cettapnemtn* afenttftembnto xtome to? to n&amp;^Ibip 9 torenue tfte ftciionjtppe toitftfftem.0efentftftresalCobntoS&gt;pat'tiffiacB,i)gf4i ta/9to otfter places in Ipfie maner.^o tftep 9 toente bnto Mom/ 9 enweb into tfte coaccii/ 5?att6 tfteftpepjeft 9 tfte people oftbegletoes Cent bs bntopou/ fo? to venue tfte oibe ftenoCftpp 9 bonbe of ioue.lap5 tbia tfte Eomapnesgaue tftem frepafpo^s/ P men ftuibe lebe tftem ftomc into tfte lanbe of giubapeaceablp* anbtftisistfte copp of tfte lettersg3onafftasto?otebnto$sj&gt;pat'c&lt;fi0s lonatftaStfteftpep;eft tottft etoers/pje* ftes/ 9tftcotfterpeople of tfte^ctors jtam gretinge bnto tfte g&gt;patcpas tftcir bje mt m mm toere Icttres rente longe agoo bnto nfastfteftpep^eft/ftoSErius/tefticfttftau wrgnebamSge pou: $ pe are cure toetfoen/ . astftetojptingemabetfterbpon/fpectfieci). anbfnias entreatebtfteembaffftoure tftat toas ent/ftono?ablp/a teceaueo tfte letters: tobmfotoeretoasmencpomabeofij&amp;onbe ofloue 9 f eenbftpp.oBut as fo? bs/toe ntbe toftp/toeftaue f ftolpiS bobes of fctipturc in oure ftanbesto our c5&gt;

f o?te.JUeuertftelfS toe ftabratfterfenbe bnto ?ou/fo? tfte renupng of tfte b?otftevftoce anb ftenblbpppe:left toe fftuloe be ftraunge bnto pou/fo? it is longe/ fens tfte tpme gpc rent too?bes bnto bS.lftetfo?e in g facipfices i toe oftre 9 otfter cetera onr'es bpo tfte ftpe fGlempne bapes anb otfter%ralteape temenw b?poutoftftout ceaffpngdifte asreafon ft/ 9 as it becSmetft bs to tftpncfte bpS out lm&lt; tft?en)?ee anbaie tpgfttglab of poure p?o* fpetousftonoure, 3Dnb tft ougft toe ftaue ftab greate troubles anbtoarres/fotftattfteftpnges abotite bs baue.fougftten agapnft bs : pet tooibe toe not be greuous bnto pou net to otfter of out louers anb frenbes in tftefe toarres . jf o? toe batteftabftelpeftomfteauen/fo tftat toe are beipueteb/9 oureenempesrubbucb . efterfoje toe cftoteiSumenius tfte fonne of Sntio cftuS anb Hintipater tfte f onne of 3afon/an&amp; few tftem bnto tfte momapnes/ fo? to tenue tfte olbe bonbe of frenbibpp anb loue top tft tftem. iffieeommaunbeb tftem alfo to come bnto pou/to falute pou / anb to belpuer pou oure lettres/concernpng tfte tcnouacpon of oure bjotftetftoDe.Kinb note pe Omllbo rigftt toell/to gene bS an anf ttei e tftere bnto. anb tftis tstfte coppof tfte to?ptpnge/C toftftftSBtiustbe bpnge of &amp;patta fcntbn&lt; toflDniaS:3nuSfipngofl^iparciansfen betft gretpnge bnto flDnias flic ftpe p?e ft .ft ftfounwm to??tpngE/tftatt[)e fepawinfig m&amp; anb

an&amp;letoe mt b?etb?f / an&amp; come out of tbe generacp S of 3ib?abOnb note f o? Co moc altbi* come to oure finotolebg/pe (Dal do toell/to to?itebnto bss of pourep?ofpetftpe. M f o? ww Bane to?ptte oute mpnoe onto pou-.&gt;utecatell ana goooess ate pouts/ana gouts our*, cbefe t^engc * baue tot com* w au tioeo to be ftetoeD unto sou. iOben lonatbasbetoe/tbat jBememu* p?pneejj toerecomefo?tb tofpgbt agapntt bpm/toitb s gteatetboott tben afo?e/be wet ftom!Jerufaiem/9mettbemtntbe lanoe or ematb/ft be gauetbenot tpacetocome fotobWatonecofftre.aimibe tentrppe* ig

to tbeir tente*/ tobpcb came agapne 9 coioe b pm / tb a t H e p torn app opnteb to come bpo Bim in tbe npgbt Ceafon.tbetfo?e toben tbe funnetoa*gonebotone/gonatba*c5maun d en bf * men to toatcb all tbe w Bbt / 9 to oe teabptt toeapens fo; to rwfl fcji fet,to atcg &amp; men tounbe ab oute tfte boott/ xtit toben tb* aDuevrati'ejs Qefoe tbat ^onatftas toa* teatip toitb bf* men to tbe battapH/ tbep feaeeb/ &amp; toft* at capeo in tbeie erne?/ anb Retina fp?esin tbelrcentes/ b?abebp/anbgattbe atoape JSeuertfiele*3|onatba0 anbbi* ?om panp fineto ic nottpll tbe mompng/ fo? tbep faae t&amp;e fp?e* burnpnge. . cben a onat&amp;a* folotoeo bpon tbem/bue 6empgbtnotouereaBetbem/t"o?tbeptoere gone ouertbe toatcr cieutberu*.&gt;o1ona* tba* oepaueobntojtbe 3JtabiS*(tofiteb toete calleb3abaDei)aeto tbcm/9 tofie tbefrgoo* be* #e p?oceoeo rurtbet alfo/ano,camebn to amafcu*/9toentetbo?otoalltbat coe* m.V (it g&gt;im8 bi*b?otbet tone W iournep anocameto atcalons totbenerte Utonge boioefcoepattpngebntolonpa/anotoanne tt.ffo? fie btw tbat tbep tooioftan&amp;e of c* metritis pattpe : toberfo?e be rent men of toarrem tbe cpte/tofiepe it Jfter $ t* came gonatbagftome agapne/ acalteotbe riaecst of tbe people togetber:anb beupfeb toitb tbe f o?to buploe bp tfte ttr0ge bofoes in %mv&gt; anb tbe toalie* of Hemfaiem/to ret bp an bpe toaiibectoijctt&amp;ecattellmi&amp;tbe ctte/fo? to reparate it from tbe cite/ tbat it mpgbtbe . aione/anDtbatmenawlbenetberbpenoj fell in it. pon tbi* tbep came togctbet fo? to buil* be bp tbe cities fo?mocb as tbe toail bpon b?ofieor&amp;toeafpb(C8UebCapbetftera&amp;)toa* fallen botone/tbeptepap?ebte.Hindft&gt;pmon fee bp jBblabab in &gt; e pbelab/9 m aoc it &amp; tog Cettgnspojtes 9 loebe* bpon it, #oto toben GCtppbonputpofebtotapgnemaifpa/tobe isatactj .*(.c. ctotoneb/8 to dape ^t fipnge atntiocbus-. be iofcp.eap^fr. bajs afrapeo ^ ^onatbau tooloe not futfce wp* bfm/butftgbtagatn(tbfm.!&amp;berfo?ebett&gt;?' leaboutto tafieaonatiiafJ/ato billb(m.

Cbe ^?ftbofee

$ &amp; e oe part eo / 9 came btito t tbratt, Gbtn ttente 3;o na t&amp;afi ( o;tb agamft bim to tbebattapilioitb fourtfe tboufanoecboftn men/ a cam e bn to ^etbfan alfo . $ut totom eeipbon ravoe tfta t jonatbajs came toftb fo geeate an ^ ofte to Nftroge bsm ; be teas afeapetKanotbetfo;e be ceceaueobim bono* tabipcamenwobimbnto alibi* ftenoej*/ 9 gauebsmtetoatDe0i/anb(ommaimaeb bp* tnenoftoanetobeajobeoientbnto btmas tobpmfelfe. aino(apoebnto9!onatba0:tiibvbaatboti cauCeotbe* people to tafee focb (tauaple/ fepng tbece is no toatre betupjcte Wfcbet* f o?e renoe tbem borne agapne / 9 cbore cec* tapne men to toapte bp5 tbe/9 come tboutt me toptolomai*; fo? % topllgeue it $mify otbctatfgeboibe0/menofkoar*e9tbeiv offfcetg-.a js to; me/3! mutt Depatte / tbps isf onlp tbe caufe of mp cSmpng. ^onatba^be* leuebbim/anb bpb a* be iapbe/ puttpnge a toape bis* bolt/ tobicb toente in to ttit iano of oe3uba.$e bepte but.ii(.^bpbim/tber of be fen t,ii. 2 . in to &lt;&amp;alf lee / anb one.flj?, ttente toftbfiim [ei fe, 0m agfoonea* lonatba* entttbin to ptoiomaf* / tbecptefpn^fpaetebtbe gates oftlje cptie/ano tobebim/ anbOetoe ailtb5 toitb tbeftoeene/g cameiniBitbbim.cben rent ct(pt)onanoftof fotemenanbbcgrmen into &lt;0aiiieeanbintotbe great plapne feu&gt;e/tobeatopeall3|onatba0c8panp.2Sue tt^en tbep fin ett tbat ^onatbag toast tab?/ 9 al!tbepaapnetbattoaptebbponbim:tbee tofie coimcell togetbec / acame fo?tb reabe to $ ba t tapll&amp; toben tbep tobicb folotoeQ bpontbf/(atoe'tbatittoa*a matter of Ipfe/ tbepturnebbacbeagapne. %9 fo?tbe otber/ tbep toente into tbelanoeoflutia peacealp/ aubbetoaviebfonatBast/ 9 tbem tbat mere toitb bPt vpgbt ro;e.3nb Sftael mabe great lamentacpon.ben all tbe^eatbe n f toere tonnce aboute tbem/rougbt to tieOtop* tf)5 fo? tbep rapbesnotobaue tbep no captapne/ no?enpmantobtlpetbem.betfo?eiettb0 ouercome tbem/anb tote out tbrit name ftiS

amongemen. cafrtrJonatBasteas tabmfesmoit (0 tfioftn cap* t aync/of vsljom (tSEr (pfjon (ahpng tys ibUtifi monef fo:ii!etfticmptjonof?onat6a0/b?Uttl) ^manOfttt antioctiis/spoCrriIc(t)(^etta(rae.JDEmetrfU6tto'9 1 1 uk witb ftfmon.ftfmoti tofnntt^ ja&gt;a.tje poJ&amp;fc fttb ttit (ottttofAton. OemaketbbxtonncSfolin tfapiajne. tbeici.baptec. ]itobf An5 betoe tbaectfe* Pbengatberebasteate^o(te/to come in to tbe lanoe of giuoa/ anb itocettropeit:8ratoeg tbepeopw m areate I ml urn m 9 eate : $e came bpto

bpfo^enifaient/ainbgatbeeeb people to getber/anbgauetbem ewtacpon/ fapinge: f e bnotoe tobat gteate battapi* | ana mp D?etb;en 9 mp mws bouTe bauettrifif f 0? tbe latoe 5 tije ^anctuatp/ 9 wbat maner 1^1 w,*,(t.b of troubles toe bauefene: tbo;otoe occafpon

m tu motets,


toberof/alimp b;e.tb?^aredapne ro^fvaeis fane/and 3!am left alone, aino n to lett not


! V

V' !' ^

V c


il *

botfmen to come tbat famenfgbf jetiftt^e lefieittoa^aberpgreate rnotoe/rotbat be camenottn(!alaaDitbim,4lnbto!)ehbeb?e^ toenpeJiSafcbama /befletoegi.onatrtas anb b(S fonnegftbere/anbttjen turneo fo? to goo bbme in to bitf atone lande. tftn lint ^pmon fo? to fet bt* b;otljetss beebcoarre/a'nbburiebit infl^ooin bis fa* me (pare Tnpne atone Ipfe in enp maner of tberg cptie.&amp; all gfrael betoapleb bpm tt troubie/fo?3| am no better tbetimpb?etb?f: greate tamentacpon / anbmoumeo fo? bi nt buttopHauengemppeople9tbeS&amp;anctua berplongeJnn&amp;pmonraaDebpon tbere* vp/oure cbPlo?en ano oure topue#fo? all tbe pulcre of kit facber anb bP* b?et|?e a bupw ^eatfien ate gatbereb togetber / tobeutope bpnge W to lobe onto of fre ftotie be bpnoe Wof'berpmalpce. 8befo?e:anbre,tbpreueppIet:*/oneagapntt M tbefe to o?oe* tbe berte* of tbe people anotbertfo? bis fatber /bp*motb 9 foute

toerebpnbiebtogetber/fotbattbepcrpebtt b?etb?en)9fetgreatepewrounbe aboute/ a louoebopce/ fapinge; cbouibaltbe oure toitbarmesbpontbemfo^aperpetuallme^ captapne in fteabe of |ubas anb fonatijas mo?p/aubcameb fijippesbefwe tbeatmes: tbpb?etb?e7ozD?etbou ouwbatteil/9tobat' tbatrbepmigbtbefeneof men faplpnge in f oeuer tbou commaunbelibjf /toe (baltboit. tbe ree.GbWreputtve toljicbbe maoe a t^o* #&gt;o be gatbetebailgmen of toatre mabing bi n2ttanoetbpet, bnto tbteoape* ^aae to f pnllb all tmt toalie* of jerufalem/ CJPotoagcrtpbon toent fo?tb 1 team ed &amp; tobicbbemaoe ftc3gerounbeaboute,cbm f pongespnglfnttotdufit/ befletoUimtrap.'Jof tpwW* asrentbe gionatbautbe ronneof ^bralomu* terouflp/anbtaignebinbi*aeabe/ciotonca' :&lt;u,, ''' !l ' toitb afreQ) boflebntogioppa/tobicb b?oue b^m felf fipng of ^ria/anbbpomocb euei i in tbe out g toetein tbecaaell/anbremapneb tbe lanoe.fepmon alfo bupite fap tbe cat tcis tbere bim relfe.cripbon alio remoueb from in 3eto?p/mafipnge tbem Qronge toptb b pe tatolomaistoitbagreateavmpe/tocomem toto?e*/greatetoalle0/po?te0anblocbe0/9 totbelanoeof3!ub8/MbHonatba!Sttbpm lapebbpbptaiesmtbearongebolDe*. Hino &lt;ntoatbejnfi^&gt;imonppt(bebbwtente0ae &gt;pmon cbore certapne men itm rent tb em 3Cbbu0befo;e tbe plapnefcibe. eoftpnge&amp;emetmi!3:tooefp?ebim/tbatbe ^ut toben ctipbonbnetoetbat^pmoit tooioe oifcbarge tbe lanb from all bonbage/ ftooebp in aeabe of bP*b?otberlonatba*/ fo?ct(t&gt;bonbabrpoplebitberpro?e.t&amp ;bct&lt; 9 tbatbe toolDe toarre agapnft bpm ; be rent bpon ? emetritt* t^t fipnge anftoere o bpm/. nieoaunge rsj bnt bim /fa ping-.beb e r e a* toe anb to? bte bnto bim after tin* maner. baue bepte lonatbau tbpJb?otber/itiis fo? emetriu* tbe fipnge fenbetb gretpnge moneptbatbei* atopnge intbefipngejtac* bnto gypmon tbe bpep?ettbl*frenbe/topffl compte/concetnpnge tbe bufpneffe $ be bao tbe eloer* 9 people of tbe ?etoc 0. cb e goio? &lt;nbanbe.H0berfo?erenOenotoan.c.taleteis crotoneanbp?eciou*aonetbatpefentbnt(r of rpluer anb bPSttoo Tonnos fo? fuertpe/ M/bauetoereeeauetKanDarereaoptomafitf Ibat tobenbei*lettenfo?tbbetballnotfo? atteafatt peace toitb pou/pre atoto?ptebti rabeb*:anbtoelbaHfenbebimagapne,j$e* tooureoftpcer*/fo?toreleafe pou/ concern

tiertbelefle ^pmon finetoe / tbat be bpffem* npnge tbe tbpnge* tobeiin toe mane pou ftes ble&amp;in W to o?oes : pet commaunbeb lit tbe 9 tbe appopntmen t tbat toe e Mti) pou/ monep 9cbpio?mtobebeipuereb bntobpra: fljalbefp?meanb ftable.ebe arongebolce* telt be fpulo be cfie greater enempe agapnff tobicb pe baue bu piaeo/ ibal be po ttte atone. lbepeopleotnaael/9rape:becaureberent 3B*fo?enpouer fpgbtojfatote commpfte&amp;f . flimnottbemoncf anbtbe cbilb?en/tberfo?e bntot&gt;i*oape/toe fo?geue it/ 9 tbe c rotone? tt3pmtba*ueeb. tatetpeougbtbSalfo.Snbtobereastoa*! ;C a&gt;o pmm rent Ittm t^e cbpib?? anb an enp otber trpbute in^e rufaie/ It 0)a t note be |lunb?etbtaiieieS/buebebi(rembleb/9toolDe notrpbute:an&amp;lofieb)boare mete amo nge" ttot!et3onatba*go.aftertoatoecame cn'&lt; poutobeinoutecotute/letibembe to?ptt^ ybon tn to tbe !anoe/to beQrope it/anb toent bp/tbat tbere mape be peace bcttopw e b*. tounbeaboutebptbetoape/tbatlebetb bn* cbujstbepocfioftbe^eatfjen toastaftendS to3!bo?.5i5uttobereroeuer tbeptoente/tbp* ftom5fraeli/intbebunft?ei anofeucntpe tbertoente ^pmonanbbWboOeairo.iSoto peareJuti tbe people of tfie fetors beganne tbeptbattoete intbe cattell/fentmeffaun* toto?pteintbeirrettre09actosnnfbfjtmafr. t&lt;) *** BerjJbntoctipbon/S be ftulbe mafie baCe ner.gjn f fp?tt peare of &amp;pmoni$ bye p?e8/ W w * n * p 10 come bp tb e toptoerneffe/ anb to fenDe tbi anb p?pnce oftbe Vetoes . bptaie*: ^nbctipbon mabeteaop aWbK* Sntbofeoape* toent ^ pm0 bnto ca$a/


&lt;g$e$?ff]bofee topo;ctoaunceoftoarrejmitoanneatoto?e tobPebbeto&amp;e. &gt;otbep tbat gatt in totbe totoff leaptetotbe cptpe / tobpcb teas to a gceate feate : 2n f o mocb tbat t^e people of t^e cftfe Knee c^eic ciot^ess/anD ci^rtimcu b bpon tbe toalle* toftb tbefe topue s 9 cbpib;; fceftebpnge $&gt;pmon to be at one toptbtb tepenge. d&gt; tetoarbe w not after out e tofcfiebnesv

.butbegraciousbntobs/anbtoeajaiioo f feru?ce.ben ^pmon to? bete ppte/tooloe ffgbt nomo? e agapnft tbera/but put tbi out of me cptfe/anb caufebtbe &amp;oufes(to&amp;ctto $ Simages toere) to be clenfe&amp;tanb fo entreb tbe eptpe toptb Pfaimes of p;apfe 1 geupnge t&amp;Sc&amp;es bnto tbe ;Ho2ae.&gt;o tobebe bab catt ail abbonipnacpons out of t&amp;e c?tic / be fett f ocft men in it as nepte tbe lata of (Dob / ana maaetfje cptfe fttonge/anb buplbeftabtoei*


Ipnge place fo; be nt f elf e . 0oto toben tbep totbecaGeflatgmtCa

bepte bsm totoatoe , %m an ft e Ianbe of guba teas to tea/fo icige as 9 pmon Uuetj ftybefougbtf&amp;etoealtbofbpspeopuvtber* foze torn tbep glab to baue biro fo; tbefe tu !ee/a to do bun towtyppealltoape. &gt;p men toa"ne tbe, cftte of gjoppa alfo fo; anbauentotone/amabe (tan totraunceto totbegie* of ireeJpe etilargcb tbe bo;b0 ofbiSpeoplejconqueteDtbemmo?elanoe: $e gatbecebbp manpof tbelr people tbat toete p?ef on e rs ib e ban tbe bompnton of m* ?a/#etbtaianbtbecattcB7tobpcbbe eien&gt; feDftomfpltbpnes/anD tbere mas no man tbattefi aebbptm&amp;otbat euerpman tpiieb bwgtounbetopeace/tbelanbeofaubaanb tbe trees gaue tbeitftute anb encteace.cbe * elects fattalimtusgement/stofietbefrce* upcefo; tbe toeattb offtelanoe: tbeponge menputontoo;l&amp;ppeanbbarne(lebpontbe*. W pmwtt bptaiie* fo; tbe cptpe*/ ano mabegooblp Qrongebofoes of tbemtfotbae tbe fame of bps toojOnpetoasfpofien of bn*

rem toete beptefoltteatlp/ tbat ti)w coutoe totbe enbeoft&amp;e toozlbe.ffojfbem abepcace

not comefo?tb net to to f countre/ ampgbt netberbpenerfeHitbeptotre berpbungtpe/ anDmanpoftbemfampfbebtobeatb-. Sfinfo mocb tbactbepberougbt &gt;pm5to beat one toitbtbem/ tobpeb be Staunteo tbem. g&gt;o be put tbem out from tbence/ano cienfeb tbe catteii from fpttbneffe , ano bpon tbe, Ktttj.bapeoftbe feconbe nionetb totbe. C. Ijpf.pearetbepentrebtotoft toptbtbanbef* geupng anbb;auncbeis of palme ttees/toftb batpe*/ ctotobe*/ cpmbaW/anb lutcis/fpn* gpngepfalmes / ano fonges of p?a pfe bnto &lt;5oo/fb;tbat tbe great enemp of iiftaei teas cue t come. 3C no fcpmon o;oenebtbat tbefamebape (bulb be bepte eueep pear e to glabnece/ ano maoeCtSge tbebplloftbetemple tbattoas*

tbo;otoouttbeTanoe/anD gfraell ioa# Ma***t&gt;tm ofmtbanb&lt;o?f. ftMtm twiv ml fat bnDtt W bpne 9 fpge ttrtsi ano tbete teas no manto ftapetbe atoafe. cbetetoasnoneto$lanoetofpgbtagajnOS tbem/fo? Wn ^spnges toete ouetcome.^e beipto tbore tbat tone to aottetftte amonge bt'SpeopIe/betoasofHgettofe^latoefiepte: as fo;focba0 tottebngooip anbtonc&amp;e&amp;b* tofie t$ atoape.^e retbptbe ^anctunr/ aencteafebtbebolrbeoeisioftbeteinpie. l@ben t^t Jgomagne* ans ^patclans baQ gotten too;oe/tbatIona(baStoa*ioeeb/ tbeftoetftpgbtfo;r,uttobrnOittbttM tbat fbvmS b bjotbettoaamaoebfepjeO! tobts Seaoe/anbbotobebao toonneelanoe aga?netoftbtbecrt&lt;e0to;tbefto?otebnt8-

befpoetbe caCell/tobetebebtoeltbEmfeifc bpmto tables of latpn/totenue tbefteno*

ioftb W c9panp.d&gt;$mon alfo petceaupnge Qtppe/sbonbe of loue/tebtcb tbefbab ma oc tbat 3i&amp;on b&lt;S fonne teas a mtsbtte man of afo;e toftblubatf f lonattiaSb lS b;etb;en. atmes/mabebtotcaptaifneofaUtbeboQe?/ l^bftbtoiptpnges toete reobtfo;e tbecon*

ano caufeo bmt to otoen at &lt;m*. CIDeme tcms id cue count of aeftteftiipmon o e in j Mptacne tbetets ateatc qujf tnt s in J(tu\. Cf&gt;r co# uenaunt or t cttmw wot tip JBomawt 9 toitl) 1 5 e people of ftpactafsrenurt. CCbe.]t(t0.Cbaptet. Dtjtt|.veaie satbeeeb %WS l&amp;emetfttfSbiS boft/anbbepatteo bnto^ebta/togettbtoibeipe fo; . w tofrabtaga^nftcrtpbon. iSoto toben atftcejftbefijng of ^erHa 9 SBebfa ber&amp;r/ $ emettius teas entreb toWjm bfff bo;tirt0:befentoneof btsp;pnce0 to ta&amp;e b?malpue/9tob;pngebimbntob?ni.d&gt;o be toenteanDQetoejsemetttois bode/tobe bsm feifc/ b;ousbt brm f q Mnced/ tobicb

gtegacconatiemialem. i.t.t,a ano tbwfe tbecopjoftberetttetf/ tbat iXrt*. , tbe;enatcs anbetc tefcnsof^partafenbegtettogbnto^intS f 8teatp;efttttbeeibew/p;ette0/. otbet people of tt)e Vetoes tbeirb;etb?en: t&amp;beti pute embaoptouts f toete ftnt bnto oute peopie/certtff eb bs of sou ve to o? IB ( ppe/bo* noute 9 p;ofpetou0 toeattb : toe toete grab oftbeftcomi&gt;ng/9baueto;?tte'tbe eavanoe tobbtbepfpabebefo;ef coficen of f peo Pletnameir/tbat #umenms fonne of 3Bn* ttocbus/anb an rtpa tev f 01m e f jgaf on tbe Vetoes embaort im ate come bntobtffb; to tenue ? oloe ftenbfttoe toto)bS5pontbi's* {people confenteb/tbatSmenQiuibebebo* oojablg

Ho;ablptotteateb/anbtbat tbe cop? oftbefe tobfcbtoetetotbecptfeof^auibatietufa eatanpeQmniebeto;fttf to tbefpeceaUbo* lemtotbecaftel(toberetbci&gt;toetout nstp

ftesoftbepeople/fo;aperpetuali memo;? bnto tbe $&gt;parc(an$f eeano tbat toe Ouloe fcnbe a cop? of tbe fame bnto ^? mS{ gteat /^V/lrRtlb'Sbpb D?mcn fence jiiJumem'uS V^rbntoJRome/toitbagolbenlbFioeofatbou' raunbpounbetoefgbttocdficmetbe ftenb* Otfppe toitb tbem:tobftb tt^tn tbe Komae* nes bnbesQobe imv faroe : tobat tbancbes QiaUtoetecompenceagapne bnto&amp;smon a bte cbSld^fo; bebatb ttabitojebb is bio tb;en/9 ouetcome tbe enempest of tftaeu. 9betf o;e tbe? gtaunteo bint 1 be fee . 3Bnb autbf0to;otetbe3jetoestotabresoflat?n/ enbnaleb it bnto tbe ptfets bps tae mounte 5bfon.cbe copf of toeto;?t?ngetstbf0: be.]cbUi.Ba?e of tbe moneto cSlul to tiMFeatetotbetbitbe ?eare of S&gt;?mon tbe b n p;eQ/in tbe great t congregacgon of tbep;ettes/rulersoftbepeople/anbeloets vfi cofttteataifatame/ toete tbefetootfe* openly ueciateb: m. tfojfo mocb as tbere teas mocb toatte to welanb/tberfo;e S&gt;?mon g fonne of ma tatbfab(come of tbe cb?io;en of. jateb ) ano Brs b;etb;en/put n)em f e! ur s to par ell/ana *efu fteo tbe enemies of tbeft people : % t^tit ^banctuat? anoiatoe migbf be mantefneb/ anb otbtbat peoplegteate too? drtpe.giona' natbasin iw maner/after tbat be bao go* uttmtyte People ano bene tbet'r b ?e p;efte: b?eb/anb lyetb ourt eb bef? be W eiDers. 3fter $ ttolbe tbeieenemyes bauettobbf tbettbolrtbtogesbnberfote/oeotopebtbeu: lanbe/anobtteflj toaiSeb tbett $&gt;anctua* t;?.cben S&gt;?mon tottbdobe tbem/ 9 fougbt fo;bfSpeople/fpentmocb of bis atone mo* ne?/toeapeneb tbe baleauntmen of bfspeo* fle/gaue tbe toages/mabe fttonge cpttes ofiuba/toitb&amp;etbfutabtbat!?etbbpon 6o;bet0 of 3!eto?p(tobetetbe o;o?naunceof tbet'r enem?es Jape fomt?me)anbfet vetoes tbere fo? to fiepe ft. sf ^emabefatt3!oppaairo/tobfcbI?etbbp5

tbe fee/ anb ap tbat bo;b?etb bpon3D}0' tuS(tobere tfjeenempes btoe!tafo?e) 9 tbere |efett9;etoestobepeft:9tobatroeuettoas mete fo? tbe fubbupnge of tbe abuetfarpes/ tbatlapebbetbet/n. iQototobentbe people ratoe tbe noble aceesof^pmon/ anb tobat lo?ffippe be purporeb tobo fo? m /bis gob* I?bebauoure/anb faftbtutoede tyw be fteptebntotbem/anbbotobefousbt bpa loafed t^e toeattb of bt's peopie/becaufe be bpb a rbps / tbetfo;e tbep ebofe bpm to be tbeft p?pnce anbbpe P?ett . 3tto bfs epme tbe?p;ofpetebtoeHbi&gt;bmt/fotbattbe^ea tbentoeretabf outoftbefeianb: 9t&amp;e?au*o

i" - \ t

leb all tbpnges tbat toete aboute tbeg&gt;an* ctuarp 1 anbbpo greate barm e bnto clenlp* nes ) an d S&gt;pmon put me of tbe fetoes in it/ fo; tbe Defence of tbelanoe anb n)e cptie / 9 tetbp tbe aaites of jerufalem. anbbpnge^emetrms confftmebbfat in&amp; bis bpe p;eabobe/mabe b tm m f tenbe / anb bpbbimgteatetoo?lb&lt;pe. if 0? be be toe tbat tbejii omapns caileo tbe 3' e toes tbett tunw louers anb b;etb?en.boto bono;abl? tbepte ceaueb Simons embaffptours^oto tbef e* toesanbp;e(tesconfentebtbat belbulbe be tbeitp;pnce anbbpep?ett perpetually tpu &lt;ob rapreb bp tbe true p;opbet ) ano tbat b e Jbulbbe t&amp;cft cap ta?ne/to care fo; ^,anctuatp/anb to f ett officent bpon tbe toojc&amp;e* tbetof /ouer tbe lanb/ouer tbe toeapes/ouec tbeboufesofbcfence/tomaftep;outftonfo; tbebolptbpnges/anbtobe obepeoof euerp. man ) 9 all tbe to;ptpnges of tbe lanae to be mabetobfsname; tbat belbulbe be clotbeb to purple anb golbe; 9 tbat it Qmloe belaid full f 0; none of $ people no; p^eaes to b;ea beenpoftbefetbpnges/ totoptbdanbe bPS

too;oes/ner to call en? congregacpon to tbe lanbe toitboutbm:g beibuibebe clotbebto putple/9 toeate a colatof golb-Jnbpf tbere toete enp to\n&amp;i bifobepebo; b;abe t^iS o;bt naunce/tbat be ibulbe be pumtyeb. ^0 all tbe people cofenteo to alotoe $&gt;U mon/anbtoboacco;bpnge to tbefetoo?be&amp; ^praonalf Dim felte tone it bpon bpm / 9 teas contente to be b pc P?eft/tbe captapne anbp?pnce oftbe 3;etDes anb p?eftes/anb to gouemetbcmail.anbtbepcommaunbebto mabe tbiS to?ptpnge in tables of latpn/ anb fasten it bnto tbe com paffe of ti)t%&gt; anctiw rpinanopenpiaccanbtolapebp a coppof tbefame in tbetreafurp/tbat ^&gt;pmon abPS polletitemigbtbaueit. cflntiocous mabc tf) a coutnatmt of f cfnBfliip toftft Ssymon/anO SEciplion &lt;opetfcqnutrt,(U:^ jaomag# nee WPte Utttes wito bjugce nnO natjotis in (oede ttnttoittyJtWB. amiotljiis cefurfiigetQeQclpe tljat ftymon but Dun/boated) b(s couenaunt. dCbejb.mbapter. D?ouer/fipng SDntiocbusSfonne ofemetriusfenteletttes from I. tbe gies oftbe fee/ bnto Spmon !tbebpep;eft anb p?pnceof f3;e toeS/anb to all tbe people/contepnpngtbefe too^tes -.antiocbus tbebpnge fenbetbgretpngebnto gipmon tbe W p?c&amp;e anb to fl)e people of f fttoes.iff 0; f mocb as certapne topebeb men baue gotten tbe fipngbome of 0urep;ogenptours/9l ampurpefebto cba* lenge Cberealmeagapne/anb to retto;e ft to tbe oloe eftate. O0&amp;er-

iia&amp;etf o?e ibaue ga#eb a gtcatc boa amaoe&amp;jpppes oftoarreubaMmapegoo t^o?otoc tie countrc/ anD tie auenseoof fte taibfcb baue Dearopea oure lannt / anu tea * fleo manp cities torn? tealme, $nb toerf o?c noa g mafie toefre alCo Rom alitor ttpbu* tejs/to^erof all binge* rap pjogerotouwba' ueotfcbargeo toe/ and ftom otter cuftomefJ (toberfromtoepbauetelcafeo toe) tc&amp;atfo* euet t&amp;epbe:yeeg, geuetteieaue tofmpte monep of topne atone toittto topianoe . M ft?3erutalem/3! totUttatttbebolpanb fte: ana ail toe toeapens ant) botifeg of Defence .atobicbtboubaa buptoeDafiepeBtotopne w banoes/fball be tbpne. ibere as enp topng

f s o; all tie atopnge bnto toe apnge.i f oj geueit tbe/fto tots tpmefojto fo;euerrao;e 3 no tobe n toe Quite optapneb out Spngoom/ toe (Bail bo ttje /to p people ano toe temple gt rate too?opppe:ro i pourebonourefball be finotoen tbo;oto out toe tobole too;loe. Me.Clfttfitoeave toente ainttocbus

C&amp;e fp?ftboke


fanes/to tbf of S&gt;parta/32&gt;eio/fli2foo/&amp;p* bon/earia/&amp;amwampbiua/jipcto/a' Hcama&amp;tm/atotte Kbobes/ to tfafelis/ Coo/$&gt; ioa/2 woo/ otftna/dEtapoum / to CppjesatocpjenJnbof eurrplettre t^ev rent a coppto &lt;bp mon to e bpe p;e(t 9 to tbe &amp; people of toe jetots.&amp;o ainttotous$Bpng tyoug&amp;t bts boa onto JBo;a $ fecSoe tpme/ to tabe f fctobetc be mane oiuerfe ofltoauneeof toarre/a bepte eripbon to / g be fbuio not come fo,2tb . ffibfn cent gpm on 36ntfo cbus ttoo ttoufanbe toofen me" to belpe bpm toitogoJo/fplueranDotoec plenteous geer: Ueuett&amp;elcffe betoolbenot receaue tbem/ buttyabean couenafittobftobe mabetb Jbpmo" af o;e/a tof ftbzetoe bim felf fr5 bf m. $e fent 3benobt'ti0 alfo a ftenbe of &amp;pa bnto &gt;pmon/ fo 2 to reafon tolto bf m fapig: Fetoftboiwftomegioppaa a?a(toitb toe ratten" tba 1 63 at gerufai? &gt; tohictj are tytt es of mp teaime / tobofe bo?on# pe baue be* fttopeb/abone greate eueuto tbelanb/bs*

mtobtefatoersianoe/aaltbemfoftoaire upng tocDomtoacfonm man? otoer places came togetoet bnto bun j (0 tbatfetoe toere of mp fpnsoome,Jberf o;e oelpuer noto $ &lt;Z

left tot to rt'pbon.&gt; toe bpng % n ttocbujs foiotoeb bpon bf m/ but b e flea bnco 3007s/ tobP to ipe to bp Me fee fpoe:flw be Mm W* toere toaj! mpfcbefe comrapnge Unto bpm/

9 tbatbte boa babfo;fa6enbim. cben earn anttocbuis bnto o;s twft an y uno?ej and ttoentpe tboufattbe men of atmeobpS rote/ a epg&amp;ttboufanbeBotfraen. ^&gt;c be eSpaf eo tbecpoetounoeaboute/ttbe Qnjppejtcame bptbecee.bu0tbepbe}b tbe cpttebpianb

cptiefftobKbpebauetafietottbtbe tributes of tbe places f pe bauetule bp5 toftQout ft borons of aeto^^jeisgeuemefpuebun* bjetb talented of fpluee/ pee a f 0; tbe batme i pe baue bone in tbe cpnefS a fo? tb e trt bu tett of tbe feme/otb fpuebuno?etb tale m, 3]f no/toe all come a fpgbt agaptt pou. &amp; 3tft en ob iug tbe bpnges frenbecame toietuCalem/atobmbefaipe^gteatetoo;Qttpe a bonoute of ^pmon in gowe/ fpluee

anobptoateeyni fomocb tbat tbepfulfteb an&amp;foBteatpientpofotnamente{(:bemar

no man to go to no; out. 4 Marti ximt, 3!ntbemeanefeafoncame^umenfu0C8 fcW8W,,!WW *tbeptbatbaDbenetoftbb&lt;m) ftom tbecptpe ofmome/baupngeiettte^to^ttenbntotbe _ fipnges a p^oupnetes/ toberto toere contep* Cneo tbefe taojbe&amp;jlu ctug tbe $$ am of m

neleb/aftbtoiue ^pmonau tbe&amp;png commaunbeo bim.cben anftoereb S&gt;pmon ano fapbbnto bt m:2i0 fo? t*/toe baue Benotbermen^bmb/nevtoftbolbftb^/liut' onlp oure fatbensbetetage/tobtcb ouveene* mpesfbabbntlgbtuouaptopooeflponacet* mefgnoetbgretpngbntoptoiomprtiem'ng. tapnetpme. cb^betetageofouve fatbers cb e embaoftoufg of tbe ie to es oure ftenoj baue toe cbalengeb to p;oceffe f tp me . % n a bepnge fent ftom $&gt;pmon tbe bpe p;ett anb tobete as tbou c piapn e a concetnp ng 3op from $ people of tfte vetoes/ camebntobg/ pa ana i0a?a/taep opa gre atebatme to oure

f 1 to renue ttft oloe frenbib tope f anbbonbe people anb to cure lanbe /pee top ll toe geue oflouc/abjougbtaftpttieofgoloetoepeng an.C.talenteSfojtbem.

a tboufanbpounoe ; tobfeb toetoeve ciftente to receaue of tbem, ltdbecfo;etoetbougbtft goobto to;pte bnto ftefipnges anbpjoutn* cfes/tobotbemnobame/no;totabe parte agapnatbem/tbeiecptiecineecountteesne*

jUeuertbelesatbenobfus anftoereb bptrf not one too;be/bue tumeb agapne to^otoful* ipbnto^bpng/atolbebnnaHtbefttooAes/ anbtbegreateolgnpteof Jbpnton toptb all tbat be bab fene / anb tbe ftpnge teas berg

tb er 1 mapntene tbefr enenrtes agapn w,t$, angrte.jn tbe meane tpme fleo crtpbo n bg %t tberebeenptopcbeb perfonnes njerfo?e pppebnto fl)?tbofafDa. cbentbebpnge fl ed from tbefr countre bnto pou/belpuettbf mabe cenbebeus captatoe of tbe fee eoo8/a bnto fepmontbebpeptfft/tbatbemapepu gauebfmanftoa of fotemen abotfnttn/ cff npO) tb em acco^bpnge to tb e it atone la to e. maunbmgebmt to tnttoue tbeboS eo toame cbe f&amp;me too?besto;ote tbe tSomapneS 9!eto;p/atobu0DebptbecptpeitfCeb?on/ alfo bnto ^emetrfus tbefipng/ to atttatos/ tomabebptbe po^es/ato toatteagapnftft awba/atrface^ 3 to all regfons : as $am&lt; people of tbe fetors, W to; toe upng e bpm me/,



* *- -





\ *



felrV/|efolotfftbpiMt^rfpbon. U skrnor beuscamebntoaamnfa/abegannetobeye tbe people/to treaDeootoneieto;p/to tabe tbe people p? efoners/to aape ffl 9 to bupm bpceo;on:toberebefett bowmen anbotbee men of toarre/tbattbepmpgbf comefo^tb 9 go tbo;oto tbe aretes of feto^p/ ipbeajstbe fipngebabcommaunbeobtoi, tf&amp;ttmtus the captajne of % no cftue hcS e if cue &lt;o flpapW** fonnes of fepion JStotomeUB? ton* 6rt* 3f8j)n billed tftm(5a{lpe mvnatttliv Jtt f. CCbe.rW.Cbapter. ^ en came lb on bp from a?a/ a tome ^pms w fatber/tobat m bebeusbabboneamoge tbefepeo' IPle.t!iipontbf0canebfbpmonttoo .. .eftfonnes/lluoaiJa^bon/afapbe bntotbemrianompbretb^en a mp fatbers boufe/ baue euer from oure poutb bp bnto tbiS bape/foiigbten agapnB tbe enempes of

Ifraei/a 00 gaue bsgooo fortune to oeip* uetjfraeiofttpmes. anbnotofo?fo moto as 1 am oue/be pe in tteabe of me 9 mp b;o tbee/togofo^tb anb fpgbt tot ourepeople/a fbelpe of od be tottb pou.^o be ctytfc.tie. - ^.fpgbtpnge men of tye countre/ ttbozf' men alfo/ tobicb toente Magapnft cen= bebeusanbteaeoat a^obto. tom mojnpnge tbepatofe/anb toent to to toe plapne feioe:anb beboloe / a mpgbtpe geeate boa came agapnft tbem/botb of fote roenanbbotfmen. iQototoastbereatoatee b;obe bettoprte toem/anb gibon remouea f Soft totoartw tbem .^nbtobenbefatoetbat i$e people teas afrapeb to goo ouer tbe tea* - 5 terb208e/betoenteouerfp?abimfelfe:anb " toe men fepnge tbfe/folotoeb bjm. Cben^bon fetbfSbo;fmen a fotemen to o;b?e/tbe one bp tbe otfier/fo? tbefr enemies Bo;fmentoereberp manp. uttoben toep bletoebp g;p;eaestrompettes/Cenbebeus fleb toptb bPS ofte / toberof manp toere Oapne/anotberemnauntgattfiemto their fironge boiae. 3|ubas alfo^bons b;otber Ja0 toounbeo at tbe fametpme.atnolbon rototoeb ttpiibpon toe enempes/ tpD be cam toCeojontobtcbbebupiofb. cbe enempes fleb alfo bnto tbe totojes tbat toere to toe felbesof 3?otus/anDtbofebpblbon burne bp. Cbus toere toereaapne.fl.a^. men of toem/anbSbanfuwebagapnepaceablp fti to|eto^. ajnutotbefefteofgierfcbotoasJ Ptofomp tbefonneofabobusmabecaptapne:tobicb becaufebebababounbaunce of fpiuer anb goloeito; be babmatpeb % bangbter of&amp;p* monfbpep;ea)toajeeDp?oubetobiSmtotie/ ana toougbt to conquere tbe lanoe / pmage* ' .cnmjjfalftebagapnft^iimon^b^fonnes/

hi l J^ :o . !?c ^ em * J9oto as S&gt;pmbn tons ' Bopwaboutetoo?ototoecpties7toattoere be camebotoneto aettcbo/toftofeataffi

mtoe^.monetbcalleD ^abat.cbenet? JmptbefonneofabobusreceaueotoeKc JSBgyjW ftw n8ebouKbps bntoptofutaeffebpbJStolomptoffrael/S recSpenfeb cuel! fojgoob . cben to?ote S jatoiomptbefamebnto ftpSge anttocbus/ tequp^geBfmtbatbcftuiDefenbebpnian boatobeipe.bim:9fo (buioebe Deipuetbtoi fame.^efentotber men alfobntoi5a?a/foj to tase ibon: anb to;ote bnto toe captapnes to cometobtm/anbbe Qmib geuetbem \t uer/golbeanbtetoarbes.anbto 3ferufaicra; be fent otberyto tabe tt anb tbe ftmctum* . benrSnetbere one'befo^e/atoibeibort in a?a/ tbat 8 fatber a bis toetfoen toere .tamj anbbototban&amp;tolompbabfentto flapebbj 1 alfo,.ibf Hon berbetbiS/be teas tote abaf fbeo/anb lapeobaoep of ffiem tbat toere come to oeBtope bim/anbaetoe'toem: . 1 0; be anctoe/toat toep toentaboute to aplf 3Sfo;otbertopnges concernpngefbons ofbtttoams/ofbtonobleacte^ttobertobe bebauebbtoi felfe manfullpjof toe buplbtog of toalles tobpeb be mabe / anb otoer of bps bebes:bepare to;pttento tbe cronpcies of bpg p;eBbobe/ from tbe tpme fo!tb tbat be teas mabe bpepjett after bfc fatber. cbeenbeoftoefp?flcbobe oftoe^acbabees.


beaacjJ/anbt&amp;jetoe tbem out inaU tb P6&lt;. sotJbep;arfeo/ tobfcb batb Dttptefft tbe toicfieomtoourebanoei*.

of flje jpirtjaDee*. . w*nnt\&gt;mxm^to*W^2w* tbe*ea0teenotoai*iwporebto*epe$ ^ttaffi brDitmabaHep/tobwaptoafjabtpeBrte SSSSS^ucrau ^anfotbanJert/tbat toaabnbnotoen to euetp man . 0oto jaRW SmaJfffiSue bto /e PCTfStt* manp peareg tebcn it pleafrt ob / ftftrite tmibleanbWolencetbatcamebntotoa. 3" ffii2f,K28JKiK^!ffi tbofwatrtaftCTtbat $aronoepattcboute .2SJffi322ffiMSS oftbeboljlanbeanospBaome/tiiepiwent SJj^ l ffi , !H2!5^ntoSS SI&amp;SfoC?imbttDftS5/ P^apeD/tobPle ttje tacrtfpce teas amabps. fXX mt0t ^ miminmmi S;wmtw****w SS&amp;sMH ware me people toass net: JUjbe oo tnafta of autbpaw/ ana gfttbajj bf m few rent m toboifcme fain &lt;#* JfiggE " ?S?lKSHe tew ftom gteate pawW/toe tbancbebjm fSS^SSSSSS&amp;^Sta S Mfe.MattoewKttebfomfBitf^^ fmotoeanbfe / goto tbat tbou art outt &lt;soos

of tbemalfOibuttttoaa confumeb tbojotoe pjapeb Salomon alfo/ anb fftefwe came t. p PWM tbcttflbt/tbat fftncbftotn Of auUet. &amp;o ootoneftombeauen/ano confuraebfc bur nt* tobentbtemattei tows finotoen/tt tea* toioe offen'nse,anQ]or^ raj?be:becanfe tbe f in*

t&amp;e&amp;pge of peefta/tbat In tbe place tobete: o&amp;enngetoaanot eaten /tb eefoje ttigt con* tbepjeaesytobtcbteettlebatoape/babbfli fumeb.gjnipHemanet&amp;attmonbeptetb* fweytbewapearebtoateetotteaM oCffte/t DeDpcarton(o?balotomse)eiBbtoai&gt;t*. ^ tbataebemiaa 9W compawbab puttfieb ant&amp;e mnotaaito 9 tojitpge* of *w. #J fco b**ete tbe faetffpcesJ tottbaH.fcben tbe bpge con* temp/tocte tbefe t&amp;rngea put alt o : a ttoto be miuum. twerpge 9 ponDerpgetbe matter Dpltge"t. maDeautyanvabotobegatbete&amp;outofall fe/maDebtotatemple eo pjoue tbe tbpge eounttee* tbe bofte* of tbe pjopbetea /of tbat tea* Done . 8no toben be founoe it fo m S&gt;autD/Ht eptftle* of tbe BPge/ani &gt; of t be bebeybegauetbe pjeUe* mm Btftea 1?* ^^^-^^^M^SffiSSSSf uefeetoattje0;jeebeto6etbemtobbl Jettieobre^e^ceoftoaire/arocbtbmBeg atone bano/atibBaue tbem. 3na ebemta* as Batb bappenebbnto W/ ^BatbewDtbem callebtbe rameprace0epbtbar/tbicb im alltoBetbet/ an ^toebaueemb?w |f mocb to fa?e as a clenfenfie -.but man? men vt note beqe to bane tbe Camev ftnu t orn rariftfiepk bobstofetcbtbembntojott, obbCTea^toe ^ . ^ awabouteto eeieb?at%tbt IuJbp

f e (baUDotoell /?f febepetbe famejase*.


tapnetoftb tfteBwatboft)bepet?fl)eb in tbe tepie of fimm I bepsecfCceaurb tbojoto tbebett?ceofiQaneJpjeaes. mjtto toa pittpofeo tobauebtoelttbew ; 3rit(o ebujwnbbPJlftenoegcame tbftbft/ tote, ceaue mocb monese fo? a boto;p. *otoben !5aneaj5P?eae)Sbabla?ebfojtbtbemotiepe/ be eritteb Sib a fmall dpanf M to tbe effpaflfe eftbetemple/anDfotfjeplbuttbetemple.

PuniCbetbitbatopl- . . tobtonoute.$&gt;ettbjpeop!eaBafnefnn)B bolv Place/Ufie ajsa^ofejJbatb fpoaf . 3nb tbe p^ettes Conse pcaime^of f bntc c BefBeurmBe/fo lonfle auffaerfffce ftbuveb. w ^otettbtntbe (actpftice tea? b;ent / ^ebe mfab eommaunoebtbe Bteateftone* to be

tnwempie/anDiotgepmuccqeKnipic. '""T' 5gSg 5K75 g*. :; ^wnSr nSirh

r !

rtEaultartlnttiJ 1 taf&lt;tii m ooj. 6aptt| . # . trb"ope 8Vo/tbaVi|e ob( tobftbwiguereb ICWfonnbealfototbCWWnge/ P^People/aniJpuetbemaHt&amp;ebewtage/ of setem?tbep wbet/tbatbe c8&gt; fipnBoome/ p?eabone 9 feanctuarptbat be s&gt;"^^ maunoeotbemtobftbtoetecatfet&gt; p;omtfebtbem fit tbe !atoe)qjalo?tlpbaue emJatoavctota&amp;c f^e/asJitiUfapoe mmpbponW/anbBatbttwtoBetbecttom l.(?.u- Hto^ecommaunoeDtbemalfo/ tbattbep bnbee tbe beauen in tog gpplace: | tote 3 ' ffF qnili, e notfo?Bcttbelatoeanbcommaunbe batbfauebWfromBttate paw/an&amp;bat b wt.DU mente( of tbe )Lo?be / anb tbat tbep ftufte fienfeotbeplace. 11M( .^, M ..aM&gt; . - noteraemtbeicminoeg/tobentbepfeama. fi at^conceinpuseHuiias^acbabeusanb^ BSoffStoetanDBoloeteitbtbefto^namen' bttb?etb?en/tbepufscacvonpftbesteate &amp;,Cbefcanbfocbotbettb|nBe0commafi* tempie^ebeMcactonoftbeauttet/see^o; *^Si75m% ert WS^ t aetean:e0tbatcScettienoWeattHoc|u^ - " MiSS%r i^of 55ob Boout of tbew cpato?ft&lt;s5fonne/oftbePEn8e0gcami.iajww bettea Botonefeombeauenbpontbofe/tobtcbma. atfato?Bttenalfo;bototbep;opbet(attbe RrtipbefenbeDtbeQEetoea. fofl&amp;mm cmimaSmentofoO)ebarBtbtbem;to toeeebutfetoe/petbefenbebtbeptbetebole Sfietbetabernacre9tbeawftetottbtftem:a lanw/b?oueatoaiietbeenem?eboa/reco* Stoentetotbbntoemountai!ne/tebete ueteD agape tbe temple /tljatto^ogCpoBOT

MLmifffaSfficrpmmebbp/VatoetbebewtaBeof oftbo?otoeoutaUtbeteope/i)epueteD be m ^ ftm ySUU^^mitm^Uiam eftfe/iiopBetbettbetttbattbelateeoftbe anopeneaueytobertnVlasebfttabemarte/ ^tobtcfiloainnitDotone/mtBbttoitbai Kbei tbe aultet of toceiife/ 9 fo ttoppeD ttSquflpte be tetto?eft agape bnto JW J^SS5KcB^&amp;ttBiW ^agrometclfullbntotjem^oucbpa alfofolotoP5btm/tomaBtbepiace/but ^^?SK*!lttS5M tbevcoulDenotfpoeft. bfcbtobengiete. m^^9^^^^gm_ mppeeceaueo/betepjouebtbemfapse:^ ^^ mcm9i ^ mi ^?^J^Bl t J^, * - ttme* ob satbei W people tosetbec a* anbbotobai^tmulDebefo?tbem|taolde ffine'S?Sffioine^.lbenai roeD!etoftbfto?feaanbartea{jtBateecaute fSaetotbtmS^BW/^ ^^VSSSSffSSSS!^ itmm Tn%om Oiall appeate /Itbecloube alfo/ comp;eboiDe tbe ao?ess:tba f oc&amp; a g ateji, mwM. lif " K Bebbnto %feif :a Ijfie a0 fpoteb to waoe/msBbt bau.eplearure ann pa* XnSnSefwebl e place mus&amp;t ttpietbeein: 9 tbat tbeptobtcbateDtlpgene b&amp;mS^iS&amp;twlm infocbtb&lt;nBW/mrebttbebettetbnbebp5 tab vanb to A ofletmae bntojffifobintbe ijauep^oKttberbp. SinK^ffteteimjle/tobenfttoW jSeuertbeieae tee oute femes tbat bane ^&amp;mm&amp;SmSwSto mewebtoftbtbtamatteetotbeaioiitenpBe S8ffl,ffiSffiSotoiwBmteaul/ ofitybauetabennofmallabouve/butBteat



v 3





Clje fteonti htkt

as t$ep tbat mafieafeatt / tooice fayne oo rbougbbetoolbegotbo;ototfflorp;fa8be ctbettuenpieanire:&lt;u!rotac airo(fo;ma mcestototceetbecttfts/butbispiupcfetoas nr mew fafcei3)at e betf toe it tafee to fulfil #e fiyngeg pieafut e. ^ o to^tn ye rbelaboure/teberea0toemapelbo;ilpeom* cametogetufalem/ 9 toasiouyngly tecea* p;e a enoe/ tb e tb y nges tHat otbet men ba u e ueo f tbe by e p;es into * cpte tolbe tobat trulytopyrten. toatfberermebc-oncewiynBe tbe money e/anb &lt;fio;be f bupfeetb an&amp;curr ancto/imift fyetoebtbecaufeof bf0cSmpng:beanie bai&lt; t;oupfiefo;manf t&amp;togejj/tb a toboiebupl* fo/yftttoetefo moebe.cbenj5bpep;e&a mp;toloc bynge:cutbctbatpayntetbitaftcrtear&amp;e/ bim/tbattbere teas focb money lapebbpf o; f e&amp;etb but only tobat is com ly / me te a con* tbe bp^oiDcngr f toeoD otoes anb fathetlerre uenfenttogatnyfb it toitball.uen febotoe cbylojen/ a botorbatactuapne of itbelon* alfofalpHemaner.anbtobtfiiJeibatbrBto* gebbnto$p;canu0 cobia0 anoblemair. ? netb to to?y te a Qoj y fo; tb e f y;Q/ mit tt toitb ctjat of all tbe moncpe ( t obicb tbat to y caro Bf0 bnoerOanopnge aatbet tb e matter toge. $&gt;pmon bab beto;ape&amp;) tb ere t oere.iiij.bun* tbet/f ee &amp; w too;oes to o;b;e/ ana oiirgentlp bjctb talentf* or ft luet/ano . if. buno/etb of fe&amp;eout of euery patte:;utbeaffertoaroe golbe;yee 3 tbat it toere onpoffible f

o; tbofe topU (&amp;o;tenrr/4fetb feto too;brs/ anbtou* men0meattpngetobebpfceaueb/$babla yeb cbe tb not tbe matter at tbe latgie ftxe t fy&amp;i bp tbett money in tbe place anb t e pie ( it h t cb be fuffi'c i e 11 1 for a #;ologe/noto toill toe be* is baa in to o;fbp pe tbo;o to tbe tob oie too;l&amp;) gpnne to ft e toe tbe m a t te r-.f 02 it is but a fo* f 0; tbe mapntenaunce anb tymouce of tbe

&amp;Hbt $l&amp; cljate.

IpQ) tfjingc to mabe a lange ;oioge/anb to &amp;e.t&amp;o;tetotbetto;pftrelf.

Cfflf tbe 6 onou t bone bnto tbe temple bp toe bpflgcf oftor jCcntflfB. apmoutotteretbtebat treafurete

fame,tbernto $elio&amp;o;u0 anftoereb/tbat tbefiyngebaDcflmaunbeDbtoitoanptopre/ to b;togebym in tbe meneye. totbctfrti&gt;ie&gt;otKHUBtoftiittotabr.tbjateaK*e "bto to tbe temple to o;b;e tbP0m atter. tsatvtucnof aoo brticoattbc wwotiiDuM, 3Sut t&amp;eretoasnofmall feare tbo;otoout * tobolecptye.cbe;efte0 fcllbotone befo;e C&amp;e,fij.c&amp;apttr. lbeaultertot&amp;ebeapmente&amp;/an&amp;calleo - tontoheauen&amp;ponbpm/tobpcbbabmaBea ;9aymea0tbe&amp;olpcyretoa0to' latoeconcetnyngeBuftegeuento bepe/t&amp;af ta&amp; &lt; 1 babpteb in ail peace a toeaitb/a *&amp;** ft fofelp pjefecue&amp;v fo; fotb a* ' , tobe tbe latoes toete yet bery toell commy etc tbem bnto nepynge.cben tobo fo 'bepte.t jlo; fotoajs fto^ienebb? bab lobebtyebyep;e(tfntbe face/itmome niag tbebt'e p;ett a otbergooiymen/tbat bauegteuebW0bette:f 0; bin countenafiee mere enemyeg to to icb eon effect came tee* anb tbe cbaunginge of bt* colon re / eclat eb

*.jac&amp;..e. tu/tbateuentbebinge{tap;ince0tbSfeiue0 tbetntoatiiefo;otoeofbFismyn be. beman byo tbe place gieate toojibippe/a gar mfljeb mass all in betiyneoe/ anbby? bo&am p;y in feare: tbe temple tottb greate spffrg: jn fo mod) g toberby tbey tbatlobebbpSbim/mygbt per* ,fflj atB . ttfil ,$&gt;eieucu0Byngeofaftaofbij8atonetfte0 ceauetbegrefeofbysibet te.cbeotbetpeo* w ^batealltbecoQepfceiongytigtotBererufce plealfocameoutoftbeirboufesibybeape* of tbe otTnngejs . brn d&gt;ymon of tbe tttbe bnto n)e comfi p;ay er/becauft tlje place toass of jBenaamin/artiler of tbe temple/ !abou iybetocome in to eonfufyon. &lt;Ebe toe men tto to too?cfee tome mpfcbefe in tbe citeibut cametogetbertbo;omglletf0/toitb bea nie tbebpep;e(trefutebbim. clotbegaOoutetbeirb?eftej&lt;, ^eueribeiede toben be mygbt not ouer&lt; Cbebirgynslairotbatkerebeptefn/rane * 1m&amp; &lt;(Uu 'come On ta^/be gat Dim to appoloniup tbe to nfa*/fomc to $ teaiie g / otbe e fome lo* 9 fonne of crb e cfe ( tobicb tben teas cbefe lo;be Beb out of tbe toy nootces : y ee tbey all b em e rnCeiofy;iaaub^bcnicef5)3toiDefjimytbat bptbeirbanbrtttotoatbebeauf/anbp^iyeb. tf) e tteafur y m ^erufalcm toap f u II of tonus 3D myfemble tbtoge toap it/to l obe bpon tbe merable monep/ano bote tbat tbe comons comenpeople; atbe W p;eft beinge in focb . Boobe0(toicbbelongeb notbnto tbe oSerin* trouble.ttuttbepDeCougbtalmygbtFCEfob / ' gtB)toere erceabtnge greate alfotyee a bote tbattbegoobetttobicbtoereconunytte bbnto ft toete poOpble/ tbat all tbefempgbt come tbem /myg&amp;t be bepte toboie/fo;tb ore tbat bnbertbebyngedpotoer. ban oeiyuereb tbem bnto tbeft feepynge,#e&lt; : ^oto tobrn 3 ppolonms bab ffietoeb tbe ttertbelejJ tbe t!)pnge tbat &amp;eitob o;u0 toajs bynge of tbe moneye ; asit toag toibe bpm: betetmeb to so/ tbat perfountteb be i n tbe tbefifngcaHetifo?elfobo?usbisiaetoat6e/ fame place/be bym felfe petfonally betoge a ftntbtoi toitba cSmaunbement/tofytoge about tbe twauirptoptbbtt men of toarte, 6im*lamemoney.3!mmebiaflp^eHobo;uu uttbefp;ete of almygbty &lt;Bob Q)etoebb&lt; tose bf0 touweyy butbnDer a eoloure/aff feifeopenly/fo | alltbey.tobfcbp;e{umeD

to obeye

obeye^eobo?uss/frtitbo;ototbe potoer of 5oainto a greate fearfulneffe 9 b;ebe. jfo; Wu apeareo bnto tbe anbo;fe/ toitb a ter. tible man Kttingbpon bim/becbte in goobIy avaye/ anutbebo;refmote at ^eiiooo;us tottb W f o;e fete . jQoto Ue tbat fat bpon a)e bo;re/babbatneOeofgolbebponbim. sio;eouertbeappeareo,fj.fay;e8beit' tyfullySgmeningooMyaraye/tobicb ftooe bybim/fcourgeb&amp;ymofbotbtbe fpneg/anb gauebpm many stipes toftbout ceaffynge. mitbtbatfeii ^eifoQojus robenly bntotbe geounbe.^otbeptobebimbp (betoge com* 1 ac&amp;..e* pafebaboute toitb greate bar cfinefle) a bate cbyttotbponabeare,cbujsbetbatcame toitbfomanp runner* an&amp; men of toarte to to rbetaybe tteafury me bo;ne out/ tob ere atsnomanmygbt belpebym:a(btbe potoer of obtoasmanyfett anobnotone, $etaye flill bomme alfo by tbe potoer of &lt;sob/bc&amp;f* tuteofai(bopeanblyfe.3Bnbtbeyp;apfeb$ jlo;rt&gt;/tbat hebab metoeb W potoer bps W place anb tepie/tobicb a ly tie af o;e teas full of feare $ troubie-.ano tbat tbo;oto tbe reae* lacyon of tbe almygbtye )Lo;oe it toa* fpileb toitb foye anb glabnefle. Often certayne of 0eliobo;' freoes p;apeb ^Dniajs/ tbat in all bade be toolbe call bpon fob/to gvaftte bim His lyf e/ tobicb toag ge= uynge bp tbe good. Hs&gt;o tbe bye p;e(i confy^ btreb tbe mattee/anb lea tbe binge Qmio tu&gt;

CB(monrcpo;(c(baifHofjttfas.3afon6cfprnse t bt office oCcfie bye ^?(ft(e;tiiptfibtl)e6jacluh teteacdee. 14 be toyiheb intent of JaCon* 2;be,iin,&lt;Jbapteri $10 ^&gt;imonnoto(of tobS toe f pabc afo;e) betoge a beto;aycr of f mo* 3D neyaofbi0atonenaturaUcontre/0iBa.ftJ^i ffitcpo;teb tbe too?tt of niag; as tljougb be babmoueo $eliobo;u0 bntotbfe/

aastbottgbbebabbeneabjfgetbpofeueii c&amp;tt.s toa0 be not albameb to callbpm an rnemyeof tbe realm e/ tbat teas f faytbfuli an ouerfeer $ befenaer of $ cite aof bi0peo* Pletpee 9 f ofetuent tn tbe latoe of ob.ut tobe tbe malice of &gt;yms tocteafebfo farre/ tbat fb 2 to big fren&amp;e0 tbete toere certayne manuaugbtet0 cSmtmtr. fDntot confibereb tbe pateugmfgbt cometbo;oto tbi0 Sryre/a bototbatf ppoionat0(nameiy g cbefelo;be to deiof y;fa anbpbenf ceg) teas all fet bpon ty;anny/anb&amp;ymon0malyce tocreafeb ft f amei^e gat by m to tbe fitnge/not as an ae* cufer of tbe cyteftos/but as one tbat by bim feiftotenbebtbecomon toealtb of tbetobole multitube.jf 0; be fatoe it toas not podible to ly 1 1 e in peace/nctbet &gt;ymon to leaue of fro \)i$ folyfbneae/ercept iayngeopb loftetber* to. ut after tbe beetb of ^cleuctiSAben lntiotbu0( tobicb tS calleb tbe nobie)toiie bfngbome:?afon tbe b;otberof ntasiabourebtobebyep2ea:lfo;becamebntotbe fiy nge/anb p;omifeb bm tl);e buno;etb

1* cpecte tbattbe|etoe0bab bone eiioDo;u0 fome eueltbe ofireb an bealtbofterynge fo; taiente* of fpluer/ fj of tbe otber r tnte0.lrw. bim.iBototobentbebye P;eftbab opteyneb taiente0.35efifie0tbi0bep;omyfebbympee bfs peticton/ tbe fame yongemento a fame an, bemygbt baue tbefcole df tbe ciotbtogeappeareb-attobeberybe^eiiobo* cbpltyen/atbatbe mygbt call tbem of gserw 1 * w ..,. , tu0/faptoge:cbancbea&gt;nias tbe bye p;eft/ falem 3Dntwcbians. tbcbtob entbeft|nge | ,m ' wl "''^fo?fo?b'Sfafiebatb t Jl.o;begrauntebtby babgraunteb/^bebabgottf tbe fuperio;ite/ ? ^Ipfe^betfo^efeing ^(Dobbatbfcourgeatbe/ btbegineimmeoiatlytoD;atoebi08ynrmen geuebim p;ayfe atbancae0/ a fljetoeeuerp to tbeeuftome of tbe^eatben/putbotone manbi0 mygbt a potoer. amotobentbepbab tbpnges tbattbt^etoesbab fetbpof loue/ fpofientbefetoo;be0tbepappeatebnomo;e. bpiobntbe fatber of gupobimu*/ tobpc^

ih&gt; J^elf oboms offeteb bnto&lt;so&amp; / mabe toas fent embadytoure bnto aa o me / fo; to greate botoe0 bnto bun/ tobicb bab grafiteb mabe tbe bonbe of frenbOjyppe anb ro ue. M Qimbifi lyfe/tbacfieb nia0/tobebi0 boott / put botonc all tbe Vetoes 9 Jlpbertie0 of tbe a toentc agayne to tbe fiynge.cben teftifieb 2etoe0/ anbfetbptbe topeftcb aatute 0. e Ijeftnto eucty man of tbegreate too;cfie0 of butft mabe a fpgbtpnge fcolebnber t be ca* &lt;&amp;tto/ be babfenetoitbb0epe0.1nbtoben aeU/anbfrtfap;e pffgementolernetbema* tBebpngeaffiebeobo2ii0tobotoeremete ner0oftobo;e0anbb;obel0. to be fent yet once agayne to^erufalem/be. Cbtoa0nototbebegpnnpngof * $ea* rapbcpf tboubaft anyenempo; abuerfatp tbenpfb atttaungecomterfacpo/wougbtin bntotbprealme/fenbebimtbytber/anbtbou tbo;btorbe bngracpou* abnberbe topefieb* altbauebpm punpfteb/pf be efcape toitb neBe of 3lafon/ tobicb fbulbenot be called a bi0lpfe;fo;intbat place(noboute)tbtrei0a l&amp;;ell/butanbngoMpperronne.anfomocB fpecparrpotoera too;cWngof dpob.ifo;beg tbat ibep;efte0 toere note mmto;e oeeupp ba btoelletbtnbeaufybpfptetbabefenbetbtbat about tbe ferupce oftbeaulter/butbefppfe a * place:anb al tbat come to 00 it barme/be pu* m temple / regarbebnottbe oBtpnge* : pee npmetbaplagetbtbe.cbisisnototbemat- gaue tbeir bplpgence to lewe to fpgbt/to terconcernpngi&amp;eKobo;u0/atbe beptogof to;aflle,toleape/tobaunce/a toputat mt tbcweafurpataerufaiem. ftonesnot fettpngebytbe bonourofije ta* MUM* t&amp;eiay

t &lt;


t\)t fecottU uoke (IbeWbutWftebtbegfo?? ortbetfrebes belt Wngein an tbebaffe/to GpJI tbemaga$ne/9 ofaU:fo?tbetobtcbtbe?ttroue perIouflp/9 topacpf?etbematter/leaumganb?omais toetegwop tofolotoetbeiruatutes/peetbefi: tberetobebflJbebpte/as one racte tbrrf o?e. !u(t toasmali tbtogcs to be lpbe t^/tu^fc^ #oto fl!)enelaus fuppoting t be babgo tten at o?e toere tbeir enempes a b e ftropers.^oto a tpgbt comi e men t tpm e/ Bole certapne bef. betttobotopcbeolpagapnlt latoof Ob/ relss of golbeontof tbetemple/ 9 gaue ibem Kali not efcape bnpunptyeb: but of tbps tee to anb?cnf cus f 0? a p?etent:9 fome be Color

Qjaiffpea&amp;e^ete after. ife&amp;attpjneastbe*&lt;iMpnipfabC0rpo?tejj #&amp;etetoe toere piapebat p?uS(tijeBpnge btmfeife teptcwtpfif' bringe p?efente) tbis bngracpous gjafon Cent tpgm* toicftebmen/bearpngfrom tbem of geruftu lent (tobpeb note were called anttocbpans) i.C.b?acbmas of tpiuer f 0; an oSerpnge to l^tcuies.Cbefe bab tbep tbat carpebtbem/

at p?us anb in tbe cptpes tbcrbp. 1 la&amp;f cb toben j nias ratetoe of a rue tf pey be rep?oucb b t iwbut be ftepte b t'm in a &gt; a n tuarp beCpbe 5B apbms/ tbat Ipetb bp antic cbe. uptyitage fl^enelausgat bpm to 3n 0? onicu s / a p?apeb bpm tbat be toolbe fin pe nfas.&amp;o tobebe came to jnfas/be ecu* celeb bim craftelpto come out of tut &amp;&gt;anc=

berp?ebbnoertocbatatwon/astbougbt&amp;ep tuarp/geupngcbfmbf0.banbctoitbattotbe

uibenotbauebeneoflreb/butbeftotoeb to oibee fates. $ energies be tbat Cent tbem/ rent tbem to tbe intent tbattbe? ftulDc be offrebtonto$eecule0, i3ut becaureoftbofe tbat toere p?efent/tbep toere geuen asto tbe manpngeof (bpppes. and appoiontustbe fonrteflfefteu0 teas Cent in to &lt;gppte/be* caufeof tbe noble men of ftp nge $toiomp PbWometo?.$oto toben antioebns perceautt&gt;4 be teas put out from nieolgngetn tbe ceaime/be Cougb t bis atone p ? fpt/beparteb from tbence/came to Joppa/ a tbe n to$etu faiem -. tobere be teas bono?abl? receaued of SaCon a tbe cite/9 teas b?ottgbt in tt to? tbe ipgbt anb toitb greate p?a?f e ; an* Co be tut* itCbtyfe&amp;ooftbntoPbemce*. $ aftettii.peawg'aCbnfent^enefaittf/tbe n,m sch.fiib fo?efapoe &amp;pmons b?otber/ tobeate $ mo* nesbnto f bpng/9 to b?tnge bbn anCttere of otb necedatg matter?, jsut be (toben be

(bote be it be fufpecte bint ) anb men be deto )nias5/toitbcut ant wgav&amp;e of tfgbtuouC* neffe Jo? tbe tobicb eaufc not onlp Vetoes/ but otbernacpons air tone inbpgna cpon/9 toecebiCpleaftb fojtbebnrtgbtuouisbeatb of Cogoolpaman. anb teben tbebsnge teas come agapne from cilicia tbe Vetoes ana tertape of tbe &amp;?ebe0 teente bntobim/ complapingefoj tbebnvigbttiotijS beatbofflDnias.feeaintlo* t b tig b 1 f elf teas f o;v in W mpnbe f 0; nf as/Cotbatitpitfebbtm/a be toepte/temem* tytogebft coberneffe 9 manetlpbebauoute. nsb crfo? e beteas Co bpbleb in b&lt;0 mfnbe/ be c5maimoeb Cnb;onKu0to be drppeb out of ms p 1 1 ip 1 1 ci 1 binge / 9 fo to be leb tbo;ote out all tbe cite-w $M bngracpous man to be uape in tbe fame place/ tebete be cSmpt teb bF0tepcbebnesbpon nias. cbuSme Horn re to a vo eb b&lt;m bis pun^lbmene/as be


teas p?affeb of tbe binge fo?magrtpf^ng of babbeCerueb. j9oto teben HLpfimacbus bab

biSpoteer)turneb |p?Qbobe bnto bint (elf/ laymge pp/iii..talentesctffpluec to?jj!a&lt; Con.S&gt;o teb? be babgotten ebmaunbemetes ftStbebpngefbecame bauinge notbmge t becSmetb a p?e(t/but bearinge $ ttonmeb of a cmell tg?aunt/9 $ te?atb of a toglbe b?ute beeft.cben Kafonitobicbbab bpfceauebbiS atone b^otbee ) Ceinge tbat be b im f elf e teas beg#balC0/teaSfape to ae into tfjeianbe Of tbe ammonites/a eneiaus gattbebo mtupon^ueoS fo? tbe mone^ be bab p?otnpfeb bnto ff fipngc/b e pb noteinge tbetbi/

bene man p to i eft eb bebes in tye tf pie tbo;oto tbecofieenof SjjenelauS/9 tbe bofcecame ab?obe:tbe multptube gatbecebtbem toge* tbetagaenft tit tmacbus / fo; be bab catgea outnotoniocbgolbe. S&gt;otoben tbe people arofe/anbtoctefun of bpCplcafure / jlsfimacbuS armeb.uj. $$. bntb?if tes to be fenbeb&lt;m:a cettapne ttyafite beingetbeircaptape/tobicbteas gcotoen botb in age 9 to^obneoe .Suttobftbe peo pie bnberaobetbe putpoCe of ftpfifmscbu*/ Come gat ftoneS/Comc goob Or5ge ciubbejf;

teben ^ottratuS tbe ruler of tbecaftell re,, aCcmecaOaGKSbpon JLpfimacbus.&amp;b. uiS

quebftofbim.fio? &gt;ofttatus teas f man tbat gatbeKbtbe cuaomes: tebetfo?e Mv to ere botb called befo?e tbe ftf ng.cbus toas S eneiaus put out of tbe p;eQbobe/ a %? ft* macbusbisbjotber came in bis aeabe.$&gt;o* ti g atfo toag mabe lo?oe of tbe CppjfiSs. lappenebin tbemeane CeaCony f tbe larbar flans 9 flBalloctismabe mCutteccfS/ becaufe Ifytt teetegeuenfo? a p?efent bnto fesngeantrocbus concubpe, rbn came f

l V

tb ere toe re man? of tifi toounbeb/fome being flarney 9 alltbe otbercbaceb atoape.33uts fo?tbetopcbeb cbufccbvobbecbcm felf 1 tfttt fipllebbf mbefpbe I tieafutp. a&gt;f tbefemat^ terjs tbetfo?e tbere toaS Bepte a eoutte a&gt; gapna ^enelaus. goto toben tbe binge came to wu0/tbep mace a complasntebn* to blm of s enelaus/concernsngtbfc buf? neffeyanb tbe embaflfitounrtoeretbte. 38ut fl^eneia? tof 1 9 p;omiCeb|sto!om jtogeue Bfm

km rtf fieb mone^pf betoolbe petCuabi bmg, ^joptolomptofttotbeftpig intoacotirte/ (tobeteas be teas feet to coolebfin) 9b;ogbfi linn out of tbat mpnee.f n Co mocb tbatbe W rcbatgeb flpenelaus from tbe accufacpons/ tbat not toitbftanbpnge toas caure oral mp' febefe 1 and tbofe poo?e men 1 xsXwb pf tbep babtolbe tbe?? cauft/ pee befo;e tbe %vi* dD^S/tbepamlbebauebenefubgebinnocft/ tbembe conbemneb 1 beatb. cbuStoetetbepfoone punplbeb/tobpcb folotoebbpon tbemattetfo? c(tpe/fo?tb^ V e pie / anb fo? tbe bolp bedel! . i&amp;betfo;* tb ep 1 cp;us tofie inbpgn acp on / anb bu * tpeo tbem bonojabl? . anb Co tNoto tbe eouetouCnefle oct^em tbattoetein potoer/ ^enelaus cemapneb ftpll In autt)o?pte/ increacpnge in malpce/fo Wtmm of tbe cptefpns. C3f tijc CygtteamiB toHcrtfffene In jccufsletti, D? tOetnOcanooffeiKeofjaroti.atyepucfufcofSlntio' ejus agapn ft i^e je WsMi) c fp op ling c gftge temple, cbe.b.Cbapter. c tbe fametpmeantpocbtiS mabe bpm teabp to go agapne in to dfgp* pte. bentortetbereceneatfe&gt;

. ! rufalem/rl. bapS ionge / bo?fmen fa tunnpnge to ana fro in tbe a p?c/tobpcb bW tapmentofgolbe/anbCpeaces, c^eeetoere fene aiib toboieboolle^of men toeapeneb/ 9 &amp;0?Ces runnpnge in an o?b?e/b oto tbep came togetbec/boto tbepbeibe f o;tb cbep; fbttoit/ Ij oto tbe batnedeb men b?e to out t Qeln Ctoeat bes/anbtyotttbeftbattes. CbeOtpneoftbegoiben tteapenStoas fene/anoofallmanerofarmure.berfoie euerpman p?apeo / tbat tboCetofiensmpgbt cumetogoob. $ott toben tbere teas gone ro?tb a raife rumour/as tbougb antpocbuS bab bene txen j aaron tone a. 49. men/anb ramefobenlp bpontbe cptpe.cb' cptefpns ramte bnto tbe toalles/at tbe la tt teas tUt tf* U&lt; jtpetaben/9i^enelausflebfntotbecaftelt. 5* asfo?gtafon befpareonotbisatenecl* eecpnsmtbedaugbtet/netbei; eonCfbereb be tebatgteateeueilfttoere/fobearope f p?o fperfte of bPS atone bpnfmen:butbpbas one tbat bab gotten tbe bpceo?p of bpjenempes/ anbnotofbpsfrenbeis. &lt;ffo;aUtbpJgattbe M8ftbtfff*. n 1 ft e fktperf o?pte / but a t tbe latt receaueb c on f 11 cp on f 0? W malpee /anb fleb agapne Ipfieabagabunbe in to tbeianoeoftbe am-monptes. &lt;jrpnanp/fo?aetearbeof bis teiebebnede/ beteasaccufeb befo?e aretba tbe Bpngeof (be avabians.3in Co mocb tbatbe teas fapne toflefrom cptpetocptte /bepngebeCppfe&amp;of euetpmanasa fo?rabetoftbe latoes/anb ttabbonrfnabiepwConne, SCnbattbeiaft

(as an open enemp ofb f0 abne' natural eoffrre anb of tbe cptefpns ) be teas b;puen in to degpptet bu*be tbat a7o# tfai niaWottt of $tf f a tone natpue lanb/periQieb from borne btm feif^e tole to % acebemo/tbpncfu'nge tbere tobaue gotten Cuccoute bp reaCon of bpnr t* be. amibe tbatafo?e babeadenmanp one but bnburpeo/ toas tb?otoen but bpmfelf/ nomanmoumpnge fo?bpm/ner puttpnge

8iminbfSgraue:COtbatbenetbe?emopeo ff utiall of a Otaungct/netbet teas be parta* bet of bis rafters Cepulcre&lt; , i9otottbenrbtttoa0bcrtetbe6pnsefuf'^ pecte/tbattbesetoestoosiebautfaiirfrom bpm jtobetfo?ebe cameinagreate opfplea* Cureoutofffigppte/anbtoBetbecptiebpWo,-.,,, . .. ience.^e commaunoeb dpsm5 of matt *j. www* ro/tbattbep auioe ftpi 9 not fpare/ butdape botonefocbaatoiftftobetbem / o?clpmmra bpbpontbeboufes. bus teas tbereagteafe daughter of' porige men/otoe men/ toemen &lt; cbplb?en ana birgines.g!rt.iii,bapesteeretberedapnelirr)c &lt; ^.fOurtptboufanbeputfnp?eiipn/anb no lede Colbe.y et teas be not content Witb^iS/ but burs go m to (be moftborptempief mu tteiaiidtbattraptoutetotbeiatoesanbtob^ atone naturall countre/bepng W%W) anb 1 tottbb&lt;0toicsebbanbeS tofie tbe bolp bedel/ to&amp;tcb otber bpngeji mtittim geiwn tbp^ ftei;fo?tbegarnpajwge9bonouroftbepia ce:tbemtobebetnbP0banbe0bntoo^b(!p) 9 befpiebtbem. - 4 ^.0 mabb toaS antiocbu0/ tbat be cdtlC?&lt; berebnot/boto tbat obtoasa l?rleto?otbj f 0? tbe Cpnnes of tbem tbat btoelt in tbe cttie/ fo? tbe tobicbCocb confucpS came bpon tbat piace.anbtobpfpfitbabnotbappenebtbem tobaue bene lappebinmanp Cpnnes /tfjps 3Bntiocbu0(aS fo one as be bab com e) bab fo&gt; benlpbenepunpdjeb/attbOjott out fo?bpSjuut.ti.&amp; P?eCumpcpon / Ipbe as feelgobo?uS teas/ tob9 S&gt;eieucits tbe ftpng Cente to robbe ti)tit,WM&gt;U treautrp.geuertbeles &lt;0obbatbnotcboCen tbepeopiefo?tbepiace0fa8e7buttbepiacc fo? tbepeopies fafie:anb tberfo?els tftepia* cebicomepatraberoftbe peoples double/. but aftetteatbe fballif em'ope n&gt; toealtb of tbem. anb ipheas itfsnotofo?fafienintbe to?atbbfailmpgbtpoa/fd toben tbe area* te&lt;Bob Wwconcjleb/ftfllaH berrtbpmbpe too?rppeagapne. " rf

4)0 toben antiocbu0babfaSeii #.anb @ bU.talentes out Oftbe t emple/be gafUM to anttocbe fn an tbe bade/tbuicbtng inb(0 i?pbe/tbatbempgbtmafiemen CalebPon fcjettnb/anbfogobPontbefee/focbanbpi mpmie bab be.^e left e bebpteS tbere to mi (|&gt;epeople;ataewfalemleff bePb* ipPPea

- * I



i^feian/fo matters mo*e crueiitbf bfmleK ftfet Dim time-.M arpftm be left Kino; onp cms ana #eneiauS / tobpcb toere m o?e gre tious to^ctcerwi^s rtjen ottjce.i^oto a^^etuast tf)u3 ft tin malice agapntt $ Vetoes / be KM appollomus an bateo p;pnce/ to wit matWngbimtoaapealltbofegtoetcofper f ect age/ttorell toemf / mapbes 9 cWWe , i be be cam ttoto togeruraieVbe earned pea* te; 9 Bepte Of ftt Ibntfi 5 S&gt;abb otb bapeJnb tbettbe c8mmttit)imt to tafiet^fto tbefe toeapes(fo;ftgetoeSBcpteboIpoape)9fobe fleto al tbe* g toetegone fo;tbto opeplase/ tmiingbere 9 metetbo;oto ft citie to fit? me toeapeneb / muttbureo a great n5b;e.35ut

Subas^aebabe'tobpcbtoastbetentb/fleb fit to tutlDetneCTe/ieo^fss life tbere to bi0 co* panp amSgefttoiloebeaftes 9 bponmoun tapnes/btoellpngetbere/anbeatingegtaffe/ left tbep mutt) be parta&amp;ets of epitbpnese. CCf Jctotfi ate compeltrt ta leauc t(je law of &lt;BWB. Gf)c templets bttjslrt. ffifje waocwacc monpfftrt mttiici^3\not!\tii)amti)t aijuecfytie toticttoptb Hw&amp; affltEtf D t&amp;f.ti&gt;e gwuoufl pajue ofeiia^at us. Chapter. . . ,itlongeaftertbis/fenf ft fiinga Jmeffafigerof 3flntioebe/fo;to cBpel 1 tfetoesto altre fto;wnaa * of _ ] fat&amp;ets aft lato of tfobytt oeftie ..,.. jtoasatlcrufate'/a tocaUtftte"plecf ]upitecflDlimptuS:3g tbep mulbe be in a* janm/ae tboft tohtcb btoeii at &amp; place of m: titter &amp;erbetotis.Cb|S topcfieo Ceoiao ot bngoMPtoaSbeupbppqiftpeople:fo;tepte toast ful of tboluptuoumeS / btbbingc 9 Pol* ling of ftlfteatbeVof rtbauor, 9 barlotts toge* . tbee.cbetoeme toetintoftbolpplace/9 baa in Wat toas not iaufuil.c&amp;e auitet aifo toas f uil bfbniauful tbmg*; tobicb ftlatoefo;bpb betb to lape bp5 ft.cbe&amp;abbOtbes toere not Bepte/ft otbetfolf pne teuton of ft lace toetc be plapne/tbere Durfp nomi &amp;eafinotoncbetoasa3etoe.3 ; ni&gt;oapeo ftBfogS&amp;lytb tbeptoete e5pellfbparfo;ceto om*:9 tobSft fea ft of acb toas Bepte/tbep toere coftrapnebtotoeere garlSbes of pupe/ * a-fo togoaboufe fo; ftbonouteof jBac&amp;us, * io?ouet tbo;oto ft coftceli of ptolomp/ t&amp;etetoentouta cflmaunbmi't in ft nerte ci&gt; tmot ft $eatbe/ ft tfcV mulb intteate le* toes inline manct : nameip/to cSpelltbe fo;

to bo toctf fpcc after ft latoes of ft &lt;ESetileS:9 tobofotoolbenot/to put tljem to oeatb.3 nteouStbpnge teas it to fe.cbe te toere.i j . to e tnen accufeb to Daue citcflc ioea tf) etc Con ni I tobStobeniftegbablebtofioeaboute ejtie (tft'ebabtfJOagsng at tSet't;b;ette)j)t&amp;ep caft tb^Dotonefteaolpng^ ouet toalle^. s&gt;ome t torn ctepte in to oennta ban fiepte f $&gt;ab&lt; iJotB/bmacfureb bnto J8ftiiippe/a tytnt in t %; eftfiauft i&gt; fo^feaw ef asootbef fiepte

$ eSmaunomftfoftiftf/atooWenof befmw tbe felut.^otoSI bef ecbe ail tbore w cb tea be taw bo&amp;e'gt&amp;ei? refufe it not f o; tftef c fail; of aouetfitetf ttibge tbfogejK g atebappr* neo)fo? no oeftcuccpg/but fo; a ctiaaenjjtig of oute peopie.Hino to^;i8e oo CuStet^ notfinneeiiiSgetofolototbeicatonemfnoe/ butfljo;tftlppuniibetBtb2/iti0atonlofyi ff gceate lou^ng bpnoneg .&lt;ffo} tins grace bau e , flu m toe of on mo?e tben otftee people/ $ be fuf. w fretb not w longe to tynne bnpuniQieb i jfte otbetnacroms/tbattoben tj bayeof iubment c5m e tft / be m a?e pun i Qj tbiintftt fumes of tbettfpnne0.gif toe r?nnc/be cojrecfietb DS/ but be neuet toitijo?atoetb W mere? ftSb*: 3 tbougb be punim to aimer rp te/ ? et oott) be neuerfotfase b&lt;3 people.ffiutletttbiii toe bane fpofte* noto to feto too;bt/ befo; a toar* ning 9 erbo?taci5 of 9eatbe, jQoto toill toe come togbeciarpng of ^matter.tlt a;at one of tbe p; mcipali S&gt; ct ibes/an ageb mi 9 of a toeuauo jeftcofftenaffee / toad cSftrapnebto gapetoop2moutb9toeateCto^aero.JentiKH^8 be befwjng ratbettooje glotfouOp tbento I uue to mame; offreo b im felf toillingip to $ mattftbome.&amp;ototo&amp;ifbeiato'gbemuSnebt go to it/be tofee it paci entl? : fo; be toag at a popnte tobi felf it be toolocofente to no bti* laufull tbmg fo; e n y pleafute of Kf e.cftep f&gt; ftobe bp being moueo to pite(but not af igbt) f 0; $ oiDe frlblbppe of ma / tofie bim afpb e

P?iuelp/9 vtwWm $ be toolD let focb flero be b t ougbt b&lt;m as to ere lauful to me/ 9 tbe to mafte a cofttenaftce as tbougb be&amp;ao ea&lt; tg of flero of racrfff ce lifte a* ft fting com* maunbeb/fo;fofientigl)tbe belpuerebfront beatb: 9 fo fo; ft o'lbe frenbflDipe of 6 ml/tbei? tyetocbbim ^ bpnbnes. ffiutbebegSneto cfifio?ebiS Difceet 9 bono;abie age/bis noble a too; ft f pfitl ttofi ey 9 botog frS biSf outb bp' be bab bene of anboneft 9 goob eSuerfacpS: see 9 to cSftantip be ba d fiepte ft o;biNa6 cesaiatoescSmafioebmj^ob tobtrfo;e&amp;e. gaue tbe tbis anftoere/9fap be :fetbati9l r a tbfritftbelaiebinmgraue,fo;itbecom&lt;.a:^t metb not mpne age(fapue Win enp topfe to biulble/toberbpmanppSgperfonnesmiglit tbincbe/ 1 Clea?at toetenotogonetoaftraflBeltfe-9fojbo;oto mpne ppocrffp(fb; a Iptle teme of a trSfito;g life)tflepmigbtbeDifeeatpfbp tbttmeanes . alfo mulo3! oefile mpne age/9 mafie it abbo mpnable. wo; tbougbl! toere noto befyuerea fro ft to;met5 of men /?ef QiuiD 5P n ot etcapeft bSb Eaiffltgbt? mwetHet alpne net oeeb. uabetfo;e3itoillbpemSfullp/9boa0itbec3&lt;e metb mineagr.t&amp;betbf 9 map perabuffuve leaueanejrSpleof tteoraftnesfo; focb as be p5ge/pf3!toa eeabpmpnbe atnfiftfflpbpe m boneft Dtatb/fo; moft too^bs 9 boipiato^, lbfti



... ItdpenQe Babfapietb^* wupnp/ mnw Watlp be teas o;atoen to tbe to;mente. j^oto tteptbat itDbpm9toeremplbfalitieafo;e/ fcfgannetotaftebprpleawre beeaufe of tbe too^tbatbe tapae: f 0; tbep tbougbt be baa loosen tbem of an bpe mpnbe, 35ut toben be tDasin&amp;tsmattftbome/bemournebanDfap be:Cbou(C&gt; JLo;b)tobiebbaft ft bolp finotojege/bnotoeft opemp-.tftat tobere as % migbc fceoeipuereo frombeatb/aniret6efefo;e Wpnesof mp bobp-.butmmpmpnbegf am foei content to fuffre tbem/ becauie* feare tbe.pus tbES man bpe&amp; /leaupnge tbe me* tno;fai of bisbeatb fo; an ejrample/not oniv

fcntopongemen/butbntoalftbepeople/to fteftebfaftanbmanlp. cbe.biMffbaptet&gt; bappeneb alfo ft tbete toevebt/, " - T(toftbtbeitmotBee) "

9 cSpelieb bp tb t binge agapnft ft ^ .. ^ Jiato/to ea te ftopnes fte: namelp toubfcourge09letb;cntebjppes.anooneof tbem tobitb teas t^t cbefe/fapbe : m bat fe* Befttbou/atobat reqnp;efttfiouof bS^ICS torn I toe arereaop tatber to fuflrebeatb/ tbentooffrnbetbe iatoesof ob anotbefa* tbers,ffibrntoas tbe binge angrpe/anb bab Urate caulo/ons ano bjafen pottes . itebpeb toben tbep toeremabe bote/immebpatipbe commaaDfbtbetongeofbtmtbatrpaBfrS to be cut out/to pul t^e I bpnne ouet bis be &amp; be/topareof tbeeoges of bisbanbesa fetes we ano tbatin m fpgbt ofbpsmotbee ano tbe otbee of bps b;e tb;en.j9oto Mm be toas cleanemarreb/becommaimbtb armetobe tnaoe/anbfo(tobfletbrte toasenpb^atbin bi m) 1 be f rpeb in tb e can D? on/f n tp e tob rcb tobenbe bab bene longe papneb/tbe otbec fe;etbzen top t!jrbfp?motber ero;teo bpm to bpe man f 11 11 p/fapenge :&lt;c b e jLo;be &lt;0oB mall f.. ^?f^ttitb/anbcomfo^ebs/lpBeas ^oresteaifietbanbbeeiaretbinbisfonge/ fapengemntibetoillbaue compaffpon sn bis fetuauntes. %otobent6efp;&amp;towebaftert&amp;isma nee/tbepb;ougbttbefeconbeto bauebfmftt fierpfyon y piiHebrbefapraie toitbtbebearre oueebiS beabe/a afsebbim/pf be tooibr eate ftopnes flew/ 0; be torn papnebin the otber memb;esalfotbo;otooutbPSbobp. Sutbe anftoere b boiDip/anb fapbt: a tofli notboit aribfi) toasbe tonnettreb Ipfteastbe ffrft/a tobenbe toas euenattbtgeupngbpggooft

be fapbe: cbou moft tmgracpous perfonne putteftbs noto tobeaib/but tbebpng of tbe too;lbe mall rapfebSbp(tobpcbbpefo;bPS latoes)inftrefurreccion ef eulrtoOiirgeiife. m mtthm /toas ttie tbp;bebaa in berp^Wfttofimbetoasrtquweii/ftf^o^

iHSSSSi**! ^attpgbtfoone /^oibpnge f o;tb bis banoes manfuiipy ano fpafie tot ta a aeMaft faitb:cbefebaue3! of beauen/but noto fo;tbeiatocof ob qi Dtfppre tftem / to;mj trttftis/tbattmailreceauetbtmof bimagapne.gnromocbtbattbeftpngeanb ' tbep tobicb toere toitb bpm / mantelet Tat tbe nongemansboibneue/tbatbenotbpngere.rf. gaibeb tbe papnes, . .. . * ototobenbetoasbfebairo/tbepbcreb W fouwb toitb to;mftes in Ipficmaner. Mil toben be toas noto at W beatb/ bf &amp;*&amp;**# is better tbattoebepngeputfobeatb ofttwji Baueourebopeanbtruftln!5ob/fp;be ffidt rapfeusbp agapne, asfoube/tbou 0)o^ Bauenorefurreccfontorpfe; .r.-? nDtoBcht 5 ef ftaa *oeitto tbefpftb/. fte? to;menteb bim, Mm lofiea be bnto m fttnge/9 fapbe:tboubaft potoet amonge nil /fo;ftouartamo^aii man alfo tbpfeif/to bo tobat tbou toflt/but tbinBenot/tbatdBoa batb f o;faBen pure generacpon. mm tbe/ tatpftiflatobple/anbtBoumaltretbegreaC potoet of (S5ob;botobetoplipunpatbe9.tbtf febe.fterbpmtbepb;ougbtftfpite/toS beinge at tbe popnte of beatb/fapbe:lBe not bifceaueot Bmg)fo; tbiS toefitffrefo;oup otone fabes/ beeaufe toe bane offenbea oure ob/9tbetfo;emanieloustbpngesareme toebbponbs. Stit tbpnBe not tbou / tobpeb faBeainbanbetoftrpieagapnft ob/tbat tflou malt ef cape bnpunpOjeb, *= CBiS ewellent motfjeritoo;t6pfo be torn? wpo;tebof/anb babint(memb;ance) ratee ber feuenfonnesbpein onebape/anb fufireb itpacientlp/befaufe of tbe bopet&amp;at a;e Das

Wob: see me ero;tebcue rp one of tbem in efpecpalt/anbtbatbolbit anb aebfaftivto patfpte topraome / teafiptige bpfier topupft tbougbttoitbamanlp ftomacfie /anb fapbe bntotbem:3|eannotfellbotopecameinmp toombe/fo;anetbgauepoub;etbnetfouj !e/noner ipfe.g'ttsnota ft iopnebft meb;cs ofpoutbobiestogetbet/buttbemaBetof a too;lbe/ toblcb faftwoneo ft bp;tb of man 1 9 begSne aitbrnges-iruenbeaifoof bis atone imtcproaigeuepou b;eatb anblifeagapmf Itfieaspe notoregarbe not cure atonefeiut fo/BtsiatoesfaBe. * _ ^oto tbougb t aintpocbustbat me ban befptfeb Bim/t berfo;e be ictt bergotoptbbeti p;oues/anbbeganneto eio;te the ponger fonne(toUicbpettoasieft)not or /totoo;b butftoo;e bntobimtoan ootb/ ft be mulct maBebpmatfcb 9 toeWBpman(pfbetoolb^ fo;faBe ft fames of bis fatbers )pee anam mulbe geuebim/tobat fo euet toere neeefla* rp f o; b m.Sut toben ft p8ge ms toolbe not Bemoueb/fo;alltberetbmges/becalleBbfetf motya/an* coaceleb ber to fauebrt fonnes





Cljt fetontje fidfee


#f t\)t ffaufytfm,

lfOrtbtorje&gt;babe#o?teB bet toptb ma MfttMUtytyta: nptoo?ae0/ftiep;QmefeB&amp;imtbatr&amp;e(&amp;uiac IZSS&amp;tnSubsti $8acbabeuSa n&amp;tbes36 fpeaBebntober tonne, &amp;&gt;o Ofeturnta bet Sl^t8attoewtoit&amp;ljpm^tomtepi tontobpmdaugbfnge tbe cruelitp?auntetci (ffl&amp;p? n to tbe totonejJ/calleb tftw fco?ne)aiiBfpa*etoitbabottiebopce;fi5rmj WS^BpnffolBes ana frenaesstogetbee / fonne/bauepitte bponme/ tbat bap?c fc . lolebnto tbem all focb ass eontpnueB pet fa monetbessto mp toobe/tbatgaue tbe rucbe/ tde faptft anDIalue of tbt jetotg / $b; ougbt


r h

no?tft)eotbe* b?ougt)ttbebpbnto tbisage. 3 befccbe t&amp;e(mj&gt; ronne)loae bponbeau? anbeattb anaall tbatfjs tberfa / ana coni&gt; foe; tbat on BMW tbem anbraan* genera' eponofnougbt:fo Omit tbou not featetbpjs Bailsman /but (uttcebeatb fteofaftip /ip&amp;e a^tye bmbtfnbaueboncitbat &lt;$mw te&gt; emetbeagasnefa$e(amemcK?toftt)tb? ibPieetoai8petrpcaBpngetberetoo?' ees3/tbe?onge m5fapBe:iabom loaejeto; f lebetfojeua petatp^toptt not obepe tbe fipnges commaunbettiem/buttbeiatoetbat bu&lt; t it &lt; 5oD B 3 " 6 M b * *&amp;fa* .Mioityt at seuttM** tmagpnettaUmprcbefeagapnfttbejetoes/ if tbout&amp;alttiotcCcapetffcbatiDe of oB/fo? toe f uffte tbefe tbtogejivbecaufc or out flnnf

ana tbougb oa be angtge to ptb fag aip tie tobple(f o; our cbaftenpnge ana t it o?m a &gt; cpo n}pet all be b eat one agapne *#&amp; bps feruaunte0.5&amp;ut tbou.(tf) tyamefull ami moftabbompnabiepetronnej^/poenotrbg felf tbo?oto bapne bope / fa bepnge fo mafe ciou tip on tbe remaun te of o &amp; to; tbo u baft not set ercapeo tbe niagment of tb e &lt;soa ; tobpcbteallmpgbt?/ ana feprb allonges. iH?Sb?etb?ntbatbaueruSteoalptlep3ptte arenoto bn aet tbe cou en aunt of euetlattpng Ipre:buttbo;ototberobgmcnt or ob/ tbou H)a!tbepunpeBtpgbteou{Ipfo?tt)PP?Poe. 3BjfCo?meut6ea{JmFbKtb;enbaneDone)

itytbbj.QMien/ fcotbepcallebbpon tbe jdo^be/tfiatbe tootor baue an epe bntobps* people / tobjtft toass troBorn Dotone of euer?mamtobe gra tyowsbntotbe temple /tbattoa* ueftiebof tbe bngoWp tobaue compaaf on bpon tbebe* ftmccpon of tbe cptpe / to bpcb toass flwtlg Ipse to be lapea toafte /to beare tbe bopce or tbe blouac tbat a p eo b n to bptmto ternem* b?e tbe moft bnrpgbteouss aeatbegbf tonge Innocent tbplDjrn/tbeblafpbenuje* alfoao* nebntobpsnanie/anatopunptbtijem, imw.t 0oyd toben QDacbabeus bab gatfjerea tbps mult ptuae togetbec/be toautomsgfttje fo? be eatben ( fo? tbe twatb of tbe .o?oetoas3 turncD fa tomercp ) be feHbpon tbe totoneg ana mgt? mmt / b?ent tbem t or t tbe moft eomtnobpou* place*/ anaaetoemanpof tbe enempes. tfutfpe* cpairpbemaae {pcbcbareB bp npfibt/fa fo moib tbat bw manlsneoe toajj fpoben of euetjtoece, &gt;o toben Pb?Wppe fatoe tbat tbe man # rncteafebbfWtleanbirrte/gnbrBattieinat' tetp?ofpeteatoptb bpmfoftbemott parte: beto;otebnto t&amp;toIomp( ttbpcb teas a cap. tar ne fa Ctiocpjta $1benfcejS)tobelpebfai fa W bpnges bufnes(.cben rent be^eca^ no?|&amp;attocip(afpecpaHftenaiofbfJ5) fa all tbe bafle / anagauebpmo? tbe comen fo;te oftbe^eatbennoleffetbenpj;. fi^ .batnef*


' NT



gSofltemp touleana mpboapfo.stbetatoess (ebmen/torateout tbe tobole genetaepoti

ofoutfatbei* / callpnge bpon ob/ tbat be tafll roone be m ttcyt ul bnto out people, pee *. . - anbtojtbpafneanbpuOTftefalnttomafie W**' ftestaunte^batbe onls w ob.fnme nob) anbfam|&gt;b;etb;entbe tojattj of aiimpgbtp sob^atanenbe/tobcbtrsbteouO|t|8(si&lt; Jen bpon all our people? ffiben tbebpngebesngeBpnWebfaangee toaB mo?e ctueilbpon brm tben bpon a! HHt otbet/anatoaefaapgnacion/tbatbe toag fo

of tbe letoeg / baupge to beipe bpm one &lt;So?gfas a man of to arte / tofti xb Th matteot concetnpnge battapis baa great erpetftnee. ft pcano? oj&amp;enea alfo | ttpbute (tobpeb tbe JSomapneis Qmiae baue baa) to be geuen bn* totbe&amp;gnge/outoftbecaptyu&amp;ort&amp;egr* toes/ nam tip tj . fi^.tale n 1 1$ . 9nb mime* Waflpbe rent to tbe cprtegi o t tbe fee eoott/re quftfage tb em ro; to b p e getotf to be tbeA:


* "7


fetuaunteB bonaemen/p;omfftnBetofB ipgbtlpttgataea. ^otbW vongemanapea &lt;tb5 iw.ana tenco?onetaUnte:butbecon bnbeft!eb/9putblteuaftinfatbe}Loflie. rpoeteanottbe to?atb oraKmfgbtF tfob/g TLattofaUaftettbefonnes/toastbemorbee ta*tocomebponbcm. puttbbeatbairo.HUtttbtXnotobe pnougb tebenjubapfinetoeoftbr* /betotteltbe* fpofien/concempnge tbe otftpngtB/ ana e^ ^etofjj tbat torre toptb bpm or fticmoj it eomntfnge.^oto toete^ere fomeortbem featfuH/iiotttuttpngebnto tbe*pgbtuouf negofoaatfleatb'ctoape. put t&amp;e otbet ;ba t wmapnea / came. togbt ana befoug^t tbe no;ae / to oe ip . uettbemftomtbattojcfiea wm$wnib

i *

trememtelneffe. Jtibas gat^ttetb taset&amp;tc 5f fioott . JD&lt;tJm te Cent jay nojnOas.juBaB t .rtiB? tctQ bis (budpace to con * Cantn t8.^itano?fs o twee omt.ffific jews geue Hi a* fc[8Bffeetl)eyftsueputt6tlcenfmfeB(of1yg^/6fUu Optig tfte fpopics bnto tbe f a tbeewe ano bn0 1&amp;&lt; to f

Datifolue t&amp;ent b; eueebecame npetaem^ ebousbb^b)olbenotbofero;cbete(afie0/set fo; tbe couenaunt tbat btmaae torti) tbep; f at&amp;er*/ a becaiift faeg callebbpon Ww* 9 aio?wus( name.aina (o^acbabeu* calleo ptf mentogetbeti/nameiFaboute bj.fl^.eje* o?ting tbem not to agree bnto t&amp;eit; enemtetf netbettobeaftafeafo; multttubeof tbetc aauerfaiiesi cSmfaae agapnft tbem bntigb* teouflr-but to f tgtpianlp/'conrt&amp;e'rfage tbe cep;ofe tljat Wy r)aB aone totbebolp place

tottboutcaufe /bote tbe? bab oefppfeoana opp;eOea tbe cutlet pee 9 aeftropea.tbe latoejf of tbe fatbers . $ o;tbep ( fapae be ) ttuft fa tb ei't toeapenss ana b oianeffe / but owe con* fiaencetg int^t ailm(gbtl&gt; lLojoc/ tobrcb in tbe ttopncftlpnge of an epe maye botbae* ft tope tbem tbat come, agapnft bss/ ana all tbetoo;iae. fie er 0? tea tfjemalfo 1 cal totemf b?aun cetbebelpe/ tbattiBoatyetoebbntotbeirfa* _. tbew :attoben tbere peri ftea an c.aljcjcjcb. 9 fl,of g&gt;enacbetibis people: ICnB of f batatl 2f ttymam )9abtl5aga?nttS0aMacfanj(: SSSSa &amp;o to ^ a W ^a^^ t cametobelpe w ' tteVftobefafeawtfbototbepbengbtttonli t&gt;1.^.fletoean.9ier.^.tbo;otttbebelpe tbat toa^geueutbem from beauen/toberbg tbep alfo baa teceauea manp benefited Cbo;ototbtretoo?ae0tbeinen,to8egoo&amp; tytteii bnto tbem/teaap to ape fo? tbe latoe 9 tbe cofitte. ^0 be fettbpon eueep company a captaine/one of W atoneb?etb?e:^imo/ Sofepbit 31 onatbafc geupnge ecb one jtb. C, men.ffiecaufebifb?a0a!(otbteabetbebols bofie bntotbem/anbtogeuetbem a toficn of WaMi9.b tbebe!peof#ob, cbenbebimfelfbefagecaptapnefa$fo?e front of tbe battatfl/ bucaleb toptb tcano? ana oa w$ tbe tr belpe/fafo mocb tbat tbepnetoeaboueir.).menacompeHea iV tno;epaiteof#rcanoajJbooatofle/tbeptoe* , e tt fo toounoea a feable . &lt;Mu* W? tobe tbe tnonep from tbofe tbat came to bjetbem / 9 f olotoebbpon tbem ofteuerp fpae . ut tob? tbe tfm e came bpon tbem /tbe? retuwiea/ fo; t*t tea* tbe ^abbatputb tbetfo^e tbe? f olo' ieanomo?ebpontbera, S)otbeptofie tbetr toeapens? fpogle?9acpte tbe ^a.bbatb/ geujngetbanbeiSbntotbe'jtoia/tobscbbaa eiiuerebtbemtbatba?e /ano fitemebtbem ,.-.,* Ifjjmercpjftee tbe ^&gt;abbatbtbe|btftttbu^

;.t mST tea tbe eposes* to tbe ftcbe/to tbe fatbcrlede anatotopcaotoe^/anatbe tefpaue baatbep tbemfetae0to?tbtbefr0JBbentbf0toa0bO' ne/anb tbep all baa maae a genetail p?aper : tbepbefougbttbe metcpfull %t&gt;M to be at cnetoitbbisferuaunteg. fworeairotHattoeretottbcmiot&amp;euS iBjeatbib^/tobicbfougbt8gasnftfBem/


t* C?




tbepfietoeiE.^.toannebpeanatttongebol be0/aub beutbea moo rpopiesj; eu er geupnge an equal po;cwn bntoftc6e/to $ ratbecle* to topaaotoeg 9 to ages perrons . 3na toben^ tbep baa aplpgentlp gatbeteb tbttt toeapenjs* t ogetb e?/ tb ep iapea tbem all in conuemente

piacegt/atfteremnauntofgfpofiw b?ougbf tbeptogieruralem^cbejnetoePbJlaKbfU tbat toicb ea petfonne/tobicb toa* rep tb E' faotbeu* / ana babbe^eaman; letoe* . 3n&amp; lafyui tbeg belbe tbe tbSfi trgeutnge at |eiu* fale ro; tbe btcto?p/ tbep b^nttbofetbatbas feet fp?e on m poms or tbe tempiemameii? Cauabeness/tobf cb toas fteafa to an bou(e anafo tbepgatt a too?tbp reroarae fo; tbep; topebeoneffe * M fo; tbat moft bngracpouss ^fcano;/ta&gt;fcbbabp;ougbtatboufanaemae ebaunteg/to bpe tbe J,etoeg/be tcag t bo?oto tbebelpeof tbe ^o?aeb;ougbt botone etien of tbem tobombetegatoeanotsfafo mocb % beputof bwigio?toui8 tapmem/fleabpree/ anb came alone to E'ntpocbe /toptb great e mame anbbiflbonouc/ robf cb be gatttbo;oto tbe aearuccpon or &amp;W boo ft .cbug ^e $ p?o&lt; mpfea tbe SSomapneis to pape tbem tbett trr=. bute/ toben be toft e gerufalem: beggne note to rape planelp-/ tbat oatoa? tbe aefenaec oftbe5petoe0/&amp;tbetfo;enotpo(Kbletotoo5B tbem/becaufe tbe? folotoea tbe latoejs tobicb &lt;soabaomabe. CntiocBu3ttiiUngtorpo;Ufeetepollsfso;fu*tf . to fljaBt.8BBepcfuttB tbe Jttoes i be is ftepchf oftBelwoe.ffc&amp;cfajnrttepeWstinKQt'aMiDCijUB* jP'ofetB. * Cbap tit t .CtbetametEraecame Untfbetni^fUQg^/ !agametoopft)onouteoutof|t&gt;er ' (10 .^0? tobenbe came toperrepos ilijs / ana bnoer tobe to robbe tbe te* pie ana to fubaue tbe titter tbe people canne togetbecanbberenbebtbffelueji/faromocd latbeanBb^toerefapnetofletottbftiamr. ~ inbfo aftet tbat flfgbt / tt bapprnea / tbat 36ntf ocbug came agayne toptb aptbonoure. 56ut toben becanje to (fgbatbana/begate bnotolegetobat toa? bappenea bntoj9pca^ no; 9V motbeusJ .f5o to 30 be to as auaun^

cpngebpmfeie fabP3to?atb/betbougbtbe tea? able to abenge ttjefafatf tbat to a sx aone to tbem / bpon Metoeftana tberf o?e com* maunaeato mabe teaap w ctjatct /bapr= tpngeonbP^ routnep toprbout'craCpnge/ tbetubgement of &lt;soap?ouoWngebfat/ be* cauCe be bab fpoben f p?ouaip/ tbat be to or* Be come to lerufaiem / ana mabe eta gra tie of tbe gietoeis . ttutftfe ia,o?ae twst%&amp; well /tbat feptb all fb^bgefJ/ fmote bpi to^rb an inuprpbie plage / tobpeb no mail ""* ' ' mm m .

J. I

- y


' *



"V *


"btwtftetecame fepon bpmanftojtfblepapne of ft pjac bottles / and a fo;e grefe oCtfte tft ar meg. 3nbtftat teas bu t rigotsfo; fte Dab mac tpjeb otfter mews botoe toptp bp uerfe and

firaunge towtnttts /potobeitfte tooioefn no topfc ce afle from p f malpce , y ee c toa0 t ett^je p^oubet atio mo;e ma!pciou0 agatott tpegrtoe*: Euttoftple ftetoa0commaun' bpnge to mafie ft atte to tfte matte r/ie ftappeneb tpatpe feibotone bfoientlp from tfte cfta* ret/to tftat ft b^ofeo ft pjs &amp;Obp / and bpbbpm gteatepapne. aino fope tftat tpougftt fte mpgptcommaunbetfte flouoejs of tpefeecfo p;oube "earn pe beponbetfteconbfepon of mS)anbto toepe tfteftpemountaphe0 (napap;e of fcoale* / toa0 nob) bjougftf botone to tfte giounoe / 9 carfebbpon anpojaptter /finotoiegpngetfte manpfette potoerof4&amp;ob bponppm-.fotpac tfte totc&amp;eo bobpofpp0,toa0fuioftoo?me0/ toftpeft to ftp0 papne ftH qupep out of pp0 Help : |p fomocft tftatpp0 ftooft toa0 grata


te bnto tfte letoejsa let tre otintnctmt/O* tepntogetftefetootfraffibeBynge mpM' ce #nocpu0 top tti e t&amp; bnto t&amp;e bcrtuow cf tennis of tQtgcibQf /mocp bealtftanbgoob pjofperife, pc anbpourecftiibjenfare toeii/anb pf all tftinge0 go after p oure mpnbe : toe gc uegreate tftanfir0. anrnpftcBjieo-eaUobo 3!rememb?e sou loupnglp: fo; agfgj tame out of i&amp;e w?a / anD toag tab en lofty fo;e of feafe:3| tpougftt tt n e c e ffa r p to care fo? $ comen toeaftp . $etper befpareg in mpfelf/ but ftatiea goobp ope to efcapetfti* Beam*, JtHftconfpberpnge tpatmp fatfteriebaii ftoott fometpmetotpe&amp;perplace0/anbweto eo to I) fpttlbe rapgne after ftpm / tpat ( p* tfteteftappeneb anp cStrouetfp/o? enp ftawe tlipng toere beclareb)tftep in {fte tanbe might li n oto e wfc cftefe io;be/ tftat tftere Ounce be (2 no t nforrecc foroaigap n e/ toften 3 pono;e bg m v felf / ft oio tljat all tfte mpgft tpe men ana negftbouw rounbeaboute/are lapenge toai~.iz.iL r ".v* *z""" ""* *** *"* vu;lOBebutfo?opo;tunpteto bopanne: mm toe fmeii anD ttpnefie of bf m. cijujs fte a paue o?beneb tpat mp ronne 3Bnf|

ocbu3 gataijtieafo;etbougptpe mpgbtteacbto wantaraneaKetme/tobomgiofteommen* tbeaarcegsof beauen/ppm m?glit no man bebtomanpoffou/tobenSJtoaistotpebyep notoabpoe necbeate/fo?tlje be&amp;emence of bngbome0/anbpaueto^ttenbntobsma{


C ftpnefie. Cbetfo^ pe bepngeb^ougbt feom ftp? geeatep;pbe/beganne fo? to come eo fenopj lege of &amp;t&gt;m fclf : fo? tfte punplpment of &lt;sob toatneDBpm/anbBwpape tocrcafeb euet mo?e anbmo?e. aina to&amp;en be bpm reif migpt not aupbepp* atone apncfie/Defajbctpefe lno?beiE(:g!tt0 eeafon to be obebfentbnto ob anb tpat a manberp;e not to be rpfte bnto bpm.c;pwtopcftebpe?ronnep?8peba!robn r totpe &amp;o#e/of topombe (buioe paue optaf* nebnomercp. ainba? fo?tbecpetbatpeca

it folotoetp petaffec .cbetfoje J ptmilpu necumc pou /totememb tliebftK t6at3i ftauebonebnto pou gmctallpaM efpecpa!l.jFo?3 bope tbatbeftalbeof iwirv 9 mm* bebauouw/5 pf befolotoempbeupce/pe airbefnbpffeeentbntopott. m.^ , cbu0tpatmurtpuweanbttafpBemarfof wn * w,t, CEfob toagfo?e fmpttent alpfie asbebabm* treated otpet men/fobe bpeba mpferaWe beatb toa ftraunge countre bpona mountapneJnbbftbobpbpbl&amp;bi!pppe(tbattoenf toptp Mm) catp atoape: toppep featpnge tpe

"^q M

m Si


v . ,... .-ww v * .v.,..^~..* C vv,^,toenteittto&lt;Egppteto gtounbe/anbtoniaftertagrauefo^eebm?: |NoIomp^pometo;. notobebefp;etptobeipuecft fre. Jwiba* toucprngetbe letoesi/tobom pepab cyntifleffliiacjiafituBtafee^t&amp;f ntt tifyttewit* &lt;ubgebnottoo?tbptobe butpeb/but toolbe Wwft&lt;ofweibeofwt. m^jma

9 toHDebeaOe0/fapenge/tbat ^etoolbeftaue bettropebbotb oloe anbponge: jQototiep^os mpfetb /tomafte tpemlpfie tfte cptefpnjj of atftcn.3inbtobereaisftebab fpopleb tftepo it temple afo/e / note fte mapefe m ompfe to pjarmfft ft prftft greate fifftegs/to tocteafe tfte ftoip o^iamentejt/ anb of ftps; atone rente* to bearet&amp;ecofleg/anbcftargesJbelongmgeto tfte offetfoge&amp;pee anbtpat be toolbe a(fobe ^ m lul w lll ,i, ( . ll/ miaiuiii cornea &lt;?emeftpm felf /togotftowto euetp flutter of b?pcneftone/after.t7.i?eat e0tbcp place pftftetoo2ibe/anbtop?eacbtftepotoer offerebtacr(fpcejJ/retfo;tptftemceiife /tpe *^otmn lfgftte0afl)etoeb?eb.JftentftattoW.bone/ JSuttoften ftpgpapnejJtooIbe notceaOe/ tftepfellbotoneflatbpon me grouttbe /anp (fo;tperpgftteou0 nibgmft of obtoass cos lierougftttftexLo?6e/ tftattpepmpgpt com e me upon ppmjouf of a bervberpap?e fte tti;o* nomo?e m to i ocft troublesbntpt ^e pfpnnep ; . v.- enpmof

apfatem^eap;ttotic5clpsofJ(ie3totB.ffraMiip wflspne. i _ CCfte.:.ftapter. j

iKtcftabems note anb W contpan? l(tpo;oto tftebelpeof tpe %mt)ZmM4i itoanne tfte temple anb tfte cptge m ~ * _ -jagapne/bedropebtfteaurtetisaiib cftapew &amp; tfte^eatpen ftabbuplbeb roowto, ^ fc tpe Oreteftcif nfebtpetemple/mabe anomtt mr9 * frt


#f t^e iWathate

ttpmo;eaggnftpim/fteftfmferetocpaftf tftem toptb mercp/ anb not to come in tbc babejj of tftofeaieaunte* anb blafptjemoua men. gerfpffi iSSSfSSS^ monetft caffep. calleb tfte captapnejj of tpe peop! 5So ^mglabneffey accufvnaethoteWoi^Sj5X^I E S"

e IBUBW) toueimuifB/ SwSSS fo; motKt/ t&amp;cwu, tmotntof t^ore "tat

t'*: ,

I- ^





&lt;,)cb.x "?"fP /). bape of tfte monetft calleb ^fa^-fBepfiepte.bui.bapegmglabneffe/ Ipfieagm &amp; fea&amp;of tftetabernac[ep:remem b?pnge tpat not!ongeafo?e/rftep ftelbetbe read of tftetabernaciegbpon tfte mountap* tics anb in sennejs ipse beatte* . 3Pnp to tfte ramctonent&amp;epbaregrenebotoesi/ biauif cfteg anb . paimea betapptm tftatftabgeuen Ipera goob fortune to cienfe w place . cftep agreeb aKo togetfter / anb mabe a ftatute/* - euerp pear e tftofe bapejs mulbe be folemprl fiepte of all tfte people of tfte gjetoeg. lob anciocftujf tften( tftat toau calleb tpe noble) bttbju fufffef entlp tojbe . i9oto toffl toe fpeafie of j^ftano? tfte foime of tpat totcfiebasiittoeftuiS/ftotoit ftappeneb tojtft |im:anb fo toftft feto toojbeg to comp^eftr n* jKge abuerfpte tftat cftaunfeb to toarre*. 3ffiftenfteftaDtaftefn.tftefipngbome/ftemabe SSi^B^td) babbene captapne of tfte %o(ltolBfteiiicesJanbS&gt;rrta)ruierouert|e w fi tet ?, JJ&amp; eum f- falHrtm tpat toa3 carie&amp; Macron/ beptigea tuier fo? tfte 3etoc0(anbrpwrrp/ to fpt to tobgment fo? 2 to i on ?^0toa0ftonebirtotpem) bnber WW caufc fte toa0 accufeb of tfte frenbe* 6cfo;e(iEupato?:anbtoften ftetoa* wlpecte ^tiMWWomttotm commptfeb bntoppm: SSRpMftBebepattebflwm noble aintto*



i* "




gefamepiacetf/fteeoBeati ber t ofte tftmtt to toarre wrtw w worn EfiK ^ r eatieb tftofe tftat toere b?wn KS'lf^fffn'/an^oRernftanbetotoatre feSff?^ to W* fl0atpabeu* w fougftt ano p^apes bnto tfte Ho?be/ tftat fc to be ftettfteipertanbfWrftUnito ' : Si2Sffi ,0 * [^ c abumeaw/ anb toannemanppiaceisbp ttrengtp:feocft a? SBKSPte ^fleto/ anb Bpllebno letre(ofalltoptfter)tpen ttoentpetftouran* gouranbe/ toere fleb in tottoo Oronge to* iS8?*22f l ! l ! ,po,,lm,w,! of o?bpnaunce to totrftftanbcrtjciii. ffi Hi?1 ( :,w " 10 nnQ tftofttftac toere toptp tpemitopftp toeteberpmanp) toentetobeft" - 1 4

tfte b;etp;tn (m monep / anb mStnu mpwgo ^ofteaetoetpofetraptoaw/anp tmmebtatlptoentetnpanbe toptp tfteVttto; tocronp toft? tfteppab o^eb Sem WuS mPtoftJtftefttoeapen0anbftanbe5S SbSp? caftett mo tften ""^ 0otocfmotfteu0 toftom t&amp;eg|etoed6ab'- 8fB * w ouercome afo?e 1 gatftereba mnlSSS** 55 ^ Jtaunge people/ bugfttanWaltoof

KB^tto^enfteb?etoenpe/Scfta!B beu0tpeptftattoeretoitft ft^m muothzi^m^xi b. P?aper/fp?encBiebaOfte0bp5 tfteftftcaS bepnggP?Beo toftft fteatrte clotp about H ^e0/febotonebefo;etfteaultSbbe" fougftt tfte to^e tpat fte toolbe bimml fuHtotftem/butanenempebnto totStm, nm/ anbto tafteparte agapnft tpeftab* uertewe0/acco;bpngea0ftwp;omprebto* finttemomtftecprfe: anbtopentbei Zm npetpeenempe0/tftepp;eparebtftemfeftS agapntt tftem, w 5t^f.p _ MW &lt;" *&amp;* mo?npngeat ? b?ea. fieof tpebape /botp tpe ftoofteg bucPleb to getper , cfte one parte ftab tfte %omm tfteft refuge /toftpeft &lt;0 tfte geuer of pWperpte/ftrengtpanbbpcto?p. fteotferpaa amanip Comacfi / toppep to a captapne of toarre. apeareb bnto tpe enempe* from peauen.b &gt;.. . menbpo po?fbacB0 toptp b?pbel0 of aolpey'""' 1 *** S^^3^/aooftperaftauprS ^acpabeupbettoljrtetftem/tftatpepteftfni ftotoattejtanb pgptenpngeg bpontfteenetoltft blpnDncffc 9 fo fo;e afrape / tftat tftep feiibotone. cpere toere flapne offotemen ttoentft^oufanbeanbfpHe ftunb/etp/ anb# fp*e &amp;unft;etft ft o;fme n , M fo; crtmotfteuiS* ftimreife/fteflebbnto a?ae aberp ftronse polbe/toftermirerea0toa0 captapne. JSut ^acpabeu0 anbftig companp lapeb fegeto ftcpearfup.rtti.bape0. . ^^l^at^wtoptptotruflpnge totfteftrengtp of tpe place/curfeb anb banneb erceabpnglp / anb mabe greate erafirnge toptp topcebtoo?be0.^euertpeieOe, ptioii











bpMltfiefcfr&amp;Mpem 5 "BPffiHS men of aac5abeu0 wmW^ISSSS? on fe to tyett nuMOej Mcn^lSsS Uftemr.came manfuiipbnto tbctaM/anj toitb boloe ftomac&amp;ejs tbep ntbttfg crtjw companpon* clpmmebbpbpontbetooweoy 6niiea8fnsetofeefi;eopon*epo;t/f to torn W t m^Mitfmwto M.mmw torn t&amp;ep wW"gg2 ftell/to&amp;pcb teben tbes&gt; fS" (tbattoascteptemtoa co;ner Jt&amp;epfiplieb nettoitb3ippollopbane0. ggggfiK &amp;one/tbeprungetalme0/toprbpjatfe0&amp; tbancaefgeupnge 3 bnto W : TlojbeV tobicS

|sbbonelogteatetbpnge0foj Hftael/ attti geuentbemtbeotcto#. * tour is tMfsm hwwft wto t&amp;;cleUec SayR8rt#3ewe.Kteleettcofli^ HSSSlMHlMiAlrtlMriM ft* 9**b* lteB0ftt|orawnes tofljejewjs. rdttlonge after tbp0 / H/?IKW tbe ftpnge0 ftetoarbe anbaapnwtan ofbtf) tobicbbsbfc gouernaunce Jof btt mattew ( toaefoje ottpiea* fowfo j tbe tbgngefrtbatbaobappenebtam) iabgat&amp;etebJm;.flMenoffote


tobenbe&amp;abgatbeteb.. w . r r." : - - --- toitb alltbebofte of tbebo?fmen/be came a ; gapMtbe$etoe0/tbpnc6petotomie *ptWomaftettanbabptae&lt;onfo;tbcea* tbm/aiibtbe temple toolbe bebaueto be an houfeof ltttte/lpliea0tbe etbetgobbtf bou Wome^eatftiate/atoceatftcpaeiie^of' fpee euerp peare-.jSot confpbetpng &amp; potoer of oft/but toa0topn&gt;embp0mpnbe/ttu&lt; r, !,. h a^5eintftcrattUftiWpff(enjen/ftitBou' Wwm* g,^ jSO f?o?mif/9tn6fiS.lj:jPi:.(lep8ante0, . fcobecarae mtoleto;p tbentojBen&gt; ^futacacattellofbefenceipingemanatoto placental* ongtf ftom^etnfaletiOatoSne it.fSoto toben S^acbabeu* anbbtf cSpanp fmetoetbattbctttonge&amp;olbe0toetetaben/ t^ep feu to tbeftpjaper* toitb toeppnge anb tearw before tbt&amp;bjbe: anb alltbe people

mipae manctbefougbtbfa/ ttatbetooioe ienBeagotfjaitgelHowijttetfftael. ffl&amp;a* cbabeu* bpmfelfe toaatbe fwtttbat maoe bWaDpto bactapil [I tmtmmmn tbat tottetoitb Dim/ to (eopetw tbem felues anbtobelpetbefc bjettoen. mwnm toetegopengefoatb of anufUem togetflw



.^^tofteampanbtovllwgm^De/fteteapea* wbbWtbf bPo&gt;^acfieamSto tobpte clotbpnge toitb batneOe of golbe/malspnge bfssrpeaxe.c&amp;en tbep pjapreb tbe fro?te all togetber/tobtcbftabrottoeMbtmmttcg /$ i^e(mfi^ebwiarii;mBnM0: i 6to"''* tbat tbep tow.waw/no(otto ttgae

men/but toffy (be mott ctuen bfti/ see f tontwietbo;ototoalle0ofpjon. bu0tbeptoenteon toillpngfebaupnge an beiper frombeauen / anb tbe iio?bemer* ep fullbntotbem.cbepfellmpgbteip bpon tbefeenempe0lp6elpS0/b;ougbtbotone.M. &amp;.fote men.tbi.Cbojfmeti/put ail otfjec toflpgbtmtanp of ttjem.bepingc toounbeb/ anb fomegatatoape naseb.f eeft-jfiau bf m . felfetoasfajnetofletbamefuflr/ anb foto efcape.$euei*&amp;elefletbemStoaig not to^ out bnoetftanbiinge/buc confiberebbs bcm relf e tbat W potoer teas msntftebanb pon* D/ebbototbegietoejJbeEnge &amp;eftnceob?tbe ftelpe of aimTgbm &lt;5ob/ toete not able to be oueecome:tobet;fo;ebefent t&amp;etoojoe / anb p?ompfeb/gbetoolbecSfentetoalltbfngej to&amp;fcb toete reafonabie/anb to maae Wi?ng tbete tbetobicbP;ajei; of itftafi #acbaben? aateeb CeBfrtgetn all tbnge(S tbecomen toeaitb:anbtobatfoeuet fl^acba* beuis to?ote bnto %^i&amp;9 concempge tbe 9etoej(/tbebmggt;aatebft.#o;tbetetoet fete*to#ttf bntotbeiietoejs mn$#m

cfitepiBngetbefetoo^eff. TtSftattfenbetbgtetinsetotbe peopleof tfiegietoeu. ab'onanb^bfalon tobBtb toete p fent from pou/belptteteb me tojf tjngejJ / 9 vemweb meto fulfill t&amp;ctbmgejS concet* nsnge tyefr eaeanbe. mntojt lofee tobac misbt be geaunteb/l cewtfgcb Ssng tftet* of: a tDbatfoeues toas conumtent. &lt;i ageeen tbetto.ff ie noto&amp;sHbe fa^tbfuU.mSmat* tew/3 Dbal enbenetmf relfeberaftecalfoto bo pougoob .i0 contetnsnge otbee tbpngetf bp euetpattpcle tbetof-.3!bae c3m? ttebtbe to sontemeOauttBetts/anuto tbore tobom 3 rent bntbpou/to comen toftb ion of ft fame/ faeejetoeil/31ntbebunb;etba.Wbttffeaw/ ^.mn'i.bajeof motietb rnvmrnttyu** i^oto tbe"6ngej*iettte contesneb tberc tooibe0.i&gt;nge1lntlocbu!J fenbttb gtetingc bntobttbwtbeeifffa0.jfo?romocba0oui;e fatbeet0noto beeb/outeton w /tbattbe? tobf cb are in outetealme/ ijue Moat emj &lt;nfuwcecionyanbeuer|man tobebBWgent in W atone matter*. IfeebnberQanbealfo/ tbat tbe %tsx&gt;t&amp; toolbe not content to oute fai "ier/fo;tobeb;ougbtbnto tbe cuftomeof e&lt;sentfie0/butofinp to bepetbefr atone atute0;t 0? tbe tobb caute tbe? reqnj it of bjjalto/ toietttbem remain* ttoitbtft atone latoeu. 4 H9berfo;e oute mfnbe t$ 1 tbat tbf ss people fhalbentrefctoebaueconclubeb onbbeter* mebalfo/toteQo?ctbftbeft temple agajnes tbattbegmapelpue aeeowngetot^bfcj cultome of tbelr fo;e f ar&amp;erg. bou Cpalt bo , bg a pleafure tftctfoje / tf ttjou fenDe bnto 1 tarmwibaBretottbtaemttbattoBf tbejaw








A&gt;1 1


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fc' I-



t)HKeb ototire mfnbe/tbei? maje b". B . cbere/anb lobe to tbef r atone toealtb. 3nb tbtt'toatftbelettte/tbae tbe bmge So;otebntotbeaebje0:afnganttocbtt0fen' tetb gretpge bnto tbe councell anb f otber people of $ 3|etoe*.lf pe fare toell/ toe a aue cure b efe:a0 fo; b$/m are in goob beam). @enelau0 came anb toioe b0/boto 1 oure befp;e teas to come botone to route people/ tobtcbaretottbb*. ' berfo^etboretbattopcome/toegeue f tbem fte lyberte/ bnto tbe. yrr.baye of tbe monetbof3Cp^ll/tbattbei?ma?ebfemea' ec0 of tbe Setoetfanbtbefe atone Iatoe0/lp6e a?i afo;e:anb none of tbem bp en? maner of toapetttobaiiebarme/ tommies tome in fgnojaunce.ggeneian* tobom toe (jaue fent bnto pou/aii come toitbfouat large / fare k toeii.gin tbe.CUb % jrare/tbe.] je of tbe monetb of mtt. be omaf nets alfo lent a lettre/eonf ej n?ngetbefetoo;be0:&amp;ufntu0 g@ennfu0 9 Cftu0 flaniKu0 embaOr'touts of tbe mo mar?ne0 / fenbe grettnge bnto i^t people of tbe$etoe0. HLoBetobat)Lpa0tbe fijngeo fipnfman batb graunteb pou / toe graunte ton tbe rameaifo. uta0 concernpngetbe tbpge0 tobfeft be referrebbnto tbe Bfnge/ fenbebptberfome toltb fpebe:anbponb;etbe matter bpltgentl? amongeiour mmi tbat toemaFecatt befttofonrep;ofrte/fo?ttp mutt be parte noto bnto inttocbe. 3nb tber# f w to; ste Ojo^tlpagaprte/^ tormapefinoto V ourempnbe ffaretoen.3|n 5 bnb;etb.rlbrtf, eare; of tbe monetb of mm deate otty ftmto aspn8 tjc Jetocs. fntaf is auengeo of e^em.fteCftt?i fp^on e&amp;e Mfe of ?8m# nia.ffSr pucrufeorbt3fff8 agapna Cfmothpc. KmotOye &lt;b tm $ let go bitljuK. juOsd pucfacrft ^Bo;g(as.jutiaB ofFcing Cstrifice foi eb* ocjo/ffljtotib IDeJopjofthf ttftjJKfon

^en tbefe conenaunt e0 toetema be Kytw toentebnto tbe fipns/9 tbe 3ietoe0 tp neb tbett gtoimbe, 3But0motbeu0/aippolioniu0 " Tonne of (tsemef/Veromeanb emopbon _ p;oube/^fcano;^ecapta?neofCsper0y 9 ttjeg tbat \w in tbofe places -.toolbe not iett tbem ipu z in reft anb peace, cbei of % op pa al(omjbeuenfocb aOtamefttll mt. cbep p;aveb tbe Vetoes tbat btoelt amongetbem/ togo toitb mu bn?ue0anb ebplb;en into ti)tW* tobicb tbe? baa p^epareo / anbbpb to^tbtbem/agtbougbtbepbabougbt tbe no cueiitosii. f ojfomocb tben a0 tberetoa0 conefo;tb a generaUp;oelamact'ontbo?oto C tftie becaufe of peace/tbeEcSfenttD t&amp;et-


to/sftirpectenotbpngejbutftibni^^ttiert gonefo;tb in to tbe oepe/ tbep^otoneb no, beniuDagfinetooftb^cmeifeibEtoes bnto bio people / be commaunbeb tbore tbat toere toitb bmt to mafiet&amp;eteabp/ ejfyotUm tbem to call bpon ob tbe rfgbtitou? iuDges toentfo?tbaaa?nfttbofe murtburer^otbid b;etb;en/ftt fp?e intbe bane bwmi/ b;U bptbefb^ppe^/anbtboretbat efcapebfrom tbe f p;e/befletoe toitb tbe ttoearbe.3inbtobf 2$ bebabbonetbs0/be beparteo a0 tbongbbe tooloe come agagne/anorote out all tbem'of loppa.Suttobenbe bab gotten toojbetbat V^t 3amnite0 toere m?nbeb to bo in \m mar nerbntotbeg&gt;etoe0tobiebbtoeitamSgetbF/ becamebpontbegsamnttefl bsn^jbt/'afett %Mln tbebaiten wit^ (be (bt&gt;ppeo : fo tbae tbel|gbtoftbefp2etoa0feneatg|erfalem/ bpona.ij.c.attb.rl.furlongeis. wxo toben tbep toere gone from t^tnet ir,furionge0 /intbeir toume? totoatbe t&lt; motbeu0.b.tbou(anbe men of fote anb.b, buntnetb bo?tmen of t^e 3Drabian0 fougbf

toitb bpm.fe tobe" tbe batten toa0 eameft/ anbp;ofperebtoitbluba0tbo;oto tbebelpe of d0ob*.tbe refibueoftbe Srabpam) b tinge ouercome/befougbt31uba0tobe atone tt tbem/ap;ompftbtogeue bpmcertapnepa* ftttre0/anbtobo bemgoobin otbertbgnge*. 5uba? tijinebpnge tbat tbev OiuRte inbeof be p?o Stable concernpnge man? tbsngeg/ p;ompfebtbem peace: tobetbpontbepmobe batiDeS/anofo tbepbcparteb torbetrtentejs, 3!ba0 toente alfo bnto a cptpe/ tobpeb toas berpfaftebeptetoitbb7pbge0/renfeb toun&amp; aboutetoptb:to8lle0/anbbpuerfeRpnbe0 or peoplebtoellpngetberm/callebCarpin. bep tbat toere \oitHin it/put f och trnff wtbeftrlgtboftbe toailes/a intbeir Soared of bptale0:tbat tbeptoere tbeflacfier In tben: bopnge0/ enrfptge anbreuplpnge ^uba0 tt Dlafpbempe0/ anb fpeaftpnge focb toojbe0 as it becommetb not.iSut fl^acbabeus caiIpnge bpon tbe greate p&gt;;pnce of tbe tooloe ( tobpeb toptbout anp battapllramme0 0; o^pjiaunce of toarre /bpb caft botone tbe toalleg of giericboy in tbetpme of qeota t)feii jofttt* w,c* manfttllp bpon tbetoalleu/tobetbe cpte/ 9 (^o;oto tbebelpe of tbe )Lo;be)mabe aner&lt;&lt; ceabpngegreateOaugbter:|nfomocb tbat alabeofttoo fourlonge0 b^obetobpcblape tberbp / femeb to ftotoe toptb i^t blouse of tbeflapne. Cbenbepartebtbepftom tbence.b.c. 3l.fUtfonge0/anbcameto caracabnto tbe 9fetoe0 tbat are calleb cubfenei. utais fojcmtotbe'/tbepcotiibenotgetbimtbere: fo;(notonemafter bpfpaecbeb)be toao be&lt; pmttb from tbrnce/ anb babiefteeertapne men

i betf Btotige&amp;oIte.utoBitjeusJ 9 &gt;onpatsr/ toxica toere Captapnefi toptb ^acbabeitf/fletoetftofe g tmotbtus bad leftemtbcboufeofBefence/eue.;r.&amp; and dacftabeu0 p;epatedfttm toftft flymen g toereaboutebtm/fettftemmoj* D;e bp eompanpeg/ana tocnte f o;tB agapn 8 Ctm o ttjeus / toft icft bad toitft bun an, C. and .ti.J$.anQ.t&gt;.&lt;Mo;ttaen, feus ft aD ftnotoleoge o f 3u* oatfcommpnge/fte Cent tfte toomen/cftpldjen ano tiie ottjet baggage tint o acaftell called

Casnt on.(# o; it com d t not lie toflne/ 9 tea? baroe to come tint / tft e toapes of tfte fame places toete Co natotojandtofte 3ub80cora* panp came rp;8 in cpgft t / t&amp;e enem peg torn fmptten toitb feate/ tftojo to tfte pretence of &lt;25oo/tobieB feptb atl tft pngea : gin fo mo eft g tft ep ftepnge one bere/ anotftee tft ete / toeee uw f. tatftecoif comf tted of ft ecs atone people/ana i.b.*.c toounoedtf^uto&amp;egoftfteitatoneCtoeat^, MMcawF* Judas alfOUMUH beep eamett in folotopnge topontftempuniCbpnge tftofebngoaip / ana fletoe ws. g^.men oEtftem.cimotfteu0alCo BsmCelfc fell Into tfte ftanotf'of -ofitfteujj and&amp;onpateiv toft om fte berougftt to man? iisf etK/to let ban so toitb bis ipf e: becaufe le bab ntanp of tbe $e to eg fatft etss a b;etb;f np;efon tofttcbtpftftepputftpm toaeacft) mpgftt be diCapognteo. &amp;o tofte" ftebad p;o* mpfr&amp;fapt&amp;fulipto bflpueet&amp;f agapne ac&lt; cojapng to tbe conblcp on made/eft e p let bt'm gotouftoutftattm7fo;tftebeaUft oftfte ty&gt; tft?en Jno tc&amp;en ^uoaS bad Oapne. wo. #, be toente from Cat n ton, jSoto after g be bab cbafebatoape a flapne (Sbttenempes/betemouebtbe^oae totoatoe &lt;ep&amp;;on a fftonge cptfe/ttbeem btoelt man; bpuetfe people of tbe^eatben/atbe tttonge t oitge men Bepte t ft e toalleu/ defending tft e mpgfttejp.lntftitfcpffetoasmocft o?bfnafl' ce/an&amp;pjoupffon ofbatte* . 30ut toften $u bagandbpa companpftad caned bpon "ai mfgfttpdJoa l toftfeft to bp0 potoet bjeaBetft tbe QtengtB of tbe enempes) tbep toannetftc cprte/and Qetoe.w* .flMft&amp;em / mat to ete toimm.ffromtftmce toente tftepto tfte ertpe of tbe fc&gt;cptbtan0/ toftpcb tut longegftomtratralem.ffiuttobH Setoff*

tobicft torn In tbe cptf e teal rgeb/tfiat cf te ttitfaealteloupjiglPtoft&amp;t&amp;em/peeanbftu treated tb em Bpnblpin tbe tpme of tbe (t a b uecflte/^udaiB ano ftf companp gauetbem tbancfieg/defpjpngetbemtobe ftendlpdtU tonto tftem -.and Co tbe? came to geruiaicm tbe bpe fead of tbe toebes be pnge at bance. anoaftet tbe feaff tftep toentfojtft agapnft &lt;Bgla0 tbe gouetnoute of Noumea / topto of rote a.ttfj.C.bojfmcn.lBbf cb toiientbtpmttt&amp;attbw/ftcbauttffBafettf

cftftcgetoeijtobeflatne* aJnbofftBeuisjf one of tbe acBeno;a a mfg6tpbo;Cma to&amp;e BblbeoMBuglaiJ/afiDtBoloe ftauetafteftiru qupebe. 33ut anft ojfmS of b jacia fen bp9 bfm/anbCmoteofbfjBaime/rotbat&lt;o;gfa!$ efcapebafleblnto fi^ojefa.iisften tsepnoto t torn of ttorafae fpoe / bab t oiwjft te longe 9 toetetoeaep^ubajs called bpon tbe 7Lo;oe tftatfte tooidebetfteirftelpet / 9 captapneof tft e felbe: and toft? tbat / be beganne toptb a manlpbopcetota6tbpafongeofp;apfe/ai actpe:3.nComecft tftatfte matte tbeenemlest aftapea / anb o^iaj men of toacte tone cbeftflibt.&amp;o3iuoa0gatbeteDbl0 bofte/ 8 cameln to tbe cptteof dolla . and toben CbefeitentboapecamebpStbem/ tbepclen* febtbemfelue0(ais $ cuftometoag) afiepte tbe abbotbmtbe fame place Jndbponft dapefolotopnge/judajs^ btt companp cam to ta&amp;ebp tfte bowess of tbe tbat toete Oapne/ anb to but? tb? in tbe fa$c&amp; gvaues . j^oro tmbect&amp;e coteisof cmapne f etoe? tobpeft toete Oapne/ tftep foitnae jeto elist tbat tbe? babtaftf out of tbe temple aftom tbe 3bol*a&gt;tfe.t&gt;&lt;!.t of t6eaammtew:toblcb tbpngeW fo?bpdd53f'fe*A tftegjetoeg bp tbeiatoe.cben euerp ma fa to tftat tbfe toasJtfte caufe/tobeefoje mep toete flame. 26nbfo euetpman gauetbanc&amp;eg bntog &amp; Ho;befo?btKtpBbtuou0tuD8ment/tobpcD babopenebtbet&amp;mgetbattoais bpd. cftep fell ootone alfobnto tbeit p^apew / anb oe fougbtdSob/^ tfte fatote tofttcb toast made/

mtgti t be put out of w eft bets cbat/3uba0e):o;tebtbepeopieeaeneQip/to Bepe$erelue0ftomfoc9fpnne:fo?ft&gt;ntGcQ as tftepfatoe before tftetrtpe0/ $ tbefemen toete Oapne fo? tbe Came offence. &amp; be ga tberebofeuerponeacettape/infomocbg . bebjougftt togttftet ttoo tftoufande D?acbmagofffiuec/tobtcbbefentbntoieniralg/A^tmetpn tbat tbere mpgbta facetfpee be offtebfo? ^ematiauw mpfbede.3!n tbe tobf cb placebe dpo toedanb **** be bad Come confpaeracpon 9 pom ff *2? b;png of tbelpfet|jatttafteetbfetpme^o;^M pffteftadnottbougftttbattftfp/tefticIitoeteijpiiftDfwiC! flapne/dpapet ipue/tt ba&amp; bene fuperfluougf utfrnmanbbapne/tomalieenpbotoe 0; Bflfr^/J^SLSJ no;tblytbattombeeb.utfo;romocba0^S(te befatoe/tbattbtptoblcbbpe in tbe fauouieuope of 9 beleue of oa/ate in good teft and tope/be fumwon of tbouBbttttobegoobabtmo/aMefo^tecS'i 6 ^.!;.'^ epipnge/todo fame tofftoft *(n&gt;4 toete J{ g Oapne/t tbe offence mpgbtbefozgeucn, Wm\ in tat trbertw crmonpt offfftjjaenpiiBfM tfietteeB/nomoare ttotbt anppMcc am tsnonpcallftcrlptu tc alotortftc cetemonp of offecpngt fo; tyt tort.

f }9 wa f m i* b9hf 1 Miirt apofswipoa.

Bf #wlaua. 4&amp;atl)A\KM nsfotMtlitfft agipna CupatoMnouett) W foil Wars unto p^tpc MM feuietij iVOft'tdourutoemen in tQe eai tea J4iitigcl)as.ia[) j / towedebftrap*r of (u jceb(b tattrn.Sltitioc&amp;uf ' uctapiK^frtDmiptoit&amp;tljcJeam CEbe.tW.CE&amp;apiee* , . j^tbe. cm. peate gatt luda^.

bnotoiege/tbat anttocbusJ &lt;supa* to; toag commpnge mptb a gteate Ipotoetm to 3jeto;p / 9 %tfw tbe Ottoa toe and vuiet of ftis mattet* toitftblm) .. baupitgeaij.C.ana.j.S^.menoffote.b.d^, -aJSnttM* t&gt; bo;f men . jcjrti . (Slepbantejt / and . UU. eba* rette*.#enelau0alfofopne&amp; bimfelf wptft tbem( but toptb gteate apt ceate ) ana fpabe tavit totbespnge/not fo;enpgoodof tUt coiinttt/butbecaurebet&amp;ougbttobauebe' rtemaae fomegteate man of aucto;lte.iBut tft e Mnge of bmgeis mouea Snttocbms mpn&gt; be agapnQ tftpst bng odlp petfonne / ana Up* fta^mfourmpatbebpnge/tbaetbp* ti$mt' lm&amp; toasxtbe caiifeofallmptcbefe'.fo tbat tbe bpnge commaunaea to tafte ft t'm/ana(a s tfte manet of tbemlst) toputbpmbntoaeatb m tbe fame place. Cberetoayaifom tfte fame placeatotoec 6f.&amp;.cubpte$bpe/beappea tottb utitw but aboueit toa* fomaae /tbatmenmpgbtiofie b tone on euerp Cpa e.i ft e te m to tfte bpnge tommaunded tbat Ojamefull petfon to be catt amonge tfte arojr / ag one tbat toad can re of all bngtacf oufneOe. ain&amp;teafon it toag/tftat f bntbnftQhiiaeapefocft abeatft/ JSananot to be buepea :fo; fteftad done mffif W5a.ya mprcbefebntotbeaultec of&lt;E(oa(tobofefp;e ftaflott toete bolp) tbe efo?c toad tttigbt/ g bebfm relf alfo OJuldebeaeOtopeattaCOjed. JButtbebpnge toaa toooaetnbijs mpnde anbeameto fbetoebpmfelfmo;e cmeiibn* 1 tb e letoeB / tben bp? fatbet toad . i ft peft ttQenf udag petceaueb/ be commaunaea tbe people to call bpon tbeHo;denpgbtana bape:n)atbe tooiae noto ft eipe tftem alfo /lp* Be as Be bab done alltoape :iffo; tbep toete acta pea to beputfromtbeftiatoe/ftomtbeftr natucaltcoimtteana from tbe bolp temple: no notto fufftetbe people ( tobpeb a iptie toftpleflfo;e beganne to wcouec) to be Cub* (tied agapnc of g blafpftemou0 naciong. Qo tobentbepbaaaone tbp? togetbec / C an&amp;oerougbt tbe no;bfo; meccp/ toin) toe* ppnge ana f aftpnge m* da pes longe / Oatt Hp8ntbegwunde:3uaa0eitbo;teatbem rto mafiefb*mceiue0t;eaap.38utbeanatbee!' b0 togetbetor upfeu / to go fo;tb Htft toptb tbeit people /afo;e tbe Bpnge b^ougbtbpjJ booOinto^eto7p/andafo;ebe befegea tfte tftpe/9 to to eommptte tbe matteebntodEiob.

*berfo?e'6e'arctpbfli tbe patoec of alt tbpnge0 bntp ^obttre-inaBetot tbetoo/lbe/


W&amp;m&amp;M peojJteio tmi manfuiip/ (peeeuenbntoaeatb)W?tfte latoeg/tbetem^ . pie/tbecptpe^tben; atone natptie countte/ anatoaefnfa(?tfte Pptefgn0:anafetbi0 booft before Wm.m gaue tBettiairo tbat toete \o0 ftpm / a f often of tfte bpctotp ne" toenteBpnpgbtin to tfte fipnge* paupipon/ fletoe of tbebooft.]tii.^.,nen / 9 tftegS teOciepftantesJ /toptb tbofetftat fatt bpon^ ^ JWw^**S* feouglti gteate feateanammoucamffgetftctentosoftbetV 2"^ S?W mo *m* 1 tobpcS toaga toeilftepteftoufe of defence of tbe|e ML sl ? rt %'&gt;" cBacel *ape / Butta anaapfconfptebi &lt;%%** fentbheo tftemtbattoerefn tobpcbtoiaetbeenempe0tBeefectete0:biic tbep fougbtftim out; and toben tftepbaa gottenbpm/tbepputbpmfnp;eron,aftettftp0 bpbtbe lipnge comen toptb tftem tbat toete m etbflita / tofie truce toptb tft em /aepartea/and Arose a battapl toptb ludap/tobtcb onetcameftim, * 35ut toften be bnaetttoae / tftat W nip' pe( tofto be baa left tobe oueefeet of ftps bu-cS ftneffeeatanifocfteJbegSnetotfbflagaintt bpm;be ta0 aoonnpeam ftp0 mpnDeifo tbat bepelaea ftpm felf to tftegjetoeg /ana made tbeanotbe/ to do toftatfoeuet tfteptftotigbe IQoto toben be toa* teconcplea toptft tbem/ Be offtea / maae mocb of 'tfte temple/ gaue gteate gpftegbnto if/ enbjacea #a* cBabeu0/mabpngeftpm captapneanagouetnout f tS ?Btolomap0 bnto tfte Serrene0, j^euettbeleoe toften ft e came toptolo" map? /tbe people of tfte cptpe toete not con* tenttoptBtBatbonaeoffteiiaibi?pe:fo?tftep

toete af taped / tbat be tooiae tyeane tfte co* iienaunt. cBen toente ftpCpagbp t'n to tfte feate/andenfoutmeatbepeople/roetocdtb? tfte caufe toftp/andpacifgedtbem.^o fte ca&gt; me agapne to antpocbe . crftp0i0notou)c mattetconceenpngetfteBpnge? foutnep/ 9 biStttinne. CWp bc motpon of tljt lo?ac/ mmcttiue frnSttft fitmw to bptl tlit Jfmte, JCicsno? mahctti a com/ ptttttHje??to&gt;i&gt;B/ttty(Ui)e jirtiiwatietlj fluougti t&amp;c motpon of l|*B?n8. j]}&lt;cailo? c8maunocffta&gt;iaM 6e taUen.CClle boltmeeof 8&gt;(a,^&lt;lBaptee an

iffwt tft?e trait* toa* fwm in* foutmea/boto tbat ptmettro* tbe tonne of ft&gt;dcucu0 toa0corae bp Mf a gteate potoer anb 0)l?ppes/ tDoioio tfte oauen of cvipolf /to taw c tapne eommobpouS piaceuano countww/ agapntt 3tottocbu0 (ft captapnejtptta*. 0oto iiicfoiiMKignlpMl *rt*gWPX|/f toplfullp oefplebbpm felf/fo t&amp;e tj me oftftc mpttgnge)fing/j&gt; Dp nomeanesbe cottioe bebelped/nctbaueanp mo?c fnttaunce to tbeaultambecametoBpnge emettutffm W bunb?etb ano one s fpftpe pear*/ pjefentpngebntobmia ctotoneof golbe/a palnte ^an olpuetwe:tobfcb(a0nientbougbt w longeb totbe temple/a tbataape be UrtDebnt tongej&amp;utto&amp;e"bebaagott?opo?tunptefo? \n maaneae/emettfu0 callcabpm to cofe ceil/ anbafficb bpm/tobattbmges 0; i coun* cewtftegietoestieaneowto? #c anftoerea: m e J e toe tbat be caUedSiffidf i{ tobofe cap* tajne is 3uDa0 flacbabeu0 ) mapntegne toamis /mafie mftnte ecpons / and topfl not let tbe tealme be in peace. __

# tfo?i!bepngeoep?puebofmpfat&amp;et0bo nourc(gmeanetbebpep?e(i&amp;o:&gt;e) am come bptber:pattipbecaufe1|tea0fapt&amp;fullbnto , tbe B^nge/and pattlp becaufe a fougbt tbe p?ofpiofcpreBn0.Snatobp?aBourcpeo' ple/tbo?oto tbe totcBeanede of tbem/are not aiptletrouWea.9berfo?eg. beCccfte m Bpnge)conf po?e all tbefe tbp ngea dflpgenr* Ip /and t&amp;en mabe fome p?ouffpon fo? tbe lanae ano tbe people /aceo?apnge to tjf no* nede tbat tbou baft offreabnto tbem.#o?a0 longe as luoaubatb tbe bpperbSde/ttfc not potttbie tbat men can ipuc in peace. iben be baafpoBen t&amp;efe.too?ae0/ oebet. ft enoes alfo baupnge euell topli at gmw fett tbe Bpnge jemetu0onfp?e agapntt bim. t&amp;bicb fmmeaf atip rent j&amp;txano? ( ro lev of tbe tfiepbantes) a captapne/ w to 3je* to?p:cSmaunbpngebfm/tota6e3 , .uba0b*ni feifealpue/buttoOape tbem tbat toeretoftb .B(m/anatama&amp;e16lamuS&amp;pep?e&amp;eoft&amp;e iuiiMftltf &amp;)tn tbe $ea$en tobpcb fled ottte of $e* to;petom|uoi/came to$tcano? bpfloc* fies/rbpncfipngetbebatme ana became of $ aenwtobetbefctoelfate. fcototobenrbe heroes betae of i8fcano?0 commpnge/anb t&amp;egatbetfng togetbetoftbefceatbemtbep f wh&gt; * . fp/cwebtbf tue0tottb eab / abefougbt wiw*&gt;r* h Pm/ toaicbmaiietbembW people/ aeuet aefendebbftatenepojciontoitbeupbentto* 6en$;tbatbe toolde pjeretuetbemftpu. &gt;o attbecommaunoemftoftbe eaptape/tbep tern one a from tbence /anb came toatotone callea effafan. SEno fepmon lua0 b?o* "W fe n inbanw toit&amp; #fcano?/but tyojoto

ibanecemmpgof^efnemsfjJ/lfteSI Bftafce. ^^ . I9euettbde0 gfcano; beaifnge tbe man* Ifnejiof tbemtbattocre tettb 3usai&gt;/9 tbe boloe QoraacBes tbat tftejftao to fpgbt fa? t\)tit naturaii countte/bntft not p;ouetb( matter te?tb blouDfteoofnge. Bfo?etie fent poffioontu? 1 ^fteoDocius a S0atbta

befo;e/togeueanototabe peace. *&gt;otofien tbe; babtaBcnlonge aouifcmenttbetebpS/ anotbecaptacne (betoeo it bntotbe nniltt tuae:tbeptDm agveeo (n one mtnoe/tobauc peace.anbtbef appopnteba bacetofftbpff tberemattetstqucetlEamonge tbtmfeluea/ tbe Boies aiCototte b;ougbtanbfetfo;tb. J9 1 uerttj e le ffe giubas commaunoeb cettajne men of atmetttotoaetem canutnfent pla* ce0/lefttbeteQmlbefoben!f atpreanpeueif tbo;ototbeenemFe&lt;j Jnbfotbej? commoneb teafonablptogetber, j9 1 can 0?/ totjfle Be abobe at gjetufaiem/ o?B?eo bmtfeife not bnteaConblf / but Cent atoa?ttbcpeopletbat torte gatbereo togetbec^elouebaubaaeuev toitbbt* fiett/ana fauouteDt)tm.^ep;aieobm aifo totabea tepfe/anbtobngefo^bcbl?B&gt;;tn. $&gt;oBe mac ptD/Hmebinteft / ano tbe* leb a comm feisutaic(mui8pftceaupige tbe loue &amp; asbettopicetbem/ anobototbe? teeteagteebtogetbet/fameto^emetnuK/ atoioe 9fmtaat^toino;6abtafn(ltaunge mat* tci$fobanbe/aiibo;bmeb3uua0(anencm2 of tbe teaime)tobe ttje ftjnge* fucceffouce, Cbtn tbe fiynge teas fo?eotfpleafe&amp; / tbo. cote $ tevcBeb accuracpSH tobrcb ailcnnuii mabe of f3rcano?/be teas fo p;ouobeb / tbat beto;otetintojtcano?/raptng:tbatbetoas berpanpjite fo; ftmoOUppeanbagtemet/ tobtcbbebabmaoe w tb &amp;ac&amp;abeu*.$e uettbcies be commaunbe&amp;bmiut allf Bafte/ tbat Be Omioe taBe o^acbabeuo ftefoncv/ ano fence Bint to antiocBe. ^ 9bFcbIttejJtobenj9fcano&gt;babfenf/* betea0atbf0teftte0enbe/anbfo;egteatb/ tbat be (ttume b;eaBe tbe tbengess mm fbepbabagteeb:fpecfaHp/ fajenge #acba beus teas tbe man/tbat neuet opts bum bat* me. Sut becaufe ijcmpgBtnottoptbftanba t&amp;eBpnge/Berougbtopo/tnmteto&amp;ilfilbte commaunbement. ^ot toytbftanbmgtobett ASacbabeuS fatoe tbat SJtcano; beganne ta bt c&amp;uriptb bntobpm /anbtbatbetntteateb BtmmojetuBbiPtBenbe toaSteonte/be pet* ceaueb t fotbfenfipnimts camenot of gooo/ anbtberfojebegat&amp;eteba fete of bis men/ 9 tottBOj etc e bun felf from canoj . )&amp;&lt;# teBenBe BnetoetBat fl^acbabeujJbabman*

fuil?p?euentebbmi/becameAt(otbegn:ae anomoahol?temple:anotommaunoeo tbe nfSoKMto ttmbomje^eft bftianofitcngtit

2 e n'.antoas tobombe fougbt /be ftretcbeb mitbts banne/ a maoean otbe/fapmge -. g&gt;f Latitat Sf SS* not Dcr,?ue l rae I" 03 * 1 caPtpue/31 ** w all remouc tb t^ple of^ob tntoi piavne feioe/ 9 (ball bjeabe botene tbe aultet / ano %3 e 2W*&amp; ttmpIe * m WW^W- 2Bee tbefetoo/oeubeiiepatteb. 3T cbentbep^ettes Ipftbp ctjea banbesto* teac&amp;ebeauen /anbbefbugbtbpm tbat teas

euec tbe fiefenbeeof tberc people /fapmge;

C&amp;e.]tb.baptci!. ' a n toBenj5lcano; finetoe ffiac i.^atDJteA |tmas teas in tbe countte of fea* mar la /Be tBougBt toftb all b$ _ Jpotoec tofftpfic a felbetoptbbpm bpon a abotB ba?e. iSeuertbeleBe tbe Je* toes tftattoe re compelieb togo toprbbpnty fapbc: 60 notro cmellp an&amp; bnBPbNp/buf baiotoetbeS&gt;abbotbbape/anbtoo;(bpppe fam tbat Mall tbfoge*./ o* all tbps / pet umumj fapbe tbe bngcacpous petfonnet^tbete a " rp

tmuttta t ^""IbebeamongebS. cbetfo;enota SBJSfc f .T? ft ^ftS'WBe / ftepe tb^boufe ruec IM01 t&amp;ereaccufebbntoj&amp;icano?/ one lEans an iloerman of mummt a iouer of m tobole cptc/anb a m of goob repo^tr.tebfcb fo;tbeBpnbebettetbatbebatebntotbepeo ple/toascaiieoafatber of tbe Vetoes. bP0 manofttpmcs/tobentbegietoes toerempn m to Bepe tbe felues bnbefpieb/ befenbeo a belpuetebtOem/befngecontentftebfaftlpto fpenbews bobpanbbWlpfe fo^btspeopie.

fapbe : pee tt)e ipupnge od / ^t mpgB t ne lio;be in beauen commannbtb tlje feuentb baje to be fiepte/befapbeiainb 3! am mpgbtp .. bpon eattb/to comtttaunde tbem fo? to atme tbem felues /anb to petfoutme tbe Bpnge^ bufpne(fe.j5ottettbftanbpnge be mpgbt n of bauebtsputpofe. ^ ftttano, Bab beupfeb tertb greate tofai to otiewome Jubas / anb to b?pnge atoape &amp; tbeMcto?p.5StitflacBabeusbabeuei;afaft eonfpbence anbapatfectebopetn CPobtbat be toolbebelpe bim/anb e^ojtrbmd people/ not to be aftapto at tbe tompnge of tbe ^ea&lt;

0hJK! f "TO to |P"Be to &amp;eciare Bate/ tBen:but altoape to wmemb;e fee hefpetb at 22tteffl3ftffiW*if|ira bab bene ibcteco bnto tbem frWeauen/ BKfi9S2fi&amp;ttH&amp;y ltobeftiwnctoalk/flwS5SS Wj lbulbeb?mgetbe?eteestogreatbe obteoiaegcue tbem tbe bWWftcfpaBe &amp;!&amp; i B&amp;^&amp;^W M ^'n8tbemreniemb?aficeoffbattapis/ BefenbebbimfelftoitbbtSftoeaibcicbofpnge tobeofagoobco?ae SffiJffiSS^^^J^^i!* ^ toft^vbartestoerepiuctebp/be totbofe tofcBebboer0:abecaufe ofbtisnoble fbetoeb tberaalfo tbe bpfceatfulneffe of tbe SSJ^SSSSSftfifiSfiSffi* 1 *' ^e^w/anoeototbeptoolbefiepenocoue* mecruelte.|9ottoitbaanbpng tobatttmeas nauntno; otbe. busbetoeapeneb tb5 not benuffcoofBpsftroftcfo?bafte/aSmult&lt;tu* tottb tbe armour e of ibplbe anb fpea re/but be fe l in bpoietlp bettottte m bo?es:ber3ne toftb tobolfome toojoesanb etBo;rac p5s.e boblptotbetoal/acaftbmifeifbotoneman' mmtmmt&amp;memSSoX

tulip amongc tbe beape of tb?/ tebicb gaue maoe tbe aigfaD/tobtcli teastb(S;be t bougbt fooneptecetob Sfapfotbatbefeibponb tbat be fatoe nfas [^mfSSSm iSSLS^XXSS^^WJ^ weft/abettuousanbloupngcman/fabanb b?catbtoptbm bpm/betoasfipnbleb in bps ofbonea conuerfacpon/toellfpofien/a one KK/^Wt bp* Monte guffljebout tbatbabbeneerercpfebin oblpnesftoma ffiSSSfi^ SftMHt ^iitoounbeb) cbplbe}boIbpng bp bbanbestotearbebea*

anbgatbpmfotbetoppeofarocBe.^btob^ ^lweaMKbvman%m^ ~ leoutbpjs toa0ageb/bono/abieanbglo?lon.ainbfl)

BKSWJSMft W/be toBCOUtbPJS .apa*u/Mwiiu/uwanoBi^uui..*now atonebotoeis toitbbotbbrsbanbes/a mm n(8jsfapbe: 7 cbfe&lt;iJalouerof t&amp;e to etb?tn/ tbem bpon tbe people-.caiipnge bpon VfLojb anb of tbe people of Jftaell. btsbe tba t of rpfeafp^ete/toKtoarbebimtbttagapne; pjaperbmocb fo? tbe people/ anb fo? alltb e anbfobebped. bolpcse:i:eremptbep?opbeteof(ifob. me mhtmot goetb abort* f s come DponfttbM en t&amp;e tbOUgbt alfO $ Jetempbelbf Out bP tPgbt *auotft6apc.i;heM8(jiheinp;offifcaniB.ajatfw* banbe/anbgauEbpm(nameIpbnto^ubaS)

"jpnP n 8f ioti)p j?ttcB (he tpfjoivboiot/ afteeatbeof aoiae/fai&gt;enae:ffl:aBetbtsb l

itetft tfttic urrtcs. (DCbc pjspec of gBacbaoeiMr. aftec r \m7, .*/ r*e v i ^h ^E* . c boBeofjBfcanoirt mtftSttSm/ Kabeua WW/awWftomob/tobettoltbtbOU c ommaunoctb biobettianb'hw banbcf totw'cntof/f oaltfmpte botene tbe enempe0of tb e peo* e*tonac*o i gewn briei pleof|frael. 3Bnb

%\yt fcotifc bofee,$ t,

Sfabfotbeptom toeiicomfo?ttbtbo?oto 0oto tobentbef Kftof/f torn (unqnue

tbetoozoefSci; 3uba0/anbto&amp;eco?agetonto agapetoitbWtbeE tonbfr&amp;ooe tyuft t* tbem/fo tbattfte j onge mm toere oetetmeb cano; b?m Mfe tea* aa^ne tojtb tbe oiy ex. infflm m?nbej3to fjgbt/ anbtobpoe ftsfl? cbentbeygaueagreatt flioiue anbanw atitvinlomocft tbat in tbe tangos tobfcb pjatfjngetbeaimfgbt? S.o;0 toittj aloti be

tbei?tobeinban&amp;e/tbetrboiontae (Detoebf fame/becaufe tbeboly cgtieanb tbe temple toe re in parelhfoj tbe tobi cb tb ep t ofte mo; e roc/Wit fo? tbetv tosue0/cb?lwen/b?etb;e ana ftsitfiolcfw, agapie /Wv tbat toetc

toosce.anb3Euba0(tobfcbtoa0euci;eabpco ri fpenoe bis bobf anblpfe fo; btt cited nss)c6 maunceotofmste of #icano;s brao / towb b# armeabanbe/s to be b;ougbttoacm taiem.t&amp;ben be came tbere/ be callebailtbe

in tbe c site / toere molt carcfuil f o? tbore people / anb tbe p;eOe0 at m ault ee tops tobttb toere to fpgbt. oto toben tbes toere tb ore tbat toere m tbe cafttll/anb O jetoeD tb an in abopetbattbeiubgment of t matter $icano;0beab/anbbi0 toscbebbSbe/tobit toap at banb/an&amp;tbe enemas tut to mje/ tbe be bab p? ef ump tuoulfc b o ibtn bp aga? nft boa besngefttinataMeiEiepbanteeanb temple of &lt;cb $t caufcb tbe tonge airo of bowmen euerycne Oanbpge in M place: $ bngotiip jQicano; tobe cut to Iftiepece*/

^a#abeuS concerto tbe comtmjng of $ multf tuoc/tbe o?t&gt;i?naun ce of ofuctf e toea* j pens/ tbe troelncffe* of tbebee&amp;eg ; frbeloe Dp bbs banbes to toatbe beauf 7 callsngbpb* tbe Metbatbotb toonoet0/tobtcb geuetb MflMWtf ,nottbebtcto;p after tbe multstuw of toea

a to be catt to tbefbule?/ anbtbe crucumss banoe to be bangebbp befoje tbe temple.

&amp;o ciierpmangaue tbancfte0 bntotbe ;ko;b/ra?mge:bicaeb be be/tbat batbaepte bw Place bnbeffieb. mtot $fcano?0beab /bebangeb ftbp

I'iiKm pen0anopotoer of tbe boft(buttotbem tbat bpon tbe bf e caftell fo; an euv bent 9 pla*ne

pleafel)$mi accojosnge to b?2 atone toj II, Cberf o;e in bi'0 pjacer be f a?b tbefe to 0; B'. ., .&lt;, JLotfie/tbou tbat Dpobeft fenbe tbrne !K&amp; 20ngelltotbet?meof cejebiab bung , of SW* twcri.**.*: ba/anbintbebo&amp;eof feennabetib fletoett ,iasa.U{fA anbunojetbanofpue anbfoure(co;e tljoufanfi:renoenotoairotbFgoobangellbefo;e M( Ho^ie of beauen* ) tn tbe feavfulnefre anb ttjm of tb?mjgbtte acme/ tbat tbe? tobftb come agaptt tbJbolf peopletoblaf* pijemetbe/ma^beafta^eo.anofobemaDe jmenoe of bis too?^tcano? 3 tbe? teetetottbbl&gt;m/b;etoenvetoftbQ&gt;atomei$ anD(ongr0:but ^utias sjusscompan? tovtb P?apet ano callinge bpon &lt;od. 091&gt;tbtbett banoegtbfvfmote/buttorti), tbeft fierce tbeppjafebbmotbe )lo?De/anj fle to no leCe tbm .rwb. (IB .men: jF o? tbo^oto t P?ecentbelpe of obtbe? toere glo;iouflv comfo;teo.

tob^of tbe belpe of bod. 3nbCo tbes aguetj all togetber/to bepe tbat oap e boft/namelj tbe.* W.oajeof tbe monetbibar / tobicbm tfye &amp;&gt; wfans language 10 calleo tbe ne^te ba^e before figatbocbeus baye , cbus ton? ^tcano? flapne/9 ftomtbattpmefotfb tbe ?etoe0 bab tbe cptle in pooer* ffonjrtbbetetof 113 noto mabeanenoe.

Cbe enbeof tbe feeonee babe

of tbe a^atBabee?.

&lt; %



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C^TBegencalogpeof to/fi mstpage of Btemo

o?obaf)ei begat atJtuD: iWuobegameitacWra: EWacjm6e8atai?o?: ?o* begat a&gt;anoc: ^aboc begat adjtm 3Bc6fn begat ctofiK BubbMaciearaR 0eaCat begat ^attfjarj: ^at^anbegatlaeob3acob begat

. kimono jtiiss fcfmjc)


I- !

.^Wgemado^ft^bwbflmtDjsa^ jU5* lUDDntOtuecatifiti^ af ^hti^ ,^TL J annovnfeo. jc&gt;

". a S/feaiifoitc. i3Dam't!anb

rcbe^ttdTbaptet!.* : f vs is tije bo&amp;e of tfte B enera ct on of fl *gjei'u0C^( ft |fonwof*aitfD/|foniie .airoofSfibjabam. mi hvhw |Ejy ?, il^abambegatgifaar. umw l^ifr^^ igfaacbegatgacob; JiwitoMQieficob begat %uwmwthefbmi ^Kc4iWbegatj|eftom: Mww0L eftom begat aram: Kwm begat 3imftiauab: : atramaliau begat Jdaafflm: .. iQaaffon begat &gt;arni on: Salmon begatffioos of isa&amp;ab: JSoog begat S&gt;bed of mutt): jbebbegat3!efliK yesebwtmwtmmt. f aufbt&amp;rfinnge begat Salomon/of b w tbattDa{ tbe to?fe of 5?p: * Salomon begat iSoboam: KoboambegataMa: abtebegatara: arabegafJofapDat: lofatJbatbcgat^atm o;am begat ADBajS: 2* 3ftau begat 3!oatbam: ioaftam begat Wtbm Jcb begat fiE?ecbrS:. . Cffltafl legat flianaCcft g^mawsibegataraon:



3t* Jg *J toStontt, Mffii J tow W^T^* agsar aiB:a tea niSS a? foneag beatoofieout of 3?P'? ?' nepe/upbastbcange I of i)lo2ocbaoebjm/*"? Mft tDS6/ ne/anocaiieo^^namejefujs. ne'nst bctatice m CCbe..Cbapter. M ' igenlefusiBaffbo^eat^etflieem^.gl 6 ^ ~--iiii from tbe &lt;a:ft to3Jmfeietato&amp;M,*a&lt;rf

f' *i

fe MfntftM* foutte be ftom Sm tbep feP&amp;e bntobpm:at KStSwftofia. amuftott tfrtbieemmtbe teKic"lan&amp;eof 'jeto?p/art nottbe "* leeft cower* cie: tobicb mripnge tbe jpnces of Juba . iJfo? out of Ibe ^ f * b &lt;ftal come tbe captapne/tbat all' *gouem we! of $ ^! Cften fcrtobe pjeuelp calico t&amp;e topfemr &lt;b gteat * V anb bplpgentlp enqupjr o of tbem/ tbe tprac . ttnmiu of a)e ftarre tbatappeteo/ anb turn tbem to J^ffSftlBctWfcm fapihge: oo anb fearcbe oplj* wtoSSS&amp;tomm mwMttomvmM foam in?umpna.mobpm/bipngemetoo;be/ tbat amape come mmpu.atfanbtoo'Mbppi)eupmali'o. : e-. RASES?** ifc&amp;tti njcptapbeatbtbeBpnge/Tbep&amp;c* BulPiMWP &lt;** J*M $ep 'atoe in K. $e tfe'fte toft betoje tb?/tp it came 9 ttope ouectbepface toftetet^e c^pioe ttiajs. w\)t\\ . ibepfatoe tbe ftatw/ tbep tojremameioufip gtob;a^toentintotbebouw/anbfounbtbe cbplbetoitbflatpbiS jMofter/v bneieoboui b*sb cMmtnne anb B *too?(bpPpeb bpm/ ano openeb tbeir

bo of fc tbistrearures/anb offeteb bnto bpra gpftfS/goiD toojoctoo^ip.'ftancfipnreiice^ttipjrc.SnDaTactljcpteerc SiSfSSf?2Stew^ ot obina bjeame/ that tbep Qjulb Sewn nno notsoagapnetoi5ctooc/tljep rebtnclimto jwtopnp; of tbe tbeir atone countreanotbertoape. * .. . iioope/w pe fta ag^en tbep toete oepartebibel}o,i,D-e lfte,an 5SHSMW of jto?b appefceb to % ofepb in'a bjeame ' t,w * ,Wfl ! r c faplngc:atpfeanJi tauetbc cfjyine anb bps * motbet, anbf ipe into UFgppt*/ aabpbe mere i tpil ? typnge tbe too;be . &lt;JFo? fettabe topH te&amp;e'ftcbpibetobeacopcbpm.ffbenbeavofe ; ano toae tbe cbplbc anb bps motbet bp npgbt . anb oeparteb fit to &lt;2gppte / an&amp;toas tbcte . bnto tbebcetb of ierob to fulfpntbat tobicb toasTpofitn of tbe %Q$e bp tbe p&gt;?opbet tobpeb capetb/ out of &lt;gt?pte bauc % calleb .. mpfonne. , *-.L-. cben^erobpetceaupngegbctoaSmoe* eifflftWBfcbebof tbe topfc men teas erceomgetojotb 9 iSSmEm fent fojtb anb e *flue all tbe WOW $ toere maw &amp;a* in 53 ctblccm/ anb in all tbe coftes Hjere of/ jtohtoB/mnajj ra an&gt; hi toe tc ttoo &amp;&gt;e~c olbe 9 bnbet; ac* Kcffof "?6pnge to the ante tobicfl be babofltgentlp -ft tern tnaiiw featcfteo ouft of tbe tovfc ram. aujuftas cbehfras fulfpttebtbfit tobpeb teas fpo*

-1 *


- - *

- I

tetSSSL 9 * tben$etooctoasbeefcbebolbe/anan* 1?-.' B, gellbftbe)Lo;beappeteatn,ab?eameto|o? e *^atiierepb intfgppte capinge: atpfe anb tabe tbe atttpeptoerecnpje'anbbte motbet/anbgo into tbe lanbe KlSof SFCtael.f o;tbepebeebtobfcb fotigbttbe SSSS beatofebp/ anb mrc tbe = - cbptte anb bp* motbet / anb came intb tbe lanbeof 3ftart. aButtobenbe beatte tbat

2tcbeiai{bpbtapgnent3eto/&lt;htbewto* me of bPUfatbee ^etobe/be.toauafMpoeto go tbttbtt j5ot tottbttatiDpnge aftcc be teas toarneo of od fn abaamebe tumeba rpse into tbe partteg of wmn anb went btotlt mawifecallebJQa^awtb/tofulfpU gtofneb toasJ fppbenbptbe p?opbetejPbe ftalWal* i Ia*i5aiartte. p ^ ..9to&gt;fH CGfje 6flpipnu-1&gt;wac^nganboffpceof^on/f totti ' btifttDnsUq)ft&gt;'eoof^min3ro;bdiie. ./&gt; ., ; be^*baptet. *, 31 |M bp'Wcbn tpjeaptptt *a.w&gt; came &gt;jp,eacb&amp;tn tbetapibetnesmube.((t.a of?eto?p/fapfMg:epeni|i Bpng : borne of beaumiiS at banae, bE3 ipbeot tebomefttsi fpoaenbptbe fczopbet crap/tobtcb fapmtb'.spebopteof a ctpetin toplbemtgf p^ p a te tbe %ojm toape/anb maftebpispatbes Qiapgbt. CbPU 3ob bab bpsfgaimentof cantew beatte/anba gp^bell of a fHpnneabMiiebP*i:optte0. ^PJSmeate^jjh,^ toaSJ^locufteslanbtoplbcbonp.Cbentoent m !/" outetobpnigpetufalem anb all 9!etojp/ anli WW all tbe regpon tounbeaboute 1 ojbanyinb^JEg*? toewbaptpfebofbpmtn^ban/confellpng^pft tbcp^pnn. h ~ ^ ^ aSSmi *: : 'ben be fatoetnanp of tbe ^bartf esJ 9 tm u m&gt; 1 plf &gt;abuceg cJmi6biisbaptpme/be fapb"' 8 ."' g " n *

fmto tbem:*ageiie racport of "*bppei;s/ t^osKJrJss batb taugbtpoii to fie from tbe bengeauncebobeant w, tocomef: 35tpngefo;tb tbofojetbeiftuteStfo^tn.itt belongpngeto wpentaonce. 3ii6fbatpetott&gt;e{fe oms tbpnbe notto rape ntpotrve mm /T^SJgfij . !)aueab?abatooutcfatbet. pt %wpbn&gt;fiaw(am to jowl ob is able of tbefe tone* totapfebubbrt.i&gt;f&lt;ri ' bprbpnvf bnto3ib?abam. cuennatoffstbewf^, a re put unto tbe tote of tbe treejSiWflltetie^ ^W ,{ rp tree tobicb bwigetb not fojtb goob fntte/ ^g L&gt;", tsxtjttocnbotoneanbcaftt'ntotbefp?e*.- ibnebdpnit f baptpfe pou In toatet in toben of repen* tbcit bpiBatu tauncetbutbetbatcometbaftetme/tjsmigbS^'ff tiettben 1/ tobofe *fc* 31 am nottowtbp toJSpp beare.^rHwHbaplwepotttbebolPgooftS' m ^anb tottbfp?e: tobicb bad) alfo bW fan in bp* banb/anbtoinpoutgeb^floute/anbgetbee tbe e *tobeetintobiisgatnct/anbtopnbutnc tbecbaffetoitbbnquencbeablefMe. l -ISSSUi *bncam3eru0ftom&lt;!lfileto^?bag ta Sw butogobn to be baptifeb of bim. ut ?obn wmmh fdjbabe bftn/rapnigei3 ougbtto be baptifebij n awoifl . o^tbe:c8mefttbptomefg ! eru0anftoeteb gjgff* j itbecSmetb Wta &gt; ,fiilfpll *allrigbteliefticg.t l#a mw cbmbefuffrebbpm.JbbjefugagronebeoufntKiiStii;

rawetoeipinteotooonEfnpejpBEaooue^:- fcrt|g ^ipgbtbpobimJnblooytbetccameabopce^amnrttp f r s beaaen fapinge:&lt;rbi0 w tbatmp beloueb : Wnnetntobbmifcbeipte, ! "** ' b;i8




Sl^toteWrtuitmpuiniptmsfutis, # 3BnblefuBtoentaboteaHaWe/teff* tfcbemcbapter. * ^olwnofsiipngoome/abcalebaumanee,. ^ ^ ^entoa03efiJiebatoapepffpt* Offp^e0/anballmanetbpfeate0amo?e??*^fi rtciritotopibeinw/tobetftJtcbbf people.anbbiSfamefp;eebab;oobetb^SpMS

I. 1 -*

fet- .

r 40 ""^ 08 ^ WW npgbte$7be fpebe people tbattoecetabf toitbbiuebp-- 2* ** toa0afteitoarbanbu.rigWbfbencametobi feafe0anbgrtp^nge0/9tbemtbattoetepof*!*?Z? n L 8, ' fcgptet/ g tapbe;i&lt;tboubg^famtofpob feffebtoitb beupw^tbofetobic^ toete lunigX 4 coninnitnoee tbefe ftone? be mabeb?eb.e tpae/ 9tbofetbatbabtbepalfpe:be bealeb anitoettb aub fapbe:r0 tajptten/manOwil tbem. ainb tbetfolotoebbimagreatenSbie iiotlpuebpb?ebonlpe/butbpeuetptoo;beg of people/from aide/* 9 ttitht ten citie? *" - ^ ftom jjjyjjjUy gfl, ftom ^ eto?f/ ^ ft0|n tbe regions tbatlpebeponbe3i6?ban. ;



E I tf

I: I

p?oceabetfj out of tbe mouflj of 00. . ben tlje bettpirtobe bim bp into t&amp;ebol? act e/9 ret rji'ni on a pinaele of tbe teple/ ano tapbe onto tboube t^t tonne of ob/ caft tbp felfe boutie. fe? it is tomte^e Qjall geue bis angeis cbatge ouet / 9 toptb tbeir banbestbepiballboUiefbp/tbattboubaibe 33 not (bp fbtc agapnll a ttoneJno|eftis fapbe to bpm/itis to^pttenalfo:*bott ftalt not temptctbpnotfedtjobv CbeDeupiitofiebpmbpagapne anblebbe ttimmto an ercebpnge bpe mcuntapne/ anb 0)e toco bim all tbe fiingbomes of $ too;Ibe/9 an tbe giozpc of tbem/ anbfap&amp;eto bpm:aU tbefe topu 1 geue tbe/pftbotttoilt (an bonne jDuf.wc.f.y,6anbtoo;Q)iprae.cbeniapbeaeftiSbntobint auopbe fymmjgat it fsto*tbou wait too?ppti)ei.o?be tbp ob/anbbpm onlp alt tbott feme. fben tbcbeupii leftbpm/anb bebolbe/fte angels camr a nb nimittrebbntobpm. % * ben1 ecusbabbeatbetbat^obntoas tase/be bepattcb into aliie anbleft^aia* tttb/ 9 toent 9 btoeltin Capetnaum; tobpeb fsacit/ebpo tbe fee/in tbe coottes of ?abulS 9 epbtaliin/to fulft'H f tobicb teas fpoben bp &lt;fap t frwrabtt/ fapinge :*&lt;Fbe lanoe of

CJttt^iB ffbaptwanb &lt;ntlicttootw]ffoiotopitoe to tontepneb tbs mode excellent j loutnje Stcmon of b?ittln the mount : UDBttb ftcmonte tbetjetpbm tbat openctb tbe anberftMibpnge in to tbe latoe. in me fpftb ffbspte t fpetpallp br pjeathetb of thextif. BcaKtuOea ot bUITpnaea) of manCiaua6tecxto;ath ano anBecofabuoutcpcofCMjettnae/offtiflccpngcto^je anbof low eucntotoatbeaniaiiBtntmpes, Cbe.b,cbaptet, m i^enbefatoetbepeopiebetolt bp* jtntoa mountapne/9 toben be toas fet/biS btfciples came to bpm/an'b , T , , tbe opene&amp;bPS moutb/ano taugbt tbf faplngeibletreb ate tbe a * poo?e in fp;ete a * *&amp; f 9*ft f o? tbeits is toe fipngbome of beuen.33ipffeb SSS^SX? ate tbep tbat mome:fo?tbepQjaibe con(b&gt; "^ ' * teb.$!eftDaretbemeBe;f02tbeptyaUenbe&lt; tettfteettb . JSleffebate tbeptobpcb 6 *bort'- *#o5w;

get anb tbutftfo? tpgbtetoefnes: to; 5)epKJ!f roalbefplleb. 38leffebaretl)e metctftMim&amp;PBEX**' tbep wallobtepnemetcp.JBicffebate ft me*Sm%fi5&amp; &lt;nbee:fo?tbep roallfe ob. 55leifeb ate 6ffwe ? c , 92 tbe calleb tbe jftgte *cbplb;enof ob. 3eieffebatetbeptobpcby ff i 6 ,l%'i^! SS*3^-3S2SK2:i. -rrr fuffcepetfecucionfo^tpgbttoemesteftetfo^'Wo, 1 :^ pabulon 9 ^cpbtalim/tbe toape of tbe fee tbews is tbe fipngebomc of beue.l5lefre bate?i !' ijeponbejo^an/ allle oftbe entpis/tbe pc toben men teuplepoit/anbpetrecutepou/% %u *u BRSS *JS feSSSff ; ratoc "S* w 811 fattlpfapiaimanet of eupllfapngt JA&amp; *gg" g^ J #*^ gfa&lt; l ^ff agapnapouto?mpto6e.meiopce9begiab^wo%, botoeofbeeft/lpgbtisbegonetoftpne. ^ to? gteateispoute B *retoatbewtbeuen. SIMTI S F*j mnt/ M S ora ^ at S5!i?f W55 wca ^ e/ * f0 Petfccuteb tbep tbe ^opbete* tobpeb % tSpSJ. *^C &gt; bt0 r W' l P mt/ f0 ? *bc bpngoomeof toetebefojejourebapes. 'tsi' gj^tt anftbeauemsat jaitbe. f. * ?e are tbe fait of (be ertbe: but pf tbe&amp;^ J%re * M ^fustoamebbptbefee of alrte faltbaueloftbJtfaltnes/tobatcanbefaltebl^^^, SRStf KHSSS? b ^ ;en : *bpeb toa *55 f : 3?fe tbenci foitbe ^goob foi mSBSBZ l&amp;.fS^SSfJ 1 ^^^^^ tfnge/buttobecaftoute/anbtobettoaben:i'-r : K ^M ( x^an c "Btotbefte/to?tbeptoereftfers/anb bnbetfoteofmenTeateglpgbtoffttoo2lbe .^tA'i.".rt i4o. betopwbnttOe/folotoeme/9l!toplimafie aficitetbatis retonanbPH/ cannot be bPb /rt C S c a car,lc " , '?; wwfpfftetsof inm.anbtbep ittepgbt toape netbetbo menlpgbta canbeil/ anbputb \ m ' ' fefte tbwrnetas/anbfolotoebbpm. berabuflbeH/butonacanbeiapcS/anbS


* l *

1 "-


a JCnbbe toent fo;tb from tbence/ anb fatoe IpgbtetbaHtbataceintbeboufe. ^etpout e *mt ttoo b;eti)?en Barnes tbe tonne of 3e ipgbtto pnebefojemen/ tbattbepmape fe bebe/93ob.n bw b?otbec/tn tbe mpppe toptb poutegoob too?cftes/ anbgTo;pfppoure f a* 5ebebetbettfatbet/mebmgetbeit:nettes/9 tbettobftbftinbeuen. j. ' caH^ tbem Jnb tbep tottbouttatpingeiefte cbinbenottbataanicomefooefltore tbeCbppanbtbeirfatberanbtolotoebbim,ii tbetoe/o;ftJ&amp;;opbeces:nDaamnotcome a,|, tooeftrope


* tobettwpetbemvbut to fulfpn tbe.ffo? Wnff vgflje/ onctott o; one tptle of t^c latoe all &lt; * mm so M no t rcape/tpil all lie fill fpHefc -, S&amp; tboroeuet*b?eafietb one of tbefcjeft M*n ? commaunomentes/ ant) teacbetb men Co/ be gfflSSS! albe calieb tbe leett in tbefe pngoome one* iiin&amp;aretm uen . tf U ttobofoeuet f * obfetuetb anbtea* S&amp;^c&amp;ecft/tte fame Mg ealleb gteate.m t&amp;e &amp;^/Ali&amp;PS&amp;meofbeuen. * . ; " IKKSSE 8 * ffojgifapebntopou/eweptpoutetlgb* ,i11 o /tt/ r toefne0 etceaoe tbe ti?gbtetoefne0 of tbe %&amp;$*&amp; Scribe* anoPbaftttt/tft cannot entwnto ??^%u?t/tB^P n SWmeoffteuen. ; */ OTo yeftattebetae&amp;otoetttoaisfa^ bntotbe Jnrto^w f fleol&amp;etpme: Cboufoaltnot fipll. &lt;Jfo? ,ouBi, toe alt, toUoCoeuet nplletb/allbe t'nbauger ofiuQ* 2Ve*&amp; $fr S"ent, $ut 31 tapbn'to pou/ tobofoeuettf WX.. * ' angtptoptbbP*b?otbet/albetabaunget of iubgement. n&amp;bofoeuet fapetb bntobps*

ffV'imm Cell.EHttobofoeuet fapetb tbou foie/albe t^tui/kmai in baunger of bell fpje, f%e 'S mo Cberfoje totjen tbou offtett tbp gpfteat t&amp;iSffhJfc auitate/anb tbete tememb?eft tbattbp &amp;%/&amp;M* &amp;&amp; ougbt agapntt tbe-.leuetbete Hi tSK*iIK ww offtpnge before tijc auiwe / ansgo tbp uilSJor j toape fp;tt ano be teconcpie b to tbp bjotber/ ttant&gt;qriNiit : . - ai ateto i$tbpneabuettetp qufcfflpe/ i%" ffi ***&amp;* ^O" a " e ,n # e toa * toitbbtm, ICO ; | nowiit not '.ftiabuerfatpbclpuet tbetptbe wage/ ano tbe ffiffi utuge belpuet tbe to tbe mpnpftet/ ano en b*ni)ecaon.rftbottbecaamtop?efon,erel?3!Carbntop: 2^p tbou alt not come out tbenc**tpUtbou


[It I I

Ijcr f?Kt forme/ ^^ W^cy?e^^ re ^Hictw(j,Bt ofolbetwne.cbow alt not commit abuou* ( Z&amp; v ,:im tvet.nm fapbnt#ou/tbat tobofoenw loo KKPUitM. setb onatopfe/wft%eaftetbet/ba0mit tebfiuoute ton^betafteopttbwbew. ffi ifcbeifojepftbptpgbtepeoffenbetfie biutiouTe?*pTucBebmiout/caftbim from fc.tfettet !te&amp;2Si fojtbetbat one of cbprnembje* petfffte ffiS ffiteen S tbPbole bobp (bulb betaft feto- bell; K c ^Tonf*lfo^^^8WbanDeoflenliettte/cutbsm ;;S". wX of ano catt bim ft8 tbe. tfettetttte flat one KSSSESfiSSr of fc memfoeaperpffte/tbentbet all tbp Sfttssfapb/toboCoeuetputatoapebfistor*

fe/fttbimgeuebeta teftimonpallalfo of tbe beuojcemenMButf tape tonto pou: tobofoe* uetputatoapebfctopfe(e*ceptitbefo?fo?* nBcacion ) caufetb bet to b?eabe marei?* ttonv. anijtoboroeueimatpelbbectbat (!S teuo;feo/b?eabetb toeblocbe. # aigapie ?e baue beacoe bote ft tea? fa$&gt; " totfteraof oloe tsme/tbouOiattnotfojtojere tb? felfe/but ftait petfomie tbpne otbe to ow&amp;titsfoie wito" sou/ ftoenenot at all:



netbeelnjbeaueh/foj ft'tf (BobbejJteate: no&gt; tafb : ptbtettb/fo?ftfebWfoteapie:!ietber bpgieju(aie:fo?ttij{tbecpt^of tprtgwate fiSsepetbecftait^ouftoeaobp tbfbeeo/ , . bewufetboucftanotmafieonffiibrtebeaK 02btacbe.2Butfoiitee5muni(aeiona)aIbe/ . fe/?eaiaFnai.jfo?tobatfoeueeWrito?etbeti m tbat/comirietb of eutu. ; &gt; - - . f^majam yebauebea^otoftfa^/ane?efo;S f TS aneietatotbfo?atotb. JButll&amp;te w tott^watf. cjuuhu-. $ rettftitnotttyome.&amp;uttoboroeuevgeue tteabWttebntb^btcbefie/turnetoblm . . m otyetM* vim man WlteWafm mm m latoe/anbtafieatoasetbl&gt;coofe/letbimbaue5 ,iWP ^ lw ! mtOtomtM. 36rt)tobofocuettotc5|)ell w tbe to go ample/go tottb b&lt;m ttoapne. &lt;stut to btmtbat affie tb/ano from bim tfjat toolbc bo?otDetutnenotattape. .: * Te baue beato bote it i 0fa#e;t&amp;ou (bait J^!* w . louetbine ; nesgbbow/ h *baietbsneenem?S\* 3But % ra^ebnto ' jou/ loue rouee enprnpeg, StVcSShS 531 ffe to em that c out ffe pou . o good to tl)e urs ^cbuk of t&amp;atbatetou. ^a?efo?tbem b*cbbo*ou mj W* i;!toaiibpffl^ott/.fbatttrttawWft^ bemabetb b V3 fimne to avpfe on f be mm/ 9 t.ot\mm m on tfttfpft/ i fenbetbb^ eapne on tbefiifte ^.!2 anobnTu|te.#oMielcwetbem/tobTcbl5

vou:rtbatretoart^qIaIr^ebau^ottottl)e ^tI ' w jaHbican$euenro?3noyf?ebefmiol?to Touteb;etb?en onlw-.tobatfpigulettbfnBC uopef onottbe^ubKcanuijftetortef n fpalitberfo;ebe pet fecte/Cuenaji poute fa* tbertobftb ijimbeauen/iis perfecte. ceaiinco^?aBer fa8f ngcge fli|B6et&lt;) tHe ta* aibebeoe to poure almeiJv'ffl:bat?e t/iV gcue tt not In tbe ffgbtflf men/ to JM5 M toe intent tbat ?e tooioe be fene of Kj'JS priiiH *Jtbem. tf&gt;? em je get no tetoatbe of ^ M i S vaute fatbet tob tcb i9 uibeaue, nSb^foeuet nwb o; ftonw tbetfo;e tbou anted tbwe alrtws/tbou alt gffgS notwaBeatefpetto bebiotof b^etteafs W yagg tbe vpocriw oo in tbe fnagoge'w infftrea^j ?m w* m/m&amp; be p#?fej^Pf m5(wetelca (agbnto dhmmm Socfttbmealmr/*letnottbvWb8bftnotoe 'bJ "J tobat tb? ef gbte banb botb /tbat tbrne alm g^SIr map be fectet: ano tbp fatbee "afytft fe#&amp; m wo np fecret/alleetoarDetbeope,nl. J* ": **m 3nD toben tbou p;o*ett/t9'ou ftrttBrtliej^ggj ajJtbe?pocrptejJ ate.^tbepioue to ttanbg tggrSff wa$e in tbe ft nagoge^ano in tbe comers of hnoW ofw' . Fbe&amp;eetejs/becaufetbetf tooftbuceneof me..,. tm tmtfivHW bntovou/ tb.e? bauet&amp;cfttfc JM toarie.JButtobetbou p;apeft/ent&lt;ntotbP fiJgSiB b*cbamberystbuttbi&gt;do?eto tbe/^p^aijetoSane of-tm tbv fafter. tobpeb ism feKte:anbtb?fa$eta\onebn"' toHscbfejtb mfecret/tbaHwtoattiei ihw^mm SCnbtoben &gt;



' fnbtobensep^e/babletit^mocbe/aiJ bet ben oo:fo; tbe t&gt; tbtneae tbat tbe; ipalbe beav5e/fo?tbeft mocbebaWpugesfaSe. 25e f enotlwftetbem tbetfo;e. f o; pouee fatbet snotoetb,tobevofrebaueneaDebefo;epear

be ofbf . aiftettbte matiet tbet'fo;e pjape je. on t e fatb e c tb icb atteiti b eu en/ b alo = cm: i mti be fflpname' *&amp;ettbP&amp;&lt;hgoomecomc. "?^5? f tol " be fw^Web/ajitBCHm ett^ /aisitii* SSe/S beuen. eue bis t&amp;fema?e ouee Daplp b?eo. J2tmap*nofo?geuebs( outetteafparejj/euena*toe i iSrtmtet efo?geue oute trefpaceejs^nb leabe b0 not tn " fa^totemptaciombutbeftuerbSftSeurtl.jfo?

&lt; '

:* */


tbsne 0)e ftpnge&amp;omea t\)e potoet/ano tbe fflom fo? euee Jmen, fo? a tf je all fo? geueotbecmentbenteefpafe^/poutebeuflp fatbeeiballau"ofo?gcueou. TSut aeb3?H i not fo?geue me tbett teefpafes/no mo?e ft al mm m* ie? u ttotftfo?geueoupouietrefpafe0. Mm tw * fl?o?eouee Wenve fafte/ 6 * be notfab i|e fiuc tea fjsa0 tbe tpocrfcei* ate.ijf o? tbep bifftgute tbeft US}" 18 faceg/g tbepmvgbtbefeneofmenbototbe? ^Cfatte.caetelvtragbntopou/tbepbauetbeii: itn6 uu "toatbe. )8ut tbou/ tobeh tbou fafteft/an&lt; . nopitetbpnebeeo/anbtoaibe tbPfaee/tbat aabiDe no*itappewnotbntomen botoe tboufatteft:

fi"&gt;t bnto tbv f&amp;m mm in feceete: ano ftjfcinf j&amp;raitoatoe tbe openlp.

iCMtitoitf"^ "&gt;tH * w^rcwuvMi imcvt . chili /as i W fat &amp; CJ; *&gt;*M&gt; ftPtbm feceete/lball te*

pM4 fa. jfeetbattegefltbeijounottteaCurebpott 'SShw * c eetb/tobeee tuft amoultbeg conupte / 9 .cnanivr. tobetetbeueisbjeafietbjmiBbfr ftwtt .3But geatbette tteafuteg to getbet m bene tobete netb^t tuft no; moultbeg tomiptt/ a tobete tbeue? netbet b?eabe bp no? vet aeale . # o? . . tobete foeuetpoittetteafutet^/tbete tort! ;'- joutebettesibealfo. 'j^itt wml beKgbtof tbe c *bobi&gt;^tbPneete,ibe; m(f?cti)fo?evfl)Piieepebefpngleall tbpboOp al* w'Hbefutrof k&amp;txmi vttimtc mm tope*

# J^o man can feme ctoo mafiers . f o; etbet&amp;e ^(battbate $one a loue | otbetso? ew iMfv.v ?5bc aWeane to tbe one ^befpffe f otbefepe m^ wttnotfttueoD(J0atnmon.^ewo;egi pjiw ^V, fSwbntopou/benotcatefuTOpouteljfe/ i*^;,,; to^attelbaeate/o?tobatfe ftjallbjincfte/ no? vet fo? jo u t e bo&amp;p/tobaf &amp; ail put on. f0notrbelpfemo?etoo?tbtbettmeat/5tbe 6obpmo;e of baluetbentapmeht t&amp;ftjB* ibe fouiejs of tbe apet:fo?tbep fotoe not /ne* tbetteeprynojvet catvuitotbe batne* ana yet vourcbeuenip fatbet fedetb tbem.ite ye Itotmoc^ebettettbentbep. '!&amp;#&amp; cf fou ( tbougb be tobe tbougbt tbetfo2e (couioc put orte cubit WttowiJfta* turef nb tobs cate *e tbenf o; wvnietf Cons ttbtetijt If m of tbe fefce/bototbepgto toe.


*v* *_



mi* cberiabout nptnetbetfppnne,ainb?et fo? ^Htbatgifapebntovou/tbateucn^alomS tnaUbWtopalte toa^notarapeo ipfte bnto pneof tbefe. ttttyetffte |f#oo to ciotbeie gtafle/tobicb into Dave in tbe fei&amp;e/ a to mo* totoefljalbecaftetntotbefoutnace/lbaiibe not mocbe mo;e potbe fame bnto put/ n oflftlefaptt)^ i . betfo?etaBeno tbougbt FaWuge : tobat &amp;$ WoflSS Mtor eate/ o? tobat all toe ojpnene/ o;tt' S?^ tobettoitbftaatoebeciotbeD^ftei;aUtbefe&amp; "ST tbetRnotoetbn)atpebauenea{)eofalltbefe'" a ivo:6woi of beuen |bei!igbttotute0 tijetof/a alltbefe ""? * g**^ tbinge0ftjalbtmpntfttebbntoi?ou * S^US? f *Catenoftbenf9Jtbemo;oto/buticttbe&lt;=Jv,^ mo?otocate fojft feite: fo? tbe&amp;apep $ASSlTSS&amp; barb euet pnoiigb pf bijsatone trauarte, ftggSS ceefojbf&amp;BetO foolo^j umtmimo m&amp;nmtitc* ITbuaVA Detoawoffalfcp;opl)ett0/j focoiiclu&amp;ciHioftniwn.ij/fo tijot won (FCbe.bii.Cbaptet. a &gt; ttil lvi y!0fct pugenptyg pebena'uttigeb. jfajMu *

gjjvefu&amp;gefo all vebe mngea. % lainbtoitbtobatmefurei'emete/^

tbefame ailttbemefureotovou agapne. tbP fepft tbou a m oote in tbp wo* "m tw* petceaueft not 6 beame tbat ijs in jpneatoneepe. ;tobpfapeft tboutoflnj b?otbet:fiitrre metoplucbeoutetbe moote oute of tbpneepe/a bebolbabeanie ijs m ttjv* ne atone epe.f poctpte/fp?ft caft ome^bca* me oute of tbpneatone epe/ tljm alt tbou fecleatlptoplucbeoitfef moote out of tlm tyotbetfsepe, eue not at tobicb W *bolv/to boggefX netber caftpe v outepeatlejs befo?e ftopne/?* *WI' lefttbetji abetbembnbet tbeitf ete/ann tbe g^^ oa&lt; otbetftimealapnearsiaiitotentpou. ^ 0B gr a mj., f ffieanbit albegeuen voit. s&gt;ebe ape tw pwftwie Jb^llfpn&amp;.BnocfiranD it albeopeneo bnto *e*o:&gt; fetti.foatobofoeurtiafBetb.feceauero / abe&amp; c tI S^i gatfeWibifteanbtobimatimocbetbg , S K? MWbeopeneb.i{tbeteanpmgam5gepcu' B&gt; rcm w &lt; ? toO^SfbtefonneafbeobimbjeD/toc'iDe of* of mm fet^imaftonef &gt;? pf be atfteo fpObe/ toolbeS' ""; be woferbpm afetpentf SrfAMMriNA&amp;SttT ate eupll can gene to poute cbpiwen goob 199 '" " gpfte^ bote mocbe moo?e (ball poure fatbet tobpeb W fn beuen geue gopo tbpngesJ to tbe tbatafaebpm? cbecfo^e tobatfoeuetpetooibetbat mennatoeano uibbPtopbu/euenfobopeto tbem, qfyw tezopbete^ tSJtbefatoeawi tbe^opbetesJ. entitin at fyt ftrapte gate : fo? vpue t0 tbegate/anbb?oabets(tbetoapetbat{eat)efft to beftmecpon : ano manp tbet be tobpeb go w*eMt,36tttfttaptefegate/aninat6toe tt e toape tobteb leabetb bnto ipfe:a featee WM&gt; tbet be

%\\t (gofpell

fctbeebetbatfpnbeft, &lt;* tfetoate of * falfe

b3faUd?o^ortetefttoatc^cometosouinQ)CpWclo* KSSSSSttwt/iiut wtoarwp tbep aw tauenpnge too^af v&amp;.mmawtyttsww of rbojned oj figg$ M r iipnnr of bjpetftf cuen fo cuerpgoob wee bjingen) tone** we* fd?t^ goob frute. 3But a cojtupte ttee/b?pn* fX$r&amp;* KM eupllfrute.lB goob tree cSnot Mn ESStoSm gefo?tbeuaaftute:tto?petabaatreeca b?ig *wiue/awtp,fo#bgooa frute. t&amp;terptree tbat bJpngetb taumegf tejitc not ftutbgoob frute/ ffiaibe betoenaotone/ S22S*i* call into tbe QKejafytftyt bptbeft ftu* #otalltbepfrapebntome/;iLo?&amp;e/jlo?fie fljall enter into rbeHpngaoriiecfbcaueilmt be tbat botbe mp fatbetf topil tobpcb id in lmnt9**&amp; beauen. **anptopHrapetomeintbat Da? : )Lo?De/ %om/ baue toe no t in t&amp;p na* mepjopbefpea? 3Bnbttitbpnamebauecaae outeaeupld:' aim intbp name baue bone 3 ma'np miracles: 1 ainbtben toill$ finotoicoge iaraim.w.J.bnto me* ttjatg! neuer finetoetbe , * epattc ituft.ciif.f, from me/pe too?ftetd of iniquite. ifcbofoeuet beaten) of me tbcfe fapmged 9 botb tbe ram e / gi tout rift en f)im b n to a toife c * nifefpm^niStobirb &lt;*btItbfdboufe on a rocfte:a aboii if woe of intfu bance of rapne aef cenoea/a tb fluobed came einjctBto m* ana tbe topnaedbietoe abet bpontbatfame 5L??. -if- - botife a it fen not/becatife it toass grounaeo SSttJ5*w tfte rocfte. atoatobofoeuer bearetb of me Uoeof *iaitbererapfoged aaotbtbe not/roalbe ipfteneb anotticisarptubnto a folpfb man tojjpcb bplt bpdboufe bp5 "*** tbelanbe-.ana abounbaunce of rapneaefcen* bib/ anatbe fiuaaed came /aim tfte tephbeg bletoeanb bret bpontbatboufe/anaitfeuv ana great toad tlje fall of it. 3Dnb it came to patte/tbat toben gefttd ftab enaebtberefapmged/*$ people torn afton* npea atbpd aoctrpne. tfoj be taugbt tbcm as one bauinge potoer/anb not ad tbe f crpbed,, eff&amp;tfU tlenfetb tbelcper/btafctb tbe capfapnw fee

SBNscW,e. &amp;ucc.i&lt;$,.

uaunt ano manpottjee ojftafcfl/ belpetb JBe(emo&gt;

JBer to I ato/ttpUert) tbe tee ano (be topnto teuete out of tlje polfeffcK m to tbe ttojne


a leper.

Cftbe.buj.Cbaptec. $enbe toad come botonefrom tbe moatapne/moebe.people folotoeo Dim . I nb lo/tber came a I e pet ana too?miPPCbhim fapinge-.flgauet tbou to#t tb ou cans mafie me clene. Sna efud put f o ?tb W banb a t oucbea bun Cap* hge: 1 ^ toill/be tbou clene/s immeoiatlp bpd lepjotpetoad clenfeb. Una Hetud fapbebnto Bim: re tbou tell no man/ but go aftetoetbP felfe totbep?efte/a*ofiet gpftetbat flpb fed cSmaunbea m touted totbem. # asben 3lefu0 toadentreb into Caper? rtvnftiwnw uaumfbercamebntobpmacertafnecen* J22Sr fim'5/anbbefbugbtbl!mfaige:*fl^aa/ ?o&amp;R.&lt;f|3* tnrfentmme JietbfEcfteatbomeof tbepal^

lmf.fK5,a. lluc.tJtl.a.

e fe/ ano id gteuotifip pa jiieb. 2Cnb St Cud f DbntobPt :3!toi?llcomeanbbeaiebfm. be crentutionanftoereDanbiasoe:$)3j amnot too?tbs tbou Oiu Joe tt comebnoet mp*ofe/buefpea6etbetoo?beonlf am^fer* uauntmalbebeaieo. jfo^gaifomrfeiteamjs a man fubiect to tbe autbqmfe of anotber/ ano baue founder* bnDer me / attt&gt; 3 faye to onego/anbbegoetb/anbtoanotbercomea .

be cometb-.ano to m? fetuaunt/botbfd/abe boetb it.ibenjeiUd bca^cibat/ be marue&lt; lea ano f afb to tbi tbat folotot bbtm : erel? E fape bnto sou/ ibauenot foiinoe fogreat astbmo/not in #ae!.*| fa?tbetfo;e bnto rtt wM pou tbatman? wal come fro tbe reft a toeeft ano u)all teft toitb 3Cb?abam/3;iaac a 9!acob in tbe ftrngoome of beauenanb tbe cb?lb?en of tbefifngoome (balbecaftout into IsmmmttuA barcfined:tbcte (balbe toeppnge ano gnaf ; e WH " wpngoftetb.ben!Jtfudfepoebnto*&lt;Ee* ' tution/go toi? toape/anbad tbou beleuett fo beitbntotbe.Hlntibdfctuaunttoaj3bealfO tbefeifeboute. f&lt; Xnb tbcnle&amp;id toentto^etetdboufie/arajatat; : fatoe bid touted motber tyingc fpcfte of a fe- mc.^.u uer/atpuebebberbanbe/a tbefeuerleftbft: anb me arofe/anbni|ns(lrebbntotbe.m. asbcntbeeuentoad.come/tbepb?ougbt bu toopnimanptrjat to erepoffeffeo toitb oe* upid-aiiDbecaftoutSfpiitedtoitbatoo^be/ . a bcaicnaiitbattoeK f|cfte/to fiiifrti tftaf tobJ'cb toadfpoften bf tfa?ad tbe ftoftetC llSL : fapinge-*0etofieonbimoute ftmniWw w ff* anbbareoureffcftnetTed. iteiben^efud fatoe mocbe people about bpm/be comaunbeoto go oner mate* Jimr t tbercameaacnbeafatfjebntobim:*^a-*' uc '** if et/"J topll folotoe tbetobstber foeuer tbou goeOnbSefudfefoebntobgtmtbt fored baue boled/anb ^z wVtoft of tbe acer baue nefted/buttbc**fotmeof m8ftatbnottobera* &amp;m^&gt; ontotettbPd beeb.3inotbertbat toad of WW Wtf ^ifciplcdra^bntobwrniattet/fuftemefonj!" f m to go arto bun e mp fatbet. 55ut ftm'^L ratbebntobim:forbtoente/aWtbebeebbumHBp twt&amp;ew oeeo, iftcBoo8w % anbbeenttebintoa mrppe/a WW&amp;ffl^S

pied folptoebbtm.ainbbebolbetberearore SSSSSk great temped in ft)e fee/info mocbe tbattbe^iS m mippetoad couereb toitb toaued/ abetoad afiepe.attbbpd &amp;(Tcfplcd cametobtm/a atoofiebpmfapinge:a9aOetrauebd/toepe^ rpfmeJnbbefantotbem:tobi&gt;arepefear&lt; full/ pe oflpteflfatVbfn bearofe/ana wbnfieb tbe tbpnbedahbtbe fee/ anbtber fo*ja lotoeb a greate calmejitb f men maruepleb anbfarbvtobatmaidtbpd/tbatbofbtopnocd anbfteobetbim? p . . ana tobf be toad come to tbe btberffbe/ni to.tbecofitteofh)eergeHted/tbttmetbim






two pmm of beuptled/tobicb came butof tbegraued/a mere out of f nomanmrabtgoM toape.anbbeboloe tbep crpeb out faplg:*fl&gt; SJefu tbou fbmte of &lt;Ko&amp; tobat baue toe to bojDitb tbziMtt n) ou comebitber to to^meptbd bef o;e tbetpme be comefHintitbertoadagoob toape of ftStbe" agreatebeeroof ftopne fed0ig.cbentbebe upldbefougbtbim rapinge: pf tbou caftbd out/fuffre bd to go ouretoape into tbe beetb offtopnc.amobefap&amp;ebnto tbemigopoure ipaped.cben toent tbep out/ a beparteb into

tbebeerb of ftopne .anobeftoioe tbe toboale beetb of ftopite toad car pea toitb biolece beo* Ipngetnto tlje fee/ anbperpdbebin toater. *Cbentbebeerbmefleeba toettbetrtoaped intotme citie/anb tofte etterp tbmge/a tobat babfo;nmeb bnto tbe poffeffeb oftbebeupld. ainbbeboiDeaiitbecptiecameoutamet^e* (ttd/anb toben tbepfatoebim/tbepbefougbt bint f Depavte out of tbeit coofteg. C^ebcalctbtbc palfvc^tollcb^atbeus frotnf cm* Oome/anCtocctD f o; Ijib Oifcipleo/ ftcalctb tbe woman of tfie Wouop pffiicljelpctb Jatcito oaugfttt t/geatt^. lilpnOinf tb c 1 1 fvsbte/mahetb a Oo m me m 5 1 a f p cahe/ an0 6;MctboiunOnicll, m tytn Ijeentreb into a mpppe ana paffeb ou er a came into bPd atone cptfe.ainDio/tbeptyougbt tobpm a man fpcfte of tbe palue/lpinge in


mi 8 mfl e "S- eo - ano tobengiefUdfatoe tbefaptb of W?$$il W tm W fapbetotbc fpcfte of tbepalfie; Sp; tbat j fonne be of gooD cbere/tbpf tone* be fo?geue tepaioec to tbe. 3Cnb beboibe certapne of tbe Scribed ftijafintie.iapbeintbem.feiued/tbidmanbiafpbemetb. anbtoben^efus fatoe tbeir tbougbted/be fapae i Jberfo^etbpncftepe eupll in poure beatt^uabetber id eafpecto fape/tbpfpnned oe fojgeuen tbe/o; to rape:arpfe ano toalfie? Cbatpemape hnotoetftattbe ronneof man batbpotoerto fo^geuefpnnedin ertb /tben fapae be bnto tbe fpcfte of tbe palfpe:*arpfe/ tafte bp tbp b ea /ana go borne to tbpne b oute.

SCnbbearofe abepartebtobpd atone boufe, 3Dnb toben tbepeoplefatoeit/tbepmaruep: lebanbglo^pfpea d5obtobicbbabgeu^rucbe potoertomen. p. 3tobad ^efttd paffea fo?tb fc5 tbenee/be fatoe a man fpt a receaupng of cuftom e/ na= mea fl^atbeto/atjbfapbetobPm^folotoemc. nb be arofe a folotoea brm. Snait cameto paOeadbefatatmeateintbebouoe:bfbbTbe ^manp^ublpcand ano fpnnerd cameana fate "Dotonealfo toitb 3erudanabPdircipied. tdben tbe^arired fatoetbat /tbep rapa ''tohffrflMct^BPdi&amp;ffcipred ttobpeatefb Paure matter ?9e? to 9 ^ublpcans ana Cpmiersff tben3!efu w a * bearbetbat/berapaebnto tbem:betobole neabenottbe$biftcpo7buttbepareficBe. oo arearnetobflt^ meanetb^Sbauep^


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furemmercp/ananottnoftrpttgcffb; g am #ercieatiw not come to call tt)e rpgbtetoes / but tlje fpiwtot facriftct? nerd to r epe ntaunce. * .Enm*, m cben.camep ifcpplesofgiobn toftiM rapmg:tobPbo toe a tlie pijatifed fafteofte: JUttbpifcipled faftenotf 3ina|efus fapocflnhns bifci* bnto tbe:can W toeoapnge ebpl&amp;il mo^te ass JB5S* longe ad tbe b/pacgreme 10 toitb tbemf die tpmetopll come toben t&amp;e.bKbgrome tyaibe tafienftomtbem/atbenujaittbepfafte.jijOrt^. v , man pecetb an oiae garment torn) apeceof ,9eto oM netoeclootbeJo?tben taftetb beatoapetbe asi ' eno ^ pece agapne fromtbe garment/ a tbe rent i# ntaaegreater.iQemecaomenputneto topnc into oiae betre&amp;s fo? mn beffeld b;eaite/a tbe topne runnetb oute/a tbe beffeis peipm,

uttbeppoto?eneto topne intoneto bea .^ ... #ibPlebetbud fpafie bntotbf^beBoJbcffi"'^ tber cameacertapneruler/ anatoojlbippcbflr J bim/faping : mp aaugbtet id etie noto aecea-fea/butcome alaptbP b5a onber a Ibe fljaUipue.mnafefud arofe ana folotoea l)tm toitb bidaifcipied. anauebcriaea toomantobpclj toad biceafea toitb an pft\te of* red/came bebinoebim a foucijea tbeijcme of bid bettute,!jfo? mefapain ber felfe:pf? map toucbe but euen ton betture onip / % maibe fafe.cben^erudtoumebbl/m aboute/ a b^ beiaeberrapi'ng;augbterbe ofgooacom*a al f m u m fojte/tbP 8 * faptbbatb maae fafe.aona m%jfitmwSt toadmabetoboleeuen tbat fame ftoure. m\)mua^&gt; Una tobejefud came intog mietdboufe'/ Vt ? 1 " c " ** te * btrapaebnto tbem: getpou bence/ fo? tbectauetbtbeQe. mapae id not aeea/bnt fiepetb^fna tbep mu mm MtH* gbeobim to feo?ne.ai0 f one ad people lucre $fw* ( a, put fo?tb/be toent in a tofte ber by tbe banae/!!" ,a anatbe mapaearore. 30na tbpdtoad nopfea^ ti^owgb out all tbat lanae. atnaadSetUdaepartebtbence/ttoobipnae men folotoea bpm crpingeana fapinge : &gt; tbou tonne of aula baue mercponbdJno tobenbe toad comebome/tbe blcnae came to ctoo blpmw bim.ainag!efud rapae bnto tftem : jaeletie pe ate cttreo. tbat 31 amable to ao 0tf%nb tbep fapae bn= tobpm:pejlo?a.bentoticbeabetbeirepefii/ fapinge: acco?apnge to poure faptb btit bn* to pou.ainatbeir eped toere openea . ataa3!e fujj cbargeb mem rapinge. &gt;e tbat no man finotoeof it.ffiuttbep ad fone ad tbep toere bepatteb/fp?eebab?oaaebtenametb?ougO outailtbelanae. Wft tbep toent out/*bebolae/tftep \}?ou$)tP mf &lt;W&lt;tob(maaomemanpou'eaieaofaaeupii.3(inb fl ' HC,,:,s adfone ad beupii toad call out/tftc aomme mtimmf , fpafie.3Pna m people metueplea/fapinge: it ^ un,mc toad neuer ro rene in 3|frael. mt tbe $barf*' rcdJapae5becaftetbbuteaeupid/bp potoercfjefe Utnfttj oftbetbefebeupn.



'SJat.W.&amp;.aitf lub,ijr.s.

mt aipoft

tx&amp;mmUimttmm^ 9 p jeacbpng* tbe giaatpomge0 of bpngflomc/frbealing mmmttttimett snt&gt; bpfeafe arrionge W pfople.Siuto&amp;enbefatoetbepeopie/bebab companion on tbeV becau re tfcep toete ppneb atoape/ano featteteb sb?oabe/euen a0 (bepe baupngenoftepbeta, fettttjehcwtfi cbenfapoebeto bisMCciples/ tbe fe *bet* !? 91222 Mft * Wcatc/ but t^c laboutets ate featoe. KSwttS^ CTf0?e wa * ^ ^^ of e(jamea/ to wap76((i ft n^ fo ?^ e 'abourer0Hieo^i3^tuea, "** Kib tbem aflapitt perfccutfon aria truuble. CSbe.t.COaptet. I JBD be calleD bte.tff.bifcipb* unto btm/9 gaue tbem potoet ouet bn* dene fp?f tes/to caft tbe" oute / ana jto beale all manet of ummmi% manet bpfeafe0. ,_- *-.. (JMiame!5oftbe.rtiJpoIHe0atet6efe, mmmx, b*ft?B7&amp;mionc8Bebaifo$etet:attban b?eto&amp;!0b?otber. , ?ame0 tonne of 3ebc&amp;e an&amp;'Jobnbtjs bjorhet. $biitp 938attlemeto. &lt;E6oma0arai^aa)eta)tbePubiicati.^antc0 , I fonne of aipbe / am iebbeu0 otbettopre ' caileo caDimi0.&amp;im9 of cane/and gjuDagf Ifcariorfj/tobfcbalfobettapeDbim. &amp;crejcfl,bpb3efu0fend/9commaunbeb t&amp;em fapfnge-.oo not into tbe toapes gieabe ro gwtiW/9tn to tbe cptteg oftbe&gt;amatfc t&amp;nss"etitetfenot.a5utgo tatbetto rbc loft

fpepeofboi'reof5tiacl.ffioandp?eacbe/ fapingtg tbefipngbome of beauf cjac at banoe 0e ate tSjeCvclte/ clenfe to e lepers / tapre tbe beeb/cafte oute tbe beup&amp;s.'jfteippebauete* 33 ceaued/ftelp getie agapn e .P&gt; o ffe (re not golbe tftttue w tno *W fpluet/no?&lt;&gt;*b?a(re in poute gp?acl0/no? &lt;rtfivfc ? etfctfptotoatDC0p.out io?nep: netbet ttoo cote0/ netbet fboes /no? peta ftaffe . tfo? tbe too?cBman tjs to o ? tap. to baue bt'0 meate. gn to tob atfo e uer cttte o? totone pe fball come/ enqup?e tobo is too?tHp fnit / 9 tbete abpoe tpBpe go tb e nce.aiib Mien pe come into an boufie/falutefte fame . anopf tbe boufe be to 0; tb p /polite peace (ball come fepoii it.JBUt t?fftbenottoo?tbp/poutepeacel&amp;antetout* netopouagapne. ami tobofoeuet fbaB not teceattcpou/ no? toiUbeavepoutepjeacbmge-.tobepeaeparte oute of i boufe 0? tbatcptfe/fbabe of DuCte of ? oute fete.ctutpl fape bnto pou: it fbal* beeaffetfc?tbeia'bof 3c&amp;oma uomo?ta -^,,^. artt *&lt;ntbei&gt;afeofhibgement/tbenfb?tbatcptie, B&amp;r "iw 5! ftnoe pou fo?t&amp;a0 ftepeamSESSSs 8e toowe0.Ee pe rtjetfo?e topfe 30 fetpfteu/ aspic spier* am, innocent 30 botiegf . Betoate of men/fo? E222L i t&amp;et$anbrtfutt poubptotbeeoficetjj/anu gSf 8llfcoutgepijuint{lertf^nagoge0 JnDfT

fyl)t &lt;^ oCpell



Jjallbebjougljttotbebectiruietjs 8fhgejj 0? mt fafie/ in toitneg to tbe 9 to entpi?, jButtobfntbcfWIfuwtoubp/tabeno^ouBijtbotoo?tobat^qwu fpeabe/ fo?ft fWM ^ albcgeuenyou/euenintbatfame boute/ S; P P tobat fefljattfase. # d? it i^notfe* fpeBe/W a !i w but fp?pteof poute fatbet tobicb Cpeaftetb ^ irt pou.cbe b?ocbet ft ali bettape tbe b?otbet to oeetb/9 tbe fa^eetbe fonne . Itnbtbc cbtH Men (ban aepfeagapnft tbeic fatbew 9 mo=

tbei/anb (baUput ty tobeen) : anb ? e all bebatebofaKmen fo? mpname.23utbe enbutetb to tfte enbe/Cbalbelaueb. lbc tbe? pevfectite sou in one cptie/ frpe into anofbet.5 Wlpou fo? a tnitbe/pe (ball not fpnpObe all ^t cp rten f aftaei / tpil tbe ; fonne of manbecome.^beDifcppie ^not*.*, aboue b f$t pet tbe f etuatlt aboue r * bt'0 ^o?de^t ii8 pnougb fo? tbe ifcipie to be aflbfemaawte/anbtbattbcferuauntbcatf _, bi0mo?bei0.3lf tbepbauccallebtbe t^o?d of J?*** fbbufeW35eei?ebub:botomocbemo?eaiiS2J tbercaBtbemofbfeboulbolbe fofjfeate tbe f?iiiBt]eiiil, not tbetfwe.cbete it no tbpng fo cloffe/tbaf a Mi ftaUnot'beopeneb/anbnotbfngefobPb / 1 ""S72SJ fbaHnotbefinotoen. KtH 9batJteBfouinbet:cfine0;gfpea6epe ? ^ in ipgbtJ nb tobatf ebeate in tbe eate / tbat p?eacbepeontbeboufetoppe0. , anb feate pe not tbemtobtcb bpl! $ bobp/ ifeare. anbbenotabietobpntbefoule. 3Cut tatbet fearebi/tBbicb^abietobtftcopebotbfouie -,-, 9bobpftitobeB.aiienotttDOfpatotoe0foloe f 0? a fattbpngef anti none of tbf ootbe Ipgbf WWftfifc on tbegtounbe/ toftboutfoute fatfeet . ana now arc all tbe betee of potite b^M0num b?cD . feate penot tbctfo?e:peat&lt; of mo;e balue tbenmanpfpawtot0. ibofwucttbttfo?elbaBttoott!ebgcme^ ._, befo?emg/bmttofBpnOtolebgeaifobefo?e^ nBOf ' mpfatbettobicb^mbeup.53uttoboroenet .? ttaBbenpemebefo?emen/b?mtopB3jaifo ; benpebefo?empfatbettt&gt;bfcbi0inbeum. a mK bnjfienot/iaamcometofenbepeace^ w r . , ; into tlje cttb.9 eamenot to feno peace/but a ftoearoe. jfo?3iamconieto fetamanatba^ftnetiie paunceagapnabt0fatb/anb baugbtee mm . agapnttbetmotbet/anb Daugbtetinlatoe agapnftbet metberftttatoe:3nba manned f ooe0 ibaibe tb ep of &amp;f atone bouQioloe. ^e tbat Ioueftbfe fatbet/o;motbermo?e tben me/10 not mete fo? me. anb be glouertj bi0fonne/o?bauBbteemo;etbmme / i0hot mete fo? me. anb be f&gt; taftetb notbp0 ctoue

ahbfoiotoetbme/i0notmetefo?me.^etbat ___ &gt;e $ tertauetb pou / teceaueftme: sbcbu^rie.; tbatteceauetbme/teceauetbbim^ftntme.jBeceaueetbatweauetba^opbetHifnameofa fmtw


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Vi '"

^opbctroaBteceauea?&amp;?opbetWti*.toa anb be tbat tec^auetb s^gb^oiwman W tbeHKmeiofatpgbteoi^mart/lbaBttceaue tbetetoaite of a ttgbteou0mS.*anbtob6fo^ cuet fliall gcue bnto one of rtjefe if tje one0 to tepncbe l a cuppeofcoloe toatee dnlp in t&amp;e name of a oifcpple:?! fcBpoil of a ituetb / b^ baBhotloTebcctoaDev. f; r .

** *u f

- + * ' t

J " * **

;?.VV; I."

tobim-ocuc^ tfcnttfjcn atiCtecce/efboBcllS) tgc Htl*. tftahieill tpticB niitf io5Piilif,rji!jdn?i8 raen.fp tafte a f^ASal J5Dit eametopsffC tob5|efu0bab maoean enbe of commatinbpnge tett

* anb b?pncbpnge / anb t^Cp rape / beboloe a swpng^uf ? " gttittonnbO?pncfietof topne / anbaftenaeS Etl , p " '"'!! Sito puoBcari0 anb fpnnet*. j9euettbelatet SSSg lem ' mrt t *topfbMnei0 iuftifpeo of bet cbplbjen. U wtbome} *cbehbtganbetobpb?apbtcptie0/in&lt;Biuaif?c{it!ic. tobitbmoftofbP0mp?acle0 toete btM/'toSS fR ^SS caufetbep menwo not. io be to m mom SSSlSS* fin.iobeto I5etbfaioa:fo?pf mtmmmSe tobtcb toete (b etoeo in pou/bab bene none in anb ii w wa?oc cp^eanb^ioon/tbepbabtepenteblongea^ *wn * gone infacbclotb9 a(Tbe0 . jBcuettbeleata SSStbeco fi&gt; f nmi.ft (hall hp Mrlift fnt drn&gt; a &amp;ii&lt; !2?"??.:?r. X. .



bi0itij.btrciple0/tbatbe bepat tbence/toteacbeanb top?eacbeiu tbcitcptie?/ mMe. : ** flBbeh giofth bepnge in p?efon beartje

ttje too?fte0 of b?ilt/be fe nt ttoo of bi0 btfcr Plcp anb fapoe bnto ttjou be^ (ball comeio? (ball toe lobe fo? anotbetferu0anj ftoeteoanbfapoebnto ttjem .0 anbCpetoe |!obn tobatpe Inue ijeatoe 9 ftne.cbe blpnb fe/tbebalt go/ tbe lepet ate clenfeb'.tbe beef ffl . Beate/tbe ueeb i"pfe agapne/anb tbe glao rp* f. ,;. binge0i0p?eacbeDtotbepoo?e,anbbappp : t0betbati0notoffeni)ebbpmc. "anba0 tbep bepatteb / 3efu0 beganeto T( , . fpeafiebntotbepeopieofiobn.:ofetobat/ *,l*?. c ffi toent pe out into tbe toplbetnet0? toet pe out iStbaiSto tt tt *ccue fbaften toptb tbe topnbe ? otbet " fo&amp;/ ! tobattoentpeoutfo?tofef amanclotbebin toniitnjfooftet*pntet^35ebolbeo)er t toeate foofte ^^^"^elotbing ate in fipng^boufe0.5Buttobattoet I .it- -pe oat f 5? to fe^a p?opbetef ye % fape to pou j i : . : .. 4 attb mo?e tben a ^?opbete . &gt;ffo? tbP0 10 be of v tobom it i0 to?ptte)8ebofte/g| fenoe mp mer* &lt;Cngetbefo?etbPface/tobpc^ Qiall p?epate :%' tbptoapebefo?etbe. : J&gt; ! * etelp % fape bnto pou/ amSge tb e ffifl . b?en of toemen atofe tbete not a gtettet tbm , a!lrtVnhi(fr fobntbe5Baptift,i5ottoitbftanbpngbetbat taKZnr* lc ' flfe * l ' n ty* fi^flbome of beuen/i0 gtettet W jo ji croic tben be.ijftora tbetpme of obn 58aptift bP s iitac.iuhctbetotberipngeDomeofbeiien funtetbbpof % lence/ano tb f p tbat goo to it toitb opoience pblcft ittontotbem.ffo?aBtbe ?&amp;?opbete0 9 ; tbeiatoep?opbefpeti bnto tbe tpmeof gjofjtt. aribaKopfpetopll teceaue it / tbp0 1'0 ^e* - Ha0tobicb!bi.tiDcome.Octbatbatbeate0to beatelctbimbeate. j&lt; .,.,i, M .- uttobctbnto rbaii|lpftentbi0geneta&lt; S I iih cion^9ft 0 iplte bnto cbplb?en tobicb fpt in !**.&amp;$, itbcmatftetanii caB bnto tfteitfelotoe0 /and t .fitttw/ C.tape-.toebaucpppeDbntopou/9PCbauenot i i?&amp;?&lt;oaunfei^i&amp;ebauemoutnebbntc(pou/9PC

IKf|^ / bauenotro?otoeD.!ffo? lobn camenetbetea* bautc t5S?t'pngeno?o?pncTtpng/anbtbepra?e/bebatb mto wwtwm&amp;UWV&amp;m of man camceatpnge

if? 1

i **

fape to (ban be eafiet f 0? cp?e 9 fe&gt;f = tr 'i,c jjjtc 00 bonattbeoapeofiuDgement/tben fo? pou. not fo xtwms anb tbou capetnaum/tobicb att ipft bp bit^ tobeucrt/fbaltbeb?ougbt!)otonetobell.!ffo?^ pftbemp?acie0tobicbbaue bene bone m / bab bene Jbetoebin 5obom : tbep Bab tenia?* net&gt;totbP0&amp;ape.eueitbele(tt3i Wpe bnto pourft (balbe eafiet fo? tbe lano of 5obom in tbe bapeofdrtgentcnt/tbenfo? tbe. I ' . ^attbattpmeiefussanftoetebanbfapbei p?apfe tbe fatbet '1L0 jd of beue anb et tb/ lecaufe tbou batt bio tljefe tbpngea ftom tbe topfe anb pjubent/anb baft openeb tbe bnto ebe topfe babe0:eue fo fatbee/fo? fo it pieafeb tbe , aBbnetoe not. tbpnge0 ate geuf bnto me of mp f atljet. anb nomSftnotoetbgfonne but tbpfatbetmetbee finotoetb enpmfiibe fatbet / fauetbefonne/ anbbetotobometberonnetopBopenljim. ; Comebntomeallpetbat^laboute 9 ate labeanbatoiBeafepou.cafiemppocRe^n D tbma " pou 9ietneofme/fo?3iammebe 9 ^^SffiSS: b'ettc:9pe flB f pnoe reft bnto poute.fotrtm m t0 ZT4 ifo?mppocbSi'0eafp/9mpbutDSi0gbt. I- tbattmotoitoo CCIjctffcfpIcBpIuchcf enrcsofcwnextjce^cufttfjge tljcftr fyn* ttieth'tiealctl) tl)cD)(c&amp;i)nntje^l)elpei6 tljc poffcflcO j iipb? aicpooju tnasblpntcanti timntimtttp the biifaf thfull that m fp;itc* tsolteneliu haue toheiiB/anO mmt b toljo 10 bfelw* t^ct/fyfteranOinotliet.

Cbe.]tii.baptet, * ^ ctbat tpme^eriw toent on f&gt;aa botb bape0 tbb?oto tbe cO?ne anb bp0 b(fciple0 toete an bongteb/ 9 Ibegane to phicii e eaves of com/ 9to eate. ibe1&amp;batife0fatoeg/tbepfapbe bntobtm-.3Bebotoe/tbpbtfciple0Oo' v tobtcb i0notlatofiilltobobpon tbe^abotb bape. ^erapbebntotbem.^auepenotteabtobat ^autbbpb/tobe be toa0 an bongteb / 9 tb e g alfo tobicb toete toftbbim^oto be entteo in totbeboufe of &lt;s&gt;ob/9ate tbebalotoebiotte0 tobpeb toete not latofull fo?bpm toeate ne^ tbec fo? ttit tityitDtomtoiO) bpm / but onuj fb?fp?efte0.fl)?bauepenotteabinfflatoe/ boto f ttte p?eaftt0fh tbe templeb?eafie tyt ^abotb&amp;ape/anbpetateblamieffe^ut 1 :! tape bnto pou-.tbat bete is onegteatetfbcn$ fempfe.#betfo?e?epebabtop(ttobat tb?0 ^etcteaiio taptg meartetb;9l wrjuite metcp/9 n 1 fact i* not iaf f ice fice-.petoojibneuetbauec0bemnebinnoc^. iffo?gronne brm8 i0io?b eulof ffabotb bape. aim


k&gt; * r .





SCrta b t bepattebtyence/anb tof ttnto tbefc fpnagogejandbedolde tber tea* amSto&amp;fcfr

&amp;aDbteban&amp;eb?pedbpJndtdepaffteDbpm/ fapmgesfoftlatofullto&amp;ealejjpontde^toa* botb aapestfbecaufe tdep mPgbt aecufc dim, ana de fapDe&amp;ntotb*m; to&amp;pclj of pou tooiae ttbe/pf de daaa Qjepe fallen into appfteon tde&gt;abotb bape/tbat tooiaenot tafie dim a ISftHfm out? 9ttii Moid mocQr &amp; a ma better tyen a ttjepe ? i&amp;betfoje ft.wuefuiito do a 58 goodaeae otitic &gt;abotbdape*.cbenfap&amp;e ^'de to tde mamftretcb fojtd tdrtano .Einbde : arc ted ea ft f o; tb . Wtitt tt teas made tod ol e agapnelp&amp;e bnto tde order. ** Cbent&amp;elB&amp;aiWWtoetout/ ade&amp;ea counfell agapnd dpm / goto tdepmpgdtbc* ftropedfai. a&amp;denf efu* fenetoe tfjat / de be* parted thence/* modje people folotoea dim/ andbebealedtbe'anVa cbargeb tbe" tdat tdep flitilti not matte dim ftnoto en: to fulfill rijat to^ic tj teas fpobe bp of&amp;p $ j&amp;? opb e t/ to bt cb rapetb,*Bcboiae mp cdiloe/todSi daue cbo* fen/mpoelooeb/roto&amp;ommprouieaeiptetb, | totil put mpfpjete onbmvabe (ban fljetoe tiiageme t to ttjegentplsf.i^e all not Qrrtie/ be all not cm/ nether (ball enp man deare dpsbopcein tbedteetes/abjofea rede matt be not b?eae/at)d flare tdat begpnneft to burne/be djallnct que'cbe/tjjl be fenaefojtb ftiageraent bnto btcto?te/3in d is* name all td e genfplg trade. / ^i&lt;j Bougbtio&amp;pm/cnepotreaed tt a oeu^ltodftd team bd Wsnoe / abSme: atone dealeddpm/ n fomocd tdat be todpeb _ (i toasblpnaeabomme/botbrpaBeandfatae, ShJ c : r 3no a11 tfte people toete amafeb/s fapae:*33 *wr*,fc. nottbfctbatfonneofjBauflrfButtodentbe l^arf ft0boe tbat/tbepf&amp;pa: rcbte feioto Inpuetd $ aeupWnonotde? topfe out but bp . tbe belpe of Befeebub tbe cbefe of f ampis. tfutgjefuflwietoetbefttbougbtefjarapae eotbem.uetpBpngoome beuf&amp;ed toftb m it

felfe/ albe bjougbt to naugbt^etber (bail enptptpe oi &amp;ouoiae beupaeb agapnd it Cfelfe/contpnue.jbopf $&gt;atancaft outfea* tan /tden de is aeupaea agapnd dpmfeife. ^ o to (ball tbenbfc bpngdome enaure? 3lfo Pf 3 &amp;P $ Belpe of Beliebub cad outbeupw: bptodofebeipebopourecbpl&amp;jen call tbem putfcberfojetbepftalbepoureuUHjr, .But pf 3 cad out tbebeupiisbptbe fpjptc of on: tden tetbefipngaomeof c&gt;oa come onpou? Ctberboti'canaman enter into a dronge manner &amp;oufe/a bpolentlp tabe atoape dp* _ goobe*:ejccepttbeftt(ibwbetbe(tYfoema7 ftltt e Sc f ^ w # a 8awfc.aJnbde(itetgatde s oM!i*manrfta * not tt me/fcatteretbabjobe . tdetfo;e utbe D f ojonSi fapebnto pou/aU manev of fpnne a*Maf* no. s toujiw/pbeRuj aide fo;getie bnto men: but f biaf=

^^ .


9mFPfftfPffte/ftannotbefo;geuenn?(ftcotiftit, to men. anotoljoroeuet fpeabetd a too^e^^nsecu]' agarndtbe foraie of man/ft niaibe fojanti SUSEr* dsm. ut tobofoeuee (peabetb agatntt tfie S doir Soft/it (ball not be f ojgeuen dim/ no ne jnjj wd , tdet tn tdfe too?lbe * * netdet in tde too?ttie to Jp " wt. come.tdnfie tde ttee goob / ttft ftute SSSJL-* ^ gMbalfo:o?ewmaseeieewrii/anbd*lh"^K ftute ettf llalfo.f 0? tde tree 13 bnotol dp d^ w &amp;*

fmte. genetacion of bgpers / doto can tt *te nmnn faje toell/ todenpe?oute febte?ate eurli? sfftjS fpeafietdJ gqpbmg out oftbe goob tteafuw w / L fZ of b&amp; ee w b;f ngetb f 0? td goob njpgejt. a'nD J wia )^e an eusll man out of b&amp; eujiMteauite/b^fn **JJ #Bt getd fo;tb eimitdwg^Buta rapbnto sou/ S&amp;J* tdatof euemsoelltoo^e tdat men ttafldaue^ fpoftf :tdep (ballgeuea counter at $ baje of fubgement.!(ro? bp tbptoojoes tdou (bait be mttFf8Cb:anb bptd? too?oesttdou (bait be conoemneo. B * cbenanftoerebcettapne of ^crtbeu iwutu,. a of iBdartfeg faplng:*flaaer/toe tooloe mmubm rape teafngne oftbe, ^eanftoeteoa fajoe i.*^ cotb2jC&amp;e e * eupll aabuoutetous; genera* ^itttroiSI cpon febetb a fpgne / but tder all no ftgne wmcipb begeu5totbfyfauctdefpgneoftdeJ&amp;2opbeta oft J*J* 3om. if 0? 33 Son* teas td;e bapeis a td;e fSSfSt ntgdteumtbe Wtit* 6enp:fo (ball fonne JSSff. of mS be t^?e ba?es$ a td?e npgdtes m derte mmm. oftbe ettd .rde men of iWntue (ball rpfe at ** fde bape of lutigement toitd tdw nadon/anb conbemnetbem:fo?tde|ameni)eb atf p?ea=&lt; cbmge otlonaffJnb bedolbe/a greater tden aonau is dere *de quene of nje foutd (ban * oB j * rpfe at tde cape of faugemet tottd me gene* Sni; racpon/anb ail conbemne tdf :fo; fte came .*.* fro tdebtmoft partftfi of tde too;lbeto deare tbe to gtflome of Salomon . %m b edoioe a greater tden Salomon ft d we. identdebnanffp;fteigone out of a man/be toaiHetgtbMugboutbrt place* / fe* fipngreeft a fpnaetd none.cb*nbefapett&gt;a topli retoutne agapne mtomp bottle /from todencegj came oute.anbtoden'deft come/ defpnDetdtdedoufe emptf aftotpte a gar* ntfibeb.cdendegoetddfttoape/ataltetbbn to dim feuen otder fpjetesi tooyffe tden bpm lelfe/afo entre tdepln abtoeH tbere-3nbtbe entse of rtjatman i mm tden^beginning, euen fo (ballft be toftb tdft eueii nacpon. mwnt taibebto $ people:* bebolbe mtum W motber a di* bmb?? Sotie tw' n) u t/befp* wiwMt t, tinge to rpeafee toftb dmutben'one fapbbn* todtm:bebotbetbpmotder ana tin bjttyjm ttan&amp;etottbout/be{p;mge to ipeie tottd tde, ^e anf toeteb a tepbe todpm { tolbedfin:

asbo ismpmotbetfo; to&amp;oatemp bptfya anbdeOtetcbeafo/tdWP&amp;anaouerbfebn'cf Ple3anafapo;bedoloempmctderampb?f*



tym . tfoi todofofucr bot&amp;mp fat&amp;rru tepH tedt(Oftt'nbeauen/tbefam&gt;ft(mpb;otdfr/ fpaer ana motber. h ' i; ffitjf pfTtablf of I l)c frctre/o f t!jc f sreo /- of (QC mi 0at ; ftOe/of tfic lent n/of Jljctrcafure ^pD &lt;n f ftlOe/ of tije pertu/nuo of t$ciu!ttc. .. - cijcriiKCdaptcr. . ^e fame aape toent jefu* out of boufe/an&amp;Cat bp tbe fee fpoe /ana mocd peoplerefttftebbntodpni/ fo gtetipg de toem/a tetinanjippe/ ami all tbe people ftoae on n)e ftdo?e Jna de fpabemanptdpngesltotbhn fpmilptuaess/ fapig:ieeboiDe/ tde fotocr toet fo?td to fotoe, ana a be fotorb/fome fen bp f toapeis fpae/ 9tt)e fotoleg came aoeuoureortbp . ^omc fellbpo don p grofiae tobere ft baa notmoebe ettb/anaaiiouertfp;ongebp/becaufeftbab noaeptb tittOfam toden tbe funne toa? bp ftcaiigbtbcet,anafo?lacneofrotpngetop&amp;= b?eaatoape. S&gt;omefellamongetbo;ne0/ a f tbo?nejsrp;ongebpanacboofieaft. Parte fell in gooa grouna/ anab?ougbt f o;tb goob f rute:foni e an bunDtta f 010/ fome fprtie fold fometbftttefoiae. tbofoeuerijatd eatejs to

deareletdtmeare. 3Bno the atfcipiejs came ana fepae to dpm: HWJp fpeafiefttdoutotb^n patablegf e anttoereaanafap&amp;e bnto tbem/ ft i9 geuen . bnto^outoftnotoetbe Cecretesof tde bpng* bomeofdeuen/ buttotdemftisi notgetien. glfnit tt/ fl *^o;todofoeuerbatdto bimwallbegeufi SJff W* anQ de mallbaue abomnance . But todofo^ SBte L B ' eud.atb not:from.bimfliatbe tafien atoape ** J fluwAftntbatbebatb. berfo;efpeafie 3 to tbf g^ttt tnfpmtlftiiDt;:fo? tbougb tdep fe/ t&amp;ep fe not: pig abfatmge tbepbeare notmetderbnoeraaae, '^'"Jnat'n tdem igfuifpnea tbe ^epbeepe of eSScna^ 8 ^/^" 1 ' P?opbefpefaptb:tottd $fare3 P-^tucn taett (ball beare anb Ibannotbnbecftanae/anb gtootoirt* tottb evcf3pcallfe/afl)alinotpetceaue, 1 KSPto ^^ PeopW bertt are toere&amp;groae/ anb ww W rtr waw anil of berpnge/ atbewepeu not re/ daue tdep clofea lett tbep (bulb fe tottd tbei'r epe?./anbdeare tottb tfteir earcg /anb (buiae bnaerftgae toftbtbeft berte?/ a Qmlbtourne tdat yntpgbtbealc tbem. t * But Medea ate pourecfe^/fo? tbep fe: a route earej5,fo?tbepbeate.aieteip|(&amp;pebn iepou/^manpp^opdcteg / anbpftfaptmen baue oefpjea to fe tbofe tbpnges tobicb pe fe/ ' % baue not fene tlj v. a to beare tdofe tdpngt ... todfebpedeate/^baue not beractbe.^eare . petberfo^e tbe fpmfli'tuae of fotoer . 9bo* jnnrtiotnfoeuerbeatetdtftetoo^eof tde w fipngbom iJJiijfinljtKabnaeraanbetbftnot/ tbercomem einjll I s^w vfVmaft a catcbetb atoape f todped teas fotone ti!!^H e faWW.ynmWtoW(b tons fotone K tt 5 : bptbetoapefpbe.38tttbetbattoa8 fotone At wpi fljftbeftonpgtounbe/tsde todpeft dwretb tbe

&gt;* f-

. ... 4&gt;9 tooftt.of.0Qb /anaancrtetoptl) tope' vecea= ftmerttuawip itetb it/pet ban) de no tote 9 in dim fclfe/ anb*i ,ft - W WW autetb but a feafen : fo? a* tone g X r *ffi rrpbulacpon p? perfecucton arplctb M&amp;SuSISB oftbetoD7ae/bpa,bpde fallen), ^etbattoagano m Uom fotoneomongetdomf)5/0detbacbeavefi) 6 ^e tww ** too;ae of dwotbuttlje care of tdiix too^iae / a wv-flJ* tdebtoaptfulneisi of rpcdeis cdoftetlje too^ac/. ,0 * anbfotjjdetttaae bntmrefuti . ^eubpcbfjl fotone In tbe goobgtounae 10 be tdat (jeatetft tde too;ae ana bnaecdanaegj it : tobpeb aifo beretb ftute ana b;pngetb fojtt) / fome art 1 bonbtfb. folbe / fome fpttpe folbe / anb fome' . tbtttpefoiae. 3notder Tprntlftabe putbe fo#&amp; bnto M fapinge-.^scbebpngbomeofbeauen i&amp; ipfie bnto a ma tobicb fotoeb goob fecb in dig feia. J5 But ttbpll men c * fiept tdete came bpjs foo a * * ra &gt; iB ttf i" fbtoebtawamongetbetodeate/atofntftwSfflJ/'^ MtMKMflKteDe toaafconge ttpaittQSS jS baab/ougbtfo?tdfmte/tbenappeteaifjeta=nicn dsuc oe res* alfo. cben came tbeiemaurtfegr totbeof " *&amp;?&amp; bouOjoiaet/anafapacbntobim: &amp;&gt;pi fotoe- SSSfi e!, p bed not tbou gooa reeb in tljp ciooe/fts tobf * XlLt cetbendatbtttatejJ^efapueto tde iffrmfam of $4 tiiows mS batb borte tbiM df n tde fctuatitesi wo;ioc, fapbebntobitpstoplt tbou tden tbat toego a tocbetdem oute?utbe fapa/nap/ lea todttl pegoaboutetotoebe out tarejs/peplutfie bppealfotot'tlitdemtdetodeate bp tottrnt let botbe grotoe to genjer tpll banted come/ ana in tpme of banted/^ topll (ape to tbe ve* petjs/gatberpe fp;d tde tarefs/ana bpntetbS m ttftMt to be b/ent: but gatdet tlje teljeete I nto mpbarne. x ^l&gt; ^4&gt;3!notber parable be put fo/tb bnto tbem fapnge:cbefipngbomeofdeatiet0lpfiebn*mi,Ki,fe to a gtapne of mudata feea/tobtcd a man ta* fietd ana f otoetd in bis* ftiae/ tobicb &amp; 5 leed ofallfeeaej&lt;.ButtodenftiiSgrotone/ftif8 greated amonge petbess/anb it ig a tree:fo g ; n)eb;paae0 of tbeapetcomeanabyiaeint&amp;e b;auncde0offt. anotbet rpmpiftuae fapae b? to Uiem.cbe fipngaome of lieaue i&amp; ipbe bnto leue tobicb

atoomantabetb ana dvcetd tn.tij, pecltcjs of of meeie/tpll ail be icurnaea. Sflltbefetbt'ngeisfpabe^efuSbnto peongiecfctiftc. pie bp fpmilttuaeg / a tottb oute ftrntittu'se* fpafte be rtotbpnge to tb?/ to fulfptl toljiclj toajS fpofienbp tbe 19?oplie raping;* ^ topll mM ltm a openrapmoutl)tnfpmilitua^/atovllfpealfe prauwB9, f o#b mpngejj tobicb baue bene fteptefectete fromtbebfgpnnpngeofn)etoo?iae. f&gt; ^-^benrentiefujJtbepeopleatoape/^ came borne, 3Chb dP0 apfcpplcjj came bnto bpm/rapinge:aec!arebntob0tbcfpmtuXuae of tbe tares of tbe fette . cbf n anftoetea be *&amp;*&amp; afapMotbem.etbatfotoetbtbe goob reeb^SSSi is tbeftnne of mS Jnb tbe feiae is 1 tmtr*" 9, and


ana tfie ct)8ft; w of tfit nptigaome / tfiep ate t^e gooD reeo, ana t^e tategs ate tljc cfipio.ieit cf tlje topciteaJna rtje enempe tfiat totoetfi t&amp;em/fe tfiebeupii .cfiefiamettis tfie enbe cftfietoozlbe.^no tfie tepees be tfie ingcis, tfo? euenastfietates aw gammas b?ent fit tfi e fp^e : Co mall tt be in tfie enac of tfips flfoca.^.'frj.c. toojlbe.*cfie fonne of man fljall fence fo?tfi jf fife angei? / anb tfiep mall Baffin; out of fits fipiiBDomeaiit&amp;pnsesi tfiat offense/ nhotfif tofticb oo fntquf te/ ana (ball call tfiem into a f tunes of ff^.&amp;fieteftalue toaplinge ana *jp*n,# BnaOfipnBof tetfi.*fien (ball tfie mtte men ImneastopBfitas tfie fonne in tfie bpnabom of tfielt fatfiee. aa&amp;ofoeun: fiatfi eates to fiea /ietbtmfiea. fc * asapnetfieftpnB&amp;om of fieauenis ipfie b n to tteafure fipow in tfie feiae/ tfie tefipcfi a manfnoetfianafipbetfi':anbfoHope tfietof

goetb afeiiet&amp;ali ft. fie fiatfi/ abpetfi g feiae. asapne tfie Bpnsbome of fieauc tiJ ipfie to a marcfiafit tfiat feaetfi go oo pearie 0/ tofif c&amp; tobifie fiafi founoe one precious peatle/ toet anb foioeait tfiatfie fiao/'anD boitBfit it. agapne tfie Spnsbom of fieaue" is ip&amp;ebn* to a neetcaft in to tfie fee/ f geatfieretfi of all fiwaesoffEafiesitobicfitofienitfefull/men b;atoe to lanoe / a fptte 9 scatfiee ft. Boob in tftobeflelS/acatttfiebabatoape.&amp;ol&amp;auit be attbeenaeof too?iae.cfieanscfeu)all comeouteafeuertfiebaa from tfie goob/9 Qiail caft tfieinto a fumed of fp# -.tfiete tyai be toapltnBeanbBnatTfitnBe of tetfi. . 3!efusfapaebnto tfiem.ranaecttaoepe all tfiefetfipnsesfcfiepfapaetpeko/fie. cfien *** (t , ,be "ft fapbebe bnto tfiem:fietfo;e etterp *&lt;&amp; cite KnS bc tofiscfiig. taugfit bnto tfie fipngeaome of &amp; wSSSft wiittl an fiouftol&amp;et / tofipcfi bn&gt;n* tfteoffpce of Bctfifoztfi/outoffifetteafute/ffiinsesbotbe tMtwmm 9 neto anb olae. t KS222S S atobttcametopaffe tofifgefuSfiab fgntc tM vttb 9 came in to fife atone cou ntt e / 9 taiiBfit tfi 1 or ketone af,mtfieitf?nagose0/infomocfieg tfiep tone *pnc ocfttti attotif e b anb fapae: tofience cometfi all tfips JSSJiBtoSftome apotoetbntofiinu' W nottfifstfie *wmw* *. ^aKpetiterjS f onne^s not fife m otfin ealleb ^atpfanbfipsbzet&amp;enbecalleagiamesa fores ana&amp;mion ana luaas? ana ate not ife fp&amp;etsall fine tot'tt) to*? bsfiencefiatfi fie all tfiefe t^pnges. anb tfiep tern oflenceb bp hpm.^fien lefujj fapbe totfiem/ a1&amp;?opbete isnostoptfioutfionoute/faue in fi#$ atone countte/anbamonBefipisatonefip nne . ana be aft no t manp mp?acie?s tftete/fo? tbere fcn= fcelefesfabe latyiiammm ficaoto. ffteffl ftoen) ftuc tbou* Rmtenwnteb.t&gt;.loueB ana ttoo frtTbes &gt; ano apMii Itlfi bfUftft njo eisOifcfplea bpan 6e ftp. cfie.pHij,Cfiapt,


iffitfiatfpne^obe tfie a %tfta4* cfiafieaweof f fame of 3 em anb ufoim. faroe bntobfefemaunteiiitfifefe ttmt u s i$ ?nh"tb ^apttft.^efejtlen a f 5* *" gagne from been) anbtfieifo;e atefocfiemi^ , * c fi (, of ^ tacle0to;ougfitbfi(m.!ffo?^etobefiabta6ete a ;jS l ffli 5;ofin/ a bounb fiim / 9 put film in p;ef on fo; t*w ?, IgttoDiasrabe/fiFS b;otfiet Pfiiiips toffe, fa Fi)uff; jfo;3lofinfaibntofiim:itfenotJatoRilifo?Sr. 4fl 'M' tfie to fiaue fiet Jnbtofien fie tooibfiaue put firm to beetfi /fie fearebtfie people / becaufe tfiep counteDfitm apa ?opfiet. 33 tit tofien ketones bwtb oaf e teas come tfie oausfi tee of i^ecobias oafifeo before tfie/ 9 pleafeu ^etooe.tfietfo?e fie pjomf feotb anotfie/tfiatfietooioe geuefiet tofiatfoeuee fjje tooioe affie.3inb tfie bevnge infojmeb of fie c motfiee lief oit /rapoe-.geue me fiete ^ofin jeapttftesbeeo in a plattre.ainb Bjelajnae to?otoeo. J5eueenjeleffe f o? fife otfie? fabe / 9 fo? tfiei'v fab egtofiicfi fate alfoat tfie table/ fie comauiiocoit to begeuenfier: a Cent 9be fieeoe&amp;3iofinmtfiep;efon/anfififefieebtoaS wtiWb} ousfi t tn a pla ttee ana geue to tfie oamfeli/ till feBf sDfii anb fte b;ougfit it to fieem otfiee-3Bnbfife oif 55 cf pies came anb tobe bp fife boop /a buepeb it:anb toent ana toibesefife. fi en ft fife fieatoe ^ / fie oepatteb tfifce bv wfppefntoabefmplace out of teaye.*tt#.b. 3Bnb tofien tfie people fiab fieatce tfierof /tfie? 4NMMK f olotoeafipm a fote oute of tfieit cr tiejs . inn It fus toent fo?tfi a tatoemocfie people/ anb jfefiettebfbmeltebpontfiem/anbfiefiealeb of tfie. tfiofe tfiat toewftc8e.iiBfien we toau come/fifebifciple^i came to fiim facinBstfitf fea aefetteplace/ aifiebapefefpent:ietwe peopleaeparte/ tfiattfie? ma? c sointotfie totonejs/ anb bpetfiem bf taHes.jSutteunS fapoe to tfiem : cfie; baue no neaae to go a= toafe^eueretfiemtoeate.cfienfawietfief.. bntofiim:toefiauefiewbut.bJouej8anbttooff fpafiejsJnbfiefapae:b;pttgftfiefiptfiet.anb fie c0maunbebtfie people toft tbotone on tfie Bra0e/anbto6etfie.bJouc0atfie./.fpOfie)5/ a lobebbp tofieauen anb b * bum / 9 b?abe b&lt;r m a sauetfieloue? tofifebifcipie*/ a tfieWfctimmoott p\m ple^Bflwe to tfjepeople.ano tfie? brball2, f c * " eate/bweftttWebJnb^Betfimbbpof^ a y"C? ibe.Bobet tfiat temaweo.wi.bafiirtfS fittLSSSSu 3unbtfief tfiatate/toeteinnomb^about.b.bts so mu anbefii&gt;lo?en. SKr^ft *3Bnb flrcpsfif toaregiefus mafie fife to*** ww

pies en te t into a (bippe/ana to boo ouee Be* jo&amp; a. fo?e fiim/tofiill fie f ent f people atoape.anb ar.i.f. agfoneagfiefiabfenttfie people atoape/fie toentbp tntoa mountajne alone to p?a? e. SfnaiBljenigfit teas come/fie teas tfiere fiim felfearone.asnatfierbpppetoasnotointfie miwt off fee/anb teas toott toftfi inaues/ ( one^ f fit it teas a cot vm tosnbe. : *atob ftif ffluttfitwe torw I toafefi*

t rtSff S24J2 tfie ngfit|efug cam bnta tfiem E-$Pte e Wo w9/^nB'ftfefomefp;ite/anoc(w{ mtbt w\ m feare.aiuaawpgfit toape-Jefiisrpjbe wwS #h 1?rtaanCbjetcbfiim/anblapbmiatt^ _i i *Mf^Ottbefie/bi'ametoconiebntotfieoii tea wfa *.nbfiefapa/come,3inbtofieniBetn;toaj wmebouneoutoftfieftfppe/fietoalcfieooti m bjatee/to go to ^eftis. 3Dut tofienbe rate Wtm topnoe/fie toss afeaped^nb aftfie ^0annetofpncfie/fiecrpeaiai?fnge:maan: fauerae . aftna immeaiatlp jefus aretcfiea &lt;,. . _ ftatb fits fiana/a caugfitfijm/a Capb to film: &amp; tfipu of well faptfi/ tofieefo^aiaaea tfi ou boutf ana affone as tfiep toete come into tfie ffitppe/tfie topnaeceafeb . cfie n (ftep g toece intfieibpppe/ cameanatoo,Jtbpppfa fipm/ J9f mg:of a tvutfietfiou atteg fonne of ob. ana tofien tfiep tone come oun; /tfiep toent into tfie lanae of csfena?aretfi. ainb tofien tfie ?&amp; men of $ place fiaa ftnotoiebge.of firm / tfiep rent out into ail tfiat count** vounbe about/ , ana b;ougfit bnto fii,n ail tfiat toewfpefie/a wrpuBfii : fiim / tfiat tfiep mpBfit touefie tfie fiemme of fits bedute onlp. anb as manp as toucfieatttoewmaaefafe. F&amp;tfkttafittb \&gt; te mtiftm tttoMb tye tnv*

besano. jaiiapifcs fo; tcanfjwlpnge ottg cBmaun OcmenttBoioUitOeitatone tnikiom, ahttbmae ttat gotcb into tl)e moutb Befpttth not tbc man I be orivuir cetb the moms of jCanaiitea oaiiBbtep/fttalf tb tbcnultituof/ to&lt; aftttelptlffplibw - b.iitfja5[.iiien4Kftoeto(imenanlJtt)pl0;eiv cfie.]cb.cfiaptn;. * jencameto Recife fectibeg anb ^fiaitfesfrom jemiaiemfapinB: tofip 00 tfip aifctpiestranfBtefle _ Jtraarcions of tfie cioetf i to? tfiep Jtnot tfieic fianaes tofien tfiep e atebjeb . e anftoeneo a tapae bnto a)em:tofip bo p e ai 10 tranrgteffe tfie com maunaem en t of ob/ gmWM ttabicionsf jTo;o5ob camaufe fie tffae tueffetfi fatfiec 0; motfiet (ball (utkt bentueutpefape/euCTpma" ftaufape to'fife fetfiecw motfie r:tfiat tofiid) tfiou befp^ett of metofieipe tfie toitfiaSBettf &lt;S5ob:a fo main BenotfionoueefiiSfatfino?fifemotfin.anb tfiwsfiaue pe maae / tfiat tfie cfimaunbemf t of UobjS toitfiout e&lt;fecee/tfi;bnBfi pouretto btcpons . f pocrites / toelwdpjjefpea of pou 8(apajifaping:cbfe , peopleb^toerfinpebn wiwWtfiovnioutBw/ afionoutetfime to^fte^IfPpes/botobeftAfitrjwtcjs are ^fam^me;bnttnbapntfieptoo?ffipppe fgJg^icboctrmeji/tofiicfi ate notfipng

#i *

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,. |nbec8ebtfiepeopiebrttofiim/a fapa v lo;tBem:fieateanbbnbetftanbe.fiattofipcii ^utfiwttofiicfi comrnetfiout of tfie moutb/ befp#&lt;$ejwn '. v . cfieneaniefiis mm/mmewm pimjpttceaueatfiouoot/fiototfisttlieiDfia weesawo&amp;naiainfieanngtfifefapmg^c, X/ ... f^^bai^faplK^allPlantestofitcfimv^aS^ ebbp.bptfi&lt;Jtotes.^cttDealoe/tfiepbe ft of (beba^ Wpnbeieabetsioftfteblpnbe. Mttum"** e u bntobs tfifepawbie^cfien rapae sefHgCbiibctftauD it ate pe pet toitfiout bnaetflfiainge^ perceaue tfmm tm penot/ 1 tofiatfoeuetBoetfitu at ft moutfi/^' 01 " 5 ' befcenaetfiaoune into tfie betyim caft oute* into tfie a;augfit i mt tfiofe tftpnge s tofip* P?oeeae out of tfie montfi/come ftb" tfie fiect/ ana tfiepaefple tfie nmn^fo; out of tfie [jerte come nitti tfiougfites/muraet/ bmtm of toeblocftetofiojoom/tfieefte/fairetoitiieloes WW} l *W m W- tBWftare tfietfipnge^ tofitcfi aefple a man . 55ut to eate toptfi on* toaOfien fianbf S/aefpletfi not a man. b * anfijerus \01nt tfience/a aepattea into tfie cooes of cp;e ana ^paon. a na befioiae atopmaij tofiicfi teas a cananite cani out of tfie fame eooftcs/actpebbnto fipmlapimte: fiaue metcp on me )Lo?ae tfion fonne of m tub/ mpaaugfiter is ppteouBp beieeatopifia beupil.ana fie gaue fiee neuec a teojae to my. ftof e.cfien,cam to fiim fiis aifcipics/ana be^ rougfitfiim fapinge:fenae fiee atoaye/f 0? Die folotof tfi bS cepfnge.^e anttoereo/ 9 fapbf: 9 am not fent/but bnto tfieiooa Ojepe of tfie fiouae op 1 frael cfien (be cam a too?nnppeb fiint/fapingejmattetfielpenie. ipe anftocteb a fapberft ts notfioob / to tafie tfie efipia;ens b;eaae/ana to catt it to * aogges . gfie an* ftoerea 9 fapae: trutfic %o}ie/ neuettfieleffe b !. a ^$teffl

tfiebogges eate of tfie ccSnicS/tofiicfi fail fto fs!SL fapaebnto fiet.aD tooma greate ts tfip fam/hw tbrtatDft beittotfie/euenastfiou befweft. anb bn baugfitn toasmaoe tofiole men at tfiatfamc fiouw. . .|f ^fienfefus toent atoape ftom ffience / a , rA cam npebnto tfie fee of ajile/a toent bp in* toamotltapneafatBouoetfiereanamocfie people camebntofiim/fianinBetottfi tfiem/ fialt/blpnbe/aomme/mapmeb/ana otbetma w^bmBtfiemaouneat3)ei\tsfet.inbfie fiealeb tfiem/in f mocfir t bat tfie people vo 8 W?W* * e Wwe * / W wapmeb ^ore/&lt;teftaltjoBa/*efnijeto'fe, ana tfief olp^Kbtfie (Pob of iffraer, fien*efli0 calleafiiSbifciples tofifm / 9 .rapbe:lfiauecompaaponon tfie people be? sam

t *

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02}acc.t&gt;ftj.b 3ai)n,ui.a.

cmife tbepbaue contmu^b toitb^ bapeaya batte nought to eatetanbgi toill Dot let tb! beparte faftpnge / leoe tbeppetproe intbetoape.itti&amp;bisojfciplesfapbtontobuiu townee Qmioe to; get Comocbe bjebbenitbe toptoetnes/as flnilbfuffprefogseate anm&gt; et tiiQ ef a hd Je fug farbe onto tbem: bote ma nploues^aue pe^no ttjet? fa p&amp;e -.feuen/ano a featoe iptie Eposes . 3ns &amp;e cSmaunoeb tlje peopletoftDQuiieontbegrounbe:anbtofie f fetie loues/3 file frdbeay a gaue tbanfies/ anu bjafie tbem/anb gaue to bJbifef pie*/ 9 tbebt&amp;rpiesi gaue tbem to tbe people. 3Dna tb ep opo all eate a no toere fuffpreb . a o tbep tofiebpof ujebjofien tneate tbattoaisiefte

fcii.barftettes fuiiawbpet tber tbat ate toete;menyberrbe toemen anu ci?plb?eJnb be lent a in ape t&amp;e people/ am) tone mpppe a came into tbe parties of flpgbaia. C ffif) e P&amp; a c ifes te quwe a t ofecn. jef us toarn c tfj' dps olfcipU* oft^e ptjacifes Doctrine, acije conf effyon of &amp; i tt s . Cij c bev of I) ca wn , ffi^t fap t()f mi mutt tcatcttic croOcoftcc JGbe.r&amp;i.Cbaptee. _ rgrrgft*9en cam tbepbatffe* anb g&gt;a* a esa ^roucegyabrbtemptebfoiybefrzinB ftim to Oietoe tftemfome fpgne fee beuen.^eanftoereb sfapoebnto them *2t euen pe fspe/toe fljali baue far?e toebber anb tbat beeaufe tbe Cfipe f steeouwb i it tt)e mo?npng pe rape/ to base ft albe f oule toebb e eyanb tbat b ecaufe tbe rape is clou&amp;r a reeb,D pe ppocrttes/pe canotfeeme far* fponoftbeffipetfcanpenotoifcetnetbertg* nes of tbe trmetfebe frotoatbe nation $ ao uoutrous fefieu) a frgneya tbere qiall no no* tber ftgne begeufbnto tbe" but tpgne of *^;opbet3ona0.a&gt;ottftefie tbe" abeparteb 2tioteli en bis WtWples toete cometottje ot^er fpoe of tbe toatety tbep bab fo?gotte to tafie b;eeb toitb tbe".aben3!efu0fapbe bnto a turns tome tt emweafie beoe 9 betoate of tb e a * leue of $ J^'"fcmji^artreaaoff$)abuces(,3Pnbtbe5tt)ougbt SSffii 5 relitf*farig:becaufe toebaue bjougbt s^ftc/tfomcnobjetD^w.iebeniefujJbrtbetttobetbat/ (Brae m a goo&amp;be rarb bn to iittm. re of ipt en faitb / tobr K wJ SS*are route mjnbeis cumbjebbecaufe rebaue oh? * bjougbt no 6?eeb * ore not ret perceauey *"** ,netbettemembertbore.Mouestoi&gt;en tbere

tofteJi.^jnen/abotomanrbaCfiett^ tofie re bp i e tb e r u) f.f one* tobe tbere toete mf.&lt;#. abotoraanr barbette* tone re bp? ibrpetceauerenotmenytbatffpafienot bttfo pou of bjeeo/toben^fapbe/ betoate of tbe Hue" of tflc p&amp;arifes s of tbe g&gt;abucejtf cften bnnetttobe tber y boto tftatfie babnoe tbebetoareoftbeUueofb?eeb:butoffbO* - ctrtne of tbelBbartfesyano of tbe $&gt;amtces. Att.Mfc *'bett?eru6*camititowecoottejsoftbe


fieo bfe oifeipltf fartnge:tob5 bo men fapef i n)e tonne of man am i cber r apoe / tome fare tbat tbou arte lobn apft/f ome ige* Irajs/fome %txtamm one of $p?opbete?. $e farbe bnto tlje: but tobom rape pe tbat 31, mmu am^tmonj&amp;eteranftoerebsfaroe^cbou 1 "^-^^' atte cb?ltt I fonneof tbelpurnge eob Jnbj, tu m ltal lefug anftoeteb 9 rapoeto bpm^appratte tothc / tt&gt; i/ tgou&gt;tmon$ fonneof ?;ona0/fo? fief (be 9 fWc!rt Woubbatbnotopenebbntotbat/butmrfa= Ontofab (nbeuf Jinaa rareaifo bntof- ftSn! t tbou attePetetJ9 b *bpon tbttfocbegj toil bfftmaMna bribe mr congtegarf5.anb ' tbe gatess of bell J^ajju' me n fljall not p?euarle agapna it.3no *J toil ge Ltffi ue bnto tbey tt)e bepes of tbe ftpngboof bcul: SeS .tobatfoeuee tbou bpnoea topo evtlj/fljali be t&gt;u?ice ui Y cm abounbembeuf: tobatforuettbou loot ra BBac&lt;oo onewbe/fijalbelotofeotnbeuen. * 258i.'icbenbecbatgeb bP*bf&amp;rplc*/tbat W^ 9 %} Z \*LflntlD e tell no ma/tbat be toass gefug c bjtu. flgmfttotmib/ . ifftom tt)at tpie f o;tb J ef w began to foetoe W 'fp"aoj bnto W WfciplejJ/boto tbat^e mutt?go bnto SSSSSf Jerufalemya fuflet*manrtWngej( of tbe el, SgJSS bens/9 of tt)e bre p?e0eg/9 of the g&gt;fbejj/ cucjon '. amuftbe fiplleb/9tpfeagarnetbr;bebare fw, .utpctn toftebim a frbeyanb began Cn!L!S%m bu6ebimfaring-.mattei; fauettbr felfe/tbtt bHiwZ mall not eome bnto? .cben tumebbe abou* bpou^atottt te/ farbe bnto ^etefccom* after me^atan 'n in* rpo *,

tbou offenbett me 1 beeaufe tbou fauoutett |"'~ not goblr mm/to* taommw. edWm ^Mtbehfarbetobfebtfcipleu. %t mv\?S$ mS toil folotoe me c let bim fo?fa6ebim felfe to an etjc um | , a ialie bp bfe crone anb folotoe me. fot tofio JM^'f foeuet torUfaueb^lpfe/ allloofeit. aittSSMS tobofoeuer Iballloofebrsfirfe fo;mrfa6e/ ( tpiaji,jw mall frnbe it . lbat (ball it pjoffet a many towmwi tbougb be fijulbe torrate al tbe tobole too?ibeS JgWj* rf be loote bis atone fouled; ete tobat ajalffi S amangeuetorebrmebi0rouieagarnetoitbtrtvtJntnot allf if 0? tb e fonne of man man come in n)e tbou tempi it 1 1 g|o of W fatberAnitb bru angel* : 9 awfjjBtaa lallbetetoatbe euerr ma acco?binge tobfe gffiSiffl bebW.^ewlr^farebntorou/fometberbeaSjctt^ amongetbem tbat bere flanbey tobrtb mailmc/j twa m not tafte of beetb / trli tber mallRtbe fonne """"i 1 "* .ofmancomeinbi08rngbome. ", ZT } '. ' .. . - . . .-.'.' ' ( * AH ftjfitt ecCbettaffMtartonoftfb?ae bpontlje of ffaljo? . |?e bcaletb tf)t lunat jhe' 1 pajeeft ttiuute. tttl to Bob/ .-..- be^i(.bapter. * gvtM -. of tlV. WJft ;^|Be^mo/^'i8'5s ab;migbttbe bp intoanbremofi* ttB S , Stt ^ lfarneoutoftbetoare/anbtoaiJ?;,'K&gt; tranffrgureb before tbem : ano bis fact bpb;W d w fijpne as tbe funney anb bPS ctottitft toereaS ?"" "i tobrttas Mrgbt. StiibbebolbetbwappewbffiW bnto tbeyOpores 9 ^eipas/tal6m S ttbim. i95&lt;I p '* cben anftoetebl8eter^farb t ojefuutmattet be

&gt; hu

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. Wan, iiew ttgoobbeprige ftvbf^tbou topltyleet b mate bete.ii|.tabetnacle0yone fo; u)e y a onefo&gt;a9ofesaonefo? f eliaa, lbrbe ^ ret fpafte/beboloe a b?igbt cioube mabotoeb m . * tbS. ainb * bebolbe ttjere came a borce out of Ma. tbatciouoefapmge:tbis&lt; tsmpbearefonney i/Be.ima in tobom 1 belpteybearebim. ainbtobentbe bifciptes bearbe tbat/tber fell on tbeir face? anb toere foo?eafrareb . ainb getaa came a toucbebtbem/anb farbe :atpfeanb benota* frapeb.anb toben tber lo obeb bp y tb ep fa to no manyfaue J ems onip. Unbastber cameboune from tbe moun* tarneylefus cbargeb tbem faping:fe njat re ft) e to e tb e btfion to no man y bntpil tbe fonne of man be rpfenagapne from beetb.* Kim btSbifcipiesafiiebofbimyfaptg*.nabptben fare $S&gt;ctibes/i Delias muftefp;ftcomei' 3,efus anftoereby* fapbe bnto tbem : deltas Mffoft comeyanb reao?ealltbrnge0.1nb 8 fare bnto pou tbat ^eliasis come airebpy anb tber fin e to e b im n ot:butbaue bone bnto ,2-brm tobatfoeuer tber lutteb. anipftetorfe (ban alfo tbe fonne of mfi fufire of tb^.cben tfiebifciples petceaueb g be fpafte bnto M of lobn asaptttt. 3Dnb Wim tbep toere come W tbe people y tber came to bpm a certarne man/anb fineieb bounetobimyfarb: #a* Cerbaue mercponmrfonnefo?be isiunas ticfte:9iSfo;ebeEeb.ainoofttrm5befaHetb tnto tbe frjeyanb oft into tbe water ,* ato&amp;3i

fyougftt. b pm to tbpbifcrplesy a tber coulbe not beale bim.giefus anftoeteb 9 farb: ges - neracion faptbles a ctofte b : boto longe mail a be toitb rou^boto longe.aall 31 fuffre p ouf 6?tng bfinbrtfiertomc Jnogiefus rebufieb fbebeurfiyabecamoutofbim.3Bnb cbilbe teas bealebeuen tbat fame bourc. h bm came bifciples to giefuU fecretlry ^9farbe:figbr coulbnottoecafib^moutfle* ftifJfarbbntotbe-.Eecaure of pourbnbeiefe, . fa3 fare bereip bnto pou:* rf rebab faptfi SjSagrarne of mufierb feeby pefljuloe fare bntotbiemountarney remotie fience to ron&lt; ber place'abe mulb temoue;nefi)er mulb enp tbingebebnpoiriblefo?poutobo.^otobett fbi*8rnbegoeft) notoutybutbrp?areranb fattinge. 3Cs tbep yaffeb tbe tpme in aliley i wa 1 l^" 18 fepwbntotbe^tbefonneof man mal sg* Be betrareb into t&amp;e&amp;anbes of menyanb n)er T* (ban firn Him/9 m mm bare mail be rrfe * v agarne.3Pnbtbepfo?otoebgreatlr. . 4 3nb toben tbep toere come to Capemafiy fbertbattoeretoonttogeatberpofiemonery &lt;am to ^eter a f afteJUotb rour mailer pare nmttmt fapbeipe. ainb tofif be toajJ come *ntott)e boufey Refits fpafie fr?ft to brmy faring; l@bat tbinfictt tbou ^.imonf of tob5 Bo firnges of tbe ertb tafie trrbute 0? pone fttonre? of tbeir cbtftyin y 0; of ftraunger^


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4 --, ,_ m pern farbe bntobfmtof fitaungets, cfien farb |efusbnto biraagarne:cben are B cbil

b;enfre.j9euertbeieiTe:left toe fttUb offenbe tb5:go to reeya raft in tbpne angle/ 9 tafie tbe fpfl&amp;e 6 fp?ft cometl) bpia tobe tboubaft openeb bis moutb/fljou ftalt fpnbe a pece of ttoentie pence: g tafte 9 pape fo? me 9 tbe. * te fea'cljetf) hfeWfeipIefito licf&gt;itmule fiarmelco; to auopoe oceafpono of cuelUoiib one (0 fajneue ano* t^epBOtRnce. ... cbe.irbiii.cbapfer. * . ,e fame tpme tbe bifcpples came . bntojefas fringe t* tobo is makw^H, greateft tn tbe fipngbom of DtvSi MM.ip.t JSems calleb a cbpibe bnto &amp;mt 1 a fetbmt tn tbe mibbes of tbem/a fapDe-.sacte* Ipl fape bnto rou:*ercept re toiivwjW&lt;mnt tn comea_scbplb;enyre cannotenter nttotbeSSt, firngbo of beuen.nebofoeuer tlierfo?e bfibie bimfelfe as tbis cbplbe/tbe fame istlje ga teft in tbe firngbo of bene" Jnb tobofoeuer re ceauetb fucfie a cbrlb in mp name/receauetlj me *ut tobofoeuer offenbe one of tbere ip^,, ..,...- telons/tobicb b eleue in me:it toete better fir"** a bim tbata mrlftone toere bangeb aboure bis necfie/a tbatfie toere b,iouneb in f beptbe of tbe bebnto (be too?ibe beeaufe of of* f enfefc^oto be it/ it cSnot be attopbeb but t omrnfeu ftalbe geuejQeuertbelefle too be to tfte man/bp tobom tbe offence cometb. iberfo;erfibrbanbe oztbp fote offenbe,* tbe/*cut bimof 9 rafl bfm from tljejtts bet% mm &amp; ter fo? tbe to enter into ipfe bait 0? mapmeb/ mm mm^ tatbertben ibou.Omlbeft bautngettoo ijfiDcs "^ ' fl?Mw 0? ttoo fete/be call into euerlafting fp?e^nb rfalfotbrneepeoffenbeibe/piucfiebpt oute a ca&amp;ebpt fto tbe. 3t is better fo? to enter into Irfe toitb one epe/u)en bailing ttooepej* to be call into bell fp?e. $&gt;e ^ pe befppre not one of tbefe Iptelones . f o? 31 fape bnto pou/ tbatfnbeue tbefrangelsaitoapes beboib tbe faceofmrfarber/tobicbiSinbeue.i&lt;f e 9 fonne of man is come to fauetbat toljicbis w8.f oto tfiinfie tt&amp;t a man bane an Duth Mb roepe/a one of tfiem be gone a fiiap/both benotleuenrntpanpneintbemountapns/ a go afefie tbat onetobicb is. gone aftmpef *m itbappf tbat be fpnb bim / bereip 31 farea ufc . tt6 a bnto rou*ereiorfetb mo?e of $ fljepe 7 tfien J : ^ ' off nrmr nrne tobt'eb toftnota&amp;rav.ff ue foitfenottbetornofrou;efatberinbeueny tbat one of tbefe irtelons mulbe perpflbe.

* f9p;eouer*rftbr b?otber treafpcea* M1(hl ..,,. 9 gamfttbe.oateilbim bisfaute bettoenegj S bimanbtbearone.gfbebearetbeyrooubaftSSS toonetbrb?otber : utrf rebeare tbe not/ tbentafieret.ttoneo?ttooypinmoufb3racoM.i).s pfttooo?tb^toimeilesyaIltftingesmapebe|: 1 f l " m if''* fiablrflbeb t 3!fbebeare not tb^y teilit bnto "**** corojwgacion.ilbe beawnot tbe cSgtega* 3 won.



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efon/f afiebfoiadattbt t&amp;e"n ma" a ad a pub* t waiMfeanwfttifa fapebnto pou/^tobatfocuee 1 Sm S E&amp;topatfoeiiw pe lotofe on atfj/ (balbe lotofcb ocmpm bf m? in beuen.3Bgapneg| rape bnto pou/ ft pfttoo too;eemt5c/of pou (bail agee m eetbebpon enp manee re ai'otoe up invf o?tobere ttoo 0? tb# ategailjereo to sefbet too;De#t^inm?namc/t&amp;ete ami in tbe mpo&amp;ed of top, uniowAm^ fim came Peter to bpm/a fapbe:maftee &gt; bote e oftc Qiall 3! fo&amp;eue mp bjotbee / v* Jpnne agapntt me/ reue" tpmed? Siemd fapbe bnt.o bi nuf rape not bnto feue tpmed: but j&amp;feuentptpmed feuetpmed. k-i-QXMfojt is ft fepng&amp;om of fjeug ipftcneD i?tit a^ ettapne ft png/tob tcb tooloe tabe a counted of ft is fer= uaun tedJnb to&amp;enbebab begone to reefte/ one toadbjougbtbntobfm'tobicb ten tboufanb talented-.tebom becaufe btfbao nougbt to pape/bid matter comaunoeo bpm to befolfte/abidtopfe/abid cbpibtf/ 9 all g bebab/apapmenttobemabe.cbereruaunt fell uoune a befougbt fiim fapf g:&gt;v geue

me refppte/altoill papeiteuetp tobtt.t&amp;cn bao tbe /Lo;oe pptie on tbat re wtaunt/a loV febbim/anftfojgaue bim tbe oet^ afobtberapbe fetuaunt toentbuta foitoe one ofbidfelotoed tobicb ougbtbtm an bun b?ea pence/ana lepebbanaed on bint / a robe bim bp cue ttyoote/ faptg:pape me tbat tbou etoeft.Hfcbbfdfelotoefeilbouneabefougbt bim rapingtbatte pact ence to ftp me/a % topii pape alUnftbe tooioe not but toe t a cad bim into wttm/ffl be (bulbepape tbe bet. m\)tyiti otberfeloto^fatoe tobattoadftone,' tbe p to e re beep f o;p/anft came ano Colo e bnto tbelt&amp;o#eaiitbatbaObappeneb,benbfe % w cailea Dim ano fapa bnto Dim . fiD eupll fmiauntgro^gauetbeaH'tbaewt/becaufe tbmtp/apoeftme:toaditoo$m?te aifo tbat tb ou fliuloe ft ba ue baft compaflf on on tbPfe* loto/euladlbaftpptie ontb##nftMdio?be toadto?ootb/beipeer*ojmnto*befapierd/ tpllbelbujapape mmmt bueto ppm. ^oHpBeto|ftallnn}beiieMKfetbei;bobn to pou/eept pel ozge ue tot tb foure betted/ eacbeottetobtdbjotbeetbeirtterpared. &gt; CffWageueteanCtoett'tolieecn^nBeihtftJaiw^anft tca(&amp;rt&amp; notto te careteljjw? to louetowioJptpVfcKF. f&amp;b f t cameto paje / toben gjefug baft fpniObebtbo^M Abe gat bim ftomVgalj'le/mi&amp;came into* Icoottedofletojp bepbhbe %oM/ anDmbe people folotoebbpm /abebeateb tbemttjete. *bencamebntobfmtbe?&amp;bariredfemp* emgebim^fapt'ngto mm ft latofttll fo: amantoputatoapebt'dtogfefo? all mntp

(&gt; :m



Dfcauft0?$eanftoeKD8hbfat?"b bnto G)tm-. ^aue pe not t eoae/botog be* tobicb mane ma m.t attbcbegpnnnige/maaetbemanatBoman .-'* wibfapo:*fo?tbWtbingeya)aJlamS!eueCa' e f-Mv.;&gt;t. tbtt amotbeta cleuebnto bPJJ W/.fli|8Si'. ,i ttoapne (balbe one fleabe . Wtyetfoit noto ' ww ate aep not ttoapne/but one lieflbe.jLet not ma t&amp;etfo^e put a fimoetv $ tobicb mt batb .couppleo to getbee.cben Capae H)Ep|oWiit: tobPftpft#ofeiScomaunoetogmeefti9'o .. nteHofftpuotfementan&amp;toput fytimibmi .. l^efapoebnto tbem : fl^ofciB becanfe Am % *, i baronejsofpoutebertesfuffeteDpmtto|St .-..: atoapepontetopte0:)3utr5 tbe beginning ,., tttoaisnoero.aiapetbwfo^bntopoHtoboo ... Coeuev piutetb atoape W topfe ( mspt tt be fo? fornication) a mattetb anotbtb?fa^etb toefttocbeJntitobofoeuetmacietb'b^tobicb iJ^ito;fcft/ftoftbcSmptaftuotittp. " '^. -* Cben Capuebte oifctpsess to bim :pf tbc ma55 tetbefo bettoeneman a topfe/ tben in it not goob to marp.^e fapoe bnto tbe:all men can not atoape toitb tOat raping Cauetbep to tob5 ft&amp;geiien.c&amp;ware cbafte/ tobtcbtoetefo bo?neout oftbeitmotbf ts bellpainfttbetaee cbafle/ tobicb be matie of men . ainfttb" be c^afte/tobicb baue maoetbem teiues cbafte *fo? tt)e iipngoome of beuensf fafte. s^e tbat a^o&gt;f wuj cS tabe it/letbi tabe it. Gtyen toete b^ougbtjome mm to Dim ponge ebilojen/tbatbe (bum put bP0[tt n %g bannejs on tbem a p/ape.3no tbe MGcfpunrSSSB

bubeft tbem,X5ut lefug f apfte:fttffte$ tbimfawnumi a fo?btft tbem not to come to me:fo; of fuc&amp;if i? v*he ^ W tbe ftingftome of beauen Jnfttobenbebaft to ^"! lf P* putbpj* banner ontbembeoepatteft tbence, ... ami) wbolfte one tame/a fapftebntobpm: gooft mader/tobatgoobtbpnge Ojaugioo/g Imapebaueetetnallipfefiaefapbbntofnm: tobP falieft tboumpgobftf tpeie Wnonegooft _ but one/a i tium.TOutft tboutofltenrte* into ipfe/fcepe tijec6mafiDeme ted .cbe otbtc fapoe tobim: ttdbicb^no 3ie Atd fapo:b?eafte 3 notoeWocBe/ftplinott ttealenottbeawnot farcetoptned:bonouve fatberamotber-ano &lt;lou e tbpne nrpbout ad tbp felfejnbgtoiige man fa po bnto &amp;im-.|.baue obfenteft ail tty* .fetbpngeSftommppbutbytobatlacfte %veti mmi ..c 3Pnb 3 eftid fapfie bnto ftitn * pf tbou \ovttbtubt,m&gt;t perfecte/goareUtbat^oubaft/anftgeuettanti.r^k totbepoo^e/anfttbouQjaltbauetteafuvein ' beu5/a Pfne a foiotoe me .0bw ft pounge -tnabetftetb3tfaping/betoentatoapemouK&gt; npho;e.&lt;fo;bebaftgi;eatepoaeaiond. ' c&amp;mfefijdte;pftbiit$bidbftt^Ied:5iiete^ blf exmW IPlftPbntffpputifwbawefo^atpebe maniacraB rtaortj to.enjecintd^eftpngftfl ofbeuf ano mo;e*a tauif/iwjj oUeta fape bnto pousft id eafpet toi wito mm to 1 gotb?ougb ft tgW* tteble / tben fojSiffi a*jpcbemStoentes;into f bpngftSofttOD. ( e i , l^bf bid oiWpled&amp;earoe |/tiep jpete ef a^m n&amp;i

&gt; n

:pif)|ftc5'0ingrp amareft/raprgttobo tben can befaueo: albefp^ae/anDtbefp;lleajalb elafte.iJfomu!te5.e IfflifltBWKtlK/ a fapo bnto tbe'-toitb men inanpaiecalleoanDfeatoebechofen, i&lt ; ^wc.

cti'ao w *bnpo(Hbie/but toitb 00 all tbpnged *3inb jefUd afc^eb tb^emraleanb tone

r i'ailtWatepoajWe. ebe.jtij.tiifcipieda parte (ntbetoape/ a fapoe jp*&amp;*q* * cbenanftoereb peter /atapftetobpraj totbem,*J8eboloetoegoobptoaeru faiem//r K' Mms ' u 35eboiOe/toebauee)?fS!seall afolotoefttbe/ anbtbefonneof man Ibalbebet tapeD bnto 6 %&amp;*; . w^ wtnBat Ojall toe b#^!efud fapbebnto rbemt cbefe ^etted/anft bntotbe Scribed/ a Wp Si^tW ^berelp^fapetop:tobetttbefomteof man IbaKconoemnebimtotieetb/anftibaiioeip* Otallfpemtbefea^bfbidtnatette/petobitb uer bptn to tt)t gentpld/ to be mocfieb/ to be foioWemeinftfwiStbegenerartonlbaUfpt fcourgeti/anDtobemicifpeft-.anbtlietbirDe aifo bpbiKii^ated/f tubge mM. trpbed of oape be Obalirpre agapne. 3ftel.3infttobofoeUej;fo?faBetbboufed/o? *bn came tobtmSmorber of 5ebeDed 6i!etb?f/ozfpaerd/olbei;atbei;/o;motber/b? cbPlft?etobberfonned/*too?p)ipppngbim "* *** fopfeyo? cbpio?S/o? Obt/fo) mpnamed fafie/ a Helping a certapne tbpnge of pm . a no be fapftebntobe;:tobattoilt tbou baue ^^&gt; be

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$ fame (ball teceaue an buo;eo f Joe/ a (bail inbereteuerlaftpngelpfe. l&lt; ^anptbatate %de (baibe lafte/a tbe lafte (balbe f p?fte.

fapftebntobim: rauntetbat tijefe hip ttoo fonned map fpt/tbe orte on tbt rpgbt banbe a tbe otbet on tt)etpfte banbin tbp bpngbome, feftidanftoewftafapbe-.fetootnottobat,* . featbe.are pe able to ojincfte of tbe cuppe p l&lt;ballft?incfieof/anfttobebaptifeb toitb $ aptpme/tbatgi (balbe baptiTsDtottljf cbep nnftoereft to bim/tbattoeare.Kmobe fapoe bnto tyltft (ball! b?mcfie of mp cup a (bat= bebaptifeo toitb tbe baptpmetbatjibalbe paptifebtoitb-JButtofptonrnp rigbt banbe 9 on mp Ipf t \)^/ifS not ropne to geue: but to tb5fo?tobomit(dp?eparebofmpfatber. $&lt; *3Bnb tob? (be ten bearbe tbid/tbep bifbap^ jw*fi: neb at tt)e ttoo b?etb?e-.25ut3lefud calleb tbe bnto bim afapbe:*f e finotoe tbat tbe lo?bed aullJ ^''-f" of tbe gentpld baue bommacion ouerrhem.

Efl;!i^&lt;ftecac!)Etb bpa rymtumoctljat &lt;Boo&lt;e totct *ntonoraanaiit)Otol)e ie altoaje tnllpngc mento ,f)(a(alJO[i rc.tjc twcljecft fits Difcfples tobt lotolje ^ 9 tjeuctD (wo Mpnocmen ttjcfc tpggt.

fjcbe.jcjc.cTDapter. \} tbe bpngbomeof beuen id Ipse into an bouftolber/ tobicb toent out erlp in tbe mo?npng to b per la bourn d into bid bpneparb.Kinb be agteeo toitb labour erd fo? a penpa bape/ a fent tbe into bid b(nepatbe.3fotbbe toft out about ft tbivbe boure / afatoe otijer ftaopng ^&gt;ell in tbe marbet place/a fapft bnto tb^/go pealfointompbpnepatbe s atobatfoeuer is *pgbt/5 toill geue pou . ainft tbeptoent tbeir iuape.f gapnebetoentoutabouttbefpjrte^ Binfttbepi? are great/ ejmpfepotoer otter npntbe boure/anb bpft Ipbetopre. 3inft be tof t tbe.3!t (ball n ot be fo am 5ge pou.58ut tolj o out aboute eleuefl) botwe a t ounftc otbee foeuertopHbegreateamogepou/ietbimbe flanbpngepoeii / afapbe bntotb?:lbP OSae poutempnifter:anb tobofoeuer toilbe cDef ej jeberealltbe bape pbell^ cbepfapbe bnto letbimbepourereruauntf/euead* ft fonne#a ijim:becaufenomanbatbbp;eftbd.^efapbe ofmancame/nottobeminiOtebbnto/butto to tb?:go pe aifo into mpbpneparbe/ a tobat minitter/anb to geue bid Ipfc f o? tb etebemp* * ' " cionofmanp. * ainbadtbepbeparteftfrSfim'cbo/mocIje peopiefoiotoeftbim.*a , nbbebolbettoobIpn ;ia8 fli. c ,, t * rerd/anft geue ifyl tbeir bper/ begpnninge at fiemen fpttpnge bp tbe toapfpbe / toben tbep miMim tbelafte/fpil tbou come to ftfp?ae.a r nft tbe? bearbe fefudpairebp/cepebfapnige ^bou ' ojft tbe fonne of auib baue mercp on bd. nft tbe people rebubeb tbem/ becattfe tbej&gt;

f oeuer ifi rpgbt/tbat (ball pe receaue. Iben eue toad come/tbe 7Lo?fte of tbe bp* nepatbe fapbebnto bid ftetoat;b:calIftlabou

tcfytd) torn bP?eb abouteft eleuentb boure/ camea receaueb euerpma" a penp.cben cam jtbe fyjft/Tuppofpng t&amp;attftepflHilb receaue ffculDeboIbe tbe(rpeace.j8uttbepc rpeb kt moate/ a tbep ipbetopre receaueb euerp man m o are fapinge:baue metcp on bd tbou %o$ . a penpjnb toben tbep babreceaueftit/ tbep tobtcbartetbefonne of^auift.'jrben^e fud

tntmnurebagapttftftgoobmanoftbfebonfe ffobettpH/acairefttbeVafapbfctobaitopirpe fapingc: cberelattebaueto;ougbtbutone tbat?! ftulbebotopou:beprapbeto bpm: poure/a tbou baft mafte tbe equaii bnto bd / %oM tbatoure eped mape be openeft. * gie tbt.cb baue bo;n tbebnrtbf abeet of ft bape. fudbaft companion on ftem/a toucbtd tbeir j(9eanftocrebtooneoftbemfaping:Ren8e eped apmeoiatiptbefreped receaueb fpgbt, ^Botbenpto?onRe:Dp!jaefttbounotagtetb, fiifttbepfolotoeb bim. me f 01 a penpfcafte. tbat tobicb id tbPbutp/ f * tvtKtb&lt;"to jttummi ejyuctii b e nwertaaw * ano gotbp toapegi toill geue bno tbidlaft/ad! ' Sm!^!^S3^^^XA bo aa me ipttetbtottbmpne atone? g&gt;d tbpne, mmm . epeeupHbecaufel!amgooW*^otbei8ae cbe.w4Baptet;, 4. mm


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l-fc^enfteptoewe Opebntogietui jralem / 9 tone come to #eft pba*

ge/bntomoffteiflplpuete-.ftenrent Kjefusttto of bisoifciples/ taping to ft e:i3o into totone $ ipeft oitet agapntt pon/ 9 an5ne pe (Ball fgnoe an acre bounoe/ 9beccoltetoftB&amp;eeilofeftS9b?ingefte"bnto me.ainD pf enp ml rape ougBtbnto poit/f ape pe g ftejUofleBaftneaoeoffte": 9&amp;eepgjjt toape&amp;e toill letfte go.ailtftis toaSDone/to etmtM. a f ulf pll g toBicB toas Cpo&amp;s p fte pjopft'ete/ 2acb.a t ijr.u. fapig:;eiipeg oaugBtetof&amp;&gt;iom*beBOioe &amp;K&amp; * ft Wge " ** fte/meftc 9 mime, wmm* bp5anatfe?acolte/ foleof anaaebfeb$o fte pocfie . cfte ftitrt pies toft 9 Dps as ? : e rus cSmaunbeb e&amp;e/ 9 bjougii t fte acre 9 g coite/ 9 put on ft e ft etc cloftes/ 9 f etc Dim ftecon. 3 no manp of g people tpjeeo ft etc gatme tes in g toape . &gt;ftet cut Dounc bjaunft ess fro t trees/9 Qcatoebftfin g toape.flPojeouee . fte people g toet before / 9 ftep alfo g came aftec/cepeb taping: ^ ofan na to ft e fonne of *4 ^^^toiiiASWtWeOMlttomittS in fte na* m/ (Hat ro (0 *3inDtoBf BetoaScometoJemfale/allfte jfcjiwet jt citf e teas moueb fepfgttoBo i ftf ? 3Bhd fte Bie Ocitoc peopIC tawMfi is3!eruB g jBjopBet of m ?aceft a cptte of alt le am 31 ecus to et in to fte teple of 00/9 caft out ail fte g rom&amp;e 9 bougBttn cfple/90uerft;eto fte tables of g monp ftafigets/ 8 fte feates of fte" g foioe Boues/arapDetofte:ltiStojptte*/*mpBoufe Owibe calicogBoure of p;apee . ut peBaue m m it a oenne of ft m es ,a no blpnoe 9 ft e Bait came to Bim in tfpie/ sbebealeo fte. tBenfteftefe&amp;ettes 9 Scribes fatoe g mameplies g beopa/9ftecbplo;e ccpinge infte teple 9 fapmge-.^ofcmna to fonne of 3auia/ ft e p of fDapueo/ 3 Capo bnto bf m:bea rettftoutoBat ftefe fape?3efus fapDe bnto fte" pee:BauepeneuecreDDe/*offtemouft of babes anofucbelpnges ftou.Batte o;Depneo p;apfe^aini) be lefte ft e/9 toent out of g citf e bnto^eftanfe/aBabbiSabpofngeftece. \ 3in mompngeaSbetetucnebintogcitte

b wp m o agapne/Be (jungeeb/ 9 f ppeo a " * fpgge tree fpgac icc/co;ia ttt ftetoape/9 came to ft/9 founoe noftinge ? ot a SfS"/ ft ccon/but leues onlp/anb fapoe to ft/neuec lLS.^feuttlPto'onflieticefo^atDr.30Wb8iion SouBtScT fte fpgge ttee toibberebatoape Job mw ijansp cbfaiples fatoe g/ftepmarueleotapfg.oto igw2 . fonetsfte fpgge free topobeeeb atoapef 3&gt;e* MS fus anftoereb/fapbbnto ftf :eeetp9 rape nw B J5imbntopou/pf pe fballbauefatft attbfbannot tDcutrc the? boutpea)ailnotoniptio^toBift p 4bauebone W" ' * f c " te to fpgge tceedmt alfo pf pe (ball tape bnto $ r Kl&lt;S'mofltapnc/taficftpfelfeatoap?/ 9 caft K B S ftpfelfetnto fee/tt fftaibebone.anb to&amp;at* tHep timia tyt f oenec pe an affte tn pjapec ( if pe beiew ) ip at ocp;piji |c QtaH ceceaue it.





. .,j6en^ttapcomefn(o tfpte/ftei&gt;tit mm ^e(t ftsm 9 fte eioeciJ of S people/ came 2Sf fflw* untoftim asbetoasteacBwge/anofapbe bp Sffi'; toftat auctotf te boett ftou ftefe ft fng$ i ann ygr tobo gaue fte ftts potottf gefus anTtoeceb 9 mn-m. fapQ e bnto tb.e ii aifo topll atfte of pou a cet= *fcra. tapnequeQtd/tobicbpfpeaffopleme/S mtp fietopfe toill ten pou bp tobat auctojf te'31 Do ftefe ftinges.fte baptime of gob n : topee toasitffcSbeu^o^ofme^bcnftepceafoi* twn*r ( tfn. neb amSgeftf feluesfaping:pf toe tyali tape u# c in, f rfi beue/be toill fape bnto bs-.tobp bpo pe not I? ^of m ften beleue bimfut 9 pf toe tbali tepe*of Z^l'. men/ ften feace toefpeople.tfo? all m! bcioemuftrt TJ 3iobn as a pjopbetanb ftep anftoece&amp;giefusant) otamw 9fapD;toecSnottell.Kinbbeiilietopfefapbbn^D" 1 toftemeftecteii^ pou bp tobat tuutojm% *** do ftefe ftpng^. B nsbat Cape pe to ftisf * a cectapnemibaottoofonny^camtog eioet; 9fapoe:fonnego9too;be to bape in mp bp

nepacbe.^e anftoeccb 9 fapD/ J toilInot:but aftettoatbrepenteb 9 toet.flcften cam B e, 'to 5 feconoe/ijCapD ipftetoi'fe. atnbbe anftoeceb 9 fapoe-.^ totn fp^.pet toft not.u^eftec of fte ttoapneopD g toill of g fafttrf 3tnD ftepfapo bnto bim.g fp^ft.SeftisrapDbnto ft?;becelg 31 fape bnto pou g fte publicans 9 1 batiotr, Ciall come into pftpri8DoofoDbefo?e pou. iff 0; lobn cam bnto pou in g toape of tiggjte toefnes'9pebcleuenbimnot-3ButgpublicW 9g BaclotesbeieuebftimJnbpetpe(ftoug^ pe fatoe it)toere not petmoueb tt tepf taCce/ gpemigbtaftertoatDeBauebeleuebbim.i'. *ec6enanoftecfimitube.*bectoa0' ^ acectapneboufbolbec /tobicftpianteba k^SSSr nepacoe/ 9ftebgebitrounbeabout ^mabea SKI init/9biit a totoer/9 let it out toeiccc..t but banbmeri/ 9 toft into a Qcaung countre, a)no tobf fte tpme of fte ftute b?etoe neate/ befentbisfecuaunti;togBuCbanDmentoce# ceaue g fntt^of itJnDgbufbaomen caugbc bis feniaates/ 9bet one/billeo anoftec/ann ttoneDanoftec-3Bgapnebefent oftecferuaffo tes/moo ften g fp;ft: 9ftepfuebfte Ipse* topfe.^ut laa of all / be rent bnto ftem &amp;p$* atonefonnerapfgiftep toill feace mp fome. ut tobf g bu fbabmen ratoe fte fonne/ft ep . ., fapb amSgeft? reiu$ *cBis isgbep?e:come/ en^*W letbsnpllWm/a letbstafie bis mbecitafice to oucereiues.36nbftepcauojtm'm9ftwtt bf m out of g brnepacbe/ 9 (le toe bf m. mm # )to?D of g bpnepacb comeft; tobat toill Be bo ft ftofeBurbSommfcBeprapb bntoBimftt toill cmeirpe De Or ope ftote eupH pecfons / 9 toill let outbiSbmepacbbntooftec Bufbato tnf/tobicBfbatltielpuecBimgfcuteaetpmetf cSueniencwerus rapD bnto ft? ; bpbpeneuet; h d4M *&amp; xmtin grmtitut^cbe OoiietoOfct) g* bpi i* r l becsteftu'eb'granieisfetingp^ncipanpattkfmtH^^ of g cojnetsftis teas fte )Lo?bexibbinge/ 9ft wm,f, mer



ijtmeciieioits in dure epes . cBecfo;e cape 31 bntopou/fte HpngDome of od Cpalbe taft? ftom pou/anb flj alb e geuen to tbe entpis/ to&amp;icB (Ball b?inge fo?tij fte fcutes of it.arno toljofoeuctfbaUfallonftiSftone/befBalbe b;ofren/Uuton toDofoeuecitCB.Ul falltopon; it toill grpnoc l)f m to potooec . 3n&amp; toben fte ftefeP;eftes anbPBarifes Beacbe ftefe fp* mplptuDes/fteppecceaueoftatbe fpaBe of ftem.* 3n&amp; ftep toent about to lape BanDes on Bu/butftep feateo fte people / becaufe fteptoofieUfmaSal&amp;;opBet. &gt;


l ^- A ** *

fTMfo man'itoc of t&amp;c&amp;piigcp fonnc fXvpbutc fa Ur gciien to tlje 4feiiipcL-oui-Xl;ia confatrit) tlje opinion of (De&amp;aouccs cBcccnpng.J ttfurteceJ5/an6am'ttc# tetb tljc^ccilic unto Ijio qncQiori, Jatbe.mj.CBaptec. li5D3 efusanftoeceD/anD fpaBe fan to them agapne / m fpmplptuDes/ apfnge.^^Beftpngoome of Bcue" _ fe ipbe bnto a cectapne filpnge/ tobtcBmarpeo Bs fonne/9 rem to?ft bis rec* uauntes/to call ft? ftattoerebpDto g toeo bpnge/anb tBep toolDe not come . agapne Be fentfoft oftec fecuautes/rapinse.cellfte toBicB are bpbbtn ; beboiDe % Baue p;epaceo

mpbpnnec/mpneoyen 9 hip fatipnges ace hpiieo/9 all ft pnges ace veop/come bnto fte maciage.iSut ftep maDe tpgBt of it / 9 toent fteie to Bis fecme place/ anoftec about Bis marftaunDtfe/fteremnaunttofte B's fecuauntes 9 intceateo tbe bngoWp ana fe fletoe ftf. iieijen fte npng bearoe g / Be teas f to?oft/9 feno f o?ft Bis toactpecs 9 oeftcopea ftote murft errcs/anb b?ent Dp fteic cptie, CBen fapDe Be tol)iS recuauntes: fte tpeb= bpnge teas p?epateD. 26ut ft ep toBift toeee bpbDf /teere not too?ftp.(Eioo pe fterfo?e out fnto fte Bpe toapes/ano as manp as pef pnoe bpbftetoftemariage.cijefeeuauntestoft autinto fteBpe toapes/ gaft tceo to geftec as manpasftepcoufDefpnDe/botb gooo ana - tmb/an&amp;ftetoeDDpngetoasfurnitfteDtopft ... . geftes.cBenftefipngecame in/ to bpret fte ufflttfitt geaes/arppeDfteie amS tobicbbaDnoton ;Wiipn 9 egar*a*toeDDpngegarment/9 fapuebhto Bpm: Jwiijfpo&amp;citfrenDe/Boto fo/tuneD it g ftou eamettfnBp* f'W* ftec fBaft not on a toeDbpnge gacmet i mtt " : : ^BetoaS euf rpecl)icae.cBc rapoe g Bpngto BfS minifters: taftC 9 bpnbebim Bano 9 Bote/ anb catte Bim into bttec barcfines/ftece fftal be toeppnge 9gnaOBpnge of reft. #o? manp ate calleb anD featoe be cbofen. b ** cBcntoetftei?Baufes9tolie cofffcH bptoftepmpgbt tangle bpm in Bps too?Des. anbfteprentbnfoBimfteic birct'ptes topft IjjeeoDcs reruauntcs rapfnge:*ffl9aftec / toe ft no toe g ftou act tctte / 9 teafteft fte toape of dfJobtculp/netBec cateft fo; enpman/ fo? ftoiicSfpb?eatiofm?nteftate,^eHbsftec* 4-.. 'J




fo;e :ljototBpncfieftftou &gt; 3isit latofuli te geue t cpbute bnto cefac 0? not i jefus pec* eeaueofteic topcfteDneS/9 fapDe: UBljp tepte ^ pemepeppocrites^A.etmeregfcpbutemo 5 C1 ' a^^a nep.anbfteptoftebim*apenp^nDBefapDe 8Ilc *SK bntofteitobofeisftis 3!mage 9 fttpetffcp4{K m*a ci5f 3fteprapDbntoBm:Cefars.cBen fapoe mat/otaus Bebntoft?:eueftecfo?eto ctfac/g tobift S*tfpM" is cetarsumD geue bnto 0D/ftattol)icB w mi * n &amp; oDbes. h t&amp;ben ftepBeacDeftat/ftepmac ife u eieo/anb left Bfm /ano toent their toape. O /tB^tamfaape fteg&gt;aDuces came to Ijiiri (toBicB fape ft at ft etc is no verurreccpon ) 9 ariieDbimrapmge:($aaee/loie0baDe/pf a man ope Baupnge no cBpio;en/ftat ft e b?o tDecmarpBfStopfe/anocepfe bpfeeo bnto bps btfftee.cBc c tocce toitlj bs feuf b?etB,!e 9 fte fp^ fte macf e&amp; 9 Deceafeo toift outptfue 8 leftebis topfebnto bis bjot&amp;ee. 'iLpfietopfc ftercconDeanDtDetBirDC bnto fte reuenft. '/Lafte ofallfte toomatiDpeDalfo.jiJoto in f refmreccpon toljofe topfe fball tbe be of fte feuewtyFo; all bab Bee . %tfo anftoeceb anb fapue bntoftem*peace Deceaueb ano bnbCcs *WMK&gt; ftanbenot fte ftciptuces / no? pet fte potoec of d50D .iJfo^inftetefurreccpon ftepnefhee macpno; acemacpeb;butare asfte^ngeis inBeauen. SCstoucBpngfte terutreccion of ftebeeb: BauepenotceDDetoBatfsfapDebntopou of^ .,,,,,. ffioD/toBift raptb:*| am atb;abams od / (** gifaacs (00b/ ano tbe od of ! |acob i ob is notftecpoDoffteDeeD-.butoftljelpupnge. 3nDtoBcnftepeopleBcarDeftat/fteptoece nftonpeDatljiSDoctrpne, * m))tn fte^&amp;arifes BaDBeacae/Boto g m be bab put fte&gt;amtcestofpience/ftepD?e*^ toe to geftec/9 one of ftem toBicB teas a do== d # mm u ctoucof latoe/af fteb Bim a queftion tcpiinge mniic (iipiip cmbim 9 raping : Rafter tobicB is fte chefe c&amp; W* * f te maunbemet in fte latoef Jefus fapDe to Bim: SSS^M 80

ttm fte JL-o;bftp!E(oD toift all ftpne Berte/ K tV ?L toitB ail ftp roule /ano topft all ftpmpnDe.mpeoof mm CBSiSftefp;ftanbfte cBefe commaunDc* 9 " tiibtmco/pbement Jn&amp;ftec is anoftec ipue bnto ftps "S'L^J %mw ftpne nepbouce asftp fe.Jnftefe$SSJ ttoo cOmmaunDementes Ijange all fte iatoeuiicfpaupfycttj iinb fte ?&amp;20pBetes. J c ^ Niic U0BPU fte ?&amp;Bacire0 toere gafteceb to ge {3SS8EZ ftec/f erus ameD tftem raping; toBat ftpnite " %?R pe of WM&amp;i n&amp;bofe fonne fSBefCBeprapbe mm ot$ i&amp;c^&gt; bntoBim/fte tonne ofj^aufb.^efapDebnto^'toW' ftemftotoftenboeft aufoin ttoJmffSz22 bpm^02berapfnge:CBf7Lo?DefapDetomp^SKi;m &gt;Lo?be/rpt on m p tpgBt Banoe * tpll gs man e r ; Rtwuetuttip ftpne enempes tftp f ote ftole ,%f &amp;mib call out cnoe/o? cub Bim jLo?D:boto is be ften Bis tonne? ano no* *,? , *" ne couloe anttoere Bpm agapne one mmfSSSSS neftecbucfte enp ftom ftat bape fo?tb /ntkt^smLTm pfmanprnooQueftions. h Wm

V&amp;ttfacctpff&amp;ttooitee ftje pfatttca ftcrttw anJJ vpocvi tiw p:opl) ccic tl) tijc octtruc cign of 3ufolf . Cbe.;nrm'.cbapter. a Egffgpcnrpafiegefitftotbe people/?, a * Cbesccu B efto Ijteoifcipies fai&gt;ig: a *cbe &amp;ctt its ano ha,|y Ilfocj; mid &amp;anfe0 n?t in fllporeg ftafcatesf fiSsflfeateaiilHierto?eto6atrowe;flw cratmul m bpopouoofei;ue/tbatobrerueanDDo:butaf* fye amiecaciss ter their tootft e0 Do nottf o? tbep fa pe/ ano Do JSgWWnot. ye tbep bpnaebeup burthens anbgre* S L'tuur U0U1S t0 be "we/ 9 re? tb j on mines fljoul* p6fe7 Sb? S* WtjsOwit tbep the feifes toill not beaue at the* ft;tia ounpc aiitoitb one of their fpngersf.ailtftest too?cfie0 lunges w&amp;tbepoo/fo;!tobereneofme.cbep(etab?oaDe 2SKS toS'^^Waac^ftjj/ Ureaae large bo?DCK3 on M ( V fioh $ eft sannente 0/9 lotie to fptt bppermofte tt)cvbcvr.rc&amp;ca)atfeafte0anDto&amp;aue cbefefeatesin ft* fo;f offpcc ra'nagoge0/anDgretpnge0intbemarftette0/9 kctotjcciu aw t0 oe caiien of men JRabbi. KiS * * * * wt ftttfte poure fehtetf to be

(MhOfera* calleD JKabbiiJfo; one 10 poure matter / that hcttioftb^b.itWtotoitCbjta/anDaUpcateb^ctb^n.anD \. nii? teatijc call no man poure father bpon the ertbe/ fo* rcSnot dc i m (!S but ontvmt fetber/9 be 10 in beaue fotWtoOTpctfenotcalleD matter /fo?tbe*e *0 but one tocm m toe cfi, route mattcr/9 be (0 \)M.&amp;$ 10 greateft aptacpwB of amolsepou/fljalbepoureferuaflt-jButtobo Soto' tem? Hoem MX* Vm feife/ttjaibe b;ougbt luuft fbil-ov W3taB Be 6 bumble tb bn felfe/ Ojalbe e** beijcatof ootualteD jo be bnto pou $&gt;crtbejs 9 Pbari* &lt;"&amp;?SS * fe0/ppocrite0/fo?pe ttjuttebptbefipngbome ?y*l l }Z"Brt\)tai\mtwmmwvoutt felueu go not fl&amp;ofprii fete- */"&amp;&lt;* &amp;** # the f bat come to enter in. ssnt vbo caii lttobebntopoug&gt;crib?; 9Pbarife0/ppo* foflec tbcni a,critf0:peDfuoure toiobotoe0 Ijoufe0: 9 that SSSS^* 61 *** a clonic of P?apmge longe piavm IBBSwSi,**^^^ Ojallreceauc $greaterD8nacto. (Met to uraue . &gt;E&gt;o be bnto pou &amp;crf be* ano $&amp;an'f eg annate latteu ppocrite0/ tobpeb cornpaffe fee anDlanDe / to ttmttm ps b^nge one into poure belefe : anb tobe be t&amp; Swalfoftx of bell/tbenpe poure felue0are. m&amp;tte ibnc lo be bnto vm blpnoe gpDeg/tobtcb rape atone aouaun/ tobofoetiet ftoeare bpfte temple : fttjtno* S taSSSof ? temple/be offen&amp;etb -f efoleg 9 blwbe: tmaapnr o fo? toftetbee tft greater/tbe golD o* tbe teple tbae tUtte atonciu/fanctlfietb? golD^nuvubofoeuetftoearetb S?i!LK , JS B b ? &amp; uttcr/ft f0 notbpnged'uttobofoeuej; So&amp;o 2 toearetbbP tbe offctpngtbatlpetbong airt* ivw fttcK of f er/offenDetb.Te foie* anb blpnbe: toftec^et: t afpcH/outfe greater tbe offerpnge/ o? tbe aultre tobf cb ' l " e c " a Pi! of ranctpft'etb tbe offerpnge f IBbofoeuet tber Pbaa ciiS: c anb b ? sHtftat'tbeee owns . 3Cnb tebofoeuet aretDe terp Ctoearetb bp tbe temple / fto earetb bp ft 9 B too;o&gt; of flB'btmtbatDtoeecbtbertn.3CnDbef ftoearetft tafmtw tpon fipbeatienftoeretb ftptbe Ceateof(i3ob9bp Bmttbatfpttetbtberon. t&amp;obetopou&amp;cribe? 9 ^baWft? ppo^

criteg/tabtcb rptft mpnt/anprey 9 c5mpn/ab leaue tbe toapgbtet: matters of tb e la toe bit* bone: tuDgemet/mercp/9 f aptb.Cbefe ougbt K to baue Done / 9nottobaue left tbe other bnDone.y e blpmie gpDejs tobtcb drapne out a gnat ano f toalotoe a camm ell, lOobetopou ^cribfS ^iBbavifes ppo

crite^/tobicbmabeclenetbebtferfpDeoftbe cuppe/9oftbeplatter:buttoptbmtbepaw full of b?yberp 9 eyceae . cijou bipnDe Pba* rife/clenfe fp?tt f pnnefpDe of f cup 9 Plat* ter/tbat outefpDe of tip mape be dene alfO; I be to pou f&amp; crlbeis 9 dartres ppo* ccitcss/ f oj pe are ipfie bnto papnteD tombed toijtel) apperebeauttfull outtoarbe: but are toitbinfunofbeeDbone09 of all fpltbpned, S&gt;oavepe/fo?outtoarDpeappererigbteouis bnto men / tobe toitbtn/pe are full of ppocnrpeanotniqutte. 10 be bnto pou $&gt;mbe0 9 PfiartW ppo m . ite0:pe bplDe tbe tombe'0 of tbe|l?opbete0 / w 9 garntabe Ojt fepulcb?e0 of rpgbteou*/ 9 fapespftoebaDbeneintbe Dapes of ourefa* tberg/toetooloe not baue bene partenerutfr 0\nt^e bloube of tbe^opbetes. S&gt;o tften pe be toptneffeg bnto poute felues / peate tbe cbplDjen of tbe tobftb fiplleb tbe ?opbe= uif/H pe liuctopfe t^t meafttre of poure fatber0.yefetpete09generacioof b *bipers/^^f|w bote IbulD pe fcape tbe Dampnarion of bellf % te-f 4^l^berfo^e/bebolDeg^fenDebntopoup^o ms9at,n ' ,,,, pljetes topfemen9 fcwueis/of tbem pe (hall fipll 9 cruet fpe : anD of tbe pe all fcourge in poure rpnagoge0/anb perfecute frfi cptte to cptie/tbatbponpou mape;comeall rpgb teou0biouDetbattoa0^ceDbpontbeertbe/ fro tbe blouDc of rpgbteoug 3D el / bnto ttjat bloubeof 5aebana0 fonne of 3r*aratbia0/ tob pe fie to e bettoene tbe teple 9 tbe aultre. siiereip 3 fape bnto ?ou / all tbefe tbpngejt (ball ipgbtbpon tbijS generation . Je tufaic/ Terufale to bid) bplIea^?opbete0/9 done a tbem to bic b are fent to tbe ; bote often to olo e !PauegatbereDtbpei)plo?en together /a$ tbe benne gatberetb ber ebpefie* c *bnoer her "'



fapetopott/pefljall not feme bencefo?tb/int^tDien tpn tbat pe rape : Wcoeo be tbat cSmetb fit *g * Cff6;ittetefinfe6(rc(plc0 m bcttmectonof HefS,ftSSl. ttmplc/thcentieof fftetoo;IDj (fte rofcens of tfic latter ,1 f a LrtU oatcB^anb toatnetb t {&gt;cm (o toafct/fo; t^e to wloc Ml *** " w (obcnlppcrjllbc. ... Crbe.yirWi.bapfcr. - ' Ji5b1eru0toent out ubepattebftSa m temples bttWfciifles came to btm/foi to fftetoe Ijim tbe bptopng . oftbetfple.giefujJfapDebnto tbe: re pe not air tbefe t&amp;pitgejtf w eteip grape



pouter fljall not bebere icfte oneftone bpS anotber/tbat (ball not be can Donne, a no a0 be rat bpo tbemoat &gt;liiiete/bp0 Waplru ramebnto bim recretlpfapfg.ceH bs toben tbele tbpngeg (&amp;albe;s tobat fpgne aloe of top eompng 9 of ense off toojlo? atol|ef0 anf toereo 9 fapobnto W :*tafte fteDe no man Dcceaue pou . if o? manp (ball come tn mp name faptnge:3 am Cb?f(t : anb . . . 0JailDeceauemanp,yemallbeareoftoarr5/ . Gofttjefamcoftoarreg-.butfetbatpebenot itroubleD.iJfo? alltberet%rtgci5muft cometo paffe/butaje enDetenotpet.tfo? nacio (ball rpreagapnftnacpS/anDrealme agapnft re* alme:anD tlj er albe pettiience/ bonger anb ertbquabeg in all tljefe are the Jjegpnnpngeofro?otof0.

ben Qjalltbep put pou to trouble/ Iball 6pIlpou:3pe Ojalbe bateb of all naciong fo? mpnameg rafie. 3Dnb tben frill manp be of* fenDeD/9f(m!luetrape one another/ 9fljall ^ate one other. itnDmanp falfe p;opbete0 fl)allarpre/anD fljall Deccaue manpjnb be* caufe iniwitt all baue tbe bpper baiiD / lone of manp fljail abate, oeutlje tbat enDu* jfttetbto eriDe/tbefamea)albcrafe.3nDtbf0 glabtpDpnge0 of tbefipngDome fljalbe p;ca* cbeb in all tbe too;lDe/ fo; a toprnes bnto all hacpon0:aiiD t\ytn all tbe enoe come. tBtyen petbcrfojc than fe abbomtnaciS that betofienet l) Derolacion/fpobc of bp a* niei tbe ^opljet/ftarroein tbe bolp place: let bfmtbatreoetbit/bnoeraanbett.cbenlctt themtobtch be in*irp/ flpeinto moOtap* ne0.36nDletbimtobicb 10 on bouretoppe/ not come Dotone to fet enp tbpnge out of bp0 boufe.jl3etberletbimtobicb!0m felbe/re* turnebaciietofetcbeb(0clotbe0.ioAjalbe fnthofeDape0tothethataretoitbcbplDe/ 9 .*.*. &lt;*.- t0 the that geue fucfte.ffiut p?ape that poure BKST \ "8 ft e be m J in f a *tottter/netber on &amp;a* torupu tea* botbDape.iJfo; tben Qwibe great tribulaciS/ mji?ns^ t on ruche a0 teas not from tbe beginning of tbe i5e,saijo(h be* jno/lDe to tW tpme/no? Bjalbe. f e 9 ercept BBSKfl^*^W"* fto^teneb / there ftutoe 8'' jfiSSftS* * W** bc faufD:but fo? the cbofen0fe* idso ris f^B e/tboreDave0roalbeffio3teneD. ^ y ftft torn a mp ^/cbeitpf enpman fbai! rape bnto pou : 10/ iSSHffijoiw 0 Cb?i&amp;7o? there iscb^fhbeleue tt not JBKS f 0? there (ball arpfe faire dru^args / 9 falfe raWbLbo, wopljete0/9 Ojall Do great miracles etoon | ? jtflnb ro mbie$J$n fomocberbatpf it toerepoffltbie/tbe MPH.i "' berfe ciectc ohud be DcceaueD.cafie beoe / % wSmihX w t0,be * ou befo?e.HDberfo?e pf tbep mail into roritett wpe W|to pou:*bebolDe be 10 in the Defert go I &lt; jrtOtfo?tb:beboIDebei0intbcrecrcfplace0/

Pfftflfdfe' beKue a0the ligbtm'ngecometh out ! ftmoitinn KtQedeft/aNb (bpnetb into 5 toeft : ro mail PHr^ikc. th f cctrtignge of p fonne of m$be.4fo? tobere wm$x (oeueva DeeD harSajs its/tw prher torn the

egie0ttfo?te.3;mmeDtatlp*aftertbetn'buldia!iatv^i.t, tion0 of tbofe Dapc0 ( 'JBall f ftmne be Dttfic^t'i'pwie ncD:? themone mall not geue ber ipgijt/ 9 a**** ftartes Ojali fall frS Ijeaue/ 9 tbe potoer0 of *eauf mall moue. 2Cn&amp; tljen malt appere tlje fpgne of fonne of man in beaiten. ;i nti tbcu (ball all f UpnreDe0 of tbe ettb mounte/ anb tbeplhaUfe f ronneofmfl ccme ftiftclouwp-^^.:of beauen tomb potoer 9 greate gio?ie *aiitD ' * ;,ffj he all fenDe bi02ingel0 u tbe greate bopc e of a rrompette/9 tbep mall gatber to getljer bi0cbofen/fromtbefotocr topiiDeg/ 9 front n)e one enae of tbe too?loe to tbe otljer. learne a rpmilituoe of fpgge tree-.tobe bi0 b^aficK are pet tenDer 9 m leu e0 fp?og/ peftnotoetbatfommeri0npe.S&gt;olifietoife pe/toben p^e re all tbefe tljinge0/bepe rure p it igrieave/ euen at tbeDo?e0 . ouerefp 3 fape bnto pou/tbat this generacifl Qjau not pane tpllall tbere be fulfplle D . $eaue* 9ewb fljall perime/butmptooo?De0fijallabiDe.2l5utoe that Dape anD boure bnotoetb no mi/ no nog tbeangel0 of bcauen/butmp father onlp. *M$ tpme of $oe toa0/fo ipfietopfe Qjall - m tbecSmpngecftberonneofman tie . fWtfLam fk in m Dape0 before tljcflouD: tljepDpD eate s SIS ,i ' D?pncfie/marp/9teeremarifD/euebntotbe bape that j5oe entreD into? Q)ippe/ 9 fineto of notbfnge/tpll tlje flotiD came anD tonetbe allatoape.&gt;oroaHalfotbecompngeofthe fonne of mSbe.^brnttoo fljalbein felDe0/ tlje one malbe receaueD/anDtlje other fljalbe refufeD/ttoo fljalbe grpnDinge at tlje mpn one fljalbe receaueD/9 tbe other fljalbe refu* feD.*ialietberfo?e/bccaurepeiinotoe itoe ailh&gt; Mt , tobatboure poure matter toiii come.Of tbi0 wm *' iax betme/t pf tbegooDma" of thebourefinetoe tobatbouretbetljefetool&amp;e come: betoolDe fuerlp toatcbe/anD not fuffre tjtsJ Ijoufe to be b?ofienbppe.cherfo?ebepealforeDp/fo?iit tbebourepe tbpnlie be toolDe not:toplltbe fonne of man comCj f there be anp faptbfttn feruafit 9 topfe/toljom W matter [jatb niabe

ruler ouer b'0 boumoloe to geue tlje meate inrearonconuement:bapppi0thatreruaut tobBbi0matter(tobenbeeometb)fljallfmDe fo Dopnge.iaerelp % rape bnto pou / be fljall mafte bim ruler ouer all bP0 goooe0 . 55ut9 pftbateupllfctttaunt fljall rapeinbi0bette/ nip matter topll Def er h&lt;0 contmpng/ anb be* gpnneto fmpte W felotoe0/pe anD to eate 9 toD;pncfietoitb theD?oncfien: $ femaunteg matter topil come in a Dape toben be loltetb notfo?bpm/9 in an boure f ftetssnottoare of/ano topllDeupbe bim/anbgeue bim Ot'0 re toarDetotf6ppocrfte0.3inD there fljalbe toe=&gt; pmgeana gnaflbpnge of tetb. Cffliettnbftgrns.C^earenfeBDelptiece&amp;totlcfev nauiMfft/anboftbcBenceaUrnDgcnicnt. he.j;jj,hapter. 9M, cijen

t ii'isijljc&amp;pitfl* Dome of tjeuen

hi me places

%$ m $ a * &amp;pttgb5 of beauf al* be itftenedbnto tenbftgtod/tobief)i toftetbeft lamped/ 9 toent to mete ftadhctb f h e ^= tbeb?p&amp;geome:fpue dftbemtoere SK&lt; W* ifetww topfe. cbe f olpflbe tofie s:ou of teif # tbett *iamped/but tone none oplctoftb tbe; iiKvbnns stttfuttbetopretofteopletoftbtbe' totbeitbef* S^tvh WU toi'tfi tunic lamped alto , mbffltbe b#b* 8MP5swmetW8/8Ufl*nb^fle^itoeaf uccne inu# atmpOnpgbt/tbetetoadacrpcmabe:bebolO/ bi;/ tbe topogtome cometb /go out aga?n&amp; Ijim, **mtawimm alitbofe bftgtod aeore/ano pjepareb " e vi^n'^erelpejJ.ainbtbefolBflbe fopbeto topfe: S SftS'BM* wofjoure ople to? owe lamped 500 Sft"Wt out,?8ut topfe anftoerebraptoge:* notfo/ canot 9ptm* left tljer be not pnougb fo? bd 9 pou:but goo cmtft ttj #ratbertotbemtbatfell9bpfo?pourfelued.

f.f tSSt % m toft # l HW tocmt0 tow* b?pbgrome c Stoieaft cme * tft * taat toewtebF/wa to toitb btot t&amp;w be not totbetoeoopng/a gate toadfbutbp.flftet j'nottflD.j38/ teamed came aifo tbe otter strains taping: te ueu MQtfr Rafter mafter/opentobd. JSutbeanftoe* Sg *2wb 9 fapbe/berelp 5. fape bnto pou: 31 ftnotoe r ISf ceitics&gt;otpou , ti&amp;atc&amp;e tbetfo;e: fo? pe ftnotoe ne&gt; jmotbwfojeMttecttebapenozpettoeboute/tobeniKonne iflajme&amp;none ofman (ball come, fc SKSSC * tttffietopreadaeettepnemStebprotafie ftiow" ' r Wtopettoa fteaagecoatre/calleobidfer* *flnt wftp uaunted 9 belpuereb to tb2 bid goobed.*2inO itufcc.jc^.n bntoonebegaue.b.talented/toanotbet.u'.9 3LnHE.r to anotber one:toeuetp ma" afteetod abillte/ ****** anoawiigbttoape&amp;epatteD. cbenbe &amp; ban teceaueD toe fpue talented/ toft 9 bettotoeo tbem ano toanne otbet fpue talentedXpfte* topfe beg receaueo ttoo / ga^tieo otter ttoo. 38utbe tbat receaueo tbat one / toent 9 &amp;g* gebappt to $ ettb/anbbpbbid maftetd mo* nep.Hffteralonge feafontbe nojoecf tbofe reruaflted came anb tefieneb tottb tbe" . cb en came be tbat bad receaueo fpue talented/ 9 tyougbt otbec fpue talented raptoge:maftet tbou oelpuetebtt bnto me fpue talented : be* polbeg! bauegapneotottbttf f?ue talented moacftm HA( ma Get fapbe bnto bpm toell

fflyt (iofpell

9toftanbbpbtbpfaienttotbeetto:fcebol&amp;e/ ttoubaft tppne atone.^f d matter anttoereb anofapWbntobfoutbou eupH feruatuit- anb Cloto'tb f ull; tftoto ftnetoett t^at 3 tepe tobete fotoeo not 9 gatbet: tobete a Scaibeb nott iou ougbte(ttbetfo;eto ^aue bab m?md= hef to tbe cbaungecd/ftbeh at mt cSmfnge OiulDe 9i baite teceaueD mgne atone to^ baiintage.ca6etbeceo?e tbe talent ft&amp;bsm/ anb geue ft bnto bmi tob ft b batb ten talentr ; *4tat bnto euerp mS tbat batb (balbe gene/ . tco mi anbbe Iballbaue abounbance/anbftotobtoi ^at^qiaikgt tbat batb not/ (balbetaben atoaje/ euf t|at SKS?*^ behatb.3nb caft tbat bnp^of?tabIefmlaSt a * 8 " ,,, ^^ into f *btterbetcbned:tbew Halbe toepjmje f ft u manaCbmaeoEteetb.^ "? 258S5fi? . f ttgben ffieTbhnems cohietb toBfdgfo?"^ , tft/ mi W WV angeld toftbbim/tben (ball tiommm

be fp t bpon tbe (eate of bt'd glo?f e/anobefo?e i 6fe tooiiw btoi tbalbegatbeteoau nacpSd Jnobe (ball **&amp;*, fepetate tbe one from anotbet/ ad a Cpepjec oeoeupbetbtbelbcpefcomtbe gooted .3inb be Cbali fet tbe fbepe on W cjgb't banbe/ano tbe gotcd on tbe tyfte. &lt;srben fljall tbeltpnge rape to tbem onbPd cpgbtebanbe: Come pe bleffeD cbptt&amp;en of mp fatbec / tobecetpettje Bpngbome p;epaveb fo? pou from tbe begm npnge of tt) t too 0? % toag an bongteo/ anbf e gaue me m eat t.% tbjufleo/ a pe gaue m e 0? to cB e .31 toad b ecb utieffe / 9 pe lobgeb me.j; toad nabeb ate clotbeb me^toad rftfi t QWmittbmt.% toad to p?efon anb k came bnto me. cben an tbe tpgbteoud anftoew a b 1 to Cap tog :m a ttc t/ tob e fatoe toe tbe an bon ^ gteb/ano feebtbe f 0; a tbutft /anbgauetbe n? 1 nfie^tob en fatoe toe tbe betboutleOfe/ anb loogeo tbef 0.2 nafiEO ano clotbeo tbe i ot tobi fatoe toe tbe fpebe 0? to p?ef on anb came W* totbeflnbtbe.bpngfbauanftoeteanb fare bnto tbc:berel?g fape bnto pou:in ad mocbe ad pe baue bone ft bnto one of tbe feed oC tbefempb;etb?en/pebauebone ft to me. bm (bail toe fipnge rape bnto tbem tbat O)aibeontbelpetebanb:bepai; . coirtf eo/t nt euetlaftpnge f p/ to'cb id p;e


i" *


goob f ecu aat anbf aptbfuii. cbou baft bene faptbfuUtolptel/gStommabetbetulecouev patebfo;tbebeupllabfdangeId.jfo;jStoa0

. a *h tc Ia mocbe:"* entre to into tbp maftetd i ope.3Pfc an bftgwo/anu pe gaue me no meate.f cbut* zSISSS f0 fle wwb tt 80 talented / came anb fteb/a pe gaue meno b?inBe3 toadbetboue * ihe to a?* as fapbe-.mattertbou beipuetebft bntomettoo lette/anbpe lobgeb me not . 1 ? toadnaeb/anii pofl-cDDe^bpng* toiettted:bebolbe/gs baue toone ttoootberta* pe clotbeb me not. gj toad fpebe 9 to p?efon/ ; jorac pjcpacco j entejS jpftb tbem.lnbbfe maftetfapbebnto anbpeMfptebmenot. Sott btoi/ toell goobfeeuaftt anb faptbf ull. cbou m nwRw, ^ aft bene fajt^fnu i n ijt eH/ 9 to? n m afie fi ntleeouetmocbe/ goo to into tbp maftetd fope. t ohm betobtebbab wceaueotbe one ta*

cben fballtbepalfo anftoetetom taping: maftev / toben fatoe toe tbe an bungteb/ 0; at tburft/o?betbout3[eae/o?naBeb/o;fjc6e/o? to p?efon/a opb not trojro'ftwbntot&amp;e? cbeti fbaflbe anftoeee tbem 9 fape : w erelp 3 rape

lent cameanofapbe : matter / % confpbeceb bntopoum admocbeadpebpbft notfo one rbattbou toaft an baroeman / tobpeb tepett of tbe leeft of tbefe/pebpuftnottome . 3n&amp; fabcte tbou fotoeoft not/ agatbereft tobete tbere ail go into euctlaftpngepapneta tba tbou ftratoebft not/9 toadtbwfp;e afrasbe/ rpgbtfow^mtoipfeetetnall, * ff fle

mm*, m.prila




CEtie ^agaalcneanogiKEte fffjjpa .attjep eat tbe .lrtci- lambcmio tbe fuppec of the to)Dr;iCt)?pae jPt'agctEHn tpc aai'oen/JuoiiB betrajet^ ijpm/petec iiu?tctlj of i0alciieate/ff()tpai8aUfctUipfilHe tcptiicffcp/ JSctev 6cnp|j|)pm Ccb^jeFbi.baptee. $D ft came to paae/tob!'|efud flab f t n r rfbeb all tbefe fap tog ed/b e fapb bnto bid bifcipied:**fe ft note e g after ttoo bapedrbatbeeftee/9tbe fonne of ma QjalbebeliueeebtobeccucffpeD. Cben affembieo to stmt tb e cb ef c p;efted 9 tbe fctpbed anb tbe eibetd of tbe people to tb e yalfte of t&amp;eijpe pjeae/calleb cawbad/anb belbeacoimfeii/bototbepmpgbttaftejefud bp futtelte ano ftpll bim.25ut n)ep fapbe/not on boipbape/ieft enpbp;ouee aepfe amoge tbepeople. lben*?efud toad to etbanp/m$ boufe of &amp;tmoii tbelepee/tbeecamebntobpm a tooman/tobici) bab an alabaftet; boye of p?e* ctoudopntmet/anbpoto?ebitonbtdbeeb/ad fterate at bouroe,iben bid bifcfpled fatoe tbat/tbep bab tnoignacton faptnge-.tobat ne bebtbpdtoaftf cbrdopntmentmpgbtbaue benetoellfolbe/ageuentotbepooje . tfflben fefnd bnbei-ftobetbat/befapbebnto tbem: tobp trouble petoom$?&amp;be batb tojougbt a goob too^cne bpS mtifoi pe toal ban e po?e folcfte alto aped toitb pou.but me fbal pe not baue all toaped . 3no to tbat (be cafteo tbpd ofntmetonmpbobpe/fbebpbfttobutpeme .tottb all. merelpH fape bnto pou/tobete foe* 6^ueetbidgoCpelltoalbep2eacbeotb?ougbout all tbe too^loetoerefball alfo tbpd tbat fpe ^ batb bone/be tolbe fo? a memojfail of fter. cbenoneoftbettoeluelleb3;Ubad3!f* cortotb toent bnto toe cbef e p;efted/9 fapbe: tobat toil! pe geue me/*9f toilf beipuer btoi

bnto pouf Hinb tbep apopntebbnto Dim tbp; tp peced of fptoer. ainb fr5 $ tpme be fougbt opo^tunite to betrapebpm. *be fp?ft bape of ftoete b?eeb I Wfdpled cameto3efudfaptogebntobfm:tobewtot tbou tbat toe prepare fo; tbe to eate tbe pa* f cball lambe i and be fapb:go into fife citie/ tofocbeamS/^fapetoBim/^mafter fapetb mp tpme td at banbe/ 5 toill fiepe mpne eftet at tb? boufe toitb mpbi'fcppled . Hino tbebff* cipied bpb ad S'efud bab apopnteb tbem/ anb mabe rebp tbe efterlamb e. * tben tbe cue toad come b e fate oounett ' fc.icfrainbadtOepbtbeate/berapb: Heteip35 fape bnto pou/ $ one'of pou fballbetrapeme. 3Cnb rftep to ere ercebinge ro?otoful'9 begSne euerp one of toe" to fape bntobtmtid ft f ma* fktti ^eanftoereba fapbe:be f beppetbbpd ^.banbeiAmeto? Offme/f fame allbetrape tt me.*cbe tonne of ml goetb ad ft i^s to?ptten of bim-.but too be tog mi/bptobS tbeforote

of man fbalbe bettapeb.^tbab bene goob toj imS/pfbebabneuerbenebo;ne.cbeng5u* badtobtcb betrapeobpin/janftoereb 9fapb:td it imafter^ ^e fapbe bntoljpnr.tbou baft fapbeJd tbep bpb eate/9?efudtofteb?eebano gauetbanfted/^afieit/agaueictotbebpf^^ . ' \ cfpied/anbfapbe:*cahe/eate/ttid is m?bo*iXf iS * . opJnobetoftetbecHP/9tbanfteoyanbgaueSSt, : ' ittbem/fapinge-O/toc&amp;e of it cuerp one. tot *"**"* tfifd id mp bloube of tbeneto teftament/tbae fbalbe fbeobe f 0; manp/ f 0; tbe rempffpon of fpnned.3l rape bnto pou j topll not b;pncfte bence fo?tb of tftpd frute of tbe bpne tree/ bnt?ntbatbape/tobenlwanb?tocfteftneto toptb pou tomp fatfterd fipngbome. 36nbtobentbep babfapoegrace/tbeptoet out into mounte olfuete. &lt;&amp;bm fapbeiefud bnto tbem: allpe fbalbe offencebbp mtm^mmk

i*mmm w*% m tame epe mm * berbe/9 tbe fbepe of flocbe fbalbe batten* ab;oabe.ut af terg 1 am rpfen agapne/3! roiB go before pou mtoaHle.p&gt;etcr anftoeieb/9 fapbe bntobptp'-tbougb all me iftulbe be oU fcnbebbptbe/pettooioegineueebeoffenbeo. 5Tefudrapbebntobtoi:53erelp3irapebnto / tbat tbtd ramem'gbtbefo;etbe cocbe crotoe/ tbou fftaltbenpemetb^re.l&amp;etecrapbebnto _ llt , . bfm*3!f a tbulbeope m\i /pet toolbeqp not|?" c S , ...ttentseiud toptb tbem into a place m tobfeb fdcallebd5etbremane/9fapbebnto S Wwmi tmiu tobpHJ goanb p?ape ponoer.ainbbe tofietibpm Peter 9 tbe ttoo Conned of 3ebebe/9begatotoeyefo?otofuU 9 to be to an agonpe Mfym fapbe 5efud bnto tbent:*mpfouie id beup euen bnto tbe btetb.esm.vim; carppebere-.9 toatcbe toitb me Jnbbetoeta"'!) 1 ^"^ alpteliaparte / anb feliflat on hvg face/ anb P?apeb fapinge 1 &gt; mp fatber/pf ft poflpbie/ *lettb^euppepaffefromme:neuertbeleae/ilutle.Mfuf, , notadlitom/butadtboutotltJnbbecameiieav.^irai, bnto tbebifctoied/anb founbe tbem a f lepe/ anofapbeto$eter:tobat/couibepenottoat* (be toftb me one boure: toatcbe: anb p?ape g pefallnottototemptaci5.cbefp;ftefdtoil {inge/but tfte fleffbe id toeafte. He toct atoape once moare 9 p?apeo/fapi inge : mp fatber/pf tbi'd cuppe cSnot paffe atoapefromme/buttbat3b;tocfteofit/tbt toill be fulfplleb.3tnb be came/ 9 founbe )&amp; a flepe aga toe#o; tb eft eped to er e beup Mm beleftetbe9toent agapne/9P?apeorb?po ^, itu tpme faptogetbefame tooled, cben came f **fS be to bPd bpTcrpled 9 fapbe bnto 0: M&amp;BBBF bence fo^tbataftepouteteeft.cafiebebetbe ktyeis an8 boure fdatbanbe/9ronnc of mS fbalbe be*p Hmwn rrapebtntoSbanoed of fpnnerd.Kpfe/iet bd^^'Sf.r begotogetbebolbe/beidat banoef allbe*^ ,wft trapeme.t^fiflbewfi&gt;[uoadoiieof^tetti.S^ tbe.rii. came/9 toptb b/m a greatemuto'ttibrst tm Qm M, tblta

cue. fe.a.

fee fsanjfgrf. f toftr) Ctoeatucjs a fate*/ rent from f be W&amp; it o ao ticiicmo;cmeft( a elDers* oE5 peopie.aino u e 8 uetra^eo ft^J^mm ge a toften/raptnge-.tobofceuc el C SSST fojtb &amp;** came ttW*tlWW fan to r icppnge s&amp;aaec.ab pffe&amp; bim.antigiew* fapbe bnto at ti).8jj?me. h m: ftcrtbe/toberfo?e arte tbou come, c&amp;en , cametbepalat?ebbanb$on9Wu*atoBebim. anbbebolbe/oneoftbftobicbtoeretoi?t&amp; Befit*/ ttretcbeb outebi*banbeanbb?uebt* I toe&amp;t&amp;e/afteofie a feraafft of tbe bpe ppftr / afmoteof mm ea.benfai?be3;efii*t)nto tan: put Dp tbp f toeataeinto bp* (rjeatbe. *tfo?alltbatlepbanbon(toeaw&gt;e/waUpe* uCO)eto&lt;tftftoa)C.ett^nfieatftoug a cannot note p?ape to mv fatbet I a be wall mette me moo tben. jcii. Jlegfon* of angeK* utftoto then ftuOief tirf ptuti; be fulfffleb: f 01 f o mu ft ft be.Cbe feme tt?me fapoegeut* totbe multftubeipebe come out a*ittoere bnto a tbefe/ti ftoewe* a ttaue*fo? to talie me.3f fatetatfie teaebfogefn $ tf pie amoge ou/aetoHemenot.aiitbf*toa*bonegtbe tai pwre* otW ;opbete* mpgbt be fulfil* aw.rjifl.f. let) Mm all iple* fojcoltebmj afleeb. Emxwi anbtbeptofiegiefu* aleebebtmtoCappba* 3ui).rt&gt;i.o. mebpep#fte/tobere&amp; S&gt;cwbe* a ? eioet* * toere atfembleb . anb t&amp;ctet: folotoebbpm : a faro of/bntotbebpep*efte*place: anb toet

Or/a fate toithtbe fewaiite* to fe tbe erme. Cbe cbefe&amp;efte*atbeeloer*/ a an fccofc eell/fougbt falfe tot tne* agapntt fefusJ/fo? to put bpmto beet!)/ but founoe none: m fo ntocbetftat tobfmanp falfe toitneffe* came/ petfoifoe tjjep none Jit Iaft came ttoo falfe toftnefffg/afapDeicbts felotoefatbclcan befttope 5 tepie of ob/a b?ibe ft agapnefo iij.bape*Jnbtbe cbefepjefteatofe/ a (am tobim:anftoeretttbounom(nge?i!)otot*it$ ibercbearetoftne*agapnftrbe? 3But gefu* . . 6elbeW0peaceJnbfcbefep?fte i anttoewb/ anofavoe to bimtf cgar ge tbefa$name of jpuinge&lt;s5owtbattboutellb*/toberoettbou bebWfonnecf&lt;!5o&amp;.g:efu*fapbetobim: tliou bafte fapb. jaeuettfteleffe 3 rape bnto you*hewaftlbaHiefetbe fonne of man fpttinge on tbetlgbtbanbe of potoer/anb co* meintbecloubeaoftbefftpe. . *cbcn$bpep?eftet?tbt* clotbe*ra*mge: 'fie batb blafpbemeb: tobat neoe toe of en? moo tottneae*? J&amp;ebolb note ?e baue bearbe m* Matpbemi?:tobattbpnRei?e? Groan* .. ftoere&amp;an&amp;rapbe-.bef0too?tbptobpe. pirn CpattbeptnbP* faceano bmtetebbpm toptb ft'fte*. anbotbetfmotebmt tottb $ palme of tfteicbantieisontbefaee/fa^ngettellbsttbou dtem/tobofe&amp;et&amp;atlmotetbe? #etecfate toftboutfn w palace Jnb a DS fell came to ffm fapmge : cbou alfo toad* . toF$3!eruiJ of 8ie:butbebengei) Uefoje


Bf #,#atW *




tbem all fasmg^toob'tnof tobat tljonfaR usuenbe toaugoone out into tbe poo^cbe/ anotber toencbefatoebrm/a fat&gt;oebntotb? tbat tomttimMifi feiotoetoass alfotoftb Sjefu* of J9a?atetb .atnb agasnebebenjeb toftb an otbe tbatbe bneto fbe man. Inbaf^ te v a tobile camebnto b?m tbep tbat ftobe bp an6fa?oebntoJBetei:*fuei;l?tbouae euen m . ttm one 6E tbcm/ fo?tb? fpeacfte beto?a?etb tbe. SSSt rbcnbegSnebeto coutfe a to ftoeae/g \)t 3 ^n,m^u HnctocnottbemOnblmmeoia,tl?tbecocne lrttoeJnbieetefememb?eDtbe toojofdof |efu tobftb farbe bnto l)im:befo?e tbe cocfie trotoe/tftbu (bait Dense me tb?fe: ano totflt outattbeb'o?cganbtoeptclrfttei;It. -Cf);f&lt;tiebdjiieK0n(o}Stlr.(c.ju6ii9l)agcfI)(jfiil fttft.^ittcicctucjfpdiampiise tl}cttc0,$cOfcit)* febuncO.'iitt'atcljiuen Urpc fclje.wtoij.cijaptee. '^entbemojnsngetoaStome/aUai "" me cljefep;eRf0 nnDtljeelDetgof ^ac.tb.a. if people beibeacofifatieagafnft*toW9.9. J3;efu* / to put b?m to ucetb / anb b?ougbtbim bounbe ano beiiuereobim bnto ^ontiujspviatetbebcbite. b tobn3!uDatol)pcb betta? ebbtm/ f atoe tbat be toa 9 conDf pneoybe tepeteb Dim felfe/ anbbjougbt agapnetbe.w^.plateg of fpluetto tbe tbefe p?eftep a cJberp faumge: 2 baue ftnm bbetra?mge tbctnnoclt bloub,

Ann tbe? fasne-.toljat lis tbatf wi &gt;e tbou to g.ainbbecattooune Sfpiuet plate* t'n f te pie $ bepatteo/ ano to en t a botinge btai relfe. ano tl)ecbefep?eftcs tone r?lun: plate* &gt; afa^bift t*notlatofullfo?toputtb5 into ttealute/becaufe it t* pjpee of bloub. 3tnb tbep tone counfeli / a bougl) t tt tbf a potter* fdbetoMCttafigcftin. ibevfo?e $ felte l* calleb tbe felbe of bloub/bntf Utbtebape. cben toa* fulfplleb/g tobftb toa* fpoben b? gercmvtbe1&amp;;op&amp;etfa#n8e;atbei?tofic.w:ji; rp!ue:platf*/titep 1 JifeofbFn|toa*baluea tobS tbep bougbt of cntlb^ of|frael/a tlje? gaue tbe" fo? potter* felbe/a* tbeXo?oe ap* popntebme.*fefu3(tobebefo?coeWte:a bebfte afftebbim iboug fitng of Sar.rt. 8 &lt; tbe fue*:3efu* fa?D bnto bsmucbott fajeft. wtt.tnM anD tob5 be toas accufeb of tbe cbefe p^efte* jqft#Wfc 9 elbet*/be anftoereb notbf nge . cbenfafb dilate bntobpm-Jbearea tbott not/ bote ma* ny tbtnge*tbey la^e agapnft tbefanbbcan* ftoettbtifm to neuet a toozbe : in fo mocbe t tbe bebfte mameplif gtcatlve. %t tbat feeft/tbe bebite toa* toonte to be Ku et bnto tbe people a pjefor w tobom tbe? toolbeberper.l|ebabtbena.notablep/eronec calleDffiawabas.anbtobentbeptoeeegabe* teb togetbet/plate fapbbnto tb? ^tobetbet gJSgw toil ^eg 1 ? geue looffe bnto 'ymmmtimvp**^* 3!efu* tobtcO f* caneb B?iftf JTo? be Bn etoe toeii/

toen/tbatfojenuiet&amp;eybaDoeipuete&amp;brni faue,3 1 fbebem?iigebfpael'.letf)v!" o^ ubenl)etoa*fetbounetogeueiubgemet comebouneftonitbectoae/atoetouibeieue bi* topfe fent to bt&gt;m ta|inae:baue tbou no* btnt;?e cat Sen in od/ let bvm bei uiet ftgm

tbtngetobo to'tb p^bauefuf feteb man? tbpnge*tb?* bapein a b;eame about bpm.tfut cbefep^ette* a tbe eioec* bab petfuabeb peo pie/ tbat tljej? Qjuioe atbe C J3atraba*/an3 flnilbe Deftcope g;efu*.ben I bebite anttoeeeb a Capoe bnto tije:tobetbec of tbe ttoa?ne toillpe t% let loooebnto pbiif anb tbep fapb/2Bactaba*.Pilate fapbe bnto 1 tbf -.tobat (balll bo tJjen toitft^cfti* tobtc'b i* calleb iiM^)iV all fapbe to bim'letbpm

be ctucifgeb.cben fame f bebitr-tobat eu?u fiatb bebone^itnb tbe? crpebgmoje (apinge: let Dim be cntejf peb.lbl dilate fatoe tbat bep;euaplcbnotl)inge/butgmoareburtne* Iba* mabe/ be tone to at e t a toaf (Deb (jvjs- tj5= be* before ^people favingetj am innocft of mwuDge c5/ f uonbof tbi?**iutte petfon/a t W mail fe. jaftlumta cbenanftoeveballgpeopie a.fapb:bt*bloiib * m Ue on b*/a on ottre cbpib? let b e iBar* taba* loofe bntotbem/anb fcoucgebleru*/ anb belpuereb bjm to be ewepfpeb. benfoubeour* of bebite tofie^efu* bntotbecomcnball/agatbeteb bnto bimai tbe companpJnbtbep tttippebbim anbput on bt'm a putpiil coobe/anb piatteb a ccoune of tbo?ne* anb putbpon bi* beeb/*a arebe in bi* rpgbtbattbe: a botoebtbeftftnee* before bPianDmocfteblnmi/rapmg:baplefirngof tbe 3!etoe*:anafpittcbbp8 bvm/ano tofie txp tebeanbfmote bpni ontbe beca. anbtobentbepbabmocRebbim/tbeptofie t\)e robe of bpm agapne/ anbputbp* atone tapient onbim/aieebbt'matoapeto cmcifp bim. anb a* tbep came out/n)e y I oOoe a mS of Cp;en/nameb gn'mon: b?m tbepcSpelleb tobeate bi* ctoffe. anbtoben cbep came bnto tbe place/caiieb oigotba dbat i* to fate/a placeofbeebmen*fcuiie*) negecto b^incne megieb toftb gall, anb tob? be bab talleb tberof ; be toolbe not b;pncne. : ... ttebentbepbabctuciftebbim/tbeppatteb bfegarmente*/ a bpb caft lotte*: to fulfill $ |m.wi.b- toa*fpo6enbptbe^;opbet.*bepbeufbeb *t..t. tn?gatm?te*amongetbe:abp5mtbeOute t&gt;Vb caft lotte*.anbtber fate a toatcbebbpt tbete anb tbe? ret bp ouec bf * beeb (be caufe of ftp*beetb toiwg.cbigiftWefug tbe ftpnge of tbi3^je*y*anbtbetetoete ttoo tbeue* fpeb toptb bpm/one on tbetpgbt banbe an&amp; anotbet on tbe ipfte. ' tfbepgpaffebbp/mtpleDbnntoaggpnge tbefebeebbe* a fai'nge:tbou gbefteo?eft tbe tepie of ob a bplbeft ftin tb?ebape*/ fatte tbp felfe. m tbou be tbe fonne of &lt;&amp;ody come

BotineftS^ctoffeXibetopfealto gbpep;eftt mocftmge btm toitb tHe &amp;ctpbe* anb elbet* fafoeipfauebotbet/^m felfe be eatmoi

V *

no\6/vt ye torn &amp;aue f)!'m;foj ije fagje/3 am tite fonne of &lt;Bo&amp;.c()ftt fame alfo cije tijeue^ toljrc^ tocre aucifteott l)Jiwcaft tit (jw tttlje 4?rflm tbe fvy te ^oute ma t!;cie tmcimesc .otter ail ianoe bntotftenpmoiioute, SDia about nvntft ijoute |eftip ctgeb\&amp; sloitOe^ boyce/fapmge:&lt;ilt&lt;lt lamaafiifltftant.l)at^ np ^ c " tt to.fa?e:*mp ffiob/ ntj oD/ toijp Ijaft tliou 1 uuki fottmnmti&amp;tiwc ot tlje tljat ftoae tljete/ tol)ena)epycn3etl)at/fasEje:C^0tacailetl) fo^eltag.anoftieraDttoapeoneofiDe^ ne ^toitea.fponge^ fpileDft full ofbeneger/ 9 put it on a tebr/anbgatte 0?m to &amp;;iitcfte, SDtfter fa vue/let lietlet W fe toijetftet; i&gt; eli?a toill corner Deduce ijim.giefujs cepeD agape tottyaiouuefaopcean&amp;feio^bptljegoofl:. m ^^ ti itm beljoioe tfte * tiafie of tfte wnpttWaSSSfcC rent 61 ttoayne f 1 ti)e toppe to tlje bottome/ ana tuc erti) opo quaiic/9 tije ftone?; wo vent ansgrmtesDpn opm:anbtfte bomeg of man}? fatnetes to^tch ftept/atofe 9 came out o tfte gtaue0aftetbtercfumccion/ijcametnto| ... boIpcttie/tjapperebbntomani&gt;*iiJM)eHe :r ^&gt;^^.c. turton 9 ftep jat toere toi ti) ftim toa tegfnge *#*&gt; ieruu/ fatoe ertftquafieanDtl)ofet^nges$ to^icljbappeneD/tljevfeareDgi'eatlp/faptgcfi)f a fume tW teas toe fonne of tm. *anbmanptoeme tocre ttjere/btljoioinge wmtM&gt; Dim a fatt'e of foWh folotoeti gjetuss fio m#fc*tf84* lile/mpniOrpngebntobpm.amongetoljpcl) toag Qjjarv Wflja&amp;tmtfXbstt f motljer of tameg ? 3lofe?/ anD eye motljer of ebeDcgi ( cgflto?, *ffte f eue toag come tDeie came a w .jrti*; ncljemS of3(ramatftianameo^ofep!)/to!KcI) *.uc^mji* man alfo toag jeOtf Wppie. H)etotnttd3^^^ Inflate 9 beggea Hje bobp of 3iefu0.cben %U latecommaunuebtbeboDpetobecclpurtcD. 36nb3!orepl) tofie tf&gt;e bouv/anb to;appeD it in aclenelpnnencloottj/anDputttmhpsnetoe tombe/toljtcljfteyaoijctoen out /cuen in tl)e rociie/9 wlle6agveateftonetobojcoftfe* wav *' * pulcteanb&amp;eparteb. Mbt\itxtxaw*ilatv.

flgagbaiene t^e otljetfl^atpfpttinge ouee agapntte fepulcve.ciieneiteDape ^ foio^ toeb nape ofp?cparmge &amp;abotb/l)pe P^ettr 9 P&amp;arttr is gat tbe femes to $f iatc$ fa?D;g)K/toerem?b?c^ tbis( beceaner fapbe to0I^e toa^petalptte. aiftevtl)?e bapeg gj topll arpfe agapne.CBmauttbe tljet f o?e g tge feptt!crebemaoefui;ebntultJ)p?6Dai?e/ieffi paraduetur t W bittivW come $ cteal c (jpni atoape 9 fepe bnto tfte people/be fe vpren ft 5 |Deetb/9tbelaQemourebetoo;(retbeiiUig f?;tt.0f late fe^bebnto tftem. cafie toatcbe men : 0 anbmafie ft an hite ag t?e can, 3Cnb tftevtonitanbmabe t^e fepulere fuve toptb toat^emm/anbfealebtfteftone, J-

1 J [

I i*

3B 3$av,rt&gt;f!u fcuhe.jjjcitiM. Jotin.?:]!;. a.

Cdtbe t*tamj8 of tf Wfle. Tf&gt;e tnp pp&lt;* S&lt; tbe rouofere larje mora? Jo tape t&amp;at fftypft WM Oo lien out of tjje grattctf fcift appeared to tjya op tiple9/-ano"fcnoett) t{)cmfe;tytop;cacl) tobaptjft. fjcBe.WbnWBapter.* I? e g&gt;abbotBaapeat eucn toBpcft aaunetBtbemo?otoe after tbefab* Ibo'Cfp/ floats $tegaaleue 9 otbec skbj 'fflparp cametofe the fepulcrc. w na ftcttdUK tbet toa0 a greate ertb quase. iffo; tbe angell of tbe '/Lo?ae net cen&amp;ea frS ^c* uen ana came 9rotolleo bac&amp;e the (tone fro t^e Do?e/ann fare t&gt;pon it. $p.a countenafice

toa0lpBelpgBtnpnge/9bV0*apmcntto!)pte 80 footoe . ana f 0? feare or bm tbe neper* toere attunnpea/ano became ass ocea men. fflat.jWA *cbe angell antoerea 9 fapje totbetoe* mt#m** men; fear e ye not. % ftnotoe f p fcfte^cruss toBi#toa0crucffieB:bef0notbere:befsrp* fen a? be f apae.Come/ano re tbe place tobere rbe )lo?aetoa0put:anagoqu(cBip 9teilbi0 nirciple0 tbatbe 10 rpren from ai ct&amp;.$iu be* Boiae/Be votl go bef o?e pou intoceiaWe, tbere pewallfeBimXogibauetoiaepou. h * anatbepaepartrb quicfelp from tbe re* pulcre tof tft feare 9 greate 3! ope:9 apa r unite to b?pngefip0apftppie0 too?ae. ana a0 t&amp;ep toent to tell btP afrcipless-.bebolae. gt&amp;t* met tberapinge-.ail baple. ana tijep canie 9Bt Unity? fete 9too?0)ippeabtm.benfapae greftipiimo tBfc&amp;enotafrapae . &amp;o 9teiimp a&lt;Bo3ttomp a b?etti?e/tbevgomto&lt;5alile/ 9 tbere (Ball toett)?? c/ t&amp;at tbep re me.9M)g tB*S ***** gone;beboiae / Co* SS&amp;&amp; meof eseper0came&lt;ntot eftle/f raetoea S! asmm peneb . anbtBepgaaaercatBeto geaettoptB * eiaer*/9 toBe cofirell/9 gaue large monef bnto fouaier0fapinge:&gt;apetbatbpsau* ct'ple0 came bp npg&amp;t/ anb ftoie D?m atoape toBillpeflept.ariapftBl&gt;0cometotberulcr0 eare0/toe tofflpeafebim/9rauepou barme* le0.anatbeptofietbemonepanBDpaa0tbfp toere taugbt. ana tW rapinge 10 nopfeb amonge tfe^.rtdPS bnto tt)&lt;sfoape. f&lt; 30 * cben tfte.]rf . af triple* toet atoape into &lt;E?altle/ Into a mountapnc tobere grftigftab appopnteatbe.anatobetbepratoebim/tbtp *too?a&gt;pppeBBpm.#utromeof tbe boutea. ana Spent* came anb fpafie tontotB? fapmge an potoetf0geuen bnto me mbeuen/anbni m\).&lt;Sio tberfo?eanateacBe allnac(50/bap* tifpngetBe in tbe name of tbe fatber/ano tbe Tonne/ana iBebolpgoott:ceacbpngetbeto obferuealltbfnge0ytoBatfoeuerge5maun*

beapou.ana 10$ am tot'rB poti all toape/eue bntpUtBeenaeoftBetoo?iae. * et e enaetb tbe dSofpell of ft.S&amp;atBeto.

dje ^ofpell of CdWoffece of j&amp;out&amp;eliapeta. Cftc Uaptpne of



JBcter-anHicw/jainf &lt; 3l)on.)lEtjjl Dealetl) ttjems toftl) tgettncleancrpiietc/l;clpctD jjtlcw mottjetw latoc. anO (lenfttt) t tj c icp .

Cbcfp?ft&lt;irbaptcr. * a $e bcgpiinpnge of fije (Eofpel of jefu cb;ittfonne of&lt;BOD/a0itt3Sto?ittctntDc_ rfl , ll .. ,. p?opbete0/* WoM%tm^ mm ' l ' s, l mvnTtffcngerbefo^tljfacc i itohtcb 8&gt;alp;eparet&amp;ptoai?e befo;e tbr.^bebofce of acrpeymftttoflDer* ^ u ne0-*pjepare?etbe torn of tbe ^o^be/ma* B * ?U * Rei)f0patbe0ave?gbt.giobnbSbbaptpfew the tovfoerne0/p;eatbetbe baptfme of re* pentaunce/fo? tbe remidton of f?nne0. ana allthat!anaeof5Prle*tbepof^etufajem/ toent out bnto bpm/ anb toere all bapttfeb of bmtm rtuer3io?aS/cSfeaHigett)eirftmie0 qfoftn tea* clotbea to^tb camine0 bew/ 9 tiagerbfllofaCuimabmttbWloi&gt;; be bra eate * mm 9 toi'iaebonp/ 9 P?eacbeb "**** faw'nge:aOrongertl)en gcSmetb mum/SP*** tobofe (boo latcbet 9! am not toojfln? tofton** pe boune bnlofe. 5! baue baptf tea tou toftft

toatet;but be QmllbaptfTetfou to fbolrgoft

toa0 come otit of l.toater. b ^obn fatoe beauf f m am open/a tbe bofegoott befcenafngebponftrnv *ggg* Cbouartem? berefonnein tobomabele/n ef m ana nnmeafatlp tbelp?ete wauebnn mto f{n{ sic 0306 10 tortaerne0:9betoa0tberefn* mMm beettes.ano tbe angewttitoittrebbntt brin. SSJJS5' after|oBntoa0ta/a^^camcfitf0a* 8&amp; ^ fie/

lile/p;f acftmge v ^otpeuof npngaome of : &gt;oa/9fa?mg:tymei0 come/9|iiingaome of od i '0 at i) a 1 1 e/t epe t .9 beleu e ^ofpeil, a* be toaifiea by tbe fee of attle/Ue fatoe &gt;imon 9 an&amp;?eto b&lt;0 b?otbet/eaOtnge net* tr&amp;'tnto tbe fee fo? tbe y toere fjffber* . ano aefttp favoe bnto tbem-.folotoe rrte/ 13| tojll mafie i&gt;ou fvffljeisJ of men . anbfitatgbf tomi tber f otfofie tbeir netteg ana fototoeb bym . anatobenbebabgoneaiptellfurtbee tberice/be fatoe 3!ame0tbe tonne of 3etieDe/ ana3 l ,pbnbB0b?otJber/euena0 tbeptoereMi tbeO)?ppemetiQmge tbeir nctte0. ana ano* nebecallebtbem, anatbepleefttbetr father '. 5ebeaetntbe CDpppetoitbbfebweareniau* t 0/anatoenttbetc toage afterbftn. C^-/aina wv entteaf ntoapematT.9 flrepgbt 'Ctoapeon&gt;al)oti)DaK*'bcentveamtotbe ftnagoge 9 taugb t.ana tbepmeriielea at ftf learnpnge. jf 0? be tangbf tbem a0 one $ baa potter gib bmi/ana not a0 tbe &gt;cttbe0. ana tbere toa0 in tbetr ^&gt;magoge a man berea \o an bnclene fpfrite/ 1&gt; cr pea fa? inge: let be/tobat baue toe to ao tot ti) tlje tbou je fus of i3a?aret bf arte tbou come to aeOtofe Wi % nnotoe tbe tobat tbou arte/ euett tbat boli'of^oa.anQjefugtebufieDbirafapinge &amp;oiae tbp peace ana come out of bimjnb tbe

bnclene fpirf te tare bun/9 erf ea toftb a louae . bovce/anocameoutofb?m.anatbe?toere all amafeb/fn fo mocbe tljat tbep aemaunaea one f anotl) cr a mSge tbem felue0 fapmge-. MM m to ftat t&amp;fog 10 tbt0f [ *U9bat netoeaoctw'nc t SSS&gt;^ Jfo?bec5maunaetbefouiefpWte0 Unonowatto(tbpotoer/anatbepobeieBftn.anafmme* Ltif.tB.c.F.rcwi. Diatltb^faniefpjeeDabjoaae tb?ougfj oute BW i'L a M tbe region bo?aerftige on d5alile. HPB ana fo?tbtoitb/aaonea0'tbep toere come \ m out of tbe &gt;2agoge/tbep entreb into tbe b ouf e of S&gt;pmon ana ana;eto/ toftb 3ame0 ana^obn.ana^&gt;;mon0motberinlatoeiap f jefi e of a f euer.anb anone t b ep toiae bim of bee. ana be came ana tobe bet b?tbebanae ana Wtefier bp:anatbe feuer ftfmtm tP ana bt&gt;:ana (b e m jm v Urea bnto tb em . anb a t cuentobenfonnetoa0aoune/tbepb?ougbt to b?m an tbat toere apfeafea/ ana tbem tbat . ^ toere poaeffea toftb beupW. ana all tbe tyw 3^gaaa?ea to geaaerat tbebo?e/anabe yeaiea manp tbat toere fpefie of a?uer0 aefeafe0. *ana be caft out man?beu? 10/ 9 fuBtea not f aeu$0 to fpeafte/becaufe tljep ftnetoe bim. anbfn? mo?npngeberperlp/g'eru0arore anb toent out into a roiitarp piace/ana tbere t&gt;?apea. ana &gt;vma ana tbep tbat toere toftb fomtolotoea after tow. anatobenfterbab founae bf m/tljep fapae bnto men refte fo?toc. anabe rapabntotbem:ietb0gofntt&gt; tbe herttoune*/ that fmape p^eacbetbett: ftlfo: fo? trulp 3 cam out fo? tbat putpofe.



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I'll ana Be pjeacfieb t n tbr$mAgo!K/ft)?oUg&amp; outall altie/ana caft tbe mm out. anatbet came aleper to tym/befec&amp;f ngt maiws s Bim/ ana nneleaaoune onto bjm/ 9 fapaeto S55* Bim-.ff tb ou toilt/tbou cSneft maBe me dene anO'Sefus baa copaffion on bim/ 9 put f o?tD B10 baae/toucBebbim/ 9 fapaeto bimigj toill/ BetBourtene,anaaffonea0BeBaafpbnen/ fmmeo!at[piep?off aepattea fro btm/9 fetid Bim atoape t oM tof t&amp; 9 fa^ae bnto bim-. &gt; e tboufavenotbpngeto any man: but get tbe Bence/9 etoe tBpfelfe to tbe p?efte/9 offer fo? tbptlentpnge/tBore tb!ng^tobvclj^ofe0 c5maunaeo/fo? a teftimontallbnto tbe. 3ut Bc(affon e as be to a.s aepartea) begin e to tell man? tbitiges/ana to publvlBe tbe aeae:in f mccb* $ f efuf couiae no mo?e openlj entre into tbe citie/but toais toitbout iuaefert pla* ce g.ana tBep came to bim fro euer? quarter. * . * * . CQe^calttbtbe man of t^ic paiqw tailed Jlcui ttt cuftomcc;eatet^toitl)opcn(jnnKw/Bn6e)f(Mfctl;lJB opftfplsa. CrBcfi.CBapter. ijfterafeatoe aape0/beentteainfoa[ Capernaa aga?ne/9 ittoa* nag&gt;#aup.a; fea^be teas in a boufe.ana anone timMfi, Imanp gaaerea to geaer'in font ocBe |nototBeretoa0noroumetoteccauetbe/no not fo mocbe a0 about tbe ao?e.anabe p?ea* cBCb f toorae bnto tbe. anatljere came bnto Bim t .b?oiigBt one ficfteofg palficbo?neof fotoer ntf ,aa becauf e tljep couiae not come n?ebntoB?mfo?p;eafe/tbei&gt;toicouerea tbt rofe of tfjeboute tobere'be toajs. ana tol?eit

tbepbaa B?obentt open/ tbep let Donne tbe beeotoberin tbe fpcfte of tbepalfpe lape. lbenf efti0 fatoe tbeir faptb /be fapae to tbe ficfte of tbe palfpe/*f onnc tt)p fvnne* are jt uhe b ,a,fo?geuentBe. ana tber toere certapne of $a&gt;crft&gt;e0rpt*?S tpnge tbere/ ana reafotnjnge m tbeir betters BotoaoetBtBP0felotoefo blafpbemef m\)o can f o?geue fpnne0/but oa onlpf ana im* meaiatlptobenfefu0perceaueainBi0fp?ete tBattBepfoteafoneaintBemfeiueg/befavac bnto tbem-.tobP tBpnftepefocbe tbpnge0in pourebertefjf ibberi0iteafper to fape to fte fpefieof tbe palfpe/tBpfpnne0 are fo; geuen tbf.o? to tape/ arpfe fafie bp tbv been/ m 9 t im anatoalftef*Batpemape finotoe tBattBeiuhf.i&gt;,e fonne of man batb potoer in ertB to fo?geue fpnne0/befpafte bnto i^e fpcfte of tbe palfiei 3 fape bnto tbe /arpfeana taftebptbp Beea/ ana get be Benfe into tbine atone boufe.ana bp ana bp Be arofe/toBe bp tb,t beea/ana toe t fo?tB befo?etBem all: in fomocBetbattbep toere all am8fea/anaglo?lfpea ob fapinge: toe neuer fatoeit on tbi0 faopon. ana Be toentagapne bnto tbe fte/anaafl g people wfo?wb bntoBim/9Be tangBt tbem.

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WaMkft fcubc.D.f.

iri&amp; as 9eftJ paffeb te/ fte fatoe jieuptbe fonne of aip&amp;epfpt attbe recede of cuttome -*w #. h 9 fapbebntobpm:folotoeme.ainabeatofe * B * fateatmeateinbisboufc/manppubitcaib* C a fpnnets fate ae meate alf o tottb gjefust ana W0ofrc&lt;le0jfo;tftmtoewniattpifolotoe6 bimMWWW Scribes 9 Wtttttf fatoe btm eateto publicans a fpnnets/tbepf&amp;pbe tonto bis aifciple0:botoi0 / t&amp;atbe eatetb a tomebetb toftb pubttcansJ afpnnec0? mm fletus Seattle tbat/be fapbe onto tti iem.*cbc tobolebanenoneaeoftbel&amp;bttpHoVbuttftc fpcbe.gicamenottoealltbetpgbttoEfe/but tbefpimecstotepentaunee. ainatbeblfcipiesofgobnatbePbatffes bpafatte:atbetfo;ecamcafepae bntobpm, lbp no tbe opftppies of $obn 9 of tbe|&amp;ba* tifes fatte/anatbpaff ciptt* fattnot.aina f us fa pbe tonto tbe :can tbe cftfltyen of a toea* Uftigefafte/toBHStbeb^ogtomcijJtoiWtbp 30 longeas tbepbauc tbebzpagtometoptb . ttem/tbep cannot fatte. #uttbe oapes topu *a (Sftmfl&gt;an come tobentbeb?pagtome malbe taben fro ttWamtbem^tben tmw** fatte in tboteaape0. SStw J Monoman fotoetbapect : of netoegott 8K ^bnto an olbe gatment/fo? * en "Wtf

not feaic $ tcou a to ape t&amp;e netoe pece fto tbe olbe/ gtfoTgtge me jgtpt pct'^ntujoiffe.fnlPBetBffe/nom&amp;poto^ctbne* "S&amp;JWb^^ tbcm men qu out/? tbe beffeis aw ut neto tome tiro mnm tnuftbepotojeaintonetobeffels. SS 1 j S amaft cbaimfeatbatbetoenttbojoto &lt;ge ttefcS^tSf *ne feme? on tbe &amp;aWotb Wjeaftwwp cjon * ttouuie cf tie* a0 tbep toentin tbelr toape/begane to ftaii mggam tflucBette cares of come. aCnbtbe^banfeu fapbe bntobpimbebolbe / tobp do tftep on tbe feabbotb aape0g tobtcft is not laufull? 20no be fapbe to tbe *aue pe neuet tebe tobat a* utoWb/tobenfiebaDneoe/atoauanttongwo borne be ? tfte? ft at tocte tottft w'm^oto be toentfntotbeboufeofoaintbebape0of abtatfjat tt)e bytptt&amp;wvbmtattm ba* lotoea loue0/tobpcb Wnot {atofull to eate/ but fo; tbe #?e(tes bnlp:a gaue alf o to tbera tobfebtoete toftb bpmf26nabefapbe to tbem (be feabbotb toasmaae fo?man/a notman flu tht ^abotb.lbetfo?e tbe fonne of man ft )io;oe euen of tbe $&gt;abotb nape. w " biB apottlcfl^j cafletf) out H( bnckane^ctc'tobpcl) fttpftaeifteafttpbe tento t^edetielU fft)eb?ot5et^ n, fl&gt;aanl&gt;root6wof5iCtepa. i y iTbe.&lt;.Cbaptet!. * J 3 iiy^^t l^a b^ enttea agapne fnto f fpna* " |MajteoBe/6itbettoaiSamStberetobteft mat a.a, MKfcPao a*to!OH?eDbSoe.16nb tfteptoat min i^yicbeo b^m to fe/ tobefljet betoolpe beale bfot ont be^abotbWie/g tfief mil)t

pccuCebimJnbbefa^ebntoftemStobpcb babftofi)D?eiibanoe;atffeaftaoetnemfotii0 lnbbefarQtotbf:tobetbett0itianf|tUtobo

agoobbeoeonft fabbotb6a?es5/o?aneupllf to taue l?fe o? bpllf ut ibtf bene tbeftpea* ceJnD^eloo&amp;eotofioabouteontbeangetl]) , ' mournynge on tbe bww* of tbettbettciJ/ a fatoe to tbe ma7*ftatcb fo?tb tbrnebanbtv ?.*, Inu hs Ctetcbeb it oute Jnb b?f banw toais ** tefto?eb/euenasJtobolea0tbeotb. B . . ainutbe IBbatifes bepatteb/ anb ttte?gbt toa*egaw;ebacotmleU/tottbtbebel8gfl&gt; toSetow/agaundbltnt-tbeprnfebtbeOwBe bim.3iniaeftiiJauof!&gt;eDtoftbbiMfdple0to tbe fee. HinD a gteate mutt f tu&amp;e f olotoeb bum ftom alfle a fr 5 gurfe/anb from gieiufaleV a fr5 fbumea/ a ftom beponbe 3o?oane/* a a?a.g.i). tbep tbat btoellebaboutcp?eanb&amp;fbPna*ubtj)(.t. gteate muttftube:tob?cb tobf t&amp;ef m ten* S l "' tt tobattbfngessbebvo/camebntpbfm. . 3inbbSmaimiiebbt0Dtfaple0/gaHp we ftuto toa^te onbfmybecauf e of t people/ icdetbepftulbtbioungebvm. foibth** beaieb mant/m fomortje tbat tbepp?eafeD bpon bm/fo? to toucbebvm asJ manv asbab mwMo tobe"$tonclencfp;ttesJ &amp;mpm tbevfelIboimebefo?eb?m/actvtb fapmge: tbou avte tbe fonne of oa . 3Dnbbe tttastis cbargebtbem tbattbep ulbnot bttetbjm* *anDbc toent top into a mountapne/a cah ***" lebbntobsm tobom be toofte/anb tbei? came *w- Wb bntobpm. anb be oflewe&amp;tbe.tfj.tbattbep Q)iObbetoitbb&lt;m/ atbatbempgbt fenbetbf top;eacbe:anbtbattbesm;gbt bauepotoetc to beale ft fineoeu / a to caft out d eusW. 3dnb hegaue^smon/tonamepetet Jnbbe cab &lt;ftblnnc0| fonneof^ebeoe a|obn/3!ameg Wotbet/agawc^^onarKtoname/tobttb . (g to fare/ tbe fonne? of tbounbei; . 26n&amp; 3Dn&amp;2 eto/ ano i&amp;biltp/ a tfartttmeto/a fl^atbeto

a ^boma^/a 3ame0 tbe fonne of %Wm . caweusJ/ anb Linton of taneannaww? actatlotb/tobFtft fame alfo bettawbbrm. Inbtbepcamebntoboufe/anbtftepeopW affembjebtogebetagajne/fo gwattyi *eg bao not levfatfomocbe as to eate b jeea.aina toben tbe tbat longeobnto btmbeatw of ft/ _ fc tbc?b)entouttobolBebfm/onbevtt)ougbeg5^ bebabbenebefpbebimfelfe M ^rtbe? MW tobicb came ftSHetufalf /fapbe:be batbei* ?ebub/anbbvtbepotoei;of tbecbefepeupll/ caftetb outneurW. 3Bnbbecaneb rtjembnto bim/anbfarbebntotbemtntftmrftube?. oto can S&gt;atanb;pue outa&gt;ata?flf&lt; ateatmebeDeufoebagai?mleitlelfe/8 r me cannot enoute. )?sfaboufebebeiUbeii agawtteftfelfe/tbatbottft cannot cotfotie: S&gt;otf 'Satan mafieniftttteccjon aoawitt bftnfelfeanbbebeufbeb/becanndtM, butjsatan enue, ^omantanentrttntoa fftonge

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tttohge mans? boufe/anb tabe atoase f)^ goober/ erceptebefwft'bpnae $ fltongemS atbenfpovlebt'S boufe. nuctelf afavebnto pou/ all fvimes njalbe fo?geuenbnto metis tbiio^e a biafPbemp.tobetVBttb tbep blafpbe* ' ( i(jhfbwfp^me.5eutbeg* n blafpaemctbt^e,boIpgooft/ Ujallneuetbaucfo^geuenesibutfstnbaun^ getofeternallbanacpStbecattfetbepfapbe/ be bab an ton den e fp;ete.cben came bis mo* tbet abt0b;etb?l/a ftouetof ^ out/anbfent bnto btm anb called bint JOn &amp; t&amp; e people fate aboute btm/anb fapbe bnto&amp;mt: be&amp;oBie tb? ttfotbetatfiv*b?em?e febe f o; toftbouttftio beanftoetebtbefapinge:tobof0 mpmotbet a mp betb^ 3Bm&gt;'be lofieb tountte about on bft bit ci pies/ to i) pel) fate in compaffe about btm/afapDe:Oeboibmpmotbet a mp pnmi yo^tobofoeuet boetb tbe topll of ob/bets mp b?otbet/mp fpttec an&amp;motben. CC^epacabtt oftfjc fotwe. if^prt aillctfy t^e (Fpt d of l ^c fee/Wijtci) otcyto tom, CCbe.fln.Cbaptet. { 0b be began agapne to teacbe bp fee rt&amp;e.anbtftere gabetebtogebec tonto bim raotbe peoplc/fo gteatlp ibc entteb fnto afttp/a fate ftitbe e/a ail tbe people toasbp tbe feefpbeon ffi ooje.ainb be taugbt tbe manp tbtogeS in ti mflftubesafapbebntotbemfnbisbocttme. , . ,. . et&amp;ehtotbebolbe/tbetetoftoutafotoetto |. . fotoe.lDnbttfo^une&amp;asbtfotoeb/Komefel L '=&gt; bp^toapefpbe/atljefotole0oftbeap?ecame fflto nut aoeuouwbitbp.^&gt;ome fell on ftonp gtollbe to unto V oti tobeve ft bab not mocbe ettt):abp abp fp?3ge 'ftiarttoi th bp/becaufe it babnotbeeptbof ettbibutas Hiie as tbe oinne toa0 top it caught b eet/anb ST becaufettbaonottotpnge/topbwebatoape. mat tbat 3Cnb fome fell amonge tbe tbo?ne0 / anb tm to tbetbo?ne0 gtetoebpanb cbobebft/ fo tbat

."Kitgaueno Suite, ainb Tome fell bpongoob S gtounbe/anb bpb pelbe ftute tbat fp?ong anb .tttsto ono gw toe /anb b ? ougl) t f o?tb wtome tbp? t p f one ijftemrawjfomefgctpe foioe/anb fomeanbunbje&amp;fbl* aJffi? } oe - few* fant0 1&amp; ^ ftc tbatbatb eates Sim fobeate/letftfmfteaie. | iwm mnbtoben betoas alone/ tbeptbat toete tobpeb is aboutebim toitl) tlie.vH.aCfiebbim of fim!ii "'Stt Wbe.ainbbe fapbe bnto tbem. co * *pou 10 it *S e g c 5 10 finotoef mtftetp of tbe Wngoome of jufuco oa.ieut bnto tbem $ ate towb out/nail an ana M ttomge0beboneinfimfu'tube0:g tobf tbepte *L ^ep(balIfe/anotbitceene: atobe"tbepl)eate "SKS tbct'roal beate/a not bnbetBSbe-.lctte at am? 0? t?me tbep (bnibe touvne/ ^c^eft: fpnn^ amia t$e be foffl;euentbe3na lie fapbe tonto tbem: pet of ceaue pe not tbisfimtlftubefbototben (buH) *22L M bnaetftanbe ail otbecfpmpiptuaes. ! S befotoecfotoetbtbetowbe.3liftbtbepSntfiat awbptbc toape0fpbe/tobere tbe too?aef0fo* wut toen/ ate tbcp to tobom aObne a0 tiffl baue


beieit/S&gt;atScomef[) tmmebiatrp/afajiettito^iuo focijc; atoapetoo?be $ toas fotoen in t&amp;cftbefte&amp;S *i ail,0 "f * anblibetopfetbeptbatavefotoen ont&amp;c o2SKKL npegtounoc/are tbep;tobub tobeb tbep baue uco tijcu m tije

beatoe too?ae/atonce teceau? it toitb slab* v(iiitcouftir0 nes/ petbauenototes in tije femes/ ^ton--^f { &gt;^f^ Dute buta tpme: aanone as ttouble a petfe* S'SS*' cuctonatpfetb fo?fl)etoo?be0fafte/tbepfalli fl ;Jii tijat \w immeoiatlp.ainb tt)ep tbat ate fotoen iamSgeom is torn an tbetbo?ne0/atefocbea0beat-e 8too;DesatBe 1 ol, p tt|: ***' tate of tbis too;lbe a tbe b igeptfulnes of ttJSS K" cbeS anatbe luftes of otbet tbtnge^/entee tit SS a cbooRet^etoo?be/aiti0mflbebnfmtfuliuicti::vui)vcu ' ainb tbofe ti^at toeare fotoeb in goob gcofioe/ jp w op ate tbeptbatbeate tbeto?be anbteceaueit/ {KJ^! ^; a totnge fojtb fmte/fbme tbfttp foibe fome , lc ,.* U m Zy fpwpfoloe/fomeanbunb^eofoibe. te/tWftniiftf 3nabe fapbe bato tbe: is tbe cSble ipsDtea not ocenne a to be put bnbee a butD)ell/o; bnwt tije tabled \U L }t* a not tatftet to be put on a canot Ifticlt i f 0? Z } f tbetei0 notbenge fo p;eup/tbat Qjallnotbe^ opencb;netl)cc fo fecteet/but tbat it fi)all co* me abjoaae, 9;f enp man baue eaves toljeave letbpm beave. JCna be fapbe bnto tbem: tabe bebe tobat pe ijcate. lOptb tobat mcafuve pe metc/to!tb tbe fame Ibal it be meafitrebbnto pouagapne. aina bnto pou tbat bcate/lballji,oohein#ae, mo?e be geue.jf 0? *bnto bim tbat batb/roalljeip. itbegeuentaftombimtbatbatb not/0)albe taben atoape/euentbatbebatb. : ana be fapbe:f is (be ftpngoomc of ob/ tut as pf a ma fbulb fotoe feebe in gcounbe anb fftulbe f lepe a tpfe bp npgbt 9 bape: ana tbe feeaeffljuia fp?fnge anagt otoe bp/ be not toate.f 0? tbe ettb b?ingetb fo?tb ftute of bet felfe:fttft tbe Maoe/tben tbe eares/aftcr tbat fiUlcomeintbeeates.^nbaffoneas f fnite . IS b^oifobt fo?tb/ anone be tb^ouftetl) in tbe fpfiell/fficatife tbe betueftt0 come. ajnb&amp;e fapbe: tobete bnto (ball toe ipben tbe bpngbomc of oof o&lt;? toitb tobat copati* ton mall toe copaie ittqt i0 lpbe a grapne of muttatbfeea/ tobpeb toben it is fotoen in tlje ettb/fS tbe leea of all f eeoes tbat lie in ertb: but aftet tbat it t'0 fotoen/it grotoetb top/ana i0 gteateft of all petbes: anb betetft steate b?auncbe0/fo tbat fotoles of tbe me mape btoell tonbet tbe mabotoe of it. amatoitbmanpfocbeftmiiitubes bep^ea* cbebtbetoo?bebntotb5/aftetastbepmpgbt beate it Jnbtoitbout n'militube f pane be no' tbpnge bnto tbem. But toben tbep toeve a patte/be ejcpounbeaailtbpnges tobPS bpf" cpple0 . 26na tbe fame aapc toben euen toas come/ be fapbe bnto tbem: let b0paffeouec ...

bnto tbe otberfpbe.lCha tbeplefte tbe people anb tone bpm eue asbe toa0 in tbe Ojip, Wfo m ttettoereaifotoftbbtatometl&amp;ippeS. m SCnatbecatofeagteat fto?meof topnbe/a bafflKDtbe toauesmto \ (bfp/fo tbat it toas


tontfito&amp;etosufot&amp;cftemcaHepeimaiJe* lotoe. attbtbepatooftebpm/afapbetobpm: j attet/catett tbou not g toe; betofetop/a tebubeo topn&amp;e/ 9 fapbetonto tbe fee-.peace 9 be ftpOnDft topnoe alapeb/ 9tBettolotoebagteate caime, anDberapoe bnto tb enr. tobp aw re fo f eatfultf ^oto fs it tbatpeBauenofaptb? ainot^cpfeareDejccc* einglp/ a fapbe one to another-: tobat feiotoe t'S tfrtf dFo?boofl&gt; topnbeanbreeobepbpm. CI?eariWe^tl|cpoireirctiftomt5ci)ncteancfwttt/ tijetoomanfcom tftc Moudjepffue^.anlitapfc^ HK taptapesbsuslitec tfcbe.b.Cbaptct.* $b tbep cam ouer to w otbetfpbe of tbe fee into tbe countte of $ a* serenf tes. ami to&amp;en be toas come. _ out of &amp; fbtppe/tbetemetbfoi out of tbe grauesa matt pottefteb of an bncieane fpjfte/tobf cb bab &amp;fs abpbfnge amoge gra* ueS.ano no man couloe bpnoe nortb cbepnes/ becaufe p* tobf be toasoftebounbe tofttj MttV a cbepnes/beplucfteDfcbapnes amnbje/abzafie tbe fetters inpecesjQetber coulbe eitpma rameftnu Jno altoapes botbe itfgbt aoapebe ctpebfn tbe mountapnes anb in t^t graues/anti bet bfm relfe tottb (tones, a&amp;ben be ban fp peb 3!efus a tarn of/ be rSne

noutc ^ntpcequ^etbet'ntbenameof ttotfg tboutozmet tapncte nto menot.ff o?bebabfapbbntoBfm:comeoutof 2SSSl?2J t^e man tbou foule fpjfteJnb be affteb bint: SK tobatfU tbp name anb beanftoetebfappng: warn mtfmm ttame fs 'jtegion/f o? toe ate manp . anb fteaneeo? ma/[|e pjap&amp;Bim fnftantlp/ be toolbe not fence lima of mtwtthtm amape out of tbe countte. ~ anbtbertoastberenpebMomoufapn$. agreatefjeetbof ftopne feofnge/a all tbe be= upis befougbtbtm fapfnge*. fenbebS m to Beeae of ftofne/tbat toe mape enter into tbe. inbanone WuSgaue t&amp;emleaue. anb tbe bnclene tpjf t&lt;;toe"t out 9 entreb At to ftopne. anbroebeett&amp;arteleb/aranbeblfngfittog fce.cbep toere about,fi.ffl9.ftopne/anb tbep toere bjouneofn fee. anblbe ftopne beero$ Beeo a tolbe it in fyt riti'e anb in G^e countte. 2tob tBep came out fo; to f e tobat Bab bappe&gt; neb:attb came to Hefus/a fatoe bfm tbat toas bejes tottb tbe fenbe anb bab (be &amp;egf 0/fpt/ botbclofbeb aftib'S tpgBtmpnbe/ anb toere aftapeb.ano tbep tbat fatoe ft tolbe tBe/Boto ttbab Bapenebto BpmtBattoas pofreCTe&amp;Vo flebmprcanbalfoofroeftopne. * anb tbep begannc to p?ape &amp; tm/tyat be toome bepatte W meet coottr. tlno tobefte toa.3 come into v I ttft&gt;P0e babtbebmpir/p?apebbimftbe mpgbt&amp;e Wm. ^otobeft^efus toolbenot fiiBwbim/but f apae bnto brntigo ome At to


tbrtte atone boufe a to tbfftenfies/ a ffietoe tbem tobatawattftftiBefS * &amp;b bnto tbe/a fotobe bab cSpadf on on tbe Jnb Bebepatteb/anbbeBannetopublf(lbenttbe c if cftteisytobatgwate tbtng^efu? bab bone* bntobim/anbanmenb^meme^le; 3Bnb toben|efu0toa0 come ouer agape 6s0nppebntoiti!teotbe:fpbe/mocbe people &amp; ai gabeteb to bfm/ a be teas n?e bnto f ee*3na JJg** Beboioe /tttet came one of tbe rulers of c6e ilute,ta *

fesnagoge/tobofename toa05laitus;atobe be(atoeb(m/beeelIbouneatbtsfete/anbbe (oug&amp;t bpt great!? Capmge : w baugbtet Uetb at pojnt of beetb/3! toolbf tbou toolbeft come alaye tbtbanbe onber/tbat roe mpgbt be fafe a HueJno be toet toitb bim/amocbe people foiotoeb6iint/anbtb?ongebb&lt;m. anbtbertoasa certen toomaytobpcb toas Diteafeb of an pOueof bIouDertf?ereS/abab fuffteo man j tt)tnges of mam? pbttycions/a baofpentallg roebab/afeltenone amenbe* met at all/but toeyeb too M 9 too.ztre.itsben roebabberoe of fefus-.roe came nttbp;ea= cebebftibebJ'm/atoucbenbiSgarmMo?(be tbougbt:?fJ,ma?e buttoucbe bisciotbesa roan be tobole. anb Srrrabt toapeber foun* tapne of bloubt toas&amp;^ebbp/anb roe- felt f bet bobtf/tbat roe toas bealeb of tbe plage. anbaeftus t'mmem'atlp felt in bfm felfe/ft bertue that toent out of bfm/ a toumeb bfnt rouno aboute in p?eace/afafot:tobo tou cbebmpciotbes^anbbWbffcfpljfajbebnto bftmfepft tbou tbe people tb?utt tbe/ anb pee affteftvtobobf D toucbe me? ainbbe lofiebtofib about/ fo?tofebertbatbabbone tbat tbutge cbe tooman feareo 9 trembleb(fo; fbebnero tobat toas bone toptb m bet) a (became ano fell boune bef o?e bpm/a toioe bpm tbetruttt of euetp tbfnge Jnb be tatfie tober.2&amp;augb tettbS faptb ban) mabe tbe toboale :go fn peace/attb be tobole of tbp plage. *bdbplfbepetfpabe/tbevcamefrStbentia9af.&lt;r.e ; let of tbe&gt;pnagogwf boufe/certapne tobicb mmM , rapb:tb?baugbtmSbeeb:tob?btfeafefttbo 1 tbe Rafter enp amber- i Mem as leuijt beatue tbat too^jefpoben/ be fapbe bnto tbe mier of fte &amp;pnagoge:be not afrapeb/ onhi bEleue.anbbefuffreDnomantofoJotoebmt ; moatetbfiBetwaaatnesaaobn^baotbet^^, . ! of^ames.*ainDbecamebnto tbe boufe offtSfffflfttulet of tbe *pnagbge/a fatoe^toJRwutge: * Mt mt aroent tbat toettfe a toapleb gteatlp/a toent tn a fapbe bnto tbfttobpmabe pe tbfs a 000a toeptfebe mapoen i&amp; not new but flepetb. ainbtbepiatogbtb^mtofeome.cbenbeput tbem all out atoae tbe fatber a f moroetoe cBemapben/a tbem tbattoere tottbbfm/anb (nttebuttobetetbe mapbettlape/ atobetbe mapoen bptbebanbe/apbe bnto bw : ca*

6/tba / am 1 tob ?t a tt bg fntetp? e tacpwtt mafben

^ ***


1 1 rt*

matblSfapebnto f/atpre.anbftrepgbttbe mapbenarore/anb toent onbet fete, tfo? roe . bias of age of ttoelue peres.anb tbep toere *- aft on itb at it out of meafiireanbbe cbargeb tb5 fttapteip tbat noman roitlb ftnotoe of 1 1/ anwommaunoeo to geue bet mcate. tiCbJirt fente(i) biaaiiofllejs (o ^rale tftem t&amp;nt toerc ttfca fctr. )f 3 j tju anb e cobt. 2&gt;f i^c.u . toucg anb ' Ufpr^w.ans of tijetoatbpngeonttKfte,, * g3B i r/S&lt;'sAl^olie oepaebtbence7$ cam into amrfiS.B* -tn^uSl bis atone countte/ a bis optcppies KM.^rf. PHwifolotoeDbim.anDtoUen5&amp;abotb Bs^^aoap^toas come/be lieganne to tea t&amp;tt&amp;e fpnagoge.anb manpfbeartie bfm creaftonpe&amp;/a fapoe: fromtobencebatb be tbefe tbpnges? atofattopfoome tgtbfs t is . :;&gt;. .. ge^iebntobuafucbe-berfuesiare to;ougbt - ftab'S banoes^s not tbf s f carpenter $ a itWJ^wWtpesfonne 8 *tbe b^otber ofjames a^ofesa jjl).W* of gj iaa 1 grfntom'a are nofbfS f pdersbere . twtbbSfanDtbeptoercoffenijebbpbfm.ainb g!efusrapDei)ntotbem:a^;opbet fsnot oe* fpffeo but in bis atone cottntre/a amege bis atone bpnne/a amorige tbem t&amp;at are of tbe tamebouroolbe. ano be coulbetbete roe toe no mp?acies/ but fapbebps banties bpona fetoe ftcfie f oulcfte anb bealebtbem anb be ttmevuopleoattbefrbnbeiefe. j&lt; ainbbe toentaboute bptbetounesg lape pn etierpfpbe/teacpge, anbbtcMMOtbc ttoelue/a beganne to fence tbem ttoo attoo/ njfflira to&amp;ea satte tbe potoer ouetbnclene fp;etes. anb i Bitaitttougi) co m m aiino cd tbem/tbat tbep roulb tabe no. I ij** tbfnge bnto tbeir iopw (me * a rosoe onlp MteSne^etfcrfPptvnetberb^eeb/netbermonpfit

V10 fojbeotbefr pourfes/ but ftulbbe (boob toptbfan* 11 code / 1 ct&amp;ais.anbgtbep roulb not put on ttoo cootes. jlff^ni'banbberapbebntotbemitoberfoeuerpeentte :StaSSa*-to anboufe /tbere abpbe tpllpe beparte Wocfl-r obc*bece . anb to &amp; f oeuer (ball not receaue pou lint fssiwwno? brar e pou/toft J pe beparte tbence/ (babe EEK&amp;Sflf tbebutte t|tae fs briber poure fete/fo? a SrLWtoptneire bnto tbe. 3ifapebereipbntopou/ft iCftii#wwe eafier fo? oobom a omojat oape jtfanptwbeof tubgement/tfjenfo? $ cftie.anbtbeptoft BS&amp;* out -' P;eacbeb/ tbep roulbrepft-.a tbep caft KSmS 0ltt man f beupls,ano tbep annovnteo manp Sto no tbat toere f pebe tottb ople/anbbeaieb tbem. til u j t s 3tttD Bpnge $ erofie bero e of bpm (fo? bps j i/ $en name toasfp;eeb ab^oaoe) anb fapne-.giobn if ". e apttfle is rpfen agapne from beetb/a fljii* uluftv fo;emp?acllesareto?ougbtbpbpm. fljit taha' fapbeftfs i^elpas: afomefapbesfefsa^ofe isny of Cpaeto?asoneof tbel&amp;?opbetes. Kuttoben ftoogcr aerobe bearoe of bpm/be fapbe:tt fs^obn V" !n M*ft&gt; Jbebeabeo/betstpfen fro bretb agapne Ki Una * * "ffo?eroDebfmfelfebaOfentfo?tb abab w awtabe'iobn/a boimoe bfm a caft bfm into p;e "jpj^nacfonfo^etoofasrafteito^cflrpaSb^bjotbEC

\ \

J&amp;bm'Ppestoffe.!jFo?beBabmarpebb-3obrt8?(ac0nivii&amp;e fapjebnto^etobetatisnotiatofuufo? fa"gjMgL baueropb;oroer0toffe,^erobfasiapbtoaftef o e S l ! fgf fo;bfm/anbtoolDebauebplleb,bpm/butfbeo! a toatewiac couloe not. ff o^erooe f eateb gjobn/linotoig naffe o catetw f bttoas afuftman aanboip: agaue brog ^'ISSf teuetencf.anb tobenbebcarbe bpm/bebpi)" JC8 aK wv? manproinges/abearnebfmglaDip; - )cut toften a conuenpent bape toas come: Aerobe on bfsbpjtb bape mabe a 'f upper to !o;oeS/ captapns acbefe effaces* of dSaltie, anb tbe baugbtet of tbe fapbe eroof as cam fn abaunfeb/a pleafeb Aerobe a tbem $ fate

at bourbe alfo.cben tbe bpnge fapoe b nto mapbe'taf&amp;e of me tobat p tbou toil t/a 3! toflt getiettanbbeftoarebntobp//tobatfoeuet! : tbou roatt affte of meygi tofii gette ft /men bnto tbe one balfe of mp ftpngoome. anb roe toent to ;t b a fapbe to bet mo tbe r: tobat (ball fafbe^anb we fapoe; giobn jsaptf lies beeb. nb roe cS f n fttepgbt toape toptb Bade bnto tbeftpnge/anoaffiebrapinge-.g! tofll-.g tbou geue me bpanobpfn a cbargertbe beeo of giobnBaptf Oftbtbe fipngc teas Co?p:f)oto _ beft fojbpsotbes fafte/anofo? tbeir fafies^ toffveb fate at fupperalfo/betoolDenotput BerbefiDeberpurpofeanbfmmeofatlpfftfg Cent tbe Bangman a comaimoeb BPS beeo to , be b^ougbtfn.anbbetoent abebeedebbpitt fn tbe p;efon anb b;ougbt BfS t)ee&amp; i n a cbar* get/a gaue ft to tbe mapben anb tbe mapbem gaue ft to bet motber. anb tobe" b f s bffefpir s Bearoe of tt/ttjep came ano tone bp W boop/ a nb out ft in a toumbe. / fo ./antttbeapottiesgaoliereotbemfeUie^to getbet togefuS/ a tolbbfm all tbpng^/bcotlj tobat tbep babbone/ a tobat tbepbao taugfyt. anbbe fapue bnto tbem*come aparte utto mtmni topjoernes/anbreftatobple. tfoj tbere toere aubc.^.t. mattp commers ano goers/ tbat tbep bob no 3oftn.ii&lt;.a. leafute fo mocbe as to eate. anobe toent bp PP 'out of $ toape fnto a octette place, ffiue tbepeoplefppebtBemtobentbepbeparteD:a manpbnetoebfm/a rSne afote tbitber out of all cf ties 1 a cam tbttbet before tbe/ a came to geboer bnto bpm. anbgiefus toet out a fatoe ._ . , mocbe people/a bab cSpafffS on tb? /becaufe ** tbeptoetelfbefbepetobfcbbabnoroepberoe ainb be beganne to teacbe tbe manp tbmges. *anb toBe tbe bape toas novo fatre fpent/c Bi'SbffcfpFes camebntobfm(apfnge:tbiS fs a^af^^.tr,' befett place/ a nototbeoapeis farrepafleb/^'^* let tbe beparte/g tbep mape go fnto ? cofltrep J09n,uua * tonnb about a fnto tounyabpetb?b?eeb: fo^tbrpbaue notbntge to eate.^eanftoerea anb fapb bnto tbem:geue pe tbe to eate, a 11b tbep fapbebnto cpenptoo;tb of b?eeb/a geue tbe" to eate itye fapoe b n 1 tbe-.boto manp loues Baue pe /m 9 losc.ano toBl tbepbab fewbeb/tbepfapw

C fpueanbj

j;ant&gt; ttoo fp C(&amp;e*&lt; ainbBe c5maunbt&amp; tBem . . to mafte t^Sall Reaoune b? cSvamesf bponS gtene graile. ana tBep fate ooune Bet aroto e 9 tbece atotoe/bp Bunojebi; $ bp fpftie* Jnb fjctoBctUCb.loursi 9 ctje ttoofptlbe*/ $ lo* ea!(0Hrt^at iieo tip to bcautn '*anb blefleo anob?afte tbe fe/iic gaue t^aii ioue*/a gaue tl) mi to Bft bif cf ple0 to put lie* bc fo# tbenitft t&amp;c ttoo CQje9 Be DeuiQe&amp;amBg t&amp;cmall. anotBepall opDeate/$ totteratir* f tuep t oft e dp ttoelue barRette* full of tBegobette*anbof t&amp;efpfflje*. anbtBep tBat ate toere about fpuetBoufanb men. mattmt. 3nDttrepgBttoapcBcaufebBftMfdpK* w * ? \ftogo totot&amp;e pppe/atogoouettBetoater before unto 5SetBfapoa, toBpil He rent atoape mwb.*9c. tg e people . * flnbaoone as fit Babfenf tBem 309n,i.u. atoape.Be Depattebfnto a moatapne to p^ap * 3no toBen cue toa* come tbe IbPPpe too* in tee mibbe* o f toe C ee/ a Ije atone on I anne anb Be f atoe tbe t roubleo to totopnge/fo? tbe topnbe tea* ciStrarp bnto tb.2ino aboute tBtf ft#ffihcfout&amp;ftttft*quawei;oftftentixbt/Becamebnto niia'ciM 10 t&amp;/tBem/toal&amp;tngefcpati)e ree/anbtoott&gt;eBaue im. watcijc aa paffeb bp tbl. iBe tBep fatoe aim toalbpnge in 4&amp;at.yii!M.j, 1 ,8 t&amp;e feertBep fuppofebitBaa bene a fpjite $ crpeo oute:fo? tbep all fatoe Bim/anbtoete afrapebJnbanoneBetalRebtoitBtbe"rapb &lt;j&amp;bntotBem:beofgoobtRere/itf*3i/benoe jpatMS*'* afrapeb*3nbBetoentbpbnto tBem into tbe Ortppe atBe topnbcceafeb/ a tBeptoerc foje amafeb intBeTewe* beponoe meafute/anb maruepteb . f 01 tBep temembjeb not/of tfte

ioues/becauKtbei'tbeWiStoerebltnoeb. MWzv came ouer/atoenttntot lanoe of&lt;2$cneiirctB/ab;iuebpintotBeBaue.3!na ndone.a* tBep toew come out of Hje (bpppe/ OtepgBttBep RnetoeBt/a tSne fojtBtBjougb out all tfje tegpon tounbe about/ a began to carp about to bebae* all tBat toere fpcbe/ to tfje place toBere $ep Beatbe tell tftat be tea?. SGnb tobftbe r f met be entreb into tonnes tu tie*/ojbillage*/tBeplapoetBeitrpcReintBe ttteate*/ a PjapebBfm $ tbe p raig&amp;t tottcbe/ anbittoerebuttBee&amp;ge.ofBftbetture . 3nb a*manpa*toucBeoBtoi/toerefafe. * C^eWciplmatttoKfiWitocttyrobatUKs.ffi&amp;rcS maunUemU of 06 is ttafjtelftOlw-raSnw totmm, 3B)ftt)eW8manof*icoHicira,fHieabot5. CCBe.bu.CBaptec. 9 i-uudiU Bb $$Barffe* came to gebber bn* Itobtm/aoiuers of &amp;ctf bt;to&amp;tcb came fro getufale* .SntitoBen (Be? I,, Ifav^pfCTfafne of Bft oifcipie* eate jjteeb tb c0men Banbe*( ft to fape/tof rb bn* toef ften Banoe0)tBep c5plapncb.iJfo; #Ba* rffe*aall &amp;g;etoe*/e;rcepte tbep toaf fte tBefc Banoesioftf/eatenot/obfemmgetttaot'ciSs of ?tieBiJnbtoBf tBei?come ftS^matfiet/ wcepttBe?iaflBf/tBepeatenot.anbmans 6 16 t&amp;tage? t&amp;et Be/toBicB tBej Ba w ta&amp;en

- 4


!ie (ofpeU p5 tbieb bbfetue/aSfttaflBntge of citp cmf e/ahb of b;afen bedel* anb of table*. CB affiebBimtBe PbatfW a &amp;oftet* ioB v toal&amp;e not tb v bif ciple* acco;btng to tbt w ttabicton* of tbe sinew*/ but eate b;eeo tojtB bniueatjen Banbe*f e antotteb 9 te?bbttto tbem:toe p;opberteb(Efata* of son ppocti* if te*/a* it 1* to?ptten;*Bis5 people Bonojetl) S a a mc toitB tBewlppptf/But tBelt Bcc t* fane w Vf *' ft5 mc^n bajnc tBf P too;u)ip me, teacBing Boctvtoe0toBtcBatenotbmgebutci5maun* bemsnte* ofmen.tfo? ve lapetBccSmaunbe. ntentof obaparte/aobfcnte StcabftfowJ of men/am tbe toefftinge of ciurep 9 of cup* pesf/amanpotBet: fucBelrRetBl?nge*Kbo. UnbBefapbe bntotBf Jtocll/pe cattafjbeg cSmaunbemJtof^oD/tpmarntapnesotoe^ atonett;aotct50.*foi !00ofe0Capoe:Bonoute * tBP fatBet a tBf motBetta toBofoeuer cutftn) SJSu fatBto?motBet/let B*mbi&gt;efo;ft. &amp;&amp;W mm*tm fateta mS attfaue to fatBee 0? motBet oj matt*, ; banttt^cBtt-.* tBoubefv^eft of me to Bdpe * tBeb)ttB(*geufoliJnbfo^fumeBimno mo;e to 00 ottgBt toiW fatBet 0? W mottjet mabvnge tl)e to a jtje of 0ob of none eSecte/ tB;oitgBouce atone ttab(ci9*toBcBseBa* tic 02De?neb.3W&gt;manp focije tBtoge* Do ?e. ' 3DnbBecallebaUtBepeopiebntoBtot/anb ^ fapbebntotBfcBttttnbntome/eiietijoneof c sou a bnue;ftahbe.*Bc ft notbmge to? tB * out a m&amp; (Bat can beftle B?m to Be ft ent re t \i into Bfm:buttBofetBtng^toBicBP?ocebe out of Bim/atetbofe toBveB&amp;tftfe^ maii.9jf emj raanDaueeatestobeate/lctljimBeateJna toBen Be came to Boufe atoase fro people/ BftbltctplessafliebBHnof $ femUtoibe.aina Be fas be onto tBcm-.ate re to toftb out/bnDec ttanbntge i &amp;o ye not pet pecceaue/gtoBae foeuet tBWge ftom tojtBout/ enttetB to to a man/it canotbetyie Btot; becaufettentretb nottotoBftBntbuttoto&amp;belir.agoetBoue intob;augBt tBat putgetB out all mcatctf anbBefasbevg beff letBamantoBycb co* metB oute of a man.tfo? ftS toftB to/eue out of tbe Berte of ml pjoceaoe eu?H tbougbt w aououttp/fo?tocaci5/muwBer/tBeeft/eoue&lt; toufne0,tofcftebne*/Deceste/bnclenne*/aa tof c Rtb ese/blafpBems/p;plie/ f 01? fl)ne*:ail tBefe eusll tBmge* come ft5 tt in/ a oefple a m. * a no from tnetice Be tofe a toft tototBe a&amp;it .bo?oets of t it a &gt;?Bon; a entreb toto an

Bouf e/a tooice^ no man flniibBaue finotoe. Xut Be coulbe not be BSb.jFo; a cevtafne too mantoBofebaugBtetBa&amp;afoulefp?fteBearb of Btoi a came a fellatBr* fete.cBe tooman tea* a tfswfie oute of $s&gt;y ?opBen&lt; cla/anb tbe bef ougBt btot tBat Be tool Be caft outfbeugil oute of Bet naugBtet. 3Ono7efii0fa?ucbnto Ber.iettbecBf;en fwtt be fceb.ifcs itft not meteto tae f cb0b;eiftb?eeb/aBB tocaoe icbttta

jBftbhfotobelpesJ.^tieattftoerebaffljbbnto ' i(.).f. Bim:eu5fo!Sl9aaei;/*neuettBeieffe/ toBel* pe*alfo eate bnbettBe table of cBslb?en* ccom^nbBc fa voe bnto Bei::fo; tBft faptoge gotBs toape/tBe oeuplf ft gone out of t&amp;p baugbtet. anbtobenlbetoa* come Borne to * m Boufe/ Qje f ounbetBe beujll bepatteo/ a etbaugBtec (pinge on tbe beeo.



|bi in Bft fp?ete afatbM oottj b)ft g^Hetacf 3 fefteafjgnef ereftafase bnto sou/ tijec (Ball no figne be geuen bnto tB w geneva it 0. anb Be lefte tBem anb awn t in to tije Qiw ft* gaine/anbbeparteb ouet tBe toater. SDnbtBesBab fo?gottentotabe b?eeb totttj tBf/neCBetBabtBepin &lt;bpptt?tBtBemo?e mwm . E .v v.. , v w . t|en oneloofe jnb Be cBatgeo tBem rating* . * 3CnbBebepattebaga?neft0 gcolleaof *&amp;a&amp;e&amp;ebe/abetoawoftBcleueof tw& amp;m Ufim GW anb hmW9 camebnto tbe fee of m tittM of tbe leaf of ^erobeJnb Wv Waft *** ' IfletBo?ototliempmie0oftBecoae*oftBe.r, nebamSgetBemreiue0fasinge:toeuauend cstfe*.HnbtBerb;ougBtbntoBsmonetBat b;eebJnb toBen gjefuUfinetoetBat/Befapbe

tt5-toa0beffeatlanib?ebtoBWfpecBe/apWbe bntotBf:toBstaBe?etBougBtbecaurei?eBa b im to put Bft Banbe bponBtot. 3BnbBe tone ue no b;eabf petceaue ?e not pet/utt Bet bn* btoi a Roe from tlie people/a put Bft fwgerjJ betttanoef auc n poute fjettejj pet blfttbeo toBfteateuabPbfPStatoucBebBftfounge ^auefeepejjanbfenotfaBaiiepeeate*anb a lobeb bp to iieaue a tt gB teb/anb fapbbnto Beare not ? ?&amp;o se not t ememb ;ef IO(|ett9l. Wm:pBatBa/tBat ft tolaf e/be openeb Jnb toafte.b.lbmft amSge.b.a^.^bto mans baf ftrepgBttoapeBP* eate*tote openeb/atBe Bette*funofb2oBfmeatetofiesebpf cBej? mfnaeofBfttoungetoa0loofeD/anbBefpa fapbebntoBnw/ttoelue, i*&amp;cti3toafte.bff. beplavneJnbBecemaunbebtBemtBattBes amonge K*Q9.^otomansbaffiette0oftBe (Bnlbetellnoman. 53uttbemo?eBefo?bab reutogeuofb^oBenmeatetofiepebpf cBes tBem/fomocBetBemoateagteatebealetbes farbe/feuenJnbBefapbebntotBenv.Botoft Dublpffltebi't; anb toer* bejonbe meafure ftn)atsebnbetSanbenor .. aaonveb/rasinge:*^eBatBboneantBsnge0 * ainbBe came to 38etBfapb8/ahti tBep^ toell/anb BatB mabebootb tBebeffctoBeatc b;ougBta Winnem5bneoBt'm/abers;ebBftn anbtbebommetofpeafie. f&gt; tofoncBeBm.ainbBecaugBtblinbebptBe MuemwtnM. affteb Bpm toBetber Be fato ougfjt . aino Be CcBe.bfii.tBapte;. *^gjfetBejra toaiBe/a0tBep toetettee0. after tBat Be put ^ BftBanbe* agapnebponBft epe0/anbmabe BimfeeJnbBetoa0teao?ebtoBftBgBt/ano fatoeeuerpmSclerlsJnbBefentBim Borne to BP* Boufe ( ay 1 : nge : netBer go into tbe ton* he/mo tell it to enp to tbe toune. * 3 no %tw to et out a W bi fc t'pi e* into $ ton n e* tBat ionge to tbe ct tie calleb Cefatea

#tBe oape0toBentBertoa0abes gveatecompanpey aBabnotBsnge to eate/ 3iefu0 calleb Bft bpfcpple* __ toBimanbfapbebntotBem:l,Baue compaffion on tBft people/becaufe tbesba* tie noto bene toitB */anb B aue no&gt;

tBtogeto eate:anbpf3 OmlbfenbetBlatoape faftpngeto tBefc atone Boufe*/ tBep ffiutoe

faynt bp tbe toape. &lt;ff 0; bitter* of tBem came PBilippiJnb bp toape Be affte b Bft Mf cipij from farre . Knb W bpfcpple* anftoereb rapingettoBo bo menfape v. % amf 2Cnb tBe p Bpm: tobere fljuibe amanBaue b;eabe Bete anftoereb:tomerape $ tBouarte^oBn J8ap* to*toflberne*tofat(CKetBefe^atnbBeafiteB tift:fcmefape^elpa*:afomeoneoff wo* tbem:Botomanploue*BauepefcBepfapbe/ pBete*.anbBefapbebnto tBetbuttoBSfape^ iiOT.anbBecommauntjeD tbe people to Cpt feg?am^p'etecanCtoetebararDbntoBiiii^'; b ; f ' bouneontBegtounDe.ambBetoRetBe.bitlo* tBouarteberpB?ift.3nbBecBargeDtB5/SS^; ue*/gauetBanRe*/b^ReagauetoBP*bif tbepCDulbtelnomanofitJntiBebeganetoy cioie*/tofetbefo;etB^. SnbtBepbpbfettBe teacBetbf/ Bote tBat tBefonne of mantnuf t before tbe peopfeJnb tBep Bab a fetoe fmall fuffte manp tBinge*/ a Qmlbeberep^ou eb of fifu)e*.inbBebleaebtBeacSmaunbebtbem $eiber*aoftBeBpe$;e(te*a&amp;crtbe*/anb alfo to be fet before tBem. 3CnbtBep ateanb beRplleb/anbaftertB?ebape0arpfeagapn e. toetefumfeb. 3BnbtBeptoRebp of tbeb?oRf anbBefpaRetBatfaptogeopenlp. anb^e* meatetBattoa0lefte.bii.bafRette*fhlUnb tertoReBimarpbe/anbbegantocBpbebpm. tBeptBat ate/ toere in nomber aboute fotoec cbenbe toumebaboute /anbloReoon BP* bifcfple*/anbrebuRebPeterfapinge.&lt;!i5oaC ainbanoneBeentrebintoaftpptoitBBf* tetmeS&gt;atan.^o?tBoufauereftnott6tog5 * &gt; bifcipK/acameinfopartie0of30almantt* cfobbHttBetBpnBe0ofmen, * . * mm ;tBa *inbtBe^Bartfe0camefo2tB/abegSne *3nbBecaUebtBepeopiebntobini/toptbE^ 'SSk to Bffpute toitB Bim/refttnge of Bpmafpgne Bftotrctp!e0alfo/afapBebntotB5. tfcRofoe^uKc tmSk, MBeau0atempnngebim,afnbBerpgBtt5eb ttei;toiilfolotocme/letBimfo?faReBiinfe ifennJ)4c(i,f* 41, ataRe

JU6e.f,r .0.

StabetopftPP'roffe/afolotoeme. $i toft : foeuettopllfauebpPlpfe/ flwuioKft ,.ut tobof oeitcr mall loft ftip ipfe fo? mp fane ? g ofpeip/tftefameftallfauett. Ibat all ttp?ofetam/pf be Quit) topnne IttMfe 8 loft Bip atone foulefo? elp toftat (ball a ma geue to rebeme Bip rouie agapne i WbtOot* uettfterfoje (ballbe atftameb of me 9 of mt? to o-bep/amoge tfti abuourrouP * finful ge* neracio-.of bim all t&amp;e tonne of man be at* bamcb/toftenfte corned inrfte glojpe of ftpp fatftertoitbtbolpangelp.anbBelapbebnto tbem^erelpjj tape into HWsCbew be fomc of tbetBat ttanbeftere/tobpcb ftalinot eaCtc of beetft/tpll tftepbaue fcnetfte bpngbome of tijsobcometoptbpotoee. CiCfiettanffiaucflrton.flCtieluuaMcteiBfteaUli.CSe bpfp,utacionto&amp;ot"M.o betljesceacett. 0knmm fojlijoOfn. ccfte.f;c.&lt;ii:&amp;apfec. |#bafter.toi.bapep'~'erup tobeJBe* tet/3!amcp 9 gioftn/ 9 lebbe tfte by tntoanbpemountapneoutof tbe .^^Jtoapealone/abe toaPtrSffigurea befo?e tbe\anbbiprapmetbpblbpne/atoap mabe toerp tobpte/eue aP f notoe:f to&amp;pte as no fuller can matte topon t&amp;e ertft . Una tft ere apere&amp;bnto tftemf etpaptoftbfl^oftp-.atftep talftebtoitft efu. ana "Setecanttoeteb anb fap&amp;eto scfti; 4paltci;tyK$g0o&amp; bepnge fo?bP/ lettt" mabe.ftj. tabernaciep/ one fo? tbe/one f 0? SHE" oftp/ana one f 0? deltas . anb petfte topd not toBatBe fapae: fo? tftcg toere afrap&amp;e. anb t^et tea? a eloube tftat ftabbo* J^WJ" toea them Jib a bopce came out of tfte clou*

&amp;(ixM&gt; bttotfiW' *ftppi0mpbearefonne/beate 5".S:. bim. anbtobenlptftcploWb lounae aboute tftem/anaratoe nomanmo;e tftengiefup on* iptoptbtftem. * anbaptbep came boune from tfte &amp;pu7 be cbargeb tftem/ tftat tbep ttmlbe tell no man tofiattftepbaa fene tpll the fonne of man toe* fcerptenfrombeetb agapne. anbtftcp&amp;epte tBatfapmgetoitbtbem/anbbmaunbebone of anotfter/ toftat f rpfingefr8beetB agapne ftulbmeanef anotftepafneb ftpmfapinge: tobptben S&gt;ape tfte a-jcrpbeP/tBat iMpap 38 mutte fwft comeffceanftoereb a fapaebnto .&lt;w.a. tj,e : *jBeifla{$bet:ei? (ballfp?tt come arettoje all tftmgep . ana alto tbe tonne of man as ft ip to?ptten/ all fuffte man? tftpngep anb ftalbe Cet at nouabt.^o;eoHec3 il* bnto pou ttoatfceliap tp come/ant) t&amp;ep Baue bone onto bpm toftatfoeuer pieaftbtt)em/ap ft ip to?pttenofBpm, anb be came to W ot'fcf pics 9 fatoe moclje people aboute tftem/ anb rftefecrpbep apt* putpnge toitft tbemJnb ftrcpg&amp;t toape an people tobrntftepbebeloeftpm/toereamafea anbtan to bsm/? falutebbpm, anbbe fajoe

&lt; _ JillliC.^.C,

bnto $e ^ccpBfjS : toftat &amp;?Cpute ^ to^ . tbemf **3inb one of t&amp;e cflpanrc anCtoeteb &lt;WjfWifc anb faube:#aaet: 3, baue b^ougbtmp fonne *&amp;* bntoRje/to^cbbatbabomme fp;vte. 3na tobenf oeuet ije taficcb b?m/ be tcaietb ftm/ anb be fometb/anbgnafftetbto^tb i^u te&lt;

tbe/anbppetbatoa?e. anb ^pfpaftetot^p a sf cspiess tbat the? qmib ca Qe bjm out/anb tbercoulbenot. ^eanCtoemibpiatibfatfje'.fiDgeneracfo tolt^out fartb/boto longe roall| be^you. l^oto longe all 3! futfte pouf ^ngebjm unto me, ainbtbep brought bp bnto bpm. 3Bnb aConea.s tbe fp;ete fatoe bpi/betare 6pm. 3tnb be fell bonne on tbegrounbetoa* iotopnge anb fomtnge Jnb b e affiebblS f a tbeeboto lose 10 it a goo/tens tbte b atb bap* peneb bimf anbbe fapb/of a cbploe-.s ofte tp mess cafletft blmtntotbe fp?e/a aifoi'nto the toatet/to bedtope lum.Eut pf tbou canft bo c np tbpnge/baue mercp on top/ anb belpe b?f. 2Dno |erisfa?6etontob2m:2f tbon coulbeft beletic/ailtbpnges aw poffpbletobpm tbat beleuftftjnb R lepgljt toa pe toe father of tbc cl) pice ctpeb toptb te ate laplnge : 3lo?be % beieue/belpempnetonbelefe. m liDben getu? fatoe tbatibe people came ^ tunnjnge togetOeu bnto ftpm/bc wbu&amp;eb tbe foule fp?e/fapmgebntobim:^:bou bomme anb beBe fp?pte / 3 cbarge tbe come oute of bpm / anb entse no mm t'nto bpm . ainbtbefpjvte ctpcb/ anb tent bpmfo?e anb fame out : anb be toass a?( one tbat bab bene bceb/in to mocbe tbat man? fapbe/be tt teeb, ?5ut^efu0caugl)t bpisbanbeanb tyftebpm bp:anobetofe. dinbmben be toap come into tbe boufe/bw Dvlcppiep at ftebbpm ftceetlg tobj? coulbe not toe cafte \)i ou tf anb be faibe bntotbem'tbtgfirnbe'canbpnonotijecmea* neu c ome fo;tu, but Ij v p?apee 9 fact ngc. h m lA&amp;*(WRwi bepatteb tfynm tofte ftjeit* io?nepn)o?oto dpaltie/ $be toolbe not $ m nianu)ulbbaue&amp;nbtoeit!ffo?betaugbtbi b(fcpple?/9fagbe tonto tbf i*tbe fonne of ma" #*^" Ibaibe beMucteb into ft bannf* of mf/ 9&lt;bfl? MW,,w * (baUftBHBpms after J be iis fiplleb fte (ball artCeagapnet^etb?pbbai?e.5Buttbe?toifte - s nottobatg fapfngemeSt/frtoete afrarebto atftebim. anb be came to Capernaum, anb tobfbe toapcome to boufe/beajcebtbeitoBat toap it $v* birputeb Wttoene poubp&amp; toape^ anbibep helbetljeft peace: fo?bp tbe toape ttttv wafoncb amBge tbe feluep/ tebo ftulbe betbecbefeft. *anbbefatebotme9calleb f ia,.m^ ttoelue fantobim/9 fafbe enpman jiusw;.f. bef^e td be fp?ft/tBe fame ftalbe laft of all/

ateruauncbntoail. anbbetoliea^ploe/9 fetbim in f mpbbess of )e/9 tofte WmfnbPS atmep anb fapbe bnto tbenf. tobofoeuet: re* ceauetl)enpfocbeacbsibelnmpname/re=&lt; * Kauetbmt,


AA0M feturtfo;

ctaactbme.anbtobfl . . receauetb notme/butbimtBatfentme. &lt;f . gioBnanftoerebBimfaBftige:* fatter/ a to fatoe one caOinge oute beupw in tbpna* me/tobicB f olotoetb not dps toe f ojbabe bim becauftbe folotoetbtopnot. ueut gjefiwi fapb fo?bio Bim not.-jf 0; tber 10 no man tbat Qiail Ho a raw acle in mp name/ t&amp;at can Ipgbtelp rpeabe eupll of me,t bofocuer &amp; not agaf tt pou/ip on poure parte.anb tobofoeuer (ball geue pou a cuppe of toater to wpnfte fo? mp Samefli fafte/becaufe pe belonge to CBjptte/ erelp^fapebntopou/beibaiinotloofeblil WMM..WH *retoarbe. anb tobofoeuer all offenbe one uSSS * W* iptelong/ tbat beleue in me/ ft toere 1 Em mtt better fo?bpm/tbatampiftone toerebangeb iittirtcfi \(t^ aboute bP( necfte/anb tftat 6e toere caft into 'TSE&amp;Lffattt. 0bcreo?epf tbPbanbeoffenbetbe/ ^5 to ipfe mapmeb/ tben baupnge ttoo banbeu go into bell/into fp;e tbat neuer (balbe que cbeb/to^eretbeirtoo^mebpetbnot/anbtbe tgtetunn goetb oute. 'A-pftetopfepf tbpfote ofienbe tbe/ cut bpm of. -Jfo? ft ijs better fo? tbe to go bait into ipfe /t&amp;en baupnge ttoo fete to be caft into bell/ into fp;e tbat neuer Umibequencfteb : to&amp;etc tbeft too^me bpetb not/anb tbe f p? e neuer goetb oute . guen fo f tbpne epe offenbe? /plucfieBim oute.3!tljJ better fo? tfte to go into tfte bpngenome or (Esobtoptb one epe/ tbfn baupnge ttoo epos to becaffinto ftellfp/e:tobete tftefttoo;me bpetft not/ a tfte f p?e neuer goetb oute. * ^. , . u, Cuerp man tberfoje Owlbe fafteb toptb fiSSJS; fp?e. anbeueTfaerpce ftalbe feafonebtt fSSfalt.^altfegoob.)8utpftftefaftbebnraue rp/tobatftallpefaltetbettoit^^&gt;etftatpe

baue rait in pottre felu r -.$ baue peace am5&lt; gepoute feiuep/one toitb anotfter. CiDfUeuwccmfe.ipetjtJcraanqucBione^tefit) l)?pft . S&gt;t tys (mm of Zetwot .3Bai;(mcii9 tyc blfnoemaii. Cftciccbaptei;. * 1T5D fterofe from tbenceanb toent into tfte coolie* of June n)?ougb tb e v eg ion n)at 13 beponbe gjo^ban _anb tt)e people refotfeb tonto bpm e-.aiiD a be toa* toont/ be taugbt tb e agapne. anb nit Pftarpfe* eameandafl&amp;ea bpm a queffpon-.toftetfter it toere latofttll fo? a man to put atoapebp? topfe:to p?oue bim. mm** anb be anftoercb anb fapbtonto tbem:*tobat muiPA, upb^otepbvDvonbo^nbtftepfapoe^o^ f e0 fuffveb to to?pte a teHimonpall of MMp fement/anb to put ber atoape. anb ^efug an _ . ftoerebanbrapb bnto tbem-.iffo? tfte 6arbne0 Swh ' of Wnre bertep be to?ote ftps precept bnto Km* ou,tftat tfte fp?ffcreacion &lt;Eob mabe tftf man anb tooman . * anb f 0? tftpp tbpnge* u. fafie (ball man icue ft W fatftcr anb mbtber f





* ''

b|bebpftf0toifeaftbt6epttoapne(bdibeone Qeffte. &lt;S&gt;.o tt)en are tb^pnoto not ttoapne but one fieflbe . cbei'fo/e toftat mn batb coupUD/letnbtman.feparat. . anbintfteboufebftsbpfcppiepatfteb ftpm agapne of tbat matter, anb fte fapoe unto tfte &amp; naftofoeuec puttetb atoapeftig topfe 9 ma* rpen) anot&amp;er/ b?eabetb toeoiocite to fter* toattoe. anb pf atoomS fo?fafie fter But banb anb be marpeb to anotfter/ (be commpttctft abuoutrpe. *anbtftepb?ougftt cbplb.zen to mat m^. bpm/tftatftelboulb toucfte tftem, anb W&amp;mk.wW* bpfepplep rebubebtboote tbat bjougftt tfte. iften letup fatoe tbat /fte toaPbpfpleafeb anbfapb to tftem: S)uffretbe cftpib?en to co mebnto me/a fo^ of utefte ip f fipngbomeof ob.naerelpafapebnto pow toftofoeuet (ball not receaueffipngebome of (Sob an a cbpib^fte Ibal not entre tfteriufnb be tohe $? bp inftip aimtsi a putbip ftanbep bpon tftem/anbbieffebtftem. &gt; **anbtoftenftetoapcomeintoStonpe/ , , , tber came one runnpnge anb bneleb to ftpm/ aSSSS? aaf6ebftpm:goobQ9atter/toftatOjall a it/***** tftat 31 mape enfteret eternall ipfef Jefup fapbeto bpm:toftp called tftou megoob/ siBetetpnomilgoobbutone/tobpcb tP ob. CboubnotoeQ tfte c5maunbemetep:b?eafie not matrlmonp'.bpll not:ffeale not / bete no falfe toitnep: befraube no man: Bonoure tft p tttttyt a motftet,^e anftoewb a fapue to ftim matter al tftefej baue obftrueb fro mp pout b gefup befteibe ftpm/a bab a fauout to bpm fapbbntbft!m:one tftingeiplacltingebnto &lt;Po a *afeilaitbattbou6aft/anbgeuetotftea@ofriinUi) poo?eatbouftaltftauetreatuwmbeueaco^^M me a foiotoeme/atafiebptbe croOe.3Butfte SS5Bfi2 toaPbtfcumfo?tebtoitBtftatfapinge/atoent(jocrt pok'r ''( atoape mournfge/fo? fte babgreatpoffefftiSP ft ma* nicuj

anbf efuploofiebrounbeaboute/afapbeWi n ! bnto ft t P bifciplepitoftat anftarbe tftinge ta it *M3k to}0 tbaf baue rpebep/to entre intof bing* Z :i uttm Dome of ob.anbftipbpfcppIep toere afton*atft m ftcooetw npebat ftps$too?beP. ut giefup antoewDWUbmiftte agapne a rapbebnto tbe:cftpib?en ftoto ftaroe S= ip ft fo? tbf /tftattrutt (nrpeftep/to entre into SwewXtiS tftefipngbome of tsobf 3|tipeatper fo?aca*it.ix^ affect 9 men to go tft oj to t tfte epe of an neble/tften trua m t tjiusi: fo?a rpeftemanto entre mto tbe fipngbome^ ft ~ ni of d5ob. anbtfteptoereattSnpebouj ofma*X"Z fure / fapmge bettoene tfte feluep: tobo tften toe not pfte can be fauebf fefup lobeb bpon ft)?/ a fapbe: as ** tottb men it IP tonpottible/but no t toin) 0ob: fo?toitb (BobailtBingeparepottibfc. anb ^eter begamte to tape tonto ftiimfto/ ^ toe ftatte fo?faben all/anb ftaue f olotoeb tfte. ietup anftoeteb a fapbe*. aaetelp| tape bnto pou /tb er ip no man tftat fo?fabetb bom* e/ 0? b?etb?en/o? fpftetp/o? fatfter/ 0? motfter/o? topfe/ otber cbpib?en/o?ianbep fo?mpfafi Gtft. anbtfte

ah fluntyeo fooloenotoe &lt;n tbtSlyfeifloufes afti) b?ct^?eh/ano fpctci^/ano motflers/ ano cljpiD?en/anQ lanDE0 tottij perfecutton^^no in tbe too^iDe to come/etemalllyfejganyl are fftft/tyalbe lattt aj iaft/fg;ft/ amfr tbet toeremtfletoapegoyrip^&amp;ptosetutaiem. nt&gt; gefus toentbefoje tbem.ana tfley toere amafeb/anb as tfley f olotoeb/ toere a ftapae. ana^efus to&amp;e ttie.Fij.agaw $ begane to tell tbem totiat tbynges.ltiuiD b ap p e Ditto ja).itw.c. atm. * jSebotoe toe go top toaerufaiem/anb EfcSSfl' S' rf *efotme of titan malbebelfuerebbnto f bye ano i'w f. IWfte* anbbntotbe&gt;ctibe0:anbtbey than f conbempnebfmtobeetb/a(ballDelyuerblm to tbe geiitpis-.anb tfjep ftall mciclte fltm/anb tea u tge flim/a Cpet bpon fltm/anb ft y I I bent. 3no tbe ta woe Dape be ait tpfe agayne.

aitiD tben lamest ano 3 1 ofln tbe f onnes of 5ebebecamebntobym/faymge:!fl!)attet:toe toolbetflatt&amp;ou (bulbettbo fo? bs tobatfoe uer toe aetyje . fyt tayoe bnto tbem: tcbat toolbe ye % tyuto 00 bnto sou ? cbep fapb to In'imgrauntbntobjJtbattoe ma* efytteone cntbP rpsbt banbe/ano tbe otbet on tby iy f te banwin tby glojy.fcutgiefujs faybbnto tbe : ye toot not toflatye at fee. Can* e wyncfie of tbe cup tbat g (ball bjyncne of/ anb be bap* ttrebm tbe baptfme t&amp;at gi-fljafte baptffco tnf ano tfleprayoebntobytmtflattoeean, _ J efus fepbe bnto tbem :ye (ball wyncbeof tlje cup tbati (ball wyncfte of anbbebaptfe fen tof tb tb e baptpme tbat 3 alb e baptueo tu : but to fyt on mytygbtbanbe ano on my iyfte banoe (jsnotmyne to geue/but to tbem fo?wbomftfsp;epateb. *am&gt; toben tbe.r.beaeDe tflat/tfley begS to btroayne atlames anb o$tJPUC feto* cal leb tbem bnto bfm/anb Canoe to tbem:?e nno toe $ tbep toflicfl feme to beate rule amonge tbe gewpis/ rapgneas lo^eS ouertfli. anb tbep tbat be geeate amonge tbem/ crercyfe auetojtte ouertbe\&gt;o (ballftnotbeamSge you /but toflofoeuer of you toplbe geeate atttb*geyou/(balbe youre mint oet.SPno tuljo foeueetoflbecbefe/malberetuauntbntoalL !lf 0; euen tbefonne of m came notto benn&gt; . nifrrebtontoAuttomtnf&amp;ce/anbtogeuebiS M?fe fojt&amp;ewDempcfon of mant?. 3nbtbeycameto$ietico.*anba$betoei oute of $tetf co tot ft fit* of fctples/a a great nomb?eofpeople:58attbimeu0tbefonneof dtbtmeus tobfebtoasblynbc/fate by tflebye toayestybebeggynge. anb tobenbebeatoe tbat ft tea* 3c(U0 of #a?aeet&amp;/be began to crye anu to rape: fetus* tbe (Orate of auf b/ ftauemercy on me.anbmany*ebufiebbym/ tbat be mul&amp;AolDeflys peace', tfutbeeryeb tbtmoojeagveateDeale/tbouronneof a* hid flauemercy onrae,anD3[eris ftooe Ryll/




jrnmaun&amp;e&amp;bfmfobecaJieb. anbtbep ealleb tflebiynbe/fayfnge bntobynujSeof goob comfojte-.ryfe/ be calletb tbe . anb be tbjetoeatoapebps cloo&amp;e/ anb roof e a came fo3lefusJ.3lnb|.eftU5anfH)ereb/afatbebnto Wmttohat toilt tbou tbat 3)bp bnto tbef cbe bluiDefaroe bnto bf tm^atter/tbata mtgbt fe. ieftijt fa?bcbntobpm:go tb? toape/ tbi? ea^tbbatbraueb .3nbb;abbe r#eaueo btJJ ffgbt/anD f olotoeb je&amp;tss in tbe toape. CCij!(Bt^etHWJtfslfni. (IlisfJflBetwDjjc^ bp.iffilicbyctiano Celtcreart cattouicof tjjtempU, (Xbe ja^a t(fe qucftiontoftb t^. be.rf.Cbapteri _ jQbtoben tbe^camenFCto 3iew** . falem bnto etbpbage anb #e&lt; g!^f* ,tbanf e /beftbeg mount ljuete/ *** ^^^Jbefentfo^tb ttoo ofbS0b|fctpleu/ ano fa^e bnto tbem t 0 soute tow* into tbe tounetbat us oueragasnttsou. ano aft tone aeee be entreb into it/ ve (ballfpnoea cooite b ounoe/ toberon neuet man f ate-.lof e Bpi anob?ingcb?m. 3nb?f enymanfape bnto touttobp 00 je toi&amp;avt tbat tbe)lo ^oe batbneaoeotbi&gt;m:anbarepgbttoaebeta&gt;il fence bi?m b?aoer.a:nbtbestoenttbe&lt;rtoafC a founoa cooite tteobr boje toitb outina Place tobetttooamjesJ met/a tbeplofebbim. anb Dtu ens of tbe tbat ftooetbere/ fasb bnto tbem : *ibatbo v t loofjnge tbe cooltef36nb StymM tbe* fatb bnto tbem euen asf giefu0 bab com* maunbebtbe.ainbtbei? lettbemgo.anbtbep b^ougbt tbe cooite to Mujs/anbcaftetberc garmet&lt;;onbim:abe fate bpo bim.3nbmani? 55 fp^eDetbeirgarmentetstn^toaee.fiDtbercut boune b?auncbe0 of tbe treejs/a aratoeb %l intbe toat?e. aino tbe? tbat went before ano Sffti tbcpttjat folotocb. ctpeo faring;"* tiofanna: mSBSS bieaeobebetbat cSmetbintbe nameof tbe m " jLo?be.38ieoebbe tbe ftingaome tbat cSmetft

in tbe name of bim tba t i&amp; %om of oure fa* tber^auiot^ofannaintbebeelt;. anbtbe4o;be enneb intoaenifalf afnto tbe tepleJnb tobt be baDlofieorounb about bponalltft&gt;nge0/anbnoto tfteeuf tjbetoan come/betoentout bnto Man?/ totfb tbe ttoelueJnbontbcmo?otoetobentbeptoete come out frS ffietbane/bebungreo/ afpfeb a 6 *f sggetreeafarre of bauinge imtmtottb *$ f gpbN to fe tobetber be mrsb t f r nbeenp tbinge t^tt \onu to mi on. ut toben be came tberto/ Be founoe no* w&lt;* tbingebutleue0:fo;rbetpteofft&gt;gge0toai{ . notf et Jnb?efu0 anftoereb anb favbeto ft: neuermanrateftuteof tbe bete after tobfil ttDO?lDeflanfiftbJnbbi0birc(ple0bearDeft atobtbepcametogerufalem. ^nb^efu^^ toentinfotbe temple/ a beganne to caft out* t^t fellers anb byer* in tbe temple/ a ouer* tbjetoe tbe tables of tbe monej tbaungew/ anbtbe ttoies of tbemtbat foioe boues -.ano toolbenof


tooibeitot fuffeet^atcnn man carpeo a bet fell tbo^oin t^e teple. anb be taugbtfapinge 0,U&lt;* ftnto tbem/*ts it not to?itte:m? boufe fbalbe called tbe boufe of p;arer bnto all nacions? jewte flau e mabeita urn of tbcueu, amjtbe ^cribesanbbpepfte0 flearbe #.*- fcanbfougbtbotoetobeftroj?ebim&lt;!lFojtbeg ftoreBbrm/becaure an tfle people marueieo atbls boctrine. 3nb toben eu? teas come/be iWfr** toet outofcitie.*anbttttmo?ningastbep pad eb bp/ tijer fatoe %t fpgge tree o?pebbp tip tfle rotes, anb Peter rememb;eo/a faj&amp;e bnto flf mmiaaer/beflolDe/f figge tree toflt'eb ^oucittfebeO:/istoiob;ebatoafe.anb3SefU0 anftoereb a fapbe bnto tbf : baue cSftbens in ob. * merely 3! rape bnto you / 1 toflof 0* euer (ball faye bnto n)y0 mountayne: tabe atoape tbr feife/a call tfly felfeinto tfle fee a all not toauer inbiS flerte/but (ball beleue tbofe tflinges toby rt) b e fayetb mall come to patre/tobatfoeuer be fayetb; fbalbe bone to Kbjwf.c. flt'm.cflerf o?e-3! faye bnto you/*tobatfoeiier jipajtuw, yebefy?etobeyep?aye/beiette^ye(balbaue &lt;t/anbita)albebonebrttoyou.anbtobenye

ftan&amp;p;mye/fo?geue/yfyebaiteenytbmge agaynfleenym:^ youre fatber alfotobicb is fn fleuf /maye fo?geue youyoure trefpaft; m,tP&gt;*&gt; anbtbeycameagayneto3!erufale.*anb mtrUh- asfletoalftebinpteple/tber cametobfaitbe byep?eltes/a 5 fecrftes/a f elbers/afayb bnto tobat aucto^'te boeft tbou tljefe tbingesf a tobo gaue $ tbys aucto?ite/ to bo Sefetbmges i f efus anftoereb a faybe bnto ?:gptoillalfoaffieofyouacerfayne tbinge aanftoereyeme/anb^toilltelyoubytobat auCto?itelbotbefetbVnges. rbebaptfme lifflfmenojof 'Jobn/toasitfrombeuen o?'*of menf ' WeauMooiteainftoerme. anb rbeytbougbt fntb^felues %m* fayinge:yf toelballfayefrSAeuemfte toyll

anb mo;eouerbe fentbnto tflf atibrfjer' fr^ uaflt/aatbym^eBcaft (tones abjafte flys fleeb/anbfent flim agay ne all to reuyieb.anb agaynefle fentanomec /a flint tfley liylleb: a many otfler/beetinge fome a liyllinge fonie^ T etflabbeone fonnetoflobeioucD tenoetly/bim alfo fle rentat lad bnto tfle faytnge tfley toillfearemp fonne,*3euttfletenatiies $WW0 u faybe amffgett tfle felu^tflis is fleyre-.eome fe&amp;mtoi* let bS Ril bim a tfle infleritaace (flaltte wires ****** anb tfley tobeflym a fiylleb flym/ a caftflym oute oflbebyneyatbe. iDflatfljalltflentfle %*W of tbe bincyarbe bof p toill come anb bedroye tfle tenaates/a let out tfle bineyavoe to otber . ^aue ye not rebbe tflys fcrvpturef *beftonetoflycb fflebylbersDybrefufe/is^fa!.cbife . mafietfle cflefe ftoone in g corner: tflys toas-^aHM^^ Bone of tbe;to?be/anb (S meruelous in oure epes.anb tfley toent about to tafte flymy but tfley feareb tfle people, iff 0? tfley perccaueb tflatbefpafietflatfymtlitubeagaynatflem* anbtfleyieftbimanbtoenttbeirtoape. *ai tfley fent bnto flim certayne of ^fla ffiR**** rife? toitb Aerobes feruantcs/to tafte flim in * um *t'&gt;* bis too2bt-anba(fone as tfley toere come tfley.* f ayb bnto flym*. ma Cer toe ftnotoe tftat tflou ** aitetrue/a cateft f 0? no mS: fo? tflou confy* cereft notfbegre of me/but teacfleft^toaye of ob truly:f it laufiill to paye t tibu te to Cefar/ ot not? iDugbt toe to geue/o? ougflc toe not to geue^e bnbetaobe tfleir fimuia* cion a faybe bnto tbem:lfly tempte yeme?

55?inge me a peny/ g 3! may e fe it. anb ty ey b;ougbt. anb fle faybe bnto tflenr. i fl ore is tbys ymage anb fuperfcrypcyon? anb t\)ev (aybbnto flim / cetars.amyyeuts anftoereb anb faybe bnto tflem:*cflen geueto Cefar Slnmfl .., ,, ; tflat toflyefl belongetb to Cerar; anb to ob/ sSSSSL tbat toflicfl perteynea) to obJiib tfley.mer *^* w *



faye/tobytflenbybyenotbeleuebymfbutyf uellebatbpm toe (flallfaye/of memtflen feare toe people m Cflen came &gt;abucesbnto flpm/tofli cfl Mailmen countebgiobn/taatbetoasabe* W^eemi^becptt.aiiibtbeyatiieb ftefe?opbete.anbtbeyanftoerebafaybbnto bymraymge:*^after/^ofesto?ootebntog JjWJW gefuttoecannotteH. Wm9m anftoereb/ bsyf eny mansb?otflerbye/aieuc g9M*j33i BUbfaybbntotbemmetbertofflgi teilyouby bebynbebtm/anbieueno cflyib^emtflattben " " ft)baeaucto^tegi&amp;ot&amp;efetflftige0. f b^b?otbera)ulbtafieflpstoyfe/anbreyf e vpoccrtes muftucertEtt)cD/f offcingof f po;e toeBotoe fleoyeD leeftiro feebbebrn Deflym. ano tbe fg Cfle.rii.bapter. conbetofteby?/anbbpeb:netberieeftenyfee&amp; : IHcMI ^p flebegannetofpeafie bntotflJ! anbtbetby;belyftetopfe. anbreuenflabbee ^'^^^"inCimtlttitbeg.acettayneinSplS* anbieeftno reebbeflynbetflem. TLattof a teb a byneyaroe/a ctJpafeb it lib an tfle toyfe byeb alfo.gfn tfle retuweccy on tflen be&amp;geao#epnebatoyneptfffe/a tobf tfley (ball ryreagaynettoflofe toy felbafl bylta toureiu it. anb let (tout to by;e bnto fbebeof tbem? -Jfaifeuenbab fler to toyfe, Bufb8bm?/atocttntoattra(Igeco(itre.anb Slefttf anftoereb anbfaybebntotbem:areye

tobf tbetymetoaScome/berenttogtenaateg noctberfo?e beceaueb anb bnberaattbe not a ftruaat/ $ fle mygbt receaue of tfle tenafit? tfle fcryptutes/ hetfler tfle po toec of obf oflfruteof tflebyneyarbe.anbtfleycaugflt; tfojtoAwjfbeyftallryfeagayne from nm\) / lifmabetljtnt/anbrentbimagayneemprye, tbeyne(bermary/no?ate$marpeb:btttatea0



tymttWWd) aw Atfyft&amp;tt* toucans tfte aeeb/tbat tbe? all vfit agawesbaue t&gt;e notreooetntbebofieof flpofe?/&amp;otoemtbe bufe&lt;]0obfpa8ebntobl&gt;mfai?fnge:*3am tbecsobof abjabamanbcsobof 3faac/ atto tbc&lt;Pobof Jacob? fetttfottbe ^ouof t^e beeb/bttttbe &lt;sob of tbe iwjwjse.feaw tbe* f p ie ttteatftbeceaueb./ ''""^ nbtbefcameoneof tbe &amp;ctjbe?tbat 1)M)taw tfjem btfputf nge to geoer/a per* ceaueb tbat tjebas anftoetebtbemtoell/anb affieb QgniittftPQ f? tbe fp?tte of all tbe co* roaunbemente??g!efu? anftoerebbpnr.tbe -* * h fttf* "f all tbe cSmaunbemente? iss . J^eare K aftaWJ*6e)UflW4Wb/ttonexlie. anb Smut* *bou alt Ioue tbe jlojbe t&amp;f ob tortb a!! tb?bett/anbtor;tballtbi!fouie/anbtoi&gt;tba tbvmt?nbe/anbtovtballtbpfttengtb . tibvt ftbefi&gt;?(tec5maitttbment. anbtbefeconbe l? Ip&amp;c bnto tbv?:*Cbou alt louc tJ)B negb bouta? tbi? felfe . bett?none oibeecom* maunbmentgteatec tb? n eft. anbtbe &gt; cti?be fapoe btito bfm-.toell ma* (tee/ tbottbaft fa?be tbe wuebe/ tbat tbet 10 one ob $ tbat fljer i? none butlje.anb to lo*

tie bim toftl) ail tbe betf e/a toitb allSmwbe a mi an tbe rouie/a tot? an ttrengn): 9 to ioue a mans nevgbbour as torn relfe/tjs a greater tbinge tben a 1 1 burnt off e ring ess a fa mmmm crifice?.anbtobe"9iefu?fatoeHeanCtoeteb not facte from bifcret h&gt;/be faube bnto bim; 4 *cbou arte not the hynaftome f me ( tm ty ufogbome of ob.anb no m&amp; SototSu S ** anftoeteo anbfaro/ teacbmge lavoc s iac/ in tbe tf plf:ljote fate tbe &amp;ctbe? b?pft netttiothifl P tettjefonneof auto? fo?au*b bfmfelfe tt/?nm f a I;o Inr PV^Dtoitbtbebolvgooft/fapoe:tH:be)Lo?D SwtS'csJa^etomvlLo^iie/fttcnmvvrabtbaiiDe am tntth* **t$\% mane we enemies tb? foteftoie. apse ipfc. cben^auitibim felfe calien) btmHozbeianb

farje &lt;oMl

fiejaHj.ryo.b, SWma.jfij.c,

tyit fupeteiutfc: but (be of W mMt/m tad f n all i (be babj/ eitett all bet liuinge. * CC&amp;ectiteef tSetoojl&amp;e.fflbeaaw ana tbe bout* ; dMWMtero* CbWfCbapte. * . $ d as b e toft out of tbe teple/ one ar of b*?bpfcjpie? fapue bnto nw&gt;m.nm flpatter/fe tobat (tone?/anb tobat **.&amp; btfbpnge? are bere .am&gt;!Jefu?an* eteba mi fa{be bnto bim:$&gt; epff tbou tbefe greate byibinge?:' cbere alluot beieefte one (tone bpon a no^er/ tbat (ball not be ?otoen bonne, anb a? be fate onmottnte fiDlpuete/ouec agapntt e temple/ Peter/ a Rainess anoj;o!3ij/anb3nD?ttoaieaupire eretl?: teiibjl/ toben (ball tbefe tbmgeg bti anbtobat tis tbe tfgne toben all tbe fe tbmg;

Ibalbe f ulfslleDf Kino|erujJ anCteereb tb em / anb began to rafale bebe lea enr man be &gt;**?* ceaue tevugot man? all come in mp name w^W'* fatfnge#amb#ft/a(ball&amp;eceauemanv, li^beri tt alibeare of toatre anu tpbin* gegof toarve/betencttroubleb . #o?focbe tbinge? muff nebeis be . tf .ut tbe enbe in not fft.f o?tber (ball nacpon arpte agawffe na* " cpon / anb fisngbome agafnftebsngbome. anb tber albe era) quafteg in ail quartern anb famplbment anb troubles&lt;.befe arc (be 15 beg^nn jnge of fojotoess. *#uttae pebebe jmMfH to pome o? tbe? all b?inge poubp to tbecottnfewanb into tbe ftnasogeu/ana f f (balbe beaten: pe anb (balbe b;ougbt be? fo;erulensanb ftvnges fo?nn&gt;rafiefo;ate Otm onfall bnto tbem.H nb rtje orpell mutt fp?ttebepubliraiebamongeallnac!?on0. _,.. *utb^entbe?lfabefouanbp?efentfottSK ( f v talieno tbougbt afo?ebanbe tobat ?e fpair HHH faff/netberwugi6n:buttobatfoeuer&lt;0ge &gt; uen ^ouattbe fame rpme/tbatftjeabe. dfo? it (ball not be ?e tbat all fpeabe /but tbe

J *

fc/l l il!. nR 'bjtobatmeanejsi!3betOenb?0fonnefattb bolpgooft.yeanbtbeb;otbeefta llbeliuet&amp;

MX mcrtje P P Ie bearbe Him glablp K f Joote anbftc fe^be bnto tbrm in big id m*t,m* toarc of? ^&gt; ctibejj tobitl) ioue to go in loge dotbPge:anb ioue raiutacpong in tbe mat* ftet place?/ anbtlje cbef e f eate? in tbe f jna* gogejS/anbto frtintlje bppevmoff roume* at f cafteu/ anb b cuo ut etovb otoe? \)mttw

i?otbertobeetb/anbtbe fatbettbe fonne/# tbe cbflb?en ftall rtfe aga^nffe tbelr fan)e anb mo (bet? /anb all put Ujcmto beetb. anb ?e all be b a teb of all men fo? mv na&gt; me? fafie. 3But tebofoeuet all enbutebnto u)e enbe/tbe fame albe fafe. _ , *ffliweoueetobehiefetbeabbontui8ctoti^af.ii4i

tbat bnoer a coloure of iffge p;a?inge.cbefe |bat be tbfienetb be folarion/tober of i?rpofie" %m.w.o. ail receaue greater bampnacpon . op Daniel f pjopbet/flan&amp;e tobere it otigbt w*** * anb tfeftrtffat oner agapft tbe trea* not/let btrn ]&amp; rebetb bnber08bc.ben let m rurf/anobebeibebototbepeopieputmone? ibein3!urie/ffetotbemounta^ie?.anbiet &lt;ntotbetteafutr.anbman?tbattoererptbe bsmat f? ontbe boufetoppenot bffeenbe caft in mocb .anb tber earn a certapne poo;e boune into tbe boufe/netber emretbe tin/f tofbotoe/a e tb?etoein ctoo nnjte?/ tobpeb fetcbe tnv tbrnge cute of bP? b lee maae a fartb^nge . anb be calleb bnto bm Dim $ i? in f feibe/not count e baefie a gat*ne W btici?pie? anbfa? be bnto tbcm: erel? % bnto tbe tbinge? tobf eb beleeftbcbunbe bim ratebntof0u/tbattbf?poo;eto^botoebatb fo;tofaSebf?elotbe?toptbb{ni . teoftall caffmoarein/tbenalltbe? tobiebbaue cade lie tben to tbcmtbataretopcbcibe/anbto into t&amp;etreafurp, Jo;tpfn aHojb caffinof tbem tbatgeuerflucaeintboce base?. mt WW

;., .j


jt.wrt(l.c. Jl.(f.C

ajatioutwae*t6af ffittKfgbtbehotiu tointee. flrtUt I* no t &lt;n jf 0; tber albe in tborebape? fucbe tabula (PbB*!*&lt;*W* ^a^ " ot ftS *N begunnpng of crea JSP hire? tobicb ob createbbntoi?tpme/ne* tbec albe.anb ercepte tbat tbe jHo;b uib o;tentbofebai&gt;e?/nomanulbebefaueb tfttt f 0? tbe eiecte? fa fie/ tobicb be b a tb cbo* A ren/beban) o^teneb tbofe oape?. *anben/vf enpmifapetoyomlo /bere

lfi*lf ** (?CbJia:lo/be isstbere/beleuenot.jfo? falce .ie.iwe. d^jftejj aurtfe/d falcep;opbete?/aaH etoe mt;acle? a toonbje? / to beceaue ?f it toerc poffible/eue f electe.tfuttafie pebebe: bebolb/3 1 ; baue etoeb jou alltbing^ befo;e, * ^ojeouerin tbofe bape?/after tbat trf* buiacion/tbe funne all toere barfie isiftt mone all not gene bee ivgbt/ a tbe ffatre? of bene all fa;a tbepotoer? tobicb are in fieuen/ffiall moue.anb tben all tytv fe tbe f onne of man'com vttge in tbe cloube?/ toitb greatepotocranb glojy.anbtbcn all be fenbe bW angei?/t all gatber to geftjer bi? eiecte from tbe fotoer toptibe? / anb from tf)t one enbe of tbe too?lbetotbe otber. TLearneafpmtlitubeof fpgge tree.ltabf W b?aacbe? ar e pet tenber / a batb b?ougbt ^fo?tbietie?/Fefiuotoetbatfommeri?neare ^oinlpfiemanertobenperetbefetbpnge? eome to paae:bnber(tanb/tbatfti? npeeuen attbebo?e?.auerelp5!fapebntopou/ f&gt; tbp? generation all not pafle/tpll tbefe tbinge? oebone.^etten qnb erffi allpade / but m? tomtits all not pafiCfeut of e bape stye boure finotoetb no mans no nbte angel? ^^"^tobicbatentbeu^^ne^ergfonnebimfelfe: SSS.fmttfctoMtonlv, i wm msn# caftebebe/toatcbe a pmtity W fi'notof ! jolt be teas not tbe tbe t j&gt;m e (?. a? a mS tobicb i? gone riftiom&amp;ttfafntoaOtaunge contrep/anbbatblefte bp? 2S. i' boufe/anb gene aucto?ite to b?? fetuaifte?/ (^uhouoh anb to euery ma bi? too^fie/ anb cSmaunbeb ''Httoote&amp;t&amp;epo;tertotoatcbe.tatcbetbttfo2e/fo?# "' it. finotoenottoben matter of tbe boufe.tofn come / tob e tb er at eiten 0; at mionggb ti tob t-tfjer at tbe cocfie crotopg 0? in baunpnge*. leff vl be come fobf iv be uf pnbe pou ne&lt; t&gt;t!nge.anbtbat?ifasebntopou/3l(apebnto allmen/toatcbe. m Sfyto?1aaMtn awfxitt t b ff Bjftt. (ffific tfier 13 lie . cats .wa ie f ahf . ^cter senyctb b(m -to 1 1 b man? Clbec tbpnges (fiat Were Bern aunbeb of 1); (ft. Cbe.riiii.Cbaptee. *

. a [|K.WM.a.

4fterttoobase?foiotoebeffer/anb e bape? of ftoete b;eeb . anb tbe ?ep&gt;?eae? atbe&amp; cribe?fougbt meane? boto ep mpgbte tafie oim brcrafte anb put Sim to u t tbep ravbemot in tbe feaft bart/leeft enpbufpne? K.mi^ aeBfeamongetbe.peopie. : JBSBi *W9bibetoa?intfetban&lt;8/inborc

ce&amp;faion $ ictw/eul as Oe rate ae meaec/ tfter cam a toomS ftauvng an alaUailei; fwjee of opnemet calico natoe/ tijat toast piwe ana cofti?;^ e b?afte tlje boyc 9 ported it on 10 fjeeD . %}tm\)tt torn fome toere not cSteng in tftf CrtuefS/s rar&amp;e.toat nefteu H)^ toafte ofovntment^o/itwgsijtijauebenefooioe fo;mo?etftent^eDunciDpen0?ftenegtup bnto poo2e.4ino tliep gruogeo agapnft (itr 4 3Dnt3irtU0 favue: lets het ue in vceft/toi)}? ttoubte pe tjec^De ftaft bonea rood too^iie onmc.!ffo?^Q)alI()auepoo?e tuition all toap e^ to^cn Coenevpc toiHye mm to jg gooo : but me n than not Dane aitoavcg, S)fte [)atft Done Ifte coutte:fl&gt;e came a fo;e Ijanlieto anopnt mp boDp to tfw burpntge toa^e,(Eiet:elv1l l&amp;tc bnto ^outtofteiefoewet; t^i0(!5orpEU (ftaibcp;eac[)eDtt)o?oto out t Oc to5oIetao;!De:tf)tealfo g Q)e9atl)Dotte/Q)al

lieteljearreDin remembrance of I;et\ *a!nD^uQa03;Ccaviotlj/oneofa)cttoe!ue/55 toentatoapebntotOe^e^eftc^/tobetrave^^^w'tif.^ Dim bnto tftem . Wftn tljev Ditto tijat / tijci ** toere glablie/ anb p;omKebtIjatti)cvtoo!De seue l)pm monej? .anblicfougljt/ ^otoe [je mwftt conuentf ittl? brtvare Ijim, 3nbtbefp?ae oape of ftoete b;eeb / toltett men offet pafcan lambe/bte biftipjess raj&gt;a bntoljimitolieve toilt tljcu f toe go p;epa^ re/t^at tftou mapa eate tlje eftcv bmtbtfil'ntr l;e fent fo;tt) ttoo of Hiss bifcrpieg/ 9 f a^be bti totljem.&lt;H5oi?einto ^ cvtfe/vjtl)trfbailama mete pou berpng a pitcher of toatec; f olotoe DinOnb toftftljee foeu er Ije goetl) in/fape fe to tftegoobmg of boute/tbe matter afftetl) toljeretjstDe geeft cbamb^e/ tofteregi fltau eate flje efter lambe toitb mv bifctpies . and fte.topH (bttoe mt agrcate parlour / patten anb pjepareb; tbere mafie veabp fo; b0 . ana ijfS bifcipIejS totnt f o?cl) anb came to cptre anbfounbea^ Oe l)abfapbcbntotljem; ana mabe reabv tbe etter lambe. *3inb at eue be came toitf) tfle, til 3inb ajJ t^ep fate at b o;be anb ate/fefus faybe ; M*fN4&lt; *&lt; wl?3! rape bnto poii:t()at one of pou 0)abe. i!JK r ttape me Witb eatetb toitD me m t\m be^ m)n,MU,(( ganne to mo?ne/ 9 1 rape to (Mitt one bp one: 10 ftttf anbanofl)cr favDetijXitgj^ean* Ctoereb 9 fapb bnto tbem^t ijs one of tftejir, anbtbefame beppetb toitb me in tbe platter. C&amp;e f onne of man goetb/ ag it 10 tozptten oe jpni: but too be to rtjat man / bp to!)ome tlje fonneof mantsbctrapea. dpoobtoerett fo? tfttttf tftat man ^ab ncuer bene bo;nt\ 2inba)Stbepate/gieru0tofte b?eeb/bftffea anbb?afieanbgauetotbemanbfapb:cafie/ eate/tbi)3 fe mp bobp 3nbl)e tofie cup/gaue tljanfiejs/9gaue it to tbe/s tbep all b;ancfic ofit. afnb&amp;efapbebnto tl)em:^rftp0t)5 my bleuoe of fyt neto cettamc nt tofi Wj id (bees C,b, foi

tot mam? ete1p&lt;J Cap onto pit :3| topii o?incfte no moose or tbttftute of tbe bpne/ bntpllp; bape/g 3! annate it nero hi t} itpng* Dome of oa.ana tobe tt) ep baa rape grace;

tbep toent out to mount olpuete. anag!eru0Capatontotbe:ailpei&amp;albeof* fenoea tbojo to me tbt'0 ni gb t if o? it is totftte: &lt;n*t w StopH fmptetbe fbepbeta/atbe Oepewal* ffSifSiu &amp;* Ccattereo.tfut after g3| am rpfen agape/ jou4i.6. 3toiilgointoaiilebefo2epou*l&amp;eterfapa bnto binUflna tbougb ailmen flmia be offen* oeb/pettooiaenoti.anaiefus Capoe bnto tynuraeteipj cape onto tbe/tbis aape eue in tbte nfgbf before $ cocfte crotoe ttopfe/tbou fljaltaenpe metb?pce.ana be cpafie bolaiper: ^no/pf3roulaeape toitb tbe/ltopilnotaenp fflae ttb&amp; taeXyBetogfe alto C apaetbep all . wafcflwut -'ifniJ'tijepcameJnto a place name* etbfe manf.ana betake to ti^ oifcipies ; ;&gt;ptpc bete robp ll gi go aparte 9 p?ape . 3CtiD be tofie toitbbmpetet/giame0*aobn/ abe began to toare abaObeo 3 to be m an agonpe sfapa bnto tbeimflp? Coulef0berp fjeuv euenbnto t&amp;e-aeetb/tatp 9m ami toatcbe.ana be toent fwtb a ipcle anb fell aoune ontbe grounae $ *** p?apea:|p f ittoetepowble/ bouremigbt *** palie ftffbfnt ,anabefape?*abba catbev/aH tfopnges are pofftble bnto tafieatoape tb;s mpftomme.$cucttbeleu*enottbat 1 topll: buttbat tbou toilt, He done. 3Me cam 9 foun&amp;e tbe ffeppng/ Cape to#eter:&gt;imon Clepeft tbotirCoitl&amp;ett not * tbou toatclje toitb me oneboureftoatcbe pe/ ap?ape leeft pe entre into teptacion/S fpjete fis wop/but tbe f leffl) t'0 toeefte . ana agapne be toent atoape apjapoeanafpanetbeCame too2ae0Jnabeturneaafotlae rbfa flepe agapne fo? tbeir w* toere beupmetber tot'ft a.fcwMtttbeptobatto anitoerebim .atnubecametlie

fora"6 tahetbpjaettme 8rapebntotbem:flepe , &gt;* ftcnss jouc afe/iooftc fo^tb/gna tafie pure eafe/it t'0 pnougbvarbe &amp;ua?at.w*ui boure 10 come/beboiae p: fonne of m walbe beltuetea intopbanae0 of fpnnew. mpfe ftp/ let Wgo./lobejl betrapetb me / is* atbanae. ana immeaiatlp tobillbe Pt rpafie/came ^.itliag one of tbe ttoelue / to btm a greate

Cl)e itofoell


fntbetlpleteacbmgeVfrp^oBefdettotvbue I tbefcviptutestlbuiDbe fuif^leDJnbtbes allfo;fo&amp;;tberfo* . lotoeb bim a eeitasne ponge man/ clotlbeo in ipnnS bp5 fte bate / 9 tbepngemen caugbt bim/abe leftebig lpnne/fj f ieeD from tbe na&lt; fteo*an!)tbepieeb3ef"0ataaKtotbebpelt^atD.tffai,f, ^?efte of allsatobmi cam all f bpe&amp;efte0/*" fe *w. atiD tbeeloetf/anbtbe&amp;ralbesi , anai&amp;etec 3f0!,n, | M foiotoeabimagreatetoapeofeuen into tbe pallp of tbebpepjette/anarat toitb^e tec* uaunteg/anbtoatmeo bimfeife at tbe fp?e. SDnD bP^^aesi aall connfelifpugbt foz tot toes agaptiagif fii/to put &amp;im to oeatb 3 f ounce noone.yet manp bate falce toitnetf ' " Q agapnaebim/buttbeittoitnejsaggteebnoc l :;u togetber.limtberatofecettapnefrbzougbt faKretoitnegagapnftbimfapinge.tlBebetoc Dim rape : % totll Defftoje tbpsf temple mabe bftljbanoejj/anDtoitb in tb?e oape^S topll bplbeanotbet/tnabe toptbout banned, 3But tbeic tottne? agteeo not to getbev. aniigbvette ^ette ftooe bpamfigefttftf/ ^aCfieo jefussfavingeianCtoereft ibou no* tbtngef^oto i0 it tbattbefe beare toitnega* gapnQ ^Kdibbeberoeig peace / sanftoeteo notbingjgapne bpefte^;efte affteabfei ; 9 rape bnto Dim-.airtetbou Cb?ift fonne m

oftbebleflebfanb9!efu0fap:g!am*anbPffiaf.rttf. man fe tbe fonne of mS f pt on tbe tpgbtbano u\*.mi&lt; cfpotoet/s compin tbe mmt of beauen, cflen ctjebpeft pjeQe tent bis clorbes 9 fapb: tobat neoe toe enr futtbet of toptnegf f e ba uebeattjebiafpbemp/tobattfttttcsepfainD tbep aH gaue fentence tbat be tea* too?tbi? " ofbeetbJnbfomebeganetofpitatbfm/sto cotietbi0face/3tobetebimtoftbfiae0/ani&gt; tofapebntobim/atebebntoW .2Cnbrbefe^ ua u n t eg b ofieteo bim on tbe face. 3irt&gt; ag^etettoa? beneetbin tbepallp0/_ a .. .,/ tber cam one of toencbe* of bpap;ette: g* a*tobe mefatoelSetettoatmrnge bimfelf/john;^ DieiofteDonbtm/9fape:toaanot tI)ou alfo ioWi ?eru0 of jOa?aret^f 31nb be benpeb it rapf g:31 finotoe bim not/ netbet toot 31 tobat tljou fa^eft Jnbhe toft out into t^t powbe/

nomber of people toitbftoearbeg and francs* anbf cocfiectetoeJnba bamfeliratoebt m:

from tbe bP^?efli ana Scribes 3 eioerg ambbetbatbettapea bpmbabgeuentbem a, generall toiien fapmg:tobofoeuer? ao fticreV be it t&amp;tafte bim a leaac bim atoape toatelp. ana ajs fone a? be toa? come/be toft ttreigbt to8Fetobim/3fapoebnto bimtraafterma

$aga?nebeganneto Cape to t\fc$ ftooe bp/ tbfeis oneoftbf. 3na&amp;eaen?eait agapne. 3Cnaanone after / tbep tbat ttoae bp/fapc agapne topeter-.fuerl? tbou arte one of tbe' f o? tbou awe of aiile/a tbp fpeacije agtett) .v ...., v.. e Mv... v ..v.w. w - cberto.Klnabebegannetocutae^tottoeate ftee/fcfttfttDftimJnat&amp;eplapetftefrbSbeis capmge^ftnotoenottbpPmanof tobomje sJW: onbim/anatoftebpm.anaoneoftbemtbat fpeafteJnaagapnetbeeoc6elftretoe/*a19e*' u *w | ,ffa ftobebp/a^ueoutattoearae/anacmoteaCer terrememb?ea tbe wo?ae tbat siefu* rape

ttaunt of tyWXMMvfo out of bW eare. bnto bim/beroze f tbtw erotoettojre/tbott * J6nb5!efu0anCtoerebrapbntofbem:p ftaltaenpmetb^fe/6egannetotofi)e. ''becomemita^bntoatbefettrtoeatbeg^tt c(^^^*W fl w**w&gt; 8au^/W?tota8eme.3!toa8iba^toitftBou c^bt,^,fllbapt f .

3 m^rij^aanone intbeaatoningetbe bpe #n.wb(f.a. fll^]P?eaeg beiaecounfeiltt eioem iwiffw l^iK^tl? tbe Scribes / 3 tbe tobole con* j#M^ ^^^gregacion abounaejefujJ a leaae bim atoape a oeipuereabsm toptlate . ana |&amp;plateaffieabpm:a*tetboutbeBfnge of .jetoeuf anabe anftoereaanacapabntabim: tbou taped it Jna bee pjefteg accuCeo bim wLtMtii %*** W&amp;S, ' ^MjWft am Buim Bwi flatf* Cavinge-.* 3nCtocrefttbouno* tbingf5Beboiaebotomamtb?nge0tbepla? tintotbp cbatge.?eCu0ptanCtoerebneuera too?ae/Co tbat pplate meruelea. ,3ttbatfeaft^platetoa0toonttobeleuer at tbeir pleafure a p?ef oner :tol)5Coeuet t&amp;ep tooiae bttw e . S no tber teas one nameo ar xaban / tobicb lape bounae % tbem * maae fnCurteccion/aintbeinuirreccponcomitteb muttberJita tbe people callea bnto bim/ana Iiegan toaefv&lt;!e acco?apngea0 be baa euer bone bnto tbcm.^plateanCtoerea tbem ana fape:rt)tii tt tbatl lotofe bnto vonl Bpng of getoe0:jf o? befinetoe i tbebpe|B?eae0 Baaaerpuereabimofenup^utfbtep^aeg baa mouea tbe people tbat be muioe tatber bcipuer arrabajJ bnto tbem. ana place anftoerea agapne'/ ana Cape bnto me:*U3[)at topilpc tben-tbat Jbo toitb bim tob 5 p call tbe bpng of tbe 9etoe0f and tbep am agaptie-.ctucifpebim.^plate fapa bntotbf:iiabateupHbatbbebonef3(inbtbe erpeatbe mouefetuentlpetcrrucifiebpni. ana Co p plate topllingeto content % people lotof ea tb em jearraba /anb Mi ueretfJcCiis* tobe be fab f couigea bim/ fo? to be crucifies. 25 anatbefouapetgieaaebfmatoapefnto $ commen ball / ana callea togerber tbe tobole imittftubey a tbep clotbea bint toitb purple/ 9 tbepplatteaa crouneof tbomeg a crounea bim \oit\f all/a begSne to Caltttebmt , ^aple

pnge of tbe jetoe 0. ana tbep fmote bP on tbe beea toitb a veoe/ana fpatbponbim/anb too^djepeabim. ana tobf tbep baa mocfiea bftn/tbep toae tbe purple of bim / a put W atone clotbtf on wh .-, &gt;. W m ao ,e e 6"" out/to ctuciflebim *am fiSffi" tbepcompelleo one tbat paOebbF/caUelr.'fer w mon of cr?ene(tobirti cam oute of tbe feiae/ ana teas fa tber of aieranacr ana mufu0)to beare W ctoffe . ana tbep b;ougbt bpm to a -r plac e namea - &lt;E5olgotba( tobicb W bp intetp? e ^taeion/Hje place of aeebmen0 fcouiles ) ana tbep gaue bim to wmti topne minglea tottb mp7te/bttt be receaueb f t not. anatoben tbep baacrucpfieabpm/ tbep parteabi0Batm?te0/caBinge Me (6$ tbf / tobat euetpman ftmlce baue. anb ittoa0 aboufe $ tbitaeboure/arbepcrurifieabini. ana tbe tp tie of b(0 caufeiia&amp;to^ttemfftie fipge of.tbe aetoe^iaiS^eTcwtiReb Wtfi

t** fc

p^ 1 -*

1*1*11 bfm ttobtbeue*: tbe one' on tbe rpgbtijanoe/ ana tbe otber on,bi0 ipf te.ana tije ictrptute toa0 Wlftilca tobicb fapetlj; s *ljetoa0 &amp;&amp;&amp; 1amongetbetopehea. . ..... .* *anatbep $ toet bp taplea onbim: toag* M.j*wte ginge tbeir beeow ana Capingeta to;etclje/* tbat aeft tope a tbe temple / ana bpiae ft it in tb^e oape0-.faue tbp felfe/a come aoune from lecrottc.jlpftetopre alto mocbea bim bve &gt;;efte0 antonge tbem C clues toitb tbe %&gt; crt

6e0 a tapae/ be cauea otber men/bim ceife be cannot iaue,/iet &lt;S;b?ia tbe fipnge of 3jfrael note aefcenae from tbe crofle / tbat toe map re ana beieue. ana tbep tbattoere ctucpfiea toitbibim/cbecbebbimalfo. . .. anatoben f Cittebouretoa0 come aarclt^ ne0 arofe ouer all tbe ettti bntpll tbe npntbe boure.anaattbenpntbe boute9lefu0 crpea tt a louae bopce Caping-.qrioi/iEioi/iamaafc . batbani/ tobicb iSpf it be ihterp^teb:*mp ttfortw^ (Boamp oa tobpbaft tbou fojCaftf me. ana m Come of tbe tbat ftoae bp / tc^zn tbep beatae tbat/fapa:beboiae be cailetb fo^eiia0.ana oneran ana fpllea a fponge Cull of beneger/ ana put it on a reae / a gaue bim to azincfte/ fapinge:iet bim aione/iet b0Ce tobetberi^e lpa0 totll come ana tabe bim aoune: ,. , ., 25ui 3 ! eCu0 crpea toitb a louae bopce/ ana . a mj e iiayti gauebptbec!Pooft.anB a *tbe baple of tljeo't " plc smt tePleoparentinttoopecc0/ftStbetoppeto &lt; *^jS 1 * bottome. ana toben tbe Centurion vmlSmuSS ttoae before bpm / fatoe $ he Co ctpea agaue ciotbc &lt;iwt iima bptbe goofte/becapae-.trulptbisma toa0 vMnttottm fonne of tfUMTbee toere alfo toemen a go 00 SffinlS toapeofbeboiapge bim;anJongetobo toas"e ftoin* n-ffi fflfiarpfllBagaaienana fl^atptbemotberofoe tijc impirv Barnes tbe iptie/a of gfofe0/ana fll9atp)a&lt; bb mk cioujc lomeitobicb alfo toben be toa0 in alile/ f 0= S*gj?BSg lotoeobim ampniareabntobim/anamanpKthf S otber toemen tobicb camebp toitb bim bnto t com tV tea. of SeruCalem. , . . ije tt&gt;ma)t. ananoto tobennpgbt toa0 come(becauCe BSJHflK ft toa0 tbe euf tbatgoetb before tbe fabotb) ggg SoCepb of arimatbia a noble CouncellotirJHXs oe tobubalfo loneafo? tbe Bpngaome ot&lt;8&gt;ob/ wokb few Came a toet in boiaelp bnto ^ilate/a beggea fl^um banfflg*

Centurion/ana aCfiea of bim/ tobetber be baa 6ene enp tobfle acea.ana toben be finetoe tbe truetbof*flrentur&lt;Drt/begauetbeboapto . . giofepb.anabe boug&amp;t a ipnnen Mte/amjfgSffS toftebtm aoune/anato?appeabim mti#lmm\mMM nen clotbe / anb lape bfm at a tombe tbat

toa0 be toen oute of tbe Cepulcre. ana fllParg ^agaairn ana S0atpg|ofe0 bebeiae tobete feetoa0lapae. t m &gt; CiCfi^flfsfpfen agapne anBapcwO fo the apoflfetf tatojijmSefiJmfttjtljtljep^acljynacflfiDcdEfofpcit

a iLUfcr.fJtflfUS*

CCbe.itbMrbaptei!. * l@D toben fte &amp;&gt;aboft mt toa* palt/tym S&amp;agbabm / a Q9atg facobp / ^alorae/bougbt odou* ____Jte0/ g ftep mpgbt come a anopne &amp;f m.ano etip in fte mo;npng fte nejcte Mfr after fte &gt; ab oft cape / ftef came tin to fte ftpulcte/tobf fte funne teas tpf en.Una ftep fapDe one to anoftet; tobo all voile tiS a* tea? e ft e Q on e f com ft e bo?e of # fepulct e? ano toben ftep lofieo/ fte p fa toe b oto (tone teas roliebatoape: Eo?tt toassa toetp gteatc one J no ftep toent into ftp ulcte/ano fato e apoungemanfpttpng on tbe tpgbtfpbe/cio* SiSB.a08ttet.* anDb* Wbntoftem/ be not w #afrapeW fefielefuu of j&amp;a?atcft/tobpcb toajsctucptteb. ett tpten/bef0 not bete, j&amp;ebolbeftepiace/tobetr ftep put bim 5Sut goo poure toape/anb tellbi0 bifcipleg / ana* toillgo befojepoumtofflaitle*. tb e re ft all je ft bfai / a0 b e fapb tint o sou. fr ano ti) eg toent oute qupcfilp anb fie eo from toe feputcte $0} ftep teembleb 9 toete ama* reD.iQetfterfa^JC^ep enpjfipnge to enprnaV fojfteptoereafrapeb.. : : . * m\jtn gietuu toau rpfen $ mo?oto aftet fte&amp;aboftbape/beappetebfpjfttoid&amp;ati? - fifoagbaien/out of tobom be catt fenf oeupb* c anb fte toent anb tolbeftem tbattoete toift


ftep fietbe ftat be toast alpue anb bad appe* mmm&amp; teo to bee/pet ftep beleueo ft not.* after g / be appereb bnto ttoo of fte tit a fttaunge fj?* gute/ass tte^ toalfieb a toent into fte com* trp.anb ftep toent a tolbe ft to fte remnant. ami ftep beieuebftemncfter. &amp; * after ftat / be appeteb bnto tbe eie ue a0 ft e v fate at meate:anb can in ft eft teft ft est bnbelefe abattmeisof bee:becaufe ftep be ieucb not ft em tobtft babfene bun aftet bp0 aa wRn;eccfon.ainobefa?liebntoftemt-*(!iJoo .oat* '* wtoanftetoo?IDe/anop?eacbe tbe alas tSS TSbu*** tQ allcreatuttf/beftat beieueft f tiww tnto 10 baptifeb/ftalbe faueo. But be g beieueft an creatuKB/- no t/(h a nje uampneb. SS27&amp; anaftefeftmggftaHforotoeftgftatbe S5S eon,,e leue.5fnmpnameftepa)aKcaaoutl)eufI(5/ 9(ha?ifpea6ettnetoet8gei8/ftan*juret! pente0.anbpf ftepa?fnBeamjbebli&gt; ftinge/ ftftannotbutteftem.cbepftaUlapefteft banoes on tbe fpcfte/9 ftep all tecouer. &amp;oentobenfteH,o?bebab rpOfienbn toftem/betoagwceauebintobeauen/afate fttmbouneon? tfgbtbanb of d5ob.3Cnliftei? toent fo?ft/anbp?eafteijeuetptobete. am tbe 1 02Be to?ougbt totft ftem / 9 confftmeo ftetoo?betofftmwaclejJftatfo!otoft, h If Cbe enbe of ft e ofpeli of ;-.. &gt;.0?arcfte, .



jtD?a0moebea0manpbaue tase inbanbe to compile a treated of ftofe ftshgegi / tobtcb aiefutele 1I _-Jhnotoeam8ge bsi/euf aiSftesbeciateoftetintotiiStofttftfcSftebegtnnsng fatoe ft em ft eft feUteU / anb toe minfltew at ft e oopige : % bet ctmrneb alfo ajs fone a0 % bab teatfteu out wKgentl? attftcngeft ta fte begfltntng/ftat ften .9 toolbe to?pte bncofte/goobcbeopbiluis^ftottmrgbtea finotoe fte certente of ftofe ftmgejitobetoC ftouattemfo?meb, . nartje c5tpe&lt;on nJipi*6 oejo^tt t^ebapHft. ffi?)t Mccptlonof (w&lt;8^G?ct&amp;aii&amp;ftiHfona*80fS9av .. m xacljatp. . _ C&lt;cbef8?abaptei;; ^ewn)as;irttI)eDapes of aerobe fte 8?nge of lu* tie a cettavne^ette namft 59ffHnu 1 of fte coucfe of abta. Mb m tosfetoass of _ fte oaugbteBS of SBaton: ano Ber name toag &lt;'?abeft . jBooft tow pet* fectbefo;e &lt;25o&amp;/anb toamebin altfte latoRJ anb o?B?naiui!iejs of fte&gt;Lo;be / ftat no man eouffie fptoe fatotetoift ft em. 36nn ftef baa n0ebplbe/BecauCeftat3lt?abeft tea? ban? anb bo ft torn toell ftttcnen in age/ ain&amp;fteameto pafle /atfbe ejtecutebftr ^eaQeef office before ob /assbpjs cotitfe (a me(acco?bpng to ft e cuftome off feieffeff office ) bfslot toass tobumeineenCe . anbbe toenttntotbefemple of fteiuv&amp;e / anb fte toboale mttitftube of f&gt; people toete toift out nt vwtv tohfli ft e i ncenft toa0 abutnfnge. 3tnb rtet appereb bnto bim an 3ngell offte jtojoe ttanbpnge onftetrgbtf?be off aur* taw of tticenfe.,ainbtobett 3fta^w fatoe bim


ot X

btm/tjetoa0abaC(beb/featccamonbfm, 58 2Dnb tbe angell Capoe bnto bim : feate not W.ri&gt;ipT 3aftarp.'fo? ftv P?ai?et i0beat6e:*3nb m . topftcElnabeftPiallbeatefteafonne/anb ftou ftalt call l)i0 nametobn / -s ft ou ftalt . baeioseanbs!aone0/gimanvClJ3Hreiopce atbt0bi??;l)eftalbe gteatei'n ffpgbt of tbe %mm OjaUnefteeDncse topenee fteongebnncnejnbbeftalbefpHeo toift blsgooa/euSmi)i0mofter0toombe:9ma&lt; npof fte ftpimS of p iftaei fbailye toutne to lbft'to?be &lt;Boa.3n&gt;jeft3Hgo befo?eftini mftefp;itepotoe^l9eBa0/totoumefte mmtt tbt*berte0 of fte faftew to fte ftrM/ anb fte fig" K bnbeieuet0 to fte toffoome of fte tufte men: Smm'to inafie fte people tebp tot fte )Lo;be. toanoifte fa 30tiD ^acban'a? Capbebnto angeintobe* WW* bt ibaii^ finotoe fti?? fej?ng ftat^ am oioe anbrtip topfe toell arycfien in pewons fte angeHanltoereb anb rarbe bnto bym.|am &lt;5ab?fel tbat ftanoe ft ft e p?efen0 of &lt;2fob/? am fent to cpeafie bntofte : anb to ftetoe fte ft efe glab tgoutge* .2lnb bebolbe ft ou ftalt bebomme/anotbeabletofpeafie/bntrii $

tmfc f ftefe tbtnge0 be petfo?meb/becaufe f ftoubeletieDftnotmytoo?&amp;f0tobfchu)alue " - fiilffllebtnfteitfearon. ' ! anb fte people toaytto fo? 3aftarte0 anb metuepleb ftat be tatyeb in fte temple . anb toben be came out/ be couiae not fpefiebnto - ft?lbetbv ft e v petceaueb tbat be bab fene Come blfpon in fte temple . anb be becfieneb bnto ftem/$ temapneb tpeae^leoe. C * anbitfo?tuneb/a0fonea0i&gt;tpmeofbf0 tttitm toa0 oute/lje oepatteb borne into b?0 ateneboure.anbaftetftofeba^/bfetoyfe eB'?abeftcSceaueb/bbberfelfef?uemo* neft e0 fatfnge : cbfe to|f e baft oo bealte toift me ta tsje oaseu tob^ a * be lofieo on me/ ujmm De t o tafie f5 me ft e tebufie % fuffreb am5ge l^^mftt3wbm'ftefrrtemoneftfteangeH&lt;!5a* w K fa;b?teltoa0fent ftomdiJobbnto a ctffe of a^ e 0; gtacdiie/nameb jDa?ateft/toabitgm fpoufebto amatobofename toa03!ofepb/of?ljoufe of 1 . ^autb/ftebirgtn0namfctoa0^atr.anb W$t (uu t u e angcll toet in bntober/a fajbe:' *a?ie Wtt?&gt;*'rBtace/fte)lo^eftiWft fte: Weffft iwjomc tficattetbouamongetoemen. *uat&amp; (Oc/ iGben fl)e ratoe b^n fte toa0 abalfteb at *nmmtkfi faj&gt;ftige:anb caft m bet mpnbe tobatma^ net of falutacf on tbat ftulbe be. anb fte ani gcllfapb bnto bet : feate not &lt;3atp:fo? ftou . baa founbe grace toift ob . 'Ho/ ftou ftalt eonceaue int^v toombe / anb ftalt beare a Conne/a ftalt call big name 3)efu0 . ffie ftal* begteate/ ^iftalbe callebfonneof f&gt; byeft, 3 no ft e TLo?be ob (ball geue bnto Dgm tbe feate of bt0 faftet auib/ 9 lie ftan carane ouet tbe boiife of ^acob f 0? euet/ anb of bJ? fifttgbome ftalbenone me.


/ /



cben Cssbe #t&gt; bnto fte angell :f oto b ftall tl)i0 be/fej&gt;n5s3i finotoe not a mam* iJnb fte angell anttoeteo 9 fauo bnto bereft e bo&gt;= IV gooft ftall come bpon fte / 9 ftepotoet of fte bpeft ftalt ouet ftabbotoe fte,*cijetfo?e m&amp;MA alfo tbat boll? ftfngetobpft ftaibe bo/ne/ ftalbe calleb fte tonne of on . anb bcboibe ftrcofeniCUfabeftftebaftairoconceauea a tonne in bet age. anb ftp 10 bee C#.te mo* neft/ftougb fte be calleb batten '.fojtoittt ob cantiofttng e be bnpoftbiej anb fflaw y farbetbeb olbe fte banbemafoen of %oiw be it bnto meeuen 80 ftou bad fabe, jana fte angell bepatteb ft om bet. * anb fl$atFflcore in ftofeDa?e0/ toent into fte mountapn0 toift baSe/tnto a cptie ofauae/9 entreb intofteboufe of 3aftarj/ 9falutebElf?abeft.anb it fo?tuneb/a0 li&lt; ?abeft beatbefte falutacion of &lt;3^atp / fte babe fp?5ge in bet beliv.anb cEli?abeft toa0 fpllebtoift ftebolp gooft/ 9crj?ebtt aloube bopce/* faf be:lefleo arte ftou amonge tbe toemen 9 bieffeb 10 tite ftute of fti? toombe. anb tobence bapencft fti0 to me ftat tbe mo ftet of mp )Lo;be ftulbe come to me? &lt;ff o? 10/ A0 fonea0 bopce of ftp telutacib" fotonbeb in mpne eare0/fte babe fp^ange in mp bell? f 0? iope.anb bieffeb atte ftou ftat beieueoft: fo? ftofe ftpnge0 ftalbe petfomieb tobpcb toete tolbe fto tbe 'jlo?b.anb 3l!?atp fapbe: i^p'foulemagnpfpetbfte 'iLo^be. anb 0?agnsficae mp fp?ete teiopfetl) in ob nip fauiout. ft &lt;5fo2 bebaft lofieo on tbe poo?e begte of bp0 banbe mapben. ffiebolbe noto fto innce fo^ft ftallaIIgeneracion0caIlemebleffeb.&lt;JFo;be f 10 mpgbtp batb bone to me gteate ftinge0/ anb boipe (0 bi&amp; name . anb bitfmercp on M ftat feate bim fto;oto outall genetacton0. ffieftetoeftatfgft^toiftbigatme/bercac* teteftftmftatatep?oubeinftepmagin* ttc([ 5iS^ cpon of ftett bette0 . ^e putteft boune tbeSfg S mpgbtp ftomfteftftate0/anbejcaiteftftem*t . lauu acme oflotoebegte.^efplletbftebongrptt goob' B U " ftpnge0: fenbetb atoape tbe tpcbe emptpe. SSffl* l^e teinemb?eftmetcp : anb belpeft b^ fet* sc,aie *" ,i; uaunrtftaej.

*G&amp; a0 be p^ompfebto oute fatbet0/ab?a* mmuttA bam anb to b^0 feeoe fo; euet .anb tigtafttf abobe toptb bet aboutea.f i),monefte0 / ana tetoutnebagapnetobetatoneboufe. * IIi?abetbc0tpmetoa0come g fte0)uft be belpueteb / anb ft e b ? ougb t f j ft a fonne, anb bet nepgbboute0 anb bet cofins fieatbe tell bote fte %o)U bab ftetoebgteat metcg bpon bee/anb ftepteiopreb toift bet. anb it f jtuneb fte epgbt bape: ftep came to citcumcpf e fte cbplb:anb calleb bP0 name acbatia0/aftet name of btf fatbet.l^oto eitbfemoftetanftoetebanbfapbertiotfo/ butbeftalbecalleb3lcbnJtbftefapbbn* tobets


tty &lt;ofoeU led ydtyit miticmk &amp; c toa s t&amp;e&amp;onfr* linage oEjaauto/ tajreb toft&amp;flpan? BifS fpoutto topfe tobicb toast tofu) cBfldc. 3inditfo?tunedtobiHtbeytoetctbere/bet .^..i,, tpme toa* come that ipe amice be Deifueteo. *?&amp; and Pje b?ougbte foztt) bet a *fp;Q begot* lone m^aij, ten tonne / and tojappedbpm in toaWpnge &lt;* cloott)es/a la? be tym in a m anger / becaufc thet teas not oume fojtftem toit&amp;in ft pnne. and tber toere in Came region (bepber* 39 M abpomge m the ft id anb to atcbpng theft flocbe bp npg&amp;t Jnd to tbe angell of ft )Lo?b ft otiebatce Dp them/and tbe to tgbtnes of tbe tojdtfoonewundeabmttctbe/stBeptocre f o?e aftapcd. 38ut tbe angell fapoebnto tbf : e not afraf ebjf o? bebolbe/a b;inge ? ou tj hinge* of gteate tope/ that than come to all tbe pcople:fo; bnto p ou is bo;ne tots base (n ft cpaeofauib/afaueouretobfcBfcBtf&amp; tbcitojbe JnbtaHttbi* tojaftgnctfc ftwil f pnbe tbe cbplde f toadied fr la? eo in a mSget. anb fttepgbt teas e tber toas toitb tbe angeil amuttitudeofbeuenlpfotodpew/laubpnge &lt;B5obanbfaringe:&lt;S5to?|toobonbfe/ anb **to 6*pcaceontbeettb:bntomenttiopfing. t22,SiSs

3ndi t fojtuncd/as tone as ft angels toere f 'S{3 goneatoape from the" into beucn/.*tbcale^K , ' ( &lt;uutfin betoesfapdeoneto anon)et:letb$goeuf bn-wfflontfw to tfetbieem/ 3 re tbtt tbpnge ft ft bapene d/ gg tobicbtbe^o?bebatbe(betoebbntobji.ainbXS a sr tbep came toitb bafte anb founbe flgarpanb W.fl.f. 4ofepb anb tbe babe la^ie in amanger.Snb to&amp;entbejbad fene tt/tbep pub!iObebab;oDe the fapinge tobicb toas tone tbe of ft cbpide. anballftbeatbeit/toondjedattBofetbtngeii tobicb toete toldet&amp;e of tbe ujeppctbts. $ut @atp Hep t all tbofe faffngea/andponbctea tbem f n ber bertJnb tbe Q)epberbe0 retouv nca/p/apfpngeand laubpngcr&gt;od fo; all fc tbep bad bene anbfene / euen J it toas tola bntotbem. { *.anbtobentbeepgbtbapetoas come that tbe cbplDe ftmlb be ctwfictfcd/Biis name teas* cailebjefuu/tobicb toas nameb of ft angel! BefO KBe toast c onceaueb in tbe toombe. V&amp; . .. -*^nbtobeiftbe tpme of tbeir purif icactS w cffi^^^*^? rt ^^%*^Suwettbeiatoe ofS&amp;bfe*)toa0 come/tbep ig . ftconw ^haprte. * t^e Jl-ojde : eueriman cbplde tbat fwttope* taHU( aiim^lKtoentouteacSmaunbement anbtoofler(a0!ti0fa^eintbeiatoeoftbe&gt;oMj^ (Wit ftom3Cuguaetbemperour/tbat Xojbcla papje of turtle boues 0? ttoo range jgj^ EHSUtbetoWflwlbbetaired.a^ pigfons.anbbeboloetbettoasamantn^te^ tbtetaringe toas me fpjft /ami erecutebtobe rufalemtobofe name toas Simeon. anb? %&gt;v genius toas leftenaunt in g&gt;frfa . 30no cameman teas iufle abated ffio b Iongeb cowman toentbntobW atone cptte to be fojtbeconfolacfonofWael&amp;tbe&amp;oJ? goo d fareb.36nbWoTepbalfoafcenbebftom w iiwisinbimJnbanamtoettoajJgwenb? life / oute of a me calfeb J9a?aretb / mto of tbe bow gooft/ flat be WMMMevau 3uri'e:bntotbecreof3E&gt;auiOtob&lt;cbftcal s befo;ebe6abfmetbe&lt;o;bf0iffb?&lt;C .a i nbbe came

co tattAtt itt none oAbv W nne/wat it na* mebtoitbtbtename.ainbtb^maDe Crgne3 to bfc fatber/boto be toolbe baue btw calleb. 3DnbbeaCbeb fo? touting table? anb to;oote fa?mg*ijsnamei,3 aobn.3Bnb tbe? maruel* icball.anbbps moutbetoa^openebimme* Wotlv/9 bft tonge alfo/5 be Cpabe latobpng &lt;50b.afnbfeare came onalltbem tbat btoelt npcbntotbem.ainb alltbefe fapingestoere nopfcbatyoabe tb;ougb om all mm conn treoffurieanballtbep tbatberbetbe lapbc tbembp in tbeit bte$J taping: n&amp;batmaner cbpibeft)aUtbi!Sbefaini)tbebanbeof'/Lo;D teas torn) b'm. ainbbft fatber 5acbariaj$ toaji filleb toift) ^ , t . tbeboipgooft/anbp^opbifiiebfapinge. Jjencbicfttis ieffebbctbe)Lo?be*]5obofacrael/fo2be batb^WR'tebanbtebemebbWpeopie. I* t 1* tib *" 31 no ban) tepfeb bp an b ome of faluacton Bf&gt;" Sic ncn a0bep?ompfeo bv W mout&amp;of to* n S (n ajcncMbolp^opbeteiJ tobb toeretenjj tljetoojUie began.bat toe ulbbe faueb fro oute ene* mm 9 ftom tbe ban&amp;e* of all tbatbate W. Co fulf vl tbe metcp p?ompf co to oute fa* tbera/anb to remembcrbisi bolt couenaunt, *3Bnbto pfo;me ft ootbe tobicb be ftoate to oute fatbec Hb;abam/f o? to geue w. cbattoebelpuetebouteoftbe banbe* of owe entmw/ masftt feme btm tobttb oute frare/all tbe bate? of outelpfe/ infucbebo* iwe? 9 tpgbtetoefnejJ au ate accept bef o/e hMnb tbou cbplbe alt be calico ttjej&amp;w* Pbete of tbebpeft :fo?tbou maltgobefo;e ft face of tbe Ho#e/to o?epate tys toapeaoinb to geue bnotoieoge of faluacpon bnto bp9 people fo?tberemiffionoftpnneiS.bjouga tbe tenber mercp of oure ob / toberbp txft ittciuifttt m *bape f p?pngc ttom anbpebatb wgtam, 8pS5S?J CogeueAttotbStbatfateinbatcfinesJ

sfucth(p8fttto an Dfn aabotoeof betb/atogpbe oute fete ihcm mt c?t mtoWeto8 eo epeace.anbtbecbplbegteto ef^JL "bernejJ/tpllftbapecametoblbelbutofbetoe Bim felfe bnto tbe3iftabeWte0.

came bpinfpp;acpon into tbe teinpre. ' '3lnbtobentl)efatbetanomotbetb?ougbt in tat cbvlbe Ijefuj* /to bo fo;bpm after tbe IMit cuftomeoftbelatoe/tljentoSebebpmbP M 'M , m lt5 bft armeg anb fapb.TLo;be/ note lettett B)ou _ tbv feruaunt dc parte in peace acco^pnge to ^tbp p;omesi.f 0; mpne epest bauefene tbe Ca ueourfent from tbe. Itebic-b tbou baft pjepa* red before tbe face of ail people . Klpgbtto ligbten tbe gcntpl^/anb tbe. glo;p of tbp peo&lt; plejttael. h * {tnbbftfatberanbmotbetmetueneiiat ^ofetbpngejs tobicb toerefpobe of bim.3Dnb Simeon blefteb tbem/anb tapbe bnto^arp bte motber-.bebolbe/tbft cbplb fbalbc ft fall nnbtefurceccipnofmanpini(rael/9an'gne ft . tobicb malbc fpofte agapnft. fnb mo;couet r^X e *tliettoearbeft)allpearcetbpfoule/tbattbe ,K ^tbougbtejS'*ofmanpbert( mapebe openeo. vtKimtc 9r ain&amp;tbertoa0a$;opbetifte/one3!nna/ tofoti,'{bebaugbtetof|BBanuelofft trpbe of afer: J T\ hmi'tobicft toaiB of a greate age/a ban ipueb toin) SLne(anS an bufbanbe.bK peeeg frSberbirginttcanb ^ctD6i(D ftjebabbeneatoeootoe aboute.iiu.fcoo?e 9 ipreacbe/ utj.pere/ tobicb toentnetiet out of tbe teple/ ffbut fetueb ob toptb faftinge anb p?aper S" a n PBbtabape.ainbtberame came fonb tbat n caj dc of famel)oure/anbp?apfebtbe7Lo?be / $fpafte ftDpt&amp;cDnscofbpm to all n)at lobeb fo; teoempepon in f. ?ff^'"wfa" m -

S' 3nb as tone ojs tbep bab perfo?meb all /i a t^tbpnge0acco;bpngtotbelatoe oftbeilojbe/ .,- tbep retumeb into alile to tbeir atone citie ilSl '5 c iBa?aretb. 3BnbtbecbPlbegretoeanbtoereb SSiErtS ftrongeinfp;ete/anbtoasfpilebtoptb topr* ueopetwabome/anbtbegrace ofobtoas toitb bm.I&lt; atiebnbe/ anbbi0farlieranbmotbettoentto^ietu grit ooa'faiemeuerppereattbefeefteofeftet.*ainb BXa tobenbe toap.rii.pere olde / tbep toent bp to 1 1&amp; tho^ietiitalem after tbe cuftome of tbefeefte, toptii mmt&gt; tobe tbep bab fulf plleb ft oapes / ass tb n '^^fO'teturnebbome/tfiecbplbegiefusboobeftpH Ci;?&lt;Ln ^ierufalem bnfinotoing to bfe fatbet anb E motbce.# o?tbep fuppofebbebabbene intbe filjt^BffflncCompanp/anbtberfo?ecameabapesio;nep ft*- aw m anb fougbt bPm amffge tbeir fipnffolbe anb Blte^^twpntaunceJnbtobentbepfounbebpm Kiofrt"ot/* e Ptoentbacfteagapneto^ietiifa!em/ metmift fougbtbim.3inb it fo?tuneb aftet.iii.bapeiJ M^top:, tbat tbep founbeht'mt'n m temple/ fpttpnge S? of ^in tbe mto&amp;e^ of tbe bottoms / botb bcarpng tbem anbpofpnge them . 3 nb all tbat bears e fiim/merueileb at W toft anb anftocrs. Sfinbtoben tbep fatoebim/ tbep toereafto* npebJnbbftmotberrapbebntobim:fonne/ . tobp.baft tbou thus bealte toitb toi tfebolbe tbp fatbec 9 3/baue fott gb t ml fo ? oft enge/ anb be fapae bnto tbe : boto i'S it ft pe fougbt me? ma pe not tbat 5 1 muft goo aboute m# fatbits bufme^ainb tbep bn&amp;crQobe not t

fapinge tbatbcfpaaecdft)eJnobetoent^ tbcm/anb came to jijajatetb/ 9 toasobeoiet to tfje-tfut bf? mother bept all tftef e tbitiges in bet b'ert .anb 3 etus increafeb in toptoome anb age anb in fauoure toin) (Bob a man, #

CflCtjepjcac^Hge'fJnptpmcaiiO^efoiimrntofJoeii SCfteiiiiptfineof tf Ijjitt/aito a rcyeatfall of tyejjeiiE* taciouoftdefatljccg.

be.iii.bapter. * ^J tbe fpftenepere of n)e rapgne 0% Ciberiuu tt)e emperoure / Pom tius Pplate bepnge leftenaunt of 3,uwe / a eroae bepnge cetracb of (UaUIc/anbbiS b;otbcr p0a n * cetracb ? *P*S8ff injltureaanb in rt)e region of craconites, " ^" , ^ fl,lJ anwipfaniab n)e cetracb of aiipiine/toben ' JCnna anb Cappbas toere tbe bpe p^eftes tije too;be of Efob came bnto^ob'n tbe tonne oe Sacbarras in m topibemes.anb be came in to all the cooftes aboute 1)o?ban/ p;eachpng t\)t baptpme of repentafice fo? tbe renu'diou of fpnnes/as iti tojpttcn intbe belie of the fapinges of dfaias ft Pwfoit tobicb fapetb *,* . *Cbebopce of a crpar m toplbrrneswepar e S' tr fttoape of ft/Lo?b/maftebis patbes flrapgbt. Cuerpballep Ojalbe fpllcb/anb euerp moun* tapne anbbpll roalbeb^ougbtlotoeanb cro^ fieb tbingeg (balbe mabe ftreigbtta ft rougb toapes (bailie made tmotb : 3 nil fletftje Qiall fetJjefaueoutfentofob, | Cbenfapbebetotbepeopie tbat toere co&lt; m me to be bapttfeb of Him,"* generacion of r, amtit&amp; bpperg/tobobatbtatigbtpouto fipefrom ft O f\)v?f""iohc to?atb to come i JB?pnge fo?ttj tut t rutes of m &amp;.* repentaunce;a begpnnenotto tape inpourc felues/toebaue Mtftft to pure fatbet . flo? 91 fape bnto pott : &lt;e&gt;ob is able of tbefe ft ones totepretopcbpld?entinto3ityabam.&amp;otoal* fofstbe are lepbebnto tberoteoftbetrceS: fo tbat euerp tree tobicb b^pngetbnot fo?tti goob frute/ibalbe betoen boune/anb cafte in totbefp?e. SCnbtbepeopleaffieb bim fapinge : ttebat (ball toe bo tbenf^canftoereb anb tapbe bti to tbem:$e tbat ban) ttoo cotes /lett bpmc parte tot n) bPm tbat Ija t b none : anb be tbat ban) meate/letbpm 00 ipbetopte. cben cam tber publicans to be bapt ifeo/ anb tapbe bnto bim: ^atter/tobatflwiltoe; bof3nb be fapd bnto tbem :rcqup;e nomo;c tben )at tobicb id appopnteb bnto pott. Cbe foubpouresipbetopfe bemaunpebof bim fapinge-.anbtobat iball toebof 3Dnb be fapiietontotbem.^obiolence tono* tber trouble cup mS to?ongfullp:but be con* tent toitb pouretoages. : W ft people toere in a boute/anb all men btfpufeb in tbeir bertes bf^obn /tobetberbe toe re be rp &lt;&amp;l)M; ^obii atiftoetep a fapoe to


* fr



BWrWmetbaftcrmVtobofewoelat tjcfopofJfaac:^g^jae fopneof tmi amnot to?ll aib?a^^tDa5t^tonneoff|ana: bapttfevouttitW^sooar^tt^fwc: to fticfttoat|e forme o5a$ J*&lt;cw; WJ^atf)r)i0faruiewpftarW7ariDto0! ^!8Sffi!BffiSSKS

tiajjatb 39Mfl.a



e wtt ftetobtt batne-.but tbe e *cbaffe topll be bourne etiaffe wn bc toM af W etbatneuecl&amp;aibequencbeb,n&amp; S h 'J ^manp otbertbtnges in bis etbojtacion p;ea* fnM^ ^ nefi&gt;nco tbe people. Ben eeobe tbe cetracb ( tobenbetoas tebufteb of b m f oj^erobias fttt b;ot Ber Pbi |iWKStopfe/anb fo^aUtbe eu?is tobfc&amp;l&amp;e* rose ban Done)aDDeb t&amp;iS abou&amp;all/anb lepo 3!obntnp;eron. - " *ab it foftuneb ad an people teceauea baptime(9 tobengjefus toast baptjTeo 9 bpb pjapc) $ M toas.openeo 9 tbe bol? good cam boune m a bobelp ape If ge a boucbpS fcim/andabopeecame ftom&amp;eauen faying: bou arte mpbe re fonne / in tbe do a belpte. C 3Dnb lefusbpm felfe teas abotite tbirtp fete of age tobe be begatme/ bepngc a? men

fuppofeo tbe fonne of lofepb : tobtcb teas fonne of eli : tobi cb bias tbe forme of flt^a* tbat-.tobicb teas? fonne of Jieui-.tobicb teas tbe fonncffl9eFcbf:tobtcbtoai8g fonne of -Jan* nartobtcbteas fonne o#ofepb:tobfcbtoasJ tbe fonne of#atattbf8S:tobicbtoasKonne of JGmoS: tobtcB teas tbefonne of jljtabum: tobfcB bias tbe.fonne ofoECW: tobi cb toass tbe fonne of agge:'tobpcb bias tbe fonne of fflflaatbt-.tobfeb teas 5 fonne of flatatbiaS: tobi cb teas tbe fonne of Fernet: tobfeb teas tbe fonne pf 5f;ofepb:tobf cb toas tbe fonne of ff juBaJtoBwiJ toasf fonne of 3|obanna:tobic&amp; mas tbe fonne f ffibefia-.tobicb teas fi tonne Sif3o?obabei:tobtcb toas tbe fonne of &gt;a* atBfeivtobf cb toast tbefonne of jBctfc tobpeb teas tbe fonrie.of fl eicbntobicb teas frf onne of atobutoBfcbtoas fonne of Cofam:to6ic&amp; toass tbe fonne of ^elmabami-.tobicb teas fonne of met : ttftftb toas tbe fonne of J efo: totucb teas tbe fonne of ^elieser-tobicb bias $ fonnelojmm-.tobicb teas $ fonne of flfcat* t&amp;attebicb toas fonneof JUuutobicb teas tbe formeof Simeon: tobieb teas tbe fonne of f uoa;teb (c b teas tonne ofjofepb:tebfc&amp; teas tbe fonne of '|onam:tebicb teas JKorme of feelf aeb&lt;m:tobicb teas $ fonne of W eica: tobicb teas tbe fonne of#enam:tobicb teas tbeforme of flatbatban:tobfcbtoasfonne ttf#8ffian:toBicBtoas tbefonne of auto: tob$toaStBef(mneofMe:toBie&amp;.toaStBe tonne of beo-.tobicb teas fonne of 800S: tobfeh toas t fonneof ft&gt;almon: tabtcft teas tbe fonne offlaafon-.tobicb toastb e fonne of ami naoab : mm teas tbe forme of afeam: tebfeb teas tbefonne of from;tobic&amp; toast fonne f J&amp;bares tofyitfy teas $e foisi e of sir

tobfeb teas tbefonne of ^ebetstobtcb toas fonne of&lt;&amp;ala:tobfcb teas t&amp;efomie ottau nan: tofticb teas fonneof 2Brpbawt:tobicb toastbefonneof &amp;em:toicb toastBe fonne of oe . toWh teas tbe fonne of xamttb'* tobfebteastbefonne of atburaia: tobicb teas tbe fonne of no*:tobfcb toaSJfoiwie ofllaretb'.tobitbtoaswe fonne of palate* befiteicbteas tbefonne of datnan; tob?cr| teas tbe fonne of a os*. tofi icb teas tbe fotme of ^etb:tobfcbtoasSfonne of 3Hoam:tebf(^ teas tbe fonne of tfoo. ClefUB it U&amp; &lt; totfte tof iDecncBc/ anb f odetQ all * Sme of hl0 tcmptstloif ouetcBinetl t$eotucJI/oob into ; ililc/p^acl&gt;cnjMfia?8ttit) ano ffapetnanmi

tbc&lt;we0De(pv(it^m,'^ci&gt;roel0hnoVDl(ogctoro:be commetb in to)dttec0 bouie / bcalcib b is moidct M Uwcanobotb gteacetpades* ccbe.uij.Cbapte! ; (jfustbenfnUof bofegoottw** . .,. tumso ftomaojoan .9 teas catf eo "PM |of tbefp^etemto toploetnes/ anb* wtottl _itoas.W.bapestemptebofjMurK. . tbofebateSateftenotbmgeJnbtobf tbev toe w eniieb / be aftet toarae bongteb. 3 no tbe oeutfl fa me bnt tjinu? f tb on be tbe fonne of ob csmatinte tbis none tbat it be -w4 b?eebJnb3le{usanftoerebbnn fa? mg:* *M istertttf/ manfbannotlBUe bptyeebom?/ but bp eueep to ouoe of &lt;5ob. %m tbe oeusu tofte ^tm tnto an W mon tapie/ano fbetoebbimali tbebyngoom of &amp; toojioe eue" intbe ttarfncblpng of an e?e.3to&amp; tbc Deutll faybebntobmnall tbiS potoet totil I geue tbe euetstobit 9 tbe glo?p of tbe :fo? tbatfSbelrueteo tomeanb totobofoeuets to?u73! geue it.^f tbou tberfoje tetft teo;f A) pp pe me/ tbe? Cbalbe all tb pn e . ^efus an- js f toeteb bt'm anb fa?oe i bence from me fba* tan.!)fo?itfSte;stten^bou(baltbOnoute iLoflx tb? ob anb bun onl? feme, anb be carwfibntttoSetufalem/ffetbtm ortaprnacleoftftetmpie/9fa?bbntob?mi f f tbou be tbe forme of ob / caft boune ft fs te??tten / geuebts angels tbarge 6m tja &amp;e anb WD tbeftbanbestber flmu Ca? tbe tbatouba(ibenottb?foteaga?nftaaonc tb ? felfe . be mall! petbe/ bp ; ,

lews ahftoeteb anb fa^torjnn/fttsfapb: . * tbou altnbttempte tbe Hb^je iftMWM" -1 ** 3Ds fone as tbebeu?Hbab enbeb alibis tems &lt;acfons-4ebepatteb ftontb/m fp;afeafon. Sj,, 6 . ff , f ; *10nb?ewsmoutneb.B?tSepbtoei;ofK f r ( . rp;etefnto&lt;Bame/9tfierc tofta fameofbim "*

... ^f#, ^etaitgSfinjeii:ftnagogeS9te8S c5raen^ bebofaittnen.

fciWW** *aaBe came to #aiatetb tobcte be teas Pjw(S.w..a notttfebsasbtscuUome toas/tofttnrotbe * ftnagogeontbeS&gt;abotbBapes/9ftobebp t of to reoe.ainD tbet teas btigucBft bntobtm tbebobeoftbep&gt;?opbetecfatas,3nbtoben bebab opentotbe bob* be founoe tbe place/ ilifcWa. tebeee it teas to^tte,*befp;ete ofg jio^oe *ponme/ becamebebatbannopnteb me:to P?eatbe ofpcii to tbe wo;e bebatb fene me:9 to beaie tbe b;obebatteb:to p;eacbe oe Ipuetaaceto capt?ue/afygbtto Wwibe/ 9ftel?tofetatipoewetbf tbat ate b?ufeb/ 9 p;eacbe tbe acceptable v.txt of t^e Jto?oe; 3 JJno be clofeo tbe boEe/9 gaue ft aga m Rtbi;miniftee/anbfateboune,anbtbee?es of all $ toece in tbe fynagoge/toece fafteneb on binOinD be began to fa?e bnto tbe.cbJS ^VjbagefetbiSfcriptttte fttlfiUcbin?otic catcs. ) WSm Wmm te?tnes / 9toonb?ebattbe S gracious too;oes tobicb P?oceBeb'out tthvs tnoutb. I9fapo:lsnottbfS3ofepbSfonne? 3Bn6befaK)ebntotb5:fema?eber?toeK fa?ebntbmetbisp?ouerbe#biftcron/beaIe tbpfelfe *rbatfoeuertoe baiiebearbbone in Capernaum/bo t^t fame bere line to pfc in tbmeatone countre.aCnbbefa?bc nanm% fapebnto?ou:i9op&gt;;opbetiS accepted inbis "E atone countre.


botoes toereinSfvaelin oajes of el?as/ teb^ &amp;m toas (but tb?e?eres anbfwcmonetbes/tobe' great famplbmet teas tb?ongb out all itfe tono/ano bnto none of tbem toas "^eftas rent/ raue in to ^&gt;arepta bef?bes j&gt;ibonbntoatooman tbattoasa to?botoe.

^ibmanplepers toereinffraeim * twne of^eWfeus tbe |&amp;?opbete:anb ?et none of ttit teas beieb/rau ?nge j^aaman of &lt;jjb??ra. : 3&gt;hbasmanv as teerein f?nagoge tobg tbe?betbetbat/toerefpircbtotbto?atb:anll tofe bp/a tyflift Dim out of tbe crtie/ 9 lebbe Bim euen bnto ti)e ebge of tbe b?n / tobee on tbeft citie toas by ice/ to caft b?m bounebet* S a &amp; ftnge.J8ut be toent bis toape eue tbo;pto tbe {J* m?bbes of tbe: t m * anb cametnto Capet* iiaum a c?tie of alile/ 9 tbete taugbt toem on tbe S&gt;abotb bapes . SCno tljep toere ado* t, r. ^?atbiSboctrine:fo?b(sp;eacbpngeteaS *Sf teitbPotoet.*ainbintbef?nagogetbeetoaS , ' ^amantobFcbbabafp^eteofanbncleanebe^ * iieft/9 ?eb,tti aloube bo?ce faring* : ret me arone/tobttbatttboutoDotoftbbS/fbouge fiiSofi5a?arctbf arte tbou cometobeftrope v bS^H finotoe tbe tobattbou arte/ eue * bol? ;. of fiBJnb^efus rebuftebbim fa?fg: bolbe fe. tbp peace 9 come out or bint . %m tht beu?H MNIM tbem^bbes of tbe" 9 came rote ef rjftn/9 bnw bmi notjni) f eare cam on tis&gt;e

- J *

*. vf &lt;

all/9tbeFrpaBeamongctljefeUftsrajihge: tobat manner a tbunge is tbisf^o; toitb tax* ctonte anbpptoet be commatibetb tlje foule fwetes/anb tbe? come outfaBnb tbe fame of 6frarp;eedab;oodetbo*otooutallplacesof tb e countre couno aboute. %

* *%nb1}t rote bp 9 came out of tbe (vna-M^mmM goge/^entrebinto^imonsboufc.anb&amp;i^"" 11 ^ mons raotberelatoe toas taften toitb a great feuec/atbepmabe interceOiSfobim fOJher ainbbeftobeouec ber /9rebunedtbe feueranbitleeftB,3nb immebiatif qjearofea nujm&amp;reb bnto tbem. ibentberonneteasboune/aHtbe?tbat*c BabftcBetafienttbftiersbifeafes/b^ugbt^ tbembntobim:9(&gt;ela?bebisbSbesoneuetv oneoftr)em/9bealebtr)e.*a(nbbeusarfo . came out of man? of tbe crpinge anb favina: Q&amp;M tbouatte.b?ifttberonne of ob.ainbbe S* 1 ** bubebtbem anb fuffereb tbemnot tofpeabc: fo?tbepfinetoetbatbetoascb?ia. 3S fone as it toas oa pe/be beparteb 9 toet atoape into a befert place/9 f people rottgbe Bim 9cametobim/9fteptbimtbat be mm notbeparteftomtbe\aOttbbefapbe bnto tbe, gmuttetootbeecittesaifoweacbe fttg&lt; borne of ob: | f 0? tber fo?e am 31 fenc .ana Be p^eacfteb in tfte fpnagoges of aifie, k$m wcacftcrt in f Ojtfoe. mbt bitoplis ftnlirRe aiif-anb folotw bim.^e tleiiftf? itbe Icp cc (Dealetii (Or eateibto&lt;tboenfTner. CCbe.b,Cbapfer, c came to pstreas f people pjea^ar rebBp5bim/tobearetbetoo;DeofQuc.^ ob/tljat beftobebp tbe lane of aas-g- s ene?atetb:*9fatoettooibippes ftSbebptbelafiefpbe/butffiObeimentoeic gone out of tbem/ anb toere toaOfjpnge thcit: nettes.ainbbecntrebinto one of ftjippes/ mm peitcpneb to &amp;mio? anb p;apeb bim/ giatbetoolbetb?uaoutal?tteHftSianbe, sSKr 11 aamc anbtaugbttbe people out oftbea)pp.lbenbeBableeftfpeaR?nge/be rapbbrttos&gt;iinonaiauncbeoutintogbepe/ 2, f 2f ppe ?0,f te nttte * to mafie a b;augbt, anb s&gt;imon anftoereb anb fapbe to Bpm:is Waaet;/toeliaueiabo?eb mnmt/ a&amp;aue &amp;* tt "!P | 8 r '* wcl **&gt; ,! attbP too?be 3 topll lofcfo?tb tbt net Jrtb toben tbepbao robpne/tbepinclofebagvate multptube of

fpffbes .3nbtbeitnetbwfte:Btt tbepmabe fpgnes to Mt felotees teBpcBtoere intbe otbecftip/tbattbep muibconie ifteioetpw ainbtbe? cameianbfpUebbotbeie fflpppes tbatt6e?foncfteaga?ne, ' wmm t^en feirnonl&amp;etee ratee mil Be fell bou^neat#iSfineesMfeegofrS tne/fo? % am a fpnfuH mi.^; be teas &amp; rp afton?eb anb all tbat toere toitb Bim/ at b;augb(

* ^


iaKSicaitf 9 of otbei; * fatcat meate rStbatatetoboieneaenor of ft Wftcfom Sep that atefpcbe. -J, came not to call S

Oiautfit offtfll)etoWcft^to6c:*fotoag Sfajame0nfumne*oewtol)iJ toece pattener0to ^&gt;tmoit.aint&gt;%(ru0 fe^ic tonto gaimfrfeare notyftf benee fojtbe tbpu alt catcbe me* Jnot&amp;epbjousbt t WPP*? to lanae/ 9 f otfobe all/ana f olotoea bim. J c *3inaitfojtuneDa0betoa0fnacei*apne mat we* cittebebolbe/ tbet tww amllfuilof lepjofp: Sa $wt Kwtmntuatot mi outface/ &amp;eparccDftSbtmJnabetoameal#m/tbat 6e0Htiatellnoman:buttbatbe MM** foetoe bint W to e pjett e / offer fo? W cienfpngeaccojafngca0 fl&amp;ofe0cSmaunae* went toa0/fojatol&gt;me0bmotbcm. . tfuttoouKbetbemoate tofttberafame abjoaae of ton/ 9 mocbe PtaWgmWP


Inrnutpc03nabebeptbfm^ tbe topluerueOtf/asaue bj to felfe to water. mttjt* ; ^nttttbatn^eDohact^fneWytbat ^bctmijbt^notbetratetbe^awfe^aiioooj ctours i Of Jatoe/to&amp;fcb toere come puce of all

beboibc ; men bjougbt a man If inse mbP0 beeo tob* tb tea* tabl tottb a paiffe* fougut tneanewbjfosebimtn^ fojebimJnatobmtbepcoulDenotfpnaebp tobatWpetbepmfgWbjtngbiminrbecatfe of tae p;eafe/tbe* ttBbp ontbetoppe of tbe bouK/9 ut m ooune nmmm Wjg. 6ee6 all/ m f mwoesJ befo;e f ,efusj.iften befatoetbrtfa?fl)/be/asjetmt^^:man/ tbp tpnne0 ate ttygeui tbe Mtyfrrf&amp;e* KMe0beganecotbmc6efajin8:ibat ^ feiotoe tftbpss tobfcb fpeanetb blafpbempf v&lt; - *bocanfO28euefl&gt;nne0butoDonltf i &amp; a f iberi "fetM petceauea tbeft tbougbtess/ |e topouteberttf aBb*tbetf0 eat? etto rape/ Sl/8tofiebpbbeeotobeteojibewe/|;e feeotobWatonebmirep?ai?f&lt;nB^B.JnB Septette alternate* 9tbeplauaeD fa/ana Jmw fpllea toftb f eae fapms^baue fene _ fllttaunsetbpnBtftobate. JL ***,.;." Mafrtet *3naaftettbatbetoentfo?tbanaf8toca

** tjuMieannameoiLeup/ffttjngat $ recepte ofaiaome/9faf&amp;ebntoWmtfolotome.15no heleeftall/torebp/flfolotoebbim.anbtaat fame neupmace Dim a swat feafte at beme

Stbjb/oBtomtttP?etenttoitbtbem teuton atoapeftomtbestben Ojalltbepfaft *S8feiWl afpmflltnoe: 0o manputtetb apece of anetoeaatment/into tfte netoe/8 tbe pece tbat toau taben out of | netoe/agteetbnottoltbtbeoIoe.|lfo/nomS Sourem netoe topne into oioe beffew . ffo; pe CS"netoetel!neb?eabetbtbeb^eW/ 9 ^en)outltfelfe/9tbebeffeWp^%:5Bue netee to?nemuft benouwb into netoebef* f eW/a botb ate p?eCenieo.3Blfo/nomS|o;i?ii wSmimf ftapBbt toape canatoape SneSe fSberatetb/l oloe^pleafaunter. ireeuftrteWftftilf0&gt;t6atp!ucliet5e.eaK0i&gt;f SSft W ma WWittSK ftrti htettoetue poftlc/mahet|j a fwctc fetmon/anO "' Ul ;.T Wbappeneft onanafte^abotb/ % tbatbetoet tbo2ototbeco?nefelo/fflat6.H.. anbtbatb^btfctpieg pmcfieotbeajart.u.1.. ; Kst^sJleaK* of cojntMte I anb rubbeb tbemlntbeirbaniie^JnlttettopneofWa ito0fawetontotbem:woot!t^tto^eb notlatofulltobo on tbe^abotb Jajeui

ISnotJatttUlltooo on HJ : ? ! , WU 'V e.-"' ^ntiiefu^anfteewbtbemanbravtir.^aue ^ lenotreobetebat^autb o?a / WgSSSS^^ feifetoas anflungtcoanii megtobpcbteere


bPn:boto betoentmtotbe bowftpf fm ttofceaNbateftetatc* of balotoeob?b/ '9 gauealtototbem tobtcb toew ^JtagUK* toass not raufull to eate/ butro? je onip.ainoberafbebntotbewscbefonneof , mantt^beoftbe&amp;abotbbaw, _ , 4.*3Cnb&lt;tfo?tune6lnanotbee abotbal* aib tbet teas a man tetiofe rgbt banbtoajs ** 6?pebbp Jnbtbe fecttbe? a^barifrttoae* cbebbini/fofetobetbetbctooIbebeaTeontbc 1 g&gt;aboi oape/g tbepimjaW Apettt8Cf Cacpon asapnft b?m . ut be Mbnetee g iett ftousbtes/ a fapbt to tbe man WW*** to^;eobana:msre tm ttanbe fo?rtl to 1

WFbbW Jnbbe atofe 9 &amp;ppct&gt;fo?.tbe.cbm fapoe|eAi0bntotb^telIlafbe souaque^ ttron:lBbetfje;t3ttiatt) nam to do gooa 0; to do eulllfto fatie ipfe oj mtomtoyeitiMn b^bebeiDetbemall in cSpaae/9 fapDtbnto tbe m&amp;:&gt;teetc&amp;e fo?tb tbrbanDe.HinDbeDpDfo:9^banDetea0te&gt;


g , .fpelouetbeteb&lt;cblouepou:fa)batffjaijlje ate pe teo!tI)p oti ft) tlje betp ' fpnnetjj loue tbeftlouetjs.ainDpfveDo fo?tbenttob?cb 00 fo; gomtebattbanclte ace n teo?tbv off JFo,? tbebetpfpmtewDo etie tbe fame .f f pe fenbe to tfjem of toljome pc ijope to teceatte : &amp;i)ae t&amp;ancfie OJall vel)aue:foj tbcbevp ffnnem


tto?eo/9 maoe a0 toboiea^S otbet.^nD tbep renue to farters* to tecemte ass inocb ngapne.



f !



- - *

toerefplleD full of maoneg / 9 com u neb one ttanotbet/toibattbepmvsbt Do cogent, h _ *36ntfftfo;tuneDfn tbofe Daje(/tBatbe toet .J* out into a mountapne f 01 top;ape/ ano c5f fX nucD all nrabt in pwper to oo .ana ao tone a? ft tos aapcbe calieabl0 anicfpie*/ana of tbembecborettoeiue/tDbvcb aico becalleb 3po(tle0.&amp;tmontobombenamea$etet:/9 3Bna?eto bfe b^otbcK.SJamess ana^obn/ ?%* Up ana attlemeto / fllpat&amp;eto 9 cbomas/ |ame0 fonne of WttQna 9 &gt;lmon callea 5elote0/anaauD809!ame0 fonne/ 9^uba0 ifcatforb/tobicb fame teas tbe ttaptour. fr^nabecameaounetettbtbemanaftoae

fntbeplapne feioetettb tbe company of bP0 .bif'ple0/9a8i , eatemulcftube of people out of ail parties of % utie ana gietufalem / 9 fr9 tbefeecofteofc^e 9&amp;fDon/toblcbcame to f) eate bim/anb to be bealeb of eijett* DiTea-

Ifc&amp;etfoje/loue pe some enempe0/ao gooD 9 lenbe/lobpnge fo? notbvnge agapne:9 pome tetoatae (balbe gtcate/ ano ye fbalbe cljpl* D?en of tbebpefefo? be tg npnoe ante tbe bn JP fipnaeanatotbeeupil. - * jeepetbetfo^emeccpfull/a^pouvefa tbet t0 meccpftui,*3uDge not/ 9 pe Ojannot m*kM*. beiuogeD.ConDmnenot:anDpeflwllnotbc w ; y connemnea.iJf o?geue/ana pe Qjalbe fo?geue. (ESeu.e/anDtt ftialbe geuenbnto potugooa meat ute/p;etfeD bonne / (Ijafte to getbee ana lunnpngeouet/ (ball men geue into pome bofomt0 * &gt;f 0? toitb tobatmeafiite pe mete/ mttuu.a tot* f fame (balimenmete to pott agapne, *yawi.ii.c f.; 3Bnabeputfo?tba fpmtlttuoe bttfo tljem: cantbebipnbeleaDe $ bipnaef Jon)epnot botb tben fall into n)e apebef cbe apfcipie is not about tya ma a e v.&amp;m p man ibaibc pec f ecte / cue a0 bt0 raattec 10.1 !9bP fep ft tlj on a

refrano tbep alfo tbattoetebeyea toftb fouie moote in tbp b;otber0 epe/9 eonfpbc ic'rt not

5 .


%e beametftat t"0fn tbpne atone epefctbec botocannettfb on fape totbpb^otbet: ~&amp;ioi tbet/lct me pull out moote tljat t0 tn tbpne cpestobf tyou pecceaueftnot tl)e bcame t bat t0 in tbpne atone epeffpocttte caftoutctlje; beanie out of tbpne atone epe f pjft/anb tljen #alttbonfepe.tfectlp/topuilouttljemootCfflr att 6 iJff outoftbpb,(ott)er0epe. }* " '

'. *att0notagooatteetbatt)?ingen) fo^fije eupll ftute-.netbeciiS tbat an eupll wee; tbac bnngetb fo^tbe gooa ftute.jfo? etterp tree 10 * ftnotoenbpbt0ftute.j9etbetoftbo/ne0ga* tbeemen fpgge0/ no; of bumjcggatliei: tijep

fP7ete0/9tbcptoetebealea.Kinaatl people P?eafeb to toucbebfm: fo; tJbete toentaemte nabealeatbemall. bp&amp;ttevWBtoircfpKW , anafapae:)Ble(reDbepee*poo?e:fo?tour0i0 K spngaom of oa.55feffeD atepetbatbon= MwS 1 geenotoifo^pe Ojalbefatiffpea.^Ieliea ate w ft fpfpe tbat to epe noto:fo? pe (ball laugb.3fHeffea fe/ totif cb are pe toben men bate pmi/9 tbwft pou onte "" of ttjnc companpe / ano taplc / ana abbo/re ^f(ffipoucenameaBatteupHtt)pnge/fo; fonne %pycca of of manes fafte JH et'opf e pe tben/ 9 be glabae: *vbtpflefo2beboIDe/poutetetoatftci0greatefo&amp;ee ., .^., ..., .,.._....,___ "'Sen. * 9ftectbi0 manner tbeftfatbet0eni Btape0.^gooamSoHtof tt)e gooa trcafure Kt o ttcateat&amp;e1&amp;?opbete0. ofW0bette/b7pngetbfo?tb.tobitbi0gooa, tt*m ^ttttoobetopoufbafawwtpcbetfo^pe anDaneuplimanouteofibecupii tteaftnc if mtfcbaue tbecin pottte cSfolad on. io he 1 pou of bi0bett/b?ingetb fojtije f to bicl) 10 eupll. ** .tbatatefttlCfo^elballbSgec.naobetopou iffojoftfcabofiDau'ncebftbert/bpamoutB !ffiftbatnotoiatigb:fo?peibanttapleanatoepe fpeabetb. Knee H9obetopoutoBenallmenp?aptt fon:fo| mfatMfAQWka Rafter: anb bonoc / (u'wfoapatbeii'fatbetis to tbefalcepjop^ete0.-- : 8031 bpbpouftobofoeueccomctb to me/ana m- l 36ut3!fapebntopoutobpcbbeace: JLoue" beatetbmpfapinge0/9aotbtbefame/itotii SXpouteiempe)3.i0ogooDtotbemtobicbbate Cbctoepoutotobomebet0lplie.^et0ipftea: 1 e . g)t po u. ^leffe tbe c our re pou . an &amp; pjape Co; man tobfeb bplt an b ou fe:ana apggeaaepe 9 n te tbf W^ to?5gf ul ipe trouble pou.lnabnto lapoe tb e f ounaacpon on a r ocfte .m\)m the

iatta.wmffmptetbtbeon one cbefie/ offer au*0 toater0arore/tbefluaaetbpontbatboufe / otberJnabfmtabetbatoapetbpgoune/;&lt;ttoa0grounDeDbpS i;bpb not to tafte tbpeoote airo.wuetd arocRe.)8utbetbatbearetbanaaotbnot in tf euecpmfftbataffietb offbe.3naofbmitt)ae Ipfieamantbattoitbout founbactonbplta n *taftetbatoapetbpgoot;/afftetb{5notaBapne boufebpon tbe ertb/agapnft tobfeb $ ema ae .us h t *aina80petooiae tbatmenftulDbotojoui btabeattanattfellbpanDbpjnbtbefaUof 9 fooo jetotbentlpWetojfc.. ; '.' tbatboufetoa08waie.

* 4


1ne itofoett

toebottt fcmit frontOeatft to Ipfe/ tnfcmrmctb t^c f^lm-Mm $OU$it t mUtte COIW : Of waft 6ir t .pic B toi )9 m3fo^U8Ptidfcntwuoway C omiw I i* 55J to ^fojanotto*3limiat * fame tpme be eureomanp of-$cftmffullft&lt;#Wtag$/ aofeupnfptfttf/anbbwo^anptbattoete. .'. KvnwBeBauefjgljt.ahaStfupanttoejeD/ afapbbntot&amp;fctSo potwetoape0 anbmetoe giobntobatmng$pebauereneabat&amp;c/&amp;oto tbat tee Mp toe re/ttje bait go / me lepetg ate

niMiiwp wy vm anvil inwHw " " tet&amp;ioqnvano vcpjouetb tbe 3eVo?8 fo? tbelc tonfaptb|eeatet&amp; xoptbtljeia&amp;apifec. ffibetooman teafljctb Ijib fcte tottb bee tow*** lie ItygctM tb be

l *


i$enbebabenbe&amp; aubttfapmgc0 Imtbeaubienceofg people/been* ...*........,-. ... -.--. ..,- -..- - Jtreb fnto Capernaum .ainoa eet* cienfeo/tbe beafebeate/me beeb atpfe / to !*,-, *'&amp;mtm eS^tapne*entutiQitt fmiaunttoau pooje ttSglabtpbb^pzeacbeb/a^&amp;appp gSs'g &lt; afinpta?ne ftcfte $ teop to D?c / tob5 be maoe mocbe of. ; ww an iiawtoa,^ toftg , Je UearDg j uefu/be rent unto mm O W ,. B - - r -- -*;. - v - Mia nBn ' tbee!bet0oftbefetoe0/bececbHigebimgbe teD/heb^toQ&gt;ear^tpeii|ttorMnMimto tooIoecoinebealebp0fewamite.3&amp;n6tbeH tlBbatto^eoirt.totottopl6e^fonofef I0hl] r 0toC[ ^ camtogeuttaberoitgbtbmunuStrpfapig: toentpetoreaiebema&amp;entoUbtbe topnbe? tm p to f* tt towtbpg tbou qwlbett do tbfe fo?bira. jeut tobat tof t pe out fo; to f e?a mS eW&amp;cbfcw tan* ojberouetboutenacpon/anbbatbbpltw* Tnfoftewt^^^ebolDetbepto^tbaKgo;^^'*" a fpnagcg e.3nb ?iefus tnent tottb tb e m . 30nb toben be teas not facte fto tt&gt;e boufe/ _t6e.CentumnfentftmoefttobM^a^nBb&gt;T " " ^bettotftoeriotrnpfeif- '*

0taft9.w0i no t; too?tbgJ tbou (bulbeft entet tonbetmp tWmtymm tbpwBbt not mp felfe too?* tbpto cwrtebhtor4utCase tooftt/t mp reruaunt o'a'lbe tobofe . pi % tpattopfe am a man anber potoet/anDfjaue bnbetme fou* Dfet0/a9!lapebntotoone;go'y anb&amp;egoert}. 3no to anot^et/coritetan&amp;be cometb.anbto mp retnaat/Do tbtttf b.e&amp;oetb f ti0&amp;&amp;efu " erbe tbtt/be metuepleb at btm / anbtutneb imaboutafapbto peopleffolotoeohtim j rape bnto, pou/a baue not f ounoe fo gteat fapm/no/nottn3!fraeI, 3in&amp; tbep tbat totte

fent/tuvnebbacfiebomeagapnefthbfounbe t&amp;e rmiaunttbattoa0rpCBe/toboole. * 3nb tt f oJtuneo aftet tbat/ that be toent

geouflp appateueb/anb ipue belpcatlp /.ate ccZS nBpngC0coutte0.:iBut tobat toent pe fo?tlj bnotoietsei tofea^opbet^egifape tojdu/9 moan;; M ftj , tben *m(M%mm #omtt *" to;ttte:5eboll) H Cenbe mp medWge* bef o;e wpxvm tuv muitovitpm tbp toaie before tbe.jfoj % (are bnto sou: a gveatet 1b;opbete tben obn /amonge to emeijs cl) t IB?f f0 tbec none: c2 jQeuettbeleffewone ftat &lt;0 le(fc In tbe Sejib* JMgwjb bomeofiWb/ttgteateBtbenbe, * -.'SSfSBI m an tbe peopw tbatbeajbey* tbe pub. Xmm Hcans(/m8tfieboli/toe;ebaptfebtoftbi,BS(.iociaiii me baptr'me of Jobn jOut tbe Pbattfes anb ajaity .rti S&gt;crtbejsoeipeb f tonfeftof&lt;!i5oi&gt;againft tbtmtelues/anbtoetenotbaptifebofMm. j; anbtbelojbefaw^betbnttfttanilp* fien^men ortbjjj gerttracf on/^tobattbmge aretbepl?He^bera|el?bebntocbflb;efit ;' t?nge in tbematfietplace/ 9 cringe one to anotbec/$tosihg:i&amp;ebauepipebbnto?ott/

tntoacwiecaHcb^aim/^mawof bUSbiCci v ~ t ... _. TT _.., r ..-. pieg toent tottb Dim 9 mo cb e people. J he be 9 ? e baue not cau nfeij-.toe b a ue npttneb to camenretotbegateof crrte: beboftetbei; jo/rebaue not toept, *ro?3|oBtt38aptttt toaisafiee&amp;maca^e&amp;outtobrcbtoad onij came/netbeteawigeb?ecDnet:wpc6fnge fomte of ty&amp; ntotbet;/* ftetoais a topnotoe/ 9 toyne/9$e?e*ebatb f beupi. acb efonne mocbe people of tbe ei?tie toa*toft&amp; bec.awb of mSttcome 9eatetb9b?mcftetb/w efaw. - toben tbe -jLojq f atoe bee / be bab companion bebol&amp;e amS tobicb i# a grt tte/5 ab??ncfie c onbee/anbfaoebntobet:toepehot.anbhe oftosnc/afteiajeqfpttblfeanfjanfLftnnewt. toet atouciteojftecoffpn/anbfbeptbatbaee- yetf0 c *tosfbbmeni(Wfifebbfb cbptt?eb. "frwfl* bfm/ttoneQ^f.anDljeMe-.Fong^man/g! : * ^oone,ofepbanftsbefrmi t|Mi jf &lt;#

tobfptnot^ev. 4ino tgete came a tearr onnjf oe^oioe a,TOontanm tn^tFit/ioiitfiJi i 1 ^^ , -an.llnbtbff jtiMf6 bbfa^ngetagteate ffnnet/aSfoiteaiSQjeBnetoe tbat^efugfate wpbetttCTfen amonge w/9&lt;B5oibatbbfe atmeatemt&amp;e,|&amp;baw'Bi&amp;boufe/fl&g t;eb?ougbt r teeb btis people. * *no t&amp;tttttmo; of bm analaWaftetboyeof opntmft/a fbe tto oeac toent f o?tbe tb?ougbout an 3"urt e/a tbo?oto bW fete bebtfrtiebtm toPPnge/abegan ne to

butalltbetegton^ tobtcb Ipetounoe about. a&gt;nD $ of fcipie S of ?obrt Qjetoeb bfm of all tbefetb?n.a(ni)3!obn caneobntobtm i ttoo ofbttWfcTpleis/ a fenttbf tole&amp;i^fasmge: attetboube * Qmlbe eome-.o? man toeiofie lo?anotbeef ieben mentoete come bnto

to t Bbeow fete toftb teateg/anbtt&amp;tofpe t &amp;5 tottb tbebeateu of bctbeeb/a bn o b R/ anb anoyntebtbemtoitfl optment. teben tbe pbavtfe tobf cb ba&amp;ebim/tatoe fbat/befpabelb(nbfmrelfe/raping:7rtb$ man mm a p? pbetey be tooioe futei? baue Knotoen



finotoettto!jo:$ tofjaf Watiectooman tbva ^ 3Dnbbt'js!&gt;ifcfpT{afftebbimfa?Hig: tobi)it' tofjicf) roucbe tij btm/ fo; c is a fpnne t Jna maner fpmtiftupe tt tbigfainb be ia we:"*bn n * flint v 0"



-V V



JWujSanftoeteb 9 fa poe bnto blmi^fmon a baue-fome tobat to fate bnto | .Hinb be fajb: mattenfaje oit.^bete tow a c-ettaf nelenoec tobtcb baottoo BettetS/ .tbe one ougbt f|ue buttweo pence a tbe otberfpftp. Jben tbe? babnotbinge to pape be fo;gaue tbe botbe. Ii^btcb of tlje ten me/ topll loue btm mood? &amp;tmonanftoerebanbfapb'-3!fuppofe/tbat

topoutjjftgeuetoBnotoetbeiecwtegoEtije 18 u&lt; t0 bpngbom of ob:butto otbetin fimtlitube3:?" * c n $ e "J tbat toben tbep f e tbep ftulb not fe / anb tobe iSfiS 1? tbep beatetbep Bjulbnot wtbevaaube. seav,iu;u Cbe fsnutptube tt tbtt . be fe eo e tt tl) e to o?be of &lt; t ate bef 2 oe tbe toav'e / ate tbe? tbat beate / anbaftetwaroe comettj tbe oeufH anb tabetb atoave tlje too;be ome

l tfim

be to ttbom be fojgauemooft. ainb be fapw of tbefcbettejs led tjjef (bulb beleue ano be

bnto bi'nitcb ou ban ttmp tubgeo.

&lt;5 ainbbe tutneb to tbe tooman 9 fapoe bnto S&gt;fmon;S&gt;eJft tbou tbtt toomSfgj enttebfn totbpbottfe / atbougaueftme no tester to m?fete:but (bebatbtoeObebm? fetetttea* \m m ttn, &gt;W a toppeb tbe tottb tt)e beeteg of bet beeo.: i ate wo*' Cbou gauert nieno fipffe: but (be / fencetbe tuccauce tpne I came m / batb not ceafeb to spoe mr *'2^fete.5R?nebeebto(tbopletboui)pbeftnota* fflrt noiwtftbirtweflatb anopnteb mp fete toptb mot nee opntmft,ibetfo?egp rape bnto t&amp;ei^maro/ M/nutfaitt) fpnncg are fo;geuf bet:fo; wefoueiimocbe I* tfttWg cotobSleffett fo^geuS/tbefanteboetb leae SCtaf oue.ain&amp;berap&amp;e bntotjet/tbp tpnne^ ate aiffl i ope'nip ifo^gettentbe Jnbtbeptbatfateat meatetb [teBftu^tgpbw/begannetofapetoftb in tbemfefueU: Wtiat^ma^ iftotttbVS toft&amp; foigeuetb fpnne^alfof S^ffi^bbrfa|btotbetooiiia^jfajtb(Wtftft* m$m eb tbesftom peace i is U imtC{)}(awt\)W^va(t\iBSOct^Utitii'asmtota'ome t to pica mt) f.tM)tt\y^nwt\) tfic pa mute of tbe fetwUett| : 'ij)i).SElii.natal)oi0l)!iimati)CL' 3(i&lt;9t);otbcivapUctljf vagpng off p Wgatfoc/ tbe fecticlpucretb J peffcffeo / 9 o?purtb t&amp;eOeuete tn t; is not of tof[)c&amp;fOeofitopiie/l)clp?ft)[l)cfpcUtoomanani itje fameJaftuBOauBOtcc. c^rbe.bftlCbaptet, jS'oitfojtuneo aftet tbat /tbat be btm f c If e toent t&amp;jougb out t p t W anb tounc0/p;eacbpnge/ anb (be top g e tbe bpngbome of ob / ano tbe ttoelue tottb btm.3noalfo certatjne toe men/tobpeb torn beaieo of euell fpjetesJ / a Mffamtie0:&lt;$atp calleo ^agbalen / out of tobom toent feue ceuptt/anbgioanna tor fe of bufa aerobes aetoatbe / a ^ufanna 9 man p otbet'.tobtcb mfttf ftteb bntotbS of tbeft fub ttannce .* *ib5 mocb people toete gai tt) eceb to getbet/a toete come to bf m oute of ancptfe0/befpabebpatpmtntu6e.aifotoee to ent out to f otoebtt feebe : anb as be fttoea romefenbptbetoapefpbe/anbtttoa^ttobS bnbetfete/anbtbe fouled of .at-mt btuou* 35 tets it bp.^na feme fell on tfone/anba'jgrone 00 ft tea* fp; onge bp/tt tofobjeb atoap e/ be* caufe tt lacfiebmopttn^ainb fome feilamSge tbome0/anb tbe tbo;nr Cp ; ange bp tottb ft/ onocbobebitJnbfomefenongoob gtofibe

anb-fp jang bp/anb bat ef cute / anbuno;eo foptbe,30nb 00 be rapb tbefe tbpngt/beapebt ^etbatBatbcate0tObea/letbTmbEate,

If* ' IV, '


faueb.^ep on ftones/atc tbrp tobicl) tobe tbepbeate/teceaue $ toojoe tottb wge. jput tbefe baue no toteg/ tobtcb fo; a tol^ie In ie ue/anb tntpme of temptacto go atoape.atm $ tobtcb fell amSge tbo?nc0/ ate tljep tub pel) beate/anbgo fo?tb/a ate cbotteo tottb cane* anb tottb tpcbeg/anbbolupteouiSJpuuige/ft bjinge f o?tb no ftute-cbat btfgoob gtoube/ ate tbep tobtcb tottb a goob anb putt- beite/ beate me too?be anb ftepc tt anb b?tnge fo^tb feutetoftBpactence. . $ *j5oma!igbtetbacanbeH/acoltet:etbi'tbn lltl , bet a beffeil/netber puttetb it bnbet tbe table 3S3JHL t butfettetbitonacabemtcfte/tbattbeptbat^" ' ' entet fn/mape fe at ipgbt.$o tbinge tt m re cret tbat B)aii not come aty oobe : iSetbet enp tbtngebPb/tbat (ballnotbebnotoe/ a come to rpgbt .ea&amp;eoe&amp;e tbecfo?e &amp;oto pe beate. fioi tobofoeuet batb /to bpm tbalbegeuen: bil wtiofoHto, 1 Jdnb tobofoeuet batb not / f to btm (balbe ta= batb /to bpm be/eue t fame tobtcb be (uppofto $ bebatb.u)aibe qcumco Gbm cameto btm btt motbet anb btt bp*tf* in at ' tbjen/an&amp;coutoenot come atbtm fo? p;eafe";# fli oftw a anbtbeptolbc btm raping: cbP motbet anb biemina tm. tbp b?etb?cn Canbe tottbout/a toolbe fe tbe . ci)P8c ivcbti "' eanftoeteDanbfajbe bnto QmiWt*&amp;ff&amp; t * m it a mp b?etb?en ate tbefe tobttb beate tbe m ** too;beof((obanbboft. *3inb tt cbaafeb on a cettapne bape tbat be toentmtoa (bi'ppe abttbifctpie? aifo/ abe fapbe bnto tbei&amp;etbs go ottee bnto tbe onjee fpbe of tbe labe . %m mtv '/lancijea fojtbe.

anb a0 tbep fapleb/be fen a f lepe / anb f bete aeofe a tto;m e of tofnbe tn tbe laft e/a no tbe g toete f pile b tottb toatet/a toete in i eopatbp. 3to&amp; tbep toent to btm a atoofte bint faptnge: ffl^attet flaftet/toe ate looft. l)en be axo* _. re a teUifteD topnoe a me tepeft of toatet/ *^ anb tbep ceaf eb/tmb tt toe* eb calme .anb be fapbe bnto tbf: tobetettpoute faptb i cbeg feateb anb todnb?eb raptngeone to anotljet: tobat felotoett t&amp;ttffbrbe cSmaObetb botl tbe topnbe0 a toatet/a tbep pbepbimf/ tbep fa pleb bn 1 tte tegtonxirtbetfabeienfe te0/ tobtcb tt ouet agapnft &lt;Efale, 3nba0betoent outto lanb/tljet metl)pni &amp; cettapne m5 out of $ dtfe/tobfebbababe* ktpltlongetpme/ atoatenoclotbe0 /ttethce abotem enp boufesbut amonge graues.

, ,fepaA^



l&amp;en ft* fatoc giefud/B* aw / a f ell tonne befo?eBim/a toitBa louoe bonce Cara: Bat Bane |, to Do toify (be 3 'efug tBe Conne oftlje oomoottBpeftfibefecBetBe to?mentme not . cben be c5maunbeb tBe foule Cp?ete to come out of ma. &lt;ff o? o f te tpieg B* causae bim/a Be tea** bounce toitb cBaped / a fiept toitb fetterfcanbbe bjabe bonbed / atoad carpeboftBe fence/into toploerned. * anDlefudaffieoBfm faping:i&amp;attdtbp a it swafr twmtffnb&amp;e tapo:" * fcegiS/becautemanp ten egfu0 aeupldtoereentrebtnto bpm .ainb tBep be* co, ;! l ' l i l i^^fou8tjteim/tftat^etooU&gt;cnotcSmaunDetl)f g f^d?.St"Soouttntot&amp;cDcpe .anbtBer toad tbete

hmiWwWi^ an Beeflse of manp ttopne / febpge onan bvll ano bef ougBt Bim/tBat Be tooloe foffcc tBem to entertnto tBem.anbBe f offeebtbem. Ben toenttBeoeupld outof tbemaVanben* treb into tBe ttopne: ana tBe beerb tone tbetr courfeanbranBeeglpnge into tbclaBC/ ana toere cBobea.H&amp;Bentbe beromenfatoetoBat baa cBaunfea/tBep fleea a tone it in tBe cftie ano t'n tBe bfflage*. ana tBe? came outtofe toBat toadbonc:a came togjeiuss/anufoonoe tBe man/outeof toB5 tBeaeups toere tepatt eD/rprtpgeat fete off erud/clo%Bainbfdn&gt;gbtmpae/a tJieptoereafrapbe.cBepaltoteBW fatocft toioe ti&gt;e Dp toBat meaner Be tBat toad pot* feffea of tBe bcupll/ toad BeaWB . anb all tbe toBolemulttoibeoftbecStrcpeof&amp;abere* nites/beCougbtbfm g. Be tooiae oeparte ftS tbe":fo?tBep toere taftettgiJeatc fearc.aina j)e gate Bpm into type atetutneb baere !flagapne.*ffiBeutbemoutoftoBSbeupld toere aepartea/befougbtbfmtbatbe mpgBt be tf Bfm.i3ut Merits tentbim atoapctaplng oljome agape Into tBpe atone Boufe/ a tbetoe toBat great tBpged &lt;s?oa BatB Bone to tbe.ambbetoetbidtoape/apjeacbebtbo;iote out all tBe cptpe toBat great tbpgcd Hefud babBbnebntoBim, ana it ftytunea toben gefad toad come agapne $ tBe people receaucabm.&lt;ffo?tbep an toaptea f 0; Bpm: * anb beBolbe tBer came a man uamea .$ atrug ( ana Be to as a ruler of $ rpagoge) anblie fcllBoune atgefus fete/ a UerousBtBmttBatBe tooloe come Into Bra fjoure/fo;BeBaBbutaaaugBfec cnlp/bvon attoeluepereof age /ana eiapea apinge. ana as Be toent tBe people t&amp;ongea Bi'ra. anaatooman Baupgeaniflueof bloub ttoelue p etsd(toBftb baatpentallbec CubttS* ce among e pjtftct one / netBer couiae be Bol* pen of enp)came bebfnae Bun / a toucBen $e Bern of Blsi garment/ a immeowtlj' BerlOltc of blotiB ftauncBeo Jnngiefujj faroesaBBo W

fttBattoucBinefH3Beneuer)&gt;mSBeni?eii/ peter a t&amp;ep t toere U Btm/fasoe : #atter/ tije people t&amp;?u!UBeanD&amp;e;rec6e: anBtajelt


mm toBo toucBeft mef wleftiff (ai &amp; &amp; meboOFtoucBeBme.iJfo;3lP"aue tbtttut te gone oute of rae, iBentBe teaman fatoe that Bit tast notBtf/fte came trpmblmge/ a , feHatB* fcte/atoioeBimbefo;eaiipepple f 0? toBat caufe m Bao touches Bim/ano Bo to (he teas BeafcunnmcBfaflp.ainBBeCawebn :_ to Bet: augBter be of gooo comfo;te *B| S^fA fa^tBftattjmaoetljfBoaie/gorn peace. 5 aw &gt; iBttl&amp;enetfpafie/tbm came one ft5 the w . muris of ttjeffnagogt? Soufe tcbtcB am to Bim:tB?BaugBterttbeeD/Mfearenot5ina* ' ttcr.tBen'Muis bearoetljat/ l^e anttoereo Hjc fatBer/fasing^eare not / beleue oniv a &amp; fl "H' fte tbalbemaiietobolc,38nBtoBenBe camto " tBeboureBerutTtelinomStogofntoftbMm/ auepetec/lame0anB31oBn,/atBefat$ei;a! tBemotBer of tBe matffn.&lt;2uerpbob?tocepe afo?otoeofo?bec .InBBefagoe: nsepenof. (01 m ii not tieeu / but ncpetft . 3PNb tijee letogB B (m to f come, f o? tBe? uneto tBat t to^oeeo;anoBctB?utt tBe all out/ acaugBt BerbstBeBanDe:anDcrveBfa?lnge: Qfraw avpre.atjD Bet fp;ete came agape/ ano IB e toletlrargBt toa^e .3iu&gt; be comrnaunbebto geue Ber meatcanu tBe fatBer a SmorBer of bertoeteafton*eo.35utfjetoame&amp;lbcm.tBat tbep IbulD tell no man toBat towJ Bone. . cfte fentitty one tbt.t9.ZvoM&amp; to p;eit5e . fctoto heated Wirt ft&lt;m.ecfrtet^ ftue^oufanftraetoftjj to th?fcinneof&lt;B'Oti'^ttanfffB u w'^ ,n WW PI the mount^ElPuetcib (be poffeOeb ItmH Umw bM BlfcfplEB (0 be totelj-.CEtjeg fief^c Jjcnfleaurue &gt;but Ije

tepjouet^ tjicnu ' be.lr4Bantec, * ^en getBer ano I gauc tBe potoer/ a aucto;ftc ouer g 8 "^* alll)e^nJW/atbattBe?mfglJtbeaK* w ^* &lt;,, otfeafe* JnbbeCenttBf tep^acbe tBe hvnguom of tiuoo/a to cure tbef^cli Jna befavoetotB^cabenorbsng tofucbecoii M - m m toa?e:"*netBer ttaire/no? Cccfpe/netber -^ * t 'Si b?eeB/netBermone?/netberbauettoocote0, lw ,iooit ano toBatfoeuec Boufe ?e enter into tBere siattW* abjueatBenceoepartcanbtoBoroeuertoyn . n ot receaue ?ou/toB5 ?e go out of tBat citte/ lbabeoftBeberrBuftfrompurefete/fo?a . teaimonpaga?ntttbem. 3nbtBeptoftput/ anii toent tBojoto tBe toune?/ PMtym W BofpellanoBealpngeeuerttobeate. * * 3nB^eroDetbe'*cctrarcbbearBeofan;**S{? tBattoasaonebpBfm/anoDOuteo/becaufetatth.(iiJ.i tttoajsrapoeofrome/tBatloBntoatfjcffen^ " agatnefromBeetB:anuoffome/tbateifaj . babappereb.anti of fome/ tBat one off oloe $;op$ete0 toa^rpfen agape . 3Dnb$erote fapb-.9oBnftaue3bebeabeb:tob6tbmf*t&amp;tt ; of toBom ? Beare fticbe tbpgeii i%tio Bece ffteotofebfrn. . . . ' : anBtBeapoaiestetoHttifo^n&amp;toiDeljfnf tonat


iif. ? rt.b. tobatgttflCtbsngegtbeilbaB - -.flaK.B'.a tofie trjem a toft afgoe into a fotttarp place/ 3rtmfl.a ngetoacptiecalieDetBfaflja,ainopeopie finetoe of t t/a f olotoeo l)f m Jno Be receaueb ^)em/a (pane bnto (Bern of tBe bpgDome of &lt;pou a Beaieo tBe tBat Bao neoe to be Bealeo. amotoBen bapebeganneto toeareatoape/ ' tben came tBe tmelue a fagotrntobmi: fenne tBe people atoave/tDat tBepmaf ego in to $ toutte0 anb M HagejJ rounoe about a ionge/a

get meate/f ot toe are Bere in a place of to#* beme0.53utliefavi)efantotBem:eue?etBe to eate.a no tB e v fasBe. le Baue no mo but ftue 10 it eg ano ttoo t ?OBe?i / ercept toe (bulb go a b?e meate f o? all tftfe people . ainu tBe^ toere abouteafpuetbouCanBenten.SniiBe fapoetob)SBlfcipie0:CaufetBetofpt6oune b v tvftUfi in a compant-3n&amp; t\) e v bgo fo/antf maoe tftem all f)?t ooune.aino Be tone fpue loueiS/atBettoofeflbe^/afobebbptoBeuen/ annbleffeo tBem/anb lyafie/anb gaue to tBe tffclple0/to fett before tBe people . %na tBe? ate/a toere all fatlfff ebJnb tbere toa0 tab! bp of i remapneb to tbe" /ttoelue batbette* -*-, h fu of b^ofien meate. SKiT *3Ino &lt;t fo?tunei) ass Be toajs alone piping/ *m,w*t. gig rtfcypfejj toe :e to [ tft apt/ a be afeeD tbe faytnge:lBofapetbepeople $ |amfBe? anftoereb a facb^oBn$apttit:&amp;omefafe $etta$ . amo fome rape / one of tbe oloe p?o? XhM9 ferpren agape. $e fa?be bnto tbem toBo fa^ petfjatfamf petetanftoereo ana fafor:tbouarte tBe CBtfll ofob.anbBe teameti a cSmaunuebtbf tBat tBe? flmio ten noma tBat tBmge taping! gtBftfpnneof m8 miiftrufttemanptbpgest/anb be rep;oue&amp; oftbecftttf$/aofebpep#Ge$an&amp;fcitfbW ^be f lapne/anu n)e rbftbeoape rpfe agape. ainbbe fapoetotbem all/ pf enpman topll --k,. , come after me/letb&lt;mDenpebprelfe/anb ffi^taftebp W ewffeoaplp a folotoeme.*3Bo. mcZtiB' foeuer to^l f aue bp ipfe / (ball lofe it . ainb cec ( intoBofeuer (balllofeBf0 We fo?mp fafte/ tBe _. w) wfame 0! all faue ft.^fo; tobat auauntagetB it ffi^^amantotornnetBetoBoletoo^lDerfBeloofe 63 ItiTIn Bpifelfe o?mnne m oomage of BP felfe? \totmtfoi toBofoeuer WaOjamebotwe/ ano of mp

(vme te*faptge0:of B&lt;m (ball $ tonne of mS bea(ba= &amp;,&amp;ni^/toBf Be cometb in b atone glo?ie / ano SSffo * c Blo?ie of Big fatber/a ort boft augeftJ. ? ' ? ainba tell pott of afuretp. B *berebe fome ffbecebe of tBemtftat ftanoe Bete toBpcB 0)all not ta(t y tficm o foeetb/tPlltBevfe t Beftpg OomeofdgoD. ^\^%(y^mttoioUtmMmiiiU tapestaftet! Mpii(btboretapjnge0/tBatbebBePeter/5amefJ^ mrnflbomToBn a toentbp (ntoa mountapeto p^pe Mu, ainba0Bep?apeb/tBefaaponof btacounte^ SflftSnaimce teas cBaungeD/ abfegatmait toad *Zm'm toBpte a oone.ainb beboio ttoo men tal&amp;eb ,a ,chp^ tore) Bfm/anoBeptoeceiJofe0 ano elpas

jirjclin'r* toBtcB appeteo glo?t'ouf ip/atpafte of B^be= tee. . twytecij partpge/ttbtcB Beftuioenoeatgiefuraif; ^"^ w |eteratbeptBattoere&gt;6Bim/toerebenp tt gfeft S flepe.ainbtoBentBep toofie/ tBep fatoe BP0 tf^.d &lt;co\m\&gt; . glone/ano ttoo men (taunpngetoUBBim. . fomcofdjfd^ - ainb it cBaunfeo ajs ttjep neparteo fro Bim/ 9"^SE? |eceeliEq^eimto3|eb(*. fiOsltec/ &lt;t its soon gg H|^ bepgebetefojtos : JLetbgmafte tftttobe&amp;fejU ( ^ e f a , nacle0/one fo? tBea one foj^ofcm ortefo; tue tijt tfafcet )tmm toiftnot toBatbe fapbe . iBpll Be ^.Wif, m fpabe/tBere came a cloube a aootoeo * .jem anutBepfeareb toben tBep toere come Z Sw bnber tBe ciouoe-^no tBere came abopce out * wy uks u fnje of tBe cloube faping-.cB^ fe mpaeate fonne father of ueni/ beareb&lt;m.ainBai8 fonea3bopce toappatt/tf *[ genus toad founbealone. JCnb tBepbeptit^ .S cloofe: a tolDenoman in tljofeDapessenpoftijc're nboun, tbofetbpgeistoBlcbtbepBab (me. wwitipteaiffc . ainb ttcBatmfeb on tBe nerteoapeaji tBep f S'"^ camebounefromtBeBpii/mocBepeopiemetg^flr fjim.ainb beboibea man of tBe cSpanp crpeb on WB out faptnge: fatter/ 1 befecBe tBe beBoloe mp fonne / f at Be is all t&amp;at % Baue: anb f e/a fpjete taftetb B&lt;m afobenlpBe c?petb/ano Be (earetb bini tBatbefometB agapne/ano \mt (&gt; mocBe pape bepartetb ftS bim / toije Be Bat ri tentBim/ a3IbefougBttBP bifcppiegto catt bim oute/ atbepcouioenotgiefuisanftoeieD

anbfapbf generflciortilt outfaptb/a tx&amp; M betnBeto foam (ball 5! be toptB pott i a (ball* ftnlre puf J3??nget|p fonne Bpbber . ajsbe pee toais a commpg/ tBe ft tide rent Bun ana carebpm . %no %ttut rebubeo tBe bnclene fp;f te/anb Beale'b tBe cljplbe / ano oelpuereo bim tob@ fatBec .anatBeptoere allamafeb at IBe mpgBtp potoer of ocb. lBplltt)ep toSb;eoeuerp one at all tljings toBicBBebp/befapoebntoBt!5bifpie0:)Let tbefe fapingeis fpnbe boune into v oute eared CBet pie topll come / toBen tbe fonne of m$ fljalbebeliuerebinto tBe Banc eg; of menjsuc tbep toift not toBat tBat too?be meant/ anb it toad BP Worn tbem / tBat tBep bnberuo&amp;e it notanb tbep feareo to af fie Bim of t fapinge *&amp;en tbet arofe a bifputacion amSge tBe toBo ulb be tBegreateft. tBen mk peiv mmm* ceaueo tBetBougBtesi oftt)tto%mesi/moto$S-?i a eBplbe/a fetBmi barb bpBim/ a fapebntoS * tb^UBBofotuerieceauetbtbid cbplbe inmp^ name/receauetb me.anb toBofoeuer receae uetbme/receauetbbim t fentme . iff 0; Be g fdieaft amSgepou all/ffame (balbegreate' anb^obn anftoereb and fapbtflfjaftertoe fatoe orte caOinge oute Deupjjs in tbpname/ atoefo^babebpm/becautebe folotoetB not toitb bd.lbb 9 efud tap bnto Bim: fo^bpo pe bimnot.if o? be t fe not agapft W/W % bft ainb it folotoebtobentbetpte toad come tbat be (bulbe be receaueobp/ tBen Be fet Btd face to go to it xu raft m / a fentmemmgerd . ,iii;, befo#

v-~*.i *--i

1- -

f ...

jsut ma toolo not teceaue IJmi/becaufe &amp;fc face toap asc CQoug| He tooioe so to gjerufa* iimi&amp;M &amp;W. fcojD/tofittljou fljat toe c3* matmoe/ttjatfwe come ooune from bam 9 confume tfjem/euert a? Belfast tttfrf gefus

tumcDabout/rcbu6fD^ffa^mg;petoote not toljat mane* fpjete je ate of . cfte forme

'fc&amp;e &lt;ofoeU

reeeaue pou nof/go pouw toape* out fttfo# . mem of t&amp; e fame a fape:eue tbe tier p butt/ tobi c|) cleauetfi on tos of tout: citt e, toe torn of agapn a p cu:#o ttoieij ftandpnge / ma tfie tftiu g tfiefipngoomeof&lt;i5o&amp;toai8 come npe bpopou.7ea3lfeptopou!$it ftalbeeaftet in tbat bape f 0; 3oDonu tljen fo? mat cptie.: |o beto cfioaaiimtoo beto tfiejBetfi* c faiba . &lt;Jf 0} pf tfie mp/acle * bad bene none in ^MWm^mjSm^memitm/ tbepfiada gre'atetofipleagone repented rpt* but to faue tfiem. aino tfiep toent to anotfiet ting in fieere a aa6e0.$euewfiei efle ft fljalbe tonne. * and tt cfiaunftd a* fie toent in tfie eafier f o? qw 9 &gt;ioon/at the i udgement/ teape/atmapnem8nfapdebwofiim:3!toill tfien f o? pou.nd tbou Capernaum tofipefi H2E ^^Mptbcrroeuertnou goo f efti* arte ejralted to fieauen/lfialt be tfijuftdou ne mm* * Kft!S rtw W l S , W ^**f tobe *e fiearetfipou/fiearetfimetffie * JJJSH. of teea^rrbauencftfg: butttje tonne of ml derppretfipou/Oerpifetbmetaftetfiatbef pp* fiatfinottoficteontoiapefiiSbeea. retfime/berppretfi fiim tfiat rent me, 3n* fie rapae bnto anotfier : f oiotoe me. ami tfie feuentpe turned agapne tt f ope/ anotbeiamecap&amp;c^&amp;efuffre mefpzftto faplnge: Jlojoeeue tfieberp &amp;euei 0aeerub . .. 5opbut|mi'fatfiei; : fefu0fapj)btitofipm. ouedtob0tfioK)toetfipname.andfiefa pdc &amp;&amp;S 5*2 netwnm burptfictt deed: but go tboit bnto t&amp;fcgi fatoe $&amp ;atan/a0ftfiad bene tab S3K SS^^SSKffia^2 L tenpng/fauleoouneftomfieaulsefioS S&amp;Smm fji} anotRcr favtea to^li fof sine ft V,o*fc geuebntopoupotoertotteWon fepeWa aioncv6ii)cttin "etmefp;agobyBtfiefare tofll/tofiicfi rco.mi80/souee all manet po toer of tfie eni* fttewe/nntifoattatfiomeatmi' fioufe. 9cRi| fapbe fanto mpe:anotfipngea)allfiurte pou.#euettfie*

2?2&amp;$! m " #?' W &amp;p0 6anw t0 &lt; *'* w not/ tfiat tfierpjettf aw K8^!^J^^^WtoeSjii8. bnDeepoupotoee:butWpfe/beraufe 0n&amp; fl opaciie oomco * oi '. * flic hpnutome $$ e &amp; nBct{ , ,(, c &amp;&lt; ptefaitom to pjcaclje an6 otoo,e gcitctb.fyema charge bote lobebaue tbe fcltWB/pjap/ Xetb.bfa ncaticnlpfaitjct.anCtDEtctt) tftc jScipMc t^J( ftinptri) b&lt;m.'$(l)p the example oftlje fcnmacitanc) tpetocth ttho iBamaaancpghftoure^fljactharecea ucth if)cio:dein to her houfe.CBjavp ^aflOalcne 10 fetuenttn beaciuge b&lt;a toojoe. Cbej.fiaptee. * Mft tfiefe tftpnges/ f jtofli apopn*


tea otbet f eueu tpe alfo / a- Cent tbe ttoo attoo before fipminto euttg

joute names ate towtten in beau en. cfiat fame tpme tetopfeb leftist fn?fp?tfe/ 5^ frfitytagl cSfeffe bnto toe fatfier.*u.o;ne of*WW* fieau? 9 eitfi/tfiat tbottbaft npb tbtfc tftpngc from tbe topfe 9 P?ub?t/ 9 baft openebtfiem to the babe3.uen to fotftetvfo? fo pleafebft tfie 3Htfit&gt;n8ej5ateseuettmeof mp fatber. 3CnDnomanftitotoetbtofiotbefonnefe7biie tfi'e fatbettnetbee tobo tbe fatfiet ft/ fauetfie fonne/abetotebB ? fonne topll ftetoebrm. 36nu be tiirneb to tyt btfcf piejJ/afap&amp;fecret

. cttte 9 place/ tobftfiet be fipm felfe ly:*^appp ate tfie tym tobftfi fe tfiat fe. 5K?5*IW? WW* ^ / * (Jat' iffo? 31 ten pou tbat manpp;opbet eg afipng?

ueft t0 greatebuttfie laborers ate featoe,

. ^?apetfierfo;etbea-o;Deoftbe fiamtft/ to rente fo?tb rabo?et0 in to bffS fiatueft . 00 route tefipejfcOeboloe/g! fenoe pou fojtfie a? rambe^amongetoolueg .ffieareno toallet/ netfiet Ccrpppe/no? Oioesf/a falute no mS bp tfietoape. fntotofiatfoeuetboufepe enttt/ fp;ft fapet Peace be to tfitf boufe.anbpf tbe tonne of peace be tftcre / p oute peace (ball reftbpon bpm:pfnot;ftO)aUtutne topou agapne. HSnbin tfie fame boufe tatp ftpll/ ea= tpngef^pncfipngefocfieagtbepbaue.jfo? ^eiabo?etii8toonbpofbi!8tetoatbe. &amp; .. 0 not fro fioufe tofioufe: fr f nto tobatfoe* uee citiepe entte/pftbepteceaue pou / eate focfie ttipngeg ajrate fet before pou / 9 beafe


fiau e e fir e b to fe rfiofe tfipngeg W&lt;to pe fe/ afiauenot tene tbf if to fiearet&amp;ofe tfipngejj tofiicb pe beate/anu fiaue not fieatbe tfiem. ainbbcbolDeacertapneiatoeetftobebp/afli! tempteb bim/fapmg;* fleaftet tofiat ftallt *attMtt bo to t'nberet eternal! rpfe i ^e fapbe bnto bim::tbatig to?pttfnintbeiatoef^otote* .J befttboufanobeanftoereb a fapbe: *)Loue' Dtttt,w 'W ; tbp %om ob/ toitfi all tt)p beet / a toptft an tbp foule ano tottb alltbp ftrengtbe/ateP^ aljtbpmpnbe-.atbpnepgbbqurag tfipfelfe. ....... anfibefa^ebntobim:^boubattanftoK6^ ft ^K tpgbtbtgbo anbtfiou fl)altTt&gt;ue/*$e wVmtlTa^ rpnge to iuftifpefiimfeife/fapbettitolefttf: fc^fc^fiwi nabotttfienmpnepgbbout:? ' ? tf ffiTC-ssTE E v / ,.., 3efu0anftoett&amp;fapbe:aicetcapneman^f?5 , JI? tbe ffefte tbat are tfiete/ a rape bnto tfie s tfie befcenCeb frff ierufal? into r erico / 9 Ml g 1% ftpngbpmofdEioi) 10 come npebpo pou *3Sut fntotfiebanW0ofweiS/tofticbrbbebWmtt"oir ni!w IntotobatfoeueteitiepefiwHentec/pfteep ^wpm?tanbttK&gt;utjbi&amp;pm/ftbepatteb.&lt;!

leupnge I



fettinge bim fialfe beebJnb bp cfiaunce t&amp;ec came a cettapne p;efte tbat lame toape/# jfttyf be fatoe bwn/be patteb bp.ano ipbetotfe a Jteuite/tofien fie toass come npe to g place/ toentano lobeo onbim/anbpaoeobp. cben a ce wapne ^amaMane/ajs fie io^nepeo/ca me npe bnto fitm 9 toben fie fatoe bim/fie baa copaoion onl)im/a toent to abounbebpfiijS toounK;/a poutebin opie 9 topne/a putfitm onbi0atonebeaaeral&gt;?ougbtbimtoac5im1 tnne/9 mabe p^ouifion fo; binUnb on fmo w toe tobe be Departeb/ be tobe out ttoo pf ce agauetbe'to fioft/a fapbe bnto fiim'.cafie

. . mXp nottpfeageuet&amp;eMtot^,3fflfeirttt'ijp'6if/ tfiougfi fie toolbe not arpfe anb gene l)toM* caufe fie i&amp;W ftenoe: pet becaufe of bP!3 im* po^tumtebetooIDrpre/ageuebimagmaitp ,..,, .. as fie neoeo.anb % fape bnto pou;*afne/ 9 it WStf ibalbegeu5pou.&gt;ene/ anope qtaufpnbe. I3SS nocfte/anb it (bclbe openeo tinto pou . floi euerponegaCftetb/teceauetb'.abegfeitetb/ Knbetb-.atobim ftnocbetb/fbailitbeope* neo.Ff5fonne(oallaffteb?eebofenpofpoii tbatijs a ratfientoill fiegeue him a ttone^ jdj Vt be af fie fiftbe/toillfie fo? a ROfie geue fiini a Cerpett? pf fie af fie an egge; torn be offec

cure of fipm/ ano tofiatfoeuec tfiou fpenoeft fiim a fco^pionf f f pe tfien tobi cfi are eupll/ moare/tobenlcomeagapiie/^toiilrecom* can geue goobgpfK bnto poutecfiij^e/fioto

pence tbe. UBbfcbnoto of tbefetb;etfipnfieft (6ou/toa0 nepgfibour bnto fifm tbat fell into tbetbeuej5banori8^nobefapBe:be tfiat e* toeo mercponfipm . cbenfapaegiefugbnto &lt;B 8im;&lt;0oano do tfiou ipfietopfe. ^ '# 9!efo?ttineDa0tfiepto?t/tbatfieentteb intoa certapne tounejnba cettapnetoomS nameb ^artfia/receauebfitm into berfiou&lt; f t .3inD ibis to om an bab a fifter caneb QPa^ep/toftpebfateat getujs fcte/anofieawebpis p;eacfiinge.3Dnb #artfia teas c5b?eb about uiocfieferuinge/9 ftobe 9 CapD:mafter/boeft tbounotcare/tfiat mpfpfter fiarfileftmeto miniftet alonef J5pb ficr tfierfo;e/g ffie fielpe me.3inb!jefu0 anftoereb/anb fapbe bnto bee l^atpbatb ^Wartfia/ #aitfia/ tnou careft/9 arte tarn -"~&amp;atorebaboueii!flnpi&amp;mgfifcbeteip oneis neb:

i I fafdll

mocfie moare (ball ? fatfier of fieaue geu e an fiolp fp?etetotfi?/tfiatdefp;eit offtftn? * arno fie teas cafttnge out a beupii/ tofipclj toasJ boinme Jnb it folotoeb tofien tfie beuill teas gone out/tfie bSnte fpafie / a tfie people toonb?eb.5But fome of tfiem fapb :fie caftetB out oeupls bp tfie potoer of * 3Bel?ebub tfie a * * *&amp;*. cfiefe of tfie mm. aim otfier te'pteo fiirn fe= SS5t fipnge of film a fpgne from fieauen .ut uS**** finetoetfieirtfiougfitcg/arapoe bnto tfiem;* neuerpfipngDom beuibeb toitb in it felfe fbal be befolate-anb one fioufe (ball fall bpo ano* tfier.^opf &gt;atan bebeupoeb toitfi in fipm felfe: fioto fbail fipgfipngbome fiauttftBr* caure pe rape m call out deupig bp v potoec of 3&amp;ei?ebub:3fgi/bp potoer offfilljebub

cade outbeupl&amp;bp tofiombo poure tl)pib,ten cafttfiem out. b *cfierfo?e ail tfiep bepour &lt;*3f mm tudge0.JButpf 31/ toitfi fpngerof ffob m%S&amp;!&amp;J3* outbeupig/noboutetfie fipngdome of SStoJi? S ano S5 aim wouetb the ppomfpe of t&amp;e j&amp;baepfcfi/ . ifficnaftrongemaarme d toatcfietfifipjs * mm - B '-- ****** f fioufe:tfiatfiepoireffetfi w in peace.3Duttofie 0Ut?f _, r . aftrongertfienfiecometfibps film anb ouer* i it fortuned op fie toajs p?aping cbmetb fiim:fie taftetfi from fiim bp* fiatiic jj in a certapne place: tefle" fie ceafeb tofierin fie tru&amp;eo adeupdetfi fiijs one of fit* difcipless fapde bnto fiim tfiat is not toitfi me/fa agapnft me.&amp ;nofie g . A0aQer/teacfie bg to p;ape/a03o* gatfieretfi not toitfi me/fcatteretfi. v.. .*&gt;.; t bps dpfcppleg. 3Dnb fie fapbe bnto o^ben tfie bnciene fp jite tu go ne oute of jk tfiem : tofien pe pjape/ rape : fiD oure fat fier man/fie toalfietfi tfi^ougfi t oaterlefre places Isfiicfiarteinfieauen/fialotoebbe^pname. refiingereeft.3&lt;nbtofienfiefpndetfin one/fie^ Cfip fipngdome come.cfip toill be fulf plied/ fapetfi:3! v toi ret urne agapnebnt o mp b oufe euentnertfiagitig in fieauen, fiDure oaplp tofiencegieameoutainb tofienfiecometf i/fie , bt eeo geue w euermo;eJnb t o?geue &amp; out fpnfietfi f to ept and ganuffied . arfim goetfi rpnnes: tfo? euen toe fojgeue euerp man $ fie a taftew to fiim feue otfier fp;et e0 toojffe ttearparetfib0.3&gt;nbleadebnot into temp- tfienfiimreire:atfiepenterin/9dtoell t fiere, tacion.iSut beipuer bg from eupll. and tfie ende of tfiat man / i toojffe tfien t be . : 3ndfiefapdebntotfiem:*pfanpofpou fiegpnnpnge. Ifiulbfiauea frenoe/a (fiuldgotofiimatmis nbitfo;tuneba0fierpafietfiOfetfifnge0/ npgfit/a rape bnto fiim:frenbe lende me tfi;e a certapne toomS of tfie cSpanp Ip fte bp Dei; &lt; Ioue/fo;afrendeofmpnei0comeoutof fiopce/arapdebntofiim^appptef toombc ^toapetome/ailfiauenotfiingeto fetbefo?e tfiat bare tfie/anb tfie pappegtofiicfi

gaue 3Pfiimtafietoitfiin uiaanftoere atape/ttou* v fucfie.iSutfierapdetf e/fiappparetf ieptfiat Wemenot/tfieoojeignotoftutAanbmpfei: fieatetgiap?deofodanbfiepeit. h '. wmm&amp;t toitfi me mtfieeftamfiet 1% em ^Mmrpeopu toeje gatfiered tfiicficto O JMf getfiees

JM c . &lt; full.'*^arpfiatl)cborenfierf good parte/ mmmWWQ wall not be tifien atoape from fier. t r -'ieof tbe c ** ewcfif'ft hV oifcfplce to p;apc,o;pub out a 6f/ of djjgoiiell'anbccbuhrtb tlieUlafpbcmoua J&amp;bacrfea. icbep who/ anb to*** a " a eep^ourtbt!) IJ onlp vnape ft*lc0 anb ppoc i ptrs

[toMlaapng \m

1 (ft

1 1 v b &lt;

Jfl- J.

J'.. 1* *


cioitbep fefie a figne/a t&amp;w maline fpgne be geumtbe7buctbefpsneoflonasi|p?op&amp;et. iro?a#fonagtoagafpgnetotbe$mtutte0/ - r 3,! tb e f o n ti e of in a n b e t o tb ps nacpon. a : SSm &amp; * **K|eeof tftefoutfte 0)AH wft at f unse* SS A mmmty w men of tbtegeneraclon/ac5* " Depnetbf:fo?ecamefr8en&amp;eoftoo;B&gt;e/ to bea te tbe to pfoome be Salomon. 2C no be* boipe agteatectben Salomon fcbere.cbe men of gomie all tpCe at tbe f ubgementib ipjf genera ci 011:5 (bail cobem ptie tbem: fo? jef repenteoat tbe p?eacbpngeof |onafj. &amp; SCtto beb did e a gceatev tb en gionag 10 be te. s9tB,i).o **J5omligbtetftacanDell/anDptteta &lt;ajav6,(i.c. ft ma p?eup place/ netber bnber a bufmell: inaf,i^a, Imtonaranbelfticfie/tbattbeptbateomem mapefet&amp;e.lpgbMEbelpgbt of tbpboopis f epe,betfo?etobentbPnepefpngie;(ben 10 all tbp b oop full of lpgbt,35ut pf tbpne epc be euflfctben flial air tbp bobp be ful ot oaten nE3.cafiebeoetbetfocetbat.Jbe ligbt tobpefr te in tbe/b e not Dateline* Jo; pfau $p boot? . ftalbe ipsbt/baumge no parte batefte-.tben all all be full of Kgbt/euen ass toljett a cam bell boetbW tbe tottbbWgbtnejj. fr HinD ass &amp;e fpafie/a cettapne pbatpre be* fottgbt btm tobpne toift bpnranbbe toent in &amp;fatebouitetomeate.ibent&amp;e?&amp;batlfefa* toe tbat/bemaruepleb tbatbe ban not fpjtt - toefffleb before dpner.aSnb tbe JLo;oe fapbe to ., * , ff bmii*iBoto bo pe Jtyatf reft mafte dene out wtwttt.r. f ji, r f t^e cup/attb tbe piattesbut route tn toatbe pattteg ate full of rauenpnge 9 tope*

aebness. fe foleg/bpbnot be tbatma&amp;e tbat toblcb it to! tb outmiafte tbat tobtcb is tot tbm aKo^euetttjeieffegeuealmofeof^pebaue anbbebolbeall 10 dene to pott. 3Sut too be topouJBbatffeu/fo? pe tube $ mint 8 retoe/ anmannetetbeg/spatre ouerfoDgemfta Ioueof&lt;!5oDbfeougbtpetobaueDone apetnottobauelefttbeotbetbnbone. obe topouf batifc0:fo? pe Joue tbebp permoftfeateg in tbe fpnagogeg/a gtetmgt mtbemarBew.t&amp;obetopoufetweis smn* tfrefSppocrpteu/fojpeateais gtauegtobpcb apperenot/atbementftattoalfieouettbem atenot toare of tbem. scben anftoeteb one of tbe jatoeat*/ a fepb bntobpm: fla ft ec/tbuK rapmgetbouputte&amp;togtorebufiealfocfjen be fepD&amp;toobe to pou alfo ye lato ear$ fo? pe iaoeme&gt;ft&amp;bw*be*m*woujMo be borne/ ,i*apepourereluesstoucbenot pacfiess toptn oneof pout*fpnger$.tobetopou:pe bpioe tbefepulcbje* oftbepjopbetejj/apoute fa* tbewJWHeDebem/tatlppebearetotoieft/tbat Et alotoe tbe Debejs of pour e fatft e m( 0? tbep pnebtbem/anDpebpttetbeftrepulclwe*. cbetfoje fapb tbe topfbomeof tSfoo : 31 topll fcnDtbeml&amp;jopbeteis apo&amp;ie$/an&amp; of tb?

i,w tt^S^tN^ttotibeot ail^opbeteg/tobpcbtoaetbeeaftUtbe ginnmge of tbe toojibe/mape be wqtipnu* tb te generarf on/ft 8 tbe bio ub of *36be bnto I bloub of 5acbat^tob&lt;cb petrtfteo bentene tbe aultee 9 e temple, sue teipj rape onto

f ou:tt albe wquweb of fttenactoti. lobetoiouiatoeat0:fo?pebanetaeii , atoapetbefiegeofsnotoieoge/pe entwonor &lt;npoutefelttei5/5 tbem gcame(niefo?baoe. / G&amp;ijenbe tbu5 fpahe bnto Hjem/tbe latocara anotbeJ&amp;bar(Ce0 begs to toeyebtifpe about brni/anb to Sop b^mouib toftb manp q ue&amp; tlow/lapfngetuapte fo?bim7anoft6mge to catcbe fome tbpngeof bP3 moutb/ttberbp tbep mpgbtaccufebpm. CflC&amp;e ueit of Oft frbnlttBHRnm tottfottetb bM tipCcspIeaagajnOepfcfcmcfoiiTDScnelb tbem to lie* toacc of couttouftieu/bp tbt CfmtWtubeofaftawt t;cbeman:bett;llnotbanetbf(obanget)s3tat(b|g ttjpnsw^uf to toatc^ anbto tie waop aaapna bit tommpnge. be.ic,baptec. &amp; tbet gatbewbto getben an m*ai numeeable multptu&amp;e of people (infomocbe itbepttoooone ano* _ -Jtbet)bebegantofaKntob&lt;0Wf* ^ ttpumm of an betoate of tbe" *leuen of !tfSSSP f&amp;&amp;artfe* tobpcbigppoctffp. tmmWm&amp;fBBL tbpngecoum&amp;/tbata)allnotbebncoueteti:of/i0tno;erur; netbetbVbg (battnotbefinotoen.jfombat 11 "^ p foeuec &amp; baue fponen in oatbnegitbat rame Sflfflfi ftmfttmmmpMit tob^Wbaue S? ffi fpofte m tbe eate eue in fecretplace^/fbalbe tbe Doctrpnei p;eacbebeuen on tbe toppe of tbebonfesi. &lt;ncvon off a fapebntopoump ftenbeis-.benotafrapoe JlSSfiffi oftbemtbatfiplltbe bobp/anoaftetg (Mme*! wRSi ho moate tbat tftev canbo.ffintgj ton etoe aoiutSS pouy tobom pe (ball feate.^feate bsm tobwb *o Wtet it* afteebe b a tb fiplleb/ batb potoetto caft into "SSS2S8! bell. Fee pm bnto pou;Wm feate.airenot gSffigS' fpuefpatotoe^bougbtfo; ttoofattbsngeuf cwSftK a na pet not one of tbem i f ofljotten of 00. m n mm * 3lf eu? tbe betpbeereu of pome beebest ate E2M *" nomb^b.if eatenot tbetfe:i!e ate moate of zSSS baluetbenmanpfpatotoeg. *" 3fapcbntopou:toboroeuconfefretbme benuemen/euen bun (ban tbe fonne of man confeaealfobefo;e tbe angeW of d&amp;ob. 36nu be tbatbenpetb me before ml: albeuenpeb hit tt a{bt At before tbe angels of 00 . Mb tobofoeuer a wm wm fpealtetbatoo?beagapnQ k *tbefonneofmStbetdnneortnii ft(balbefo?gettcnbtm.38utbntobmi|blaf 5 ^mijeo(iaiw Pbeme* f bolp gooft;it (ball not bef ownte. *g fjg

lben tbepb?pnge pou onto mttmW/XESB 9bntotuieKSanboffifcee0/taRenotbougbt foiw niw botoojtobattbmgeWflttnanrtoeto? tobat &gt;* W poumtbe &amp;mebow/tobatpe owgbtto tepe fgLgT ' -* fl)iteof tbe companp rap&amp;c bnto bpm: |M Saaei;bpompb?citbet:i)fuIoeIenben'faficeJ9(,(iiA toitb


itbme^rtbbelapbebnfdbpm^an/tobo leme a IiiDge 0; a oeupoet ouet pouf . -jerfo?eberapDebnfotbe:ta6ebeiie/a be* -.toateofcouetouflie0.*jfo? no manneplpfe ^-aanoetbJntbeabounbaunce dftbeApnge^ tobicb bepooe(retb.ainbbeput fo;tb a fpmp* litnbe bnto G)z faptng^e gtounbe of a cet eapneticbemanb;ougbtf(tttb ftntejjplen teoudp/ anofje tbougbt in bpm feifefitptng: tobat (ball 31 oof becaufe 3! baueno toume tobetetobeflotoe mpftutes^ainbbe fapue: mti toffl 3 uo,3! topll belltope mp bmem ftpioegteatet/ ^ttjewn topll gigaobft allmp fruteg/ampgoooeiS: am&gt;9! topll t&amp;frto mp rouie:S&gt;oule tbou baa mocbe goooejs lapfie bp ri ftoo^e fo; manppea^/tafie tbpne eafe: cate/o?fncfte/a be metp.ffiut 00 eap&amp;e bn= tobflmcboti foie/tbijJmgbt torn tbepfetcbe atoape t\)v fouie agapne ftff tobofe all tbofe tbmgegbe toblcb tfym baft nottf* bebf&amp;oljs ittoitbbbntbatgabeeetb mui .. awnotrtcbemcEioD. 3Bnbbe fpafiebnto bPt MfttplejS:cbetfo?e 9 rape bnto pouscabe no tb ougbt fo? pmtre

ipfe/tobat pe (ball eatemetbet f 0; pome bo* bp/tobat pelbaiiputon.cbe Ipfttjj moate Wn meate/ a tbe boope i moate tifm tap* ment.Confpoje tbetauew/fo^tbepnetbet Jotoe no? tepe/ tobpeb netbet baue ftod?e bouffenetbatne/anbpet Ob febetbtbem. 3^ ^oto mocbe are pebettct tben fouleg.liabtcb ofpoutoftbtaRingetbougbtcanaotetobP* ftatiite onecubi)t?g!fpetbenbe not able to bogtbtgetobfcbisfleaftitobptaftepetbouobt fo?tberemnautfConfpD;e^lpWei8bototbfp gtotoe:Cbep laboute not:tb ep tp\&gt; n not: ano pet3! fapebntopou/f Salomon (nail tbftt wpalte/toajs not ciotbeo Ipbe to one of tbefe. gif tbe grade toblcb into bapefntbefeloe/ a to m j otoe Ojalbe caft Into fomace/ dd fo clotbe/boto mocbe mo;e topll be clotbe pou/o ?e enoueo tt iptle faptttf Inbaffie not tobatpe mail eate 0? toftatpe mall D?mcbe/ Metbetejpmepebpanbpe:fo?alirocbetbm* aejs Oft betben people of tbe tooflbe febefo?. fomefatbetfinotoetb tbatpe baueneabe of focbe tbpngee. 9betfo?e fefie pe after tbe. Spngbome of oo/anballttjefetbpnge* Qtal |empnpftteDbnto^pW*WeaWnot Iptell BoocBe it 0} it itffSm latum pleafute / to !tn.9f,geuepouabpngoome. *&lt;feeii g n baue/a toftj geuealmeg-aSnomafiepou baggeis/tobpcb w toejcenotolbe/atteafute^ fapletb not m&amp;e*' uen/tobew no tbefe cometb/netbet motb co? Hiptetb. 3T o? tobete poute tteafure I?/ tbete topll pourtbftteg be alfo. $ %tt poute topne* be getbbeabout/apowt ipgbK0b?enpijg/5pei&gt;outerelite0lpitebnto men t toapte fo? tbeit ma&amp;et/toben he tortl tetutne ftS a toebbmg:$a(Tone fflt cOmetb.

afinocfietb/ibepmapebpettimto^tm.M ppatetbofefetuaates(/tobtcbtbcjlo?Debjiic be commetb (bail fpnee toabpngccaereiy %

fapebmopoii/betoillgptotiebmifelfeabo^ a mane n)e to fpt boune to meate/atoallie bv 9 mpnpftetbnto tbem Mm pf be come in tlie (econoe toatcbe/pepf become In tbe tbp?be toatcbe/a (ballfpntietb5fo/bappi arc tb oft fetuauntesJ.cbw bnaecaortoe/g vt gooo man of tbebouflebnetoe tobat bbure tbefe tooioe come/ be tooioe fuer ly toatcbe : a not ntftWbfcbouffetobebzoftebp;ffiepep2epn ipi mstomtn tbefonne of man topll come atan boure toben petbpnfte not. &amp; Cben^eterfapobnto bmi:*fl0after/tei *9*4fr$A leftitbou tbpjjrpmpnjtuoe bntobss/ bitoaaffi^-' nilljeruaunt a topfe/tobom b(0 ]to?be (ball mZk^S maae ruler ouerbt'!Sbou(boiDe/togeuetijem (3t[ J c j'facB tbeir ouetie of mcate atbtte feafombappp ft JJ*" "". S a i^ m ^ /to ^bPmaftertobenbewni.KW mete/oian^ nbe fo bopng.SDf a truefta fa p mSS&amp; sntopomg be topll malt ebpm ruler oner all' wu B a ice gbebatb.JSut apf ft eupiifetuaat (ballfapeif !? c c " f,1 &gt; mbWbert:^pmaftettopllbeftuebt0conifofe,K , mpnge/anb(ball begpnne tofmi&gt;Vfetttt uaates amapben^/a to eate a bjpnene a to f beb?oncR?:tbelo/jjeof g fetuaut topll come !l!n , t{S w tm 3&lt; *"^&lt;tf ue

tobenbe not toare/ a topll ofup&amp;e bpm / a iXSiiS topllgeuebtb5ttoarbe\6tbe bnbeleuer)S.toti!)t!)c m cbe femafit tbat ftnetoe bft mafteui tolll J*'",*, * f N " ap;epareb nptbfm felfe/netber bpb accon^SSS^ utbetbatfinetoenot/anbpetbpb tSmttttmimvit canoe mpngess too?tbP of ftrppejs/Ojaibe beaten" *** 0tl "c toitb featoeanw.ffomto tobom mocbe Z2iS?Sf. e .anoto tobom men mocbe comnut/tbe mo?etobtie tm tone of bpm toili tbepaf fie. lowtm m ^3|amcontetoftnbefp?eonettb:anbtobat^' f "X^ (smp befp;e / but tbat (t toere all vraopeffia SiS ftpnbiebfiQofctoltbftanbpnge 3!muft be bap*iouc bcZlU tpleo U a bap tpm t : boto am 3 papneb tpll ! em "f ? it be enbeof ^uppofe pega am come 1 fenb &lt;ns ue "peace on ertb^ teH pounape y but ratber uebene Kffi Debate. jfo?feobencefo?tb tber (balbefpuemca SnioXa tnonebouffebeupbeb/tljjeagaviittttoo/ a^apuc/ tbote ttooagapfttb?e.cbe fatbet flwlbebeuffljeb*!??" 1 '^ * agapntt tbe fonne / a tbe fonne agapnft tbe &gt;&amp;SZ

fatber.bemotbet agapnftfljeboiigbfer/ aSofii Stf f bougbteragapnft f morter.^be motberestoucbeb/vupii latoe agapna bP? oougbteretatoe / anb tbei^J! mm * bpugbtetelatoe agapno bp/ mbtbctelatoe. Sfg JgSffiS* Cbcnfapbebe tc . tbepeoplet tobenpefeafts JSS&amp;h ciottbe rpfe out of tbe toeft ftrapgbt toape pe ttcp hauebe fl 8 fape:toe mall baue a Ibotoer / a f t't is ataft" 8 10 t,c8u * &lt; tobenpefetbefoutb topnbe Wotoe/pe tmtSSSSSttt toewaiibauebeet/anbit commetb fhmtSSSSB FpocrltejJ/pecanfbpliofi faffionof f ettbliK "**" ? anb of

ana of tberopfctotttobat ia m eaufe/ tb at pe cannotf&amp;pll of tbi* tmtift ana tobp tuage penotofpourefelucatobaffetpgftte. iiabpllt&amp;ougoefttoftbtbtaeaauerBwpfo tbe eul ctiaa $ oh arte In tfte toape/geue ailf gence tbat tboumaptt be aelpuereaftS bpm/ lead be b;pnge tifcto the mage/ atbe mage helmet tbe to iaplar / a the taplat caft tit to wefon.g 1 tell tbe/r&amp;ou Depart ett not tbece #&lt;EJf (ftps tpll tbou bait e maaegooa the e *btinoU mptc

'Clje &gt;ofptfl

tan bath bounaelo.tfnfj.peawa/be lotofeB ft5thtebonaeon&amp;abotbaape?ainBtobeii !j e tint .0 Capo e /all hia aauetfertea mete aq&gt;a ntea/ano all toe people retopfea on all t^e er ceHentBeBe0/rbattocteaonebpbmt, * flcbeufapaebetobat i0 tbenpngeaome of b CBoo ipitefoj toberto all f cSpare ft* at ia ip it e a grapne of mu Qava f ceae / tobpeb a ma" tone ana f o toea tn bt0 gar aen :ano ft gteto e a toerca a greate me/am tbe foulea of apec


sjgatb.s.o. ec)f the ffiauicans totiom j&amp;piatcCictoc/ii of tuofe ntaoe nefte0 in tfte toauncbea of ft.


iEft.ufte bcslef h ftc fjchc toonnii. Che pacau le of ttie Jniiaiwti'e CctK j leucivjf etoeentre into the n j 11300 nu tfhjift p;ouctb $ecooe ano JetufaUm. be.icftf.Cbapfet. #sssrai5feer toere p?efent at fame feafon at tbetoeabint of tfie &lt;S5aWeang/ Ito&amp;ofe WotiBe Opiate meglea torn) Ittteft atone iacrp fpee . 3na 3!efusf anftoeree/afapBebntotbem-.&amp;uppofepeg tbefe (&amp;saltieati0 toeee greater fpnnera then all t^e other alileana/becaufe tbep fufftea lue&amp;e punpfl&amp;mentf giteilpounaperbut tyceptpetepem/pewajlaJluHetopfeperpfwe D? tftof e.rbf t'j.bp on tobt'eb ttye tome in &gt;p* loe fell/a fletoe tbeVtbfoaepetbat tbep toeee fpnnera ahoueallrne tbatotoelf n 3jerufaleV 31 tell pou nape-.JSttt efcepte pe tepent/pe all malilpftetopteperpf*. 35 * l^e put f o?ti) e tb ta ft mflftuBea c tapne trabaaafpggetceeplanteBfohi0pnepatoe 9 became* foug&amp;t Bute theron/ano founae none, cbenrapaebeto tbe a?e(fer of bp0bp* : neparBetbe&amp;olBe/tbfcrbjepeare baue| come a fougbt truce in tais fpgg* tree-/a fgnne no= ne:cut ftBoune;tobpcomU2etb ft fcgrounae: anBbeanttoereaafapBebntobpmXojBeiee ft alone tbia peare alfo/ tpll 3 apgge rounae aboute ft/a aonge ft/to fe tobetbec tt toill be* are frute:apf itbeare nottben/aftet g /cut; fttwune^naae taugbtinoneof tijettfpna* goge? on tye gjabotlj capes . 2fna beboiD'e titer toass a tooman tobt'eb baa a fp;rte of in*

Rtmfte.]ti)tn.?eare0:a toag botoea to^erber a coitioe not ipfte bpber felfe at all , ns&amp;e n C|efii0fatoeber;becalieD bectoftim/a rapoe to bet: tooman tbou arte beipuerea ftom tbv a?f tare. JCnabe lapBe bP0 banaeg on ber/anb &lt;mmeo&lt;atip tbe toa0 arapgbt/anbgio?pf|iei&gt; &lt;ot. aBtiD ruler of tbefpnagogeattftoewft toptb matgttacpon(becattfe tftat &lt;{efu0 bad tmieo on tfte &amp;&gt;abotb oapelanafapoebnto^ people, cbttarefjreoavcgin tobrebmen uugbt to to o?Be:tn tbem c ome ana be b e alea/ ana not on tbe 3&gt;abotb bape. CbenanftoereDbPttbe)to?be/anafa5B: BRS't *tVoctm/ botb not eacbe one arson on tbe m&lt;u,w*. $&gt;abotb aape/lotofe bi0 ore o?W0 affe ftom tbettauValeabebmtto # toaterV IBnaougbt nottbf0baugbtei;of3Bb^bam/ttibom^^

W$tttfy COUtnaflt ma*

ainaagapnebtfa?ae:toberbntoftaJl3;M Bentbe fiyngaomeof otf ttts iffteieuen/ tobftb a toomantofie/anDbSbbeftjebjebuf* Qiel0 of ftoure/cpliall toa0 tbo?oto uuenaca. anabe toent tt 10 1 oto all maner of c#fc0 ana ,toune0 teacbinge/anb 1 o?ne pt'nge tottj atoess ^ jentfalem .cben fapae onebnto bmi&amp;oiae; atetbetfeatoeg (balbefaueaf ainabeGatae bnto tbe-.ttrpue % votive relue0 to entet in at tbe ftrapte gate:fo? manp | rape bnto pou; totllfeae to enter in/ana Qtallnot beabie. *.iben tbe gooa mS of tbe boufefe r?ftn bp/ ana batb (bet to tbe ao;e/pe QjalieJbeginne to (SB lianae toitboufra to bnocne atoo?efetinge &amp;mn wjn# torn t-om/ open bntob0:anabe fibailan&lt; ip w* ftoer afapebnto pou:3jnnotoe?ott not tobf= ^^K,

ce w are.cbtn Oal ve begin to rape:toebaite &amp; \,%mi eaten tntbpp;erenceaa?oncae/atbou(ia&lt;i tmwim* taugbt in oure Qrete0. 3Cnabea)aUfa^e:| *m*um tell sou 3 1 finotoe pou not xolyence yemt'M* www parte from me all pe toorfiewi of taf qftttr . &lt;rbere fbalbe toepinge agnaflbinge of tetb/ \xfomw an fe Zitgabam ana gifaac 9 ja^ cob/ana all tbe $?opbtft0 tntbefipngbome of(0oa/a?ourefeuie0tb?u(lottte atao;e0. UnatbepQtaacomeftomtbeeeSafeomtbe toeettaftStbeno?tpaftomtbefoutbe/ana fbaiirptaoiinetntb.eftstigaomeof(0oa^na ' beboiae/ tbere ateatt / tobpeb walbe f ??a-. 3Bna tber are^fttabfeb Qiaibe laft. cbefameaape tbereeameeertatneof tai ^UattfesJatibCapabntobimigetg out of tbe toafe/ahaaeparte bmceifoj^roae totll ftfl tbe.3nabtfapabntdebem.0areanDten ' fojre/be&amp;aiae .| caftouteaeu^lg anabeale people to aape ana to mo^otoe/ ana ' tbwa aape 3 m aft e an enae.$euetrbe!effe/|! muft toame taaape anaeomiotoe/a tbeaapeflx* lotomge:to? ft can notbe/tbat apfcapbetpe* rtfbe enpetbet tobew/faue atgiemfafmi. *D f enufaiem/^entfalm/tobftb stireft gutter? 1 i&amp; P&gt;?opb*te0/attonetttb? tbatarefent to tbe: boto often isoiae 3 baue gaft ma M tbium tfigetber/a0 tbe ben gatbeieabwnctt bnaet beetopnge0/butfe.tooranoe.eboiaefoure baWtacion Ojaibe left bnto jouaefolate.jfoi 3! teilpou/prQMHnoefiemebhtiu tbe tfme C{tmetbat?eChalirape/bieireai0&amp;etbatcS*



tt JcftiecafetJ tofit^f JS5atijfec/()ratctl) thcO;oprp

SoiJoiitiicSialjUoilj.rtadjetUtoU lototp/tcllctli of the B ceat fupp/ toaciiclb them that topll folote Iipm/ to lave t yen tmmt miKfqe ubat it mi\ coft them; (BbefaltoflljecattB. be.riiij.baptei;. *. 3D rnTGmjijait cbaunfta rbat be toent into . ..^JbcuCeofone^fScbefelPbatiieg , ^ESSKflffiKlIW* WK b?eea-ona5S&gt;abotb aavc: S'ffiX m*m tbci! toatcftea bvm. ana beboloe tomw ttwwaa ami beto^bim/tobicb babf a;op* "matt* wMto 9?efu0onftoerea afpabebnto la* , toear0artap&gt;&amp;atife0 fapinge :10ft laufull to beale on ttje .g&gt;abotb mti anatbej&gt;beiae . tbett peace, sinabe tofiebimabealeabtim/ ana let bmigo-.ana anftoerea tij m fating e/ tobtcb of gou fli a 1 1 baue an affe o? an ore f a h len intfta pptt/ anatopu not Cra^gbt toa?e puUbftn out on tbe &gt;abotb aareflBna tbey couiae not aiif toer bim agapne to rbat . I^e put fo?tbe afimilituae togefte0/ tob^ be maraeaboto tbep p?eaftato flje bpeft rou* 35 me0/ a faya bnto 0)f:irjm tbou arte bioaen to a toeaainge of enp man/fpt not aoune in bpett roume/left awo?ebono?ablematber e&gt;a, tbiwbeblaaenofbim/anabetbatbaaebotbe ; ' 8tn a tbeyc. bme ana fape to tbetgeue tb0 m

1 #


rV ; ..

eafte.tfjeiotoca roumeiautratber tobf tbou arteb?aaen/go a fpt in tbe lotoett roume; $ tobebetbatbaoetbe commetb/btmate faje bnto tfj e : f rcnee ff t bp b^er. c b en Oal t tbou tf ftaue too^ffitppe in tbepzefence of tbemtbat M*tm *# at n ate toitb G)e* &lt;ff 0? tobofipeuet eral* MMMjM. tetb bpm feife/ipalbemougbtlane. E'nabe tbatbumblembi'ntTcifeyibalbewaWeB. ; Cbtn fa^ae be alfo to btm tbat baaaeff ;eo dim to ainer: * itdbigbou maaeft aainer 02 arttpptt:calinotiPKnae0/no;tbpb;etb?c netbertbpfifnrmfe(^ttr#nepabbotir3: ieatbepbpooetbeagfwte/ aS*ecopence be mate tbe.jetit tobeatf mantft a feaft/cal tbe pooze/tbemay mea/tbe lamea tbe bipnae ana n)ou (bait be bappr/foitbepia,nnot re compence tbe. iBut tbou (bait be t*c5pem~ eo attbererarreccion of tbeiuOemen. - , Habenfljieoftbemtbatfateatmeaeeaffo beatae tbat/be favaebnto bim:bappe 10 bef _ eatetb b/eea in tbe ajngaome of ma . v a.ih rii T^MtevnnotymwWcmvntmanoM Kr neaagttatefupper/abaaemami/.afentbt0 wv feruauntatfwppertpme/toifai?etotbetbat toere b iaae/eom e : fo? all tbb|ge0are noto r&amp;&gt; oe. fna tb# all atonce begamte tpmane e v miiMtln^ Cava bnto bntiil baue bougbt a ferme/anai muaneae^goafeft/Slpjap'e tbebaueme ercufea.apnaanotber fa&gt;^! ba? e bougbt ft'tte yoofte of oreny ana 'Igo to pjouet&amp;P/! P^apetbebaueme ewufea.^rbe Wtitie fapagi baue maweoa topfcanatbet* fo;e 31 cannot comc.2Cnt&gt;tberetuauntU(cnty


* I

.* ' '&lt;


ana bougbt t)V0 ^a0er too;be t^erof. Cben tea0 tbe gooa manoftbeboitfeapf*c| pieafca/afaratobi0feruaut:o out quicb* \V into tbe ftreftna. quanera of tbe citie/ana bjinge in bpaaerppo?e a tDe matmea a ibe bait &lt;$t\)t bipnae.mnaftferuaunt fava %om fti0aonea0tboucSniaiinaeua i?et there t&amp; roume. Una tbe JLo?ae fava to tbe feiuaunt : #0 out into tbebPe toa?e abeagea/a cSpel tbe to come in/tbat m\&gt; boufe maw be ffiiea. fojsijfape bnto pou/tbat none of thofenttn tobi'cb toere btoag/lbali taft of mv tapper, * Cbee toent a greate cSpamj tufty Mm/ana be tumea a favae bnto tbe: **lf a ma come ^tiutmu to me/ a bate not bi'0 fatber a niotber a'totf c *w M "W ana cbfia;en/ana b?etb;en/ana Cvft era: mo* ^ reoticr anabi?0 atone lj&gt;fe/ be cannot be mv aifcipie.aina tobotoeuer beate not hi0 crone/ ana come after me cannot be my atfciple. ffcbftb of pou atfpofea to bviae a touw/fif tetb not aoune before ana countetlj the colt/ tobetber bebaue fuffictet to pevfo^me iti lea after bebatt) lapae tbe foimaacvS/atia fanot able to perforate it/all t beboiae it/begmne tomocftebim ravingeitbyantan beganneto bftee/ana toa0 not able to mane an enae. M fl&gt;? tobat rang goetbto mane batayie agaift anotberftpnge/ana fpttetb not aoune mftj anacaltetb in^mpnae/tobctbeibebeabre toitif ten tboufanae/to mete bint Hjat cometft agapnttbmtoitb.w.tbourana.iii&gt;?el0tobpiii f otbeci0?eta greate toa?e Of/be toyll renae ambaffeatour0/ ana aefp?e peace . ^&gt;o ivfte toSfeoneof poutbat fojfaftttii not all tbat be ; batb/canbentpaifcypie. i&gt; - i*&gt;alti0 gooa/butpf fart baue loftc ftw fattnea/tobat Iball be feafoitea tber tottbf t 10 netber gooa fo; tbefanae no^pet fo: tbe aonge bpll/ but men caft it out at tbe ao?e0, Jf|etbatbarb eare0tobeaie/letbimfjeare.

CCT^Ioupnse mtttp of o6 \s op jlp f fo[i in the pawMeof the buno;h (fat* of the loim? Jtuaa loft . , cbe,rb,bapter. * l^enrefo;teabntobpm all tbepu -, blftat}0 anb Altera/ fo; to beare* m it b bpm.anatbep&gt;baiTfeBnna s.crp, SMfi . jbea mummrearaj?iiige:l9erecea^Luhc.t),f uetbtobi0eSpanp fpnneta/ ana eatetb tovtf) tbem.cbeaptitbefo;tl)etbi'0fpmilitiiaeto tbem fapinge: ibat man of poubaupnge an buna?eb ftepe/ pf be loofe one of tbem/ . aotbnotleuenpntp ananpnein tbe topiaer* (tea /ana go after that tobpeb t0iooft bntplf be f pnac bpm i Mb toben be batb f ounae bpm /be puttetb bpm on bpa muiaera topfl") ,tope: 36nBaffonea0be cometb borne/becalm letb to.getbee bP0 loueta ana nepgbboura fapmge bnto tbem : -Beiopfe toptb me fo? % bauefouriaemplbepe tobitbtoa0iooft.i tam bntopou;

laf^.ti.b, WfUtljt.ff*







bntoyou/trjatiyftetoytei'oyemaibeinbeueV me^tofttjmpiouew-.butaJToneastfifsthfi cuer mtefynnec.tbatrepentetb /moojetben forme too? come/ tobycb barb beuoutea tb y

wernynty anynefuaeperfonsf/tobtcjbneb* no repentaunce,i2t!)ec toijat tooman bauing fcgtoteu/y f flj e loofe one/Dota not ly gb t a eft* WTl/-rtoepet&amp;eboua'e/afe6ebiligentlyty ffiefynoett^nbtoben (be batb founbe it fbe called i)tt louees $ bet itegbbours fayinge: JRefoycc toitb me/f o? a baue faunae gtote tobyca % ijaDtooa.iipneiDpre 33 rare onto you/t'oye &amp; ma&amp;e m tbe pzefence of flangeft of oD oner one fynner tbat repentetb. fc . * 3Bn&amp;befaybe:Hiceitayttemanbabttoo tbnneg/atbeyongeeoftbemraybetobfcfa* . tbet:ftbergeuemetbeparteoEtbegoobes$g to me belonged, jdnbbebeuybeb ttttotbem btssfubSance Jnbnotlong after/ tbeysgec aiaucc nfe a ( 9 m ^ Ba&amp;beMl S g ^080 tOgeDer/ a tOfte PPHW ' bft 'iwney into a fawe countte/anb tfteee*fte toa&amp;ebms goobestt tyetouS lyuynge.36na to&amp;enbebabfpmtairtbatbebab/tbet arofe a greatebettf) tfwoto out all tbat fame me/ abebegantoiacfie.ainbbe toenta cmtieto a cytefyn of g fame count re/tobtcb rent &amp;iru to bft feme/to ttepe bft f toyne.ainbbe tooibe . fayneliaue fyiiebbft beiy toitb tbe coobeis $ tbeftoyne atcano no man sane tobym. 32&gt; cbenbecameeobymfeiteanbfayoe:boto

gooDess toitb batlotes/tfjou (jafte fo; bft Plea rureftyHeb$fattebcauIfe.aJnbberayDbm-o b:m'. gsimine/ tbou toaft euee toytb me/ ano alltbatpaueft,tbyne;fttoajimetetbattoe ; ftulb tnafie.mery anb be glab : fo; thus tby bjotbertoass oeeo/ ano ft aiptte agayne: ano

toa$loite/anb ft founbe. &amp; CC&amp;cpssaWeof ttotojCRcojH^mmon.jJot onctf(( tie of dSoltt toW&amp;eftatlpwjty.iajf tbetvetemttant ... poo;elajatm , CCbciebiCbapter. fito be tayb airobntobft bifcypieg, % * ftbertoajsacertaynrycbemS/ tobicb baba aetoaeoe/tbat teats ac aire&amp;bntobim/ibatbebabtoafteb &amp;ftgoooe&amp;3inbbeealleDbym:anbfayDbnto bim^otoftit/tbatfbeaterbftoftbeffceue a compter of tby ftetoarbfibyppe:#o; tbou may lie be no longer ftetoarbe.cbe ftetoarb* faybttfn&amp;ym felfertobatOiall 9 .bo? fo?my ; mafteetefiuaueatoaye fro" metbettetoaroe ibippeifeannot oygge/ anb to begge/3 am awameo.$ toootetobattobo/t&amp;at toberigj am put out of tbe ttetoaro flrippe/tbey mare receauemetntottjetrboiifes. C&amp;en caUebbeall bys matters betters*/ 9 j&amp;

&gt; *

many byjea feruauntejs at my fatberu baue. faro bnto tije fvitt -.bote mocbe oto eft tbou

t?r eo ynougb/a 3 bye fo? bSger.f tof llaryfe ago to my fatber/ 9 toyllfaye bnto btat: fa* tbftpauefynnebagaynftbeue"abefo#/ a am no moje toojfby to be callebtby fonne/ ma6cme30oneoftbpbr^bfetuafite0.aino be arofe anb toent to m fatber^nbtobm U toa^petagreate toape of /fjps fatber fatoe bim/$ bao cSpaffyou/s ran 9 &amp;U on bft necfi 9 byffebbsni. SBim dje fonne fapo bnto bim: fatber/gp baue frtmeb agapnft M/v m tbp

bnto mp mafterf anbbe faifb an bonbjtb ton* nesofoyie;fnbberarbtoftfm:ta6etbpbyH/ afptbounequfc6l|anbtoai?tefpftje.:bfii fapbbeto anotbentobatotoeatbou?3Dnb be be fapije:anbonb;eb quarters of tobeate. ne . ratbtobtm:cafietbrb]&gt;U/atibto^te route

f coo?e Jnb tbe )lo?becommenaeo tbc bnfud ftetoaroebecaufebebabbone totdp. ffo? tbe cbsiwenof tbw tooioe are mi tbeft fifnbe/, ft'gbt/9 am no moare too;$to be caile&amp;tijy aifo bnto you:*mafie poti freoes o f*totc6efi a * a 6c A fonne.56ut btt fatbe fays to bfe feruaateg: msmon/ frtobe* fefball M|IW/ietRt*gSSfiS wauefoufmoeuiaamgebabn^rtcfl.i*SffiS -* Matt* fattwam nffltitinttommmm m tbefame W faptbRiir fhmocbe. anobe I *8&amp;2&amp;g niocbe. tbotir ye bauenotben faftbtui t sSj t V* tn totcftto mSmon/ torjo toftl belme yom'ri tttt mama mM , ... . , ... tbattobFbtttraefri6jfrefiatteno&gt;ene^*nomf fttoe/^tobSbecame^^etoenpetofbouffe/ fajtbruRfnanc#ermannejsbur?ttep:tobof n fc" 0 legem mmarclf? 9 Daunfyng/ 3 caneo one mi gene you youte atone* ^oferuaunttS SZt SSS 6fbi0reriiaate0/atftebtobattboretbittgejJ^flew/fo;otberbeftaJl6ateone^^aLt tii5 5fmete.ainoberapbebntobi'm:tbyb?otbtti0 aJwetbttitber^eWbeaairreletofotte^vouiooM ra* ftenaurebebatbreceauebbfwfafe affiulsw : atberetbfnge3beroey^ , -"- n6 m mm aitibbetoajsangrr/^toolbenotgoMwrn m?% toiere couetouU/ tb cmebfefamerout?entreateb|lm.n ' ^ !tofttD$fa#e to W Mktt :Ho t^ece yeate0baue3oonetfcreru&lt;ce/netbet!_... e www ^.j. , -. , , atan?t|*metb2ttW^ent/9^fBttft eameoamongemen/ftat4om^aWe%eS , ( 8 n C , ; .owmelnwttCormljea^afirbtomaBe f^gbtorob, * K, ttUelatoe

b?rngefb?tbtbatbeftgarmentaiibp'utt't'on bim/a put a tinge onbt'S banoe/s D)otoe$ on b in f ete.artbl)?mge byober tbat fatteo catiif e a MB bym/a letbss eate anb be merysfo; tfrtf my fonne tea Sbeeb/anb ft aly u e agayne / be toa? lofte/a it noto founbe. 3no tbeybegan to bemerye. cbe enicr b;otber teas in tbe


lefiebbym. ^

anbberaybbijtatbf:yeare^fytobfeti*%'iisc8w 49 'fenpjf- ftffpeyouterelues(befo?emen:btit(!J!obfttt9jjmn r ce/netfterpbe foetb youte bmes^o; tbat toWcb ft bygb ff 8 '* u



i&gt; -

tongDo me of tob ft pzeacbeo/ . ftryuetb to go m, &gt; oner all tyum 9 ertb peryftbetbenonetytieof tbelatoetban pe itf fljr 1 Db of oeuer f o?fa&amp;et&amp; W toyf e a ma= ryeft anotbjtr'b;eahetb matrtmony?8ni) eue ry mantobicb maryetb b g ft beuojfco frS ber bulbanoe/committetb aonoutry alfo. * ^Cbfttoasiacertaynerfcbeman/tobieb toas clotbeotn purple anb fyne byae/a fareo beltct onf ly curry bayejlno tbere toaJS a cer * taynebegger nameo )lajarift/ tobycbelaye atbftgatefullof roo.:esJ befy;fnge tobere freflbeb tottb tbe cromeu toby cfje fell fro \^t rycbemSnestbo;tie.j9euertbeieae/boggeiS

came anb Itciteb Oy0foo;e0.anottfo;tunca tbattbebeggeroyeo/anbtoa^ caryeo by tbe *W{Wangeiie( into \ *abjabamj$ bofome.cbe ry ! 2 cbf man alfo oyeo/anb toas* buryeb. 10 .. 3Enbbemgetnbelltnto;m?tfP/b^lyftebp iff bft eycsJ anb fatoe 3Db;abam a farre of /a Xa . -'9i* janft in bftbofome/atje crieb % rayb^tbje ffiS* aibjabam/baue mercy pnwe/a fetibela?a* il?e I n*i &amp;f maye byppetbe.typpe of bft rmaw ituocen i in toater/a colemy t5ge:fo; 9 am tourmf teb Wb in tbft flame.35utJCbbamfayb bntobym: mM^)onne/rem5bcrtt)attftotifntbylyfetyme/ S receauebft tby pleafure/a contrary toyfeTla Siaccto?arus5payne.j9ototberfo?eftbee0fo;te6/a r* tbowart punifweb3t&gt;eyonDeaUtbft7byttoe= 1 not neyouanbtositbertisa greatefpacfet/fo&amp; ^ ,{"'tbey tob'tb tooioe go frombenceto you can* SflSS#iW*s&lt;* w ma * c come ft(im * w* 1 * tD w wwno , cbenbefaybSP^ayetbetbetfo^ fatber/ ^ 11 uoioeCe tib bint to my fatber*boufe.$o? % baue fy * P9" we b?etb;cn-f 0? to toarne t|5 left tbey alfo co me into tbe place of toutment. 3Db;ab5 fayo (jnto.bim:tbeybaueflbfeistbei9;opbes ftftbembearetbe. 3Dnbbefayb:naye fatber ab?abam/butyf one came bnto. tbem from tbebeeb/ tbeytooloerepertt. $e tayoe bnto ^ym:2f tbeybearenotflBoWanbtbe^o* Hbeteg'/netbeetoyll tbey beleue/tbougi) one wfefrombeetbagayne. Ctf iw'ft (cacljetD l)i8 bffciplco to attopde oefflfgons of tueU/one tdf^grtte mi o t tjenflta faftl? to ttutt in ffio a ra tapieftome in of stone tnkc.9e beMety tDe ten It p ecs/fv wlic 1 1) of tbe lattet 6 a jca/ana of (^ enOfoft&amp;rtoo;w Cbe.)rtm.Cbaptei;. i^enfaybe be to bys btrdples/it t&amp; irtot be attoyocD but tbat offences itoytl come, jijeuertb eletfc too be to ^ Jftymtbo^ototobom tbey come, git toere better fo; bfm tbat a mylftone. toer e bi ?;ebaboutebftnecbe/ atbatbe toetecaft ... dtbefee/tbentbatbeflDulbeoffenbe one of bffj.c. tQere!ytleb^.cabebebetoyotirerelue0.*9.r i * L ^y b?otber trefpa0 agaynti tb e/rebu&amp;e bftrt "** anbyfbe teplt/foettei)ira. $nbtbougb.b(

as it-



rayinge itrepenfetb me/fo;geue bm. . . 3n6tbe SCpoftles fayoe bnto tbe HoMi fttcreafe oure faytbJnb tfte %om fayoe-.yf yefyab faytblybeagrayneof muttarDfebe/a J5 Qmib fayebntb ttjyjs fycamine tree/ piucne f^yfelfebp by tbe tooteg/ anb plant tt}y feife in tbe ftoulb obey you, no b o ft tolnge o? bint tdUm qut'cfily ft of you yf be bab a feruaute pio * febfnge cat el/tbat toolbe faye bnto be toere come from tbe feibe : o anb fytboijnetomeate;? toolbenot

ratberfayetobyiri/bjelje tobertoitb? maye rup/anbgfcbebpjby.felfeanbferueme/tyii! fbatie eaten a b?pncfien:aftertoarbe/eate tbou/anb bjfncfie tftou^oetb be tbtlbe tbat reruatmf beiauf e tjeoya tbat tobicb toa^ cS&lt; maunbebBrit.tbimfatr6wehoh)oiirietoi*^ feye/tobenye baue ndni all tbofe tbynge^c tobtcb are commaunbeb you faye/toe are bn* P?ofitawe*fen'taunte0. IDebaue Done tt)at # t \oM tobtcb toSS OUte bltety to bO. maye no fnptlj *3nbitebaunfeb.as5betoenf fog ! etttfate/''c pw/fiw u?


L *

p^- -

V *

...-.T - -...-.., -r.-tn,e/tber ( K 0O ..| IU (i 1 n ..iet bfm ten men g toere lepeft.nabf cb ftobe ^i n its wouot a farre of a put f o? tb tbeit bo y m anb f a y b e: omse. genimaaer/bauemercy onbSJ , ibebefa* toe tbem/be faybebnto tbem: o anb fljevue youte f elueis bnto v P 1 ?e ttea-Hinb it cbaunfeb m aUtbey toent/tbey toete ctenfeb . 3Cnb one of ' tbe/toben be fatoe tbatbe toaS clefeb/tutnett bacbe agayne/ a toy tb a loube boy cc p;ay rea dfoo/a fen bonne on bis face at bft fete/ano gauebfm tb5fies.^nb $ fame teas a .&gt;ama&lt; rftane.ainbg!efuS5anftoerebafaybe:aretbec not ten elenreb f JBut toljcteare tbofe nyne^ rber arenot founbe tbattetutnebagayne/ to getie (Sob pjayf? fane only tbft arattger, tntye faybe bnto b&lt;m :aryfe/ a go tby toaye tbyfaytbbatbmaoetbetoboale, |&lt; . * tfebenbetoaSbemaunbeDoftbePJa*-* rtfes/tob? tbe ftyngDome of ffiob wulo comerw fcttgeto be anttoereb tbem a faybe:bebyngbome vmamn a ta d5obcometbnottoitbtoaytinge fo?. juetbtriouc^oo w&gt;w roall men faye-.Xo be?e/lo tljere.iffo; W&amp;SSf&amp;Sz tbe*fiyngbome of ob ft toitb in you. B S m 3Bnbbefaybebntotbebifctple0:tbebayeSnco;t.pii8eto ^ toill come/toben ye wal befy^e to re one oaye couenaune ma oftbefonne of man/ aye allnotfeit. 9*ti&amp;Bfi&amp; tbey roal rayetoyou:S&gt;ebere/&amp;e fm&lt;&amp;!$fi%m nbtafter tbem/ no? folotoe tbem/ fo?ag tbe 60UMaB ^il jygbtenyngetbat aperetb out of ? one parte lotuo ttje. am? of beuen:anb roynetb bnto tbe otber parte omm f wv beauen**&gt;o all tbe fonne of manbe fnttfBSgft, ,* bayest.28ut fp?ft mu(befuremany WMttw anb berefufebof tbftnacton. JtHtw^fi}^ 3B0 ft bappeneb in tbe ty me or^oetfo JbaMf itbefnf tymebf tftefomie of man^eyate - mmnu

J *


*peo/euebntotbatfemeoapetbatl9oe wn mtotbesmetatbeaougcama^eaeopegttf m. Jlpfiettpfe alfo/jw ft c&amp;aficeb ro of iiot.c&amp;ep ate/tbep b?ancfie/tbep bought tbepfoioe/tbep pttuiteD/meF bpite.ainb eu en tbe fameoape eDaciLoe teent out of 3ooom it rapnebfp;e 9 topmftoneftS (jeauif/an6De&lt;= tttopeb Oft aaMm tbefe enfantpu*/ at it w m f baft to&amp;fffonne of ma" (hail appcre, 3&amp;atbape&amp;etbatt0on tbeboufetoppe" frfiwftulfefttboiire:ietbim not come bou* neto tafietc out.ainbirftetotf'e let not btm g wm tftefelbep/tumebacBe agapne to be lefte bebt nbe, memebet Ho tus to? f e . I h a* roeue* topll go about to taut W ipfe/foaii fofett:? tobofoeiie*malUofebp0ipfe/qja (meitMtcttyouin i npgbt/tfteKhalbettoo monebeeD/onealbercceaueo* tfleotber albefo?fa&amp;e\ QtoombtaltoagtiMw togetbmffjeone ftalbetcceaueb/anb W *&gt;tetu ot i e * *SS ^^ flfc anftoereb/s Capbe

(tow the j,q,tobpm: tobeare lope? ainb&amp;e fapoe bnto epc &lt;*aiue/t&amp;f tbemttoberfoeuertfle 8 *bobp (balbe/tbjtbec 2"".tofHtbeegrc8(wfo?te. - ww ftnnVof man Sf W*l t&amp;eptrtHcait.ttge bpngbomcof W two r. c cbe.yotff.cbaptet. * 3H OCTM &amp; e Wt fo^tn a.fpmflituoe bnco Jtbe/fpgnf f ping tftst men ougbt ai toapes to pjape 9 not to be toetp/ u.J fapinge:caettoa0 a juage ma cettajne eptf e/ tobp cb featebnot obnetber f egatbeb man. Mi tfier toa0 a emapne toe* Jotoe m tbe fame eWe/tobJeb came bnfo bfm

fapmgaauengemebfmpneabuetfaepjina fietoojbenotfo/atobpie, ut aftettoatae &amp;efapbetobimfelfe:tbougbpwienot&lt;0cb no; cave fo? man/ petbecaufe tbp0 toebbtoe ftoubletfi me/| ton auengebeeieftatSiaUe tfftecomea&amp;iggeonmc.fnBmejloTbefapb BearetoBaftfie totepgfttetotf 3!usgefapeo), 3nD all not oo auertge bf electe/totocb ct|e oape anbntgbt onto b?m; re tbougb fie oefmetfiemfg ten pott be tolll auemjetbem WbatquicMp. P fceueetfteieire/teWtbe .tonne of M cometbv fuppofepe/tbatfie ft af HWoefaptbpntfieettB, jMtnbbe put fo;tb tfttg rpmitttttbe/bnto certapnetobfcbtruOebtn tbem femes $ tfiep feewpetfecte/anb befppf eo otbee.Ctob men fDtntbpnitoffietfplttop?ape:tonea$oa' tree mimmmmMmatiteSiit &lt;r p;apeb tftuss toftb Him feife. &lt;&amp;ob% tnanae m $M% am nota^ otbttmen aw/ejrto?o* er0;bnfutte/aauouti;ctg^?agfttepublrcs JfatttttKemtfletoescagweti^eoraU

t&amp;at s P fiffe ere-, fno ft e publfcan ttone a fat&lt; *eofjttoHienosfte6pftij(ejeitobeau0/ futfmotebwlj;eftraf(nge:!5oibemetc; ******* ** 3! tell uoutbff man o Mtt borne tob?0 boufe iuft?f?eb moare buuibletbbfmfeife/malbeewrteo, j? t *Cbept);oug^tbntobfmaH"obabe?/tbaf^ be ftulbe toucbe tfif .tb? bit Wfcf piest fatoe SNtfte at/tbe P wbuBebtft?.ut?efu0caliebtb|^ at ^.w bntobim/faie{ a&gt;uft;eebpiii;entoeonie bnto mr/ftfMot tbem not.jf o? of focbe is f^e firngbomeof ob, aetelt&gt; gjfatrebnto mu: tobofoeuetteceauetb not fiwigbome of5oba0acbpHje:beaUnotentei!tbetin, anb a cetteWK mieeafftebbpm fajuige: goobm aaewi^a t ougbta to bo/to .obtafte etetmur?fef3efu0fapiiebnto buu-.aahp cal leit tbou me goobf i5one it goob/ faue od onlp. Cftoufinotoefttbe cSmaunbementes$: m,tnl bou wait not commit a&amp;uoutn?:t&amp;ou (bait not&amp;tfiubou Qialtnot tteaJe-.tftou tbaltnoc

fceare falfe inptneg: ^onoute tbp fatbeeanb W motftee. Dnb berate all tbefe baue 9 SeptftSmrroume.ieb^efuiSbeatbei/bc fawebntobim-.yetlacftetttftouonetftmse. . . . mmiw tbou waltftauettcafureinbea* SSBS uen/anbcome/foiotoeme.ibfbebeattc tbat/betoa0beu?:fo;betoa^beepmbe, wJB? SKS? fiMlJw wow &amp;e fas oe: tortb tobat b^pculte (bail tbep tbatbauem che*/ enteeinto Git firngbomeof ob: it 10 eafree foja camell to go tbo^otoe anebles epe/tberffo; atpebe man to enteeinto tbe npngbomeof oD.cbenfa^etbep # beame tbat. ainb tobo (ball tben be faueof 3nbbe fapfie:bpige0tobpcbatebnpogfMetott&amp; menatepoflfWetowbduob. , Cben Peteefafbt: jlo toe baue refte aii/jf fiauefOlptoebtfieJnbbefawebntotftem: 33^Ui*ff^1^/tli*noBi8ftee^A leaueta boufe/ otfieefatbee amotbee/ ometfMA J;etb;en/o?.topfe/ o? cbpio;en foj tbe fipg* borne of &lt;feo&amp;be0fafie/.tobpcb fameftallnot teceauemocbe moateftithWtoo;lbe:anbm ^e too;lbe tocome/ipfe eueelaftnge. * m ctofiebneobimfttoelue/anbfatfie onto tb em .55 eboiD e toe go bp to jttuMtm/ aanftaibefunweb tbat ateto?ptten bv M ftoygeftf of m f onne of man . ^e Qjalbe bctfuetebbnf tbe gentftt/* malbe moc*eo anb ftaibc belpptfuilp entceateb/anb Qmbt ipettebomanbtobetbepbauefcouegebbmi/ tfie|toiputbfmtODeetb/anbtbetbf;bbaw be (Haliatffeagapne. aSutrtje? bnoerttooe none of tberc tBinae^.Kino tbigfa^nge toatf bgb from tbem. ain&amp;tfieppeeceaucDnottfie tfi?nge0toB|?ostoeeerpoeff,





I; i-i

S9SSSS 2*S2^ tecauft * a ttrajteman: tbou tafteft bp g utou lan&amp;eft noeboune/ a repeft tbattbou moW not to* ffiSS5Ki f * r * ,w w r *wa fie* *"* tbat 3.lapDe notDotme/a tepwrse that 1 01S mfg|t baue requlrebmme ato n :\o baSe w ^KWotbftbat(loDebr.ta efg JS ^pounop/geueiti)im nXtMten :iinjm(gat8aue/(tftaibegeuen:aftSbimS eneiu,tll eM tobpeb toolbe not g f (bulb ravane ouetthp befweiai^(u^bpto5fe:(jfa!eiu. j. m S*m it foltuncS'tobett be toajs come nve ttf S?P&amp;aBe^etbanp/beOtieJmoateS&lt; mnto toune to&amp;Kb($ ouecagapiiftS Joufebimanbft;mgebim!)v5Cf .ainajfeS SafflSHffl** Jotofebpm-tbul (apebntojim/tbe %om batb neoe of bPin Cfteptbattoeitrent/tomttftcietoaSli 2HS2 c X a,0 * | B e * e c "olte/the otonecs rafoebnto tbem:tobP lotofe n tbe cooltcf ffJZS SSfiW 111 t&amp;c *** ftafl ) "ebe of^f JPiH. fnbtbepb;ougbtbpmto m^.m

tbcj caft tbeic rapment on tae colte / anb feS tbeirclotbegintbetoape. r w affiatt^S^eaee^

an&amp;tbepfapaebnto&amp;pm/l grAidof Jdais* (etbpaffeDbp.idnD9ecepebfapinge:|efu3ft wnne of j&amp;auib/baue tboumeccp on me. i nh tjep tobtcb toft befo;e te&amp;ufteo bPm/tbat be 0)ulb bome big peace.jeutbe cepeo fo mocbe C moate/*t[joufonne of autobaue metcp on meMMctufi itoce ftpu/j commaun&amp;eo ftim to be b; u gij t bnto b in 1. $no tobe be toaa eomeneaw/(jeai'aebbjmfapmge:tobattoilt tbou tbat 3! bo bnto tbrf *nobefapbe:B,o;iie tbat amafereceauempfpgbt. gefugfapw omobima-eceauetbpfpgbfctbpfaptbbatbfa ueb tbe. 3Cnb immeotatip be fatoe/ anb folo* toebb(m/p;apfmge(ie!ob.anballtbepeople/ tobentbepfatoeit/gauelauoetocsioti. j. C^Df 2 acfjcuovanO tlje ttn ftruauntts to tttiom tbe taiento l?ift tfbttb Krjetufaltmy anotoepctbouftit. cbe.j"ie.cbaptei'. * . * -'-! jBb be enaeo in * tost tbo?otoie&lt; ef co. anb beboUe/tbee toap a man nameb 3acbeius/tobicb tea? a ni* -jjg^iecamongetbe Publicans/a toatf *^?"S ; * noBe ma b c meaner to (e aefuoy tobat be (bulb De : 3 couloe not fo; p^eace/ Aecaufe be toas of a io ftatute . i@berfo 9ecanbefo;e/ 9 clpmebbpintbatopioe fpg ge tm/to it hfottfo; be Qniloe come t toape. anbtoben giefu^camto tbe place/ be lofteb bp/anbfatoe Dim/aiKlHtooMobin^ariie/ comebouneattoce/foitobapeqpmuftabpDe attbpboure. ainbbecamebouriebaQeipe * Kceaueobimiopfulfp.anbtobftbepfatoe| ffifiSS^b&amp;e&amp;ktfng* 5 j^eig gone in to ^tatptoufta man tbat (0 a fpnner. *nb3acbeftooe fo;tbanbfapb bntot&amp;e lto?be:beboloe jLo;be/ baulfeof mpgoofc

oe0 % geue to tbe poo;e/ anb pf 9 baue bone : SSffi|Jft ?B e /5!toplireao?eftpmfotoee wMnb|efu0fapbtobim:tb(0bapef0be* SKJSER m 2? w 2 metoIi * e anbtofaue toattobfcbtoapiooOe. b foa fpmpKtube/becaufebe toa0npeto fife* ttifaiem/antjljecaitfealfoHjeptbougbtttat w.fc. gf Sfngbomeof (fiSobJmiftWerpappem m * S!f!? &gt;e * CTf o;C: * * a ? noble man toentinto - *'"*"""""^- - 1


caile6iji0ten fetuaunte0anb oeiwcrebroe' lEmuitttijaeofthentfrKS*;^ to ^ SSn

ti)t (Pfpett atibfomeoft^atfresoftftecgpanpfapb w^fttft/elM^l^ftM^fPil


tolm.bft.c jSSatti.rib.

bntoftpm: after tebttfcet&amp;BDirctpK*. lye anftoetea/a fapae bnto tfte-.s tei pou pf there qjuio^ aloe tfteir peace/the ftones tooioe cite * am W* toosf come neate/fte Ue^eloe tft e citie/a toept on it fa tinge. $.f tftou ftaa Deft fino toe tftofe tftinges toft t eft Ueloge en to tf a:i,atbcw*^**peacc/eueatfti0^ti)mef utnoto ttS S?ate tftep ftpaae fro tftpne epes . f o; UK aapes

?e( bepe (hall come bpon the/ tftat tftp enempes all tc is tawn fi cafta banfie aboute tfte/ ana compaftetfte &amp;% a toutiK/ 9 fiepetfte in on euetp fpae/a mafie mum* tbeeuentoimtftegtoimae/tottfttftpcftiiajen &amp; toft tch ate m tfte.ana tft c v (ball not leue in $ one ftone bpon another/ became tftou fino* to e tt not t Be t p m e o f tftp bifitacion. ana ft e toent in to the tempi e/ a beganne to call out tftem tftat roioetherin/anatftim tftatbougfttfapfnge bntotftem/ittSto?ptte: mpftoufeistfteftoufeof pjapetmutpe ftaue inaaeitaDenoftbeues.anDbetaugfttaaplp in tfte tcple, FCfte ft'pe ftefte* ana tfte fcri* bes ana tfte tftefe of the people toent about toaeftropebpm:butcouiae not fpnaetoftat to do. m all tfte people ftacfie bp ftim/a ga* ueftim auaience. tT&amp;bep afte f;jf ft one ijueftfon/flno be afaetb ttiem another, fitbc parable of tbe npnepac&amp;e. fflf trpbute toliegeuen unto Ccfae-ano beto b:ift Soppeth (be moutbtt of tbc.Ssabucea . Ctfbe.rjr.ftaptet. * lfBoft fo;tunea i one of tftofe aapetf asfte taught peoplein me tepie S p?eacfteetfte gcfpclbthe ftpe Rze ftegatfte ^crp bes came toitft tbe ewers 9 rpafte onto ft im Cap mge:*cell bs bp toftat auctojpte tftou aoett thefc rtivnges ? tftftettoboisfte tftat gaue tftis auctojite? lj)e anftorrea ana fapae fan to tftem-.;j alfo toil affiepou aqueftpon/ana anftoerme. fte baptpme of 3,oftm teas it from fteauen o; of a :fmeno?**meu?an5faeptbougbttoft&amp; in tbemfeluS of ob / loo&amp;efapige'.p f toe lb all rape fvomfteauen:fte toil meruit* cape-.toftp then beleuea pe ftpm not? 38ut ana pf toe (ban Cape of men/ all tbe people top] l Hone o? t&amp;epbe petfuaaea tftat Joftn.ts a l&amp;jopftete. ana tftep anftortea mat tbep

coulDe not tell toft ence it team. 3 no Jefus ; fapbe bnto tbem-.neroettell 3 roubptoftae *autto;ite'3fDotftefetftuige3. 10 cbenbegannebetoputfo^tfttotpeoprt jatb.m&amp;. tftsisrpmplituoe.*26 eertapneman pianteoa aeaTMjfca,. bynepat&amp;e/a let it fo?tbe to fetmetu/a toent lj tm felfe into a fteaunge cofttee tot a greate CeafonJnb toftf tteetpmetoajs ccme/ftefent afeniauntto m tenauntesi tftattbep Qmlo groefifmoft&amp;efmtes$oft&amp;eb2nepatoe.ato&amp; fbetehauntefsbpobetftim/arentftimatoape rmptp. anbagapnebefentpetanotbetfec* ttauntjnbt&amp;eift^betftim/afouieenma^


veouei/be (ent tbe tftp?w to/ ano ftjm ttiep toounbeb/anucaftoute.cbenfapDe^lojbe- ; of bpnetatbe-.toftat Bjall3Sflo?3i toillfenfte* mp oeaee fonne/ftim peraouentute tftep tot wuerence/to&amp;entftepfe&amp;fai. . ?Sut toften tftt fctmetu fatoe bpm/ tftep tbougftt in tb? felue0fapinge-.tftt)s iftepje/ come let be bpttbpm/ tbattbe enbewtauncc mape be outegJnb njep call ftim out of tb| bpnepatce:anDfipUecbpm. |9oto toftat (baa tfte io#eof mebsnepatteDobntotftemf l^e toill come anobettto? e tbefe f etmetjj/ a topll let outftvs bpnepatoeto otftet. iiaben tfte*. BeatDet&amp;at/tftepfapDe:o&amp;fo#pa. ano ftebebeloe tiji ana fapoe:toftatmea&lt; netb tbt'p tben tftat 19 to;pttf ;*tbe ftone tftat &amp;&amp;*# tfte bribe tetefufeD/tlje lame to mabe fteebjErg* co?net ftone;iboCoeuee ftomble at t ftone^ fltB,F ' ,a ' malbeb;obembutontobofoeuecttfalibp3/ u topll grinoe ftpm to poto&amp;ec . 2tnb tbe ftpe p?efte0 ana tfte &gt;ctibes(tftefamebom;e toft abouttolapebanDessonfttm/buttfttpfeateD tbe people. jTo?tbep pecceaueD tftat ftebab fpoRentbijsrpmilituaeagapnfttbem. , m anatfteptoatdjeabim/afentfotfb fpie{J/ w toft tcft fljuiD fapne tbe femes petfecte/ to ta&lt; fie ftim inbijj too?aejfy ato aeipuer bpm bnto tbe potoec a ouctojite of tfte aebite.ana tftep afnea ftim faping: fl^aftevtoe finotoegtftoit fapeftateacftefttigbt/notljetcsnaerefttftoie

enpmanneg aegte/butteacfteftt^eteapeof od t mip .% tt iaufull f 0; W to geue Cef at tribute o? nof e pecceaueatftetrcraftine?/ . 3 ra?oe bnto tfte: *toftv teptpe me i ^etoeJJSSS meapenp. iBbofepmageanafupetfcttpcia w * batli itfcbepanftoevea a fapae-.cefetjf.ana ft e fapae bnto tbf:geuetb'en bnto Cefat/ttjat tofticft belogttftbntoCefat:atO(15oatofticb pertapneroto(iE50D. ainatbepcouiaenotte* p;ouebi0iapmgebefo;e$people. ut tftep m atuat&gt;ieaatftfe anCtoeiya fteiae tfteit peace ^/ben came tobtm cettapneof tfte&amp;aBu^ &lt;$ ceu tobicftaenpetftattSet ft enp tefuwecciS, anatbepaffieabimfapingei*flafter/fl9o*.^ fe0to?otebntob0/pfenpmane0b?otbetape" bauingeatopfe/aifameapetoitftoutpfiUe:*'** tbattben ftis b?otbet Omfte tafieftW topfe/a rapfebpfreoe bnto ftps bjotber. cbet toete Ceutnbjetbien/a tbe fpiftetofie a topfe/ ana area tottfto]fcebpia;en;aittbt&amp;e reeonaetofie me tDpft/*e apeo cftpiaieffe. ana tfte tnp?ae tofie bet/am ipse topfelbewfpaue of tfte fe* uen/aieftnocbplD?enbebmaetbem/aapeb. Xaftofantbetoomanbpeaa!fo.^otoattbe tefumcef 5 tobofe topfeof t&amp;em ftaU ftje tti jfo?feuenbabbto topfe, mtnt an ttoerea ano fapae bnto me. Cfte * 0m of tbtttoo/lo^tnatp topueis/a ama iteb/6wttBeptoftpcB Iftaibemaae *g|*lg

rntope mat too^ioe ana tfte teturteccponfts bomeagapnftHptigaome/anageeatem bectft/netftetmati? topue0netftetatemanea quafies malfte in ail quartewanabongec / no; petcabpe enpmoate.^fo; fl)ep are equal! anapeatiace:a feacfuii tbingejs Jnao reate bnto tfte angeiu: 9 are tfte fonnes of Soa in f ranes all tftet be from beaueiti apmocfteastfteparetftecbiia^enof refur* J5ut before all tftefe/ tftep mail lantMt recctoMnatftattbeaeeaftjallrpfeagavne/ banaesonpouanaperrecutepou/aeipuetm'

ge pou bp to tfte j&amp;pagoges a into p lefon/ anob?pnge pou bef oje fipngeu a miers fo? mp names fafteJnatbiS all c&amp;aunce pou fo? ateftirabnialiotet it fticfte tfterfo?e fade in poureb tnynot once to aoap bef o;e,- tohat pe (ball anftoere:fo? 31 toil geue pou a mourtt ana topfbome/ toftere agapnfte/ all pomao= uerfarpes mail not be able to fpeaftc no? re* ftft.yeapel&amp;aibe betrapeaof ponre tamers anamotfterS/ana of poure b?etft?en/a fipttf* nten/ana louets/anafomeof pou iball tbep P put to aeetb Jnaftatea (ball pe be of all mm fo?mp names fafie, fet ttjer mall notonebe re of poure fteeDes Prtpfme . lOptft ftm Ma mil u n c( , *pactencepoffeire poure foufes. pSSS anatobenpefegemralem befegeatopiftfoui vEiE anbofte/tftenbnaerftanae tftat tlje aefolacto fimfefewfcflw of tfte.fame is npe. m lettftem toftpeft are SSi^ffi ^ in Itomgst totftemountapnes:. mmS^SS tftem tobpeft are in tfte mpoaes of if/ Departe w?m mlm oute. 3tna let not tbem tftat ate in otfter coun (W&gt;) ' ^ t ?"* trepes/entertftetinijro?tftefebetlieaapesof tll, P nc,(:lu, ? f " P bengeance/to fulfiliall tftat are to;ttte.?Sut^' m * 4caruc(lonof3uf8lnn/offalfetencl)et9/oftUeto/ tW Wttfiera COOK OapeS:fO? tfter ft jalbe,* teaiiQtrouurBfojtotomey of tbeenocoff ttwtoe/ gteate trouble mtfteianQt/anb to?a tft oitev aittofbre tone commpnge. slltftPSpeople.ainatljepmallfaliontljeeOi jSICfte.j;tt Cftapter. ge of tfte ftoeatae/ ana malbe leea captpue/ iga ftebcfteiae/ftefatoe&amp;rpcbemf/ mtoallttacpons. anD^erufaiemmalbetro* jboto tftep caft in tbeir ofierpnges benbnaerfoteoftftegentpis/bntviimetpme oftftegentplsbefulfpiiea. . * ana tfter walbe fpgne s in mmte/ana m me mone/ ana in tfte ftarves: a in the ert&amp; tftepeople Ojalbe in focbeperplerite/f tftep mall not tell toftpeft toape to turne tftem fel* ues,rftefee anatfte toaters Ojallroo;e/ano mfnes ftertes wall faple tftem fo? feare/ ana fo?lofipnge after tftofetfttnges toftpeft (ball come on tfte o? tfte potoers of fteauen wall moue. ana tft en wall tftep re g fonne of

euen fl&amp;ofes fpsnpfpeo befpaes tfte budfte/ te*4.u. toften fte fapae:*tfte jLojfle &lt;oa of ab?aftam : ana tfte oa of ataac/ano tfte oa of 3]acob. fo;fteisnotme&lt;9oaoftfteaeea/butoftftem toftfeft iiue.f o?ali ipue in ftim.cften certap*

ne of tftepftanfes anftoeteaanafapae:fla^ fter tftou ftaft toelfapae.anoaftertftat aurft (BJtftepnotaffteftimenpqueftionataM. Iu.w.b cften fapoe fte bnto tftem: *ftoto rape tftep a*fA tftat Cft?tft ts jBautDS fonne? ana JBauia bim felfe fapetft in tfte bofie of tfte falmes: *cfte 5Lo?oe fapae bnto mpjlojae, fpt on mp tpgfttftanae tpil Jmaftetftpne enempstftp fote ftole.&gt;emgeamacalletftftim JLojb: botoisftetftenftisromte? Cftentn auapence of all tfte people/fte Lkntfju fapae bnto ftisaifciples:*betoare of S&gt;crfc hfcrto. bes/toftpeft aefp?e to go inloge clotftpnge: a iouegtetingestn tfte marfiets/ana tfte ftpeft leates in tfte fpnagoges a tl)e cftefe roumeS at feaftcs/tofticft aeuouretoiaaotoes ftoufes ano tftat bnoer a coloure of longe pjapihge: tfte fame mall receaue greater aamnacion.


!certapnepoo?e topaaotoe/toftpeft call m tftptfter ttoomptes.anaftefapae:of a ttuetft % rapebnto pou/tftiS poo?etopaaotoe batft putin moare then tftep all. if 0; tftepan ft an e of tfteir fuperflupte aaaeabnto I offe* tinge of j&amp;ofcbut Qje/of fterpemitpftatft call mall tfte fubftaunce tftat meftaa. asfome fpafie oftftetemple^bbto it teas fM . 5armfmeatoufigooaipftones f 9jetoeW/6r ^ vm .... fH . lv . ul ^ ru vunuwuc a iapife.*ftebape0topiicome/tofrenof tftefe man come in a elouoe toptft poto era greate (&gt; 22 tftpnges toftpeft pe te/all not bT lefte ftone glo;p.i@ften tftefe tfttn ge s begpnne to come ^bponftonc/tftat!baUnotbetft;otoenaoune. topa(fe:tftenloBebp/aitftebppoure'*hea* , ., .

anadjepaffieaftpmfapinge : Rafter toften aes fo?pourereaempciona?atoetft npe. JL *,SM. fbal tftefe tfting^be/atoftatfigne toill tftetbe anafte lbetofatftemafpmilituae: beboiae! m\Xa toftenfucnetftmgesroallco.netopaffe. tfte fpgge tree/ana all otfter trees/toften tftep* HeiS/ ; anabefapa-tafie fteae/gpebenotaecea* ffioutt fo?tfttfteir buaaes/ pefes finoto eof fo6auel ' el " f " uea.ijfo?manp toill come in mp name faring poure atone feluestftat fommeristften npeS Keo,tot8 ^ambe:anametpmea2atoetftneare. jfolo* at ftana. S&gt;olpfietoptepe(toftenpefetft efe * toe pe not tftem tftetfo?e.35ut toften pe fteare tfiinges come to paffe) bnaerft anae/tftattfte of toarre ana Diffenciombe not af rapeD . f o? fipngaome of oa is npe.tBerelpl r ape bnto there tftpnges m ft fp?tt tome: but tfte enae pou:mfs generaepon mail not pafle/ tpHa foiotoetb not bp a bp. cften rapa fte bnto tfte-. be fulfpilea.eauen ana ertft (b aDpauVmut Ci5acponftjalltpreagapnftnacpon/a8png l! mptoo?aeSftjannotpaoe. &lt; etU * cafic

4 **

I 1 I I I


&lt; \ * caBeBebetopwrefeliteMeftpair* Bern? be ouer come toptb fittf eetinge $ b?5* fienne? anbcaregoftbpjstoojlbe-.anb t&amp;at/ w t&gt;bape come on poUMttoareiS.$fo? assafhate fljaii tt come on all tbem tljat Cyt on tbe face c-ftbeeKbe.lfcatcBetDerfoze eontpmiallp 9 p;ape/tBatpemapeobtapnegracetoflpeall tbiffttmt Ojau come/anb tbat p e mape ftanbe befbjetbefonneofman. fr fn tbe oar c tpttie/ Be taugbt in tfce temple anb at npgb t/b e toent ouc/anbbababpbfnge 3mm** in tBemountoltuete.*anballpeopie came in tfje m o;npnge tobpm in tfte temple/fo? to Bearebpm. . ( : mH\)tlia lictnyttt. (Cbcpcate iljc ikcc tSbe.C&amp;e &lt;nftitutporiof(^faamcne.iSl:i;f?ftrsucto6oftalbe . sicateft/lic p;oub ((if rfcepwc tb tb&gt; tpmca upon ' toe mount. tt&amp;eptabebjmmnobjmijcbbn to tfte&amp;pe pjcftcs boufe; jg&gt;ctn:bcnjwtbb(ffltl).;yte/* tljcgtijmfle &amp;ymlicto;ett)ccounll. cbe;rrfi.CBaptee, *

-. *

SBatb.Mtof.a, ajnFC.jc(ty.a

tobpcbft calleb e&amp;er/anb ujebpe $?eftei$ 9 fbafbtg fougbtboto to bpllbim/buttbepfeareb people. Cb en en 1 1' CD &gt; atan into ud a g/ tobofe rp? name toaggfcartot (tobicb toas&gt; of tben5b?e of ttoelue) ?tyto*ntbwstoape a cStiuineB toitt&gt;ttybp&gt;p?etteyom*ebQtobempgbt

betrapebtmtotbe.ahb tbep toere glab:$p?o tmceo to geue bim monep.anbbe confenteb/ . anbfougbtopojtunpteto betrapebpmbnto s9arc.F0., . %&amp;cncamCtBcbapeofCtoeteb2eeb/toBS of neceffptetbe ettettambe mu&amp;be offereb, anbbefentpetee 9 Sobn fapinge-.go $p;e&lt; pate &amp;0 tbe ettetKbe/ toe mare eate. &lt;arbep : fepbe to bim. ii%w toilttbou/tftattoep?c* parefar&amp;be fapbe bntotbf.lBettoice tobe pe 33 be entrcb into tbe citie/tber alia man mete pott besting? a pitcbet oE toater/bim folotoe into tbe fame (joiife tbat be entt et b in/9 rape bnto tbegoob man of tbe Boufe. be matt er fapetobnto tbe:totyrc torn geft chamber/ inhere 3! flja 1 eatemtne etteelambe toftb mp bifcipieitf anbbe tbal tbeto pou a greate par louwpaiicb.cbtt mafie rebp . anb tBet toft and founbe ais be ban ra vac bnto tbem; $ ma* berebptbeefterlambe. anb tobe* bom:etoajs come/be fate boune anDtbettoeliteapoftlesstotfbfem.anbbe * " . rapbebntotbeimg" bauetntoarblt befpjebto .eatetbte eftetiambe toptb pou before tbat , '. . fuffre.ff o;J fapebnto t oustyncf $ft(9 tot a... uoteateofitenpmoo?e/bntpnitbefulfilleb am.tfkUt* in tbe fipngoomc of d&gt;ob *anbbetofie cup 85Sff*'* iflW B 8 " 6 tbanfiesi/anijrapij. cafie tbps/ano * jjeu^jeftamonge sou. Jfo;9! rape bnto pott: 5 topllnoto?prtcfie of tbefruteof tbebpne/ bntpll tbe 8 pngnome of ob be come. 2tnDbEtofieb?eeb/gauetbanfic0/?gauc

tptBem/tesmgft ^pgttmpbobptoBpcb seitettfo? pqu. &amp;b$ bo#tbettmemb?aun ceof mexpftttopfe alto/toben tbepbab fup* peb^e tone tbe cupf apinge:cbis$ cup iu tbe ttetoe teftammtmmp bloube/ tobpcb (ball

fo?pou be tbebbe. yetbeboIbe/SbanlieofBimiBfltbettapetB me/tsi toptb me on tbe table , $ m tbe f onne of man goetbasJitwapopnteb:5But toobr to tbman bp tob5be fe bettapesjnb tbep beganto enqup?e ^m5ge tbraWuesJ/toWcb oftBemitOmlbebe/tbatfbulbebotbat. c . * *3m 1 tber toajs a tttpfe amonge tbem/ fM(i.tuAi tobicb of tbfc wulbbetalt? fo?$gveatea Jiftftnrj** Betepbebnto tbe": tbe bpngeg of tbe gentpig &amp;nll ' f M tapgneouettbem/anb tBeptBatbeaw rule ouet tbem/ate cam gractoug lojbejS. ut peroaHnotbero-jButbegtggteateaamSge tow/ Ibalbe 00 tbe rotmgett: an&amp;bt tbat fj cbefe/fbalbe ag tbe mmm.$oi tobefljertt gfeater/BetBatfpttrtbatmeate:o? be t ttu uetb^g'pnotbetbatfittetb atmeatef 3nb a am amb*ge pou/a $ b e tbat miniate*, f e aw tbeptobicb bane bpbben toptB meirfmptfp* tact on'M "&amp;3 1 apopht bnto pou a Bingbomc agnip fatberbatb appopntebtome:tbatpe mape eate anb wpncfie at nip table in nu fipngbome/ anb fpt on reateg/ anb iubge tbe ttoeluetcpbcgofffraell. ft &gt; %tto$%Qib fapbf tfeimcn/^tfmiibeboHie &lt;a.atah.B3tb befp?.ebpou/tofpftepou/asJit toere toBrate:but 3 bauc p^apeb fo? tbe/tftae tbpfaptbf atfe not.3inb toben tfcou arte con* uerteb/CttengtbetBpb?etb;en. anb be fapbe , bnto Bpm. *Jlo?be9&gt; am rebp to-go toptb tbt ate. mum into p^efona to beetBJnbBe fittte': .3 teu tbe **fc* 1 ^etec / cocft e Qjaii not crotoe tbpiStiape/tpl t bo u Baue tb;tfe benpeb S tbouftnetoeft me. . * 3iftbeia^bntotBera:toBcn ifentpou toptBout toallet ahti cerpppe t'tiwrfc fecfieb . pe enp tbtngc?3ftb tbep fapb/nojhbbe fapb to tbeirt: but rtoto BetBatbatb a toaliet let bim tafie it bp/anblifietopfe tyt fctippeJnb betbatbatbnoCtoratde/lftbintfeHb^coote anDb?e one; &lt;ffo?Iiape bntopou/tbat pet tbat tobttb i toaptten/mutl be P?rfiMmeb ffl(ltB trt (.c in me: *euen toptb tbe topefieb toajs to rtcm= ffiS.Vv b?eb . jfo? tbofe tbpngw tobpeb ate Mptten joWWA ofme/Baiieanenbe . anb tBe&gt; fapbedo;be/ beboioe be ate ttoottoea^es. 3nbBe fapoe bnt ojMm;itigpnougb^ ^ _ .Jnotjecam^ont/9toenta3bEtoagto5te to mount e 0&gt;liuete . 3Dnbtbebifcpplei3folo&lt;&gt; toeb btm . 3Bnb toBen Be came to tbeplace/be fapbetotBf:p?ape/ieapefauinfbtlpiact$. anb Be gate bim f elf e ftemftm/tibouta ftone0eatt/ftfine!ebboUn|/9p;apeji/rapina;

dlaftet pf tboutotlt/ toitfti jatoe tbt^ cup fto # me. @etier$eletfe/not mp toill/but tbpne be * fuiftHebtfnbt&amp;erappetebonangeribnfo - - QAmtkom




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M JeomB^U/eottfittnge^m. attbe not beleue . anb pfalfo ^ affie toit/W ibpH toa0tnanagonpe/attb paapebfomtobat to, not anftoete me 0? letmego. tseraftee S 1 IP^WE* % tt SSW w WP|of tBefonneofmanfptontbetpgbt banooftBe 6lotib/^ftlpgebounetotbegeounbe.anb ftmttmmtmmman^S^ beeoft^fcompweeanbcaraeeoBiJJbifti* tBen tbe Conne of 'mm mm to S?e S^SSeSSSS9SI^^ g^aam.benfapbetbepVtobatnS fl a ( tj.w W 4 awfatflejmtot^emitobtflepejef tanb toaenpfuttBeetoitne^ ieourctciucs ba- ^a.^" " '" "~" uebcroe of bpjj atone moutbe.

I;api/fcftpe fall into temptacron.

agbfUbeietfpaaetbebolbe/tbeecamea . c5panp/9be^attoaiJcalleb^uba0oneof$ ttoeute/toent before tbem/ anb p;cafea npe Dnto|efu!StoRpaeBim.anbJfefuisrapbbtu tob.tmjJuDag/betrapeil tbcu|fonne of man toitB'a ftpcef SdbentbeptobpcB toere about ' bim fatoe tobat tooloe f oioto/tbep fapbbhto : ^.,. ^Bim;]ilo?be/mallteefmftctbftofat!be.*attli jf4JMtf*e* one of tbe fmote a feruaftt of tbebpeft pjefte Z',mt of 8K/ fmote ofBPUrpgBteam anb3lef# w w. -(nfj^ijj, ^fapa ; rom*petbuft farce fo^* SnOB^toucBeb Bigeare/anbB W bim

C?cfit0&lt;0b;oujjnt hifat&amp;yWem fyMc, m e taiemenmaselametitatioufo; tjiui. ljcu;apct'lj fa- h o enempe fo?fleiictl&gt; tftt tftcfr &gt;jpon tipo pabt imutw anbopctboiuljfirotre/aiitKsljmpei); e * y y jffbe.w:tw.Cbapter, iBbtobolemultitubeoftb^arofe/* . u ,v jaaue founoe tbP3 felotoe pemer^ ?W^lPle/anb fo?bpcbpnge to pave tribute to Cefarjlapmge/tbat be ig cb?ptt a


WEBmEBSBfri . MS SS! Sfl| ^Sii

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W. -,. -., .. ... tobtcb toere pe come out/a bnto a tbefe m\) famm $ ftauesif toben "Itoajfbapiptoitb pott in tbe temple/ pe ftret ""^notfo^tb banbest agapnft me.^ut n)p0

Bimanbfapbc:t|oumpeft it.Den rapbe pu latetotBebpeJ&amp;;eaeiJ/anbtofi;e people: 51 fpnbe no faute in U)i&amp; man.ano tbep toere I moojefearcefaptnge.^emouetb people/ teacbpngetbo;otoout 3!euup/anb beganne

*{ -

en pouteberp (jpure/anb tbe potoer of t alile/euen to Mg place.

artbteougbf bpmto,tbeBpe#?ette0 Boufe. 3inbpeterfoiotoei&gt;afarreof, .; jgtyn tbepBabfttnbleba fp;e*ttBempb

iBf n opiate beatoe mence'on of mm .beaffteb tobetber tbe ma tone of aitie.anb affone a^ beimetoetbatBe toag of tyerobe* .wvjfbicaSbefentBinjto l^etobe/tobicb torn

*^etefcalfofateboiuieamon B etBI. anbtoo |&amp;eroDe%toe3!efug/b : teas 1 cSSegia o



W kjeof tftetoencbca/bebelbe Bim aft Be fate bt -"ibefpee/$fetgoobtMfpgbtonBim 9 fapbe: tb Mame toao al fo to t tlj bmt.cben Be benieb bim faptnge-.toomangi utiotoe bpm not.anb .:- afteralttefltobpie/anotBer fatoe bpm anb

Wptetbo'u arte alfoof tBf JnbPeter rapbt: than 91 ant not. and about tbe fpaee ; of an beureafter/atiomccaffitmflifapttigftbei'elp ieumtbps feiotoetoas top#Bw,'fo?b ttof aHl'e/* peter fapbe:man'attote.noe tobat tbourapeft.anDtmnteoiatiptobiHBepetfpa fie/tbecijcftecretoe.anbtl)el.o?oetourneb baeBeanbioftebbpon#efer.anb^eterre= nemb^eb fte too;bebfibe jL-o?be/Bbto Be rapbebn,t^bim/befo^icdejBe erotoe/^oti ftait beflteTme tb?pfe. abb Pete* went out/ attbtoeptebittetlp. ; ; ~* J mwifflm abbiaboutleftiiJ/moc* to : fieoBim/^fmote bpm/ $ wpnbfaoeb ftim/s ^;,.. ftnootebig face, anb affte6bimfapt%areDe ^ Wtt tbat fmopitejtbff anbmanp otter Ejorfpftfullpe fa#tbep agapntt bim, ^.jafftif asfittoafce freergoftBe people anftfte Ofe ^;eBt^anb4cribe0/ca* wrtegetfletva leboe btni into tpir counfeii fapingetartetbou betpcftf IJf tell fag.anb be fapbe bnto jem: pffftalWeHpou/ pc toplf

Ij 1



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S**iTOiwMip/gc map cyceoingite giao,* mte toapbefp;ousstorebimofaiogefea s * wn/becattfe Bebao brat&amp;e manp tljpngejj of Bm/anbtrutteb tobauefene fomemp;acle bonebpbtm, ^en quetteoneb be toitb bpm of manp tBpngos. Butty anttoereb bpm not one too;be . cty bpe^elteganb S&gt;ctpbes/ aobefo?tbanbaccufebbim ttraptlpJnb m tobtoitbBi?menoftoarre/befptrebb'm/aiiD ntocfiebBim/ anb arapeb bpm in tobpte/ anb RntBimagapneto^piate*anbfameDape rt .(j,f 4 fplatt anb 0erob toere mabe frenbeg to &amp; nu Wtmi bef 6;e tbep toere at bariapance, anb|&amp;piate calico to getBer Bye Ptc m jmbtBerulewt/9 tbe peopie/anb fnpbe bnto tbem:peBaucb?ougbttbi0manbncome/ais pt|etBatpetuertebtbepeopie.anobeBolbe'3K baue eramfneb bim before pou/ Baue foilbe no faute in tbt'sf man/of tbofe tBinge? tobere ofpeaccufebtm. ^0 no? pet Aerobe. 4fo2$ fehtpou tobpnuanblo notbinge tooitBpoc beetbiiJbonetoBim.j'tomtbetfo^ecbaften bim/ Wet bf loure,*!fo? of necefftte/bemutt}!&gt;.;wbtf.fc Baueiet one loufebnto tbemat tbatfeaft, *"* ** anballttypeopiectpeb sconce ravtnac'^ m ' m ^ atoape \x&gt;m Bim/ beJpuer to bjs Barrabag: toflicb fo* infurrecrfonmabe in fdtk 9 mo t #e1a0caftinp;erwt,JBiiatefpafteagatne ' e$U totbeni

, 1 I

, letft

to W toiffinge to utTcCujs lotofe .anatbei ctietfrapmse:atucifpbtm/Gtucifpbim,^e tapae bnto tfje tbe tb p;oe time, l^bat eupli iatb.b* bone? fi ftnae no caufe ofueetb in bi J toil! tyevftye fatten Dim/ 9 let b|m loufe. ifca^.m^^anDtbepcrieattalouDebopee^tequirea &amp;";?* tbatbempgbtbe.ctucpf|ea anbtbebopce of 3*n,w.a. tbemanaoftbebpe^eftesptfuaplea.

35 ana Pilate gaue rentence tbat it (bulb be ad t&amp;eprequiteb 9 let loufe bnto tbem/bim g fo; fnfutreccioriano mo;tbet/ toast caft into p;efon/tobo t^ep oefp;eo:?i Delpueteo "JetuS spatt.wvtf.owbotobimtobat tbeptooiae, *anaastbei&gt; ianaiti.ic.b. leb&amp;ebimatoaie/tbei caught one a&gt;2ittoof &amp;lne/cSmwge out f tbe f elDe:9 on Dim tapoe tbei t^e ctoffe/ to beate it after setoff; anatbeee foiotoeabfmagteate copani of people 9 of toeme/ tobicb toemg betoaiieb 9 lamenteabtro.^utfetostiftneDbacfiebnto tbe"/9 faiDe:"augbters ofjetufalem/toepe not fo? me: but toepe fo? poure femes/ 9 fo? f owe cbD?e.(jro? be^ol&amp;e/#oa? es toil comey Cft.wa.a. tobenmenfbaufaie:*bappiate$ baren9 SJWSffe*' tbe tootnbeg tbatneuer bate anD tbe pappeff mp* tobicb neuergauerucBe.cben maiitbei be* girnietofapetb $ mountapiies/fallonbSi* to tbe bplles/cottet bs. iff 0; pf tbep 00 tbps to a g tene tree/tobat tbal be Done to tiljtottf. _-/fnWettoerettoo cupiiacets leaae toptb gjajfi.rrtJ3.Dini to beffapne,*ana toben tbeptoere come &amp;?: * * to place/tobicb iff calico caliiarp/tbet tbep WN**&gt; cruet fpeabim/9 eupll aoeeff/one on grigbt ^banoe 9 t&amp;e otber on $ lefte. cben fopoe'le* fu0:fatbetfo2geuetbem/ fo?tbep toootenot . to&amp;at tbei Do .ana tbei p at tea bt'0 taim en &amp; 9 caa lobtteff.ana tbe people ftobe 9 bebeiae, * anaftttlewmocfieabimtoitbtbeCaiing %t bolpe men/let bim fteipe bim felfe/ If bebe ct)?i a $ cbofen of &amp; fouaferff

aiCo mocfieD bim/anD came anD gaue bim be negeranarapae:|f tbou betbatftmgeof tbe Sfetoeja four tbp relfe.ana bps fupecfcripcio - toaff tojttten ouerbtm/in &lt;Bsrefte/in %tml% ^eb;eu:cbJ)S is tbe ftpnge of tbe ^etoejJ. anD one of tbe cttpil ooers tobicb bangeb/ rapleb on bim t&amp;pmgevTf tbou beb?ift faue tbp felfe anb bs. cbe otbetanttoct'banate* buftea bim rapingetf&amp;etbee feareft tbou dBoa bccaufe tbou arte in tbe fame aamnacion:' !e aie tlgbteoufii puntfmeD/f 0; toe tecea= lie acco?Dpnge to oute beaes: J0ut tbis matt batb bone notbinge amide, anb be fai a bnto

8tt a?fc

* $eru0Xo?betemeber me toben tbou comeft tffifawmimswm . mm genus fapbe bnto

mctt-ctafinuebimiwetei? 1 ? rape bn to $ /to Date Obatttbou mtiM annota*betottbmefn*|BataDpfe. fflRi* ainDfttoas abouttbe Kttbouw.3BnDtbet; SfpKfCameairatclmejSouetaHtbeianDe/bntpu? (vnguirtronfettn? ntbboute/an&amp;tbe tonne toa# DatcfteheD, mt puamtf. anb^bafle of tbet^ple 5P&amp; wntew? t?P^oto

tbemiDseft . ainb|e(uiSctcebttpt&amp;agteate bo?ce anDfapb: Met/into tftv&amp;an&amp;e* % co menoemi? fp?ete.ainotobenbetijuuBaOfa be gaue bp tbe goott . Ibtn tbe Centurion fame tobat bab bappeneo/ beglo?ifpeD oa f^inge^fafutetpetbifimatoastpetfecte. anD at tb e people tbat came to getbee to tb at flgbt/bebolDimge tbe tbtngwtobpcb toew boneifmoote tb^eie bzettess/a tetutneo borne. 3DnD all W acquapntaimce/anD tbe toemm tt)at f olotoeD bim ftom tiPaltle/ftoDe a fane of beboiDpngc tbefe tbpngesJ.

ainD be&amp;olbe n)ec toast a man nameb 30* repb/a court ceiioinvanb to as a goobmi anD a iutte/ 9 DiD not content to tbe codfeli 9 Wt of tbem /tobicb teas of aitamatbia/a citie of.;. tbe Vetoes-, tobpcb (amealfo toaiteD tot tfyt Rpngbome of &lt;5ob:be toent bnto dilate ana beggeD $ boDDiof ^efus/fttofiett Doune^ to?appeD it in a ftjnne clootb/9 \$W it in m be toe toube/ toberin toas neuer man lief o?e laveo &amp; anD fDapetoattf $abotbeuen/9 tbe &gt;abotbD?ue on.rbetoEmen i folotoeo aftee tobicb came to|tb bin ftom alile/be* beloe tbe repulcre 9 boto W boD? teas laje&amp; ana tbfl retutneb 9p;epareDODourejs $m opntmente0-.bueaebfl)es&gt;abotbbai!e / 'aef co;D|ngetotbecommaunDcment. Cffltdetoetnftomctotliefltauc/'fffiiKaapenrtnjWiW ttjetwoOifc&lt;plfB&lt;f)at'flo(ottarticffiinau0'aonDetbi ttie mpoticft of an Ijib Opft jplca/ opcncth thtit uoct# ftanovnse in the fctppmwe/ gcuctb tljema ctinrje/i accent)* tj p to beaucii. ; -.&gt;. i^De.Rrtifi.Cbaptw. * '.' mo;otoeaftet S^abotb/etti* in tbe mo?ninge/tbep camebnto | nuki^ ' toabe 9 bjougbt f odouvjs tobf cb w*.t* t&amp;epbab pjepateb 9 otbet toemlto^owTA tbe. 3ttbtbepfounbe ttonewtoleD atoape ft5 5 fepulcte;9 toentimbut founbenottbe boDp of tbe ]to;De 5fefu. a hd it tja ppei i eD/as tbep toete amafeo tfje ta t : se'eb oft e tto men ftobe bitbem in fopttpnge beftutest *nD a*^... tML tbep toete afrapDe/ano UotofD bonne wE'SSt facets to tbe tt&lt;$$tmwot\itm-.mvm Ktbe^uingeambngetbebefi&gt;?feeisnbt IjereAuttStiren.^imembeeb^befpaBe bnto pou/toben bt toast pet toirtjpou in m* It le/fapingf- tbat tbe fonne qmm muft be &gt; be ctue/fteb,'ano tbetbp;De Oawcpfe agapn? anbtb,epwmemb?en8tttoB&gt;be0/9Wtti;^ tie* A m fepulcte/9 tofee all tbefe mmS^ m bnto tbe eietien all tfetemanaunt. *%%W(mL toas flpatp ^agbalrn anb 3oanna/9 m* m * . tp aacobf / anb ottoflat toeee ipgtb tbem/ tobicb t'ofte tftecet&amp;pnsesbntbf apoOles/ anb tbeft too?6es femeb bnto tbem fapneo

tbingejt/netbetbeleufbtbe?tbfCberi8Wf* etet anDtan bnto tbe ftpulcte; 9 Qotopea mm* fejfe/ana


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ttlte/m btpMto tt^pngeinbimfelfe attbattobPtbDaQijappeneo. h -.iff anb bei)oioe/ttoo of tbem toent tbat fomeoape ton toune tobpcb teas from %e* mfalem about tb;e ftoo?e fo^longest/caneD tern a us 'sana tbep talbea to getbee of ail tb eC fe tbpnges tbat bad bappeneo. ana it cbauna ftb/as cbepeommeneato getberana reafonea/ tbat 3 ;efup bim felfe a;ue near e/ 9 toent toptb tbem.nt tbetr epes toete boiaen/tbat

tbep coul&amp;e not bnotoebpm . arnabe fapae bntotbem:li&gt;batmanei:ofcommuntcactSjs are tt)efe tbat pebaueone to anotber as ye toalsc/ ana are faoae i ana t^i one of tbem nameacteopbas/anftoetea ana fapae bnto bim: arte tbou onlpa araungerinsentfa^ lem/ana bade not ftnotoengtbingctf tobicb baue cbatmfea tbcrtrt trt tbrfe oape0 i Co tobom be fapa-.tobat tbpngesf amatbepfapabntobmsor5fef0 of 0aja vetb tobpcb toas a ^opbet/mpgbtie in aeoe ana tob;De before oa/ anaautbepeople, ana boto tbe bpe^efte^ /ana oure ruler* beipuetep bpm to be conaemptiea to aeetb : . ana baiie emepfpea bim . JBut toe trude D tbat it QnilDbaue bene be tbat fyuib baue &amp;e Ipuerea ICiael . anaastoucbpnge'alltbefe tbpnges to d ape is euen n)e tb!?a Dape/ tbat " tbeitoereaone. 3 f e ana certain e toemert alfo of Oure com* *^pani maae bs a ttoniea /tobicb came erly bnto tbe fepulcb?e/ana founae notbr'Sbobp: anb came fapinge/ tbat tbep bab fche a t&gt;u (ton of angels/tobpcb fapbe tbat tyt tea alp* ue.anbcertapneof tbemtobpcb toere toptb bs/ toent tbetr to ape to tbe fepulcbff /ana fbunae it euen fo as tbe toemen baa fapaei but bpm tbep farce not. anabe f am bnto tbem: foies anb flo* toe of berte to beieue all tbat tHt $&gt;w pbet 1 baue fpolten. flDugbtnot CbJtd to baue fiif* fteb tbefe tbmges/anb to enter into Dps gio* tpf ainabebeganat^ofes/anaatalltbe 4t&amp;?opbete0,anainterp?etea bnto tbem in fctiptutes tobpcb toete to? ~ tbe|D?uenpe bntorbetoun to . ana be maae as tbougb be tobiae baue gone futtbet. J8ut tbep conSrainebbpnt faimge/ abpae toifbbS / fo? ft bjatoetb to* toataesniBbt/anotbeaape is fawepaaeo, SDno b e toent in/to tar p toptb tbem. ana itcame to paffe as be fate at meate to|tbtbem/betoBeh?eea/Weaebft/b?abe9 gaue to tbem. ana tbetr epes toete openeb 9 tbep bnetoe bim: anb be banpn&amp;ea out of tbetr fpgbtJnatbeifaiaebettoertetbfmfeii

uc0:apa not omebertesburne toptb in b0/ tobpflbe taifteD toptb bS bp toape/ana aa be ppenea to bstbe fctiptutes i ana iftti wore bp Hit famebout*/ 9 1 etURttt again*

to aerufalem/ anb fourtbe Git eieueri gatbe* teatogetber/anatbemtbattoeie toitb tbem tobicb fapae: tbe %w? tsrpfenin Debe/ana batb aperea to&gt;imon.anDtbeptoloc tobat ibtnges teas Done in tbe toape/anD boto tbei* bnetoe bim in b?eabpnge of o?eea. fr . as tbep tbus Cpane *. 3'efusbpm felfe 4 Bo^e in tbe mpaaes of tbem/ ana fapae bnto tbem jpeace be toitb lou.ana tbep toere abac (beaana afrap&amp;e/fuppotmge tbat tbep ijaa fene a Cpjete . ana be fapae bnto tbem: tobi arepe troubieb/ana tobP ao tbougbtes arpfc in pourebertesf jSeboiae mp fjanoes anamg fete/tbat it is euen mp felfe. ipanaie me ana re:fo; fp?etesbaue not flefQie ana bones/as pe f e me baue.ano toben be bab tbus fpoften be fbetoeatbembis banaes anabi'0 fete, anb tob ill tbei let beieu ea not f 0; iope ana to on* ^ea/befapaebnto tbem: aue pebereenp nteatef ana tbep gaue bim a pece of ab?op Icafif(be/anaofanbon|combe,anabetofte it/ana ate it before tbem. ana be fapaebnto tbem. cbefeare t^t too?aes tobicb 1 fpafte bnto |ou tobpl % ton iettoitbiou:tbataimuftbefuif|iiea tobicb toere to;pttenof me in tbe iatoeof Mes ana in tbe |&amp;;opbete0/anb in tbe praline*: *&lt;z\)tn openea be tbeir toptte0/ tbat tbepds migbtbnaerQanatbefcrpptuie0/ana fapae mMM bnto tbem: cbuSiSit to?ptten/an8tbu0it bebouea Cb?|ft to fuffre/ ana to rife agapne ftomaeetbtbe tbi?beaaie/ ana tbat repen* tatlce atiaremiCion of fmnes flwiabep^ca*

cbeainbis nameamongeallnacion0/ 1 9 muft be beginne at aerufalem . ana ie are toitneffes of tbefe n)mge0. anabeboiae,3J toillfenae tbe p;oines of mi fatbetbpB ton. *J5uttarpieintbecitieof fetufale/ bntp art , |e beenaetoea toitbpotoerfromanbie. anabe leDDe tbem out into jSetbanp/atib irftebpbi0banae0anabreffeatbem*anait , , cameo paae/as bebleffea tbem/beaepartebi c ^h f i f fc ftom tbe/ana toascarpeabp into be* ,WWMI ' uen.anbtbeptoo}(bippeabim/ana retutneatogerufalem toptb gwate tope/9 toete co tinuaiii in f teple p;a|Dnge9fau binge ob: amen, ffeje enbetb m tfofpefl of ^tainctejLube,

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CCljc 6ofpell of wcinan-fflfte ttwm i of 3&amp;on.a;t)ccallpBt offln* Oieto/jaEtet.fc,

CftbefwaCbaptet. * il5tycbeBimtpngett&gt;as tbe too?be/ 9 tbe too;oe toatf to!tboo:anb ttje too? be tea? ob . cbe fame toagin tbe begfnnpngetoptb.cfob. ail ____ tbmgesttoeremabebp it/ana fcftbout it/ tea* mace notbpnge tbat ma* mabe.gnit toa0 ipf e/ 9 tbe Ipfe toass tbe IpgM *&lt;rati M utf mm/r nwnbttimm fo| umnen ftsncti) in cfjc buttbebarcfinf0comp;cbenbebftnot. , oatcuncB c. cbete toafi a man Cent ftom &lt;5ob/ tobofe Sffi * name toap 9otyi.G fte fam e cam s a toJtnejs SSwtett bea " Wtneaof tbe ipgbt/tbatallimen mkmm bn; ttoougb bim mpgbtbeleue.f e toag nottbae sows* bnieif*ight:bntto beate tonnes of tbe ipgbt.ebat SSSKSSSmi a ttue ifgbt tobpcb ipgbterb all me" t&amp;af SBtfiSw too * toojiot.^c toajs in the too?.ioe/ Sbtraaotanbtbe too;lbeto80 mabe bpbpm-.anb W ae.8p8e.i( .b &amp;*tbe toojlbe finetoe bpm nofc * Sffi" 8 ? $c can' amonge b# atone/anb bp0atone ffMK B wauebbPnot . tfut ass many as tecea* P tMen uto bpm/totbem be gaue potott tobe tbe tot m ^fonnes of ob in tbat tbep beieueb on ftp ftojije of *ge name: tobpcb toete bojne/not of bloudeno? ap,ti)&lt;.t. ofmambutof&lt;S5ot&gt;. . i . &gt; anbibetoojoetoagmabefleibeahobtoelt amonge b0/ anb toe fatoe tbe glo?p of tt/ as tbeglojpof tfteonlp begotten Conn; of tbe faifietV totj y cb toae teas! full of gtace anb betite. i .* lobn bate toptncg of bpm anbctpeb fapfnge: cbP0 toagbe of tobome? fpabe/be tbat cowetb aftet me/ tea* befojcrae/be*

caufe betoagfeKtbin^. JnbtiWfurrift t*mmt* bauealtoeteceatteb/euen , *(grace)fb?Bi!a* ESSE** ce. &lt;jfo?tbelatoetoa0geuenbp oW/lwtgiJfJg* gtaceanb ttutM came bp iriMTf (wfc- *0o man b am f ene ou at en? tpm e. cb r c fc &gt; to i jj e onip begotten f onne/ tobicb isKntbe bofome f !! l0 bae

oftbefatbet/bebatbbcciarebbim. t * -vg {Jgjj * 3nfe CWfetyc tecojbt of gestagen CSSBS tbejetoejBfent^eaejJanoileiiitejsfrfl je (c tnmicD ti rufaiem/to af fie bpnv tobat atte tbou i mb J ': beconfeffebanb benpebnot fapbepiamrf :&amp;$?* 3 am not b?pft. 3Pnb tbe? affteDbfnutobat $$?, S tben^atte.tbott ^elpagf 3Pnb be fapfle-.g 1 am m \e ucigurt notJttetboui&amp;;opbete^nbbeanftoereD f( " Bw faftcaa no.^benCatbtbepbntobto-.tobatartetbonffS^ah.B. tbat toe maie ccuean anftoerto tbem ttet^RffiJ rent bjS-.mtet Tapea tbou of mttm-f tyt tpintft .aiwe tet?oe:3! am *bo?ce of a ctf at in toilDet&lt; tan o uooeij,. nest/ mafie Ctatgbttbe toa?e of m MMrfEaEftT aj5rarbetbe^opbete2faia0. a gJSS anbtbef to^rcU toe rent/ toete of ffltnaJtun vh, ^batpfe?! . 3Cnbtbep affteb b?m/anb favbe at votes, bntobim:tobpbapttfeft tboutbenff tboube Mh e ^ not Ciuf It/ho? mM/nttl)any%mtti{l* mt gobn anCtoetfbtl)efa?mge:3i baptsfetoptbc,oFCM^t toatet:butonei?!comeamongetjou/ tobomis/j am matj vefinotoe not/be it isi tt)at cometbaftet me/8w*f 3 m tobicbe toaa before me/ tobofc (bo latcftet 3 Jj J wg. amnottoo?tb?tobnlofe.beretbsnge0toe^' (r / c m J, te bone in jeetbabambeponDe %qM tobete topin4 ^cftnjJ?b_baptWj/t'^ .ftm&amp;ttab ^wmmmmm tm m# com, w mpgebtito bim/anb fa?be:bebolbe f lambe " B Bf Bre ' of &lt;EioD/tobiebtafietbatoape tbefjnne of tbe tawlbe.ftbiss i$\)e of tobom 3! fa jb. SUftet me cometb a m a n / tobpcb toast before me/fo? be teas pet tbenS/aribgifine to bim not:buttbat be ftulbbebeclateb W^ft!/tbetfo;e am.31 comebaptffiiigetoptbtoaret.. ( . Jnb'lobn bateteco^befapinge-.a * fp?ejcbefcenbe ftom beuen/ftbebnto a bone anb abpbe bpon bim/anb?, finette, b?m not. 38utberbatfentmeto baptifeintoatet/ tbe gg a i6.f.o. feme favbe onto me:*bpon tobom tbou malt *% fe tbe fp?etebefcenbe anbtatp ftpH onbjm/ ^"^ , 9' tbefameiffbetobicbbaptifetb toitbtbebol? gooft.3Dnb3l^toearibbatereco7betbattbt0 tsttberonneofdSob. t t cbenrrtebaieaftet/^obnftobeagarne/ aiiQttooofbPSb'fciplesjnDbebebeiDeJe^ fits? a$( be toaifieb b ?/ anb facbr. brbolbe n)e IambeofC5ob.$nbtbettoobi!fcrple0bcatbe b?mfpeaiieanbfo!otoeb%fti0. 3nb Jeruj? ^

tutneo about/ana fatoe.themfolotoe/^ rata bnto tbf :tobat fefietef Wf fafb bnto btmt MM (tobfcbfe tofape bpintetp?etacjon/ fl@a Qetjtob ere otoellett tbouf efapbe bnto tbenwome anb toffilm cmt 9 fame tobete bebtotltianb abobetoitb^m tbatWff. ffoa jneof


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fl)he of ttoo to^i'cb tjeaite Jobn fpeafie anb folotoeo 3 eftip / toa? 3Cnb;eto Sim on peteesi b?otf)cc be CamefoOoe b?0 b?otftec pinion f p; ft/ano fapoe bnto bpm: toe ijatte fotmbe ^elfiajJ/tobicb it bp intetp;etacpS/ annopnteb'.and b^ongbt b?m to5?efu0 3inb Refits beheioe bim anb fapoe: tboii atte g&gt;U mon tije foiiuf of 3 onag/tij ou (bait be called Cepba0:toi)icb i&amp; bpintetp;etacion/a done. CDeoapc folotopnggefug tooioegointo aliie / f ounoe ptjiiip/ anb fapb bniobim/ , folo toe me.phiirp toa? of JBetbfaiba citic of 3inb?eto anb Petet.3Dnb Pbilip founbe 0a tbanael/ anb fapbe bnto bpm . I e ijaue . founbe bpmoftobome flKofepiri tbe latoe/ ' ' anbtbe^;opbete0bpbto?pte jefusi f fonne of "JiOfepi) of J5a?atetb Jnb iSatbanael fapb. bnto bpm: cantbeteenp goob tbpnge come cute of i5a?amb:Wi!p fapbe to bmueome anbfe. &lt;&amp; 3eftt0 fatoe jijatbanaei compngef ob^m; anbfapbe of bim j&amp;ebotoe atpgbtgifraclpte/ in tobom (3 no gple . fjatbanael fapbe bnto - wm: tobete finetoeft tbou me i Jtfas an= ftoeteb/anb fapbe bnto bim:)Sefo?e tbat IBM lip catlebtM/toben tbou toattbnoet g fpgge tut 1 31 ratoe tbe . tftatbanael anftoereb anb fapb bnto bim-Jiabbt/ tbou atte tbe fonne of &lt;Bob/tbou aite bpng of giftaei . Senna an* . ftottebanb fapbebntobim:fiecaureafapbe tntotbe/3. fatoe tbebnbet fpggetree/tbou beleueft.cbon ftalt f e gteatet tbingejt tben tbefe Jnb be fapbe bnto bmumereip/bmip/

gifapebntopotubetaftetOwlf pefee beuen open/anbtbe angels of &amp; ob ateenbpnge anb befcenbpnge onet tbe fonne of man. C# to 1 ft tutnctl) t !)c toiitci- bnto to jnc/an6 ttyput^ $ tipeco ? fellcco out oftlje temple. be.u.tbaptet. 0b tbe tb;pbe bape/ toajs tfte t a ma tpage in Cana a citie f awe : 9 tbe motbet of gefug toas tbete. _ anb lefust teas calleb alfo anb W bifcpplesbnto tije matpage .anb toljen tbe topnefapieb/tbemotbetofjefusrapbebnto bim:tbep bau e no topne-3!efusi fapb bnto bet: tooman tobatbauef to bo toptb tbe? mpne boute t9 not pet come.ijjisf motbet fapbe un* to tbe m pnift test * tobatfoeuet be fapetb bnto pou /boit . aSnbtbet toete ttanomge tbete/ tpte toatetpottest offtoneaftettbemanetof .tbeputifpingeoftbe %mt&amp;/ contapntngc ttooo?tb?efp;fiin0apece. : aSnbiefus! fapbe bnto tbem sfpHftoatec .pottestoWitoatft.anbtbepfpllebtbebpto tbe MpmJnb be fapbe bnto tbem:b?atoe out ' ' wto/Q beate bnto tbe gouetnet of feafle. JJSnbtbep bare it.Jben tbe tulee of tbe feaft bab tafteb tbe toatettbat toas tunteb bnto topne/ansftnetoenottobenceittoW butg

mpniBte? tobicb bjne tbe toatet finetoe ) m calleb tbe b;poegtome / anb fapbe bnto bpm : aiimenattbt begpnnpnge/twttfo;tb goon topne/anb-*tobenmenbewoncfie/tbeni)at , *- tobicb toe?fe . ut tbou ba It fiept bacfie f ^ S7c? goobtopne/bntpllnoto. mm 10/^tn &lt;Ibi0begpniipngeofmp?aclcg!bgb3efug"" ;n| jef*cs in Cana ofalue/anb ffietoeb W glo?v'/anb fae,rf s &amp; W bjfciplejs beieueb on bim. fi after tbat be. te mof ^ befcebeb into Capernaum/ tjb'0 * mottjet/ J Sffi anb W b?etb;en/anb W bilcipie?./ but tm&gt; m ene^.ib tpnuebnotmanpeoapesitbere* c +3inb tbegietoeg cftet toast men at baiibe/

anb3!efu0 toet bp togjemfalem/anb founbe fpttpngeintbetempletbofe tbatfolbe own anb fbepe anb bou eg 9 cbaungerss ofmonep. 3(inb be maoe a fcout^e of fmali co?oe0 / anb bjtaue tbe all out of tbe teple / toitb t\}t m ep c a ojren/9 poto^eb out tbe cbaungets monep/ anb ouettb^u e tbe ta bi est/an b fapbe bnto tbe .,&gt;&gt; tbatfolbeboueg:l5auetljefet!)ingegbtnce/5^ : mafienotmpfatberstboufeanboufeofmat; tbaunbpfe.anb W btf cipieg temetyeo/ 1) oto tbat tttoasf to^pten:* tbe ?ele of tbpne boufe mfWffli ban) euen eaten me. ttW anftoereb tbe 5!ctoeg anb fapbe bn tobpm: tobat tofien Qietoea tbou bnto bst/ fepnge tbat tbou boa tbefe tbpngegf leftist ahftoeteb a fapbe bnto tbem:* befttope tbptf mm MW *temple/anbtntb?ebapeg gitopll Karen bpRHS agapne.cben fapbe^etoegtttbi.petesj toa? ****** tW temple abplopnge: a toplt tbou tratc it bptntbaebapessfJButbefpaneoftbetempfc ofbi0bobpJ0fonetbetfo?eastbetoa0rpien ft0 m^ agapne/ bpg btrcpp!f0 rememb?eb $ be tbn0 fapbeJnb tbepbgJeueb f frriptu* w/anb tbe teojotf tobicb f eftwt (jab fapae. Ibenbe toag at^erufaiem at eacr in i\)t feaBe/manp beieueb on litse name/ tobe tbep fatoe w m&amp;adit tobicb be bpb.^ut %tm put notbpmfelfe in tbeitbanbe0/becaufe befinetoeallmen/anbnebeb not/ tbatenp;befinetoetobat toa0mman, iCCfittSraunjtaci'onof -ttbttfl tt jlJicoticirtuti. (Ed? ooctri?neanobnpfymcof3o!)n/aiioto&amp;attopti!afe!)c ircbe.uf.cbaptet. ^ l^et toa0 a mi of tl)e i&amp;ljarifeg na&gt; * jmeo iSpcobemuea tuiet amonge 4 * tbeletoeg.cbe fame came to 3le* I fu0bpnpgbt /anb fapbe bnto bpm^ . l/toeftnotogmouatteateacbettow'cft atte come ftom cd . f 0? no man eoulbe bo fucbe mp;acle0 a0 tbou boea / except (Eton toetetoitbbfm.1'efu0anCtoetebafapbbuto binuJMerelp uereip 31 fape bnto tbe : except a ma beboje a 11 1 toe /be cannot fe tbe fipngbS . of ob jicosemus fapbebnto bim:l)oto can ami bebo;entoBenM^olbef canbeenteu

C.b, into

&gt; y


facob&amp;fflotbetgtoombesbebojeagapne;' a rcep t a %tta anrtoeteo:betelpbetelp/gi rape bnto : wa be tntt|i * ^cept $ a man be bo?en of toatet: a of tftc S ptoMje cannotcntctintoffipngod" of tfofc, t^vs iV (vain. . bat tobirb 13 bojenof tbe fleflbe ft fleflfte:* ffw* baptm/tbattobpcb0bo?ettoftbe fpjete/ i0rp?ete, ttjpch is tb ^avtiaple not tbat a rapb to tbe/ pe muft be SS eSb^T. *wen a ne toe. cbe topnbe blotoetb tobete be ^b7john'Pttet9/?t&amp;ou^a;ctt^!rouniJC:l)utcana baptitt^ni) tbe not tell tob*ce He cornet!) 9 ttfetyecty goetb. cmusnu of * ^oi0euetpmantbat?t0 bo?en of tbe fp?ete. sSSSn? 2!"o j&amp;pceOemuu anftoetea anb fepoe on* Sto tobnmboto can tttere ibPnge* te&amp;mm neobpfl:b;Hi.rtoeteOfrrapoebntobfm:attetbouartiaae: fit gttael/ a finotoea not ttjeft tttngctf me* *elp/betelp/3l rapebnto tbe/toerpeafie j} toe finoto/a teftif p tbat toe bane fcne-.anb pe te* ceauenotoutetoptnesJ. ^ftoftengi teilpou etrttfp n)pnge0/pe beleue not ! boto wulbe pe beieue/pf 3 all tellpou of beuenlp tbtogtf bjBi&gt;mana&amp; 3Jnb 6 *nomanafcenoecbbptobeaue/but &amp;S&amp;&amp;&amp;JK tbat came boune f com beanen / tbat ft* to Sw anaa* ^oftg ipfte bp tbe fetpent in the . hi no man can toplbemeg/eue Co muS tbe forme of man be SSfimSSUSttWP/' tbatnonetbatbeleuetb tnbpm pe* Snc^ffi?^ :bu ^ aueeKn,a ,?fe '' * ibat camftflm * Ifo? &lt;3sod fo louetb tbe too?lbe / tbatbe hmi?9c.nipftatb5euebi)S onlpromie / thatnonetbatbe* up bt0 tf ao' leue in bm/wutoe petit (be:but ajutoe baue SSS? euetlattpng Ipfe.tfo? &lt;Eob fentnotbfc Tonne it mSmt * &lt;"to too?lbe/to cBbempne tbe too?lbe:but too?iabj6ttafttbattbetoo?!btb?ougbbmt/mpgbtbefaueo

b?m mpgbt uefeetbatBelueuetbonbpm/ wallnotbecon* &amp; t;&amp;empnea. ut be ^ at M*&amp; not / ft n* Httt * bempntt all teop/ beeaufe be beleuctb not fit mSSml &gt; e " amc f $ c onlp'fonne of ob.anb tbpu am thore fetbecon&amp;empnacion/tbatlpgbtfiscomein tb^teabficue. to tije too?lb/a tbe men lotted bateBrtW mo?e tbenlpgbt/ becaure tbeit ceacgf toejre eupu. jTo?euetpman tbateupll Boetb/batetbtbe Ipgbtmetbet commetb to ipgbt lea b# ueoejs fijuibbetep?oued. 33utbetbatdotb ttuetb/ eommetbto ipgbttbatbitfbebegmpgbtbe finotoe/boto g tbep ate to?ogbt in ^oD. * JBftertbtf* tbpngwcamg;efti0 9bpiswr*

dje #o$ett

amnot.Cb#/bueairtfeittbe'fo;ebfii)%e batbtbeb2P&amp;e/f0tbeb}poegi;ome.}dutcbe ftenbeoftbeb;poegt:ome/tobcbaanoetbbp,i life , tflftH , anb beare btmrnopTetb gwateip of {bit&gt; SBXS oegtome? bopce . scyna mp tope it fulfpueo. t \a t w \,uu 1$ t muft &lt; neace:anb 35 mu tt oecceace, vwm m &amp;? b i^etbat c5metbfrom an bpe ttaboueattSSSK??* ^e tbat 10 of $ mm cattblpyano fpeaftetb ?33&gt;5m of tbe Cl%jpi tbat commetb ftom beauen/ not the (pint* tssaboueall/^tobatbebatbfeiieanobeatDci^iiiracucesc, tbat be tettifietb: but no man teceauen) bP0 SSESSfiS teatmonpe.^oto be it/be tbat barb teceauen MRS bto teatmonpe * B batt) ret to bft feale g d5oboeucn up , &lt;0 ttue.jfo? be tobS &lt;Bob bath fent/ rpeabetb wwhwbo* tbe too;oeg of oQ. e *jfo; obgeuett) not | Sg|f?* , sfir fp;ete bp meafuteibntobpm).cbe fiMftwJSn fittS iouetb tbe fonne ano batb geuen all tbpngejs tgnut it m fiitobPUbanbe.^etbatbeieuetb on $ fonnr / sw f^t&amp;i&amp;o, batb euertaapnge jpfe: anb be tbatbeleuetb gg not tbe ronne/lbaH not re Ipfe/but tbe to?atb t : I 2' ofobabpbttbonbm. &amp; wift/tobfcJ Cfffjeloiipnge communfeatpon offfilt;rft WI4kJBSKS! toamauof amac&lt;abp tbctoellcsfpot. eowbebra/ M t 8 mbftiSfi Ittb the tulcrs foitne. mTwm 3Cbe.fift.Cbaptet. SmrtK

|S&gt;fone as tbe3a,o?oe bafi Bnotos umauv^ lebge/boto fBbattre0bab batbe/ tbatlefu0 mabe anb baptifeb moo !bfrcppie0tben3;obn(tbougb tbat 3'efus Ijmi feife bapttreb not : but bP0 Wfct&gt;* ple0)be lefte9,eto?p/anb bepatteb agapne in to &lt;&amp;altle. ambfttoa0 fo tbat be mint neoe0 gootbojotoe feamarta.cbencamebetoa citte of $&gt;amatia calleb ^tcbar/befpbe0 &amp; poffe%on tbat 3acob gaue to bP0 ronne 30* repb . and tbete tse Jacobs toe)! . g.efu0 tb&lt;ntoet8ebfttbP0o?nepyratetbu0ontbe Hi _ t toell,3nbtt toa0 8 *about tbe tvm boute; 9 SSHSSlIf tbete came a tooman of ^amatia to b;atoe $ Si* toatet. 3Dnb3efti0rapbeJinto bet:gtueme b enobouRi b;tncfie.^6; bP0W Wp.le0toete gone atoapeo* tbeir m bntotbeunetobpemeate.crbenrap&amp;etbe^'" r , l, ;'|' tooman of &gt;amatf abntobttmboto in it it gt! &lt; tyou bepnge a $etoe / affiea b?pncfte of me/ f (bat tbcfqcw tobpeb amag&amp;amantanef jfo; tbegjetoeg-ig bourc waii ii^ t . w ^3 w w r-- meblenottottbtbe*amatrtan05em0an s ; dple0Mitorbejetoe0lanb/$tbetbe&amp;afite&amp; fto^ebarapbebntobWtlftboufiMetoea^ e^" 5 /^ toi'tbtbNbaptirebJnb^obnaifo baptifeb gpfte ofo&amp;/ano toboitistbatfapetbtotbe^ j h S t tpine ; tninonbefpbe0feaWm /beeaufe tbet tea* geuemeb?fittBe/tbowtoolbeabauearfiebofoftbe petcttai mocbetoatettbete/^tbepcameabjetebap* b&lt;n/a^toolbebauegeuen^ toaterfiflpfe-ausu teiLow. tt(eb.4Fo2|obntoa0notpetcaaintop;eronv betooman.JapbebntftbP&gt;n.)P?tboubaa am *31nbtbetatoreaqueaiSbettoenegpobn0 wtbPngetob;atoetoitb/tbetoeHt0lepe: ; ! ^bifcipiesanorbe gfetoeg abouteputffpmge, ftomtobencetbenbaatbou^ toaterofipfe? ahbtbep camebntb^obn/ arapbebntobtmt SPtte u)ou gteatee tben oute fatbee facob KabM/betbattoa0*'tttbebeponbeg!oan/ mt^iautW^tot\m^immmM&amp;t totob5ttjoufaatetttegttiea.fflebolbe fame u)etof/anbbf0cbplb;en/anbbftcatell^; 6aptu"etb/aUmencometobPni.3obnan* 5|e(U0anrtoetebanDfapbebntobPi:tobo* . toeteb/fapM:am5ranteceauenotbpnge toetittb;tncfitfi)oftbWtoatet/ujaUtbp?ft acanrKeptftbegeuf agapneittttttoboroeuetQtaU bjmcbeoftbe Soutefeiue3atetoftneaej5/bota(bat|fiipb5 toateribatSSfyaHgcueftm/tyatttieuetbe mo?e




- Mto?eatbP;B:Bt f toatet tbat 31 (bail gene b&lt;m/jalbetnbpmatoenof toatet/ fp?pn* gpngc bpinto euetraapngerpfecbe toom$ rapb bnto bim: S&gt;p;geueme of tbat toatet/ Al tbp;a not/netbet comebP)et to b;atoe; Clefus tapb bnto bet. 0 9 call tbp bufbano/ anb comebptbet. acna tbe tooman anftoeteb anorapbetobim:3bauenobuCbanb. 3!efti0 fapuetobet^boubaatoellfapb/gibaueno bufbanb.&lt;ffo;tboubaaebabfpuebuCb3be0/ anb be tobom tbou note baa/ 10 not tbp bur* tianb.cbatrapbeatbouttuelp. tooman fapbebnto bpm t &gt;p; 3! pet* ceaue^ tboiiattea|5;opftet. iflDutefatbetf too^Cbippeb in tbP0 mountapne: s pe rape t in tetuCalem 10 place tobete men ought to toojWppej.eru0rapbebntobet:toomabe* leue me/tbeboutccometb/toben pe (boUnc tb,et fit tbfe mofitapne no? pet atgjeturalem/ too;lb&lt;Ppetbe fatbet . f e too?(bpppepe toot nottobat:toeftnotoe tobaf toe too?pppe. tfaluacion cSmetb of tbe3!etoe0.uttbe cecSmetb anoto i0/tobentbe ttuetoo?* pet0(baHtoo?8)ippefatbetrnKP/tte/ ttoutbe . $01 bet eip Ctitbe tbe fatbette* qupietb to too? tbippe Qfttustab t a fp?ete/^ l tbepi too?ajippebim/mua too?(b(ppebn mrp?ete anb ttoutbe. be tooman rapbebntobpmt^l toot toell fitpeffiap mall come/topbeb (3 called db?pa, liaben be t0 come/be totH ten b0 all tbmgeo: 9eru0 rapbe bnto bit:? tbat fpeabe bnto tbe

- ambeJnbeuenac g popntecamebp0Mrct* I&gt;le0/amatuel(ebtbatbetal6eb tofib too* aman.f et no man rap&amp;bnto bfm: tobarnteat^ ^nea tbou/o? tobp talBe atHoutoitbbetd eieO tooman tben icfte bet toatetpot/anbtoe'tbe* toape rnto tift cptie/ 9 rapo to tbe men . Come re a man tobicO tolbeme all tbpnge0 f euet 3opb.9!0notbe b?ta ^cbmtbeptoentoue of tbe cpt (e/anb came bntobtm. 36nb t'nfcmeane tobplebft bt&amp;tpre0p;apeb btmfaping-.^aaet/eate.^efapbebnto^f: _ a^bane raeate to eate/tbat pe ftnoto not of. "fCbenrapbetbebtrcipre0bettoenetbfrelue0: iTSfbatb enp mSb?ougbtbtmmeatef 3!efti0fapb

(t il bnto tbennmp meate is to bo tbe toplt of bim .tofiiofuvB t rentme.anbtofpmfibebt'0 too?cse. ^&gt;ape wans tbe no t ^e:t'bete ate pet f oute monetbeg/ ? t^m ZScommetb batueftf JBebolbeg; tape bntopou/ Heacbe # *Pfte bp poute epe0/an&amp; lobe on tbe tegfon0: " to an 1 0? tbep ate tobite allteop bntobatuea. Mb &gt;$* be t Mpetb teceauetb tetoatbe/ a gatbetetb imSSSfcttW ipfeetttnall-.g bptbbeffotoetb/ itot (0 5*# be tbat tepetbmpgbttetopre togetbet. "b tBbeanobetmis raping ttue/ tbat bite rotoetb JSSaranbaiiotb^tepetb. arentpou totepe tbat Ka faU toberonpe beaotoeb no laboute.fiDtbetmen ' labouteb/ *pe ate entteb into tbet't!about0, f #ott; of tbe ^amatt'tan0 of tbae cptie

beleueb on bfot/fo? fbefaprng oUMtoomU tobicbteatfieb:ljetolbemeau tbpnge0 tbat' euet a bpb . ^mto^n tbe &amp;amatitan0 toete come bnto bim tbep uefougbtbpm / betoolbetatp toitb tbem, 9nD be a&amp;ooe tbete ttoo bape0,3Bnb manp moo beleueb beeaufe Ofbi0atonetoo?tie0/anbrapbebntotbetoo* man: iQoto toe beieue not becaure of tbp' fap&lt;nge:fo? toebauebetbebpm otttefelue*/ anb ftnotoe tbat tbpjsigeuen in am b?ia tbefauiouveoftbetoo?lbe, fr 91 tet ttoo bape0 be bepatteb tbehce / anb toentatoape.fttto mm. *.anb^efu0bpm ( , Wl ^,, j relfete.ttifteBt^aCa^?op&amp;eteUati&gt;noneiVSaKI

noutembtf atone countte.cben as Tone as tmW* be toa0 come into aiiie/ tyi4faR&amp;esm tti ceaueb bpm tobpeb bab ftne all tbe tbpnge* tbatbebpb atSetutaiemat feaa . iff 0? tbep toft alfo bnto tbe f eaft bape, 3Dnb 3!efu0 cam agapne into cana of aiiie/tobet be tutneb u)e toatet into topne; .* anotbettoasacettapnetulet tobofe^ ronne tea? fpcue at CapetnaumJS rone as tbe ramebetbe tbacjeftui teas come out of 3eto?pintoBf8rile/betoetbntobim/aiibbe* fOHgbtbnn/tbatbetooloedercenbe / (j beale BP0 ronne. Jfo? be toagetien teabpeto bpe, Cben fapDe3iefu0 bnto bpm : eycepte pe re fgnc0 8 toonu?e3/ pe cannot beieuecbe tu* letfapbebnto bim:&gt;p? come atoapc 0? euet! tbatmp cbplbebpe.gieftus fapBBnto bmudSO tbp toape/tbpfonne ipuetb,3nb tbeman Wleueb tbe b3o?oes5 tbatieut0 bab fpoftcn bnto btm/ano toent ln0 toape. anb anone a0 be toent on W toape bt* reniaunte? ntett bim / 9 tolbe bim rapinge-.tbp cbpioe ipuetb.cben enqup?eb be of^em tbe boute toben be be* ;anne to amenoe.anb tbep Gapee bnto bpms 'eftetbapetbe reuembboute/tlje rettet lefte jpm .anb tl)e fatbet nnetoe tbat it toag tbe famebouteintobicb3ieru0 rapbe bntobim: tlbpfonnelpuetb.anbbebeieueb/ aairbpg boufboioe. HTb&lt;0i0 agapne tbe reconcem tacle tbat le fuss bpb/aftet be toag come out cf3ieto?ptntoaiilc.


eBefcsieththe man HjatteaiifpcSctpBbt* Hip?tte' fete.flCbeJetewattufcbtm/be nnftuctctb faihm fclfe/anb wpjoueth them. Jbe.b.bapteti ^ftettbat tbete toa0 a feaa of tbea |etoe0/anbjjcfujj toent bp togje^ *ftc^wiy turaIe.anbtbeti0at3!emra^?/bp5 ath&lt; ?" ; P ehl}1, ' , ___Jbe* flaugbtetboure/a pole ttmS3SS^ fn^i?ttetonge/^betbreba/batipngfiue c f ffif? po;cbe0/ in tobtcb ispe a gteate multptudeomeb. p ofrpcBe.folcbe/ofbIinbe/baltanbtopbbeteb/ a^ettjtc&amp;ei toaptinge fo? tbe mouinge of tbe toatet. ffoi *J 2SSS* anangell toet boune at a cettapne ceafon fit 21 ' H2 to tbepoleanbttoubteb toatet. ti^titmutZmt wet tben fw&amp; aftct tbe ttetpngeof | toatet/ m an mmv


I Hi

22KJK&amp; bifearefteftabanbacertapnemitoasstftere/ SKLjfffi to&amp;Wftab btnebpreafeb.*Wbfij.pttes. ifte" to30 b? a poic 9!e(u3 totoe ftim lpe/aro itnetoe t^at.tje nolo) to&amp;ecc f mwionge tpmc ftao bene oifeafeb / ft e tapoe bnta '* that ttm f'btoUplt tftou be mabe toftoale? cfte tfeefic : . &amp;&amp;nB|Mn anfto eieo ftim: &gt;p ; paue no ma tofte" S toatecijstroubleb/toputraeinto tftepoie, icmagneati)tr33utttic9emcanetvmc/toftVBiitnaboi|te loohpnge f f to come/anotfter tteppetft. bouncjiefo?e me; , ttottpnfl ;-pf &lt;&amp;* 30tm3erugfapfiebmoftfm:tpl#ftebptftp. VMRtf i becD t toalfie.3lo wimeotan? tfteinantta* maw toftole/9 tofte bp 0$ beeb/9 toenUCnb , tberawesbapetoajs &amp; &gt;abbfft bape.Cfteir* toe* tb*tfo?efapbc to ftpm tftat toasmabe to&amp;ole at it tfte&amp;abotft oape/ if ft not iau* tiWXUMito &lt;$P&gt;p beeo-l^e anftoereb tfte: tet^KpBe Wfpqft/fafbe bnto mi : tabe ftim tofjatmaiusstuat tofticft fefljbntotfte/ tafte bp tftpbeeb ano toalfteainb fte t&amp;at toas ; ' ftealeb/ toiftnottofto it teas . tfo? gWujsftaD gotten ftim feife atoape/becaure.gtftet: teas : &gt; tfPjeaccQfcpeoplein tfte place. - &amp; ...j . 3DnaaBei:tbat/9fefu0fou^iebfn|wtfte temple/ a rapoebnto ftim ; beftofoe tftou arte nta#JBbole/f#menomoMe/lettatoo,t(fc .. tbpnBeftappenbneotfte.cftemanbeparteb : ttmmmmtfyttit toa* genus/ toftpcft - 6a&amp;la&amp;*ftimto&amp;oie.t&lt;3nbtfterfo?etfte3!e* .' toe^.j^pft;reciite|eft!S/foii8fttneane0 to flee ftim/ be ca it tt fte ft ab Done tft e(e tft pngj; _ on ft &amp;&gt;abotft bape.Kinb tfefujS anCtoet eo tfte: _ #**nu fatftee too;fietft fttbbet to/a 31 toojfte.

fiffiSl Cfterfozetftegetoe* tougftt 5 moate tofipll &amp;Vr'bDtft:butfa?oealfotftat(ii5obtoaiSftWfatftei; ffitjat (3/ mp fn ano mabeb tm feife equail tot'tft 00. $258&amp; not ,C/^eTTaiurob&gt;rtH$ a fapbe bnto tftem: SotZfSbo notftpnge offtfm feife/ bW tftat fte feetft ww&amp;90(5ramfatftecbo.ffo; toftatfoeuerfteboetft / gtoetft

-- *

^ftmtfelfeboetftjnbfte.totllfljeteebjimgtea* W toojbeiS tften tftete/bccaurepe rouib mac* itapie.ffo;jpfietopreas$tfie famertapfet&amp;bp tft e DM/ 9 qupcfienetft tfte / eue f tftetorine qupcttenetft toftom fte topll. etfter tubgetft *tN*tftetenpman : but ftatft commptteb all c iu&amp;gementbntbtftefonne / becaufe tftat all men wulbbonotite tfte forine/eueau tftepftb noute tfte famer^e tftat ftonouretft not tfte ronne/5 fameftonoure tft not Sfatftectafticft ftatft rent ftpm. mtttty /bjw %taye brttb S ou:e tftat fteatetft mp tobiw/ abeleuett) onftimtftatfentme/ftaffteitttlaapnglpfe/ ant) (ban not come in to nampna^on : buti'S fcapebfeom btetft bnto Ipft. ereip/bereii^fape bntopoti; tfte.trw

(baUcome/anoi^/to6en c *tfteBeebfftan e*^^ fteaie bo?ce of tfte tonne of &lt;EoD.3natfte2 San bcare ih tftatfteate/OanJ|?ue.Jfo?a0ttefatfte:ftatft ^" *f * h ISft m ftim felte/folpbetopfeftatft fte geuf to B8KSR, tftefonne toftaueipfem ftim felfe.-. ano ftatft h4 S3SF ' geutnftpm potoet aiCo to tuoge /itt tftat fte (uvpan w tft e tonne of man. flBawaptertot at flw-M 1 "' I ftciiK all come toftofttcft/^ntftat are g SSi, ftS in f graueg/ftaUfteateftiisbopce/anb fftau w^mmt come fo^be-.tftep tftat ftaue bone Bbobbnto$ ftoDnb^cp eCuteecdon of lpfe:anb tftep tftat ftaue Done ' r j*J&gt;m tupfl/tfnto tfte tefuweccton of bSpiferton. t&lt; SI'S '# 3! can of mpne atone feife bo notftpng at 'm woi aHJ0Hfteace/3!tubge/anDmpitU)3m!t iss of m \)tm t'uft/ becaufe Jfelienotnipne atone topil/UE '&gt; nw but tbe toptt of 1 fatftee tofttcft ftatft fent me. BfiM g3! beate toptne^of mpfelfe/mptoptneute m,W

not true. cfterff$anoiftec t beatftft toptnesi *mbom arret of me/anbg?. amfuwtftattfte toptnesi tofticft Jfcwwwuw ftebeamftofmeAjJtfcue. SSfjEKc fefentbntoloftn/ aftebatetoptneg bn a "e 8 to tfte evctvt J0tit| wceauenof tfte teco?&amp;e iwro mm of man.#euettfteieffe/tftefetftpn8g|fapc/ mm to j. tftat pe mpgftt be faf e; $e toast a butnpnge/ JJ^Jg saCftpnpngelpgftt/ petootoeo? a feafonSl -an ftauetcfopreo mft&amp;ftpgftt.tftttl Me gtea* ainS? tec toptneg tften tfte toptn ess offoftmiff o? tfte utp aiaii m to o?ftcjs tofticft tfte fatftetftatft geue me to fp &lt;&gt;" &gt;op of rafffteuftefametoojBefllffio/btatftopnw^^ of me/tftattftefatftecfentme.ainb f fatftet sS S ftim feife tofticft ftatft fentme/beatetft toitms ccccpon w ofme.yeftaue not fteatbeftpjJbOfceatenp^f i*i tpme no; pe ^mt fmW WlM ftpsi to ?* too;^ ftaue pe not abpumge in pou. f oj p)ft5 fteftatftfentsftpmpe beleuenot. ^eatcftefcriptutes/fo?intft5pc^)incfte peftaueetemaU(pfe:tftepatefifteptoftpcft teftifp of me.lnb pettofllpe not cometo me/ &amp; tftat pe mf gftt ftaue lpfe.91 1 eceaue not pjwpfe ofnieit .36wt 3 finotoe pou/ tftat pe ftaue not tfte loue of ob in pou.g am come i n mp f a* tfteis name/anDpe teceauemenot .9fano tftee (ball come in ft f atone name/fttnt topll pepeewiie-^oto can pebeleue tofticft receaue lonouteoneofanotfter/anbfebenottftefto' ' noute tftat commetft of oDonlpf not tftpncfietftat? topll accufe pou to mp fatfter.cftetisJ otietftataccufetft pomeug fl^oces in toftSpettutt. fw ftabpebeleueii motet IV toolbe ftaut beleuebnw :fo?fte to?oteofme.5eutfepngepebeleuenotft?si to?ftpnge:ftotoo)ulbpebeleueniptoo^l' ^ctt*We^f^^our8iiimrn, , te?ai:(bato9j?f/ . *tbcpqmUio(inBteftlmBpngx* ttf lanttw tiwt;. 4&gt; iftectftefetftpnge(S|efu0toftftp3toape euet: $ fee of artre npe to a* cptiecaHesctfteria0,a(nDagieat Iraultituoefolotoeoftpm/ becaufe tfte

#* "*


wr ' K*

r* ;

tftep ftab fene W mmfiti toftpcft fteojb on tftem tftat toere bifcafeb3n&amp;|eru? toent bp ~ &lt;ntoamountapne/tftereftefatetoptftftp?i t#ipIej5.anD eftee/ a featt 'of i;etoe$ toa? bti&gt;.m*. ?" w - W*Np** J|p#ew/an&amp; SSfc fatoe agteatcopanpcomrbritoftpm/arapa fcw :bnto |bftiiip;tofte nee iftall toebf e bm tftat gB weft migftt eat e.cftig fte fapD to p;oiie ftim: **' wfteftim feife Snetoetoftatftetooi&amp;e bo. ; v PftiHP anftoeeed ftim/ ttooftunDjeo penp teejtfte of tye eo ate not fufuwent fo; tftem/ * , ... .&lt;^!;p man ftaue a Ipteil , cften fapDe bnto It'i ...- ftimoneoffti3Difciple0/ainD?eto)imgl&amp;e* p--: te(j)?otftet.;ftete m labftete/ tofticftftatft CI &gt;. fpu'e batlp leueg ana ttoo f pfffteft but toftat M t?tftatamongefomanp^ amogiefuis fap&amp;e: m ^flpaftegpeoplefptboune^fteetoasfmocfte I .gtaffewitfteplace.ainbtftemenfateDoune/ h .tnnomb?e/aboutfpuetftoufanbJnDaefH( . ; Jtenetfte b^eeo/anbgaue tftancftejs agaueto , tftebiftiple^/ aiiDftpgDiftiplegto tftemtftat toeie fet bonne . 3fb ipftefepfe of tfte fpflfte^ .. aumocfteagtfteptoolDe. ; . 9ftentftepftaDeatepnougftftefapDebn* ... tpbWoifcipies/gatftcrbptfte b;ofienmeate , &lt;ftattemapnetb:tftat notftpnge be looft . ana ! |pgatfteteDitfogetftei:/an'fpllebttoelue tJatftette^ toitft tfte b;ofien meat e/of tftefpue

tMOjpIouejS: tofticft b;oftenmeate temapneb bnto tftem tftat ftao eatf .-siften tfte men/ tofte tftep ftab fene tfte mptacie ft lefup bpb/fapb: $&amp;&amp;#* tmetft tfte ^opftetc tftat Omi&amp;e come into tfte too^Ibe. ij,- leftrnerugpevceauebgtftepttoibecome/ k. taeftimbp tomafteftimfipng/*ftebepa;' MM.i tebagapneintoa moatapne ftim feife alone. *rft..f. 3Cnb tofte euetoag come ftWbifcipleiS toft * bntotftefee^entcebintoafbippeanbtoent ouet tfte reebnto Capernaum . ainbanone ft WaiBbarcfte/slcfuiStoapnofcometbtfiem. anbtfte fee arofe toitft a gwate" topnbe tftat , : 'bleto.ainbtoftcntftepftaoOtteabouta.j;irb. ' 5: &gt; o? a.jcjcy.furloHgesi/ tftep fatoe geftus toalbe * on tftcfee/frbj!8toenpebnto fftippe/^ toere afrapeb Jnbfte fapbe bnto tftemiltfua /be &lt;i nota frapDe.^ften tooib tftepftaue receaueb % bpmintotfte ft)PP / anbtfte tbpptoajJ bp anb bp at tfte lanbe toftitfter tftep toent. ; . Cftebapefolotopnge /tfte people toftpeft 7 (lobe ontfte otfterfpaeof tfte fee/fatoe ft tfter toajsnone otfter u)PP tfteare / faue tftat one . tofterintoftfebifcipiejjtoereentreb/^tftat ma toent not in toitft ftpsi bifcppleu. in tfte . Ibfpibiittftatftisibifciple^toeregoneatoape slone.^oto beit/tfter cam otfter fftippt frS cpfotKta npebnto tfte place/ toftete tftep ate bieeb/tofteh tfte %oft ftab bleffeb. cften toft? f people fatoe tftat gjefuiStoaji nottfterene* ifte^ftigbi^iplest/ tftep alfof obe tftfpppng 9 eameto Capernaum fenpnge fo?3Ie fu?.



:. :9nb toftf tftep ftabfounBe ftpm on f otfter fpbe of tftefee/tftepfapDebnto ftpm:)Kabbt/ toftf cameft tft oil ftpDDer^efug anf toeib tftl anbfapbejberelp/beeelp^fapebntopou' febeme/ not becaufe pe fatoe tfte mpmciegj butbpcaufe pe ate of loue$/ toere fpiieb, * X&gt;abourenotfo? tfte meate tofticft peep&amp; fl)ee)/butfo^tftemcate tftat enouvetft bnto euenaftinge ipfe/ tofticft meate tfte f onne of man mall geuebntopou.jfo; ftim ftatft ob tftefatfter*fealeb. Cften fapDe tftep bnto ftfmttoftat fijaii toe*csfifc6)'flja&lt; bo i toempgftttoo?cftetftetoo?cncsofoi)f J&amp; ^}m iWtmMoWW tftat pe beleue on ftim/ 8SSg&amp; toftofteftatftfent.cftepfapDebntoftim-.toftatDfni miki; iw fpgne fbetoett tftou tften / tftat toe mape fe $ a } (ieti \ w beieuc tftef lftat boeft tftou too?cfie^ xPttte * to * w * te fatftews dpd eate &lt;S^tmm in tfte beferf / ass it to?pt^:^e gaue tbsm b?eeb from fteauen to eate. Mtw fapbe bnto tfte: berelp / berelp S tape bnto pou: fl^ofejs gaue pou not b?eea fromfteaueu: butmpfatljer wmmWaxmtem true b?ceb from fteauen .4fo? tfte &lt; * bjeeb n k*|jHHr obtoftetofticftcometftDounefrcm fteaue/waicu csi,ts anbgeuetft ipfebnto tfte too^lbe. onne fee ora Cften fapo tftepb ntOftimtTLo jD/ euer mo?e Sf JSS fieue fast tbjg^eeb ji nb;ieB fapb bnto tfte: Rv n yfe aaratftaeopblflpfe.^etftaf commetftto&lt;0 Mk) ft me fballnot ft ongenanb fte tftat beleuetft on 'ntenuaiyuei? me mail neuectfturft. { Wt3! fapbe bnto ?"f, '?" pou: tftat pe ftaue fene me/ 9 vet beleuenot. iBSflS 3BH tftat tftetatftergeuetft me all come ^ f *** me: anb ftpm tftat cometftto me/3 1 caft not atoape. fjfo;| came boune fromfteauenmot tobompneatone topll/ but ft^tof 11 toftpeft ftatft fent me . 3inD tftps in tfte fatfters topll :

tofticft ftatft fent me/tftat of all toftpeft fte ftatft geinme/lulDe!oofenotftmge:butu)ulb rapfe it bpagapne at ft laft bape. 3inb tftpc is ft m of ftim ft rent me:tftat euerp m tofticft feptt) ft fonne 9 beleuetft on ftpm/ ftaue ate* laamglpfeJnD3ltoillrapfeftim bpatp laft Bape,cfte ittoejs tften murmureb at fttm/be* caufe fte fapb:gi am tftat b?eeb tofticft i# come M bounc Wfteauf Jnb tftep fapDe^not tftpS m 3efu0 tftefonne of31ofepft/toftofefatfter anb motftertoeanotoe^ i^otofe it tften tftat fte fapetft/gi. came boune fro fteauen? Sefujs an* ftoerebafapbebntotftem.#urmurnotbe^ ttoenepourefelueg. * *o man can come matn to meeirceptftfatfter tofticft ftatft fent mebja mlvt toeftpm.anbftoillrapfeftpmbpattfteiaft bape.atijJto?ittein ft ^opftetejs/ tftat tftep (balbeailtaugfttof ob. Cucrp man tfte* ro;e tftat ftatft fteameanb ftatft learueo of tfte facrcnmetftbntome.jSottftatenpmaii ftatft fene g fatfter/fauebe tofticft it of ob, : tfte fame ftatft fene tfte fatfter. ereipbeteipa rape bntopou/ fte tftat be Iruetlj

ietietf} m nttM eue mmtws am g b;ceo of ipfe.y cure father? bpb eatefl9anna in m to j lb em e$$ anb ace sceD ? b?0 i* tcjafi b;eeDtobtcb commetbftom fteauen tbat be to^tcft eatetb of ft/ftu!W alfo not of e a am that ipufnge b;eeb tofttcb came Doune from fteautaf enp man eate of tbfeb;eeb/be Owll Jtotfo; cura.2nbtye b;eebtbata tetllgeue/ W mp fleOfte/tobtcb ^torllseue fo; t&amp;e ipfe pfrbetoo;lbe. fr ano t&amp;eaetoesi aroueam5getbem femes raping: $oto cantbi0 feioto geue W fieo&amp;e

to eatefeften aefu0 fap&amp;e bnto tbf : -"HHefe* lp/bereip | cape bnto pou/ ercept pe eate tbe fleCRie of f onne of ma a b;tncftc ftts bloube/ ?e Ojallnot ftaue ipfe m pou.lbofoeuet ea* trtumpaeafte ao;pnc6etb mp UousevMH etemaillpfe-.aatoplltaprebim bp at I latt bape.-M o; mp fteOfte i0 meate in oeoe: am? bloube iss D;incft e in De&amp;e. $e tftat eatetb mp fleKbe 9 DjincbeebmpblouDe/btoelletbinme m% in bun J* ttie ipufnge fatbetbatb fent me/euen fo fot bp mp f atftet : ano be tftae eatetb me tballlpue bp me .cbP0 &amp; $ b;eeo tobicft cam from beauf mot ass poute fatberis baue eaten Spanna aatebeeb . $e i eatetb cft&amp;fcbjeeo/Ojalupueeuet:. . cbefe tofogesi fapa be &lt;n tbe fpnagoge a* be taugbt " Capeinaum.fl^anp tberf o;e of biSbifcipiee-.tobe' t^evOaoftetac tbfc/fapbe: tbfeti an fjarae fapfnge: tobocanabpbe tbe bearpngcof it^eruPbMtoem^pm felfe/ m Wwtffla mutmuteb at it I ano fapb bnto i3Do) m tbfm: b *otbtbi0Ott"enbepou?ibatanbpf offenoe ?outc.w(fyaUfe tbe tonne of mSafcenoebp tobete ffi ? S ? &amp;* toa0 before i0 rpjete g qupcfienetb/ Sn Km? 1 Cpeabe bnto pou/ ate fp;ete ano Ipfe. tfut wvtowmntc thete aw fome of pou tbatbeieue not.oro? %t or ottuMum met bnetoe from tbt begtnninge/tobicb.tbep ISumm tete toere tbat beieueo not/a tofto flmloe betrape ?S K St'm.anbbe fapb:tbetfo;e fapbe a bntopotn fpo&amp;tn. tbatnomicancometontome/ercepttttoetc geuenbntobimofmpfatber. if torn * tpmemanpofbfet bffcipleg toent fcacfie atoalfteb no moate toitb bvm. cben fapbe aefu0 to t^t ttoelue : topll pe alfojoo ahjap ti cben JfcfmS #etet: anftoeieb: 3pa fter to tobom Jballtoegoof cbou battetbe to02 of etema ipf e/*atoe beleue a finoro tbat ifioti atte b?ia tbe_f onne of ? Ipupnge ^ob.'jefu? antoetebtbe:^auenot5? cbofen ou ttoelue I anopet one of pottfe aoeupn^ feefpafiert of lu&amp;augx carrot tbe fonne of ^tmon.-f o? belt toais f flmlb bettape fipm/ anb toast one of n)e ttoelue. * C?efuB cSmet^to7etura(cmatt{|cftaa^fraclic(b f Jrtwi j tepjouct^ t5f:0:6cKaw6(uetreopmronBof Btim amonge tfie people . Efte &amp; &amp; acifts tetethe tbe officers becau&amp;tticf liaiicnat tasenbim'anti cfijle tt jDfcbfcnuu fo?talitnge|(spam..

EejacctJiij.O. JlH(e,|P,(.'

fcftMc&amp;aptet. * Iftettbat/f erujstoentaboutmtd $ dPaitie / a tooloe not go aboute fn ?eto?pfoj ggette^fougbjtoRpn . bpm.cbeSfetofp tabernacle feaft toassatbanoe.^)Sb;etb^tbetfo}efapoebn* to ft t tb e bence and go fnto aeto^ n)at tbp Wfcpplep mape f t tbp too?cfte gtbat tQoit boeft.dfo?tbeti!8noman g boetbenptbpnge fectetlp/an&amp;be ftim felfe ttKttb f o be finotof op wlyeflt tbou bo Co cfte tbpngeis/lbetoe tt)p felfe to tbe too? o? as pet bfS bjen)^ bt ieueonotinbtm. . Cbenaefu0 fapoe bnto tbem : 8v tpnw J0 not pet come : butpoute tpme i all toape reopebe too;ibe can not bate pou-35 u t me it batetbtbecaufeateftffpofftytbatf too?fteis ojftare eufflGfo pebpbtfo tbf* feaft.i toil! not go bp pet bnto tbi* feaft / fo; mp tpme fe nctpet full come, c&amp;efe toojoes be fapoe bn to tbeV a abobt ftpw in tfaWe . J5ut as fone ^ 00 m *b;etb?en toere gone bp/tben toU be E^^^ alfobpbntotbefeaftcsnot openlp/but rftSSSK toere p?eitelp' cben fougbtbpmffieaetoejftjj),!,. attbefeaa/afapDe:tobetei0be.Iinbmocbe murmurpnge toajs tt)er of ft pm amonge tfte people. &gt;omefa?ae:^et'0 goob. tldotbet fapoe nape/but be oeceauetb t people.^oto be ft no man fpafie openlp of b pm / fo; feate oftbeSctoejJ, h % an tfte mpobed of tbe featt / %tm toenC bp ito tbe temple aru&gt; tauoJMnt) ft?etoeu mgnieple&amp;rap&lt;ng:^oto bnotoetb be tbe few* WUTWrepngetbatbeneuetleameofiefuiS anCtoeieutbem/afapoe: flppoocttine 10 not

mpne:Uutbi0tbatfentme: |f enpman tagifKmL bobSS* topll/be Iball finoto of tbe Doctrine/ Sg JBM tobetberitbeofC0OD/o;tobetberg!fpeaReof,Knctito mp felfe.ef fpeabetb of bim felfe/ febetb aatett tittj. b&lt;0 arcne p;apre.56ut beg fe&amp;etbbfifp?apfttftfc tbat fentbm/tbefamefemieanobntpgb* -, , tetoefnejs&amp;fobim. ;tl 5onot9porejjgcuepoualatoe/ HttSSn? H none of pou 6 * bepetb tbe latoe^ naft p go pe p?n g tbe about to bpft me. cbe people anftoefebanftai)eAt| fap&amp;e.tboubaft tbeoeufli-.tobo goetb aboute to .Rpii tftef a.efu0 anftoereb a fapse to tbem: ' aue bone one too;cfie/ a peall matuaple, ofe0 tberfo;egauebntopou cfrcu~cu~?on not becaufe it fa of ODofeftbut of 5 f a tfterg: 2!nb pet pe on t%t ftabotb bape/ cf reumepre a man.afam5 on tbe ^abotboapeteceaue ci'rcumcffpon toitftou t b;eafipnge of $ latoc bfflofe0'.DiCfiapnpe atme/becaufeabaue maoe a man euetp tobit toboale on tfte S&gt;a* botb bapef aubge no t after f btttr apctatlce; but t ubge tpgbtetoeu i ubgement. cbenfapbefome of tbem ofaentfaTem:^ nottb^betoftomtftepgoabouttofipll^ei boloeberpeabetbbolo!p/?tbcpfapenom&lt;ng to bun*

f -

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C i&gt;

f* -t-

if bet p CbJuViNto beft toe bnotoe t&amp;i? mi tobence be i0'-but tobe Cb;lft cometb/no mi all snotoe toftence be . Cben ctpeb a,efu0 in f ap mge:pe bnotoe me/ fcnotoe."4ina pet J am but be tbat fent me 10 tf pie a0 be taugbt anb tobence a am pe not come of mp felfe/ true / tobom pe 6 no to

ttot.a bnoto bim.f 0; % am of btm/a be batb fentme.cben tftepfougbtto taftebpm :buf no mi lapbe bibesi omitm/be caufe \fi$ tpme toa0 not p e.tcomej ^anpoftfte people bele neb onbtinafape.tob^ b;ift cometb/toM be do moomp;acle0 tt)en tftis mi batb Done? Cb^^arife0 ftear&amp;e tbat $ people mnv* muteD fucbe tOtnges about btm.i@betfo;e tye Pbau teg anb bpe p;e(te0 fent miniOrc.a ro;tb totabebpm .cbenfapbe |efu0 bnto . tbf :yet am % a rpteil tob^le '&amp; pou / a tben go a bnto bun g tentme.yeftailfefteme/ aflialUnotfpnDe me-.atobeceaam/ tftptbee can pe not come, cben fapoe tbe ae toe0 be ttoene tbem feiue0:tobitber topllbe go/tbat ^ toe (ball not f pnue tymiVeyu be go amonge tbegentpi0 tobtcft are fcattereb ailab;oabe/ teacben)egentil0:H9batmaner of taping 10 tm tbat be (ballfebe me/ a (ball not ftabe me:anb tobrtea am tbitber can pe notcomef antbelatt bape/g great bape of M featt f aeiu0 ttobe anb ctpe&amp;faptoge : %f enp man t&amp;p;ft/iett&amp;mt comebntome a wpnebe. ^e tbatbeleuetbonme/a0fapetbtbefctfpture cut of bi'0 belip (ball flotoe rpuer0 of tea tee . of ipfe .cbfc fpabebe of m fpjete tobpeb tbep tbat beieueo on bpm/ ttmtte teceaue. B fo; tbolp goott toajs 'not pet tbete/ becaufe tt)at aefug toa0 not petglo;ifpeb, * 4$anp of tbe people/ tobentbep beatbe tty* fapmg fapbiof a ttutb tW W a P^opbet:

otbet fapbe/tbi0 3 B.'ft :fome fapbe ; ail . b2ittcomeout of aine?* &gt;apetbnot i". Ccttpturetbat ^fft (ball comeof tbe teeo af ^auib:a oute of tbe toune of jBetbieem tobete autb toa0f S&gt;o toajJ tbetbioeneion amonge tbe people about bim. 3n&amp; tome of tbf toolbebauetaftenbtm-.butnomi lapeb 6anbe0ofbim.cb!ncamctje mpntttewtp tbebpep;ettc0 a^bartfe^JnbtbepfapbWt totbem:tobKbauepenotb;ougbtbimfcbe CetuautttejJanftoerebjneuei;nianfpabea0 tbf* mibo.etb.cben anftoerebtb? tbe fm* (fe*:awpealCoDifceauettfB&gt;orbenp of tbe mm o? of $Pbarffebeleue on ftpmf 35ut tt)ecomenpeople tobicb bnotoe not latoef are cutfeb,0 coDtmu* fapbe bnto tbem: $e tbatcameto5!efu0bpnpobt/ atoaapneof tbem.^otb onrelatoe hibgeenp:mibefo;e . ftbeawtiim/anb bnotoe tobat bebatbbone* - cbe? awtoertbanbfapbbntobimatte tt)ou

'" aico of ait re^^&gt; eacctj e anb loftey f 0; oitC 1 !

&lt;Mlile arpfetb no P;opijece.anD tuwv maw toent bnto bt'0 atone bctu'e, i&lt; ca tooman 10 taben fit a&amp;uoiiWftYtfbjf a bclfuerrtb ber.Cbe frebom of focbe as folowe 4tb;ift^ta&gt;i)S ttjep accuCe to baue tbe Ocuell tuftlj bim-- ana go aboute to aotiebpni., U^be.bifi.Cbaptet, * 0tt aefu0 toent biito mounte olp*. ucte/aerlpintbemb;npngecamef c&amp; t&lt; . agapne into tbe temple anb all tfa mn ' nt ** pcopiecambntobwanbbefate boune a taugbt tUe.amb tfte g&gt;imc$ a PW tffe0b;ougbtbntobimatoomantafteinaa uoutrp/afetbP2intbempbDf0afapDebnto

bim-.fl|after/tbi0 toemfi toae talie in abuou trp/ette a0 beoe toa0 abopng ,*^ofe0 in ufoum latoecommaunDeb b0tbat fucbe ftulbe be ttoneb.lbatfapefttboutijerfo;efainbtbP^ tbep feffbe to tempt ftim-.g tftepmpgbtbaue/ toberoftoaccufebim.gefusftoupeDDoune/ anbtoitb W fpnger to;ote on tlje groutibf* anb tobplitbep contpnueb afftpnoe bim / be lpftebim-felfebp/3 fapoe bnto tbe:letbmi g i0 amongepou toitftoutfpnne / catt tfte fp^ft ttone at ber.ainD agapne be ttoupeb Donne 9 to;oteontbegrounDe. auiDa0fone a0tljep)5 beatbe tbat/tftep toet out one bp one/ eioett Ip;ftjnb3;erii0 toas lefte alone/ a tfte toomS ftanbpngeintbe mpbbt0. tebengefu0 bab Ipftc bp bim felfe agapne/ano f atoe no man/ but tbe tooman/ be fapbe bnto bit ttooman tobere are tftofe tftiue accutargf^atb no mi conDempnebtbeffe.befopDe:ji2ominio;be. 3Cnbaefu0fapbe:i9etl)erbo3i conbcpnctlje. ^^tmm *&lt;ESO/anbfpnnenomoare. { mmmttOm ^ Cften fpabc aefug agapne bnto tbe fapfg: gorpcu p?ea&lt; aamtbelpgbtoftbetoo?iDe^e g foiotoetb W' gg me/(ballnot toalcfiein oatebnea -.but tt8JSS8# baue|ligbtoflpfe.cbeP)artre0fapbcbntOAt E aH.ia(onti&lt;' bim:u)ou beareft reco;De of tftp fplfe/ tftp te*nm m qnfoBKcoiMnotirue.^efii0anctoeieDafapbe.iMi*^wewBi to tbf:tbougba fieare reco;oe of mp felfe/pet S'KSib? mpreco;be i0ttue: fo; a bnotoe tobence aj, v , a mSt 5 cam atobitftecago.ffiutpe cinottell vcljcceof tijc (pititc/ a come anb tobitbera go.fe iubge after tfte c " """ IJfflbe/|nteenoman.ainbpf?fuDge/iiig ft -flBS fubgemlt fe true f 0; a am not alone : but |* 8W ,M 9 tbe fatftet ^ rent me . at i0 aKo to;ptten in v cutelatoe/tbattbeteBimonp of ttoomem ttttuegant onepeare toptnea of mpfelfe/ a tfte fatber tbat fentnte / bearrtb toptne^ of me.cben fapbe ttteptnto bpm : tobere 10 tbp fatberf aem0 netfter bnoto me/ no;petmpfatfter. afieftabbnotoenme/pe fbulbebauefinotoen mp fatbet aito.cbefe too;bt fpafie Sefttf in$ tttfurp/agbe tangbf ftt n)e temple/ anb no man lapbe banbedon

bim/ fo;bf rpm? toag notpet come. * cben fapbe gent* agapne bnto tbem; *Jfl0

*3sgotttp toapeVfrpflfljanfefienK/ 9 alt m ponce C^nnejt.l Bt)g gi go/ pec can ?e not come.cijen fagac C3!ctoe0:toill " * b^lbim feife/becaufe e fap:tobPec ! 80/?et can pe not come: 1 3nterapoe n to eimpe are fc5 bene/3! am ftfl aboue "e aw of m too?iD/3! am not of i0 too?. _ rapbetfo# onto p ou/at pe all bpe in poutefpnne0.tfo*e;cceptpebeleue sejant &amp;e/pe alldpefnpoute fpnne*. m . benfapotbeubntobtm/toboatteftou? *"#) |jefu0fa?De bnto fcCuf e betp fame pngetbat Jfape bnto pou. Sj&amp;aue man? pnge0 to faye/ana to fuoge of pou. ye a be fent me i0 true. atobSfpeafie m too?/ ofetbpnge0tobfcbSPbauebeae of bpm. ^otobeit tbep bnoerttooe not at fiefpafte of Sn'0 faet.cbenfapb3!etu0 bnto tfie: taU V ebauelgftbpanbpe ef onne of ml/tben allje finotoeat|ambe / tfjat a Do no pnge of mp felfe; but asm? faet fia taugbtmc/euefo3!fpeafte:an&amp;beatfcnt imyi0tofme.bcfaetbanotlefteme alone/f o? % bo all toapes ofe tinges at pleafeb?m. fr 3$ be fpafie ttjefetoo^Qe^/ man? belsuibjttjKjiu/-&gt; tow to t$o(e%mw to^'cb

Cije (gofpell


mutftetet from e begp nnp*ige/an&amp; abose not in tfte ttue / becaufe ete 10 no true f n b imm$ i)t fpeafie a m, en fpeafie be of i) is atoned 0; befg a irac/ anb f aet eeof. ana Uecaufe 3) tell pou tbe ttue/ eefojepebeieuemenot. * ibub of pou can tebufie me of tonne* %( 3|fape$ttue/tobpbo notpebeieueme; *$e $ I? of od beate tfofcbejitoojDe*, *, vam J pe erf oje beate t^f not/becaufe p e are not 3 ^^*i of &lt;3 00. cy en anf toeteo tbe g.eroes anb fapo bnto bim:&amp;jape toe not toeii at ou arte a &amp;amarirane anb baft t oeup. itf gefug an f toereOTaue not tee oeupU-.but % bonouve mp faet/a pe batte bf onouteb me.g fefee . notmpne atone pzapfe -.but eti* one at fefie ano iuoge. saetelp bereip g rape bnto pou / pf a man fiepemp fapmgess / be (ball neuet fe bee, Cben tapbe efetoe* tobpm. $oto ftnotoe toe tbat tbou baft tbe be upiUdbjabS ft oeeo/ anbalfoe|&amp;;opbete0:anDpetou fapeft/ I f a ml ftepe mp fating/ be all neuet ta ft e ofoee . 3etteougteatec enoute faet 3b;aftam / tobicb i% bceof anb tbe^opbete^ ate ueeo.lbom mafieft tboti p felfe. 3efu0anftoeceb'.^f$bonoutemp felfe/

/^"^Beieebonbpmrafpec5timie1hmptoo?Di;/ mpnebTnourei 0no$snge "toojtb'.iei0mp v -^ enacepempbe:pDtfctple0/3llBnotoe faeeatbonoitKtbme/tob^cb.fefape/i?'.,

tbe true : a e twie all mabe pou free, Cbe? anttoetebbpm: te be 3Db?abS0 feeae/ finbtomneuetbonbetoenpma;tobPfaceft tbou en/pe albe mabe fee. ^efti0 anftocteb tbe:beip/*i)ecelp 3! rape #.|tn.fc&amp;.bntopou/atto&amp;0foeue8c5mpttefphne/ tit e fetuaunte of fpnne. Kim tbe femaunc abfbe notin Wottfe fo; euec: J6ut ronne abp&amp;eeuer.3lff fonnetbetfo?e all mabe pou fte/en ate pe fte in oebe.g; bn otoe at pe ate 3Gb;a&amp;ara0 feeDe: but pe febe meaneg to ftillme/becaufe nip faping^baue no place

*npou.g!fpeafteatg!baue fene topmp faet:anbpebo attobfpe baue fene *&amp; pouce (aet.cbcpanftoeteo anb poe bnto Ut:3b?abS is oute faet. giefttf f apbe bn= to em . jf pe toete 2ib?abam0 cbpj&amp;jen pe toolbe Do e be&amp;e0 of a bjabam . 2Sut no to pe go aboute to bpll me/ a man at baue toloe pou e ttue tobpeb 5! baue bctbe of &lt;obt tSDpanotaJb;ab5.yebo beoe0ofpoute faet.cben rbe ep to bun : toe toetenot bojneoffomicacpon. me baue one fatbec/ toftt'fuoa.g , erui8fapb.bntoem:pfoa toetepoutefaet/ entooteepe loue me. ft)$ p;oceabe&amp; ; e anb come ft om 06. $eet earned of mplelfe / but be fent me. JSdb? bo pe not finotoe mp fpeacbe i &lt;sm be* eaufe pe cano t abpae? beatpng of mp tooM. f /eateofpoutefaetebeup/anbtbei luttc0ofpoutefaetpe toflloo, ^etoasa

poute oob.anoyebauenotjinoto? bbm but gfinotoe&amp;im.ainbpfu uibfape/ibnotoe bpm not / f uc bt alpar Ipse bnto pou. 55ut a bnotoe bim/anb fiepe bw tepinge. f oute faetabbamto80glabtofemp llt- . fcM , t*oape/? be fatoeitanbteiopfeb,cbenfapbe Sm e3 : etoe0 bnto bim:ouatte not peu.petetijcpsntari olae/anb batt ou fene 3b?abS i%efufi rapD***""* bnto eaaietelp betelp^ fapebnto pou : mWiS&amp; abbamtoa0/giam.bentoseepbpfto4ii 9T ne3/tocafteatbttn.59uc|efti0bbimfflfe/too;i5:DBi anbtoent out of e temple. { tmtm bCiJC.Cbaptet. *&amp;** \0n 805jefti0 paOebbp / be fa toe a2 l mantobitoa0blpmie ftom bp0* bp;tbJnb&amp;i0bifciple0aflBebbini lpmge-.a^aftet/to&gt;9bpbfpnne: is man 0? tft faet amoet/at be toajs bo?ne blpnaef %tto anftoeteo: J3eet ba manfpnneb/no?petbi0 faec anb mo* 9 m t mvt

et : but at e too;c6e0 of &lt;&amp;to ulbe ukwm etoeb on ijim . a mttft too;cfie tbe toojc8e0w rt * \ ttm t fent me/tobili it bap e .%'eenigbt* W|g come toben noman can too?cfie. 3B0 rongeSSS? ml am in e mmtik am e ipgbt of enomi m&lt; too;n&gt;e. bw6w 2H0 foneajs bebab t0fpobe/ befpattt on -*5fcS eBWKinbeanbntabe ctepe of eipetle/ iJaSr ttibbeb.eciapeone cpepof ebifittbe/aBiii fapaebntobim:otoeffbeeiniepoieo/iwai&gt;.

I' *


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fcnt,^etotntljfetoai?e ^toaffftfO anD camp aga?ncfe?nge.ijenci?8Woui:rss^ftep g I) a d fene Ijim Oef o?e ftoto g ^e too? a beggt t/ ft?&amp;e;iS not tDfeye $ fate 9 tieggeo ^ &amp;&gt;ome Cfajoc:tf^ HJ ig tje. tftW fas &amp;c*c 10 fpfte Itfro, utfteftimfelfefop;|ameuei)^#ep fepacwitoUfm. ^otoare^pne t f eg opmea tftcnf^anttocteDan&amp;fa^jp^cfteman # 13 calle&amp;if f u3/ maDeciaEe/anb anopnted mpne tpe0/3taPDci)tomc^ototee poie^ttoe snDtoea^e.^nn^toent att&amp;toe01)eoan&amp; re* ceaued mpf i?gljt.CBepRiFabnto &amp;im:to[ieK r'js zi^z f a po e 31 can not tell. cfj en fa?ougI?t t^ep to i&amp;ljarffej3/ ^pm a Iptell before toajs blpnue: fo^ it teas &gt;a b to Dape toljert gjefuu maw t&amp;e ciape $ ope^ ne&amp;Uts eyeg.cljeit agapne t^e p^attfegalfo atfteoftnnljoh)lK^aDveceaueDftigrpglt.^e f apde bnto ti) 5: iij) e put clapebpo m pne tyz&amp; 9 i toafll))/3 00 Ce 4 c&amp;en fapoe fome of t^e ^Uawfep:tl)p tnSt? not ofoa/ becaufe Ije -i Sepetl) not tlje &gt;abotft Dape . ^)tfterfapae; ^ ^oto can a man i i&amp; a fpnner/Do fucbe mp;a cieja;faint&gt;^ertoa0ftcpftamongett)f,cBen tyaftetyep bnto tlje bipn&amp;e agapne: ttg^at fapft tftou of t)pm / becaufe be baty openea Hpneepe0fainD^efapDe:ii)efs(a|&amp;?opbet. jeutt&amp;eSietoegbp&amp;notbeleueof ^ feloto/ Hoto tljat bcteass bipmie anfi teceaueo \m *" fpg&amp; t/bntpil tljep i)aa calleD tbe fat&amp;et 5 m 0* tftct of bmu&amp;atljauteceauebWsCpgbt. Mi tbepaCftebtbemfapmg^tbigpouteronne/

tolj m pe fspe toa. b o?ne blpntief i^ote * 0$ benotefetbmf ^p0 father anbmotber an* ftoei'eotbem^faioe/toetootetoelitftatt&amp;fU i0ourefonne/$ t be toag bo?neblpnDe;but bptobat meantgije note feptb tbat can toe not tell/o? toU batb opened ore epeg/can toe ^notteU,^e!!SoiDepnoiigft/affte^m/let^m Canftoere fo?^im felfe.feuebe too?Des fpafic W father anb motftet/becaufe tbep feateo? gfetoejs. ffo? tbe letoeg ban cofpp^f a ail t cop tbaepFenpnmn&amp;pD confeffef betoag Hfyitt eQwftbeeiccommunfcatoutoftbeCpnago e.cbetfo^e (apbe b^ father an&amp;motbn;;b^ tgoIDepnoug'i/affiebim. ! ceenagapnecaHebtBeptSeman toasf 6lpnbe/5 fapbbntobtm:&lt;!5eue oti&amp;p?apfe: tee finoto g tiitgs ma is a finnec.^e an(toere&amp; Mb fapae : tDptftet: be be a fpnner 02 no 1 M ttmti ot trtl:fl&gt;ne pnge % am fitre of/tftatf toajs bipnb/fr novtff re.cben fapa tfjep to f)im dgapne^atoptibetotftef^otoopeneafte

bis feioto toe finotoe notftStobenceOc^ ; cbe man anftoeteo ano rapbe bnto em: 10 I0amerueiou0 ingetyatpe tootenot to&amp;ecebei0/feingbeba open mi&gt;neepe0. &amp;$ .* . $0} toe be f ute tfob ijeatetb not*cpnnet0; le h , K ! 35utpfenpmSbeatoo?ippetof MmuEt&amp;7u bi0toill/bimbfatcbe.^encetoo;loebe*i)cncft[j none ganne toa0itnotbeatoe atenpmaopeneb")" w " eepe00foneattoa0bo?neblpno.sfi0!^ U b B c ;;7 ca '" e . matoetenotof(Bob/becouJOebaueDoneno([jtoticuipft; inge.cbep anttoeteb anb fapoe bnto bpm; ou arte alt to geee borne tn fpnne / 900ft ou teae b0fJCnD ep caft bim out. : 3!efustbeatDeatepbaDeitc6munrcate b tm:,a affene agi be bad f oimoe [jp m A) e fayDe bntobpnf.Boefttljou beleueon efonneof obf^e anftoeceo 9 fapbe:tebo 10 it Ho/

^ 3!mvgbtbeleueonbpmf anblefuji fapae fanto bim:boubaft fene bgnt/a beit id tbat talbe *&amp; e.anbbe fapoe: turn t beieue/ a too?ippebbim. I?e&amp;i0 fapo : % am come bnto iuogement into j)0 too^ioe: tbat ep tobicb f e not m pgDt f e/ a ep tobicb f e mtg&amp;t bemaDe blpnbe. 3Dnbfomeof e pl)atifc0 tobicb toete toitbbmi/beatbeeretoo?&amp;e0 9 fapoe bnto bpm-.ate toe enbijnoef aeftig fapoebnto em:pf pe toete bipnbe pe ftjuloe bauenofpnne.^utnoto pe fape/toe fe/t* fo^e poute fpnne temapne. |Ti).!!ais tbe ttucfljcphcrOfAj tl)cDo?eof JJ)cfl;cpe; *omc fcpercij.iift ftntli t^c oeucll/'* (0 maSB ^ *&gt;flmc fa?e : tjcfpcauctlj not tl)c ttiuibcs of oju- tlint fjntij Hie (JeurU.wccaurc lie tellct^i tlje tracts (l)t 3etof tane lip ttonro to entt at Itfmyttilt bis pjeacltjus fjlnfpljcinv' mid go aboute to tane l)inl. ' Cbe.y.C()aptet, 4 telpbetelp3:fapebntopou:be ^ enttetbnot inbv tbe &amp;?e into e$ epefoioe/ butclpmebp fome oet toaye:e fame i0 a efe a (8 tobbet.^eg goe in bpe&amp;o?e/f0 epe* bee of e epe:to Dim tfje po^Kt opene/ a e epebeate bi0 bopce / a be calle bpft atone epe bpname/aieaoetb ^ out.56na ix^tn bebafentfozbP0 atone epe ,'&amp;e goe befo?ee/a e epe folotoe bmi : to? tbep finotoe bid bopce.3 fttaunget ep toil! not foiotoe/but toill fipe ftombpm : fo; ei finotoe not $ bopce of tttailget0.c|n'0 fimi iitttit fpafie iefud bnto e.tfut tbep bnoct ftouenottobatpnge0eptoete bpcb be-m CpafiebntoS,cbenfap&amp; gjsfud bnto em agapne.cietelp berelpgi fape bnto pou-.a am e Do?e of epe J ii/eue as manp aa came before me/ate eue0 a tobbctg: but epe

^pneepe0f ^eanftoetebcm/gi,tolbcpott bponotbeatetbe.^am^Do^e-.bpmepfenp pet tobple/ anb ?e ops not beate . ibetftwe ma enf et in/be albe fafe/a all go in a but.

fBol&amp;pt&amp;eare it agapne^ipii pe alfo bebiis bifcipled^cbentateDtbepbim/afapmcbou attebP0 bpfciple.?ebe flofc0 bffcppled. innate tun at oo fpafie top'^ofe0.

I / J

afpnbepattut&lt;!.rbeerecomenotbut fonotteale/ ftpll/anb befttope. % am come atepmpgbtbauelpfe/anbbaueitmo?e abounbantip. t


G3jattj.j:f.6 Satli..fc


* g] am tbe good Cftepebeerb.Cbe good (be* Cpebeetd geuetb bP ipfc fo? t^e tbepe , a bp?ed feruaflt/ tobicb 10 not $ ftepeberd/ne* tbee tf)e Rjepe ate bpst atone/ feptbt&amp;etoolfe c5mpnge/9 leuetb t&amp;e fyepe/ 9 flpetb/and toolfe catcbetb tbeVflfcattetetb fljepe.cbe bp;cb feruatit fipetlj / Uecaufc^e ts$ anbp?ed feruaunt/9 caretb not fo/tbe (bepe. giam gooblbep&amp;ebectb/anbnnotoempne/anbam finotoen of mpne.* %$ mp fatber nno toetft. * maeue'fQ nnoto3|mpfatber,3'nd3 l geucmp ipfe fo? $ ft)epe: 9 otyer ftjepe 31 baue/tobicb arc not of tbte mn.mjcm alfo mutt* b?ing/ tbat tbep mapc beare raj? b upce / 9 tbat tfieu 30 mapebe one flocfieanb one fbepebetae. $&lt; c[jerfo?ebotb mpfatber loue nuvuecaufe/jj putnipipfefromme/ tbat 3 mpgbttafieit agapne.#om&amp;canetbitfromme:but3Jput it atoape of mp fclfe.g bauepotoer to put it from me/and baue potocr to tafte it agapne i cbitc5niaundemet bauefreccaueb of my fatber, 3lindtbm teas a diffencpon agape amongc^fetoest fo? tbcfe fapingesf/9 manp oftbem fapde.f e ban) tije oeup)l/9 is made: tob v bear e pe btmf tbet rapb/ tbere are not

t be toojoeis of bim tbat batb n)e beupll . Can fljedeu!?ll.opentbeepei3oftbebli&gt;noe? fc^no it toast at 3;erufalem tbe feafte of bebieacion/and it toast tointet: 9 3|efust toal* liebtn&gt;alomosfpo?cbe,c&amp;encam3 , ,etoegf Crounbeabouteftim/andfapdbntobim:loto longebofttboumabe b$ boute f if ftoube Cbjtoyten bss piapnlp. 3|efust anftoereb tbe": 9 tolbe pou and P* beleuenot.^be too?6e0 1 bo in mp fatberg name/tDep beate toitness of me.tfutpe beleuenot/becaufe pe are not of nit fbepe.Hist3! rapbebntopou: mp tbepe Bearempbopce/ 93j ftnotoctbem/anbtbep fbloto me/anb3! geue bnto tbe" etetnall ipfe/ a tbep mall neuetperpObe/netber (ball enp 4f man plucfte tbem oute of rap bande.3p f a 31 t&amp;ettobpcb gaue tbem me/fss greater tben all 9 no mi 10 able to tafte tbem out of nip fa tl) e ess banbe.Hinb 3] anb mp fatber are one. *)en3!etoest agapne toaebpftonest/ to Gone b pm to ail . lefuss anftoereb tbe: manp good too?c8est bauegj metoebpou frompfa* tobicb oftbe topll pe &amp;one me i &lt;&amp;$ getoe&amp;s anftoerebbfra fapinge . ffojtbpgoob too?ftest fafte toe ftone nofcbufcfo? tbpblaf* Pbemp/ 9 becaufe,?: tboubeinge amaVma* fieft tbp felfe ob.SJefusi anftoereb tbem.gfjs . It not to? ttten In poure la to e. * 3 fape/pe are &lt;&amp;&lt;0oabefS$!f be calleb tbemdsobbeg bnto tob9 tbe too?of of (Bob toasi fpoften ( 9 fcripture can not be b;oBf n)fape pe tbento bpm/ tob5 tbe fatber batb fanctif s eb / anb fent Into tbe io&gt;lbe/tbou blafpbemeft/ becaufe % fapb f am tbe fonnc of obf^f 3 bo not tooicfteg of mp fatber / beleue me not , 20ut pf a bo/


tben t&amp;flitgtf pebeiette not me pet beleue tbe too;bejS/tbatpe mapebnotoe 9 beleue tbat tbefatbeMgmmc/anbltn&amp;im. h 3tgapne tbep toft aboute to tafte &amp; foi;b ut

beefcapeboutoftbeirb8bes(/9toentatoape agapne beponbe 3o?ban/fntbplace tobere gjobn before bab baptlfeb/9 tbere abo&amp;anb manprefo;tcb bntobim/9 fapb.^jobnbpbno mtracle-Jbut all tbpng^; $ 3!obn fpabe of tbfc ma/aretrueJnbmanpbeieutb onbitbfare. fr&lt;Cf)t(ft r avtct^ E.a?atuf r5 Bcat(j (ar^jc Ijfe p ?cdc0

anb 33 lnicifea gather a couucclt ngapnft ijmvfic gct# Bt^ljiinoutoftftctoape. CCbe.W.Cbapter. * Cettapne man toajs fpclte / nameb $ ila?am3 of )8etbania v foune of #arp anbber fpfter g^artba . 3 1 toast $ fl^arp tobtcb anopnteb 1 e* fut ; tottb opntment 9 toppeo bP8 fefe ^ bee " beere/tobot'eb;otSer jUajatustoajs.rpcbe / 9 bt0 f pa eris fent bnto Dim faptnge. 'Stow be* boioe be tobStbou loueft/tp fpcbe,tben1c fu0 tyaw $/Ut fapbe : tfji'ss infirm t'te tis not bnto beetb/butfo?tbelaube of oo/tbattbe tonne of oq migbt be piapfeb bp tbe reafoti of it.^efufmueb i^artba anb ber fpfter anb jLa?aru!5 .ijen afterbebabbearbe tbatbe toassfpebe/petabobebe ttoobapeg ttpllln % fame place tobere be toas. &lt;bm after $ /fapb be to bpss bit clpleg-.lett m go intoleto n agapne.^w hi f cipieg rapo 55 bnto bpm: fl^aft a, tbe ^etoest latelp Cougij t meaner to ttonetbe / 9 toplt tbougo tbptljec againef|efu0anftoereb/aretbernotttoelue ijoutesmtfjeba^famatoalfiemtbaw be ftombietb not/ becaufe be feptb tbelpgbt of rtjia too;lb.55u t pf a mS toalfiein nfgbt/ be Qobletb/becaufe tber iss no Ipgbt tn bpm. eb'? fapbe be/9 attcr tbat/be fapbbntotbf : otue fienae^a?ant0 Oepetb/but^goo to toafiebim oute of (tepe.cben fapbe Mbp^Wf* cppled :Xo;be pf be flepe / be (ball bo toell pnougb.^oto bett gf cf use fpabe of W beetb: but tbep tbougbt t Be bab fpoben of $ natu* tall n fapbjefufJ bnto tbe plapnlp/ )La?aru0i!8 beeb/9 3! am glab fo; pour ra&amp;$/ 1 31 toagnottbere/becaufepemape beleue. jgeue rt &amp; eieae let b$ go bnto bfm.cben fapb cbomas tobicb is ca!leb?0pblmu0/bnto tbe bi'fctple0:letb!S alfo go/g toemapebpe tottb

bim.ben toent 3lefu^/ 9 f ounbe tbat be bab c if ne in bp$ grau e foure nape* aireabp . 35 e* tftara'e toass npebnto 3'crufalem/aboute.rb.; f uvionges of/9 manp of f ?etoe?s toere come to &lt;$artba anb ^arpto comfotfetbf ouec tbeirb;otber.0^attbaaSone ais (be b earbe tbat lefug teas compnge/toent 5 met bpm: but #arp fate QplUn tbe boufe. *ttben fap&amp; ^attbabnto 3!efu^Xb;.bpe tboubaobeflbenebere/ mpbjolbetBab not lene

6enebeeb;butneuertbele(Te/3!bnoto| iobat anBtoibetbemtobat qttat bab bone; .. foeuer tbou at bea of ob/oob topll geue ft 4mm gatbereo twist ^ettes 9 tbettihi tbe.3(efu0 fapbe bntober : ^bP b;otber (ball rife? a count eil 9 fapb:tobat bd t oef cbisi m rpfeagapne.il0attbafapbbntobim:3fftnoto boeebntanrralracie?. %t toe lettbpntf ca pe t be ftaUrpfe agapne in refurrecciS at tbe tbuwall men will beleue on bim^nb tbe 'sid jm W w* laft bape.aefuiS fapoe bnto beri- *3! am J wi mapneg wall come 9 tabe ato ape owe cort* ^ ta S tlxmcmn * S r **f tbatbeleuetbonme/ tre9 n)e people. 3dnb one of tbe name b cap* amtte* et &amp;#b e toetebee&amp;/pet aBbelfue Jno pbag tobicb toajj bpe p:eft tbat f ame pete/ !so(Kfuc/.tobofocuerlpuetbanbbelntett)onme/lbail "

fapb bnto tbem ifeperceaue notbingeatail no? pet confpber $ it in eypr biet fo? b$/g one ma bpefo; tbe people/ 9 not ^ all tbe people periObc.cbtf fpafte be not ofbpm feife/but bepngebpeP?ette tbat famepere/be p?opbe fieb $ aefiw Qjulbe bpefo? tbe people/ 9 not fo; Q)t people onlp/ but be (bulb gatljei to getber in one tbe cbplb?e of d5ob tobicb toere f cattereb ab?obe.*&lt;jf ro g bape fo?tb tbep belb a.counfelltogetber/fo?toput bim to beetb. mt.vm.k. 3!efus( tberfo?e toalcfiebno mo?e openly Wmu.);ty&lt; a amSge tbe S'etoess : but to?t big toape tbence bntoa cofitrenpetoato&lt;lberne0/into a cteie cauebPb?aim/ tbere baunteb \5bi0 MHi ple0.*3nb tbe j etoes efter toaja npe at banb/ #stb.ttbbi

9manptoetoutoftbecountrebptolerufa^avc.^iij.a, lem befo?e^ etter/topurf fp tbe feluetJ.cben *M fougbt tbep fo? 3 : efus/ 9 rpafiebettoene tl)g felueu as tbep ftobe in teple: ll3bat t&amp;infie pe/fepng be cSraetb not to tbe feaft.:be bpe l&amp;?eaejs 9*Bbarife$ibabgeiten a comaunbes ment/tbatpfenpmanbnetotoberebetoere/ be (bulb (betoeit/ gtbepmpgbt tafiebim. ^epanoptrtctbiCb?&lt;QcBfcte.3fut&gt;aenurmut!b&gt; tl?i8 c Jf tutrt&amp;fcrr,* tsOf II) |n to 3erufalcm. CCbe rij.Cbapter. * ^en 3efu0 firc&amp;apejj befo?e efter/ 3t came to 3Betbanptobcre jLaiawi0S'*l y, *'**: toast/ tofci^ toa* dceb 9 tobo 3&gt;e(Uo 5r m ^-^- tapfeb from beetbebf re tbep mane *"***** . . .imauippcr/anbflattbaferueb:butJLa?a fi^arrba tbe fpfter of bi'm toa^beeb/ fapae nm toast one of tbem tbat fate at tb e table bnto btm*&gt; torn bp tbte tpme be ftpnebetb. tottb bim-c&amp;en tofte marp a po unbe of opnt? &lt;jfo? be batb bene beeb foure bapep : 3|efugt ment callebiSamiws / perfecte 9 P?ecious:/9 rapbantober:&gt;apbeg|notbntotbe/tbatpf anopnteb SJefujJfete/anbtopptbW fetetoitb tboubpueft beleue/ tbou ftulbeftfe I gio?p b^beeratbeboufetoajjfpiieo oftbe (ami mm^mau of^oo.cben tbep tofte atoape ftonefrb" f oftbe opntment.*cben fapbe one of Woitd mm\\,vmni t&gt;lacetoberetbeDeebtoa0lap&amp;e.2'nb3!efu0 ple0nameb3fuba03!rcarlotb$)im00fo nne/ lpftebPbP0 epesjanbfapb:fatbet3! n)ancbe tobicb aftertoarbbetraprbbmt:tobp toajs not Ibebecautetbattboubaftbearbeme. itoof tbteopntmentfolbefo?tb?e bunb?eb pence/ tbattboubeareamealltoape0:butbecaufe 9geultotbepoo?efcbttfapbebe/nottbat oftbe people tbat ftanbebp| fapbe it i jep ljecatebfo?rbepoo?e*.but becaufe be to asts tbef^ya fiept tbe bagge/anb bare tbat tobicb toast geug.cben fapbe gefu&amp;jlet ber alone/ agapnat^ebapeofinp burping (beuepttt. \)i poo?e all toapest mail pebatie toitb pou/ but me (ball pe not all toapessbaue. Spocbepeopie oftbe %e\ot$ babinoto^ Wm/9lbfmgo.cbenmanpof tbe 9?etoesf leugefi be toais tbere Jnbthep came/not fo? to^cftcameto^atp/anbbabfene raing^ Jefustfafieonlp/buttbattbepmpgbtfeTLa* to&amp;icb^efust.bpb/beleueb onbf . tiBuf Come ^amsalfotoboraberapfebfiombectb . cbe of t$em toent eijelr toapestto tbe jBbarlfe?/ bpe. p?efte? tberfoje belba counce ll f tbep fiJU mpgbe

wrtiM igf^ neuer bpe: eietwft tbou u)f &lt;be fapb bn Bf fl at fobim:pe)Lo?Qe/|beieueg tbouarteCb;tft Kft "to tftc ronnc of ob tobicb ftuiw come into tbe Hit too?lbe. |*Kinbaaonea0bebabfofapbe/(be hmo toentber toape 9 calleb #ane ber fpfterfe^ &amp;3S* cwopfapingeicbe mafteno come 9 eailetb SB toi tMb flteaObtie ast (be beame t/arofe iijiifbpinetjuc8ip;9 came bnto bpm. ^eftiu toast not uft iijejiic pet-come into tbetoune:buttoaslin$ place itaraf. toScte SPartba met bpm . cbe I'etoeg tben tobreb toere toitb ber in tbe boufe 9 cbfo?teb ber/toben tbep fatoe fll^arp/ tbat (be tofe bp battelp/anDtoentout/folotoebber/fapinge: gBtooetti mto tbe graue/to toepe tbere. ./Cben tobe fll?arp toast come tobcre3!efnst toast 9fatoebpm/(befellbouneatbpj3 fete/ taping bnto bim:jlo?bepf tbou babbeft btnt Oere/mp b?otber bab not bene beeb.tfcb* ^ # in? fatoe bet toepe/anb $ Setoejs* alfo toepe/ tobicb came toitb b/ be groneb in f fp?ete/ 9 teas troubled in bim felfe 9 fapbe : 1 be te bauepelapebbPmf cbep fapbe bnto bpnu jivm come 9 feJ nQjefuS toept.cben fapb tbe 3 1 etoe0:ffiebolbe bote be louebbpm, 3Dnb f ome of tbe fapb: couloe not tyetofyttk opened tbe epess oftbe bipnbe/bauema&amp;e alfo/ tbiff man (bulb notbaue dpebf gicfust agajne gro ttedin brat felfe/9 came to tbegtaue.jt toast a caue and a ftone lapije on it. Hind 3 l efu 3 fapbe: tabe pe atoape f Hone.

map e beieue/tbat tbou baft fent me. ^ an&amp;tobenbetbUfSbabfpofien/becrpedtf Jl aioubebopcexa?arut come fo?fl&amp;Jnb bef toast oeeo/camefo?tb/boundebaribe and fote toftbgeauebondest/ 9bpst face toast bounoe toitb anapfltn.3?efusj fapdebnfo tt)f * lotofe


tnpg&amp;f tmtftaiaws to beetpalfo becaufe tpat (01 pss f afie mans of tDe gjetoes to ene atoase/ano beleuea on getus. b * tf&gt;n tpe mojotoe/mocpe people toece

come to t&amp;e featt to&amp;en e^ep^eav&amp;e g gsefus (bulb come toJjesuMem /tone tyauncpess of palm trees a toet a met pi m/ci ccpca $ ofati na/bietteb is pe tpat m tpe name of 'ilotf/ commetpfirnge of Jfrael . amo Setoff got a r onge afle a fate tpeeon/ a ccojbpnge to tpat topvcb teas tomten-.feare not saugljtci' of &amp;&gt;ron/bepolDetpr ftsng cSmetpfrttrng on an aftes cooltccpefe tp tnges bnbeeftobe not pis bttefples at tpe fr?ft:but tobe^efuS mass gloufteb/tpeneemeojeb tper g focpe tpingi; toerc to? wen of ptm/anb tpat focpe Ringed tpeppaQbonebntoptm.cpe people gtoastt pirn topepe calico jiasarufj out pis graue/s rar feo pirn fro beetp/bare r eco#e. perf o,e tnetprm tpe people / becaufe tper bearoe g bepabbone foepea ms/acle.be1&amp;&amp;atffe$ t berf o?e fajbe amSge tbem felues perceaue repototoepzeuarlenotprngefjeebolbetbe too rtbe gotp ato are after pirn. . _/!!EpiFtoW?ertasne refiesamSgc mi tpat came to ware at g fcatt:tpe fame came to pijilip tobtcb teas of tfetpfaioa a citf e in &lt;BJaftle/sbeff;.eDpimfa?mg:&amp;#toetooloe fas ne (eJeCug.Wltp came a tone 3inD?eto Sinbagarne wmtto 9 ffltfttptdae 3|efus, 3nb3jefuS anf toereb tpe fastng-.fpeboute ts come g tpe fonne of man mutt be glo/ifseb. *5Berels berelsl fase bnto r ou/crcept g

'Clje &lt;M*tt

bptopo tf ffla-pfotfttebf matt ? ctjen $fo* fagbepntottetalrtelltopsletsstpeirsbt toitp r ou,tai6e topsllre pane irgbt/lettfc Barc&amp;ncscomeonrou.$etbattoalliet&amp; in tpebaecae/ toottetbnottoprtpee be goetp, \mv\l W baue tsgp t beieue on tp e lrgp t / g remasebct&amp;ecprlbjenoftbelrgbt. * cbefetpfogesfpaBegsefus aoeparteb/ brbbf m felfe from tbem . 3DnD tpougp be bab* oone fo mans miracles before tpe / set bcle* mo nottper on pvl tbc farfoge of $faia* tpe poppet mi?gbt be fulfilieb/ g be fpabe. * jLo?oe tobo (ball beieue owe taringe? 36no ffi&amp;fe H . to tobo isg atme of tbcjlo?be openeWCpw*B;Si. fo?e couib tper not beleue/becaufc gefafas mm* ,

fertb agapnerpe batp blrnbeb tbeir eres ano ^"^^ k baraenefitbrtebcttw/tbattbe? tbulDenot ttSSS'^i J tbtbelcepeg/ abnbecllSoetoitbtbeftbccte? *" H *W*| a(bulbbec5uecteo/anP3lQ)umpealetbem, . . &amp;ocpetb?ng5faso&lt;2fafa!Stobe befatoe pf* glo?p/a fpabe ofpf m. ^euectpeieire amoge tpe cpefe mlec^manpbeleuep on bfm . JSue becaufe off $batffe$ tpep toolbenotbea finotoe of it/left tpe? (pulo beeccomunicat, ^fo? t&amp;ep loueb tpe p;a?fe g t'u geue of men/ mo?e tfientpe p?a?fetpat cSmetp of cesob. 3lnb ^pefuiS cepeo 9 fa? oe:pe tpat beieuetp &amp; onme/beleuetp not onme / but onpfm tbat fetitmeJnbbc g reltb me/feftb b(m g rent mc.*3l am come a fegpt into g too?lbetbae tobofeuec beieuetp on me/ (pulp not bpoe.'fn bswfine?s.3nDf f ensmSbcatemstoo?D5 / beieuenot/3lt'u6gebtmnot.jro?g|camenoc


t'- r


tobeate cojne fall into v gtounoe anbbsc/ it to fuoge tpe too;loe:but to faue $ too;lD.$e bvoetb alone.gjf itope/lt bjingetp fo;tp mo&lt; g cefttfetp me a teceauetb not m s too;be0/ cbefnite.^eglouetbbWcfl)allbeatope patpone|migetb^m.cbetoo;oej(tbat3i ft'.9a*begbatctbpts(lpfetntbtoo?lD/ftall bauefpoRe/tpepfpalltubgeblmmtbelaac fiepettbntolrfeetetnall-3!f ensmamintttec;^ pauenotfpofieof mvWXttotif

a*eeti&gt;ati)a/bntome/lettbsm folotoemeanp topece 31 WwW* f. am ftec ftallalfompmtnfaecbe3npf f mv tout e*e ttjat m g m f ntttec bnto me / ppm topll mF fatbec can tie co lUcn( hnnoute h SE' 0oto ft inp foule trouble* / aw. topat WiBtoojiiKfo: alii fapef jfatbetaeKuer me fio tpi?i pou dcunacs fane 3 t e:but tyeif o?e came % bnto tpte boute . 4fa&lt; j)i wo?be,0iau t cr g j 02 (f j t p? namecbencam tpec aboyce

Kupr agasnecben fa? tpe people tpat ftooe bv 9 fcu&amp; e.i * . tpouno?etp.Ptp et fa?oe an angel! fpafietopvm.31eftj anftoereo a fa? be ttpyss bopce cam/not becaufe of me/but f 0; route fentf. M * jSoto I $e f ubgcment of pi tooflbe: noto aall p?fneeoftbt0 too?lbbe caft out/ anb5P/|f 3 tocte Ipfte bp from tbe ettb/ to( v. p;atoe all men bnto me.cbfiJtayaegWujs/

fatpec tobtcb fent me/pe gaue me a c0mauo* met toDat \ ffiulb fare/3 tobat % ftulbfpea* lie Jnbgnnoto ^bi^comaunbemftfjsi?fe cue tiaOrns.i U tf otued! fpcafie tbetf o;e/ euenastpefatbetbabeme/rogifpcafie. {. Cffto(ftttatTf)e^ t|e Wfcfpit a fctc/telletp W of ?' baa ttjetcajtour/ano comaunoet^tljemearntaif to loue one another. ccbOfi'C.Cftapter. * ,cBfo?e tpe featt of cftec topf ScfWL, iftneto g pfjspouretoasicome/g be* (pulbe bepatte oute of tbte toojioe ... ^bnto tpe fatpet. Il9bepe louebbf? tobtcb toetetnftoo?ibe/bntogenbepeloued tp? .ainb tofte fuppec toa? enbeb / after g tpe beutfl Bab put in g pert of %m&amp; Ifcariotft ^tmon0 fonne/to betrare QtaitVefttf fino* topng tpat tpe fatpeepab geuf all tppngs fit

ffgntfsinge topat oetmimtoW . &amp; tobftbanbes/a tbatbc toagcome fr5 &lt;Bob/ t&gt;eopleanftoerebpim:iebauebearbeoute atibtoettodEiob;berofefromfupper/aratbe; of glatoegCtoittbfbetpeuer/apoto fared afrbebWbppergarmete^/atoHfatotoen/ tpoutbmtbattbcfonneof m$.muttbelrfte anbgr/oe prmWft, after tbat/bc pout

^(jaane to toaf ec uito &amp;to$M/ * begSne to toalb p^ t -IffiS.' *S tt f w P tt * ftt e ^ t0 * tp^itp tpe totoeil/ Rt5**f&lt;**tbbetoasSBP?be. Sihe came to ben came pe to gnmon p&gt;eter. atnb^e* ffiuee to p'terfarbetopim-xo?be (paiitpou toedpemr fffla SS SWWW anf twereb a farbe bnto pttmtopac S? fu "' 5E bo / c&amp;ou tooteft not noto/but tpouftalf \kt teaeee |uotoeperafter.Peterfarbebntopim:tpou 5JBtta*mj altttottoeopemr fttetobrll f toojioe BS= teSSSSSS H-f f"l" c toerebptm:rfig| toaflpeg not/ SSS!b*?? Jbaltbauenoparttottbme. &amp;im5Pe&lt; ST m ^rfar]icbntopim:)!Lo?be/notmrfeteonlr: "jfatitnM butalfomr banoegiamr bceb. iefu0 farbe '\S ^JW? * '* toeffljcD / nebeebnot faue to 4 B toef( ? eB Wfete/atjscieneeuerrtopit.3nbre % wonts awclene:butnotall. jfo^pefinetoe brs be m ww ttarc.Cbccfo?e farbpe:re are not all dene, ME. . ,flW^ ^ aa tocf Cbebtpelr fete/8 receauep t of 6?s ! w cl PW toag fet boutie agarne/pe farb liStfiSee^to tbem Jtoot re topat 3! paue bone to r ou? SSuiflKW ( call memafter Tto?b/a re fare toell/fo? Uftri,Bftafoam3i.gigi tpen route ]to/beanb matter |iftue, flauetoeipebroitrfete/reaifoougbttotoef* e one anot pe fete.^o; 3] paue geuen rou an enfample/g re Qjulb bo as 31 bane bone to . rou. fweretr bereir % fare bnto rou/ g fer* iiauntfs not greater tpen prsmatter/netber rbemeflengergreatertbenpetpat fentprm, JfrcbnBet'ftiDetljeretprngejs/bappraw If rfrcootpmt .afpeanenotofrou all/ 3 unotoe tobol pane cpofen.3Bttt g tpe fcrtp* c turebefulfrHeD:pc g eatetpbjeebtoitbme/ mw ! at &amp; 't^ftcbp bis bere agamft me. jSoteteU iirit/tt/ (03 So" befo;e come:tpat topen it f come to fleup tiiopaflercmrgbebefeue g gfam pe,erelrbe* * OVSF ?W fare bnto rou.l^e tpat receauetp tobS tt&amp;M fowa % fenbe/ receauetp me. SDnbpetpat IhimoowWceauetbrae/receauetbbuntbatfentme. -ouer* , aepengfefuspabtbujsfarb/betoastroui blebm g fwete/a tetttfrebfarfngAereirbe relr3!fare.bntorou/ g one of rou Qnsto ttaremejnb tOen tpe oifctpiesiobeb one on anotbetboutrnge of topom pefpafie , e&amp;er teas one of pisSbtTcfpics/topfeb reanep ongir fuisbo(bme/tobS3|efui8louebcobfmbeciie^ neb afmon j&amp;eter tpat be (bulb afbetobo it teas oftobS pefpaae. m Wn ajspe leanea onSerujb?eft/farbbntobim:Xo?betobott

. ; ; ftf?eulanrtoereb/beittotobS3l geuea foppe/topSf Uaueorptic.3etbbetoetafop= ^De/ a gaue it 'towm gfcarfotb Simons 1^ JC Umi ' 2!W&gt; after tpettppe '* j&amp;atan enttep aSSa tob*n^ben rarbgiefuSbntopiratg tbou jlc.^aDoeU/botiurcWf.cbattoianomaattpeta* toafeR/ble/fb&gt;topattnt^tbefpafiebntopmi.S&gt;ome


Imtbebe/ 1 tocpaueneQe ofagarnC tpe featt : 0? g be ^oetfifoflWlbeBiMfometbrngeeotpepoo?e.2iffone "tw u t tyot W9e pau rcceaitea g foppe/ bettit frtfc;

_^ #TL/ ^w . ^L H &lt;ft mebiatiroufJnbfttoa!8mgpt/topebetoasnM)t.(([aticiifi gone out.3]efus farbemoto is g fonne of ma mc t0 cl,f w : S&amp;w'freb. mo d5ob is gio?ifreb br usm , wSS. awl,BU S' egio?ifieDbrbim/w^^^ Wnmpmfelfe; $ ^g gj^ toareK?..Yi glOjifrptm, mane* as fa* * 3eare cbrib^eu/wt a iptell topple am qi ??' M fta&amp; .* come,3Cifo to rou raregjnoto.a nei c6mait= tl ^ c P ^iieti 111 bemet geuea bnto Sou / g re lone to getber/ l) ~?W '"'* as3|aueioubrou/ geuen for^ So^gTtffiS anotper.ffirtbisrbaHaHmenfiuoto^eattofiSS mrbtreiples/rfreibailbaueloueonetoano^icit?tieiui 8 weMbimonpecer farbe bntoprm: JUp^SSSW!! 1 biittpoulpaltfolotoemeaftertoaibes * Peter farjebntoprm: )Lo;be / tobs cannot

1 SK'i* notof 3! torn geue nip J? f e f 0; cfir faftef|erusatiftoeiebpim: torlttpou geue tbsirfefo? mr fahe * suerelr / bereir % fare bnto tpe/tpe cocfte (ball not crotoe/t j'ft thou pauebenreometljjsfe, y Ce arinctb fifcD(ftfplc0 tbltp confolaefottaijawnt t(oubIe/aiitip;omyfctt)tfi5 epeljoly 50ft/ tlje fpititc oftorafo;te. C^e^iifl.cpapfer. * i5bbe farbe bnto pis bifrfpies: lee not route pertes be troublcb,?0e^ leue in ob/ano beicuein me.Sn iSSS^ff&amp;i?* 8 * ^ ourca " wan? waitftons. if it tocre not f o / 31, tooibe paue tolbe rou.| go to prepare a place fo? rou . Kinb vi agotop; agarne/8 receaue rou twn bnto mr felfe topere 3! am/tpere mare rebe alfo.^ttb topi* iDeci! go re finotoe/8 tpe toare re Tmotoe, ^JRS"* f ?S&amp;e bnto pint : ?Lo?b toe imoto nottobttpertbougoettailfobotofsituotnble 1 o? bf finotoe tpe toar ef 3-efus fasae bnto bm:| am tpe toase/tpe trutpe a g irfe. ma no ma comembntotpe fatper/but br me,3ie |ebabbnotoeme/re pab finotoe mr fatper al fo ' n i" oto ^ finotoe&amp;fm /^batiefene,bini. f bWpfarbe bnto pirn: %om fijeto bsriic fatper/aitfumretpbS.3ef"Sfarbbntoptm/ paue 3! bene fo longe trnte Mb rou: a ret baft tbountf finotoe- mefj&amp;piiip/pe g patp fene me/battfeneg fatpetJnbpotofareli tpou.* tben:fljeto bs tpe fatfier? 58eleuetttbounot g gam in tpe fatper/8 g fatper inmtttibi too,besg3l fpeafiebnto mm fpeafienot of mmtm tpe fatper g atoelletp nime fit be tbatfioetbtpetoo?cfies.eieuemetpat am hi g fatper/a fbe fatber fnme.^t g leei lieleue me fo? tpeberr too?cfies fafie, eferrybtteirifarebttforou/pe g bere*

uetbbnme/t^etoo?cfiesn)at3!bo/tpefame fball beoo/agreatej; too;fies tyn tpefe (ball

&amp;m/tecaiife3!gobttotrtpfatBet.#noto!)aC f oeuer ye at He m nip name/tbat topllf 00/ g a * &lt;mt thc^ e W W WW ** to Blo^ifieD bp fonne, fclteenwow 9f^ft^a^l?*WB np wnw/ 1 jjcgionfieojctoiUboit. I* *3!bc jouemeftepempcom* .* ft maunbeme"te0/a 31 topll pjape tBe father/ a S2wi&amp;(P ** S* l,e i?ou ano tBer coronet / tBat Be awe t^ancftcf of rtutijc tDftottt t^c too^ioe cannot receaue/ *&amp;at fi aaue becaufe t&amp;e ttojioe fte$ty&gt;m not/ netBet KJ&amp;&amp;!" towtoetf b*m . #ut pe ftnotoe bpm . iff 0? Be I * &amp;K ft w Ile * tt f*v aalbc to w '3 *s no{ tteitottc 3 leauepoucSfotfleffertuttogilcome to pou. tciutti-'Ucficai f etalpteiltobileanb tBetoo;lbefeetbme ica ib&lt; fp;cte of n moare-.but pe all ft me. # o? Jjlpue ape JBJSffi aU "*"&lt; &amp; at &amp;a * e wall pe bnotoe tftat a wuc but te , am in mp fatBet/ sou in me/31 in sou. (aufetKmaactii i?e i BatB mp comaunbemites ^ftepetH 3 ' wn m (j e^em/tfte fame i0 Be tBat lour tB roe . 3Mb be ttne/S louetBmeibalbciouebof mp fatBer :*9 ttbece w 1 aii * to'ii loue &amp;'*/ totil Ojetoc mpne atone relfe tbe? oo wpt^tobim. l juoa0fapoevjntoftim(not5T.uoaf531f* MitmtQvttttt cation ) '/Lo?oetoftat t0tbecaure tBattbou 2X2E2? t &amp; ,B topltroetoetBpreiftbntob0 / anot bnto tBe ?ts " toojloef jefujj anftoereb atfi fapb bnto BPtm pf a ml lone me ani topll fiepe mp raping^/ mpfatBeealfotoulloueBtm/atoetolllcome Unto Bpm/anb topll btoell toitb Jjmi . $e tbat iouetB menot/Bepetbnotmp fapmgeitflno

p* tootfes toUieB peBeate/ate not mpne/ but tfte fetbetp toBicB fentme, _ c8ig6auegi fpoben bnto pou bepngepet &amp; Parent torn) ?6u.But g c5fo;tertoBfcB0 boipgoolt ( toBompfafijer topll fenbe inmp name)l?e (ball tcacBe pou all tfypnge*/ ana typnge all tbpnge0 to point rememtyaunce toBat f oeuer 1 Baue tolbe pou. J&amp;eaee J leue toftb tou/ mp peace! geue bnto pou.iSot aggtoo?lDe geuetb/geue 3! bn to you jUtnotpoutBerte0 begteueb/netbee feawp.yeljaue bcar&amp;eBoto 3 rapbe bnto pou:$ go 9 come agapne bnto pou. 3Jf pe Jo* ueo me / pe tooloe bevclp reiopce / becaufegi fapbegi go bnto t!) e fame* . Jf 0? fte fatBet 10 gteatevQen l J.3inonotobaue|ftetoe&amp;jou/ efiue rt come/g toften it 10 come to pafle/je mpgdt beieue. ^ete aftee to?Il % not talcfee man? too?o$ bnto ?ou . f 0; tfte tulat of tbjg too?ice c5meu)/a batb nougbtin me. 3But g the too;l&amp;e mapeftnotoe t^at3|louet^efa tbre:tberfo;e au f atljet gaue me cSmauno* ment/euf fooo^. &amp; Bf re let ts goto eence, C Cf) e ( cue ti jne;t^c gufu an&amp;man tQc li? aun c^co. 9 Hoctclne of loue f afteete t3fo;jc appntt pccfecucO. CCbe.itb.baptec. * alf^^fpnitbe tcuebpne/ 9 rnvfatbeefji ll^l lilianbufbamie mi. cguet? bjaunt&amp;e B9 iSIt beatetf) not fcutem me/8e topll i,?^?JSJtaeatoa?e'. anbeuet?b;aunc&amp;e i beavetb ftutey tofll &amp;e pourge / i it ma^e

Ci)e (iofptll

. .U.

b^inge moaw ftute.$oto aw |t cicahe tbo ototnetoo;M0 tobs&amp;3i6aue (pobenbnto t ou.38?be in me/ M me b?oe m ou. M f b;auntBe canot beawtoue of itrelfe/ejccepc it or 5 e f n t&amp;e b?ne : ttomoave can \i wepw feabvbem mr.9 amtbebjne/anbteatetbe b;auncBe.^e tbatabtDetftrn me/an09m b&lt;m/ fame b?mgetbtt?^niocDe ftutt.ffo; tottDoutiiiecantebonotblng.Sifam&amp;bfbe not in me/be to eatt fo;tbe ass a b;afic&amp;e/ 9 10 to v web : anb men gather ft ana caa it into

m mmm rtbumetb. * %t#bw inme 9 m? too?be0 alfobpbe tafou: afbe tobat , M tofU/anbtt(balbebonetai?ou. t ^winWffl,is,i m? fatftee glo?ifgeb/f?e beaee mocbe ftute/ anb be mabe mj b&lt;fciple0. 2D0 tbe fatbetftatbloueb me/euenfo'bauc I louebfou.dStbHiei'nmploue. W pelbatl ,.epe*m? c5maunbementc0/re ftallbp be in mv loue/euf a0 9 tyuic bepem? fatbei;0 c5* maunbemente0/anb bunt in BiP ioue.^rftcfc t&amp;?nge0 Ijaue a fpoben bnto ?ou / tD at m tope mpgbt temapne in v ou / anb tbat r out e io*emH$(Jtbefull. * * CB10 mp commaunbement: tftat pc gffo^etbt loue to getber a? a baue louebpou. ^tieatetiaise msut&amp;

louetbentfti0batBnoman/tBenttataman;Y^S bettotoebp0ipfe fo;bP0fnbe0.feai:e mjftSSS: ftenbe0/pfpebotobatfoeuee l J commaunbe.igp^,i,,a.

pou.i^eneefo.2tb call? pou not fewaunteftc f o? tfte reruaunt fmotoetb not tobatbW loabe aoe t B . jBut pott Baue % caileb ftenbe0:f o? all tbpngeg tBat|ibaue bearbe of mp fatBet a baueopenebtopou. ycbaue not cBofenme/but3!buecboreii pouanbo?bepneb/ tbatpegoo anb b?pngc f o;tb ftute / anb tbat poute ftutc temapne/ tbat tobatfoeuCT pe all afbe of tBe fatbet In mp name/Be ftuflbe geue it pou. h *cBW commaunbe9?ou/tbatpeloueto getbet. 9!f tbe too?lbe bate pou / pe finoue t be Bateo me befon Be Batebpott . %l pe tof ee of m toojioe/ tBe too/lbe ttiolbe loue W atone, ^otobeitbecaurepe arr not of tbe too;we/ but 9 baue eborenpououte of tbe too?lbe/tBetfojebatetb pou ttie too?iDc. %t* member tiit fapingetbat 3&lt;rapbebnto pou: t&amp;eferoauntf0not#eatertbentbeiu}?&amp;e. *^ftbepbauepetfecutebme/fotomtbepper(8'B'W., feciitepou.3ttbepbauebeptmpfapinge0/g^ffi rotopntbepbepepouM0. w But an t&amp;efe tbfog? top Htbepoo bnfop mt B fo; mp name0 fabe / becaufe tbepbaue noe*^ bnotol b&lt;m tbat fentme .%f 9 (Mb not come anbfponen bntotbem Qepfbulbe not Baue babfpnneibutnoto bauetbep notbpngeto ciobetbeftfpnnett&gt;ptbal!^egBatetbme/

batett)mpfa{Bet;.5fg!Babnotbone too^ftes amSgetBem toB^cB none overman ofb/tbep Bab net Bab fpnne^utnoto %mt&amp;ttme/ anb

( 4 jMmaftftfic bfluil batebbotBe me vntrCHttr. euen SUf &amp;7 *-0| a toC:tUep Bateb me tot^out ttam, F Sjirtflurtij &gt;w * 35ut toBen tBrcorafettttfti come / b&gt;B om tsftntftofma.ltotllfen&amp;cbntopouitomtbefatbee/toBicb tS ****** 8 *toptnc0 alto/ tecawfepe bauefie'ne ujMto toitb me from tbebegpnnpnge, iWBO^^-BSBH^'^ *vnge)3 Baue 5 fa&amp;e bnto V&amp; f T, *m|fi&amp;W/lweauft pe ulbiiotbeofen* SSI&amp;te/Br ra^ ibaim-cgntunicat pou: Rrt^ jwBgfl getbetgme (ball come tbat toBo* fpeueiftiiietB poti/tomtbPnbegBeootBoa :*etKe.3Bnb fuc&amp;r tbpngjtopii thep bo bnto pou/berauretBepBauenotbnotoed fatber ,:;- . netBet pee me.jSuttBcfetBpng^ Baue "Ttoioe .-.::. -.-.. . pou/fbat toBen tBatboueei0come/pempgbt v.:. tememUcctBen/tBatgi tolbepou fo. bdm tbpngcgrap&amp;egnot bntopou at tBebegpn*


r f ri


ja'npnge becaufe | toag p;efent toftB pou. : * tfutnotogigomptoape toftpm g rent

tine/ snone of pou af betb me: tobitbevooeft i. 5, &lt;bou^utbecaureg!Bauefapbrucbetbinitt ?r ': . bntopou/pouteBec0atefHoffo;otoeJe uCTfBeleoe gteiipou tBe teuetb/ft^erpe^ blent f 0; pou tljat 31 go atoape .-&lt;ff 0; pf qp goo not atoape/tBat com footer topllnot come bn 0 pou.jBut pf 3f be pattc / 3 topii fenbe bpm bnto pou.3mo toBenbe i0 come / Be topllte* ouSetBe too;lbe of fpnne/anb ofrpgBtetoef* aiffcnnel ,e ? / * oWuJI 8ei"^.fffpnne/l)ecauretBep kiaufc tpep utbeieue not on metof rpgBtetoefne0 / becaufe Mot on mtA i go tomp_fatBec/ 9 pe Iball fe me no mom*. N&amp;Lf -of^osemcc/ becaufe tbe cBefe mlet of tBi0 pik 9Bauepet manptbpnjKto rape bnto pou: M unoer, but pe canot beare tBem atoape noto.oto be BuSt ft toJ,en &amp; e !S come( ^ mea c e fp?ete ofttu SSftit? Je "p^aft^ " f &amp; W Wft : butu&amp;aeroRf fie efafu/ftllbeare/tbatibalibefpea6e/anbbetop &amp;&amp; ae ^ c ff"WP* t0 come.^e mall glo?ifp SS USS^S* fl,a " tcccauc of "Sw 9 mail fte* ^JKMMMRW tbetatBetbatbare {aajyBtnPne.cBeefo^efapbegibntopou/ebeftan ttcaurctabeofmpncanbibetoebntopou *ite ana * After a toBUe pe air notfe me/? aoapne LEteWtoii'-^cn fofo fomr of Brs btfcfple0bettoene "Mifet. am. tbem ma : tobati0 ti)f0 t&amp;at be faptb bnto itjWt b0/afteca toBUepe roalinot feme/a agapne X ^aftetatobple pe iballferaeianb that'* go tii mtm^m am amaWfrttoe tatom ten iW.too;te.tobaf beraptb.g!eru0perceaues i tbeptooib lta "' '9ar*e8torapbe bnto tBem :m m eb


,ertaup;eofbertoertepobwfeiue0/g gifapbc n mm tL after a toBpiepe mil not re me 1 ano agapne WM*m* afteratobplepelbalifeme ( sieceipbereip9l : rape bnto pou:pe mil toepe $ lament anb I too^lbe mail reiopce, ft mail fo^otoe: but

ipouttfojotoelbaioetuniebtotope. ft = topwi tobe (be trauapietB BatB fo?otoe/ becaufe ber botire i0 come: but affonc 00 me t0bcipuereboftBecbplbe/ ibe remeuiBietb nomoare tbe angupDbe/fo? iope tbat a man bo;ne ibtotBe toojjibe . 2Bnb pe noto are in o?otoe:but3! topll fe pou agapne/ano pome Betteg giall reiopce/ pour iope fljall noma tabeftSpou. HtnbintBatbape fbali pearne me no qiieltton.*5aerelp/berelp3l rape bnto pou/tobatroeuerpeibailaffie^fatberinmp name/betopIlgeuettpou.^itBertoBaiiepeiF . receaue it:tbat poure tope mape be full, Mctt.n. befetbingc0baueg|fpoBenbntopoiim 3,w l,,,&lt;6(ff P?ouerbe0.tirBe tpme topil come toBe i (ball no moare fpeabe topou in wouerbe&amp;but % palljjetoe po plapnlp fro mp fatBer. M g bape mail peaffieinmpnenameJnb|rape not bnto poutBat | topll fpeafie bnto nip fa* werfaspou.tfojtBefatBeeBpm feife iouetb WU/bcwutepe Baue louebme/anbBaue be* Jeueb l J came out fro &lt;m.%MU out from tBe fatber/anb cam into tBe too?l&amp;e:!j % leue l&amp;ej too?lbeagapne/anbgo to tBe fatBer. . fi^bifctp^rapbebntoBim-.ionotorpea^ fieft tbou plapnlp/ a tBou bfcO no p?ouetbe. iBotofinotoe toe tbat tBou bnberltanbeftall&lt;ii5 tBinge0/anbnebeanottBatenpmanlbulbe ae enpqueftion. Beifo;e beieue toe g tbou earned frodEfob. H!eru0anrtoerebtB?: jBotopebobeieue ^jBeBoibyBourebjatoetbffl,,,,,, n , w t terebeuetp man B10 toapeg/ anb Iball icaue mealone.4inbpetani3inotaione,&lt;jfo? g fa, ,tber|0tobme. . Cberetoo?be0Baue3l fpoben bntopou tbatmme pe mpgBt Baue peace , iffo;in tBe *o?lbe.lball pt Baue twbuiacpon s but be of goob cBeare/31 baue ouercometlje too^lbe. ttteatfiet/fo; atl fott) as tcjcaiiei^ftb. be.]tbii.Bapter. * ;^eretoo?bc0rpaRe3eru0arpfte . ibpBi0epe0foBeau5/9fapb:fatBer^

!Sboutei0Come:glo?ifptBpronne/ u . . ra tBattbpfonne mape glotffptBeiaa tbou baft geu5 Btm potoer ouer all fleflBe/A be Ibulbe geue eteinali ipfe toa0 manp a0 tboubatt geuf bim.rbi0 10 ipf e eternal! /f m mpgBt anotoe tbeibat onipberp mm tobora tbou bafl mt$m mm. I WWWmm on tBe ertb.9 fmtfp Bpabebtbetoo^fte \oHt\f tbou gaueft meto fio.ainbnotoglo;ifpmetBou fatber totbpne fM. atone

8.jfiaic6c&lt;tf)e pec tbe ttotf&amp;e tea*, a ftftfe** bcflateo tiateo gf n^bpname bntotbe men tofts &lt;fc tbouBauett ^ ft^ho&gt;^^oftftetoo?iae.cft?w^?toCKaj SCJ5;";^oug9uea tlj? mr /ano Mm ; bept tte w tm tutfaptiisejs.fioto tbepjanotoe tbat all tmnsesJ mcc c m4tt* ttbatrocuer tbou baft gAif we/ate of 4m 2 c e ffi, *3bie Beumbntotbemtbetootfcfctobfcb ej85ttoeffc?e. finotoe futelptbatgi cameoutfeomtbe:9bQ * beieue tbattbouopboeftfenomc. *3P?apfo? **3S mm fo; tbe/9P;ape not fo; { tooflfc SftfJffi!* "' f0J flw *#* tbou Baft * me/ f0 notfoft^toicnotoamlnotrtoat^n^etooaloe/butW? U^SSSSS^"* to 5 too;toe/9come to tbe. * *J^9^ $.mmm* fatberBepeJntbfneatonename/tbe tobieb tbou Baft genen me/ tbat tbepmapebe one/ m toe ate.lfcbtfUS toa* tottb tbein$too;io/ ffcepte tbemfatbpname .cbofe tbat ttynt gauettme/baue 3! uepte / ano none of tbe tt loOVbuttbatlottcbpibe/ tbat tbe fctfpture mpabtbefulfplleo. . v jQoto comeato tbe/ tttpfc tooft fpeabe 5Stntbetoo;toe / $ tbrgmwftt&amp;aue mptope Cfunmtbe\gibaue8euStbemtbptoo;0ejj/ 9 tbe too?lD6atB Oatea tftem/bwauft fljepaee notof$too;toe/eue^*3iamnotof$top;lo. goefwe not tbat tbou (Dittoed ta&amp;etbeout of tbe too;toe:buttbat tboubepetbem from cut? n . cbepate not of tbe too;lbe / as n am not of tbe toojioe.&amp;anctiff e tbem top tbtbp true b.B V fa^fna fe truetb M tbou otooeft fenomefato tbeteoflie/euenfobaueafene tbemfaiometoo;toe/anofo;tbefaBe0fan ctMmpfeife/tbattbepalfompBbtbe fan*

rttfpeotbo;otoetbettutb*. ume not f 0} tbem alone : but fo; tbem 8Kb tobfcb (ban beieue on me tbo;otoe taut tweacbfase/ % tbep all mape be one/as tbou iatbetattefa me/93 fa t&amp;e/ tbat tbep map* be alfo one fa bs 1 1 tbe toojtoe mate beieue t&amp;at tbou baft Cent me . %m tbat Blo;p flat tbou Bauettme/3baue.Beul tbem/tbattbep mapeo&amp;one/ass toe are one. 9 fa tbe a tbou mme/gtfepmapebeniaoepcrfectemone/ 9 $ tbe too;toemape bnoto g tbou baft rent me/abaftlouebtogajstboubaftrouebme. fe flatbet/^topll tbat mrptobftb tbou baft " geuen me/be tottb me tobere g am/tbat tbep mapefempBbwptobfcbtbou Daft geue me. f o;tbouloueoettmebefo;etbema5pnBe of tbetoo;toe.* t^sbteotusfatbet/ tbe berg toojto batb hot nnotol f -.but 3 baue anotof tbe /ano tbefebaue nnotoentbat tbou baft fent me.atnbgbaueoeclarebbntotbemtbp name/9 toflioeelaee it/ tftatt&amp;e loue tober* bpitb tbou baft fouebme/ be fa tbem/ 9 tbat fbefat&amp;em* h


*&gt;W(a(ibeeesje8.C$etM? Qf W rttoUttj Mfie, * oflst to f gti&gt;unoe.|6lt tnwtct^ of lajalclja* ibe.W)i;bap.tee. * ., "1 en jefujJbao fpobl tbefe mw betoent fo?B) MRMMRBHW^ ^^ M0Q(fcip7e0.$ubaj&amp;aUo tobtcb bettaveo b|m/bnetoe.tbcplace-.fp?sefits ofte tpmes wtoteu tbtfbM to^tu bvs 01'f cypieu . %uoast tbenaetbPbabteceaueDabonoeofmen/9 mtnifte*of 0)e bje#;eae0 anb WtettW/ came tbftbet tow lantew ano fyetb^anoetf 9 toe pe W.cb en? eru bnotofaB all ttnnBtf mi outoe come onbtm/ toentfo#b 9 fa?uc bntotbem:tobometebese^ Cbei? anftoeceo

bfm , .aefuuofi9a?a'tetb.1 i etu0ral&gt;bntotbf: tam&amp;e.* 1 ? uoanalfo tobfcbbectaKbbpm/js one tottb tbem . tfut affone aBbebao faeoe mm-mu, bnto tttm/l am be/tbe? tof t bacbe toatoejs mmm anbffUtotbeBtouttDe. anobeatbeb tbem*"^^ aBapnctobom fefte?efbe? fapoe:3!efu0 oC j3a?acetb.Hf!5antb)erflji , Jifai?iibntorott/ Sambe. ^fyefeueme / left tbefegoo tbeic toaje.Cbattbefaffnfemrabt be futfpllen W&lt;b b* fpabcof tbein, WW tbou gaueft me/baueSTnotloftone. )&lt;mon Petet ban a ftoeatoe/? C?ue ft/9 fmote tbebeP?tttcis fetuaunt/ 9 cut of b?* trabt eace.befttuaunte$ nametoa^oi cbau.cbenfafljelfen^ bfttol&amp;ttee: putbn tbPftoeatbeintoglbeatb:iban'|not&amp;inttcbe of tbe cup tobt cbmp fatbet batb BUn me , ccbwtbc c5pan &amp;tb* capta^ne^amj mint* aensoftbe3.etoetftobeg!efUiS9boawbtm/ 1 9feob*matoapeto3!nnafr;a:fo?btoajjfa tbeteiatoe bnto CasPba? ubf cb toa? t b** ?B?efte g fame tere.caspbautoajJ beg saue counfell totbe|etoe0/tbattt toa eypeofent tbat one man (butoe bje fo; tbe people. *26nb *fmon1?etetfoIotoeb|efu 9 ano&lt; tbttotttfple:tbatofWple teas finotoen of $ bep;eae/9toentfatoftb?tfu{iifnto pal^, lw$ of tbe bf ei&amp;;efte.ut isetec ttooc at tbe &lt; bo;etoitbout.bntoentouttbatotbetoctWf'W* pfctobfcb toagfinotof bnto tbebpep;ette/ 9 fpafietotbebamfetbatftepttbe6o;e / anb teoitfibtfa^etet.'Sben fa^oe tbe bamfeu # IiepttbeDo;e/bnto$etet:3itten0ttbou one cftbtsm5negii&lt;rrfple0fefatr.|:amnot. ' CbefecuaatfU atbemfafftew ftow,tbeee/9 baomace a fpetof; it teas cotoe anb tbeptoatmeotbemfelue0 . petev alfo flooe amonsetbemanbtoatmebbrmfelfe.. :, *rbeb?e p;elte affteo &lt;&amp;M of btt Wfefpje* m ,. t a 9 of m boctrtne.grefu* anftoeteo Mm. fpa iJJJ' jy lieopenlpin toojlb.leuertauBbtfnft * l jiaooBCJ mtbet?pletobJtbalTtbe| etoe*^ tfo?wb/9fa aMi 2farotnfc;


i ll

tldbsaf&amp;efttboumeflBfbetbetobfcbb^atde me/ tobat 3 fa^oe bnto tbf.70ebotoe tbe| can tell tobatgi tmmm be ban tbuss fpobe/one . ofgmffltMtobicbftotiebp/rmotcgenuson facefajtnge;anftBetefttbpuffte6pepjelle fofaefuss an(toetea^m.gif| baueeufllfpd ben/beaw toitnesi of { eurifjpe Ji baue toeli f P o&amp; en/ tobp f mptte a tbou mi ma Hmn ajs fent bimbouiiDc bnto Carobajjftbfepjeae. ; 3&gt;imonPetet ftooe? ttatm'fbblmTelfe, . 3tnD t&amp; ep fapoe bntob jfa: te not tbou aifo one of bJ?3 otfcipiestf fceBenjMj i te/9 fatoe: % am not:mc off fecuadtes off bf t p;e ft w (bf0 cof;n tobofeeaee |&amp;etec fmote otifapo bn 'tobim:o'hot S refa gatoi tof n&gt; Wm^pe tec Deripeo aBane;9fmmeDfatl?cocbe ere* |at6.Mbij.a toe. *rijcn icd tbepaeftus ft3 Cappbau fat SftSlft * ^ ,|[ of toasfa f mo;nwiBe/ w(.wv.a tbeptbemfeiufgtoentnotfatotbeuiiaemft bail leu tijej? ftjuio be oeftfeo/ but tbat tbep mpsbt eate tbe pafcbati lambe. ^latetbett toent out bnto tbem 9 fa^e:tobat accufactS bjinse j?e aga pnfte tbifS mf cbep anftoeteo 9 fapo bnto bim.gif be toetenotan euf llboar j.toetootoenotbaueDeljueeebbrm bnto tbe. * Cften fapn palate bnto tbem:tafie pe bpm 9 iu&amp;gc bnn after poure atone later. &amp;itn tbe . getocis fapDebntobim.3!tf0notlatofunfo;

1 tsta t ^to b( to put enp man to beetb. 8 *cbatf toojots Eft of3u* mEgbtbefulfplleBtobiTcbberpafie/ SMS f f8 n '^ c ^ at0e ^eftutobte^ ^cifiathe cbtnppiateentcebmcotbenibgemltba! iftk cratt aBapne/9 calleo? efuis/9 fapo bnto bfmmtte f^^tbougftpnseoftbe^etoejj^efuijanftoereo: jj3ffiMt*'Ott^atftlff&lt;^Wb8botiiertflift !(mtmceontbeofmef|&amp;platcanftoereB:3m5,83'etoef S'bm tse^bpne atone nacio 9bPf p;efte^baue $eFp* iJfif^ eu ^^tome.Jl9ba^bafttbou0onef3[tfu| mS bottoercoi^mp fipusoome it not of tbptf i*fe*wiB/ tob;toe.yr mp nmpome toere of tW too;loe be is not of 0)tn tootoe mp mmtftet'is fuerlp fpsb t/tbat % SSS?'*'" tttoenot be oelpuettfitof letoess/butnoto BfSRr * &gt;mi ftfagbome not ftfS bence. Opiate fapoe imv bntobtmuttte tbou a ftpnge tben^efujs an* ft, ftoereB:tboufapft g jamabpnae. &lt;f o;tbp0 iwnfc* caufe toajs 31 bo;ne/ 9 f 0; tbPU caufe came .9 ImX tottTW too?iDe/tbat gi (butoe bcare toptnejj B" " bhto tbe trtteh). 3Dnb all tbat are of truetb ftiibe, b^arempbopce opiate fapbbnto bfm:tobat of bote/ tbpnsc 10 triterl)^ 26no tob^be bab titg&amp;tot/ SSKS*be toent outaBapnebntotbe3!etoe0/9fapw pitfttwiiT bnto tbem:3! fpnae in (jimno caufe at all. ye '!5tem tficbaue a cuftome/K 1 (butoe Oelpueepouone i&amp;Sf t6f lotifeatefter.l^plipetbat'Jloufebntopou ffi /?*? * e B W of tbe sctoetf c&amp;m erpeo tbepali tteUr/agapne fapinge-. iSotbpmbut 35awabajJ: i&amp;'*aofpeufbat50arrabasi toass a robber.. C;Cf&gt;.itrt (0 ccucffpe&amp;^eiSmenoetli t)0 inotftss bn(o


J^ti/fteaOgtb his MouOe/anbfo buvjcOi

^en1&amp;trafetoReg!eru0 afcbtirgeb^ bpm, *anDtbefouo(er!5toounDea ^atij.yjus.c, croune of tbb;nejl 9 Put It on jggflUMifo _... _ _bwo.?linbtbepDpoon^mapurpir Barmf t/9fapO:bapll bpng of |etoe&gt;.9 tijeg fmotcbim ontf ace-ptiate to e t fo; ft agapne 9 fapoe bnto tbe:bebotoe % b;inge l)im fo?tli to pou/f pe mape BiOtoe/g | fpnoe no faute fa bpm. cben came giefus f o;tl) toeatinge a eroune oftbo;ne 9 a robe of purple,nt&gt; &amp;ti racefapbrbncotbem:bebotoeman.*mbetitat5.wi)0.c, rbebpel&amp;;e(te(J 9mpm'ftet0 fatoebpra/ m^ wm.**.** crpeb (apfaBe:cruc(fpblm/crucifpbim/.#pi wm%4&gt;&lt;&gt; latefapbebnto tbe cane pe b(m ano crucify &gt; bfaftfo;3fpnoenocauretn6unw!rbe3!etoes( ^manftoerebbim.iee bauea Mtoe/9 bp oure la "&amp;fw' ! toe be ou Bbt to ope: b ecau f e be niaoe tfim tell fpmt of 0o9.t&amp;c?&amp;i!ate Ijearoeg fapinse betoaggm'pareafraptie/^toEntagapiiemtc tbe :totgrmft&amp;a!l/9 rapltebntoietiiisno&amp;fce artetboH'f55ut5reCu!3gauebminoncanCtoc re.cbenfapoe Opiate bnto bi'm. S)pealieft tbounotbntomefiUnotoefttbouuottbatgi bauepoteertoa'ucp'fp.tbe/9baucp.otoertd lotofetbe i gjefujj anftoereo -.cbou cotttoeft bauenopotoeeat all agapnft me/ejecepttt toere Bene tbefrom aboue . cber f 6;e be tbat beliuereOmebntog/ijsmoareinfpnne.^no^'ft'icirtt'm ftomtbencefo?tbrougbtPPlatemeane0toS u ;Jl'.* c : lotofebpm:bnttbegietoe0crpe&amp; fapfaBetpf^ h " tbou let bpm go tbou arte not Cefarg frenoe. v Hoi tiibofoeuer 'mabetb (Jim felf e a fipnge/t? agapnft (Cefav. ml l&amp;iiatc bearoe ? fasinge/beb;ougbt 3fefu0 fo;tbe/9 fate ootine to geue fentence/ tna placecalleotbe pauement-.but in l^e* b;ue tonBe/iiBabbatfta. ft toa$ tbe S&gt;abbtb turn tobtcb falletb in tlje efter feft/9aboute f fpite boureJnD be fapfi bnto 55 etoefcbe* boioepoure bfas-Cbep ctpeo/atoape tb b'm/ atoape\6bfm/ciucif p bim-Pilate fapoe bnto (balI3! crucifie pourbing^cbe W Wt ft5 anf toereO:toe baue no ftpns bute'ef ar:%be swam, jutw .0 belptiereobebpmbntotbcm/to bectucifpeo. fl?atii.*.c 31notbeptoBeg;efH0/anD leDljpmatoape.a-uiic^.Ki^. 3Cno be bare b W ctofle/ ano toet f o;tbr into a . place calico tbe place of oeeo m en? reulless/ . , tobicb t'0 nameo in ^ eb;u e/&lt;0 oig ottja . w b ec

tbep cnicifpeobtm/an&amp;ttoo otber tottb b'm/ onetberfpoeone/ ano jefmsmtbe mpooe^. 3Bno#plate to;ote m tptle/ano put it on tlje croOe.^be to?itmge toa0:3eru0 of J&amp;aiarett) fspnge of tbe letoe?. cbpfftptle reeomani of tbeletoe^.iffo; prace tobere ^efudtoa? crucpfpeo/toa* npe to tbe cptpe. 3DnO ft toast iotitten in 9eb;ue/rrft e ano/Latpn.cben fapoe tbe bpe P;efte0 of tbe Jetoeg to dilate: to;pte not bpns of tbe ^etoeg/but be fap&amp;e 9! am bpnge of tbe setae*. Opiate anftoereo: tobatgi baue tetten/tbatbnue lto;pttrn. ff,b, cben

i;- v--^ *"

. *a


lletog/tofiebtegatmcteisamabefoutepatf ... " teg/toeuergfoubierapattt/aalfobtecoote W* coote toa? totf&amp;out fente/to;pug&amp;t bpS tbo;otoeout.aJm&gt;tbepfapaeonetoaniitbefc JUt b&amp; not otupbe ft/but edit lotes tob b a! baueft.cbat * fcriptntemrabtbe fulftlleb # cai.rt r.c. tobpeb fagtb i *cOep oepateeo mv wpment amoge tbeVa on mp coote bpb catt lote&amp;ainb tbefoubietSbpbfocbe (&amp;togeu mDEQe. . C^en done Up t!je ctoffc of % eto b# nio* .. &lt;ttie(/abftmotbee*(f(tee^ar? Clcopftas/^S^atp^agDaietie.iUJfjeaefus fatoebifSmotbeiva fbifciple ftonbmge toijg le Joueo/be fa pae bnt o &amp;tg m otlj et:to omS be loJbetbpfonne, cbmfa^etieco WRiple: lebolbe tbpmotbet Jne Rom tbatboute tbe

f ^fter tbat tobenaetosspetceaueb tbat ai tbpngestoetepetfojmeb-.tbattbe fcrppture jMaM#&lt;&amp; m| { ue fulfjlleD;*befat&gt;&amp;e:31 a)ft. cbee aib.trtoiif.ftoDeabeaeHfuUQfbeneseKbp . *2DnD tbes ejaccw.o. fareba fpSgc Wbeiwsw* toounoeft about tot'tb ffope/a put ft to bi# moutb. aiffone as 'etoP bat) receaueb o f b e negetv be fa pbe-.g* t it f pnft Ibeb/a botoeb W W*i% gaue bp tb e goou\l)egetoe$tbenbecaufeittoa$stbefa . 6Qtbmen/tbat$bobpe0ftulbnottemai&gt;tte bpotctofreoiifabotbbare)fo;diatEabotb bape toag an bpe bait) befougbt?&amp;ylate tbat tbeftlegg$migbtbe b;obe a tbat Wv migbt b, e tab en boune.ben came foubf erg *b?a* be tfte leg?e? of tbe fltt/a of o tb ec tobic&amp; toagttuctfiebtottbletoiS.Euttobentbepca tneto gietog/ a fatoe $ be toagoeeb afceao? tbep b;ab e not bb legge*: but one of fou* bJettftoftb afpeate/tbjut bpitaeof fpbc/ a fojtbtoitb came tbee out btoufe anb toater, : f nbbetbatfetoett/barfwcotfie/abfere* co;oe&lt;)5 true.ainb &amp;e finotoetb gbe lapa) ttue An*.** &lt; ^ tbftigwtoete uw.fe.b. bone $ tbe ftrppture tyuibbe fuifweb. *fe -&amp;&amp;$*#$., luirnot b;eabe a bone of bem.Knb agapne tfanotbetferrptu** fatttttfmffai lobe on M8ft.wWi.ft bmt/tobStbe?peatfe&amp;. *$m S/^ofepb of w*tcM 3iramatbta&lt;tobpcb toassa bifcpple of getosJ: ftte.wj si.B. but feewl? f o? feate of getoe*) befoug&amp;e plateSJKntfgbttabebounefbo&amp;bpofie* Rijjjnb pflate gaue bim ttclce. 3nb tber cs alfo&amp;fcobemu04&gt;&gt;bfcb at pegmnmgeeame

efl9efo*b?nfgb&amp;atooug&amp;tofniwa-afoefS mtogiebtogetberaboute an bumwebpoflbe toarabtcbentofietbep bobpof fefu/anb tooubefttoli&gt;nneaotbe*toftbtoboute0/aa tbemaneroftbe gevaeflfcf tobuifjnbfn f place tobere getos* toa* aucttitbi teas a gar beh/9 in tbe gatblanetoe fepulcre/toberm teas neuer m S lapbe.cbete las&amp;e tb ep ^ef us becaute of tbe ^etoejs ^abotft men/ fo;e ftpuIfKtoajsnf eatbanbe,

Ct^teicbwKCidttof ^jpBMtfte tpjiwhlti (a #be.,cbapteJ. .* - -^ ,jftemo?ob!iafte:t.abotboafe/cg* Ja9arpa9agDa!ene olgfttfl itttag gl? npetbawBe/bntofepulcw /? fatoe fe^:^ , J ftone tabf atoage ftomStoumbe. T"*"'* _ v en WrSne/ 9 came to fisi mon petct a to otbec m ciple to&amp;o gicruS louea/ mm bn-~ tq'ta^Cb^bauetabfateaee&amp;o?Deoutof tbe toumbm toe canot tell tobete tftcy baue fa J fle y im.^ecet toen t f 0; tb ftbat otbee i r ci'pie $ came bnto tbe fepulcte . cbep ianne botbetogetbec/atbat otbetDttepplebfb out tane^etec/a came f i&gt;;(t to tbe fepulcte JnD be Soupebboune a (atoe tbe Ifmten ciotbe* Ipinge/pet toft be not m.cften came&amp; fmon jeeterfolbtofngeBim/atoetinto gfepulcce/ a fatoe tbe Ipnnen ciotbe? If e/a tbe na papn tbat teas aboute bfe Beeo/not iptnge toicb $ ipnne cl otbe/but to;appeb'tb getbee m a pla* eebvitfelfe. cben toentinalfo tbatot&amp;ee bpfcj pie \xmt0 came f &amp;ft to tbe fepulcte/ a beratoe fl *abeleueD.. mmmmi^mtmmm, nottbefctlpture^tbat %z fljuineejfeaga j nesc ffhtfi? mm ftom oeetb. fcHiia tbe WWplejS toent atoa^e fiKftjg ft agapebntotbeftatonebbme. miSKJSU : * flpatg ttooe toitboutat ? fepulcte toe* K SB pioge . inoajs (be toept/mebotoeDbetfelfe batctoioe ^ into ffcpulcte a fatoeltooangeijs in tobpte * RttCnge/tbe one at tytyeenqi tl&gt;e otbee at ti) e 4 * fete/tobece tbepbab la^be tbe boop of lefus. 3BnDtbet fa?Debntopet:toom$ tob^toepea tbmii&amp;ftt (am bnto tbe:fo; mv baue tabe atoapemp kojoe/agjtoote not toft ete tye? baue lapbebmi.i&amp;be u)ebad toug cajbeyfte

tutnebber felfe bacbea fatoejefug ttSomge a bnetoe notgtt toat|efuiS.f eRs faibbiito ber.toomS tob?toepett tbouf lbom febeft tbou^BefuppoRngeg be bab bene a gat* oenetyfatDe bnto bi$ni&gt;ft&amp;ou baue bo?ne BtmbeceteUmetobeK^oubaftlatmelnmi ~ mavttit b(m-3!efti|8 (afoebnto bcn#arv. ibe tuttieo bet f elft/afajb bnt 6 bim: JSab* . oni/tobicb tt to fas e m a et. 1 ? efus fapbe fan tobet/ 6 *toucbemenot/fo?:3famnot ^etaf- i*'wf*i eenoebtomp fajet;.i8iitgo to mp b?etb?en$" ' L'fV-' fefebhto tbem/91 afcenoe bnto mpfatbet a 3w f onve fa(bet:to mfdsob a ? pute d5ob, flfearp j am t m d^agbalenecame atotee ibmkvpw f aje^csoam bao fene tbe H-o;oe/ano tbat be bao fpofien wftf fticbctblngejJbntobec. F SJ - * beRmteba?eatnjbt/tobRbtoaj{ Si mo? to e after @&gt;abotb ba? e / toben $ bo;n( $ ttete (but/tobete f btfctpieg toete aoembieb to getberfo&gt;feare of tbe^etoess/camegefti* anbQpoei'n.^ m?oD'e0/afawtotbf:Peaceb(f tortijpo^lBnbtoben be bao forage/ be U* - ttewtbe


teetetbebrfcPP^gTab toben tbtr fatoe tbe &amp;o?b.btnai$e:!efu0totb?agafne:peace t&amp;etoFtbSou au mv fatbetfentme/euenfo ^fenbeapou. 2Dnbtobenbebabfavbetbat/be 1 ,*,, fi, ftwft w on tbem a fapbebnto tftemtJReceaue i!m K7* boirgooa.ibofoeuei:3 '*fEnnej5 jetemft %f k 1 j t tb ep ate temitteb bnto tbe. 36no tobofoeuet? iSif.ioo&amp;e m fjnnesJpetetafne/tbepateretaf neb. &amp; -ii,0if,(, ^. jsutcbomagoneoftbettoelue/calleb 30fepmu0,'toai8 not totfbtbemtoben |efws came.cbe otbee oifcipies fafbbnto binutoe bauefenetbeni'Ofte.lEinbbefavbebntotbe:

except 91 fe in bi'0banbesip?ent of $ navies/ a tb;utt my bSoe into i)i$ lw&amp;. to til not be&lt; !eue.3PnbaRet:,bifi.bafeisagarneb^biR^ pie? toere V6 m/a cbomais toitb tbem.cben &lt;5 came gpefus toben bo?e3 toerelbut/a ftbbe in tbe mpbbei3 afa?be:peace be toltb nou. 36ftee tbat fapbe be to cboma0:b?inge tty fSrtgetbetbe:afemrbanaej5/anbb?Migetb! banoe a AwB ft into mpffbe/a be not faptb lefle/but beleuinge. cbomas anftoeteb anb ray be bnto bmv.nii" %mtft m csod . Jefujs fatbebntobim.^bomass/becaufetboubaft reneme/ tbeifo?e n)ou beleueft; ^apppare fbeptbatbauenotrene/anbretbeieue. {. SCnbmanrotberCpgnejSbpD Sftfugintbe defence otw bifcipiegc/tobtcb ate not to;tt&lt; tm in tbp0 bone, cbef e ate to?? tt en tbat ve mpgbt beleue/tbat jefusJ 10 Gbtfflt f fonne of ob/ a tbat in beleuinge {emfgbtbaue tUfet^o/otoebftJname, C*f appwreei) (0 Jj?0 &amp;ifcipk0 agapneby ttje fe of EVtctas : and commnii nOcf ij JS c(et cwiwfli j t o f cOe CCbe.w(.Cbaptee. ^f. ff tee tbat setoff aetoebbpmfelfe aga? ne/at $ fee of cpbetias.anb lontb??itosre(betoeDbebl?m felfe. JcbetetoetetogetbetS&amp;imSPetet acboma0/tobicbi0cailebtbprau0:aii5a tbanaei of cana a cttie ofmitim tbe f onnt cf oebebet'/a ttoo otbet of tbe Wfcipieu. %&gt;u mon Peteefavaebntotb^lgoaff (Qfvnat. mv fapbebnto bim.toealfo tofflgo toftbf jftCbeFtoenttbeft toaje a entteb into a ibippe ^fltavsbt toaye/a tijat ntgbt caugbttb^pno* tbmge.56ut tobefmojningetoa^noto come gefiiu ftobe onfl)o?e:neuettbele&lt;retbebW PWftnetoenot $ it teas g'efu^efus ra?be bntotbfsfp^/bauefeenpmeate i cbetan* IJmDbmi/no-3BnDbefa?bi)ntotbe:caftout f net onStfgbtftBeofSOrfp/atfe fljaifgnue. Cbef catt out/anb aitone ttw toere not able tobtoeftfo;tbemuitftttHeofftffflei8. f&gt; fbentefbetbebffcipietobS letojJtoueb imttfibetersftis g)lo?be.iben^&gt;ftn5|&amp;e* fecbeatbetbatfttoajStbejLojbe/begwb-eb

wanteiitobmi (fo?beto80nafieb) afp;ange &lt;nto tbefee.cbe ocberbtfcipiefs came tv ffifp

t&gt;c Mi

f 0? tbep toere not fafre from tiffi*} but asJ ii toere ttoo bonbzebcubiteg/atbep b?etoetbe net to? tb tgttbit. Mom as ttjeptoere come to lanbe/fte? fatoe boot cole? anb f iffte la^b tberon/ab?eeb $cbi0 (awe bnto tbe: bjbm of tbe fffflje tobicb vc baue note cangbt^i m monl&amp;eter fteppebfoitb anb bjetoe tbe net tolonbefullof greatefprae^/an bonb?eba Wtj. 3nbfo?aiitber toere fo mmg/ttt toas* not tbe net b?often. geuf f me bnto tl) em 9 come abpneJnbnone of tbe btfcipiegbtufte afbe.blmitobatartetbouf $01 tbep finetoe tbat it toa? tbe B,o?be. getosj tb en came anb tobe b?eeb/anb gaue tbem/ anb fyfibe ivfie* to?fe. Won tb W fe noto tbe tb wbe tynie tbat Srfttit appereb to l)^ bifciple?/ after tbat I; c be toad rprcn agapne from beetb. t lben tbep bao owa/geta* faibe to ^&gt;t C monpeters SMiMttSMbn/Ioneft tboti me mo;e tben tbefe^l0e fapbe bnto Wmty Km Jbou bnotoeft/tbat % lone tbe. ^e favb bnto , m mm9 bim:febe mpiSbe^.f e rapbe to bpm agapne mm tm * tbefeconbetpme:S&gt;imo gioana/iouett fiiott^eo bpo mte met" ffle fapbe bnto l)(m: yt %we tbou Hno&lt; ^^ toeft 31 loue f . l^e fapbe bnto bim: febe m (bepe.^efapbe bnto [jim g tbv^oetpnteiS)^ mon3!oanna/louelttboumcfanbPeteiro* MtoebbecauRbefapbetobim tf)pjbe tp me !oueatbourae/9fapbebntobim:'io?b/tbou bnotoeft all tbinge/tbou finotoeft tbat lo* us tbe,3:efusf rapbe bnto bvm:feoe mp (bepe. Wftelfbempgifapebiitotbe/tobmtbouiif toaft pong^/tbougerbebft tbv felfe/atoal fieblttobJtbettbou toolbeoibuttobcn tbou arteolbe/tbouftaltaretcbefortb wtomi aanotbetlbalgp^betbe/aieabetbetobptber tboutoolbettnot.cbatfpaRebeftgm'fpmge bptobatbeetbbe ftulbgio?tfpob. Inb tobf be bab fapbe tbup/be fapbto bim * folotoe me. $&amp;etet tut nebabbut 9 fatoe p

bifclple tobonflfefltfi loueb folotomgeitobicb alfo leneb on biP b?eQ at topper a fapb:to?b tob&lt;b ^ be tbat Omlibetrape tbe. mM #e= tee fatoe bim/be fapbe to jetojJ; ilo?be tobat * ? m* f (ball be bereuo^etoRJfapbe bnto bim*. S'f ^^S'?" 1 ,^ tb8ttotbeffolotoetbounie.cbentocnttbsiu..!f((eH8cti)is fapinge a bjoobe amonge tbe b;etb?en/ tbat' 3 a fvBa"c SbifeTplelbulbenotbve.yetgjetoefapbenot^^^?^ tobfm/beoiailnoebvetbitp^topiubatbe , SS tarftfll3!come/tobati0)attotb^cbefi!Si.K^ mebifcfpiew b^/ tobfcb teaffpets of tbefc*-na Jbptigeis/anbto?ote fbefetbfngeg. 3BnbtoeS" u f, B . f ' finotoe/tbat bfe teBimonpftJtrue. l-cbereteln^' 1 tbe tobftb vt tbej? (bulb be to?itten eueep one t6&lt; eemw^ *3topporefte too;lbe cottlbenot contapne"" I L fo J , J oc ^ tbelofie&lt;ftbatlbulDbeto?ittert. SfiSStt 0ereenbetbtbeorpeiiof . 8SS8&amp; gamete ioljn. tiWon, Jt)&lt;S

$$e Mt8


&amp;poftle/ntffttml&gt;p &gt;apnctt jmmetbecEuatigelpa/tob?&gt;c&amp; toais i&gt;;erent acDors^ oe tbem. itffifjMrcenff on of (i&gt;JW8?w&amp;ias is cijafen to t&amp; e Ileafetf2u0a.

cc&amp;ef^ft chapter. * !$ #e Gurnet treatpfe (eate ftnme cfoeopaiiujO

paue byitten oealltbat$e* fuj* b eg a tine to Do arm teacb e bntpll tbebape in tobpeftbe toafltabenbp/ aftettbat Be/ o?otoe ti) e n oip goo tt/ &amp;ab geuen cSmatm* bemente0 bnto tbe aipottfos /ttfttft be bab cbofemto toljo aifo be (betoebbimfeieealpue after big paction Up manp toftes*/ appetpnge .bnto t&amp;em fouttpe bapeg/stpeafimge of ttje - h *. Bpngbomeoe&lt;ssod/&amp;gatbetedtbetogetbec/ uie.ff f .g* * anB commaunbeb tbem/tbattbep (bulb riot DepatteetomgieMfalenubuttotoapteeojf PZompfloetbeeatbettobetbepeBauebetoeof me . tfoigiobn baptlfebtoptb toatet: but pe ttalbe bapti feo to to) me bolp gooftVanbtbat toitb to tbi0eeatoebap*0. uabentbeptoete come to getter/ tfiep at fieb of 6pm fapmge: ^ofletoifttbouattbtetpme/teaojeagapne tbefipng&amp;ometog&amp;aetfatobbefapbebnto tbon: 3tfe notfojpoutobnotoetbetpnw/ czme featon* tobptb fljefat&amp;et t)att&gt; put to s bte atone pdtow: but? e Qmireceauepotoei: of tbe bolp gootttobpeb (ball come on pou. amipe OiaUbetoptneffesbiito me to au* ralem/anc i n all geto?pe anb m&amp;&gt;amatp/ 9 enen bnto t&amp;e tootfoeis enbe. *3Btibto&amp;enbebabCpo6entberetbpnge0/ js^.tw.a. tobpHtbep btbelbe/Be tea* tafien bp/ anb a im;?m&gt;?. clouoe teceauebbpmbp outeoe tbeft frgitt. '. 3noibrlc tBeElQelebaebfsWFbpcobeue

asbetoet/Wlbe .. . a . . . ... tobpte appatell/ tobpeb alf fa joe ; pe men oe &lt;Miiie/to&amp;p ftanbepegaftoge tip totobeauc* cbf fame giefuss toljicB &amp; taaen bp fto sou into beue/wau fo come/eiie ass re baue ren e bim go into beaueti, j ^ben tetutneb tBep tontoiewfalfetommamj#lwete/tobpc6 . 4 . 10 npetogewfeleV cStepningc a a *&gt;abotft h ! *,** Wtiomev. 3nb tobentbep toere comein/Xfe treptoetbp tntoapatlet/tob^aboobe botbtaiieasirottfl

peteanb3ame0/3lo(wumbn6jeto/Pb&lt;p*^ws.t and cbomass/jaartlemeto anb flgatbeto/ gameg t&amp;e f onne of a lpbenss/9 Ssim on 5 e 10 tep/an 5ubaji harness ronne.cbefe all cs tpnueb tojtboneaccojoe ftiftavetanbRip* plpcacjon toptb tbetoemen attb spats tbe motbetoegtru/anbtonbbisttoct&amp;jen. * * 3nb in tb of e oar en $etet ftobe bp t n $ mi'DDejs f tB e oifcf pleg anb fetfw noumb;e oC nameutbat toeietogetbet/toete about c anbonb^ebanbttoentre) ye menb?etb;en 08 rcrt p t me mu a baue nebe$ ben fuifviico tol}icatDef)oirgooatbo?otojmoutbofa uti) f pafie before oe Suoa0y tofiiib toast gjoe totbemtbattobe|erujs. if o;betoa0noum b^eD toitb bsanobao obta?nebfelloto(b&lt;P to tbsssmvnpatacpon. anotbefamebatbnoto po(ref(eo a plat of gtounbe toltb tbe vetoatot oe im'qutte/anb toben be toaisbangeo/ bm a fontye totftempwiejJ/anb all b^botoew gtifft eo oute . 3Eno it in Bnotoen bnto all toe mbabiterisoeaerufaiemrfnfo mociie t tm mu to called nt ibti t motbet tonge/ mW* oama/tbatftttofape/tbebloubfeioe. ftiftWM inWbM6tpmnt8*tw *m ltm t)abitacfonbetoie/8horaanbe btoeilinge ****** tbertm*a&amp;fW(bbpj?c&amp;e let anotbettabe mM,m, lbetfo?eoe tbefemftobfabbauecBpanpeb toitb Hi ailtbe time tyatge totttt mw toenttoanb oticamonge b0/begmnmgeae tbebaptuneoe|oBnbnto tbatfame nape be toajs tafte bp fto M/muft one be oftevneb tobea;etoftnwtoltbMoeftji8run;ccci'on. . actio tbrg apovnteo ttoo/^ofepb caileo 35atf abaci ( toftof e tn name toastgiu ftmsjana ^atbfa0 . 3inb tbP Wapeo fapfttgettbou %ow toftrcb finotoetttbebtttejs of an men/ ffietoe tobetber oftbefettoo tbou bad cbofen tbat ctje one mape tabe tbe toume oetbfjt me*

nitttacion ^ apoaieft)ippeyfrom tofti'tb %m bais bf tran tgtrtBon eell/tbatoe mpgfie go to tj&amp;atonepiaaJnbtbemtiefojitbemoe tess/anbtbe lot felon ^atbtes/atibbetoajl countebtoftbtbeeieuenJpoSieis. t* C W e cd mmy ngc of ^ e d ol? 5008 Che ftrwott of


fytnmttiify bapetoau come/tftei? toeteaii to one accojoe to get^ec



-_ -

jmoneplaceJnDfooeigtbet: carae^ ^ (3 founoe ftd Beau? / asi it bab btnt tbc cSmpnge of a mpgbtp topnoe/ anb it til* leoall$boufetobetemcpfefe.3inDtbereap* peteD bnto tijem clouen tonge^/ipbe t&amp; tbep babbene fpet/anbitfate bpon eacbe of tftti * tbep toere all fplleb toptb tbe boiy &amp;oofi/ anbbeganne to fpeabe mjtb btbettonge(/ euenajstbefp^etegauetbembttetaunce. . . . Mm tl)et toeteotoeilinge at^erufale/le* toesJ/beitoutementobicbtoewofallnacpajs bnoet Dcaue. i(;en tiji'3 toa^nopfebaboute tbemultitiiDecametogefljeranbtoeteaao^ n?eb/becaitfe tbat euerpman b^atbetbem fpeabe bus atone tounge. cbP toonb^ea all ._ 9 matue vleb/ fapmge am 6gc tfje felueftbe*

boioe/ate not all tfjere tobpclj fpeabe/of a* lilefJnbboto beate toe euetpman biis atone tounge toBettn toe toete bo;enf ^abianjs/ ~)tbtsi 9 ciainpteg/ anb tt)e inbabitetjs of

afterbe .taWbtisuenbty Ibefetmntae t6$* ttm fo;e8notoeleDge oeo&amp;/an&amp; baue tm fifieD?apne:tobom&lt;l5oi) batb ravfebjjua |ototebtbefo;otoe3ofoeet[)/becauferttoa^ *npoffpbletbatbelbu!tibe!)oioenof it, 02 5SSS&amp;S&amp;* bim,*aifo;e mm fatoe m*m (Efobaltoateis befo?eme:fo^ be to on rnvxiaht banbe/tbata QjulDnotbemoueb. cbetfoze bpp mp bewteiopce/ano mv tonge toais giab, fl^oreouetalfo mpfleflbe (ball tea in Dope/ oecaufe tboutotit not leuempfouie in bell/ nfft)et toift fuRte n)ine bolpe/to fe cojtupcio C&amp;ou&amp;afc Jbettebmeftoaje? of life/malt mabe me full of lope toitli tb? coatenaiice &amp; S$tn ^b^etbien/letmeftelpfpeaftebnto * Wuoftbepattiatfie ?0atitb:*&lt;jfo;bei0boffl t ' m t, A 50 bnto ti)i$ ow&gt; cbfo?e feinge be toa? a PtopftH Snetoe tbattisoD (jab Outfit* toftft an otaeto bim/tbat fmte otUitt M Ibuto C?f pn bW feat(in * dl)?ia Omibe me agapne met)c fleflbe) be fatoe befo;e:^ fpafteof etje

efopotarma/of ymm of Capaboeia/of refutreccion of my&amp;/ tbat lite fbute fl)U& amp; ^ontbu? * jb2igi3/ pampBilia/? oe not be left in Bellmetbct w fief (be Ibtiit 1 K


gppte/a oe tbe pattieg oe %vbia tobwb i befpbe et.p;ene/ Btaungewi of Kome/gje* ( fonuft:(cB.'toe0,ani)*conueEte0/(lBtefie0aaitabian0:toe S*fM*9awe$WBW fpcafte topn) oute atone ton* TSgfcgwatetoo;fte*of pod. h cbeptoere 3 all amafeb/s toBo;eb fapinge one toanotbec tobatmeanetb tWi fiDtbetmocbeb tbem fapige:tb ep ate full of netoe to jne, . 4 JBut iete v aeppeb f o;tb topn) eleuf /

* anb Ipft bp bfe bopce/mfapoe bnto tbem; fe men of 3!eto2pe/a all pe tbat inbabite gjetu* falem :be tW ftno toe bnto pou 9 toitb poure eateg beate tup too;be0.cbeft atenot o;5c* ften/agpe fuppofe:f02itippetbut f tbptfe tjouteof tbebape. 3Buttbi0i g iu^&lt;ct&gt; toa0 ' fpottett bp Hje i&amp;Jopbetegobci: git ftalbe to tbt laa bapeg fapf b C5ob:of mp rp;etea toil! poto?e out bp5 all fleffte. inb poute fonnes t poutebaugl)tet0 allpjopbefpanbpoute

coztupcion.cbi^Jefug ijatlj ob tavfeb bp/ tobetoftoeallatetoitneae0, &gt;encenoto tbat be bp tbe tpg^t banbe of jfeobetaltebw/sbatbteceaueboftbefatbef tbe wompfe of tbe bolp ooa/be batb OieeD jf tm $ tobtcb vt noto up tome, m J^auib . t $0notafcenWbintoljeue:butbefapbe.%be 19fa, ' f ^ fl9 %om tomtom %WW on my tiqfytWoe bntpll 3! mafietbpfooeg tBpfoteaole. So tbetfo?e letal tbe boufe of giftael finotoe foj a fuettp/tbat ob batb raabe t fame efu0 tobom pe baue ctttcif peb/io?be anb Cbjpa. . mm tbepbeatbetbi0tbeptoetep;icfieb tn tbeltbette0/ijfapbbnto#etetabnto me otbec 3Dpo8le0:ye me 9 b2etb2en/tobat mi toe bo^pet et fapbe bnto tbem-.tepent anb be ftaptifeb euetp one of pou in tbe name oeg'e* fu0 cb?itt eo? p temitfpon oe fpnne0/anb pts


c5eCecoiflie*wptet. *


s * 'v;-t" "-' *all tcceauetbegpeteoet&amp;ebolpgooa.5o3 tonge men Ojal febttton0/^ poute oibe men tbep2ompfetoa0mabe bnto vouaftvout* allb2emeb2eme0.ainbonmpfetuaate0/ cbpIOJBn/anbtoalltbatareafatte/euenaa onmpbanbemapoe03!toillpoto2eoutofms manpa0?)Lo;beoute(!i!SobffjallcalUnb , b Cpjetein tborebape0/ tbep (ball pjopbefpe, man? otbet too;be0bateftetoitne0 aetbo ?* mb% toill wetoetoonbet0in&amp;eaue'aboue/ tebtbem fapmge:g&gt;aue poute feiue0et om atofien0intbeettbbenetb/bloubanbfp2e/ tbr'0bntotoatbegenetacion. cboitbeptbat m bapoutoffmoRe.*:befunnefl)albe tut glablpteceauebbWpjeacbittge/toetebaPt^iis nebfnto batcbne0/ tbemone into Woubbe* feb:anb tbe fame bape/ tbet toete abbebbnt a f02etbatgteate ^notablebapeof tbejio?be tbcmaboutetb?etboufanberoule0. come Mm it ajalbe/| tobofoeuet (ball call 3tnb tbep contpmieb (n3ipoBie0 bocttine - on tbename offfiU.02be/Jbalbe faueb. { aeeloulbippe/anbinb2ea8pngeoeb2eeb/6E * T5meuofiftaeib?atetbefctoo2be0. tnp^apet.ainbfeatecameoueteuetpfoule! ^ oejaa?ambamanaP2oueboedE!ob 36nbmanptoonb2e09fignegtoetelbetoebbi' amongepou toitb nip;acle0/topnb2e0 $fpg&lt; ?3tpoaie0.3inbatbatbereueb8epf tb^fei * ne0tobrcb ob opbbpbpm in tbe mpbbe0 oe ue0togetbet/?baballtbing!;cffmen/9foib(! mm Nn felue0 finotoe-.bpmbauepe tbeit po0effion0anbgoobe0/ abepatteb tlig tabenbpgbanbe0oebntigbtetoe0petfone0/ toalimen/a? euetp man babnebe.ambtbes *':. cbhtunueii

cbnepmteabapip tofts one o?be fxmmi \ anb tyafie bjeedin euetpboufe/anb opu eat* ^creAieatctoget&amp;w/toiWBteone^fingle* ne*of Bettp;apfingeob/ abaa fauour tt aliibepwple.3nbt6e)MwaeabdebtottoecS* gtegacion oaplp f oc&amp;e a? wulb toe faueo* C Ebe&amp;aUfflrc&amp;ojeo to bfufete, JfcetK pjeac&amp;etb tfbtfttbntgttie people* rcbe.i.Cbaptet. * a l^^tf tee aSiobn toft-top togerbtttntfl rae eempieat tbenpnttoe bouteof P#pee, anbtber toa*acevtapne i man baMrfiomtoi* mottoes* toSUc/ tobom t b e p tyougbt anb ms&amp;e at ttoe gate of tbe temple calleotoeutpfuuVtoafae atone* oftbemtbatenttebintotbetempie. invito fame tobenbe fatoe Petet 9 gpobn/tbat tbep toolbe into ttoe tempie/oefp;teo to teceaue an alme*. 3Cnbetet fattened bp* epr* onbpm toitb 3!obn/$ fepUdoBe on to*, ainbbegaue bebe toil to them/ ttu&amp;pnge to receaue Tome M tbinge of ttoem. Ctoen fapb?&amp;eter.&gt;pluet 9 *goloe haue g none/ fucbea* | baue/geue 3 tfte.jn fnameof f efu* bM of 0a?atetb/ tpfetopanb toaifie.anbBetoBe bpm bptbe rpgbtbanae/anblpftebpmtop.anbimmebfc atir to'* fttea anciebone* teceaueo Qregbt. anbtoefpjange/ ftooe anbalto toalfteb/ arm entteto tottto tbem into ttoe temple/ toalftinge an&amp;leapinge anb lau&amp;pnge ffioto, 3no all ttoe people fatoe Bpm toaitoe ana Ibi 1 6 e on Mb tfi en finetoe bim /that it tea* be totjicft rate 9 begged at ttoe beutpfu u gate of ttoe temple Jno tbep toonb?eb 9 toete fo?c aftonp eo at that rc&amp;pcbbab bappeneb onto topm. ainba* tbe bait tobpeb tea* bealeb/ toelbe peter anb jobji/all ttoe people ranne amafeo bnto them in Salomon* pojebe. (f ibeni&amp;etetratoet8at/beanftoetebbnto ttoe people. * fe men of giltael; tobp mat* uapie pe at tbP*/o? tobP lobe pe fo ftebfaftlp on o*/a* tbougb top oute atone potoet 0? bo* lpne*/toe babmabe tbi* man go? to e (Bob of b?abam/fjaacanb$acofe/tbe&lt;iiobofoute f atbet* batb gi otfffeb W* fonne He fit* l tobS peoeliuereb/9oenpebintbep?eCenceon&amp;p* late totoen toe &amp;ab iuogeb topm to belotofeb. , ,,, h *jflutpebenpebttoe6olpanbuift79berp;teba m mSSi 'monetae to be geuf pou 9 fiplleto p" lUfc

auhe.wiii.c. of ipfe/totoom o&amp;batbiaiCetoftffbeetft/ofl 3o!)n.iw.0. tobfetotoeatetoptnefle*. inbbp*nametbo* ^iSf^hSwtotbefaptto of bp*narae/toaujmabe ttop* taSSt 11 tS wan founb/totoom per e an&amp;anotoe. ainb tbe S bjoVpfc faptto totoicb &lt;*b|bmi?&amp;attogeuf tobmt tbi* (com oratn to h ealtft in ttoe pjetence of pou an. lvtt 'l^. n 30nbnotob?etto*witoqtetoen$ tftojoto SSJ K^imwto* pebpb.ft/jftbpbaifo poute bew W pc (. gjgjijj Q^x tofitcB ,gjbbbefo&gt;etoab e&lt; toeb^ipttoemoutto of allp ^optoete*/tooto ttoat b?ptt Qmio fuffre/be toatto (bit* topre

fuifpne^me^entfe t&amp;etfoie a tume/t^at pontWpnneamapebeboneatoape/ * toben j #ff wti t; ttoe tpme of reftefftpnge cSmetto/ tobpeb toe * H9m |c all toaue of ttoe p;e fence of ;no,&amp;e/$ tobe &lt;SoD (ball fenbe btm/ totoixb before toa* p;ea cbebtontopou/tbatftto toit %tm bm/ tobicb mu&amp; ceceaue beauen bntpll tbe tpme (bat all tbpngejj/totopcto &lt;l$obtoa&amp;fpobenbp ttoemoutto of ailbtiB boip ^opbete^ fence too?loe began/be reftojeb agapne. foi fli^ore* fapb bnto tbe fatbew*. *a &amp;to jdm^W'U pbet Q)al ti)t%om poute cb rapfe bp bnto a t wu.. pou/euen of poure b?etto?e ipfte bnto me:bim mallpe beareinalltbpnge* tobatfoeuet bt mall rase bnto pou.tfo; tbe tpme toill come/ ttoat euetp Coule totoicb Qtali not toeare ttoat rame$?opbet/tyalbebe(tt;ope&amp;ftSamonge ttoepeople.Slfoallttoe J&amp;?optoetc0 ft5 &amp;a muel 9 tbence fo?tto/a* manp a* toaue fpoftg ijaue inlpfietopfe toioe of tbere&amp;ape*. ft ate tbe cbpiften of tbe P;opbete* ana of ttoe couenaff t/ totoicb fob battomabebnto . oure fatberfrfaping to abjaljam: *tutn in *!* ttopfeebe ail all tbe bpnrebe* of tbe ettto be Wefieb. fffp?ftbntopou-toattoob tapfeb bp topgronnejefuis/9 bim lie batb fenttoblplfc pou/tbat euetp one of pou Qmio tutne f torn poute topcBebne*. h

iSf t\)t apote

ttoe comet . i^ettoeti* t&amp;ec faluacpon in enp Dtbet.^o; pet alfo is tt)et enp ottoec name gc utn tomen tobetintoemuft bcraueft, h

ibenttoep fatoetbeboione* of jaetetan&amp; 9oton/ ttbnbetftobetbat tbepmete bnleweb men an&amp; tope peopie/ttoep matuepieb/a tbep

toereofonebert/an&amp;ofonefoufoMonoiic offljem rapue/tbat enp of ttoe tljingc* tohpeto Ije poffeffeb/toa* In* atone:but bab ail thinaC commen.KinDtoptb gteatepotoergaue m apoftie* toitne? of tijetefutteccw of gftaffi 3efu. ainb greate gtace teas toptlj ftem all.

of tbetbpnge? tbat toete folbe/ anb lapeoie boune at tlje aiposie* fete.anb tBOtibucion toa* mabe bnto euetpman accojbinae as be babnebe. * anbgiofe? toljicb tea* alfo calleb of ftjepo llleg/^atnabasfttoati* to fape/tbc fonne of confolaon)bepngeaneuite/9 of tbe conn* tt e of tippet* bad lan&amp;e/ anb folbe it 9 lapbe tbe p;pce boune at tbe apoftie* fete, Cffifte opffcmblpngeof anmiiaoan6ig)np(m;afoi)ii / apjpco.ajwacteo ace done bp tip apomeB/toljidj nve


C I fie ftpoftles ate taken b;ou gfi t brfow Ije con n# ttU.aCb,epatefojbj06en to p;cac5)lmtHicp tutne tfje WUop?8|:/j ace mo;e obeOiJt bnto ob t^l irnto mi cabe.iro.Cbaptet. S&gt; tbepfpabe bnto tbepeople/tbe^ p;efte* anb tbe tulat of temple/ * anb tbe &gt;abuce* came bpont&amp;ent tafiinge tt gt euouf ipg tbep taugtot

$ people ap;eacbeb*in ^e fopfc temmecwtt3fn?fni&gt;i ft5 beetbiSnb tbeflapbt bance* on tbemanPf.M^ puttb? mbolbe bntpUttoenejrte bape:foaitS",^ '

toa* note euentpbe. cto be itmanpof tb^ totoicb beaffcetoo?fie*/belfuebafbenofib/

of tbemen tea* aboute fpue tboufanbe. Mb it cb aunftb on tbe mo?otoe ttoat fttto tulat* a elbet* aS&gt;ctibc*/a*3enna*tctoefe ?&amp;?eftanbCapptoa* a9:obnanb3W&lt;itanbet 9 a* manp a* toete ofgtopnteb oftotep?eae* gatbeteb to ge tbet at 5 emfalem/anb fet ttoe m otbet befo^etbe/ 9affieb:bptobat potoec 01 *&gt; intobatnaraebauepebonettoi*/rp^ * ben)&amp;etet full of tbetoolpgooft fapb bnto tbf :pe tulat* of peopie/9 elbet* ofgiftael/ pf toe tbi*bape ate e jamtneb of f goobbebe bone to tbe ficfi e man /bp tobat meane* toef* mabetotooale:be ittonotoebnto pou all/9to tbepeopleoWael/ttoatintbenameofgie* At* tib?f ft of "$a?atei&amp;/ totoS pe ctucifpeb/9 tobS dsob tapfeb agapne from deetbseuen bp .d. r toinibotb ti)i$ man ftanbe toete parent befo?e* pou toboale, *to i* i* ttoe ftone caft a fpbe of wnp* pou topaeW/toiicbi* frtftit5ccaefeirtace of ti ie cornet.

I* *

i .

P ' :

^ ; *


ftneto ttoe/ bat tbep toete taftto Sefu-.anb be, iQetbet tea* tftet enp amonge t be in/tba lac

toolbinge ajfottoe man totoicb toas bealeb QS fieb.jf 0? a* manp as toete poaeffe t* of laS binge tot to ttoe/tbep coulbenotfape agapna 0/ tooufcg/folbe ttocm anb b;ougtott toep/pce ft, tfuttlKpcomaundebttoetogoatpoeoHt * """* "" --- -s&amp;ESS.**** of tbe cpunfell/anb counceled amonge n)em ' ' felue*fapinge:tobatC(jaltoebototf)erem^ iff d?.a nianf f eft fpgne i* bone bp t&amp;oh/anb it openlp bnotoen toall tbe tbat btoeii in %em* falem/9toecannotbenpeit. iButtbatit be nopfeb no fattbet amonge tbe people/let b* threaten anb ctoaige tbem tbat tbep fpeafie bence eo?tto to no man tn tb&lt;* name. 3 : 3Cno tbep called tbem/anb comaunbeb tbl tbatinnotoifettoep wulbrpeaftco^teacbeiu -wwrnwHwuiiMKBp nwwBie*tMu&lt;fij tbe name of ^efu.]&amp;utpetet 9 Hobn anftoe*' 2***^? ^* m % tl[ of ot| "^ngetu tbem matm tebbntottoemanbrapbe:totoetbe'titbetpgbt' 2^yLl rcl 'J?? B i t . 1 ' cf0 ' ctl,c t9unfcH *f : ucibi in tfje figbt of ob/to obepepou moate ffieti &lt;^ob/iubgepe.ifo;toe cSnot but fpeafie that totoicb toe toauefene9toeatbc.&gt;otb?eateneu tbep tbem anb let tbem go/ anb founbe no* tbinge boto to piinpraettoem/becaufe of tbe people. $0} all men lauded d&amp;od fo? ttoe mp* tacle tobub toa* man toas aboue f onttppeare olde/on 'tobom tbp* mp?acle of bealingetoasftjetoeo. 3iOone a* tlnv toete let go/ tbep came to tbeit feiotoes/ana fbetoeb ail tbat tbe bpe }??efte* 9 elbet* babrapdet tbf. 3Cnb b&gt;btn tbepheatbetbat/tbeplpftebptbeftbopcegsto ., ,&lt;S5ob toptb one acco?de/ 9 fapae: jLo;be/ tbou Mine ob totoicb baft made beaueti 9 em the epiee anb all tbat in tbem,i*/tobicb bpf moutlj ** of tbpreeuauntauibbaarapb:*3bpbpb " ttoebettoetagt/9ttoepeopicimmagenbapnir tbmge*.rbefipnge*oftbe ettb ftobebpana tbe tulat* came to getbet/agapnft i %ofw anb agapna bt* ciwift,

ff o? of a mtetft/ agapnft tbPbolp cbplbe 3efu* tobo tbou baft anopnteb/botbe^etobe ^anaairo onciu* opiate, toitb tbe entpi* "anbttoepeopleof pe] gatljetebtbefelue* to getbet /f o? to bo tobatfoeuet tbp banbe* 9 tbpcounfellbetetmpneb befo;etobebone. anbnoto ;no#e/bebolbe tbeit tb?eatenpng^ ano gtaunte bnto tbp fetuaunte* toitl) all co fpbeuce to fpeafie ttop too;de. S&gt;o tbattbou , fltetcbe fo?tb ttopnc banbe/tbat bealinge anb fpgne*anbtoonbet* be bone bp tbe name of tbp bolp cbplbe ?fefu*. 3Dnb affone a* tbep b^abpjapfb tbe place mcueb tobeatetbeptoc teffembIebto getbet/anb ttoeptoete afl fpi* . leattptb tbetoolp ooft/ anb tbepfpafietije . toofteofflSobboloelp. P *anbttoemuititubeoftbfttoatbeieueb/

ttittc of smalfcl. b,e apiftlca ate IkWUkv veiovo ft IB trouble. ' * r fiCtoe.b.tibapfet. Jti ettapneman nanub 3Cnania* U1C papbtta bis topfe folbe a poiTeflio 9fiepteatoapepatte of&amp;pjpcedji* . Jtopfe alfo bepngof counfeil) anb a*jvtiieca* wougbta cettapnc parte/? *lapo itboune amcofZ atp3poftl$ fete.ctoenfapbepetet:3nanias""'v&lt;nia boto ts it i &lt;S&gt;attoan batto filled tbpne hett/fl ii*ftw*o ou OJulbeft ipe bnto tbe bolpgMft/re|wSSSt 1 SS atoape parte of p/pce of ipiiel ob.i&amp;ettap- T$ &lt;$X neo tt not bnto onlp/anb af tcv it teas folbe/ tonatcjjacw/* toas not p;pce in tbine atone potoetf ^oto ,| J ato " eof ^ e is ty tbou baft coceaueb tlu'S tbme in tljine (ljcfc iJgL" betterctoou toaftnotlpebbntome/but bnto?5 StZ ob.itoen3Bnantas toetdetbefetoo^es/toctic/ijc occiatea fell bonne anbgauebptftegooft. aCnbgteae 4, " t * 1 &gt;? "^m Raw ; came on all tijeg there t&amp;fngr, toeatbe.fe W" * anDtftepmutgementoofebp/anbputbpniaXS S patte/anb catpebtoim out/and burped bim. ESSaS^

ainbttf o?tuned as it toete aboute fcfpacelwb? Bbouft. of.iil.tooutcS af tet tbat bis topfe came in/ig= % S 1 "* * no;attnt of tbat totoicft teas bone.^nbieetetS g^ fomoctoeanbbefapd:pe/fo?fomoc()c.l)enbfciiamoiiBc^ petet fapbe bnto toet:tobp bauepe agteeb to f0!tc 'tmtotc getljet/to tempt tbe fp?ete of tbe )Lo?de^3Be 5 F l,n Cft c ? IJC ib boldetbe fete of ttoem tobicto toaue burped tbp w mm * bufbanoe/ateat tbe mei and fljaiicatptbe out.cben (be f el d oune ft rapgbt toape at bin fete anb peldebbp tbe gooft. f nbtbepomige men came t'n/anbf ounoe bet beb/anb catpea bet out/anb burped toer bp bet butbanbe.ana great feare came on all tbe congregacpon/a on as manp as bearbe it. . pttoetonndes of tbeapoftleStoetemanpC figne* 9 toonb?e* ftjetoebamonge ^people. anbtbeptoetealltogettoettooneacco?oein Salomon*


&gt;aiomS0 pojcbe, anb oEot^ev autft no m&amp; torjnebimfcifetotbe-.neuetfbeiateri&gt;peQpie niagni f teb tbem. be noumu?e of tbem tbat be leueb f n tbejU ;ae botbe of men anb teeme gtetoe moare anbmoaw.infomotbe $ Wt b?ousbt flje.Cecfte into tbefttettess, ano lapae tijem on beBfiejs anD paiettejs/ tftat at t^ e left toave tbe aootoe of iBetet tobe be earned/ niraftt ujaootoe tome of trjem.-sbete came a! Ceamultitube out oftbe cftiedtouna about/ 3$ onto gerufalem/ b;tngpnge fpebe folfied/a je tobpeb tone re to er eb toptb tonclene fp;eted, ; no tbep toirebealeeeuerpone, Cbentbecbefe p&gt;;eftetofe top aalltbep lattotre toitb Bim (tobptb &lt;ja tbe Crete of me ^aouceflano toete full of inbignacion/anb lapbe banned on tbe apottled/a put tb 2m cSmen pjefon.J&amp;ut tbe angeil oe .: JLojbebp npgb t openea rbepjef on Do?es / anD b;ougbt tbem toftim tapbe: go/ fteppe fo;tb/ ana fpeabe in tbe temple to tbe people all wM oftbfdlpfe.lbentbepbeatoe/tbepentteb into tfje tlple etlp in mominge a taugb t.

cbe cbef e ;eft came a tbeptbat toete tot t&amp; bim/a called a counfell to getbet/anb aii tbe eieetd oftbe cbplb;en or giitaei/ a rent to tbe p;efon to fettbemlben tbe mmiftred came ano founoe a)l not in tbe p;efon/ tbep ret ur* n co a tolDe fapinge : p;ef on founoe toe (but a$ Cute ad toad poflt Me/ana tbe fteperd ftan binge toitbout befo;e tbebo;ed.#ut tobe toe &lt;gbab openea/toe founoe no man toitb in .a&amp;be ?cbefe^eft of all a tbenilecof templea |bpc hefted bea roe tbef e t&amp;fnged/ tbep D ou tea of tbem/ tober bnto t^t]$ foolbe grotoe. cbencameoneanaftetoeatbem-.beboioe tbe men tbat pe put inpjefon/ttanoe in tf * ple/ateacbetbepeople. cbentoent rule* oftbe temple toitf) mituttregy a b?ougftttb? toftbouttoiolencc. tfojtbepfrareoS people/ left tbe? ttom baue beneftonea. ano toben tbep baa tyougbttbem/tbepfet tbe" befo;e coufeH.anofc cbefe ;eile aifteD tbe rapinge bpanottoeftraptelpcommaunaepoutbatee amlDnotteacbeintbpd name? ana beboiae f ebaue f i ileyjetufolem toitb poute boctrine a pe interitte to b?inge tbid mad blottb tops tod t&amp;etecanatbeotbetapottledanftoetea a c85mc.s^i.a,ca?oe: *le ougbf moaretoobep oa tben to4.yb.c. men.cbeoaof outefatberdtapfea bpgie* 9m*u* fujj/tobomfelletoeflnbbangeoontw. pm ban) oa Ipf te top toitb b f d tfgbt bana/to be a ruler a a fauf out/fo* to geue tepentaunce togxrael a fo;geuened of tvnnl anb toe are msxecomz cBcemlnge tbfe tbfoged a alto geboJpBOofttoftomoabstbgeuetotbem ato&amp;epbim. rabentbepbearwtbat/t&amp;ep cteue a fun&amp;er.a Cougbt meaned to nee tbe. cben ttobetbertop one in tbe coflfell/a ^ba&lt; tfegnameb Gamaliel/a boctoureof latoe/

&gt;teuen amanfullof faptbanb of t&amp;f BofvSSS&amp;i gooft/ 9 ?&amp;biiip/a^;ocbo?ud/anb 0tmno)nicim M anocimon/anb^etmenad/anb J{Jicboiada ttjetr nM conuerte of 3ntiocbe. H8Wcb tbey fetbefo?e^"^5f tbe acpoared/ anb tbep p?a|eb anb * *UmjgiEm tbeiebanbedontbem. f , ; . Smmm

. 3Bnbtbe too?be of obentteateb/anb tbetwre m noumboftbebififltdmultn'tteb&lt;ntemi'^W 5 telem greati?/anb8ttat eotnpanpof e22HJSii nefte* toete oWWefltto tbe faftb. * SPnb wt |) moat ^teuen full of fajtfj anb potoer/ bj?o great em* no;eoi toonucK atmrawaclfdamongertepiopie.-- 1 " '-"" tjentbei


baa in aueio jite am onge aU tbe people a cS&gt; maunbebtoputtbe ipoftleda fvoe a well fpace/afafbebntotbem:menor|ftaelta&amp;e tjeoe to joute c elued tobat re entf be to bo ad toucbingetbefeme. ^efo;e tijefe based tore top one cfieuoas boftinge bem felfe/ to tob5 refo;tebanSb;eofmen/abouta foute bone fcebtobieb toad fiapi/atbejall tobtebbele* uebbem toete feat reb abjoooe a b^ougbt to nongbt. aftettbsd man/atofetbet top one ?ubad of &lt;s$alilein tbetpme tobm tribute ega/anbb;etoe atoave motbe people aftes bim.l^r alfo petf Obeb:a all euen ad man? ad batbeneb to blm are f catteteb a b;oob. a)nonoto!|fai&gt;ebntofou:refiawei&gt;oirte feiuesfrom tbefe men/let tbemalone.&lt;fo; ?f tbe cofifell of tbid too^fte be of men/ft toill co me to nougbUSut a ?f it be of cpo&amp;se cSnot beatoveit/ leftbaplrrebe f ounbe to fttjue agapnftEiob, anbtobpmtbevagteeb/anb callebtbe 3bpoQled/anb bet ttjem/ anb com* maunbeb tbattbeplbulbenot fpeabe in tUt nameofgwu/anblettbemgo. 3tnb tbep bepatteo fro tbe co tinfell/ reio?^ tynge tbat tbep toete counteb too?tbf to f aU ftt r ebufte f o? bid name,3inb baplp m teplc anb in euet?boufetbey ceaftbnot/teacb,mg anb p;eaebinge %0V Cb^tt, CfiQpnfft" (fit oatonfl)ate o;btntt&gt; (n t&amp;e congtc* gsttontoOo fefccinticcfirntp tinges of (ficboOp' that tljeapottltfl majc \Bgtt owclj pon tbe toojftr f iaD.^:cucii is a c cufc&amp; . Cbe.tot.Cbaptet. * !i5tborebagedadtbenomb?eoftbe* Difcipledgtetoe/tbetatofe a grub* ge amonge tfte cetebed agatn (I $ _

^^=^. i^tbii; Oeiaufetbcti : v tofobotot , mA toetebefpifeb(ntbebapl?miniftwnge.cben^ r c **7^ tat ttoelue called tbe multitube of t^e niter- temm '*pled to getbet a faf be:it id not mete tbat toe omn'ww (bulb leaue tbe. too^be of obanb tomtmW**KK, tabled.Habetfo^eb^etb^elofte.peontami5ge rtln nflOW,l ^ou feu en men otboneft tepojte a full oftbe.bolp gooft anb totfdome/ tobpeb toe maje^^,^. apopnte to tbld neofull buf^.ffiut toe toill^giH geue oute Celued continuant to pjayet anb n ao noi^t to tbemimfttacion of too?be.3nb fajinge tbyg tm pleafebtbetoboalemultitubeJnbtbepcbofe^Sj'fl

itiih twtf ben t^ctaVoCe ctti&amp;jite of tbefef nag0ge/

wffifiwK calleb ^bettinedawenittd/$ US St* auwawwto/ana Ciiicia anb ^a anbbpf* ^Sthet fitteb toitb $&gt;teuen.ainb ttjep coulee iiot te tig cc ana ftft tbetoif bome/atbe fp^ete/toitb tobttb b^





[r - 1

fpaRe. cbenfenttbepni men/tobpebfapbe: toe baut beatbe bm fpeabe blafpbemoud too;bedagapnft #ofed/anb agapnft^ob; anb tbep mou eb tbe people anbtbe ejbetd a tbe f cr))bed:anb came top on b vm anb caugbt j^b^m/a b^ougbt btm to tbe co0fell/a b;ougbt loitb falfe to it tic ffed tobitb fa? be.cb id nt an ceaCptb not to fpeabe blatpbemoud tooled ftgapnft tbtd boiv Place anbtbe latoeifo; toe beatbe bvm favettbpd SFefugs of mtmfy fljau beftropetb^Place/anb (ball cbaunge tbe o?binau!iced tobtcb floored gaue bd.anb all tbat fate in tbe counf ell/ loficb debfaftlp on bim/anb fatoe bpd facead it bab bene tbe faceofan^ngeil. (Tfettuen mah c tij rmhvm tttyo accufoctS/cebutetb (be bacOiiechcD Jtue/auO in ftoneft DiuoDrotb. UCbe.toi).cbaptet, enfa^betbe cbefe p;eft:id it cue" of anb be fa&amp;e:Vemen/b;.etb;e a fa tbetd /beatbe to.ctie obofglo appeteb onto oute fatbec 3ib;a* e toad w t infilpef opotamia/bef o;e tjebtoelt in Cbattan/ a fapobnto btor.*com e outoftbv.contre/aftom tbpbpteb/acohie into tbe lanoe/tobicb % (bal (be toe tbe. ben came be out oftbe lance of dbaioep/aotoeit in Cbattan. anb after tbat/affone ad bid f a tbet toad beeb/be b?ougbt b&lt;m into tbid iaoe in tob^cb fenoto btoelt/ a be gaue bmt none inheritance in it/no not tbe bitbett) of a fate*. *but pfl)mpfeb tbat be toolbe geue ft to bpm to podeOe anb to bid feeb after bfm/ toben ad tetbebabnocbpibe. obtoerel? tpafte ontbpd topfe/tbaf bjd reabe Cbuibe be a btoellet fb a fttaunge lanbe ana njat tbej? Qmia bepenjem in bonoage a entreatetbfeupll.i(ii.C.peated&gt;^uttbena&lt;&gt; ef on to tobom ttjep ftaibein bonbage topll 3! tubge/fapbed$oa. ana after tbat (ball tbej&gt; _comefo;tb ana ferueme in tbid Place. *3wib ^begauebtmtbecouenauntofcircumcifpon., anbbe bega t jfaac/anb circumcifcbbtm tbe bffi.bape/anairaacbegacjacob/anb3|aeob nm tbe ttoelue |SattiatRed.*anb tbe ^attiatB? bauinge inbignaciS foiaegfofepb into cgipt anb oa toad toitb b im/ abelf uereb blm out ofattbfdabuerfttied/anbgauebimfauoute anb topfbome in tbefpgbt of ^ijarao bpnge of cgipte tobveb matte bpm gouerner ouet &lt;E6$pte/anb ouer all bid boutbolbe.

ben came tbere a bettb ouer all f lanbe ofCBJWaCansan/an&amp;gt?Atatfticcfg/tbat out fattjetd founbe no fnttenafice. ut tob? gaebb beatbe tbat tbet toad co?ne in cgipte


tSmt oute ratbetd fp;fl *anb af tljefecobs mmptoA time/|ofepb toad ftnotoen of bvfi b;etb;en/ anbfofepbd ftftir'ea toadmaoe imotoiiebnto l&amp;batao . cbenfent r |Ofepb caulea bVd fa-tber to be b?ougbt a all W ftwne/ttye I cote aj:b. 8 *foul^anb3lacob befcloebinto cgipc a t&amp;oimm anb apea botb be ana oute Mlms/ anb toete men mio \vnns wanflatebinto^tcbem/anotoercpiitintbt"' n B ? " c f^' fepulctetbatlib^abambougbt fo; moJleJ?of' , " 0, ' ;,l! ' ,0 * tbefonned of cf mo^/at feicftcm. lbentbe tpmeof tbep^omcd tout live' (tobtcb ob babftoo^ne to v people gtetoe a multiplpeo in cgyptc/tgu anotber bFngarofetobicbbnetoenotoflorepb-Cije fame bealtefutteip toitb ourefiptntaa lutfl intreateaouvefatberd/ano maae tbe to cad outetbeirpoungec!)plb?en/tbattbep(buloe nottem apne alpue.cbe fame ti'me toad C15 o fed bo;ne/a toad a proper cb pioe in t\)t fpabt of &lt;Boa/tobPcbtoadno?pff!)cbtop:n bpd fa* tberd boufe tb?e monetb^r!jen b t toad caff out/|Bbaroed aaugbter tone pn bp/anb no* rpfftea bpm bp fo; bet atone tonne, ana #ofed toadleatnea in allmanertopfbome of fte igppciand/anb toad mi'gbtt? in otw anb in too; bed. anb toben be toad full f o;tp veare oiae/it camemtobpdberttobiietb?d bte&amp;mn/ t\)i cbplb;en of jfrart. ana to'jen be fatoe one of tljein fuffce to;onge/bebefe;iDCDln'm5 auen g'ea bpd q uar ell tbat baocbe batme bone to bim/anb fmote tbe &lt;gppcimt.# be fuppo^ feb bfd b;etb;en tooibe Ijaiie bnbetftanbe/ boto tbat oo b vbid banacd ibuiac faue tbe 35uftbevbnberaobenot.

anb tbe nert bape be fljeto ea Of in felfe ton* m totbemad tbep ftroue/ana tooiae baue fet*^ tbemat one agapne fapinge : &gt;p;d/ pe ate b;etb?en/tobpbwttepeoneanotbetfjBut[je tbatbpb bidnepgftboure to?5ge/tb&lt;Htft bmi atoape fapinge : tobo mabe tbe a tulet anb a ntoge amonge b&amp;i tiBfjat/ to pi t tbou (i pit me/ ad tbou bpbbeft tbe egppctan peftet bapef *Cben flecb20ofedat tbat fapinge/anbtoad **W&gt; ? aftrangerfntbelanaeof flaawii/to!jewbe bea at : ttoo fanned. / '"&gt; toete e,tpireb/tbet' ftp.- *ftim* . perebto bimin tbe topibetned of moute ^p* na/an angell oftbe iojawtn a flame of fp;e in a buffte.b&amp;ben floored fatoe it/be Xootyft at g fpgbt. anb ad be b;ue neate to bebolbe/ ibebopceof tbe,o?be cametontobpm:^ am tbe oaof tbpfatberd/tbe oa ofab?abam tbe oaof ^faae/a tbe ob of gacob.STOo* fed ttembleb a burft not beboibe-ucben fa^tie &amp;&amp;,$ ,u tbe)Lo?btobim *^utof tbp ftotoed frS tl)pjonicv),o fete/to? tbe place toftete tbou ftanbeft id bole grounae.lbaue petfectlp Ce'hf tbe affliccpon of mp people tobicb in in cgppte anb fpmt beatbe tbetrgtotipnge/anoam come Sonne tobelputr


gfenbetb 1)10


to beicuevtHem . Sfflmoto come anbjj toyii "itbetBeintocgypte. cty0 ofe0 toOom tbey f o jfofic fay wse: toBomabe ttjeamieranDa iubgeirBe fame &lt;ob f en t bo tBe a ruler anb a belyueree/b? $ Banoesof ttje angelltoBycB appeteb toBym fit f bufftje.anbcBe fame b;ougBtt&amp;cm out/ Hieuifnse toonD?et 9 ttgneum eaipt/9 fn mi fee 9 in tBe topioe mss.xmm . cb ptf 10 tBat fl^ofeja toby cb rasDe ton to tBe cB?lb;S tow.wa.r. 0{ aftlt*a ^opftet 0) all tftc a,ofle?oure,n,&amp;oo raffe bp bnto you of youte b;et#v l?Bebntome/B?mlballseBeare, C6J0 10 Be tbat teas in t!j e congregac? 5/ in tB e to?lberne0 toitB Stiffen toBicb fpaae to Bint tit tb e m oun te &amp; pita/ 9 toitB cute fa= t&amp; e #.&amp;# ma ceceaueD tB e to o;oe l y fe to geue Ditto ws/to toBS oute f a tbeig count not be?e/butcoftftfr5tBe7anbtntBelrBerte0 tumebbacne aga?neinto cEg?pte/fayingc &gt;;ow,yjr.a. bnto JCaro:*maBe w &lt;ftoob&lt;; to go before b$, ffo?t&amp;t0 flore$ fj bjoug&amp;tbiSQLit of lanoe of 8g?pte /toe toote not toat is become of feym.anb tbey ma&amp;ea calfe intbotmvtw offereb fact y f fee bnto tBe ? mage/9 w o?feb fntBetoo;&amp;e0oftbeiratonebanoe0. Cben gpob t urnet) B?m f el f e 9 gaue tBent bp/tBattBeyflmlbetoo;lpiptBeftatre0of f fty e/as it 10 to?ftten in tBe bone of tBe $;o&lt; -PBetejJ.* pe of tBeBoufe of 3ftael/gaue ?e tome faeryf?ce09 meateofferpnges Dp tBe Cpace m tBe to?toerne0? anb?e tone bnto sou tBe tabeenacleof flfcolocB/ 9 b * motocti: tBe ttarre of goitre &lt;2Sod ffie mpbau/fygur e0 tuta w wpoun* mB&lt;cB ?e mabe to too?lppppe tBeJitb ] toyll to &lt; Atutti. ttanfjatcpou beyon&amp;e tfabylon. SDurefarBew Bab tBe tabernacle of toitnj *tntBe toplbernc0/a0 Be Bab apoynteo tBem fpeaw'ngc bnto *3#ofe0/ tBat Be tyuib mane ft accojbynge to tBe f affg on tfja t Be Bab fene,

Wtytl 1 tabernacle oure fatBer0receaueb/9 toougBt ft in toftb gioftte into poUeffion of mmntm toBycBd&amp;obtyaue out before face of oute father* bnto tBe -tgm of auto. l@BpcB founDe fauout:befo?e&lt;i28ob/9 to'ol&amp;e fapne Baue made a tabernacle f oj tBe &lt;M&gt; of gjacob. J5ut Salomon b pit Bint an Boufe. $otobeftBetBati0Bpeaofau7btoellet&amp; not in tepies mabetoitBBanbe0/a0fa?tB e p?oplje t :B ea ue 10 m?feate/ 9 e ttft 10 mp fote ftole/tebat boufcte-yll ye bylbe f o? me faptb f&amp;ojbefojto&amp;at place 10 it gg flmioereftiit fiatb not my banbema&amp;e all ttj t f e IB mgessf ffi feaiffenecfiebftofbnciwumdfebBetteg w anbea0:?e Banc all toa?e0tcr?fteb Bote youre fatbers byb/fobo pc. IB? cb of rUe $?opfte t e0 Baue not ? oure fa tB e rg per recutebfanbr&amp;epBaueffaynetBem/to&amp;peB (betoebbefo;eoftBecommfnge toljompe Baue note betra^b ano mo?b;eb.

q%t &lt;&amp;W


anbre aifo Baueteceaueb alatoeb^tfieo;i blnaunce of 8ngel0/an&amp;&amp;auenet6epttt. ' * U3BentBe?BearoetBefetBvnge0/tBeic bee0clauea ruiuerano tbev gnafibebon f m tot tb tBeft t tt bc.jsut Be beinge full of oip gooft/lo&amp;cb bp (t ebf a Kite toitB Bi0 ewt intobeauen/anb fatoe tb e glo^e of&lt;ssob/anb 3" e fu ftanbinge on tBe tvsb t banbe of &lt;&gt;oa anb fasbe: beBolbe/^fe tBe Beauett0 open/ anb tBe fonne of man ftanbpnge on tht ngBC Bantie of oa.^ben tbet gaue a fljoute tot'tb alou&amp;ebopce/andftoppebtBeir eare0 rane b p on Bim all at once/anb caft Bfm out of tbe

cf tie/9 ftonebBsm. inbtBe toftne(re0 iapoc boune tBe it clotBe0 at aponge tnane0 fete nameo &amp;aul. anb tBe v (tomb 3&gt;teuen cal* Ipnge on 9 tetfnge: nofle .Sieftt teceauems fp;ete Jnb Be fineiebboune anb crpeb toitB a IoubeboFce:Ho?blat&gt;enottBi0f?nnetotBei( cBavge . 3Dnb toBen Be Bab tBu0 fpoben/ be feilaflepe, J CSbsuI pctrcoitttb t^CiCfetacn/Cbe apotttoate f cat rcO MoOc. fillip commc tfj in to $9amarta.t&gt; moumagiifilB uapt^fc&amp;yfjc; Oj?{rcmtjleU J(Jll&lt;pljap . tt f5 t^c t(jamtetlaf tic. CCBeAiO.tibapter. lulBabpleafuretnBi0beetB.^nb3B at tBat time tBer toapa great per* fecucionagamftrbe wngtegac?8 toB^cB toa0at|,erulMg/anb tBeg toere.allfcattereb abjoabe tbo^otoout v * giS0 of giutf ^amaa'a/eirceptS apottleg, ^Ben beuout men b;e(feb^teuen/:9 ntabe great lametacio ouetBim.iaut ^aulmabe Bauocii e of tBe congregaciS/anb entreb into euerp Boufe b#toe out botbeman 8toomi 3tB;u(ttB?fntop?eron.0otobeit tBe? tBat toere fcattereb ab?oabe/toent euerp toBere P^eacbinge { too;be.Bencame J&amp;BUfP into acitfeof ftamaria/9p;eacBeb ci&gt;?tft mo tBem . 3Dnb tbe people gaue bebe bnto Hjofe v tbtnge0 toBf cB$Btitp fpaae/ tonft one aco;be tn tBat tbe; Bearbe anb fatoe tBe mp;acle0 tobtcB Be jb if 0; bnelene fp;ete0 crsinge tb ioube bopce/ came out of man? f toere pof*

feffeboftBfJnbmanstalientoitBPalfce0/ anbtttanstBat Balteb/toereBealeb. 3nn ti)er tea greate io ye m tbat citieMb tfler toa0 as ce 1 t&amp;v n e mi calieb&amp;tmon/toBicb befo;e tt* meinramecitie/brebtoftcBecraf(eabetott'&gt; cbebtBepeopieof$&gt;amaeie/fa^ngetBatbe toa0a man tbat eoulbe bo greate rbfngr0. JBom tBep regatbeb/fr9 tBe left to frgrea* tett/ra#nge:tbi0 feloto i0 $ great pbtoee or ooD.anb Bpm tbey fet mocb e bp/ becaufe ft .. of longe ty nteftetjabmocfieb tbem toptft fo?*c cerp. utatronea0tbey beieueb ^B(lippe0 p;eacBmgcofti)efipn8bome of d5oaof name of 3]efu &lt;iB?ift/tbl? toere baptpftbbo* tBe men anbtoemen,^en ^imon Bim reife belewta


&gt; beieueb aifb/anb toa0 baptifcb/9 continu eo toitB t^iiiP/ 9 toonbteo beboibpnge tBe mv* mm am 1 ygne~ /toBicb mere Qietoeb; ; * tben4ipoiiie0 toBtcB toere at aerufa lent B f a toe fane u)at Samaria Bab receaueb tbetoo;beof(&gt;oo:tBepfentbntotB^eter9 gof)n.Hi)Bi'cB toBen tbep toere come/ p;apeb f o-2 tbe tBat tljep migBt receauefc Bol? good. &gt;#O?^0 petBe toa0 come on none of tBe: but |i, ana tbep tetbep toere baptifeb only in name of CB?i(t (fflico tjc ooiRgejtu.cben laptie tBe? tBeirBanbe0 on tbem/ Milmv***" 6 tbey vcceaucbtbebolpgooft. * B"i(8ir ' ^Wi S&amp;mtS fatoe/tBat tbo^otoe lapinge (jjiifinu tt; on of tbe ^poftle0 Banoe0ontrjem/tBe boip jpjSciws tft? 5Qoft toap geuf :B'e offereb u)5 money taping: If f '#' w aifo tbwpotoa/ g on wbom foeuee Kr raswrlPut tbeBattbcs/Bemaye receaue tBeBolp nil ft) mj'Saoft f Ben layoe JBeterbnto BprntrBprno* itfon/ f'jtcy &lt; peifj&amp;e uvytB tBe/ becaufe tbou toeneft H ; US?* iftat tBe ifte of &lt;!Pobmape be obteyneb toitB SmSSR""!** BoubaftnctBirpatteno?felloto S(iiefo:tiie/^yppeint 1 jy0bufyiif0. &gt;jfo;tByBerti0 not

nimceminaa^ygBtintBerygBtof &lt;0ob. Repent tberfo?e ii^mentof *&amp;##$ tyy tttcbebnc0/a p?a?e ob tbattbc tffitiro* "SW of tB?ne Ijertmaye Uefo^geuen tBe. ksLt iicasc/ tfo? .^pcrceaue tljattbouarte full of bitter wito faiuac(5:gaU/anb to;appeb in imquite.

M fyt 8)0k84

ainbPBtlip openebBi0moutB/9begannetnen9 manfa at tBe fame fcrypture/9 pteacBeb bttto Ijym *l mtm bnt " i 3eftt0.aDnb a0 tBey toent on t&amp;eti toaye/tBey $l% ?&gt;g camebntoacettaynetoater/9tBecBambetv ft ;S[/^ lape faybe:g&gt;e bere i0 toater/toBat all let not tijc &lt;rctui me to be baptifebf PBiUP f*?be bnto Bim: % 1 5. ' n v ft? tbou beieue toiu) all tbyne Bert/tBou maytt. twmtm 0e anftoerebanb faybe-.f beieue tljat 3 elu9 &lt;D&gt; CB?tfti0 tBefonne of *ob. a'nb B e cSmaun m tBe cBaret to ftanbe dpi! . 3Hnb tBey toent bounebotBeintotBetoatertbotbcPBiltpanb alfotbecBamberlayne/anbBebaptifeoDttn. ainbaoone a0 tbey toere come out of tlje tea* ier/tfte (p;ete of /Lo?be catigbt atoaye piji iip/tbat rbe cBSbetlayne fatoe Bim no moo;e anb Be toet ort B10 toaye reioyftnge-.but ^BiDptoa0 f ounce at 3?otu0. 3tnbBetoalfica tBojotoout tBe countre p;eacBynge in tBetr citie0/ty Be came to cefarea. h c i&amp;mii 10 conucc(rti;anD coufoutiO'rdj tlje jttets, jactecrnufftbCaDitlja, CffiBe.iv.CBapter. * iSb^aulyetb^etBiitseouttB^eat^ ninge0 9 flatigbtcr agaynftybifci PK0 of y JLo?be/ toent on to tlje Bye _ pjette/ 9 oefp^cb of Bym lettre0 to J^amafco tofinagoge0*tBatyf Be founbe WW** tnv of tfjpgs toaye tobetBec tljey toeiemen 0?

E t hl p f^-- C ^ na,,ftoei ' rt ^ &gt;,mon teyb-.p?areye ~. e . , e ^ e * p^p. *,, vew , m , tVf ffiKB.fft^w&amp;/"f/in^ rf * e ftWiWf toeme,BemygBtb?ingetBebounbebmoje. fanfa/ti)V8t)ito6ycByeBaiK.fpPben/faUonme.ano tBe? tufale. 3euta0beio?neyeb9toa0 comenye pinv.:p.cicujtoBetBeyBabte[tifieb9P;eacBebtoo;beof ' " " " ' * "

IfiiBSE JLiwb wtutnifB totoarbferurai?P?eacBeb ffi?a ftl tB^gofpe II in manpcitie0of g&gt;aman'ta"0. SSSftto * BentBeJngeloftBe]iLo?befpa6ebn&lt; */? fltttQPBitipfaymge-.arpfeu gototoaroemibbe Hiatijp rpijye bnto tbe toapetBatgoetB boune from E&amp;SSS fierufaiem bnto a?a toBicb 10 in tBe befett. 880 f a D 6 aofe anb toet on Jnb beBolbe a man mott at. ofctbiopia toljicB toa0 a'cbamberla?ne/anb isboure of gieateaucto;itetoyd)Canbacequeneof imtt tbe tBiopBiaii0/ anbBab tBeruleof all Bee 'it nS) treafure/came to ferufaie* tot to p?a?e. anb id t-ccra, a0Beteturneb Borne agaynefyttynge in B?3 jWh&amp; to cBaret/be rebe fay tBe P;opBete. Bg jW^ ben tBe fp^eteraybe bnto I^BiiiP^onea 1ft S ft * ro ^ ne * Ce,f e t0 P n,,e,: cbaretanb J9Bt Wimi.S ftp ^ nc t0 Bim/9 Bearbebimrebef^opBet jjf &lt;Cfa?a0/9 faybe: mnber ftanbe ft tbou tobat tBoureoeftf JUnbljefaybtboto can?/ ejecepe 3 Bab a gybe? anb Be befyjeb PBftfp tBat Be toolbcomefep $fft toitB fjtm.cfje teitoure of

to amarco/fob?l?tBetr tbyncbroilb about B?m a lygBt fr8 BeaucVu Be fell to tbe eitl)/9 Bearbea boyce faying to Btm:*^aul/Saul toByperfecuteo tboumef SubBefaybttoBaf arte tbou tomi HrttD tBe )Lo;be fapo: % am 3!efu0 toB5 tBou perfecuteft/ it ftialbe Batbe &amp;mif fe , . fo?rBetoftyclieaga?nfttBep^cfie. anb j2S2* botBetreblmge 9 aftonyebfayoe:KL-o?btoBat l,e " 0v toilttBou Baue me to bof anb tBe&amp;ojbe fayb bnto Biimaryfe 9 go into tBe tittiwt fyaibe tolbe tBe tobat tbou ibalt bo. CBemen tobyci) io;ney eb toitB Dim/ ftobe j amafeb/f 0? tBey Bearoea boycej but fatoe no

man. anb Saul arofe from tbe errB/9 ope neb B?0eye0/but fatoe no man. cijen lebbe tb e ? Bim b ? tBe Banbe/anb b; ougu t Bim into $&gt;amafcoJnb Be toa0.ii&gt;.baye0 tbottt figOt 9netBerateno?b?ancfiC.anbtljei'toa0acef tayne bifcipie at J&amp;amarco namebanania? anb to Bim faybe Wfi, %om in a bify on*Jna nia0?anbbefaybe:bel)olbeg:amBere)Lo2be

f fcripture tobieb Be rebbe toa0 tbi0.l)5e toa0 anb tbeHo?b faybe bnto Bim-.atyf e 9 go into

Iebbea0 a fcepe to be f layne:9l?fte a lambe ... b5mcbefo;c Bis merer/ fo openebbe notB?0 IjccauK ijc mdtttb.*3i3e chufe of Bf0bumblene0/Be taa0 |p fo lotK not eftemeb-.tobo fltal beclare bi0 generaciflf w % fo?bi0iyfet0tafienfr5tbeei;tbe.BecBain* mm, bCttayne anftoereb l&amp;bilip faybe: 31 p?a?e Bim/tbat be mygBt receaue B'0 fp gBt. WdimtBe/oftoBomfueaftetb tbe^opBettB?0fof Benanania0anftoereb:)Lo?be/1!Baue iDntoaii bimfelfe/o;offomeotbman? |earbeb?man?oftBi0mS/BotomocBeeuylc " '. 25,ij bebatb

tBe llrete to&amp;?r&amp; m calleb ftraygBt/ anb fene intBeBoufe of ?uba0/after one caiiebbaul ofBarfit0 . iJfo?beBolbeBep?ayerb/9Batft fene in a bif yon amannameb anam'as co* minge into Bim/anb puttinge big Banbes on

a ##u fapnew^e batb Done to tbp tt *fapnctei8 atletufaif: ? tfefcjiptualy m g e t, a ty auc t 0?pte0 f ^ c ^ p?eftw to SXhSw *P*i* ontft|name.cbejuw fciw otbec uut snip bnto ijvm-.gottjp toapefrfo^be is a cbofen tnofe tijat ucicsjeffciitinto me/to beatemp name befcwetbe ucn toe ofpci hk ntpicjs 9 tyngtf $ tbe cptltyen of jftaei&lt; 3SSS*W a to **&amp; W &amp;* great tt)pnge0 tic tuiMcDtocce m mutt (uffte to? mp nam ^ fan^ lpninsein tftp 1Gijania0toe"tbt0toapeandentcedtnto tooaoc/ana not boufe/and put bi* nanbe* on bim an&amp;fapde: ttS.L"^'W**atil/tfte']t4&gt;;wtlKitappctbnto

mi -ft aftJfte ,n ^ toa V e a ^ ft " camft/batb tent me/ uy id ci c neceffy tbat A ou mpgbteft teceaue tb p *P8b t ana He icd totuclj pau fgueQ toptti t^c ^oiy gOQtl . 3CW immedtatlp *3&amp;T! *&amp;** ffll ftS W* *#* a * "&amp; atl bm fcal W * JSSRSRww""* f WW 9 atofeand tea? baptifed/ &gt;u tups &lt;cbap and receaued meate a toa0 comforted, cben t at tbe toag &gt;aul a cettap ne nape? toptb ft e dif cp* lcitct.f j g pjgjj txitjtct) toete at amafco. Ann ftrepgbt Swth.wii toape be p;eacfied qift in tbe&gt;pnagoge0/ Snfeinmm bototbatbetoa0tbefonneofod. aiUtbat sthrc piaccB, beaioe bm'i/toere amafed afapde:[0 not tups \)i tbat fpovleo tbe tobpeb called on tbP0 na* me In gemfalem/a came (tttbei; f oj entent tbat be Quo bjpnge tbem bounde bnto bpe weSetf JButfe aul encreafeo in ftregtb/a co f c unoeo f a.etocis tobicb dtoelt at amaf co affpjmingc tbattbf0toa0betp Cb?ttt. fr SEnaaftctagooD tot)plc/3fctoe0 tofie coa fell to gerbet/to fipll bmtfBut tbetv laptage atoapte toa0 ftnotoe of &gt;aul .3no tbep toat 4i * i ebebattbegateaBapeanbnpgbttofipUbini. y.*aft,s* * c[)e|l t |, e Difcfpieftto&amp;e bpm bp nigfit a put (Pbtm tbo?otoi?toall a let \}i ooune in a bafftet. 3find toben feanl toa0 come tojjerufale/ fte affapae to cople &amp;wn felfe toitb dtfcfplejl and tfiep toete all af rapde of bpm/ abeliuea not betoa0adifciple . 3&amp;ut;arnaba0tO' fie bim a b;ougbt Dim to tbe apoft m and o e* clateo to tbe bob) be baft fene tbe"ilo:oe in tbe feape/ababfpoftentoptb bpm: a Bote bebad Done boiocipat amafco in name of $efu. 3nbbebadbi0 cBuerfacio toitb tbem at 3&gt; mfaiem/a quit bim celfe boi&amp;ip in tbe name of tbello;be ge[u.3no be fpabe anbbifputeo toytb tbe vebefr a t&amp;eitoem about toflee brm. ffiut toben tbe b?etb?en bnetoe of tbat/ tfi ep b ?oug&amp;t &amp;pm to cefawa/ and fent b sm f o?tb to batfuS.cben bab tbe cBgvegacwg reiJ tbo;otooute all yttoiv and halite and &gt;amat 2/an&amp; toete edi^ed/a malfiedtn tbe tmt of tbe TLo?de/and;multlplied bp tbe co* fro?teoftbebolpgooft. Hind it cbaunfeoagpetet: teamed (&amp;;ott* 6b ou tc all q uarte vs/ be cam to tbe fapncteu totyfy dtoeit atfi-p dbajnb tbete be founde a certapne mSnamed cneag/toblcb bad fiepte ri&gt; W* fpebe otttye palfpe. ben ^neap, fa ^ e ^eebnto bvm'- neaj$ gfeftus Cb;ift


tTftt ^tttesf


Inb be a to re fmmeMattp jHb all tbat m &lt;U at %t w and 3t aaton/ fatoe bpm/ and tout* nedtotbe^o;df 4 Cbet tea* at abiJpaa cettapne tooman^j.^ (tobpebe tea? a djrcypie named cabttba/f 86 ^.' tobicbbFintetp^etaciS^calied^ojca^tbe^ ^^ fame Xoa$ full of good ixoftm alme? bed?/ tobicb ibe ofDJnd it cbaunfebtntbofebaptp tbat Ojetoajsftcbe and dged. Odbentbepbab toeflbeobet: andlapdbet in a cbSbenbecanfe. . . &gt; , 5,gwja tea? npc to gjoppa/8 &gt;e wrcf lejs beatoetbat J&amp;ettttaajJtbewtbej (entbnta . bim/defpnnge bim tbatbe toolde not begte"- ' uedteccmebntotbem, ., .. ., :.- petet atofe a came tot'tb tbem^nd toben " e toass come/tbep b?ougbt bim in to tbe cjfe r . wJnd all tbe toiddotoeji ftode tound about bim toeptnge a etoinge tbe cotejs a gatme tei tobicb oKaismade tobill tyetoag tsptd : tbe.aind^etetput tbf all fo?tb a bneieddou neapiapdeatutnedbimtotbebodpafapde: cabitba/arire.lnb e opened bet ere ?/anb toben (be fatoepetet/fat gaue bet . $ bande a ujftbetbp/a called Sfafncti; a to^ dowaffietoedbetaliue.aDndittoagfinotone tbojotoout aMoppa/a manpbeieuedon ^ 5Lo?de. 3naitfo?tunedtbatbe tarvedmanp dape0 in Ijoppa toptb one.^&gt; imon a tanner. C^ljt tlfion tbat pieter fntoP . gOtb'hc tow fent f o -iEgjneWUB. dEjjebcptheiialfQMKfmethc fp;rtt/anO^ awUaptjlcB. -".. . ... #

cbe.y.captet. * ., . iidtiMR| ^t t toasi a cettapne mS f ncefawa 12*L "M calledo;neWui/a captarne of tbe KjM foubteijS olSMB adeuoutem8/a cmWflm* J one tbat feared od toptb anbw&lt;* ^caim ouOjolde/ tobrcb gaue moc&amp;ealmc* toittWfSgM peopie/andp?a5Dc&lt;suod aitoape. cbefameg" J'l Sg fato e tnabifvoneuidftip aboute tbe npntbe canbt 'Sm&amp; bouteoftbedape/anangell of ffiod comfnge j&amp;fci.tr4S tnto'bim/and fa jinge bnto bpm: Cojneli'wi. agajne.jf tsw ibe be lobed onbt'm/ be tea? atofbr f ft|D Jg JJiga tebat 10 it lo?de^efapde bnto b?m. *cbP mtv*r* pmtx8 a tb; aimefep are come bpmto reite able tout memb.jaunce befo?e od 3Dndnoto fende me ^JgfflS to 3|oppa/a call f o? one Virion named alfo fSK.' l r l&amp;eter.^elodgctb toitb one &gt;tmon a tanner f Q "SSS &gt; m a tobofeboufe wbptbefee. f?oe. ^e Qiall ten ater cbnte f tat j tbetobattbouougbteft todo.tbentbe I^wkmmmm gell tobicb fpase bntoo?neliu0/'toai5 depat SJK2SS ted/be called ttoo of bis boufflolde fetuafltejj gRUSJ andadeuoutefoudper of tbemtbat toaptedfya ?t feji I on bpm/and toRie tbem ail tbe mater/anbv"8 ggn fenttbemtoi'oppa* 222? fiDn^mo;otoea0fteptoaontbrfrto?nep h "fXl" ad?etoe npe bnto tbe cftie^eter toft bp bpo latoi wt tbe toppeof tbeboufetbpwpe/about .bf.tb&gt;nfcmuf tm boute. cbentoeredbeanbongred/ atooldeon'* Wj, baHeeate.5Buttobpll'tbepmaberebp.^eftDSi into a traace/and fatoe beauen opened and a c | ra( ; t m- 2 mtaw

'ftiwfiin, cettapne&amp;effcH come bonne bnto bfm/ag it Upf P* bad bme astcate Qietey ftnpt at tbe, kS ntrjs/ana toap let doune to tbe ettb/tobere m BritaaH manrt of.iiif. f oted beafte* of Oit Jmw toe ertb/and becmen a towatcs/ a f ouiesJ of tbe Ltftiiof .!' g^ttMa tm came a b of ce to bim:r#r }&amp;e* nffiof tftfttll aeate. 5Sut peter faide:oofo?I)pa E'kaptcr Jtojae/flJ? S bauc uaier eate enp tbinge tbat iwh'ci'n?tDi^ cornea c^nctene.'ana^bopcefpabebnto (jthcftiino^m agapnc tbefecobetpmc; tebat odbatb PJ ; 7 ? C C U 9 U , clenfeo/tbat mafte tbou not come. W&amp;M&amp; Saaeao/dcnetb^fe/anDtbe beticlltoasi receautbbp met jaagavne into beauen.

W ~- lObilelS'etetmufedinbtmfelfetobattbijJ .^""f 'b.iffon { tobicbbe bad Cenemeac-.bcbolde/tbe m ttetrt n n teDpcb were fent from o;newu$/ bab mtm madetnquuacefo; &gt;imonjs&amp;oufe/aftode nut&amp;uio be ha before tlje do;'e, ?iiiid called out one and afftea |0BA on iijitobetbet imon tobicb ukjsi alfo called pe* jSwt' tfrtoeVelo5geou&gt;re.ii5bfU?JetettbouGbt BS aw wc on tbiS binoh/tlje f p;cte Eapdc bnto * jtiitoaf. bolde/mffelictbeuni?fetbt'ifo 1 ie / getdouue BMcaiim tf g to^tn c!em/adoutenot:fo; ipie fent ?Mf ffiifpcb *bem ,#ecer tort doune to tbe me tobfeb toe* W of w fent bnto bim from Co^neliua/and fapbe. (5fca?n25-jbolde/i am be tobomvefefte/tobatwtbe im***' cauretoberfojeviatecomef indtbevfajde *m it o vi biito.bim:o^icitu? tbe captayne/a lufl m5/ S mt'ir v. a "3 ce tbat feavetb od/and of good rcpo?* mam &lt;s te amoiige all tbe pe ople of tbe^etoe* / toau :wac.of-.:toamedOvanbolKangelltofenbefo; into ! w^!" c b&amp;boafe/attdto bearetoo;&amp;cjiof tbe. Cben io i c ca eo be tbem in/and lobgea tbem. Km^eivi in&amp;ontbemojotoej&amp;etcttoentatoaye "ib fee as win $ tfi cm/and cetcapne b?etbJen from i^oppa ac Tffifj, ."**cdpanpeDljlm. and $ tb^ddapeentrcd tbey Smula mt0 ^efatia.3nd o;ncluiss toapteb fo; tb?/ tejE wijat a and bad calico to gctber b vs ftrnfuten/a fpe* lit raije ctall ftcHi?.3tna ajs itcbstlfeD^etevtocome Btoiii) it/bo in/Co?neliu0 met bim/and fell ooune at W fifMfete/andtoo^lbfppcobpm.ffiut^etertose pi otue fai Ww W faptnge:ftaoc bp;fo; euvn % mp Celfe m is ficip am a mau,3n&amp; as i&gt;c taifted toitb bim be cam of oo in/afoundemanvthat toete com: to getber. lfc c . 3Cnd be fai'debatotbem-.f eftnotoe bototbat (fciS! ft $ an bnlatofull tbinge fo?a macitbat w a Bgcq? ^Hetoe/tb company o; come bnto an aliet-.but t :pfi batb Ojfteed me tbat a Qnimenct call flnu uecait en? man commen oi bnciene :tberfo?e came tthfe ToftfS fe "to sou toitbotit fapinge nape/affone ass maw of? toasfent fo?. lafften)erfo;e/fo; tebat fn* j/ tent bauc te fent fo? me. ibs tmif . hhq co;neliiM fapde-.cbfe Qape no to.'fu RSwIWIff *M * ? nptbeboute'JpMtde Sttjet bcfcetntnj?bouff:abeboide/antSft'obe before me it: thttfflje tit b;igbt rlctbpnge/a fapbe: Cornelius/ tbp mimmQifwn tisbf arue a thine almes dedejiarebaa S* n ^mtemfb?aunccintbefvg!)tof&lt;Eiod.*?ende

m faam'betfo^ to $m$u* rallfo? feimon tobycb I J toipitft alfo cawedpetcr.^ewiodgeaintbe bcufe

I *

of one &gt;pm*ta tanner bp tbe fee fgbe/B{KtoiW Mtmrfii tobicb affone as be conie/ftai fpeaftebntof,^" c .' ,u '5 ( '/''* fl)e . jrbcn fentl' fo; tbe immediatttia tfisttK'SJS batt toell done fo; to come . $oto are toe all hauc luiftes n berep;efent before od/tobeare all tbiugejs "J* Bt oho ftae aw f nmmaundc d bnto tbe of od, . . W***** *** eter cpentd bt'0 moiitb a mem 3 ?tt a truetb 36 perceaue/tbat &lt;ieso&amp; i not parcial fl;:fia mot fa but in all people be tbatfearetbbpm atoo?--*Pi)oft w-nit ftetb n'gbteteefne0/i0 accepted toitb bim. iff " tc $&gt;&amp; yeftnotoetbep.ieacbt'ngetbat d5od fcnt chdft h"* ul0e bnto m cbvttye of afraei/p.ieacbinge peace SU top 3;efufl Cb;itt / tebpcb 10 JLo^e ouer alKuecdwe am tb&amp;Hfr*&lt;lbfcbPJeacbtage teas pubiifftjcb'jpi" 8 * t|o/oto oute all 5etee/and beganne in &amp;a fSSffS Si We, after tbe baptpme tobicb liobn P^eacbedfS' S S boto ob bab annopnt ea gefus of 0i?aretb nm iy:s wo;c toitb tbebolpgoott/and toitb potoer.Dbicb" ; ' i,f P' ,UI 3 c/ %tSu toent aboute Dotage good/ a bealmae^ c L', f ?#$! al!t&amp;attoereopp;eaeboffi)ebeucip/fb;ffioa-S,tte toc0 toptb bpm.3nd toe are toitnefTe* of allCi-civcaifco i,,,,, tbpngeg tob-pcb bttyb in Oft lande of tfje ig*t !&gt;&lt;-' wiictu * tefg a at getufa&amp;tobom U)e^ f feto/ 9 11 on ge fa:if( &amp; oi tree.^musooirpfebbp tbe tbP^Dave/alXW Ibcteedbim openlp/not to'au tbe people/ Out ti il3 mm, m% bnto bs toitneg ebofen befo;e of od/tobpefi tbat\wui&gt; mi i* ate ab;cncne tottbbim/after bearpfe from"'* ntau&gt;/ bee tfr. * 3nd be comaundedbnto b0 to toea **" cbebnto people atcam'e/tbatitigbe tbattiontS'%tb w oldened of oda huge of qupcfte a deed. out &amp;m emit Co bim geue ail tbe p?opfie te tortne?/ tljat"" t ^ ,motof ' tbo?otoe byname/ all tfiat beleuetabpm/*^'^ ** be Q&gt;allreceanercmiffi'onofrpnnc0. t SMSS

SBbP! fleeter pet fp^c^cfetoo^es/ibertutoe^uua bolp gocfi fell on all tbe tobicb bearoe$p;rau-e a t" to ue ebfnge.3ndtbcp of tbe ctrcumcirpontobpcb BO ( ? l l" clif f fc bcicueD/toereaftoiiped/a0mnnpa3cam^v^mnci .m l&amp;eter/becaufe tbat on (bcentpi0 alfo toa0 tiiSicionaf "cJ Oxed oute tbe gpfte of f bolpgooft. foi ^ep'bf iwatftcattou bratbetbem fpeafic toitb tonge? a magnifp * fiacpou ro od r ben anftoetebi&amp;f tet:r a enp mS f b;bfb ffSTSKiS toatcr/f tbefe mulbnotbebaptifcd/tobpcbKveiiauu bauercfeauedtbebeIpgooQa0toella0 tocf tmntm pecan SDnd be commaundcd'n)tm to be baptpfed in t0 ' fa g c v* tl)enameoftbeTto?de. f. ftmp;aFDetbepuKut bmutotarfafeatecdape*. SSSJS (L'J&amp;cteclBftoethibc raufc toenfo;ehetwrteto)C?" l f Ut\f t f^ *e? nabBB * paul pjcaclj unto th c fcpthtn. ?! J." 2 " 3* iajabuo p;ophccteth itrth f o? to coinc. f ' ** tt 1 / * b ?' C&amp;brrUbapter. - xm TSX ii}otbe3pome0 atbeb?etb?? tbatai maX toeretbo?otoourjeto?pl)eaidfapeBcciicfo?the \t tbei^etben babalfo receaued gpw of Sj _Jtoo;de of odJndtebfl&amp;eter *m?h }f 0? conicbpto^emfale/tbepof tbe ctrcacifpon iijeapoflica reafoneb teptfibiw rapingctcbou teentefttoere here ra tato menbncircumcifcd/andatea toptb tljc.wBbt tef . ben^eterbeganaerpoundebtbetbpii*tty2f^ gem o?detfotbeTaptage-.3 teas in^^ of loppa p^ajtage/? in a traunce 31 fatoe a the uW ,iif, btfion

f* .

Ii I i

: ii


a i^rge lynnyn ciotbe/iet boune ftfbeuen by t^c fotoev eo;ners/ a tt cam to me . gmto tbe tobub toben 3 bab fatteneb myn e ey es/ 3 co"* ffbetebana fame fotocrfoteboeaiics of tbe ntb/9 betme nana too;tmes/a f ouies of tbe ayet. ano5boeaboycefayingebnto me: 15 at yfe P t ec/f le v 9 eat* Jna % faf 0:oMoj* ttftc jchiw byo Mm Hoi notb?nge*comen 0; bnclene/ SL'^l?.batb at enp tpme cnmomtontf motitb.5eut I taw ea &lt;e#nDalitom ta&amp;w to&amp;agajnetoto (rauiti.

Che &amp;tfe$



ana bebolbeimraebiatif tber toere tp?e m* eome bnto tbe boufe toberejjtoas rent from cefotea bntbme . 3no tbe tp;etefa?ae bnto me/tyatl Qmia go toitb tbem/tottb cutuou* tynge.#o?eouer tbefe fire b;etb;en accom* panfebme: toe entreb into tbemans ftoufe. 2Bnb be etocabs/ bote be bab fene an angel in bis botife/tobfcb ftobe a fapbe to bumftta me togoppa/acall fo? &amp;imon/nameb alfo " #etet:beu)alltelltbetoofl&gt;es/tobecby botb -tbouaalltbfneboufe fbaibefauea. ana as "'Sibegannctopzcacbc/tbe bolf gooftfell on

tbem /as be D?a on bis at $ begfonfnge.&lt;irben came to mf temembjatince tbe tomes of $ jfl,o;ae/boto be faf De:*|obn bap tiff a tt tea* tft but ye ajalbebapttfea toitb bolygoott. &lt;ffo?asmocbetbenas obgauc tbem lyfie gtftes/asijebfb bnto bS/ toben toe beleucb en Ho;ae gefuSCbjfttttobat toas ? / tbat 3 ffluiobauetoftbaanbe&lt;Botfi&amp;b?ttic&gt;tyatb tb p S/ 1 b ey deiDr tbef t peace 9 gioztf y e a ob/ fafinge:tbenba$ abalfo to tbe tttntftt gtauntebtepentauncebnto Ipfr. cbep tobtcb toete fcattcya ab;oabe tbo;oto tbeaffltcctontbatarofeaboute&amp;teue/toaw neb tb 0? to oute t y ll tbey came bntoPbemci; a no CfpetS 9 antiocbe pjeacbfoae tbe too?* 3&amp; oe to no man/but bnto 3e toes only .&gt; om e of tbem toete men of Cf pew anb &amp;f ;ene/ tob ycb toben tbef toete come into an tio cb e/ fpafte bnto tbe tebes/anb pjeebeb $ Jlo;oe Sefus.ana tbebanbe of tbe &amp;o*be toast toitb tbem/anb a greatenomb;e beieueb a turn ea fintotbeHojbe. cybingesoftbefetbmges camebntotbe t a vess of tbe eongregaeiS/tobycb toas tn ?e&lt; iti f ale m .ana tb e y rent f 0? tbJSarnabas tbat be fouia gobntoanttocbe. mbpeb toben be toas come anbbabfene $ gtaceof flfob/toau glab/anb erb ojteo tbf all/tbat toitb purport of bert/tbey toolbe contfnuallf cleaue bnto tbe TLojs e. rfo; be toas a goobman/ anb full of tbe bolf goott a of fas tbe; a mocbe people mag ab&amp;eb bnto tbe%om. cben beparteb 5Sa mabaB to ca x titi/fo} to ftftgbanlJInb to&amp;en be bab founbe \)wi be b;ougbt bf m

t&gt;nto3Pntfocbe.3flnbftcbaunreDtbti(atobo!e fete tyv bab tbet couetfaclon topn) n)e cote gtegacion tbete/ anb taugbt mocbe peoplei fn f mocbe tbattbtfctpietf of SCntiocbe ton* tbe If/ft tbat toete calieb CbJiaen. *3 n tb re ba? ess came $?opbctei* fcS %t: M*t M a mfalebnto 3Dntf ocbe. 38nbtbet ftobebp one oftbemnamcbigabuff/anbffgmfiebtnjtbe

fp;ete/tbattbetfbulbbegreatbfttbtb;oiig&lt; bouteali tbe toojlbe /tobveb came to pafie in tbe &lt;fmp;out e ciaubmg baieg.cben tbe bit dpw euerf man acco?bfnge to bfe ab jifte/ puepofebtofenbefocoutebnto tbe b;eib2en tobrcb btoeltt'n3!eto^. mbifcb tbpge tbef alfo bfb/afentittotbeelbew/bf tbe. banoe* of38avnabajsanb^atU. CtJn&gt;Bc vrtfccutctd ffjeCfjiiflcn / Spllcffj jaiw W cuttclh t&amp;rtcc in pjcCony wjom (l|cio?be Oelyumf^ lii-nnanscll.^^anwfutiOMttjoe^feOf, Cbe.#r.&lt;baptef. { _ i52tbattpme^etobebvngeBtet* itieo fo;tb b&gt;9 bib^to be ye cettafne [of tbe co ngtegacf 6. 3inb be Belie I lldmeg e b^otbee of Jobntoftb tbe ictoe 9 becaufebefatoetbatft pieafebtbc SietDejS/bt p;ocebeo f o;tbet/a tobe^etet al t'o.cb en toete n)e oaf cp of (toete b?eeb.1Cn&amp; tobf be bab caugbt btm/be put b&lt;m fn p;efon abeltueteobim to.iu'j *quatetm'oii5J of fcu= ]&amp;u((ttti bjetptobe bepte/entenbpige after eoetto tftim bjmge.bmt fo;tbto f peopie.cbentoa^pe* tee bepte tn p?ef on Kut p;a pet toass mabett out ceaffnge of tbe congregacion/bnto&amp;ob fo; b i m, &amp; no tobet&amp; etobe toolb baue b;ougbt brm oute bnto tbe people/ tbe fame n*gbl nepte p etet b ( ttoi ne ttoo f oubf e w/bounse toitb ttoo cbaj ne?i/anb tbe bepetu before tbe bo;e bepte u)ep;efon, anb beboioe tbeangellof tbe'/Lo;be mm tbete p jefent/anb a Ugbt (bfnebln tbeiobge. ainb be fmote Petet on tbe ff be/a flergb bfnt Dp fayingetatffcbp qidcfilf Mttb W cbefnj tell of ftom bf b a nc rg.anD tbe 3ngen fa^o bnto b vm: g? ?be tbf feife anb bfnbe on tbf *tanbale*.ajnbfobebfb . anb be fafbebnto ^Aaamui bfm:catt tbf mantle a bout e tHe/ anb f olotoe fo \ tt to tit ml me. anb be came oute anb folotoeb bf m/anb mp tm 1 toianot/tbatittoa*ttutbetobfcbtoa!Sbone* bf f angel/but tb ougbt b e bab fene a bi 05. . aiben tbef toete paft tbe ff?(t anb tbe feeble toatcbe/tbef came bnto (be vm gate/ tbat lebetb bnto tbe cttt'e/ tobf cb openeb to tbe" bf bfeatoneaecotfie.anbtbef toent out 3paf&lt; ftbtbo?otoe one ftrete/anb bf anbbf tbe tn* gellbepartebfvombfm. 3tinbtoben^etectoai}cometob(mreIfe/ be fafbemoto SPbnotoeof afutetf/tbattbe )lo^ebatbfentbl03Dnge!/abatbbe!fttereb meoutoftbebanbeor^etobe/aftomaiitbe .

fta? tf ing

etoaf cingfo? Of pebpie" oftbegietoeiS. * * . aino as ye conf mo&gt; tbe tbfnge/be came to g i^tsjo^nfflboufe of $!?avt? tbe motf;et of one*f obn/ hfeuwj tobtcb toais 1 alleb 3atfie alfoytobete manp ffiffigf toere gatbeteo to getbeef n p;af eejs^etee Hp"* av |HjMtKf enttpbo?e/a bSfeil came fo;n) * tobetben/namebaiibooa Jnb toftf (befineto ^ctetjj bof ce/ fl)e openeb not tbe entte fo; glaonefS/but rati tn anotolbbbto peter (tobe befo;e entce.ana tyej? faf be bnto bet;tboti attemaoJnb (be bate tb^boune tbat t'ttoau euenfo.cbett fayae is Bfti anger.igut Peter contpnueo Itnocltsngeiana toben tbef babopenebtbeao.te/ afatoe bfm/tbef toete aftonpeb Jnb be becfieneb bnto tbe tovtb tbe banbe/to bolbe tbef tpeace/anb tolbe tbem bf tobat meaner 'Ho?Be bab b?ougb t bt'm oute offbepjeCon. $ anabefavae.gou)etotbere tblngeis bnto yarned a to tbeb?etb?en , 3Hnb be bepatteb ana toent into a notbet place . - a fro ne ass it to ass a ye tb er teas no Iy ttelf a boamoge tbefouaiers/tobattoa? become of peter.l$ben etobe bab calieb fo? bfm/ana founaebimnot/beeraminebtbeftepers/ana cSmaunbea tbe to bepatte Jna bebefcenaea feom^eto?y to cef atea/anb tHex aboobe t* jb tobe toass atcpleafeatof ft) tbem of cp;e ana ^iiaoii.ana tbey came ail at once/ana maoe tntetcefn'on bntoJSlaftuiS tlje 6y ngest cbam&gt; betlen/anb nefweb peace/becaufe tbeit coa* tcef toajs no;ybeb by tb e fringes lanbe.f nb bponabafeappoynteb/^eroce arayebbfm tntoyallappareil/anbCetbfmtnbfSfeate/a maaean o;actonbntotbem. ana mt people fiaue a (boute/f ay i in boy ce of a ob ... * anb not ofa man. anb fmmeoiatlf tbe angel 22fi of n,o;be*fraote bt'm/becaufe begaue not wms. obtbebonoute/abe toas eaten of too^mes agauebptbegoott'. anbtbetoo;aeof oa geetoe a muittpiiea. anb ^atnabas a.Paul

tetutneb toaetufalemy mttim^ fulff h Icbtbeftoffpce/atobetoftbtbelobn/tobicb bias alfo calieb fl^atcujj. JSmilana flBnennbnu ece caHcoto ficacfieamongc-f fepthen^Df feergiuu jaaudisj ei?mastticfo,icc tae.^auJKeflcUetDatantfocBc. _ CCbejtib.Cbaptee. ^ete toete at antiocbe/tn tUt con^ gvegacton cettayne a ^opbetesa teacber&amp;ag^atnabasanb&amp;imo ^____ calfea #tgee/6i Jlucfuss of cetene anb flanaben l^etobe tbe cetratfieg no?f* fdotoe/anb^ani. Wwt miniatebtotbe ?Lo?be 9 fadea/ tbebolf goft fayaeifeparate meffiatnabast* ^aui/fo?tbetoo?Betobete 4&gt;nto9ibaue caltea tbem. Cben faftebtbef a i\t ,f e p?afeb/anb*puttbeltbanaei8on tbem/aiet e. WtbemgbJnatbey aftettbey toetefent of tbe (Ktffrtboi? goofty came bnto &amp;eieutta/ anb ftom *" tbencetbeffaylebtoCfp;uJ,anbtobentbef


% ittn tn i

toete come to &gt;oiamme / tbey fljetoeb ffjg too?aeoftoamtbefynagogei8ofU.etoe!^ anbtbef baa3;obntoti)eftmini(tet; iben tbey baa gone tbtyoteoutg fie bnto tbecftie of iDapboss/tbey founbe a cettayne fo?ceter/a faife p!opbet tobf cb toag a ?etoe/ 58 namea b *J5ariefu/tobicbtoai8toytb mlec i#ftftfti^i

of tlje coutttre one $ etgiug paulug a vm "1 J2S3K bent man. cbe fame tuiee calleabnto bfmJJ/Sie "wb 55aniabag ana $&gt;auf /aoeff ;eb tobeate rtje me i, n a tiw fo; too^je of &lt;E&gt;oa. 55utelymastbero?cerar(fo?w ami to f teas btt name by i ntecp?etact5) toitbftobe WH** tbe/afougbtto turneatoayetbetulec tm^ursSSu le fay tb. cben &amp; aul c *toijtcb alfo is caiieD , csm w 4f 'aul beynge full of boly gooft fet bis eyes ;cj goto too; bnbym/ a rayaes j full of an fttttcitye 9 at'C-- hc; 9 C fn " * feytftrtnes/tbe cftyiaeof .tbeoeu'fii/at tm&amp;ggSL mye of all tygbteoufnes/ tbou ceat'ed not to an u^i petuett tbe ftraygbt toayes of tbeft.o?bJna to become tuc notoe beboiae tbe bnae oUWjLom in bpo JSJ* 1*5 t/atboufbaltbebiynaeanotfeSfnnnefo?aS^ &lt; |'S a feafon. ana immeoiatly tbet feu on bfm a SSSSSi myfteaaaafcftnes/ubetoetaboiitefcfitngeduoo tiima ^ tbe tbat fbuiaieaae btm bv tbe banaecben ** au c rulat tobe be fatoe tobat baabappeneo/bele, JSH? &amp; uea/a toona?eaattbe aotttt'neof tlje xuo^oe. p ; ctncioa ray cti tteben tbey tbat toere toftb$att!e/toere ae cc m u/t/ pawea by fbippe fro ^apljujs/ tbey came to M Wt Ow petgaa ct'tie of ^ampbuta:ana tbete goon Effipyfe. bepatteb from tbem/anb retutneo to fewi&lt; JJSir ralem.5Buttbeytoanajeatbo.jotoetbecoun=tonor&lt;i) ao mo treg feo Perga to antiocbe a ct'tie of tbe coil* i&gt; &gt; j* * trey of p ftota/anatoet into tbe ftnagoge on T" la yw/ tbe ^abotb aaye ana fate boune . ana after JgK fmfe tbelatoeanatbe P;opbeteg toete reaae/tbetWamtGijica mletfSoftbeCynagogefentbntotbefayfngcatfo is taiiro ye men ana b;etb?en/ff ye Ijauc eny fernton I* 8 " 1 |D tfje toejbo?tetbcpeople/fayeou, KttH cben pauittoae bp ana been encb huSffiS tbe banbe/a fay 3e: fll^en of g|frael/a f e tbat aiotnco Pppms feateoa/geueau0fence,cbed5oaof tbf02 / 'K"t of tijc people cfjoce oute fatberg/ana eyaltea We?^ffiS people tobentbeybtoeltaisaraitngersintbeX^Mnmu* lanae of (Egypt/ ana toyft) a mygbty avme oefpeacijf of ^ bjougbttbem outeof ft/anbabouttbetyme-iBcHtptfs " of.rl.yeareg fufftea be tbete matters in ffteS"ffi ^ toyiaetnes. anabeaettroyea.bii.naryons toSSb tbe lanae of Canaan /anb aeutoeb tbetr lanae ' to tbem by lot.ana aftertoatae be gaue bnto s gWg i tbSiubges aboute tbe fpacc of." *itii,.ana S^SfiK Lfetes unto tbe cyme of &amp;amuel $;op&amp;et. SmK

3naafteetbat/tbey aeCy;ebaBynge/9ob vesmm gaue bnto tbem ^aui tbe fonne of Cts/a * flefcttnv man of tbe trybe of 55entamf n/by tbe fpace JgH JSj'b | of .tl.yeres.ana after be baa put bfiu boune/ JS? S &amp; w befetbp autbfo betbeieltynge/oftobome r^a juoge* be rcpo?teb fay fnge-. | baue founbe aut'a 3fwo(f.t tbe fonne of ^effe/ a man after myne atone bert/be aft fulfyll all my toyll. . jf tbtS manes feeabatb tiPoa(acco?at'nge vm to m

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t(&gt;W totme bought fojth to tbepeople fit ifrael/afauiour/one Mri/traMpi baa fiett p.2eacbeabefo?ehf0 e3myngebap* time of repentauce to jftaeUno tobe %&lt;m baa fttJfg ueaby0 courfe/be fayae;tohomeye tbinne that 31 am/the fame am J; not.tfut be boiae tber comctb one after me/ tobofe (beteS cf bi0 fete 3i am nottoo2thv to lotofe, 'FyemenaeTOen/cbyia^cuoftbege* necacionof 3ib;abam/atobofoeueramoge you feaectb &lt;E&gt;oa/to yout0 thi0 luojDe offal* uacy5 fent. be inhabited of 9 emfale ana their ruler0;beeaufe tbey fineto bimnot/no; jet boyce0of JB&gt;;sopbetc0 tohycb arcre&amp;ae

Ceuety&gt;abotb aaye/tbeybaue fulfylleath? i^Rts.iJtb^ conaepnynge bim.^aina tobe* tbey founae *u6?.w9,c. nocaufeofaeethinbim/jetaeftyea they^t latetofiyiibim.anatoberttbeytjaafuifyiiea ail tbat to.ete tojittcn of bym/tbey tone bym a oune fw wee a put him in a fepulcre. &amp;ue &lt;oarayfeobymagayne fr5aeetb/a Ijetoas f ene many aay ess of t&amp;em tohycb came toy tb &amp;ym from aitle to ^eeufalem. Iby cb are W toitneire0 bnto the people. Sua tocaeclare but you/boto tljat p}0mf0maaebntoy\fatbev0/&lt;oabatbfuifyicD 'bntob0tbefrchyia2e7intbatheteyfeabpi!e* i ftwsagayne I* euena0ft 10 to,jy tten in the ffaim..ij. flft* pfa"me:*cbouavtemy fonne/tbi* fa** me aa ye begat g tbe.Ute concctmngc that he teyfe&amp;m'ntbp from aeetb/noto no mo?e to xt* dime to co?rupcyou/he &amp;* on f bt'0 toyfe: cheboly p?omyfe0 maoeto juauia/ 3 toyll gene the faitbf ully to yoiM^berfoze he faith aifo faanotberplace.*bou fljaltnotfuffee tbinebolye tofe co#upciS.$otobet't ftatrio 89W* afteelje baa in W tyme fuitpiiea the toyll of *" t * ,B &lt;obbeflepte/atoa0layaetotthbt0father0/ ana raise co?rupcio .$ut ije b)b&amp; oa reyfea agayne/fatoe no cojtupcion. if jeeitfinotonebntoyoutherfojeyemen a toetften/tijat tbo?oto tbyis man ft p?eacl)eo bntoyouthe fojgeuene0 of tinne0/atbat by htm/all that beiette/are iuftifiea fro all thin* gejs from tohicb ye couiae not be iuftjfyca lip the tetoe of Wess. ffi etoare therfo?e left" t fall on you/ tobicb is fpofie of in l^opbetfc tfeboiaeye aefpyfer0 a toonaer/ a perytibe -. -' ' " ^:fo?3aoatoo?rteinyoureaaye0/tobicbye (hal not beieue/y f a m&amp; to oloe Declare it y tt . iiahetbey toere comeoutof&gt;ynagoge of tbe 5ete*0/tbe entyfei befougbt $ tm " toolbepjeacBetbe too?betothebettoenethe

ga ' ab tft aaye0. neb en tbe congccgaci 5 teas tyoftenbpymarit&gt;oft6e3;etoe$anabeeouiS. cotierteiS folotoea ^Mtf a 5B atnabast/ tobf cJ^ 1 , fpafie to t^em 5 erboj, them to continue in grace of &lt;ESoa. * inainoaetabotb aaye camealmoQeStobolerttr'etoget&amp;etvtoheare tljctoo?aeofoQ,n0fleiit!)eg!eJbe^farDet!je

%fy Mm

peopie/fbep wxc mint inbi'gnaero 5 fpafie agajna tb of e tbinge? tobicb toere f poften of Paul f P eftinge agajnft 1C/9 rayltnge on it, m ijenPauJanaj8arnaba0tDereaboiae/ana fayae;it toast mete tbe too;ae of oa ftuia t&amp;fk baue benep^eacbeu to yotueut fepnge ye putit from you/a tbinbeyoure felue^ bn&lt; toojtbyofeuerlaQingelyfe:io,toeturneto Bentpl0;fo; f barb? iLo?ae comaunbea bss _ . k . *| baue mabe tbe a ipgbt to entplg/tljat "*** tboubefalttacionbnto genae of tbe too?lbe, b^ gentylg bearae a toere glaa anaglo* tffyeat&amp;e too?ae of tbe jiofbw beieuea:eue as many aptoere o?ae?nebbnto eternal life. ana the toojae of tbe o2be toais pubiyf Qjea tbo^otoe outeall t^t tegion.iSut tbe Vetoes mouea tbe too?CDipfull anabono^able toemS ana tlje t&amp;efemcn of tbe citie/^reyfea perfe* cucion agaynft p&gt;aul ana laarnabagi ana e r* pelieatbe oute of tbeftcoae0*3Bnb they (bou mMh . . neof tbe bnfte of tbeit; fete agaynft tbS/9 ca= SSSSi me bnto aconrom Jna tbe atfcipieg toere fti %m,it,*, ieatot'tbioyeanatot'tbtbebolygooft.I&lt; -., C|&amp;milaii6 50ai;nalia0 pjeatljatjconlum^foraclip/ \&amp;a)tbm (tetc v&gt;p fr&amp;icpon . at ilata t\)t p toottc bo faccifpcc 1 013 a ninUiis nu&amp; mVmty ci; rif itfc i t/ano ? j;ljd;&lt;c f Uc people to Voo;fl;pppe tbe true (SBob/ -jSaul is ftoncCa ttec t ijat coimiut I) i;e to JPe( ba/iH-jflva Jco iKumatibtoantiocljc* ecbe^ii^.tfbapter. j^ait fo?ttineam g&lt;confunt'jj tbey* toft both to getber into fy nagoge of i '^etoeis/a f o f pabe/tbaf a gret &gt;mrffi mheboH&gt; ofgaetoega alfo of (refie0t)ereuea.38utfbnbeleuinge3'eto^ fterpaap abnquieteatlje mynaes offgf tyiis agaynQe b?etb?e;/Unge tymea boae tbB f tbere aquyttbe fewest boiaiy toytb v belpe

oftbejLo?ae/tol)icbgaueteaimony bnto tbe . towae of big grace/a caufea f tgnes a to5a?e$ to be bone by their banaeg.che people of tye citie toere aeuyaea-.ana parte heiae toy tb the g:etoesi/ana.t&gt;atte toitb tbeapottieis. ' ibMtbettoa0 a fault? ma&amp;e both oftbe (SPentylest aalfo of tbe gietoe^.toitb tbeir ru? lop/to put t&amp;em to ame ana to (tone them t\)t^ toere toare of it/a flea bnto ityttra anti erba/citie0ofiLyeaoma/abntoregiont iyetb rounaaboufe/.a tbere p?eachea of* pell.Kina tbecfate a eertayne man at "/L-yftra m toeafie in W fete/beynge ereple fr5 biis mo* tberst toombe/ananeuer toalftya . cbefame bearae^auTp?eaebe. tBbicpebeiaebym 9 perceaueatbae be baa fay tb to be tobole/ana fata toitb a louae boyce-.aanabprtobt on tbs fetejnabcflertbp/anatoalfiea.vfnatobef people fatoe/tobat Paul baa aone/tbey lyfte bptbeirboyce0/fayingein f fpeacbeof %v* eaoma-.oaae0 ate come aoune to btf in% Iy8 nesiofmf.anDt(iejcalft6arm6a09ttpfr tewPm] :QeMitfu$/becaurebetoaJ$ tbe p^eacber

mu w&amp;* Weac^ercijen^upfte^pjeae/tobtcb atoeit JpftiMiic uttotf their citie/tyougbt oren agarlanoeg; ,K?' 1 6 *bmo tlje ebuuije po;cije/ 9 tooioc banc Done nteftT tactifice toitb ti) people. C ; ' '^t tobe tbe .* poftiejJ/tfatnabajJ a Paul be roe tljat/tbey rent tbeir clottjcgf/'anD ran m amonge the people/cryinge'ana faytng-.fy.20 toby ao ye twt isaeare mo^tail men We bn to you/ana p^eactje bnto you/ tbat ye flmiae turnefromtljefe banytte0 bnto tbelyuinge .' &lt;25oa/to])tcb mabebcaue a ertl) a the fee a all ginthei0:thetobyclMntyme0 paft fuffwa all ua cio n0 to toalc lie in tbeit atone toaye0. j!3euertl)cie(tel)e lefte notbimfelfe toitboute toytnep/ in tbatlje metoeabys bcnefite0 / in gcuyngcb0vaync from beau? anaftutetull ccafong/fyllittg oure berte0 \&amp; foae/ a glad* ne0.aiio toitl) tbefc fayinge0/fcafe tefraynea . tbey tbe people/ tbat tbey baa not aone facri= fycetntotbem. Cbytber came mtaynt ^etoC0 fro 3ntio* : tbeanD5conmm/ obtayrieatbe peoples co

fent/a ftonea ??aui/ana a;ctce bym out of ' 30 titre/fuppofynge, be baa bene aeea &gt; $oto be it a0 tbe at fciples ftoae rounae about ftita be arofe ap ana came into tbe citieJna f nerte aayebe ae pavtea toitb )5arnaba0 to j^erba. 2C f te r 1 1) r y baa p^cacbea to tbat citie/ana IjaD taught many/ tbey returnea agayne to %v&gt; ;8ra/ato'|coniuma 3intiocbe/ a ftrengtbeb tbe aifcipleg foitlcs, erbo^tynge'tbem to con tynue in tbe fay th/ attirminge that toe mud ttiojotoe mocftc trybulacyon / mtw into the 'Ryngaome ofdPoD.'tKinalbey o?aenea H)em el* tom by eieccion in euery congvegacion/ ana p;ayae anafaftco/anacBmenaeatbe todPoa on tobont they bcieuea.3f na tbey toft tljojoto outpiftaia a me topampbilta/ana toljen theybabp?eachea tbetoojceof oa in Per* pja/tbey aefcenoea in to JCttaltaAatbe nee ae* parteoby fljyppe to Sntioche / fromtobence tbey toere oelyuevea bnto tbe grace of oa/ to the too/cfte tobich tbey baa fuify.lea.H9be tbey toere&amp;me ahaagatberea the congvega cfon to gethev/,tbey reberfeaall tbat^oahaa boneby tbem/ahotobebaa openeo the ao?e of faytb bnto the entyW.ana there they aboae lorige tyme toitb tbeaffciple0. Caffattnce aboute cfttumclfi'oh.acsc flpoftfropa tifpte tlje matter at jecuCafcni Jdattl ano JBamaws j?eci&gt;e at mtiotiye. . cije.rb.bapter. il^en came eertayne torn g?eto?te/ anatattght the bittimn-* ejeeepte ye be circumcyfeb after the manec of0!5ofe0/ye cannot be faue&amp;.Hina tohen thee toag vyfen Btffencion a affputyng . nota lyttel bnto Paul a 3Bavnaba0 agaynit % tbem-cbeyaetemunea thatpaulana 3Par* . naba0/ anorettayne othet of tbcm fbuia af*. ; &lt;:enae foiettjfaiebnto the .Tpotties a eioer?

tlje %pmiw.



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Bboutet^0qucit]&gt;0tt&lt; 8iw after t^ev tort* b?ougUt on Ujetr t&amp;ave &amp;i? tlje cogitptf on/ tljey paaeb ouet1BI)tmce0 9 ^anmvia / ae* c!ai'i&gt;ngt' t^e tmmtttton of tlje ntgl$/ati&amp; tl)epO;ougiat great iore bnto nil tlje D;etfee anD toljmUWStoew come to ^etwfale / tljej? toereteceaueoof tlje congvegacion antj of | apoaieganaeIoev0Jnltl)tl?oec^ate^to5at^ tljpngep od DaDdone b}&gt; W)l . cOen vofe bp ^ cewr^iie of tlje fecte of tUe PftatffejJ/ tDf^cl) b^bilcue/faping/tljatitteajjnebfutttoctt ctimc^fe tljVm anoto entovnt tljnu to licpe tiatoe6f0pofe0^nbtljeapoftiei38eiDtT0 1 came to getter to veafon of tW nmtm. ' ainbtol^tljectoajsniocljeuifputtnge/^e^ W rofe bp $tm bnto tljetye men 9 biuiw/ , jefinotoet)otottiatagooDtol)i?leagoo/ ci5oa tbofeamogebs(ftl)e&lt;0entvf0bvmi'mouti) H)ulDl)eave t^e tod;De of tbe d&amp;ofpell ano be^ leue.ana &lt;cij tabid) fitiowet(&gt; tlje bctt/bate tl;em tovenes / erna gaue bnto t^em tbe (joiv gooft/euena0be&amp;pi)bntobsanDl)eputno biffevence betwene tbe 9 bg / but toptt) t'ovtf)' fl^pmifie&amp;tfteinbettes.iSoto tijevfojctobi^ ^-sm^m^ tempter d5ob/tl)at veVuoiue put a vofteon vito t^k (jce HjeDtfcipiesf ner negf / tobvebnetbevoutefa^^^- ^ ritf tljew no^ toe teereaWe to beare.58ut toebe. Sffiffi!! Icue tDat tljp^otoe f 0^ gvacc of tlje jLo;ce ^c- becaufr tij^ /e fu':Cb;ift/toe fijaUiefaueD/actbevDo, Ijen ^ ccmitG u? al! tbe muitjtao'e toas peafeb anb gane an* * finWOat Wenceto.)6avnaba^anbpauI / tobicb tolDt : KKSif tobatfpg"^ an&amp; toonb;ej5ob babtbetoeDtcUnto mZ amonge tbe entiw b? tljem. m (qwm fo? 3Enb tobe tbe v belt* tu efv prace %tm0 m- tf Wjdco tuotu CteeL'efifapmgt5l5en9b;ctb?enbei*fienbiii'o 0cf,wUe# ine.&amp;ftHfctitolbeljotooob at ^ beginning-

DVbftffitfi dUcntpW/u veceaurD of ^r /people bnto bis name.ainb to tins ngrr j'tb toc;b oftbe^opbeteg/aS!t!0to^tte,aftatb!3! topIltefuvne/rjtovilbvlDeagavne/tljetabet nacie of aiub tobu b ft fallen &amp;ounc/am&gt; f tobub'S falJenm befie^of itjtovll'pyiDe agavne/anD *? t?H fet it m tbat tlje wtyfcuc ofmeniripgbtftfteafttttficiLo;be/*alfo| t . ^^^ ?n?ft|o *bpo tobo mp name fe nameo mm mv STSS ? 'jto?5e/tobtcbbob alltbefetbmg^ftnotof mco?a\ stftae bnto ob areaflbis too;fte3 fro tbe begvn^ Sf ? s '* oft lt ae m'ng of tbe too?lMoeif oze in j femence ift ffiJSE* ) toe trouble not tbe tobicim-5 nm^ entpis/are tnxmhto &lt;Boa:but $ toe to^te taiieo f people bn to tbe / tbat tbep abfteyne tbe reined from of oi5o&amp; ^ fav ffltbwe* of ymwn from fotniwtm/Uom^ 1 ^ V #mwW 9 fto vumi 0; ^ofcjs of oioe SjftKfi tgmebatb m ewetp citie tbat pzeaclje bfm/ 9 wlirii/ Ije is reDe in ffnagog^ euerp ^-abotb aape. 0? ^fte fflRNMa . &lt;S%ti\ pleafeait tbe ^poftleg tjetocwti* ?*ff9% m , tbe tobole togvegacf on/to fenae cbofen men tSSSS&amp;t of tbeir atone company to Snttocbe tt i&amp;aul ffi W ana Barnabas, ^ber fentliitetf caneaalfodioufOjeti, J5ai'fabasx/j^vl^/to(jtcbtoerec()efemei m&amp; amonge

W 1 ' -

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amonaje tt)e li? e tb -eii/anb gaue tbem letter m f) eiv l;a naes a fter fin's ma n w, c&amp;e apottles/eiaewi a b*etb;en fenagre* tpngeSbntotbeb;etb , e'tobM*ateofi!&amp;m*

dtpis &lt;n ftittfocge/Mfe anDCpHcra.&lt;jfo^ a* mocfieo* toe baue bearae $ cectapne tobpeb Depattea ftom bs / baue ttoubub pou toptft too;aes/ana comb;ea pome mpnaes toying*, ye mutt becitcumcpfea anbltepe tbe latoe/ totobom toegauenofoebe cSmaunaemeiit. 3|t femea tbetfo*e to b$ a goob tbinge/ tobett toe toete come to getbet toitb one acco;ae/to fence cbofen men bnto you / U ouve beiouea jSarnabas anoPaui/men tbat baue ieopat-Deatbeielpuesfo;tbe name of oure :fl,o;Be giefu \}M . le baue Cent tbetfo;e JuoasJ aha &amp;ilas/tobicb (pall alfo tellpou f fame t&amp;pnges bp motitb . tf 0; itfemeo gooa to tbe bolpgooft atobs/toputnogteuoustbpnge topou/mo;etben tbefe necetfotp tbinges : g ft to fape/tbat pe ab ttapne ftom tbinges of* feeea to pmages/ftom bloua/ ftom ftrSglea ana f omicacton.tftS tobicb P*pe bepe ponce Celtic s/pe wall Bo toell.&amp;o fare pe toell. . Jf H&amp;be tl*ep teereoenatteb/tbep cam to an* tiocbeanBgatberea $ multptuae to getber/ aaeiiiiereatbepiaie.uabentbepbaareBeit/ tbep retopfea of tbat confolacion.ana gubais % moWt* *# beige*P;opbete MM b/e ^w tfeentlj?e toitb mocbe pjeacbpng/ ana ffrengtbea sta&amp;wr*S!iatbe".anB after tbep babtatpeatbete afpace/ S'WtbeptBeteletgotnpeaceoftbeb^tbJebnto 3Sm tbeapoftles.flottoptbftanpngeftplearea v&amp;utm* SPlas to abpae (bete (tpll.paul a tfarna* b8Scotinueamantiocbeteacbpngap;ea&gt; cbpng too;ae of $ :to*a toitb otbet man*?, tfut after a ccrtapne fpace/ Paul fapBbti to Barnabas : ftet bS go agapne aim bpfite outeb;etb;enm euespcptietobere toe baue ftetoeaf toojaeof 3lo*B/afeboto tbepBo. anatfarnabas gauecnunfellto tabe toptb mem fobn/calleo alto SIparc&amp;e.tfutpaul fflouejtft not mete to tanebpm bntotbeit: 5panp tobicb BepatteB ftom m at Pampbl lia/a toent not toitb tbe" totbetoo;cfie . ana feataencton toassto arpe bettoenetbem/ tbep aepatteb a (unset: one ftom tbe otber: to $ atnabastofte {arcfieanafapleatot: to cpper? Jnapaul cbofe &amp;plas 9 aepar* ten / oelpuetea of tbe b;etb*e" bnto tbe grace of oa.anabe toenttbojotoe allCwta anb cplWa/ttabltObrnge tt)e conwgacionf*. Cffiwotftp it rtttnuwsf*, JS anl weac^et6 afjft^f/ |(ppo^an6ttet:f9ficput Wpjcfon. CCbe.icbf.Cbaptec. m ti=35$ tn cam De to ?etba ? t&amp;Ltftui,

* i* MR bebotee a ceetapne Bif cppie toastnete namea ci'motfteus / a _ __JtoomS0ronne tobfcb tea? a^etoec* ? brfeuioibut p fatb W a &lt;sebe,^

Che attes?

tobom repotfeb foen/t&amp;e fott&amp;jeH oftpSva a of iconium.^e fame Paul tools e tbat be fbulb go fo;tb toi tb bi ni/an tobe a cfrcum&lt; ciff a bn becaufe of tbe aetoejs tobt*cb toete in tbofe qua'0:fo? t^ev anetoe ail/ f bs0 fatbettoaa adBw'fte ,M\\m toent tbo-oto tbe cptf c0/tbes BeMuereo tbe t Decrees fo; to ftepe /o#epne&amp; of $e 3ipo(tU0 ana eibets/ to b pel) toete at 5 e wfalem. ana f toere tije congtegaci ong ftablp(u)eB in tbe faptb / ana encreareofnnoumb;eoat , lt &gt; . y&amp; l*abentbepbabgonetbo;otoout^igia/ a tbe region of&amp;alacta/anotoeie fo;bpbBett of tb e b olp gooft to pjeacb tbe to w inMi&amp;l tbep cam e to ^pfta/ a fougbt to go into 3Be tbcnta.35nt tbe fp;ete foOreB tbe not . Gbm tbep toent ouec fl^pRa'/ an&amp; came oouneto croaaaJnaa toifion appetebto^aul in $ npgbt.btt* 8 ob e a man of^aceBonia ano pjapea bim/faptg: come in to flt9a ceaon ta a belpe bis Jfterfte baa fene tbe bifton/ (mme* Biatlt? toep;epaWBtogo in to ^aceaonta/ ccitt t'iea $ tbe *to?b baa callea t&gt;$/fo? top-ea cbeHoCpeHbntotbe.cbenlotoreBtoefo*tb ftS ctoaaa/ a toitb a fttapgbt courfe cam to g&gt;amoflacta/a nerteaapeto jtJeapoftm/ aft5tbenceto$btftppo$/ tobub'^t cbeft ct'tt e in partes of #aceopnia/$ a f re citie. tte toetein tbat cttf e abpaing a certapne Bape&amp;ainBon $ ^abotbBapeg toe toet out of tbe citie bcfpaefl a'tpuet tobere men toere tobnttop'apeJtibtoe fate Boune anafpafie bnto tbe toemen tobtcb rero;tea tbptber.ana a certapne to om an namea 'ilp&amp;t'a a feller of

purple/of tbe citie of cbwtira/ tobfeb too;* (bippea dsob/gauebst auBience.tffibofe be it* tbe B,o?ae openea tbat e attenaea bnto tbe ^ tbpngets/tobicb Paul fpafie. naben flpetoa? bapttfeBanaberbouibolBe/QiebefougbtbK fapuig'.if vt tbincfie f 9 brittle on 6'jLo-B/ come into mr&gt;boufe/a abpeet&amp;ere, anbflie conftrat?neBb0' a.w.t.. : *3nB it f o? tuneb as tor torn t to p?aper/ a somt.^ip, certafnbamfellpogeffeBtoftba fp*ete tbatf.seg.ww p?opbeft?ea/met ba/tobicb b*ougbt betma* aet a maateis mocbe bauntage ** p?opbe* fptnge. qtyt fame foiotoea Paul anb w ana crpeo fapmgr:tt) efe men are tbef eruaunteu of tbe moft W C0 ob/ tobieb Aetoe bnto W &amp; toape offaluacpon, tmm Bt?B fte mans bapes.5Sutl^ul not content/tutneo about ana fapbe to tbe fp;ete. 9! commatmaetbe in w name of iefu mm I tbat tbou come out of bet Jnbbe came out tbe fame b oure. anbtobenber matter anb mattresfatoe tbat bope of tber'r gajnes toag gone'/ tbef caugbtPaul ana &amp;*?W0 /anbB;uetbeinto tbe matBeeplactbrtto tbetulars/a b^ougbt ^ t&amp;f to tbe officers faptog:&amp;beft mentrotible ouKcttft/to|(b ace a^toe? ap-eae&amp;eojofr naunccs/

.natincw/tobicbarcnotlaul r eaue/netber to obferue/ feinge toe are Wo* mapnOna peDpieranneontbf/^tbeof* ficetstrenttbeivc(otbest/ae3nl8unBebtbfto be beat? tt r odbcs. 3inb toben tbepbab beatf tbem fo;e/tbep cad tbe into p*eron/c5mafi bpnge tbe iavla to ft m tb em furelp. ibicb t apl t c toben be baa receauea fuel* e cSrnaun* Dement/ tb/uft tbem into tbe vnm p? ef on / a maaetbetr fete fan mtbe ftocfies. ij 3t mpanigbt Paul a ^l?laj{ p?a*?eB/anij laubtb oa.a na tbe p;efonets beatbe tbem. 3na foBenii* tbet toast a greateertbquabe/fo

tbat tbe founaacton of p;efon teas ttjafie; a bp a bpall ao;eg openea/ a euerpmSneg iianaeis toere lotofea. t*@bentbebeperoftbe P *ef on toabea out of bits flepe a fatoe tb t p -e wnBo?ejj openbetwue outebid ftoeatbeariB tooiae bane ftpiieabim feife/ ftmpofmge tbe t&gt;;etoners baa bene fleaae.jeutpaul criea *tb a louae bopce faping: ao tbp felfe no barme/ ft; toe are all beare. cben be callea fo?a ipgotana fp*angem ana camtrembipnge/ .afcl.lBounebefo*epaiilaS&gt;?las/.*tb*ougbt tbe oute a fapae-.&amp;ptf tobat muO % ao to be taueaf 3wiB tbepfapae: beieue on t\tz to;ae |efuatbou(bartbefauea a tbpbouttjoiae ( 3natbepp;eacbeBbntobimtbe.too*Beoftbe **l*$u% toaii tbat toete fobteboufe. anabe 1 it c tb s to e fame boute of tbe hpgbt a toaf&gt; fbea tbeir toounaes/atoani bapttfea toftb all ^belongeabntobimata^bttoapMiabebe ftaa &amp;;oug&amp;t tbe into bteboufe/bc fet meate fecfo;etbem/ anatopeatbatbe toftb all W DouQ)oiae/beleueBon&lt;I9oa. . . Ma toben it toasaape/tbe officers ftnt -5 wimaetsifapig-.iettboftmengo.crbefiepe': e f Sat p;efon toiae tbis f apinge to Paul/tbe Gfficet.e baue fent too?ae to lotofe poto. f^oto tberfo-egetpoubeceanb gomptace.cwen fa papau 1 bnto tbe:tbep baue beat? fas op en* !p bnconafpnea/ fo; all i toe are iSomapns/ abauecattbsintop;efomanototooloetbep fenae bs atoapep;euelpf i9ape not fo/ but let tbe come tbe" rente* a f et bs out.uaben f mi^ttitter0toiactbefetoo;a5bntootticeti/tbep fearea toben tt^ev bearaetbat tbeptoereJBo* mapns/acamabefougbttbf / anbb;ougbt tb? out/ana aef pjea tbem to aepatte out of eptfe. ^notbep toentoutoffp;efon aenttea tiito t fioufe of %Ma/ a toben tbepbaa fene tbe b*etb;en/ tbep c5fo;tea tbem a aepartea, C'ftaiiltSmftbtoet-firaionfca^oIicctlKSfrtscifrt . the ry fie on a t o?e. p aul c f capctly j commctlj to 9/ tftcns/ttljetebep-fiictict'' tBctcue *3nbnotDne(l5o*i ffcbe.tbit.dftaptet. 3 /rixxs ia fliepmaBetbeirfo;neptbo;oto. ampbipoli0/ana appolonfa/tbrp camtocftetralonica tobereteaji8

$&gt;pnagoge of tbe Vetoes , anb

p aulas bis maner toss toent in bnto tfjmi/ 9 tbjefabotbaapesBeclarea out of tbe fcrip* tute bnto tbem/*openpnge a allegpnge tbat ttt ^ ^ ( CbiW mutt neaejs baue ftifftea ana tpfen # i Wlr ww gapne from oeetb/ ana tbat njiS3:erus toas Cb;ift/tobom(fapB be)| p -eacbe to pou.ana fome of tbem beleueo a cam ana companpea toitbPaulana'3&gt;pias.alfooftbe b,onoma ble reftes a gteatemultituae a of $ cbefe tocmen/notafeatoe. 55ut Vetoes tobt'eb beleueB not baupng utaignacia/tofte bnto tljem eupll men W0 toere bagabonaep/ agatbewaa companp/a J3 fet all etc cptfe onaro;e / ana maBe affaut bnto tbeboufe of gjafon/ a fougbt to b-piige tbem out to tbepeopie.ffiiit robe tbep founae tbem not/tbep a;ue|afon ana certapneb;e* tb;f bntotbebeeaes off citie crpingeitbere/ tbattroubietbetoo;loe atecome bpaaer al fo %W^ lafonbatb receauea p*euelp.*ana ?*** tbefe all bo contrarp to tbebecrees of cefar/ aflirmpngeanotber Spnge/ onejefus. ana tbep trotibleatbe people afije officers of tbe cptie /toben tbep beatae tbefe tbpnges. ana toben tbep toere fufficientlpanrtoerea of 3?a^ fon a of fljeotber/tbep lettbemgo. anatbeb;etb;enmimeaiatlpfentatoape Paul ana S&gt;plaj bp npgbte bnto Metres. tbieb toben tbep toere come tbptber/ n)epc entrea &lt;n to tbe &gt;pnagoge of tbe Vetoes, beretoeretbcnoblcftof bp;tbe anioge tyl of cbeffaloma / tobpeb teceauea m too;oe toptb an apiigente of mpnae / ana fearci-eB, - tbefcripturesaapiptobetbertbofetbingeglgSg toete enenfoJnamanpof tbem beleueB:alR KS fo of too;0*ppfull toemen tobpeb toere dSre^ ; trpVau obc* ftes/ano of men not afeatoe.naije tbe Vetoes '. of cbeffaloma baa ftnotoleage tbat % too;ce of oa teas p;eacbea'of Paul at 58ertea/

tbep cameanamoueBtbepeopletbere. ana tbenbpanabptbeb?etbtffent atoapepauf to go as it toere to tbe fee: but &amp;plas acf&lt; motbeus aboBetbere ttpii.anatbeptbatg*fe &amp;eBPau!/b;ougbtbimbnfoatben*/anBte&lt;?0' ceaueo a iSmaoaemltbnto 3&gt;pias a'cimo* tbeus f o; to come to bim atoce a came tbeiu toape.9bi Paul.toapt ea fo; tbe" at atbes/ bttfp;ete toasmouea tnbim / to fe m cptie geuen to too;0)f pppng of pmages. Cben be Mfpnteam tbe fpnagoge % tbe ttoejt/ a Vi f aeuout perfonnes/anb in tbe matbet aap&lt; Jp toitb tbemtbatcamebntobpm. Certapne Pbtlofopbers of m (Epicures anb of tbe a&gt;topcft-/affpHteB toitb bim. ana fome tbet: towtobicbrapBto&amp;attoffltbttbaMerfape*ffitbet fapwf : be femetb to be a tpapngesi toingetofnetoeaeufig/becaufeb^PieacbebaB bntog^3iefusatbeteuiweccfg.aftafber tobebfm/ ab;ougbtbpmmto m*ce tttete lapinge;mapetotnotbnotoetobatfb^nebi cocttine


!| j

h I. i j'

* ';


jjorftme toBeroft&amp;otf tp f abe ft/itf jf o; fyou bjpngei": ftraunge tyoingfg to owe eatefS; id e to ojoe siioto ti) e t to n tobat t^ere tbings mtaw.fio; all tlje Stbemana anb ftrafigecf* lo^ic^ to ere tbete/gaue tbe f e iu's to notbing/ eW/but etbetto ten o;tobeateneto tpbtngs. Paul ttobelntbe mpboejs oES^atce arete a fapbe:pe men of atbensgi perceauc mat in all binges peareto Capstans, tfoj 8331 ^ paaeb bp arid bebeloe manet bote pe too?? " tyfp poure goooegi/j fouoe an aulter toberln tea? to; itteiunto ti) e fan fmotoe oo. ii^ljom pe tben t'gnotftlp towOi i P bim tbeteei ton to ou:*oo g maoetbe toojioe $ ail tbat are in it! fepmge tbat I) ci'js L o ; o e of b eaue anb cttb/bebtoelietb not in tempetf mabe toptb lan&amp;e*/ netber in too;flrippeo toitb menness lanbejj/atftbougbbe neoeoofenp tbpnge/ remgebcbimreit'egeuetb lpfeana bzeetb ti $11 men euerp tobere anb batb mabe of one bloiio all nacioius of men/ f o? to otoeil on all t be. face of tbe ertb/anb ba t&amp; attgneb before/ bote Ionge tpme/ ft a if o tbe enow of tbettins babitacfon/tbattbcptbuibfeftetfob/pftbep mvsftt fele 9 fpnbe bim t b ongb be be not fatre from euerp one of o? in bim toe ipue/ mo.ue anb bane route beinge/a* certapne of j out atone poetess rapb.#o;s toe ate alfo bte generation, ffo? as mocfie tben ass* * toe ate ane areij?3 ^generation of@ob/toe ougbt not to tljinfie gciiccac(onc. | tlje obbe&amp;ffS Ipbe tonto gotce / fpltfee o; HfiyjS aK ftolie/giau?bpccafte9 pmagfnaci5 of mS; of Su ?a *' no * of tbfeigno#unce ob re* So maner. gattieD notJBut noto be bibbetb all men eue* tptoeterepent/becaufebebatbappopnteba Da pe, in tbe tobicb be toill lubge tbe toojio ac ferfa.rt.fa^btngctowbfetoerneg/bptbatmltobom kttSm tob,e#tb apopnteb/ftbatb ofereo faitb w to all t pjomjteB ormm/aftertbatbebaotapre&amp;bimftSDeetb. ineuffc-ia&amp;icft n&amp;bert tbep beatue of t^e tefurreccion ft3 rPn^-SfiOfrtb/ftniemoclieb/aniJotbetfatD-.toetojlf SSonfSa aSw6 * e atttjwof t&amp; matter . $&gt;oPauI 1 1 1 fticrcccfsnbepatteb fro amongetb? .^oto beit certa pne tfW ootmen elauebnto Paul ftbeleuea/amSgftbe SSSBSL? tobicb ** ionifm* a f enatout/ anb a too

tl a(iffiS"&gt;an tidtnes amarisi/anb otbet toitb W. not to f jcrtcfl (j&amp; ani p jwrtetS atCotfiU&amp;uttwontftratog (bete onijf acweofe rpcec anoa&amp;alf/aott&amp;agfipiKfatOi&amp;pjto' tSrae^ (oCpftcfue/fiefarca ant anticcfjc.fiJf apollos.'aqu&lt;# laanbf&gt;;(fcflla. - ffibcitbtii,Cbaptet, l^kMI If tet tbat Paul uepatteb from %f SEIuSImH tbeoiS^came toCo?mtbfi/foiioe HMWU* &gt;*PW ? etoe " ameo Squila ft^9y(l)o;ntiii^ombu0/latclp come fro 3!ietoWlbij(to?feP;(ftil!a(becaufe tbat . tbecmP*tourC!au&amp;!u$sbaoc5maunoebalI fetoef5tpbepa!ttefrommome)9bebtocbn to tbeJnobecaufebe teas of fame crafte/ ^eabobetot^ t^em a tojougbt: tbeft ctafte


toastoma&amp;ettt(e0,2fnbtiep;e8cfiint&amp;t ftnagogf.wwS&amp;abfift.tete/fte)crjOjteb. aetoeganbttjegentvljs, ibm fefiafranbCiraotbeu* to etc come _ (torn fl^affbonte/paultoap fSftanmtta *" tbefp;etetoteaiftetotbe3etoestbatJeru toaisbeb^9^nbtobentbepfasoec5a* *f ftblalpbm/be(bo6e bpsrarmmtano fapwfento tbe:fueblouo bp9 routeatone beeb&amp;e */ 6) from bence f ojtb a go blamelede unto tbe gcntpljj.anobe oepatcco tbence / f entreb into a cettapne marines boufe names 5uftuu atoo;fl)pppct of &lt;S0o&amp; / tobofe boufe iopntb bare totbefpnagoge. i^oto belt one CwfpusJtbecbefetuleeof tbe fpttagoge b&amp;&gt; leueoon acwjM toPbaUbtt bouftoibe/^* manp of tbe o?intbi anp gaue auoil ce/.ft be Hum ano tot re baptifeb. ben fpafie t b t%t&gt;m to Paul in tbe npgb t bra u i cp o n :b e not aftapoe / but fpeaae/anb bolbenottb?peace:fo;aam toitb tbe/ftne* mS Qjaii tnuaoe tbe tbat fnanbum tbeifo* , 5!^auemocbepeopiein^j.citiejnbbe^*

tinuebtbeteateareamjftyemonetbfg/anb.,, taugbttbemtbetoo?beofob. . teben auto toais ruler oftbe countte of a a cam tbe je to ess mabe infurteccion to one *V acco?be agapnS Paul/ft b^ugbtbmttotbe iuDgem ent feate/taping: tbts feloto cornice letb men to to o j Qjtp (ESoo cS trarp to p la to e, ano a0 Paul toag about to open biismoutb/ (2&gt;allio fa? be into tbe vetoes : pf it toere a mattec of to;onge / o; an eupn oebe ( 0&gt; fe letoegjreafon toolbtbatgi Omlbebeate pou: mt pf it be a quettion of toojitjot of name?/ o;of poutelaue / lonepetoit pourereiiKS. $ o;5. topjl be no fuoge in focfie ma 1 1 e r* / 9 beo;aue tbefio tbefeate . betitoBeaiitbe mms ^o&amp;eneg $ cbefe ruler oftije %&gt;?&lt; m nagoge/ftfmotebim before f nibge* feate. and c33llto careo f 0} none of tbofetbpnge?. Paul after tbia / tatpeo tberepet a goob tobPie/ftt|eitto&amp;ebt0!eaueoftbeb^tb;fyft f a pieti tbence into Cirta/ P;ifdlla ft % q u t la accSpantfing bim. 3(nb**be fto?e bf* b e eD in ., . St ,, , Cmcb?ca/fo?bebababotoe.anobecamtoga7S upbefug ft leftetbem tbete:butbebpm felfe ^ soh* af entreb into tbe fe pnagoge /anb tea ron eb tt tut tone of i tbefetoejj. tbentbej befp;eb bpmto lair'SllSJJi? longer tpmetoimtbm/bec8fentebnot/but22E!j?l* babtbemfarctoenfa?inge.g! mu8nebe0at* tbis feaft tftat cometa/be in ^enifalem : but ~ torll returneagapne tontopou/?f&lt;2obto&lt;n inb"be beparteb from tepbema came fartto * cefarea:fafcentieDanDfalufe0fbec5gtfga cion/6epartebbnto3intiocbe/fttobf6rbab tatyebtbete a tobsie be beparteb. 3Bnb toen| ouet all tbe coimtre ofa|acia anb Pb;igia bp o^oer/Sttngtbinge all tbe bifeiplea. = anb a certapne Jetoe natnrb tpottoe/ borne

bum at 3tana / came to (jpbefujjy an eloquent mS/anb mpgbtp in ttje fcripturesJ; ,befametoa3 info;meb in tbe toapeof tbe ' )Lo?be/ft bf fpalt c feruentip in tbe fp?ete / ft

taugbt bilpgentlp Hje tbpngeis of )Lo?be/ a fineroe but tbe "*bapttme of gobn mtam Mbpi &lt;n oftbe fame begS to fpeabe bolbelp in tbe mp Cnmm of noge^nb toben aquila anbP;ifcia baa mam. (WHeiffln/iftej tone bim tnto tbe* ft erpoa= oeb bnto bim toape of ob mo?e perfectly. anb tob? be toag D'loofeb to go into acaia/ tbe b;etb?en to;ote ejt bo?tpnge tbe bifcppies to teceaue bim. after be toaScome tbptber/ bebolpetbemmocbetobicbbabbeleueotbos roto grace, anb mpgbteip be ouercame tbe 3!etot0/anb tljat openlp/ J&amp;etopnge by the fcriptureg tbat geto* toa? bM. c4Dftfte.):H.tticntol)omjaauHiapt(fe(iatfpnefii0/ auO toljat mivaclce lucre done Lip ljiin. Idemcttiuo inouctl) fcflicloii w tl)c (^ tic. C^be.w.Cbapter. * C fo?tuneb tobpil apollo toag at Co^intbum/tbatpaulpaffeb ttjo roto tlje topper co&amp;ejs anb came to ^ - ttp&amp;chia/ ^ foiinue certapne bifcis Pie(/ a fapbe bnto tbe:baue pe receaueo tbe iMipgooft fence pe beleueb i Mt tbep fapbe t . tenth 2 ,t0 , l&gt;m : tt0 toe &amp; 8UC noc ^ earlie tobetber iS5e?2fc! ,? * orF 8 ott *no-2nbbefapoe ton ?. fforoiiTc, fp tbe:tobettoitb toere pe tben baptifebf anb me btfvwuc tbep fnpb: a *toitb ^obnjs baptpme.cben fapb jRTJ^ f ^ UI: 3! &lt; * n b^elpbaptrfeb toitb tbe baptim SU onir u f " Pf taimce/faping bnto tbe people tbat Matjboit s* r' ,,&amp; te,euc on ^' m / ^^ flWUwonw KeD t us to after bimttbat i0 on Cbn'ft 3!efus.lbf tbep tft ciwtft beam tbat / tbep toere baptifeb in tbename SS?2 l im f mt ^ "t.anbPaul mehi* bSbeg


4 v b V n *ow/9 ibe bolp good came on tbem/ft

ft&amp; tiii to tbepfpafie toitb tonges(/anb p;opbefie&amp;/an&amp; em (Daft all tbe men toere abottt.rif. K,' fa .^no^bjftinto tbefpnagoge / ftbebauea KVo* ^p" ft!ft boioer? fo; tbefpace of tb^e mone* KMuTion of tbefi/btfputmge anb geuinge tb cm ejrbo;ta m of cfong oftbe fipngbom of ob. j vmtn bp* BS? ' i ,ftf to Waroeberteb ft Ueleuebnot/ but P fP&amp;beeupii oftbe toape/ anb tbat before me 1 multmibe-^e beparteb from tbe/anb fep era* tt btbc oifcipies.anb be bifputeb baplp in rcole of one calleb cp?anuj5.anb tbte c ontp nueb bp tbe fpace of ttoo pearea : fo tbat all tbe? tobicb btoelt inafia /beatbe tbe toojoe ",-' tfpftbOtortegieru/botbelfetoejs a Grebes. anb (Sob to?ougb t no fmall mp^aciess bp tbe banbes of paufro tbat from bus bobp/ toere b;ougbttonfo ficfie,'napBpn$ o?pattffetK/ anb tbe bifeafeg beparteb from tbem/anb tbe tum tPtetes toent out of tbem. cben certapne oftbe faagabounbe vetoes ero?ci(te0/tofte topon tbem to call ouer tbem , tobicb ba&amp;eupi! fp?etej8/tbe name of %m

erujSfapinge-.Haeabt'urefoubpjerutobo &gt;aulp?eacbetb.anbfber toere feue ronnejj ofonejfeceuaaletoeanbcbefeof p^eftes? tobicb bpa fo. anb tbe eupll fp;ete anftoereb _ ftfapbe:3efujS5!finotoe ftPaull bnotoibut tobo are pe^anb tbe man in toljome me eupl! fp;etetoaiS/tanneontl)em/ftouercametbf/ anbp;euaplebagapnft tbem/fo f tbep fleobe out of tbatbottfe nafieb ft toounbeb.anb tbi)S toassHrtotoentoalltbegetoess a reftes al* fo/tolucb btoelt at.Cpbefua anb feare came on tbemali/anbtbepmagnifieotbe name of tbejLo^treSefu*... JBnbmanptbat beleueb/ cam ft cenfeffea ft metoebtbrtr too?cfie)S.#anp of tbe tobicb bfebctirioui5craftej!/b?ougbttbeir boned ft mnmb tbem before all men / ft tbep counted *pm of tbem/ft f ounbe it fpftp t&amp;ourarro *rpiuerlpnge0.^(O migbten? gretoetoo?be

of ob/anbp;euapicb .after tbefetbpnge?, mer , ;; toere fnbeb/paulpurpotebintbe ipe/tog5B%w paaeouer a9acebomaftacbaia/ atogototoeU m\ |eruraiemfaping:after3bauebenetbrre/ ' p* 3 muft alfo re iBome. &gt;o tent be into ^a* MEffi ceboma-ttoo of the tbat mpniKreb bntoTpm l g . '?l ^B W^(ewBtig:butbebimftIftreJH^i^ mapnebmariafo^afeafon. . %pece; We fame tpme tber arofe no Ipt en a bo &lt;E aboute tbat toape.jffo; a certapne mS namen emetrui0/a fpluerfmptb / tobicb mabefpi* uer fcb?pnej! fo;iana/ toajj not a ipteii be* nrttciaii bnto m mm minJMtA be cal leb togetber ttme too;ficmen of ipse occntn cio/ft fapb:gp;0/pe finotoe \ bvWfi ctatte toebauebauntage.fll9o?eouerpe fe s beate b not alone atdpbefug/but all mo tt tbo?oto out all afia/tbw Paul ban) perfuabeb ft tuc neb atoapemocbe people fa'pinge t tbev be not gobbeg tobicb are mabe toitb babes. &amp;o | notoniptbijsoutecrafieeometb into pa= veil to be ret at nougbtrbutalfo tbat teple of tbe greate obbajs iana tbuibe be be. fppfeb /anbbermagnifpeence Qmlbe be be* ftropcb/ tobicb all aria anbtbetoo?lbetoo;wPPPetb. r %$M i * t * n *otW&amp;PWimMnMl&amp; 52S,,1-5I 00?C/ 9 W nillbebintotbe 252325*** oneailent/ftcaugbtdPapusJ anbartilarcusi/men of ^acebonia /pauw companiost,iben Paul toolfte bane entreb in bntotbe people/tbe bif cipiejs futTereb bim ^ not.certapne alfo oftbe cbefe of afia tobicb^ tocrebwfrenDeff/fent bnto bpm / befringe bim tbat be toolbe not p?eace into tbe comeri ball.^ome ctpeo one tbpnge anb f ome arto* fber/ft tbe eSgregacion toas ail out of quiet/ anb $ moarepartefinetonot toberfo;e the* toere come togetber* rtm


% ome of tbe companp owe f o; tb aierati bet/ tbejetoesstbjultpngebpm fo.Jtoatbeg, aieranoerbecHenebtoitbtbebanD/ * tooibe baue gene tbe people an anftoer. 1 DO en tljep Itneto f be toa0 a getoe/ tber atofe a moute almoft fo? tbefpace of ttoo ijonceg/of all me ctpmge:greac &amp;iana of tbe &lt;pbeftan0. lObep; toune clarcae Dao ceatebfcpeople/ lie fapoe:pe men oftEp^efusf/tD^at man ft ft tbat anotoetlj not Do to tbat tbe cptpe of tbe _.Sp^eftan0 is* a too?fttppcr of great goo* Bc5hcmnc^auen.^eigeftenteat noma fawferc from ijeaucu. agapntt/pe ougbt to be content/anb tooo no \ycvp mm tbingrafblpifozpebaueb^ougbt bifter tbe* ?i!?SrrtS^ m! tobicb ate netber rabbet* of dniwbesJ/ ffito urn ot ?ec ocCpifews of pouregoboe0 . ibetfo?e hc $ moan ao, pf emetwtts 9 tbe crafte* men tobpcb aw itauntogc thee torn) bmt/baueenp fapinge to enp man / tfje SE* 2. puc0 , t&amp;a i totoe fc open/anb t&amp;et ate rulet*/ let tfie ae* f K c ft on re goo aboute enp otbet torn of ftcuciutbpnge / it mape be betermineb ma latofull ana that ttjep congtegacpon. f o? toeare in ieoparop to be toztenot mo;*accufeboftbf0bape0bufpne0:fo?a0 mocbe Mf* 8 an tber t'0 no caufe toberbp toe mape gene a www*. tefienpngeoftbp0concourieof peopie.anb toben &amp; e b ao tb t t3 fp oBcn be let tbe congtega cfonbeparte. C&amp;aulgoet&amp;info flSIatcoonfa ano into &lt;astc. at (Xvoas Be rapfctij p a Oeeo tioop . at &lt;*p&amp;efus be raltcth tijccWecs of the congregation togetfcer/com* mvttetb tbeheppngof o&amp;Bfloc&amp;etmtQ tbtm/toar/ iictlj am of falfc teatbew/maltetb biepjapw toptb tbcmMtoocpatteth to ftlppt. CCbOMtyaptfl:. stftec tbe cage toad ceafeb/ Paul calleb bifcipleu bnto bim/a tobe

bpssieaueof tbe/ abepaweDfo?to _ Jgo into aSJacebonia. ano toben be bao gone ouet ttjofe par t pes! / 9 geuen tbem large ejt&amp;o?taciS0/be cam intoffitece/a tbete abooe t0.monetbejs.3nb toben tbe 3,etoes !apbetoaptfo?bima0betoa0abouttofaple into %&gt;vn a / be purpofeb to re tur ne tbojoto #aceoonta.$beraccompanieDbfm into a ft'a/ opater o f errea /ano of cbefl&amp;lonia %Mauu$ anb$becunbu0/anb aptw of ^Berba/anbctmotbeup-.a oute of aria cp* 35 cbiMjJanb Ctopbtmo? .cbefe to ent befo;e/ 8taipebb0atcraa0.anbtoefapleb atoape from $bM PPO* after fb e e He r DolP &amp;ape0/ a cam bnto tbe tocroa? in fpue bascjs/ tobere toe abobe f cue n bap eg. 3tnb on f mo?otoe after $&gt;abocb bape $ btfciplcg cam to getbwfo; to bjeafie b?eeb/ anD Paul p;eacbeo bntotbet rebptobepatte on t|jemo?otoe)$ continues tbep^eacbpnge bniompbnpgbt Jnb 1 6 e r toere manp I igb tejs in tbe cbambev tobete tbep toere gatbereD to getber/a tber fate tn a topnbotoe a certapne fonge m5 name b cuti'cbuP/ falle into a bepe

Ctje &amp;ttt$

deepe . TBnb at.$aia becTateb i%e toa* tbe m oare ouercome toftb flepe/ a fell boune % i5 tbe tbp;be lofte/a toasJ tabenbp beeb.*l&amp;auJ c toet boune ana fell on brm/ a emb;afeb b.f m/ * ^s.rbfi.b and fapoeunaae notbtnge a bo f o? bi'js Ipfe f i( 3. "i. f. inbpm. l@benbetoa0comebpagapne/be b?abe b;eeb/a taicbeb/anb comeneb a iottge tobple etten tpU tbe mo?npng/ a fo bepatteb, 30nb tbepb;ougbt tbepoungemana ipue / a toerenotalptellcomfojtefc . . ' ainbtoe toenta f o?e to Q)tppe/anblotofeb bnto 3B0bn tbere to teceaue potri.f 0; fo Dab be apopnteb/atjb tooibe btm f elf e goo a fote. ib^be toast come bnto bs to Mon/toe robe Ijtm to/a came toflptilene0.3nb toe rapleb tbence/anb cam tbe ner te bape otter agapn ft

bfo0.3Bnbtbenertebapetoeatfuebat %&amp;* mojj/anbtawebatct;ogflpn.beneeoape toe came to s$)p!eton:fo; Paul f)&amp;i metmi* neb to ieauejpbefu0 adtbep fapleb/ b ecaufe betoolfienotCpenbetbetpmetn3Cffa.!ffo;be ba tteb to be(pf be coulbe potttble) at 1erufa=&gt; lemat tbebape of J&amp;entecoae,!iDbetfo?e fr5m flPpleton be fent to &lt;p&amp;eutg/ anb callcbtlje eloerss of tbe congregacton.SCnb toben tbep toere come to btm /be Capo bnto tyfrfe bnotn from tbe fp?ft oape tbat 3 cam into M&amp;i af&lt; ter to^at maner % baue bene toftb pou at aH ceafons / ferupngetbe JLo;ne toptb all bum* blene0ofmpnoe/3toitbmanpteare#/atep* tacio0tobtcbbappenebbntomebpprapfhg5 atoapte of tbe^roeis / aboto a ftepte bacite notbtnge $ toajs profitable -.but tbat 3! baue ftetoeb pou a taugbtpou opelp anb at borne mpoutboufes/tottnefimg botb to p^etoeg/ a alfo to tbe rebe0/tbe repentafice totoarb on/ a faptb totoarb oute %oi be tcfu*. anb noto bebolbe 3 go bounbe in bnto |erufale7a finotoe not tobat on me tbete/ but $ tbe bolp gooft in euerp cptte fapmgeubat banbegt fp;ete (ball come $ toitneaetb a trouble

abpbeme.^utnoneoftbofe tbpnge^ moue me.netbet is mp Ipfe cere bnto mp felfe/tbaf 3/mpgb t fulfill mp courfe toftb fope/anb tbe mpntftracion tobfcb^bauereceatteb of tbe fioM jefti/to teftt'fpe 8 Bofpell of grace of (Bob. anb noto bebotte/3! am CurebenceM peall(tbo?oto tobS? 1 baue gone p?eacbtagc tUt fipngbS of 45 ob) Qjall fe mp face no mo;e. * lbetf o?e a tafte pou to reco?be tbP0 famef bape/tbatgiam pure from tbe Woube of alH.ffM* men.f o? a baue bepte notbprige bacbe : but aww**! baue ftetoeb pou all $ coitfell of (Bob. cabe b ed e tberf o?e bnto poure felue0 anb to all tbe fiocfie/ tobere of bolp gooff' batb maoepou ouerfear0/,toruletbecBgregacton of&lt;5oD/ 4 M tobfeb^batbPurcbatebttbT0bioube.*^o?'-5' 1 am fute of tbt'0/tbat after mp bepattpnge , t..(u|

i&amp;an gwuou0 toolue* entre m am8ge ton/ tobfcb

iSf t!je ^poftto

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ibbfcb ttpnnofrpate tbe fiocbe.^o;eouer of poure aanc feme* (ball menarpfe fpea* bfrtgperuerfetbmgc0too;atoeottciplf0a^ tertbe.berfo?e aroabe a remfber/i bp tbe fpace of iH.peress 3 ceafeo not to toawte ene* ip one of pou botb WW 9 oape toftb f eate0 " ' anbnotob;etb;eicomenDepouto(Boba to too;oe of t0 grace toljicb W ableto biloe _ ftirtber 9 to geue pou an mb 1 ta ace amoge ^ail tbe tobf cb are fancttfpea . 3 baue befp^eb noman0fpluer/golbe/o;betture.yefinotoc toell t tbf fe banoej baue mini Oreo bnto mp tieceuitfe0/a to tbl g toere mttb me, % baue flfctoebpouali tbinge0/boto folabo;pngc - te ougbt to teceaue cbe toeabe a to temebec tbtoo/De0ofg "iloioejefu/boto ebefapa: it i9 mo?e bletrco to geue tben to receaue. : tab en be im tbu* fpobf /be fineleo boune p;apeatttbeaH.anD tbeptoept ailabottn bStlp5 fell on i&amp;a 1110 mche/9 biffeb bpm/ro rotofnge moft of all fo;.tbe too;be0 tobicb be iafie/ tbat rtjep fouloefebps face no more, nbtbepacompaniebbim bnto tbe (bippe. : :$fmlB Joiitfpjlip ftpppe.fljf WWtfr tbe uf ; gtlifcaudagauui! iijr p.'opijci/aljul) tnatnrt Maul .riot to go to JccuCalem 0c remapiicO flcofafl in bf s puT'p.ft/ano is taaen in the temple. HCGe.irri.Cbaptei:, I f3o it cbauncrb tbat a (Tone a0toe bab launcbeb fo?tb/a toere bepa* |icb from tbem /toe came topn) a

1 f ff ' ,fl rff" f con t fe bnto Cb on anb | oape f otou png onto tbe ttbooe*/ a fro tbece fcnto t&amp;atata.-aino toe founoe a Ibtppe vebp to fapiebnto^benice0/anbtoentabo;Dearec ft;tbe.rbenapperebbntob0 Cpp;u0/atoe lef te it on tbe tefte banoe; a fapleb bnto &gt; U r&amp;acambnto:p?e.!fo? tbere f (bippebn* labebberbuttben. anb toben toe bab founbe 5 tWfcen toe tarpeb tbere.bfj.oape0.anb tbep t.oioe Paul tborotoe tbe fp;ete / tbat be fbulb not go bp to 3 erufafem .anb toben tbfbape0 toere enbeb/ roe be parteo a toet oute toapes/ wtb tbep all b;ougbtb0 on oute to ape, toptb tb fir topn eg acbplb?en/tpll toe torn come jscut of tbeicptfe.anbtoebneleb boune in tbe ffto;e a p^pbe.anb toben toe bab tafte oute leaue one of anotber/toe t ofie wmtftfitt tetumeb borne agapne. HMjcn toe bab full enbcb t^t coutfe from Cp;/toe a_rpueb at Ptoiomaiba / a faluteb m bfttinw a bobe toirb tb5 one oape . cbe nejetebape/toe tbat toere of auH$ cSpanp beparteb a camebnto cefarea .anb toe en* tteb Into tbe bottfe of Pbmptbe tangett ft/ tobtcb toas one of tbe feue beaconeg 9 abobe W bbrtcbe fame man bab fotoer baug&amp;tcrjJ &lt;t bfrgcn0/tobf ebbpb propbefp.* anb as toe ta tpcatbeteagoob mapnpof oapetf/tbere cam a eewapnep;opbftfrom Juwe/namebaga-

Gu0. mDm^tmn tome bnto tt/fe tone" pauw gerbeil/a bounbe W bSbc? 9 fete / a fapue:cbu0 faptb tbe bolpgooft; fo (bail tbe g:etoe0at3!erufaiembpnbetbe ma t&gt; otoea) tbP0gerbeii/ anb (ball oeipuer bpm into tbe banoe0oftbeentpl0. l^ben toe bearoe tbi0/botb toe 9 Wn of tbe fame place, befougbt bint tljat be tooibe notgabptolerufaleVacbenPauiaiiftoeteo anbl'apbe:tobatbopetoeppngeab;ealiinge mpne better am reopnot to be botinb onlp/ butalfotobpeat3etufaiefo?tbe name off 3Ho;oeaefu.iben toecouibenot tuwcbni9 mpnoe/toe ceafeb / fapinge : tbe topn of tbe %oio be fulffllcb aetrt tbofe oapr? toe mate

ourefeiue0 reap/a toet bp to9 ! erurai? f b toentvftbb0 aifo certapne of tbe bifcipletf ofcefatea/a b;ougbt tottft t()em one ^n fon of Cppm0/an oise bifcipie toitb tttfome toe Qjulbe lobge.anb toben toe toere come to 3;erufaiem/tbeb;etben rereaueb b0 giablp anbontbemo;otoe Paul toet in toith bg bn to lame0.ana an tfte elber0 came to getlicr. ano mn be bab faluteb tbem/ be toioe bp overall tbpngp $ ffioobaDtojougbtamoge tbegentpi0bpbi0mtniatacpon. ano toben tbepbearbeit/tbepgkvifpeo fl)e jlo;be/atto fapbbntobim;Cboufeeft b;otbcr/ botoma* nptboufattDe 1!etoe0 tber are tobtcb bettor/ anb tbep are all * ?elou0 otter m latoe. anb *#* w tbep ate info?meo of tbe / tbat tttoit te acbeft *' ?**'ff? 22 al!tbe3:etoe0to&amp;icbareamonge mulml*** B to fo;faftefli9ore0/anb fapft tbat tbep otia&amp;e ' not to ctrcumepfe tbefr ebpiore netber to lute after tbe cuftomes.ifcbatfei ittbcrforef^Ue multptubemufrneoe0come togetber. tiot tbep (ban beare $ tftouarte come ,jbo tber* rwtbf0tbattoerapetotbe. 4) mft , M . * Daw a botoe on f wtU * u tbem . flbemtafte/apurtfpe tbpfelfe toptb tb?/anbbocollontb5/tbattbfp mape matte tbea-fieboej&amp;anb ail man finotoe thattbofe tbmge0 tobicb tbep baue bearoe concmrpng tbe/ate notb?nge:but tbat tbou tbp fe ife aifo toalfteft afiepeft m latoe. jfo? a0toucbpng tbe gentpw tobicb beiette / toe banc to^tfe" I conclubeb/tbattbf P obferue no focbe tbingr: buttbattbepftepetbemfelue0from tbpngt oBrebtopbole0/fromblQub/fr5ftrangleb/a from fo;nfcacfon.rben fbenertebapepaul tofietbe men/a putiff eb bim feife tottb tbem anb entreo into tbe temple / becfarpnge tfiat beobferuebtbeoape0oftbepurfffcacTon/bii tpn t an offcrpnge (bulb be offereb fo? eucrg one of tbem. v a " D * t &amp; e feue't&amp;apf0mulb&amp;atieberteeit |Wj jfetof0tob(cb toeteof aria men tbftf fatoebfm in tbetepie/tbe pmoucb all 9 petw ' te/anbrapfiebanbe0onwmctpfngfunenof 3irtaei/beipe,cbf0 n)t man tbatteae&amp;etbfl . all

if 3

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all men euet? toftete agayntt tfte peopleanb f i3toe/atftt$ptace.0o;eouecalfofteftatft b? ougft t^ceaess in to tfte teplc/a ftatft pollu* tebtftpsftolpplace . &lt;ffo? tftep fatoc onecro* pftimu$ an gpftefian toptft fttm m t^e cftje, i^im tftep ruppoCeb Paul ftao bjougftt Into m teple.f nball tue cptie toaumoueb/a tfte people f toarmeo to settee , 26 no tftep toBe pauiana me ftpm oute of tfte temple /ana fc/tbtoitfttftebojestoeceOmtto, 2ti0tftejtocnt about to BpUftpm/tpbtagc* came bnto tfte ftpe captapne of tfte foubpets/ tftat all get ufa f em toasf moueb . lb( eft im*. mebiatlpteBefoubtewiabnbercaptapnesJ/a ranne bonne onto tft em. rften tftep ratoe $ bpper captap ne a tfte f oubtews tfte p left e Jm g C5 tinge o#aui.i ften tfte captapne cam neare a to.Be ftf m/anb ccJmaunbeb fttm to be boaoe iftttoo c&amp;apnesJ/a bemaunoeb toDatlietoajS/ 9 toftat fte ftab bone.awb one crpcb tftte/ano* (berg am8ge tfte peopie.anbtoften fte coulbe

not finotoe ceetapntie fa tfte rage/ft e com maub eb ftim to be carpeb into the ca ft le .3no toften ft e cam bnto a cecey ft f oz t uneb tbae ft e toa js I) o/n e of tft e Co u Die w fa tfte bpolece of tft e people, jf o? tfte multitude of $ people f olotoeb after crp mgesatoape tottft ftfm. . 3Dno ass Jlaul flmibe ftaue bene cat tea into tlje cattle y ftefspse bnto tfte ftpe Captapne; mm y Cpeafte onto tfte? H9ft(eft fapae ' call tft on Cpeafte relief arte not tftou tftat.cgp* pctan tofticft before tftece oapess made anbp* roure/ anb lebfte out into tfte toplbemejt.f Hi . tfloufanoementftattoetemojtftereBtf uc Paul faj?oe;3l am a m tofticft am a le toe of Cftatfus a cfttein CictU a citefin of no bple tyizi% befecbetfte foffce'me tofpeaBebnto le peope.tftenfte,ftabgeuen ftim licence/ &gt;aul (tone on tfte fteppess / arts becneneb tt tfte ftanbebnto tfte people/ a tfter toag mabe s great CplenceJnb fte Cpafte bnto tft em in f ftebjuetongefapinge. (Npjsfgnagspne. " be.*irff.ftaptee ikifife^ tg men/b?etft;e ano fatftetjs/ fteare a laSS* Jmpne anCtoerc tofticft 31 mafie bnto ]$m gifpou.Jttftert tftep fteatbe g ftecpa&amp;e iP&amp;9Sllmtft.eGb;uetonseto tftem/ tftep tteptmoo;c faience Jnbfte (an&gt;:3! am bete \V a mS toft tcft am a Jetoe bo?ne in ft artuS/ acjtieinCpciH : neuevtfteleffe pet b?ougftt ftp in tftts c p t ie/at tfte fete of amaitel/anH Jnfojmeobfligentiv in g latoe of tfte fat ft em/ 9toa0feruent mjiioeo toootoatoe/asfe afl ace tft f* fame ba?e/a * j petfecuteo tft i toare bnto tfte oeetft benocnge aoelfuerpng fotop?efonboftemenatoemen/ajJ fl cftefe pjettborft beareme tonnes/ a all eibet* 35 of toftomalfo % teceaueo retted bnto t b;e?

tht Mt$

V. -


tofticft toe te tftere boQOe tmto lecufalem f oj tobepunpflfteo. 2Pnb ft 1 o?t wm/&amp;# 9 mabe rapfomep ano toaa come nje onto &amp;am*Ko auoute none tftatfobinlptfter ftiiMietrom fteauenagceat Ifgftttounfteabouteme/anoafeUbntotfte ettft/afteaniaboteefaflgb,ntome.*ftaul * rtWB . aaul/tofty pet fecu te a tftou me i Wm an Mtw "''' ftoertostoftat arte tftou jLo?bef Jtnofte ia^e to metgiamgefu* of ^a?atetft toftom tftou perfecutett Jnotftep tftattoeie % mey fatoe bevelr arraftteanotDeeeafca^: btfttbep ft earoe not i bopce of fttm $ (pa be toftb me, 26nb3Tai!0e;toftat QHM3 to )lo;oef SBnotfte ^ ^o^fa^Dbntome^erfeagotntolBamaf^ coanbtftcrett (ftaibe toioe tfte of all tftingeu tofticft ate apor nteo f 0; tfte to oo nb toften 5 fatoenotftingfo; $ b;fgfttne&lt;Jof j ifgftt/ % toasieoce bp tfteftanoeof fftemtftattoete toicftme/ano came into jsamafco. ; . ainboneinantatfapecfectmli/aajspfr' taptifnge to tfte ratoe ftau^nge goob repose of all tfte gjetoeu tofticft tftere otoelt/cam bn* J9 come/ano ttooe ano fapje bnto me;53;otftet $&gt;aul/iooRebp. 3nb $ fame ftoure 5 rcce* utDmiTFgftcanDfatoeftimJnbftefa^tfte &lt;Kob of cure fatftewi ftatft ojbepieb bef mi * i tftou ftuiQea mtotoeftifs totti/a (bttlbea f e tftat tofticfttjJ r pgft t full/ a Qmlbeft fteare tfte bopceof ftps moutfte: fo; tftou ftalt be ftfjJ toptnejsbnto all men of tftofe tftjngv toftieb tftouftaafeneanbfteatt)e.3Bnbnoto&gt;:toftfta* rea tftouf atjfe a no be baptifeb/aftb toeflfte atoapetfti&lt;fpnne0/nteaHingeon tftename of tfte -now . 3no(t fo;tuueo / toften % tea s eomeagapne to^erufaiem ap^avbe fn tfte te ple/tftat| toagin a ttatince/anb fatoebon faflgbntome.iSa6eftaae/agetgqupcM? outof grerufalem:fo;tftcstolinot teceaue2 tftptoptnw tftat tftou bearea of me. acnaa fa?oe:JLo?Dtfteplinotoetftat3|p;efoneO/ano bet in euerp If nagoge tftf peleuebon tfte. a nb toft en tfte bloub of tft j 'tof tne0 ^&gt;(euen tea* ibeeb/^alfo ftobeb? / a confenteb bnto bf is beetft 9 fiept tfte rarmgt of tfte tftat fletoe bim.3nbft e cajb bnto meOiepacte/fo^ totil ftnbe tfte afawe ft ence bnto tft edsentpte. Cftepgaueftimauoilcebntotfti0too?&amp;e/ anbtftinlftebptbe(cbojcrj5arapb:atoa?e_ toitftfocfteafelotoeftomtftecrtfttt'tisipstie*

tftat be fliuioipue. jtno aft tbet?cn&gt;e&amp; 9 caS oftfteicciotftes/anb tftjue butt into tfte aper/ tfte captapnebabftim to be b?ougftt into tfte . caaie/acomatmbebbfmtobefcouvgeb/ato be ejeamineb/ tftat ft e mpgftt Unoto toft erfo?e tftepcrpebonftpi. Kinaat tftepbounbeftpm tottft tftonges/^aulfapbebnto fcentticfon tftat ttobe bp^g ft lau full fo; pou to fcoutge amantftatt0ajomajinanbbncj{bempnebf wfteti

M&amp;pwtftecentutfon fteatbe tftat/ ftetoent/ toptnesatmbme.agftenbapetoag'cbmj /ftl tayne of tfte jetoeis gatftereb tftem reluejat to

anbtoibe tftebppeeCaptapnefaping: tftat ^tntebetttftoutooof cftwmSijsa liiomapn* w cftentftebpperCaptapnecam/afapbto ftimstell me/art tftou a Eomapne i $e fapft: f eiinb tfte captapneanftoerebittttft agwae rome obtapneoa tijie fceb5:3inbpaul fa* bei 3 ma ftebo?ne.cften fttafgftt toapebepac Kb from fttm/tftep tofticft Omibe ftatte ejramf neo ftpt. anbtfte ftpe Captapne alfo toao afrapbe/afterfte fine toe tftat ft e toajs a Eo&lt; mapneibecau fe fte ftab bounbe fttm. &gt;n tftemo;otoe becaufefte.toeioe ftaue f m toen tfte certapnete tofteefo;e fte toao ac&lt; cufeb of tfte fetoeji/fteiotofeb fttm from ftps b onbetfyano commaunbebtfte ftpe^etteiss a ail tfte counfeil to come togetftee/ atvougftt pml anb fetftim before tftem. GPM com'metij Mote fye tonucril.JDriiflteatpreth am5ac tfte peopU/Hje ff aptapncOelpttKth Wnvffioo wmfetei^Wm.' cfte.KtiCftaptee. aui beft eibe tfte counceH anb fepb: men anb b;etft?en/ % ftaue Ipueb in allgoob cSftience befo;eob*bn' tpll tftijs bap e.cfteftpe p?e8 2Jnai

getftee/anbmabeabotoe/rapinge / tftat tftep

tooioenetftee eateno?b?pncnetptftep ftao Bf ile&amp;atil.fteptoere abouwi. tofticft ftao mabetftigconfpitacion.anbtftep came to cftefe pmt anb elbewt/ anb fapoe: toe ftaue bounbe outefeluejj toitft abotoe/ g toetopll eatenotftpnge bntpll toe ftaue Oapne Pau!.^ ISototftetfo^egeuepeftnotoleDge totftebp^ w per captapne a to tfte councell/tftat fte tying ftim fo;) bnto bg to mojoto / ap tftougft toe tooioe Bnotoe fome tftpnge mo;e pert ectip 1 bim.J8ut toe( 0/ euer fte ecmeneate ) are f e* M m tfte mesne feafon to fipil fttm; tftenpaul!3 fpaei-jsfonncfteatoeof tftric iapingeatoapte/fte tocntanbenttebinto tfte caaie/anotolbe^aui.anbil&gt;aul called one of tfte bnbet captapneg bnto ftim/ anb rapb e: b;pngetfti0 pounge man bnto tfte ftpe caps tapnc:fo? fte ftatft a certapne tftpng to fljetoe ftim.ainb fte tofte ftim anb rapbe:^aur \w* toner carieomebntoftim/anbp;apebmeto bjpnge tftijs pounge man bnto tfte/toftpeft batft a certapne matter to to etoe tfte. fte ftpe captapne tofte ftim bp tfte ftanb a *

bwontftemouflj.cftenfapbe^aultoftpm: afftebftim-.teftatbafttftoutofavebntonie-' ^oomtptetftetftou papntebtoall. Sntteft anbftefapbetmef etoeg are beKneb to cftouanotubgeftmeaftertftelatoe:anbcomi befp?etfte t tftou toolbeftb^inge fo2tb^ an! 9SS^WPJ^M9mtmm to tfte to mojotoe into tfte cOunce il/afi tftougfttbe? HfS^fflSSK^W : ^ lc ? tooIbf mt J u,te fomto Wt of ftim mo?e perfe SSSf^Xt^^^t&amp;S 1 * m * t ftlotoenottfteir mpntcg: fo? tfter USS^Xii&amp;VS 91 ^ v J tae ' &amp;% toaptefo?ftimoftfte/ ML*. &amp;SSSSS&amp; mt toKtMM&amp;W * to&amp;tcft ftaue bounbe tftem felueottabo toe/ ,er fflSSf op )f* . tbatmeptopllnetftereatenerb?pncitetpH VJ^m^mttmmmvm t8epftauefiHieoftim.anbnotoaretfteprebp/ toerea&gt;abuceo/anDtfteotfterPftar(fe0:fte an&amp;loBefo?tftpp?omeis. *RififfiK wu,, i e r ,Lfl!Pe ? a i2 b ^ / cftebpper captapneiet tfte pounge man ** ^SSSS^&amp;SSSSXSSt^ beparteacftargebftprntfetftouteHitoutto fl)f fijeftope anb refarreccion from beetft / % no man i tftou ftatt (ftetoeb tf tere tftpnoeo to

^fSX%?S52d&amp; t ?l22S' ^^faffeBemwetebpttooftuiib?ebfou&lt; SSEtf'S*' inuwttfliebias; beupaeb. Mcrgtogotocefateaafto^fmentft^efco^a ^jbe^abucegtopeitottftet^noretuc ten/a fpeare men ttoo ftunb;eb/at tfte tftirbe ^J^mm*Bm&amp;M&amp; m boureoftftenpgftt.anbbelputetft?bra(leg wfepeggtaimt botfte.3tnb tfter arofea great tftat tftep mape ptuttaui on/anb tof nge ftim cwe/anbtfte^cribejttobfcbtoereof m*&lt; faftbnto ffefetfteftpebebpte/anb to/otea tffapegparte/arofeanb ftroue wptnge:toe letter intw matter. fHibenoneetipnmtftfimS.rftougftafp?efe Claubfugnipriafjbnfo tftemott mtgftf^


oranangeiiftatftapetebtoftpm/rettbgnoe mlat^ttp/fettBetftgretwigt.^ftigmE

c , : anbtoftentfterarofegreatebebafe/tfte tf% a aH^ gncBt a fono?e of tftem 1 ^omaunbeb f fou* ^tui toften! toolbeftaueftnotoen tfte eaufe/ biers to go boime/ato taReftftn frb* amonge tofterfo?etftepccufeb ftim/ 'Tb?otigB teftpni Sf^T.^r^^ "wtoe cafteif .cfte fa tft (ntotfa&amp;councell. AperceauK m SftSSS^ / i^fi!? f *L w, l! fire I n^aeaccufebofouellfcngofmrttlaSr MMSw^W^^lK? ea 5 tcB&lt; wtf**"&lt;*gtfti*ofenptftpnge too^tftpof ebofmefti!|erufaiem/fowft tftou beaw beetft 0; ofbottbeg Jftertoarbe ^ften ft toa^ Vetoes





ffietoeo meboto rbeietoejjfefbetoapftfo; toe mS/a ft n t Dim tttapgb t toa^eeo the/a na gatte cBmaunament to bis accurals!/ pf tbe? baa ougbtagapnttbim/totellittoitof: fare toeiLCbentberoubietS agittoas c5maun* DeD t&amp;cVt oft e pa ul / a b; ougb t bim Up npgftte to3Pntipatrap. *I&gt;ntbemo;otoetbep lefte b o;f men to 90 tof a) Bim/a ret ntneD b n t tbe cattle. l@&amp;pc&amp; toben t&amp;ep came to Cefarea/ tbep Delp uereD Hje epiftle totBe bebpte/a p:e ftntea Paul b ef o;e tym. mbl tb e bebpte bab reaae tb e letter/ be af ftea of tub a t c ttn t re b e toas.Hinatobe'bebnaetftoaep* be teas of i* ctlt, % tori I beare tfte(fapae bfltobe tbpne a c* cufawJ are come alfo-.a comauaea b mi to be fiepte in ^eroaespallpj*. felfc. - Cbe.m'ui.&lt;irbapre*. * ' ' l * liffter'fpue aapeg / alnanfag tbe bpe P;efte aefcenaea / toptb elbetist ana itoptb a certapne Ojatout nameb . _._JCaitullu0/aenfo;meai5 rularjOf paui.osbenPaul tea? eallea fo jtb/cartufc lug begSne to accuft bun faying: gw'nge toe ipue in great quietnes bpSmeane? of / a t j a t manp gooa tbinges ate bone bnto tljis nacton tbo;otoe tbp p;ottfaence: g alotoe toe cure amaHplacesmoftmpgbtpffelfctoptb aUtbancftes.ottoit&amp;ftanapnge/tbat3!be not tcoeous bnto $e/9 p;ape tbe/tbat tb on toolDeftbeavebgoftbEcutteFpafeatotooM 35 lc baue f ounce tbis man a* pefttlent ft* {** lotoe/a a mouet of Debate bnto all &amp; gietoejs

,0 * tbo;oto out tbe too;iae/ana a mapnrapnet of f feete of tbe #a?atites/ a ban) aifoenfo;fta to pollute t&amp;cteple. i&amp; cm toe tofte a tooiae baueiubgeaaeco;angetQoutelatoe:buttbe bpe captapne Hpfias came bpon bs/ a toptb swat Mounce tbfte bim atoape oute of oure banaesscomaunapngenpsaccufaws to come ; totbe.f tobom tbou mapfftpf tboutotlten qup;e)ftnotoe tbe certapne of all tbeft tbingi; Ctoberof toe accuft bpm . cbe -jctotp Ipfte topft affc tmea / fapinge tbat it teas eueti f 0. srbenPaul( after tbat tbe rulatbpm ftlft . bab becftenea bnto bim tftat be (bulb fpeafte) anttorrea-.g' (ball toftb a moate quiet mpnbf anftoere fo;mpftIfe/ fo;as$mocbe aU3i bn* Derttanaetbattboubaft bene of manp petes swage bnto tbfe people/ becauft tbattbou m maptt ftnotoe $ tbete ate pet / but.yff.bapeis ^ftnce$tombpto3!erufalemfo;top;ape/a

fcfte Mts

tbe oa of mp fatbetS/beleuitige antbptiB? tobicb wee tonttf in tbe latoe a $ P;opbetc* a baue bope totoavae* ob/t&amp;at t&amp;e fame re . futteccion of tbe beeb ( tofti cb tb e p tb e femes * loft e fo; alftOmalbe/ botb of full ana bnfuft. ama tbetfo;e ftoap 3i to bauea cleare con* r ciencft totoarae oa/a totoarbmSalfo. iSutaftetmanpperesn came ab;ougbt almes to mppeple 9 offectnges in tbe tobicb tbepfounbemepuriftebtttftemple/netbec tottb muititube/no? pet &gt; brtijuf etnrss^oto bett tbere toere certapne jetocscout of 3fta/ tobicb ougbt tcbebeiep?efent before tbe/ a accuftme/pf tbepbabougbt agapnd me : oj . ewiett tbeft tameftwe fape/pf thti baue* foun&amp;e rnp ciiplibottigefti rne/ tobpii 3 tta ber e in tbe counceIl:e]Ccept it be fo? tbps one

bopce/tbatg crpea ttanapng amonge tbem/ of tbe refuvreccton from been) am 7 iuageo ofpoutb^aape. m\&amp;$ elijcbearae tbeft tbing^/be aeferbe tbem/fo?befinetoebei'ptoeU of tbat tnape/ a-fapBe:toben)Lf tiau tbe captapne ts$ come/ ftopll bnotoetbebtmoftof poure matters*, nb be cSntaaaea an bnaercaptapne to ftepe # Paul ana tbat be (b ma baue tea/ana tbatbe 57 (bulb fo?bpa none of bpJJ acquapntaunce to mini fte r bnto bim/o? to come bnto bim. 3CnD after a certapne aapes /ca m JTeliy a bW topftB?ufiHatobt'cbtoauag'etoajj/acaiieb fo;tb Paul/ anbbeatae bim of ? faptb tobicb t0 totoata b?tOnb ass be p;eacbeb of rpgft teoufness/temperafice/aiubgemft to come/ iffeitt tremblea ana an(toereb:tbou baft bone &amp; jnougbattbtttpme/bepatte/tobens baue cSueniet time/i! mpii ftnae fo; tbe.$e bopea alfotijat monepfbufDe baue bene geuebpm of paul/tbatbe mpgbt lotoft b&lt;tn: toberf o?e be call ea bpm of tenner ana comenea toptb bim-JBut after ttooprotfettusJPojcfusJ ram into f t\i% roume.linb jf elir totHpng to (beto tbefetoestapleauux/ leftepauim p;efon bounae, CCtie 31WB secure p suit btfott ; el!us,t r appra* . tet^ unto tt)e empecoure/ana fg fent Bnto Some. Cbe.jtjrb.bapter. $en&lt;feffu0 toast come into f p;oj uince /after tb?ebapejt/be afeenbeb from cefarea bnto Serufale.cben J enfo;mebbpmtbebpeP;eSe]S ana tbeebefeoftbelietoesJofpaui.ainatbepbe^ fougbtbwn $befp;ea faueour agapnQ bpm/

* 'U

...., .~r~o, , WKm ., v tbatbetoome ftnae f6?bfmto3erufaiem : f cbepnetbeefounaemefn tbe temple bpfpu* lafaeatoaptefo?bim(n toape/toftpllbnn. tpngetoptbenpman/etberrapfpngebptbe tfeauganftomb&amp;atPaulQmiaebefteptaC

peoplenetbevin tbe Sdpnagogest/ no? in tbe Cefarea:buttbatbebpm ftlfe tooiaeQ)o; tlp cptpe: ^etber can tbep p;oue tbe tbpnges aepartetbptftetXrttbem tbtrfo?e(rapDebe ) toberoftfKP accuft me. tobpcbamongepouareableto bo it/ come uttbisiconfeBCbntotbe/tbatafeecS bounetotcbbsanaaccufebim/pftbertieeng toapeitobrcb tbep can f)etefp;fotoo?ibippea fautemtbeman, tvben


JB ' l^bfobebaatatpeatberemoaretbenten bates/beacpartea bnto Cefarea/a tbe ne^te cape fate aoune in tbe iuagentettt ftate/ a c 5 tttaunaea Paulto be b?ougb t.l^ben be toas come/tbe Jetoes tobicb toere comefrS jent* falem/camaboutebpmana lapae manp ana greue ous coplapntess agapnS Paul/ tobpeb tbep couiae not p/oue as longe as be an Ctoereb fo; bpm ftife / tbat be baa netber a* gapnft latoe of tbefetoesJ/ttetbecagapnft tbe temple /no; pet agapnftcefar offenDea tnptbpngeatall. &amp; jfeflusjtopllingetbao fgjetoejsapleafuw anftoere5Pauiafapae:topittbougo to 3Jctufarem ana mere be iuageo of tbete tbinge* bef o;e mef cben fapaepaul: J Sanae at c e* ' rats iuagement ftate / tobete 9 it gb c to be t tb e^c toes baue| no barme aone/ 0 tljou berp toell ftnotoett . %(% baue buttt t be m cSmpttra enp tbinge too;tbP of been) Jitefttfthottoape.qfnoneoftbefttbuige* are/ tobete of tbep accuft me/no man ougbt toaelpuer me to tbem Jappealebntocefar :ben fpafte feftus toitb aelpberacion/ jan 3@ f toeiea.cbou baft appealed bnto cefat:bn* toCefarfbalttbougo. ; 2Dfter a certapneoapeji/ltpnge %rfppa 9

35etnice came bnto Cefatea to ialute&lt;f eftusi ainatobf tbepbaa bene tbete a gooa ceafon/ Jf eftuim&amp;erftb Pauls cauft bnto tbe ftinge fapfng:tbet 10 a certapne man left &lt;n p;efon of&gt;ffeic/abotittobomtoben3!cameto9 , eru falemtbebpep;elle0 a eiaersoftbe Vetoes enfo;mcame/anaaefp;eb to baue tuagemft Cagapnft tobo | anftoerea : ft is not tbe maner of JR omapns to aeipuet enp mS/ tbat be Qhilb periObe/befo;e njatbe tobicb W acmrea/bauetbeaccufats befo;ebpm/ ana baue Ipce nee to anftoer fo; bim ftlft conccr* npnge g ctpme lapae agapnft bim:toben tb ep torn come bpoaet/ tot'tb out ae'iape on tbe mo eotoe 3! fate to gene t'uagemf t/a comaunoeo tbe man to be b joug&amp;t fo;tbe . agapnft tobo tobl S accufers ftoaebp/ tbep b;ougbt none accufacionoffocbetbpngesasgj fuppoftb: but baa certapne quetttons agapnft bpm of tbeft atone fuper ftpci on / ana of one gefusJ tobicb toasaeeatobome Paul affftmeo to be f alpue Jnabecauft 1 ^ boutea of focbemanen quefttonS/9 af fteb bim tobetbetbe tooise go to Jerufalem / a tbere be iuagea of tbeft mat ters.cbentobcn Paul baa appealed to be . beptbntoftnotoieageofcerat73!c3mafiae&amp; bim to beftept/tpH 3 mv gbt ftna'bim to &lt;zu far^gtippa fapa bnto ffeftus :5 tooiae alfo beare tbe man mp f mo;oto ( fapabe) tbou (bftltbeate bpm. 3Cnaon tbe tno;otoe toberi Igrippa teas come ana ernfee lottb oteatepompe/atoereentreainto councell pure toitb t captapnes a tbeft men of tbe 1 1

* ^lioftM

- -J

mUidft^fi eommaunaement Paul w b^gbtfo^JnafettusfapaUipngaigtiPiis l?a/a all men tobpeb ate beate p;eftnt toptb BS:pefttbismanabouttobomailtbemuitf tuae of tbe'jemes baue bene toitlj me / botb

at 9lerufalem/ana alfobete/ crpmge tbat lie ougbt not to ipue enp Itnger.fetfounaegi noti)pngetoo;tbpof aeeu) tbat be baa cSmit tea.j5euettbeie(Te ftpnge tbat &amp;t- batb appea lea toCefat/l baueaetetminea to ftnae inm Df tobo a baue no certapne tbpnge to ioiite bntompjLO2a.tt0berfo;eg!baueb;ougbtbm bnto pou/a fpeciallpbnto tbe,6pnge agtip pa/g after ewminacion baa/ 1 mpgbtbaue rumtobattoto;pte.tfo;me tbihcftetb ft bni wafonable,' fo; to ftnae a p;efoner / a n ot to ftetoef caufts tobicb areiapaeagapnftljim j&amp;mi agrippafte ate (^ panle/toIjKfie ffltth Bftn j)to ( alljnge from the lie gpany iijj. . Cbe.ic]rbt.bapter. [Iffitippa fapabnto paul-.tbou arte $ ipetmpttea to fpeafte fo; u)p ftlft, |benpaulft;etcbeafonb bSae/ . ., __ anftoerea fo; bim ftlft. 9 tbinfte mpftiftbapppfipnge aigrippa/bccaufe % gall anftoere tbfe oape bef o;e tbe/ of all the tbpngeotobetof % amaccuftaof tftef etoes namelp becauft tbou art erperte in all cuft omes ana queftiong/ tobicb ate amonge tbe aetoes.3berfo;e3! beftcbetbe to beate me w pactentip. flpplpuingeof acbplbe/tobt^toa0at f tp;ft amoge mpne atone nacion at Jerufall fittotoe all $ vetoes w^i ftnetoe me f r5 tbe be gpnninge/pf tbep tooiae tettifie it.f 0; af ftt tbemoft fttapteft tecte of oure iape-'lptiea 3 a Pbatuape. 3ina note 3 ftanae a ant tafe gea fo; tfte bope of tbe p;omes maae of ca bnto oute fatbers:bnto tobpcbP;omes oiite^ TO ttpbesmftantlpfttupnge ob aapeana npgbt bope to come, iff 0; tobicb bopes fafte/ ftpnge acgtippa/am 9 accufta of ujejetoes. pbpibuiaeitbetboiigbta tbpnge incteap^ blebntopou/tbatdEioa flmlbtapftagapne beear? alfobetelp tbougbtinmpftlft/tbati ougbt to ao manp conttarp tbpnges/clene a gapnft p name of jefus of ftagaretb . tobic^ tbinge3afobpbin3:eitu"alem.li0beremang of tbe rapnete? | Ojutbp in p;efon/abaa te=. ceauea aucto;ite of tbebpep;tftesJna tofte &amp; ttep torre put to ae etb /I gone tbe ftntence.

Klnogf puniObtb tftg ofte m euetjfpnagcge/ ana compeiieatb? to biarpbeme : a teas pet ino;emab bpontbfi apetftcuteatbem/cue bnto ftrafige citiesJJbout tobicb tbinges as 3 toent to amafto toitb aucto?ite a Itcece of tbebpe P;etteg/eue at miaaape(0 ftpng)i fatoe in tfte toapea ipgftt from fteaue/aboue (beb;igbtnescf f&gt; ftmne/ffipnerofiaeabouC me ana tbem tobicb iojmw tottb me.

111 Ml f

T al


act. n&amp;.?T#.&amp;

e i&amp;bentot.tofteal! faneneo ttieect^ry % beavoe a bopcetpea&amp;pnge bnto me/a taping int^e debute tonge; * g&gt;aul / g&gt;aul / toft? perfeeuteft ftou me fgt i0barae fo? fte to fitcfie agapnfl fte p^cfie.anQ3] fapcc : H9bo arte ftou *.o;ae? ana be fapaef am $efuS tobomftou perfeeuteft/ but tffe 9 ttanb bp crttEjpfew- jfwjjjaueapmo bnto fte fo?

ft is purpofe/to matte f a mmttter a a toftns boftoftbofeftpttgestobwbtboubsftftnt/ 9 of ftofe ftjngestnfte tobfftgitoiUappe* re bnto t^e/sclfuen'ngr fte ft5 fte people/* ftS # gentpis/ bnto tobtcb notoef fenbe &lt;&amp;*/ to open fteit epes/ftatftepmpgbttutnrtro" oatefineg to ipgbt/a from tbepotattbfaks* tan bnto oa/ftat ftep mape teceauc fo?ge -uenes offpnnes afnbeBtauheeamonge fte " tobtftarefancttfiebbpfapftmrne. lberfo?etipngcap^pa/9toa0notbu* cbeafent bnto fte beaueJ? Wftorcbut mctoea f p;ft bnto ftcm f ^raitto/ano at %tm! a* lem/atbojoto outalifteco&amp;esofleto?pv a to fte sgttf s/ g ft e p Gmlarepent / a couth* tod&amp;oa/sao ft ervgbt tootfjes of repentance $0} tbis caufc ft e 3;etoe0 catigbt me in te= pie a toent about tofcgil me.#euerfteieac 3 obtapneabtipe of 00 a cfltpneto bnto ftps base toitnefflinge bofte to fmananb to great faring none oftrr fting'j/ften ft ofe tobtft &amp; M p;opbete#a fll&amp;ofes apo rape fbulb come f t v Cq ? t a mm d e fuffre/anb tbat be qmlae be ft e f p? a ft a t Qmiac rpfe I r ombeetb / anb (pulbe fjjetoelpgbtbntoftepeopuyatoSgmtpis. as be ft u? anftoerea fo; bpm Celfe : tfettuS fopae % a lotoaebopce . Paul/ ftou arte be* fpaesftprcife.^ocbeieattrtnsebatbmabe f maa Jno^aulfapoe-.gamnotmaa/moft bercffeftu0:butfpeaBestoo?ae0 oe ttueft ana f b em ess . &lt;g$e apnge finoto eft of ft etc ftinges/befo?e tobomegifpeBe frelpmeftee ftrnfte'S g en? of ft ere t&amp;pnges are bpbsen from bfm.tfojftistbfngetoas not Done ma co?ner.l3pnge Sgrippa beleuea ftou $ p&gt;?o Pieces:' J toote toeli ft ou beleuett Jgrtppa fapbe bnto Paul : ^umtobat ftou b?pngett me m mpn&amp;c f 0? to be come a cftnQen. a tu&gt; f&amp;aul fapae:g to oibe to 00b t not on!? ft ou: butalfoallftatbearemetoaape/toere/not lumtobat onlp but altogefter Cofte a? % am/ejrcepttbefe bonnes . an&amp;toben be bab ft 1 1 s fpoften/fte bfnge tore bp/a ft e btbitti anoffierm'ce/ ana ftepftatfate torft ftem. Snbtoben ftep toere gone apatte/ftep tal* beb 6 etto en e ft em f elues f apmgetcbfe man boeft notbpnatoo?tbp of beeft/ no? of bono] ceen capae agn'ppa bnto tfettufccbW ma tmjgbtbauebeneiotofeb/ tf b^babnot ap pcaie&amp;bntocefar. ttpauiflm'ppnffc totoartie aorae/ 3ub tfle sp/ fapne' mtccattt^ Ofm cwteonfl;/ at t&amp;E Ia8 thro fij*ftifto;afef.

fffte.|#bWapf; % en it teas conclubeb % tot ftulo fajle fnto 2ta!ry ftet bflpuereb ^aui ace^aine oftet p;efonew woneitamebiUMitjs/anbnoe* captapne of efar fouWar0.ainb toe entreb mtoafb&lt;Pof3io?anu'c(a/aiotofeb ftblaitb/ apopnttDto Calebs tbe codes of 3Ka / one % ttaarcu0 out of ^acebonta/ of ft e contw of Cbeflaua/bemge tt b0 ana nejrt e bave toe came to gitoon. 3tna Juti0 courteoufi? enttea tea pau!/a gaite 91m ftbette to go bm tobrsftenDes/atotefteabebsmfelfe. ana ftBtbencelancbco toe/a fajlea baw&gt;eb?flEt! pers/becaufefte to*nbe* toere conttarpe, Cbenfafltbtoeouer tbefeeof tpttcra/ anb^ jBampftilta/a cam to^p;a a citte injLpcfa. 35. 3nb ft ere f bn e tea pta yne f oOoe a mtppe of3lejr5Der/r eop to fapie into^tai?/a put bS tbetfnJrtbto&amp;entoebabfafletiOotolfman? bapes/afcace toeie comcoueragajntt nj? 6on(becaufeto!nbetoiftftoaeb0)toefaplea bataebpftecoaesofcanap/ ouetagapntt &gt;a!mo/atiimoftetoo;6erapiea beponae v i't/acambntoapiacecalleasooopoo?te.j9pe tobetbntotoasacpttecalieb ^Lafea. men mo ft e ttme teas fpf t a f apiing toas note teo petaeous/becaufeairog toe bab ouerlonge * f ait eb/$aul put ft l in tememb;aunce / anb c fawe bnto fte..^v;0/S per ceaue tbat ftps bfagetoflbefc butter mofteaomage/notof " bpngeaQiponlf-butaifoofoureimt, , :rfteiatectl)ebnaercapta?nebleuebt gouerneraftemaaer/betterftenftoftmgt tobifttoetefpofifofpaul.ariabecaufefte bau? toasnot cSmoamsto topnterui/man? tow coafelltoaeparteftence/pf bpengmea ne0tbe?mpgbtatta?ne topbeniceg^tbere totointer/tobpcBtsanbauenofdanas/anb reruttbtoftefoufttoeft anojtbtoeStopnfie. !@Ben fteroutb topnaebietoe/.tbej fuppo* rpnge to obtapne ftefrpur p ore lotofeb bnto aeton/anbfapieb pafte all Canbj,

55ut. anone a f t er / ft e t arofe agapnS ft eft putpsfe/a flatoe of topnae out offnojtbeer* ie.,3Cnb to&amp;e fte flit p toas caugbt^a couto not ttftftftetopnae/toe tetbergo ao?auetoftb sg toeftet . ana to e came bnto an pie nameb Clauba/a baa moctje too?be to come bpa bo* te; tob i ft ftep tone bp a bf ea b eipe/bnaevgec Wngeftelbippe/fearuigeletttoelbuibbaue 5, E , ffitrt fall! mto Sp?te0/a toe let Doune a beffell a ^SSu\ fotoere carpeb.cbenejtebapetobf toe toere itninto$pi . toflebVbane]rcaamgetepeft/tbepHgbteneasv;tMa"P"; f mm tbe tbKoe oa?e toe caa out tt owe JW g atonebanbes/l tacblpnge of *(b&lt;ppe.96e mix" mot at tbe raft netbet fttnneno; ftam m manpof mmm bapegappereba nofmant5peftlapebpBb0/f e . ni, "; ,:,! * allbop ejtogftujbj be tautb/toas ften taft5 *** atoawftBriiatretlonBe abftpntnc %t fani

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Cobctotbmftempaaes of tbemanb fapoe: out ffiuiaefle atoape.Sut | bnbetcabtopnt feWSfcanaoebauebatbenebtonK/anot topHpngetofauejbauifiept.ftemfromtyeiv bane lotof eo from canbp / neftet to baue purpofe/ano comaunbeb ftat ftep g coul ae b?oug9tbntob0ftt0barmeaioae.^naneto ftopme fbuibe caft ftem femes fp?ft into 3 ejtbo;te pou to be of of gooa tbere.f o? tyt tbe fee/ana fcape to !&amp;&amp;. Mi ft e ot&amp;er he c8 fbatbe noioK of enp mans Ipfearaoge. pou/ raaunbea togo/fome on bozaes/ana fome on


faucof ftjip onip,5fo?fter itobe bp me ftrs iipgbtfteangenofob/tobofeg!.am/atobo piferue/faping:feareno(P&gt;auI-fo;tboumuft oeb;ougbt before cefar . ina io / oabaft ijgeuen bnto ; w?e fp;sbe , fit ibalbe toe rauft be ft e all ft at faple of goobebere : fo? 3 cue as it toas toiae caft into a certapne toift ft e.u@bec* beieue &lt;!5ob/ me . $oto be tt pionbe.

38ut toben fte fouttenft npgbt toas come a? toe toere car 1 cb in 3Bo;fa about mfbnpgbf/ tbe ftfpmenaemeb tbat fter apperea fome countr e bnto ft eiman&amp;founaea / ana founae &lt;t.]cjr.feaa5S'. ama tobe ftep bab gone a ipteii furtber/ftepfounaeaagapne/anbfonnae.irb

b;oben pecesoffteujip. anbfo it came to paffe/tbat tbe p came all fafe toianae. fttVimiutetbm j9aui3fia&gt;ttiB/iie jciflcta

C^e.jrtfKij.dbapcer, 9 \t&gt;Dm ftep toere fcapea / tlien^ jepbnetoeftatftepie toa0caliea fl^tlete.ana tbe people of&amp;coatre _-__(betoeabS no Iptell fipnaue0 : fo; ftep ftpn&amp;lea a fp?e a receauea bs etterp one/ becaufeofftepjerentrapneana becaufe of v coiae.3Dna toben aul babgaftereaa bonbeliof ftpefies/ ana put ftem in to fte fp?e/ ----, . -c-. - ftttcameabppetoufoftbebeetanDleptort fcbaoms.Cbenfearpngeieft ftepOjuiabaue bSbanae.?i0benftemetiof | countrc fatoe faneonfomerocfte/ftepcatt.iHj.anctesout tbe too?mebangeonbpS banae/ tbepfapag bf fte tterne/ana topObea fo? fteaapeJs fte amonge tbem feiue0:ftt0 m mull neaes be fbrpraentoereabouttofleoutoffteropp/a amo?fteret:3bom{ftougbbebaueefcapea baa let Douite&amp;bote into ftefee/bnaer a cou* fteXee) pet bengeaunce fuffteft not to iww, loure as ftougb ftep tooiae baue caa ancres JButbefboubeofftebermenintoftefpiea, * cute of fte f o?fl)ippe : pattl fapbe bnto fte felt nobarme . l^oto be it ftep t oaptea mm *? bnaer captapne ana fte jboubftts : ewepte be tbuloebaue ftoolne / 0? fallen boun e aeeo ftereabpaein f wpp/pecSnot be fafe. cben Coaenlp. OtJUtafterftep baa lohea a gre ats fte &gt;ouaiers cut oftbe tone of tbe bote?anb tobpte/anafatoenobavmecometobim/ft e^ cbaungea fteirmpnaes /ahbfapae ftat be toasa^ob.

ietttfallatoape. ^ anainftemeane tpme bettoWJfcttat anb bape/$aul befougbt fteall to tateTmeate/ fapinge:ftis is ft e fourtenftbapef 'pe^taue tarptb ana contpnueb faftinge/ ttceaupnge


m anfte fame quarters tbe cfiefe'man of fte tfetobofe name teas ^ubllrts/ bad a lo?a ----- c-r- r~."~, ng^MM.. ffiipppc:fte fame receauea bs/ ana loageabS noftmg at all.tberfo?e3! p/age jouto tafie tb?eaapes courteotiOp. ana it fo?tunea t&amp;at meate:fo? fti0 noDout is fo; pourebtlft: fo? fte fafter of Pubimo lape fpcfte of a ficuer fter Ojailnot anberefall ftontf ijeebof enp anb of a bluaop tobom Paul entrea pfpou,inbtobenbebabftusfpi)Tti/beto6e in ana p?apae/ ana lapae bis banaes on bpm b?eebanagauetbanc8esta&lt;i5ob!irt p?efence anabeareabpm.lbenfti0toa0aone/oftec&l t;in offtlan/anb b?abe it /ana beganne to eate. alfo tobicbbaaapfeafe0 tnfte pic / ca me ana ccben toere-ftepail ofgoobebeate/ ana ftep toere bea!ea.ana ftep apo b0 great bo noure, aifotofiemeate.naetoereaiitoBefterinfte anb tobentoe aeparteb/ ftepiaaeabs town &lt;bpp/ttoobuna?eiitb?efco?car&lt;ittenefoules. tbpngesnecelTarp. anbtobmftepbaacaienpnougb/fteplpgb- after tb?e moneftes toe aeparteb in a fbip "SSfiRK? c A ft out J to jw*&gt;tttlt, of aie?anb?p/ tobpft baa topntrea in tbe pie/ mo , m 5 ^ben ft toas bape/ftep ftneto not * lanae tobofe babge teas Catto? a ItatoitfM b tobe poiiuXcK buttbepfpieaacettajlnebanento abancbe toe cameto cp?acufa/toe tarieaftereftze'"" ^ *m into fte tobiebfteptoerempnbeb ( pfit toere bat?esJnbfrom ftence toe fet a comtK Hres vun ' e c(Uamti poiMre)toft?uttmfteaip.anbtobettfte? cametomegiumJnaafteroneaapfffouftKfX,, ^tabenbpfteancws/ttepcottmipftebrtbi topnaebletoe/anbtoecameftene&amp; aape to S SSffl rehjesbnt tbefee/a iotofeo tuer bonaes Putfoius:toberetoe founae b?etb?en/a toere "SciVt ?" anbbopfeabpftemapnefapletoftetovnbea befp^btotarptoift tbemfeuebapes /ana fo 'o untf&amp; ffl o" bmetojanbe.28utftepcbaunceaonaplace/ came to Kome. ana from ftrnce/ tobenfte^'^S f tobfcbb^tbefee^onbotbtftefpaes/atb?uft b?etb?enbearbeofbs/tbepcameagapnftbs wSm

toftei tbtp.anbtbefoo?epatte ftucbe faff.* toaprpbo?um/atofteft?etauernesJben foc ijc S i tSr moueb'notbutftebpnaerbzafietoiftftebw iSautfatoetbem/beftancfieo^oa/atoerea ,,fl ? lc6 # f " fence of fte toaues. boiaf.at3atobenbecameto3Rome/ftebnaer pEo , ni; aftc , 1 * 8 cbe&amp;ouaparscounceiltoas to fipfl fte Captapne aeWterea? p?efonersto ftecftef e^^L^.m'

I .H" .

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'Cto attes


tweti: mt btoettbplftm felfe totfb one &gt;otiojes tftat namce of the jteptbttM. 8*523 ana ft f otfuneo after- t&amp;?e oa?tf / Paul SKtfiuK calieotbetbefe oftbegctoesto getbet.ano great coufpoentoben tbeptoerccome/be layoe bntot&amp;tm.

a^mtfjcpagrttbttofaittOHge^i! feTueff tUepoepatteQ/ aftettbat Paul ba&amp; fpoaen one too;deleU fpaftc $ 6ol? gboa op faj? ft ., w , tbe ^epftetbnto oure fatberjJ/layfog :*o S bSf t bnto t|)i0peoplc 8fa?c:tt^uw wiJ 0)aHiB?at(

.. ttrnntnpu men ano owttaen tbougb. 1 baue comptteo ?e beate/ano all not bnoerft anbciano tottb tnc.wii.t,.

^^^nownpafiSftf people o^iatocjs of out* ** mii*imiwiw mmu. 8 Sccaufc bejietufalcm tnto tbe Qanncsf of tbejaomapn*. gouaucco tticm ibtc&amp; toben tbeybao evamfneo me / tooioe tow * carpfng h flue u t mego/Uecaufe tbet&gt; f ofiDe no caufe "* * of OeetU fnme.tfut toben tbopse* f tt?rti c6* ^tratp/gi toass conBraynro to appeals onto C efarmot becauf e gj bao ougbt to accufe im&gt; people of . tfojtgg* caufe baue 3 called fo? sou/euen to fe f ou/ano to fpeafie toftb you: becaufe g-fb? fbope of 3ifracl /Jam bourne tottb tbtfebayne. r 8notbeyrai?cebntobl , m:1teenetbene* ccaueblettteis out of %mtv pestatmmgebn to t&amp;e/nerbee came en? of tfte bjetbjen t&amp;at (betoea oj fpabeenp-Hatme of tbe.JPuttoe teyilbeate of toljat tljou t^mcfteCt. &lt;jf o; toe bauebeatoeoftbfjsfecte/tbateuerytobcate tt i&amp; fpofien agajnft. ainbtoben tbet? ftao -.apopntebtifmaDaye/tbetcame many onto * Qf m into W lobgyng. co tobS be ejtpounbeb ano teCfffeo tbe ftjngoom of &lt;EWanDp;ea* cbeo bnto tbem of lefu-.botb out of tt)e latoc of &lt;ofc0 ant) alfo but of tbeP&gt;;op&amp;ete$5/eue ftommojnpgetomjgbtJnbfomebeleucD m tupngeg tubicb toere fpofte/ ano fontt be* leueo not,

route eyes (ball ye f e am not petceaue, ' 3"#Mfoft Jfo? tbebettof tbfss people fgtoefebgwfie am) tbeit eatess toerc tbycfte of bearjng/and tbeftejejibauetbeyciofeD:leat^?5mioefc tof tb tijef t ef ef/anobeaw toffy theft cates/ . ano bnoctttanue tof tb weft better ano Qnilb M be conueiteo/ant&gt;3i flmlbbeale u)em . JSett w anotoentberfojebntoyou/rbattbitfJfalua* cpon of oo i fent to tbe gentyfc / ano tftrj? ftallDeate ft .ainbtobenbebaofapDemat/ ^etoejmcpavteb/anDbaogwateaefpfcfoiijj

amongetbcmfelufiJ. aOTaultitoeltttoo yeteg full tnbfsi loi* Binge/a teceaueo all tbat cam to bi m / p^ea* cbpige tbe fiyngoome of &lt;oo / ano teaebsnge tbofe tbyngeg tobf cb concetneo tljeHojoegeuifS toftballconfpocnce/ bnfo?booen.






m mocbe a tbitf mm mm. P;f ncfpali 9 mooft ewenenf part of (be neto e aico a M3DI WtfMMW nuinttB ti,e lol* ftcqfcutc/j (toikf itiroaft/* met? ^(Oeriman not Mitt ' '92 SSfi! 2^?"&amp; i5 " 1an b " el? tau *** tooffto?ttuOjeit to toe I ; fo; VcSet t SSSKfSSM CfiSS *i tetoatr * P* *+ latoc ma ? c ot to5K*B*e but Wtbe com. Wctlj e mm WiJffi2??. e * toe to " ec ^ ?? B ? fu,ff l Wto ^ ou ( to9l, e honIp;tl)OU B bd)c^rt bcticutrfof&lt;we6nannD c . ftSRSSSSM t^Btnunacof tycmutei thetbouflhtcoj f ftccef MimiW'wt^mMbe/anbtD'tvfK SSffite!S3i 2PS t5f Bf wft w* "&gt; t0 rate Juflfcmwca j papntt 6 CfyultKMufy t* ||at i .At JuS ofthebcc/netheanl.epe(t/thou!j9i,cappcaceou(VBarofullof 8 oobtoo?(he8 "*w&gt;miprgioa no

*7*L 5 , Ml J M| tt fntlpneOBnto eu f u * hate tbe lator;to? fpnoe &lt;n oute feme tiluft % febfoiifnec to oo not Oe Mvm tbere noooute (a alfo fymc to?af b (6 offecueb tiefo;e^oo/ttouab tbev e be ne ucc fo aaat i ano nil? apnpmjc tbeibp that no man toftb outtoar be too?b^fitlfplictb ty latoc. -* mrn .?^i u 9* "''i 10 tl,c ?cu,e teachc ft 1 n"i ftWfof "of bjcnhe tocblocbe/j vet tyrah rd tocbloclie tbv fe if r ; tohrtfti SSSSFlft W^'wollif fn P e/tl)oi. ipuea outtoatblp.torlWntbetoo?hc0offhelntoS^ S^" /'i :t " 5 u tt fr W "S? "J cn/ m a motein *****' ,na 'Vbut art nottonreomiSe / u nitlSn! ^^.*o/thougbtI;ouBepeflatoroWii^W^^ a8ateoealeotbertovfebo ? f tboubyobeftnotfeaeetbe latoRvrnMmrOIpm tbvnebmc/tKMSS toerenolatoeAiono;pct^ob/tbeau C to;*M B eacoftbelatoe^fitto7cepo^le-LapnV^ HlfaPVetftM wf enpneb^ to be bepte boune.1HDbeefo,e tbei; it is a plapne c^^Sftw &lt;8RSB toaeale/tolwn thou thpneatone felfe aetc a .theft In tbpne bettc/anb oiittoatttl p toolbeQ TfapneVcauTpS butft/ though .hat i onttoacae bebea abpbcnot awapr ochpnbe toltb fctbe ppoctptefl f bi ffimtKbu Sbe Smat turn as aneupil fcabbc of a potbe cannot all voapes be hept m toit? i biolenee o f iwOftnie. 8 ffiboii teacbeft an other raa4mt 'teach eft not tbp felfc/pe tbou toofe/fnot tob at'thou teatheft'fo! thou bnfcetHS, cannot be tultpllrbto.fhouttoaebbebejj* toojheoulp.^o;couet f latoeenceeafcthfpnn S"S^ Wh eit* mtuttotmb that man is an enlmp to tbe latoetf* as mocbe as ft requteetb Co manp

natac? t H e tow ^catfe ta e wofct h Cpnne. big natucc^tobeceof be to not able to fulfptf one Borate tntotiuae the .m.&lt;f S S a ^ i ."." .:?.!?. ill" ' r

^b natucc^tobewof Ijc te not able t o'fulfpif one poYn't7f ie7a^ MMokttranfebaue geeatet luft tolea&amp;ett^ tobich caufc fi U*t hefaptb tn\ e t^j^ liumtte^ta

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tnrtetb amanflptettual * Ipbebnto tbe latoe/rothocnotobf ceftttb beooetb no topn geof. fearc o'm lucre S S3K , ?] ,e J!? L M ! , ? fa 'f r/h,t of a fw ^ nt/ outixaavb lua.fflbefatoels fpfr ituafl ttpibUdtbeSanti fu ftlleb of a \jkWt mm of necefflte tequp;etb (t the (tag* th atmabetb a. manne fi ft'eK^S "b torn intt antMUtage bnto the latoetoarbe. Inhere rocbeatefte {snot/there remapne tb fpftnt/aruogpnae fhate/ tcbagapnatbelatoe/toDichiatoeneuerlbeletreftaotib^pggtetocsanbholw ?WBwwnge * ijac e/ . ac^uapwe tbp felfe tberfo^ tob the manee of fpeabpnge of tbe apottel/j let tbfe noto ttpfcefed ftt tnvtieriert'/ tDat it unottofht one/to bo bebes too;bwof tbe tttof/* to .tmmtmtl^^^^^w^^ to,^ ^ tti amanboetb o? can bo of l,is atone fcetopli/ofhatonep?opeear.enobte*enfeW^otto TpgMof &lt;Bobvttbfecoiietb#aul. nrthe tbfcbetfbaptertofterebe laptb;bpt6epebeeof IffttetoPftatt h'ci flfflbethenaeo! S2F^ 1 '% 1 &amp;fZ!^\W^*^^ tptttet true ' ***r faptbof *b?ift.oto can thep prepare ffi fclurstonto the fMOtttttofxBQhf* ( tbath) h&lt;ch&lt;DBOob/tobethej&gt;tb?(et

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FW f^ JttttetttfpW*eofaM;b#eatlWU6f^ ,ttwro ltw nouwatatu*wcyeiu&lt;u*^^ j i,V *W &lt;n ***&lt; *bM&amp;oto to tpipwnWo^rtopfe geuevtyen up fapty onipym $ t oe bclew tbe pjotnpfeB of*/ ^ toUfj oue toiaiccyngc^Qto t^at fl&amp;to tcuc/anft wufuuftllall ijis&gt; gaoD p jompfoj totuavb bo/fo; tflj^aec blond;* jriwfoVw/p co fabe /a0 lf to|iapnc in tyefpjfttfyap.? am notanSameftftftJ^wl/oW^m cifflUBOtt^pugc^foMtiB-tljeppiuec KSSE of ;obbntofaluaclon to apmany ttbcuue.tfo? attonce e to setter ctum a* toe b clcue tye glab tpbpngc pjcacfttb hwi9 u^ kk *y ju tff , ^ Ipfatyaft cntrety &lt;|iltd dm Ante*/* Iotn&amp;^t^lJOnlW 0Qft5eOmpII/tD5ic&amp;bfo;rpolfeflfOoupeljccfcfl fn-coptmitc/ ye lb tyemtyat toecoutt|ati*no iuff;ro tye topUof oOm the intoc. auba* the Cp;c commety bp tfapty fometflfaptbonlf/eufCofaptftcow fep yearpng tye fc^obbcp fonnc * man sifo/beeDanb cp fcaagapiiefo* oure fabc0/a* ye fcvtftttttftUfi*IU(*tf*tfbapt;p;aUowe{ giabljbpnge** lufflfpmge tbrocometb of faptb/* faptb.anbtljc fptftc come of &lt; fcob* not of bo. .: ^093n to: Cape/fayy btfngety tye fptf te/i t to no t tobebnbcraanOetfyat fapty b efetu cty tye fpjfte/ o? J rtje- Hpto ' to not p/efent in b* before faptb/ff o; tye fp;fte to cue c in b 0/$f apt b to De g pfte too; hpng of t y e fp;ite. tout ttjoioto p;tacypnge/t1)e fp;f te begpnnc t y to ttojfec f n b0. and op bp p jeacy pnge tt jc la toe/)e too;bc t b tye f eare o f *5'a0 / To bp pjcacypng tye glad tpbpnges/y t bwhety fapty .anb note \y en toe beleue f acecome b!tticeJbrcoucnauntof;fow tyen ae c m fure of tyrffp/ttc/bp tye p;om&lt; (e of &lt;8ob | tfjrn tye fpjffc actompanfetb fapty 4flftparablfe/ toe begmne to f eic ijf s tJO;bpngr.lno ro fapttj cci-epfieeij t)0 of tfj fptif ey* alfo t); ms ctl| t ^e Tp.jitc mptl) 1&gt;p p^1o f fte Voo ^b?ng of allotyecgpfre* ofgeace/* totyeio;fepnge out of tt&gt;eaof outefniuacpon/wuplitocba ue nil to gctber oucveome , Cpnne/Dcety/heU* &amp;atan/* ace come tmto tyccuetlaltpng ipfeof glo;ie*ftnbfo ; cyto caufe fap? toe fapty bjpngcty f *tfapt&amp;entpU&gt;Jito-&amp; 2 tt^ tiiftifpetb. tywtofftoifle0Ocfeeupnge0Hbefweteb;tngetiMu^ . tictbytin(lceng(bto^o;cbetbeb:be0oftyelajjetoitbioue^uea9tyc(a^i'equp;etb (GEy *nni;tbelaftouteoftyc loiteflfti'ftii C!me ^ t i fotoo;hfngemtijcbecec;fp?mgcaligooatoo;hefibptbcccatt) neacco;&amp;e. yacmcamtyyein tye tyir&amp;s

flen^,!? 'tayaptecw^ * * v ' Jtbelatwe tyo?otofapty;yeanftDcrcib totyaempgl)tbclapOeagapu(l/fapmge;to EO:(tropenottyclatMcti)o;otoffl(H| . bu^mamtflpnc/fotfoerojaablpftyetbelatoetbo^ flpnne *pnnetntyefcciptuwtonotcaUebtbatouttoacOtoo;heonlpcSmpttebbptbcbODp/butaUtl )ctoyoiebufinc0f l^attbcuetacc5panictb''mouctb o;fteretbbnto tyeouttoaebebeOc/j that tobcncetbctDo ;befl^;mge/aomibcUfcy p?oiiciie0*reOme0bnfotbebebei(ntyegcounOeoftbcbcrte/to(t^alUbepoto?C0/affftcion0 *appetiteD\^ me canbut fjnnr.ii&amp;o t^at vdc rnp?/t6aca.inati t^cnrpnncfEj/tDtjeit be 10 cf icieb atoapc btoionseftuo fvnne/all to jjc# bcci&amp;mocbea0b E to/of tbatpopftnfnto none outtoarOe fpnne cSmpmD.wept. a man lie cac te&amp; awape all to gecy cv,ib ipf^Cottiivlj cr ce/UoOp^ luGc 9 inpnoe tbeculttoCbe fccipturr lAeq fpugutacponto tbe bert/9 imio tye vote ? o;fgiuall fo untapnc of nUfpnne/toljfcb Ma * MOi fe bnbclefe fti tbc botome oftye berte*3fo? ao fflptb onlp ni(tpf pctb*b;pnge(ycl)efp;itej inacmuotbcouittrnpoe ta^MM^JB^ too?to/euf (0 bttbeleft onlp batnnec!)jfecpctboutetyefp;itc/p;ouoUetbe IjcflcC^a^ctytopluftctontotyc vSi^ JC eupHout\batbetoo;befi/a0^PifPtit6)aoamftn&amp;euamat;flbpie.&lt;Benefi0-{rf. S% a ^imii 3P? V caufc ^fe ift caltel ^ ft nnebnbelcft/j tbat notaUlp in tOe.jrot i Cyaptcc of fnpmt Jobn.mjc fp;etc faptjp *** w * tH H *.fie^aU veuufte tye too/ibc of ^ne/liecauCe tbep beleue not in me.nb Jobn*biiJ.bcfaptb.5am^lpgytof^too^i&gt;J anbtyccfo^mtbe.F^ofJoyubebpDbctytyem/tobplctycpbaue^gyt/tobdeucmtbcipgyt^ tya(pc mapcbctbe( ct)Plo;cn of t^g^t/fo; f)e t|jatAtaltiet()jn Oaccfencfi Vootctj^ not toftctftcc ^ cgoet^.Aotoag %:

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cbpibpn of Ipgbt/fo; b e tbat ^^ , I** &lt;B"o;aunce of #lftt iyatbaccbne0lherof fjc fpeahety;&lt;nVoijrcb (jef toa

lftety/ tootctynot wyptyei- yegot tbAtytf c ^to^ebno\Mctbotbotototto;&amp;eagooo\oibeO:tfteCpgl)tof&lt;i3ob/o;tobatafloobw^^ fterapth/flff ioitijc aag am in tflc HooM^c^j a*n (be lral)t af tftetajo/iodjut tftcrc cometft upa&amp;t ift5 o md can to3;he/ feyulj npgyttobut(gno;aurfccofiCWKnttbfcl) no mftcanfetoboanptwo^Uetyat pleatety& lt;ttSob* and famlep* .bo?tcty^pbeRjittubattyeptoalhenota0Otbcryctyentobifbawftcangcv0ft5tyetpfeof^ xauncetbatt0mebe.anbajapncmtyefamedCbapter.#utof(faptbbe)tfeolOcma tt)y(cbtowcupt tyo;otoetye luC of cccourc/rtjaf &amp; to Cayc tano;auncc.an63aom^i(T.2lce4)0 enft atoape tlje firbes of iiavc^ueo/tUat to to faye/of Ignoiaunccjtonbekf.anb.^etnTI.tfaffionM^ Vetf)aeiouct!j ^wb^otbtr&amp;toclleefymipfl^t/anb^c t^a^f|Eitrt^^0ti;ot^rc toalb ct^ tn bacebneo^ motet^ ottvBi# tycFbcgoety&gt;fo;baMbnefibatbWpnbebbi0epc0.^ Qiio;aunccdfffy;ia.^o?fttoimpoir(btetyatyctbathnoYuetycyMfttruip^ulDcyajebfBU)ot bet. ^ 1 urtyeemo;e/toperccaue^0typngemoacecleatlp/ , fboulbaltbnbcraabe^jfttoimpoffi blc to fpnne anpfpnue ataH^cejpeam5b;ea6etbcfp;acSmauubem5tbefo;rjBovtotbefp^t5maQbemftOcupbebmtottoow |U9b* &lt;SJob to one ^ob- tyou $att toue typ fto^bc ^5ao toftb aft tbpne bec^/t t alt typ foute/tortbaUtyppotweiai^ toftyoll.tbpmpgy"t#anb tbc toboale caufc toypJTpnneajapnilanp tnfecfourc p;cce'p t/(0f tyteloue tonot in mpue |?t/f6^toei:etui0toue to^ptttiUmp^erte^toci'efuU* perfectmmpfoulc/ftwolbhcpempncy ect frSconfrntmg ^ iintd any fpnn^Slnb tbtol)oa(e $ ontp f aufr tobp *&amp;&amp; &lt;ouc ft noe to ;ptcf in oure ijerCroWe t b^t xjpc bebrue not fp;ffi parte'/ tbat otuc aio;be &lt;Kab to one oD.^o? xoitt J ray at t y efe too;be0/on? be i oue^oD mcanety n y smo to rape/ . yf 3 knbeEUo&amp;e tyat y rmabe ail/3 eulcty all/* f tobatfqeuee tobone to me/ tobe ty ec ttbegoob 0; 6ab/to pr t yp* wpli/ ) ffjytonlptetbeM?6etbactuletb^Ootb^it&lt;fttyectott)battyp0too?be;^ I ftertc beleuebi fettr ^f infinite benefiti 0s hpnbeoro of ^ob to me ttaebe^ tt nbctOobef crnfaipebcleneb # manp rfoltrecoucnauntc0Ofmefcpctoberttj(tbffioObcatbbounDcbpmfc!fctobempne!toyolpc(Ea Utogea^ \ potoer4oue/metcpe/ mpgyt/ tyen 9m 3 loue iim t(ty ail mpnc bctt/foule7potocc/ mpg bOatA of t^at loueeucis ^ bepebto commaunbmjcntej.550 fe pe notu t^ at as faptb to tb^ motlfcv of all gb obnes j ofaUgo*Q&amp;o;be0/totobnbe# bfef grounbe*roteofa!lcuplUaUenpUtoo;he04^nai)pc^fanpmabat(jfojrfahffpnne9tocfeu et^ ttuttte^?ttt/anbtobepetyciatoeofa5o0^otftfaUatatpmevtyecau(eto/'tyattbefie^etboi ^ fbobebtbe^iee9opp^lTebbp;9taben fcomyp^tyefob^oryp^atcngtytoftb f foorofbp; meOU acpontn goblin btfl^onb:fimbeoc0/}(ri tbemanpfolftecoucnaunteoof ftpfimectpc.

j ; Wbetfb;etyenbefo;caUgoobtoo;be0a0goobfcute0/tyeccmuftnebe0beAp^intbe^totDbra t HnbbtfojeaUbaD&amp;cDeoagbaOfntfco/tberemuabebn^ J -AlUtnnr.V^tii^ linbetefc * iflno;aRrt fj? calico tb^ fto of ^p (fe^e^ gE gf tf tc oibpb/ag5/k5tc&amp; egcxuoms.9 ftc6 tfUnff

tnttfttte^cbnbffote/fl0fttoftflp;omplMibntoa6ain*jcaff J^t te0fauoure^encnoinco;b*nbmfnOmiyicbof ( bpj0awtefelfe/iBboutbcfccumacaf\)D/y ^^ ^a0moucDiencime^togme^i(lbntot)0/toityaiiytoo'tyeegpftc0Ofgcace.&lt;0iftei0tyfyo lp : toyiyepoiy;ctyttttutyel^vtc0pftbf/'on\oyab?batym&gt;ccp/jtyamy.effluo;ety*^ cn((ea(cmb0OApipc;oi!jauenoep&lt;ttbdrfttllperreion:ve9tbougbt^ tob'cb f psbt agapnft tbc f^ete/as be fapty bete in m. bfttfbap tec/j tn tbc^tot yc^alaEyiana/jaeittoaafuafacn befo;eintbc.i9.cbaptccof^cue.oftyeDebatebe^enetyca)flma0feeO^tbefecbofihc ,^5obbc| faumire to to gteatc/^ fo tf ronge ouec bo fo? iCb.iifted fahe/f tos ac e couuteb /oi full bob * prrft etc b:fo;e ; ^b*yow^PSfauuupetottracbto/ompbEtynotbP^elfc/encceafm^ ( :ceflncibb0wraUtagMberlnmttl^iftA9^ tbPfKeanbbatnplcbettiKnetbefp;rfeanbeupUluae0/aeebegonnelnb0allwftbp, a &gt;f;bap.tDhet;c aut accufety yimfelfcasa f pnnec^ pee in tfie.6iif.cbap*; fapetb/tbetetono banacponto tbf tyat aeem tfbtfft* tyatbecaufe of tye fp?ite/anb becaufc tlie gpfteo of tlje fu;vtci ncebegonaefnti0.*pnnec0t^arebecautetbefle^et0notfUUfeplleOanbmo;tiReb.ficneetftd c(feUia0i^^ tuebcleue in ffwtoWK tye neabtgmnmge of the (ppw j toolbfapne be pecfectc^ootofolo uinjea.fauoiai blebntob^brtoanotloheonCocb^pnnc^etbcrtofltcoateitaofpane/biitbijtbcaUtt nff^iftfacco?Opngtoyj0Komptotoytcyyeibatyfto;netob0/bntpUffp^^^^ .,. , .. : ,.., afaptbt0uotm8aopmion$O/cameyn0fomepmag{nffapnc/tDyetbepbeacetbello;(eoftye d5ofp cii/ttjyichtb?^ a P^ fflnoi v tm&amp; tbat tbewfolotoenagooOtto^eBnopmcitbcntftofUuingc/tbougbtbcpyearc/* pet cabaupUmiinptypngea^o^of wUo offaptb/tb^^pf aU f ca ^^f'gbtetoapc#fapc/faptbon^uaifietbnut;ami!muttbm^^ tobeftgyteou0#fafe.(Cbecaufei0ttiyentyepbeaeetbei&amp;ofpeUwglabtpOmge0/t^^^ cevtapnepmflflmacios tbougbte0&lt;n tyeit \)tctt$ fapingt/J baueyeacb tye ofpeii/ j cem2bcc the OoiMo 3 bete/


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fnpuO/tU4u(l 9 in au oure afiecctono potoer of tye foulc;tyc bolp gboft eim accSpau ymge bto5ninigc*bcr^KaS .rfaptb a ipuelp tyinge/mtgbtp 'in too;biuge/toaUaunte ftrongc/euer oomge/ewer fcu tfuli'Cj tyat itieUupolTiblc ibatbetJ)bUijtofcnOucOtyecctoitb#ilbeuoew;bealtoape0goj&amp;\j;bc0toityoiitceafm3 BQQbtofcbe0acctobi-dunco?not/butbatb&amp;dnay^ tBytonatureznotocqupcliefaptytnbifi yrrtc 9 ipuelp momnge of tye fp;(teOiiueyim* aeerebimtbci; muaU0bo# foeucrOoctbnotgoooto;&amp;efi/i0anbnbeleurnaeperfon?faityica , ? ( '*io^^ jo;be0/# toottey nottubatfaptbo^goobto^brmcaneytyougbbebabiUueHer fomanptymg( off apty goob tooi&amp;r, 3faptbto tyena lpuelp*ftebfaa teuttewtbefauotteeof ioob/toyer^pty ^compttefluccf ciuc0aU to aether ^.^.^w. Jjeo&lt;i5ob^tbateruflci0fofurelpgroun6ebfilehetyfofaftmiMireyme0/tyatamantbolbeh otonc &lt;bbugbbe^lOOpeatyoufanOtpme0eyerfo;e.anbfUcbetruato;ougbtbptycyalpgouaty;o!ig yfapeb/ma^^ man giawluflp/cberefua 9 true ycrtcb bnto &lt;S30b 9 to all creature*. p the ntca nee wyerc of/ttituualp*ttW)out &lt;5pilionbcto0WD^cebptoOogoob to euctpman/toboftrupcetocuerpmS/tofuffceaUtypnsc s/tyatioobmapebe Joueb* p;apftbAb^b bb geuen bim fucbe gcace;fof bat ft to inipoffpble to ftparat m VwmB ft-5 ftptb/eur n as it to impoDTpble to feparat yeete burafoge M. fp;e.ffll)erfo;e tabc beoe to typ Celfr/* betware of typnc atuiie fanta# , fteflnpmagmae0/tobicbto(uftgeoffaptb* goobttJO/bcotoill&amp;metopfe/iojyenlnOca aetyfpareacrlicbliiibs of nl '-^ ^^ : &lt;bpnges moft folpffte. J&gt;^pc^obtyatyctmiltitefafctotoo;be faptytntypneyert e/OKlfe^att tyou rcmavn? euermoiefaptyieOfc/ fapne tyou/pmagtn tyou/'enfiwce tbou/to;aflpu fancy tbp Ieif e/ bo toyat tyou tortte 0; canft* fgbtcoufne0t0euenfucyefapty/* to raeb*l5obe0gytCQUfne0/o;rpflbreoufnc0tyattoof balo utcbcfo;e &lt;i5oe*HFflnfhrfltBftfrf Jpo;ittojl5obbe0gpfte^ita(teretb am jcyaungctyyimtoaneuiefp?ititallnaturc/# maUet bytmfi'e?i(UcraHtofJoufliea papceuetpmaytooutfc.^tyo/otofaptytoamanputgebofytofpnncs/anbobtcpnctyntacbntoiye iatueof^ob/^^^^^^^^^ tDyerbpbcgeuety&lt;0o^ytcbonourc/papetbyimtyatyeowtbb*m/bntomHjeoaetyfecutotoiU foeueryecan/ff papetycuecp many to Outie.feltcyettgbteoufueB can natuce/fretopUi oure avoucftceugtyneucr

fclnge to pa'Ie.jf ao no mi can gcue bim felfe fapty/fo canye not tabe atoape un beiefe^yoto tljen c^n he taitc atwnfe cnptbingataU.Wbcrfwoli0folfeppocrifpfpmic/tobatfoeuerto6oncttotufauyo;mbnbeltfeya 0itto tye.irt^XbaptertntoxyeBomapn0/tyougi)UappcrencUcrfogIo;tou0o;beautpfuUouttyacbc0 .


^tototDcte/tyetoyoic mi Wpty ipfc/foute/bobp.tjjrtte^jpti/reafdn* tobatfoenee li etooi |otytobm(&gt;ttpiyout;becaufetyattyefeall/*alttbattoinmfln'flUDpaftcctyeteo;l&amp; ennbtbeflef^^^^ .berfctbatfociier(a0longeafltncacetoptbouttye^pteof&lt;ob)to2tbpntieor fpehfyof^oD/o ffavthafaooti too;be0 of fpiPituaU iattcrff*tfaUfteffl&gt;eaifo a(( tDo;br tubicb ace boncttouee gcaee;*iaoutjtoobi'Hj(ieaf # fepeo/ Wa&gt;rQCittrgoo*&gt;;yolp5fpfcitualwyepfrmetob^^ f&amp;aui norab;ety tto;ib(pppnge of pbolp/ttrftcyecrafte/enup? yatt/amage t\) tt jim of the f leffte/j toJ&amp;AM&amp;ltttt iyeomapn0/U)bcwyefaptytbattbclatofbpty^reafonoftycffcfftei0toeabe.4l^ypcbtonotbnb erflanbeofb^^ &lt;yaapteonlp/butofallfpnnc0/imoftftecpaUp/oftiibelefettbpcbtoabpcemofttpp;ptuaU jgrotinbofau^^ anb0tyou called ypmitobpey tonot renetwdtupty tye fp;pte-*bo?neag ; ipne in mtMWf mtti bpsbebeff ruf tye seep mocpflB ofypsyert 9 mpnft/bpaternpngeboctrpnej conttplatpfl of ypct ypnge0/yp3p;eacypnge/tea^ rtpngeft^inffcripture/bptbpnaeof.cyurcyc0/founbpngeofabb?pe0/g:up^^ tomt be botttj/tyougb it feme fpt rftuau * after tye mm of ^ob:fco contrarp ttpf c Mi him fprrttuall ttbtcb ia tewtoeb mmm nil bf ^m toljptb fp;pnge of faptb/feme tycp nruer fo groCc/as tbe t saflbpuge of the bpf^ &lt;fptt*ft&lt;MqiieJq&gt; ff b^ll/anb 9eter0 fpfftpngc after tye remrreccp5/pc anb all (ft? ijcOco of matrpmonp arc Jure ftwptnau/pf tycp p;ocebe offaptb/anotoyatfoer-ertebone toptbmtbf tattjeoofj iBbo/tboualiitbctwDuafte pjbow;a0tbrterptoppmgepftyetoe00fotbelpte^o\nfwuergcofetbppapper^ berdanbpngeoftbelfc too;Oe0/cana tbou tteuer nOeraanbetbtoepiaie of ffciuMtctbtr atipotycr place m tbebelv Ccrlpturc#CCaheyeOetyerfo?e/fo;toyofocuecti^etft3nbety r!jefettJ3;Oc0Otyer xov&a mp;tht fame tinOcrdanbethnol pant/toy at foeuer j c be.^otntvpUAue pppaee oil re feltica bnto tye epiflic* JK ^mocycasttbccommetb tbcpcber of tepite0 giabtpbprtgc0/rp?ll tfym ope npngcof tye latocstore/ tfficfeff ^n*

tab a typngc0/ to p/oue all tbpngea f^ne/&lt;bat p;ocvbe not of tbe li);ptc 9 of f eptbft b(^ tapMueatt^ ***"* inen Qpm 9 e5p%p ofwtW\W*tm\wmi&gt;*mtttoKti fj/natrtie/anbiliat bpnawre t&amp;t

Jseconbe ifbaptcc.

cantiofte ot^cr tapfetoo tftan to fsrine/antf tfjctttJit^i td ab'Eiee t^cp;l?tic of mari&gt;anO to fc(iiae^frn toneo tfie ^noto^lia^ ofl)imlclfe#tomplerpetojetcb^ fft0 * Hqpetf to ctbtthc bnbelef c 9 grofe (Wmc toW all nwnfe^ftfolaecie/an^atftl itgcoYcfoniieBofthcbctbBn toercttnb 30 t(je rpmtw noto arc of all W to&amp;icpuc m (gnojance toityout fapt tj/anb to'itbout i^'fauouce V SSS 9 f aptfriGlj c tofta # of &lt;5oa f ij caucii app ecc *b t!) of oto tlje OfoCpe ll bpari alt nttm f o; tfj ci c fcngo&amp;ly ties 9 brtho lp to# o; tffouglj .tbe bnoto:n 9 oaplpbubecttanbcbp tc crcamrer/tljae tfjei- i oUtit orfe tHJoo/pet 10 nature of bra felfe tofc^ out c^ef^te^ gcacetfoawrupte " topopronca/tbacmeti ttctljce ^tantfifi tetipmmctbectooja&lt;ppeWm/nfi fter geue fjpml&gt;t0Oue tjonourAut blftift t&amp;f ftlucse faufetottBout c*a(mB cmeofco;fecafe/euebrt^uthc?(omcbnto toojtytppta^cQfpmagesstto.muige of tyamefuU Cannes toljicb ace abbomfnab^agapntt natuw/jitiojeoiterfiiffce , tt&gt;e Came toubufceb m otbee/bamngebelectacf on 9 p leaf ur c ty ecttujn tbe. (M!lKWer . be p;oabetb further an&amp; ve bube tlj aiutjofe Ijolp people alto totjtcfj to ( th out lufte 9 loue to t\)t la tee/lpuc toeil outtoarblp in thefare of ' to b?iae coixtjempue ottji^t: glaOi-p/ng ttjc nature of ell ?poerite0f0/tbtf)fubctl)?relu e0 puce tnrefpecte of open fpnners/s wc Hate t&amp;e latoe iutoaeblp/9 areflutof couetoufne* * enute* of all tincIennes/ i^at.w^.iC&amp;e&amp;acetVvWOUb^tWft ifcegooOnceof iSob/i acco;omgetot5eBacame0Oftt)e(cbei:te0vl|epetoaett)wfo? tyffe luee tt)eto?aebof ioSGJ tees:mo;efapntJ&amp;aulaBatcueerpoun6M:oftljelatoe&gt;ftiftcet^noraantolie toltb outrpune/fautbeciambMUbep ffihwb hast er 8CC bn0cc tyro****^ of f cctoill ana of nature toill Hue toctl/9 CUffcret&amp;'t&amp;em not to be better then the op* tamer* wt ' *y r pe&amp;ecallet|M&amp;cmbarOe&amp;ertcbauatoc&amp;ca0 cannot^ 3m?mi)egcntplC0/9faptbibatt$eouei0a&amp;^ Jjatti)e3ctttE3^aatljeta)^Ocof^5Qtrc3mttecObu{a t^cnuano t^ouglimauvof fbcm ijcle ueOnottbcroivpette &lt;35gd be fatoetattt** * m 5 * P^mpfe tljerbp netbec tmtce nee mf nlfffted/f fe taset&amp ; tn&amp;fe ttupe9 allcgetb tbe foptnge of tbe, UNM, firth not/but M)*t CBob migijt abpMruembp0too#c0anboucrmcto$en Ije wiubgeb^aftcc that be,?etucnctb tobfepurpofe cuLps ana C annomaiti*maifpcO;but t&amp;at tbe latoetoaogcuen to titter 9 to Oec

lace^nnconlp.ic^eut)cbegpauetbfteiajbtbe bemncttu *W^bftfW^ IjatljOcfmuo foci*? rpgletoefne0 tom't (0 becomebnto ^(IBobfti'tfmcrcptiolcf^tber eifttJvonQf fonnwtbac ace patty tberbp p;ouing e f Ctm'ttcs tpgbtcoufnc0 tobieb tSmwj on b0 tbo;oto fa pttvbelpetb w onlp. tobicb r m* teounu0/fa|tbbe/&lt;ano\blaceOtbo;ote)t^e.iSofpeU/| towteftifpe&amp;ofbefojcbp tbe latoe* tbe #?Qtfrcct*.&lt;f ur itjermo/e (fapetftW tljetotocfg&amp;olpe* fo;aercbt[)0/oto fap$/tboug(ty*tye to^ be* thecof with alt tfiefc tjoflc arebjougbt to noug&amp;tanbp/ouebnottofoaffpc* - "*-.-** ^ 14***0* thm ? n &lt;&amp;e*iMJ.flbapecc(after tftat noto bp tljc.ti&lt;.fp;ft ff fjap fere;t^e Qm* are opcneb/9 tbe Wipe of faptfrlmio rfiffl fir * ltfr ' CWtt *tfOUOtf0lapOe)6eb^^ ** tuna reafon/tobpc|) cSmenlp tfjcpf tollbetua%b Op tljetr atone towheflyare to5t to mahe tohe tftef bearei faptd - onlptoftb out to o f fteMu aif tr 1 1; /'fapi ngc: ftal l men Da no goob mm zi p pf faptlj onlp maffie / tamfilktf i a ma toaobpWtoboflOob1o;l!e5^patt?tb fo;t&amp; tljsrfo^abmbam fo; pnenfamplcyfajWac^ba tbwabmMmtopA &gt;|jiotoo^e5'toafiaUmapne/(amel)patDo;bc0tonop^pt)cti'an&amp;foconclui^ )too?bc0toaafti0(f^b* mabe r(jrtwou8.3nromocl)e ibatbcfoKtftetoo;be of citiRdffd ir^e toa*p;apfebof f fft&gt; Tture* calleb rfflOteou0bp^i0e|pibonl^i5.&gt;ne.t&gt;:ftotljat^b^ *&gt;' ^tbctoo; beofcir&lt;flcif(buf^tobchpWtbcr# ^^ 1 * talft V^to nto f^coulUe0ADVUbpet0obc5mai^ bo/*to30agoobtoo;bcof obebpence^Ol feWieMifetia K^ S.n2* attte?l0,ie * w WflWWC anp t^hlSmm biifo a mSa iuttif pinge/but as etWal Jame clccumc(fpon toa0anmit# maco2 taptp. n m^/but tyat a ma (0 iuflf fteb all rebp befo;eX5ob JOTarblp m tt)e Ijer f ;t&amp;o;oto fnpt\j 1 tho;oto the (ftp* purcbaW lefftb is he d U P *to*&lt;teB bloul4rei0pt^hoi ftablid||ec9 fiipnt 4^aui hp^ooctcme -of fapt|i araiineBrrCpjyfti (beatf.'^bapat|ift SehhtBfrnM0W n S ee M*^ y w vr ito&amp;cnljete once ftiaffjeb^o; toe are uifclfpefr* mime the fp?iecfw t o Do gooti to^fcefi/netber toereotb#r topK poffpbUtobogoobtoojfeefl/eicccpte toehabfvjUt^e fpiptc, - i . " . JQltytoiQit poirpbletobomjptljingetoeumtbefpgljeof^ob/^pletoeawvcemcm^^ ^bebeupit^ t&amp;c&amp;eupUpofleffetf) 100 aU to getber $ (jotbe tb ouce bertesy fo tim toecinot ^once confetwbiitotbetopll of (HJoO.JBoman tytim cm p;eucnt tbejMitefubolngcgootwUut t^e (t;etc MUM comefli toabeUbnoutof bw JlCpe $ tort I it(}c m&amp;n of tBc latoeMrcftnvj ftsto? tjfiii l/ta tntferablec ftate^toWc^bittfl;jmabeWmabbef A |ate um tefe 9 to beflw fjetpe^ tten c5fo;te Wm agapne toitl) t^ piwftnt rwneW tb* iSbfpelWbaefr to tow&gt; ) t6efojftcp?ompfe0of^obmb;(a/$fterebpfai?tb ? mWuiiobeleuet^

\ tnpf 6 0^a0 ob toy met cpf u 11 co p;ompfey to 10 ije tcue (iM ebem/9 tortlgeue bf m the fpjett 9 acengtb/botb ti / 1ouetl)etomof&gt;5ob9totoo;betbere aftec.Sofc toet^M&gt;6oiutap l^]brc|bftraie fo -ebeftetotutiefiopbe^all I InalU^ngcortBO.tethdmiuB^ai^nge/toluacfon^bfaU^e^p ^ tttetigt&amp; to fulcptl ^ tmt/i&amp;Q os/euen ap toater &lt;0 poto;cb fmtrato fCTetl^ tfjat of ((0 goob tout j pucpofe/j not Bfoure beftrupngw* metptr0iEMte0 wrcp4np;ompiStige/# trirttfl^ulfplUhtttf ^p^mpfe ofauetb ba not , . toeourefelue0*anb t(jeefo^t0autaube^a^;igw;p^obegeueuimfffj^fe fraettyf .not tmfoM f o? ourc mec(0 9 teftNiAtge&amp;'flC ttr that be tetfytty ^t'0 entemple out agap n0 all btbergoob. too;hc0 of* latoe/ I conclubetM^at tbejetoea cannotbe |MH ^C0 becautf of Uloiiafhfncebontp;mocJfeteC ebptbftoo^0of tbe I^MNfmi au;atiSs t flpttj/pf tWp toHbc tbe rfgWljefees of ate awf 0; 00 moclj e ao ab?abi befcje Jt ic latofybot^e of OSofcsana atfoof circumctfton/toaii t^otofap'tftmabe vi$ieo ue/t calUbtbe fatber of all tym M wleue/9 not of t^etn tbat o;eouer tlje latoe caufet^to;at^rt80titoc5e8 0nomancanfttlfpHtttttiiij I0UC9 Iu0tf.anba0longea0tubegrubgtnge4jate9 mbfgnacfjttagapnatbe ime cemapnetlj i n-tbe ftecte/9 lonot tn&amp;en tfmape tip t^e fp?ec^ ci;at cQmccEj bj? fapf ^^Co tongc/uo Ooute/ljeioo ;fef softie Iflvxis/Oeclace ewtttenttp t^af t^jt :to?at&amp;affl5Q&amp;!0bponb0 9notfauourc.^ tbefeenfirmpte^toete not mttf AgtfHMbb tbbe onlf &lt;f apt| ^e4jut f oj! ourt al to tbMompf toe beUnjr/rotb *ittc rebraefr (^e topfipf 0? *pgftteottfrit0/tf 9efbpty-&lt;n tljeenbc of tfje tf bajtr r . Jntljr..cWP^camet^^0ctote0o;too?Be0Off8pt5^ ' v ^ fufferfngcrfoj aH(U^efototoe?tobere % rpg^tftptb &lt;0 ^ftw tftf abbuni^te Jracw fabeanbgpfWif *4*H tobtcb iBoO^at^flettcnbflm jetftffifeftle'fntbof ^egaaebftntobpe fo;b0.*^(0enpmp e0-otobattrtoet|eii/t6at e^u^ue^u^u .,,..^. .-.^..,. _. . . '^flmw.wWttogoobtow^ ( i natB*

tr tljt 3aoma^ w?. ^aft5cr^feftaptntoo;he0abpbenotbcl)mOf7butaccompanpefaptl)/t'uena0b;(fl5tc^^ tto ob toojnnj iebof jamiUbcfcutrs of t(jefp;etc. Wljercf fpfttcto/tber it waitoapeofoiner? tlj eHtenirtonprp goob fcuteo/6 arc tbe fmttjS ttto^0OoainwjbeA|dmti0u;ber&lt;0/tl)atgoobtoo;bf0^^

tne^bvi)cacmgetljctoo?bcof C5oD/tobitl3e3taDtpOpngc0v?p;ompfe0tobicb(!Booijatbmfl aetob0m^y;u^ace p?cacbeotviilp/9receauebtitf geounbeofj l^nrtlfiuuttoauermgeo^Ooutingc/aftertbat tbciavucljaibHmft^ijng

fcquuuipnofp?ite tljat cometb of jloob.auO toljcre (BJoO&amp;w rp;ite wnot/tljer e cd Denogooawo;neo/euCcii3toiJctva appcUtcct0not/tbccccangcoivcnoappeU/buttbere&lt;0tinbelcfe/t5eOeucl0fp^e9cuvUtooi bc0,^f(i)io^^^^ fr;pte?l)p0fi'utc04)nucouccljolp ppocrttconot once buotoenmrtberpet taflebljotof tocte'thrvarc/tljotmij (ijcu KpiiciuaHpgooDtoo!iu0oft^eiratoiicpmagmacioH0;tobciuaificatoitba^ of^frmtaiitoue^of iiitoatatovc/pcaccquvetne0ofcoHfcvecc/fo;a0m6c^co0tljep5auenot r tjctoo,:accf&lt;D$g&amp; fo;t^em;tyatfucbetoo;!i0pleafc&lt;ffob;tuttbrparceuent()erotenfrute0ofarotcnerc* after tbat l&gt;c fecahctl) fcH runuetl; at large/* tyetoetf) tobence botl) fpunc * tpgJteottftiwAcetfc vt ipft come, ano be ceparctb abatn 9 iCli?ift to gctycr/tyu* topfr rcatonpnge 9 Oifpntpngc/tj jat ^t0mu0 neabes'come no a feeonO aoam to matte be Ijepiw of IJ10 rigbtctoefucs/t (jo;oto a newe fpicituall bp;t^to jtbou t oiie'cbefceupugee/rue* 00 tl)efp?aaoamaocb0ljcp;E0of fpunc/tl)o;otoe tljcbobclp genrracpon/toitboutourc befecupiige^WIiccbPiseuv^ bentlp bnotoen 9 p;ouc b to ttjc bttermoftc/tbat no mail canb/pngc bpm felfc out c of fpnnc buto vpgbtetocfnee/iio mo;ctljcul)ecoiiljci)auetottlj(l.ui0r tljat bctowOojncboOelp.tfno t^at ttp;ourb I)ecetonl)'fo?n0iuuchrn0tl).*bcif latocof^DoD'UUjicb of epgljtctyuibttyMcbotpc'pf anp tljingr coulac $auebolprn/no tonlpcamc9b;ouglitnol)c(pe toicU Vgtnm alfocncccatvo tVnnc/befaufc p tbe null poptoneb nature it otfenoca9b tterlpaifplcafeOtoitl)tljeUtoe 9tljcmo;cibei0fo;bcabvtb^latoc/tbcmo;e!0cp;otioheoanOfccafp;ctoftU^ tortoeutocfe(leiTlptl)attocmuaenebp0l)aiicl)n(lctomaifpeb0toitl)ljp0gcace^^ 3fu ttjc*ki^^c Grt eet I) fouij ljc cljcfc ^ piincipall vuo?Ue of faptlvtftc bata pU of tfte fpntc agnpntt the fleC-/tio\v rtic Q v .*f l!*)^!! iL^i^f 1 ! 10 )!^! f eemenaimtc of fpnnc9 Ittftc tobtt^ rcmapne m # fleCftr/aftcc ourc iuftifplnge. );* itbgobpmU umerrmapi toaoniloiuTipuc0longe/totnmcourcbobpc0;9tO(ompelUljememb;e0toobeperl)efp;pte9not tbeappciu^^^^^^ t5ecbptocnipgbtebelpbcbtito^l^fl^aeefl)9remcrecf*oumubmpgbtfulfpUoucFbaptbnc/tob wo/tjtpmgeot fpnue0/mib thenetoelpfeof gracc.^o; tb&lt;0 batnp!e(eafetbotmb0bntvU tl;ciaacUiech/auamupi\\ncnciicbetvoc

tbatfpnnebebtteclpnnpnebp tbe Hereof tftebobve. VM f M O10 tbfngr ( J meanr to tame tftc boOps fo fetft) r are nbtc to bo(fapt)) Ije) fe pngc toe ate bnber grace. ; mib not toe banc #01119 imber ty* latoiVtol)at itio/not tobebnacr t^elator/be ||inire!fe romtbrtb 3f not r o bebndrr the lahic 10 nor t'o fro to moitifpl tobebuberftauO/tba^ toed toitj tlj? fp;ftc/f j tftat U)ou Ijaftc luftc fntoar blp of tlpne atone acco ;be to bo iljat tojfcb tbe latoc comatuibetb/ue tijat semap/ WC9 oiue rompulcioji -utr tliou^n tberc toc no f ame*^o? grace tfiar (0 to Cape ( Ofobbfe fauoure Iviuaccii t* * rp#iC^/&gt;teA iu^HefOic 9 rnsbetl) bo loue tbe iatoc/fo w there itOtot no moare Cpnne/netljr r &lt;o tlj e latoe notoe anp monre aaapnft p^y but at 0cy9 ngceeb toitlj 100 9 w toitlj it. Wit to be bnber tlje latoe;io to eeale Wit^ *too?be0OftftelatocT&amp;towbe\fcoueot tofapbtt-i Jbefp;eanb grnc?;fo&gt; to longc noboute fpnnc rapnetlj fttto* tbo;otoc tlje lato -vthat 10 to fap?/fbc latoe beclarrdi d 6et tbe latoe tocarebiiberfpnucanbiljatfpaue^atbpoto^^ in m bertcfowmocb" as ho man of nature fauoucetljtljclatof/'confcntctft there bn toibclptctftthertn^DbPdinctB* tpmgetoweabmgcgrratrfpnne/t^attorcAnotcSfcnetotljelatoe/to^^^ ^0&amp;tl)erpuOcriTUoinc(pbrrtr(kmJ^ tcr/tljatftieato bomctsfptrttuallfceoomc/tobicl) bcttropeij not tljelntoe/butmmjftretlj tbat tobj eb tbe latoe rcnup:ctb/iuvhf re jj toieljtUelatoel0fulfpiicO/tbati0tobnaerftanb1urtc9loii'e^Ijerctoitbtl]elatoeiBft pUeb opeetftb0 no moarc/nctljerliaeoougbte to craueofB0anpmoarc.(2iicna0tbounl) thou to ccclnbette to another wan/9 toece not nbtc to papc/ttoo manec toapeo mpgbtca tijou be lofcb.^Dne toape /pf be toolbe requwe notbwa : of tljc/9 b;efte tjpne oblpgacioiu an otbet toapc/pf tome ottjec goob man toolOe pa pe fo: the;,* geue i&gt; ao mocbe no tiiou tnpgbtett fottifpe tl)pnc oblpgacfd toitl&gt; all.f tljfe topfebat!) Critic mate I fre frS the law/9 ftaftKtt tbteuo topwene4eiplp^rrc/tbat tbnlbc bo nouglit/bur cbarboetb all tt^njges^ ijafl^ftom tbecraupnge brc^of f We. ^^ ^ Jntbe.b.coftrmet[)beU)efametoUbafpmilituaeoftbcaatcofmatr(monp.a0tohen topfet0atbp;lpbeey9fbeonelotofcb9Orpartcbfcet!)eotl)civnottbatf ( toomSftuiaeuotb atoepoto^ buto an tmt man/but rather now fp.acofall(0^efve/9 batb potoer to marpebnto an o ther ma/ttihuhibccoulue notbobefo;e;tpU9cton0 lovofro fee l^fp^^^flub.iBugtoareourecoiiCcieiueebouna 911 1 baunger to tbrtesic

bnber olbc aba tftc f lel^/ae longc as \)t Ipuetlj tu to. jf 0; tyc latoe bcclar etb p once her tc0 arc bounbe 9 tbat w can nottitaam fr5 Dtm,Ut toben Ije 10 mo;tifiea 9 hpllcb bp t^c fp;ttr/tben f$ the cS fcieuce f re 9 at lpbertc*not to that f cSfcwnceftaUnotoeuouflbtbO'butnotofp;ftofallcleuptbbntoauotber/fti0fotoete^lm^ ^^ frutcoof Ipfe^onoto^tobcbubertlje ifltoM/iottobeaUletofulfpUtfjcta\wbuttotjeDctter toit/t notable w . : pape tbat toijicbtlje latoe rrqp;etl).am to be lotorefromtljelatoe/iotofutfpllitj to van tftartobwbtbeHtocbe/ (5i:ol,cl,wtel '* l^nnc ab oft^e laiuc-^oto tljar cl|o;o\o? tfte laiue C^une ccttpurt^*moucrt ftp; C clfc^anb gaberetb ttrrttacb. 'IFoje tbe totefc ft * ,w tl J* mbmftttfinbmtMptetia^^ tbrrctoptb/fo; an mocljc 30 Ije cannot papctljattobpcl) 10 rcqup^eb of the latoe * * fpnnc is f)V0 nature and of htm Celfe/fte cmnot but fpnu? . (QCbctfojc &lt;b tfte latoebeetb to Ijpm/c o;mentcan b martcrbome jDot that the imve 10 ciiyU but becautr that tbe eiipll nature cannot fuffce tijat tobpcljtc goob;cannot abp be tbat the latoe flmlte rcnuweof &gt; Dpm anp goob tftpngc - ilpucasafpcfee man cannot fuffce fyat a man OjulOe bcfp;c of bpmto sunne/tokpeatibto boothcrbcaeflofanuifjolc man* ^o;toftpcbcaufe ftapnet ^aulconclubctb/tftatto^rc t he later 10 buberftaubc ana perceaueb of the bctte topfc/tbere ttOoetl) no moare but totter fpnne/ano b/ piige b bnfo the bnotolcbac of ourc fcluc0;anbt!)evbp upllebpnubmahe to0 bonbe bnto eternall bamuacpou ana t ottetB otthc rucriaftpnaato;atl) of *5ob yeuenasftctoeUfealethanb bnberaanbetbto!ofeconfcpcnce(0truclp touc bebof tbe lavue. %n$u chebanngertoeretoeper tlje latoe came/tbat toe hnctoenottobae fptme mente/netber pec hnotoe toe the buatd of m d bpon fpnnew tpll tlje latoe f)aty btterib it* ^0 feed t^ow tjat a man muf t omie tomeotber tfttngc/pc anb I 1 grmevanbd




'^*^^ , -^ v "

1$e ^olo&amp;e

en tbi'0 tovtoaec bltiUi (jo to too?hep?efunn)Uiottnp/fuiiporvuac f-o faeiTfpc t tic Ifttoc tcftCj Vwo;lic0. ^fo? ihcp luiowie not tfjnt tl)e latoc vcQUpjctljfl fir.a toillmgc/alutt p nJouvnscljcute* Cljeefo c tljep feiiot 3$oft*tpgijf in Hie fa cc/ffte Maple Ijnugctlj iieltocucs Mtt Ijpo fate/fo iljnt tY)c^ cannot lieljolbe tljcgiojpcof ftffl counttnaiuue/ijoto 6 tlje latoe io-fptftftuailt vcquivctlj tljcijcit.J wage of Mpneatoucfttf gel; tcf t'apnetbatjbompc.cneinpenoljuttc/ MtttioUcijuntottljaum^ jmap:- o&gt;fu&amp; taoncp of mpne atone fttcngljt/but to put atoaye tone wito t !pclje0 oute of mpne Ijcvtc/cau 3 not ffffa? mpne atone ftvengfjt.fiCo abftapuc ft-3 abultftp ao cocevnpngc tlje uttctoat-bc bebc/cau J do of mpne atone dcengtb/ bueuottebeCpicmmpucfjcihoaumipQlfybleimtomcao tcqufcet^Wtjctfottofamaflattw^ Ijto fp;itc/pui'cijafebbp WfteoWoub^niraljclclCc toljcnj fapeanmnmfl^bQmauptljmg coouteitoat'blpclfuc apputtljloljc't'tCtoc fc - ' * ...... aucncesljatfclp&amp;e tnu#ofccii&amp;fttcD?ffl0^ fa flccat pcvcll of becilj/pct afict tljoy Ijaucr ftapcO/fconicn tlje Came ogapn c.anb comcti tonne Mofuufc tljcic luftr tiewufe Mm ftamc ate atoape/tolje otljef toljpcl) Ijaite tOefamcappctitciriutlje a'^ci'tc^a^tfamicat^tccfttoape; tottoacmpo?too?hcfcci'ctl)&gt;^'pn3couci:comeoffeai'eanbof Qimue/anb Co IvKcto^f e (0 tt o^mio^rnwetfli 1 ^ V-- 5 ptf( rfffi-fi fmw 'tf^^wnoaecijctaclaeeilj/ljoto jjftufht f a iw J &amp;* ra Wfr'ftirt toe mpgl) t (cenc to (moto ftotu to too/hm pglue/y mcauc to lt?U tpnue mouvefciimMtc caltetlj fiorii J .J? 89 * * y * c tfjr fpjiec alfo tljefieftljea iftKotr/beainrirt^it Ivlt^as tb e nnati-e of&lt;U9a bbfo ttivWm tob?^^^ cSpcilot to crmietraV fo tljsfleflSc- typuctlj/cSpeHctlj/ tuauctlj t agctlj agapuft tlje fpritc/$ totl

l banc Ijet* luttco fatiffpcii.Cn tf otljcc fpbc b:puetl) tbe (feptc/cr petl) * fpgljcctlj nga'pnft tlje flef'.!)c/^toi(i()aue Ij fo luftr.fatifffco.flnb tfjfD rit'vfc tomb in towa 2^e.W^


lacgcip toijat tlje uamve of tlje f IcCfye 9 of el) c (mite im. IMv tlje finite come ti) bp.&amp;'fKirt/toljiclj fp;jte maUetfj lw fpi/ situau/tamttyfubbuetyt mo;ttffttt) the ff$tyw ti vtii\-i&lt;t\m ariime me ucucvt licleae tlje tonne* of dffolvi alfo belowtHljouBljtljatfvmimacucttcvfom^ 9 moiEtif it it.tfnb becaufe no ttjwge ts fq goow to tlje moitifpenqe tf rijrffe TfefittsI cbc ccoflfe 9 tribulacion/ljc cSfojteilp D0lu oust patfpono 9 afflt cci'60/bp tlje aKtttciu* pf tlje ftyitc toij tcl| mah ctlj iuteecctf ionto ;'obfo; to mpgijtelp toitji geonpngeti tynt p-iifeiuft'C^tecaunce/i'ti ttja^niSo fp/cftc cSnot c6p;e(jen&amp ;^ fljem 3 toptl) tljemoucnpngr alfo of tlte fcratui-egwvtii iwof gcca'tcoel^e t!;at tljepljnue^ljattoctoeictotofeD fuBfpnne? co?tpSoftljcf(cf(lje.ii'afB3 to?tlianl)i'Ce l!);eeljaptris;tljr.toi.toyi)i^bouoneotI)ct , tl)v3cfomocl)C' as to O;puc\j0 toufo tljt i*pgl)t toi);UeOf (&amp;tyAt.f$*ptftyti)M)id) * to HpU the olticmananbmijnifpe tljefleffije. Jn tlj ctjeA'^^ucljaptefo \)c tveatetlj of ffimuspn* feo.^3p tohtctj p^oeftntacio oucc uiftifpnigeve fjiuactiSwe cienc tali? outc of ottvefjantiee/i put in t^eljanOco of &lt;K5o&amp; onlp/toijic^ iijingeg is mod ueccifavp of all.; J 1 at toe aec fo to?hc 9 fo bnc cftapuc/tljat pf it ftobe in bs/tljete toolbe of ti-uetu o man be faneb/tlje deuell no Ooute tooio c Oeceauc ^ 7 t uoto 10 0oD Cut'e/t ljat ijfs p;etn:(!iuacf(i cftnot Oe^ (eatte IipiH/Hrtijet* can cup man toitljftaudo? !ct l)im/an&amp; tljecfo;e Ijaue toe Ijope antK tcuftc agapnile CJntic* ^utQcccmulhamacbcliefet^nto't^ofebuqupeC/buCpeano IjpccljmingtVMtcflljotoefci'tc tljej.i^allgoMj^

tljpfilfetoytljfffwiftjlenie totin&amp;etftanbe toljattfjciatoestljegoCpeUmeane/ j tljeoffpceofliotd ttoo/tljttljow aruHahnne mapftmtjc oneftuawettjp felfe/j l)ototljattljoulcifloftljpftlfcuoacengt l)/buttofpune ^mtljeo^ectOegmc Sw?ni of Wtt.anOtUeuCetUoufpgUie agapnft fpnne-'fftDeflefUje a0tlje.\)i}; i)aptet'oteacljetlje^fteftljatoljeu hffpftmihJ tjou arte come to tije.toii. cijitp tec aute lan&amp;et' t!jc cyoffe qt Cuff; cynse of tt*iUnlactei/tl;e neceffite of p;edeat)ifici5 \witl wvttanw* tanjee Ctoete/* tl}oufl;altvoetl t*ete!jotop;eci'OHfeat!)mgeit rc.^fo;c

yccptc t^oul^nueUo;ne tlje ct'offcof aDti^tTvtennd . teinptaciO/*tjaftfetre[|jpt'eifeU;ougl)tbntotljetietpwvmmcof Oefpefacpojvpe&lt;j S&gt;ntoijeUgateg/tl)oucanftneuep metric toitfjiljei'entence of p;eaeftiuaciStoitIjouttl)piic atone Ijaemc/ijtoitl jOiitfecfetto^afljvtflcuOgvnijcmtoarfiip agrpna^oD'fo^otljcvtopfeitfljaUnotliepoffpDtct'oMUetotlJvnhetljat^obis^^^ aoamltoeilmo;ticpeOanatljefieC^tptoptteb;oug!jtbttei1ptonougljt/'pet; oO?fnciiefo(lcongetopnc (^aheljcDctOecfo/ebntotljpfclfe/tljattljoiiO^uicHeuottopn e/toljpletljouat-tpetliuta ftuhl?ng&lt;JFa? cuccp tviuptigc Ijatl) ijp; tpmc/mcafu xt% age/? in tf (j;ift 1 0 tijetc a ccctapnc cl)plO(joD;tn toljici) a mS flHtc tfi ^him' mi ft UE content tout) mptttefo;a ccafon^ntpU^ctoayeileonge^gcot oeibp^nto a perfecte man in iEiwiil/^ljeaOtc

^ f *! t0 eat of moaw ft C onge meate.jn t^c.yyXljtiptec^egeuet^cyljonaciono.^o^ljiflma ecoljIetuctijJ&amp;mtlinalt Ijp0cpiftlc0yfp;ftl)ctcacIjctl) ^iftli tljcfapl)/tlicuci:l)o^etli!)etogootitoo;Ue 0/jbntocontiuuaU mo;tifpingeof tfjc fiei'ljc 4)0 ^efc teacljcty !)c gooO too?hec in deaOc/5 t%t t mt tcrupuge o f iB*o&amp;? inafictl; nltm? l&amp;?e(rc0ytoo(fcu topknot monep 9 iiea/lcaB ae tlje manctr tofl0 in tlje tpmc of t jc IntoeAut tlj ciu atone UoopeoAuitl) hplipngc ? moui* fpingeof t^eiu)rc0 of tlje ftcCOjc. aftcc tljatbebefccpbet^ tlje outtoacoc conuc cfacpon of ^ijTtnmen/Joto ij&lt;*P oughte to bc^auc tlj? fclueo in fpicitualt tfeinge0yijoto to tcaclje/p^cacljc vu te ft* tlje cogtcgacio of fyifttto fcruc one to anotljei;/to(tiffceailtljingc0pacpHlp^eocompt t^cto?eue jtoengcanccto.i5o b/iu cSciufpaijotua &amp;\)iifve\\ man ougtj ie to bc^aue ^im ftlfe unto all iucu&gt;to f cenb/foo 0? toljat f oeuc r Ije be. ffltyefe arc tlje tpgljte tuo^hee of a ^toifij ma tofticli fp;fnge oute of fapttj/tfoj faptlj bepetlj not Ijotpe bape;u etlje: ftiffectl) anp mS to be pblcAoljecfo^ flnjRjeig.irfjap ucr Qjcbtocltetl^jn ^ y^.ftc ecadjetd toljotioiire tljetoo^lp 5 tspomd nMeroc.^oui;ousi) p mfto iniw f o;Dinnn(e tot* matteottamilgoobScfo;^ t8.nunetoelt^to mapntenepeacc;to punpWje tfjeeuplli to befenbe tljcgooo. Cfirtmc ougljt tlje goob to Ijonoure tfjctfpomll CtoecbcaEto ijaueitinwucrcnce/tljougb aoc^ceenpnge t^felue^tftcpncbc itnot/buttooWeali/Iapne

f i-6 cupli of thcic atone acco;be/pe 9 bo goob toptliout mfts imeftitt bp tlje latoc of tlje feite toljitlj gouefnetlj tlje .^Lmft is fftc ful if .jftcyatio g^octlj ic yntQ ait Cljat t0 t(jc VtsUt uf &lt; uJbD^fnn Uv be c5p;cljcn&amp;etl&gt; anb bnecte^ top Httin ioue* How of b^c fpttpnge of t&amp;c atoiw nature beftotoetlj all tftat die Ijatlj/anb mm fjec at one felfe on tljat toljptj ia loneb Cbou neabcU Ih**\ tt( )t to bpo a bjubp moti;cv to Jje loupngc tonto r;ec ontp fonnc * fiQocl jf Uffc Qwptuau lowe ^peft (jatij epes Stufywof


*i?f ^ er of o6 i"^ c ^ "&gt; afl *a*w tpfltfte f) to bo fjp;6urie,anba0infbcflpn ntfi6ebr&amp;^ffo^*yftrfeffic jn *.)?&amp;*!jp.|) MSA MM agapm fo-be (M&amp; toe alfo bp l)(nSle fflt o2 Stow tffi XS , urfcu/buc to CUOTee tue tyiitbcs toare better/. V ljo;tet^ m tStS^% l glZ^&amp ;tV^Sn^ tocttvne o/j flBorpcll/ but fmell of fbeflefl^pe * fomrt r meb;eahe out tiioutto a" 2 S"a^^ ^^hthcnwnetwoffltWM/|iosrffaiiW^^ Ijte affiw abnrfniftfaeiS in theoipcil/ fobetlFJ Twith tnutffitecm ^m^wmm^eSea^. . . . uwo I be Bhiiottt/tolmcfoeiier n ff b?(acn man o; tooiriau ongbt to mtoVDWt bat "to toete M tbe Jta WS tototoatb-obitc\wrtouI^ I illtbin^^ pecetljnuOcntlp^paiilusmpiiDn^eoTOmwrj^-bjeuelpiuiljpflpimc , Miell/jtoRepateaiM.utobucciLmMntanlU^.HOrttit^utif.^vvitnoutoouie MNttJ.tfa.ue[,a t luo C lp Blj ^ s ^ CO f j ^ tcpciSeycrcpft Ijim fclfe tl)Prfnuiti C r^'ij t ;e/i&lt;uK u(]j[)t* Dave tBtinuall p/Uiit^ of (be ccabiciiSB j boctrpiie of men vo Byth tisgvle the fimple voilb f oiibitt t v t Iciiisuac ctiAe i n&lt;if n , ,ri T, ? " * v ? i totoetbcmftoiutftet^nOiioofcU^^tiwftea^^^ 9ES25 " s ? ce , """' ,f 1 ?;o' tbeentent ^ tljcp tooioe lpe in arte paftacct. be f t" " uttapS t (2 S J

jt0b.Hft'?eaiib aboue. iClj&gt;ift/auO fpt in tbe temple of ofctbat to totoitt in tbc confcmieMrfSSS3Siil2H2? T i u 'f . ton* W/anb ia mmm tofptte.iCo.npaee tbrtf^all maue.oo Kof , S tetoCapc/toloucit/aiio oeioiiejltifttobouasiiatitcallpaaf imSeatttho;Dju tcti ;Cii i mlrim,!.;? .^ oD - llji,t 8|ta!eotl ! o ; otofaptl,..Bbpiufl I fpin fl e^ ll be r ft8nDenoneotJ?rS fo; fft;fleo tahe/mctptea* UrfeeupiiaEO onlp uccauctb usunto his mcKpc/faflore "* i,, m f n ,ii^ , f C * 5 '" , l)fl^teoftheto?ai,oeti!Sobba.unacpon/hathv U pthbpBi o;Rcconlvc;piS grace of .sob 9 tp fo; 8 f uchcb of onveVpnn/oino Wn 3 rape tba^ botbqupmi)c (oafciriiteaiib cect.fpehp? that owe Ipimco bcfo;geuen aub tur Ai tb c fnuo tc of ob "^ fw*eftffatotifo;tbvf ? ni*tbpBeatottewhnot:tbwtoraj^^^^ tbP Winn WtaM tbc/a nottbvneatom Wo;hec. afo; tbr P;omprt of 'mwepe Si i Xffi tS fate not fo;tl) ? nc atoucwojhefl Mu.wmtW Wnje ob bb not womyfeVtbat C S Sftiffl tbe ; tbctfo;efapti, mtbpuea\i!e.o;bcfl canntntr gupet thj&gt; conrcicncl "ucr tnt t^^M%M^S^^ metb to inbgt anb to taut a reconnpnje) that tbp fpnncu ace fo? B euen tbe.MJepp nb fall tS47amK n) S? s mp8bt.Wb.cb mm to pape 3 am neuev able tubple Jam cSpafcO wttl; t^^^StoSti^SSSi thriatoe/erccptjbefpmfuvebpfaptbtbateooiouetomeanb mm^n^^ttm^SSX^S e ,M^ fatiffaccon fo; tbam anb puvcbaftt ba cqb fauoure of &lt;Bob/tben niuft it iicbt n bete im llWti \ ifl ; S?i ^h X tr&amp;nifngr anb in tba v;ompfea of (Bob tljr Ae&amp;t mabe BO fo? jCbtOlea U^l^ S^mumSS^^ if&lt;cl)p:tUatthefpnneBatefo?8EUf.anbtofteiitljepfape'amSuuiftuepent.^X^ no mo;e as npe a B be t m alone tbr latoe of oEfo6.-ego feprb aimtc mKifwthuo i^K mmwtmw* me to thiB.3 muft vepent % be fo;pc/tl;e ffiorpell mutTbc wti^^x^^^L iJpbWbnotiiiabcfttifftKpontem?(panM.ao4telBananBbtieajauInS JSSI? HW "^^ano acco?bpuge to tbe o?bec of ^ aulo tojptpnge^ ent fo bo tb on. $ w ft brftolbe tho ftlfeono* SftT ". I,U, f 'W aaapne/netbec Opeb be fo? tb; fpn.^tbat thou ftulbcft Ivuertpl in ^tKthet S fcb he tbe/tbot tljou ujulbcft i-rturor/w aftopne/bnto tbpue olbe pobeii 0B.apne :but th^SXaSS tuve anb ipueaneto Ipfeaftcr tbetopll of ob/anb not.of tbe Flcftbe. atebKttaSa^^S^ avgUBciKO 5 antbanlifuinwtbon lofe tbto f auoute anb mepe a B ajne. *'""""* " B ^" ^""^JWitoW II(a:i)rcnboftbep?9lOBCWil)fJ8pmai!qe|, ^r*ww^




tit Cl)eptftIeof tljeapoWe&amp;ajmct^aui tot&amp;emomayng. , CjaaumectotetbtjlBloUctoWacifc tfje iRoirtapncij/ ' ih. tt.-ttj what the ofpcll is with the frute thc-Mf/i tcliuhc th tbe uce&amp;lpit w of t^e fl;fi&amp;e

fit ts &lt;t\)}ta calieb to be an * po aicputapaitetop^acljetlje dSofprll oftiEfoO/toljrcIj Ije p;o* mprebafo?ebyljisp,icpI)ete0 im ^-,-,^^. &lt;ntbe boly fcrtpture0 mafte mention ot tjtjs ronne/tbe tobicl) teas begot* ten of tbe ft eb of t&amp;mtoW pettapnmBeto tbeflebe:anbbeciarebtobe $ tonne ofusob/ toytb potoet of W i^olp good tbat ranctp* fpetb fence tbe tpme tbat &lt;2tiu8 WM oure )Lo2be rate agapne fram beetlj/bp tobom toe batiarceaueb grace anb apoStltfDi-PPe/to b?mge all maner betben people bnto tlje obe mnct of je faptb/ tbati0fnbp0 name-.of tobpebbetbenateyeapart alfo/ tobpcl) are lefuss &lt;I^?tttesJ bvtoocactott. fc feapnttw roailpouofomel)eioueofCBo&amp;atip lip cauing/iBao8*fanrtfjSbP callage. "* racebetoptb M ,&amp;ou anb peace from od oure fatbetyanb fro Sffi t0 " c t(je^o/eIeCujJb?ift. m ^ ^ SZ ^QberelvatbanBemp^oiitSo^oto^

iioipnco* bQipru0&lt;Kb2fu7fo?youau7 becaufe youre faytb y j?ng: fo; the ^ pu bHfgje tbjougb out all tbe too;loe.&lt;ff o? Sffirtt ?A$oWmytoytmw **om 3! feme toftbmy till K a K Wte m tbe ofpell of W fonne/tbat toytb ia?ticteB/onaitout ceafpnge 51 mane menrpon of you all* ought tob?niitoavcs in my P;iayer0/berecbpnge time at Sm 2Sf i" -te tpme oj.otberv a p?ofpecou0 ro?nep(bp ? Sivf^nmao; WJlof ob)mygbt fortune me/to cometon* affhjifljan, toyou, $w lionBetofeygu/rbat Imygbc

beaotoeamongeyotiromerpy;t'tualigpae/ufl5Mttijctt to ttrengbt pou tottl) all-.tbat W/tljatjf; migbt v a " i*. bane contoladS to getter tob pou, tb;ougij SK * tbe comen faytb/toljtcb botb peanij gfyute. uumTm 31 tooibe tbat ye fljulD ftnotoe bjeriwtt/ tofrttojib ^ i) oto tljat '1 ijaue often tpmejs purpofeb to to fipfo?Bift me btno pou (but ijaue bene letljptijerto) to S"w baue fome frute among* pou /a* 3 BaueSZ f ffl amongeotberof tbe tempts, iffo? 31 amber* tF ^gopm ter bob) to tbccguTicg ano to tbemteUicb ate %f. no &lt;preb eg/unto tlje leauieb anb alfo bnto tonleavneb.kyfie toyre/a0mocljea0mmci0 , .^ojiiBfts 9 am itftp to pjeacbe tbe dfsofpell to pou of mm^S iiomeairo . &lt;jfo? 3 am not aflbameoof tfametbmtih gofpellof \)tift becauteit in t\)t poteetof of mimi# dEloDbntb taluacpon toall tbat teieiie/na*^"^ meiy to tbe gietoe/anb alio tottje entpre . $ H f.S c *fo;bp(ttbetpgbtetoeutf0tobu(j comctb miww$ of &lt;E&gt;ob/iS openeb/ftom faytb to t *fayii)M oft^awfoj ttigto/ittemtbeiuftlballlpuebvfaptb. &lt;j ^ f i to w tfo? be to?atb of d5ob aperetb ftombeau? Mltf .E^"' agapnftallbngoDlpnrjsanb bnvpgljteVoefn^ ncumrin w of mentobicbtoitljljolDetbetmetbinbirngb riflhivoroftfii tevcewiegu'f pnge/ tf Datmapebelmovocn of fP2"*wg| (B5ob/ the t fame igmani'feftanionge iljem. S5ff nw? H jfo^obopbajebjeftbntotbe. S&gt;otbat! ; pj tm-sa tml I'mnfpble tbpnges: tbat fss to rape/ b#J ef er* to fmo/ihRt d

nail potoet anb MAflV are biibetaance anb gowgi wa fe tie/bp t be roo?fif fram tbe creacton of tlje SSIK too;lbc.)o that tijep are tope bout cmre, in KS! ag mocbe a0 tol)5 tl)ep fine toe (Bob/ tljep glo= aartflftwfti tifieo Dim not ajnsMtb/ tiettrt tone tbanii full one battle 01 bnttocjceBfull of banftfetfto theft imagina= JiftftJJd 50/aiibtljeir folif(beljettc0toa-eblynbeb. Effi lljen tbep countebtbemfelue0topfc/tlKP l m tcoS became foleganbturneb tlje glo^poftbemMiio/otofnyib, mo?tall&lt;Esob/bntotbcfimtIitutc of pmngr anof ^-r ftmaj of motfalt mart/g of b jbes/anb foure fottb*iW2Sf beaGc0/anb of ferpftt . ti)erfo?e ob fyhe ^Sm i P ! topregauctliebpbnratbeirlieitcgluftep/bnof fajty auo. to bncicnne0/tobcfple tlieir atone bobbpe* bittof tic tlje relue0:toiipcbtournebb?0 tru tlje bnto a lye/ a too;fljpppeb anb feruebtlje creatures mo?etben maliet,toljrcbt'0blcf&lt; feb f 0? euer.^men . jToj tlu'0 cauf e ob gatte tftembpbnto 0&gt;amfullluOe0. tfo; cue tbtw 9 * toe menopb cbaunge tbe naturalltofe bnto btinatutall.K!i:blpRe toyfe alfo tlje men lefte tlienaturalbfcof tbetooma/a b?enti'nwew luft^onetoanotberJnbmaUnmto^ouglje f tfiyne0/a rcceaueb m tbe feme* grctoatoe of tftef r crtoure/a0 it toa0 accojbpnge. anb a0 ft femcb not goobbnto tbe to be a finotoen of &lt;Bob/eue fo &lt;ob bclpuereb tbe bp bntoalcatobe mpnb/tbatebrpCbulbebotljo tbtnge0tobfcb toerenotcomly/beinge ful of aubnrfgbteou0bopnge/offomicacfon/totcs ficbne0/coneteoufne0/maWf r'oufite0/ full of enupe/mo;tber/bebate/ fif ITeyte/tuyll conbi* cyontb/tobyfpeter0/baclibpter0/bater0 of !ob/boctj*

ob/boe^dftoioHgC/P;oub/boIter0/b2ftt. Bei'gbpofeuiutbfnge^/bifoDeoiettofatbet anb motbeK/ tottbotw biiberllanbinge/coues natuite b^ealiei'0/ bnlouynge/ truceb;ea* ficr0/ anb mcrafles.neijiclj men tljouglj tljep .dstimtcpicii fineto tbe tpgljtetocfne? of &lt;iE&gt;ob/ljoto g tbep 2S J*** commytlocbetijinge0/aretoo?t(jpof Smk 5 beetij/yet not only bo tlje fame/but alfo baue wVo then to *pleafuve m Mjcin tljat bo tbem. fine tWtttc Cftewlnihctli tljr gt\;BM)iili(u toncfipnoc fynne ate lyhe tl;c fyytijwtx too?fetlj:n tljcy. ' . , * be.ij.urapter. iloSS fm&amp;&gt; txlo t c artenjoufnetcufable S ?S) Sl^ n,a "' toljofoeuertljoube g*tuD*

iMRifpctb to E$J8| geft.iJfo? fti tljat fame toberfntljou iimue other bSgJ&amp;Q litbgeft anotljer/ tljou conbemneft f**" fame feife tljfnge0 lBut toe are fure tbat tbe Wcij tofiuubgement of &gt;obi0acco?bynge totrueth/ Ztif f &amp;" fUoutij0 ttjouman tbatiubgeft mi tarm 9 rm te W l J 00 Coc " c tljpngec/ayet boett cue Wno man n tlje erp fame/tbat tljou malt efcape tbe fub=

iji0 totll/9 Ijaa ej/ptrfence of goob/a bab/fii '| wb iwfe d t tbou arte f nfomifb bp tlje ietoe:8 MaMgiSfiggB tbat tljou tljp reife arte a gpoe bnto biynoe/ f r,lin e&lt; atygljtto tljem toljpcl) aiein barcfines/an^tlS,;,! fnfomiec of tljcmtoijpcl) lacfiebifcrecpon/a w** teacijer of bnlearneb/tobicljljaflg enfample SI*OTiW oftbattoljyclj oiigbttobclmotoe/anoof tiie? nHl !!g ttutb/fti tuelatoe . J&amp;ut tljou toljyt Ij teacljeft ffij^n^ anotbct/teacbeftnoftljyfeifcijouiveaci;eftv"f, l ^'f,^ a man (bulbnot tteale:anb pet tljou fteaieft. jXifiim Cbou fapft/a ma fbuib not cSmyt abuouttp m fft 1 !* anb tbou b;eaeft toeoiocuciirbcu aij|jo?reii wftte *ewl ymage0/anfttobbett(0 O Dcfij;0ijonotue. UhfSmSS&amp; ffiljou ref oprett in tbe latoe/s tljo^oto b^r a= S ETS Ryngetbeiatoe/btDjoiiourfft od, ffte8SSSSS6 nameof&lt;i5obi0cupiifpofienof am onoe tbe f -so* ^ me WW&amp; tbo;otoe pou/a0 it 10 h^tteii. Si;'!B Circficifion berelp anayletb/yf tljou'fteec &lt;o f^tocMfr^M^iBtoevitoil?JSr , i&amp; / cumctfio 10 mabe bncirctlcf fion.cljertoe pf (t '" ol &gt; J n 6i "' tbe bncf rcnmcifeb Repe tlje rfg'it thingee ih &amp;$ SSSS tayneb in tbe latoe-.fball not m bticimmicu " C I ' nn ^ BOH be Cmtltfh fm riMtmrirtnn-&gt; aii.h ni KWjft mult

met^mSSSSSSSSSSRSS^ notbncfrcumffontob[cl)i0bpnaturc(yfit'"'&gt;e t? SS e of oblebttlj tQetoieiSSnce? **"* SSSS^SSSSaSSKBR JBSHBb niicth he ftp J&amp;irtfliou after ffivne barae hmfe fi rSnnf SSr^S? n I. nota let oe/ tobecbW a^ctoe m,\8bub w \sStS^rt&amp;tt^S^SSSS^^ outtoa^i^^

m aiuira an *tobf cij toiu vc toaibe euerp ma acco'^ynge

Bl ctia ,mm WWW/to tbe toljpcb continue in goob mat not fojbopnge/anbt'erieetetnalllpfe. jeutbntotije wteteupn tijatawrebcm'oiwanbbifoliep tbettuetb/* KLm'tto !? ,ot ? c ""luptie/Ojall come inblgnacto ana EC towtft/ttibiilaaoit a anguyflbe bpon f route .ienotiieareOf euety man tljat botb euyll:of tlje gevoe toe iuftifi. tna/$ aifoof tIje&lt;!E&gt; euerp nmtbac Krm fare ac // t0 W fP?ft/a alfo to tbe ItpU.

Mitt not At tbe letter, tofjore p^jfe 5i4ft C^c^ctoett) totjaf p:rfcrmcnt((je Jetties fcnc;an&amp;tv)cirtuc6oiwft ttjiittioto ttje3rni;flatC5cutPl0Rfc miCrcr fvuncAi WWftm ** arc&lt;ufli%aompJi^gra i eof&lt;!5&amp;m^^.ft; ^ u ( t p e tijofs twJP


arbe.tij.Cbapter. . k v...,.-v.-atp;efermettbenljatlj gietoef 3d *JJ* T otber tobatauafitagrtb circuciTio ' i" c|fi: ^^S&gt;urelpberpmoclje#rft bnto tlje Basis ^pj^toa0committebtljetoo;beof on. &lt;** lu| 'i"'' wkUrt ^0? before (ob tbep are not rpgbtcou* m^ffSSSS^Ze^S /fw " m mt wptnauyptobjcbfieatetbelatoRbuttbeDoetsofMatoe ^mStS^S&amp;SSSSS^Li 'K?ottoet?^ ^f^lleafiisratoeamoyfiftfH^b/^Bno^ mbflffayette^ett^etoel.eftftfftetttbepf lEre/in tic

i it

trlje tpfflt



C 0o/irt no o; toe ftaue al teaav p/oueo a9fi (Mtiffctftoto tftac botft |etoe0 3 &lt;S5 etpl0 ate all bnbte fceipbp mmmmm tt 10 tojitteityere w nonewgftteous &amp;9R3S no not one:tftere ft* none tftatbnber&amp;anQeti)/ bcpfa\mton^^nonemttc\iet\) after d&amp;ob/tftevare ttiistusfcftijcp ail gone out of tftetoape/tbev arealltotpjo* mivm no* fptable/thee fts none tbat boetb gooo/nonot S&amp;SIS aie.c&amp;efi;tb?otefei!open repu!cb;e/tofft anl fflw # cft tounsejs t&amp;epbaue bifceaueb:$povfott toftpfpcs lip Ofafpe0i0toi&amp;ectl)euivppe0. HjJftofemoit' fapto aionc/bp tfte0 aw full of cui'Spge a bvttetne0.fti)etr &lt;bc sift of foo fetc aw ftol?f te t0 $ m Wotl b 5eamccpoij SSEJSbp ani) to^tcljeottcgi are fit tyefitoagtOtiD tbe niic man? ue toave of peace tftevftaue not nnotoen.c&amp;ere tijemptb sjniu fe( no Grave of ob before tfteir epe0. ciyofEenoco)iB. 1$ yeatoeftnotoeibattobatCoeueeiHatoe ^'^auihpm latoe .^^ta!tmoiit[)c0mai'Clie[t3ppeD/9 feift/iutijcfc alltfte toml?iebeuibbuebto&lt;!5ob/becsufe miMtcciwbymeacwot tfte latoe /(ball no fleffbe be "l?i'S;.fi*ftWrtftitfteI^tofoi.!ifo;bvt5etetoc To a ft" focbe wmmetft tbe Imotoleoge of fvnne. lite Aui)ici)ti,ou oto bereiv 10 tbe rvgfttetoefne0 tliat c5* mutt tnaccfic/ ntetb of obbeclawbtoftft out fulfpllfttge fo.i **?&gt;! of tbelatoe/ftativngetortnejJvetof tbe latoe Z Sm mo of tbe 13&gt;/opbet e0.cfte rvgbtetoefue0 no of s. amo;o w bout tobtcb fts go ob before (Boo/commetft bv up fapiiiflionctbcfavtbof '|eCu(b?tft/bnto aUattbbpon tot a &lt;u(Uf(cD an (hat bf If ue. S2KS ^ cfterttfnobvfferencetfojallbauervnncb/ &amp;pi)tiiuBnblacfie v* pjavfctbatftsof baloure before nfjie.4)neipo36&amp; , -lMtB*att ftitttfgeo ftclpbpljiiSgtacc/ iiyjuciefc vdIicc tb^ousb tbe wbcmpcion tbati? m Cb?ift !Je B&amp;&lt;b/ti|Mi ob&amp;atftmabe a feateof mercv (u twiica biou tetoefneg tobtcb before btm 10 of baloute/tn oc tjotijc (mm t bat be f ojgeuetft tbe Cpnnegs tbat ate paffeb/ SSSES" 1 tobfchoboBtu&amp;retoQjetoeat tbv0tvme/ SiSttt tl &gt; c 'Sbtetoefne0 tbat 10 alotoeD of tym/gat aie/fFt iua=t&amp; ft e mvgbtbe counted tufre/anb a tutttftat of tooK&amp;ra/not p^vm toftfeft beleuctft on JeCug. ft qov Waco nabereiStbenfftvretovfvnge'? 9C fit e* w n . KF beb . m mat latoe* bv tbe latoe of to 0;*

top" Kan &amp;e0flBae:biit bv tbe latoe of favtb. ofotuKccptu cberfo^etoeboioe ^ atnSfeiiiltpfgebb}? *c net tijou Don faptlj tovtltout t&amp;eoeoeg of tbe latoe. 50 be fatbtomattynac ton0/euebefo2eobtob8^obtooiot 225MSSfte*obof tbe^etocaoniv? 910benotalfo tboubaftbeieueB/tobfcbtlutcbeiiEtb^oce ti/mrtcffmi/*

SSSmP o of Sie entuwr? eg/eiien of en ana calletb tbofe tb?nge0 tobl?c!) be not/ a AHS auopc tm, me alfo . iffo,! ft i ob on!p tobrcb fitftfe tbougb tljet toerc. Se Su" now top feife fvett) ctrcum-jiff on toDictj fjs of fastlj/anfi bn lb&lt;cbab?afta conttarpfobope/bcieueb(fnnfarcacD' io^ e " 'if,5ci'rcumctfpontbojotofaj?fb.o toetfienbe* (nbope/tbatbeflwlbebctbefat betofmanvwoice nnne SttffStti^o^^iato^wtofejtft? (Bob fo?b?fc naci50yacco;Wngetotbattobtcbtoa0rpofte :^ "f" 6cttmnocono.)8uttoetatbei;niai?ntapnetDelatoe. ^orbautbpreebbe.atnbbefayntebnoti n ^iien wSfli' j?^^*^tedtteiirtw8pieofai^twft?*iii; faltbyno? vet cofvbewbbto atone JJobvtobicb,^ rc p 11E (i t^ou arte tuet H eth;anonot ti&gt;? istocyno! tbe voojutra tijerof.- toa0notobee b/cufntobenbetoa0almoftan&lt;tit9tiitteK, RbJSBJT aSBM9aum*Mm**m*Obm paacbploebennge. ^effacftereb M#Qt2Sgg ai^Hbam outrfatbetaspettapnpnge pjonKof^obtbo^otobnBelffeibiittoasnw^f'^a^o,,, *cacs mat/ ffluaatotbcfleribe/Dpbftnbe^f 2Bb;a!jg be arogefatbefaptb/sgauebottout to 00 bK(b:fifins fpt not bcfoic ^^eitoete iuftifieb bs*Debe0/tbmb8t&amp; fulcew&lt;fteD/tbattobat 6e , babp?oiffeb/tbatBe bc lawi bb)a0

betobwnto mo2ce:butnottot&gt;t&amp; ob.dfiw mu^ toftat fai?ti) tbe ktivtiKd abjabara.beleuep mm a mm, L &lt;0ob/?ittoa0 coimtebbntobvmfo^tigbte* ^ on put toeme3.cobl&gt;mtbattt)o#etb/f0 ietoaj;fi'e ,tl,ftm ^m. notttcftenebof fauouse/butofbutpe. co ! Wmtljattoojhetb notbut beieuefl) onbimjJ t udifietb t!)e bngobrv/10 f favtb coat eb f 0; WBbWtoeftw0. (Ettett a0 aui'b aefcrt bctlj bie IfeDfiilit e0 of man bn to toljd &lt;K$bo afcti* betbtfgbtetoeCne0toitboutbeoe0.* 55ieffeb eW , frrrh ., ate Gmi tobofebmigbtetoerneg aw fo?gcue,, c S ,f ' a toboie Gnme0 a couet'eb.JBleneb 10 g ma totobomtbe^ojbei'mputetbnotfpnne. a* afinfbp Came tbfe ble(tebne0 tljen bpon tlje cttcii= up fb tint

effebo? bpontbebnetwumcifeof me fayebe M5lSS^ veimto ttjat Rti?tl) toas teficneb to W)JSfa* fo?wgbtetoefnc04oto toa0itteReneof fn nonoan&amp;ctnb tjjmeof cftcumciff onf o? fn tbe tpme before twe bp fejle Ijetoa0ctfcumctfeo^ ^ottntbetyme of civ ^ &lt; J uft if 6 w 'j cttciCfombur tobe be toa0 pet bncttcumcifeo. f S o/S' ainbbeteceauebtbefi?gHeofctflcifpon/a0 mtem bp a fealc of tbe vigbtetoetnr0 tobfclj t0 bv faftb faptwtftat qn tobtc!) favtb be baa vet bevitgebncltctlcvfeb: f a W "tti5 tbat be rouloebe ttcftftoef all tbemtbat^^^^l beleue/fl)oug!) tbev be not circumctfcD/f bat oo/j of Mi rpgbte toefneg mvgbt be imputeb to tbe alfo: mm off jg ano tbat be mvabt be t!;c fatljw of tbe ct'vcli-. pm' JJ) iwo ctfeb not becaufc t bev are rftcumcffeD onl?: "BMa but becaufc tliev toame alfo tn tbe ftf ppf ESSmiS of tbat favtb tbat totasfn oure fatljera b;abn m&amp;a of t4 before tbe tpme of circumcifvon. wtm/m* fatowmt tljatlje (bulbbetbebep.jec S*J'! of tlje too?lbf/ toa0 not gcuento ab?abam fl j B Jf^Li 0? to l)V0 f eeb t&amp;ojoto tbe latoe : but tl)o?oto am tbpnaw] tbe rvgf)ttoefne0 M;v^i cometb of favtb .Q&gt; M f cll ? u| fat vf tbe v tobtcb are of tlje latoe/be \)ew&amp;/ ESSfS, then t'0 favtb but bavne/* t p?ome0 of none 3SSi cffecte.5Becaufe latoe caufetb to?atb. iJFo? ^ p^mrkfbui tobeteno latoe t'0/tbere t0 no tranrgreffvou. otpmocs mm a *berf o?c bv favtb t0 tbef nberttaflce geue S^fiEH tbat it mvgbt come of fauoure-^ tbe wmSjgz ^ nivgbtbcfmetoaHtbefeeb.^ot eotbSonlVfcyne tttmni tobtcb are of tbe latoe:but alfo to tbe toljvf ft " ""am w are of tfte favtft of 3ib;abS/tobicb t'0 1 fatftcr J" h w f ** of p0an.2B0ftt0 to?vtten:3jbauemabetbea J y t g


irtwfWhebetoa0aWecohiafiegoob-2BnBtbctfo2etoaa {SS" St 10 ot tojttte f 0; ftim ottlv/tftat ti toa0 !, ffoetfwaclienebtoemi fo? tvgbtetoefneg: but alfo uufttoj itMo? jj fo? b0/to toftom it tbalbe counteb fo? ri'gbte* S,.-omp"c0 W* 0tt '^M from oeetft : mW) toa0 &amp;m&gt; ftweis oelpuereo (0; oure fj&gt;mie0/ aD rofe agavne g tfwa jwjcp fo? to Ntdlfve t)0, (jaltefulfgUcu _, mmty row &lt;CClje poluei- of CapfB/tiopcaub loiicanbhotooeatfi njidicii aue aPiJ'o fwiiiaiwumnto ffib;ift/bp toliome ouclp we wfiiEftKiitb f Wt&amp;tmmmof fpniifo. luifyiiiuaes of OIbe.b.Cbaptef.

?^ 1U B^^l^awft tfterfo?e gtoeare tuaifteb nlfii FiiT/Al ^b 1b J^j Vat Kb _ _^k ^k B ^b A- b 4. a J _ J JT


|in?frtj?% fl *toeafeat peace ivti&gt; pob tijD?oto ofe )Lo?De Jerus i&amp; bRii^ -a-^aJ^m^tolis toe ijaueatoage m niMtrc c to ftnu&amp;e onhvclogce in l)ope oftlje p;a? fe tftat

i'.iro i T .'i'l/ ((110 tomg jili'tii-ci; iy itattuc hcatttp ki (Icflfth in

(DAibegyimt ot : &lt;S5oD.}i5etljeiDotoe foonlp: bittatro toe wwyce in tu&amp;ttiacpoti , $fc? toe + t-J^i*- -^ ilf 1 SfA* ^.ttt'ltfct V^ ^ Aft AAA I* .B^AmA. aiT _ b. -^ i- - . a

Saul mumti, getb bope.ilMU " *bope mabetft not afbameb SBwS^iBW of (if)ob&lt;0 rbeea ab;oo in ourebrnj {UtcocrioRHisbs b v tfte ftolv gooft/toftf cb &lt;0 geuen bnto b0. rffl ww pi *&gt;&amp; *w tof W toeab e/acco;bvng iM, wnrr otot toet^mctc^Kft o^co fo;b0 toftveft torrebiu HicrttHns me? tetoep man .pat auetute fo? a gocbmS outtt itaccani. , a mS &amp;M( 513ut dpobftttetbottebWloueg ffiSLjSK &amp;flt!&gt; to WHemt tftattobv" toe toere vet WuJT"&amp;"WMW)Mi Web fo; b0-(^ocbemo?e fftf n w ioto (fevnge toe are fttcufteb inim Wouw popeft/Se fo?vftobt'.toetoereenemve0/'toetoerere='

c fui-c bp tnc cocileb to oa bjf beetft of ftt'0 fonnemtocfte *be or;e/fefitgc toearerec5ctlcb/toe Djalbep;e= SBWim f?bbvbft&lt;lvfe . JSotonlvfo/buttocairo lope lo **&amp; m &lt;?&gt; l1 i' meane0 of oure HLo^b^eu^ CTftrfft/bv tofto toe ftaue receauebfatt'omet. C t^fterfo^e 00 b v one mg fvnne entreb f nto tftc too?ioe/ bectft bv tbe meane* of fvnne. ilnti ft oeetb tocnt ouet all men/ tn fo morfje tbat ail men fynneb. ^0; ettett bnto tbe tvme of tfte latoe toa0 mt fe| toojlDe/lmt fvnne toa0 not r rgatbeb/ a louge a0 thee toa0 no latoe: neumbeleQe be etft ravgneb fro^sam . to^ofep/eue twtfQStm tbat fvnneb not/ .tott ft fvfte emfpelTvon mm 30bam: to&amp;pc(j toMMtt^w^w^beoWfin^atfiStoeoiiie. Nipneb Mai . JPtWtt WX a0 fvnne.^o? pveotu'ciei?ttfto?ototljeft'iueofotte/manfbebeeb:mo Mto;oiiguf/cbemo?epleiii , i , i:.u0bponmanvtoa0grace uTit of obaitDgvftt'bVgrace:tobteb grace toa0 RR^ g? one man|cfu0b?rft. jrtoeontcfti ^^nbpgKte^notoueronefvnne^bfett) I'juiojhc anpecatftojoto one fvnne of onetbatfvnneb. ijTo? aw "' 1 - bamnactoncaiHeofonefvnncbntoconb?na cion-.but f g(ft cfimetomftlfvfrS manvfin

MMN iff bji tfte fi'iine of one/bwtbtavttReb bvtuemeane0 of one:mocftemo;e (baii'tbcv tobtcb receauc abmitibance of grace a of tbe gvfte of rvgbtetoetn0/ravgne in Ivte b die tneaiK0 of one (tftati0 to fane) gefti0 ct4 /tvfictoife tfien a0 bv tfte fvnne of me/com bemnaclo came on all meaite fo bptfte iuZU range of one cometb tl)e rrabtetoet'neg tbsf b;ingcn)JVftbpS mmgty 00 bv one manC biftbetitece uianv be came fvnne m fo bv tbe obebieceof one/ujalimanv be mate m&amp;m ou0 33ut tbe*iatoe tn meatte tvme cntieo ^ .^ m/tbatpmefl;ulDencveace,i5f l .eitbfiata-^ ft 5 1 f! toftcte abounbauce of fvnne toass/fij ere ton? * MftKwS mo?epienteoufne0 of grace. #;bata0ft'iine" nci,l '&lt; ; "&gt;";c babravsnebbntobectb/cue fo mvgbt vtmBggS&amp;Z. ravgnc tbo;oto wgbtctoefnciS/ bnto AawnSSSSSSSS IVft/bvtbebfipe of gc fit C^ift, .1 rS? Cjfo? fq mod) iw toe be Dellticfco )o;otvc ^liiift feS Bet Iv oj to w * fpune .'toeimittcfalfton onet- rcliiro fo Ipueaa the fee fttym ftom biityRercta)ae(icofepa!)tcoufHcricaiiol'piuiei i&amp;'ala.fij.ij, be.bMtOaptH. mt Q)nl toe lave tftenf ^ijail toe 3

conmiem fvnne/ g tljercmavebe abotmbaace of graced oaf ojbto T ~ TO * w ^oto Ibail toe tbat are DeeDag tots cftingefvnne/itue en v leger tberin^ iieme bervenottbatalltoetobicbarebapwebfnr name (fflehi ffttfftm bapttfeb to bve toi'tli fms liSeareburicD to bvm bv baptptne/ ft? to bve/ (bat ivfit to vfe a0 Cfettt toajj vavrrm bp fix Deetb b v glo;ie of tlje (at bee euen fo toe alfo limibtoaibe fit a netoelif erf 02 vf toe be graft fit beet ft Ivftebntobi'nneueu fo mull; toe be tn tberefutreccf on. mm toe muft m member tbat oureoloe maui0crucifvebto film alfo/tbattbe boov oervtme mtgftt bttetv [V be birfiroveD/tbat bence fo?H) toe finilb not beferuaumc0 of fvnne. fotHemimtytf t0 fiiftiftt&amp;frcm fvnne. v memte vt toe be Decb \b 4ft?tO/toe be leue tbat toe fl;all Ivue tofift ftfom cmebnnge tftat )M once tavfeo from Deetl)/&amp;vb no mo?e.ieetbljatbnomo?epotoer ouerlum. fn a0 toucftrnge tljat be bv^b/ behneb cam ninge n&gt;nne/once.H)nb a0 toucbinge tbat he ftuetb/belt'uetb bnto 5ob. Tlvftetovfevina* gen ve alfo/g veare *beeb eSceini'nge fvnne ?*^ h i evm but are aifiie bnto &lt;m tfto?oto 9!efu0 Cfi^ff jjg S oureiUObe t jLrt not fvnne ra vgne tftetf o?e mTc%S tn vourcmo?tal boDvcfrfj ve Ibulbefberunto cc vttgm obev in tbe Iu(te0 of t't^etb.r geiie vevoure C ifb?e0a0iitarumence0ofbiuigbtetoefnc0 bntofvnne-.butgcuevoiire felue0bnto oa B0tbev arealfi!efr5beetft.a'nbgcuevoure member a0 fitanimentns of r vgbt etoernejS bnto gob 1-et it otfinne ftaue potoeeoiieevoti " ' Jfo?vearenotbnfieciatoe/butbnbei;g;ace: il&amp;bac tften^ljaii toefvnne/ brcaufe M % are nog

" f


&lt; *

^t tiftifkk

u k

menot bnbee {5 latoe:lmtbnb grace? oa fcui^D, * lliemeberyenot&amp;otot&amp;at totoijo foettervecSmptsourefeniegagferuauntesJ to ctey:I)ts fewafiteg Keare to tobo bc oto^g; toiler itbe of frnne bntobeetl)/ oj of obe* btence bnto ugbtetoefneg? d&amp;ob be tfjanSeb/ 39 tljattijouglj ye toere oncetfte feuiauntesi of ftttne/yeftauejrto&amp;epebtofft fjertebnto tome of ooctrme toljerbnto i?e toere betfue* teo . ye are tften mane fre f to fpnne/ anb are . fcecomet&amp;ereruaunteaof tK#tetoefne&amp; fr * 3 toili rpeafte gcofivbecaufeof rtjemftr* nitie of ?oute UttMM ?e &amp;aue gene sourc mibttfi mwtittti to toticleness fr toimquftte fr3 mfquttvefanto mt'quf tf e:'eue I o note gc ueyouremembergferuauntegbntoitgljte* toefncisytyat ?e ma je be fanctifp eb.&lt;jf o? toltf iietomljeferuatmtegofffnne/jetoerenot buDerrig&amp;tetoefnftf. ife&amp;atfrutclja&amp;fetbm fa tyo $wtge0/toberof je are noto acajameo #02 enoe of tljo tftmg^s Deetlj.tfutnoto are . . - ,?e Dclutereb fro fpnney 9 mabei? fer uaOte* of &lt;o&amp;/5ftaue?ourefruteg|effiu!Dbefanctu fieb/^entseeueriaftmgeitfe.4Fo^retoar&amp;e &lt;iuiip&amp;ft offptweftt ate:btcecrnaii*ifti f mfice the Orfetupnsje Of OD/t!)0?Oto 3|efu3 Cltftli OUW %$M* W. 9?Ht Cfft)?ia!jatf &amp;e!j?ucDfc0fcom t&amp;clawaiU) ftraQ* aa aul ty* toety \wftat t jje f IcCflje anO outumtfte man ie/ bud calUtU ft rt) c tBtot flf ^ c memtye*. CCOe.bfj.Cbapter. iojmeber ?e not b?et!j?en $ fpeafie

\1 c^./^itotl)emtSatfinotoetl)elaVDe)i)oto g Iatoeljatf)potoeroucramiSais iongea0tten&amp;uret|tfJFo? toomS Mjtcl) ft in fubt'eccio to am8/te bounDe by iatoe r to tl)ema/a0iongea0[)eipuft. Jf tljcmanbe &amp;ce&amp;/flje 10 lotofeo from tlje Iatoe of tlje man. fi&gt; tljen jf toftill tfje man ty nttt) tC e couple ijer Celfe ^ another ma/fte tbalbe countebatoeDIocfteb?eafier;ieutvft[)eman


betieea/Oieis fre frS flje iatoe; Cotljat ffie is notoeblocfieb?eafter/tl}ougl) Qjecouple ber t$i&gt;im&gt; members *ff&gt;tozctcb ebmau tljat 9f

fai?a/^ottCDaltnotluC.jSut Finite tofcean*rtf.w.e; occafyonbj? tlje meaner of tlje ccromaunDe^wM* titentanbtozougljt in me all manner of con* cuptrtfee, jfo?beteli?toitbout latoe/fgnne toaj* Deeb. a once Ipueo toftljout iatoe , jBitt w&amp;en tfje cSmaunbement came/ fpnne rew?* ueu/anD a toass beeb Jno tljebeiy fame com* maunbement toljtc!) toas otfejnieb bnto life/ ^ toasffofi6etobebntomeanoccafi?8 offceetlj, iffo; ftnnetofteoccaWonbvtOe meaner of comniaunbement/anb fo bpfceaueb me/$ b? tlje felfe cSmaunbement netoeme.ieuerfo^c &lt;.mo.&lt;w tfteratoetgljolp/anDtlje cSniaun&amp;emfcftoly/ fuftanogoob. ia0 toat jen tofticl) fit goob/mabc oeetft bnto me? &lt;0oa fo;b?b.j9ave % nne toag beetfj bntome/tfjatftmpgbtappete/^oto g fpmie bj? tlje meaner of tljat toljf dj fjs gooo/Oab to?ougDt oeetft in me Uljat f pnne xdwl) i$ bnoert^ecotttmaunDcment/mtg^tbe out of meafuref|?nfitU,fo?toefinoftjetl)atlaUie(5nobeCbHbw "tt tpttitualhlmt 3iamcarnall foli3e*bnDer?"fvnciftto fpnne/becaufe ^tootenot toljat ^bo . mSgSSSX mt% too ft/ tljat 00 v not:but tol)a 1 31 ftate; {KKf Ibol^f'lbonototljathJljicljltootljeuot/B |gfaateto|ia\net^atitt0gooD. ^otften

notoe/it tunot % that 00 it/ but fpne tljafi btoelietD in me. if o? 3 1 finotoe tbat in mettijat ft! to fa^e in m Heffije )V&amp;&gt;tW% no gooa tt)tnge,co toiHi0 patent ttmetbut ^f^nbe nomeane0toperfo?met!)attoj!)vcM0Boob, !ffo;gibonot tfjatgooatljingc towgitooia but tljat euil do yM$fy ^oib not. ftmlty Vf % bo tljat % tootte not/tljeit t'U ft not g 1 $ae boit/but^nnetbatbtoeHetl)fume/Doetf)fe, g. f gnbe tftenbv tbe latoe/tbattoljengi toolQe bo goob/eusU n p/efent tottfj me, 3 Delite fn tfjeiatoeofdPob/concewungetijefwhermati. . 5But 58-fe another iatoe tonteg memb?e0 re* belHngeaga?n(trtjelatoeofinpm?nbe/ano fubo wngc me bnto tbe latoe mwne/M)itH

lfc fc felfetortfjanotljwntan, ?"tK ^w fo?cmi?b?et^ett/ fl *are bceb con* E5e jeermnge tlje Iatoe bj&gt; t^e bobp of ^fft/tf)ae fcpco couccntsssc fbuloe be coupleb to anotber ( gi meane to tteuwis eobimt^atftsrpren aga?nefromocetb)^attoe iif! maot mm ji)u[Qeb?tuge fo?t^ frute bnto ob .*fo?toftf SSL 55ti)e tom &lt;n * e Wefe/H luftejs of funne tu uuvtmm Wcl) toere aereb bppe b tfte Iatoe xmw &amp; r:v foEcccflucittOuremcmbcr0/fob?tnge fo?tl) ftutebnto mmtiteWtgtify, ^ButnotoaretoebelEuerebfrStftela* s S^fftoeanbbee&amp;fromt&amp;at toftmintotoctowefttv , MntI tijc S* bon&amp;ase tljat toe fliulo Terue tti a netoe con*:. jotobDDftjucMierfactonoftljefp^te/anbnotfrttfjeolDecS m ttm l\)t uertacfon of t(je letter.

am-.toljofljall better me from t^bbbpof WW %t\)an\K rt-*woto gietajs Cl)?rtt cure iLo?De. &gt;o (Ben 3 mp felfein mv N| be feme tbe Iatoe of &lt;sob/anbinmi&gt; flefflie toe Iatoe of Vgmt* C Cfte Mic of tfic fp?c tc genetb Ipfe d)pfv;cfe of &lt;UoD mabctl) top o&amp;b eft UD;en n0 (jep?co vuifl) /C(j?(l &lt;a:ijeabounijfluntloucof ; ^5ob can not be fcpwafcft* &lt;je,buj.Uapter,

l^erfstJjenno bamhayfontotnem toOpcyare;in tyMmWWWb

toaiftenotafterflefffie;butaftii; tmmte ;tf ojtljefatoe of 5 DW( ffiMS*^" "lbatIbaHtoefapet9en^t[)elatoef^ IbMlM^W ft;l/6aj0 ** wc?&lt;i5obfo?brb:but3!Imetoenottobatnne ( beI^^reDmeftomtfteIatoepFftnne?^Deefl); meStbntbpttjeiatoe.jfo^^abnotfinoto* ?to^t^|^itcw&lt;IW|TO wtoljatluaoabmeSt/e^eptttfteiatoeljaa ;^fttoa0to perro^meo


.* ***

T -




'! *

35 J L^'SK^^^^^ife * 6 5 CSS t" S to* na-iu^fto 1 lie 1 ifmtmpmMmifewm* * *ottoeftnotoe g mmm tooifie foi Koeut f J' Wcmktm g aefmiy ltiyime ffit emn^te fljebeftbntoftemtlWlouVffioD/Shaic L

[1(11 to ftteflcu? (0 9 v foniuuK um g MttylV wmt in emnw tlje be&amp; bnto them that lou 'e 'Saiim laiaica ^ etiotViti w^/ to ip* agavnft -soosfo; t r^not o&amp;etf em to f Iatoe are cac&amp;*of SunSoft T02 ffiSBh B SnS ff

* 1 S B?n to m Mmttsmm Pleafc dSao. thep flwihe 4 r^K,,7 " h ,. " " 2?* SSS ** ti&gt;* 3

Kfsmaiihw/s Zl l }-J ..fJ^i'Wntantljathathnotthe iBDfclUje appovntebtjefoje tfie alfo Ije cuueD f v ef 'J ' 0VU gftfftfft in mtm bwm t&gt;m bmn&amp; of tiihfdj oe iuftif ^ thei ri ft "oS (5oS *

iccstili littSftiift)


V V 1.

lofvm.ewyiipfai'fca bp oi-i^ftfcom Decth/ fljall oupcfieti usftini fo;b3 all-.ho to maiti enSfflimn

famsfto up ome rp/etetftat toearethe ronncPof 00. Haa(ilMmAninJtoiSSS b9M ^BS5H**2fl? 1 ""rt toemave nether Angela/ noyrott/nttBMotoev/ite* bl0totIItDllVLi* tubbuer if hrram hnne tlFni irari* tf rJ



r, *

a i

1* ^

fiw tot tohpth fuUoueth them in hope . f o? the bevv cieacuie^ftatbeDe^ueitD frSthe options* of cojnipcfon mto | gro?vo0 Abet tte of toe foimw of d5oo,&lt;(foj toe Imotoe that cteatuw gconeth tofthbjs alfo/atta* uapletl) tn pa^rre etieit bnto thig tyxti*

emie.iKMnptev. $ not/in that tofjeraf nip conference beareth me i nms in Ijolv pJoflP jy -Jtftat 1 Dane gcet Qemntf ano'con* Hmiall fo/ottc 11 1 mv heit . iffo^ S haue to j&gt;f

Jwctawiiot9SW(^*tiuiegoffni;ite/mo^efiiottre b;etiUenntfni?iifm'en8]eipei;faviimaet o9 BSSU JBSSfe^^SW** * iSea ttWttBtheaoop-cffi/atoettSaty , S 1 ?S W We. jeutftppetbat t^eneign-i nntintc A S SS&amp;

fwrt mm otW*m iXmaum toe Ijopefo? that toe fe aw the fathom am (Rep of toHome(o c ohc M**"** c'8^a n t/t ft w o toe unto patience abpoefo? ft. -BiiitBet6eflrfl)e)C0/ftcamW4towW , a(e f**j&lt;irt&lt;# Weto|?fet[)t'fp;etealfohepthoufrt oua-aUtbinge^AWeuS

'.' ItA '% rpeas*



9 fpeaKettottBeretbpngejJa* tbougbt&amp;e toybbttowMPttyeHoMrt &gt;abotb baotf toojot; of &lt;gf oabaii taue none cSecte.jfo? tb ep left ba f eeoe/tte bao bene mane a? 3ofcoma; _ ate not all %tmlittn n$i# cm* of jcwwi: ano bab bene ipbenca to omo^a, ^netbeeate'tbep ail cbpibjen fttapgbt toape bat walltoefapetbetfiiiJerapetbai becaufetbep anctbefeeajf anuagan .tfut gentplsstobicbfolotoebnotrigbtetoefncssba in^aaclbailtbpfceQebecalled-.pjjitofape/ ueouettabcngbtetoefne0:3imeanetigb&lt; tbep toljicb a*e tl)e cblio jen of tbe f leflbe/aw tetoefnes tobicn cometb of fa ptb.But jftael not {becbpltyenof^ob.Eiittbecbflwen of tobicft folotoeaiMatoeof rtgbtetoefiieaco ulD p;ome0 are counted tbe feeoe. fatten fifa notattapnebntotbelateeof tvgbWtottm, toojaeof piome0/aboute tbps tpmetopllj 2inb toberfojef.Eecaufe tbeprougbtit not come/anogjaeaflttllbaueafonie. bpfap{b:lmta0ittoevebptbetoo;iie0oftbe . iBetber toJtftt fotoptb bet onlp: but alfo latoe.tfo; tljepbaue ftombleaat j&g t; ftoblpnge toben ftebeccatois tavty cbplb; bpone/3] ftone.fs it tftoHttfcJBcbolbe 3! put in &gt;po C meane bp outefatber SPtaac/pertfte cbiiojen a ftombiprige ftone/ano a wcbe tob iclj wall toeiebajne/toljeiubepbad netijevbonegooD mabe men fault- . 3'nbnone tbat beleue on netbet bao:tbat tbe purport of &lt;!&amp;oo tobfcb 10 bim/lbalbe a tbameb. bp elecciott/m pgbt ftanje/it toaa fapae bnto cte Mftj$ftw of % jcwcs. anno man of 6er/not bprearon of voo^nes/but bp grace tnwwtote.

ewe catietW eloer all ttcue poungee. CDejc,&lt;r6apttt. ~ 2!8itii5to?ptt":^acobbeloueD,butiaube fffgffiMktQtti/mMtttttwiwwmiti*

bates, i&amp;bat all toe fagetben^tbere enp bnrigbtetoerne0tooa:'tSJ3fo,bpD.!Jfo.Jbe f&amp;ptb to SJliMefc'J! topll wetoemereptotob5

to ob foj gifracl is, tbat tbep aipgbtbe faucb, &lt;$o}% bearctljetn co;be tbat tbep baue a feruent

cuenfo;tljr0faniepurpofe!)aucjaerfDtl)e tetoefnrjS/ano^ccfo^atenotobeQientmitop^ joioijmijf bp/toB)ftoemppo % aeronte/$fljatmi&gt;nas tlie x^tt^tfm^Um\)i$otbaltYobtto;t\)H t ottuttm niemp8lHUctieclare^tl)o;o\s)outantDO^ &lt;so&amp;.tfo; fl *C!);iatett)een&amp;eoft ^ te.S)oDatlHKmcvc^ontDl)oml)etoJ/ani) ftittfffeaUtftttbelMe, &amp;Vfiiffi Cftoutopittapetijeu bntome:toljp tljen com^c^ of toelabie/^DYD Eljac tfic man Mj icO t&amp; oucrtonrt Mametbbebswftf o^ tofto cS refi S()t0 twlf Dotb the d)inge0 of t^c la\De/ajalI i puetUer ^ **!** _ iBitt ^D raS/ toDat arte tftou to^pcb stfptetea tti.utt&amp;erfttctocrrt^^^ &gt;^ %viitk^^Knh-^x!ii?Uhtf V^iirls&lt;fati?fnr^wni-i f.-i-.ifft.fWa forth fitifhi cttanfo &amp;*f*ti* ha* fit" * _ 5.1.

a0.o&amp;muaicia?f/cuen of ttye fame iompe tomato one nujtif^D to bfffellbmoftonoute/an'janotDerbnto&amp;ifftos SSd Vo oSS wW* * f / oa ** to iDevoe b?s $tmf toieue otcttWtb/anfcfomafiebfcpovoev finotoc fuffe* vnttngett fjpm ret) tortQ ionge pacienee toe brffebf of b&gt;;a$' o?Mvne&amp; to namnaci on/tbat ije mygftt &amp;ecia te tl}e tfcl)ejs of flip gl6?p on beQeigf of mer

cpe/inI^cUl)cl)a5p?epavcDbntogIo?ve:tIjat a i$ to fape/'ojs toDpdj Ije caliefi/not of t^e %u w toe0 onlp/but alfo oftlje s?tpw. 280 J)e fo^I) SDr,.o. fti a)fce:^ topH calltlKm me people Wycl) U&amp;m&gt;9&amp;. iereiotmppeople:anD!)ef bcioueDtoljpcd tojajg not ft eloueD . 3Dnb ft ftall come to paffe intftRplaceMjeiettvoasfav^bntotSem/pe ate notmp people; tbat tftcrefljalbecalleof c&amp;piwen of tfte r? upnee oD, 36ut cCatap crp:tb concetrtpnge ^frart/

SDtfitttobo allbefcentie into ^aepef (j iff^Shi notbtnge efcJ but to fetel) bpcb^ft'frS beetb) jSS'S 35uttot)atfaptbtbcflpture^^betoo?uet0jie btfOfec $t npctbe/eueintbpmoutI)am)fntbpne bet.*f . Cbf? too?neij5tbetoo?be of*faptb tobpebt^ 1 "!^, toe pjeacbe.lfo?pftl)ou ftattftnotoklelft^ J^S tbpmoutb tbat %tta rjs tbe %o?bt/ flmlt tijooaD *iiiiB beieue toitbtopnebeitfbat obraprrbbprnorCetucB #rf* bp ftom beetb thou tfialtbe Cafe. *f o;rte 'J*;* gj* belefe of tftebettlufflfpetb/ HhMRI^SS? &amp; toitb tbe montb mafietb a man fafe. fa the!,;, ^ ^or.wcVa fcrpptuvefaptl):tobofotuerl)Cletietbcnbimii)amrcmb!ate ftallnotbcaaameb. )/' Cbete i no bpffetf te brttoene tbe gctoe gj^ jg tbe one in %t$MKUBMUAS^%m in tpebe bntaall $ call on bi'm. ftoi tehofoe*j6of w wc &lt;u.


,,,, .... ..,-. ,,,,,_ ,......,. uetflwllcallfintbenameof 'jHo;tie/lbalbeftifjeo(o 69 tbougft tbe nombje of tbe amtn of 2foKl rafe.5Siit bote all tbep call ofrbf m/on HMSmSSL beajf^ronbeof Keepetmaiibutatemnafit tbepbeleuennot^ boto ftalltbe p belcucon^X mm* befanVb. ^efpnrffl)etbtbetoo?6e berelp/ bmioftobomtbepbaiienotbftbet'boto mail fj bWeb mafictb ttfl)o?tmtpgbttofrne. fo? a flio?e tbepbearp\f=otita p;eatbetf anftboto m

all too^tietofldEfoDmafteoncrtf) JnbaSdfaiajJ tbep p^acbe6*cjtcepf tbep be Cent f aft *jH*rptiw jnpttm


Co tlje %uima^tt&amp;


)ttvto^t:pi:(()fpttaue l notaiiob^eotot(ie&lt;BofkieU.jFoi tppimfhc y^Ciaca^fapil): iLo?detol)o (ball beieue oute orwDOin j^faprnge^^^enfaptu cometft tyljeanng &amp;2mZ Wgittp cometftfii g b)o?ueof od, ?5ut T6ffUea- S affte;!jaiietiKp!iot Drrbef i9o ooiit/t^t -ii^.-o-o. founbetoet out into all lanat^Mtljelvtoo^ j)f!jtimiuiKpuuotlK!ti^oft^ett)o;loe, fr 22^ kii ^ ut S Mnaunoe m*$t% -jftaf I Dv&amp; fttto SS toe o; notff wft m&amp;n (mm tol p;ouo* Sri octyc ot fte pan to nitt/ bp tfji-m ai'e no people Mfi^^^SbpafonTfytiwciSJltoftanBeti'ou.cirara? fl J? ncc ;cr nj-afrc rtBaty t^ boi&amp;e anb favtt):? am fouitbr of teliiclrlft wa t,,nntl,ac fo8'W me not/ana baue appeveo nriLuii? toijtotttmtftaf uniebnotaftcrme JBnDagavnft tn( ofifvs rs/ Tfiacibei^h:aUDapeJonge baue a Bret* f** cl)ea fo;tbmp ftanoejabntoapeopietljatbe*

ofc/ tbae topou^tjw/masmotOeapaemftlpoaieSK ofti)egetp^:j toiUmagntfi?mpneofttce/g can on^io^ Smpgtpt p;ouofiett)etoi)Kl)Aiempaifibe/tjtt ^ec bcif mn&amp;tfaut lonwoftyg, !Jfoipfti)ecaapnge fP* atoapc of tl)tm/Ueti)eteccncpiFnge oftlje too;loe;toljatB)alltl)erefeaupugeottl)ebe/ butlpteagapaeftomDcetO^fo^f onepece be Doiv tlje tofjole Ije epe is (joi v . JnD pf tl;e i'ote be fjol p/tlje bzaimefccg aw Ijolp alfo

ttijougiifomeoftQeivaftcIjf^bebjoBen^ of/anDtl)ou bevngeatev be olpue tree/ atte c graft in amonge ti?5/tf mm pavtafiec oftlje tote am fattier of tl)c oliu e tree/bod nott&amp;u fcife agapnfltftebiauclie^ iffojpftftou boft tl)v ttiftjTtmlbtt t^atttiou beared not tbe rote/but tbe rote me ci)ou toirtfape tljen: tlje b;aucl)ess are bjoRen of/tDat % mpgbt be grafte jn.cdou fapeft uelhbecaufe of bube* Hue tDep are b;olun of/$ tftou ttanaeft Kejb e

7.0j(lfU ' jifstrAbupotft

ffSSt &amp;" BOt/ ** t|wl * e * agapnftme, SL'SJl? 0f "O? W otll'Pi'c ' ye IMwMf fo; l|: taOgenwuiM of l " ^00 . C I10t l)pC mp!'OCb/but PRP ^hLffifiB**iflWfcih repiigegojirpafeDnottbetjatuvallb &lt; !a - v; Ufl .cbapte t. el;ejJ/iefti)apipbealforpaienottbe. ?&lt;l&gt;tjpe tl)em batb Ob call ntoape bfei peopteftEKft fo?bpo. f o; etif | ijerel p am an ?ftaeiite/of t feeb of $b&amp;)fiJ9 of tttbe of SJemamm/ m api fttw CD batii nor caft atoape bpis people tobpeb to nit of an bP Rnetoe before ftbevtoote pe not toftat il)t ifijiift not of fcn'pmiefuptb bppmoutl) ofi^eliaa/boto be ?wf' v mafteti|intevccffponto&lt;lE?o5agapnftgftnel/ njuimn.ttt fapmg^JLo^tljf pbaiie UpJlr o fypftopbrtr, a bpggeb bouue tbpne alr0:s 5 1 am lefte on f !C . Ip/ tbep ftftf mplpfe . Shit tobat fap.ij tbe anCtoerofccbtobfmagapjrf^'bauerffer* uebbnto me feu" tboufanue mf tebpeb Ijaue notbotoeotbeliitecto Baal cutn fo at tbiu

;;;: tpme?!5fljei'iuemanaiitieftetbo;oto(lec&lt; 'Hbtm an&amp; ctS of gwee/ff it be of *grace/tftei i* it not *&gt;itoe me con of toojfiess . jfo?tbeh tocregiacenomoaw "** wW'ztww itbc of wftee /tben in ft no moate grace.iffo; tfttn toeve beri'tuingeno lengei- be )Bfeniftige.itebaetben^fraelbatbnotobtap ufnautbntotbem/tobcn^fl'aiftafteatoape nebtbatbefougbt.j5obittpeterec5bat^ tbetrfpnm0.a'jscacem!ng5gofpelltbepave

mm je'e boice $binBn&lt;$9 ri'goMVft'f of !cb: on tbe tobpeb fell/itgo^oufne a: but ttteato^ tbe/fipjibueg(:pf tljou cStinue fn Ijib fipnon^. . a&gt;; e ( tbou (bait be beto 2 of/ a tbep pf tbep bpsenctflpllm bnbelefe/ fi;albe gtaffto in agapne 3f o;obisofpottcrto gvafictljem in agapne.iffo? pf tttou toad cut out of ana* turaii toiioe oipue ttee/ano toaft graffco con tiatp to natuie in a ttue olpue ttre:l)oto mo* cfec mo;e Oral! natuisllb?atmcbe0begta0 feo in tbeir atone olpue tm agapne. S tooiue not $ tbi0 feet ete tyutoe be b^U f &gt;;5 pcu mp tyctb/m (left pe Qmlb be topfe in pouteatoneconfaptfi5)tl)atpauipbIpnDne0 iabappenebin'JfMel/biitplltbefulncgof? . Quvyn be come im a f oali ffrar I Djalbe ra* ucu..x0 it in tome: Hi beee Wall come oute m of&gt;pobe^bothociiucv/afl)altutneatoape&lt;ec8.My.i&gt; tbe'ougobipncgofTacob.Hinbtbtgfempcc*

J5fib.wsiat. obtapneb it beremanaiit ate blinBeo/ac* ESS/^ f. 0? ^"S. c aie 0 to;itte:*^ou batb geu? tbe


tbe fp?ete of bnqupetn$: rpcjJtbat jf p fflu lb not fe a turn tbattflep tbuioe notbeate, cue* bnto tbpg bape.*anft auib fa po):HLet tfteft fable be mabe a fnare to talie tbem toitb all/

aanoccafiwitofaiile/aaretoatbrbntotbe. Jlectbeftepeg be Wpntebtbat tbep fenot; Mt co tioto and ii *botoebotone tljef rbacfie^. laiictijcicuric g!fapetbei3:liauetbeptberfo?eftombreb-' ffltn!f," f t. tflat tflf V Omuw but faule onipf d&amp;o&amp; fo?0pb : BB, bHt ttootoittlwftfatartt faluacfon Mm* Iteisiitbu6etncobmotbeg^pl0/fo?to pjouoftetbetovfft pirjegempiwalW^bcifo^pftbefauleoftljf/befcpcbfS bi^iut.gcmenfea/^bWtoapfSpaftfmb trge %m. mi

encm pes fo; pome rafted: but &amp;n tctomm fleccciotbepnrelouebfo^faiber0faftt0; !ffo.jberefptl)cgpftefc anbealtinge of &lt;&amp;oit atefocbe/tbatit 1 annot repent bim of tbem: fo?lobe/a0pe intpmepaffeo baue notbele* ueb @o&amp;/petbauenoto obtapneb mercp tbo fctotbeitbnbelefeteuefonotobauetbcpnof Memb tlje iitercptobpcb in bappenedbnto pou/g tbep alfo mapeobtapne niercp . &lt;So&amp; batb tojappeoail nacpons in bnbeleue/ tbaf fie mpgbt baue metcpe on all. &gt; tbcbepneg of tbe abounbciittoprbomd afinotolecgeofd5ob:botobnretcucabieaic

Cbe |lTe

i -



l)fo?e pf tB pne enemp Dongee/febe Dim : vfDetftu?ft7geue&amp;fm tyiuBe.!ff o; to to Doing *fttf(fttfa /-fftpufbait Deapc*cole}8of fpjeonBps Beeb.tiioufcjitV 1 38c not ouercbmepf eupMmt ouercome euii !*to* ""

toptftgoobne?.; * Wwrtpfc;. CEfjealictilcnteofiiiE!ibu(of!jcp!tulccs.5tDUcfii| {plletp itjelarerei jttehotonotpmt tofoiotveftogi* .tees OatcbiieB. '-. . .,, fte.tto'.&lt;Bapfer.

(ft mot feme Cubmit Dim fettebn *, to ^auctojpteoftftebperpotocrss,* fo^ba'ciss nouo.tocr but of o&amp;. tohc potoerjs g Bc/arc o;jbepneb of

cutf ffoj toBo ftatf? unotoen tDe munbe of &gt;Lo;be?? tobo tontf Dpiscouufellcr^otDer to&amp;P ftatft gette bro o Dim fp;/tD'at Be migBt be tecompenfeb agapnef &lt;ff o/ of bpm/ tuorotoBim/s fo?bimare all tftpngeg, Cobpm wglotfefo^eueratmej!, CffiflctwttedjnwrfacMii/ioa^aniitoKiwBOfrfcb 8BllcueinffM. . CCfte.rtj.Cftapter. * jftbaip (ii;. c. ,\glj {$) tDe metcpfuinr, of &lt;m/ gpe mafie route bobpeu atpuiftefacrpfpce/ o'-^&amp;wta i - D '^acceptable bntoob:tobftb S:iStteft^^w5fti^ftw^*-fl

u'ntof outM not * fti5 lyftc MM tbpss too?ibe:but be o&amp; . ; o@]jo Comet tbetfo nft etft potoerv of tijc iawc oepe cftaffgeb tn pourefbape/bp tenupnge of ' wftftetft o?otnaunce of &lt;E%ainb tljep $ it* joure tofttess tftat pe mape fefctoftat tbpnge fitt/foali receaue to tDe feife oan acpon. o? g goob/tBat acceptable/? perfapcte topll of wilerg are not to be feawo 5 foigoob too#e*/ bod W. &lt;jfo? | faye (tfto?otoe &amp; grace g bnto but f ettpiuiat it tftott be tfcout feate of tfte megeite iss)to euerp manamongepou/ no ""'-""' ' " " - ! ~ **" -- - man efteme of ftpm feife moate tfien ft beco* metD Bun to efteme/but t Be bifcretlp fubge ofDtmfelfe/acco?bpngeai8 on BatDbealte to euerpman t&amp;e niiiafitte of favtB.

35 M toe Baue manp m emb ere tn one bobp/$ all mfbews Baue not one off f ce-.f o toe bepnge UoutS.\j. nianp/are one bofip tn ftfoittmo euerp mft cpijtfi.mi.ij. amBge outefrItifg/oneanotBet0 mebetfi. fc .*&amp;&gt; r pngc that toe ftaueintet* g:f teg aeco; bpnge to tfte grace tbat ie-geuen bntob&amp;'f f teiajopiicrpew*"?'"^" fta e 3 gpft of*P,!Opftetpe/let Bpm

jailmijnefo;? Dane it ^ ttbeagiepngebntDtDf faytD .Xet

potoer^o toel taen-.s fofltflt tftou bep?ap 35 fed of tfte fame. &lt;ffo? De # 5 m tnttter of on/ fo;tDptoettB.35utani)pftftout)oeupH/tB.en ., ' ;"'} fte beatetft not a ftoearo f 02 nougbe buttjs mwiaerof oa/to tafiebenBerfac'e on tB5 tftat bo cupi.!iaberfo?e pe muft nebel obepe/not fo?icare of bengeaunce onlp:but *&lt;$b&lt;mMt&gt;*&lt; alfo becaufe of%onrctence,n&amp; eue fo? tfttsi J ucrc I !2, , P caufepapepe tribute, f o|tftepate otiDcg 'i't JJSSmintftens/fertunge f 0; tfte fame purpore. i\ m kmu eue to euerpmantDetfo;eBt)5tiuetie:ttt tto m&amp;gkt butetotoBomtttbutebelongetft:cuftometo? E "" , ' li) . i, " toBom cuftonjc i$ one: feave to toB5 feare be KK 2!

^0 tljt lunt apit0^

CBe.nio.&lt;i^pter. : am ' * tftat 10 toeaiie in % faptft/re icaucbntojou/ not in onputi'nge ^ ttoubUiigv.ftpjj confcece.ilDne be iptra p;ufe, -t'lJotftu- ibfticft is toeaftc/eatetft ra&amp;w;iLrt (to 111 p im^^ not Dim g eatecD/befpire Dim tftat eatetft not i WSaSSSS? 1 * ter " ot w ,n * f atcfc " " 0/ '"'^ ft ImoS B 2 eatetft.f o.j di&lt;o5BatD receaueai^m.u&amp;Diit

I^ltBfffltoca gjc^lBtoca uffeiiatOjliatl)

flefflje/netDerto bjp.icl; topnc/netBet fn tftinge/toDerbptftp u^otftee ttombtetB/etDet). faHetft/o; ijj maot toeaUe. i^aft tbou faptbf .-. fci BaueittottDtftpielfebe^edEio'o, t^apppi^ JKffi Ije tftat connepnetft not Dim feife in $ tftgnge iSS SS toDpcDftcaiotoetD. iJfo;DetDatmafietft con &gt;* of fewfi fcience /i0o3pnco pt Deeate: becaufefte ooth fof Ew. it not of fapti) . f o? tuftatfoeuer 10 not of faptD/fljatfamei^rpune,

Jwncaii toyn &lt;W* '&gt; !'etB fiiift'tecf beetle bape I jfssw cicauc: &lt;? bape..fnotftut;ma coiitetft ail bape &lt;J alplje, inj oii)ici; 0011/ ^e g no nia touer in I)i^ atone nieanpnge, Kn, OS^etDat otuvwictB one bapemo-e tBuiauo^ St (aixb ton * Deivboctft ft isq tfte '/Locoes pie aim e. ii'nb Dc [pug an ibjw. tbat obfevui'tb ?ot onebape moare tftcnano msptct tijat nt.tDeivboetb ft to pleafe tfte io;bc alfo. foe t\m BmTm eatetD/bofb ft to pleafe p io;be/fo; De geuctl) mm* ma^obtftaiftifp.vSnb fte tftatcatetft uot/catetD [ibb fi&gt;:n'i)?c!j ot/to pftrtfe tfte U-o?be toitft atl/anbgeuttft km p.' ' ^ob tljS fit'ji . (f 0? none of tog Ipuet ft fty$ atone JBB&amp; fe ;feiauntuieii)f r boctB mas of w ope ftig ato= ^ESaESsTJUBScVtavil. atnaifftoe bpe toe bpe at tfte Jsthac (Sod %o$% toin.3;iljetBtt toelpuetfterfo;e 0; bpe M't, f|" of toeare tfte %ww . ff 0/ ft?tff tfte rfo it open tf not o. w rii up i n ,j, p .... .- h h ,&gt;,-

r^ouuopiigeBm^DatDeanomretoapifon.BifSoffice.'iL'Ct WgetD^onoiuetotoDoDoiiouwpeK fapnetB.mauHq^mcnt. Sfwh.KrtWm )at teacfietD/tafielrebetoDiSbocttine... ^toenotftingetoenpmSibuttoloue onec ffi 1 mutt ^Le^ Et! ^ n ^ f;t " ^ e| )/SetteatfcnbaficetoBisi anotBev.i3fo;De^oue tBanotDfr/fulfplletB '* ' trpounoeo p eJDo?taci6.3f enp mange, ue/lct Dim bo it \S tbelatoe.iJfo^tBerecoina

unbementejS^ou ajccwtftcoprfiiiglenesXetDimgmietB/bctt^biligiece. n)altnotc5mttabuoutr?:tbouO)a ltnotftplI man* * fltnc/ jf enp mS 0)etoe merrp/iet Dim bo to cljevful tDou.lhalt not aeale -.tftou (bait not beare.l&amp;i JS " raof nMLetlouebe toftftoucbili'imulariS l^ate g retoptneg:tbou Qialtnotbefp ?e ^fofo^tB(pf J r jj-toDicBtseupI/anbcleau'ebntotDattoDtcD^ tfterebeenpoiBcrcSmauitbem?t)tDep9 reaUoufft&lt;Befut simostj fioob. 3BefipnbeonetoanotDertob;otDerlp comp;eBeuDebnitBpj3fapmge: 'jtou e tbpne f v ll v"a e, &gt; {, W. fiEpurt. ma, loue-lngeutngeDonoHre/goonebefo^caho nepgbbour ag tftp feife . iiou e liuttetb not lfttoc * ( tfretiVtJi. tBee. JLctnottDatbufpnesJtoDftftpeDauein BpflnepgftboHr.eberfo/eialo uetDefulfpl* . BaHOe/bctfblouBfopou.KeferuentintBe Ipngeoftftelatoe. ifp?etc.aippipepourefelueitotDetpme.38e tBi!Sairotoefiuotoe/"3imcane?feafott/J0 t0FcetnBope.)8epaeientii,tiibulartS.Con= Botoetftatitisitpme $ toe flnilbfloto at oafte amWWs tinue in p;aper.tatibutebnto neceft'pte outecf flepe. ff o? note tjs oure faluacp 5 nea *" t ' li " a "i'? cf ffapneteg ^bercabietpbarboure.lBleffe *r v tBentoB5toebeleueb.BenpgDtt0pa(febw, ,^ ", S tftemtoBicB perrccuteyoutWeOebutcourre anbtBebapet0comenie.)LetbiStBetfo;ecaafoj fom m^t not. iSe merp toptB tfte tBat arc merp. itdepc atoape tftebebeff of barcRne^/anb let bs put ome uamm. toitBtb? $ ttepe.oseof Ipfteaffeccigonetfl* ontBe(3Drmoure)of lpgBtXetb0toalfteBo ^( a ,W r 'i&gt;?,l ^toarbe0an6tBer,38enotbieminbeb:butma* neQlpaistttoeremtBebape Ipgftt: notin ea'f fi c W ftepourfelu(equalltotfteofiotocrfo?tcl tpnge anbb?pnciiigc:netBecfo eBambu** b/ tti mje ^oeenottoifem poure atone optnio0.JSec5 tpngcanb toantaitttf/netftetin Crpfe acn ^aiifiiici'BDt , pecetonomgeupii fo/eupll.J&amp;?oupbeafo?e Mpinge:butputpeonno?b3erusi&lt;B&gt;ift . I* of odectooj* | "lanbetBt'ngesi Boned to fpgBtof allmen. SCnbmafte not pjoupfoon fo; tBc aefflje /to " ac et fuIfpntBeluawofit,

De.);b.&lt;ltBapfei!. $ tofttcbate (tcoge^ougftt to beavc ^ ftap;neg of tfte tofticft ate toeafie * a not to ftonoe m oure atone con* JfaptcjS. %tt euetp man pleafe Dps (if pgDbour bnto Dip toeltft anb cbt fpmge, D?ftt plearebnotOmi feife:butait wtotff &amp;&lt;&lt;&gt; dvonwp te.*cfte vebufiesj of tftim tolncD tebufteb tiie g ,nl,M ao&lt; fell on me.^ tlDDatfoeuer tDingess are Wt* $Z CB if afo^e tpme/m tojitt? fo? oure learninge/ mEESu. tbat toe ttjo?oto pacpencc comfort of tfte fe^pture/mpgDt Daue Dope, CBedPobofpacicuce^confolacion/geue,,. bnto euerp one of pou/^ pe be rphennnbcb' tiucfctoaioestanotDer after tlje enfampie of CB?tlt 3;eru:tDat?eall agrepngetogetbety mape toitft one moutb p;apreiPob fatftr v of oureX-o^befefuei.jitiDerfo^eivccauepe one anotftera^ CD?iftreceauebb5S/to 5p;apfe of

: i

t it be po^ble/ftotobett of poure patee/l&gt;a we peace tofth all men.Bcrf? beioued au?g^ tiotpourcfeliKS/btiegeuetoume fcnto tfte to;at^ of oJ), tfo? rt tt to;itten:benseaunce

iniQC6c toeaftc ouflfit hot f be brfpsrcbJBo m5 ft Kite offenfic nnotlicce c5fcfencc.aflapnf/fo? owe^ncOc f^m gen ^ultie no man couoempne anoi&amp;ep*

IS c Sf rSff? WSR P^m^SXS^Z ear S S"^!SSp SS" 0? 5SSJSS ^!^55^ef&gt; sfe ' BaStt pwptejJ oflnm ftift to mo-%n w nottDer* 1- -of Wo? f0?e u, S e 0,1C an H W . ijftsf 0; jacou JButiubgetBpgt'atBer/tDatnoman puta M tfeWjMw (rombinige blocue 0; an occaff on to fauie in icii)/o? ofijct^mgecomenoftt feifeibutbritoftim ^ iub^ Mpmi mr 11 getu it to be eomeitito Bim t'st if comen Mt tftt? K t0 lw.-l;o tfter be gmirott tbp meate^noto toa'lflc it

Km iOonnotcbnrftflblt'e.JSeltropenotDimtoifB |fc. ^c me** w meate/fo? toftom l)?rft bpeo. Caufe not mmmei pOure e *treftfuretoBeaipllfpoftfof.itfoj* mwwvmnmum. rmermm'Fe vnrmttM Jr 8 0?f ' ei,f *fgBtftoefi?^/Pface ? ioytm Bolpgoolt. ag one tbat puttctftpou i n lemembjaunce/ -~J fo?tohoforu;nfBefetB(ng^mietftB;i8 Wo;oto|giacegf0geiienmeof(^St . ,": fe*^ f !fflS2?^^ C( ^ , W ofme11 -' ftbetbempnpfterof ^fucftSKsge* : -/ l^Krf ^WfolttV S ! DotDmse^toDtcBmaftefo? tfte KentpWanbmulbnunifter tfte glabtp" k- '" peace/atbpi^toBertoitBonemapeebifpc bmgc0of(Eiob/tBattl)egentplsfmpgBtbeaii p m ^mMftm mm \mu of mo m acceptable offerpnge ranctpf peb bp tfje Doip a jpteilmeat w&lt; mt.Ml tbmg? are pure-.but gooff.3; Baue tBerfc toftcroPl mape rrfopfc tm ettpHfo? I nra/toBtcB eatetbtottDDurte fn flrB^'lt^.efu/intbotBmgrtoBifB Wawi of DP3confepeiice,g,ti0goob.netftertoeatc to&lt;$*ob. ^%met\omvmotmvotm

tbpnameJnbagapncDefeptDaeioprcpeai; tpiesi toitl) Dig people Jnb agapne/ wapf e g *Lo;beall pegentprs/^laubeBtm all hacio?. Jm in anotber place igfapas raptbttDer dial be p tote of gfeffe/abe $ iBallrpfeforapgne otter tfte gentplfS:in Dim ftjall^ gentprjs tmlr. crflc ob of Dope fpilpou toptD all tope anb peace mbelettmgc-.tbatpe mape i'e rpcfte ini Bopetfto?otoe i % mp felfeam full cei tifteb of pott mp b;e* tB?en/tDat ?e poure feittejs are full of godbnt ana fpllcb toptB all ftnotoiebge/ 9 areable to erbo?te one anotBer. jDeuertBeleKC b;rtft?f ti

1 . I I'l i

. *




tmwwvtimmw not thought by me/to mafic entyis obebiet/toi toojbe ana oebe/in mpgbtp fygnes 3 toonoers/by &amp; potoer of e fp?ete of ob: fo at from 3je= rufalem anb ecoftsrounDeaboutebnto !lllp/icum/3bauefplleb.allcountrestoy eglabbe tybpnges of cg;ta. Mwuegj enfotfebmpfeife to p;eae ofpeii/not tobere Cb?ttt teas nameb/ieft| uio Banc bylt on anoermannes founba* cyombut ass it i s to?ptt w-ca tob om b e vnass not fpone" of/tbep (ball Ce-.a ey at beatbe not/ all bnbetftanbe, flo? ys catife a ha* ue bene ofteletto come bntoyombut note fegnge 3! baue no moate to bo in efe conntws/anb alto bau e bene beryjowj many yea* res to come bnto you/ toben 3!ailtaHe my

tJje Cputfe

Itsmtbeirboufe. Salute my toeibeloueb &lt;iepenetes/tohycbtsefy?&amp;* fruteamonge Turn tmtr e"ofaicbaia.rete #atptobicbbettotoeb tfatWf&amp;c mocbe labour on bS.&gt;aluf e ainbjonycus ^ tftm-toag csnct giunfa mp cofyns/ toby toere pjetoners to *** mealfo/ tobpcb are toeii fatten amonge e 3ipoftles/' toere in Ch?iftbefo?eme.rete 36mpltas mp befoueb in the no;ue. &gt;amte ?ban oute helper in &lt;b?itt/ s&amp;tacby* mv betotieb.^aiufeappelisappzoueb in chtfft Salute em tobi ate of 30 obolus bou* ojbe.g&gt;alute ^etobion my fipnmia\rete e of ehouftolbeof #atcyluts toby ate n^ejUybe.&amp;aiutecripbena acripbofa/ tobicbtoetnenbyblabourtn efto?oe.g&gt;a* ttee beIouebPers/tohi labourebmo*,*. cBeme-ilo?oe.&gt;aluteKufi!S ctjofenrnf *

tomey into fpayne / 3! toyll come to you. i :ilb?be/abi$moet(jmyne. teteairmetittiifttofe you in mpto,mey7 to besought tus/^blegoh/^etman/j&amp;atto&amp;as/^etm en

onmp toapeptbettoarbebpyou/aftetat ^bmiefomtoijatenfoyebyou. . J jQoto go l bnto 3!etufalem/anb miro'tter bnto e faynctes- ff o? it ha pf eafeb em of #aceoonia anD3cbaiato mabeacertayne a* fw tape oicrtbucton bpon p oo?e a *faynetes tobi fclffl^ateat?,emfalem.atbatbpleaCeDtbebeteip/ KctTc. ana eir better ate ep.ff o? y f eentyis bema8epattetaltetSoftbeitfprotuallin* ges/eir trntic is to tmniaer bnto e in car* nail inges.lttbe % baue perfojmebt&amp;ys/ ahauebzougbttbe" tupgs ftute fealeo.3! totll co nte bacue agayne by you, bit o'&amp;payne. 2inD I am fute tob^f come/tftatl al come tot aboutiDaCce of e blcffynge of ofpell of ^d&amp;ntt.pefecheyQutoe;*" fo? oute )Lo;De w leuis aoztaesCafte/fr fo?loue of Cpjete/ t^atyebeipeme mmpbufpne^ rojtbpoute P?a?et0 to oo foi me/t&amp;at be Del?* ueteo ftom em tobicb beleue not in S'eto? v anb^bat tbfe mp fetuice/tebicb ? ^aue to 3!e mralem/mape beacceptebof tbe teynctesj/ ^ 3" maje come bnto you toitt&gt;topc,bp ^toill ofoo/9ma5etoytbvbubeteftefeb.fte ob of peace be toitft you-Jmen. ra rtinptcc of faliitaciSB.^ctoatiietl) tfjf eobcttiatc of menu ooctiiiwj coriimeuoct!) snto l^cm cettaj ne

goQiVinc]i/il)atU)Et'eloucfBantilj:E(!)icniu?ti;ue^. ecbe.fbi.Cbaptet,

? fte b?etb;en tobt'eb ate toitlj tbem. Salute Pbflplogujs *3|Hli8/j5eteu0 $ b^fyfter/^ ;ltmpba/aHtbefapnctess,tol)tchate toitft tUem.S)alute one anot&amp;er tiitb anbol?fic me congtegacionsi of b?iu falute you. aberecfteybutyet&amp;en/matftet&amp;ftoftycl) eauf e biuif t on-.d geue occa fionss of euyll/ci5* ttaty to t^eblofttync tohtel) ye baue leatneb: 9 an oyoe the V jfo? t&amp;ey that arefucbe/fetue not tbe &amp;o#e jef ujs &lt;Jib?tft : but tbeit atone beliyejs/f &lt;&amp; ftoete pzeacbpngt; ^ flattetpiige -' too?beis beceaue berte.s of tlje &lt;nnecente$5. jfotyoute obeoience*e^teittietb ttfail ,_, am giauno bout of you. iityet | tool&amp;e ba= ** . h , ftl ^ u e you toy fe bnto tbat tobicb is$ goob/f to be ^ffiZ? mnocente as concetningc euyll.c&amp;e ob of people man peace tteaoe Sata bnberyoute fete tbo^tly. w uiose ? p;o# cft^e grace of oute}Lo?b3!efuC^iftbe^you vWtam to cimo^euis my too^eae feloto/a ULuct'uff a jJSBS lafon ano&gt; opatet my fiinCme/falute you/ S raK | certiusi falute you/tobtcb to?otetbw e pi* an nicOKuccf ftle tn tbe )to?be. ayusi myne bofte anb the 'e at aft" tetb you . 3nb Ihtavtud a b?ot6et.falutet&amp; yoii.^be grace of oute %omietu db?tft be toytftyouall'Jmen^ co bim tbat ig of potoer to QabKCfte you


__. _, accoftmgetomygofpellweacbingeofgie Commenbe bnto you $&amp;ebe oute jWt fet ft in btteringc of tbe myftety tobtc^ fy ftet( tobicb fti a miniftec off con* toajs ftept fectet fenceftoo^ibe beganne /btte note &lt;?( openeb by r^etertptuteg of p?opfteKe attbecommautiemietitof tbeeueriaftyjtgt

06/ to fterebpobebyence tojiefawb/pn* bryffflebamomse alfnacyonsJiCo tbe fame oB/ttbtcBalonei0to&lt;fe/bep?ayeetbo?otoe 3!efus( cbjiftfo; riterJmen. tftforbelsSmayniJ. ..' IT^ent ftomcoitntBum by^ebe Qw g toagt^mmtttetbnfotbe congte* . gact'onatCenc&amp;?ea. . '' e

gregacton of encfj?ea)tbatye re* ceaueftet in tbe %om as it becom a*feapnctes met&amp; 8 *fayncteiS/&amp; tbatyeaflyftberi'ntobat iohc acwjf.t, f oeuer bufy ne$J e neaoetb of youre aybe. if o?fte batb Cucbereb many/ frrtiyne atone felfe . rete p?ifca 9 IBquite my belper'sJ in Cfj.nft '7efu tobycb baue fo? my lyfe lay&amp;e bonne tbetr atone necfies ,cunto tobfeb not 31 only geuetbanbeiS/butalCo congregacfon 9( |entybJXyiietoyCegtete ScSgreaartff

.' *


' Jig of r "Wte 1 ana w!m&amp;et$ t(je Oiupftou a 5jm


I *

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Cbefy?ftbapter, Ipottle of3lefu3Cb?ift tbo;oto tbe toyii of ob / anb b?otbee S&gt;ottene0, ntotbecongregacfonof \*^i etfa ,, '" "i^ 06 toB ' cb at Co?intbum. 5SS ffllf ^ f " ,tftat fancttfyeb inC[) ? iajeru/ BSSeA*" fa ^ ctw b * c&amp;n W&amp;&lt; to, to a * call on f M,ta. nameofoute^o2beferus(Cb?ifttneuery c place/bot&amp;oftbeltjsanoofourest. race be toitb you anb peace fr5o&amp; oure fetber/anb from tbe jL-oz&amp;egefuss b?ift. * '3| tbanfie my ob all toayesi on youte be Ealfe/fo? tbe grace ofoo tobicb i geue"you J3ptftb?tft/ g tn all tbingess ye ate mabe tmt by bim/in all lemi'nge a nb in all finoto iebge/euen as tlje teftt'mony of ijefus \MiQ teas cofermeb in yott/f tbat ye are bebynoe mnogyft/9 toayte fo? tbe appetpng of oute ?* _, B/O;be?efu0 ctl^ttt tob'tcb all fttengbtyou 3B bnto tbe enbe/tbatye maye be blamelefflem 1 ' tftebayeofoute)lo?Deg!erus&lt;ihn'ft.i&lt;jfo? ob is faytbfull by toft om ye ate calleo bnto f fenyippeofb!SConne^efusCb?iftoute JLo?be.| befecbe you b?etb?en in tbe name of cure Tlom 3efus CB?tft/ tbat ye all fpeabe onetbynge a g tberebenobiffencionamSge youtbut be ye finyt to getber in one mynbe 9 m one meanynge:git ts etoeb bnto me( my tyetft?en)ofyoli7bytbemtijatareofboufe

of cioe/tbattberts fttpfe smonSeyou.ainlj tbts ts it tbat 1 meane : bote tbat comeniye am0ge you/one fayetbg [joioe of jDaubano* tber|bolbeofaipoHoitbetby?Qe tbofoeof . CcpbaSJtbe fourtb gjbolbe of cftrift . 3!s f)M Deuibebf teas Paul crucifieD fo; yoiif etbertoere ye baptifebintbename of paulf 3 tftanbe ob tbatgi cl);iOeneD none of you/ -* But Ctffptis ano ayus/lell eny t&amp;iuoe rape * $ ibab baptifeo in mpne atone name.3 bap tifebalfotbeDoufeof ^&gt;tepl)ana. fo?tljet* mo/eftnotoe gjnot together 3 baptireo eny man 0? no. if o? tffwttt fent me not to baptpfe / but to p;eacbe tbe ofpell /not toy topfoome of ^ mc u mao e too?bes/ lefttbecroireof \tM uiDeftaue {SBtJ bene mabe of none e p^eatbing poto ofi^oo of e croffe is to em atpetiOlje folnes tJutbntobStohicfjatefauctiit ise potoet of o&amp;.ff o? it is to?ytten:9P toyli Defttoye e toyome of e toyfe / m itopll caft atoaye ebnbetttanbpngeofepaioct.a'![jetefs e toyfef lbere is e fciibef naijete ts the ftarcbet of is too?ioe^at[) not 00 mabe e topfbome of is too?ioe foltfones? iffo?tol)Enetoo?ioeo;otoetopome . 8netoenotoD/fnetopfDome of 00: it plearebobo2otofoiiiiesofp?caynge to faue em at beleue. jfo? e 3 etocs re* ^ quy;eafygne/atbereftesfeneaftertopf* bome,j5ut toe p?eacbc crj/tft ctucififii/bnto elctoes an occafyon/of fallynge / 9 bnto e tefies folpfones : but bnto em mid) arecalleb bo of tbe Jetoes anb' j *teftes/ toep;eaeb;tft tljepotoer of obanDe a * *fc ** toytbomeof ob.!ffo?e folynes ofob^ fl c ? n ^ e . ftrongertben men . ttjetbjen lobe on youte S^'Rn cailyngeboto at not many tepfe men after acu.f. n. f fle(e/ttot many mygbtp/notmany offtye ^!" e ( l! w begtearecaneb:53utobba cftofentfiefo MaSjj

imt ynges of e toorfe/to confouSJe S5S5ST topfe.ainb od bath cbofyn toeaBe inges of e too?lbe/to confounbe ynges tohych are mygbtp. Jnb byle thpnges of e too?ibe/ ^yngestohtcbarei^erpiffh/ha ob djo* fen/yeeanb ftiges of no reputacyon/f o? to c*|e ttmum e?Fngetonoughtpngesofreputacyon/fi &lt;" muibc no EeObe jiibe teioy ce in hrs p;efencc. 3Cnb Xx ' w &gt; * bn^himpartayne ye/in chaft Jcfu/tohtcb SS p g 08 Of obismabebntobs toyfoome/anb atfoSoWa tygbttoemes/a fanctifytngc anb rebepcion '(! Dpm ^ fo * Cbat acco^pnge as it ts to?ptten: he tohrcb t W* * ^reiopfe^ftulbereioyceintbe^be; fe{S5f 8 S' ? CJtianof eloqiicntcano glojfong papntcft vuMBrt SSfi'if O n ottj fo; tfieymaftfittenctonoe him anaDtectofff '^-* " ot; ' m ';.

W. 3nb




$0$ bittyitto$M% came to pou/ . enupinge/ittpfe $ biGencpom me pe not cat* camenotmglo;toufnesofbwb$ -naU/StoalcBeaEtectbemfinnetofmem'as ozoftopfbom/wetopngebntopou .togeasoneraptb/lsbolbeof^aul/aanotbet

tetttmonp ofoDjij!etbet Qjetoen 3! mp lelfe mt% fineae enp tbpnge amonge ^ctftte atcjotuaiieacfujJ CM/m flje famc^ toa3 $&amp;' ^Stfucifieo.aintg! ** amoge pou in toeafttfy tml wB anl) in / inmocbettembipnge. 3irto ttuiF /4 P f o, mp toojbes 8 mp p;eacb pnge tea? not to ptb feffe niem. enfpfpngetoo,joe0oEm*!MieStopfl)ome:but

tin Ibetopnge oft^e fp;ete ano of potoee tbat pouce faptb (bulb not Gatiae m tbe top&amp; ^oEmembutiiUijepotoetof^oD, '* cbat toe fpeafte of/ is topfoomcamonge tbe" tljat ate petfectemot tbe topfbom of tt)pS iBo?ioe/ne!jct: of tbetulats of t!)p$ toojloe -.-.-'-'. (tobicb goto nougbt ) but toe fpeafte topf* Home of oD/to!) t ci) is in feccete a ipetb bpo/ tobicb oo ofliepneo before tije too/be/ bnto outeglojp:toi)icbtopfoom none of gutters oftbiStoojtbeftnetoe.tfo^babthepfinotoen it/tbep toolbc not baue ctucifieo tbc jtotf of g[o?i?.3Sut as it ifl tojpf temebe epe batb not fene/$tbe earebatb notbearde/netbetbaue entteo into tfte bett af ml/tbe tbmges tobf cb ^obbatbptfpaceb fojtbemtbatloue bpnt. * 23utoDbatbopeneatbe bntotoSbpbps fpjece.-ffonbefpjetefeatcbetb all tbpnges/ petbe bocome of oSbesfectetes. &lt;ffo? toftat man ftnotoetb tbe ttjingegs of a msmfaue tbe cfic (i)fr(te rp?ctc of a man tobicb is toitb inhi'm. if ue fo Xo^hH MWSof obftnotoecb nomaVbuttbe &amp;()cnHMii f P''eofoD.2t : nDtocbauenoti;eceaueotbe man p (0 not w f p;etc of tije too;loe;but tbc fpjete tobicb c5* awca m tftytametbof ob/fojtofinotoetbe tbpngestbat 82" s 0F toe fpeafte / not mtbe connpnge too;oes of 3g&gt; mannes topfoome / but toicb tbe connpnge ^ too?oes of t\)t boip gboft/maftpiig fpincuall companions of fpjetuall tbpnges . &lt;ff oi tl&gt;e natutall man perceauetb not tbe tbthge* of tbefptfteof^oD.fojtbeparebutforpfbness buto bim. j&amp;etbec can be paceaue tbcm / be cattle be it, ipjetuallp ewmmeb-iBut be tbat is Cp?etuan/D!fculTeil) an tbtngcS:pei be Dim film felfe it iubgeb of no ml*, tf 02 tobo ftno* ^etljtbempnoeof tbeto;b/ott)ei:tobo all j'nfojmebtmf #ut toebimeraanbe mpnbc

Ofl)?ttt. cp&amp;ui ccttuhctT) tije fectc a and mtbom tyttot iCIiiift (b tfje founOacton of iite djuccfo. jQo mS ouflb t to te(opte&lt;n instidiut &lt;u flBoa* be.l.bapter, ii5b 3! cottioe not fpeafte bnto pou I b?etft?en ass bnto f p^etuail: but as untocainaU/euenastt toetebnto tmmM babes in Cb^tft. j gatte poumplfte to Wfnfie anotmeate .&lt;jfo?pe tfteu toece not fftonge/no netbet j&gt;et are.iffo; pe ate pet cat* 'fudtfft longebemp as tftet fe amonge pou

am of ayollo / ate pe not camail i u&amp;bac m SPaulfasbattbPngefsJpoilof nip rap* ,. Sart . .n.iftevs atetbepbp toijompebeleueD / et5as f ft 11 'ie 7 ;| TL o?o gaue euecp mS vm&amp;lmt PlSteb/ {SmSSSS aipollotoatteD:bitt&lt;ffiio5gauetlje encteace. " ii]noa $&gt;otben/neti&gt;ettsMe g piatttetbcnp tbmg/ KA'hK netljetbe toatcetb/but &lt;i5oo ggaue-fljcenif" 8 '^ ft&gt; aeace. ^etftatplantetb she g toatwtft/awSWM netbet bettet tben tije ottjet . 0&amp;mm&amp;B3ggem (ball teceaue Ins tetoat&amp;e accoj&amp;pnge to bi'S Wi ^opcSfi,'' laboute.ieace ocoes laboutets /pe ate Sftg IJHBB oDDes totibmmm ate oaoes bpibing. J i&amp;5 acco;bpngetotbegtaceofobgenenbnto^.S"p|'', me/as a topfe bpioetbatteqi lapse tfte foun&lt; ivfj a r f K bacpon.anoanotbes: bplt tbeton . JBut lrttffliR^g" ettctp m5 tafte bene ftoto fje bpioctl) bp5 . iff oj f w low i* otber fbunbacfon can no mS lape / tben tyat SSSS8B5 tobtcbts!apoc/to!)tc0fs9iefus (tb?tft.31fenpt&gt; c M '"?&gt; m&amp;bptoe o.t tl))3 fouiiaacion/gome/ f piuet/ fffJSS&amp; Precious ftoncs-.tpmbet/bape m ftoble: cue* Jgj'Jw'EIg tpmanmstoo?cfie03al! appcw.* iff o? the ."ff^Jg Dapc CDallbecratc it/ anbit Omlbe roetoebin'J' c fp;e. $iift8efp;traaH trpeeuevp manned AoKu too^cftetobatttis^fenpmannestoo^fte S'ffi n &amp; bebatbbpltbpon/bp^e/OefljaUteceaueatCftiicm.ficivBiit/

toaje.? enp wSnes too?ctte fyupte/Be all ffi^'!K,5,f fuffte loffe/tiutlje Ibalbe -faife ftpm felfe : ne* b * ' f uebeieffepetast'ttoeEetl)o;oto fp?e. . J^'irViS 4- 30te pe not toate tftat pe ate tbe temple etfsm '"Tip. ob/abotot&amp;attbetpjete of oo DtoelteUj^w'^ Inpouf^fenpmanbefpletftetepleofcpob/tcaiicfojanimf, btmtballCEJobDeatope.-ffo^tbe tepleofo6^ S'3 tSljolp/tobtcb temple peate. %etno man oesSJ^Jl^'S ceattebt'mreife^f enpmtifemc topfe'amoge Bo!mf&lt;oVf (f pott/letblm be a fole in tftts too?loe / tftat be aHSKB mape be covic . ffo? tbe topfoo of rtjps too?!{ie i.A.i / *U &lt;S folplbncs^ttfS to;ptten ilKSSSSESB compare tb tbe topfe in eb eit craft pi ses . 3inb oofi) icmio * asapne/dsobftnotoetb &amp;&gt;e tftougbte* oMRSSSrSSfiS topre tftat ti&gt;ep be bapne . c&amp;cvf o;e let no rag jp ocrc m te iopce in men. &lt;ff o j all tbpnges ate poutes/&amp; c ft e t l t? tobet&amp;et ft be Paul/ et^ci; atpolio/et^ev ce= ijc?miiioi(itcof Pbas:tobctbet it be tootfo/et&amp;tt ipfe/ewet^lfo^c beetb /tobethet p?efent tbpnges o?f c ?"!'i ";^ tbm&amp;to come:allatepouteS;apearel)uVnuwnB &amp; * aes/ab?ifttsoW)es. * SS&amp;iBj CClje p^dt^ccs ace Uutmpn&lt;ffen0.3fuDficmen( bc#fii?iaiioutcb i{ lon fl 8tBoni?mito^o6. K M,, * M Cbe.tfi?.baptet. * """"^ J ]tmf tbiS topre eOeme m/ eue as 3D i f miniflets of b?tft^ bifpofets of mamiutiit tbe fectetes of Ob . Amm"*"" tbepbe foitnoefaptbfttll.* a&amp;itbmeififtbut&amp;KT^; a betp fmali tbpnge / tt)at J roula be mbgeb""" 6 ** . i of pou/etbet of(mans oape ).j|oi hum n&amp;smmt niprte atone felfe.a finotoe nougbf fip mpC" m felfe;

relR:pef ami! not ty.mmwm . 5F,c is tbe a,o;oett&gt;atmogctbrafvibetfo;e nunc na tbpnge aeto^e tue tpme botpli torn come/ tontib topil ipgbten tt)phgt tbat arebpa m tMtmM mo open tbe .counting of g bettt s. amrtben mall eneepman baue p;apfe of ,5 ^Efetap!igcsb;etl);enf baueiierctibea. ^in m ptrf6n ahb Jnollos/fOi pout

Gftfttf /tbat pempgbt leavite opos. g no man counteofbpmieift brpanw tt) tobpeb it aboue.tiptt?:?b!te.ftoeilnotagapnttano* t^ec fo; vaemammfmot tobo p/eferretb Ibe f l$bat baft tbou / tbat tbott baa hot te* ceaurtfjf tbou batieteceauea tt/tobptiiop fetttbou^as tbougb tbou baooeft not reca ueottf isotope ate, full -.notope ate mace tpcb:petftpsnca0ftpngcstoitboutbS;ano3! JoIbetooD pebpotapgne/ tbattoempgbt tapgnetottbpou. See tbpnuetb tbat ob batb fet fo;tb bS tobteb ate apodies, fc? tbelotoett of ail /as tttoetemenapopntcbtoceetb.iff6?fecatea im- Am, 58 af f "Be ttocfte bnto tbe wtffltjm to 3n ES T's/anbtomen. teeate foics fo? &lt;b?,iOes , * WIW# fahe,anb peave topre;tbo;oto c 1/ Ktm&amp; tteafte/apeate(lrongc.yeatebono?abie/(i toeatebffpjfeb.oEucnbntotbtsoapetoebon get ano tbivft/anoatenafteti/ ano ate boftet* *eo tottb fpff es/ anobaueno ce ttapne btoel* linge place / anb laboute too^cftpnge topib outc atone banoes.ttaeatetcupleo /attb pec toe bleffe . tt?eavepetfecuteD/ anttfufirt it. Ie ate euill fpofte of/anb toe p;apr.n&amp;eate maoe as it toete tbe fpitbphcs of tbe too?IDe/ tbeoffcoto^pngeofall tbpnges/ eucrtbnto tbiS tpme. *g; 31to?ptenottberctbpngfl'tomamf pen: ^butasmpbelouebfonmp3%atnepou.fty ttougbpe baue ten tboufanlihnBructouts fnb?itt:pet baue pe not manplatb ts. 3 it &lt;rb?ift3!efu, I baue begotten pou t&amp;czoto f

iEi/ ;,E[)ci',iii.




ofpeu. li3betfo;egibefwepou to&amp;lctoe rae , &lt;ffo; tW cattf e baue f fertt bnto pot! ct* motbetiS/toW cb is mpoeare tonne anbfaptb full in tbe %t/u/ tobub mall put pou rate. werabunce of mptoaprs tobpcb^baiiefti &lt;r b?ft/eu5 as % teacbe euetp tobete m all ft CtegacionS.S&gt;omeftoellas tbougb 3 toolb comeno mo?e acpei:. utgPtopil come to pou rapjteip/pf obtopiita topn unotoe/not f tooaes of tbe tob^b ftoell / but tbe potoer-. fo;tbepngbdmeof ob fsnot In tooibes/ 6titfttpotoet.ibattopll pe? mm* come bnto pou toftb a ttm/ oi m in loue a in % f#etofme&amp;enes? ' / ; , CBlftee tobat manec &amp; am etttCrtb dirmS &gt;tbat Asft tmptft&amp;fo;nfcacfoiiWftbbtemoci)&lt;iuafe{. y Cbe.b.Cbaptep,

' to* Il5etcgoctba c5mrn fapfnge trjatUB itljer is fttfnicacion (-.mungi poti/9 ^ojitffartarti i'oilje fo;rpcacpcn as is notowjJ ._ SnameDamongecbegcutpiS; one WulobauebiSfattHtitopfe^n&amp;.pj^eii/f Baue nottatbetfo/otoeo/ tbatbe tobttb batb bone tbis mtmiffl be put fro amoge pou. fct% beveipasabfent in boop / euen io p/e* rent in fp^etebaue betftmpueb ailveop (as *** tbougbl totte pjefent, of bim tljat batb none ^, tbpsocoe/ in tbename of oure U-ojocfertt

Cb;ift/tobenpearegatbetebto geigct/ana '' mprp/ete/toub p3toetoftbejLo;&amp;e jeftus b;tft/t o belpuetbim bnto* featan/ f d; tbe tomMffl BfQtuconoftbcfie(nje/tbat fp;ctemape C8c,on,Bt oi'^ befatirbintbebapeoftiK %nmvtfa&amp; * M t e %**&lt; rpuvevcpfpngcsnotgoob'.imotoEpcc SSS&amp;m ticttbntaivtifirtjFfcto,!ctb tuboie lomprw^tS ofocb;e.i}.pcuvgrtbctrc?etIjcoIDeleucn/d m iii , oociMn pemapelirnetoDotoe/aspeateftoefeb/feo/'^'"*- . fo; Cbjift oute eOf vlambr ts ofieno bp fo? bS. betfo^e let bs brpr bolp bape/ not toitli oioe Wuli nctbettottb tbe leue of maitcionf* nes ano totcitctmessibut toitb tbe f toete b;ees cfpiitenesanottutbe. if .JJ! to;oteonto pouina pittie g pe Djuianot 50 copanp tot'tb fo^nicatouts. ino 'i meant net at all of fo^ntcatours of ibis toc?i&amp;e/ett)ee of tbe coucteous/o? of ewo/ft'eners/ etljet of f pbolatets:fo? tben mutt pe m&amp;$ banc gone oiitof ptoo;!D.tttnottiiton bnto pou/ n^*** ttatpecopanpnottogetbet/pf enp g ienl&gt;- v &amp;g$$ le;ab;otbet/beafomicato?/o; coueteotiS/ wfM^ o;atoo;fbipperofpmages/ etbetarpplatv^" MM** etbet a mwmtot an etto;cionat: tt d iwSJMf t is focbe fe N tbat pe eate not.ff o; tobat bane Umi s " mm ' 9 tooo/to iuegetb? tobicb ate toptbout^^o penotiu5getbcmtbat are toitb itfQbtm * ate toptbout / cb mall ittoge. putt atoapc from amonge pou tbat eupll pet Ton. Cfic trlti6'|i t&amp;rto; goftigr to ttfteiteactbttUfe* Kttje&amp;tt)tuiiftirii&gt;ttti1)*ntitimtlXt, fiDto taie one of pou battpnge mt* *** * im tones toitb anotbet go tolatoe btt* bettbctopcfteb/e not tatge tontrt -, - me fapnctesfl^ope not hno to tbat tbefapnetes all iubgetbe too?ioe? ftf tbe ' toojJbe fljalbe tubgeabp pou:ate pe notgooo pnougb to iubgefmallttiflf s : fmotor pe noc

bote toe all fooge&amp; angeis^otomocbe: mo;e mape toe iuogc tbpnges tbat perfapne to tbe Ipfef jf pe baue itiogemrntcs of toorfa 6e/pmattets/taBetbem tobicb ate berppfea tntbecongtegaepon/ a mafic tbcm' ffibts ? fa pe to poute Ibame. ^ s tbet bttetlP notopremflnamongepouflfibatnotoneac ail/tbatcantu5ge bettoene b;otbctanbb20 tbet/btttoneb?otbergoftb tolatoe toitb ana WWb tbatbn&amp;e t tbe tonbtJeurts^ /5oto

- - -




$oto fbttfoje tfymte brtetlpa rautea . ..,. mongepou/becaurepegotolatoeonetopth " another. Iljy raHjetfufferpe not tD?ousef tobp rathet fuffte penot pourerelueg code W&amp;beD:'nape/pepou;efeme0Doto;onge/&amp; tobbeft ttjac cue u; eth;e. po pe not remem* bet&amp;ototbatt&amp;emupgbteow (ball not m&amp;e t et the ft pngoome of &amp;&lt;&amp;i J5 e not beceaueb. tfojnether tojiHcatours / nether to?0Hpp a 9ere f rucf&gt;eper0ofpmage0/netbettobo;monger0/ ne*

5&amp;S"&amp; tbettoeaBbiMK/netbeeabuu* r0of me feluetf nwww tott9 g m5bpmie/nett)ertheue0/ nether ,eo* uetoirfe/mthero;oncBaroe0/ nether curfeb ipeaftew/ nether pgiuns/ (ball *inbcrettbe Cfipngoom of @ob. Anbfocbetoarepcberelp: i.ancHfiensc9t) U t i .eatetocQ^eo:?e arcfanctifieo: peare W MEfoftttSa Op Rename of tbe;iU&gt;;ae 3;efu0/J amtftgngeg are iatofuil bnto me: but all tbpngtf at? not p;o stable , a move oo ail tbpnges:0 u 1 3', mm be o?dttijy t o noe i nomfe powt.QBeMfi arc o;oepmb Co; tbebeilpA* $e beiipfo;meatc0: but ob (ball oeftcope tooth It 9 them . JLrt not tlje bobp be appipeo bntofompcacton/butbiitothe jlo;De/ atbc &amp;o;be unto tje boop,i0obbatbrapre&amp; bp the &amp;ojot/ roalltapfeb0bpbpbf0potoer. ,_ *itber remember pe not/tbatpoute bobpe0 -. I**!? a * **mtmbtrt of crbJiUfroail J noto tatte SSLSSU membcr * 0M Wft / f mafie the the mem* rtffE i*/ of anftwIotfcPoD fo;bpb,o ye not to* ttvftanot that Be tobptb coupietb bpm fell e . toitbanbarlot/t'0becomeonebobp:'&lt;jfo;ttoo *; (faptbbe)roalbeoneflcCn)e. tfutbe tbatitf "* : gopneb bnto the Ho;be;i0 one fp;ete. i \t f o;mcacpon,3il l ipmess g a mS botbe/ ate tottbout the bobp. 3But be that 10 a fo;ni* cato;/rpnnftbagapnftbi0atonebobp.(iljthee finotoe pe notboto that peure bobpc ate the tftlecfroebOfpgboft&gt;itf(bt0inpoii/tob5 %e haue of cb/ft bote that pe ate not poure atoneVflo; peare beavlp bought . cbcrfo;? ajojtf pe pe cb in yoiivc boopeg anb in f owe fp;etc0/fo;thcpaveobt:e0. J tJS)l masiagc/bfrgimitca top&amp;botohf aoc. C^be.tttj Chapter. * $ cScetnpng tije tftpnges* toberof u to? te bnto me : it is good f 0; a man/not to toucbeatooman $}e*

uertbelefietoabopbe fo;ntcaefoti/ let eiietpman baue (K0 topfetf let cuerp too* man tbemSgeue bn totbetopfebuebeueuolcnre.lilpHetopfeairo $topfetorJto$mlHetopfehafbnotpotoet oiierberatonebobp:buttbebufbanbe.ain&amp; !pfietopfebun)abebatbnotpotocrouetbf0 atone bobp : but me topfe . iptb o;atoe hot pour" feiues one from another/ crccptt'tbe cprent fo? a me/fo? to geucpottte felueg to taCtf nge 9 P?arec.aititi aftenoatbc come

V- .*,

agapne to;tfte Came rbpnge/Kell Satai tfpt youfo;?oureinfomincncte. ft cyijs J Cape of fauoine / ana not of com* maunDcment.if 023 to id e t b a t all men toerc a co tuttn a^ampftlfeam: buteucrp man batbftpgaftw&amp;amuu p;opetgpf of&lt;E5oVoneafter tbifl manner/ 22 !SS" "" another after that.^ fape bnto the bnmarreo S' menanDtopobotoeg-.ttwgooofo.uhepcthfp twifte, abpoeeuena0 f |Do.58utanbpfthepcannot _ ofc , abttapne/iett them matp . if 0; it 10 better to mvm,j, marpthmto 8 *burne. asSSSSia mothemavpDc5mattnoenot^/butt"it.te/fi57 6 ;f 3U0i:rhat the topfe feparate not her relfe ffi gSSasas? the man.5!f (be feparate her felfe/ let hcue* S55w5r mapne bnmaryeDo;be'tcconcpleb bnto fterj^*"}| butbanoc agapne.'3fmD lett not the huf banoe &gt;u m/7m. put atoapehi'0 topfe from him. SS&amp;W othei'emnauntfpeafieg!anot&amp;TLo?b.c g"" q'fenpb?otheihaue a topfe g belcuerh not;^.i )18 ,K!, , Vf fljebe content to btoell totehhtm/lethpm SS^SSJ*" not put hcratoapc.^ffii gtoomS tohtch h ath ttcSSi WSJ! to her hufbanbe an tnft'oeii / pf be content to c ^"'iTY', otoeil toiffl her / Ktther notputhpm mZ ! mtSS if 0; fljebnbcJf upnge hutbanoe 10 Cancttfteo 95ffii! bpthetopfeftthe.bnbeleuj'nge topfe t'0fan-i"Q?c tt mc cttf pen bp htt&gt;anb.fiD; cjss mere pour chpi^"{ gyg b?en bncieneibut^noto are thep pure. 2But&amp;vw/Mije aiib pf the bnbeleupnge beparte/ lett bpm ne= S? e OTSf'Sf patte-cC brother 0? a fpttetig not in fubt'ecrto n". ,rt ao * to focbe . tiSoo bh calico b0 in p?are . 4Fo? m " * """"""

bote finctocft thou tooman / tohether thou f.f.f/""' ' n alt Ante t mS-o; no f (her boto ftnotoett So u , S thou oman tohether thou ffialtfauejtoo*;;^ ^ 1 '"^ man 02 nor'but euen a^eob hath Dtftribnteb itw imu,'it toeuerpman, ' Sffi'tt 36gthe jLo?beba(b calleb euerp perfon/Co u UUC e *&amp; , let htm toarclseianb fo o?bcn $ in ail coitjp** MMffl Bacton0.^ f enp ntan be cailebbepnge c(rc(l= _ imm r cifrb/f et bftn abbe nothpnge enp be Sg^SSmu callebbnc(rcuiHcfeb:{ethpmnotbecirciim^picfipic3 m cifeb.Ctrcumcmontgnotbpnge/bncttcum^^'^S^f ctuon 10 nothpnge:butthe fieppng of the c5*ao&amp; e / iiim. , mautmemente of ob (0 all togetbtt. IMA it %tt euerp manabpbe in the fame date a S2KSJ5| toberin he toa0 calleb. arte thou caiieba ta&gt; tXt3 uaunticare not f o? (t . i9euertbeleffe pf thou t mapftbefre/bfei'tramet.f o?he t'0 canebuTuuSSSl . )lp?bebepnge a fetuaunt 10 the i-oW jS c n |f SilS (tHkn . jlpbetopfebetbatfe cauebbepngeS^r.^" fmi&amp;m fetttaat^e arebearrpbougbt/ c * **benotm5ne0 retuafitesf, ?ctu?e let eitf rpa.nvip tammi man toftttmbe^ calieb/ tfieifttflbpbe toptfj ^ ^SH obf f.360 concerninfoge biramfS/li Usv r Mttmm ho csmauiibement of the jUflrjrt geuf * J^f, c !iwl cofifeH/a0 one i hath obtapneb m'nxfr of * tMrnm^ if ^betobefapthfuli.?fuppofef MrimGtg m f 02 the pjef ent*nece(ftte. fo? ft (0 gocb f 0? a . manfotbbe.aittethotibounbebntoatoptet'^eE/fiVfftflii.. rrtertrtto : beiotoCeb.aiitetboulotofebft'mn''^^ / , l ^ l ^' , 1 ato^fefienotatopfe.j8ut?pf tboufabe^oo, mm fftoffc

iiifteRi a bjpfe thou Connect not. jtphetopfe pf a bf

fK'^S'" marp/Ojefpimethnot. ^euerthJeffe # ** ,| foche (bail haue trouble in their fleflbfJbtitg gfAtawejoii. w Cbi0 fape3 b?ethen/tbe tpme 10 totteftt W3T wntapneththattheptohichhaue topue0/be Jfi&amp;fi&amp;Mt tb wwm tbepbao none/anatbrt&gt;tbat toeoe

JMifWaS be a0 though thep toept nof.ano tuep that re* I^ f J!,c th 'opce/be astijoiislj ttjep vetbyTeD not ; tt).rg pwumi, that bpe/bea0 though tbeppoffeffeo not: ano XX , c tlje P t ft attofEtftt9too ? I oe/bca0 though thep BBwrte t bfeb itnot.ifo; the faffiS of thi0 toojlbgoetb S2g? if atoape.3! tooicehauepou totthout care.che nmc toMih-a fpngie ma careth f 0; the tbpngeg of f ilo;be utStm 'tiotohemapepleafe^ ]iLo;jie.JButhe| hath , P ut t, s m mariea/caretb fo? the thpnges of the toojlor/ SSMam !wto e mape pieafe hi0 topfe. ch^re 10 oiftV* '^" fence bettoene a bfrgm^i a topfe.chefingle , 00 ' toomS careth fo; the thpnge0 tftytofttj g (be mape be pure both in bobp^alfo m f p;ete 3But fl)ethati0marieb/careth fo; the thing? oftbetoo;loe/boto(bemape pieafe herhui* lanbchi0 fpeafte y fo; poure'p;ofit / not to tangle pou in a fnareibut fo; tohich i0 ^ neft 9 comlp bnto pou / 9 g pe mape qupetlp eleauebnto thejLo;Detoithout fepaiacpon. ff enprnantbinftctbattt (0 bncomlp fo? tJl)i0 btrgln/ pf (be pallethetpme of mariage/ anbpf foneberequpje/lett hpmoo tohathe lpaeth/hefpnnetl)not:lettthe be coupleb in mariage #euertbeleu"e he tl;at purpofeu) fu telp in hi0 herte/haupng none nebe:but hath potoerouethi0atonetopH:sbatbrobectee&amp; in hi0 berte/thathetopllhepe bps birgin/ both toeil. &gt;o thenhe f fopneth hS0 birgin tnmariage/both toell jauthe t iopnethuot bi0btrginrnmawage/borbbetter.chetopfe fe mm to the latoe a0 longe a0 herhuCbSb lpueth.9!f herhufbanb tepe/(bet0 at ipberte to marptotth toho roe topil/onlpm ]to;be, . 3Uut (be't'0 bapppat pf (be fo abpbe/m mp fabgement.&amp;ns 'j t&amp;mBe berelp that g haue thefp;efeof(E5ob.

but one &lt;Pob/ tohich i&amp; the father/of tobS art &amp; all tbp&gt;}gf0 / anb toe in him : anb one TLofit %t(ux Ch;ut bp toljom are all thpngcg / ana toe bp hn . jPut r mrp man hath not bnoto* Ieoge.iJ[o;Comefup?ofeU)atthen0anpboll b-tpHti)t0houve/anbeate as a tljpnge oSe* reo bnto the pao!e / anb fo their conferences bepnge pet toeafic/areocCpleo . fit^eate ma* ltetbb.3notacccpfab!cto^ob,etherpftoe i ir: eate/ate toe betjer.i5cthcrpf toe tart not/ aretoetbetoo;(re. 3Buttaficheoethafpourelibertpecaure mi . _. not the toeaue to fame . ffo; pf Come man tt 5RJS the tohich haft ftiiotolebge/fpi at meate in SmimB pbol0 tempie/roall not tot conference of him n? pnoutcB tobpeb t'0toeafie/ beboloeneato eatc t(o&amp;wl

tbpngrt tohich ate oSercb to the pooled 3foto&amp; fo tho;oto thp finotelebge (ball toeabe b;o* thee pcrifroe fo; toSjom \)M bpc&amp;.lObenpefpnnefo agapnft the tntttaz/t toouub? their toeafie coiu'cience0/pe f pnne agapnft Cbjift herf o;c pf meate hurt mp b;other/^ topH eateno fieflbetobiH thetoo;ibe ftoi!beth/be^ ! ' i " : v| c *M&lt; caufe 3 topll not hurte mp b;ctber. " " p "9* Ctouc fo? tettetb flie (bpngfc fbat ftr map? 6a bp f Inuic.^-r r r 1)0! tctl) 1 1)5 to vuuiir on t o; i Ij ill il)C colli ;ffe t fiat itjcp hauc begonue. ^e#.Chapter, flPSnotan tpoftle^amlnotftef . haue 3 1 not feue'^cfua rij;ift oiive * I um&amp;B pe not mp mm in the g?SM .J to;oe^f?,Uf nptanaspottic teBSSSS to other/pet am 'I bnto pou. o;tb&lt;,'feale oitwbmnbm mpne apcftleibtppe are pe in p )Lo;b.flKpne *W*e bmt(j anCtoertothemthataffieme/t0th(0.aue r " o? ? c t0 WS

baitetoenotpotoertoleabeaboutafiftertoKbyCcS topfe/a0toeUa0otbet3poftle0/anba0the ue c&amp;n 0'&gt;r&lt;te b;eth;en of the jLo;be a cepha0^(EtI?er oiflge&lt;9awfe g , anb28amaba0bauenotpotoerthi0tobof iho goeth a toatfare enp tpme at &amp;i'0 atone coftitohoplantcthabpneparbe/^catethnot of ftutrt Wtome aflocite $ eatcth not ofthempicficf &gt;ape 3 there thpnge0 after tbt mam r oe menf ; Capth not latoctheraire aifor'fo; (t0to;ptte in latoeofflofe0:hcu a alt 's, iii ;.- jraz stbbt not moffell the mouth of jJ ore that treabrtt) pboi0/toeateCurtthattoeallha1te. outen)eco;ne. othootafte thought: fo; bnotolebge . notolcbge mafieth a oyen f cEthet fapth he it not all together fo? " '" """ * ourefafie0fjfo;ouvcrafie0nobbutethp0i'0i to?ptten-.tbat he tohich earetii /flroue eare in bope:9tbatbe tohii h th;offeth in hope/t-roato bepartaber of hi0hope.gif toerotoebnfopou \a ano that tbet '0 none other &lt;fob but one.3Cnb taftet0 of tbfe potoer ouer pou/ toherfo;e are &amp;**&amp; a w

" nottoctatbert ipn8cFo?fitt iSeuertbeieffe toe haue notbfeb thP0 po* ou "' toet: but fuffteau tbpnge? leattoe rouibe bpnuet

I&amp;c rctuhf tft tfif * bfcfBEfc (fetfe to tfiefcWnnftcc oeotftt c/atio ftcwett) ijoto men ought toUcftaue tbem totuacDefocbasbctoeabe. CChe.btii.Chaptet. ZmS^^^^^ttttonetme^'Wtnv u mStbpnse g he imotoeth enp thpng/ he ftno* toethnotbngpeta0heoughttoBnoto.)eut . tt;enpmldue(ESobyKamei0finotoeofb(m, o fpeafte of meate bebpeat bnto pboW/ ;ate tore tberfcnonepboll m too;We . 4&gt; that rtet (0 none other (0ob but one.antk tbougb thet be that are calleo 0obbe0/tobe* therm beaue other in erth(a0 ther beobb? manpanb!o;be0manp) pet bntob0(0 there



. ; f--

1 *

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J -

rjfnber tBe ofpell ofb?tft . ?&amp;o pe notbn

berftanoeboto t&amp;attbep tobicb minitter in $ temple/bauetbeitfpiibpngeof tlje temple? gift tbep tobicb toapte at tbe aulter/are par tafictStoitbtbeaultet.ffuenfoalfo opbtlje %QM o?bapne/tbat u)ep toljrcb p?eacbe tyt &lt;ofpeU/Q) wme Ipue of i^c &lt;SESofpei! . Jftita ..bauebfebnoneoftbere tbpnges. * &amp;etfiet Y?occ 3 tbefe tbpiig? tljat it roulb be fobone bnto me.ffo? it toere better to me to&amp;pe/tbentbatcnpman ajulbtahe tbWre* iopfpnge from mcjntbat pjeacbc tbe got* pell/l baue notbpnge to teiopce of .iff 0/ ne= ceffiteisputbntome.l^oijsitbiitomepfg! p;eacbenot tbe dfJofprir.f tf 00 it ^b a gcob topira &amp;aue a retoaro.tfut fff 00 it aga pnft mp toill/an office isebmitteb bnto me ifcbat $c s towchctfi is tnp tetoar&amp;c tljenf erelp tt&gt;at toljen 3! of , , oue *^E P?eacbe tbe ofpell/3! mabe tbe ofpcll of SSffi^Wttfw/tbatgimirufenotmfwauaojftj ******* intocdpofpen. jf 0? tljougb gi be fre fro an men/ petbaue B maw mp felfe fetuauntbnto all men/tbat ^mpgbttopnnetbemootii*ntotbe3!etofS/3! be came as a IJetoe, to toynne t&amp;e g tbem tbat tone bnber ttje latoe/ teas 5 mabe as tbougft 3 babbenebnber latoe/to topjt* tie tbem tbat toere bnber tbe latoe . Co tbe $ . toere toitb out latoe / becam gp astbougb | .;....-. .'- gab bene toitb outelatoe(toben 5. toag not \b flutlatoeasi pf rtesnvnge to &lt;sob / bwtbnoer alatoeasconcernpngeCbJittltotopnnetbe tbattoere toitb outelatoe.:otbeteeabelic cameras toeafte,totopnne toeafip^nall t^pnge I fafiponeb mp felfe to ail men /to faueattbeleft towetomeJnbtbiS^ &amp;o fo? tbe orpeis fafte/ tbatlmpgbte baue nil .. pa'tetberof. * i&amp;p&gt;erceauepenotbototijeptobtcbtumte . fa a couttV/mnnc all/ set but one receauet b tberetoarbe. 50 turaie f tt mape obtapne.

:Euetpmanpp?oiietbmaaetieS/aOttapnetb ;ftO:U all tbi'ngcs.anotbepbo it to obtapne a eo?tupribleeroune:buttoetoobrapneanbtt -corruptible ctoune.31 tl)erfo?e fo runne / not &lt;' as at an bncertapne tbinge.S&gt;o fpgbt J /not as one tbat beatetb tilt aper. : but 9 tame m p &amp;obp/anb b?pnge it into fubiecciS/ left after t q baue p?eacbeb to otber/ 31 mp felfe (bulb beacaftatoape, i&lt; pljt^-ftstrtb thfitttoftfr *&amp;e enlamples of tl)c oloe **Kf ttmhcn wnti cjetjotfctb them to a ;ooij cornier* facvon. fjflrbejr.Cbapcee. Setftzen 3 toolbe not t&amp;atpe lift be ignorant of tbfc / boto f oiite fathers toere all bnoei a cloube/ a o^'uneneoe.. iser ! ailpajfebtbo?oto $ fee/ atoereall (toot* iio.c, fee:? bib ail eate of one rpirt man meate/an&amp;

Hi flstt^Hitfn theol&amp;.-fifrtia mciif-llaftalHt Dj-'itheneme.

m*m bnwae ofone maner orfp^ftnaii t^Hte, 1 b?incftc, Kinb tberbjanefie of tbat fpintuail &amp;WW* rochetbat folotoeotbemy tr)^ctj tocfic 1m$B3&gt;3&amp; b?itt. * utinmanpoftbtmeab^obllllirttffit noceipte . f 0? t&amp;eptoerc ouertb?otoen in tbe '*' tojioernes* * '

Cbefe aw enfample.8 to bs * toe flmloe not luft after eiuj ll rbpngeS/astbej? lutteb, $etber be tt too;0&gt;vppers of images as toere C ome of U)5 accojosngeas it is to;ptte: *be people fate boune to eate 9 &amp;?vnclie/ 9 couci,i"l rorebpagapnetopla?e.j5etberletbS cSmit fo?nicacto* a? Come of tljem commvttc b fo?; Sn%' nicatton/a rocrc bearop coin one bave.jejciij. '" tboufanbe.^etberlettbStempteCb?ift/aS f ome of tljem tempteb/anbtoere&amp;earopeboe ferpetes.JSetbe r mnrmute ve as fome of tbe i _ murmuteb a toere be&amp;royeb of beftropcr.* Sfll tbefe tijvugesbappeneb bnto tljem tot " * enfamples/ anb toere to/pttg to put bS in re* memb?aimce/tobomtbeenbrsof tbetoo;lbe are come bpon.tijerfo?e letftim tbat tbi&gt;n netb be fti5betb/tafte Ijeoe leaft be fail, cbee batbnoneotbertemptacpontaltenpou/btiC focbe as folotoetb tbe nature of man . 3Bu t . d3ob is f a g tb f uil / tcijiclj (ball not fatter tjou tobe rempteb ab cue pome fttengftt:but fball in tbe m pbbes of t temptation mabe atoave toefcapeout. ilberfo?empbeate beloueb fie from too? tyipppge of pools. 3 1 fpealte as bnto tbem tofticb baue bifwia cion/iiiogepetobat3fape.50nottfte tuppe^p. of biefbjng toljiclj toe bieffe/pa tabpnge of t**i bioube of cbtfttfifS not tlje b?eeb tobvib toe b,ieafir/parfetafipnge of tlje bo&amp;p of b?iftf becaufetbattoe(tboi:gfttoebemanp)petare one b?ceb 9 one boope in as mocbe as toe all are partabers of one b;eeb . 38 ebolbejftael toljtcl) toalftrtb cavnalip Jre nottbep toWd} eate of tbe rartifpee/partetafiers of gaulterf asbatfapegftbenf tbattbe pmage isenp,r tbingef o?tbatittobicb tt offereb to pmnges is enp tbpnge i i9ap but itepe / tbat tbefe tljinges tobicb tlje gen tls off er/t&amp;ep offer to beupis/anottoffiob. ^ anb 3! toolbe n ot tbat pe ftulbe battef i\\U

fbippe toitbtbe can not bjincbe of the mp of tbe JLo?be/?i Of tbe tup of f beupfS ft eannot be $ patttaftet s of tbe ]to?brs ra* _ , W-J . ble/anb of tbe table of beueius . tber %m m:mr,m toe pjouobe t^t %oittt rare toe ftrongee . ibenbe^lltbrng5awmtofullbnto me/but alltbpngesaw notetpebientJlltftpngtareiif latofull to me/but all tbpngU'btfpe not . *iLet tjo? |m m noman rebebpsi atone pjoffet -.but let eucrF S*2 r 23 manfefteanotberstoeltbe. SLS52 lbatfoeuer is foice in tfiemarcbef/tbat ? eate/aaffieno queftions fo? cSfcfencefafie 0oi tbe ettbe is tbe no?bes / a all tbat mtin i9.%f tnv of tbem tobicb belcuenot/ bpbpou toa

toaRee/^pfpebebJfpofebtogo/tobatfoe WW m bef o?e pou;eate/ que*. m ftton fo? cofetence fafte.isutanopf enp man w fape bnto pwi : tbps is bebpeatebnto pbols/ f eate not of tt f 0? bP? fafie | r&amp;etoeb it / 9 fb? 1 i . . .' ft utt Pns c cfcofaence,cbeei;tbis? Ho;bes ff f. m l !* anD a!l ** tUe "" tt.confcience % fape/not

LS pc v tbpncibuttljeconfcienceof tbat otber,* iffo? \Zw iVuiactobP Omlbe mpiibertebe fubgebof anotbet imanncsconretencc.tfojpfitaBempparte

w nuns tea ,- -&gt;.,.. . V v . w v ^ t * a i muvui[ !. .to tijetoitbtbanfies:tobpam|eupll fpobenof fo? feZ^Ho^^l^^^^^^^Iseuetbanbes. .. : RS *9betbe&gt;:tbecfo^peeateo?.b?pnc6e/oj bati/m m tobatfoeuer pe bo'bo all to p;apfe oWPoo. t tow mt ^egpegeitenoneoccarionofeupll/netbfr

Bi^d 1 ^ t0 t&amp;eaetDWf/no; pet totbegetpis/nctbet to STtfIt cSgregacion of ob:euenas9! pleafe all mm ccticth men in all tljpnges/not fefipnge^npne atone it! iKsContt a p?ofet/butt!ie p?ofet of martp/g tbepmigbt *W - be raueb/olotoc me as ^bo Cb?fft. C?erc!)iilicili tlirm fa: jJalmfenuo m(fo?o fljatthcy "ban alioute the Saciamcut of t\)e UoOp anO bioube of &lt;Ch?ift/j kfiOStO) t[){ agapne to tlje t j?ft mftiturton. orcbe.ri.Cbaptet:. w . l^^ljcomcnbe pou b?etb?en tbat pe re* ai ts&amp;i iai,i5ciHbec meinalltbpnges/abepe tbe o?binaunces euen as 3! belpue* UtvD tbem to pou. 3 toolbe pe fineto tbat Cb?ift is tbe [)ttb of euerp man Jnb tbe ma is tlje roomSs beeb. 3Bnb&lt;Eiob is Cbiiftes becb.dBuecpnian p?apingeo? p;opbefpinge . batttng enp tljpnge on W beeb/fbametb bpfi : bceb.tuerptoomantbatp?apctbo?p/opbc* ftetbbarebebbeb/biiboneftetbb^beeb. Jfo? tt is eutn all one/anb tbeberpfanietbpnge/ 35 euen as tbougb roe toere toauen.^f tbe too* man be n ot couereb/let ber alfo be f&amp; tt be roame fo? a tooman'to be fbo^e 0? fba* uen/let bet couer ber beeb. 3 man ougbt not to eouer bttbeeb/fo? as ; . woc&amp;e 0. be is tbe pmage anb glo?p of &lt;s?ob. c(je tooraan is tbe gTo?p of tbe man. if 0? tbe matt iSttptof tlje tooman/buttbe tooman of V)t mS:J5ctber teas tbe ma createbfo? fi too* mm faitebjit tbe teamfy) tbe manes faae, C;jTo?tbtScaureougbttbetoomf to'baue*po* K toer onbee becb/fo? tbeangels faftfS.J9euer Z S^fiW*"? * e n 15 to ^ out *e toom/ i.toomijf0&lt;nnetber toomatoitbouttbema in jLo?ne. 'ik ctvauanoffo? as tlje tobman is of fije man /turn fo is sanuerto/tbemanbptbe toomambutallfs of &lt;sob. * .awe in poure femes to^eebev ft be comlp . i atoomSp?apebntO(Eiobbare betm;&amp;? . *IS botb,not nature teacb pou/g it is a roame . f 0? a man/pf b e baue ipnge beer eta a P?apce toatooman/pfajeljauelongebeere^o?bei; . Beereisgeuebertocoiierbertoitball.3!ftbec ' .. Iieanpmanamogepoutbatiuftetbtofrrpue lctbpm*notoe toebatienofocbecuaome/

nei&amp;ert&amp;cccngrcgacpori/iilfm .


cbis % toame pou of/anb tmtatM M &amp; tbatpecometogetber:notafterabetterma net but after a too?ffe.*jfp?ft of all toben pe come to getber in m congtcgac5/ r i beate t tbere is bpffencpo amonge poUjjjf pattelp beleue it.jf 0? tb er mutt be fectesamoge pou/ minM tbat tbep toijprtj ate perfect amonge mftowii mpgbt be bnotof . wjm tt come to getber/ amanc8noteatetbejlo? tt mi begpnnetb af o?e to eate \)i&amp; atone fuu p ainboneisbogrp/aanotberis b?oncfie. HJauepenotijoufestoeate atob?pncfte ini &gt;?elSbefppfepetbecongregacp8;ofi5ob/ anb qjame tbem tbat ban e not? asbat fball?a fapebntopouflball % p?aple pou^n tljp's PWPfe? ._... . w !f Wtobicbaoelpttereb bnto pou 9 'ipjLmm. ceaueoof ^jio?be.jfo?tbe JLo?beaefas W&amp;mjii&amp;m ramenpgbtfn tobicb betoasbetrape&amp;V metM* bwm tbanlieb a b?afte/a(apbe.fca&amp;epe/a eate pe;rbisttmpbobp tobicb isb?ofien fo? pou.*btt:bopeintberememb?acc of me.&amp;be mim* 3fter tlje fame maner be tofie tlje cup/ toben cpon of tbe fapper toaSbone/faprngCiCbis bo as* Sftas &gt;acrammg pc b?pncftc it/in rememb?aflce of mc. jf 0? sS 1 oftenas pe Djali eate tbis b?eeb/ anb b?incbe $10 cup pe fijall roerce g &amp;o?bes btetb/ Wtt become.lberfo?e to&amp;ofoeuet roalT eate ot tbis b?ceb/o?b?pncfie of cup bntop?tbelp/ albegpltpeoftbebobpgiblouboffa.o?be. net a man tbetfo?e evamen bpm felfe / a fa let bpm eate of tbe b?eeb ab?pncfie of g cup. tfo?betbateatctbo?b?pncfietbbntoo?tbelp/ eatetb ab?incbetbbpsatone bamnacpS/ be* caufe be maftetb no bifferecc of %ofbefl bo* bp. friffo? tbis caufe maw are toeafie 9 fpcfi m amonge pou/a manp fiepe.j f toe banc trulp tubgeooure felues/ toefbuibnot baue bene iubgeb.JBitt toben toe are tttbgeb off Horn toearecbafteneb/becatife toefljuWnofW bamneb toitb tbe toojtoe, lB&amp;erfo#;mPli tb?en tobe pe come to geoet to eatc/ta rp etie anotbecjfanpmabSgep/letbimeateatbo*

me/ f. pe come not to getbefcbtfto pJnbenaciS. ^tbertbinKtoill3fetttto?bertoJei!come C.ehe6pitft^tcoft^eapftfs'effhf^oirioft&gt;Bciig fotbcconfo;t*copfpen8ofoncnnot!)cV;Mt|cmcin' IjScsoCaman&amp;JjoOpferueoncaiiotbej:. -'7 .;' ' CCbe.rtj.Cbapter. ... 4f I f ppritttaii tbpnges b?eta?efi 3( 3d 'toolbe not baue pou igrto.'mme. amtfyfaM *fefinotoet[)ati'etoettgmflte/. teaci K [ Miiac atoentpomttoapesbntMiomle^' 8 ' 3 ^^ pboles/eu? as pe toere iebbe.ll9beDfo?e | bW clarebnto poui} nomarpeabpngin ftj?ete* of deiob/befietbfefus.aiironomdnean fape tljat lefus is tlje )Lo?be: but tbe liolp goolJi . ber e bpuertftes of gpftes bereip/pef brjL,,,. j^ onefp?eteJnbtberarebtfferewsofa|iiagK ftracpons/apetbutone)Lo?beJnbfcrV^nf&gt;5i; BluetB ,



si. Ill]

* t


Tl)e epfftle

biue^matt^ of ojjwactotigf/ ^yetbut one beftgyft$.anbyet (betoegmttoy ott amos* d5oD tobycb toojcftctb all tbyrtges n)at ate te excellent toaye.

kMWMKM ttwouBUt/ai all ccuscs(.dir jBvfitcn of *. t tiffin m B eum t0 wr* mat, ' t0 WO Bt $* oii i to (o Do congiegaciott. co one is geu en u)o?otoe tfje fenipceto outc fpmte/tlje fattevaimcc of id? anc* ww tftee ts geuen tbe Mtetaunce of fmotolebge by fame atio tljec is geue fayn)/

C lie na cur e nno contritions f low. CC&amp;e.w.Cbaptet. * ^wigea fpafte toty m tonges of j. men 9 angeis/ yetbab no loue&amp;a toete euc as founoyng b?afle-.o? ad a tynftlynge cymball .anb t&amp;ougb

febyu)efamcfp?ete.coanot&amp;ettbegyftcsof Suibep?w!)efy/fltonoeraa"oeauTectetes/

peons* by tbe fame fnjite , co a ito&amp;er po* &amp; all lmotoiebge:yee/yf ^ ftao d * all f aytb/ a an fA &gt; ie, rogacouIbemouemountaynsmiteoftbetrflB mott? 10

Woma.tii.3 flJSp&amp;e'.iii.W

toeitoQo m tiacles, co a n orb e t p?opbtfi 0 a notfiet iucgement of fp?etes . co a no* tbetbiuetstSges.Coanotbee interp?eta* eionoftonges, anbtbefe aiitoojlsetl) euen tfte felfe fame fp?ete/beuioynge to euery ma" reuerallgyftes/euenasbetoyll. #0? as tljc boby is one/ 9 batb many ment b?es/atall memb?esofonebQbytbougb tbey be m any /yet ate but one boo? : cue fo 1 js

&lt;b?itt. &gt;ff 0; in one fp?ete ate toe an baptyfeb to made one booy / tob etbet toe bef.etoes 0; . tfentylS/tebcfbet toe be bonaeo? fee/ a baue all bjoncfie of one lp?ete.#o? tbe boby 10 not onemembet/butmany.3!f f fote faye:3 am *not tbe banbe/tfietfo?e 3 am not of tbe boby: tsbe tbetfo;e not of tbe boby? anD yt eate taw/% am not n)r eye:tbetfo?eg| am not of &amp; icoy:tsbetfierfo?enotof?' uoby:"jf all tbe bobstoeteaneye/to^etetoetetbentfteeate^ Sfall tofierebeatynge-.tobete toete tbefmel l?nge?$ut note batb &lt;&amp;ob Wfpofeb tbe mem* b?eseueey one oftbeut 5 boby/atbts atone pleaftire.|ftijep toete all one me bet : tobere toete tbe booy e ? &amp;oto ate tbete man? mem* 6?es/yet but one bob?, anotbe eye can not fayebnto $ banb /$ baueno nebe of tbemo? tbe ij ceo alfo t o fete/5! baue no nebe of you. fee rat&amp;ctagteat beale tljofe membjes of $ boby tobycbfemetobe mottfeble /atemott ticceffaty. anbbpo tbofe memb?es of booy tobicbtoet&amp;ynfteleaboneft/puttoemo&amp;bo nedie on . 3ftb oure bngoblye patties baue moft beauty on , tfo? outeftonett memb/es nebeitnot.JSuttiPobbatbfobtrporeijfboby/ 3BabfttbgeulmoCtbonouteto pattetobyeb iafieb/left tftete (bulb be eny tttyfe in$ boby : but tbat tbe memoes Omib tnWSetaiy eate one fo^anotbet.anbyf onemembet fuffet/

places/^ yet bao no loue/ 1 toete notbynge. f a ? c ns fo Ursa anbtbougb5! beftotoeb all my goob^ to me f6 ^* tbepoojeano tbougbg gaue my booyeuen tbat 31 butneb/? yetljabno loue/ ft p?ofetettt ' menotbynge, ,ouefuffteB) ronge 9 fjs co^teottg, )Lotie)9 enuyen) not.noue botl) not ftotoatbly/ftoel* fctb not/bealetb not Moncftly / feftcflj not BctatortM'0 not p^ouoftcb to angertbin&amp;etD noteuyll/teropfetbnotui mtquite: butte* ioyfetb m W ttuetb/fufftetb alltbyngy be* leuetb all tljlng^/bopetl) all tblng^/enbuvetft ujalltbyng^COougbp?opbefymBefayIe/C

otbettongejsoiall ceare/o?ftnotoieBge i*tsg&amp;s% nytlbe atoaye/yet loue falletb neuet atoayc . ...I.4SS ^o? oute finotoleagefs bnpetfect 9 oww JSlffiJ.'S; p^opbcfymge is bnpetfect.ffiut tobe^ tolncb i&gt;iib oriin.{ til petfect/w come/tbtn t|jat tobttb to bttpea %?$ $mA feet/ Stall be bone atoayc'. il3ben^toaga M-mom cbyibe/3 rpeafteaa a el)yioe/l bnoet'aooe as cnt^S a tbylbe/a ymag/neo as a cbf toe.iBut artone mmnm as^toasaman /3putatoaye tbylbeOines. ?&lt;AZ&gt; m\

^Joto toefefnaglaffe/euen inabattfie fpea* JISSSS pjoiii'ti'iiefdMiji ncceiTni?t of Mil men agfaiti finotoen.^oto abybetfi fsytij/ HK c'ffi

Bfhg:buf (pen all toe fe face to face. JBoto rSSSSmISi 3 finotoebnpetfectly:btit tften tm\% Rnoto ?S2

bope/anbloue/euen tljefc t^e'-but^f cbefe jgi'UffS!, oftbefetsloue, h SbtiM&amp;tff (hliincfoii toil) C|ftsttl^ttoet5ftlic8?ftc(ifp&gt;0|cpe/&lt;ii(ctp;etjgfiiii(i *" t^iep bottj OU 3 l,t to tc toCcb. tff&amp;SS cbtjtun.cyaptee. gVlSffi about fo^louc ? couet fp?etuall3 C XIZ&gt; gyftes-.anbmoa tbefly fo? to p?c=- w iifti!S3 pl)efye.tfo ? betbat tpeafietb lil|fflS tongrs / fpeabetbnot bnto men/ **( M

but bntocsob.ilfo? no manbeatetbbfoi.lSoto JS!*"lf all futtet tof tb bum y f one membet be bab in beit in tbe tp?e te be fpeanetb m tfteti'es.^But sSfSKfi Bonout/allmemb?esbegiaba!fo. betbat*p?opbeftetb / fpeafietb mwmwSmSm T e ate boby of &lt;b#ft7ememb?es one of to ebifymge/to ef&amp;o^acf on anb to co mfo^tc. ?"'' anotbet.3Enb(0obbatb alfo ojbeynrbi'ntbe ^etbatfpeabetbtottbtonges/p^om'tetbbfmb pDn trnvm

c5gtegacion/fy?a tbe apoftles/feconbately felfe:b e tbat pjopbeuetb/ tit ftetb t \&gt;t congee fK . 1 p2opbetes/tb;nblyteacbetS/ tbentbem tbat gacion.3jtoolbetbatye ail fpafietbtonge s:#8p)opiif&gt;fil bo my^acles *. aftet' u^at / tbe gyftes of bea* buttatbet tbat ye p;opbefteb. f o? gteatet is ' ** f0 lyng/belpets/gouetiiEtS/biuetRteoftBges. betbatp?opbefyetb/tbenbetbatfpeaftetbtt w f" n0?n ^ atealiapofties^aitealll&amp;?opbetes^ate tonges/eweptbe eypounbe it alfo:tbattbe ^ all teacbetsf atte all boats of xom&amp;g aue eongtegaci'on maye baue ebifyf ng.J D oto b?e V all tbe gyftes of bealyngefoa fpeaaett tb;en /yf 9! comebnto you fpeafiyngetoyift tongesf^oaUmtetp/etef couetaftettbc;atOialig! p^ofytyeu/evecepteH fpeabe

%a tljf 'tojifhttowt*

ftJeaKetoyou/otbetbyefueiacfonojnnoto leoge/o^opbefyinge/o^bocttfne, apojeouettobftgiing^toitboutlyfeigeue wunbejtobetbee ft be a pype 01 an ^atpe: eje* tepttbey mafic a WUinccion in tbe foun&amp;esi bom (bail it be finotoen toljat IS pypeb 0? bat pebf anb alfo yf tbe ttompe geuean bncet taync b oy ce / tobo fljall pupate by m felfe to fygbte;&gt; $um fo lynetoyfe toben ye fpafte^o tonges/ejtcepte ye fpeafie too?oes tbat baue fignyftracton / bote Oiall ft be bn&amp;etftanbe tobat rs fpofien i foi ye ftiall but fpeafie in tbeayet. r flany fiynbesof boycesatefn too;ib/ * anb none of tbemate toftfi out f ysnf f i caci5 af 3 finotoe not tobat tbe boyce meanetfi / % mm bnto bim tbat fpea uet&amp; / an alienf m be g fpeafietb (balbe anafient bntome.Fup fo ye(fo? as mocfie as ye couet fp?etuall gf f* tes)fefie tbat ye maye ban e plenty e bnto tbe ebtfyinge of tije congtegacton, : Ifcbetf o?e let bim gfpeafietb tottfi tonges p?aye tbat be maye (ntetp^et alfo.llf? p;aye

tt tonges my fp;ete p?ay etb : but my my nbe tStoytboutftute. liabatis it tbenfltoylt ia:o iteaft w. P^ve toitb tbe "*fp?ete/9 toyll p?aye;toftb " con ict/ot totti) mynbe.alfo.5 1 toill fynge toitb t\)t fp;ete/an WW*[{ totopllfinge tott b tbe mynbe alfo. SU Toe m ? ** w m bleffeft toitb tbelfcete/ %SS oto % * oeeupfctb tbetoume of tbe ibcitfctugcc bnieameb/fayeamfattDygeufngeoftban mtmt 'fies/fcyngebebnbetaanbetbnottobattbou &amp;^ tt g^^wbmraeftfl6itoe/bttt EaTa tftc WW is not ebifieb.1 tbanftemy ob/ 9 teuouoc/ fpeaftetoitbtongesmoatetbenyeall. yet mm me p^a bab 91 leuet in tbe congtegacton / to fpeafie towacbttUvue toojoes toitb my mynbe to tbe info?ma cton of otbet tatoet tben ten tboufanb too^ toitb tlje tcnges. )B?etb?en/benotcbPl5?enfntoytte. ^oto beitaSc5cetnyngmaliciotifneS/becbylb?c but fn totttc be petfect 'fti f latoeitis to?(t* ten tottfi otbettonges/aub toitb otber Hppes toyiiu fpeafiebntotbispeople/ 9 yet fo? all tbat/toill tbey not beate me/fayft) tbeHofle lbetfo?e/tonges atefo? a fygne/not to tbe" , v . M tbatbeieue:buttotfiemtbatbeleuenot.Con B W| toyfe/p?opbefyingefefuetb not fo? tbf RSSJtWw^6ftft&gt;m tobycfibeieue. 'Sob/* not u 3!ftbetfo?e toben all tfiecongtegacyonis tab meaiifciseome to getbee/anballfpeafie toitb tonges/ &lt;"* tfiet comeintbey tptate bnleatneb 0? tfiey W)ftfibeieuenot:to&lt;lltbeyhotraye $ yeate outofyoutctoftes? Mut ayfanp?opbefy/ *anfitfietfcome in one p. beleuetb not / j'one bnleatneo/brts tebufieb of an men/ fsnia, ' mbofeuetyman-.jfoatetbe fectetesoffiys Seicjopeneb/anbfo falletft be boune on fiys face/ana too?(btppetBob/ andfaytfi tfiae ob is toftfiyow in iw.


hotels it tben bittbitnt ttsbett $t come ft getbet/cuety mE ban) b&lt;S f onge/ batb b^Sbo eteineibatb bis tonge/ batb Ins teueiacion/ batb bis intetp;etacioXet alltbingi; be bon&lt; fantoeoifymge.ff eny mfi fpeafie m ton* ges/ietitbettooattonceo?af tbemoft ttm attonceanbtljatbycoutfe/aiibleftanotbec mtetp?eteit.2Butyf tbetbeno intetp;etet/ rf

leebimfitpefyicnccintbecongtegacion/ $* let bim fpeaite to bim felfe anb to ob. 30-et t^e p?opbetf s fpeafie ttooattoncc/oj tb;e attonce/ a let tbe otbet tinge, if eny te* uelacionbemabitDanotbettbatfyttetbby/ let tbef y;ft bome bis peace, jf 0; ye maye all pjopfiefy one by one/tbat all maye leatne, 9 allmaye.baue comfo?te fo? tbe tp?etes of |&amp;/opbetesate intbe'potoet of $;opbe tes, to? ob is not caufet of ftcyfesbut of peace/ as be is in all otbet cSgt egactos off faynct^. M JUt y oute toyues ftepe fyience in fy twn* 9 gwgarionsjo?itiSnotpcnnittebbntotb5,-., B ,. , mli to fpeafiejbutlet tbe be turner obebience / as SI tbey toyll leatne eny tbinge/ let tbe af 6e fbeit buf banses at borne .#0? it is a Ibamefo? toemen fo fpeafie in tbecogte gact'5.&gt;p?ongetbetoo?&amp;c ofobfro youf _ tfebec camettbnto you oniyff f eny ma tyn HS SI fie bym felfe a Jb;opbct/etBerf0fBftiaaetSoK' bim bnbetftanbe Abat tbynges 3 to?y te bn vmm to you.tfo? tbey ate cSmaunocmetes of tbe %m.^nt 9ft eny mi be igno?ant/let byin be igno?8t.lbetfo?e b?etlj?en couet to p?o* Pbefye/ fo?byBnottofpeafie toitb tonges, anb let all tbingj; be bone boneltly a in o?ber. Cttt)ewturripooftf)e6o. CCbe.jb.Cbaptet." 1J1 3Reu)?en as pettayninge to gof jfl pell tobycb 3!'P?eacbeb bnto you/ tobicft ye baue alfo accepteb / anb _|in t\)e ubpcb ye contynue/ by tbe , :eb alfo ye ate faueotS 1 ooyoutotoit/af* tettobatmanet3ip?eacbeo bnto you/ yfye fiepe it/except ye baue beleueb in bayne. . iff 0? f y?ft of all 51 bclyucvea b.'it you tfiat fft)c fp pm tobftb5J,eeceaueb:boto cb?iftbpebfo?outwif of oure fynnes/agteyngetotbefctiptuves; aim tbat JRJk. ,, fietoas butieo/ 9 f beatofeagayne W*fflS$fi oaye acco?oyng!t tbe fctf pttttes : anb tbat be j j. . c. act. toas fene of #epbas/tften of tbe ttoelue, if WMWiMk tettbatbetoas fene of mootben fyue bnn* b?enb?etb?f attSce:oftobicbmanytemayne . bnto tbisbaye/ anb many ate fallena^epe.

aftettfiatappetebbetofames/ tben toaii fbeauoaies. anblattofalfbetoasfeneofme/aSofone tbat toas bo?ne o te of bti e tyme.f 0? i am # ^leB of ailtbe apoflles/tobicb am nottoo?* tbytobecallebanapoftie/becaufe5!petfe* cutebtbe*congtegacionof'(!p!OJj.J6titfcytbe Stace of &amp;to% am tbat 3 am,am&gt; bis gtace . tobftb

: *




M) i eft ft in mm$ not fa bapne-. h butj la fao.jED tnoare abounoauntlp tben t&amp;ep all/ fetnoe$/butfrgraof&lt;i5cifltobfc&amp;fetoptb me. tfiet&amp;trittocre|o; t&amp;ep/fo toe p;ea" c&amp;e/anb fo baue ye bueueo, *3!f cb;iabe pjcacfjeDtjoto tbat betofe gtfetvf tt. fts tbe bceo-.boto tape tome tbatare amonge pou/tbattbcrftnorefurKCMonoftbeoecb? gf etjer be no rptynge agapnc of oeeo: t^eti tSCbnttnotrpren. 3fcb;ia benotrpten/ tben 0 oure p;e acljpng bapne/ 9 four faptb ft.alfo in bapne. ye anbtoeare founoe falfe togtnearjs of &lt;b&gt;od, jffo; toebaueteaifpcbof &lt;2Soo/boto tbat be rap feci bp b;ift tobom be rapreonotbp/pf itbefotbat beeb rpfenot agapne. jfo? pf tbe beeb rpfc notagapne/tben is Cbjtftnotrpfen agapne . |f it be fo tbat b?tft tote not/tben ft poute fai tlj in bapne/ 9 t&gt;et are pe in poure fpnnes. 3nb tberto rtjej? tobicb.ate fallen a Ot pern &lt;b;itt arepeepf* foeo-ijf m tbtft ipfe onip toe beleite oncb;ift/ Senate toe ofallmcntbemiferablea. JButnotoft Cb;iftrpfen from tbe beeo/ $

ft be come tbe fp?a ftutess of tljem tbat flept. tfoj bp a man came beetb/ anb b g a ma came tbe refurreccion of tbe been. &lt;ff m as bp 3bam allbpe:eucnfobt?b.ftft/ all all be maoe alpue/snocuerp manm bft atone o#er. &amp; Cbe ma &amp; Cbtfft/ t&amp;en tljep tijat avc Cb;i* ttftatoftconipngccben cometljt'je enoe/ toben be bati) bclpuereb bp tbe fipngoome to ootljefatijtt/tobenbebatbpur boune all ruic/auctoate a potoer.tfo? be tnuft rapgne tpillje Baue put allbps enempegi bnber bp0 jp fctccbeiaftewmpctbat fljalbebeftropea/ ft ocetb.*tfo? He ba# put all tbmg$bmier bts jafiim. Hf.s. fcte.tfttt tobeu be fapib/all cbpngej* are put ferwc.w bnDrbfm/ut$snr.{nrnt/ii)abc0erceptei/ 2S*w , toWc &amp; ^ &amp;* &lt;* tiW&amp; bnaer bun. iffibm bM 6. aH fl J vnges are fttboucD bnto binv. tb en flmil w v * tbe tonne alfobimfeife be fubiectbntobim tbat put tbpnges bnaer bim/tbat &lt;Pob mape be all m alit b ptigeg . (gfljf r els tobat bo tbep w , ^ tofipcbaiebaprpft'D otter tbe oecb/pf fcbeeo M^i^ not at aU - "Wf at ' e # tbett*bapttfea Sfa/ " ei;tl ' CBceJ1 -y^ to ^ ftonbe toefnieoper* tuat wtoBt uof &amp;? etterp bouref J3p ourereiopfinge to&amp;tc&amp;gi njegemrau ^3ibauefnCb?ift?'eru oitre'lo?be/gf bpebaps lllVZl%i ^.Cftat^bauefottgbtttbeaaeis atpbe itmmmSni *#*&amp;&amp; maner of men/ tobat auaunta* ftspticfo owe getbltme/pftbeBecbrptenotagapnef )Utt 6ftom{iiB8ra'b0eateanb b;pncftctomo;oto toenail bpe. " C . R ; 5 W' e not occeatieD-.m ajtctoug fpe aHpnot co? nctnmhW9ttitKemrmtimt\mttiat ftnoto* lenge of ob. 1 ! fpeafte tbtt to poure rebufie^ Tdut f ome ma toi ll fape:boto arpfe beettf tot'tb tobat boopes come tbep (n i c&amp;ou f die/ tbat tobicb tbou fotoeft 10 not Qttf cbeneb ej* teptttttpe,ainbtob8tfoteeatl|oufboufo--

toett nottbat bobp l&amp;albe : tut bare tojnc (3|meaneett)er of tobeet/ oj of tome otbet) anb tfobgeuett) ft a bobpat W Pleafure/ to etterp teen a fcuerall boop, * an tleffbe is not one manner of fledbe but tfjw ft cue nuuKttkQQc of ml / a notber manerflcHbeofbeaa^/anotbermanerfleObc of f pflBe*/* a notbtr of bp;&amp;eu. cber are ce f lefttall bobpesi / sj t ber are uoctes terrellwall, J8uttbeglo?pof t&amp;ereleatali 13 one/ $ glo rp.of tbetcu'eflrrallftanotber , cberft one

maner glow of tbe funne/^a notberglo;pof Or mone/9 a notliei;glo?p of tt)e ftarreis.lo? one ftarte bltTertb fro a notljer tn gio;p . &amp; a fttbcrcfurrecctonofbeeD,3jti0(otoenin ' co;rupcton/anbrpfetb in i nc o;c up ct 011.5 1 ft fotoj mi cnoitK'9 rpfetb in bonoure.ft ft f otoe in toeawif s/anbrpfetb in potoer ,|t ft f oto? a natural! bobp/anb rpfetb a fp;etu'all b 00 p , l)cr ft n naturall boope anb tber ft a fp/etuall bocp:60 if ft to;ptte-.tbe fp^fte man a&amp;amtoagi maoc aiyuingefoule: ano las 3bam tKft roabe a ciupclienpng fp;ete,$oto be it/tftat ft not fp?a toljiclj is fpirttuall:but i tobicb i0 natuwfl/ tf&gt;en $ tobicb ft tp;e tuall. Kr&amp;e fp;ft man ft of ertfj/ettbp-tbe feconbe man ft tbe Xo?oe from beaue, M ft 9 tbcertbp/focbcatttbcptbatareevtbpe . anb as ft [jeucnlp/ f oclje a ve tbep f are betieip. 3'nb as toe banc bo^ne (t)e pmage of erct)p/ f (ball toe be are tt)e pmage of tbe beuenlp. j^^ cannot inberet tbe ftpngbom of ob. jSetber tytvtttim* ootb co^rupcion mberet bnco?rupcion . jbu b '* gft bom I (fteto e pcu a mpfterp.We (ball not all SKmS nepctbuttoe fballallbetbaungeb/ 9tbatfnbMSin a momf t/9 in tbe ttopnclinge of an epe/at J ftiwwriw of? foiinDeoft!jelafttrompe.!lfo?tbetr5peaalIf"*^8 bio toe/^ tbe ceeb fball rpfe jncomiptible/ 9 ' r %tSSl toelbaibecbaungeb. foitW tomvWt&amp;i%ik muft put on inco?ittptpbilite:8 ttjft mwtal! pt.3tHmA nuftptttonimmo;talite. - pm^aaM iiabentbftcomiptttjlebaebputonfnco?.Wj? 1 !' t * rttptibilitebftmo?tallbatbPutontmmo?S;ta"ii; tai ite ;t ben (balbe b;ougbt to paffe fapinge cii an ge&amp; 10 1 m , tbat ft tojptte.^eetb ft cfifumeb into btct o xmmttim

tbeBrengtboffpnneftratoe.uttt)anReSrettir t i ! piB be bnto &lt;&amp;ob tobicb batb genen bs bicto;p/ of bn. tfto;oto ome lLo?be fetusCb^ft . berfo?e mpbeareb?etb?en/bepfnebfaaanbbnma. . J uabif/ altoapes tpebe in tbe to o;cfte$s of tbe 3Lo;be/ fo;a0moct)eastefinotoe bou tbat foure labour ft not mbapne in tbe jUffle.- . C*epttrw^tfiemmretnHaancf8fieBat^frfttay fo; thcpaoie C^ifienat Jetnfab m i anb concMttfj ins epiftle toft t&amp;s'fiuptacfoitscf (cciawit Iouvru fflbeJ*tcbapt f


I _ t

. ..Ibegatberpnge fo;tbefajnctes/ a? abaue,o;oepneQ in tbe cogtega crons of oalacia / euen to bo pe ; Uaponroraefonbapeiet euerpone of pott puts fpbeat beme 9 lapebp tobatfo* euerbetbinfittb mete/tbattbetbe nogatbc ipng^ wm% come.tbetfj amcome/iiiibo* foeuer pe IbaUalotoe bppoureletters/tbem topn % f enbe to b;inge poure 1 tberaiite wito lerufalem.ainbsf it be mete tbata go/tbep


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Jojoto out flacebonia.lttb pou parauen tureitopliabp5eatobpIe:o;eft topnter/ g f e mape b^ngeme on mp toape tobptb! roeuec3)go. 9 topu not fe pou noto in mp paoage: but rrttato abpaea to^ pie toitb fou/pf ob .jaHfuffreme,gtoplitart&gt; atpbetu0 bn* tpll tobittont pbe. f oj a greatc bo?e 9 a f rute euuftopeneobntome: 9 tber are manpao C uerfaries.1!f cirttotbeus come/ fe t be be to out f eare to toil. ffo; be too?betb tbe too;cbe oftbcU.oroea0jboattnom8Defppfebim: Dut conuape bpm fo^tbe in peace/ tbat be itiapecomebnto me,jro;iiofie fo; bpmto tybmbien. Co fpeafte of b^tbe? 3paHo: J greaciybe fpjeb bf m to come bnto pou toitb tbeb?etb?2/ butbft mmbe toas not all to come at tbp* fpme.tootobeit&amp;etopH cometoben bfftaH Bauecfiueniettpme.ieatcbepe/ftonbefatt m S faptb/quptepourpftemen/ abeftrSge, Wtt all poure bufpnes be bone in loue, a Wb?en/pe6notoetbeboureofS)tepba ^na/botogtbeparetbefp^afrutigofacbaia/ anb tbat tbepbaueappopnteb tb?felue0 to mpntaetbnto tlje rapnete*;! befecbepou g rebeobebient bntofocbe fr toalltbat belpe ann labourej am glabbe of tbe cbmpnge of gtepbana,fo;tttnatusanblEcbatcuS:fo? Wat tobpeb toag rae&amp;pnge on youre parte/ roepbaue fuppiieb.cbepbaue comfo?tebmp g;ete8nbpoure0Xo8etberfo?eg pebrtoto Ibemtbatawfocbe. cbe congregacpauj of 3Bfia falute potr. arjuila anb p?ifcilia falute pou mocbe in * , m tbeir boufejil $ bjetfofgwte pou.ffirete \m fimtebeWone anotbf rtoitb anbolpftptre.cbe tarn jtcutfttiat tutwetonof mej&amp;aultwtbmpne atonebanbe, %mttST9 5ff^*&lt;wb 3iefu0Cb?iabe toitb pou all. ttutret. to *0J?louebetoyouallinCb;ift31efu3Bmen.

gmem of 5 tm tpitae to f Co;fntbpa&gt;. w*entfrom|&amp;bflippo0/bps&gt;eepba ' fi^flf" iJFo^unatus/* aTcbaiftft/ inbchnotbeujJ,

* - 1 B-'i

df^apnrt^am t^zZpoait to tfie Co;intbpan0. CMfc&amp;mUtotm of 03b in^Wucflf laauKoraacoc rticiCo;fibiaiwaiia lm jrciifc that 9fcanKngtbntotbem . Cbefpjae&lt;baptet:. " ^ttlan^pomeof3rc^ fu Cb?ta bptbe topjlof &lt;itco/ * anbb;otberciniotbeus. ffinto tbe eongregacion of ob/tobitbftato?intbum -- , .,.,,. . toitballtbe fapnetes tobpett are in all aebaia.race be toitft pou 9 peace gy &lt;g"fatber/aittftom tbeJLojw 2BKffeobe*(Eiobtbe fatber of oure %m Jtrui Cb;ft/tbe fatber ofmetcmW deoa of all comfo?te / tobpeb comfo;tett) bs in all ouretribulacton/info mocbe g toe ateabl* ?fi"^9 c tobicbare tcoubleb/in tobat* foewrMbulacron tt be/toitb tbe fame com* fo?te/taj&gt;ettottb toe oure femes are comfo?* awplenteoiis in bs/euen to ft oure confeto wpfe f cwrt ! don Pienteou0bp(irb#ft. tscmuuase* \ mm ataiuacion / tobicb faluacio fl;eteci ^

HSSftteS** ^ efame aKKcrtonjy tobicb toe alfofuffre: o? tobetber toe be cofo2 teb fo; potirc cofoiacion 9 faluacion:pet otw BSKW* ' to *Wtt / ftKW mocbe as toe " fiuotoboto g as pebaueyour parte tnaffiic* *ffi2.Hfe!S &gt; ,arta 6er0 of cSfolacion. 55?etb;cn3 toolbe notbaue pou igno;afte of oure trouble / tobP cb bappeneb bnto b0 in ma. !ffo;toetoereg^iieboute of meafute paopng arengfb/rogreatlp g toe befpearco euenof ipfe.aifotoewceaueban anftoerof beetb m outeftinM/9 tbatbecaufc toe i&amp;ulD notputotwetwiaftiourrenie0:butin(!Efob/ tobcb rapfetbgbeea to ipfe agapne/a rsbhh oelpucreb bs frff fo greata beetb/anb Don) be ?"2^*^ top tt^fWbettR be toill beliuer/ bp tbe belpe of poure p?apee mtgft bp tbe meane0 of manp occafion0/ njanae0 mape begeuen of man? on oure be* balf e/f 0; tife grace getten bnto b0.

ure reiopange is tbft / tbt teaimom? of oure confcience/tbatin fpngieneg anb goWp c S22JJ12R? IW / "f bPtbe ffonfrfetttr. grace of oo/toe baue baboure comierfactS m too?l&amp;/amoa of afltt?

reabeaalfofinotoe.yeeanbgitrtiftpelban wnbebjfbnto f enbe/ en? as pebauefoffne poure rrtopftngc / eutn as pe are cures in tbe oape of 5 %ofr Srftft. ft,i), Hinb

- "*


SPnbm ftfc conffoence toa* % mpn&amp;eDfte tfteetpmetoBaue come unto pou/;ftatpe wrgftt Bauc^aDpet one pieafuremoatc/ 9 to (jauepaOWi bp pen into i39acei&gt;onia / a to Baue come agapne.oute of fl&amp;ace&amp;om'a bnto . pou/ana to baue bene leooe fojft to 3!ete?pe &gt; to'arbe.Of p ou.?Ben g ftus topte tea? ntp 6ea:DiD31 bfeipgBtnejs? ? ftinfte 3! carnallp ftofe ft ingejj toBt cB 3 ft m e f ft a t toift me a*?ccM; anti ftulb be a *pee pee/a nape nape.obis fapft* jjajt.naw &lt;a fuMo?ourep;icacBpngtopou/toasinotpee SfiSSSsmmwanD &amp;iluamanacfmofteuSJ toitt)B;&amp;cfl. toagnotpeeanbnapemutmBfmfctoajjpee: f o? all fte p; omifei*of oa/ in Bun arc pee-. wsui f p&gt;oras* an&amp;atemBfm26meii/bntofteiatobeoeoB '2288S t&amp;o* W. ffo? iff* oa toBfft ttablfflbea fSXi bsanapoumCBW/aBaftannopntebb*/ ^wi ^ t8 ^tftalfofeareo bs*/9Baftgeuenfte etneft of ftefptfte into oure ijttttt.

iiBBenatoatfcometofltoaBafojCBn'ttfj* ofpeWfa6e(9agteatQo;etoa$openeabn,, ._. . tomeoffte)lo?b)5 ( ftaonowammpfp?ete/?r M S c % fjewuftSfoiinoenotcftujSmp^oftcjibutieMetVcrMiii tone mp leaue of ftemanb toentatoape into w.uh so, flpaeeaonfaitobancneis UefantoS5oo to!)pft ; n5?nf r s - ' altoape* geueft b$ftebfcto;f e to tfwitt / 9^M*, openeft fte fauer of bi fiuotoleoge b p bg in the ftX euerpplace. ff o? ttcate unto od fte toetetntt%nificc(j fationte of 6tyfS/botQ araonge fte ftat are &amp;J &lt; oioe fa.He&amp;'/9alfoamongeft?te&amp;rci)pfrtff^,co^S; a "^

C^fttte&lt;6 tYjttMtotW abfewe anft eefifctttfj

eijnn to fojjene the man that teas fallen/ 9 to t ft cane tjirasgasnevm'thioiic* JcBe.if.tfbapter. * SB T^rflCall oo foj a reco?ae bnto mp IkH ailf ' ul * I $ tt to faiter yon topft all $1 iMcame not enp moarebnto co;m E^JSJftum.iQotftattoebe lo?oesouec t our fapft'.but Belpetg of pour f ope . ffoj bp fapft p e aa n De,i5ut 3! aeterminea ftls* in mp f eife/ft at 31 tooio not come agapne to pou in Ijeupneg. tfo; pf gj maftepou to/pe/ tobo in it tba t ftulomaae me glaa/ but f fame tobpeft f is maae f o#&gt; bp mefsna gj to?ote ftf fame fpittlebnto pou/lett pf 3 came/ 3 ftuia taae peupnejj offtf/of toBomgjougWto ret'opce. ce rtapnlp ft i cSfioence bauej in pottall/ P. mp&lt;opefe fopeof pouall. tfwmgitataf* fltccfonanDangttiCfte of dm 3?to?otebnto outoiftmanpteai;e0:nottomaRepoufo?p/ tiutftatpempgbtpetceaue fteloue mypcrj _ 3 ftaue/moft fpecf allp bnto pou. 35 WenpmanBaftcaufeofojoto/'ftefame * Baftnotmaaeme fo?p/ butpatteip: m% fbuioe gteue pou a H.g.t f g fumcientbnto fte famemaftatIjetea!8rebu6eDofmanp-)o ^ notecontrarptopfepeougbttotofojgeue bimanocomfojtefiim:leftftatfameperrone IDnKibefbialotoiebbptopft ouer mofte be&lt; upneg.mberfojegi ett)o^tepou g lone mape ftauetoengntmiet&amp;MojftffiJeaufeberea IPbpbgiv?pte/ ftatqimpftfttlmotoeiJ p?ofe ofpou/tobefterpe flnifoebe obedient in all ftpngess.flro tobom pe fo^eue enpftpngeygi fa?geue alfo ; SDrtbberelppf t fo?gaue enp ftpnge/to to&amp;S % fd^jaue it/f oj pome faftess tf fo?gauegi it/in fteroume of cetfft/fea fta tan ftuujp^euentbg. &lt;jfo? Bis* t&amp;ougBteg are notbtmnotoenbntobg.

tbe one parte are toe fauour of oeeft biito %BiSZ beeft.3enbbnto$ofterpartaretoerauourtcttaniEnt;ana of ipfe bnto Ipfe.aino tejjo it nittt btito tftefe f? w au. tbpngeg^o? toe are not ag manp are tobtft S0J^ffi cBoppe ^cBaagftoifttoetoo^eof^oD^utK !eitloutofpurene0/9bpftepotoetofoo/iiohtthi(hle 9 m f^gbt of ob/fo fpcaBe toem &lt;b?tft.^" of * ut

.wcer.i^coaptec,. KRVb begpn to pjapre cure feltteg a* 3D nw an* gapae,^eoetoe as fome oft / of wmmmh tfpiCleu of tecommeitoacioit bnto SSJSSS cponfrompouf yeaftoure eptflie to;itte in tobemStii w oureberteg/toBpcBisibROeraanliearetOoft&amp;eifojefaiiDft atlmen/mftatpe areftnotoen / Bote ftat pc Sff "EBB are fte epioie of &lt;a\)M/ mpnittteb bp bg anb SR &amp; ff to?ptt5/nottoiftpnBe:buttoiftfte.fp?cteof0ofpeiniectiii fte ipttpnge &lt;^oD/not in tables* of done/ but fc wonow* infleftbiptabiegoffteberte. &amp;S&amp;X&amp;I * j&amp;ufte m0 baue toe fto?otoe CB?ift to T^XS ob toam/not ftat toe are fuff icient of out* P um felue 3 to ftpnbe enp ftpng ag it toere of ouriis film at are reiuessbutoure ablenesJ commeft of &lt;EioD/ , l" fl,ffttl ^ al mm batb ampmm MM netoe SKJffi tetf am?t/not of f letter/but of tpiete.flo} mm bp * * *letter fipHetb/but*fpaete geueft Ipfe. MwimMi 2f *fte mpnitttacio of ceeft fto?oto fte &lt;SSJ SS*K leiWS fpgurebin tomw&amp;aflw/ to t &amp;&amp; fte t !} m m of ffrael couloe not bebollse fte Z uttec^A face of d$)cfe0fo?iglo;pof Btecountenafr biitetaaoc tye tettobicB glo?pneuertBefeCfci0boneatoape) CfiHH' tobp fliallnot *mph(ttracion of fpjete be * "WBL motbemo?eglo;iou!3^oj?fg*imtntQnngec tiian'om ofcBoempnacionbeglo^iougmioftemoarenoict'nctiojtijjf Cioti) *miniaracion of rpgbtetoefneis tpctbt at ma aiotw. mglo^p. I- ffo?noDoutttoljJcBto80ftereJX^' glo;ifieo it not once glo;ifpeointefpecte of nSm of tBfe eyceoinge glo?p.cOen w *S toBw&amp;fc tesut^&amp;m Cropebtoasiglo;ioujJ,'mocbemo?e(BaH*tfltfn8o^5K' tobtcb remapnetb/be glorious. SfflPlIS^ ^.epng ften ftat toe Baue focbe fwa/torJSWS dr bfe great ooloncjs a bo not as flofejJ/toBf ftfte afiow tffc put a bapie ouer Bpfl face ftat fte cbplb^ejQffliibtfit^rp'e 3!frael ftuionot fe fo? tobatpttrpofe t W Wstjate ueb tobicB it put atoape . Eutfteft mpmSSBS toere blinfieb!ffo?bntWftijJoapetema|neftStS^ fte fame coueringe bntale" atoape in f olbe* f am *. ;\teftamemn a s ntl ^ t

lifts' Deep con f^anlt toBenftepreaoe'it/toB&lt;cBtnB;ftl fe *S2 tePutatoape,#uteu?bnto ftijJbapetoBen iSS ^WjfteDoe/bapBagefttefo?efteft: itictfipngmufl Bertejj.^euertBereaetoBgfteptotWKtofte ^meone inter ^o;be/ftebapieQ)albetaSenatoape, c^e


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,.-..,.- , .UMpNtifttaMeta' oiue'*bttoaraetaperiaBe/ petfte totoarbei^ 3 ! 6 ' :: l ^A manferenetoebbapebpaape.^ oute e^cei BBSS'*

15 : j*w Jlo;ono bout rjs a fp;ete Jnb toBere |fp&gt;ete Sfccaii rLce bftolbeftegiojieoffte&gt;o;Wtofft.B.wface i imocmaoc/ open/ana are cBaungea bntfl fte fame fnraV w ftme of rif uD'e/ftoin gio?p to glo?p/eul of fte fwpte S. S1SS0 * *cticp?ecliec (Bofltflent / 5e wmm nottfie' *flK r "Uficbonouc(Oftf^iftsteJ&amp;ouflh&lt;t*l^^|* .jDnr OT19 iyc ofuffllyfCt SSSAS" CBe.fUBaptet, . rum., "-"-i^g^eftpngftattoe Battefofte ;an oftpce/cue ag mercpijs come on W/ toefapnte not: but Baue call: f to m fte clone* of bnljoneftfe/ 9 aifieiiottuaaftpnejs nefter co;ruptetoe fte too^e ofoa:buttoalBe in opentrueft/ i ;;, o-h-aot, of 9 wpojte ourefeluef? to euerp manne? con LtowiLsa (clme f ft - f?gbt of Ob. bure of peii Qantt ^otiflbepetOpD/itteBpaamongeft^ areiott/fn Mii(afc;tantoa8**fte(!5ooofti)i0 too?n&gt;Baftbiphoeb HSSgg ;mmbejJ of m tebicB beleuenot/left fte ligbt SmS ^of ftegio?iouj5gofpeHofCB?ift totnft^fte . tot&gt;oiDeutbcPmageof ob ftuloeftpnebnfoftem. t ff to ,a cni/ *ffo; toe p^eafte not our f t\ww\\Wni ft

** *K S I** t0 be 5 iiozbe/anb oute feme jj poute fKSK ob g few ? a^oftie commafioe&amp;fte ipgijeto tbpne out of oarcfu wiietb bimtbene^/toBiftbaft ftpne&amp;inoureBerteg/fojto 1 SKSL 8" ,e f " e ^8W of fte finotolecge of fte glo?p S wmonip , 38ut toeftauc ftfe rrcafurein eiftebeffete. "fojfaue f tcur gfteeyceHeutpotterof 'ftmpgBtappeeeto *oo/j feiuetb be of oD/anonot -oe HMt ate trouble* an mt%*^WJVttmMm^mitofiAito Emm *** m vmmi e ' Mt not btterlp toift out fom mix bim ou te to&amp; at , i c are perfeatteti'.but are not f o?fa* teoo:ae js aui Ben.oae ate caftfioune: neuetft eleffe toe pe K* , ***SJ"frfnot.3BtJb toeaiitoapeisbeatein our bo B Si? { ^ P* fe JHwanw/ 1 tbe ipfe Eftfiiocb/j Smt of|efumpgbtapperefn oute boope?. I&gt; tic atom be* flfo; toe toln'cl) tpue/are altoapeg eeiw ereb ^hnf P .ift. bntobeeft fo? f efttg fafte / ftatfte ipfe aifo msaatt (tut pf 3'efumpgbtappere in ouremo?tall fleffftc ,Sf3euio(bjiB) S&gt;oftenoeet|) too?fteft t'nbjs/aipfc in pou. toatutofape^^cpngeftenftattoeBaue fame fpje te SSSfflK* fapft/acco^pnge ass ft it tojfttcml bele* itSfa ttt / ftno *" fo ? e Ne1!fpoficn.te^ ifljotw/ !eue/9fterf0,!efpe8fie.iJfo?toeftnotoe| be wN , toBftbrapfebbpfte ?Lo.t5ellefg/ftaIlrapre wl l 9S9t9 ** a, f ^ fte m?ane0 of ^efusJ/anb (Ball ffimm&amp;WWfVM-tfWMtynti O03 1 fa; poure to * hnotoieje rawp/ftat fte pienteou* grace bp rfiancftcs jfoo.^at.geueu.(nT,flnp/niapeteootmbetoftep;apfe

opage tribulation toBifttjjmM .. , .._ iRJBt/p;epareftan etceopngelaanetetnaii man.fcmc.pme toapgBt of glo?pc onto bj$/tol)ill toe loBe not M8&amp;&amp; , onfteftiug^tobtcl) aie fene/but on t ftftg( SRSSS toBfcbare notfene, m ftpiigeStebpcf) awSiSe JS fene/atetempojaiit butftpngejs toBicB nr4* wowge notfene/areeternall, fi . ttrwomawis/ t:CbtWatliefo|fliffi.jii3ett:Wibtfi #*.* .,CBe,b.CBapter, JBCftnotoftierlp pf oureert^p man* Hc?on;toBerin toe noto Dtoell toereKl

oeBtopeo/ftat toe Baue a biioinge _ .. . _^_to?bepneb of ob/ anBabitaciS not mabe toift Danoejs / but eternal! in Braueit. 36nb Berefo?efpgBtoe/oerp;ingtobecioftc toift oure mantton toftift it from beau? to petpf ftat toe be founbe clofteo/ano not na fieo.iffo? ajs longe a0 toe are in ftfe taberna* cle/toe fpgB ano are greueo/ fO? toe topio not bebnclotbcb/but tooiDe be cloftebbpon / fr mo^taiitempgbt be ftoalotoebbp of ipfe. ffic i Baft o?6epnea bg fo? fti0 ft pnge / it 00: toBicb berp fame Baft geue" bnto bjs $ ern e ft offtefp?ete. . .; . CBerfo^'e toe ate altoape of goob cBere/ 9 finotoe toell ftatajj longe at toe are at Bom e in fte boop/toe are abrent ftomob.#o? toe toaifte in fapft anb ft not. :#euetfteieffe toe are of goob comfo^te/anb Babieuet to be ab fentfromftejbobpanbtobe parent tofft fte A 5Lo;oe.iBerf o / tobeftertoe be at Borne o? fro Borne toe enbeuoure oute felu tt to plea* feOim.jtotoemuttallappetebefo/e itta* gemce feate of Cftjift/ g euerpman mape re ceatie fte tootftegof tot boop accojbpnge to ftat BeBaft oone/toBeft er it Be gooo o? Das^ *S)epfige:ftentBat toefinotoe/Boto fte* m (m %om it to be feareo/ * toe fare fap;e topiB Sewtffi. wen.f ojtoeareimotoentoeil pnougB brtto %*&gt;* oojtruaalfoftattoeareRnotocinpomt^L^^'-i confeienceis, S^S 2 pe p?apfe not oure rente* agapne bnto trnSuS pou/uutgeuepouanoccafpon toteiopceoft'oiiB/ mfcv WW mape Baue fome tobat $mil*M22!2P toBfcBreiopceinfte face/9 not in fteBerte, T$&amp;% Jfo^pftoebeto feruent/toob aretoetofee^ i&gt;eoVie/biie uent . f f toefiepe meafure/fojpourecaufe tmmsbm fiepe toe meafure.#o?tbeloue of ctyft con SK 5*


tojall/ftatfteptoBfcB ipue/ftuionotBence fo?ftlpe bnto ftem felucfJ /butbnto Bpirt tobicBbpebfo?tbemanorofeagapne. B mtt&lt;Lltv&gt; iBerfo;eBencefo;ftftnototoenOmi *5f*2 Rl l p , tfttBefleabe, ?{n tomofte ftougB tortJimeSf'iMSf fo^ft nnoto toeBBii fo no moare.cberfozepf ftwwiit at uw. ,/, eng

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a tuwttta* nts^ttbefoCfttfft/ftefaanetoecteatute, tm ' ** ioe tfttW arepaffeo atoase/ beftol&amp;eall ^ to gnsesi are oecome neto'e. #euercftele(re all -* - tft?guteofoo/ toftfeft ftatftteconcfJeoba ME bnt0 ftn.felfe bs*3leruf*ft?f ft/ 9 ftatft geuf % fwmu "nto oa tfte office to p?eacfte $ attonemetit. A^ift.-is tije-tfojfiSo&amp;tDaiatnflEltfftt/anortis&amp;e agremet aiiafticBoffuceDettBrnetiietoojlo^^ratelfc/aiiBimputea l J aSSftteiw l,3t t!jelr * me * fant0 # : &amp; at &amp; c * m i tKa f StfavSS to W '&amp; e weacftfnge of tfte attonemf t.&amp;oto bj .f to lie cije catften are toemeffengers fn $ roume ofCftaf ft cvttice fo; once euen ass fftougftdEfaa os&amp; ftefecfte soutfto?oto SSEffiSS *&amp; W* e toesou tn Cft?ffte* fte&amp;e/ tftat S8ittSM^ b at ?&lt;* ofcfq? fte ftatft mabeftsm be&lt;i fwtpeteet'* tobefsmte fo?bg/toftfcftBneto no fpnne/ fi of tfimc. tfjat tee bp ftfa meaner (bulb be tftat r^sUteaspitup. tbc tome* tohf eft before 00 f$ alotoeb, Iv '"" !*f pc0 C2n ctfwf acton to weaue % toojoe of $00 tof (ft liic.a.iaffiom.tijaiiufaliicircaiioamenocmentofipfcaijcoiligence im. wp rjanc f }a aU | i0 ttje&gt;5ofpell/ano IjottJ ije toannct&amp; itjcm 10 1;eOamnc U tvnjytue tljccompaiipoftt)cl&amp;evt^.i.

NtwtbcftSte. Wje.tiWftapter. * * '*""W!i fteiperatfterfo?e erfto?tesou/ *a S nc;,atiJ^ewceaiienot8raceoe&lt;2ol)&lt;ti thctoOf&amp;eCato'

toaWieamonse tftem/ tosibc tftefe fob : the v ftjalbe my people, Dberfoje come one 110 amonge tfte" / ahb fepara tc route i eluea ( ra v tft the no?5e ) ana tottcfte none bft cleane tft 1 n ge;f tof i 1 5! tccedue sou/ana tofibe a fa t h e r tin t sou / ana se malbe my Tonnes! and baugftteta/fastft tfte to'jae almsgftts.

Cte ettyorfttb tfjem to receauc t&amp;e pjomyte of 00 t&amp;aimfuilj. afcAwmtbtfo ate c8menoeofo;t&amp;eiB oiieoicute au&amp; loue totoacoe j&amp; am. ; Csnge that tee ftaue focfte p?om^ a tea Oerelsbeloueb/ Jett baclenfe oute relue^ fro" all ftltftsneaof tfte fKHfte a fp?ete/a grotoebp to fttil ftoisne* tn tfte feate of oa.emaet&amp;anaba/ toeftaue fturte nomamtoeftaue corrupts no man:toe ftaue aefrau&amp;ea no mlffpeafiejioC tftfa to 1 ? ftaue ftjetoea sou before tftat se ate fnouveftetti; to bseaisue to sou/jam bets boiae ouctsou / atefosee greatlsfnsou.lam fplleotottb comfo?te* antfitceabjnge tojoufe in all ouretrpbula* cton^.jfo? toben toe toere come fnto0&amp;m**t *ba?ne,iffo?befattb:abauebearD bonta/oure.fleabe ba&amp; noteft/buttoetoete th e tna t?me accepteo : anb in tbe ttoubleb on euetp fpbe.&gt;uttoaroe teas ftg^ tpng/tntoatu toajs ftaw .jBeuettbeleae sob

" **


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in voure heef te (bnube frutc*ba?e of faltiacton /battel fucfiewo tbe.25e* leirc to sou m ijoioe/noto 1? t toeiiaccepteDtme;bel)otoe Iff noto tp that oa?e of falnacion. lett bugette 1 * nomanoeeaftonofenpil/tbafmoweoBfce be f ounb e no f *u te-.bu t In all Cb^nge^ let b$ bebane oute feluesi ass tbe wwuSttf ofob, 35 gin mocbepacte'ee/fo affitcctSxi/ m titter* Cpte/t'n angufu^e/tn fttypeg'/ tn p^efonmgt / inatpfe/tnlaboute/Mitoatcbtng/iufatltng/ L&amp;ottot-Mtt. in puteneiS/ttiftnotolefige/m longefuffetntg in fittdm^ni t boipgooft/w louebnfapifO/ - - . r * t6e ""WW? of "uetb/ta iwtoct of oo/ ZSState* to t&amp;e atmoute*of ttgbtetoefne? of tfgbt &amp;! foedaiflw * on tbe Ipfte/ln bonoure a olgwnpu. tfoBtottpuapere/tneufHtepojtesgooDtepoittc/ aJ oeffalout/feace.j cuetjti iwtttue/ajJ bnfinotoenVa?etfinotoK of MtSo rt */' rtM *M W&gt;i f?oto?ng/ 9 ?et altoap ma.yiy. metpias poo;e/ retmaftcmanp ttcbdagi ba cutngeno tbyng/9 fet pofledtng all tbmg;. ^ fiD f e C o; tntb pan3/o ute moutb W open b ti to?ou,utebettt8(maiielatg^earefnno _ .. fitaptc in bu ; but ate fti a ttrajte in vowe it caufeb a fetuent nujnbe/ft cauf eb pimtob t atone botoelle3:|p?ompfe sou fttetetoatti menfcff o? in an tbfng^ebaue roetoebBo

tw IS mm to mwiW&amp;tt vow mm tftec felueu tbat te toere cleate in (bat matter. fojeattetge/s-i-beatenotafteaffgetflpone tbetfo?etbougb|to?otebntoi?ou/qiMbrt toltft % bnweufW.f 0; tobat feiiviatp bath, not f o? ty$ cattft riiat bpb burte / netfje isfo? pg$tetoemeg toltft torn? gbtetoefnesV ipbae m caufetijat toais burte-.but tbat ou te gooa copanpbatbltgbt tottbaatcftnesf tt&amp;ftat c" w?nbe tobycb toebaue totoarbeyou In tbe ag-co^bebatbCb^f ft toftbffieitall^ctber tobat fsglitof on/mpgbtapperebntoyou. ^pattebatb be tbat beleuetb/tottft an mrtteiK Cberfo^e toe are toiajxtoi be cauf efeai* A &amp;otoagreetbtbetepleof(i5t3btoltb?mages^ comfo?teo:peeanbeircebsngls&amp;ntoa rciop&amp; w antitt.wof, 26nbpearetbetempleoftbatI)'uwge &lt;Bob/ toe/^tbetoretbatcltuSbabsbe caurcbWi cfa,uj. a?fasiie&lt;!i5ob,*atorHbtoeiiamongeraem9 fpmetoa$tefteiu)e&amp;of" ton ail ^9 am tbfK toit

tbat comfotff tb t^t abfecte / comfo;teb btf at tbe comntrnge of cftttf. 3fnbnot toltft W compnge onTp: but alfo toltft tbe con f ola c 1 ti to ft er toltft ft e toa* com* fojfeaofuou. ^o?ftetolbebgyoureiiefv;e/ tpm mouwt?ng/i?oure tauH mpnbe tome toaroe:fo that % noto relopce mo;e,it3fteiv f o;e tftougft % mane sou f o?p tof tft a fettet/3! &lt;C repcntnot:tftougft3!bSbtep?t.iffci?5!Pctcea ue tb a t $ ram e epiftie mabe sou fo;s/f ftougft ft toere but f 0? a ceafon.38ut3 note telosce/ nottftatsetoetefozs/buttftatse fofo?6toea , tftatserepenteb.iffo? vefo?otoebgbMs:fo i f,iancf,fg fUnotftsnge se toere ftutte bp b3 . fo? goWf fo;otoe cauCetft repe ntatth'cf bnto faiuaclon nottoberepentebof:toftentoo?lbeisf07oio caufetft&amp;eetft. . eftotoetoftatbfKgencetftKJgoblsro?o* toetftatse,torie/ftatftto;ougfttmsou:seeie caufeb so'u-to clearesourefeluepjt caufeo (nblgnaclS/lfcaufeb fear e/ ft caufebbefs;e/

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.foje/notnotoaftamebtftougft Ibdfteb mf ftift tafttm of sou.jfo;ajf alftftsngeu tofttcft Ipjeacfteabntosouatettue/euefo^oure 60 Uinge/ tftat ibafteb ms felfe to ci 1 1 &amp; ft all/founbe true.3Dttb notot ; ftl0 tntoar&amp;e a&amp; f eccton moare abounbanttotoarbesou/toftf ft c r emembjetft tft e obeofence of euet s one of Sou'Jftoto toltft feare ana ttemblsng \t recea* uebftunjrelosce tftat 3 masefteboloe ouee foufnaUtftsngejf, &amp;it put tc t&amp; t&amp;f 1 in rtmemfyaunceto.ltelpr t WWh jki c t at jee nfa l/acco;ojnij as f fljacrtomas 0;9. CCfte.b tft .Chapter. Bo sou to tof t b?etbje7 of $ grace oftE-obto&amp;tcfttsgeueniittfte con* gregacfonst of fl^acebonla/ftoto g ^tfteaboftoaunce of tftetr relosfmg f 9/ i tb f v are trseo iof tft mocfte trlbulacson. 3Dnb tfterto tft ougft tftes toere ercefif ng poo?e Set ftaue tftes geuen ejtcebsnge rtcftis/a tftat tn fsngleneg.ijro^tbtfttfr potoerud beate re co?ae)see anobesSoe tftelrpotoer/tftesujete toSHsnge of tftefr atone mowi a p;aseb bit toltft great mftafice/ tftat toe tooioe receauc tftefr beneffte/anbfurfte tftem to be parte ta*

L fiersJttotfterlnmlnf ftrsnge totftefarncteg. To titot t\m tftes ass/ not as toe lofteo fo; t but 'gaue tftefr atone femes fs;Q to tft e %mtl a a Ker.bnto bubs tft e to?U of &lt;&gt;oD : fo tftat toe coulbenotbut befs?e cftusto acomplsflfte tft e fame benfuolence amonge sou alfo/ cue* aafteftabbegonne. ^ototftetfo?e/a0seatetscftefn anpar* ties/In fastft/m too;bc/fn ftnotolebge/fn all ftmentnejS/ a i n loue / toft left pe ftaue to fajss eugfOfetftatsebeplenteoujtfntftf0bemuo&lt; lence.cftfft fa ve % not0 cSmaunosnge: but becaufe otfter are fo fe went/ tfterfo^e p?oue ! 9 sou* loue/ toftetftet ft be petfast o? no . ye ftnotoe tfte isberalltfe of oute)lo?be fefu0 dftijttt / tofttcft tftotigft fte toere rpcfte set fo? sour e fab eg be came p ait; tftat se tftojotoe ftis pouertle/mssftt be mabe tscfte. anbl! geue councelf ftere to.&lt;ff 0? (ftf &amp; in tn pe&amp;tent fo? sou/ toftfeft begarate/ not to bo on ls:but alfo to toslla sere a go.jSoto tfterfo?e perfojraetfteOeoeUftatass tfter toassln sou a -reftvnes to tosH/euenfosemasepetfo?me $ *D/of! toftfcftseftaue/jJo?sfcfterbefs;tt atopHsngemsnoe/ ttts accepteb acco?bsng to tftatamanftatft/ anotacco?osnge totftat beftdmnot. It is not msmsnbe tftat otftetbefet at ea* fc/anose b?oiigft t Into combzaGce: but tftat tfltrfteegaineisnotoattfttstlme/tbatsoure abotinbflficefucBer tftefr facftetg tftefr aboH mase fupplje sou lacbe; tftat tftet eequalfte/a8Ktngetotftattoftffftf3 *^etftat gatftereo mocfte ftabneuet tftemo5eaftoimi)aflce/8 fte tftat;



tenftaoneuertfteieffe.fftaRfsbebnfodob/ toftfcftputfntfteftertolCitui$rftefftmegooti msnoe totoarae von.foi fte aciepteo tfte te*. queft see ra tfte t fte toajs f toeii toilltng/tfta( of ftfiS atone acco?se/cam e bnto sou, c ftaue rent toltft fttm g b?otfter/toftofe lauaets in tfte gofpelitbo?oto out alt tfte c3 j@ gregajctoiw.a not fo onls/ but in alfo eftofen of tfte cagregacsong to be a feiotoe toltft b# fnourelo?nescocemsngetftfjj benfuolence t fffmsmarea tyw bnto tfte p?asfe of tfte &amp;o;aeanbto ftere bp soure prompt msnae, ' ijfo^tftfss toe eytue/ tftat ens manflmtoeie bufteb&amp;fntftfiS plenteot^offtrsbucso tftae t&amp; msnsftreb i&gt;s ba/ an&amp; tft erf 0? e mab e p?o&lt; usff on rationed fftfngejs /not f n tfte ft gft t of oa onls/buf alfo in tftefsgftt 1 men, ieftauefent toftft tfte" a tyotfter of oure^ toftom toe ftaue ofte tpmes p?oueb bf llget fit mans tftfnges/butnoto mocfte mo;ebilfgef, eft e gteate conffbence toftfeft % ftaue fn sou/ batftcaufeametfttstobotpartels fo? cftusi rafietoftlcftfu msfelotoeana ftelperass con* cernpng sou/partels becaufe f otfter toftfeft ateoureb?etft?en ana tftemeffengersof tfte congregacson0/9 tftegio?s of Cft?fft.H9ftee fo?e fftetoeontotftemp?offeof soureloue/ 9 of tfte tef oscsnge tftat toe ftaue of sou/ tftat tfte congtegacsonss mase reft, G?n f \) (s Adaptec &amp; (?) tie etje Came tftsf ft e 6 ^a in ts e fitjapter joptnu tufoff/tyat (s/mouet^ (ftoni fo ftetp* Ooo;e ijet^cuatjecufaltm. Jf tftemfnsftrlngto *fasnctf(Sff 3J la butftiperfluoua fo? me to to?tt e * weae 6e h* bntosoH;fo?g!fmotoesourereos* ctcB f w&gt;'fc&lt;n wea of msnae/ tofterof g boft ni?'"f/ felfebntotfte of flaceaonfa/afas |3WNr* , * M *

toaat&gt;?epareb a sere a go/a sour feme" f nea ftatftp?ouoBebmans.iSeuertfteieffesetftatte gi rent tft efe b?etft?en/left oure relosfsnge ouersou ftjulbebefnbasnefn tftfabeftaife/ anb tftat se ( aai ftaue ras&amp;e) p?epate soure Celuea left parauentttre sf tftes of Waceso* nfacome toftft me/ anb fsnoe sou bnp?epa* mm booa 1 5 : maae fn ' tftfa matter / fftulb beaibametobajrasenot bnto sou. . naftetro?e3tftoiigfttfeneceflarstoejrfto?te tfte b?etft?en/tocomebefo?eftanae bnto sou fo? top?epate?our gooa bielltnge p?omffeB afo?e/tftatft msgftt berrts: fotftaeftbea bieafnge,'anotabef(aubinge.ii(irftfasette mrmber/ftotoe tftat fte toftscft fotoetfttstell/ Oialleeepelstell/afte llotoetft p&amp;Jnteourjp ftanteepepienteouas. 3nbieteitetiSm$bo &lt;*,&amp;:&gt;,*acco?bsnge aa fte ftatft purpofebfnftferftert/' ** notgtouifistttfs/ojofnweffice^oj^oaio'vr ttftftacfteatfttBgeuee, * .&lt;aoftfa able to mafte sou tscft ti nail grfl* ce/tftat{efnanifti!seaftaufngeftiftVcfene : WitU bnto


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bto8fmoae/raatggtt#bebmo an mfr nergooD tooftya* tfibw .*m batf) fpat f eQ ab;oa&amp;e and Uatb geuen eo $e poo;eybi0 Wgbtetoefne0remapnetb fo? wer.e $ fpn. ben) tfte fotoer tm i anmpnifttb;eeo fo; fooe/ a roallmuitipife mob cms afttcreace _ tbe frutcis of youve rigbtetoeme0,%;tbat oii W MVMittw mm be maoe wmm all fpn&lt; gleneg/ tofjiclj caufcefj tl)o?oto b* / tyanfc'te geufngebntodffob. iffpjtbe office of tbi0 ttiirteracion/not on* J? fopplpetb W neoe ofi&amp;e fat&gt;ncte0:but ai* roi0aboimbauntberem/tbatfo;tbi0lauoa We mfoiCrf nge/tban8*0 mpg&amp;t be geuen to &lt;bod of manpy ippit obfo; tbe obe* bience of poure- p;ofeffpnge tbe fcofprti of b;itt/ 5 f o? poure fmgfcne0 in o ffl rt Uu png to tbe 9 to all mema in tbeir p jape ws to oD t o? pou/longe after pou/fo; t&amp;e abounoaunt grace of do geuenbnto pou. cbance0 be fcnto &lt;Mfo; &amp;i0bnfpefieabiegpfte. *e toitcljctli tlje falft ZfMet/x MenSttb fit* 6U* CMltcaii&amp;fallyiijje. - " teul mprelfe befec&amp;epoubp tUe mefienef afoftnes ofcb;ittto&amp;ieb to&amp;en 3! am p;efent amonge pou Jam of no reputation/ butambofb totoaroe j on bepnge abfent.3 befecfte poup: inebenotto be bolbe toben 31 am p;ereut(*D tyatrameconfiDcnce/to&amp;ettoitb3iamfuppo ftDto be boloe)agapnB fometoijtcb repute bjsa? (Ijougb toe toaftebearnaHp,euertt)e .. leae tbouga toetoaifte copafeo toitb$flem)e/

TP jet toe team not flettjlpe , fo} tb e toeap^ns of ouretoarrearenot carnau t&amp;pnge0/but tbpnge0jmgbtp.tnofl/to caa ooune arBge boUW0/toftertoitbtoeouertb2otoe imagine* cion0/an6euerpb?et&amp;pngetbate;caltetbft felfe agapnB tb e unotojeoge ofoo ab;ingc into captiuite a bnberaanbpnge to tfie obe bience of b;ttt/a"bptotaiie'bengeaa ce on an d if obettenee/ toben pour obeoie n ce it fulfp Hefc&amp;one peon tBpge0 after bt&lt; tetapperanncef v ; Sf enpman trutt mbftn felfe ibefc Cfiji flWlettbefamealfo confpa;e of bwifelfe/ A a0be flmttiWf uen fo are :toeCb;iBe0. CanotbougblOntlo boBmpfelfe fometobat moateofouteaucto;ite tobicb g ko&amp;batb ewenb0 to e&amp;ffie ano not tooettrope m mlfie not be to mp ibame.cbis tape 1 7 _ _ ^ Iflmlo feme afftyottgft 3 toent about to m k it pouafrapoe toty ittm.f 0? tfte epiflieg (faptb be)are Oronge:but bin booplp p?ef en^ cejg toeafie/abfe fpeac&amp;e 10 ttioe&gt;. Xetbpm -, ttatfeffljbctbinncontbWtopre/^atagtoe areintoo?be0bplettet0tobentoeareabfent ftcbeaw toe fttoews toften toe are p?eftnt. 3^ fo?tofwnriotfpioemouKQertf0top* ,.. :$

fie oure relues of tge'nambtf of tht /o; toco* pateourereluefltot&amp;g/to&amp;fc&amp;iauDetbe Celue0/neuettbe!effetobii!tbepmeafuret^ re! vm % tbefelueft/ a compare tlje f tiuegtovtb tbefelue0tbe?bnber(lanoenougtouttoe toillnotreiopceabonftmeafore: Uut ace 02* oing to oust ite of tbc meafure tobicl) cejod batbbifttibnteDttntobg/ameafuretfiatrea ebetbeuen to ton. iffoatoe ttretcbe not out

cure femes befonoe meafure as tbouqfy toe baDnotreacbtbbntoi?oii!ffo?eiietopouuaiie tot come toitb f BofptH of QbMi a toe bott not ourefe!ue0 out of meafure in otber mU labOtttJJ^tettoe bope/tooen poure faptb is incteafeo ampge, wu/to be magniff eo acco? opngf to outemeaune/ mo?e iargeip/ano to P?eadje gbtpell nVtbofe region* tobfeb are beponoepoujanofttoreiopce of tbattobt*., , Htm anotbermaiui meauite paepateoaii te!SMj tVAttmt retopfetb/retopfein ^%m.SmSX fat fte tbat P2a|fetbbimfelfe/i0notalotoeo; p^mtMi but be tobom t/be jL-o?oe p?apfb; . ww t ftt CJBauI(i)iifii&amp;rftuncf)tiJnien6ti|je&lt;mfelftMnb tt,, ' iettl ' !llt ^ ^ftntictl) ljt6 aut to;fte agapiifttljc falft p?op^ Utft, be.)rt.yapter, loeto dSoD/pe couloefuff;eme a$ fpteflitttttp fottftne0:pe $35, p^ape pou f o? beare mef o^j am geiou j* ^_^oue ; r ; poutoiB)gowpgelOHfp . fo; m btmm I couples pou to one m&amp;/to mafiepou a cfja* , ^X oe aebwgento.Cb)ift,5Siitgifeatelea as Sftttft&amp;cpWe pent Uegpieo eue tbo?oto ^ futte Jtie/euen 10 poute tofftieffBDulb be co?rupte fr5 f fin* glenept^atig inCb?ttt.ifo;pf fte f cSmetb/ P?cacbe a notber Jefujstben bm tobome toe p;eacyeo:o? ?f i?eteceaui!anotberfp;efetBen ttobtcUpe{jauereceaa^:c(beranon)ergof&lt; peiUBen * pe baue receau eo/pe mpgbt rigbt 35 toell bauelKne content . % fuppof e f % toa0 ai tomtit notbebpnoe tbe cbefe apoaieg^^ougbWbe* * Wc Jpk wjein.fpeafifnge/pet3! am not fo in firtotos Uft ieoge.^oto be it amsge pou toe are bttotoeto tbebtmofftobattoeare(naHtbpng^.^po9 tbt?in fpnne/becaufe 3! fubmpttcbmp^elfe/ fpemigbtbeeitafteb/abecaureii);eacbeb . to pout^egofpeu of eobfre^l robbeo otbec c5g8ftcion0/atofie toagesi of tbf to atfpot* fcrupce ttaiUnbtobf a toa* p?eremtoptb vou/a&amp;abneoe/|to!8.greuou!8tonom8fo2c $ tobicb toaflacairtgebnto tim^ttWm tobtcb cam frpmflPacebpnfe/fuppiieD: a in autbpngeggifieptmp-feifetbata auiB noc ijegwueoujsto^ow^fotoiHpepempfelfe. tbetruetb of t)M beinme/ tbpsre* iopfmge (ball not betabe from meintfie re gions of 3Bcbat9r.lbeWo;e^ecaufe3! roue pounotf oosnotoetb. $mertf)eit;ffe tobaf 9oo/tbattopfl3!ooto eut atoape occafion ; .

fromtbemtobtebbefp^e occafton /tbatt&amp;epj mpg^b^ounoelpfiebntob0infBattoberin


m i I'

m reiopce, fo; tfiefefalfe apoaieg arf otf. iceatefulj too;fter0/ ano faffpon. tbsm ferui "



J,ttfnot.erpemftfo;wenoiiouttowio^ mmt\w% toill come to bifiong a uns* \mu of tbe ;o?De.3l bnotoe a ma" in B;i(i aboue ; wtij.peare0agone(toeetljer be toere in tbe bpbpa cannot tell/o? toDenjer fte toere oute^^eboDpgi cSnottelKffioBftnotoetb) tobpefttoajitabenbpin totlje tftp;Obeauen,


tbe fadfpon of anaitgeir of Ipgftt.cfterfo;eit is no great flnnge/tbouoj W nuniSer^faf* fpont(}efeiue0a0 tBougb ft)ep toere tbe# ^, fJB . ., w _ wgHBIW iuftersi of rpsfttetoefnes5:tobof? eftoe 8aib ; ; SSnBl^notoetbefameman (&amp;S acco;opiiBetotfteiroeoe0. .... .: : ..j. :1 boop/o?.putof tbeboop.jcannottciidEioi i ,Srapeagapne/reftenpm5tbfnbef|am 8notoetb5bototbatBetoa0tabebpintotea&lt; roiire:o; el0euf notttabeHife asafole/fr .bj , ft/anofteatiietoo?6e0nottobefpoRfn/ imape boa mpreifearpten.f^at 9|fpea6c to5icnomancanbtter.&gt;f tlii0 matttofflV

3fpwfteifnotaftertbetoape0of|gi;]tO26e reiopce/pfmpfejfetoitanotreiovce/erreut Buta^ittoerefoHfftrtp/tobiBtoei^ ftbeof.mpneinfirmitiel.llinopetfbougjigi at m M^ 0{ iV' *&gt;mst$titinti&amp;niwp tooioe reiopce/ 31 jjmfoe notbea fore: f o; I ^iW! is I m '^ mm ^ cealt0 ^^M ' toOiaefapeftroiitlje.iSeuertBeleireiCpaiey .fuffrefojefsgiaoip/befaufetbatpesbure^i reftenpman OJuIDetbinbeofmeabouffit . 0aretoife.iro?pefuffrieii5pfamlb^ng; :^WiWmptobc/o;bMt7f6ofn :#m^..|W*bontiage:pfamSKnoure:pfan^ v te!SffiHSfl ll !P , 9 1 ** WNftiwii* WW*** abounoanceof reueiacp50/Hier StamS t223i*%&amp; fpwfic 8JJ concerfiffeb toaFgeue bnto me nnmxSmm&amp;$X' T&amp;^^Mpmtemiw*m.: . ^gK^ofatantobnffSK mraumttft 6e , f oto beit ^ caufej mmnmemmmmnxtaklilu^S lZ KE&amp; t0 S w(a fpe ? fte f0 P*fw be boibe #0 fo; ms tftinge befou&amp;t 9SS wa * S K = tnotoicoge. cfjepare&lt;s?b;ue0/foamii:rf.eMeifi ! ^ ibatitrapgetDeparfeftommelnbBe Bec {ama l nU bnto memtp gvscc ip fufBcKtfo; ttje.f 2 mp paifeSISiKr itrengtb f0mabe parfapct tbo;oto toeafineleu tu ^ %$ cierpglaotttBmo;? to3! reiopce of mptoe, f3e " ll "i' nw


khhICd am 3".cbep are tbe feeoeof |b;a bam; eu? f am a.cbep are rbeminer0 of &lt;Eb;ia{3ifpeafiea0,afole)3!ammoare:pra tourjj moare abounoaht: in fffimfim miatuu; &lt;$n p;efon moare piemedutfi!; fit beetb ofte. &amp;t tbe %e\m fpue imimm* ueoa torn cyme. tt#m faue one,b;pfe ijf toa0 3 beten toitb roboe0.3! toa0 once aonea I fuffmo tb;^fe fliipto?acc . 0t0$im baue 31 bene in tlje Depe of (be fee.^n io;nep e Inge oftemm parcte of toater0:,in partfiJ of toblwnfim ieoparbie* of mpnc atonenacion tn teoperoieg amongetbe.bctben;3tbaue ( be* ne in parel0 in citie0/inparel0in toilberne0 in parei0 inm fee/ pare)0 amonge falfe


S- WWbaueJibeiectacponinin^ SaSB mam m rebUfie0;'inneoe/in perfecuc0 9S in angupf (be/fo; C&amp;?itte0lfie, ga to &amp; en 3 * m^ m amtoeafie/tUenam3ieronge. T*pki baue^opelleo met 3! oug&amp;t to (jau e bene co^ KSSS menoepof pott.f o;innotOpngetoa0|infe 5 waa&gt;jf# tio; bnto tbe c&amp;efe apoare0/ttougb 3 be no* m oufe mts tbptige/pet (betonens of an aipoBie toere ft tt SiZ SSffiSSS^ ?ffi 9*" stance/ top(b SiptTfi? vmnm \stowm trauaple/in toatebmge 10 it toberm pe toere inferiowbnto otber con *! * a ^ fans often/inbonger(ntftp2ft/infaBnige0o.ften gregaci30 eycept itbei&amp;erintbat Ito tfmtS! e AS*' mcoioeabina6e&amp;n^3Cni)bef?ftet3tbinge0 BKUW^mffi^SSSwffieJte tobicb out toaroip bappen bnto me/3anrcfc none bntopou. e Wenoto SKtS 8Sf SSffi J;eooairp/9Docarefo;arc5gregaci90#bo |amrebptocomebntopou: 9 pefflKt^^^^ Wficfte/af am not ftcfie^fjor0burtf irt*;3feftenotpoure0/ r '' cf ' ( !'() top a mpftert btmtetb noting mutt new; btitpou .aifo m c(njft;en ougbtnottoiapet ei ob ^ wiopce/3tottlreiopceofmpe&lt;nfirmitpe0: ^tnmt^mmm^m^^" 1 ^ cimiHatahoiii)pmtot|enj?Be!)tauttt;eeaM(9 tber0anDmotbet0fo;tBecBpiD;en. tooe*noouefpoftenof. StoiUbeirpgiaoipbettotoe/atotffiebetto* iwv C5be.?b.Cbapter. toebfo;pourefoule0:tbougb(bemoare^lo=&gt; |eob^anpfatberefourei,p;ae: uepou/t&gt;leiTe3!amlouebagapne.utbeft i3efu0Cb;(ft/tobpcSi0ble(iifo;: 3greue&amp;pounot:neuertbeleffe3toa0crae eiiermo?e/Rnotoetbtbat3!Ipenot., tpato6epouttgiie.po3pflrfo^eiw .^nttrtcrtieoflBamafCon/f go* oftbemto6icb3ftWbntopou^befweoi:i* ^^M^SXSSSSSS^^i tu0/atoitbbim3rentabieber.pbSV0 /^etoatcftemtftecitie of tbeamafcen0/ wfrauliepouof wjtbpn&amp;alfiebtoenot iL - ''gMX'p^augbtme/anoatatopnbo* fnonefp;ete^toaineiitoenotm mSS* SHI'? &amp;ou 5 ? fc a barftet t&amp;0?oto * e ' a sa? ne tljinftepe toe ercufeo ure felffi toaU/attWofcapeob^6anOe0. tefpeaBeinCb;ittintbef?gbtofoD:


th t cpt'ftft


V belye*.'*

IButtoeoo an tfjt'itgeg &amp;?atip beicueofo? pome eorfg inge. tfojs feate left tt come to pane/ mat toijm'j,conie/5 Q)aii not f jnoe fou focbe au3s tooioetf a ftfclbe faunae wito tou focbe as $ tooiae no ei feate leather be ftunw amBge pou Debate/enupmge/ to?at&amp; tttpfe / uacftb gtingeg/ tobpfpetpngeg/ftoc* Imgeg ano a ife otae.J, feate (eft to&amp;en3i come agapne/oDbjmgemelotoe amSgepou/a gi be eonttrapneDto betoapie.manpof tbem topf eft baue fp nneo all wop/ano b a u e n o t r e* prntea of tbe tonclenneg/fo;mcacion toan tanneg tub icb tb e p baue committ eD, C 0 piomjfe t&amp; to come bnfo (Ij em a tiD c r fi o: te etj tM f o to ojtyc them ft lues e[jat ^c map fpnoe tbem pac# fee Jcanfi of one mpnoe. CCfle.rm'.Cbaptet. SSiffswraOto come gitbetbpjbtpme bnto j?o u*m moutlj of ttoo o? tb;e tot t neffeg maileuetptbtngeftanDe.31 tfltte fou bef o;e/a tell p ou befoje: 9 as 9? fapoe tobe g was pjefent tottb pou ft conae tpme / f o to?p te 7; note bemge abrent totbetob^cb in tpme paftbaue fpnneb/3 to an otbrofc pf 3 come agapne/3i totll not fpa ;e,repngetbat pefcbeejrperpenceof &lt;ffb;ftt

tobicb f p eabetb in m t, tob t cb amonge sou t g not toeafie /but is migb t p m pou.lnD be r f Ip tbougb it came of toeawiegfljatfje toas cm* eW cb, pet Itoetb be tbo;oto tfte potoer of ca ?P3CnD toenoboutarc toeafte t'nbfcbut toe ftal Hue to ft im/ bp mpgljt of qd amSge pou. pt?ou e poute feiueg tobetbet pe ate i n tbe f aptb o? not . cramen poute atone felu eg: finotoepe not poute atone feiueg bote g ?e fits cbnftitf wpow/eitceptpe becattatoap* ,jtf&amp; trutttbat pe mall Snotue $ toe are not *caftatoapeg.loefpjebefojeoD i peoone? neeupll/nottbattoeflwlDfemecSmenDable but pe (buio bo tbat tobicb te boneft-.a let bgbecounteDagleatobeperfoneg. t&amp;ecibo ttotbtnge agapnft jJtruetb/but Off teuetb. me ate glaD to b " toe ate toeafie/a pe tttSge. CbPPalfo toe totffte fo;/ euen tbat petoete tetfect.betfojeto2pte$mefetbing$berng abrent/ left toben % am pjettnt/ 5 QmlDbfe roarpenegaccojbpngetotbepotoertobpcft f Uo#ebatb geuen me/to eoifpe/ a not tow* ^ fttope.iffinallpeb?etb?en fatepe toeil/bepa 1 ^fect/be of gooDeomfojte/ be of onempnoe/ lpuempttce/a&amp;030flouespeace/malb'! toitb pou.tete oneanotbetmanboipttflre. |Uia8nttB.iolllllf*fapnct5taliitepou.rbfgtaceofoiite u mum* '. '&amp;o?De gjemi ffb?tft/a tbe lone of &lt;$oo/a m fellicmippeof boipgooftbeipou al ame. Cbe tmt of tbe feconbe c pfflieto tbe (Cotfntftpaw.

- . &lt;t&lt;aentftom^b!ltpposacit!eiti05a* ceoonia/b^JtusanbjUcag,

tpe oalatbpansj, Ctoaul tctiu^t6&lt;M*ciifttI)eptefKffttfenatta^. f i om tbe &lt;2o fp til- actocch bis etanie toiinec.Cpoii/mii3 mfpetij bis e fftce an 6 3p oft t f fljippc/ano 0? ela wlb biiit fclf be rqnau toltb t be bye apoftlt*.

4E9eQv8C|apteK. 3tttt art apoftle not of | mi , am men; netbec bp man/ but bp ff come lonse SefusJCttelft/anDbp obtije am m ap fatbectobfc&amp;tapfeobfotftom &lt; &gt;* ^ Ub:anball$b*etbtf tobicb JJftgS (atetoltbme. ofanptbntwe ffintot&amp;e congtegacpong of alacia. be? o,t ii?m. jje tacebetoptftpouanb peace from &lt;0obtt)ebfri|;o!iB be fatbet/ anbftomouieTLo;M gefug mMt T*aX tobfebgauebim felfefo?outefpnneg/tobe&lt; Xwma li'uet bg from tbig p?efent eupll too?lt&gt;e/tbo&gt; conricmat^n. torn tbe tot ii o f oo mite fa wet, to to&amp;om be wut tbe mt j;apft fo; etier anb euet.amen. SSSUHS J matuapie tbatpeatefofonetutneb ta fSSS b&lt;m tbat calico pou in tbe grace of b?ift/ bn cmiu of &amp;n. to anotbet ofpell: tobpcbttnotbphgeelg/ cmmma of bnttbat tbet be fome tobf cb ttouble pou/anb '^ SjJ?5, fatenoe to petuett tbeofpell of Cft?W.JSe Kv ua nettbeieffe fljongb toe oute felueg/o? an am ( B Ui aiUy geii ftomljetien/ p?eacbe enpbtbet ofpell foioe aiftw f bnto pbu/tljen tbat tobicb toe baue p?eacbeo^* bntopou/BoBjei)pmagacurfeb.3Bgg! rapbe*. heiotf/to tape fnotoagapne/pfenp man / p?eacbe eup otbettbmge bnto pou/tben tbat pe^ueteceaueB/boloebfacctrtltb^eacbe imfSn^Doctt&lt;neo;oR^tbetgo ? about fopleafe tteitfgf 3! ftottpebto pleafe men/M ^ toerenottbefetuauntofb?ift. 2 ?i X 1 .4-qicettifpepoub?etB?en/|tbeoQrtll K xfl lWcbtoagp?eacbeDofme/toaguq5a*wt^ /



Bfmati netbep

uetBettoaggitaugbtitibiitteceauebtt bpf rapgbtpin|&amp;etetmrljea(pomermfppeouef C teuelacio of |cfug Cfci&amp;ff o; ^eftaue beato fbe cltcffctcpoivtbe fame toag mpgbtptn me of mp conuctfacpon In tpmj.paft/W tbe gie* amonge tbe entplg: anb tl)erfo;e fcbc" tbep toeg mapeg/ bote t Iff ponbe me^fure fpeil* petceaueo tbe grace tbat toas geug b nto me/ fecuteo tbe congregation of Ob/ fpopleb iberi pni eg/ depgag ft %o\}n/ tobpet) fe ntca it:anDp;'eiidpie&amp; irt'tbe aetoegttape/aboiie fobepplerg/gauetome aftb^arnaba gtlte manp of mp cdpantoitg/to&amp;icb toere of mine tpgWbanDeganb agrcea tottb bg/^to c Qjuia atone nacf on/ano toag a mocbe mo?e feruet fceacbe amonge tbe f etljen/ a tbcp a mong* ttiapntenetof tbetraoicions of tbeeioerg. tb&gt;|etoeg: toarnmgeohlpmattoe mtrto ere put tab's it pieareb 09/tobicb feperatt 6 member Vat poo;e,u@bicb tbinge alio? to ag meftprampmotbewtoombe/acallebraebp biligenftobo. . t m gfaee/fo; to Declare (jig fonne bp me/ 1% 3(nD toben J&amp;et er toag tome to ftntiodKl'P** iiki&amp; r . muiDp/eacbebimamenaetbebetbemimme* 3toitbftooebintmtljeface/fo;bctoagtooit#

etw " tpiMt- m Diatlpi cgmeneD not of f mat ter **flefQ)e tbP to be biameo.jfo? per tb at certapne came : * SSmwo? n blo , uo/nEt0c,: veturnebtogimifalemto ftomgjameg/beatetoptbtlje^entptg. ut wnSnftu tftem W toew apoftW befo;eme:but tobentbeptoerecome/betoitbDMieanDfepa^ jatomtrnptoapegintoaraMa/jcameagapne tatea Dim felf e/fearpnge tbetohpcbtoereoe totto ^amarco.'iiben after tb;e peare/g; res tbe-cttcumcifpon ; jfinb tbe other iletoegbif* turneb to Sewfalem to fe l&amp;etcr / anbaooce fcmbUD ipaeupre/f ti f o moc&amp; e'tftat 5Bama toitb bpm.rb.bapeg/no notbet of tbepo&amp;* bagteag bjottgbt into tbeft fimulaciS alfo, ; leg fame i/fauegiameg tbe )Lo;Degb?otber. ffiuttobenifatoe/^ tbeptoentiiottber igbc cbetljingcg toJjtca j to?ite / be&amp;ofoe/ o&amp; toapeafter.tbetruet!) of t6eorp eu73!fapDc' finotoetbiircnot. bnto Peter befo/e all men/pf tboubepnge after tbat a toent into cofteg of &gt;p?ia agetoe/ipueftaftertbemSneroftbeetplg a C&lt;ltcta:atoagbnfinotoenag toucbingmp anDnotagbotbegjetocg-.tobp caufefttbou f perfon bnto tbe congregacpong of eto?pe/ entplg to ipue as i bo tbtSetfetff l&amp; e ttbicB tobicbtoeremCb;itt.35uttbepbearDeonlp arefetoegbpnatttre/anbhotrpmicrgoftlie t betobicbperfccuteD bgfntpmepaft/noto; entplg/bnotoetbataman fgnotntttifpea

in tb

p^eacbetb ? f a ptb tobicb befo?e be Dettropeb^ anDtljepglo;ifieD'oDonmpbebalfe. * * Cfec toi (brton tic t\) {deter (n tbe faceMno p?oucth tbat tbe lavue t ciMumcifpon are not n c ceils c p to faluaciS,

3B liMiilocfcnScii] idtliUeetpc o( licsofpciu

bptfle*&amp;e&amp;e0 of tl)elatoe;6ut bptbefaptb of**** *t 6 pmtDM. Kino tberfo^e toefcwe beinteb S2S2te, On giefug mm/ tbat toe mpglje be itiftifpeb SffiSSf '* ., . bptbefaptb of ^MmUm^eimr m * tbelatoc:0ecaufetbatbptbeDeDegof8latoP ^en.rlnf.pesreg tberafter/31 toet nofleffliecartbemaifpeD, Jbp agapne to irntfaS tottb J3av* 9f ttien ubpii toe fefie to be mabe rpght e* t t nabag/ana tone toptbme citug toegbptftatft/toeoutefeluegarefounDefin*^ alfo.7r aj toenj bo ftp reuelacion nerg/igfiflptben &amp;#ft miniQer of Cpnnef a comeneo toirtj tbe/ of tbe ofpeii tobicb J &lt;EtoD fofc-ffo? pf % bpicr agapne f tobpeu p;eacbe amoitgetbe entpig-.but bettoene 5CbeftropcD/tBenmaRe3Jmpfelfea tteafpa* oiuctelueg/tottb tbemtobptbtoeteconte&amp; fet.^jButlt&amp;ojototbeiatoe/amDeeDfo tbe^i"? . cbefe/icftrtftutobaue bene tbougbf mat % latoe:tbat5!mtgbtlpuebhtooD.31amcru^ c S ?S'^ SSSSKPL* lm umm ln bB ^ m - m *** ct % s * ^ W*I line berrtpspet novo not Sm tugtobpeb toagtoptbme/tbougb be toerea 1/butCtotftlpuetb in me.ffo? lpfetoDpcbatoe ofipbee refte/ pet toag not copellcD to be circflrifcD' 11 note ipue in tbe flefroe/ ? Ip ue bptbe faptb ! I'"'*" 1 "* a tbat becaufe of mcomeig bepnge falfe b?e&lt; of tbe fonne of oD/tobicb loueD me /a gaite KuK* SffaytS came in am5ge otbet to fppe out bpm f elf e to; me . % befppfe not tbe g race of ? ?Z % Ct i ttMi ( nf 9n 2K bmcr 519 *** ' Cb?ift fefug foD. jf o? pf rpgbtetoefneg come of $ latoe/ of uonbaue m* -Mil. anI)oure/agconcmmsetobeb2ougbttnto' f*c"bnhetfj ttjebnrteafiiiinciTeof tftc ^aTatftptme J" r A e * cU,:t ^

of tbe ofpr ii mpgbt contiuue toitb pott. fl)f je tobicb femea to be great (tobatfbep ^iueretntptnepaffco ftmaftetb nomafterto me;obIoKet'&gt; on no mag petfonlneuertbe*

refle ^ U)ic\) femea great/ aotiea notfipns

i5i!a^^^ntraii?topfe/bAentBepfeteel. i^^^aftworooe^efepeg/a amonge isXtumtp^ffofpeUouertbebitctrcucirtontoagcom poumicifpeD/cbigonlptooIae|Srneo5 Bont"be^tp/mptte,Dbnto me/as tbe ofpei ouertbe*cir* pcu,'receaueape$rp?eteDPBeaeso rtfatoy h.1 tumc&lt;fp(mttagbnto?&amp;etet:fo?betbattoaj{ b?eigbpp?eacbpngeoft$elaptb5it epeW "'. britopft/

T c&amp;apter. mm aiatbpangjtobo batb bet tottcbea pou^pe OmiD notfieietted truet|^ptobofefug&lt;Cb?&lt;fttoaj. taetcribea before f epeg/a amonge

:'* -v




&amp;e ami

HS?i2 a tf^ banebrgonnr WW e. * J3efo;rtbat M tame/tee toewfifpi topic eetooldenptor rn&amp;rtotbrfirfibr* tmt.pbnbertbriater/bnto ffaftbtobhli 1BSS!S I SJ99 ,n&lt; *!5 WMo * ou W Wfo?r tor later tea* oure fcolenrneeij *wete/ans iteojbet&amp;mwaclr* amonge f ou fento tbe tpmr of Gritty tbat toe mvg bt be botb&amp;rtttJNototbrbe6e0oft&amp;elatoe/o;b? mabe rvgbtetoe* b* favtfL utafuttba t

J80.n.f". Jf */ ft teas affcrrbebtofom afcoiemali:.!jfo?fcaeeaH?romjeBof b a f'St7 ajli?e ffiat atr bawprrb/Oaue put on c tow. itSnWS? gotoWtfirtino/etornrtOet rntp!l:tSer!0pouSrVm t ? netbrebonbener fre.:tberi0netber mart taMp *&gt; He tooraan-butje ate all onetbpnge m*&amp;#ftff'JBW'tte |rto.g|fprbeb;tar0/tOenarrrcaib?ab^ ,?affc, ' ,; ^

jatoh,^; to rvsbteteerttes.&amp;noeeaanDetbeefojrtbat fOri? tobprf) are of fartb/tOe farnr aw $ cbv&gt; toenoeatoabam, f o; tbefcrppuirefatorafo/rbanbr/tfKrt &lt;fop teolbeiuftifve tfte rtben tbojoto favffi anb tberfo?e Qiemeo brfo;e banoe glabt** . B?ngr3bntoatoab,am:3|rtt0efbanallna* . lw , rw ^ wt) , MP , Me tew* utttr/atrbiii)ri;marrbfc(!pi.flo;ic&lt;0to;(ttniS fttb^w,, ftp* Htrfr&amp;fs eurr? man tbat contwmetb not in AWcttt. ailtbjnge0tobicbaeeto?fttenmtbcboBeof * tbr latoe/fo fulfil rbem.cbat no man few* ttf?rbbptbriatormtbrfHjbtof!5ob/rirf (^fa^&gt;o(ibtnt,!j?o?tbrmar flralHvurbpfavtb. Che II frTr.^,^^ ! ato L f ** not of fa?t^:liue tfjc matt tfiae fulfil* ammttmm tbe mm conta? nrbtn tbrlatorwaii tone mm batb veivutrrbtos f com tbr curfr of tbr lator/ano tea* maw a

t\)t alatljpans. Cbr.fui.dTbftpter. 3. \ .160 1 31 raj r tftat tbr brwr axt longr * jasO W a cbpfoe/ p^ ttti not ftora * a rcrtiaunt/ tbougbbe be %tti&amp; of {all/but 10 bncer euters ana goiter*

.nfij mm the tsmr appotertrb of father; tSiien fo toe/ as longr as tor toeie chfltyen/ teejtfinbonoagcbnaertbe oj&amp;ftiannce* of too;i6e.uttobetbe s *tvmeteas fuliccme/ kffIlMBBt i&lt;-(fiuiflwpiii,* w,, i* v t fcM " VM * M -' ,, '" u,P ' t,, " JU "" ,,,,a, ' ,: ^wfrntnwronnebojnrfif atoomSmatBfiTiif)m 1 .i52 ft.hc0ni)ati6:rwrrponrtBat bangrtbon trrr/tbat &amp; birf* torrebnbert(jrlatoe:t batW)o;otorleccififtvo{ommpH B /

if * a y u jfr fpngr of 3Db?abam m?gbt comr on tbr en*" """^""weeaue $ p?omr$ of tbr fp;rtr tbo?otofa|a) . Jfoetbjen a torn fprafir after tbrntanrc df men.cbongb ft br but a man* traament $etnomanbefpffetbft/o;abbetbrnftbmge t&amp;erto/to&amp;rnftttoncralotoeb.* co aibm. bamanablSfteb toere tbr pjompfr$ maw, rfaptb not m tbr feeaest/ajj manp:buttn

mwbtrrcraurtljr thbect'tatincr tbaf Wtth*SS? t W 2 grt$bnto natnmn fonne^ecflufc?? are ffi8$ foniie0/&lt;0obbatO frnt tbc Qt/etc of l)(g ronlie Kh/uur, fntoourebertes/tobicbcrvetb abbafatber.)"58V8f. ' ltjerfo?e noto/tbou ait notafemafft/ otic afonne.gjftboubctbr fonne/tOouaitralfa tbeben;eofootbo^otob;tft. &amp; m j5ottoitbftaiibi?nge/ tobfnpefinttoe not , r - v. -,-..- I . ; .,^ .. Wft . W .., foareopoceriucrbntotiieiii/tobtcbbpna* tbyfebr/wmone/tobfeb w Cb?ta. cbf0 futr toereno oooeg. jBut noto fevnBeiJr . 5!fape/tbattbelatortoOFcbbrganneafter&lt; BnotocDb(vferatbcratelmotoenof oW ;6rt 8 att J* - ^r/bri!ottbr.B,c,9.Krr.i'eat(;/botbnot tommimmm agav; bnto I nme mmu &amp; BifttauH tbr trttament/tbat toaa ronfermrb, .. anb beogarl? cerimomeo, toOer ont o aaawir afo;r of obbnto &lt;m toaru/ to mafir tbe oeff ;e afrrf flje to be in bonbage f y r ob*;?ftbrmbrrftacr gturbapeS/anDmonetbeg/^ti'nieg/ai'rar!: comr of tbr later /It cSmrtb notof p;ome0. aamrotieaveofpou/irajbaurbruotofboii wtffiobgaurftbntoaitoabambrp;omrjf nouiabourefnbiipnr. 9Beifo;rtarnfmirtbtbrlatorfCbel8* /J8;rH);rn1brfecb?ou/brrr80lamjfo&gt; tor^abbrbbauoftwnfgrr^on{t^Jama0^8rrTebauenotburfrmrat W^camrtotobl^ewomeatoaSmaor) 7efinotor/bototbo,!oto &lt;nmUtproffrrr*3;'.firmfeaiti

anjmto80p;arrneobr#ngei0fo tbr&amp;anbr r/gi p.jradjeotbe ofprllbntosouatthr tmrnm n* ef a ummt.* meoiato; ttnot a mtotato? Qsft jnbmp temptactoi tobjeb a fuflwbbp Pff W""''" .* one, tit obWone. ptbelato^ tben trafonofmpffrfOjr/tcbrfppreb not netbrr ,, ^ e ** w f i agapntt tbe poorness of ob f ou fo?b?b . ab!io;reo:bittrecemieD mcas an amteHof *mtmwWo*totitvf tbrrbabbenr alator geuftobfeb ob-.peeass Cb?m Jefujj . fioto bapp ptw* S f S e ?2 l X 8 ^ trrrtbenffo?^beatrjouKco?briatVft SS * tetoefne0u)u!bbanrcomrbptbelator.tit bab bene poir?Dpngetotbepotoet'tbattoo? betbi'nbji *KiiS? !,e *"** * c c "B"gacvon br %W hi^mam ^Wft/ tbo?otoout all genera ce'onss from tr* accWi* tepcjmetotpme.Himen. f&gt; Mg&amp;nrto bt.\oi{&lt;c0 wha'frtli ttem wtfomcfce wfltonge fiiffttpnge/ ptnfcb toftb. Jjnfo loneanb jjcacc/cutr? on? to feruc anb cbfffe ano* tbertos'thtbegpffe tljat &lt;Booliatb gcucn bfm/tobe* toareoSaraunjiebMrtiiie/ftjlniwatfcDe t^cotDc ton/ BCacjonofBtfop-CiBf^towilht(nanettlyft. 3 &lt;ic!)e,tft}.Bapter. ,* cbeefiwetobTc&amp;am fnbortdcsfo? tbe jLojbesfiifte/erbotfe rou/tbat retoaibetootfbriof tbe bocaeron toftettovtb pe ate called/ in allbfl* blenegt of mpnue/ano mefines/ fonge Cuf* som9.s. ana ferpnge/ fo;beartnge one another tbo;otoe u&amp;om.tin loue/anbtbatfebeDtligenttobepe tfjebnt'^ _ _. tteoftbefp?cteintfte bonne of peace/bepngf SS, one boop/anb one fp?ete/etten as re are eal dm (Wo. lea in one bopc of route calfynge. jLet tber . put tiaptjitw. be but one $*&gt;&amp;/ one fartb/.one baptpme;

%ty tpfflt


true faclcuEf.

one oD anbfatfier of M/W$ i'JS about ail tbojotoall/anbmfouaH. fr Hon to eu err one of M i # geuen grace ac 33 co?omge to tbe meafute of fgrfte of Cb?tft. oma.^ uebetfo^bftartB'^^feQionfbpanbreano^'n.^ batbleobecaptttrttie captiue/anbbatb HRSfSS grfteu bfito men. cbatbe afcenDib: tobat*^ u &gt; v * meatutb it/ bu t tbat be alfo Defcenbeo fr?a intotbe lotoeftpartreiSoftbeertb^ i^ettjat befceitbeb/ig euetbe fame alfo tbat arcehben bp/cue abottc at beauf? /to fulfrllaiUbing; ainDtljeberr famemaoe fome SDpodles/c fome p?opbetess/ fome Cuangelt'Oejs/ timt&amp;mjL ^beperocis / anb fome ceacber* : tbat tfje farnctes mrgbt baue all tbmgeg neceffarre to too;fte amintflectottb all/to tlje edifrmg of tbe bobr of W ft/tril toe euerr one {in f bnitt'eof fartb/anbmtotolebgeof tbefonne of oojgrotoe bp bnto a patfarcte mm/nU*mntQxtbt termeamreof*age of gfulnesi of toift, *'""; ,m ' battoe bence fobbenomoarecbrl9?en/?%f*f e flf' toaueringe ano carreb tortb euerf tornce of to SSm boctrine/brtbe torlruwof mf acraftrnest/ftctmen tan toljetbr fOcrlareatoarte fo? bStoDeceaue f l ""'*i"'ii b3,33ut let b? f olotoe tbe ttuetb in loue/ano S**" 1 tnaIltbrnge0grotoeinbimtobfcbi0beeb/^ tbat in to fare l)M /in to ij 6 all tbe bobr iu cbuplea ant&gt; fmet together in euerr forut tobtrtoitb onemrnrQretb toanotber (acco; binge to tbe opetacr on as eu err parte batb ' - . bis meafure) anb incteafetb tbe boap/bnto ebrfringeofitrelfeinloue. * W % fare tBerfo&gt;eanbfeaifre in tbe 3io;oe/tbat re^bf ce fo?tb toalbenot as otber &lt;s&gt;entm toaise/ in banrtr e of tbet't mrnbe/ blinbebin tbeir bnberltanbinge/bernge Q ra&lt; lingers fr5 tlje Irf e tobrcl) is in ob tbo?oto tbe igno;ancr tbat in tijp m/ becaufe of $ Mindnes of tbeir bertes / w^ic^ bernge paa mwmu n tepentaunce/baue geuen tbemfelues bnto of mru toantannes/to too?8eall manner of bnclen^ !l ? n 3^ nes/euen fopi grebines. 30 utreljaue not f o c leatnebcb?itt/r f fo be re baue beavbe of Ijtni annate taugbt in br m/euen as tbe truetl) i$ in 3!efu,S&gt;o tben as concernmge tl)e cornier facfonintrmepaft/larefromroutbatoibe man/tobicbiSco;tupte.tbo.20totbebeceaua

Weluttes/ 1* i-anbbererenuebinKP?ete I &gt;ja8 . of rouremmbes/anbput ontbacnetoemS/SSS tobrebaftee m rmageof.^obisibapeninilclof KSg trgbtetoeftiesanbttuebolrneS. . mat-'fium H0betfo;eput atoapeipmge/anbtpia&amp;er&lt;*&gt; wow euerr man trutb bnto bfenergbbomvfo? as 5S*fiS mocbeaStoe ate members one of anotber.^, TmSSt *36e angrre but frnne not : let not $ fonne s at tbe fcoitii go boune bp5 route tozat&amp;metbet geue pb** *t&gt; w ' *' ce bnto bacfi brter. %tt Him $ ftole/ftealc.^ ; ?ffi nomoate/butlet brmtatbetiaboute W&amp;SiSS bttbanbesfomegoob tbrnge/tbaebemare e o;watb bauetojgeuebntobmttbatnetietb* f&lt; tva^butam " Xetno


jrtffcnfo ^latoc, : xet no fiitbrtSmunicacronpzocebe out l8Xffi$ f rourcmoutbejftbiittbattobitlj is gobb to S ^.uijneDiaauefaueouttoit^ibebPaters. anbgteuenoc t^fltbabwiaiime bolrfpzeteof- dBob/brtobore arefealeb SSIF 2SR5W t** of rebempcioXetail bittemes/ BSf/ ?W? * to^tft/ "zrnge a eutfrb fpea* syoaciiAXB it f o/ buige/be put atoar e f r o m r ou/ to i tl; all ma* ijuwtb he m lictouuies.^e re court eoufe one toanotbec Q*ittc anb metcrfuil/foigeumge one anotber/ euen as dsob fo; cij^ifles fane fo?gaue rou, toacc of bncicncB/coucfcoufncftivfolvfl)taiuv"fle* fnU'cOoctrpiicifobc tittumfycttvtott'jQybt tym* lieuiiefrc/iorcropfeanbroiretOriuhfiiUtcivtJni-OciSob/ to fubmptt tty a-iucoone tomiitptifo t cacljcti) 6010 men ougjjf to Cuiwate t(jt(t tojttee*




[be,b.&lt;tbapter, ^ (E K folbwers of ob as oete d)il* mi% toalfte in loue cue" as l)?ift ioueo bS/agauebpmfelfe fojojf/ Jan offering aafacviftce-.ofaftoete angoaip tfmufauerto (i'$ob.^&gt;o^fo;nicacio$allbncienes .Ditacts srtgttit 0? coueteoufnes be not once named amonge fi9SS&amp;?lfti*ltt becometb farhctesmettjer fibrnt nmt we. mtfia eolym jalftrnge / netber gettpnge tobi cljai' e not coir :bu t r a 1 1; ei geuinge of tyS BiS.sJf 0; tl;is re bnotoe tbat no tobomtSger/ .,* etbetbnclene petfon/ o? coucf eous petfon/ flKfc fume o to Wcb W too;mrPPerofrmagej&lt;/ijat!; enr jcfca^b?ift.^^3uccinj}fimgdomeof(itb;taaofod )let no m5 deceaue ? ou % barne toojdes, # 0; tbozoto forge tbrnges cometb | to;atlt &gt; 'of&amp;tto bpon ti;e cbrld^e of bnbelefe. 36e not tbei'fo^e copanronstorfl) tbe.f eto'ere once berc&amp;nes/but are-noto irgbtin the )Lo?de, ' C lvalue as cbrtb;en of irgbt.;JFo; tbe ftute oftbefpzeteisinallgoonnes/rrgbtetoefnejt 9 ttuetb. t ^ccepttbattobtcbtspleafrnge to tl;e'A,c2Df: ri baue no fellrfljippe tortlj tbe janoianncets bufrutfuUtoo^cfiesbf dercfines: but ratber mottatu tebufietbem. ifojttisibameeuentoname WW* tbofetbbig^ tobVCbatebonebf tbeinfecrete: butajltbinges/toben tber ate tebufted of ligbt/are -mantf eft.&lt;jf o? tohatfoeuer is manfe feft/ebat fame isirgbc ibfo;e be fartb: a to'afie-tbou ttepeft/atib aon&amp;ebpfrom ^beetbyStidb;iftibiige{ietbirgbti

W* caWbedetberfoze tbat re toalfte tircttm aeticmvnac iftecttpjttbf as f oie^but as torfe*tedeminge tme that Mgf&amp;t trmetfo? tljeda^es ate eiirll. Wfyatoffl inst tbe t pwtberc not bntorre/bttt bnderftanbetobat tbe " totll of tbeU-o?be is/a be ttot wontfiett tot'rte tobeifn is e.iceffeibut be fulfrlled tortb tbe y fp?ete/fpeafiitige biito route femes in pfal* ...'. ; wes^bvwni^fpietualitonges/fingtngeas mafiingmelobic to WfflLffl in routebetf es/ ; 6rurMetftanTtesa1l toaresfb? all tbrnges bnto mt Hji fatber/titfname of qw%q;m


I r fftlS

gefus cb?ta:rttbrarttrng route femes oneto anotber in tbe feare of do. I* * ; UBemenftibmrt route ftlucs bnto routes atone bufbanaes/asbpfo tbe io;be.&lt;jfo? tbe , bUCbanetbetoruesbeebeueasb2tttfj * e.beed of tbe.c8gtegaci0/9 tbe fame is tbe ratteoute of bodr.Cbetfo?eastbec5gre* -acion isin fubteccO to Cb;tft/ltbetor fe lee torues,befn.fubiecc|on to tbeit buf banbes in ail tbingejet.^ufbanbes loue route toiues etteascb?fllleuebtbecongfegacio/agaue him telle tot ft/toifancttfre it/ a cienfeb it in f ^*fountarne.(?fiBatettbo;ototbetoo;de/to - .., raabc it bntobrm felfe/a glorious cogrega^ 3SIJBS. * mnzmmMmbemv^mmtmmeMtYT^ ^&gt;oougbtmentolouetbeirtorues/astbeittoo;6f ajtrojbia atone booresf. $$$ louetbbr0torfe/louetlj'"' ccouf,,a(le Ijim feifej o? no man tmwt bated bis ato* *"* 1 *' neBeffbe:butno?i(8)etb acbetiffbetb it/eutT as. tbe]io?dedotbfte congtegacicu. f o? toe ..... \

atemembeis of bis bobr/of brs fiefQ;e/ a of &lt;J&amp; biS bones, m tbrs caufe all a man leatte fatber amotber/anb Ibailcontmue totyW torfe/a ttoo maibe made one flefibe. bs is agteat feetete/biitgi fbeaftebittoene \nift andtbecongregacron. iijeucrtbeietfe do re fo tbat euerr one of rou loue biStoift trueir euen as btm feMMn let tbe toife fe tbat ty featebetbufbande. Ci&amp;oto tb (lo;en (biiKicUrI;atw f Ijf friuea teimb tWi fatbEr0niiDmotbew.'lihctupftftt!)eMtottai'Oc([)Eic thplb?tn:39WuaflCeo t otoaibe tfjcitr niaaerg/'agajiie maftetfl touarde fbrir fetuaunecB anwbojtatpon tg tl)t fpicmialt bat tartly anb totjeittttawns MfitUn ntflifbulbefpBtJttoJtbaU. ^rldzen obcr route fatbets a mo** tbets tn t} )Lo?be:fo; fo is it trgbf . onotire tbr fatber a motber/ j} is . tftef r?S eomaunbemet 1} batty enr pjomes/g tboumarttbetngoodeftate/ana irue ionge on tbe ertbeJttd re fatl;ers moue notroure cbrld.ien to to^atb: but ib?rngc tbe bp toitb tbe no;ter a info;macio of f jlo?de, s&gt; etuauntes be obediet bnto route carnal! matters /toim feare a trcblinge in KOBleneS of roure bertes/aSbntob?ftt;not toitb ret* ufce in tbe eve frgbt/asmenpleafets:but aj$ tlje feruauntes of CbJift/dornge tbe torn of &lt;S3ob fromtbe bettetottb good toill/feruinge tbe)L6?be/andnotmen.lnb temembertbaC tobatfoetiergoodtbmgeenrraanboetbtbat^rrtfiatf.put fballbe teceaueagarne of tbe Jlojde/tobenfiaftb a mm tljerbebe bonbeo? fre. ^ndremaTtets/dOoe^itbiiiflcsi euen the fame tbrnges bnto tbem/puttrnge ^ atoaretb?eateninges:and remember 1} euen ** route maftetalfo! in beaue/netb^rtstbtt* enrtefpecte of petfon tottbbrm, # 4finailr mrb?etb?en/be Btongefof baft amrbepotoetoCb^tn?5bf.^utontbeai;* % motive

.#; , .1



moure of W tbat ?e mape fiatioe aeofaa aga pn ft tbe craft? adauteo of tb r dm? li.ff o j toe t^eftie not agapuft flefflje $ biouo-.but agapna t'ule/ agapn tt potter/ ana agapnS toojlolp ttiftwi of tbeDesc&amp;ne* of tbft tootfs agajna fpjetuall topcbeones/f o? beauenlp C tbFnge*. * WSft!? ^ ? * caufe ta&amp;ebnro rou tb e mou *** oo/tBatuenwje beabietotefpftfntbe S3 53SS nWM/f ftanoepeum maHt&amp;ingeo. fas putpor* to ^Dtanoe t&amp;erfo#/ aribpoure lopneo gpjb (Mowtf ;o&amp; aboute toptb berptpe/baupngeontbe bjeft fa' plateef rpgbtetoefneo/ anbftoobtoptb qo wSSrSSS tte * WWW 6? of pel! of peacejboue lit It e* a tafie to pou tfe weloe of faptb/tobertottf) tec ft uattico' pe mspe quencbean tbe fptfe bane* of tbe tifttti5o;:^tojciia . ato&amp;tafietbcbeimetof faiuacpon/ ffiffi rtS* ^e^eaweof tberp;ete/to&amp;pcbft tbe iSSwDof too/Deof ob. * afobpjapealltoapegtoftf) cq wijici) * all manner p;aper anb fupplicacpomstbat * ttewj, ((. m tbe fp?ete:anb toatcb tbetunto toffij all in* fiancean&amp;fupptfcacionfo?allfapncteoanb f o; me/tbatbtterauncemap ebegeumbnto me/ tbat % mape open mp moutb bottlp/to btter tbe fecteteis of fc orpenv toij erof $ am mel&amp;ngerfabonDeo/gtbermiimapefpeafte frelp/ajsjtbecommet&amp;metofpea&amp;e.

25u t tbat v e mare alfo fin ore e tobaf com bicfon $ ammanbtobatibo/cicbicusmp 39 Deate b?otbee anb faptbf ull mpnpaer t'n tbe jLojae/JbaUfljetoe pouofaUtbpnge*/ tobo &lt;i rent unto sou fo? tbe fame putpof e/tbat f se mpgbtbnotoeto&amp;at cafes 1 tanoein - . &amp; tbatbe nrigbt cBfotf ?outt&lt;berte$, eacebetoft&amp;t&amp;eb?ettwen&amp; loue toitb fas tb/from &lt;3oo ... ., " :: r flefatbeesfrbtbejiofl fc . aeftt Gb?l(r.&lt;Brace be iwtballtbemtobfc&amp; rotteoureiLo;tie gefu* ctftflt inpureneg. 3Bmen, Cl&amp;entfromiiltmiebnfotBedp&amp;f* .... fpansibpcfe&amp;icuu.

'Clj* eptftle

V* *

\ -V,-

&lt;, -


C C&amp;e eptftle of ?mm |aaui ttc SCpoftie fcnto tbe $tt(bpptn&amp; pert encc of &lt;3b0ip t tjmsj:ina&amp;c t&amp; mencii of bis p;c# fonmenf at&amp;ome'ie slab toljeace tflifl pjeaebcona Content etyce to oje o; Ipue/imo p;&amp;feH) tDemtoIeae a 0oo t? conufarion/tQbt tf onemjnOc/anft to ftac nofWftwcjan.


.? v

Hfcbefwttefltbaptee. ptui ant&gt; ^motpmtfj tbe feruafifefS of gefti b?tft . co all tbe fapnete* in 0?itt WelWntf cb ate at^bt'Mppoi* Mtb tbe38ftop? ??eac8i5 _ , aggEa I a *tacebetoftblouanb *fWH peace from ob owe fatbet/anb from t^e9 e * 3Bm, * 8&lt; ' jto;De 2eru0rb?tt*. ; * 3itbanfiemvobtobaHremebwfice cf v ou/alltnasesJ tn all mpp^a^etsi fo? ten/ p?a;e toftb glabnest/becaufe of tbe feiloto^ ffi?P toftpcb f cbaue in tbe ofpeli from tbe Wjttbajebnto nowanb am funl? tmitm oft^i0/tbatbetob^beganneagoobtt)o;be t'n touy (bail go Me toitft it bntfll ba^c of |eTw{b;ta as it becSmetb me fo tottio* ge of joii all/becauf r3 bane ?ou in mp bette anMaueroualfo etterp one companions or

grace toftb me/ewen in my bomw/ au 3! be FenbeanbUablynbetbedEiofpeH. .* ^o?ob beatetbmerecojtiebotofiteatrt ^ longeafeerrouall fro tbeberp birterote^ in letup flTb?itt.,tb3 P^afe/tgStpoure 39 loue m me i n ere a r e m o? e anb mo? e in ftnoto* (ebge/anbin all fealfnge/tbatfempgbtac cepte thing eg mofr ejccelient/tbat ?e mfgbC ' beputeanbtbcbeaglbul&amp;ebuvteniimSnefi confesence/bnttn tbe oare of ctotft/ foneo . -^ toitbtbe

i-.- 1 -.

tot^tlif fwtejj of epgbtetoefnefcffl&amp;tcb fni&gt; teg come bi? giefug C^t a onto tbe glo/f ano Jauoeofo5, { gctnomepe btioetfto&amp;e b;eet)?ettt^ae mp 6uftnes#bappenebbntotbegeeatefuttbf* *tngeoftbe&lt;i5ofpe.^)otbatm?banbe0in Cb^tt/atemanpfea tbo;otooutaHtbeuig gem? tball * in a otbee placegigSn fo mocbe tbat manp of tt)t b;etb?enintbe %oiu are 6oioneDtbo?oto mpbanbest batemo?efae* geipfpeafie tbe motf e toltboutfeaee.&amp;ome tbeeatetobiebP;eacbecb?ittofenuie?ai;p f e/ana fome of goob foil, Cbe one parte pj ea cbetbb?iaofarpfeanbnofputelp/fuppo MrtgetoabflemojeabnetRtietompbanoeg. Cbe otber parte of loue/becaufetbepfe tbat 3) am fet to oefenotbe ofpell. lO&amp;attberc'&amp;D t \)M bep;eacbeball inanettoapeg/tobetbetitbe by occafpon/o; pftttiemeaninge/gtberiniope:peanDtopu C^e.jf o? % fiuotoc tbat tW (ball cbaunceto mjfawaciS/rbo2otot&gt;owepjai&gt;ej: 9 mprip* flrpngoftbefp;ete offefit ctoiftajj a bee teljlo8efo?/?bopetbattnnotbtngia)albe

8tbameb:bnt tbat tuitb all confidence/ ag all toa?eg fntsmeg paft/eul fo nolo Cb^itt al 6emagnj?fpeD mmpbobp/tobetbee it be tbo* soto ipfe / o? M oeetb . fo? cb?fd: i &amp; t o me rpfe/anb&amp;eetb ft to me auauntagc. 3! fit cbaunce metolpue in tbe ae Ob e/tbat fttomefrutefuiifo?totoo?cfte/anfttoftatto .wfl8.e.eboJe J toote not/*% am conatapneb of ttoo ipax&lt;*.ptt,\&gt;. tbtngeggoefpjetobelotofebanbto betoftb,t t cbtfft/tobicb tb/ngeft bell of aH,j5eueetbe Ie0eto abpoef nflefme ft moate neofull f o? joujno tbft am i fute of / g gj (banabpoe/ Otottbpou ail ciftmue/fo? tye furtbetaunce anbtopeof pome fa#b tbat pemape moate a&amp;otm&amp;Stipmopcem |eftiMb?i&amp; tbo?oto liie/bf mp commi'nge to pou agapne, nlplct^onte conuetfacponbe/agftbe J^ cSmetb tbe gofpeu of &lt;b?iftstbat tobetber a come ano fe pou/o? elg be abTent/3! ma je pet Beate of pou/g pe cStinuein onefp;ete/?i'n one foule/laboiu'inge as toe Do/to mapntap* netbefaptb of tbegofpeil 9 in notbinge fea* tmge poute aDtiewattRSMjicb ft to Gfi a to* Ben of perDicfon/9 to pou of faluacton anbg pf&lt;Pob.jro; bnto pou ftft geue tbat not onlp tmb*uHm l*tt* 6eieue on fyt a:biitairo*utftwf 'tSffi m W f *W* taw euen tbe rame fpgbt tobpeb liwrtan m txMW Catoemt' mm anbnotobeate ofme. IhlmiWo -JBfce*bnfljtf)emfo bnftemiu b?ot!&gt;etlpI(rae;j fo ketoareof tmfefUifrbseMestofe anbfQ? afnte en# tamf!ft^ela^rt!);CIt.iiftl&gt;ceo?e(i)em. af " ' . tfbeaj.fbaptet;. . 1 |f wet beamSge pou enp cbTolaet'S |t u ^'&lt;ft/pf tbee be enp c5fo?table lloue/pf tbec be enp felltflnppe of $ IfpMe/pf tbwbe ens.copaffpon of

metcp;fulf{iimpiope/gpewatoe onf toape/ baupngeoneloue/bepnge of oneaeco;De/a ofonempnOe/tbatnotbmgebeoonetbo;ott fttpfe 01 bapne alow but $ in me&amp;ene* of mpnoeeueep ma etteme otber better ^enbf felfe/**anb lobe not euetp man on bus atone a *Ioiil tbingeg/but enerpman on^tbingeg of otber fflP* aVD "* me. * let tbe fame mtnoe be m you g toajs ffSSSffi menwaaefuttobieb beingem tbe Ibape of SIS 000/3 tbougbtif not tobberp to be equally od; J9euertbeleffebemaDebpmfelfeof no reputacion/9 tobe on bim tbe ibape of a feci uaate/9becameHftebntome/?toai5founDe in bft aparell ajj a man.^e babieobpm relfe 9. became obe&amp;pent bnto tbe oeetlj/euen tyeti beetbof $ croOe.*lberfo;eotibatb eyal- *ct&gt;;c.^** te bim/ 9 geae [jtm a name aboue all namh *tbat in name of ,90010 amine euerp fince SPyft* botoe/botbeoftbmgegmbeaue9tbmge0m fa '' ;,l ' 4e4 ertb^tbing^ bnoertbe eb/9tbataiit6ges qntRieconfeffetbat3lefu0Cb?fft ft &amp;o$e bntotbep;apreofobtbefatber. &amp; MOberfo^empoearlpbeiouea/astpebaue altoapeg obepeo not tobe 3 teas parent onip but noto mocbe matin mine abrenceieue fo u*ks mm* ttoArouf poureatone*faluact5 tt ummttWm &lt;jrrembling.!ffoaftft dBob tobicb to02betb in^foioe mw pou/botbStot1l9alfogbebeeneofgoobtoii. roWl, 'i hea "5 ,_ oatbpngetoitb out murmutpngeanbC g*w. Difputfnge/g pemape be fauteleffe 3 pure/? mmamum tbe fonneg of 00 tottbout rebube in ml&amp;- to fa cat be* of a crofteoanD peruerfe nacpo:amonge" nc&lt;01 ' of B ( tobicbfe| pe ftpneag ifgOtcofn 8 milbtJ SSfflBS bolWngefaaetbetoo?Deof ipfc/bntomp w&lt;Ste S t Jg ropfingetnBbapeof b?ia/tbat itenofagacnr/ann V e rfine in bapne/netber baue lauo^eb in bapne .' **/ w *yee 9 tbougbH be offereDbpbpon tbeoffe* &amp; of tt &gt;* einge ^facrifpec of pourefaptb:3 reiopce/9 f *Z Tamat eeiopce toitb pou aB,tfo;tbe fame caufe alfo 3 at attm u reiopce pe/anbreiopce pe toftb me, mm* Oew

3 trutt mtbeXo^ieaelufl fo? to fenseci^ LffiM motbeus lbolp bnto pou/tbat gp alfo mapc gRffi ,lt be of goob cSfo,ite/toben g brtotoe tobat cafe iji ane/Wjo (j pe llanbe fMo;9 bane no mS tbat ft fo ipfic "'" fwi mpnuebtome/tobicb toi fo pmtaffeccpon SKSSbH cavctb fo? pouremattera. jfo;aii otber refteSgrtf 5 rbeiratone/?inoetbattobpcl) ft 3efu?b?i&lt;otfci' pmm tteo . T t nnOtoe tbep;ofte of bpm/boto tbat je&gt;m&lt; as a tonne \aitlf W tatber/fo toitb me befto* S 8 * f t0 , tofb beft labour bpon tbe ofpeli.pmi!Sf'K . m(S bope tofmoeaffoneasa bnotoeboto it topil ^liicfiLnB iiii gotoft&amp;me.l truft in m &amp;o#e/tbae % alfo wfufeto mm mpfeirefbaHcomeroo?tlp. ww*mts 3 fuppofeaitneceffarytofenoe b?otber^ tt ,!" 3 , Cpapb?oWti0bnfopMi/mpc5panpontiiia^im O /0o!.7 tJouresfelotoefoubier/pouteaipoaeHmp ' mpnpfter at mpnebeo, ffo?be longeo aftci; fou/ottaofiiBof beupneo/ becaufetbaepe; baobearoe fape g be fbul&amp;ebe fpefte. ano no ooutebetoaoficbe/a i npebnto oeetlj. wm


. -'

obbao mete? onbfm'.notonbim onip/but on me alfo lea 1 uia bauefo;otoe&amp;p5fos route. I Cent bnn tnerfoje the biligentliar/g tobepe Ohrtb fe bim/pe might tetopce againe anb3! mrgbt lietije leaefoiJotofuil.lKeceaue ^rm tberf o;e in the Home toitb all glabne0/ matte moc&amp;eof foclje: becaufe t&amp;at fo? tfte too;fte of Cb?iabe toetfo fatre/t&amp;af betoag npe unto oeetb/ anb regaibea not 990 ipfe to fulfil that feturce tobrcb tea? lacftpnge on poure parte totoatoe me, Cbetoaenctt) tiicm to ucwareof falfc teeners tuijom fcecalletb ooggesscnempes of fflKiftanorepjoucHj mannca atone rpgtjtcouftiea,, CS&amp;e.ih.Cbapter, tfouer/mrb^et&amp;je teiopcefn ; 'Ji.02be.3t greuetb me not to to^ttte one tbinge ofte to pou. &lt;ff 0; to pou Ittfeta furet&amp;mge.tfetoare of&amp;Og*

Se0/betoareofeupltoo?lter0.55etoarrofbtf ^^ttojBMo.^^ "- *to toc ave citcifciuon tobicb*tooj* }SmtSB^PoDfti*fp;ett/rc&lt;oi?cemc(i;m3!elU tc tho;ott) fniiu a baue no coiifrocnce m t&amp;e fleffljeit&amp;ougb 3! 3 wuc/we ,&amp;aueto&amp;erof 3! mpg&amp;tretopcemt&amp;efleraje, ?,if ! W Ctt * oft** m&amp;tbpnbetbt&amp;at be bath tober 82 HSPnot oE fte mpsBt trott to t&amp;e flef Ibeanocbe moate &lt;no'iietoo!6e0 J : circumctpei)tfte epgbtbape/Of t&amp;eftinteD tffctd ontfett ofSfvael/of tribe oE13cniamin/an&lt;b;ue oner rig|itrotit{|o;he of t&amp;e &lt;biw&amp;fi concerningegiatoe/ Seott w fp'm ca a P&amp;anTape/anb a concerninge feruetne*/ taiam bs 3: pnftcuttD the congregation/ ano agtou* an* fo; d*mk cringe tbe tigft tetoefne? tobicb tit in latoe/ mce sot* ttwa ica0 bnrebuftable. i Stthfth "*- 33ut ** J'ge0 t&amp;at toete bauntage bnto S *Nwa counteo loffe fo? l)M fane.feea Damnable fb; f t&amp;pnne all tbfnge* but loae fo? that ereeliet fjmnrtftatttM finotolctjgc^ fafte of &amp;?itt 3'efump jLo?oe. wm* ijf o; inborn 3i baue counteo all twinge loffe/9 Dofuogetbebut bonge/that-? mpg&amp;ttothne Cb?tft/ano mpgbt be foimoe m bpm/not ba uinge mpne atone rps&amp;tetoeftu mhtch W of the latoe-.but t&amp;at to&amp;pcb fp?pngetbof tbe faptt) tolifcf) 10 in b?ift.1 meane t&amp;e tigbte* toefne0 to&amp;ic&amp; cornet!) of obt&amp;o?otofapth in ftnotoinge b mi and t&amp;e bet tueof tberefut (3DiWte teccion/ano t&amp;e fellotot&amp;rppe of &amp;10 paffi50/ Jrffiem W m ?S ftt be "fo?maOie bntobi0(oeetb) tojii ijuctoitijSf bj?enpmeane0 Impgbtattajnebntotbe

'Cbe epfftle

otfteetosfempnbeb/!Jp?apc (Bobbpenttten tbi0bnto? ou.iliJeuerfttleffein t tobet bnto toe aw come/let wpmm bp one tuie/tbac

toemare be of oneacco?be * ?etft?l befolotoew of e/$ lose on tft^ tobicb toalfee eue(o/a0 re baue b0 f o? an en* &gt; fample. jfo;man?toalfie(of tobom3;ljaue toioe pon often( note tell pou toepiiige) tftat tbepate tbe cnemfe0oftl)e ctotre of C&amp;?ift7 to i) ore enoe igoamnacpo tobofe cm tbeit bel?;atoboreglo;vt0totbeit ftame/ tobjeft , are too?loel? mpnueb.lBut owe conuetfaciS &amp;* r ,pl,r tiiin beauen/ftom tobencetoelobefo?araS '" ""' ueou;/eu^)lo?lieliefu0Cb?ift/tol)icl) D)ala;aiuc lyfcchiw cbaungeoutebpie bobw tbattbev mai?eftiBio)jr. be faflioneb ipfie bnto W glo?poti0 bobp/ac&lt; co?Dttgtotbe tootfinge/toberbp be i0 able to fubbiteail tbing e0 bnto bim feife. t Gljt falntcc!) attaint of tljriu tt ijoftut) tfctm (6 be of honed conuccfarion/ano tbanhetfl tbcmkectttft of tie jQUtf?on# thepmaoefo; himiKfiigt in p;tfon rbe.iiii.Cbaptet. ^)etfo?e mi? b?etlj?e bearlp beloueo a longeb fo?/ mp iope anb croune/ 5 fo cStftui e in tbe ]B,o?be f e belmieo, pjape uobia0/ abefecbe %&gt;in* ticbe0 ^ tbe? be of one acrolein tbe)lo?be. fee anb 3! bef ecbe tbe faptbfcW tocfifelotoe/ gelpe tbe Mitten tobicl) labo?e b tt me in tbe gofpell/ a toitb Clemet alfo/a toitb otber m? labour ftlotots/tol)ofename0ain a *Uo* fteof ipfe,* JSeiopce in )lo?be aimave/9 a-orctrbote aga?ne3l tape reiovce, jLet pout* f of tent0 be of w 10 rpoh? finotoen bnto ailmen.cbe Ho?bei0 eMenjtfWPlwH ftanbe . #e not care full: but in all n&gt;pnge05. Oietoe poute peticio bnto&lt;Bo&amp;uip;ajet anb ftipplicacis tt geuinge ofttf&amp;yMbf peace of ob tobicb patTetb al bnbctaSoinge/fiepe route better anbmynbes in &lt;b?iMeut. - p ^uttbetitio.jeb.jetb^e/tobatroeuettbinge? are true/tobatfoeuer tbing^ateftonea/ttbaC foeuettbinge0 ateiuft/tobatfoeuettbingess are pute/tobatfoeuettbmge0pectarneto lo* ue/tobatfoeuertbing^are of boneftrepo?te: rf ttjetbe eh? pettuou0 tbinge/?f tbetbeen?

laubabie tbinge/ftof e f am ebauepe in roue mrnbe/tot)rcbre.Ofluebotb learneo atecea ueb/betbe6i.alfo;feneinme:tboretbingr, bo/ a tbe oQ of peace rou.- 31 tetorce


to^ftanbfnge rebauetoen done/I pebate parte toitb me tn mp ttibulaciom fe of ^ljilippo0 nnotoc tbat in tfte begin* Htoge of tbe ofpell/toften % bepatteifrom ffl^acebonia/nocongtegacronbatepattett ineagcocetningegeuingeatecfauingc'but je onrr.ffo? tolien | toap incOeffalonica/re ... fent once giaftettoatoeagapne bntomp ne ^ mam $ 3befr;egrKe0:biit3!befr?eabo^ bantftute on route parte . 31 teceaucb all/* Baue plentre.3 toa0 mtn fplleb after tbat % bab receaueo of papb?obitu0/ tobrcb ca* me from ?oii/an*oDout ^ fmelletbftoete/a *facrif ice accepted anb plefaOt to ob. ^r ob fulfill ail route neoe0 tbo;oto bi0 &amp;Qii oil? ricbe0 in ?efu \}nlt. mnto &amp;m $ oute eatbet be p?apf e f 02 euermo?e.ame Salute all tbe farnctep in Cb;itt 3| b?etb?en tobicb ate ttme/gteterouJH frapnetea fa lttterou:amoft of all tljep tobicb ate of gem perour0l)ouO)olbe.cbegtaceofouteilo;oe Jefu Cb?ia betoitb roualUmen, 5&gt;ent f torn morae br cpapb?obitu0. C %\)t Cpiftle of 5&gt;apmti&amp;attitDe^pometo the f Oope/juapcO) fo; ^e^c incceare;aii6 fl;ch&gt;ctbbo\o toe ace 19c bvngDome of &lt;so&amp;;optapneG ljvff teift/ tofif Oc '0 *fjr 9eeOc of t(&gt;c wjj regain.

ftp. tefurteccion of tbe beeb. C j9ota0tbougb9&amp;aoailre&amp;pattapnebto in tbe jLo?begteat|p/tbafwto' at tbe laftpe^,

ft/etftet toetealltebp patfect; butl folotoey ate teupueb agawrto tmmmj in tbat G pf tbat 31 mape cSp?ebenbe $ j tobetin 3! ara tobetin pe toete alfo mttnW but pe lacfieb cop?ebenbea of b^! cofi opo?tunite.3i fpeafienotbecaufe.of neceff itie - iMt^t on te not mp feife tbat 31 baue gottenittbiit one fat % baue leatneb in to batfoeuet ettate 5 trwtoomcs jtbinge 31 fape:l*fo?getttoBpefti0bebinbe am/tbettoptb to be content.. 3Lcanbbt6 catt hanc ftoncuut? tttetcbemp feifebntotbat tobicbt'0befo?e bounempfelfe/3!calCoetceb'etptobetf topatf jatto of ^ p?eace bnt0 flat matBe apopnteb/to ob* e a tn all tfi?nge0 31 a m iritttucteb/ botb to rfVhS """tapnetbetetoatbe of tbebpe callingeof ob be full 9 to bebongrp/eo baue p rejitp anb to " toCbnft^efu. -(Letb0tberfo?ea0 manrass fufitenebe. i canboalltbpngestbwototbe be perfect/be tbu^topfe inm^ir re be belpe oPCD/fa tobicb,.arenBWnetbme. j9oe " toftBaanbrnge

CCbefr;Se&lt;ltbaptet. %ul an atpoille of 3fe . fit &lt;Tft;r&amp; bptbe topllof ob/ anb b?otbet cimotbeug. cotbefepneteptobpebate at Colo(Ta/anbb?etlj?en^ac beiette in bM. i!*atett *tacebetortbiouanope8rtomoa

oute fatbet/aftomtbe)tbjbegefu&lt;ffb?i&amp;. : tmpma* me geue tbartnc? to c&amp;father of oute be w f * of # Jtojoeg efup Cb?iR/altoapr0 p^a?cngefo; i,oma,?i,w ' ,, pou fence toe bearbf of poure*fard u-bpeb v&amp;fitti h;c pe baue in Cf)?!a^cfu/an5 of loue tolip . li fs v'b of *tat, re beate to all fapnete? f o? t&amp;c Ijopegt fe8e|fSSg Vobicb fg lai?Be bp i ft o?e fo? i&gt;ou in bcue/cf ^ w?Pt&amp; ' c, * i tobtcb bope pe baue bene before bp tl)e true too.ioeof 5 ofpei!/ tobicb i0 come bnto rou men a0 tt is into all tbe foojlbe/ anb 10 fiu*

tefull/as it t'0 amonge pou/fro tbe f pjft bapc tn tbe tDtyfy pe bene of it/anb b3b cjcpcticcc 3$ irttbegfaceofobiiuftetruetb'aspeleat neb of papb?a oure beate feiotoc tenmmtt tobicl) is fo? pou a faithful imm'fter of cb;i(t toftpcb alfo beclnteb biito b0 potue lone tobicbpebaueintbcfp;ete. &lt;i&lt; JF02 tbf0 caufe toe alfo/ fence tbe bape toebetbeof it/bauenotceal'pb p^apingefo; rou/anb befp?inge t&amp;at re mpgbt be fulfilled toitb the hnotofeoge of bis toiii/in all tof Cbo* me*i fp?etuall bnbei-ftsEiopBe/that pemtgbt toa!fietoo;tbPof tDe TLofat in all tbpngeg . pleaff bepnge frutfull in all g:so:&gt; tooihep * encreafprige in the ftnotole&amp;ge of ob/tttcg t&amp;e&amp; toptb all mpgbt/ tbo?otoe bpg glo^icul potoet/bnto all patience a longe fufferinge toitb iopfutne0 i&lt; geuinge tbanfie0 bnto tbe fofbet tobid) bath mabe b0 mite to be pattat fier of the 'hbetitaunce of fapitcte0 in lighttffifiKb batb oehuet'ebb0 ft5 the poteet ot betBnrs/an&amp;Datb ttanfiatebb0 into ^fipng borne of bp0 bere fone/in tobom toeba'u e re* _ bemprf on tbojoto bP0 bloub/tbat is tofape/,f. u t '^thic the tomue of rmncflt tobpeb is tbe mw% 5SSS2? of the inuifpble ob/fp^ft begottc of allcrea c f ittes, if 0? bpbim toere all tbpiig?s create b/ ttfngeg tbat ate in Heuen/9 ityn&amp;es that are in e ttbitftmgeB btfpble a tbingejs tmuTpble/ tohetbertb.ep bemaieaeo?io?blljippe/et[jee rule o? potoer.aill tbing^are ctcatpo bp bim/ anb in bpm anb be 10 before all tljtngcs, $ iti Bim all tbinge0 baue tbeit bcpitge. 3Jnftbe t0 the beeb of tljeboLp/ tbatt'0 to toft of the congregariSibc is the beginn?nge!*$crt m m anb* fp^tt begotten of the beeb/ that tn ail &lt;!) OafWBi** tbinge0hempgbt baue the p;emincnce. fm S* J ne ** l vfe ttpieafebtbe fartjettbatin bim OiulDall M%1 Sf r * toWM ne0btoeli/anbbpbimtoteconcilealltl)mge bnto bpm feife /anb tofetat peace bp bpm rbozoto tbe bioubof bptfwoffe/botb tljp;igcss in beuen anb tbinge in rait, atnb pouitobicb toere in f pme0 pa tt'ttxaO* getjS a enpme0/ber aufe route mpnoe0 toete tet in eupl I toojftetfJbath be nc to teconciim int bobpofbi0flertbe tbo?otoe berth/to ma* ft e pou bolp/bnblameable arm toitb out fane

in m atonefpgbt/rf re contpntiegrotittbea anb ftablrflbebin tbefaptb/anbbe not mo* lift atoar e fro tt)e bope of tbe ofpell/tobec' %i%* of tt

J' 1


of pe Baue Bew/Botoe tBat ftts wcatbeo amongeaH creatures abpcl) ate bnottheue' -. toberof J Paul am mabe a miniaer. ttttlfiowfc #toio^a m m^fufferpnges toBpcB 31 fidftcvngrs of fi*BW W Pou/ano fulfpll tDat toBpcb 10 be* *wt fefpaMjpnoeoftBepaffponsof Cbult inmpfleHDe noiw ttBfcii tot fo; Dtp boope s fcfte tobicb is tfje congregaci8 SSStoSSiS*^ of 3 1 am maoe anunittcr aecozotngc to ImcStm* oflfoafice of ob/tobtcb ojbinaflce toaS ce appo?nteo gcuenme bnto pou toaroe/tofulfpiltoo?be to toffee topt&amp; of oot^at m^UervDpo fence t^c too?loe be Si m/ftStef'san*/* fence tbe begtnnpnge of generates : fent tw'fo fen/ but noto * P en l t&gt;W fapncteS/tO toftOtt tiejjou. &lt;0oatooli&gt;eniaReiitwipStljegio?toujSipcf)e3 of tbis mptterpamottjitbe entpis/ toi)pc!i tpcljes is &lt;B;tlt inpou/ tBe Bopeof glo;p/ Hue aD0 m,toIJom4i)ep?eacl)/tDar}ivuge aUmen/9 tea* teniae tiauc aiicttFngeallmen^aiitogfDome/tomafteall ineiipeeffctf mmen parfect tncbnttgefu* lOberingialfo tiic hnotoicBse laboute ana ttrpue/ eueh as .rarfotfbasbpS {ffitSS. WpHgetoo;fietBmmemi&gt;gBteIp, .. ; CiflDIia? great c caw J&amp;aul tofee fa; all congtt gaefo*. fer cctjo.Jtciti I!; ?m to lie &amp;tof&lt;i(t tiuth: lit (o Oe w sh of faifctcactjecB Mrbaflnf xoytlwni/anoocfcryoctb $ mti&amp;tmttts* , ,:-. 2 ^^^UJoioepefinetoetobatfpgbfpnge i \sa Pi 31 ftaue f * * oure fa6ej5 an &amp; f - J tbe H l? of JLaotew/ cmoft; as mans as ll&amp;SgiBaue notfenemppatfon in f ttcf

Clje Cpfftle

*' *

t&amp;e/thatt&amp;eitftettes mpgyt becofo?teoanD finet to getber in lour/ 9 w ail r pc&amp;es of full ' tonoerftanapngc / fo? to finotoe tBe mpSetp of &amp; oa tbe f atl) er ana of l);ift/m tobom ate Bra all tDe treafures of topfaorae ano finoto* - lecge.cbisifapeleltenpmananilobegiie i.orfn&lt;b,.6.vo **&amp; entprmge too;a$.*&lt;5f o? tbotig&amp;'j!,be abfent in tbe fleftfte/pet am 31;M topta pouintbefp;ete/iop:nge.anbbeboiot?nge ojbertBatpeftepe/9 poure. fteofatt raptb in _ Cb;ift. 3i3 peljaue tfj evfoze receaueo cb?tft Jem tBe jlo;oe/euen fo toalfte/ rotcO &lt;J oplt mbim 8 fleDfaftcin ffaptftyaspebaueleat* neb: tftettn be pleteous in geupnge tbSlies fr3Betoareleaenpman comeanbfpople poutbozotopbiloropbpsbifceatfiilbanitie/ rbojototBf trabicpons of men/? ojbinafices _ . after tbe tooflae/ ano not after wift . $&lt;% ^!fh&amp; e * mB, ' mt,toe,,tBaH 5 fulneaof ^oDbeen SSboo bouplp/aim pe are complete in bpm to^pcf) in hcouoociy/tbactbebceoof aiuule ana potoer/in tobomaifo tB/beteipano mpe arc circumcifeotoptbcircumcifpon mane SKa.'KSSF'S* out banwg/bp puttpnge of tbe ftnfnll ougtjt tiot ro !giniEb;ift/&lt;ntbatpeate burpebtoptftftpm

foiovTKtbef9atbO20*D baptime/intebompeate alfo vpfeti HKL'fite Bgtpnr tftoaotoe fapfli/tbattg thought bp SSSSSR P ct ' ftf ' 5 of *M*K ta ^ fe&amp; &amp;im ftS Cf . nuBipnsMt J * int)petobichtoeareoeeDinfpnnetf)ojoto e? iiinuiKB- ^tbebncircumclfionofpcwreaieffue/ftatbije

qui?cf neb toptft ^pt atrtj Ejatlj fo^cuen bis tosnemr . ch, atl oure ttefpacejs V and batb put out the "!) ' " *ijanDto?ptpngetflat teas agapnftbp/co* SSSft tapneoin tbe Jaw to#tcm3 , tbat batb be {SwSM taiten out of tl) e vsape ana bato f aftenrfi it to ma? n o t otn tc life croffe/ano bath fpotJeD rule ano potter/ Mfc fanwM* aiiabatbrnaaeaOietteof tbe opcnip/8 batb?. "" 11 " * triumpbeaouertbeminbw atone pcrfon, uWiteft "ilet no m tberf o;e trouble poure cofciece^ oure &amp;*&amp;#, aboute meate anobjfncfie o; fo? a pecu of an fb* m mac p ftoipaape/asj bolpaape of tbe netoc money 28822? o? of tbe$&gt;abotB bapeg/tobicb are notbmge tSSSiS but flja&amp;Dotoest of tbingeis to come:but i *tbe m\&gt; that t mm l)oop tis in Cb?ift.)let no mS mane pou fftote ,fl '"' &amp; ipn atato?5ge matfictobicb after W atone pma j ",52J?" " ginattoh toalltetb in tbe bumbleneg $boip e tttSm* tie0ofangel0/tbingt!Sto6icbbeneuerfatoe:cFon Mm eaufeieflepuft bp toity m flerajip mpnae/8 *" flw boHKtbnottbeb0/to.bcrof alltbeboop brfWCfflSf* /opntfjS ano couples receauetl} no;tfO).inent , e So SB ano w Brief to getbec/anttencteafetb toptb S twttij ntftm incrEafpiigetbat commefl) ofoli. ' pctfojmaattw mwimtf pe beoeeo topib cbtfft ftom'S^^a^ o;omauccgof,tbe too?ioc/to!)pa0 tbougbpeESS pet Hue o WMWmewt&amp; mt-*tfotta&gt; WtionjJ o|gp that fape icoticlie not/ taft npt/banoelHiot:tobi:cb. all pertffbe toptb tbe bfpngeof fgemano ate after tbe commauno metes ano aoctipneg of memtobicb tbpngtg baue tbe. fpmpjptiiDeoS.toVftomc in cljoftn ftoIpncgaiiBtiunjWenfU/Smtljattdcptpare nottbeboop/anooo tbe fleffUenotoo;fftppe bnloUvSneoe. ,..-.-- : .

C0c puttrtli tfitm fn temembimtnee of tfje fofrftnalt nwrveecjon'toiav^aiyoralt inniiec of cojruptelp* usnae'toiicfvutcfiiHjiiaHaotilpicireaiiOUcwue/aiio Uli-Wictftaliocijcrcatheii-Oiityei : . . jT pe be tlen Mm agaiiiefiffeia % mm m reeetboft m$W&amp;Mvfew/toUtim &lt;n| toljere Cbjitt Ipttetbonrbe rpgbtttoo upper tea

Danoeof o&amp;. ^etpoureaffeccpoJf^S" on WMM aboe/ff not en flNSiW Wwfte ate on tbe ertl) ,,0mm^k mttW&amp;w * ijueai t0bpotebnttinoo.?VmbnQtobpcbJ)eieaftecfoio' ig oure ipfe/Ojall fbetoe B# (jflfe/then flwU** 1 ^ pe alfo appmtoitbbim in glwp. f&lt; s3o;tifpetl)erfo;epourememb?estobicB , are on tfte ettb/fo?nicacpon/ bnclennes/ pQtfi "?' naturallluft/tupll concuppfcente/acoue.tnua uefiajn^ teoufnef! tobicb is too;Q}pppuige of p&amp;oleft' f o? tobfeb tbinges fafies tfle tojatb of.^ob co me^on tbe cbpio^en of bnfeleff. 3nppcB . . tbmgespe toamebonte/tobe pelsuebfit tyt. . noto put pe alfo atoape u. M&amp;pou all tftinges:to?atb/featfn5/malicioafitf/curfeo53 fpealppge/fpltbp fpeaftpnge outOf i&gt;(me?* m ;f mommtw'm oneto anotof tfte tfKi2&amp;tt mantoitbftigtoo?fiegbeputof/ahDtBeneto^Ia. put on'ttbftbtetenueoinfinotoleliBeaftit|g ^w***" pmage

. fma^eofBpmgiHaoebim/tobeteisnetbcr nfttetanbftipioefemaftfni&amp;eiojiie/bbs iiet'i&gt; ; i8tt it entple no; letoe/ circumcpfion nojtotcnv | baue fsttt enco pou &amp;? tbf fame puruoft/

MM me

c untcpfpon/^atbarowJ o? totty an/bonoc ptt 0ftftftt Briofe^bato pe bo /ano ntvof ft o; fte;but ^aft i? an m an tijingea. cornet mWmriMBi one 0mmkt * 0oto.taetfo;eas eiecte of oo i ftolp ano faptftfuii ano it teioueii wotber/ tob ptb is beloueo/putoiftenDe*rmercpe/8phOries/6fii Kof nou.^ " " ~


. ... .,...., one;Oft?ou.beplBaH0jetoepouofalltbin4 ttenes of mpnoes/meBertcs/longe fufeini/ seStobMjateaDopmgefjere. . , w^eatingeoneanotBet:/ 1 foeupnge one atiftatcbug mp p;efou feiotoe ralutttB 2 anotaer/pfanpman&amp;aue aquarel(toano w/*-f Marcus arnabas fpOers fomrnJJL, ; ;-* tB:eueiiascB;8fojauepou/euenfooo toucBingetoBom/pe receaueocoittwaunbe*' ,lCfmi}tW ' pe,2Bboue all tljefe tbftQS Pt on Wue/toBicB meittes. |f *e come bnto pou/teceaue bprnt IS tBebonoe of petfectnes. ano m peace of ataiefus tobicl) is calico guftuS/tobf cB are opeulempoureBerces/totBetoBwBl'Eace oPtBect'roimcrfpon,beOnlpatemj)to02* pearecaU'fi monebcDp.anofctbat pebe Wfeiotoesbntoftpmeimeof(!5oO/toBpt&amp; CbaiiBfuH. )tet tBe too;oe of Cft;itt Dtoell in toere bnto mp confoiacTo.cp apb; as tfie in-. pou plentcoufif? (nuB topfoome.^eaclie ano ttauntof $M/ toBpcb is one of pou/Cam*

etBo?|e souse aton* felues/ in Pfalmes/ano tetB pou/ anb aiitoapes Utotgetb ft r uentlp topmnes/(tfpmtuallfonges toBicBBaue fa* fo;poump;apets/fi)atpe iapeftanfiepera uourtoitBtUs/ftngipgeinpoureljertesto^ fectanofullinantljatistbetopllof^oo.l 3t.o?oe,ain'aalltBinges(to()atfoeuerpeooin peareljimreco?oef ^eBatljaferuentrnpn oea too?beq?bcbe)fjointi)enameof %Qjtt%fr &lt;otoatoepouanbtotoaibetOemof jLacbfcia fu/gturngt!jiiil$esto(!ob fatBet'bpBpm. h anotbemof ^terapolis. ?$eare Lucas tbe i &gt; r . * * fuBmpt poure atone felues bnto l&amp;hiftcion grctctb pou/anb emas.S **w. pouratonel)uf banoes/as it is.comlp in tBe tlje b?etb?en toBpcb ate of jiaoBi cia/anofa* Lb?oj^ufbanaesioue poure topuesanobe fUte$t&gt;mp&amp;as?tBe congregacton/tobftB iS ^ not bpttcr bnto tBe.&lt;2bPlb;en obeppoute fa* inl)iSBotife.ainOtob?g epiftlei sreebofpou tBsanomotljetsinaltBiiigesyfo;tBatis martetBatitbereeofiitBecodgregacponofi toeil pleafpng hntt tBe J.o;oe. iffatbers rate the JLaoaicfans alfo: ano t$ae pe lpfte topre iNA.w. notpourecl)pio?en/TeQtBepbeofaifperate waoetBe(fpiQleof^aoBicfsJnofapeto3r * * J a* ntpnae.*^eruafitesbe obeapentbiito pour cBiPPus-.tafie Beoeto tBe office f BattBoa



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aetfXf, boop^maiters malltfjinges: noMjptB epe f empM as men pleafets/but in fnigtenes of &amp;erfe/fearpnge (000.3/110 tobatfoeue^peoo/ BoftBertrtP/ast&amp;ougBpebpbitto xo?be/ 8notbntoiiiemfo?asmoclje aspefinotoej Of tBe %6flx pe ajall receaiie tBe wtoaro^ of &lt;nBeritaumc/ftpeferuetbe7Lo?ae Cb^itt. Wit Bftbat'.'Oib'tojftfBe ftanreceaue fo? t&amp;e tojong e i)mt l)f liatl) oone:f 0; ib ere is no itfpectofperf6iieStoitB:oO.) r emaftersoo tnto poure fetuafitestBat tobt'cB is iuttano equalf/Wnge pe fiijotoe tBat pe alfo Baue a iltap;et(n;Beaueiv^;^;- . : . : - .- f*riefetetli tDeitt^^vl(ciifJtt ftapre/iofaaU* leirelj bnto tljein ttrflfftW Hot M come to thetttie bnov^etiseofCOMa^Altifttlittjtm. t)ea&lt; ( i|K4-B'apte:. - fl)ntuiu^pWperanOtoatcBm # Rime ^ temiftesf getirftjse/H ? a2g5f miSdi bs/tbat Ob open bnto:

bafti't-ceaueom no?ae/tBattBou I ulfpll it,Be faluracton Bp tfie Banoeofmel&amp;aul.lReme Bermpbonoes.tBrace UetopiBpouj 3men, i* * 1 '

tf^ent fom omebpcpc!)iettS/ / ano^neftmus, r- *,tf, w#






rpeaBetBc ;.)('? i:por&lt;itu?ttt(toBetfo/e^ ani : alfomfcwfe^O^Mt^mapebtterit/aSKBw-' eomipetB 1* : i " ipeafte, * i^aifie topfeip to tBertt tBat6ii:.A.f'tBout;anbreocmetBetpme;

tkd a ^-- ^^UretVfttti^beaHtoapeStoellfatiQdJ r f ^ w ^toBotot')amtoereuerpman. w?w ^ ' ' -B^CBeOeare^otB^ecicBicoiSlBaneertpou ' ; ""efallwpbuCpnm'tobffBisafaptBfimmi?* '".

. * _ _ tip* Mt^___


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.'&gt; r :-: *^^-v**rST.;+&gt;* .'.*Y' n -


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C %ty fp$ eptftlc

f o? to (erne tbe ipuinge mtb true ew 9 r o; to lobe f o; ^0 fonne from e auen y top be of garnet #aui ttjeStpoftU to tjje mt % w fcomtjetojataw come. e cbffalonpanp, m AM ant gooo toojktf/ ano imam tye eolpitl tmtottJcm/tljan&amp;bfcoOtfautMrj rK cmifMM|tt toitg fit tt&gt; eatnettiw* f tnumi ana eytufctb $rt abfenre. &gt;2pepowefelue0Bttotoeb?etb?c* of oure entraiice tnfanto pou/boto* tbat it teas not inbapne&amp;weuen aftettbattoebabfuffcreabefojestoere ipamfuiipentte at to at Pbritppo? (an pe toellfinotoe) tbentoetetoeboiae in owe 00 tofptabe bntopou tbe d&amp;ofpeil of ob/ ti&gt; mocbe atiuvtige.fiDute erbo# acpon teas not to b;pngepouto erroure/no? pet tobtt* cienes/netbcr teas ft to gple:but a* toe tor re alotoea of dsoa/tbat tbe ofpell flmiabe cS* mpttea bnto bg-.eue n To toe fpafie/nota* tb ougb toe entenbebtopleafe men/but 00/ tobicutrpetboureberte&amp;. ^etbertoagoureconuetfactSatenptpmejIJ to p tb fla 1 1 erpnge to o?Be s/as pe toell ft no toe netbetf n clofceb coue te oufnes/ 00 is ttcoj* &amp;e:netberfougbttoep;apfeofmen/netbetof p u m 0} p e t of e tip otbet/ toben toe mpg'b t ba tic bene chargeable/ ap apoftles of Cb^tt bWtoe toere tenner amonge poii/euenagB no; ae cberefftetb b ft c&amp;piD? en / f tea? out* affecepon to toatbe pou: our e goob topi I toaS &amp; to baue aealte bntopou/ not tbe tfofpell of

&lt;$oo ontpibut alfo oure atone tatty becaufe pe toere oearebntobfc * f eremeraberbzetbjen owelabowe/ atrauaple . *#o?toelaboureooapenpgbt f *?# becaufe toe toolbe"not be greueouu onto enp *** ofpou/anb p?eacbeobnto pou tbe &lt;E&gt;ofpell of (Smfe are toi tneoejj/ f is CBoB/b to b oip* ip fjiuttips bnbiameablp toebebauebowe feluegamonge pou tbat beleueiaspefmotoe boto $ toe ej.Do;teo a cSfo;teb ana befougbt euerp one of po 1 1 /as a fa tb er big cbpia?e7 tbat petoolbetoalfie too;tbp of afob/tobpeb bar&amp; called pou bnto bWbpngoome ana gro;p, f 0; tb is ca ufe tbftbe toe tfoa toftb out cea* fpnge/be caufe tbat tob! te teceaueb of bs # to ojoe tobertoptb oa toast p?ea cbea/pe re* tcaueo tt not as tbe toojbe of euett as ft toaSin WDe/tbe too?oeof @oD/&amp;bpcb too?fietbtnpou $ beftue. I- jfo;jeb?e(b?enai ,C became folntoer* of congregate of 0ob tobi'cb m ^ctojp ate in Cb?&lt;ft3e(U:fo;i etja ue ruffe t eo Ipb c tbf ngets of y owe b itifme /aft toe owe feltteg baue fuffttebof tbe Setoeff. tBbftb as tb epfipHcDjHo;6egefu0tl)rit: atone P;opb 1 1^/ eti e f baue tb ep pert eeutea

Wtnt pIS/ t\m tbep mt'gljt be faueo/to fulfill tb e fpnnes all 0; tbe to;afy of &lt;i5 oa tsconieoutbem/euentotbebtmoa. iffo; as$ mocbe b;etb;en as vw are fiept ft8 f ou to? a feafon/ag cottcerninge tbe boopip uefence/but not in tbe berte/ toe en fo;f eo mo;e to f e pou p e rf on I ailp toi tb great oefp;e. 3ino tberf 0; e m e tooia baue come bnto pou/ ,l&amp;aul once anbagayne : but ftuftan tottb*

CCbefp;Sbapter. motbeus. wntotbe congre^ gacionoftbeGbtffalenpans/

ineoo tbe fatbet/ ano in tbe H02oegcfusCb?m, &lt;!Pracebetortbrou/pcace from oq cure fat&amp;er/ anbftom tbe^ojoe 3efu0Cb?itt. mt geue &lt;2&gt;od tbanftes all toape fo; pcu aU/maupnge me ci on of pou in oure p;aper{t to it!) outceafpnge/ 9 cautorememb;aunce pouretoo?Be in tbe faptb/a labour in loue* perreutraunce in tbe bope of oure %wt le 3Bft5Cb?tft/&lt;ntbefpgbt of oooure fatber: becaufe toe bnotoe b?etb?en b elouea of 00 boto tbat pe ate elected 01 oure oorpei 1 ca me not bnto pou in too^e onlp/ but alfo in potoer/^alfo in f bolp goott fltnmocbc cer* tapntpe/ as pe bnotoe after tobat manet tec bebawb oure felueu amongepou/fo? poure CtaBejt. linbpe became folotoew of bg 9 of U-ojoe/ateceauebtbetootfeinmocbeaffifC' c&lt;on/toitbiopeofbolpgooll%tbatpe,toe* teanenfampletoallbelcue in Macedonia aaicbaia.f o? fr5 poufounoeo out tbe too?oe of tbe Hofttmotin (J^acebonia t'n3ebata onlpibut pour e f aftb alfo tobicb pe baue bnto &lt;5oo/fp?eDberfelfeab;oabeinal(quartai0/ -a f greatlp tbat4t neuetb not bs 1 rpeafie enp ^tbmgeatall. 4fo?tbeptbem felueglbeteeof

^rtberntoje toe befec^e pou b;c^ai tb;en/anbeitbo;te pou in tyt%mt mtu J tbatpe incteace mo;e ana |mo?e/euenaj5pebaue receaueb of, flW(ii , # . bS/botD pe ouabtto toalcfie uto pieafe oa. SSSZS feremember tobat eommaunaementegtoe Ssaue pou in oure Ho?a Jefu Cb?!tt.tff 02 tbis tbe topli of ot/euf tbat pe fftuio be bolp/ . r _ atfi) tbatpe (bulb abttapne from fomicacio/ lobe bs . &lt;Jf 0; tobat is oute bope 0; tope / oj tbat euerp one of pou tout a e bnotoe bototo (Youneofretopfinge^arenotpefttntbep;e fiepebisbeitllinboipnes abonowe /aiiot fence of oure JLo?be3ieuijSb?tftatbWcwn influrtofcocuptfcence/asaoHetbercbKb mpng ei p es pe are oure glo; p ana tope. tobicb Kioto not &amp; ob/tbat no ma g o to f arre ,

ct a&gt;wr$ uovu gatip ijt was tdopftftttbert ft, ana Mfrauoe bis b;otber in barga pnpng:be* * motbttitoimor K&lt;%"*f- caufe )Lo;tii0abenger of allfucbe tbM/ hl-ii u _ lif. n^ r : y . :.. *. ajtoetblbepoubefo;etimeanbteftiKeb.#o? a^BSSMSSLnSfnSSS &lt;soabatbnotcallebb0bntobnclenne0:buc xfflSamM atbenjs alone /anbntrnio= tovmhmt\mnihutmh/\hkhhMhrent l^^tbeus ourebjotbet anbmint'Qetof SemvSxU SSSSSu S ^S^fflSS WaXS?&amp;l5i^ncbf c of Cb?tlt/ to flabliftbepouano to comfo?tt noc * a tanttfantowu * fff02i&gt;care tauabtS,fm ,ut moutnm tbefe aBiicn50.ff 0; pe po w feluejt 6rteI p ?e 6o bnt0 aU t C bf( ^ } { n faJL are (mEi* f,ffi? e S a %? SSKrfbKSSS i3 S b;ttb!? tl,flt v f '"" mo;e mo;e/ tbat ^SSS^sSSSSSSSSShSi 8^ebufpne0Vttoetottbtowatoni!*aoot.eiro R?/KmtlfSfS banbes/astocconiaunarapou;tbatpenmprox ,1 ^ a,ig IVh^l&amp;^^WSL btbauepourefemesboneftip totoaroe tbem s! " {,tetC) '' ^M^, " , *"' * a toolbe not b?etb?ebaucpou igno?a(tf c9cernpnge tbe to bi cb are fallen a flepe/tbat 9 pe fo? oice not as otber bo tobicb baue no bo pc.rjfo?pftoebeieue tbat fefti? apeb a rofe agapne.eiic f tbe alfo tobicb flepe bpge fus/ toill dsoa b;inge agapne toftb bi m Job tbptf fape toe bnto pou in tbe too;be of t^e 5to;be/ tbattoe tobicb Ipue 9 are remapmnge in tbe commpnge of tbe tofit 1 to an not come pet tbep tobicb flepctfo; g Hofte tym felfe (ball bef cenbe f r om beau en toi tb a Q) oro 1 1 a n a t b e bopce of tbe 3'rebangeii anb trompe of ob 3Bnb tbe beebtn b;iue fibalt arpfe fp;S:tben ftall toe tobicb ipueanbremapne/be caugbc bp toftb tb e m alfo in nM cioubes/ to mete f JUybetn tbeaperJnbfo (ball toe tmlt% *^**: tbe )lo?bejbetfojecomfo?tepowe ffluejn ,, * wl "' p,J * oneanotbrrtoitbtbefetoojbeti' |i


poutobatmanerof entrpngefntoebabbnto bs: ana oa tbep pieafe not/anb arecSrtarp

pou flijoto petournea to ffiob from pmagess/ tc allmen ana fojbpbbg.topjeacbe bn to tbe ctntptft

tnbapne. Sutnotolatelp toben cimotbeus came from pou bnto bo /anbbeclateb to bspmire f apt l) ana powe lone anb bo to tbat pe baue goobrememtyaunceof Malltoape? / befp* ring to fe b0 as toe befpje to fe pou.cber fo?e b; e t b; en toe baa confoiacpon &lt;n pou / in alt oure abuerfpte anb neceCKte/ tb?ougb poure faitb.iJf 0? note are toe afpue/pf pe ftlbe fteo fa ft hi tb e Mm . ff 0; tobat rbanfi es can toe recompencc to &lt;!obagapnefo?pou/oueraU tbe tope tbat toe tope to? poure fafi es b ef 0? e oure oa : tobpie toe/npgbte anbbape p;ape erce&amp;pngfp tbattoemfgbt te pou p?erentJp/9 mpgbte fuifpil tbat tobptb in lacbpnge in point faptb. (Sobbfrnfelfeowefamrt/anboureM 3 , efti0Cb^ftgpaeoure&lt;o?nepbntopou'.ami a tbe Ho #e in creace pou anb mafie pou flotoe w ouer in 10 tie one totoatae a n otber / anbto&lt; toaroe all men/ euen as toe bo totoarbe pou/ to mabe poure b e t te? sable s bnblameabie/ in b olpnes bef ^ecipoa oure fatbet/at tbe c9 mpngeofoure 'ilo?arg , etuscb?ift toitball bfefapneteg. Cet tfiojtclf) ttif to HfMWmft'fO bepetfif MM frSfpnncbnclen^cSiifaci5/foloneoneanoi^tr: *rtM8elb pocincfrc/anti ftcaBctft ortbiftttmciotv ebe,ftu.Cbapter f *

Cht enfoiitmct h tbem of tbeBape sf iwmr ana com* tnpnjte of t^c fl,o?Dr;e;r!)o;t &amp; tljf to toattB/ano (o * flatOe focb as js;cacb i&amp;aOe toojoe aiiiortse be.b.Cbapter. Mf tbe trmes ana feafons b jttbM % pe baueno neae tbat? tojptebnto 4.&amp;tu\ .,

lPou:*fo;pepowferue0Bnotoperapoca.i#.a, Ifectip/^ tbeoape of tbe Ho?b an ** come cue as a tbefe in tbe npgbt.tBben tbep ftallfape peace 9 nobaiingf ctbencommetb 3L.b ontbem

mwtimWbmmfwmtmame of a hwman tortb cbriae/ atiftttey fljail not fcape.tfut pe bjetbje&amp;farettPt to barcfines/ . tbat tbat bayeqmto come onfOu.* ft toeve . atbef*. *7e ate aH Oec&amp;rtwn onrgflt/tHjat&amp;e twmn of tbe Dave.Je arenot of tbe n?gbfc rtetbembartlirtes. 53 fifterfoje'let b* not aepea* bo otftet: but letbs toatcb ana beCebee.^o? tfter tbae flepe fiepe in tljenrgf)t:anotl)es&gt; tbatbe ojoncneV aveo?oncBeniiifti^t.?ButletbjStoft&lt;te ,, ace of;tbebare/betober/armeb tottb b?eft HFwtnte thcWteotfaftb aloue/ atottbbope of mm* m viate nnocfonasan&amp;eimet.tfojso&amp;hat&amp;notaporns ' iiopc is ttietjcu ttQWonto tojatbtbutto obtarne fatuactow fii&gt; br tbe meanes of oure iLo?Dt gieru cbtftt to&amp;icbbgebfo;b0;tbat to&amp;etfter toe toafir o? fiepe/toe iWblrue to gctbee tottb bmt, . i&amp;berfo;ecomfo;!te roue reiues together/ ahbebttfeoneanotber/euenasrebo. &gt; , iiaebefecberoub^enytbatrebnetoe * K lft!8e 1 :Qnt* emh * , ' chlal,0 " ,;ea ^ on B^W "" &amp;* RSKKS** ouerfrgbt of W ^tbe **&amp;* anb^eue astictimt is mroitej^o?topn/tbatrebauetftem'i? mote iMtotti otfyc'qj m lone / b? tbefc too/cats faae;/ aito be at a l 'S &lt; h E e P Eafeto, ' t6t ^ era -

,:S83SSSS ff we Wft /toame ^ wn a ojflfpfiia;atebnrulr / comfo;tett|cfeWe mrn&amp;eb / fo? anb as tiO ideate tbetoeafte/bauecontmuall patience ^i fi ^t tbtotoa t8nin.5betbatnonetecompetJce * S3S&amp;UVBB$ W bnto enr man-.bttt met f pioto soai, ISeV i to&amp;fcb fsgopb/botb amSge routfeiueS/a tp &amp;,* toallmen.Weforce euet.**$?arec0ttnuale sen man w!t{;n{mtjMfteae tbanfies . Jo; (bis is { SSjjg ?,'!&gt;* of &lt;Bsoo fn mmttu fPtoatberou. Sim to !uencbenotf Wf fp;ete.efpjfenotp?o y;apr/fo;p?aperpbefringe.cramettantbrnges/afiepetbat mat th not m tobtcb tgs gppb.38bttarne from all fufpicipuS SSmw ift WnK^* ** of peace fancttfy e you Wm I SwWw* out ,m 3 P?are ob grout toljoie 3oi&gt;n.iiij. anofp#te/fottleandbobr/befieptfauf:leCfe bn* in ttjc toeDEm8ttotbecSmsngofoui;e'/Lo?b3efujtb^ft.|&lt; S!fSw^wle tokb caiiebrouttobtcb torn S S aIf0 00 ft - &amp;&amp;WiW * &amp;&amp; #Nc aft$ tniictbt w w &gt; b?rt^?ert tottb an bolr firtfe. 3! cftatge you fit icue(nii;ft?iftjtbe3Lo?oe/tbattbt0epmiebeteeDiinti)ftji:f. SnettS ^ lft ^ tort ^ 0U: * mc "' tomiccfarion j tcwoe chnumv jBbeenboftbefp?ttepi(irebnwe^'. wcion. ,. c$eflalon?anjs.S&gt;,e^ft;orH




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of j&amp;atmct ^aut tt)e%oftu to fbe c^rffeft^pteip;:, cfthbtbewst. I flHtif&amp;tfte congtegaeion of tijecbeiraionpns totjtclj ate tt(S5obeutefart/$6rtW ... |Xo?aegeru$$cftt.

race be tbftb |bu a peace ftom &amp; do oute fatbet/anD feom tfje loTbe^eRio Cb?tft. . liEte ate bounce to tbanlie&amp;oo&amp;Utoaveff to? jou bpefij^en/ a* ttfi* ftiete/ becaufe tfjat route faytb gtotoetb etceDrngir/ano eueig one of v ou f to vmm etb in loue to toatDe atio tbetbettoencroutfeluejs/roftoedUWfeiue?l_ tetorce of roumtye eongtegact ortjS of&amp;ob/ puee route pacience 3 fartbin air route tp fecueiwig | tttbulacias t^atre liiSie/towcft . .,.?&lt;&amp; s iiS a toftera* of (be trgbfctoeg tuDgeine'iit Of tfi#*cfai oD/tbatreatecounfeDtoo^broftbefirriflf'BitS^St bom of &lt;!3o6/fo2 tobrcb realfo fuffte.'ittpbe^^ teirarra^tetoestbrnge tot'ib ^Mtwpra* pence ttibulacfontotberiitfoat tWubielouj ".. anbtorouto^ci) ate UmMfo/ttom&amp; ' toben tbe KLo?ae &lt;emm\l OJetoe Ijtm Kife ftombeauentottbbrSHirgbtr %gel0/ in flamrnge m/utmim bengeaurtce into tbera tbat bnotoe not od / ano to f^em tbaf obere Wot bnto tfte ofpeilof oute no?De %ttus (tb'^ft/ tobic^ajbe punlffteb tortb 3B euetfaftrngebamnactofi/ ftom tyewefence oftBe3Lo?8e/'aftbmtbegto.Jrofb&lt;iaipotoet/ toben be ail come -co be glo^rfreb #|Jms rariictejS/^tobentaoeTOatuelougtnaHtbf tbatbeleue:becaufe outeteftfmonie tbat toe ft aii to r oi*/ M teimtb etten tbe fame bare tftatfoe pjeadjebtt *ttebeif o?e toe p;a?e art Afb&amp;M toarefi fo?;roii ^ out od niarte roll fiaj^e of ttje callpge/anS ft'rtfrll allDeiectacioti of o obnejt ana file tod;clie bffarft / 1&amp; potoet: tljat (be name of oute tafia wvut Cb#8 snare be gIo?t'feeb t'n rou/are itt bim'tbo/oto tbegraceofoutetKoS/attbof tbejLwue-ie* fuMbjift, tifo qjeuietfj tfjem tfjae t he bap ofWtefOt mi not f ome/tplt tty Ocpatt yng from tfte foptl) come fwft; # ttrttoe lie 2ljo;&lt;etfj tljein ot (o lie Oifceaticfr / bur fa 9QfttJtUltti9ttt,

.j- - * *


cEbefeeberou b}ttt)mty tbecettiai mrngeofpurejLo?qeieftb3ttt/ awb in tbattoe 0)0 affemweijnr Bim/t&amp;at re be not fooenKr moueb mm


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ftSroufcmrtttWenotttoubleonetbecbr fp;ete/ netljee br too^oe^ ) no; ret br Ictttt 9art,t(.a. S^ 8 Dt,ul11 lme t0 ^3 b0/ as tbougl) ,W SV b* of&lt;jrtj?m toete atbano * ?Let no m$ fun mart fpgiiibeceaueroubrenr meanest/ fty tbe^oioe mmma cSmetb not/etceptetljet cornea oepattrnge foWsfatu f0 "" c of Perticton Wwm abuetfatte/a ijsetalteoaboueaUtbatti8tcaHei)oo/o? g n*(!Cofptint0too;mtppeD:ro | tie ft)aU"*rrtajSoiinft g ton pie of temple of ob/ano Ibeto btm f eife asJ ob SSctSSo f entembetrenot/ tbat tobenltoap ret noemnS ; tortB tou/S toioerou tbeft tbr!K^nb note iDcteto ci ve bnotoe totiat tortbb6loetb : euen tbat be wife) mtgbt be bttetcb aebtS trme.iff o; tbe mr fte* Xbmmcc S of , * ("* nufte boetb all teabre to02Cfie:tr ip to tnpauf: ';tticnftailtbattoicfiebbebttereb/ wopcu a; toti8tbe)io?oeu)aHconfume*tottbKp;ete SH?!5 if ***" 1 *' anblballbearore tttortbtbe S aU0 " e apetaunceofljisconimrnae euenbtmtotio. t nmttK fe cSmrnget^br tbe toofB$nge of Satan/' (pete of ops tottb all *lptnge poto'ec/fpgneg a toonbetfc fiSrf ^l e * '" aH of auabienejS of bntrgbtetoefnes!/ Salt amoW8e t6em tftat ^^ : *K*fctfer te*

i-oivK. ceauebnottbe=*Ioueoftbettutb /tbattber C ntpgbt bane bene faueb. 3Bnbtbetfo;e oti u mm mf m &gt;ball fenbe tbent ftvengeielufton / tbat n)er ntics benufe q)uibebeieuerre0:gaHtbepmrgbtbebam ,e^i)etto fll w^8l)tetoefnejj. . touc 10 to t he 13 ut toe are bofibe to geue tbaft c0 altoare tmtutHm w to ob f o? ?ou b^tb^tn bdoueb of t-ow iffia ^KanP^^oftnrowtofaliiacton./tbciwtofancti fcetijcm. frmgeoft&amp;efp?ete/anbtfto?otoebeleutnge tbettuctb/ tobttunto becaiUbfpn br oute ofpell / to obtarne tbe gld/re tbat cSmen) ofoutejLo7beg!efuCb;tft. . ,,r . : &amp; *cbfo?e b;etb?en ttahbe fatt/ frBepe tge o;bmafice? tobtcb re baue leatneb : tobet bet fttoetebroutep?eacbrngo?breptaie.a&gt;ut )Lo?be3!efucrb?iaomifelfe/anbobourefa tber tobftb batb f oueb 6{t/anb bat ft geuen fa 3 cue Waftrng cSCola'cion a goobbope tftojoto &gt; grace/ comfo;te route berte0/anbaablr(nje rou twallboctrrwe agoobbornge. f&lt; * &amp; C c 6 f fytet n t ft cm to pjape fo; I)&lt;m tijat t fjr ^5o [pt 1 1 mnpt p?oIpetWanO gmttl) tftf toaenpnge to tcpj'otit f f blerattti pf tljep toplt not labou w taitb tbeft rnHul i9attScpH)alliiotate. Cbe.tft.baptet. , .. -. j ittbermo;e b?etb?lp?arc fp?W/ tbattftetoo?beofcb ma'ifcnie' frepaflageanbbe glo?tfteb/atfC it toftb rou-.a tbat toe mare be be* Irueteb ftom bnrefonable anb euflt meb;if o? an men bawenot fartft:but Ho?b in farn&gt; eun/tobtcb ftauaabirflberou/ a seperou from eur n . i u e ijaue confrbence n)o;oto tbe

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'Jlozoe to rou toatbe / tbat re bot b bo/$ toril bo/tftat tofttcb tee comntau Jibe rou, anb tbe 3to?accj^ic route better to tl)e loue of cb ana pacience of Cb?tft. mmmmjt roubatb;en in tbe name mmfulk of oure ^oM'#ta b?t/| re toi&gt;tbb;atoe J5 rourefeluegi fro euertjb?otbet tljat toalftctft ino;btnatir/a notaftet mattucton tobtcu re receaueb of bg.fe rout felues ftno to ft oto . re ougtitto fofotoe b%, fUtot bebaueb not mm rentes mozomatir atujge rou. i5efliee tofte toe b^eeb of enr man fojnougbt: but tojougbttottblabouteatrauarlenlgtitam) . . bare/ becaufe toe toolbe not be greuousto ettrofrous*notbutt&amp;attoebabauctojttetc buKomafteoutereiucs an enfampie bntb0.&lt;u*jc(tfi rou/to folotoebs.-ffo? toben toe toere^ rou/ m toe toatnebrou of/tbat rf tluttoerc em* tobtcb toolb nottoo;cfte/t t)at tbefame OiulB noteate, ' -. .' -- awbauebeatWfaft: no boitte g tber are tome tobtcb toalbc ampnge rou tno;binatir/ a toivfte not at all/but ate bef ijbooreS.Cbe, tbat areiocbe/toe cBmatloe a eji)o?te br o'tit) %6W ftUffttttt tbat tber too^cfte tortft quvctnes/a eate tbeit atone b;ee b:*53wb?e ^ be not toetr in toellbornge. % jftttrman , ober not pure farlnges/ftnbebs too?be pf^a'-w*o btm br a lettct:abauenb effpafiie tottb Wm/ tbat be mare fte a fljameb Jnb coat ftrm not as an memr:buttoatne bunas ab^otbe^ cftebetr ,Ho;be of peace gmfou peace alltoareS/brallmeanes.fbeilo?bbetoia&gt; rouall,befalutactortpfme1&amp;aul/tomrne atone banbe.^bts is tfte toficn t'n all eptttles ^olto^rte.^ftegraceof oute'ilo?be2cfujt '

b;lft be toitb roualUmen. ^&gt;eht from Itbens,



of Jbayxtt l&amp;auftimto ICpinotije^ : c^wtctft ^CiriotO^ to toapf c toptJ Tjid omcc;na# tMQMoftf ttpt^ngclit pmt hrtjCw too;Oe?f. 6eftevofii|alfotoijcrfd;etlJela\tiigOoO/au&amp;tcctr) %%tUirlei glad p&amp;pngc0 ; ttjat id&gt;; ittc jefu* cam* ftitot&amp;etoojlfcctofnuctyww tuSCbntt/brttje comaunbef frt , Hm M mtnt of cb oure rautcure/ a tam *W* aJLo^eierusc^tft/tebicft t'Sourebope. canto ctmotlje rjr naht tall fenne wftbe fartb. , . , . , ,...-., race/merer anbpeaetlEromblioure fa tberanb)Lo;be grefustbftonre^o?be. : asabrtpugbttbe toabrnearH toWfc* fuS


ijROfflS.toff.c. 0:iia.tii.o

fuss to^mg! aepattea into w&amp;cetom/eum fobo/tbattbouccmiuaunaefometbattbep teacbe nonotber tof fe:netbgeue fteoe to fa eicj8 ano gencalostejj to'jicij ate cnaiccrc-'ano tyeaeboutesmoate tben oaipj eapfp inge tobicb is bp faptb:f o?tbe enae of $ c5mau&gt; . , . , &gt;raentis*iouetbat commety of a mire berte SntoMhirJS? anD of a S oD cont'cience / s of faptb bnfap tSiS^ 15 ^^" 1 '*^^ fomebaue errea/ tnfercew. 'ana baue turnea bnto bayne iatiseivnge be* caut'e tbep.tooiae be aoctouvs in (cciptttte/ ana jet tmoerftSbeiiottobat tbep fpealie/ne^ tbertoberoftbepaffirme. **ic ftrtotoe tbat tbe latoe is gooa/ pf a man bfe re lato f uilp / bnaerftanap nge tups/ tioto tbat H)e latoe is not geuen bnto a tigUteous man/but onto tbetoirpgbteous a "if* obeate'ttotbebngoaip'anatofpnners/tobn* boipanabncleaiie/tomurtfjerersoffatbers anamuttberers ofmotbers /to manflearsa tobo?mongers:to tbe tbataefpie ;em femes tottl) maapnaeito menflealec&amp;tolpars a to perfurea/a fo fo;tb pf tber be enp oftet tbtog tbat is contra rp to b 0! f ome acco?s binge to tlje ofpell of tbe g!o;p of tbe b! efc feD&lt;Soa/tobicbgorpeiiis comittca bntome. anugitbanKe Cb?itt3ef0 oute&amp;o?ae ;-./ tDbtc6batbni35emcai'onge:foif)ecounteD me true/ana put me in offrce/toben befo?el toas a biafpbemar/ana a perfecutct/ a a cp

wunt.JBut'j obtapm meerp'becaufelbiii ltigno?auntlp tbo?otobnbeicfe .gniertye* later tbe grace of oute Ho?Be toas ntoare abounbaunt tottb faptb anb loue tobicb 10 in eb?itt?eru. &amp; nje crotonae * Cbteisatruefapfngeabpallmeanes r it* aiMp. tob?t&amp;ptobereceaueo/p: lb?iftlefu0 came into tbe too jioe to faue fpnners/o'f tobomel arftcbefe.iBottoitbftanopnge fo?tbiS centre Paul an en&lt; toa.s mercp gene bnto me/tbat Jrfti js ftb;t &amp; mpie tCMnoflMJ&amp;efpjft 0?etoeonmealUongepacience/ n L&amp; nwbnt0 t " e e "f'npie of tbe tobicb ftjallin tpme ""^ '^ to come belette on item bnto efcmiHlpfe. w ^bottjenbnto (Sod bpnge euetlaapnge/im* tao?tall/inuirpble/ 9 topfeonlp /bebonoure anb p; a pre fo; e iter ana e 1 1 e 1 M\ en . .. &lt;irbis commautiaement commits bnto ? f onne ctmotbeus/acco?apnge to tbc p?op&amp;e fieS whiffy in tpme paa toeve p?opbifieD of tbe. ..that tft on in tbem flmiacR fpgbc a good fpgbt,baupng faptb agoobcoTcfence tobfclj . fome baue put atoape from tbem/ aas cScee ' wpng faptb baue maoe ftipto?acae. fi)f tobo ff nomb?e fs imeneus a aiejanbet tobpcb ffbauraeipuereabnto ^atan/g tbtpraigbt Be taugbtnot to Wafpbeme. C^etno'Wft *(Wfsft? Bllmcn.5eftVil9tl)Bue toiuttn to Ik our rcettly araprtnojto teathc ftt tlit c5 B t f fia c io/lnit f Uc fti ftlcntc* obrpt tljei'c jjuMDtf . . fcfte,ti,bapteB,

(ffrbo?te tbetfoje / fat aftotie al!# tbpnge0/p;aper{j/ CuppUcacionp/ , intereeaVons^gcupng.oftbanaeis lijebabfo?aumeu;to;ftpnge0/ano fo/ all tbat are in auctoftte / tb a t toe ma?e Ipue a qujet anb a peaiauie jpfe/ in all 00* Ipne.sanDOoneaie.ifo^batijigcobaaccep* tcb in tbe fpgbt of on oure Caiubuc / toft y c li 73 *topli baue all men faueb/ anb to come bnto * ^&gt;p *mj t^e finotoleoge of tbe tcuetft , jfo/ tljer ig one'J&amp;g'j""* * ob/an&amp; one(mebiato;)btoene ob^ mS/ fflfiffi: tobicb i je man cb?itt 3lefuS / tobicb gaue wtmtttSu

Oimfelfearni!nfomefo;allmen/ ^ itQuiio 1 ' 011 ? *&amp;* to be tettifieb at biJJ tpme/tobert bnto 3 am oy- ?'!'" cn J c , p ' n ' bapntb.a p;eacl)eranbanapoQle:amittjeC aumm tfuetbinci!8ail?enotbepng tbe tracternmt IsbT oft&amp;egfntpbsinfaptbanbberitfe. I 3 topli tberfo^e tirat t&amp;emen p;ape euerp tobcre/ ifftpnge bp pure banbes ^mout^ to;atb/o; ootonng.iiiftetopfealfotbe toeme tbat tfttp arape tlj em felues in comlpeappa* tell toitb Ojamfa Qneu a Qifcrete bcbatteour/ nottoftl} b;op6eDfjeareotbergoIDe/ o?pear* leg, -0} coftip arape&amp;ut toitb fucbe as becom metb toementbatp;ofeffetl)e too?roipppng &lt;o! ,_ t((iL . of &lt;sob tbo^oto goon too?c6e&amp;: * jLeetlje &lt;tt&gt;oS mtn ' ma&gt; man leawcin fpiencetotaaHfubieccion. % fuffienotatooniStoteartje/netdertobaue aucto?ite outr tbeman:but fo? tobe in filcn* ce. ^o; aioamtoas fp;ftefo?meb / 'anbtfien2Ste? tfue.Mo3ioam toagnot oeceaueb/ but tbe ? a rent,, ,A tooman toajs acceautD/anb toai* in trSrgrer= ^tmSm 1 Ucn . jSot toitijffanbpnge tbd^oto bearpnge *m&gt; ;m dc of cbp!3?en ibep albe Smeb / fo rtjep contp, 2SJS* JJT (me m faptlj/ioue abolpne? toltrjDifcweion.ioui) i* mm * T.^)ft.ifmmiec am5nb((nioppeo?p?caoiirjfie tt*e/"^SSB antr ^bt conDic^n !)(b irv'c ^0 chyi;cn futo Ijauppea d^ inpatii CCfje.ui.cbapter. a **T3 m is a true fapingetf f a man co= MfagB uet aie a *otTtcc of a lBiObopebebe^oBJiu. ; s^t* fwetU a goob too;cfie fe a a'pf= fgEJSEk .-*Jftopcmua be faittle Ue/tce Ouf bSb he&gt; W ut'"f''. of onettpfe/fober/Difcrftey ftonettlp im&amp;Z%m relIeb/barberous/apttotcacbe/notD?5cfee/ *** * no figbter/notgeu? to fpltfcp Iucre:butgeut=C?, v ! \t I abfto;pnge f pgbtpnge / abbo?rpnge cmm ft ; *a5 teoufnes/anb cnetljatruletbbiiJatoneljoure''"" 3 ' t v Ooncarp/baupnge rfiplfcen bnber oftebif tree ^ "" ' *i toitb aUbonete.jFo?ffamS cannot mtwSSZ&amp;m atoneboufeboto Ojaiibecawfo? ftteonpejSS^KSS gacto of ob.^e mape not be**flponge rco*mpi'A&lt;tai

ler/lettbe ftoell anbfaule into the foWWRSsffiew&amp;e of tbe eupH fpeafier^emuft alfobe nmmm S po?tebofamongetftemtofticb atetoftO ouf* , 6 tlwlW fo?tb/leftbefallinto rebuficano fnareof ftutr&amp;S eupll fpeafter. c gfg B,pfietopremufteaconfil5ef)omtt/no1iiifei? &gt;m bonblc tongeb/not geue n bnto mocDe mt&amp;m&amp;SL

^o ITpino tft t


Rpiigrtet!)tofplfS?lcre:bueBaupng ioue/inrp?efe/fttfaptf)anbftipuwne^ miflerp of tlje faptb m pure confeience. 3na cpll| come/geueattenbaunce to reopn g/ # lettftem fp;ft be pjoue&amp;//anDtl)enleftbemi to ertjo;tacion anbtobotttpne^erp pre not mGer/pftbepbefounoefautlelfa . tbatgpftetbatisintbe/tobtcbtoasgtuetlje ( cuenfomutttbeittopuesbeboneft/noe o?otopPbeueaRbtoitb*lavingeonofi ^,. . euiilfpeaiiersibutroberanbfapthfuninaH t^banofaofaneifteii.cbeietljpngegerCT.^ff lffi 9llTl ts Jl tl)me * :ut m * ess ** bt ** euftiaaegt cpfe/a geue tbp felfe bnto t ljf / tbat it mape in SSW SlcSf an6 of one topfe/anofucbeas ruIetbeircbpID/en be few bototbou p?ofeteft in all tbpngeS;

imotiw toej j/ano eiieir atone boufljoioes , &lt;ff o? tftep .,. ^tbatmpniaertoell/gettftemfeluesgooabe* greano gvcate Ipbertie in tbe faptlj/tobicb is in co ; i a jcri t . berc to mtt tolite % bnto tbe/truainge to come Q;o?etip bnto tlje-.butanb ft% tarie longe/tbat tben tftou mapa pet baue finoto* leoge boto tbeu ougbteft to be baue tbp felfe

t'ntbeboureof(E!oa/tobicbistc8gregacion tTlZS- oia &gt; e l vnin&amp;e oW)t ppilar a grounbe of bcR t Xw ttt,e ** MVBftft0tttna Pt great fe g mpite* ttaiii to opmtp of gofclpneiS:ffio&amp; toag fl)etoenin fl^ribe/ a::o (o \)iB oot/ toag tufftfied in tbe *fp#te/toag f cne of 3n&lt; ftpe. geis/toas p,ieacbeb bnto tbe getplS/toag be* ieueb on in ertlj anbreceaueo bp in glojp, J Ccp?opft* cietlvo^ljp!aefcr 6ape3&gt;j ejc!io;trt6 Cp# motOjtot(jpOrt(gciunfijuflcafcl;cI;olv fcci'pmm f ig)e fp;ete fpeaftec^ eitpbenelp t?jac totlje later cpmes Come QiaH De^ [parte ftom t&amp;e faptft/ * all geue r ____JljeDebnto fp;etes of evvoure / atrn fijucljlfte Doctrphe of tftem to^^ fpeafte


[w^ftSS tonwit 8/* cfimanttDpnge to abaapne from ahbcu fit noato nieate^ toftfed 013 liatft createa to be recea^ inurchetfttift1^ w or Se * * ute * of * a ^ e S&amp; and notbmoe to be re bosp/vuiti) jotcftifeD/pf Itbe receatteb tbieu eftafi^jeutnge; $mf) to tftpiu ijfo; it w fanctifieo bp tfte too?oe of &lt;2foo . anD 5 S inc. w Bncf of tftefe tfimM^ou alt be he 1c opemp aBOObmpnfltootttftt e?ffti/toftp*(faft tuotuf cucc afbeneno?ifQ)et)bpmtftetto;De0oftibe faptb

'nb goobbocttine tobicb' Boctrpne

cane ^ebe bnto tbpfelfe anb bnto learning/

ana contpnue tberin.ijf o; pf tbou flmit fo do/ thou tbaltfauetOpferfe ana tbe f bearetbe. C&amp;r tcatof if) nim Ijott lie W bejjanc li?m fclfe (n re Ltibpnge all Srgrcf b * an ofite confrhiyngt tofii* 6ottes. '" TCbe.b.Chaptei;. . nEbufte not an eiaer t but ej^o^te bim as a farter atfte pongee me as b?etb?en /tbe eiaertoemenas mo* , _^, Jtbers/tbe ponger as tpfters/ topttf all purenes.^onoure topaootoes tobicb are true topaaotoesj,f enp topcaotoe baue cftpl* b;eo?neuues/letttl)em learne fpjft to rule tbeir atone Ijoufes goaip ana to recompenfe tbeir eiaers. f o? tbat is gooa ana acceptable: before (0oa , S&gt;be tbat is a berp topaootoe a ftenaieae/putf etb bee trutt in &lt;s&gt;oi/ ana con* tpnuetb in fuppttcacion ana p;aper npgbt s aape.ffiut flje tt)at ipuetb in pleafure/is Beeo euen petalpue.anatbefe tbinges cSmaaoe/ tbat tbep mape be toptljout fauf tM tljet be enp tbat pjoupcetft not fo? lips atone ano namelp fo? tbem of bps bouB?oiae / tbe fame benpetb tbefaptb/ ana is to o?ffe tben an in* 1 fpaeil. JLrt no topabotoe be cbofen bnaer rt?efco 33 r e pere oiae/ana f ocbe a one as toas tbe topfe of one man/a toell repo?teaof in gooa too?* fies:pf fljebaue no?pfftea cbpia?en/ pf fte bauebeneliberalltoaraungers/pfQiebaillt' toeffljeatbefapnetes fete/pf oje bauempnf* Orea bnto tbem M)itH toere in aauerfttpe/ pf flje toere contpnuallp geuen bnto all nw mrgoobtoo?Cftes. cbe pongrr topaaotoed toantone/totbeopinonoure of db?jtt/ tben

a^^^-rf^-yr'?y* &gt; s'y^&gt;vy^*e'y- * v* toPlltbepmarp&gt;baupnge*aamnacpon /to f*2* gt;ai&gt;tutti K ^ f continuaHpfonqtoea.5Bufeca8atoapebn= tauretbepNue^mtbmfrtOfaptb^B^^STi.^ S^m^oftlPanaoiaetopuesfabies, , t 'ni^l(mtoiooftiiboitlr^S / Qo l ; m be tot* c . trercpfe ftp fe.ife.bnto goaipn^ . jfo? bobe paie:pee,notpafe ; onl p/.biit aifo trpflpng ana wmamdt

!"'*L, , 8RWWfrjKteJi!teB:|iik^ befpboapes/fpea6pngefl)pngeStobPcftare t( "'ei'!8iitn r 1*0 9 bim %vmW*titmwmWnotoMft ipfe .3 topli tb.erfo?e tbat tbe ponger toemen mm \mw tocomccbraissafurerapinge/aofaiipar* mawanabearecbpia?e/anagpactbeboufe/ \IH ^. l l, r ^^to?tbptobereceauea.-jfo?tberfo?etoe anageuenone occafpon totbeaau ttfarpto mm am* laboure fuffce rebufte/'becaure toe beieue fpeafte eupii. jfo? manp of tb em are allrebp \^m .. fotlpumgedeiootohfebtsflraueoureofaH tumeabaciie/aaregone.aftet)atait.3nB men/but fpeciairp of tbofe g beleue.&amp;orbe pf enp man o? tooman tbat beleueff l baue tbpnges comaunae a teacbe.lLetno man be? toiaaotoes/lettbe minitterbnto tbe/alet not fppfetbppoutbtbutbebntotbetbatbeieue/ ^cjjgregaetefbecbargebifpemapebaiiefuC an enfampf e/in teo?ae/iu:comrracporT7 fi fpcient fo? tbf tbat are topaaotoes in a r be.


ajattjcr.b. ltt&amp;r.jMu

9'e ettcwJ tftat" mle toell/ at e too^cbp of double on otite/mo ft fJ5 ecta lis tbey toft t c ft la bourefotftetoo? o? $ fertp* tute faptft:tftou (bait not moufell moiufte oftaeojce tftat treaDetft out tfteco?ne.3inD $ labourer is too?ffty of his retoara *agayntt an elber reccaue none acc-uracion-im t bnbec ttooo?tft?etopmeffe$,cftem tftat fpmuv re* bufte openlp/t^at otljct mare f e ate. gtetttftcbefojeosoDanotftekotfeJe&amp;tf Cbjf" tt a tlje electc angeis/tftat thou obferae tfKfct()togetoitftoutftattptuogcment,$Dci notbinge partially. II aye banc es fobeuly on no man/netfier be pavtafier of ocftet mens t pnnes-.ftepe tbp fcifepure.&amp;?ftic!te no len*

gettoatet/butbfea Iptteiltopne fo?tftp tt5* maftejEt false anb tftpne often op feafes. ^omemennesfymus ate open before banbe 8 go before bnto iubgemet : tome ml &lt; nesfpnnes folotoe after, kylsetoyfe alfo goobtoo?ftes ate manffed before OatiDe anb tbrptftatateotftettopfe/cannotbeftpb. CCQt tmtprof fentamitrs totoaroc tbrtr matters. jUoapnft foci) as ace not fatiff ito tt ibe too;or of oft, flStl nft couticoufnra.a gooo icQbnfo; vpcljcmcn. fle.tot,Cftapter, &lt;t as manp feruauntcsas arebn* bee tfte pofie/counte tft elr nra Arts too?tftpofallftonour/tftat $ name ofdfobabfjJboctrpne benoteuvii Jpo&amp;en Qi&amp;e p^eptohfcft&amp;aue beleupnge matters/ Dtfpyfe tftem not becaure tftepate bietiiih but fo mocfte tfte ratfter bo f erupt tl fo? as mocfte a? tftepare beieupnge a belo* tun ano'partafiewJ of tfte benefit e. $qefetftpngesteacftea etfto?te-3|f enpma JB ttacfte other topfe/a is not content toptft tfte to ft olf om e too;o$ of o r i r e jUtfbegefu ft? t ft/ a toitft the boctcpne o&lt;3colynes/fte is pufte bp anb finotoetft not&amp;ynge: but toaftetft ftps b;ay nes about que ft! ens 9 ft r pf e of too?bej* l$eraffp?yngeenuye/ftrpfe/raplpngveutll ftmntfpnges sbapnc btfputacpons of men toftb co?ruptemynDesanb beflptute of the truetft /tofttcft tfttn&amp;e tftat lucre is gobly n es. tf r o m fo eft e feparate t ft p felfe . oolpn es (0 sreatttpeftes/pfamanbe cotenttoitft tftat tje 8 at&amp;.*;JFo2 toe b?ougft t notftpnge into the too2ioe/ amntisaplaynecafe tijattoecaii carp notftpnge out. ti&amp;ftentoebauefo&amp;earayme't/Ietfast&amp;ee* toftb be cficent.cftep tftat toplbe ryche/fauic into temptacf on a fnares /nnb into man y f o* CWfflt anoyfome luttcs/ toft icft b?ounbe men #gtttoum in petucion abeBmccto . tfot coueteoufneiJ Off rotr of all euill/tofif ct&gt; toft f H Come lu fteu

after/tftep erre&amp;fromtfte fnytft/anbtangira tbemfelues toitft manpfo?otoeg. 5Stittftou tenrcti arte me man of ob/flye focfte tftingj Jfolotoerig6tetorfne?/goblynef!/louc / pa* ulejo-f,

ctenceanQmeannejf.fy!^ttt;egocbfvgt)eof faptbXape ftanb on etemali lyt e/toftet unto tftou arte cfllleb/aftaft p;ofeOebagoob p;o fefflon b efoje manp toitneffca, 91 gcuc tfte cftatge mfrsgftt of ob/ tablet) quicfinetftalitftynge0/a befo;eg|efuCft;ta toftyeft bnber fondue opiate toytneoeba goobtottneOFng/g tftou fiepetfte comaiinoe ment/abetoitftouttpotte a bnrebuBealile/ bntytl tfte apperynge of oute %t^iSt/k0^ mtm ^ a Cft?m/*toftfcftapperplKs(toftentftettmeffi^' , comejfte Oiatl Oictoe tbat t* blcdeft anugfttp wt ' only/nynge of fiynge? / anb lo;be of io?beg/ toftfcftonlybatfttmmo;taIite/anbbtoeiietr) in tfte lygbt tftat no man can attapne/toftom neuer mSfatoe/netftetcan fe/ bnto* toftom fBSsff be ftonoure anb rule eu etteftfnge Jmeii. ^ m * Cftargetftera tbat are rpci&amp;e m t&amp;tt too?iw ~ tftattfteybenotercebyngtorft/a tftat tftep truft no t in tbe bncertaync rpefteg / but tit f lyuutgeti&amp;ob/toftt'cb geuetftbjS abounbattto ly alltftyngejitoemoyetftcm/ a tftattfte? bo goob/a beryeftein goobtoo;fies(/anbteby to geue a oiftribute/ layingebp In ao;e fo; tfte feiuc? a go oo founbacyon agaynft tfte ty me tocomeitfteymaieobtayneeternalUyfe. fl&gt; d'motftefaue tftat tofttcftW geue to 6epe/a auoybe bngottlpbamttc? of b opces anb oppofycrowsof fcience falQyfo calieb/ tofticft ttRei toftyJl fome p;ofeffeo/tftey ftauc t vt cd as cScerny ng tfte t ay t o . Grace b e totti) tftc,3Dmen. ^&gt;entfrom7Laobicea/toftfc^t'jt tftecBefeftcytieof|Sft;igia | pacacians. %tyt kttmU tpiftlt

of ^vntt pmv m ^pome tmto C ^ ait I tftoitttt) Cftnb tbp to ftcofaflnetT* s patfrtt* (c in pertecu.cfon/ anoto continue m tljc Docttnc 6c b no taujb t b im. a romnunoscf on of ^rjneCiphoutp. Cftefp;fttfftapter. ptalan:3poftieof3Je* fuWft/bj?n)etoyof.oba top;eacbfp;omejsof!yfe/ |toftfcftlyfcfefnift^ftlefu. cocimotftefiysibeloiieb

M&amp;ettofc/anbfaffiy motfterneuntca^nb ue of tfte frutw,ConfPo Mat i faye. bc

JLo?begeue5 bnberttanbyngi'nantftinaL fi : Kemember tftat Sefu? cft/tft beynge of febe of J0aufb/rofc agapne f rombeetft acco;

amaffuve tftat wbtoeiictt) in tfteaifo. it3fterfo;e | toatne tfte tbat tftou Sett bp Boiita,j)uj.c tyngeonofmyftanoeis.* ^o;&lt;E&gt;ooftatftnof byng tomycpofpeH/tof tertnllfuare trouble geue to 03 tfte fp;ete of ftnr/ but of potter/ a* an euffl&amp;oar/euen bnto bona e^.jBut tfte anbofloue/a,offob;ene(ofmynDe.38cnoc too?bcof&lt;Bobto38not bounoe. fyetttoiei aftameb to U&amp;Ugtmetbamt nether b.e futtreaHtftynge0/fo;tfteeiecte?fafiefiytf tae aqjameb of me^tofticftant bounbe fo? ft to fa* tftepmpgbtalfo obtaynei faluaciou mm fteibutfuffre tftou abuerWtytalfo toptb tfte fetnCft;ift|eru/toftftetemaHglo?y. ofpell/ tfto?otoe tfte potoer of oft / tobyeft ft is a true faymg/y f toe bmen toi tft ftim


teueo bsf/anu calieb bs tottft anftol? callmg/ toealfo rualllyue toiq)ftim.3f to e be paeffft/ * not acco;oynge to oute bebes/but accoibtng toe all alfo raygne tottft bfm Mi toe bent e Bom tai .toftfeattnepurpofcanbgrace/toftfcftgrace fttni/ftealfoftallbenyebss-giftoebeleu cnot/ toas geuentfto;otoe ft;i(t1|eru befo?e tfte jetaoybetftftefaytftfulL^e'cSnotbenye bim too?ioe toas/but is note beciarcb openly bp felfe.fl)ftftefetftpnges&lt;puttftem tnremein* tyeappearmge of ourefautoure 1 |efuCb?ftt bounce/ a teftifycbefo?e tfte )Lo;be/ g tbep tofttcft ftatft put atoaye beetft/ a&amp;atft b?ougftt flrpu'e not about too?K;t ofticft to to n o pm* Ipfe ijimmo^aiitebntolygftttfto?oto o* fet/buttoperuerttfteftearer? fpefl/*tobeumto3amapoynteb/sp;eacfte&gt;! fetubp tofijetoe tftpfelfe faubable bn to ano4ipaftte,anDateacfteroftftegentylS:fo? obatoo?fimantftatnebetftnottobeauja* tfte tofttcft co:i a alfo futTce tftefe tftpnge?. meb/byuibyonge tfte too?be of t ruetft mftiy. = a- &lt;mn m &gt; . rmotoetoftomgiftauebeleueb/anbamfureg tftey ail encreace bnto greater bngoiip. ije rs.abie to hepe tftat tofttcft % ftaue corny t- ries/anb tfteir too;beg (bal l fret eul as boetft tebtoftiSBepynge/agapnft tftatbape. acancre:oftoftofenomb?etsymeneosanb ^etftouftduetfteenfampieof fbolfome Pfttletos/ tofticbas concernyngetfte truetft too^oes tofttcft tftouftearbeft of mefn faptft a ftaue erreb/fayfnge tbattfte re furreccpon to mm toftyeft is tnfefu Cft;iu, ftat goob paaallreby/anbbobellroyetfte faptft of bp * tftmge/tofticfttoascompttebtotftpfiepyng/ uers perronnes, fiepeintfteftolpgoofttoftte&amp;btoeliemmlMf, JBuftftefuregrounbeofdPobremaynetf t/ ftis tftou fiuoweftboto tftat all tftep tofttcft anb ftatft tftts feale:tfte)lo?b e finotoetft tftem are mMa/be turneb frS tne.f tofttcft font tftatareftis/anb let euerp raS tftat ca lietft on arePftigeiosanDfemtogenes.cfte3lo?be tftenameofCftua/Qepattefroiniqmteiot

geue mercye bnto ftoufe of fl)nefipfto;uiS fo.2fteofterefrefu)ebme/anbtoasnotaiifta anebo?my cftayne -.ftuttoftenfte toasat !So

toytftttSbyng ina greate ftoufe arc not oufp beaellesofgoulbeanbotcpiuer : but alfo of tooobanb of ertfte/fome f o? ftonoure/a Come

ine/ betougftt me oute bery bplpgentlp/ ana bnto bymonoure . But pf a man purcte ftpra fOun&amp;eme.cfte-Lojbegwuntbtttobfmt&amp;at relfefiomfucftefelotoes/fteajafbeab effeH be maye fynoe mercye toitft tfte &amp;o;b attftat fancttfieobntoftonoure/ mete f o? tfte low fiaye.Jnbinftotomanpt&amp;png^ftemmtttteB ***** *^- -*-" .-bnto me attfpft efus tftou fmotoett berp to en.

CXvSt 90 in &lt;b: fvjttCbnptcv / fo tjece fie rt&amp;o;titb him to 6c eoiMlant fti trouble/to fuffc e manlv / ano to bvaefafti'tiljetobolfomcOoctcpiKof ouwtOfOeJe* fuo ff tout. '..:'. Ccfte-itCftapter. *


race/me rep a peace /from oft tfte fa* t&amp;ee/anbftomSefuG&amp;tfaoureilojDe. *3 tftanfie ob A6om 5! feme t rS my ne eioers ^ pure confetence/tftaf tomjoiit cca fpngc Jmane mettcton of tfte f n mpp?apc rs ?3

npgftC a bayc/bcfp?ing to fe tfte/ mpnbfull of tftp mat a am f Bleb toftft ioye/tofte a call to rememb zaunce tfte bnfapiieb faptft i to in tfte/ tofttcft btoeitfftftiir tfjpgraffiw .mctljer


Kluttcs of poutft auopbe/a folotoe ri'gftfc toefnes/faptft/loue/anb peace/tottft tftcmi &lt;. t&lt;,n .f. call on tfte A-o?be toitft putefterte.*4Tolpfe wimiS* anb bnleameoqueuios put fro tfte / remrmv b?yngetftattftey do but gena?e arpfe.ut i&gt; ^ ,^. . ... feniaunt of tfte jlo?De mull not ftryue':buf ^outfterfo?empfonne/bei1r5ge mull be peafable bnto all men/ anbapfeto intftegracetftatismefttfa^ttu. teacfte/ anb one tftat canruftrethceiipiiirt anbtoftattftpng^tftouftaftftearbe mefines/anbcaninfo?metf)em tftat refpftV . _ ofmemanybearyngetoptnes/tfte pf tftat obateny tyme toyli geue tftem re* . je oeituer to fattftfull me/toftfeft are apte pentaunce fo? to finotoe tfte rr uetftttftat tftep teacfte otfter . cftou tfterfo?efiutre aSlpc* mape come to tftem femes agapne ou t of tfte nri* n-nnhrnfrrttf^ra,!-.. /.&lt;&lt;* &lt;t&gt; .s ihareof tfte beupii/ tofttcft are note taftenof bymatftps topii, - .

cfotfaj* a goob foubier of^efu&lt;ft?t" tt.Bo mS $ toarretft entangtptftfttmfelfe mttft too?De*

ipbyfpne|/anbtftatbecauCeftetooIbepieafe -. .. .

bimtftatftatft cftofenbimto beafoubter.3nb HSESSSS?* f ?''" ,r,0U , B *** ,/ w*ift

^mrrcrotineti/eweptfte ttrpueiaufullp.*cfte JwtiSmtal


| Uo;&lt;n.if .a. bufljanbmovjjaf laftp?etft mutt fp?tt recea1






PMNMtfciM / ft at to fte lad Dapejs Ojall comeparelousi tpmetf $ Qi fte mm ftaibe louerg of ftefc tone feluess/coueteotigs / 'boltera p^ouii-VctitfeDCpeaficWDpfoljeDifrte to fa tb ? t ana mo ft e r / bnft aim f nil / bn^olp / bn* fipnoe/trucebjeafiens/aubboiin/ faireaccu* far0/rtatout0/featce/befptfei0offteb)bc&amp; are gooo/ttaptoutst/beabp/bpe mpnbeb/gte . 4f3 . t . fsW1J bpbpo.'&gt; bolupteoumessmeje ften louetf mtefei of Gf&lt;0oo/&amp;aupngeanpmilitubeof goblp lp* tin mt (fiuiteupnge/bitctjauebenpebftepotoerfteiof:^

wttteWpng f 0f j, e alfyofl: c.fl&gt;ft&amp;f*fo;teate tbep Violjpc^ '*&gt; entic into boufegv anbbjmgctoto bondage topmmen fatten topft fpttne/ tobpft foemen ate Kobe of otoergf luaess / wet leatnpnge * neuet able to come bnto tbefmotolfoge of tbettueft. *aj$3araiej5anog , amIi^ejj toiftftoue 9)o fes$/eue fbooftefe tefpa | ttueft/ men fte p ate of corrupt iiipncesi /ano ieattoe w cScet npnge fte fapft: but ftep (bait p/euaple no oj fteitma&amp;nes ibalbebctereo bnto all men ass ft eirs teas, ut ft ou baa rene experience of mpboctrme/faffton of lining/ putpofe/fapft / longetufletpnge/loue / pa* ere nce/petf ecuctous/ anb afftfcclonst tobpeb Ijappenebbntomeat intiocBe / at gicoma HRDaf/L?ftta:toHicbpefreaict'50?llfuaei-ea P?.cfentlpJnbfcom tbem all ftejlotfe Deif* . iicrt B nte.fc all # torn i^uc gowp f n cu^ft 3 em/mutt fufire petfecuctoug.iBttt f&gt; eupil men ana Dpfceauerjs ftalltoete toojGfc and too^toBpilftepbeceaueanbatebeccaufb flbemfclue&amp; _ ttut continue ftou fn fte ftpnges" to^frtj ftouBaaiearneo/toBtcBalfotoerecamttteD ' bnto ftc/fepng ftoulmotoea of tobom ftou Battleaweotlie afojajsmofte alfo asftou fjatt finotoe B'oip fcrtptute of a cbpice/tobuB js able to rnafte tije topfe bnto faluacpon tBojotofKapfttoBicbtetoCtota^eft^iifo? ijpct, a jj fcrftjcute geuen bp t'nfpitacpon of 00/ fe p^ouj'table to teacbe/to t'mp?oue/ to amfs be anbto mttittctmtpgbtetoefneg / mat fte man of ob mape be petfecte anb pupates fentoaHgoobtoozfiesi. 'CSe wjojfct?) QXmMtyt tote ftntcnt to flie fowfrc

tmo to taffce aouc c fi tv mnhctl) inr ncion of iji'o twite if atli'ano ligbaetb sxptuotEjp tome imt d im, TCbe.rtH,l)aptet. eaifpeftetfo;cbefojf\y5ob/an&amp; mm fto?b , |efuCb?ia/toI)ic&amp; fljallt'ubgcqiturieanboeebat l)fj! aperpngemBfcJ fipngbo /pjeacBe tbe toojbe/be fetuent/ be it to f eafon o? oute mm} fjaueof reafon.tmpjoue/rebti Be/ejfto?tetoitB flH J"V"iK B .iongeniffe^ngeanDDocttpe.!jfo^bctpme SS SpW* come / Wen ft ep topll not fuffet toftoi^ WW oectouvwfomeboct^ne.-.but aftett&amp;ett atone luftejs

!)i epitite


(ball tbep( tobofe rati* #c&amp;e ) gctf tBerti aft beepe of teacDetjs / 9 (bail tutne tijeit ea tcjs from tfje ttuetb/$ flialbe genen bnto fables. 3Bnt toatetj tbou to alltbfngy anbfufltc ab* uetfttieanbbo tbetoo;c&amp;eofan&lt;0uSgelta/ fulfill tbrne offpee bnto tbe btmott, fof 31, am note tcbp to be offeteb / anb tb e 35 tfmeofmpoepattpngeteatbanoe . gibaue fougbt a goob fpgbt / anbbaiie fulfplleb mj courfe/anbbaueftepttbefaptb^tombence f o;t^ tjs lapbe bp fo? me a troune of tpgbte* bjetoeg w$ m ^o?betl)att0a tigbteotis* iubge allgeuetmrat tbat bape: not to me onlp but bnto all tbem tljat lott e ty$ coming, Sl^afie fpebe to come bnto me atouce. $f oj e nuw b a ft I ef t me anb 1 1 1 e tft tfi pis p;efent toojibe/an&amp;te oepattebbnto beffa lontca.ctefcen0 1'0 goneto aiacta/anbcr tusf bnto aimacia , nip &amp;uca0 1&amp; topft

me,*-ff8BefflpatseanD bnngebto? vift fte/ fojbe&amp;neceaaipbrttome/ fo/co mpnfftet.* n ^ .., 2CnbCPftJcti0bauegiffntto(fpbefu0,cbe* m ' m clofie ftat Ulefteatctoaba toiftCatptig/ a^en tl)ou commeayb;inge toift ft e/ 9 fbe bofi0ybutfpectalIpftepaitcbemet.3Dle]tati bettbecoppetfmpft bpbmemotbe eupii tbe )Lo?be tetoatbe b(m acco^btoge to \ii&amp; mw of teb 5 be ft on to ate alfo . &lt;ffo 1 ij e top ft ft oae oure iweacbpnge ro;c. 3ttmp fp;a anftoetpnge/ no man aftlBetJ Mflnil ail fo^Cofie me .g p;ape ob / tljat ft mapenotbelapbetoftert tljavgeg: * notm topftftaiitipngetbe'^o?beao'paeb me / anb ftvengfteb me/ftat bp me p;eacbpng ftuia be ftilf pileb to fte btmoft/anb ftatalll (Ben* tp{0 (bulb Ijr ste.ltirbg! toass befpue tcb out of tbc mouft of ft e ipon.Jfcnb ftcjlofte ftall be {pisttmc feom all cupll oopnge/ 9 (ball ftepe me bnto I110 beucnlp lipngoom co tobom be p;apfefo;euetanbeuefJmen. fr Salute 1&amp;?ifca 9 3iqutla tbe BotiftolM of fiDnefipbo?u0 CtaQug abobe atCo?in* tbum.ctopbt'mo03llpfte atsppletfi ftcfie. -flfeane fpebe to come before topntet . dtubo* Juggvettft fte/ itommii 1 anb ttoujj / 9 Clautito/anballfteb^ftjen.^be^befe fit* ttK be toft 4l tPtM&lt; Qxm be toft^ pou'Jmen* c.cbc cube of ftefeconbe cpfftie bntoci fi?pttmftomKonietof)en#auftoaa#&lt; fenteb tbe f econbe tpme bp befwt . Cmpetoutefjeto, *

C HDlje Cptftle

0 ftttft

fftoppeu/ tot# t . ,, IKWP , wap ebpngetbtttge$.tolnc&amp;tbepougfttnotberati jawwiu iwiniimc XPtUtf[)nebepngeofftflfelu0/ pcBiiituerpcftie/oEciaw^tojatinancrof tiaeS GWitsateailtoapeffipar* etoiibeadeg/ ^ M-rffi ^ ^^ 8 ^"' * W* f totwtetw.CWJ to*tne* tettue/biiei'*

citu toctkuteft( wwtmtr. fafitsfS: fo;etebuSeftem(&amp;8tplpftat ^ mapeW


j-# wi i^iiii Hrcu^i^iijai iifi ^ inapt ue rounbe to ftefaptb/anbnot tafipngc ijeue to a letoegfaWeganbcSmaunbementeg of men ^ 4 art anftpngegpute:but bnto ftemftat m mmfHm m Befplebanbbnbelwpnge/fe noftpnge pure: out eiien ftebetp mpnbe? $ conferences of tbem ate befpleb-cbepconfeffefftepfinow &lt;S5ob:but toiftftebebes tbepbenpebtm/ anu ateabomtoabfeanbbtfobebtft/anbbntoan

Cbefp?ttbaptet. |aan3ipoaieoffefu " ~

gOoo too;cfte0 m'fcomm enbabie. rc^e.#.cbaptet. ar ,metb to^o fomeiiatpng.(rbat doer men be fobet/bortett/oitote Jfounbemfte fapft toioue anow paeKe.anbfteeetoemenlpiietoS7? . . . Ipfe/tobfcbrpfedPobtbatcSnotrpeftatbPw^ ^^KpSSf?lto2S r tobtcb atenot ftrantoeo of topow/neftetate ob'g WngeSlSnStaKShif?*!* ^'^^/oneftntlouetbgooDne^fo^emtoDeo BopeamgioSSSeofft^

upon in hoc/

01 t

1 i--v . - :


3D flMficcw'tnuft

tie ptftfe CJfote58re(i)fo6MlieftiflUffc.eetoai:nftl) , ,fflftgrt6eto(t86liaft])pWCe/fromOli tm fictoace of folpK&amp;e * tonpjQfltaelc que fliotw, jjgty fetftet/ ftOltl tfte 'iflJbe JCRtfl CBtftt i JflS&amp;BBBl n ., .... ... .* a tW*W mf ob/mafilnae mencton ai ipicueanofaytB/toBJcB

r - r ''*

focotttcers/tbat tbcp b e teaup e ton [to altgooDtoojfies/i tbepfpeaSe

ail heave of e , , ., ..,.. totoanUt ejUjoegefo/ar^QtoarDeaUfapnctesifotf ttSjrfclItfDjppet^atttiouljaaiji ft faptb

fotte/Ibetopng a mefines buMMfd * fo*o bp 3&amp; J5fc tocoufciue0airotoemtsraf0paa/b^ fttoeBauegteattopeanbcbWtonouec to?fetorfob^ent/BeaueD/m tounsttto ^, ou ^ jfo;bptBe(b?0tBet)t6efapncte* . insev/t to optiersmanners of toouipteouf* hHtfgatecomfojteb, netf/lpupng " maltcioufoess ana enupe/ful! * |fchjtfo ? etbougB3|bebon)ein&lt;irB ?iftto of^ate/ftatsngfoiieaRp^cr. enfopnctBe/tBattoBfcftbeccmtef&amp;tftetpetfoj 55 * utafrett&amp;att&amp;eftpiU)m:* ano low of {SmSi WcWfecBetBe/tftougBg be I .n.&lt;A ottte faucoure offfo man toattjc appeceo/ JSSJJJ J u ?aul ageb / aWnoto m bonoe* nocoroeMMof t*gBteto*fne*toBpcB toe 5|SS^lKaiS&amp;5SR5 b&amp; abounbantip/tbo;otoe IfftttpfS owe t0 mc tofig 9 gaueftnc Borne agapne .Bo u

C. cBlsiffratruelapuige. tatmebtoirame/tBacfatBpQeoeBempaBtC pftBeretBU|too!Ott)outot!Dettcer : PffiTO^m^SJ^ ^^?a a wu ee togofo?toa^mOTolitop6t.cSere tool&amp;ftonbtBfog/tOatftgoootoBW ^ffoliOhequeBtonsanD^enealogies/ftb;^^ *F- : &lt;- isnge9ttcv.te^ute i tBeJatoe/auoi?oe: % Wpprlbe ttffe&amp;o?e wpatfeb fo; a ftafon/ f^^SSSl^SS^SS^JSR noteeasarmtauntamtabpueareruaunt/ &amp;KBSSKS IweaneabjotBetbetoueb/fpertaJllttiiie:

'SlGSEEBSB&amp;BU0V^ atftotomocBerao;ebntoc/botBtnfler. " ..: !Ben3(DaIRnbe3ittemasbntotBe/o; a Rioto/KceaucBimajsmvfelfe.gifBeBauc

.3! 3 oo notWWft tBe/Boto tftactftouotoettbti torn aWe,fafce the . fi*WjL"S fflf&amp;i^toy ftnge^ tbot

tftewtowepbtugennpvwarnorapnHDew* Qrbri0i Spnge bnto t gp.itio let buttt atfo leame to tffiZJ 2*K erceu in gooft mw/tf farfo#b as nm it* \ tt m mit

, ie atone itflfin

. ait? To bjowtf :*

\Mence/3 tog tebnto tBe/ttiotopnge Sell wit Di e n&amp; ww mtammmw/ WW:***?? * w 3E&gt;emajJ/iOca0/mpBelpeti8. cbcgraej mmm. outei!io?b5c^&lt;EB^8betottB?oui;(p^t immttvm mm, -?m&gt;&gt;- -^ , '-; - .; . ; ? flnKKi afetuaunc, ;: *t r


~ \ -


% :

;***.i 1 &lt;m

c nan^ora^eJfpjeta^gewBi * cm ufeggato ngngcptpttctjiutlimtagagne a'^^^i^ul ti)cp?cfonec nf . CB?&lt;ft/anb-b;otBrtcimot|ju. ; ' wnwf baemon :tae6eloue&amp;/, anamice Beipt/to tbebettwea : ~ rr ~, mtiftvm out* www ttisAvt aiibtotBeconacegacHpnof^FBouf^' %.- H



- .*-':

- ^**


* i


- 4'."


3 '

ace m bcuync^/ t^o^o toe manf foT&amp;f f empf a* cfotw/tbat foute faptbonce tepco/bepnge niocbe nio?c pjzmw tbengoloet&amp;at petpf^ . fte*(ttj ougb it be trreb toitl) tyii) mygijt be cfc%vi) d;at tfujiotoe ttjtabountiant mtcc? of founoe bnto latooe/gio/p ano bononte yat ft &amp;m&gt;: wt \xwmn mm* a tmimti* Osto appetpnge of jefua (j?ift : tobom re ftan e fapifj mutt tie tcftb.lps t^e faiuacion mff^ta u no hot fette ft PCt Iotie htm ' in tthom E rn 5 iiX/ xtjem to a guDly ionfaon/ft fomotd w&amp;n ate ^""SB Pe feBini not/ ? 00 f 0U belntc: ano oiiJo;ncaiKti)iptDetto;aof5o6. cewpce toptl)toFebnfpeaftauleagio?i'ouS: teceatifnge tfte enoe of goute faptB/tbe fate uacfon of pouce fonlejs. j3I&gt;ftot?tcbraliiactonBauetBc^?op[)efc3 enqup^f o a fcaccbeo/ fobicb p?opt)efteD of ft. grace $ ttlb come bnto poii/fearcbing tob? o? at totjat tpme of ft fp^ete of ct)?ia wti toa0.&lt;ntbe/JbulDgntffe/toBtcBfp;eteteaf

Bed befoje/rBe paaiSs tftat cjuio ccme bnto Cftjf ft/a tfte glo?p tbat ftuae foJotoe after: bnto toln'c!) p;opBece0 t't teas oecIareD/fljaC not bnto tftemfcliiesi/btit bnto bjs/ffjep ftuio ^ mmttter ft t&amp;m^ to&amp;icft are note oje&amp;f Dbn ^ topouoftBcmteBtclj Up Cje Bolpgoottrent boune from l)ce/Ijauep?eacDeb bnto pou ft t&amp;pngc e toijicb tbe angelsf uefp^e to befioiee; lE&amp;erfojegptfebpft lopness of pourmpnJ Dejj/be fober/ s trull petfectlp on tfte grace tbat is b.jougbt bnto pou/bp Declaring of gefuss CB?tft/as obeoient cBpI0?e/not factor npnge pourc femes bnto poure oloe in ftes of ignoj&amp;aeflut as be toljtcb calico pou in t)olt&gt; enp f o be pe&amp;olp mail maner of conerfacio/ becaufc it is twia?.e pe BoIp/fo?| am bolR ainopffoUe t} pecan on tl)e fatljer to&amp;pcbjri toitftoiitrefpect of pcrfon ni'Dgcit) aceojomg vouteintf tociiecpmamics*too;iiep/fe tljaepepaffe m^Miiw te tpme of poure ptlgtemagc in feare.^f o? as ( mb bjJ ; f J j Si mocije as pe ftnotee bott) p. pe toere not rebe* 2w!S meb toitl) co^tptiblefplueranbgolbe from S ?c,r^ "SJ ' poure bapnecoufcfaciontoljicOpcreceauebwijicij * fapiir bp t&amp;e trabicions ofelje fatljerssbut toftb ^ * Precious Woube of utfeift/as of a lombe bn^ befpieb/anb toftftont fpot/to(|icb teas o?bep* nib Um? tl)e too/ioe teas mabeibuttoas bo . clarcb in lafttpmejJfo^pouifeSes/toBicl) f}pfn',o'meanesBaue belcuru m&lt;sm $ rap* teflOmift'otM&amp;eefft/afift flicyif^Opm/tbac = i'out'e fapt&amp; am \wn mpgfti or in &lt;&amp;ob. anh fwapmortie af&gt; vx bane pmifie bpour rottlejs flwzotoe J&amp;v ip^ete / iu oftepugc t&amp;e . . irucfb ftjj to lone bjotftevlp topiftouc fop* i ipng/fe tdao j^e luue une anotljee toitl) pit? 'reJ)e-fcmetlp:fo ( !P('fti'e'bo?nea.nftoe/noJ .,fb/lmCoi:nnmo;(alI/bptoo?riP ' ; c-f i!5ob tofipfO ij'iietlj tmii laftetb fo? mett Hat m f remit; (Ma (wiffe/Mii) ail (ftt- pjto , Si ; fo( , ., ,-- , . of man is as tfte itonrt olpaflr, 9e kwS iSfflf ,; itiie too?bf of tfte Xn;?b eniiurrtf) e'. x- ^nft (Ei)iSistbetoo?betot)itB bp tftewpill m ipjeacbebamongepoit.

% *

fffcBefp^tCbaptec, '*tet&amp;fct(w if^MJttcart ^poftle of 3le : ott)cttruea P 8* r ^ M jfiii diyift/ 10 tijciit bat btoeli rffiiM * % BS^^t 6 ^ atlD t,Jcrc a ^ Sraungers nssssssi bhr 1 fa toot if Bis 7 aw ?* : ^toD.ciidBodi &amp;^5i:,'!fia/rapabocia/aifm/anbj0e &amp; miii i&gt;oricc&amp;(m E^^^ ; ; 'vvtbpnia/electe bp tftefo?6nobi KcifttogniEtoifcgeofiMftfi j^fatlw tbo?oto ft tiafottimm mm Xw tot of m mm asm* W*. m uotmoe: w (Kraccw-jiiKOpouanopeaceliewKftppKea. 1 1 mm/ r jBieffeij ftc tees tflr fatfiet of oure yiw %t BtrST ^cbcgaM'fim.vftpnebiitoa^^uilp.Oopebp '.'artifucipto' I cefurt'fr :iy/f jf '|ei'us ci;l)?itt ftjoeetft / to \v (s (Dnt toij eniopc ai i -Oft itmrnce &lt;mmo?f all ft bnoef p.-

t I I

Iaatpjue/K*iii^tobicbtimepefl)aUiefopce/ fbottgft nm fin a fcafon(pf nebe requp?e)pe

*- . *


f -

- fo*

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#0&amp;tbt the obedience of the

jgeetflfctertj fflen'fotapearpDeaUijitc/f&amp;etoetb that tj;ilt e 13 tli c founbacio voljce topB tfjcp buptt/pjapetb ttjem to abftepne from fictblp lufte s/ * to obepc wotf lp caters .Sow fcruauntcB ujulbe bebattejbcm Celucu totoarb tbeie maflers.&amp;c crtwtcth to (ttfee afttt the enfamptc of tyM. Cbe,fcc&amp;aptet. * &lt;tfo;e lapeaCvse ail maiictoufnea ano alt jnjte/ano oiflmmiac t on, a no enupe anoall bacRbptinge : anpas wmutS.e|fona^WW*&gt;*i** outcojtupepon/ obiivc cacrf&gt;tbatpemapegtotoetbetin. Sffobettjat pe f tcmuftuf o&amp;baue tatteo bote pleafaunt tbe kojoeis ; to SStaSJSS tofiS * e conie a0 &amp;nt0 a U&gt;u?nge ttone Difalo* pf tSut ooewtttott of men/but ebofen of &lt;ffioo a pjectous* 9 it to &lt;Bob/tboit?e a? Ipupnge (tones / aw made a. (toetuall maaea a bobp, boufe/a an bolp p?e&amp;bobe foj to offeiitfp fp;e iptpooicof bimtuail fectpfpee/ acceptable to (00 bpte* fits Cb;ia, 25 uatjeef o? is contained in tbe fctipf ute: bebolOeU put in^&gt;ponan;&amp;eeoco?net (tone/ ' eiecte ano precious: ano be tbat b eieuetij on # m. e*wu. bi'm/Ojall not be a fljamea *anto pou tfterf ia!tb.yr(.e. tctobtcbbeleue/beispjeciouS: butontotbe

at(murt.ti,f.tobtcftbeIeuenot/tBeaonetobtcb $ bpioets tefufto/tbe fameis maoe tbe t)eeo (tone m p comet/ $ a aone to ftombie at / ano a ioc&amp;e to ofleno tbe tobtcf) ftombie at tb e too?oe / 9 beieue not tbat tobet on tbe? toete M . Sot t e ate a cbofen generacio/a topau" pjefl&amp;oo; an bolp nacion/ano a pecuiiat people / tbat tt ffiuio fl) etoe bettues of bim calico pou eutofoatcfines into bpsmaruelouslpgbt/ ip&amp;fctt in time paft toete not a peopie/petate ..rtOto people of tfo&amp;bjMcb toete nat tonoet tf M h nretcpe/ 'but note bsueabtapneometcpe. j&lt; K **erl?beloueo/PefecBetouas.arau' ' gets 9 ptigtems/abftapne ftfiftefirtpluttes/ tobtcb figbt agapnft tbe foule/ano fe tbatfv - Baufcboneftconuerracio^amongetbetiSen* tg} tbattbep tobiebbaqibtff f oua$ k eupil a 311 tuc &amp;a oosts/mape ft poutgooo tooj&amp;csano #arre ofuifjtacion.. &lt;i5oo a *int#e08peof&amp;l8tacttift. ^ go do to joct ^ t tbmp t poute fewes bnto all manet o? m Vcb S Wnaunce of mS fo? tbelo^besi fafie / mm SrS ijftbebntotbe ?nge as bntbtbecbcfebeeo: bwmtpiracionotljecbntomlatsi/aiXbntotbe tbaeate Cent totaiia ma toofblm/fo;punKlbraetrtofett0Hioats/but mm iJi?nB.6tfieiauoeoftbi!ratbatboiBeH.jro?roi0 toWof eoD/ftyfeftVutto fplencerb^ tgno* ratmcte of tfte folyqje mental fte/a no not aS jisma.^.c, Baupge tbe If bettfe fo? a clotBe of m aft* doun0/buteiif ajS | fetnaat^ of dPoo *^o mm an men .*ftue b/otbett? feiclbf ppe|

ijf tare ob/anb Bonoute tbe fi^nue. *erua0teis obep v out maftew tot'tb all ftwe/not onlF ? f tbev be gbob 9 courteous butalCo tbougfttbepbefcotoaroe. f otitis tftanBetoojtbpepfa manfo? conference to* teatoc &lt;E5co mats s RiMtgm to? ong*

&gt;5"ala.b. e ioiloUtg.O.

In. ^toBatp^pfefiSft/jfibb&lt;nreiie bufteteo fo? t&gt; out faptejj/ pe tafte ttpactent* I tf )5ut 9 rttobni * e 00 toell/ je fuft^t to^oge 9ta6ertpactetlp/i6&lt;nf!5^ertbSftett&lt;!i5oo.^^ , pam momm'asttit * J&amp;S&amp; * Ctyfealto futfeteo fo? fe0 / fcmfflu bfJ an SSfir enfamplf tbatje ibuloe fototoe W mm taf^b orb no f nne /. nctft 1 1 to a jj tbete 5 vie fouribit^[Smoutb':#{cj!Jtobfnfle^8ete s upleo/teuvlebnotagapneitoljenfjefu'ftefeD/ bftHjcateneDttot: but cemrtteo tfte caufeto ' 1m&gt;ge* Mgbteouflp/*tobtcb b^atone m *.. )Mte oute fvnnejJ infife boo? !? we/ mtrc tfum ..,ttoe ftuioe btwifuCKO'ftoin.FMine ano peg yetoete ^aieo, jro^fe jpete a# (wpCfuim$/ h)!,it,i BopnsaOtapct&amp;tttarenoto wturneDtiitto' eepljetB $b&lt;Of)ope offourt fouler t r/toWK C^vavu^ussoujj^itc to fl^we tfcrto felucs totoacOeS/'^fmie t Jeic ^uC(jauaeo/au&amp; m $tit appardl . c^f Out?c of 2!JteJ? Jfl e miq totoacO tl^tr topuc0.!3eert0/tet!) all me to tomfetnurrnti : of ant) louc and paciemlp to fufrc trouOlr.^Df ttrue bap^ qmi i^ f tc , bir^ CCftctu^baptet. . ' r S322 3:ftetoKeltttUetowe!Jbewi fub*^ S5H2S teccpoti totbeitbufbanoe^g nliSiflRSS tbep tobtcb beieue not tbe too?oe/ JffiE! hnolB

Jmane tottbout tbe toojoe be to5ne !$SS b? tut couetferf on of tl)e*jpuesJ : , tobfll tfiep Mi?fl DeDolDeFoutcpute cSuetfaeton mmVinmmSS^ feate. bofeappatejil^u notbeouttoatb^" 8 ''f'3 toitb b; pDeo litate/ 9 banging on of goioe / So mi 'mSSS etbetmptt^geonof go^gion? appatell:^7'/- I|fl butlettbebpomSoftfleuettebebnco^tupt/nourvmorbc 1 tottftaniefte aqufetfpme/tijbtcb wS&amp;2*?SftE befo?p&lt;gioo a t&amp;pnge mocftfttlr, jf 0; aftw 55 umIWom tft^msnetHttbe oioetpietipo fl^lWwSSJSjr.a?' me tobicb ttu,fite.i||nj3oO/Fet ftpm ttlwtm " tocte obcoj moWtWmefi/tuUti ^a W.'Ki? Jf r&amp;afc ?co X'-?abam/anO calle&amp;bwn )UJoe: */ m mm toWfe'flsugTjt^ ?eate a* I'dnge as AtoJJfSStt/ toefl/notbfcjrtge aftaweofeuetvfbaoo*e.""v'of" &lt;f* % jsetopi-e ptJmm*btoento ttbtb.1 acco; *JSSg b?nge to Bnbto!fpge:getjngebo|iouwim/toi)(;) ". te'tbe to?fe/a0 toito the toetferteOW/ 9 W^Sffi* fentotbemt8atatebev;e08ftoof0teofW'6'2"" r iffe/tbatwurepjapwbenptlet, , Rtt *3n eoctofton/ve je ail pf one mwrte/ one, jateiSSSSTO ttmmmmaftt/lmf as b;etft;e/Uf pi^ ffiSontKi: ftUWe oMReduis / nottenb?pnge ?flfo?^^feS toVK/nctta: tebuae fo? tebufte-.butlWttatf "Ji 'SS*c3 topfe/bleOetememb;tnge f pe atefbeomfQ c ?3?"! 'calleo/euel peO)uibel)[etjKgfble(ftngc.fcjn.f(c fl ^n or Sttwnian longe afte^p#/ahtflottf tfl to re T a XT^ goofioapess/ietbimteftapebig tomfyomwjut uu*i &lt;&gt; iLetblm ef (Hue eupif 9 bo goob: letbfm fe6i m Sj m raceyanbenmettrfoitbeew0oftfle'iLo;Dep ge fl) !S4 Of/8Sf aftfamewK

ountbe trgbteotfg/ bwwte $ ate open ttrftpjap^ jeuttbfttce tityt%m*X


fl^eoun Who is it tbat topllbatme pott/ ffpetolotoctDattobicbtSgoo&amp;r iQottoftb* ttanopnge bapppatm ff pe fufft e fo? tpgb tettefneircgfalte. fe ana ftate not tbougft fijepKme tcttpbleto pou/netbet bettou* pieO:butranctifpetbe)Lo?De&lt;iisoo in joute eett^etebpaiitoa^stogeueananftoete to euetj man &gt;Uat af ftetb pou a tefon of tbe Bope^atistripoti/^ tftattoptbtneaanes 9 fcatetyamutft: a gooo confetence/tbat toften tbep mam ymw eufiooatis / tbep maw be aOKintei * m as mocbe as tbep baue fan?* lp accufriij)!!!! 1; goob couetfacioii in b?ift. |tisb&gt;'(;(pftbetopiiofo&amp;befo) gpc torn to&gt;, v.jcil uopngeytbenfo; eupll Do,ing^,

before &lt;E5obinfp;cie,5eenbeof&amp;nt|iiitg5*ofpM * of .f. isatbanue. ?S2E , J?* : * ^e pe tbetfo;e mm mwi ve wtwggBjfjS be aptetop;apcts . $utaboueatl tDpngeStoereiotoftb: I b'aue fetuent loue amonge pou.^o; loue cc- a rcng tii to ecof uewtb multituueoffpnnes. 5Bepe betbc^Wf fo pptft tous onetoanotljet;anOtbattoitl)outgtiibH&amp; c K euetp man batb tectauco^gpfte/ ft^SK, mtntttet 8 fame one to 8notljec/a&amp;secQDmi&lt;to&lt;mmojtaittfr. nfftets of manpfotoe grace of dPoo.f fenpC amiaace mgfpeabe let l)im talfte as tbougb be fpafie mb "W tfte too;bes of mM enpman mpntQft/letteSffi l)imboitasof tljeabpltte toijicb mo htpn(iof tk#it atetb bnto bpm . bat dPob in all tbpngejs ftca (m of map beglojifieD tlio?oto 3efuS C&amp;nftV l&lt;to ffiWg


J0* jfo^afs mutyeas eTOjiftbatl) oncefuffewa toljom bep;apfe 5 oominioii fo? eue t a tobWSnSSfo^ fo/Cpnnrfj/^auttcfo; tlie bm'ufte/fo^' tbetoo?lDeftanDetb.3tmen. &lt;ntK(ub




b;pnge bji Co (KoO / ano toas ftplleo / as pet*' tapnitigt. en aje flefftje .'but toas qupcueneo intbefpAte. gin toijiil) rpjete ije alfo toct ano p^eacbeo fi japtpmconto tbe fp;ett stbat tete in p;et'on / tobicft MSoBf wtpme paffeo OittbeDienty tobentbe Krsiino"ctta&amp; t0rt 8 cfuff,;i 'Weof&lt;!5oi)abooeetceopngpa s tbcbtouoe anbcientip in tlje capes of J5oe/tobpll tbeatcfte paitio 8fb;ia' tea? a p^cpacpngc tobctin featoe ( tftat is to TXtS^mtie^ *baptime tbat note fauetb bS/not (pguificb tbec, tbe puttpnge atoape of tbe f pltb of ftefflje/ bp;fo:ti;faboeb,butintbata gooo confetence confentetbto S82?JKW&gt;rti vefuwrccion offtefus CftrfftV Evbcot ?r&gt;5biSonrt)etpgbtjanoeof(!E5oo: I- ano gewihflt as to? ft gone into beaue/angelS/potoets a mpgbt acetljere ttaiVfUDOUebfmrO Ijim. tfitb tttth-toa* cl?t ho.!trtl) men to teaTe ftomfpnnco fpenbeno tsvia ate oute mo;e tpme to bpce/to be fobec * npte f o p:ap:t /to tone finnes ttafujcDeclje other/ to bepacrtt in trouble/anb to uttoare that atoape toitb ^nomanftitfreaBaiieucllboer/but as a flMfftrnntfH (brbpiiBc of cb;(aub not f obe albameo. cesbioubf. rcbe.iiii.CBaptet. l"*!?? , f!!.all ! ^=a r &gt;; asraocbeas Ct&gt;?ift1)att) fuf= fteo to; bsing tlerqje/atme pome fclues ipae topfe toptt) tbe fame mpnoe:fo?bctobicbfuffevetfting S a f 'S !r WW* ^nofbe tpme as remap, , "ere eabW necB in * flc ^ e: ntaftettBeiuae0 of men/ I p;eatbvmie of but aftet W ivpll of ob.iff 0; it is fufttcient fiSSB. fo?bstbattoeijauefpenttbetpme^ispaft 55Kl*Wn*^nne0/Biftj/.yo.ieft l !raiJs/ *o;e^caitetbf ineatpngg / iymcfipngeanii ft.; unoinpnabio

i(i;eac(jin{it6tbepbOlatrie, .-. SX * 3fabfefewe&amp;"to tbemaatan^hbinge toftofif* fbaepettfirnenotalfotoiti) tbrniifo gfatne . ji S (rape tbep) wtte ttt&amp;Wjt t&amp;ttEbjt fpealit tbtp W?H t^uifielljasmoofpOU/to^'r:) fjflfrCttttfa COtupfCS IO|Mi tam f fotoiue o:clieO bnto H&gt;: iKCOtba t tftep ftulot; be iucgeo meOKpiwoftbeipBe ottjeit{ to r&amp;efltityt/ but fbuloe ipue

tllfspiirpofc bar&gt; ti)e gofpcll p:catl)i:&amp; bnto i(jearcbc.3t

eatlp b eloueb/ be not irpubleo intbpsante of ftp* beate/tobtcij noto is cotne am3ge pou to ttpe g * J&gt;ffi pou/as tbougb fome ftraunge turns bao bap SC 2 peneo bnto pombut teiopce / in as mocbe as magee m 1 0/ peatepattaficrsof Cb?iftespaaions / tyattytnunmax tobenins glo?p appetetb / pc mape be metp' l ' f *^ ,fl 'to'J* anoglao.3fpebetapleobpo fo;tbename ot. JISL22J b?ift bapPPC are pc. jFoj tbe fp;ete of gio;p p imc ?S af fp?ete of ceiooteftetbbpopou . flDnltbeitfliuioetpuc be* pattefte is eupllfpofif ofibut on route patte w Ao &lt; tb* beiSglO?ifteb. toete/ tohpeft &gt;e tbat none of pou fmTte as amuttbe* KB3 tet/o?asatbefe/o;aneuplltioat/o?asabu^ tcacon tpii fpbo0pinotbetmensmatters.3fenpmSfuf' Ba{ '"8 cl f te aS a mm ttiS/ let btmnot be aOmmeO: SE2BH6S but let Dim glonfie (goo on tbtt bebalfe.f o? Sett tbe tpme is come giuogemet multbegpnne^ob tbo?ow at tbe boufe of 00 * |fitfwtt begpnneat ma. m bS/tobat mall # enoepe of tbe ttbicb beieue SS222S notttewfpeBoWoo^iio^ttlerErtceoitsSffiS fcaf lp be faneD: tobere wall tfte bngoOIp t&amp;mummbt ft. epitnet appctef berf o?e let tbemtbat fuffet "** tjwou acco^opngeto H)e topll ofdPob/commpttbeff^^^.r,.,! &amp;SSSSSS* W5W/ w mo 5SS85B faptbfuucwato;, tijc bamtucMi of f u&amp;teMM ca rpccpallejoojtacfonfo; aUbifu)ope0O? j.tfeg anbbiibcltufw

to febe tbe f lothe of fifeltt'anb wl&gt;at tUcfc ontpeis/ j be, toftat SpnarSc tbep u)al( Ijauepf tljcp be Dpligenf. *e f 1 00; tt t\) p qnge pe r f o n n re t o fubmpt tbcm ftlues to t Ij e elbcr/euecp one to loue ano tljev/f d be rob t % ano tg toattbeVtltat tilep raaperrfpttc tbe rrteinpc, CCbe.b.CBaptet. . je eloets tobicl)ateamdttgcpou/5| pcrbo^te/- tDbpclj amalfoaneloeB ano a toptnes of tbe affliccions of jb?ift/anoalfoapattaBet;iiftbe Klo/ptftat albe.opeiubifetoatpcffoe Cbtf itesflocftetoliicbisamongepoutaapngel nuerfpgbt of tliem not as tljougb petoetecopelleo tberto/ but topllpnglp ; not fo; tbe oe* l'p;e of ftltbp lucte/but ofa gooo mpmie/noe as tbougb pe toeteio^ owWwmm *&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp; but tbat pe be an enlampie to tbe flocfteSSHe ' : MM ' 3no'

t!$L *****t&lt;* fleperb a appercseoall iSftcM mi* ? c L auc totoomtttoaom* mm* hfn ici) t&amp;e Pit* 3Mf Betosfe s e pongee uibmpt souk feiues n8 ana kiCQofbnto tb e eioer. &lt;&amp;&gt;ubmpt s o ure felues euers S", a ", a ??"'"S/onetoanoet/6tirt sourefeluesto gc* jSjittof^epjouse/anQgeue^sraceeo^e bumble. c* to t be m . &gt;ub nipt poure relues tfj e rf o;e bno e c the C mpgbts banoe of ob/f be tnare ettlt sou/ tobtnt&amp;etpme is come, caft all poure care to mm-.f o; lie earetb fo; sou. 23 e fob e r anb to at c&amp; / fo; p our e abu et far? theDeupU as ato;pnge Json toalftet&amp;about/ f efipngc to&amp;om be maw beuoute : to&amp;omw* fsft fteofaft fit tbe fastb/ rcmerab;snge tbat

. _ ft bo but fulfil tbe fame afflictions to&amp;scb ffi!EK2K**PopntebtoiottB &amp;?et&amp;;en tbat arc in Sit I *www.&amp;e on of all grace/ W cb called w joubrtto W eternall glo;? bp Cb;iftgefus/ f&amp;au W atonefelfe after f baue fuftreb a fp ^tellanltccton maletolt perfect: (ball fettle/ ^ttrengbtanbftabWwepou.cobtmbe giojp anbbommf on fo; euer/artb to&amp;pll tbe too;lbe oumb,3imn. * 35i? S&gt;luanus a faptbfull b;otbct bnto f ou(as I fuppofe)baue % to;pf ten fnOs/tf* bo;tpngeanb teTKfsfngcbototbatt&amp;fs it &amp; trueorace offfiob/toberfn re ftantir,r&amp;e eg. pamortS of soute election tbaete of 36aUg lon/fatute sou/ anbfll9atcu0msfbnne, &lt;8$rcte s one anotbet tottbtbe Iptfc ofioue.^wcebftoitbwu aftto&amp;fcbaretnCbnft 3SelU0,3raeri. Cljefecontjeepittle of &amp;tyntt$tttic. C:f ; f o mo cb ao tbe potter ft oo hatQ geuf t b era !l tbpnjespettapnjngt bnto lpfe/beerl)l?tetb thetfl ' to f ijf f (Sicupcton of toojlolp. luft'to make tbeft cat Ijngt fiitctoit&amp;BOoo toojctKO V anOftutegsf fs?t&amp;. fee raatetb mention of his mnt tut tb*e da t pnie tbe lo ?ae jef f lobe f tent tonne of 5olw jjetym feie |atb fcrte bpn t&amp;t mount. &amp;efs;ftCbaprcr. Imott^eraftrwtmt * ait apoftie of sreftuf cb;f ft/ totbemtobtebbaueobtasneb mtmiM fartb toptb w Ifottftptetoethtf tbat com

* . ra toitb pou/anb peace be multfpUeo fntbefcnotoiebgeof 0obarib of^eruss oure #o;oe Jceo;bsnge as its gooip po toet baft geuenbntow all t&amp;snges tbat pevtaptje &amp;n


tolsfearjbgcsne0/t&amp;o;ototteftriototctae ofbwtbatbatbcalleDb0bsbertueagio;s/ bstbe meaner toberof/aregeuenbrnobser* eelkntan&amp;mofte gteate,p;omsfe0/tbatbr twijiw of tb em t c OjuID be pattafiem of I goblpnatutey in t&amp;attefljetfte co;mpcfo Jtwbrtuntogeueanbflfgence; mj otttr eaffl),* ramf ftttbettue 9 fnbertue Bnotolcb* .. tfia . bf , Be/atmfinotolebBetempraiice/aiibtntf.fc't^fti!!;6 perance patience / in pact tnt t goblpneg/ fit toeo 1^ aw f oblpneji bjotbetlF fisnbncti / tn btWlf5S"ffi ftfiumtfioue^rftbefettrngesbeamSgeSSS,? sou ano awplemeoujJ/ tbe? tof llmafie rtwKoi m* tbatsenetberflwlbeswe no;bnfrutefuHinmcaii { H), tbe8notolebgeofouw5Lo?be?efujCb;f8. 23 u t be tbat lac&amp;etb tbefe fbpn 2 e# i blwt anb grope tbfoztbe toaje toftflbt'0 banoe / 9 batbfoaottentbatbetoa^pourgtb tiSm olbefpnne?. r . *: lfebttfo?eb/tfb;?/geuetbemoawbWtaf* ce fo;to**masepourcaJlFng a eleccionfwec ra?f?f bo focbetbpngeg/se own naierai toona^ w.yeejbstbi)5meane0an&lt;ntrpngin % QiaUf"?' | B''foo be mtnffttebbnto sou abounbajitls urto UeSSffi* fuetfaftsngefisngbomeof oure %w anbaSffi faufoure3itfitfb;&lt;8.- ,/.. SSmmSi n&amp;berfojea tosil n be jttgffg Sou ail toasessfn rem! b(m of td be aico ftablfe wntbPp'jerent tnictb


i B&gt; ^ *t


tofttjftanosnge-3tbsti8eitmett)a0lonj|ea0 aamfntbtt^tabernaclejtoftetesoubpbs?* ? 6 "" 80 '* puttsngsou m temeb;aunce/fo; a? mocbe/ Jg|2ffi? a0|amfurebototbattbetsmef0atbanbeKX" tbatg! muft put of ms tabernacle / wen as $.o;iM&gt;.a oure no^e $em0 Cbjift batb (betoeb me , % tosllenfoarcetberfo;e/tbatoneuersfsbese msgbtbauetogertottbtofterebptberemem b;aunce of tbefe t&amp;sng* aftermsbcpartmg. #ifo?toefoiotocbnotbeceuablrfabie0tobe toe oprftbbtttoifoutbt pbtoct'9 commsnge ofoute)lo?be?rRi06b7tft/buttostb oure ese0 toefatoe bi0 mat eftfe : euen tben bereis mtn be receautb of ob fatber bonoiire 9 glojs/anb tobentber came f ocbe abosce to bim fro $ eweiuntgto;fe.*[bi0 ftimsbere 6rtouebTonne/fntobbml ; eaebel'st'e,tbf0!!Sf^ ,,ft ' boscetoeberbetobeiiftcmefrnbeaum/9: f bepnge teftb Bfm t'rt t&amp;tbolp mounte. JSEuL ilMbaueUb a rsgbt fure too;oe of p;o* , pbeefetoberttnto sfsctabe.bfbel/asbntoa JSflbfrS snefcfiw a Darcfee place/se 00 bntsfltbebasebatone^tfiebajeaerrears* fein soure&amp;etreft. f. g&gt;o tb'atse iffi finoto 1 1 rbf0:tbatnop;bpbecfeui tbefcn'pture wtft ' ensp;fuatef|ifetp;;tbefenpte wcameneuews tbetosUof tnan:but|oto

menofdPobfpafieajstbeptoetemouebbsl fe

i w 6 I if

CbtRO'phfC^ of faiPt fcatljitsyano .-tetb tbcu ' ec&amp;fcWatfer* ier torrefaife ^zopjetes antSg* . people, eue as tber ftaibe fad fe teacber0amogesiW:tobiD!P;e* jueis (ball b;sngem Damnable fee? iea'/euen oensinge t be JLo jbe batb bougbt nem/9b;ingebpontbemfelue0ftosftbam naepoit/auDmaup all foiotoe t&amp;eir bamna We toapes/bftobicbtbe toapeof ttuetb (bal jifatfr p;orte be eusit fpo&amp;en ot/9 tbo;oa * coueteoufnesi BSS!S*W to ^ P too;bf male matinico picuapit/CbanbFre of sou/tobofe tubgem? 1 10 not fari biio tijat becan re of/anb tbei; bamnacion flepetij not. re toe bant no jfo;sf obfpare&amp;no1tbeangel0tbatffn Z e tit ^neb/butcafttOembouneintobeil/anD btfs fiSwano'^^btbeminto ebasne0ofoerciitte0/ to be (oueteoucniB Sept bnto tuogement: nettjerfpareo tt)e olbe ia toe tutb'tr too?lbe/butfaueb0oetbeesgbtp;eacberof PS! tbe : too;lDe of &amp; bngobls/anb turneb toe c** ! tiri3*bcnjm8et'e0ofoooomanbomo;intoafK)e0;auer5 of fibiis, ^croetbem/bamnebtbe / amabeon tbe an enfampiebiko all tbat after fbuioe lsuebn&gt; f goblp. aub itift Xotbeiteb toitb tbe bncienis conucrracioi!0ftbetofcHeb/beimerebbe.!fo; t}ebesngett&gt;gbteou0anbbtoeiirngearaoge tbrmm repngc anb bearyng/bereb ^ tt'jb* teoujsfoule from base tooape toitb tbei't bn* latofuH^eb'cjs . cbe tovxt Knowetb, bote to . beJSiKKb^goDls Mtte of temptArfon/fr&amp;oto

= towerue tiie bnatfte bnto we base of iubge* . .met fo; to beMflptiKnanKip t\)U toalcbe after tbe Rti'lbf mtbeiuft of bnciennes/ anb . befpsfetOe uiU't's. $;efumpteou0 aretbes/ " anbftubbomeanbfearenottofpeabeeusu of rbemtbiitfin: maucto;ite.lben ti)e Kinpa toet anb a0b;utebeaftV m0n9lls mm lb betaben anb beftroseb/ Wftitt eusS/of tbattbesbnotoe not/? Qjall petSWe $;oi# tljetr avone beftruccion / 9 leceauW'^'Vtvoarbepf biirsgbte\befnf0, ' ' ;f5EpeseofftpleamretDi})ueb?lsciouas fo; afeafoii, &gt;potte$s vm are a fslibsnes/ twtii$ at pleatuee/9 m bpfeeauable teases/ fea^yigt: on-i; pouibausngc cm full of ab ' uoiirrfeanbtbat cannot ceafe to rptirce/btv asiftjgbiiHablVfoules.^citestbesljauee^ . , fwsftbtota) coueteoutuesj. &lt;grijep ate enrfeb "-. i!BEli;en/a?i(jauefo;fafientberigbttoasey .un^.e. *anbareifi'? aftrasefolotopnge tl)e toase ' . ' ; ;"|98f JWaKtfftf i'onneof3Bofo;/toBi'cl)foueb| ; c ;: iM^r^oi:fej^liteteeftte'0:buttoa0,b ' ' lietfbf bfc fiuqrMtie.cbe tame 9 bomebeaft/ pea%sns? fc*^ wmrnumf/ fo;baoe tbe folstfteiiHiiofajepjopbete. - * cfieff ^etoeBe0 : to^ottoatetanb

.7 "

* r

* A4tl# cioubeaearfeb about of a tempeft/to to&amp;bme Qfon i msft of bercbne0 prefer ueb f 0; euer- IF02 tobert tbes baue ipobentbe fteeiltng too&lt;br0 of banstte/tbes begpie to toantanes tljo;oto tbeiuftc0 of I fletibe/ tbemtbattoeteciene efcapebibut note aretojappeb in ftoutft cbs p ;ome0 tbem isbertie/ anb are tije rei* t0 bonoe.feruauntesof co;rupcion*iffo; ...... ., , of tobomfoeuera man 10 ouer come bnto tbe 3 r o0.w^ famettbefnbonbageJo;sftbcs/aftertbes,K 1 baue efcapeo ftomtbe fsltbsnea of &amp; too;ib S?S tbo;ctoetbeBnotolebgeoft|}e,io;beanbof tbe fauiour Iefw0 cb;fft / aresct tangleb agasnetbertitanbouercome:tben (0 tbelat? ter enbe too;(!e toit&amp;tbem tbenfbegsnnfng: OFo;itbabbettebetterfo;tbem/notto ijaue bnotone tbe toase of rsg&amp;teoufhes ttjen af&lt; ter ty es baue bnoroen it / to turne from tbe *3t is mm , boiscommaunbementgeuf bntotbem.i'tifi" 01 &amp;? h " ' bappenebbnto tbe acco;bsng to tbe true p;o SS SJS'K utrbe: *&lt;e bogge wtumeb tobj(0bometS JmI agasne/atbefotetbattoa0toefQ)eb/to ber ia?oaci-.?j;t; toaliotosngemtbemser. . CUt cj;ljo;tctb nicn to bttoace sffoct&gt; as toolfte mate Item beleue.' that ifje Oape of tht IJojbc tocieilachc fn tommpn, j:pjn jttii tlitm to irOta'gobty lvft/ to lote wrelp to? tb? tominpn jt of tbe lo;owtoi)0fe longc ta rstnaetafaluationVinobtiaHfebe toolot tiaiic no m $ WtWiut toottc reicane a^i ma to wpeHtaunre, Cbe.j.Cbaptee. $(010 tbefeconbe epiftie i % note v toite onto sou brtouebUjbertoitb * i flere bp / anb toarrte soure pure , Jmsnbe0/to call torememtyaunce tbetoo?be0 tobscbtoere tolbe befo;e of tbe bols J&amp;;opbe te0/ana ai 1 tbe cSmaunbment ofb0tbeippflie0oftt)e)lo;be9faueour i t mmfl m mem tbe lafte bases/ mocbers / tobscb tosil Jj"** toaiaeafter tbfftatorie luitesa fase.uebere is tbep;omes of bis mmm -fot fence

n)e farters bpeb/all jbSttges continue in tlje lame ejmtetobettntbes toereattjjebegpn* nsnge; cb'S ti)tv bnotoe not ( anb tbat topi* lPIglS)boto tbat tbe beauensagreat tobpie ago torre/anbtbe ertb tbat teas in tbe toncee apearebbp oute of ttje toater / bstbe tob^ie of&lt;pob:bStbetob,icbtbpngestl)eteo?ib tbae ^entoas/periffteb/ouertlotoingtovtoateB. JSuttbelJfauensberelsanbertb tobpeb arc note/are sept bstbr fame too^em ftojt/s refetuf bbnto fp;e / agapnft tbe base of tub* gementanbperbtetonofbngoblsmeii. J&amp;ereisbeloueb/benot ?gno;ant oftbPJt onetbsngev bote tbat onebase (0 toptb W 5io;be/a0a tboufanbe pere / anb a tbouranS pere' )Lo;befsnot (facbet^ fulfill b'S P;omes/as fame men eountdacft* nes-.but is pacpent tobs toaroe / anb teoibe &lt;s * baue no ml loft/but too! ce receaue all men torepentaunce. MML 8cute*

:&lt; ^i



f.ttOtttt,' Kfm.Ui.ttt

^eutttbfleffetfie&amp;apeofibekojbetopu come a? a tbefe fti tbe npgijtc / m tbe tofjpcft bape/rbe beatteng all perpffbe toitb tetrp* Wenopfe anat^e element tyalimelttoptb ftcet /ana tbeerrbtoitbtbetoojaestbat aw tbetinmallburne. 3f all tbefe tbpnge* all petpffte/ tobat matter petfonss ougbt pe tobe in balpcomies fa cpon a tiD goa Ip it es : l ofipn ge f o? 9 a ft t nge bnto to e commpnge or tfte oaf e of tfoft / tit toDsclt tbe b eau ens all p et p 1 0) e toitb f p;e/ ana tbe eumtetea albe conCumea tfi beate. ^*#euertbe!effetoeloBefo?anetoebeauen$ ajwttw a a nett " r wt &amp; ao;apg to W p; omeu/tobra " p " w " tobtoeHetbtpgbtetoeftie*, iip&amp;etfojewtip beioucb/ fepngetbatpe lose fo? focbe tbpnge* be oplpgent tbat pe mapebefounteof.bpinta peace/ toptbout fpottean&amp;bntefpleb. anbfuppore tbat tbe iongeruffrapngeoft&amp;e jUijtofe faluarpon/ eumajsotueaerelpbelouea tyotbet Paul/ accotfuige totfje topraome geuen bntobim/ to;oteto pou/pec/amnooftin cuerpepfttle/ fpeafipnge of focbe $?nge0; amonge tobfeb atemanptbpnge* batoeto bebntotftante/ tofticb tbep tbat are fenleamra anb bitdabie pewert / as tbep bo otfttt f cripturc bnto tbetv atone tbrt;fo;ebtlouea/ fepngepeBtwtoeftbefo;ebanb7 betoareleft pe be airo plucfteb atoape toi rt&gt; tb t tvemmot ttjetopefieo/ano fall from pout* atone deb* feane&amp;bait grotoem grace/ano to (fit finQtoieogeofouteiUwbeanarsi ueouwgwuflGbwtt.CQ .: W)ombes!o?ptiotft note ana fo;euer, j amen,


/Crjet&gt;# eptftle

Cffrue topmeOe of ttreeiKriaffpnaetto^etf * oW #Qmanietm^outC?rme*

CCijefKftCfolptet;, v roe begpnnpnge / tobpeb me , a m gorptw baue bearoe / tobieb toe baue aim |ui ftnett owe e? / tobpeb toe &amp;!!, *SS !batie loofceabpon / anaoure g J 1 "/ ' ; 'banaesn&amp;aue banaieb / ofrbe gSfii 8

baue re ne an* bear e tottntf

topoutbat eternall Jpfe/ tobieb toaistoftb SSfiSs fatber/anDappereDbntob?.Cbattobtcbtoe B 8 r6 6r fpe' baue reneano berae / aeciare toe bntopou/ un tw m*t tbatptmape baue feiloufopppe top tb bs 9 outnutt &lt; tbat cure'feiioupppe mape be tottb tbe fa*J"|J f ! * tfjraanabpsjfonne sefuss cbzitt . arm tbl?4SE. to;rte me bnto pou/lpout tope mafebc toll/ ana thi^rstijetpDpngegtobpcb taiebaue Beatoeof bttn s neciatebnto pou / tftattfob W.lpgbt anb &lt;nb&lt;m tunc Dercfineuat all. 3f tf toe rape tbat toe baue feltyllrtppe toftfi btot/ atabtVM (fit anb pet toalcbe in Cercbnes / toelpe./ anbbo % or not tbe truttj.JSut anb pf toe toalbe in(ligbt) mtJDW* eul}w^mlpgbt/tbm6auttoeftWftrp*&lt;' t, ^ t ' pe toubbtm/anatbebloutie of |efu0 Gtyitt W fomieclenfeib bjs ftom all rptme. Sirtoefape tbattoebauenofpnne /toebe* ceaue oure feme* anbttiKtb in not in b*.gf , 3 t tw mm tee*tiotoreiigeouterpnnejJ/betsifaiftin-

tapetoe bauenot rpnnea / toemaae bpntatfitn, lpaeanbb(0too;bettttotfnb0. C?6owraOon(r.rtnif(9w; Rpntt $Prwtn

; 3 ft tbat feept (5 tBc (SmauntK BU'fMlstlOtotli)


iylpielttbb;e/tbcfetl)inge8ito;i* tbatfo;tunebtBatftmta|tappete/t6aftbctl te'ibntopou/ttjstperpitneitots mmnot ot bin. |pfenpraanrpnne/pettoebaueaii anbFbaueanopntmentortbehoipaoft ^at"* fif^M^^p^afiuocatetoptbtberatbee/geruiS 9peftnotoeaUt[)iHge.*3!to;oten8tbnt i) iw* tUfn9^ft/tobpcbi8iepgbteoii3:anDbetjJtbat. ?oti/aistboiigbpeftnetoenbttbetroet b:but ' knotortb not obtepnetb grace fo; cure rpnnejJ: not fo? astbougbpc bnetoett/anbbn otoeairotbac m owKttma onlp: but atro fo; tbe fpnneg 0? no ipe corametb of twetb.ffibo teaipa t but all tbe toojioe . m betbp toeate fute tbat ty tbat Denpetb tbat gfefMi i* mtaity fa* toeanotoebprn/pf toe6epebP0*commauit- nte tttbe anttcb;mtbat nenpetb tbe father bemente*. J9etbatfaptb3Snotoebpm/anb 9tbefoune. lboroeuetbenpetbcfonne/ liepe^notbpiscommaunbementejJtjSalpae. tberame batbnot ttjefatbet, xet mam** atbebetttpetsfnot nbpm, lbofoeuec Re* abpoein poutt)atrametob(cbpe (jeatteftS

mm too;oe/mbftni tbeloue of ob pac tbebegmnpnge.Jf tbat Ktcb pebeawe fr5 feet m tote . Jnb tbetbp finotoe toe tbat toe tbe begntmnge/ftalKmapne in pou/pe airo mmm. ^etbatfaptbbebpbetbfttbpm/ 0&gt;acopnetoenitbefonne/ano in tbe fa* 350ugbttotoameeuenjSbetoal|eb, i tber.anathisisstbep.zomegtijatuebatijpw 3a;etb?engito?ptenonetoeepinauW)eraet mpfebbiseuenetetnalUpfe. bntopou:buttbolijecomauntorafttobicb ^bWbaueato^ittebntopou/cocerninKC fe bearoe from ft)e begnwpnge.cbe dim cfi* tbemtbatDiftcauepou.anbtbeanopntinac maunbement WtooMtom pe hearse tobpebpCBeceaueDof bpnt/btoelletbinpw, ftom tbe begtnnpnge.agapne a netoe com* anopenebenottbatenprnSteacbevombut* i ** * it tme in btnv alfo tn pou:fo; tbe betcftnejj an&amp;rgi twe/anbf no \vm mt tausb t pou mmB S2*55?^te* w^gBBt/aub W ba* tnbpmtbattoftenbe Oiall appete/ toenwpe*? ft " cf * tetbbpstb/otbet/tsjmbetclnejseuenbntpll bebolijeanQnotUemabeaQ)ameQof(n'iiiat te fE8 n H ctl " : ' mm . ej,atiouetbbwb;otb/abp* mSSSmm^SmSS tmlt m ^mtmJ K ^&amp;^^&amp;^^^ t S! m S l ttou0/finoto%7rotbatbetobpcbfolotoe* ZST&gt;^^m.m^mmmtmtt!is tpgbtetoemejj/igboTneoebpm; taovoetfluot tnbercftneis/anbtoal6etbinberc8nei8:anb aijnc cijjpa cannot tell toljptberbegoetb/ becaufe tbat CG; ^ ^afcrioueof asoa f otoarasB.anuBoto v* iat(&gt; jue fo; terclmejSbatb bipttsed btjS epest. W" *w* * one Btwttoe to pou pounge men/boto tbat pe baue ouec* KWft3mKf^*S^ cometoicfieD.3!to;itebntopoulptmcbPN ^^ Jj CT %Wmuim'' b?i/bototbatpebnotoetbefatbee.3!to?pte SRBSefflSjSffibSSiS tbat toajJ from tbe begpwipge.ito^ebnto iitoanwiAlteffierffiiHnH ' poupoungemen/bototbatpeare ttronge 9 tbattobeitftal appS to SS KS^S^8*^S^^? W ^ fwne/SSbSSSuS SffiStSSS?^?!?^ too;toe(a)Jtbf be apperebto taieatoapeoute fwme(/anQ he( ' ,r ''9 , ' t,:0,,r fuQ oftbeflefaxtbelua ftbe epeu/anbtbe inbpm i0nofpnnr.38SKffitebto !r- fl 'i? T 'Sl 5ffii?5A^*A^.^ n ?f*i* 8tof W bttn/netbecbatbanotoenbpm.

J j * 1


(e (fiaf tottctb

anpffteiuat&amp;erofAut Or^atfuKfHet&amp;tftc toUI of dSoo/ab^irtB r u er , )L?teHd)pn5?eriftftetettepme/ari6aj5 lotetat Mr t* w "oto are tticce man? 3tnttce?rae0 come mwtz foio^alltcap* t ftetb? toe Rnotoc tbat ft tt jjlaft ^pffwt tpme.^eptoentoutcftS bg/butt^evtoew

abejj/ietnomantoeeauepou.etbat boetb tfgbteoume^/ijstpgbteotw/eulag be Wipgbteoti^e tb at c5mittctb(pnne)fe of ttetoupifc fojtte beupirrpnnetbfeiicefbe* o^pngefo;ftigpwporeappewbgronttC of ob/tolotofetbetoMcaeis of tbe imni. Jbofoeuetii8bo?neof&lt;!5ob/rpnnetbnot:fo?

toolDenobout/bawcontinuebtoitbbASut tecattftte^Kofm'g^SaaS *?&amp; cbplb;e


C&amp;e tpittU

iBeotuyil.l&amp;otoeuetboebUDte?gbtetoef* too?ibe/frtbetoo?loebeavetDehe. USeateof fo?fcfr fttw/ttnotof ofynefteebetbaHoueibnot ob.i^e g finotoetb (S5oayI)earefl)W:l)etljatf ' ! ?;" l *^ l ' ,.,. (JW^JW , ., Wh or &lt;sffod/Heavecn bsrnot'^rbF ftnoise 2Sp coiSS J2, *3S &lt;ffo?(Bi0i0tbetiauige0/i&amp;atpebeartefro tocfp?etof beiitie/t&amp;efp?

eteof fwwt*,bwif t*ta fauVhw. fljebegliiiimgc/gwOJuibloiiteoneanofljEt ~* " " '" "" nota# (Cagntoijtci) wag of toicfie&amp; $ (toe b0 b0.\)ev.MvM)nio}eUetot\)tl)tmi)5e caufe b i's&lt; atone too?fte0 tocee euyjl/anb Ovs* b?otOW0 gooa &gt;KiliStoruai?le*tot-m|?b?t:tH?? tbougb tlje wojloe baft vow . te ftnoioe g jAcfbwrtti^tteawicaiinateo from*Deetli bnto ipfc/be* i{ S rh?Mm c ''f- caufe toe loue tye ijze^en . *&gt;)e tbac louefl) i iniutijcKiJi-ii batetb bi? s b?ot6ee/i0 aiiiauficae.ana uiiD oi) hoc ye Itnotoe tbat no man Clear/ batb eternal! *, * t ,. . tMrtHwwttw toe loue:ti)atbegauebi0 ii^Xlifto^9^li!tt)Hoea!CotO!,jeue mhmijSA. wit mm f 0; the b jetl) len !&amp; otoeuet ban) tbt'0too?l3e0 goobij ftyffl&amp;ptftyot&amp;flftaac neaoe:$'fbutteftbpb[0cb&gt;affioNfrmni)im: hotobtoeiietbS loue of obuibtatfappba* ' *m.m aM$/M W not loue in too?ae/netbet m toge: m tijc ten t iK( * toe Rnotoe tbat toe are of tfte bet itie/anb can

b* wst J* before ftpm t|ui&gt;et oure better snfff oure isuycicMi 7 [jei;te0c8bepneb0/o&amp; bSgrettrttBeninut

33eioueMet b0 loue one anotbettf 0; lb e fa'ffe tatti* commetbof oa.3tibeucii&gt; one tbat loueft WL 1 " l S l0bo?neof ob/anblmotoetb ob;c tbat S ul , t S louetft no Wmotoetb not ob: * Co; ob tt tf ' K loue Jhi tbHp appereb fibe Joue of ob to w* ttatb/brcatitit tbac ob Cent W wty begot* ten tonne into too?loe/ tbat toe mfs&amp;t ft e lbo?oto Olm.^cnniss loue/not tbat toe loueo os but tbatbe toutUbp/anb frnt bifl tonne to mane agtement to; oure tyn tie &amp;, J8eioueb/yfoofo loues b0/toe ougbtalto ^ to loue one anoajer. $0 man batf) Cene od at en? tpme . |f toeloue one anotljcr/ ob D^enetn inb0/ano n($ loue 10 parf ect in b&amp;. ^erbi&gt;dnoto toeuftattoebtoelllnnvm/? (W Inb3:0ccaurel)l)at0 geuenwt of big rp;ete, 3no ae baue teneano 00 teftif j?e tbat tbe fa tyv fent Uje Conne/toljicb id tlje faueour of too/loe. iUoroetieK eonfetfetlj tbat Situ* iJ tijt tonne of ob/m bym bteeiirn) ob/ano . be m ffiob. Htui toe bane imotuf ano beleuea

ttje loue tbat 00 imn to b$. n ^ n h^h.v -- - ' 013 wloue/aub be tbat btoelletbfn lone/ 10 ajoo voe.^ tf m fttJotoetl) all tftptgW. 3Seloueb/Ff 6toeetb tn ob/anb ob in hhn.$ cWn ffi ourebertejJconbepne bis not/ tben baue toe loueperfect tnbu/tbat toefljulbbauetr ult


ttttli to 0^ toaroe: (J tobattoeuer toe alfie Joe ftal teceaue of btm-.becfmfe toe ftepj W comma' insemfieeg/a i)o tljofe tbmgegj tobb .ai;epI'fpHgelubi2ffvgbt. *^p&gt;sioe fiiD .ftgS^Uie cb'maunBpment/^attoe is eye r ft tS'fKieue*isinflnwofl(i0tonti^ruC !K!Si!4l(oift;ate anotber/asf beeaue ciimmm* MinotJi fie ibement . itib be tbat Isepetb b p cSmauntK taty'tbtm is inmentejS/btoeUetb 6t b?m/ans be fit b muhm ^500 m oawjtberb^toefinotoetbattber aO|bet!j inb&amp; of www. tfiefp^eeetobiebbegauebja. Cto(ff(!ccof fpjftriwmia Ijowrtjerpjrtpof fdott mays be krtoVoiicfc9 (be twetc ofuviouie^Jf tj)i; loue Of 5J0 rtuO of oiive uryt]I)l)0UK9 - CCl) ( beiouCD/beieue not euetp fj;ete but pjotte f&gt; Cp;etetf tobetbertbep are of od o?not/So;ma!n? falfe ^opl)etegare gone out into tbc tffcry f five too^loe, #erb?lball?etmi)toetbe tp^eteof toojbee uuw p ob.OEuetp cp jeft tl)at con re((eth tbat JefuS tnetn { f ie(q.'0ilft : *0 tome in tbefleftye/iss not of sob. tbat toe ftepebfg cow mmmmiU'mW &amp;* R i ant(ci)!iaaitt t!jiiStij^rp2eteof'&gt;*aiuticb2i(t/ofto!)S niaunoemcntffsave notgvatouf(..l'4fo;a '- ; fiSSS&amp;9WW beaitje/botoetbatljeamlbecome:? flw6Nnrof ob/ouevcSmetb i&gt; too?lbe. SaSKtetttoalrebrb^ an&amp;tOWWtneWrtwyflKttoucrcfimeflitoe ^ - .. tmWteoxa ^telicfifli) r 'en/?eareofobanblniue ^m^mnvHx\x^m%\)^mmunmmtxff^^^

imc)ftuiaeto/ouw^nttbem:fo.jgreaeteti0b^tb!itf}s tfommeriHftetooflbe^utljetoljtc blbeieuttli ^* '

in tbe mgt of tubgemem: f 0; ajs be 10/ c item Co are toe in tbw too;loe. cber ij? no frare in loue/ftMt..pafeet lotiecadetb dtitallteaar to? ttamm vammm. $etijnt fcattyJ . ttnocparfectinloue, a .. , me loueb?m/to? be loiteo b fp;t. om \i r tbat liticia ma fane/g loue 00/ ayetliate bw ^otljeriu'JtiisWotfifr hewalpr. ilfo;botofan be tbat louetl) not *m*wm I)i0 b?ot(jfrtobobc batbfene;lcueootol)ii bebatl).notft'ne^nbtbi0eommaurtbement baue toe of bvm:tbJUbetobfcblouttbob/ njuibloueOi0b?otberalfo. ji cacoloue 0o&amp;/iBfoliN&gt;eI)j&gt;3 coinmautiDptninhf. ^a^tl)oiictcommetuiyetoo;lo.iilaftinf If ( wipe tonne of &lt;iBoo.4Df !&lt; fvuneunto iieai^. OJbcb.bnpter. _ |8)oioeuer DeieueH; n)at Veftiff fiJ iCb;tft/i0 bo?ne of obJnD merg lone tbat leuetb bim tol)icb begat/ flourtl) bim alfotob^b toag begot* K of bim. 3in tl)i0 toe auotoe tbat toe loue tbe cbiHwenof ob/tof)? tee loue on anbfiepe

. 0U, &amp;J. ti&amp;pfa&amp; *Mft fe betbat cam bv toa tttsoBUouo/not 01? tatter onftsbut bp.toa fevatiDbiouoi inou '.ttgrCfttfeffiae lira* retb toptne?/ becaule tbe fp;ete 10 truetb. CJfo; tfier are th?e ttMcp Oeaee re cp;Ee in IjcauenMa fter/p wo;oe/ f tubolp gooa.8n!iefe ttoeaceote) ^o;tberaret!)?etobtcbbearet;eco?be(merff)) tbe fpjete/an&amp;toater/ano b|oub:ano tftefe tb;e are one. if toereeeaue toe tot&gt;tnc0of men/tbetoiwe0of0&amp;i0great.floitto0 or tbe toytntfi of 00/ tobpeft be teftifpeb of bi'0 tonne. $etbatbeleuetbon tbetonnrof ob/bafl) toj?tne0 in bj&gt; m fejfe. |&gt; e coat beleueu) notdcfob/batb manebtm a fear/be* c mm be beleueu not tbe reeo^etbat 00 SaSTfilg ^ "b geuen bntow etemall

ipfe/ano tiji0 ipfe 10 tn b? tonne, fie batb tbecpnne/batb lyfe: anblje tbat batb not tbe tonne of Ob/batb not ipf. Cbcft tbpnge* baue 3 to?jtten bnf you tbatbeleue oufljename of tbe tonne of ob tmpmm rmotoc botoettet i?e baue eterw tiamjfe/anbtbatpemapebeleue ontbe na* 1 weoftbeConneofob.lnbtbF0i0tberniIl f toebauetnb?mubatif toe afne envtbinge ao?bpngetobi?0 toni/bebearetb b0 ,1ml ttm Rnotoe $ be beare b0 tobatfoetier toe af Be/ toe Rnotoe tftftt toe ft an baue m mu 1 epon0 tbat toe Mfp;e of bpm. bmt unto i Jf wnwft bWb;otteeCfe a fpnne tefb. ftatfe nptbnto beetb; let &amp;tm atfie/ ahb be .: &amp; ttaiigeue bpi Ipfe to? tbem t&amp;atfptme not bjitoipeetb. cberf0afnnebntobeetb/fo? 31 tobpeb Cape 3!nottlwt.amana)uiop?afe. 3nwnTgbtetoefne0iffnne/$t8ei0ffnne notbntooeetb. We Snotoe tbat tobofoeuer 10 bo?ne of 5 2ffi ^'" c ** ; fpttnrtft not: Dut Be ** begotten of wS? %Bp^ftpn'ftW/Sttbtbatto?cBebtou* ob/anbtbat tbetoo?lbe i0alltogetberfet DntoKfiebne0.fiee8notoe tbat tbe fonneof ob come/ anb batbgeuen b0a mpnbe to Bnotoeb{wtol)?ebi0tttie:anbtoeateni eimtbati0tnie/tbwtgbBl0fonne aefu0Cb?ift.cbt0famei0 beryob/an&amp;eteiaalllp&lt; fe.jeabe06epfpouw ftie0ftff jmage0. men.

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meof^apnctHoinii CbettiyietJ unto a teta?ne Jabp/e cioefe jh (fiat fa? cijiiw waiaein ttie teueth/rcBouetb (ficMbnto loue/ toatnetb them to betoate of neb offcesuetfl ae tmvt tbatjtftfo bfltt came m tlje flefifyp.iapetli them to toiitmuemtfie6octcsncofb;ift/JtohaueiiOtbmBe to 00 toitb tbem tb at fringe not ttt ig letnpnae. l^e elder to tge elcctela* 36 oF^bercbs^tobubiibue mtbettuetb:anbnct5fbnhv but alto airtbat finatoe tbe rru*tb/.fp* tbe tvutoejs fa&amp;e tobtftb/otoelletb in 00 /ans &gt;?eueif. Wm\}emct/timcvem*peaceffi bb tbe fatbet 9 ft0 tbe )to?oe2efu0 Cteifc tbefonne of tbe fatbet/tnttnetbanb loue. 11$ a Ktoiftb greatip/ tbat a founbe of tb cbplb?entoaiftingeittthietb/a0toebaue^ i ( !"?? acSmaubemfe of &amp; fatbee^nb notoe befecbe a tbe laop/not 30 tbongb J to?otea J nttoe cSmaunbemeut bnto f /but tbat torn* *Ioue one anoft)er.3inb tb&lt;0 is tbe loue/ tbat csramm&amp;emf n toeftulbetoalbeafter^comaunDemete^rf. Cbi0 commaunbement fwffjat as ve baue* bearoe from tbe beginnpngejpe Omlb toalfie tnw.iffo? manpbeceauet0 are entreb into tbe too;lDt, touted conft (Te net tbatTf fuss CD; id 3Pnticb?iftXofie on poure fe\ut8/$tot looto nottbattoebaueto?ougbt:buttbattoemap bauea fullretoaroe-itbbotoeuer trSftreffetb

abpoetbnot in tbe ooctrweof Cb?Ta/Batft notob.^e tbat enbtiwa in tbe ooctrwte of S* b?ia/batbbotbetbefatberanbtbefonne. ... Jf t " : ."ettnjbnjotou ahbb?lngenot (Bf0 learntnge/bmi teceaue not to boufe.-ne tber byn bim ob fpebe.iff 0? be tbat bpbbetft BimoDfpebe/i0partaBer of bi0 eumetot IBflbmanptbnig^oto/ftebntofow/neuei! mm itoolbenotto?5tett papersiinfie: butgj truttto come bnto potfafpeafieibpou moutb to m outb/ t&amp;a t oure iovemape be full tbe ftnne? of m elettt fitter ftwctfSM C&amp;e ^p?ue eptftle to Olall of Calais ;tb be toalbeb fn llje tttie (6 ! ctbwtetb (Bern tobe louptigetrito tbe po'sie ffufftf tn tbejepfttntfon/(!)etotb tbebnbjnbebealpnaeof SWotrepftewanb tbe goob cepe;te of $mmm % M t\m tnto t|)e facloueD apu0 / tobQ a loue in tbe ttueb, Stloutb? totflbe in all tb jnow * ft ou pjofpenoefti a forebetttoeii toule p?ofperetb,3! rrtorreb great* iltoBrii





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attttw%9&gt;mmWWB tboutoaisei* to nouWc.3! &amp;aue no greater f ope tbcn to to beate bote* tbat mp fames toaise to betftt'e jSeloiies/r^ouboeftfaitbtoUptoaatfceues tbouooefttotbe b;etft;en/9tofotfungetii/ tobic h bate to im tt of tbp Ioue b ef oje all ttjc

fcebjue*. ra&lt;u(en6?n3 tbniibtt frjOFhttW/but mot&amp;raoii MftfilMlfrr



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congregacpen. lbptbb}et&amp;;entoJjentboii romu.:ft&amp;cn&lt;a weiwit jo;rof 3tcs fib na/ e^geWtoarwof tbeftio;nep7# ttbe* itftiMdMmMUgi mmtf remetb&lt;0oo)tbiwa)altootoeH:becauCetbat g fojbpgttameimfiettieptoetfojtb/amito&amp;e ** ttQtbpiigeoftbetfentpJss.lBet&amp;etfotfoug&amp;t toreceauerocfie/tbattoeattOmfg&amp;fcbebel* pewtotbetrueto. %; " 3to;otebtttot&amp;c congttgac&lt;ombutfo* ttep&amp;tp tobpeb louetn to baue tbe pjeemi* nenceamengetbe/receauefbtoiinoMtabet* fo?e pf$c^e/ltoMbetfatebi*aefe$toj)tc&amp; , : fie Doett) / ieftpnge on fajs toft fflaftrfou* ; 1 'toojoris/netbeel* rftesetopto content, got OnJpbeMtWferecemiet$not$b?etb;f :but robefo;bpobetbtbcmtbattool&amp;e^arotbjufle tb tfoem out of tbe congtegac? on. JBetortb, folotoenottbattobpcb feieupB/ But tbat tobpc&amp;fe goob;$etftat MctytocU/ 13 of -SOfcbiit hetbatooetbeupn fepttjnot #oj\emetttois&amp;atbgoo&amp;repo;teofaimf9 oftbe $ toe once tiM, alfo b rate $ecd/oe/ pe Itootoe gonre recojoefc wie, 31 tiatie manp t&amp;mgs to to;pte:bu t a tofli not toto&gt;pbe9pewetojpteSWoS.$'o;a ; MitDalKbo^ffl; 9 toenail fpeaKe moutb to raoutb. peace ; betottbtbe.cbelotieesra., tutetbe;p*tetbelo&lt; ueftbpnante. ^

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jbefflftCbapttt; jSH&gt;&lt;ittpmepaft&amp; tipfrmanptoapetf/' totbefataetisb?$ ,butto*tbcfeiatt M tpoSen toito W -.,- ^ ,, . i tonne /tobom be baft nWWSJ^Ja* bep;e of all fbfogejfcbp tobom alfo t)e BMH*' w ^ ^* toojloe. lt5bicb fonne besnge the tyioJie? "lb



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of t)iagto;p/?beiT Emage of h?s fubUaffce/ t ear vngc tip alf (binge* toptb tfie toO;W of. h$* potoer / fjatb m &amp;H9 atone perfon putgeo: outeftnneiS/^tjJfBttenontBertp^tDanwof tbe maleaie on #/anB W mo;e eje cenenti tfientaeangew;&lt;n an mocbe tus bebatft b? (nberftaiinceobtetneoantjectnentcttmnte IfittiBauctftep: cfro^bnto totjpcb of tbeangeWfafoefieac I tpme:Bouae mpfonne/ifi oapebe* tte 5 tfte^fflj agape :| tofll be bis fatter/

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8ipt?nfe:rjouarte roponne/JS oapebe ' 'itmu '

afti be ftatbemp ronn'e. * agape toft? be

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too;Uje/befa?tb:3DnifaUt6e angewof 5ob&gt; autoo^apupe bpi. ICna of tbeangetebt* fartb:^emabetbb^ angeWfp?etJ/ W miniOtesJ flammed of fwc.55utbntotfonn be tiKtftommy feate ibalbefomtttfl CbefttPtw oftbvfipgbome tgatwbtrceft tee.cbou batt lotieo ^btetoefiie^anob* ; teomfqufte. 9berfo?e o6tobl?tbftf $ia* t ot IW &lt;poO/Batbanopfebtbetoft()tBeoiiieofgiaigSfei -^V

njej{abouetbi?fe!otoW. '


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. lift fbou lto?lie fttt^e begtonpngeftaft founoaeponof tbeetrt) Jnotbebe^ te uems aw tbe too;8e0 of tbj banbj.cbei? ftar ^peefMbe/buttbou ftalt enow*. &lt;&amp;w all 4bailtof re oloe ag ootb a garment, ana ag a mmie fbaittbou tbaunge tbem/ another Ibalbecgaungeo, JButtbouattealltoapeis/ notbp VEteis tballnotftwle. tnto tobtcb Of tbeangew fapoebeifenptpme:S&gt;pton mptpsbtbanoe/tpiitrakeibpeenempefl tb? fotettoie: areieepnotan mnnfltpge fp;etr/fenttomfn(flio^;tbrtae*tobicb Q)albebep?eisoffalttjfeft? -;-;

to|(cWCtBffl tiatb geutn tiantt aoo*f oftntwD at ibt infesiptcanti low^3to| CbW^csuteit ) moatt (KUBit Mldrtete fc$ iftetonto


: n y ii vtiiJic etate ijpotfB piSibM rcbf.b'.Cbaptee. 3?81^9 rif Wtoeouglittogrtie$mo?e beoetotbetbfngesstotbauebetoe ft toepCTptqjc. jto? pfftetooflie JtcbJBW.fp often bf angels teas Dat euetpftanfgttaron $ offobe^ mftwcfineneetoretoaiDc ^jfefo great ^^^bwVt^/lnoaftotoaSe - toan confetmebbntobs toatbe/bptbemtbat .Jeaar t/oobe*pge topieutimoS* ,c tte tottb fygness ano toonDetiS alfo/ an&amp; toftft. . .,- #W0*mp;ac!J/$gffteji!off6ebiapgootte f (? pjta&amp;ft ft 01 ' tbe toojioe to come/ tatteiof toe fpeahe, eotestoojoc.jeut one in a cettapneplace toptneffett/ , .. ^fapmge.tbati0manAtbouatferapni, full of bpmf after tboitaboeafo; a fcafon niawbpmtotoCTttentbeangeWrtbourtou* i neDftbpmtoptbbonouratibglo?p/jbaftfec . Wraabonetbetoojftesof tbpbanoes.cbou i- baa put all t&amp;pngeg in ubieccton bribers fete.gntbatbeputalltbtngtebnDetbim/be leftnotbpnge tbat i no t put bnoer bi'tn. jBe*

mp ttuft tobtm . ana sgaf neibeboibebere am a ttt ebilo?e tobtcb ^oOban) geuf me, .. if o; asmocbetbenas tbe cbplb;en tone pateetafiewofflefQieanbbiouB/beaifohim felf* iphett'tfe tobepattc toittt tbl/fo; to put bonne tbo;otoDeetb/bim tbatbao lo;eibfppe

ouer oeetb/ tbat is to rape tlje oeupii/ 9 tbat bempgbtbelpuettbcm/tobtcb tf)o?oto feate of oeetb toeieall tbete life tpme to bafiget of bonbage,f 0? betono place tabetb on bpm f angemtbuttbe feed of 2lb;ab5tafittbbeoii btoi.tebet fo?e to al tb tog?f e became bini to benwoe ipbebntobiis b;etb??/tbatbe might bemetctfuH/anw taptftfuii bPt1&amp;;eQe to tbpnge0eoncempnge@ob/fo}tOpotttge $ Heopieu fpneu, f o? in tbat bebpm felfe tof * ftreoano toajstempteo/ be teabie to fucfiej: themt&amp;atute tempted,

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C alo 9 bonout to} ttefoSetpge of Dratb:g be WW gtace of oD/ftmioetaftof Meti) fo;aflmen. ^fM?t cfln,eB *?/ to ' toasatean tbtogf fnobptobSateairtbtogess/aftettbatbebao feougbf manpfonnejJbntoglo^/g be Onilb itiabe tbe K.o^e of tteit raluacpon patfectt tbwtofoflertnae^beffanctffietb/atbej tobiobate ractf f peo/aee al of one# 0; tobti caufejs fabebei&amp;notaftameo tocaBftf 9b;e(b^raptoge:9toflbec|atet6pname ' : .--:Wi*lBen/9totgempboioftbecoi w ..

C^c tfqnjjettita tobtobropent tintotlje too^&amp;c of &amp;\)itO(W)ti])tlBmo;cX6utbit\)engQoltg.ti;\}tvtu w^tmtntaffatijaittiJlfli'aestjafiJH^cjjljacteai .I!)etfo;cbolp b?etb?en/pata6ewt3B cftbeceleaiaHcaUpnge5c5fpBet emba Gabon x 9 bpe p?eft of ouce . ,wofeaw&lt;bMftiefii0/tob(eb toas faptbntntobtottbaemaoebim/euenagtoaj} a?ofejitoab^boufe.3n0settoa)KfjfmS countebtooatbpof mo;eglo;ptbert apore?: 3!n afttoocbeiube tobpeb ban p?tparebnje

boufe/batb moft Oonoaw in ? itoudc. mtv boufe &amp; p^paeeooffomtinan. JButbetbat o;oepei'all tbfngejs/ig ob Mi Q&amp;ottji be ' telptoanfaptbtolltoan bPboufe/asJamt&lt; tottee/to beate toitneg of tbo tbtogeg tobpe b (bulb be fpoben aftettoaroe . 2Stit &lt;e&amp; jfft as a fomte/batb tule oueeboufe/tobofeboufe are toe/fo tbat toebolbfaatbeconfpoence$ tbe ref opfpnge of tbat bope/bnto tbe enbe. iberfo?easstbe boip gooff fa&gt;fb;tobafe pf pe flbai! beate hi* bopce/baenm&gt;poure bteu/afteitbettbeilfimftir'b%Dftep tarto to tbe topiaetneg/tobetepoute Eftfbet^ tfpte0me/p?ouebme/9fatoemptoo?fce.rf. peate !onge.liaberfo;ei; toa0 gmieb tottb g generacpon 9 fapoe. cbeperre eiiee to tbeft ^ \ bet^ttbepbereipbauenotfinotofrnptoape^ . fotbat3l(tt)aretompto^irbe/tbattbep(bulo not enter toto mp reft. afie be&amp;e bfttyltri/ (Aubttonone ofpoiian envllbertetobn. beine/tbatbeftnio&amp;eparaitstbeifupnge (BoD-.biit eibo?te one ano^eroaplp/tobpRtt igealleb tooape/left envof poutoere barb ^rtebtbo;ototb&gt;^eeptfcinettjftnne. . .. tDearepartetaberg of &lt;f bjtffpf toeBepe^ttfuijfiaurt futebnto % enbe tbe*f?;afubSSce/foJffge"'faFt^ 00 ftT* fawjto bapepf pe beate! : batafn notjoute berfes / m m

);to fiayepf pe beatebw bppce/ -aK - ^o6tf /a0toWj?l%eii. fo^fome/ibmtbepbeartetebeBtwjOtobe m tm came out of CgpptbnBec^c*

. 1

- % sVi

;i ..

V* ^


r;ttf top^tolonvtoaif Bcbefpieafefcrl peare0?iiaagibenot DeCpIearetHnjt^t^cm ^ fmnebtobofe cai&amp;afe0torreouer tiptoe" in tfteufftttf o tobS ftoare be tbat tbep fimiQ not tnte r fata W* reft :bu t bnto tf) em tbat be* leueDnotfanbtoe fetbat tbep eouioe not en* rerfa/becaufeofbnbelefe. C arte *aljbfltt) o? teft of tV &amp; !i!fen:putwHJcuwn t eftonljrUa6tl)cnatutfofi^V3aj6of^5flti. be.ifff.&lt;irb8ptef. 31 ,^Sauti)S fe ate t&amp;erto;e left env of bss 1 f o;famnge n)e p;ome0 of entnnge i into bP0 reft/ ftjuibe feme to come JbeBpnbe.tfo; fan to m toass it oecia* te6/as toell 00 bnto tfij,#ut it p;off pteb not tftf tyat tbep bearbetbetoo;be/becaute tbep was ra?tt)feftoJ)K&amp; Beatoe ft/ coupUbitnottoitb*faptb. gcouuoe of wtfut tsetb^cD^aue beleueb/bo enter into EmStfe W CTft/ap cSn;a ^ **** be la * c t0 * e * CT rotcofaifiniif 3 &amp;" ftoosnttmniv to;atl)/tBep ftjall not enter mtompreft, anbtbatfpabebe berelp longe after tljat toe tDo?fi0 toete mabe anb tbe founbacts of p too;ioe 0,2 befpabc faacertapnepiaee of tbe feuentb .oape/ on 33 tljig topfeufnb 00 bpo reft feuetb bape fro" an bP0 too;fie0 . 3noin tbV0 placeagapne: Cbep fljall not come into my reft. &gt;epngetberfo;e it folotoetb tomemuft enter r&amp;rtfnto/ a tfjep to to&amp;om ft teas fpjft p;eacbeb/ entrea not t&amp;erfn to; bnbeiefe0 f an t . aigapne be apopntefrfa a uib a c e r* tap ne p;efent save after to longe a tpme / -fapfage asit ijs rebearrctotbfebape pf pe bea

wbf0bopce/benotBatoftmeb.ffo;pf3oiue dab geue tbem re ft/tben tooioe be not aft era ". toatbebauefpobenbfanotberbape.cberre **pnr (e mifaapnetb tbetfo;epet a reft to tbe people of * s ^ f '5&lt;PpD^o?beBi0entrei&gt;fatobWteft/ootb*cea SBSJ^^stBiietoojlitiSaii obbpb fr5&amp;p0. MMtttxtftg* Jtcttwt ftubpt6erfo;etoentrefato reft/ a quiet confer left enpma" faule after tbe fame enfample/fn k **w; tobnbelefe.tfo; tbe too;be of ob tSqupcfie/ ^ a migbtpin operacion/ano ftmtper tben enp ttoo e&amp;ge ftoearbe: aenttetb tfcougb/eue bit tttbewufbfagea fonber of n&gt; tome ano t&amp;e . rp;ete/8oftbetopnte03tbematp:smoget&amp; ttje r&amp;ongbte* a tbe fatenteg of tbe Bettejie* tber 10 r&amp;et en? creature fauffpble fa fpgb t of b nn. f 0? all tbfagt; are nafieb 9 bate bnto i&amp;eepeaof&amp;pm/ofto&amp;omtoefpeane. Cfffoift ft ouretoe p&amp;acanofeatrof grace.frmoje tpu lUnt lijm t&amp;e fipe p:e(l?s of tfjc oloe la)w Ccbe.b.Cbapter. \ 31 J&amp;SS^Itfpngetben tbat toebauea great ipe p;eft tobfeb fis entreb into ftea* Jul 9 meanejefauKonne ofusob) I'letbtfboIbeourepjofeaiiS.ijfojtBe bauc notanbre p;eft/tobfcb cSnotBaue co= pafljon on oure fafwmitf eft fait toast fa all popnte* tf pteo/lpftc a? tee awibut pet toftft

l)e epfftfe


out Cpnnexet b)j tbf o;ego bolbelp bttto I feate of grace/tbat toe mape reeeaue mete?/ anbfpnbegtace tobeipe fatpme of nebe

4 jfo;euerpbpep;efttbatt0tafien front ;amoge men (g o;oepneb ft? m en/fa tbfageis I pertaining e to &lt;Pob:to offer g pftes a facrf ft ceg to; fpnne:tobfcb canbaue cjpaffionon $ f gn o;aunt / anb on tbem tbat are cut of tbe toape/Wcaufe tbat be bpm f elf e aifo 10 com* pafeb toftft tbe to&amp;frU fafftmt* ties rafie be f bountie to offer fo? fpnnt0/a0 toell to? W atone pattc/aS to; tbe peop!e0. 3Dnb no man talietb Honour bnto bpm felfe/ ^ but be tbat 10 called of 0ob/a0 toa03iaron. (Eue to ipftetoife/Cb^ift g!o;ift'eb notbfm Ceife/tobemabetbebpep;e8:butbe fapbe . bnto bpm: tbou arte mp tonne/ibp0 oape be* gat 5! /gIo;f lien bim. 3&lt;0 b e alto in anoftjec place toeaBetbuboit arte n1&amp;;eft fo; euer af* C rer f Mberof SBelcblfebccb. hWQHb **fa-5 iiflu bat-e0&gt;ffa'0flefll)e/5pbofterbpp;apeanbJ^ fupplicaci50/toitb ftronge crpfage ttw02e oeiiU Z bnto bim tbat toa0 able to faue Bfai fr5 fieetfj manftw, ano toa0 alto bearbe/ becaufe of BP0 &lt;!5oMp ne0.3!nb tb ougb be toer e oobe0 ronne/ pec learnebbe obeoiece/ bptbo tbfagc0 tobicb Be fuffereb/a teas mabe parfapcte/a tbe caufe of eternaH tofaacfS bnto an tftem tbat obep B&lt;m:anb 10 callto of fob an bpe P;eft/aftec tfjeo;oerofi!l9elcbifeDecb, lberof toebauemanptbfage0 tofape/m . -.- tobtcbi8teUarbetobebttereb:becaufepeate'^ "/ bull wmm&amp;mi toljen a0 concemutge^ tpme/peougbttobeteacbec0/pctbauepene . .: be agapnetbat toeteacljei&gt;outbefp;ftp;to cpple0of tljetoo^cof fob:anbin become . fot&amp;e R0 bane nebe of *nt#fte/ not of fttg b , ^-n* ge meate:fo; euerp man tbat 10 iccb tempi* m trnttntic 6e/i0faejrpertefa vtoo;be of rpgbteoufneg, i^wjrt carpc jfo; be 10 but a babe. .J6ut ftronge meate be* 2 "*? longetbtotbefareparfecte tobpeb tbo;oto&amp;fn cuftome bane tbeit toptne0 tpmm/k tub* toW oWrart ge bou) goobanb eupll alto. Ctf (jotrtifart) Uiid] tl)c (ftpnaHIiaftjcticgaii (tKftc latter tnt'roflbrfsRccljapfet/aiiDcrljoucfli tp not to fay ufibttt to be tteOfaft anb patpent;fo? (0 moclj ao (BooisfuwmljiDiJ^omciTf. be.b?'.(irbapfer. _ . $etfo;e letb0 lone gbocttpne per* . tavnpngetotlje begpnnpngcof a dtb;fte man/a let b0 go bnto pet* .._. . feccig/anotonomo;elapefoun* bau'Sof repentaftce fro beebtoo;fte0/anbof faptb totoarbe ob/of baptpme/of bocttfae

a of lapfage onof Banbe0/ a of t efurrecclon a * Hit froDeetb a of eternal! fabgcm!t.8n&amp; to topN not poo^icf toe bo/pf ob permftte." *fo; ft f0 not poffp. Mv *w*toe file a. tbep tobfeb toereoncelpgbteb/abaue!'H5ffi taftebof Hjebeauelp gpft/anb toere becomeLnvcihno tot partetaB(r0 oftbebolp gooft/a baue t aftebtj bimesf mw i of tbe .

Co tlje

cjftt mm*. (goobtoo;btbf o^atib of tbe r . SL'STOS* ? f ^WW* w tomei'tf njepfaule /fbuibe KSSSSKSy CD wmtuto tepentaunce: I w as wi ao 3 m o^e tbep&amp;aue(a0 concernpnge #fei* ounv rtecihc* u(cmc"ifttbfl)e ronne of obaftefftema* ZSt l!.*** * tt*^ WWW&amp; fn tbe rapne SJK n mmm ofte bpontt/a b^nge ti) torn ^ipgooa.^o? gamete fo?tbemtBatb;effeit/reauetb "'"' fcMUh * w eofobJMfrgrotinoetobttblfa*

fttueti! iB/t(iaj

anb contpnuetb a p;e5e to? euer . ConfVbefc tobata man $10 toatf biitoto!) 1 Vatume aityabam gaue tptbc* of tbefpople0 Jnbberelp tbofe cbilb;en of JLeup/tobf cb reeeaue * off pee of tbe p;efte0/baue a cs maunbem ent to tafie acco;binge to t&amp;e latoe/tptbes of tb t people/ tbat f0 to fape/of ttjeir b;en);en/pee tbougb tbep fp;onge out of t\jt lopneg of ab;abam.jeutbetobofeftpnrebi0notcoun* tebatnonaetbemreceauebtptbr0ofaib;aba anfi,b|ein*bpmtbatbabtbe p;ompre0. 3na,


t caiuu bm not bn^t^jj tBafeBptpuBie fo;get.pbure betb of lout/ me/tobfctjBa

SSte tbe fame biligence/to tbe SabHfftj.nge B?nBe pactea&lt;of bbpe/euenbnto tbeenbejjttjatpeTaintnot Si col *o? toben jmaoe 'mm to mm&amp;m mc'jA caiibecaufebeftabno.greater tljpnge to ftoeare Bffl bp/beftoarebpfem felfe/fapfage:S&gt;urelp3| m., * ^ 6 e Wb taneo a loge tpme/be ent opeo * " tbep;ome0.a0enberelpftoearebpBimtbat Wgteater tben tbem feu0/s an on)e to con I p;mfage tBe n)pnge 10 amgge tbem an enbe ;0f all ftrpf*. ptt ob toflifageberpaboun* bantfptb WW bnto tbe bep?e0 of p;ome0/ \_ tbeftablen^ofbtecogfapi/beabbebanotbe ' rpfiK' toa ^^ olf,ble 8t ^^toenug(jf SS ;baueperfectecStolarf5/tobicbbauefleb/to? .to Boloeiaft toe bope t&amp;at f0fet befo;eb0/ tobfebbope toe bauea0anancreof tfjefoule botb tore anb ftebfaft. ae&gt;bpcb bope alto en* ttetO fa/fat t!j tbpnge0 tobfeb are toptb fa - ' ttfebaple/tobftbergto/e runner 10 to; b0 en* mm % meane 3efu0 tbat to mabe an Bpe p;eftto/euer/aftero;bet;offl9elcbtfebecft, .*ccmpawtetI)ep?cneoordfi:6;iBj)iKoftlib# CtDecQ/but to be fnuce nicvc cycrUent* t "... ccbe-WiiCftapter. u . ,, 3B.OES5H^i0^elcbif#becb hpngeof S&gt;a&gt; ]lem(tobfcftliepngep;eftoffrmo8 JBMBijWf^ob/faet^aBani^Bete* rapsgturneb agapnefrom tbe ftaugbter oftoe fipngiS anbbieffeoftpmito tobom alfo wmmm* W&amp;m &amp;&amp;mmtm M bpinfwp^taeton tmfcj of rpg^tetoefaf 0: Atto .tbat be 10 i| 1 # Jbaiem/fHai Alto topi/SJnge of peaceitoftfUHit fatfter toltb ttitra;toitbout8/nne/anbbaitKtbej: STOli^P' ttme/netberertenbe of |lifi|||i!i|^t tonne of oa - ^A-^ !

toftf|0ittaunapefapinge/betobpebf0lefte/ tf receatftti) bieapnge of bim tobtcb 10 greater 3nbberementbatbpe/teceauetPtbe0.)eue tbere be receauen) tpnje0 of ttbom if t f0 toff* neffeb/tbat be liuetb.Ina to tope tbe ttuetb/ JUupbim reife alto tobfeb teceaitetbtptbc0/ papeb mm in 3tb;abam. 0; be toa0 petfa tfje lopne.0 of ijt0 fatbet ab;abam tobf flBel* cbffebecbmetbim. , &lt;Sf note tberfo;e perfection came bp tbe p;eftboboftbe/Lenfte0(fo;bnbertbatp;ea* Bobtbe people receaueb latoe) tobatnebeb ft futtbermo;e t&amp;at anotber p?e(t ftjulbrpfe/ after tbe o;bec of &lt;?0eicbifebecij/^ not aftee i tbe o;ber of JfaronfiSoto no bout/pf \ p;eft | BobbetranBateb/tbenofneceffptfemuft'tbe ' latoebetranflatebalto. &lt;ffo; be of tobom tbefetbing^arefpoften pertapnetb bnto anotber trpbe/of tobpeb ne* uer man fcrueb at tbe aultte.jf 0; it ip euioee tbatowtJU)^iefp;5geoffmbeof1 r uba/of . tobptb trpbe fpaae fltpofess notbfnge concer* * mnge p;eftbob.f nbfti0 pet a mo;e eupoent cc tt)fnge/pf afterffimflttube of fflecleljffioerli tber arpfe anotber p;eft/tobpcb 10 notnabe after fl)e latoe offae carnall cSmaunbement: but after tbe potoer of tbe enbleffe ipfe. tfoj beteftlfpe):tbouarteap;eftfo;eiier/aftei: tbe o;ber of 09elc&amp;ffcbetb)cben tbe coittaa* bemettbattoetato;e/f0oifamiiieb/becaure; : ' of Bp; toeaene0 anb bnp;offptablene0 . f 0; tbe latoe mabe notfjpnge parfecte:buttoa0 anfafrobuccpon of a better bope/bptobpc&amp; ftope/toeiwtoenpebnto cb. , ;: linbfb;tbf0 caufe it 10 a better bope/tbaf

if toa0nptp;omffetoftb out an otlje.^Boto P^fte0toeremabe toftboutan otbe/butfaftf p;eft;tptftan otbe/bpbpmtBat fapbe bnto Opm M e Horn ftoare/anb topll not tepencbonaweap;eft fo;euerafter tbeo;berof fl&amp;elebftebre&amp;Jnb fp;tat caufe toafifeftol a ftablpf ftjer of a better teftament; ' anbajnbngetbemmanptoeremabep;e* . fte0/becau^tfifptoerenotftt8wbfoenoure3a fbptbeteafonofbeetb.uttbf0mg/becaure^ ftpimp euer Batban euerlaftpngep;eft to&gt; lBbetto;ebe is able alfoeuer tofaue Bie.m (flat e omebnto obbpBtm/fepngebe ^ei}ipuerb/to mafiefatetcesponf o?pA ' ^&gt;oc|jc




v *


ttye epiftfe

tobicb is bolp/ bamileGe /bnbeffleo/fepavat fromfpnneKi/anb maoeftper ftenbcauen, liabiftnebeftnotoaplvtasponoerbpepje* . fte0)toofitrbpra(tffpce/fp;ttfo;bj0atone 5 1 flSSL B c tbatbpbbcat once fo; all/tob? be offer &amp;p annmw* |)f m ft|fe.00 ; fteiatoemaBeftmmptftteiJ/ tobpftbaueinftrmttie.butftetoojbe of fte otbe ftat came fence ftelatoe/mafieft ft* fonnepjett/tobfc&amp;fopatfrctefo; euermo;e. dTOjcoffpceef tfljsfftls mojttooittjjthcnf pjeBca offjct of ttjeolt&gt;tiate/tol)f eta teas stipetfccte/ano cte.W#.bapter. 31 ESSS&amp;Iff ftefting$ tobicb me baue rpofie ft t s is fte p ptfi j I to e baur fofte an bpep;eaegiifpttenon$tpgbt IfjSoc oft feate of mart ttie in beaue ateammiftetof bolpftinge*/9of fteberp tabemacleto&amp;tft oa ppgbt/anonotman, j?o 2 euerp bpe p;eft fc o;bepneb to offer gpf feu sno f a ctificf 0;toU e t f 02 e it is of necewtfe ttattbpa man baue tome tobat aifoto offer. ffo; tetoere not a p;efle/ jf be toereon fte trft to&amp;ereare p;e less ftat a ccojbinge to fte IatoeoSergpfteS/tobiftp;e&amp;es ferae bnto enf ample and 0ao otoe of b eauenlp ftingea: eumasfteanftoetof obtoaugeuenbnto flRofes toben be teas about to fpnpffoefte tabeimie. cabc beat (fetfiete) ftat ftou mateantbfngesacco;!Dpijgeto fte patrone fijetoeo to tbe m tbe mount.

fiotobatbbe obtapnamo;e excellent of fpce/inagmocte as betffte tneoiato;of a better t e flam ft/ toftpft toajsmabe fo; better p;onujfe*.tfo;pf ftat fp;ft teftame'f baa be* nefautelefle: ften Omtoe no piacebaue bene fbugbt f o; tbe fe conae . jf o; in rebuaf nge ft f -be faftl) ;eboioe tbe Dares Mil come (fepft c fte :tojse)anb3J. toill fpnifOiebpS fteboufe of gfraei/ ana bpon ft e boufe of Juoa/a ne me tie (tamen t :no t Ipfie tbe te ttament tbae 3 tnawtotftttefcfaftctfatftattfme/tobeti 31 tote tbem Up ft eaanoes/t lea e tbe m ou te of tbe lance of tegppte/ fo; ft e p contpnueb itot fampteftament/anb giregaftebftinot tapftt&amp;ejicjae, flojfttefc fte teftament ftat 3 torn mate toptb ttebouteof Jtrael: ifter ftofe bapes rapftfteXoija-.g tofll put mplatoes in ftcfr mpnooJ/anoinfteirbtrtes^toiUtojitefte/ an&amp;itotfbetbe/t &lt;Sob/ana ftepftalbe mp ^people. Stoaftep (ball not teafte/euervmS bWneKbboute/anbeueep mS&amp;p0b;ofter/ laptageianotee $ 't o?b:foj ft e p man imotof mc/ftwntftele(ltotbemoceofftem:jfo?3] toflbetiimffutl otter ft eir bnrfgBtetoefties/ ftoitftettfpnnKanoonfteitmiquities.jn i Be feWanetoteftamcnt/bebaft ab;ogat

fte oiae#oto ftat topfc&amp;Wbpfeimnebaiift ' toeroioe/frwoptotoannpf(teatope, Cfjfp?offfteaii*too;lf)jnr(Ieeft(jf olb?Ct&lt;tamft . . art 6 oi facte ibt nrt eyctiu tj it* cbe#.bapte*. ^atfpzft tabernacle bfnt!|fia6o; a ainafices/ 3 feruinges of oa/anB toozaipboipnes . * ffo; ft er toas a ____fb;etabemacieittabe/tobetmtoa* fte wnaelQicae ataeie/aftefl)etoeb;eeo tobfeb iscailea bolp . ffiuttoift in ft ftconbe

b a vie toa s ft e c a tabevnacie/tobtcb it. eaUeb ftolf eft of an/tobpcbbabtbegoloen fences 9 tbe arcbeof tbe tettament oueriavoe couno about toftb goloe/to&amp;etin teas tbe goto? pot ^ toitlj !Jam!a/ano3aronstcDoc ftatrp^ge 53 aim fte tables of fte teflamet.utr fatcfte toerefteebetubts of glo;?ftjaootoi&gt;ngeQe feate of gra ce, f tobicb ft tnge? toe toil not noto fpeaftepsrt icularlp. lben ft ere ftinges toew ftu* o;oepneD/ fte^.2eRestoentflUtoave0intofttfp;(ita bctnacie^ e^ecutebtbeKnitceof^oo, 2Sut into fte feconbe tofttbebcep;eftalbn|/once e ucr? pear e :an Q not topt b out bloub/ to b peb beoftecebfo;bnnrelfe/9fo;tbe igno;aunce of fte people, ffihertoitb fte Bolpgooft ftps * ftgntff tbtbattbe toape of boip ft inges/toas notpetopmeQ/tobpllaspet ftefpjft tabev* nacictoasaanbpnge. tebBfttoasafpmili^ tuoe fo; tbetj me tben p;efent/ano in tobpeb torn offeree gpfteK 9 fa ct if pees ft at coulo e not masefte mpnpaerparfecte/aspertap^ ningeto tbe conference topft onip meates 9 b;fncfie0/Muei toefftinges a iufti'fpingt of ft e flef fte/ tobpeb toere ojcepneb bntfll $ tpmeofcefo;macpon. * utGb2iflbe(ngeanbpel&amp;ttftbfgooD ftinges to come/came bpagreater a 'a-moa* tepatfcctetabetiwcleynotmabe tt bantfe*: ftatisto fape/notof ftrsmattttbptbpftge/ neftetbptbebloubof gotes 9&amp;Kj8ibtitt&gt; bis atone bloub beemteDin once fojaiiwtto^ tfie boippiace/iftuitof etttnalttbemcfll. h ifojpfftcblouoorotwanDofgotfsanbfte afftjesof anbepfet/tobtn it teas fpzincbiea/ purfff eo fte bnrtene/wtouebpnge ft e pirn'^ fpingeof fte Sewwtboto moftemoate ftail fte bloub of cb;t(b^cbftojoto etemall fp;etf/ol&amp;rebbnnreweto(ftoutfpotto &lt;sm pourge poure confdences fwm oeeb too;be fo/tofemetbtKufiigeooW ' 5.'" 3tnb fo; ftis caule w be tbe mebtato; ortH netoe teftamft/f fto?oto beeft toft icb cbai feb fo^ftereBrmpcia of ftofe tttinfew" ftat torn in ftefp?ft teSament/^ep! totte rtfllebympgbt teceaue fte p;m . trftaunce. { ^o;tofiaeuetrsiB a teitatnent/ flft muft alfo be#e beeft of bimftatraafieftftete ftamrif.f o; ftete* &lt;c ^&gt;9^ ftamtnt

2~..... hiuvb) auvw^iiw my enren ace been? Sffif?? ^S !&amp;? w " r ^ e m aoe ffiS ? &amp;! -* *ftW eaufe alfo/neftet i ft;ft 4 teaamettoa0o;bepnebtoitb outbloub. ffgSr*H tbecgmaun b e ni e te gtoee e v iw of a^ofes to ai fte people/&amp;e tofie fte bloub of calues sou of gotes/toift toatet 9 Piitple # tooolle 9 pfope/ 9 fp;mcfileo boft fte bote/ toff.*.* -ISff ^P' e/ ??W8:*fttt fte bloub of "M*SS 2 teoament totnq od baft appopnteb tmtopou. a9o;eouet/befp;encliieb tbeta* Jetnacle toift bloub alfo/a aHmfn(ftrtnge fcetfebJ. am&gt; alfo aimoft an ftpngejs/ate bv fte latoepouvgeb topft bioub/anb tot ft out IbeaMnge of bloub is notemfffpon. is ften nebe ftat ft e Mrttibe* of be a. .^^pngesbe pimfpebtoptft fofteftV ^utttebeauenlpftpngegt^ferue^are Jfwgrt!* better facttffcesttenareftofe. ffo;B?tai0notentwbtntofte oolpplacea tbatatemabe totftbahbeg/to^cb ate butfp inttttubes of true ftlngegftucfgenrreb into * terp beau5/f 0; to appere noto Ai fte ffg&amp;t of fo;bS:not to offer bpm felfe ofte/ajsfte iWW ' bolpplace etterppea* riDiitt ftraoftc tOoiib/ro; tlieiiniuttiir lunie often fuffereo fence fte too;fte began . tfut note tn fte enoe of | too;ibe/batb te appered once/toptitfpnnetoflpgijt/bpfteofferpnge *E*W* ft iK- ainbasirtfe apopnteo bnto S% ua tBebibgemft/*ettenfoCb;m toad once off?* ^rtt.^. rebtotafieatoape tbefpnnesof manp/9 bn* i eoftemftatloBeRi;bpm/rbaubeappeare agapne toiftoutfpnnebnto feluacpon.

. C ^J 1?* I atoc w no P otoc,r '" t&amp; attww rpnw buttfWattfpi, ittoKOoflttfUBtof tttaOrMMAu ,; - ; ffibe.r.bapter. 3D ^S^fl&gt;? fte latoe tobicb baft but{a wtoe of goobftpngeu to come/9 otgfttngemfteTratonefaC(on Bean neuer toift $ racrift'ees tobicb 32 ^'rpearebppearecfltnntanp/mabei ft ofe facrrfpees baue ceafeb to baue bene of. fereCKbecaufe ftat fte offerers oncepourgeb (buibbauebabnomoare confcfenceS offvn lUuti.tb. e. "^-^uerfterefltinftofefacrifpeestsfter ' -1SSS225* of fPnneuerpfS;*?o7 - ^bnpoapbieftatftebloubof^anbof gote* Qmib tafie atoape fpnneu. W. *S&gt;Mcifpce aofferpngeftou tool. Oeftnotbaue:butabobie baftftouo^epneb mejn* arM '" ;, -- e "' : - n - e Baftw... (teftftof

ftulbboftptom/ooiJboue/tobenbebab KS5 ftccan M eWBr/ wwtfcetfc ftcwanb fpnneefferpngcs ftoutooibeftnot baue/nefterbaftaiotoeb(tobicbpetareofff S SSfiSS^ i 0B: &amp; ta fift toape fte fp;ft SJBHKfefiMP' e toBf c ft Se #* * are iancfpeb:bp fte offctinge of tbe bow of f0bBt "ec aefu&lt;lb;ifte once fo; all. r rrtw - SttSSSBs. g^^tnntf&amp;NftC aoftetpmegoffeteft one manerof offerinoe tobrcb can neuer tale atoape fpnn . jjut TOW maafttr bebab oftereb one facriftce fo; rpnne0/.fatbpm boune fo; euer on fte rpgbt battbe of ob/anb from bence fo;ft tarpeft

tpllbjafbes bemabebis; topft m offertnge baft be mabe parfecte fo; euee fteftatare fanctifpeb.ainbftebolpgoofta^ HSSKSBeKS-*"*wW tone befo;e:brs is fte teftamet ftat a toi Kt b S? em:f,fter ^ ofE oapcsfapt'bfte )Lo;bejito(iiputmpiatoes inftrfrbewes 9 fpro?e0anbimquttre0topll 9 remembernd SREH* NWWBtftfTBIi of ftefe tbinged fe/ftertsnomoare offeringefo;fpiine. ira e ^^ctbat bpfte meancs bf fte * ?l2f * SOT/** ma E be boloe to enter in* to ftat bolppiace/ bpftenetoeahb fputooe ruler ouer fte boufe of dsob/iet bd b;atoe ' a6 " B of * npe toift a true bette tn a fun fa ift /rpjtncbe S2&amp;?** Mflteun ftertes from an eupii c5fcience/a ****** toefgeb in oure bobpegtoptftpure tcater: a retb06epeftep;ofeffion of ourebope/S wrttoauerpngej Wetmmmiatm miftb)9ietb0c5fibfroneanotber/top;ouo^&lt;S SJSSSSSJwetbattoebaueamoiiBe oure felue*/a*$ maner of tone is:butrec w ejftotfeoneanofter/atbatromocteftcmc* ^ iffo; pf toefpnne toflbngfp after ftat toe , 8 *^ gfe baue receatieo tbe ftnotolebge of fte tiieS/ SS !S?* tterremapneft no moare aWcr fo; S tatt

(7 I 1 Li




:.v .......

teftefonne of cw.ano counteft tbe bioube?" nt m ^tmrancam/mwmGnxi SiSf f E rtcof mce ** toc finotoebpm ftatbaft fepbetbengeaunce beiongeft bnto * Bie/itotllrecompence faptb fte)io;be.aCno agapne : fte jU;be Jban iubge bp people, $tis

til I 1 in


ii *c6e *W 9tsffatfti1I tytajptofttttt toto*ft ban* . cob Sweis tot6 6|hi of tbe fa me worn 0. toofj&amp;a&lt;&gt;t'OtfoftteJ!&gt;utoge&lt;Bod. (Jf ojftc lofieD fo? a cure ^au tnge a fouucactS JWiSKiSh' can rowme*b;a8cetbfbai?e0 tbat ate par* tobofebrlDeraiiDmaftenseoij, m m w rai re ettautea agteate figbt m abuoHtfeftffiRt o. rauff a if tobruallmen toontyeo 9 gafeo at sou to? tjje rbarae 9 trgbuiacjo" tbat mats Done bnto

truftjnff&amp;jilt oiulptftljelift

ou/aiti&gt;twrti?tobWje'becameco1&gt;anron0 or tb W'cbfgpaaeatljeK tpme.tfo; refuf* fmD8lfotoit|jm?bonOESS/anotoBc in to;tl&gt; tberportfmjeof route &lt;qqwis t&amp;atttvttj BiattiesteSnotoingem route femes tjotot&amp;ae tebao tn&amp;eauena better ana an enburfnge fubftaunce. Call not aiapetbetfo;e route cenfpawee tobtebbatb areattetoar&amp;ctoee* eSprnce. jf o? re bane neoe of pacteee/ g aft ee se baue Done s toiit of oa/r e mig&amp;t receaue tbep;ome0,ffo;retaberrlrWltobrie/&amp; be tbat ail come toWcome/anbtofllnottatp. asu t taenia (bail true bp farffi . 3nb rf be toitb&amp;wtoe b8n feifemr foule fballbaue no glearutetnbtoui&amp;eatenottobfcb toitbbja* ie oute femes ton to aSpnac io , but parts? n e tofartb/tqtbetomm'ngeoftbefoule. C1&gt;f)at faftlj (B-'j a commenoac foi i of &lt;&amp;e famKCI) s ttcWaft bcltue of tbt fathers m otoe tjnw,Cbapter. *" *3Pstb t's a fute cSfpoece of ft* t to^tct) aie Dopefi f 07/anD acer rntie of tbmgeji tobpeb are, not fene,jfttbe eiaer* toe

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