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Nikki The Wall After WWII, France, the Soviet Union, the United States, and the United

Kingdom divided Germany. Berlin was the capital of East Germany. Bonn was the capital of West Germany. Recently, I saw a picture of the wall dividing Berlin. East Berlin was communist. On the bottom it had big slabs of grey cement bricks. It had two rows of smaller cinder blocks in the middle. After that, it had more bricks slightly bigger than the cubes. In the back there were two buildings that looked neglected. On the left building all of the windows were bricked up. In between the buildings was a shrub. You can tell that the area isnt kept clean. There were soldiers watching to make sure that the people on the East side dont cross over. In front of the building were two poles leaning on each other. The wall is in front of a crowd of people who are shouting at their families on the other side.

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