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Idiocracy: Priority is to target a defenceless

run away Mother

The Australian Federal Police in NSW visited our site for information on Melinda
Stratton on the 30th of March 2009 at 12:07 pm. Within the last week, all hell has
broken loose over the Bikie wars, where the latest was a bomb threat that occurred
during that timeframe

Despite Australia violating many human rights in regards to the case of Melinda
Stratton, it appears as though it is easier for them to target the weak. Melinda defied a
law that was negligent toward her children and made one of the most hardest but ethical
decisions a mother has to make. With the second highest rate of child murders in
Australia being retaliatory killings often involving post separation, it is no wonder she
chose to run. The Family Courts prize themselves in looking out for the best interest but
fail to involve investigation into child protection concerns. The norm and level that a
doctor, nurse or childcare provider must mandatory report is obscured in the Family
Court Arena. One of the few male organizations that are really concerned about child
abuse is the bikers who rally once a year against it. Any good researcher will tell you
that the childhood behind the federal polices cases was not that the mother was single,
but more than often the history of Family Violence that led her to the separation and the
order that legal locked it into their childhood. A child of the Family Court is also
restrained by Section 121 of speaking out against what is being done.
There is a human being behind every robotic lifestyle that has the opportunity to make a
difference. If found Andrew will be deprived of a mother until he grows up and exposed
to what ever made them flee, you might meet him later as one of the growing numbers
of criminals who lost faith in the system and fought back in ways that are more violent
and horrific that Australia could ever imagine. Find the evidence, investigate more
thoroughly and I have confidence you will find the information needed to free them from
their exile. The Lucifer effect is an experiment on how good people are compelled with
reasoning to do terrible things. If you are being ordered to pursue a mother who ran to
protect her child above the priority of national terrorist threats, then you have become
one of these lab rats. There are national laws and then there are human rights laws –
It’s your choice.

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