Jazzing Up For A Job Lesson Plan

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The purpose of this lesson is for students to understand the different types of business tools and correspondences used in career planning.


1. Why is it important for students to understand business career tools? 2. How should students create effective documents to promote their personal brand?

1. Students will be able to select and apply appropriate application software to common business tasks by creating a cover letter using MS Word with 90 percent degree accuracy. (BCS-BE-7c) 2. Students will be able to format various types of business correspondences and proofread business documents to ensure that they are clear, correct, concise, complete, consistent, and courteous by developing a cover letter and choosing a partner to critique each other cover letter with a 95 percent degree of accuracy. (BCS-BE-2b,d) 3. Students will be able to organize thoughts to reflect logical, positive, and tactful thinking before speaking by participating in an online job interview simulation with 90 percent degree accuracy. (BCS-BE-3b)



Instruction and demonstration; Group Discussion; Lecture: class discussions. Utilize MS Word, computer game, independent work, and group work.



Computer; Textbook; Projector; Cordless Microphone; MS Word; 30 copies of handouts; printer. Computer; Textbooks; MS Word; Pen; Paper.



FOCUS: Instructional Strategies: Students will answer the following question by writing their answers on their papers. Think about the time you went to the mall and saw an item you had to buy. What was it about the item that caught your attention? Write down at least three reasons why you were drawn to the item. Students will share their responses when called upon to start a class discussion on attracting responses for jobs by writing a cover letter.

Obj./Learning Styles Objective 1, 2, 3/visual, kinesthetic

Min. DAY 1 5

Objective 1,2,3/verbal

BODY: Instructional Strategies:

Obj./Learning Styles Obj. 1,2,3/verbal, visual

Students will see and hear the objectives read from the projector using cordless microphone. Students will listen, observe and take notes on teachers lecture explaining the purpose of a cover letter, how to write an effective cover letter that attract responses and the 5 parts of a cover letter and their purpose: Return Address, Letter Address, Salutation, Body, and Complimentary Close. Students will receive a list of key words for an effective cover letter. Students will individually create their own cover letter using MS Word on the computer. Students will choose a partner that will proofread their cover letter.

Min. Day 1 5

Obj. 1, 2/verbal, visual, kinesthetic.


Obj. 1, 2/visual

Obj. 1,2,3/visual, kinesthetic, intrapersonal Obj. 3/interpersonal

22 2

BODY cont: Instructional Strategies: Student will be instructed on how to use the MS Word review to proofread partners cover letter.

Obj./Learning Styles Obj.1,2/ visual, verbal

Min. Day 2 7

Students will send via email their cover letter to their partners. Obj. 1,2/kinesthetic, visual, intrapersonal Students will proofread partners cover letter using MS Word review. Students will send partners their cover letter with corrections via email. Students will have an opportunity to make corrections to their cover letter after receiving recommendations from their partner using MS Word. Student will listen to a brief introduction lecture on conducting an effective job interview and take notes on paper. Student will listen to instructions on how to use the Job interviewing game. Student will conduct the interview game and write on paper three things that they learned from the game and their score. Obj. 1,2,3/Kinesthetic, visual interpersonal. Obj. 1,2/visual, kinesthetic, intrapersonal Obj. 1,2,3/visual, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, logic Obj. 3/verbal, kinesthetic, visual Obj. 1,3/verbal, visual, logic Obj. 1,3/kinesthetic, visual, intrapersonal, logical

1 7

1 5

10 3 5

CLOSURE/SUMMARY: Instructional Strategies: Students will be chosen randomly by teacher to discuss their partners cover letter. Students will be chosen randomly by the teacher and asked questions regarding the proper format of a cover letter: 1. 2. 3. 4. What is a salutation? What is the proper closing to a cover letter?? Should your cover letter be on color paper?? Based on your partners cover letter, what do you think are common mistakes??

Obj./Learning Styles Obj. 2, 3/verbal, auditory

Min. 5

Obj. 1,2, 3/verbal interpersonal, intrapersonal, auditory

EVALUATION/ASSESSMENT: Instructional Strategies: INFORMAL: Students will write their name on the back of their partners original cover letters for 5 participation points. Students will turn them into class box. (ticket-out-the-door). Students will submit their results of the interview game and their score in the box. (ticket-out-the-door) FORMAL: Student will email to teacher their new cover letter to hand in for a grade worth 25 points based on 5 points each for each part of a cover letter. The 25 points will be factored into the students participation grade, which makes up 25% of the students overall course grade.

Obj./Learning Styles

Min. 1

Obj. 2/kinesthetic, visual, intrapersonal

Obj. 2, 3/intrapersonal

Student will turn in a print screen of their interviewing games final score. This will be worth 5 points participation points.

Obj. 3/intrapersonal

2 110 min. TOTAL

ARTIFACTS/HANDOUTS/WORKSHEETS/PRESENTATIONS (minimum of 3) List ALL artifacts below AND attach them to the actual lesson plan (if it is a website link, copy the link and do a print screen, paste it in a Word document, and print out to attach to the lesson plan. PowerPoint Keywords Cover Letter Construction Cover Letter Template Sample Cover letters Interview game: http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/schools/11_16/gogetit/getthatjob/interviewgame.shtml




Think about the time you went to the mall and saw an item you had to buy. What was it about the item that caught your attention? Write down the reasons why you were drawn to the item.

Why do I need a cover letter??

PARTS OF A LETTER Return Address:

Your Name and Address: Mrs. Darlene Norris 123 School Lane Way Jonesboro, GA 30273

Cover letters allow you--in narrative form--to tell the employer exactly why hiring you, instead of the numerous other candidates, is a good decision

Parts of a Letter Cont Your Senders/ Letters Address:

The Salutation (The Hello)

Name Title Company Address State, City Zip Code

Get a name, any name. By hook or by crook try to get a name. Sometimes you cant then try To whom it may concern or Dear hiring manager.





Your opening paragraph is your introduction and presents the reader with some immediate and focused information regarding the position you are pursuing and a few core competencies that demonstrate your strength. Second paragraph should define some examples of the work performed and results achieved. Demonstrate something you know about the company that prompted you to write. In the closing paragraph quickly summarize what you offer and close by either suggesting a meeting or indicating that you will call in a certain number of days.

Parts of a Letter. Closing

Full Name Enclosure: resume Types of closing most used: Sincerely, Regards,

A job interview is a process in which a potential employee is evaluated by an employer for prospective employment in their company, organization, or firm. During this process, the employer hopes to determine whether or not the applicant is suitable for the role.

Tips for a successful interview


Practice Practice answering interview questions and practice your responses to the typical job interview questions and answers most employers ask. Research Prepare a response so you are ready for the question. Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions. Get Ready Make sure your interview attire is neat, tidy and appropriate for the type of job you are interviewing with. Bring a nice portfolio with copies of your resume. Include a pen and paper for note taking. Be On Time Be on time for the interview.

More tips.


Stay Calm During the job interview try to relax and stay as calm possible. Show What You Know Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions. Follow Up
Always follow-up with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the position.



Key Words For Resume and Cover Letter Construction Action Verbs accelerated approved controlled directed expedited implemented interpreted managed participated programmed reinforced set-up supervised removed activated assisted coordinated eliminated experienced improved launched mastered performed proposed revamped simplified supported reorganized adapted completed created established expanded increased lead motivated pinpointed proved reviewed solved taught repeated administered conceived delegated evaluated facilitated influenced lectured organized planned recommended revised streamlined trained responsible analyzed conduced developed expanded generated initiated maintained originated prepared reduced scheduled structured worked

Self-descriptive Words accurately alert attentive conscientious dependable diverse energetic expertise forceful independent leading objective pioneering readily responsible sophisticated unique active ambitious aware consistent determined dynamic enterprising extensively foresight initiative logical optimistic pleasant realistic responsive strongly versatile adaptable analytical broad-minded constructive diplomatic easily enthusiastic extraverted high-level innovative loyal participated positive reliable self-reliant systematic vigorous adept assertive challenging contributor disciplined economical exceptional facilitator honest instrumental mature perceptive practical repeatedly sensitive tactful will travel aggressive astute competent creative discreet efficient experienced fair imaginative insightful methodical personable productive resourceful sincere talented will relocated

Philippa Burns

104 Newstart Ave., Marietta, GA, 30303 M: 770-359-7785 E: burns_philippa@email.com

Senders Name Title Company Address City, State ZIp Re: Bookshop Assistant Position Dear Sir or Madam I would like to apply for the bookshop assistant position with Global Books. I am a high school student with extensive experience in customer service. I am eager to continue delivering excellent service and developing my skills with Global Books, particularly due to my love of travel literature. I have developed strong interpersonal skills as a result of over three years of experience in customer service roles. In my current role, I provide CopyJet customers with accurate information about the print and copy departments products and services, demonstrating my strong verbal communication skills and professionalism. I have also demonstrated exceptional organizational skills in this position, managing all paperwork in my department and keeping orders on track for delivery. My sound time management skills are further evident in my ability to juggle full-time study and part-time work. I would love the opportunity to discuss my application with you in further detail. I will follow up with you next Monday to discuss scheduling an interview. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Philippa Burns Philippa Burns



Address, State, City, Zip phone


(Date) (Name of Hiring Manager, Title) (Name of Company) (Address) (City, State, Zip) Dear (Mr. or Ms.) (Last Name), (Company Name) has built its success on that fact that it takes chances and thats exactly what I want you to do with me. Take a chance and you will not regret it! As a high school Junior I am actively seeking my first job and because I have been a longtime fan and customer I immediately began researching opportunities at (Company Name). When I saw that you were looking for a (position title) I knew that I would be a perfect fit. I have extensive leadership abilities as a three-year member of our student government organization, a knack for customer service as demonstrated by my weekly volunteering at the local (i.e. Humane Society), and a talent for organizing and prioritizing as seen in my success as chairperson of numerous student groups. I am ready to take these skills and apply them to the position of (position title). My energy, enthusiasm, and dedication are hard to find and I look forward to the chance to demonstrate it for you as your newest (position title). I am confident that I would make a positive contribution to (Company Name) given the opportunity and I would be pleased to discuss in person the qualities I would bring to the position. Sincerely, Your signature Your typed Name Enclosure

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