Response To Federigo Falcon

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Cornelius Dennis Mr. Landeros Period 1 1/12/2013 Response to Lit Federigos Falcon This is a fascinating story that keeps you interested until the very end with its unique twist. There are many literary terms that you could definitely find in this story, and there are a lot of different ways to look at how the morals or themes of this story are interpreted. This is a timeless story about what one person will do for the sake of love, and how that love is found through ironic and unfortunate events. This is also a sad and somewhat tragic story with a heavy sacrifice that is giving for the sake of love. Moreover, Federigos Falcon emphasizes three significant literary terms such as irony, theme, and symbolism. The story ends on a very ironic twist that helps demonstrate the central idea of the story. For example, when Monna Giovanna son gets sick he asks her to retrieve him Federigos falcon, believing that will help cure him. Mother if you could arrange for me to have Federigos falcon, I believe I should soon get better, (pg 685). On the other hand, when Monna went to Federigos place he cooks a meal for her by cooking his falcon, and when he finds out that she came for the bird he feels incredible affliction for what he did and began to weep. My lady. I am so distressed by my inability to grant your request that I shall never forgive myself for as long as I live. This demonstrates the irony of how a mans love for a woman leads him to make an unfortunate sacrifice, however, that sacrifice was what Monna came to him for to save her son whom Federigos became good friends with. Moreover, before Monna went to Federigos house

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she knew of his love for her, but did not return those feelings even after he sold all his merchants to impress her. However, when she cant get the bird for her son and he eventually dies, she suffers great sorrow and resentment until she evidently marries Federigos. All in all, the love Federigo has for Monna seems hopeless at first but through ironic circumstances it eventually prevails. The literary term symbolism is used predominantly with the falcon. To illustrate, the falcon symbolizes the life of Monna Giovannas son, because her son grew an attachment to the bird while it was still alive and healthy. However, when Monnas son become ill he believes the falcon will make him better, but when Federigos kills the bird to cook for Monna, her son eventually dies as well. This shows that, the falcon was a symbol of Monnas sons life and when the falcon died he died as well. On the other hand, the falcon also represented Federigos poverty, because Federigos sold all his merchandise to impress Monna all he had left was the falcon. However, when Monnas son dies and she marries Federigo, her husband and sons death soon allowed her to receive a lot of money. Therefore when Federigo falcon died Federigo was wealthy again. The literary term theme can be interpreted many different ways. For example, the main theme of the story is that people will do a lot of crazy things for love. Federigo sells all he has to impress Monna the women he loved who did not return that love, but he ends being poor and only has his falcon and then he soon kills his falcon to make an impressive meal for her. This exemplifies that, Federigo made incredible sacrifices that led to him being in poverty and didnt change how Monna felt about him. On the other hand, another theme that can be taken from this story is that love prevails no matter what it looks like. To demonstrate, Federigo ended up poor because he tried to impress a woman who didnt love him back, however, after she loses both her

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son and husband she had no one left. Therefore, she soon realizes how much she needs Federigo in her life and soon begins to love him and marry him overtime. This demonstrates the theme that, when love is truly real it will always find a way to prevail. Furthermore, regardless of how precarious the situation might look or how long it takes, when two people are truly meant to be together they will always end up together. All in all, there are so many different themes that can be revealed throughout this story, but the theme of love and happiness is the most prominent. The use of literary terms such as irony, symbolism, and theme, are used dramatically well in this story. The ideas of these terms are used well and there are possibly many more that can be seen throughout the story. However, these are the main three terms that I think are the most dominate throughout the story. Moreover, I believe this is a good read for the most part, it does drag on in the beginning and there are some parts of the story that may not be needed, but it still keep you interested enough especially for the ironic end of the story. In addition, the theme of love will probably relate to many people, and the use of symbolism is strong enough to keep your interest. All in all, this is a really good story with great uses of literary terms.

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