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The Art of Metalsmithing Lesson 1

StLesson plan 1
Karen Cast Date: October 2 9 , 2 0 0 8

General aim of Unit: The student will gain a basic understanding of the art of metalsmithing, jewelry design with a brief introduction to the business aspect of being a commissioned artist.

The student will design and create a pendant using PMC (silver clay) that will include a small dichroic fused glass inclusion or cubic zirconium paint The student will view jewelry designs by several artists and become familiar with the concept of Design is Where You Find it and use these concepts to create the basis for their designs. The student will begin an understanding of the concept that design is where you find it and use this information to create their thumbnail sketches for their design.

Affective Objectives
The student will be introduced to the concept of design is where you find it and using this concept will be required to take at least 10 digital images of their environment. Using the imagery from on of these photos, the student will create a design for their silver pendant

Creative/Productive Concepts and Vocabulary

Plastic; more commonly known as the visual arts Positive area: the recognizable objects Negative space: the empty space left after the positive elements have been created by the artist Mixed Media: combination of materials and methods used to create a composite artistic image. Principles of Design: 1. Unity: a quality of oneness 2. Rhythm: a quality of movement 3. Balance: quality of equilibrium 4. Emphasis: a quality of interest of dominance 5. Proportion: a relationship of part 6. Opposition: a quality of contrast 7. Variety: a quality of variation

Multicultural/Historical Concepts and Vocabulary

Environment: our natural surroundings/ the world in which we live Space: the measurable distance between point or images Line: horizontal, diagonal, zig zag, curved, straight,

Form: derived from 3 basic geometric forms- the triangle, the square, the circle

M aterials

Teacher Materials
Teacher Sam ple Professional Artist Exam ples: Design is Where You Find it By Orville Chatt Art Clay Silver by DAC Precious Metals Department Metal Clay and Mixed Media Jewelry by Sherri Lamb Supplies: Digital Camera Sketchbooks Pencils Clay Sheet of underlay paper Craft knife Saran Wrap Cardboard strips Brush flat pointed Brush fine-pointed Plastic case File Stainless steel brush Burnishers Tweezers Sandpaper (600,1200) Small pitcher Metal polish Polishing cloth Olive oil Glass C.O.E. 90 Dichroic glass C.O.E. 90 Kiln and Kiln wash Protective gloves Equipm ent: Table for demo Digital Camera Sink Hand soap Paper towels

Learner Materials
Supplies: Digital Camera Sketchbooks Pencils Clay

Sheet of underlay paper Craft knife Saran Wrap Cardboard strips Brush flat pointed Brush fine-pointed Texturizing tools Plastic case File Stainless steel brush Burnishers Tweezers Sandpaper (600,1200) Small pitcher Metal polish Polishing cloth Olive oil Glass C.O.E. 90 Dichroic glass C.O.E. 90

Equipm ent: Covered tables Chairs Sink/soap/paper towels Learner Center: Various art books on metalsmithing and jewelry designs

Motivation The teacher will lead in with a PowerPoint presentation on the history of
jewelry through out history, followed by a presentation on Design and how to come up with ideas for designs The teacher will then present several photos and together with the students brainstorm where designs can be uncovered from the The teacher will lead a discussion on how an artist must discern the needs and wishes of a customer and what questions to ask in order to have enough information to create a piece of jewelry for them. The teacher will present professional artist visual examples of PMC jewelry

Bridge Statement We are going to engage in the art of jewelry design, Using PMC as our medium you will create a pendant

1. How many of you wear jewelry or know someone who does? 2. Have you ever considered what it would take to make a piece of jewelry? 3. Describe what you believe jewelry making would entail?


For the first 2 sessions the teacher and students will meet around one table and view the Power Points and engage in discussions revolving around jewelry design and customer profiles During the third session the students will have taken their photographs, drawn their thumbnails and chosen the strongest one for their design. At this point the students will create milagros of their design using clay Following a demonstration of the technique, the fused glass inclusions will now be cut using dichroic glass as the medium, and then fused in a kiln. Once this is complete and the design issues have been worked out using clay they will begin the jewelry construction using silver clay. Their design will be allowed to dry before they are fired, so the students will begin to decide how they will present their work. Once the designs are fired the students will polish their pieces and prepare them for critique A short artists statement will accompany their completed piece at the critique

Main Creation
The students will view 2 power points on the history of jewelry and metalsmithing and then develop a customer profile. Once this is complete they will take 10 digital p-photographs of their surroundings and from these come up with a design for their jewelry piece They will draw 4 thumbnails and chose the strongest one They will construct this design out of clay first and then in silver clay Safety issues involving the cutting of glass must be discussed prior to the next step They are to include dichroic glass in their piece, so they will have to cut the Dichroic glass inclusion first so that it can be included in their design. The piece will be assembled and dried and then fired in the kiln Upon its removal it will polished and cleaned and made ready for presentation at the critique.

Clean up

7 minutes before the class period ends I will instruct the students to stop working, and begin the clean-up process. All materials will be returned to their proper places and all surfaces cleaned and swept to insure the safety of those coming next. I will review the homework requirements to make sure they know what they have to have prepared for the next time we meet. I will make sure they have all questions answered and check for understanding


I will review vocabulary while we are waiting for dismissal and review the homework requirements


The project meets all the requirements for the assignment The piece clearly demonstrates skill in the use of medium and technique Concept is compelling and shows creativity Work is well crafted in all aspects and well presented Effectively uses fused glass or cubic zirconium to enhance the design Effectively sketched designs from digital photos Final design reflects customer profile and commission Final presentation of artwork further enhanced the design elements

Special Needs

Reiterate the lesson objectives personally Offer one on one assistance

Extended Activity Once the student has completely cleaned up his/her work area and all
supplies are put away, they will allowed to do some research on jewelry design on the computer


Aida Chemical Industries C. Ltd. Art Clay Silver, DAC Precious Metals Department. 2004 Chatt, Orville. Design is Where You Find It. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa. 1977 Edwards, D. J. The Handbook of Art and Design Terms. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 2004


Safety must be stressed repeatedly, Make sure to reiterate the importance of tight craftsmanship

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