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Danni Varenhorst #614 I Have a Dream I say to you today, my friends, that I have a dream.

This dream is rooted in individual responsibility. I have a dream that one day no one will be living in cars, under bridges, or on the streets. Children will be warm, loved, and cared for. Homelessness will not exist. I have a dream that one day everyone will have a chance to learn and have an equal education. I hope that at least 90% of all public high school students will graduate and go to college. I have a dream that all children will have a form of health and dental care. Cavities could be a thing of the past. No child will die from a preventable illness. I have a dream today. I have a dream that Individual Responsibility is a moment in time when every person wakes up and challenges himself to meet the needs of others. He or she looks at the world and feels the need to do something to change what is wrong around them. I have a dream that all individuals including myself will see the injustices that are occurring around us. Individuals will become selfless, generous, charitable, content, humble, and jubilant. I have a dream that I and those individuals who have herd my pleas will band together to provide regional shelters for people as well as blankets, clothes, and basic hygiene needs i.e. tooth brushes, toothpaste, soap, and shampoo. We could also provide books to childrens homes and shelters to help early readers. I have a dream today. This is my dream. That one day I will become a spokesperson for the disadvantage. I can encourage my friends to work with me at doing a neighborhood drives for items. And when this happens, my world will look so much better. I will feel happy that people are warm, healthy, and have the ability to succeed. Abraham Heschel once said, In any free society where wrongs exist, some are guilty, all are responsible.

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