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Take Swats
To Avod
Alyssa Doria, left and Spring Shnaper, right,
at Carthage High School Senior Prom, 2010.
Carthage, TX-
Carthage High School in East Texas is one oI
the most proliIic schools in the country when it
comes to paddling students.
The most recent oIIicial statistics available,
Irom the 2006-2007 school year show that more
than halI the girls at CHS received !"#$%!&" one
paddling that year.
The school has a very clear discipline policy,
with a discipline plan published in the student
handbook. The plan list virtually all imaginable
oIIenses, along with the assigned punishment
Ior a Iirst, second and third occurrence oI each
While corporal punishment is not listed as a
consequence on the discipline plan, the
handbook clearly states that it may be
substituted Ior morning or aIter school
detentions at the discretion oI the Principal or
Assistant Principal.
Typically detentions are used as a punishment
Ior second or third occurrences oI Level 1
violations. These include oIIenses as minor as
chewing gum or running in the halls. Students
typically have to take one swat Ior each day oI
detention they wish to get out oI, usually a
maximum oI three swats.
Level 2 oIIenses usually result in a student
being sent to On Campus Suspension, while
Level 3 oIIenses usually result in Out oI School
Suspension or Expulsion.
On Wednesday April 7
2010, best Iriends and
senior students, Alyssa Doria and Spring
Shnaper leIt campus to eat lunch at a nearby
McDonald`s restaurant. OIIicially CHS operates
a 'closed campus' policy, with students
Iorbidden to leave campus at any point during
the school day. However, students say that
Iaculty regularly 'turned a blind eye to seniors
leaving campus to eat lunch at local restaurants.
Map of Carthage TX
As the two girls attempted to re-enter the
Carthage High School campus they were
stopped by campus Security OIIicer Tony
Lawler. Alyssa and Spring were then escorted
by OIIicer Lawler to the oIIice oI Assistant
Principal Pat Browning.
AIter a short wait the girls were called together
into Mr Browning's oIIice. Once inside the
oIIice the pair attempted to deIend their actions,
insisting that they had literally only been yards
oII campus, and that there had been several
other CHS students in McDonald`s that
lunchtime. Mr Browning stated that how Iar
they had gone was not the issue at stake, but
rather their blatant Ilouting oI school rules.
Both girls were leIt amazed when Mr Browning
inIormed them that the punishment Ior a Iirst
oIIense oI this nature was Iive days oI On
Campus Suspension. Neither had expected the
punishment to be so severe.
Mr Browning explained to the girls that they
would not be permitted to attend regular classes
Irom Thursday April 8
through Wednesday
April 14
. Instead they would spend their days
in a special room, isolated Irom their
However the worst part oI their punishment was
yet to come, as Mr Browning explained that as
suspended students they would not be permitted
to attend the Senior Prom on Saturday April
Spring and Alyssa could not believe what they
were hearing. They had been looking Iorward to
the prom all year. Both had spent months
planning their night and spent hundreds oI
dollars on dresses, shoes and accessories. They
pleaded with Mr Browning to change his mind
and allow them to attend the prom. But he
insisted that his hands were tied. The discipline
plan clearly stated that the punishment Ior
leaving campus without permission was Iive
days in OCS, with no alternative oIIered.
Excerpt from CHS discipline plan
Both girls were well liked by the CHS Iaculty
and had Iew discipline issues prior to this
incident. With tears welling up in their eyes at
the prospect oI missing prom, Mr Browning
took pity on Spring and Alyssa. He insisted that
he did not have the authority to override the
school discipline plan, but he oIIered to consult
with CHS Principal Tim RatcliII about their
While Mr Browning went to discuss their
punishment with Principal RatcliII, the two girls
were instructed to wait in the waiting area
outside the Assistant Principal's oIIice on the
edge oI the main school oIIice.
Here they were kept under the watchIul eye oI
secretary LeeAnne Sharpe. Mrs Sharpe was also
the school's prom coordinator. She was making
last minute arrangements Ior Saturday's prom
with Band Director Nick Durham, while the
girls awaited Mr Browning's return.
LeeAnne Sharpe Nick Durham
AIter a wait oI over ten minutes, that Ielt like an
eternity, Mr Browning returned and ordered
Spring and Alyssa back into his oIIice. Once
inside with the door closed he inIormed them
that Principal RatcliII had agreed to make an
exception due to the unique timing oI this
incident and the girls previous good behavior
records. On this occasion he would permit
corporal punishment to be substituted in place
oI OCS, at a rate oI one swat per day. II they
wished to attend prom, they would have to take
Iive swats, two more than the usual maximum
given at the school.
Spring was the Iirst to state that she wished to
take the swats. Alyssa quickly agreed also. CHS
policy on corporal punishment states that it
must be witnessed by either an Administrator or
a CertiIied Teacher. Mr Browning promptly
opened his oIIice door and asked Mr Durham iI
he could 'Step inside to witness a whipping.
As Mr Durham entered the oIIice, Alyssa was
instructed to take a seat outside. Spring was to
be paddled Iirst. Outside, Alyssa Ielt that the
eyes oI everyone in the oIIice were on her. The
oIIice area was busy with students and staII
alike at this time.
Inside the oIIice, as Mr Browning completed
the necessary paperwork, Mr Durham moved
the chair Irom the Iront oI the desk and cleared
a space on top. Spring was instructed to stand in
Iront oI the desk, Ieet shoulders width apart,
and bend over, placing her elbows and Iorearms
on the desk.
Assistant Principal - Pat Browning
Mr Browning's reputation Ior paddling was
Iierce. Girls at CHS were thankIul that on most
occasions their paddlings were dealt with by
Iemale AP Staci Davis. Mr Browning had been
known to reduce many boys to tears with his
Only one oI the girl's close Iriends had ever
been paddled by Mr Browning. As she waited
outside the oIIice Alyssa recalled how Kortlyn
Nutt, who had taken three swats Irom Mr
Browning at the start oI their senior year, had
described it as 'the most painIul thing I ever
From her position bent over his desk, Spring
could see clearly into the top drawer as Mr
Browning pulled it open. It was well known to
students that inside that drawer were two
paddles. UnIortunately Ior Spring, as a senior
student she was to be punished with the larger
paddle. An approximately 24 x 4 board, with
its handle wrapped in black tape to allow Ior
better grip.
With his paddle in hand Mr Browning made his
way around behind Spring, taking his position
to her leIt hand side. He touched the board to
her denim shorts, and indication that the
paddling was about to begin.
Outside, Alyssa, along with everyone else in the
vicinity, heard the unmistakable sound oI the
Iirst swat. Soon Iollowed up by another loud
crack. Then another. And another. Then Iinally
the IiIth and Iinal swat. Soon aIter Spring
emerged Irom the oIIice. She couldn't look her
Iriend in the Iace, choosing instead to look
straight down at the Iloor until she was clear oI
the oIIice area. Mr Durham came to the oIIice
door. 'Alyssa, your turn, he told her.
Inside Mr Browning stood leaning over his
desk , Iilling out more paperwork. Mr Durham
directed Alyssa to the Iront oI the desk and
instructed her to bend over, Ieet apart, elbows
on the desk. BeIore bending over she smoothed
her thin cotton dress across her bottom, hoping
it would oIIer some protection Irom the swats,
Mr Browning soon picked up his board and
made his way behind Alyssa. Mr Durham stood
oII to her right hand side. A double tap on her
bottom with the paddle indicated that the Iirst
swat was on its way. Alyssa described the Iirst
swat as having so much Iorce it liIted her onto
her toes.
No sooner had she reset her Ieet the second
swat Iollowed with similar power, AIter the
third hard swat Alyssa could not hold still any
longer, and stood upright, pulling her hands
back, clutching at her bottom. Mr Browning
allowed her a Iew moments beIore instructing
her to 'Get back in position.
Despite her obvious discomIort, Mr Browning
did not let up on the intensity oI the swats,
administering the Iinal two every bit as hard as
the Iirst three. Alyssa leIt the oIIice Iighting
back her tears.
Three days later Alyssa and Spring attended the
Carthage High School prom. Mr Durham who
had witnessed their punishments welcomed
Alyssa to the prom telling her 'Enjoy yourselI,
you paid quite a price to be here.
Spring Shnaper, 2
left, and Alyssa Doria,
far right, with friends Kortlyn Nutt, left and
Randy Musgrove, 2

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