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Alyssa Molina Outline I.

Introduction a. But before we take action I am going to describe the current state of the meat industry, clarify how antibiotic overuse negatively affects our health, explain how PAMTA would help fix these issues, and share ways in which you as an individual can take action against antibiotic overuse.


Overuse of Antibiotics in the Meat Industry a. Why did this happen? i. Causes of antibiotic overuse in farms (allows farmers to keep them in very crowded areas etc.) b. How was this able to happen? i. Lack of FDA regulations that prohibit the amount of antibiotics that are allowed to be given to animals.


Effects of Antibiotic Overuse in Meat Industry on Human Health a. Antibiotic-resistant Diseases i. Describe what they are and how they are formed ii. Examples of antibiotic-resistant diseases iii. Discuss how there needs to be a plan of action in order fix the issue of new antibiotic resistant diseases (transition in order to lead into PAMTA)


The Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act a. Describe PAMTA in general

i. Explain what it is and how it has recently been reintroduced to Congress (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr1150/text ) ii. Explain what it will fix regarding antibiotic use V. How to Take Action a. Many organizations that can help you to get involved i. For parents : http://www.pewhealth.org/projects/moms-for-antibioticawareness-85899369706/take-action http://www.pewhealth.org/other-resource/supermoms-againstsuperbugs-85899432655 ii. For everyone : http://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/ b. Urge your Congress representative to support the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (PAMTA). i. Discuss different ways in which you can accomplish that task c. Spread awareness to your friends, family and co-workers by simply sharing what you know about the issue. You could potentially even learn new information yourself VI. Conclusion a. Antibiotic overuse in the meat industry is a real issue and it is not going to solve itself. We must not stand by any longer, especially now that PAMTA has been re-introduced to Congress. This is the peoples chance to prove to the government that it is unacceptable to not regulate the amount and type of antibiotics that are put into the meat that we consume.

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