Week 1 Calendar

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Topic: Type of Lesson: Objective: SWBAT

Monday PROJECT LAUNCH Benchmark Lesson *Explain how humans have changed land, air, and water of Earth *Brainstorm solutions to negative effects of human activity SC.912.L.17.20 Predict the impact of individuals on environmental systems and examine how human lifestyles affect sustainability. Show video: Welcome to the Anthropocene Present essential question: How has human activity impacted the environment?

Tuesday Biomes Investigative Lesson *Describe an ecosystem *Investigate and describe different types of biomes

Wednesday Building Terrariums Investigative Lesson *Plan and construct a terrarium from a 2-liter bottle

Thursday Water Cycle Benchmark Lesson *Describe the pathway of the water cycle *Describe evaporation, condensation, and precipitation SC.912.E.7.1 Analyze the movement of matter and energy through the different biogeochemical cycles, including water and carbon. Concept Cartoon formative assessment Show first 1:22 of video to introduce water cycle

Friday Water Cycle/ Terrariums Investigative Lesson *Apply concepts of water cycle to terrarium



Pair up students. Together they will read The Age of Man. One will read the first page and the other will read the second page separately. After, the partners will do a Think-Pair-Share reflecting on the days essential question, the reading, and possible solutions to any negative environmental changes made by humans.

Show picture of 53 year old terrarium. Inform students of the terrariums age and that it has only been given water twice, once in 1960 and once in 1972. What could account for the terrariums longevity? Looking at the picture, what things do you think are needed to create an enclosed, sustainable ecosystem? What is an ecosystem? Present the different biomes on the board or powerpoint. Students will be put into groups of 3 and assigned one biome to research. They will have access to internet and textbooks. They must organize the information in such a way that is will be easy to teach to others in the class like powerpoint or a poster. They will have 15-20 minutes to complete it.

Show video about water cycle Show picture of 53 year old terrarium. Reiterate that it has only been given water twice.

They will use their chosen biome as a model for their terrariums. They will use the information to create their initial terrarium using a 2liter bottle from home. Different soils, terrestrial life, aquatic life, and other tools will be provided for students to utilize. Directions on how to structure the 2-liter terrarium will be provided. Students will be expected to make an entry in their lab book describing their procedure, materials, and

Put students in groups of 3 to do activity. Each group will need artists clay or plastic mountain model, plastic shoe box with cover, petri dish, lamp, water, and crushed ice. Use the clay to shape a mountain and place it on one side of the shoe box. Pour water into the shoe box until about onefourth of the mountain slope is covered. Replace the lid of the shoe box and place a petri dish on top of the shoe box over the mountain. Place crushed ice into the petri dish and position the

Students will investigate the health of their terrariums in relation to the water cycle and record observations in their log books. Have you noticed similar observations from yesterdays lab in your terrariums? Will you ever need to add water to your terrarium? How will you know if your terrarium is in need of water? Why has Mr. Latimer not needed to add water to his terrarium for 31 years? They will be instructed to modify, if needed, their terrariums now that they



Class discussion about the video and reading. Each pair will be expected to share their ideas.

Groups will give a short presentation of their biome to the rest of the class. The other students will be instructed to take notes of each.

lamp over the ocean. Have students observe the container carefully and note any changes they see. Discuss student observations and relate them to evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Paint the Picture Formative Assessment Finish video from engage. Show a diagram of water cycle.

have new information. Rationale for changes must be included in their logs.


Present project challenge and driving question.

Evaluate Assessment( s):

STIP Think-Pair-Share Students will have time to read an article and reflect upon the essential question individually. They will then discuss their ideas with a partner. The pair will share their ideas during the class discussion. STIP Students will be given a handout of the following terms: condensation, percolation, photosynthesis, acid-base indicator, food web, producer, consumer, decomposer, carbon cycle For each, they will have the choice to check I have never heard of this, I have heard of this but Im not sure what it means, I have some idea what it means, or I clearly know what it means and can describe it. If students check the last one, they must

Students must come to class tomorrow with chosen biome from which they will model their terrariums. Poster presentation

Annotated Student Drawings Annotated Student Drawings Draw and label a picture that would help someone understand how you built your terrarium to fit your chosen biome.

Concept Cartoon The cartoon hyperlinked in the engage section will be shown to students. Which character do you agree with? Explain why. Paint the Picture How are evaporation, condensation, and precipitation related? Draw a picture, without using any words, to answer this question. Students will share their drawings in small groups.

Muddiest Point Muddiest Point This week we have been learning about the important requirements for sustainable ecosystems. What has been the muddiest point so far in this weeks lessons for you? Please take a few minutes to jot down any ideas or parts of the week that were confusing or difficult for you to understand so I can address them before the end of the unit.

describe it. Resource Requiremen ts: Anthropocene video and article Terrarium picture, textbook, access to internet materials for terrariums, bottle biology handouts, cameras to record terrarium observations Concept cartoon, water cycle video, materials for experiment, water cycle diagram Water cycle video, terrarium picture

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