Conceptplanner Stage2

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Science Concept Planner:

Experience C Students will begin to learn and sing solid and liquid songs.

Worksheet 2
Experience B Students will be able to observe a candle melting as the wax changes from solid to liquid. They will then be engaged in a scientific conversation of the heat needed to melt Experience C Students will experience water as a liquid in several different containers. They will then pour the liquid into chosen containers and put it in the freezer and predict what will happen. Students will later check Experience A Moving like a Liquid Game after discussing how a liquid moves, students will hold hands and experiment with moving and flowing freely as a liquid does while staying connected and maintaining volume and Experience B Students will test moving water between containers, experimenting with its change of shape.

Describe experiences in 2 or 3 sentences

Experience A Students will participate in an ice cube exploration in which each student individually holds and explores an ice cube as it melts from a solid to a liquid.

Experience B Students will engage in an exploration of solids and liquids in their classroom. They will conduct a States of Matter Search.

Experience A Students will explore examples of solids and liquids presented to the class. They will be able to see and feel the items. Wonderings, experiences and knowledge will be discussed and noted by teachers. Experience B Students will touch and feel many solids with a variety of different textures, describing these textures using descriptive words such as hard, soft, bumpy, rough, etc. Students will then create artistic rubbings of solids with different textures, verbally labeling them to the teacher.

CONCEPT 1 There are different states of matter.

CONCEPT 2 States of matter can change.

Science Topic States of Matter Liquids and Solids

A solid holds its particular size and shape. CONCEPT 3 A liquid has size and volume but not shape. CONCEPT 4

Experience A Moving like a Solid Game after discussing the shape of a solid, with scaffolding from the teacher, students will hold hands to form a solid shape in which molecules are held together tightly and the shape stays the

Experience C Properties of a liquid will be addressed as students explore thick and thin liquids first hand by seeing, smelling and pouring

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