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Agendas for Week ____1___ of _____3______ weeks for Project Based Unit


Tuesday Interdependency: Food Web

SC.7.L.1 7.1

Wednesday Food Web


Thursday Biological Interactions

Investigative Benchmark
SC.7.L.1 7.2

Field trips

Unit Project Introduction


Type of Lesson:


Objective(s): SWBAT

Devise a plan to answer driving question and discuss essential vocabulary.

Illustrate the relationships among producers, consumers, and decomposers and the process of energy transfer in a food web.
Check homework and remind students to place it in their binders. Video: http://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=sVB82laAJ l0 (1:00-2:43). Have students discuss video and food webs. Have students define it on the vocab sheet.

Utilize previous knowledge to create a food web of organisms in their ecosystem of Gainesville.

Apply the types of interaction between organisms to their food web.

Investigate food chains in nature, life cycles and adaptation in the pine forest and oak hammock ecosystems behind the Florida Museum
Remind students that they must bring with them their questions and paper to take notes and something to write with.


Students are given the scenario and asked to answer the question: If the population continues to grow at the current rate, how will that affect our ecosystem?

Have students take out their homework and discuss what organisms they discovered live in Gainesville. Sort between the different levels of the food chain.

Pop Quiz: Matching Vocab words with their definitions and recognizing the type of relationships organisms have. Have students take out their homework and discuss the definitions for each type of relationship giving examples of each. For each one teacher should have an example with explanation.

1 UFTeach PBI Calendar Template


Introduce the topic of interdependency. Students will be given a sheet with the vocabulary words for this unit. The will be able to define ecology, ecosystem, and interdependency. Start a discussion about how ecology is important for solving the mayors problem.

Students will complete Build a Food Web activity (http://www.exploringn ature.org/db/detail.php? dbID=2&detID=2284) They will each be given an animal and told to research their animal using either internet or books provided by teacher to answer Are they a producer, consumer or decomposer? If they are a consumer, then are they a carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore? What do they eat for food? What eats them for food? Have them write it down. After finding answers students will create a web on the whiteboard by taping their animal on it. Once the web is complete start a discussion that clarifies the definition of the words used. Have

Have students get in their groups for their project and create a food web of the organisms in Gainesville. Each student should draw out their own web but each group should use the same organisms. They should label whether they are consumers, producers, carnivores, herbivores, decomposers or omnivores.

Have students get into their groups and take out the food webs they created. Tell them to label each arrow with its relationship or write on separate paper the type of relationship each arrow represent. Encourage students to discuss in the groups the ideas. However, if they are unable to define a relationship allow one team member to use a laptop to research it.

Students will experience a guided tour of the pine forest and oak hammock ecosystems behind the Florida Museum. Instruct students to pay close attention to the organisms mentioned and their interdependency.


Explain the project to the students,group students for the project, go over the rubric and assign individual

Have each group explain a few of the relationships that exist in their field trip.

Have students answer the questions they wrote for homework on the ride back to school and turn it in

2 UFTeach PBI Calendar Template

students with tasks within their groups. Give each group a portfolio where they will put completed work for their project. Answer any questions.

students fill in definitions on vocab sheet. Teacher should discuss energy and nutrients transfer through a food web. For homework: Have the students do research on organisms that inhabit Gainesville. For homework: Students will read the section of their textbook discussing the types of relationships between organisms and define the words predation, parasitism, competition, symbiosis, commensalism, and mutualism on their vocab sheet. Teacher will check portfolios to make sure everything is in order and talk with each group as they work. (hint that there might be a pop quiz soon) For homework, have students come up with two questions that they want to ask the tour guide on the field trip regarding interdependency.

when we arrive. If we have more time, go over some of the questions with the class.

For Homework: Students will research additional consequences of overpopulation. Write a list.


Collect the work they completed in class to see whether they understand the vocabulary correctly.

Students will write a one page paper discussing the interdependency evident in the pine tree and oak hammock ecosystems. Formative: Pop quiz will allow teacher to see whether students understand the terms used during class as well as check whether students completed the


Formative assessment: web activity in explore

3 UFTeach PBI Calendar Template

homework. Resource Requirements: http://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=sVB82laAJ l0 (1:00-2:43). (http://www.exploringn ature.org/db/detail.php? dbID=2&detID=2284) laptops, books on organisms Laptops

4 UFTeach PBI Calendar Template

Agendas for Week ____2___ of ______3_____ weeks for Project Based Unit



Thursday Presentations


Introduction to Limiting Factors


Limiting Factors
Benchmark: SC.7.L.17.3

Type of Lesson:

Research Day


Benchmarks: SC.7.L.1
7.1 and SC.7.L.17.3

Objective(s): SWBAT

The students will be introduced to limiting factors. Students will describe different known limiting factors. Students will understand vocabulary given.

Students will be able to describe and point out limiting factors found in different ecosystems. They will understand the effects of limiting factors on organisms.

Students will have an entire day to research their projects. Focusing on the effects of limiting factors now, and what could possibly be changed in order to better the future of Gainesville. Student groups will compare their list of additional consequences of overpopulation from week 1 and discuss which ones to include in their presentation.

Students will present their projects video or display board. Students parents will be invited and it will take place in the school cafeteria or auditorium.

Students will show clear understanding of both benchmarks. Be able to describe relationships of the food webs and relationships between limiting factors and the organism they affect. Students must be able to use vocabulary from the previous lessons to describe what they have learned so far. Start the class reviewing some of the concepts from


Start the students off with funny video on what limiting factors

Start the class with an interesting video of mystery island. Play video: (1:30-2:48)

5 UFTeach PBI Calendar Template

could be: http://goanimate.com/ videos/0RbFepG8Lx6 g

http://www.pbs.org/ wgbh/nova/ancient/ mystery-easterisland.html

the previous classes. Student will participate in white boarding activity where they must draw a food web and the relationships of animals in the food web. The must be able to explain to the class their food web and discuss their picture with their groups. Students will participate in trivia game in which they will work in their groups to answer questions we have prepared. These questions will consist of vocabulary, types of limiting factors, different food web relationships and interactions between organisms in an ecosystem. This is where I will correct all final


Introduce the topic of limiting factors. Have the students give you a scenario of at least three things affecting the population of an endangered species.

Students will participate in an activity where they have to figure out the change of deer population when wolf are introduced into their ecosystem. They will have to also give reasons why the population does not completely decrease but fluctuates.


Have several students present their scenarios

Explain the activity and go over the class UFTeach PBI Calendar Template

to the class. Have a class discussion about what limiting factors generally fall under: food, water, shelter, space. Explain that these are the most basic limiting factors. Also explain what limiting factors are.

results in order to explain that the population of deer fluctuates because of limiting factors.
Alright so based on the patterns we concluded that there must be something else that prevents the continuous growth of a population. What do you think this something is? So another way we can generalize all these factors that limit the size of a population is? Think of a name Correct! Limiting factors are components of an organism's environment, such as a food, that is limited in supply and therefore limits the organism's ability to reproduce in greater numbers.

misconceptions before the summative assessment. Go over in more detail anything the students had trouble answering from the trivia and formative assessments or any concepts you feel the students need clarification on.


Students will have a 5 minute discussion within their group about limiting factors

Give the students a scenario and ask them to name several limiting factors that UFTeach PBI Calendar Template

Introduce Who Am I activity. Place vocabulary

in a given ecosystem, which I will provide.

affect the population of a living organism. They must also explain how and why that relationship is valid.

words on the back of students and have them ask students who am I. The other students should give clues to help them guess.

Evaluate Assessment(s):

Binder check. Thought experiment in elaboration

Binder Check.

White boarding engagement. Trivia game in Exploration. Who am I activity in elaboration White boards, markers, computer for display of trivia questions.

Resource Requirements:

Video: http://goanimate.com/ videos/0RbFepG8Lx6 g

Video: http://www.pbs.org/ wgbh/nova/ancient/ mystery-easterisland.html

Laptops Science books Dictionaries

Agendas for Week ____3___ of ______3_____ weeks for Project Based Unit
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8 UFTeach PBI Calendar Template

Topic: Type of Lesson:

Unit Test

Summative Assessment To figure out how much of the unit the students fully grasped and understood.

Objective(s): SWBAT

Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate Assessment(s):

Summative assessment on paper

Resource Requirements:

9 UFTeach PBI Calendar Template

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