List of All The Important Transaction Codes Used in SAP SD Are Below

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List of all the important transaction codes used in SAP SD are below:

SPRO VS00 VC00 VA00 VL00 VT00 VF00 Enterprise IMG Master data Sales Support Sales Shipping Transportation Billing

Task Specific SD Transaction Code


Condition table Access Tax procedure cal Assign country to tax proc Customer tax category Material tax category Tax determination rules Assign delivery plants

Tcode used for Configuration:


Define Sales documents type (header) Assigning Sales area to sales documents type Order reasons Assign Item categoreies(Item cat determination) Scedule line categories To assign blocks to relevant sales documents type Define delivery types Pricing Maintain pricing procedure Pricing proc determination Access sequence

Tcode for Enduser: VD01,XD01 MM00 VA01 VB11 CO09 VL01 VL04 Customer Master Creation Create Other material Create Sales order To create material determination condition record Material availability Overview Create outbound delivery with ref sales order Collective processing of delivery

Billing VF02 VF11 VF04 FBL5N FBL1N Change billing document Cancel Billing document Billing due list Display Customer invoices by line Display Vendor invoices by line

General VKM3,VKM4 VKM1 VD52 List of sales documents List of blocked SD documents Material Determination

Customer: XD01 XD02 XD03 XD04 XD05 XD06 XD07 XD99 XDN1 Create Customer (Centrally) Change Customer (Centrally) Display Customer (Centrally) Customer Changes (Centrally) Block customer (Centrally) Mark customer for deletion (Centrally) Change Customer Account Group Customer master mass maintenance Maintain Number Ranges (Customer)

Vendor: XEIP XK01 XK02 XK03 XK04 XK05 XK06 XK07 Number range maintenance: EXPIMP Create vendor (centrally) Change vendor (centrally) Display vendor (centrally) Vendor Changes (Centrally) Block Vendor (Centrally) Mark vendor for deletion (centrally) Change vendor account group

Sales Order: VA00 VA01 VA02 VA03 VA05 VA07 VA08 Initial Sales Menu Create Sales Order Change Sales Order Display Sales Order List of Sales Orders Compare Sales -- Purchasing (Order) Compare Sales -- Purchasing (Org.Dt.)

Inquiry: VA11 VA12 VA13 VA14L VA15 Create Inquiry Change Inquiry Display Inquiry Sales Documents Blocked for Delivery Inquiries List

Quotation: VA21 VA22 VA23 VA25 VA26 Create Quotation Change Quotation Display Quotation Quotations List Collective Processing for Quotations

Contract: VA32 VA41 VA42 VA42W VA43 VA44 VA45 VA46 Scheduling agreement change Create Contract Change Contract Workflow for master contract Display Contract Actual Overhead: Sales Order List of Contracts Coll.Subseq.Processing f.Contracts

Item Proposal: VA51 VA52 VA53 VA55 VA88 Create Item Proposal Change Item Proposal Display Item Proposal List of Item Proposals Actual Settlement: Sales Orders

Delivery (Outbound): VL00 VT02N VT70 VL01 VL01N VL01NO VL02 VL02N VL03 VL03N VL04 VKM5 VL06 VL06C VL06D VL06F VL06G VL06I Shipping Change shipment Output for shipments Create Delivery Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref. Create Outbound Dlv. w/o Order Ref. Change Outbound Delivery Change Delivery document Display Outbound Delivery Display Outbound Delivery Process Delivery Due List List of deliveries Delivery Monitor List Outbound Dlvs for Confirmation Outbound Deliveries for Distribution General delivery list Outb.deliv. List of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issue Inbound Delivery Monitor


Confirmation of putaway inb. deliv. Inbound Deliveries for Distribution Selection inbound deliveries Inbound deliveries for goods receipt Inbound deliveries for putaway Outbound Deliveries to be Loaded Outbound Delivery Monitor List of Outbound Dlvs for Picking List Outbound Dlvs (Trans. Planning) List of Uncheckd Outbound Deliveries Confirmation of Picking Request Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note Edit User-specific Delivery List Sales Orders Due for Delivery Purchase Orders Due for Delivery

Customer management: FD01 FD02 FD02 FD03 FD04 FD05 FD06 FD08 FD09 FD10 FD10N FD10NA FD10NET FD11 FD15 FD16 FD24 FD32 FD33 FD37 Create Customer (Accounting) Change Customer (Accounting) CORE Maintain customer Display Customer (Accounting) Customer Changes (Accounting) Block Customer (Accounting) Mark Customer for Deletion (Acctng) Confirm Customer Individually(Actng) Confirm Customer List (Accounting) Customer Account Balance Customer Balance Display Customer Bal. Display with Worklist Customer Balance Display Customer Account Analysis Transfer customer changes: send Transfer customer changes: receive Credit Limit Changes Change Customer Credit Management Display Customer Credit Management Credit Management Mass Change

Pricing: V/03 V/04 V/05 V/06 V/07 V/08 V/09 V/10 V/11 V/12 V/13 V/14 Create Condition Table (SD Price) Change Condition Table (Sales pr.) Display Condition Table: (Sales Pr.) Condition Categories: SD Pricing Maintain Access (Sales Price) Conditions: Procedure for A V Condition Types: Account Determin. Account Determination: Access Seqnc Conditions: Account Determin.Proced. Account Determination: Create Table Account Determination: Change Table Account Determination: Display Table

BOM: CS00 CS01 CS02 CS03 CS05 CS06 CS07 CS08 CS09 CS11 CS12 CS13 CS14 CS15 CS20 CS21 CS22 CS23 CS25 CS26 CS27 CS28 CS31 CS32 CS33 CS40 CS41 CS42 CS51 CS52 CS53 CS61 CS62 CS63 CS71 CS72 CS73 CS74 CS75 CS76 CS80 CS81 CS82 CS83 CS84 CS90 CS91 CS92 BOM Menu Create Material BOM Change Material BOM Display Material BOM Change Material BOM Group Display Material BOM Group Allocate Material BOM to Plant Change Material BOM Plant Alloc. Display Allocations to Plant Display BOM Level by Level Multilevel BOM Summarized BOM BOM Comparison Single-Level Where-Used List Mass Change: Initial Screen Mass Material Change: Initial Screen Mass Document Change: Initial Screen Mass Class Change: Initial Screen Archiving for BOMs BOM deletion Retrieval of BOMs Archiving for BOMs Create class BOM Change class BOM Display class BOM Create Link to Configurable Material Change Material Config. Allocation Display Material Config. Assignment Create standard BOM Change standard BOM Display standard BOM Create Order BOM Change Order BOM Display Order BOM Create WBS BOM Change WBS BOM Display WBS BOM Create multi-level WBS BOM Change multi-level WBS BOM Display multi-level WBS BOM Change Documents for Material BOM Change Documents for Standard BOM Change documents for sales order BOM Change documents for WBS BOM Change documents for class BOM Material BOM Number Ranges Number Ranges for Standard BOMs Number Ranges for Sales Order BOMs

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