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STATION 1 Refer to page 16 of your Laboratory Manual for Instructions.

Measure the length and width of each of the six sides of the box and compute for its area. Determine the total surface area of the box. A1 = A2 = lw A3 = A4 = wh A5 = A6 = lh Atotal = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5 + A6 STATION 2 Refer to page 17-18 of your Laboratory Manual for Instruction The total surface area of the can is equal to the sum of the areas of the top end, bottom end and the cylinder. Both ends are circular in shape, so the area may be found by using the formula for the area of a circle. A= r2, where r is the radius of the circle. r = d/2 ACYLINDER = 2 rh Total surface area = Atop END + ABOTOMM END + ACYLINDER Total surface area = r21 + r22+ r2Cylinder Volume = r2h The volume of a can may also be determined the amount of water it can hold. Fill the can with water and pour all of it into the graduated cylinder. Read the measurement. STATION 3 Refer to page 24-25 of your Laboratory Manual for Instruction 1. Determine the mass of the 20 cm long copper wire. 2. Measure the diameter of the wire using the micrometer caliper and determine its radius. Compute for the volume of the wire using the equation: V = r2h 3. Determine the density of the wire using the equation D = m/V

STATION 4 Refer to page 25-26 of your Laboratory Manual for Instruction The volume of the pellet can be found by water displacement method. a. Determine the mass of metal ball by weighing it. b. Fill the graduated cylinder of previously calibrated container with 10ml and record it as initial volume of water Vi. c. Wet the lead pellet before dropping it into the cylinder. Record the final volume of water as Vf. d. Calculate the volume of the pellet by getting the difference between Vf and Vi. Write this volume in the table under the heading V1. Another way of finding the volume of the pellet is by using the equation for the volume of sphere. V = 4/3 r3 The radius r can be determined by finding the diameter of the pellet using the micrometer caliper. Write the computed volume in the table under the heading V2.

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