Unit Overview (3 Grade) Title - Friendship

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Yemina Huerta (9/25/2012) Unit Overview (3rd grade) Title Friendship o o o o Contextual Factors: School Factors: Classroom factors:

Student Characteristics:

o Instructional Implications at this time students start to distinguish who is always to their side and who is not. They will notice who always help them, defend them, care for them, and vise versa. They will learn what is to be a friend and what is to have one; they will learn what is to get on well and empathize with another person. Goals and Standards 1. Students will compare their art pieces with their chosen friends. TX standards (b)(3.1)(A) 2. Students will make portraits of their friends out of collage. TX standards (b)(3.2)(A) 3. Students will appreciate a power point slide show of artists who did collage pieces and portraits of their paints. TX standards (b)(3.3)(A) 4. Students will recognize the pros and cons of their art works. TX standards (b)(3.4)(A)

Content Day 1: students will get to know each other in a better way. In pairs they will talk to each other for about five minutes and will try to empathize. They will do this with five students, and then they will choose the one that they think will be a good friend for them. Day 2: after choosing their friend, each one will be given materials (pencil colors, crayons, markers, white paper and construction paper) to make a colorful list describing the qualities of their chosen friend. Day 3: students will be given magazines, scissors, and glue. They will do a portrait of their friend out of collage. Day 4: students will present to the class their list and collage piece. Once again, they will let the class guess who the person on the portrait is. Finally, they will say the name of their friend, and they will explain why they picked that particular person and tell how alike their friends are to their artwork.

Yemina Huerta (9/25/2012) Vocabulary/Word Bank Friendship the state of being friends. Compare to represent as similar. Art piece an artistic production. Friend one attached to another by affection or esteem. Collage an artistic composition made of various materials glued on a surface. Portrait picture; especially a pictorial representation of a person usually showing the face Appreciate to value or admire highly. Recognize to acknowledge or take notice of in some definite way. Pros the affirmative side or one holding it. Cons the negative position or one holding it. Empathize to experience empathy. Describe to represent or give an account of in words. Quality peculiar and essential character. List a simple series of words or numerals. Particular distinctive among other examples or cases of the same general category. Art work an artistic production. Materials/Resources/Technology Artists/artworks- Sam Robinsons portraits, Vincent Van Goghs portraits, Picassos collage pieces. Teacher resources- internet, computer, projector. Student materials and tools- magazines, color pencils, crayons, scissors, construction paper, glue. Summative Assessment Plan Outstanding Goal 1 Comparison of art pieces and friends. Goal 2 Artwork. Goal 3 Comprehension of artists works. Goal 4 Recognition of pros and cons in their artworks. Satisfactory Needs Improvement

Yemina Huerta (9/25/2012) Unit Overview (4th Grade) Title music o o o o Contextual Factors: School Factors: Classroom factors: Student Characteristics:

o Instructional Implications is important to students because it is a form of communication with the people. Through music one can tell feelings that sometimes are hard to express by a conversation people can express sadness, happiness, anger, etc. Goals and Standards 1. Students will interpret how music looks like in their imagination. TX standards (b)(4.1)(B) 2. Students will construct music instruments out of recycled things. TX standards (b)(4.2)(C) 3. Students will get an introduction of the starts of music and its evolution. TX standards (b)(4.3)(B) 4. In pairs, students will describe their music instruments and tell each other why they liked them. TX standards (b)(4.4)(B)

Content Day1: students will depict music as they imagine it, then they will get an introduction of the history of music and its evolution through video clips from the internet. Day 2: students will get a demonstration of different music instruments, and then they will pick their favorite one and will be asked to make a replica of it with recycled things. Day 3: students will present their instruments; tell how it works, and why they chose it. Day 4: students will get in groups of three or four. They will pick a song; they will sing it and give it tone with their hand made instruments.

Vocabulary/Word Bank Music the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity. Communication a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.

Yemina Huerta (9/25/2012) Feelings an emotional state or reaction. Express to make known the opinions or feelings of (oneself). Conversation oral exchange of sentiments, observations, opinions, or ideas. Imagination the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality. Music instruments device used to produce music. Introduction the act or process of introducing. Evolution a process of change in a certain direction. Demonstration an outward expression or display. Replica an exact reproduction executed by the original artist.

Materials/Resources/Technology Artists/artworks- Lena Karpinsky artworks, Picassos Violin and Still life with guitar. Teacher resources Internet, music instruments books. Student materials and tools- recycled things, music book for children.

Summative Assessment Plan Outstanding Goal 1 Interpretation of music. Goal 2 Piece of art. Goal 3 Comprehension of music history and evolution. Goal 4 Description of work. Satisfactory Needs Improvement

Yemina Huerta (9/25/2012) Unit Overview (5th Grade) Title Change Contextual Factors: o School Factors: o Classroom factors: o Student Characteristics:

o Instructional Implications change is a transformation over time. It is an important element in art that evokes emotion with in the viewer and the piece.

Goals and Standards 1. Students will judge their artworks, and see what changes (details) make good art. TX standards (b)(5.1)(B) 2. Students will take a series of photos, and will also make a piece of art out of recycled objects. TX standards (b)(5.2)(C) 3. Students will learn about Catherine Opie and El Anatsui through Art21 video clips. TX standards (b)(5.3)(A) 4. Students will explain why they picked those particular pictures. They will also explain how they came to invent their artwork made of recycled things. TX standards (b)(5.4)(A)

Content Day1: students will get an introduction to Catherine Opie and El Anatsui. Day 2: students will learn how to take photo of people. They will take at least ten images and will pick five. Then they will self-critique their work. Day 3: students will use found things or recycled objects and will learn to transform them into something else. Day 4: students will get in group and combine their work. They will learn how to work with other people, and try to agree with the final work. Day 5: from the pictures they will select a common thing and explain its importance in each image. They will also present their creation from the recycle things and explain what it is.

Yemina Huerta (9/25/2012) Vocabulary/Word Bank

Change to become different. Generation a body of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an ancestor. Photography the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface. Pictures a description so vivid or graphic as to suggest a mental image or give an accurate idea of something. Critique to examine critically. Transformation the operation of changing one configuration or expression into another. Camera Device for recording an image of an object on a light-sensitive surface. Recycle to adapt to a new use.

Materials/Resources/Technology Artists/artworks- Catherine Opie and El Anatsui works. Teacher resources Art21 Video clips, internet, projector, speakers. Student materials and tools- recycled objects, glue, tape, and camera.

Summative Assessment Plan Outstanding Goal 1 Students analyze their artworks, and learn what makes good art. Goal 2 Art pieces Goal 3 Comprehension of artists works. Goal 4 Students ability to explain their works of art. Satisfactory Need Improvement

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