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Gujarat Milk Marketing Federation

Name of the Institute:____________________________________________________________ Name of the Person:_____________________________________________________________ Contact No: ___________________________________________________________________

Qn 1. Awareness of AMUL products to retailers. i. ii. iii. Fully aware Informed Unaware

Qn 2. Which type of amul model.

i. ii. iii. iv.

TV Commercials / Promotional campaigns. Distributors Salesman Customer

Qn 3. . i. ii. iii. Very high Moderate Indifferent

Qn 4. Frequency of complaints in products from customers.

i. ii.

High Moderate



Qn 5. Level of satisfaction of supply from distributor.

i. ii. iii. iv.

Highly satisfied. Satisfied Average Unsatisfied

Qn 6. Grievance handling channel .

i. ii. iii. iv.

Company. Distributor Vendor Salesman

Qn 7. Preference to different brands of dairy products.

i. ii. iii. iv. v.


Qn 8. Factors affecting buying behavior.

i. ii. iii. iv.

Price. Quality Demand Supply


Brand image

Qn 9. Reasons for not using AMUL products.

i. ii. iii. iv.

High Price. Poor Supply Poor Quality Not applicable

Qn 10. Kind of products in demand. i. ii. iii. Dairy Beverages Ice cream

Qn 11. Discount of bulk purchase. a) From AMUL i) ii) YES NO

b) From others. i) ii) YES NO

Qn 12. Interested for AMUL franchise or small outlet. i) ii) YES NO

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