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The Naace Membership Categories

Applications for membership of Naace are welcome from all of those who are working to advance education through the use of ICT. You can find out more about the difference between the different categories from the Naace website at:

Please tick the Membership type you would like to belong to.
Member 100 Affiliate Member 60 Senior 30 Student 10

Naace is committed to promoting equal opportunities and diversity. The collection of the following information will enable Naace to monitor trends in membership and design services appropriate to Members needs. This information is entirely voluntary

I am content for the Association to send me newsletters via email. I am content for the Association to send me important alerts via email. I HEREBY APPLY to be admitted as a full Member of the above company on the terms of the Memorandum and Articles of Association from time to time in force.
I HEREBY UNDERTAKE, if the company is wound up while I am a Member or within one year after I cease to be a Member, to contribute to the assets of the company for payment of the debts and liabilities of the company contracted before I cease to be a Member and of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up, and for adjustment of the rights of the contributories amongst themselves, such amount as may be required, not exceeding 1.00. Membership records are held on a database for internal use by Naace. I am content for the Association to pass my details to appropriate direct contacts and partners offering sponsorship of the Assosication and Events on the condition that they are not passed to further third parties. Naace is registered with the Data Protection authority. I am happy for my details to be held on the Naace database in accordance with the Data Protection Act.



Payment Cheque Purchase Order

Please send this completed form together with your cheque/PO for the appropriate amount (cheques payable to Naace) to: Naace Membership Officer, The Sir Colin Campbell Building, University of Nottingham Innovation Park, Triumph Road, Nottingham, NG7 2TU fax: 0870 241 4115 email:

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