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Conclusion First conclusion from correlation and regression analysis is that people find to be more hedonic in India than

n in USA. Hedonism induces more people to think about the product and drives their purchase intention. In USA hedonism and purchase intention are related but the influence of hedonism on purchase intention is less. In case of utilitarian also, the trend is similar as in hedonism. Indian customers check more for utilitarian aspects of packaging while considering buying of the product. Influence of utilitarian aspects of package design on purchase intention is also more for Indian customers.

From regression charts we conclude that our data is free from any abnormality and I have confidence in standard error of my database.

Recommendations: In India customers seek both hedonic and utilitarian properties in package design and thus manufacturer should focus on highlighting both these attributes in their package design and in making marketing strategies. In USA customers are more inclined towards hedonic attributes of package design for a given product. Thus manufacturers should focus on highlighting hedonic values in their package design and in making their marketing strategies.

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