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AC 220

INTEGRATED CASED STUDY MAF680 CASE 2 : CHICKEN RUN Prepared by: Muhammad Idzham bin Kamaruddin (2010642718) Norazlina binti Mohd Sibi (2010431122) Ruzanna binti Razuan (2008371483) Nor Azzian binti Ayob (2008250456) Sofiana binti Osman (2010699074) Aziani binti Samadi (2010696998)

Prepared for: Dr. Azmi Abd Hamid


List of actor and actresses:-

Name :

Role as :

Designation :

1- Mohammad Idzham bin Kamaruddin En.Selamat General Manager 2 - Nor Azzian Binti Ayob En. Kassim Finance Manager / Marketing Officer 3 - Norazlina Binti Mohd Sibi 4 Ruzanna Binti Razuan 5 Aziani Binti Samadi 6 Sofiana Binti Osman Pn.Azura En. Azman Ms. Choi Siva Accounts Executive Debtor Credit controller Retail Customer

SCENE 1 : SUBMISSION OF REPORT List of Actor : Mohammad Idzham bin Kamaruddin (En.Selamat) Aziani Binti Samadi ( Ms. Choi ) Nor Azzian Binti Ayob( En. Kassim ) Norazlina Binti Mohd Sibi(Pn.Azura ) (From his room, En. Selamat called his assistant En. Kassim to discuss about the company Debtors Aging Report as at 31 dec 2012) En Selamat : Kassim , could you come to my room now. I need to discuss with you. En Kassim : Yes boss, I am coming.

(Kassim knock the door and enter the room after get permission from En. Selamat) En Selamat : Kassim, I want you to prepare the Debtors Aging Report as at 31 dec 2012. En Kassim : Ok boss, when you need it?

En Selamat : As soon as possible. I have a board meeting somewhere around next week, but the actual date is not confirmed yet . En Kassim : Ok boss, I will make an immediate action to your request.

( One week later,Kassim passed 3 consecutive years of Performance Analysis Report to Pn. Azura) En Kassim : Hi..Azura, this is Performance Analysis Report for the past 3 years..I think, it can help you a lot Pn. Azura : Thank you En. Kassim.

SCENE 2 AT PANTRY List of Actor : Aziani Binti Samadi ( Ms. Choi )) Norazlina Binti Mohd Sibi(Pn.Azura ) (Having lunch at office pantry) Ms. Choi Pn.Azura :What you have for your lunch today Azura? : Chicken curry and rice. My husband wants to eat chicken curry and asked me to cook for him. So I tapau one for him and one for me. Ms. Choi Pn. Azura Ms. Choi :Oh..ok Can I have some? :Yes, please..but it is a little bit spicy.(..give a smile face to Ms.Choi) :It is Ok..i love spicy food..ErmmAzuraI have something to tell you. Its about Cold Gold Sdn Bhd. Actually I am worried about their account. As you know, they are our major customer but their credit limit had gone into its level. Pn.Azura :Yes Ms. Choi, I noticed and also concerned about it. Maybe it was timely to send reminders to our customer with outstanding balances in respect of their accounts. Next month the auditor is coming. It is important for me to keep the books in order. Otherwise, I might face difficulties in answering the Auditors. Ms.Choi :Yes Azura, you must prepare for auditors visit in the following month. And I have to tell En. Selamat. He must not let us to continue supply products to the company. Pn.Azura Ms.Choi : What do you mean Ms.Choi? : I get information from marketing department that En.Selamat instructs them to supply the product continuouslyBut he knows that we are suffering loss because of that.

Pn.Azura Ms.Choi

: I think you better inform En.Selamat immediately. : Yesyou are right.

(A few weeks later after reminder been forwarded to customer for their outstanding balances, Pn. Azura had prepared and submitted a report based on customers responses to the Credit Controller and highlighted the finding to en Kassim also) Pn Azura :This is the Report that I have done based on the Debtors responses of their outstanding balances. We had forwarded an outstanding balances reminder to our customer a few weeks ago and the responses are very good and positive. Ms. Choi :OkGood AzuraLet me seeI think everything is in order. We have all the records and the name. We can give to the auditor later.

(On the next day, Ms. Choi presented the report to En. Selamat. In the meeting, she had reveal the real situation of which involving the Major customer of the company)

SCENE 3 CUSTOMER COMPLAINT List of actor : Sofiana Binti Osman ( Siva)

: Aziani Binti Samadi ( Ms. Choi ) : Nor Azzian Binti Ayob ( En. Kassim )

(Siva, one of the small debtors came to EPM office ) Siva : Good morning Madam I want to ask about my bill. I do not understand Why it still outstanding because I already paid. How your staff do their work. This really makes me angry. I dont care.! I want to see your manager now! Otherwise I will make a police report against this matter. Ms Choi : Sir, Please do not get angry Let me see Sothis statement show that you still have an outstandingWe get this amount from our system so I think it should be no mistake with statement. Siva : Cheh! Porrdahhh You are saying that your system is right and I am wrong. Excuse me. I came here last month and paid my bill to your staff. His name is En. Munir if I am not mistaken. I have the receipt here as proof, how come you say like this. I cannot stand anymore. Where is your manager? I want to see him now or else I will make noise because I really not satisfied with this matter. Ms Choi : OkI am getting confused right now...From our record, we did not received any payment from you until now. Siva :Please dont waste my time. Call your manager now!~I want to see him. Ms Choi : Ok.ok..Please cool down Sir. I think the manager might be busy right now. Give me one minute. Let me check whether the Manager is available or not. ( Ms. Choi makes a phone call to En. Kassim and story about the situation that she is facing at the moment)

Hello..En.Kasimsomeone wants to see you. (In En. Kassim Room) En Kassim :Hello.. Mr. Siva is it? Have a seat please..Ok tell me what is your problem. :Now you listen to me. I had cleared my entire outstanding bill last month. I came to your office and paid to your officer by cash. If I am not mistaken his name is En. Munir. He gave me this receipt. Two weeks ago I received a statement showing that my account is still outstanding. What the hell is that? I paid already. Aiyooo... En Kassim Siva :Ok Mr. Siva...I will settle your problem as soon as possible. :Huh! You better make sure there is no more outstanding bill in my account. I pay a lot, and I dont care! I dont want to pay the


outstanding twice. Or else I will make a police report because of fraud and manipulation. En Kassim : Cool down Mr. Siva...I make a promise to look into it

SCENE 4 AT CLUB HOUSE List of Actor : Mohammad Idzham bin Kamaruddin (En.Selamat) Nor Azzian Binti Ayob( En. Kassim) Ruzanna Binti Razuan ( En. Azman)

(En. Selamat accompanied by En. Kassim meet his best friend Azman who is the Executive Director of Cold Gold Sdn Bhd and also major customer of EPM to discuss about their outstanding account and also to seek for a better solution) En Selamat : Azman, you have to help me on this. I have no idea on how to answer to my board. You know, how the board is going to respond when they know about this. Azman : long we have been friend. Tell me what can I do for you? En Selamat : It is related to your company debt. Now things are not in good shape. Our cash flow for operating is not sufficient to cater the increase of others cost. Especially the overhead cost. Azman : So..that why .ehhhmmmm Selamat , is not that I purposely delay you payment, but you nowI need to use it for election you can see , currently I am shortlist to be contest in the general electionThat is what Dato tell me.. En Kassim : Politics is politic,but this is businessyou need to help us on this. Later on we can help you. Running as the candidate requires further supportespecially not easy to get vote nowadays.(HAHAHA).


List of Actor : Mohammad Idzham bin Kamaruddin (En.Selamat) Aziani Binti Samadi ( Ms. Choi ) Nor Azzian Binti Ayob( En. Kassim ) Norazlina Binti Mohd Sibi (Pn.Azura )

(After the Board meeting, En. Selamat has make an announcement to all the staffs based on the Board Paper) En Kassim : Attention everyone, please be quiet.

En Selamat : Assalamualaikum( Peace be upon you) everyoneand good morning Everyone :Waalaikummussalam(same to you)

En Selamat : I would like to thanks to all of you and I have good news to share with you. We have manage to collect the amount owing from En Azman company and credit to En Kassim for follow up and follow through and the commitment, integrity and excellent teamwork shown by the account and credit controller that manage to save our company before it became liquidation bungkuss.. En Kassim : Thank you en Selamat , and there is 1 more thing en about the board meeting that days. Any bonus or special increment ??????? En Selamat : YeahI forgot,.the board has agreed to provide all of you with 2 months bonus.and we all can go for family outing in Australia.dont worry all are sponsored .so , once again thank you and hopefully we can improve and eliminate the mistake in the future. So thank you . Everyone : Thank you boss. (Everybody shake hand with each other and the meeting is over with everybody showing a happy smile on their face.)

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