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Behavior Management

Consequences and Discipline Cell Phone Use 1. Cell phone use (without permission) will result in confiscation of the device, which will be returned at the end of class. Failure To Respect One Another 1. Students will be informed that what they have said is unacceptable and told why it was unacceptable, then asked to apologize to the other student(s). 2. If the behavior continues and becomes more confrontational, the student will receive a verbal warning. 3. If the behavior does not stop, student will be given a detention. 4. If the disrespect becomes a physical altercation, a hall monitor will be called and the students involved will be sent to the Deans office. Talking While The Teacher Is Talking 1. I will walk to the students desk and stand beside them. 2. If standing beside them fails to work, I will give them a verbal warning. 3. If the verbal warning does not work, student will be asked to stay after the bell and I will talk to him/her one on one about the need to respect the teacher and not talk while I am talking, because it disrupts their classmates. Physical Fighting 1. A hall monitor will be called immediately and students will be escorted to the Deans office. Backpacks Not Under Desk 1. Student will be asked to place the backpack in the floor. 2. If the student does not put the backpack in the floor, they will be asked to set it in the floor beside my desk or I will confiscate it for the remainder of the period.

Drinks With No Caps 1. Students will be asked to throw away any drinks without a cap. 2. If a drink is spilled because it did not have the cap on, students will have to clean up the mess and will not be allowed to drink anything in the classroom. 3. The same rules apply to food. If a majority of students are off task when given class time to complete an assignment 1. Assignment will be made due at the end of the period.

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