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Contents of Tasks
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Personal Incentive Plan Script Writing Character Profile Actors Journal Diary Entry Analysis of another Character Performance Reflection

Personal Incentive Plan

Your characters name: Your three main goals for this term: 1. 2. 3. Why do you want to achieve these goals and how are you going to do it? .

Character Profile
Name: Age: Ethnicity: Mode of Transport: Favourite Food: Favourite Music: Likes: Dislikes: Ambition in Life: Dream Holiday: Secret you keep: Favourite Saying: Phobia/Fears: Closest Companion: Enemy: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Actors Journal
Choose a scene in which your character has a part and answer the following questions.
1. What is your scene about? 2. Where is the highest point of tension in the scene? Quote the line/s. Explain why. 3. What decisions have you and your partner/group members made in bringing this scene to life? Is your blocking (movement on stage) complicated or simple? Why? 4. How secure are you with your lines? 5. What needs to be done to ensure your performance is well polished, entertaining and memorable?

Diary Entry
Pretend that it is either a DAY BEFORE or a DAY AFTER your scene. Write a diary entry (100+ words) as your character revealing your true thoughts and feelings. Remember it will either be comical or serious depending on the scene youre doing!

Dear Diary,

Analysis of another Character

1. Status: Choose either LORD CAPULET or TYBALT Explain the level of power this character has. How is this evident within their role, language and movement? Give examples from the play. 2. Emotion: Choose either ROMEO or JULIET a. Explain the emotion this character feels after Romeo kills Tybalt and is banished. b. Write either a diary entry or letter in role as Romeo or Juliet expressing your feelings and grief after Romeo is banished and the fear of never seeing each other again.

Performance Reflection
Write full, clear and honest responses.
1. Were you truly convincing and believable on stage? Why/Why not? 2. How did you build and create tension in a scene you were in? (How did you use voice, movement, pauses, space to show tension) 3. What symbols were used and what did they represent in the performance? Choose one symbol that was used and explain whether or not it was an effective choice and why. 4. Pick one person in the class who stood out as a performer. Why were they captivating on stage? Give examples. 5. What have you learned in the rehearsal process? 6. What things would you do differently next time? 7. What suggestions could you make for better success of the whole process and end product (public performance) next time? 8. Are you happy you performed it? Why/Why not? What aspects of the performance do you believe were successful?

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