Art One Rubric

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Art One Rubric

Critique 4
Student participates avidly in critique with polite but helpful points, using vocabulary terms and concepts from the lesson. Creates new connections between ideas.

Student goes out of his or her way to push creative boundaries on project with innovative use of materials and prompt. Student pursues some original concepts within prompt confines, needs some assistance generating ideas. Student needs substantial assistance in pursuing an idea and executing it. Produces work based upon what he or she sees from others. Student lacks interest in pursuing ideas, apathy toward project.

Neatness Project is produced with care and conscious decisions; area is kept organized and clean

Effort Student goes above and beyond allotted class time and shows great investment in the project. Conscious decisions are made with care. Student uses allotted class time well, shows interest and demonstrated effort.

Technique Student demonstrates mastery of the technique/knowledg e being exemplified in the project.

Response to Prompt Use of Materials Student stayed on prompt and tested boundaries of prompt appropriately. Explored ways to enhance the project and responded with new ideas. Student responded appropriately to prompt with originality. Student is adequately able to explain reasoning behind decisions Student demonstrated confusion of prompt- evidence of prompt still visible. Student uses materials in appropriate, but original ways in composition. Demonstrates mastery of media. Students uses materials appropriately, demonstrates adequate knowledge of media. Student uses materials inappropriately, demonstrates little knowledge of media.

Student participates adequately in critique, makes few points and uses some vocabulary and reasoning.

Project may have a few tears, crumpled areas or other deficiencies. Area is kept mostly clean.

Student shows sufficient understanding of concepts and techniques taught.

Student makes irrelevant comments, draws no new conclusions, but still participates.

Project is crumpled and sloppily executed. Area is disorganized and dirty.

Student puts in half-hearted effort; uses only some of allotted time.

Student shows some understanding of concepts and techniquesconfusion evident.

Student makes only one or two comments, sometimes rude.

Student makes no comments or is extremely negative.

Student refuses to attempt project.

Project is barely recognizable, area is extremely dirty, supplies misused. Project is completely unrecognizable, area is severely dirty, supplies wasted.

Student puts in no effort.

Student puts in no effort- uses class time unwisely.

Student shows little to no grasp of techniques and concepts. Student shows complete apathy toward concepts and task; does not even attempt.

Student deviated completely from prompt, but still attempted a project. Student deviated from prompt and created nothing.

Student abuses media/wastes it.

Student ignores/abuses/w astes media after warning.

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