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April 21, 2013

1. The worlds way Prov.12:15 2. The Lords Way Isaiah 30:21 The blessings will follow Blessings - first: requires obedience; and blessings will flow. Warning about "NEW" doctrines - Col. 2:48 III.The old path brings rest. It is the way of God Ex.33:14 The world can only offer temporary and false rest

True Vine Baptist Church Worship Service Sermon Notes Text: Jeremiah 6:16-19 Theme: Back to Gods Basics We can be carried away by wind of doctrines Ephesians 4:14 Satan may complicate the ways by confusing us. The world may attract our attentions to the wrong paths. God wants us to be in the old paths I. The Old Path is the Good Way v.16 - thus saith the Lord ...stand ye in the ways Man's way is towards destructions Prov.14:12 3 Things to do: A. Stand in the ways - do not be hasty, do not proceed immediately. B. See to consider, analyze, think C. Ask - Job.8:8-10, Deut.32:7 Do not ask counsel from unbelievers and fortune tellers - Ps.1:1, Deut. 18:9-11 Davids Prayer Ps. 27:11 II. The Old Path is worthy to live by Ps.18:30- David declares "His way is perfect" Which way?

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