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National Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for Students

Submitted by: Frizell A. Benton IT 2210 January 25, 2013

Creativity and Innovation

This 3-step process represents the NETS-S standard of Creativity and Innovation as a series of steps taken to achieve original expressions utilizing brainstorming concepts to create a product.

Communication and Collaboration

The logo represents the NETS-S standard of Communication and Collaboration. This logo depicts intercommunication of peers that represents various cultural backgrounds. This logo also represents the diversity of each individual and the value that increases with each contribution.


Critical Thinking
The pictorial logo represents the NETS-S standard of Critical Thinking of several youths working diligently to achieve a common goal. These students are accepting of their peers verbal thoughts as they identify, research and explore options to identify solutions or complete a project.

Define Problems

Identify Solutions

Work as a team


Digital Tools

Research and Information Fluency

The logo represents the NETS-S standard of Research and Information Fluency. This logo focuses on the ability of students to gather electronic information from various sources and effectively determine its validity and use the information ethically.

Technology Operations
The logo represents the NETS-S standard of Technology Operations. This logo is actually Optimus Prime leader of Autobats Transformers. This logo represent resilience of technology and concepts. This logo also represents a students ability to understand how to troubleshoot systems and applications and translate that knowledge into new technologies.

Digital Citizenship
The logo represents the NETS-S standard of Digital Citizenship. This logo focuses on the student cognizance of cultural and societal concerns relating to technology and it safe and ethical practices. While this logo may appear abstract in nature, it exudes an effervescence of digital technology that expands across several boundaries.

Works Cited
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Citizenb.jpg

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