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Stone Fox Test Name:_______________

1. There are many characters in the story. See if you can find the physical traits and character traits that go with each of these characters. There is one physical trait and one character trait for each character listed. (8 pts.) RL 2 Character, setting, plot Curious Snow white hair Loves to run Big black dog Has a beard Character Grandfather Little Willy Doc Smith Searchlight Enjoys reading Plays the harmonica Ten years old

Physical Traits Has a beard Ten years old Snow white hair Big black dog

Character Traits Plays the harmonica Curious Enjoys reading Loves to run

2. Match the following characters to their jobs or descriptions. (8 pts) RL 2 Character, setting, plot _C__ Rex A. Mayor of the town _F__ Clifford Snyder B. Post office person _D_ Miss Williams C. Doc Smiths horse _G__ Lester D. Willys teacher _H__ Ms. Smith E. Bank President _B__ Hank F. Tax man _A__ Mr. Smiley G. General Store Worker _E__ Mr. Foster H. Doctor 3. Where did Stone Fox take place? (1 pt) A. New York City B. Alaska C. Wyoming D. Minnesota RL 2 Character, setting, plot

4. True or False: Stone Fox is a story that happened in the olden days. (1 pt)

5. Compare and contrast Stone Fox and Little Willy. (3 pt.) (RL 2 characters, RL 4 Compare/contrast) Stone Fox Both Little Willy

6. Why didnt Grandfather want to live anymore? (RL 1 ask/answer questions) (1 pt)

7. Little Willy and Grandfather made up a signal since Grandfather couldnt talk. (RL 1 ask/answer questions) (2 pt.)

Palm up meant: Palm down meant:

8. Why did Doc Smith, Mr. Smiley, and Lester all think Little Willy should sell the farm? (RL 6 Point of View) 1 pt.

9. Why did Willy want to win the race with Searchlight? Give at least two reasons. RL 6 Point of View 2 pt.

10. Why did Stone Fox want to win the race? RL 6 Point of view 1 pt.

11. How did Willy get the money to enter the race? RL 1 Ask/answer questions 1 pt a. He borrowed it from the bank. b. He sold the potatoes to earn the money. c. He used his college money. d. He took care of Doc. Smiths horse to earn the money. 12. How did Little Willy get a black eye? RL 1 Ask/Answer questions 1 pt. a. He got in a fight at school. b. Mr. Snyder hit him. c. He fell during the race. d. Stone Fox hit him

13. What does the phrase Where theres a will theres a way mean? RL 4 interpreting language 1 pt a. If a boy named Will is around, hell find the way home. b. If there is something you really want, youll find a way make it happen. c. If you will do something you have to do it the right way. d. If you want something, you have to make sure it is possible. 14. During the race, the author describes Little Willys sled like this, What does the author mean? Is Willys sled really flying? RL 4 interpreting language 1 pt.

Little Willys sled seemed to lift up off the ground and fly.

15. What does Stone Fox do at the end of the story? Why does he do it? RL 2 Character motive 1 pt

16. Which description best fits the story of Stone Fox? RL 2 Identify central theme 1 pt a. A story about a boy who is determined to do everything he can to save his Grandfather and the farm, even if everyone else says hes too young. b. A story about a fox made of stone. c. A story about an Indian who wanted to beat a little boy in the Iditarod. d. A story about a selfish boy who would rather play with his dog, than help his family. 17. Explain why you chose your answer in Question 16. Give at least three reasons to support your answer. Support opinion 3 pts.

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