It 2210 Solar System Expeditionaddendum

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TEACHER: Frizell A. Benton SUBJECT: Science 5th grade DATE: March 29, 2013 LESSON TIME: 5 1 hours lessons

CONTENT STANDARD: S5CS1: Students will be aware of the importance of curiosity, honesty, openness, and skepticism in science and will exhibit these traits in their own efforts to understand how the world works. a. Keep records of investigations and observations and do not alter the records later. b. Carefully distinguish observations from ideas and speculation about those observations. c. Offer reasons for findings and consider reasons suggested by others. d. Take responsibility for understanding the importance of being safety conscious. S5CS2: Students will have the computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and following scientific explanations. b. Use fractions and decimals, and translate between decimals and commonly encountered fractions halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, tenths, and hundredths (but not sixths, sevenths, and so on) in scientific calculations. c. Judge whether measurements and computations of quantities, such as length, area, volume, weight, or time, are reasonable answers to scientific problems by comparing them to typical values. S5CS3: Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating objects in scientific activities. a. Choose appropriate common materials for making simple mechanical constructions and repairing things. b. Measure and mix dry and liquid materials in prescribed amounts, exercising reasonable safety. c. Use computers, cameras and recording devices for capturing information. d. Identify and practice accepted safety procedures in manipulating science materials and equipment. S5CS4: Students will use ideas of system, model,

OBJECTIVE(S): Students will be able to name the planets of the Solar System and know basic characteristics that make each one different from the other. OBJECTIVE(S): Students will be able to conduct research on one of the planets. OBJECTIVE(S): Students will be able to give a class presentation about one of the planets. OBJECTIVE(S): Students will gain practical knowledge about some of the celestial objects in the sky and be able to find/recognize them in Google Sky. OBJECTIVE(S): Students will be able to identify the physical properties (color, temperature, etc.) of the Sun and other solar bodies. OBJECTIVE(S): Students will be able to define the terms: rotate, revolve, and orbit. OBJECTIVE(S): Students will be able to graph or record information collected. OBJECTIVE(S): Students will be able to locate and identify constellations.



change, and scale in exploring scientific and technological matters. a. Observe and describe how parts influence one another in things with many parts. b. Use geometric figures, number sequences, graphs, diagrams, sketches, number lines, maps, and stories to represent corresponding features of objects, events, and processes in the real world. Identify ways in which the representations do not match their original counterparts. c. Identify patterns of change in thingssuch as steady, repetitive, or irregular changeusing records, tables, or graphs of measurements where appropriate. d. Identify the biggest and the smallest possible values of something. S5CS5: Students will communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly. a. Write instructions that others can follow in carrying out a scientific procedure. b. Make sketches to aid in explaining scientific procedures or ideas. c. Use numerical data in describing and comparing objects and events. d. Locate scientific information in reference books, back issues of newspapers and magazines, CD-ROMs, and computer databases. S5CS6: Students will question scientific claims and arguments effectively. a. Support statements with facts found in books, articles, and databases, and identify the sources used. b. Identify when comparisons might not be fair because some conditions are different. TECHNOLOGY STANDARD: NETS*S (National Educational Technology Standards*Students) 1b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression. 1c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.


2a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. 2b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiply audiences using a variety of media and formats. 2d. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. 3a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry. 3b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. 3d. Process data and report results. 4a. Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation. 4b. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project. 4c. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions, and/or make informal decisions. 5b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity. 6b. Select and use applications effectively and productively.

HIGHEST LEVEL OF BLOOMS TAXONOMY INCLUDED IN LESSON: Students will use a critical thinking concept in a new situation and apply what was learned in and outside the classroom. LESSON INTRODUCTION (SHARE OBJECTIVES WITH STUDENTS): PRE REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE Day 1 & 2. Students will participate in a teacher led tour of the Solar Basics of Google Earth System using Google Earth/Google Sky Web 2.0 tool. After which, the and Google Sky Web students will work in groups to complete an interactive project of an 2.0 tool. assigned planet. One of our first tasks is to get to know and understand the Knowledge of planet very basic astronomy and mechanics of the Solar System. Upon completion Earth, the Moon, the of the Solar System Expedition, students will be proficient in the following Sun, eight other areas: planets. 1. Students will be able to name the planets of the Solar System and Students should know know basic characteristics that make each one different from the the planet around the other. Sun is due to the 2. Students will be able to conduct research on one of the planets. gravitational attraction 3. Students will be able to give a class presentation about one of the between the Sun and planets. the planet.


4. Students will gain practical knowledge about some of the celestial objects in the sky and be able to find/recognize them in Google Sky. 5. Students will be able to identify the physical properties (color, temperature, etc.) of the Sun and other solar bodies. 6. Students will be able to define the terms: rotate, revolve, and orbit. 7. Students will be able to graph or record information collected. 8. Students will be able to locate and identify constellations. Day 3 & 4. Students will participate in a teacher led tour of the Solar System using Virtual Reality Construction tools. One Class period will be dedicated to learning this new technology. Additional time will be allotted in the after school program if students need more time to become comfortable with VR. Day 5 will culminate with a field trip to the Fernbank Museum. DELIVERY OF CONTENT (DIRECT INSTRUCTION): 1. Teacher will introduce and explain Solar System activities for (each assigned group of students) and connect the lesson(s) to familiar concepts while building on prior knowledge. 2. The lesson will begin by giving each student a copy of a KWL chart. The students will write what they already know about the Solar System beneath What I Know. Afterwards, students will share with the class, what they already know and record their answers on the KWL chart. 3. Next, the students will be asked to think about what they would like to know about the Solar System. Then record their answers beneath the What I Want to Know on the KWL chart. 4. The teacher will read a story about the solar system to the class. (There's No Place like Space by Tish Rabe). The students will review the K and W sections of their charts to see if this story proved that maybe some of what they knew was not correct or what they wanted to know was answered through the story. Twenty - Thirty minutes will be allowed to discuss their findings. Students will be encouraged to read a list of books provided to enhance critical thinking skills. Additionally, various websites and videos will be provided as an added resource. n 5. The teacher will introduce Google Earth/Google Sky to the students and begin the Google Sky tutorial (which will be viewed via the projector). 6. Students will be given time to research, take notes and ask questions about their assigned planets. 7. After students have had time to explore independently, the students will then be placed in groups of 4-5 students based on the assigned planets and diverse learning abilities. Students should know the correct order of Planets from the Sun. The Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

NEW KNOWLEDGE: Assessment technique will be through: Direct observation made by teachers, to include, Evaluating the students KWL Graphic Organizer. Participation in group discussions. Solar System presentation. Accuracy in information included in assigned planet. Define the following terms: rotate, revolve, and orbit. Locate and identify the constellations.



8. The students will go on a planned trip to the Fernbank Museum of Natural History in Atlanta, Georgia. The students will participate in an interactive Solar System auditorium program taught by a Fernbank educator. Program includes active discussion, fun visuals and unique artifacts. The programs are correlated with the Georgia Performance Standards and last 40 to 50 minutes. STUDENT ACTIVITIES (AUTHENTIC TASKS): Day 1 & 2. Students will work in groups of 4-5 members and report on the Most Interesting Facts, regarding their assigned planet. Each team member will speak for no more than 1-2 minutes each. The group will create a poster board illustration of their assigned planet. Day 3 $ 4. Students will be introduced to Virtual Reality Construction tools as we continue our Solar System Expedition. According to Allen $ Otto 1996, current technological advancements make possible new types of learning experiences, moving from transmission models where technology functions like books, films, or broadcasts to environments in which technology functions like studios and laboratories in which students immerse themselves within interactive contexts that challenge and extend their understandings. Virtual Reality Construction tools were chosen to give students an alternative way of processing critical thinking concepts. In previous research, it was shown that the process of building an interactive, dynamic virtual model of the Solar System created a powerful and unique learning opportunity for student (Barab, Hay, Barnett, $ Squire, 1998). Day 5. The students will be assessed on the knowledge gained with the use of various integrated technologies for this Solar System Expedition activity. REAL WORLD APPLICATION Students will be asked to create a catchy phrase to remember the order of the planets. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Example: My very energetic mother juggled seven unpeeled nectarines. Various food items will be used to talk about the size differences of the planets. Students will be asked to predict which item represents each planet. The students will have hands on experience with the Virtual Reality Construction tools in an interactive session at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History. With respect to the KWL Graphic Organizer, previous astronomical misconceptions will be challenged, leading to the development of a more realistic sense of


the relative interactions o f the Sun, the planets, and their moons.

MEASURING STUDENT LEARNING OF OBJECTIVE (ASSESSMENT): An opening exercise will engage students to determine what they know from prior knowledge, at which point a Pre Assessment can be determined. After the conclusion of all activities and discussions, a Post Assessment will be conducted for each student to determine if learning objectives have been mastered and/or achieved. The level of proficiency will be indicated by the following: Proficient (P) In Process (IP) *Not Yet (NY) Please not, for students that are in this area, a corrective plan of action will be implemented to strengthen his/her areas of weaknesses. Students will be evaluated based on the following: 1. Students will be assessed on the accuracy of key information on their poster, creativeness and neatness of the poster and their ability to collaborate with others. 2. Participation in group discussions. 3. Can name of all planets and place them in the correct order. 4. Locate and identify constellations. 5. Identify celestial objects in the sky and be able to find/recognize them in Google Sky. 6. Students can define vocabulary words, (rotate, revolve, and orbit and use each word in a complete sentence. 7. Students will be given a multiple choice quiz based on what was learned in the group discussion and oral presentations.

MEASURING STUDENT LEARNING OF OBJECTIVE (ASSESSMENT): REMEDIATION PLAN OF ACTION 1. Students will be paired with a peer so that weaker students may be assisted by stronger students. 2. Materials will be provided to offer assistance in learning the curriculum. 3. Additional lab time will be set aside for Google Earth/ Google Sky research tutorial.



TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES BOOKS, WEBSITES, SOFTWARE, ETC RUBRIC SELFRATING* HOW WOULD YOU SCORE YOURSELF APPROPRIATE GOALS: 2.5 LEARNING GOALS: 2.5 ENGAGING AUTHENTIC TASKS: 2.5 EFFECTIVE TECHNOLOGY: 2.5 HIGHER ORDER THINKING: 2.5 APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENTS: 2.5 SELF-RATING REFLECTION EXPLAIN YOUR RATING The goals are aligned with the Department of Education Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS). In all the activities that the students have completed has been challenging, engaging, and intellectually stimulating. The lesson plan identifies and covers 13 NETSStandards. The lesson plan includes measurable learning goals for each student of diverse learning abilities.

Theres no Place Like Space by Tish Rabe Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L'Engle The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen Our Solar System by Seymour Simon Learning About the Solar System by Bruce LaFountaine The Solar System by Howard K. Trammel Computers with Internet access and Google Earth downloaded. Laptop computer hooked up to a projector. Websites: Videos:



*use the 0-2.5 scale found in class Rubric 3

KWL Graphic Organizer Directions: Before the start of the Solar System Expedition, list details under the first two columns. After completion of the project, fill in the last column. Name: ________________________ What I Know What I Want to Know Date: ______________ What I Learned



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