Multicultural Refugee Coalition: Major Advertising & Interactive

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multicultural refugee coalition

Major Advertising & Interactive
Katy ONeil Benjamin Osheyack Jacob Torres

+ Situational Analysis

Lack of resources Small budget Refugee connotation

Problems to Overcome

Relatively Unknown Lack of Funding Increase awareness of Austin refugee population

+ Competition

Family Budgets Austin non-profits


Secure greater to increase funding. Bring to the forefront donation-based humanitarian organizations +

+ Target Audiences

Socially aware Financially flexible Working professional class Active members of Austin social causes Attuned to philanthropic charity Small families Free time on the weekends Aspire to improve local community Middle- Upper income Liberal buying patterns

+ Reason Why

MRC fills a fundamental need for fellowship & culture. Your support of MRC greatly improves the lives of Austin refugees

Creative Strategy

By helping local refugees become Austinites, we foster a better city. Austin thrives upon diversity, and embraces cultural difference.

Creative Strategy

Visually display the refugees as achiever, able to overcome the situation in which they must transition in to.

Someone who, with a little help, succeeds as they return to their work, their family, to a normal life.

+ Concept

Our ad compels the viewer to see the refugee as a fighter Conquers the feeling of being trapped Overcomes adversity

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