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Program-16 Aim:- WAP that shows passing object as a parameter import*; class abc { void prn() { System.out.

println("this is class abc"); } } class pass { static abc obj=new abc(); public static void main(String args[]) { prnp(obj); } static void prnp(abc obj) { System.out.println("this is class containing main"); obj.prn(); } }

Date: 30-08-12


Program-17 Aim:- WAP to display Simple Inheritance import*; class suprcls { void prn() { System.out.println("this is super class"); } } class subcls extends suprcls { public static void main(String args[]) { subcls obj=new subcls(); System.out.println("sub class calling function of super class"); obj.prn(); } }

Date: 30-08-12


Program-18 Aim:- WAP to display method Overriding import*; class suprcls { void prn() { System.out.println("this is super class"); } } class subcls extends suprcls { public static void main(String args[]) { subcls obj=new subcls(); System.out.println("sub class calling function of super class"); obj.prn(); } void prn() { System.out.println("this is sub class"); } }

Date: 30-08-12


Program-19 Aim:- WAP that illustrates the use of Super keyword. import*; class supercls { void prn() { System.out.println("this is super class"); } } class subclass extends supercls { public static void main(String args[]) { subclass obj=new subclass(); System.out.println("sub class calling function of super class"); obj.prn(); } void prn() { System.out.println("this is sub class"); super.prn(); } }

Date: 30-08-12



Date: 30-08-12

Aim:- Create an abstract class Shape let rectangle and triangle inherit this Shape class. Add necessary function to it. import*; abstract class shape { int a=5,b=6; void prn() { System.out.println(" calculating area...."); } } class rectangle extends shape { void area() { prn(); System.out.println("rectangle : "+(a*b)); } } class triangle extends shape { void area() { prn(); System.out.println("triangle : "+(0.5*a*b)); } } class abstrct { public static void main(String args[]) { rectangle rec=new rectangle(); rec.area(); triangle tri=new triangle(); tri.area();} }


Program-21 Aim: WAP illustrating a Super class variable , a refrence as a subclass object. import*; class suprcls { void prn() { System.out.println("this is super class"); } } class subcls extends suprcls { public static void main(String args[]) { subcls obj=new subcls(); System.out.println("sub class calling function of super class"); obj.prn(); } void prn() { System.out.println("this is sub class"); super.prn(); } }

Date: 30-08-12


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