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CHAPTER 1 1. What is rate of reaction? 2. Observable Changes And Measuring? 3. 5g of Magnesium Ribbon is completely burned in 2 seconds.

Calculate the average rate of reaction. Time(s) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Volume Of Gas(cm3) 0 30 50 65 75 75 75 4. 5 Factor Affecting Rate Of Reaction?

5. Definitions of collision theory? 6. According to collision theory, for the reaction to occur, the reactant must...

CHAPTER 2 1. Fill in the blanks with correct answer. Carbon General Formula Compounds Alkane Alkene Alcohol Carboxylic Acids Esters n = 2, 3, 4, N = . Functional group

2. Comparing (Similarities and Differences) Properties of Alkanes and Alkenes Physical Properties Physical state Alkanes Alkenes

Electrical conductivity. Boiling points and melting points Density

Solubility in water Chemical Properties Reactivity Combustion Alkanes (Substitution reaction) Alkenes (Addition reaction)

Reaction with bromine solution Reaction with acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution

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