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Bautista, Alyssa Marie F. 201101172 Tips for Public Speaking Preparation Stage 1.

Choose a topic that suits your personality, your audience, and the occasion. Know your audience. 2. Gather data regarding your topic. 3. Start your speech with something that could catch your audiences attention. 4. Dont forget to include humor in your speech for this may be used to keep your audience up. 5. Watch the language to be used. 6. Make your speech clear. Observe correctness, vividness, and accuracy. 7. End your speech with something that would mark your audiences minds. 8. Be sure to have a complete and sound sleep the night before your speech. 9. Dress well. 10. Relax and execute your speech the way you want it to be. 11. Include visual and auditory aids. Presentation Stage 1. Always practice eye contact. 2. Dont haste. Take your time to say whatever you want to say. 3. Dont extra move. That would distract your audience. 4. During the presentation of visual aids, dont let the aid steal the audiences attention from you. 5. Have coherence between your movements and gestures to whatever you are talking about.

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