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zygote (cleavage)


Embryogenesis development of germ layers and their locations. Organogenesis formation of the organs.



Stages of Embryogenesis

1. Cleavage 2. Gastrulation 3. Neurulation


About 6 days after fertilization attaches to endometrium Orients inner cell mass toward endometrium 7 days after fertilization attaches more firmly and burrows in
Endometrium becomes more vascularized and glands enlarge

Decidua modified portion of endometrium after implantation

Regions named relative to site of implantation

Copyright 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Fertilization to Implantation

Relationship of a blastocyst to the endometium of the uterus at implantation

Copyright 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Week 1 post conception

Zygote divides repeatedly moving down tube toward uterus (cleavage) The daughter cells are called blastomeres Morula: the solid cluster of 12-16 blastomeres at about 72 hours Day 4: late 60 cell morula enters uterus, taking up fluid becoming blastocyst

Blastocyst stage
_____inner cell mass

Two distinct types of cells


Inner cell mass: forms the embryo Trophoblast: layer of cells surrounding the cavity which helps form the placenta

Floats for about 3 days Implantation on about day 6 post conception

Trophoblast erodes uterine wall Takes 1 week to complete

If inner cell mass of a single blastocyst divides: monozygotic (identical) twins

Week 2
Inner cell mass divides into epiblast and hypoblast 2 fluid filled sacs
Amniotic sac from epiblast Yolk sac from hypoblast

Bilaminar embryonic disc: area of contact (gives rise to the whole body)

Week 2 Pregnancy becomes established

Formation of: 1. Fluid-filled amniotic cavity 2. Yolk sac 3. Embryo from embryonic disc Chorion (placenta)

* at the end of this period, a woman will just have missed her period!

Second week of development

Development of trophoblast
About 8 days after fertilization, trophoblast develops into 2 layers in region of contact between blastocyst and endometrium : cytotrophoblast & syncytotrophoblast.
Become part of chorion Day 9 : lacunar stage as lacunae appears in syncyto.

Blastocyst becomes buried in endometrium and inner 1/3 of myometrium Secretes human chorionic gondadotropin (hCG) that maintains corpus luteum so it continues to secrete estrogens and progesterone
Maintains uterine lining
Copyright 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Principal events in the second week of development

Copyright 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Bilayer embryonic disc

Second week of development (cont.)

Development of bilaminar embryonic disc
Cells of embryoblast also differentiate into 2 layers around 8 days after fertilization
Hypoblast (primitive endoderm) Epiblast (primitive ectoderm) Small cavity enlarges to form amniotic cavity

Development of amnion
Amnioblast forms roof of amniotic cavity and epiblast forms floor Amnion eventually surrounds entire embryo
Amniotic cavity filled with amniotic fluid Fluid derived from maternal blood and later fetal urine

Copyright 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Development of yolk sac

The outer layer of the blastocyst forms a membrane that protects and nourishes the developing embryo. The embryo is known as the amniotic sac.

Second week of development (cont.)

Development of yolk sac (exocoelomic cavity)
Also on 8th day after fertilization, cells at edge of hypoblast migrate to cover inner surface of blastocyst wall Form exocoelomic membrane Yolk sac hypoblast and exocoelomic membrane
Relatively small and empty since nutrition derived from endometrium Several important functions supplies early nutrients, source of blood cells, contains primordial germ cells that migrate to gonads to form gametes, forms part of gut, functions as shock absorber, prevents desiccation

Copyright 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Second week of development (cont.)

Development of sinusoids (lacunar stage)
9th day after fertilization, blastocyst completely embedded in endometrium Syncytiotrophoblast expands and spaces (lacunae) develop 12th day lacunae fuse to form lacunar networks Endometrial capillaries dilate to form maternal sinusoids Fuse to form single large cavity Lined by extraembryonic splanchnopleuric mesoderm & E. somatopleuric mesoderm.

Development of extraembryonic coleom - about 12th day after fertilization

Development of chorion

Formed by extraembryonic mesoderm and 2 layers or trophoblast Becomes principal embryonic part of placenta Protect embryo from immune responses of mother Produces hCG Connecting (body) stalk connects bilaminar embryonic disc to trophoblast will become umbilical cord

Copyright 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Day 13
Decidua reaction begins on day 12. Surface defect of implantation is healed. Primary villi formation. Secondary or definitive yolk sac. Exocoelomic cysts. Connecting stalk.

Development of sinusoids.

Week 2 The Two-Layered Embryo

Bilaminar embryonic disc inner cell mass divided into two sheets
Epiblast and the hypoblast
Together make up the bilaminar embryonic disc

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Week 2 The Two-Layered Embryo

Amniotic sac formed by an extension of epiblast
Outer membrane forms the amnion Inner membrane forms the amniotic sac cavity
Filled with amniotic fluid

Week 2 The Two-Layered Embryo

Yolk sac formed by an extension of hypoblast
Digestive tube forms from yolk sac Tissues around yolk sac
Gives rise to earliest blood cells and blood vessels



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